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"Homer vs. Patty and Selma" "This place is gonna smell classy all week." "To Homer, the Wall Street genius!" "Hey, Homer, how come you got money to burn?" "Or singe, anyway." " Yeah, what's your secret investment?" " Take a guess." "Pumpkins?" "Yeah, that's right, Barney." "This year, I invested in pumpkins." "They've been going up the whole month of October." "And I got a feeling they're gonna peak right around January." "And bang!" "That's when I'll cash in." "To Homer!" "And to Sergeant Pepper who's growing out of the middle of your back!" "Barn, you gotta unwrap the plastic before you smoke these." " Hey, Homer." " Yeah!" " Hey, Homer." " Way to go." "I told you a hundred times, you gotta sell your pumpkin futures before Halloween." "Let's not panic." "I'll make the money back by selling a liver." "I can get by with one." "Oh, how am I gonna tell Marge we're broke?" "I need a miracle." "My house is on fire!" "Insurance to the rescue!" " Hello, Homer." " Hello, Homer." "Marge, we had a deal." "Your sisters don't come here after 6, and I stop eating your lipstick." "This is a special occasion." "Patty and Selma just got promoted at the DMV." "Yeah, Homer." "Let your wife have a glimpse of success for once." "All right, that's the last straw." "Time to take out the trash!" "But first, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." "I'm sorry." "Homer doesn't mean to be rude." "He's just a very complicated man." "Wrong!" "When are you going to wake up and smell your husband, Marge?" "You got some kids out of him." "But when the seeds have been planted, you throw away the envelope." "I wish you wouldn't put Homer down." "He may not be a big success like you but I can always count on him to provide for the family." "Sweet, trusting Marge, I can't let you down." "I'll get some money somehow." "Hello, Vegas?" "Give me a hundred bucks on red." "All right." "I'll send you a check." "If only I could think of an invention." "Something that would really make money." "Must concentrate and work harder than I've ever worked..." "Congratulations, Mr. Simpson." "This invention of yours has made us all rich, especially you." "It's simple, yet ingenious." "And it fits right in the palm of your hand." "Every person in America now owns one of these." "In many cases, three or four." "Can I just get a look at that?" "Why would you need to see it?" "You're the genius who invented the product." " But could I just...?" " Don't worry." "You'll get to see it just as soon as we unveil our new ad campaign." " Let me see!" "Out of the way!" " Homer!" "Homer, wake up!" "There's still a few minutes till our usual bedtime." "No!" "My invention!" " My money problems could've..." " Money problems?" "Homer, are we in some sort of fiduciary trouble?" "Oh, Marge, my loyal wife of course not." "And Lisa, my little princess." "And who could forget dear Rat Boy?" "Rat Boy?" "I resent that." "Bart, I told you before." "Stop gnawing on the drywall." "What a day, eh, Milhouse?" "The sun is out, birds are singing bees are trying to have sex with them, as I understand it." "It is a gorgeously fabulous day." "Marvelous, even." "So, what's your hurry to get to school?" "Nothing." "What's your hurry?" "That's enough, Bart. Fun is fun, but if we're late, we'll get in trouble." "You're right, Milhouse." "Fun is fun." "Attention, students." "It's time to choose a gym class for the coming term." "So let's prove how adult we can be by filing to the gym in a calm, orderly manner." "Even though it's first come, first serve, and the popular sports fill up fast." "Too many wee ones!" "This gets uglier every year." "Any sign of Bart and Milhouse?" "No, and if they don't get here soon, it'll be T.S. For them." "I don't feel right." "Do you hear that, Bart?" "That was the tardy bell!" ""Truant!" "Truant!" "Truant!" They'll all say!" "Who needs him?" "I can have fun all by myself." "It's all right?" "It's all right." "It's all right?" "It's all right." "Sure, Homer, I can loan you the money you need." "However, since you have no collateral I'm gonna have to break your legs in advance." "Gosh, Moe." "I use these all the time." " Couldn't you bash my head in?" " Hey, are you a loan shark?" "Do you understand how finance works?" "Now, let's do this thing." " Oh, no." "It's P.E. Sign-up day." " How could you forget?" "They had signs posted all over the library." "Better sign up for something fast, man." "Baseball just filled up..." "So did tae kwon do." "There's only one class left but it happens to be the coolest one of all." "Ballet?" "Dancing is for girls." "Well, you should've gotten here earlier." "I need an extension on my mortgage payments." "I understand, Mr. Simpson, but according to our computer your credit history is not good." "It says here that you've been pre-declined for every major credit card." "It also says that you grabbed a dog by the hind legs and pushed him like a vacuum." " In the third grade!" "It all goes on your permanent record." "Sorry, but if you don't have that money by tomorrow the bank will take your house." " Good luck finding it." " I'll take the numbers off." " We'll find a house with no numbers." "I'll take off my neighbor's numbers." "So then we'll look for the house next to the house with no numbers." "All right, you'll get your money." "You're my last, last chance, bottom of the barrel, Hail Mary, long shot wish you would, but probably won't, final resort to lend me money." " We'll take care of you." " Yes." "Care." "Cut him a check and get him the hell out of here." "What a wonderful dinner." "What a beautiful family." "Get a picture of me with this steak." "You're certainly in a good mood, Dad." "Well, Lisa, I managed to solve a little problem today." "And to celebrate, I'm going to tilt my chair." "Slanty." "Patty, Selma." "What are you doing here?" "We thought we'd stop by unexpectedly for dinner." "Now, bring us extra chairs like a good "blubber"-in-law." "Time to fertilize the lawn." "A couple of 500-pound bags should do it!" "Be careful with my sisters' heads." "Their necks are brittle." "That's okay, Marge." "Nothing's broke." "Except Homer." " What's that supposed to mean?" " It means..." "It means these two fabulous babes are staying for dinner." "Now, there's a stink I could've done without." "This has been such a nice, peaceful dinner." "It calls for a celebration." "I'll make the most international coffee in the house:" "Montreal Morn." "All right, you had your fun, now get lost." "Our fun hasn't begun yet." "We know something you don't want Marge to know." "Now we own you, like Siegfried owns Roy." "I'm sorry." "All we have is Nescafé." " I'm very, very sorry." " Oh, Marge, Marge." "You're just in time." "Homer's getting ready to give us a foot rub." " You are?" " No!" "L..." "I'm giving them a foot massage." "At least let me have that." "You can start with the corns." "Then you can move on to bunion country." "Okay." "Steady, Bart." "Taking ballet doesn't make you any less of a man." "All right, girls." "Today we learn the dance of the fairy queens." "You can either be a fairy or a queen." "It's wide open." "And what have we here?" "A young man maybe who thinks he can be the next Baryshnikov." "I don't wanna be the next anything." "They made me take this stupid class." "So he has fire in the belly." "But it will take more than belly fire to be the next Baryshnikov!" " Look, Boris, I think ballet's for sissies." "Ballet is for the strong, the fierce, the determined." "But for the sissies, never." "Now, put on this fuchsia-tard." "You are a fairy!" " Quitting time." " On the way home we'll stop at Moe's for a Zima." " Maybe I'll stay and work overtime." "My sisters-in-law are at my house again." "Homer, quit wallowing in self-pity." "Pull yourself together and come get drunk with us." " Is something wrong, Mr. Simpson?" " I don't like wearing tights." "But so many of your heroes wear tights." " Batman, for example." "And Magellan." " Look, I don't like this cootie platoon and I never will." "I'm out of here, and I'm out of this stupid outfit." "Wait!" "Joy of movement, increasing." "Love of dance, impossible to resist." "Toes twinkling." "Look at me, girls." "I'm doing ballet." "And I love it!" "Am I wrong, or did it just get fatter in here?" " Request permission to slink by." " Permission pending." "First, light our cigarettes." "But you're already smoking cig..." " You're really pushing it." " Come on, Homer." "You can't spell "obsequious" without l-O-U." " I'll have to trust you on that." " Marge was always a good speller." " Let's ask her." " No!" "Don't tell Marge!" "I'll be good." "I'll be good." "Just for that, you have to crawl around on the floor like the dog you are." "But..." "Yes, ma'am." "Now say, "I am Homer Simpson, the lowly dog. " In a dog voice!" " I am Homer Simpson." " Well, good." "Jump, Homer, jump." " What's going on in here?" " Absolutely nothing, Marge." " What's that paper?" " What paper?" "Homer, is this projection accurate?" " Did you borrow money from my sisters?" " I don't know, Marge." "I can't keep track of all my wheelings and dealings." " He blew your savings on jack-o'-lanterns." " You told!" "Sorry, Marge." "I never want to see you again!" "You either." "Homer." "Homer, why didn't you tell me?" "I was ashamed, Marge." "I failed you as a husband and a provider." "And at best, I was a B-plus dog." "I'll understand if you wanna sleep on the couch tonight." " How's Dad today?" " Not too good, Lisa." " Frankly, he's underneath the table." " Nobody make me any breakfast." "A man so deeply in debt doesn't deserve it." "But I like to make you breakfast." "In that case, I'll just have French toast with double butter and a side of bacon." "But no powdered sugar, I don't deserve it." "Maybe a little powdered sugar." "See that?" "I started to do, like, a little arabesque." "But then I just fully went for it and pulled off the demi-entrechat." "Not that I'm into that kind of thing." "Bravissimo, Bart!" "Next week, class gives its first recital." "And you, you will dance the male lead." "Dance in front of my whole school?" "What is it with you and ballet?" "I know you have great conflict, Bart. You love ballet." "Yet you feel the boys will laugh at you, no?" "No, I fear the girls will laugh at me." "I fear the boys will beat the snot out of me." " Hey, Dad." "What you doing?" " Daddy has very important work to do." "He's looking through the want ads to find a part-time job." "Dad, that's a gag paper we got at the carnival." "No wonder I didn't hear about Bart being elected world's greatest sex machine." " I'll never pay off that debt!" " Need money fast?" "Got no experience?" "Step up to elegance." " Become a limo driver at Classy Joe's." " That's it!" "I'll make money with a chauffeur job!" "Good thing you turned on that TV, Lisa." "I didn't turn it on, I thought you did." "No." "Well, anyway, turn it off." "It is off." "You have to work hard to win this crowd over." " Most of them are here for detention." " Pretty big crowd." "We even bused in troublemakers from other schools." "That spiky-haired, masked dancer is really something." " I wonder who he is." " He's graceful, yet masculine." "So it's okay for me to enjoy this." "This reminds me of the movie Fame, and to a lesser extent the TV series, which was also called Fame." "Oh, wow, I can't believe my very first passenger is comedy legend Mel Brooks." "I loved that movie Young Frankenstein." "Scared the hell out of me." " Thanks." " Let's do that 2000-pound-man thing." "I'll be that Carl Reiner guy, and you be what's-his-face." "It's not easy." "It takes the genius of Carl Reiner and the timing that only we..." "Sir, today, every country has a national anthem." "Did they have national anthems 2000 years ago?" "Sure!" "Sure we had." "Of course, we was caves." "But every cave had a national anthem." "I'll never forget my cave's national anthem." " What was that national anthem?" " Let them all go to hell except Cave 76" "What's with the si...?" "What's with the siren?" "Evening, Simpson." "Got a short in your taillight." "Started blinking when you made that turn." " Let's see your chauffeur's license." " Chauffeur's license, eh?" "Mel, buckle your borscht belt!" "Since you're trying to make a getaway in park I'm guessing you don't have a license." "Better head to the DMV." "These two broads'll help you out." "Wow." "Officer, this man is making me a little edgy." " Could you give me a ride to the airport?" " Hey, hey!" "You're Mel Brooks!" " Sure, I'll give you a ride." " Thank you." "On the way we can do that 2000-dollar-man thing." "You be Carl Reiner, and I'll be Police Chief Wiggum." "Listen, why don't you play Carl Reiner, and let me play Police Chief Wiggum." "I hate Carl Reiner!" "I haven't been moved like this since The Joy Luck Club." "They love me." "I'm accepted." "I don 't need this mask anymore." "Behold!" "The masked dancer is me, Bart!" " It is I who have won your acclaim!" " Bart does ballet!" "He dances like girls!" "Go ahead and laugh." "I took a chance and did what I wanted to do." "And if that makes me a sissy, well, then, I guess I'm a sissy." "He's a sissy!" "Let's rush him!" " Yeah!" " Yeah, let's get him, come on!" "After him!" "Go!" " There he is!" "There, right there!" " Bart, use the ballet." "Leap!" "Leap like you've never leapt before!" "Looks like he took a pretty bad spill." "Well, as long as he's hurt." "Bart, I am so proud of you." "You've shown a sensitive side of yourself that can never be erased." "From this day forward, we are kindred spirits." "Why'd she just leave me here when I clearly need medical attention?" "Stupid driving test at the stupid DMV where stupid Patty and stupid Selma work." "Sometimes I think God is teasing me, just like he teased Moses in the desert." "Tested, Homer." "God tested Moses." "And try to be nice to my sisters." "It's very hard on me to have you always fighting." "Oh, okay, Marge." "I'll get along with them." "Then I will hug some snakes." "Yes!" "I will hug and kiss some poisonous snakes!" "Now, that's sarcasm." "Well, well, well." "Look who needs us again to get his chauffeur's license." "Look, all I ask is that you be fair." "Did not adjust side mirror." "Minus one point." "Failed to check blind spot." "Minus two points." "You'll be happy when my family thinks I'm a loser." "You are a loser, Homer!" "And we're winners." "You gotta learn that." "Seat belt twisted." "Minus one point." "Nagging the driver." "Minus 10 points for you!" " Grazed a cone." "Minus five." " Being a jerk." "Minus a million!" "One more wrong answer, and Homer flunks another of life's little tests." "And what's this?" "Someone didn't fill in a circle all the way." " Oh, boy." "Oh, that felt good." " Let me try." "Let me try." "Yeah." "Oh, boy." "Oh, that was so sweet." " So, Homer, how'd you do?" " Well, I..." "Ladies, please don't tell me you're smoking in a government building." "Because that is the kind of infraction that can cost a couple of sisters their promotion." " Well..." " What?" " You mean..." " Why..." "Oh, you're talking about she..." "Who's?" "What?" "She..." "What, this?" "I'll never forgive myself for this." "Wait a minute." "Those are yours, sir?" "Yes." "I am in flavor country." " Both of them?" " It's a big country." "Ladies, I apologize." "And you, sir, are worse than Hitler." "Homer, I'm..." "I'm speechless." " You just saved our hides." " On top of everything else don't make me picture your hides." " It's a wonderful thing you did for my sisters." " I didn't do it for them." "I did it for you, Marge." "I'd kill for you." " Please ask me to kill for you." " No, Homie." "You see?" "This is the stuff I've been telling you about that you never see." "Homer." "We're... sorry." " If there's anything we can do..." " Call off the debt?" "Or, say, we could let you pass your driver's test." "Call off the debt?" " Well..." " Debt's off!" "Let's go, Marge!" "Subtitles by SDI Media Group" "[ENGLISH]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on "Homeland"..." "SAUL:" "I'm shredding documents and I see it..." "A gold pack of Nafisi's cigarettes." "Mossad must have been briefing him in that room before I arrived." "You think the whole thing was a charade?" " Awaiting confirmation." " What kind of confirmation?" "Javadi." "You want me to babysit?" "Would you?" "[crowd shouting]" "MAN:" "Terrorist!" " [glass shatters] - [Franny screams] [gunshot] [crowd screaming]" "FRANNY:" "I want my mommy." "I want my mommy!" "QUINN:" "It's not safe." "Got to get downstairs and out of sight." "CHIEF:" "The shooter's position is confirmed." " Let's do it." " No!" "You cannot do this!" "Did you hear me?" "!" "My daughter is in there!" " OFFICER:" "Move in!" " No!" "CARRIE:" "He's down!" "You said..." ""P-Protect Franny."" "Yes." "Then you took me down." "When my back was turned." "What's this?" "CARRIE:" "Taken four hours before the explosion." "You recognize the van?" "Who's that?" "I tracked down that blue Jeep, which then disappeared while I was inside a very strange place." "Strange how?" "I'm thinking we should discuss in person." "Can you get out to my house?" "Sure." "[suspenseful music plays]" "Where's my daughter?" " Ms. Mathison." " Where is she?" "Hey, sweetheart!" "[sighs]" "♪ And the home of the brave ♪" "♪♪" "SCOTT-HERON:" "The first revolution is when you change your mind about how you look at things and see there might be another way to look at it that you have not been shown." "PROTESTERS:" "NYPD!" "SCAHILL:" "The brutality against protesters, the para-militarization of law enforcement." "CARRIE:" "That's why we have to keep trying." "KEANE:" "We don't need a police state in this country to fight terrorism." "We need a new strategy." "SCOTT-HERON:" "The revolution will not be televised." "GREENWALD: ...the system of indefinite detention..." "SCAHILL:" "FBI and the CIA targeting Muslim communities..." "DeMARCO:" "Security." "Got an agitated non-compliant patient." " Get away from me!" " What's his name again?" " Peter Quinn." " Peter Quinn." "SCOTT-HERON:" "You will not be able to stay home, brother." "You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out." " It's a very alarming charge." " The Russians hacked our committees." "WOMAN:" "The continuation of endless war." "QUINN:" "Can't you get that through your fucking skull?" "SCOTT-HERON:" "The revolution will put you in the driver's seat." "SCAHILL:" "The U.S. continues to engage in a covert war with very, very high stakes." "SAUL:" "I made promises and didn't keep them." "PRIEST:" "This world began right after 9/11." "SCOTT-HERON:" "The revolution will not be televised, not be televised." "There will be no rerun, brothers and sisters." "The revolution will be live." "CHAFFETZ:" "Which agency?" "McCULLOUGH:" "I can't say that here in an open hearing, sir." "QUINN:" "You saved me." "CARRIE:" "Yes." "QUINN:" "Why?" "[inhales sharply]" "[groans softly]" "[groans softly]" "[groans] [groans] [door opens]" "ASTRID:" "Peter?" "You okay?" "Mm." "It's me..." "Astrid." "What are you doing up?" "They said you'd be out for another 12 hours at least." "Hey." "[slurring] Wh-Where am I?" "It's a good question." "Ugh." "Middle of nowhere's the answer." "Someplace called Upper Chateaugay..." "If that's even how you pronounce it." "Astrid?" "Yeah." "It's me." "You're..." "You are..." "I'm here." "Everything's gonna be fine now." "Oh, what's happening?" "Ugh." "Nothing, nothing." "You're just feeling the effects of the sedative the doctor gave you." "What doctor?" "The one at the hospital." "Don't let me forget." "What, Peter?" "What?" "Carrie said..." "What?" "What did Carrie say?" "What?" "You getting this, Carrie?" "It's good." "What about the backyard?" "Just press the star key." "Yeah." "It's good, too." "Okay." "Great." "I'll be right in." "[door closes]" "[sighs]" "See anything over there?" "No." "[case thuds] [sighs] Yeah." "Me neither." "I had eyes on the building all night." "[sighs]" "Did you get any sleep?" "No." "Look, Carrie, I'm happy to set up an alarm, cameras." "I'll even stand guard at the door with a rifle, but..." "I told you, I can't call the police." "A bomb has been planted." "An FBI agent is dead." "I-I don't know who these people are, but they are serious." "And they're connected." "I'm worried about you." "[cellphone ringing]" "It's Franny's school." "I'll get to work on the alarm." " Hello?" " Carrie?" "This is Beth from St. Martha's." "Is Franny okay?" "She's fine." "But I think you should get over here." " What's wrong?" " Nothing." "It's just..." "There's someone here from Children's Services." "What?" "Talking to her about what happened at your house two days ago," " that police action." " [sighs]" " Oh, my God." " I thought you should know." "Okay, I'm on my way." "Tell Franny I'm coming." "BETH:" "Carrie, this is Christine Lonas." "Hi, I'm from the Administration for Children's Services." "Hi." "I need to speak to Ms. Mathison alone." "Of course." "Well, I've been talking to Franny..." "I want to see my daughter." "Here, take a seat." "Please." "So, our agency is required by law to investigate any situation in which a child may have been harmed." "She wasn't harmed." "Not physically maybe." "She was upset, n-naturally." "Anybody would be." "I was." "But w-we talked the whole thing through." "She just..." "She just wants to get her life back to normal." "Well, that's not what I got from my conversation with her." "Really?" "What I saw was a bright, sensitive little girl who was... traumatized by a horrific event." ""Traumatized" is a strong word." "And her trauma was deepened when you returned her to the site of the event only one day after it happened." "We talked about going home." "She was good with it." "It's not safe psychologically for her to be there." "[sighs] Look, I d..." "I don't agree with you, but I-I can take her somewhere for a few days, to a hotel if you think that's best." "For how long?" "[inhales deeply]" "After my talk with Franny, I made a determination that she's at imminent risk for further harm." "What?" "She's been taken out of school and placed in a state-registered youth home." "You mean she's not here?" "She's my daughter!" "You have no right to do this!" "Ms. Mathison, please, this is just a temporary step until my office can further assess the situation." "No, the situation is, I need to see my daughter right now." "There are steps that need to be taken." "No, you cannot just put her in some institution!" "I agree." "It's not ideal." "Is there a-a family member who could take her in the meantime?" " My sister." " Good." "Uh, how do I reach her?" " You can't." " What do you mean?" "Her husband's a professor." "They're in Rome for a year on sabbatical." "This..." "This is bullshit." "Oh." "Thank you." "Sorry." "[sighs]" "Look, this... isn't an appropriate place for us to be having this conversation." "My office is ten minutes from here." "What do you say we continue the discussion there, okay?" "Okay." "Good." "Protesters greet a delegation of Iranian finance ministers on a diplomatic mission to expedite the easing of sanctions under the controversial nuclear-arms treaty." "Iran is insisting they have dismantled their nuclear-weapons program while claiming the U.S. is slow-rolling the promised economic relief." "Gentlemen, I have your passports." "Mr. Alibadi." " Thank you." " Mr. Kasem." "That's for you." "Thank you." "Mr. Karrubi." "That's me." "Welcome to New York." "Thank you." " Mr. Falhadi." " Right here." "And, finally, Mr. Mohada." "My colleague will escort you to your cars." "Enjoy your stay." "[indistinct speaking over P.A.]" "[indistinct shouting] [shouting intensifies]" "MAN:" "Go back to your own country!" "[shouting continues]" "NEWS CORRESPONDENT:" "You've never spoken publicly about your son." "W-Why the change of heart?" "I realized I might've been giving people the wrong impression." "What impression is that?" "Well, that somehow, I wasn't proud of him or the sacrifice that he and so many others made in this war." "You were proud of him." "Oh, yes." "Very much so." "He loved his country." "He believed in the mission." "He was... the light of my life, and I miss him every single moment of every day." "What was he like?" "What can you tell us about him?" "Well, he never dreamed of being a soldier." "I can tell you that." " No?" " No." "[laughs] Physics was his passion..." "Aerospace engineering, to be exact." "9/11 changed all that." "That's when he decided to enroll at West Point?" "Yes." "You didn't try to talk him out of it?" "[chuckles]" "You couldn't talk Andrew out of anything, not once his mind was made up." "And once he graduated, he served three tours in Iraq?" "Two full tours." "He was killed just at the beginning of his third." "And by then, you had come out against the war." "Yes, and he was furious about it." "I remember he criticized your Senate-floor speeches, saying they were aiding and abetting the enemy." "Mm-hmm." "Yes." "It was a very difficult time for us as a family." "He was doing what he believed was right, and I was doing what I believed was right." "When was the last time you saw him?" "2007, in Baghdad." "KEANE:" "The Pentagon was in the middle of a charm offensive." ""The surge is working." "Victory is just over the horizon."" "I was there with a group of skeptical senators." "Well, now it's almost ten years later, and we are still there, and American soldiers are still dying." "McCLENDON:" "What a cunt." "NEWS CORRESPONDENT:" "One of the longest war in our history." "Yes, that's right." "In fact, Syria is now the 14th country in the Islamic world where U.S. forces have invaded, occupied, or bombed, and that's just since 1980." "She's winning the argument." "She's a Gold Star mom." "She's tough to argue with." "At lea... for now she is." "NEWS CORRESPONDENT:...on the ground, so we're talking..." "Did you know Javadi's in town?" "I was alerted the minute he boarded the plane in Tehran." "Well, what are you gonna do about it?" "He and Saul cannot meet." "Otherwise, everything unravels." "They won't." "[raps bar]" "Some do." "And there's always going to be that debate, and that's... that's part of the joy of a democracy." "[elevator bell dings" "How'd it go?" "Well, he got the ticket, sir." " Good." " Mr. Berenson?" "You're needed in the conference room." "What's this about?" "I can't say, but apparently, it's urgent." "Sure." "Saul, Rachel Crofts..." "Deputy in Counter-Intelligence." "I know who you are." "What's this about?" "We have a bit of an issue." "I'm listening." "The Director's asked me to debrief you on your recent visit to the West Bank." "You're kidding." "You came all the way up from Washington to ask me about a dinner I had with my sister?" "Come on, Saul." "You're there the same night a senior Rev Guard commander is reported crossing the Jordanian border." "Says who?" "The Israelis." "[gasps]" "So that's what this is..." "Tovah Rivlin setting a backfire." "Well, anyway you look at it, the optics aren't good." "I'm too old to worry about optics." "If I did, I'd never look in the mirror." "[sighs] This isn't a laughing matter." "The Director has been on the receiving end of some very heated phone calls, and not just from Tovah Rivlin." "Look, I know this is a pain in the ass, but the Director is hoping you'll cooperate so he can get Mossad off his back." "Consider it a personal favor." "I need to make a call first." "This is awkward, but I need your phone." "Why do you need my phone?" "To track your movements in the West Bank." "Is this a debrief or an interrogation?" "We just want to present a thorough explanation to Mossad so we can close the chapter on what I hope is just a misunderstanding." "The sooner we begin, the sooner we finish." "Here you go." "Look, I-I know what this is about." "There was all this craziness at my house, and somebody called your agency, one of the neighbors or" " a parent from Franny's school." " Ms. Mathison..." "But they don't know me, and they don't know Franny, and they don't know what really happened." "Well, that's why we're here so that you can tell me what happened." " I am a good mother." " I understand." "Why don't you start and tell me about that day?" " The day of the bombing." " That's right." "Okay." "Uh, well..." "I got a call from Reda Hashem, my... my business partner..." "Mm-hmm." "...informing me that one of our clients was apparently driving the truck that blew up." "Imagine that was quite a shock." "Yeah, to say the least." "Uh, his family was distraught." "I had to get over there." "And that's when you left Franny with, uh, Mr. Quinn?" " It was for ten minutes." " Mm-hmm." "Her nanny was on her way." "Yes, ne of my colleagues spoke to her." "Uh, the point is," "I had to go, and there was no one else." "Plus, Franny adores Quinn." "Tell me about him." "What's your connection?" "We're former colleagues." "We worked together at the Central Intelligence Agency." "Why is he living with you?" "Well, we're also friends, and he was recovering from a brain injury at the Brooklyn V.A., but that didn't work out." "So I couldn't let him live on the street." "Mm-hmm." "I just got off the phone with the V.A." "I understand that Mr. Quinn suffers from bouts of rage and depression." "Yeah." "Yeah, there's some psychological issues." "Including violent outbursts." "He hated it at the V.A." "Still, you moved him into your house." "No, in-into the basement." "It's a separate apartment." "Uh-huh." "There's a door that locks." "There were very strict rules in place." "E-Everything was fine." "Right." "Until the bombing." "Yes, the press came to my house." "There were people throwing rocks." "There were police everywhere." "Well, weren't they there because Mr. Quinn was holding Franny and your nanny hostage?" " No!" "That is not accurate." " He wasn't holding them hostage?" "[sighs]" "Not from his point of view." "Oh." "Quinn is..." "Is a highly trained soldier." "He believed that Franny was in danger, which, you know, she was, sh... from people throwing rocks, from the police." "He was doing what he could to keep her safe." "Do you think that Franny felt safe?" "W..." "I'm sure she was frightened, but she's a strong girl." "There's something I want to share with you." "What?" "During our conversation," "Franny disclosed that she didn't feel safe with Mr. Quinn." "In fact, she said she was terrified." "She thought she was gonna die." "Yeah, I know that that is hard to hear." "Sorry." "Just..." "M-Ms." "Lonas, when... when can I see her?" "What do I have to do?" "I will do anything." "You're doing it." "Y-You are... helping with the investigation." "And how long will this take?" "I will try and get your case before the judge tomorrow." "And then Franny comes home?" "Mm... that's up to the judge." "Now, do you have a lawyer?" "Peter?" "Peter?" "Peter!" "Peter!" "Peter!" "Peter!" "[breathing heavily] [engine turns off] [sighs] Peter." "What are you doing?" "What's it look like?" "Freezing to death." "Come on, let's at least get you into the car," " where it's warm." " No." "I have to get back to New York." "Well, that would be a mistake." "We'll see." "Peter." "You will be arrested again." "That's the deal..." "You stay out here, out of the public eye." "What deal?" "The deal Dar Adal made." "Right now, you're an important national-security asset." "Break the terms, and you're a national-security risk." "Do I like a f-fucking risk to you?" "You shot a civilian, Peter." "In the... safe place!" "Yeah, with a handgun, from distance." "'Cause they were coming for me." "Who is?" "The people." "W-What people?" "The people who... built the bomb." "What do you mean, the kid?" "No, not the kid!" "Peter, I-I don't understand." "Exactly." "I have to go find out." "Hey!" "Hey!" "[chuckles]" "You folks okay?" "Hey, can I ride get a ride into town?" "MAN:" "Yeah, hop in." " Whoa, sir, trust me." " Hey!" "You don't want to do this." "My husband's not well." "I'm not her husband." "She just lied." " Ignore him." " Why are you lying?" " He's off his..." " She's a German spy woman!" "He's off his meds." " She has me trapped in a..." " Yeah." "I'm sorry." " Sorry, buddy." "Not today." " No!" "You have to help me!" "Whoa!" "Hey!" "Come on!" "Hey!" "[sighs] [dramatic music plays]" "♪ ♪" "[car door closes]" "[ringing]" "They got him." "Good." "[sighs]" "CROFTS:" "At any point in the course of the evening, did you leave the location, or did you receive a message there?" "DAR ADAL:" "Saul, I'm sorry." "I just heard this was happening." "I think we're done here, Rachel." "But the Director asked me to..." "Let me handle the Director." "You can go." "Ohh, I'm getting too old for this." "They grilled you about your trip to the West Bank, huh?" "Yeah." "Heads-up sure would've been nice." "What do you mean?" "Come on, Dar." "Counter-Intelligence wouldn't send one of their shit-stirrers to debrief me... without your blessing." "I didn't know she was here, Saul, till a minute ago." "I swear." "Got my phone?" "Yeah." "Thanks." "REDA:" "Yeah, I understand." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Got it." "Okay, you've got my contact info, so just call me directly if anything else comes up." "Thank you." "Here's what I've been able to find out." "They're moving Franny to a private home." "She has a home." "They're a highly regarded family." "They've got two kids of their own." "One is close to Franny's age." "It'll be like a sleepover." "With people she doesn't know." "Wh-What are they telling her?" "She must be freaking out!" "It's one night, Carrie." "We're scheduled to be in court tomorrow afternoon." "I can't just sit here and allow this to happen." "You've got no choice." "[sighs]" "Look at it this way." "Franny has been through something terrifying." "The caseworkers are just doing what they're supposed to do, protecting the child in question." "Franny doesn't need their protection." "And when the judge realizes that tomorrow, he'll send her home." "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_ [chuckles]" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_ [sighs]" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_ [chuckles]" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_ [pounding desk]" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_ [suspenseful music plays]" "_" "_" "_ [screaming]" "_" "_" "[screams] [gunshots]" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_ [dramatic music plays]" "LONAS:" "For the most part," "Ms. Mathison is an involved, concerned parent." "Recently, she moved to Brooklyn and started a new career in an effort to become a more consistent presence in Franny's life." "However, I found that Ms. Mathison's efforts to provide a stable environment for Franny have been undermined by some... blind spots." "For example, she brought a mentally disturbed veteran," "Peter Quinn, into her home." "I-I thought I explained that?" "This led to an incident which Mr. Quinn held" "Franny and her nanny hostage for several hours." "I described it in detail in my report." "I've read it." "Your Honor, Quinn thought he was protecting Franny." "You'll have your chance to address the court, Ms. Mathison." "I'm sorry, but y-you should know that Quinn is no longer living in my home." "It's an important point, Your Honor." "If the main issue is Franny's exposure to Mr. Quinn, that problem has been resolved." "Your Honor, even with Mr. Quinn removed from the home," "Franny continues to be at risk." "From who" "Well, from her mother." "This morning, I conducted my second interview with Franny." "In this conversation, she disclosed a disturbing fact." "Two nights ago, she woke up and discovered her mother in her room." "So?" "Ms. Mathison was sitting on the floor near Franny's bed, asleep, with a gun in her lap." "Ms. Mathison, is that true?" "[sighs]" "I did have a gun, but I was not asleep." "That's not what her daughter said." "Was the gun loaded, Ms. Mathison?" "Answer the question." "Yes, it was." "Putting aside for a moment whether or not you were asleep, can you explain what you were doing in your daughter's room with a loaded gun?" "I had reason to fear for my safety, Your Honor, and Franny's." "Why didn't you call the police?" "If you felt you were in danger, why not call the police?" "[sighs]" "Your Honor, I'm a former intelligence officer." "I used to work for the CIA." "Go on." "I've been trained to handle firearms and deal with threatening situations." "Lately, at my home, there have been times when that I felt that Franny and I were in danger, so I responded in the way that I was trained." "By spending the night next to your daughter with a loaded gun?" "Uh, the safety was on." "But the gun was loaded." "Your daughter's sleeping a few feet away." "Do you think that's reasonable?" "Two days before, I had people out on the street throwing rocks at my house, calling me a terrorist." "Aren't the police prepared to handle a situation like that?" "Well, the last time the police came to my house, things didn't turn out so well." "So you're saying you can handle a dangerous situation better than the police?" "No." "No, I-I do not mean that." "I mean I have worked intense environments in... in Baghdad and Islamabad." "I-I don't panic in dangerous situations." "I can keep my head clear." "But in terms of my home, the demonstrators haven't come back, so that danger has passed, and Quinn is no longer living in the house." "So I'm confident that Franny will be safe at home with me." "LONAS:" "Your Honor..." "Ms. Mathison's neglected to tell the court an important fact." "Go on." "She suffers from bipolar disorder." " What?" "!" " That is out of line." "Is this true?" "Yes, but I take medication." "I haven't had an episode in over a year." "She's been hospitalized for her disorder twice and received electroconvulsive therapy." "Your Honor, depriving a parent of her custodial rights because of an illness is blatant discrimination." "Not if the illness endangers a child." "And Ms. Mathison's claims about mysterious threats and distrust of the police sound exactly like symptoms of a manic episode." "There were threats." "They had nothing to do with my illness." "Quiet, please." "What is the agency's recommendation?" "Bottom line, Your Honor," "Ms. Mathison fell asleep in her daughter's bedroom with a loaded gun." "Our assessment is that, this fact alone meets the legal requirement of imminent risk." "I'm going to accept the agency's recommendation." "Ms. Mathison, you'll be required to undergo psychiatric evaluation." "Ms. Lonas, I'd like you to prepare a home study and a deeper background investigation." "Yes, Your Honor." "Franny will remain in foster care until more information is provided at further proceedings." " No!" " This session is adjourned." "[gavel bangs]" "REDA:" "I'm gonna talk to her." "I'll be right back." "[dramatic music plays] [door closes]" "[inhales sharply]" "[sobbing] [indistinct shouting]" "MAN:" "Popcorn!" "Cotton candy!" "[whistle blows] [buzzer blares]" "AMIR:" "Excuse me." "Sure you have the right seat?" "You're Saul." "I am." "Who are you?" "Amir." "You and I have a friend in common." "Where is our friend?" "Someplace safe, waiting for you." "Why didn't he come?" "He'll explain when you see him." "Come, I'll take you to him." "Our friend said I should send greetings from Sergeant Brody." "Let's go." "[crowd cheering]" "[lock disengages] [alarm beeping]" "[keypad beeping] [beeping stops]" "[sighs]" "[sighs]" "[door slams] [breathing heavily]" "SAUL:" "Majid." "Kindly explain what the fuck is going on." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "If it wasn't for that loyal man in the car," "I'd be dead right now..." "Maybe worse." "What happened?" "I was picked up by my own service, accused of being a traitor." "Who knew I was coming to New York?" "No one." "No one?" "Then who was aware of our meeting in the West Bank?" "The Israelis suspected it." "But only one other person knew for sure." "Dar Adal..." "I told him about it myself." "The same Dar Adal who's been trying to undermine the nuclear deal every step of the way?" "That was over three years ago." "If he was gonna burn you... time was then, not now." "Not if he thinks that we are building a bomb in North Korea." "Are you... building a bomb in North Korea?" "[sighs] [cellphone clicks]" "Who's this?" "Your friend the banker, Farhad Nafisi." "He's a little hard to recognize, I admit." "Wild guess..." "He's working for Mossad." "For the past eight years." "Including the little show they put on for you in Abu Dhabi." "You have him on camera admitting as much?" "Mm-hmm." "Show me." "First, I want political asylum." "Of course." "Plus, I want 'round-the-clock protection and access to my $45 million." "That's gonna be a little trickier." "Wait a minute." "I'm listening." "I can put you in front of someone who can make it happen." "The President-elect." "Go on." "And she can hear it from your own lips..." "Iran isn't cheating on the deal." "There's no parallel program in North Korea." "Nothing would give me greater pleasure." "Believe me." "Amir!" "I'll set up the meeting." "Hello." "Saul Berenson." "Well, I need to speak to him immediately." "It's urgent." " Yes..." " [gunshot]" "Majid... for Chrissake." "What?" "No loose ends." "You taught me that, Saul." "Come on." "Help me put him in the trunk." "[car door closes] [door opens]" "Where is he?" "Down by the lake." "He hasn't said a word..." "not since I called you." "But he knows I'm coming?" " Seemed to calm him down." " Mm." "I didn't know what else to do." "No, no, you did the right thing." "What have you told him?" "What I know, which isn't much." "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, me coming." "Listen." "Convincing him was never gonna be easy." "You being here is gonna make all the difference." "Trust me." "ASTRID:" "So, you want to do this alone or..." "Alone." "What the hell is this?" "Feeling sorry for yourself?" "Go fuck yourself, Dar." "Because if you are, that would be a first." "You grew up in a hard school, no time for self-pity." "It's the first thing about you that impressed." "Not the first thing." "Yeah, well... we're all beautiful when we're young, aren't we?" "Fucking... dirty old man." "Fair enough." "For the record, though, I..." "I never forced myself on anyone." "[sighs]" "I'm not staying here." "Yes, you are." "Astrid will look after you till you can look after yourself." "No." "The alternative is prison or the psych ward." "That's the truth, Peter." "And what's so bad?" "Isn't this what you always dreamed of?" "A house on a lake." "Or do I have that wrong, too?" "Why don't you just put me in a fuckin'..." "Collar." "Collar!" "Thank you." "What's so important you have to get back to New York?" "Astrid mentioned on the phone you were talking about the attack." "The bomb that went off..." "Why are you so interested?" "What's it to you?" "Well, if you won't say, I will." "It's Carrie Mathison." "Her foundation represented the bomber." "She's what's pulling you back to New York, isn't that it?" " No." " [chuckles]" "The sway she holds over you... and Saul," "I'll never understand..." "Fuck, it's cold out here!" "I believe they had a name for her in Kabul, didn't they, when she was Station Chief there." "What was it again?" ""The Angel of Death"?" ""The Drone Queen."" "Yeah." "And in Berlin?" "Just stop, Dar." "I assume you never heard the whole story... of your medical ordeal there." "Yeah, I did." "Carrie told me." "What'd she say?" "That I... flatlined and was dead for three minutes." "[sighs] Not exactly." "What do you mean?" "You were in a coma, Peter, a deep coma." "Carrie ordered the doctors to wake you up." "She did this despite repeated warnings about the risks of the procedure." "She thought you might have information on the terror cell that was plotting the attack on Hauptbahnhof." "She was wrong." "W-What risks?" "The main one was massive cerebral hemorrhage." "Stroke." "[dramatic music plays]" "You think she's been taking care of you all these months out of love?" "Sounds a lot more like guilt if you ask me." "I bought you this one chance." "There won't be another." "[sighs]" "[breathing heavily]" "[sobbing] [sniffles]" "[glass clatters, thuds] [sighs]" "[sighs] [dialing] [ringing]" "Uh, hello." "This is Carrie Mathison." "C-Can you, uh, put me through to the President-elect?" "Yes!" "I know what time it is." "I'm sorry." "Uh, yes." "I know." "It's, uh..." "It's urgent." "[breathing heavily]" "KEANE:" "Carrie?" "Madame President-elect." "[breathing heavily]" "Is something wrong?" "Children's Services has put Franny into foster care." "I don't..." "I don't know where she is." "They won't..." "They won't tell me." "I-I haven't..." "I haven't been able to see her." "I'm sorry." "I-I was thinking that with all your contacts in Albany, that m-maybe y-you know someone who oversees the agency or... or..." "Or the judge." "Just... someone you could call." "[breathing heavily]" "Call to...?" "To..." "To vouch for me, you know?" "T-To..." "To tell them how..." "How wrong this is." "I can't use the office of the President to solve a personal problem." "Well, it's just a call." "It's unethical." "I'm surprised you would even ask me." "My daughter is in..." "Is in some stranger's house, just lying there, thinking I've abandoned her!" "Have you been inking?" "No." "No!" "I just..." "I just thought that..." "That..." "That you, of all people, would understand." "I me... [sobs]" "You lost a child." "[inhales sharply]" "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "[stammering]" "Yeah, may..." "M-Maybe that was..." "That was too far." "I'm sorry." "I just..." "Jesus." "I-I..." "What..." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know." "But I can't help you." "I'm sorry." "I have to go." "[receiver clicks]" "[ringing]" "DAR ADAL:" "Hello?" "Hello?" "It's Christine Lonas from ACS." "I just wanted to let you know that Franny's in foster care." "She'll stay there for the foreseeable future." "I don't enjoy taking a child from her mother, but in this case, it's clearly the right thing to do." "That's why I contacted you." "LONAS:" "Well, I appreciate it." "The information you supplied was very helpful." "Thanks for letting me know." "[suspenseful music plays]" "Ahh." | {
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"(Water splashing)" "(Men shouting)" "(Creaking)" "(Men shouting)" "(Man) Usurer!" "Usurer!" "(Man murmers)" ""If a man is righteous, and does what is lawful and right," ""if he has not exacted usury nor taken any increase" ""but has withdrawn his hand from all iniquity" ""and executed true judgment between men and men," ""if he has walked in my statutes" ""and kept my judgment faithfully, then he is just and he shall surely live." ""But if he has exacted usury and taken increase," ""shall he then live?" ""No, he shall not live." "If he has done any of these abominations..."" " (Cheering) - "..he shall surely die, says the Lord."" "(Preacher) And yet you live by theft and robbery..." "Antonio." "(Preacher continues, crowd shouting)" "(Both laughing)" "Antonio." "Bassanio." " (Man) Wind's coming back, sir." " (Sail flapping)" "(Man) Signior Lorenzo." "(Dog barking)" "(Chanting)" "(Chanting continues)" "(Doors opening)" "Jessica." "(Antonio) In truth, I know not why I am so sad." "It wearies me." "You say it wearies you." "And such a want-wit sadness makes of me that I have much ado than know myself." "Your mind is tossing on the ocean." "Believe me, sir, had I such venture forth, the better part of my affection would be with my hopes abroad." "I should be still plucking the grass to know where sits the wind, peering in maps for ports and piers and roads." "And every object that might make me fear misfortune to my ventures out of doubt would make me sad." "My wind, cooling my broth, would blow me to a fever if I thought what harm a wind too great might do at sea." "Believe me, no." " Why, then you're in love." " (Laughs)" "Fie, fie, fie!" "Not in love either?" "Then let us say you are sad because you are not merry." "Here comes my lord Bassanio." " Good morrow, my good lord." " Good signiors." "When shall we laugh?" "We shall make our leisures to fit in with yours." " Bassanio." " Signior." "(Whispers)" "My lord Bassanio, since you have found Antonio, we too will leave you." "You look not well, Signior Antonio." "You have too much respect upon the world." "They lose it that do buy it with much care." "I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano - a stage where every man must play his part, and mine a sad one." "Come, good Lorenzo." "Fare thee well awhile." "I'll end my exhortation after dinner." "Fare thee well." "Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all of Venice." "Well?" "Tell me now... that which today you promised to tell me of." "(Bassanio sighs)" "'Tis not unknown to you, Antonio, how much I have disabled mine estate, but my chief care is to come squarely out of the great debts wherein my youth, something too prodigal, has left me pledged." "To you, Antonio, I owe the most in money and in love, and from your love I have a warranty to unburden all my plots and purposes how to get clear of all the debts I owe." "Pray, good Bassanio, let me know it." "And, if it stand, as you yourself still do, within the eye of honour, be assured my purse, my person, my extremest means lie all unlocked to your occasion." "In Belmont is a lady richly left - and she is fair, and fairer than that word " "of wondrous virtues." "Sometimes, from her eyes I did receive fair... speechless messages." "Her name is Portia, no less a beauty than Cato's daughter, Brutus' Portia." "Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth, for the four winds blow in from every coast renowned suitors." "O my Antonio, had I but the means to hold a rival place with one of them" "then I should questionless be fortunate." "Thou knowest my fortunes are at sea." "Neither have I money nor commodity to raise a present sum." "Therefore, go forth." "Try what my credit can in Venice do." "It shall be racked, even to the uttermost, to furnish you to Belmont, and fair Portia." "(Birdsong)" "I swear to you, Nerissa," " I am more weary of this great world." " You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were as plentiful as your good fortunes are." "And yet, from what I see, they are as sick that have it in excess as those that starve with nothing." "If doing were as easy as knowing what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces." "(Sighs) But this reasoning is not in the way to choose me a husband." "O me, the word "choose"!" "I may neither choose who I would nor refuse who I dislike." "So is the will of a living daughter ruled by a dead father." "Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none?" "Your father was always virtuous, and holy men, at their death, have good inspirations." "Therefore the lottery, that he devised in these three chests of gold and silver and lead, so that who chooses his meaning chooses you, will no doubt only be guessed, rightly, by someone who you shall rightly love." "Right." "(Nerissa) What warmth is there in your affection towards any of these princely suitors that are already come?" "(Portia) Pray name them, and as you name them I will describe them, and, according to my description, level at my affection." "How say you of the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?" "Oh, God." "God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man." "I know it is a sin to be a mocker, but he...!" "What say you to Falconbridge, the young baron of England?" "(Portia laughs) How oddly he's suited!" "And the Duke of Saxony's nephew?" "Very vilely in the morning when he is sober, and most vilely in the afternoon when he is drunk." "O Nerissa!" " (Giggling)" " Wait!" "Wait." "If he should offer to choose, and choose the right casket, you should refuse to perform your father's will if you should refuse to accept him." "Therefore, for fear of the worst, I pray thee, set a deep glass of Rhenish wine on the contrary casket." "I will do anything, Nerissa, ere I will be married to a sponge." "(Bell tolling)" "(Bleating)" "(Shylock) Three thousand ducats." "Well." "Ay, sir, for three months." "For three months?" " Well..." " For which, as I told you," "Antonio shall be bound." "Antonio shall be bound?" "Well..." "May you help me?" "Will you pleasure me?" "Should I know your answer?" "Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio bound." "Your answer to that." "Antonio is a good man." "Have you heard any imputation to the contrary?" "No." "No, no, no, no." "My meaning in saying that he is a good man is to have you understand that he is of good credit." "Yet his means are in question." "He hath a ship bound for Tripolis, another to the Indies." "I understand moreover, upon the Rialto, he hath a third ship at Mexico, a fourth for England," "and other ventures he hath squandered abroad." "But ships are but boards, sailors are but men, there be land rats and water rats, water thieves and land thieves." "I mean pirates." "Then there is the peril of waters, winds and rocks." "The man is, notwithstanding, of good credit." "Three thousand ducats." "I think I may take his bond." " Be assured you may." " May I speak with Antonio?" "If it please you, dine with us." "Yes, to smell pork, to eat of the habitation which your prophet the Nazarite conjured the devil into." "I will buy with you, sell with you, walk with you, talk with you, and so following, but I will not eat with you, nor drink with you, nor pray with you." "Who is he comes here?" "This is Signior Antonio." "Antonio!" "(Bassanio) Antonio." "How like a fawning publican he looks." "Shylock!" "Shylock, do you hear?" "I am debating of my present store, and by the near guess of my memory, I cannot instantly raise up the gross of full three thousand ducats." "But Tubal, a wealthy Hebrew of my tribe, will furnish me." "Benjamin." "Go, seek out Tubal." "But soft, how many months?" "Rest you fair, good signior." "Your worship was the last man in our mouths." " Is he possessed how much you would?" " Ay, ay, three thousand ducats." "And for three months." "Ah, I forgot." "Three months, you told me so." "But soft, erm... methought you said you neither lend nor borrow with interest." " I do never use it." " Well." "Three thousand ducats, 'tis a good round sum." " (Door shuts)" " Launcelot." "The rates." "Three months...from twelve." "Let me see the rate." "Well, Shylock, shall we be beholden to you?" "Signior Antonio... many a time, and oft in the Rialto, you have reviled me about my moneys and my usances." "Still, I have borne it with a patient shrug, for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe." "You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gaberdine." "And all for use of that which is my own." "Well, it now appears you need my help." "You come to me and you say, "Shylock, we would have money."" "You say so." "You, that did void your rheum upon my beard and kick me as you spurn a stranger cur over your threshold." "Money is your suit." "What should I say to you?" "Should I not say, "Hath a dog money?" ""Is it possible a cur can lend three thousand ducats?"" "Or shall I bend low and, in a slavish voice, with bated breath and whispering humbleness say this " ""Fair sir, you spat on me on Wednesday last," ""you spurned me such a day, another time you called me dog." ""For these courtesies, I'll lend you thus much moneys."" "(Antonio) I'm as like to call you so again, to spit on you again, to spurn you too." "If you would lend this money, lend it not unto your friends." "For when did friendship take a breed for barren metal from his friends?" "Lend it rather to your enemy who, if he break, you may with better face exact the penalty." "Why, look how you storm." "I would be friends with you and have your love." "Forget the stains that you have shamed me with." "Supply your present wants, and take not a drop of interest for my moneys..." " (Sighs) - ..and you'll not hear me." " (Laughs)" " This is kind I offer." " This is kindness." " No..." "This kindness I will show." "Go with me to a notary and seal me there your single bond." "And in a merry sport, if you repay me not on such a day in such a place, such a sum or sums as are expressed in the condition, let the forfeit be nominated... for an equal pound of your fair flesh" "to be cut off and taken in what part of your body pleaseth me." "(Chuckles)" "Content, i'faith." "I'll seal to such a bond, and say there is much kindness in the Jew." "You shall not seal such a bond for me." "I'd rather live in my necessity." "(Antonio) Why, fear not, man." "I will not forfeit it." "Within these two months, that's a month before this bond expires," "I do expect return of thrice three times the value of this bond." "O father Abraham, what these Christians are, whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect the thoughts of others." "I pray you, tell me this." "If he should break his day, what should I gain by the exaction of the forfeiture?" "A pound of a man's flesh taken from a man is not so estimable, profitable neither, as flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats." "I say, to buy his favour, I extend this friendship." "If he will take it, so." "If not, adieu." "And, for my love, I pray you, wrong me not." "Shylock..." "I will seal unto this bond." "(Sizzling)" "Dislike me not for my complexion, the shadowed livery of the burnished sun, to whom I am a neighbour and near bred." "Yallah!" "Yallah!" "Bring me the fairest creature northward born, where the sun's fire scarce thaws the icicles, and let us make incision for your love to prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine." "I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mine hath feared the valiant." "Yea, by my love I swear, the most regarded virgins of our clime have loved it too." "(Men laughing)" "I would not change this hue, except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen." "In terms of choice, I am not solely led by nice direction of a maiden's eyes." "Instead, the lottery of my destiny bars me the right of voluntary choosing." "But if my father had not restrained me, and hedged me by his wit to yield myself as wife to him who wins me by that means I told you," "yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as...any comer I have looked on yet for my affection." " (Laughter)" " Even for that, I thank you." "Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets to try my fortune." "(Morocco) Yes?" "(Oarsman calls)" "(Men talking in Italian)" "(Bassanio) I pray you, Leonardo, these things being bought and orderly bestowed, return in haste, for I do feast tonight my best esteemed acquaintance." "Let supper be ready at the latest by nine o'clock." "See that these letters are delivered." "And put the livery to the making." "Certainly my conscience would forbid me to run from this Jew, my master." "(Man) Ho!" "I pray you, which way to the master Jew's?" "Do you not know me, Father?" "Lord, how art thou changed!" "How dost thou and thy master agree?" "I brought him a present." "Famished in his service, Father." "I'm glad you've come." "Give your present to one master Bassanio," " who indeed gives rare new liveries." " (Thunder rumbling)" "(Man) Si." "Bassanio!" "Bassanio!" " Gratiano." " I have a suit to you." " You have obtained it." " You must not deny me " "I must go with you to Belmont." "Why, then you must." "But hear thee, you are too wild, too rude, too bold of voice, things that become you happily enough and in such eyes as ours appears not false." "But where you are not known, why, there they show something too..." "liberal." "Pray you, take pain to dilute with some cold drops of modesty your skipping spirit, lest through your wild behaviour I be misconstrued in the place I go and lose my hopes." "Signior Bassanio, hear me." "If I do not put on a sober habit, talk with respect, and swear but now and then, look demurely, nay more, while grace is saying, hood mine eyes thus with my hat and sigh and say, "Amen," never trust me more." "Well, we shall see your bearing." "(Bassanio) Oof!" "Nay, but I bar tonight." "You shall not gauge me by what we do tonight." "(Bassanio laughs)" "God bless your worship." "Signior Bassanio." "Many thanks." "Would you something from me?" " Here is my son, sir, a poor boy." " Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew's man that would, sir, as my father shall specify." "He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve." "Indeed, sir." "The short and the long is," "I serve the Jew, and have a desire, as my father shall specify." "To be brief, the very truth is, as my father, being an old man, shall fruitify unto you..." "I have here a dish of doves I would bestow upon your worship." "(Gobbo) And my suit is... (Launcelot) In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old man." "And, though I say it, though old man, yet poor man, my father." "One speak for both." "What would you?" " Serve you, sir." " That is the very defect of the matter, sir." "You have obtained your suit, if it be preferment to leave a rich Jew's service to become the follower of so poor a gentleman." "The old proverb is very well parted between my master Shylock and you, sir." "You have the grace of God, sir, and he has enough." "(Laughs)" "You speak it well." "Give him a livery more guarded than his fellows'." "See it done." "(Thunder)" "I'm sorry you will leave my father so." "Our house is hell, and you, a merry devil, did rob it of some taste of tediousness." "And Launcelot, soon at supper shall you see Lorenzo, who is thy new master's guest." "Give him this letter." "Do it secretly." "And so farewell." "I would not have my father see me talk with thee." "Adieu. (Clears throat)" "Tears exhibit my tongue." "Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew." "O Lorenzo, if thou keep promise, I shall end this strife, becoming Christian and your loving wife." "(Thunder crashes)" "(Shylock) Jessica?" "(Shylock coughs)" "Well." "You will see, your eyes will be the judge, the difference of old Shylock and Bassanio." "You will not gourmandise with him, as you have done with me, nor sleep and snore and wear apparel out." "Not with him." " Jessica, I say!" " Why, Jessica." "Who bids you call?" "I do not bid you call." "Your worship was used to say I could do nothing without bidding." " Oh." " (Door opens)" "Call you?" " What's your will?" " I am bid forth to supper, Jessica." "There are my keys." "Wherefore should I go?" "I am not bid for love." "Oh, they flatter me." "Yet I will go and feed upon the prodigal Christian." "Jessica, my girl, look to my house." "Oh, I am right loath to go." "(Bell tolling)" "There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest, for I did dream of money bags tonight." "I beseech you, sir, go." "My young master expects your reproach." "And so do I his." "And they have conspired together." "I will not say you shall see a masque, but if you do, it was not for nothing that my nose fell a-bleeding on Black Monday last at six o'clock in the morning." "What, are there masques?" "Hear you me, Jessica, clamber not you up to the casements then, nor thrust your head into the public street to gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces." "Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house." "Oh, by Jacob's staff, I swear I have no mind of feasting forth tonight." "But I will go." "Go you before, sirrah." "Say I will come." "I will go before, sir." "Mistress, look out the window for all this." "There will come a Christian boy will be worth a Jewess' eye." "What says that fool of Hagar's offspring, ha?" "His words were, "Farewell, mistress." Nothing else." "(Sighs) The fool is kind enough but a huge feeder." "Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day more than a tomcat." "Therefore, I part with him." "Well, Jessica, go in." "Perhaps I will return immediately." "(Thunder rumbling)" "Do as I bid you." "(Thunder)" "(Sighs) Farewell." "And if my fortune be not crost," "I have a father, you a daughter, lost." "(# North African music)" "How do I know if I do choose the right?" "The one of them contains my picture, Prince." "If you choose that, then I am yours withal." "Some god direct my judgment!" "(Speaks in native tongue)" "Let me see." ""Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath."" " (Men) Hmm..." " Must give?" "For what?" "For lead?" "Hazard for lead?" "This casket, my friends, threatens." "Men who hazard all do it in hope of fair advantages." "A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross, eh?" "(All laugh)" "I'll then nor give nor hazard aught for lead, ah?" "Mm-mm." "(Spits, laughs)" "What says the silver with her virgin hue?" "(Chuckles)" ""Who chooseth me..." ""shall gain as much as he deserves."" "Pause there, Morocco, and weigh thy value with an even hand, ha?" "I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes, and in graces, and in qualities of breeding!" "(Gasps)" "What if I stray no further but choose here?" "Hmm..." ""Who chooseth me..." ""will gain what many men..." ""desire."" " (Men) Hmm..." " Huh?" "Why, that's the lady!" "All of the world desires her!" "From the four corners of the earth, they come to kiss this shrine, this mortal-breathing saint." "Deliver me the key." "Here do I choose, and thrive as I may." "There, take it, Prince." "And if my form lie there, I am yours." "(# Musicians playing fanfare)" "Ha!" "(Men gasping)" "O hell." "What have we here?" ""All that glistens is not gold." ""Often have you heard that told." ""Gilded tombs do worms enfold." ""Fare you well..." " "but your suit is cold." - (Sighs of sympathy)" "(Laughter)" "For all of my fortune, Shylock, I give thanks." "To best-esteemed acquaintances." "Antonio, good health." "I know the hand." "In faith, it is a fair hand, and whiter than the paper it writ on is the fair hand that writ." "Love-news, in faith." "(Laughter)" "(Lorenzo) Meet me tonight." "(Thunder crashes)" "This is the penthouse under which Lorenzo desired us to make stand?" "His hour is almost past." "And it is a marvel he outstays his hour for lovers always run before the clock." "That ever holds." "Who rises from a feast with that keen appetite that he sits down?" "(Lorenzo yells)" "Sweet friends, your patience for my long delay." "Ho!" "Who's within?" "(Jessica) Who are you?" "Tell me for more certainty, albeit I swear that I do know your tongue." "Lorenzo and thy love." "Lorenzo, certain, and my love indeed, for who I love so much?" "And now who knows but you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours?" "Heaven and thy thoughts are witness that thou art." "Here!" "Catch this casket." "(All) No!" "It is worth the pains." "I'm glad 'tis night." "You do not look on me for I am much ashamed of my disguise." "But love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit." "(Thunder)" "For if they could, Cupid himself would blush to see me thus transformed into a boy." "(Grunting)" "Descend, for you must be my torchbearer." "Why, 'tis an office of discovery, love, and I should be obscured." "So are you, sweet, even in the lovely garnish of a boy." "But come at once, for the close night doth play the runaway." "I will gild myself with some more ducats and be with you straight." "(Thunder crashes)" "Contend me, but I love her, heartily." "For she is wise, if I can judge of her, and fair, she is, if that mine eyes be true and true she is, as she hath proved herself." "And therefore, like herself, wise, fair and true, shall she be placed in my constant soul." "(All) No!" "(Thunder)" "(Antonio) Who's there?" " Signior Antonio!" " Fie, fie, Gratiano." "'Tis ten o'clock, our friends all wait for you." "No masque tonight." "The wind has come about, Bassanio soon will come aboard." "I have sent twenty out to seek for you." "Jessica!" "Jessica!" "Jessica!" "I will make some speed of my return." "Hurry not business for my sake, but stay the very riping of the time." "And for the Jew's bond that he has of thee, let it not enter your mind of love." " (Sailor) Leva i remi." " Rema." "(Sailor) Avanti!" "(Antonio) Be merry and employ your chiefest thoughts to courtship, such fair displays of love as may conveniently become you there." "(Sailor) Tira!" "(Oarsmen) Oh..ehi!" "Oh..ehi!" "Oh...ehi!" "Oh...ehi!" "(Oarsmen continue calling)" "No!" "No!" "No, no. (Sobs)" "Jessica!" "(Sobs)" "No." "(Salanio) I never heard a passion so confused, so strange, outrageous and so variable as the dog Jew did utter in the streets." ""My daughter!" "O my ducats!" "O my daughter!"" "The villain Jew with outcries raised the Duke who went with him to search Bassanio's ship." "He came too late, the ship was under sail." "Let good Antonio look he keep his day or he shall pay for this." "Marry, well remembered." "I reasoned with a Frenchman yesterday who told me, in the narrow seas that part the French and English there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught." "I thought upon Antonio when he told me and wished in silence that it were not his." "Madam!" "Madam!" "Madam!" "Oh..." "Madam!" "Quick!" "Quick!" "I pray you, the Prince of Aragon hath taken his oath and comes to his election presently." " ¡Música!" " (# Spanish guitars play)" ""Who chooses me must give and hazard all he has."" "You shall look fairer ere I give or hazard." " (Sniggers) - (Laughs)" "What says the golden chest?" "Ha!" "Let me see." ""Who chooses me shall gain what many men desire."" "I will not choose what many men desire because I will not jump with common spirits" "and rank me with the barbarous multitude." "(# Resounding guitar chords)" ""Who chooses me" ""shall get as much as he deserves."" "And well said, too." "(Spits)" " I will assume desert." " (# Guitar chord)" "Give me a key for this and instantly unlock my fortunes here." "Too long a pause for that which you find there." "What's here?" "The portrait of a blinking idiot presenting me a schedule?" "Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?" "Is that my prize?" "Are my deserts no better?" "To offend and judge are distinct offices and of opposed natures." "With one fool's head" "I came to woo." "But I go away with two." "Antonio's ship is wrecked, gone down with all hands, all merchandise lost." "(Women calling)" "Come on up!" "Come on up." "(Woman) Who is that there?" " Jew!" " The Jew!" "Hey!" "Take some pleasure with us!" "Taste my Christian flesh!" "(# Lute playing, woman singing)" "(Laughter)" " What news on the Rialto?" " Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wrecked on the narrow seas - the Goodwins, I think they call the place, a very dangerous flat and fatal - where the carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried." "What say you?" "I would it might prove the end of his losses." "How now, Shylock?" "What news amongst the merchants?" "You knew of my daughter's flight." "None so well." "None so well as you." "And Shylock for his own part knew the bird was fledged and then it is the complexion of them all to leave the dam." "She be damned for it." "Tell us, do you hear whether Antonio have had any loss at sea or no?" "Let him look to his bond." "He was wont to call me usurer." "Let him look to his bond." "He was wont to lend money for Christian courtesy." "Let him look to his bond." "(Woman) Hello, Jew!" "I'm sure if he forfeit you'll not take his flesh." "What's that good for?" "To bait fish withal." "If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge." "He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, and what's his reason?" "I am a Jew!" "Hath not a Jew eyes?" "Hath not a Jew hands?" "Organs, dimensions?" "Senses, affections, passions?" "Fed with the same food?" "Hurt with the same weapons?" "Subject to the same diseases?" "Healed by the same means?" "Warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is?" "If you prick us, do we not bleed?" "If you tickle us, do we not laugh?" "If you poison us, do we not die?" "And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" "If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that." "If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility?" "Revenge." "If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example?" "Why, revenge." "The villainy you teach me I will execute." "And it shall go hard but I will better the instruction." "Antonio is at his house." "We should speak with him." "How now, Tubal?" "What news from Genoa?" " Have you found my daughter?" " I often came where I did hear of her but cannot find her." "Why... there, there, there." "A diamond gone." "Cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfurt." "The curse never fell upon our nation till now." "I never felt it." "Till now." "I would my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewel in her ear." "No news of them?" " (Bell tolling)" " Loss upon loss." "The thief gone with so much and so much to find the thief." "And no satisfaction, no revenge, no luck stirring but what lights on my shoulders." "No sighs but of my breathing." "No tears but of my shedding." "Yes, other men have ill luck, too." "Antonio, as I heard in Genoa." "What?" "What, what?" "III luck?" "There's a ship, wrecked, coming from Tripolis." "Oh, I thank God." "I thank God." "Oh!" "Heard you in Genoa what?" "Your daughter spent in Genoa, as I heard, one night, four score ducats." "Oh, you stick a dagger in me." "I shall never see my gold again." "Four score ducats!" "At a sitting!" "Four score ducats!" "There came various of Antonio's creditors in my company to Venice" " that swear he cannot choose but break." " I am very glad of it." "I'll plague him." "I'll torture him." "I am glad of it." "One of them showed me a ring he had of your daughter for a monkey." "(Shylock) How dare her!" "Tubal, you torture me." "It was my turquoise." "I had it of Leah, her mother, when I was a bachelor." "I would not have given it away for a wilderness of monkeys." "But Antonio is certainly undone." "That is true." "Tubal, go, find me an officer." "Bespeak him a fortnight before." "I will have Antonio's heart if he forfeit." "Go, go, Tubal - at our synagogue, good Tubal." "(Oarsmen) Oh...ehi!" "Madam!" "There is alighted at your gate a young Venetian, one who comes to signify the approaching of his lord." "I have not seen so likely an ambassador of love!" "A day in April never came so sweet to show how costly summer was at hand as this...oh!" "forerunner comes before his lord." "No more, I pray you." "I'm half afraid you will say anon he is some kin to you, you spin such high-day wit in praising him." "Come." "Come, Nerissa, for I long to see quick Cupid's post that comes so mannerly." "Bassanio, lord Love, if your will it be." "(Oarsmen shouting)" "There's something tells me, but it is not love." "I would not lose you." "And yourself knows hate counsels not in such a quality." "(Portia) I would detain you here a month or two before you venture for me." "(Sighs) I could teach you how to choose right but then I'd break my oath." "That will I never do." "So may you miss me and if you do, you make me wish that sin that I had broke my oath." "(Portia) Contend me with your eyes for they have o'erlooked me and divided me." "One half of me is yours, the other half yours, mine own, I would say, but if mine, then yours and so... all yours." "Let me choose, for as I am, I live upon the rack." "Upon the rack, Bassanio?" "Then confess what treason there is mingled with your love." "None but that ugly treason of mistrust which makes me fear the enjoying of my love." "Ay but I fear you speak upon the rack, when men enforced do speak anything." "Promise me life and I'll confess the truth." "Well, then, confess and live." "Confess and love has been the very sum of my confession." "But let me to my fortune and the caskets." "Away, then." "I am locked in one of them." "(# Harp plays)" "# Tell me where is fancy bred" "# Or in the heart or in the head?" "# How begot" "# How nourished" "# Reply" "# Reply" "# Reply" "# Reply... #" "So may the outward shows be least themselves." "The world is still deceived with ornament." "In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt but being seasoned with a gracious voice obscures the show of evil?" "In religion, what damned error but some sober brow will bless it and approve it with a text, hiding the grossness with fair...ornament?" "Look on beauty and you shall see" "'tis purchased by the weight." "Therefore, thou gaudy gold, I will none of you." "Nor none of you, O pale and common drudge between man and man." "But you, O meagre lead, which rather threatenest than dost promise aught, your paleness moves me more... than eloquence." "Here choose I." "Joy be the consequence." "O love, be moderate, allay your ecstasy," "I feel too much your blessing - make it less for fear I surfeit." "What find I here?" " Fair Portia's counterfeit." " (Cheering)" "Oh, what demi-goddess comes so near creation?" "Move these eyes?" "Or whether, riding on the balls of mine, seem they in motion?" "But her eyes - how could he see to do them?" "But look how far the substance of my praise does wrong this shadow in underpraising it, so far this shadow doth limp behind the substance." "(# Jaunty music)" "(Laughter)" "Here's the scroll - the continent and summary of my fortune." ""You that choose not by the view" ""Chances fair and chooses true" ""Since this fortune falls on you" ""Be content and seek no new" ""If you be well pleased with this" ""Then hold your fortune for your bliss" ""Turn you where your lady is" ""And claim her with a loving kiss"" " (Cheering)" " A gentle scroll!" "Fair lady, by your leave, I come by note to give." "And to receive." "Like one of two contending in a prize" "That thinks he has done well in people's eyes" "Hearing applause and universal shout" "Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubt" "As doubtful whether what I see be true" "Until confirmed, signed, ratified by you" "(Applause)" "You see me, lord Bassanio, where I stand, such as I am." "Though for myself alone" "I would not be ambitious in my wish to wish myself much better, yet for you," "I would be treble twenty times myself." "A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich, that only to stand high in your account, I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends," "exceed account." "But the full sum of me is sum of something which, to term in gross," "is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpractised." "Happy in this, she is not yet so old that she may learn." "Happier than this, she is not bred so dull that she may learn." "Happiest of all, is that her gentle spirit commits itself to yours to be directed" "as by her governor, her lord," "her king." "This house, these servants, and this same myself" "are yours, my lord's." "I give them with this ring, which when you part from, lose or give away," "let it presage the ruin of your love." "And give me vantage to exclaim on you." "Madam, you have bereft me of all words." "Only my blood speaks to you in my veins, there is such confusion in my powers." "But when this ring parts from this finger then parts life from hence " "O, then be bold to say Bassanio's dead." "(Cheering)" "(Clears throat)" "My lord Bassanio, my gentle lady," "I wish you all the joy that you can wish and when your honours mean to solemnize the bargain of your faith," "I do beseech you even at that time, I may be married, too." "With all my heart." "If you can get a wife." "I thank you, your lordship, you have got me one." "My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours." "You saw the mistress," "I beheld the maid." "Is it true, Nerissa?" " Madam, it is!" " Oh!" "And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith?" "Yes, faith, my lord." "Our feast shall be much honoured in your marriage." "(Cheering)" "We'll play with them the first boy for a thousand ducats." " What, with stake down?" " No." "We shall never win at that sport with stake down." "(Laughter)" "(Man) Ho, there!" "Ho!" "But who comes here?" "There are some shrewd contents in yond same paper, that do steal the colour from Bassanio's cheek." "Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world could turn the constitution of any constant man." "What, worse and worse!" "With leave, Bassanio," "I am half yourself and I must freely have half of anything that this same letter brings you." "O sweet Portia, they are a few of the unpleasantest words that ever blotted paper." "Gentle lady, when I did first impart my love to you," "I freely told you all the wealth I had ran in my veins " "I was a gentleman and then I told you true." "And yet, dear lady, rating myself at nothing, you shall see how much I was a braggart." "When I told you my estate was nothing," "I should have told you I was worse than nothing, for, indeed, I have engaged myself to a dear friend, who engaged my dear friend to his mere enemy" "to feed my means." "Here is a letter, lady." "The paper is the body of my friend and every word in it a gaping wound issuing life-blood." "But is it true, Salerio?" "What, all his ventures failed?" "What, not one hit?" "From Tripolis, from Mexico, from England?" "Not one, my lord." "Besides it appears that if he had the present money to discharge the Jew, he would not take it." "He plies the duke at morning and at night and doth impeach the freedom of the state if they deny him justice." "Twenty merchants, the duke himself and the magnificoes of greatest port have all persuaded with him but none can drive him from the envious plea of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond." "When I was with him," "I have heard him swear to Tubal and to Cush, his countrymen, that he would rather have Antonio's flesh than twenty times the value of the sum that he did owe him." "And I know, my lord, if law, authority and power deny not," "it will go hard with poor Antonio." "Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble?" "The dearest friend to me." "What sum owes he the Jew?" "For me, three thousand ducats." "No more?" "Pay him six thousand and deface the bond." "Double six thousand and then treble that before a friend of this description should lose a hair through Bassanio's fault." "Let me hear the letter of your friend." ""Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried, my creditors grow cruel," ""my estate is very low." ""My bond to the Jew is forfeit and since in paying it, it is impossible I should live," ""all debts are cleared between you and I," ""if I might but see you at my death." ""Notwithstanding, use your pleasure " ""if love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter."" "O love, dispatch all business and be gone!" "First... go with me to church and call me wife." "Then away to Venice, to your friend." "For never shall you lie by Portia's side with an unquiet soul." "You shall have gold to pay the petty debt twenty times over." "When it is paid, bring your true friend along." "Meantime, myself and Nerissa will live as maids and widows." "Come, away, for you shall hence upon your wedding day." "Gaoler, look to him, tell me not of mercy." "This is the fool that lent out money gratis." "Gaoler, look to him." "Hear me yet, good Shylock." "I'll have my bond." "Speak not against my bond." "I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond." "You called me dog before you had a cause." "But since I am a dog, beware my fangs." "The duke will grant me justice." "I do wonder, you wicked gaolers, you are so fond to come abroad with him at his request." " I pray you, hear me speak!" " I'll have my bond," "I will not hear you speak." "I'll have my bond, therefore speak no more." "I'll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool, to shake their head, relent and sigh and yield to Christian intercessors." "I'll have no speaking, follow not." "I will have my bond." "It is the most impenetrable cur that ever kept with men." "Let him alone." "I'll follow him no more with bootless prayers." "He seeks my life." "His reason well I know." "I'm sure the duke will never grant this forfeiture to hold!" "The duke cannot deny the course of law." "For the commodity that strangers have with us in Venice, if it be denied, will much impeach the justice of the state." "Therefore, go." "Oh!" "These griefs and losses have so bated me that I shall hardly find a pound of flesh tomorrow for my bloody creditor." "Pray God Bassanio come to see me pay his debt." "Then I care not." "Madam, if you knew to whom you show this honour, how true a gentleman you send relief, how dear a lover of my lord your husband," "I know you would be prouder of the work than customary kindness would allow you." "I never did repent for doing good, I shall not now." "For in companions that do converse and waste the time together there needs must be a like proportion of lineaments, of manners and of spirit." "Which makes me think that this Antonio, being the bosom lover of my lord, must needs be like my lord." "If it be so, how little is the cost I have bestowed in purchasing the semblance of my soul from out of this state of hellish cruelty." "This comes too near the praising of myself." "Therefore, no more of it." "Hear other things." "Lorenzo, I commit into your hands the husbandry and manage of my house until my lord's return." "For my own part, I have towards heaven breathed a secret vow to live in prayer and contemplation, only attended by Nerissa here," " until my husband and her lord's return." " Madam, with all my heart," "I shall obey you in all fair commands." "Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you." "Go, speed to Padua, render this into my cousin's hands, old Bellario." "Go!" "Is it not so, cousin Bellario?" "(# Lute music)" "# How sweet the rose... #" "See, Jessica." "Look how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with patterns of bright gold." "Is not the smallest orb that you behold but in his motion like an angel sings?" "Such harmony is in immortal souls." "But whilst this muddy vesture of decay doth grossly close it in," " we cannot hear it." " Hm." "I am never merry when I hear sweet music." "The reason is your spirits are attentive." "The man that hath no music in himself nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils." "The motions of his spirit are as dull as night and his affections are as dark as Erebus." "Let no such man be trusted." "Mark the music." "# Sweet rose... #" "(Portia) We shall see our husbands before they think of us." "Shall they see us?" "They shall, Nerissa, but in such a habit that they shall think we are accomplished with what we lack." "I'll hold you any wager, when we are both accoutred like young men," "I'll prove the prettier fellow of the two." "(Duke) Go one and call the Jew to the court." "Make room and let him stand before our face." "He is come, my lord." "Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so, too, that you but lead'st this fashion of your malice to the last hour of the act and then 'tis thought you'll show your mercy and remorse," "more strange than is your strange apparent cruelty." "What say you, Jew?" "We all expect a gentle answer." "I have informed your grace of what I purpose and by our holy Sabbath have I sworn to have the due and forfeit of my bond." "If you deny it, let the danger light upon your charter and your city's freedom." "You'll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of human flesh than to receive three thousand ducats." "I'll not answer that." "But, say, it is my humour - is it answered?" "What if my house be troubled by a rat and I am pleased to give ten thousand ducats to have it killed?" " What, are you answered yet?" " (Crowd) No." "Some men there are love not a gaping pig, some that are mad if they behold a cat and others when the bagpipe sings in the nose cannot contain their urine." " (Laughter)" " For affection, master of passion, sways it to the mood of what it likes or loathes." "Now for your answer." "As there is no firm reason to be rendered why he cannot abide a gaping pig, why he, a harmless, necessary cat, why he a woollen bagpipe, but of force must yield to such inevitable shame" "as to offend himself being offended, so can I give no reason, nor will I not, more than a lodged hate and a certain loathing I bear Antonio, that I follow thus this losing suit against him." " Are you answered?" " (All) No!" "This is no answer, you unfeeling man, to excuse the current of your cruelty." "I am not bound to please you with my answers." "Do all men kill the things they do not love?" "Hates any man the thing he would not kill?" "Every offence is not a hate at first." "You would have a serpent sting you twice?" "(Crowd shout in derision)" "I pray you, think you question with the Jew:" "you may as well go stand upon the beach and bid the main flood lower its usual height." "(Sighs)" "You may as well question with the wolf why he has made the ewe bleat for the lamb." "You may as well do anything most hard as seek to soften that" "than which what's harder, his Jewish heart." "Therefore I do beseech you, make no more offers, use no farther means, but with all just and plain conveniency let me have judgment and the Jew his will." "(All) No!" "No!" "You loaned three thousand ducats." "Here is six." "(Crowd gasps)" "If every ducat in six thousand ducats were in six parts and every part a ducat" "I would not draw them, I would have my bond." "(Duke) How shall you hope for mercy, giving none?" "What judgment should I fear, doing no wrong?" "You have among you many a purchased slave, which like your asses and your dogs and mules, you use in abject and in slavish parts because you bought them." "Shall I say to you, let them be free?" "Marry them to your heirs." "Why sweat they under burdens?" "Let their beds be made as soft as yours." "Their palates seasoned with your food." "You will answer, "The slaves are ours."" "So do I answer you." "The pound of flesh that I demand of him is dearly bought." "'Tis mine." "'Tis mine!" "'Tis mine." "And I will have it." "If you deny me, fie upon your law." "There is no force in the decrees of Venice." "I stand for judgment." "Answer." " Shall I have it?" " (Crowd gasp)" "(Crowd shouting)" "Silence!" "Silence!" "Silence!" "Upon my power I may dismiss this court unless Bellario, a learned doctor that I have sent for to determine this," " come here today." " My lord!" "Here stays without a messenger with letters from the doctor new come from Padua." "Come you from Padua, from old Bellario?" "From both, my lord." "Bellario greets your grace." "Why do you whet your knife so earnestly?" "To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there." "Can no prayers pierce you?" "No, none that you have wit enough to make." "Be you damned, inexecrable dog and for your life let justice be accused." "Till you can rail the seal from off my bond, you but offend your lungs to speak so loud." "Prepare your wit, good youth, or it will fall to cureless ruin." "I stand here for law." " I stand for law!" " Silence!" "Silence!" "(Crowd quietens)" "This letter does commend a young and learned doctor to our court." " Well, where is he?" " He attendeth here hard by to know your answer, whether you'll admit him." "Go, give him courteous conduct to this place." "Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario's letter." ""Your grace shall understand that at the receipt of your letter, I am very sick" ""but in the instant your messenger came there was with me a young doctor of Rome" ""whose name is Balthasar." ""He comes at my asking to take my place." ""I beseech you, let his lack of years be no impediment," ""for I never knew so young a body with so old a head." ""I leave him to your gracious acceptance."" "You heard Bellario, what he writes." "Oh, and here, I take it, is the doctor come." "You are welcome." "Take your place." "Are you acquainted with the difference that holds this present question in the court?" "I am informed thoroughly of the case." "Which is the merchant here and which the Jew?" "Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth." " Is your name Shylock?" " Shylock is my name." "Of a strange nature is the suit you follow, yet in such rule that the Venetian law cannot deny you as you do proceed." " You stand within his power, do you not?" " Ay, so he says." " Do you confess the bond?" " I do." "Then must the Jew be merciful." "On what compulsion must I?" "Tell me that." "The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath." "It is twice blessed - it blesseth him that gives and him that takes." "'Tis mightiest in the mighty." "It becomes the throned monarch better than his crown." "His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings." "But mercy is above this sceptred sway." "It is enthroned in the heart of kings." "It is an attribute to God himself and earthly power doth then show likest God's when mercy seasons justice." "Therefore, Jew, though justice be your plea, consider this." "That in the course of justice, none of us should see salvation." "We do pray for mercy and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy." "I have spoke thus much to mitigate the justice of your plea, which if you follow this strict course of Venice must needs give sentence against the merchant there." "My deeds upon my head." "I crave the law, the penalty and forfeit of my bond." " Is he not able to discharge the money?" " Yes, here I tender it for him in court, yea, twice the sum." "If that is not enough, I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er on forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart!" "If this is not enough it must appear that malice bears down on truth." "I beseech you, wrest once the law to your authority - to do a great right, do a little wrong and curb this cruel devil of his will." "It must not be." "There is no power in Venice can alter a decree established." "'Twill be recorded for a precedent and many an error of the same example will rush into the state." " It cannot be." " A Daniel come to judgment." "Yea, a Daniel." "O wise young judge, how I do honour you." "I pray you, let me look upon the bond." "Most reverend doctor, here it is." "Shylock, there is twice the money offered you." "An oath, an oath." "I have an oath in heaven." "Shall I lay perjury upon my soul?" "No." "Not for Venice." "Why, this bond is forfeit and lawfully at this time the Jew may claim a pound of flesh to be by him cut off nearest the merchant's heart." "Be merciful." "Take twice your money, bid me tear the bond." "When it is paid, according to the terms." "Most heartily I do beseech the court to give the judgment." "(Whispering)" "Then thus it is." "You must prepare your bosom for his knife." "O noble judge, excellent young man." "For the intent and purpose of the law has full relation to the penalty which here appeareth due upon the bond." "'Tis very true, O wise and upright judge." "How much more elder are you than you look." " Therefore, lay bare your bosom." " Ay, his breast." "So says the bond, does it not, noble judge?" "Nearest the heart." " Those are the very words." " It is so." "Are there balances here to weigh the flesh?" "I have them here." "(Crowd gasp)" "(Knife unsheathing)" "Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge to stop his wounds lest he should bleed to death." "Is it so nominated in the bond?" "It is not so expressed but what of that?" "'Twere good you do so much for charity." "I cannot find it. 'Tis not in the bond." "You, merchant, have you anything to say?" "But little." "I am armed and well prepared." "Give me your hand, Bassanio." "Fare thee well." "Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you." "For herein doth Fortune show herself more kind than is her custom." "Commend me to thy honourable wife." "Tell her the process of Antonio's end." "Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death." "And when the tale is told, bid her be judge whether Bassanio had not once a love." "Repent but you that you shall lose your friend and you repent not that he pays your debt." "For if the Jew do cut but deep enough" "I'll pay it instantly with all my heart." "Antonio, I am married to a wife which is as dear to me as life itself." "But life itself, my wife and all the world are not with me esteemed above your life." "I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, here to this devil to deliver you." "I have a wife, whom, I protest, I love " "I would she were in heaven, so she could entreat some power to change this cursed Jew!" "I have a daughter!" "Would that any of the stock of Barrabas been her husband rather than a Christian." "We trifle time." "I pray you, pursue sentence." "You may proceed." "A pound of that same merchant's flesh is yours." "The court awards it and the law does give it." "Most rightful judge." "And you must cut this flesh from off his breast." "The court awards it and the law allows it." "Most learned judge." "A sentence." "Come." "(Shylock) Prepare." "(Prays)" " Tarry a little!" " Aah!" "There is something else." "This bond does give you here no drop of blood." "The words expressly are a pound of flesh." "Take then your bond, take then your pound of flesh, but in the cutting of it, if you do shed one drop of Christian blood," "your lands and goods are by the laws of Venice confiscate unto the state of Venice." "O upright judge!" "Mark, Jew." "Learned judge!" "Is that the law?" "Yourself shall see the act." "For as you urge on justice, be assured you shall have justice more than you desire." "Well." "I take the offer, then." "Pay the bond twice and let the Christian go." " Here is the money." " Soft." "The Jew shall have all justice." "No haste." "He shall have nothing but the penalty." "(Crowd murmurs)" "Therefore, prepare you to cut off the flesh." "Shed then no blood nor cut you less nor more but just a pound of flesh." "If you take more or less than a just pound be it but so much as makes it light or heavy in the substance or division of the twentieth part of one poor scruple, nay, if the scale do turn but in the estimation of a hair," "you die and all your goods are confiscate." " (Gratiano) A second Daniel!" " (Laughter)" "Now, infidel, I have you on the hip!" "Why does the Jew pause?" "Shall I not have even my principal?" "You shall have nothing but your forfeiture, to be so taken at your peril, Jew." "Why, then the devil give him good of it." " I'll stay no longer question." " Tarry, Jew." "The law has yet another hold on you." "It is enacted in the laws of Venice, if it be proved against an alien that by direct or indirect attempts he seek the life of any citizen, the party 'gainst which he does contrive shall seize one half of his goods." "The other half comes to the privy coffer of the state and the offender's life lies in the mercy of the Duke only, 'gainst all other voice." "In which predicament, I say you stand." "Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke." "Beg that you may have leave to hang yourself." "(Duke) That you shall see the difference in our spirit, I pardon you your life before you ask it." "For half your wealth, it is Antonio's, the other half shall come to the general state." "Nay, take my life and all - pardon not that." "You take my house when you take the prop that doth sustain my house." "You take my life when you take the means whereby I live." "What mercy can you render him, Antonio?" "A halter gratis, nothing else, for God's sake." "So please my lord the Duke and all the court forego the fine of one half of his goods." "I am content so he will let me use the other half, in trust, relinquish it upon his death" "unto the gentleman that lately stole his daughter." "One thing provided more, that, for this favour, he shall presently become a Christian." "(Contained sobbing)" "(Duke) He shall do this or else I do recant the pardon" "I late pronounced here." "(Portia) Are you contented, Jew?" "What do you say?" "Oh..." "I am contented." "Clerk, prepare a deed of gift." "I pray you, give me leave to go from hence." "I..." "I am not well." "I will..." "Send a deed after me and I will sign it." "Get you gone, then, but do it." "Court dismissed." "(Sighs)" " (Giggles)" " Most worthy gentleman," "I and my friend have by your wisdom been this day acquitted of most grievous penalties, in lieu whereof, three thousand ducats, due unto the Jew we freely pay your courteous pains withal." " Mm." " And stand indebted, over and above, in love and service to you ever more." "He is well paid that is well satisfied and I, delivering you, am satisfied and therein do account myself well paid - fare you well." "Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further." "Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute, not as a fee." "Run me two things, I pray you." "Not to deny me and to pardon me." "You press me far, therefore I will yield." "Give me your gloves." "I'll wear them for your sake." "And for your love, I'll take this ring from you." "Do not draw back your hand, I'll take no more, and you, in love, shall not deny me this." "This ring..." "Good sir, alas, it is a trifle, I would not shame myself to give you this." "I will have nothing else but only this." "There's more depends on this than on the value." "The dearest ring in all of Venice will I give to you, and find it out by proclamation, only for this, I pray you, pardon me." "Oh, I see, sir." "You are liberal in offers, you taught me first to beg, and now methinks you teach me how a beggar should be answered." "This ring was given me by my wife." "Oh!" "And when she put it on she made me vow that I should neither sell nor give nor lose it." "That 'scuse serves many men to save their gifts and if your wife be not a madwoman, then know her well I have deserved this ring." "She would not hold out enemy forever for giving it to me." "My lord Bassanio, let him have the ring." "Let not his deserving and my love as well be valued 'gainst your wife's commandment." "Enquire the Jew's house out." "Give him this deed and let him sign it." "Ho!" "My lord Bassanio upon more advice has sent you here this ring." "He does entreat your company at dinner." "That cannot be." "His ring I do accept most thankfully." "I pray you tell him." "Furthermore, I pray you show my youth to old Shylock's house." "(Chuckles) That will I do." "I'll see if I can get my husband's ring which I did make him swear to keep forever." "(# Countertenor singing)" "(Lorenzo) Dear ladies, welcome home." "(Portia) We have been praying for our husbands' welfare, whose speed we hope the better for our words." "This night, methinks, is but the daylight sick." "It looks a little paler." "'Tis a day such as the day is when the sun is hid." " (Man) Ho!" " Peace." "You're welcome home, my lord." "I thank you, madam." "Give welcome to my friend." "This is the man, this is Antonio to whom I am so infinitely bound." "You should in all sense be much bound to him, for as I hear he was much bound for you." "No more than I am well acquitted of." "Sir, you are welcome to our house." "It must appear in other ways than words so I cut short this breathing courtesy." "By yonder moon, I swear you do me wrong." "In faith I gave it to the judge's clerk." "Would he were gelded that had it, for my part, since you do take it, love, so much at heart." "A quarrel, ho, already?" "What's the matter?" "About a hoop of gold, a paltry ring that she did give me, whose motto was for all the world like cutler's poetry upon a knife." ""Love me and leave me not."" "(Nerissa) What talk you of the motto or the value?" "You swore to me when I did give it you that you would wear it till your hour of death and that it should lie with you in your grave." "Though not for me yet for your vehement oaths you should have been respective and have kept it." " Gave it to a judge's clerk!" " I gave it to a youth, a kind of boy, a little scrubbed boy, no higher than thyself, the judge's clerk." "You were to blame, I must be plain with you, to part so slightly with your wife's first gift." "I gave my love a ring and made him swear never to part with it." "And here he stands." "I dare be sworn for him, he would not lose it nor pluck it from his finger for all the wealth that the world masters." "Why, I were best to cut my left hand off and swear I lost the ring defending it." " My lord Bassanio gave his ring away." " Hm?" "Unto the judge that begged it and indeed deserved it, too." "And then the boy, his clerk, that took some pain in writing, he begged mine and neither man nor master would take aught but the two rings." "If I could add a lie onto a fault I would deny it but you see my finger has not the ring upon it, it is...gone." "Even so void is your false heart of truth." "By heaven, I will ne'er come into your bed until I see the ring." "Nor I in yours till I again see mine." "Sweet Portia, if you did know to whom I gave the ring, if you did know for whom I gave the ring, and would conceive for what I gave the ring and how unwillingly I left the ring when nought would be accepted but the ring," "you would abate the strength of your displeasure." "If you had known the virtue of the ring or half her worthiness who did give the ring, or your own honour to contain the ring, you would not then have parted with the ring." "Nerissa teaches me what to believe." "I'll die for it but some woman has that ring." "No, by honour, madam, by my soul, no woman had it but a civil doctor, which did refuse three thousand ducats of me and begged the ring the which I did refuse him, and suffered him, displeased, to go away," "even he that had held up the very life of my dear friend." "What should I say, sweet lady?" "I was enforced to send it after him." "Let not that doctor come near my house." "Since he has got the jewel that I loved and that which you did swear to keep for me," "I will become as liberal as you " "I'll not deny him anything I have." "No, not since my body, nor my husband's bed, know him I shall, I am sure of that." "Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong and in the hearing of these many friends, I swear to you, even by thine own fair eyes," "I never more will break an oath with thee." "(Antonio) I once did lend my body for his wealth." "I dare be bound again, my soul upon the forfeit, that your lord... will never more break faith advisedly." "Then you shall be his surety." "Give him this." " (Sighs)" " And bid him keep it better than the other." "My lord Bassanio, swear to keep this ring." "By heaven, 'tis the same I gave the doctor." "I had it of him." "Pardon me, Bassanio, for, by this ring, the doctor lay with me." "And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano, for that same scrubbed boy, the doctor's clerk, in lieu of this last night did lie with me." "Why... (Giggling)" "This is like the mending of the highways in summer, when the ways are fair enough." "What, are we cuckolds ere we have deserved it?" "Speak not so grossly." "You are all amazed." "Bassanio..." "Here is a letter, it comes from Padua, from old Bellario." "There you shall read that Portia was the doctor," "Nerissa there her clerk." "Lorenzo here shall witness I set forth as soon as you and only just now returned." "Were you the doctor and I knew you not?" "Were you the clerk that is to make me a cuckold?" "Ay, but the clerk that never means to do it unless he live to be a man." "Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow." "When I am absent, then lie with my wife." "How now, Lorenzo?" "My clerk has some good comforts too for you." "Ay, there do I give to you and Jessica from the rich Jew a special deed of gift after his death of all he dies possessed of." "(Lorenzo) Oh!" "Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way of starved people." "It is almost morning and yet, I am sure you are not satisfied with these events at full." "Let us go in." "And I will answer all things faithfully." "Well, let it be so." "The first inter'gatory that my Nerissa shall be sworn on is whether till the next night she had rather stay or go to bed now, being two hours today." "But were the day come, I should wish it dark till I were couching the doctor's clerk." "Well, while I live I'll fear no other thing so sore as keeping safe Nerissa's ring." "(Giggling)" "# The world was all before them" "# Ah" "# Where to choose their place of rest" "# Ah" "# And Providence their guide" "# They hand in hand" "# Took their wand'ring steps" "# And slow" "# Through Eden" "# Took their solitary way" "# Ah... #" "# The ring is on my hand" "# And the wreath is on my brow" "# Satin and jewels grand" "# Are all at my command" "# And I am happy now" "# And my lord, he loves me well" "# But when first he breathed his vow" "# I felt my bosom swell" "# For the words rang as a knell" "# And the voice seemed his who fell" "# In the battle down the dell" "# And who is happy now" "# But he spoke to reassure me" "# And he kissed my pallid brow" "# While a reverie came o'er me" "# And to the churchyard bore me" "# And I sighed to him before me" "# Thinking him dead D'Elormie" "# "Oh, I am happy now!"" "# Ah..." "# And I am happy now" "# And thus the words were spoken" "# And this the plighted vow" "# And though my faith be broken" "# And though my heart be broken" "# Here is a ring, as token" "# That I am happy now" "# Would God I could awaken" "# For I dream I know not how" "# And my soul is sorely shaken" "# Lest an evil step be taken" "# Lest the dead who is forsaken" "# May not be happy now" "# Ah... #" "Subtitles by ECI" "ENHOH" | {
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"Tracks lead south." "15, maybe 20 men." "But it don't look like regular army to me, you know?" "Tallmadge." "They went south." "Yeah, well, it doesn't matter." "We were too late." "We were late?" "No, we were lucky." "What, you wanted to turn up in time for all of this?" "The Lord's watching out for us, Ben." "It's like that word your father used to preach about." "What's that word?" " Providence." " Yeah, providence." "Look at that." "I found that on the lieutenant there." "Turns out Washington decided to pardon Hewlett after all, but the day before these poor bastards executed him." "And in doing so they've all but signed the execution order for Abraham in New York." "God, huh?" "God's watching?" " He's laughing at us." " Hey, Abe isn't dead yet, all right?" "Without Hewlett's word, Abe will hang." " Three days." " What?" "It'll take three days for news of this to reach New York at least." " Yeah, so?" " So we've got three whole days to get into the city, break Woody out of jail, and haul his ass back to safety." " Yeah, three whole days." " That's right." "Because it only took us three months to properly infiltrate a man onto the island in the first place, right?" "Yeah." "Well, that was your plan." "This one's mine." "Cold!" "Hungry!" "We spotted some footprints, Captain, but they have all their toes." "He can't have gone far." "There ain't a living creature out there." "Ain't no creature 'cept us." "And a pair of frozen cows." "Died recent by their look." "Recall Akinbode." "Have him meet us at the shore." "We're sailing on to Oyster Bay with orders from Major John André to hunt down some hidden rebels there." " Sir?" " Hewlett's no frontiersman." "He could never have eluded us in good health." "I expect the snowmelt to reveal his body somewhere." "Perhaps we'll return here in the spring." "¶ Hush, hush ¶" "¶ There's snakes in the garden ¶" "¶ Soul for sale ¶" "¶ Blood on the rise ¶" "¶ Hush, hush ¶" "¶ Know there will come a day ¶" "¶ As they're hiding in the cover of night ¶" " ¶ I can't wait anymore ¶ - ¶ Soul for sale ¶" "¶ I can't wait anymore ¶" "¶ Hush, hush. ¶" " Thank you, Lars." " I thought that Sackett moved" " all of his devices to Valley Forge." " Mostly did." "But not all his treasures could fit in his wagon." "Including... our way into New York Harbor." " My God, is this..." " Yeah." "Davey Bushnell's underwater machine." "The Turtle, he calls it." "The Turtle?" "I knew Bushnell at Yale." "I can't recall much about the man other than stories that he exploded kegs of gunpowder on the Mill River." "Like the one you're touching now?" "150 pounds of powder fired by a gunlock." "You see, you yank that there and then a watchwork timer, it ignites the magazine." "Then you got 10 minutes to row away before it goes boom." "My God." "I thought that Sackett wouldn't let you touch this thing." "Let's just say I grew on the bastard." "Yeah, I'm sure you did." "How on earth do you navigate this while underwater?" "Ah, Ben Franklin suggested to Sackett to coat the gauges with foxfire." "You know, from dead trees." "So now the compass glows in the dark." "And I'll be damned, Benny, but it works." "All right." "All right, well, I'm coming with you." "Sorry, but it's a one-man craft." "Tight as a fish's arsehole in there." "You can ride along on the whaleboat if you like as it tows me into harbor, but once we get close..." "Wait, if there's only room for one, then how the hell do you get Abe back?" "I said it was my way into New York, Ben." "Never said it was my way out." "No, Caleb, I'm sorry." "I can't let you do this alone." "That's all right, Benny." "'Cause I ain't asking your permission." "Our little spy ring might be done for, but Abe is still alive." "And you know I'd do the same for you." "So let's get that bastard in the water." "This, gentlemen, will be the last battle of the war." "You mean for them or for us?" "Their ships will sail into the river and reinforce the garrison." "Yes, I should hope so." "Our main force will cross into Staten Island, march up its eastern coast, and with their fleet occupied, you will be free to cross the narrows into Brooklyn." "It's precisely what Howe did not two years ago." "I will take a good idea wherever it comes from." "He did it in August, not the dead of winter." "All the more reason they won't be expecting us." "I assure you, the whole of the king's troops in New York does not exceed 3,500 men." "How did you come by this intelligence?" "Are you certain it's accurate?" "Completely." "Because you risk the entire army." "If you're not up to leading the men, Charles, then I will." "Excuse me." " Your Excellency." " Marquis." "Tell me, Lafayette, did Albany agree with you?" "I confess I never made it there." "I was summoned to Boston instead." "Who summoned you?" "Conrad Gérard, the new emissary from Versailles." "I hope you expressed my deep regret at the loss of his predecessor as well as the vital intelligence he was carrying." "That was not the purpose of the meeting, I assure you." "He wished me to convey a message to you personally." "King Louis has commenced negotiations with Messieurs Franklin and Adams of the American delegation." "Negotiations?" "A treaty of alliance between France and the United States is imminent." "The number of regulars taken prisoner at Saratoga, in particular, has earned King Louis' support and the admiration of Parliament." "Fire!" "Fire!" "Would you stand back, William?" " Two." "Two." " Two sons?" "All right, just stop." "Back off, all right?" "Just back off." "I can't breathe." "If you want some counsel, you've just got to give me some room, all right?" "I'm dealing with this gentleman first." "You, come here." "All right, so, corruption of blood, do you know what that means?" "No.-It means you cannot transfer your property to your sons before the British seize it." "Corruptionofblood?" "Now, do you have a brother that you can count on?" "He's the reason I'm here." "All right, well, a cousin, a relative..." "Don't believe a word that comes out of this Tory bastard's mouth." "I'd rather be a Tory than a snitch, Gareth." "Shut your gob, Gareth." " Shut it, Gareth." " Boys!" "Boys, look!" ""King Louis to make treaty with illegal Congress."" "The French have joined." "No, no." "Where?" "Where?" "Where?" "Where?" "Whatcha think of that, Woodhull?" "I think it changes everything... for your side." "TheFrench?" "Are you certain?" "General Gates fears the French will position their navy between here and New York, in which case we'll be cut off." "He's ordered the army to evacuate Philadelphia." "You're leaving?" "Well, New York has its charms." "Not that I'm quite certain what they are." "But I know we'll be happy there." " We?" " I'm going with you." "Your father will never abandon this city." "John, I am going with you." "You wish to elope?" "I wish to be with the man I love." "I'll elope if I must." "It will make you a stranger to your family." "They will shun you." "They will disown you." "I don't care." "They may abandon you, but I won't." "Your husband will be your new family." "Don't mind me." "I'm just enjoying the show." "How did you get in here?" "Major Robert Rogers of the King's Rangers." " And you would be, eh?" " Don't answer him." "I'll wait upstairs." "Ah." " John." " Don't worry." "He won't test me any further." "He's smarter than he looks." "Oh, this Philly filly ain't no common actress." "I smell a secret." "I find it hard to believe you can smell anything past yourself." "Secrets can kill, you know, John." "I have a license to kill anyone who's seen the secrets on this piece of paper." "Do you want to take a peek?" "Do you even know what this is, John?" "According to the letter I received from London," "I'm assuming it's the property of our king stolen from his throne room by an American spy." "And retrieved by me." "What else has London told you?" "Only that I'm to verify the seal and witness you destroy it." "And see that I'm paid, John." "Ha!" "That part burns you just a wee bit, doesn't it?" "I received the letter four months ago." "I wonder what took you so long to lay hand to it." "Well, I'd explain it to you, but with your lack of field experience," "I somehow doubt that you'd comprehend a lick." "Let's get this over and done with." "I want my payment in gold." "I'm authorized to extend a line of credit." "In gold." "I'm off for the Northwest Passage." "Far away from this army." "Far away from this war." "I somehow doubt that the emperors of the Orient will accept a letter of credit." "Give us a day to collect the bullion." "You can claim it at the customshouse." "It does burn you, doesn't it?" "Good luck with your evacuation." "About bloody time." "Was starting to think you weren't gonna turn up." "Just 'cause we happen to be on your side of the sound, don't try and pawn your worthless dollars off on me again." "I'm not risking my arse on this black market for the pleasure of it." "Robeson?" "Major." "What are you doing here?" "I might ask you the same thing." "Take me back to Setauket and we shall never speak of this again." "Aye." "Fancythe chances, eh, sir, me finding you here." "¶ Oh, my son John was tall and slim ¶" "¶ He had a leg for every limb ¶" "¶ But now he's got no legs at all ¶" "¶ For he run a race with a cannonball. ¶" "There's not near enough air." "Sorry, little fella, not enough air for the both of us now." "All right." "Down we go." "Oh, shite." "Lordy." "Uh, Lord..." "I know we haven't spoken in some time, but..." "Appreciate it." "Sweet Lord." "Whatonearthisthat ?" "Don't move!" "Shit." "Uh... would this be York City?" "Surrender your vessel." "Thank you for coming, General." "Would you care to sit?" "I'm fine as I am." "Shall we toast the French?" "I think it they who should be toasting us." "Providence is on our side, not the papists." "We're all on the same side now." "Well... providence favors the righteous." "And the bold." "Are we to carry out the attack on New York?" "Circumstances have changed." "The enemy's as well as ours." "Philadelphia will soon be recovered." "And I wish you to serve as military commandant of the city." "I've longed to drive them from the capital." "House by house if need be." "There shall be no such need." "The regulars will soon be evacuating to New York within the week." "And am I to pursue them?" "That task falls to the army in the field." "How long am I to remain in Philadelphia?" "How long?" "Well, surely you understand my concern." "No, I'm afraid I don't." "This is the promotion you've long sought." "Who the hell am I going to fight from behind my glorious desk in Philadelphia?" "You know, the French wouldn't even be here if it weren't for my victory at Saratoga." "And it was my victory, no matter what laurels General Gates lays at his own feet." "This isn't about Gates." "But he's behind this, isn't he?" "Gates or Lee." "Or those Judases in Congress." "The decision is mine." "You need more time to recuperate." "You are a commander who joins the fray and engages the enemy personally." "If you can't lead by example, your men will lose heart." "The men are mindful of my leg, sir." "But it gives them heart." "It reminds them of victory and the sacrifice that victory requires." "I can fight." "Let me prove it to you." "And I assure you that my glory will not detract from your own." "It will only enhance it." "This has nothing to do with glory." "Says the glorified." "Right, right." "What the devil did you sail in?" "Well, the inventor, he called it an Infernal." "And by God, was he right." "I sent a man for rope." "Perhaps we'll hang you with it." "Doubt we'll have time for all that." "What's that?" "Three, two, one." "Yeah." "What's that handle for?" " Shite." " No, hold on." "What did you think, the heavens would open up and spirit you away?" "It's been 10 minutes by my count." "Although arithmetic was never my strong..." "I heard it from over there." "Takethosemenand look down that alley." "This one's empty, Captain." "You,headback." "Search that stall." "Keeplooking..." "Thank you for visiting holy ground, Major." "Don't stop." "More." "More." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Shh." "Sir!" "Mr.Woodhull." "You have a visitor." "You're going to wish you had confessed." "Hedon't look like much, sir, but he's a snake in the grass." "Thank you, Warden." "I'll take it from here." "Huh?" "Look at you." " Look at those whiskers." " Where the hell did yours go?" "Mine came off." "What are you doing here?" "What do you mean, what am I doing here?" "I'm here to save your bacon." "You're walking out that door today, huh?" "Right through the city gates and all the way to Valley Forge." " No." " What?" " No." " What do you mean, no?" " I mean you have to go." " What?" " You have... shh." " No." "No." " What, without you?" " They still think I'm a Loyalist." " I've maintained innocence and my story." " Abe, but..." "And when Hewlett gets traded back and he writes to them, that story will be intact." " You have to go." " Listen, Hewlett is dead." "What?" "He's dead." "Are you... are you certain?" "Are you certain?" "I stood over his grave." "Now look, we rode out to Connecticut to free him, right?" "We did all we could." "Washington even wrote the man a pardon, but it was too late." "Now look," "Culper is dead." "But you don't have to be." "Now let's get out of here." "Come on." "Come on." " No." " What are you doing?" " Abe..." " No, no, there is still a chance." "Did you... did you not hear what I just said?" "If they were going to kill me, they would have done it already." "This place, this prison is a business." "All right?" "Yates gets a stipend for each person that's in here, but it's not enough to turn a profit." "So for that, he relies on family gifts, bribes." "Mary, she sends provisions, cutlery, guineas every week like clockwork." "So if I die, so does his revenue, all right?" "I'm not even sure if he's told the commissary that I'm even a spy yet." "Do you know what I had to do to get in here?" "What the hell are you doing?" "I didn't ask you to come here." "I shaved off my beard for you, you ungrateful shite." " Well, you missed a spot." " What are you doing?" "Washington pardoned Hewlett." "That means that he still holds out hope for me, for us." "And now that the French have joined our cause, the British will relocate their headquarters to New York." "Our operation is needed here now more than ever." "Do you understand?" "Lower the knife." "Now you listen to me, Woodhull." "If you do make it out of here Tory bona fides and all, there is no way Samuel Culper can skulk around in New York in the future." "That's why we need a man here." "I've already told Ben about him." " What, Townsley?" " Townsend." "His name's Townsend." "He owns a boardinghouse in the Bowery." "I left my bag there before I was arrested." " All right, slow down." " Hidden in the bottom of it is a vial of invisible ink." "You need to get that ink to him." "You need to show him how to use it." "What if he doesn't take it?" "You're gonna have to convince him." "But I know this man." "He is the answer to our problem." "And Culper is not dead." "Neither is our ring." "It's just not completed yet." "I pray you've not been attending me this entire day, Mrs. Woodhull." "It was no trouble." "How do you feel?" "Oh, wretched." "But I no longer despair." "I never thought to have a roof over me." "Never sleep in my own bed." "It's good to be home." "Richard." "Glad to see you, old friend." "I'm so sorry that you got caught up in all of this, Richard." " You and your family." " You have nothing to apologize for." "We recovered from it as will you." "And now, if there's anything I can do to be of service..." "You already have." "You've kept the town running in my stead." " Well, it wasn't just me." " No doubt young Abraham was helpful, too." "Abraham remains in New York." "What?" "I take it his studies are going well." "He's been in prison this whole time." "They say he's been spying." "But I know that this is some kind of misunderstanding." "Indeed there is, Mrs. Woodhull." "He was operating under my sanction." "Have you not communicated with the authorities, Richard?" "As a father, I feared my testimony would be perceived as biased." "Fortunately the major has no such bias." "I will write to his jailers and order them to release him." "But there is another matter that I must attend to first now that I've recovered some strength." "I was thinking of taking some of Mr. Franklin's inventions as mementos from my time here." "Is that really necessary, John?" "What better memento could you have of this place than a wife?" "Something the matter?" "Not for me." "It's for General Arnold." "I would think he'd be crowing about the French." "To the contrary." "He seems melancholic." ""I do not relish the coming of spring."" "I would prefer the hardships of the field to the comforts of the city." "Yet if glory is beyond my grasp, my sole consolation will be to resume our acquaintance" ""and cast my eyes upon you on a daily basis."" "They're giving him Philadelphia." "He's coming here?" "John, what's wrong?" "This could be a blessing in disguise." "Margaret..." "Why are you calling me that?" "I need you to remain here." "To befriend Arnold and make an introduction to me." "Remain here?" "I..." "I thought we were going to be together." "We shall be." "And with the blessing of your father." "The man who contrives the defection of Arnold will be lauded, hailed as the savior of the colonies." "I'll be given land and title, all the things your father thinks I lack." "What if Benedict Arnold doesn't want my friendship?" "I suppose there's a first time for everything." "I mean, what if he wants something more?" "Peggy, you are an expert in the art of fending off an ardent suitor." "And you can look to your father for help." "If he found my pedigree lacking," "I can only imagine what he would think of an apothecary's son." "Peggy... don't you understand?" "We wouldn't have to elope." "Make me a man you can marry and your father will give me your hand." "Planning to sketch me?" "Trying to commit you to memory." "You have drawings of me, but I have nothing to remember you by." "My great-great-grandmother was forbidden to marry the man she loved, yet they ended up together." "Then there is precedent." "She wed him in secret." "They were Quakers." "They didn't require a meetinghouse or a clergyman, just a simple vow such as we are married." "And it wouldn't matter that there were no witnesses," " for the only ones needed to be..." " We are married." "If you'll have me, that is." "Yes, we are married." "I'msorry,we 'veclosed." "I've just returned from a long journey." "I'm in need of a drink." "Where is the major?" "Perhaps you should be seated." "He didn't return?" "I did my best, Mrs. Strong." "The brutes murdered Hewlett before we arrived." "My sole consolation was meting out the same rough treatment they'd given him." "I even sustained this wound." "I'm here to console you if you so require." "You're not alone." "Good evening, Mrs. Strong." "I thought you were lost." "I feared for you, too." "Major." " This is..." " Somewhat of a surprise?" "I did everything I could to rescue you, as my men will attest." "I have no doubt of it." "But I outwitted the rebels and escaped." "Were you injured, Captain?" "Was it the young rebel lieutenant?" "An adversary of no consequence." "Hmm." "Well, it is a pity that you sustained an injury." "I do hope that it didn't cut too deeply." "Mrs. Strong, I have come to escort you back to Whitehall." "That is, if you are ready to travel." "I'll gather my things." ""WhereasMajor Rogers hath demonstrated"" "inestimable valor in service to His Majesty... and whereas he hath proven himself a steadfast servant, loyal and humble, in securing the king's realms," " "and whereas he..."" " Just get on with it." "Your king is waiting." "Northwest passage ain't gonna discover itself." "As you wish." "Your mission must remain a secret." "You may collect your reward." "Right through there." "How about you get it for me?" "Hmm?" "Very well." " It's me!" "Who is the coward behind this?" "Was it André?" "You wouldn't dare hatch this on your own, you pissant!" "On whose orders?" "The..." "The king." "¶ Oh, Father dear ¶" "¶ You've seven sons ¶" "¶ You may wed them all the morrow ¶" "¶ For the fairest flower ¶" "¶ Among them all ¶" "¶ Was pulled the day on Yarrow. ¶" | {
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"I wish you wouldn't do that around me." "It's so filthy !" " Don't give me a problem about the cigarettes." " It's such a filthy habit." "Oh, my God !" "Look at this." "Oh, Jesus !" "This is so appalling !" "I can't believe it !" "I can't believe they gave it to him." "Ah, this is pathetic !" "Now he's a loser with a Jaguar." "Seriously, who did he have to blow to get that thing ?" " Good morning, sir." " Mr. Willis." " It's really, uh," " Mr. Trask !" "quite a piece of machinery." " Good morning, Havemeyer." " Morning to you, sir." " Bene !" " Bene ?" " Bene !" "Fabulous !" " What's fabulous ?" "That fine piece of steel you have back there." "Ah, you don't think I deserve it." "No, sir." "On the contrary." "I think it's great." "Should the headmaster of Baird be seen putt-putting around in some junker ?" "In fact, I think the board of trustees have had... their first, true stroke of inspiration in some time." "Thank you, Havemeyer." "I'll take that at face value." "I'd expect nothing less, sir." "Have a good day." " Morning, Mrs. Hunsaker." " Good morning." "What have we here, Murderer's Row ?" " What was that about ?" " Nothing." "Just saying hello." "I like to say hello to Headmaster Trask." "Sugarbush." "Lift tickets and condo vouchers." " I thought we were goin' to Stowe." " Sugarbush is Stowe, Jimmy." "We're doing it right." "Thanksgiving in Vermont, Christmas in Switzerland " "Christmas in Gstaad is gonna cost us -- -'Staad." "The "G" is silent." "'Staad." "George ?" " 'Staad." " Trent ?" " 'Staad, man." " So what about 'Staad ?" "Fine." "The "G" may be silent, but it's gonna take at least three grand to get there." " I'll talk to my father." " Better yet, have my father talk to your father." "Or my father talk to your father." "You goin' home this weekend, Chas ?" "Uh, I don't know." "You goin' home to fuckin' Idaho for Thanksgiving ?" "I'm from Oregon." "I meant fuckin' Oregon." "Charlie, how do you feel about skiing ?" "You in the mood for the white-bosomed slopes of Vermont ?" "Got a deal going." "20% off for my friends." "My father set it up." "Christmas in Switzerland." " 'Staad." " Gstaad." "Dropping the "G" is phony." " You said everybody says 'Staad." " Not if you've been there." "Easter in Bermuda, then Kentucky Derby weekend." "We could fit you in, kid." "Well, how much are these white-bosomed slopes of Vermont ?" "Twelve hundred !" "Includes a nine-course, champagne thanksgiving dinner." "$1200 is a little rich for my blood, Harry." "Well, how short are you ?" "How short, Harry ?" "So short it wouldn't be worth the trouble of you and George to measure." " But, thanks for askin', all right ?" " Mm-hmm." " If you change your mind " " What'd you do that for ?" "You know he's on aid." "On major holidays, Willis, it's customary for the lord of the manor..." " to offer drippings to the poor." " You're so full of shit !" " Hi." "Mrs. Rossi ?" " Yes ?" "I'm here about the weekend job." "Come on in." "Does he got pimples ?" "He hates pimples." "Francine, be quiet." "Pimples." "Pimples." "Yeah." "Shush !" "I'm sorry." " The school gave me your name, but I've forgotten it." " It's Charlie Simms." " How are you, Charlie ?" " Fine, thanks." "Right this way." " You're available the whole weekend ?" " Uh, yeah." " Not going home for Thanksgiving ?" " No." "Good." "They put him in a veteran's home, but he hated it, so I told my dad that we'd take him." "Before you go in, do you mind my telling you a few things ?" "Don't "sir" him and don't ask him too many questions." "And if he staggers a little when he gets up, don't pay any attention." "Charlie, I can tell you're the right person for the job, and Uncle Frank's gonna like you a lot too." "Uh, where you gonna be this weekend ?" "We're driving to Albany." "Donny, my husband, has family there." " Do you want Tommy in or out ?" " Leave him out !" "He's chasin' that Calico ginch from the track houses again !" "Down deep, the man is a lump of sugar." " Sir ?" " Don't call me sir !" "I-l'm sorry." "I mean mister, sir." "Uh-oh, we got a moron here, is that it ?" "No, mister -- Uh, that is " "Uh, Lieutenant." "Yes, sir, Lieu" "Lieutenant Colonel." "26 years on the line, nobody ever busted me four grades before." "Get in here, you idiot !" "Come a little closer." "I wanna get a better look at ya." "How's your skin, son ?" "My skin, sir ?" " Oh, for Christ's sake." " I'm sorry, I don" "Just call me Frank." "Call me Mr. Slade." "Call me Colonel, if you must." "Just don't call me sir." "All right, Colonel." "Simms, Charles." "A senior." " You on student aid, Simms ?" " Uh, yes, I am." "For "student aid" read "crook."" "Your father peddles car telephones at a 300% markup." "Your mother works on heavy commission in a camera store." "Graduated to it from espresso machines." "Hah-hah !" "What are you, dying of some wasting disease ?" "No, I'm right -- I'm right here." "I know exactly where your body is." "What I'm lookin' for is some indication of a brain." "Too much football without a helmet ?" "Hah !" "Lyndon's line on Gerry Ford." "Deputy Debriefer, Paris Peace Talks, '68." "Snagged the Silver Star and a silver bar." "Threw me into G-2." "G-2 ?" "Intelligence, of which you have none." "Where you from ?" "Um, Gresham, Oregon, s" " Colonel." "What does your daddy do in Gresham, Oregon ?" "Hmm ?" "Count wood chips ?" "Uh, my stepfather and my mom run a convenience store." " How convenient !" "What time they open ?" " 5:00 A.M." " Close ?" " 1:00 A.M." "Hard workers." "You got me all misty-eyed !" "So, what are you doin' here in this sparrow-fart town ?" "I, l-- I attend Baird." "Attend Baird !" "I know you go to the Baird school." "Point is, how do you afford it, even with the student aid and the folks back home hustlin' Cornnuts ?" "I won a, uh, Young America merit scholarship." "Whoo-ah !" "Glory, glory, Hallelujah" "Glory, glory, Hallelujah" "Who's there ?" "That little piece of tail ?" "Get her outta here !" "Yeah." "Can't believe they're my blood." "I.Q. of sloths and the manners of banshees." "He's a mechanic, she's a homemaker." "He knows as much about cars as a beauty queen, and she bakes cookies, taste like wing nuts." "As for the tots, they're twits." "How's your skin, son ?" "I like my aides to be presentable." "Well, I -- I've had a few zits." "Um, but my roommate, he lent me his Clinique because he's from " ""The History of My Skin," by Charles Simms." "You patronizing me, peewee ?" "Hmm ?" "You givin' me that old prep school palaver ?" "Baird School !" "A bunch of runny-nosed snots in tweed jackets... all studyin' to be George Bush." "Well..." "I believe President Bush went to Andover, Colonel." "You sharpshootin' me, punk ?" "Is that what you're doin' ?" "Don't you sharpshoot me !" "You'll give me forty." "Then you're gonna give me forty more." "Then you're gonna pull K.P., the grease pit !" "I'll rub your nose in enlisted men's crud... till you don't know which end is up !" "You understand ?" "Yeah." " What do you want ?" " What do you mean, what do I want ?" "What do you want here ?" "I wa-want a job." "A job !" "Yeah, I want a job so I can make, you know, my plane fare home for Christmas." "Oh." "God, you're touching !" "From the banks" "Of the mighty Mississippi" "Workin' the whole night through" "Till the riverboat gamblers" "Stop to make a killin'" "Bring it on back to you" "Still here, poormouth ?" "Hmm ?" "Convenience store..." "my ass !" "Hustlin' jalapeno dips to the appleseeds." "Go on." "Dismissed." "Dismissed !" "Evangeline" "Evangeline" "Mrs. Rossi ?" "Charlie, we're up here !" "Come on up." " Uh, this is Donny." " Hey, Charlie." "Hi." "Uh, Mrs. Rossi, I got the feelin' I screwed up." " Oh, you couldn't have." " It was a bad interview." "That was no interview, Charlie." "You're it." "You're the only one that showed up." "You have to take the job." "He sleeps a lot." "You can watch television, call your girlfriend." "I promise you, an easy 300 bucks." "I don't get an easy feeling." "His bark is worse than his bite." "He was a great soldier, a real hero." "The man grows on you !" "By Sunday night, you'll be best friends." "Charlie, please." "I want to get away for a few days, and Uncle Frank won't come with us." "Six months ago, he could sometimes tell light from dark, but now there's nothing." "I feel better having someone else around just in case." "Please ?" "Okay, Mrs. Rossi." "Sure." " Thank you, Charlie." " Come here, you." "There you go." "Chas !" "Chas, hold up !" " How ya doin' ?" " I'm good." "That's great." "This can't go out." "This is on reserve." "Here's the thing." "I need the book tonight..." " for a Thanksgiving quiz with big-shit Preston in the morning." " Yeah, I know." "That's why he put it on reserve." "This is our only copy." "Chas, I'm pullin' an all-nighter." "Without that book I'm dead, okay ?" "If it's not back by 7:30, it's gonna be my ass." "Oh, I promise." "I promise." " Got it ?" " Yeah." "Just a second." "I gotta lock up." "Okay." "God, can you wait to get out of this dump or what ?" "Where you guys going skiing again ?" " Sugarloaf or " " It's bush, Chas, Sugarbush." "That's my boys." "What are you doin' ?" "Keep your voice down !" "I'll tell you about it in the morning." " Shh." " Wha" " Miss Hunsaker, have a nice day ?" " George, why all the noise ?" "It's Hunsaker !" "Go !" "Go !" "I was just messin' around with Chas." " Good evening, Charles." " Hi, Mrs. Hunsaker." " What was that ?" " I don't know, ma'am." " Who were those boys ?" "What were they doing ?" " Oh, who knows ?" " Charles ?" " Um " " Did you make this scarf yourself ?" " No, George, I bought it." " 'Cause it's a beauty." "It really is." " Thank you, George." "In case I don't see you before the Thanksgiving holidays," " why don't you give me one of your big hugs ?" " Oh, George !" " Please ?" "Come on." " Good evening, boys." "Good-bye, Mrs. Hunsaker." "Mr. Trask is our fearless leader, a man of learning, a voracious reader." "He could recite the "Iliad" in ancient Greek... while fishing for trout in a rippling creek." "Endowed with wisdom, of judgement sound, nevertheless about him the questions abound." "How does Mr. Trask make such wonderful deals ?" "Why did the trustees buy him Jaguar wheels ?" "He wasn't conniving !" "He wasn't crass !" "He merely puckered his lips... and kissed their ass !" "Come on." "Come on." "One more !" "One more, come on !" "Aah !" "Fuck you !" "Mr. Simms, Mr. Willis." "Hmm." "Mrs. Hunsaker says that you gentlemen were at a vantage point last night... to observe who was responsible for this, uh, stunt." "Who was it ?" "I really couldn't tell you, sir." "Um, I thought I saw someone fooling with the lamppost, but by the time I pulled focus, they were gone." "Mr. Simms ?" "I couldn't say." "That automobile is not just a possession of mine." "That automobile was presented to me by the Board of Trustees." "It is a symbol of the standard of excellence for which this school is known, and I will not have it tarnished." "The automobile ?" "The standard, Mr. Willis." " What's your position, Mr. Simms ?" " On what, sir ?" "On preserving the reputation of Baird." " I-l'm for Baird." " Then, who did it ?" "I really couldn't say for sure." "Very well." "First thing Monday, I'm convening a special session... of the student-faculty disciplinary committee." "As this is a matter which concerns the whole school, the entire student body will be present." "There will be no classes, no activities." "Nothing will transpire at this institution... until that proceeding is concluded." "And if, at that time, we are no further along than we are now," "I will expel you both." "Mr. Willis, would you excuse us ?" "Have a nice Thanksgiving." "Thank you." "You too, Mr. Willis." "I will." "Mr. Simms." "I'm not quite through with you yet." "One of the few perks of this office is that..." "I am empowered to handle certain matters on my own as I see fit." "Do you understand ?" " Yes, sir." " Good." "The Dean of Admissions at Harvard and I have an arrangement." "Along with the usual sheaf of applicants submitted by Baird, of which virtually, oh, two-thirds are guaranteed admittance," "I add one name, somebody who's a standout and yet, underprivileged;" "a student who cannot afford to pay the board and tuition in Cambridge." "Do you know on whose behalf I drafted a memo this year ?" " No, sir." " You." "You, Mr. Simms." "Now can you tell me who did it ?" "No, sir, I can't." "You take the weekend to think about it, Mr. Simms." "Good afternoon." "What'd he say ?" " Nothin'." " What do you mean, nothing ?" "He said the same thing." "He just said it over." "You know what he's doing ?" "He's good-cop, bad-coppin' us." "He knows I'm old guard." "You're fringe." "He's gonna bear down on me and soft-soap you." "Did he try to soft-soap you ?" "Did he ?" "No." "Chas, I detect a slight panic pulse from you." "Are you panicking ?" " Yeah, a little." " Come on." " You're on scholarship, right ?" " Yeah." "You're on scholarship from Oregon... at Baird." "You're a long way from home, Chas." "What's that got to do with anything ?" "I don't know how it works out there." "But how it works here ?" "We stick together." "It's us against them, no matter what." "We don't cover our ass." "We don't tell our parents." "Stonewall everybody !" "And above all, never, never..." "leave any of us twisting in the wind." "And that's it." "What does that have to do with me being on scholarship ?" "Hey, hey !" "I'm just tryin' to bring you up to speed, kid, that's it." "Thanks." "I'll tell you what." "Give me a few hours to figure out the moves, and call me tonight in Vermont." "I'll be at the Sugarbush lodge, all right ?" "All right." "You all right ?" "Yeah, I guess so." "Okay." "Try to keep him down to four drinks a day." "If you can keep him down to forty, you're doin' good." "Try to water them down a little." "Do you know how to do that ?" " It's a long ride, honey !" " Get the bags in the car." "I'll be right out." "Mommy, Mommy !" "Don't forget Uncle Frank's walk." "Oh, ha..." "Yeah." "Uh, you have to air him out... a little every day." "Why don't you go on back there, get yourself oriented ?" "I'll come out in a minute, give you telephone numbers and stuff." "Well, I wouldn't try a thing like that... unless I knew, would I ?" "Just let me speak to her." "Hello, beautiful." "Is that you ?" "Yeah, we spoke yesterday." "You have a glass of wine with lunch ?" "You sound a little dusky." "Hmm." "Just a minute, sweetheart." "You're back, huh ?" "Tenacious !" "Get out my dress blues." "They're in a garment bag in the closet." "Check the top dresser drawer." "Take out the shoulder boards... and affix them shoulders right and left," "A.S.A.P. That means now." "Hello." "Sorry to keep you waitin', sweetheart." "I'm not the kind of guy who likes to rush things, but I'm catchin' a 4:00 at Logan, lookin' out my window, and there's not a taxi in sight." "What happened to Chet ?" "He didn't invest in a radio yet ?" "Hah !" "Well, get your driver on it." "Tell him to get a move on." "Yes." "Mmm." "Some kind of body has got to go with that bedroom voice." "One day I'm gonna swing by, get a better look at it." "You bet." "Bye." "My val-pak's underneath the bed." "Get it out." "Put the boards on the blues and fold 'em in." "Uh, are we going someplace, Colonel ?" "What business is that of yours ?" "Don't shrug, imbecile." "I'm blind." "Save your body language for the bimbi." " Now, get my gear out." " Francine, get in the car." "It's almost 3:00." "The goddamn Flintstones haven't left yet." "Willie Rossi must go in the car !" " Here comes Mrs. Rossi now." " Damn it !" "She said good-bye to me three times today." "What's she got, separation anxiety ?" "Cut her off at the door !" "Hi, honey." "Bye, honey." "I wish you were coming with us." "Me too." "Maybe next time." " Drive carefully now." " Yeah." "Charlie, this is where we'll be." "Good luck, Charlie." "Don't let him drink too much." "See ya, Charlie !" "And no 900 numbers." "He loves to talk dirty." "All right, let's get to work." "L-buckles givin' you trouble ?" "Never in the Boy Scouts, sluggo ?" " I, I made Tenderfoot." " Tenderfoot, my foot !" "Convenience-store mama's boy." "Here." "Let me take a look at that." "Touch me again, I'll kill ya, you little son-of-a-bitch !" "I touch you." "Understand ?" "My shoulder boards are in the top dresser drawer." "Get them, son." "The epaulets with the silver oak leaf." " Are these " " Good." "Taxi come yet ?" "Colonel, where are we going ?" "Where we going ?" "Freak show central." " Where's that ?" " New York City." "That's in New York, son." "New York State." "Uh, Mrs. Rossi didn't say anything to me about going anywhere." "She forgot." " Should we call her, 'cause I " " You kidding me ?" "Call her ?" "By the time they get to Albany in that "hupmobile" he drives... it'll be opening day at Saratoga." " Colonel, I can't go to New York City." " Why not ?" "New York " " New York's too much responsibility." " Ah, responsibility !" "I had a lot of 17 year olds my first platoon." "I took care of them." "All set !" "How do I look ?" "Tickets." "Money." "Speech." "Old Washington joke..." "from my days with Lyndon." "I knew I could count on transportation." "Are you ready ?" "This is not Panmunjom." "A simple yes will do." " Um " " Good !" "Here you go." "Come on !" "Hup to it, son !" "You're in front of me." "Let's go." "Tomster, come here, boy." "Psst, psst." "Come on." "Here, tomster, come on." "Tomster, tomster." "Yeah." "Remember, when in doubt... fuck." "Good afternoon, sir." "Where's our destination ?" "Our destination..." "New York City, home of the brave !" " Two for the shuttle to New York." " I'm not shuttling anywhere." " Look at those tickets. "First class."" " Yes, sir, first class." "You bought me a ticket ?" "I never said I'd go to New York." "What are you, some kind of chicken-shit, sticks to job description only ?" "Gate 46, sir." " As you were, son." " Thank you, sir." "Which way's the door ?" " Are you blind ?" "Are you blind ?" " Of course not." "Then why do you keep grabbin' my goddamn arm ?" "I take your arm." " I'm sorry." " Don't be sorry." "How would you know, watchin' MTV all your life ?" "Yes !" " Jack Daniels..." " You bet." " and Diet Slice." " The old Diet Slice." " And a water." " Thank you, Daphne." "Certainly, sir." "Ahh !" "Mmm !" "How did you know her name ?" "Well, she's wearin' Floris." "That's an English cologne." "But her voice is California chickie." "Now, California chickie bucking for English lady " "I call her Daphne." "Oh, big things may happen to that little thing of yours." "Look, Colonel," " I'll get you to New York, all right ?" " Uh-huh." "Then I'm gonna have to turn around and come back." "Well, Chuck, you gotta do what you gotta do." "Charlie, all right ?" "Or Charles." "Sorry." "I can't blame you, though." "Chuck is a " "So, why are we going to New York ?" "All information will be given on a need-to-know basis." "Whoo-ah !" "Where's Daphne ?" "Let's get her down here." "She's in the back." "A tail's in the tail." "Hah !" "Oh, but I still smell her." "Women !" "What can you say ?" "Who made 'em ?" "God must have been a fuckin' genius." "The hair " "They say the hair is everything, you know." "Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... and just wanted to go to sleep forever ?" "Or lips -- and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert." "Tits !" "Whoo-ah !" "Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at ya..." "like secret searchlights." "Mmm." "And legs " "I don't care if they're Greek columns... or secondhand Steinways." "What's between 'em, passport to heaven." "I need a drink." "Yes, Mr. Simms, there's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing:" "pussy." "Hah !" "Are you listening to me, son ?" "I'm givin' you pearls here." "I guess you really like women." "Oh, above all things !" "A very, very distant second... is a Ferrari." "Charlie ?" "Give me your hand." "This is just the start of your education, son." "Whoo-ah !" " Where are we ?" " Where are we, eh ?" "The cynosure of all things civilized:" "the Waldorf-Astoria." "The last time I was here, Charlie, was with a G-2 from Brussels." "Had a Ferrari." "Every day I held the door open for the fucker." "Never even offered me a ride." "Well, fuck him." "He's dead and I'm blind." " Spread the word." " Thank you, sir." " The intelligence will be forthcoming ?" " Sir ?" "On the escort scene." "Um, yes, sir." " And welcome to the Waldorf." " Gracias, amigo." "Puerto Ricans..." "always made the best infantrymen." "Oh !" "I'm home again." "Give me an inventory on this, will you ?" "All right, where am I, in Asia ?" "He told me the phone was on the other side of the room, didn't he ?" "By the windows ?" "It's right here." "Okay." "We're in business." "Get me the Oak Room." "How's that inventory comin' ?" "Uh, there's Jim Beam and Early Times." "Quartermaster's on the take again." "Hello." "Is Sheldon or Mack there ?" "This is Lt. Col. Frank Slade." "I used to be a regular." "I used to come in with a General Garbisch." "Yes, that's probably because he's at Arlington six feet under." "Listen up." "I want a table for two, and I don't mean Siberia, 8:15." "Clear them little bottles off." "And when I get off the phone, call up Hyman." "Tell him I want it wall to wall with John Daniels." "Uh, don't you mean, uh, Jack Daniels ?" "He may be Jack to you, son." "But when you've known him as long as I have " "That's a joke." "Hello !" "This is Lt. Col. Frank Slade." "I would like a limo, 8:00." "What are you drinkin' ?" "Uh, nothing, thanks." "I don't use it." "What's useful about it ?" "I don't know." "Listen, Colonel, I have to get going." "Where you goin' ?" "Back to school." "I've got some real important stuff I have to take care of." "Very well." "But I never let my aides leave on an empty stomach." "You'll dine with me and then my driver will transport you... to the airport for the Boston Shuttle departing at 2200 hours." "Meanwhile, unpack my bag." "I'm gonna christen the latrine." "What's your name, driver ?" " Manny, sir." " Manny." "The bellhops at the Waldorf, are they any good at getting escorts ?" " I wouldn't know, sir." " What would you know ?" " About what ?" " About you-know-what ?" "Maybe I could manage something." "I'm talkin' top of the line, now." "Let me think about this, sir." "What's the matter with you ?" " With me ?" " Yeah." "Car feels heavy." "You know why ?" "You got the fuckin' weight of the world on your shoulders." "I got a little problem at school, that's all." " Spit it out !" " It's not a big deal, all right ?" "Where we going, the Oak Room or somethin' ?" "If it's not a big deal, why did you say "real important stuff" ?" "What are you doin', banging the dean's daughter ?" "Hah !" " I'm just in a little trouble." " What kind of trouble ?" "I saw some guys doing something." "To tell or not to tell, or it's your ass." "Hmm ?" " How'd you know that ?" " I'm a wizard." "Give me the details, come on." "There's this guy at school named Harry." "He's this real rich kid." "He like..." "runs the show." "Who else ?" "There's another guy, George, but George didn't do anything." "George and I saw Harry and his buddies doin' somethin'." "Now, the folks at Baird, they know you and George can identify the guilty parties ?" "Yeah, they think we can." " George is a friend of yours." " He's not a friend, but he's all right." " You trust him ?" " Yeah, I guess so." " He's on scholarship too ?" " No, why ?" "We got George, we got Harry, we got trouble." "They're rich, you're poor." "You wanna get rich." "You wanna graduate Baird, become a rich big shot like them." " Am I right ?" " No." "It's not that way at all." "Okay, Charlie !" "Here we are, gentlemen:" "the Oak Room." "The Oak Room !" "Bring us a menu and double Jack Daniels on the rocks." "Charlie, sit down here." "Uh, perhaps you'll feel more comfortable in this, sir." "You look great !" "Thank you." "Here we are, Charlie:" "the Oak Room." "Now, read me the bill of fare." "Uh, let's see." "You got the Oak Room Burger and fries for $24." "Where's the booze ?" "Flowin' like mud around here." "A $24 hamburger ?" "W-What's the story ?" "What story ?" " Are you a rich miser or something ?" " Hah !" "No, I'm just your average blind man." "Your average blind man." "How do you plan on paying for all this stuff ?" "Crisp, clean dollars..." "American." "I saved up my disability checks." "How much did you save ?" "I mean, we flew first class, we're at the Waldorf-Astoria, a $24 hamburger restaurant." " All part of a plan, Charlie." " You want to let me in on it ?" "Why should I ?" "You're not interested." "You don't give a shit !" "You're leavin' on that last shuttle out of La Guardia." "Hmm ?" "Ooh !" "You got 15 minutes, son." "I don't think you're gonna make it, unless the Oak Room keeps some complimentary helicopter on the roof." "No, sir." "No !" "You're here till tomorrow." "You said the last shuttle leaves at 2200 hours." "That's 10:00, right ?" "Last I heard, yeah." "It's only 8:30." "I lied." "Leaves at 9:00." " It leaves at 9:00 ?" " Calm down." "Calm down." "Ahh !" "The truth is, Charlie," " I need a guide dog to help me execute my plan." " What plan ?" "You have a right to know." "It's not really a plan, Charlie." "It's sort of a -- more like a tour, a little tour of pleasures:" "stay in a first-class hotel, eat an agreeable meal, drink a nice glass of wine, see my big brother." "Nothing like family, you know." "And then, make love to a terrific woman." "After that..." "Yeah ?" "I'm gonna lie down on my big, beautiful bed at the Waldorf... and blow my brains out." " May I tell you our specials ?" " You may, sir." "Tonight we have charred venison with buckwheat spaetzle and green peppercorn." "Grilled veal, tomato tapenade, and roasted eggplants." "Get me a napkin." "My mouth's watering." "If you like our souffle for dessert, it would be good to order it now." "Yes, on the souffle." "Give us a half a minute on the rest." "Very good, sir." " I'm leaning towards the spaetzle." " Colonel Slade " "Charlie, rolls on the table ?" "Give 'em to me." "You should try these rolls." "I used to dream about them when I was at Fort Huachuca." " Colonel Slade " " Bread's no good west of the Colorado." " Water's too alkaline." " Colonel Slade, did you say " "Did I hear you right ?" "Y-You said you're gonna kill yourself ?" "No, I said I was gonna blow my brains out." "Try one of these rolls, Charlie." "I buttered it for ya." "I don't want a roll, all right ?" "Okay." "Have a radish !" "Hah !" "Hello !" "Bring me a double Jack Daniels on the rocks." "Yes, sir." "Right away." "Please, don't do that." "Don't do that." "Hmm." "What a marvelous place !" "Okay." "Yeah." "Your billet is here." "You'll find bedding in the closet on the shelf." "In the morning, the area will be returned to sitting-room mode... no later than 0700 hours." "What was that ?" "Nothing." "Next time..." "snap it out !" "Thumb to palm, index finger through little digit, smartly aligned, sharp to the hairline, down !" "Too many men, far better than you, have executed that courtesy." "And if you're smart, you won't try it again." "This bat has got sharper radar than the Nautilus." "Don't fuck with me, Charlie." "See you get a good night's sleep, son." "It's a lovely day today" "So, whatever you gotta do" "You got a lovely day to do it in that's true" "Good morning, Charlie." " Good morning." " This is Sofia, Charlie." "She's a magician with a needle." "Sofia's workin' me up a little "Glen Plaid" number, and I've asked her if she'd put something together for you." " Uh, I don't need any clothes, Colonel." " Standard issue... for an upscale urban assignment." "You don't like the clothes, Charlie, on completion of duty, you can give 'em away." "Juice, coffee, and other assorted goodies on the trolley over there." "Get yourself up, get yourself together !" "It's a great day for singin' a song" "And it's a great day for movin' along" "And it's a great day from morning to night" "And it's a great day" "For everybody's plight" "How are you feeling today, Colonel ?" "Super !" "Superior !" "Superfluous !" "Young Sofie here is working Thanksgiving... because she's trying to put herself through college." "I told her, "My young friend Charlie's headed for college."" " Uh, excuse me." " Where you goin' ?" " I-l need to use the phone." " What's wrong with the phones in here ?" "I don't want to disturb you." "You're not disturbing me." "Make your call." "I'd kinda like to be private." "Stay outta my room !" "This is as private as you're gonna get." "But if you've got somethin' that must be done" "And it can only be done by one" "Sofia... what are the chances of suiting' you up sometime ?" " Sugarbush Lodge." " George Willis, please." " Hello !" " George !" "Hey, it's Charlie." "Hey, Chas." "Next year you gotta come up with us." "White powder on a base of snow bunnies." "Chas, are you there ?" "Yeah, I'm here." "Um - you told me to call you for the moves." " All right." "For now, the move's no move: status quo." "Everything's the way we left it." "How did we leave it ?" "See no evil, hear no evil." "You know what I mean, Chas ?" "Yeah." "See no evil, hear no evil." " Okay, then, walk like you talk !" " All right, good-bye." " George Willis, huh ?" " Yeah." "George Willis." "That makes his father probably George Willis, Senior." "Charlie, I ask ya, what do you think Big George is gonna feel about Little George... seeing no evil, hearing no evil ?" "Well, we're not gonna tell our parents." "We're just gonna keep it between ourselves." "Oh, George isn't gonna tell his father about this thing !" "Damn decent of him." "Ooh !" "Aw !" "Hah !" " Scusi." " Prego." "I love it when you hurt me." "Uh, tell me now, Charlie." "This, uh, George Willis, Junior, what's his father do ?" "I don't really know." "Well, I'm gonna tell ya." "When George Willis, Sr., isn't busy as a million-dollar man for Aetna Casualty -- or is it New England Distributor for the Chrysler Corporation ?" "He concerns himself with his young son, George Willis, Junior." "George isn't going to say anything to his father." "Oh, Charlie." "Big George is gonna wind up Little George, and Little George is gonna sing like a canary." "And if you're hip, kid, you're gonna hop to, too." "You've got this all figured out, don't you ?" "It don't take no Young America merit scholarship to figure this one out." "Charlie, you had a little life, so you decided to go to Baird... to put yourself in the market for a big one." "Now, in order to stay in the running, you're gonna have to tell these people what they want to know." "You think so ?" " Are we finished, Sofia ?" " Yes." "Grazie." "Grazie." "Charlie, if you don't sing now, you're gonna end up, not only shelving biscuits... in some convenience store in the Oregon burbs, probably the last word you'll ever hear yourself say just before you croak... gonna be, "Have a nice day and come back soon."" "Sofia !" "Measure up Charlie, pronto." "We got a date for Thanksgiving." "We got a date ?" "My brother's place." "W.R. Slade, White Plains, New York." "Colonel, I can't go with you to your brother's place." "I mean, I should be getting back to school." "Uh, well you gotta have Thanksgiving somewhere." "I mean, eats and treats." "I could use the company." "All right." "D-Does he know I'm comin' ?" "He doesn't know I'm comin'." "But wait till you see the look on his face... when I walk through the door." "Oh, he loves me !" "Oh, uh, Charlie, about your little problem, there are two kinds of people in this world:" "those who stand up and face the music, and those who run for cover." "Cover's better." "Okay, Sofia, suit 'im up !" "Make him pretty !" "Careful." " Should I ring it ?" " Yeah." "Yes ?" "Yes !" "Who is this ?" " It's Randy." " Randy ?" "You new ?" "I'm your nephew." "Hah !" "Here I am !" "Your sister's been hoarding me long enough." " Thought it's time to spread the riches around." " Uncle Frank !" " Gloria !" " Gail." "Of course." "Say hello to the potluck party from New York City." "Good old Uncle Frank and this here with him is Charlie Simms, star halfback of the Baird football team." "They not only beat Exeter and Groton, but Aquinas High School too." "Where's your miserable father ?" "Wait !" "No, no." "Let's surprise him." "Give that fat heart of his an attack." "Willie !" "Oh, Willie !" "Hello, Frank." " How you doin' ?" " Okay." "Here's my hand." "Charlie, meet W.R. Slade." "Nice to meet you, sir." "The original bulging briefcase man." "Gretchen, I smell those prunes !" "We talkin' Turkey Marbella ?" " Yes, we are." " Whoo !" "Let's have a whiff." "Come on." "You know, I always had a sneaker for you." "Come here." "Mmm." "Hah !" " Where are you, Garry ?" "I heard you cough." " Who are you again ?" "I'm just here at the Waldorf-Astoria with " " Is it your brother ?" "W.R.'s final issue." "How ya doin' ?" " Yes." "Who the hell are you ?" " I'm kinda taking' care of him for the weekend." "Charlie !" "Jesus !" "Sorry." "Where's the booze ?" "Flowin' like mud here." "To tell the truth, the colonel's not well, I don't think." " Not well ?" " I think he's a little lonely." "Why didn't you take him to your family's for dinner ?" "I heard that !" "I heard that." "Pay no attention to him." "That's his big-brother talk." "He's been watching out for me since day one." "Bailed me out of more trouble..." "than he'd like to remember." " Hmm ?" " Let me take your coat." "I meant to pick up some vino on my way, but I blew it." "I'll send you the Rothschild again for Christmas," " only let's see how Thanksgiving goes." " I'll set two more places." " Here's your drink, Frank." " Thank you, Randy." "Still with Snow Queen sugar ?" "Snow Flake." "Why do you always get that wrong ?" "Because it's not important for me to get it right." "What are you doing there ?" "I'm Vice President for Marketing." "Whoo-ah !" "Congratulations !" "Sugar is shit, though." "I told General Abrams to install honey in the commissaries." "If the K-50s didn't blow your brains out, sugar, sure as shit, was gonna." " Why don't we all sit down ?" " Ooh !" "Mitsouki." "Rhymes with nookie." "Be careful." " When the wife gets restless, the wife gets racy." " Let's go and eat." "By all means." "Thank you, Charlie." "Where you wanna sit, Frank, or you gonna arrange yourself at the head again ?" "Any old card table will do." "This is fine." "Where was I ?" "Oh !" "I wake up." "It's four in the morning." "I don't know who I'm with, why I'm there and where I am." "What am I gonna do ?" "I got this Asian flower, all giggly and dewy-like;" "and this hard-boiled navy nurse outta Omaha, on the other." "We're three across the bed, not a stitch of clothes on." "It comes to me." "Let east meet west." "We'll build a golden bridge." "Hah-hah !" "I felt like I'd just joined the corps of engineers !" "We all still here ?" "It's a beautiful story." " Do you always enjoy shocking people, Uncle Frank ?" " Honey." "I didn't know you were so easily shocked." "I admire your sensibilities." "I'm touched." "Dad, remember the time you persuaded Frank..." " to go to the kennel ?" " What about it ?" " He almost put the seeing eye dog business outta business." " Cool it, Randy." " It's over and done with." " Indeed it is, Garry." "Indeed it is." "So is dinner." "Charlie, what time do you have ?" "I think we better be gettin' back." " You ever given any thought to a braille watch, Frank ?" " Randy." " Stevie Wonder wears one, or do you rank on him too ?" " Honey, please." "It's all right, Gloria." "I enjoy Randy's observations." "My wife's name is Gail, Frank." "Can you hear that ?" "Gail." "Excuse me." "Gail." "Gail strikes me as a very beautiful woman, but there's a little tension in her voice." "It could be one of two things:" "either Gail is nervous or unsatisfied." "What's your point, Uncle Frank ?" "You oughta go down on her." "Cut it out, Frank, will ya ?" "You're so wrapped up in sugar, you've forgotten the taste of real honey !" "Frank, for God's sake !" "Hear that voice ?" "There's fire under that dress." " Will you cut it out ?" " Just get the fuck outta here." " Whoo-ah !" " Get in your limousine." "Go down to the bowery, get with the other fucking drunks where you belong !" " Wait a minute." " What ?" " Could you take it easy ?" " What for ?" "You want me to lay off him, Chuckie, 'cause he's blind ?" " No, but I mean " " My friend's name is Charles." "He doesn't like to be called Chuckie." " This is supposed to be a family get-together." "This is " " A warning." "Jesus Christ." "Another sucker who thinks this shitheel's a war hero." "Whoo-ah." "Well, once... maybe." "I suppose he told you about his days on Lyndon Johnson's staff ?" "I was gonna go." "Now I'm not leaving." " Frank was earmarked for general." " Earmarked, good word." " But Frank likes to spit in everybody's eye !" " Randy, that's enough." "So " " What do they call it when they give you the shaft in the military ?" " Passed over !" " Frank was passed over for promotion." "Couple times." " You want to know what happened then ?" " Will you shut your mouth ?" " He blew himself up." " Stop it, Randy." "Our colonel, here, had a grenade juggling act at Fort Bragg or wherever." " Fort Benning." " He was teaching hand-to-hand combat " "Randy, look at me when you're talking to me, son." "I'm lookin', Frank." "His partner in the act was some captain." " Major Vincent Squires." " Yeah, whoever he was." "Before going on, they'd have themselves a lo-cal breakfast:" "a Screwdriver for Frank, Bloody Mary for his partner." "No, Vincent drank Sea Breezes." "Judge Advocate at Benning said Col. Slade had four to his partner's one." "He's flying in class." "He gets all excited." "He starts pulling the pins out." "One grenade got away from him." "Boom." "The one that got away." "Oh, the pin was in..." "Frank claims." "In or out, what difference does it make ?" "What kind of fucking lunatic juggles grenades ?" "Vinnie came out okay." "And all Frank lost was his eyesight." " Wanna know the truth ?" " You got a handle on that, do you, Randy ?" " He was an asshole before." " Whoo-ah !" "Now all he is is a blind asshole." "Whoo-ah." "Hey, God's a funny guy." "God doth have a sense of humor." "Maybe God thinks some people don't deserve to see." "Whoo-ah." "Hah !" "You get the point..." "Chuckie ?" " Aah !" " His name is Charles." "You can say that, can't you ?" "Charles." "Know what this is, Randy ?" "It's a choke hold I'm teaching those lieutenants." " Little pressure, I bust your windpipe." " I don't care what he said." " Charles." " Just let go, please !" "Gretchen ?" "You outdid yourself." "If you twist my arm hard enough, we're talking Turkey Marbella next year." "Who knows ?" "Frank ?" "Good-bye, Willie." "I'm no fucking good... and I never have been." "Come on, Charlie, get the coats." "Come on." "Watch your step." "Hold it." "Nueva York, compadre." "Vamos !" "You got a watch ?" "Ah, it's 7:20." "I didn't ask you the time." "I asked if you had a watch." "Yeah, in the other room." "Get it." "Colonel, there's a clock right next to your bed." "Does it have a second hand ?" "Yeah." "Time me !" "How long ?" "Um... about 30 seconds." " I'm rusty." " Where did you get a gun, Colonel ?" "Piece or weapon, Charlie, never a gun." "Where did you get the piece ?" "I'm an officer in the United States Army." "This is my sidearm." " But you're not an officer anymore." " So I'm retired, so what ?" "An officer never relinquishes his 45." "Yeah, but you better relinquish it to me or I'm gonna call Mrs. Rossi." "Good idea." "Then I'm going back to school." "Even better." "Blue skies, green lights." "I hope you have a wonderful trip." "That felt like 25." "You oughta be able to do a 45 in 25." "Did you time me ?" "No, I did not and I'm calling Albany." "That was stupid." "Was it ?" "You're stuck with me, Charlie." "No, I'm not." " I'm outta here !" " Where you goin' ?" "New Hampshire ?" "You got no money." "How you gonna do that ?" "Mmm." "Karen's number tastes like Albany." "Hah !" "Fine." " I'm leaving." " Charlie ?" "Charlie !" "All I want from you..." "is another day." "For what ?" "One last tour of the battlefield." "I can get around a city like New York, but I... sometimes need a point in the right direction." "What do you say, Charlie ?" "What's one day..." "between friends ?" "All right." "Well, say I stay for another day." "Will you give me your weapon ?" "Oh, Charlie !" "I'm a lieutenant colonel, United States Army." "I'm not giving my fucking gun to anyone." " Now, what are you drinkin' ?" " Colonel, this -- this is unacceptable." "Unacceptable ?" "What are you givin' me that prep school crap for ?" "What have they done, taken the Oregon out of the boy ?" "Put in Harvard Business School ?" "Then give me your bullets." "You do see the sense of it, Charlie, don't you ?" "I can't chew the leather anymore." "So, why should I share... the tribe's provisions ?" "I mean, there's no one... wants to tear a herring with me anymore." "The bullets, Colonel." ""The bullets, Colonel."" "You sound like a guy in "Lives of a Bengal Lancer."" "What do you give a shit for ?" "About what ?" "About what ?" "About whether I blow my brains out or not." " Because I have a conscience, you know." " You have a conscience." "I forgot." "The Charlie Conscience." "Do we tell ?" "Do we not tell ?" "Do we follow the rich boy's code or not ?" "Do we let this blind asshole... die... or not ?" "Yeah." "Conscience, Charlie." "When were you born, son ?" "Around the time of the Round Table ?" "Hah." "Haven't you heard ?" "Conscience is dead." "No, I haven't heard." "Well, then, take the fucking wax outta your ears !" "Grow up !" "It's fuck your buddy." "Cheat on your wife." "Call your mother on Mother's Day." "Charlie, it's all shit." "Where you goin' ?" "I got piss call." "I know I said I need ya for just one day, but even I can't hold it that long." "Oh, and, Charlie, you forgot the one in the chamber." "Hah !" "There you go, sir." "Thank you." "Twenty-six years in the service, never let an aide shine my shoes." "Where you gonna be in 26 years, Charlie ?" "Playing golf with your friends from the Baird School, I bet." "I don't even like those guys." "Course you don't." "They're all assholes." "Be a pleasure to squeal on 'em, wouldn't it ?" " Yeah, well, I'm not a squealer." " "l'm not a squealer."" "What is this, the Dreyfus case ?" "Ohh !" "Ooh, Mama !" "There you go." " Thank you." " Thank you." "Watch your step." "I'm gettin' that heavy feeling' again, Charlie." "There's more to this, isn't there ?" "Isn't there ?" " I was offered a bribe." " Oh, now we're cookin'." "Mr. Trask, the headmaster, he promised to get me into Harvard." " If you squeal." " Yeah." "What a dilemma." "Should Charlie Simms accept a free ride into Harvard or not ?" "What do you think your friend George would do if he were in your shoes ?" " He is, practically." " How ?" "I mean, it's just that Mr. Trask hasn't promised to get him into Harvard." "Mr. Trask doesn't have to." "George's father's gonna take care of that." "Do the deal, Charlie." "Take it !" "Go to Harvard." " I can't do that." " Why not ?" "It's just some things you just can't do." "Explain 'em to me." " Louder, please." " I, I, I can't " "You're gonna have a tough time in this world, Charlie." "To ease the blow, let me buy you a drink." "Come on." | {
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"FABER COLLEGE - 1962" "Take off that beanie." " We're meant to wear them to homecoming." " Don't be a fruit, okay?" "Okay." "Doug Neidermeyer, Omega membership chairman." "Larry Kroger." "This is my roommate, Kent Dorfman." "Hi there." "Doug Neidermeyer." "These are our name-tag hostesses, Mandy Pepperidge and Babs Jansen." "Hi there, Kent." "Hi, Larry." " Welcome to Omega house." " Thank you." " Nice to..." " Why don't we go meet some of the guys?" "A wimp and a blimp." "There are many great guys here, so don't feel you have to meet everyone." "We just want you to enjoy yourselves while you're here." "Omega house has more activities... than most campus fraternities, is far superior..." " Mandy." " Hi." "Right there." "Hi there, fellows." "Meet Ken and Lonny." "Larry." "Ken, Lonny, I'd like you to meet..." "Mohammet..." "Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton." "Grab a seat and make yourselves at home." "Don't be shy about helping yourselves to punch and cookies." "I'm not going to say Omega's the best house on campus... but a lot of outstanding guys figure they'll pledge Omega or won't pledge at all." "We do have more than our share of campus leaders... something that never looks bad on your permanent record." "Sure." "Everybody says Omega's the best, but..." "I hate to seem... you know, pushy." "Let the unacceptable candidates worry, because after tonight, they're you are..." "Kent!" "I'm Greg Marmalard, president of Omega House." "Meet my friends, Mandy Pepperidge..." "We already met." "And Chip Diller." "How are you?" "How are you?" "Over there is Terry Auerback, captain of the swim team." "That's Carl Phillips, editor of the Daily Faberian." "And..." "Clayton." "Sidney." "Jugdish, Mohammet, Lonny..." " We already met." " Super!" "Then you'll have lots to talk about." " I don't think you're trying very hard." " I hate this." "No sweat." "My brother Fred was a Delta." "That makes me a legacy." "They have to take me." "It's their law." "Don't worry." "I'll put in a good word for you." "Great." "I heard Delta's the worst house on campus." "Excuse me, sir." "Is this the Delta house?" "Sure." "Come on in." "Grab a brew." "Don't cost nothing." "See you later." "And bump you $20." "Hi, guys." "You guys playing cards?" "You want another beer?" "Hi." " You want a beer, Larry?" " Sure." "Nice fish." " I'm Robert Hoover, chapter president." " Hi, Robert." "Have you seen Boon?" "He disappeared when we got here." "He's probably upstairs talking to Otter." "No doubt." "They're well-known homosexuals." "Have another beer." "She's just kidding." "Right, Bluto?" "You going out tonight, Otter?" "Norma?" "No." "Let me give you a hint." "She's got a couple of major-league yabos." "Beverly!" "No." "But you're getting warmer." "Let me give you another hint." "Does this ring a bell?" " "Oh, God." "Oh, God!"" " Marlene." "You're going to pork Marlene Desmond?" " Pork?" " You're gonna hump her brains out." "I anticipate a deeply religious experience." "Why the interest in my social life?" "Where's Katy?" "Downstairs, pissed off about something." "She thinks you're an immature jerk?" "Yeah." "I don't take anything seriously." "She'll take this seriously." "Try it." " You guys coming down?" " This thing talk?" "There are 50 people trying to get into this fraternity." "Otter, you are the rush chairman." "You should be present at the rush party." "Hi." "My name is Kent Dorfman." "Eric Stratton, rush chairman." "Damn glad to meet you." "D" " Day!" "Eric Stratton, rush chairman." "Damn glad to meet you." "That was Eric Stratton." "He was damn glad to meet you." "Larry, I see you've met D-Day." "You're having a nice time." "That's good." "Eric Stratton." "Damn glad to meet you." " Nice to meet you." " Nice tie!" "Is that a clip-on?" "Boon, come check this out." "Excuse me." "Pardon me." "Ninety percent rayon!" "Very nice." "Hi, boys." "Having a good time, I hope?" "Excuse me." " Did your mother buy that?" " Yes." "Kent is a legacy, Otter." "His brother was a '59." "Fred Dorfman." "He said legacies get asked to pledge automatically." "Usually, unless the pledge in question is a real closet case, like Fred." " My brother." " Kent, come over here." " I liked the tie." " Great tie." "Katy." "Eric Stratton, rush chairman." "Damn glad to meet you." "Katy!" " Where are you going?" " Home." " We just got here!" " No, you just got here." "I've been downstairs entertaining some kid from Pig's Knuckle, Arkansas." "Maybe we could drive to your folks' place this weekend." "Fabulous." "My car filled with your beer buddies going up to empty my parents' liquor cabinet?" "It's too depressing to think about." "Just you and me, and Otter and another girl." "Is this what you're going to do for the rest of your life?" "What do you mean?" "Hanging around with animals, getting drunk every weekend?" "No." "After I graduate..." "I'm going to get drunk every night." "I think I'm in love with a retard." "Is he bigger than me?" "Greg... what is the worst fraternity on this campus?" "That would be hard to say, sir." "They're each outstanding in their own way..." "Cut the horseshit, son." "I've got their disciplinary files here." "Who dumped a whole truckload of fizzies into the swim meet?" "Who delivered the medical-school cadavers to the alumni dinner?" "Every Halloween, the trees are filled with underwear." "Every spring, the toilets explode." "You're talking about Delta, sir." "Of course I'm talking about Delta, you twerp!" "This year, it's gonna be different." "This year we'll grab the bull by the balls... and kick those punks off campus!" "What do you intend to do, sir?" "Delta's already on probation." " They are?" " Yes, sir." "Then as of now, they're on double secret probation!" "Double secret probation, sir?" "There is a little-known codicil in the Faber College Constitution... which gives the Dean unlimited power to preserve order... in time of campus emergency." "Find me a way to revoke Delta's charter." "You live next door." "Put Neidermeyer on it." "He's a sneaky little shit just like you, right?" "The time has come for someone to put his foot down." "And that foot is me." "Larry Kroger." "All in favour." "We need the dues." "Good." "Larry Kroger is now a pledge to Delta." "Next slide, please." "Just a minute!" "Just settle down!" "This is Kent Dorfman." "He's a legacy from Harrisburg." "Now wait a minute!" "Okay, this guy is a real zero." "That's true." "Think back to when you were freshmen." "Boon, you had a face like a pepperoni pizza, right?" "And Stork here." "Everybody thought that Stork was brain damaged." "I myself was so obnoxious... the seniors beat me up once a week." "So this guy is a total loser?" "Let me tell you the story of another loser." "Get up!" "Let's go!" "On your feet!" ""I..." State your name." "I... state your name." ""...do hereby pledge allegiance to the frat."" "...do hereby pledge allegiance to the frat." ""With liberty and fraternity for all."" "Amen." "Sergeant at Arms... do your duty." "From now on, your Delta Tau Chi name is Weasel." "From now on your name is Mothball." "Kroger, your Delta Tau Chi name is Pinto." " Why Pinto?" " Why not?" "What's my Delta Tau Chi name?" "Dorfman, I've given this a lot of thought." "From now on... your name is Flounder." "Flounder?" "We now consecrate the bond of obedience." "Assume the position." "Thank you, sir." "May I have another?" "Thank you, sir." "May I have another?" "Thank you, sir." "May I have another?" "Now, what can we say... of John Milton's..." "Paradise Lost?" "It's a long poem, written... a long time ago, and I'm sure... a lot of you have difficulty understanding... exactly what Milton was trying to say." "Certainly we know that he was trying to... describe the struggle between good and evil, right?" "The most intriguing character, as we all know from our reading, was..." "Satan." "Now was Milton trying to tell us... that being bad was more fun than being good?" "Okay." "Don't write this down, but I find Milton probably... as boring as you find Milton." "Mrs. Milton found him boring, too." "He's a little bit long-winded... he doesn't translate very well into our generation, and his jokes are terrible." "But that doesn't relieve you from your responsibility for this material." "I'm waiting for reports from some of you." "I'm not joking!" "This is my job." "Come on, Mandy, I would tell you." "Are you and Greg doing the dirty deed or not?" "Greg doesn't believe in premarital intercourse." "Too bad." "I think he's just dreamy." "And one, two, three, four..." "Company, halt!" "Dress that line." "Dress that line, mister!" "Dress that line, soldier." "Mister, hold my mount." "You fat, disgusting slob!" "You're a goddamned disgrace!" "A vicious mother, isn't he?" "He can't do that to our pledges." "Only we can do that to our pledges." "Redo those buttons!" "Dress that belt buckle!" "Straighten that cap!" "And goddamn it, tuck up those pyjamas!" "Attention!" "Eyes front!" "What's that on your chest, mister?" " It's a pledge pin, sir." " A pledge pin!" "On your uniform?" "Hooked it." "Shit." "Just tell me, mister, what fraternity would pledge... a man like you?" "It's a Delta pin, sir." "Slice!" "Report to the stable tonight and every night at 19:00 hours." "Without that pledge pin!" "Do you understand?" "Your left arm is straight... but you're not keeping your head down." "You're all worthless and weak!" "Now drop and give me 20!" "Get back in ranks!" "Always try to hit through the ball." "I've gotta work on my game." "Don't think of it as work." "The whole point is just to enjoy yourself." "I want you to fix Pinto up, but it has to be a very special girl." "She should be decent-looking, but we'll trade looks for... a certain kind of morally casual attitude." "Somebody he can screw on the first date." "Well put." "You see, Pinto's never been laid." "What did I say?" "Don't embarrass me in front of Dave." "He's the only professor I like." "Mr. Jennings is a wonderful teacher." "Teaching pays the rent till I finish my novel." "How long have you been working on it?" "Four and a half years." "Must be very good." "It's a piece of shit." "Would anybody like to smoke some pot?" "Yeah." "You ever smoked before?" "Sure." "When did you ever smoke pot?" "I've done a lot of things you don't know about." "I won't go schizo, will I?" "There's a distinct possibility." "Is this right?" "Try not to drool quite so much on the end of it." "Hey, Paula" "I wanna marry you" "Hey, Paula" "Nobody else could ever do" "I've waited so long" "For school to be through" "I can't wait no more for you" "Okay." "That means that... our whole solar system... could be, like... one tiny atom in the fingernail of some other giant being." "This is too much!" "That means one tiny atom in my fingernail could be..." " Could be one little... tiny universe." "Could I buy some pot from you?" "Give me that." "Yeah, baby." "Good baby." "It's all right." "You stupid..." "Dorfman!" "What kind of man hits a defenceless animal?" "I've got a good mind to smash your fat face." "Listen up, you nauseating pile of blubber." "Your days are numbered at Faber." "You and all your sick Delta buddies." "Meantime, your ass belongs to me." "Now, drop and give me 20." "But..." "Hit it!" "Trooper, baby." "Come here, baby." "Cutie-pie." "I want these quarters standing tall by 09:00 tomorrow." "You got that?" "Yes, sir." "Brother D-Day, brother Bluto." "You hate that ying-yang?" " Who?" " Neidermeyer." "You hate his guts?" " I guess so." " You guess so?" "Yes, I hate him!" "I hate his guts!" "We have an old saying in Delta." ""Don't get mad, get even."" "Nice horsey." "Good." "Let's go." "He's in there!" "Boy, is this great!" "Now finish it, Flounder." "Are you kidding?" "I never shot anything before in my life." " I thought you hated Neidermeyer's guts." " I do." "And the horse?" "Is there anything in the world you hate as much as that horse?" "Get it over with." " Just blanks, right?" " Right." " Holy shit!" " There were blanks in that gun!" " I didn't even point the gun at him!" " Holy shit!" "There were blanks." " Maybe he had a heart attack." " Holy shit!" "If you want the homecoming parade in my town... you have to pay." "Carmine, I think it's wrong to extort money from the college." "Look... as the mayor of Faber, I've got big responsibilities." "These parades are very expensive." "You're using my police... my sanitation people, my free Oldsmobiles." "If you mention extortion again..." "I'll have your legs broken." "I'm sure I can arrange a nice honorarium from the student fund." "Another thing." "You better sit on that zoo fraternity of yours." "I don't want no drunken riots in my town." "Don't worry." "I've got those boys just where I want them." "We'll have the best homecoming parade Faber's ever had." "Mandy!" " I haven't seen you since we..." " Go away." "I can only stay a minute." "Let me buy you lunch." "You've got your lunch." "How about some milk?" "You got your milk, too." "Can I just massage your thighs while you eat?" "Do I have to leave?" "Is this any way to treat an intimate friend?" "I asked you never to speak to me again." "Will you go away?" "I do hope we're not interrupting anything." "If you must know..." " Eric was just leaving." " I wasn't." "I could make you leave, if you..." "Bluto!" "I think you know everybody here." "Greg, can't you..." "Don't worry." "Just keep your hands and feet away from his mouth." "Don't you have any respect for yourself?" "This is absolutely gross!" "That boy is a P-l-G, pig!" "See if you can guess... what I am now." "I'm a zit." "Get it?" "All right, you bastard." "Let's go, right here!" "Why don't we go out tonight?" "Don't flatter yourself." "It wasn't that great." "Food fight!" "Oh, Greg." "Look." "It's a star." "Let's make a wish." " "Star light, star bright..."" " Wait a minute." "That's not a star." "It's moving too fast." "It's probably a 707." "Those babies really can move across the sky." "Is anything happening yet?" "My arm's tired." "I'm sorry, Mandy." "That thing with the Deltas has me a little distracted." "God knows how they've molested women." "Anything?" "Maybe a little faster." "Yeah." " How's that?" " Yes." "That Eric Stratton's lucky he's not in jail." "I'll say." "What?" "You'll say what?" "I'll say what?" "You said, "I'll say," when I said, "He should be in jail." I'm trying to figure..." "If you're not even going to try, I'm going to stop." "Mandy, I..." " Good night, Greg." " Good night, Mandy." "She stole your boyfriend?" "Her boyfriend." "And not your boyfriend?" "Speaking of boyfriends, how was your date with Greg?" "Good night." "That's it." "She broke our date." " Washing her hair?" " Dead mother." "We're in trouble." "The Jewish guys said our test answers were wrong." "Every one?" "Those assholes must have stolen the wrong fucking exam!" "God, look what just creeped in." "Well, well, well." "Looks like somebody forgot there's a rule against alcoholic beverages... in fraternities on probation." "What a tool!" "What was that?" "I said... what a shame... that a few bad apples have to spoil a good time for everyone by breaking the rules." " Put a sock in it... or you'll be out like shit through a goose." "Yes, sir." "Have you boys seen your grade point average yet?" " Have you?" " I have, sir." "It's a little below par..." "It's more than a little below par." "It stinks!" "It's the lowest on campus." "It's the lowest in Faber history." "Well, sir... we're hoping that our midterm grades will help our average." "Laugh now... because you clowns have been on double secret probation all semester." " Double secret probation?" " That means one more slip-up... one more mistake... and this fraternity of yours has had it... at Faber." "That was pleasant." "Nice of him to stop by." "We must do something." "He's serious this time." "I think he knows about the exams." " He's right." " You're right." "We got to do something." " Absolutely." " Know what we gotta do?" "Toga party." "We're on double secret probation." "We can't afford to have a toga party." " You guys up for a toga party?" " Toga!" "Toga!" " They like the idea." " Otter, please don't do this." "I've got news for you, pal." "They're going to nail us, no matter what we do." "So we might as well have a good time." "Toga!" "Toga!" "Toga!" "It's not going to be an orgy." "It's a toga party." "Honestly, you're 21 years old." "In six months, you graduate." "Tomorrow night, you'll wrap yourself in a sheet, pour grain alcohol all over your head." " Cute, but I think I'll pass this time." " Want me to go alone?" "I don't want you to go at all." "It's a fraternity party." "I'm in the fraternity." "How can I miss it?" "I'll write you a note." "I'll say you're too well to attend." "It's funny." "Very funny." "Where did he get the wheels?" "From his brother." "He's letting him use it for a week." "Flounder's bringing his girlfriend up for the weekend." "I am appointing you... pledge representative to the social committee." "Gee, thanks!" "What do I do?" "Drive us to the Food King!" "Food King!" "Otter, please." " What are you doing?" " Fixing your sweater." "There you go." "Keep them under there, and keep your sweater closed." " I could get in trouble." " That's right, so... be cool." "Mine's bigger than that." " I beg your pardon?" " My cucumber, it's bigger." "Vegetables can be really sensuous, don't you think?" "No." "Vegetables are sensual." "People are sensuous." "Right. "Sensual." That's what I meant." "My name is Eric Stratton." "They call me Otter." "My name's Marion." "They call me Mrs. Wormer." "We have a Dean Wormer at Faber." "What a coincidence." "I have a husband named Dean Wormer at Faber." "You still want to show me your cucumber?" "Nothing for me today, thanks." "It looks like you gained some weight since you came in." " It's a prank." "I'm pledging a fraternity." " Don't sweat it." "I won't tell." "The Delta Tau Chi house is having a party tonight, and you are cordially invited." "I'm old enough to be your mother, almost." "Besides, I have to go to the goddamn senior honours dinner tonight." "Oh, well..." "Maybe some other time." "Doubtful." "Maybe?" "So if you're not busy, you want to go to a fraternity party?" " Will I be home by 12:00?" " Any time you want." "I'll pick you up..." "My dad would kill me if he knew I was going to a frat house." "Okay if I meet you there?" "Is it okay?" "It's terrific!" "Girls, welcome to the Delta toga party." "Come in." "Let me take your coat." "Great pair of togas." "Have some delicious Delta punch, and I'll join you in a minute." "This is Sissy, my steady girl." "This is the guy I told you about." "You're even prettier than Kent said." "What a great dress." " You two talk, and I'll get us some punch." " Good idea." "He's really a lucky guy." "Why don't we go sit down somewhere?" "I gave my love a cherry" "That had no stone" "I gave my love a chicken" "That had no bones" "I gave my love a story" "That had no end" "I gave..." "Sorry." " You look great." " So do you." "I had to wait until my folks went out." "Get me some more punch." "I got a lot of catching up to do." "You want to dance?" "Gator!" " Mrs. Wormer, I'm so glad you came." " Cut the crap." "Give me a drink." " This is Hoover's room." " Yeah?" "It's neat." "I think it's locked or something." "Just a minute." "Fuck her." "Fuck her brains out." "Suck her tits." "Squeeze her buns." "You know she wants it." "For shame!" "Lawrence, I'm surprised at you." "Don't listen to that jack-off." "Look at those gazongas." "You'll never get a better chance." "If you lay one finger on that poor, sweet, helpless girl... you'll despise yourself forever." "I'm proud of you, Lawrence." "You homo!" "My fault!" "For Christ's sake, Carmine, how could it be my fault?" "One of those goddamn fraternities, I guess." "I don't know, but I have a pretty good idea which one." "I'm gonna string them up by the balls!" "I bet it was that Eric Stratton." "You know that for sure?" "No, but... you'd be surprised at some of the girls he's had." "Very surprised." "It must have been some party." "Unbelievable." "A new low." "I'm so ashamed." "Almost sorry I missed it." " What did you do, human sacrifice?" " No, just some harmless fun." "Buy me a dinner tonight?" "Can't tonight." "Busy." "Busy tonight?" "Please take your seats." "This meeting of the disciplinary council will now come to order." "We'll waive minutes and proceed directly with charges against Delta Tau Chi." "Sergeant at Arms." "The following charges are brought:" "First, that the Delta house did knowingly violate... the rules governing pledge recruitment... by serving alcohol to freshmen during pledge week... and after established drinking hours." "I'd like to address these charges one at a time, if I may." "You'll get your chance, smart guy." "Get on with it." "Second, that for the fifth consecutive semester..." "Delta has achieved a deficient aggregate grade point average." "Half the houses didn't make grades." "You will speak when you're told to, and not before!" "Read." "Third... that the Delta fraternity routinely provided dangerous narcotic diet pills to its members during..." " That's not true!" "Not another word!" "...during midterm examination week." "And most recently... that a Roman toga party was held... from which we have received... two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion... so profound and disgusting... that decorum prohibits listing them here." "These are the charges as recorded this day... 15 November, 1962." "Faithfully submitted..." "Douglas C. Neidermeyer..." "Sergeant at Arms." " Well done." " Robert Hoover will speak for Delta house." "I don't think you can fully judge a fraternity... without looking at the positive qualities of the people in it." "The Delta house has a long tradition of existence to its members... and to the community at large." "We've heard enough, Mr. Chairman." " I was told I'd have a chance to..." " That's enough." "The court will now decide." " You said..." " He said that's it!" "Are you deaf?" "Let's finish this damn thing." "Blow job!" " I don't think it's fair!" " I'll tell you what's fair and what's not!" "Eat me!" " Tell those assholes to shut up." " Shut up, assholes!" " Do we have to listen to this?" " Point of parliamentary procedure." " Don't screw around." "They're serious." " Take it easy, I'm in prelaw." " Thought you're premed?" " What's the difference?" "Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief." "What do you think he's up to?" "The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules or... took a few liberties with our female party guests." "We did." "But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behaviour of... a few sick, perverted individuals." "If you do... shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system?" "And if the whole fraternity system is guilty... then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general?" "I put it to you, Greg." "Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society?" "Well... you can do what you want to us... but we won't sit here... and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!" "Gentlemen!" "Order!" "You're not walking out on this one, mister." "You're finished." "No more Delta!" "You've bought it this time, buster!" "I'm calling your national office!" "I'm going to revoke your charter!" "If you wise guys try one more thing... one more, I'll kick you out of this college!" "No more fun of any kind!" "When my father was in Korea, he wasn't flying." "He was in the infantry." "He was an officer, of course..." "How does it feel to be an independent?" "How does it feel to be an asshole?" "What did he say?" "Hoover says we can't even enter a float in the homecoming parade." "Some stupid zombies riding piles of Kleenex down the street?" "Look!" "Goddamn son of a bitch!" "I'll kill you, you scumbag!" "Jerk-off!" "Assholes!" "Jesus." "What's going on?" "They confiscated everything, even the stuff we didn't steal." "They took the bar!" "The whole fucking bar!" "Thanks." "I needed that." "Christ." "This is ridiculous." "What are we going to do?" "Road trip." "You can't take the car!" "Fred wrote the mileage down!" "He wants it back by Sunday." "Please don't take the car!" "He'll be very mad at me!" "Get in." "Otter, don't you understand?" "He wants it back by Sunday!" "Fred's gonna kill me." "This car is expensive!" "I'll get in trouble!" "We can have fun, but drive carefully!" "We won't tell anybody!" "I hear Dickinson girls are fast." "What should I say?" "Mention modern art, civil rights or folk music, you're in like Flynn." " You sure we have dates?" " Absolutely." "What's the chick's name?" "Fawn Liebowitz." " She was from Fort Wayne, Indiana." " I hope I score." "Oh, boy!" "Oh, boy!" "Turn the car around." "I'll be right back." "Excuse me." "Can I help you?" "I'm here to pick up my date." "Could you ring Fawn Liebowitz?" "Fawn Liebowitz?" "Just a minute." "Hello, Shelly?" "This is Brunella at the desk." "Could you come down here?" "Now." "A boy is here for Fawn." "Thank you." " Is she coming down?" " Her roommate is." "Fawn isn't here." "She..." "Would you excuse me a minute?" "Evening." "I'm Shelly Dubinsky, Fawn's roommate." "I'm Frank Lymon from Amherst, Fawn's fiancé." "Actually, we're engaged to be engaged." "What's wrong with everyone here?" "Why don't we sit down, Frank?" "I don't know how to tell you... so I'll just tell you." "Fawn's dead." "She's dead?" "Did she put you up to this?" "That minx." "What a lively sense of humour." ""Sophomore dies in kiln explosion"?" " Oh, my God!" " I'm terribly sorry, Frank." "I just talked to her last week." "She was gonna make a pot for me." "If there's anything I can do..." "You're so nice." " I really shouldn't impose on you." " No, really." "Anything." "I don't think I should be alone tonight." "Would you go out with me?" "I'll get my coat." "Could you get three dates for my friends?" "Otter, holy shit!" "Otis Day and the Knights!" "I don't believe this." "It feels so good to be back here at the Dexter Lake Club." "We'd like to do a tune entitled:" "Shama Lama Ding Dong." "So hit it!" "Wait till Otis sees us!" "He loves us!" "Oh, my God!" "It's dented!" "We are going to die." "We're the only white people here." " Are you sure..." " Don't worry about a thing, man." "A double rock 'n' rye, and... seven Carlings." "Otis!" "My man!" "You girls come here often?" " Are you all right?" " Yeah." "This is really fun." "I'm really sorry." "I know what you must be going through." "Would you rather be alone?" " What are you majoring in?" " What?" " What are you majoring in?" " Primitive cultures." "I need you so much." "I'm here." "Move to your left a little." "Good." "Where do you go to school?" "I wonder where Otter is." "Maybe I should go look for him." "I used to touch Fawn this way." "I know." "She told me." "She did?" "Do you mind if we dance with your dates?" "Why, no, not at all." "Go right ahead." "If I was in your shoes..." " I'd be..." " Leaving." "What a good idea." "Compose yourself, we got to get out of here!" "The Negroes took our dates!" "Oh, my God!" "Please be careful!" "This will cost hundreds of dollars to fix!" "Oh, my God!" "We're out." "What baffles me is why Fawn would go out with boys like that." " They reminded me of criminals." " They were horrible." "I think Frank was kind of cute." "I really felt sorry for him." "He started crying and..." "What did Katy say?" "She wasn't home." "Where could she be at 6:00 a.m?" " What's with you two?" " I don't know." "Something's wrong." "Women." "Can't live with them, can't live without them." "You know where Mandy is?" "She was supposed to help make tea." "Sure don't." "She said she was just going to wash her hair." "That's typical." "Just when we're doing something important." "I hate to see her make such a chump out of you." "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that Mandy and Eric Stratton are having an affair." "But I love you, Greg." "That's why I had to tell you." "Babs..." "I want you to do something for me." "Good." " I'm outta here." " Katy?" "Good luck." "Hey." "Stop blubbering." "When I'm through with this thing, you won't even recognise it." "Come on, Flounder." "You can't worry forever about your mistakes." "You fucked up." "You trusted us." "Make the best of it." "Maybe we can help you." "That's easy for you to say." "What am I going to I tell Fred?" "I'll tell you what." "I'll swear you were doing a great job taking care of his car, but... you parked it out back last night, and this morning, it was gone." "D-Day takes care of the wreck." "We tell the police." "Your brother's insurance buys him a new car." "Will that work?" "It's got to work better than the truth." "My advice to you... is to start drinking heavily." "Better listen to him." "He's in premed." "There you go." "Just leave everything to me." "Hi, Katy." "I missed you." "I was going to call you..." "Where are they?" "Boon, I don't know what to say." "Boon, wait!" "Shit." "Must be in the kitchen." "What's the matter?" "There they are." "Are you sure, Babs?" "Why would Mandy want to see me?" "I'm sure I don't know." "You'll have to ask her." "As soon as you can get there." "Well..." "Do you know the Rainbow Motel on Old Mill Road?" "Thank you very much." "Bye." "Teddy!" "Did you get the Deltas' grade reports?" "Yes." "I have it right here." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Good." "It's "Mr. Thoughtful" with a dozen roses for... you..." "One, two, three, four, five." "Looks like we're a couple flowers short, so some of you boys will have to..." "Where are the other two?" "Stratton and Schoenstein?" " We looked everywhere, sir, but..." " Never mind." "It doesn't matter." "You gentlemen seen your midterm grades yet?" "They're not posted yet, sir." "I've seen them." "Mr. Kroger..." "Two C's, two D's, and an F." "That's a 1.2 grade average." "Congratulations, Kroger." "You're at the top of the Delta pledge class." "Mr. Dorfman." "Hello." "0.2." "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." "Mr. Hoover." "President of Delta house, 1.6... four C's and an F. A fine example you set." "Daniel Simpson Day... has no grade point average." "All courses incomplete." "Mr. Blutarsky." "0.0." "Tell Mr. Stratton and Mr. Schoenstein exactly what I'm about to tell you." " What, sir?" " You're out!" "Finished at Faber!" "Expelled!" "I want you off this campus Monday morning!" "And I'm sure you'll be happy to know... that I have notified your local draft boards... and told them that you are now all... eligible for military service." "Well?" "Well?" "Out with it!" "Relax, honey." "You know, I know, everybody knows that Otter certainly had it coming." "I don't think the Deltas will be giving us any more trouble." "Greg, honey?" "Is it supposed to be this soft?" "Christ!" "Seven years of college down the drain." "Might as well join the fucking Peace Corps." "My mother's going to kill me." "I knew it." "I can't believe I threw up in front of Dean Wormer." "Face it." "You threw up on Dean Wormer." "Jesus Christ!" "What happened?" "You look grotesque!" " Some Omegas danced on my face." " Who was it?" "It was Greggie and Douggie and some of the other Hitler youth." " What did you do?" "I don't know." "They're just animals, I guess." "Looks like I missed something." "You did." "We're all officially kicked out of school." "Wormer just got our grades." "They kicked us out of school?" "That makes sense." " What's this lying around shit?" " What should we do, moron?" "War's over." "Wormer dropped the big one." "What? "Over"?" "Did you say "over"?" "Nothing's over until we decide it is!" "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" "Hell, no!" " Germans?" " Forget it, he's rolling." "And it ain't over now." "'Cause when the going gets tough..." "The tough get going!" "Who's with me?" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "What the fuck happened to the Delta I used to know?" "Where's the spirit?" "Where's the guts?" "This could be the greatest night of our lives... but you're gonna let it be the worst." ""We're afraid to go with you, Bluto." "We might get in trouble."" "Just kiss my ass from now on." "Not me!" "I won't take this!" "Wormer is a dead man!" " Marmalard:" "Dead!" "Neidermeyer..." " Dead." "Bluto's right." "Psychotic... but absolutely right." "We got to take these bastards." "We could fight them with conventional weapons." "That could take years... cost millions of lives." "In this case..." "I think we have to go all out." "I think this situation absolutely requires... a really futile and stupid gesture... be done on somebody's part." "We're just the guys to do it." "Let's do it." "Let's do it!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Tommy?" "Hi." "Hi." "I'm Larry." "Remember me?" "I took you to the party." "Wait a minute." "So how come you show up now?" "I didn't expect to see you." "I never got a chance to say good night to you after the party." "They almost pumped my stomach." "Can we take a walk or something?" " What do you mean, "or something"?" " I could get some beer." "Not tonight, okay?" "Besides, you might get lucky without it." "Before we go any further, there's something I have to tell you." "I lied to you." "I've never done this before." "You've never made out with a girl before?" "I've never done what I think we're going to do in a minute." "I sort of did once..." "That's okay." "Neither have I." "Besides..." "I lied, too." "Yeah?" "What about?" "I'm only 13." "Hi, there!" "Marvellous day." "Excuse me, please." "Pardon me." "Off that mailbox!" "That's government property." "Move it." "Would you hold this?" "Thank you." "My kid can't see." "Can he stand in front of you?" "No." "Hoover!" "Where's Boon?" "I don't think you should stay around here." "What are you talking about?" "We all got expelled last night." "What?" "Why?" "Where's Boon?" "Listen to me." "I think you'd be glad later if you weren't here now." "May I have 10,000 marbles, please?" "Testing." "It gives me great pleasure to present... this ceremonial gold-plated whistle... to this year's honorary grand marshal..." "Dean Vernon Wormer." "Mr. Marshal... the streets of Faber are yours." "Thank you, Mr. Mayor." "Let's go." "Sequence!" "Hut!" "Faber!" "Thank you, God!" "Those guys are coming pretty fast." " What the fuck's going on?" " I don't know." "Let's stop this now." "Charge!" "Get up, you faggots!" "Charge!" "Stand up and fight, for Christ's sake!" "Faggots!" "Remain calm." "All is well." "Cut the cake!" "Look!" "Oh, my God!" "Let's take the cheese." "I hate those guys." "Ramming speed!" "Oh, boy, is this great!" "All is well!" "You can take your thumb out of my ass any time now." "Remain..." "This may seem an inopportune moment to ask, Dean Wormer... but do you think you could give us one more chance?" "Daddy!" "Mom!" "This is Larry Kroger... the boy who molested me last month." "We have to get married." "We should discuss this some other time, sir." "I know you're very busy" "Come out of there!" "Come on out, you bastards!" "Who is it?" "You know damn well!" "I'm sorry." "You'll have to come back later." "I'm doing the dishes." "Look at my thumb." "Gee, you're dumb." "Bye!" "Excuse me." "Pardon me." "Neidermeyer!" "Don't you guys think you've had enough?" "Okay, now I'm really mad." "Now you've had it!" "Officer, please, for God's sake, they're looting the Food King!" "Come back and fight!" "No prisoners!" | {
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"Previously on Weeds." "People seem to like what we're selling." "Milf weed." "It's the brand of the day." "And everybody love that shit too." "If you will notice above me, our very first camera." "Drugs are wrong !" "I think you're turning Agrestic into a police state." "I totally kick ass." "You want me to be your girlfriend ?" "They think he's cool ever since he took up your cause." " What cause ?" " Go drugs !" " May I come in ?" " Bad timing." "It's dad's birthday for fuck's sake." "We're married." "It's a business arrangement." " What was that ?" "!" " I don't know." "Your boys at the DEA, do they know about me ?" "Probably not, you're small time." "I thought we were under your radar." "You're under my radar." "And since I'm keeping you there," "I gotta show my boss some results." "Nobody fucking moves !" "...this is a house of worship." "Did you tell Heylia yourself or did you have your boy Conrad do it ?" "You just would'nt listen." "...you went off with one of my customers and created a new game behind my back." "She's not gonna stay mad." "You do not know Heylia." "All starts here." "Under a beautiful blue sky." "That's mine." "No it ain't." "Yes it is." "This is where you find out who you are." "You gonna push, or you gonna get pushed ?" "So which one you think gonna win ?" "The fat one." "He got more leverage." "Unless the other one bites him then it's anyone's game." "I got here as soon as I could." "This is not off the freeway." "You make a left..." "We dont know you." "Sit your pretty ass on over there and stare off somewhere else." "Wouldn't want the good men parked over in the Chevy thinking you're something other than that you look like." "Bitchin' way over her head." "Yeah." "That what's happen when you get raided." "You get two white boys, in an Impala following you everywhere you go." "But she don't have to worry about that." "Do she, Levin ?" "No she don't, 'cause she went off and married herself a DEA agent." "Yes she did, shipped off some Armenians and started farming." "Can you believe that ?" "I had no choice." "And I warned you about the bust." "Am I supposed to say thank you ?" "You shut me down." "I ain't nothing coming in now." "We can help you get by while you get yourself up and running again." "She did not just say that !" "You took away my livelihood." "Now, you think your help will make that right ?" "No." "That's just a bitchin' way-overhead talking." "What do you want me to do, Heylia ?" "Start by talking to your husband." "Then you will have to do whatever it takes." "And if that means you go to sit on his face with roses up your snatch five nights a week, you gonna do that." "Help me." "Who the fuck are you ?" "Hey !" "Vaneeta, what ever happened to that child ?" "Nancy, something like that ?" "Ain't that that white bitch that thought she was something ?" "Yeah." "Where's she at now ?" "She's gone now." " Vanished." " What ?" "Nobody seen her since." "Oh man !" "Those poor little boys." "Losin' both their parents." "Ain't that something." "Can you imagine ?" "OK, stop that." "I will stop everything." "I am Heylia Turner James." "And I know where you grow, and I know where you live." "And both you and Conrad are on the clock to make this thing right." "Tic fucking toc." "Come on, little girl." " Captain Till." " Scottson." "Sit down." "I'm re-reading your report." "I got to tell you, Pete." "First time through it it gave me the shits and giggles so good," "I had it laminated." "All 9 pages." "I'm gonna put them off on my wall over there." "And every time I'm having a crap day," "I'm gonna read about you and your muslim prayor meeting." "Suspects were tiped off." "Oh, you think ?" "Tell me agent, where is the next big bust ?" "Our lady in a crack pipe or a temple beth meth ?" "Surveillance is continuing." "Mike and Robin in the Impala." "And we still have wire taps." "And we're gonna wait around for the woman's food stamps to run out." "She's an open door to U-Turn." "I need some slack here." "Shuman needs Mike and Robin." " Captain." " You got hosed, Pete." " Wrap it up." " Yes, sir." "It's my anniversary today." "He forgot." "He forgets a lot of things." "17 years." " How long have you and... ?" " 20." "18... 22." "I'm not cool with numbers." "You're an accountant." "Different." "Those are guy numbers." "Years married, that's girl maths." "I'm ceased with guilt, are you seized with guilt ?" "Seized." "Good girl !" "We shouldn't be doing this." "You're right." "We have families." " Children." " Beautiful children." "This would destroy them." "Legendary !" "She thinks I can make Peter disappear." "Peter wants her in jail, me out of the business." "Silas wants to skip college and be like me." "I think Shane knows what I do." "I can't even look at him in the face." " I've never been to China." " Sit down." "She threatened to kill me !" "Stop sucking on the fucking straw." "Give me your hand." "Breathe." " Look at me." " What are you doing ?" "A Korean girl taught me this." "Keep breathing, and look at me." "I don't know what to do." "I'm out of moves." "Baby, you never had any." "Moves mean you think things through, you have been reacting." "That feels good." "Ready to get in the back seat ?" "You ready for Conrad's plan now ?" "You out." "I'm out." "You don't dug yourself a pit a mile deep and a foot wide and you ain't lookin' back up in a pin hole." "You out." "You go to him." "You tell him you love him." "Tell him you out after this office." "You get your money back." "Heylia James gets wiped off his board." "I take the equipment and disappear." "I'm sorry." "No I don't... really wanna hear this." "No, listen !" "You've been a good friend." "No." "This ain't no "Driving Miss Daisy."" "I ain't about to feed you no Thanksgiving pie." "If things work out with Peter, you get your money." "You're done." "You love him ?" "Who ?" "Agent Wonder Bread." "I'm not sure." "You think you could ?" "You're out ?" "The hours suck." "There's no health insurance." "It's a bad job for a danger junkie." "And that's you." "I admit I have a problem." "I'm going cold turkey." "I'm skeptical." "Let me convince you." "Come to dinner tomorrow night." "You with my family." "Your sons ?" "I don't know how thrilled they'll be." " They are good kids." " I know that." "And you're amazing." "Eat with us." "Heylia walks, Conrad leaves." "We make a go of it." " Dinner ?" " My place." "Bring your tooth brush." "I'm staying the night ?" "Peter is my boyfriend." "He makes me happy." "Just your boyfriend ?" "And he's in some sort of law enforcement I hear ?" "So we can all feel safe." "I've invited him over for dinner tomorrow night." "It needs to go well." " Can I invite Gretchen ?" " Absolutely !" "What is this we're having ?" "It's paella." "Great !" "It's pretty !" "I want you to make this again tomorrow night." "We don't have to eat the same thing." "I can make..." "No, I want you to make this." "You got it." "Kat !" "Did you lost your cat ?" " I'm Kat, you're Nancy, right ?" " I am." "There's a... smell." "Grape jelly ?" "No !" "It's... fish." "Oh that's me !" "That's me !" "It's sockeye salmon." "If you want some, I have a whole bag full." "No, I'm good." "Who are you ?" "What do you want ?" "Is..." "Andy here ?" "Mom, uncle Andy's choking !" "Come on in !" "I've been eating nothing but sockeye salmon for the past 47 hours." "The MapQuest map says it takes 43 which is bullshit !" "I mean who's that boy?" "You must be Shane." "Hi." "Hug hug." "So it's a real car or..." "You're the crazy chick from Alaska who tried to kill my uncle ?" "That is a great story !" "Hi Silas !" "You drove here all the way from Alaska ?" "Yeah I borrowed some salmon from the fishery." "That means she stole it." "The man at the 7-Eleven gave me a case of Red Bull." "And that mean she stole it." "And that's all I've been eating and drinking for the past 47 hours, I feel great !" "I drove and I drove and I drove, till I hit the innerstate 5 and that's a straight line for 1211 miles." "But I knew a shortcut." "Hi." "How do you find me ?" "I read about your toe accident online, Google." "I missed you so much." "I'm tired." "Fresno is beautiful." "I wrote a book." " And she is..." " Gone by tomorrow." " Promise." " Thank you." "How was your day?" "How was my day ?" "It was swell." "How was your day ?" "Isabel had a call-back for a voice over audition." "I didn't like the material." "I stopped by Doug's office but he wasn't there." "I'm still trying to patch things up." "Good luck with that." "Dean, we have to talk." "Just a second." "No, I mean we have to talk." "What is this ?" "Happy anniversary." "You thought I forgot, didn't you ?" "I thought you forgot." "It's lovely." "Thank you." "Anything for me ?" ""Permafuck," A Journal of spirit Rape." "Yeah, it's about us and our time in Alaska." "You're not gonna like everything you read but I wrote the truth." "Abumchuk was very upset with you." " Who's Abumchuk?" " He's my boyfriend." "He read my memoir, he wants to kill you, Andy." "But don't worry, I ditched him in Bakersfield." "I don't think he followed me." "Big Eskimo guy ?" "The correct term is inuit." "Is that him?" "No!" "He's much bigger than that." "Your orange juice." "Can I have some tabasco sauce please?" "Sure." "All right, let's stay focused here." "So you wrote a book about us." "And I just need you to sign a letter that says that everything in the memoir happened in real life." "Okay, I just have to sign something and then you'll go away." "You can read it in the van." " In the van?" " That's where I'll fuck you." "Yeah." "No, no, no, no." "Abumchuk is ***" "He beats people for me but he's a premature ejaculator." "I can't have sex with you." "You're the last man that made me come." "I..." "No, no, no." "I can't..." "April 28th, 2005. 5:26 pm." "Ketchikan, Alaska, women's bathroom, Dear Mountain Hatchery." "Hmm, we'll take the check." "Yeah, I don't know when I stop really loving Dean." "The only reason we're still together is because of the kids." "You know once Isabel graduates..." "Turn on the TV." "Take your mind off your troubles." "Allright." "God!" "That feels good!" "Just set the food network." "I have tapes in my bag." "Porno?" "Better." "We'll have Gretchen home by 9." "She's a great kid." "So enters the eldest son." "Where have you been?" "It's 5:30." "I thought dinner was at 5:30." "Dinner was supposed to be at 5:30 but your uncle didn't show up to make it so..." "We're making ourselves." "Hey, Silas." "Hi." " What's with the outfit?" " Just an outfit." "Wanna help out?" "I'm not exactly a gourmet here." "Call me when it's ready." "So this guy is your mom boyfriend or something." " I guess so." " My mom's got a boyfriend." " Your parents are divorced?" " Separated." "My dad's got an appartment." "I see him on the weekends." "What's that like?" "I don't know." "We go to the movies, miniature golf." "He mostly says he's sorry, stuff like that." "Sounds awesome." "Crack!" "Punishment?" "The alphabet backwards." "Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T, S, R, Q, P..." "It's not as good as last night." "Yeah, the thing about paella if that you have to watch it pretty close or it turns into a..." "Stinky lump of crap?" "The thing with paellas is that you have to be here in order to cook it and some pople weren't here so..." "Peter, I think your paella is great." "I tried my best." "In fact, I'm gonna have me some more." "Anybody else?" "Gretchen?" "No, thank you." "Silas, get your elbows out of the table." "I don't wanna make this awkward but I wanted to apologize for coming by last week." "Your mother told me that you were having a party in honor of your father." "Yeah, that pretty much sucked." "Silas, don't be a brat and get your elbows off the table." "I wanted you two to know that" "I respect the memory of your father." "We've heard the speech:" ""I'm not here to replace him, I just want to sleep with your mom"." "Ow!" "Your mother asked you several times, Silas." "You're gonna let him do that?" "Uh..." "Show some respect." "Gretchen, this isn't how we usually act, I apologize." "She's right." "We usually have dinner at the dining room table." "We usually don't eat the same thing two night in a row." "We don't use cloth napkins." "We put our elbows wherever the fuck we want." "Pull it back.***" "We don't dress up like we're going to some movie premiere and what are you?" "On your 8th glass of wine?" "You could use some boundaries, son." "Okay, dinner's over." "Silas, go up to your room." "Andy, would you drive Gretchen home?" "I would like to." "I'm a little uh..." "He's too stoned to drive." "I'll take her." "Silas, you're not going anywhere." " I'll drive her home." " Uh..." "I don't know you." " He's a policeman." " I don't know him." " You don't know Silas either." " He's Shane brother." "Allright, I'll drive her." "You've had too much to drink." "Sorry, mom." "No." "You're right, honey." "No need to apologize." "Gretchen, Silas will drive you home." "Silas, there and back, this is your last drive." " Peter." " Yeah?" "I'm sorry about what I said about the food." "I'm gonna go feed the cat." "Dinner with the family." "I can't believe they let you have this stuff." "This is awesome!" "You think the Agrestic police force has the budget for someone to monitor these things?" "No." "No one sees these except me." "That was something." "Right there!" "Like a skeleton or something." "There." " That's Kate Valensky." " Martin's wife?" " Yeah." " Jesus!" "Yeah." "Can't be any more than 75 pounds now." "Monday through Sunday, vanishing away." "Wait, I think something good is coming up." "Better than the guy shitting in the manhole." "Better." "Wait for it." "Wait for it." "There!" "Is that Litman?" "Naked?" "At 10 o'clock every evening!" "I haven't had any complaints yet." "That's 'cause everyone's inside mollesting their kids." "Dark." "Well, 3 hours of Agrestic going wild would do that to you." "Has it been 3 hours already?" "Shit!" "Shit!" "Shit!" "This is better than porn." "Better enjoy it while you can." "Some fucking lowlife stole 2 of them already." " The cameras?" " And the "drug free zone" signs." "And the sasquatch costume." "You're pissing off a lot of people, Celia." "Yeah, well, that must mean it's working." "Hey." "Thanks for the dick." "Sure thing." "Promise you'll change my name." "I promise." "Good." "Here you go." "Unite victims everywhere." "Make millions." " You're not gonna read it?" " No, no, I'm gonna go to bed." "Sleep in the van." "Gotta be up by morning." "Okay?" "Give my best to Abumchuk." "I drove half a continent to see you, Andy." "Well, you got your signature so godspeed." " You ever been fishing in Baha?" " In Baha..." "No." "You don't understand." "I have a thing here." "I'm helping my sister-in-law." "I'm taking care of these kids." "I'm getting my shit together." "That'd be lovely... if you truly believed it." "What are you doing?" "Do you realize how many felonies we've committed?" "I'm publishing the book as fiction." "Then why are you here?" "I'm going to save you, Andy." "Hey." "You look good." " Are you okay?" " Yeah." "No." "Not on this side." "I thought you slept on the left side." "I do, just not in this bed." "Okay." " I see." " Thanks." " Candles are nice." " It's calming." "You're incredibly sexy." "We have to be quiet." "Of course." "Why..." "Why did you do that thing... to his elbow?" "This didn't work out so good." "No!" "It's just... the first time having somebody over and all..." "Maybe we rushed things a little." "Well, maybe just the sleepover part." "But I'll call you." "Thanks for trying." "It's me." " Everything all right?" " Everything is not all right." "Conrad's plan did not work out." " Then we got some problems." " We sure do." "Talk to me." "He just walked out my front door 5 minutes ago and I don't want him... ever coming back." "Did he do something to you?" "Oh, no, it's nothing like that." "It's just..." "I forgot myself." "Agent Wonder Bread is not my husband." " He isn't?" " Not in this lifetime." "I do not love him and I'm... never gonna love him." " He don't know that, right?" " No." "I left it okay." "I think." "You're gonna have to play it like that for a little while longer." "Are you cool with that?" "Yeah, I think I can do that." "Meet me here at the house tomorrow, allright?" "Okay." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on Fringe:" "They weren't all bad One of them tried to help us." "He was called September." "Five weeks after the invasion, a man came here." "His name was Donald." "He was taken away by two invaders." "We have to find him." "Donald showed up at our doorstep." "He said the invaders were looking for him, but he needed us to watch the boy." "He said he was part of an important plan to defeat the invaders." "Do you remember meeting me with a man named Donald?" "The boy is important." "He has to live." "I know who Donald is." "Donald is September." "Walter?" "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." "What are you doing up?" "I could ask you the same thing." "You need your rest, son." "There's work to be done." "I'm freeing our next tape." "What's your excuse?" "I believe I have an idea about how we can find our friend September." "The memory the boy showed me is in my subconscious." "So it involves the tank." "Hey, Walter, how are--?" "Walter, why did you remove your trunks?" "They were too restrictive." "My body needs to be as free and open as my mind so I can find September." "Are you feeling sufficiently free and open now?" "I am." "Let's get started." "Okay, his vitals are steady." "His heart rate's a little low." "I think that's just the sedative kicking in." "Oscillation's coming through clear." "Everything seems to be functioning." "Walter, you're good to go." "You should be feeling pretty relaxed by now." "His blood pressure's rising." " How much?" " It's 140 over 90." "Now 152 over 100." "It's still rising." "His brain waves are fluctuating." "Walter, your vitals are spiking." "Are you okay?" "Incredible." "I'm here." "Walter, where are you?" "An apartment." "The same one from the flashes the boy showed me." "Take a look around." "You recognize anything about the space?" "Anything that could help tell where it is?" "I'm with September." "And he doesn't look at all like himself." "He has hair." "Are there any windows?" "Yes." "Go take a look outside." "I see water buildings in the distance skyscrapers..." "Uh, New York?" "Could be." "Yes." "I see the top of the Empire State Building." "The Empire State Building's in the east side of Manhattan." "On my right..." "I can't quite make..." "Bridge." "I'm under a bridge." "I think it's the Williamsburg Bridge." "Based on the angle of the view Walter described I would say the building is in Brooklyn near the southeast base of where the bridge used to be." "If September's still alive and living in the same place, that's where we'd find him." "He's still alive." "How do you know?" "I'm optimistic." " You are?" " Why not?" "As to whether September is still living in the same place, we shall see." "We must hurry." "ls everything all right?" "What?" "A child Observer?" "We've never seen one before." "What?" "A child Observer?" "We've never seen one before." "We have received word." "He is ready to see you now." "Continue searching for the fugitives." "Alert me to any developments." "There." "It was from over there." "Hey." "What's going on with you?" "What do you mean?" "I feel good." "From where I'm standing, you don't seem good." "You seem amazing, which is scary." "I wouldn't worry about me." "How can I not?" "You asked me to help you stay grounded." "You were so afraid of becoming the man you used to be you asked Nina to remove pieces of your brain." "The procedure is no longer necessary." "Why?" "Walter, why?" "What's changed?" "I can't explain it but when the boy touched me he showed me more than just images." "It was freeing, Peter." "All at once, I understood that everything I've ever known or thought I knew as a great man, could fit into a thimble." "And that's not all he gave me." "I remember things, things I haven't experienced." "I think from the other timeline before you were erased, before the timeline was reset." "I remember when you came to me at St. Claire's." "My first words, "I thought you'd be fatter."" "And I remember the night I was up late, making a peanut butter sandwich you slipped and called me dad." "The feeling of joy that gave me." "And the terror before you stepped into the machine." "I told you I'd never been good at letting you go, and you said..." ""This time you're gonna have to."" "What is this boy?" "How could he do this for you?" "Enable you to see a life you didn't live." "I'm not sure, but I feel it." "Do you remember the plan?" "No." "No idea." "That doesn't make any sense." "Why give you those memories, but not the plan?" "I don't know." "Peter, before I met him I didn't think it was possible to love you more." "But now, knowing what we've been through and everything we've had I do." "Ah." "You never liked public displays of affection." "Or going number two in a public restroom." "I remember that too." "The commander awaits." "Anomaly XB-6783746 has been found." "It is being hidden in 2036." "For what purpose?" "That is not yet clear." "But whoever hid this anomaly did so for a reason." "It should not exist." "But someone wanted it to exist." "Someone ensured its survival because they thought it was important." "This is it." "This is the window I was looking out in my vision." "From the tank." "Here it is." "Walter Bishop." "You're alive." "We were trapped in amber." "For 21 years, we were frozen in time." "I never thought I'd see you again." "And how did you find me?" "We've been relying on the tapes that Walter made in 2015." "Trying to piece things together." "We found the radio that you left in the pocket universe and that led us to the boy and he showed me where to find you." "The couple that you left him with called him Michael." "It's been quite a journey." "We've lost a lot." "A lot of good people sacrificed themselves to get us to you." "So your turn." "What happened to you?" "Before the invasion, I was apprehended for my continued interference in the timeline and my interaction with all of you." "As punishment, they removed my device." "Now I'm no longer able to move through time or do the things that I was able to do." "They experimented on me." "They called it biological reversion." "Now I am no different from you." "Truthfully, it wasn't much of a punishment." "I've always held this era in the highest regard." "And why the name Donald?" "You really don't remember, do you?" "The first movie we watched together was Singin' in the Rain." "And I chose the name Donald O'Connor." "Yes." "It was an excellent movie." "I used to sing "Make 'Em Laugh" in the key of A minor." "I remember." "What is he?" "He was born hundreds of years from now." "Like all of our kind, he was created in a lab using the genetic material of a designated donor." "It was a process that began generations earlier with a discovery on February 20th, 2167 by a scientist in Oslo, Norway, who was trying to increase human intelligence." "He realized that if he could rewire the portion of the human brain that induces jealousy he could increase cognitive function, sacrificing emotion for intelligence." "This discovery was the catalyst of the creation of the beings that you called Observers." "His work carried on more and more emotions were seen as roadblocks to higher intelligence." "Things like anger, greed, aggression." "They were abandoned in the pursuit of intellect." "Eventually, humanity became so intelligent and efficient they lost perspective of the value of these emotions." "Not only the negative ones, but the positive as well." "And soon, empathy, compassion and love became messy distractions." "They too were machined out." "Without romantic love, they developed new reproductive technologies." "I require data on an anomaly." "Which progeny is it?" "Anomaly XB-6783746." "Early in the boy's maturation the scientist in charge of reproduction realized that his brain had developed differently from the other offspring." "Its maturation was halted." "To them, he was an anomaly." "A defect." "Whose genetic material was used to create this progeny?" "I had observed in your time how fathers cared for their sons and protected them." "It stirred something in me that I could not ignore." "I took the boy away and hid him in the past." "Where he would be safe." "He's your son?" "His name was September." "He was part of the original Twelve Science Team that traveled back in time to observe primitive humanity." "He was banished for sympathizing with the fugitives I am tracking." "The same fugitives who are in possession of the anomaly." "Why would he go to such lengths to protect a genetic defect?" "I do not know." "I would like a protocol suspension to travel back to a moment when I can eradicate these resistors." "No." "We are not prepared to deal with a readjustment of probabilities." "They disquiet you." "The fugitives are inconsequential." "He poses minimal risk." "We chose this time in history for a reason." "A 99.9999 percent probability that we will succeed." "The boy had a 0.0001 percent chance of surviving." "Yet he did." "Is there something wrong with you?" "I am experiencing something that I do not understand." "The idea of ending their existence consumes me." "They are insignificant." "So..." "No." "So how does he fit into the plan?" "They were right about him." "He is an anomaly, but he's not less than them he's more." "At first, I thought his abilities were just empathic but they developed into something greater." "I now know that his intellect functions on a level that neither you nor we are capable of understanding." "But what's more important he has the emotions, the compassion, the empathy" " A hybrid." " Yes." "That moment that I told you about, when scientists first decided to sacrifice human emotion to increase intelligence that was the turning point in human evolution." "Twentieth of February, 2167." "If we can send the boy into the future, to that moment he can demonstrate to the scientists a different kind of intelligence, an enlightenment that goes beyond knowledge or cognition to something greater." "When they see what he is when they study him, they will realize all that he is living proof that they don't have to sacrifice emotion for intelligence." "Then they will never go down that path." "And the Observers will never exist." "They will never invade." "That was the plan we were working on before I ambered us." "I always knew the boy was important, but when I realized why and what he was supposed to do my device had been removed." "I'd lost the ability to move through time." "So I came to you." "That was the plan." "We were going to send the boy forward into time." "How far have you come with the tapes?" "We have the rocks from the mine in Pennsylvania, the magnet the Observer beacons, and some scrolls of physics none of us can decipher." "Don't worry, I can help you with that." "These things we've collected how can they possibly be used to travel through time?" "They are part of a device that we must build." "I have the hologram blueprints." "It also requires technology that hasn't been invented, from my time." "How do we get it?" "I took them from the future long ago." "The tech is hidden." "It's not far from here." "You okay?" "Peter, we're gonna get our daughter back." "Liv." "You heard September, the plan is gonna reset time." "Peter, that boy in there, he's how we're gonna see Etta again." "You don't believe me?" "I want to believe that more than anything." "But we've still got a long way to go." "After the invasion, September was detained at a mine in Pennsylvania." "He was extracting rocks." "The purpose of the rocks was not ascertained." "What was the outcome?" "He was questioned and released." "He was labeled a known offender." "Then he has been tagged." "Initiate location protocol." "Find his address." "Chip number 784651." "Search the apartment." "He has most likely removed his chip." "That is why we could not track it." "It is still warm." "He was just here." "Have the Loyalists review the footage from the surveillance cameras in the area." "I want to know where he went." "Which one is it?" " You and Olivia stay here with Michael." "Donald and I will get the tech." "They're in my home." "You can't go back there." "There is no "back there."" "Captain Windmark." "A traffic camera on Front Street recorded this." "We're putting the description of the vehicle out to all units." "The child is with them." "That was 14 minutes ago." "They cannot have gone far." "Set up a perimeter." "Here they are." "Just as I left them." "What?" "The boy he communicated to me when he touched me." "What did he show you?" "He gave me an awareness of another timeline and when you saved Peter and I from Reiden Lake." "When you pulled us from the lake, you said, "The boy is important." "He must live."" "You weren't referring to my son, you were referring to yours." "Yes." "Did he show you anything else?" "Yes." "There is one thing I haven't told the others." "He showed me that for the plan to work I would have to sacrifice myself." "Is that right?" "Yes." "Are you frightened?" "I would be lying if I said I wasn't frightened." "Do you think that the boy showed me all these other experiences because he wanted me to know that I have loved?" "That I have had incredible moments and connections?" "Because..." "Because it will make it easier for me to come to terms with what I have to do?" "Do you think that's why he did it?" "I don't know." "It was your decision to sacrifice yourself for the plan." "Do you remember that?" "No." "You said you had caused so much unintended damage you felt this was your chance to make amends." "You would not have it any other way." "Do you remember getting a white tulip?" "Yes, I do." "It was a sign from God." "The tulip was important." "I took it from the other timeline and kept it." "When we devised the plan to stop the invasion you didn't think we could succeed." "You doubted yourself." "I knew the tulip would give you strength, as it had before." "It was your symbol of hope and absolution." "It gave you the courage to push on." "At that time, I needed to give you back the hope that we could win." "I could use that tulip right now." "Where is it?" "I don't know what you did with it." "Only you would know that." "Is that it?" "You say that as though we're not carrying technology that can bend space and time into a mobius strip." "I'm not coming with you." "I have a few more things we'll need before we get started on the plan." "Be careful." "You too." "I will see you again." "I promise." "I used to love Brooklyn." "We need another route." "We came this way less than 30 minutes ago." "The checkpoint wasn't there." "Try the alley." "Astrid, it's me." "Hey." "Did you find Donald?" "Yeah, but somebody else found us." "They're setting up roadblocks and we need a way out." " Where are you?" " We 're parked in an alley at Adams and Tillary." "Can you use the resistance network, hack into any live camera feeds in the area?" "I'm accessing it now." "Okay, I got it." "I'm just pulling up the feeds." "You're right, they're setting up a perimeter all around you." "There's no way out." "We're surrounded." "You think they found Donald?" " Do you think he made it out?" " I don't know, Walter." " We can't leave him." " We don't have a choice." "He said he'd contact us." "Astrid, has anything changed?" "They still holding the perimeter?" "I think I found a hole, but you have to move quick." "The monorail's your best bet." "When you cross York, head south." "There's a stop four blocks down, near Jay Street." " Any activity there?" "Thanks." " Nope." "Not that I can see." "Astrid said we should head toward Jay Street." "There's a monorail station." "She said it's clear." "Won't stay that way for long." "Hang here for a sec." "They set up another checkpoint further down." "We're blocked." "I think we should split up." "I'm gonna take Michael with me." "A mother and child shouldn't draw too much suspicion." "You're gonna stay with me, okay?" "Just keep going, you're doing great." "We're right behind you." "Peter." "Yup, I see him." "No, I see him." "Just keep moving." "Get to the monorail." "We'll be right there." "Okay, be careful." "We're good." "Let's go." "Hey." " The train's leaving in a few minutes." " Where are you?" " Not far." "They're searching cars." " Don't worry." "We'll meet you at the train." "I see you." "We're in the second car." "This way, Walter." "Go into the first car, on your right." "Now." "We're on board." "We'll make our way to you." "They're coming to my car." "I think they're gonna search it." "Ladies and gentlemen, please have your papers ready for inspection." "Michael." "Michael?" "Michael!" " Where's Michael?" " He's gone." "He walked off the train." "What?" "Captain." "Hello." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Just around the corner there's heartache down the street that losers use." "If you can wade in through the teardrops you'll find me at the Home of the Blues." "I will and cry while my heartbeat keeps time with the drag of my shoes." "The sun never shines through this window of mine it's dark at the Home of the Blues." "Pass me the bones, Hooker." "Come on, lucky number seven." "The point is still nine." "Let's see that seven." "Seven." "Come on." "Well done, boy." "Seven." "Seven, lose." "Nine." "Jesus, winner seven." "Thirty dollars, shoot it all." "I'll take ten of that." "Five here." "Come on, don't be shy." "Here's the other ten." "Let's go." "Coming out." "Shooter coming out." "Let's see you crap out, Cully." "Crap out, crap out." "Shooter coming out." "Let's see crap out, Cully." "Winner seven." "You lucky bastard." "Sixty dollars." "Let it ride." "Can he shoot sixty dollars, Hook?" "Shooter's limit, boys." "Come on." "Who's in?" "Twenty, no pass, Cully." "Who else gonna be a man?" "I got twenty here." "Five here." "Fifteen my last." "Coming out again." "Come on, natural." "Let's see those craps." "Snake-eyes!" "Six, and he stays." "Point is six." "You gonna make that six, ain't you, Cully?" "It's your money, Hook." "Ten says he passes." "Don't be shy?" "Any takers?" "I'll take it." "Even money?" "Slide in another deuce there, Prager." "That bet is ten to twelve." "The point is six." "Ten." "You can shoot again." "Come on, Cully." "How many days in a week?" "Six days in a week, man." "I feel a seven." "Come on, Cully." "How many days in the week, Cully?" "Seven, seven, Cully." "Seven, seven!" "I told you six, man!" "Six!" "Six, winner, six the hard way." "Pay the line and collect the don'ts." "A hundred and twenty dollars." "Shoot it all." "What do you say, boys?" "Cleaned out." "Cully cheats." "He can't cheat with straight dice, Prager." "Then how come he always wins, Hooker?" "Because I'm lucky." "Bullshit!" "Come on, now, boys." "We've had our fun tonight." "Cully broke the game, Prager." "Well, we'll get ourselves some sleep, what do you say?" "Yeah." "Goodnight, Hooker." "See you next week?" "It's possible." "Anybody got any money left?" "Not a cent." "Eleven." "Winner, eleven." "Some day your luck's gonna change, Cully." "Hey, stranger." "Come on, get in, Cully." "You got something, Cully." "Luck, Hooker, I got luck." "I don't believe in luck." "I've been watching you these past few years." "I ain't seen nobody play the odds better." "Yeah, well, I tell you there's a lot of guys who know the odds and..." "Yeah, but you got something extra." "I mean, you got the ability to take yourself out of a roll, like you don't even care, knowing what's meant to be will be." "And that's what it takes to win big." "You gotta have the cool." "And you got it." "You're young, Cully." "There's a whole world out here and you're just seeing it through a bitty crack under the door." "You think I can make it in Chicago?" "I know it." "I'm gonna think about it, Hook." "Yeah, I'll think about it." "It's McMullin on the telephone." "Yeah." "Yeah." "You're late for work again." "Dorothy." "Hello, Mr. McMullin." "What's new with you?" "Well, there's one thing I want you to talk to about." "That son of yours up and quit on me." "Have a nice day now." "You promised me, Carl Hooker." "Now I didn't promise exactly." "I said I'd do everything I could." "You swore to me over Jimmy's grave that you wouldn't teach my boy to drink and gamble like his father." "You lied." "Now, first of all, I never swore, and it sure as hell wasn't over Jimmy's grave." "And secondly, your husband wasn't much of a gambler." "He was a drunk, that's true, and you had a whole to do with that." "And whatever it was I said, was before I saw Cully's talent." "He's one of the best damn dice players I ever saw in my life." "I want my boy back." "I want you to tell him..." "Dorothy you ain't never gonna get your boy back." "I walk 47 miles of barbed wire." "I use a cobra snake for a necktie." "I had a house on the roadside made from rattlesnake hide." "I got a brand new chimney made on top made out of a human skull." "Now, come on take a little walk with me Arlene honey and tell me who do you love." "Mr. McMullin says you can have your job back." "No questions asked, if you call him back by tonight." "Ma, I know what you're thinking." "You think you think I'm going to turn out just like dad." "Well, I ain't." "I never worried about that." "But I ain't gonna turn out like you either." "Now, you call collect if you get in trouble." "I'm not going to get in any trouble, Mom." "Did you get all dressed up to set me off?" "Hell, no." "I had to go see the doctor over in Evansville." "I figured, if you dress sharp, they're less likely to find anything the matter with you." "You're crazy, Hook." "There you go." "Name:" "Ferguson Edwards." "Now, they're expecting you." "And I told 'em you're the best damn dice arm they're ever gonna see." "What'd you tell 'em that for?" "Well, they know I exaggerate." "This here's my lucky dollar." "It's for you." "I had this in my pocket the night I won the Packard." "I thought you didn't believe in luck." "I don't." "I believe in confidence." "The illusion of luck." "Now, don't you ever gamble with that unless you absolutely gotta win." "I don't mean want to, I mean have to." "Yeah, don't you be a stranger now." "Get in there and just tear 'em up." "I will." "Take care, Hook." "All right." "Thanks for everything." "Big town, big town you give a nice Saturday night." "Anything, anywhere, anytime that's what I like." "I hear the sax screaming the bands are swinging, oh big town." "Standing on the corner lately watch the chicks go by." "Big town woman got it in her eye." "Got me fun real fast, you make it so nice, oh big town." "Left my baby, yes I let her down." "Love you, baby." "Excuse me." "I'm looking for a Mr. Ferguson." "There's a man here looking for a Mr. Ferguson." "Just a minute." "It'll be a minute." "Grab a seat." "Thanks." "J.C. Cullen?" "So, you're J.C. Cullen." "They call me Cully, ma'am." "My name is Ferguson Edwards." "Hooker didn't tell me you were a woman." "No, he wouldn't have." "Hooker tells me you're about the best dice arm I'm never gonna see." "Are you?" "Well, I shoot pretty good." "You know all the odds on the pass line, the points the side bets, that sort of things" "Like I know my name." "How many come-out rolls does it take to work out all the odds in whole numbers?" "Nineteen hundred and eighty." "Of those the shooter will pass with a natural 440 times, throw craps on the come-out 220 times, make his point 536 times,..." "What's the most you've ever won in one night?" "157 and change." "157 and change." "It's gonna be a pretty so-so night for you here in Chicago." "Think you can make it in the big-time?" "Yes, ma'am." "That's what I'm here for." "Mister Edwards?" "Well, if Hooker says he's okay then he must be." "Cully, this is mister Edwards, my husband." "You'll be working for us now." "Yes, ma'am." "Put all your money down on my desk." "Okay." "I'll just keep it for you so you can have bus fare back to Rockport." "All right, give me your dice." "Now you're clean." "It's the first thing you learn about shooting for us." "You gamble with our money." "You carry our dice." "We know our dice are straight." "Yes, ma'am." "We get 70% of everything you win." "We'll send Hooker ten percent." "Hooker didn't say anything about any 10%." "That's the deal." "Take it or leave it." "Take it." "Good." "There's a hotel that we own down the street." "We'll put you up there." "Come back tomorrow about 3 p.m. and we'll get you started." "Just a little something to tide you over." "Thanks." "Save the thanks, son." "Wait'll you see what it comes of it." "Excuse me." "Let me have a pack of Juicy Fruit." "That'll be five cents." "You might have told me Ferguson was a woman." "You didn't ask me." "Besides I don't owe you anything." "Yes, you do." "You owe me nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents." "You must be Cullen." "Must be." "I'm Harold, the night manager." "Mrs. Edwards said to give you a room in the third floor, so you can get some sleep in the daytime." "So, maybe you could show me how to shoot dice sometime, could you, Mr. Cullen?" "Yeah, sure, Harold." "Why don't you call me Cully?" "I don't go so much for that mister business." "Okay then, Cully." "You know where I can get a bite to eat around here?" "Well, I usually eat a place called 'Mother's' right down the block." "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "It's just a fellow once warned me never to gamble in a place called Honest John's and never eat in a place called Mother's." "Well, you can suit yourself, but I've been eating there nine years." "You can see it ain't hurt me none." "No, I guess not." "By the way, there's a little game going on down in the basement, if you're interested." "What's the minimum bet?" "A buck." "I'll go two for the shooter." "I picked up sixty dollars in a little crap game at the hotel last night." "I already know that." "Yeah, well I figured." "From now on you shoot only with our money." "You got it?" "Yes, ma'am." "I'm sending you out with one of my best arms tonight, Sonny Binkley." "He's gonna break you in." "I'm not gonna give you the usual routine, because Hooker sent you up." "But it Sonny tells me you can't handle the dice or my money, you're gone." "You understand that?" "Sure." "Here's two hundred dollars." "Sonny's gonna take you on the Grand Tour." "The places where they have the regular games, where you'll be shooting 80% of the time." "Good luck." "Cullen?" "Yes, ma'am?" "How is Hooker these days?" "He's fine." "He's doing just fine." "Get married yet?" "No, Hooker." "He's still chasin' them though." "I guess you know how he is." "Who's here?" "Cullen, the new man." "I'm just sending him out with Sonny." "Mr. Edwards." "The odds are with you to make money, as long as you know the dice and the bets." "Now in a head's up game, the bets is negotiated." "It's mostly even money." "It's not like betting against a casino." "Lots of times the guys betting' against you don't even know the true odds." "I mean, say some sucker lays down a side bet when the point is five." "You cover it quick with even money." "That's right." "Odds is three to two for you, and you only gotta give him even money." "A guy like that ain't gonna stay in the game too long." "Too bad." "All it takes is a couple guys like that betting on instinct and you can start taking their money real regular." "Otherwise, the Edwardses wouldn't stay in business." "Listen, man, free advice is usually worth exactly what it cost, but you-all comin' in here pretty much like I did, I thought I'd tell you something that's good to remember." "This here town is one real place to get hooked on something." "It's right over there." "They get dope here, man, like you never heard of, and women, man, like you never seen." "And booze but like I said, I thought I'd just at least warn you." "I appreciate it." "What we got here tonight is a big sales convention." "I love salesmen." "I heard there was a game in here." "Come on in." "Hey, Duke." "Sonny." "How you doing?" "Good." "J.C., J.C., this is Duke." "How you doing?" "Hey, Duke." "Come on, let's move the side bets." "How you doing?" "Hey, how are you?" "New money in the game?" "Yes." "New shooter coming out." "Get outta that bed, wash your face and hands." "Get outta that bed, wash your face and hands." "Well, you get in that kitchen, make some noise with the pots and pans." "I said, shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll." "Well, you won't do right to save you doggone soul." "I believe to my soul you're a devil in nylon hose." "I believe to my soul you're a devil in nylon hose." "Well, the harder I work, the faster my money goes." "I said, shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll." "Well, you won't do right to save your doggone soul." "Shake, rattle and roll." "Now Cullen, you made 396 dollars in five nights." "Not bad for a young man, especially since it's tax free." "Yeah, well you didn't do too badly yourself." "I figure you made 1.386 dollars off of me and my shooting." "Listen to him." "The man's been here one week;" "already the greed is showing through." "Hey, that's not what I meant." "What did you mean, Cullen?" "Nothing." "I just kinda said it, that's all." "Didn't mean for it to sound that way." "I hope you're smart enough to figure out Mr. Edwards risked nineteen hundred and eighty dollar to win the thirteen hundred." "I hope you also realize that if you were not working for mister Edwards you'd be suspected of being a hustler and a cheat every time you left the game a winner." "I'm sorry if I sounded out of line." "Arm, if you really got no use for that fat roll there in your hand, why don't you take it on down to the Gem and let some real crapshooters take it away from you?" "What's the Gem?" "It's the only game in town where you can't shoot with your own money." "It's a Sunday night game backstage at the Gem Club across the street." "Yeah?" "Well, maybe I will go down there." "And maybe I'll break the game, just like I broke those other ones this week." "Yeah, maybe you will." "Maybe you won't." "Why don't you go on and give it a try, Hooker's boy?" "You want anything else?" "She don't want you, Cullen." "Now, maybe if you was Hooker himself instead of Hooker's boy." "Well, I called my baby and told her to be down at the juke joint a-waitin' for me." "'Cause I'm a juke joint Johnny I know every joint in town." "I'm a juke joint Johnny and I'm always joking' around." "Now, I work all weekend and I draw my pay..." "You wanna hear something?" "Yeah, sure." "How about this Bob Dicklley record?" "Doesn't get much air time." "Yeah, well, the good stuff they don't play on the radio." "You work here?" "No, I sort of live here." "Yeah?" "Nice place you got here." "I live down off State Street." "I'm over on Wabash." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "We're neighbors then." "I can't decide, Sid." "I mean, I want all three, but I've only got a dollar." "You decide." "No, I can't let you do that." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, thanks anyway." "Okay." "We've got eight thousand of the Elvis records." "You can probably get in next week." "All right." "Thanks." "Nine dollars." "Let me get the lady's record." "Hi." "Hello." "I almost missed it." "I'm Aggie." "Aggie Donaldson." "Hi, Aggie." "Jack Cullen." "Hi." "Where you from, Jack?" "Around and about." "What, like downstate someplace?" "How come you know so much?" "'Cause I'm from downstate myself." "Yeah?" "Chicago's a great place for music." "It's got jazz, country, rock 'n roll." "Anything you like." "What do you like?" "I like anything that really cooks." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "I wanna get my own collection of classics, 'cause one of these days I wanna get a job as a D.J." "A what?" "A D.J. You know a disc jockey." "Radio announcer." "Do they have women disc jockeys?" "Well, they will." "There's a training school right here in Chicago, and they said they'd take me if I pass the FCC test." "And the FCC said anyone can take it." "Hi, mommy." "Hi." "Did you have a good nap?" "Thanks for looking in on her." "Well, she was no problem at all." "I brought you a surprise." "What?" "Your favorite cookies." "Why don't you take 'em up to the kitchen, and eat 'em at the counter?" "Here we go." "So..." "So, what's your husband do?" "It's a kind of a long story." "Now and then I tell people he was killed in Korea when I'm in the mod for a little sympathy." "I never actually married him." "We were just a couple of kids." "I don't know." "It never would have worked." "Yeah." "Yeah." "It's too bad." "Well, you know where I live." "It was nice running into you." "Yeah." "Hey, Aggie." "Could you hold onto these for me?" "I don't have a record player yet." "Sure, Jack." "Take care." "You too." "Hey, how you doing?" "What you doin' here?" "I was looking for you." "How's that?" "Is that your girl?" "Yeah." "No shit." "I've grown so used to you somehow but I'm nobody's sugar daddy now and I'm lonesome, I got the lovesick blues." "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "Honey!" "Hey, honey!" "Honey!" "Ginger!" "Honey!" "Honey, here." "This here's J.C. Cullen." "Cully, this is Ginger, my true love." "Hello, J.C." "Hi, Ginger." "Adele, you know what I'm after." "Do you want anything?" "Nothing." "You know I don't approve of you drinking on the job." "You don't approve of me drinking anytime." "Ain't my Sonny-boy here the biggest old fuddy-duddy you ever saw?" "You will, darling." "Yeah, he sure is." "Say, Sonny, you ever shoot dice in the progame over at the Gem Club?" "Sometimes." "But it ain't easy to beat." "Why?" "Because you gotta take and give true odds on side bets." "No way to get the odds to work for you." "That's a tight game, brother." "One of those pros on a hot streak is just liable to whip out a couple.." "...of hundred and just shoot it all." "Me, I don't like to gamble." "Shoo, ain't that a scream." "Sonny don't like to gamble." "Honey, you know what I mean." "I know what you mean, but I I'll tell you, I feel like going over there tonight." "You feel like it?" "All right." "Just for a few minutes." "There goes this week's pay." "You think you can get all Jim Bean laid in his grave without me?" "I reckon so." "You think that you can keep your eyes off them girls at the Gem?" "You keep him on the straight and narrow, J.C." "If he can't keep his eyes off of 'em, you make sure he keeps his hands off of them." "Okay?" "I'll try." "It was nice to meet you, J.C." "Nice meeting you." "You come around again." "You be good." "There's only one thing about the Gem Club though." "It's a kind of a strange place to shoot dice." "Baby, do it again." "She ain't real, boy." "She ain't real." "Hey, hey, let me have some of that." "Hi." "Hey, Sonny-boy." "Hi." "Hi." "How you doin', Sonny?" "This here is J.C. He's a friend of mine." "He works for Ferguson." "Come on in." "Roll 'em, Deacon." "Lord, grant me a seven to relieve those sinful gamblers of their money." "Winner seven." "Thank you, Lord, thank you." "Who's the nut case?" "The name's Deacon Daniels." "Don't let any of that fool you." "He's a first class arm." "Shoot it all." "The shooters falls now." "A Little Joe from Kokomo." "Gentlemen, the point is four." "Forty says the Deacon don't." "Twenty says he does." "You're short." "I put down forty." "It's a two to one bet." "You looking for even money?" "Let it lay." "I guess you know the game." "I guess." "Is that Ferguson's new flash?" "I speak English." "Well, I'm glad you could make it, Flash." "It is fifty dollars to roll the dice." "I make all the 'don'ts' at my discretion." "And other than that it's head's up game." "Okay." "Roll 'em." "You got it!" "Four!" "What, you gonna bet 60 whole dollars, Murphy?" "Are you sure about that?" "That's more money than you ever made in a month, isn't it?" "You got that right." "Sorry, Murphy." "It's gotta be tough going through life with no balls." "Do they let you in the men's room, Murphy?" "Sunflower's point." "There's one guy Will Rogers never met." "Well, we are the way God made us." "And the way we make ourselves." "Amen, brother." "James Daniels." "And don't call me Jimmy, call me Deacon." "J.C. Cullen." "You just call me Cully." "Who's he?" "His name is George Cole." "He used to be some kind of gangster, or criminal, or something like that." "Yeah?" "Or maybe he has just in the Marines." "I never have got it straight." "This is his place, as you might have guessed." "He ain't been saved yet." "How about you?" "One C." "One C. You pay that to the man from Kentucky." "I see you have yet to conquer the temptations of the flesh." "Viva!" "Hi." "Excuse me, another young sinner in the need of the comfort of the word." "Viva five." "The winner five." "Six." "Spinning around on all sides there." "The number is six." "Hi." "Hi." "All right." "No problem." "E-oh-leven." "You're new here, aren't you?" "Yes, ma'am." "The name's J.C. Cullen." "Well, hi, J.C." "Hey, seven out." "How'd you do?" "I've done better." "You need change for a dollar, Flash?" "Five C's to pass." "Well, a high roller has arrived." "You're faded, sir." "Fifty with the shooter." "Put it down on the table, Murphy." "There's no fly bets here." "New shooter coming out." "Show 'em how many days in the week." "Hundred dollars on my man." "How many days in the week?" "Winner seven for Flash." "Throws a natural." "One thousand, shoot it all." "One thousand faded." "Shooter coming out again." "Winner eleven." "Two thousand dollars." "Two thousand faded." "Ten, the point is ten." "One C on the shooter." "Any more side action here?" "One hundred, looking for two hundred." "Four thousand, shoot it all." "You better drag your winning while you still got 'em, farm boy." "Four thousand faded." "Number eleven." "Seven thousand, shoot it all." "What do you got?" "Four thousand." "Seven faded." "Come on J.C. Make the pass, pass." "Eight." "The point is eight." "Eight's the point." "Eight." "Come, J.C. Let's see it again." "Eight, eight." "Shooter falls now." "Come on." "E-o-leven." "One roll too late." "Come on, what you see is what you get." "Winner eight." "Fourteen thousand." "Fourteen thousand?" "Shoot it all." "J.C.'s broke the game." "Come on, get your money." "Let's get out of here." "Come on, Cully." "That's fourteen grand." "Jim Dandy to the rescue, Jim Dandy to the rescue." "Jim Dandy to the rescue, go Jim Dandy, go Jim Dandy." "Jim Dandy on the mountain top ten thousand feet to drop." "He started giddy on a runaway horse ha ha that's right of course." "Jim Dandy to the rescue, go Jim Dandy, go Jim Dandy." "Jim Dandy had a girl named Sue she was feelin' kind of blue." "Jim Dandy is the kinda guy he never like to see a woman cry." "Jim Dandy to the rescue, go Jim Dandy, go Jim Dandy." "Jim Dandy to the rescue, Jim Dandy to the rescue." "Jim Dandy to the rescue, go Jim Dandy, go." "Stop staring at me." "You're staring at me, Cullen." "I guess I was." "I'm sorry." "People like to stare at the blind." "Makes them think they have an advantage." "They think we don't know." "But we do know." "And I don't like to be stared at." "I understand last night you took the Gem game and just broke it." "Took 'em for about fifteen grand, I understand." "Yeah." "I like to see a young man get ahead." "Yeah, I remember the time I broke my first big game." "Never was a feeling play like that again." "I was good, Cullen." "God, I was good." "Hooker and me we were the best damn dice arms in the whole Midwest." "There wasn't a game from Minneapolis to Memphis we couldn't just clean out playing partners." "We were something." "Let me tell you about the time I lost my eyes." "There was this kid, nice, clean-cut young kid from Iowa." "When he first came up, he got on a roll like we'd never seen before or since." "He just set this town on fire." "He got to actually thinking he could will the dice." "Like he had some kind of telepathy or something." "Hooker and I, we weren't that impressed with this punk." "So, we decided to watch him." "Didn't really understand the odds, I said." "So, we waited him out." "He lost his last ten bucks to me." "He turned around and asked me would I fade him on credit." "Is he kidding me or what?" "I mean, you know, you never lend money to a man in a crap game." "I just looked him straight in the eye, and I said, no, the odds have finally caught up with you." "Adios, punk." "Well, he went crazy." "He got all upset." "He started running around like a wild man." "He ran over over here, on this east wall and there was a pan of battery acid." "And he ran towards it and threw it on us." "And a few of us, jus a few, got hit." "Hooker gotta little bit on his shirt." "And I was his back man and I took it all right right here in my eyes." "What happened to the kid?" "Nothing happened to the kid." "The kid got away." "The kid ran down an alley." "We never saw him again." "Pete Carbondale." "Yeah, that was his name had a small read heart tattooed on the inside of his right wrist, right here." "Eight years I had guys looking for him." "We never found him." "That's too bad." "Yeah, too bad." "He was a punk, just like you." "And you know something, Cullen." "Some day your luck's going to change, just like his." "You remember I told you that." "Hey, I'm sorry about your bad luck, Mr. Edwards, but I'm not a punk." "And I wouldn't throw battery acid in any man's face." "I'll be outside, till Ferguson gets back." "Well, what did you say the odds were?" "All right, then put five dollars on the Packers." "Right." "All right." "Bye." "Hey." "What do you say, Buddy?" "Say, how many suits you buy, Flash?" "Four." "I figure I'd better spend some of that money before them 'arms' at the Gem Club get a chance to get it back." "You got that right, brother." "Okay, let me guess." "Who could this be?" "June Carter?" "Nope." "Must be Ginger McDonald." "Your perfume gave you away." "Ain't nobody gonna give me away but my daddy." "Speaking of which, me and Ginger, we got a little deal worked out." "She's gonna be Mrs. Sonny Binkley." "No kidding?" "When?" "Just as soon as I can get my daddy trained to where can stay in the same room with Sonny and not get into an argument." "Hey, Elmo." "Hold on one." "Elmo!" "Double Jim Beam and quick." "I'll be Johnny Walker Red, straight up." "On the house." "I tell you." "Sonny he's one lucky guy getting a girl like you." "Sonny tells me that you are some bigshot with all these crap shooters around." "Well, I wouldn't go that far." "I'm pretty good, though." "Aggie!" "Ellie, how you been?" "Great." "I'm going to be finished in half an hour." "Can you wait?" "Yeah, all right." "Hey, Aggie." "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Just hanging around telling lies." "Hi, Ginger." "How you been?" "Just great, Aggie." "Sonny and me is getting married." "Yeah?" "That's wonderful." "So, when are you gonna come over and get your records?" "Well, I haven't had time to go out and get a phonograph yet." "You can come listen on mine if you want." "I'm warning you, Aggie." "This boy ain't shy." "Hey, Sonny." "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." "This is Aggie." "Aggie, this is Sonny." "How you been, Sonny?" "Fine." "I think we best be getting on." "Later." "I'll meet you out front." "So, when are you home, Aggie?" "This week?" "I don't know." "I gotta get a new job." "I'll just try to catch you." "You know." "All right." "Take care." "You, too." "I'll see you." "What are you doing hanging around with her?" "What's the matter with her?" "Nothing." "Don't you wonder why she's so friendly?" "I don't know." "She's just lonely." "I guess." "Yeah, well, she's got at least one married man to keep her company." "You can go better." "I tell you true." "Going to the Gem Club." "Seven out, Duke." "Thank you very much." "What's it gonna be this time, farm boy?" "Two dollars or three?" "I'll make it easy on you." "One hundred dollars." "What happened to all that money you took out here last Sunday?" "I'm wearing it." "Pretty good tailor, kid." "High roller from Indiana." "Your are faded, sir." "Fifty dollars on the shooter." "Lord, stay the winning roll from this misguided boy's hand so that you might deprive him of his sinful-gotten gains and restore him to humility before thee." "Hallelujah." "Winner seven." "Praise the Lord." "Four hundred dollars." "Flash is feeling fortunate." "400 dollars." "Fifty says the don't." "Fifty says he do." "Lord, forsake not your disciple in his hour of need." "Thanks, Deacon." "Eight hundred dollars." "Eight hundred dollars." "Two out of there, keep it alive." "The shooter falls now." "Seven." "Flash throws another natural." "Sixteen hundred dollars." "Press it." "Don't you do that again!" "Don't you ever do that again." "What's wrong?" "I didn't do nothing." "Jesus, Murphy!" "Murphy, take your money business out of here." "Shame on you, Murphy." "What?" "I didn't do anything." "Two hundred on the Flash." "Two hundred with the kid." "Winner!" "Thirty-two hundred dollars, let it ride." "Two hundred dollars with J.C." "What's the matter, Flash?" "You put funny dice in my game, farm boy." "I'm gonna cut your eyes out" "Eleven." "E-o-leven." "Eleven." "Boys, I thing we just found the source of Flash's good fortune." "Hey, wait a minute." "I'm no bust-out guy." "Wait a minute." "Somebody set me up." "If I cheated why would I announce it?" "Wait a minute, Cole." "The boy is saying true." "The boy is a slick little thief." "All right." "All right." "Let the money lie." "Let everybody take back what they bet." "Get him out of here." "Fucker." "Every honest guy in town is going to stay clear of this game." "It brings a tear into my eyes, when I begin to realize I've cried so much since you've been gone,..." "Hi." "I was just leaving you a note." "Are you all right?" "Yeah." "I'm okay." "You wanna come in?" "Well, yeah." "Could you hold on for a second?" "I'll be just a minute." "Come on in." "I just wanted to make sure that you knew I had nothing to do with what happened last night." "I hadn't even thought about that." "I'm very sorry." "I have never seen my husband do that to anyone before." "Your husband?" "Cole?" "You didn't know?" "No, I didn't." "Listen, I have a few hours free before the next show." "You wanna grab a bite?" "Yeah, sure." "Sure." "Good." "Put on a shirt." "I don't feel comfortable." "I don't know." "I never eaten in a place like this." "Why don't you just act like you do with a pair of dice in your hand, like you're the best there is." "That's what some of the other 'arms' are saying about you, you know?" "Yeah?" "What about your husband?" "Does he think I'm the best?" "No." "He just calls you that 'hay seed' bastard." "Of course, he's slightly prejudice now, isn't he?" "Tell me, why are you so glad I broke his game?" "Do I have to have a reason?" "I just want to know why, that's all." "Maybe it's a secret." "All us city girls have deep dark secrets." "Quit playing with me." "Let's go." "I want to know why." "Let's go." "I want to know why." "I'll tell you why." "Because I hate the sonofabitch, all right?" "I hope you're satisfied." "So you were just using me?" "Is that it?" "Why, do you think I made a fool out of you or something?" "If I'm a fool, so is everybody else." "My, my, my, aren't we the wise old philosopher." "Look, why don't we just forget it." "Okay?" "Why don't we just forget the whole thing." "All right?" "Shit." "Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Lorry Dane." "Shake 'em up, honey, shake 'em." "In my face, in my face!" "Hey, farm boy, you know, seeing as how my trifecta came in, I'm gonna pour you a drink, just this once." "Now, what is it you like to drink?" "It's warm milk, isn't it?" "Cut the shit, Madigan." "Give me a whiskey straight up." "What's the matter?" "Never see you drink anything but soda pop." "Choking on all that money?" "How about some whiskey?" "Yeah, how about it." "You better give me another one." "Hi." "Hey." "How's the big gambler?" "Well, I could be better." "How about yourself?" "It wasn't such a great day." "I had to go to a funeral this afternoon." "Hey, sorry." "Yeah." "Well." "Someone you were close to?" "Just a friend." "Pretty unexpected, though." "Why don't we be miserable together?" "All right." "Got your key?" "I gotta get up early." "Why bother going to sleep at all?" "Right." "Your just close your eyes and poof, another day gone forever." "Yep." "What are you doing up?" "Will you kiss me goodnight?" "Yeah, I'll be in in a minute, sweetheart." "Okay?" "Yeah." "Thank you for the fun time, Mr. Jack Cullen." "What's the matter?" "Nothing." "I don't know." "I'm just feeling so bad." "You came along and made me have fun." "Don't go." "Mama?" "Mama?" "Just give me a second, sweetheart." "Listen, partner, Ferguson tells me you tied one pretty good last night." "And you showed up at a game, dropped four hundred." "What're you doing?" "Been thinking about things, that's all." "Come on, let's get some chow." "I'm starved, man." "Hey, I'll take all that money off you hands if it's causing you that much grief." "What do you know about Lorry Dane?" "What do you want to know?" "A chicken noodle, please." "It's pretty damn strange with her and her husband." "I mean, she hates that guy." "Well, the story I heard is that Cole come across Lorry stripping down in New Orleans." "Now, he's a big time gambler with a 40 G wad, so Lorry figures she's found the man of her dreams." "A meat loaf, please, with some gravy." "You bet." "Pastrami on rye." "So, she persuades him to take her on up to Chicago and go partners whit him in the Gem Club." "So they're partners." "Could you put some gravy on that?" "Yeah, well the thing is, Cole is smarter than that." "There you go." "He decides he wants to marry her." "Now she thinks she's getting half interest that way, but she ain't." "He owns the place before they was ever married." "So, she goes to him and she says, 'Hey, I'd lie my share'." "He just beats the crap out of her." "He just lied and cheated her then?" "Lied?" "He turned that woman into his slave." "Shit." "I wouldn't blame her for killing the guy." "Of course, I wouldn't blame anybody for killing Cole." "I got it." "That's four fifty." "Who'd you hear about this from?" "Some guy that rolled into town." "Rolled around with her some." "You're not stuck on her, are you?" "No." "Good. 'Cause she's nothing but a whore." "Keep the change." "Damn!" "Nigger heaven." "I don't like handling nigger money." "What are you talking about?" "It spends just like any other money." "Yeah, well, you go on, get your nigger money." "I like to keep my hands clean." "Hey, Sonny, where you going?" "Charlie, give me a beer, will you?" "Say, what's the action like over there?" "Not bad." "Twenty to fifty bucks mostly." "Yeah?" "You from around here?" "No, Indiana." "How about yourself?" "Southern California." "You an 'arm'?" "I've done some shooting." "Phil Carpenter." "J.C. Cullen." "Good to meet you, J.C." "You here for the fight?" "Yeah, you bet I am." "I own a piece of one of those fighters there." "Besides, there's no place like Chicago for head's-up craps, I'll tell you." "Yeah." "I'm gonna go get my feet wet." "Hey, well, good luck." "Get one of 'em wet for me." "Take care." "New shooter coming out." "Shooter coming out." "Forty with the shooter." "Forty faded." "How you all doing?" "Good." "Eleven." "Winner." "Well, if it isn't my favorite farm boy." "How's it going, son?" "See forty with the shooter." "Faded." "You know what they say, country boy, no harm; no foul." "Put your money where your mouth is, man." "Come on." "I hope you're taking good care of my money." "Yeah, well if you hadn't stolen that 1.600 from me, you might've had a chance to win all your money back." "Smart little stunt you pulled." "You're a real dandy, Flash." "You know that?" "Yeah, how come no one will play at your game any more?" "I have a full house every Sunday night." "Yeah?" "Playing with yourself is what I heard." "Don't push your luck, country boy." "What are you doing here?" "You shouldn't be here." "George could come in at any minute." "George just got in a game on the South Side." "Well, what do you want?" "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry, I didn't know." "Didn't know what?" "About you and George." "What about me and George?" "Well, about how he lied to you, cheated you." "Let's face it, Lorry, he's just using you like you were a slave." "You think you know all about me, don't you?" "Well, you don't know anything about me." "So, don't think you can pass judgment on me, because you can't." "You're the one that wants to use me." "Well, I wanna hear you say it." "Say it!" "I love you." "Never know how much I love you, never know how much I care." "When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear." "You give me fever, when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight." "Fever in the morning, fever all through the night." "Bless my soul I love you take this heart away, take these arms I'll never use, and just believe in what my lips have to say." "You give me fever, when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight." "Fever in the morning, fever all through the night." "Hello." "Mom." "What's up?" "When?" "All right." "I'll be there." "Well, I've been asked to say a few words today as we lay Carl Hooker into his final resting place." "I did not know the man personally." "But all who knew him say he was a personably, friendly man who had a kind word for everyone." "Carl Hooker does not leave behind him sons or daughters, nor does he leave vast worldly possessions." "He was a man who touched the lives of many in warm fellowship." "He was a man who made many friends." "This is his legacy." "Hooker knew he was dying, didn't he?" "He called me last week and asked me to see to things." "The gas station is broke." "There's not much left, but he did want you to have his car." "He sure had a lot of pals." "Where were his 'pals' today?" "Are you kidding?" "Everybody liked Hooker." "Sure, sure, Everybody liked him." "I nearly got crushed in the crowd at the funeral." "Everybody liked him but nobody loved him." "It's a sad thing when a man goes through life and never knows what love is." "Yeah?" "They have a very good telephone service in this city." "You should try it sometime." "I had to go to a funeral." "Yeah, whose?" "What happened?" "A stroke." "He had two before and he never told anybody." "You don't want it?" "No." "I don't want it around." "Why?" "I said I didn't want it." "So that's it." "You just wipe him out of your memory like he never was?" "The past is the past." "Well, if that's the case, I want the ten percent you were giving Hooker." "We'll split." "Seventy-five, twenty-five." "I want Hooker's percentage and I want all of it." "Apparently you don't realize that your credibility around Chicago has dropped to almost nothing." "Some of the 'arms' at the Gem Club think that you cheated the night you broke the table at.." "That's a pack of lies." "Do you think I'm stupid enough to slip a pair of loaded dice into a professional game?" "I don't know what you're stupid enough to do." "I've heard you've taken an interest in Mrs. Cole." "Who told you that?" "George Cole is a rattlesnake." "If you're smart you'll stay away from him an his wife." "I'm telling you that as a friend, as somebody who is looking out for you." "Well, maybe I don't need anybody looking out for me." "Maybe I don't need a shooter who..." "It won't happen again." "The split is seventy-five, twenty-five." "Okay." "I don't have to tell you you're one of the best 'arms' I have." "But you better keep your mind on the game." "Yes, ma'am." "Nine, a winner!" "Shoot the two." "A hundred with the shooter." "Hey, how's it going?" "Good, good, going good." "You sure ran out of here the other night." "Yeah, well I had some business that couldn't wait." "A woman?" "Listen, hell, that ain't business, that's a catastrophe, brother." "Tell you what shoot me winner." "I'll buy you a steak." "So anyway, that's about the long and short of it." "This girl s got a hold of me where I don't wanna be gotten a hold of." "I can't stop thinking about her." "You want advice?" "Sure, if you've got any." "Forget her." "The world's full of ladies that lay down for a gambler on a roll." "Just don't get involved." "Stay cool." "Is that what you do?" "Stay cool?" "Yeah." "That's the only way I lasted this long." "Cigarette?" "So, what's it like out on the West Coast?" "You know?" "Well, I'll tell you, kid." "The West Coast circuit is a little different than back here." "You know, most of your shooters, they like to play the pony." "They bet on the fighters, football games, dog tracks, that sort of thing" "They don't like to follow a circuit where the shooter may quit winners and then go blow it all on the track, you know?" "I guess when you're raised in a garage and washroom games, you get a little narrow-minded." "Yeah, sure, sure." "It's not the only thing that makes a guy narrow-minded." "No, you got that right." "Hey, Sonny, I need to talk to you, when you got a minute." "Can't you see we're busy." "Well, this is kind of important." "Yeah, well maybe I don't feel like talking." "What's wrong with you?" "Well, maybe we don't like any nigger-lovers hanging around." "Hey, Sonny, maybe if you weren't such a narrow-minded bastard..." "Now why don't you just go find your little whore and leave me alone?" "Who is it?" "It's me." "Cully." "No!" "Run and let him in, and tell him I'll be out in a minute, okay?" "Act like a lady." "Hey." "My mommy says she'll be back in a minute." "Okay." "I got a minute." "Hey, do you know who this is?" "Who?" "Elvis Presley." "Yeah?" "Well, he's yours now." "Jack!" "What a surprise." "Yeah." "I thought I'd come by and see how you're doing." "Well, I'm doing just fine." "I got a letter saying I passed the FCC test." "That's great." "I know." "Yeah, so you're gonna be on the radio." "Well, I still have to make enough money to pay for the training school." "But the man who runs it said about just about every guy who graduates is getting a job." "Course, I'm not a guy." "So, let's go out and celebrate." "I got so much to do tomorrow." "Well, we'll just go out for a couple of hours." "I don't want to stay out long." "There is a really hot sax player in town." "Let's go to see him." "Yeah." "Thank you, thank you." "We'll be right back." "Your luck will change just like mine did." "Yeah, well I don't believe in luck." "Well, I do." "It was luck when I run into you at the Biloxi that night." "The man I was in love with was buried that day." "God, that was the worst day of my life." "The daughter called me up and asked me not to embarrass them by showing up at the funeral." "So did you go?" "Yeah, of course I went." "I mean, he would've expected me to." "Probably wouldn't have wanted me to, but he would've expected me to." "I like that." "Yeah, you were real sweet to me." "Yeah." "Listen Aggie, I wanted to talk to you about that." "I wanted to clear up a few things." "Well, what's bothering you?" "Well, besides the fact that I haven't any real friends in this town." "Well, you got one I know of." "I feel real down." "I'm hooked on this girl and I'm trying real hard to forget about her." "Yeah, sometimes that's the hardest thing in the world, isn't it?" "It is." "If you need my help, you'll let me know." "Look who's here, the Indiana Flash." "I hope you're enjoying the show." "You got some real talent here." "We've decided to let you back in my Sunday game, Flash." "If you promise not to cheat again." "What's the matter, Cole?" "Does it burn you that the best arm in Chicago won't shoot at your game?" "The best arm in Chicago has never missed my game, Flash." "Never missed." "If you see anything you want back there, let me know." "So, the girls are for sale?" "Some." "How much for Lorry Dane?" "Now, she's expensive." "That little bitch'll cost you a lot more than money." "Nice seeing you." "Cully." "Hey." "Cully , he knows about us." "I know he does." "So, what's gonna do?" "He's going to win back the money that he lost to you and then..." "And then what?" "I don't know what." "I'm really sorry I got you into all this." "I'm never gonna let you go of you." "Baby, I wanna Singapore Sling." "You buy one for me?" "If you're good." "Please." "I've been good." "I am good, aren't I?" "No." "No?" "You're great." "Hi, Aggie." "Your waitress will be right with you." "You had her, didn't you?" "Come on." "You did, didn't you?" "What's wrong?" "You seem so far away." "I'm thinking." "About us?" "No." "Well, then stop thinking about it." "You can only think about me." "I think I found the guy who blinded Mr. Edwards." "His name's Phil Carpenter, and he's been shooting at the Belleville game." "What's that got to do with us?" "So, I just feel like it's not fair." "If you play the game long enough, you start to realize that it's not just luck." "If you don't know the true odds, or you forget them, you pay for it, always." "A player gets what he deserves." "So, maybe Mr. Edwards deserved to be blinded." "I don't know." "But the guy who did that it's not fair that he can just ruin a man's life and get off scot free." "Stay out of it, Cully." "Nothing good can come from it." "Besides, Mr. Edwards isn't the only man unlucky in life." "You lost your dad when you were ten." "Is that fair?" "It's not the same thing." "My daddy loved me too much." "What do you mean?" "Well, let's just say he put me through a really bad scene when I was very young." "Come here." "I'm crazy about you." "Let's just get away from here." "Cully, George would find us;" "he'd kill us." "He hates me and he's burning to beat you." "He doesn't have much money left." "The first time you broke the game he lost almost fifteen thousand dollars." "My God, you were one roll away from owning the Gem Club." "I'm glad you could both make it." "Mrs. Cole." "Your reputation precedes you here, Mr. Cullen." "Lorry tells me you found a way to help her get her fair share of the Gem Club." "I've advised Mrs. Cole that in the event of divorce proceedings, the Club would go to Mr. Cole." "It's all in his name." "However, since I have represented Mr. Cole in several criminal proceedings,.." "...I enjoy his confidence." "Last week he offered the Gem Club as collateral for loan of about twenty thousand dollars." "Is the Gem Club worth twenty thousand dollars?" "God, yes." "It's worth several times that." "Provided, of course, if we can find a buyer." "And that's where you come in." "I would like you to loan me half the money to loan Cole." "And then play him." "I'd be betting against my own money." "Cully, I'll pay you back." "I swear I will." "So, it all depends on me?" "Loaning you half the money, and then beating Cole in a dice game?" "Exactly." "Let's do it." "Yeah?" "Who is it?" "It's me, Jack." "I want to talk to you." "No." "Come on, Aggie, open up." "Come on." "I really need to talk to you." "What do you want to talk about?" "Look, I won't stay long." "Christy, will you let us have some 'alone' time?" "Thank you, sweetheart." "Look, I want to send this to my mother if you don't hear from me by Tuesday." "Why you?" "What's wrong?" "Look, just do it for me." "Okay?" "Yeah, right." "Here this is for you." "You don't owe me anything." "I mean, if you feel guilty o something, just forget about it, okay?" "Look, I wish there was something I could do, or something I could tell you." "I could tell you I'm not going to see her anymore." "I don't wanna lie to you." "Why, are you in love with her?" "I don't know." "She makes me crazy." "I can't get her out of my mind." "Look, I feel sorry for her." "I want to help her." "Yeah, then what?" "Eighter from Decatur, the masturbator" "Fifty looking for sixty." "Seven out." "Well, look who's here." "The Flash is back." "Who's your friend, Flash?" "This here is Patsy Fuqua." "Patsy." "Gentlemen, my name is Patsy Fuqua." "As he said, I am president of the Fuqua Novelty Company of Gary, Indiana." "And we supply most of the casinos in Nevada." "We guarantee our dice for unconditionally true play." "If anyone can prove that our dice do not yield absolutely random results, we will pay him one thousand dollars for each percentage by which the results deviate from random." "I have here brand new dice, still factory-sealed." "I shoot with Patsy's dice or I don't shoot." "Whatever you say, Flash." "This is a casual game here." "We all trust each other." "Deacon." "I feel the spirit of the Lord in these two dice." "I guarantee you that the spirit of the Lord was not present in those dice when they left the factory." "Shoot one G." "Faded." "Winner seven." "Shoot the two." "Two faded." "Winner seven." "Shoot the four." "Fade." "There's Little Joe." "Little Joe from Kokomo is our point, gentlemen." "The point is four." "Four is the point." "What was it again, Deacon?" "Three for the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in one unity of the three." "Seven." "Seven deadly sins there, and six ways to make them." "Looks like your lucky streak just petered out." "Now, you're gonna see a real shooter." "I shoot one G." "One G faded." "You're faded." "Winner eleven." "I'll shoot the four." "I got thirty-five hundred dollars." "What's the matter, doesn't anybody have any money left here?" "I'll cover it." "Another five hundred against the shooter." "It's my last dollar." "Wanna go one more?" "Last dollar?" "Four thousand and one." "Ten the big point." "Seven." "Give me a hundred." "Thank you, J.C." "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." "One thousand dollars." "Faded." "Shoot the two." "Faded two." "Come on, kid." "Keep them coming." "Four thousand dollars." "I'll fade the four." "Let's see roll the point." "Here's your point." "Big ten." "Let's see it again." "Come on." "Make those dice weep." "Make the dice sweat." "Can't go on with the numbers." "There it is, ten." "Shoot eight grand." "I'll fade four thousand dollars and that's it." "Take all or nothing." "Eight thousand dollars." "Four thousand dollars is the limit here." "This is my game." "Eight thousand dollars, all or nothing, or I'm walking." "Eight thousand dollars." "Should've quit when you were ahead, boy." "Point is four." "Hey, Fuqua, you ever seen so much money riding on a your dice before?" "No, sir." "I've never seen a single dollar wagered on my dice before tonight." "'Cause you may never see throw four the hard way for this much money again." "Sixteen thousand dollars." "Shoot it all." "Your luck is going to change, son." "Bet on it." "Come here!" "Baby." "You saved me." "I'm gonna be so good to you." "Listen, I moved out." "I've taken a room at the Drake." "It's only for a couple of days." "Until we can find a place, if you still want me." "Of course I still want you." "Cully, I talked to Mr. Green." "He said that George came by demanding an extra week to pay off the debt." "He said he seemed desperate enough to do anything." "I left him five grand." "That's more than he deserves." "What's he gonna do?" "I know he can't pay off the debt." "Baby, now we can be together." "Come here." "New shooter coming out." "Shoot sixty." "Hey, you been holding out on us." "You didn't tell us you were Cully the arm." "You got some kind of magic or something is what I heard." "Ain't no way I'm gonna fade Cully the arm." "Any action?" "Well, I'm not afraid to fade Cully the arm." "I think that'll fade you sixty." "Go to it, kid." "Let's see a natural now." "Seven or eleven." "That's the kind of magic I like, kid." "Is there a J.C. Cullen?" "New shooter coming out." "All right, fifty against this shooter" "Come on, let's see it." "Crap." "A loser." "Yeah?" "What's he doing here?" "He's working for me." "Since when?" "None of your business." "Read the note, George." "Carbondale is in Chicago." "He has been in the Belleville game." "That's enough." "Now he got that note today, and it says the man who blinded me eighteen years ago has been shooting in the Belleville game." "Who's the note from?" "It isn't signed." "You don't think a stool pigeon is in the habit of advertising, do you?" "Hey, I wouldn't know." "Look, I don't care who wrote the note." "All I care about is what it says." "Now just shut up and listen to me." "Have you met a man named Carbondale in the Belleville game?" "No." "How about a man named Carpenter who's got a red heart tattooed right here on his wrist?" "Yeah." "Has he got blond hair?" "It can even be a little gray now." "It's brown." "He dyed his hair, that bastard." "He at the Belleville Club now?" "Why?" "What are you going to do?" "What difference does it make?" "Eighteen years, Cullen, I have waited for this." "You stay away from Mr. Carpenter, farm boy, or I'm gonna send you back to Indiana in a bunch of shoes boxes." "Goodnight, gentlemen." "Good night." "No, I said Ginger Pop in the fourth to win." "Thank you." "Pete!" "Drop the gun!" "Drop the gun!" "Well, George, I said we'd meet again, and here we are." "Come on, Pete." "Come on, Pete!" "Cully, you bastard!" "You gonna pay for this." "There was a guy from St. Louis." "She was balling him for four weeks." "Never was anything but a slut all along." "Probably ain't six guys in all Chicago she didn't lay down for." "Me and five others." "She'd screw anything wearing pants." "Who're you talking about?" "Well, that's none of your business, farm boy." "You were talking about Lorry Dane, weren't you?" "Can you back up what you said?" "Or were you just shooting off your big mouth like you always do?" "You better watch yourself, punk." "What were you saying about her?" "I said she's a pig and a slut and a whore." "Come here!" "Come on, Hillbilly!" "Come on!" "Stop it!" "You hurt him bad!" "What happened?" "Sonny, what happened?" "I don't know." "Cully went crazy." "Is he all right." "God, what a mess." "Don't touch him." "Don't touch him." "You got what you wanted, you happy, blind man?" "Carbondale's dead." "You happy?" "You happy?" "You happy?" "Cullen!" "Cullen!" "Shit." "Cully, don't look at me at that way." "It's not what you think." "I had to do it." "Mr. Green's going to defend George." "He can really help us, Cully." "He can make sure that George gets put away for life." "You understand, don't you?" "You sent the note to Cole." "What?" "Don't lie to me." "Well, I had to do it." "Once we got the club away from George he would never have left us in peace." "I had to do it." "You called the cops, didn't you?" "Well, I called a detective, a friend of mine." "You mean someone you do a little favor for every now and then?" "Like Mr. Green in there?" "Don't treat me like this, baby." "You got a man killed just to settle your score with Cole, didn't you?" "Didn't you?" "All right!" "He deserved it." "They both deserved it." "You were perfectly willing to get me killed, weren't you?" "No, baby, no!" "Weren't you?" "I would never do anything to hurt you." "Please, don't hurt me." "Please, don't hurt me." "Cully." "It looks like Mr. Green just bought himself a striptease club and one crazy little girl to go with it." "No, no, don't say that!" "Cully, please, I can change." "I can change." "Please, come back." "Don't go, Cully." "I can change." "Yeah, you might." "But the odds are against it." "Don't go, Cully." "Oh, God." "It's for Madigan." "But he had it coming." "Everything he said about her was true." "Is he gonna be okay?" "Broken nose, two broken ribs." "Concussion." "If you call that okay." "Yeah, well I'm through with Chicago." "I've talked to Madigan into not presenting charges against you." "Good." "This way I don't have to tell the police what I know about Carpenter murder." "You know I never wanted that." "Yeah, I know." "Look, the past is the past and all that." "But sometimes it comes back to you whether you want it or not." "You know, Cullen, Hooker always spoke so highly of you." "The first time he's ever been wrong." "Second time." "He spoke highly of you, too." "Since I met you baby my whole life has changed." "Since I met you baby my whole life has changed." "And everybody tells me that I am not the same." "I don't need nobody to tell my troubles to." "I don't need nobody to tell my troubles to." "Cause since I met you baby all I need is you." "Since I met you baby my whole life has changed." "Since I met you baby my whole life has changed." "And everybody tells me that I am not the same." "Since I met you baby I'm a happy man." "Since I met you baby I'm a happy man." "I'm gonna try to please you in every way I can." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[ rock music playing ]" "♪ Fingers on sincerity" "♪ So I belong all week" "♪ Take me into your sad, sad arms ♪" "♪ And squeeze me till I speak ♪" "♪ Tell me what you say" "♪ Tell me what you say" "♪ Tell me what you say" "♪ Tell me what you say" "♪ Tell me what you say [ vocalizing ]" "GIRL:" "Save yourself now, because I am so drunk." "[ song continues on stereo ]" "Do it!" "No." "Do it!" "No." "No way." "It's yummy." "It's like lemonade." "No way." "You're never gonna make it through college if you can't chug." "I can chug." "I chugged at Aaron Fink's party." "Oh, Aaron Fink's party in middle school, where you drank all the root beer until you barfed in the rec room?" "It totally counts." "Really?" "And it was cute." "That's a memory of you that I will treasure forever." "I'm so drunk, hammered." "Hallelujah." "Wow, maybe I'm so drunk I can fly." "You guys think I can fly?" "[ laughs ]" "Should really stay away from this stuff." "I drink, like, this much, and I'm, like, whoo." "Okay." "[ laughs ] That's a good one." "Oh, nice." "Very sexy." "[ both laugh ] [ knock on door ]" "Come in." "♪ Tell me what you say" "All right, girlies." "time to wrap it up." "You have school tomorrow." "Oh." "Hey, Daniel." "Hi, Ms. Hardy." "Didn't realize you were still here." "How's your sister doing?" "Uh, good." "Thanks." "Good." "Cat, you have boys over, door's open, okay?" "Sorry, Mom." "Do you have any Coke, Mrs. Hardy?" "Yeah, but it's a little late for caffeine." "It's a school night." "Mom, two of our friends already got their college acceptance letters, and that means ours are coming next." "It probably is, but I'd love to see you graduate high school first." "Come on, guys." "It's getting late." "We'll wrap it up soon, Mrs. Hardy." "Thanks." "Okay." "Uh, good night, Mrs. Hardy." "Okay, okay." "Good night." "Sorry." "Mom's a mom." "Yeah, I should probably be getting out of here pretty soon anyway." "Are you okay?" "Uh..." "Come here." "Okay." "B-Bye, guys." "It's fine." "Don't worry about me." "I'm just gonna... just gonna hang out right here." "Did I do something wrong?" "No." "No." "Uh... it's Joan." "Cool." "♪ Hold me down, making the rounds... ♪" "Her birth mother's been calling and asking to meet her." "And that's bad?" "Joan doesn't know she's adopted." "Nobody does, besides family and-- and you." "It's none of my business, but maybe it's time to tell her." "No." "No, no." "You--You can't tell her anything." "No, I won't." "Okay?" "That's not what I meant." "She's gone through enough, you know?" "Things are tough enough for her." "Now, this--this woman gave Joan away." "She doesn't want her." "She just" "She just wants to come in her life and ruin it for my sister again." "You're a good brother." "Thanks." "And a good boyfriend." "[ giggles ] [ kissing ]" "Eww." "I'm gonna send you something tonight, hmm?" "Mm-mm." "Something to cheer you up." "Really?" "Mm-hmm." "What?" "Well..." "You're right." "Mm-hmm." "I already do like it." "[ clicks ]" "That's just the first in a series." "Oh, a series." "Yeah." "[ chuckles ]" "Hey, now, I'm just a little bear." "I know." "You're a very sexy bear, though." "No, you're sexy." "Oh, me?" "I'm sexy?" "Oh, stop it." "Oh, this is fun." "[ alarm blares ]" "Good morning, sunshine." "Oh, not yet!" "Come on, Kitty Cat." "Today's the big election." "You don't want to have to accept office with bags under your eyes." "[ laughs ]" "Cat?" "Is that Daniel's cologne I smell in there?" "We weren't doing anything crazy, Mom, just kissing." "Just be careful." "Well, you're a very sensitive girl, and you know how boys can be." "Mm-hmm." "Getting physical for them doesn't always mean the same thing to them as it does to us." "Just ask your father, for example." "[ video ] Here we go." "Are you listening to me?" "Mom, look." "Did you just hear anything that I said?" "Yes." "Look." "You haven't been up three minutes, and you're already online." "I've been promising Em I'd post this for months." "[ girls cheer ]" "Okay, go!" "Am I going first?" "Yeah." "Okay." "[ squeals ] Ha ha!" "I'm nervous." "Gah!" "Okay, we did it!" "[ groans ]" "You two are so cute." "In AP English, we had to map out our four-year plans, and Emily and I have everything all planned out." "We're gonna do the Brown/RISD dual-degree program." "You can request the roommate you want in the dorms, and we'll be taking the same dual-degree program, graphic design and marketing, which will give us the edge when we graduate and start our internships in New York." "Brown's so far away." "Well, I'll come visit on holidays." "My baby." "What happened to my little girl?" "Ohh." "You were only seven pounds, two ounces when you were born." "Gosh, not the birth story." "You were the most delicate thing the nurse had ever seen." "You were just like a little porcelain doll, this--Ooh." "I gotta go!" "This little finger." "Hey!" "Sweetheart, I think your four-year plan sounds great." "Okay." "Bye." "Have a good day." "Has the Web had a positive or negative impact on modern society?" "This paper will make up 20% of your final grade, so for some of you, that will make or break your GPA, so let's put some effort into it." "This paper will be due on Wednesday..." "Are you ready to lose to me today?" "Never." "It's okay to be a one-term president, Cat." "History looks kindly on them." "There was Nixon and George Bush and Taft, but I think he died." "No way." "I'm winning." "Yes, I can." "Yes, I can." "Yes, I can." "Shh." "Some of us are trying to pay attention." "Sorry, Jessica." "Sorry, Jessica." "Was your parents' life better or worse because of the World Wide Web?" "Yes, I can." "In terms of economics, how has it changed society, religion?" "[ cellphone vibrates ]" "Put the phone away, or it is mine!" "Let's get to work." "[ school bell rings ]" "Hey, Em!" "I voted for you." "Oh, thank you." "Y-You're hot." "Thank you." "You know what's more awkward than that?" "Mr. Perryman calling it "the Web."" "Who calls it "the Web"?" "Well, I enjoy surfing the World Wide Web." "Oh, mocking a teacher." "You're like this pink candy shell on the outside and like poisonous venom on the inside, exactly how I like you." "Well, it's your bad influence, so..." "Hmm." "Well, yeah." "Your mom texts you, like, a hundred times a day." "So?" "She loves me." "She's my second-best friend." "So I'm your first-best friend?" "Yeah." "Oh, okay." "Good." "Then I shall be thanking you in my acceptance speech when I win for president." "Boo!" "Oh!" "[ laughing ] I got you." "Yeah." "Yeah." "I like the pictures you sent the other night." "Mmm." "Shh." "You are very beautiful, really." "They're just for you." "I know." "Mm-hmm." "They better be." "[ chuckles ]" "Bye, baby." "Bye." "Bye." "See you." "Oh, good luck on the election!" "[ chuckles ]" "Uh, both of you." "I, uh..." "Uh-huh." "[ school bell rings ] [ laughs ]" "This camera is so good." "I love this lens." "Oh, look at this picture of Daniel and Joan." "He's so sweet to her." "He really is." ""I'm gonna send you something later." "Kissy, kissy, kissy."" "You heard that?" "Yes." "Oh, sorry." "It's fine." "There's nothing better than hanging out alone while listening to you two make out." "I'm sorry." "It's okay." "He's cool." "I get it." "That's a great shot." "Ms. Langran, I was thinking maybe we could do a page in the yearbook about Star Kids, like feature Joan and some of the other kids in the program and maybe some of the volunteers we know who work after school." "Like Daniel?" "Well, I like it... but we are gonna need a few more photos." "Do you think you guys could go over to the volunteer center, maybe grab some interviews, get a few more pics?" "Can we use this camera?" "If you sign it out." "Did you take this?" "Oh, yeah." "Me and Cat." "You guys have a great eye." "I'm really glad you're both thinking of graphic design." "Thank you." "Attention, students." "Election results are in for Student Body Council." "Student body rep, Raymond Barajas." "Treasurer, Misty Jenkins." "Secretary, Pamela Ferguson." "Vice President, Casey Price." "And your president-- it was a close one" "Cat Hardy!" "[ applause and cheering ]" "Congratulations to all our winners." "I'm sorry." "No, it's fine." "She won fair and square." "GIRL:" "Ah, congratulations." "You're not mad?" "No!" "Congratulations, silly." "Thanks." "Oh. [ laughs ]" "Aww." "[ both laugh ]" "Whoo!" "Hey, hey, hey!" "No skateboarding, fellas!" "You know better than that." "♪ You know I'm coming with it ♪" "♪ Real tough, fool and you know... ♪" "Awesome, Cat." "Hey, way to go, Cat." "♪ Everybody's going down" "♪ Check the sound, and you'll see that I ain't new to this ♪" "♪ The past five years, I'm the guy that you been cruising with ♪" "♪ I'm the original that tried bringing thug noise... ♪" "Why don't you watch where you're going?" "[ snapping fingers ] Don't!" "Don't!" "Oh, does that bother you?" "Get away from me!" "Look at me, retard!" "Hey!" "What did you say?" "It's just a joke." "Well, it's not funny." "Come on, Joan." "Sorry we can't all be suck-ups like you." "Hey, shut up!" "Make me!" "Maybe I will." "You know what, Emily?" "She's not even worth it." "Why don't you shut your stupid mouth?" "Excuse me, ladies." "Is there a problem here?" "Yeah." "Haylee's bullying Joan." "That's a lie." "I didn't even touch her." "Joan, is that true?" "She called me the "R" word." "Thank you, Joan." "Haylee, Principal's office now." "Now." "Come on." "Okay." "Okay, now" "Now you can color two boxes, and then you have to write who, what, when, where and why." "Write along this red line, down to this" "Okay, okay." "Don't rush me." "So, anyway, Haylee's on probation now." "What's her problem?" "I don't know." "She's a piece of trash." "[ slam echoes ]" "Sorry, guys." "I just" "I just don't like people messing with my sister." "[ sighs ]" "Thanks for having her back, Cat." "Of course." "Joan." "Say cheese." "I--I don't like pictures." "One more?" "Okay." "[ cellphone chimes ]" "Oh, we gotta go." "No!" "I wanted to interview more people." "[ whimpers ]" "I can drive you home." "Thanks." "Finally found a good one, Cat." "I know." "See you guys." "Bye." "Mom?" "In here." "Madam President." "Oh, jeez, Mom." "I'm so proud of you, honey." "And I made a special meal." "Well, I got a special meal." "Santa Fe Supremo from Antonio's, your favorite, double guac." "Yay." "You're the best." "I thought... we might even have one more reason we might be celebrating." "[ laughs ]" "Oh, it's thin." "I don't think that matters." "[ squeals ]" "I'm too nervous!" "I can't open it!" "Can you do it?" "Okay." "Really?" "Yeah." "All right." "Wait, wait, wait!" "Maybe I should wait for Emily?" "It's too late." "You want me to s-stop?" "No." ""Dear Catherine Hardy," ""we are pleased to inform you of your admission to the Brown/Rhode Island School of Design Dual Degree program."" "I'm in!" "I'm in!" ""You have also been selected as a recipient" ""of the Dr. Arthur V. Tassel Scholarship," ""covering the full cost of tuition, contingent on maintaining a 3.3 GPA."" "Oh, Cat." "I got a full ride." "I got into Brown/RISD." "Oh, baby." "Kitty Cat, why are you crying?" "I'm happy." "It's finally happening." "Oh, Mom." "We've still got the rest of spring and summer." "We'll spend tons of time together." "Yeah." "I'm gonna call Em." "Hello." "Did you get it?" "Yeah." "Oh, no." "It sounds like you got in." "That's great." "I don't get it." "You have a higher GPA than I do." "Um, maybe you have, like, more activities, or... you know, maybe you had a better essay." "[ crying ]" "Oh, Em, don't cry." "I'm sorry." "It's" "Don't worry about me, okay?" "This is really good for you." "Congratulations." "I'm not going without you." "Don't be stupid." "This is our plan, our dream!" "We'll contest it together." "You would do that for me?" "We're best friends." "They're not gonna split us up." "You know, come over tonight." "We'll write the admissions committee." "We'll change their minds." "Mom, is that okay?" "Yeah." "Actually, come over now." "We don't have a lot of time." "Okay." "Okay, bye." "[ stereo playing ballad ]" "Jeez, you're taking longer to proofread it than we did to write it." "[ sighs ] It's missing something." "It's" "What's that quote" "Ms. Langran keeps in the counseling office?" "The one, uh, by Abraham Lincoln?" "Yeah, something about let no feeling of discouragement set on you or something on you." "I don't know." "I'll look it up." "I feel like if you put something in the last sentence that says that you respect their decision either way, that they'll like that." "Okay, like what?" "Like... hang on." "Um..." "Mom." "What?" ""Precede"?" "Don't you mean "proceed"?" "No." "How you wish to precede." "Is that not right?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Why don't you look that up, too, Emily." "Oh, I don't need to look it up." "It's pretty obviously welcome to Wrongville, population you." "Hmm." "Really?" "Okay, okay, here it is." ""Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and you are sure to succeed."" ""...sure to succeed."" "Okay." "That's good, right?" "This will do it?" "This will change their minds?" "What do you think, Mom?" "I think it's a great letter of appeal, and I think it's getting late." "Okay." "We have to stay together." "[ scoffs ] What?" "[ line rings ]" "So, what?" "I'm a loser?" "I didn't post that." "Yeah, right." "Nice quote." "Em, I swear." "Screw you, Cat." "[ line rings ] [ cellphone ringing ]" "What's up, guys?" "It's Emily." "Leave your name and a message, and I'll call you back." "Emily, I would never even think something like that about you." "I don't know what's going on." "Call me back." "[ computer chimes ]" "The BuddyMe site administrators just told me to change my password, but they can't guarantee it won't happen again." "Well, you kids put all your business up on that site, you're just asking for trouble." "I feel violated." "Ah, it's just a website, honey." "There's more important things in life." "Yeah, but, Mom, somebody actually got onto my hard drive and pulled that quote." "Emily actually believed I would say something like that." "Well, pride can get the best of us." "What do you mean?" "Madam President, need I remind you that, for the last two years in a row, you have beat out your best friend for office?" "On top of her rejection from Brown?" "I mean, she must be" "You know, people do crazy things when they're jealous." "She's not jealous." "She's my friend." "Who had complete access to your computer and your BuddyMe account." "She loves me." "Didn't stop her from accusing you, now, did it?" "Mom!" "Okay, okay." "Forget I mentioned it." "I'm gonna take your computer in today and get one of those fire thingies installed." "Firewall?" "Fire...whatever." "Let's precede with our firewall plans." "[ chuckles ] Aren't you a little bit late for school?" "[ laughs ]" "Goodbye." "The BuddyMe site administrators told me to change my password." "I just hope it doesn't happen again." "I'm sorry I freaked out." "It's just my stupid temper." "I know you'd never really write anything like that." "I don't think you're a loser." "I think you're awesome." "[ laughs ]" "I know." "Okay, I'll-- I'll see you soon." "Okay, bye." "[ kids laughing ]" "What's going on?" "I don't know." "I'm so over high school." "Hey, Cat." "Nice work." "Definitely put that site to use." "Ha!" "For sure." "So much better to be an informed consumer." "What were those idiots talking about?" "I have no idea." "Hey, Jessica." "Hey, liar." "What?" "You think just because you're going to Brown and you're class president, you can do whatever you want?" "You want to tell me what you're talking about?" "You always did have such a superiority complex." "Thought you were smart enough to keep it to yourself, though." "Calm down, drama queen." "I don't know why you're defending her." "You're on the list." "What list?" "Yeah, apparently you scored with some security guard at the mall where you work?" "What the hell?" "I don't even work at the mall." "Yeah!" "Way to go, Cat!" "You suck, Cat." "I'm taking my vote back." "Did you think this would make you popular, you stuck-up bitch?" "I had nothing to do with this!" "GIRL:" "Loser!" "This is crazy." "Well, it's not me." "Well, these are all the pictures that we took." "Well, I didn't create the page!" "It must be the hacker, the same one that posted on my BuddyMe page." "Where did they get all these pictures?" "They were on the yearbook camera." "I don't know." "Oh, no." "What?" "They put Joan on here." "[ sighs ]" "We should talk to Mrs. Langran." "Hey." "I would never do something like this." "Someone is setting me up." "I know you would never do anything to hurt Joan." "Besides, most of those girls on that website really are sluts." "That's what I heard." "That's a weird thing to say." "Girls, I need to see you in my office now." "Ms. Langran, we have to talk." "And you, don't you have a class you should be in?" "Thank you." "Come on." "Mrs. Langran" "Have a seat, girls." "Do you want to tell me what I am looking at?" "Somebody hacked into my computer and posted this thing." "It's not me, I promise." "Correct me if I'm wrong, but both of you girls took these pictures." "Well, yeah, we did, but" "With the school's camera, and then you hacked into the admin's email database and sent this to every student in school?" "No." "We took those pictures, but we didn't do the other stuff." "Who took the camera home?" "I did." "Did you loan it to anyone?" "No." "Okay, where's the camera now?" "In my locker." "I'm gonna need the camera back immediately." "Of course." "And both of you are off yearbook." "What?" "That's B.S. I didn't even do anything." "Okay, Emily-- I didn't have anything to do with it!" "I didn't even have the camera." "Cat did." "Did Emily have access to the camera last night?" "No." "I had it the whole time." "Okay, then." "This is your responsibility." "I mean, this is very serious." "The school could be held liable for this." "I didn't do this." "I would never do this." "Mrs. Langran, please." "Well, Emily, you are off the hook for now." "And, Cat, we'll look into this, but it's not just gonna go away." "All right, now back to class, both of you." "Wow, Em." "Way to have my back!" "What?" "What do you want me to say?" "Everything she said was true." "Um, how 'bout, "Cat would never do something like that in a million years." "Somebody else posted the site."" "I defended you." "No, you didn't!" "You made sure you weren't kicked off yearbook." "Look, you took those pictures, and you had the camera the whole time, so I don't know what happened, but I'm not getting in trouble for it." "[ scoffs ] Cool!" "I'm glad we've got the facts straight." "All right, here we go." "Best medicine in the world." "Heh." "I don't think ice cream is gonna fix this problem, Mom." "Honey, you remember that's the same thing you used to say to me when you were in third grade and Billy Peterson used to call you Cat, Cat, the fatty fat." "[ laughs ]" "Well, then you fed the fat girl ice cream." "You were never fat." "Plus, it worked, didn't it?" "You got over it, and now Billy Peterson is fat and works at that awful taco stand." "Thank you, ice cream." "[ laughs ] He does." "[ laughs ]" "Baby, I hate to see you so stressed out." "I'll get through it." "Good, because next we're gonna move on to my second prescription for a tough day, shopping." "It's very serious." "Oh, that sounds like serious business." "It's actually really impressive how many times you're on that site." "You know what?" "You better be careful." "Wrap it up, so you don't spread your disease." "You're on it more than me." "Oh, she burned you, Haylee!" "What is wrong with you?" "You're the one who outed the slut." "I didn't post that site." "Yeah, right." "Heard you got kicked out of yearbook class." "Here." "Have a couple." "You'll probably need 'em to keep your GPA up." "That's not all she's keeping up." "[ laughs ]" "Are you all right?" "I never even kissed a boy." "I know." "Here you go." "Welcome to the wonderful world of politics." "What?" "All right, so I'll put you down on the list that you're good with everything in class and everything?" "All right, perfect." "[ indistinct conversation ]" "Hey, Casey, can I talk to you for a second?" "I'm kind of busy right now." "Please, Case?" "It's kind of important." "It'll just take a second." "I'll talk to you later." "What?" "What is this?" "Your website pissed off a lot of people." "[ sighs ] You know me." "I would never do anything to hurt anybody." "Is there anything you could say that could change their minds?" "This is crazy." "You don't believe me." "Cat, I'd like to believe you." "I really would." "Then I wouldn't feel like such a fool." "What is that supposed to mean?" "How is it that my name wound up on your little Internet list?" "I don't know." "I told you, it's not my website." "Followed by the quote," ""Would do anything to make out with Jason Myerson?"" "[ sighs ] I don't know." "You were the only one I told that I was gay." "You were the only one, the only person I trusted." "I even knew exactly when I told you, two months ago in your bedroom, helping you with your calc homework." "It was important for me to be able to trust somebody, all right, to get it off my chest." "Nobody else knew." "Casey, you can trust me." "I didn't tell anybody." "Really?" "I was called horrible names in the hallway this morning." "People laughed at me." "Jason is threatening to beat my ass." "If you didn't make this list, then you told someone who did." "Maybe somebody guessed just by the way you look at Jason." "Maybe you're not as on the D.L. as you thought you were." "I don't know what's more offensive, the idea that you may have betrayed my trust or the sentence that just came out of your mouth." "Either way, we're done." "Oh, Casey, you have-- No." "Hey, please!" "No!" "I" "I don't know what's more offensive, the idea that you may have betrayed my trust or the sentence that just came out of your mouth." "Either way, we're done." "Heard you got kicked out of yearbook class." "I don't know what happened, but I'm not getting in trouble for it." "All in favor of impeaching President Cat Hardy, raise your hands and say, "Yea."" "Yea." "Yea." "It's unanimous." "All in favor of making Emily Hargrove Student Body Council President, raise your hands and say, "Yea."" "Yea!" "Yea!" "It's unanimous." "[ gavel bangs ]" "Cat?" "What are you doing home from school?" "Are you sick?" "I'm not sick." "I just-- [ cries ] I just" "I can't be there right now." "Everyone hates me!" "Oh, Kitty Cat, I don't." "This isn't about you!" "Mom, I'm sorry." "I just" "I got kicked off Student Council." "What?" "They can't do that!" "Well, apparently they can, because they already did it, and they announced the runner-up is gonna take over my office." "Emily?" "Yeah." "Well, things are going pretty well for her these days." "Look." "Yale?" "After you guys spent all that time petitioning Brown?" "I didn't even know she applied to Yale." "Well, you two haven't had secrets from each other before." "I know." "Oh, baby." "Oh, come he" "Oh, my sweetheart." "[ crying ]" "At least you still have Brown, okay?" "What's the point if Emily's not going?" "Honey, you know, in life, things rarely go according to your plans." "I'm sorry." "It's really all about being flexible, you know." "So maybe you put off Brown and you stay here for your first two years and go to a community college, and then you can live at home." "You're right." "I should go to Brown/RISD and get my degrees and start my own business, because I don't need a partner." "Uh, honey, you're not really hearing me." "No, you're right." "Be flexible." "Yes, be flexible." "Cat, where are you going?" "To Emily's." "I'm gonna tell her I'm gonna start my own business and I don't need her." "Just--Honey, don't burn any bridges." "I'm not." "I'm crossing them." "Cat!" "Hi." "Emily, it's Cat!" "Just a second, Cat." "Tell her to go away." "She's standing there." "I don't care!" "I don't want to talk to her!" "Just go." "Just go." "Hi." "So I guess congratulations are in order for Student Council." "You can't blame me for that." "Who can I blame for lying to me about Yale?" "I didn't lie!" "I just didn't tell you every single little detail of my life." "We had a plan, Em." "We were a team." "You think I made that website, don't you, and that BuddyMe post?" "You don't think there's a hacker at all." "You know what?" "I'm kind of over this, so you just go to Brown, I'll go to Yale, and maybe I'll see you at the reunion in 10 years." "Or not." "I have to go." "[ crying ]" "It's like, I'm gonna drive straight, and then I'm gonna turn left." "[ laughing ]" "Hey, I can help you keep score if you want." "Oh, what's the matter, Cat?" "Got your tongue?" "[ laughing ] Oh!" "Hey, Cat." "You okay?" "Oh." "Hi." "Roger." "What's going on?" "You look upset." "You got troubles, huh?" "Yeah." "It's 'cause of that scoreboard website?" "Look, I know it has my name on it, but I didn't put up that site." "Somebody went through a lot of trouble to screw up my life." "And it's not just the website." "It's the BuddyMe page." "Someone posted things that I didn't post." "Worst part of it all is nobody seems to believe me." "I believe you." "Look, nothing is safe on the Internet." "No matter how secure you think you are, there are people out there that can hack into anything." "Look, I know this guy." "He might be able to help you." "He's a full-on computer genius." "He--I had a problem." "He helped me out a few months ago." "What kind of problem?" "Well, someone was catfishing this girl using a picture of me from track." "So do you think he would help me?" "Well, of course he would, yeah." "I mean, he's a good friend of mine." "That would be so great." "Why don't you meet me over at his place after school, say, 5:00?" "Sure." "Okay." "Here." "I'll give you his address." "Thank you so much for your help." "I so appreciate it." "Yeah, it's okay." "I gotta run, but I'll-- I'll see you later?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Bye." "Bye." "Cat!" "You made it." "Hey." "Come on in." "[ rock music playing ]" "Cat, this is my good buddy, Cool D." "Wassup?" "Cool, this is the girl I was talking to you about, Cat?" "Hi." "Go ahead." "Sit down." "He not only fixed my catfishing problem." "We actually found the guy who was doing it." "Really?" "Hell, yeah." "Just gotta know what you're looking for." "Cold one?" "So you think you can help?" "Well, that is always a possibility, right?" "Hey, yo, why don't you give us some privacy so I can converse freely with my client?" "Okay, sure." "So?" "Holler at me." "Somebody posted a website using information from my computer." "Yeah." "You mean this one?" "Yeah." "Do you think you can find out who hacked into my stuff?" "If you remember when it happened." "I can look into the logs on your router, see if there's any traffic going into your computer, you know." "Someone maybe copied your data." "That is, if they hacked in using one of them Trojans online." "[ laughs ]" "Has anybody had access to your computer without you knowing?" "No." "I'm the only one." "All right." "Did you bring it with you?" "Yeah, it's right here." "That's what's up." "So, when can you start?" "Well, there's still the matter of my fee." "Right." "How much do you charge?" "Something like this is gonna run you the tune of, like," "10 Gs." "Wow, that's a lot of money." "I do quality work." "Uh, I'll see... [ laughs ]" "I'm just messing with you, girl." "Damn." "What?" "I don't expect you to come up with that type of money." "You crazy?" "Oh, okay." "Yeah, for sure, 'cause it's not always about the monies." "You know what I'm saying?" "I don't, but I can figure out some way to pay you later." "Nah, you can pay me right now." "Come on, Cat." "You know you like to party." "Okay!" "Get off me!" "Ah, come on, Cat." "You're not leaving before the money shot, are you?" "That's right!" "You better run, slut!" "[ gasping ]" "Hello." "Hey, Mom." "Could you come pick me up?" "I missed the bus, and it's getting late." "How'd it go?" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, everything's fine." "Okay, I'll be there soon." "Okay." "Cat, you are typically a really good student, but I have to say I'm very concerned with what is going on here." "I've had four girls come to talk to me about this scoreboard site just this morning." "They say boys are writing stories about them, lying in the comments section." "They were very upset." "I'm upset, too." "I didn't post it." "I think it's gross." "It doesn't seem like something you would do." "It's not me, I swear." "I didn't post it." "Somebody hacked into my accounts." "Well, can you think of who would want to do that?" "I don't know." "Somebody jealous, somebody trying to ruin my life." "Like who?" "I don't know." "Maybe Haylee?" "Cyberbullying isn't covered under state laws." "People are working on it, but it's hard to define." "However, when we find out who's behind this, they will be expelled." "You believe me?" "I don't know what to believe, but this is not the Cat I know." "So don't worry." "We will get to the bottom of this." "Thanks a lot, Cat." "[ coughs ] Bitch." "What was that?" "Okay, you and you, in my office now." "I want to talk about these stories that you wrote." "Now!" "[ students laughing, overlapping chatter ]" "[ sighs ]" "Who did that?" "Who did that, Joan?" "What are you all laughing at, huh?" "You think it's funny?" "Huh?" "!" "You think this is funny!" "Get out of here!" "Oh, Joan." "Hey, did you guys see anything?" "Who did this?" "It's not true." "I know it's not." "You said, but it's not true." "I would never say anything bad about you." "I'm not adopted." "DANIEL:" "This is ridiculous!" "What?" "Joan, get away from her." "Come on." "Let's go home." "Daniel." "Daniel." "Just go home." "What's going on?" "Get out of the way." "Are you angry at me?" "I defended you." "I just..." "I just thought there was no way you would ever post those things." "I bet you were just laughing at what an idiot I was, huh?" "I don't know what you're talking about!" "If you want to hurt me, then whatever." "But to tell Joan after I trusted you?" "I didn't tell Joan anything." "We're done!" "Daniel!" "No." "No!" "No." "Aw, poor baby." "You should have kept my name out of your mouth." "You told Mrs. Langran that I wrote that list?" "Now she wants to get me kicked out of school." "Why are you doing this to me?" "I didn't do anything to you, yet." "When my mom finds out, she's gonna beat my ass, so I'm gonna beat your ass first!" "Get her!" "Yeah!" "Come on!" "That'll teach her." "Yeah!" "[ girls yelling ]" "Stop it, girls!" "What are you doing?" "Get off her!" "Now!" "I'm talking to all of you!" "Right now!" "[ wincing ]" "Your students have lost your minds today." "It was Haylee." "Yes, I know." "She's going to be dealt with for fighting." "She did the other stuff, too, the list and the hacking." "Cat, I looked into it." "I don't think she did it." "Nobody believes me." "I want to believe you, I really do, but your story, it's just not lining up." "Cat." "[ sighs ]" "Emily?" "Why are you helping me?" "Well, jeez, Cat, I'm mad at you, but I don't hate you." "Thanks." "Okay." "It's gonna be okay." "Oh, my God." "Baby." "Oh, baby." "Hi, Mom." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my baby." "I came as soon as the principal called me." "Here, come in." "Here." "Just lay down here." "Oh, careful, honey." "Careful." "Lie down." "Maybe--Maybe I could come by later?" "If you feel like you have to, but maybe tomorrow would be better." "I'm starting to think maybe she didn't do all those things." "I'm her mother." "I know." "We'll get you to the doctor." "Do you have trouble sleeping at night?" "Lately, yeah." "Yeah, she has a history of anxiety." "Oh." "That's" "No, that's not in her file." "Well, it wasn't diagnosed, but she always had panic attacks when she was a kid." "Does anxiety run in your family?" "No." "Depression or..." "No." "Well, there was some trouble when I had a pregnancy, um, a miscarriage." "Um, but they said that that was just hormonal." "Okay, I'm gonna prescribe something for you, Cat, for the pain, uh, just enough for the next few days." "And I can prescribe a mild antidepressant." "Do you think that's necessary?" "Well, if anxiety is negatively affecting her life, I" "I don't have anxiety." "Cat, please." "Have you had heart palpitations or trouble breathing?" "Do you feel like you've had panic attacks?" "Uh..." "MRS. HARDY:" "Yes." "I'm asking you, Cat." "Um... yes." "Do you want to try the antidepressants?" "Okay." "Okay." "Okay." "We'll get you started on a low dose of Alprazolam." "Is it safe?" "It'll take her body a little while to get adjusted to the medication, but after that, she'll be fine." "Okay." "Okay." "It'll be good." "This is gonna help you, sweetie." "Okay." "Good morning." "How are you feeling?" "Sore." "Pain meds." "[ chuckles ]" "Happy pill." "Go on, baby." "Good girl." "[ sighs ] They make my throat dry." "I'll get you more juice." "Em's coming over." "I think she wants to make up." "Do you trust her?" "She was nice to me yesterday." "Maybe she feels bad." "Just be careful." "Let me know if you need anything." "All righty, I'm out of here, Dad!" "[ doorbell rings ]" "I got it!" "Hi." "Hi." "I'm Herb, Herbert." "You are so beautiful." "You're even more beautiful than your picture." "Excuse me?" "Are--Are you here to see my Dad?" "I thought you said we were gonna be alone." "Dad!" "That's no way to treat your Honey Daddy!" "Get the hell out of here!" "Dude!" "He knew my name." "Hey!" "Hey, I want to talk to you!" "Honey Daddy." "I'm calling the police." "I wrote down his plate number." "Oh, my God." "Emily?" "They need to talk to you!" "Okay." "Coming!" "Emily." ""I'm young and dumb and ready to--" What?" ""I'll do anything you want for the price of a Coach bag, anything at all."" "That has my real name on it, Cat, and my address!" "This is crazy." "What's going on out here?" "You gonna tell her?" "Tell me what?" "Somebody posted-- Your daughter is sick." "Thanks for setting me up with Herbert the pervert, Cat." "I really appreciate it." "You still think I'm doing this, don't you?" "That's a picture that you took!" "That's on your bed!" "Yeah, but I've told you and told you!" "It's a hacker!" "I-I've never heard of that." "I've never heard of somebody being able to take pictures off your phone unless you sent them somewhere first." "Who's hacking you, Bill Gates?" "You seem to know an awful lot about it." "You're both insane." "Okay, go home." "You win, okay?" "You're better than me, so just leave me alone, and keep me out of your sick little games!" "Emily!" "Shh, shh, shh." "It's okay, baby." "Here." "Just take a breath." "Here." "Sit down." "I feel like I'm losing my mind!" "Sit down." "It's okay, baby." "You're not losing your mind." "Cat, did you send that picture of Emily to that website?" "No!" "Okay." "If you tell me, I believe you." "You're the only one." "Mom, can't you call the police again?" "Shh." "Oh, honey." "I told you there's nothing they can do about this." "Here." "You take another one of these." "No!" "Yes." "You're having an anxiety attack." "Take one, baby." "I'm right here for you, okay?" "Shh." "Shh." "Breathe." "What should I do?" "I don't know." "Just concentrate on school, and" "I don't know--finish your AP English exam." "You only have a few months to go." "I mean, after graduation, these people won't matter." "You'll never have to see any of them ever again if you don't want to." "What would I do without you?" "Oh, honey, let's never find out, okay?" "Ahem." "[ sighs ]" "[ crying ]" "How you holding up?" "Not great." "Uh, how's--how's Joan?" "Mom's been keeping her home until things calm down." "Yeah, that makes sense." "I just" "You know, I don't get at all this stuff with Cat." "I mean, what do you think?" "I think she's twisted." "First this nasty site pops up mysteriously with a picture of me, a picture that Cat took." "Somebody sent it to the admissions office at Yale." "Are you serious?" "Em." "Now they've revoked my acceptance." "Em." "I mean, It's not like there aren't plenty of sluts at Yale anyway, you know?" "I'm really, really sorry." "[ crying ]" "What?" "Nothing." "Miss Hargroves." "In my office, please." "Great." "Let me guess." "Somebody sent you a link?" "Your father's on his way." "She can't do that." "Come on, come on, hand 'em over." "There are no term papers good or bad, but thinking makes it so." "Thank you." "Thank you." "No phones." "Thank you." "Thank you." "[ whispering ] Jess." "Psst." "What did I just say about the phones?" "[ laughter ] Oh, my God." "[ overlapping chatter ]" "I'm gonna hit that." "Oh, my God." "I didn't know she was a slut." "What could be so fascinating?" "[ yelps ] Come on." "All right, I'll take that." "Hey!" "Hey, that's my phone!" "Come on." "Hey, if Daniel's done with you," "I don't mind sloppy seconds." "[ laughs ] I'm just saying." "Hey, were-- No, seriously, were those silk?" "[ laughter ]" "Hey, I was just--Oh, I was just kidding." "All right, all right!" "Knock it off right now!" "Whoo, Cat!" "All right, all right, knock it" "[ cellphone ringtone ]" "Oh, my God." "You!" "You sent those pictures of me!" "That's right." "Those were private!" "So was what I said to you about Joan." "So was the stuff you sent to Yale about Emily, Cat!" "What?" "You know what?" "I don't even care anymore!" "You can't just mess around with peoples' lives and expect to get away with it!" "I don't get it." "So you sent those pictures of me because of what you think I did to your sister?" "Okay, but that other stuff?" "The scoreboard?" "Hacking into my phone?" "That stupid HoneyDaddy site?" "Why?" "What did I ever do to you?" "I sent the pictures, yeah, but--but don't you dare try and turn all that other stuff you did around on me!" "Just admit it!" "You're the hacker!" "Oh." "Oh, you'd like people to think that, wouldn't you?" "Wouldn't you?" "EMILY:" "You bitch!" "[ groans ]" "You know what?" "I am so sick of this!" "You know why you're so jealous?" "Because I earned being class president." "I earned Brown!" "I didn't have to beg for those things like you." "Face it, Emily." "You're good, but I'm better, and you can't deal with it." "I want to smash your face in." "Oh, so do it." "What in the world?" "Hey!" "Don't!" "Cat!" "Emily!" "Stop this right now!" "Cat!" "Emily!" "Emily!" "Stop this right now!" "Watch me!" "Emily, stop." "Right now." "Don't touch my daughter!" "Back off!" "Keep your hands off her!" "That's assault!" "She assaulted my daughter first!" "Hey, Cat started it." "You be quiet!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Put that phone away, or I'll take it from you!" "DANIEL:" "Get back!" "Stay away from me!" "I'm calling the police." "Good." "EMILY:" "No." "No, it was me." "I" "I started it." "What are you gonna do about it?" "I'm already suspended, so you guys don't have to deal with me anymore." "That's the second fight Cat's had on school property this week." "So why isn't she suspended?" "Mr. Hargroves, I'll handle this." "'Cause you're doing a real bang-up job up till now!" "Give me that phone." "Hey, no way." "No way!" "This is for Emily if she decides to change her mind." "Take that phone from him." "You gonna let him post that online just like he did all those dirty pictures of" "Daniel, go home." "Take his phone!" "Mrs. Hardy, please!" "My daughter is being bullied, and I don't see the school doing a thing about it." "Okay, we'll schedule a meeting as soon as possible." "You're damn right we will." "Come on, baby." "Can't find my phone." "It's not in your bag?" "No." "I think I dropped it during the fight." "We'll call the office and see if anyone turned it in." "I think someone picked it up." "That's all I need, more people looking at my stuff." "Honey, where did those... underwear pictures come from?" "I took them." "Why?" "I thought Danny was special." "I thought he'd keep them to himself." "[ sighs ]" "What you kids just don't understand is that these things that you put up online and these pictures that you post or send or whatever you do is they--they stick around forever." "They have a life." "They-- Even if you erase them, people, creepy people, can pass them on and on, and they" "Okay, I don't need a lecture right now!" "I learned my lesson." "I'll never trust anyone again!" "Oh." "Mom." "Yeah?" "I didn't know you had a miscarriage." "That was a long time ago, baby." "Do you want to talk about it?" "Maybe I won't go to Brown." "Maybe I'll just stay at home like you said, go to community college." "It's up to you, sweetheart." "Just for a while." "She can't sleep." "She's been on antidepressants." "I mean, this has just gone on too far." "Daniel has admitted to sending those photos, and we have suspended him accordingly." "Well, that's not good enough!" "Well, we have no proof that he's done anything else." "My daughter is 17 years old!" "She is a minor!" "What he's done is basically distributed child pornography." "I want him expelled permanently, and I'm gonna call the authorities." "No, Mom, don't." "I just want to forget this ever happened." "Honey, we cannot let him victimize you like that." "That fight, he's probably posting that online right now." "[ telephone rings ]" "Yes, go ahead, and send both of them in, please." "Thank you." "We have another problem." "What now?" "Mr. Perryman, Ms. Langran, you know Cat's mother..." "Hello, Cat." "Mrs. Hardy." "Hey." "Mr. Perryman, go ahead." "Mrs. Langran has a program that we run all of the students' papers through." "It checks the written story to Internet archives." "It's the first thing I do when a student turns in an assignment." "I hate to accuse you, Cat." "You're an excellent student." "Your AP final, the program found a match for plagiarism." "What?" "This isn't my paper." "That's what you turned in." "I didn't write this." "That is the paper you handed to me yesterday." "I give up." "This is serious, young lady." "We take charges of plagiarism very seriously." "This, you take seriously?" "I'm afraid I'm going to have to fail you, Cat, and you won't be able to continue in the AP classes." "But the school year's almost over." "Those classes will be removed from your record, and you probably will not graduate this spring." "This is insanity." "She's going to Brown!" "Cat, this is so out of character for you." "You don't seem okay." "She's not okay." "She is being punished for absolutely no reason." "Come on, Cat." "Is anything going on that I should know about?" "Maybe you should look into how those essays ended up on your computer program, Ms. Langran." "What are you insinuating?" "I don't know what your problem is, but you've been doing everything you can to make sure that my daughter fails." "Well, I am sorry you feel that way." "We are suing you." "We are suing this district." "We are suing those bullies!" "Mrs. Hardy, considering everything that's happened, you might decide that homeschooling is more appropriate for your daughter." "[ scoffs ] It'd be a hell of a lot better than this zoo." "And you can wipe that phony look of concern off your face!" "It's okay, sweetie." "I'm gonna fight this thing all the way." "Don't you get it?" "I don't want to fight anymore." "They actually suggested you homeschool." "Sounds good to me." "You know what?" "I am so sick of this!" "I earned being president!" "I didn't have to beg for those things like you did." "You're good, but I'm better, and you can't deal with it." "I want to smash your face in." "So do it." "Oh!" "Oh, you okay, baby?" "You have a nightmare?" "Bad dream?" "Oh, I just keep thinking about that fight with Emily and how Daniel has it on his phone and how I can't find my phone and how I'm just gonna go online any minute and see this title like "Real Cat Fight," and I'm just so sick of it." "Calm down, baby." "calm down." "Here." "Take one of these." "It's not time yet." "It'll relax you." "[ sighs ] Come on." "It'll make you feel better." "I have to talk to Daniel." "What?" "No." "No good can come from that." "Just stay away from those people." "Come on." "Let's get you back to sleep." "Why did you send everyone those pictures of Cat?" "What do you care?" "I thought you hated her guts." "I do." "We've been friends a really long time, okay?" "It's hard to just stop caring about her." "Do you still have that video of us fighting?" "Maybe." "Well, can you erase it?" "Because the last thing I need is for more embarrassing crap to get out there." "Maybe I'll erase it." "Maybe I won't." "I don't know yet." "What?" "Are you the one doing all this stuff?" "W-Wait." "Are you serious?" "You know what?" "I-I've figured you out." "You're totally obsessed with Cat." "That's what it is." "That's what it's got to be." "What?" "Yeah." "Taking all the same classes." "Making the same plans." "You guys even go to the restroom together." "Yeah." "We're girls." "That's, like, what we do!" "I'm not the one who took her vulnerable, trusting first attempts at sexuality and just tossed them all out there for the world to see!" "[ laughs ] You know, whatever." "Are we done here?" "You and I, yeah, we're done." "You know what?" "I think we're all pretty much done." "Yeah, yeah." "Well, peace, out!" "[ girls chatting ]" "I know." "Shut up." "[ sighs ] This sucks." "[ sighs ]" "Dad!" "Dad, I got into Brown!" "They just" "They said they were moved by my appeal, and they're--they're letting me in!" "Dad!" "What time is it?" "[ gasps ] [ laughs ]" "You scared the life out of me." "I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me like that." "How long was I asleep?" "A while." "You probably needed it." "Your body needs to recover from all that stress." "Ehh." "I don't like this medication." "It makes me sleepy." "Well, the doctor said that you'd need time to adjust to it, so..." "Is the sun coming up or going down?" "It's evening, honey." "It's almost time for dinner." "Are you hungry?" "No." "Oh, Kitty Cat, why don't you look at that after?" "It's from Brown." "Well, maybe after you've woken up or eaten something." "Let's see." ""We are sorry to inform you, d" ""due to the extenuating circumstances, we have revoked your acceptance to Brown/RISD."" "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry." "I know how hard you've worked." "You could still apply to community college and live here and be near your friends." "[ scoffs ]" "I don't have any friends." "I could still look after you." "What are we having for dinner?" "Pot roast and spinach salad." "[ sighs ]" "I want mac and cheese." "Oh, baby, I think we're out, but I can make it from scratch." "Mm, I like it from a box." "[ laughs ]" "Okay." "I'll run to the store and get some." "No, you don't have to do that." "Baby, I love looking after you." "Anything else you want me to get?" "Did you call the school about my cellphone?" "Nobody's turned it in." "Oh." "I want to go look for it." "We did that already, honey." "I talked to the office, and they said nobody's turned it in." "Well, I want to go look again, because somebody took it, so" "Don't get so upset." "It's probably just in the house somewhere." "I'm sure I can find it." "[ sighs ]" "Maybe I'll go back to sleep." "I think that's a good idea." "I'm gonna run to the store, and I'll wake you up when it's time for dinner." "There's nothing like a warm mac and cheese to make all your troubles fly away, hmm?" "HoneyDaddies." "This is Miles." "How can I help you?" "Finally." "I'm calling again about an account on your pervy website." "I'm trying to delete it." "Please hold." "N-No!" "[ sighs, groans ]" "No, Daniel." ""Due to the extenuating circumstances, we've revoked your acceptance."" "It's okay, sweetie." "I'm gonna fight this thing all the way." "No, it was me." "I--I started it." "I feel like I'm losing my mind!" "No, Daniel." "MAN:" "I understand you want to remove an account?" "Yeah." "I-I'll call you back." "Pick up." "Pick..." "CAT:" "Thanks for calling, and have a fantastic day." "Cat, it's me." "Please call me back right away." "I--I think I know who the hacker is." "[ sighs ]" "[ line ringing ] [ cellphone ringing ]" "[ sighs ]" "Hi." "You've reached Cat's voice mail." "When you hear the beep, please leave a message." "Thanks for calling, and have a fantastic day." "No wonder everyone hates me." "I hate me." "[ dialing ]" "[ cellphone ringing ]" "[ handle rattling ]" "Whoa!" "What the..." "Hey!" "Hey!" "You stay away from my daughter!" "You stay away from her!" "[ cellphone ringing ]" "Oh, my God." "No!" "Mom." "[ gasping ]" "Oh, my God!" "I wish you wouldn't" "Honey, I thought you were gonna go lay back down." "What?" "What?" "I saw your computer." "I saw my BuddyMe page." "I saw everything... all the videos and letters." "What were you doing in my room?" "What is this?" "!" "You were spying on me." "Why?" "Because I was worried about you!" "And I was right." "You were sneaking boys into your room, and you were-- you were drinking." "You were sending nasty pictures of yourself." "You hacked into my computer!" "You--You posted those disgusting things!" "You changed my AP English final!" "You lied to my principal!" "You ruined my life." "You're getting hysterical." "I'm calling Dr. Greenburg." "Oh, Kitty Cat." "Stop calling me that!" "What is wrong with you?" "I'm protecting you." "It's what I do." "It's my job." "You need help." "I'm leaving." "I'm packing my things." "You can't do that." "You can't do that!" "I can't stay here another second with you!" "If you leave, I'll kill myself." "I'll take every one of your pills." "Oh, stop trying to manipulate me." "Without you, I don't want to live." "[ crying ] I don't want to live." "I was an only child just like you, and I--I know what it's like, and it's lonely, and I tried to give you a baby brother or a sister, but I kept losing them," "my poor, beautiful babies." "Then the doctor said that it was too dangerous to try anymore, and that's when your father left." "Oh, Mom..." "But I'm so proud of you." "I'm so proud and so happy that you have so many friends and you're so popular and you're into projects and on teams and you run for office, and you're just-- You're so amazing," "and that's why I wanted" "I wanted you to feel like you were part of something." "Then why did you ruin it?" "Because I just can't lose another baby." "EMILY:" "Cat!" "You've hurt people, Mom, people who I care about!" "They don't care about you!" "Cat!" "Mom, this is my life!" "Stay out of it!" "Emily doesn't even care about your four-year plan!" "Stay out of my life!" "Cat!" "Baby, don't." "Don't!" "[ shrieks ] Oh, my God!" "MRS. HARDY:" "Leave us alone!" "Stop it!" "No!" "Just leave us alone." "Get off!" "Stop it!" "Can't take my daughter!" "You can't have my daughter!" "Stop!" "[ screams ]" "OPERATOR: 911." "What's your emergency?" "It's my mother!" "She's attacking my best friend!" "Please hurry!" "Let go!" "Let go!" "Let go!" "Let go!" "Let go!" "Get off!" "Look at yourself!" "Look at what you're doing!" "Look at what you're doing!" "[ coughs ]" "Em!" "Em!" "Breathe." "Breathe." "Breathe." "You okay?" "[ knock on door ] Police!" "No!" "Hey, Hey!" "That's enough." "That's enough." "Ma'am, that's enough." "Calm down." "Calm down." "Cat!" "Oh, Cat!" "Cat!" "That's enough." "Cat!" "Cat!" "[ crying ]" "Calm down, ma'am." "Cat!" "[ crying ] [ police dispatch chatter ]" "Mom." "My baby." "My baby." "Better get off that thing." "We don't want to be late for class, especially after the way Professor Claude chewed us out last time." "Okay, I'm almost done." "Hmm, Daniel sent you another one." "So romantic how he sends you real mail." "Jeez, aren't you ever gonna forgive him?" "I know what he did was messed up, but he had-- did have a lot going on with that whole birth-mom situation." "I do forgive him." "But?" "I can't forget." "Well, plainly that was a bonehead move." "However, you did look very hot in those pictures." "[ laughs ] Yeah." "At least I'll have something to show my future grandchildren." "[ laughs ] [ computer chimes ]" "Oh." "It's my mom." "I'm out." "She feels really bad." "She asks about you all the time." "Cool, but I can't forget either, so see you in class." "Hi, Mom." "Hi, baby." "How are you?" "Good." "Really busy." "How are you doing?" "I love it." "How are you feeling?" "I'm good." "Still getting used to being in here." "Don't think I ever will." "I've been doing some painting." "Are they still trying to adjust your medication?" "Yeah." "I feel like a lab rat." "This last combination, I've been on for, like, a week now." "They say it could still take some time to get it right." "It seems like it's working." "Haven't tried to kill anyone lately." "Heh." "You can't blame yourself for a chemical imbalance." "Yeah." "I know." "That's what my therapist says." "Now you're sounding like her." "Mom, be patient." "Uh, I've gotta go." "Um, you're making progress." "I can tell." "Don't get discouraged." "I love you, baby." "Bye." | {
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} |
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"That spell, it's awakening the dark spirits that guard this place." "It's a wolf." "The wizard who sold me this scroll swore it was a spell of opening, not awakening." "Then the evil spirits were already awake." "Stop thinking about spirits." "Let's think about the treasure that's inside." "Old idols with emeralds and ruby eyes." "Scabbed and encrusted with moon diamonds." "Open it then." "Hurry." "Follow me." "Don't be a fool." "It's not real." "Let's get those statues." "Hold the door!" "Ignaz, hold!" "Ignaz!" "Open that door!" "Who are you?" "Legend of the Seeker SO1E13 "Revenant"" "subtitle by rogard" "The Seeker's last battle had been won." "But the Seeker was mortally wounded." "The Confessor knew that she too was dying, but she had no thought for herself, only for him." "Kieran." "My quest is finished." "And now, Vivian," "I am dying." "We die together, as it should be." "Their deaths were witnessed only by the Great Wizard Anfortas." "He picked up the sword, knowing he must keep it hidden until the rise of a new Seeker, who might also be asked to die for a glorious cause." "It's too bad they couldn't have lived to see the world they've saved." "But they died, knowing they'd fulfilled their destiny." "And... at least they died together." "Soon we'll arrive at the crypt of Tavarang, and you'll see wher the ancient Seeker lies buried." "And there, we'll hide the Box of Orden, where Darken Rahl will never find it." "Are you sure the Box of Orden will be safe there?" "The outer door is sealed by magic." "And I have the only key to the crypt where Kieran lies." "It's fitting that he will for one last time help protect the world against evil." "Richard?" "What is it?" "I was thinking." "My quest will end with the death of Darken Rahl." "Are you worried you won't succeed?" "No, it's not that." "Then what?" "The prophecy says I will defeat Rahl." "It doesn't say what will happen to us." "This way." "Here, look." "There's the story from the book." "There's the Sword of Truth." "It's hard to believe this is the same sword." "It's more than just a story." "This is it." "The inner crypt where Kieran lies." "I would've liked to have known him." "Ancient Seeker, you once defeated those who would enslave the Midlands." "We ask you to keep this box safe and aid us once again." "Take the box, Richard." "Place it inside with Kieran." "Where is the remains?" "There's nothing here." "No bones, no burial cloth." "I don't understand." "This key has been held only by wizards since the day Kieran was buried." "Something's not right." "Zedd?" "The door." "It sealed itself." "We must've sprung some sort of magical trap when we opened the sarcophagus." "We need to find another way out." "Wandering around blindly we'll get into even worse trouble." "Worse than being trapped alive in an ancient tomb?" "What was that?" "Maybe this wasn't some magical trap." "Maybe we're not alone in here." "Someone's crying." "Richard, be careful." "Who's there?" "Apparently it's not as hard to get in as it is to get out." "Stop!" "Richard!" "KAHLAN:" "Richard?" "Where are you?" "Kahlan, wait!" "Stay where you are." "Wait for me." "Kahlan?" "Richard." "I'm right here." "Then who was I following?" "Who are you?" "What do you want?" "Don't follow her." "She's crying." "She needs help." "How did she-?" "She is not of our realm, Richard." "She's a spirit." "I thought that spirits were supposed to spend eternity in the underworld." "Most spirits are content in the underworld, reunited with the people that they loved in life." "But sometimes they have unfinished business." "She was wearing a confessor's dress." "Maybe she was Vivian's spirit." "Vivian helped Kieran complete his quest." "She died with him." "What unfinished business would she have?" "Maybe she's trying to tell us." "There's a door here." "Maybe she was trying to show us a way out?" "Can you open it?" "Stop!" "Don't open it!" "Stay back!" "You don't know what you're doing!" "The door must not be opened!" "No!" "Who are you?" "Why did you attack us?" "I came to steal treasure." "I didn't believe the tales of evil spirits." "But then I found myself possessed by one." "That light that left you?" "It was the spirit who has owned me for five long years." "It forced me to attack you to keep you from opening that door." "Why?" "This place is full of great evil." "Get out." "Get out while you still can." "We are dealing with more than one spirit." "One of them led us to this door and the other tried to kill us to keep us from opening it." "It could be a way out." "Restless spirits are unpredictable." "I've heard stories of the spirits of mothers mourning for their children, leading them to their deaths." "But Vivian was a confessor." "Even as a spirit she'd never harm the Seeker." "We should open the door." "I don't know." "What choice do we have?" "There is no other way out." "It's an ancient language." "The same as the Book of Counted Shadows." "It says:" ""Here lies Kieran, the True Seeker. "" "Why would his body be hidden away in a plain casket when a secret crypt was built just for him?" "We don't know for certain that his body is even in there." "Let's find out." "Richard, don't." "You don't know what's in there." "Someone's cut off his head." "Why?" "This is a wizard's spell." "These magical bindings keep the spirit from moving to it's final resting place in the underworld." "So he's never been reunited with his family, his loved ones?" "That must be why Vivian walks here." "That's why she was crying." "Because the Seeker is trapped here." "She can't be with him." "And she's been waiting for a thousand years to be reunited with him." "We might wait for her for the next thousand years if we don't find a way out." "I think this is our way out." "Maybe Vivian trapped us here because she wanted us to help Kieran." "And maybe, once Kieran's free, she'll free us too." "Undoing another wizard's magic is a violation." "So is beheading a Seeker." "Kieran gave up everything for his quest." "His spirit should be with his father, his mother, his confessor." "People he loved." "Not trapped here alone in the dark." "I agree, it's terrible, but wizards don't do things like this lightly." "Who knows what will happen if we unbind him?" "We can't leave him like this, alone." "Think of everything he sacrificed." "I sincerely hope I don't end up regretting this." "As I destroy these bindings, so shall this spirit be free." "As this cloth is consumed by flame, so shall the bindings release." "Richard!" "Can you hear me, boy?" "I'm fine." "Are you sure you're not hurt?" "Now let's see if that door is open." "Not yet." "Kieran's spirit is free, but his body is still hidden, like something shameful." "We need to return him to the crypt." "When the road you walk is dark, may you always see the light ahead." "May you always remember that you do not walk alone." "Now that Kieran is laid to rest, let us hope our task here is done." "Lead the way." "Richard, what are you doing?" "Richard!" "It's not Richard anymore." "It's Kieran." "Fight this, Richard." "Fight this spirit that possesses you." "He can't hear you anymore." "Richard freed your spirit, and this is how you repay him?" "I'm taking back what that wizard Anfortas stole from me a thousand years ago." "What are you talking about?" "He didn't understand the bond between Confessor and Seeker." "And he betrayed me." "Kieran, Vivian must leave us." "Why?" "There is too much between you." "I see it in oyur eyes." " You love her." " We've done nothing wrong." "Yet." "I have watched the two of you growing closer." "Vivian has become a distraction, and that's putting your quest in jeopardy." "I swear I will remain true to my quest, but you must swear you won't send her away." "Swear it." "I swear." "But Enfortas lied to me." "Just as you lied to him." "I'm a confessor." "I can see that you loved Vivian." "What if I did?" "My feelings for Vivian weren't keeping me from my quest." "But Anfortas wouldn't trust me." "Vivian." "Vivian!" "Wait!" "Where are you going?" "Anfortas thinks that it's too dangerous for me to stay at your side." "How could the?" "He swore he wouldn't send you away." "He said that you think more of me than you do of your quest." "Oh Vivian." "We belong to each other." "We never can, and you know why." "Because your love would enslave me?" "Yes." "Vivian, there's no harm you could do to me." "Kieran." "Vivian." "I will already do anything that you ask, because I'm already yours to command." "She gave in to her passion." "And you were confessed." "She violated her most sacred duty, to protect the Seeker." "No." "Our love only strengthened our bond." "But Anfortas thought as you did." "He was determined to destroy us." "What you did was wrong." "What you're doing now is wrong." "You have to release the Seeker." "Release him?" "Why would I do that?" "What good does it do you to possess his body when Vivian is only a spirit, waiting for you to join her in the underworld?" "Stay back!" "You won't do anything to hurt me." "You hurt me, you hurt your Seeker." "I have no intention to join Vivian in the Underworld." "I have a body now." "And once I finish with this grace," "Vivian will have a body too." "Yours." "Richard!" "Kahlan!" "Stay back, creature, or I'll blast you back to whatever dark hole you came from." "If you do that, you, your Seeker and your Confessor will be trapped in this tomb for all eternity." "Who are you?" "I am the spirit of Anfortas." "Wizard to Kieran." "Now when your Seeker killed this body," "I've used an ancient spell of awakening to occupy it once more." "But I only have a thousand heatbeats before it dies again, so listen to me." " Can you open this door?" " Not until you listen to me." "I'm the one that tried to stop you from unbinding Kieran's body." "Why?" "Because the story you know of Kieran is a lie." "How did you come to learn this magic?" "Maybe you don't know as much about Seekers as you thought." "One thousand years ago," "Kieran and Vivian did the worst thing a Seeker and a Confessor could do." " They consummated their love." " Yes." "And it ruined Kieran." "He let Count Elrond, his greatest foe, slip through his fingers because he thought only of protecting Vivian." "I need to protect my Seeker, my Confessor." "Now open this door!" "You must listen to me!" "I went to Vivian and made it clear she had a terrible decision to make." "He is unsure in battle." "He thinks of nothing but you." "You must release him." "Do you know what you're asking?" "There is only one way to release a confessed man." "The Seeker can not fulfill his destiny as long as you are alive." "Has she defied you, the Seeker remained confessed and failed his quest because of it." "No, wizard." "Vivian knew her duty." "Vivian!" "Vivian, where are you?" "Vivian." "Vivian, what have you done?" "What I had to, Kieran." "I will wait for you in the underworld." "No." "Vivian." "No, Vivian, you can't leave me." "Kieran." "You have betrayed me, Anfortas." "I will never stop loving Vivian or hating you!" "I've never seen a look full of such loathing." "But we had a quest to complete." "I thought once Kieran was no longer under Vivian's control, his grief would fade, and he would come back to himself." "But he didn't." "A normal man, freed from his Confessor, would return to his former life as if nothing had happened." "But a Seeker and a Confessor have a special bond." "It's stronger than even I could fathom." "And even Vivian's dath could break it." "It was as if Kieran's soul had been torn from him, leaving nothing but anger and hate." "When he took up the sword again" "The Sword of Truth feeds on rage." "It made his anger grow." "It overtook him." "It drove him mad." "These people weren't soldiers." "You have betrayed innocence." "This world has no innocence." "You have betrayed your quest." "You have tarnished the name of Seeker." "And you took everything from me!" "Vivian and I won't be kept apart." "Even if you kill me, you won't stop me." "I must!" "I will!" "I feared Kieran's vow, that he wouldn't rest, even in death." "I realize in my prey of the spirits of the underworld, destroying the peace they'd found in life." "So I had to bind his spirit." "If you had allowed his spirit to reunite with Vivian, then Kieran would've found peace and none of this would be happening!" "If you hadn't unbound Kieran," "Kieran wouldn't be trying to reunite with Vivian now... in the flesh." "Vivian?" "Kieran." "My love." "He's using Kahlan's body as a vessel." "Richard will be confessed." "Yes." "He'll become a monster, just like Kieran." "Finally what the wizard stole from us is ours, forever." "I have enough power left to cast a spell that will keep him here in the crypt." "Forever." "You can't do that!" "Without the Seeker, Darken Rahl will conquer the world." "Thousands will die." "And how many will die if Kieran's wrath is unleashed upon the world again?" "Then let me into the tomb and I will drive Kieran's spirit from Richard's body." "And if you cannot?" "Are you willing to kill your Seeker?" "No." "This is wrong." "We can't do this." "We sacrificed our love." "Once we deserve to be happy together." "You said you would wait for me, and you did." "We're finally together." "We can't throw this chance away." "Richard is more than just the Seeker to me." "That was Kieran to me." "I loved him, protected him, taught him." "So I hesitated because I loved him." "That hesitation led not only to the loss of many innocent lives, it led to the loss of Kieran's soul too." "You led a wizard to my hiding place where Anfortas had bound me." "Why would you do that if you didn't want us to be together?" "I only did that so that he would free your spirit." "So we could be together in the underworld." "Our love is beyond flesh." "That is a lie that the wizard told us, so we would be content to live without something everyone else takes for granted." "But this Confessor, this Seeker, they have a destiny too." "A destiny that is destroying them, just as it did us." "They love each other." "I know you can feel it." "This will be a way for them to be together too." "Oh, Vivian." "I've wanted to touch you for so long." "And I missed you so much." "This is all that matters." "We're all that matters." "If you tell me you don't love me, I will release you." "Tell me you don't love me, that you don't want me." "I can't tell you that." "The door to the outside world is open." "If you're unwilling to do your duty, wizard, then leave." "I will do my duty as First Wizard." "Now let me in!" "You said you could open it." "This body is weakening." "I'm not strong enough." "Maybe if you join me." "Look!" "Remember what happened to Kieran." "Death is not the worst fate that can befall a Seeker." "No!" "Stay away, Wizard." "Your Seeker and Confessor are gone." "Kieran, stop!" "What are you doing?" "This time the story is gonna end the way it's supposed to." "I won't let you kill him." "Vivian, don't make the Seeker lose everything for a love that is not even his." "And what about my love for Kieran?" "Go back to the underworld and let Kieran follow you there." "I trusted Anfortas and I waited in the underworld for a thousand years!" " Alone!" " That won't happen this time." "No." "You'll bind him again and we'll never be together." "I left him once." "I'll never leave him again." "No!" "Anfortas was right about one thing." "A Confessor can be replaced." "A Seeker cannot." "Stop it!" "What are you doing?" "I will do anything to protect the Seeker." "Including killing his Confessor!" "I will drive Vivian from this body and I will bind her spirit so that you'll never be together, in this world or the next." "Please!" "then leave Richard's body and I will allow Vivian to follow you in the underworld." "Kieran." "Why should I believe you?" "Because I do not Anfortas." "I believe a Seeker and a Confessor belong together, Kieran." "In the Underworld, you and Vivian can exist in peace." "But you can't be together here." "Your only choice is to trust me, Seeker." "Then this time, Vivian, it is I who'll be waiting for you in the underworld." "You're free, Vivian." "Go find him." "Thank you, wizard." "Obviously we can't leave the box in this cursed place." "The Story of Vivian and Kieran, the one that's in the book... it's been handed down for a thousand years." "Passed down as truth." "Maybe it was a necessary lie." "People need a heroe." "So the legend can be preserved no matter what the truth is?" "I won't judge Anfortas for changing the story." "It's a great responsibility to name a Seeker." "One mistake and send them spiralling into darkness." "When Kieran possessed me, I sensed that darkness." "And there was something else." "Something I've never felt before." "A power." "Magical power." "Kieran had magic." "He was strong enough to draw a grace." "How could he do that?" "It's Rahl." " I don't understand." " It's a tracer cloud." "Powerful magic." "He's tracking us." "I don't think it's us he's focused on." "It's the Box of Orden." "I'll cast a Spell of Obscuring." "Following the box won't be such an easy task for him now." "Where do we take it?" "Not we." "I." "You can't go off on your own." "I won't allow the box to be the beacon that leads Rahl to Richard." "I'll rejoin you once I'll hide it." "Where?" "It's safer if only I know the answer to that." "I'll find you once the box is hidden." "I don't need to tell you both..." "Be careful." "I don't like it when Zedd goes off by himself." "He's willing to take the risk for the sake of your quest." "In the crypt he was ready to sacrifice you." "He was jsut doing what he had to." "To keep us from becomeing like Vivian and Kieran." "That won't happen." "They probably thought the same thing." "But in that moment of weakness, they lost everything." "You know, we're stronger than they were." "I hope you're right." "Love isn't something to fear, Kahlan." "For me it is." "subtitle made by rogard" | {
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"Well?" "I'm sending you the code." "Yes, I see that." "Thank you." "What about my account?" "Delivering." "I've just sent it;" "you should have it." " Yes, thank you." " Hey, hey, are you sure this is legal?" "We're just running a test on our security system, sir." " It's fine." " You have a sexy voice." "Uh, is there anything else" "I can do for you?" "To you?" "We have what we need." "We're ready." "Yo, guess who just made 50 g's today." "What'd you do to my drive, man?" " Shut up." "I didn't touch it." " This isn't cool." "Don't ever, ever touch my computer." "Diagnostics show no damage, but we're certain this was an intentional breach." "You're saying we were hacked?" "It wasn't denial of service level, but they definitely cracked our door." "Okay, open the black hat files." "I want every hacker in the country who could've done this interviewed now." "Sir, that's close to a thousand names." "With the holiday weekend, we're short-staffed" " as it is." " Listen... we're the ones that are supposed to keep this from happening, and it just happened to us." " Get it done." " Sir, it's the middle of the night;" "they're scattered all over the country." "Fine-- get local law enforcement to help." "Somebody out there thinks they can screw with us." "I want to find out who." "Hey, Jimmy!" "Wait up, man!" "Jim!" "I said no." "Lucy, you're killing me, all right?" " Get out of the car." " What?" " Get out of the fuckin' car now!" " Don't touch me!" " No means no, jerkoff." " What are you doing?" " John, stop it!" " Oh, don't call me that." " I hate it when you call me that." " No," " whoa, you know this guy?" " Shut up." "Just shut your mouth" " right now." " Dad!" "Stop it!" "I mean it!" "Dad?" "You said your dad was dead." "What?" "You told this jerkoff I was dead?" "You actually said that?" "I may have exaggerated a little bit." "A-And this guy's what, your-your-your boyfriend?" " No." " Yeah." "I don't know, okay?" "I'm sorry." "Just-- we'll see." "What are you doing here?" "You don't answer your phone." "You don't return my calls." "That's because I'm not talking to you." "And why aren't you talking to me this time, Lucy?" "Why not?" "What, you want a list?" "How about stuff like this:" "you spy on me." " I'm not spying." " You come down here, drag my boyfriend out of the car." " Thought he wasn't your boyfriend." " He's not!" " Thought you said I was." " God" "Shut up." "You are such an asshole." "Okay." "I'm sorry I pulled your not-boyfriend out of the car." "Okay?" "Hey, Lucy, babe" " Come on, get in the car." " Shut the fuck up." "No." "Will both of you just go away?" "Just talk to me for a minute, Lucy, just" "I'm tired." "I'm going to bed." "Alone." "You're damn right you're going to bed alone." "Lucy, honey, wait a minute, just wait, honey." " I want to talk to you." "Just wait." " Dad... when I want to talk to you, if I want to talk to you..." "I'll call you." "Lucy..." "Wait, Lucy" " Lucy!" "Lucy McClane!" "It's not McClane; it's Gennero." "Chicks, right?" "I'm gonna go." "I'm gonna go." "John?" "John?" "It's Scalvino." "Go for McClane." "What are you doing at Rutgers?" "How do you know where I am?" "We had all the cars LoJacked four years ago, remember?" "I'm staring at exactly where you are." "So that's not something I would turn on?" "Yeah, we did that." "John, we... turned them on." "Listen, the feds have called in a favor." "They're doing a sweep." "They want us to pick up some computer hacker in Camden." "Last name Farrell, first name Matthew." "Whoa, whoa." "Camden?" "What are you telling me this for?" "You know, it's, like, 3:00 in the morning." "I was on my way home." "Just send one of the jugheads from the academy." "They'll be happy to go pick this kid up." "I can't just send any uniform." "The feds demanded a senior detective." "The kid's a high-value subject." "I don't know." "Just pick him up, escort him to the Hoover Building in D.C." "They had some kind of a computer breach there this morning." "Great." "You owe me one, Jack." "All right, give me that name again." "What is it?" "What?" "Come on." "Goddamn it." "Who is it?" "N.Y.P.D. Open the door, please." "How you doin'?" "N.Y.P.D.?" "Okay." "Oh, I get it." "Um, I'll help you out." "Don't worry about it." "Everyone gets lost around here." " Glad to help." "Take" " Hey." "I'm not lost." "Are you Matt Farrell?" "Matthew Farrell?" "No." "He, uh, actually does not live here anymore." "Course not." "Who are you?" "My name is Daisy Duke." "Got a lot of shit for it when I was a kid." "Please don't add to it." "Can I see some identification, please?" "Yeah, sure." "Detective!" "Yeah, that looks real." "Where'd you get that?" "Toys "R" Us?" "That looks great." " And, of course..." " Yeah." "That-- that actually looks pretty good." " Mm-hmm." " Hey, Farrell." "Sully just P.D.L.'d a new copy of the Kill Zone 9," " the one that ain't out yet-- wanna come check it out?" " No." "Thanks, though, man." " And good luck at the Bad Timing Awards." " Open the door." "Shit." "Can I get you something?" "Coffee?" "A warrant?" " What's this about?" " I don't know." "Some kind of computer thing." "D.C. feds want to talk to you, so... let's go." "Feds, huh?" "Yeah." "The feds." "Been white hat for four years." "Once you're on that goddamn list..." "It's such a pain in the ass." " You play with dolls?" " Huh?" "Uh, c-could you please not touch that?" " Like a G.I. Joe." " No, no, it's not, it's not." " It's a limited edition" " Oh." " And..." " That supposed to come off?" "No, it's not supposed to, but... it's a lot more valuable when it's broken, so thanks for that." " Yeah." "Krazy Glue." "I'm sure it's very important." " I got some other cool shit in here if you want to break that." " Let's go, okay?" "Come on." " I got to power down my gear, okay?" "More dolls." "Not spending a whole lot of time with the girls, huh?" "Hey." "Are you really trying to escape?" " Jesus!" "Don't shoot!" "Don't shoot!" " Hey!" "Get down!" "Motherfucker!" " Jesus!" " Keep your head down." "Shit." "Go!" "Go!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "Low, low!" "Stay down!" "Come on!" "Stay low, all right?" "Stay down." " You stay with me, all right?" " Okay." " Here we go." " Okay." "Get down!" "Get inside!" "Get down!" "They're back in the room!" "They're back in the room!" "Are you fuckin' nuts?" "!" "Get out of there right now!" "Now!" "Take the right!" "Fuck!" "Motherfucker!" "Are you okay?" "Get back there!" "That's it." "Get ready to run." "What the" "What the hell was that?" "!" "Did you do that?" "No." " Shit." " I didn't do that." "Come on." "Shit." "Stay close." "The whole apartment's on fire." " Holy shit." " Come on." "Let's go." "Come on!" "Damn it!" "Come on." "Watch it." "Just hold it down." "Oh, my God." "Hey." " Come on." " Okay." "Come on." "Come on." "Stay close." "Stay with me." "Stay with me." " Come on, let's go." "Stay close." " Okay." "Get in the car." "Go, go." "Now." "Can you reload a gun?" " Uh, me?" "Uh, yeah." " Can you reload a gun?" "!" "Open the glove box and get a magazine out of the thing right now!" "Grab the gun and shoot this motherfucker!" "Quick!" "Get your head down!" "Jesus!" "Is the circus in town?" "Whoo!" "Did you see that?" "Yeah, I saw it." "I did it." "Camden Base, one double-oh-seven-seven." "Come back, Camden Base." "One-double-oh-seven-seven." "Camden Base." "Go ahead." "I need to speak to your chief of detectives: police emergency." " ASAP." " Stand by." "This is Chief Detective Weisman." "Chief Detective, this is Detective John McClane, N.Y.P.D." "Police emergency-- I want to report... a police shooting in your jurisdiction." "Yeah." "What's the status?" "Wait one." "Thomas." "We had a problem in New Jersey." "Farrell's still alive." "So he got away." "Yeah." "I did send five of you, is that right?" "I'm sending a chopper." "Just get airborne." "We'll track him down." "Think you can handle that?" "Oh, my God..." "What the fuck?" "Just breathe." "I am breathing." "I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm" " Can't stop shaking." " It's the adrenaline." "You're just scared." "It'll pass." "Yeah, I'm scared." "Weren't you scared back there?" "Yeah." "I was scared." "Really?" "This is you being scared?" "'Cause you seem really calm." "Have you done stuff like that before?" "Stuff like what?" "Like killing people." "Yeah." "But not for a long time." "So who were those guys?" "Huh?" "Why were they trying to kill you?" "Why did they blow up my goddamn apartment?" "They were there to kill you." "Why would they want to kill me?" "You tell me, kid." "You're the criminal." "I got seven dead hackers so far, none of whom were high on our list." "Collect the hard drives, start sweeping them." "Yes, sir." "Trey..." "Matthew Farrell-- find him for me." "On it." "What's with all the guns?" "Operational prudence." "Think of them as hardware to your software." "Good morning, D.C.!" "Well, it's shaping up to be another beautiful" "Fourth of July weekend." "If you've got any big plans, better get started early, 'cause it looks like the traffic is ramping up." "So, here's another golden oldie for all the commuters out there." "What--?" "!" "What?" "What?" "What are you doing?" "What is that?" " It's Creedence." " Creedence?" "!" "Creedence." "Creedence Clearwater Revival." "Classic rock." "I know who it is." "It's old rock;" "that doesn't make it classic." "What sucked back then still sucks now." "You don't like Creedence?" "This is like having a pinecone shoved in my ass." "Okay." "Really?" "Wow, that's mature." "Come on, man." "I'm cooperating with you." "We're at a heading of zero-six-zero." "Making another pass." "Listen up, everyone." "Are we ready?" "Transportation hubs are prepped and set." "Begin stage one." "...with six and a half innings in game this weekend for two shows only..." "When's the last time you remember turning on the radio and listening to popular music?" "Just give me a decade." "The '70s?" "I'm guessing..." "was Michael Jackson still black?" "Pearl Jam" " I'll go back ten years with you... ten years." "20 years..." "The Cure?" "Nothing?" "It's called news radio." "I was trying to see if any of your friends from Camden made the headlines." "Hold on... you listen to the news." "You got a problem with the news now?" "Yeah, I got a big goddamn problem with the news." "You ready for this?" "The news is completely manipulated." "Everything you hear, every single day, is designed by corporate media to do one thing," " and one thing only:" " Jesus... to keep you living in fear." "Oh, fear?" "Total fear!" "Fear so you'll go out and you'll spend money on things-- things you probably don't even need." "Things you probably already have six of so that their advertisers keep buying ads on their stations." "Tell you one more thing-- you ready for this?" "I'll do this all day." "I got days of data at home." " You don't believe me." " Hey..." "Hey!" "What?" "Shut... up." "Shut the fuck up." "That's good." "That's good." "Be dismissive" "You all right?" "No, I'm not all right!" "Just stay in the car." "You'll be all right." "Hey, man... hey." "How you doing?" "You all right?" "Don't move." "Just call 911, all right?" "Okay..." "Jesus Christ." "All the lights are green." "Huh?" "All the lights are green." "Let's go." "Let's go, right now." " We gotta go?" " Let's go." "Get your bag, hack boy." "Let's go." " Jesus Christ." " Let's go." " I've never been in a car accident." " Come on." "You all right?" "Well..." "Very exciting." "Here we go, this way, come on." " Here we go." "Here we go." " Ever been in a car acc" " Yeah, I've been in a car accident." " What are we doing?" "It's a little thing they invented back in the '60s called "jogging." You're gonna love it." "Come on." "Sir, Chicago's reporting a system crash on their eltrain network." "Amtrak is flashing a level-one crash in their comm system." "F.A.A. just issued a critical alert." "Their A.T.C. net just went down." "Okay, let's get them outside for a little fresh air." "That's the anthrax alarm." "All right, everyone out, now!" "Now!" "Taylor, move, go!" "Move!" "All personnel must evacuate and proceed to the transportation shuttles immediately." "This is not a drill." "All personnel must evacuate and proceed to the transportation shuttles immediately." "No, I'm telling you, protocol says..." "We need you inside." "Take the team." "I want men on the fourth floor, got it?" "Masks on." "Got to know what's there, okay?" "Why don't you run a search on these data crashes?" "See if we can I.D. the point of origin." "Begin stage two." " Hey, what's going on?" " Whoa!" " Hey, what's going on?" "!" " No!" "They're already starting to panic." "Of course they are." "They think that someone's taking their money." "Prep the video package." "D.C. transportation system's crashing, and they just hit the entire financial sector-- everything, all of it." "Get me the Secretary of Trans and Treasury on the line and the chairman for the S.E.C." "Let's go, people!" "Somewhere, somebody left a digital fingerprint." "Find it!" "Is Deputy Director Bowman in here?" "Not now." "It'll have to wait." "Not today, waxworks." "This is Matthew Farrell." "I brought him here on direct orders from Bowman." "So if you don't know what the hell's going on, go find me somebody that does." "I'm Bowman." "Video package is ready for upload." "Thanks." "Listen, John, appreciate you bringing Farrell here, but everything's changed this morning." "We are neck-deep in damage control." "Excuse me." "I'm sorry, sir." "Do you have anything, uh, to eat, any kind of snacks around?" "I would love, um-- really low blood sugar," " and..." " Sir." "No?" "As if the nationwide transportation breakdown and anthrax scares weren't enough for one day, the stock market found itself in a selling frenzy this afternoon." "The Federal Trade Commission believes this panic might have been triggered by a computer malfunction in the stock exchange." "What were thought to be unrelated events..." "Oh, man, that is all bad." "...a terrorist attack." "Not as bad as it looks." "We run drills to prepare for things like this." " These your suspects?" " Were." "All seven were killed in the last 24 hours." "Recognize any of these people?" "No." "Not one?" "Sir." "Got a system error." "My fellow Americans it is time to" " strike - fear" " into - the hearts of- citizenry." " Ask not" " It's an unauthorized broadcast." " what your country can do - to avert" " this - crisis." " The answer is - nothing whatsoever." " Our military - strength is- in- this- case useless." "Read my lips:" "the- great- confident roar- of the American- progress and- growth- has- come- to an end." "All the- vital- technology that- this- nation holds- dear" " all communications - transportation" " the Internet - connectivity" " electrical - power" " critical - utilities," " their - fate" " now - rests in- our- hands" "We will not tire." "We will not falter." "And we will not fail." "I don't know how they're getting in." "Thank you." "And a- happy" " Independence Day - to everyone." "That was creepy." "I tried to find more Nixon." "Think they bought it?" "Absolutely." "Okay, I want telecom, transportation, any and every..." "Jesus Christ, it's a fire sale." "What?" "It's a fire sale." "Hey!" "We don't know that yet." "It's a myth, anyway." "Can't be done." "Oh, really?" "Please tell me she's only here for show and she's actually not" " in charge of anything." " What's a fire sale?" "It's a three-step-- it's a three-step systematic attack on the entire national infrastructure." "Okay, step one:" "take out all the transportation." "Step two:" "the financial base and telecoms." "Step three:" "you get rid of all the utilities-- gas, water, electric, nuclear." "Pretty much anything that's run by computers, which, which, today is almost everything." "So that's why they call it a fire sale, because everything must go." "Hey, l-listen, listen." "What's your name?" "Farrell?" "Keep your voice down, okay?" "No one here's talking about a fire sale." "Not unless you're telling me you helped plan one." "What?" "No, man, I'm just saying- to explain" " Appreciate your concern." "We know what we're doing;" "we're on it." "Thank you." " You've done a bang-up job so far." " What?" " Bang" " What?" "Nothing." "I get-- I said I understand." "Hey." "They didn't send the Girl Scouts out to get this kid." "They sent professional guys, full tactical gear." "They blew the whole joint up." "Now, look, I don't know this kid." "And frankly, I don't give a shit." "No offense." "But somebody wants this kid dead." "And obviously, it's got something to do with whatever is going on here." "Okay." "Homeland's taking over the interrogation of the hackers we're bringing in." "I'll get you an escort over there." "All right?" "Molina, get this kid to the front of the line." "I want to know what he knows." "Right." "If that guy knew half the shit that I know, his fuzzy little head would explode." "Special Agent Johnson." "We'll take the sedan." "Agent Johnson?" "That's right." "Right this way." "Great." "So, is any of that actually possible, what you were saying back there?" "Is it possible?" "Here, look, I'm gonna tell you again." "You take out any one thing, the system can recover, right?" "If you take it all down at once, the system crashes and" "Look around, man!" "Come on." "Government's got to have dozens of departments dedicated to that shit." "It took FEMA five days to get water to the Superdome." "How long till we get to D.H.S.?" "Laughlin." "Get on the D.C. police band, and get them to clear a route to D.H.S. for us." "D.C. Metro, this is the F.B.I., requesting you to clear a route..." "Farrell just resurfaced on the grid." "Feds are taking him to Homeland." "Good." "Close that loop now." "Isolate the frequency." "Get us a location on the vehicles and pull me up a file on this John McClane." "Rand, we just found Farrell." "Stand by for a location." "Look, I don't mean to harp, guys, but we just passed another Arby's and I'm starving." " I-I could eat a wrapper." " Later." "Shut up." " You don't even have to order anything." " Shut up." " Just get some ketchup packets." " Shut up." "You got about 14 minutes to tell me why you lied to me back there." "Lied to you?" "What are you talking about?" "The pictures on the wall, you knew those guys, right?" " I don't" " I..." " Kid, don't lie to me." "I'm a cop;" "I can tell you're lying." "Who were they?" "Okay." "Okay, okay." "They were my competition." "Make the next right onto Concord." "They said they were a software firm that had developed a mutating encryption algorithm, and they just wanted to see if it could be cracked." "That's what I do." "I do-- I-I do math-based security." "Here's the thing:" "the thing that I've been thinking about is, if you're gonna pull something as-as massive and crazy as a fire sale, you'd need tons of start-up guys to write the programs, but only a few black hats to actually implement it," "so then at that point, the start-up guys, the guys who haven't really done anything wrong, like me..." "Would end up as pictures on some guy's wall." "I swear to God, McClane..." "I swear to you," "I had no idea I was gonna be... an accessory to-to-to Armageddon." "Take the next left at Lexington." "Man, that's a sexy voice." "What's she taking us this way for?" " Unit 510, this is dispatch." " Oh, my God." "Clear a route for two F.B.I. vehicles approaching on Concord." "Copy, Dispatch." " F.B.I., we've cleared a path." " That's her." " Her who?" " What are you talking about?" "It's them." "You're saying it's them them?" "I swear to you, I know her." "I would know her voice anywhere." "Don't say anything, don't" "Just keep your mouth shut for a minute." "Hey, Metro, how's your day going over there?" "Yeah, got to be pretty, uh, crazy over there, what, with all those 587s, huh?" "Yes, sir." "We've had to dispatch all units." "Yeah, you had to dispatch all units for all the naked people walking around?" "Cut the bullshit, honey, and just put your boss on." "Laughlin, we're getting off this route." "Make a left here on 14th Street." "Officer McClane." "It's Detective McClane, asshole." "But don't worry, we're gonna have plenty of time to get to know each other when I come visit you in prison." "But, John, I already know so much about you." "Your address in Brooklyn, the payments on your mortgage, how long you've been a member of the N.Y.P.D." "And how's Holly?" "Oh, that's sad." "You're divorced." "Was that tough on little Jack and Lucy?" "Now, this is sad-- after 30 years, I thought you'd have a better pension plan annuity than what I see here." "Oh." "And it gets worse." "Your 401k no longer exists." "Tell you what." "Let me make it up to you." "Box them in at that intersection." "Shoot Mr. Farrell in the head and drive away, and by the time you reach the end of the next block, all your debts will be wiped clean, and your children will be set for life." "Now, that really is tempting, especially that last part." "But I think I'm gonna have to pass, jerkoff." "John..." "You're gonna lose." "Yeah, well... the other thing that could happen is, I could come and find you, kick your ass and throw you out of your own party." "How's that sound, fuckhead?" "Hold your position." "Get down!" "Get down!" "Get down!" "Just stay down!" "Officers down, the corner of Main and Constitution!" "I repeat:" "Officers down!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Get out!" "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Goddamn it!" "Just stay down!" "Get down!" "Just hang on!" "We've got a squad car under fire!" "We need backup!" "I repeat:" "We need backup!" "This is base." "We're sending backup." "Brace yourself." "Hang on." "Hang on." "Hang on." "Yeah!" " We lost Del." " Stay with them." " They're back." " I know." "Take the tunnel, left, left, left." "Bring up the schematics on that tunnel." "The tunnel!" "Open the gates on the north side entrance." "Redirect traffic." "Occupy all lanes." " Open the other side." " What?" "Move!" "Just hang on to something!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Don't get out of the car!" "Hey!" "Run, goddamn it!" "Run!" "Run!" " Fuck!" " Oh, God." "Don't ever hesitate like that again." "Are you all right?" "Yeah." "Yeah." " Are you okay?" " I can't move my arm!" "Just stay here." "Stay right here" " for a minute, all right?" " What?" ""Can't be a uniform, John." "No."" "Get over to the wall, sir!" ""Feds called in a favor!"" ""All you got to do is go pick up a kid in Jersey and drive him down to D.C."" "How hard can that be, huh?" "Can't be that hard, no, can it?" "No, gotta be a senior detective." "A thing like a traffic jam, throwing a car at me is gonna stop me, huh?" "Rand, get in there, get it done." "Okay." "Car's on fire." "That can't be good." "Oh, this is a bad fuckin' idea." "Ha-ha." "Oh..." "Oh..." " Don't touch!" "Don't touch me." " Oh, okay." "Sorry, sorry." "Are you okay?" "Oh, my God." "Pretty lucky shot, huh?" "Yeah, lucky." "That was" " You just killed a helicopter with a car." "Hundreds of thousands of people get killed by cars every year." "That's just, like, four more." "How you doing?" "I-I skinned my knee, and my asthma's acting up a little bit, but..." "Whatever." "Yeah, I'm fine." "I'm getting too old to jump out of cars." "Rand, check in." "What about Farrell and McClane?" "Come back in." "Okay, we're moving on." "Begin stage three." "I just spoke to Emerson." "The team's arriving" " at Woodlawn now." " Very good." "Mai, get ready for the downloads." "I.D., sir." "Park behind the transpo." "We'll lead you in." "Man the gate." "You're with me." "Anthrax alarms only went off on five floors." "Below that, you'll need D.O.D. clearance." "I don't know why you'd need to go any further." "There's nothing down there but servers." "Go again." "Rodriguez?" "Please copy." "Gate secured." "Copy." "Okay, we are in." "This is insane." "Hey." "Hey, this is absurd." "Man, there's tough and there's stupid." "You got to go to a hospital." "Look at you." "I'm not a doctor, but you look like you're hurt." " Yeah." "Sexy, right?" " No." "Come on." "We don't need a doctor." "We need the cops." "He's in." "Get out of the way!" "Look out!" "Make a hole, please!" "Come on." "Watch out!" "Excuse me!" "Excuse me!" "Come on." "N.Y.P.D." "All right?" "I got this kid." "Come on, let's go, kid." " Hold on." " It's okay." "Yeah." "Okay." "Thanks." "N.Y.P.D." "You all right?" "Sergeant." "Sergeant!" "I need to speak to you." " The medic's in the back." " I'm all right." "N.Y.P.D. I got to talk to you." "Just give me a minute." "Sergeant." "Oh, my God." "Let's get out of here." "Pronto." "Open, open." "We're a go." "Launch the downloads." "Nothing's happening." "Be patient." "Wait for it." "See?" "There you go." " Let me know when the download reaches 20%." " Okay." "Please remain calm." "Excuse me." "Excuse me!" "Thank you!" "Holy shit." " Kid?" "Kid." "Hey." " Yeah." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." " You got a phone in that bag?" " Yeah." "Come on." "Let's go." "And here you go, Agent..." "Tovarek." "Guess that's you." "Download's at 20%." "Time to move." "Let's keep them chasing their tails." "Due to recent activity, law enforcement agencies are being extremely cautious." "They are telling drivers to abandon their vehicles until they are searched." "And, as you can see, canine units are checking each vehicle." "Now, whether this is connected to the anthrax reports we heard earlier or for some new terrorist threat..." "F.A.A. just grounded all flights." " Good." " Sir, we have complete access over system networks:" "the phones, power grids, water, nuclear." "Hey, excuse me" "Jack Parry, N.S.A." "Chuck Summer, D.H.S. Liaison." "White House made the call." "Anything you need," " we're here to help." " Help." "Wow, that's-- that's great." "We're gonna need some work space for our people." "What can you do for us?" "Well, as you can see, we're using the space." "So you guys can stand in the corner, and, uh, liaise." "If I need something," "I'll just wave to you." "Wait." " No, no." "Don't-don't-don't call." " Why?" " What are you talking about?" " They probably cracked that hours ago." "You use it, they might be able to trace us." "Just put it in your pocket." " You sure?" " Yes." "Or... smash it." "You didn't have to smash it." " Excuse me." "Excuse me." "It's a police emergency." " Hey!" "He'll call you right back." "Here." "Right in here." "Come here." " You got a signal?" " Yeah." " Yeah?" " This is John McClane for Agent Bowman." "Sir, John McClane is on the line." " McClane, go." " We never made it to D.H.S." "They came after the kid again." "All your men are down." "What about Farrell?" "Yeah, I got him with me" " right now." " Sir?" "Hang on, John." "Yeah, I'll hold on." "Another day in paradise." "They just swarmed into everything." "The whole telecom system: phones, cells, broadcast satellites." "They're blanketing every station." "Can you put the news back on?" "This is the news." "It's on every channel." "Been this way for a few minutes now." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God." "McClane." "Look out!" "Look out!" "Look out!" "Bowman." " Bowman, do you see that?" " McClane." "Bowman, it's a fake." "I see it." "Thank God." "Oh, shit." "McClane?" "Bowman?" "Satellite's down." "Get me a landline." "Shit." "Wrote one little piece of code and the world falls apart." "This is virtual terrorism." " What?" " You know, it's crazy, first I time I heard of the concept of a fire sale," "I actually thought it would be cool if anyone ever really did it." "Just... hit the reset button." "Melt the system just for fun." "Hey, it's not a system." "It's a country." "You're talking about people." "All right?" "A whole country full of people." "Sitting at home, alone, scared to death in their houses, all right?" "So if you're done with your little nostalgic moment, maybe you can think a little bit and help me catch these guys." "Just help me." "Just put yourself in their shoes." " Come on." "If this were your fire sale," " Okay, okay." "you were running this thing," " what would be your next move?" " Okay, uh..." "Well, the whole point of a fire sale is that it-it's mostly done by remote, right?" "But... but not everything is run completely online." "Uh, uh, major utilities aren't." "They're run by closed-circuit, so you could breach the security up to a certain point, but, um, to shut it down, you would have to physically go there." "You'd have to show up, right, and-and, uh..." "You know what?" "Give me that guy's P.D.A." "The phones don't work." "They're all dead." "No, the phones are fine;" "it's the network that's dead." "I've just got to reprogram it and link it into the old SATCOMs." "Hackers surf them all the time-- that's probably what these guys are using to talk to each other." "How do you know all this stuff?" "Dude, I don't know." "There's a lot rattling around up there." "I couldn't tell you." "Okay." "National power grid-- uh, gas and electric is divided into three zones, right?" "Eastern, central and western, each with a primary hub." "Here it is." "What is that?" " What are we looking at?" " That is the eastern hub." "Now, they take this out... wipes out all the power for the entire eastern corridor." "But again, you'd have to do it manually." "Okay..." "Come on." "Let's go." "What, to West Virginia?" "Hey, I-I honestly don't think" "I can handle any more people trying to kill me." "McClane?" "McClane?" "McClane..." "Oh, shit." "Sir, wireless networks are down, and I think they're hitting the landlines, too." "I don't care how." "You find me a line." "Come on." "Whatcha got?" "We swept the whole building." "Seems clean." "We can sweep it again." " I don't think we're gonna find anything." " Don't bother." "Don't bother." "It's a fake." "This guy's playing us." "Okay, get everyone back inside the crisis center now." "Okay." "Let's open it up!" "Come on." "Get in." "Door's locked... unless you have an extra gun I can use to unlock it." "Hey, hey, don't do that." "Hey!" "You're gonna disable it." "Jesus Christ!" "Oh!" "That was crazy." "Did you see that?" "Sorry about that, man." "I didn't know it would come out so fast." "Uh... man..." "How'd you do yours?" "You all right?" "What'd you--?" "What, it hit you a little bit?" "Sorry." "Oh, no, listen, do-do not" "Please don't touch those, okay?" "I know what I'm doing." "I've done this before." "I mean, I-I've read about it." "Road assist, we've detected an air bag deployment." "Yes, um..." "Please, we just hit a tree, and my-my my dad is having a heart attack." "And I think he's gonna die!" "You need to help us." "Hold while we contact emergency services." "No, no, no, he's-- he's dying." "Please, listen to me." "I-I can get him to a hospital." "I can drive." "I'm fine." "But I can't really turn the key." "The key won't start, so you gotta start the car for us, okay?" "Please, Dad..." "Your name, please?" "Uh... my name is-is..." "Frank... and my dad's name is, um... is..." ""Dvorak Tsarjenski."" "Please..." "Please just help us, okay?" "We need your help, please!" "Emergency services are on their way." "No, no, h-hold on." "Listen to me." "Listen to me, ma'am." "What is your name?" " Dolores." " Dolores?" "Okay, Dolores, uh, I don't know if you have a dad, but I do, and I want to be able to say that a year from now, okay?" "Because my dad is my hero, and right now he is in my arms dying." "A-And his only hope i-is to get to a hospital right now." "And we can't wait, so please start the goddamn car!" "Thank you, Dolores." "Pass me the P.D.A. I gotta call the Warlock." " The what?" " The Warlock." "He's a digital Jedi." "He's amazing." "Ma'am, you're not authorized to be here." "F.B.I. We suspect there's been a security breach." "No, you can't land here without authoriza" "That was pretty good back there, kid." "Thanks." "What's the matter with you?" "Nothing else to complain about?" "No." "Just..." "What?" "What's the matter with you?" "It's not funny." "I'm not like you." "I can't" " I can't do this shit." "What do you mean?" "Like what?" "I'm not, like-- like heroic and everything, I'm... not brave like you are." "I'm nobody's hero, kid." "You saved my life, like, ten times in the last six hours." "Just doing my job, that's all." "Ah..." "Fuck being a hero." "Know what you get for being a hero?" "Nothing." "You get shot at." "You get a little pat on the back, blah-blah-blah." "That-a-boy!" "Get divorced." "A wife that can't remember your last name." "Kids don't want to talk to you." "Get to eat a lot of meals by yourself." "Trust me, kid." "Nobody wants to be that guy." "Then why you doing this?" "Because there's nobody else to do it right now, that's why." "Believe me, if there was somebody else to do it," "I would let them do it, but there's not, so we're doing it." "Ah... and that's what makes you that guy." "Thing's flying now." "Contact Emerson." "Tell him we'll be there soon." "What the hell are you doing?" "This whole floor is restricted access." "Stay here." "All right, come on." "Okay." "We're in." "Good." "Shut it down." "Guess you were right, kid." "Okay, that's... awful." "We got company." "So, how would they shut down the power grid?" "What?" "Come on!" "Uh... central control room." "Okay." "Uh... fourth floor." " Fourth floor!" " Come on!" " Take the right." " Right." "Oh..." "Shh!" " I'm gonna stop here for" " Just try to keep up." "I am keeping up." "I just want to stop for two seconds to catch a breath." "They have these things called gymnasiums." "It's not like they're" "Come on." "Let's go." "Let's go!" "Right." "Intel's fairly certain that the terrorists are mobile." "It's the only way to consistently avoid signal triangulation, and judging by the amount of hardware they're running, we're probably looking for a large vehicle, most likely a semi trailer rig." "All right, tell the guys at Homeland Security we need every agent, satellite and functioning network they got-- now." "Playtime's over, sweetheart." "Don't." "Take your hand off the gun." "Hands up." "Stand up." "Go on, now!" "Let's go, kid." "You're up." "Okay." "As fast as you can." "Hey!" "Jesus!" "Oh!" "That's enough of this kung fu shit." "I've known some bitches in my day, but you are the biggest" "Okay, uh..." "Uh..." "Still awake, huh?" "Just keep doing what you're doing." " Okay." " How much time do you need?" "Um, um... not much." "Whoo!" "Are you done?" "I..." "Are you done?" " No, no, not quite." " What?" "I'm not exactly checking my e-mail here, you know?" "They ran this hack in V.M.O., so I'm isolating their A.P.I.," " and just booting the host." " What?" "!" "It means about 30 seconds, okay?" " Not the easiest thing to do when" " What the" "Fuck." "Bitch!" "Fuck." "Okay!" "Undo everything you just did-- now!" "Okay, okay, okay, okay." "I'm a righty." "I'm a righty." "I'm a righty." "I need my other hand." "I really do." "I'm a righty." "One last door to open." "Do you know what you're doing?" "I mean, do you realize what this will do to the country?" "Yes, I do." "Now open the door." "Okay, good." "Glad we're on the same page." "You do?" "I'm glad you know." "Oh!" "How you doing?" "Hang on!" "Listen..." "let's just talk about this for one" "How you doing?" "That's not too tight, is it?" "Huh?" "Huh?" "Damn it!" "Smile pretty!" "Fuck." "Motherfucker!" "McClane!" "Oh, shit." "McClane, get outta there!" "Come on, man." "Come on!" "Come on, man!" "Oh, God." "Fuck you, bitch!" "Did you see that?" "So, you stopped it, right?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "You know, actually, having a gun to your head makes it harder to do this kind of work." " What?" "!" " I know that comes as a surprise." "Shit." "You can't just turn it off?" "Just lock them out?" "I'm not sure." "I... might be able to slow them down, though." "Western and central hubs are ours." "We're just waiting on Mai's end." "Hang on." "Something's up." "All the security's reactivating." "I think someone might be in the market for some cheap Viagra." "Why don't you take some of that?" "Now that your girlfriend's dead, why don't you check out our sexy singles that you can chat with?" "It's an e-bomb." "Hey, h-hey..." "All right, all right, wait, wait, wait." "Mai, talk to me." "What's going on?" "Mai?" "Oh, yeah." "Little Asian chick, likes to kick people?" "I don't think she's gonna be talking to anybody for a really long time." "Last time I saw her, she was at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an S.U.V. rammed up her ass." "What's the matter?" "Cat got your tongue?" "Listen, jackass, your fire sale's over." "So pack up your little circus, or I'm gonna come and I'm gonna kick your ass." "You have no idea who I am or what I am capable of." "When I'm finished here-- and I promise it'll be soon" "I will focus all my attention on you." "You want to make things personal, fine." "Reroute every cubic foot of natural gas in the pipelines to that station." "Can you get Bowman on this thing?" "Sure." "I can get anyone." "Do it." "Now?" "Yeah." "Now." "Please, no..." "It's Thomas Gabriel." "Shit." "You know this guy?" "!" "I worked with him." "He was D.O.D.'s chief programmer for infrastructure security." "After 9/11, he's the guy that told Joint Chiefs the system was vulnerable." "He was pushing for total overhaul, but they wouldn't listen." "Gabriel's not exactly people-friendly." "You think so?" "When he tried to go public, they crucified him... destroyed his reputation." " Froze assets." "After that," " Uh... he disappeared." "We got a pretty serious problem." "Wh-- hold on one minute." "What?" "I think we need to get out of here right now." "They're sending the gas lines here." "Gas lines?" "What gas lines?" "Christ." "Oh... all of them." "See that?" "Those flashing arrows?" "That's not good." "All that's coming here?" "Yeah, I think we gotta go." "He-Hey, listen, I gotta go, I gotta go." "Just find Thomas Gabriel." "McClane?" "McClane?" "Let's go." "Let's go." "Finish this up!" "Right now." "Finish it up." "Come on." "Let's go!" "Get in there!" "You okay?" "Let's go, come on." "Got to get out of here." "What's the point?" "Man, what is the point?" "Knock that off." "Come on." "This has something to do with that code you wrote for them." "All right?" "Now think." "Come on." "Help us win." "Win?" "When do we start winning?" "Huh?" "Take a look around." "Are you out of your mind?" "Does it look like we're even close to winning?" "We just got the shit kicked out of us." "What, do you think I'm holding out on you, there's something I'm just not telling you?" "If I knew what they wanted, I would tell you." "I would happily tell you." "Jesus." "The Warlock." "The Warlock." "Oh, great." "Ah!" "There goes the cell phone." "They knock the satellites out of the skies now?" "No, your battery ran out." " Listen, we should go see him." " Who?" "The Warlock, we should drive to his house." "He's not that far away." " He's in Baltimore." " Can't go to Warlock's house." "Hey, hey, hey, you want me to help you." "This is me helping you." "Okay?" "Trust me." "We got to go see the Warlock." "It's our only hope." "How do you feel about flying?" "Uh, about what?" "You mean like with a pilot?" "Just stick it in the round thing." "What brown thing?" "Here, put these on." "Just stick it in there." "That'll work." "You okay?" "Uh, yeah, I'm just kind of afraid of flying..." "Yeah, I used to be terrified of flying." "Really?" "Yeah." "Took some lessons." "You know, face your fears, that kind of thing." "Yeah?" "Did it help?" "Not really." "Is it..." "Is it supposed to make that sound?" "Yeah." "Maybe we should just drive." "It'll be fun, it'll be like a road trip." "Just take it easy." "They say taking off is the hardest part." "Really?" "I..." "I heard..." "To be honest, I missed a couple of classes." "Ha-ha-ha." "You did, really?" "But you have your license, right?" "I mean, you can fly one of these, right?" " Oh..." " Hey!" "Here we go." " Hey." " We're up." "Oh, God." "Okay." "That's good." "That's pretty good." "Jesus, look at that." "This whole area is blacked out." "How we going to find Warlock's house?" "Um, it's probably gonna be the one with the lights still on." "Power outage keeps spreading." "About half the East Coast has already gone down." "All right." "Put everything on emergency generators." "How the hell are they getting past us?" "Uh, okay." "Uh, down there, down there, I see it." " Down there?" " Left, left, down." "We're gonna land there?" "We're gonna land down there?" " All right, hang on." " Okay, okay." "Oh..." "Fence." "Fence, fence." "Fence, fence!" "I see" "Watch--!" "Whoo!" "Oh..." "Oh." "Jesus." "Come on." "Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, taking off is the hardest part." "Let's go." "Now, there's something you need to know about Warlock." "He, he hates cops." "I mean, he hates them, okay?" "So just let me do all the talking." "Shit." "Hey, Mrs. Kaludis." "Um, is Freddy home?" "I'm Matt Farrell and this is, uh..." "Billy." "We're friends from space camp." "We went to space camp with Freddy." "Freddy!" "You got company." "Freddy?" "Freddy, get the fuck up here!" "Frederick, didn't you hear me?" "All Baltimore heard you, Ma." "Your friends are here." "Friends?" "What-- what the--?" "Come on, Ma!" "How many times I got to tell you don't bring people down here, man?" "I can't see too good." "Is that a young bearded Han Solo?" "What happened, man?" "You lost so much weight." "No, dude, I gained 30 pounds." "Who is that?" " Oh, that's" " You know what?" "Doesn't matter." "Dude, what are you even doing here?" "'Cause of you, I am rockin' five generators just so I can stay online." "And since you're being hunted by assassins, it doesn't really make me think, like, this visit is a very productive or healthy use of my time, and" "Hey, hey, don't touch that, all right?" "C.B. radio?" "A little low-tech for you guys, isn't it?" "Low-tech-- dude, that, my friend, is an end-of-the-world insurance system, okay?" "So when the last microchip goes down," "I'm gonna be able to stay in touch with whoever's out there, whether they be zombies or not, I'll tell you that right now." "What'd you bring your dad here for?" "!" " He's cool; he's into the whole gaming culture" " Nice poster." "What, like, you a big fan of the Fett?" " Oh, God." " No." "I was always more of a Star Wars guy." " Star Wars guy." " Oh, he's kidding." " Who is this man?" "!" " He's my..." "Hey, Jenny Craig." "I'm not his dad." "I'm a cop." "How about that?" "Oh, a cop, I'm sorry." "Thank you very much." "Why'd you bring a cop into my command center?" "!" "Command center?" "It's a basement." "It's a command center." "Don't help, McClane." "I can explain." "Just tell us what you know about Thomas Gabriel, all right?" "That's why we came here." "Thomas Gabriel." "That's cool." "I didn't know." "I'm sorry." "Get out-- I want you out right now!" " Why?" " Hey, hey." " 'Cause!" " Just calm down, big boy." "You calm down!" "This is my house." "You're going to tell me what I want to know, or I'm going to beat you to death in your own house." "Four years ago, the D.O.D." "recruits Thomas Gabriel to be a cyber-spook for them, okay?" "First day on the job, goes in to his bosses and tells them this nation's security infrastructure is wide open to compromise, and what do they say?" ""We'll take it under advisement."" "But this dude don't ease up, 'cause he's committed, like you read about, so he breaks into a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, okay?" "And using just a laptop, hacks into NORAD and shuts down our entire defense network, till they put a gun to the man's head and forced him to stop the hack." "Thomas Gabriel's the guy who shut down NORAD with a laptop just to prove a point." " You think I'm scared of you?" " Just tell us how to find the guy, that's all." "How do I know how to find the guy?" "He's a ghost, man; he just fell off the grid." "Another dead-end." " Come on." " Hold on, wait, McClane." "Listen, Warlock, a couple of weeks ago, I wrote" "I know, dude, you wrote a mutating algorithmic security code that's probably being used by Thomas Gabriel right now." "No, we know that, yes." "Can you tell us what he's using it for?" "I don't know." "I've been trying to figure that out." "Here, look." "The only security system in the country that I can find currently employing that particular template is the Social Security Administration, okay?" "But they don't even use it in the main facility." "Look." "They use it in this building." "Over here in Woodlawn." " Oh." "What the hell?" "God." " I know, right?" ""Right," what?" "What the hell are you guys talking about?" " The power consumption is off the charts." " It's hot." " Why would there be chilling towers there?" " That's what I thought." "Ho." "What's a chilling tower?" "See what I've been dealing with?" "Large server farms generate a lot of heat and need to be cooled." "But why there?" "Tell you what, guys." "I don't know what's in that building, but I assure you it's not Social Security numbers." "I got a red flag over here." "Someone's hacking into Woodlawn." "Honing in on the host server right now." "Frederick Kaludis." "Let's have a look at him." "Fat bastard." "McClane." "Where is his daughter?" "We just got a trace on her cell." "You're going to love this." "All right, let's get a better look at you." " Freddy." " What?" "What the hell are you doing dicking around inside my network?" "McClane?" "I thought I killed you already." "I get that sometimes." "You think you can, uh, find a track where he is?" " Two minutes." " Detective, covering the camera with your hand does not turn off the microphone." "Yeah..." "I know I'm not as smart as you guys at all this computer shit." "But, hey..." "I'm still alive, ain't I?" "I mean, you've got to be running out of bad guys by now, right?" "Huh?" "Gabriel?" "Honestly, you can tell me." "I mean, how does that work?" "Got some kind of service or something?" "Some kind of 800 number?" "1-800-HENCHMEN?" "Oh, you know what?" "I bet you're still on hold with "Can I get another dead Asian hooker bitch over here right away?"" "Huh?" "But seriously, all that kicking aside, that skinny little ninja chick, she was smokin' hot." "A new one of those gonna be real hard to come by, right?" "You're very impressed with yourself, aren't you?" "I have my moments." "Yeah?" "Is this one of them?" "Hello?" " Yes, this is emergency services calling." " Oh, thank God." " Can she hear me?" " My name is Lucy Gennero." "I've been stuck for hours." " I've been trying to call" " Hey.." "Can she hear this?" "Lucy, hang up that phone." "Yes." "Calm down, miss." "We know exactly where you are." "Everything is going to be all right." "Lucy, hang up the phone!" "Please, John, I'm trying to have a conversation." "We're a bit overloaded tonight, as you may imagine, but I assure you, we're going to get you out of there, even if I have to come down there and get you myself." "Thank you." "In the meantime, Miss Gennero, is there anyone you would like us to contact for you?" "Yeah." "My dad." "His name is John McClane." "He's a New York City cop." "We'll find him." "Just hang in there, miss." "We'll get to you... very soon." "Thank you." "Wow." "That's a great girl you got there." "Can't wait to meet her." "What's the matter?" "Cat got your tongue?" "Come on, John." "Make a joke." "Say something funny." "Where are you go-- Wh-Wh" "Where are you going?" "Hey." "McClane!" "Hey!" "Hold up." "Hold on." "Where you going?" "What are you gonna do?" "I'm gonna go kill this motherfucker and get my daughter back." "Or go get my daughter and kill this motherfucker." " But she could be anywhere." " Listen to me." "You can't go." "Okay?" "Just-- go play your computer game with "Hamhock."" " Warlock." " Warlock." "Yeah." "Okay." "Either way, you should just stay here." " I think I" " Hey, I'm doing you a favor." "All right?" "It's gonna get messy." "I'll take it from here." "Thanks for your help." "Buckle up." "F.B.I., ma'am, Jersey field office." "Mind if I see your I.D.?" "Not at all." "My dad's a cop." "Force of habit." "Your father sounds like a very smart man." "Kid, can you get Bowman?" "Uh, yeah." "It's completely dead." "Gabriel must have shut down all the satellite links." "Shit." "I'm sorry about Lucy, man." "About all of it." "It's my fault you got into this." "This wasn't your fight." "You got nothing to be sorry about." "Let go of me, you bastard." "This bitch is a handful." "Are you gonna be all right?" "Hey... behave... or I will hurt you." "Oh, yeah?" "Let's step outside, just you and me." "We'll see who hurts who." "You really are his daughter." "Tie her wrists." "Trey." "Gabriel wants to see you." "Is it that time already?" "Yeah." "Okay." "I'll be back in a second." "No, no, no, please, please!" "We're showing a breach on an exterior vent." "Go take a look." "Don't be long." "We're packing up soon." "Hey, McClane." "Do we have anything resembling a plan or anything?" "Yeah." "Find Lucy and kill everybody else." "I mean more like a plan, like a way to do that." "I gotta get a gun." "Keep your eyes open." "Come on." "Okay, according to the layout, uh, the chilling towers are kept on the bottom level." "I think mine's locked." "Okay, now it looks like we're getting somewhere." "Uh..." "Okay, this looks like it controls the cooling system for the mainframe, which should be..." "If I can just hack in... trip the alarm, it might alert Bowman." "Someone set off the alarms." "Yes." "Thank you, detective." "I can hear that." "Find a way to turn it off." "What do you got?" "We got a problem." "The alarms went off at Woodlawn." "It's got to be him." "And what's Woodlawn?" "It's N.S.A., a secure facility outside of Baltimore." "It's a fail-safe we built after 9/11 to back up all financial information." "The moment the networks were hit, all the financial data automatically began downloading to those servers." "Banks, Wall Street, corporate records, government funds, all of it, basically, a backup for the accumulated wealth of America." "All in one location?" "What could Gabriel do with it?" "Well, if he could get in, he could download the data, use it to siphon billions." "Or knowing him, he could erase it all and send us all back to the Stone Age." "Why the hell wasn't I told about this?" "Frankly, uh, it's above your pay grade." "My pay grade?" "I'm in charge of the infrastructure, you arrogant prick!" "How the hell did Gabriel find out about this, when even I didn't know about it?" "He designed it." "It was his program." "He knew that hacking your system last night would trigger the download." "Let me see if I can get a floor plan of this place." " Okay..." " Don't move!" "You-- get away from the bag." "Now!" "Okay." "Okay." "We've been waiting for you." "Yeah?" "I've been waiting for you, too." "Motherfucker!" "McClane!" "McClane!" "Kid!" "Matt!" "Kid?" "!" "Emerson." "We seem to have a problem in one of the cooling towers." " Tower Seven." " Tower Seven." " Find out what's going on." " Okay." " Sir?" " Get the H.R. team into choppers." "We need to get to Woodlawn now." "They're saying it'll take at least 20 minutes to get the team on site." "We don't have 20 minutes." "Look, the Pentagon has jets flying CAP over D.C. Have them send one over to Woodlawn and keep an eye on things till we get there." "Let's go." "Where's my daughter?" "Russo, check in." "Yeah, I think, uh..." "Russo's on his way down to meet your girlfriend, dickhead." "Hold on a minute." "Looks like he's coming around." "It's McClane." "He's on the third floor and the kid is" "Get all that?" "That's right." "I'm on the third floor, but I'm coming to get you." "Time to take a nap, pal." "Kill this guy and I'll give you Mai's cut." "Shit." "My algorithm." "Okay, please get in." "Oh, please." "God." "Oh, Jesus, they're going after the money." "You coming to get me, John?" "Is that the plan?" "Yep." "That's my plan." "What makes you think I won't put a bullet in your daughter's head right now?" " 'Cause you're scared of me." " Is that right?" "You think I'm afraid of you?" "Otherwise she'd be dead already." "She's your bargaining chip." "Stop there." "Hands up." "If you kill me, you'll never get it open." "Move away." "Move!" "You know, John," "I feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot." "And because of that, you think I'm the bad guy, and nothing could be further from the truth:" "I'm the good guy here." "I told them this could happen if they didn't prepare." "Did I get a thank you?" "No, I got a "fuck you."" "But they wouldn't listen." "You got their attention now," " don't you?" " That's right." "I am doing the country a favor." "By tearing it apart." "Better me than some outsider, some religious nut job bent on Armageddon." "Nobody wants to see that happen." "Everything I've broken can be fixed... if the country is willing to pay for it." "Oh, fuck you." "It's always been about the money." "What, I shouldn't get paid for my work?" "I'm working my ass off here, John." "I'm on my way to bring you a big fuckin' check." "I can't talk to this guy." "You talk to him, see if you can get him to focus." "Dad?" "Hi, baby." "Now there are only five of them." "Hang on, Lucy." "I'm coming." "Would somebody please kill this son of a bitch?" "We have a problem." "No, there's... there's actually no problem." "I think I just got off on the wrong floor." "This is a mess." "Wow, I'm" " I'm truly impressed, man." "Hacking every byte of financial data for the entire country would take weeks unless you eliminated the congestion." "That's what this fire sale's about, isn't it?" "That's brilliant." "Yes, it is." "Please be quiet." "Asshole." "Who are you?" "Matt Farrell." "Lucy McClane." "I thought your name was Gennero." "Lucy Gennero." "Not today." "Can you crack the code?" "Maybe, I mean, if I had enough time." "That's encouraging." "Take them with us." " Let's go." " Let's go." "Gabriel, Pentagon just sent an F-35 towards us." "Keep an eye on it." "Pulling down the go codes now." "You might want to start thinking about what you want on your headstone, asshole." "Christ." "Goddamn hamster." "Here you go." "Stay still, spider boy." "That's right." "Goddamn it!" "Oh-ho-ho, no." "Seriously, you probably shouldn't antagonize them since they have all the loaded guns and what-not." "Listen, will you just take a minute and dig deep for a bigger set of balls, 'cause you're gonna need them before we're through." "Wow, I know that tone." "It's just weird hearing it come from someone... with hair." "Sir." "E.T.A.: 15 minutes." "Fix it." "Oh, why?" "You're just going to kill me if I fix it." "I know that." "Shit." "I'm not gonna do it." "Oh, no, no, no." "Shit." " Robinson is coming pretty fast." " I'm sorry." "What?" "Something's wrong." "Robinson is coming too fast." "It's not Robinson." "That would be my dad." "Freddy." "Freddy!" "It's John McClane." "Look, I know you can hear me." "This is your frequency, right?" "666." "Come on." "Pick up the mike, Freddy." "Uh, nobody here by that name, sorry." "Hacker jerkoff!" "Warlock..." "I need you to do whatever it is you do to patch me through to the F.B.I., to Deputy Director Bowman." "You hear me?" "Are you serious?" "You want me to intentionally open up a comm line to the head of the F.B.I. cyber division?" "I don't think so." "Freddy, goddamn it." "They have my daughter!" "I can do that." "Hold on." "Thank you." "This is Central." "We have a patch for Director Bowman." "Sir, Central's trying to reach you." "Go." "Bowman, it's McClane." " McClane." " Listen to me." "Gabriel is on the 695 headed north in a hazmat truck." "Wait, Gabriel has left Woodlawn?" "We're headed there right now." "And, Bowman, he's got my daughter." "Listen, this hazmat truck is a government vehicle, so it should be LoJacked, right?" "Track that down, it should take you right to them." "Give me the tag number." "All right, hang on." "Here it comes." "Golf-Tango... five-niner-two-November." "Yeah, got it." "McClane, where is Farrell?" "He's with them." "Listen to me." "I'm going to go in there and get Lucy out, but if something happens to me, you got to send the cavalry in, you hear me?" "I mean everybody." "Don't let that maniac get my daughter, you hear me?" "John, don't worry." "I want your word, Bowman." "Yeah, you have it." "McClane out." "There's the F-35." "Did you get the go codes?" " Trey!" "Did you get the go codes?" " Yes, yeah, I got the go codes." "Can you connect me to the pilot?" "Uh..." "Uh... uh..." "Isolating his radio." "Sending him the go codes." "AV-81." "AV-81, this is marine air wing A.T.C." "Go for AV-81." "Confirmed terrorist vehicle has been located in your sector: big rig truck." "Currently in pursuit of a hazmat vehicle." "I see them, A.T.C." "You are authorized to engage and destroy." "Copy that." "AV-81 engaging." "What?" "Jesus Christ!" "Goddamn it!" "You're shooting at the wrong guy!" "I don't think daddy's coming, honey." "Hey!" "Jackass!" "Is that it?" "!" "Huh?" "!" "Is that your best shot?" "!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Whew." "Let's go!" "Come on!" " Got two more to go." " That way." "That way." "Go." "Let's go." "Move it." "We are leaving in three minutes." "You have one." "The rules haven't changed, man." "You're gonna kill me the minute I unlock it." " Oh, shit!" "Oh, shit..." " Matthew?" "Matthew!" "I really need you to pay attention." "The rules can always change." "Okay, wait." "I'm gonna shoot her in ten seconds." "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." " Nine..." " I can't." "eight..." "I can't." "Oh, God..." "Yah!" "Okay!" "Okay, okay, okay." "Six..." "Okay, just stop." "Stop, stop." "I'm doing it." "I'm doing it." "Oh, God." "Oh, my God." "Feds are headed this way." "Get everything on the plane." " Dad!" " Careful." "Don't worry, baby." "Everything's gonna be all right." "Daddy!" "Hold this." "No!" "Jesus Christ." "You got her?" "You're sure?" "It's a nice effort, though." "Matthew!" "Oh, shit!" "All right, okay!" "Okay, I'm doing it." "I know." "McClane." "Would you do me a favor?" "I know the lights are beginning to dim, but if you could just hang on for a second, as soon as Matt's finished," "I'm gonna kill him and your daughter, and I would love for you to see that." "Goddamn it." "Matthew?" "Ten seconds, okay, ten seconds you'll have all your money." "You just leave." "No one has to get hurt, okay?" "A few seconds." "Stay with me." "McClane!" " Stay with me." " Dad?" "On your tombstone, it should read:" ""Always in the wrong place at the wrong time."" "How about... "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!"" "Daddy..." "Daddy..." "Are you okay?" "Yes, baby, I'm fine." "I knew you would come for me." "Of course I'd come for you." "Sorry it took me so long." "It's okay." "Move, move!" "Freeze!" "Hold, hold!" "He's okay." "Move around." "Come around!" " Here, help Daddy up." " Okay." "Wait, wait." "Oh, wait." "I think I'll just stay here for a minute." "Okay." "Daddy, you're out of your mind." "What are you talking about?" "You shot yourself!" "It seemed like a good idea at the time." "Don't tell these guys that I did that." " Thanks for all your help, John." " Thank you." "Is he okay?" " Should I put my hands up?" " No, don't put your hands up." " Put them down farther?" " Yeah." "He might die of shock on the way to the hospital." "All right." "I'll be right back." "Hey." "Oh, hey." "How's it feel to be shot?" "It actually feels great." "Uh, he gave me some-- what is it called?" "Mor" " Morphine." " Morphine." "Wow, you got your merit badge now." "Yeah" " Hey, I don't know what that means." "Plus, you know, chicks dig scars." "Really?" "Hm." "Not that one." "What?" "Don't even think about it." "How did you know what I was thinking?" "Why?" "Did she say something to you?" "I felt like we had a, um..." " kind of a vibe." " Take it easy." "That's just the morphine kicking in." "Yeah." "Besides... after all we've been through," "I'd hate to have to beat you to death." "That would suck." "Good to go?" "Yeah, we're all set." "Take care of yourself." "I'll see you at the hospital." "Hey." "Thanks for saving my daughter's life." "Hey... what was I gonna do?" "That's what makes you that guy." "Yeah." "So, uh, did he say anything about me?" "Jesus, Lucy!" "What?" "I-I'm sorry." "I'm just asking." "I'm in enough pain already." "Hospital." | {
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"Is that them?" "Jesus Christ." "Are they going to do it right here?" "You guys ever been through this before?" "No." "It's best to ignore it, keep your head down, and go back to work." "Go on." "Don't watch." "Timothy Singh?" " Yes." " I'm afraid we have to speak with you." "Come." "Eric Dale?" "Excuse me?" "Eric Dale?" " No." " Sorry?" "I'm not Eric Dale." "I'm so sorry." "He's my boss." "He's down the hall." "Thanks." "Excuse me, Mr. Dale?" "This way." "Okay." "I am obviously sorry that we are here today." "But these are extraordinary times, as you very well must know." "Look, I run Risk Management." "I don't really see how that's a natural place to start cutting jobs." "We hope you understand this is in no way personal." "The majority of this floor is being let go today." "Ms. Bratberg is now going to run through the details of what the firm is offering." "Okay." "Mr. Dale, the firm is offering you a six-month severance at half your salary." "You will keep all unvested options that you currently hold." "Health will be extended through that period." "You have until tomorrow at 4:47 to either take the offer or it will be revoked." "Do you understand?" "Yes." "Unfortunately, Mr. Dale, due to the highly sensitive nature of your work here, the firm has to take certain precautions for security purposes that may seem punitive in nature." "I hope, considering your over 19 years of service to the firm, you will understand that these measures are in no way a reflection of the firm's feelings towards your performance or your character." "I don't understand." "She's apologizing for what's about to happen." "Your company e-mail, access to the server, access to the building, and your mobile data and phone service will all be severed as of this meeting." "And this gentleman will take you to your office so you can clear out your personal belongings." "What about what I'm currently working on?" "I'm in the middle of something that..." "The firm has worked out its transition plan and is prepared to move forward." "But we do appreciate your concern." "We understand that this is difficult." "And here is my card." "Please contact me in the next few weeks if you need any assistance with this transition in your life." "Sir." "Okay." "Okay." "Okay." "Hey." "I'm sorry." " You still alive?" " For now." "Congratulations." "It was a bloodbath." "I heard." "Listen, Eric, if there was something I could have done, I would have done it." " I know." " All right?" "Yeah, I know." "I know." "Okay." "Just tell me, who was it?" " Come on, Eric." " Come on, Will." " Rogers?" " I'm not going to say, you know." " You know me." " Robertson?" "That cunt." "I knew it." "I knew I shouldn't have fucking gone to her last year." "It wasn't anyone." "Eric, you know what it was?" "It was bad luck, and that's all it was." "Yup" "Yup" "All right, well, good luck." "Will?" "Come here." "I was just in the middle of a lot of shit right here that I think somebody needs to take a look at." "Eric, listen, they're telling us everybody needs to get out of here." "Just leave their stuff." "And while we appreciate your concern, this is not your problem any more." "Good luck." "Thank you." "Right this way, Mr. Murphy." " Eric, I'm very sorry." " Yeah." "Did they say what was going to happen with us?" " Jesus, Seth." " What?" "It's going to get pretty ugly around here for a while." "But, you know, you guys will be all right." " Good luck, Eric." " All right." "I'll see you around, okay?" "All right." "Thank you." "Eric." "I wanted to say thanks." " It's not necessary." " Well, it is." "You were the person around here that I..." "I know." "Hey, look," "I was working on something, but they wouldn't let me finish it." "So, take a look at it." "Be careful." "We 're sorry." "The telephone you are calling from is not in service at this time." "Robertson!" "Sarah Robertson." "Sarah." "You shut off my phone?" "Eric, I didn't do anything." "Fuck you." "Well, that was fucking hideous." "It's gonna get worse before it gets better." "You think?" "Much." "You got any Nicorettes?" "I'm out of Nicorettes." "Which means in about 10 minutes I'm going to kill someone." "You all right, Sam?" "My dog is dying." "I'm sorry." "Just got off the phone with the vet." "Fucking tumor on her liver." "I was spending, like, $1,000 a day already just trying to keep her alive." "Yeah," "I don't have a fucking clue what to do about it." "Well, they're all gone." "So..." "How many do we have left?" "About 33." "Well, make sure they're all out there." "I've gotta say something." "Yeah, no, they're ready." "They're ready for you." "All right, let's hear it." "You're all still here for a reason." "80% of this floor was just sent home, forever." "We spent the last hour saying our goodbyes." "They were good people and they were good at their jobs, but you were better." "Now they're gone, they're not to be thought of again." "This is your opportunity." "On every floor of this building and in every office, from Hong Kong to London, the same thing is happening." "By the time we're done, three of every seven guys who were standing between you and your boss' job are gone." "That is your opportunity." "I've been with this place for 34 years, and I can tell you this is not the last time that you're gonna go through this." "But you are all survivors." "And that is how this firm, over 107 years, has continued to grow stronger." "So keep your heads high." "Get back to work." "Let's hear it." "Everyone's going out, man." "You should..." "Come on." "No, man." "I'm cool." "Thanks." "Okay." "Well, if you change your mind, just give me a call." "I will." "Come." " Where you guys going?" " The Grand." "I will call you when I am done." "All right." "Hey, be glad you're still alive." "I am." " Have a good night, man." " You, too." "Come on." "Come on." "Come on." "We're sorry." "You've reached a number.." " Fuck me." "Fuck!" "...that has been disconnected." " Hello?" " Hey." " I can't hear you." " What?" "Can you go outside?" "It's too loud." "Hold on a second." "It's loud." "Just give me a second." " All right, what's up?" " Hey, where are you?" " Lugo." " Okay." "Are you with Will?" " Yeah." "Will Emerson?" " Yeah." "Yeah." "I think he's still here." "Why?" "All right." "I need you to get Will, and I need you guys to come back up here." " Where?" " To the office." " What?" " I'm serious." "Wait a sec..." "You want me to get our boss' boss out of a club and bring him back to the office at 10:00 on a Thursday night?" "Well, our boss got axed, so technically he is our boss," "and yes, that is what I want you to do." " Why?" "Look, man." "Just trust me, okay?" "I need you guys back here now." "All right." "We'll be there in 10." "Fuck." "Have I ever told you how much I love your bag?" "No, really." " Do you have a little dress that matches it?" " Yeah, I do." "Because you could bounce around in it like a fucking girl." "Hey!" "Look who's burning the candle at both ends." "Why didn't you come out with us?" "There's no more cuts planned." "You don't have to kiss my arse." "I frankly don't even know what it is you guys do." "Well, I'm really sorry I had to bring you guys back here," "but. ..." " That's all right." " What's going on?" " Look at this." " Eric gave me this file before he left." " Eric..." "Dale." "And he told me that he couldn't quite figure it out." "And the last thing he said to me before the elevator doors closed was, "Be careful."" " He said, "Be careful"?" " Yeah." "So, obviously, I'm a little curious." "I start to get into it a little bit, and I realize that the only thing that he's missing..." " This is not good, Will." " All right." "Okay." "So what is he doing here?" "No, no." "Goto model four." "It makes more sense." "Okay." "All right." "What is this?" "This is basically everything that we have in our books at any given time." "But, what Eric was trying to do was to work these numbers for levels of volatility that fall outside of the standard VAR model." " What are those levels?" "It's fairly complicated." "Simplify." "The volatility levels are set using historic patterns, basically, and then stretching those patterns out another 10, 15% roughly." "All right, so?" "So, we are starting to test those historic patterns." "When?" " Today." " Tuesday." "Monday." "Last Friday and Wednesday." "Two Fridays ago." "All right." "I get it." "Fuck me." "Once this thing gets going in the wrong direction, this is fucking huge." "How huge?" "Well, the losses are greater than the current value of the company." "Projected losses." "The projected losses, Will." " And this is just our floor?" " Yes." "Where the fuck is Eric Dale?" "I don't know." "I tried to call him." "His phone is off." "What do you mean?" "They turned everybody's phone off that they axed today." "Fucking ruthless." " Did you try his personal cell?" " Yeah, I called his cell phone. it's not on." " Call his home." " At this hour?" "Yeah." "Do we even know if he's right?" " Looks pretty fucking right to me." " It does." "Mrs. Dale, it's Will Emerson." "I'm fine, thank you." "May I speak with Eric?" "No, we've tried that." "His phone appears to be off." "Listen, could you have him call me the moment he comes in?" "The moment he walks through the door." "Thank you so much." "Goodbye." "Where the fuck is he?" " Doesn't he have, like, three kids?" " So?" "Fuck, I don't know, would you go home?" "I know where he is." "I need you two to go and get him." "There will be a car waiting for you downstairs." " You need to go." " Right now?" "Yeah, right now." "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to call Sam." "Fuck me." " Yes?" "It's Will." "It's 11:00 at night." "I know." "I'm sorry." "I wouldn't have called." "What's the problem?" "I think you need to get back here." "What?" "Sam, listen... it's 11:00 at night." "I'm well aware of the fucking time, Sam." "I'm telling you, you need to see this." "See what?" "It's..." "E-mail it to me." "I don't think that, that would be a good idea." "I'm on my way." "Look at these people." "Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen." "Right?" "Well, I try to not let work get to me like that." "I've noticed that about you." "Come on." "We're 23 years old." " I'm 28." " All right, 28." "Whatever, it's the same thing, but I made nearly a quarter of a million dollars last year." "Fuck." "For what?" "I push numbers around on a computer screen." "A bunch of glorified crack addicts are willing to take that information, and they pretend to understand it, and they bet it against some other jock halfway around the world who, you know, if he wasn't doing this," "he'd be in an OTB somewhere, putting it all on number seven, you know?" "At the end of the day, one guy wins, one guy loses." "You do know it's a little more complicated than that, right?" "Yeah." "It's Will." "He wants to know if we found him." "What do I say?" "Let's say that we haven't found him yet." "Okay." " Hey- Hey" "So?" "Eric Dale." "Oh, Jesus." "Before he leaves the building, escorted by fucking security, by the way..." " I had nothing to do with that." " I know." "I'm sorry." "Go on." "Before he leaves the building, he hands this disk to Peter Sullivan." " Who's Peter Sullivan again?" " Doesn't matter." " He's one of Eric's guys." " All right." "But before the elevator doors are closing, the lest thing that he says is, "Be careful."" ""Be careful"?" "Yeah." ""Be careful"?" " Yeah." " Why?" " Take a look." "Oh, Jesus." "You Know I can't fucking read these things." "Just speak to me in English." "All right." "Basically, this Kid, Peter Sullivan, he gets all inspired by your pep talk." "Nice job, by the way." "And he delves straight in after work." "And I think he nailed it." "Nailed it?" "Yeah, I think he figured out what Eric was missing." "And?" "It's not good, Sam." "These here are the historical volatility index limits which, of course, our entire trading model relies on pretty fucking heavily." "Well, we're now so levered up that once it gets outside of these limits, it gets ugly in a hurry." "And how close to those limits have we gotten?" "Sam, we're beyond close." "We broke through these limits five or six days in the last two weeks." "Now, somehow we've managed to stay on the right side of it for now." "For now." "Well, look what happens when we get on the wrong side of it." " Wait a minute." "What am I looking at?" " You're looking at this figure here." " Whoa." "Is that..." " Yeah." "And that would not be a bad day for us, historically speaking." " Is that figure right?" " I don't know." "I can't be sure." "Where's Eric Dale?" " We shut his phone off." " Of course we did." "Yeah." "So I called his wife, who says he's not home." "Yeah, he's probably crying in some fucking beer somewhere." "Yeah, or worse." "Where's the kid that did this?" "I sent him out looking for Eric." "You think he knows what he's doing?" "I don't know." "What do I know?" "Get him back here." "Get him back here." "What do you think these girls make in a night?" "$1 ,500?" "Two grand?" "Two grand." "Fuck." "That's..." "That's pretty great." "I mean, all considered." "Shit." "Will." "Yep" "No." "No, we asked, and nobody's seen him." "Okay, yep." "All right, so what do you think Rogers makes in a year?" " I don't know, I have no idea." " Come on." "Play along." " What year?" "I don't know." " Last year." "Three quarters of a million." "Come on." " What?" " Oh, it's not even close." " More?" " Much more." "A million?" "Will Emerson made two and a half million last year." " Fuck you." " Fuck me." "Fuck you." "How do you know that?" " He told me." " He just told you?" "I asked him, and yeah, he told me." "You think that's true?" "Yeah, probably." "That's fucked up." " Why is that fucked up?" " I don't know, does it seem right to you?" "Right?" "I mean, right is..." "Right is..." "Jesus." "So what do you think that means Rogers puts away?" "I have no idea, Seth." "This traffic is a fucking nightmare." "Sorry." "Gentlemen." "Will." "Mr. Rogers." "Come with us, please." "Sam, this is Seth Bregman and Peter Sullivan." "Sir." "Will?" "Where are we going?" "We're going to get a second opinion on your work, Peter." "So, Sam, what do you have for us?" "It'll be here in a minute." "Finding somebody in the copy room at this hour was a little bit of a challenge." "Okay, let's go right into the introductions." "This is Sarah Robertson, who you know." "Chief Risk Management Officer Ramesh Shah from upstairs." "And David Horn, one of the firm's in-house counsel." "Nice to meet you all." "This is my Head of Trading, Will Emerson, and this is..." "Peter Sullivan and Seth Bregman." "They work in our Risk Department." "Where's Eric Dale?" "He was let go today." "Who do you have left in your Risk Department?" "As of today that would be Peter and our Junior Analyst, Seth." "Really?" "Will Emerson?" "Yes, please." "Just hand them out." "Thank you." "Apparently, Eric had been working on this for some time, but he wasn't able to finish it." "This morning, as he left the building, he handed the program to Peter here and asked him to take a look at it." "Peter did." "He put a few things in that Eric seemed to be missing, and this is what came out." "Peter, is this your work?" "Mostly Mr. Dale's." "But is this your draft?" "Yes." "Again, expanded on the original work by Mr. Dale." "But, yes." "What's your background?" " My background?" " Your CV?" "I've been with the firm for two and a half years, working with Eric that whole time." "But I hold a doctorate in engineering, specialty in propulsion, from MIT with a bachelor's from Penn." "What is a specialty in propulsion, exactly?" "My thesis was a study in the ways that friction ratios affect steering outcomes in aeronautical use under reduced gravity loads." "So, you're a rocket scientist?" "I was." "Yeah." "Interesting." "How did you end up here?" "It's all just numbers, really." "Just changing what you're adding up." "And to speak freely, the money here is considerably more attractive." "What time is it?" "2215." "Fuck me." "Fuck me." "And I'm guessing by the fact that you two haven't said anything that the math checks out." "Look, we'd need some time to go over this." "But Mr. Sullivan here seems like he knows what he's doing." "So, it would appear we have a problem." "Thank you for that." "What time is it?" "2:16." " Fuck me." "Fuck me." "Sam, how long under normal operations would it take your people to clear that from our books?" "What?" " All of it?" " Yes." "I don't know." "Weeks." " Weeks?" " Yeah." "Weeks." "But you certainly know that our business is selling and buying?" "It doesn't work for very long without both components." "We suddenly stop buying for a day or two, that's not something you can hide under the rug." "That gets out." "And when it does, this whole thing comes to an end, and right quick." " I understand." " Do you?" "Yes." "How many traders do we have left between your floor and Peterson's?" " I don't know, what..." "60." "Jared, as I look at this more closely, it is these VAR numbers that are setting this thing off." "Excuse me." "I warned you about this last year." "We would not be in this position if we had done what I..." "Please." "As I was saying, and I speak completely off the record, it's only a matter of time before someone else starts putting these in and they come up with exactly the same results and look at exactly what we're looking at right now," "if they haven't already." "Understood." "And, Sarah, what value would you allow to be placed on those assets that might remain on the books, if they had to?" "Why would they still be on the books?" "Because suddenly nobody wants to fucking buy them." "Fuck you, Sam." "Will you give me" "a fucking break here?" " Excuse me, Jared..." "Without an active market, it would take weeks or months for me to come up with an accurate value on them." "You would have to go block by block." "Look, Jared, it's a very simple business, right?" "We talked about this." "Sam." "Will, Peter, and..." " What the fuck is his name?" " Seth." "Thank you." "Seth." "Could you please give us a few moments?" "And, Peter?" "Has anyone' else seen this?" "No, no one aside from us." " And Eric Dale." " Yes." "And can it really be possible that we don't know where Eric Dale is?" "I called his wife, he hasn't come home yet, and we turned off his phone today." "Perfect." "Well, I'd like to know where he is." "Jesus fucking Christ." "Who is that guy?" "Sam's boss." "He looks like he's 15 years old." "He's 40." "Yeah, how does that happen?" "Oh, it happens all the time." "Except to me." "Kid's a fucking killer." "What are they talking about in there?" "It ain't pretty." "What ain't pretty?" "If people stop buying what we're selling." "Jared." "You cannot be doing what you're thinking of doing." "Well, I don't see any other choice." "What does that mean, we don't have a choice?" "Fuck you, you don't have a choice." "Fuck me?" "Did you even look at the numbers, Sam?" "Yeah, but what do I know?" "Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Shah, but these numbers, they don't add up." "One and one no longer makes two." "Look, if I may, I would like a little bit more time." "Jared, we can't tell you yet." "Are you fucking kidding me?" "We have talked about this." "We need a little more time to give you our conclusion." "Okay." "We meet again in 45 minutes." " Sam, do you have the file?" " Yeah." "What are you going to do?" "Are you gonna call him?" "I already have." "Jesus." "Wow, that's gorgeous." "It's a long way down." "Yes, it is." "Will, don't do that." "Come on." "You know the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn't a fear of falling." "It's the fear that they might jump." "That's very deep and depressing." "Thank you." "Yeah, well, I'm a little dark sometimes." "All right." "Come down, please, Will." "Please, come on." "Will." "Yeah, fuck it." "Not today!" "It looks like they're going to make us dump this shit." "What?" "You watch." "How?" "You'll see." "How could they do that?" "They can't." "It's impossible." "But they'll figure a way." "I've been at this company for 10 years, and I've seen things you wouldn't believe." "When all is said and done, they do not lose money." "They don't mind if everybody else does, but they don't lose." "Will?" "Did you really make two and a half million last year?" "Yeah, sure." "How did you spend it all?" "It goes quite quickly." "You know, you learn to spend what's in your pocket." "Two and a half million goes quickly?" "All right, let's see." "So the taxman takes half up front, so you're left with one and a quarter." "My mortgage takes another 300 grand." "I send 150 home for my parents, you know, keep them going." " So what's that?" "800." "All right, 800." "Spent 150 on a car." "About 75 on restaurants." "Probably 50 on clothes." " I put 400 away for a rainy day." " That's smart." "Yeah, as it turns out, 'cause it looks like the storm's coming." "You still got 125." "Yeah, well, I did spend $76,520 on hookers, booze, and dancers." "But mainly hookers." "76,5007" "I was a little shocked initially, but then I realized that I could claim most of it back as entertainment. it's true." " Holy shit!" " Goddamn!" "The cavalry is here!" "Come on, we should go." "How old are you?" "43." " Jesus." "This is bizarre." "It's like a dream." "I don't know, seems like we actually may have just woken up." "Come in." "How do we look?" " I should go." " No." "You should stay." "So?" "It's legit." "The kid killed it." "The formula's worthless." " What does that mean?" " It's broken." "There are eight trillion dollars of paper around the world relying on that equation." "Well, we were wrong." "No, you mean you were wrong." "Now, don't get me started." "We discussed this." "I'm heading for the conference room." "No, I want you to hear this." "I don't want to hear this." "How do you think I've stuck around this place so long?" "I called Tuld." "Do we have a contingency plan here?" " A contingency plan?" " Yes." "No, we went all in on this one." "So we've gotten ourselves quite exposed here, haven't we?" "To Tuld or the market?" "To both." "He's here?" " Tuld's helicopter just landed." " I know." "Come with us." " Where's Sam?" " I don't know." "You sure you want all of us?" "Yes." "One piece of advice for everyone before we go in there." "This could get a little ugly." "But whatever you do, just tell the truth." "No sugarcoating" "Do not change a word of it." "No one here is smart enough, including the rocket scientist." " Mr. Cohen." " Morning." "This way, please." "He's already in there waiting for you." "Excellent." "John." "Please, sit down." "Welcome, everyone." "I must apologize for dragging you all here at such an uncommon hour." "But from what I've been told, this matter needs to be dealt with urgently." "So urgently, in fact, it probably should have been addressed weeks ago." "But that is spilt milk under the bridge." "So, why doesn't somebody tell me what they think is going on here?" "Mr. Tuld, as I mentioned earlier, if you compare the figure at the top of page 13..." "Jared, it's a little early for all that." "Just speak to me in plain English." "Okay." "In fact, I'd like to speak to the guy who put this together." "Mr. Sullivan, is it?" "Does he speak English?" "Sir?" "I'd like to speak with the analyst who seems to have stumbled across this mess." "Certainly." "That would be Peter Sullivan." "Right here." "Oh, Mr. Sullivan, you're here." "Good morning." "Maybe you could tell me what you think is going on here." "And please, speak as you might to a young child or a golden retriever." "It wasn't brains that got me here." "I can assure you of that." "Well, sir, as you may or may not know, I work here for Mr. Rogers as an associate in the Risk Assessment and Management Office at MBS." "Please." "Just relax." "Stand up." "Tell us in a clear voice." "What is the nature of the problem?" "Okay." "As you probably know, over the last 36 to 40 months the firm has begun packaging new MBS products that combine several different tranches of rating classifications in one tradable security." "This has been enormously profitable, as I imagine you noticed." "I have." "The firm is currently doing a considerable amount of this business every day." "Now the problem, which is, I guess, why we are here tonight, is that is takes us, the firm, about a month to layer these products correctly, thereby posing a challenge from a Risk Management standpoint." "And, Mr. Sullivan, that challenge is?" "We have to hold these assets on our books longer than we might ideally like to." "Yes." "But the key factor here is these are essentially just mortgages." "So that has allowed us to push the leverage considerably beyond what you might be willing or allowed to do in any other circumstance, thereby pushing the risk profile without raising any red flags." "Now..." "Thank you, Mr. Sullivan." "Sit down." "What I'm guessing your report here says, and give me some rope here." "What I'm guessing it says is that considering the, shall we say, bumpy road we've been on the last week or so, that the figures your brilliant co-workers up the line ahead of you have come up with" "don't make much sense any more considering what's taking place today." "Actually, not what's taking place today, but what's already taken place over the last two weeks." "So, you're saying this has already happened?" "Sort of." "Sort of." "And, Mr. Sullivan, what does your model say that, that means for us here." "Well, that's where it becomes a projection." "But..." "You're speaking with me, Mr. Sullivan." "Well, sir, if those assets decrease by just 25% and remain on our books, that loss would be greater than the current market capitalization of this entire company." "So, what you're telling me is that the music is about to stop" "and we're going to be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in the history of" "capitalism." "Sir, I'm not sure that I would put it that way." "But let me clarify." "Using your analogy, what this model shows" "is the music, so to speak, just slowing." "If the music were to stop, as you put it, then this model wouldn't be even close to that scenario." "It would be considerably worse." "Let me tell you something, Mr. Sullivan." "Do you care to know why I'm in this chair with you all?" "I mean, why I earn the big bucks?" "Yes." "I'm here for one reason and one reason alone." "I'm here to guess what the music might do a week, a month, a year from now." "That's it." "Nothing more." "And standing here tonight," "I'm afraid that I don't hear a thing." "Just silence." "So, now that we Know the music has stopped, what can we do about it?" "Mr. Cohen?" "Ms. Robertson?" "I'm afraid I think this is where you're supposed to step back in." "Lord knows we've relied enough on Mr. Sullivan tonight." "What do you have for us?" "What have I told you since the first day you stepped into my office?" "There are three ways to make a living in this business, be first, be smarter, or cheat." "Now, I don't cheat." "And although I like to think we have some pretty smart people in this building, it sure is a hell of a lot easier to just be first." "Sell it all." "Today." "Is that even possible, Sam?" "Yes, but at what cost?" "I'll have to pay." "Really?" "I think so." "Where is this going to come back to us?" "Everywhere." "Sam, I don't think you seem to understand what your boy here has just said." "If I made you, how would you do this?" "You call the traders in for their normal 6:30 meeting and you be honest with them." "Because they're going to know it's the end either way." "You're going to have to throw them a bone, and a pretty big one." "And then you've got to come out of the gates storming." "No swaps." "No nothing." "40% done by 10:15." "By 11:00, all your trades have to be gone because by lunchtime, word's going to be out." "And by 2:00 you're going to be selling at 65 cents on the dollar, if you're lucky." "And then the feds are going to be in here, up your ass, trying to slow you down." "Ramesh?" "They can slow you down." "They can't stop you." "It's yours to sell." "But, John, even if we manage to pull that off, and that's saying something," "the real question is, who are we selling this to?" "Same people we've been selling it to the last two years, and whoever else will buy it." "But, John, if you do this, you will kill the market for years. it's over." "And you're selling something that you know has no value." "We are selling to willing buyers of the current fair market price." "So that we may survive." "You will never sell anything to any of those people ever again." "I understand." " Do you?" " Do you?" "This is it!" "I'm telling you." "This is it." "Now, it's 4:00." "Jared, you've got till 5:00 to break this down and draw me up a plan." "Is there anybody else who knows what's in here at the moment, block by block?" "Eric Dale." "And where is he?" "As of today, he's no longer with the firm." "We have been trying to locate him." " Carmelo." " Yes." "Get me Eric Dale here by 6:30." "It's done." "We meet back here in an hour." "Sam, let's talk." "This is a hell of a town." "I've always loved this place, since the day I arrived." "Everything about it." "Sam, are you going to go with me on this?" "I don't know, John." "This one is very ugly." "You and I, we're salesmen." "We sell." "That's what we do." "It's not complicated." "Exactly." "And you know damn well you don't sell anything to anybody unless you think they're gonna come back for more." "That's the lesson we learned." "And tomorrow, we're done." "But this is it, Sam." "You keep saying that." "What's that supposed to mean?" "This is the big one." "Most of us aren't going to make it out of this one." " Us?" " The Street." "What are you talking about?" "This isn't the last situation I'm gonna have to deal with this week." "This is just the start." "It's the start 'cause you're starting it." "Maybe." "But I don't believe that." "Not this time." "The numbers, they just don't add up any more." "I agree with you there." "I've been saying that for years." "If this kid out there can come up with this, then..." "Look, I just don't think I can walk in there knowing what I know and put the hammer down on these guys." "When did you start getting so soft, Sam?" "Fuck you, soft." "You're panicking" "If you're the first out of the door, that's not called panicking." "You're obviously operating with more information than I have." "But I think this will destroy this firm." "No one will ever trust you again." "You're knowingly putting people out of business, full stop." "You let me deal with that, Sam." "How'd it go?" "This is a fucking shit show." " They're gonna go with it?" " Probably." "Jesus." "Remember this day, boys." "Remember this day." "So, what's the strategy here?" "That's where I'm headed right now." "Downstairs to work on it with my guys." "No, no." "You and I with John." "I'm not sure that we need one, Sarah." "That's not the way I do things." "Please." "Listen, he knows where we've stood on this all along." "That's exactly my point." "And knowing what was discussed by both you and I," "I don't see how this could provide you with anything other than a false sense of comfort." "I'm not looking for a sense of comfort here, Sarah." "I don't think there's one to be found." "So, again, what's the strategy here?" "I'm just not sure there's much more to do on this." "It's very simple." "Don't even think about fucking me on this." "'Cause if we're going down, then you damn well know it'll be together." "No." "I'm not sure that I do know that." "Hey." "Oh, I'm sorry." "What do you guys think Tuld made last year?" "Would you shut the fuck up?" "86 million." "In bonuses and salary." " Really?" " Sure, it's public record." "That is a lot of fucking money." "He was worth a billion." "Was?" "Till today." "Really?" "You'll see." "I'm going to get some coffee." "You guys want anything else?" " I'm all right." " I could use some real air." " Probably a good idea." "ls it all right, Will?" " Is what all right?" " If I get out of here for a minute?" "Of course, it's not a prison." "You want me to hold your hand?" "Why did they put all this fruit on it?" "Hello, Will Emerson." "Hello." "Right." "No, thank you." "I understand." "No, we'll be discreet." "Thank you." " What?" " Eric's wife." "He's alive, he's home, he doesn't want to speak to us, and he doesn't know that she rang me." " Where's he live?" " Heights." " Shall I call Tuld's guy?" " No." "It's Eric." "The last thing we need is those guys going over there." "No, you two go get him and try to bring him here." " But you got to be back by 6:00 a.m." " All right." "I hate Brooklyn." "May I come in?" "Of course." "Please, sit down." "So..." "We're going to do this thing." "Okay." "It's going to be tight." "Is Sam on board?" "Not yet." "Sarah," "I need a head to feed to the traders on the floor and the board." "Is it me or Cohen?" "It's you." "Of course, you're well aware that I filtered several warnings to you and Cohen about this a year ago." "I really don't think that's the best path for you to take at this point." "You're going to be well taken care of here." "Obviously, it is quite complicated." "John, I was told under no uncertain terms..." "It was always a very gray area." "Actually, it was made very clear at the time by you, me, and Cohen." "I'd really appreciate it if you didn't fight me on this." "We all fucked this one up pretty good." "Yes." "We need you to stay here until this is finished and the market's closed." "I understand." "They'll go over the numbers with you downstairs." "Good luck." "Oh, fuck." "Jared's coming." "What's the boy wonder want?" " You got a minute?" " Just off to pick up Eric." "Yeah." "I know." "It will only take a second." "All right, what is it?" "Tuld and I have concerns that Sam may not be willing to step up and do the right thing here." "This has never been a problem." "No, it hasn't." "But sometimes, in acute situations such as this, often what is right can take on multiple interpretations." "Sam will step up." "Oh, I know he will." "But if he doesn't..." "But if he doesn't, we need to know that you will." "Thank you." "You need to know that I will what?" "That you'll step up." "I have no doubt that Sam will make the right decision." "But just to make it clear, he and I have always had the same interpretation of what's right," "no matter how acute the situation." "Jesus, that's a nice place." "Yeah, it is." "He just bought it." "I hope it was with cash." "Fuck me, you're a heartless little shit sometimes." "And it wasn't." "Don't touch any of the buttons." " What are you doing here?" " Hey." "So, Peter finished the model you were working on." "Really?" "It caused a shit storm." "I bet it did." "You think he's right?" "I know he's right." "Fuck." "All right." "So Jared Cohen called an emergency meeting with the senior partners last night." "And based on your findings, they've decided to liquidate our entire position." "Today." "I'm very sorry about that." "They're worried about you being out here and they want me to bring you back." "Please." "I'm just saying." " Fuck them." "Fuck them." " Eric..." " Don't be rash." " Forget it." "I signed my paper." "I'm out." " They'll pay you." " They got nothing on me." "They'll pay you." "I've been paid enough already." "Fuck." "Do you know I built a bridge once?" " Sorry?" " A bridge." "No, I didn't know that." "I was an engineer by trade." "It went from Dilles Bottom, Ohio, to Moundsville, West Virginia." "It spanned 912 feet above the Ohio River." "12,100 people use this thing a day." "And it cut out 35 miles of extra driving each way between Wheeling and New Martinsville." "That's a combined 847,000 miles of driving a day." "Or 25,410,000 miles a month." "And 304,920,000 miles a year saved." "Now, I completed that project in 1986." "That's 22 years ago." "So over the life of that one bridge, that's 6,708,240,000 miles that haven't had to be driven at..." "What?" "Let's say 50 miles an hour." "So that's what?" "That's 134,164,800 hours." "Or 559,020 days." "So that one little bridge has saved the people of those two communities a combined" "1,531 years of their lives not wasted in a fucking car." "1,531 years." "Jesus." "I guess you better get back over there." "Yeah." "Thanks for coming by." "You're welcome." "Who the fuck is this?" "I would imagine it's the firm's people." "What?" "They don't want any loose ends." "They fired me." "Fuck them." "Fuck them." "I totally agree." "Fuck them." "So come back, take the money, you'll be home by 5:00." "Otherwise, they're going to fight you on everything." "They're going to fight you on your package, your options, everything." "Be smart." "Well, you're a better man than me." " That's always been true." " Yes, it has." "House looks good." "Thanks." "Hey, Eric." "Don't beat yourself up too much about this stuff, all right?" "Some people like driving the long way home." "Who the fuck knows, right?" "There he is." "John." "How's it looking?" "Cohen's doing a nice job." "It could work." "What does that mean?" "It means, as you very well know, that you're a very important piece of this puzzle." "That's very generous." "It's not a gift." "I need to know you're with me on this." "I'm with the firm, John." "I won't get what I need from your boys on the floor unless they believe you." "Unless they believe in you completely." "Are you in on this?" "I've told you my reservations." "You can't have reservations." "And I need to know now." "Well, John, I am completely with the firm, as I always have been." "Excuse me." "All right, Will, am I getting fired?" "I don't know." "Yeah." "Almost definitely." "Yes." " Are you?" " No." "Seth, it's nothing you did." "You're just in the wrong firm at the wrong time." "Young guys are always the first to get culled." "Listen, nothing I'm gonna say is going to make you feel any better." "It's just going to suck for a while, and then you'll be fine." "You all right?" "Yeah." "I'm fine." "For what it's worth, I'm sorry this is happening to you." "Don't be." "You didn't do it to me." "Still, at least you're going to have some nice cash to walk away with." "I guess." "Shit, this is really going to affect people." "Yeah, it's going to affect people like me." "No." "No." "Real people." "Jesus, Seth." "Listen, if you really want to do this with your life, you have to believe you're necessary." "And you are." "People want to live like this, in their cars and the big fucking houses they can't even pay for, then you're necessary." "The only reason that they all get to continue living like kings is because we've got our fingers on the scales in their favor." "I take my hand off, then the whole world gets really fucking fair really fucking quickly, and nobody actually wants that." "They say they do, but they don't." "They want what we have to give them, but they also want to play innocent and pretend they have no idea where it came from." "That's more hypocrisy than I'm willing to swallow." "So fuck..." "Fuck normal people." "The funny thing is, tomorrow, if all of this goes tits up they're going to crucify us for being too reckless." "But if we're wrong and everything gets back on track, then the same people are going to laugh till they piss their pants, 'cause we're gonna look like the biggest pussies" "God ever let through the door." "You think we're going to be wrong?" "No, they're all fucked." "Good morning." "Peter." "You want one?" "I don't smoke." "Oh, that's good." "I don't much either." "You tired?" "Of what?" "Remember, I don't work as hard as you." "That's not true." "No, it is, actually." "We all getting fired tonight?" "Probably." "Are they going to fire you?" "They won't exactly call it that." "It'll be a mercy killing, really." "You don't have to stand out here for me." "No, I don't really want to go back in there just yet." "I understand that." "I think I know your son." "Really?" "Not well, but he always seemed like a nice person." "He is a nice person." "I guess you could say worse things about a guy." "Does he know what's about to happen?" "What do you mean?" "Did you talk to him?" "No, I hadn't even thought..." "They are all coming in now." "Yes, they are." "Have you ever done anything like this?" "No, never." "Not even close." "Yeah." "Are you sure it's the only, or the right thing to do?" "For who?" "I'm not sure." "Neither am I." "Oh, God." "You all right?" "You're about to fire me." "This is all I ever wanted to do." "Really?" "They're almost ready for you, Ms. Robertson." "Couple of minutes." "You as well?" "Yes." " Jesus." " Yeah." " Sorry." " Thank you." "I didn't think they were going to be able to get you back here." "Well, they told me they were going to drag me through hell on everything over the next two years, my options, my health care." "Or I could come back here and make" "$176,471 an hour to sit quietly in this room." "Didn't seem like much of a choice." "It never is." "Obviously, looking back, it was expressed with insufficient urgency, but your point was passed on." "I need you to know that." "Eric." "It's okay." "I understand." "Believe me." "There was nothing else you could have done." "I guess." "At the time, it didn't seem like there was much of a choice." "It never does." "You have kids, yeah?" "So, what's your package going to be like?" "I don't know." "That's what I'm waiting for now." "It's probably going to be pretty good." "It better be." "Thank you all for coming in a little early this morning." "I know yesterday was pretty bad, and I wish I could say that today's gonna be less so, but that isn't going to be the case." "Now, I'm supposed to read this statement to you all here." "But why don't you just read it on your own time, and I'll just tell you what the fuck is going on here." "I've been here all night meeting with the executive committee, and the decision has been made to unwind a considerable portion of the firm's holdings and several key asset classes." "The crux of it is, in the firm's thinking, the party is over as of this morning." "There's gonna be considerable turmoil in the markets for the foreseeable future, and they believe it is better that this turmoil begin with us." "As a result, the firm has decided to liquidate its majority position of fixed income MBS today." "These are your packets." "You will see what accounts you're responsible for today." "I'm sure it hasn't taken you long to understand the implications of this sale on your relationships with your counterparties and, as a result," "On your careers.." "I have expressed this reality to the executive committee, and they understand." "As a result, if you achieve a 93% sale of your assets, you will receive a $1.4 million one-off bonus." "If the floor as a whole achieves a 93% sale, you will get an additional $1.3 million apiece." "For those of you who have never been through this before, this is what the beginning of a fire sale looks like." "I cannot begin to tell you how important the first hour and a half is gonna be." "I want you to hit every bite you can find." "Dealers, brokers, clients." "Your mother, if she's buying." "And, no swaps." "It's outgoing only." "Today." "Obviously, this is not going down the way that any of us would have hoped." "But the ground is shifting below our feet, and apparently there's no other way out." "Guys, this is obviously a very, very unique situation." "If we are successful today, we will have been successful in destroying our own jobs." "I cannot promise that any of you, all of you, some of you will be repositioned within the firm." "But I can tell you that I am very proud of the work that we have done here together." "I've been at this place 34 years, and I can tell you from experience that people are going to say some very nasty things about what we do here today and about what you've dedicated a portion of your lives to." "But, have faith that in the bigger picture, our skills have not been wasted." "We have accomplished much, and our talents have been used" "for the greater good." "Here's your packets." "Get to work." " City this is Eric." " Give me Elliot." " City." " Hey, it's Will Emerson." "William, how are you?" "I'm all right." "How's the trouble and strife?" "Busting my ass, as always." "You see, that's what I tried to tell you, John." "Why do you think I'm single?" "I know you did." "What can I do for you?" "Listen." "I just got the tap on my shoulder, and we've got some risk over here that we need to move." "So today it looks like my loss is your gain." "What kind of size are we talking?" "It should be on your screen." "I just sent it." "Jesus!" "Where does this land?" "96 on the dollar." "91." "All three and we're done at 94." " Ninety-three and a half" " Done." " Trading." " Hello, gorgeous." "Will, what's happening over there?" "Well, today's moving day." "Fuck are you guys so worked up about?" "You think they tell me anything?" "All I know is that today, my loss is your gain." "Now you're a friendly, so I've come to you first." "I got 270 mil at 15 year paying out a point and a half above par." " Where 's it from?" " Where's it from?" "Do you care?" "No, not really." "Now, where's the trade?" "I'm hearing things..." " Alexis..." " You guys are scaring me a little." "I'm only sharing this with you right now. 85." "Done." " Deutsche." "It's Will Emerson." "Fuck you, you limey bastard." "Come on, are you still angry about that?" "Word is out." "I'm hanging up now." " Merrill." " Lawrence n !" "What the fuck are you guys doing over there?" " Just a little spring cleaning." " That is not what I'm hearing." "All right, Lawrence, are you a buyer?" "I'm not sure any more." "Where at?" "Well, it sounds like I should be asking you where at." "What are we talking about here?" "Three hundred seventy-five mil at 30 year mixed." " Fuck me." " Are you with me on this?" " Sixty-three cents." " Oh, fuck you." "I'm hanging up." "Sixty-three." "Let me call my man here." "I'll come back to you in five." "It may be 55 in 5." "Well, all right, then." "Stay on the line." "Sam, pick up the phone." " Sam, get on the line!" " Yeah." " I got Lawrence at Merrill." " Where are we?" " Sixty-three cents." " Jesus." " On what?" "375 mix 30." "Get him to 65 and hit it." "Are you fucking kidding me?" "That's..." "What is that?" "That's a $131 million loss on a single trade." "I understand." "Hit it." "Hey, Lawrence." "We're fill or kill at 65." "It's filled.." "Well done." "I just want to give you a heads up." "They're going to start sending a few people home now." "Now?" "Yes, Sam." "No loose ends." "Of course." "And for what it's worth, you're still good." "Yeah, I guess someone upstairs really likes you." "Sam." "Please, sit." "Congratulations are clearly in order." "They did the best they could." "You did a hell of a job." "And I thank you for it." "Come on, sit." "Excuse me for eating, but it's been a long day." " Can I get you something?" " No, nothing." "Thanks." "So, what can I do for you?" "I want out." "I'm done." "I want out." " It's been a very difficult day for everyone." " I need you to release my options, if they're worth anything after today." "I want my bonus." "I'm out." "You'll get your bonus, your options, and keep your current base." "But I need you to stay with me for the next 24 months, okay?" "Oh, come on, Sam." "Put a smile on your face." "You did some good today." "You said that yourself." "Do you know, I'm starting to feel a little better about this whole thing." "You're one of the luckiest guys in the world, Sam." "Could have been digging ditches all these years." "That's true." "And if I had, at least there'd be some holes in the ground to show for it." "Jesus." "I just don't know how we fucked this up quite so much." "When did you start feeling so sorry for yourself?" "It's unbearable." "What?" "So you think we might have put a few people out of business today." "That's all for naught." "But you've been doing that every day for almost 40 years, Sam." "And if this is all for naught, then so is everything out there." "It's just money." "It's made up, pieces of paper with pictures on it so that we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat." "It's not wrong." "And it's certainly no different today than it's ever been." "1637, 1797, 1819,1837, 1857,1884," "1901, 1907, 1929, 1937, 1974," "1987, Jesus." "Didn't that fucker fuck me up good." "1992, 1997, 2000, and whatever we want to call this." "It's all just the same thing, over and over." "We can't help ourselves." "And you and I can't control it or stop it or even slow it." "Or even ever so slightly alter it." "We just react." "And we make a lot of money if we get it right." "And we get left by the side of the road if we get it wrong." "And there have always been and there always will be the same percentage of winners and losers, happy fucks and sad sacks, fat cats and starving dogs in this world." "Yeah." "There may be more of us today than there's ever been." "But the percentages, they stay exactly the same." "I'll do it, John, but not because of your little speech." "But because I need the money." "Hard to believe after all these years, but I need the money." "This is the executive dining room." " Do you want coffee or tea?" " No." "You gonna keep the kid?" "Keep him?" "He's getting promoted." "It's all hands on deck now, Sam." "There's going to be a lot of money to be made coming out of this mess, and we're gonna need all the brains we can get around here." "Hello." "I've called the police." "Mary." " Sam." " Yep." "What are you doing?" "Sam, what are you doing?" "Ella died." "I was driving home from the vet and I couldn't think of where else to go." " She belongs here." " I know." "But, Sam, you don't live here any more." "Are you all right?" "You don't look so good." "Yeah, it's been a rough day all the way around." "I know, Sammy called." "Is he all right?" "They got hammered, but they got out alive." "Good." "Well, I'm gonna go back inside and go back to bed." "The alarm is on, so don't try and break in." "Take care of yourself." | {
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"FOR SALE" "Stop it!" "Someone could walk in." "No, it's too early." "Come on." "Leave me alone!" "No!" "Not my diary!" "It's mine!" "You can't read it!" "You're getting on my nerves, always writing things down." "I write everything that happens to me." "Madam wants to write her memoirs at the age of 20." "Fucking stupid..." "It's for a novel." "I don't wanna stay in a shitty scrap yard all my life." "You've changed your tune since last night." "Careful, there's a customer." "Miss, wait!" "It's a bargain." "A car almost intact for a grand." "But we can come to an agreement." "500 quid and a little something extra in kind." "Do you get me?" "Hey, you!" "Go away!" "This is our spot!" "A woman's chasing me with a gun!" "She killed my boyfriend!" "Give me that!" "What are you doing?" "I'm taking notes for my memoirs." "You're nuts!" "Come on, let's go girls!" "No!" "Don't shoot!" "I can't see her anymore." "Maybe she's gone." "No." "She knows we can recognize her now." "I'm scared." "Let's go find the cops." "There's a police station nearby." "I've been there before." "Viro?" "Viro, where are you?" "Toto!" "It's me!" "Fucking bitch!" "Let's go to the main road." "There are shops there." "I know people there." "We'll call the cops." "But it's gonna be dark soon!" "Come on!" "Run away." "Go down to the port and..." "What are you doing?" "Have you found something?" "You see son, I'm two months short of retiring." "So there you are." "It's your go." "I found this on the body of the scrap dealer who just got bumped off." "His visiting card maybe?" "That bird's completely nuts!" "Why is she taking pot shots at us like that?" "Three bullets in the tyre, can you believe it?" "I hope that nutter's gone now." "You don't think she'd have followed us here, do you?" "By the way, are you sure you don't know her?" "Come on, darling..." "If I knew her..." "I'd tell you." "No, either she's mistaking us for someone else or she's mentally ill." "Or she's simply one your conquests who wants her revenge." "Are you jealous?" "Stop it!" "Marc's on his way." "We've got at least an hour." "Come on..." "What's that?" "What if it's that crazy woman's car, the killer?" "Anyway, if it's a joke, it's not funny." "I'll go and look." "She's out there!" "We're stuck." "Is she alone?" "Yes." "And she shoots at anything." "Who do you think she's after?" "You or me?" "I think she's after me." "For God's sake!" "That car outside, I'm sure I've seen it before!" "Make an effort, try to remember!" "No, I don't know." "Where have I seen that American car?" "And Marc's coming to get this." "I hope he doesn't get shot." "Listen, we can't stay like this." "I'm going outside." "Come on!" "Show yourself!" "Say what you want!" "We haven't done anything to you!" "You must be mistaken!" "Come out!" "We'll discuss it!" "It looks like she's gone." "I don't understand." "Earlier she was shooting at us, now she's disappeared." "Or while we're here calling her, she's gone round and she's hiding inside waiting for us." "Come on, let's go back in." "See, there's no one here." "No..." "She's here, I can feel it." "I'm gonna ring Marc and tell him not to come." "No, let him come." "He'll be able to help us." "I'm not spending the night here with that nutter around." "Shit!" "No dialing tone!" "She's cut off the line." "I can smell trouble." "We're not gonna stay in this dump in the middle of nowhere." "You forget our car is two miles away with a flat tyre." "Never mind, we'll take hers." "Come on!" "Shit!" "She took the keys!" "Well, obviously..." "Why did she put it in front of the house?" "So that you remember, so that you know why she wants to kill you." "She can fuck off!" "I'm sure I've seen this car before..." "Let's wait for Marc inside." "Has he got a weapon?" "Of course!" "The three of us will manage." "Come on!" "You see, Sylvie, maybe we're just making a fuss." "Right now she must be miles away." "And she would have walked?" "No." "It doesn't make sense." "No." "If she's here, she'll be in the barn." "Maybe in the bedroom?" "You're right." "I'm gonna have a look." "Where is she?" "Where did she shoot from?" "Answer me!" "Everything's clear now..." "So, a year ago the car, it was you... wasn't it?" "And you came back for your revenge?" "On Marc and on myself." "How did you find us?" "I've been spying on you for weeks." "You and your friend Marc were to meet in this isolated house." "It will be your grave." "Robert, are you there?" "It's me, Marc!" "He's not coming to greet us." "He must be busy with Sylvie." "Who's that?" "His girlfriend." "Marc..." "We shouldn't go in." "Let's stay in the car instead." "Why?" "You're not scared, are you?" "I don't know, I've got this weird feeling." "If your friends were here, we could hear them." "They'd make some noise." "We'd see them at the windows." "This house gives you a feeling of desolation." "They're in each other's arms." "Come on, don't be silly." "I know it's late, and we're outside an isolated house in the countryside." "You were more fun earlier at the inn." "There was a bit of atmosphere there!" "It was full of country bumpkins." "This place brings bad luck." "Come on." "Robert?" "Robert, are you there?" "They must be upstairs." "Can you go get them?" "Why not just stay here together?" "What's wrong?" "In the meantime, we could do it." "I don't wanna go upstairs on my own." "Take me in your arms." "What's up with you?" "Now is not the time." "I want to be done with this quickly and go back to Paris." "The house is empty." "They didn't come." "It's impossible." "Robert wouldn't do that to me." "We've been working together for years." "He knows he'll get the money, I know he'll be here with the statuette." "Then something's happened." "If Robert and Sylvie were here, they'd hear us." "Unless..." "What do you mean?" "I mean..." "Maybe the police have heard about your little bit of art trafficking..." "Maybe your mates have been arrested." "Maybe we're gonna be arrested too any minute now." "Do something!" "That's too many "maybes" for my liking." "Who are you?" "Don't you recognize me?" "No." "Where is Robert?" "Really?" "Don't you remember a certain day, a year ago, when you were driving and Robert was next to you?" "That's enough." "Explain yourself." "Are you Robert's girlfriend?" "No." "I know Sylvie." "Who are you?" "It's the last time I'll ask you." "I am not." "What do people call you?" "People don't call me." "Kill her, Marc!" "She gives me the creeps." "What have you done with them?" "They're coming." "She's lying!" "Marc, look at her!" "I'm telling you, she's a nutter." "Look at her eyes." "She looks like a snake." "Shoot her!" "Stop it!" "If everybody with weird eyes had to be shot..." "You said Robert's coming back?" "He told me to give you this." "So that's your work of art?" "It looks like oxidized copper." "Have you not read The Maltese Falcon?" "No." "Have you not seen the film with Bogart?" "You scrape the surface and underneath, it's gold." "The purest gold." "Look at that." "This statuette has been on a thousand bloody journeys, from the heart of the great temple of Angkor Wat." "If you say so..." "Are you reassured now?" "Totally." "The money's outside in the car." "Wait, I don't trust her." "Don't give her the money." "She's shady, I don't like her." "We're staying in the living room until they come back." "If you want..." "But you might be waiting for a long time." "We'll wait as long as we need to." "We can spend the night here, can't we?" "Is there a bedroom?" "The upstairs room in the barn has been converted." "Don't leave her alone." "And keep the statuette with you." "Have you locked the car?" "Yes." "There's nothing to worry about." "Shall we have a drink?" "Marc!" "Monique!" "The killer left their signature." "It doesn't mean anything." "Do you think so?" "The bodies are multiplying." "We know the killer's a woman." "She leaves a miniature car next to the bodies." "But it doesn't mean anything?" "Crimes of a maniac." "I don't think so." "The car is a link between each murder." "And if there are any more, you'll see she leaves her signature every time." "As if for revenge." "Revenge to do with a car." "Well... maybe." "Come on, let's have a drink before forensics arrive." "I had another dream about that bloody green card." "There was a bird..." "A kind of crow." "It was staring at me through big green glasses." "And it was shouting, "I'll get you!"" "Then it flew away with a green card in its beak." "Bloody plant!" "A palm tree!" "I've been in New York for six months and all I've found to photograph is a palm tree!" "And Barbara, of course." "But it's not much..." "What do you mean, it's not much?" "Come on, Barbara." "You know I love taking pictures of you but a professional photographer must have loads of different models." "Is that why you're going back to Paris tomorrow to see that girl?" "Sort of." "I'm also flattered." "She saw one of my exhibitions two years ago and she really wants me to take pictures of her for her portfolio." "And you take the plane just to meet her and take a few pictures of her?" "First, there's the cheque." "And look... she's beautiful." "Anyway I've got no chance here." "No green card, no work." "Am I not as beautiful as the one in Paris?" "Am I not as exotic?" "Yes, you are the most beautiful and you know it." "Do the little African savage, OK?" "Come on, move!" "Pose!" "Come on, fiercer!" "Yes, that's it!" "Undulate!" "Arch yourself!" "Come on!" "Savage!" "Yes, yes!" "Obviously, I'm coming to Paris with you." "No way." "You know I like you a lot, but work comes first." "Come on!" "Where are you gonna live?" "In a photo studio near the Champs Elys..." "It was free so I rented it over the phone for a few days." "It's exactly like this one but with a little bedroom as well." "A bedroom for us?" "It's out of the question." "I'm going to Paris on my own." "You're staying here." "Already ten o'clock..." "She's late." "What am I gonna tell her?" "A girl I've never seen..." "I'm so nervous." "With that stupid jet lag, I'm all over the place." "Well..." "I'm Pascale." "It'll be our first session." "I work like a painter, you know." "I use various photographs, sketches..." "Drafts, basically." "Afterwards, we adjust the layout, we rearrange it." "Do you understand?" "Right." "This is our trial session." "We'll print contacts." "It's just to get to know you, to see you move, to feel you." "I'm gonna try to take you exactly as you are now." "Sensual..." "Enigmatic..." "Could you take your glasses off?" "I need to see your eyes." "Wait..." "Don't move." "No..." "It's too static." "Come here." "Let's try something else." "There." "But... it's not lively enough, you see?" "Come on, do something!" "You're like a dead person." "You're cold." "You're scaring me." "You're like death itself." "Yes..." "Like death itself." "No..." "I was joking." "Stop looking at me like that." "I don't want a zombie." "Can I smoke?" "Yes, whatever you want, as long as you move." "Coffee?" "Did I scare you?" "Sorry." "I'm Barbara, a friend of Pascale's." "Coffee?" "No sugar, please." "Right." "We're gonna do something different." "Barbara, could you get a few clothes out?" "We're gonna find you something." "No." "I never wear clothes that aren't mine." "Have you brought clothes with you?" "I want you to take a nude portrait of me." "For a model's portfolio, don't you prefer?" "Does nudity scare you?" "Maybe the human body unsettles you?" "A simple nude portrait, with nothing." "No make up, no setting, no accessories." "A still person." "Like a model posing for students at an art college." "Scared, me?" "I've spent my life getting naked in front of people!" "Do you want to see?" "She looks like a statue..." "A flesh statue." "Yes, I know." "I said that too." "Go and have your coffee." "That's it." "It'd be fun to take a picture like in a film." "In action, me and her." "Do you mind if we pose together?" "I'm the victim." "You're the executioner, the killer." "Yes, why not?" "That'd be fun, wouldn't it?" "Right, Barbara." "Come here." "There..." "Like this." "And..." "You..." "Come on..." "There." "Try and look terrified, Barbara." "I know it's just for fun but let's try and make it look real, at least." "What are you doing?" "Are you mad?" "Drop that knife!" "Pull yourself together..." "It's just... just an accident." ""Just an accident."" "That's weird, the camera's empty." "Maybe she'd taken a picture of the killer." "That's possible." "We'll never know." "Ever since it started, you don't seem to care!" "All these crimes with a signature of a toy car should fascinate you!" "You're retiring, don't you wanna finish on a high?" "I don't understand anymore." "Calm down, son." "You're still quite young." "When you've been in the job as long as me, you won't be so excited." "More supple!" "There..." "Hold out your hands towards the audience as if to implore them." "Arch yourself!" "Offer yourself!" "Good." "Let's start again." "Now you're a sacrificed priestess." "Your body's panting away." "It's moving thanks to the music." "Let yourself go." "Close your eyes." "Suddenly you're coming back to life." "You're a frenzied spinning top that's moving all over the place, like a rag doll!" "The sacrifice is taking place anyway!" "You don't exist anymore!" "You're dead!" "Not bad..." "I'm gonna make something of you." "I..." "I gave... everything." "Lf..." "If I've got to do this every night..." "I won't last!" "You've got to!" "On stage I want you to be a soulless animal." "Just a body that's moving, tightening, arching, breaking!" "What?" "I won't be your thing!" "I'm alive!" "I'm a woman." "Not a robot you can manipulate as you wish." "I'm not docile and obedient like the stupid dolls you drag around!" "You'll do as I say!" "Nobody's ever done that to me!" "Have you forgotten who I am?" "I've been a detective and a bodyguard." "My name's Sam." "As in Sam Spade." "That's enough." "Actually I'm expecting someone." "A dancer who might be more interesting than you." "She might replace you on stage." "Actually, there she is!" "Hello." "You're on time, I like that." "Follow me." "You can get ready over there." "I'll audition you right away." "I suppose you have your stage costume with you?" "You're not gonna hire that girl, are you?" "It's obvious she's not a professional!" "It's obvious she's not a professional!" "I like her." "And I'm gonna transform her into a true professional, as you say." "So you don't like me anymore?" "Oh, you know..." "We're gonna talk contracts." "Will you have dinner with me?" "I live on a boat." "Could you give me a lift there?" "Of course." "Go back with your car and don't wait for me." "You'll regret it, Sam!" "Yeah, yeah..." "Yeah, yeah..." "Sam!" "Quick, come with me!" "We're gonna get her!" "Sam!" "That's enough, stop it!" "I'm gonna get that bird!" "You don't get away with shooting at Sam Spade!" "I don't know who she is or what she wants but she won't get me easily." "I don't know who she is or what she wants but she won't get me easily." "Careful!" "She's gonna shoot at us!" "Shall we both shoot or shall we call it truce and sort this out?" "Who are you?" "Why are you trying to kill me?" "It's a car." "A miniature car." "I think I can remember." "It was a year ago, wasn't it?" "I think I can remember." "It was a year ago, wasn't it?" "Sam!" "You bitch!" "Hello?" "Hi, Christian." "Yes, you can come, everybody's gone." "Late?" "You're joking..." "In that case, that's true, it's not your fault." "Yes, the offices are empty, we've got the whole building to ourselves." "Don't worry, I've got everything." "Scotch, whisky... and me." "Don't worry, I've got everything." "Scotch, whisky... and me." "One hour?" "OK, it gives me time to get ready." "I'm gonna be so sexy, you have no idea." "Don't be too long though." "There's something weird..." "I'm a bit worried." "There's something weird..." "I'm a bit worried." "It's just this old American car parked in the street." "It looks like the one from a year ago." "Do you remember that story I told you?" "Yes, I feel a bit guilty." "Yes, I feel a bit guilty." "Right, hurry up..." "Yes, see you in a bit." "Yes, if anything happens, I'll escape through the second exit." "Love you." "Hurry up, I want you..." "Bye." "I'll wait for Christian in the cafe I'm not staying here on my own." "I'll wait for Christian in the cafe I'm not staying here on my own." "What's going on?" "No dialing tone." "This crappy place..." "I need some light, anything, or I'm gonna go mad!" "The oil lamp!" "If there's some oil in it..." "Let's not panic." "Christian's coming in less than half an hour." "Let's not panic." "Christian's coming in less than half an hour." "I forgot, I can get out the other side." "I'm gonna wait for Christian in the next street." "Help!" "Come and help me!" "I'm locked in!" "I'm locked in!" "Can we help you?" "Are you OK?" "Usually it's only locked at weekends." "Someone's lowered them today." "I don't know why." "I'm scared!" "I think there's someone here!" "Shall we go and get help?" "A locksmith maybe?" "My boyfriend was meant to come, he's still not here." "My boyfriend was meant to come, he's still not here." "Isn't there a guard or a secretary with the keys?" "Of course, silly me." "The caretaker at No 126 has a copy." "He cleans the place on Saturdays." "No 126." "Let's go!" "We'll be back." "Don't worry." "There you go." "You're free." "I've been silly." "I scared myself." "Christian's gonna be here in less than an hour." "Not even 40 minutes." "Thanks again." "I forgot my bag." "Thank you." "Let's take the key back." "Christian!" "You bastard!" "You scared me!" "You were scared on your own!" "It's the American car, I recognize it." "It's the same one as a year ago." "Are you getting obsessed again?" "I'm so ashamed of what happened." "Yes, you wake up at night screaming." "It must be a different one." "I was such a coward on that day." "Listen." "You were driving without a license, it was your dad's car, and you couldn't stop." "Just kiss me." "I forgot my bag again." "Hurry up." "I'll wait downstairs." "OK." "Was it you, that car a year ago?" "I've had so many regrets." "I've been such a coward." "Are you gonna kill me?" "Please, don't let me suffer!" "Shoot then!" "Quick!" "Take it easy, love." "You're safe now." "Just tell me who shot you." "It's her." "The car woman." "Don't speak." "Don't waste your energy." "I know you'll be able to recognize her." "She used to live here." "Where is she now?" "I'll find her." "Her car will be her downfall." "Hers and her accomplice's." "She can't have acted on her own." "Someone in the shadows is protecting her." "I don't speak English very well." "Lisa, would you mind helping this young lady?" "Listen, she's got a solid gold statue in her car boot." "She wants us to go and see it now." "She's leaving France tomorrow." "It's time to close, isn't it?" "Let's go with her." "You never know." "If she's in a hurry, we might be able to conclude an interesting deal." "No, let's stay together." "We don't know her after all." "I've got a weapon in my bag." "She seems harmless anyway." "No, wait." "I don't want to go." "Why?" "Does the car scare you?" "It's an old American one." "It's the same one!" "The same one as a year ago." "Do you remember?" "On the little B road?" "It's impossible!" "We'd just acquired a batch of masks." "A guy who was ruined." "An exceptional deal." "Oh, yeah..." "I remember." "You were keen to go home to examine them." "There was a car just like this one on the road." "Probably an accident that had just happened." "And the bodies..." "Oh, my God." "The bodies of the two drivers were motionless..." "Just lying there." "Probably dead." "We didn't stop." "We didn't even look at each other." "We didn't say a word." "You just accelerated and we drove on..." "Like thieves." "Like cowards, murderers." "And there she is, coming back like a ghost." "To get her revenge." "Probably revenge on... on all the cowards who didn't stop to help her." "It's got to be a coincidence." "Even if it was her, she can't prove anything, can she?" "No, I..." "I can't be a coward again." "I'm going." "I want to know." "It's you, isn't it?" "How did you find me?" "I wrote down the registration numbers of the cars that didn't stop." "It took me months to gain the trust of the prefecture employee, to get the drivers' names from him, to track them down." "And who's the guy in the car?" "Is he your friend?" "He pulled through." "But in what state." "Yes, and he knows you're going to die." "But you can't kill us for a moment's cowardice." "Lisa!" "Your mission is over." "You'll get the rest of the money later." "I'll meet you at the agreed place in one hour." "This is what you've become because of all these people." "She was the last one." "Your suffering is over." "You want to die." "I avenged you." "I love you." "I'm yours." "Forever." "Miss..." "Miss!" "Can you hear me?" "Is that your old American car back there?" "Sir!" "That's her, that's the girl!" "I saw her car this morning!" "As soon as I heard your appeal, I called in." "Will I get the reward?" "Yes." "Pop in the police station on Saturday." "Now go, come on!" "It's gonna get nasty!" "Yes, you guessed it all." "Look." "She bumped off her friend." "The body's still in the car." "She's gone crazy." "She's not in her right mind." "Where she'll be locked up, the money won't be of any use to her." "We were a good team, you and I. You were my friend." "We still are a good team." "We're mates." "Half the money for you, OK?" "Look, she's lost her marbles!" "She's a nutter!" "Nobody's gonna believe her story." "Nobody!" "Just look at her!" "By a clear stream" "I went for a walk" "I found the water so clear" "That I had to swim there" "Sing, nightingale, sing" "You have a happy heart" "You have a heart for laughter" "I have one for tears" "I've loved you for a long time" "Never will I forget you" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"BRIDGES:" "Let's see, if I remember right, ol' Sid lives right here." "So what's the plan, Stan?" "Ah, just a simple Q and A." "What are the odds that Sid's our guy?" "I don't know." "Sid's done a lot of bad things, but killing a Superior Court judge isn't in his normal purview." "Oh, okay." "Then who's the CI who gave you the tip?" "Stebbins." "Stebbins?" "!" "Oh, man, might as well go home right now." "(doorbell rings) I'd feel better if we just check in with ol' Sid here, just on general principles." "Hey, uh, you hold a grudge against him for shooting you?" "He didn't shoot me." "He shot at me." "It ricocheted off some cast iron and hit me in the shoulder." "No big deal." "Same difference, man." "Me, I'd be pissed off." "Yeah." "Hello, Venus." "Remember me-- Inspector Bridges?" "This is Inspector Dominguez." "Sid's not here." "Oh, okay." "Well, uh, maybe we could come in and talk to you for a few minutes." "Since, uh, Sid's not here, it'd just take five minutes." "Yeah, sure, five minutes, and then we'll be out of that blue hair." "(wry chuckle)" "Fine, come in." "So... where is Sid?" "Reno." "He's dealing up there." "Dealing?" "Cards." "Oh, cards, yeah." "What do you want?" "A judge got killed two nights ago." "Did you hear anything about it?" "Yeah, it's all over the news." "So what, who cares?" "(chuckling):" "So what, who cares?" "Well, you see, Venus, homicide is a very, very bad thing, and it's our job to catch the guys that did it." "And what does that have to do with me?" "Well, you see, we got this, uh, eyewitness who claims that Sid was at the scene." "Did you hear anything about that?" "No." "Could I get a drink of water?" "Fine." "Then will you leave?" "Right after you give me" "Sid's telephone number and address in Reno." "Then we'll leave, mama." "Is he always like this?" "Yeah." "Damn, all your children look alike, Venus." "So, uh..." "Venus, you say that Sid was in Reno two days ago?" "I haven't seen Sid in two weeks." "Really?" "Ah..." "Hello, Sid." "Welcome home." "I don't think Venus knows you're here yet." "Who sent you?" "(laughing)" "Who sent y--?" "Sid!" "(grunting)" "Damn it." "(both grunting)" "Get off me, you whale." "(both grunting)" "(screams)" "Ow!" "Police brutality!" "Shut up." "(grunts)" "(panting)" "Whoa!" "BRIDGES:" "Damn you, Sid." "Don't you run from me." "Sid." "You son of a bitch." "(grunts)" "Sid, I got a rule." "Anybody I have to chase more than 50 yards gets an ass-whupping!" "(both grunting)" "All right, Sid, that's it." "(gasping)" "Damn." "What the hell's the matter with you?" "If I go down, he's going with me." "Turn around and face me, Sid." "Who?" "What are you talking about?" "(groans)" "(panting)" "Oh, man." "I wish he had been in Reno." "Well, he's rolled a seven now." "*" "(woman vocalizing)" "(vocalizing continues over sultry sax notes)" "DOMINGUEZ:" "So, Sid was our guy, huh?" "Maybe." "It doesn't make any sense." "Where's the motive?" "You always want everything." "And why would he ask who sent us?" "Sid was a basket case." "Look, maybe he killed the judge and he just freaked out." "Judge Sanders never presided over a case where Sid Benedict was a, was a defendant." "What's up with that, man?" "All I know is, the world's better off without Sid Benedict." "I don't have any argument with you there." "Why did he say, "If I go down, he goes down"?" "Who goes down?" "I'm not hurting you now." "Yeah, this make you feel tough, feel like a big guy?" "Nash, what are we gonna do with her?" "Book her." "For what?" "Accessory, aiding and abetting." "Assaulting a police officer." "All I did was sit on you." "Huh, make it assault with a deadly weapon." "Oh, wetback." "(laughing)" "I am now." "Shut up." "Who told you you could laugh?" "All right, all right, relax." "Hi, brat." "Hi, Daddy." "How was work?" "I've had better days." "How was school?" "Fairly ordinary." "Oh, I almost forgot." "I have to do a report for social studies, and it's supposed to be about someone who has a positive impact on the community, so I thought I'd do it about a police inspector." "Oh... great." "So, you want to follow me around or something?" "Not exactly." "Actually, I was kind of hoping maybe..." "Evan?" "You know, I, I just need somebody younger, you know, closer to my age." "Younger?" "I mean, not related." "You know what I mean." "Yeah." "Very good, very nice." "Oh, yeah, I know what you mean." "Could you just pull that knife out of Daddy's back?" "Daddy, you know I love you." "(indistinct chatter)" "CASSIDY:" "Can I talk to some perps?" "BRIDGES:" "No." "In the first place, they're only called perps in bad movies, and in the second place, uh... no." "Don't even think about it, or I'll send you to a city councilman's office." "Hey, Cassidy, what are you doing here?" "School paper." "I have to follow someone around who helps people and write about them, so I thought police inspector." "Oh, yeah?" "Well, if you want the best, I'll make myself available." "BRIDGES:" "We didn't make the cut, Joe." "Forget about it." "Mr. Cortez, would you approach, please?" "CORTEZ:" "Yes, sir." "Hey, Cassidy." "What's up, Nash?" "Hi." "BRIDGES:" "What case are you guys working on?" "Uh, Rick Javna, car thief." "Well, you got something new?" "Yeah, there was a Carrera that was stolen on Pine Street the other night." "Uh, fits Javna's m.o." "Turns out the vehicle was equipped with V.R.S." "What's V.R.S.?" "Uh, Vehicle Recovery System." "Uh, we traced it over to the Yerba Buena Marina." "Yeah, he probably parked it over there till it cools off and then he'll pick it up." "Yeah, Harvey and I-- we figured we'd just hang out, wait for him to show up." "Oh, okay, that sounds benign enough." "You mind if Cassidy tags along?" "She's doing a school paper." "Sure, it'd be fun." "No, educational." "Oh." "Got it, got it, thanks." "Careful there." "Okay, Cass." "I'll hook up with you back here at the end of the day." "Okay, bye." "Bye, sweetie." "Want to get a soda or something?" "Sure." "(sighs)" "Sid's rap sheet." "(chuckles)" "Put a cover on it, you got the penal code." "Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa." "What about the ballistics test?" "Well, Sid's gun killed the judge." "Plus we got a hair and fiber match." "Sid's our shooter, man;" "he's the guy." "Yet he never crossed paths with Judge Sanders, not even at a bail hearing." "Maybe it was a "for hire" deal." "Well, whatever." "I got, uh, Venus chilling in the vault." "Let's go." "All right, you go first." "(chuckling)" "I'm right behind you." "Way behind you." "Now, Venus, we both know that you're not exactly an innocent bystander in this deal." "If you tell us what we need to know," "I think we might be able to work something out here, and you can just be on your way home, sister." "Hey, you know what?" "I don't need your help to get out of here, but if I was going to talk to anybody, it sure as hell would not be the guy who murdered my lover." "Uh, don't get too close to her." "Oh, yeah." "(scoffs)" "Wimp." "I bet you made it to level 16 in that Buns of Fruitcake video, didn't you?" "Yeah, and you're not far behind." "Don't say "behind."" "Look, I don't have anything else to say." "Except I want to make a phone call." "Venus, damn it, don't make this difficult for us." "You don't want to go through the system, do you?" "I don't need your deals." "I got my own "get out of jail free" card." "Really?" "Look, just point me to a phone... and leave." "Okay, Venus." "We'll be seeing you." "No, you won't." "Sooner or later." "(phone rings)" "Yes." "VENUS (over phone):" "I need something, and you're going to give it to me." "Who is this?" "Sid Benedict's significant other, that's who, and he told me everything just in case." "Well, guess what?" "It's "just in case" time." "Sid's dead, and I'm in a holding cell in the Tenderloin." "If I am still staring at the same peeling paint one hour from now, I start talking, and, um, boy, can I talk." "I see." "What's the name of the officer who's detaining you down there?" "Nash Bridges." "You sit tight." "I think I can resolve this situation to our mutual satisfaction." "Just don't call back here." "(Dominguez muttering)" "(sighing) Oh, okay." "I'm requisitioning Sid's phone records." "Let's see who he and Venus have been calling." "Who was that?" "Uh... my new business partner, Mrs. Nassiter." "She wants to have a sit-down at the bar in half an hour." "What about?" "God only knows." "Huh, well, if there is a God, she's found a buyer and you can unload that firetrap." "(chuckles)" "Yeah, that's probably what it is." "So, "Jo-say," I understand you've been, uh, running the bar while I was in Milan." "Um, well, you know, just on an interim basis, Mrs. Nassiter." "(chuckles)" "But, uh, please, call me Joe." "Well, why does everybody call you "Jo-say"?" "Beats the hell out of me." "But, uh, call me Joe," "Mrs. Nassiter, and, uh, since we're partners," "I thought maybe I could call you..." "I prefer "Mrs. Nassiter."" "Now, let's get down to business." "While I was going through Bernie's affairs," "I found your agreement, and it's valid, so I'm going to honor it." "I am willing to purchase your share of this establishment." "(indistinct whispering)" "As a good faith gesture," "I will pay you a conciliatory compensation in the amount of 20% over your initial investment." "Really?" "Really." "I-- just, just a moment." "(clears throat)" "(whispers):" "What do you think?" "(whispering):" "She's giving you your money back plus 20%." "Take the money." "Well, sounds, uh..." "uh, promising, Mrs. Nassiter." "Good." "Sign the contract, and we'll messenger you over the money." "Well... ciao." "Congratulations, bubba." "You're a free man." "(laughs)" "Yeah." "(seabirds chirping)" "How long does a stakeout normally take?" "A couple of days, maybe more." "Seems like a lot of work just to catch a car thief." "Yeah?" "It is, actually." "But this particular lowlife has stolen himself into special status." "See, Cassidy, this Rick Javna's probably the number one supplier for the South American market, so we've been following the clown for, like, a year now." "So, you know, what does that mean?" "Does-- has he stolen, like, five, ten, cars?" "(laughs)" "Try, like, 200." "200?" "Oh, yeah, at least." "You see, this is a very sophisticated ring." "See, these guys, they literally take purchase orders, right, from buyers." "Mostly, like, drug lords, that kind of thing." "Well, then they fax the orders down to Javna." "He hunts the city looking for the cars, right?" "The right options, right color, that kind of thing." "Finds the car, boom, nabs it." "Okay, got it." "Cool." "So, Evan, when you actually catch a thief, how can you tell if he's telling the truth?" "Uh, I don't know." "I guess it comes from experience, wouldn't you say, Harv?" "I mean, you learn how to read body language." "You know, the look in somebody's eye, the tone of their voice, a small gesture, that kind of thing." "Give a lot away." "Oh, yeah." "Yeah, sometimes the signals are so obvious, you'd have to be a fool to miss 'em." "So what now?" "Back to SIU and see if Venus has changed her mind." "What do you think, man?" "Should I accept this offer from Mrs. Nassiter?" "Are you kidding me?" "Bubba, take the profit and run like a bandit." "I suppose." "Still, I'm wondering, if she's offering me 20%, maybe I should ask for, like, 50%?" "How best for me to say this?" "No!" "All right." "Fair enough." "I'll put it in the mix." "(tires screeching) What's the matter?" "Somebody tailing us?" "Yeah, for the last five blocks." "And the last three or four turns." "Hang on." "Wait, wait, wait." "(honking)" "(honking)" "(tires squealing)" "(brakes screeching)" "Get your hands up!" "Don't move!" "Get out of the car!" "Easy pal, we're cops, too." "Get out of the car." "Get out of the car!" "Turn around." "Get out of the car, right now!" "We don't need this, man!" "Shut up!" "What do we got here?" "Sausalito Police!" "We're being tailed by the yuppie cops from across the bay." "What happened, somebody in a yellow car steal some croissants?" "No, it's worse than that." "Hey, look, can we put our hands down now?" "No." "You keep 'em up until you tell me what you're doing, pallie." "You know what we're doing, Bridges." "We were recruited by your" "Management Control Division to follow you." ""Management Control"?" "Isn't that the guys that buy office furniture?" "No." ""Management Control" is the new PC term for Internal Affairs." "There's nothing worse than a dirty cop." "You're going down, pal." "Go piss up a rope, bucko." "What the hell is going on, A.J.?" "I wish I knew, Nash." "Can't you find out?" "Well, it seems the commission has given the MCD broad, new powers." "They can follow you around, camp out on your porch, sleep in your bed without departmental permission or knowledge." "They only answer to the chief." "Well, maybe I'll talk to him." "Save your breath." "I already have." "Even he can't do anything without a case being formally presented." "What case?" "What case?" "What case?" "!" "That's what I want to know." "Nash, as your friend, don't push it." "This is one fight you can't win." "(phone ringing)" "Shimamura." "Yeah." "Yeah." "MCD wants you both downtown at 11:00 a.m." "They want to take statements on the Sid Benedict case." "Good." "Morning, Inspector Bridges." "Shouldn't take long." "I think we're ready to go on the record, Sally." "Let the record reflect that present are" "Lieutenant Tomes, Commanding Officer of MCD," "Inspector Pritchard," "Deputy Commander, MCD, and Inspector Nash Bridges of SIU." "Inspector Bridges, do you waive your right to counsel?" "I can answer your questions." "Please answer yes or no, for the record." "Yes." "An MCD hearing is not the same as a court of law." "You do not have the right to remain silent." "You are required to answer any and all of my questions." "If you refuse to answer, you will be suspended immediately." "Is that clear?" "Yes." "What isn't clear is why I'm here." "I'd like you to remember an event." "In March, 1990, Inspector, you arrested a Sidney Hampton Benedict on an illegal weapons charge." "Is that correct?" "That's correct." "And isn't it true that during your apprehension of Mr. Benedict, he shot you in the right shoulder?" "He shot me in the left shoulder." "I hope the rest of your information is more accurate than that." "You're right, I apologize, Inspector." "The record will reflect that it was your left shoulder." "Charges against Mr. Benedict were subsequently dropped." "How'd you feel about that?" "I don't know." "What do you think?" "Angry enough maybe to get even yesterday." "Yesterday, I shot Sid Benedict because he pulled a gun on me." "I shot him in self-defense." "There's nothing more to it than that." "This the gun he drew on you?" "That's the model." "We traced the serial number on that weapon, and it was not registered to Mr. Benedict." "It was registered to a Mr. Jeremiah Gould." "Do you know Mr. Gould?" "Yes." "Good, 'cause you arrested him three months ago on a, uh, narcotics charge, isn't that correct?" "Wait a minute." "Please, answer yes or no to my question." "Yes." "And during the processing of that arrest, you did not check Mr. Gould's weapon into evidence inventory, did you?" "I did not check Mr. Gould's weapon into evidence inventory, because when I arrested" "Mr. Gould, he did not have a gun." "Or maybe you kept the gun, Inspector." "And then, after you executed Sid Benedict, you placed the gun in his hand to justify the shooting." "A motive, opportunity, and a dropped gun that leads to you." "If this were your case, how would you call it?" "I would call this a witch hunt." "Or maybe you're just a rogue cop who thinks he's above the law." "If you're gonna come after me, Tomes, charge me." "Otherwise, get out of my face." "Well, I hope you enjoyed that." "I certainly did." "Nothing out there is worse for a cop than a dirty cop, and we take care of our own." "Inspector Dominguez, you're next." "Have fun." "Ah, food's here." "Cool, man." "Here are some chips for you." "So what do you guys do to kill time around here?" "Oh, Evan and I discuss existentialism," "American literature." "Who's got the taco sauce?" "Taco sauce, right back here, buddy." "Hit me." "Here's a burrito for you." "We got one here for Harv." "Thank you." "And we got one for me." "No." "No, no, I ordered chicken." "What do you got?" "I got chicken, Harv." "Chicken is what I ordered, chicken's what I got." "That's mine." "No, that is..." "Mmm... (laughs) He's like a dog marking his turf!" "Petty bickering, Cassidy, that takes up a fair amount of time." "And when we run out of that," "I try to teach Evan about real music." "CORTEZ:" "What was it last time?" "17 homemade Deadhead tapes." "Lots of static." "LEEK:" "Don't be a baby." "Sixteen." "Which is a modest number for the seminal figures in 20th century music." "You see, when Harvey puts on the hippie stuff, you got to put on the antidote tunes." ""Antidote tunes," like what?" "Like Gin Blossoms, Son Volt, that kind of thing." "Oh, my God, those are my favorite groups." "Really?" "Yeah, I mean," ""Drown" is, like, my favorite song, too." "It's so deeply expressive." "Do you know that that's rooted in um, um, "Uncle Tupelo"?" ""Uncle Tupelo," yeah." "Isn't that great?" "Wow." "(belches)" "Excuse me." "They call that an interview?" "What a rodent that Tomes is, man." "I kept wanting to bait him with a piece of cheese and whack him over the head with a shovel." "What did they want from you?" "Well, they just wanted me to assassinate your character." "Oh, good." "Instead, I told them about that time we went through the planning commissioner's garbage for three months on that graft case." "I got to day 19, they said," ""Uh, could you please leave the room?"" "(both chuckling)" "You're beautiful, bubba." "So what's our next move?" "Check this out." "I pulled Sid's phone records." "He made eight calls to a police department cell phone, but Central Accounting either can't figure it out or won't tell me who the phone belongs to." "So, you think it was Tomes who got Sid to whack the judge?" "Well, that would explain why he doesn't want us sniffing around." "Is Venus still in holding?" "Yeah, she goes to arraignment in 20 minutes." "Oh." "We were just talking about you." "And I'm just on my way to talk about you to your lieutenant." "Let me ask you something." "Why do you think Sid Benedict called your cell phone the day that he whacked Judge Sanders?" "You know, that's funny." "Every time I catch one of you cops crossing the line, you try to make me out to be the bad guy." "Maybe they're on to something there." "Be another hearing this afternoon." "I hope you enjoy it." "(mechanical buzzing)" "DOMINGUEZ:" "Hello, ladies." "Hey, Nash, baby." "Hey, Jo-say, say they can let me go now, huh?" "Well, where the hell did she go?" "There's the $64,000 question." "What happened to the suspect that was in this cell?" "She was released, sir." "Who authorized it?" "My paperwork shows that you did, sir." "I did, huh?" "That's rich." "Okay, spread the word." "She's gone;" "we got to find her." "Hi." "Hi." "How's the bad guy incarceration business?" "Busy." "What are you doing here?" "What's the matter?" "(laughing):" "What?" "I came by to say hello." "Hello." "You have come by this office a grand total of three times." "Twice to check up on me after earthquakes, which I appreciate, and once after your first divorce." "Now, the building isn't shaking, and you are fresh out of wives, so what's wrong?" "I'm being investigated by MCD." "What?" "Why?" "I shot and killed a suspect." "It was a righteous shoot, but Tomes is all over this one with both feet." "I think it's a setup." "By Tomes?" "The guy's a Boy Scout." "You need to hire a good lawyer." "You're a good lawyer." "Yeah." "Too bad I work for the city." "(chuckling)" "I'll do everything I can for you off the record." "Good." "You need to find out whatever connections there are between Tomes and Judge Herman Sanders." "Okay." "Do it through the DA's office, and it won't raise a red flag." "Okay." "Thanks, sis." "Mmm." "You're welcome, bro." "You know, guys, this is gonna make a really great report-- thanks." "Well, hopefully we can make it a little bit better by catching this guy." "So, um, Evan, does your girlfriend like to hear about your police work?" "Actually, I don't have a girlfriend." "I mean, nobody steady." "Oh, me, either." "Guys in my high school aren't that interesting." "Hmm..." "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt." "We got company." "LEEK:" "That's the third time he's skated past." "CORTEZ:" "Well, it's definitely not our boy." "After two days, we finally get some action." "But if he jacks the car, we got no chance of catching Javna." "Ah, come on, Evan." "We got to chase him off." "Stay here." "Hey, darling, I'm a police officer." "And you are?" "Gone, man." "LEEK:" "Evan, let him go." "Oh, Evan." "(Slim Jim clangs on road)" "Yo, man, what's your problem?" "It's against the law to walk on the street, bro?" "Hey!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Relax, because you were doing laps around a $70,000 sports car carrying a Slim Jim that's never even seen the meat family, so what you want to do instead is you want to get a trade that your mother could be proud of," "because if we see your ugly face around here again, you're going to jail." "Now you're gone." "(grunts)" "Hey, man." "That was like a Ronnie Lott move." "Thank you, sir." "Yeah, I got to mention that at your funeral." "Excuse me, but... (chuckling)" "You and Nash's kid?" "Oh, you know, personally, no, I..." "I think it's marvelous." "You'll die, of course, because Nash will kill you." "Harvey, look, no, no, no, there's nothing going on between Cass and I, there's no..." "Oh, my God, Evan, oh, my God." "That was so cool." "That was so awesome." "I can't believe you did that." "What a way to go." "That was the best." "I can't even believe it." "You jumped over the car, and then... then crash!" "It was so cool, the best." "Thanks, thank you." "It's unusual for them to schedule a second hearing so soon." "I'm going to ask for a stay of a week to review your case." "They should grant that." "And you are?" "David Sterling, police union rep." "Before we get started here," "I want to bring your attention to the files..." "Never mind, Mr. Sterling." "We're on the record." "Inspector Bridges, you are hereby suspended, pending an official investigation into charges of criminal willful homicide." "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." "Do you understand the charges, or would you like to have them read for you specifically?" "I understand." "Do you?" "(thudding)" "Okay." "Nature is screaming for me." "Hold down the fort, will you?" "(chuckles) Yes, sir." "(sighs) So..." "Anyway..." "Wish something was happening." "Oh, it's okay, I'm not bored." "You know, it's not exactly glamorous." "Beats AP Biology." "(chuckling)" "Besides, you're pretty cool." "Uh, thanks, thanks." "So are you." "Thanks." "I don't know, you're different than other guys that I've met." "You're more... real, I guess." "I guess I am... real." "(phone ringing)" "Cortez here." "Joe, hey, what's up?" "You're kidding me." "That's..." "that's ridiculous." "I don't..." "I don't know what to say." "Yeah, yeah, right." "Right away, correct." "Everything okay?" "Yeah, everything..." "everything's fine." "Listen, that was Joe, and he said, um... your dad, he's been suspended from the force." "What?" "Evan, what..." "what happened?" "It..." "I don't exactly know all the details, but..." "Oh, God." "Hey, listen, listen, everything is gonna be okay, all right?" "Evan, Evan, they can't do this to him, because this job is, like, his whole life." "Hey, listen, listen." "Everything's gonna be okay." "You know, your dad, he's gonna fight it, and... look at me, Cassidy." "Everything's gonna be fine, okay?" "You're such a good person." "(door opening)" "Can't find an accommodating bush around here." "Hey." "Hi." "You're back." "(chuckling)" "Yeah, I am." "(sighs)" "Well, they found Venus... floating under the Golden Gate." "Bet it was an accident, too, right?" "Yeah." "Did you get Tomes' address?" "A.J. gave it to me." "No questions asked." "Beautiful." "So what's our plan?" "What do you mean, "we", paleface?" "I don't want you in this." "I don't want you losing your shield, too." "Well, it wouldn't be the first time." "No." "I'm not gonna argue with you about it." "Kiss my butt, I'm coming." "(chuckling)" "All right." "Besides, even if I didn't know you," "I'd come with you anyways." "You're kind of cute." "I mean, in a manly sort of way, you know?" "(Bridges chuckling)" "(man talking indistinctly on TV)" "(doorbell ringing)" "(dog barking in distance)" "(dog barking in distance)" "Hey, Tomes, aren't you glad I didn't do the dog squeeze in the flaming bag trick?" "(blowing)" "Psst, Nash." "Nash." "(doorbell ringing)" "(dog barking in distance)" "(gate squeaks and shuts)" "(doorbell rings)" "(glass shattering)" "(dog barks in distance)" "(gate squeaks and shuts)" "(door squeaking)" "(gun cocking)" "(footsteps running)" "(engine revving, tires squealing)" "Nash, I've been trying to get a hold of you." "I can't find any connection between Rex Tomes and the judge." "Okay." "Listen, sis, do me a favor." "Check one more time." "Try the name Melinda Petrello or Petrello-Tomes." "See if it pops up anywhere." "You got it." "I'm also interested in any cases where an A.D.A. named Petrovich was in Judge Sanders' courtroom." "I'll bet you're gonna find them both on one case." "Nash, Randall Petrovich was murdered six months ago." "Yeah, I know." "Listen, thanks, sis." "I'll get back to you." "Bye." "I mean, I'm only human, Harve, you know?" "And I-I didn't initiate this thing, right?" "I mean, she planted one on me, okay?" "(sighs)" "I mean, what am I worried about?" "Nash-- he's a buddy of mine, right?" "I mean, he-he's gonna understand, won't he?" "Oh, yeah." "Aw, he's gonna kill me, Harve, isn't he?" "He's gonna..." "He's gonna track me down and kill me." "I..." "Man, I'm gonna go get my double latte." "Harve, Harve, what do I do, man?" "What-what do I say to her?" "I..." ""Dear Cassidy... will you marry me?"" "(laughs)" "(door opens)" "Hey." "Any sign of Javna?" "Uh... no, no." "Uh, Cassidy, look, um..." "Uh-oh." "What?" "I already know what you're gonna say." "I'm too young, I'm 16, I'm confused," "I don't know what I'm feeling?" "Yeah?" "Well, you're wrong this time, because I do know what I'm feeling, and it's very real." "Look, Cassidy, I'm 26 years old, okay?" "And you and I-- we're in very different places in our lives." "And you work with my dad." "Uh, yeah, yeah, that's, that's part of it." "You're scared of him." "Abs-Absolutely not." "Um..." "Look, Cassidy, we-we had a very, very wonderful moment together." "Okay?" "But-but it's over now." "I mean, you're beautiful, and you're intelligent, and I'd be a liar if I said that I wasn't attracted to you." "Evan?" "(sighs)" "Yes, Cassidy?" "Evan, isn't that Javna?" "Right there?" "Ah!" "LEEK:" "Javna, not this time!" "Evan, aren't you gonna do something?" "One second." "Police!" "Freeze!" "It's all a question..." "of timing." "(grunting)" "(grunting)" "(grunting)" "(grunting)" "(wheezing)" "(groaning)" "(panting)" "Cool." "TOMES:" "Your ass is mine, Ruiz." "You failed three urine tests, assaulted a superior officer." "And the cherry on the big cake of stupidity-- you've been caught dealing seized crack to an undercover officer." "However, poof!" "I can make it all go away." "It's on you, Nash." "Thanks, brother." "Give them hell." "(engine revving, tires squealing)" "BRIDGES:" "Joe, watch it!" "(tires squealing)" "(grunts)" "(tires squealing)" "(tires squealing, horn honking)" "(gunshot)" "(tires squealing)" "(grunting)" "(footsteps running)" "You okay?" "Yeah." "(Touch-Tone dialing)" "(phone ringing)" "(sighs) This is Stacy." "Stacy, it's Nash." "Nash." "My God, where are you?" "On the road." "Talk to me, sis." "Word's all over the office." "There's a warrant out for your arrest." "Why doesn't that surprise me?" "Give me some good news." "I've got some." "You were right about Tomes' wife." "Turns out Melinda Petrello-Tomes was a victim of rape two years ago." "Now, the rapist was caught, but the A.D.A. screwed up the case." "Let me guess." "Petrovich." "Yeah." "And Sanders was the presiding judge." "Because of the screw-up, he had no choice but to dismiss, and, uh, the rapist disappeared." "No doubt Tomes is seeking revenge for his wife." "What happened to her?" "Well, from what I gather, she went through kind of a breakdown." "You got an address?" "Yeah, but I'm not sure what to make of it." "It's the Natural Enlightenment Temple in the Haight." "(quiet chanting)" "Take the stairs." "You'll find..." "Ooh, flashback." "Been here, done this." "Tell me about it." "She's downstairs." "Ooh, ooh." "Mrs. Tomes?" "Are you the police?" "How did you know?" "Because nobody calls me Mrs. Tomes any more." "I'm Melinda Petrello here." "Ms. Petrello, I need to speak with you about your husband." "What has he done, Inspector?" "You don't know?" "He's visited me only once since I've been here." "We were like two strangers." "I could see in his eyes he was overwhelmed with rage." "He tried to talk to me about how he was going to take revenge, but I didn't listen to his words." "I couldn't." "Mrs. Petrello?" "Your husband has killed two people." "And we need your testimony for his conviction." "No!" "I can't listen to this!" "You have to leave now." "Excuse me, Ms. Petrello?" "(gun cocking) BRIDGES:" "Joe!" "Get down!" "(gunshots)" "Don't!" "Stop!" "Rex, please, no more!" "Put it down, Tomes." "It's all right, Melinda." "No one'll hurt you now." "Drop the gun." "Do it!" "Joe, wait." "That's perfect timing." "I followed you." "TOMES:" "So what's next?" "Your choice." "I love you, Melinda." "(gunshot)" "(Melinda screams)" "Oh, my God." "Like I said, we take care of our own." "(disco music plays, lively chatter)" "Hey, Jo-say, looking good." "Hey, thanks, Eddie." "Nice jacket." "Thank you very much." "(clears throat) This place has been fun." "I'm gonna miss it." "Well, no, you're not, because I ain't signing the papers." "What?" "!" "She's lowballin' me, man." "This place is a goldmine." "Tito tells me that on Wet Jockey Shorts night, they triple the take." "That's on Tuesday or something." "Man, don't do this." "I'll keep the place for 12 months, 18 tops." "Make some cash, and then I'll sell out." "And it'll be for more than 20%, I'll tell you that." "You are gone, man." "Hey." "Look who's here." "Hey!" "Hey, Jo-say!" "DOMINGUEZ:" "Pull up a stump, rest your rump!" "Got something for you." "Thanks, A.J." "Welcome back, bubba." "CORTEZ:" "Congratulations, Nash." "Thanks, Evan." "Um, and, um, thanks for taking such good care of my daughter." "Really?" "Uh, I mean, thanks." "Yeah, uh..." "Yeah." "Yeah, she told me all about it." "BRIDGES:" "She really likes you." "CORTEZ:" "Look, Nash, I'm sorry, okay?" "It-it was..." "It was just a kiss." "I didn't even initiate it." "She-she grabbed me... (clears throat)" "Bubba, you could be the youngest lieutenant in the department, or you could have the shortest career in the history of SIU." "Understood." "Completely, sir." "That's good." "Hey, come on, let's celebrate." "Who wants to dance?" "Evan?" "Yes, sir." "(laughter)" "Get out there, you bitch." "(laughing)" | {
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"My name is Oliver Queen." "After 5 years in Hell," "I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city." "Today, I fight that war on two fronts." "By day, I lead Star City as its mayor, but by night, I am someone else." "I am..." "Something else." "I am the Green Arrow." "Previously on "Arrow"..." "Really sorry about this, Sergeant." "You're not here to secure the trigger." "You're stealing it." "Want to read your confession before you sign it?" "You did this!" "No one will ever believe your story." "We call ourselves Helix." "We're calling the data cache Pandora." "With it, you can spark revolutions." "So you're not just giving me the file for John." "Got what we need to exonerate John." " How'd you do that?" " Long story." "Pleased to meet you." "I know exactly how this brotherhood works, and right now, it works for me." "Shipwrecked on Lian Yu, fled to Hong Kong, and now you're mixed up with the Bratva." "The man who survived all this is destined for so much more." "You need to give the monster an identity." "It's only when the monster becomes someone else, some...thing else that you're free to be Oliver Queen." "I don't know if I'm ready." "I will help you become ready." "What are we doing here?" "These are low-level drug dealers." "They're target practice." "You're beginning to understand now." "Understand what?" "That the man who embraces the dark is never without sight." "Ahem." "Ok." "So is this the Orchard Bay facility or the downtown rebuild?" "How long until the...announcement?" "Don't you have a chief of staff who usually handles this stuff?" "Excuse us, please." "Thea is looking into a few joint initiatives that I proposed while in Hub City last week." "Oh, that's really too bad." "I've come to look forward to her many looks of death." "Thea likes you." "She's just-- it's ok, Oliver." "She's not the Queen I'm seeing." "That's sort of an old-fashioned way to say it, don't you think?" "Well, I'm not really sure how else to put it given that we haven't progressed." "That's a funny way of saying we haven't slept together." "Ahem." "Hi." "Hi, Quentin." "I wasn't expecting to see you today." "Well, you know, that's the thing about rehab." "It's a long process, and then it ain't, and by the looks of that assistant out there, you need me back bad." "How about I give you guys a moment?" "It's all right, Ms. Williams." "I wasn't planning on keeping my problems a secret." "In fact, I wanted to talk with you about them, you know, on camera." "I'll have my people set up an interview." "Thank you." "I believe you are running late for a press conference, Mr. Mayor." "Whoa, you live a complicated life." " How are you?" " You know, I'm better than I've been in a long while, thanks." "That's fantastic to hear, but look, maybe we shouldn't-- not press my luck by sitting down with your new girlfriend?" "Well, no." "Just--just wait a little bit." "Let Thea come back and prep you and" "Oliver, if I were any more dry, I'd be dust, ok?" "I'm ready to move forward, and this is how." "Now didn't Ms. Williams say you're late for a press conference?" "Yeah." "Oliver, voice-over:" "I'd like to thank district attorney Chase, who stepped out of his lane to represent my friend John Diggle and to make sure that justice was done." "Mr. Chase's efforts further exemplify" "Star City takes care of their own." "Thank you, everybody." "That will be all." "Thank you for getting me out." "Thank whoever leaked the NSA's case against Walker." "My job was easy." "Congratulations, Mr. Diggle." "I was wondering if the D.A. might have a second to chat." "Save your energy, Ms. Williams." "I know you're doing a story on the death of Detective Malone." "I have no comment for you." "And yet everyone I spoke to you said you were the man to speak to." "It's a little odd for a D.A. to be so involved in a police matter." "The victim was a member of the ACU." "That office is monitored by city hall, not by the SCPD." " Oh, my God." " Not what you wanted to hear?" "The military police just took General Walker into custody." "Walker and his men just shot their way off of Fort Zerillo." "30 dead, and he and his men are in the wind, and the nuke trigger he stole in Chechnya is still missing." "♪ Arrow 5x12 ♪ Bratva Original Air Date on February 8, 2017" "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man" "What can you tell us?" "Lots, but first, welcome back." " Hugs, kisses, warm feelings." " Likewise." "I just got word from Lyla that Argus discovered a batch of encrypted e-mails between Walker and a group of Markovian separatists." "He's looking to sell the nuke." "We can't let that happen." "We have the U.S. military and Argus hunting Walker." "They can't go where it's going." "The sale's in Russia." "This one's personal." "I got to take that murderous son of a bitch off the grid right now, whatever it takes." "City hall gives me access to a private plane." " I'm coming, too." " Felicity." "This is personal for me, as well." "I promised I'd never let another Havenrock happen again as long as it was in my power, and I believe that this qualifies." "Walker will have his whole unit with him, maybe even some Markovians." "We need the whole team for this." "Agreed, but Quentin just got out of rehab, and with Thea out of town," "I--I need someone to keep an eye on him." "Who'd you have in mind?" "Better be the report on the Washington district water projects..." "Not exactly, Hoss." "What are you--what?" "Why aren't you in your office?" "Well, I came in here to work because everyone's been dropping by my office, asking how I am, and I don't need the attention, and by the way, I just got off the phone" "with Oliver, who says he's on the way to Russia, so what are you doing here?" "Oliver said I'm supposed to help you prep for your interview with Susan Williams and it was safer for me to be here than over there starting an international incident." "Also, you need to talk to your receptionist." "She didn't believe I was here for you." "I had to sneak past her just to get in." "Wow!" "I wonder how she could have made that mistake!" "Heh heh." "Listen." "Why don't you just do us both a favor, all right?" "Just go home, polish your hockey mask or something, and I'll just tell Oliver you were here the whole time." "That's cool, right?" "I'm" "Sure, except you're fresh out of rehab, not a politician, about to face the media, so what's it hurt to have a little help?" "Oh, just my waking sanity." "Ha ha ha!" "Ahem." "All right." "Well, pull up a chair." "All rightie." " Coffee?" " Sure." "Ok." "This whole flying private thing is something I could really get used to." "Being mayor has its perks." "You're lucky that Star City's sister city is in Russia." "As of 12 hours ago at least." "Are you ready for this?" "When I signed on, I didn't think" "I'd be stopping a nuclear arms deal in a foreign country." "Yeah." "When I signed on, I didn't think" "I'd be dealing with aliens." " Aliens?" " Yeah." "John said you had friends in Russia." "One friend." "Reached out, didn't hear back." " Oliver Queen." " Anatoly." "Unh!" "Ohh." "You never should have come back to Russia." " Anatoly?" " Alexi Leonov-- you remember him, yes?" "He was one of your brothers." "I can explain." "You asked favor of him." "He asked favor in return, and you pull gun on him instead?" "You know why I can't be some Bratva thug." "You made promise." "You swore oath, and now one of your brothers is dead, so why should I welcome you as brother?" "Go home, Oliver." "There's nothing for you here." "Ohh." "Feel like somebody died of tuberculosis in here." "What's the Russian word for creepy?" "Zhutko." "I was studying on the plane." "Where did you find this place?" "Lyla." "This used to be an Argus safe house, and as you can tell from Amero-Russian relations, it hasn't been used much lately." "Yeah, no kidding." "And why aren't we working with Argus?" "I assume preventing black market nuclear deals would be pretty high on their to-do list." "John's right about Russia." "Argus can't operate here without causing a diplomatic crisis." "Oh, yeah." "Speaking of diplomatic crises, why did your friend punch you?" "3 years ago, I used a Bratva contact when I was trying to track Slade Wilson." "He asked me for something in exchange." "I refused." "Slade killed him." "How long do you think until we're up and running?" "I'm not sure." "I'm pretty much starting from scratch here, and I have to hack the Russian server to see if we can find any chatter on Walker, and that might take no time, or it might take a--a lot of time." "What about your Bratva friend with the good right hook?" "You could try making nice." "It's not that simple." "Yeah?" "Well, simple or not, Oliver, we have to use every asset we've got." "I made a mistake with Leonov." "It was a challenging time, but you still owe me for Gregor." "Lucky for you, I never liked Leonov." "Sit." "John Diggle, it's good to see you." "Now you're my favorite American." "Thanks." "So what brings you to Russia?" "We're looking for a U.S. general that has gone rogue." "We have reason to believe he's trying to sell a nuke to Markovian terrorists." "What concern is that of yours?" "Are you gonna help me find this man or not?" "After business with Leonov, just me sitting with you squares us with Gregor, yes?" " Fine." " Then we are even and back to how things work in Bratva." "I help you, you help me." "An arrangement you refused with Leonov if I'm not mistaken." "An arrangement I'm going to refuse again." "That part of my life is over." "Well, then I cannot help you, but I can offer you some free advice." "Act quickly, Oliver." "The Markovians do not, as you Americans say, sit on their hands." "You did well." "You've proven to be a most adept student." "I know a few teachers who would disagree with that assessment." "Hideo Yamane--his name's in my father's notebook." "For good reason." "Mr. Yamane's criminal enterprise is responsible for much of the designer drug trade in Starling City." "I think you'll recognize his chief product." "My sister was using this, so I killed her dealer, but I didn't consider the supply." "I left her, I left the city vulnerable." "This is why I found you, Oliver, so you can correct your mistakes." "Now Mr. Yamane is in town tonight, meeting with his Russian contacts." "He's a careful man." "He'll be heavily guarded." "Am I ready?" "That's what we find out tonight." "Sorry." "I don't really have much control beyond on and off." "Yeah, probably because you just produced the sound of a thousand Beyoncés." "I mean, polyphonics doesn't even begin to explain what you're doing." "Can you guys please...keep it down?" "Ok." "Walker has gone completely dark." "There is no way of pinpointing his IP or his GPS from his phone, which is probably just a burner anyway." "That's good." "How is that good?" "Military men tend to be creatures of habit." "If Walker's using a burner, odds are it's the same model he used in the states." "And the only one making calls to the Markovians." "Walker's flip phone of choice is an old model." "The only network here that supports it is Detralink DST." "Can you hack it?" "I mean, I could, but it would take a lot of time." "I think I know someone that could get us a short cut." "You have contacts in Russia, too?" "Kind of." "Uh, he might need a little bit of convincing." "Think you two could look like Bratva?" "Sorry." "I mean, prosti." "I can't see a thing in these." "Tough guys don't say sorry, Curtis." "Right." "No "prosti." Err." "Guys, focus." "Why isn't Dinah here with us?" "Look." "I'm secure enough in my manhood to admit that she is way more intimidating than either one of us." "Yes, and a total unknown quantity." "Look tough." "Maxim Ostrovsky." "You speak English." "I suggest you start using it." "Who are you?" "What do you want?" "To talk in private." "Don't make me ask you again." " Who are you?" " Someone who needs access to your system's credentials." "You work for Detralink." "Not for long I won't if I gave you my sign-in materials." "Funny." "You didn't seem worried about losing your job when you ignored company policy to notify the Kremlin about certain suspicious and terrorist-like activity on your network last year." "How do you know about that?" "Better question is who would I tell-- because I am sure that the Kremlin would love to hear about this." "You can't." "My family, they'll kill them." "Yes." "So I suggest it's in your best interest to give me exactly what I want." "Time to go." "Prosti." "That guy was seriously shaken." " What'd you say?" " What he needed to hear." "I've got what we need to get a location on Walker." "Recon's in position." "I count 10 civilians in the Church." "No sign of Walker or his men." "Backstop's also in position." "No activity here." "Are we sure this is the spot, Overwatch?" "Walker's phone just went active from that address." "There." "John, there are civilians here." "I don't care, Oliver." "This may be our only shot." "We're moving on the target." "Everyone, stay sharp." "Proximity alarm!" "Walker knew we were coming." "Heads-up!" "Get down!" "Are you guys hearing that?" "I'm guessing those aren't fireworks." "Recon, get those civilians clear." "Backstop" "Unh!" "I don't know who you gentlemen are, but I want to thank you for being so damn eager to find me!" "You guys all right?" "Yeah." "We're good." "We lost Walker." " Overwatch, do you have eyes on?" " Negative." "All right." "Meet us out back." "We got to find Walker." "We have his man." "He'll take us right to him." "Come on." "What the hell is this?" "There's no way you're Argus or DOD." "Shut up!" "Do whatever you want." "I'm not telling you anything." "There are thousands, maybe millions of lives at stake." "You don't want those deaths on your conscience." "My conscience?" "You got to be kidding." "Err!" "What's that?" "This is your conscience!" " Stop!" " Nothing stops." "Nothing stops until you tell me when and where the buy is happening." "Now you have 5 minutes to decide what you want your face to look like!" "Agh!" "Aah!" "Oliver, you just gonna leave him in there?" " Just give it time." " Oliver, we don't have time!" "We have to get Walker now, right now!" "Let me in there, and I'll give him all the persuasion he needs." "He's gonna crack." "If you push him too hard right now, he'll tell you whatever you want to hear to get the pain to stop!" "We have to be smart, John." "You know that." "As I enjoy my visits to mother Russia, have you ever considered relocating to Starling City?" "Aah!" "What do you want?" "Money?" "Drugs?" "I'll give you anything." "There's nothing you have that I want." "Why?" "Why are you doing this?" "Because you have failed Starling City." "All right." "I got transcripts of past interviews Williams has done with alkies and addicts-- no offense." "Ahem." "Is you being here really necessary?" "Oliver wanted me to help you prep for the interview, so how about some practice questions?" "All right." "So." "You just got out of rehab." "What makes you think you're still fit to serve as deputy mayor?" "Well, uh, that's a very excellent question, Susan." " Ms. Williams." " Ms. Williams." "Ahem." "Well, I think it's my dedication to this city." "I have lived here my--my whole life." "So have lots of people, and I'm pretty sure not all of them are recovering alcoholics." "I think it's been my ability to persevere." "What are you persevering through?" " Could you be more specific?" " Well, I'm trying to." "Would you let met get a word in edgewise, please?" "You think Susan Williams is gonna go any easier?" "Now when did the drinking begin?" "Was it before or after the death of your daughter Laurel?" "What'd you just say?" "Do you hold yourself accountable for her death or for working with Damien Darhk?" "Shut your damn mouth about my daughter!" "Dude, chill." "I'm just trying to help." "You're trying to help?" "Great." "I'm gonna leave here, and when I get back, you don't be here!" "It's just me." "You know you have a workstation inside, right?" "Yeah." "I wasn't having any luck locating Walker, so I decided I'd work on my frustration in private." " What?" " The guy back in the tea house didn't look like someone who owed you a favor." "He was terrified." "Felicity, what's really going on?" "The NSA file that exonerated John, it was part of a cache of information given to me by a hacker group, and that cache includes Intel that I used to pressure the Detralink exec." "You mean, you blackmailed him." " Well..." " For this data cache to have exactly what you needed for this particular guy, it has to be huge." "I think the term is "beyond massive."" "What?" "One of the last things my dad said to me when he gave me the rags was that they hold a power most people could never even imagine and that I needed to respect and guard that power, not abuse it." "The people in this data cache, they're not good people." "I'm starting to believe that purpose on this earth is to stop people like them, like Walker, no matter what the cost." "Sometimes, you got to fight fire with fire." "I'm not worried about them." "I'm worried about you." "I thought you were working on locating Walker." "Yeah." "Is everything ok?" "This might be none of my business, but I think she crossed a line to find Walker." "Rory." "What line?" "Stay here." "Unh!" "Where's the buy happening?" " Where's the buy happening?" " Hey, hey!" "John, that is enough!" "That's enough!" "I thought we were doing this my way." "Your way wasn't fast enough, Oliver!" "I'm not letting Walker get away!" "Neither am I." "What's happening?" "What happened?" "John got a little carried away." "Did he say anything?" "You get yourself cleaned up." " I'll be back." " Where you going?" "I'm going to handle this." "What do you need me to do?" "That did not take long." "Anatoly, what do you want?" "To our imperfect union." "Vashe zdorovie." "Vashe zdorovie." " Thanks." " For coming as backup or for not telling anyone?" "Both." "Unh!" "Agh!" "Agh!" "This isn't the first time you've done something like this...." "Is it?" "I don't mean as the Green Arrow." "You mean as a thug, right?" "No." "It was..." "It was part of my life that I thought that I had moved past, but...here we are." "Right." "You know, the other guys said when you get in one of your moods" "I should just let you be, but, um, to be honest, brooding really kind of gets on my nerves." "They told you about me?" "They tell you about Prometheus?" "Yeah, they did." "W-w-why?" "Is--is this mood because you got pulled back into some Bratva drama?" "No, it..." "Dinah, I'm trying to move forward, but I'm back here, I'm in Russia, in the Bratva, and it just proves to me I can't seem to do that." "Prometheus got in your head." "What was it, some crap about infecting the people closest to you?" "Yeah, and tonight, I watched John torture a man, and there's something going on with Felicity." "There's" "You affect the people in your life, Oliver." "That's hardly a revelatory observation." "In--in fact, I--I think it's, uh-- it's called living." "Prometheus has you so fixated on what's wrong with you that you've completely stopped seeing what's right." "You know, John and Felicity, they'll listen to you because you have more to offer than just this." "Your past is a part of you." "There is nothing you can do about that." "You can't change it." "It doesn't mean it has to be your anchor." "The other names in that book are waiting for you, Oliver." "They're waiting for you at home." "I know." "Leaving the Bratva is not going to be easy." "I swore an oath of allegiance." "Your father asked you to take a different vow, did he not?" "You told me he wanted you to right his wrongs." "You cannot do that from here." "Can I come in, or is it still no dogs allowed?" "Pfft." "You really got a wiseass mouth on you, don't you?" "I'm not sure, but did you just say my mouth looks like ass?" "Look." "I just came here to tell you that Susan Williams' producer called to confirm that 10 a.m. tomorrow still works for the interview." "When did you become my assistant?" "When I answered the phone, I guess." "It was out of line bringing up my daughter." "You gonna tell that to Susan Williams at 10 a.m. tomorrow?" "Look, man." "You expecting me to give you an apology, you don't know me that well." "I don't know you at all, but my sponsor says that I'm the one that owes you the apology." "It's cool, Hoss." "No, it's not cool." "My daughter Laurel is gone, and I got to figure out a way to live with that which doesn't involve booze or snapping at guys that are just trying to help." "You know, 10 a.m. will be here before you know it." "How about another dry run?" "Take a seat." " Attaboy." " Quit calling me Hoss." "All right." "Ready?" "Where are your questions?" "I got them right here." "Where were you?" "Did you take Dinah somewhere?" " Yeah." "Not like that." " It's ok." "What happens in Russia stays in Russia, remember?" "Where's Walker's man?" "Curtis and Rory are keeping eyes on him." "I think she means protecting him from me." "Oliver, I still think it's a mistake not pushing this scum bag for the location of the sale." "We don't have to." "We're gonna have it within the hour." " What?" "How?" " Bratva." "Anatoly wasn't playing ball unless you did the Bratva's dirty work..." "Which is where you took Dinah." "Oliver, I thought you didn't want anything to do with the Bratva." "I don't, but if it's a choice between me crossing the line and the two of you crossing one, that is a very easy choice." "What did you do?" "It doesn't matter." "Here's what does." "I am who I am." "Now I'm trying to work past that." "Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but I cannot-- I will not have the two of you make the same mistakes." "Oliver, you are the one that taught us that sometimes you have to get in the muck to make things right." "Well, then Prometheus wins because he'll be right." "I need the two of you to prove to him and, quite frankly, to prove to me that he's not." "I need the two of you to be better than me because you are." "That's why we work together." "Uh, there is a whole mess of angry Russian dudes outside." "I have location for Walker and men to help in fight, but we have to leave now." "Your strange friend's pronunciation is horrible." "Yeah." "I'll tutor him later." "Hey." "Pleasure doing business with you, Lev." "You sure you don't want to toast the transaction?" "Eh, I'd love to, but I got a plane to catch, and there's someone I'm trying to avoid." "American government?" "Heh heh." "I wish it were just that." "Ohh!" "Green Arrow, Tango headed your way." "I love saying the word "Tango."" "So do I." "Uh, ok." "In the future, you might not want to do that with a van carrying a nuclear bomb." "That was neat trick." "Now what's your plan?" "Stay down, you son of a bitch!" "Who the hell are you?" "You didn't expect to see me here, did you, General, and no one's gonna believe that I was, but everyone's gonna know that you tried to sell a nuclear bomb to terrorists." "You're assuming I actually meant to sell the bomb to the Markovians, John." "Bomb's not here." "Walker was headed for the hangar." "Odds are that's where the nuke is." "Felicity!" "Why the ruse?" "Why sell a nuclear weapon once when I can steal it back and sell it to another rebel sucker?" "Ha ha ha!" "Rory!" "Curtis told me you needed some help." "He was probably worried I'd do something stupid." "Those were exact words actually." "Ok." "You need to get out of here." "And he said those would be your exact words." " The bomb is in countdown mode." " What?" "!" "It's wired with a failsafe." "We must have triggered it when we entered the hangar." " Can you disarm it?" " If I can't..." "The yield of this thing will spread over 50 miles." "Do it." "You know you want to." "Come on, John." "You have to." "I got a lot of friends, John, with a lot of resources and itchy trigger fingers, and you..." "Well, you got a wife and kid." "Terrific, Overwatch, any luck locating the nukes?" "Overwatch is off comms and in the hangar." "I think she's trying to disable the nuke herself." "I'm on my way." " No." "No." " What happened?" "Trapdoor code." "I walked right into it." " What does that mean?" " Any attempt to disarm the nuke will exponentially pace up the countdown clock." "Well, w-w-what are you doing?" "Hoping like hell I can figure out how to fly a plane." " What?" "!" " I can't disarm the nuke, but hopefully I can get it to a less populated area." "Less populated?" "Wha--like Havenrock?" "Rory, this isn't the time to revisit that." "No, no, no." "This is exactly the time." "The--the rags survived Havenrock." "They can survive this, too." "I can use them to contain the blast and the radiation." " No." "You don't know that!" " Well, I don't need to know." "I..." "Have..." "Faith." "Ok." "Well, it should be me, not you." "I don't have time to take these rags off, so go just in case this, you know, doesn't work." "Felicity, go!" "Do it." "Go on." "No, General." "No." "You're gonna stand trial." "I'm gonna see that justice is done." "Oh, shema yisrael." "Adonai eloheinu, adonai echad..." "What's happening?" " Rory!" " Oh, my God!" "He always gets the credit." "Are you ok?" "This means I get a promotion, right?" "Heh." "To Rory and his amazing nuke-stopping rags, which hopefully doesn't give us all radiation poisoning." " Ohh!" " Agh." "Wimps." "Yeah." "Can't you hold your vodka?" "Now you're my favorite American." "Did you hear from Lyla?" "Walker's being escorted under military guard as we speak." "Congratulations." "You know, Oliver," "Walker threatened JJ and Lyla just like Andy did." "At first, I wondered why I didn't shoot him like I did Andy." "Then I remembered what you said to me and Felicity." "Well, I'm just glad that it took." "But, you know, Oliver, you were wrong." "Me and Felicity, we're no better than you." "You, me, Felicity, we make each other better." "I'll drink to that." "You're my brother, Oliver." "Oliver, heh heh." "It's good--good being friends again." "I forgot how strong this is over here." "I make sure and bring some when I come to Star City." "Heh." "Ahh." "I hear you're mayor now." "Big promotion, hmm?" "Now you Pakhan." "Now you tell everyone what to do." "That's not how things work in America, Anatoly." "Hmm." "Yeah." "That's the way things work everywhere." "I was hoping maybe you could repay me." "Thought we were even." "I thought you returned to Bratva." "That was temporary." "That is the thing about oaths, Oliver." "They are never temporary." "They are for life." "I need to speak with Anatoly." "Where have you been?" "I need to speak with Anatoly." "Where is he?" "Anatoly." "Oliver..." "Is that you?" "Yeah." "What happened?" "Gregor." "I questioned his deal with Kovar." "He did this to me." "You were right about him." "His loyalty lies with Kovar, but Gregor is Pakhan." "There is nothing we can do." "That's not true." "We can kill him." "You are my brother, Oliver." "Oleg said that you needed to tell me something." "It can wait." "You know, if visiting Star City's sister city is what it took to get you to bed," "I would have bought you a ticket to Russia months ago." "Heh heh heh." "A friend of mine told me that my..." "My past doesn't have to be my anchor, and I think my past is what was..." "Stopping me from moving things forward with you." "Looking at all this, I can understand why." "What exactly happened to you on that island anyway?" "Things that I'm not ready to talk about." "Not even this crazy tattoo?" "I mean, like, how do you even get something like this on a deserted island?" "Hey, hey." "Not ready to talk about it." "Right." "Ok." "So you mean, like, not now or not ever?" "Not now." "Maybe someday." "Yeah." "I can wait for someday." "Hey." "What'd that bag ever do to you, huh?" " You got a minute?" " Sure." "How'd the interview go with, uh, Oliver's girlfriend?" "Cakewalk." "In fact, I asked her if she went easy on me, and she said she did because of something you said to her." "I didn't say much." "I just told her a story about you and me." "You and me?" "I figured you didn't remember." "When I was a kid, you were a beat cop on my block." "You caught me tagging a building..." "But instead of hauling me in, you crouched down, looked me in the eye, and told me..." "I could be more than just some rip-and-run thug." "It really set me on a better path." "You did, I mean." "Pbb." "I had--I had no idea, Rene." "Anyway, I just wanted the reporter to know just what kind of guy she was sitting down with." "Didn't you still get dishonorably discharged from the military, though?" "Nobody's perfect." "Hey!" "Hey." "Uh, what are you doing here?" "Oh, I was just making sure you're not radioactive." "Heh heh." "Are you going somewhere?" "Yeah." "I'm sorry." "I was--I was gonna call." "Well, I was probably gonna wimp out and text." "What's going on?" "The blast did something to them." "They don't work anymore." "I don't have any control, they don't offer any protection." "Oh." "I'm sure it's just temporary." "I'm not." "I have a bond with them, Felicity." "I can feel it, and let's be honest." "Without the rags, I'm a liability and one the team can't risk, not with Prometheus out there." "Ok." "Well, that doesn't mean you have to leave." "Don't worry." "I'll be back." "You'll, uh..." "You'll let the team know?" "Yeah." "I mean, I'll probably just wimp out and text." " Well?" " You were right." "All the guys in this photo are Bratva." "It means "brotherhood" in Russian." "I know." "Bratva get tattoos on their chest when they make captain." " What about the other thing?" " No." "I couldn't find anything else on Queen in Russia, but I reviewed criminal activity from the period he was there, and I found something very interesting." "The Russians call him luchnik, the Archer." "Does he remind you of anyone you know?" "The Green Arrow." "What are the odds of Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow being in Russia at the same time?" "Very good..." "If Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow." "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man" "Greg!" "Move your head." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Joey!" "Joe Doyle!" "All right!" "What do you want?" "I got one of your birds." "I recognised him by the band." "It must be Danny-boy." "I lost him in the last race." "He flew into my coop." "You want him?" "I got to watch myself these days." "You know what I mean?" "Don't worry." "I'll take him up to your loft." "Okay, I'll see you on the roof." "How goes?" "He's up on the roof." "The pigeon?" "Yeah, it worked." "I think somebody fell off the roof." "He thought he'd sing to the Crime Commission." "He won't." "I thought they'd talk to him." "That's the idea." "I thought they'd talk to him and get him to dummy up." "Maybe he gave them an argument." "I figured the worst they was gonna do was lean on him a little bit." "Maybe he gave them an argument." "He's been giving Johnny the Boss a lot of arguments lately." "He wasn't a bad kid, that Joey." "A canary." "Maybe he could sing, but he couldn't fly." "Come on, I'll buy you a drink." "I'll be in there later and...." "Father Barry is here." "Same thing happened to my Andy five years ago." "You're the boy's father?" "That's right." "Looks like he fell off the roof, or maybe he was pushed." "Any ideas?" "No." "He was the only longshoreman that had the guts to talk to the crime investigators." "Who asked you?" "Everybody knows that." "Shut up." "lf he took my advice he wouldn't be" "Everyone knows that." "I said, "Shut up!"" "I know how you feel about cops, but if you give me some leads I could" "I kept telling him, "Don't say nothing." ""Keep quiet, you'll live longer."" "I've been on the docks all my life, boy, and there's one thing I learned." "You don't ask no questions, you don't answer no questions unless you want to wind up like that." "Edie, come here." "I want to talk to you." "Father, who'd want to kill Joey?" "Stay away from him!" "Stay away from him!" "Edie, listen!" "Remember time and faith are great healers." "Father, my brother is dead and you talk about time and faith." "My brother was the best kid in the neighbourhood and everybody said so." "I'm in the church if you need me." "You're in the church if I need you?" "Did you ever hear of a saint hiding in a church?" "I want to know who killed my brother!" "What's the matter with you, punk?" "Boss, Packy wants another drink on the cuff." "Give it to him." "And here's the cut on the shape-up." "891 men, $3 a head." "That's $2,673." "Charley, you count them." "The banana boat is 46 tomorrow." "If we pull a walkout, it might be a few bucks from the shippers." "Them bananas go bad in a hurry." "Ask $2,000." "Clowns can't fight." "There's nobody tough anymore." "Hi, slugger." "Hi, kid." "Where's Morgan?" "Where's that big banker of mine?" "Right here, Mr. Friendly." "Hi, JP, how's business?" "Having trouble with Kelly again, boss." "He won't take no loans and Big Mac puts him to work anyway." "He's my wife's nephew." "He won't take no loans!" "I got to put him to work." "She'd murder me!" "That's why I never got married." "Here's the interest on the day, boss. $532." "You count it." "Counting makes me sleepy." "You handle that sheet metal all right?" "It was easy." "The new checker faked the receipt." "Here." "You want to talk to me, take the cigar out of your mouth." "Stow the receipt." "I'll take the cash." "Sure." "Here you are, 45 bills." "Terry, you count this." "Come on, go on, it's good for you." "lt develops your mind." "What mind?" "Shut up." "I like the kid." "Remember the night he took Farella at St. Nick's, Charley?" "We won a bundle." "Real tough." "A big try." "I lost the count." "Okay, forget it, Einstein." "How come you never got an education like your brother Charley?" "The only arithmetic he ever got was hearing the referee count up to 10." "You're not too funny today, Fat Man." "Hey, what gives with our boy tonight, Charley?" "He isn't himself." "It's the Joey Doyle thing and how he exaggerates the thing." "Too much Marquis of Queensbury softens him up." "Listen, I'm a soft touch, too." "Ask any rummy on the dock if I'm not good for a fin any time they put the arm on me." "But my old lady raised us 10 kids on a stinking watchman's pension." "When I was 16, I had to beg for work in the hold." "I didn't work my way up out of there for nothing." "I know that, Johnny, I know it." "Taking over this local took a little doing." "There were rough fellas in the way." "They gave me this to remember them by." "He kept his hand over his throat to stay alive and he still went after them." "I know what's eating you." "I got 2,000 dues-paying members in this local, that's $72,000 a year legitimate." "When each one of them puts in a couple of bucks a day just to make sure the work's steady, well, figure it out." "That's just for openers." "We've got the fattest piers in the fattest harbour in the world." "Everything moves in and out, we take our cut." "Why shouldn't we?" "If we can get it, we're entitled to it." "You don't suppose I can afford to be boxed out of a deal like this, do you?" "A deal I sweated and bled for, on account of one lousy little cheese-eater that Doyle bum, who thinks he can squeal to the crime commission." "Do you?" "Do you?" "No, Johnny." "I just figured I should have been told." "I make it $2,623." "You're $50 short, Skins." "Gimme." "I must've miscounted." "Gimme!" "You come from Green Point, go back there." "You don't work here no more." "Here, kid, here's half a bill." "Go get you a load on." "No, I'm okay, Johnny, thanks." "Present from your Uncle Johnny." "And Mac, tomorrow morning when you shape the men, put Terry up in the loft." "Number one." "Every day." "It's nice, easy work if you check in and goof off on a coffee bag." "Okay?" "You got a real friend here." "Now don't forget it." "Why should he forget it?" "Thanks, Johnny." "All right, payday." "Rony." "Mac." "Hi, Terry." "Hi, kid." "I was just going to feed them." "I already fed them." "You must've been up early?" "I was up anyhow, so I figured I might as well." "They sure got it made." "Eating, sleeping, flying around like crazy, raising gobs of squabs." "Well, I better get over there." "Be careful." "Don't spill no water on the floor." "I don't want them to catch cold." "I'll see you around." "Come on, Tony, give me the tabs." "He was a good boy, that Doyle kid." "Sure he was, that's why he got it in the head." "But he couldn't learn to keep his mouth shut." "Hey, Pop, why don't you go home?" "The boys at work today will be chipping in gladly." "No thanks, fellas, I'm gonna shape." "Who do you think'll pay for the funeral?" "Johnny Friendly, the "great labour leader."" "Why don't you keep that big mouth of yours shut?" "What are you, a wise guy?" "If I was wise, I wouldn't be no longshoreman for 30 years." "I'm poorer now than when I started." "Wise guy." "Big mouth." "Don't mess with those guys." "I brought you Joey's windbreaker." "It might come in handy." "Go ahead, wear it." "Thanks, Pop." "Mine's more full of holes than the Pittsburgh infield." "Hey, Joe, I got a coat for you." "Do you know Terry Malloy?" "No, I don't." "Never heard of him." "You're Terry Malloy, aren't you?" "So what?" "Didn't I see you fight a couple of years ago?" "Without the birdseed, what do you want?" "Identification." "Waterfront Crime Commission." "What's that?" "I just want to ask you a few questions." "We'll hold public hearings on waterfront crime and underworld infiltration of longshore unions." "I don't know nothing." "You haven't heard the questions yet." "What did you say?" "You heard me." "There's a rumour that you're one of the last people to see Joey Doyle alive." "I don't know nothing." "Nobody's accusing you of anything, Mr. Malloy." "I hope you understand that." "Just want to ask you some questions about some people you may know." "People I may know." "That's right." "You better get out of here, buster!" "Slow down, boy." "I don't know nothing, I ain't seen nothing, and I'm not saying nothing." "Why don't you and your girlfriend take off." "All right, Mr. Malloy!" "You've every right not to talk if that's what you choose to do." "The public has a right to know the facts." "Yeah." "We'll be seeing you again." "Never's going to be too much soon for me, Shorty." "Take it easy." "How do you like them mutts taking me for a pigeon." "Who is it?" "I don't know who they are." "You're three weeks behind on the last $25, but I'm willing to take a chance." "Some chance at ten percent a week and if we don't borrow, we don't work." "May you rot in hell, JP." "When I'm dead and gone, you'll know what a friend I was." "Why don't you drop dead now, so we can test your theory?" "Condolences." "Hey, Pop, look." "Let her go, Tony." "I guess I spoke out of turn last night." "You think I'm just a gravy-train rider with a turned-around collar, don't you?" "I see the sisters taught you not to lie." "All right." "Loft gang:" "Malloy Hendriks, Padowski Westerfield, McGuier." "I've been thinking about your question, and you're right, Edie." "This is my parish." "I don't know how much I can do, but I'll never find out unless I come down here and take a good look for myself." "I need some extra banana carriers." "Bananas again." "I wonder when we'll get a boat from Ireland with good Irish whiskey on it." "Dugan, my boy, you're dreaming again." "All right." "Kelly." "Richie." "Yeah, you." "What's the matter?" "Nobody want to work today?" "Yeah, you." "Who do you see to get a day's pay around here?" "Meatballs." "Definitely." "Come here." "Hey, Terry, grab that one!" "Give me that." "Get away!" "Give it to me!" "Why?" "Give it to me!" "What makes you so special?" "Things are looking up on the dock." "Don't you recognise her?" "That's Joey Doyle's sister." "Give me that." "You're Joey Doyle's sister?" "Yes, I am." "You don't wanna go to work today anyhow." "It's been nice wrestling with you." "Edie!" "Pop." "Here's your tab, take it." "All right, give it to me." "I can use it." "Now get back to the sisters where you belong." "I'm surprised at you, Father, if you don't mind my saying so." "Letting her see things ain't fit for the eyes of a decent girl." "All right, that's all." "Come back tomorrow." "What do you do now?" "Like Big Mac said, come back tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" "No ship tomorrow." "I've been standing here for five straight mornings and that bum there..." "Come on, get out of here!" "..." "looks right through you." "I'm sorry, Father, I didn't mean it." "What do you want to do?" "Come on, let's go get a ball." "Wait a minute." "Is this all you do, just take it like this?" "What about your unions?" "No other union in the country'd stand for a thing like that." "The waterfront is tougher, Father, like it ain't part of America." "Do you know how a trigger local works?" "No." "How?" "You get up in the meeting, you make a motion, the lights go out, then you go out." "That's how it's been since Johnny and his cowboys took over the local." "Name one place where it's safe to talk without getting clobbered." "The church." "What?" "The bottom of the church." "You know what you're letting yourself in for?" "You got a cigarette on you?" "Right over there." "You working hard?" "Yeah." "You wouldn't mind working once in a while to justify this lofty position, would you?" "I finished the work." "I counted all them bags." "We have an extra detail for you." "That's if you don't mind being disturbed or anything." "The priest and this Doyle girl are getting a meeting up together down at the church." "We want a rundown on the names and the numbers of all the players." "Wait a minute." "All right, you're nominated." "Why me, Charley?" "I feel funny going down there." "I'd just be stooling for you." "Let me tell you what stooling is." "Stooling is when you rat on your friend the guys you're with." "Johnny wants a favour." "Don't think about it." "Do it." "Go on." "Join the congregation." "I thought there would be more of you here, but...." "The Romans found out what a handful could do if it's the right handful." "I'm just a potato-eater, but isn't it simple as one, two, three?" "One." "The working conditions are bad." "Two." "They're bad because the mob does the hiring." "Three." "The only way to break the mob is to stop letting them get away with murder." "If one of you'll answer one question, we'd have a very good start." "And that question is:" "Who killed Joey Doyle?" "Not one of you has a line on who killed Joey Doyle?" "I have a hunch all of you could tell us something about it." "All right, then answer this one:" "How can we call ourselves Christians and protect these murderers with our silence?" "Jimmy Collins, you were Joey's best friend." "How can you just sit there and not say anything?" "I'll always think of him as my best friend, but what do you want me to" "Who asked him in here?" "I'm trying to find out what happened to Joey Doyle." "Maybe you can be helpful." "Helpful?" "The brother of Charley the Gent?" "They'll help us get to the bottom of the river." "You better leave Charley out of this." "You don't think he'd be helpful?" "Why don't you ask him yourself?" "Maybe I will one of these days." "One of these days." "Now, listen, you know who the pistols are." "Are you going to keep still until they cut you down one by one?" "Are you?" "Dugan!" "How about you?" "Are you?" "One thing you have to understand, Father, on the dock we've always been D and D." "D and D?" "What's that?" "Deaf and dumb." "No matter how much we hate the torpedoes, we don't rat." "Rat?" "Now boys, get smart." "I know you're getting pushed around, but there's one thing we have in this country, and that's ways of fighting back." "Getting the facts to the public." "Testifying for what is right against what is wrong." "What's ratting to them is telling the truth for you, can't you see that?" "Can't you see that?" "It seems to me we've gone just about as far as we can at this time." "I think you'll agree with that, Father." "So, I'd like to close with a few words from St. Matthew:" ""Come unto me all you--"" "What did I tell you about sticking your neck out." "This is a police problem, not ours." "These people need help." "Okay." "Only don't blame me when they ship you off to Abyssinia." "I won't." "You better go home in pairs." "Twos is two, you know." "Come on." "Pop!" "Edie!" "What's happened to Pop?" "He's all right." "He's an old man, they won't hurt him." "Get out, you!" "Are you all right?" "Yeah, considering they were using my head for a baseball." "You still D and D?" "Do you still call it ratting?" "Are you on the level?" "What do you think?" "If I stick my neck out and it's chopped off, is that the end?" "Or will you go all the way?" "Down the line." "They'll put muscle on you, too, turned-around collar or not." "Wipe your face." "Listen, you stand up and I'll stand up with you." "Right down the wire?" "So help me God." "I think we're okay." "Steel pipes and baseball bats." "They play pretty rough around here." "I can make it home now all right." "Which side are you with?" "Me?" "I'm with me, Terry." "You got a dime for a cup of coffee?" "Go on, beat it, will you?" "A little dime you don't need?" "I know you." "You're Edie Doyle." "Come on." "Beat it." "Your brother was a saint, the only one who ever tried to get me compensation." "You remember, Terry." "You was there that night." "Here's some change." "Go have yourself a ball." "You don't buy me." "You're still a bum." "So long, Edie." "Lord have mercy on Joey." "Who's calling me a bum?" "Everybody loved Joey." "From little kids to the old rummies." "Did you know him very well?" "You know, he got around." "What did that man mean just now?" "Don't pay no attention to him." "He's drunk, he's falling down." "Everything." "He's a juicehead that hangs around the neighbourhood." "Don't pay no attention." "I better go now." "You don't have to be afraid of me." "I'm not going to bite you." "I guess they don't let you walk with fellas where you've been?" "You know how the sisters are." "Yeah." "Are you training to be a nun?" "lt's just a regular college." "It's run by the Sisters of St. Anne." "Where is that?" "In Tarrytown." "Where's that?" "ln the country." "I don't like the country." "The crickets make me nervous." "How often do you get in here?" "I haven't been here since last Christmas." "We were going to have a Thanksgiving party." "That's nice." "What do you do up there?" "Just study?" "I want to be a teacher." "Teacher?" "That's very good." "Personally, I admire brains." "My brother Charley is a very brainy guy." "He had a couple of years of college." "It isn't just brains." "It's how you use them." "Yeah, I get your thought." "You know, I've seen you a lot of times before." "Do you remember parochial school out on Puluski Street?" "Seven, eight years ago?" "Your hair, you had your hair...." "Braids." "Looked like a hunk of rope." "You had wires on your teeth and glasses." "Everything." "You was really a mess." "I can get home all right now, thanks." "Don't get sore." "I was just kidding you a little bit." "I just mean to tell you that you're, you grew up very nice." "Thanks." "You don't remember me, do you?" "I remembered you the first moment I saw you." "By the nose, huh?" "Some people just got faces that stick in your mind." "I remember you were in trouble all the time." "Now you got me." "The way those sisters used to whack me, I don't know what." "They thought they was going to beat an education into me, but I foxed them." "Maybe they just didn't know how to handle you." "How would you have done it?" "With a little more patience and kindness." "That's what makes people mean and difficult." "People don't care enough about them." "Are you kidding me?" "I'd better get you home." "There's too many guys around here with only one thing on their mind." "Am I going to see you again?" "What for?" "I don't know." "I really don't know." "Come on." "You're all packed." "Here's your bus ticket and you're on your way back to St. Anne's." "I'm not ready to go back yet, Pop." "Edie, for years your mom and me put quarters in the cookie jar to keep you up there with the sisters and keep you from things like I've just seen outside the window." "A daughter of mine walking arm in arm with Terry Malloy." "Do you know who Terry Malloy is?" "Who is he, Pop?" "He's the kid brother of Charley the Gent who is Johnny Friendly's right hand and a butcher in a camel hair coat." "Are you trying to tell me Terry is, too?" "He tries to act tough but there's a look in his eye." "Yeah, a look in his eye." "Hold your hats, brothers, here we go again." "You think he's one of them cases you're always dragging into the house and feeling sorry for like that litter of kittens you brought in." "The only one you wanted to keep had six toes and was cockeyed to boot." "Look at him." "The little bum." "He said he wants to see me again." "See this arm?" "Two inches longer than the other." "That's from years of working and sweating, lifting and swinging a hook." "Every time I heist a box or a coffee bag, I says to myself that is for Edie so she can be a teacher or something decent." "I promised your mom, Edie." "Don't let her down." "I don't want you to think I'm not grateful for everything you've done." "For giving me the education and keeping me away from all this." "But I've seen things that I know are so wrong." "How can I go back to school and keep my mind on things that are just in books that aren't people living?" "I'm going to stay." "I'm going to keep on trying to find out who is guilty for Joey." "Hi." "What are you doing up there on the roof?" "Just looking." "Take a look at the champion flock of the neighbourhood." "Fly pretty nice, huh?" "Golden Warriors?" "Yeah." "I founded the Golden Warriors." "Might say that I was the original Golden Warrior." "This bum here is my shadow." "He thinks I'm a tough man because I boxed pro a lot." "Joey used to raise pigeons." "Joey used to raise pigeons." "Yeah, he had a few birds." "I've been taking care of them." "I wouldn't have thought you'd be so interested in pigeons." "I just go for it." "You know this city is full of hawks?" "That's a fact." "They hang around on top of the big hotels." "They spot a pigeon in the park, right down on them." "You got a second?" "I want to show you something." "What do you think of that fellow?" "She's a beauty." "She's a he." "His name is Swifty." "Look what he went and did." "He's my lead bird." "He's always on top of the perch." "If another bum tries to come along and take his place, he really lets him have it." "Even pigeons aren't peaceful." "There's one thing about them, they're very faithful." "They get married just like people." "Better." "They stay that way until one of them dies." "That's nice." "Go ahead." "Fix the roof." "You want that egg?" "Thanks." "Do you like beer?" "I don't know." "I bet you never had a glass of beer." "Did you ever have a glass of beer?" "No." "You want to have one with me?" "In a saloon?" "I know a nice dump down here that has a special entrance for ladies." "Come on, it won't hurt." "Come on." "Okay." "Hey, you, mac." "Two Glockenheimers and two for chasers." "Did you see the fight last night?" "No." "A kid named Riley, both hands." "Like you used to do." "I hope he got better dice than me." "Were you really a prizefighter?" "I used to be." "How did you get interested in that?" "I don't know." "I had to scrap all my life, I might as well get paid for it." "When I was a kid my old man got bumped off." "Never mind how." "Then they stuck Charley and me in a dump they call a "children's home."" "Boy, that was some home." "Anyhow, I ran away from there and fought in the club smokers and peddled papers and Johnny Friendly bought a piece of me." "Bought a piece of you?" "Yes." "Then I was going pretty good there for awhile." "And after that...." "What do you really care, am I right?" "Shouldn't everybody care about everybody else?" "Boy, what a fruitcake you are." "I mean, isn't everybody a part of everybody else?" "And you really believe that drool?" "Yes, I do." "Here we are." "One for the lady and for the gent." "Here's to the first one, I hope it ain't the last." "Go ahead." "No, not like that." "One hum." "Do you want to hear my philosophy of life?" "Do it to him before he does it to you." "I never met anyone like you." "There's not a spark of sentiment, or romance or human kindness in your whole body." "What good does it to you besides get you in trouble?" "And when things and people get in your way, you just knock them aside get rid of them." "Is that your idea?" "Don't look at me when you say that." "It wasn't my fault what happened to Joey." "Fixing him wasn't my idea." "Who said it was?" "Everybody's putting the needle on me." "You and the mugs in the church and Father Barry." "I didn't like the way he was looking at me." "He was looking at everybody the same way." "Oh, yeah?" "What's with this Father Barry?" "What's his racket?" "His racket?" "Yeah, his racket." "Everybody's got a racket." "But he's a priest." "Are you kidding, so what?" "That don't make no difference." "You don't believe anybody, do you?" "Down here it's every man for himself." "It's keeping alive." "It's standing with the right people so you get a little bit of change in your pocket." "And if you don't?" "lf you don't?" "Right down." "It's living like an animal." "I'd rather live like an animal than end up like...." "Like Joey?" "Are you afraid to mention his name?" "No." "Why do you keep harping on that for?" "Come on, drink up." "You got to get a little fun out of life." "Come on." "I'll stick some music on." "What's the matter?" "What's the matter with you?" "Help me if you can for God's sake." "Edie, I'd like to help." "I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do." "All right." "I shouldn't have asked you." "Edie, come on." "Have a little beer." "Come on." "I don't want it." "You just stay here and finish your drink." "Don't go." "I've got my whole life to drink." "Are you sore at me?" "What for?" "I don't know, for not being no help to you." "You would if you could." "Here I come." "Pick a winner." "First I got to kiss the bride." "Go on, you've kissed her before!" "You can get out that way." "You want me to take you?" "Come on." "What's going on here?" "Give me a cigarette." "You've got to stop smoking so much." "Come on, we'll get out through here." "What's the matter?" "Come on." "That's a pretty tune." "Here's a stick of gum." "It'll do you good." "Thank you." "Do you like that music?" "If I had my tuxedo, I'd ask you to dance, but...." "Come on." "You want to spin?" "Come on, don't be afraid." "You dance divinely." "I think we're doing pretty good." "The sisters ought to see you now." "Wait a minute." "I feel like I'm just floating." "I'm just floating." "Just floating." "I been looking all over for you, Terry." "The boss wants you." "Right now?" "Yeah, he just got a call from "Mr. Upstairs."" "Something's gone wrong." "He's plenty hot." "I'm going to take her home first." "I wouldn't do that." "I'll see the little lady home." "Tell him I'll come over there when I'm ready." "Hey, wait up!" "Who was that?" "I don't know." "Some mug." "Who was he?" "You got to quit trying to find out about Joey." "It ain't safe." "I'm telling you it ain't safe." "Mr. Malloy, I was hoping I might find you here." "Excuse me, Miss." "You're being served with a subpoena, Mr. Malloy." "What?" "Be at the State House, Courtroom 9, 10:00 Friday morning." "I told you I don't know nothing about that." "You can bring a lawyer if you wish." "You're privileged under the constitution to protect yourself against questions which might implicate you in any crimes." "You know what they're asking me to do?" "All we want you to do, Mr. Malloy, is tell the truth." "Goodnight, kid." "Nice wedding." "What are you going to do?" "I ain't going to eat cheese for no cop and that's for sure." "It was Johnny Friendly who had Joey killed, wasn't it?" "He had him killed or he had something to do with it, didn't he?" "He and your big brother Charley?" "You can't tell me, can you, because you're a part of it." "Because you're just as bad as the worst of them." "Tell me the truth." "You better go back to that school out in daisyland." "You're driving yourself nuts, you're driving me nuts." "Quit worrying about the truth all the time." "Worry about yourself." "I should've known you wouldn't tell me." "Pop said Johnny Friendly used to own you." "I think he still owns you." "No wonder everybody calls you a bum." "Don't say that to me, Edie, don't say that to me now." "No wonder." "I'm only trying to help you out." "I'm trying to keep you from getting hurt." "What more do you want me to do?" "Much more." "Wait a minute." "Much, much, much more." "Where are you going?" "Hi there, Johnny, I was just coming over there." "Where were you, in Chicago?" "No, I was just on my way over there." "How many times you been knocked out, Terry?" "Knocked out?" "Two times." "That's once too often." "Your brains must be rattling." "What you got up there, Chinese bells?" "I thought you were gonna keep an eye on that church meeting." "I was there." "Nothing was happening." "Nothing happening!" "Some operator you got yourself there." "One more like him, we'd all be wearing striped pyjamas." "I'm telling you, Johnny, it was a big nothing." "The priest did all the talking." "Half an hour later, a certain Timothy J. Dugan had a secret session with the crime commission, and he done all the talking." "Dugan, what does he know?" "Just 39 pages of our operation, that's all." "Where'd you get that?" "I got it." "The complete works of Timothy J. Dugan." "I knew he had the guts, but I never" "Guts!" "Why, that crummy pigeon." "He ought to have his neck wrung!" "That's what we get for mixing with this punch-drunk brother of yours." "He was good for laughs, but this is business." "I don't like anyone goofing off in my business." "I wasn't" "Why are you going around with his sister?" "Just shut up!" "It's just the Doyle broad, she's got him so he doesn't know where his feet is anymore." "It's an unhealthy relationship." "Definitely!" "Get rid of her unless you're both tired of living." "You got her address?" "Yeah." "We've got to do something to muzzle Dugan or he'll raise the biggest stink this town's ever seen." "We got the best muscle on the waterfront." "The time to use it is now." "Pronto, if not sooner." "You know where you're going?" "Back in the hold." "No more cushy job in the loft." "It's down in the hold with the sweat gang till you learn your lesson." "Let's go." "Wise up!" "Come on, you're all right." "Let's do it." "At last an Irish shipment." "And loaded to the gunnels with fine Irish whiskey." "You see, Kayo, the good Lord takes care of us all the time." "That he does." "Come on out, Kayo, get it up." "All right, take it up." "Take it away." "And don't go walking off with any of that!" "You know how the boss feels about individual pilferage." "All right, all right." "Now you see the advantage of a little man in a big coat." "Let me see you a minute afterwards." "What're you here for?" "To see that we don't steal any of Mr. Friendly's precious cargo?" "I want to talk to you." "Get away from me, will you?" "All right." "Take it up." "Take it away." "Kayo, you're a walking distillery." "Watch it!" "Get a doctor!" "He don't need a doctor." "He needs a priest." "I came down here to keep a promise." "I gave Kayo my word that if he stood up to the Mob I'd stand up with him all the way." "And now Kayo Dugan is dead." "He was one of those fellows who had the gift for standing up." "This time they fixed him." "They fixed him for good this time, unless it was an accident like Big Mac says." "Some people think the Crucifixion only took place on Calvary." "They better wise up." "Taking Joey Doyle's life to stop him from testifying is a crucifixion." "Dropping a sling on Kayo Dugan because he was ready to spill his guts tomorrow that's a crucifixion." "Every time the mob puts the crusher on a good man tries to stop him from doing his duty as a citizen, it's a crucifixion." "And anybody who sits around and lets it happen keeps silent about something he knows has happened, shares the guilt of it just as much as the Roman soldier who pierced the flesh of Our Lord to see if He was dead." "Go back to your church, Father." "Boys, this is my church." "If you don't think Christ is down here on the waterfront you've got another guess coming!" "Get off this dock, Father!" "Tillio, don't do that." "Whose side are you on, boy?" "Let him finish." "Every morning when the hiring boss blows his whistle Jesus stands alongside you in the shape-up." "He sees why some of you get picked and some of you get passed over." "He sees the family men worrying about getting their rent and getting food for the wife and kids." "He sees you selling your souls to the mob for a day's pay." "The next bum that throws something deals with me!" "I don't care if he's twice my size!" "What does Christ think of the easy-money boys who do none of the work and take all the gravy?" "How does he feel about the fellows who wear $150 suits and diamond rings on your union dues and your kickback money?" "And how does He, who spoke up without fear against every evil feel about your silence?" "Shut up about that!" "Just watch this." "You see that?" "You want to know what's wrong with our waterfront?" "It's the love of a lousy buck." "It's making love of a buck, the cushy job more important than the love of man." "It's forgetting that every fellow down here is your brother in Christ." "But remember, Christ is always with you." "Christ's in the shape-up, in the hatch, in the union hall." "He's kneeling right here beside Dugan and He's saying with all of you:" ""If you do it to the least of mine, you do it to me."" "What they did to Joey and to Dugan they're doing to you and you." "All of you!" "And only you, only you with God's help have the power to knock them out for good." "Okay, Kayo." "Amen." "All right." "Come on." "Let's go." "Break it up." "Let's go to work." "Edie, here's Joey's jacket." "I'm sure Kayo would wish you to have it back." "I brought you Joey's jacket." "Yours is coming apart." "Pigeons." "They're nervous." "There was a hawk around here before." "Father, I want to speak to you a minute." "Remember what you said about Kayo Dugan and keeping your mouth shut when you know the score." "I don't want to hear your confession." "I'll dig it out for myself and use it where it'll do the most good." "Father Gregory will hear you." "I don't want to talk...." "Wait a second, wait a minute." "I just want to talk to you one second." "You've got to listen to me." "I'm the one that set Joey Doyle up for the knock off." "Come on, take a walk with me, kid, and give it to me straight." "There's nothing I haven't heard." "Come on." "It started out as a favour." "Favour, who am I kidding?" "It's "do it or else."" "Believe me when I tell you I just thought they were going to lean on him a bit." "I never thought he'd get knocked off." "I tried to tell Edie the other night." "I really tried to, I wanted to tell her." "She's the first nice thing that's ever happened to me." "What are you going to do about it?" "What do you mean?" "About telling her?" "Yes, about telling her." "The commission." "Your subpoena." "I know you got a subpoena." "I don't know." "It's like carrying a monkey around on your back." "It's a question of "who rides who."" "If I spill, my life ain't worth a nickel." "And how much is your soul worth if you don't?" "They're asking me to put the finger on my own brother." "Johnny Friendly used to take me to ball games when I was a kid." "Don't break my heart." "I wouldn't care if he gave you a life pass to the polo grounds." "So you've got a brother." "Let me tell you something you've got other brothers getting the short hand while Johnny is getting mustard on his face at the polo grounds." "Ball games." "Listen, if I were you, I would walk right...." "Never mind." "I'm not asking you to do anything, your own conscience has to do the asking." "Conscience." "That stuff can drive you nuts." "Good luck." "Is that all you've got to say?" "Come here." "Edie called me this morning." "She's coming here to talk to me." "Come on, why don't you tell her?" "No curves." "Okay." "Thanks." "You?" "Honest to God, Edie...." "Believe me, I swear to God, Edie...." "Terry, guess who's here?" "That joker from the crime commissioner's office." "Suppose I knew a guy that knocked somebody off you think I ought to turn him in?" "You mean call a cop?" "Are you kidding?" "You don't think I ought to turn him in?" "You was a Golden Warrior once." "That's right." "You started the gang." "You looking for me?" "No, not exactly." "I was just resting my dogs a minute." "On the next investigation we get, I hope it's got buildings with elevators in them." "So far this one's just been climbing stairs." "What do you climb them for?" "It's worth it if we can tell the waterfront story the way the people have a right to hear it." "Don't you think?" "Didn't I see you in the Garden three or four years ago with a fellow named Wilson?" "I thought you were going to take him that night." "Man, he really dumped you." "He dumped me?" "What would you say if I told you I held that bum up for half a round?" "I could see he was hurt." "What did you think I was doing with them combinations, petting him?" "You just couldn't finish him off?" "Don't monkey around there." "Why didn't you finish him off?" "I was doing a favour for some pals." "Favour?" "That's the way it was." "That's the way it was." "If I'd have put him down, I'd have had a title shot." "I was ready that night." "You sure looked it." "That's when I figured it was all over." "It was all over, except for the lousy bet!" "My own." "Yeah." "I guess I'd better get going." "Hit those stairs again." "Was that a hook or an uppercut you caught him with that first time?" "I didn't use no hooks." "I was strictly a short puncher." "It looked like a hook to me." "I had that bum all figured out." "He had a good left hand." "I let him tag me with the left hand for a couple of rounds so just when he starts, he thinks he's getting cute, I step inside a jab with a left, with a right, with a left." "I had him in my arms and from there on in we were just dancing." "And that's a fact!" "When those guys want to win a bet, there's nothing they won't stop at." "I didn't hear them, boss but I seen them nose to nose, like pair of lovers." "The flatfoot was eating it up." "So they've been seen together and he smiled at her." "That doesn't mean he's going to talk." "There is no evidence until he gives public testimony." "Thanks for the legal advice, Charley." "That's what we kept you around here for." "How do we keep him from giving this testimony?" "Ain't that what you call "the main order of business"?" "He's a good kid." "You know that." "He's a bum." "After all the days I gave him in the loft, he's got no gratitude." "Shut up!" "I'm conducting this investigation." "This girl and the father, they got their hooks in the kid so deep he doesn't even know which end is up any more." "I ain't interested in his mental condition." "All I want to know is:" "is he D and D or is he a canary?" "I wish I knew." "So do I, Charley." "For your sake." "What do you want me to do?" "It's simple." "Drive him out to this place we've been using try to straighten him out on the way." "If you don't, give him to Gerry G." "You can't do that." "Maybe the boy is out of line, but he's just a confused kid!" "Confused kid!" "First he crosses me in public and gets away with it then the next joker, pretty soon I'm just another fellow around here!" "Johnny, I can't do that." "Then don't." "Who do you like in the third?" "lt's got to be New Hope." "Definitely." "Johnny it's my kid brother." "That's for you to figure out." "You can have it your way or you can have it his way but you can't have it both ways." "Am I right, Truck?" "Definitely." "Okay, on your horse deep thinker." "Hi, Charley." "I'm glad you stopped by for me." "I've been wanting to talk to you." "Sure, kid." "Where to?" "Go to River St. I'll tell you where to stop." "I thought we was going to the Garden?" "We are, but I want to cover a bet on the way over." "Besides, this'll give us a chance to talk." "Nobody ever stopped you from talking, Charley." "The grapevine says that you got a subpoena." "The guys know you're not a cheese-eater." "They think you shouldn't be on the outside so much but a little on the inside." "I have a few things for you at the docks." "A steady job a couple extra potatoes, that's all I want." "That's great when you're a kid, but you're getting on, you're pushing 30, slugger." "You know it's time to think about getting some ambition." "I always figured I'd live a little bit longer without it." "Maybe." "There's a boss loader slot that's open on the new pier we're opening up." "It pays six cents on every 100 pounds that goes in and every 100 pounds that goes out and you don't have to lift a finger." "That's $200, $300, $400 a week." "$400 a week just for the openers." "I get all that dough for not doing nothing?" "You don't do anything and you don't say anything." "You understand?" "There's more to this than I thought, Charley." "I'm telling you there's a lot more." "You're not thinking of testifying against some people that we might know?" "I don't know, Charley." "That's what I want to talk to you about." "Do you know how much the piers are worth that we control through the local?" "Do you think Johnny's going to jeopardise the whole set-up for one rubber-lipped, ex-tanker who's walking on his heels?" "What the...." "I could've been a lot better." "The point is we don't have much time!" "I'm telling you, I haven't made up my mind yet!" "Make up your mind before we get to 437 River St!" "Before we get to where, Charley?" "Listen, Terry." "Take the job, no questions." "Take it!" "Terry, take this job, please." "Look, kid...." "How much do you weigh, slugger?" "When you weighed 168 pounds you were beautiful." "You could have been another Billy Conn." "That skunk we got you for a manager he brought you along too fast." "It wasn't him, Charley." "It was you." "Remember that night in the Garden?" "You came down to my dressing room and said, "Kid, this ain't your night." ""We're going for the price on Wilson."" "You remember that?" ""This ain't your night."" "My night!" "I could have taken Wilson apart!" "So what happens, he gets the title shot outdoors in the ball park and what do I get?" "A one-way ticket to Palookaville!" "You was my brother, Charley." "You should have looked out for me a little bit." "You should've taken care of me a little so I wouldn't have to take dives for short-end money." "I had some bets down for you." "You saw some money." "You don't understand, I could have had class!" "I could have been a contender." "I could have been somebody." "Instead of a bum which is what I am." "Let's face it." "It was you, Charley!" "Okay." "I'll tell them I couldn't find you." "Ten to one they won't believe me." "Here, you take this." "You're going to need it." "You, pull over." "Take me to the Garden." "Stay away from me!" "Edie?" "Come on, open the door, please!" "Stop it!" "I want you to stay away from me." "I know what you want me to do but I ain't doing it, so forget it." "I don't want you to do anything." "You let your conscience tell you what to do." "Shut up about that conscience, that's all I've been hearing!" "I never mentioned the word before." "You just stay away from me!" "Edie, you love me." "I didn't say I didn't love you, I said stay away from me!" "I want you to stay with me." "Stay away from me!" "Terry!" "Terry, your brother's down here!" "He wants to see you!" "Charley?" "Your brother's down here." "Come on down here." "He wants to see you." "Come on down!" "What is it Terry?" "Charley, he's in trouble." "Be careful." "Charley!" "Terry?" "Terry!" "Your brother's down here!" "Do you hear what I hear?" "Terry!" "That's the same way they called Andy, the night I lost him." "Edie, be careful!" "Edie, be careful!" "They got Charley." "Terry, I'm frightened." "Let's get out of here, please." "First Joey, then Dugan, and now Charley, and next...." "Please, Terry, some place where we can live in peace." "I'm going to take it out of their skulls." "Charley I'm going to take it out of their skulls." "Terry, they'll kill you, too." "Go get the father." "Tell him to take care of Charley." "And then come back here and stay with him till he gets here." "Terry, please don't do anything, please!" "For God's sake, don't leave him alone here long!" "Please, Terry." "Do what I tell you." "Where's John Friendly?" "He's not here now." "Give me a shot." "Take it easy." "Don't give me no advice, give me the shot." "Why don't you go home before Big John gets here?" "Just give me a whiskey." "Stick around, Tillio." "There, sit down." "Get out of that phone booth!" "Stay where you are!" "I want to see you, Terry." "I'm right in front of you." "Don't give me a hard time, Terry." "What do you want?" "Your gun." "Go and chase yourself." "Give me the gun." "You go to hell." "What did you say?" "Go to hell." "Sorry, let me help you up." "Get your hands off me!" "Now what am I going to do?" "You want to be a brave man by firing lead into another man?" "lt's none of your business!" "That's being brave!" "Mind your own business!" "Shooting a man isn't being brave!" "It's none of your business!" "Do you want to hurt Johnny Friendly?" "Do you want to fix him?" "Do you really want to finish him?" "What do you think?" "For what he did to Charley and a dozen other men?" "Don't fight him like a hoodlum down here in the jungle." "That's what he wants." "He'll hit you in the head and plead self-defence." "You'll fight him in the courtroom tomorrow with the truth." "As you know the truth." "Now you get rid of that gun." "Unless you haven't the guts, and if you haven't, hold onto it!" "Give me a beer." "Do you want a beer?" "Make it two." "You mean to sit there and tell me that your local takes in $65,500 every year and keeps no financial records?" "Sure." "We got records." "Where are they?" "We was robbed last night, and we can't find no books." "You know you're under oath?" "Sure." "Isn't it odd to you that five different waterfront locals were broken into last night?" "And the only item missing from all of them was the financial records?" "What do you mean, odd?" "Like I told you, we was robbed." "That's all for now." "Call the next witness." "Before you call the next witness are all the officers of Local 374 present this morning?" "Will the following please rise as their names are called?" "Mr. Michael J. Skelly, also known as Johnny Friendly, President." "Mr. Lewis O. Janotta, Vice President." "Mr. Daniel D. Coogan, Financial Secretary." "Mr. Mladen Sokolivitch, Delegate." "Mr. Tillio A. Rodelli, Delegate." "Recording Secretary." "Thank you, gentlemen." "Next witness." "Mr." "Malloy." "Raise your right hand." "Name, please." "Terry Malloy." "Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and only the truth?" "Right." "I do." "I do." "Be seated, please." "Mr. Malloy is it true that the night Joey Doyle was found dead you were the last one to see him before he was pushed from the roof?" "Yes." "Is it true you went immediately" "Wait!" "Except for the guys that pushed him off." "Is it true you went immediately to the Friendly bar and expressed your feelings about the murder to Mr. Johnny Friendly?" "John Friendly, right." "Mr. Malloy can you tell me whether Mr. Friendly, or I should say, Mr. Skelly said anything to you to indicate his responsibility in getting rid of Joey Doyle?" "Right." "Would you say that Mr. Friendly made it clear to you it was absolutely necessary he murder Joey Doyle in order to maintain his control on the docks of the waterfront localsl Is that correct?" "Will there be anything else?" "Yes, Sidney, if Mr. Friendly calls, I'm out." "Anytime today?" "lf he calls ever, I'm out!" "Very well." "Thank you, Mr. Malloy." "You've done more than break the Joey Doyle case." "We've begun to make it possible for honest men to work the docks with job security and peace of mind." "You may step down." "That's all for now." "Mr. Michael J. Skelly, please." "You just dug your own grave." "Go fall in it." "You're dead on this waterfront and every waterfront from Boston to New Orleans." "You don't drive a truck or a cab you don't push a baggage rack you don't work no place, you're dead!" "Will you quit following me?" "Why don't you get off my tail?" "Orders." "You're hot." "You ought to be glad we're following you." "You're making me feel like a canary." "Well...." "Lay off." "Hi, Cheeky." "Who's your friend?" "I made some hot coffee." "I thought you might want some." "Anyway, it's all over." "My friends don't want to talk to me." "Are you sure they're your friends?" "I'll see you later." "Hey, champ, how's the kid." "What's with him?" "A pigeon for a pigeon!" "Terry." "The kid." "Tommy?" "What did he have to do that for?" "Every one of them." "Terry, there's no place that's safe for you now on the waterfront." "Maybe inland out west some place a farm." "A farm?" "You could do anything, as long as you're away from Johnny Friendly." "You tried to help the longshoremen and they just turn their backs and stick to their stupid D and D!" "Are they taking chances for you?" "Why should you?" "You're not even listening to me, are you?" "You're going down there." "Just because Johnny Friendly warned you not to, you're going down there." "You think you got to prove that you're not afraid of them!" "Well, go ahead, get it over with." "Go down and get yourself killed you stupid, pigheaded...." "What are you trying to prove?" "They always said I was a bum." "Well, I ain't a bum, Edie." "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt nobody." "I'm just going to go down there and get my rights." "Everybody works today!" "Wolfgang." "Hendricks." "Padowski." "Martin." "Dalton." "Wurthy." "Hauffman." "What do you think?" "That ain't such a bad picture of you, boss." "Stop breathing that clam sauce on me." "I wish you'd let me go to work on that cheese-eater." "I'd top the bum off lovely." "Wait'll we get off this front page." "Then he's mine." "I want him." "You hear that?" "He's mine." "Where are them cops of yours, stoolie?" "You're going to need them." "You're still short in the hatch, Mac." "Spec." "Bring me the first man you see." "You." "Here's your man." "You want more of the same?" "Come back tomorrow." "All right, that's it." "I hope that bum comes down here." "I'd love if he comes down here." "Did you ever hear of the Sullivan Law?" "They'll be down on us for the slightest infraction now, anything." "I'm going to be indicted any minute!" "Come on, gimme." "Will you get it through your heads they're dusting off the hot seat for me!" "We're a law-abiding union." "Understand?" "Friendly!" "John Friendly, come out of there!" "You want to know the trouble with you?" "You think it makes you a big man if you give the answers." "At the right time I'll catch up with you." "Think about that." "Now, go on, beat it." "Don't push your luck." "Wait a minute." "You take them heaters away from you and you're nothing, you know that?" "You'll talk yourself in the river!" "You take the good goods away and the kickbacks and shakedown cabbage and the pistoleros and you're nothing!" "Your guts is all in your wallet and your trigger finger!" "You ratted on us, Terry!" "From where you stand, maybe." "But I'm standing over here now!" "I was ratting on myself all them years, I didn't even know it." "You gave it to Joey, you gave it to Dugan and you gave it to Charley who was one of your own." "You think you're God Almighty, but you know what you are?" "You're a cheap lousy, dirty, stinking mug and I'm glad what I done to you!" "You hear that?" "I'm glad what I done!" "And I'm going to keep on doing it till I get" "Come on, come on." "That boy fights like he used to." "They'll kill him." "lt's a massacre." "He's one of theirs anyway." "What are we waiting for?" "Let's go!" "That's enough." "Just let him lay there." "What happened?" "Jimmy, what happened?" "Where are you going?" "Let me by." "You want him?" "You can have him!" "The little rat's yours." "Get some fresh water!" "Terry." "Who's in charge here?" "Yours truly is in charge here." "We got to get this ship out of here." "It's costing us money." "Blow your whistle." "All right you guys, get to work!" "Come on!" "What goes?" "I'll have them working in two minutes." "He better get these men to work." "Come on, you guys, on the double!" "Get to work!" "Come on." "Get in there." "Get in there." "How about Terry?" "lf he don't work, we don't work." "Work!" "He can't even walk!" "You want to know who works?" "The ones I pick to work." "Now get going." "Come on all of you, get in there." "Come on, get out here." "Come on, Pop, on the double, you work today." "All my life you pushed me around." "Come on." "Come on, you walk in with them." "If Terry walks in, we walk in with him." "They're waiting for him to walk in." "Did you hear that, Terry?" "Terry, did you hear that?" "Yeah." "You lost the battle, but you have a chance to win the war." "What do I have to do?" "Walk." "Can you walk?" "Walk." "Yes, walk." "To the pier, I mean." "We'll walk in with you." "So the shippers can see we'll take no more orders from Johnny Friendly." "Then it'll give us back our union, so we can run it on the up and up." "Johnny Friendly's laying odds that you won't get up." "What are you standing around for?" "Come on, help me!" "Come on, you guys." "Put me on my feet." "Come on." "How you doing?" "Am I on my feet?" "You're on your feet." "I don't think I'm gonna make it." "Terry!" "You can." "Just finish what you started." "You can." "Give me my hook." "Look, for God's sake, what're you trying to do?" "Take your hands off him." "Keep going." "Leave him alone!" "All right, let's go to work!" "Where you guys going?" "Wait a minute." "I'll remember this." "I'll remember every one of you!" "I'll be back!" "Don't you forget that!" "I'll be back!" | {
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"Previously on "When Calls the Heart"..." "Let me drive." "Can't believe I'm about to agree to this." "Rosemary LeVeaux, I promise, you will get your theater." "Oh-ho-ho-ho!" "Is that Charles Kensington Elizabeth just kissed?" "Yep." "Another project?" "The paint's still wet on the school house." "I know, I know." "But think of the prestige it'll bring to Hope Valley." "Plays." "Concerts." "Recitals." "This town could use a little culture." " Don't you agree, Abigail?" " I'm sure I would, if I had any idea what you were talking about." "Well, Lee here has promised to build a theater for Rosemary." " So I've heard." " Really?" "Word spreads fast in this town." "Word spreads fast when Rosemary is spreading it." "Ah, but that's the beauty of it." "Not only is she the performer, she also does her own publicity." "And she's got the newspaper behind her, too." "I can see she's got you convinced." "That woman could sell ice in a snowstorm." "Well, if you'll excuse me," "I've got to get back to the cafe." "Of course." "Shall we?" "Heat makes mercury rise but, because it's sealed in this glass tube, all it can do is go up, and we can tell what the temperature is by seeing just how high the mercury gets." "How high is it, Miss Thatcher?" "It's colder than any classroom ought to be." "I think I can help with that." "You know how to fix a stove?" "Well, I may not be an expert, but I think I can manage." "Mounties can do anything." "Give that young man an "A."" "All right, everyone." "Please take out your grammar books." "Yes, Emily?" "Are you gonna marry Constable Thornton?" "Emily... we are working on our grammar now." "My mom says that she's gonna marry the man from Hamilton... the one she kissed before he got on the stagecoach." "Albert... your grammar book?" "Now, if you'll all please turn to page 35..." "Is he coming back, Miss Thatcher?" "Or are you gonna marry him and move to Hamilton?" "He's very handsome." "All right, children!" "I'm not marrying anyone." "Ever?" "Maybe... someday." "But not right away." "And certainly not until you've all learned how to properly diagram a sentence, so unless you would like extra homework," "I suggest that you all focus on your propositions." "I mean prepositions." "Page 35, please." "In your books." "We will all read aloud." "S02E05 Heart and Home" "And after Jack fixed the stove," "Rachel said, "Thank you for keeping Miss Thatcher nice and warm."" "What did Jack say?" "Nothing." "What'd you expect him to say?" ""My pleasure."" "Now, that sounds like something more Charles would say." "Somehow I can't imagine Charles repairing a stove." "Can you imagine him keeping you warm?" "Abigail!" "I'm just asking." "So many suitors, so many choices." "I think we've talked enough about my suitors." "It's far more fun than discussing mine." "We don't have to talk about Bill Avery either." "Good." "The sooner I put that behind me, the better." "I know." "You'd only just opened up your heart again." "I wish I had great words of wisdom, but all I can do is try to be a good listener." "That's all you have to be." " Right on time." " Mm-hmm." "What do you want to talk to me about?" "Care for a drink?" "No, thank you." "Suit yourself." "I thought we might discuss the new rail road line." "Ah..." "The rail road line." "The one that was gonna go right to my sawmill, and that you somehow convinced the rail road company to reroute through land you own?" "The new route is better for the town." "Tell me." "How does building a spur line further away from the town benefit anyone?" "Well, it gives room for Hope Valley to expand." "Again... onto land you own." "How convenient." "Well, we will all share in the benefits, just as we will all share in the costs." "The costs?" "What costs?" "Well, the roadways and the depot are not the responsibility of the railway, they're our responsibility." "Let me guess." "You have a plan." " I am the Mayor." " Uh-huh." "A "special business tax assessment"?" "Those who'll reap the most benefit will also share the most of the burden." "The way you've rigged these rates, you're gonna break me." "That is the idea, of course, though, isn't it?" "Stealing the rail-line from me, that wasn't enough for you." "You're not gonna be happy until you put me out of business for good, is that right?" "Fair is fair." "You wouldn't know the first thing about being fair." "This is not it." "I'm going to fight you on this." "Well, you can try." "But the town council has already approved it." "Jack?" "Jack!" "I just got this telegram from Viola..." "I just got one from the Mounties." "Tom and Julie were in an automobile accident." "Viola says that Julie will be all right." "How bad is Tom?" "Didn't say." "You're going?" "The first stage I can catch." "You?" "I don't have much of a choice." "According to Viola, my parents have never been this upset, and Julie won't speak to anyone." "What about school?" "Why do you have to go?" "My family needs me, but I'll be back as soon as I can." "And while I'm gone," "Mrs. Blakeley will be your substitute teacher." "Mrs. Blakeley?" "Yes, and I expect you all to listen to her and do as she says." "I'll be leaving lessons in geography, spelling and math." "And... while I'm gone, you all will be working on the Founders' Day play!" "So that will be very exciting." "All right." "You may go to recess." "Emily?" "Are you all right?" "I don't want to come to school if you're not here." "Mrs. Blakeley scares me." "Can I tell you a little secret?" "Sometimes, she scares me, too." "I'm going to give you a present, so you won't be lonely while I'm away." "May I have your hand?" "Now you keep that with you while I'm gone, and whenever you feel scared or alone at school, all you have to do is this... and then you'll be reminded that I am right there with you," "even when I'm gone." "I'm gonna miss you, Miss Thatcher." "I'm going to miss you, too." "Gowen is becoming a real problem." "Well, what I know is, your sawmill provides jobs." "Yes!" "For over half the men in this town." "Then it beats me how can anyone can think it's in their best interest to drive it out of business." "You know..." "I really thought that deal with Thatcher's company was gonna get things going, that I'd be able to meet my goals." "And now?" "Gowen sabotaging me at every corner," "I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to deliver on my promises." "I'd have to cut jobs, and without jobs... there's not much to keep this town going." "I have to get to work." "Thank you." "Charles... it was so kind of you to pick us up from the train station." "Well, it was the least I could do." "This isn't gonna be easy, is it?" "Well, your father doesn't get upset very often, but... can't blame him this time." "I suppose not." "All right." "I'd best be off." "Uh, Jack, if you'd like a ride to the infirmary, it's no trouble at all." "That's very generous, but I'll make my own way." "Telephone me and let me know what's going on with Tom?" "I will." "It's gonna be all right." "I hope so." "Charles." "Did Mr. Thatcher say anything to you about the accident?" "Just that what Tom did was reckless and irresponsible." "And you agree?" "It's not my place to judge." "Julie's like a sister to me, so I'm being honest," "I really can't forgive your brother." "Well, I guess I'm not surprised." "I just want what's best for the Thatcher girls." "For Julie and for Elizabeth." "Do you know what's best for Elizabeth?" "Do you?" "I know her well enough to let her decide for herself." "With all due respect... you don't know her at all." "Just a moment!" "What are you doing here, Mr. Avery?" "I'm asking that you to hear me out." "I just want you to understand." "When I lost my parents," "Nora's father, Jonas Wilder, he took me in, made sure I was taken care of, paid for my schooling." "Nora fell in love with a drifter." "She eloped with him." "He deserted her with child, and I married her out of duty to her father, to protect her honor." "And you raised the boy?" "As if he were my own son." "I thought Nora and I could have a life together... but when Martin died... we were both devastated." "And Nora changed." "We couldn't even speak to each other without fighting." " So you left?" " No." "I didn't give up," "I did everything I could to make things right." "She disappeared for nearly two years, and when I finally found her, she was living with her father." "She said the marriage was over for her, and she wanted a divorce and didn't want to see me." "Something must have happened to change her mind." "I have no idea what it was." "I can't explain why she showed up at your doorstep, or how she found you." "You told me your wife died." "I said that I'd lost her, and it wasn't a lie." "It was a deception." "I was going to tell you everything when I came back to town." "I had every reason to believe the divorce would be official by then." "But it wasn't." "No, it wasn't." "I made an unforgivable mistake, Abigail." "At least now you know the truth." "Your mother's upstairs." "This whole affair's been a terrible ordeal for her." "I'll go up in a minute." "Where's Julie?" "She still won't come out of her room." "At least she can't cause any trouble from there." "I wouldn't put it past her." "Tell me everything that happened." "Apparently, the Thornton boy broke into the garage and convinced her to go on a joy ride, then he ran the car off the road." "The damned fool, he could have killed them both." "You're not planning on pressing charges against Tom, are you?" "He also took Julie to a dance hall and he broke in there as well." "God knows where else he's taken her." "Julie may be headstrong, but the young man needs to be taught a lesson." "If Julie continues to fraternize with the wrong sort of people, it could be disastrous." ""The wrong sort of people." Like the Thorntons?" "I didn't say that." "I sent you the telegram because this is serious." "You're the only one she listens to, Elizabeth." "You may think I'm cruel at times, but I have Julie's interests at heart here." "I know you do." "I didn't mean to be defensive." "Talk to her." "Make her understand." "I'll do my best." "I don't even know what I'm doing here." "It's just a bump on the head and a couple of broken ribs." "I've had worse." "Oh." "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to interrupt." "I can come back later." "No, it's fine." "Nurse Carter, this is my brother... the incomparable Constable Jack Thornton." "Oh!" "You're the Mountie Tom's told me about." "What else did he tell you?" "That you were eight-feet tall and could straighten a horseshoe with your bare hands." "Well, Tom likes to exaggerate." "A little." "How's he doing?" "Two broken ribs and a concussion." "The doctor would like to keep him here for observation." " Have you heard from Julie?" " We can talk about that later." "I have no secrets from Miss Carter." "She knows all about the Thatchers." "I have to apologize for my brother's lack of discretion." "It's all right." "Everyone knows the Thatchers." " They're practically..." " Hamilton royalty." "Yeah." "I've heard." "Jack has a very close relationship with Princess Elizabeth." "Oh?" "We both live in Hope Valley." "And I escorted her here to Hamilton." "Well, she's a lucky woman... to have a Mountie as an escort." "Hello?" "I didn't expect to hear from you again." "He is?" "No." "I didn't know he went back." "Where did you see him?" "I'm so eager to get started in the classroom." "Elizabeth Thatcher is too easy on the children." "Young minds need discipline." "Oh." "Did I tell you Dottie saw Bill Avery coming out of Abigail's cafe this morning?" "Before it was open!" "I would have thought Abigail would have more purity of character than to meet secretly with a man of questionable integrity." "How frequently people disappoint us." "They certainly do." "I always thought my friends had more purity of character than to gossip about me behind my back." " Oh, Abigail, I..." " For the record... not that it's any of your business... there is less than nothing between Bill Avery and me." "And there never will be." "Have I made myself clear?" "Yeah." "A word of advice, Florence." "The Good Book says "Judge not that you be not judged."" "If you went to church and actually listened instead of gossiping, you'd hear that only those without sin should cast the first stone." "So if you want to judge the "purity" of someone's character, you'd do well to start with your own." "I couldn't have said it better myself." "Oh..." "I suppose I got carried away, didn't I?" "They deserved it." "And that bit about judging was nicely put." "If I ever need someone to fill in on Sunday," "I know who to ask." "I suppose I'm angry." "But not with Florence." "No, not with Florence." "With Bill." "Here's my two cents about anger." "It's like a toothache." "See, a toothache hurts, and the only way to fix it is to do something about it." "We all know it, but we put it off because we're afraid it'll hurt worse." "But once that tooth is gone, we feel a whole lot better." "So you're saying the only way for me to get over being angry is to forgive Bill for what he did." "I'm not sure I'm ready to do that." "Well, it may be painful, Abigail, but you need to pull that tooth." "Trust me." "You'll feel a whole lot better once it's done." " My life is over." " That's not true." "Father's forbidden me to see Tom ever again, and I'll die if I don't see him." "I'll wither away and die." " You won't die." " Then I'll wither." "Thatchers do not "wither."" "But breaking into that dance hall, and then taking Father's car, what were you thinking?" "One doesn't think when one is in love." "Well, one had better start." "Didn't I ask you to promise not to see Tom again?" "You asked, I didn't promise." "Julie... you know I only want what's best for you." "Then take me to visit him." "He needs me." " Jack is with him." "He'll be fine." " Honestly, Elizabeth," "I thought you would understand how I feel, being in love with the wrong kind of man." "I'm not in love with "the wrong kind of man."" "Well, Jack is Tom's brother!" "Yes." "And that's where the similarity ends." "Tom is a good person inside." "Yes, he is!" "But he should have been a lot more careful behind the wheel of that car." "It wasn't his fault." "The mud was slippery and the tires skidded." "It could have happened to anyone." "You shouldn't have been out with him in the first place." "I'll do as I please with whom I please, and if Father presses charges against the man I love," "I swear I shall never speak to him again." "Julie, if you want to be treated like a grownup, then start acting like one." "Now get out of bed and stop behaving like you're five years old." "But what about Tom?" "We can talk more about him when you're dressed and downstairs, and not until then." " Any luck with Julie?" " She's convinced she's in love." "Not with that scoundrel." "Tom may have his problems, but I wouldn't call him a scoundrel." "Of course you wouldn't." "He's Jack's brother." "You have to defend him." "This isn't about Jack." "Isn't it?" "Forgive me for being blunt, but everyone's asking." "Do you and Jack have an understanding?" "An understanding about what?" "I'm asking if he's made a proposal." "That's none of your affair." "Huh." "So he hasn't." "I'm not in any rush to reach an "understanding" with anyone." "And, clearly, neither is he." "Jack is shy." "Or maybe he realizes how difficult it would be for the two of you because you come from such different backgrounds." "We're not so different." "In fact, I've adapted quite well to life in Hope Valley." "The real issue is, when will you make up your mind about who you are and where you belong?" " I know perfectly well who I am!" " Really?" "Have you told Charles?" "Or will you continue leading him on?" "I'm not leading him on." "Charles is one of my dearest friends." "You have lots of friends in Hamilton, yet you choose to spend most of your time with him." "I think you need to ask yourself why." "Mr. Avery." "I never got to thank you for all you did to find Clara." "You don't need to." "Yes, I do." "Thank you." "She's a fine young woman." "Please tell her goodbye for me." "I will." "I know that this hasn't been easy for either of us... but it's in the past." "And I want you to know that whatever happened between us," "I wish you the best of luck with everything." "I mean that." "Thank you." "Going on a bit of a run here." "Who is that distinguished gentleman in the expensive suit?" "Bertram P. Harriman." "Railroad magnate." "He's here to approve the deal that's gonna make Gowen rich." "The deal hasn't gone through yet?" "May as well." "Tried everything I can to change his mind, but no cigar." "It's not like you to give up." "I'm not giving up." "I never give up." "I'm just out of options at the moment." "You've taken the last four pots, Mr. Gowen." "Well, I hope you'll forgive me." "I mean, given our new business relationship," "I would think it'd be more prudent of me to lose, but, well, I just don't work that way." "There's no point in playing unless you're out for blood." "Clean me out, if you can." "I'll respect you all the more for it." "Besides..." "I can afford it." "You certainly can." "Jack!" "I almost didn't recognize you out of uniform." "Please, join me." "You're not expecting anybody else?" "Oh, no." "I usually eat alone, so I can read up on my patients' files." "Okay." "You seem very dedicated to your work." "I am!" "I get the feeling you are, too." "It must run in your family." "Wait." "Did Tom tell you our dad was a Mountie?" "You have no secrets from me." "Well, that puts me at a disadvantage." "My mother was a nurse, so I know what it's like to carry on the family profession." "Not that I'm complaining about my work." "I like making a difference in people's lives." "So do I." "I can tell." "Speaking of-of medical files..." "I wonder if I could see Tom's?" "Are you asking officially?" "Actually, I'm asking more as a friend." "Well, I'm glad to hear we're friends." " I'll see what I can do." " Thank you." "I appreciate your help." "How are the Thatchers holding up?" "William Thatcher is pretty upset, as you can imagine." "Certainly he doesn't blame you for what happened?" "I guess I blame myself a little." " Tom's my brother." " That's not fair." "Well, I introduced them." "You're being too hard on yourself." "Well, if it isn't Constable Thornton." "Sir Lionel." "Viola." "Lionel spotted you through the window, and we thought we would just pop in and say hello." "Oh, this is Faith." "Miss..." "Miss Carter." "She is the nurse at the infirmary." "She's taking care of Tom." "Delighted to make your acquaintance." "We don't mean to keep you from your dinner." "Oh, no." "We were just meeting to discuss Tom's health." "Let him know we wish him a speedy recovery." "Yes." "Of course." "I have good news." "Bill's on his way home." "Seems to me he's been away a very long time." "The life of a Mountie." "He's one of the best men they have." "I always knew he had a bright future, from the time he was a young boy." "Bill idolizes you, Papa." "You did so much for him." "He owes you everything." "Obligation..." "not the same thing as love." "No." "Of course not." "Sometimes... two people... even the best of people, aren't meant to be together." "Bill and I are very happy together." "No one is to blame for what happened, Nora." "Not you." "Not Bill." "I assure you, there was no mechanical failure." "The fault lies squarely with the driver." "I'm not disputing that." "Then I don't see the point of inspecting the vehicle." "Well..." "It's standard procedure with an automobile accident." "I've made some inquiries." "Your brother has a long history of brushes with the law." "Good news travels fast." "Doesn't it alarm you that he continues to find himself in trouble?" "It does." "But I'm not sure being thrown in jail is going to help Tom." "He committed a crime." "Everyone makes mistakes, Mr. Thatcher." "The true test of a man is how he recovers from them." "That may be, but I want your assurance that your brother will stop seeing my daughter." "I'll see what I can do." "I'm not sure the association between the Thorntons and the Thatchers has proven to be a happy one." "Are you asking me to stop seeing Elizabeth?" "No." "I'm hoping that your concern for her... and for our family... will lead you to a decision that would show how much you care about Elizabeth..." " and her future." " Mr. Thatcher..." "I care a great deal about your daughter." "Working on your advice column?" "Well, I'm trying, but..." "I can't stop watching this." "So they've been playing all night?" "I heard they broke at midnight and started up an hour ago." "What's so fascinating?" "Well, Gowen..." "Is cheating." " He's cheating?" " Mm-hmm." "How do you know?" "Okay, see that man over there by the pillar?" " Yeah?" " Just watch." "I'll be..." "He's a spotter." "He certainly is." "He sees Harriman's hand, and he signals to Gowen whether it's strong or weak." "How do you know so much about poker?" "Well, a lady is allowed her secrets." "Yes, she is." "Listen..." "There might be a way to beat Gowen at his own game." "I was thinking the same thing." "It might require a little bit of teamwork, though." " I was hoping you'd ask." " Okay." "How's Julie doing?" "Mm." "She's devastated that Father won't let her see your brother." "Did she say what caused the accident?" "The road was muddy and the car skidded." "I knew things wouldn't end well between them." "The last time we were in Hamilton," "I told her to break things off with Tom." "Well, I gave him the same advice." "Good." "Julie's always been attracted to men who are trouble." "Well, did you ever think maybe" "Julie could be responsible for some of that trouble?" "She's not the one who broke into the garage!" "Well, but it could've been her idea." "Are you blaming my sister for what happened?" "All I'm saying is there could be more to the story than you think." "And when someone as prominent as your father threatens to press charges against someone like my brother, the consequences can be serious." "Well, maybe the consequences need to be serious for Tom's own good." "Well, maybe they need to be serious for Julie as well." "Call." "Two pair." "Queens and deuces." "Three 10s." "Thank you, Mr. Gowen, for the most challenging game I've had in a long while." " I don't often lose." " Well, neither do I." "Excellent." "I only do business with winners." "Gentlemen." "Heard there was a game going on." "Too late to get in on it?" "Mr. Harriman and I have some business to attend to." "Oh." "Come on, Henry." "What's wrong?" "You've been bleeding me dry since I came to town." "I should think that you'd jump at the chance to take more of my money." "Well, under different circumstances," "I would be delighted, but..." "But you're a coward." "Is that it?" "Mr. Gowen, a challenge has been given." "I suggest you pick up the gauntlet." "Why, thank you." "The medical report seems to be in order." "Thanks." "He wasn't driving, was he?" "What makes you say that?" "There had to be a reason you wanted to see his file." "I'm guessing you've examined the car and found some evidence?" "There's a crack in the windshield on the passenger side of the car." "It's consistent with Tom's head injury." "Miss Thatcher was behind the wheel, and your brother is lying to protect her?" "She doesn't have a license, which means she broke the law, and she is probably terrified of what her father would do if he found out she was driving." "Y-You have to get Tom to tell the truth." "Well, he won't do it." "He puts on a tough act, but deep down, he's the most loyal person I know." "He'll never betray Julie." "You care about him very much, don't you?" "Well, he had a tough time of it, growing up without a dad." "I grew up without a mom." "She died when I was 10." "I still miss her, but being a nurse like she was makes me feel closer to her somehow." "Same way as being a Mountie makes me feel close to my father." "Your brother doesn't have that." "It's harder on him than on you." "You're very perceptive, you know that?" "Comes with the job." "I raise... 50." "Call." "Kings full of sixes." "Gentlemen, I need to get some air." "If you'll excuse me." "Drinks are on me." "Hello, stranger." "Hello." "I haven't seen you around town before." "But I know your type." "I've been watching you... and I think you and I need to have a little chat." "It's good to see your appetite has returned." "There's no sense in me withering away." "I have to keep strong if I'm gonna fight for the man I love." "I thought you talked some sense into her." "Let's just be grateful she's come out of her room." "So what have you heard about Tom?" "He's better, but they're keeping him in the infirmary just to be sure." "You must convince Father to let me visit." "I need to see him to know he's all right." "Jack will let us know if there's anything to worry about." "Apparently, Constable Thornton has struck up a friendship with Tom's nurse." "Who told you that?" "Lionel and I were having dinner downtown." "We spotted them in a restaurant." "Jack didn't say anything about it." "Hmm." "She's very pretty." "And they were deeply involved in conversation." "I'm surprised he didn't mention it." "I'm sure Jack has more important things to think about." "I'll take one." "I bet... 50." "No." "Wait." "100." "I'll see your hundred," "I'll raise you whatever you have left." "No, Lee..." "I'll re-raise you." ""Re-raise"?" "You're busted." "No, I'm not busted, and I am gonna re-raise you." "I raise you..." " my sawmill." " No, Lee." "Your sawmill?" "You want it, Gowen?" "Here it is." "Come and get it." "Please, don't do this." "You could lose everything." "Stay out of this, Rosemary." "What am I gonna call with?" "With your land." "The parcel you're using for the railway." "I can't make a profit if you control the right of way." "You've seen to that." "So..." "It's all or nothing." "For you... or for me." "Mayor Gowen, I beg you." "Mr. Coulter's not in his straight mind." "It isn't fair to take advantage of his desperation." "Rosemary." "Would you please sit down?" " I'm trying to help you." " I don't need your help!" "For the last time... sit down." "It's a bet." "Club flush, king high." "You think I'd fall for your bluff?" "I knew you would." "Only..." "I wasn't bluffing." "Four sevens." "You won!" "Mr. Gowen, again, I must thank you... that was even more entertaining than our game." "Mr. Coulter, well done." "I truly thought you were bluffing as well." "I believe it is you and I who now have business to discuss." "I look forward to it, sir." "Congratulations." "It's a miracle!" "Fantastic, eh, gentlemen?" "Drinks are on me!" "How much longer do I gotta stay in here?" "As long as it takes." "Those ribs might be on the mend, but concussions can be tricky." "It's just a scratch!" "I'm telling you." "A funny thing about that scratch... there's a crack on the windshield of the passenger side of the car, mot the driver's side." "Like you said... funny thing." "Someone's head hit the window, and it wasn't Julie's." "Well, maybe something else hit it." "Come on, Tom." "Admit it." "Julie was driving when the accident happened." " You're nuts." " Protecting her is noble." "I understand." " But you need to tell the truth." " I am telling the truth." "Do you understand that William Thatcher thinks you nearly killed his daughter?" "I'm not gonna get Julie in trouble!" "He's gonna forgive her, but he will never forgive you." "Sure he will." "Everyone likes me." "I'm a charming fellow." "You wanna be serious for once?" "All right." "Seriously." "Tell me about Faith Carter." " I can tell..." " You're not helping yourself, Tom." "You know... mm." "I think my head's starting to hurt after all." "I'm gonna take a little rest." "Close the door on your way out." "So just how did you persuade Gowen's spotter to give him the wrong signal?" "Oh, I've dealt with lots of men like him, and their only loyalty is money, so I just offered him three times what Gowen was paying him." "That's my girl!" "Now, suppose Gowen still had the better hand?" "Oh, I knew he didn't." "How?" "Because when I was begging Gowen to let Lee off the hook," "I may have snuck a teeny little peek at his hand." "She gave me the signal, so I knew that I had him beat." "Like this." "You see?" "It's very convincing, right?" "Oh, I wish I had been there to see that." "Well, the good news is, the rail road company is in business with me now, so that spur line's is going to go exactly where it should." "And?" "And... what?" "And with all the money that you won from Gowen, you are going to build me the biggest theater this side of the Rocky Mountains!" "So it would seem." "To the future of Hope Valley!" "Hear, hear." "To the future." "The evidence is clear as day." "Tom was in the passenger seat." "But Julie wouldn't lie to me." "She was driving without a license, and she's scared to death of your father." "Is that what Tom told you?" "No." "He said he didn't want to get her in trouble." "But I convinced his nurse to show me the doctor's report..." " Oh, yes." " And ev..." "The nurse." " What about her?" " Heard you two... have been spending some free time together." "We happened to be having dinner at the same place." "She was alone, I was alone." "We started talking about Tom, that's all." "It's wonderful she's been so helpful." "Elizabeth..." "I'm trying to keep my brother out of jail, and Faith agrees with me that Tom wasn't driving." "So you two are on a first-name basis?" "You spend time with Charles, so why shouldn't I have dinner with someone who's trying to help my brother?" "Charles... is a friend." "A "friend" who would ask for your hand the very second I was out of the picture, but I never questioned your intentions." "Not once." "I have never given you a reason not to trust me." "Neither have I." "Then why didn't you tell me about your new friend?" "Because your family doesn't get to run my life." "That's completely unfair." "No." "What's unfair is Tom taking the blame for what Julie did." "Now, you need to convince her tell your father the truth" " about what happened." " And you need to talk to Tom about growing up and being responsible." "Fine." "Fine." "Good." "Good." "Well, if that's all, I think I should be going." "Don't let me keep you." "Jack..." "What's happening?" "I'm not sure." | {
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"Previously on The Bible." "Great heroes have forged the Jewish nation in faith." "Noah saved life on earth from the flood." "God warned me." "He told me to build a boat." "Abraham became the father of God's nation." "Abraham!" "Moses freed the people from Egyptian slavery." "Lord!" "Follow me!" "Then he delivered God's laws." "We have new laws preparing us for the promised land." "The great King David united the Israelites" "Israel!" "And won the city of Jerusalem." "But surrounded by superpowers," "Israel's survival was a constant struggle." "Then Rome conquered the promised land." "People longed for a new King David, a savior." "Some believed it was John the Baptist." "As you are cleansed, so all Israel shall be cleansed!" "The people are flocking to this wild man, John." "They think he's a prophet." "I'm just a voice in the wilderness... preparing the way for the-." "Lord." "Baptize me." "He will bring a new age of righteousness and justice!" "His power will draw all men to a new world!" "All people!" "Jesus has started to gather disciples... who give up everything to follow him." "Come with me, Peter." "Give up catching fish, and I will make you a fisher of men." "Now they're on a collision course with the temple authorities, who fear any dissent." "I've had reports of a young prophet, a Jesus of Nazareth." "And the Romans, who won't tolerate it." "It's time you understood what your masters do for you!" "What are we going to do?" "Change the world." "In the poor backwater of Galilee, revolution is coming." "For generations, the people of Israel have been guided by the Pharisees, guardians of the Jewish faith." "Untiringly, keep the commandments of the Lord your God." "And his statutes-." "The Pharisees believed the well-being of the nation... depends on strictly observing the laws God gave to Moses." "They are loved and admired by the people." "You shall do what is right and what is good... in sight of the Lord." "Look!" "Can you see him?" "Over there!" "But Jesus offers a new way." "So the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes." "It's Jesus!" "No." "God makes the law." "This way, John." "Keep everyone moving." "Oh, Jesus." "Shh." "How shall we picture the kingdom of God?" "It is like a mustard seed... which a man took and sowed in his field." "The smallest seed in the world." "Yet, when planted... it grows up..." "And becomes so big and so tall." "What's going on?" "It becomes a tree... where birds can come- He's paralyzed." "And make their nests." "My Lord." "Your sins are forgiven, my son." "Did you hear that?" "He has forgiven his sins." "I thought only God could do that." "Isn't that blasphemy?" "He knows." "It is blasphemy." "Is that your wish, my friend?" "Well, answer me." "Tell me which is easier... to say his sins are forgiven," "or say-." "Get up and walk." "Wait." "The Son of man has authority to forgive sin." " Friends!" " What is this about?" "Not even Moses himself would have thought he could forgive sin." "You heard what our teacher said." "On what authority does he think he can do this?" "On his authority." "That is blasphemy." "Only God can forgive sin." "And your friend... could be stoned for a false claim like this." "This is just the beginning." "Let's go!" "With a growing number of disciples," "Jesus moves from town to town... teaching about God's kingdom and working miracles." "Unclean." "Stop, stop." "Unclean." " Keep away from him." " Get away from here." "Unclean." "Protect yourself." "He's a leper!" "Please." "Please." "Don't touch him!" " He's healed!" " It's a miracle!" "I'm clean." "I'm clean!" "I'm clean!" "Jesus is a savior to some." "Look." "Look what he's done." "Look what Jesus has done!" "But a potential threat to Rome." "The new Roman governor is Pontius Pilate, an ex-soldier turned ruthless politician." "Ho!" "What's going on?" "Please!" "You're in the way!" "The governor needs to pass." "Pilate won't wait." "Be gentle with it." "Will it be much longer?" "Very soon, my love." " Prefect." " What's the delay this time?" "It's a broken cart, sir." "Well, what are you waiting for?" "Get it off the road." " Let's get it moved!" " Your Majesty" "Move it!" "No!" "Rebellion simmers amongst Pilate's Jewish subjects" "But he allows nothing to disrupt Roman rule." "Or Roman taxes." "Next." "My payment." "All taxes must be paid in full!" "I'm not doing it." "It's all I have." "Get it out of here." "Take it away." "No!" "Hey, hey, hey." "They're all Jews." "How can they live with themselves?" "Our own people working for Rome." "These people make me sick." "Collaborators." "Let's move on." "They're stinking vermin." "You should keep your distance from them." "Two men... went to the temple to pray." "One a Pharisee, and the other one... a tax collector." "The Pharisee prayed," ""God, I thank you that I'm not like other men-"" "thieves, adulterers..." ""or this tax collector."" "But the tax collector... didn't even look up to heaven." "He said," " "God, have mercy on me"" " Have mercy on me." "I'm a sinner." "God blessed the tax collector, not the Pharisee." "Anyone who praises himself will be humbled." "And anyone who humbles himself will be praised." "Matthew, come." "See!" "Now he even calls the sinners to follow him!" "One has to wonder of the sins committed by his other followers." "Come." "Come along." "Tax collectors." "There's not a thread of good in any of them." "Thomas, Jesus has not come for the good, but for the sinners." "He gives people a second chance." "We should too." "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." "Pray to him, and he will listen." "And how should we pray?" "Like this." "Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be your name." "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." "Give us this day our daily bread... and forgive us our trespasses... as we forgive those who trespass against us." "Mother!" "Mother!" "No!" "Leave her alone!" "Stone her!" " She's a whore!" " You know what it says in the Scriptures." "Here!" "Mother!" "Mommy!" "Come away." "Let it be a lesson!" "The law commands us to stone such a woman." "What do you say?" "It's a trap." "I'll give my stone... to the first man who tells me... that he has never sinned." "Wait here." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Go... and sin no more." "This cannot continue." "He ridicules our laws, insults the traditions of our fathers!" "Everything we've fought so hard for... our faith, our communities," "everything God has given." "Caiaphas." "Nicodemus." "I've had reports of a young prophet, a Jesus of Nazareth." "He has a big following in Galilee." "It's rumored he'll come to Jerusalem." "Galilee?" "He works miracles." "They all do." "Nicodemus, don't worry." "Nothing important ever came from Galilee." "A miracle worker from Galilee." "Jesus!" "Jesus!" "Looks like a quiet place." "Whoa." "That's it." "Take the rope." "Lock it off." "Rabbi, let me help you." "There are thousands of them." "They must have followed us." "There he is!" "Jesus." "Jesus." "They've come a long way." "It's late." "They say they're hungry." "Give them food." "But how?" "We have nothing." "Just a few fish and some bread." "Bring them to me." "Thank you, Father, for what you bring us." "Our father in heaven feeds the birds of the air." "How much more will he give to you?" "Don't worry about daily needs." "God will provide." "Put God first, and everything else will follow." "If you hunger for righteousness, you will be filled... through me." "He said, "Ask-."" "And it will be given."" "From God." "From God!" "It's from God!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "They want you to be their king." "King of the Jews!" "You can lead us like an army." "We're strong enough to beat the Romans." "No." "No, this is not the way." "Not by force." " Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" " Our king!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" "Messiah!" " Where is he going?" "What's wrong?" " Messiah!" "Messiah!" "5,000 came to see him." "5,000." "Now they shout, "Messiah."" "The people today, they called you king." "They think you are a messiah." "But you seem to ignore them." "Aren't you going to be our king?" "Who do you think I am?" "You are the Son of God." "You can't have known this by what you know of me, Peter." "It has been revealed to you by God." "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." "Tomorrow I will meet you on the other shore." "Why did he walk away just when we're getting strong?" "Surely a messiah wouldn't leave us like this." "A messiah should be a-a warrior, a conqueror like David." "Judas, force is not the way." "So tell me what the way of Messiah is." "He's different." "But, Mary, what if he's not the one?" "We're risking our lives." "For what?" "He has shown us his power." "We must have faith in him." " Come on." " He'll not fail us." "He said he'd meet us on the other side." "Let's go!" "Take the sail down!" "Tear everything down!" "This is too dangerous!" "We should turn back while we still can!" "You heard what he said." "He wants us to cross." "What is that?" "It's a ghost." "No, Thomas." "It's Jesus!" "He is the messiah." "Peter." "Peter, what are you doing?" "Don't be afraid." "Come." "Peter!" "Peter." "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" "You need to be strong." "Mary, he's here!" "Who?" "Jesus!" "He's back, at last." "Come on!" "Ever since the angel Gabriel came to Jesus' mother, she's known her son's true purpose." "It's time for others to learn." "In the synagogue, Jesus reads... from one of the most popular scriptures of the time... a prophecy describing the coming of the messiah." "The spirit of the Lord... is upon me." "Because he has anointed me... to preach good news to the poor." "He has sent me... to declare freedom for the captives... and recovery of sight for the blind," "to set free those who are oppressed." "Today," "this scripture... is fulfilled." "What are you saying?" "What are you saying-that you have achieved all this?" "That you are the messiah, the chosen one?" "Sent by God?" "No!" "I'm saying you must accept God's word." "How dare you!" "That is sacrilege!" "He has never studied the law!" "This man knows nothing!" "His healing is the work of demons." "It has begun." "He undermines our faith!" "He recruits adulterers!" "Peter, turn the other cheek." "You'll pay the price for this." "Like your friend John the Baptist." "You haven't heard, have you?" "He was executed." "Beheaded!" "He was a good man." "Yes, and now he's dead." "Baptize me." "John was the greatest teacher I ever knew." "He was more than a prophet." "Our work goes on." "Soon we go to Jerusalem." "Jerusalem." "It's too soon." "It's too dangerous!" "We're not ready." "Judas, why are we all here?" "To take the easy path?" "We must take the message to Jerusalem." "Right to the heart of power." "Prefect, you're needed." "There's trouble." "Roman scum!" "Roman thieves!" "Let's show them!" "Roman thieves!" "Roman thieves!" "Make way for the high priest!" "Papa!" "They're coming!" "Whoa." "Malchus!" "Malchus, what's happening?" "It's another protest, High Priest." "We need to get you out of here." "It's turning into a riot." "Get the master back to his residence quick as you can." "What is all this about?" "The aqueduct." "The people are furious that the Romans used the temple funds to build it." "Hundreds are heading to complain to Pilate." "What?" "He'll have them cut down before they can get anywhere near him." "He said he'd listen to their grievances." "It's a trap, Nicodemus." "Can't you see that?" " Thieves!" " Scum!" "Jerusalem needs water." "You think your god brings it?" "No, he does not." "Rome does." "It's time you understood what your masters do for you." "Pilate's keeping us in our place." "Imagine what he could do at Passover." "Martha, what's wrong?" "My brother is dead." "You're too late." "Show me the tomb." "How long has he been dead?" "He's been dead four days." "Lazarus." "I am... the resurrection... and the life." "Anyone who believes in me," "even if he dies, he will still have life." "Lazarus." "My brother." "Whoever believes in me..." "shall never die." "Believe in me, and you will see the glory of God." "Caiaphas." "They say this Jesus has raised a man from the dead." "What?" "He will be here, in Jerusalem, for Passover." "No." "But if he comes with thousands of supporters-." "The city will already be breaking at the seams with those arriving for the festival." "Nicodemus, you are right." "The Romans will step in." "We must not allow this miracle man, this fraud, to disrupt Passover." "Does Pilate know?" "Hmm." "Next time on The Bible." "Where is he now?" "He's just entered the gate, on a donkey." "Sir, a Jew has been causing trouble in the temple." "He said what?" "Not one stone will be left standing." "Destroy this temple, and I will build it again in three days." "If the disturbances that took place today are repeated tomorrow," "I will shut the temple immediately." "There will be no Passover." "I will put this city under curfew." "Do I make myself absolutely clear?" "You only have one father, and he is in heaven." "You only have one teacher, and he is the Christ." "That man there." "He wants to help us." "That could be useful." "Judas." "What do you want with him?" "Just to talk." "This is our last meal together... before I die." "Spare me." "Traitor!" "Run!" "Jesus has been arrested." "Arrested?" "At night?" "But what if he really is who they say he is?" "There is only one verdict." "The sentence is death." | {
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"[loud stomping] [growling] [roaring] [bell chimes]" " [roars] - [bell tolls] [clock ticking]" " [policeman] come on, out of the way!" "Move yourself, please." " [woman screaming]" " Coming through." "That's it." " [man shouts]" " Excuse me, sir!" " [indistinct chatter] [snarling] [chatter continues]" "Madame vastra, thank god." "I'll wager you've not seen anything like this before!" "Well..." "Not since I was a little girl." "[jenny] big fellow, isn't he?" "Dinosaurs were mostly this size." "I do believe it's a she." "No they weren't, I've seen fossils." " I was there." " [man] well, that's all well and good," "But what's this dinosaur fellow doing in the thames?" " [snarling] - [vastra] it must have time-travelled." "Jenny?" "Time-travelled?" " [people screaming] - [snarling cough]" "Is it choking?" "There seems to be something lodged in its throat." " How could it time travel?" " I don't know." "Perhaps it was something it ate." "[coughing]" "[all gasping, chattering]" "Stand back." "Stand back, stand back." "Well, it's just laid an egg." "It dropped a blue box marked "police" out of its mouth." "Your grasp of biology troubles me." " It's the tardis." " It would seem so." "We'll take care of this, inspector." "But what if that thing goes on the rampage?" "Place these lanterns on the shore line and bridges," "Encircling the creature, 20-foot intervals." " What will they do?" " They will emit a signal that will incline it" "To remain within their circumference." "Jenny, strax!" "With me." "[dinosaur roaring] [jenny] so it's him then, the doctor." "A giant dinosaur from the distant past has just vomited" "A blue box from outer space." "This is not a day for jumping to conclusions." "Strax, if you wouldn't mind?" "Hello?" "Exit the box, and surrender to the glory of the sontaran empire." "Shush!" "Doctor?" "I was being chased by a giant dinosaur," "But I think I managed to give it the slip." "[dinosaur roaring in distance]" " Sleepy?" " Sir?" "Bashful?" "Sneezy?" "Dopey?" "Grumpy!" "Oh, you two." "The green one and the not green one." "Or it could be the other way round, I mustn't pre-judge." "Oh, you remember, er..." " [gasping] - ..." "Thingy." "The, er, the not-me one." "The asking questions one." "Names, not my area." " Clara!" " Might be clara, might not be, it's a lottery." " It is clara." " Well, I'm not ruling it out." "Oi, big man!" "Shut it!" "[roaring]" "Oh!" "You've got a dinosaur too!" "[roaring]" "Big woman, sorry." "Doctor, listen to me." "You..." "You need to calm down." "I'm not flirting, by the way!" "I think something's gone wrong." " [dinosaur growling] - wrong?" "What's gone wrong?" "Have you regenerated?" "I remember you." "You're handles!" "You used to be a little..." "A little robot head, and now..." "You've really let yourself go." "[dinosaur roaring, snarling]" "Reduce the frequency." " [vastra] I'm sorry?" " Your sonic lanterns." "Turn them down!" " You're giving her a headache." " [jenny] giving who a headache?" " My lady friend!" " [dinosaur roars]" " Just an expression, don't get any ideas!" " How do you know?" "Come on, clara!" "You know that I speak dinosaur." "He's not clara." "I'm clara." "Well, you're very similar heights." "Maybe you should wear labels." "Why..." "Why are you all doing that?" "Why..." "Are you all going..." "Dark?" " And wobbly?" "Stop that." " I don't think we are." "Never mind!" "Everyone, take five!" "[doctor thudding]" " What do we do?" " I don't understand." "Who is he?" "Where's the doctor?" "Right here." "That's him." "That's the doctor." "Well, then, here we go again." " [dinosaur roaring] - [bell tolling] [the doctor] it's simply..." "Misunderstandable to me." "I don't know what it is." " Who invented this room?" "!" " Doctor, please, you have to lie down." "It doesn't make any sense." "Look, it's only got a bed in it." "Why is there only a bed in it?" "Because it's a bed-room." "It's for sleeping in." "Ok, what do you do when you're awake?" "You leave the room." "So you've got a whole room for not being awake in?" "But what's the point?" "You're just missing the room!" "And don't look in that mirror, it's absolutely furious." "Doctor, please." "You have to lie down, you keep passing out." "Well, of course I keep passing out, there's all these beds!" "Why do you keep talking like that?" "What's gone wrong with your accent?" " Why do you..." " Nothing's gone wrong with her accent." "You sound the same, it's spreading!" "You all sound all..." "English!" "Now you've all developed a fault!" "Doctor, I need your help with something." "Finally, someone who can talk properly." " I'm having difficulty sleeping." " Oh?" "Oh, well, I wouldn't bother with that." "I never bother with sleeping." "I just do standy-up-catnaps." "Oh, really, how interesting." "And when do you do those?" "Well, generally whenever anyone else starts talking." "I like to skip ahead to my bits, it saves time." "Oh." "Save me time, doctor." "Project an image of perfect sleep into the centre of my mind." "What, do you want a psychic link with me?" "The size of my brain, it would be like dropping a piano on you." " Be gentle then." " I'll try." "Brace yourself." "Piano." "[vastra] I love monkeys." "They're so funny." "Oh, I see!" "So people are monkeys now, are they?" "No, dear, people are apes." "Men are monkeys." " So, what now?" " He needs rest." " So, what do we do?" "How do we fix him?" " [jenny] fix him?" "How do we change him back?" "Jenny, I will be in my chamber." "Would you be kind enough to fetch my veil?" "Why?" "Are we expecting strangers?" "It would seem..." "There is already one here." " [sighs] - [dinosaur footstep rumbles in distance]" "What have I done wrong?" "[dinosaur moaning]" "The dinosaur doesn't seem very happy." " What's wrong with it?" " I don't know." "The doctor's the one that speaks dinosaur." "Excuse me, ma'am." "The wife doesn't like to be kept waiting." "Where did he get that face?" "Why's it got lines on it?" "It's brand-new." "How can his hair be all grey?" "He only just got it." "It's still him, ma'am." "You saw him change." " I know." "I do, I..." "I know that." " Good." " It's just..." " What?" "Nothing." "If..." "If vastra changed, if she was different," "If she wasn't the person that..." "You liked..." "I don't like her, ma'am." "I love her." "And as to different, well..." "She's a lizard." "[dinosaur moaning in distance]" "[dinosaur moaning]" "I am alone." "The world which shook at my feet," "And the trees," "And the sky," "Have gone." "And I am alone now..." "Alone." "Are you translating?" "The wind bites now," "And the world is grey," "And I am alone..." "[indistinct murmur]" "Can't see me." "Doesn't see me." " Can't..." "See me." " You can't see it?" "I think all of london can see it." "[strax] boy?" "Madame vastra is waiting." "Ok, whatever." "I will convey you to her chamber." "May I take your coat?" " Not wearing a coat." " What's all that?" "Clothes." " May I take your clothes?" " Probably not." " Are you wearing a hat?" " It's hair." "[strax] no, I think it's a hat." "Would you like me to check?" " [dinosaur moaning] - [indistinct chatter]" "[man] it's not real, of course." " [woman] what is it then?" " [man] the government." " The government?" " Yeah." " Up to their usual tricks." " It's a dinosaur, alf." " A real dinosaur." " I wouldn't put it past them." "You don't half talk a lot of rubbish, alfie." "See you don't stay out too late now." " You know me." " Yes, I do." "[dinosaur growling] [mechanical clicking]" "It's the neck, that's what's wrong with it." "It just don't look realistic." " You have good eyes." " Hm." "I do, as it happens." "Very good eyes." " They're my greatest gift." " I accept." " What's that for?" " Your gift." " I have bad eyes." " [screams] [vastra] and then?" "[clara] why are you wearing your veil?" "[vastra] and then?" "And then, we got swallowed by a big dinosaur." " You probably noticed." " How did it happen?" "I don't know." "I don't know, we were..." "Crashing about everywhere." "The doctor was gone, the tardis went haywire." "He's not gone." "He's upstairs." "Ok, he changed." "He regenerated." "Renewed himself." "Renewed, fine." "Such a cynical smile." " I'm not smiling." " Not outwardly." "But I am accustomed to seeing through a veil." "How have I amused you?" "You said "renewed." he doesn't..." "He doesn't look renewed, he looks..." "Older." " You thought he was young?" " He looked young." "He looked like your dashing, young gentleman friend." "Your lover, even." " Shut up!" " But he is the doctor." "He has walked this universe for centuries untold," "He has seen stars fall to dust." "You might as well flirt with a mountain range." " I did not flirt with him." " He flirted with you." " How?" " He looked young." "Who do you think that was for?" " Me?" " Everyone." "I wear a veil as he wore a face, for the same reason." "What reason?" "The oldest reason there is for anything." "To be accepted." " [clock ticking] - [sniffs] [sniffing] [inhales deeply] [sniffing]" "[continues sniffing]" "[fumbling] [inhales deeply]" "Jenny and I are married." "Yet for appearance's sake, we maintain a pretence," "In public, that she is my maid." "Doesn't exactly explain why I'm pouring tea in private." " Hush now." " Good pretence, isn't it?" "I wear a veil to keep from view what many" "Are pleased to call my disfigurement." "I do not wear it as a courtesy to such people," "But as a judgment on the quality of their hearts." "Are you judging me?" "The doctor regenerated in your presence." "The young man disappeared, the veil lifted." "He trusted you." "Are you judging him?" "[exhales]" "How dare you." "How dare you." "[dinosaur groaning, snarling]" "Door." "Boring." "Not me." "Me!" "Marcus aurelius, roman emperor," "Last of the five good, and stoic philosopher!" "Superlative bass guitarist." "The doctor really knows how to put a band together." "And the only pin-up I ever had on my wall when I was 15, the only one I ever had." "I am not sure who you think you're talking to right now, madam vastra," "But I have never had the slightest interest in pretty young men!" "And for the record, if there was anybody who could flirt with a mountain range," "She's probably standing in front of you right now!" "[exhales] just because my pretty face has turned your head," "Do not assume that I am so easily distracted." "Whoo!" "Whoo!" " Sorry." " Well... [laughs]" "Goodness me." "The lake is ruffled at last." "I often wondered what you'd be like when you lost your temper." " Oi!" "Married." " [hissing] [vastra] the doctor needs us, you more than anyone." "He is lost in the ruin of himself, and we must bring him home." "When did you stop wearing your veil?" "[chuckles]" "When you stopped seeing it." "Oi!" "Oi!" "Oi, big, sexy woman!" " [dinosaur growling] - hey!" "Sorry!" "Sorry, it's all my fault!" "My time machine got stuck in your throat, it happens!" "I brought you along by accident." "That's mostly how I meet girls." "But don't worry, I promise, I will get you home!" "I swear, whatever it takes," "I will keep you safe!" "You will be at home again!" "[loud roaring]" "Stop that." "Who's doing that?" "No, don't do that!" " That came from the river." " The dinosaur!" "Strax!" "Bring the carriage, now!" "[grunts, yells]" " [branches cracking] - [grunting] [yelling]" "Oh!" "[groans] [the doctor] halt!" "Sorry, I'm going to have to relieve you of your pet!" " You're what?" " Shut up, I was talking to the horse!" " [whinnies] - ah!" " [screwdriver whirring] - what are you doing?" "!" " Forward!" " [whinnies] [strax] out of the way, human scum!" "Hyah!" "Jurassic emergency!" "Hyah!" " [horse whinnies] - left!" "No, no!" "Right, right, right, right!" "Sorry, it's my new hands, I can't tell them apart!" " What do you think's happened?" " I don't know, but I fear devilment." "Should we not have told the doctor?" "He's not ready to leave his bed." "[the doctor shouting]" "Watch it on the corners, it's a bit slippery up here!" "[horse whinnies]" " Strax!" " [strax] hyah!" " Come on, strax!" " [strax] hyah!" "Hyah!" "That's better!" "[whispers] sorry, sorry." "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry." "[strax] whoa!" "The doctor!" "What's he doing here?" "[alarm chirps]" "There is trouble." "Where else would he be?" "She was scared." "She was scared and alone." "I brought her here and look what they did." "Who or what could have done this thing?" " No." " I'm sorry?" "No, that is not the question." "That is not where we start." "The question is how?" "The flesh itself has been combusted..." "No, no, shut up!" "What do you all have for brains, pudding?" "Look at you." "Why can't I meet a decent species?" "Planet of the pudding-brains!" "Doctor, I know you're upset, but you need to calm down and talk to us." "What is the question?" "A dinosaur is burning in the heart of london." "Nothing left but smoke and flame." "The question is Have there been any similar murders?" "Yes." "Yes, by the goddess, there have!" "[the doctor] look at them all." "Gawking!" "[indistinct chatter]" "Question two:" "If all the pudding-brains are gawking Then what is he?" "He seems remarkably unmoved by the available spectacle." "Do you think that's whoever... [water splashing]" "What he's doing?" "He'll drown!" " I very much doubt it." " Why?" "There has been a murder." "The doctor has taken up the case." "If we are to see him again, we must do the same." "[strax] come on, earthling scum!" "Position it here." "Easy now." "That's it." "Careful." "Don't get it scratched" "Or you and all your bloodline will be obliterated from time and space." " Strax!" " Ah!" "Morning, miss clara." "You're awake at last." " You got the tardis then?" " Military tactics." "The doctor is still missing, but he will always come looking for his box." "By bringing it here, he will be lured from the dangers of london" "To this place of safety, and we will melt him with acid." "Ok, that last part?" "And we will not melt him with acid." "Old habits." "The times." "Shall I send it up?" "[clara] yeah, why not?" " Ah!" " [thudding]" " Jenny!" " Ah, good morning, clara." "Morning." "Erm, so what are we gonna do?" "Are we gonna go looking for the doctor?" "We've got the paternoster irregulars out in force." "If anyone can find him, they can." "Meanwhile, madame vastra is slightly occupied by the conk-singleton forgery case," "And is having the camberwell child-poisoner for dinner." " For dinner?" " After she's finished interrogating him." "Probably best to stay out the larder." "It'll get a bit noisy in there later." "Erm..." "Ah, miss clara!" " You look better now you're up." " Thank you, strax." "No, sorry, trick of the light." "You still look terrible." " Can I get you anything?" " Er, no, thanks." "Maybe just some water." "Of course." "Well, don't hold back, I've nearly finished anyway." " Erm..." " It's perfectly all right." "I washed in it myself." "All of a sudden, I'm not very thirsty." "Really?" "Perhaps it is time, then... [whirring] ...For your mandatory medical examination." "[whirring, beeping]" " Say "ahh." - ahh." " You didn't move your lips." " You're looking at my eye." "Oh." "Oh, yes, there we are." "Easy mistake." " Ah... [mutters] - [beeping]" " Now, that's interesting." " What?" "What's interesting?" "Deflected narcissism, traces of passive aggressive," "And a lot of muscular, young men doing sport." " [laughs] what are you looking at?" " Your subconscious." "Is that sport?" "It could be sport." "Well, stop looking." "Moving onto the thorax, such as it is." "Ah, excellent." "Enviable spleen, well done." "Twenty-seven years old, with a projected life-span of exactly..." " Stop..." "Right there." " Oh, you're going to do quite well." "But watch out for fluid retention later, it's going to be spectacular." " Well, put your clothes back on." " They are on." "Oh, yes, so they are." " Why are you doing this?" " If we are to serve together," "I need you in peak physical prowess." "Eh?" "Ow!" "Why would we be serving together?" "The doctor's gonna come back, isn't he?" " It is to be hoped." " Wha...?" "He's not just gonna abandon me here." "You must stop worrying about him, my boy." "By now he's almost certainly had his throat cut by the violent poor." " [rattling] - [dog barking] [grunting]" "[the doctor muttering indistinctly]" "Oh... [clatters]" " Bitey." " Bitey?" "The air, it's bitey." "It's wet and bitey." " Oh." "It's cold." " That's right." "It's cold." "It's cold." "I knew it was a thing." "I need, erm..." "I need clothes." "I need clothes, that's what I need." "And a big, long scarf." "No, no, move on from that, looked stupid." "Er, have you seen this face before?" " No." " Are you sure?" "Sir, I have never seen that face." "It's funny, because I'm sure that I have." "You know, I never know where the faces come from." "They just pop up, zap, faces like this one." "Come on, look at it, have a look." "Look, look, look." "Look, it's covered in lines." "But I didn't do the frowning." "Who frowned me this face?" "Do you ever look in the mirror and think, "I've seen that face before"?" " Yes." " Really?" "When?" "Well, every time I look in the mirror." "Ah, yes, yes, yes, fair enough, good point." " My face is fresh on, though." " Ooh." " [moaning] - why this one?" "Why did I choose this face?" "It's like I'm trying to tell myself something." "Like I'm trying to make a point." "But what is so important that I can't just tell myself what I'm thinking?" "Er..." "I'm not just being rhetorical here, you can join in." " I don't like it." " What?" " Your face." " Well, I don't like it either." "Well, it's all right up until the eyebrows, then it just goes haywire." "Look at the eyebrows!" "These are attack eyebrows." "You could take bottle tops off with these!" " They are mighty eyebrows indeed, sir." " They're cross!" "They're crosser than the rest of my face." "They're independently cross." "They probably want to cede from the rest of my face" "And set up their own independent state of eyebrows!" "That's scot." "I'm am scottish." "I've gone scottish." "Oh. [chuckles] yes, you are." "You are definitely scot, sir." "I hear it in your voice." "Oh, no, that's good." "Oh!" "Oh..." "It's good, I'm scottish." "I'm scottish." "I am scottish." "I can complain about things." "I can really complain about things now." "Give me your coat." " No." " I'm cold." " I'm cold." " I'm cold." "There's no point in us both being cold." "Give me your coat." "Give me your coat." "No, wait!" "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "I missed something." "It was here, it was here." "It was..." "What was it I saw?" "What did I see?" "This is what I saw!" " Spontaneous combustion." " What devilry is this, sir?" "I don't know." "But I probably blame the english." " Spontaneous combustion." " Is that like love at first sight?" "[vastra chuckles] a little." "It is the theory that human beings can," "With little or no inducement, simply explode." "You don't need to flirt with me, we're already married." " It's scientific nonsense, of course." " Marriage?" "Hush." "There have been nine reported incidents" "Of people apparently exploding in the last month." "And you think they weren't spontaneous?" "I think whoever killed the dinosaur had at least nine previous victims." "All of these perished in the same spectacular fashion." " I thought you were painting me!" " I was working." " Why am I posing then?" " You brighten the room tremendously." "Chin up a little." "Oh, I don't understand why I'm doing this!" "Art?" "Now, why destroy the victims so completely?" "It's difficult, it draws attention." "What advantage is to be gained?" " Well, tell us, then." " Concealment, perhaps." " Concealment?" " It's a fanciful theory, but it fits the facts." "By destroying the body so completely," "You conceal what is missing from it." " Missing from the body?" " [clara] madame vastra!" "Clara, excellent." "Pop your clothes on that chair there." " Look!" " Advertisements, yes." "So many, it's a distressing modern trend." "No, look!" "[clara] look." "[gasps]" " Ma'am?" " The game is afoot." " And we're going to need a lot of tea." " [bell rings] [sighs] there appears to be nothing of significance in the rest of the newspaper," " Not even in the agony column." " We can't know it's from the doctor." "Of course it's from the doctor." ""the impossible girl," that's what he calls me!" "He says lunch, but not when or where." "On the other side?" "The other side of london?" "Bit vague." "The other side of regeneration, perhaps." "Once he's recovered?" "So what am I supposed to do?" "Guess where we're meeting?" "Perhaps that's the point." "Perhaps you're supposed to prove that you still know him." "Think what that must mean for a man who barely knows himself." "It doesn't makes sense, he doesn't do puzzles." "He's isn't complicated, he really doesn't have the attention span." "So Keeping it dead simple." ""on the other side"... [clock ticking]" "[sniffs deeply] [sniffing]" " [coughs] - what's wrong?" "I don't know." "Maybe the smell?" "I know, it's everywhere." "Where did you get that coat?" "Er... [clears throat] I bought it." " From where?" " Er..." "A shop." " No." " Might have been a tramp." " You don't have any money." " I..." " I had a watch." " No, that watch was beautiful." "It was my favourite." "You swapped your favourite watch for that coat?" " That's maybe not a good deal." " Well, I was in a hurry." " There was a terrible smell..." " Ok." "[laughs]" "No, no." "Don't-don't-don't, don't smile." "I-I will smile first, and then you know it's safe to smile." " Are you cross with me?" " I'm not cross." "But if I was cross it would be your fault." "And..." " ..." "Yes, I am cross." " I guessed that." "I am extremely cross." "And if I hadn't changed my face, would you be cross?" "I would be cross if I wasn't cross!" " Why?" " Why?" "An ordinary person wants to meet someone that they know" "Very well for lunch, what do they do?" "Well, they probably get in touch and suggest lunch." "Mm-hm." "Ok, so what kind of person would put a cryptic note in a newspaper advert?" " Well, I wouldn't like to say." " Oh, go on, do, say." "Well, I would say that that person would be an egomaniac," "Needy, game-player sort of person." "[sighs] thank you." "[chuckles] well, at least that hasn't changed." "And I don't suppose it ever will." "No, I don't suppose it will either." "Clara, honestly I don't want you to change." "It was no bother, really." "I saw your advert, I figured it out, happy to play your game." "No... [stammers] no, I didn't place the ad." "You placed the ad." " No, I didn't." " Yes." "You placed the ad, I figured it out." " "impossible girl," see?" "Lunch." " No, look." ""the impossible"..." "That is a message" " From the impossible girl." " For the impossible..." "Girl." " Oh..." " Oh." "Hm." "Well, if neither of us placed that ad, who placed that ad?" "Hang on." ""egomaniac, needy, game-player"?" " This could be a trap." " That was me?" " Never mind that." " Yes, I am minding that." " Clara..." " You were talking about me?" "Clara, what is happening right now, in this restaurant," "To you and me, is more important than your egomania." "Nothing is more important than my egomania!" " Right, you actually said that." " You never mention that again!" "It's..." "It's a vanity trap." "You're so busy congratulating yourself on solving the puzzle," "You don't notice that you're sticking your head in a noose." "What are you doing?" "And that isn't the only grey one," "If you are, erm, having a cull." "Do you have a problem with the grey ones?" "If I got new hair and it was grey, I would have a problem." " Yeah, I bet you would." " Meaning?" "It's too short." " Ow!" " Sorry, it was the only one out of place." "I'm sure that you would want it killed." "Ooh." "Are you trying to tell me something?" "I'm trying to measure the air disturbance in the room." "Right, moments when you know you are boring." "[soft mechanical clicking]" "There is something extremely wrong with everybody else in this room." " Hm, basically, don't you always think that?" " Look at them." " Don't look." " You just said to look!" "Look without looking." " They look fine to me." "They're just eating." " Are they?" "[mechanical clicking]" "[softly] ok, no." "They're not eating." "Something else they're not doing." "Breathing." "What do we do?" "You don't want to eat, do you?" "Slightly lost my appetite." "[clears throat]" "How long before they notice that we're different?" " Not long." " Anything we can do?" "How long can you hold your breath?" "We could just casually stroll out of here." " Like we've changed our minds." " Happens all the time." "[chuckles] 'course it does." "[loud clicking]" "[loud clicking]" "[loud clicking]" "We could take another look at the menu." "[whirring, clicking]" " What are they?" " I don't know." "Don't worry, because that's not the question." "The question is, what is this restaurant?" " Ok, what is this restaurant?" " I don't know." "[whirring, clicking]" "Er..." "No sausages." "Ju..." "And there's no pictures, either." "Do you have a children's menu?" " [whirring] - any specials?" " Liver." " I don't like liver." "Spleen." "Brain stem." "Eyes." "Hm..." "Is there a lot of demand for those?" "I don't think that's what's on the menu." " I think we are the menu." " Lungs." "Skin." "Excuse me." " Ok." "Robot in a mask." " [the doctor] it's a face." "Yeah, it's very convincing." " No, it's a face." " [screams]" " Yes." " Yes, what?" "Yes, we have a children's menu." " [clanging] - [grunts] [gasps] [screaming]" "You've got to admire their efficiency!" "Is it ok if I don't?" "[both yelling]" " [yelling continues] - [mechanical creaking] [both grunting, panting]" "Hello?" "Hello, are you the manager?" "I demand to speak to the manager." "This is not a real restaurant, is it?" "Well..." "It's more a sort of automated organ collection station for the unwary diner." " Sweeney todd without the pies." " So where are we now?" "Factually, an ancient space ship, probably buried for centuries." "Functionally, a larder." " So why hasn't somebody come for us?" " We're alive." " We're alive in a larder." " Exactly." "It's cheaper than freezing us." " Ok." " [grunts] are you ready?" " Go for it." " Don't let it roll away." " No." " We've got one shot at this." " Next time make one that doesn't roll." " Go!" "[grunting]" " You got it?" " I can just about reach it." "It's at times like this I miss amy." " Who?" " Nothing." "[grunts] ready?" "Don't miss." " [clara gasps] - oh!" "Oh..." "Sorry, did I hit something?" "Oh, the symbolism." "[whirring] [sighs] you should make that thing voice-activated." " Oh, for god's sake." "It is, isn't it?" " I don't want to talk about it." " Doctor." " Oh..." " Dormant." " How do you know?" "I don't, I'm just hoping." "So, is it these guys that killed the dinosaur?" "Well, if they're harvesting organs, a dinosaur would have some great stuff." "Why would robots need organs?" "Burke and hare from space?" "Maybe." "That's a good theory." "Droids harvesting spare parts." "That rings a bell." "Captain, my captain." " Can he see us?" " Dormant." " Hoping?" " Yep." "Oh, look!" "He's re-charging." "He's asleep." " Doesn't even know we're here." " Are you sure?" "Sure, not sure, one or the other." "Ok, so half man, half robot." "A cyborg, yeah?" " Oh..." " Oh?" " Oh..." " Oh..." " Look at the hands." " What about them?" " Look at them." " I'm looking." "They don't match." "These hands don't belong to the same body." " I don't understand." " I don't blame you." "See, this..." "This is not your normal cyborg." "This isn't a man turning himself into a robot." "This is a robot turning himself into a man, piece by piece." "That's what the restaurant's for?" "Well, it would need a constant supply of spare parts." "You can tan skin, but organs rot." "Some of that metal work looks roman." "I wonder how long it's been around," "How much of the original is even left." " The eyeballs look very fresh, though." " [clara groans]" " [mechanical clicking] - [clara] ah!" "[mechanical clicking]" "[whispering] is it awake?" "It's waking up, I think." "Ok, let's go." "[panting]" "I've seen this before." "I'm missing something." " [clara] doctor!" " It's the brand-new head, rebooting." " [clara] come on!" " I've seen this before!" "Hurry up!" "Get out!" "[mechanical clicking]" " [clara] doctor!" " [screwdriver whirs] [clara gasps]" "Sorry, too slow." "There's no point in them catching us both." "Well, give me the screwdriver!" " I might need it." " [whirring]" "[panting, whispers] no..." "No!" "Doctor!" "[gasps]" "[gasps, grunts]" "[mechanical clicking]" "[clicking]" "[clicking, whirring] [the doctor, voiceover] there's something else they're not doing." "Breathing." "[clicking]" "How long can you hold your breath?" "[inhaling deeply]" "[clicking, whirring]" "[clicking]" "[clicking continues]" "[clicking, whirring]" "[heart beating rapidly]" "[inhales, exhales] [panting]" "Bring her." "[faint screaming] [children giggling]" "All right, stop!" "Stop!" "Stop it, all of you, now!" "[boy] ha, it's her first day!" "[children laughing]" "If you don't stop it, I'm gonna have each and every single one of you" "Kicked out of this school!" "Go on, then." "Do it." "[voice echoing] [children laughing] [gasps]" "Where is the other one?" "There was another." "Where is he?" "Where is the other?" "You will tell us," "Or you will be destroyed." " What did you say?" " You will tell us." " Yeah, I know." "Or what?" " You will die." "[girl, voiceover] go on then." "Do it." "Go on, then." "Do it." "[clicking, whirring]" "I'm not going to answer any of your questions." "So you have to do it, you have to kill me." "Threats don't work unless you deliver." " You will tell us where the other one is." " Nope." " You will be destroyed." " Destroy me, then." "And if you don't, then I'm not gonna believe a single threat you make from now on." "Of course, if I'm dead, then I can't tell you where the other one went, and You need to keep this place down here a secret, don't you?" "Never start with your final sanction." "You've got nowhere to go but backwards." " Humans feel pain." " Oh, bigger threat to smaller threat." "See what I mean?" "Backwards." "The information can be extracted by means of your suffering." "Are you trying to scare me?" "Oh, because I'm already bloody terrified of dying." "And I'll endure a lot of pain, for a very long time," "Before I give up the information that is keeping me alive." "How long have you got?" "All you can offer me is my life." "What you can't do is threaten it." "You can negotiate." " [mechanical clicking] - [gasps] ok, ok, ok, ok!" "Yes." "Yes, yes, I am crying." "And it's just because I am very frightened of you." "And if you know anything about human beings," "That means you..." "You're in a lot trouble." "We will not negotiate." "[clara] you don't have a choice." "I tell you what," "I'll answer your questions if you answer mine." " We will not answer questions." " We'll take turns." "I'll go first." "Why did you kill the dinosaur?" " We will not answer..." " Why did you kill the dinosaur?" " We will not answer questions!" " Then you might as well kill me," "Because I'm not talking again till you do." "[exhales]" "Within the optic nerve of the dinosaur is material of use to our computer systems." "You burned a whole dinosaur for a spare part?" "No, hang on." "You know what's in a dinosaur's optic nerve," "Which means you've seen them before." "Where is the other one?" "How long have you been rebuilding yourselves?" "Look at the state of you." "Is there any real you left?" "What's the point?" "We will reach the promised land." "The..." "The what, the promised land?" "What's that?" " Where is the other one?" " [sighs]" "I don't know." "But I know where he will be." "Where he will always be." "If the doctor is still the doctor He will have my back." "[gasping] I'm right, aren't I?" "God, please, please, god, say I'm right." "[sighs] hello, hello," "Rubbish robots from the dawn of time." "Thank you for all the gratuitous information." "Five foot one and crying, you never stood a chance." " Stop it!" " [whirring]" "This is your power source," "And feeble though it is, I can use it to blow this whole room" "If I see one thing that I don't like." "And that includes karaoke and mime, so take no chances." "See, clara?" "That's how you disguise yourself as a droid." "Yeah, well, I didn't have a lot of time, I'd been suddenly abandoned." "Yeah, sorry." "Well, no, actually, I'm not, you're brilliant on adrenalin." "You were out of your depth, sir." "Never try and control a control freak." " I am not a control freak!" " Yes, ma'am." " Oh!" " Why are you here?" "Why did you invite us?" "The message in the paper?" "That was you, wasn't it?" "Oh..." "I hate being wrong in public." "Everybody, forget that happened." "Clara, say the word." " What word?" " They never sent you in here without a word." " I don't want to say it." " I've guessed it already." " [beeping] - [both] geronimo!" "[rumbling]" "Remain still and lay down your weapons, in the name of the british empire!" " [strax] ah!" " Strax!" " Sorry." " I've told you before, take the stairs." " Oh, look." "The cavalry." " I burned an ancient, beautiful creature" "For one inch of optic nerve." "What do you think you can accomplish, little man?" " What do you?" "Vastra!" " [grunting]" "The establishment upstairs has been disabled with maximum prejudice," " And the authorities summoned." " [clara] hang on, she called the police?" "We never do that!" "We should start." "You see?" "Destroy us if you will," "They're still going to close your restaurant." "That was gonna sound better." "Then, we will destroy you." "[shouting]" "No, you won't." "You're logical." "You have restraint." "You kill to survive, you're not a murderer." "He's not a what?" "This is a slaughterhouse." "And how does that make it different from any other restaurant?" "You weren't vegetarian the last time I checked." "This is over!" "Killing us won't change that!" " What would be the point?" " To find the promised land." "You are millions of years old, it's time you knew." "There isn't one." " I am in search of paradise." " [laughs] yeah, well, me too." "I'm not gonna make it, either." " [the doctor grunts] - doctor!" "I will leave in the escape capsule." "Destroy where necessary." "Escape capsule?" "This ship is millions of years old, it'll never fly." " It has been repaired." " What with?" " You." " [strax] defensive positions, everyone." "[clara] doctor!" "He's getting away!" "[cyborg] your friend is intelligent." "He'll know better than to follow me." "[grunts] [groaning]" "Right, here we are, this is the place." "Come with me." "It is our intent to leave." "If it is your intent to stop us," "Perhaps we should get down to business." " [low rumbling] - dear lord." "What has she landed us with this time?" "[creaking, rattling]" "The restaurant is closed." "Keep everyone out." "No one goes in there!" " What are you doing?" " I've got the horrible feeling I'm going to have to kill you." "I thought you might appreciate a drink first." "I know I would." " [clicking] - [low rumbling]" " Watch out!" " [rumbling]" "Fifty-first century, right?" "Time-travelling space ship, crashed in the past." "You're trying to get home the long way round." " I go to the promised land." " So you keep saying." "[clicking]" "Ok, so your restaurant" "Is made out of your old ship." "But you're wasting your time." "It can't ever fly." "The escape pod is viable." "How?" "You can't patch up a space ship with human remains." "You know, this really is ringing a bell." "[air hissing]" "Ok, that's clever." "How are you powering it?" "Skin." "[rumbling]" "Get to the station!" "We need more men!" "What shall I tell them is happening?" "Go on!" "[vastra] how many do you estimate, my dear?" "[jenny] more than upstairs!" "About 20, 30?" "[vastra] the ones upstairs were mere decoys." "These are battle-ready." " I anticipate a challenge!" " [cyborg laughs]" "Don't worry, my boy, we shall die in glory!" "Ok." "Good-o!" "[the doctor] "ss marie antoinette."" "Out-of-control repair droids," "Cannibalizing human beings." "I know that this is familiar, but I just..." " ..." "I just can't seem to place it." " How would you kill me?" "Sister ship of the madame de pompadour." "[sniffs] nope, not getting it." " How would you kill me?" " Why don't you have a drink first." "It's only human." " I am not human." " Neither am I." "[strax] why can't you stay dead, coward?" "!" " [grunting] - [strax laughing] [shouting]" "[the doctor] what do you think of the view?" " I do not think of it." " I "don't" think of it." "I "don't."" "Droids and apostrophes, I could write a book." "Except you are..." "Barely a droid any more." "There's more human in you than machine." "So tell me..." "What do you think of the view?" " It is beautiful." " No, it isn't." "It's just far away." "Everything looks too small." "I prefer it down there." "Everything is huge." "Everything is so important." "Every detail, every moment, every life clung to." " How could you kill me?" " For the same reason that you're asking me that question." "Because you don't really want to carry on." "What will happen to the other droids when you die?" "You're the control node, aren't you?" "Presumably they'll deactivate." "I will not die." "I will reach the promised land." "There isn't any promised land." "This is just..." "It's a superstition that you have picked up" "From all the humanity you've stuffed inside yourself." "I am not dead." "You are a broom." "Question:" "If you take a broom, you replace the handle," "And then later you replace the brush," "And you do that over and over again, is it still the same broom?" "Answer:" "No, of course it isn't." "But you can still sweep the floor." "Which is not strictly relevant, skip that last part." "You have replaced every piece of yourself," "Mechanical and organic, time and time again." "There's not a trace of the original you left." "You probably can't even remember where you got that face from." " [clattering] - it cannot end." "It has to." "You know it does." " There is only one way out." " Self-destruction is against my basic programming." " And murder is against mine!" " [grunting]" " [grunting, groaning] - [sword clattering]" "Jenny!" "Hold your breath!" "They're stupid!" "Everybody hold their breath." "[whirring] [jenny, voiceover] I can't do it." "I can't." "[vastra, voiceover] be brave, my love." "I can store oxygen in my lungs." "Share with me." "[whirring] [shouting, grunting]" "You are stronger than you look." "I'm hoping you are, too." "This is over." "Are you capable of admitting that?" "Do you have it in you to murder me?" "Those people down there." "They are never small to me." "Don't make assumptions about how far I will go to protect them," "Because I've already come a very long way." "And unlike you, I do not expect to reach the promised land." "You realise, of course," "One of us is lying about our basic programming." " Yes." " And I think we both know who that is." " Stop!" " [exhales]" " [gasps] - [clicking, whirring]" " [clicking, powering down] - [all panting]" "[wind blowing]" "[strax] whoa." "You're sure he'd come back here?" "There was no trace of him in the wreckage." "They searched all of parliament hill." "Where else would he go?" "I fear we have missed him." "Please, come in." "I'm..." "I'm not interrupting?" "I should be glad of your company." "What can I do for you?" "Oh, well, that's exactly what I was going to ask you." "Seems like I'm stuck here now." "Got a vacancy?" "[chuckles] you would be very welcome to join our little household." "But I have it on the highest authority" "That the doctor will be returning for you very soon." "Whose authority?" "The person who knows him best in all the universe." "And who's that?" "Miss clara oswald." "Who, perhaps has, by instinct, already dressed to leave?" "I just wanted a change of clothes." "I don't think I know who the doctor is any more." "[tardis whirring]" "It would seem, my dear, you are very wrong about that." "Clara!" "Give him hell." "He'll always need it." " You've redecorated." " [the doctor] yes." " I don't like it." " Not entirely convinced myself." "I think there should be more round things on the walls." "I used to have a lot of round things." "I wonder where I put them." "I'm the doctor." "I have lived for over 2,000 years," "And not all of them were good." "I've made many mistakes And it's about time that I did something about that." "Clara, I'm not your boyfriend." "I never thought you were." "I never said it was your mistake." "[whirring]" "What do you think?" " Who put that advert in the paper?" " Who gave you my number?" "A long time ago, remember." "You were given the number of a computer help line," "And you ended up phoning the tardis." "Who gave you that number?" "The woman." "The woman in the shop." "Then there is a woman out there who is very keen" "That we stay together." "[whooshing, thump]" "How do you feel on the subject?" " Am I home?" " If you want to be." "I'm sorry." "I'm-I'm so, so sorry." "But I don't think I know who you are any more." "[phone rings]" "You'd better get that." "It might be your boyfriend." "Shut up." "I don't have a boyfriend." "Hello?" " Hello?" " [man] it's me." "Yes, it's you, who's this?" "It's me, clara." "The doctor." "What do you mean, "the doctor"?" "I'm phoning you from trenzalore." " I don't..." " From before I changed." "I mean, it's all still to happen for me, it's coming." "Oh, it's a-coming." "[dialling tone]" "Not long now." "[panting] I can..." "Feel it." "Why?" "Why would you do this?" "Because I think it's going to be a whopper." "And I think you might be scared." "And however scared you are, clara, the man you are with right now," "The man I hope you are with," "Believe me, he is more scared than anything you can imagine right now." "And he..." "He needs you." "So who is it?" " Is that the doctor?" " Is that the doctor?" " Yes." " He sounds old." "Please tell me I didn't get old." "Anything but old!" "I was young." "Oh, is he grey?" " Yes." " Clara, please." "'ay, for me." "Help him." "Go on." "And don't be afraid." "Goodbye, clara." "Miss ya." " [sniffles] - well?" "[sniffles] well, what?" "He asked you a question." "Will you help me?" "You shouldn't have been listening." "I wasn't." "I didn't need to." "That was me talking." "[chuckles]" "You can't see me, can you?" "You look at me, and you can't see me." "Have you any idea what that's like?" "I'm not on the phone, I'm right here." "Standing in front of you." "Please, just..." "Just see me." " Thank you." " For what?" "Phoning." "I..." "I don't think that I'm a hugging person now." "[clara] I'm not sure you get a vote." "Whatever you say." "[clara] this isn't my home, by the way." "Sorry." "I'm sorry about that, I missed." " Where are we?" " Glasgow, I think." "Ah." "You'll fit right in." "Scottish." "Right, shall we, er..." "Do you want to go and get some coffee or Chips or..." "Something?" "Or chips and coffee?" "Coffee." "Coffee would be great." "You're buying." " I don't have any money." " You're fetching then." "I'm not sure that I'm the fetching sort." "Yeah, still not sure you get a vote." "[breath gasping] [mechanical whirring]" "[woman] hello!" "I'm missy." "You made it." "I hope my boyfriend wasn't too mean to you." "Boy..." "Friend?" "Now, did he push you out of that thing, or did you fall?" "I couldn't really tell." "He can be very mean sometimes." "Except to me, of course, because he..." "Loves me so much." "I do like his new accent, though." "I think I might keep it." " Where am I?" " Where do you think you are?" "Look around you." "You've made it." "The promised land." "[whispers] paradise!" "Welcome..." "To heaven!" "[snarls, gasps]" " Where the hell have you been?" " It's not my fault." "I got distracted." " By what?" " We could always find something." "Come on." " [clara] where are we going?" " [the doctor] into darkness." "Welcome to the most dangerous place in the universe." "They're coming." "They're coming!" "[indistinct shouting]" "The enemy are right on top of us!" "I'm sorry." "[dalek] exterminate doctor!" | {
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"Leave us!" "Charles, please, sit." "The factions and the fighting that went on inside this Court while I mourned were unacceptable." "I'm appointing You President of the Council and Lord Great Master, so, in my absence, all will be answerable to You, not Cromwell." "Majesty." "I'm also appointing Edward Seymour, to investigate the activities of the Poles." "From now on, they are ALL under suspicion." "How's your family?" "They're well, except... my wife lost the child she was carrying." "Then we have both lost something." "Oh, Charles... sometimes I think I shall go mad." "My leg is poisoned and hurts again," "I'm afraid that my son will die of The Plague, and I cannot sleep." "Majesty..." "I know what it is that we have both lost." "We have lost our youth." "There is nothing in the world, that can ever return it to us." ""Beneditione tuam Domine," ""populos Fideles accipiat."" " "Per Christum Dominum nostrum." - "Amen!"" "Lady Salisbury!" "You're hungry!" "Eat!" "("Stop, sir!") (Stand aside, I'm on the King's business!")" " What's that?" "("You can't go in there!")" " I don't know." "Lady Salisbury, forgive this intrusion, but You and these members of Your family are arrested," "By the King's orders, on suspicion of Treason." "You will all have to come straight with me." "Not my grandson, surely." "All." "I wanted to talk to you in private, Monsieur I'Ambassadeur, because I'm inclined towards a French bride." "Although my advisors think I should rather seek an Imperial match." "Ah, I admire Your Majesty's taste, and deplore that of Your advisers." "Perhaps they are not men of the world, as we are?" "My Lord of the Privy Seal spoke to me of two potential French brides:" "Maria, the King's daughter, and Marie de Guise," "Madame de Longueville." "Since I have heard further of Madame de Longueville," "I cannot refrain from considering her as a wife." "Hmm." "Good nose." "Peachy!" "Hmm." "Cat's piss." "Not too sweet." "Hmm, what have You heard?" "The King's daughter's too young for me." "But Madame de Longueville is more suitable, being herself a widow, and having already born two sons, and being, as they say, very voluptuous." "My Master told me that He would think it a great honour, if Your Majesty were to take a French girl as Your new wife." "There is no Lady who is not at His command, except Madame de Longueville," "Whose marriage to the King of Scotland, has already been arranged." "This arrangement can be broken." "Tell your Master that I can do twice as much for Him as my nephew, the idiotic and beggarly Scotish King." "Hmm, yes." "Yes, but so, in effect, then You would be marrying another man's wife." "I will marry who I like!" "Monsieur Castillon," "I have received offers from every quarter." "Forgive me, but His Majesty proposes a double marriage." "His 19 year old son, Henri, to Your daughter, Mary, and one of Madame Longeville's sisters to You." "There are two of them:" "Louise and Renné." "The former, remarkably for the French Court, is a rumoured to be still a virgin." "Mmm, mmm-mmm." "Wonderful!" "Take Her." "Take Louise." "Since she is still a maid, You will have the advantage of... shaping the passage to Your measure." "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" "I want to see my father!" "Hmph!" "GO GET MY FATHER!" "I want my father NOW!" "You know who I am?" "Don't you?" "Oh, yes!" "I know who You are." "You're Master Pole." "They say that some day You're gonna be the King of England." "Let go of me!" "Let go!" "We must discuss marriage." "As usual, the French want to mess Me around." "Who does the Emperor propose?" "Your Majesty, the Emperor has put forward Christina," "His niece, the Duchess of Milan." "Tell me about Her." "Originally from Denmark," "She was married at 13 to the Duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza, who died a year later." "She is now 16, both a widow, and, apparently, still a maid." "She's living in Brussels, with the Regent, Mary of Hungary." "She is reported to be a great beauty, and likes nothing better than hunting and playing cards." "Hunting and playing cards." "I like Her already." "Have Our Ambassador in the Netherlands find out more about her." "Majesty." "My Lord, our Ambassador to the Netherlands, Sir John Hutton." "Ah, Sir John..." "I, aah have some most urgent business for You to do." "My Lord, Mr. Islick has warned me." "You are to make a list of potential candidates to share His Majesty's bed." "My Lord," "I have not much experience among ladies, therefore, this commission to me is HARD." "You are to go to Brussels." "You are to make particular inquiries there about Christina, Duchess of Milan, but... while you're about it, go on to the Duchy of Cleves, make enquiries there about the Duke's two sisters:" "Amelia and Anne." "I'm anxious that they should enter the reckoning." "Yes, my Lord Cromwell." "I want to see my son." "What have you done with my son?" "Where is my son?" "Your son is unharmed." "He will remain unharmed until we are sure that you are not all TRAITORS, like your brother, Reginald." "You know very well that my family has disowned Reginald." "Neither my mother nor I support or condones what he has done." "We'll openly profess our allegiance to His Gracious Majesty." "I like well the precedings of my brother, the Cardinal, but I like NOT the doings of this Realm, and I trust to see a change in this world." "I would wish that we were both over the sea." "The world in England waxes all crooked." "The God's Law has been turned upside-down, abbeys and churches overthrown." "Who gave you that letter?" "Do you deny writing it?" "It has a postscript:" ""The King will die one day, suddenly."" ""His leg will kill Him,"" ""and we will have a jolly..." "STIRRING!"" "Your professions of loyalty were all hollow, my Lord Montague." "You are, after all, the King's cousins." "The last of the Plantagenets." "The last of the White Rose." "Some say you Poles, are the rightfull heirs, and will someday wear the garland." "Don't they." "Sir Francis." "Majesty." "Now that we found evidence against Henry Pole, Lord Montague, we need something against the Lady." "I ask you, whether such dishonest and treacherous sons could ever have had an honest mother!" "Who is that?" "She is the widow of the Earl of Edgemont." "A widow?" "Wait." "It's true She doesn't look it, but..." "She's over 40." "On the other hand, there is a maid at Court, she's only 14, but she already has a goodly stature." "Let the fruit ripen before you pluck it, Sir Francis." " Majesty." " Cromwell." "I've just received a letter from Sir John Hutton," "The ambassador in Brussels." "He's been making enquiries on Your Majesty's behalf about the Duchess of Milan, the Emperor's niece." "What does he say?" "He writes, ah..." ""There's none in these parts"" ""for beauty of person and birth to compare with the Duchess."" ""She's not so pure white as the last Queen (God pardon), but"" ""when she smiles there appear two dimples in Her cheeks and one in Her chin."" ""And we're very well."" "Has He mentioned any other Ladies?" "Only a sister of the Duke of Cleves:" "Anne." "He writes..." "I've heard about Her." "They say She's of no great praise, either of Her personage or Her beauty." "Forgive me, Majesty, but on the other hand, such a match could have its advantages." "This Realm has long been at the mercy of the machinations of the French or of the Emperor, but Cleves is a member of The Protestant League, which daily grows in power across Europe, and could easily, rival with us." "Thus, at last, could England make its own destiny." "Even so, I am anxious to see more about the Duchess of Milan." "I want to be sure She is as beautiful as Hutton claims." "Send Master Holbein to do a sketch of her by next tide." " Majesty." " Master Cromwell." "With your permission, Madam, may I ask if You would consider marrying the King?" "You may ask, Sir." "And as for my inclination, you know I am at the Emperor's command." "Madam, how happy You shall be if it be Your chance to be matched with my Master." "Shall I?" "Why?" "Oh, uh, my Royal Master is the most gentle gentleman that lives." "His nature is so benign and pleasant, that 'til this day, I think no man has heard many, if ANY angry words pass His mouth." "On the other hand, it is not strange that the King's Majesty was in so little space, rid of His 3 Queens?" "And I suspect, that the first, my great aunt, was poisoned, the second, innocently put to death, and the third lost for lack of care in Her child-bed." "Frankly, Sir, if I had two heads, then one would be at His Majesty's service." "Alas, I only have this one." "Madam, let me plead my Master's better qualities, and appeal to Your heart." "No!" "You must not labour any further, for I shall not fix my heart that way." "Unless, of course, the Emperor commands me to." "Oh, Madam." "Sir Francis!" "The Royal Banner of the Plantagenets." "My God, what expectation is there!" "What's this?" "The Royal Banner." "And this..." "The most potent symbol of rebellion." "Discovered in Your house." "Sir, I am an old Lady." "I have done nothing wrong or against the King's Majesty." "You still communicate with Your son, Reginald Pole!" "Despite him being a traitor." "No doubt You plot new treacheries with him." "How can you suposse that at my age, I am capable of plotting anything against anyone?" "I wish only to live a quiet life, away from this world." "If the King in His mercy could show pity and forgive us." "Madam, you have all been attainted for High Treason against His Majesty." "The evidence is great against you." "For what You deserve, You may well beg mercy, but whom shall say if it be granted or not." ""Grandmother, where are you?"" ""Grandmother!"" "The Duchess of Milan is enchanting." "I am singularly pleased." "This picture makes Her look very pretty." "Very... full of life." "Keep Your hands off her, Charles!" "After Our wedding, Our younger sons will be enobled with the ancient Dukedoms of York, Gloucester and Somerset, and Princess Mary can marry" "Dom Luís." "That's what you want, isn't it, Charles?" "An Imperial wedding." "Just as Wolsey always wanted a French one." "Everyone has an agenda!" "And what I want doesn't matter!" "Oh, the Poles have an agenda." "People talk about that poor little boy in The Tower, and poor old Lady Salisbury." "But let me tell You, they have Plantagenet blood in their veins!" "And My father told me," "My father told me that if you leave even a sappling in the ground, one day it will grow into a tree!" "And that little boy in The Tower will have 40,000 troops flocking to His banner, and YOU will be the sucker!" "Gahwk!" "GROOM!" "GROOM!" "Fetch the King's physician." "GOD'S SAKE, MAN, RUN!" "Charles!" "Charles!" ""My Lord, what news of the King?"" ""Have You heard?"" ""Is He recovered?"" ""The King is dead."" ""The King's not..."" "My Lord." "I must see the King." ""Must" Just as I may see Your nephew, the Prince, sometimes, but You prevent it." "The King has lain ill for over a week." "There has been no news about Him." "So, there are rumors." "Some say the King is dead." "That would suit you, wouldn't it?" "Since Your nephew would be King." "He is a child!" "That would be to no-one's use." "Not to mine, not to yours, and not to England's." "With Your permission, Your Grace," "I would like the opportunity to disprove those rumours." "Very well." "What in the name of God?" "This time the ulcer in His leg has failed to burst, as it has always done before." "Then fetch the Barber-Surgeons to lance it." "That might kill Him!" ""How is His Majesty?"" "Double the guards around the Prince." "No-one is to be allowed access to Him, do You understand?" "Yes, m'Lord." "Tell Sir Francis to take a detachment of the Guard to Hunsdon, so He and they may keep watch over the Princess Mary with their lives." "For, if the King dies, some will be for the boy, others for Her." "Yes, Your Grace." "Oh, Lord!" "Lord." "What shall I do?" "Mr. Cromwell, I bid you call for the Surgeon-Barbers." "I will answer for it." "Yes, Your Grace." "Your Majesty, forgive me." "Soft, now." "How is the child?" "It is the sweetest, prettiest boy that ever lived." "Keep Him safe." " Mr. Cromwell..." " Majesty." "("Keep pace!")" "(Henry) Have you spoken to Castillon recently?" "(Cromwell) Yes, Majesty." "What he said about Madame de Longueville?" "Ah, She has already got married..." "to the King of Scotland." "She'll regret it... when She sees what the weather's like up there." "The Ambassador mentioned there are two other cousins of King Francis, potentially available to your Majesty." "Marie de Vendome and Anne of Varennes." "Apparently, Marie de Vendome has already announced Her intention to become a nun, although Castillon thought that not necessarily an obstacle." "Hmph, how very French!" "I need pictures!" "Do you understand?" "I need to see them." "I need to see the woman who's gonna be my companion for life." "What of the negotiations with the Duchess of Milan?" "There is the problem of affinity." "As niece of the Emperor, the Duchess is, therefore, great-niece to Catherine of Aragon." "In the past, such obstacles might have been overcome by Papal dispensation..." "Well, there's no question of that now!" "But, perhaps, as Head of The Church of England, the Emperor will allow ME..." "to make a dispensation." "Yes, Majesty!" "Naturally!" "It'll take a good sport to make me feel amorous again." "("Forward!")" "I thought Your husband warned You to stay away from me?" "Oh, He did... but now He doesn't care." "He said He couldn't be bothered to kill You." "You know, the less I know about Your husband, the more He fascinates me." "See, I know, more or less, where most people stand." "Like Suffolk, Cromwell..." "I know their true beliefs, even if they try to hide them." "But Edward..." "Who knows what He truly believes." "Would You like me to tell You?" "Pfff..." "'For Services Rendered'!" "You're not QUITE as good as You think You are." "That'still pretty good." "Tell me." "Tsk..." "He believes in Himself." "In His destiny." "Prince Edward is the key to His destiny, nothing will stand in His way." "He's a Reformer?" "No, You can answer." "I am too." "I swear." "Everyone knows I HATE Popery with a passion." "That's why sometimes they call me The Black Pope." "HELLO!" "I've just been fucked by the Pope!" ""In Nomine Patris, et Fili et Spiritis Sancti."" "How does He think about Cromwell?" "That, I don't know... but..." "Did anyone ever discover who shot Robert Packington, M.P.?" ""non temebo malem." "Amen. "" "My Lord Montague," "I am here to help You..." "to a better place." "You know I'm not guilty, you bastard." "Only my brother is guilty, but you can't touch Him, can You, so You have to kill the innocent." "Your guilt has been established beyond question." "There used to be procedures here, proper legal procedures in this country to establish who was guilty and who was not." "But that's all gone, now." "You don't even have to have a trial." "So, since there is no judiciary, what's left is only tyranny." "Where is my mother?" "Lady Salisbury is..." "here, within The Tower." "Please have a care for Her, my Lord Bishop." "Whatever she might have done, be it so offensive, she is an old and true woman, and has always lived under the precepts of God." "I will have a..." "tender care for Her, body and soul, my Lord." "Trust me." "You know, my Lord, this the truth... the King never made a man, but He destroyed him again." "So take a care, my Lord." "Come along!" "I like more the look of some of these French girls more than the others." "But can the likeness be TRUSTED?" "Could the artist be not using some licence to either flatter the Lady or please me?" "Even Mr. Holbein." "How can I make a decision on these girls when I haven't met them in the flesh?" "Talk to Castillion." "Majes..." "If Your Majesty might still choose to consider the simple but profound charms of Anne of Cleves, or of Her sister, and of the benefits to You and this Realm of a new alignment with The Protestant League." " His Grace, the Bishop of Winchester." " My Lord Bishop." "Majesty." "Your Majesty, forgive me, but it has come to my attention that certain 'Evangelicals' are still preaching against the Six Articles of Faith, and Your Majesty's religious agreement." "Mr. John Lambert is one such, who preaches, once a week, in London, to large audiences." "Mr. Lambert denies the real presence of God in the Sacrament of Communion." "Saying, rather, that it is merely a symbolic commemoration of the Passion of Christ." "Then Mr. Lambert will be condemned in Christ's own words, who said:" ""This is my body."" "He will recant, or be burned." "I will not patron heretics." "Is there more?" "Perhaps, it is none of my business," "Your Majesty, but I am told that" "Mr. Lambert is well known to my Lord Cromwell." "It appears that they were educated together at Cambridge, and some six months ago, when Lambert was aprehended, on suspicion of promoting religious heresy, my Lord Cromwell had the charges dismissed." "Thank you, my Lord Bishop." "What news of the King's marriage to the Duchess of Milan?" "Alas, Princess, I think it is not to happen." "The Duchess is the great-niece of Your mother, and so the affinity is too touch." "Also, I think the Lady does not want to marry the King" "Then..." "I shall not marry Dom Luis?" "They say the King may now marry a French Lady, and You, one of the French King's sons." "Surely, that would not please You?" "Anything would please me, my Lady, which made You happy." "I'm afraid I was not born for happiness, Excellency." "I hear Lady Salisbury is being kept in The Tower, and Her son executed." "It is sadly so." "Her grandson, too, is being kept a prisoner." "I am sure it is all Cromwell's doing." "I should not say this to many people, Excellency, but I say it to you... as I agree with those who say he is messenger of Satan." "I SWEAR he has poisoned the King's mind!" "And if I could," "I would strip him from the King's side, and burn him." "His Excellency, the French Ambassador." " Monsieur Castillion." " Majesty." "We have been considering all these candidates for Our Hand." "There are so many!" "Indeed, a warren of honourable Ladies." "Quite... but the fact is, in the circumstances, because so many of them appear attractive," "I do not see how I can approach them individually." "So... perhaps King Francis can assemble seven or eight of them at Calais, then I could go there and make their acquaintance, all at the same time." "Mnnn, no, it... it is not a French custom to send" "Ladies of that rank, of such Noble and Princely families to be be passed in review, as if They were prize horses." "Perhaps, if Your Majesty desires one of these Ladies, You could send an envoy, to report on their manner and appearance, in the traditional way." "Well, I trust no-one but MYSELF." "The thing touches Me too near." "I want to see and know them before deciding." "Maybe your Majesty would like to mount Them, one after another, and then pick the one You find 'best broken-in'?" "Monsieur Castillon," "You have ten seconds to get out of my Court, or I will beat You like the dog that You are!" "Mr. Cromwell." "Majesty." "An incorrigible heretic called John Lambert is now imprisoned in The Tower and likely soon to be burned." "I believe you know this man." "I..." "KNEW him, many years ago, at Cambridge." "Not since?" "Not to my knowledge, Your Majesty." "Hmmm!" "?" "And whilst you were at Cambridge, together, did you share some of his opinions?" "Tell me, Mr. Cromwell, what do you believe NOW?" "As the world stands, Your Majesty, I believe what YOU believe." "So you think it right that he SHOULD be burned?" "Yes, unless he recants." "Yes." "Hmpf!" "Oh, I forgot!" "What were Their names, again?" "Majesty?" "The sisters of the Duke of Cleves." "Amelia and Anne." "Amelia and Anne." "(Sigh)" "(Tongue click)" "Send someone to take a look at Them." "We'll have a second opinion." "Majesty!" "Duke Villiam will receive You now." "Your Highness, zee English envoys." "Gentlemen!" "Your Highness." "So..." "His Majesty, King Henry, is alife, and He is interested in My sisters." "Yes, His Majesty has been persuaded of Their... aimiability and of Their suitability as Royal Consorts." "Especially Anne, the eldest," "Who has been much praised in the King's hearing." "I am not surprised." "His Majesty would also propose the marriage of His daughter Mary to Your eldest son, a liaison with the Protestant League, and the recruitment of a hundred seasoned cannoneers for His army." "There is, then, gentlemen, much to discuss." "Indeed... but first, we should like Your permission to meet Your sisters." "Why?" "W..." "T..." "The King will expect us to report back on what we have seen." "To say that we have NOT seen the Ladies... would not exactly please Him." "He has also asked for a portrait of Anne to be sent back to Him." "Unfortunately, My Court painter, Mr. Cranack, is... ill... and indisposed." "I..." "In that case, we can send over Mr. Holbein, who is an admirable artist." "Indeed." "Yes, perhaps... but you are going too quickly!" "What do you think my country is?" "A meat market?" "I will arrange with My Chancellor vor negotiations to commence." "And you may have zee opportunity, at some stage, of being PRESENTED to my sisters." "Uh..., Your Highness, uh..., we..." "We will meet..." "again." "Good day, gentlemen." "(deep breath in)" "John!" "Thomas!" "How good to see you, and how excellently you've done in the world." "I could wish our reunion was in some better place." "I shall be quit of this place, soon enough." "On my way to a FAR better place." "John, you do not have to die." "All you have to say, to satisfy the King, is that after Consecration, the wafer and the wine are truly the body and the blood of Christ." "But you and I know they are not." "You don't have to believe it, you just have to say it!" "Ah, Thomas..." "I see now what it takes for a man to make his way in this world." "He must make a practice of hypocrisy." "There is no harm in indiscretion." "And, believe me, I want to spare you the awful pains which have been prepared for you." "Did Christ, himself, not suffer awful pains, Thomas?" "We do not need martyrs, we need LIVING men, who will go on about quietly spreading the business of our reformation." "Who will believe a word I say, if I alter my opinion on such a fundamental thing?" "John," "I say to you, again, while you still have a free choice, will you LIVE or DIE?" "(Bell tolls 4 o'clock)" "My dear Lord Cromwell," "I see that all this while, we have not been talking about me but about you." "Not about my poor conscience, but about yours." "I see that you are afraid of guilt by association, and would rather I purged my own soul." "Alas... it is the only thing in this world I have left." "I am sorry you choose not to save yourself." "("Get back, you rabble!")" "("Get back, in the name of the King!")" "("I'll pray for you!")" "All for Christ!" "All for Christ!" "Majesty." "Eh..." "Mr. Lambert has gone to his execution." "And to Hell!" "Ah..." "Princess Mary begs You to spare the life of Lady Salisbury," "Who, she says, was like a mother to Her." "She was also a mother to Reginald Pole, whom even Heaven can't forgive." "Um..." "Ah..." "Duke William says that, ah..." "His painter is ill." "He..." "He cannot furnish images of his sister Anne." "Send Holbein." "I MUST see Her image." "Majesty." "Mr. Cromwell." "Gentlemen!" "You have My permission to look upon My sisters." "Your Highness!" "We cannot even tell which is Anne and which Amelia!" "Sirs, I am Anne." "And I am Amelia, Your Honours." "Your Highness, for our purposes... this is no good." "No good?" "VHAT?" "Vhould you see zem nakit?" "Have You not been praying, Lady?" "Your head is going to be cut off now." "I don't want to die." "I don't want to die." "No, please don't hurt me!" "Please, no." "Don't." "Don't." "Don't hurt me." "I don't want to die." "I don't want to die!" "No!" "No, don't kill me!" "NO!" "Oh God, save me!" "Oh God, help me!" "For God's sake, have some dignity." "No!" "No, I don't want to die!" "Eminence!" "My child." "My poor child." "He's killed them." "My brother, my..." "my poor mother..." "The King of England is the most cruel and abominable tyrant!" "Ah, there's no doubt, now, he must be overthrown by force." "Better that He should die, than risk the Eternal Damnation of all His subjects!" "But there's nothing we can do." "But we CAN!" "His Holiness is ready to promulgate the Bull of Excommunication." "The Emperor and the French have made peace." "They are now both willing to point their swords at England." "They will withdraw their Ambassadors, and prepare a fleet for invasion." "And, the Holy Father expects You to return to The Netherlands and to France, to assist the preparations." "No." "No, please." "Let me help in other ways." "Wh.." "Wh.." "What?" "D.." "Do..." "Tell me, are you frightened?" "Now, You should thank God that He has called Your family to Heaven." "You should not weep." "So, what is belief?" "Huh?" "!" "What is belief, if not belief in the Will of God!" "Do You think the Holy Father wants You to go to The Netherlands for His own sake?" "Don't..." "Don't You think He has asked God for guidance?" "Forgive me." "When I was a young priest in Germany, my family's house was occupied by Lutheran mercenaries." "I had a beautiful sister, whom I loved more than anything else in the world and, uh... perhaps, even more than God." "Well, they raped her, they cut off their breasts, the... they threw pieces of her to their dogs," "right in front of my eyes." "All of us have burdens to carry, Cardinal Pole." "Come now, Master Paul." "There you are, Cardinal Pole." "Now, eat your heart!" | {
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"Family Guy Boys Do Cry" "Synchronisation :" "Tezman Adjustment :" "Fogia Transcript :" "Raceman" "We now return to Julia Louis-Dreyfus in "Now It's Just Getting Sad."" "Okay, okay, hear me out." "My character is a therapist living in the city, but I'm married to an elephant." "Hi, I'm the husband." "Hey, honey." "We're going to my parents' this weekend." "Did you pack your trunk?" "I don't think I want to go." "I don't like going to your parents." "Why?" "Maybe because your dad's an ivory hunter?" "See, there's a lot going on here." "A lot going on." "It actually, it actually gets pretty watchable." "Ah, damn, it's still raining." "Lois, you mind if I go in the house?" "Fine, fine, just put the newspaper down." "Hey, Lois, look at this." "The church is holding auditions for a new organist." "Really?" "Wow, you know, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun." "Yeah, it's been a while since you've had the chance to play in public." "Church organist?" "Ah, that's boring." "Why don't you do something more interesting?" "Like when I had that job feeding the homeless." "That's going to make you big and strong." "Burping time." "Oh, smells like someone needs to be changed." "When was the last time you were changed, seven days ago?" "That's one week." "There are seven days in a week." "I love you, filthy hobo." "Huh, huh!" "All right." "Why do you say "organist" if you don't want..." "I don't understand the world anymore." "Here be a jaunty sea chantey from me boyhood." "You shake me nerves and you rattle me brain" "Too much love drives a man insane" "You broke me will, oh, what a thrill" "Goodness gracious, great balls of fire." "I know what boys like" "I know what guys want" "I know what boys like" "Boys like" "Boys like me." "All right, up next is Lois Griffin." "Well, I don't know if I can compete with the rest of these people, but here goes." "My word, what a fascinating man this Jesus must have been." "I can just imagine meeting him." "That was beautiful,Mrs. Griffin." "Up next is Jake Tucker." "Well, finally!" "Some of us have been waiting all evening for a certain wife to come home and feed her starving family." "Peter, I told you I was going to be late." "Couldn't you have handled dinner?" "You can't ask me to make dinner, Lois." "That's like asking me to choose between Sarah Jessica Parker and Kirsten Dunst in a hotbody/weird face contest." "It can't be done." "Well, I've got good news." "I'm going to be the church's new organist." " Hey, congrats." " Wow, Mom, that's great." "That means you'll play the organ." "It also means that this family is going to start going to church again on Sundays." "Being there today reminded me of how important religious services are to the moral fiber of a family." "And lately, this family has been lacking moral fiber." "Especially you, Meg." "Meg, what happened to you?" "She can't answer you." "She can't even talk." "Ever since she started smoking pot, she just kind of lays there." "It's really sad." "And a tiny bit funny." "Oh, my God, I think I'm getting a contact high." "Oh, now I'm messed up, too." "Good morning, everyone." "A reading from the letter of John to the couple with the crying baby upstairs." ""Obviously you hearyour kid crying" ""and you're trying to break him of some habit." ""But I got news for you." ""It's not working." ""I swear to God if it doesn't stop," "I will come up thereand show him what real pain is."" "The Word of the Lord." "Praise be to God." "Oh, I am so hungry." "Oh, look, they're handingout cookies up there." "Stewie, wait, don't..." "Hey, there." "Eat up, y'all." "Youse is good church going folk." "Y'all deserve a little treat." "Give me that!" "Well, aren't you an enthusiastic wafer muncher." " What is that, punch?" " Oh, don't y'all drink that." "Youse gonna get sick." "Yep." " That baby just threw up the host!" " That's a sign of the devil." " Oh, my God,is he possessed?" " He's possessed!" "That baby is possessed by Satan!" "Calm down, everyone." "He's just a little sick." "Oh, sweet, weare out of here." "Now I can do what I planned to do this morning..." "Gladiator mice." "Yes, yes, die, die, die!" "I have everything,and you have nothing!" "Ugh, what a horrible morning." "You know, all I wanted was for us to share a simple Sunday church service as a family." "But I guess that's too much to ask." "Good afternoon, Mrs. Griffin." "We're here to take custody of your baby so that the good reverend here can perform an exorcism and banish the devil from his infant soul." "What?" "!" "You are not performing an exorcism on my baby." "Mrs. Griffin,you can give him to us, or we can take him by force." " No!" " Don't worry, Lois, we'll hide in the one place they can't find us." "In Imagination Land, where you burp where you fart, and you fart where you burp." "Indeed, that's how it happens." "Where are we going?" "Who cares as long as it's away from those bloody church fanatics." "We're going to Texas." "We can stay at my sister Carol's place until this blows over." "Texas?" "We're going to Texas in search of religious tolerance?" "That's going to be like trying to get Sneakers O'Toole to take his sneakers off." "I'm not taking my sneakers off I am Sneakers O'Toole." "Hey, take those sneakers off." " No!" " Take them off, I said!" "No!" "Ah, let him go." "We'll never catch him." "Not in these shoes." "I'm not taking my sneakers off I am Sneakers O'Toole." " Good evening, I'm Tom Tucker." " And I'm Diane Simmons." "Authorities are on the look out for one-year-old Stewie Griffin, a Quahog infant who is believed to be possessed by Satan." "A substantial reward is being offered for any information leading to his capture." "In other pseudo-scientific news, a local man claims to have spotted bigfoot." "We've got the exclusive interview." "I was about to bone my girlfriend out at the lake, but suddenly she yelled, so I looked up and it was bigfoot." " So what happened next?" " Then I went back to bone her, but the mosquitoes were going crazy, and she said there was no way." "All right, get your snacks and hurry out, you guys." "Yeah, look, they have Chunky bars." "What a God-awful mess those things are, chocolate with raisins in it." "Yeah, yeah, that's what kids want with their chocolate-- fruit." "Why don't you put sunflower seeds in the Ding Dongs while you're at it?" " Is that part of your stand-up act?" " I don't know, do you like it?" "I wouldn't open with it." "Pardon me, sir." "We're trying to locate a possessed child." "Have you seen anyone who looks like this?" "Yeah, that's my son." "He's actually inthe mini-mart right now." "He'll be out in a second." "I-I-I-I mean, I mean no, no." "Never seen him before." "Hmm." "What was that first thing you said?" "Oh, I was just saying that baby in the picture is my son." "He's traveling with us." "He's part of our family." "We're trying to avoid being found by police like you." "I mean, I was just remarking what a nice tie you have on." "I love this tie." "All right, you folks take care now." "Oh, did you hear that cashier's accent?" ""Would you like some change please for you?"" "Oh, you know, if it weren't for 9/11, those guys would be adorable." "Oh, my God, look." "Quick, into the bathroom." "We're going to have to come up with a way to change your appearance." "Well, I could disguise myself as Britney Spears." "I'm already standing in urine, and I hate the person I'm with." "No, see, there's got to be something in here we can use." "Boy, that was a close one back there." "Way to think on your feet, Brian." "We got lucky." "How you holding up, Stewie?" "Um..." "I feel right, Brian." "I feel right." "Are you sure Aunt Carol won't mind us using her house?" "She won't care, Chris." "She's off on her ninth honeymoon." "When will it work for her?" "Howdy, new neighbors." " Pleased to welcome you." " We're the Lynches." "We live next door." "Nice to meet you." "We're the Griffins." "Nellie here is a homemaker." "And I'm a queer chaser and beater." "Lois, I'm not sure this is the right place for us." "These Texans are socially backward and, politically, they're all stubborn as a mule." "Nope, sorry, Kevin Bacon wasn't in Footloose." " What ?" "Of course he was." " No, he wasn't." "You lose." " Of course he was, he was the star." " No, you're wrong." "Look it up." "I don't have to look it up." "It's common knowledge." " He was on the cover of..." "Nope." " Nope." " People magazine when the movie..." " Nope." "No." "No." " Everyone knows Kevin Bacon" " No, no, No, No!" " was the star of Footloose." " No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Hyan!" "Hyan!" "Look what the Lynches gave us." "A needle point of Chuck Norris from Walker, Texas Ranger." "You know, they say Chuck Norris is so tough there's no chin under his beard." " There is only another fist." " That's ridiculous." "Chuck Norris ?" "You know, this place may be the upside to everything that's happened." "The people are kind and generous." "They seem whole some and moral." "Exactly the kind of influence this family needs." "Lois, we're living in a red state with a bunch of right-wing nutjobs." "Hey, Chris, check out my belt buckle." "It says, "Everything's bigger in Texas."" "Belts are a great way to express opinions." "This is Channel Five News, Texas, with Duke Dillon." "Howdy, Texas." "I'm Duke Dillon." "At the top of the news tonight, authorities have called off their pursuit of a fugitive Rhode Island baby who was thought to be possessed by the devil." "Oh!" "Thank God!" "This turn of events came after Vatican scientists announced today that the devil is not the greatest threat to salvation due to last week's discovery of the Superdevil." "Religion reporter Dallas Houston has the story." "Thanks, Duke." "Well, let me try and give you a clear picture of what we're dealing with here." "Here's a photo of the devil, and here's the Superdevil." "Now, as you can see, there are some significant differences." "The Superdevil is at least six inches taller, he has a flying motorcycle and a jar of marmalade that we believe forces you to commit adultery." "Thanks a lot, Dallas." "Looks like we all got something new to be afraid of." "Everyone, it's over!" "We can go back to Quahog." "Hey, Lois, you say something?" "Aw, just that I think you're going to love this cake." "None for me, thanks." "It's going to go straight to my vagina." "That's what girls worry about, right, having big vaginas?" "Dad, why aren't you taking the car?" "Chris, we're in Texas now." "If I'm not riding a horse," "I'm going to stick out like a straight guy in a figure-skating competition." "Boo-ya!" "Triple salchow in your face!" "Hey, you want this?" "Huh?" "You want some of this?" "Oh, man, look at your rack." "I'd motorboat that." "I'd motorboat the hell out of it!" "Right after this layback spin." "Bottle of Jack Daniels, please." " There you go." " Thanks." "What's this?" "That's your gun." "Buy some liquor,get a free gun." "Is that like a special you have on now or something?" "Nope." "Texas state law." "You have a nice day now." "State law?" "God!" "This place officially sucks worse than the WNBA." "And, at the top of the second half, it's 16 to nine." "Easton leads the scoring with four." "And that's why she commands $7,000 a year." "These gals sure do make it look difficult." "But is having this minor skill worth being so unattractive?" "That's for the fan to decide." "Yay!" "Huh." "That was kind of cool." "Been a long day, Lois." "Long day." "Peter, what the hell?" "You can't bring that horse into our bed." "Lois, I cannot believe you would ban the horse from our bed." "He is a graceful, majestic creature who is a part of this family and only wants you to love and respect..." "The horse may have pooped in the bed." "I hereby call this meeting of the Texas Youth Club to order." "First, I'd like to welcome our two newcomers," "Chris and Meg Griffin." "Wow!" "This is the coolest club I've ever been in." "Well, you're not quite in the club yet." "You got to pass the initiation." "What do we have to do?" "You got to sneak on to the Crawford Ranch and steal a pair of George Bush's underwear." "And then bring it back here so we can bask inits Bushy goodness." "Boy, that's even kinkier than the porn they make for senior citizens." "Can I help you, Edward?" "Yeah." "I'm here for the early bird special." " Are those new slacks?" " What's that, now?" " Are those new slacks?" " I got these on special at Caldors." " Who drove you there?" " My nephew." "Oh." "That was nice of him." "I forgot why I came over." "Are those new slacks?" "What is this?" "What the hell are we doing here?" "Welcome to your first toddler pageant, Stewie." "It's what you do when you're in Texas." "Oh, lovely." "A first-class ticket to a semen-stained death in the basement." "Why don't you meet the other contestants while I go register you?" "Hello." "I'm, uh..." "Stephanie Griffin." " Hi, Stephanie." " What's your talent?" "I sing, I do gymnastics, and I can play seven instruments at the same time." "Hmm." "You could be a threat to me." "Chuck." "There it is... the Crawford Ranch." "I can't believe we're actually doing this." "What a bonding adventure for the two of us." "Settle down, Meg." "Okay, I see Old Man Cheney guarding the place." "18% approval ratings." "I'll give you 18% of my foot in your ass." "I'd like you to meet my daughter's husband Michael." "Wow!" "Look how organized he is." "He's already got his sugar cut up into neat little lines for his breakfast tomorrow." "And a razor blade to shave." "Wow!" "Look at this." "I can't believe Mrs. Bush kept all these Planned Parenthood receipts." "Holy cow!" "She's been scraped more times than a fisherman's knuckle." "Hey, what are you kids doing here?" "You tell Javier to back off." "I'll have his money by next week." " What?" " Nevermind" "Hey, you guys want to see something?" "Grab a beer and follow me." "See this car?" "I restored it myself this summer." "I was here for 12 weeks." "I had to do something." "But, along the way, I learned about honesty, integrity, and cold filtered Miller Genuine Draft." "That's an adult beverage right there." "You understand what I'm trying to say to you?" "Yes." "But I have just one question." "Can I borrow your underpants for ten minutes?" "Hello." " Oh." "Hi, Jillian." " Brian, I'm reading TV Guide." "Can you explain how these cheers and jeers work again?" "Well, the cheers is when they generally approve of something on television, and jeers is when they find some sort of fault with it." "Oh." "See... yeah, I'm not quite..." "We can't do this over the phone." "You're going to have to come over." "I can't come over." "We're still on the run because the town thinks Stewie's possessed." "No, they don't." "Didn't you hear?" "They stopped chasing you weeks ago." " What?" "I have to go." " Wait, wait!" "I have another question." "How do I know if I'm Jewish?" " Are you Jewish?" " No" " There you go, sport." " Thank you." "Hey, guys, thanks so much for inviting me out today." "I'm psyched to brand my first cow." "Here you are, Peter." "All fired up and ready to go." "Oh...!" "Oh, yes!" "Yes!" "Oh...!" "Oh, hang on a second." "Man, Texas is great." "Back where I'm from, a retarded guy could never have this much fun." " What did you just say?" " What?" "Technically, I'm retarded." "Fellas!" "Fellas!" "Can't we talk this over?" "Talking is for terrorists and blacks." "In Texas, we execute the retarded." "Oh, my God!" "So this is how it ends?" "I always thought I'd die having to sit through the Canadian Film Festival." "I don't wish to cause you any harm, and I won't." "The end." "Horsey, you saved my life." "No problem, Peter." "Glad to help out." "Wow!" "Gilbert Gottfried." " That's right!" " Awesome." "Now the final contestant for our talent portion of the competition," "Stephanie Griffin." "Thank you, thank you." "Hey, what's the deal with Chunky bars, huh?" "Chocolate with raisins in it?" "Yeah, that's what kids want with their chocolate-- fruit." "Wow, that bit is killing." "Hey, Lois, great news." "We can go back to Quahog." "I know, Brian." "Shh!" "We're about to see if Stewie won." "Wait a minute." "You know?" " How long have you known?" " A few weeks." "Who cares?" "Wait a minute." "You..." "you've known for weeks, and you've been lying about having to stay here?" "Brian, don't you see?" "This is a wholesome community with real values." "And our firstrunner-up is..." "Miss Dixie-Ann Thomas." "Which means that Miss Stephanie Griffin is our new Little Miss Texas!" "Oh!" "Oh, my God!" "Oh, I never expected this." "Oh, I'm so, so honored." "Hey, that's not a girl!" "It's Enrico Palazzo!" "No, it's not!" "It's one of them queerosexuals!" "Get him!" "Quick!" "Get on!" " Thank you for all your help." " My pleasure, Peter." "Anytime." "Oh, fantastic." "Hey, do you still do stand-up?" " I do." "I'm still touring." " Oh, wow." "Can we get tickets?" "Absolutely." "I'm in Atlanta next week." "Great." "Oh, well,this will be fun." "It is so good to be home." "You know, I wanted us to live in a place with real family values." "But values don't come from where you live or who your friends are." "They come from inside, from your own beliefs." "I agree, Lois." "Like, for instance, if you're watching a TV show and you decide to take your values from that, you're an idiot." "Maybe you should take responsibility for what values your kids are getting." "Maybe you shouldn't be letting your kids watch certain shows in the first place if you have such a big problem with them, instead of blaming the shows themselves." "Yeah" | {
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"Broke in right on the two of them." "No matter what they say, it's all about money." "So let's imagine, ladies, that you're a Savings and Loan officer." "Watch." "One, two, three." "See?" "You've got it all, and we've got nothin'." " And you have all four." "Take a look." " Oh!" "But I wouldn't trust you with real gold." " That's why this one's only worth about a penny." " Hmm." "And if you wonder where the other one went, watch." "A penny from the ear." "How much for the rest?" " Have you seen Edward?" " No, I haven't." "Great party, Philip." "My wife went to a lot of trouble;" "she called a caterer." " Excuse me, Ann." "Howard, how are you?" " Philip, good." "Hey, I understand Edward's taking over Morse Industries." " Yeah, well, he's not here to get a suntan." " Can I get in on it?" " Yeah." "Call me." " When?" "Just call me." " Uh, hi." "I'm Philip Stuckey, Edward Lewis's lawyer." " Where's the guest of honor?" "He's probably off in a corner somewhere charming a very pretty lady." "How are you?" "I told my secretary to make the arrangements." "Didn't she call you?" "Yes, she did." "I speak to your secretary more than I speak to you." " I see." " I have my own life too, you know, Edward." "This is a very important week for me." "I need you here." "But you never give me any notice." "You just think I'm at your beck and call." "I do not believe that you are at my beck and call." "Well, that's the way you always make me feel." " Maybe I should just move out." " If that's what you want, yes." "All right, when you get back to New York, we'll discuss it." " Now is as good a time as any." " That's fine with me, Edward." "Good-bye." "Good-bye, Jessica." " Phil suggested that maybe I should take a I" " Phil is just my lawyer, okay?" " Yes, sir." " How did the Morse stock open at the Nikkei?" " I don't know." " You don't know?" "Tokyo opened maybe 90 minutes ago." " You have to keep on top of these things, all right?" " Done." " Hello, Mr. Lewis." " Hi." "How you doin'?" "I want this whole thing... wrapped up as soon as possible;" "I gotta get to New York by Sunday." " I got tickets to the Met." " Yes, sir." " Your coat, Mr. Lewis." " Thank you." " Edward!" " Susan!" " Hi." " Hi." " I was sorry to hear about Carter." " Oh, yeah." "Thanks." " Heard you got married." " Well... yeah." "I couldn't wait for you!" "Mmm." "Susan, tell me something." " Yes?" " When you and I were dating, did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?" "She was one of my bridesmaids." "Hmm." "Your husband's a very lucky guy." " Bye." " Thanks, bye." " Do you?" " Absolutely." " Wonderful." " He's leaving." "Edward's leaving." " Excuse me." " Sure." "Is this Mr. Stuckey's car?" "Edward, where you goin'?" " You got the keys to your car?" " Why, what's wrong with the limo?" "Look, the limo is buried back there." "Darryl can't get it out." " Mmm." " Please give me the keys." " All right, look." "I don't think you should drive." "You're a little excited." "Don't drive my car." "Let me work something out here." "Fellas, what kind of a system is this?" "Can you move these cars out of here?" "Look, Edward." " Edward." "Uh, are you familiar with a stick shift?" " Uh, yeah." " Have you driven a shift?" "Listen, all right." " Yeah." "Yeah." "Just be ginger with it." "It's a new car." " Don't, uh" " Just don't" " Okay." "I can do it." "Edward!" "Give me a break, please!" " I love this car." " I love it too." "Look, you don't even know where you're going." "You're gonna get lost in the dark!" "Beverly Hills is down the hill!" "I don't need to fall at your feet" "Just 'cause you cut me to the bone" " And I won't miss the way that you kiss me" " Oh, shit." " We were never carved in stone" "If I don't listen to the talk of the town" "Then maybe I can fool myself" "I'll get over you I know I will" "I'll pretend my ship's not sinking" "And I'll tell myself I'm over you" " 'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking" " Maps here." "Maps." "Have a good one." "What do you say, blondie?" " Hi, honey, want some fun?" " Hey, baby, you lookin' for a date?" " Yeah, honey, we're lookin'." " Here I am." " I'm Al and this is my friend Bill." "Get in the car." "Well, I'm just goin' to school like I'm real, real cool" "Gotta dance like a fool Got the message" "And I gotta be a wild one Ooh, yeah" "I'm a wild one" "Gonna break the news Gonna keep on moving wild" "Gonna keep on swingin', baby I'm a real wild child" "Now, wait a minute." "You don't seem to understand me." "That's my job." "At the end of the month, I collect everybody's rent." "Now give me the money, or you're outta here." "Gonna meet all my friends Gonna have myself a ball" "Gonna tell my friends Gonna tell them all" "That I'm a wild one" "Ooh, yeah I'm a wild one" "Gonna break the news Gonna keep on moving wild" "Gonna keep on swinging, baby I'm a real wild child" "I'm a real wild one and I like wild fun" "In a world going crazy everything seems hazy" "I'm a wild one Ooh, yeah, I'm a wild one" "Gonna break the news Gonna keep on moving wild" "Gonna keep on swinging, baby I'm a real wild child" "Welcome to Hollywood!" "Everybody comes to Hollywood got a dream." "What's your dream?" "What's your dream?" "Hey, mister?" "Hey, what's your dream?" "Have a good one." " What happened?" " Some chick." "She bought it over there." "Detective Albertson." "What do you know about that girl?" "I tell you, man." "I don't know who she hang with." "C'mon, guy." "We just pulled her out of a Dumpster in the back." "Who was her pimp?" "Cocaine her pimp." "She a strawberry." "She be out on these streets day in, day out, trading' her sorry self for some crack." " And what do you do?" " I cool." "Oh, I'll bet." "Hey, hey, hey!" "Excuse me!" "Excuse me!" " What are you, from the press?" " No, no." "We're from Orlando." "Oh, I don't believe this." "Do you" " I got tourists photographing the body, Al." "What happened?" "In a world that can be so insane" "I don't think it's very strange for me to be in love with you" "I wanna know more than your brain" "Hey, Pops, has Kit been in here?" "Upstairs in the poolroom." "Now I smile for your affection We have made a soul connection" "Just for whom does your bell toll" "Don't be cruel Show me your soul" "Yo, Viv!" " Is it all gone?" " Carlos, you know my roommate, Vivian." " This is Angel." "That's the Dude." " I know everybody!" "Is it all gone, Kit?" "Carlos sold me some great shit." "We just had this party." "I was the hostess." "I can't believe you bought drugs with our rent." "What is goin' on with you, Kit?" "I needed a little pick-me-up." " Well, we need rent money!" " Oh, calm down, chica." " She only owes me 200 more." " Carlos!" " Another $200?" " That was from way before." "That's right, 200, Vivian." "But if you wanna work off her money with me," " we can work something out." " That's a very sweet offer, Carlos, but not now." " Come on, Viv." "Come downstairs." " Work out" " Work out what?" " What are we gonna work out?" " You really like her, Carlos?" "You took it while I was sleeping?" " You were unavailable for consultation." " Hey, let's go." "Snack!" "Snack!" " Besides, it's my apartment." " Yeah, well, I have to live there too, Kit." "Look, you came here;" "I gave you some money;" "I gave you a place to stay... and some valuable vocational advice." "He was on my case." "I had to give him something." "So don't irritate me." " This ain't a buffet, Kit." " Irritate you?" "Irritate you?" "I just saw a girl pulled out of a Dumpster." "I know." "Skinny Marie." "But... she was a- a flake." "She was a crack head." "Dominic was trying to straighten her out for months." "Leave her alone!" "Don't you want to get outta here?" "Get outta where?" "Where the fuck you wanna go?" "Aah, nothin' but garbage." " Uh, excuse me." " Huh?" " Can you tell me how to get to Beverly Hills?" " You're here!" "That's Sylvester Stallone's house right there." " Thank you." " You're welcome." " Hey, yo, Rachel." " What?" " Yeah." "You see the stars on the sidewalk, babe?" " Yeah." "Well, Vivian and me, we work Bob Hope, we work the Ritz Brothers, we work Fred Astaire, we work all the way down to Ella Fitzgerald." "This is our turf." "We got seniority." "You better get off our corner." "Forgive me." "I was just takin' a rest here." "Besides, she's new." "Yeah." "Well, I'm old, so go rest up by Monty Hall or Esther Wilson." " Williams." " Esther Williams!" "Where you belong!" "Back off, Kit." "You know, you're really becoming a grouch." " Am I really a grouch?" " Yes." "Sometimes." "Well, just 'cause I'm hungry." "I'm gonna go get something to eat." " Hey, girls." " Hey, yo, baby!" "How about a freebie?" "It's my birthday." "Dream on!" "It's lookin' really slow tonight." "Yeah, well... maybe we should get a pimp, you know." "Carlos really digs you." "And then he'll run our lives and take our money." "No." "You're right." "We say who, we say when, we say how much." " Do you think I look like Carol Channing?" " No!" "I love this look." "It's very glamorous." "Glamour choice." "Oh, yo, oh, yo." "Catch this!" "Wait a minute." "That's a Lotus Esprit." "No, that's rent." "You should go for him." "You look hot tonight." "Don't take less than a hundred." "Call me when you're through." "Take care of you." "Take care of you." "Work it." "Work it, baby." "Work it!" "Work it." "Own it." "Yes, you can handle this." "First is here somewhere." "Hey, sugar, you lookin' for a date?" "No, I wanna find Beverly Hills." "Can you give me directions?" "Sure." "For five bucks." " Ridiculous." " Price just went up to ten." "You can't charge me for directions." "I can do anything I want to, baby." "I ain't lost." "All right, okay?" "All right." "You win, I lose." "Got change for a 20?" "For 20, I'll show you personal." "Even show you where the stars live." " Oh, that's all right." "I already been to Stallone's." " Right." "Uh, down the street." "Lights!" "Lights would be good here." "It's a little, a little temperamental." "Yours?" "No,it isn't" "Stolen?" "Not Exactly" "What's your name?" "What do you want it to be?" " Vivian." "My name is Vivian." " Vivian." " So, what hotel you stayin' at?" " The, uh, Regent Beverly Wilshire." "Down the block, right at the corner." "Man, this baby must corner like it's on rails!" "I beg your pardon?" "Well, doesn't it blow your mind?" "This is only four cylinders." " You know about cars." "Where did that come from?" "Road and Track." "The boys back home I grew up with, they were really into American heavy metal:" "Mustangs, Corvettes." " Ah." " They bought 'em cheap and fixed 'em up." "I paid attention." "So how is it you know so little about cars?" "My first car was a limousine." " Oh." " So where is this... heavy metal... home?" "Millage Ville, Georgia." "You know, I think you left your transmission back there." " You're not shifting right." "This is a standard "H."" "Standard "H." Like I know what that means." "Have you ever driven a Lotus?" " No." " You're gonna start right now." " You're joking." " No." "It's the only way I can get you off my coat." "Fasten your seat belts." "I am taking you for the ride of your life." " I'm gonna show you what this car can really do." "Are you ready?" " I am ready." " Hang on. - Okay." " Here we go." "This has pedals like a race car." "They're really close together." "So it's probably easier for a woman to drive, 'cause they have little feet." "Except me." "I wear a size nine." "You know your foot's as big as your arm from your elbow to your wrist?" "Did you know that?" " No, I didn't know that." " It's a little bit of trivia." "Tell me, what kind of- what kind of money you girls make these days?" "Ballpark." "Can't take less than $100." " A hundred dollars a night." " For an hour." "An hour?" "You make $100 an hour and you got a safety pin holding your boot up?" "You gotta be joking." " I never joke about money." " Neither do I." "Hundred dollars an hour." "Pretty stiff." "Well, no." "But it's got potential." "Good evening, Mr. Lewis." "Will you be needing the car anymore tonight?" "I" " I hope not!" "Ah." "We're here." "Yeah." "So you'll be all right?" "Yeah, I'm gonna grab a cab with my twenty bucks." " Go back to your office." " Yeah." "My office." "Yeah." "Well, thanks for the ride." " See you." " Good-bye." "No taxis?" "No, I like the bus." "I was thinking- Did you really say $100 an hour?" " Yeah." " Yeah." "Well, if you don't have any prior engagements," "I'd be very pleased if you would accompany me into the hotel." "You got it." "What is your name?" " Edward." " Edward." "That's my favorite name in the whole world!" " No!" " I tell you what, this is fate, Edward." "That's what this is." " Why don't you put this on?" " Why?" "Well, this hotel is not the kind of establishment that rents rooms by the hour." "Ah." " Wow!" " It's all right." " Holy shit." " You're gonna be fine." "Come with me." "And stop fidgeting." " Good evening, Mr. Lewis." " Hello." "You have messages?" " Yes, we have several." " Thank you." " Could you send up some champagne and strawberries, please?" " Of course." "Room service for Mr. Lewis, please." "Oh, honey." "You know what's happened?" "I've got a runner in my pantyhose." "I'm not wearing pantyhose." "Well, color me happy!" "There's a sofa in here for two." " First time in an elevator." " Ah." "Close your mouth, dear." "Sorry, I couldn't help it." "Try." " Penthouse." " The penthouse." " Yes." " Mmm." " To the left." " Oh." "Oh, I miss keys." "Impressed?" "You kidding me?" "I come here all the time." " As a matter of fact, they do rent this room by the hour." " Sure they do." "Wow, great view!" " I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here." " I'll take your word for it." " I don't go out there." " Why don't you go out there?" " I'm afraid of heights." " You are?" "So how come you rented the penthouse?" "It's the best." "I looked all around for penthouses on the first floor, but I can't find one." "Well, now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?" " Want to know something?" "I don't have a clue." " No?" "I hadn't exactly planned this." "Well, do you plan everything?" " Always." " Yeah." "Me too." "I'm actually" " No, I'm not a planner." "I wouldn't say I was a planner." "I would say I was, um, a kind of "fly by the seat of my pants" gal." "You know, moment to moment." "That's me." "That's" " Yeah." "Mm-hmm." "You know, you could pay me." "That's one way to maybe break the ice." "Oh, yeah." "I'm sorry." "Uh, I assume cash is acceptable." "Cash works for me, yeah." "You're on my fax." "Well, that's one I haven't been on before." "Cute." "She's very cute." "Thank you." "All right." "Here we go." "Pick one." "I got red, I got green, I got yellow." "I'm out of purple, but I do have one gold circle coin left." "The condom of champions." "The one and only." "Nothing is gettin' through this sucker." " What d'you say?" "Hmm?" " A buffet of safety." "I'm a safety girl." " All right, let's get one of these on you." "No." "I" "Why don't we just talk for a little bit, okay?" "Talk." "Yeah... uh... okay." "Edward, are you in town on, uh, business or pleasure?" " Business, I think." " Business, you think." "Well..." "let me guess." "That would make you..." "a lawyer." " A lawyer." " Mm-hmm." " What makes you think I'm a lawyer?" " You've got that, um... sharp, useless look about you." "I bet you've known a lot of lawyers." "I've known a lot of everybody." "What is that?" " Champagne." " Oh!" "Well." "Might as well make myself useful." "Take a load off." " Good evening." " Hi." " Uh, where would you like it?" " Where would we like it?" "Uh, over by the bar." "Excuse me!" "It'll be on your bill, Mr. Lewis." "Thank you." "What are you lookin' at?" " What is he lookin' at?" " Ah, yes." "Here you go." "Thank you very much." "Thank you very much, sir." "Have a nice night." "A tip." "Wow." "I missed that one." "Oh." " Stupid." " Don't worry about it." " You mind if I take my boots off?" " Not at all." " So, do you have a wife?" "Girlfriend?" " I have both." "Where are they?" "Shopping together?" "My ex-wife... is now in Long Island..." "in my ex-home... with my ex-dog." "There you go." "My ex-girlfriend, Jessica, is in New York... moving out of my apartment even as we speak." "Why don't you try a strawberry?" " Why?" " It brings out the flavor in the champagne." "Oh, groovy." "Pretty good." " Don't you drink?" " No." "Listen, I" " I appreciate this whole seduction scene you've got goin', but let me give you a tip:" "I'm a sure thing, okay?" "So, I'm on an hourly rate." "Could we just move it along?" "Somehow I'm sensing that this time problem is a major issue with you." "Why don't we just get through that right now?" " Great, let's get started." " How much for the entire night?" "Stay here?" "You couldn't afford it." " Try me." " $300." "Done." "Thank you." "Now we can relax." "I'll be out in just a minute." "That champagne kind of got to me." " I didn't hear you." "What did you say?" " Uh..." "I said I'd be out in just a minute." "What is" " What do you have in, uh, your hand there?" " What are you hiding?" " Nothing." "All right, look." "I do not want any drugs here." "I don't want any of this." "Get your things and your money and please leave." "I don't do drugs, all right?" "I" " I stopped doing drugs when I was 14." "What is this?" "What is this?" " This is dental floss." " Yeah?" "So?" "I had all those strawberry seeds." "And you shouldn't neglect your gums." "I'm sorry." "Please continue." "Thank you." " Are you gonna watch?" " No, I'm going." "Thank you." "It's just that, uh, very few people surprise me." "Yeah, well, you're lucky." "Most of 'em shock the hell outta me." " You're watching." " I'm going." "Yes, that may be true, Vance." "Yes, I know, but I still need the numbers on Morse Industries." "Uh-huh." "I've got 'em from London;" "I need 'em now from Tokyo." "I'll call down and get them when I want them." "Thank you very much." "I have a little carpet picnic here." "Are you sure you don't want a drink?" "I'm high on life." "Can't you tell?" "You know, I never saw this episode." "What do you want?" "What do you do?" "Everything." "But I don't kiss on the mouth." "Neither do I." " Hey, how you doing there?" " All right." " Good morning, gentlemen." " Good morning, Mr. Thompson." " Good morning, good morning." " Good morning, sir." " Good morning, Mr. Thompson." " Good morning, Marjorie." "Of course Morse is going to fight." "It's to be expected." "He's run his company for a very long time now." "I don't think he's ready to have his name taken off the stationery." "He wants to meet you face to face." " I wouldn't do it." " Sure, you wouldn't." "But do it anyhow." "Tonight." "Dinner." "Set it up." "Oh, Edward, Edward." "I" " Look, it's really not a good idea that you see him." "Definitely not alone." "You know?" "He's a feisty old guy." "You know, we say the wrong thing, we could wind up in court." "Well, you know, there's always a possibility things are gonna go wrong." "That's why I enjoy this so much." "Oh, by the way, Phil, about your car." " Oh, God." "What?" " It corners like it's on rails." "What?" "What does that mean?" "Edward?" "Edward!" "Hi." "Well, good morning." "Red." "Better." "Y" " You didn't wake me." "I can see you're really busy." " I'm gonna be outta here in just a minute." " No, there's no hurry." "Are you hungry?" "You must be." "Why don't you sit and have something to eat?" "I, uh, took the liberty of ordering everything on the menu." "I didn't know what you'd like." " Thanks." " All right?" "Good." " Did you sleep well?" " Yeah, too good." " I forgot where I was." " Occupational hazard?" "Yeah." "Did you sleep?" "Uh, yes, a little, on the couch." "I was, uh, working last night." "You don't sleep, you don't do drugs, you don't drink, you hardly eat." "What do you do, Edward?" "'Cause I know you're not a lawyer." "That's right." "There are four other chairs here." "Oh." " So what do you do?" " I buy companies." "What kind of companies?" "Uh, I buy companies that are in financial difficulty." "If they have problems, you must get 'em for a bargain, huh?" "Well, the company I'm buying this week," "I'm getting for the bargain price of about one billion." " A billion dollars?" " Yes." "Wow." "You must be really smart, huh?" "I only got through the eleventh grade." "How far did you go in school?" "I went all the way." "Your folks must be really proud, huh?" "So you don't actually have a billion dollars, huh?" "No, I get some of it from banks, investors." "It's not an easy thing to do." " And you don't make anything and you don't build anything." " No." "No." " So what do you do with the companies once you buy them?" " I sell them." "Here, let me do that." "You sell them." "Well, I... don't sell the whole company;" "I break it up into pieces... and then I sell that off;" "it's worth more than the whole." "So it's sort of like, um, stealing cars and selling 'em for the parts, right?" " Yeah, sort of." "But legal." " Mm-hmm." "There." "See, now it's perfect." "Not bad." "Not bad at all." "Where'd you learn to do that?" "Well, I screwed the debate team in high school." "I had a grandpa!" "He was nice to me." "He liked ties on Sundays." "Mind if I, um, take a swim in your tub before I go?" "Not at all." "Just stay in the shallow end." " Hello?" " Edward, it's Phil." "Listen, I'm running out the door." "I just wanted to let you know, Morse is all set for tonight." " Oh, that's good." " He's bringing his grandson." "He's grooming him to take over." "I don't know." "Ah, yes." "Very intense young man named David." "He plays polo." "Look, I gotta say this again." "I don't like you goin' alone." "I just want your extra time and your" "Look, I just think it'd be better if you- if you went with a date." "You know?" "Keep it social." " Edward?" "Did you hear me?" " Oh, yes." "Yeah, I'm here." " If you want to impress me" " What is that?" " Oh" " Housekeeping is singing." "Got to be too flirty, Mama" " I know how to undress me" " Yeah..." "listen." " Edward, I know a lot of nice girls." " No, you don't." "I just want your extra time and your" "Kiss" " Besides, I already have one." " If you want to impress me" "You just concentrate on finding out what Morse is up to." "I'm on my way." "I know how to undress me Mm-hmm, yeah, baby" "I want to be your fantasy" "Well, maybe you could be mine" "Mm-hmm You just leave it" "All up to me" "Don't you just love Prince?" " More than life itself." " Don't you knock?" "Vivian, I have a business proposition for you." " What do you want?" " I'm gonna be in town until Sunday." "I'd like you to spend the week with me." " Really?" " Yes." "Yes, I'd like to hire you as an employee." " Would you consider spending the week with me?" "I will pay you to be at my beck and call." "Look, I'd love to be your "beck and call girl,"" "but you're a rich, good-lookin' guy." "You could get a million girls free." "I want a professional." "I don't need any romantic hassles this week." "If you're talkin' 24 hours a day, it's gonna cost you." "Oh, yes, of course!" "All right, here we go." "Give me a ballpark figure." "How much?" "Six full nights, days too." " Four thousand." " Six nights at 300 is 1,800." " You want days too." " Two thousand." " Three thousand." " Done." "Holy shit!" "Vivian." "Vivian, is that a yes?" "Yes." "Yes!" "I'll be gone most of the day." "I want you to buy some clothes." " You really should think about traveler's checks." " We may be going out evenings." " You'll need something to wear." " Like what?" "Uh, nothing too flashy." "Not too sexy." " Conservative." "You understand?" " Boring." "Elegant." "Any questions?" " Can I call you Eddie?" " Not if you expect me to answer." "I would've stayed for 2,000." "I would've paid four." " I'll see you tonight." " Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go." "Three thousand for six days." "And, Vivian, I will let you go." "But I'm here now." "Three thousand dollars!" "Ooh." "Hello?" "I called and called." "Where were you last night?" " Ma?" " It's Viv." "Oh." "Hi." "I had to party." "Where are you?" "Oh, man." "Are you ready for this?" "The guy?" "The Lotus?" "I am in his hotel room in Beverly Hills." "The penthouse." "His bathroom is bigger than the Blue Banana!" "Do I have to hear this?" "Kit, he wants me to stay the whole week." "And you know what he's gonna give me?" "Guess." "You'll never guess." " Three thousand dollars." " Bullshit!" "I swear to God." "And extra money to buy clothes." "Oh, man!" "I am bummed." "I gave that guy to you!" "Three thousand." "Really?" "Is he twisted?" " No." " Ugly?" " He's good-looking!" " Well, what's wrong with him?" " Nothing." " Did he give you the money yet?" " At the end of the week." " That's what's wrong with him." "Well, he gave me 300 for last night." "And, Kit?" "I'm gonna leave some at the front desk for you." "I want you to pick it up." "I'm at the Regent Beverly Wilshire." "Write it down." "Are you writing it down?" "You'll forget it." "Write it down." "Reg..." "Bev..." "Wil." "Now, one more thing." "Where do I go for the clothes?" "Good stuff, on him." " In Beverly Hills?" " Yeah." "Rodeo Drive, baby." " Hi." " Yes, ma'am." "May I help you?" "Yeah, I'm leaving this here for Kit De Luca." "She's gonna pick it up." " Don't open that." " No, ma'am." " Grazie." " Arrivederci." "Miss Wilson, do you know that lady?" "No, sir." "Wild women do" "And they don't regret it" "Wild women show what they're goin' through" "Ooh" "Wild women do what you think you'll never" "What you only dream about wild women do" "Oh, yes, they do" "You tell me you want a woman who" "Is simple as a flower" "Well, if you want me to act like that" "You've got to pay me by the hour" "Wild women do and they don't regret it" "Oh, wild women show" "What they're goin' through Ooh, yeah" "Wild women do what you think you'll never" " May I help you?" " I'm just checkin' things out." "Are you looking for something in particular?" "No." "Well, yeah." "Something... conservative." "Yes." " You got nice stuff." " Thank you." " How much is this?" " I don't think this would fit you." "Well, I didn't ask if it would fit." "I asked how much it was." "How much is this, Marie?" "It's very expensive." " It's very expensive." " Look, I got money to spend in here." "I don't think we have anything for you." "You're obviously in the wrong place." "Please leave." "Doctor's office?" "Two blocks down and to your left." "Thank you." "Tiffany is taking the corner space; they like the project." "We're very excited about the whole thing." "Did you realize that Via Rodeo is the first new street... in Beverly Hills in 75 years?" " Excuse me, miss, may I help you?" " I'm going to my room." " Uh, do you have a key?" " Oh." "I forgot that cardboard thing." " I'm on the top floor." " You're a guest here?" " I'm with a friend." " And who would that be?" " Edward." " Edward?" "Edward..." "Edward, uh" " He knows me." " Dennis." "Dennis, did you just come off the night shift?" "Hmm?" " Yes, sir." " Do you know this young lady?" " She's with Mr. Lewis." " Mr. Lewis." "That's it." "Edward Lewis!" "Thanks, Dennis." " Evidently she joined him last night." " Thank you." "Oh, God!" "What now?" "What?" "What?" " What is with everybody today?" " No, no." "It's all right." "Just come with me." " We'll have a little chat." "Thank you." "Dennis, thank you." " I'm coming." " Uh, what is your name, miss?" " What do you want it to be?" " Don't play with me, young lady." " Vivian." "Thank you." "Vivian." "Well, Miss Vivian." "Things that go on in other hotels don't happen at the Regent Beverly Wilshire." "Now, Mr. Lewis, however, is a very special customer, and we like to think of our special customers as friends." "Now, as a customer, we would expect Mr. Lewis to sign in any additional guests, but as a friend, we're willing to overlook it." "Now, I'm assuming that you're a" " Relative?" " Yes." "I thought so." "Then you must be his" "Niece?" "Of course." "Naturally, when Mr. Lewis leaves, I won't see you in this hotel again." "I assume you have no other uncles here." "Good!" "Then we understand each other." "I would also encourage you... to dress a little more appropriately; that'll be all." "No, that's not all." "That's what I was trying to do." "I tried to go... get a dress on Rodeo Drive today, and the women wouldn't help me." "And I have all this money now and no dress!" "Not that I expect you to help me, but I have all of this, okay?" "I have to buy a dress for dinner tonight." "And nobody will help me." "Oh, man, if you're callin' the cops." "Yeah, call the cops." "That's great." "Tell 'em I said hi." "Women's clothing." "Bridget, please." "Yes, Bridget." "Hello." "This is Barnard Thompson here at the Regent Beverly Wil" "Thank you, yes, but I'd like you to do a favor for me, please." "I'm sending someone over." "Her name is Vivian." "She's a special guest." "She's the niece of a very special guest." "Now, this is the jewel in Morse's crown:" "prime industrial property straddling the port of Long Beach and Los Angeles." "The real estate possibilities are endless, but most of the yard we'll just level." "We just got the information, Mr. Stuckey." "Edward, we just got the Morse update." "Don, can you hold the projection, please?" "Yeah, what?" "Speak." "Old Man Morse just got the inside track on a $350 million contract... to build destroyers for the Navy." "Navy contract." "I can't believe this." " You said they had nothing in the hopper on this one!" " I thought they didn't." "Hey, you know, if that's true it could cost a lot more." "Those stocks could go through the roof." " Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." " Maybe we're lucky to get this information now, sir." " See, we can still walk away from it." " Walk away?" "Hey, forget it, pal." "We got a thousand man-hours in on this!" " Nobody's walkin' away from anything!" " Philip, I think he's right." "Gentlemen, relax!" "Relax!" "Who do we know on the Senate Appropriations Committee?" "Senator Adams." "All right, Senator Adams." "Let's find out where he is." "The Navy's not gonna spend $350 million on anything without going to Appropriations first." " I don't understand what's goin' on here today, gentlemen." " Hello?" "That's why I hired you, Phil, to do my worrying for me." "I'll be in your office." "Bob, if you want to send over the geologicals?" " No problem. - Thank you." " Edward." " Listen, everything all set for the meeting tonight?" " Mm-hmm." "Who" " Who is this girl you're going with?" "Nobody you know." "Yes, Edward Lewis Enterprises." "Phil Stuckey." "Yes, I have him right here." " Don't worry, Mrs. Rainey, I'll call you the minute it comes in." " Thank you." " Have a nice day." " Thank you." "Hello." "You must be Vivian." "My name's Bridget." " Yeah, hi." "Barney said you'd be nice to me." "He's very sweet." "What are your plans while you're in town?" " We're gonna have dinner." " Oh, don't sit on there, dear!" " You're gonna go out?" "Dinner?" " Mm-hmm." "Well, you'll need a cocktail dress then." "Come with me." "Now, I'm sure we're gonna find something here that your uncle will love." " You're a size six, right?" " Yeah." "How'd you know that?" " Oh, that's my job." " Bridg, he's not really my uncle." "They never are, dear." "Barney!" "Sorry, mister." "I got a dress!" "Well, I'd rather hoped you'd be wearing it." "Oh, no, I didn't want to get it messed up!" "Listen, I got shoes too." "You wanna see?" "No, that won't be necessary." "I'm sure they're quite lovely." "Thank you." "Okay, well, listen." "I didn't mean to interrupt you, but Bridget was really great... and I just wanted to say thanks." " You're cool." " You're welcome, Miss Vivian." "Hello?" "Never, ever pick up the phone." " Then why are you calling me?" " Did you buy clothes today?" " I got a dress." "A cocktail one." " That's good." "I'll be in the hotel lobby, 7:45 sharp." "What?" "You're not comin' up to the door?" "This isn't a date." "It's business." "Where are you takin' me, anyway?" "I'm taking you to a restaurant called the Voltaire." " Very elegant." " All right." "I'll meet you in the lobby, but only 'cause you're payin' me to." "Well, thank you very much." "Get her back for me, please." " Mr. Stuckey wanted to see you." " Yes, tell him I'm in the middle of a very important phone call." "Hello?" " I told you not to pick up the phone." " Then stop callin' me." "Sick." " Barney!" " It didn't fit." "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." "Uh" " I've got a little problem." "All right, Miss Vivian, one more time." " Dinner napkin." " Dinner napkin, laid gently in the lap." "Good." "Elbows off the table." "Don't slouch." "Shrimp fork, salad fork, dinner fork." "I definitely have the salad fork." "The rest of the silverware is a little confusing." "All right, if you get nervous, just count the tines." "Four tines: dinner fork." "And sometimes there are three tines in the salad fork." "And sometimes" "Pardon me, Mr. Lewis." "I'm Mr. Thompson." "I'm the manager of the hotel." " Uh-huh." "Excuse me, I just want to make one call." " Yes, um, sir." " I have a message for you, sir." " From who?" " From your niece, sir." " My what?" "The young lady who's staying with you in your room, sir." "Oh." "Hmm." " I think we both know that she's not my niece." " Of course." "The reason I know that is that I am an only child." " Yes, sir." " What's the message?" "She's waiting for you in the lounge." "Intriguing young lady, Miss Vivian." " Intriguing." " Have a good evening, sir." " Thank you, Mr. -?" " Thompson." "I'm the manager- manager of the hotel, sir." "You're late." "You're stunning." "You're forgiven." "Shall we go to dinner?" " This way, Mr. Lewis." "Your party is waiting." " Stop fidgeting." " Mr. Morse." " Yes, Mr. Lewis." "I'm Jim Morse." "This fireball is my grandson, David." "Well, I don't know about the fireball part, but grandson is true enough." "I'm pleased to meet you both." "This is a friend of mine, Vivian Ward." " Hi." "I'm really glad to meet you." " Mr. Morse." "David." "Please, sit." "Excuse me." " Where are you going?" " I'm going to the ladies' room." " Upstairs, to the right." " Okay." "Excuse me." " Shall I order for you?" " Yeah." "Please do so." "Thank you." "I'll do that." "Mr. Lewis, my grandfather believes the men who create a company..." " should control its destiny." " Where's the salad?" "Uh, the salad comes at the end of the meal." "That's the fork I knew." "Let me, uh, put it another way." "Between your public statements and the rumors flying around on this thing, we find it very hard to figure out what your real intentions are." "I don't know about you, but I've never been able to figure which goes with what!" "You know, there was a time when we built ships the size of cities." " Men like my grandfather made this country." " Who ordered this?" "The gentleman did, ma'am." "Bon appetite." "These are escargot." "It's French for snails." "It's a delicacy." "Try it." "David?" "Mr. Lewis, if you were to get control- and I don't think you will- but if you did, what do you plan to do with the company?" "Break it up and sell off the pieces." "I'm sure you'll understand I'm not thrilled at the idea... of your turning 40 years of my work into your garage sale." "At the price I'm paying for this stock, Mr. Morse, you are going to be a very rich man." "I'm rich enough." "I just want to head my shipyard." "Slippery little suckers." "It happens all the time." "I met your father." "What's his name?" " Carter." " Yeah." "Carter." "Carter Lewis." "He's not quite the bastard everybody says he is." " No, I have the franchise on that." " Does that make him proud?" "I doubt it." "It doesn't really matter now." "He passed away." "Oh, I hadn't heard." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry too." "Mr. Morse, you asked for this meeting." "What can I do for you?" " Leave my company alone." " I can't do that." "I own ten million shares." " I'll buy your stock back." " You don't have the money." "We will; we're getting a contract to build ten destroyers." "There will be no contract." "The contract is now buried in Appropriations Committee." " And it will remain there." " And how the hell did you pull something like that?" "You got dirty politicians in your pockets now or something?" "Easy, easy, calm down." "Calm down, David." " Mr. Lewis plays hardball." " Yes, yes, I do." "I've heard enough of this." "Vivian, it was a great pleasure to meet you." "I'm sorry, Grandfather." "I've gotta get some air." "Mr. Lewis." "I'd better join my grandson." "You two enjoy your dinner." "I'm sure it'll be delicious." "Good luck, miss." "Watch out, Lewis." "I'm gonna tear you apart." "I look forward to it, sir." "Edward?" "Edward, you said you never come out here." "Well, I'm only halfway out." "Didn't say much in the car on the way home." "You thinkin' about dinner?" "I was a maniac." "I mean, the business was good, I think." "You know?" "He's in trouble." "You want his company." "He doesn't want to let it go." "Thanks for the recap." "The problem is, I think you liked Mr. Morse." "I'd like for you to get down from there;" "you're making me very nervous." "It's making you nervous?" "What if I just leaned back a little bit like this?" "Would you" " Would you rescue me if I fell?" "Vivian, I'm serious." "Come" " I'm not looking." "It's really high." "Look, no hands, no hands!" "Okay, all right." "I'm sorry." "The truth is, it really is totally irrelevant whether I like this man or not." "I will not let myself become emotionally involved in business." "I know." "Kit's always saying to me," ""Don't get emotional when you turn tricks. "" "That's why no kissing." "It's too personal." "It's like what you're saying:" "You stay numb, you don't get involved." "When I'm with a guy, I'm like a robot." "I just do it." "I mean... except with you." "Oh, of course, not with me." "You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian." "We both screw people for money." "I was sorry to hear about your dad." " When did he die?" " Last month." "Do you miss him?" "I hadn't spoken to him in fourteen and a half years." "I wasn't there when he died." " Do you want to talk about this?" " No." "Well, I tell you what, 'cause I got an idea." "Let's watch old movies all night." "We'll just veg out in front of the TV." " "Veg out"?" " Yeah." "Be still like vegetables." "Lay like broccoli." "Look, I'll tell you what." "I'll be back." "We'll do broccoli tomorrow." " Where are you going?" " I'm going downstairs for a while." "Did you say marriage license?" "Now, don't change the subject, just give me the stamp." "Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter, Brian, whatever your name is." "Oh, I love you." "Hi, uh, I'm in the penthouse." "The guy that was here," "Mr. Lewis, have you seen him down there anywhere?" "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "I didn't know you played." "I only play for strangers." "I was gettin' lonely upstairs all by myself." "Gentlemen, would you mind leaving us, please?" "Thank you." "People always do what you tell them to do?" "I guess so." "Wake up." "Time to shop." "Now, if you have any trouble using this card, have them call the hotel." "All right?" "More shopping." "Mm-hmm." "I'm surprised you didn't buy more than one dress yesterday." " Wasn't as much fun as I thought it was gonna be." " Why not?" "They were mean to me." "Mean to you?" "People are looking at me." "They're not looking at you;" "they're looking at me." "The stores are not nice to people." "I don't like it." "Stores are never nice to people;" "they're nice to credit cards." "Okay, stop fidgeting." "Get rid of your gum." "I don't believe you did that." " Yes." " I am Mr. Hollister, the manager." "May I help you?" " Edward Lewis." " Ah, yes, sir." " You see this young lady over here." " Yes." " Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?" " Oh, yes." "Oh, no!" "No, no, no, I'm saying we have many things as beautiful as she would want them to be." "That's the point I was getting at, and I think we can all agree with that." " That's why when you came in" " Excuse me." "We're gonna need a few more people helping us." "I'll tell you why." "We're going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here." "So we're going to need a lot more help sucking up to us." "That's what we really like." "You understand that." "Sir, you're in the right store and the right city for that matter." "Anything you see here, we can do, by the way." "Get ready to have some fun." "Mary Pat, Mary Kate, Mary Francis, Tovah, let's see it!" " Come on." "Bring it out, girls." " Oh, this is absolutely divine." " Excuse me, sir, uh," " Yeah?" "exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about?" "Just profane or really offensive?" " Really offensive." " I like him so much!" "Mr. Lewis, sir." "Mr. Lewis, how's it going so far?" "Pretty well, I think." "I think we need some major sucking up." "Very well, sir." "You're not only handsome, but a powerful man." "I could see the second you walked in here, you were someone to reckon with" " Hollister." " Yes, sir." "Not me." "Her." "I'm sorry, sir." "I'm sorry." "How we doing, ladies?" "Oh, Edward, Edward." "Where the hell are you?" "The word's all over the street." "Morse is gonna raise your offer, pal." "He's countering?" "God, he is a tough old bird." "He knows the navy contracts are stalled." "Where's he gonna get the money?" "I don't know." "He, uh" " I think he's throwin' in with the employees." "He still needs someone to underwrite the paper." " Find out who it is." " Yeah, okay." "You got it." "You're on your own." "I have to go back to work." "You look great!" " She has my card." " And we'll help her use it, sir." "# Pretty woman walking down the street #" "# Pretty woman the kind I like to meet #" "# Pretty woman #" "# I don't believe you You're not the truth #" "# No one could look as good as you Mercy #" " Edward would love that tie." " Would you give her the tie?" " The tie?" " Take off the tie." "Give her the tie." " He wants to do this, by the way." " He would go crazy about this tie." "Who ordered pizza?" "# Pretty woman, stop a while #" "# Pretty woman, talk a while #" "# Pretty woman give your smile to me #" "# Pretty woman Yeah, yeah, yeah #" "# Pretty woman, look my way #" "# Pretty woman #" " May I help you?" " No, thank you." "Hi." " Hello." " Do you remember me?" " No, I'm sorry." " I was in here yesterday." "You wouldn't wait on me." " Oh." " You work on commission, right?" "Uh, yes." "Big mistake." "Big." "Huge!" "I have to go shopping now." "# Pretty woman don't walk on by #" "# Pretty woman don't make me cry #" "# Pretty woman #" "# Don't walk away, hey #" "Thank you." "# Oh, oh, pretty woman ##" " Mister Lewis." " Gentlemen." "Fellas, let's finish this up this afternoon, huh?" "Jake, set something up with Blair." "Around 2:00, 2:30 would be good." "You were right about Morse." "He mortgaged everything he owns, right down to his underwear, to secure a loan from the bank." "And it's not just any bank." "Plymouth Trust, huh?" " Hmm." " So, it goes without saying... that your business means a lot more to them than our friend, Mr. Morse." "All you gotta do is call the bank." "Yeah." "Edward, excuse me for saying this, but what the hell is wrong with you this week?" "Are you givin' Morse a chance to get away?" "You know what I used to love when I was a kid, Phil?" "What?" "Blocks." "Building blocks." "Erector sets." "So, I liked Monopoly." "Boardwalk, Park Place." "Wh-What's the point?" "We don't build anything, Phil." "We don't make anything." "We make money, Edward." "We worked for a year on this deal." "It's what you said you wanted." "I'm handing it to you." "Morse's jugular is exposed." "It's time for the kill." "Let's finish this." "Call the bank!" "How was your day, dear?" "Nice tie." "I got it for you." "Well, my mother was a music teacher... and married my father, whose family was extremely wealthy." "Then he divorced my mother to be with another woman." "And he took his money with him." "And then she died." "I was very angry with him." "It cost me $10,000 in therapy to say that sentence." "I was very angry with him." "I do it very well, don't I?" "I'll say it again." "I was very angry with him." "Hello, my name is Mr. Lewis." "I'm very angry with my father." "I would've been angry at the $10,000." "My father was president of the third company I ever took over." "I bought it." "I sold it off piece by piece." " What'd the shrink say?" " He said I was cured." "Well, so you got even." "That must've made you happy." "Did I mention my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe, so, basically, we're talkin' about 88 inches of therapy... wrapped around you for the bargain price of... $3,000." "Yeah." "Ebersol of the Falcons passes to Kennan." "This is Bill Fricker with Gwen Olsen giving you play-by-play..." " of this marvelous charity event." " Watch where you're walking." "If you step in something, we're not going back in the car." "Not too near the tree." "I don't like the ants." "Hello." "Have you seen Edward anywhere?" " What if someone recognizes me?" " Not likely." "They don't spend too much time on Hollywood Blvd." " You did." " Come on." "Let go." "Let go." "All right." "You look great." "You look like a lady." "You're gonna have a wonderful time." "Okay." "Don't fidget and smile." "Humboldt's coming around to this side." "Toquenee is on Kennan." "Penalty on that play." "This is Gwen and Gretchen, the infamous Olsen sisters, who have made marrying well an art form." " Edward." " Be back in just a second." "Hold on." "So, you're the flavor of the month." "Hmm." "Uh, she's just being testy." "Edward's our most eligible bachelor." "Everybody is trying to land him." "Well, I'm not trying to land him." "I'm just using him for sex." "Oh, yes." " Well done." " Well done." "Whoo, whoo, whoo!" "Tell me again why we're here." " Business." " Business mingling?" "Yeah." "That's the chukker, ladies and gentlemen." "Falcons, seven." "Gems, four." " Excuse me." "Edward!" "Edward." "Over here." " Phil." " Ah, good to see you." " You too." "I want you to meet a new friend of mine, Vivian Ward." "Well, hi." "Philip Stuckey, Vivian." "This is my wife, Elizabeth." "It's always a pleasure meeting one of Edward's girls." "Oh, my God!" "It's Tate Whitley Wallington." "Tate!" "It's me, Elizabeth, from Workout World." "Sort of an aerobics queen." "Feel the burns." "Well, let me get you something to drink." "Vivian, why don't you start with that." "Okay?" "I'll be right back." "Did you notice Senator Adams is here?" "Mm-hmm." "I asked him." "That is why I have pledged my eternal love to you." "Mmm!" "Real genuine guy." "Who is he?" "He's my lawyer." "He's all right." "You could freeze ice on his wife's ass." "Maybe we'll try that later." " Are these people your friends?" " I spend time with them, yeah." " Well, no wonder." " No wonder what?" "No wonder why you came looking for me." "And I do need some help from you ladies and gentlemen in the audience." "We need you to help replace some of the divots out here on the grass." " So come on out now." "Come on!" "Come on, folks." "You heard her." "The stomping of the divots." "This is a time-honored tradition, ladies and gentlemen." "As old as the game of polo itself." "Kings and queens used to do this." "She's sweet, Edward." "Wherever did you find her?" "976-BABE." "Only one word of advice:" "Avoid the steaming divot!" "No, it's all part of the game of polo." "You get to have your shoes polished by a member of the club." "I think I got something in the car that will buff that up." "Thank you." " Vivian, hi." "David Morse." " Excuse me." " David." " How are ya?" " I'm okay." " I thought that was you." "I like this hat." " It's new." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Thanks." " Come meet my horse, Vivian." " Well, Edward's waiting for me." " He's right here." " Okay, I'll" " Just for a second, though." "I didn't know you were playing today." "Uh, I was asking for directions." "There she was." "Oh, so you just ran into her?" "That's great." "Jesus." "So anyway, what does she do?" "Does she work?" " She's in sales." " Sales?" "That's terrific." "That's good." "What does she sell?" "Why do you want to know?" "Just hear me out on this." "I've known you a long time." "I see some differences in you this week, like the tie, and, uh" "I'm wondering if maybe this girl isn't the difference, especially when I see her talking to David Morse." " I introduced them at dinner the other night." " So what?" "Now they're best friends?" "This girl appears out of nowhere." "Now she's talking to a guy whose company we're trying to buy." "Convenient, don't you think?" " Don't be ridiculous." " How do you know that this girl... hasn't attached herself to you because she's bringing information back to Morse?" " This happens!" "Industrial espionage" " Phil, Phil, Phil!" " Phil, listen to me." " What?" " She's not a spy." "She is a hooker." " Oh!" "She is a hooker." "I picked her up on Hollywood Boulevard." "In your car." " Oh, you are" " Yes, yes." "Oh, man!" "You're the only millionaire I ever heard of... who goes looking for a bargain basement streetwalker, you know?" " Edward!" " I'm sorry I told you." "Senator." "Senator Adams, I'm pleased you could make it." "Thank you." "I hope the information I gave you was helpful." "Oh, absolutely, yes, and thank you for it." "There's no change, is there?" "No, it's still bogged down." " Having a nice time, Vivian?" " Yeah, I'm having a great time." "Must be quite a change from Hollywood Boulevard, hmm?" "What?" "Yeah, Edward told me." "But don't worry;" "you're secret is safe with me." "Listen, maybe, uh, you and I could get together sometime... after Edward leaves." "Yeah, sure." "Why not?" "We'll just have to do that, hmm?" "Philip." "Hi, tailgaters." "I'd like to mention a couple of our silver sponsors:" "Jacobs Distributors, Norrell Saddlery, and we'd like to give a great big thanks to our platinum sponsor," "Edward Lewis Enterprises." "The ball is in for chukker number four." " You all right?" " I'm fine." "Fine." "That's good." "Seven "fines" since we left the match." "Could I have another word, please?" "Asshole!" "There's a word." "I think I liked "fine" better." "You know what?" "Just tell me one thing:" "Why did you make me get all dressed up?" "Well, for one thing, the clothing was appropriate." "No, what I mean is, if you were gonna tell everybody I'm a hooker," " why didn't you just let me wear my own clothes, okay?" " I did not" " I did not" "I mean, in my own clothes, when someone like that guy Stuckey comes up to me," "I can handle it;" "I'm prepared." "I'm very sorry." "I'm not happy with Stuckey at all for saying or doing that." "But he is my attorney." "I've known him for ten years." "He thought you were some kind of industrial spy." "The guy's paranoid." "Are you my pimp now?" "You think you can pass me around to your friends?" " I'm not some little toy!" " Look, I know you're not my toy." "Vivian!" "Vivian, I'm speaking to you." "Come back here!" "I hate to point out the obvious, but you are, in fact, a hooker!" " And you are my employee!" " Look, you don't own me." "I decide, okay?" "I say who;" "I say when;" "I" " I say who" "I refuse to spend the next three days fighting with you." "I said I was sorry." "I meant it." "That's the end of it!" "I'm sorry I ever met you." "I'm sorry I ever got into your stupid car!" "As if you had so many more appealing options." "I've never had anyone make me feel as cheap as you did today." "Somehow, I find that very hard to believe." "Where are you going?" "I want my money." "I want to get out of here." "Come on!" "I'm sorry." "I wasn't prepared to answer questions about us." "It was stupid and cruel." "I didn't mean it." "I don't want you to go." " Will you stay the week?" " Why?" "I saw you talking to David Morse;" "I didn't like it." "We were just talking." "I didn't like it." "Down?" "You hurt me." "Yes." "Don't do it again." "First guy I ever loved was a total nothing." "Second was worse." "My mom called me a bum magnet." "If there was a bum within a 50-mile radius, I was completely attracted to him." "That's how I ended up here." "I followed bum number three." "Oh." "So here I was: no money, no friends, no bum." "And you chose this as your profession?" "I worked at a couple fast food places, parked cars at wrestling." "And I couldn't make the rent." "I was too ashamed to go home." "That's when I met Kit." "She was a hooker and made it sound so great." "So one day I did it." "I cried the whole time." "But then I got some regulars and, you know" "It's not like anybody plans this;" "it's not your childhood dream." "You could be so much more." "People put you down enough, you start to believe it." "I think you are a very bright, very special woman." "The bad stuff is easier to believe." "You ever notice that?" " Tell him I'll call him on Monday." " Yes, sir." " Where you going?" "Did he sign these?" " No, he said he had to leave." " Edward, you can't disappear now." "We're in this too deep." " Don't panic, Philip." "Morse isn't going anywhere." "I'll be back here in the morning." " Did you send the tickets to the hotel?" "Thank you." " Yes, sir." " Where are you going?" " I have a date." "With the hooker?" "Be careful, Philip." " Do I look okay?" " Mmm." " Mmm?" " Something's missing." "Well, nothin' else is gonna fit into this dress." "I'll tell ya that." "Well, maybe something in this box." "I don't want you to get too excited." "This is only on loan." "Oh!" "They really let you borrow this from the jewelry store?" "I'm a very good customer." "If you were gonna buy this, how much would it cost?" "Quarter of a million." "A quarter of a million dollars?" "So, where we goin'?" "It's a surprise." "If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight." "Thank you." "When you're not fidgeting, you look very beautiful... and very tall." "# You're a dream coming true #" "# I can't believe how I have #" "# Fallen for you #" "# You are the one #" "# Who's led me to the sun #" " # How could I know #" " You don't want to go to San Francisco in a limousine?" " # I was lost without you #" " I've never been on a plane before." "# And I want to tell you #" "# You control my brain #" "# And you should know that #" "# You are life in my veins ##" "Well, it should be a pretty smooth flight, Mr. Lewis." "The weather is clear all the way up to San Francisco." "We should be there in about 50 minutes." " We're late." " No, it's all right." " Opening night never starts on time." " Okay." " Program, sir." " Thank you." "How nice to meet you." "Right this way, Mr. Lewis, sir." " Doris, how nice to see you." " How are you?" " Sir." "Wonderful news." "Congratulations." " Good evening, Edward." " Hey, come here." "You gotta look at this." " It's all right." " I've already seen it." " If you're afraid of heights, why do you get seats up here?" "Because they're the best." " Is there anything else, sir?" " No, thank you." " The glasses are there." "Enjoy the opera." " Oh!" " So, you said this is in Italian." " Uh-huh." "So how am I gonna know what they're singin'?" "These are broken." " Mine are broken." " No, no." "That's okay It's all right." " Oh." " You'll know." "Believe me, you'll understand." "The music's very powerful." "There's a band!" "People's reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic." "They either love it or they hate it." "If they love it, they will always love it." "If they don't, they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul." " Mmm." " ##" " Did you enjoy the opera, dear?" " Oh, it was so good, I almost peed in my pants." "What?" "She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance." " Oh!" " Yes." "Good-bye now." " No, don't touch" " I moved the queen." "I like the queen." "You can't move the queen." "Did you really do that?" "Why don't we finish this tomorrow?" "It's really late, and I have to work." "Why don't you not go to work tomorrow." "Take the day off." " Me, not work?" " Yeah." "I do own the company." "Here are the storage reports you wanted, and Mr. Lewis called." " What'd he say?" " He said he's taking the day off." " He's taking the day off?" " That's what he said." "I'm starving." "There's a snap dog vendor over there." "Do you have any money?" "I have money." "I don't know what a snap dog is, but I have money." "Well, I'm gonna give, um - you'll buy a snap dog; we'll cop a squat under a tree somewhere." " Cop a what?" " Cop a squat." "All right, read the first two pages." "Okay." "Mmm." "I was talking to someone." "He sleeps." "I love you." "What are you thinkin' about sitting' here all by yourself?" "The fact that this will be our last night together, and you'll finally be rid of me." "Well, you've been pretty tough to take." "My business is almost over, so I'll be going back to New York." "I'd really like to see you again." " You would?" " Yes." "Yes, I would, so I've arranged for you to have an apartment, to have a car, a wide variety of stores guaranteed to suck up to you anytime you want to go shopping." " Everything's done." " What else?" "You gonna leave some money by the bed when you pass through town?" "Vivian, it really wouldn't be like that." "How would it be?" " Well, for one thing, it would get you off the streets." " That's just geography." "Vivian, what is it you want?" "What do you see happening between us?" "I don't know." "When I was a little girl, my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often." "And I would" " I would pretend I was a princess... trapped in a tower by a wicked queen." "And then suddenly this knight... on a white horse with these colors flying would come charging up and draw his sword." "And I would wave." "And he would climb up the tower and rescue me." "But never in all the time... that I had this dream did the knight say to me," ""Come on, baby, I'll put you up in a great condo. "" " Yes." " I had to call." "I just got off the phone with James Morse." "Get this." " He wants to meet with you today." " What about?" "He wouldn't say." "Edward, I think we got him." "His nuts are on the block." "We got him!" "Look, if he's really caving in, I want to get him to commit his stocks to us this afternoon." "No, it's no good." "If he's really caving in, I don't want to wait 'til this afternoon." "Have Morse meet me downtown this morning." "Good-bye." "I have to go now, but I want you to understand..." "I heard everything you said." "This is all I'm capable of right now." "It's a very big step for me." "I know." "It's a really good offer for a girl like me." "I've never treated you like a prostitute." "You just did." "It's Barnard Thompson here, Miss Vivian." "Could you come down to the front desk?" "There's someone here who wants to speak to you." " She says her name is Miss De Luca" " Let me talk to her." "Let me- Let me just talk to her." "Yo, Viv, babe." "Would you come down here?" "The sphincter police won't let me through." " Okay." "She's on her way." " Fine." " Mr. Thompson." " Yes." "The window washer is refusing to come down." "It's a Saturday." "Wait here, please." " Watch her." " Yes, sir." "Fifty bucks, Grandpa." "For 75, the wife can watch." "Listen, I've been calling you." "Yeah, I know." "They told me at the Banana you were lookin' for me." "You were supposed to come by Tuesday." "I left the money at the desk." " I was hidin' from Carlos." " Well, if you picked up the money," " you wouldn't have to hide." " I was busy." "I had a life." "Nino got beat up." "We had to visit him in the hospital, Rachel got arrested." "It was a mess." "Anyway, I got the money." "Thank you very much for saving my ass." "Now Carlos can get off of it." "You know, he was talkin' about you last night." "He would bust somethin' if he saw you in this outfit." "I was afraid to hug you up there." "I might wrinkle you!" " You look really good." "No, something in the shade." " Over there." "You clean up real nice." "You sure don't fit in down on the Boulevard lookin' like you do, not that you ever did." "Well, thanks, but it's easy to clean up when you got money." "Yeah." " So, when does he leave?" " Tomorrow." " You get to keep the clothes?" " Yeah." "Edward asked me if I wanted to see him again." "But I think, I think definitely no." "It's just another week, right?" " "Definitely no. "" " Yeah." "Oh, no." "What?" " I know this weepy look on your face." " Oh, no, you don't!" " You fell in love with him." " No." "Kit, please." "Stop it." " You've fallen in love with him?" " Kit!" " Did you kiss him?" "On the mouth?" " Uh, yeah, I did." " You kissed him on the mouth?" " I did." "It was nice." "You fall in love with him, and you kiss him on the mouth." "Did I not teach you anything?" "Look, I'm not stupid, okay?" "I'm" " I'm not in love with him." "I just" " I like him." "You like him?" " Yeah." " You definitely like him." "Well, he's not a bum." "He's a rich, classy guy." " Who's gonna break my heart, right?" " Oh, no." "Come on." "You don't know that." "Hey, he asked you, right?" "Maybe you guys could, like, um, you know, get a house together." "Like, buy some diamonds and a horse." "I don't know." "Anyway, it could work." "It happens." "When does it happen, Kit?" "When does it really happen?" "Who does it really work out for?" "Did it work out for Skinny Marie or Rachel?" "No!" "Those were very specific cases of crackheads." "I just wanna know who it works out for." "You give me one example of somebody that we know that it happened for." " Name someone?" " Yeah, one person that it worked out for." " You want me to give you a name or something." " Yeah." "Oh, God, the pressure of a name." "Cinder-fuckin'- rella." "Mr. Morse, you said this morning you wished to speak to Mr. Lewis." "Mr. Lewis is now listening." "I've reconsidered my position on your acquisition offer... on one condition." "I'm not so concerned about me, but the people who are working for me." "It's not a problem." "They'll be taken care of." "Well, then, gentlemen." "If we could address ourselves to the contracts in front of you." " If you look at" " Excuse me, Phil." "Gentlemen, I'd like to speak to Mr. Morse alone." "Thank you." "All right, gentlemen, you heard the man." "Please wait outside." "You too, Phil." "What do you mean?" "I mean I would like to speak to Mr. Morse alone." " Why does he get to stay?" " Please, please." " I'll be right outside." " Good." " Is that better?" " It's all right." " Would you like a cup of coffee?" " Black." "Mr. Morse, my interests in your company have changed." "What is it you're after now, Mr. Lewis?" "Well, I no longer wish to buy your company and take it apart." "But I don't want anyone else to, either." "And it is still extremely vulnerable." "So I find myself..." "in unfamiliar territory." "I wanna help you." "Why?" "Mr. Morse, I think we can do something very special with your company." "What about our Navy contracts?" "Ah, they weren't dead." "Just delayed." "I... bluffed a little bit." " You're very good at it." " Thank you very much." "It's my job." "I think we can leave the details up to the others." "I find this hard to say without sounding condescending, but..." "I'm proud of you." "Thank you." "I think we can let in the other suits now." "Let's continue the meeting." "Come in, gentlemen." "Sit down." "Edward, please, what was this all about?" "Hmm?" "It's all yours, Phil." "Finish it up." "Hold it." "Hold it." "These aren't signed!" "These aren't signed!" "Could someone please tell me what the fuck is going on here?" "Mr. Lewis and I are going to build ships together." "Great big ships." "You know, I think I'm gonna go for a walk." " Just stay here for a while." "I'll be back." " Yes, sir, Mr. Lewis." "Well, well." "Hello again." "I'm looking for Edward." "Edward's not here." "I thought he was with you." "No." "Uh, Edward is definitely not with me." "No, if Edward were with me" "When." "Actually, when..." "Edward was with me, he didn't blow off billion dollar deals!" "I think that, uh, Edward's with you." "That's what I think." " Mind if I have a drink?" " No." "No, thank you." "Well, I'll just wait." "Uh, Edward will be back soon." "Any minute, he'll be home." "You know, this is not home." "This is, uh, a hotel room." "And, uh, you are not... the little woman." "You're a hooker." "Maybe you're a very good hooker, you know?" "Maybe if I do you, then I wouldn't care about losing millions of dollars." "Because I have to be very honest with you." "Right now, Vivian, right now I really do care." "I really do." "And right now I am really pissed, you know?" "Right now I am just freaking out." "So maybe if I screw you, huh, and take you to the opera, then I could be a happy guy, just like Edward." " Hey, get off me!" " Hey, hey!" "Goddamn it!" " Ow!" " Ow!" " Come on!" "Come on!" "I'll pay for it." " Get off me!" " How much is it?" "Twenty bucks, thirty bucks?" " Get off me!" "Get off me!" " Fifty?" "You a $50 whore, Vivian?" " What are you doing?" " Get off!" " Stop." "I don't want to hurt you!" "Stop it!" "You already did, Edward!" " Out." "Out of here." " All right, all right." "Look, she's a whore, man." "She's a goddamn" " Aah!" " Aah!" "Damn." " Shit." "Goddamn!" " I think you broke my nose." " Get outta here." "What is wrong with you?" "Come on, Edward!" "I gave you ten years!" " I devoted my whole life to you!" " That's bullshit." "This is such bullshit!" "It's the kill you love, not me!" "I made you a very rich man doing exactly what you loved." "Now get outta here!" "Get out!" "Why do guys always know how to hit a woman right across the cheek?" "Wham!" "And it feels like your eye is gonna explode." "What do they do?" "Do they pull you aside in high school and show you how to do this?" "Is that" " Ow." "Not all guys hit." "I heard about what you did with Morse." " That was a business decision." " It was good." "It felt good." "I think this is okay." "I gotta get going." "Yes, I noticed you're packed." "Why are you leaving now?" "Edward, there'll always be some guy, even some friend of yours, thinkin' he can treat me like Stuckey, thinking that it's allowed." "What are you gonna do?" "You gonna beat up everybody?" "That's not why you're leaving." "Look, you made me a really nice offer." "Look, you made me a really nice offer." "And a few months ago, no problem." "But now everything is different, and you've changed that." "And you can't change back." "I want more." "I know about wanting more." "I invented the concept." "The question is how much more." "I want the fairy tale." "Impossible relationships." "My special gift is impossible relationships." " Thank you." " You're welcome." "If you ever need anything- dental floss, whatever- you give me a call." "I had a good time." "Me too." "Do you want me to get you a bellboy?" " No, I got it." " I'll carry this." "Thanks." "Stay." "Stay the night with me." "And not because I'm paying you, but because you want to." "I can't." "Good-bye." "I think you have a lot of special gifts." "Mmm." " I didn't do it, sir." " No, no." "I didn't say that." "I want you to call maintenance and have them deal with this." "You must delegate authority." " Yes, sir." " Hi, Barney." "Miss Vivian." "Thank you." "I wanted to say good-bye." "Well, then, I gather you're not accompanying Mr. Lewis to New York." "Come on, Barney." "You and me live in the real world... most of the time." "Have you arranged for transportation?" " I'm gonna call a cab." " Allow me." " Darryl." " Yes, sir." "Please take Miss Vivian anywhere she wishes to go." "Yes, sir." "It's been a pleasure knowing you." "Come and visit us again sometime." "Stay cool." "# Lay a whisper #" "# On my pillow #" "# Leave the winter #" "# On the ground #" "# I wake up lonely #" "# The stare of silence #" "# In the bedroom #" "# And all around #" "# Touch me now #" "# I close my eyes #" "# And dream away #" "# It must have been love #" "# But it's over now #" "# It must have been good #" "# But I lost it somehow #" "# It must have been love #" "# But it's over now #" "# From the moment we touched #" "# 'Til the time had run out ##" "Is that everything, sir?" "Yes." "Yes, that's everything." " I'll meet you downstairs, sir." " Thank you." "We look so dopey." "San Francisco's not that great, you know." "It's bad climate." "It's foggy." "It's unpredictable." "I'll wear a sweater." "What are you gonna do there?" "Get a job." "Finish high school." "I got things I can do." "I used to make pretty good grades in high school." "Yeah, I could see that about you." "I could see that." "Sure you won't come with me?" "And leave all this?" "Not in a million." "Come here." "Whoa." "Whoa." "What is this?" "It's part of the Edward Lewis scholarship fund." "We think you got a lot of potential, Kit De Luca." "You do?" "You think I got potential?" "Oh, yeah." "Don't let anybody tell you different, okay?" "Okay." "Take care of you." "No, I can't, I can't." "It's your favorite." "What time's your bus?" "An hour." "Yeah, well, I gotta split, 'cause good-byes make me crazy." " So, take care of you." " Whoa." "Mr. Lewis." "You don't have any messages for me, do you?" "No, I'm afraid not, sir." "I'll need a car to the airport also." "Of course." "Darryl will take you wherever you need to go." " Darryl, the limousine out front, please?" " Yes, sir." "Thank you, Darryl." " One last thing." "If you could possibly..." " Yes." " return this to Fred's for me, please." " Yes, of course." "May I, sir?" "Of course, please." "It must be difficult to let go of something so beautiful." "You know, Darryl also drove Miss Vivian home yesterday." "I'll take care of it." "Thank you, Mr. Thompson." "Your plane is leaving as scheduled, sir, and you should be back in New York on time." "I'm gonna have to charge you a little more rent than Vivian... because I've got this beauty course I'm looking into." "I'm not gonna be there that much, you know?" "'Cause you can't" " You just can't turn tricks forever." "You gotta have a goal." "Do you have a goal?" "Well, I always wanted to be in the Ice Capades." " Help you, love?" " There you go." "Thank you very much." "So, you got a lot of stuff you gotta move in?" "No, Carlos burned most of my stuff when I said I was movin' out." "Vivian!" "Vivian." "Princess Vivian!" "Come down!" " Had to be the top floor, right?" " It's the best." "All right." "I'm coming up." "So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?" "She rescues him right back." "Welcome to Hollywood." "What's your dream?" "Everybody comes here." "This is Hollywood, the land of dreams." "Some dreams come true, some don't." "But keep on dreamin'." "This is Hollywood." "Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'." "# Pretty woman #" "# Walkin' down the street #" "# Pretty woman The kind I like to meet #" "# Pretty woman #" "# I don't believe you You're not the truth #" "# No one could look as good as you #" "# Mercy #" "# Pretty woman won't you pardon me #" "# Pretty woman I couldn't help but see #" "# Pretty woman #" "# That you look lovely as can be #" "# Are you lonely just like me #" "# Oh, pretty woman ##" "# You really took me by surprise #" "# You're someone I've needed for a lifetime #" "# Your heart was cleverly disguised #" "# And it didn't look that way in my mind #" "# Tell me how could it be #" "# I was the last to know #" "# Darlin', I couldn't read what was in your mind #" "# To turn around and love me #" "# With no #" "# Explanation #" "# I gave you everything I have #" "# I didn't know that you would take it #" "# With sweet consideration #" "# And after all that we've been through #" "# I can't believe it's true #" "# Until I hear you say #" "# Ooh #" "# I know now, now, now #" "# Ah #" "# No explanation #" "# I gave you everything I have #" "# I didn't know that you would take it ##" | {
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} |
"Have a look in the pigsty." "Five pigs, Mr. Laborie." "Five pigs?" "These peasants are richer than me!" "Five pigs?" "You owe half to the Count." " Bring three to the château." " But..." "I said three!" "Two and a half doesn't count!" "Don't forget the Mass tonight!" "1st Episode "Sharecroppers of Nanzac"" "Mom!" "Mom!" "I saw the manager and Mascret." "My God!" "And your father is at home..." "Come." "Haven't you been poaching today?" "Ah, yes, of course..." "It's a holiday." "Hey, can't you answer me?" "You have eight sheep..." "You'll bring four to the château." "I owe just two." "I've given two in the fall." "In the fall?" "I've already given two in the fall." "These are all lies." "You owe four sheep!" "I owe two." "I'll bring two." "You'll bring four." "And that's an order!" "You have no right." "What did you say?" "I said you have no right." "And you?" "So you have the right to poach?" "Thief!" "Martissou!" "Rights!" "What right?" "Yes, the right to shut up!" "Hello, Marie." "Hello, Mr. Laborie." "I told your husband he owes four sheep to the Count." "Four sheep?" "For the day after tomorrow." "Okay." "The day after tomorrow, Mr. Laborie." "Bye." "Remember Mass tonight." "I won't bring them." " You have to." " No!" " They are thieves." " I'll bring them myself!" "Nothing we can do about it." "I can't take it any more, Marie." "I can't take it any more." "As far back as I can remember, my family has been unhappy." "We were sharecroppers of the Count de Nansac then, the richest lord of Haut-Périgord." "That night was not a night like any other." "It was Christmas Eve." "It was in 1819 and I had just turned 8 years." "That night, my mother had made me a promise." "A wonderful promise." "And I was waiting." "Mom, when is Mass?" "Soon, my child." "How impatient I was!" "All the gestures my mother made, seemed to last an eternity." "Soon:" "When is that?" "In a little while." "This midnight mass was my 1st visit to the château." "My mother had promised me." "She went to see the time, by looking at the stars." "It's time." "Sit down." "Is Dad coming with us, Mom?" "If he gets back, yes." "Will we go see the baby Jesus?" " Yes." "In his crib." " And the ox and the donkey?" "And the black kings." "Come." "Give me your clogs." "I'm gonna warm 'em up." "The nativity scene of the young ladies of the château!" "Mïon had told me so much about it!" "A nativity scene with a donkey in a church." "How beautiful that must be!" "Why isn't it Christmas more often?" "It's because baby Jesus was born that day." "He was born only once." "Ah..." "Here." "And Dad?" "Where is he?" "In the forest." "But why tonight?" "This holiday is for everyone." "Not for him, my boy." "Here." "Come." "Your father will find it there." "When he returns." "♪ He is born, the Heav'nly Child, ♪" "♪ Oboes play; set bagpipes sounding. ♪" "♪ He is born, the Heav'nly Child. ♪" "♪ Let all sing His nativity. ♪" "How beautiful and warm I found the château's church, with all those candles!" "I was happy." "I thought I was in paradise." "♪ 'Tis four thousand years and more, Prophets have foretold His coming, ♪" "These were the lords de Nansac." "And their children with them." "How well dressed they were!" "♪ Oboes play; set bagpipes sounding. ♪" "♪ He is born, the Heav'nly Child. ♪" "♪ Let all sing His nativity... ♪" "Even Dom Enjalbert, the chaplain of the château, looked beautiful that night." "He, who usually looked so ugly..." "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen." "Glory to God," "Who sent us his son on this blessed day," "So that mankind might be saved... and extirpate the bad seed from their heart." "Let us thank God, who allowed in his great kindness and justice, to reinstate our good King Louis XVIII in the kingdom of France... and to chase away the Corsican usurper!" "And all men without faith... who for nearly thirty years... held our country in misfortune." "On this Christmas Day in the year of our Lord 1819, let us rejoice, my brothers, in the universal message of brotherhood brought by our Lord Jesus." "That our hearts will tremble with joy... and forget all the grief of this world, because God gives us eternal life." "Let us accept our suffering, like our Lord Jesus Christ... who suffered on the cross." "Our salvation is the price." "Because after this vale of tears, God's elected will see... the gates of paradise open for them... and will sit at the Lord's right hand." "Now, brethren, let us celebrate the divine sacrifice." "I didn't understand much." "I was only thinking of the nativity scene." "When were they going to show us?" "First there was communion." "...ad vitam aeternam." "Amen." "Corpus ...ad infinitum." "Amen." "The people of the château didn't move." "And appropriately, the chaplain brought them the Good Lord first." "In Corpus Domini...in infinitum." "Amen." "Men and women of the countryside waited." "After the lords it was the servant's turn." "Laborie, the manager, with his hard and deceitful figure..." "He also took communion." "I don't know if it pleased the good Lord." "I don't understand why Jeannette had started to cry." "Communion still continued." "My mother didn't go." "She didn't have time to confess." "And I waited." "I waited for the moment to see the nativity." "Now let the children approach the nativity." "For Jesus has said, "Let the children come to me."" "Finally, I saw it!" "It was so beautiful!" "It looked like a cave filled with moss, branches of boxwood and nice smelling fir." "Before we part, our children will sing..." ""He is born, the Holy Child."" "Stand up." "One, two, three." "The children are singing "He is born, the Holy Child" in Patois." "That's it, everyone." "Come on!" "I had never seen the Nansacs so close-by." "Why did the Count have such white hair, like floured?" "Mïon!" "Did you see the baby Jesus?" "He moved!" "Yes, my little Jacquou." "Merry Christmas." "Where did Jeannette go?" "To the kitchen, getting fire." "I'm going too." "Someone's waiting for you?" "No." "I'll take the back road." " See you tomorrow." " Until tomorrow." "Can't you be careful?" "I don't want to tell you again!" "If not, you'll be in trouble!" "I thought I was in a palace." "And how good it smelled!" "I had never seen such things!" "It was even more beautiful than Mass." "Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas." "Good evening." "They said good night to you!" "Can't you reply?" "Especially on Christmas Eve!" "Good evening." "Don't stand there doing nothing!" "Hello, Marie." "Hello, Mr. Laborie." "Jacquou, say hello to Mr. Laborie." "Hello, sir." "Are you alone?" "Your husband didn't come to Mass?" "He was working." "What a good husband you have!" "Courageous, worker, but mostly a thief." " Martissou is an honest man." " And a poacher as well." " I know well." " I have to go." "Say, Marie..." "You know I respect you." "Because of you, I close my eyes." "We can't manage." "The share is too heavy." "It's the same for everyone." "Yes, but..." "Our farm is so small that..." "It's true, it's small." "But it is not the smallest." "But I am willing to help you." "The four sheep..." "I'll redo my accounts." "Maybe I was wrong, after all." "Yes." "It suits you?" "Thanks." "Ah, you see... between honest people, we can get on." "Yes." "Now I must go home." "Marie!" "No, thank you, Mr. Laborie." "And Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas!" "Mascret!" "Hey, Mom... was baby Jesus alive?" "No." "It's mechanical." "Mechanical?" "Yes." "Tricks, if you want." "It's to make believe in a miracle." "What is a miracle?" "A miracle is... if the little Jesus would be alive." "Really?" "Why do the Marquis and the Count have white hair?" "Because they wear a wig." "As in the old days." "Before the Revolution." "Why?" "To show that there was no revolution for them." "What's the revolution?" "Revolution is when there isn't a king." "And is there a king now?" "Yes." "So there's no revolution?" "No." "Come." "Let's go." "Soon we'll be home." "Don't be afraid." "It will not dare to attack us." "Hold that." " Mom!" " Stay there." "Mom!" "I'm scared." "Don't be scared." "It won't come near." "Come quickly." "It won't follow us." "The fire went out." "That's a bad sign." "It'll surely bring us bad luck." "Mom..." "I'm hungry." "My poor boy." "There isn't much here." "Here." "Eat some bread." "It's very cold tonight." "And you, Mom?" "Aren't you eating?" "I'm not hungry." "I'll wait for your father." "Me too!" "No." "You go to bed." "Get in your bed, you'll be warmer." "Go!" "Hey, Mom... there were nice chickens at the château." "Yes, my son." "And turkeys and truffles, more than they can eat." "Why do they have so much?" "Because they're rich." "And why are they rich?" "Because that's how it is." "You know, mom, I believe that in all this, something is not quite right." "You'll understand later." "Now you must sleep." "He should be here." "Yes, well, he isn't." "Let's go." "Talk about a Christmas Eve!" "Martissou!" "I was worried." "Why?" "I don't know." "What do you think can happen on Christmas Eve?" "I don't know." "You're so cold!" "But no." "And Jacquou?" "He's sleeping." "Dad!" "Dad!" "I'm so happy to see you!" "My son!" "You caught all these?" "Yes, as you see." "Last night." "What is it?" "A blackbird, a thrush, a quail, another thrush, two pigeons," "and then two hares." "How did you do it?" "I used snares for the hares, traps for birds and then I waited." "Ah, I'd like to do like you!" "Why do you never take me?" "You're still too small." "I'm big!" "When will you take me?" "Let me tie these." " I'll help you!" " If you want." "Come on!" "The soup is ready." "I'll get at least 60 sous in Montignac." "What if the Count's people see you?" "I'll go to the innkeeper at the market." "He knows me." "Here!" "You did well last night." "I have no clogs anymore." "I broke them when scaring off the wolf last night." "I'll get you some more." "After I've sold my catch." "Otherwise, I haven't a sou." "What's wrong?" "What's wrong, Jacquou?" "I don't want to sell them!" "But we have to, my child." "At the château they eat them!" "Listen, Jacquou." "If I sell them, I'll buy good flour." "And with that we can live at least 20 days!" "Otherwise we'll soon have nothing." "So we have to." "You understand?" "Yes." "What a sad Christmas Day!" "My father had gone to Montignac." "I spent my boredom beside a pond... hidden in the forest where I often liked to take refuge." "There I listened to the birds." "And I watched the water quiver under the cold winter wind." "I forgot anxiety." "But I was always worried... when my father was away from us." "I wondered if other children had fun that day." "The day was soon coming to an end... and my father still hadn't returned." "Here." "I made skittles for you." "With a potato, you can play." "Thanks, Mom." "It was a nice gift." "Potatoes were scarce at home." "And those skittles were great!" "Dad!" "For me?" "Yes." "For Christmas." "Just for you!" "Dad!" "Thanks, Dad!" "And then..." "This is for you." "Oh, they're so nice!" "They must have been expensive!" "Twelve sous." "And seven sous for the nails to shoe them." "You shouldn't have, Martissou." "Okay!" "And here's the flour." "You see, Jacquou?" "Enough for at least a month." "Yes!" "If only there were hunts like before!" "But stealing the game..." "Don't say that, Martissou." "You're not stealing." "You take back what they steal from us." "That's true, Marie." "You're right." "I'm not stealing." "I sold the game for 65 sous." "I bought the twist, the clogs, the flour: 40 sous." "I paid the debt to Mïon on the way back." "We have 20 sous left." "Here." "Take it." "If you had seen at Mïon's..." "It wasn't a holiday for them today." "Poor Jeannette!" "All because this Laborie believes he can get away with anything!" "Because he's manager of this bandit, the Count!" "Did you see him at Mass?" "Yes." "And did he say anything?" "Just his usual pleasantries." "But you know, I can defend myself!" "That womanizer!" "One day he'll have to answer for it." "Pujol!" "What does he owe?" "Pujol..." "One sack of wheat, three ducks." "One sack of wheat and three ducks." "Go!" "Hurry!" "Next." "I don't want to spend all day here." "Now what?" "What are you looking at me for?" "Next!" "Who are you?" "Come on, hop!" "Oh yes!" "Come." "And how much does Barjol owe?" "One sack of wheat, three ducks." "You have a sack of wheat?" "You have three ducks?" "Come on, hop!" "This was the 1st time my father took me to the share." "All Nansac's sharecroppers trembled before Laborie." "Go!" "Next!" "Yes, Chignac." "How much does he owe?" "Three chickens, 2 sheep." "Do we agree?" " Agreed." " Well done!" "That's how I like to conduct things." "Next." "Go, take it!" "The next." "Martissou!" "Martissou from Combenègre." "He owes what?" "Four sheep." "No." "I checked my accounts." " It was you who was right." " Ah?" "Yes." "You owe two sheep." "Here they are." " Only 2?" " I owe 2." "I only now said two!" "You had to bring four!" " Four!" " But you said..." "You must obey first!" "Obey, you hear?" "And protest later." "You, if you continue, you won't keep the farm at Combenègre very long." "And it's what you deserve!" "Right, Jansou?" "There." "Look at Jansou." "He envies your lot." "Right, Jansou?" "Wouldn't you like the farm at Combenègre?" "Answer!" "Yes, Mr. Laborie." "Ah, see?" "I hope you understand now." "Is it clear?" "Okay now... two sheep." "Hey!" "By the way..." "As you handle accounts so well..." "Do you remember that you borrowed a sack of wheat?" "Yes." " You should return it right now." " I can't." "I don't care." " The harvest was bad." " I don't care.." "For the Count it was bad as well." "You are associated." "Don't forget." "You should return it right now." "Then give me half of the fodder." " What?" " Half of the fodder!" " It's up to you to feed them!" " Why, if you take half?" " The land belongs to the Count, not you!" " It's me doing the work!" "It's the law of sharecropping!" "The law of misery and hunger!" "You gonna shut up!" "There's only one who complains, talks, protests, that's you!" "I'm starting to get tired of it!" "Hello friends." "Mr. Count." "What is it, Laborie?" "I have a dispute with this tenant." "You know, Count, about a sack of wheat." "Who are you?" "Martin Ferral." "Ferral?" "Sharecropper of Combenègre." "The last farm before the forest." "Yes, I see." "But tell me..." "Are you related to Ferral Le Croquant?" "He's my great-grandfather." "You're not an ordinary farmer." "What was it he did?" "He burned down the château of Vitrac." "Yes, that's right." "A peasant revolt, right?" "Yes." "Yes." "How sad to end like that..." "But Vitrac was very tough, I believe." "Was he hanged?" " Vitrac?" "I don't know." " No, your grandfather." "Yes." "In those times brave men were needed." "We committed abuse." "Fortunately things changed." "You're not exploited at will any more." "You are free now." "Free to accept or refuse a sharecropper's contract." " And that's fine." " If you respect the contract!" "He doesn't want to return the wheat he owes." " Why Ferral?" " I don't have it." "Mr. Count." " He's lying!" "He has it!" " I don't." "With all you're taking from me?" "I take nothing from you." "You give me half." "Even without sharing, our farms are not enough for us to live on." "It's true." "Between the share we owe you, the fodder, bad harvests, what's left for us?" "Nothing." "But the land is cultivated as good as possible." "The way you want." "That's fine, Ferral." "But there are too many farms." "I know." "I don't have enough land." "There's so many of you." "I'm sharing between you." "I thought I'd acted for the best." "I'm surprised, you know." "Very surprised by your comments." "And again, you're not all sharecroppers." "There are day labourers among you." "You surprise me." "I thought you were more charitable." "Unfortunately we went through troubled times, and it was hardly profitable for us." "Disorder never is." "Each of us has to make an effort to provide." "It is never good to let illusions lead you." "Wanting to change the world!" "How vain!" "No, the world is what it is." "And it was God who created it, don't forget." "And what God has made, man should not undo." "For God has said: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread."" "That's wisdom." "We must work together orderly and peace will be restored." "And thus the fate of all will be softened." "And believe me..." "I'm taking pains to do so." "That's what I wanted to tell you today." "If some of you have any comments," "I will listen." "Good!" "I won't delay you any longer, Laborie." "Continue." "Good bye, sir." "See you again, Ferral." "You can be sure that the relevance of your comments... added to the satisfaction of getting to know you." "So Martin, this wheat?" "You'll get it." "Good." "My father brought them our only bag of flour... in exchange for the bag of wheat." "Again there wasn't much at home." "I helped my mother as best as I could." "Laborie wants you at the château." "Me?" "What does he want?" "You'll see." "Run!" "Go home." " I'll take the wood on the way back." " But Mom..." "Go." "Don't you worry." "Dad!" "What is it?" " Mom is at the château!" " What?" " Laborie called for her." " What for?" "He didn't say." "I came to warn you." " Long ago?" " No." "I ran." "Go home!" "No, Daddy!" "I want to come with you!" "Martissou!" "Marie!" "Marie!" "What happened?" "It's awful!" "What happened?" "What did he want?" "Tell me!" "The bastard!" "The bastard!" "He will pay for this!" " No!" "Don't go!" " Let go of me, Marie!" " I beg you!" " Let go of me!" "Trust me, don't go!" "Nothing happened." "He didn't do anything." "You can trust me." " Nothing happened." " Why did he make you come?" " He's chasing us away." " What?" "What for?" "Because of the dog." "We have no right having a hunting dog." "We have to cut his hamstrings." "He doesn't have the right!" "He does Martissou." "It's the law." " The farmers have to do it." " And I'm gonna let them?" "Martissou!" "Calm down!" "She's right." "Go back home." "I'm going to complain!" "The police will stop you." "There's nothing we can do." "You already tremble when you see Laborie within 100 m!" "Yes, I tremble." "I'm not a brave farmer." "I work by the day." "I have six children." "I beg you!" "What's there to be afraid of?" "I'm starving on his plot of land." "I'm working and he's getting rich." "There's always an owner." "We were told that all men were equal." "You believed it?" "Yes!" "And I still believe it." "We all believed it." "So you accept everything?" "The misery, blackmail, the threats to our women?" "You're right." "We are cowards!" "Yes." "Cowards." "Yes!" "At my place he strangled two sheep... because I didn't bow low enough." "And I accepted it." "One day the Count let his dogs eat my grapes." "I said nothing." "This can't go on!" "We must speak up!" "The château guards are coming!" "Let's hide!" "No!" "I don't care!" "I'm staying!" "No!" "For Jacquou!" "For Jacquou!" "No!" "I don't care!" "I'm staying!" "Quick!" " Do it for Jacquou!" " Dad!" "Don't go!" "Don't go." "For Jacquou." "I'm begging you." "Yes." "My father was right." "I knew it." "I was scared... but I was with him." "The others had left him." "He was alone." "All alone." "And life went on at our poor farm in Combenègre." "My father had taken the dog to a cousin in Cendrieux." "How empty the house seemed without her!" "I'll never see her again." "I didn't understand why they made it so hard for us." "Dad!" "Are you Martin Ferral, tenant of Count de Nansac?" "That's me." "This is a warrant to leave the farm." "But I have a contract." "You didn't honour it!" "You have no right." "A hunting dog without cut hamstrings is prohibited." " I got rid of it." " That's what you say!" "The dog is in Cendrieux at my cousin's." "I obeyed." "Too late." "The warrant has been signed." "There'll be hell to pay!" "How brave my father was!" "I admired him." "But I was scared." "Listen!" "It's the dog." "What are you doing here?" "Why did you come back?" "My dog!" "I told my cousin to tie her up and lock her in." "I knew she'd come and see me." "My dog." "The rope was cut." "I've a bad feeling." "We must leave, Martissou." "No." " Let's leave the farm tomorrow." " No." "I'll take her to Cendrieux at dawn." "That day, I'll remember all my life." "My dog." "My only playmate at this sad farm." "They wanted to take her from me." "I resented my parents... for accepting this injustice and for being indifferent." "I didn't understand." "I didn't understand why we couldn't have dog?" "The Count had so many himself." "I'm leaving now." "Give me my jacket." "Come on, Jacquou..." "I'm taking her." "Yes." "Come on, let her go." "I knew it." "Hold the dog!" "Martin Ferral of Combenègre, sharecropper and poacher." "Today it's not the bailiff." "It's me:" "Laborie." "I'm warning you." "It won't be the same." "What do you want?" "You'll find out." "Give me that." " Where is your dog?" " I haven't one." "Ah?" "You're lying!" "You take me for a fool?" "Give me your dog!" "It's at Cendrieux." "At Cendrieux?" "We will see." "Marie!" "Bastard!" "You'll pay dearly." "Martissou, save yourself!" "They'll come to arrest you." "Yes." "He was asking for it." "Yes." "He was asking for it." "It had to happen." "Martissou!" "Mascret went to warn the Count." "You have to go." "Yes." "Yes, Dad." "You have to go away." "Come on!" "Go." "All the neighbours came running." "Laborie, dead." "There he was, lying in front of them... and they couldn't believe it." "I pity you and Martissou for the consequences." "As for that rascal, he had it coming." "Well, Jansou, come closer!" "Don't be scared!" "He's dead!" "Yes, he's dead." "Yes, he was dead, this wicked man." "He was punished." "Despite the anguish I felt for my father," "I couldn't help but to rejoice." "My dad had done right." "I was certain." "And I thought they would acknowledge him quickly." "Jean?" "Where is your father?" "Over there, in the forest." "Let's put him on a stretcher." "For the first time I felt hatred." "Hatred for the Count." "It was because of him that all of this had happened... and that my father had gone into the forest." "Where was my father?" "All alone." "How I wanted him to be saved!" "Well?" "Nothing, monsieur." "I didn't requisition you to take a walk!" " He can only be in the forest." " Yes, my lord." "Go ahead, everybody!" "You as well Mascret." "He's a criminal, an outlaw!" "He'll be trying to escape." "Shoot him!" "Come on!" "Subtitles by Subransu, editing by Oliverio" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I know what I have to do today, Maryam." "Homeland Security officials say the current high alert is directly related to the discovery last night of homemade explosives at a warehouse in Los Angeles owned by a Muslim male." "The location of the warehouse and the identity of the owner have not yet been disclosed by the Department, but unnamed sources in Homeland Security..." " Why am I a Muslim?" " What?" "Why did you have to name me Mohammed?" "I named you after our own prophet." "And you're Muslim because I am Muslim." "Everyone at school is Jewish or Christian." "All the same." "All believe in one God." "What if I wasn't born Muslim?" "It is your journey, habibi." "You have a great heart, just like your mother." "Bless her soul in heaven." "Can we get a Christmas tree?" "Mohammed, we have to get there." "Walk fast." "Sabir." "There." "Mohammed, Sabir's here." "Mohammed?" "Mohammed." "Mohammed." "Mohammed." "Hammo." "Mohammed." "Mohammed!" "I have a possible 10-107 in progress." "Mohammed!" "Mohammed." " Sorry, ma'am." "I'm sorry." " It's okay." "I'm really sorry." " It's okay." " I'm sorry." "Halt." "Federal agents." " I'm looking for my son." " Stay calm." "All right, get him up." "Get him up." " Sir, I'm looking for my son." " Come on." "Come with us." "Come on, let's go." "I was looking for my son." "I didn't do anything." "Where are you taking me, sir?" "Mr. Marzoke, I'm Agent Stevens, FBI." "FBI?" "Where is my son?" "Look, your son is safe in the other room." "Why were you running around the airport yelling, sir?" "I was looking for my son." "Do you read the papers, sir?" "You realize we're on high alert?" "I thought I lost him." "What is your business at the airport today?" "I'm picking up my cousin." " And what's his business in the US?" " No business, just personal." "We did a search of your vehicle, Mr. Marzoke." "We found all of these items." "Could you identify them, please?" "Well, I listen and I read the Quran." "Is that a crime now?" "The Quran." "These receipts..." "What are these?" "Money transfer." "Donations." "Donations." "I see." "Donations to the Sharia Foundation in Egypt." "Why do you make donations to the Sharia Foundation?" "Sir, I'm a Muslim." "One of the five pillars of Islam is to give zakat." "I don't know if you know about zakat." "It's an Islamic law." "When was the last time you were at the Muhammad Ali Mosque?" " Muhammad Ali?" " Yes." "Beautiful place." "Alabaster, the tall minarets, the view from the top, the pyramids." " You've been there?" " Last month." "You have a very rich culture, Mr. Marzoke." "Now imagine if some fundamentalist Christian nut jobs from the US flew a jet passenger plane into the Muhammad Ali Mosque or another one of your renowned monuments, killing thousands of innocent Egyptians." "I'm sure that you'd be busting every infidel stupid enough to go around screaming English in the Cairo airport, wouldn't you?" "Let me give you a word of advice." "You be very mindful of how you act and speak in public." "When we're under high alert, people get trigger-happy." "You got it?" "It's okay, Mohammed." " Are you all right?" " Yeah, it was just a big mistake." "A big mistake." " You hungry, Sabir?" " Later, later." "I want you to trace these transfers." "Where he sent them from, who he sent them to." "Get me bank statements, e-mails, library accounts, subscriptions, postal records." "The whole nine yards." "Piece of shit." "God, I hate this dump." "Can I help you, sir?" "I told this asshole 100 times, no sauce on my falafel." "I'm supposed to ask you to not use words like that in here, sir." "This is stupid." "Abdulla, please make the gentleman another falafel." "No sauce this time." "Are you serious?" " Leila." " What's up, Fikry?" "It's hot, man." "Air conditioner working?" "Yeah, sure." "It just makes that noise to mess with you." "Smartass." " Fikry." " Mustafa." "Next time, Pops, if you're gonna punch in late, just give me a call, okay?" "It's been a rough day." "Don't start with me, okay, please?" " Where are you going?" " I have a life, too, remember?" " Okay, don't forget to be home early..." " I know." "It's a special night." "I know." "Be home early for dinner." "Hey, what's up?" "Let's get out of here." " Mustafa." " Fikry." "What's wrong?" "I get this feeling sometimes like I'm going to explode." "Don't do that." "We've had enough explosions." "Abdulla, Sam is coming by later." "Have his coffee and baklava ready for him." " Again?" "For free?" " Just have it ready." "You know, that guy never pays for anything, never!" "He thinks I work for him." "Oh!" "It is hotter than hell." "What's up, Fiky Frik, Big M?" "Abdulla in the house." "Turn on the TV." "You seen this?" "I want to show what these bastards are doing now." "Despite repeated requests," "American authorities have not made available any evidence of explosives or weapons." "See, that's what I'm talking about." "You see that?" "You know, they cook all this stuff up." "All this heightened-state-of-alert bullshit." "It's all bullshit, red, green, fuchsia." "I mean, they just want people scared shitless of people like us." "Murad, you see a conspiracy in everything, man." "Mustafa, you tell him." "I've tried." "Actually, I got arrested today at the airport." " What?" " What happened?" "Nothing." "A mistake." "I'll tell you later." "A mistake?" "That's some serious shit, M." "I mean, they can make your life hell in this country if they get you on one of their lists." "They will lock your ass up in one of those ships off the coast in international waters and they will torture your ass until you sign a confession." "Murad, I got bigger problems than torture ships, Murad." "Keeping this place afloat, that's my torture." "Maybe this place float if you don't give away so much free food, huh?" "Thank you, Abdulla." "He's right." "I need to make money, real money." "Why you need money so badly all of a sudden?" "Because I would love to open a new restaurant, a real restaurant, with real Mideastern food, like back home." "There is a place on Washington I like." "That's gonna cost some serious G, M." "So?" "Why not?" "Maybe I'll get a partner." "This is America." "Maybe I'll partner with someone like Sam." " Sam the Jew?" " So?" "So?" "Sam the Sephardic fucking Jew." "Murad, business is business." "Fikry here is Christian." "You're doing business with him." " He's not a land grabber." " What's left for an Iraqi Christian to grab?" "Murad, Sam is Jewish, but that doesn't make him a Zionist." "I trust him and he's a good businessman." "That's what I need." " You asked him already?" " Yeah, he's researching the numbers." "Sure, sure, he's researching the numbers." "Of course he is." "He's gonna research those numbers, he's gonna go behind your back, he's gonna buy that building, he's gonna jack your idea." "I'm telling you, he will not partner with a Muslim." "You feeling me?" "You're gonna end up being his employee bitch." "If you don't mind, guys, I've had enough of "It's hard being a Muslim" for one day." "I need to change, and there is an important visitor coming by later." "So be nice to him." "More important than us?" "Easy on the sauce, okay?" "Everybody complains." "Just easy on the sauce." "The ongoing investigation into what is now being referred to as a terrorist arms depot in Los Angeles has netted several suspects and authorities say arrests are imminent." "Some of the explosive materials have now been identified as being both Iraqi and US military in origin..." "Taxi!" " Hi." " Yeah, okay." "Get in, lady." " Hello." " Hello." " To what do I owe this surprise?" " I'm free until evening rehearsal." "Thought I'd give you a lift to your appointment." "Oh, well, I guess it pays to sleep with a cab driver after all, especially one with a seven-episode deal on a new series." "Yeah, which is why I thought I could finally..." "Afford this." "Omar." "You're doing this because you want to, right?" " Not because..." " Kate, I want to." " Good night." " Salwah?" "Yes." "I haven't seen you in forever." "Oh, well, I've been here." "Hey, um..." " Yes." " Do you want to someday, if you're free..." "Do you want to have dinner with me?" "Do you like Japanese?" "I'm a hell of a sushi chef, if I do say so myself." "Oh." "No, I..." "I have to tell you I'm going to get..." "I'm..." "I'm..." "I'm going to be late." "I'm going to be late." "Our movie star!" "What's with the air conditioner?" "It's boiling in here." "What, you expected it to work?" "I like it." "When I'm here I can relate to my people in Iraq." "Kate, Salwah called." "She's late." "I can run some errands." "Just tell her to call me, okay?" "I want to tell Salwah myself, okay?" "What's up, my homie-omie?" " How did we do?" " $900, more or less." "That's it?" "Your other business..." "Are you busy?" "We have first run-through tonight, camera rehearsal." "Pick good roles." "Be smart." "Think about the future." "It's funny you say that." "I just proposed to Kate." "What, are you getting married?" "Fantastic, Omar!" "Omar is getting married." "Huh?" "Fresh baklava and tea on me." "I make it myself." "Come here." "Come here, come here." "Congratulations." "So, yo, big shot, you making enough money to support a wifey now?" "I landed a good role finally, and on a good show, American Safety." "Don't tell me, they're gonna have you play a terrorist again." "No, not this time." "A doctor." "Hey, that's a good part for you." "Yeah, no more Arab bad guys, inshallah." "Yeah, inshallah, but don't get your hopes up too high, homie, because as long as the Jews control Hollywood..." "That's a myth." " Talent wins in this town, that's all." " For real?" "So then how come there ain't no successful Arab actors?" " There are." " Who?" " Omar Sharif." " He's a Jew." "He's not a Jew." "He was Christian and became a Muslim." " He's a Jew." " He's not a Jew." "He's a Jew." "They're all Jews." "Name a known actor who's not a Jew." " Antonio Banderas." " Big Sephardic Jew." "He's not a Jew." "Anyway, you'll see." "I'm going to be the Antonio Banderas of the Arabs one day." "Yeah, one day the Girl Scouts are gonna sell cookies for the Muslim brotherhood, too, you know." "Murad, you watch too much Al Jazeera." "It feeds your constant fear of the West." "Yeah, and Zionist American propaganda feeds your constant fear of your own Middle Eastern people." " Check that shit on Fox." " Fox." "Murad, enough already." "Read the sign." ""No politics or religious discussion allowed in this establishment." ""The management." That's me." "That is, but that sign does not say "discussion," M." "Whoever made that sign left that shit out." "Ya Ya make it." "His English like mine, not that good." " But he's cheap." " What do you mean, "his English"?" "He's illiterate in Arabic also, man." "Oh." "You know the way." "You know the way." "You were saying, M, about religion?" "I have to get the light on for them." "I'll get you the light." "I'm sorry." "Salwah, Kate was here." "Give her a call." "I need to set up." "Sam is coming any minute." "You hungry?" "I lose, and now I got this." "Hey, Sam." "Look at this guy." " Sam, how are you?" " Mustafa." "Have a seat." "Salwah's setting up." " How's it going, Fikry?" " Good, Sam." " Omar." " Hey, Sam." "Abdulla, coffee and baklava for Sam." "So, Mustafa, you try those dates we brought in last week?" " The best, right?" " Sold in two days." "Funny, we were just talking about those beautiful dates that they used to grow in Iraq before the US government decided that oil was sweeter." "You're feeling me." "I know you are, Fikry." "It's all about the oil." "It's not about this democracy shit they keep feeding us." "It's about the oil." "And Israel." "Sam, I'm ready for you." "Excuse me, gentlemen." "Sabir, you made it!" "Sabir, my cousin, came from Egypt." "Hey, Sabir." " You rested?" " Later, later." "Salwah's here." "Let's go in." "Salwah, Sabir is here." "Ow!" "Ow!" "Salwah." "Sorry, Sam." "Sabir came all the way from Egypt to see Salwah." " Remember him now?" " Yes." " Hi, Sabir." " Hello." "Nice to meet you, Sabir." "What brings you to LA?" "Mustafa and I have business." "Okay, you guys finish." "Let's go." "Let's go." "What was that about?" "He's my future husband, supposedly." "I didn't know you were engaged." "Hmm." "I didn't either." "I don't get you." "Our family always talked about me marrying my first cousin." "It's a tradition." "I'm sorry." "Ow." "Mustafa's not like that." "He doesn't hold onto old tribal notions like that." "Mustafa thinks it's his duty." "You're joking." "They arrest Muslims and jail them all the time." "You know what I'm saying?" "No charges, no evidence." "They just, poof, disappear." "Yeah, we hear how badly Arabs are treated in this country." "What happened today was very, very frightening." "You know, Sabir, 9/11 was not a small thing." "We and everybody else will pay the price." "Yo, M, who "Everybody else"?" "It's the Arabs that are paying the price, brother." "Murad, you act as if we're the only ones, man." "It's part of a hazing process, you know?" "It happened to the Irish, the Japanese before us." "We're the newcomers now, that's all." "Yeah, but it happened here in this country." "See, the fucking problem is the people in the Middle East are paying the price so that Americans can live their American dream." "SUVs, subsidized gas, fucking fast food." "I don't understand why you want to live here at all." "When you get married and settle, you will see." "This is a good country." "And a good people, too." "Thank you, Salwah." "This is for you." "Thank you." "Mustafa, do you have a minute to talk about business?" "Yes, Sam." "Come in the back." "I'll tell you what the problem is." "It's the fucking land grabbers." "Here I thought it was the fucking Islamic terrorists." "Murad." "Sabir, go to Salwah." "Have a seat." "So, you like doing this?" "Sabir, I'm sorry." "This is..." "This is very strange for me." "I..." "I need to get to know you." "I..." "I need to take some time, but right now I have another client coming in." "Sam, this place..." "Every time I fix something, something else breaks." "Yeah, I know, I know." "Okay, listen, Mustafa," "I had an inspector check out that building and my accountant ran the numbers." " Yeah?" " And it looks pretty good." "That's great, Sam." "I promise you, we'll have the best Egyptian food in town." " We're gonna make a difference." " I agree." "I agree." "I brought you cookies from Egypt." "I'm sure they're delicious." "Try one." "You'll love it." "I can't." "I watch my diet." "But I'm sure the family will love them." " Atmosphere is important, right?" " Sure, sure." "We can't have certain elements around." "I understand." "Not in the new place if we want it to work, because it's not a social club." " I mean, you understand." " I understand." "Sure, Sam, sure." " No elements, no problem." " Good, good." "The Mohammeds." "All these guys named Mohammed." "They need room to pray." " You know what your problem is, Fikry?" " No, what is my problem?" "Tell me." "You're what we call a self-hating Arab." "That's ridiculous." "You say that because I'm a Christian, like I'm not even Arab." "I didn't say you're not an Arab, Fikry." "Let me tell you, when I walk down the street the rednecks yell "towelhead" at me also." "Yes, yes, yes, I'll tell you what my problem is." "My problem is that my country has been invaded by people of my own religion." "And now the Jews and the Muslims have stolen even my victimhood from me." "That's my problem." " Hi, Sam." " Hi, Kate." "So my cousin's, like, in the Marines in Afghanistan, okay?" "And he brought back this hash." "I mean, this shit's cold-blooded." "Been meaning to ask you something." "How come every time I turn on the news there's some Muslim dude who's pissed off and killing everybody?" "Why do you hate America so much?" "Maybe if you'd educate yourself, you would know the whole story." "So tell me the whole story." "It's long." "I don't remember it all." "It's, like, 1,400 years old." "So tell me what you know." "I want to hear it." "All right." "Pass the rocket." "Once upon a time before the oil, the sheiks and all of the Saddams and Osamas, in the middle of the Arabian Desert was this cool dude named Mohammed." "His homies called him "the honest." He used to kick back and meditate." "And one day an angel appeared to him with a new revelation called Islam." "It means "Submission to God."" "The God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus." "Back then, the local yokels believed in a bunch of different gods." "But when the angel gave Mohammed the message that there's only one God, they dumped the whole idol-worship thing." "See, according to Mohammed's prophecy, God would free everybody from slavery." "Dudes, babes, rich, poor, black, white, whatever..." "Everybody was equal." "They were all over that in a heartbeat." "So freedom and Islam began to spread throughout Arabia." "And it kept on spreading to India and all the way to China, then across North Africa to Spain." "This was the start of Islamic civilization." "Back then Muslims were, like, top dog when it came to art, science, literature and poetry." "So pretty soon the buzz hit the West, only back then Europe was, like, a bunch of barbarians busy barbecuing plague victims." "But you know what?" "They didn't dig these dark dudes with sand all over their feet." "And that's, like, where I think the word "sand nigger" comes from." "So they said no way to Islam." "This brought on the period known as the Crusades, which was, like, a downer for everybody, especially Muslims living in Jerusalem who got royally reamed out by Christian armies fighting to take back the Holy Land for the Pope." "But finally, this other real cool Kurdish Muslim dude named Saladin shows up and unites the Arabs to fight the Europeans and take Jerusalem back." "See, difference is, under Saladin there's, like, this time of peace with Jews, Christians and Muslims all kicking it together, which is dope, because Jerusalem 's, like, a holy place for all three religions." "But guess what?" "That didn't last." "The Europeans came back even stronger with, like, a divide-and-conquer thing." "They gave the land the Palestinians were living on to the Jews, and that became the new Israel." "And once the Euro-honkies split, there was, like, constant fighting between the Israelis and Arabs over Jerusalem." "'Cause both the Israeli and Arab radicals wanted to have it all." "If they'd just chill, they'd see Jerusalem is a spiritual place, the land of milk and honey." "But, no, because now some Americans come in to check out what all the fuss is about, and they discover oil." "And to keep the pumps happening, they prop up these greedy dictators who sell only to them, and they don't help the Arabs, only Israel, which pisses the Arabs off." "So then you get the Israelis and Palestinians fighting over Jerusalem and blowing each other up, while the world just watches and plays it all like some kind of game." "And that's why the Middle East is a fricking mess." "'Cause there ain't no more cool dudes." "Whoa." " Omar, how's it going?" " Great." "Looking forward to this." " Good." " You wanted to see me?" "Yeah, there's some script changes I wanted to talk to you about." "Look, I'm sorry to say this, but the doctor role has been cut." " Cut?" " Yeah." "Let's talk over here." "Um..." "Okay, look, they rewrote the entire episode last night." "It's practically a new show." " I don't believe it." " Omar, I love your work." "I want you to stay, but I'd have to ask you to change roles at the last minute." "I'll do it." "Really?" "You're the best." "All right, well, here are the new pages." "And take a look at the role of Ali." " Ali?" " Yeah, we'll run through it shortly, okay?" "Can you get Omar someone to help him suit up?" "Hold the noise, please, people." "Action, Omar!" "Everyone on your knees." "You're being taken hostage." "Um." "Okay, cut, let's cut." "Can we cut?" "Cut!" "You okay?" "What's up?" "I don't understand." "Why would a terrorist take over a hospital?" "Terrorists want to strike fear in the heart of America." "That's what the episode's about." "So they're at a hospital." "There's a lot of people, very little security, okay?" "But you know this hospital is in a quiet little community." "It's a show, Omar." "We give our heroes of American Safety heroic things every week, all right?" "So, just give me more accent, and, you know, scary, all right?" "Okay, everybody." "Back to one." "We're back to one." "Everyone on your knees!" "You're being taken hostage!" "We are the soldiers of Allah!" "Great." "Cut!" "All right." "Meet your second cousin." "This is Sabir." "What's up?" " Everybody." "Let's eat." "Yeah, come, let's eat." "So your friend Murad..." "He tells me you're thinking of opening a new place." "Maybe with this man Sam." " I think he's a..." " A Jewish man." "I just see him as a good businessman." "It's true." "They're good with money." "But he can use this against you." "Just turn on the TV, see what they're doing." "Sabir, not too long ago in Egypt, Jews and Muslims had business together." "But how much interest did they charge us?" "Mohammed, put that away, please." "It's broken anyway." "You broke it?" "Do you know how much this cost?" "So, Sabir, you own your pharmacy in Egypt." "Salwah here is a nurse." "A nurse?" "So why do you do this salon work?" "It's extra money." "Um, I'd like to ask, how do you feel about women working?" "After marriage, I mean." "To be honest, it's better for women to stay at home." "So you believe that women are born to raise children and to be wives, but not to find their own work?" "Salwah, what Sabir tried to say here, to have a strong family is very important for a mother..." "Okay, okay, let me ask Sabir directly, if I may." "If we were to be married, would you expect me to give up my salon and quit nursing?" "I don't think it will be an issue." "I'd prefer to stay in Egypt." "I don't think America is a good place to raise a family." "Excuse me, please." "Salwah, it is always hard at first." "You guys just met." "Oh." "So I should wait and move back to Egypt when it's less hard." "He will change his mind when he gets to know you." "I don't know how to say this, but you're almost 30." "That's nice." "That's very nice." "Just let me finish." "You are a Muslim woman living in America." "So I don't have a lot of options, you mean?" "Because I am a Muslim, I have to marry a Muslim?" "That's not for you to decide." "I want you to have your own kids, your own home." " I want you to be happy." " You want me to be happy or this will make you happy?" "This is what our father always wanted." "Listen, get to know him." "Just give him a chance." "You heard how he referred to me at the cafe today?" ""I have business with Mustafa."" "That's how he thinks of me, business." "In Los Angeles, Homeland Security officials have made several arrests in connection with the recent terror threat that has raised the alert level to code red." "No names have been released, but one official said that more arrests were forthcoming and that, quote," ""A far larger Islamist network has been uncovered than originally suspected. "" "I can't believe this shit, M." "What's wrong with you, Murad?" "Palestinian this, Palestinian that." "Fuck them!" "I'm tired of their bullshit." "They are ruining our lives, those bastards." "And now, Arab dictators are controlling us in the name of the Palestinian cause." "Why don't we just hand the land over to those motherfuckers, because they're just going to take it." "Come on, man, you can't say that about the Palestinians." " Why not?" " 'Cause it's unfair." "And it's politically stupid, especially now." "They've been kicked out of Lebanon, they've been kicked out of Jordan." "If they lost their land, where would they go?" "I'll tell you where." "Florida." "Take all the Jews, because there's a lot of them in Florida, move them to Israel, and take the Palestinians and let them live in Florida, or maybe Cuba." "No, I tell you what," "I have the perfect solution to the problem in the Middle East." "All the Palestinians should convert to Judaism and become Israeli." "He's melting." "You've gone out of your goddamn mind." "No, all the Arabs should become Jewish, man." "That'll solve the problem once and for all." "Why would anyone want to be Arab these days?" "But to be Jewish, that's cool, man." "You get the support of everyone." "You guys still going on about that?" "Oppression's still going on, Sephardic Sam." "Why shouldn't we be going on?" "Murad, the truth is, the fact is, you Jordanians kill more Palestinians than anybody else." "Bullshit." "Bullshit." "You know what?" "You bagel munchers, you steal their land, you destroy their homes, you shoot missiles from the sky into streets full of innocent people..." "You prefer to blow up buses and airplanes full of innocent people." " Jesus, enough." " Murad, calm down." " Look at him." " Sit down." "I'm sorry." "I just came by to apologize for walking out yesterday." " Mustafa." " Just sit down." " Not now, Abdulla." " Mustafa." "But it's this..." "This inflammatory shit, which I guess you watch 24 hours a day." "You're goddamn right I do." "I watch it 24 hours a day because I like to stay informed, accurately informed." "Misinformed." "American propaganda!" " No more TV." "That's it." " That's all I'm saying." "That's all I'm saying." "No more TV." " Does Al Jazeera have parental controls?" " What?" "I try what you say, but they pray inside, the Mohammed." "He's a Mohammed, I told you, don't disturb them." "You want peace, but the ignorant are brainwashed by the crap." "There's no peace 'cause there's no fucking justice." "Occupation and oppression is why there's no peace!" "What kind of peace do you get from the great Arab tradition of sending suicide bombers into hotel lobbies and coffee shops full of innocent children?" "You're killing the innocent children!" "Enough!" "Enough!" "You guys want to fight?" "Outside!" "Don't touch him." "Outside!" "Mustafa." " Go around them." "They don't let me in." " I told you, don't bother them." "I tried." "I tried two times." "This is Habibi Cafe, man, not Hebrew Cafe." "Mohammed, what are you doing here?" "It's Friday." "I thought we were meeting at the mosque." "I don't want to go to the mosque anymore." "Mustafa." "What?" "Mustafa, Mohammeds won't let me in." "They pray inside and I can't get in." "Okay, have a seat." "Have a seat." "Come." "Give it to me." "I have to do everything by myself." " I tried three times." "You try now." " Okay." "Listen to this." "Listen to this." ""Buy a Christmas tree from Israel, where Christ was born." ""We ship to your door."" "They're selling Palestine off piece by piece, these motherfuckers." " Dad, are you okay?" " Yes, Mohammed." "Yes, I'm okay." "What's the story about you not going to the mosque?" "I told you, I don't want to be a Muslim anymore." "Why, Mohammed?" "And Murad said we can get a Christmas tree by mail." "Mohammed, for God's sake!" "You are Muslim." "We are Muslim." "We don't celebrate Christmas." "We celebrate our own holiday." " We celebrate Ramadan." " But Ramadan doesn't have a tree." "And Murad said we can get one from those motherfuckers in Israel." "You tell me what's happening." "Murad, what did you say in front of my son?" "Yo, chill, M. What?" "I'll show you." "Read for yourself, a baby Christmas tree." "Only the Jews can make money off the Christians by stealing from the Arabs." "Stop with the Jew thing." "I'm sick of it!" "Mohammed, when Christmas comes around, I'll buy you a tree." "Fikry, nobody's buying a tree for Mohammed." "Yeah, buy it from Jerusalem for $29.99, get it blessed by a fucking rabbi." "That's it." "Murad, outside." "Oh!" "Fikry, Fikry, stay away." "I'm talking to you as a friend, Murad." "You have to stop spreading all this hatred." "And no more swearing, especially in front of Mohammed." "I didn't swear." "You swear all the time!" "You don't hear yourself?" "You're too angry." "Nobody listens to you when you're angry." "You're goddamn right I'm angry." "I am swole up." "Aren't you?" "Look at what's happening to our people." "That's it." "I'm warning you, if you don't stop, I don't want to see you here." "What?" "You're on their side now?" "Fine." "But I'm gonna tell you something, Mustafa, you are too accommodating." "You forget who you are." "You want to fit in maybe." "You, the Jew." "The Jew, you." "You can't have it both ways." "Come on, come on." "So you wear this when you get married?" "It's supposed to make you exotic for your husband." "Omar told me, Salwah, about your marriage." "You know, I don't even know the guy." "I haven't seen him since I was 12." "I hardly remember that." "How can Mustafa expect you to marry a man you don't even know?" "It's tradition, you know." "The family arranges it to protect the woman." "Listen, it's none of my business, Salwah, but you need to marry a man that you love, a man you want to..." "I mean, isn't there somebody that you'd like to, you know..." "Shh!" " Kate." " No one?" "I really don't believe it." "Let's face it, Salwah, you're not the Virgin Mary." "Okay, okay, okay." "All right, there is this doctor at the hospital." "He's very nice." "He's very cute." "And he kind of asked me out for Japanese food at his house." "Okay, well, there you go." "I think you should do it with him." "Kate, stop it." "I'm not gonna just do it with him." "Well, do you like him?" "So go out with him." "Why not?" "Because you're Muslim?" "Look, even Omar struggles with the differences between us, but it doesn't matter." "What do you mean?" "He never told his parents we were living together, but all that tradition stuff, that just goes out the window when there's love." "Mohammed, what is it?" "You don't want to pray with us?" "You want to talk about it?" "Did Muslims really kill all those people in the twin towers?" "Listen to me, habibi." "There are good Muslims and bad Muslims, like all other religions." "And the ones who flew those planes were bad and ignorant of Islam." "Who's a good Muslim?" "Muhammad Ali is a good Muslim." "He's a black guy, not an Egyptian." "Your dad is a Muslim and Egyptian." "Don't you count me?" "Closed?" "Where is Leila?" " Mr. Marzoke." " What's going on?" "We'd like to bring you in for further questioning, if you don't mind." " What for?" " We'll get into that." "No, go into it now." "Mr. Marzoke, I could arrest you, if that's what you want, or you can come with us voluntarily and show your willingness to cooperate." "No, go ahead, arrest me." "I want a record of this." "I'm not gonna disappear into one of your cells and nobody knows where I am." "I don't know where you get your ideas of how we operate, sir, but it's not like that." "I'm back, Leila." "Who's that?" "Do you work here, sir?" "Do you speak English?" "Do you have residency papers, sir?" "Sir, what are you doing here?" " You!" " You have to come with us." "Leave him alone!" "He didn't do anything!" " Take the kids away." " Back off." " He's not resisting." "Please, please don't." " I have to take you in." "... if the infidels attacks our God, it is our responsibility to defend Him." "Are you ready?" "Ready!" "That is tight." "That is hot." "They're running this on prime time, dude." "You are gonna blow the fuck up." "Give me." "Now remind me, who got you on this MOW?" " You did, Dez." " Give me some more." "Give me some more." "Thank you." "Thank you, but I'm saying it's another bad-guy Arab." "You know, this thing that happened with American Safety..." "Dude, I got clients who'd gun down their granny for one episode of this hot-shit series, American Safety." "And how many did you book?" "Seven?" "Who is your fucking manager?" "Dez, I'm grateful for the work, for the MOW, too, really." "All right." "I don't know, this kind of image they want me to play, it's demeaning." "Worse, it's like, I don't know, crushing my soul." "Omar, you'd better not even be thinking about bailing out on me on this." "Okay, they changed the role on you, but you did the right thing." "You rolled with it." "You turn around and back out now, I'll never be able to book you again." "I fucking mean it." "We square?" "Good." "Terry, get me Saperstein." " Sorry, it's my fiancée." " No, it's cool." "Kate, I'm leaving." "I'll call you." "What?" "Mustafa?" " All right, tell Salwah I'll be right there." " You are bad, dude." "You are bad." "Oh, yeah, I'm an accessory." "But it'll happen again." "That's right." "That's right." "I hear you." "I hear you." "Dez..." "Uh..." "Hang on for one second." "Yeah?" "I mean it." "After this, no more." "It's killing me." "Omar." "Okay." "All right." "No more terrorists." "I'll see what I can do." "Okay?" "Go." "Go, go, eat your falafel, shish kebab, whatever you want to call them." "And have some espresso, too." "Get a life." "Shit." "Terry, I lost him." "Yeah, get me Sap on the phone." "Sap?" "Sorry about that." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Salwah." "What is it?" "Come in." "Come in, please." "Salwah, are you okay?" "Okay, Mr. Marzoke." "Come with me, please." "Sorry for all the noise, Mr. Marzoke." "Where am I?" "We maintain a presence in a number of locations." "So, Mr. Marzoke, you don't appear to have much of a financial acumen for someone who runs his own shop and owns a car service." "As a matter of fact, you're in the red." "You're very near foreclosure." " I'm struggling." "Is that a crime?" " No, no." "But since you are struggling, as you say, we were wondering how you could afford to make such sizable monthly wire transfers to a terrorist organization." "I don't send the money to terrorists." "Well, "terrorist" has a broad definition." "The Saudis don't consider HAMAS to be a terrorist organization, for example, but the US government does." "I'm not a Saudi." "You send money to an entity called the Sharia Foundation." "Now, there is a charitable organization called the Sharia Islamic Foundation." "And they've been known to finance jihad studies in madrasas worldwide." "I told you before, I just make zakat." "No, these are not zakat." "The Sharia Foundation is not a foundation." "It's a storefront operation." "Ostensibly it exports Egyptian music, movies, the Quran on tape, things of that type, but unofficially it's a cash delivery service." "It's not illegal." "I don't use banks because banks charge so much money and it takes weeks before the money clears." "I know the man who owns the business." "I trust him more than banks." " Where does the cash go?" " I know the man." "This man brings the money door-to-door." " Where does it go?" " And in 24 hours the money is there." " Answer me!" " A bank cannot do that." "Where does the cash go?" "The government takes money from you, taxes you..." " Answer my question." "Where does it go?" " To my cousin, sir." "Why?" "Because my father sold our land for me so I can own my business here." "He sold it to his brother, like a loan, with the promise that we'll buy it back." "Buying it back was my responsibility, to make a life here, to bring my sister over." "My father didn't live to see the land come back." "Because all these years I've been trying to buy the land back." "And every night when I go to sleep" "I can hear my own father's voice saying," ""Mustafa," ""what happened to your promise?" "What happened to your land?"" "So you sent your money through a hawala service to buy your land back." "Why didn't you say that before?" "Why did you tell me it was a charitable donation?" "Even my sister and my kids don't know about this, sir." "Where I come from, it is a shame for a man to lose his land." "Dad's here." "Dad!" "Leila, Hammo." "Everything is okay." "It's okay." "Daddy, what are we gonna do?" "We're gonna live our lives." "You hear me?" "I still believe in this country." "It will get better, okay?" " Thanks for seeing us, Sam." " It's okay." "It's important." " Ben coming?" " No, he wanted us to talk to you first." "Look, as far as I'm concerned, nothing's changed." "We ran the numbers." "We projected that the place would be into profits in two years." "This is not about profits, Sam." "Okay, you sold merchandise to this guy for a couple of years." "So what?" "You don't know him." "He's an Arab." "So it's not impossible he's sending money to terrorists who want to destroy Israel, is it?" "You watch too much TV, David." "Okay, okay, let's not call it terrorism then." "Let's say he supports the liberation of Palestine, okay?" "It's not so far-fetched." "I mean, most of them do." "Sam, we haven't made a commitment yet." "I shook his hand." "I told him that we could make this work." "Besides, it's good business." "We all agreed." "So it's good business." "Why do we need him?" "We have the capital." " Well, first off, he brought it to me." " So offer him something." "Let him be the manager and the chef, but don't cut him in as a partner." "He'll be grateful for anything you give him, you'll see." "Okay, I've listened to what you had to say, but Ben has the last word." "Why is there anything to discuss with Ben?" "I mean, who, who anywhere in the entire world would want to have their money tied up with some Muslim guy who's under investigation by the FBI, for Christ's sakes?" "I mean, just answer me that." "What did you tell Sam?" "I didn't tell him anything." "He didn't ask." "He volunteered his lawyer, Mustafa." "Salwah, I can't afford a lawyer." "I can't even pay Sam back for the bail." "You need a lawyer." "They're still investigating you." "They've frozen all of your accounts." "Do you think that your problems are none of my business?" "I thought I could work it out." "By marrying me off to Sabir." "Shh!" "You thought that if I marry him you'll get the land back." "It's not just the land, Salwah." "No, it kills the two birds with one stone." "The land and your duty to see that I'm married." "This is your land now." "And you can choose to live with one foot over here and one foot over there if you want to, but not me." "Come, Sabir, come." "I think maybe this deal our fathers made, maybe it's a kind of curse for all of us." " No, Sabir." " Wait." "Let him finish." "All my life I hear how you are here in America, a big success." "So I come here with a little bit of resentment, Mustafa." " Why?" " No, it's true." "I come here resenting what you have." "Resenting America even." "But I look around and I see maybe a family that's not so happy." "I see your troubles." "And I think maybe what they say about Muslims who come to live here is true." "They must give something up to live here." "But is it worth it?" "I..." "I got this fixed for Mohammed." "Good night." " Thank you, Sabir." " Good night." "Are you ready?" "Ready?" "Authorities have identified and released photographs of suspects in the ongoing terrorist investigation in Los Angeles that has resulted in the national alert level being raised to code red." "The four Middle Eastern..." "Omar, it stresses you out." "Okay." "Everyone at the bank saw your TV ad." "Great." "Omar the jihadi." "Come on, they were impressed." "Everyone says you're gonna be famous." "It's not so bad, you know." "You have a great role on American Safety." "We should be celebrating." "You know, this American Safety job..." " I wanted to tell you..." " What?" "You're starting your first episode today." " Aren't you excited?" "I am." " Yeah." "You're right, it should be celebrated." "We'll have another reason to celebrate soon." "Omar, you're all right with this, right?" "You're not gonna judge me differently later?" "No, I just want our child to live in a place where nobody will think twice about his name, where "Nasser" is just as American as "Giuliani" or "Lieberman."" "It's gonna happen, Omar." "It is, okay?" " Dez." " Omar, are you listening carefully?" "I just got back from a little breakfast meeting." "This is hot shit, homeboy." "This is big." "This is awesome." "I'm talking major studio, leading role." "Are you ready?" "You got an audition in two hours." " I got the script for you right here." " Dez, thank you." "Thank you." "This is the kind of thing I wanted." " You're gonna nail it." " Yeah, I will." " You're gonna nail it." " I'll nail it, I promise." "I'll nail it." "All right then." "Son of a bitch." "Hey, Murad." "Come in." "Yo, M, you all right?" "I heard." "Yeah, Sam called his lawyer for me." " The Jew did that?" " Yeah, the Jew did this for me, Murad." "You know, about yesterday, I just wanted to say that..." "Murad, forget it." "We're friends for a long time." "Okay?" " I just want respect." " You should have respect." "But we should respect other people or we're never going to pull ourselves up." "You hear me?" " I do." " Good." "Listen, I need to fix this place up and sell it." "I need to put my life together." "Go have some coffee or tea." "Fikry here has started." " Thank you." " Murad." "Fikry, how are you, habibi?" "What are you doing here?" " What are you doing here always?" " I was waiting for you." " Can you fix it?" " I fix." "Not like you fixed the sign." " What's wrong with the sign?" " Well, you missed one word." "I give a good price!" "What, you want one-word refund?" "Thank you, Mrs. Jensen." "Tell Sam I appreciate it." "Look, it shows that we sold the land with the option that we can buy it back." "That's why I've been sending money to Egypt." "So it's a deed." "Okay, we need to get it translated." "But how long will it take?" "I need to sell this place." "I need the money so I can buy the new place with Sam." "I don't think you understand, Mr. Marzoke." "They have frozen all your assets until the investigation is over." "I advise you not to even try to liquidate any property right now." "But this is my money." "You give me a few days." " Hi." "Can I help you?" " Hi." " One coffee, please." " No problem." "Hey, check this guy." "I saw him before, man, like on the news or something, but with the whole raghead business." " You mean like the terror alert thing?" " I don't know, man, but..." "He just left his backpack right behind you." "Hey, man." " Is that your bag over there?" " Yeah." "Maybe you shouldn't be leaving it lying around." "What?" "You think I'm a suicide bomber?" "Look, I've seen you before, man." "Yeah?" "Where, on TV, beheading an innocent reporter maybe?" "Well, you've got me pegged, man." "I am a terrorist." "And if you don't get out of my face, my fucking face," "I'm gonna blow this place up!" "But first, I'm gonna have my coffee." "All right?" "Okay?" "Thanks." "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." "This is TVLA 4 breaking news." "Authorities have identified these men as part of an ongoing terrorist operation in Los Angeles." "All are believed to be at large in the US or trying to enter." "What's really going on?" "I mean, what is really going on?" "Do they cast actors for this crap?" "Pretty soon everybody's gonna be scared shitless of anyone with a suntan." "It's a good time for Americans to stay alert." "Murad, we already talked about this." "No more news." "Watch a movie." "I want people to walk here and look, nice atmosphere." "No bad elements." "Okay?" "You!" "Place your hands behind the back of your head, interlace your fingers and stand up." "Put your hands behind your head." "All right, Mr. Nasser, you can go." "But I want to say this, under the circumstances, we take what you said very seriously." "Doesn't matter what the situation was or how angry the other guy made you." "Do something like this again and they're not gonna be so forgiving next time." " Got it?" " Yeah, sure." "Hey, wait." "I'm sorry I'm late." "I apologize." "Omar, there's nothing I can do." "They're gone." "It's over." " Can't we reschedule?" " They cast the role." "They shoot next week." "Look, I'm sorry." "They really wanted to see you, but it's a done deal." "I'm here." "Leila, where is Mohammed?" "I thought he was with you." "No, you were supposed to bring him here." " What about Sabir?" " They were both gone when I got up." "Phone home, see if they're back and try Salwah." "Okay." "You have to replace all these pipes." "They are no good." "Come on, Ya Ya." "Yo, Omar." "We were just talking about you." "Just saw your TV ad for your show." "I thought no more terrorists, man." "Hey, don't listen to him." "You're doing great." "You're gonna be a big star." "I have to run." "We're shooting." " How did we do?" " $750." "Omar, I know you're busy with acting." "That's great, but I need a full-time driver, man." "I need the money." "You don't want me to drive for you now?" "You focus on acting." "Let me take the cab off your hand." "I need..." "I need it, man." "Look, it's really a bad time for me." "Can we talk?" "Listen, I've got some problem here." "Ya Ya's here fixing the thing." "I need to fix all this situation." " Mustafa, you're okay." " Hey, Sam, how you doing?" "Have a seat." "We'll get you a shisha." "All right." "Won't say no to a shisha." "Look, Mustafa, it's very important, something I didn't tell anybody." "Listen, thank you for what you did yesterday." "Taking Salwah to Sam, it made all the difference." "Leila, shisha for Sam." "Listen, listen." "Come back, we'll talk, okay?" "Ya Ya, talk to me!" "Oh, whoa, Sam." "Don't suck so hard." "You need to treat it like a nipple." "A nipple." "Sorry." "You see that?" "Gentle." "You like?" "I knew that you would like that." "Me, too." "Yes, you like big fat juicy nipples, just like me." "That's why I like Jewish women." "That's funny." "I got the idea that you didn't like Jewish people at all." "No, man." "What..." "You're not feeling me, Sam." "I love Jewish women." "The best sex that I ever had was with a Muslim woman and a Jewish woman at the same time." "You know how Muslims and Jews fight over Jerusalem?" "That's how they fought over my dick." "And I ain't bullshitting you." "You need to hit that shit, Sammy." "Well, somehow I think it would be hard for me to get a Muslim woman into bed." "No." "No." "Just convince them that you're doing it for peace." "That's how you get them." "Peace, my friend." "Everybody fucks everybody else for peace." "I guess you got a point there." " You okay, Sam?" " Yeah." "Yeah, Murad was just giving me some new insights into smoking a shisha." "Thank you, my friend, for yesterday." "Oh, no." "I'm sorry it happened." "You okay?" "You seem..." "I guess Angela told you they froze my money." "Yeah, yeah." "Mustafa, listen." "Maybe the timing isn't right." " Yeah?" " Sam, you put the deposit on the building," "I pay you my share when I work my situation out." " We'll have it in writing." " No, yeah, yeah..." "Look, there are some complications that we have to address." "Your circumstances have changed, right?" " This is only a cash flow problem." " No." "No." "No." "Okay, look, this is hard for me." "You know I'm in business with my family, right?" "And my family is run like a corporation, believe me." "So until your legal situation is cleared up they want to offer you a different deal." "They put up the total investment, you run the place." "You want me to run the place for you?" "Like a manager?" " No." "No." " Sam, we are partners, you and me." "Mustafa, don't take this the wrong way." "I have to tell you what they're saying." "You want me to work for your family." "It's not what I want." "I'm getting outvoted here." "Do you understand?" "What about our chance?" "Let's just see what happens, okay?" "Let's just see how it goes." "Okay?" "Omar, you're late." "We've been trying to reach you." " Yeah, look, I had a problem." " What do you mean?" "Omar, what's up?" "We're waiting." "Those lines, I can't say them." "You did them in rehearsal and you were cool with it." " No, I'm not cool with it." " Okay, but we're shooting, okay?" "The show airs in a week." "They will seriously have your head if you just walk out in the middle of this." "The scene has no sense." "The lines are stupid." "Character isn't real." "I don't understand what he's trying to do." "Okay, he's a terrorist." "He's full of hate." "That's all you have to play." "No." "That's what I'm saying." "That's exactly wrong." "Wait, what's happening?" "Omar has problems with how his character's being portrayed in the script." "It's a bit late for that, isn't it, Omar?" " Let's get on with it, bud." " Don't call me bud." " Read the lines and see how they sound." " I have read the lines." "And since I'm producing this show, you're either gonna do the lines as they're written or I'll replace you." "I don't care how late in the day it is." "Are you stupid or don't care if it's propaganda or not?" "All right." "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." "No, you leave." "I'm talking to her." " Get security." " Hey, over here." " Believe this?" " I can't..." "I mean, he's..." "I don't know what to do." "What's up?" "Now, I'd advise you to go on your own and not make them force you, okay?" "All right, everybody, back to work." "This is over." " No, no, it's not over." "It's not over." " Hey, hey." "Get this maniac off of me." " Listen to me." "Wait a minute." " Get off of me." " Wait, wait, wait." "I want to..." " Get off of me." " Listen." " Wait!" "Freeze!" "Get out!" "Johnny, get out of here." "Down!" "Down!" "Omar, chill out, man." "I was surprised when you said you wanted to do this." "Last time I saw you, you practically sprinted away from me." "I don't know what to say." "Tell me about you." "I mean, you're a mystery to me." " You're Egyptian, right?" " Yes." "Uh..." "I was born there." "That's all." "Okay, well, I came here when I was 12." "And I went to school and to college here." "So, really, you know, this is like my home." "Yeah, but still, it must have been hard for you, the transition from Egypt to America." "Uh..." "No, not really, you know." "I wanted to fit in, so..." "Well, you know, Egypt's right at the top of my list." "You okay?" "I love Egyptian history." "I love Middle Eastern music, Middle Eastern food." "Every time I'm on the Westside, I go to that..." "What's the name of it?" "It's an Egyptian place." " Habibi's?" " Habibi's, yeah." "It's a great place." " That's my brother's place." " Come on." " Really?" "That's amazing." " Yes." "What does it mean, "habibi"?" ""My love."" "Do you want to eat?" "No." "We're at Coyote Film Studios in East Los Angeles, where a gunman has seized a number of hostages." "Eyewitnesses say that the man, an actor, Omar Jamal Abdul Nasser, attacked members of a film crew and is holding the director, the producer and others against their will." "A security guard has been reported to be shot." " Is this guy flying solo?" " He's a disgruntled employee." "He got picked up earlier for a similar thing." "I got a man trying to penetrate from the roof up there and another seeking a vantage point from over here." "Why didn't you just listen?" "Omar, please." "It's just a TV show, okay?" "It doesn't mean anything." "It means everything." "We're live at the studios where the new TV series American Safety is filmed." "An Egyptian-born Muslim actor and part-time cab driver Omar Nasser" " is still holding..." " I don't understand." "... the film crew hostage at gunpoint." " How can this be?" " He didn't do it." "Change the channel." "Put it on an Arab station." " Hey, hey, hey!" " Leave it, Murad." "I just asked him to give up driving my cab." "That can't be it, Mustafa." "There has to be a problem, man." "The problem is this young generation." "They listen to their heart and forget about their brain." "You just wait." "If there is another 9/11 it will be safer for all of us to go back to Iraq with Fikry." "... officers inspecting the roof of the studio where Mr. Nasser is holding the hostages." "We don't know if police are preparing any kind of assault on the studio, but I've been assured by the office authority..." "Anybody working here?" "Leila, see what he wants." "No, no, no." " No, no, no." "I'm sorry." " What's wrong?" "Wait." "I won't hurt you." "No, stop." "Stop, please." "I'm sorry, I..." " What did I do wrong?" " I thought..." "I thought I could do this, but I can't." "It's..." "It's not you." "It's me." "You wouldn't understand." "I can't even believe it." "I don't believe what I'm seeing." "You liked it with a lot of sauce, right?" "You know what?" "I come in here and spend good money for service, not to take a load of crap off you." "Sir, you're talking to my daughter." "I come in here all the time." "Your daughter is rude to me." "I don't have to put up with this shit." "Sir, I'm asking you not to speak like that here." "Or you'll what?" "Come on." "Look at you people." "You're fucking pathetic." " Who are you calling pathetic, bitch?" " You, and all of you, sitting around bitching and moaning all day about how Arabs are treated, fighting amongst yourselves." "If that's the best you can do, you deserve to have your asses kicked." "You've got to let it go." "You can't win like this." "You'll just end up getting hurt." "I'm already hurt." "Hanging in there?" "Good." "You want some water?" "Keep the pressure on your leg and keep still." " Kate?" " Omar, what are you doing?" "His name is still being withheld." " What did the doctor say?" " He said..." " Put down the gun, Omar!" " No!" "Put it down, Omar." "You're going to get hurt." " Omar?" " The SWAT guys are on their way." "They will not hesitate to kill you." "You have my word on that." "I was gonna let them go." "It's an accident." "I believe you." "I believe you." "I'm gonna put down my gun." "Now..." "You step away from them." "You put your gun down now." "You can't arrest me." "I was gonna let them go." "Nobody's gonna do anything." "We're just gonna talk." "I'll listen." "Omar?" "My fiancée, she's..." "I've just heard a single shot that sounded like a discharge from a high-powered rifle, possibly one of the sniper rifles..." "You deserve to have your asses kicked." "I'll kick your ass, you sand nigger." " Me, sand nigger?" "50 Cent wannabe, trying to look like a black man." "You think people in this country think you're cool?" "Damn right they think I'm cool." "You understand?" "They don't think you're cool, asshole." "Sir, I told you, watch your language!" "Excuse me, I'm looking for Mustafa Marzoke." "I am Mustafa Marzoke." "What is your reaction to your employee, Omar Nasser, being killed by police tonight?" "What?" "EMS are coming out with someone on a stretcher." "Yes, we're getting reports that the gunman, Omar Nasser, has been shot and killed by police, and that all the hostages are alive." "In fact, I am seeing the hostages now." "No, no, no!" " They fucking murdered him!" " Stay." "Get the fuck out of my face!" "Get the fuck out." "You people, you fucking murder us." "You fucking film our suffering for your entertainment!" "Fuck you!" "Murad, Murad, Omar is dead." "He's dead." "What murder?" "He takes people hostage with a gun." " What do you expect to happen?" " Fuck you!" " And fuck your American media!" " No, fuck the Arab media!" "Tell me about your employee, Mr. Marzoke." "Did he have extremist political or religious views?" "What?" "No." "Do you know if he has any connection to any of the other Middle Eastern men being arrested tonight by police?" "He was our friend." "Go away, please." " Fucking camel cocksucker." " Go away!" "Go away!" " Out!" "We're closed!" " Okay." "Okay." "All right." "Please." "We're closed!" "Out!" "It's all right." "It's okay." "Mustafa, I heard about Omar..." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my..." "Who did this?" "I did it." "I did it all." "What?" "Mustafa..." "You don't need to worry about me or the land." "Do you understand?" "You're released from all of that." "You've done your duty." "You've done more than enough." "You've made a new life for all of us." "Sam, I've always respected your decisions and let you run the family business," "but this time, the family thinks you're mistaken." "So I hear." "Then you're prepared to get us out of this arrangement?" "Ben." "I've always believed in our purpose." "I've always tried to keep that foremost in my mind, but if anyone asked me to apply that belief," "or even money for that matter, to the destruction of other people's lives," "I would draw the line." "Well, I know Mustafa." "And I know that he is the same kind of man." "We are tied together by the same forefather." "More importantly, I believe we are tied together now, here." "We're Americans." "We can make a difference." "We can change things, maybe show that catastrophe isn't a foregone conclusion." "The everyday act of breaking bread together is more powerful than all the hate." "Let's do it!" "What's this?" "Wait." "It's supposed to say, "American Middle East."" "Ya Ya, what happened?" "I write the way you tell me on the phone." " What?" " I write the way you tell me on the phone." "I don't know what he said or what you wrote, but it's "American Middle East."" "What's the difference?" "He gave us a great price." "I can't argue with that." "Our investors." "Here come Fikry and Murad and the four Mohammeds." "What are they doing here?" "Murad, I thought no SUV." " It's a hybrid, bitch." " Mother bitch." " Mustafa, look, we talked about this." " You know, good luck for us." "No, no, no, no, no, no, we talked about this, right?" "This place is gonna be different." "It's a business, not a social club." " Sure, Sam." "Sure." " Let's just get them in." " Whoa, we were here first." " No, we come before you." " No, you didn't." " David, David, it's okay." "No, it's not okay." "Mr. Bloom is an investor." "He was here first." "Yo, March of the Penguins, step off, boy, all right?" " Murad..." " Just because you spend..." "Hello, young man." "Who are you?" "I'm Mustafa's son and my name is Mohammed." "Good." "Let's go inside, shall we?" " Are you hungry?" " Yeah, looks good." "Don't pay attention to them." "They don't know what they're doing." "Subtitles by LeapinLar" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on Vikings..." "Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge, but I would give far more." "We will raid east again." "Every year we go to the same places!" "But there is an alternative." "They are my ships." "And they go where I tell them to go." "That's the end of the matter." "We should sail west." "We can't sail across an open ocean." "I have something that will change everything." "You keep talking about the west." "I believe..." "I don't care what you believe." "Don't ever stick your nose in my face again." "The boat will be lighter and faster than before." "And you think it could handle long sea voyages?" "We won't know that until we try." "We must find a crew." "Not many men will go against the wishes of Haraldson." "Some may even go to him and betray us." "Eric." "Ragnar Lothbrok, welcome to my house." "You also, Rollo." "I've done as you asked, Ragnar, and sought out these young men to meet you." "All of them have sworn upon their rings to keep this meeting a secret." "You have done well, my friend, although I knew I could trust you." "What are we here for?" "You are here, firstly, because you have nothing better to do." "See, all you lot live idle and wasted lives." "Listen to him!" "We have built a new boat." "A boat?" "And with this boat, for the first time, we can go west." "Across the great sea to a place called England, where countless riches await us." "How would we steer across the open sea?" "We have discovered a way." "You want us to join you in the boat?" "Yes, we do." "And I have Ragnar's word that we will all be equal and share equally the spoils of our raid." "If there are any." "What is your name?" "Knut." "I promise you, Knut, I've heard witnesses." "Just stories." ""Just stories."" ""Just stories"?" "All things begin and end as stories." "We have to remember, though, that Earl Haraldson has ordered us to sail east." "The Earl knows nothing about our new boat." "He knows nothing about the new way of navigating." "This is why he refuses to let us go west." "He could kill us for disobeying his orders." "Yes, he could." "We can offer you a chance to shine in battle and impress the gods, and to bring back such plunder that you have never seen before." "Have you got the balls to join us?" "I'll go." " And I." " I will go." " I, too!" " I will, too!" " And I!" " I will go!" "What about you, Knut?" "Are you coming?" "Yes, I want a good story to tell my children." "Ah!" "Prepare to leave in the next few weeks, and tell no one that doesn't need to know." "Good throw." "Well played." "Well?" "My Lord, there was a meeting." "Where?" "In the house of Eric Marteinn." "Was Ragnar Lothbrok there?" "Yes, Lord." "Shall we show them the ax?" "Nothing would please me more, but it's too soon." "We need to watch and wait." "Only good things come from watching and waiting." "Were you looking at my wife?" "Have you slept with her?" "No, Lord!" "I swear on all the gods." "If she wants to sleep with you, then I give my permission." "It will all be arranged." "So when do we sail?" "I already told you." "I don't want you to come." "Why not?" "I need to leave the children and the farm in the hands of someone I trust." "What if the Earl finds out we have gone without his permission?" "He might try and claim our family home." "This was going to be the most exciting voyage of our lives." "To go west!" "I have dreamed of it many times, and in my dreams, we are always together." "What if there is no west?" "This is the most dangerous and stupid voyage ever." "What if we both die, hmm?" "Then who would take care of the children?" "Rollo?" "You have no right to say that!" "All right, all right." "You go." "You go and I shall stay here and look after the children." "Siggy?" "Go away!" "It's so cold in here, but we'll be warm soon enough." "What do you take me for?" "Did you really suppose that a worm like you could sleep with a woman like me?" "I'm an Earl's wife!" "Now I know who to trust and who not to trust." " Take him." " Yes, Lord." "Get rid of him." " Come." " Go where?" "Outside." "Get up!" "My love!" "Never mind that." "Defend yourself." "How dare you!" "Am I not good enough for you?" "Am I not strong enough for you?" "Listen..." "You listen." "Don't you remember?" "I saved your life." "How could I forget?" "You keep reminding me." "I'm so angry with you!" "Stop!" "Are you mad?" "You could have killed each other!" "Is that what you want?" "We were just having an argument." "Well, never argue like that again." "Go on then!" "Back to bed!" "Huh." "It's a fine thing when the little pig teaches the boar a lesson." "Olafur surprised me." "I didn't think, out of all of them, he would behave like that." "A man lives or dies by his honor." "That's true." "He thought so little of mine that he really believed that I would give you to him?" "Honor is a rare commodity these days." "Yes." "Almost as rare as those in whom I can trust." "It's true, my love, our enemies are everywhere." ""Everywhere"?" "They cannot prevail." "They cannot prevail." "Rollo." "Nice work, Eric." "Where is my anchor?" "It was promised for today." "Maybe your blacksmith is a liar." "Oh, I don't think so." "This hair is from his daughter's head." "I promised him that if he went to Earl Haraldson," "I would find a way to kill her." "I still don't see Knut." "Well, that's because he isn't here." "He hasn't sent word either." "That troubles me." "We live in a sea of troubles." "But look, some are ended." "Here, this is yours." "And this is mine." "Master." "May the gods bless us with powerful winds and calm seas." "Come here, slave." "Cover the ravens." "Feel that wind." "That breeze is up." "Ready the oars!" "Come." "Well?" "They have set sail." "Good." "They'll never be heard from again." "But..." "But what?" "What if Ragnar is right?" "There are no lands to the west!" "Get out." "It's noon." "Look at the board." "Get the bucket." "Not too far south." "Nor too far north." "The board works." "How do we know?" "Ah." "The great sea is held in place by Jormungand, the serpent, whose giant body encircles it, and who keeps his tail in his mouth to complete the circle and stop the waves breaking loose." "But one day, the god Thor, son of earth, was fishing in the sea for the serpent, using a bull's head for bait." "Jormungand reared up and the waves pummeled the shore as he twisted and writhed in a fury." "They were well matched, serpent and god, in that furious fight." "The seas boiled around them, but then the hook became dislodged, and the serpent slithered free" "and sank again, so quickly, beneath the waves." "And soon, the sea was calm once more, as if nothing had disturbed it." "Thor." "Storm's coming." "Should we let down the sail?" "Floki, should we let down the sail?" "Yes, we have to take the sail down, and then we must row." "If we are not moving forward, then we will be soaked by the waves and sink." "Ready?" " Keep her straight!" " You heard him!" "Tent!" "Shove the oars!" "Row!" "Row!" "Are you afraid?" "Yes, Ragnar Lothbrok, I am afraid." "But not for me." "I am afraid for my boat." "Thor is striking his anvil." "He is angry with us." "He wants to sink us." "It's true!" "Thor is beating his hammer." "The lightning is the sparks from his anvil." "But he's not angry with us." "I understand now." "Why should he be angry with us?" "Why should he want to sink our boat?" "Don't you understand?" "He is celebrating." "He is full of good news." "He wants to show everybody that he can't sink this boat." "He loves this boat!" "Sit down, you idiot!" "It's my boat, and the gods love my boat." "Why should I not be happy?" "Floki, sit down." "Remember, you can't swim!" "Father Cuthbert!" "What is it, Brother Athelstan?" "We can all see the signs." "Signs?" "What signs?" "Of what do you speak?" "You know as well as we that judgment day is at hand." "Jeremiah says so!" ""And on that day, the sun shall be darkened," ""and the moon shall not give her light," ""and the stars of heaven shall fall."" "In the name of God, that is enough." "But it's true!" ""And I stood upon the sand of the sea," ""and saw a beast rise up out of the sea," ""having seven heads and 10 horns."" "I will hear no more!" "You will return to your dormitory and pray to God for forgiveness and humility." "And when the storm has passed, all shall be well." "You will do as I order." "Yes, Father." "Father!" "Good day to you, blacksmith." "My Lord, how can I be of use to you?" "You make anchors, don't you?" "Yes, Lord." "Have you made any recently?" "No, not recently, Lord Haraldson." "You didn't forge an anchor for a man called Ragnar Lothbrok?" "I would have remembered." "Don't hurt my daughter." "Why would I hurt your daughter?" "His Lordship just wants to know the truth." "Did you forge the anchor for Ragnar Lothbrok's ship?" "Yes, I forged it." "Let go of her." "Put down your hammer." "I promise you no harm will come to your daughter." "Look in the flames." "The sages say that we can see our future" "in the flames." "No!" "Please, no!" "What do you see?" "I see my own death." "No!" "No!" "No!" "There is no west!" "We are not sailing towards any new country, but just into an empty ocean," "utterly and completely lost." "Kauko, Leif, we have been persuaded by madmen and fools." "The god Loki is behind this voyage." "That scoundrel, that sly one." "Trouble and suffering are meat and drink to him." " Shut up, man!" " No!" "No." "If anyone is mad, it is you." "I'm not the one who convinced all these good men to sacrifice their lives for a dream, an illusion." "It wasn't me who joined forces with The Sly One to get us to sail west into nothing, into nowhere." " He's mad!" " Don't tempt the gods!" "Oh, and here we are, lost, certain to die." "For what?" "Sit down and shut up." "You sound like The Sly One." "Perhaps you are the god of mischief who sends men mad and sends them to their deaths." "Sit down!" "I curse the day I ever agreed to come with you, Ragnar Lothbrok." "For this ship is cursed, and we are..." "Release the ravens." "If the birds do not return, there is land." "But if they do..." "They've come back." "There's no land." "Seabirds!" "Seagulls!" "Seagulls?" "Listen!" "Whoo-hoo!" "It works!" "Yeah!" "We made it!" "Row!" "We made it!" "Row!" "Ragnar, you did it!" "Tie the sail!" "Oars!" "Drop the oars!" "What is it?" "Why was the warning bell rung?" "They've come." "They are here." "Who is here?" "Hell and all its devils!" "Lock the doors and stay inside, all of you!" "Hurry." "The gate!" "They know we're here." "No one throw their lives away unnecessarily, even to impress the gods." "Stay close." "They're here!" "Come, Brother!" "Quick!" "Arne, get to work." "Don't be afraid." "Trust in God, and let us pray." "This is the end!" "The Son of Man cometh!" "Get away!" "Leif." "Ah!" "I don't understand." "Why do they leave such treasures unprotected?" "Is there some spell, some magic which protects them?" "It appears not." "Perhaps they think their god protects them." "If this is their god, then he's dead." "He is nailed to a cross." "He cannot protect anyone." "He is not alive, like Odin, Thor or Freyr." "What use is he then?" "You speak our language?" "How do you speak our language?" "I've traveled." "We are told to travel, to take the word of God." "Please, don't kill me." "What is that you have in your hand?" "A book." "The gospel of St. John, I wanted to save it." "Of all the treasures I see in this place, you chose to save this?" "Yes." "Hmm." "Why?" "Why?" "Because without the word of God, there is only darkness." "This is a strange place indeed." "We have been everywhere and we have found no women." "Just these strange men." "I believe they are the priests of their god." "Take what you will." "This is what we came for." "Why have you not killed this one?" "He is worth more alive to sell as a slave." "I will kill him." "We have no room left on the boat." "I forbid it." "How can you forbid it, little brother?" "We are all equals, and I say he dies." "Does it really mean that much to you, brother?" "This is what we care for your god." "So much gold!" "Look!" "Keep them moving!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Indians!" "Get Sergeant Boswell." "That's all there is." "The line's gone dead, Sergeant." "White Eagle, sir." " Hello, Chief." " Hello." " They explained the situation?" " Yes, Colonel, but it is not possible." "Well, even though the message was garbled, we're almost certain the word "Indian" was included." " Isn't that correct, Boswell?" " Yes, sir." "But, Colonel, there are no Sioux in direction of Medicine Bend and no Sioux on warpath." " You're positive?" " Yes, Colonel." " Boswell." " Yes, sir?" "Find Sergeants Merry, Deal and Barrett." "I want them at once." "Sir, they're off duty, sir." "Well, Sergeant." "Sir, they're in Claymore, sir, and you know what that means, sir." " Find them, Boswell." " Yes, sir!" "(MEN LAUGHING AND CHATTERING)" "(WOMEN LAUGHING)" "WOMAN:" "Well, hi, soldier boy." "(WOMEN CONTINUE LAUGHING)" "Why don't you dance?" "I'd rather hear him play!" "Dance, boy!" " Come on, play!" " Dance!" "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Come on, play!" "ALL:" "Play!" "Gentlemen, now, I can either play or I can dance, but I can't..." "MAN:" "Oh, yeah, you can." "You can play and dance." " Dance!" " Play!" " Come on!" "Come on!" " Play!" "(ALL CLAMORING)" "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Hey." "Hey!" "What's all this bugle playing, dancing and shooting?" "Haul it down, will you?" "Who's gonna stop us?" "(ALL MURMURING)" "You're gonna stop us?" "No, he is." "(GROANS)" "(PEOPLE LAUGHING)" "(SCREAMING)" "Oh, no." "(SCREAMING)" "Ah!" "There they are." "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "Sergeant Merry, report to the Colonel!" "At once!" "Where did you get that big white mule?" "Mr. Purdy gave it to me." "He also gave me this trumpet, which I've been playing since I was knee high." " Who is Mr. Purdy?" " He was my master." "He freed me after the war." "He said to me, "Jonah..." That's my name, Jonah." "He said, "Jonah, I'm ruined, so you take Cephie and that blasted horn and you get." ""You're a free man now." So, I get." " Who is Cephie?" " This here is Cephie." "That's not her real name." "Her real name is Bucephalus, but that's too hard to say." " Where you heading?" " With you." "With us?" "It's impossible, son." " MIKE:" "You better go on back." " Go back where?" "I ain't got no home, Sergeant." "I'm just drifting." "But I'm looking for a home, though." "I'm afraid there's no home for you where we're going." "Well, I've been around animals all my life, horses and mules." "Couldn't I work around the fort for my keep?" "I don't think we're taking on any help." "Sergeant Mike, I could play the trumpet for you when you fellows are feeling low." "Or I could join up." "Why, I sure would like to be a soldier dressed in pretty blue uniforms, like you fellows." "Let him come." " Sure, Mike, why not?" " Come on." "I didn't write the regulations." "It can't be done." "I'm sorry." "Come on, get up then." "It's a thing I'll not tolerate." "Do you understand?" "I will not tolerate it." "You men are sworn to protect the property of the people of this community." "Not break it up, not smash it up." "Is that clear?" "Yes, sir." "Well, you'll pay for it." "Down to every last dime, you will pay for it." "All the glasses, the mirror, the furniture, everything." " Boswell?" " Yes, Colonel." "You will tell the owner of the Antler bar to present his claim to the paymaster, who will make the proper deductions from the vouchers of Sergeant Merry, Deal and Barrett." "Yes, sir." "Sir..." "You have something to say for yourself, Sergeant Merry?" "Yes, sir, I mean, that is..." "Well, the buffalo hunters busted up half the place, and they should pay their share." " Are you arguing with me, Sergeant?" " No, sir." "Let me remind you of what I've already said." "You did listen, didn't you?" "Oh, yes, sir." "They're citizens and you're soldiers!" "Or supposed to be." "Yes, Sergeant?" " Nothing, sir." " Very well." "Now, let's just say that I happen to need you men at the moment." "You know, merely paying for this is not going to settle the matter." "We'll discuss further punishment later." "You know, maybe I should teach you men the value of those stripes by taking them away from you." " Sergeant Merry." " Sir." "You will assemble a detail and proceed at once to Medicine Bend." "Telegraph line is out there under very mysterious circumstances." "We received what our telegrapher believes to be a distress call when the line went dead." "You are to investigate the situation and report back to me as soon as possible." " That'll be all." " Yes, sir." "You go along with them, Wilson, and see that they get started." "Yes, sir." "(MEN SHOUTING ORDERS)" "Aaron Redhut, Jasper Mullino, Blue Pigeon." " John Tippy." " Sir!" "Red Eagle." "Caleb Iron-Mountain." "Aaron Redhut." "Red Eagle." " Caleb." " Yes, Sergeant." "Where'd that big white mule come from?" "What big white mule, Sergeant?" "That big white mule." "Easy now." "Easy now." "Let me put this on you." "Now that you're all straightened out, doesn't that feel good?" "He give you that saddle?" " Well, Sergeant..." " He's a very good man with the mules and horses, Sergeant, very good." " And he could use a helper." " That's right." "All right, okay." "But remember, son, you're a civilian." "You're not part of the military, you got it?" "Yes, sir." "Yes, Sergeant Mike." "Column of twos." "Halt." "I pick up rider who follow us, Sergeant." " Who is he?" " Well, he..." "I..." "So, you wouldn't listen?" "Listen to what, Sergeant Mike?" "I told you this is no place for civilians." "This is an army detail." "Well..." "There are so many horses to take care of." "And I can carry water, too." "You better go back." "Go on back to the fort." "It's against regulations, so go on back to the fort." "He don't understand." "I'll explain." "Yeah, you do that, Sergeant." "Is Caleb following back there with a rear guard?" "Yes, Sergeant Chip." "All right, you go back there and stay out of sight." " But Sergeant Mike said..." " Just stay out of sight." " Well, what do you make of it?" " I don't know." "CHIP:" "Nice quiet town." " Let's have a look." " Let's go, baby." " Corporal Ellis." " Yes, Sergeant." "Get the horses into the corrals, leave them saddled." "Jones, post your men on that side!" "(MULE BRAYING)" "So you made him understand, huh?" " Still with that detail there." " Still with the detail." "Anything happens to him, I'm gonna see you get court-martialed." "Let's take a look around." " Your posting, sentries." " Outside the town, Sergeant!" "Ellis." "You seen any Indians?" " How do you figure this?" " I don't." " Go get those horses some water." " All right." "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "Who are you?" "Psst." "Ask him who he is." "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "He says he's from the far west, beyond the mountains." "Two moons." "That's 2,000 miles." "He's crazy." " What have we got here?" " I don't know." "No arms, nothing." "Look at those markings on his vest." "Never saw Indians like this before." "Watanka!" "MEN:" "Watanka!" "Watanka!" "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "(MEN RESPONDING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "Watanka!" "MEN: (SCREAMING) Watanka!" "Ambush!" "(GUNSHOTS)" "What took you so long?" "(INDIANS SCREAMING)" "The Fourth of July." "Get out of there, Jonah." "It's no time to dig holes." "Yes, Sergeant." "(GUN FIRING)" "You nitwit, that's dynamite!" "Well, it wasn't dynamite when I brought it in." "Now." "(GUN COCKING)" "I'll go across the street to the barber shop and cover you." " Hey!" " Larry!" "Look out!" "Go ahead and throw it, I'm ready." "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "(GUNSHOTS)" "(GUNSHOTS)" "(INDIANS SCREAMING)" "(SCREAMS)" "(GROANS)" "(SCREAMS)" "Will you stop clowning around and get up here?" "(SCREAMS)" "Whoa!" "(COUGHING)" "(LARRY SIGHS)" "Report to the Colonel, detail coming in with wounded." "Sloppy!" " Boswell." " Yes, sir?" "Have those men report to my office, immediately." "Yes, sir." "Well, that's it." " That's what?" " I'm through." " Through with what?" " The army!" " Oh, sure." "Sure." " Sure." "We heard that song before." "Oh, you think I'm joking." "I could have been blown to bits 50 times on that roof." "I'm tired of tempting fate." "That's it!" " Don't tell me good old Larry's a coward?" " Now, you know better than that." "Four days I'll be out, and I'm not gonna re-enlist." " What do you plan to do?" " Go back east, read law." "I went to college." "Not like you ignorant apes." "Now you hurt me." "MIKE:" "For some reason or other, I can't picture you in a frock coat and a stiff collar, defending a bunch of thieves." "By the way, I'm getting married." " You're getting married?" " What did he say?" "The explosions, you know..." " Getting married?" " That's what he said." "My certificate." "Married." " Amelia?" " Prettiest girl in town." "Not only the prettiest girl in town, but her father's an ex-Major, and he's got a lot of..." "Smart guy!" "Smart enough to be out of the army in four days and married in five." "Meanwhile, I hope you don't mind reporting to the Colonel's office." "He's waiting for you." " Indians who attacked you wear that?" " Yeah." " And this." " Colonel!" " The Ghost Dancers." " Yes." "The Wanagí Wacipi are here in our land." "The Ghost Dancers are from the country beyond the western mountain." "They're followers of a fanatic religion, a religion of death." "Their medicine man is Watanka, who says he is the son of the sun, Watanka." "That's the name that that guy kept yelling." " That's it." " That's it, right." "They believe that when all white men have been killed the buffalo will return, in millions, like in the old days, and that everything will be as it once was." "Hey, I used to have an uncle like..." "Sergeant Merry, you'll reassemble a detail to act as garrison at Medicine Bend." "Let me caution you, we have no way of knowing when or where this trouble may break out again." "You're to act as a garrison only, remaining in constant communication with me." "You'll stay in the town." "There will be no scouting expeditions, or no sorties, or anything of that kind." "Is that understood?" "Yes, sir, understand." "I'll see that Sergeant Deal and Sergeant Barrett do it, right away." "Not Sergeant Barrett, his enlistment is almost up." "He'll be replaced by Sergeant Boswell." "Sergeant Boswell?" "Port arms." "Order arms." "Follow me, by the numbers." "Port arms." "One, two." "Order arms." "One, two." "Right shoulder." "Turn." "I wanna cut." " You don't trust me?" " No." "Cut." "Thank you." "I'll open with a file." "I'll see your file, and I'll raise you an awl." "Well, I'll call your awl with a hoof-cutter, and I'll raise you a small file." " Hi, Lieutenant." " Thanks, Poppy." "All right, I'll see your raise." "How many do you want?" "I don't want any." " You don't want any?" " No." " What are we playing?" " Poker." " What kind of poker?" " Draw poker." "Then you have to draw!" " Have to draw?" " Yeah." "Now, how many do you want?" " Give me four." " Four." "Four." "Take two." "Your bet." "I'll open with a pincher." "Fine." "I'll see your pincher and raise you a rasp." "I call your rasp and raise you a monkey wrench." "I call your monkey wrench and raise you a hatchet." "I call your hatchet and raise you a sledgehammer." "I'll see you." " What do you got?" " Queens." " How many?" " One." "Beats me." "(OFFICER SHOUTING ORDERS)" "One, two, three, four." "Order arms." "One, two, three." "Port arms." "One, two." "Order arms." "Where'd you get this blunderbuss?" "Well, Sergeant, I can't exactly say I found it lying around." "Port arms." "One, two." "Order arms." "One, two." "Right shoulder, turn." "One, two, three, four." "Order arms." "One, two, three." "That's pretty good." "Order arms." "One, two, three, four." "Dismissed!" "What's this?" " Seems like old Cephie's got the pip." " She's terrible sick, Sergeant Mike." "I'm worried sick about her, myself." "I don't know what to do." "She's really sick." "The vet been here, yet?" "Yeah." "He said maybe it's some weeds that she ate on the parade ground and now she's got poison wind, but that don't seem right because I remember she ate a whole field full of weeds once and never acted like this." "I don't think the vet knows what to do." " An old Sioux remedy." " A Sioux remedy?" "Herbs, mixed by the dark of the moon by six medicine men." "Now, that ain't gonna hurt her none, is it?" "You know I wouldn't hurt Cephie." "That's all you use?" "Just that little bit, huh?" "No, that's all you need." "You see, this is very strong." "A little bit goes a long way." "(BRAYING)" "You feel better now, Cephie?" "I think she's all right." "Good girl, Cephie." "Why don't you get yourself a girl and join in?" "That's "Shoemaker's Holiday." March, march." "Why don't they give them some guns so they can go through the Manual of Arms?" "When did you ever do any marching, or anything else?" "I got a lot of endorsements in my file." " You have?" "For what?" " I don't remember." "Hi, Boswell." "Evening, Boswell." "Thank you very much, Mrs. Parent, and good night." " Good night." " Darling." "Well, Sergeant, now that your party is off to a good start," "I believe Mrs. Collingwood and I will leave." " Won't you stay, sir?" " I think you'll have a better time" " if we leave." " Go ahead and dance." "Enjoy yourselves." " Good night." " Good night, sir." "Have a good night." "Good night." "Good night." "Well, what's the matter with you two fellas?" "Couple of wallflowers?" "Oh, no, sir." "You see, we've been working too hard trying to get the detail ready to go." "Well, don't strain yourself, Sergeant." " Night." " Good night." ""Oh, no, sir." "You see, we've been working too hard" ""trying to get the detail ready..." Why, you dirty..." "What do you say we go and put a good word in for old Larry?" "Yeah, for old..." " Beautiful party, Miss Amelia." " Oh, thank you." "Lovely party, Miss Amelia." "Why don't you two join in?" "Well, thank you, but we've got a great deal on our minds." "You know, about the expedition that's coming up and all those things." "Well, you sure are lucky, Larry." "This is gonna be a rough one." " Yes." " Worse than the last one?" " By all means, yes." " (GASPS) Larry told me all about that." "My, you two should be very grateful to Larry for having saved your life so many times." "(LARRY CLEARS THROAT)" " Oh, we are." "We are." " We certainly are." "But, you know, Miss Amelia, I think he's absolutely right." "He should get out of this." "After all, he's an educated man who can look forward to better things." "I mean, he's not at all like Chip and I, you know?" "We're used to constant fighting and hardships." "And it's beginning to tell a little bit on old Larry, don't you think so?" "Mike, I'm so glad to hear you say that." "And you're so right, isn't he, Larry?" "Well, dear?" "Isn't he?" "He's probably thinking about that cozy little home you're going to have." "Fireplace." "Maybe a little kitty-cat on the rug." "CHIP:" "Slippers." "And a smoking jacket." "Peace and solid comfort, right?" "Mortgage." "Don't pay him any mind, he's just jesting." "You know, Larry, it's a wonderful thing having understanding friends like this." "Excuse me." "Sergeant." " Nice party, eh, Boswell?" " Yes, very nice party." "You see, Mike and me, we've been meaning to talk to you." "Talk to me?" " Sure." "You see, you're staff and..." " We're horse barn." "And, you know, we don't get a chance to see each other." "And I figure since we're gonna be comrades, you know, together..." "That's very nice of you, gentlemen." "But it's true." "It's true, Sergeant." "We wanna be one big happy family." " That's the way we want it." " Well, I'm..." " I'm glad you bear me no ill will." " No!" "I was merely doing my duty as a soldier, you know." " As we all must do." " True, Sergeant, true." "Hey, Chip, did you tell him about our secret?" "You see, a few of the fellas, we got together, we chipped in, and we took up a collection." "We, sort of, got some fine drinking whiskey." " That's against regulations." " Sergeant!" "Well..." " On a night like this..." " Right this way." "Come on, Sergeant." "Bar." " Water, Sergeant?" " No, thank you." "Eh?" "I always use a little tonic, myself, so I'll just take a little pinch of it." "There we are." "To the expedition, gentlemen." "To its success and its return." " We could be busted for this, you know?" " Oh, Sarge." "(PEOPLE CLAPPING)" "Excellent whiskey!" "Excellent!" "I don't wish to seem forward but..." "May I?" "Oh, why, sure you may, Sarge." "Comradeship." "Good fellowship." "It's wonderful to have in the army." "It's good for morale of the men." " Don't you think so, Sergeant?" " I'm glad we've finally become friends." "I'm not a bad fella, really." "Just dedicated." "Dedicated." "To dedication!" "That's the best whiskey I have ever tasted." "Well..." "See, you know, we know you're a dedicated sergeant and in the Colonel's confidence." "Well, the reason we didn't get together, you're staff, and I guess we sort of resented it." "I hope that's at an end." "Okay." "Little more tonic." "Sergeant, let us not be selfish with the tonic." "Why, certainly." "Thank you, Sergeant." "Men," "I am staff, and you are horse barn." "However, when we meet the enemy, I assure you..." "Oh, yes." "Here's the book." "Now, Larry, you stay right there and stand still." "Oh." "Here, girls." "Let's pretend these are your bouquets." "One for you." "(CLEARING THROAT)" "One for you, one for you." "Now, stand up straight and look beautiful." "And then..." "Oh, no, you're the Colonel." "Here." "Here, dear." " Now, stand up straight and smile." " Yes, Mama." "Now come on down, darling." " And take the Colonel's left arm." " Yes, Mama." "That's right." "Now..." "Music!" "(HERE COMES THE BRIDE PLAYING ON PIANO)" "(HUMMING)" " Oh, and there's Sergeant..." " I'm the best man." "That's right, you're the best man." " There's the minister." " I'm the preacher Wallingham." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Jenny, let's have no levity." "Oh, Mama, Jenny was only having a little fun." " Oh, please don't start crying." " Amelia, naturally your mother's upset." " Larry, dear, I'm awfully sorry." " Oh, Larry." "He understands me better than my own daughter." "(ALL CLAMORING)" "(MRS. PARENT CRYING)" "Wait a minute, please don't..." "Report for duty?" "What happened to Boswell?" "Sergeant Boswell came down with a..." "He had a gastric attack." "Gastric attack?" "Sorry, ma'am but he's got to report at once." "Larry?" "What is it?" "What does it mean?" "It means my two wonderful friends, my pals, can't seem to get along without me." "You're gonna have to go on the expedition?" " That's right." " Oh, Larry." "I knew they'd figure a way." " Do you mean Mike and Chip did this?" " Nobody else." "Well, Larry, that's outrageous!" "Well, dear, can't you do something about it?" "Talk to someone." " Talk to the Colonel." " That wouldn't do any..." "Maybe it would." "Amelia, would you mind being in a town, alone, with 36 men?" "No, Larry." "Not if you're there." "I'll be there." "Amelia!" "Amelia!" "Whoa!" " Thank you, Private Danvers." " My pleasure, Miss Parent." "Larry." "Oh, Larry!" " I'm so glad to see you." " I thought the days would never go by." " Ain't that cute?" " It's sickening." "Howdy, ma'am." "Welcome to Medicine Bend." "Thank you." "Sure good to get here." "It was a rough ride." "Yeah, the boys fixed you up a real nice place." "(CLEARS THROAT)" " All to yourself." " They did?" " Well, thank you, Mike, Chip." " You're welcome." "Well, it's right over here." " How long is she gonna stay?" " Overnight." "Gonna be a long night." "You just gonna stand around and let her take him away like that?" " In here?" " Nicest place in town for you." " Combs, mirror." " Lovely." "Just lovely." "Look." "Hot water." "Bathtub." "And we hung the drapes." "Oh, Jonah, he picked the wildflowers." "Oh, Larry." "Oh, Larry." " Amelia, Amelia, what's the matter?" " Nothing." "It's just so sweet." "(DOG BARKING)" "Larry, aren't you off duty yet?" "Two minutes and 15 seconds." " Sergeant Chip." " One hand of blackjack." "No, no, no, no." "I've been looking all over for you." "Caleb and I got something important to tell you." " Go ahead, Caleb, tell him about it." " It's about the Wanagí Wacipi." " The what?" " The Ghost Dancers." "Ghost Dancers?" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "12:00, all is well, and I'm off duty." " All right, so you're off duty." " Off my last duty." "Pretty soon I'll be back east." "Nice clean office, no Indians, no dust." "No danger." " Oh, Mike..." " Yeah?" "I don't quite know how to say this, after all we've been through together." "Go ahead and say it." "You're a louse!" "Mike!" " Hey, Mike." " Get out of here, I've got work to do." "Work?" "Wait till you hear what I gotta tell you, you'll forget about work." "You know what I'm gonna do?" "I'm gonna make a hero out of you, a hero out of me and a hero out of good old Larry." "What are you talking about?" "What's the biggest danger this country is in right now?" " I don't know." " Ghost Dancers!" " Ghost Dancers?" " Yeah." "And I know where their medicine man hangs out." "Huh?" " You know what?" " I know where they hang out." "So, you and me and good old Larry, we jump on our horses, we ride out there and we creep in, we grab them." "No more Ghost Dancers." "No leaders." "No chain of command." "No medicine man." "No Ghost Dancers." "How about that?" "See, I knew you'd be interested, Mike." "Now, look, when we get this guy, we bring him back here, right?" "And we put him under heavy guard." "You send a courier to the fort, to the good old Colonel." "He'll come back here, get him." "And we'll get every medal in the book." "You and me and good old Larry." "Smart?" "You can do better than that, Chip." "What are you drinking tonight?" "Come on, Mike, I'm serious." "Where's your patriotism?" " Patriotism?" " Yeah." "Where did you get this cock-and-bull..." " You had help." " Yeah, Jonah." " Jonah?" " And Caleb." " Caleb?" " Yeah, they're friends." "And Caleb is half Sioux." "And he's got a lot of cousins up in the north country, you know?" "They hunt and fish and trap and do everything." "And one of his cousins was telling Caleb that he saw all these guys up in the high places, you know?" "With the lights going and the yelling and screaming." "That's how he found out." " And you believed it?" " Sure, I believed it." " You believe this stupid, idiotic rumor?" " Sure, I do." "You mean, we just go, and we grab them, and we bring them back, and we get the medals?" "Do you remember what the Colonel said before we left the fort?" " What did he say?" " He said, "This is to be a garrison only."" "No fights, no sorties and no exceptions." "Mike, this is an emergency!" "Look, go to bed." "Sleep it off and forget about it." "That's an order." " It's an order?" " That's an order!" "You may out-rank me a little bit with all these here little fancy doo-dads, but you're still nothing but a lousy non-com." " I'm in command." " Well, don't give me that command stuff." "You listen to me, Mike." "If you don't do anything about this, I'm going to, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." " I can put you in jail!" " Jail?" " In jail!" " For what?" "Insubordination." " You really mean it, don't you?" " I mean it!" " Insubordination?" " Insubordination!" "Okay." "You wanna be insubordination?" "Let's make it good." "Come on." "Get up." "Come on." "Come on." "Put them up." "Come on." "Come on, I'm not afraid of you." "Come on." "Come on!" "Put them up." "Come on." "Come on." "Put them up." "Come on." "Come on." "(SIGHING)" " Personal matter?" " Drunk." "Lock him up." "Hey, Jonah, come here." "You got to get me out of here." "We'll go up and get the Ghost Dancers ourselves, and when we do, I'll out-rank him." "Then will the Colonel let me enlist?" "Sure he will, sure he will." "But you got to get me out of here." " (WHISPERING) I got an idea." " Okay." "(DOOR OPENING)" "What're you doing here, Jonah?" " Just visiting, bye." " Bye." " Hi, Ellis." " Hello, Sarge." " Hi, Page." " Hi, Sarge." "Come here." "Come on, I want to talk to you." "Come here." "How long before next payday?" "About two weeks." " So?" " Two weeks, huh?" "Well, aren't you guys getting a little short?" "We've heard all about you, Sarge." "We've got strict orders about you, Sarge." " I just want to help you out a little." " We've heard all about you, Sarge." " We've been warned about you, Sarge." " No, all you have to do is..." " Just..." " Bye." "Why, you dirty stinking rats!" "Jonah!" "What are you doing with that mule?" "Cephie and I, we're gonna get you out of here." "Now, you just back off." " Wait a minute." " Back off, Sergeant Chip." "We going to get you out, now you back off." " Jonah..." " I said back off." "Come on." "Come on, Cephie." "Come on, now." "(BANGING)" "That's it, Cephie, give a good one." "Get up there, higher now!" "Come on back here." "Nice one, Cephie." "Let's get harder now." "Got to get the Sergeant Chip out of there." "Yahoo!" "Cephie, come on!" "(BRAYING)" "Easy!" "Easy!" "Will you watch it?" "The whole building's going to come down." "Doing the best I can, Sarge." "Easy!" "(CEPHIE BRAYING)" "(SHOUTING)" "You'll be out of there in a minute." "Well, watch it!" "Hold it!" "Look out, look out!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Sergeant Chip!" "Sergeant Chip?" "Sergeant Chip?" "Sergeant..." "Sergeant..." "Sergeant Chip?" "Over here." "Sergeant Chip, Caleb's got the gun, and the horses, your gun belt, food and water and everything and two horses in the draw." "Come on, we got to get out of here." "Will you come on?" " The jail fell down?" " That's right, Mike." "He's telling the truth, Chip is gone." "Why, that drunk!" " Do we pursue him?" " Bring him back?" "No, forget about it." "If he's looking for the Ghost Dancers, maybe he'll find them." "They'll know what to do with him." "Okay, on your way." "You too, civilian." "That's it." "Hold it." "Here." " Jonah." " Yeah?" "(EXHALES)" "Oh, yeah." "Well, how much farther we got to go?" "This is the real end of nothing." "Soldiers never come this far along the river." "Only, maybe, a few white trappers." " Unknown country." " It sure is." "In the old days, many hunting Sioux lived along the river." "There is a high place where the Sioux worshipped." " Well, that's what we're looking for, right?" " We'll find it." " Right?" " Right." "What are we hanging around here for?" "Let's get out." "Come on, Cephie." "We got to cross this thing?" "Trappers and Sioux use it." "Is this thing safe?" "It's been here 125 years." "Jonah, you stay here with the horses." "Caleb and I will cross over and take a look." " But Sergeant Chip..." " What is it?" "Well, you remember what you said, that maybe the Colonel will let me enlist." "He won't let me do nothing if you leave me here with the horses." "Well, Caleb knows the way." "Now, what's the matter with you?" "You want to get us lost?" "Well, I know the way, too." "Caleb told me." "And besides, you promised me." "What could I have promised you?" "I didn't know what we were getting into." "Now that sure is going to mess everything up." "Caleb, you think we could find the way okay?" "Yes, Sergeant." "Just follow the trail, you can't miss it." " All right, you're elected." "Come on." " Thanks, Sergeant." "I'm right behind you, Sarge." "Bridge seems all right." "Sergeant Chip!" "Sergeant Chip!" " Sergeant Chip!" " I'm right here." "Help me up." "Will you get her off of that bridge?" "Down, horse." "Cephie!" "Cephie!" "Get back!" "Get her back!" "You're swinging it more than she is." "Hold it!" "JONAH:" "I'll get her, I'll get the horse." "Back!" "CHIP:" "Tell her to get back." "JONAH:" "Not that way, Caleb!" "Not that way." "(JONAH PANTING)" "Cephie." "Cephie, wait." "Do you love me?" "Get off that bridge!" "(CEPHIE BRAYING)" "Get back!" "Get back!" "I got a new idea." "Talk to her." "That's nice." "Talk to her." "That's nice." "She'll go." "That's it." "Oh, Lord." "When I get back, I'm going to kill her!" "I'm going to kill her!" " You can't, Sergeant." " What do you mean I can't?" "Because, well, if it wasn't for Cephie, you'd still be in jail." "Yeah." "That old knot-head." "Come on." "(EXHALES)" "This must be it, huh?" "JONAH:" "That looks like the high place that Caleb was talking about." "Come on now, let's go right along the ledge here." "Attaboy." "That's the cave." "What's in it?" "I can't rightly see from here." "(JINGLING)" "What's that?" "What was that?" "What's happening?" "Sounds like crickets." "Come on, let's go in the cave." "Come on." "It's empty." "Caleb was right." "Sergeant Chip." "How come when the skin came off, the band didn't?" "(JINGLING CONTINUES)" "If those are crickets, they got wooden legs." "There don't seem to be no Ghost Dancers around here." "So, why don't we leave?" "Come on." "(CHANTING)" "(DRUM BEATING)" "(ALL CHANTING)" "(MAN HOOTS)" "By the august face of this image of our lord, Watanka," "I tell you, the day is coming." "Listen to me with ears of the cunning fox, all of you." "The day is coming." "There will be peace and good hunting for us all." "The white-tailed deer will return to the prairie." "The buffalo will come back from the north in their millions, as in the days of our fathers." "All this is promised by our master Watanka, lord of heaven and earth, whose bright face greets us at sunrise." "Kill!" "It will be a golden day, a red day." "Golden with the promise of our future happiness..." "Kill!" "...red with the blood of those enemy intruders, the whites." "But this great day, this promised day of Watanka will not come of itself." "The whites must be killed by our own hands." "Kill!" "The streams of this hallowed land must run red with their alien blood!" "ALL:" "Kill!" "ALL:" "Kill!" "(CHANTING)" "We got to find a way out of here." "The Colonel's got to know." "Kill!" "All right, in the name of the President of the United States of America," "Ulysses S. Grant, you are all under arrest." "Come on!" "MAN:" "Sergeant!" " Sergeant Merry!" " We found them, Sergeant Mike." " Found who?" " The Ghost Dancers." "Just where Caleb said they'd be, up on the high place." "Wait a minute, start again." "We found the Ghost Dancers that Caleb told us about." "They're up on the high place." "Where's Sergeant Deal?" " They got him." " Who got him?" "The Ghost Dancers." "They got him there, and there's a whole bunch of them." "I'll tell you something." "The only reason I got out was because of this here, and the mask." "They're going to kill him, Sergeant." "We'd better get moving, Mike, so we can get him out of there." "You'll do nothing, you're a civilian." "Can you find your way back there again?" " Yes, Sergeant Mike." " Get two horses ready." "Yes, sir." " And get out of those silly clothes." " Yes, Sergeant." "Mike, you taking a detail?" "Detail?" "The Colonel would throw the book at me." "Well, I'm going with you." "You trying to crawl back in the army, Sergeant?" "We don't need you." "This has got nothing to do with the army, and I'm not going to re-enlist." "(CLEARS THROAT)" "Well, if you really want to help your friend Chip," "just sign that." "You're crazy." "I'm not signing anything, except this marriage certificate." "Then you don't go." "We can't have any meddling civilians hanging around." "The army cannot be responsible for you getting your hair lifted." "(WHISTLING)" "I'll fill the rest in later." "Come on, soldier, get your stuff." "What is it, Larry?" "What's wrong?" "Well, Chip's in trouble." "I got to help Mike find him." "What kind of trouble?" "Indian trouble." "Real live Indians?" "Of course, real live Indians." "What are you driving at?" "Nothing." "Just thinking about Sergeant Boswell's gastric attack." " What has Sergeant Boswell's gastric..." " In a word, trickery." "Trickery?" "Oh, Larry, can't you see they're doing it again?" "All right, so even if it were true, and I don't believe for one single minute that it is, there're an awful lot of other soldiers here that can take care of it." "They don't need you." "Amelia, this may be hard for you to understand, but Chip is my friend." " Your what?" " My friend!" "I know it's hard for you to understand." "Yes, it's hard for me to understand after all the things he's done to you." "Well, what am I?" "Don't I count?" "Don't my feelings matter after coming all the way out here?" "Amelia, I know it's very hard and I..." "If you would just listen." "No, I won't listen." "You listen to me, Larry." "My folks didn't want me to come all the way out here." "In fact, my mother was very angry." "And if something happens, and we don't get started back this morning..." "Well, if you have to go looking for Chip..." "Larry, if you go after Chip, then that's the end for us." " That's the kind of a man you want." " What do you mean?" "Someone who'll run out on his friends when they're in trouble?" "Friends?" "And what makes you so sure about the trouble?" "Amelia, you don't want a man, you want a mouse, and I'm not..." "You're so right!" " Then it's settled." " Yes." " Larry." " Yes?" "Be careful." " Oh, please take care of yourself." " I will." "I will." "JONAH:" "This here is where we almost lost Sergeant Chip." "MIKE:" "How much further?" "JONAH:" "That..." "That high place up there." " MIKE:" "This is the only way up?" " Or down." "LARRY:" "What if the Indians are up there?" "MIKE:" "We got to find Chip." "This is it, Sergeant." "MIKE:" "Looks pretty deserted to me, your hole." " This is the cave you talked about?" " Yes." " You're going in there?" " Certainly." " How do you know there's no one in there?" " I don't know." " You're going in anyway?" " You got any better ideas?" "Come on." "(CHIP SHOUTS)" "(GRUNTS)" "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "Great Gods have smiled on us this day, Son." "Yes, Father." "Untie him." "He will never be untied now." "We asked him questions, he would not answer, so we leave him here to rot." "No food, no water, till great buzzards come." "He's a cute kid, Mike." "So is his son." "(SHOUTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "I ask you question, you tell." "Where is Colonel and his troops?" "They're at the fort." "I give you one more chance." "Where is Colonel and his troops?" " At the fort." " Are you ready to answer?" "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" " Are you ready to answer?" " Wait, wait." "Well?" "I don't know what the Colonel's plans are, but..." "He's got a piece of paper in his pocket." "It's got some information on it." "Right under that button." "Traitor." "Dirty rotten traitor." "You say, tell, you say." "You had it upside down." "(SCREAMING)" "No chance, soldier." "Even with this, no chance." "Release my people." "Quickly!" "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "Now, get your people down the trail." "No, Father, no." "Let him kill me." "Get them down the trail, or I'll cut his throat." "Let him kill me!" "Have you out of here in a minute, Sergeant Chip." "Get down the trail." "The bugle's right where you left it." "Come on." "All will die." " Did you bring any food, any water?" " No." "Any liquor?" "You ain't much good, are you?" "Oh, what I wouldn't give for a big plate of corned beef, a nice tall beer with a big, thick head on it, about 2 inches thick." "Like yours." "Larry, at least you won't have to be worrying about practicing law and wearing those high, thick collars and defending those thieves." "Oh, he forgot about that already." "Gave it up." "Welcome back, Larry!" "If I don't get something to eat soon, I'm going to look like one of them skulls." "If we don't figure a way on how to get down from here, you won't need any food, because you're gonna have no place to put it." "How about we eat that Indian?" "MAN: (SCREAMING) Watanka!" "Watanka!" "(SHOUTING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "All come, all." "The big white man and all the long knives." "They come straight down the valley." "Already I see the totem on its pole." "White and red stripes." "He means the flag." "Watanka, my honored father, son of the sun god, planned it so." "All will come, all will die." "We are hundreds and we lie in wait." "Beyond the ridge to the north." "Beyond the ridge to the south, where the rocks narrow." "The long knives will come straight down the valley." "Where the valley narrows, all will die." "MIKE:" "Watanka!" "Can you hear me?" "You give your word to your warriors to move, we kill your son and throw him down to you." "Don't listen, Father." "Don't listen." "The sun god, our lord, will take me to his heart." "Give the order." "No!" "I'm warning you, Chief, we kill him." "Don't listen, Father!" "Give the order, give the order!" "No!" "(SCREAMING)" "(SHOUTING ORDERS)" "(SHOUTING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" " Sergeant Chip." " Yeah." "I'm a soldier now, ain't I?" "(SCREAMS)" "MIKE:" "Let them go!" "(SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "Now, you watch your comrades die." "(PLAYING)" "Deploy!" "Deploy!" "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "OFFICER:" "Come on!" "(SCREAMING)" "(GROANING)" " Wait." " Larry." "Larry!" "The knife." "(GROANING)" "You all right?" "Let me see." " He's all right." "He's all right." " Yeah, I'm fine." "Yeah, yeah." "(HORSES APPROACHING)" "(GUNSHOTS)" "(BUGLE BLOWING)" "General orders, number 89." "On June 23, 1873, this command engaged a numerically superior hostile Indian tribe and emerged victorious." "This victory was made possible by the extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty of Sergeants Michael Merry, Charles Deal and Lawrence Barrett of this command, and a civilian by the name of Jonah Williams, now Private," "(BRAYING)" "Who will report to the 10th Cavalry." "These men, who through their daring and valiant action were able to warn this command of an ambush and thereby turn a possible annihilation into a victory." "For their conspicuous gallantry, undaunted courage and fortitude they have this date been recommended to the Secretary of War to receive a certificate of merit." " Hey!" " Oh, Larry, you don't understand this." "Let's show him what we really think about his re-enlistment papers." " You mean that?" " Yup." " I don't know what to say." " It's all right." "Look after yourself." " Sergeant Boswell." " Yes." "Arrest that man." "He's a deserter." "DVD Subrip by:" "Tantico (Croatia)" "THE END" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[Wind blows]" "WOMAN:" "First big one of the season." "MAN:" "Yep." "It's heading right for base." "WOMAN:" "It's gonna mess up Kim's dig." "She's not gonna like that." "Yeah, well, I don't like it much either." "There's a surprise." "Lighten up, Vince, a bit of dust never hurt anyone." "It's not the dust I'm worried about." "VINCE:" "Harrington, you seeing this?" " Yeah, it's a beast." "Cycle down the backup grids in case we lose anything." "We'll be back when we pick up Kim." "♪ Blue skies are round the corner" "♪ Walk round the corner with me" "♪ Just round the corner you'll see" "♪ Those blue skies" "♪ Blue skies, there's nothing warmer" "♪ Won't you feel happy to be" "♪ Sharing the sunshine with me" "♪ Under those blue skies?" "♪ Troubles may come But troubles will go" "♪ Don't you ever worry any more" "♪ Look at those skies They're not telling lies" "♪ That's what they were put there for" "♪ Blue skies are round the corner" "♪ Everything's gonna be right" "♪ Never a cloud in those bright blue skies" "[Drilling]" "VINCE:" "Campbell to Aldrich." "VINCE:" "Campbell to Aldrich." "Campbell to Aldrich." "Come in, Kim." "It's 1530, Kim." " Come on, Kim, time to wrap it up." " Fuck off." "Actually, I'd be happy to, Kim." "Unfortunately, Brunel wants you back at the briefing." "KIM:" "Well, he'll have to wait, won't he?" "Ten things about Mars you won't miss when you're back on Earth." "Only ten?" "Er..." "Storms." "Your driving." "Kim." "Kim." "Kim." "A six-month commute home in a floating coffin." "With Kim." "Is that ten?" "I've lost count already." "It's not a coffin, Vince." "But that's an interesting choice of word." "OK." "A nice big spaceship." "What do you want me to say?" "WOMAN:" "We get out and walk at the end." "On green grass." "Under blue skies." "Yeah." "Green grass." "Blue skies." "VINCE:" "♪ Blue skies around the corner" "♪ Everything's gonna be right" "♪ Never a cloud in those bright blue skies ♪" "[Hums]" "WOMAN:" "Running late, Kim." "KIM:" "Don't worry, I'll take the heat." "WOMAN:" "Did you get all the samples you wanted?" "Does it matter?" "We're still going back empty handed." "Come on, Kim." "That's not fair." "We've achieved a lot here." "Yeah?" "Like what?" "As far as I'm concerned, we're just sharpening pencils for the next crew." "Whoever remembers the second man on the moon anyway?" "WOMAN:" "It was Buzz Aldrin." "VINCE:" "Yeah, first man to piss on the moon." "What?" "He pissed himself on the moon." "You didn't know that?" "Well, that's something for us all to aspire to, isn't it?" "I just don't want to go home with nothing." "Six months isn't enough time." " You could always stay." " Vincent, why don't you just go fu..." "Let's go." "MAN 1:" "Rover One, where are you?" "We've got circuits failing." "VINCE:" "Sorry." "Got held up." "On our way." "Alright, but we need you back here." "We've lost our link to the Aurora and Harrington can't handle it alone." "MAN 2:" "Where's Vincent?" "I wanna talk to my daughter." "MAN 1:" "On his way, I hope." "MAN 2:" "Six months cruising and now this." "Bit of a mess." "MAN 2:" "Be alright." "We're on the home stretch." "One more day." "Hey." "When you wake up," "I'd love to know how long it'll be before skylink's restored." "Sorry." "Nearly there." "[Computer beeps]" "Ah, yeah." "This should be it." "Here we go." "MAN:" "We've lost your signal, do you copy?" "Sorry, guys." "We had a power outage due to the storm." "MAN:" "Yeah, we can see it from Sat Four." "You had us worried there for a minute." "Alright, time check: final approach burn in 19 hours, 56 minutes." "Alright, copy that." "Safe orbit." "Be great to see you guys again." "Brunel out." "MAN:" "For fuck's sake." "BRUNEL:" "Alright." "Manual check everything." "All systems." "WOMAN:" "What are you so happy about?" "HARRINGTON:" "Vince, tell me you're close by." "We're on our own until you get these systems back online." "VINCE:" "Roger that." "Almost there." "Keep losing charge on this thing." "Don't want to push it too hard." "Roger that, Vince." "MAN:" "I need a word." "BRUNEL:" "Alright." "OK." " I need to go back out again." " Forget it." "We've got a briefing." "We need everyone on base." "What's going on?" "Gamma sensor at Site Nine is not responding." "Storm damage, possibly." "I don't know." "You didn't check it before you came back?" "What do you want me to say?" "I'm a fucking idiot?" "I'm sorry." "Yeah, I'm sorry, too." "The sun's about to go down." "I signed off on that site." "I'll be quick." "It's going to look bad if the relief crew has to come out and fix it." "A lot of things need fixing around here." "You'll have Vincent in no time." "Take Harrington... and make sure you're back before dark." " Is that clear?" " Thank you." "I want everybody cleaned up before we do our final briefing." "You know I don't fuck around." "Harrington, let's go." "Rover number two, now." "Sir, you want us to go outside?" "Yes, make sure you're back before dark." "[Sighs]" "WOMAN:" "Are you alright?" " Huh?" "VINCE:" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Listen." "[Beep] Never get sick of that sound." "VINCE:" "Where are you guys going?" " Soak up some more radiation." "Try making babies after this mission, huh?" "WOMAN:" "Too funny." "Well, I'm laughing." "What the hell are you doing?" "Harry, if that cooling system's down, I'm gonna need your help back there." "Sorry, man." "You're gonna have to speak to Brunel." "It's not my call." "[Sings in Serbian]" "We bust our arses to get back here and those pricks get to fucking go out again." "19 hours." "It's just 19 hours." "So what do you know about cooling systems?" "HARRINGTON:" "So what's the score?" "SERBIAN:" "Marko Petrovic one, Kim nil." " What?" " Never mind." "We're fixing a broken sensor." "Didn't you hear?" "Right." "So are we gonna be long?" "Well, it takes as long as it takes." "Oh, come on, man." "Brunel's not gonna like this." "You want to speed things up, Harry, go prep the sample boxes, OK?" "Date, grid reference, and new prefix." "MA1." "MA1?" "Microscopic Anomaly." " Hold on." "Does Brunel know?" " Just trust me on this one, OK?" "[Chuckles]" "Are you cosy in there?" "Like a bug in a rug." " You talk to Ella?" " No, I missed the window." "Shit, man." "I'm sorry about that." "I got... you know, delayed." " Kim." " Yeah." "Never mind." "I'll get another chance back on Aurora." "Hey, I come bearing gifts." "You want some?" " Jesus Christ." " What's up?" "Half the CO2 scrubbers are down on the Aurora." "Check out this approach trajectory." "These guys are gonna get pulled over for drunk driving." "Can't we at least get on board before you start worrying about the Aurora?" "Aren't you excited to go home?" "Home isn't the issue." "It's the six months it takes to get there strapped to the back of a nuclear warhead I'm worried about." "[Sighs]" " What?" " Are you alright?" "[Chuckles]" "Come on, Irwin." "Can we please not do analysis thing right now?" "I got a lotta work to do." "You know how it is." "You're not happy if things aren't working." "I'm not happy if you're not happy." "I'm happy." "I'm ecstatic." "See?" " OK." "Alright." " See?" "Happy, happy, happy." "IRWIN:" "Alright." "We're happy." "VINCE:" "Oh-oh." "Get the popcorn out." "[Muffled argument]" "IRWIN:" "Who's your money on?" "You kidding me?" "Kim." "Every time." "She's got a point, though." "How come Marko gets a free pass?" "So, what do you reckon?" "We all go back home, find God, write a poem about it like the moon walkers did?" "It did change them." "They all said so." "People don't really change." "Put 'em under enough pressure, you find out who they are." "Oh God, that is deep." "Are you gonna put that in a poem?" "That was uncomfortable." "[Whines]" "What's she doing?" "Kim, that's Marko's workstation." "I just wanna know what's so urgent." "You can't go through his private log." "Come on, Vincent, tell her!" "[Chuckles] Oh, yeah." "Like she's gonna listen to me." "This is bullshit." "Kim, She's right." "Just cos he broke the rules, it doesn't make it fair game." "There's no way Marko gives a shit about a broken sensor." "OK?" "I just want to know why his research is more important than mine." "What?" "That's definitely not what it looks like." "Those cavities in the rock..." "those could be microbial borings." "PAH's can be formed non-organically." "LANE:" "Is this still under the scope?" "KIM:" "I'll check." "Alright, anyone wanna tell me what's going on?" "Nothing's going on." "He found a piece of abiotic mineral." "Bullshit." "Got it." "Holy shit." "BRUNEL:" "That looks like..." "WOMAN:" "Cell division..." "Bacterial cell division." "BRUNEL:" "I want that site locked down." "No one goes near it." "We'll upload the scans and data to mission control." "See if they confirm Lane's conclusions." "You can't do this." "We need to speak to Marko first." "It's his find." "He's the one who's been playing silly games." "Why didn't he talk to us?" "Because that would be sharing the credit." "That's not fair." "I think we're missing the point." "This is what we came here for, isn't it?" " Don't you think we had to check it out?" "LANE:" "He knows what he's doing." "So we'll entrust the greatest find in human history to a man who just lied to you?" "Is that it?" "Rover Two, this is base." "You at Site Nine yet?" "Yeah." "We, erm, we got here a couple of minutes ago." "What's up, sir?" "BRUNEL:" "I'm declaring the site off limits." "Put Marko on now." "Yep." "Stand by, base." "Marko, I've got Brunel on comms." "Are you copying any of this?" "That's negative." "[Speaks Serbian]" "Can you speak in English please, mate?" "Tell them the signal is breaking up." "Tell them you can't see me now." "Tell..." "[Mutters Serbian]" "I've got Brunel holding on the other line." "Don't argue with me now." "Just come out and bring the camera with you." "You have to see this, Harry." "It's beautiful." "Harry!" "Harry!" "Help!" "Marko!" "Come on!" "[Pants]" "Oh, my God." "HARRINGTON:" "Mayday!" "This is Harrington to base." "I need help here." "Repeat, Mayday!" "Please help." "BRUNEL:" "What happened?" "HARRINGTON:" "He's gone." "Have you been down there to him?" "Why aren't you down there, Harrington?" " I tried." " Well, you didn't try hard enough." " I'm gonna go down there!" " No, Dalby." " He could still be alive!" " You're gonna ripped your suit and break your your neck." " I haven't pronounced it yet." " I'm pronouncing it, Dalby." "He's dead." "I'm not gonna risk another life." "So stand down." "People are pulled from frozen water all the time and revived." " You don't know he's dead." "You don't know!" " Dalby, stand down." " [Sniffs]" " Stand down." "He said he'd found something, sir." "Nobody goes down there until we've got the right gear." "We've gotta run this by mission control." "How long will it take?" "Altogether 30, 40 minutes." "Sir." "Er..." "I really wanna stay here." "We can't just leave him like this." "No." "I need to do it." "You've done enough." "You're not gonna do anything stupid, are you?" "You're not gonna go in that pit." "Is that clear?" " Is that clear?" " [Sniffs] Yes, sir." "Alright." "OK." "This is Brunel." "Contact mission control." "We've had an accident." "LANE:" "Did you see him?" " No." "Look, skipper, if there's any chance he's alive, we need to get back out there." "No." "There's no way he survived that fall without compromising his suit." "We'll pull him out as soon as we hear back from mission control." "So when are we planning on announcing the discovery?" "You really are something else aren't you, Kim?" "I wasn't stuck in here yet." "This discovery changes everything." "Takes precedence over everything, right?" "What about human decency?" "So I'm the bad guy now for staying focused on the mission?" "I didn't get him killed." "I'm sorry, what is that mean, what the fuck are you trying to say there, Kim?" "You broke with protocol." "Figure it out." " You are fucking...!" " Hey, hey, hey." "You are unbelievable!" " What's the matter with you?" " Fucking laugh at me." " OK, enough." "Away." " OK." "Nothing wrong with me." "I'm not the one breaking the rules." "LANE:" "That's not helpful, Kim." "BRUNEL:" "Just drop it." "Cheers, Kim." "He's falling apart." "Like everything else around here." "Alright." "That's enough." "KIM:" "Am I the only one who's noticed this?" "[Beeping]" "MAN:" "Base from mission control, responding your priority code 13." "What can we say, guys?" "We're all in deep shock." "Marko's family has been informed of the situation, but we haven't gone public yet until you confirm his status." "The board are working on an official statement, but they'll be looking for you to put a few words together if it comes down to that." "Brunel, we copy your safety concerns, but it's a go for retrieving Petrovic." "Use all caution." "Rough way to end the mission, guys, but we're behind you 100 percent." "More soon. 1636, message ends." "You heard him." "We'll retrieve the body, then announce Marko's discovery." "Let's go." "Go ahead." "[Mutters under his breath]" "Sir, can I...?" "Can I have a quiet word, please?" "Yeah." "Skipper, I know it's not my place, but you can't let Kim behave like that." "Nor anyone else, OK?" "Look, I know it's bad, but we all knew the risks." "Honestly, it's a miracle an accident hasn't happened up here sooner." "I'm still the one who let them go out." "No, I'm sorry, with all due respect to Marko, he brought this on himself." "Any screw-up by anyone on this team, that's my responsibility." "It's not fair to take Harrington back out." "He stays here with Kim." " Alright." " OK." "[Pants]" " [Radio crackles] - [Brunel's voice, distorted]" "Sir, you're breaking up." "Repeat your message." "BRUNEL:" "Rover One all loaded up." "Heading back to you." "[Faint noise]" "BRUNEL:" "How are you holding up out there?" "Dalby?" " Sorry." "For a second, I..." " [Faint noise]" "BRUNEL:" "What is it, Dalby?" "[Breathes heavily]" "BRUNEL:" "Dalby?" "Somebody's coming in..." "You're breaking up." "I can't hear you." "Dalby?" "Dalby?" "[Gasps]" "BRUNEL:" "Dalby." "Come in, Dalby." "Where the hell is she?" "We've had static at Site Nine all day." "Maybe the comms are down again." "Still doesn't explain her last response." "Lane, Irwin, check Rover Two." "BRUNEL:" "Jeez, it's still venting steam." "VINCE:" "Must be a lot of water down there." "BRUNEL:" "If she went down there after I told her not to..." "Dalby." "Come in, Dalby." "Please respond." "Please respond." "There's nothing in Rover Two." "LANE:" "She wouldn't disobey an order." "Maybe she fell in." "VINCE:" "Can't see the bottom." "How deep do you think it is?" "BRUNEL:" "I don't like this one bit." "Alright, Vince." "Strap up." "Let's see what's down there." "VINCE:" "Yes, sir." "VINCE:" "Gets a little tight down there, doesn't it?" "OK." "Here we go." "[Machine whirs]" "VINCE:" "Alright." "Jesus." "BRUNEL:" "You alright down there?" "VINCE:" "Oh, yeah." "Never better." "VINCE:" "It's, er... nice." "A walk in the park." "Jesus Christ." "OK." "Mark me off!" "Holy shit." "BRUNEL:" "What?" "What do you see?" "I don't know." "It's..." "In the rock formations, there's... something growing on them." "Like a..." "I don't know what it is but..." "It's definitely alive." "LANE:" "We should bring him up." "I'm gonna try and get a little lower." "See if I can find Marko." " Take me down." "BRUNEL:" "You got it." "[Breathes heavily]" "[Breathing quickens]" "[Heavy breathing]" "[Gasps] Fuck!" "Fuck." "Fuck." "Fuck." "BRUNEL:" "Vincent." "Bring him up." "Bring him up." "Bring him up!" "Give me your hand." "Give me your hand!" "LANE:" "Vince, are you alright?" "Just breathe." "BRUNEL:" "We gotcha." "Come on." "That's it." " Alright." " Vincent..." "OK, OK, OK." "You're alright." "BRUNEL:" "Vincent, what did you see?" "Vincent?" "Vincent!" "I'm OK." "I'm OK." "What the hell happened down there?" "Nothing." "I'm good." "I saw the bottom." "They're not there." "IRWIN:i Skipper, it's Irwin." "There's footprints here." "There's two pairs." "BRUNEL:" "What?" "Where are they headed?" "IRWIN:" "They're crossing the rift valley." "They look like they're headed towards base." "BRUNEl:" "If she pulled him out of there, why didn't they just take the rover?" "It just doesn't make sense." "Call Kim." "Tell her to prepare for one, maybe two casualties." "KIM:" "He'll be in a bad way if he's been exposed." "Possible brain damage from oxygen deprivation, hypoxia..." "That's if we're lucky." " Look, what I said earlier..." " Shut up, Kim." "Shut up." "Let's just forget it, yeah?" "[Beeping]" "They're about 50 metres out." "Must be Marko and Dalby." "But what the hell?" "They walked all the way back?" "As long as they're OK, that's all that counts, right?" "Base to Dalby, can you come in, please?" "HARRINGTON:" "They're coming around to the airlock." "I'm gonna go let them in." "Wait." "We haven't established comms here." "[Air hisses]" "Marko!" "Oh, fuck." "You're OK, you're OK." "Oh, fuck!" "[Hisses]" "[Gasps]" "Marko, what the fuck are you doing?" "Marko!" "[Roars]" "[Drill whirs]" "[Screams]" "[Moans]" "[Alarm]" "[Roars]" "Go!" "Base, this is Brunel." "Come in, please." "BRUNEL:" "Come in, please." "Base." "[Beeping]" "[Snarls]" "[Grunts]" "Mayday!" "Mayday!" "BRUNEL:" "Harrington?" "Harrington, please respond." "Lane, Irwin, check the other side." " Call me if you see anything." "IRWIN:" "OK." "BRUNEL:" "Harrington." "Come in, Harrington." " You better stay out here." " I'm fine." "I'm coming with you." "Just stay on comms." "I'll call you if I need you." "Look, Skipper." "I know I was a little shaky back there." "That's an order." "Don't argue with me." "[Kim yells]" "[Slurps]" "[Rasps]" "[Screams]" "Hey, explain to me what the hell's going on here." "Fuck." "[Shrieks]" "We need to quarantine them here." "Get in a suit." "I'll buy you time." "Go, go, go." "I'm right behind you." "Listen to me." "Marko, you're sick." "I want to help you." "Can you understand me?" "I want to help you." "[Marko growls]" "Vincent, Lane, I'm in the airlock." "I'm coming out." "VINCE:" "What happened in there?" " They're killing us!" "IRWIN:" "Kim?" "What happened in there?" "[Snarls]" "LANE:" "Are you alright?" "What happened?" "IRWIN:" "Just breathe." " Marko and Dalby are dead." "They couldn't have survived." "But they're still moving." "She's not making sense." "If they're moving, they've got brain function." "If they've got brain function." "They're not dead, Kim." "I'm not a fucking idiot, Irwin!" "I know." "VINCE:" "The airlock." "KIM:" "Jesus." "KIM:" "It's Brunel." "BRUNEL:" "Lock the door!" "Lock the door!" "Fuck!" "KIM:" "Seal it up." "Don't let them get out!" "IRWIN:" "He's bleeding." "BRUNEL:" "Need to seal it." "IRWIN:" "He's got a tear!" "He's bleeding." "LANE:" "Hold it, hold it, hold it." "IRWIN:" "You're OK." "You're OK." "LANE:" "Yeah, I've got it." "What's Kim doing?" "She's..." "Kim!" "Kim!" "Kim!" "What the hell are you doing?" "VINCE:" "Kim!" "No, that's the door lock!" "Kim, stop!" "No, they're still in there!" "Get off me." "Get off me!" "It's OK." "You disabled it." "They can't get out." "You don't know what they did!" "Look for yourself!" "IRWIN:" "Vincent?" "What happened to them?" "What the hell happened to them?" "It's low pressure." "They've got the bends." "When are you guys gonna get it?" "It's not them any more!" "They're gone now!" "[Bang]" "Fuck!" "That door is reinforced steel." "They can't get through." "They have power tools." "They have high explosives." " They can't get out" " The decompression'll kill them." " It won't." "LANE:" "Brunel's in a bad way." " We need to move him now." " Fuck." "VINCE:" "Alright, let's get him to the hydroponic dome." "Kim, get the airlock." "Let's go." "Now!" "LANE:" "OK, we're gonna move you now." " We've gotta go now!" "Move!" " Come on, skipper, let's go." "LANE:" "One, two, three." " [Brunel groans]" " Oh, shit!" "LANE:" "Just a little bit." "VINCE:" "Almost there." "Come on." "Come on, you can do it." "LANE:" "You're nearly there." "VINCE:" "You can do it." "[Air hisses]" " Have you got him?" " Yeah." "Gently, gently." " Irwin, get out the way." "Out the way." " OK, OK." " Sit him up." " I'm trying." "LANE:" "Careful." " Alright." "OK." "One, two, three." "Mind his neck." " It's OK." " Gently, gently." "VINCE:" "There you go." "[Exhales]" "LANE:" "Captain, stay awake and focus, OK?" "I'm OK..." "It's just nothing..." "Nothing feels right inside." "LANE:" "I'll give you a shot." " Doesn't feel right." "IRWIN:" "Gonna give you some morphine, OK?" " Here we go." "LANE:" "Alright." "We've got to get this open." "[Winces]" "LANE:" "Jeez." "IRWIN:" "Oh, God." "Vincent, I'm not a medic." "I can't do this." "Lane, if anyone can do this, you can." "Just tell me what you need." "VINCE:" "Come on." "Hey, I know that look." "You don't have to..." "[Groans] Oh, God." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "[Groans]" "There should be more blood." "Six months." "What a mess." "I thought we were home free." " What's Kate gonna tell the kids?" "LANE:" "Shh." "Shh." "I can't..." "I can't remember what they look like." "You tell them I was thinking about them." "Would you do that for me?" "I will." "Of course." "Of course I will." "We've seen things that no one has seen before." "They can't take that away from us, right?" "No." "God, I'm thirsty." "Thirsty." " I've got it." "BRUNEL:" "Thirsty." "VINCE:" "Stay here, skipper." "Come on." "Just breathe." "Nice and easy." "You're gonna be OK." "OK." "OK, stay there." "It's OK." "It's me." "It's Irwin." "It's OK." "OK, careful." "Beareful." "Get some more." "Kim, get some more." "OK." "Hey, I'm with you." "BRUNEL:" "You have to..." "You have to..." "You gotta help me." "You gotta help." " [Grunts]" " No!" "Stop!" "VINCE:" "Skipper, no!" "Let go!" "LANE:" "Jesus!" "Get off him!" "Skipper!" "Stop!" "No!" "[Brunel roars]" "Look at me!" "Look at me!" "You're OK, you're OK." "Come on." "Goddamn it!" "Stop, please!" " Please." "Just look at me." " [Gasps]" "It's OK." "Just breathe." "Just breathe." "Come on, come on, come on." "Look at me." "Look at me, come on." "Please." "Come on." "Just breathe." "You're OK." "Skipper." "You'll never see home." "What the fuck was that?" "He didn't mean that." "He couldn't." "He couldn't." "IRWIN:" "Kim." " Kim, he's gone." " Don't touch me." "What the hell are you doing?" "You think he's dead, right?" "IRWIN:" "Vincent..." "Kim, he's gone." "Kim." "Get your hands off him." "Get away from him!" " He has gone." " Think about it, Irwin." "Marko and Dalby are out there exposed to the atmosphere and they're still moving." "It can't be how it looks." "There must be some explanation for this." "[Beeping]" "IRWIN:" "I've had enough of this place." "I just want to go home." "I'm done." "I'm done, Vincent." "He said he couldn't remember his children." "I just want to see my little girl." "I wanna see Ella." "[Sobs]" "[Sumbling]" "[Alarm beeps]" "KIM:" "They've blown the dome." "LANE:" "We need to contact the Aurora." "KIM:" "Comms are down." "Till we fix them, we're trapped." "What about the O2 feed pipe?" "It's the only thing connecting the two domes." "We can get back to the main base without them even seeing us." "If I can get through and fix the skylink," "I can reach the Aurora, and ask for help." "If they've blown the dome, it won't be pressurised." "VINCE:" "There's a seal at both ends." "If I close it behind here and equalize the pressure, it should hold when I open the other side." " And if it doesn't, we're all dead." " And what do you suggest?" "What about Harrington?" "When they blew the dome, he wasn't wearing a suit." "[Banging]" " Are you sure they can't get in?" " How the fuck should I know?" "The failsafe is designed to keep the door closed." "[Clunking]" "We need to deal with this now." "If Harrington has gone, Vincent's the only one that can fix the skylink." "He's the only one." "I'm heading back." " I'm going with you." " No." "There's no point." "What if Marko and Dalby return to the base?" "We'll keep them busy." "Just, er, close this behind me and leach off the air at the other end so it doesn't blow." "VINCE:" "Lane, you copy me?" "LANE:" "I got you." "Are you gonna be okay?" "Alright?" "VINCE:" "Yeah." "You keep Marko and Dalby on your side and I'll be fine." "LANE:" "I wasn't talking about them." "VINCE:" "I know." "[Vincent breathes heavily]" "OK." "[Computer beeps]" "IRWIN:" "Jesus, is that...?" "KIM:" "It's the same as Marko's sample." "LANE:" "It's infected his bloodstream." "[Groans]" "[Breathes heavily]" "[Groans]" "Lane..." "Lane!" "VINCE:" "No, stop." "No..." "LANE:" "It's OK." " You're having another attack." "VINCENT:" "I can't..." "Can you hear me?" "LANE:" "Vincent." "What happened on the Aurora, what happened on the way over here, it's in the past, alright?" "VINCE:" "I can't..." "I can't do it." " You can do this, OK?" "I have seen you build a comm system out of a fucking shaving kit, so don't tell me you can't handle this." "[Chuckles]" "They're supposed to test us for this shit." "Weed out people like me." "You think the rest of us aren't on the verge of coming unstuck?" "Was Marko acting rationally in the last few days?" "Was anyone?" "You were." "If you think I'm handling this any better, then I'm worried about you." "In case you haven't noticed, I'm barely holding it together." "Vincent." "No matter how tight it gets in there, I will be with you." "I know." "Thanks." "VINCENT:" "Lane, you still there?" "LANE:" "Yeah, I'm here." "Are you at the base?" "Yeah." "Something awful happened here." "There's blood everywhere." "We'll try and keep Marko and Dalby busy." "We're looking for something to immobilise them with." "OK." "I'm gonna try and get some power up." "Might take a while." "I'll keep you posted." "LANE:" "It can't be that simple." " What can't?" "Well, it's a bacteria, isn't it?" "We've got a whole range of antibiotics here." "We've got tetracycline, cephalosporin, erythromycin, penicillin." "And if they do work, how do we deliver them?" "They won't stand there while we inject them." "Decontamination spray in the airlock." "We atomize it in a contained space." "We need to find a way to test it." "[Broken glass crunches]" "Come on." "Come on, baby." "LANE:" "OK, we've got something." "Blood sample 12 is reacting to the cephalosporin." "Are we gonna do this or not?" "Better hold him steady." "Irwin?" "Get over here." "For fuck's sake, Irwin." "Hold his head." "No pulse." "Here goes." "[Grunts]" " Captain..." "KIM:" "It's just a reflex." " Maybe he's trying to fight it." " Brunel's gone." "He's not here any more." "Fixed and dilated." "Let's test his blood again." "LANE:" "No multiplication." "Almost zero motility." "KIM:" "You sure this is gonna work as a vapor?" "LANE:" "Well, it works intravenously, so it has to." "Tantalus base to Aurora." "Do you copy, Aurora?" "Tantalus base to Aurora." "Mayday, Mayday." "Do you copy, Aurora?" "MAN:" "This is Aurora, we copy your Mayday." "Christ, you don't know how good you guys sound." "We've got an emergency down here." "We need..." "What the...?" "No, no, no, no, no." "Oh, shit." "They've just given up." "Kim, they're leaving!" "They're heading to base." "I can't see them." "We've got to get them in here, now!" "[Thud]" "[Thud]" "Oh, please." "Kim, Kim." "[Beeping]" "[Air hisses]" "Get a syringe." "IRWIN:" "Fuck." "Where's Marko?" " Irwin, get a syringe." " [Dalby roars]" "LANE:" "Just wait." " What?" "The bacteria's developing a resistance." "The effect's only temporary." "[Thud]" "[Crackling]" "[Growls]" "[Growls] No, no!" "[Vince groans]" "[Yells]" "[Grunts]" "Down!" "Down!" "Stay down!" "[Growls] Oh, for fuck's sake." "[Yells]" "VINCE:" "Lane!" "Harrington's behind me!" "I couldn't seal the tunnel." "Open the panel!" "He's in the tunnel." "Harrington's after him." "He hasn't sealed the other end." "Get your helmets on." "[Harrington growls]" "Open the panel!" "LANE:" "Okay?" "IRWIN:" "Go, go." "Open the fucking panel!" "[Wind howls]" "KIM:" "Move, move!" "Get out of here." "We'll follow." "LANE:" "Why won't it open?" "VINCE:" "The failsafe is set to lock in case of a breach." "I have to reboot it to get it open." "[Keypad beeps]" "LANE:" "Irwin." "Where's Kim?" "[Pants]" "She didn't make it." "[Yells]" "VINCE:" "Rover One!" "Go!" "Now!" "Go!" "Go!" "VINCE:" "Go!" "[Lane gasps]" "Don't try and pull it out." "Your suit's breached." "Come on." "Hurry up!" "We need to get to the landing site, wait for the Aurora crew." "Irwin, you drive." "IRWIN:" "Shit." " Drive." "Just drive." "[Sighs] We need the med unit at base." "Dream on." "We don't have the kit here to close that up." "And you think they'll just sit there and let you do that?" "What is it, ten hours till the lander gets here?" "How long have we got in this thing?" "Irwin, I need power and O2 levels." "IRWIN:" "OK." "I'm on it." "We'll be fine." "We'll hole up somewhere and we'll wait it out." "What's the point in that?" "Stop the infection before it takes hold." "Give your body a chance to fight it." "LANE:" "Vincent." "I know." "It's okay." "You're gonna be okay." "There's not enough power to get to the landing site." "Barely half of what we need." "We'd have to finish on foot." "No." "We have to go back." " What?" "VINCE:" "We can't go on foot." "Lane's hurt." "We go back, we get her patched up." "We can hold 'em off." " There are other options." " Like what?" "Look, Irwin, if you've got something to say, just say it." "LANE:" "You think you should leave me behind because I might be infected?" "That's what you're thinking, isn't it?" "Isn't it?" "Lane, I'm sorry." "I'm just trying to help here." "But you might be infected, too." "Brunel touched you." "Let's see your neck." "Go on, let's see it." " Site Nine." " What?" "We've forgotten about Site Nine." "Rover Two, it's still there." "It's nearly fully charged." "There's enough power to make it to the landing site." "[Beeping]" "VINCE:" "Looks like they're following our tracks." "Let's get going." "Shit!" "VINCE:" "Shut down the airlock and auxiliary cabin power." "[Beeping]" "Alright." "Battery's in the red." "This better work." "VINCE:" "I'm gonna go check it out." "I suppose there's no point in saying be careful." "No." "I was planning on taking a lot of unnecessary risks." "Just don't go anywhere without me." "No, I'll go." "I have some serious making up to do." "Let me do this." "Please." "[Beeping] VINCE:" "Irwin, do you copy?" "I'm here." "Vincent, I can hear." "Keep your eyes open." "If you see anything move, haul ass back." "OK." "[Sighs]" "[Door creaks]" "[Beeping]" "VINCE:" "Irwin, can you hear me?" "You okay?" "Come on, Irwin." "Can you power it up or not?" "Talk to me, Irwin." "What's going on?" "IRWIN:" "Are we on a private channel?" "Why?" "IRWIN:" "How's Lane?" " What do you mean?" "She's infected, Vincent." "You need to get out of there." "It's not gonna happen." "I want you to forget about it." "Vincent, you're my friend." "But you're not thinking clearly about this." "Do you think this is about me trying to save my own skin?" "I'm trying to save both of us." "It's too late for her, Vincent." "I'll give you three seconds to get back here." "Just leave her!" " One." "Two." " You're gonna get yourself killed." " For fuck's sake!" " Three." "Irwin's lost it." "I'm going out there." "[Sobs]" "[Gasps]" "VINCE:" "Irwin!" "I know you can hear me!" "Don't do anything stupid." "Irwin!" "No!" "Irwin!" "Wait!" "Irwin, please, man." "Oh, fuck!" "LANE:" "Vincent, they're coming." "Shit." "We gotta get outta here." "Now!" "80 degrees east." "Into the storm." "It'll hide our tracks." "We've gotta lose 'em before the lander." "LANE:" "Battery power is dropping." "[Thunder]" "So they enter our orbit in eight hours." "That is if they come down immediately without waiting to hear from us." " So what are our options?" " I don't know." "Wait for dawn." "The sun should charge the battery in about an hour, give us enough juice to make it to the landing site." "And what if they track us down before then?" "Then we'll just have to run them over and over and over" " until they stop getting up." " And waste the last of our power." " That is such a shit plan, Vince." " I know." "You got anything better?" "Do you think they still feel?" "No." "Not like us." "Oh, God." "I'm so thirsty." "Do we have any water left?" "Yeah." "Let me check." "We get to the lander, they'll have a direct line to mission control." "They can help." "And I always took you for a pessimist." "Yeah, well, I like to keep 'em guessing." "I keep thinking about Brunel." "I could see him fighting it." "I keep wondering if he's still in there." "Trapped inside his own body, with no control." "Sounds like hell to me." "Do you think any part of us survives after death?" "I don't know." "That's a little bit above my pay grade." "[Beeping]" "Lane?" "MAN:" "This is Aurora broadcasting on all emergency channels." "If there is anyone out there, we're sending an emergency team to help." "Please respond." "Please respond." "This is Campbell to Aurora lander." "Campbell to Aurora lander." "Come in, Aurora lander." "[Static] Come on." "Lane?" "Lane?" "Shit." "Come on, come on." "Lane." "Lane, can you hear me?" "Lane, come in!" "[Lane pants]" "LANE:" "Stay back." "Stay back." "No." "I'm not gonna do that." "You know I can't do that." "LANE:" "Oh, please." "I can't stop it." "I can't stop..." "Lane, listen to me." "We'll find a way." "Okay?" "I promise you." "We'll find a way." "Just stop, please." "Please, Lane, just stop." "No." "Come on, come on." "[Beeping]" " Lane!" "Stop!" " [Lane wheezes]" "VINCE:" "Wait!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Please!" "Just stop." "LANE:" "You'll get out and walk in the end." "On green grass." "Under blue skies." "Won't you?" "VINCE:" "We will." "We will." "I really wanted to, Vincent." "I really..." "I really did want to." "Lane, listen to me." "Just wait." " I'm so sorry." "VINCE:" "Just stop." "Please!" "I'm sorry." "No!" "[Gasps]" "Lane." "[Gasps]" "Shit!" "No!" "No!" "Lane, no." "[Sobs]" "No!" "No, please." "Please." "Lane." "[Sobs]" "No." "[Sobs]" "No!" "[Vince screams]" "No!" "Lane!" "Don't!" "Lane!" "Look at me!" "Look at me!" "Stop!" "No!" " Stop!" " Kill me." "Please!" "Kill me." "Kill me." "[Sobs]" "MAN:" "Responding to your Mayday." "Approaching touchdown." "Please make contact." "MAN:" "Altitude descending." "MAN:" "This is Aurora." "Approaching touchdown." "WOMAN:" "We have no response from Campbell." "MAN:" "600. 400." "WOMAN:" "Prepare for breach conditions." "VINCENT:" "Shit." "MAN:" "This is Aurora lander." "We're touch down on Mars" "WOMAN:" "Roger." "System check." "MAN: 29 percent fuel capacity." "All crew to prepare for exit." "Pressure checks complete." "Immediate ground reconnaissance." "WOMAN:" "Cabin pressure cross check." "Aurora lander, please respond." "WOMAN:" "OK, prepare rear hatch for exit." "Aurora lander, please respond." "Do not open your bay doors." "WOMAN:" "Hatch lowering." " Repeat, do not open your bay doors." "WOMAN:" "We have ground contact." "Channel Nine clear for contact." " Irwin, no!" "WOMAN:" "Emergency code seven." "Stay outta there!" "No!" "WOMAN:" "We have two unidentified figures." "MAN:" "I'm going out to meet them." "WOMAN:" "Something isn't right." "They're not responding to our transmissions." "MAN:" "We have two unidentified figures." "WOMAN:" "Go to seven, go to seven." "Right now!" "MAN:" "Fuck, what the..." "MAN 2:" "Help me!" "WOMAN:" "Stay back!" "Captain!" "MAN 2:" "Oh, Jesus!" "MAN:" "Oh, God, no!" "Help!" "Help!" "[Screaming]" "[Beeping]" "[Slurping]" "[Growls]" "Oh, fuck." "Marko." "[Bay door closes]" "My little girl." "I can't remember her name any more... to say goodbye." "Ella." "Her name is Ella." "I wanna feel again, Vincent." "I can't feel my hands." "I can't let you do this, Irwin." "We can't let this get back to Earth." "It has to end here." "[Engines power up]" "[Roars]" "[Yells]" "[Grunts]" "[Groans]" "[Grunts]" "[Engines accelerate]" "[Yells]" "[Yells]" "[Yells]" "[Beeping]" "[Exhales]" "[Mouths] You're gonna be okay." "[Gasps]" "Aurora lander to mission control." "This is chief systems officer Vincent Campbell speaking." "I don't know how much you guys know but, er..." "The entire crew of Tantalus base was infected by some sort of virulent bacteria." "As far as I know, the Aurora relief team was lost as well." "[Sighs] They're gone." "All of them." "Lander's in a stable orbit but I don't have enough fuel to reach the Aurora." "I've got the, er, supplies on board for the Tantalus's replacement crew." "There's a chance they might last long enough for you to send someone out here, but...[Chuckles]" "Here's the catch." "There's a, er pretty good chance I'm infected, too." "If that's the case, I've got just enough fuel left to drop out of orbit and burn up in the atmosphere." "At least it'll be quick." "You should get this in about 15 minutes, so..." "Er..." "I guess I'll be waiting." "511 Zulu, Aurora lander out." "[Slow beeping]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"You unlock this door with the key of imagination." "Beyond it is another dimension- a dimension of sound... a dimension of sight... a dimension of mind." "You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas." "You've just crossed over into the twilight zone." "You think about that now." "You cannot run a business by standing still in a rut." "A business has got to progress." "You got to keep pushing and punching and prodding until it gets diversified." "That's the word, that's the key." "Coffee time." "A business must be diversified." "I was just telling them, fred." "You cannot run a business by standing still in a rut." "Just as variety is the spice of life, diversification is the key to success in business." "Now, you think about that now." "Well, i got coffee with cream, cream and sugar, sugar by itself, cream by itself and plain black, so i'm already diversified." "Now would you please get out of the way, mcnulty?" "Mcnulty." "Mcnulty here." "Mr. Cooper would like to see you." "Hear that?" "Did you hear that?" "Mr. Cooper would like to see mcnulty." "And do you know why mr." "Cooper would like to see mcnulty?" "Because i have been feeding suggestions into that suggestion box for 11 months now." "Did i say suggestions?" "Wrong word." "Suggestions, any clod can make." "But dynamic blueprints for the future, only mcnulty can make." "You think about that now." "He's waiting, mcnulty." "11 months of suggestions about to pay off." "Say, you wouldn't be interested in having dinner, would you?" "If i was starving to death and you were the last man on earth and it meant my survival, i might be, but i'm not, you're not, and it doesn't, so drift, mcnulty." "Submitted for your approval or at least your analysis:" "One patrick thomas mcnulty, who at age 41 is the biggest bore on earth." "He holds a ten-year record for the most meaningless words spewed out during a coffee break." "And it's very likely that, as of this moment, he would have gone through life in precisely this manner, a dull, argumentative bigmouth who sets back the art of conversation a thousand years." "I say he very likely would have, except for something that will soon happen to him, something that will considerably alter his existence... and ours." "Now, you think about that now, because this is the twilight zone." "Mr. Mcnulty, do you know what i've been doing?" "Yes, sir, mr." "Cooper, you've been going through the suggestion box." "I knew you would." "I've been expecting it." "It takes a special kind of employer to realize that one of his men has got it." "Obviously mcnulty has got it." "Truer words, mr." "Mcnulty, have probably never been spoken here or elsewhere." "Thank you, sir." "Yes, i've just gone through the residue of the suggestion box covering the past three-month period." "And here is one of your suggestions dated march 13th." ""Make hot dogs flat so that they can fit easily into a hamburger bun."" "How about that?" "You think about that now." ""Make tin cans square" ""so they can be stacked together more easily in garbage cans."" "Isn't that a gas?" ""Put small pontoons in soldiers' field packs" ""so that when they cross rivers they can get across by themselves."" "That one is worth a million bucks." "The soldiers go into the water... mr." "Mcnulty, cooper corporation makes ladies foundation garments." "It doesn't have anything to do with hamburgers, hot dogs, tin cans or national defense." "And not one of your 340 suggestions- i repeat, not one of them- has anything remotely to do with this company's product." "Exactly why i want to talk to you, mr." "Cooper." "The key to a successful, modern business is diversification." "You think about that now." "I have thought about it- you're fired!" "Baseball?" "Baseball is nothing." "Soccer is the fastest sport in the world." "In baseball, they change sides, back and forth, inning after inning." "The whole first period in soccer, they run, run, run." "England, france, spain, south america." "Soccer is the fastest sport in the world." "You think about that now." "Hey, joe, you know those swinging doors they got in western saloons- why don't you put them in here and then you can call this palucci's western saloon." "How about that?" "Yeah, how about that?" "I'll have it done in the morning." "Great!" "When i come in i can think, "i did this."" "How about that now?" "Please, the ball game." "Home-run hitters mean nothing." "Come on, fella." "We're trying to watch." "As to the average long-ball hitter compared to a consistent clutch hitter with a good average, i'll take the latter every time." "Well, that's very nice of you." "Well, it's a fact." "It's an absolute fact." "Oh, boy, here we go again." "At no time has a home-run hitter led the league in batting." "Yeah?" "Ted williams won the batting championship and led the league in home runs in 1941, '42 and '47." "Exception to the rule." "Think about that." "The exception to the rule." "You know something." "There's a ten-inch television set in my sister's apartment, kind that dates back to 1948." "She's got five kids." "The apartment's a six-floor walkup, and it's boiling hot." "But i'll tell you- there's one thing that apartment don't have that makes it all worthwhile." "It don't have mcnulty." "Charlie, charlie, wait." "Forget it, joe." "Shut it off." "Blabbermouth- i can't take it." "Ah, you think about." "Hear what i said?" "The exception to the rule." "The exception to the rule." "Let me ask you something, mcnulty." "How come you're in here so early?" "You've been there for three and a half hours." "It so happens i quit my job." "I went into cooper's office and i read him off." "Don't tell me." "You got canned." "Well, in a manner of speaking." "You might say... yeah." "We mutually agreed i wouldn't work there anymore." "Joe, tell me something." "Wouldn't you think that after one year of putting ideas in that suggestion box, after one whole year, that i'd get noticed?" "Let me tell you something." "Getting noticed and getting liked are two different things." "What do you know?" "Nothing, mcnulty." "Not a thing." "Good night, joe." "Wait a minute." "All i know is that every night of every week of every month, except election day, you come in here drive everybody out of their skull walking on your lower lip." "Now, you think about that." "Will you think about that?" "What do you say?" "I say..." ""54, 40 or fight."" "I also say "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"" "And on occasion, i will say," ""it takes a heap of living to make a house a home."" "Want another beer?" "Thank you very much." "I would appreciate another." "Two more beers, bartender." "Two beers, big deal." "What's your name?" "Potts." "That's not a bad name." "I was born with it." "Seems to me there was a third baseman who used to play for the phillies named potts." "Lou potts?" "Phil potts?" "It couldn't be botts?" "No, it's potts." "Two beers." "You paying for this, mcnulty?" "Because this guy just gave me his last dime." "This guy is my friend, mr." "Botts." "Potts!" "And i'd appreciate a little respect from you." "I bet you would." "You getting respect from me is about as easy as flagging down a cab on 46th and broadway at 8:00 on new year's eve... in the rain." "Never mind- drink up, pal." "What do you want to talk about?" "Want to talk about baseball?" "It's the great american sport, and i am very happy abner doubleday saw fit to invent it." "Cheers!" "To health, friend." "Down the hatch." "And now to thank you for your generosity, i have something for you." "It's a gift." "A small remembrance of our friendship." "What is it?" "It's a stopwatch- a old family heirloom." "What do you do with it?" "I mean, it doesn't keep time." "It's just a stopwatch." "That is a fact." "But it is yours." "You may have it." "What'll i do with it?" "Stopwatch." "Well, someday you might own a racehorse or you might want to run the mile or launch an astronaut." "Well, good-bye, old pal." "Oh... e pluribus unum." "Toodle-oo, beertender." "Beertender... nice clientele." "Your friend." "I wouldn't listen to my mother." "She wanted me to be a doctor." "No, i had to be a wiseguy." "Had to run a beer joint like this." "Well, you live and you learn." "Done for the night, mcnulty?" "Everybody's gone, you happy?" "You bored ten people to death." "You emptied my place like it had a smallpox sign out there." "Do me a favor- whenever you get the thirst, go to some other bar." "I don't feel much like going home." "I've seen the movie onthe late show." "I've even seen the movie onthe late, late show." "Sometimes i even wish i was married." "Do you ever get that feeling?" "Joe?" "Joe." "Hey, why you standing that way?" "Hey, joe, say something." "You look like you were frozen." "I was telling you i was bored and this crazy gleep gave me this watch and i pushed it." "Another thing- you make me nervous." "First, you bore people to death and then you make me nervous." "I make you nervous?" "You know something?" "You're the one guy that makes me wish they never repealed prohibition." "Something tells me this is a very unusual watch." "And another thing, mcnulty." "Mcnulty?" "I'm over here." "That can't be." "I had too much to drink." "I need some sleep." "It can't be." "It works." "I push the button, i stop the watch, and i stop the world." "Good morning, wage slaves." "Make way for a free man." "Good morning, doll." "Oh, what's the suggestion this time, mcnulty?" "If you don't have one, i've got one for you." "Why don't you jump off a bridge?" "Honey doll, i have a product that is going to put a dent in your eyeballs." "What would you say to a stopwatch that, when somebody pushes it, everything stops in midair, hmm?" "Why don't you run away and get lost, mcnulty, or get to the point." "I already have." "Last night, i'm in joe palucci's bar, we're sitting around talking about this and that, when this funny gleep gives me this stopwatch." "Without thinking, i push this button- this one right here- and everything stops dead." "Everything." "Think about that now." "Palucci drops a glass, the glass hits the floor, but the glass stops." "Everything stops." "Palucci stops, trains, subways, goldfish." "Everything stops." "Think about that now, hm?" "Goldfish, too, huh?" "That's the most amazing thing i ever heard." "Now, get out of here, will you?" "Mm-mm." "I came to see cooper." "It is time to diversify." "Oh, now, just a minute." "Mr. Cooper's in conference." "You're right- he's in conference with mcnulty." "Mr. Cooper, i'm sorry, sir." "I fired you, mcnulty." "What are you doing here?" "He barged right in." "I couldn't do anything about it." "Well, he can barge right out." "Listen, coop..." "coop?" "!" "You can't afford to fire me this time because this time i've got more than suggestions, i've got the goods." "You think about this now." "You figure out how this stopwatch works, and you've got a million bucks." "Mcnulty, let me remind you- we make ladies foundation garments, nothing else." "Now, do you hear me?" "Nothing else." "So i will give you 15 seconds to leave this room." "Now, get out." "Hey, fred, cup of coffee for the lady, i'm buying." "I'll buy my own coffee." "If you're not out of this office in one minute, i'll call the police." "Is that so, honey baby?" "It'll take more than the police." "You'll need the army and the navy." "How about that crumb?" "He didn't even let me show him." "So what am i waiting for?" "I'll just show him." "Operator, get me... kitchie-kitchie-coo." "Kitchie-kitchie-cooper." "It's good for a laugh but there must be something else i can do with this thing." "I'll think about it." "...the police." "Uh... never mind, operator." "He's gone." "So you tell our advertising agents... hey, joe." "Palucci, all you guys." "Have i got something to show you." "Well, that takes care of the game." "This thing is so great you're not going to believe it." "Mcnulty, make it quick, huh?" "Oh, now, listen, you just pay attention." "Pay attention." "With this little gizmo, i can stop trains, tanks, subways, anything." "What about your mouth?" "Funny." "Funny." "Listen, last night, i was at the polo grounds." "And right in the middle of ron hunt's slide into second base, i stopped the game." "Yeah, i stopped the game." "I left my seat, i ran down on the field, i grabbed second base, and i moved it ten feet." "Come on." "Then i went back up into the stands, sat down and started the game again." "And hunt, instead of being out by ten feet, was safe, and the mets went on to win the game because snider doubled him home." "And that's not the only thing i can stop with this watch." "I can stop anything- watch." "Well?" "Well, how about that now?" "How about what?" "Are you kidding?" "Didn't you see what i did?" "Oh, come on, mcnulty, out of the way." "I want to get home, get some peace and quiet." "Wait a minute." "Fellas, fellas, wait a minute." "I'll put the game on again." "Oh, no... well, you done it again, mcnulty." "You emptied my place." "You drive more guys out of saloons than carry nation." "I get it." "I get it." "Of course you guys didn't see- you were frozen." "I'm the only one who knows." "I'm the only one." "Huh." "How about that." "The greatest conversation piece in the world- the greatest- and what does it do?" "It stops conversation." "I'm closing up in a few minutes, so it shouldn't be a total loss, you better order up." "Beer." "Beer!" "Don't you ever order anything expensive?" "Beer." "And drink it fast, will you?" "'Cause the combination of you, the hot weather, and my business recession is more than i can take in one day." "Give it time." "Give it time." "Give me a heart attack sometime, will you, mcnulty?" "Leave a tip." "Hey, palucci, come here." "Look at me." "What are you, some kind of a sadist?" "You know what you're looking at?" "A jerk, a nut." "You want to stop there or try for moron?" "Why do i want this thing?" "Why?" "Because i want a little notice, that's why." "I'm not ashamed to admit that." "And i'll tell you something else." "When john d." "Rockefeller steps out of a car, why do people want to shake his hand?" "I'll bite." "Because he's loaded." "Because he's got cash, loot, lettuce, the old mazoo." "That's why people want to shake john d." "Rockefeller's hand." "J.b. Morgan walks into a restaurant..." "j.p." "J.p. Morgan walks into a restaurant, the head waiter breaks his back to get a table ready." "You know why?" "I'll tell you why." "I figured you would." "Because he's loaded, that's why." "You think about that." "And then you think about this." "As of tomorrow evening, mcnulty is going to be loaded." "Palucci, take a good look at the old mcnulty." "The next time you see me, it'll be the new mcnulty." "Why don't you go the whole route and move to honolulu?" "Tomorrow i'll be able to buy honolulu!" "May i?" "Thank you." "Oh, no." "Come on, everyone." "Move!" "Move!" "Come on, everybody." "Up, up, move!" "Do something." "Come on, everybody, say something." "Walk, hey!" "Come on, everybody, move." "Hey, fellas, look, i didn't mean it." "I'll have it fixed." "Oh, please, come on, wake up." "Mr. Cooper... mr." "Cooper?" "Excuse me." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry, i didn't mean it." "Please, understand." "It's not my fault." "I didn't do any... oh, no!" "Please, say something." "Move!" "Charlie, i'm sorry i bugged you." "Charlie, move." "Lady... joe... joe?" "Joe, say something." "Do something, move." "Joe, insult me." "I won't come here anymore." "I won't make noise." "I won't drive people away." "Honest, joe, move." "Oh, you, mister, please, say something." "I'm sorry i took the money." "I don't care about the money." "All i want is to hear people say something again and to see people moving again." "Oh, doesn't anybody know how to make this thing work again?" "Someone, help!" "Help me!" "Please, somebody move!" "Talk, say something!" "Help!" "Mr. Patrick thomas mcnulty who had a gift of time." "He used it and he misused it and now he's just been handed the bill." "Tonight's tale of motion and mcnulty- in the twilight zone." "And now mr." "Serling." "Next ontwilight zone a gentleman of myriad talents and a story written especially for him." "Mr. Mickey rooney appears in "the last night of a jockey."" "He plays the role of a diminutive little man screaming for help in the bottom of a barrel, and the help he receives is unexpected and quite incredible." "Onthe twilight zone, a cast of one- mr." "Mickey rooney." "I hope you'll be able to be with us." | {
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"We are in this together." "The reckless way that you conduct your business frightens me." "No love affairs if they want to keep their jobs." "Mr Selfridge telephoned to say he wouldn't be in this evening." "That's three nights this week." "I'm Ellen Love." "I'm the Spirit of Selfridges!" "I think you are a bit special, Agnes Towler." "Musker and I are so pleased with what you've done with our store." "Why thank you, Lady Mae." "I think it's just wonderful, Harry." "Ain't it just?" "All set, Miss Blenkinsop?" "Yes, Mr Selfridge." "All set, Mr Grove?" "All set, Chief." "All set, Mr Crabb?" "Good morning." "Yes, Mr Selfridge." "Good morning." "Good morning, Mr Selfridge." "Ground floor, please." "Yes, sir." "They're coming!" " Good morning." "Morning." " Good morning, Mr Selfridge!" "Something's missing." "Erm..." "Customers!" "It is only five minutes past nine, Mr Selfridge." "They should be battering down the doors!" "They should be swarming all over us." "Let's have some spot reductions on special lines for early birds only." "Nine am to midday." "Work something up for me, will you?" "Yes, of course." "Good man." "We need more sales, Mr Selfridge." "One begets the other." "We need to put on a show!" "Mr Grove, could I come and speak to you for five minutes later on?" "About?" "Er... private matters, Mr Grove." "You can come up at 11:00 if Miss Mardle will release you." "Of course." "Thank you, Mr Grove." "Back to work, Miss Towler." "Good morning, Mr Selfridge." "Good morning." "Morning, sir." "Good morning." "I was hoping we could go over the figures this morning." "Not now, Crabb." "My staff expect to see me." "People, not figures, are the difference between success and failure." "I thought profit had more to do with it." "We're still not breaking even." "We have a little problem, Mr Selfridge." "Hold your nerve, Crabb." "Miss Love." "Harry." "Look at these pictures they've taken of me." "They're just terrible." "I can't allow my public to see me like this." "They're positively Victorian." "Miss Love, I see no problem with these photographs." "They convey exactly the message I was asking for." "Then you must have got the message wrong." "Look at them, Harry." "They're dreary, really, aren't they?" "This can't be the Spirit of Selfridges." "This is first class work, Mr Selfridge." "But nothing we offer seems to strike her right." "It's your decision." "Do them again and do them better." "If Miss Love isn't satisfied, we're not satisfied." "Thank you, Harry." "You will come back and take me to lunch, won't you?" "Of course I will." "A bientot." "A bientot." "Miss Towler." "Follow me." "Thank you for seeing me, Mr Grove." "So, I think you should tell me what this is all about." "Erm... well, it's about my brother, Mr Grove." "My brother George." "I was hoping you might be able to find a position for him." "I see." "And what has your brother to recommend him?" "Well, he wouldn't want anything skilled, Mr Grove, but he's ever such a hard worker and eager to please." "I just thought with Mr Selfridge hiring a lot of new staff, there might be something here for him." "And what if I said I have nothing to offer him?" "Well, I should be very disappointed, Mr Grove." "And that's all." "I don't understand." "Yes, I think you do." "Discretion is something we value at Selfridges." "I like to think that I can count on your discretion, Miss Towler." "Well, yes." "Of..." "Of course." "We all like to keep some things private." "Well, I think I might be able to offer your brother a porter's job in the loading bay, subject to a satisfactory trial period." "Oh, Mr Grove!" "Thank you." "Thank you so much." "Sorry." "It's all right, Miss Towler." "Time to return to your post." "Let discretion be your watchword." "Yes, Mr Grove." "Oh, Miss Towler?" "Yes, Mr Grove?" "I hope you haven't any more brothers at home wanting jobs." "No, Mr Grove." "Thank you Mr Grove." "Hello, hello." "Fancy meeting you." "What are you looking so happy about?" "Mr Grove's going to give George a job." "Huh." "How did you persuade him to do that, then?" "Did you have to give him a kiss?" "Course not!" "If it was me, I'd have insisted on a kiss at least." "Good job you're not him, then." "Fraser." "There you are." "Oh, Apologies, Ma'am." "I didn't realise you were going out." "Lady Loxley was rather insistent." "Lady Loxley." "Call me Lady Mae." "Everyone else does." "I've called at a bad time, I think." "Are you on your way out?" "I was, but it's nothing urgent." "Uh..." "Fraser, would you ask Mrs Selfridge to join us?" "Certainly, ma'am." "A word with you, Victor." "Do you know how you got this position?" "Well, I am an experienced waiter, sir." "Good references." "And?" "You're a very..." "attractive young man, Victor." "The ladies like that." "That's going to be a great part of their pleasure in coming here." "And not just the pretty ones, Victor." "The old ones, the fat ones, the neglected ones, the ones with husbands that can't satisfy them." "We want them to come back again and again and to be made happy." "I think I can do that, sir." "I think you can." "Make sure those glasses are spotless." "Yes, Mr Perez." "I just called to see how you were all settling in." "I suppose you must be neglected with Harry - with Mr Selfridge so busy at the store." "Oh, we're used to it, Lady Mae." "And we don't feel neglected." "And have you met Miss Love, the Spirit of Selfridges, as they call her?" "Yes, at the opening." "I thought she was quite charming." "Yes, yes she does charm people." "Men especially." "One could say that's rather her thing." "It's all terribly exciting, isn't it - this great new store and all the people who are drawn into it?" "So many exciting possibilities." "New ideas, new friendships." "Perhaps I should go there more often." "Yes, perhaps you should." "But perhaps you were about to go there as I arrived." "Actually, I was thinking of going to the National Gallery." "The National Gallery?" "My dear, no-one goes there on public days." "It's full of all sorts of riff-raff." "But the paintings are the same, aren't they, whoever's there to look at them?" "What an original point of view." "I'll get you a cab, Mrs Selfridge." "No, please." "Let me give you a lift." "My motorcar's just outside." "Oh, thank you, but I thought I'd try the underground." "Where to, love?" "Trafalgar Square." "This is so sweet of you." "I know how busy you are." "Well, you know, I'll always find time for you, Ellen." "Thank you for this morning." "Perhaps I was wrong to make such a fuss, but the Spirit of Selfridges should be something really special, shouldn't it?" "You've got it, Ellen." "That is my idea exactly." "Selfridges - modernity, the future." "Changing the way people see the world." "The thing is, we have to find more and more new ways of saying that." "But you are pleased with me?" "Of course I'm pleased with you." "Very pleased with you." "Oh, that means so much to me, Harry." "Because, you know, I'm still a little bit afraid of you." "Afraid of me?" "And why is that?" "You're so decisive." "You're such a dynamo of energy." "Hmm." "You don't care about danger." "You just take a leap into the unknown and devil take the consequences." "In your own way, you're as much of a daredevil as that crazy Frenchman who's trying to fly the Channel." "Say that again." "You know, the one they're all talking about." "Blareo or..." "What I had in mind - I've got to go." "What?" "Mr Perez, get Frank Edwards on the phone." "I'm sorry, I've got to dash." "I'll catch you later." "Not a word to anyone." "It's all very hush-hush." "Mr Grove, I need you to get hold of the Commissioner." "Tell him we need 12 bobbies standing guard - very good for publicity." "Mr Crabb, call the insurance company and tell them to increase liability by 10,000 - it's very valuable." "Should I explain to them what it is we're insuring?" "No." "Not a word to anyone." "Any more questions?" "Good." "I'll be gone for the rest of the day." "May I ask, what about the windows?" "Think birds, Henri!" "You know he's signed a deal with the Daily Mail?" "We'll get in on it." "How well do you know Northcliffe?" "We started out together." "He and I go way back." "Long before he owned the Mail." "That's good." "Anyway, we're not stealing from him." "We're helping him to double his circulation." "If we get it right, he wins, we win, everybody wins!" "Yes, of course, madam." "Was everything satisfactory, madam?" "Yes." "Especially the service." "Thank you, madam." "Come here." "This is for you." "Thank you, madam." "You're too generous." "May I know your name?" "Victor, madam." "Victor." "That's a lovely name." "Victor, I'm thinking of having a little party tomorrow evening at 8:00." "Only a few friends, but it would be nice to have a first class waiter to look after us." "I wonder, do you ever do evening work like that?" "I am free tomorrow evening, madam." "Oh, good." "Here's my card with the address." "And if you could come..." "just as you are?" "Of course, madam." "Until then." "It's wonderful, isn't it?" "One of the best things they have." "What it must be to be able to paint like that." "Yes." "And so unusual in a work of art - to see a man laid low by a woman." "Do I detect an American accent?" "Yes." "Yes, you do." "Are you in London on holiday?" "Doing Europe, as they say?" "Yes." "Yes, I am." "We should..." "We should introduce ourselves." "I'm Roderick Temple." "I'm a painter." "Rosalie Buckingham." "Er..." "look, I hope you don't mind, but erm..." "I was sketching you just now." "Why would you do that?" "You have this extraordinary quality of stillness about you and I wanted to capture it." "So you're a realist painter?" "No, no." "More of a romantic, really." "Oh." "This is probably going to sound quite pretentious, but my aim is to capture the inner beauty and the the mystery of life through the human form." "Yes, that does sound pretentious, doesn't it?" "I'm sorry." "No, no, not at all." "Not to me." "Do you paint yourself?" "Years ago, before I was..." "Um... when I was at college." "Look, I know this sounds quite cheeky, erm... ..but my studio's just the other side of Charing Cross Road and I'd love to show you some of my work and see what you think of it." "Can I help you, sir?" "I don't know, my dear." "There are those who say I'm beyond help." "Tell me, what do you think?" "I'm sure I don't know." "Well, I'll tell you what it is." "I'm looking for something for my best girl for her birthday." "Nothing too dear because I'm not a rich man, but something nice, something dainty." "After all, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?" "I suppose it is, yes." "Well, how's about you help me choose something, then?" "I mean, what would you choose if it was to be for you?" "Something to match those beautiful blue eyes of yours?" "It's all right, Kitty." "I'll take care of this customer." "What are you doing here?" "You're not ashamed of me, are you?" "Agnes, I came here to see you." "Not to cause trouble." "You cause trouble wherever you go." "You've got yourself a lovely situation here, my girl." "Please don't ruin it for me." "Why would I want to go and do a thing like that?" "Look, Aggie," "I know I been at fault in the past... ..but I'm..." "I'm a changed man." "Look at me." "Aggie, I want to make amends." "I can't talk to you here." "I've got a break in half an hour." "There's a teashop by Duke Street." "That's all I wanted - the chance to make it up to you." "Your sister was very persuasive." "Quite a remarkable young lady." "Oh, she is, sir." "I think the world of her." "I don't know where I'd be without her." "You're a lucky man, then." "Right, here we are." "Quite straightforward." "Unloading the vans coming in, loading the vans going out." "An extra man for you, just starting." "Go easy on him while he's learning." "George Towler's his name." "Hello." "Alf." "Sam." "I'll leave you to it, George." "These men will show you the ropes." "George, is it?" "That's right." "Come on then, George." "Let's see what you can do." "Just for a while, till I get back on my feet." "You said you were on your feet." "I am." "It's just I don't get paid till the end of the month " "Dad, do you remember why we moved out?" "Why we said we could never live with you again?" "Of course I do." "There isn't a day goes by where I don't think about that." "It haunt's me." "But I'm a different man." "Look at me." "I'm off the drink, got colour in my cheeks." "Look at that." "Steady as a rock." "I haven't had a drop for two months." "What is this job?" "Hotel work." "I got good prospects there, girl." "Me and the manager, like that." "I'm his right hand man." "So why doesn't he let you live in?" "Well, probation." "I will do, end of the month." "I just want a chance to make it up to you and George." "Come on, girl." "You can't deny your old man that." "You are my only daughter." "Want me to beg, I'll get on my knees." "I'll beg." "Here, I'm going to beg." "Dad, stop it!" "Just till the end of the month." "And if you raise your hand just once to me or to George..." "Never again, as long as I live." "I swear." "All right, then." "You're an angel, girl." "An angel." "Suit yourself." "All right, George." "You ready?" "I'm ready." "Good boy." "Hold steady now." "Careful, careful." "There we are." "You've got it, son." "Now see if you can walk with it." "Not bad, not bad." "Ah, come on, Alf." "Fair dos." "Oh, he loves it, don't you, George?" "Careful." "Careful!" "Oh, dear." "You need to build yourself up, George, if you want to work here." "I nearly done it though, didn't I?" "Ah, you got to love him, haven't you?" "Yes, George, you nearly done it." "Come over here." "You're one of us now, George." "Right, what's this?" "Four thousand silk scarves." "Four thousand silk scarves?" "Yes." "Tomorrow is going to be a special day." "Everything has to be perfect." "But what's it about, Miss Mardle?" "Ah." "My lips are sealed." "But it's something quite extraordinary." "Let's get after him!" "Sorry." "It's stuffy in here." "I suppose they're a bit traditional for your taste." "Not at all." "They're excellent." "Thank you." "God, you're beautiful." "I'm..." "I didn't come here for that." "I'm a married woman, Mr Temple." "Oh." "I'm so sorry." "Erm..." "Look, please forgive me." "I didn't mean to..." "I um... should probably go." "No!" "No, no, no, no." "Please, please don't." "Maybe it was my fault for coming here." "No." "It's my fault entirely." "Can we just forget that just happened and start again?" "It's out of the question." "Goodbye, Mr Temple." "Victor?" "For you." "I don't get it." "What's she doing - sending chocolates to the waiter?" "Let's have a look." "So looking forward to our little party tomorrow." "My chauffeur will call for you at 6:30." "Lillian Worthington." "Haven't you twigged it, Victor?" "This little party's going to be just for you and the lady." "Oh." "Right." "And you think I should go?" "Always strive to please the customer, Victor." "That's what you're there for." "When I was your age, I had many such assignations." "Enjoy yourself." "You're only young once." "Thanks, Mr Perez." "Make way!" "Welcome!" "Mr Bleriot, a great achievement!" "Welcome to England." "The first man to fly the Channel." "Who are you, Monsieur?" "This is Harry Gordon Selfridge." "Selfridges is the greatest store in London and he's going to give you and your aeroplane pride of place in it." "Excuse me, monsieur, step aside." "The people want to take photographs of me, not you." "No, no, I understand." "You think I'm trying to ride your coat tails." "Listen, give me five minutes." "Just five minutes." "That's all I ask." "If I don't convince you," "I'll be out of your life forever." "Three minutes." "These people don't know what they're looking at, but we do." "This is the future." "Folk will be popping over the Channel for lunch without thinking anything of it." "All because one man had the courage and the daring to do it first." "Let me ask you something." "What did it feel like to be up there in the clouds all alone?" "I thought I was going to die, monsieur." "That is what I thought." "How do you say..." "A squall blew up, the clouds came down and for ten minutes," "I could see nothing - I was flying blind." "Flying blind." "Go on." "It was strange." "The wind was tossing me about like a leaf." "But you know, I was quite calm." "I was in the hands of fate, monsieur." "And then the clouds cleared and I could see a place to land, and... here I am." "That must have been one a hell of a feeling - totally lost in the empty space." "Flying blind." "I know that feeling." "I do." "Flying blind." "We have a deal." "No!" "I cannot work like this and I will not!" "Monsieur Leclair." "Always a pleasure." "How are things going?" "It's over." "I won't work with that man anymore." "Henri, what's the matter?" "Simply, I've had enough." "I come to you, you are Chief of Staff." "I tender my resignation." "I leave for Paris this evening." "Henri?" "Henri!" "Ground floor." "Henri!" "Please!" "Henri!" "Henri..." "Henri, stop." "Tell me what happened." "What happened?" "This morning, he humiliates me in front of his mistress when he knows I am in the right!" "And now this exhibition I must build just to make him look good." "Well, you know what?" "This time he has gone too far." "Let him see how he gets on without me." "He's been rough on everyone today." "You've simply had the worst of it." "He shows no gratitude, no appreciation." "But he does." "You should hear the way he talks about you." "He'll tell anyone you're a genius." "And you are." "He should tell it to me." "I absolutely agree." "He will, I know it, before the end of the day." "No, he will not, because I will not be here." "I will be gone." "Wait, Henri." "Wait." "Wait until you've calmed down a little." "Sleep on it." "Would you do that?" "For me." "Because I'd hate to lose a brilliant colleague and friend." "All right." "For you." "I will wait until tomorrow." "Now, you've got to pay attention, George, because I'm going to tell you about the special deliveries." "Is this a joke again?" "No, no, no, no." "This one is deadly serious." "Mostly the goods go in the green vans, but every so often the blue van comes in for the specials." "So if I say to you 'special delivery' or 'special', you put it in the blue van." "Cos it'll be for urgent express delivery, probably for one of the directors or such like." "And they like to keep it private, so we don't tell no-one about the specials." "Understand?" "I'm trusting you now, George." "I can trust you, can't I?" "Yeah, you can trust me, Alf." "Good boy." "Well, that's your first day done." "See you tomorrow, eight o'clock sharp." "Carry on, ladies." "Oh, you gave me a fright!" "How's my best girl, then?" "Busy." "And I'm not your best girl." "You know we're not supposed to..." "Come on." "I thought we might have a cup of tea together when they let you go." "No, not tonight." "I've got to get home." "What for?" "Family business." "Private." "All right." "Another night then, eh?" "Maybe." "Oh, Victor!" "You shouldn't have." "They must have cost an awful lot." "Well, they would have if I'd paid for them." "You stole them?" "Perk of the job, you might say." "Shame you'll have to eat them on your own now." "And next time I won't take no for an answer." "Night." "Ladies." "Ooh, Agnes." "I really think he's sweet on you." "I wouldn't let him go if I were you." "He's got lovely big brown eyes." "And lovely long legs." "Bet he's got strong arms, too." "Give you a lovely squeeze, he could." "Come on, Agnes, give us one of your chocs." "Truffles!" "My favourite." "Kitty, you've got such a cheek!" "Calais" " Dover" " Selfridges." "That's the headline." "The Bleriot aeroplane, which flew the Channel yesterday, is on view, free of charge, on our ground floor." "The public is invited to see this wonderful epoch-making machine." "We want it in all the papers." "Go to it." "I was afraid we'd miss our Tuesday night, what with the chief working us so late." "That's good." "I'm still worried about Miss Towler." "I think we can trust her." "Strange little thing, isn't she?" "You'd think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but I reckon she knows the score." "If she keeps her mouth shut, her brother has a nice little job in the loading bay." "If it were to come out, we'd both lose our jobs." "I keep thinking she'll follow you home one day and tell your wife." "Oh, my God, don't say that." "She wouldn't do that." "What could she possibly gain by that?" "Anyway, let's not allow her to ruin our evening." "This is about you and me." "No-one else." "Oh, Roger, I do live for these precious hours together." "My darling Josie." "Be careful!" "This machine is worth a fortune." "What a piece of junk." "Piece of junk?" "This is the work of genius - a French genius - displayed by our very own French genius." "You are being very forthcoming with your compliments." "I presume you have spoken to Mr Grove." "I've come to say sorry." "I have treated you abominably." "Yes, you did." "And you will again, no doubt, if I stay." "No-one can spin straw into gold like you." "You're the best." "That's why I brought you with me from Chicago." "I know this." "And you are the best at what you do." "But one day you will push me too far." "Then you will be sorry." "Now, if you would please leave me to my work." "There's nothing to worry about, George." "He's not like he used to be and it's only for a few days." "You said we'd never have to see him again." "Yes, well..." "Here they are - the workers of the world." "All right, Dad?" "They make you work late at that place." "Well, we had to." "There's this special exhibition coming off." "I've got a few things in for you, so you can do our tea, Aggie." "Your Mrs Payne was very accommodating." "I think she took quite a fancy to me." "People often do at first." "Georgie..." "Georgie, got yourself a job." "Wonders will never cease, eh?" "How was it, son?" "All right." "They said I was a strong lad." "Strong lad, is it?" "Here we are." "Our little family, all together again." "Who is it?" "Harry." "Oh, I didn't mean to disturb you." "The day I've had..." "I tell you." "I've got your crazy Frenchman's flying machine at the store." "Do you fancy playing the aviatrix tomorrow?" "You know I'd do anything for you, Harry." "So does this mean you're taking me flying?" "We can't do it here now - someone might come in." "I don't give a damn." "Oh!" "I beg your pardon." "Told you so." "Don't worry." "It's only Nancy." "Who might it be next time?" "Well, we could always go to yours." "What do you suggest?" "Good night, Ellen." "Bleriot in Selfridges!" "Read all about it!" "Bleriot in Selfridges!" "Read all about it!" "Bleriot in Selfridges!" "Read all about it!" "Bleriot in Selfridges!" "Read all about it!" "Here's you change." "Thank you." "Have a nice time." "Wow!" "That is so amazing!" "I'm sorry that you haven't seen much of me the last few days." "Did you see any art?" "I did." "Yes." "Any good?" "I thought so, yes." "I don't think you'd have liked it as much as I did." "No?" "But you enjoyed it, though?" "Yes, I enjoyed it." "Very much." "Mrs Selfridge." "Mr Selfridge." "So what do you think now, Crabb?" "A very impressive achievement, Mr Selfridge." "Harrods and the rest of them must be empty." "Because the entire world is at Selfridges." "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present, here exclusively at Selfridges, the daredevil pilot, conqueror of the air, the human bird, Monsieur Louis Bleriot!" "Thank you." "Thank you." "It is a great honour to be here with you..." "Mrs Selfridge?" "Lady Mae." "Isn't this all quite delightful?" "Miss Ellen Love!" "The Spirit of Selfridges is quite the thing." "Doesn't she look ravishing, draped over that contraption?" "Your husband seems to think so anyway." "I'm sure we all think so, Lady Mae." "Harry, it's a triumph." "Mr Selfridge, you're the talk of the town." "That's what I aim for." "It's so thrilling to be involved in it all." "Do you go boating, Mr Selfridge?" "You know, the gentleman rows and the lady holds the tiller?" "It's just a little bit of steering." "Can I have a suit, Mae?" "Yes, Tony." "You can have a suit." "Harry, I'm sorry, I'm feeling a little tired." "I think I'll just slip away." "What's the matter, Rose?" "I'm fine." "Don't worry about me." "Then stay." "I need to share this with you." "I'll see you at home." "Rose, don't go." "Hello, Victor." "I thought I'd come and collect you myself." "Do jump in." "I'm sorry, madam, to let you down, but I can't be with you this evening." "I checked with my boss and it's against company policy." "Sorry again." "Good night." "Meet the great man, then, did you?" "What a saint that man is." "And how fortunate you both are to be wage slaves in his grand emporium!" "Well, we do think we're quite lucky, don't we, George?" "Thing is, it's the sort of place where you can get on, get promoted sort of thing." "Whereas the sort of place I work, you're on a pathway to the gutter." "Is that what you mean?" "No." "You know what I meant." "What about you, George?" "Are you on a pathway to promotion, too, are you?" "I'm a good worker, I am." "You're a joke." "You're a snivelling little halfwit." "You can't talk to me like that no more." "Oh, can't I?" "Really?" "What are you going to do about it?" "I'll show you." "Well, come on, then!" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" "Only kidding!" "Only kidding." "Oh, Nancy, be a dear." "What is it?" "It's my new home." "St John's Wood." "Oh, that's ever so posh!" "All I had to do was give a little hint and flutter my eyelashes." "You had to do more than just that." "Well, you know what I mean." "Here's to making history." "How does it feel?" "Feels good, Frank." "Feels great." "No, that's a lie." "Now it's all done, it feels like..." "'What was that?" "'" "You ever felt like chucking it all in, Frank?" "Just hurling yourself in front of a train?" "Can't say I have, old boy." "You all right?" "Just a passing thought." "Just a passing thought." "In the minds of many, coloured lips are worn by prostitutes." "What would selling this in the doorway say to our customers?" "Customers want it, we shall give it to them." "You must think me very forward - turning up like this." "You don't know how happy I am that you have." "We're going to do our own in-house perfume and I want you to endorse it." "The Spirit of Selfridges." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Long ago, a demon appeared on the outskirts of a village." "The demon wasn't in good health, so a young lad from the village fed him." "The demon recovered its strength, and remained in the village to play with the young lad." "Because of the demon, the villagers forgot to work and spent their days in leisure." "One day, an exorcist appeared, and sealed away the demon." "Although the demon was taken care of, the village wasted away because the villagers had forgotten all about it." "Thus, future generations held a celebration every eleven years to honor in order not to forget what happened to that village, the exorcism of this demon in order not to forget what happened to that village." "The Forgetful Village and the Demon" "Was that the beginning?" "Yeah, it's a story from a thousand years ago." "By the way, if it were you guys, what would you do?" "If you met the demon from this picture book, what would you do?" "11 Years Later" "Crap!" "I even set five different alarms!" "You guys are in my way." "Move!" "That was a pretty bad fall for an adult!" "Oh, no!" "This guy's nose is smashed!" "Does it hurt?" "Are you gonna cry?" "You kids think it's all right to be prowling around this late at night?" "Go home this instant!" "Making an adult angry is scary!" "Get that in your heads!" "True Cross Making an adult angry is scary!" "Get that in your heads!" "True Cross" "Hikemu Hikemu Hikemu Hikemu True Cross True Cross True Cross True Cross" "Hi-yu-mu..." "Festival?" "True Cross Academy" "True Cross Academy Damn it!" "They're out there having fun while we have to work." "Shura-san!" "Watch your head!" "Ah?" "!" "It sure is low." "All the sluice gates are closed for the festival, so the water level is higher than usual." "Over here?" "True Cross Academy:" "Sluice Gate No. 1." "LOCKED Slow Down Sluice Gate No.1 True Cross Academy:" "Sluice Gate No. 1." "Sluice Gate No.1 Slow Down LOCKED" "LOCKED Slow Down Sluice Gate No.1" "LOCKED" "Well, we're finally here." "You need to help out too." "Welcome Home True Cross Academy Town Station" "The Phantom Train is, um, a train possessed by a demon, Welcome Home True Cross Academy Town Station" "Welcome Home True Cross Academy Town Station The Phantom Train is, um, a train possessed by a demon," "He's late!" "What on earth is he doing?" "that is heading towards Gehenna from Assiah." "that is heading towards Gehenna from Assiah." "Also known as the Man-Eating Train." "The correct name is the Soul-Eating Train." "True Cross Volunteer Society Welcome Home" "You've studied really hard for this, Shiemi-san." "True Cross Volunteer Society Welcome Home" "True Cross Volunteer Society Welcome Home You've studied really hard for this, Shiemi-san." "Welcome Home True Cross Volunteer Society" "True Cross Volunteer Society Welcome Home" "True Cross Academy Town True Cross Academy Town Station" "It's here." "That's our exorcism target this time: the Phantom Train." "Lord Pheles has restored the ancient ruins that were originally buried here." "There are twenty-eight such places surrounding the town." "Every eleven years, the seals have to be reactivated to protect the town from demons." "This year is exactly eleven years from the last time we did this, so—" "Spare us the explanation." "Pick one." "Oh, yeah!" "You'll be in charge of activating the new barrier." "And I'll deactivate the old one." "Let's get this over with quickly and go grab a drink!" "Gehenna True Cross Academy Town Station" "Shiemi-san." "Please be careful." "The demon waits for this kind of opportunity and drags the unfortunate passenger to Gehenna." "We'll be riding this one." "But there are people inside." "They are the ghosts of the people who boarded the train." "They probably haven't even realized that they're dead." "No way..." "We have to help them!" "It's impossible." "What?" "Once we exorcise the Phantom Train, the ghosts inside will disappear as well." "True Cross Academy Town" "It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid we don't have time to help the ghosts this time." "True Cross Academy Town" "True Cross Academy Town It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid we don't have time to help the ghosts this time." "True Cross Academy Town" "Is this a tool for exorcism too?" "This is a special car prepared specifically for this mission." "Rin still isn't here." "Can't do anything about it." "This mission will have to be carried out by the two of us—" "He's here!" "Rin, over here!" "Shiemi!" "Hold on!" "Wait up!" "Nii-san!" "Hurry up!" "Keep at it!" "Just a little more!" "What on earth were you thinking, being late for a mission?" "!" "Do you really want to be an exorcist, Nii-san?" "!" "I poured my heart into studying." "That's why I fell asleep..." "Anyway, I'm sorry." "But I made it, so it's not a big deal, right?" "Stop nagging me." "More importantly, we should exorcise this thing quickly." "Rin, don't!" "It hurts!" "Seriously." "You never listen to what others are saying." "Well then, I'll explain today's mission." "It is 11:50 right now." "You two will stay in the railcar and wait." "I will go to the front car by myself." "At exactly midnight, the Phantom Train will reveal its true from in order to return to Gehenna." "I'll exorcise it when it transforms." "After the exorcism, you two will pull the brakes on the railcar and stop the train." "After we have safely stopped the train, we'll wait for the Recovery Squad to come and get us." "And that will be the end of this mission." "What the hell?" "So we're only here to pull the brakes?" "However, if I am unable to exorcise the train, we'll all be headed for Gehenna." "And if I were to fail, press that red button to separate the rail car from the train." "Then, pull the brakes and make your escape." "And what will you do?" "Forget about me and focus on your part of the mission." "That bastard's acting all cool." "Rin!" "There are ghosts inside." "Yuki-chan said we don't have time for them, but I wonder if we can help them." "Is there a way that we can help them?" "We might be able to if we use the Japanese Lantern Plant." "It has the power to gather spirits." "Although we won't know until we try." "Got it." "Leave it to me!" "Well then, we'll proceed as discussed." "Understood." "He's doing pretty well." "Well then, I should get started too!" "Let's get goin'." "Can you do it, Shiemi?" "Nii-chan." "The color, shape and scent of the Japanese Lantern Plant, written as the "Ghost Light", bestows upon it the power to summon ghosts." "That's what my grandma told me." "Five more minutes." "Yukio!" "Wait up a bit." "Shiemi's helping the ghosts right now." "What on earth are you doing, Nii-san?" "!" "Those people are still alive!" "We need to hold a proper memorial for them." "That is completely unnecessary!" "It's not unnecessary!" "We're helping people!" "Helping people is not our job!" "An exorcist's job is to exorcise demons!" "You're wrong, four-eyes!" "An exorcist's job is to help others!" "Yukio!" "It's still early." "This is happening because you did something unnecessary!" "All right!" "We're done!" "It really is faster with two people." "Hey, if you're free tomorrow, let's hang out." "Even without asking me, I'm sure there are other excellent people from the Japanese Branch." "I was joking." "The twins..." "I've heard the older one has powers that could frighten even Satan." "That's just a rumor." "It's nothing worth mentioning." "He's still an Exwire." "An Exwire?" "You'd be surprised if you met him." "I found a nice place nearby." "It'll be my treat!" "Hey, let's take the boat to District Three—" "Who's in charge?" "Okumura-sensei and two Exwires." "What the hell are they doing?" "!" "Okumura?" "The aforementioned twins?" "What the hell is this?" "!" "It's getting violent because the ghosts were taken away from it!" "Rin, I'm done here!" "Yuki-chan!" "This is an emergency." "Let's hurry back to the railcar!" "Nii-san, you hurry up too!" "What're you doing?" "Run—" "He said to hurry, but at this rate..." "I guess I just gotta cut this thing down." "You bastard!" "Thirty more seconds!" "Run!" "Nii-chan!" "Damn it!" "Yuki-chan, your arm...!" "What on earth are you doing, Nii-san!" "True Cross Academy Japanese Branch" "You bastard!" "Yukio!" "Hey!" "Are you all right?" "Hang in there!" "Hey." "Can you here me?" "Hang in there!" "Hey!" "Don't fall asleep!" "Open your eyes!" "Shura?" "Ah..." "This guy needs help!" "So you're the spawn of Satan." "Tsk." "It got away" "Yuki-chan." "Hang in there, Yuki-chan!" "Yuki-chan!" "Sancho-san:" "Aloe." "Chorogi:" "Chinese Artichoke." "Nii-chan, get me Sancho-san and Chorogi!" "I'll treat you immediately, so just hold on," "Yuki-chan!" "Three kilometres of road destroyed, three buildings under reconstruction, fifteen cars, three sets of construction equipment, et cetera." "Fortunately, there were only two casualties." "Okumura-sensei, as the person in charge of this mission..." "I am responsible for all this." "I am very sorry." "No!" "That was my..." "Be silent, Nii-san!" "Lord Pheles, what are their sentences?" "That's right." "How about..." "Judgment has been passed." "Okumura Yukio, you are to write a full report on this." "Okumura Rin and Moriyama Shiemi, you both are sentenced to five days of house arrest." "Submit your written apologies by tomorrow." "Dismissed!" "Okumura-sensei, it is unfortunate to see a spot on your fledgling career." "Yukio..." "Helping people is an exorcist's job, isn't it?" "To help ghosts who are dead, you would put those who are alive in danger?" "You can't remain an Exwire forever." "Even if you become an exorcist, your way of doing things cannot be applied." "Enter the check for the mutual link." "Okay." "At present..." "Thank you very much." "Do take care." "Shiemi..." "Were you waiting for me?" "It's not a big deal." "I'm all right." "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "Sorry." "Because of me..." "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "Sorry." "Because of me..." "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "I'm really fine, and..." "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "I'm really fine, and..." "I'm really fine, andit was kinda my fault too." "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "I'm really fine, and It was kinda my fault too." "Stop the Spread of Contagion!" "Hey, brat!" "You brat, what was with that mess?" "!" "Can't you do things properly, huh?" "!" "What a joke." "That whole incident with the Phantom Train really disappointed me." "You're that guy from the boat..." "Oh, you guys haven't been introduced yet." "This is Liu Seiryu, Upper First Class Exorcist from the Taiwan Branch of the Order of the True Cross." "What?" "!" "Hey!" "What's going on?" "He was asleep on the bed but, the moment he woke up he suddenly..." "Ow!" "That hurts!" "Hey, calm down." "Hey!" "You're going too far." "He's just a kid..." "Look." "A tail?" "What's an exorcist doing helping a demon?" "Are you stupid?" "Bring a cage!" "An unidentified demon, huh?" "We found the small shrine at which it was thought to have been sealed, but there aren't any records." "And even if we wanted to search for it, it's buried under all that rubble." "I see." "So, shall we kill it?" "What?" "There's no need to go that far." "It's the festival season now." "We don't have enough manpower to find that demon's background and reseal it." "It'd be good if we had somebody who, even while under house arrest, is free enough to care for it." "But we simply don't have such luck—" "Ah!" "I've thought of something!" "Okumura Rin, how about you look after it?" "Eh...?" "Why me..." "You were the one who brought it here in the first place." "But if you can't do it, then we'll just have to dispose of it." "Fine, I'll do it." "But if you can't do it, then we'll just have to dispose of it." "Fine, I'll do it." "What?" "Nii-san!" "It's a deal." "Well then, here's the key for the cage." "If you find that it's too much trouble, feel free to say so." "I'll dispose of it immediately." "Why did you say you would do it, Nii-san!" "I didn't have a choice." "Shiemi-san." "Rin!" "Do you have a minute?" "We managed to help them thanks to you, Rin." "Thank you." "H-How did this get in here?" "Here, take this." "I've written down your schedule for this period of house arrest." "Schedule I've written down your schedule for this period of house arrest." "Cleaning, taking out the trash, winter vacation homework." "Make sure you do them properly!" "Well then, I'll be heading out." "Crap!" "I fell asleep again!" "You must be thirsty." "Hold it!" "Don't do it in there!" "Made it..." "It really stinks!" "Like dirty mops and old man's socks." "How rude!" "What do you mean by "stinks"?" "!" "You can talk?" "Is anyone here?" "What's the problem?" "There seem to be reports regarding some supernatural activity going on here." "They're so carefree." "If it were me, I would've burned down the building." "That's kinda violent..." "I was kidding." "Have you seen the report?" "The front of the Phantom Train that was torn off has been spotted under a structure in the industrial area." "The main body that escaped is on the move while eating away at the boundary between Assiah and Gehenna, and is suspected to be hiding on the academy grounds." "So, gaps that are weakening the barrier have been created." "We've let a really troublesome guy get away." "Damn it!" "What're you guys doing slacking around?" "And you call yourselves exorcists?" "!" "I guess you're pretty useful." "I can't do it anymore..." "I'm gonna die." "I've lost all my confidence on the first day." "Quit complaining." "This is training too." "Those MOLBs were amazing." "Okumura, are you here?" "We've come to borrow your bath..." "Hey, behave, will ya?" "!" "We've come to borrow your bath..." "Hey, behave, will ya?" "!" ""Mephi-Shampoo"?" ""Capture that girl with this charming sparkling essence."" "Do you really use this?" "Mephisto just left it here!" "Ow!" "Hey, it went over there." "I caught it!" "Wash it now!" "Ears?" "Or horns?" "It's kinda prickly." "Kamiki-san picked this just for you." "Thank you!" "It looks good!" "I didn't have enough time, so I just grabbed whatever looked suitable." "Hey, it's time to get back." "Ah, already?" "In the end, just using the bath took up all of our break time." "Sorry for taking up your time." "Well, we'd do the same if you were in a pinch." "Let's go." "We'll come to use your bath again." "Oh?" "Where's the kid?" "Shit!" "That brat!" "Where the heck did he go?" "!" "Did you forget again?" "I remembered up until just now though!" "...and that concludes it." "Next, the Minister of Defence..." "Kuro!" "Rin!" "Have you seen a rather small kid with a weird hairstyle around?" "It's him..." "Ah...!" "Rin!" "I got him!" "Here." "Shall we eat?" "Yes, this is the Japan Branch of the Order of the True Cross." "We're heading over now!" "There's a ghoul in District 3!" "The party from New Delhi will be late, so can we get everyone from the Kyoto Branch to help?" "We'll crush these Tokyo demons." "I wonder if Renzo's doing his job properly..." "My older brothers should be here already..." "Okumura-kun sure is working hard, isn't he?" "Well, he's supposed to be guarding that demon." "Is it even okay to give it that much freedom?" "Looks delicious!" "It's the Super Yellow Okumura Rin special!" "Wanna give it a try?" "Thank you for the food!" "It melts in your mouth" "It melts in my mouth" "I know, right?" "It melts in your mouth!" "Thank you for the food!" "Thank you for the food!" "It melts in my mouth" "Speaking of that, I haven't got your name." "I'm Rin." "You are?" "I don't have a name." "Is that so?" "Well then, we gotta think one up for you." "Maro..." "Usamaro..." "It melted in my mouth!" "You're done already?" "You gotta chew properly, Usamaro." "It'll melt in my mouth!" "Thank you for the food!" "Hey, Miss!" "More beer!" "Negima refers to alternating spring onions and chicken grilled on a stick." "Mentai jaga bata is steamed potates with butter and marinated pollock roe." "And some negima and mental jaga bata!" "You sure can drink, lady!" "This is on the house!" "Sweet!" "You're the best!" "Shura-san, we're still in the middle of our mission!" "Quit saying such stuffy things!" "We're just taking a break." "I can't overlook drinking while on the job, Kirigakure Shura." "Wha..." "Mr. Arthur Auguste Angel!" "What's the Paladin doing here?" "I was asked to play the lead role in this year's festival." "Oh!" "It's the man of the year!" "This refers to someone who is born in a year with the same Chinese Zodiac sign as the current year." "Oh!" "It's the man of the year!" "Edamame Yankimo Eihime Torikoro Shiishii To the Passionate Banquet True Cross Carnival A Festival Held Once Every 11 Years!" "He's finally here!" "This refers to someone who is born in a year with the same Chinese Zodiac sign as the current year." "Edamame Yankimo Eihime Torikoro Shiishii To the Passionate Banquet True Cross Carnival A Festival Held Once Every 11 Years!" "Really, what're you doing, baldy?" ""The traces of a nostalgic festival orchestra," "I ponder about the season of white snow."" "Cool!" "I wanna go to the festival too." "But in this form..." "That can't be helped." "We're laying low here." "Well then!" "Hooray!" "We've got orders!" "There's been a sighting three hundred meters south." "They're leading it here now." "Bon!" "Did you see?" "It's Lena-san from Jakarta!" "She's totally my type!" "It's coming!" "A MOLB!" "Stick insects...!" "Not gonna happen." "It just won't work out." "No matter what, it just won't..." "It's here!" "Exwires, start reciting!" "What's wrong?" "Hurry up!" "Retreat!" "What on earth are you guys doing?" "!" "You need to get over your fear of bugs already!" "Spotty four-eyes" "Spotty four-eyes" "Hey!" "Hmmm?" "The Forgetful Village and the Demon" "The Forgetful Village and the Demon What's written here?" "Ah..." "That's nostalgic." "Our dad used to read this to us when we were kids." "Let's see..." "Long ago, a demon appeared on the outskirts of a village." "The demon wasn't in good shape, so a young lad from the village fed him." "The demon recovered its strength, and remained in the village to play with the young lad." "Because of the demon, the villagers forgot to work and spent their days in leisure." "One day, an exorcist appeared, and sealed away the demon." "Although the demon was taken care of, the village wasted away because the villagers had forgotten all about it." "That's a lie!" "That's a lie!" "That's a lie!" "This is a complete lie!" "It's definitely wrong!" "What's with you all of a sudden?" "Don't lash out at the book." "It's kinda like a memento of my dad." "Is it true that the village wasted away?" "Uh, well, it's just a picture book." "Hey!" "It's late, so go to sleep." "You can sleep on my bed." "Aren't you gonna sleep?" "Not yet, 'cos I totally haven't finished my assignments for today." "Aren't you sleepy?" "I'm sleepy, but I gotta finish all this work..." "So, you think it would be great if all your homework disappeared, right?" "Yeah, of course!" "So, you think it would be great if all the homework could disappear, right?" "Yeah..." "I wonder if that could happen..." "That's why I have to get it done as quickly as possible." "I guess I'll go to bed too!" "Let's go to bed together!" "Why is it out of the cage?" "Nostalgic, isn't it?" "I'd completely forgotten about it, even though Dad used to read it to us quite a bit." "Why did you let it out of the cage?" "Your duty is to watch it, isn't it?" "Anyway, today's homework, did you do it properly?" "Homework?" "As expected, you didn't..." "Do you understand the position you're in now that you're under house arrest?" "You can't watch the demon properly and you can't do your homework properly." "Because of that, you're..." "Shut up!" "So it's fine if we're in the cage, right?" "That demon will be sealed once the festival is over." "Until then, do not take your eyes off it." "Seriously, what homework was he nagging about anyway?" "Was that the beginning?" "Yeah, it's a story from a thousand years ago." "Anyway, if it were you, what would you do?" "If you met the demon from this picture book, what would you do?" "I would do my best to finish it off!" "Passengers may not board at this platform Exit for Passengers" "Last Stop" "Last Stop Around two hours ago, there was a sighting of the Phantom Train at the South District." "Last Stop" "Last Stop there was a sighting of the Phantom Train at the South District." "Let's get going." "Speaking of which, I heard from Shura-san that your family has quite a long history with this festival." "My ancestor was the legendary exorcist depicted in that picture book." "What's wrong?" "If you want an autograph, I'll give it to you later." "I can't do this anymore." "The MOLBs today were amazing, weren't they?" "By the way, why are they called MOLB?" "Monsters of Liquid Balloon." "In short, MOLB." "So, they're just water-balloon ghosts." "Okumura!" "Can you lend us your bath?" "Sure!" "Come at me!" "No!" "Kick it with your legs!" "Is that okay?" "They're completely getting along." "Hey!" "Okumara, what are you doing?" "Ah!" "Well, one can't be cooped up in a room all day, right?" "Gotta come out and play once in a while!" "After you're done with your bath, come and join us!" "Let's play ball!" "Why baseball?" "Well..." "If we're talking about having fun during lunch break, it's gotta be baseball!" "Strike!" "Go, Izumo!" "Crush them!" "Our hard-earned lunch break is going to waste." "My hand slipped." "H-He's signalling a homerun?" "Darn!" "You bastard!" "Do you know how fast my straights are?" "!" "What an idiot." "Hey, shall the two of us just run off?" "Who's gonna run off with you?" "How uncooperative..." "Try and hit my straight!" "I got it!" "Huh?" "This is way too easy." "I got it" "This level is way too low." "Okay, Usamaro!" "It's your turn next!" "What's wrong?" "Ah..." "Nothing's..." "They totally look like they're having fun." "It's an eyesore." "We should get rid of it before it becomes a problem." "What?" "But Lord Pheles said..." "Why are you sympathizing with a demon?" "An exorcist's job is to exorcise demons!" "I know that." "Do you get it?" "Swing with all you've got!" "It'd be better if you grip it a little lower." "Yup, that's it." "Around there." "When the ball comes, swing it forward." "Don't worry about it!" "That was a good swing!" "Just do it again!" "I won't go easy on you just 'cuz you're a kid!" "Give it your all!" "Hit it really hard!" "Run to first base." "Usamaro!" "Over here!" "Ah, you can leave the bat here." "Over here!" "Bon, you threw it too hard!" "Over here!" "Bon, you threw it too hard!" "Just shut up!" "You did it, Usamaro!" "That's a homerun with bases loaded!" "H-Homerun?" "That was amazing, Usamaro-kun!" "Use water wisely" "So, it's just another piece of it." "A dead end, huh?" "I'll be back in a minute." "What's up?" "The rubble over that demon's small shrine is being cleared up, so I have to go supervise that." "It stinks..." "My apologies!" "It seems like the pump isn't working properly." "But the water level's been rising steadily since just now." "Is everything all right?" "Please finish up before everything becomes submerged!" "What the hell is this?" "Damn it." "Mephisto, that bastard." "He's failing to manage this properly." "Thank you for the food!" "Usamaro-kun's able to say that properly now." "He's... really cute!" "Usamaro-kun, if you're this cute, why were you sealed away?" "I don't know." "He doesn't seem to have any memories." "With the festival right in front of our eyes, it kills me that we still have to work." "Quit complaining." "We still have patrol duty in District One tonight." "That was the day before." "It's District Six tonight." "That was yesterday." "Bon, I guess you're totally out of it too, huh?" "You're the one who couldn't remember what you wanted at the convenience store and came back empty handed." "When did we go to the convenience store?" "You can't come in here." "Did you...?" "The entomophobic Shima-san just..." "Somethin' wrong with ya?" "Maybe you should take the day off!" "What's wrong?" "Those guys are getting pretty worked up." "What's wrong with the three of you?" "Those guys are getting pretty worked up." "What's wrong with the three of you?" "Oh, Shiemi?" "What happened?" "You've got a bandage." "What?" "Did you fall or something?" "Be careful!" "Oh, no!" "I need to experience more of the festival!" "Give me the festival!" "Give me festival!" "Does everyone want to go to the festival?" "Well, if everyone didn't have work to do, we'd want to go." "So if you didn't have work, you could all go to thefestival?" "Of course." "If people didn't have work, then everyone in town would participate!" "Does everyone in town think that way?" "I'm sure they do!" "It's everyone's wish." "What's wrong?" "I've been trying to get in touch with HQ, but no one's picking up." "There it is." "That's..." "Here ye, here ye." "The legendary exorcist has arrived!" "I've been waiting for you, you giant rabbit." "Now is the time for our battle!" "What's everyone doing?" "!" "What, you ask?" "It's obvious, isn't it?" "What are you doing away from your posts?" "What happened to your mission?" "Mission?" "You mean this?" "No!" "There should've been a patrol mission!" "I haven't heard of anything like that." "What?" "Oh, Okumura-sensei!" "How would you like to try one of these?" "Where have you been, Okumura-sensei?" "Are you injured?" "What happened to your arm?" "Even the teachers are here." "What on earth is going on?" "Impossible!" "How on earth did it get past the barrier?" "!" "What's that?" "That's rare." "It's a MOLB." "This is my first time seeing one." "Wait!" "It's heading this way!" "Shit..." "What the heck is this?" "!" "Usamaro!" "Rin!" "Where are you?" "Rin!" "Where did you go?" "Huh?" "Shiratori-san, do you know him?" "Nope." "The man of the year defeated the big rabbit!" "Let's go!" "Are you all right, boy?" "Where are your mom and dad?" "Are you alone?" "Boy, what's your name?" "Can you tell me where you live?" "What're you doing?" "Don't wander off on your own." "Rin!" "Thank goodness, looks like he's not a lost child." "Let's go back to where everyone else is." "When the festival is over, will I be sealed again?" "Leave it to me." "I'll do something about it." "This brings back memories." "I was here 11 years ago too." "At that time, Yukio got lost, and our Dad and I were searching for him around here." "In the end, he was crying alone on the shrine grounds." "The moment he saw me and Dad, he was so relieved that he started wailing." "Is it something sad?" "What're you saying?" "Is it something painful?" "There's no way it's p—" "Memories... of Dad... are painful." "Isn't that...?" "Who's there?" "Is someone there?" "Um..." "There he is!" "Yukio!" "Dad!" "Read us this book!" "It's us when we were young..." "Again?" "It's us when we were young..." "It's us when we were young..." "Please." "It's good, isn't it?" "Yukio's here too..." "Please." "It's good, isn't it?" "Please." "It's good, isn't it?" "But who's that?" "Looks like you guys really like this book." "But who's that?" "Looks like you guys really like this book." "I can't remember but I have feeling he was someone really important." "Okay, okay." "I will." "I can't remember but I have feeling he was someone really important." "I can't remember but I have feeling he was someone really important." "What's wrong, Rin?" "Dad..." "Dad!" "This is..." "So you remembered the memories I took so much trouble to eat..." "Don't tell me... it was you who ate those memories?" "I'll eat all those unpleasant or painful memories." "This was the reason you were sealed?" "!" "It'll be all right, Rin." "I'll eat them all again." "Stop it!" "Usamaro?" "So you finally show your true form, Rabbit." "To think I'd meet a "Turner of Time" in a place like this." "In the name of my ancestors, I'll seal you!" "What do you think you're doing?" "You bastard." "You don't have what it takes to be an exorcist after all!" "What happened to our backup?" "!" "What's HQ doing?" "!" "It's because of that demon." "At this rate..." "What on earth is that rabbit?" "It's the Turner of Time." "It manipulates time and eats people's memories." "It's the demon that my ancestors once sealed." "It takes advantage of the smallest desires, and has the power to destroy people's hearts." "Because my ancestor allowed that demon to dwell with the villagers, the village was brought to ruin." "The village and the location where the demon was sealed was forgotten over time and became a myth." "If we leave him alone, this town will be destroyed as well." "How'd it go?" "Nothing yet." "Yes!" "We haven't found anything yet." "In the western side?" "Understood." "We're heading over there." "Nii" "Why?" "When everyone forgets their unpleasant memories, they become happy!" "So why..." "No!" "There must be some mistake!" "No..." "I didn't do anything." "No..." "Hey!" "Can you hear me?" "Hang in there!" "No..." "Rin..." "Which way did they go?" "Shall we split up?" "An earthquake?" "This aura..." "It's the demon!" "Ouch!" "What is this place?" "Nii-san!" "{Brother!" "}" "Hold it." "Look." "Don't take your eyes off that rabbit!" "Even if it's you, Rin, I hate exorcists!" "Usamaro, why are you eating people's memories?" "Forgetting unpleasant things makes everyone look happy!" "And yet...!" "Even if you eat one person's memories, someone else will remember too, right?" "So, I'll eat that person's memories too!" "There are lots of people in this town." "Are you gonna eat everyone's memories?" "Whether it's a town, or a country, I'll eat and eat and eat everyone's memories!" "And then everyone will become happy!" "Even the memories you and I share?" "That..." "No matter what you say to it, you're just wasting your breath." "Nii-san, you stand back!" "Hold on, Yukio." "Usamaro, I—" "Yukio!" "Hold on, you guys!" "Usamaro!" "Let go of me, Rin!" "Usamaro, you used that power because you wanted to make everyone happy, right?" "That's right!" "And yet...!" "Yet...!" "In that case, you're a good guy." "Rin..." "But you know, Usamaro, no matter how painful or sad some things are," "No matter how painful my memories of me and Dad are," "No matter how painful my memories of me and dad are," "I won't forget them!" "I must never forget them!" "Don't you think that true memories are a combination of fun ones and painful ones?" "Nii-san...{Brother...}" "Rin..." "That's why, Usamaro, promise me." "Don't ever eat people's memories again." "Don't ever use that power again." "Okay." "Yukio!" "I'll take this guy in and make him our little brother." "I've been thinking about this for a while." "Dad knew I was a half-demon and still raised me." "So from today, the three of us will be brothers!" "What on earth are you saying, Nii-san!" "I'll explain everything to Mephisto." "That's not the problem!" "It's being eaten..." "Rin!" "Thank goodness!" "You found Usamaro-kun!" "What's going on?" "How's the barrier?" "They're putting the last seal in place." "Anyway, an order to evacuate has been issued!" "A huge amount of coal tar has invaded the town and it's a mess!" "All exorcists are to gather at HQ!" "You're the oldest, so don't cry, okay?" "Some kids are being left behind..." "You guys go on ahead!" "Wait!" "I'm going with you!" "Rin!" "I'll be fine, Usamaro!" "I'll be back soon, so go with Shiemi, okay?" "Don't make such a sad face!" "Shiemi, I'm counting on you." "Come on." "Let's go." "What are the guys on the outside doing?" "!" "They're eating into the barriers!" "The Aria team has...!" "Shura-san!" "You're late, baldy!" "It's not "baldy"." "It's Arthur Auguste Angel." "I'll hold them off here." "Continue your chanting!" "Shut up!" "Don't try to act all cool." "Usamaro-kun, it's dangerous out here, so let's go inside." "Nii-chan, could you give me some Una-una-kun?" "Usamaro-kun!" "Don't!" "Rin!" "Nii-chan!" "Wait right there." "It's all right now." "The town is..." "Go as far inside as you can and hide!" "Yukio!" "Damn it!" "Usamaro?" "What're you doing?" "!" "Get back!" "Rin!" "I won't forget them either!" "The memories I have with you!" "But I'm sorry." "I can't keep our promise." "What is he planning on doing?" "This is...!" "Not just memories... he's eating space and time itself." "The bath, the baseball game, that delicious food, and the festival..." "They were all really fun." "Thank you, Rin." "What would you do, Rin?" "If you met the demon from this picture book...?" "I'd make friends with it!" "What?" "!" "Well, this guy was having fun with everyone, right?" "So he's a friend, isn't he?" "Friend?" "Nii-san, it's a demon!" "If it's a friend, I won't finish it off!" "We must make friends with it!" "B-But even though you become friends with it, a demon is a demon." "If we can get along, even a demon can become our friend!" "Therefore, it's a good demon!" "Dad, which is the right answer?" "I wonder myself." "Usamaro!" "Huh?" "I'm back." "Yukio!" "Where's Usamaro!" "And everyone...?" "What happened to the town?" "Usamaro?" "Are you talking in your sleep, Nii-san?" "The festival's already over, so from today, please mend your ways..." "He ate everything..." ""He"?" "Don't you remember?" "What are you talking about?" "Okumura, what's wrong?" "You're all flustered." "You guys..." "Ah, never mind." "Rin?" "Due to a low pressure front building up since last night..." "Usamaro!" "Do you remember?" "If you have memories no one else remembers, what's the point in remembering them?" "Or something like that." "Having the power to open a demon's heart..." "You've shown me something interesting." "Ah..." "Usamaro, I won't forget." "I'll always remember." "Brother, the ending in this book is different." "I didn't like that ending very much, but he rewrote it anyway." "Oh?" "Where did you suddenly run off to?" "Oh, shut up." "Even I have times when I just wanna think alone, you know?" "Think?" "Anyway, Nii-san, the only thing you should be thinking of is your homework." "Homework, homework!" "Are you my mom or something?" "Anyway, are you hungry?" "I'll make some omu-rice!" | {
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} |
"It breaks my heart every time." "I know." "Poor girl sacrificing herself to save her village." " No..." "Orlok, dying for love." "Vampires knows when dawn's coming." "You can feel the sun long before you see it." "Anyone ever try and keep you up past your bedtime?" "Passion can be a great distraction for vampires as well as humans." "And playing on the edge of getting burned is part of the fun." "You'd think there'd be easier ways of getting a meal than having to get involved in a messy romance." "It's not about taking blood." "When I feed, there's a connection." "Every emotion adds to the quality of the experience." "Sometimes it's taking someone in a dark alley and tasting their fear." "Sometimes it's tasting a lover in the throes of passion." "Then it's easy to forget the dawn." "Popcorn?" "Passion isn't something you can shut out forever, Vicki." "It knocks down walls." "It sweeps you off your feet." "It can change your life." "Isn't this supposed to be a double feature?" "Yeah." "ARGH!" "DAMMIT!" "How the hell did you get in here?" "Exactly." "What did you do to my place?" "Dude, you've got about five seconds to get out of here." "I don't think so." "Sweet stereo." "And when I say sweet, I mean wicked awesome." "Okay, so here's how the day is shaping up." "10:30, Walter Brioux, looking for his estranged daughter." "11:30, Anna Reggit, needs someone to check out staff pilfering at her clothing store, and then at 2:00..." "Are you okay?" "Hm?" "They're, um... burning or something today." " You should put something on them." " Like what, demon-off cream?" "I should just get them removed." "Laser or skin grafts or something." "You wouldn't." "They're demon brands, Coreen, they're not 'Hello Kitty' tattoos." "Actually, that would be worse." "They're part of you now." "They're powerful." "You've seen that." "Yeah, and I still have no clue how to use them." " We could try to find out." " No, I think I'll deal with them the same way I deal with everything that's complicated in my life." " I'll just avoid it until it goes away." " Oh, and that works for you?" "Oh yeah, job, friends, love." "My decks are clear." "Funny, I was happy when I walked in here." " Excuse me, Ms. Nelson?" " Yes." " My name is Camille Stokes." " Can I help you?" "I need to talk to you." "I believe it's urgent." "Have a seat." "You probably won't even believe what I have to tell you." "I have a very open mind these days." "Well, you see, I'm psychic." "Last night I had a dream, a terrifying dream." "And you were in it." " But we've never met." "I saw you and this office and the thing that wanted to hurt you." "It was pure evil." "Now since when does my landlord show up in dreams?" "Don't joke about this." "I saw you die." " How did I die?" " I saw a room, red walls, black floor." "There was a pentagram, and someone was invoking something evil." " Who was doing the summoning?" " I don't know, but I know what he was using." "Three powerful objects - a stone chalice, an ancient dagger and a book, a mystic book." " What else did you see?" " The thing in the center, it took you, your body." "But I felt it was more interested in your soul." "When you disappeared, that's when I woke up." "I'm sorry, you probably think I'm crazy, but the vision was so powerful I had to look you up." "Does any of it mean anything to you?" "I really wish it didn't." "If you have any more visions, would you mind giving me a call?" "Of course." "I'll be in touch." "Do you think she's right?" "Maybe this is just some random woman having a bad dream." "What about all the stuff she saw?" "The chalice?" "The knife?" "Henry already destroyed that." " Yeah, I thought he did." "What do you mean clawed?" "Like an animal?" "Oh, beautiful." "Yeah." "Yeah, I'll be down in ten minutes." "All right." " Catch of the day?" "Yeah, somebody dumped the body of a guy in the Annex." "He was sliced up pretty bad." " Yeah, how bad?" "Well, whoever did it opened up his throat and bled him out." " Is Dave still in court?" " Yeah, all week." "I'll come with you." "Depends..." "one of those for me?" " You know it." " Hey, welcome aboard, newbie!" "Oh, I'm driving." "Hey, if you're good you can play with my siren." "Oh, promises, promises." "We need to talk." "Look, this woman came into my office today." "She's a psychic no less." " Vicki, this really isn't a good time." " There is a point." "I promise you." "So this woman comes into my office and she tells me she's having a vision of, uh..." "Oh." " It's business." " I understand." "I'll be waiting." "You don't rest, do you?" "You know, I thought you were the Prince of Darkness, but it's really more like the Lord of Lechery or something." " A man has to eat." " You don't have to play with your food." " I take it this 'warning' you received can't wait." "Hm, well let's see, she said a demon was coming to get me and that someone was assembling the objects used to summon him." "That can't be, right?" "Because you destroyed all of the objects Norman Bridewell used to summon the demon." "You did destroy them, right?" " I took care of them, like I said." " And that's why someone's having visions of demons throwing a surprise party for me." " Vicki, you don't know this psychic." "You don't know how accurate her gift is." "Visions are like dreams." "You have to know how to interpret them." "Hm..." "let's see." "Astraroth dragging me into a pentagram and eating my soul." "Pretty clear." " That's why I separated them." "With the objects divided they can't be used in that ritual again." " Well, maybe that's why someone is trying to unseparate them." "Where are they?" "The grimoire and the chalice are with trusted friends." "The knife is safe here with me." "Yeah, cause, uh... no one could get in here, right?" "What do you want?" "Gather them up and destroy them like we said we would." "The night's almost over." "If you insist, we'll collect and destroy them." "Tomorrow." "Bon appetit." "I've made contact." "Do you have what you need?" "She's already connected with the nightwalker." "They're so stupid they'll lead us right to what we're looking for." "Lemmings." " Any luck on the ID?" " No... not yet." "The poor boy's fingerprints aren't in the system." "The guy's built." "We should see if any of the campus hockey teams had any no-shows today." "And how'd you get to hockey player?" "Forearms, and the calluses on the palms." "Betcha he shot left." "So, Doc, what caused that slash on our hockey player's neck?" " Whatever did, it was razor-sharp." "All the major veins and arteries in the neck were severed." " Like that case a few months ago, the five bodies." " Yeah, it's kinda what I'm thinking." " The cause of death is certainly consistent, and the fact that the body is missing all of its blood." "You think it's the same guy?" "It's him, or it's someone pulling a copycat." "I've got a feeling we're going to see a lot more bodies piling up before this is through." "Thanks, Doc." "If only you could talk." "Wakey, wakey." "Bad dream?" " Yeah, I was having this crazy nightmare that I was a private investigator spending all my time chasing around things that sane people don't believe in." " I wish we could both wake up from that dream." "And by the way, when are you going to lock that front door of yours?" "Bad for business." "Besides, I don't think it would stop the things that are chasing me these days." "Let me guess, demon convention in town?" "Oh, you heard their radio ads." "Well, I'm not an expert in these matters but we've got a dead kid and it looks a lot like the demon killings from a few months ago." "Where did you find him?" "Brunswick, just south of Bloor." "A psychic came in here, told me she'd had a vision that someone had started up a new pentagram with a fresh set of corpses." "She said the demon was after me." "Look, Vick... my sister and her husband, they have a place in Mexico." "Maybe you should take some time off, catch some rays, huh?" " You think I should run?" " If it'll keep you alive, yeah I do." " This isn't like witness protection, Mike, these things will find you." "So what are you going to do, Vick?" "Call it a preemptive strike." "The demon needs certain things and I'm going to make sure it doesn't get them." "All right, so what can I do to help?" "The demon has to work through somebody, so if we could find whoever it is, we could stop this whole thing from going to hell." "You left the chalice in an antique store?" "This is anything but an antique store." "Maurice is a powerful individual." "Who also happens to sell dusty old furniture?" "He knows this world and he hates magic even more than I do." "He promised he'd keep the chalice safe." "Let's just hope he's a man who keeps his promises." "Nothing here for you." "You're not much of a salesman." "You're not much of a customer." "What do you want, Henry?" " The chalice." " Don't be absurd." " I know I asked you to guard it, but the situation's changed." "The chalice is perfectly safe." "I don't think you understand." "What part of the apocalypse do you think eludes me, my dear?" "I have been fighting demonic influences since before you were born." " Then we both want the same things." "So just get the chalice and let me destroy it once and for all." " Vicki was connected to the ritual." " And one person has already been killed trying to bring Astaroth back." "Henry, when you asked me to guard this, you made me swear never to reveal it's whereabouts to anyone, even you." "The situation has changed." "It's important." "Well, I have no idea where it is." " You lost it?" " It is beyond anybody's reach, even mine." " You used a concealment spell." "You always were a clever one, Vampire." "I thought you said he hated magic even more than you do." "I only use magic to defeat magic." "No one will ever see the chalice again." "Well, I don't know about you but I would sure feel a whole lot safer if we destroyed the damn thing." "Who says it would let you hurt it?" "The concentration of evil channeled into these things gives them their own power." " There must be some way to find the chalice." "Even if we can't destroy it, we have to try." " I have taken on a burden." "You're best out of it, both of you." "I'm sorry, but what I do I do for the good of everyone." "It is my mission." "Thank you, Maurice." "Come on." "Maurice knows more about the chalice than either of us." "If he feels it's safe, maybe we should trust him." "Maybe that concealment spell works on us but how do we know it's going to work on a demon." "There comes a moment when you have to believe in people." "I'm running a little bit low on that right now, not to mention time and patience." " It's been safe with Maurice." "He'll continue to protect it." "There's nothing else we can do right now." "Are you coming?" "No, I need some air." "Do you know what time it is?" "Somewhere between way too late and way too early." "What do you know about this case you're not telling me?" " You know what I know, Kate." " The last time these murders started up, there was all kinds of talk about pentagrams and black magic." "You know, people talk." "People also said Vicki was involved in it somehow." "We've all heard the kind of cases she's taking on these days." " Come on Kate, it's a living." "This is crazy stuff." "You don't want to get involved." "Yeah, tell me about it." "Take a break." "We'll get on this in the morning." "We'll find this guy." "Yeah, you're right." "Let's call it a night, huh?" "We're closed." "Ms. Nelson, I told you, you couldn't have the chalice." "I understand." "I just had to ask again." "I hope you can understand how important this is to me." "My dear, I know what the demon did to you, and I promise you, Henry would never have brought the chalice to me if he didn't think I could protect it." "Are you sure about that?" "Absolutely, there's no way anyone could find it." "What if I ask nicely?" "I know what you are, and I'm not afraid." " It's here." " No." "You think you're so smart." "You should have read the fine print dude." "The thing about spells is the magic dies with the person who cast it." "Argghhhh!" "The same killer as our hockey player?" " It looks that way." " But he doesn't bother to move the body." "He's getting sloppy." "You know, I thought everybody had security cameras these days." " Maybe nothing worth stealing." "All looks like junk to me." "It's hard to tell with some of this stuff." "There's got to be at least a few hundred dollars." "So our killer's not in it for the money." "Try this." "What if it's not about who he kills, but where?" "Well, the first body was moved." "Then the placement of the body, maybe there's some sort of pattern to it." " Kills like that are usually posed." "The first body was just dumped." "Looks like the killer just left him where he fell." "Maybe time's our way in." "Maybe the killer's on a timetable." "Hey, um..." "Mike!" "Oh, no, she's fine, let her through." " What is she doing here?" " Well, if this is the same guy as our last killer, I thought Vicki might have some ideas." " Yeah and, hey, who doesn't like starting their day with a homicide?" "It's always nice to have a joke at the crime scene." " Ouch!" " Yeah." "All right." "You know, Vick, there's some interesting books here." "Yeah, I'm sure Maurice has quite the collection." " You knew him?" " I met him last night." "Henry and I were here, before he was killed." "That's great." "So I suppose you even know the motive." "Maurice was guarding one of the objects needed to summon the demon." "Looks like he did a hell of a job." "I think that whoever's doing this killed him they got what they came for." " What does that mean?" "That he's ready to let the demon through?" "Not quite." "He still needs a few more things." "Unfortunately, I happen to be one of them." "So whoever it was has the chalice." "But everything else is still safe, right?" "Henry thought the chalice was safe." "I don't care what Maurice says about these things not being able to be destroyed." "I want five minutes alone with them and a sledgehammer." " What if we can't destroy them?" "It just keeps killing until it gets them?" " Maybe." "Or until we find whoever's doing this and stop them." "It's going to be okay." "We stopped it once, and that was before we were supernatural experts." "No case too strange, right?" "I guess, but I'm still looking up wards and protection spells just in case." "Any luck tracking down Camille?" "She's not in the book and motor vehicles doesn't have any record, but there are still a few 'C. Stokes' out there that I haven't heard from yet." "Well, she is a psychic." "She might have a stage name." "Call Mike and see if police records have anything on her." "If she's tuned in to whoever's doing this, she might be in as much danger as we are." "Either that or the demon is the one placing the visions." "You're getting as paranoid as I am." "I like that." "Where are you going?" "I've got to go see a man about a grimoire." "It's not your fault." "Maurice trusted me." "I believed that if the objects were separated, he'd be safe." "He knew the risks." "He thought they were safe." "I should know that using magic's never safe." "I knew he wouldn't be able to resist having an object that was used in an actual summoning." "I used his obsession." " Look, we just have to get the rest of them back." "Where's the book?" " Dr. Sagara has it." " You gave that book to one of your best friends?" " She thought some good would come from studying it." " Henry, we know what that book does." "We don't need to study it." "You might as well have painted a target on her back and handed out bows and arrows." " She's aware of the danger." "She won't have told anyone she has it." "We don't even know how they found Maurice, they might be able to sense the objects." "We have to get it back from her." "Until we know how they really find it," "I'm not going to endanger her." " It may already know she has it." "Not telling her is putting her in jeopardy." " Contacting her right now could be leading them right to her." "Once we know it's safe, we'll get the grimoire." "Then you and I can have an old-fashioned book burning." "It's going to be okay." "It'll be okay?" "You said I was afraid to give myself over to passion." "Do you really think that's true?" "Well, there's passion and then there's passion." "Like the passion of longing for a lover's lips, his delicate touch." "And then there's passion for gun magazines and shaking down suspects." "And you think I'm the latter." "It doesn't matter what I think." "Good to know." "I didn't expect you." "I have bad news." "Maurice Baloc is dead." "Oh, I'm sorry." "He was..." "He was one of a kind." "He was, wasn't he?" "I'm afraid I was kind of responsible." " What are you talking about?" "I gave him something." "Something some very dangerous people wanted." " I see." " I came for the book." " It's safe with me." " Nothing's safe." "I just don't want you to get hurt, too." " You've changed, you know?" " No, it's the same old me," "Henry Fitzroy, vampire at large." "Well, if you really want the book, I'm happy to give it to you." "You're one of the few people I know with the strength not to be corrupted by it." "Unlike that poor deluded young man you took it from." "Who knows?" "Maybe he wasn't so deluded." "Anyone who thinks that they got the best of a deal with a demon is a fool." " Sometimes you've got to wonder who the real fools are, don't you?" "I'm sorry, I was judging very harshly." "I remember Norman from classes." "He had great potential." "He could have done great things." "He shouldn't have been treated like that." "How compassionate of you, Henry." "I think Vicki's good for you." " She's a very special woman." " Um-hum." "Don't assume she's as strong as you think." " Really?" " Even after I knew that vampires and demons and magic were real, there was a part of me that never believed it." "I had to force myself to not be afraid." "But then I had to deal with things like this and then I understood." "There's nothing wrong with being afraid." "It keeps us sane." "But you have to embrace the fear." "Tell her that Henry." "Don't let her get away without really letting her love you." "Like I did." "You and I were..." "What we were is different." "Tell her." "I just might do that." "Thank you." "Thank you for the book." "Hey." "Where's Coreen?" "She's running down leads on that psychic, Camille Stokes." "None of that will matter soon." "It's almost over." "I took your advice." "I visited Betty and got the book." "You did?" "Where is it?" "It's back at my place." "We can destroy it together." " Good." " That's what you wanted, isn't it?" "'Cause it scares you." "I want that demon bastard back in hell where he belongs." "You don't have to act brave with me, Vicki." "We know each other better than that." "I just want this to end." "The marks, the demons, all of it, no matter what it takes." "It's not easy." "Maybe you have to accept the marks." "I thought you hated them even more than I do." "But they're part of you now." "There's nothing wrong with being afraid." "It's what makes us sane." "You have to embrace what you're afraid of." "Yeah, maybe you're right." "I mean there are times when I wonder if we're going to survive the next couple of hours." "And I realized that if I died, there would be things I would regret not having done." "I thought you wanted that." "Oh god, Vicki Nelson, queen of bad timing." " No, that was great timing." " Don't patronize me." "I liked it." "Let's try it again." " You're sure?" " Of course." "Aw..." "Wow, maybe this is a bad idea." "You know, we should probably stay on point, head back to your apartment, get the book and the dagger and destroy them." "I have a friend who's a glassblower." "She's got a kiln." " It's at my apartment." " Henry, what is wrong with you?" " I've gotta go." " Hey!" "I can't kill you yet, so we're going to have to do this again sometime." "Oh, by the way, you're a wicked kisser and when I say wicked," "I mean totally sweet." "Vicki, what are you doing here?" "I've been thinking and I have something to tell you." " About the demon?" " About me." "What's this about, Vick?" "About what you said, that I'm afraid of passion." "I said too much." "Even if I didn't want to believe it, you've made it perfectly clear what we are to each other." "Wow, you give up easy." "I was just..." "I was afraid." "I knew what I wanted." "It's just something was stopping me from getting it." "Really." "Yeah, and I'm not going to let that happen anymore." "Come on, Henry, pick up." "Come on, be there, be there." "Dammit." "Are you looking for something?" "No, just making myself comfortable." "Well, I could make you more comfortable." "Maybe we should save this 'til later." "You know, let's just get that dagger and destroy it." "The dagger can wait." "We have more important business." "More important than someone bringing a demon to earth?" "I don't think so!" "Just get it, all right?" "Who are you?" "We could have had such a beautiful relationship." " Uh, uh..." " No, no, don't get up." "I got it." "Oh, I like that." "You're hesitating 'cause she looks like your girlfriend." "Now that's more like it." "Hey, baby..." "You know if you give me that back, I'll even let you live." "This can summon a demon, I wonder if it can kill one, too." "Let's find out." "You wouldn't kill her." "You couldn't." "This isn't her body." "It's a lie." "Are you sure about that?" "It feels pretty real to me." "I mean I would know." "I was just with her." " What did you do to her?" " A gentleman never kisses and tells." "Oops, just did." "Whoever you are and whatever you are, it's time to die." "HENRY!" "OOF..!" "You really shouldn't have stolen my shape." "It's not like you're having any fun with it." "Who are you?" "You people forget so soon." " Norman!" " Ding!" "Gold star!" "Now who says blonds are stupid, huh?" "Not a real blond." "Henry!" "Henry, are you okay?" "I'll live." "You?" "That depends." "Were you just at my apartment kissing me?" " If I did, you'd rember." "Oh!" "Blech!" "Blaw!" "I really need some mouthwash." " You're bleeding." " I'd hate to waste it." "Stop!" "We've a demon to stop." "Well, at least he didn't get the knife." "It's not over." "He knows where it is now." "He'll come back for it." " Oh god, I have to warn Coreen." "Coreen, I was hoping you'd be here." "Camille!" "You're okay." "Vicki was worried about you." " I'm fine." "Why wouldn't I be?" " It's just like you said, the demon's back." "It's after Vicki and we thought it might come after you, too." "Just a sec, that might be her." "Yeah, it prably is." "Vicki Nelson investigations." "This is Coreen speaking." "How may I help you?" " What are you doing there?" "Oh, just visiting an old friend." "She's going to come back to my place." "You want to join us?" " Vicki, don't come!" "Don't you hurt her, Norman!" "You bring me that dagger and she's all yours." "Vicki!" "I'm not fooling around with you anymore, okay?" "I need this." "Oh, do I need this, and so does Coreen." "Wear something nice." "Ohh... dammit!" "This is the same killer, isn't it?" "I believe so." "It's the same pattern, same level of violence." " Where did they find her?" " At a dumpster near" "Bloor and Spadina." "She's been dead three, four days." " I don't suppose she has a name, does she?" " Everyone has a name." "But fortunately for us our friend had a record." "Consorting with the devil, eh?" "Detective, please, not in front of the client." "Credit card fraud, forgery, domestic violence." "Her jacket's several pages long." "Her name's Camille Stokes." "You knew her?" " Vicki did." "Have any idea where she lived?" "On Lunnigan." "I think it was..." "52 Lunnigan?" "How did you know?" "Just a sec." "Mike, we found the murder." "It's Norman Bridewell." "Since when does hell have exit privileges?" "He wasn't dead when he was taken so apparently he didn't pass 'go'." " All right, some of this is starting to make sense." "Your psychic, Camille Stokes, she lived in Bridewell's building." "What do you want to bet he's still connected to that pentagram in his old apartment somehow?" "There's no such thing as coincidences these days." "Mike, he's got Coreen." "All right, listen, Vicki, I'm going to go in after her." " Not alone." " I can't exactly call a SWAT team in on this one." " This is my fight." "He wants me, and if he doesn't get me, he's going to kill Coreen." "I will meet you there." "No, Vicki!" "Vick?" "Oh, dammit!" "Why'd you ever get me and let me know what's going on?" "We're supposed to be working on this together." "It's complicated." "But not so complicated that you can't bring Vicki into it." "I can't pretend to understand you relationship with her, but I don't know why you're cutting me out." "Kate, don't do this, okay?" "I'm in a lose, lose situation here." " That's what I'm saying to you, it doesn't have to be." " I will fill you in as soon as I can." "Fine." "Play it on your own." "But understand that when it hits the fan, you're the one wearing it." "Great." "Yup." "Yup." "Help!" "It worked!" "I just learned that's already" ""How to stop it,?" "..."" "Pretty cool, uh?" " You're supposed to be dead." " Yeah." "Pretty much." "But, uh..." "That's all well that you and I, isn't it?" " You don't have to do this." "This stuff that I did..." "I can't go back, Coreen." "I get to play this out, ...all the way." "Besides, come on, it all gone be over soon, uh?" "Imagine, you and me" " This is the end of the world, or something?" " No." "Not for me, not for you either." "If you just play nice, Coreen, ok?" "I like you, I like you a lot..." " You've killed people.." " There's billions more where they come from, trust me, ok?" "Are you gonna kill me?" "I don't know, dead sucks but then again you would make a wicked hot demon." "It's done." " Do you really think this is gonna work?" " You have to have faith, Vicki." "Here we go again." "Is she's in there?" " I can smell it." "It's not?" "who knows we are here." "Hi guys." "You took your time." "I was going to start without you." " Yes." "Empty try, Norman." "You need the dagger and you need me." " So, did you bring it?" "You kept her out of the party." "Then let her go." "Dagger first, and I would like Vicki to bring it to me." " Take me instead." "No, you know that?" "what I need." " Henry, give it to me." "Vicki, this may not work." "Vicki, no!" "Let her go Bridewell!" "Well, who the hell are you?" "You think, uh shooting me is gonna stop me?" " Might make me feel better." "Now excuse me, I have a little ritual thing here to take care of ok?" "We talk about this later." "Vicki would you just give it to me?" " Ok, Norman, we'll play in your way." "Do you want the dagger?" "Here it is!" "Nice throw!" "All right, here we go..." "It's time Vicki." "Go." " Run Coreen, get out of here." " Not without you!" " That's your spirit use that, (?" ")" "no more?" ", Vicki" "Yes." " Aahh!" " Aahh, what did you do?" " How the day your blood's part on priest on the way over?" "I'm in trap!" " It's over, Norman." " Not yet." "Do you think this is over?" "You felt it, all the crazy things you've been joint to use it was you, Vicki!" "And if you like or not" "I've trust that they'll come knocking." "These marks, you think that they're a curse?" "they're a gift." "You just have to embrace them, Vicki." "and you can have anything that you want, even him." "God, I hate what that happens!" " Vicki..." " Yeah, wait..." "Thank you, I didn't think that anybody could stop him." "He was gonna kill me and take me with him." "There's still be stays down this time." "What do you gonna do with those?" " Same thing I should be done from the beginning" "We can destroy them together." " Good." "Yeah." "That's not all well, I got three unsolved homicides that I gotta deal with." " I think there's the bright side, it could been four, five, six." " Yeah, I'll be sure to tell Crowley that." "Hey, how's your hand?" " Aah, it'll be all right." "All right." "Hey, come on, Coreen, let's give a close look at those cuts." "I'm concerning about Norman may have done while he was acting as me." "Oh, not much, no, no seemed in your way." "Really?" "'Cause he said, you know, you fell like he's just been with you." " Ok, may he fooled me for like...a second." " How far that that second take him?" "Ah, come on, don't take the crazy ideas, you know demons, they lie." " Of course." " Oh, he got you, too." "Vicki, maybe we just forget that something that happened." "Absolutely." | {
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"Today is the opening of Lucky Marriage Square" "From now on, we should work hard for money!" "It's a pity that Choi's not here, or the business will be good!" "What's situation now then?" "Now it's more better!" "Let's promise not to be excited in seeing any girl" "Right!" "Even if her figure is 38-22-36" "We've seen it!" "So awful!" "Can I help you, lady?" "We want to take photo for marriage" "Who's the fiance'?" "Me!" "are you kidding?" "Who's the real fiance'?" "all you three said so!" "It's me!" "You're the fian'ce?" "He said he's the fiance'!" "What's so funny?" "No..." "You two are perfect pair" "Both of you are small but pretty" "You are our first customers" "You win a grand prize of 5-minutes massage free-of -charge" "Rhino, you serve this gentleman" "I'll serve this lady!" "Please come in" "You've got a good figure," "The wedding gown must be first-class" "Don't worry!" "I'll do my best!" "I think so either, thanks!" "You're welcome!" "Lo-han, tell Lulu and Nana to" "Measure figures for this lady" "What did you say?" "I'll get them at once" "I'm worried!" "I must take a look" "What are they doing?" "Money is not the problem!" "Beauty is the most important" "It should be the first and the last" "You're so nice!" "Hi!" "Who's going to try the wedding gown?" "Like a Virgin" "You are very beautiful" "Thank you!" "There's no need of you!" "In order to show respect to this lady" "I'll do it myself" "I don't need your help!" "Tall man, measure for my wife" "You measure for me!" "I don't measure men" "I give you many many money" "O.K. You give me more money," "I give you touch..." "Come on!" "Baby!" "They are playing too much" "Stand still, I'll measure your neck!" "Hitting means loving." "Hit me more..." "O.K. Baby" "I love you very, very, very much!" "Tight fitting is popular this year" "You better take off your clothes for me to measure accurately!" "Good." "Thanks!" "Your husband is troublesome" "Go and deal with him yourself!" "Of course not!" "Yes, my husband is troublesome" "Go and help him!" "Go!" "Okay. a moment please!" "Loose fitting clothes are popular now" "You better be measured with clothes on!" "Loose fitting is last month's trend!" "Tight fitting is popular now" "Really?" "I'll take a tape measure" "I've seen model who wears nothing!" "Just don't want to leave a mark!" "You better not marry that man" "He dated me just now!" "Take off your clothes first" "Okay!" "are you alright?" "Yes, I'm alright." "I'll measure!" "You Fatty." "Your prey has flown away" "You..." "Why do you measure here for so long?" "It's just alright." "Not too much time" "It's takes more time to measure here" "Measure the upper waist!" "How's nobody?" "Hey, where's Principal and his wife?" "Principal..." "Principal..." "No, I'm itchy!" "Sorry." "I don't mean it" "Haven't you enjoyed enough!" "You're not woman" "You're not woman" "I didn't know either although I knew him so well" "You are pretending to be woman either!" "You two are pretending as woman!" "How shameful it is!" "It's you who should feel shameful!" "We've done so much" "You should feel shameful for not doing this are you alright?" "My wife" "They together taking advantage of me!" "It's him." "I haven't don't anything" "Not me!" "It's us!" "She's the Principal's wife of Lok's Gymnastic" "You want to die?" "Principal of Gymnastic!" "What so big deal a gymnastic is!" "attention!" "Please sit!" "This calling is for an emergent action" "We called it..." "Race No.4 Sanpo with Jumpin" "What does it mean?" "Sorry, Sir!" "It's the latest horse racing information" "I've made a mistake!" "Everybody knew it!" "The correct name is "Pig-hunting"" "We're gonna to arrest the head of the criminal corp." "This's the floor plan of Big Dai's home" "We approach from three sides" "Sergeant Wong to the front door" "Sergeant Cheng to the backdoor" "Sergeant Chan to the roof" "I've told you not to help me attack!" "Hurry up!" "Do it more swiftly" "Report:" "Troops from front door, back door the roof top" "Have all entered" "With no resistance" "Report:" "We find plenty of weapons and restricted subjects" "But can't find the main target" "Report:" "News from the 4th yard is correct" "But there's no time for buying ticket" "Where's Big Dai?" "I don't know" "Why so noisy?" "Doing what?" "Brother Dai, we are officially arresting you" "Where are my subordinates?" "Yes, where are they?" "How do I know?" "It's been some hours!" "Why don't you say it?" "It's good you know it." "Order some food for me" "If I'm mal-nutritioned, you'll be in trouble" "Get some pork chop and coffee for Mr. Dai!" "I don't eat such cheap food" "I want fresh abalone and shark's fin" "I'll pay for it!" "You know how to enjoy" "Of course." "I'm big Brother!" "Let me help you." "I'll call my brother!" "So you can rest earlier" "Telephone?" "are you Big Brother?" "So disgusting!" "a wireless phone!" "Who is it?" "Big Brother!" "What?" "The former Big Brother calling Big Brother" "Hello..." "Code of Brotherhood!" "Where's the lawyer?" "What lawyer?" "I can't understand?" "I'm very happy!" "What?" "Big Brother is arrested." "You are so happy?" "Say it once again!" "I'm now very happy!" "Brother 2 is number 1 now." "Of course he's happy!" "Congratulations!" "You are Big Brother now" "Joy forever." "Everybody happy" "Mao!" "You're great!" "The lawyer is not coming" "When you are in prison" "We'll send you presents in every festive seasons" "Don't miss me any more!" "Mr. Dai, do you still want to eat?" "Give me a dish of pork chop!" "Give him a dish of noodle and a cup of water" "Yes, Sir!" "Burning three sticks of incense and bow..." "The highest Master please obey the command" "Please!" "Come Master...give me an immortal body" "Eating pig's heart after shark's fin" "Win the 1st prize of Mark-six..." "Ceremony is going on!" "Give me "swordfinger skill" to kill ghost," "Devil cannot hide away from the God's power!" "What are you doing?" "What is this?" "This is swordfinger." "I'm practicing ceremony!" "Ceremony?" "Right!" "Now I'm unbeatable!" "Unbeatable?" "So terribly good!" "Don't bullshit!" "You don't believe." "Try it" "Chop me!" "Chop you?" "Yes, as you like it" "I'll chop!" "Don't chop his face, cut his back" "His back?" "Chop the back, okay" "I'll chop!" "Chop!" "Why don't you move?" "I've done it!" "Can't you hear it?" "I can hear it." "But I can't feet it?" "That means I've succeeded!" "Yes?" "Succeeded!" "Then I'll go for revenge!" "Yes!" "Husband, don't you afraid of Mao?" "I'm not going to pay protection fees to them" "My brothers won't promise too!" "They'll show you something if you don't give them" "If they dare to come" "I'll beat them all down" "Don't worry, my wife!" "Big Brother, I'll arrived" "Don't kill anyone" "Just teach them a lesson" "I understand" "Come the Master... are you mad?" "Who are you looking for?" "I'll looking for you boss!" "Let me down." "Let me down!" "Who are you?" "What do you want?" "You want to die?" "I learned the skill so hardly all for today" "Let me down if you dare" "Come the Master please" "as the command said at once!" "You've into trouble today!" "I'm now unbeatable" "My swordfinger can penetrate into your belly!" "Sieze him" "Come Master show your power" "Go forward!" "Go!" "Come together!" "Try my swordfinger!" "We can make a compromise." "What do you want?" "You should have an idea already!" "Don't you think he's belonged to Mao?" "There's no need to ask?" "What's code of brotherhood!" "Don't do too extremely!" "Big Brother." "Here is ten thousand dollars." "Please take it" "What?" "What do you think I am?" "I know..." "You don't need it" "This is just something from my heart" "OK!" "I'll donate it to the Jackie Chan foundation for you" "Since you regret." "I'll forgive you!" "Thank you..." "Disappear immediately" "Yes!" "Understand?" "Yes!" "Master, the work is finished!" "Principal, have you about it!" "What do you mean?" "You don't want to give?" "Don't point your sword at me." "I've already given" "Given?" "Given to whom?" "That guy who demonstrated ceremony" "I've given him ten thousand dollars." "He has just gone" "It's that Little Beard Man?" "Yes!" "How dare him." "Where does he come from?" "I've checked it" "He and Rhino, Cone, Lo-han are the same group" "He has had some quarrels with our brothers" "What is he doing now?" "Big Brother!" "I've checked it." "There's police spy among us!" "Informer?" "Sure, or how can police have the fat fellow's criminal evident" "We'll have more trouble in the future" "Who is it?" "Not me!" "Don't be scared." "It's alright!" "How are we going to do with it?" "Give back to the police!" "Hey!" "Tell her to wait." "Big Brother, Miss Mina is here" "Uncle Mao!" "How are you?" "Don't call me uncle." "Call me Richard!" "How is my father?" "He's arrested by the police" "But he'll be alright" "I've hired a lawyer for him" "You must save my father" "Don't worry." "I'll try" "Thank you." "Uncle Mao!" "Call me Richard!" "I'm moving to your house tomorrow to take care of you" "Don't be afraid" "I'll leave first" "Bye!" "Beauty is everywhere." "She is..." "It's not worthy" "You fool" "Pig has 80 million in Swiss Bank" "Under the account of Mina" "Is it not worthy?" "Disappeared?" "Officer Tso, someone has send you hamburgers" "Thanks!" "It's better than having lunch boxes." "Come on!" "Come!" "Straightly speaking," "this action has failed" "I thought they'll be finished without Big Brother Dal" "Who knows there's a Mao interrupted" "So we have to have a new plan!" "Sir, there's a cassette tape!" "How are you, officials!" "Hope you'll enjoy the hamburgers" "They're made by famous master" "Your informer ah-B," "I've send him back ah-B?" "The meat that you are eating is his!" "Damned it!" "He's challenging the police!" "Tso, if Dai cooperate with us," "We could charge Mao" "No way!" "He's a big brother." "He must obey code of brotherhood" "Officer Tso, what's your opinion?" "Calling for help from Choi and his four friends" "Right!" "Oh, God, the four of us, from now on, will commit to this detective company, and no dating anymore" "If we do wrong again..." "Come!" "If we do wrong again, we'll..." "Rhion will fall dead." "Tai Shan will be crashed to death" "Cone be drown dead, I will have no seafood to eat!" "You guy!" "Still thinking of seafood?" "Eat yourself!" "Eat your own head!" "Once more!" "If we do wrong again, Lo-han will die and we'll eat seafood..." "Drink tea" "Have your tea please!" "Get down!" "Post this employment notice!" "Employment!" "Female researcher, plus secretary, messenger, cooking..." "Handling all and monthly salary 1300, excluding meal 7 working days a week, 8 to 1 1" "Didn't sleeping with boss required?" "Right!" "It's reasonable!" "OK!" "Give me $200" "$120 will do!" "Why do you bring your mom" "Ma Ma Mi a..." "Ma Ma Mi a" "Sorry, I'm Banana" "Banana, please come in!" "Please come in!" "Come in, please!" "Miss, could I help you?" "Could I help you?" "My brother ah-B was lost." "Can you help me?" "Miss..." "I'm Lo-han!" "I'm Tai Shan!" "I'm Cone, the chief of this action troop" "They are my followers." "We always behave this way!" "Where did your brother go often mostly?" "Billiard room, nightclub, hotel..." "What kind of people did he go with?" "Some girls from nightclub, and gangs from criminal world" "He's probably the one!" "What did he work?" "Usury, and informer of police!" "I see!" "It's not surprising that he's lost!" "But I got only one brother" "Please help me!" "No problem." "We'll help you to find him" "Ten thousands deposit first!" "and responsible for all expenditure dinning investigation" "How would I have so much money?" "I just have several hundreds!" "I go posting..." "Sorry, we can't help you!" "Then, I go now!" "Don't help even to bed!" "Coming!" "Miss!" "Do you want to work with us?" "Then we can deduce it from your salary!" "Do you need employee really?" "Don't listen to their bullshit!" "You have to be secretary, cooker, washer... almost everything." "You'll work unto death" "The condition is unhuman!" "We provide meal for female researcher 10 to 4 daily and 3-day holiday a week" "6-month vacation a year and 18 month salary and hostel also" "Hostel!" "Where is it?" "Our home is!" "The house is very large!" "Right!" "It's all belong to us" "Why do one side is new and the other old?" "The new one was left from Grandparent and we bought the old one" "You have dog either!" "Yeah!" "Left from his mom" "Feel free to walk around" "We love the antique here" "This chair belonged to the famous whore, Yu-fa in the 20's" "Really!" "What so special?" "Yu-fa, after infected with sex-disease" "Died on this chair" "Look at this picture!" "She's grandma of Rhino" "She's the first little movie star of Shanghai" "Can you speak?" "No, she's first star of blue movie in Shanghai" "Go to hell!" "No!" "She's the first movie star of little Shanghai" "It's OK!" "But antique is the most valuable thing in this home" "Flask!" "Window fence!" "all came from previous Chinese dynasty" "These antique from emperors, worth 4 millions!" "Really?" "OK!" "Don't talk anymore!" "Take Banana to her hostel" "Good!" "How is it?" "Like it or not?" "Lighting is alright but a bit noisy" "The foreigner in the neighbourhood always constructing!" "Right!" "Still so noisy so far away?" "It's because the space is large!" "Hey, what are you doing?" "You said it's for convenience" "We've lot of people." "We must take more!" "For convenience." "Why don't you do the other way?" "No!" "Sorry..." "It's no need before, but now..." "Make a safe" "Right!" "Right..." "That's safe, they will be like it" "So troublesome!" "Then bigger than one" "OK!" "Let's clean up the room first" "Then I'll cook for you!" "Great..." "Why the rice so hard?" "Hey!" "How much water did you use?" "Did it need water?" "It's still uncooked!" "No problem!" "Eat food first!" "What kind of food?" "This is fried egg with tomato and meat plate!" "This is fried egg with tomato" "The meat plate is delicious!" "It's canned food" "Canned food?" "We didn't have one?" "Delicious!" "Terrible!" "Didn't it come from the second shelf?" "Yes, just one can!" "It's dog's food" "Don't worry." "There's still other kind of food!" "It's lucky that I haven't swallow any" "What's the matter?" "I've heard sound of explosion!" "I'm not deaf." "How couldn't I hear?" "You dare to mention it" "Sorry!" "I'm unintentional" "OK..." "Go take a bath!" "Go now!" "Give me a hand and go up!" "Go!" "Banana is really a bad luck!" "She spoiled everything in the first day" "Yeah..." "Bad luck absolutely" "One'll be unlucky in meeting her" "So no one should go near her" "I'll take care of her" "No." "You are our boss" "How could we let you take the task alone and we live uninvolved" "I'll take the risk!" "No!" "We work together and die together" "Partners should face difficulty together!" "Right!" "This room had a horrible history" "20 years ago there's four brother, fallen in love with a pretty girl together" "Her name is Bobo" "Though they were good brother," "They fought each other for this girl" "So, one night..." "I took this girl here in this room..." "I'm scared!" "What for?" "Hold em if you want!" "I'll hold the doggy instead!" "No..." "I didn't mean that" "I speak silly thing recently" "Don't shout!" "Keep on!" "But, four men and one woman" "The girl could not distributed equally to each one" "So they had a horrible idea" "Chop that girl into 4 parts and each one was satisfied for having one part" "It's horrible!" "It's horrible!" "There was still more!" "Finally the four men committed suicide" "From that time, the five people's ghost" "Hadn't leave this room until now!" "Someone said the girl's arms and legs" "Would appear at anytime, any place!" "The living room, bed room, cabinet, toilet" "In the flushing pool, and any corner..." "What's the matter?" "It's itchy." "What so curious!" "Oh no, you told this horrible story to us" "How can we sleep tonight!" "Right!" "How can we!" "Who's joking?" "Tai Shan!" "Tai Shan is sleeping." "I'm Tai Site" "I'm one of the four owners of this house" "You are one of the four brothers?" "Yes, I'm Shui" "Tonight you are mine!" "Don't listen to what he said" "Get out!" "Don't be afraid are you Rhino?" "Rhino is sleeping, I'm Watermelon" "I'm their big brother." "They all obey me" "No..." "Banana..." "It's me!" "Rhino!" "That ghost went into my body" "It's the ghost that touched you, not me" "You are our people since you come here!" "No!" "Help!" "I'm not the one!" "What're you doing?" "The elder first!" "Obey the code of chivalry" "I don't know!" "I'm Peanut, the most righteous one" "Hold me and don't be afraid!" "Hold me!" "Why've they all come?" "Little brother, there's none of your business" "Go back!" "You treat woman bad again" "Get lost!" "It's not your turn" "Go away!" "Don't be afraid." "We're both women" "It's better to meet a female ghost" "Give me your hand!" "You bastard!" "You spoiled our brotherhood when alive" "Now stop us from dating when you are a ghost" "I must chop you to pieces!" "Cop to pieces!" "I'm innocent!" "What are you doing?" "You are so ridiculous" "What?" "We've agreed that we do it one by one!" "Yes!" "I've been hiding inside so long" "How would I know who's the one?" "Don't bullshit!" "Come..." "Banana, sorry to scare you!" "Don't be angry!" "How dare you pretended to be me?" "No..." "Get out!" "Or I'll kill you" "We're not ghost!" "We're only joking" "Get out!" "Why would it happen..." "Wait!" "Yes!" "Tai Shan, isn't your story true?" "Isn't it?" "Of course it's not true" "Then he's human, isn't he?" "Right..." "I'll teach him a lesson" "How?" "Banana, I'm sorry!" "What's the matter?" "Big Brother all are the same, talk, talk, talk..." "But don't know what they said!" "Leave it alone!" "Keep on surveying" "Cooperate to police and fight crime" "It's meaningful!" "We won't do!" "There's one would do!" "Who?" "Jackie Chan!" "How can he alone do so many things?" "So I'm now asking for your help!" "When Tsoi was here, we would listen to you!" "Now it's different!" "OK, I've said all easy-listening" "Now I will say something you don't want to hear" "What do you want to say?" "Vulgar language is no use!" "Give me back the money!" "Money!" "When had I borrowed you money?" "March, 1 1 987" "I've lend $5000 to Rhino another $1000 on March, 2" "May, 10." "Lo-han invited me to pay billiard, dancing" "But I was the one who paid" "$3800 totally" "May, 30." "Tai Shan borrowed..." "OK!" "That's enough!" "You can't persuade us" "Don't you really want to?" "Never surrender" "OK!" "My name is Flower Tower Cake" "Oh, Yes, Sir, how do you do?" "Good!" "You are very very..." "Oh, Oh..." "Help..." "Don't be afraid, I'm C.I.D." "Hey!" "It's not my fault?" "Don't move!" "Go to the police station!" "We've gone to the Stripe Club" "Would you give me some change please?" "What?" "3 million!" "No!" "I want a change!" "Give him 3 million or kill us?" "Oh no..." "No!" "I want some coin for parking machine!" "Don't kill me..." "I get you money..." "Please go get it quickly" "Robbery!" "What?" "I don't know!" "Calm down!" "You've murder person!" "Shit..." "It's swordfinger's fault!" "Don't move!" "C.I.D." "I'm C.I.D. either!" "We're either!" "It's not time for regret" "You're arrested for armed robbery, intentionmurder" "Why was swordfinger weapon?" "What did you say?" "50 years in jail?" "It needs 2 million to release him?" "You better give me 1 million and leave them in jail agreed!" "Go to hell, Tso!" "How dare you did that?" "Hurry up!" "What are you doing?" "Escape as soon as possible" "Don't wait until disaster came?" "Right!" "Grass shoe is good for running!" "There's one pair left!" "Crazy!" "I won't leave here" "What could they do to me?" "Don't move!" "Oh no..." "They are coming!" "This time what kind of crime are we accused of?" "I was informed that there're narcotic and arms here" "You are also suspected of young prostitute" "You're doing too much!" "How would we sell arm and narcotic?" "Yeah, you pretended so well!" "Don't bother!" "Search!" "Yes!" "Tso." "It's full of guns here!" "Where did it come from?" "You bought it!" "Narcotic!" "You're really something!" "What would you say about that!" "No, nothing to say!" "I followed him so many years" "I didn't know" "Damned you!" "Sorry!" "For the sake of the society" "Jump out of the pan!" "Stand still!" "Come in!" "What's happening here?" "arrest all of them!" "Open the door!" "I'm sorry for this case!" "Damned you!" "You'll be punished one day!" "You're pretentious!" "Now you're happy!" "You are the most famous police" "I'm controlled by others too!" "Don't bullshit!" "What do you want?" "You have two choices" "One is living in jail" "The other is get trained as informer" "We chose the second one!" "Right..." "That's mean you want training?" "Where shall we do the training?" "Victory Prison" "Hey!" "Where do you come from?" "Which one are you asking?" "We come from 4 different places!" "You know that just by listening to our words!" "We're mixtures of China and Hong Kong!" "That fat guy doesn't seem to be!" "I don't know him" "He's not our style!" "Fat guy, where do you come from?" "I don't know" "What?" "Single lane, Fast lane, Water pipe" "Come here!" "Hurry up!" "Which group do you belonged to?" "Group?" "What's it?" "Who's your boss?" "Lemon pie, apple pie" "Peach pie..." "Go to hell!" "Who's your big brother?" "Big Brother?" "I got no brother" "Damned you?" "He said he was also from Chiu Chou," "But he didn't know where it was!" "Chiu Chou!" "You said you're from Chiu Chou" "Sing a song of Chiu Chou!" "Sing it!" "Chiu Chou song is terrible!" "Can I sing other song?" "Sing Chiu Chou song!" "Passing by the seaside, saw some dungs" "He's quietly of leaving dung" "Tell him to eat the dungs" "He looks at the dungs and cry and take him to toilet" "Tell him the drink dirt water" "Isn't it smelled bad?" "Sing so well!" "It makes people laugh to death!" "He came from China probably" "Goodbye..." "Take it..." "He throws things to you!" "Don't move!" "It's my fault" "Hit more for me!" "Beat the three of them also" "Go!" "Do we come for training?" "We're now like a target" "The damage can't be cured" "Not that serious?" "You bastard, what else will you do?" "Pretend as a doctor?" "am I like a doctor?" "How's it?" "anything wrong?" "We're beaten by lot of people for several hours, and you said it's alright?" "I'm beaten inside out!" "It's all my plan" "Or you cannot come in for training!" "Let me introduce you to" "Uncle Man, first class supervisor!" "He'll teach you all regulations and rules and technique of negotiation" "Ting is the Dean of punishment" "He's your inspector!" "He'll teach you fighting techniques" "Fighting?" "Murder is the correct wording!" "We're in trouble" "The first lesson" "What is Criminal Society?" "Good guy won't join it a millionaire won't join it a freshman, knowing nothing" "Will be beaten by others at this time, the Criminal Society will" "Open door for him!" "are you bullshitting?" "Ridiculous!" "all bullshit!" "It's meaningless" "Shut up!" "Be respectful to teacher in class!" "Yes!" "Code of brotherhood is most important!" "OK!" "Say something about it, one by one!" "You first artificial breast" "Say again!" "Enthusiastic!" "Your turn!" "Easy to come, difficult to leave!" "Once more!" "Easy to leave, difficult to come!" "Your turn!" "Lovers from two countries" "Damned you!" "Say again!" "Spaghetti" "You!" "Eleven..." "What did you say?" "Repeat!" "E..." "Elizabeth" "Say it!" "2 by 1 is 1, 2 by 2..." "I can't think any other 2 by 5 is 5, 2 by 6 is 6..." "Demonstration of internal punishment" "Hung, is a murderer, will look after you!" "Hung!" "The one next door is Dai" "Say hello to him!" "Good!" "Dai, you're generous" "Unbeatable" "1 by 1 is 1" "No word can explain it!" "Crazy guy!" "Go to hospital!" "Don't bullshit here?" "The 2nd lesson, negotiation!" "Open negotiation, secret negotiation no negotiation" "I'll teach you secret one first!" "I know, setting of teacups!" "Don't take the cups in the bottom" "Or the setting will fell down!" "You must drink the cup on top" "Really?" "Great!" "Breaking the tradition and here's the punishment" "You'll get used to it" "Want more?" "Do you want to die?" "Don't bother to do that!" "The third lesson." "Fighting is killing" "I'll teach you!" "No!" "The room is too small!" "Right!" "Don't worry!" "Let's go to wooden man lane!" "Isn't it wooden?" "These are natural wooden men!" "Ting, does everyone of us have a cane?" "Yes!" "We play fairly!" "Ice Cane!" "Tai Shan, you go first" "Come, brother!" "Go!" "Go!" "Hurry up!" "I can't stand anymore!" "Don't fool around!" "Go!" "Don't worry, I'm here!" "I'm going to rush..." "I'm not rushing." "Don't hit me!" "We've arrived at last" "Where did you come from?" "You went the wrong direction!" "Once more!" "I can't..." "I can't either..." "I can't either... too!" "I really can't..." "Sorry!" "I can't either!" "Hi, everybody!" "Congratulation for graduation" "You'll report duty after several days resting" "You jump with face up!" "Little ball jump around with flowers 256..." "You hurt me!" "257, 28, 29, 31" "Little ball..." "OK..." "Stop jumping" "I can't stop!" "They'll hit me!" "I'll hit you if you don't" "OK!" "I stop!" "What's the matter?" "How is it?" "..." "Come for fighting?" "Come..." "Come..." "Fight!" "..." "How to do?" "Go!" "Damn you!" "Get lost!" "What's wrong?" "Officer Hung!" "He beat me!" "He hurt me first!" "I saw you hit the fat guy only!" "You deserve it..." "I've told you not to hurt others" "Right!" "You only saw me hurting him" "I didn't see you actually" "He's so short and polite." "He won't hurt others" "Officer, please help him!" "Say, all of you!" "Did he fight?" "No!" "Who's hurting others then?" "The fat guy was beaten!" "Good!" "Justice on everyone" "Don't do that anymore!" "If everyone behaves like you, so kind" "We won't have so much trouble" "Thanks..." "Get back and work!" "Keep working!" "Damn you" "Thank you everybody!" "Thanks!" "You're welcome!" "We did it intentiously!" "What intention is it?" "We admire you for a long time, and don't want you to be hurt!" "What do you want actually?" "We want to save you!" "Big Brother is troublesome!" "Save a guy and make a mess!" "Mao is dirty!" "Put you into jail!" "Don't worry and don't be angry" "Come with us and take revenge!" "Good idea, I'm the boss" "Feel so excited in revenge" "Good!" "Thank you everybody" "I'm so happy!" "..." "For helping me to take revenge!" "Beat down that dirty Mao!" "Who is it?" "Keep working and talk later" "Work harder!" "Go to work" "Lo-han!" "It's me!" "You didn't recognize my make-up!" "I can recognize you even if you're dead" "Officer Tso!" "Tso, long time no see!" "arrested for corruption?" "Why are you so poor?" "Tso, thank you for letting me goes last time" "But I can't change and was arrested again" "I wasted all your effort" "Hey, I'm not Tso!" "You've made a mistake!" "Hey, made-up is not just drawing some beard and get changed" "Tso, your technique is too bad!" "Yes!" "Don't shout!" "I got a plan!" "There'll be chaos here!" "Then you escape with Dai!" "Could we really escape?" "Of course!" "When you see yellow arrow outside," "Just follow the signs!" "How to build up chaos?" "Later you all stand up, and say that the food is dirty" "When?" "Now!" "The food is poor!" "How could we eat?" "Why is the food so bad?" "Even dog won't eat it!" "Right..." "Who's gonna eat such gum" "Chaos begins!" "act better!" "act better?" "So simple!" "Personal revenge!" "Stop shouting and sit down" "Dai!" "Look what have you done?" "We come to save you!" "Save me!" "Yes!" "That means...?" "Escape!" "Escape!" "How to?" "During the chaos!" "Can it work?" "It's OK..." "Don't worry!" "We've good planning!" "Yes!" "Let's go..." "Bye!" "Bye!" "Hurry up!" "Wait a minute!" "What's the matter?" "Why are there arrow signs?" "Cooperation between citizen and police" "Let's go" "No sign here..." "Why did they come so fast?" "Don't shout, I can't see anything" "They can't see either am I blind?" "Don't worry!" "a blind!" "I can't see nothing" "a blind police from prison!" "What so special?" "Many police are blind!" "Right..." "I think it's arranged by society of the unable" "Hurry up!" "Yes!" "We can't walk in darkness!" "Yes!" "Too old fashioned!" "No lighting!" "anything there?" "Here!" "Hurry up!" "Over there..." "Go this way!" "Heart attack..." "He has heart attack" "So poor!" "We must save him" "I can take care of myself..." "Just leave!" "It's OK!" "Thanks!" "Let's go..." "Tai Shan, drive the car" "OK!" "Tso's plan is perfect!" "Let's go!" "..." "Bye!" "The air outside is fresh" "Where are we going now!" "What's your opinion!" "Yes!" "Find a girl!" "Where can we find one?" "My daughter!" "Isn't she beautiful?" "Go to hell!" "Don't try to touch her!" "I'll kill anyone who does!" "OK!" "We won't touch her!" "Wish her never married" "Full of spider's net on her body!" "I go bathing" "How is it, boss?" "This girl is too bad!" "Don't worry!" "I've prepared sex medicine for you!" "What is it?" "She will get high after she has taken the drugs" "How can she swallow so large a fly?" "No!" "Just cook it and put into wine" "Drink the wine and it'll work!" "Hurry up!" "Hurry up!" "What do you want?" "Open the door and enter!" "Why don't you ring bell?" "Just go in this way!" "all Mao's people are inside!" "We'll certainly die, won't we?" "Yes!" "Right!" "Certainly!" "No problem, we go in by the backdoor" "Go!" "Christ..." "It's terrible working here!" "No man!" "Please give me a man!" "I give you one week salary in return!" "Mania!" "a man!" "Thank God..." "It's me!" "Mister, you're released!" "Five man?" "I can't accept five!" "I can't donate 5-week salary!" "How is my daughter?" "She's alright" "But that Mao always bothers her" "Where's that Mao?" "I'll kill him!" "He's playing card in the living room" "Good!" "I'll kill him some day!" "Mania!" "Give ma a hand!" "Show your card..." "Mao, these are clams and river snail" "Put them down!" "Everybody eat!" "Don't wet the cards" "Don't go!" "Play with us!" "It's your turn!" "Boss." "The drug's ready!" "What drug is it?" "What kind of fly is it?" "Boss, where are you going?" "Keep playing on your own!" "I'll have fun upstairs!" "Don't bother me" "Yes!" "Enjoy yourself!" "Enjoy yourself!" "Good!" "What are you doing?" "Your father's here!" "Daughter!" "Dad, how could you come?" "They saved me out!" "It's OK" "Thank you so much." "Who?" "Richard!" "What should we do?" "Wait!" "I'm changing!" "Dad!" "What should we do?" "Hide away..." "Under the bed or in the cabinet" "Come...over here" "Come in!" "It's late!" "What's the matter?" "Just to see if you are bored" "Thanks!" "But I have to sleep now are you tired?" "I give you massage!" "No thanks!" "Please leave!" "OK!" "I'll drink with you!" "Good!" "Come..." "Though you're my friend's daughter," "I always treat you like my friend" "Tonight you are extremely pretty!" "Really!" "I didn't discover until now..." "That you've got sexy beard!" "Wish your beauty forever!" "Cheers!" "Dad!" "Damned you!" "You betrayed me and now you hurt my daughter" "You...?" "What to do?" "Beat him!" "all of you come out..." "Kill him..." "Give me that glass of drug!" "Hurry up..." "Let him drink this" "You mouth is large enough to drink!" "Drink it" "Keep your eyes on him" "Is there any rope?" "Let's tie him up!" "Tie him up!" "What do you then?" "Coming!" "He's excited" "Why kind of drug it is?" "It's lucky that you didn't drink it" "Yes!" "We'll be in trouble if she drinks it" "Damned you bastard!" "He lost conscious!" "Your drug is excellent!" "Of course!" "Now boss is probably enjoying!" "Right!" "Where are we going now?" "Don't be afraid!" "It's said that there is a man who help heroes" "Is there such person in H.K.?" "I know it, Uncle Kin!" "From Kin Kee Garage!" "Uncle Kin, you become rich recently?" "Not really rich. all due to friend's help" "Just for 2 meals" "Is there anything I can help?" "Uncle Kin, we know that you had kept Brother Hao before and also, Siao Ma, Ken, Chai, Siao Kit" "You kept so many heroes before" "What about the several of us?" "Of course no problem!" "You go out first!" "But it's different now." "We have to charge you" "If you want to stay here" "You have to pay the price of a 5-star hotel" "Or you want us to help you flee away," "You'll have to pay the price of a European Deluxe Tour" "I can provide people" "To start with ten people $5000 each" "You'll get a 20% discount for more than 1 00 people" "We can also provide weapons" "But you have to pay before leaving" "You didn't follow the rule!" "Right!" "I didn't charge for code of brotherhood" "Because serving you people," "I might be in big danger, or might be beaten" "So each of you has to pay me another $5000" "To guarantee I won't betray you!" "You better rob the bank" "Hey..." "Don't misunderstand me" "I don't want to earn these money" "My girl, it seems that we are not able to revenge" "Don't worry, Dad." "In the Swiss Bank we have" "Those money are for my old age" "Then you'll have to report to the police" "How could I do that!" "I'm the boss" "You don't want to spend money or effort" "How can you revenge?" "I mustn't take revenge" "I only want to spend my old age in Switzerland" "Dad, you're too bad!" "Right!" "You're bad, father-in-law!" "Mina, though you have such a father," "Don't be afraid." "You still have me!" "What?" "If it's like that, let's go home!" "Good, let's go home" "No, we'll go our own way" "Now we don't have any place to go" "You should let us stay with you for a few days" "You don't have any code of chivalry?" "Yes, but you must pay" "Yes, father-in-law, just pay." "That's easy" "What world is this." "This is robbery" "Banana!" "You are free form prison?" "Be quiet!" "We escaped from prison" "Really?" "Is that exciting?" "Their rooms are quite good" "Banana, this is Mr. Dai" "We met this hero in the prison" "They have trouble now." "They will stay here for a few day!" "Good," "I'll give them my room" "I'll sleep in the living room!" "Don't be afraid, I'm C.I.D." "Just like a hotel." "You must pay before twelve" "I know" "That's fine" "Father, let's go!" "Come in!" "This is a suite" "The facilities are like those of a hotel!" "There's a bed inside the closet." "Please help yourself" "No extra charge" "Please rest." "I'll go now!" "Thank you, Banana!" "Come here!" "are we true friends?" "Yes!" "You must help me!" "Yes!" "What do you want?" "You want to kill?" "Is Brother Dai here?" "What's the matter?" "Brother Dai, people of Mao has come!" "What should we do?" "Find a place to hide" "Go into the closet!" "Be quick..." "Be quick..." "Go away!" "Let's talk together" "Where is Brother Dai?" "Tell us quickly!" "I'll beat you if you don't tell us" "I won't!" "Good, I'll kill you" "Go to hell!" "Kill me, I wont' tell you" "I won't betray Brother Dai" "Why are you staring at me?" "aren't you afraid I'll dig up your eyeballs?" "I haven't!" "Go down and check if anybody's there?" "Yes!" "Dig out the eyeballs" "Yes!" "Big Brother!" "No..." "Big Brother, it's out" "His eyeballs are quite big" "I'm finished" "Big Brother, there're still two downstairs!" "Good!" "Take this blind man down and bring the other 2 up!" "Yes!" "Go!" "Father, what should we do?" "Don't let them find us" "Be quick!" "Take this..." "Be quick!" "Go..." "Don't push me..." "Go down!" "Don't think of that!" "Big Brother Dai and I are good friends" "I won't tell you definitely!" "I'll kill you" "Big Brother." "I'll go down and check again!" "So smart..." "Chop him to pieces for soup making" "No, I'm painful" "Seize his arms" "It's too cruel!" "Listen, find the pig out no matter by what means!" "Yes!" "Be quick." "I'll go to piss first" "I can't stand any more too" "Hey..." "What are you doing?" "I've finished" "Why do you change clothes?" "Why are you so hard. are you mad?" "Go upstairs first" "Help me climbing up" "Crazy!" "How dare you not to cooperate?" "Go, come and I'll kill you!" "I won't pay with you if you are so hard" "We're not playing!" "Beat him!" "Don't be so serious!" "Help, why so hard?" "That's too much!" "Come out!" "They cheat you!" "Who cheat me?" "Rhino and Cone!" "Come now!" "Their clothes are not the same" "Yes!" "1,2,3,4,5,6" "Come out, be quick!" "Big Brother, I'll do it myself!" "I don't need you too." "I'll do it myself!" "I'll do it myself" "It's my turn!" "Don't beat!" "Don't you want the 2 of them?" "None of my business." "Play yourself" "We'll go for tea since it's not our business!" "What do you mean?" "Is this not brotherhood?" "You should not leave the two of us" "Right, we should let them leave safely first" "Yes!" "Don't care about him?" "You don't cooperate with the police" "I'll go first" "I'll go too" "You can't leave" "We're encumbered by you two!" "actually you are making fun of me!" "Father, we would rather die together!" "It would so nice if we can leave now!" "and find someone to help!" "Yes, and call the police" "Yes!" "Some stupid people don't go away even if they go!" "Freedom is more valuable than life" "You mean me?" "Kill the bitch" "Too exaggerating" "You, come out!" "Stand still!" "I really don't understand" "Why are you afraid of these fools?" "I didn't realise you are so smart?" "You know Kung Fu?" "Did I tell you I don't know?" "Yes!" "She knows Kung Fu!" "We'll rely on you!" "My father is a martial arts teacher" "Tell us." "Who send you here?" "I won't tell you" "He must be sent form Mao!" "Daughter, you shouldn't tell them!" "Why should I be loyal!" "They want your life." "Why should you protect them?" "Yes!" "Go..." "Don't think any more!" "Mao wants to betray you and kill you!" "You should betray him first." "Or you'll be killed!" "Good, I'll be a witness" "at last Dai had done a foolish thing:" "Betraying others and Mao is sent to court!" "Just like a normal police story all related people are bribed by Mao as a result, he is pleaded innocent!" "all are rubbish!" "anyone who have seen a police story should know" "No villains are pleaded guilty" "In the next movie, I would rather be a villain" "They are all innocent!" "I can't stand it!" "I have to kill him!" "Big Brother, don't be afraid!" "What do you want?" "It's alright!" "I just can't control myself" "I was dizzy!" "Occasional neurotic!" "But, now I've proved something" "Thanks for teaching me" "Thanks!" "See you later!" "I can't stand it!" "Now we're going to a lounge" "Come if you have time!" "No, thanks!" "Let's go!" "Please take care!" "We are two hundred and fifty!" "Idiot!" "We overestimate ourselves!" "The villains usually revenge!" "In a 'hero movies', there should be a car now and a murderer with machine gun in hands" "Lie down!" "Banana..." "Banana, are you alright?" "You fool!" "How would I be alright with everything broken are you painful?" "are you mad?" "Of course I'm painful" "But it won't be painful if I'm died" "Will I die?" "There's no resolution!" "are you mad?" "Why are you taking about death?" "Banana, let me ask you before you die" "It's been my mind for a long time" "I want to ask you" "Please ask!" "Have you injected your bust?" "I've told you not to ask" "But, I have something from my mind too" "Tell us, we are true friends" "I'm dying!" "My father told me before" "If I die before marrying, the hell would send me to army" "Can I marry one of you?" "So I can come back to my husband later!" "No," "I'm mourning for my mother." "I can't marry" "My mother has just died," "I can't marry" "My whole family has died." "I can't too!" "What should I do?" "Shut up." "You like Banana most" "So you should marry her" "Lo-han my husband...bye!" "No!" "I want a divorce!" "Divorce?" "No, you can't marry other women" "My God!" "There is really problems among us!" "I'll call an ambulance" "How can he kill like this?" "Kill one person a day." "It'll be my turn soon!" "No, I want a revenge!" "We want to revenge too!" "I have all sorts of weapons here." "Please choose!" "Uncle Kin." "Do you have Siao Ma's wind jacket?" "Yes!" "I have a whole range of hero clothes" "Siao Ma's clothes are still here!" "So many holes" "Is this a wind jacket?" "Siao Ma, Ken and" "Chai have all worn that!" "Have you counted how many holes in the body?" "Very good looking" "Good..." "Smart!" "Yes, wear it on the street" "Let's wear together!" "Why do you walk like that?" "a hero walk this way" "How long do we still have to walk?" "Should we run instead?" "Yes!" "Big Brother, cheers!" "Cheers!" "Cheers!" "Big Brother!" "Thanks!" "Congratulations for being innocent!" "Innocent and back!" "No dangers!" "Unbeatable!" "absolutely evil!" "Big Brother, according to police stories" "They must feel it's unfair, and want to take private punishment" "They must seek us for revenge!" "They have come!" "How is it, Cobra?" "Don't worry." "They can't go out anymore" "Must have confidence" "Chill, go with several guys to teach them a lesson" "Yes!" "Sorry, Mr. Dai!" "You can't go in this way" "Why not?" "I'm familiar with this place" "I'll be responsible for everything!" "We'll be responsible too" "We won't be wrong." "We come to seek for Mao" "It's not your business!" "You're not responsible" "Don't say anymore." "Follow me!" "Hey!" "What are you doing?" "I'll go in first." "Protect me!" "Protect." "Start!" "Fire!" "Why do you fire me?" "Fire at them, not me" "Get set!" "Spread out!" "Fatty fellow, don't you dared to!" "Stop it!" "..." "Mao, let's clear up all business between us" "Where can you go?" "No, it's painful!" "Painful?" "It serves you right" "You'll be alright if you stay inside" "Don't follow me anymore" "Of course you won't follow me" "It's good that you know" "Tie him!" "Yes!" "Don't push." "I can't walk" "Don't come here!" "Go to hell" "Don't run!" "You old devil, just date with deers here!" "Where are the other bastards?" "I've said not to revenge!" "You bastard!" "You must die if I have bullets" "Do you have bullets?" "Bastard, why don't you say earlier?" "Stand still!" "Don't run..." "Fire!" "Terrible!" "Pretend to die if you want to live!" "Okay, I die!" "Don't run..." "Don't move, or I'll fire!" "Well?" "..." "Don't move, or I'll fire" "You go to beat him down" "Good!" "I'll guard the door!" "Put down the chair" "No problem" "Let's press him to death!" "Good..." "Let's do it together." "Get ready!" "One, two, three" "Finished." "It's broken" "Why don't you do it together!" "You made me hurt!" "Fire" "You think I don't want to?" "There's no bullet!" "No bullet?" "!" "Good!" "I kill you..." "Go to hell..." "I kill you!" "Help!" "Throwing rubbish" "No!" "OK!" "It's alright" "Don't move!" "Where's my father, Mao?" "I'm in danger too." "How do I know where's your father?" "Tell me, where?" "I don't know!" "Father!" "are you alright?" "alright!" "Just a little hurt by that deer" "The usual story is always after we finished" "The police appear" "Of course, or else you won't be so proud?" "The ending of all police stories is the same" "Villains have bad endings" "Big Brother, please help me!" "Don't dream!" "You betrayed me, and I don't punish you" "You've really lucky!" "Don't go too far!" "This is a police story, not criminal story!" "Legal punishment!" "That'll be alright" "Take him away!" "Dai, please come to be witness" "Sure!" "Thank you everybody" "Bullshit!" "His wife was dead" "Don't be depressed!" "Dad, ou..." "Officer Tso, all suspects have been arrested!" "It's you?" "She's my daughter, Banana Tso, senior inspector" "She kept protecting you!" "How would you help me if she didn't pretended dead" "Sorry for cheating you so long!" "My wife!" "Who is your wife?" "Why don't you admit me before?" "The one who died is your wife" "My wife!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"My name's Briggs." "I left some negatives here for enlargements." "Let's see." "Those were 11-by-14 mattes, weren't they?" " No." "Eight by tens." " Oh, yeah." "Yeah, I remember." "I just finished them." "They're still drying." "I'd like to take a look at them." " Help yourself." " Thank you." "Good morning, Mr Briggs." "The man in the photo on your right is Andreas Solowiechek, a member of a Communist trade delegation to the US." "Yesterday, Solowiechek was arrested and charged with the assassination of Senator William Townsend." "Already, Townsend's extremist supporters, led by his principal backer, R.J. McMillan, are demanding that we break relations with the Communist Bloc." "With the end of diplomatic relations, the Cold War will immediately start to heat up." "Even though Solowiechek won't admit it, we're convinced that he was not acting on orders of his government." "Your mission, Dan, if you decide to accept, is to prove it." "As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions." "Please dispose of this recording in the usual manner." "Good luck, Dan." " Pictures okay?" " Just what I wanted." "Thank you." "Senator Townsend had just finished one of his inflammatory speeches at the local armoury." "He shook a few hands and by 10:00 p.m., he returned home." " Was anybody in the house with him?" " No, he was unmarried." "His housekeeper left the house by 8:00." "At 10:28, the house had been all but demolished by a fragmentation bomb." " When was Solowiechek picked up?" " The same night." "At least five witnesses identified him as having been in the area, and his fingerprints were found on some of the bomb fragments." "It sounds to me like Solowiechek's guilty." "He is." "No doubt of it." "How can the Secretary be so certain that he wasn't on actual orders from his government?" "They'd never be so stupid as to pull off anything this obvious." "Also, the police found over $80,000 on Solowiechek." "The Communists sure don't pay their people that kind of money." "But R.J. McMillan might." "Everyone knows that McMillan was Townsend's friend and backer." "He kept him in the Senate." "Why would he want to have him killed?" "To make Townsend a martyr and to provoke an international incident." "An incident?" "McMillan's already screaming for war." "And that's what we've got to prevent." "Barney, what about the portrait and the remote truck?" "No problem." "The truck's all set, and the painting will be ready tomorrow morning." "Dan, if we're going to implicate McMillan, we have to prove some connection between him and Solowiechek." "That won't be easy." "Not only won't he talk, but he's in jail." "There's only one way to get him out." "You got company, Solowiechek." "No, no." "I refuse to permit anyone else in here." "Sorry, we're not running private cells." "I am political prisoner." "I demand that this man be removed." " Tell it to the court tomorrow." " Hey, what's he mean, "Political prisoner?"" "He's afraid someone's going to try to kill him because he knocked off a United States Senator." "Oh, yeah, yeah." "I read about that." "Senator Townsend." "Hey, wait a minute, what makes you think" "I wanna be in here with him?" "I don't mind rooming with any con, but this scum's something else." "As far as I'm concerned, you're two of a kind." "...treachery so monstrous as to defy the imagination." "A great man." "A great United States Senator cut down in the prime of life." "Because he was not afraid to say "fight."" "There are those that have called him a warmonger and hate peddler, but I knew him for what he was." "A great American patriot." "Now, go back and ask your readers if America intends to let her enemy get away with this outrage without reprisal." "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen." "My name is Carter, Mr McMillan." "Newsworld magazine." "The press conference is over, Miss Carter." "We're doing a cover story in our next issue on the late Senator Townsend." "We would like to include your impressions of the man." " I'm sorry." " No one was closer to him." "You could be of great help to us." "Miss Carter, what makes you think I'd want to help Newsworld magazine?" "Your editors have made a career of taking pot shots at Senator Townsend and me." "We're going to do the story anyway." "We'd like it to be as accurate as possible." "I should think you'd like that, too." "Besides, it's no longer a political issue." "A United States Senator has been killed." "My magazine is as outraged as you are." "I'll give you one hour tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning." "Fine." "I'll be here." "Go over to the bars." "Let me know if anyone's moving in the corridor." " Why?" " Do as you're told." "Now, look!" "You keep your face over here, and let me know if any guards are coming." " What do you want?" " I tell you..." "Nothing!" "Nothing at all." "I demand to be moved from this cell." "This man has been striking at me." "That's between the two of you." "Look, I don't care which one of you is boss or how you decide it." "That's up to you, Mac." "One way or the other you guys have got to learn to live together." "Now, that's the way it's gonna be." "Now, I told you to let me know if anybody comes along." "Now you do it." "What are you doing?" "Mind your own business." "Get back to it and keep your eyes open." "The guard..." "The guard's coming." "Gibson, lawyer's here." " Hello, Eddie." " What's happening?" " Well, Judge Sloan's reading the writ." " Yeah." "How's it look?" "We'll probably have a hearing tomorrow sometime in the afternoon." "Good." "That means by tomorrow night I'll be a free man, huh?" "At least until the new trial." "I wouldn't get my hopes up too high, because I don't think you're going to get a new trial." "Why do you say a thing like that?" "Because as your attorney, I'm trying to be honest with you." "I don't think that writ of yours is worth the paper it's written on." "I get it." "You don't like the fact that I came up with the legal angles, right?" "Look, shyster, if you spent as much time in the law section of that prison library as I have, maybe you would've come up with that writ instead of me." "I tried, Eddie." "What I'm trying to tell you is, you really don't have a leg to stand on." " Not legally." " What are you talking about?" "It's all in there." "It's in there." "It's right in there!" "Look, we've gone over it a hundred times." "There's not a judge in his right mind that would give you a new trial under that law." "Maybe I won't get a new trial, but I'm going to get a new lawyer, shyster, because you stink!" "Now get out of here, will you?" "Get him out of here." " Good luck." " Thanks a lot." "I ought to break your neck." "The gun." " You're going to shoot me." " Maybe I should, you Commie rat." "Guard!" "Guard!" "Guard!" "Guard!" " Guard!" "Guard!" " Go to sleep." "Guard!" "Now, look, you breathe one word about this gun and I will kill you." "Remember, one word and you're dead." "All right." "What's all the yelling about?" "I don't know, he's sick." "He says he's sick." " What's the matter with him?" " Something about his head." "Go to bed." "I'll pass you to the dispensary in the morning." "And keep it quiet down here." "Go on." "Get it over with." "Look, if I was going to kill you I would have done it before this." "Right?" "Then why do you have gun?" "It's none of your business." "Now go back to sleep." "Go on." "So he came to me and told me he wanted to get into politics." "I asked him why." "And he said because he wanted to change the way things were being run." "Was Senator Townsend working for you at that time?" "He was the general manager of my Riverside plant." "And the best man I ever had in the job." " And what did you say to him?" " Well," "I told him I thought he was crazy, but if that's what he'd made up his mind to do, he could count on me." "And you stayed with him." "Miss Carter, I'd say behind him would be a more accurate way of putting it." "Bill Townsend was his own man." "Nobody made any decisions for him." " Including you?" " Including me." "I see you have a great number of" "Senator Townsend's personal souvenirs." "Awards, commendations, things like that." "Bill Townsend was a bachelor all his life." "When he wasn't in Washington, this was sort of his home." " Did he live here?" " He knew he was always welcome here." "This painting, I see it's signed "MCM."" "Now, that's you, Mr McMillan." "I dabble around a little in oils every now and then." "I'm no Winston Churchill, but I like it." " It's very nice." " Thank you." "When was it done?" "It looks fairly recent." "I don't remember when I did that." "It was done by memory, though." "Senator Townsend never had the time to sit for me." "Excuse me, Miss Carter." "Hello." " That you, R. J?" " Speaking." "This is the Governor, R.J. How are you feeling?" "I'm fine, Governor." "How about yourself?" "I'll be all right if I get the answer I'm looking for from you." "What can I do for you, sir?" "I've got to appoint a successor to Bill Townsend, R.J." "Fill out his term of office." "I think that man should be you." " Well, I'm honoured, Governor." " Well, of course, you're honoured." "The question is, will you do it?" "I'd deem it a privilege to serve the people of this state, Governor, especially in the name of William Townsend." "Well, I'm delighted and I'm grateful." "One thing more," "I would like that we don't say anything about this for a few days." "I want to make the announcement next week." "Until then, you haven't heard a thing." " I understand, Governor." " R.J., I'll be in touch with you." "Thank you, sir." " Did he swallow it?" " Power's easy to swallow." "I think I just got a much bigger story than the one I came here for." "I'm sorry you heard that conversation, Miss Carter." "I'm not, Senator." "You can't print that story." "Not yet." "Senator, if I phone in the story of your appointment," "Newsworld can scoop every publication in this country." "I'm telling you, you can't do that." "Perhaps we can strike a bargain." "You give us the story of your appointment exclusively and authorise a cover to go with it and we'll hold off publication until our next issue." "I can have a cover artist at work by late this afternoon." "What choice do I have?" "We have a deal?" " All right." "But no leaks." " You have my word." "There won't be." "I'll be back with my artist." "Here." "Court clothes." "Both of you be ready right after lunch." "You're due in court at 2:00." "What do you mean?" "What do you mean?" "Both of us?" " Where's he going?" " Same place you are." " He comes up for arraignment today." " I don't want him with me." " What's the matter with you, Gibson?" " I don't want him with me, that's all!" "Well, he's going!" "So, shut up!" "Boy, that's all I need." " A dum-dum like you hung on me." " What is matter with you?" "What's the matter?" "I'll tell you what's the matter." "You know that writ I've been talking about?" "It's good for one thing." "It gets me into that van for the ride to court, you follow me?" "You don't follow me." "Once I get in that wagon, I'm going to bust out." "Clear out." " Now do you understand?" " Yes, I think so." "Good." "Now here's what you do." "One thing." "That thing is nothing." "You behave yourself and keep your mouth shut and you're not going to get hurt." "But if you tip them as to what's going on, you know that gun you're worried about?" "Well, the first bullet is going to be to you." "Now, do you understand?" " I understand." " Good." "Get your clothes on." "All ready for your little ride, boys?" " Yeah, let's go." " Hold it, Gibson." "Wait a minute, wait a minute." "What are you doing?" " You're not going to chain me to him." " It's cosy this way, Eddie." "You ain't going anywhere without him." "Let's go." "If you'll look over this way, please." "One more shot." " All right, that's enough!" "Come on!" " One more shot, please." "Look over here." "All right, take it away." "School's over." "Break it up." "Some nice weather we're having, huh, Screw?" "Don't get smart, Gibson." "Hey, I make a comment about the weather and he don't like it." "You two are really a pair." "A three-time loser and a night-crawling killer." " You don't have to like us, Screw." " I don't." "The only way you could make me like you would be to try something right now." "See, you got me all wrong." "This is the new Eddie Gibson." "I don't do anything unless it's legal." "Right here in the law book." "Suddenly things look different, huh, Screw?" "Okay, now." "Ease that shotgun down to the floor nice and easy." "You might even live through this." "Broke." "Broke off in the lock." " Now I'm really stuck with you." " What do you mean?" "I'm getting out of here and you're coming with me." " No, I cannot." " Come on!" " No, I can't!" "No!" " Come on." " No!" "No, I can't." " You shut up." "All right, Commie, here's where we get off." "No, no." "Do not!" "I'm getting off, buddy, and you're coming with me." "No!" "No!" "No!" "Come on." "Come on!" "My ankle..." "I can't stand up." "Let's go." "We've got to get out of here." "Come on." "No." "No, I can't get up." "Let's go, Eddie." "Isn't this the guy that killed that senator?" "We're stuck with him." "Go!" "Okay, get out." " What do you mean?" " This is as far as I go, Eddie." " From here on in, you're on your own." " Wait a minute." "We've got a deal." "Our deal didn't include him and you know it." "We'll get rid of him as soon as I get out of these." "Listen, by that time, I want to be over the state line." "Now, get out, Eddie." "So that's the way it is, huh?" " Yeah, that's the way it is." " I'll be thinking about you." "Hey, nice place, huh?" "Hey, I got an idea." "Remember, Dan, the lens is on this end." " Shall we have a last look?" " Yeah." "When you start painting, rough in McMillan's head first, then the body, the desk." "Leave the background for last." "You can't complete much more than this in one sitting anyway." "The trick will be to use the right colour paint at the right time." "All the paints dissolve this coating." "The colour doesn't make any difference." "It will if he decides to come look over my shoulder." "Come on, lean in, will you?" "Now what?" "Now, you put the tyre back on." "Then we go up the road and make a phone call." "Why do you say "we"?" "We're going to call your embassy." "They should be happy enough to give us a couple of passports and enough money to get out of the country, right?" " They will not do it." " What do you mean, they won't do it?" "Look, you knocked off a US Senator for them, right?" "They gotta take care of you." "Go on, put the tyre back on." "Just in case you get any ideas." "Good." "That's fine." "Now, I've done a bit of thinking on this, Mr Briggs." "How about this pose?" "Not bad." "It gives the impression that you're Townsend's heir apparent." "But it looks a little posed." "Loosen up a bit." "Get comfortable." "I want to have the same look of dedication as Senator Townsend." "I want people to know where I stand." "Yes, that's important, but let's let them know you're you." "Senator R.J. McMillan, not a rubber stamp." "I don't think he should be sitting under this portrait." " Yes, let's try it at the desk." " All right." "Perhaps with your hands folded." "Yeah." "I think you ought to put your right hand over your left." "It'll give you a better shoulder line." "Perfect." "Now, let me just find my angle." "Yes, that looks fine." "Now, if you'll just tilt your head a little to the right." "That's it." "Excuse me, Mr Briggs." "Hello." "When?" "How?" "All right." "Keep me informed." "What is it, Senator?" "What happened?" "Solowiechek's escaped." "In broad daylight." "From a police van on a public street." " How is that possible?" " How is that possible, Mr Briggs?" "I'll tell you how." "His escape is part of a conspiracy." "A conspiracy to destroy this country." "Are you saying, Senator, that the police are part of this conspiracy?" "That they helped Solowiechek escape?" "There is no question about that, Miss Carter." "They arranged for a man to ride to court with him." "A man who was unquestionably a Communist agent." "A man who smuggled a gun into Solowiechek, so they could overpower the guard riding with them." "They even had a car following the van." "Now, who else but the police could have known when Solowiechek was being taken to court?" "That seems incredible." "To you, and to the uninformed like you." "Those with closed minds and closed ears." "When will you people wake up to the warnings from Bill Townsend and myself?" "All right." "Mr Briggs, I guess we may as well proceed with the painting, if you will, please." "Well, you change the tyre?" "I asked you to change the tyre." " Yes." " Good, good." "Hey, how do you like this outfit, huh?" "No one will recognise Eddie Gibson in this, huh?" " Okay, come on, we'd better be going." " We cannot call my embassy." "Why not?" "Because I did not kill the Senator for my government." "They want me as much as your government does." "Well, that means I'm gonna have to dump you." " And you know what that means?" " No, no." "You..." "You cannot just kill me." " Why not?" " No, no." "Leave me here." "I did not ask you to bring me here with you." "If I leave you here, as soon as I leave, you'll go screaming for the cops." "You'll tell them I'm in an old '47 pick-up truck on Route 29." " Nothing doing." " No, I will not speak." "I swear it." " Well, then take me with you." " Why?" "You're dead weight." "You got no money, you got no chance of getting any." "Probably got more cops after you than I have." " You're trouble, mister." " Wait!" "Wait!" "Wait!" " I can get money." " Yeah?" "How?" "From a friend." "Who?" "I cannot tell you that." "Hey, what makes you think this friend is gonna give you money?" "I cannot tell you that, either." "Just like I thought, 'cause there isn't any friend, right?" "No, the man for whom I killed the Senator." "Yeah?" " What's his name?" " No." "I can't say." " What's his name?" " No, I can't." "I can't tell you!" "What's his name?" "Who is he?" "Who?" "McMillan." "R.J. McMillan." "McMillan?" "R.J. McMillan." "Yeah, that's money." "Big money." "Yeah." "He might be willing to pay 10, 20,000 bucks to keep you quiet." "Maybe more." "Yeah." "Let's go!" "Come on." "Get up." "Get in there and lie down." "Now, is there anything else you'd like to say, Mr McMillan?" "Yes, there is, I think." "I think that Bill Townsend's murder will be a turning point in the history of this country." "The American people have had their eyes opened." "They now know that the enemy will stop at nothing to subvert our way of life." "Think we'd better call it quits for the night." "You don't mind if I finish up first thing in the morning, do you, Senator?" "Why, thank you very much, Mr Briggs." "I think you're a little premature." "But no, I don't mind stopping now at all." "I didn't realise it was getting so late." "Let's see how you're doing." "That's good." "Not flattering, but accurate." "You know, Mr Briggs, I'm something of a painter myself." "Oh, I didn't know." "Perhaps you'll let me see some of your work sometime." "Surely." "There's a portrait I did of Senator Townsend." "Show him, Miss Carter." "Oh, no, no." "Please, please, I'd like to have your criticism." "As you can see, I lean a little more to the yellows than you do." "Yes, and with good effect." "What are you doing, Mr McMillan?" "I'll just accent this side..." "I'm using yellow paint, but it's green." "You're ruining my painting, Mr McMillan." "Why are my brushstrokes green?" "Because this section was originally blue before I painted it out." "Blue and yellow make green, as you must know." "My apologies, Mr Briggs." " I had no right to tamper with your work." " Oh, that's quite all right." " No harm done." " Dan always has trouble with artists." "You know, he did a cover of Picasso once." "You can imagine the arguing that went on." "His favourite colour was red." "We can save some time in the morning if we leave everything set up." " Do you mind?" " Not at all." "And if I am again seized with the impulse to add the McMillan touch to your painting," " I promise to resist it." " Thank you." "Oh, let me show you to the door." "What time do you think I should expect to see you tomorrow, Mr Briggs?" " Well, I should say 8:30." " Fine, fine." "Did he go back to the painting after we left?" "No, he went to his desk to work on his Senate address." "Did you lock on to the transmitter tower?" "Right." " We can cut in whenever we're ready." " Rollin's due any minute." ""And I promise" ""every citizen of this great state" ""that I will devote my life" ""and my fortune" ""to carrying on the work of my predecessor," ""the late Senator William Townsend." ""I pledge..."" "Get your hand out of there." "Empty." "Get it out!" "Now close the drawer." "Easy." "Switch it to the network." "What do you want?" "What do you think?" "I could not help it, Mr McMillan." "We were handcuffed together when he escaped." "I don't know you." "What's he talking about?" " If you're lying..." " Oh, I'm not lying." "He wants money." "He made me bring him here." "What did he tell you about me?" "What makes you two think I'd give you money?" "McMillan, are you trying to tell me you don't know this man?" "I never saw him before in my life." "Oh, no." "Wait a minute, now I know who you are." "You're the Red agent that murdered Senator Townsend." " Right, and you paid him to do it." " He told you that?" "Look, stop playing games, Mr McMillan." "We know you did it." "That's not true." "That man is lying." "Is it possible the Secretary was wrong about McMillan?" " Should I cut us off the network?" " No." " You're lying." " No, no, I'm not lying." "He is!" "Tell him." "Give him money." "Why would I have had anyone kill a man I idolised?" "A man whose entire career I guided?" "Now, does that make sense to you?" "No, it doesn't." " You've had it." " No." "No, I'm telling truth." " I can prove it." " How?" "He gave me money from safe behind picture." "How would he know that that safe was there unless he's been here before, huh?" " I don't know." " Stop your lying." "You wanted Townsend killed in order to create breach between our two countries." "You gave me $100,000 and promised to protect me if I was caught." "$100,000?" "Here, I figured to get 10, 20 grand from you." "Come on, open up that safe." "This is going to be better than I thought." " How much do you want?" " How much?" "Double." "Double what he's getting." "$200,000." "You want me to call the cops?" "Someone's behind Rollin." "Drop your gun." "Drop it." "Pick it up, R.J." "I was praying you'd come down." " You're dead." " Townsend?" " I killed you." " But it can't be." "You merely blew up a house, Solowiechek." "They found a body." "A dental bridge and parts of a body secured from an anatomy laboratory." "So you see, there's been no murder." "You really have nothing to tell anyone." "Only that you're still alive, Senator Townsend." "Everyone will find that out when the time is right" " and not before." " And when will that be?" "When we have wiped every Communist from the face of this earth." "R.J., call the police." "Tell them you have the escaped convicts." "And you might also mention that you were forced to kill them when they broke into your house." "You wouldn't want to kill us with the entire country watching," " would you, Senator?" " What do you mean?" "Why don't you turn on your television set?" "Your own station, McMillan." "See what 40 million Americans are watching right now." "Do it." "You fool." " How did this happen?" " Then you are not criminal?" "Traitor!" "We could have convinced the American people to stand up and fight." "To attack their enemies while they still have the power to destroy them." "It's the only way America can survive." "Keep talking, Senator." "Yes, keep talking." "This is the last chance you'll ever get to address your constituents." "You're not a bad actor, Rollin." " How were the ratings?" " It was on the entire network." "Forty or fifty million viewers." "I'd say that Townsend and McMillan are suffering from overexposure." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Father?" "Father?" "Father?" "Father, where are you?" "Thank you, Father." "Please!" "Father!" "Ain't no snow comin' to the Carolinas anytime soon..." "It works." "Of course, it works." "All our products are of the highest quality." "You from Korea?" "No." "Then, technically, it ain't your product." "Can I change the frequency?" "It'll adjust to any frequency you want." "Not only is it a universal remote, it's also a stopwatch, lap counter..." "Pulse monitor." "Yeah, I've seen the ads." "How much?" "It's $89.95." "Is that with tax or..." "Tax is $5.40." "All right." "Let's say, I give you $5.40 and a pack of smokes." "Okay... $4.40 'cause you laughed at me." "It's $89.95, sir." "It's also a cheap Korean watch." "I'm sorry." "So am I." "Where were you last night, Ben?" "Missed you at Denny Warren's execution." "A lot of fireworks." "I was at my son's open house at school." "Nice contrast." "Yeah, not really." "His stepfather was there." "Son of a bitch has a new prosthetic hand... and he's flashing it around at everybody, bragging about how much it cost." "He giving your ex any more trouble?" "No." "But he showed me this paper that Ben, Jr." "Done... about the people in town he most admires." "I wasn't mentioned." "Who's driving this car, Ben?" "Oh, Lucas, now I'm not in the mood for a philosophy lesson." "Who's driving the car?" "Okay, one hour to sign off." "Where's your keys?" "The wall." "Who's driving this car, Ben?" "Me." "And why is that?" "Because it's my passion." "Wrong." "You're driving because I believe in you." "Because I know you have the potential for greatness." "Does your son know that?" "Not if he's listening to the Bionic Man." "Then you gotta do something to change his mind." "Prove to him that you deserve respect." "You're the only father he's ever gonna have, Ben." "Dispatch in to unit." "Dispatch in to unit." "Healy." "We got a report of a 10-20 in progress at Camden's Appliance." "Robbery?" "On our way." "Buck out." "Dispatch out." "Answered prayers." "What?" "Here's your chance to impress the boy." "I'll go in the front, create a distraction." "You slip in the back and save the day." "Look mighty nice in the papers tomorrow." "What if the back's locked?" "Ben, who's driving the car?" "Pal!" "What kind of car you got?" "I don't own a car." "I ride a bicycle." "Bicycle?" "I can't ride all the way back to the base on a bicycle." "So take the bus." "I took the last bus here." "If I had a car, I'd give it to you." "Hey, Lee." "Got any new releases?" "Hey!" "Whoa." "What's this?" "Don't move." "Car keys?" "Lee, is this a joke?" "I need your car." "Well, so do I." "Drop it!" "I said, drop it!" "Police." "Don't move!" "Ah, hell." "All right, drop it, kid!" "Ben, he ain't the robber." "Artie?" "What'd you do that for?" "I didn't." "Ben, who is this person?" "He's my brother." "Your brother?" "We're getting out of here." "Would you have a chat with your sibling?" "Artie, wait." "Listen to me." "You do not want to take him." "You're not here!" "Come on, move it, cowboy." "You want me to handle this?" "No!" "Artie, take me!" "Things I do for my people." "Artie!" "Have you got a car?" "Look, Artie." "Fort Barker's a half-hour away." "You ain't gonna make it that far." "Why didn't you tell me you were the sheriff?" "You didn't ask." "Well, I can't sneak back onto my base in a patrol car." "Why don't we stop at the hospital... and put a halt to that bleeding?" "Otherwise, you'll be dead in 20 minutes." "We don't have time." "You wanna die?" "Yes." "But not yet." "They got an ambulance at this hospital?" "A fast one?" "Oh, yeah." "I believe they got a real fast ambulance." "All right." "Pit stop at the hospital." "But if you try anything, I'll shoot you, I swear. 'Cause I've done it before." "Hey, if you're looking to shoot somebody, I know a much better target." "How long has it been happening?" "Go on, Caleb, tell him." "Last few nights." "Why don't you tell him about last night's dream?" "I'm in this tunnel and I see a man in a cell." "He's pacing back and forth, hollering for his daddy." "So I figure he wants me to free him... but when I get close, he screams." "And then I wake up and start screaming, too." "But only his word is coming out of my mouth." "What word?" ""Father."" "I told him it was only natural to dream about somebody that you've lost." "But the man in the cell ain't my daddy." "What does he look like?" "He kinda looks..." "Dr. Crower?" "The sheriff needs to see you right away." "Tell him to make an appointment." "He says it's urgent." "Let's go!" "Got a patient for you, Doctor." "Thank you, Father." "All right." "Here's the drill." "I gotta be back on my base at 11:00." "And it's 10:15." "How far are we now, Sheriff?" "Twenty minutes, or so." "So 15 by ambulance." "Can you get a bullet out of me in half an hour?" "Why did you bring him here?" "In case you hadn't noticed, he brought me." "Let them go." "Sorry." "I can't afford any more delays." "They go when you're done." "What are you looking at?" "Nothing." "You his mama?" "Cousin." "Tell him to stop gawking at me." "It's rude." "He's scared." "Is that all right?" "Don't worry, Caleb." "Everything's gonna be fine." "Doc Crower's gonna fix this man right up, aren't you?" "I can't do anything here." "Emergency room?" "We can't!" "Matt, we got people in there." "Not for long." "You got keys to this office?" "Yeah." "Nurse, you come with me." "Deep breaths." "Tell everybody to clear the building." "What about the patients?" "What would you do in a real fire?" "Get 'em to another hospital." "Call the fire department and tell 'em it was a false alarm." "Pardon me, sir." "What happened to you, soldier?" "Low self-esteem, sir." "It's him." "Who?" "The man, the one from my dream." "What dream?" "He's been having a reoccurring nightmare." "About that jarhead?" "It's him." "They say you dream about the person that's gonna kill you." "All right, time to move out." "Come on!" "Come on, boy." "No." "I ain't got time for this." "Artie." "Artie?" "He's my deputy's brother." "You might have better results if you stop pointing that gun at everybody." "There you go." "Come on, son." "There's a lesson in everything." "Let's move, people." "Let's keep moving." "Let's hurry." "Where's my nurse?" "I shot her." "And I'm gonna shoot you, too, if you don't move." "Better do as he says, Doctor." "You don't know his history." "Do you?" "What's happening at 11:00?" "None of your beeswax." "Must be awfully important." "Important enough to steal a cheap Korean watch." "Shut it up and move it." "Move!" "Artie!" "Move!" "Artie, wait." "I just want to talk to you!" "Artie!" "Go!" "Artie!" "Deputy, come on this way." "Come on!" "Come on!" "Go!" "Everybody on the floor." "Just like in group." "Except you." "Why don't you talk to your brother?" "Why don't you shut the hell up?" "Just trying to move things along." "Sit!" "Where's the ambulance?" "Must have left with the other patient." "You said it would be here." "Did I pull that alarm?" "Get it back." "Artie?" "Artie, I want you to listen to me." "Now, I know you're in trouble." "But if you give me a chance, I know we can work this out." "What is the matter with him?" "Was he the middle child?" "I just wanna help you, Artie." "You know that." "I don't need your help, Benjy!" "He might be able to get you your ambulance." "He's very heroic." "I just..." "I want to talk to you." "I'll be waiting out in the hall." "Get ready to operate." "I ain't dying here." "Ben, you want me to call the SWAT team or something?" "No." "There's windows in there." "Now if they get close enough, they might can take him out." "I don't want him taken out." "He's my brother." "What?" "He's not a bad guy, Rita." "He's just messed up, that's all." "Well, he's got a kid in there with him." "Who?" "Caleb Temple." "Oh, hell." "And the boy's cousin, Gail." "Dr. Crower and Sheriff Buck." "And he is acting awful crazy." "Just let me handle this, all right?" "I've been doing it all my life." "Well, you're in bad shape." "I'm perfect." "Why are you doing this, Artie?" "Because I'm Mama's little angel, Ben." "Mama's little angel gone AWOL from the psych ward." "To steal a watch?" "To be a hero." "Just like you, all-star." "Look, just give me the gun." "Good negotiating technique." "Your boss teach you that?" "I just wanna help you." "And I want 100 million dollars." "I want a jet plane to Cuba." "I want a lifetime supply of Thorazine." "You got a problem?" "Huh, Ben?" "Look, we'll lower the bar." "How 'bout an ambulance?" "Get back in there." "Look, Artie." "I explained the situation to that guy at the store." "He's not gonna press charges." "You want to help me, Ben?" "For the first time in your life... you really want to help me?" "Yes." "Then you get me an ambulance and you get me back to my hospital." "I'll take you." "No." "They'll stop a cop car at the gate." "But they'll let an ambulance go straight on through to the ward." "Artie..." "And if it's not here in 20 minutes... those people are gonna die." "Son of a bitch." "Give me your handcuffs." "Keys." "Artie, for God's sakes..." "I want that ambulance in 20 minutes!" "My deputy talk any sense into you?" "Nope." "Come on, boy." "Leave him alone." "I'll give the orders, ma'am." "Get up." "Get up!" "Sit down." "Okay." "Let's go." "I have to take an x-ray." "Yeah, fine." "And give you something for pain." "No." "No anesthesia." "You don't want me passing out on you, Doc." "Then, I'll use a local." "Nope." "Could have a vasovagal reaction." "You know what that is, don't you?" "My pulse rate could drop." "And believe me, that's the last thing that you wanna have happen right now." "Can you get an ambulance here right away?" "I'll do my best." "Is there any other access to that room?" "No." "But there is a waste disposal chute to the basement." "You might be able to use that to hear what's going on in there." "Is everybody all right?" "So far, but I never know what to believe with Artie." "Ben, be careful." "The bullet's lodged between your right fifth and sixth thoracic ribs." "So?" "Get it out." "I will, if you tell me what this is." "Sheriff, you wanna know why I stole that cheap Korean watch?" "I needed a detonator." "What the hell are you talking about?" "That there's a bomb, Doc." "Titanium alloy, sewn right into the fat of my belly." "And it's set to go off at 11:00." "But if my pulse drops below 45, it'll go sooner." "Take off this watch." "That'll do it, too." "See, before they locked me in the nuthouse, I was a munitions man." "My God." "Yes." "It was his idea." "Better get to work, Doctor." "Clock's ticking." "You all right, Miss Emory?" "Just taking it all in." "Got that cool reporter's detachment working for you, huh?" "I was just thinking the same thing about you, Lucas." ""There's a lesson in everything." Isn't that what you said to Caleb?" "What's our lesson here?" "What is it that we're supposed to learn from this little adventure?" "Patience, I guess." "No." "Patience is a virtue." "You wouldn't be interested in that." "You brought him here." "You have some kind of stake in this." "Something much more cruel and unusual." "Where's your gun?" "Don't carry one." "And why is that?" "Like you said, I'm more interested in the lesson." "You put a bullet in a man... nothing left to teach him." "So, we're supposed to view your demeanor as some kind of act of pacifism?" "No, ma'am." "You should view it as an act of seduction." "What is it you find so fascinating about me, boy?" "Well, I know you." "Is that so?" "And I know why you're doing this, too." "Caleb." "It's all right." "Maybe he does." "Maybe he heard my prayers." "See this?" "This is what I used to do my surgery." "I could have just slit my wrists, but that'd been selfish." "I would have left a whole lot a friends behind." "A regiment of men, good men, all in the same pain that I am." "Headaches, visions, otherworldly spells." "They all wanna die." "So, every night this week, I've prayed for guidance." "How can I help?" "How can I set 'em free?" "And then it came to me." "In a dream." "Yes, sir." "In a dream." "You're gonna kill them, too?" "I'm going to carry them to heaven, ma'am." "'Cause that's what they want." "That's what we all want." "Had some practice in that area, haven't you, Art?" "When he and his brother were kids... their daddy took 'em on a hunting trip." "Ben shot a rabbit." "But Artie did him one better." "His gun misfired and he shot their daddy." "Killed him dead on the spot." "Ben tell you that?" "Hey, we understand." "Caleb lost his daddy, too." "I've tried to be there for him, but he just keeps resisting." "Maybe this little adventure will make him realize how important a father can be." "Thank you, Father." "Here's your bullet." "Give it to the boy." "No, thanks." "Then sew me up, Doc." "Sew up the fat man." "You know that's what they called the first atomic bomb?" "Fat Man." "Fat Man and Little Boy." "Artie?" "I'm getting really tired of him." "I called for the ambulance." "It's on its way." "All right." "The ambulance is here." "Did you call Fort Barker?" "They got the bomb squad standing by and a couple of surgeons." "I can't believe he's done this." "Ben, what about the roads?" "What about them?" "You've gotta make sure they're clear." "You can't afford to get caught in traffic now." "Rita, I don't know." "I'm thinking maybe I ought to just take him out in the woods somewhere." "Whoa." "What are you talking about?" "If I take him back to the base and anything goes wrong... anybody gets hurt, it's my fault." "No." "They're gonna be expecting you." "Now, they'll know what to do." "Ben." "If you're blaming yourself for this, now you get over it." "Your only responsibility now are to the people in that room... and you can save them." "If Lucas really wants me to, I can." "What do you mean by that?" "I don't know, Rita, but something's going on here." "I don't know why, but Lucas is letting this thing happen." "All right, then it's your job to stop it." "But you're gonna have to hurry." "Where's my ambulance?" "Outside." "Tell the driver to back it into the garage." "Leave the keys." "No, Artie, I know what you're doing and I can't let it happen." "I know what you're doing, too, Benny boy." "What do you think about that?" "What do you mean?" "You tell the sheriff about Daddy?" "No, I didn't." "Couldn't resist airing a little family laundry, huh?" "Artie, I swear, I never told anybody about that." "That's between us." "There is no "us." I'm not like you, Ben." "I can't get up in the morning, polish my trophies... suck on a doughnut, pretend all's right with the world." "That don't work for me." "Well, I got a news flash for you, son." "That don't work for me either." "My life is just as messed up as yours is." "Then check out." "Believe me, I've thought about it." "Liar." "It's true!" "But I got a son who thinks I'm garbage." "And if I did what you're doing, I'd just be proving him right!" "Well, this was fun." "What are you doing?" "Getting you out of here." "My deputy's just gonna have to play hero another day." "What about Artie?" "What about him?" "We can't let him go." "Son, have you been paying attention here?" "He's the bad guy." "If we let him leave, hundreds of people could die." "Yeah." "Hundreds of crazy people." "It's a short-acting barbiturate." "It's gonna knock him right out." "What about his heart rate?" "The other one should keep it steady... long enough for me to go in there and get that thing out." "Hold on, I don't care about saving that jarhead." "I care about them." "Since when?" "It's not just him, Lucas." "It's everybody in that ward." "He ain't gonna make it that far." "How do you know that?" "Because I'll end it." "I could have ended this an hour ago... but I wanted to give Ben a chance." "You could have ended this how?" "Ma'am, it's Lucas Buck you're talking to." "Anybody got a wrench?" "What are you doing?" "Get out of there." "Ambulance is coming." "I want you both against that wall." "It's not too late to change your mind about this." "Man, not you, too." "You know, I understand you wanting to kill yourself." "You got no right to take anyone with you." "No, you didn't hear, Doctor." "My friends want to die." "You take a survey on that?" "They know that come 11:00, they'll no longer have an option?" "They'll thank me on the other side." "Which side is that, soldier?" "Where exactly do you think you're going?" "I don't care." "You sure?" "All this pain you're talking about... might just be a drop in the bucket compared to what's in store for you." "You may be in heaven now." "Doctor, if you want to do something, this might be the time." "Artie?" "His timing's impeccable, ain't it?" "I told you to leave the keys." "I'm gonna drive you." "No, you're not." "Come on, Artie!" "Ben, I swear to God, I'll shoot you if you don't get the hell out of here." "I'll shoot him for you if you give me the gun." "Ben, get out." "Let me do what I have to do." "No!" "Damn!" "Damn it, Artie!" "You couldn't leave me alone." "Could you?" "You couldn't just leave me be." "Artie!" "Get the hell back against the wall!" "Out of time, people." "The train left the station, we missed it." "Gonna be a short ride." "How's your hand?" "It's probably broken." "Whose fault is that?" "Yours." "Lucas, why don't you just haul him out of here?" "Try it, and I'll have three rounds off before you even touch me." "Sorry, ma'am." "I believe we're stuck." "Well... at least you are, anyway." "What are you doing?" "I'm leaving." "You're welcome to join me if you like." "No, you're not going anywhere." "Come on, Artie." "You're not really gonna kill me." "But your plan's spoiled and you're pissed." "All wired up with no place to blow." "Sit down." "No." "Unlike your psycho friends, I'd like to live a while longer." "But I tell you what, I'll make a deal with you." "I'm not the one who messed things up for you tonight." "That honor belongs to your brother." "If he had done what you asked, you'd have had your ambulance and been out of here." "No, this isn't Ben's fault." "He lied to you, Artie." "He set you right up." "Why should I die and he live?" "You are a son of a bitch." "Please, ma'am!" "Not in front of the boy." "What, you want to make a trade?" "That's right." "Me for Ben." "I blame him for this as much as you do." "Now, Lucas." "I've changed my mind." "You making a move, too, Doctor?" "Yes, sir." "Well... if you think I'm going to respond to that kind of behavior you're right." "Stop it!" "Sorry, Caleb." "But I believe the doctor's begun to panic." "Go ahead and shoot him, Artie!" "You'd be doing us all a favor!" "Your call, Art." "Me or your brother?" "Have him meet me in the corridor." "Now you're talking." "Don't you worry, Caleb." "Even the worst nightmare can have a happy ending." "I hate you!" "For now." "I'll see you on the other side, folks." "Look, you are not listening to me." "This ain't a false alarm no more." "In five minutes, this place is gonna go down." "I need every truck you got." "Now!" "Ben, hang up the phone." "How'd you get out of there?" "Hang up." "Did you kill him?" "Me?" "Rita, I'm gonna need a shot of phenobarb and something to steady a heart rate." "Atropine?" "Whatever'll do the job." "And see if you can scrounge up a wrench." "Atropine and a wrench." "What's going on?" "We're gonna get your name in the papers." "Ain't that what you want?" "I want to end this." "Well, you're about to have your chance." "We're gonna hit Artie with those drugs... and then you're gonna cut that bomb out." "What?" "Doc's hand is messed up... and I got other business to attend to." "You're the man now, Ben." "You're driving the car." "I can't operate on him." "How tough could it be?" "Hell, you got all of four minutes." "He could die." "What difference does that make?" "He could die anyway." "It makes a big difference to me." "Well, like it or not, you are going in that room." "So, you can die with him... or you can turn this thing around and make it work for you." "Just like I have." "My friends are going to be very disappointed in me." "None of this was supposed to happen." "Then, why don't you leave?" "I'm going to." "What changed his mind?" "I don't know." "Is he really leaving?" "That's what he said." "Hey, Artie." "As soon as I talk to my brother." "I hope you ain't thinking of hurting your brother just 'cause of what Lucas said." "He tries to turn things around sometimes... but Ben didn't do nothing but try to help you." "And I'm sure losing your daddy was just as hard on him." "You heard my prayers, didn't you?" "Yes." "Then you understand." "I understand you're hurt." "But what you're doing here is wrong." "We've all had our share of pain, Artie." "Artie, I'm coming in." "What about Caleb and Gail?" "I'll take care of them." "You just listen to Doc Crower and he'll talk you through it." "What if I do get the thing out of him?" "What do I do with it then?" "Open a window, pretend it's a football." "Lucas." "What?" "I don't want to lose him." "You won't." "Are you sure?" "You know what the irony of all this is?" "He's always told me that I couldn't save him." "My hero." "I'm sorry, Artie." "I'm sorry." "Gonna blame me for this, too?" "I never blamed you for anything." "What you gonna tell your son?" "I'm gonna tell him that I loved you and that I didn't want to see you die." "I love you." "I love you, too." "Man, you guys are like a bad war movie." "Rita!" "Let's go!" "Doctor, you got about two minutes to turn my deputy into a surgeon." "You gonna do this?" "What about her?" "Can you give me an IV stat, Ringer's lactate wide open?" "No." "Then you're gonna do this." "You come back?" "Well, I ain't Lassie yet, son." "I still gotta find this key." "But I surprised you, didn't I?" "Okay, I want you to put your fingers over the wound... and spread the skin tight." "Okay, take the scalpel." "Scalpel." "Now make your cut." "Follow the stitches, go down till you hit metal." "Shouldn't be too deep." "Oh, man." "We'll need one milligram of atropine standing by." "It's ready." "I'll cover his pulse." "If it starts to drop, I want you to hit him with that." "Ready." "Okay." "Okay, go ahead." "Man." "It's all right." "You're doing great." "You want retractor?" "No time." "You there?" "Yeah, I think so." "Okay, take the scalpel." "Got it." "Put both hands inside him and spread apart the incision." "Oh, Doc, I can't do this." "Yes, you can, Ben." "We need some sponges, Rita." "Got it." "Standing by." "How's his pulse?" "Dropping." "Give him the shot." "Got it." "Damn." "Man." "It's all right, you're doing great." "Okay, you there?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Then, pull it out." "You're gonna really have to yank 'cause there may be some scar tissue." "Lucas got the key." "Oh, man." "We've got 20 seconds, Ben." "Come on, do it!" "Perfect." "It's jammed." "Cigarettes?" "All this over a pack of cigarettes?" "Pathological lying sack of..." "What's that wire?" "Come on." "So, what do you got?" "Down there." "Got it." "Hey, Ben." "You did a hell of a job." "How'd you know that room was a bomb shelter?" "I didn't." "Mr. Healy's being much too modest." "While we were in there pleading for our lives... he was scouring the old building plans." "Weren't you, Ben?" "Well, I just did what any man would do." "You want a story for your paper, Miss Emory?" "Here's your story." "Okay, okay." "Ben, thank you." "Doc, is my brother gonna be okay?" "Physically, he should be fine." "Emotionally..." "One step at a time, right?" "That's what they keep telling me." "Caleb, come on." "I'll take you home." "You need a ride?" "Sure." "Hey, son?" "You don't still hate me, do you?" "Well... you sleep on it." "I'm sure the answer'll come." "Hey, Lucas." "Did you know that was a bomb shelter down there?" "Well, look, if you don't mind driving yourself back to the station..." "Rita offered to make me some dinner." "To the hero go the spoils." "Yeah, right." "It was you, wasn't it?" "You're the one who gave Artie that blade." "It's your dream." "I had to help him out, son." "When he lost his father, he lost his way." "But that's something that's never gonna to happen to you." "Take my hand, Caleb." "No." "Take your father's hand." "Like you said, it was my dream." | {
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"Previously on "Agent Carter"..." "As of this moment, Howard Stark is a fugitive from justice." "You're the only one that can clear my name." " What's in the vial?" " Steve Rogers' blood." "You lied to me." "I knew how much Steve meant to you, because I know how much he means to me." "After seeing that kid in Russia," "I'd hate to tangle with one that's all grown-up." "Focus." "Please." "Because we have something very important to take care of." "He got in my head." "It's in the final stages." "Promise me you'll get the son of a bitch who did this." " Chief!" " Chief!" "We need to find out what Ivchenko took." "Item 17." "It's gone." "What's that do?" "I have no idea." "Three out of four famous Hollywood stars recommend Diamond Toilet Soap for high-quality complexion care." "Be a Diamond girl." "Only 39 cents for two bars." "And now back to our program." "When we last left our hero," "Captain America had saved the 25th infantry, but his plane was going down over the Sea of Japan." "Betty, I'm afraid this is the end." "Oh, cap, there will never be another man like you." "I love you, Captain America." "But Betty Carver, face wet with loving tears, hears only static." "You're the SSR folks?" "What the hell happened here, detective?" "Hell if I know..." "I got 47 dead, heads bashed in, eyes gouged out..." "Not a single survivor." "Good lord." "It's like some kind of monster got in." "Never seen anything like it." "All this happened inside the theater?" "This way." "No monster killed these people." "They killed each other." "Guess you G-men catch stuff like this all the time." "No." "No, we sure don't." "Sousa!" "Sousa!" "Hey." "Hey." "What happened?" "Daniel!" "Get him off!" "♪ Never treats me sweet and gentle ♪" "This really is an amazing city." " ♪ The way he should ♪" " It's like any other." "No, no, my dear." " ♪ I've got it bad ♪" " This is a testimony" " to American strength and ingenuity." " ♪ and that ain't good ♪" "Huh!" "It is a beacon for all the world to envy." "And won't it be fun to tear it all down?" "♪ My poor heart is sentimental ♪" "♪ Not made of wood ♪" "♪ I've got it bad ♪" "♪ and that ain't good ♪" "♪ But when the fish are jumping ♪" "Let us not bring unwanted attention to ourselves." "♪ And Friday rolls... ♪" "Good evening, officer." "Did I do something wrong?" "Well, ma'am, there's a small matter of that traffic light you missed back there." "I did?" "!" "Oh, my gosh!" "I am just the silliest goose." "You're lucky you didn't get in an accident." "I am so sorry, officer." "You know, I would let my grandfather drive, but... he's blind in one eye." "Wartime injury." "Okay, ma'am." "Just be careful." "Get home safe." "Thank you, officer." "You are just the kindest man." "All cars, be on the lookout for a vehicle last seen in the vicinity of 65th and Park." "Black Dynaflow, license three-Yankee-six-Zulu." "Vehicle is reported stolen by an armed female..." "Blonde, 5'8"." "All patrolmen must proceed with caution." "Carter, what the hell is going on?" "I was about to ask you the same thing." "How are you feeling?" "Like I swallowed a bag of shrapnel." "What's with this?" "Do you remember anything that happened inside the movie theater?" "There was, uh, some kind of gas." "You found the canister, and you attacked agent Thompson." "I wanted to kill him." "I wanted to kill... everybody." "Oh, God, Peggy." "I-I hit you." "I-I'm so sorry." "You weren't yourself." "How are you now?" "I still want to kill Thompson, but no more than usual." "Best the scientists can figure, it's a chemical that induces psychosis upon exposure, which I can personally attest to after Sousa tried to bite my nose off." "Hey, killer." "I'm surprised Howard would consent to manufacturing something like that." "The amount that got me was tiny." "How much of this stuff does Ivchenko have?" "The lab counted 10 canisters." "Meaning Ivchenko has enough to send half the city into a homicidal rage." "But why?" "Why go to all that trouble?" "'Cause he's a Russian jerk with a chip on his shoulder." "Why else?" "No, I-it's got to be something more than that." "Ivchenko has a plan." "He brought us into Russia." "He tricked us into bringing him into this country." "There's something specific that he is targeting." "We just have to find out what it is." "The target is me." "Hey!" "Get your hands up." "Get your hands up!" "Told you." "What kind of welcome is this?" "How the hell did you get in here?" "You know who designed the SSR security system?" "Yeah, the same outfit that sures the White House." "Exactly." "They stink." "You should have hired me." "I know." "You missed me." " Than guilty." " How about looking wrong?" "As of this moment, you're under arrest, Stark." "You know, I could help you with that." "Roger Dooley is dead." "Ray Krzeminski is dead." "Along with a theater full of innocent people." "Stark Industries..." "That's all on you." "You got something funny to say about that?" "I know." "That's why I came back." "That's everything there is to know about the battle of Finow." "I really don't care about some old war story." "Well, you should." "'Cause all those deaths are on me, too." "The gas is called midnight oil." "You designed a poison gas, Howard?" "No!" "Well, not intentionally." "The army wanted something that would keep soldiers awake for days at a time, but it failed." "Caused symptoms similar to sleep deprivation..." "Anger, hallucinations, psychosis." "If you knew all that, why use it in Finow?" "I didn't." "My lab was raided." "They took my samples, my research, all on the orders of general McGinnis." "The next day, they dropped it on the Russians to help them take Finow." "I flew there afterward to see with my own eyes." "What those men did to each other, you can't imagine." "We don't need to imagine." "We saw it in that theater." "I experienced it myself." "And you survived?" "It's been known to cause asphyxiation." "Guess that explains my sore throat." "It also explains our voiceless friends." "Someone performed laryngotomy procedures on these men." "I expect it was Dr. Ivchenko or, as he's also known, Johann Fennhoff." "Who?" "A psychiatrist with a speciality in hypnosis." "Must be how they got to Dooley." "And if he can control the chief, we're all at risk." "No." "This time, I'm taking the risk." "This Fennhoff obviously wants to punish me, so..." "let's give him what he wants." "What are you talking about?" "I'll be the bait." "The SSR just needs to set the trap." "Yeah." "Something public." "Real showy." "Well, that's the only way I do it." "Hey, this is private property." "I'll take care of it." "Hey, mister." "Could you help me with something?" "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin." "Howard Stark returns a hero." "The eccentric billionaire and erstwhile absconder from justice... is in New York today to announce a major breakthrough in the case of his missing technology." "Mr. Stark will hold a press conference this afternoon..." "On the steps of City Hall with all the details." "What are you waiting for?" "Let's get in there." "A new opportunity has arisen." "Just since I left the car?" "We are going back to the city." "Our plans have changed." "How's that look?" "Like a nest of spiders with very short legs." "That's good enough." "Hey, Peg, you got any powder?" "I want to cut down the shine." "I don't like this, Howard." "It's too dangerous." "Don't waste your breath, Miss Carter." "I've already wasted mine on the subject." "What is that?" "It's body armor for your protection." "It's junk." "Where's my stuff?" "What are you people doing?" "These are highly volatile materials." "This..." "This is photosensitive." "This should be kept in the dark." "This..." "This should be kept cool." "And this." "This is fine now." "Howard, what are you hoping to accomplish with this ridiculous press conference?" "There are other ways to get Fennhoff into the open." "Name one." "No, name three." "There it is." "Stops a .50-cal round from 100 feet." "Unless you're planning to put it on your head, it won't be enough." "I trust you to keep me safe." " You're punishing yourself." " I'm redeeming myself." "I have enough blood on my hands." "I don't need yours, as well." "I've had to go through my life not caring what people think of me, but I do care what you think." "And after everything you said to me last time, I thought..." "Howard, I was angry." "That doesn't mean I want you to die." "Well, that makes two of us." "But you know and I know that this is my fault." "General McGinnis stole midnight oil and used it recklessly." "He is at fault." "Can you not see that?" "I need to fix this." "Otherwise, I won't be able to live with myself." "You're mad." "As a hatter." "After a thorough investigation, we have concluded that Howard Stark is innocent of the theft and sale of weapons to foreign enemies." "All charges against Mr. Stark have been dropped." "We owe Mr. Stark a tremendous debt of gratitude, and his assistance in our current investigation is invaluable." ""Hero."" ""He is a hero."" "He is... a hero for all Americans." "Are the rooftops covered, Agent Comden?" " Mr. Stark will be working in concert with the SSR..." " All clear." " They're here somewhere." " To bring those responsible for this crime..." " I know it." " To justice." ""Humbled by his genius."" "No." "No. "Brilliance." "Humbled by his brilliance."" "Hmm." "We are humbled." "Here's Howard Stark." "Mr. Stark, have all your weapons been recovered?" "Is it true that you were hiding at the residence of Barbara Stanwyck?" "For too long now, the name Howard Stark has been dragged through the mud." "Today is a day of reckoning for anyone who doubts..." "Get down!" "Who's got eyes on the shooter?" "It's coming from above." "Get him out of here." "Police car in the back alley." " This way." " Go!" "They're shooting from the hotel." "See?" "Told you it was a great idea." "Your genius knows no bounds, sir." "Take us to the SSR, officer." "Oh, no." "Listen, buddy, stop the car." "Dr. Fennhoff would like to see you." "Agent!" "Where's Stark?" "He's been taken." "Where are they?" "This rifle was rigged to fire itself." "They're long gone." "Strange." "What's that?" "Either Dottie's a terrible shot, or this gun was never supposed to kill Howard." "It's aimed well above the podium." "It was a diversion." "Diversion from what?" "All agents, Stark's been grabbed." "APD is being issued." "He's in a police car heading west." "Oh." "Whatever Fennhoff is paying you, I can double it." "You like cars?" "Yeah, I like cars." "You know, I got a fleet of Cadillacs." "You can take your pick." "Take two." "All right." "You see this piece of paper?" "It's Rosalind Russell's private number." "That is absolutely my final offer." "So, now we got to tell the whole world we're chumps." "They've been planning this whole thing since the beginning." "No, they couldn't have." "Could they?" "Kidnapping Howard couldn't have been part of their original plan." "They didn't know he was here until the press conference." "So if they don't want him dead, what do they want?" "Howard said Fennhoff wants to punish him." "Whatever they've planned, it must be a fate worse than death." "We need to determine what his next target is." "The movie house was a test." "So they got to be planning something bigger." "Statue of Liberty?" "Empire State?" "What day is it?" "May 8th." "V.E. day." "They're going to hit Times Square." "Car's near 42nd and 9th." "No Stark." "42nd and 9th, copy." "This isn't good." "No, it isn't." "I know I should be afraid for my life, but there's just something about you that puts me at ease." "Must be those eyes." "You don't remember me, do you?" "Should I?" "You and I spent a nice weekend together not too long ago." "Is it Alice?" "Guy at the coffee shop saw a blonde forcing a man matching Stark's description into the back of a black Sedan." "They were last seen heading west towards Lincoln Tunnel." "I radioed their descriptions to Port Authority..." "See if we can snag them at the tolls." "They're trying to leave the city." "Why?" "Maybe we were wrong about the target." "Just talked to every muckity-muck in the city, trying to call off the V.E. day celebration." "They won't do it." "Already 100,000 people packed into Times Square." "We won't have enough time to evacuate." "He could have stashed those canisters anywhere." "The gas was designed to be deployed by air." "Which is why we shut down all the airports..." "And every private airfield in the area." "I think I know where Dr. Fennhoff is headed." "Where?" "If his intention is to place blame for the attack on Mr. Stark, would it not be most effective to use one of Mr. Stark's own planes?" "He can't." "We confiscated them all." "Not all." "Hmm?" "There is another vault..." "Considerably larger than the first." "Howard, I can't see a thing." "Howard." "Is all this yours?" "Every one of them." "You want to go for a ride?" "I think you've had a few too many Martinis to fly a plane." " You'll be perfectly safe." " Hmm." "Three of them fly themselves." "I like a man with a vault full of toys." "Well, you should see what I got at home." "Wait." "Don't tell me." "Is it Lorraine?" "All right." "It'll come to me." "The great Howard Stark." "I have heard much of your genius." "It is a shame that you put your gifts towards creating such horrible weapons." "Midnight oil was not supposed to be a weapon, Dr. Fennhoff." "Should never have been used." "And yet, it only exists because of you." "Do you know what your creation does?" "I saw it... afterwards." "And I saw it while it happened." "I was only spared because I had a gas mask to protect myself." "My comrades were not so lucky." "My brother wasn't so lucky." "When I found him, he had no eyes." "Pieces of his flesh had been bitten off." "Can you imagine this?" "I am sorry." "You have no idea how sorry I am." "Since that day, I have thought of you often." "In fact, you have been my singular focus." "Look, if you're gonna kill me..." "Go ahead." "I probably deserve it, but..." "Leave innocent people out of it." "I have no intention of killing you, Mr. Stark." "I am going to make you suffer." "Please." "Please don't do this." "You feel guilt?" "Remorse?" "Yes, of course, I do." "I imagine you have done many things in your life that you regret." "Hmm." "A man such as yourself cannot allow kindness and empathy to cloud his vision." "I am not a bad person." "Yes." "Yes, you are." "It is the only way to achieve such remarkable success." "Others have paid the price." "You have paid the price, as well." "Your guilt eats you, destroys you from the inside out." "Yes." "Yes." "Focus." "There may still be a way to atone for your sins." "Simply focus." "Go back in your mind to a time and a place that holds your greatest shame, and simply focus." "What would you change if you could?" "Mr. Stark!" "Mr. Stark, we picked up a signal from the Valkyrie." "We think it might be Rogers." "Sir, we found Captain America." "Howard." "Peg, is this real?" "Bring him home." "Howard!" "How long until he reaches New York?" "12 minutes." "Maybe less." "Maybe we could talk him down." "You think he'd listen?" "Chief did." "Radio room?" "Second floor of the hangar." " I need someone to take one of those planes up." " Why?" "Shoot him down with a plane full of poisonous gas?" "You'd have to do it over the water before he reaches land." "Geez." "Well, I-I'm not your guy." "I never flown a plane before." "Likewise." "I have." "Mr. Jarvis, I cannot ask this of you." "Mr. Stark would want to be stopped by any means possible." "We have little time." "Help him get off the ground." "Signal is still holding strong." "Changing course to bearing 2-6-9." "Focus, Howard." "You're doing very well." "Hands up." "Ah, ah, ah, ah." "Lose the gun." "Move away from the radio slowly." "Peggy, it's so swell to see you." "Isn't this fun?" "Full tank of gas, plenty of ammo..." "You're good to go." "Excellent." "Let's go!" "Jarvis, if you don't leave now, don't bother!" "Look, I've flown planes before." "I've just never shot a man down." "If Carter finds this guy, you'll never have to fire a shot." "Let's pray you're right, Agent Thompson." "Excellent." "Focus." "Howard!" "Howard, it isn't real!" "Go." "I used to be so jealous of girls like you." "I would have done anything to walk like you, to talk like you." "But now..." "I can be anybody I want." "Oh, I've got a great idea." "Ohh!" "Maybe I'll be an SSR agent next." "What do you think of that?" "I thought you'd be better." "Fennhoff's escaped the radio room." "We'll get him." "I'll go around back." "Sousa, don't let him talk." "If he talks, you're dead." "You, too, Jack." "Dropping to 2,000 feet." "Howard, it's Peggy." "Peg!" "I found his signal!" "I'm almost there." "No, you must listen to me." "I'm gonna bring him home, Peg." "Fennhoff has put this fantasy in your mind." "He's trying to get you to deploy the gas over civilians." "Don't worry about that, Peg." "There are no civilians where I am." "Freeze!" "Step away from him, or I will shoot!" "I am unarmed, Agent Sousa." "Hands up!" "Now!" "You will not shoot an unarmed man." "It is not in your nature." "Unlike Agent Thompson here, you are virtuous man." "The war has damaged us all, has it not, Agent Sousa?" "We will never be the men we once were." "I'm not listening to you." "I have treated many injured soldiers, Agent Sousa, helped them to overcome their pain." "All you have to do is focus." "Focus on your pain." "Howard, can you hear me?" "You must come back." "I know this sounds crazy, but that... that guy, Fennhoff, he actually helped me." "He... he showed me how to do this." "I'm bringing Cap back, Peg." "The men that you work with, they see you as broken... half a man." "And Agent Carter..." "I see how you look at her, but she will never value you for the man that you are." "How can she?" "She feels only pity." "But we can change all that if you just focus." "Point your weapon at Agent Thompson..." "And pull the trigger." "Sousa..." "Look at me." "Don't listen to him." "Excellent." "Focus." "Shoot him." "No." "You snap out of it!" "Was he saying something?" "You son of a bitch." "Howard, turn the plane around." "Come back, and we'll talk about it." "I can't do that." "Done talking." "N-no... wait." "Miss Carter?" "Miss Carter, I have Mr. Stark's plane in my sights." "We are one mile from land." "Miss Carter, should I take the shot?" "Miss Carter!" "Miss Carter!" "Can you hear me?" "!" "Miss Carter!" "Please!" "Answer me!" "No, I need more time." "We don't have more time!" "Do not take the shot until I tell you, Mr. Jarvis!" "Howard." "Howard, Steve is gone." "He died over a year ago." "There's something up ahead." "It's him!" "I can fix this!" "You don't have to fix anything." "Peg, all I've done my whole life is create destruction." "Project rebirth was..." "He was the one thing I've done..." "That brought good into this world." "Howard..." "I know you loved him." "I loved him, too." "But this won't bring him back." "Howard, you are the one person on this earth who believes in me." "I cannot lose you." "Steve is gone." "We have to move on..." "All of us." "As impossible as that may sound, we have to let him go." "Peg?" "He was good before I got ahold of him, huh?" "Yes." "Y-yes, he w... he was." "Where are you?" "Evidently, flying a plane... to Manhattan." "I guess you can explain that to me once I land." "Mr. Jarvis, he's all right." "Stand down." "Thank goodness." "Tell Mr. Stark to follow me back." "I'll bring him home." "You were gonna shoot me out of the sky?" "Well, I thought that was what you would have wanted." "No!" "No, it's not." "And for future reference, under no circumstance would I want anyone to shoot or otherwise hurt me." "You got that?" "Your point is amply made, sir." "Aw, you're all right, Jarvis." "As are you, sir." "I owe you another one, pal." "To be honest, I've stopped counting, Howard." "What are we gonna do about this guy?" "I suggest we put him in the trunk until we can find a permanent way of preventing him from speaking." "What about Miss Underwood?" "I'm afraid Dottie escaped." "I'd wager we haven't seen the last of her." "Ida." "That's her name." "I knew I'd remember." "Steel trap." "Good work, Carter." "Nice job." "Well..." " Good morning, Peggy." " Mm-hmm." "You're here bright and early." "I assume that means you'll be staying with the SSR." "Haven't decided, actually." "I just came to pick up my paycheck." "Well, we'll keep the desk for you, just in case." " Mm-hmm." " She'll be back." "Which one of you fellas is Jack Thompson?" "That's me." "Walt Cooper, United States Senate." "Walt." "I just wanted to come down here and personally commend you for the fine work you and your team did." "An attack on Times Square could have been a calamity, and what I hear is that you saved thousands of lives." "The city and the country owe you a great debt." "We need more men like Jack Thompson fighting for freedom and security." "You're all lucky that you work for him." "I just did what needed to be done." "Yeah." "You play your cards right, son, and you could get a congressional honor out of this situation." "The president wants to thank you himself." "Maybe next time, I'll vote from him." " Come on into my office." " Thank you." "How can you just sit there and take that?" "Daniel." "I'm gonna tell that senator what really happened." "Hell, I'll tell Truman himself." "It really doesn't bother me." "Well, it bothers the hell out of me." "I saved that jerk's life." "I don't need a congressional honor." "I don't need Agent Thompson's approval or the president's." "I know my value." "Anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter." "Uh, hey, I was gonna... grab a drink." "Right at this moment?" "It's 9:00 in the morning." "No, no." "After I clock out." " Oh." " Want to join me?" "Uh..." "Maybe another time, all right?" "I-I've got to meet a friend." " Sure." "Sure thing." " Yeah." "Another time." "Oh, my God." "You're kiddin' me." "I know what you're thinking, Miss Martinelli, and, yes." "The drawing room has recently been refurbished in the neoclassical style." "On the small side, isn't it?" "Well, it is one of Mr. Stark's quainter residences, yes." ""Quaint."" "You could fit the entire apartment where I grew up in this room." "Six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a rooftop terrace for Al Fresco dining, and the library has a... sufficient collection of first editions." "And you're saying we can stay here for free?" "Since the unfortunate incidents at both your home and place of work," "Mr. Stark has offered this residence to you and Miss Carter for as long as you might require it." "It's a bit far from the theater district." "I'll live with it." "You got a phone?" "I have to call my mother." "Naturally." "There's a telephone in every room." "Oh, my God!" "Are you kiddin' me?" "!" "How refreshing to meet someone who appreciates the finer things." "I appreciate the finer things." "I just don't want to know what's happened in and on the fine things." "I imagine you're looking forward to some peace and quiet." "At the very least, having both feet on the ground." "Yes, I've allowed several of my duties to fall by the wayside of late." "My next project is... is quite engrossing..." "A complete and total overhaul of the kitchen spices." "Mm, fascinating!" "But should you again find yourself in need of my services," "I would be honored to assist you at a moment's notice, Miss Carter." "Thank you, Mr. Jarvis." "Uh, w-where is Howard?" "I haven't heard from him." "Presently attempting to negotiate the return of his property from the SSR." "Well, let's hope next time he builds a better vault." "Actually, he's decided to destroy everything." "Really?" "Well, that surprises me." "He continues to believe that no government... even our own... can be trusted with those particular inventions." "Especially... this." "Howard is giving me this?" "He is under the impression that the sample of Captain America's blood was lost when he was under Dr. Fennhoff's control." "So you are giving me this." "I owe Howard Stark a great deal, but he does not own my integrity." "I am quite certain there is only one person in the world who knows what to do with this..." "You, Miss Carter." "♪ someday, when I'm awfully low ♪" "♪ When the world is cold ♪" "♪ I will feel a glo just thinking of you ♪" "♪ And the way you look tonight ♪" "♪ Oh, but you're lovely ♪" "♪ With your smile so warm ♪" "♪ And your cheeks so soft ♪" "♪ There is nothing for me ♪" " ♪ But to love you ♪" " Bye, my darling." "♪ Just the way you look tonight ♪" "What did you say?" "I can't hear you." "You're gonna have to speak up." "Don't despair, friend." "The food here is actually quite good." "Hmm." "A minor consolation, I know." "You had a vision, and it didn't come to pass." "What is the point of anything now?" "But given time and a bit of quiet, new visions will arise." "I am familiar with your work on matters of the mind, Herr Doktor." "It would give me great pleasure to hear your thoughts on this." "Perhaps there is another way for us to collaborate." "I know things seem bleak, but you are, in fact, a fortunate man." "You're imprisoned, yes, but it is an American prison." "And America... is the land of opportunity." | {
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""In order to effect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions" ""and to ensure the common good," ""a state of emergency is declared for these territories" ""by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett," ""duly appointed representative of his majesty the king." ""By decree according to martial law," ""the following statutes are temporarily amended:" ""Right to assembly:" ""suspended." ""Right to Habeas Corpus:" ""suspended." ""Right to legal counsel:" ""suspended." ""Right to verdict by a jury of peers:" ""suspended." ""By decree, all persons found guilty of piracy" ""or aiding a person convicted of piracy" ""or associating with a person convicted of piracy" ""shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until death."" "# The king and his men stole the queen from her bed." "# And bound her in her bones." "# The seas be ours, and by the powers," "# Where we will, we'll roam." "# Yo ho, all hands," "# Hoist the colours high." "# Heave ho, thieves and beggars," "# Never shall we die." "# Yo ho, haul together," "# Hoist the colours high." " Lord Beckett!" "They've started to sing, sir." "# Heave ho," "Finally." " # thieves and beggars," "# Never shall we die." "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN" "AT WORLD'S END" "# Some men have died # and some are alive # and others sail on the sea-- # with the keys to the cage... # and the Devil to pay # we lay to Fiddler's Green!" "# The bell has been raised # from it's watery grave..." "# Do you hear it's sepulchral tone?" "# We are a call to all, # pay head the squall" "# and turn your sail to home!" "# Yo ho, haul together," "# Hoist the colours high." "# Heave ho, # thieves..." "# - thief and beggar," "# Never shall we die." "A dangerous song to be singing." "For any who are ignorant of his meaning." "Particularly a woman." "Particularly a woman alone." "What makes you think she's alone?" "You protect her?" "And what makes you think I need protecting?" "Your master's expecting us." "And an unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meeting." "aristotle" "Have you heard anything from Will?" "I trust young Turner to acquire the charts." "And you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng" "Is he that terrifying?" "He's much like myself, but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play." "Do you think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery?" "Well, when you put it that way..." "Remove please." "Remove please." "Captain Barbosa, welcome to Singapore." "More steam." "None of that." "If things don't go the way we want, then we are the only chance they've got." "I understand that you have a request to make of me." "More of a proposal to put thee." "I've a venture underway, and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew." "It's an odd coincidence..." "Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?" "No." "Because earlier this day, not far from here, a thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple and tried to make away with these." "The navigational charts." "The route to the farthest gate" "Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one?" "It would strain credulity, at that." "This is the thief." "Is his face familiar to you?" "Then I guess he has no further need for it." "You come into my city and you betray my hospitality." "Sao Feng, I assure you, I had no idea..." "That he would get caught!" "You intend to attempt a voyage to Davy Jones' Locker." "But I cannot help but wonder-- why?" "The song has been sung." "The time is upon us." "We must convene the Brethren Court as one of the nine Pirate Lords." "You must honor the call." "More steam." "More steam!" "There is a price on all our heads." "It is true." "And since the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore is by betraying other pirates..." "It's the time to put our differences aside..." " Wait for the signal!" "The first Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas." "Now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett against East India Trading Company, what value is the Brethren Court?" "What can any of us do?" "You can fight!" "Get off me!" "You are Sao Feng, the Pirate Lord of Singapore." "My bold captain will sail free waters, where waves aren't measured in feet..." "Would you have that era come to an end on your watch?" "The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!" "Elizabeth Swann." "There is more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" "And the eye does not go wanting." "But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question:" "What is it you seek in Davy Jones' Locker?" "Jack Sparrow." "He's one of the Pirate Lords." "The only reason" "I would want Jack Sparrow return from the land of the dead is so I can send him back myself!" "Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight." "He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died." "So we must go and get him back." "So you admit you have deceived me." "Weapons!" "Sao Feng, I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable." "Drop your weapons or I kill the man!" "Kill him." "He's not our man." "If he's not with you and he's not with us... who is he with?" "Doublez!" "Take aim!" "Set, fire!" "Doublez!" "Take aim!" "Set..." "Fire!" "It's an odd coincidence, isn't it?" "The East India Trading Company finds me the day you show up in Singapore." "It is coincidence only." "If you want to make a deal with Beckett, you need what I offer." "You crossed Barbosa." "You are willing to cross Jack Sparrow." "Why should I expect any better?" "I need the Black Pearl to free my father." "You're helping me to get it." "Fire!" "Thank you, Jack!" "Thank you, Jack!" "You have the charts?" "And better yet." "A ship with a crew." "Where's Sao Feng?" "He'll cover our escape and meet us in Shipwreck Cove." "Hold it stiff into the wind!" "There's no place left for Sao Feng to cower." "Do you think he will honor the call?" "I cannot say." "There is an evil and disease that even the most staunch and blood-thirsty pirates have come to fear." "A piece of eight." "Nine of them, you say?" "Our new friend in Singapore was very specific, sir." "Nine pieces of eight." "What's the significance of that, I wonder?" "Does it matter?" "Nothing can hold against the Armada." "Not even the Flying Dutchman, I believe." "Nothing we know of." "Did your friend happen to mention where the Brethren Court are meeting?" "He was mum on that, sir." "Then he knows the value of information." "Better keep this between ourselves." "We don't want anyone running off to Singapore, do we?" "Ah, Admiral." "You summoned me, Lord Beckett?" "Yes." "Something for you there." "Your new station deserves an old friend." "Not more requisition orders?" "No sir." "Execution." "The Brethren know they face extinction." "All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand." "No one said anything about cold." "I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering." "Why don't that obae woman just bring Jack back, the same way she brought back Barbosa?" "Because Barbosa was only dead." "Jack Sparrow is taken in body and soul to a place not of death but punishment." "The worst fate a person can bring upon himself." "Stretching on forever." "That's what awaits in Davy Jones' Locker." "I mean, that was a good reason." "Nothing here is said." "It is hardly as accurate as modern charts." " No." "But it leads to more places." ""OVER THE EDGE"" ""OVER AGAIN"" ""SUNRISE SETS FLASH OF GREEN"" "Do you care to interpret," "Captain Barbosa?" "Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?" "I reckon I've seen my fair share." "Happens on rare occasion, at the last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky." "Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it." "Some claimed to have seen it who ain't." "And some say..." "It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead." "Sorry." "Trust me, young master Turner, it's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem." "It's getting back." "Back to her!" "Lift the sail!" " Aye, aye, sir!" "Bloody hell, there's nothing left." "Jones is a loose cannon, sir." "Fetch the chest." "And the Governour?" "He's been asking questions about the heart." "Does he know?" "Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course." "Steady, men." "Go." "All of you." "And take that infernal thing with you." "I will not have it on my ship!" "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." "Because I will." "Because it seems to me the only way to ensure that this ship do as directed by the Company." "We need prisoners to interrogate, which tends to work best when they're alive." "The Dutchman sails as its captain commands." "And its captain is to sail it as commanded!" "I would have thought you'd learned that when I had ordered you to kill your pet" "This is no longer your world, Jones." "The immaterial has become" "immaterial." "Charge!" "Aim!" "How long will we continue not talking?" "Once we rescue Jack, everything will be fine." "Then we rescue Jack." "There is a cost must be paid in the end." "Barbosa!" "Ahead!" "Aye, we're good and lost now." "Lost?" "For certain you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found." "Elseways everyone would know where it was." "We're gaining speed!" " Aye." "To stations!" "All hands to stations!" "Haul the *** away!" "Never lay down!" "Let her run straight and true." "Blimey!" "We're doomed, that's all." "Don't be so unkind." "You may not survive to pass this way again." "And these are the last friendly words you'll hear." "All to port!" "My peanut." "***, slack 'em braces!" "Aye, Captain!" "Slack 'em braces!" "Step lively!" "At the wheel"" "Aye, aye, right away, sir." "Fire down below!" "Help!" " Man the yars, ye filthy toads!" "*** handsomely boys ***" "Aye, sir!" " Goin' away, sir!" "Mr Sparrow?" " Aye, captain." "What say you about the condition of this tack-on?" "It be proper to my eye, sir." "Proper?" "It is neither proper nor suitable, sir, it is not acceptable, nor adequate, it is an obvious fact." "An abomination." "Begging your pardon, sir, but perhaps if you gave a man another chance..." "Shall I?" "That sort of thinking got us into this mess." "We have lost speed, and therefore time." "Precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost." "Do you understand?" " Aye, aye, captain." "Do you now?" "It will all have to be redone." "All of it." "And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you." "Doldrum, sir, has the entire crew on edge." "I have no sympathy for any of you feculant maggots, and no more patience to pretend otherwise." "Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness." "No wind." "Of course there's no bloody wind!" "My soul, I do swear for the place." "Gust, whisper, tiny miniature lick!" "Yes sir, I know, but why?" "Why would he do that?" "Because he's a lummox, isn't he?" "We shall have a magnificent garden party, and you're not invited," "A rock." "Now we're being followed by rocks." "Never heard that before." "Oh!" "A rope." "This truly is a godforsaken place." "I don't see Jack." "I don't see anyone." "He's here." "Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took." "And does it matter?" "We're trapped here by your doing." "No different than Jack." "Witty Jack is closer than you think." "Impossible." "Slap me thrice 'n' hand me to me momma- it's Jack!" "It's the Captain!" " like my sword" "Jack!" " Mr Gibbs?" "Aye, captain!" " I thought so." "I expect you're able to accoun for your actions then." "Sir?" "There has been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline on my vessel why?" "Why is that, sir?" "Sir, you're you're in Davy Jones' Locker, Captain." "I know that." "I know where I am." "And don't think I don't." "Jack Sparrow." "Ah, Hector." "It's been too long, hasn't it?" "Aye." "Isla de Muerte, remember?" "You shot me." "No I didn't." "Tia Dalma!" "Out and about, aye?" "You add an agreeable sense of macabre to any delirium." "He thinks we're a hallucination." "William, tell me something." "Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel, or rather damsel in distress?" "Either one." "No." "Well, then you wouldn't be here, would you." "So you can't be here." "Q.e.d., you're not really here." "Jack" "This is real." "We're here." "The Locker, you say?" " Aye." "We've come to rescue you." "Have you now?" "Very kind of you." "But it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't, you're the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure as I'm in the mood." "I see my ship right there." "Can't spot it." "Must be a tiny little thing, hiding somewhere behind the Pearl." "Jack, Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones." "He controls the Flying Dutchman." " He's taking over the seas!" "The song has already been sung." "The Brethren Court is called." "Leave you people alone for just a minute, look what happens!" "Everything's gone to pot!" "Aye, Jack, the world needs you back up here." "And you need a crew." "Why should I sail with any of you?" "Four of you have tried to kill me in the past." "One of you succeeded." "Oh!" "She's not told you!" "You'll have loads to talk about while you're here." "As for you" "Now, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it the other day." "Fair enough all right, you lady." "Don't need you." "You scare me." "What gives, you can come." "Marty." "Cotton!" "Comes parrot ***." "Well, at least I'll have someone to talk to." "Who are you?" " Tai Huang." "These are my men." "Where do your allegiances lie?" " With the highest bidder." "I have a ship." "That makes you the highest bidder." "Good man." "Away anchor." "All hands, prepare to make sail." "Which way are you going, Jack?" "Trim that sail!" "Slack winglet braces!" "Trim that sail!" "Slack winglet braces!" "What are you doing?" " What are you doing?" "No, what are you doing?" "What are you doing?" "The captain gives orders on the ship." "The captain of this ship is giving orders." "My ship, makes me captain." "They be my charts." "That makes you- chartman." "Stow away!" "Don't move you!" "That's an order!" "Understand?" "Sorry." "I just thought, with the captain issue and all, I'd throw in my name for consideration." "Sorry." "I'd vote for you." " Yes." "You left Jack to the Kraken." "He's rescued now." "It's done with." "Will, I had no choice." "You chose not to tell me." "I couldn't." "It wasn't your burden to bear." "Well, I did bear it, didn't I?" "I just didn't know what it was." "I thought..." "You thought I loved him." "If you make your choices alone, how can I trust you?" "You can't." "Eerie." "That's downright macabre." "I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them." "Be disrespectful, you would?" "They should be in the care of Davy Jones." "That was the duty 'im was charged with by the goddess Calypso," "to ferry those who die at sea to the other side." "And every ten years, 'im could come ashore to be with she 'o love 'im." "Truly." "But the man has become a monster." "So he wasn't always tentacly?" "No... 'im was a man... once." "Now there's boats coming." "They're not a threat to us." "Am I right?" "We are nothing but ghosts to them." "We've better as just let them be." "It's my father!" "We've made it back!" "Father!" "Father, I'm up here!" "Elizabeth." "We're not back." "Father!" "Elizabeth!" "Are you dead?" "No..." "I think I am." "No, you can't be!" "There was this chest, you see." "I thought." "At the time it seemed so important." "Come on board!" "And a heart." "I learnt that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place, and you will sail the seas for eternity." "The Dutchman must have a captain." "Silly thing to die for." "Someone cast a line!" "Come back with us!" "I told you, I'm destiny." "Take the line!" "I was so proud of you, Elizabeth." "Hold on to the line!" "She must not leave the ship!" " Father!" "Please come with us!" "Please don't leave me!" "I'll give your love to your mother, shall I?" "I won't let you go!" " Elizabeth..." "He made peace." "No wa'er." "Why is all but the rum gone?" "Rum's gone, too." "If we cannot escape these doldrums before night," "I fear we will sail on trackless seas, doomed to roam *** between worlds forever." "With no water, forever looks to be arriving a mite too soon." "Why doesn't he do something?" "Me eye!" "Give it back!" "There's no sense to it." "And the green flash happens at sunset." "Not sunrise." ""Over the edge. "" "God, driving me over the blooming edge." "Sunrises don't set." ""UP IS DOWN"" "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful." "Why are these things never clear?" "Clear as mud, Jacky." " What?" "Stab the heart." "Don't stem the heart." "Come again?" "The Dutchman must have a captain." "Well, that's even more than less than unhelpful." "Sail the seas for eternity." "I love the sea." " What about port?" "I prefer rum." "Rum's good." "Making port, where we can get rum and salty wenches..." "Once every ten years." "What did you say?" "Once every ten years." "Ten years is a long time, mate." "Even longer, given the deficit of rum." "But eternity is longer still." "And how will you be spending it?" "Dead?" "Or not?" "The immortal Captain Sparrow." "Well, I'd love that." "Come sunset, it won't matter." "Not sunset." ""SUN DOWN" ""AND RISE UP"!" "What's that?" "What is that?" "I don't know." "What do you think?" "Where?" "There." "What is it?" "We're rocking the ship!" "Aye, he's on to it!" "He's rocking the ship!" "We tie each other to the mast upside down, so when the boat flips we will be the right way up!" "Aye, mate, that is swell!" "Loose the cannons, you stinking bilgerats!" "Unstow the cargo!" "Let it shift!" "Now up... is down." "Blessed sweet westerlies!" "We're back!" "There's the sunrise." "We need our pistols." "Get untied, alright?" "Alright then!" "The Brethren Court has a gathering at Shipwreck Cove, and Jack, you and I are a-going, and there'll be no arguing that point." "I is arguing the point." "If these pirates are gathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way." "The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you're a pirate." "Fight or not, you're not running, Jack." "If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one, till there be none left but you." "Quite like the sound of it." "Captain Jack Sparrow- the last pirate." "Aye, and you'll be fighting Jones alone." "How does that figure into your plan?" "I'm still working on that." "But I will not be going back to the Locker, nay." "Count on that." "Why, we can still use them as clubs!" "Sorry." "Effective, though." "There's a freshwater spring on this island." "We can resupply there and get back to shooting each other later." "You lead the shore party." "I'll stay with my ship." "I'm not leaving my ship in your command." "Why don't you both go ashore and leave the ship in my command?" "Temporarily." "Criminy!" "Odds bodkins!" "Careful!" "Careful!" "You stupid fish!" " Actually, it's a cephalopod." "So if you're right?" "I bet people'll pay a shilling to see this." "And another shilling for a sketch from seeing it drop." "Then we will get some cracking slayers." "We could give us a slice as a souvenir." "Still thinking of running, Jack?" "Think you can outrun the world?" "You know, the problem with being the last of anything- by and by, there'll be none left at all." "Sometimes things come back, mate." "We're living proof, you and me." "Aye, but that's a gamble of luck now, ain't it?" "There's never a guarantee of coming back." "Passing on, that's dead certain." "Summoning the Brethren Court then, is it?" "It's our only hope left." "That's a sad commentary in and of itself." "The world used to be a bigger place." "The world's still the same." "There's just less in it." "Poisoned." "Fouled by the body." "Aye, I know him!" "He was in Singapore." "Singapore!" "We got company!" "He's the captain." "Sao Feng!" "You showing up here, it is truly a remarkable coincidence." "Jack Sparrow." "You paid me great insult once." "That doesn't sound like me." "So we just call it square then?" "Release her!" "She's not part of the bargain." "And what bargain be that?" "You heard Captain Turner?" "Release her." "Captain Turner?" " Aye, the perfidious rotter lead a mutiny against us." "I need the Pearl to free my father." "That's the only reason I came on this voyage." "Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" "That was my burden to bear." "He needs the Pearl?" "Captain Turner needs the Pearl?" "And you felt guilty." "And you and your Brethren Court..." "Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?" "I'm standing over there with him." "I'm sorry, Jack." "But there is an old friend who wants to see you first." "I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends." "If you're so jealous to find out." "Curious." "Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack." "Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat the Flying Dutchman, and so despair leads to betrayal." "But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?" "It's not here, Jack." "What?" "What isn't?" "The heart of Davy Jones." "It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and unavailable for you sir's leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain." "By my reckoning, that account has been settled." "By your death." "And yet here you are." "Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream." "That's how I get by." "And if Davy Jones were to learn of your survival?" "Be on your guard, men." "My men are crew enough." "Company ship, company crew." "He agreed." "The Black Pearl was to be mine." "And so it was." "Perhaps you consider an alternative arrangement." "One which requires absolutely nothing from you but information." "Regarding the Brethren Court no doubt." "In exchange for fair compensation." "Square my debt with Jones, guarantee my freedom..." "Of course." "It's just good business." "Were I in a divulgeatory mood, what then might I divulge?" "Everything." "Where are they meeting?" "Who are the Pirate Lords?" "What is the purpose of the nine pieces of eight?" "Beckett agreed." "The Black Pearl was to be mine." "Lord Beckett's not gonna give up only ship as can outrun the Dutchman, is he?" "Shame that you're not bound to honor the code of the Brethren, isn't it?" "Because honor's a hard thing to come by nowadays." "There is no honor to remain laying with the losing side." "Leaving it for the winning side is just good business." "The losing side, you say?" "They have the Dutchman." "Now the Pearl!" "And what do the Brethren have?" "We have Calypso." "Calypso!" "An old legend." "No." "The goddess herself, bound in human form." "Imagine all the power as you see is brought to bear against our enemy." "I intend to release her, but for that I need the Brethren Court." "All the Court." "Then keep Barbosa, the belligerent homunculus and his friend with the wooden eye, both," "and Turner." "Especially Turner." "The rest go with me aboard the Pearl, and I'll lead you to Shipwreck Cove, where I will hand you the pirates, and you will not hand me to Jones." "Bloody fair deal, don't you think?" "And what becomes of Miss Swann?" "What interest is she to you?" "What are you proposing, Captain?" "What be accepted..." "Captain." "The girl." " What?" "Jack." "I've just recalled" " I've got this wonderful compass, which points to whatever I want." "So for what do I need you?" "Elizabeth is not part of any bargain." "Out of the question." "It was not a question." "Point you to the thing you want most?" "And that is not the Brethren Court, is it?" "Then what is, Jack?" "Me." "Dead." "Done." "What?" "Not done!" "You got us into this mess." "If this is what frees us, then done!" "Done." "Although if I kill you, then I can use the compass to find Shipwreck Cove?" "On my own." "Cut out the middleman, as it were." "Elizabeth, they are pirates!" "I have had more than enough experience dealing with pirates!" "Then we have an accord?" "With me killed, you'd arrive at the Cove to find it's a stronghold nigh impregnable, able to withstand blockade for years, and then you'd be wishing," ""Oh, if only there were someone I had not killed inside, to ensure that the pirates then come outside. "" "And you can accomplish all this, can you?" "You may kill me, but you may never insult me." "Who am I?" "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!" "By this time tomorrow, we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove, and you will be free." "Calypso." "Excuse me?" "Not a name you fancy, I'd imagine, out of the many that you have." "But it is what we call you." ""We" being who?" "You confirm it!" "Confirm what?" "You've told me nothing." " The Brethren Court, not I." "The first Brethren Court whose decision I would have opposed." "They bound you to human form so the rule of the seas would belong to man and not..." " To me." "But one such as you should never be anything less than what you are." "Pretty speech from a captor." "But words whispered through prison bars lose their charm." "Can I be blamed for my efforts?" "All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be." "And some men offer desire as justification for their crimes." "I offer simply my desire." "And in return?" "I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them." "And if I should choose not?" "Then I will take... your fury!" "Sao Feng?" "Come here." "Please." "With all nine pieces of eight, you will be free." "Take it!" "You are captain now." "Me?" "Go on my place to Shipwreck Cove." "Forgive me, Calypso." "What did he tell you?" "He made me captain." "You are not my captain." "Elizabeth!" "James!" "Your father will be overjoyed to know you're safe." "My father's dead!" "No, that can't be true." "He returned to England." "Did Lord Beckett tell you that?" "Who among you do you name as captain?" "Captain?" "Her." "Captain!" " Tow the ship." "Put the prisoners in the brig." "The captain shall have my quarters." " Thank you, sir- but I prefer to remain with my crew." "Elizabeth" "I swear" " I did not know." "Know what?" "Which side you chose?" "Well, now you do." "You know my name?" "Yes." "I know your son." "Will Turner." "William!" "He made it!" "He's alive!" "And now he sends you to tell me that he's coming to get me." "Godswoons, he's on his way!" "Yes, Will is alive." "And he wants to help you." "He can't help me." "He won't come." "But you're his father!" "I know you." "He spoke of you." "He can't save me." "He can't come because of you." "Me?" "You're Elizabeth." "Yes, I'm Elizabeth." "If Jones be slain, he who slays him must take his place." "Captain forever." "The Dutchman must always have a captain." "And if he saves me, he loses you." "You won't pick me." "I wouldn't pick me." "Tell him not to come." "Tell him to stay away." "Tell him it's too late." "I'm already a part of the ship." "And the crew." "Bootstrap." "You know my name!" "You know my name!" "Yes, I knew your son." "William?" "He's coming for me." "Wait and see." "You'll see." "He promised." "Sir!" "A breadcrumb trail, and we are meant to follow." "A betrayer among them." "Or a trap." "A gambit by a skilled opponent." "Adjust course, Lieutenant." "Sir." "We can only hope to reach our destination before they run out of bodies." "You escaped the brig even quicker than I expected." "William- do you notice anything?" "Rather, do you notice something that is not there to be noticed?" "You haven't raised an alarm." "Odd, isn't it." "Not as odd as this." "Come up with this all by you alone, did you?" "I said to myself: "Think like Jack"." "This is what you've arrived at?" "Leave Beckett the Shipwreck Cove so as to gain his trust, accomplish your own ends?" "It's like you don't know me at all, mate." "And how does your dearly beloved feel about this plan?" "Ahh." "You've not seen fit to trust her with this." "I'm losing it, Jack." "Every step I make for my father is a step away from Elizabeth." "Mate, if you choose to love your heart away, you'll lose it for certain." "If I might lend a machete to your intellectual thicket, why, the choice is all to give up." "Changes effects." "Let someone else dispatch Jones." "Who?" "You." "Death has a curious way of reshuffling one's priorities." "I'll slip aboard the Dutchman, find the heart, stab the beating thing, your father goes free from his debt" "you're free to be with your charming murderess." "And you're willing to cut out your heart and bind yourself to the Dutchman, forever?" "No, mate." "I'm free forever." "Free to sail the seas beyond the edges of the map." "Free from death itself." "You'll have to do the job though, Jack." "You'll have to ferry souls to the next world." "Or end up just like Jones." "I don't have the face for tentacles." "But a mortal has to care for something, aye?" "What's this for?" "A thing like me." "It'll come to you." "My regards to Davy Jones!" "I hate him!" "Come with me." "Quickly!" "Do not go to Shipwreck Cove." "Beckett knows of the meeting of the Brethren." "I fear there may be a traitor among them." "It's too late to own my forgiveness." "I had nothing to do with your father's death." "That does not absolve me of my other sins." "Come with us." "James, come with me." "Who goes there?" "Go!" "I will follow." "You're lying." "Our destinies have been entwined, Elizabeth, but never joined." "Go now!" "Back to your station, sailor." "No one leaves the ship." "Stand down." "That's an order." "That's an order?" "Part of the crew, part of the ship." "Part of the crew, part of the ship." "Part of the crew, part of the ship!" " Steady, man!" "Part of the crew, part of the ship!" "Who runs?" "Prisoner escapes!" "Relay that!" "James!" "Admiral's dead?" "Admiral's dead!" " Admiral's dead!" "To the captain's cabin!" "James Norrington, do you fear death?" "I take that as a no." "Nice sword." "The Dutchman is under my command." "For now." "Look alive and keep a weather eye." "Not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island where lie Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck." "You heard him!" "Step lively!" "You know, for all that "pirates are clever clogs", we are an unimaginative lot." "when it comes to name things." "I once sailed with a geezer, lost both of his arms, part of his eye." "What'd you call him?" "Larry." "I do not renegue on a bargain once struck." "But we agreed on ends only." "The means are mine to decide." "Caution, Barbosa." "Do not forget it was by my power you returned from the dead." "Or what it means if you fail me." "Don't you forget why you had to bring me back." "Why not leave Jack to his well-deserved fate." "It took nine Pirate Lords to bind you, Calypso." "And it'll take no less than nine to set you free." "Masters Pintel and Ragetti." "Take this fishwife to the brink." "Rot this way, Mrs Fish." "I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup!" "Apparently you can." "I believe you know each other." "Come to join my crew again, master Turner?" "Not yours." "His." "Jack Sparrow sends his regards." "Sparrow?" "You didn't tell him?" "We rescued Jack from the Locker, along with the Black Pearl." "What else have you not told me?" "There is an issue far more troublesome." "I believe you are familiar with a person called Calypso?" "Not a person." "A heathen god." "One who delights in cursing men with their wildest dreams and them revealing them to be hollow and naught but ash." "The world is well rid of her." "Not quite so well, actually." "The Brethren Court intends to release her." "No!" "They cannot!" "The first Court promised to imprison her forever!" "That was our agreement!" "Your agreement?" "I've - showed them how to bind her." "She could not be trusted." "She gave me no choice." "We must act before they release her." "You loved her." "She's the one." "And then you betrayed her" "She pretended to love me!" "She betrayed me!" "And after which betrayal did you cut out your heart, I wonder?" "Do not test me." "I ain't finished that." "You will free my father." "And you will guarantee Elizabeth's safety." "Along with my own." "Your terms are steep, Mr Turner." "We will expect fair value in return." "There is only one price I will accept:" "Calypso, murdered." "Calypso is aboard the Black Pearl." "Jack has sailed the Black Pearl to Shipwreck Cove." "And with you no longer aboard her, how do you propose to lead us now?" "What is it you want most?" "There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime." "Neither has there more money." "As he who initialed summons," "I convene this, the Fourth Brethren Court." "To confirm me your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow Captains." "Those aren't pieces of eight!" "They're just pieces of junk!" "Aye." "The original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso." "But when the first Court met, the Brethren were for once skinned broke." "So change the name!" "What, the "nine pieces of whatever we happened to have in our pockets at that time"?" "Oh yes, that sounds very piratey." "Master Ragetti, if you will?" "I'll kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me." "I have, but now I need it back." "Sparrow?" "Might I point out that we are still short one Pirate Lord, and I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us." "Sao Feng is dead." "He fell to the Flying Dutchman." "The plagued ship!" "He made you Captain?" "Just giving the bloody title away!" " ¡Que lo manden al diablo!" " ¡Eso no se vale!" "Listen to me!" "Our location has been betrayed." "Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett." "They're on their way here." "Who is this betrayer?" "Not likely anyone among us." "Where's Will?" "Not among us." "The matter is not how they found us." "The question is, what will we do now that they have?" "We fight." "Shipwreck Cove is a fortress." "A well supplied fortress." "There is no need to fight if they cannot get to us." "There be a third course." "In another age, at this very spot, the first Brethren Court captured the Sea Goddess and bound her in her bones." "That was a mistake." "Oh, we tamed the seas for ourselves, aye." "But opened the door to Beckett and his ilk!" "Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone." "You all know this to be true." "Gentlemen!" "Ladies!" "We must free Calypso." "Shoot him!" "Cut out his tongue!" "Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue!" "Trim that scraggly beard." "Sao Feng would have agreed with Barbosa." " Aye." "Calypso was our enemy then." "She will be our enemy now." "And it's unlikely her mood's improved." "I would still agree with Sao Feng." "We release Calypso!" "You threaten me?" "I silence you!" "This is madness." "This is politics." "Meanwhile, our enemies are bearing down upon us." "If they not be here already." "My sweet." "You come for me!" "You were expecting me." "It has been torture, trapped in this single form." "Cut off from the sea, from all that I love." "From you." "Ten years I devoted to the duty you charged me." "Ten years" "I looked after those who died at sea." "And finally, when we could be together again," "you weren't there." "Why weren't you there?" "Is my nature." "Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?" "I do not love you." "Many things you were, Davy Jones, but never cruel." "You have corrupted your purpose." "And so yourself." "And you did hide away what should always have been mine." "I will be free." "And when I am, I would give you my heart and we would be together always" "if one day you had a heart to give." "Why did you come?" "And what fate have you planned for your captors?" "The Brethren Court?" "All of them, the last thing they will learn in this life is how cruel I can be." "And what have you feared," "Davy Jones?" "My heart will always belong to you." "There was a first Court what imprisoned Calypso." "We should be the ones to set her free, and in her gratitude she will see fit to grant us boons." "Whose boons, your boons?" "Utterly deceptive twaddlespeak, says I." "If you have a better alternative, please, share." "Cuttlefish." "Aye." "Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends, the cuttlefish," "(slippaconorious little sausages)" " pen them up together, and they will devour each other without a second thought." "Human nature, innit?" "or - or fish nature." "So, yes, we could hole up here well-provisioned and well-armed, and half of us would be dead within the month." "Which seems quite grim to me, any way you slice it." "Or," "as my learned colleague so naïvely suggests, we can release Calypso." "And we can pray that she will be merciful." "I rather doubt it." "Can we in fact pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, like which fury hell hath no?" "We cannot." "Res ipsa loquitur: tabula in naufragio, we are left with but one option." "I'll agree with-and I cannot believe the words that are coming out of me mouth " "Captain Swann." "We must fight." "You've always run away from a fight." "Have not." "You have so!" "Have not!" " You have so!" "Have not!" " You have so, and you know it!" "Have not, slander and calumny." "I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of Pirate traditions." "I submit that here now that is what we all must do." "We must fight - to run away." "Aye!" " Aye!" "As per the Code, and act of war, and this be exactly that, can only be declared by the Pirate King." "You made that up!" "Did I now?" "I call on Captain Teague," "Keeper of the Code." "Sri Sumbhajee proclaim this all to be folly!" "Hang the Code!" "Who cares if..." "The Code is the law." "You're in my way, boy." "The Code." " The Code." "As set forth by Morgan and Bartholomew." "How did?" "Sea turtles, mate." "Let me see." "... that... nay..." "Ahh." "Barbosa is right." "Hang on a minute." ""It shall be the Duty of the King to declare war," "Parlay with shadows" "There has not been a King since the first Court." "And that's not likely to change." "Not likely." "Why not?" "See, the Pirate King is elected by popular vote." "And each pirate only ever votes for hisself." "I call for a vote." "I vote for Ammand, the Corsar!" "Capitaine Chevalle, the Penniless Frenchman!" "Sri Sumbhajee votes for Sri Sumbhajee." "Mistress Ching!" "Gentleman Jocard." "Elizabeth Swann." "Barbosa." "Villanueva!" "Elizabeth Swann." "What?" " Now, curious, isn't it?" "Am I to understand that you'd rather not be keeping to the Code then?" "I will." "I salute Captain Swann," "King of the Brethren Court!" "Prepare every vessel that floats." "At dawn, we're at war." "What?" "You've seen it all, done it all." "You survived." "That's the trick, innit?" "To survive?" "It's not just about living forever, Jacky." "The trick is living with yourself forever." "Where's Momma?" "She looks great." "The enemy is here!" "Let's take arms!" "You've been the cur that let these wolves to our door." "Don't blame Turner." "He was merely the tool of your betrayal." "If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left." "My hands are clean in this." "Figuratively." "My actions were my own, and to my own purpose." "Jack had nothing to do with it." "Well spoke." "Listen to the tool." "Will, I have been aboard the Dutchman." "I understand the burden you bear." "But I feel that cause is lost." "No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." "If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this?" "You made a deal with me, Jack, to deliver the pirates." "And here they are." "Don't be bashful." "Step up, claim your award." "Your debt to me is still to be satisfied." "One hundred years on servitude aboard the Dutchman, as a start." "That debt was paid, mate." "With some help." "You escaped!" "Technically,..." " I propose an exchange." "Will leaves with us." "And you can take Jack." "Done." "Undone!" "Done!" "Jack's one of the nine Pirate Lords." "You have no right!" "King." "As you command, your Names." "Laggard!" "If you have something to say, I might be saying something as well." "First to the finish then?" "Do you fear death?" "You've no idea." "Advise your Brethren:" "You can fight, and all of you will die." "Or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die." "You murdered my father." "He chose his own fate." "And you have chosen yours." "We will fight, and you will die." "King?" "Of the Brethren Court, per say of Jack." "Maybe he really does know what he's like." "Bravo!" "You've successfully arrived aboard the Flying Dutchman as per the overall scheme." "Look" " Oh, yes." "Chapeau, mate." "Except for this little searching in the brig, it's out of clockwork." "Go away!" " What, back to the Locker?" "Not without you, Jackie." "Stab the heart." "Live forever as captain of the Flying Dutchman." "Then again, if you're in the brig," "you should stab the heart." "It does seem to put immortality a bit out of reach." "Peanut!" "We'll use the Black Pearl as our flagship to lead the attack." "Will we now?" "Barbosa, you can't release her!" "We need to give Jack a chance." "Apologies, your Majesty!" "Too long my fate has not been in my own hands." "No longer." "The enemy has opted for oblivion." "Ready the fleet." "To your stations!" "Be there some manner of rite or incantation?" "Aye." "The items brought together - done." "Items to be burned and someone must speak the words:" ""Calypso, I release you from your human bonds."" "Is that it?" "They said it must be spoken as if to a lover." "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds." "Is that it?" "No, not yet." "He didn't say it right." "You - you have to say it right." "Calypso " "I release you from your human bonds." "Calypso!" "When the Brethren Court first imprisoned you, who was it that told them how?" "Who was it that betrayed you?" "Name him!" "Davy Jones." "This is it!" "This is it!" "Calypso," "I come before you as but a servant, humble and contrite." "I have fulfilled my vow." "I now ask your favor." "Spare meself, me ship, me crew, but unleash your fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters or mine." "Why, she's no help at all." "What now?" "Nothing." "The final hope has failed us." "It's not over." "There's still a fight to be had." "We've an armada against us." "And with the Dutchman, there's no chance." "It's only a fool's chance." "Revenge won't bring your father back, Miss Swann." "It's not something I'm intending to die for." "You're right." "Then what shall we die for?" "You will listen to me." "Listen!" "The Brethren will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl to lead." "And what will they see?" "Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship.no" "No, they will see free men and freedom!" "And what the enemy will hear is the flash of our cannons!" "They will hear the ring of our swords, and they will know what we can do" "by the sweat of our brows and the strength of our backs" "and the courage of our hearts!" "Gentlemen, hoist the colors." "Hoist the colors." "Hoist the colors." "Hoist the colors!" "The wind's on our side, boys!" "That's all we need!" "We have a favourable wind, sir." "All right, so we do." "Signal Jones to give no quarter." "That should brighten his day." "To arms!" "We give no quarter!" "Calypso!" "Have you noticed?" "On top of everything, it's raining!" "That's a bad sign!" "Man the capstan!" "ready" "Keep that powder dry!" "Maelstrom!" "Captain Barbosa!" "We need you at the helm!" "Aye, that be true." "Raise up yards, ye cockard of deck apes!" "Dyin' is the day worth livin' for!" "Rear up!" "Sea'll never calmer." "Full power and into the abyss!" "What are you, mad?" "You afraid to get wet?" "She's on our stern and gaining." "More speed" "Or you'll end in a hose of water." "Bow cannons!" "Take us out, or they'll overbear us!" "No." "Further in!" "We'll cut across to faster waters." "Prepare to broadside!" "Capstan the guns!" "Men." "Your courage, man." "At the ready" "Sittin' on the rope." "Sittin' on the rope." "Sittin' on the rope." "Off their winges." "Leverage." "Wish us luck, boys." "We'll need it." "I miss him already." " He's quite charming, isn't he?" "Nobody move!" "Dropped me brain." "Batten down the hatches!" "Get to your guns!" "Splice the mast!" "Men back to the artillery!" "Ready" "Hold it!" "Wait 'til we're board on board!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire all!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "It be too late to alter course now, mateys." "Hold it, or we'll shoot!" "Good one." "I just come to get me effects." "Admirable though it may be, why are you here when you could be elsewhere?" "Someone has to stay and guard the chest." "There's no question." "There has been a breakdown of military discipline aboard this vessel." "I blame the fish people." "Oh, so fish people by dint of being fish people, automatically aren't as disciplined as non-fish people?" "It's contributory, that's all I'm suggesting." "It is true." "If there were no fish people, there'd be no need to guard the chest." "And if there were no chest, we wouldn't need to be here to guard it." "Go now, men!" "go" "Prepare to board!" "Come on!" "Looky here, boy!" "A lost bird." "A lost bird that never learnt to fly." "To my great regret." "But - never too late to learn, aye?" "The chest!" "Hand it over!" "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was bought back long ago." "Elizabeth." "Will you marry me?" "I don't think now's the best time." "Now may be the only time." "I love you." "I've made my choice." "What's yours?" "Barbosa!" "Marry us!" "I'm a little busy at the moment." "Barbosa!" "Now!" "Fine, mate." "Dearly beloved, we be gathered here today," "Today you give this to the dogs, ye foxy cur!" "Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?" "I do!" "Great!" "Will Turner, do you take me " " Yep, I will." "To be your wife" "in sickness and in health - with health being the less likely?" "I do." "As captain I now pronounce you..." "You may kiss." "You may kiss!" "Just kiss!" "Leave it!" "You can do nothing without the key." "I already have the key." "No, you don't." "Oh, that key." "Boy!" "My pistol." "Fire!" "Thank you, Jack." "It's me!" "It's Will!" "Your son." "Go!" "Pirate donna!" "You'll see no mercy from me." "That's why I got this!" "I'm not going to kill you." "I made you a promise." "Master - did you forget" "I'm a heartless creature?" "Love - a dreadful bond." "And yet so easily severed." "Tell me, William Turner, do you fear death?" "Do you?" "Ain't it tonic, holding love and death in the palm of one's hand?" "You're a cruel mind, Jack Sparrow." "Cruel is a matter of aspect here." "Is it?" "Will." "Look at me!" "Stay with me!" "You're all right." "William." "My son!" "Will." "Will." "Look at me." "Look at me." "You will not forestall my judgement." "Calypso." "She's taking us down!" "Make quick or it's the lack of resolve!" "No!" "No!" "Part of the crew." "Part of the ship." "Part of the crew." "Part of the ship." "Part of the crew." "Part of the ship..." "Don't leave me!" "No!" "I won't leave you!" "Part of the ship." "Part of the crew." "Part of the ship." "Part of the crew." "The Dutchman must have a captain." "Hold on!" "Thank goodness, Jack." "The armada is still out there." "The Endeavour is coming up hard at starboard." "And I think it's time that we embrace that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions." "Never actually been one for tradition." "callcora" "Loft the sails and lay her on iron." "Belay that!" "I won't be a sitting duck." "Belay that "belay that"." "But Captain " " Belay!" "The Endeavour " " Belay!" "Belay!" "If we could..." " Shut it!" "What are they waiting for?" "He expects us to honor our agreement." "It's nothing personal, Jack." "It's just good business." "Ah, she survived." "Ready on the guns!" "Full canvas!" "Aye, full canvas!" "Orders, sir?" "Sir?" "Captain?" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Orders?" "Orders, sir?" "Sir, what do you command?" "It's just - good business." "Abandon ship!" "Abandon ship!" "Abandon ship!" "Mr Gibbs." " Captain?" "You may throw my hat if you like." "Aye, aye, Captain!" "Hooray!" "Now go and get it." "Orders, sir?" "You're no longer bound to the Dutchman." "You're free." "Aye, that's a fine thing, but - by my reckoning, I still have a debt that has to be payed." "If you'll have me." "On the wheel then, Mr Turner." "Aye, Captain Turner." "This ship has a purpose again." "And where we are bound, she cannot come." "One day ashore, ten years at sea." "That's a steep price for what's been done." "Depends on the one day." "Your chariot awaits, your Highness." "The oars are inside." "Mrs Turner." "Jack." "That would never have worked out between us." "Keep telling yourself that, darling." "Once is quite enough." "Thank you." "I'm gonna need the other one." "It's always belonged to you." "Will you keep it safe?" "Keep a weather eye on the horizon." "Granted, it tends to list to port, and has been on occasion known to frighten young women." "But I promise you, you will not be disappointed." "Is that it?" "The Black Pearl?" "It's not very big." "Above, that is a dinghy." "My vessel is magnificent and fierce, and huge-ish and... gone." "Why is it gone?" "Is that it there?" "Yes, there it is." "Why is it there?" "It's much larger up close." "Jack, you promised to take us for a ride!" "I was to be given the first ride." "What, you?" "Mr Gibbs, any particular reason why my ship is gone?" "The ship?" "We're on the ship." "Jack, the ship's gone!" "Really?" "Ladies, will you please shut it?" "Listen to me." "Yes, I lied to you." "No, I don't love you." "Of course it makes you look fat." "I've never been to Brussels." "It is pronounced "e-gree-gious"." "By the way, no, I've never actually met Pizarro." "But I love his pies." "And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone." "Savvy?" "Take what you can." "Give nothing back." "Tell me, ladies." "What do you know of sea turtles?" " Sea turtles?" "All men up the rig" "All men up the rig" "What is this?" "That's a good boy." "You're Daddy's boy." "Oh yes you are." "Some of the men don't feel entirely certain about leaving Captain Jack behind." "Again." " Again." "Is that so?" "It would make us feel a whole lot better regarding our fortunes if we could see that item you told us about." "And the charts." "Aye." " With our own eyes." "It'd help put an ease to our burden of guilt." "So to speak." "Ah." "Feast your eyes upon this, mateys." "There's more than one way to live forever." "Gents, I give you the fountain of youth." ""AQUA DE VIDA"" "The devil's in that ship." "Breeding bad eggs." "Drink up, me hearteys, yo ho!" | {
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"Hey." "Hey." "Do you have plans this weekend?" "I'm thinking we should talk about the homework assignment." "I know that you're not crazy about having me for a lab partner." "It's okay." "Any guy at this party would be happy to be with me." "We've already talked about this, okay?" "Why are you taking Sean's car?" "Hanna!" "You will work off the cost of repairs in Sean's mother's office." "What's a golden orchid?" "It's a national competition for historical writing." "More academic bling for Spencer." "I saw the way you were looking at my dad yesterday." "I have eyes." "Find someone who's available." "My dad isn't." "Mom, there's something you should know." "Somebody's been in the house." "A. sent this letter to my mom." "You know it's not your fault, right?" "It's your dad's mistake, totally." "No, it is my fault." "You did not hook up with her" "And then ask your kid to cover for you." "Ali said I should've told my mom right after it happened." "Ali?" "Alison knew?" "Yeah, she was with me." "So, Alison saw this Meredith person?" "Meredith?" "Her name is Meredith." "Ew." "That's not even a cute-girl name." "I'm seeing big pores and mousy roots." "Hanna, I think it's a little too soon to joke." "I'm sorry, but if you're gonna cheat," "You might as well do it with somebody" "Who deep-conditions her hair occasionally." "Here, put something in your mouth" "Besides your foot." "I'm sorry." "Okay?" "Look, all I'm saying is that when my dad left," "Laughing sometimes helped." "So did crying." "My father hasn't left, guys." "I mean, this happened over a year ago." "You think he's gonna leave?" "Look, whatever happens, we're here for you." "Thank you guys for staying here." "I couldn't have been here alone." "When's your family getting back?" "This afternoon." "Weren't you gonna clean off the mirror before they get here?" "Want me to come with?" "We should all go." "Uh, yeah, you know what?" "It doesn't take four of us to clean a mirror," "So why don't you three go, and I'll just wait here." "Fine." "You stay down here." "Alone." "But make sure you lock the door." "Great." "You spray, I'll wipe." "Well, the creature's back." "We should've never unblocked our phone." "Open the attachment." "That's us!" "Was that shot from inside your closet?" ""A" Was watching us!" "Guys." "Check it out." "How do you not poke your eyeball?" "What's up?" "Uh, nothing." "Look, um..." "Are mom and dad acting weird with each other?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, I don't know." "There's a vibe." "Yeah, maybe." "Look, don't worry about it, okay?" "You're only gonna do one eye?" "Is that a new cyclops look?" "Listen, I can take them to practice if you want" "I can do it." "Well, I'm done by 3:00." "I'll do it." "Should we find someone to talk to?" "A counselor, therapist?" "You would feel more comfortable talking to a stranger" "In some office than you would in your own kitchen?" "Yeah, but we're not talking, Ella." "Are you done with this?" "See you later." "Bye." "See ya." "All right, tell me what I need to do to make this better." "Do you want me to move out?" "Don't make that my decision." "Well, do you think it would help?" "How, by making me deal with their confusion alone," "Or by making me the bad guy that kicked their dad out?" "Are they gonna be any less confused seeing" "Us walk around here like sulky roommates?" "We're not-- hey." "Do you want some breakfast?" "There's yogurt." "No, I'm" " I'm good with a granola bar." "I'm going to, uh, going to go to work." "I've got office hours." "Hey, good luck with that french test, sweetheart." "Look, Mike knows something's up." "Are you gonna tell him?" "Yeah." "You know, when I can." "Okay, well, just don't wait too long." "It was way too hard to keep it from you for a year." "I don't want to have to do that to him, too." "A year?" "You've known about this for a year?" "Yeah." "I thought dad..." "He didn't tell you that he asked me to--?" "Mom, I can miss first period if you want to talk." "It's okay." "This is between me and your dad." "Don't worry." "Need some help?" "Oh, hi." "Hey." "No, no, I got it." "Um, stupid shoe." "My mom forgot to mention the new job required a uniform, huh?" "No, it's cool." "I like it." "Hideous looks good on me." "Listen, I tried" " I know that" "Sorry." "What were you gonna say?" "I tried to take the fall for the car." "You did?" "Why?" "I felt really bad about what went down at Noel's party," "So I told my parents I gave you the keys" "And I'd pay for the repairs." "No." "No, I should pay for the repairs." "It was my fault." "Besides, I think working in a dentist office" "Will help me with my fear." "Scared of dentists?" "Children." "Your mom is making me hand out sugar-free lollypops to six-year-olds." "They don't bite at that age, do they?" "Look, I know that we haven't talked since that night," "But since we are now," "Do you wanna talk about homecoming?" "I mean, do you still wanna go?" "You know, with me?" "I, uh, hadn't really thought about it." "Coach has us on a lot of two-a-days." "That's a lot of pressure." "And with everything else going on, I just..." "Yeah, no, I get it." "No, well, we" "We should." "Talk about it." "I gotta go." "That's my ride." "You cannot seriously think" "That a blind girl broke into my house." "That would take a lot more than a talking GPS." "Well, I didn't say that Jenna was alone." "Let's no go to the Toby place, okay?" "Why not?" "You guys think her guide dog left behind his lipstick?" "Yeah, do you want to ask what your lab partner was doing last night?" "You know, maybe he took a break from sitting on his porch" "Pulling the heads off of squirrels." "Spencer!" "Sorry, ladies, I didn't mean to interrupt," "But I hope you're as proud of your friend as I am." "Congratulations." "My instincts were right." "This just makes it official." "What's that about?" "An essay contest." "Wait, did you win it?" "Aren't you gonna at least open the envelope?" "Why should she?" "She wins an award for waking up." "Sodium borate." "Easy." "That glass beaker's made of... glass." "Maybe you should do it." "I've had too much coffee and not enough sleep." "Big party on a Thursday night?" "No, I-- slept at a friend's." "What did you do last night?" "Sat at the grill doing homework." "That's where you study?" "Got to." "Jenna listens to her lectures loudly," "And it messes me up." "She doesn't like using her headphones at home." "Why the grill?" "It's not exactly quiet there, either." "It is if you stay late enough." "I close the place, like, every night." "So, whose house did you stay at last night?" "That new girl?" "Who, Maya?" "Why would you think that?" "Just figured that she's the newest member of your posse." "Has she learned the secret handshake yet?" "She's... more my friend than the group's." "Why is that?" "She just cares about different things." "Different's good." "I like different." "This town has too much of the same." "Hey, there." "Hey." "I've been thinking about you." "Uh, how are things with your family?" "They're tense and getting worse." "Can you give me an excuse not to go home?" "Extra credit assignment or six-hour detention?" "Um..." "I'm sorry, I actually can't stay late today." "Uh, I've got this... thing." "Oh." "Well, no, it's-- it's not a thing." "It's just a, um... thing." "A reading." "Of a story." "That I wrote." "You're reading it out loud?" "Can I come?" "You can, but if it sucks..." "I'm going to hurt myself." "You'd be a witness." "It could get ugly." "You're the teacher." "I'm the student, remember?" "Do you like the color?" "Thank you." "Hey." "Those are for you." "Butter creams." "They're your favorite, right?" "Yeah, they were..." "when I was, like, seven." "Thanks, daddy." "So, you finally spoke to wren?" "No, but I spoke with Mr. Sheldrake." "You didn't really think you were gonna be able" "To keep this essay secret, did you?" "Spencer, this is a coup for you." "I mean, if the ivies weren't onto you already, they are now." "I'm seeing a cage match between Harvard and Yale." "Dad, it's really not that big of a deal." "Oh, now you tell me." "Your mother's already taken out a full-page ad" "In the club newsletter." "I'm kidding." "Come on." "Have a butter cream." "I'm proud of you, Spence." "At least let me brag about you tomorrow." "What's tomorrow?" "I'm taking Russell Newhoff to the club." "He's a potential new client." "You up for playing doubles if he brings his daughter along?" "Sure!" "Hey, you want to volley with me?" "Oh, I'd love to, but..." "I have a bunch of calls to return," "And a prize-winning essay to read." "Don't forget to put it on my desk, okay?" "Oh, dad, I-- you don't have to read this one." "It's really not one of my best." "Somebody sure thought it was." "They don't give these awards to people who don't deserve them." "Hello, dental office." "Just a minute, please." "Hello?" "Can I help you?" "No." "No, I was just, um, looking for a place to toss medical waste." "Must be a different floor." "Thanks for your help." "I didn't think this would take so long." "I don't mind." "I like being in school when nobody else is." "Viscosity, elasticity, and tensile strength." "Anything else we need to cover?" "Maybe our noses." "This stuff's rank." "Oh, God!" "I'm so sorry." "It's just water." "Did you draw this?" "It looks just like the cover" "From this band, circus survive." "This is so good." "You know that band?" "My cousin works at a bar on South street." "He snuck me into a show." "Have you heard any of their new stuff yet?" "It's totally..." "Amazing." "If-- if you're into them, there's this..." "Other band I should turn you onto." "I'll burn you a cd." "Thanks." "I should go." "I'm gonna be late for swim practice." "Um, Emily?" "Yeah?" "My notebook." "Oh, jeez." "I totally need more sleep." "Or more coffee." "Wanna meet up at the grill later?" "Sure." ""And in an instant, her life was undone." ""Everything she'd known disappeared," "Drifting into the summer sky."" "Thank you." "Yeah!" "He doesn't suck, huh?" "You know this guy?" "Yeah." "He's my English teacher." "Oh, very cool." "Me and him go way back." "We used to sleep together." "Bunk beds!" "College." "Do you have a name, fangirl?" "Oh, Aria." "Hardy." "What the hell are you doing here?" "Well, I thought I'd get some face time" "With the president of your fan club, apparently." "You two know each other?" "Yeah, well, not as well as you two know each other." "I, uh, I heard about the bunk beds." "We just met, but I'm glad I sat next to her." "She kept kicking me so I wouldn't snore." "No, no, no, seriously, how did you know about this?" "I don't live in a cave." "I saw it on the website," "Thought it was my duty to come heckle you." "I think I should be in a cave." "Was it really that bad?" "No, it was beautiful." "And that metaphor at the end?" "That was a metaphor?" "I thought it was" "Really about a kid who lost her balloon." "You also thought chitty-chitty bang-bang was mexican porn." "That's true." "Books aren't his thing, you know?" "He used to pay me in frozen burritos To write his papers." "What'd be great is if you told this same lame story" "While I had a beer in my hand." "I'm grabbing a waitress." "I didn't know he was gonna be here." "Whoa." "Good serve." "Listen, hate to interrupt, be we're kind of closed." "I was supposed to shut down the courts ten minutes ago." "Seriously?" "Um, can you just give me another five minutes?" "Are you practicing for a tournament or something?" "No, um." "No, it's just a friendly game of doubles" "With my dad and some guests." "Well, you and I have very different ideas of what's friendly." "That's an angry serve." "Well, it's been a long week." "Kind of been storing it up." "A strong slice is only half the battle." "You've got to kill it on the return, too." "Well, I'm just warming up." "So I hook up with her in the library," "But you can't get serious" "In the sociology stacks, right?" "So I take her back to my dorm room." "I can't believe you're telling this story." "Let him finish." "I want to hear." "She wants to hear!" "So, I get her back." "You know, he's sound asleep, of course." "I get her shirt off, things are happening," "Life is good, and then this geek," "Right here, starts laughing in his sleep." "Now, he's done this before, but this chick," "She does not believe that he's asleep." "I was." "You laugh in your sleep?" "Mm-hmm." "That's cute." "It's better than snoring." "Right." "Uh, you were up." "Ah, no." "It's her turn." "Take it for me." "I'm gonna grab some water." "Dude, you are so screwed." "It--it's not what you think it is." "Don't give me that look." "I didn't pursue this." "It just happened." "And that makes it okay?" "Hardy-- ezra, she's cute." "She's smart." "I get it." "There's no argument," "But she's your student, man." "That's not how I met her." "Doesn't matter." "When this is all over, she's gonna get her diploma." "You're gonna get a pink slip and an orange jumpsuit." "Okay, so how about this?" "The loser of the next game buys fries?" "Sweet." "Give it up." "You in?" "Thanks for this." "I'm having fun." "Yeah, me too." "Here you go." "Here, I'll go." "Sorry I'm late." "Boss got chatty when they dropped the check." "But I only ate one lamb chop." "The rest are yours." "What are we looking at?" "The worst part of my day." "You know, I thought it bottomed out" "When a kid aimed at me for a rinse-and-spit," "But now there's an Amber." "What's an Amber?" "Amber is "A cheerleader at rollins high" "Who loves skinny lattes."" "See for yourself." "She's cute." "She's trying to date Sean." "She's evil." "We know this for a fact?" "Well, she's suddenly become his personal driver" "And God knows what else." "Mm." "Driving is not dating." "Eat." "Mom!" "Why are you feeding me when my boyfriend" "Left me for someone who weighs 11 pounds?" "He hasn't left you." "His car's in the shop." "So why can't he hitch a ride" "With someone who's not majoring in cartwheels?" "I am sorry that you don't have a car of your own to drive." "But you'll have to talk to your father about that." "No, thanks." "Besides, he's probably already picked one for Kate." "Kate?" "Thought her name was Isabel." "That's the mother." "The girlfriend." "The fiancee." "He's marrying her?" "Yeah, I found that out" "Before I went to Spencer's last night." "I didn't see you this morning," "So I thought it'd be kind of weird to text you." "Yeah." "That would've been weird." "Thanks." "Still, I'd rather hear it from you than from him." "I'm not surprised." "We've both moved on." "Try the broccoli." "It's delicious." "I saved it." "Just in case." "I'm telling you, that's the lipstick Jenna was putting on in the elevator." "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "That's Alison's color." "Same shade, same tube." "What I'm wondering is why was Jenna" "In an empty room for an hour?" "I think we should call the police." "There are fingerprints on this tube." "Well, yeah, ours." "We don't wanna answer any more questions." "Let me get in the office and see what I can find." "Have you gotten any more e-mails?" "Not since this morning." "Have you?" "No." "I'm just wondering." "Emily!" "Hey, what are you doing here?" "Uh, just" "Hey, Hanna had a run-in with Jenna Marshall today." "Sit down." "You know that dentist office I'm working at?" "Well, I was going in for my shift after school," "And I was in the elevator." "Jenna Marshall was in there." "She had the same lipstick Ali wore." "The exact same color." "She had the same lipstick as Ali." "She had Alison's lipstick." "She was putting it on." "So, are all college boys like the ones in that bar?" "Is it possible to say hello to a guy" "Without putting them in a headlock?" "Well, maybe when you go to college, you'll..." "Find out for yourself." "Okay, stop." "Did Hardy say something..." "About us or about me?" "No, why would he?" "I was just having fun at a bar" "With a high school student." "You make it sound so awful." "Well, maybe it is." "I mean, if you think about it" "Well, why?" "Was I acting like a high school girl?" "Did I do anything to embarrass you?" "Look, have I ever done that?" "No, it's not about that." "Okay, then what is it about?" "I mean, is this Hardy's problem, or is it yours?" "Where did this come from?" "Age is never an issue when we're together." "When it's just the two of us," "But when we're out in the world, people notice." "No, Hardy noticed." "Look, he's your friend, and if you're okay with it," "I really doubt it's gonna bother him." "Aria, let's get real." "In theory, we are a lot more wrong than we are right." "You wanna be real?" "Forget about theory." "What does it feel like when we're together?" "Good." "It feels... right." "I wanna be with you." "I wanna hang out in a bar," "Introduce you to my friends," "Split a plate of fries like everybody else," "But I don't think we can do that." "When I'm with you," "I don't care about anybody else." "So, are you talking yourself into this or out of it?" "Yes!" "N-no!" "Maybe." "So?" "Let's review." "Look, we're here now," "And it's just the two of us" "And it feels good." "So let's not care together." "Where you going?" "I have an early tennis day with my dad," "And I have no idea what I'm gonna wear." "There, um, may be this boy" "Boy!" "What boy?" "Details!" "Well, there's none yet, but I'll keep you guys posted." "Are you Emily?" "No." "Em?" "Someone left this for you." "Pretty." "Who made that?" "Somebody from school." "Well, whoever made it must like you a lot." "No, we were just talking about this band we both like." "Is it from somebody you like back?" "Sorry." "You don't have to tell me anything." "But, em..." "If there's someone in your life" "Who cares about you, then I'm happy for you." "No matter who they are." "Bye." "Wait." "You sure you have to go?" "Yeah." "Yeah, it was so weird when I left home this morning." "I'm not really sure what I'm gonna walk into." "I liked having you here." "Well, I didn't say I wasn't coming back." "What if I cook us dinner tomorrow night?" "Oh, you cook?" "Yeah." "How do you feel about enhanced macaroni and cheese?" "Uh, frightened." "What do you mean by "Enhanced"?" "Well, it means I'm cooking fettuccini," "But I don't want you to get your hopes up." "Hey, champ." "How was practice yesterday?" "Good." "I'm ready to bury them." "Heh, yeah." "You know, about that." "You might want to keep it friendly on the court, okay?" "Why does everyone think I'm unfriendly?" "I'm serious, Spence." "Turns out Newhoff and his daughter" "Aren't exactly Venus and Serena," "So just dial it back a bit." "But, dad, I was out there" "For five hours yesterday swatting balls." "Well, good, then you'll hopefully be a little sore." "Are you asking me to throw the match?" "Spencer, I'm asking you to just look at this" "As a... means to an end, okay?" "If he wins, I win." "Got it?" "Easy!" "Ah, Martha." "You're here." "Next time, just push the button." "Excuse me?" "Push the button." "That tells me you're here." "Okay." "Since it's your first visit, there's some paperwork." "Why don't you fill it out in my office?" "I'm still renovating out here." "Please, have a seat." "Phillip said this was your first time." "You'll be fine." "Let me grab a new patient file," "And we can get started." "Psychotherapy." "You're her therapist." "You just said her therapist." "Martha, is there someone else joining us today?" "Is everything all right?" "Martha doesn't want therapy." "Martha has to go." "Okay, I told you something was up." "Can you hear them?" "Look, whatever it is, it's not about us." "How do you know?" "I just do." "Look, go get your stuff." "We'll go to the library." "We'll study there, okay?" "Yeah, but for how long?" "Just get your stuff." "She lives in this town." "I have to see her." "I have to talk to her." "I befriended this woman." "Ella, trust me." "It is over." "Trust you?" "!" "She means nothing to me, and I'm not gonna let Her take away from me what matters most." "And what is it that matters to you?" "Because clearly it is not us." "Do you want me to find another job teaching at a different college?" "Do you want to pick up and move again?" "Because I will." "I'll do that." "Is that what Iceland was all about?" "Yeah." "In a way, it was," "Because I wanted things to be the way they used to be with us." "And how was that, me looking like" "A complete and total idiot- because look at this." "Look at this stupidly happy woman" "Standing next to her loving husband." "What am I supposed to do with all these family photos" "Of our romantic trip abroad?" "Stop that!" "Stop it." "What happened with her was a mistake." "What I know is that you used our daughter" "To hide this from me." "How could you do that to her?" "I don't even know who you are!" "I panicked." "I thought I didn't have another choice." "I was scared." "I was afraid I would lose you." "You just might." "Mission accomplished." "You have a question?" "No." "We'll meet you in the lobby, okay?" "Hey." "Did you waste your real game yesterday?" "What?" "No, I was just off." "No, you weren't, not when the match started." "Look, it's a long story," "And it was important for our guests to win." "And so the only way for you to do that" "Was for you to lose?" "What's up with that?" "Did your dad ask you to do that, or..." "Look, he's not always like this." "Whatever you say." "I just" " I see a lot of it here." "Lot of what?" "People playing games..." "Just off the court, you know?" "Yeah." "Hey..." "Is there any chance you'd want to hang out sometime?" "Like, not here?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Bye." "Bye." "Hanna, do you want these?" "I wore them once." "They gave me a nosebleed." "I think they're a little too dressy for a dental office." "Well, you've got some events coming up." "What are you wearing to homecoming?" "Mom, I don't know if I'm going to homecoming." "Of course you're going." "If you're breathing, you're going." "What's up?" "You still haven't heard from Sean?" "He said we'd talk, but it hasn't happened," "So I'm just giving him space." "Aw." "Don't give him too much." "I tried that with your father." "He found a woman in Maryland who graduated with honors" "From William and Mary and loves to golf." "How do you know that?" "I googled her." "I'm so sorry, mom." "No..." "I'm sorry." "I'm the last person who should be giving anyone relationship advice." "I had too much pride to tell your father" "That I wanted him back." "And now..." "Maybe you can wear these to his wedding." "On the links." "Please tell me you have a really deep pan," "And please tell me I left my phone here." "You did." "Ezra." "What's wrong?" "I was trying to work and it kept buzzing." "I thought it was an emergency," "Your parents or something," "So I looked at it, um..." "Just take it." "Who's "A"?" "I don't know." "How many of your friends did you tell?" "I didn't. 'cause if "A" Knows," "I'm thinking "B" And "C" And everybody else knows, too." "The person who sent this is not my friend." "You told me you were mature enough to handle this." "Do you know what would happen" "If the school board or anybody" "I didn't tell anyone." "You have to believe me." "Well, I don't." "Just go." "Go!" "Now." "Uh, no, I left something at my desk this morning." "Excuse me." "Yeah." "How much does he want?" "For two tickets?" "I didn't pay that much to see Lionel Richie when he was Lionel Richie." "Hanna?" "Hi." "Are you, uh, working today?" "Um, I didn't, yeah." "What are you doing here?" "My mom left some insurance papers on the desk." "They won't release my car until..." "Wait, you're getting it back?" "Yeah, on Monday." "So, you won't need anyone to drive you around anymore?" "You know, someone else?" "Um, that's sort of the plan." "Great!" "Well, um, I'll see you later." "All right." "See ya." "Are we over?" "What?" "Look, I'd rather you just tell me now" "Before it's too late." "What's too late?" "What are you talking about?" "If you want to take someone else to homecoming," "Sean, you should." "Why would I do that?" "It's not like I'd actually go with anyone else." "So what are you doing with that skinny latte who drives you around?" "Amber?" "No, she just drives me to school for our meetings." "This club I joined." "R.L.W. Stands for " Real love waits."" "Go ahead." "Make a joke." "Is it some kind of holy-roller virgin society?" "Look, I just thought hanging out with" "Other people who feel the same way as I do" "Will make it easier to hold out, you know?" "No, I get it." "Could I go with you to the next meeting?" "Why?" "You wanna join?" "Well, we already tried doing it my way," "So let's try now doing it your way." "Excuse me." "Don't tell me that's how you want to celebrate" "With a pear?" "Put that away!" "You deserve a three-course meal tonight." "Think I'll pass." "Pass?" "Honey, you're the guest of honor." "You won a national award and helped me sign Newhoff," "Which almost didn't happen." "Why, didn't I hit the net enough?" "No, you were perfect," "But things almost fell apart" "While you guys were in the locker room." "What happened?" "Oh, well, he expected lunch at the club." "Of course, I didn't make a reservation," "So there were no tables." "We sat at your favorite table." "After I made a scene." "I had to tell the manager that" "The kid on the courts forgot to call it in." "Who, Alex?" "Wait, will he be in trouble over this?" "Who cares?" "Kid can pick up balls anywhere, right?" "We snagged a major client, Spence." "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Just did what I had to do." "To win?" "Don't give me that attitude." "Spencer, you're just as driven and competitive as I am." "Don't pretend you're not." "You know what?" "You're right." "I am." "I'm just not sure it's a thing that I want to celebrate anymore." "And by the way, you don't have to read my essay." "Why not?" "Because I stole it." "But I'm gonna win a big, fat award," "So I'm guessing you're okay with that." "You know, 'cause winning's all that matters, right?" "Hey." "I was hoping you'd be here." "Why?" "I really like tracks three, seven, and nine." "Nine was the best." "And I'm sorry about last night." "Really sorry." "What's that?" "Something I made for you." "There are a couple girly songs," "So you have to keep an open mind." "Coffee, please." "Hey." "Hey." "You ready?" "Yeah." "Cool, then." "Let's go." "Okay." "What is this?" "Dinner." "Is mom still in her room?" "Yeah." "And dad?" "Do you think they're gonna work this out?" "I really don't know." | {
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"The past is a foreign country." "There things happen differently." "Dedicated to Pepe Estrada, from all us, who though, planed and made on his presence (and lack thereof) this film." "...may your mortal remains rest in peace, and may your eternal soul be welcomed next to the creator." "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." "Amen." "All old fellows are gone, Carlitos, your boss is gone, then it's our turn." "You have transportation, Carlitos?" "Yes, yes, thanks." "I'm glad you came, Carlitos." "Auntie, how are you?" "Long time no see, Carlitos!" "Carlitos, meet me at your mother's house." "Thank you." "We'll be expecting you." "You rented it?" "Yes, at the airport." "Wow, you're just like before, strong, you haven't lost your hair, nor a cane." "Gee, how you doing?" "You see." "Let's see, who am I?" "I know!" "Who am I?" "Well, you're..." "I guess you don't remember, it shows in your face..." "Ah, no, no, do not worry, I'll take you anywhere," "I'll tell my driver to change the tire." "Well, man, thank you very much." "Hell, Carlitos, I'm Rosales!" "Rosales?" "Rosales..." ""Bastard" Rosales , so has named me your brother Hector." "Because if you lower your guard, then you've just screwed." "Look at me, I entered the big bussines, we can do business together." "And here I am, I started so low, and now I'm in prosperity." "Oh, wrong fuck, pass me by, asshole." "This city is a real chaos, hey, in Caracas there are this kind of mess too?" "Remember the asshole Mondragon saying that in the eighties this would be a heaven?" "The mushroom cloud." "Although the war ended three years ago, we are still afraid to think in the most powerful weapon of all times, the atomic bomb." "But the atom is not all bad, children, its force can be used for scientific purposes to help the humankind progress." "Within 40 years you're going to live it." "I, who knows." "We will live in clean cities, no smoke, no waste." "Each family will have a completely comfortable and ultramodern house, we'll lack nothing." "We will be aided by machines" "They'll do all the work." "With nuclear power transportation will be much more fluid," "we have a unique future." "But, look at the map." "See, no wonder Mexico is shaped like the horn of plenty." "In addition, we have large beaches,..." "You do not understand English, you Indian ox." "You'll see, Canijo Rosales." "Let's see, what are they doing there?" "What are you doing?" "What have you got there, Jim?" "Bring him here." "No, teacher." "Why not?" ", I'm not talking to you." "You shut up." "Come on, bring it here." "Come on, Jim." "Fast." "Where did you get this?" "They send it to me from the United States." "From U.S.?" "See you tomorrow!" "A strawberry ice cream, please." "At four, do not forget." "I have to ask permission." "Bad thing." "Surely they'll grant it." "One strawberry, please." "The one with the granting of these devices will become millionaires, no doubt." "How do you name this thing?" "Blender." "Why so funny?" "Because it blends." "Madam, can I take away the water?" "Yes, put it on the table." "It's beautiful, isn't it?" "And for sure the owner is a petty politician." "Miss, Serve me a glass of water, please." "Yes, young man, of course." "So, ma, do you grant me a permission to go with Jim to the movies?" "Okay, but provided Isabel goes too." "You, unplug and wash it." "Not me, ma'am." "Do not worry, Esteban will pick me up at 3:30, but let's go." "You think that he is so big?" "How many?" "Four, please." "Thus, this Juarez downtown conducted by the Directorate of Pensions and that opens the country's president in the company of..." "Sir, please turn off your cigarette." "Yes, sir, forgive me." "is an important step in solving the problem of popular housing..." "My father!" "Who?" "My dad, there by the president." "There was my dad, did not see him?" "Yes, yes." "Jim's dad." "Jim's father is very important, working in government, with the president." "There he was." "No, Esteban!" "Nobody gets out to my sister, you hear?" "Hector" "Quickly, quickly, it's going to stop." "It is in English, you do not understand." "It's pure Carlos' lies." "If Jim's dad was really that wealty politician" "Jim would live in a house in the Lomas." "So who is the real father?" "He was a gringo reporter who took Jim's mother to San Francisco, he never married her." "And Jim was born there?" "Sure." "That's why he's a pocho!" "Then the mother of Jim...?" "Jim's mother is the mistress of that politician." "His mother is the mistress." "Stop gossiping Jim!" "We were not gossiping anyone." "I hear you, Carlitos." "Chinese, Chinese, Japanese, eat cheese and do not give me." "Waters, because he knows "juditsu."" "Right now comes to our program a boy who begins to emerge as a singer..." "What, you scared?" "Stop!" "What were you doing?" "Ah, I know, you are training to beg." "Clown!" "Well, were abusing yourself, then." "I think that's it." "What do you care?" "Hey, you saw the new kitty?" "Ah, yes." "Horse meat, good and cheap." "Get up everybody!" "Come on, lazzy, up!" "In the spirit! "Two floors." Two flowers." "No, "rooms", "floors."" ""The first and the second" floor, "rooms", living." "Son." "No thanks, enough is enough." "And you, you eat all your food or you'll be squat, eh?" "Hey, I saw that you and your brother didn't leave together, not yet spoken?" "You do not want to talk about it, no?" "Sorry, you are a nice fellow, man!" "Yes, this man so handy for business the dirtier the better, that Catholic gentleman, father of 11 legitimate children and four bastards." "That great master of the extreme right wing knight of Columbus ex porro that defrauded his own father..." "Withdraw, old women!" "An old woman you had to be, go sew socks!" "Enough, let's talk about something else." "Do you remember when I broke my nose because of pocho Jim?" "By the way, you know what a pocho is?" "Pocho?" "Yeah, man, a pocho is a son of a bitch who thinks he's a gentleman." "Yeah, man, I broke my nose because of Jim, when we played these games, men, Arabs against Jews, remember?" "How we named it?" "The "battles in the desert."" "Sure, the "battles in the desert."" "Suicide mission, Al Qaeda." "Yes, sir." "Suicide mission!" "You prefer, cream pie or shell with Chinese beans?" "Nothing, I bring my sandwich." "Come on, I have not taught." "At the bombs!" "Attack!" "Who is it, eh?" "Here is the President and here is my dad, here he looks much better." "Well, I say." "At the bombs!" "We won!" "We are the best!" "And you what?" "What about what?" "Why you never play the "battles in the desert?" "Queers!" "Queers!" "Boys, a fight!" "Come on, hit it!" "Children, still, kids!" "You, quiet!" "Let's see, you, come here." "He's an Indian, teacher, he started it!" "Shut up!" "Shut up, no need to insults, you will see what will happen to you, eh?" "Here are your school implements, Rosales." "Yours, Jim has them, eh?" "Here are the examination tests, sir." "Ah, yes, give them to me, thanks." "See you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." "Well, well, well, you can go." "Ah, Carlos, I want to talk to you, do not go." "And you, wipe your mouth, eh?" "Do not go out into the street looking so." "I want you to understand me very well one thing, Carlos:" "being poor is not a defect." "Nobody is to blame for their economic situation." "In addition, the Indian word should not be used ever, -you hear me?" " Never as an insult." "In this country we are all Indians." "You may go." "See you tomorrow, Don Lucho." "See you tomorrow." "Thank you." "For what?" "You fought for me." "It was for us both." "Anyway, thanks." "...and a hundred." "I've finished." "Let's see." "All right." "Mom, I can get a permit?" "Jim invited me to tea at her home on Friday." "Jim?" "Who is Jim?" "My friend, who knows much English." "Come on, Mom, give me permission" "I'll arrive before 8:30!" "I do not know, I'll think," "I don't like you to meet anyone, you know, "Tell me who you meet..."" "Our family, when we lived in Guadalajara..." "I know, you just hung out with high society but in this filthy city of Mexico..." "Yes, yes." "Although you say it in jest." "Your father hos no money for us but he does for other expenses." ""Lamp of the street..."" "Poor child, you happened to be in a school for pure poor!" "And this is my home." "Look, this is the Buddy." "The string trick!" "Jump, ma'am." "Truncheon brats!" "But, how you dare to make fun of that lady?" "You know who she is, Jim?" "It's Mrs. Madero, none other than Mrs. Sara P. Madero widow of the great hero of our revolution, not right!" "Sorry, Don Sindulfo." "I present you my friend Carlos." "Come on, Buddy." "You'll see, Carlos." "Go ahead, Buddy." "Oh, he almost opens the door." "You bring keys?" "Yes, my mom does not like to stay, she goes out a lot." "Buddy, go fetch Mariana." ""Toad runs..."" "Right now I come." "Remember Jim's mother?" "You're Carlitos." "Yes." "Well, nice." "Come on in Jim's room, in a while I'll prepare the snack." "Hurry!" "Go, Buddy, go with Mariana, we want to play alone." "Do not bother me." "And these are all my toys." "I did not think you had so many." "Look, I'm going to show how the string works." "Carlitos, Jim, come on a picnic." "Buddy." "Buddy, get away, that's my place." "They are named "flying saucers"" "easy to cook, "flying saucers."" "Ideal Bread, ham, cheddar cheese butter, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup to taste." "Put ketchup." "Jim told me a lot of you, says you're his best friend, right?" "Sure." "I love you both get along so well." "And you have siblings?" "Yes." "Brothers and sisters?" "Three sisters and a brother." "And you were born here in Mexico?" "No, they're from Guadalajara, but..." "What a brute!" "Oh, excuse me!" "No, do not worry." "Excuse me!" "It's nothing, either way I would change." "Well, I'm going to change, because they will pick me up at eight." "I put the corn to the knee." "Do not worry, take your "flying saucer."" "Mariana." "What?" "That you name your mother Mariana." "Sure, Mariana, and you?" "Me?" "How you tell your mom?" "Mom, and I talk to her with respect." "Really?" "And she talks with respect to my grandparents." "Hey, and how is Tequesquitengo?" "You knew, Mariana, you'll believe?" "Carlos does not know Tequesquitengo." "Really?" "It is fashionable." "We are building there." "Let's see when we are honored by you joining us." "We go there often." "I would love you come with us." "That's what I say." "Does it look, eh?" "Gorgeous, Mariana, smells good!" "Thank you." "You know, Carlitos, here's your house." "In Campeche 22 is yours." "Thank you." "You behave yourself, James?" "Who is it?" "I have come." "Is it time?" "I asked permission!" "Yes, but not to stay until nine at night, you've had me with the soul on a string." "It is 8:45!" "It's the same, and do not correct me, kid." "You do not just stay up this time on the street also have the nerve to reply." "I do not like your friendship with that someone Jim." "I was talking about this with your aunt Luisita the other day." "That's not decent family." "His mother is a woman" "How do you explain it?" " not married to that man." "It's like the saying goes: her" ""Second front."" "Understand what that means?" "And the man also has his "third front" and "fourth front", etc.." "Listen, son." "Your sisters and I we will go to Guadalajara for a few days to see Aunt Licha." "I trust that the men of this house will behave." "Hey, then, go to bed now, tomorrow you go to school." "As high the sky in the world would be, as deep the deep sea would be, there'll not be a barrier in the world" "a deep love can not break." "Love is the bread of life, love is the divine drink," "love is a thing without a name that gets a man obsessed for a woman." "And that music, romantic, you, self-abuser?" "What, your dick already erects?" "Stop!" "No matter how hard fate opposes you will be mine." "For as high the sky in the world should be, as deep as the deep sea would be," "there'll not be a barrier in the world a deep love would not break at last." "Child, do not put your hand there, there are wires, you'll be electrocuted." "I'm obsessed with you and the world is witness to my frenzy," "No matter how hard fate opposes yo will be mine." "What are you doing?" "Come on, boys, attention, let's see." "You, out there, you can see up here?" "You do not shade each other?" "Yes, you, Toru?" "Let's see, attention." "Much attention, eh?" "Well, hush, hush now." "Everybody looking here." "Well, today you have the opportunity, for the first time in your life," "to witness a live experiment with this animal." "In this rabbit I have applied chloroform so it is sleepy and you can see the experiment." "He will not feel, the rabbit is already asleep." "And I will open so you can see" "Look here, you, do not be disturbed, there- can see the entire digestive system of the rabbit." "Let's see, see, he will not suffer, he is perfectly asleep yes, with chloroform, asleep, and once ready we proceed to make with this knife open so you can see the whole apparatus digestive tract of the animal." "Let's see, attention, let's see." "Once ready..." "You know?" "Mariana liked you very much." "She says you can go home whenever you want." "We will proceed to a longitudinal section, look." "Yes?" "He had an attack!" "Carlitos!" "He fainted!" "Quiet, quiet, nothing happens, this usually happens." "Let's see, Carlos." "Go!" "You call me then, eh?" "Yes, Mom." "Yes, I'll call you on arrive." "Do well, Mama, greetings to the guys." "They behave well!" "Goodbye, Isabel!" "Behave!" "We love you!" "Well, now, we are the pure males." "You might even throw a straw in the air, pa." "Here you are." "Two packets of stamps." "Yes, one moment." "Two packets of stamps!" "Yes, one moment." "Here they are." "The makeup lady!" "Again!" "What happened about Tequesquitengo?" "We leave this Saturday morning." "You can hold Laurel and Hardy." "Tequesquitengo, yeah, man." "Advantage that your mother isn't here," "I'll go with you to ask permission from your dad." "See, this is what we do." "Where is my father?" "In the office." "But they are going to sink us, with ads, with the great advertising campaign they are spending on this crap they are going to chase us out of the bussiness." "It sucks!" "No, no, pure second hand chemistry, man." "It's sandpaper for clothes and hands!" "Look, with the propaganda these gringos sell everything and if it's crap they sell it anyway." "I am not to accept offers of these gringos." "Whatever." "Why not eat in Préndese on Thursday?" "Yes, thanks, on Thursday." "Goodbye." "What did you want?" "About Tequesquitengo." "What?" "Jim's parents invite me next week." "To Tequesquitengo?" "Yes, tell me who this is?" "Hello." "Yes, tell me." "I have a lot of work, yes." "Wait a minute." "I am very busy." "What do you want?" "Go to Tequesquitengo." "Come on, sir, give him permission." "It's the weekend, I do not miss school." "Well, OK, I give you permission." "Thanks, Dad." "Thank you, sir." "Nothing." "You're going hime for dinner?" "How can I go dinner, you see how busy I am, child?" "Come on, behave." "Hello." "That had been." "As you say." "Sure." "You're Flash Gordon." "Finally captured the terrible Carlos, right?" "Let's do Chinese torture." "Okay, That's why I missed my ribbon." "Ah, right, then, let's untie him yes, yes, yes, for us all to go into the water." "Yes, sir, water ducks!" "Jim, let's cope with the terrible spectacle man, yes, yes, Jim!" "No, no, no!" "Be brave!" "I can not swim!" "He said he can not swim." "Alright, quiet, quiet." "Easy, easy." "You okay?" "Lady, sir has just arrived." "Thanks." "Do not want me to help you?" "No, thank you, sir." "You okay, sure, Carlitos?" "You okay?" "Do not go, do not go!" "I'll be back." "Take me every night to your garden" "and sit with me among the roses." "Tell me, for pity's sake, those things that make beat" "my already dead heart." "Let me tilt my head..." "Carlos!" "If you saw, when my Buddy comes, we're up there, up there." "Why do not you bring him?" "Because my father is upset if I bring him when he comes." "...and I've been born again because you love me." "You remember the magazines we read on the sly?" "The Baudeville, Best, the Pigalle..." "No, I read the Billiquen." "The Billiquen." "World cinema." "Carlos, Carlos, Hector was grabbed at Clara's room." "Let's go?" "Let's see them!" "You dress up and leave this house, slut!" "No, ma'am, please, I beg you, no!" "And you're a crook, Hector, how many times I told you?" "Casanova!" "What are you doing here?" "Hurry up to your room!" "And you, go away!" "Oh, damn, dress up!" "Madam, please!" "Dress up!" "Get out, gossips!" "What makes me angrier is that he backed at the precise moment." "She was just getting so soft when, zap, she began screaming." "Mean kitty!" "This is the pen, "atomic pen."" "Atomic?" "Does not stick or leak, but smells like lightning." "Why?" "It can explode like an atomic bomb?" "Can!" "Everybody to the ground, it's going to explode!" "What happens here?" "What happened?" "Everyone to their places, fast." "Come quickly." "Come, quick, quick." "What happened?" "Jim brought an atomic pen." "And we hear a pop." "Is the atomic one." "As in Hiroshima, no?" "Yes." "But, don't be fools." "How awful!" "Those things do not explode." "I had heard of them." "Do not bring those things here, which only cause disorder." "Take it to the principal's office, come on." "Quick!" "This is the subjunctive past perfect tense of the verb love." "It is a very difficult time, pay close attention." "I would have loved." " "I would have loved."" "Well." "You would have loved." ""You would have loved."" "He would have loved." ""He would have loved."" "We would have loved." ""We would have loved."" "Alcaraz, not just the tune, but lyrically, eh?" "We would have loved." ""We would have loved."" "You would have loved." ""You would have loved."" "They would have loved." ""They would have loved."" "You want to conjugate it alone?" "No, I leave to go to the bathroom." "Well, go, do not come late, eh?" "Let's see who's the brave who want to conjugate it alone?" "Let's see how many are there?" "I, master." "I would have loved." "You would have loved." "He would have loved." "Carlitos, what happens?" "Something happened to Jim?" "Jim is right." "I need to talk to you." "Come in." "Do not tell me lies, Carlitos, really nothing happens to Jim?" "It's another thing." "Let's see." "You ran away from school." "If they caught me I'm out, don't tell anyone I was here." "Neither Jim." "Nobody." "Is something wrong at home?" "You had problem...?" "No." "No." "You want an" orange "?" "No." "I want nothing." "What I want..." "I came..." "Forgive me." "I came to tell you that I love you." "The reason I came." "I understand you very well, Carlitos." "I really understand you very well." "Now you have to understand me." "You are a child, like Jim, and I could well be your mother you understand that, Carlitos?" "I do not want you to suffer, so many bad things await for you in life like everyone." "Take it as fun, as something you can remember with joy," "no hard feelings, know?" "As if nothing had happened." "Forgive me." "No, I have nothing to forgive, the contrary." "Wait." "Wait, Carlos." "I can ask a favor?" "First turned on, mom, and then strongly supports against the floor." "Done." "As a purring cat." "Look, Mom, is supposed to be strong supported forward and softly back." "And this switch, what can it be for?" "It must be for the reverse, no?" "See, look." "Let's see if it says there." "Okay, let me see." "This one here is to turn it on." "I do not know where it is, I don't find it." "Carlitos!" "What are you doing here so early?" "Hey, and your school implements?" "Look, you see?" "They've just brought it to me, it's a marvel." "I'm going to pay for it in part payements." "It also cleans faster." "I want to see if I can take out the trash." "I think we understood it very well." "Here, hard." "Carlitos, bring a newspaper, quick!" "Oh, how much dirt!" "Yes, don't let it fall down again." "And it seemed that now was not so dirty." "Carefully." "That's right." "Look, an earring that I had lost." "Look at how much dirt!" "Well, it's easy, I think we understood perfectly." "They do a horrible scandal down there." "Who?" "He came, your teacher." "A horrible scandal because of you." "As he was not returning from the bathroom we went to look for him, and we realized that he had escaped from the school." "I saw him." "Yes, and then we learned that he had been in the house of Jim's mother." "I told them, I guessed, since that trip to Tequesquitengo I knew." "Tequesquitengo?" "What trip to Tequesquitengo?" "That he did with..." "Yes, I spoke with her, because she had said..." "You're going to see this woman?" "Yes, I spoke with her." "She was very cautious, but finally agreed that Carlitos had been there to pick up a book, or something, but Jim says it is not true." "I do not know, ma'am, all this seems very strange so I came to see you." "Hello." "Is something wrong?" "Carlitos committed an atrocity." "What?" "Where are you?" "Do not hide because it will get worse." "Get out." "Get out, I say!" "Casanova!" "No, no, you take him out." "I never thought you were capable of anything so horrible, Carlitos, never!" "When you've seen bad examples in this house, uh, when?" "The only thing that we considered is that you were a good child, and see with what you came out." "Answer." "Answer." "I think what I did was not so bad, Mom." "And you say that cynicism to say was not so bad you put us to shame." "This kid is not normal, must be sick in the head." "Do not you remember when aged six months he fell head first into the square Ajusco?" "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name" "Thy kingdom" "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven." "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;" "blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." "What else?" "Nothing more." "You have not told me the details." "She was naked?" "No." "Wasn't she naked?" "Sure?" "She was wearing a Chinese gown, red." "There was a man in the house when you arrived?" "No." "Sure?" "Surely not, father." "And you think, you think before she open the door" "she committed a dirty act?" "A what?" "A dirty act." "How is it?" "A dirty act with herself, a bad thing." "I do not know." "Do not know what are the sins against your own body?" "You've never had bad touches?" "Bad what?" "Rubbing your own body, son, you know very well," "when you get to tearing out there to cause stroke." "No." "You did not?" "No." "I say all this because we must be alert, child very alert." "For the work of original sin the devil is the prince of this world and puts us traps to force us to fall." "In addition, you can become stupid." "...I want you next Tuesday." "See you on Tuesday." "One moment, Azucena." "Calm down, Azucena." "Ready." "How weel I did?" "You give this to your parents, is the appointment with the psychiatrist, tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon." "Now, look carefully, I'll show you a series of drawings." "You'll watch carefully one by one and then you tell me what you think, what you see in each one." "Two horses kissing." "A kiss?" "And you, what do you think?" "Two ducks dancing." "Yes, two dancing ducks." "A very large bird, flying." "And that?" "You are growing, you have to feed." "But mom..." "Don 't listen to your mom." "Eat in your room and be quiet so she does not hear, eh?" "Well? So you sold the factory?" "But yes, the gringos!" "But I will be manager." "But we do not own it any longer." "No, we do not own it." "Your brother Hector has not come?" "No." "Well, come on." "Carlos, wait for us out there in the chair at the bottom of the corridor." "For me it is an Oedipal problem very clear, intelligence is far below normal." "No, the guy is very smart, wise, extremely early." "Early, I agree but very overprotected, is very submissive." "The results are very clear, look, doctor, castrating mother..." "Jocasta." "Father weak." "Agamemnon." "His sexual identity is not clear, surely there is a primal scene." "The boy went to this lady's home to see if he found her with her lover." "Could be." "Hardship of both parents, acute feelings of inferiority." "That's not very clear to me, because the boy is suffering from early storytelling." "No, no, it's a very candid guy, to make up fabrications, no." "What happens is this:" "the boy is identified with the victims, with animals with his helpless friends." "He's in search of affection he doesn't find in the family constellation." "So basically we agree." "Basically, we could say yes, Doctor." "Will you?" "You want me to call the parents?" "Call them, I will talk with them." "I told you, I never liked that school for Carlitos." "It is a very decent one." "If it were a decent school, they have not admitted the son of... a public woman." "Do not exaggerate." "Pure immorality." "Look, immorality is not only in school, it's in the country, everywhere." "But I tell you one thing:" "Carlitos does not return to that school." "Well, and where are you going to put him?" "Oh, I do not know, we'll have to look." "But for now, you heard the doctor: he needs a club." "Plenty of sunshine, clean air, a lot of sport, a balanced diet:" "lots of vegetables and little meat." "No meat!" "He could enter Guay club it is a very good club." "But Protestant." "No, I'm going to put him at the Vanguards, with Father Perez del Valle." "And that was all, the kid Canijo released over the old woman." "Hey, and how well she is, eh?" "Good!" "Great. do you know Rita Haywood?" "With that I say everything." "Well, well." "For this." "Well, don't let the gringo fuck you when he grows up, eh?" "Grown up?" "He will be damn little guy because of self-abuse." "You got to it?" "Almost almost." "It is not important." "It's okay if you begin fucking from now on." "So you clean the jacket, or else it's going to grow a testicle boy here in the hand." "Ah, just like yours!" "Although you can not yet, you throw yourself, go ahead." "We were lucky, Carlitos, we were lucky." "Amid so much sisters, queers we could have become, and you just can see, quite the contrary." "Yes, indeed!" "Now, I can tell you one thing, fucking kid, beware of this guy, eh?" "Lest he realizes and you trow you his gunmen and then yes, he'll break your face!" "Do not panic him." "You, Suck, you earned it." "The second truck, train." "Please note, I want the line in order." "Keep silent, gentlemen." "Candy vendors well away from the boys." "Carlos, Carlos!" "I saw you!" "I saw you!" "A peach, quick, quick!" "Rosales?" "!" "Rosales!" "What was it, Rosales?" "Do not you remember me?" "Sure." "Then, why you run?" "Because I thought you were mad at me." "Angry, why?" "Because... of our quarrels." "Quarrels?" "Who remembers?" "Now you're here in this school?" "You, too, you left school?" "Yes, after you." "Last year, my dad got sick, and I had to get to work, in this." "But do not grieve, help your oldies working is very nice." "I invite you a banana split at La Bella Italia, agree?" "No, better invite me a cake, I had no time for breakfast." "Done." "I suffer your absence" "I do not deny," "I can not live if you're not beside me." "Hurry up, asshole, you have lead in the buttocks, or what?" "Shit, this is to shit with your coat on!" "I also invited you to lunch, remember?" "And we talked about Jim's mother." "I understand that I love you very much" "Well, Canijo Rosales, tell me that of Mariana." "You really want to know?" "It was awful, really scary." "They say that one night at a big party there by Lomas was the mother of Jim and that man." "Then Jim's mother uncovered herself and began to speak ill of politicians, theft in government and how they squandered the money taken from the poor." "The man did not like to be embarrased in front of so many people, and slap her, and even shouted that she had no right to speak of honesty because she was a bitch." "Jim's mother then got up, took a book and went home." "On arriving, she opened her veins with a razor blade." "The next day, Jim found her dead, bathed in blood." "All that you're saying is a lie, truth, Canijo Rosales?" "Pure true." "I would have known," "I would had seen it in newspapers." "The man did not want any mess in the papers but at school we all learned." "Do you want?" "Mrs. Mariana?" "Does not live here no lady Mariana" "Morales family lives here." "How long you live here?" "Two months ago we moved." "What a weird name, how did you said?" "Don Sindulfo." "No, never" "I would remember." "Of course, I started here as a doorman just last year." "Why not ask at 201?" "Since 1939, to be exact, but to my knowledge, has never lived here a lady Mariana." "And Jim, a boy my age?" "The only boy your age is in the 402 and is named Everardo." "No way!" "Must be in another street, in another building." "No!" "Forgive me, but I have the rice on the fire." "You do not know what horror was that all about for me" "I was always doubtful about what you told me." "About Mariana?" "Yes, about Marianna." "It was the plain truth." "How I can have nostalgia for that world?" "You know your house was demolished?" "And they demolished the school, they nearly demolished the entire colony Rome for parking and condominiums." "And then to finish the shit, and as a tip of the top, came the earthquake." "Yes, like a tip of the top." "There they destroyed everything, the end of our world, and nobody cares, as if it never existed." "I still live in this infected city because... because here is the Polish and the money, if not..." "That world, as you say, no longer exists." "But you exist," "Jim existed," "Mariana existed." "Buddy, Buddy!" "It is not named Buddy, it's named Rommel." "He's named Buddy, and he's Jim's, my friend." "It's named Rommel and it's mine." "How long have you had it?" "Who gave it to you?" "I have him since he was a puppie." "Rommel!" | {
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"Crab Chan!" "You're free from jail now!" "The rain is heavy!" "Can you give me a ride?" "I'd better stay here for a few days!" "There's no such rule!" "Then why was I drove in at the beginning." "Hey!" "Do you have cigarette!" "Come over here!" "Get in!" "Why don't you sit at the front?" "You drive poorly!" "Saver to sit at back!" "Hey!" "What're you doing?" "Changing can't you see it?" "Stop that!" "A free ride and also a free gun!" "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pieces!" "The weather is good for playing Russian Roulette!" "Who sent you here?" "Bang!" "Ask you once more?" "Who sent you?" "Sam." "Sam." "Sam always give me trouble everytime!" "Read the letter and you'll know what's going on." "What!" "Against me?" "Okay!" "Welcome!" "Crab!" "Please follow me!" "Is your boss back?" "Yes!" "He's upstairs!" "What is it?" "The customer inside is inhuman!" "Money cannot buy everything!" "Thing happens this way here!" "Be tolerant to him just for money!" "You're not a princess!" "Forget about him!" "Crab!" "Long time no see." " Yeah!" " Are you sticking to another whorehouse?" "No!" "Just leaving for holiday!" "Were you having fun?" "Yes!" "You can go enjoying it too!" "Sure!" "Is the guy inside rich?" "Yes!" "Stupid also!" "He gave BoBo 10,000 dollars, and hired her for 3 nights!" "Stupid!" "He also playing fist-guessing with BoBo." "Give BoBo 1,000 dollars if he loses, one kiss if he wins." "BoBo could not win even one game!" "Is he playing very good?" "So so!" "But he plays on anything." "Last night he made a deal with me." "If Dora's breast is false!" "He'd lose me 10,000 dollars!" "He's really a rabbit waiting for hunting." "Choose one from these three coasters." "Sign on it!" "Okay!" "Guess which is the one you signed!" "This one!" "No!" "This one!" "Neither!" "It must be this one!" "You really mean this one!" "I think this is not the one!" "Then where has the signed one gone?" "God knows!" "We'll be rich!" "Give you back this pretty girl." "And I want to introduce you a friend." "Hi!" "Uncle is sorry for winning you one dollar." "Don't mention it!" "Let's guess ball again!" "And those two..." "Let's play something new!" "3 cards!" "Sign a name!" "How to play?" "Sign your name!" "Now I mix these cards up!" "Find out the one with your name and I lose!" "2 for 1!" "That's one dollar bet, win 2 dollars!" "Yes, of course!" "Me and Crab are partner!" "Do you get cash." "There's always 200,000 dollars or more in the save!" " Okay!" " 10 dollars bet." "Want to play?" " A biggest bet!" " You're so straight!" "I must play!" "Good!" "Mix them up first!" "Watch carefully!" "Okay!" "Pick up the one with your name!" "What's going on?" "Why didn't count me in!" "10 dollars!" "Just 10 dollars!" "Isn't it?" "10 dollars!" "What's the game?" "Guess which is the one with my name!" "It's my cup of tea!" "The one with a sign underneath must stick out a little!" "Not this one!" "I'm sure!" "I've said it!" "Not this one!" "It must be the middle one!" "Or you're playing trick." "Give me the money!" "You lost!" "Bye..." "Bye!" "Who's he?" "Why stop me from beating him?" "This is my place!" "Yeah!" "Sorry for making you lost money!" "Come on!" "Let's drink again!" "No way!" "I'm very angry!" "I won't see you again if don't kill him!" "You son of the bitch!" "Don't drink so much if you don't drink wine!" "Crab!" "What's it?" "Got into jail for gambling." "You're the best gambler in Asia!" "Lucky that I was not in Hong Kong for months." "Or I'd get bad luck from you!" "Don't say that you know me!" "Hey, man!" "What's it?" "Nothing would happen if I really played trick!" "It was my first time to play really." "But they insisted that I was cheating." "Would you beat him if you were me?" "You do dare to kill one?" "Crab, you come so early!" "Here is 10 percent for you!" "Thank you!" "Thank a lot!" "Thank you!" "Just take it!" "What about you?" "Okay!" "I'll make money at tonight's gambling for you!" "Thanks!" "BoBo had been treated bad by Uncle Shi." "I'll take revenge for her!" "Let me introduce to you" " BoBo!" " Girlfriend?" " No!" "Our new partner!" "You know Crab is the Asian best gambler!" "I knew just before!" "He's really the best!" "But his trick seemed a little bit dirty!" "Not only are his hands dirty." "He has lots of dirty things!" "It's unbelievable!" "It's a very old trick." "But still many people get cheated?" "Greedy is the answer!" "As long as greed exists, there's trick!" "I just want a place for sun tan!" "We still have a place to go!" "Where?" "U.S.A." "A serious case happened." "Near Lake Tahoe at San Francisco!" "Oh, no problem!" "This is all I got." "You don't have to pack up to go!" "Great!" "Why don't you ask me what'll we do over there?" "Why should I ask?" "Don't worry!" "I'll do anything you tell me to." "Come on!" "Lon is in charge of a large Casino." "But a troop of Japanese tricksters." "Stirred thing up a week ago!" "No expert knew what kind of trick they were using." "Buckle lock?" "White man can't solve it!" "So they invite us!" "We Chinese must not lose!" "That's right!" "What are you looking at?" "Business!" "Learning business?" "I want to save some money and do other business." "Bullshit!" "Oil bottle doesn't suit for X. O!" "We can't be gamblers for the rest of our life!" "Really!" "I'm sure about that!" "Mr. Lon!" "Your friend from H.K." "Lon." "You've arrived at last!" "Yes!" "We just came out from the plane." "Lon, he's Crab, the Asian best gambler." "How are you!" "How are you!" "Our chief officer." "Mr. Anderitte." "Yes!" "Our chief executive, Mr. Rosi!" "Yes!" "This is Sam, Crab!" "Yes!" "Our Casino got into some trouble." "Some guys won a lot in the last two weeks." "We already lost 60 million U.S. Dollars." "But we can't stop the business." "People will laugh on us." "What are those guys?" "They are international gamblers." "Come." "Sit down first!" "Take a seat." "Let me show you our surveillance system." "Our close-circuit T.V. Has 8 different angles." "Connected to the monitor table." "John, show me the angles!" "We can also magnify and zoom in the image." "John, magnification and zoom." "But our system can't find out anything." "The company give much pressure to me and Mr. Rosi." "Yeah!" "Get any information of these guys?" "The six guys check in separately." "Taro, probably the leader, I think!" "Lon, can I take a look downstairs?" "Sure!" "But it's over crowded!" "If I have no seat, I cannot survey from a good angle." "No problem!" "I got a men down there." "She has a mini wireless earphone." "She'll give you her seat." "John, give me channel 26." "Dragon calling Nancy." "There will be a Chinese gentleman." "Standing behind you in 2 minus." "He is smoking a cigar." "Let him have your seat." "Make a movement with your left hand... if you read me." "Crab, watch the screen!" "Okay!" "Last call, anymore bet?" "No more bet." "The player has 5." "The Banker has natural 8." "The Banker wins." "Excuse me, may I change to the seat No.11." "Yes, sure!" "Thank you!" "The player has 4!" "The Banker has 7." "The Banker wins again." "Crab, when I was down there, was there anyone showed some special hand gesture." "No." "I should know if there was any." "Then when I changed seat No. 11 to No. 7, anyone paid special attention to me?" "No. 1, No. 7, No. 12, No. 15." "Two men wearing dark suit also stood behind No. 1, and No. 4." "Lon, can you play back for me!" "Sure!" "John, play back from Sam sitting on No.11." "Hey!" "Miss, can I have a coffee!" "Black!" "Yes, sure!" "What is going on?" "Thank you!" "Zoom in to the Banker's watch!" "The answer is here?" "Show me your hand." "When distributing cards, his hand was sticking to this position." "Never left the card-box." "Apparently, when he distributed cards, he lift up the second card." "The card reflected on the watch, then a second guy saw the reflection." "The man distributing cards didn't watch it." "I'm now just demonstrating." "My speed is much slower then theirs." "If we two use this skill," "I can keep the top card, and give the one underneath to other." "Show me the men at seat No.12." "Normally, his angle of watching card should like this." "But he was 8 degrees higher." "Obviously, he was watching the reflection." "Play on!" "Freeze!" "He was now making a secret code, showing the number of cards to the one opposite." "Please give me the reverse angle." "Good job!" "Zoom in to No.4." "Freeze!" "This one at seat No.4, was not watching the card-box also." "He was watching the man with glasses at seat No.12." "I'm sure that he received message." "He must wins a lot!" "And Taro at seat No.1." "Follow me!" "Great!" "No car passing-by!" "Would you stay if Lon want you to?" "I won't do this dirty job anymore." "I'll think if he gives me money for normal business." "It's good to have one more passport!" "I don't think so!" "I won't do anyway!" "Really?" "One can survive at any place with skill." "No..." "A beggar in Hong Kong can speak Chinese, but you can't speak Chinese here." "Then say "thank you"!" "Money, Mister!" "Please pay, Mister..." "Damn you!" "Lucky coins..." "Real Spanish lucky coins!" "How much are these coins!" "15 dollars for each!" "Okay!" "I give you 40 dollars." "Keep the change." "You're so silly!" "I sold these false coin also years ago!" "Why can't you know it?" "He's so old," "I just want to help him!" "You're right!" "Bastard!" "Two coins, each representing one of us." "One loses life in losing one's coin!" "You dirty-mouth." "Don't go!" "I'll hit you inside out!" "Oh!" "You lose your life!" "Step aside!" "Jesus!" "I must find my life!" "Get going!" "Why are you sweating?" "What are you staring at?" "I ran the whole street to pick this coin." "Let's play TV game!" "Yes!" "TV game!" "Finished!" " Finished!" " Finished!" "Try this one!" "It's a must for upper-class." "No!" "I love this one!" "Just call me Darkie!" "Play your own game!" "Banker had a 9, players had a 9." "Is she a whore!" "No way!" "She's been here for a week." "She set up at the president suite, has a different guy every night." "And she's rich." "Are you sure?" "Yeah!" "This is yours!" "Thanks!" "What's up?" "Bad luck!" "I lost every normal game!" "Hey, I just saw a pretty girl!" "I saw one either!" "Help me date her first!" "Sure..." "Great!" "Good night!" "Miss Tong!" "Good night!" "You son of the bitch!" "Do you know who's the husband of the Chinese girl?" "Is me!" "The Chinese god father!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "I'm sorry!" "I don't know she's married." "God father, I'm innocent!" "Speak Mandarin!" "Damn you!" "How do you know Mandarin?" "I studied oriental language at university." "Are you seducing my wife?" "No..." "Your wife play out with new model everyday!" "1,000 US dollar a day!" "Just watching movie and lunch!" "No body contact!" "Forgive me, god father!" "Okay!" "Get lost!" "Hey!" "I got a clue!" "Do you know what to do?" "I am not Crab if I can't fulfil your wish." "Don't do too much!" "Put it off!" "Thank you for the flowers, daddy!" "I'll be back after my one-week vacation." "You can survive without me, don't you?" "You have lots of a economic consultants." "Do you want to buy their company?" "Then we have to talk about it!" "Okay!" "I'll be back at Sunday..." "conference at Monday!" "Bye!" "Why do you have people know Cantonese?" "Yes!" "I've said several time before!" "I don't want to stick with guys in the past." "A new guy a day!" "I say clearly!" "Chinese is alright!" "Not so smart!" "It's okay!" "Just don't be ugly!" "Send him up later!" "Bye!" "It's you!" "Not me!" "I'm her manager." "Wait a minute!" "I want to change!" "Hey!" "Please drive slower!" "Only 100 mph!" "I can be faster!" "You've just said you wanted excitement." "Now it's lot of excitement!" "Do you know it is very dangerous?" "But you just said you wanted excitement." "Excitement is different to danger!" "Okay!" "Hey, where are you going?" "Get some drink!" "Beer!" "Hi!" "Honey!" "Can I get you a drink!" "Leave me alone!" "One more beer!" "For you" "Why come to such place?" "Quite good!" "Drink!" "Do you have any gentleman's manner?" "At least you shall ask what I like to drink!" "What is gentleman's manner for?" "We have only one day!" "I must complaint to your company!" "Complaint?" "Here is the telephone!" "Stop it!" "Honey!" "We can have a good fuck together!" "Operator!" "Are you Miss Tong?" "Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday to you!" "Sugar-made glass!" "Eatable!" "Come out!" "She's the birthday girl." "Happy birthday!" "What is happening?" "I hired these stuntmen from Hollywood." "Good actors, aren't they?" "You scared me!" "Is it a exciting birthday?" "She think it's a real." "Good night!" "Good night!" "What's it?" "Any complaint?" "No!" "I just want to know your name?" "Sam Law!" "Just call me Sam!" "I'm Tong Koyan!" "I know!" "What's your room number?" "Good night!" "Want a fortune-telling for you!" "Great!" "In this game," "King and Queen have to be sorted out!" "K is for man, that's you!" "Q is girl, that is you!" "Okay!" "First roll for treasure!" "Second one for love affair!" "Third one for offspring." "Fourth one for eternal love!" "Okay!" "Wish you good luck!" "Ace is the best!" "No.2 is the worst!" "You first!" "Okay!" "I first!" "This roll is for treasure, isn't it?" " Treasure!" " Let's see!" "Your turn!" "My turn!" "Love affair!" "Have a baby!" "Two babies a year!" "What a coincidence." "Always Ace!" "I change the order!" "Just a game!" "Don't trust it!" "The wings were over cooked!" "Take a look!" "You stupid!" "You forget to take away the locker." "Are you and Crab good friend!" "Yeah!" "We know each other in our childhood!" "We're not only friends, but also partner!" "Partner in business!" "Partner in tricky gambling!" "Are you joking?" "No kidding!" "We are professional gamblers." "But we don't cheat ordinary people, only colleague!" "You're frank!" "I treat you as friend." "Don't you afraid of scaring me!" "It's better to make you scared than betray you!" "A real gambler will treasure a friend, which he can talk to!" "I'm going back to Hong Kong tomorrow!" "I know, I have book a seat!" "I paid a little to the worker of the airline Co." "Told him to book a seat for me when you order a seat." "That's way!" "Any problem!" "No, sure!" "You're so cunning!" "It's a Japanese." "Call the Headquarter." "Koyan, you'll be busy in Hong Kong." "And no time to see me!" "Let's see!" "Lon!" "Sam!" "Good luck!" "Thank you!" "It's my pleasure!" "This money is for you!" "Lon!" "I helped you not because of money!" "Business is business!" "The company give you this money!" "Take it or leave it!" "I owe you something personally." "Thanks Lon!" "You earned something in coming to Lake Tahoe." "Lon!" "Please don't make fun of me!" "Time up!" "It's tough enough!" "Bastard!" "Even my mom won't beat me this way!" "Bastard!" "Thanks!" "I am going to the plane!" "Bye!" "We are rich this time." "Rich, man?" "Deduce 7 degrees!" "Hold it!" "Let's see!" "I was 2 degrees more than you!" "The pink ball worths 8 degrees!" "I lost you a black ball!" "1 degrees!" "1,000 for 1 degree!" "Pay me 11 thousands!" "Here is it!" "11 thousands!" "I won't play anymore with you!" "I'd better play with Davis!" "Don't be a miser!" "Play again?" "You play well!" "Let's have a game!" "No, I am only lucky!" "We can play but no small bet!" "Good!" "Same as usual!" "Crab!" "What?" "Have you have meal?" "You know, I know!" "Know..." "A real meal!" "It's terrible!" "Crab!" "Atmosphere is tight these days!" "Tight!" "Coke is 1.9 dollars a bottle?" "No!" "I heard that Gold Teeth was looking for Sam." "He want Sam desperately!" "Bullshit!" "We have no connection to this." "It's none of my business." "No!" "I just repeated what I heard!" "What are you talking of?" "Give me back!" "Money is here." "Bill, got any weapon here?" "What's going on, man?" "The one with dark cost!" "Don't move, all of you!" "Don't beat them!" "Stop them!" "Crab, it's you?" "Leave him alone!" "You're involved again?" "He is my brother!" "I must step forward!" "I have take the client's money!" "Even trickier won't stop other from making money." "My man have to eat even if I don't." "Watch my gun if you don't watch my face!" "Leave him alone!" "Damn you!" "It is a false gun!" "I haven't seen a real gun with plastic cover." "Do you agree?" "Yeah!" "Shoot me if you dare to!" "Don't play game!" "I know you are the best Asian gambler." "Let's see who's hand is faster." "Okay!" "Take him away if you can get my gun!" "Kill him!" "See it you can run faster than a bullet!" "Release him!" "You're lucky to have a good brother." "Crab, you are good." "Let's go!" "Yeah!" "Crab!" "I feel sick!" "I don't have enough sleep!" "Sam, do you know who wanted to kill you?" "Those Japanese guys!" "You spoil their business at U.S. Casino." "And the Americans had killed those six Japanese." "So their boss Kung wants your life." "But I'm still alive." "Don't joke with me!" "About the betrayed cases in HK and Malaysia." "Everyone knows Kung was the leader." "Watch and memorize his face!" "Kung..." "It's no use to tell me so much!" "Do you went to take revenge for your friend?" "Yeah!" "There is only one way to do it!" "Cooperate with us, the police!" "Or you'll get into trouble!" "Tell us all about them so that we can arrest them." "Then you will become safe!" "Actually I am frightened." "I'll cooperate to you for my survival!" "Any information?" "The case is that I know nothing." "Nothing to tell you!" "The first minute I knew it." "I hired the neurological doctor to cure him." "And also change him to a first class room!" "Mr. Law, Miss Tong, please come out." "Doctor!" "He has released from danger." "Then his hand?" "The nerve were all broken!" "I've tried everything to connect it!" "Crab!" "The hand will recover gradually." "But it may not be as skillful as before." "How much skillful will he be?" "Half as before if lucky enough." "May I be excused." "A gambler with broken hand means retirement." "Do you still want to be gambler after this?" "I do all this because of money" "After I save enough money I will quit and do some normal business." "If I introduce you to my dad, will you feel uneasy?" "Do I look so full of justice?" "Daddy likes talking business during golf-game." "Go to learn golf!" "Don't worry!" "I know every gambling game." "The two Japanese playing ball had just got loan from my company." "The terms are very good." "Dad!" "He is the one..." "I always mention" " Sam!" "How do you do, Mr. Tong!" "These are both Mr. Kung." "This is Mr. Law!" "How is the game going?" "Not bad!" "Why come so early?" "Mr. Kung!" "This is my son, Taro!" "Why not change and play with us?" "Great!" "Don't be late to the appointment." "Yeah!" "Law, I know you are a frank one." "If there is any problem between us." "I hope that we can forget it today." "If you can keep your mouth shut." "I can deposited 600,000 US dollars into your account." "I'm afraid I have no time to use it!" "How big is your loan?" "No problem, I can tell you!" "1 billion US dollar!" "I want you to cancel it in one week." "Or else, the Hong Kong police will know you are here!" "Thou he may be your father-in-law." "If he know you're a gambler, what will be think?" "In this world, a friend is better than an enemy." "I won't treat you as friend in anyway!" "What about Crab's life?" "Good-bye, Mr. Law!" "Are you alright?" "Okay!" "Check the car's number!" "Sam..." "Sam!" "Sam!" "How are the two murderers?" "They have escaped!" "Why did they murder you?" "God knows?" "You are very lucky, you know!" "You'll die if they stabbed one inch asides!" "I am always lucky!" "I want to talk alone with Sam!" "They had cancelled the loan!" "What loan?" "Don't think that an ordinary business-man knew nothing." "I knew you knew Kung at the golf park!" "They cancelled the loan right after your recover." "Then they just disappeared!" "These don't prove anything!" "I appreciate your kindness." "Actually I had a private investigation on them." "But the private investigator disappeared." "Then I knew something was wrong." "It's quite nice that thing settled this way!" "Mr. Tong, actually I am a professional gambler." "To be my daughter's a friend, one has to be investigated by me!" "No man had ever before make her so serious." "She hasn't leave hospital for 3 days." "The workers brought document to get her signature." "Stop talking to past here." "Are you interest in working for me?" "Yeah!" "But you must promise me one thing!" "However in anycase!" "Don't get involved in crime again!" "No more best gambler!" "What is in your hand?" "Let me see!" "What is it?" "It's a present for you!" "Thanks!" "But I think I didn't need it anymore!" "You'll recover!" "I hope so." "I was informed that," "Sam and Miss Tong was engaged." "Really!" "Then, shall we give this present to them in return?" "Do you mind?" "No way, they may not like it!" "We made our living by this for years." "He'll like it!" "Let's go!" "Congratulations for having a good son-in-law!" "At last some guy accepted my daughter!" "They are here." "Daddy!" "Let me introduce!" "Mr. And Mrs. Ho, Mr. And Mrs. Wu!" "My future son-in-law." "How are you!" "Did Crab promise to come?" "He'll come!" "Excuse me!" "I have a friend over there!" "Excuse me!" "Okay..." "It's quite like me." "They've come!" " Congratulations!" " Thanks!" "Why are you so late!" "I'm sorry!" " Get some food there!" " Great!" " Let's go!" " Okay!" "Your clothes is luxury." "Quite good." "Congratulations." "Sam!" "How are you?" "Why so late?" "I was caught by traffic jam." "Thanks!" "What a coincidence!" "I can't communicate to him." " Thanks" " So what's up?" "I have something for you!" "You'll like it!" "Really!" "How is it!" "Beautiful!" "Keep it for me!" "Cheers!" "Sam, come to talk with Mr. Ford!" "Give me 5 minutes!" "Okay!" "I'll join you later!" "Okay!" "Let's talk over there!" "Two Brandy!" "Cheers!" "Where have you been these days?" "Nothing to do!" "You're different." "You know English!" "You can do lot of work." "But I even don't know how to write my name." "You can work for me, can't you?" "No way!" "What can I do?" "Be your shoe-shine boy?" "We're friend!" "Don't talk such thing!" "Come on!" "Well, think something you want to do." "I can support you with money?" "What do you want to do?" "Don't talk these things!" "You knew me well!" "5 minutes have gone!" "Go now!" "Come on!" "Get going!" "Help yourself!" "Okay, bye!" "We are leaving!" "So early?" "Yes, bye!" "Leaving!" "BoBo, why leaving so soon?" "Aren't you rushing to the night-club?" "It's a rare chance to be in such place!" "Take a rest!" "Charge me for your working hours!" "Okay!" "Sam, the ceremony will open in 5 minutes!" "Crab, why drunk so much?" "Take it!" "I'm not borrowing money!" "There's a secret casino, lots of bet." "So what?" "I am not the same as before." "My hand can't even cheating a fool." "I'll fail!" "No!" "Listen to me!" "Just try it!" "Something don't need a hand!" "Use your brain, right?" "Easy saying!" "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "At the opposite building." "I've checked the security!" "It's quite good!" "Okay!" "You may go!" "I'll be alright!" "What's up?" "It's my own business!" "Anything wrong!" "Find me at Wanchai Station." "Don't bother me now!" "Okay." "Let's go!" "Who are you looking for?" "I am with the cop!" "Which one?" "That one!" "Thanks!" "Win at last!" "Bankers 21!" "What's wrong!" "Lost again!" "Do you again!" "We shouldn't lose!" "Ridiculous!" "Lost even with 20 marks!" "Mr. Taro!" "What is it?" "Broken-hand guy!" "You won't get all the luck!" "Look at the shown cards!" "You must lose!" "I will win this time!" "Don't get any cards!" "Let him exceeded!" "I just got 4 marks!" "One with more marks may not win." "I'll hit anyone who get extra card!" "Male one!" "Male!" "You told me not to take card!" "Don't hit me please?" "Do I look like going to hit you?" "Bastard!" "Bad luck!" "Sorry!" "It's you again?" "What's it?" "Want to hit me when I'm ill!" "No!" "I don't mean it!" "You bastard!" "I'll kill you if I am still young and restless!" "Afraid to look at me!" "Chicken!" "Bastard!" "Fight with us!" "Damned you!" "Stop it!" "Do me a flavor!" "Don't make trouble!" "Are you in charge of the place!" "It's Okay!" "Keep on playing!" "Are you Crab?" "How is Sam?" "Be frank!" "There's only little money here!" "You won't be satisfied with so little money!" "Sam has a rich wife." "So let's play a big game!" "It's my own business!" "I can play a big game with you!" "3 million!" "Do you have so much now?" "Not now!" "I'll have it tomorrow!" "Okay!" "Bring 3 million at tomorrow midnight." "I'll wait here for you and Sam." "They have a good impression of you!" "You can be my vice-president!" "Thank for your help, Mr. Tong!" "Still calling me Mr. Tong?" "Yeah, I'm sorry, Daddy!" "Mr. Law." "Mr. Crab Chen call you for emergency!" "Sorry!" "May I be excused!" "How are you?" "Long time no see." "Where have you been?" "Sam, you were right!" "One can't be a gambler forever!" "So I want to do a big deal, then go to Brazil with BoBo." "I have an appointment with those Japanese guys." "A big game tonight." "I want your help the last time." "We are always lucky together, right?" "I can't make up my mind." "Because I'd promised to Tong's dad, never involve in gambling again." "Just one word!" "Go or not go?" "Crab, I've already escaped from criminal world!" "I don't want to get involved again." "Don't contact those Japanese!" "They won't let you go!" "You can forget." "But I can't." "I can give you money to do business." "I care about you all the time." "I don't owe you anything!" "Good!" "Let's try the old method." "Let the Lord decide!" "Head or words!" "Head!" "Good, you always choose head!" "Hold it!" "I changed my mind." "I choose words this time." "I know you have two coins in the very beginning!" "One has words both at both sides, the other head." "But it was ten cents before, now it is a dollar." "But I always pretend I don't know." "The mostly intolerable case to a gambler is trick being see thro!" "Sam, after the gambling, me and BoBo will go to Brazil." "I'll send you card at Christmas day!" "It is regret that Sam didn't come." "We play on money, not on human life!" "Good!" "Here is 400 thousand U.S., equal to 3 millions H.K." "3 million!" "No need to check!" "I dare to come alone." "If I play trick." "I think I cannot go out!" "Yes, if it's you, you can't escape too!" "One million!" "One million for the first card!" "I won't follow!" "CID!" "Don't move!" "Police!" "Go and stand properly!" "Don't move!" "Bend down!" "You got twenty years for holding up." "Police Officer?" "I've called the station." "I know no action of such tonight." "We!" "You bastard!" "Trying to frighten me!" "Don't worry!" "It's a false case." "Good trick!" "But still one mistake!" "Damn!" "What's the matter?" "Sir, you come at the right time!" "This guy pretended as cop to rob us!" "You bastard!" "Isn't he hired for two hundreds." "Sir!" "What's it." "Ching?" "This is Inspector Becks, special action group of CID." "Is it true?" "Sorry, Sir..." "Don't call me Sir!" "I'm just a bastard from Mongkok." "All of you knee down!" "All of you knee down!" "You too!" " Me too?" " Yes!" "Knee down!" "Face west!" "Knee down..." "Hurry!" "Knee down!" "Only several places of money in the box are true!" "The others are all false." "Will the cop let me go!" "Hey, knee down!" "What's it?" "Don't move!" "I've been sitting all day." "What is wrong!" "But do something!" "Kidnap Sam and his fiancee." "Yeah!" "Where are we going now?" "Fly to U.S. Then to Brazil." "Why think so much!" "Just follow the one you married." "Aren't you stick with me?" "You can't escape!" "I feel something unease!" "Don't be silly!" "Take some sleeping pill, and go to sleep." "Everything will be alright." "Would you throw it away!" "We're leaving!" "Miss Tong is on our hand, Please come immediately." "Is Mr. Law here?" "He went to Australia with Mr. Tong." "Where's Miss Tong?" "She's still at the airport." "You can phone to her wireless telephone." "Thanks!" "Miss Tong?" "I'm Taro!" "If you don't want parts of Tong's body tomorrow." "You shall come to 350 Taipo Road at once." "Damn." "They had kidnapped Miss Tong!" "Don't go, Crab!" "Here is half million money order!" "You can cash it in America." "Don't worry!" "I'll join you!" "Can you return if you go?" "It's me who made this mess." "Sam is my good friend!" "I must go!" "Frankly speaking!" "Do you go for Sam or go for Miss Tong?" "How are you?" "What do you want?" "Strip your clothes!" "You don't like to take off your clothes." "Kiss, Kiss my feet." "Kiss" "You don't take off your clothes I'll take it off for you." "He got a gun, Taro!" "Crab, you really are loyal to friend." "Search him one more!" "Yes, Mr. Taro!" "Don't try to cheat me?" "Where's Miss Tong?" "I've come!" "Now release her!" "I wanted to just before." "But after I slept with her." "I hesitated to!" "Tell me what can I do?" "You bastard!" "You broke the agreement." "Yes!" "I'm bastard, I broke the agreement." "So what?" "Got any other gun?" "Got none?" "I shoot you now!" "What can you do?" "Crab!" "Hands up!" "You're lucky." "If my hand isn't broken, you have already died!" "I've heard that you are the best in Asia, you even saw thro our trick in America." "I can give you a chance." "Here are 3 glass of wine, two of them are poisonous." "You can choose one of them." "If you're alright after drinking it, you can take her away!" "Lord of hell don't accept me!" "Young man, you got the nerve!" "I have one more terms." "I want my girl's corpse." "Go!" "No, father!" "We're Japanese, we must keep our promise." "What happened to you?" "Don't bother me!" "Keep on walking!" "You are bleeding!" "Don't shout!" "Keep walking!" "I save you, have no other reason, just because you are Sam's wife." "Those Japanese still keeping eye on us!" "Don't shout!" "Or else, even you can't escape." "Then my dead is worthless!" "I won't cry!" "Get into the car..." "Sorry that I can't go to Brazil with you!" "But, we can die together." "Cheers, everybody." "We gonna success!" "Cheers!" "Mr. Law!" "Package for you from Hong Kong!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Sit down!" "Sam, what is it?" "I don't know!" "Sam!" "You don't have to say anything!" "Is it Sam speaking?" "Lon, I'd never bet other one!" "But you must help me this time!" "Crab was dead!" "He was killed by Taro, who troubled your Casino." "I must take revenge to him." "I started all these!" "I'll talk to my boss!" "What can I do for you?" "I have 2 million U.S. Dollars now!" "You can make decision for me!" "No problem!" "Get me Mr. Fransolini." "We want Taro." ""Gangsters' war started." "Murdered in Massage Sallon"" ""Shooting in the Street"" "Boss, let me introduce my friend." "Sam Law!" "Mr. Fransolini!" "How do you do?" "Nice to meet you!" "You may start!" "What separates human from the animals is that God gave us the ability to think." "Then why are things the way they are!" "We're all in the same business." "You have your casinos in America." "I have my casinos in Japan." "This misunderstanding started at the gambling table." "I hope to resolve our problem at gambling table as well." "If I lose, I'll accept whatever you say." "But if you lose." "You have to go back to America, and never come back to Asia again." "Does it sound reasonable." "I think I have to ask the opinion of our friend." "I accept the terms." "My father's rule is, he will only play for a minimum of 5 million U.S." "It's like robbery!" "Don't worry!" "I can get the money!" "Well then is done." "Hey, say hello for me to Miss Tong," "I miss her." "Money is not the problem." "It's about principle." "What had you promised to me?" "I won't lend you any money!" "Something you young man never understand." "It's you who didn't understand." "Something you rich man will never understand." "It's called brotherhood!" "Sell them for me!" "I need cash." "I don't care what price it is." "And K K, Check the stock for me!" "And also the flat and car, how much are they?" "About 7 millions?" "What?" "7 millions?" "Not enough!" "Sell them with good price, would you?" "I want cash!" "I understand how you felt." "I've prepared money for you!" "I know you want revenge for Crab!" "I want too!" "But those Japanese won't play fairly." "I've seen their way, and how Crab died." "We've already lost a friend." "I don't want to lose you too!" "I'm sorry for breaking the promise." "I took good care of Crab from childhood." "But now I know I still owe him a lot!" "I am really afraid." "Something you must do in your life!" "What are they doing?" "Checking the cards!" "This is the latest product of L.C.D. Scan from Germany." "And this is the sample of mark card." "New L.C.D. Scan!" "Sam!" "No, thanks!" "The representatives of both parties please examine these cards, from different angles to see if there is any shadow technically made." "In order to ensure a fair and honest game, would both parties kindly remove their jackets watches and rings." "20 thousands!" "100 thousands more!" "100 thousands!" "I followed!" "And 300 thousands more!" "I quit!" "200 thousands!" "Queen Pair calls." "How much do you still have?" "Just all these?" "No way!" "These debt coupons, flat contract, rental contract and 4 cases of stock, before 3:30 p.m. Today, totally worth for 1 billion and 70 millions Hong Kong dollars." "How much have you got then?" "1 bullion and 70 millions!" "Who gonna trust you!" "I got a chartered auditor here!" "Mr. Mitchum!" "Okay!" "I accept it!" "2 million U.S. Dollar more!" "Yes!" "2 million!" "I follow!" "Send the cards!" "He is Flush" "I think he is only one pair." "Last bet!" "Hold it!" "Wait a minute!" "Wait for the audition!" "Would Mr. Mitchum do the audit now." "Excuse me!" "I think I need half an hour." "Judging the situation now!" "Would both sides take a rest!" "Anyone who tries to cross the barriers before the resume, will be eliminated!" "Sam!" "I want to wash my face!" "Search the whole place!" "Sam, how are you going?" "Sam!" "Lon!" "I must play this game!" "Would you let me talk to my wife?" "Take your time!" "Take him to hospital later!" "He was shot in a robbery somewhere, understand?" "Yes, boss!" "Koyan!" "Sam!" "I'm the best gambler in Asia!" "I've never lost before!" "But this time winning or losing is not the problem." "If I lose, the Italian will back to America, then I can't take revenge for Crab." "I want you to continue the game for me." "Listen to me!" "My cards is not sequential pattern." "I have just a pair of King!" "I cheated them." "Now go out!" "Don't do anything." "Don't look at the cards!" "Bet all 1 billion and 10 millions!" "I've check that they don't have enough money." "Furthermore." "Ask them to be one arm and one leg of Taro." "They won't follow certainly." "Koyan!" "This is my last request!" "Sam!" "Because Mr. Law had some accident." "Miss Tong will continue the game." "I accept this to prove that we're not guilty." "The audit has been completed." "And Miss Tong's assets are valued at 170 millions and 140 thousands" "Minus the 140 thousands which Mr. Law has just called." "The net value of her holdings are 170 millions HK dollars." "Open!" "Miss Tong, make a bet please!" "1 billion and 70 millions HK dollars!" "I now got only 80 millions cash." "I just want one thing for substitute." "What is it?" "Mr. Taro's right hand and right leg." "Stop joking." "They are coming at you." "I think adding Miss Tong's right hand is more fair." "Promise me fist and I'll consider it." "Okay!" "A girl without right hand, no matter how beautiful and rich she is, she is a junk!" "Do you mind if we speak Japanese!" "Go on!" "I know Japanese!" "Remember the game three years ago." "It's about 5 millions." "We played all night and he lost at last." "He committed suicide." "I didn't dare to watch, it's terrible." "The game of 8 millions at Tokyo." "I saw thro his trick." "I don't know!" "He made three same gesture in a minute." "That is it!" "This time when we were talking," "Catherine crossed her leg 5 times." "Do you know why?" "It's..." "She is playing trick!" "80 millions, Taro's one hand and one leg." "You've lost!" "Dad, do you really mean it?" "I must kill you!" "You've lost!" "Give me a knife!" "Congratulations, you won!" "Great!" "Yes..." "I know!" "Are you sure?" "Alright!" "Same as your prediction." "Father and son fight against each other." "Both are dead!" "You're Asian No.1." "I also play accurately!" "As you said," "I stab at inch below your fifth rib." "No error!" "You can't get money if there's error!" "How will you explain it to your wife?" "I've decided never tell her!" | {
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"Hey!" "How was it?" "How'd it go?" "Dr. Cyper is amazing." "You'd think he was cutting the crusts off his kid's sandwich." "So you really want to leave all of this for that?" "If I qualify for this transfer I'll still..." "Is this yours?" " Oh, yeah, sorry." " I will still be "all this" adjacent." "I don't know why you want to be a surgical nurse." "You know, I can take my kids barfing on me, I can take the patients whizzing on me, but the minute you pull out a scalpel..." "I'm like... gross!" "Yeah, it can be awfully revolting." "Did Mrs. Disantos die?" "Tony, I'm so sorry about your mother." "You were always so good to come and stay with her." "I hope it's some comfort that she didn't suffer much." "No." "No." "There's no comfort at all." "I wish she had suffered good and long." "Yeah, I wish she had to lay in that bed for 29 years and listen to me tell her how... ugly... stupid... and lazy she is." "Yeah, I'm not going to the store to get your pills." "I'm not rubbing the cramps out of your legs." "I'm not putting gas in your fucking car anymore." "Holy crap!" "I mean, for five months?" "He reads her the newspaper, he brushes her hair, he brings her azaleas from her garden?" "I thought he loved his mother, didn't you?" " I thought he was 45!" " Shut up!" " He fooled us both." "He's 29?" " Twenty-nine?" "Hey, wait!" "I heard that you were going out on some kind of blind date." "I mean, really, you're keeping that from me?" "It's nothing, really." "A decompressive craniectomy is nothing, really." "Compared to this." "It is big news!" "And I feel a little left out." "Well, Nancy, the way big news travels around here" "I'm sure you'll hear all about it." "You sure have a lot of holes in your face." "I have holes all over." "Nice." "Any more down there?" "Excuse me." "Would you mind?" "Dammit." "You can use one of those." "No, that's okay." "I'll just wait 'til later." "Well..." "You have to sign the receipt." "Okay." "Thank you." "Daddy?" "Daddy?" "Get off me, you stupid dog!" "Benny, come here!" "Come!" " Did he get you?" " Yeah, he tore my dress." "Stupid dog." "Well, he's not stupid, he's just being protective, that's all." " I'm your daughter." " You're a stranger to him, is all." "Come on, Benny." "You know, Miranda, I've been thinking." "I really should go with you tomorrow." "Go down and look at that house." "Oh, yeah, look at it or try to talk me out of it?" "Come on." "I know better than to try to talk you out of it." "But these realtors are kind of slick, you know." "They'd do anything to make a sale." "So you've got to check the heating system." "And the foundations, and the roof." " Yeah." " And..." "Oh, I'm sorry about Benny." "There's a trick to him." "Bribery." "Get him some meat and he'll be your friend forever." "Hello!" "Miranda." "I want him to stop bothering me." " It's so good to see you, Karen." " Same here." "You owe me a dress, dog." "Miranda, somebody's choking." "Sorry." "No one can get their arms around him." "Okay." "Okay, sir." "The Heimlich maneuver isn't working." "Just..." "I'm gonna help you." "I'm gonna help you." "I'm gonna help you breathe." "Someone give me a steak knife." "It's okay, sir." "I'm gonna help you breathe." "I need a straw." "I need a straw." "It's gonna be okay." "Hold my hand squeeze tight." "Squeeze all you want." "Okay." "Okay, there you go, there you go." " Someone call 911?" " Yeah, we did." "Okay, they're on their way." "You're gonna be okay." "So, marble in the entryway, sunken living room, and... granite countertops." "Throughout." "Stainless steel appliances, and... double ovens." " I love double wall ovens." " I love them too!" " Let's have a look at that water heater." " Yes, let's." "Oh, my God!" "Oh, my God!" " Miranda!" "What did you do?" " I said I'd bring the cake." " It's so beautiful!" " You made this?" "It's just something I do." "Oh, my God." "It's so perfect, I don't want to ruin it." " Oh, come on." "That's nonsense, Nancy." " That's what it's for." " All right." "Here we go." " No, no, Nancy, Nancy." " What?" " It's got mustard on it." " I brought this, use this." " Okay." "Wait, wait, wait." "There are no candles." "It's not a birthday cake if there are no candles." " Yes, it is." " All right, I'll settle this." "Watch this." "What a way to eat this." "It's the salt and the sweet." " It's so good!" " Nancy is so drunk." " So when's the big night?" " The big night?" " With Kevin." " Kevin." "The big night is..." " You didn't cancel." " No, I didn't cancel." "Just promise me that you won't stand him up." " He works with my husband." " I... why... why would I do that?" "Well, it took me a good six months to get you to say yes." " I just really want it to go well." " I don't know why you care so much." "If it goes great then you can say that... you found your soulmate because of Darlene." "Kevin?" "You didn't knock." " I was..." " You're early." "That's why I didn't knock." "I'm sorry." "There are worse things, I suppose, like... being late." "Yes, they're here!" "Oh, let me get that for you." "Thank you." "Where do you want it?" " Over here?" " That's fine." "All right, I'll just set that right there." " Did you cut yourself?" " No." "Oh, no, that's nail polish." "I should put some clothes on." "Would you excuse me?" "Okay." "Sure." "Oh, I should've offered you something to drink." "I have fresh squeezed lemonade." "Do I have to pay 50 cents and drink it out of a little paper cup?" "No, I closed the stand." "Bought a little bicycle with the money I made." " A little basket on the front?" " With tassels for the handlebars." " So do you want the lemonade?" " No thank you, I'm good." "You moving?" "What?" "I was just asking, are you... are you moving?" "Yeah." "As soon as I sell this place." "What, you don't like it here?" "Liking one place doesn't mean you can't move to another one, so..." "I don't know, the question of whether I like it here or not is really moot." "Sorry." "You look hot." " Did you say something?" " I was just saying you look really nice." "Thank you, Kevin." "I ordered these a few days ago, and I have been dying to get them." "Must be an awfully special pen?" "Would you mind?" "Thank you." "You know, I should finish getting ready." " Could you come back?" " Come back?" " Well, you are early." " What time was I supposed to be here?" "You don't remember?" " It's just..." " Kevin." "Come on." "I really don't want to leave." "I think it's best that you do." "I'm sorry." "Okay." "Why'd you do that?" "Unlock my door." "Okay, you need to leave, like, right now, or I'm calling the police." "You're not calling anybody." "Okay?" " Don't you touch me." " It's okay." "Hey, hey!" "Miranda, I don't want to hurt you!" "I won't hurt you!" "Hey!" "Hey!" " Hey, come here." " Stop it, you fuck!" "Hey, stop!" "I want you." "I've always wanted you." " Hey!" " Get the fuck off me!" "Stop!" "It's gonna be okay." "I already said I don't want to hurt you, okay?" "I don't want to hurt you." "No!" "That feel good?" "Are you okay?" "You okay?" "You okay?" "Hello?" "Miranda?" "Anybody home?" "Miranda?" "Should I wait here?" "Darlene said you might cancel." "I just..." "I showed up, and she was..." "God, I had never even met her before." "It was a blind date." "Oh, God." "I've..." "I've..." "I've never seen anyone like that." "Will she... will she be okay?" "The man who raped you... have you seen him before?" "Yes." " Sorry." " Oh, hey, William." "Hey, Deacon around?" "He's in the office, but no one's been able to get him off the phone." " I thought you were off tonight, man?" " I just need my money, that's all." "Oh, hey, Deacon." "I was hoping I could..." "Here's that show you used to like to watch." "Honey, I'm gonna get something to drink, okay?" "I'll be right back." "Right back." "So what you're saying is I have..." "I have no buyer." "Now, Miranda, listen, I know that you are having a very hard time." "So, I can't proceed on the other house now." " But you like that house." " But I wanted a new one." "And now I can't sell my house, so I can't buy a new one." "I'm just stuck, I have to deal, right?" "Well, I'll tell you what, we can try again in a few months?" "A few months?" "Why?" "I mean, why bother?" "Will I suddenly be un-raped then?" "I have an idea." "Rose bushes." "Why don't you plant rose bushes?" " You need some help?" " Oh, Daddy." " What are you doing here?" " What are you doing there?" "You know, you have your mother's nose, and not much else." "Well, that's what happens when you give me seed packets instead of selling my damn house." "Are you sure they're gonna grow just covered up like that?" "You are standing on property nobody wants." "Or so says Judy, with the bad haircut." "No luck I take it." "Well..." "The reason I came over was I thought maybe we'd go have a bite to eat." "Go to the movies?" " Well, you could've called." " Well, I did, I tried." "Maybe tomorrow." "How's my favorite sister?" "Hey, Miranda!" "Nancy, my shift is over." "I know, I know, but..." "I need you, it's..." "It's an emergency." "Miranda!" "Come on!" "It's only gonna take a second and it's very important." "We just wanted to give you a little something before you make your transfer." "We're gonna miss you so much!" "Surprise!" " Who wrapped that?" " I did." "It's just something I do." " You made this bow?" "It's beautiful!" " Super pretty." "Thank you, guys." "Thanks." " Yay!" " Ta-da!" "See, now you can just practice at home." "Isn't it great?" "Fantastic." "Asshole!" " Miranda." " Oh, Mrs. Brown." " Can I speak with you?" " Oh, sure." " You missed your orientation." " Oh, I'm sorry." "Sorry doesn't cut it in surgery, Miranda." "Lives are on the line." " I know." " Is something wrong?" " No." " You seem distracted." "Which is not a good thing in this business." "Actually I'm reconsidering my transfer." "After that last performance we've already reconsidered it for you." " Oh, well..." " I'm disappointed, Miranda." "You pushed very hard and very long for something you appeared to want very badly." "If it were me..." "I wouldn't let anything stand in my way." "If it were me I wouldn't walk around with my tag sticking out." "Here you go, come again." " Lady, pay attention." " What?" "I'm just telling you to pay attention." "I'm in a hurry here." "Sorry." "What's that?" "It's your stuff." "Yeah, thanks." " Excuse me, you need to pay." " I paid when I dropped it off." " I don't have any record of it." " Well, I have a receipt right here." "Well, I don't know how you can if I don't have a record of it here." "Give me a minute and I'll show you." "How about you hand me the items back first, ma'am?" " Excuse me?" "Are you kidding?" " Lady, I need to leave." "Look, I know I have a receipt." "I even..." "I wrote it in my check register." "Okay, why don't you let me wait on him while you're looking?" "Because it's my turn, dammit." "Please calm down." "All you need to do is hand me the item and..." "And all you need to do is stuff that fat back in your skirt." "How do you manage that, being skinny and fat at the same time?" "And you know, with breasts like that... do us all a favor and wear a fucking bra." "I think you need to leave." "Like right now." " Not without my tablecloth." " Take it." "No." "I'm gonna find that receipt, because I'm not having anyone in this shop thinking that I didn't pay." "We have an abusive customer down here." "Paid." "We appreciate your business, ma'am, but I think it's best if you leave." "I bet you do." "You look happy." "Is Mrs. Burke doing better?" "No, she's about the same." " You need help with that?" " Oh, no, I got it." "You're lucky you never smoked." "It's a hard habit to give up." "Yeah, well..." "Now I have to watch our for snacking as a replacement for cigarettes." "Damn you." "This won't do." "No, this won't do at all." "There you go." "It's looking good." " Daddy, what are you doing?" " Well, I thought maybe you'd want this." " I want an old swing on my new porch?" " Oh, it's not an old swing." "Honey, this is the one you and your mother used to use." "You really remember things differently, don't you?" "Daddy, the whole point is to make this place look new." "Right, right." "Well, I could paint it." " Daddy." " And if it squeaks I can oil it." "Dad." "All right, I'll take it down." "Take it down." "Daddy?" "Daddy?" " Oh, my God, are you okay?" " I'm fine, I'm fine." " I'm fine, girl." " I got you." " Alright." " Okay." " I got you." " Right, one, two, three." "I got you." " Thank you." " What have you done to my porch?" "Hey, hey!" "Sir, wait!" "Oh, my." "Critical care unit, Nancy here." "It's for you." "This is Miranda." "I'll be right there." "Will you clean the phone?" " Do you think something bit him?" " I don't know." " Something poisonous." " Maybe." " I tried lifting him, but..." " Did you fall?" "A little bit." " You okay?" " Yeah, I'm alright." " I'll take care of him." " You know, he might get mad." "If you want to get better, dog, you come with me." "You can't be pushy." "You have to let him come to you." "That's okay, I came prepared." "Hospital food!" "Come here, Benny." "Hospital food, come here, dog." "There you go." "You'll come with me." " You'll come with me, right?" " Very funny." "Hospital food." "Come into the car." "There you go." "There you go." "Good boy." "Oh, boy." "You wanted to see me, so..." "William Finn." "It's you." "I don't think anybody wants to be me." "So yeah." "That's me." "You look different." "I don't get to get out very much." "What made you finally agree to see me?" "An impulse." "Like every other stupid decision I ever made." "You can... you can say what you came to say." "You expect me to cry?" "Scream?" "Say dear God, why me?" " Something like that." " That's not me." " I just figured from your letter." " My letter just said I wanted to see you, it didn't say I had any idea what I'd do when I got here." "Guess I had to be sure that I could look you in the eye and not be afraid." "You still live in that same house?" "Excuse me?" "Well, I remember you told me you were gonna move." "But your letters, the address, it's the old house." "Couldn't sell the house." "So I'm making improvements, making like a new house." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I was so messed up back then." "Will, let me ask you something." "Sure, anything." "How's the food in here?" "The food." "How's the food?" "On time." "It's almost that time." "So it is." "I got your favorite, there you go." "I got your favorite, here you go, Benny!" "Come here, there you go." "Yeah, you like that." "You greedy dog." "Daddy!" "I hated putting him in here, you know, but it's just safer that way." "I thought you were at the hardware store." "I was, but they didn't need me anymore." " And you came over not to see me?" " Actually I came by to check on the dog." "I thought you guys were sworn enemies." "The way I see it, hating him only hurts me." "So..." "I got your letter." "Yeah?" "Thank you for coming back." "I wanted to see you." "I'm surprised that you could even read that letter." "I'm sure there was tons of mistakes in it." "I was never that good in school." "You're taking classes in here, right?" "Yeah." "I mean, yes." "My teacher is a real hardass for stuff like that." "I'm sorry that I curse." " You say sorry a lot." " I have a lot to be sorry for." "What's something you're not sorry for?" "Something you're good at." "I don't know, screwing up, getting caught." "I'm serious." "Fixing things." "I've always been good at that." "When I was a kid if I broke something my dad would always make me fix it." "I mean, he'd beat the crap out of me, and then he'd make me fix it." "I started to like the way it felt." "Putting things together, making it work." "Kinda like you." " What do you mean?" " You're a nurse, aren't you?" "Yes, yes." "I fix things, you fix people." "Maybe we have something in common." "I guess we do." "Electronic stud finder." "Whatever happened to banging on a wall and listening for the beam?" "Well's Hardware." "Daddy, I'm gonna nickname you "Missed call"." "Yeah, well, when I need you, I need you." "I was in therapy." "What do you need?" "I need you to go check on Benny." " Yeah, that's funny, I'm already with him." " You are?" "Yeah, and he's a lot more fun now that he's doing what I tell him to." "Sit!" "Sit!" "Good boy." "That's a good boy." "I can't believe you've had him for five years and never taught him to sit." "Now look at him and tell me something." "Does he look sick to you?" " Or am I just being a worry-wart?" " No, he looks fine, Daddy." "But then, you know, he always looks fine when he's begging for food." "Well, keep feeding him then." "All right?" "Excuse me, ma'am, are you here to see William Finn?" " Yes." " He's not gonna be able to see you today." "Why not?" "He just can't." "What, no scratch and sniff today, Billy?" "What are you talking about?" "That little piece of trim that keeps coming up in here and visiting you." "She looks uppity if you ask me." "You know what she looks like?" "What, you think you're the only moon-faced kid around here that gets any visitors?" "Billy." "Hey." "You stop talking about her." "What do you think she wants with you anyway?" "Shut up." "Does she even know why you're here?" "Shut the fuck up." "It takes 57 minutes each way." " I know." " That is 114 minutes of my time, gone." "There's a reason I couldn't come out that day." "All right?" "I got in trouble." "What kind of trouble?" " Some guys here like picking on me." " So you got into a fight?" "No." "No, not exactly." " They cornered me." " Why you?" " 'Cause they know I'm won't fight back." " How do they know that?" "Because everyone in here knows how badly I want to get out." "So they cornered you and you had to spend time in solitary?" "No, the infirmary." "So... those guys who attacked you..." "What'd they do to you?" "Do you want to see?" "The old man's looking pretty sharp." "Yeah, well... don't get too excited, I re-gifted." "Oh, come on." "Well, you're gonna spend the night, right?" " Dad..." " No, no." "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." "You know, heaven forbid you spend one more minute with your father than you have to." "Benny, you love me, don't you?" "How you doing, Benny?" "Yeah." " Did you get him to eat?" " He ate." "All gone." "Yeah, I don't know." "He sleeps so much." "Maybe I should take him to the vet." "He's not a puppy anymore, Dad." "He's getting old." "I'm getting old, I'm retired, you know." "Benny's still here, he's young." "You got some moves, right boy?" "What you looking at there, man?" "Something that doesn't belong to you." "You really do miss pussy." "I don't see why though." "Seems to me there's plenty of pussy right here in this cell." "You know something, Randy?" "Your shits smell better than you do." "You ever... ever touch my things again..." "And only the idea of you will be left behind." " Did you get the card?" " Yeah." "Yeah, I loved it." "I loved it." "Thank you so much." "It was my mom's favorite holiday." "She used to make me sign these valentines, those little paper ones." " Your mom sounds like a good lady." " She would've liked to hear you say that." "Actually she died when I was nine." "The... asthma attack, it was... she didn't get to her medication on time." "I..." " was the one who found her." " I'm sorry, that's terrible." "It was a long time ago." "Yeah, still." "That must be hard." "I'm sorry." " What about you?" " My mother?" "She left when I was 12." "Do you hate her for that?" "I don't know how to hate anybody." "Maybe if she'd stuck around... maybe I could've got on a better track." "There's still time." "I was starting to wonder if I was gonna see you this week." "With the holiday all my schedules have been off, so..." "Memorial day." "You're nervous." "I'm getting paroled." "Soon." " Does that make you nervous?" " Should I be?" "Well, I don't think that you would visit me if you thought I'd be a threat out there." " So why'd you ask?" " Because..." "All I can think about in here... is how I'm gonna miss this." "Look, if you don't want to see me when I get out of here, I'll understand." "But you gotta know right now..." "I would never do that again." "So the prison thinks you've been rehabilitated." "They think I've served my time." "Do you think you've served your time?" "Look, Miranda, I can't undo what I did." "I know." "I won't stop saying I'm sorry." "I want to start fixing things." "If you let me." "Hey, I'm sorry..." "No!" "Oh, Daddy, I'm sorry." " God, look at me." " It's okay." "Here." " Take these." " I should be able to do this." "He was your best friend, Daddy." "It'd be a lot for anyone." "I can do this." "Where's the shovel?" "Is it in the back?" " You're all dressed up." " I know." "I'll wear an apron." "No, you're gonna get a mess all over your clothes." "Why don't you go out and get us some food or something, and then when you come back" "I'll be finished." " Chinese Gourmet?" " Yeah." "Yeah, those bird like things would..." " Won..." " Won tons." "Oh, sweetie, I'm sad." "Just when you two were becoming friends." "Alright." "I'll be back." "You know, your mother... used to complain a bit that I wasn't around all the time." "It was the hardware store." "I was trying to put it together." " You were providing." " Yes, I know." "It's... confusing." "Be a father, and not be able to protect your children." "I wish I had found her, not you." "That's basically what I'm saying." "You know, Daddy... with us it's... bad things happen... and we make the best of them." "That's right." "That's what we do." "Randy." "I'm leaving you." "You gonna miss me?" "About as much as you gon' miss me." "Randy, don't underestimate yourself." "I've... actually grown quite attached to you." "All this time together... this is how you say goodbye?" "Well..." "Somehow..." "I know that you won't forget me." "Most people don't." "Have you been to Florida?" "Oh, my God, you have to go." " I would like to." " Have you been to Florida?" "Hey, Miranda, come here." "You've got to look at this." "Yeah, what is that?" "She just got back from her vacation in Orlando." "Show her." "I swam with the dolphins." "Poor sharks, no one ever wants to swim with them." "Here are the two kids at the Magic Kingdom." "That was super fun." " They got their faces painted." " Cute!" "How old is he?" " He's like, four." " Oh, so cute." " Don't you have a vacation coming up?" " You should really go to Orlando." "I..." "Florida in the summertime?" "It seems redundant." " Where are you going, then?" " Canada?" "I'm staying home, actually." "You can't stay home." "It's your vacation." "What's the point?" "It's where my house is, and I'm still working on it." "And I'm gonna finish it once and for all." "She needs to find a man." "Right?" "Miranda Wells?" " Do y'all know Miranda?" " That's me." "Thank you." " Who's it from?" " Oh, just my dad." "You know how he is." "Did she say from her dad?" "Did you... did you get the flowers I sent?" "I got 'em." "They were just delivered." "At my work." "You don't like 'em?" "That's all I could afford right now." "The flowers are not the problem, William." "They're fine." "It's having them delivered at my workplace is the problem." "Oh, yeah, you don't want them knowing about us?" "Not that there's an us." "I'm sorry." " Stop saying you're sorry." " Well, I just want to stay in touch." "You could've written." "You could've called." "I could?" "Yeah, I thought I made that clear last time I visited." "Well, I just... figured maybe you were just saying that." "No, 'cause when I say something I mean it." "I hope the same goes for you." " William?" " Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Sorry, you... cut out." "What'd you say?" "Doesn't matter." "Fuck!" "Miranda?" "William!" "You're here." "I promised I'd come." "You didn't believe me?" "No, I did, I did." "I just didn't expect you so soon." " Sorry." " It's okay." "Just anxious to fix things." "Well, then let's get started." "One minute." "I'm gonna go get something to drink." "You want some lemonade?" "Homemade." "That sounds really good." "Thank you." "Wait, let me." "I'll take that." "I got it, thanks." "Here?" "I... wanted to come back and... fix this hole here." "If you'd let me." "I insist." "So..." "I'll see you?" "You'll see me." "All right." "No, just give me some Elmer's glue and a straight head, and... well, I'll make you something really good." "You're as stubborn as gum on carpet, Mitchell." "If you pull those strings with Mr. Simmons you can be as old school as you want." "I'll tell you something." "It's Simpson." "And Jerry..." "Jerry's gonna give you what you want." " He'll give you your second story." " Thank you, Mitchell." "Welcome!" "Hey..." " I need some paint." " Okay." " To match this color." " Yeah, how much you need?" "I figure a gallon'll do." "Fix a porch ceiling." " Big hole in it." " Okay." "I'll get you set up." "Okay, that's $21.15." "Okay." "It's just five cents more." "Mitchell?" "Miranda!" " Miranda!" " Daddy!" "What the hell are you thinking about?" " What are you talking about?" " That son of a bitch!" "When did he get out?" "How does he have the nerve to get out" " and show his face within 100 miles of here." " Daddy, calm down." "Calm down." "I am calmed down!" "He's a lowlife scumbag, Miranda." "Has he been over here?" " No." " Tell me the truth." "Then what is this, Miranda?" "This is a chip of paint." "He brought it into the shop." "It matches that ceiling." "Daddy, listen, okay?" "William's been here." " Please... don't say that name around me!" " Okay, I'm sorry!" "I'm sorry." "He raped you, Miranda, right here in this house!" "He raped you." "I know that, Daddy." "And I'm not forgetting it." "I'm letting him fix things." "Okay?" "He wants to fix things." "This..." "Miranda, this can't be fixed!" "It can't be undone, Daddy, but I'm trying to figure out a way to move on." " And this is how you do it?" " Tell me right way, Daddy." "I don't know." "You know..." "You want me to sit and cry in therapy for 10 years writing in some goddamn journal about my feelings?" "That's not me." "It'd be like drowning in a puddle." "I'd be dying by inches." "You want me to hate him forever?" "That hurts no one but me." "I'm tired of hurting." "Miranda, there are other options than that." "Other options than having your rapist over for dinner!" "He's fixing the porch, okay?" "We're not over here sipping tea, Daddy." "He fucking stays on the porch." "He's fixing the fucking porch!" " Well, I can fix the porch!" " But I need him to fix it." "Okay, that's what I need." "I don't know you." "I don't know you." "You didn't show up." "I did actually, I just..." " Just didn't stay." " You were here?" "Yeah." "I was across the street." "I saw your dad." "I heard him, too." "I figure..." "I best not stick around." "In fact..." "I'm not sure it's such a good idea to... to come around, period." "You still there?" "Listen." "I know my dad... an outburst like that he'll either sleep or work for two weeks straight." "He won't be back any time soon." "Yeah, I just don't want to cause more harm." "You know, I feel like I've done enough of that for a lifetime." "What do you think?" "I think you're afraid of a 70-year-old man." "I wasn't sure you'd still come." "I said I would." "Oh, shit." " What?" " Sorry, I forgot the paint." "It's okay, we have other things to do." "You want a drink before we get started?" "Yeah, I'd appreciate that." "I was thinking I might just try this carpenter thing." "Full time." "What'd you say?" "I was just saying I could... get used to this." "Too sweet?" " No, it's perfect." " Good." "Can I... give you a hand?" "Sure." "You're dripping." "Shit." "I'm sorry about that." "Something wrong?" "I don't know, my..." "My stomach's just feeling a little messed up." "What'd you eat today?" "Just some clam chowder." "That'll do it." "Look, I'm so..." "I'm sorry about this." "Can I maybe just... use your bathroom?" "Just lie down for a minute?" " Could you go home?" " No, I don't think I can make it home." "Look, maybe if I just..." "If I just get where it's cool inside." "I'm just..." "I'm sorry, I'm really not feeling too well." "It's okay." "Okay." "Sure." "You can come in." "Well..." "Hey, you." "What happened?" "You passed out." "Thank you." "You are so pretty." " Thank you, William." " Look at you... taking such good care of me." "It's the thing we have in common, remember?" " Yeah, I fix things." " Exactly, and I fix people." "You know what's wrong with me?" "Of course I do." "Yeah?" "You're a rapist, William." "That's what's wrong with you." "Miranda." "Hey!" "What the fuck..." "What the fuck is..." "What are you doing?" "Surely you didn't think I'd forgotten that you came into my home and raped me?" "Did you make me sick?" "No." "The antifreeze made you sick." "I just provided it to you." "Oh, come on, I didn't give you any more than I gave Benny, and you got a good 70 pounds on him." "You fucking crazy?" "No." "No, I'm not crazy, William." "Crazy suggests that I don't know right from wrong." "And I do." "This... is clearly wrong." "Miranda..." "look at me." "You're a nurse." "That means you save people." "I saw you save that man that was choking." "I was there." "You saved his life." "You saw that?" "You saw what I got to do?" "I got to stick a knife into a man's throat in broad daylight, and people wanted me to do it." "In fact, they applauded." " What are you doing?" " Room service." "What did you give me, Miranda?" "Don't worry." "You won't feel a thing." "I'm getting good at this." "All right, I get it." "I'm kind of surprised you trust me to give you water." "Considering." "Go ahead." "Go ahead and drink, William." "At this point what do you have to lose?" "You wanna watch?" "Hold that thought." "Now..." "You stay right there." " Do you have something for me?" " Yes, ma'am, it's right there." "Thank you." "Please." "Don't." "Please." "Just in time." "Used up my very last one three days ago." " Oh, it hurts, doesn't it?" " What are you doing to me?" "I'm sorry it hurts, I know it hurts." "Here." "Hold my hand." "Hold my hand, there you go." "There you go, squeeze all you want." "That's it." "William, you're hurting me!" "William!" "Stop it, stop it!" "You're hurting me, stop it, stop it!" "William, let go, let go, let go!" "Thank God that's not my hand." "What the fuck?" "What is that?" "Honestly, you know, I'm not even allowed to perform surgery." "Not even allowed to assist in surgery." "I've been having this terrible problem with my hand." "Help!" "Hey!" "I developed this terrible twitch." "It's getting better." "That's so weird." "You should really look at yourself." "Here." "Seriously though, look at your expression." "Your eyes." "It's fascinating, isn't it?" "That's why I work in critical care." "You get to see what really matters to people." "You're not a killer." "I know you're not a killer." "You're not gonna let me die." "I let my mother die, William." "She did a lot of things, but she didn't fuck me from behind." "So really, William, the question is..." "What matters to you?" "You do." "You do." " I do?" " Yeah." "'Cause you're pretty stupid and predictable." "You know that?" "Oh, I almost forgot." "What goodies did you bring?" "What's in the backpack?" "No, Miranda!" "Wallet." "Keys." "Don't tell me you were that optimistic." "That's not what it looks like." "I wasn't gonna do anything with that." "You know what I was thinking... when you were raping me?" "When I thought that I might die..." "I was thinking..." "Is it in yet?" "'Cause I couldn't feel a thing." "But I'm pretty certain that you feel me now, don't you?" "Take a look at yourself." "Go on." "Help!" "Help!" " Help!" " You're right, William..." "I win." "I win." " Daddy, I'm so sorry." " Don't... apologize." "Please don't." "I know that it's..." "I know that this doesn't make a lot of sense..." "Manny." "It doesn't make any sense." "At all." "You were so strong, Miranda." "When your mother died, everyone figured you would rebel, cause all sorts of troubles." "But you stayed the course." "You stayed levelheaded." "For the first time in my life..." "I'm scared." "I'm really worried about you." " You don't have to worry." " This is your life." "I know that, Daddy." "So I put an end to it." "He won't be coming around anymore." "Strength" "We'll fight another day" "To break the silence" "Of a sleepless mind" "Fend" "For your and my own sake" "We sail together" "Through the blazing sky" "Send us shining" "Out of this state" "Divided we let go" "Unite us we'll pay" "For times our freedom" "Leads us in vain" "Derided we stand down" "All blinded by faith" "Mend" "Our hearts won't lay astray" "They soar forever" "Elevate us high" "Bend" "This life through our own ways" "As freedom comes on" "Clouds of smoke" "We rise" "Send us shining" "Out of this state" "Divided we let go" "Unite us we'll pay" "For times our freedom" "Leads us in vain" "Derided we stand down" "All blinded by faith" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Okay." "So, is everyone ready... for our big trip to the University of Wisconsin?" "Yeah, Donna and I have it all mapped out." "She is going to buy a tight sweater... with a big, red "W" on it, and I am going to watch her wear it." "( Laughs )" "And then we're gonna buckle down." "Oh, Steven, I put out some clean clothes for you to take on the trip." "Uh, thanks, Mrs. Forman, but I'm not really the college type." "I get my learning' on the street." "Steven, you're a smart kid." "If you would only just apply yourself..." "you could go to college too." " You don't trust me alone in the house, do you?" "See how smart you are?" "Well, I just can't believe my baby is... all grown up and..." "visiting college!" "I am so freakin' old!" "And menopause makes another unwelcome appearance at the dinner table." "Oh, no, it's not unwelcome." "It's" " It's liberating." "Now my emotions just spill out." "Yeah, Mom." "You're sweating all over your pork chop." "Hey!" "There's my favorite coed." " Hey, are you all packed for Visitors Weekend?" " I can't go." "My dad's makin' me visit Marquette instead." "He thinks it's a better school, 'cause it's private." "Oh, and 'cause it sounds French." "Well, you know what?" "We'll just go with you." "I mean, if it's a better school... then I belong there too, right, Dad?" "No." "State schools are cheap." "That's where you belong." "Well, what if, like, you took out a second mortgage on the house?" "( Both Laughing )" "Not for you, dumb-ass." "( Rock Group Singing )" "( Ends )" "( Man Shouts Greeting )" "( Sighs ) I have a bad feeling about this weekend, Eric." "Nothing good can come from us visiting different schools." "Well, yeah, but there's an upside." "Two days apart?" "I mean, when we get together... it's gonna be electric, baby!" "Like a thunderstorm." "Eric, I'm serious!" "I mean, what if we actually end up going to different colleges?" "And we're apart for four years?" "Then, come semester break, you better board up your windows." "'Cause guess what?" "Here comes Hurricane Eric." "Board up my windows?" "What are my windows?" " And whatever they are, wouldn't you want them open?" " Hmm." "Look, Donna." "All I'm saying is that I think we can get through anything." "We go to different schools now, and we're fine... because our love is strong." "Like a big, burly bear." "So zip up your tent, 'cause guess what." "This bear has claws." " Again, wouldn't you want my tent open?" " Mmm." "Hold it, you two." "Now, before we hit the road... we need to have a talk about that horrible thing that's taken over your mother." "You mean, her "change of life"?" "Thought we were calling it "the lady-parts problem."" "It goes by many names." "Now, we're dealing with a tricky enemy here." "I haven't been this frosty since Korea." "And just like a commie... it can jump out and attack you at any moment." " ( Kitty ) Red, honey.!" " Incoming!" "( Eric ) Retreat!" "Red, um, you know, I've been a tad bit moody lately." "( Chuckles ) So, um... if you don't want me to go on this trip, I'll understand." "Well, you know, honey, there's really no need for you to go." "I knew you didn't want me to go!" "Well, I am going, whether you like it or not." "Why is it so damn hot in here?" "It's like it's- It's like we're living in hell!" "You can say that again." "So, Steven?" "When I go to Marquette with Donna this weekend... there'll be lots of cute boys around." "Lucky you." "Well, unlucky them, because I won't let them kiss me." "Yeah, that's my promise to you." "Now, I'm not saying you have to promise me anything." "But if you want to, now would be a good time." "Okay, well,just know... that I won't be kissing anyone." "Good to know." ""Good to know"?" "That's it?" "Did I stutter?" "Oh, thanks for the help." "You seem to have a natural talent for handling luggage." "Red?" "Honey." "You know, I'm sorry about our little spat." " The last thing I want to do is ruin our trip." " Oh, sweetheart, that's okay." " ( Laughing ) - ( Chuckling )" " Wow, Mom certainly cheered up." " Don't be fooled." "She's a ticking time bomb." "Hey!" "Wait up!" "What do you want?" "The explanation's pinned to my lapel." ""Dear Red." "Mr. Kelso and I are unable to take Michael to U.W." "Here's $30 so he can go with you."" " Where's the 30 bucks?" " Oh, I bought this "electronical" football game." "I swear to God, Kelso!" "You make Eric look like Einstein." "Thank you, Daddy." ""Thank you"?" "Einstein was ugly." "Oh!" "It's like a sauna in here." "Wish you didn't all have to breathe so much." "All right, guys." "You heard the lady." "No more breathing!" "No, I didn't tell you not to breathe, I asked you not to breathe as much." "There's a difference.!" "( Softly ) To crazy people." "Hey, Ali Baba." "Close sesame." " Oh!" "Red!" "You just missed the exit." " Oh, damn it!" "Eric, you're supposed to be following the map." "What the hell are you doing back there?" "Makin' you a crown?" "'Cause you're "King of the Road"!" " I need to use the bathroom." " Can you turn up the radio?" " First and goal!" " How much further?" " ( Electronic Game Warbles )" " Touchdown!" "Would you all just shut up?" "( Sighs ) This is stupid." "I mean, why am I looking at a school I don't even want to go to?" "( Sighs ) Should've gone to U.W. with Eric." "And I should've laughed at his thunderstorm jokes." "You know, I bet those sluts at U.W. will laugh at them." "Sluts!" "What, U.W. has sluts?" "Steven loves sluts!" "He's not gonna do anything." "He's with you now." "I don't know if he is or not." "I mean, look." "Last week, he called me his girlfriend." "And then this week, I couldn't even trick him into promising me... he wouldn't fool around with someone else." "And I was very passive-aggressive." "I believe that." "Donna, I promised to be faithful." "And all he said was, "Good to know."" ""Good to know, " Donna!" "You know, I am too depressed to go to orientation with you." "Steven crushed my spirit, and now there's only one place I can turn to." "Please, God, don't let it be me." "No." "The cheerleading demonstration." "I mean, at first, when they yell, "We've got spirit, how 'bout you?"" "Well, of course, I'll have to say no!" "But" " But show me a human pyramid and a really sharp pom-pom waterfall... and I'll get it back." "( House P.A.:" "Rock )" "What the hell kind of college is this?" "Barefoot hippies playin' Frisbee... barefoot hippies singing' songs to trees" "Man, this place is awesome!" "Look, they even have dirty cartoons on the wall." "Kelso, those are C.P.R. instructions." "( Chuckles ) Wow, I've done C.P.R. a lot." "Hi." "I'm Ted, resident adviser." " Hi." " Why don't you folks have a look around... and I'll show the boys where they're gonna be staying." "I don't know about this place." "I'll say." "It's the middle of November." "I don't see any Thanksgiving decorations." "Visitors Weekend is great." "We always have a big dorm party, tons of beer, tons of chicks." "Hey, I just need one six-pack and two chicks, and I'm good." "Man, this place is great!" "It's too bad Donna couldn't make it." "Oh, my God, would you look at that?" "We just saw college butt!" "On a girl!" " Hold it." "Girls live here too?" " Yes, sir." "We're coed." " ( Clamoring ) - ( Kelso ) Oh, nice!" "That's it!" "You're staying with us at the motel." "Wait!" "Dad, wait." "Think of what a valuable experience this could be for me." "I mean, this is my first step into the real world." "( Sighs ) I'm your little bird, Dad." "Give me wings to fly.!" "Butch it up and get in the car." "Excuse me." "This is your C.P.R. coach." "I'm gonna need to check your lung capacities!" "( Laughing )" "That means their boobs." "( Game Beeping, Chirping )" "There's got to be at least one all-male dormitory on this campus." "Ha!" "Here it is." "Right in between the chapel and the School of Interior Design." "( Clicks Tongue ) Boys, um- um, I realize that, uh..." "I may have been a little irrational today." " A little?" " ( Screams ) Shut up!" "So, um, maybe now is a good time for me to... explain a few things to you about menopause." "And, um, lucky for you, I'm a nurse, so I can use the proper terms, like..." " "epithelial lining" and "uterine wall." - ( Eric Groans )" "I'm hooked." "Okay, so." "Um, now." "Say these soaps are my ovaries." "Kill me now." "Can't hear ya, man." "I'm on a beach in Florida." "Okay, um, about a month ago..." " they stopped producing- - ( Game Beeping )" " they stopped- - ( Beeping )" " stopped producing- - ( Chirping )" "That's it!" "( Crashing )" "What is wrong with you?" "Were you dropped on your head?" "Yes, I was!" "And up until now, everyone had the good grace not to mention it." " Okay, boys." "Time to leave." " Yes!" "Mrs. Forman?" "I'm sorry." "I washed my face with your ovaries." "Get out." "So that's a great beard." "I've never made out with a guy with a beard." "Well, this could be your lucky day." " You want to go to my room?" " Absolutely." "You know what?" "I-I can't." "Okay." "But if you change your mind, a few of us girls will be in the shower." "I can go!" "My name is Fez!" "Don't pretend you don't see me!" "Man, what the hell did I just do?" "I just turned down a sure thing because ofJackie." "And you don't know what she's doin' at Marquette." "Or who." "Man, she said she wouldn't do anything." "Yeah, but I bet if she did, you'd cry because you love her." "If you don't shut up, you'll be the first person to touch his chin to his ass." "Have you been spying on me?" "I see U.W. has a pretty good C.P.R. program." "It's gonna be my major." "So, I told my girlfriend, "We can go to separate schools."" " I mean, people do that all the time, right?" " Yeah." "My boyfriend goes to school in New York, and we've been together for three years." " And we're in love now more than ever." " Of course you are." "And I bet when you two get together, it's like a thunderstorm, right?" "Hey, pretty lady." "Hey, excuse me." "Hello?" " Didn't you just say you had a boyfriend?" " Yeah." "But he's not here." "Did you just see that?" "I told Donna we could go to different schools... and I was extremely wrong, and" "Man, if she doesn't hate Marquette, we're screwed." "Who cares, man?" "I just turned down a half-drunk college girl." "I'm pretty sure she knew how to do stuff." "Eric?" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah." "Everything's fine." "I just wanted to see how you liked Marquette." "And, can I just say, if that snooty switchboard operator's attitude... is any indication of the Marquette experience, then" "( Chuckles ) I can only assume we're crossing Marquette off the list right now." "No, actually, it's great." "Okay, they have this English professor." "He wears a beret and a corduroy jacket, but he listens to Zeppelin!" "Uh, yeah, well, U.W. has a vending machine, so- ( Scoffing )" " Donna, I love you." " I love you too." "Bye." "( TV Show Theme )" "( Sobbing )" "You gonna cry now too?" "You know who had a real family?" "The Waltons." "We're just three strangers sitting in a room!" " ( Door Closes )" " Donna loves it there." "I don't know what to do." "There's nothing any of us can do." "We're all screwed." "You think I like being stuck here... nursing my lunatic wife back from the brink?" "Hell, no." "But we can't control what happens to us." "Even if, by some stroke of luck, you actually hang on to Donna... eventually, she's gonna turn into that." "And then, a few years later, you'll die." "Good." "Thanks for the bedtime story." "Donna?" "I hate it here, and I want to go home." "Wait, what's wrong?" "Was there a height requirement for the cheerleading team?" "No, it was awful!" "And when the cheerleaders were yelling, "Go, team, go"... all I was hearing was Steven saying, "Good to know." "Good to know!"" "Jackie, your problem is, is you're always trying to force people into doing stuff." "Oh!" "I do not, Donna." "Now, you feel sorry for me right now." "You can't make someone like Hyde do anything." "You have to deal with him the way he deals with you." "Look, pretend you don't care what he does, and he'll come around." "Well, I guess it's worth a try." "You know, being with a real man is complicated." "You are so lucky you're with Eric." "What?" "What a wonderful weekend!" "We should go away more often!" "They gotta make a pill for this." "Oh, Hyde, I've been meaning to tell you." "( Singsongy ) Hyde and Jackie, sitting in a tree." "They're in love like two monkeys." "( Laughing )" "Would you shut up, Fez?" "That's not even how it goes." " Well, is it making you mad?" " Yes." " Well, then, that's how it goes." " ( Clinks )" " Hey." " Hey." "Look,Jackie." "I know you were worried before... so, I just want to let you know... nothin' happened on my end this weekend." "I'm not tellin' you that so you'll tell me what you did." "I just want to let you know what happened with me." "That's my report to you." "All right." "Good to know." " "Good to know"?" " D-Did I stutter?" " Hi." " Okay." "I know you love Marquette, and I made my peace with that." "So if that means we're gonna go to separate schools and drift apart... and make out with guys named Ted, then" "That's just the way it's gonna be, because you're gonna get menopause... and I'm gonna die, and we can't control anything that happens to us!" " I'm not going to Marquette." " Well, then never mind." "I mean, Eric" "I loved it, and when I was driving home..." "I was so excited to tell you about it... and then the drive took forever." "And I realized, that's how far away I'd be from you all the time." "And I don't want that." "So I'll just tell my dad I want to go to U.W. with you." "Donna, you have no idea..." " how happy you just made me." " ( Laughs )" "Eric, this is gonna be great!" "We're gonna be together all the time." "Oh, um- ( Clicks Tongue )" "you're not gonna get all clingy, right?" " ( Laughs )" " Shut up." " Now, come on." "I'm gonna be a big college man." " Uh-huh." " I'm gonna need my space." "What do you want?" "Once again, the explanation is pinned to my lapel." ""Dear Mr. and Mrs. Forman." "Please give Michael $30..." ""for the game you threw out the window and broke." "Signed, my parents."" "( Laughs )" "Well, you made her laugh." "That's worth 30 bucks." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
""You May Now Kiss The..." "Uh..." "Guy Who Receives"" "Synchronisation by Kemar Transcript by Raceman" "Oh, Brian, we're so thrilled your gay cousin Jasper finally decided to come visit." "Me, too." "It's been way too long." " Anyway, thanks for putting him up." " No problem, Brian." "It's great to have visitors." "Except for that time Moby Dick stayed with us." "Do you have any Raisin Bran?" "Uh... oh, no." "Sorry." "Can you go get me some?" "Uh... boy, that's kind of a pain in the..." "Well, we do have... we got Total, and we got some raisins." "I mean, you could, like, mix those together." "It'd be..." "it'd be kinda like Raisin Bran." "Yeah, but it's not." "It'd be like Raisin Bran, but it's not Raisin Bran." "That'd be like Total with raisins in it." "It's not really doing it for me." "What time did you say your flight was?" "Oh, no locks." "Thank you, Homeland Security." "Hey, bud, take a break." "I'll take over." "Go smoke a fatty." "Thanks." "This is Sierra Tango 817, Matthew McConaughey's private jet, requesting permission to land." "Matthew McConaughey?" "Oh, sorry, Sierra Tango 817." "All our runways are filled." "But it looks empty from up here." "We're almost out of fuel." "No, no." "No room at all." "But, lucky for you, there's a big new airport out in the middle of the ocean." " Keep going." "You can't miss it." " Roger that." "Oops!" "Well, look at it this way." "I just got you on next year's Oscar telecast." "You'll be right after Ron Howard!" "Just messing with you, Ron." "Or maybe not!" "No, seriously, I am." "Or am I?" "!" "No." " Oh, there's Jasper's plane." " Where?" "Third one in line." "Oh, it's one of those new "niche" airlines." "Hey, cousin!" "Hey, Jasper!" "Everybody, this is Ricardo, from the Philippines and my kitchen floor." "How was your flight?" "Oh, torture!" "Five hours on my moneymaker, sitting across from a gaggle of sailors flying home on leave, here I am in a committed relationship, and all I can think about is having a piece of Navy cake." "Hello." "Who's that on the phone?" "Temptation!" "How does he always get my number?" "I don't know." "Anyway, I got big news, and I'll tell you over dinner." "Greek." "On me." "But enough about last weekend." "Oh, I'm terrible!" "Ugh!" "This idiot will fit in with our family as badly as" "Peter fit in with The Proclaimers." "But I would walk 500 miles" "And I would walk 500 more" "Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles" "To fall down at your door" "I'm singing!" "I'm singing!" "Hey, Chris, this field trip is your chance, man." "Alyssa's all alone." "She's so pretty that, if your hacky sack were my private parts," "I'd let her do that to them." "What?" "Kick them around?" "Um... wait." "Yes." "Welcome, citizens." "Today we commemorate those brave Quahog soldiers who perished in the recent Gulf conflict." "I can think of no greater tribute to their memories than this solid gold statue of Dig 'Em, the Sugar Smacks frog." "The spirit of America is epitomized by his inspiring motto:" ""Smack, smack, Sugar Smack. "" ""Gimme a smack, and I'll smack you back. "" "I'd also like to take this opportunity to announce extreme budget cutbacks having almost nothing to do with this solid-gold statue." "Have you ever seen such a waste of the taxpayers' money?" "You're talking to me!" "This is more exciting than that time me and my friends did mushrooms." "This is gonna be awesome!" "You said it." "Man, you guys feel anything yet?" "I feel kinda funny." " I got a bellyache." " We shouldn'ta did this, man." "Lois, darling, those earrings are delicious." "Total kitsch." "Like an Andy Warhol wet dream." "I'm opening a museum and putting you in it, they're that fabulous." "You think it's clever talking like that, do you?" "You think it's funny?" "Talking about earrings, and using words like" ""fabulous" and "delicious" and "wet. "" "Oh, what's next?" "A workout followed by a romp around a crowded room while the music goes..." "Oh, why did you stop?" "Hey, Jasper, let me ask you something." "When you're in the shower at the "Y,"" "is that just like Supermarket Sweep for you guys, or is there some kind of etiquette?" "Peter, stop it." "God!" "You're more clueless than Popeye." "Sir, I think you should know these growths on your forearms they're giant tumors." "Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't realized this is not how a human being is supposed to look." "And the speech thing, and what you're doing with your eye... uh, you had a stroke about seven years ago." "That you've managed to be walking around all this time is nothing short of a miracle." "I'd say about two months." "Okay, all right, time for the big announcement." "Everyone, Ricardo and I are getting married!" "Oh, that is terrific!" "It's about time you two settled down." "Oh, you hear that, Meg?" "Guys can marry other guys now." "So... um... this is awkward, but, uh..." "I mean, if they can do that, that's pretty much it for you, isn't it?" "I mean, you might as well pack it in." "Game over." "Alyssa, hi." "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to" " do something sometime?" " Sure, Chris." "I have a Young Republicans meeting after school." "You wanna come?" "Sure." "What do you do at a Young Republicans meeting?" "We help those who already have the means to help themselves." "Also, we perpetuate the ideal that Jesus chose America to destroy nonbelievers and brown people." "I don't understand what you're saying, but somehow I feel safer." "Karl, this is Chris." "He wants to join our club." "Karl is our chancellor." "Well, Chris, we'd be happy to have you." "There's just one little rite of initiation." "Oh, this is one fine day to be nude" "Yeah, this is one fine day to be nude" "The birds are saying "Clinton, have a wonderful spring"" "And people walking by can stop and look at my thing" "Oh, this is one fine day..." "Liberal chubby chaser!" "Well, if you can't laugh at yourself..." "I'm here at the parking lot outside City Hall, where hundreds of citizens have come out in protest of the Mayor's decision to spend the town's treasury on a gold frog." "I don't like it." "And I don't like the contraction, apostrophe E-M." "As far as I'm concerned, his name is "Dig Them. "" "You're not welcome here, Dig Them." "I stand behind my decision." "This press conference is over." "I can't see you now." "I can't hear you now." "You're not here now." "Well, there you have it." "Back to you, Tom." "Thanks, Tom." "Some damn fine reporting." "Damn fine." "Diane?" "Well, it's encouraging to know that I'm not the only Mayor West who's facing difficulties." "But what I need now is a diversion." "Let's see." "Jingle keys." "My God!" "I'm a tomato!" "And now back to The Sound of Music." "Oh, thank heaven." "The Von Trapp family escaped!" " Reverend Mother, I have sinned." " What is this sin, my child?" " Oh, well." "No harm done." " I too have sinned, Mother." " Oh, my God!" "That's Rolfe!" " What the hell is wrong with you?" "Hey, I didn't start this war, but it's on!" "Oh, Lois, there you are." "Listen, Ricardo and I want to thank you for letting us have the wedding here." "You're having the wedding here?" "Yeah." "I hope that's okay, Lois." "I offered them the house." "Sure." "No problem." "Hey, McButt the Crime Dog," "I heard you and your little chew toy getting it on last night." "Keep it down." "Sorry, little man." "Ricardo and I were playing Clue, and he got me in the bedroom with a lead pipe." "Peter, I'm not sure I'm comfortable having this wedding at the house." "Lois, I don't know what the big deal is." "So they're gay." "It's not like we're gonna have a gay sex orgy in the living room." "That's not what I'm talking about." "I've got nothing against homosexuals." "I mean," "I'll watch anything with David Schwimmer." "But the idea of two men actually getting married." "It just doesn't seem right." "Hey, I say who cares, you know?" "If gays wanna get married and be miserable like the rest of us, I say we should let 'em." "Oh, no!" " What's wrong?" " Look." "Some breaking news today when Mayor West announced he will sign a citywide ban on gay marriages next week." "While controversial, it has nonetheless effectively distracted all of us from the Dig 'Em fiasco." " The what?" " I don't know." "Something about a lizard." "And now this." "Look at that." "In the '30s, they called this an Uncle Spinny Dervish." " Really?" " I don't know." "I'm just bored." "A ban on gay marriage?" "!" "Oh, my God!" "Matthew McConaughey?" "Yeah." "I'm looking for a guy named Stewie." "Chris, grab his legs." "I gotta bury this thing." " But I." " Grab his legs!" "I can't believe the wedding's off." "All I ever wanted was to get married and make a home with a skinny, hairless Filipino boy." "Isn't that the American dream?" "Don't give up yet, Jasper." "Mayor West only banned gay marriage so he could distract from the Dig 'Em scandal." "He won't get away with it." "Ah, Jasper, where'd you get these brownies?" "They're from a bakery in the West Quahog gay district." "I thought they'd help my depression." "Oh, I can see why." "Oh, my God, they pack so much fudge into these." "And look at this, there's even a couple of nuts lodged in there." "I'm going upstairs." "I've got to do something." "Jasper's always been there for me when I've needed him." "I am going to make Mayor West change his mind." "But, Brian, the Bible says gay marriage is an abomination." "Oh, don't give me that Young Republican crap, Chris." "The Bible also says a senior citizen built an ark and rounded up two of every animal." "What the hell is this?" "you didn't really give any specific guidelines about mating." " Did you name it?" " What?" " Did you name it?" " Uh, yeah, he's Paul." "Yeah, it's going to be a hell of a lot harder for you now, 'cause he's going the **** overboard." "Hi, Glenn." "Hey, will you sign a petition to overturn Mayor West's ban on gay marriage?" "Gay marriage?" "Oh, come on, two halves can't make a whole without a hole." "You get off my property, you pervert." "Uh, Mr. Bottomtooth, would you like to sign the petition?" "Uh, I don't... wha-wha-what's the problem?" "Uh, okay." "Thank you." "Chris, did you hear?" "Some dog is going around town trying to get support for gay marriage." "Oh, that's Brian." "He's got a petition." "Really?" "Chris, you've got to destroy that petition." "Why?" "Because if you do, I'll let you touch my boobs." "Is... is that good?" " Do I want that?" " Oh, yeah, you want that." "Well, fantastic then." "How can I help you, Mrs. Griffin?" "Well, I'm having a bit of a crisis." "I'm a very open-minded person, and I've never had any problem with gays before, but something about two gay people getting married, I just don't think it's right." "Well, these questions are too big to be decided by human beings." "Which is why God made this film." "You know, there's been a lot of talk lately about homosexuals, but how do you know what to believe?" "Well, here are a few tips that may help you tell when you've got a gay." "So what's your favorite Madonna album?" "I like her early work." "If his answer is anything but" ""I've never bought one,"" "you've got a gay." "Let's take a blood sample, Mr. Braga." "If instead of human blood, you find a deadly corrosive acid, you've got a gay." "Not this time, Nancy boy." "Wow, that was interesting." "I also have My Giant with Billy Crystal." "Oh, God, no, no." "Well, we almost have enough signatures, thanks to Ouahog's gay district." "Lois, how'd you like to be signature number 10,000?" "Brian, I can't sign this." "Why not?" "Well, because I don't believe in gay marriage." "You don't believe...?" "Lois, that's ridiculous." "Gay people have every right to get married." "Well, they certainly have every right to be together, but marriage should be between a man and a woman." "Well, that's not how they do it in West Quahog." "By the way, Lois, I got a piercing over there." "I'm not going to tell you where, but I'll give you a hint." "It wasn't my nose or my ear and it was one of my balls." "Well, regardless of what you think, this is going to change Mayor West's mind, and we are going to have Jasper's wedding here." "Fine." "Then until this is all over, I'll stay somewhere else." "Come on, Stewie, we're going to Grandma and Grandpa's." "Fine I'll go, but I'm not missing that gay wedding." "I still kick myself for missing that Topless Cheerleader Parade with the hundred-foot chocolate teddy bear and the F-16s doing aerial acrobatics choreographed to the music of Queen." "Oh, I remember that day." "Should have gone to that thing." "My petition!" "What the hell are you doing?" "I'm going to get to touch right-wing boob because of this." "You idiot!" "Now I'm going to have to get 10,000 more signatures before tomorrow morning." "What were you thinking?" "!" "You don't understand, Brian." "When was the last time you were even with a woman?" "Uh... when did the Challenger blow up?" "'86." "Yeah, it was like three years before that." "Mayor West, here's the gay marriage ban for your approval." "Excellent." "This is so important," "I'm going to sign it with all capital letters. it's going to say," ""ADAM WEST."" "That's what it's going to say, you'll see." "Hey, buddy, you can't go in there." "Mayor West, you have to look at this." "10,000 signatures." "I've been up for 24 hours, I paid off a few people and I did a few things in West Quahog I'm not proud of." "So, it's a show about three hookers and their mom?" "This is very impressive, but my decision stands." "No!" "Come on, buddy, you're leaving." "No, I can't let Jasper down." "I'm not going to let you sign that." "Go on, get out of here." "I should warn you," "I have a tiny bullet-proof shield the exact size of a bullet somewhere on my body." "And if you hit it," "I'll be unharmed and your plan will be foiled." "You'll be the laughingstock of me." "I don't want to shoot you, Mayor West." "Good, because I'm incredibly crafty." "Hey, what's that on the ceiling?" "Now I'm over here." "Look, this has gotten out of hand, I know." "I don't want anyone to get hurt." "You can put an end to this right now by tearing up that gay marriage ban." "You won't break me." "15 years ago I swallowed everything I needed to escape from a hostage situation." "A wall!" "Well, no matter." "I'm prepared for a lengthy captivity as well." "I swallowed this People magazine in 1989." "All right, Paul Hogan, tell me about the real Crocodile Dundee." "It's so nice to have you home, dear." "I can take it or leave it." "God, this is such an old people house, you know." "I mean, look at this candy jar." "Let's take a look in here." "Let's see what you got here." "You got, uh..." "Oh, you got licorice." "Oh, that's, uh, that's, uh..." "Oh, Freedent." "Oh, that's good." "Yeah, yeah, I got a sweet tooth, I think I'll have some Freedent." "Oh, what's this?" "Oh, a cough drop." "A Luden's cough drop." "Is that candy?" "No, I don't think that's candy." "I think it's a cough drop!" "Uh, what else we got?" "Oh, look, look at this." "There's a fishing lure in here." "There's a fishing lure in the candy jar." "What, am I supposed to eat this?" "Eat a fishing lure?" "Hey, look, Brian's on TV." "And now, some Channel 5 exclusive footage of the crazed homosexual gunman who's taken Mayor West hostage." "Oh, my God!" "Brian's taken the Mayor hostage?" "!" "Is this an eyeglass lens?" "I didn't realize how strongly he feels about this." "Gay marriage." "Next thing you know, they'll want to vote." "Oh, oh, look at this." "A spare key for a Volkswagen Scirocco." "They don't even make this anymore." "They don't even make this car anymore." "Whose key could this possibly be?" "What if Brian's right?" "I mean, certainly the love between a man and a woman should be sacred, but..." "Who's talking about love?" "We're talking about marriage." "Well, don't you love Mom?" "Come on, Lois, look at her." "So two straight people who hate each other have more of a right to be together than two gay people who love each other?" "That's what we raised you to believe." "Oh, my God!" "I've made a terrible mistake!" "I've been brainwashed like Elizabeth Smart." "It's so wonderful having her home again." "She's brought music back into the house." "Playing songs on the harp." "Of course, most of them are about rape, but it's still nice." "I think I made Brian crazy." "Maybe I shouldn't have burned that petition." "Oh, no, Chris, you did the right thing." "It's only a matter of time before Mayor West signs that bill, and you'll get to touch these." "Oh, boy, I got a feeling that before the end of the day," "I'm going to be burying my dog." "Whoa, whoa, I said you could touch my boobs." "Let's start with that." "Look, Peter, if you can't get Brian to come out peacefully, we're going to have to take him down." "Don't worry, Joe, I'm good with tight situations." "Like when I saved Luke Skywalker's life." "Okay, Luke, this will keep you warm until I get the shelter built." " You sure this is okay?" " Yeah, you're just cutting into the fat." "All right, Brian, Peter's coming in." "I'll relax him by using my catchphrase." "Hey, whassa happa witchu?" " What the hell was that?" " My catchphrase." "You don't have a catchphrase." "Why you gotta sayya like a-dat?" "Excuse me." "Would anyone like to play Stratego?" "I have Stratego." "Peter, I never meant for this to happen." "This whole situation is totally spiraled out of control." "Brian, listen to me." "I was wrong." "If two people love each other, they should have the right to get married." "But you have to come down and give yourself up." "If you drag this out any longer, you're only hurting your own cause." "She's right." "I'm sorry, Mayor West." "Well, you were only doing what you thought was right, Brian." "And, hey, you've distracted everyone from the Dig 'Em statue, so I guess we don't need this bill anymore." "Evera-bodah ha-ppy!" "Well, it sure was nice of Mayor West to drop the kidnapping charges." "Amazing." "All he asked for in return was the key to a Volkswagen Scirocco." "You're welcome." "Listen, Lois, I..." "I really appreciate you putting your discomfort aside, so we can have the wedding here." "Please, I'm over all that now." "Two men getting married doesn't bother me in the least." "They deserve happiness." "Everybody gay!" "Synchronisation by Kemar Transcript by Raceman" | {
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"Episode 6" "You know..." "I always thought love was sharing happiness together." "More importantly," "I thought it was my duty to protect my loved one through times of sadness." "But..." "I was unable to." "You must have suffered and been lonely... and resentful..." "But you know..." "Even if we returned in time to that terrible moment again," "I probably would make you suffer alone once more." "My mother..." "Her whole life, my mother has been nursing her personal wounds." "Knowing that, I cannot stand against her." "No..." "I will not stand against her." "Going head to head with her is not an option." "But no matter what, no matter how" "I will persuade my mother." "But she..." "You want to tell me it's not easy." "That in this world, many things are impossible." "So let's give up." "You don't want to suffer this way anymore." "But I believe in the power of love." "Only sincerity has the power to move hearts." "That is what I believe." "So just a while longer..." "Won't you trust me just a little while longer and wait for me?" "I don't know about anyone else, but my mother will accept us." "She will try to accept us." "And after all this is over, she will wipe away all the tears you have shed thus far with more love and sorrow than you can imagine." "So... trust me." "Wait for me." "What is this?" "Ga-Eun..." "I did not know what else to do." "I know that I should not have come to you." "That boy is becoming worse and worse...!" "Do your parents know about this?" "That is why I am here, my Lady." "I was afraid they would find out." "I was afraid that if we do nothing now, my parents would find out." "What would I do then?" "What a disgrace this is..." "Where would he find another woman as patient and understand as you?" "How can he worry us like this?" "My Lady..." "Why are you calling me that?" "That is too formal for you and I." "Mother, you should just call me mother." "What is going on?" "Why isn't she back yet?" "Did they... did they do something crazy?" "Jin Yi!" "Gae-Ddong!" "You left determined to end it, but it looks to me like you could not do it." "What did the Young Master say?" "What did he say to make you so listless and forget to call me by my new name?" "Oh.." "Oh you...!" "How frustrating!" "Tell me what happened!" "What is this?" "Did he ask you to marry him?" "He is really in love with you!" "Am I right?" "Will... will it work, do you think?" "Jin Yi." "I always thought the wall I built around me was quite strong." "I spent a long time building it, and I built a high and strong wall." "But..." "Everytime I look, he's already on top of the wall." "He's too tall." "So tall that my wall cannot prevent him from coming in." "What?" "Do what with that low-born thing?" "Mother, I want to marry her." "Are you crazy?" "You've gone completely crazy." "Is it wrong to marry the person I love?" "Of course it is wrong." "That child is a low-born courtesan!" "What difference does class make when we truly love each other?" "Eun-Ho!" "You were the one that taught me that true love was the most important thing to a human being." "True love is for your wife." "I have never taught you to give true love to an low-class courtesan!" "She is a good woman." "Her status is not the same as us!" "The law is unbending!" "Even the King can marry someone of low-born status if he so desires." "Are you telling me you want to follow in Prince Yeon San's footsteps?" "Do you expect to survive that crime?" " Mother." " I will not allow it." "I will never allow it." "Even if dirt covers my eyes... no." "even if my bones turn to dust, I will never agree to this." "I will wait, Mother." "I never expected you to agree easily anyway." "But is there not a saying that sincerity moves the hand of the gods?" "If we both combine our sincerity," "I believe that one day, you too will bless our union and wish us happiness and joy." "Enter the courtesans!" "Did you summon us, my Lord?" "Here..." "I just received news that the Palace Courtesan Tournament" "has been designated to be early next month." "Is that so?" "But before that, you must present your skills at the Governor's banquet." "If your talents fall below expectations, you will not permitted to enter the Tournament." "Do you understand?" "Yes, my Lord." "In order to enter the Tournament, you must first raise your hair." "(Lose your virginity)" "Thus, at the Governor's banquet, most of the novice courtesans will raise their hair." "If your talent and ability fail to meet expectations, you will not catch the eye of anyone there." "If so, you will not be able to raise your hair." "One cannot be a true courtesan without having raised her hair." "Not only will you be exempt from the Tournament, but you will not be able to stay in the Gyobang." "In your preparations for these events, you must neglect neither your physical body nor your skills." "Do you all understand?" "Yes." "Vice Mistress!" "So..." "If you have something to say, do so quickly." "I am very busy." "You know...?" "I know...!" "Are you going to say something or not?" "Are you waiting for me to die first?" "Why do you have to raise your hair to be a true courtesan?" "For a courtesan, raising her hair is the same as getting married." "One becomes a woman only after she has known a man." "And one becomes a courtesan only after she has become a woman." "What does it mean to known a man?" "How should I say it?" "At first, your whole body will ache." "The body will... ache?" "Why?" "After you've spent the night with a man, no woman will be perfectly fine!" "If you're not fine, then what?" "Do you get injured?" "What?" "Sister, what is this method of teaching the girls?" "Tell them in detail what happens!" "In detail!" "At this rate, won't they do exactly what you did?" "What do you mean?" "Won't they all run out with their pillows on their first night?" "Where was it that you hid with that pillow?" "It was the warehouse in the back, I think." "Come on out, you!" "I am here to raise your hair, not to play hide and seek!" "Ji-Sun, you wench!" "You girls...!" "Did you say raise the hair?" "At the next banquet, my Jin Yi might raise her hair?" "She is of that age now." "Sir...!" "Let fate take its course" "Let her live the way Heaven intended her to." "How can you...!" "How can you say something so cruel?" "It is not I who is cruel, but you." "How much more... do you want Jin Yi to be hurt by her futile love?" "Sir...!" "I... don't want to see Jin Yi suffer for love's sake like you." " Sir..." " Let her accept her fate." "A courtesan cannot marry one man and serve only him." "If she meets a man of the same status, they may even enjoy a loving relationship." "This is the only kind of love that is granted a courtesan." "If that is not possible, then let her life be focused on on improving her artist talents." "Don't you think that is much better than ruining her life for a love that can never be?" "You're here already?" "You always come so quickly!" "Don't be like that." "Look at you, why are you being so shy?" "I did that because you're so adorable." "Wench, why are you teasing him?" "Let's see if I can turn my hair into silk today." "Are you the one raising your hair?" "Why are you so excited?" "Sum-Sum, you're acting a bit strange today." "What did I do?" "Do you really need me to say it?" "Any other day you would have agreed with me!" "Aren't I right, Eng-Moo?" "Of course you're right!" "The most important time for a courtesan is when she raises her hair." "A silly girl is one who won't even receive a ring for her first night." "But a clever girl can get her hands on the deed to not only the house but land!" "It can be only a matter of time before you can stop being a courtesan." "Why are you dallying?" "Take your Juhgori off and let your hair down." "Even though they say talent and beauty is important, the most charming part of a woman is her silky hair." "Is there anything else that can capture a man's heart other than that of a woman's silky hair when she removes her ribbon?" "The minister has informed us that the food will be delivered by the clerks." "Mistress, what do you think about changing the supplier for the meat?" "The color of the meat is always a bit off..." "Alright." "I will take care of it." "Mistress!" "Mistress!" "Mistress!" "Look at this...!" "You are the Vice Mistress...!" "If there is nothing else, you may leave." "Yes, Mistress." "What is the big incident that has made you charge in here with such impropriety?" "Your behavior is the reason that the novices are the way they are." "What is it?" "What?" "You must have had something important to tell me by your actions?" "Ah, that...!" "Minister Kim's residence sent a man here." "Their Lady wishes to see you immediately." "Minister Kim's wife wants to see me?" "Do you think that perhaps Jin Yi has gotten in trouble again?" "How can she create trouble when she's been hard at practice?" "If it wasn't that, then why would that menacing fox want to...?" "Again, again!" "How will I control that mouth of yours?" "How can you speak before you know the situation?" "She just started learning this instrument recently..." "How is she playing the Young Shin Hwe Sang (Buddhist music)?" "Is it alright to learn the music at such a fast pace?" "I worry that that child will learn to play only by technique but not her heart." "I do not believe I can be the judge of that." "You should ask yourself, since you have been listening to her play the Guhmongo without letting us know you were there?" "Now see here...!" "You asked to see me, my Lady?" "That is why you are here, is it not?" "What can I do for you?" "You said you would give me your life?" "Did you not tell me that if that low-class hussy commits another crime that you would give me your life?" "Has Jin Yi got herself into trouble again?" "I suppose she has." "Do you suppose she has or do you know she has?" "If it wasn't for her, Eun Ho would not be so confused and troubled." "Do you have any proof?" "How dare you!" "How dare you ask me for proof?" "If there is no proof, I cannot punish her." "Didn't I just say that my son was confused and troubled?" "Does that mean that we are responsible for returning your son's troubled mind back to normal?" "How dare you talk back to me?" "Do you intend to insult a noblewoman who is superior to you?" "Insult you?" "How can that be?" "As you said, we courtesans are inferior." "And what is being inferior?" "It is our fate as inferior beings to work in order to survive." "A courtesan's work is to improve her talents." "And although it may be audacious to say, but that work is just as hard as a scholar learning the classics." "Each hour is precious to the courtesan." "Do you dare to teach a superior?" "Jin Yi is one of the most talented girls in our gyobang." "That means she is focusing all of her efforts in mastering her artistic techniques." "Thus there is little chance she is doing something else." "If you have no other questions," "I will take my leave now." "The most important step to painting your face is to apply the toner." "Apply it to your face gently and wait for it to be absorbed." "Add water to the white foundation, and apply it to your face." "Once that is done, use the cloth ball to tidy up." "That is all for the foundation." "Once the foundation is finished, take the charcoal stick and draw in your eyebrows like crescent moons." "And finally, use the brush to complete your face painting." "You have hands of clay!" "What has happened to your eyebrows?" "They look like caterpillars!" "Why are you bare-faced?" "I'm asking you why you have not applied any face paint!" "Sum-Sum." "Jin Yi, she..." "What?" "She's still thinking of that young master, don't you think?" "She's lost all her focus since she heard about us raising her hair." "Don't you think?" "Whatever." "You've applied... face paint?" "You look lovely." "You didn't know that before?" "So, you might be raising your hair?" "That's right." "Are you happy?" "Do you even have to ask?" "If he gives a large sum of money for raising my hair, I'll be rich." "Why wouldn't I be happy?" "You think you're talented, and you're lovely, so you don't need to learn how to paint your face?" "That is not it, Vice Mistress." "If it's not that, then apply your paint!" "Apply it to your best ability and come to my quarters." " Do you understand?" " Yes." "Why are all your works so poor in quality and workmanship?" "It is nearing the day of Her Majesty the Queen's birthday." "I asked you to produce a finer piece of work so that I may offer it as a tribute to the Queen!" "Forgive me, my Lord." "Show me another one." "Another one!" "This is it." "I want this one." "The quality is good enough." "Who made this?" "I did." "I knew it." "Myung-Bo, your workmanship has always been the best." "This is worthy to be presented to Her Majesty." "You must not do so, my Lord!" "If it were me, my Lord," "I would have broken that vase before any of the others." "What?" "Not only that but I would have the maker of the vase executed." "You audacious girl!" "Who are you to...!" "Bu-Young, what is this you are doing?" "How dare you speak before his lordship?" "Please forgive us, Lord Byuk Gae-Soo." "I am to blame for not teaching my subordinates properly." "What are you standing there for?" "Beg forgiveness for your offense this instant!" "I cannot do that." "You stupid girl!" "Do you know who this is?" "He is Lord Byuk Gae-Soo!" "His expertise in the fine arts is paramount in Korea, no the world!" "Then... why is it that he cannot see the evil intentions hidden in the vase?" "The evil intentions in the vase?" "That is so, my Lord." "What is your reasoning?" "You must have a reason." "Will you step away with me?" "I will tell you my reason." "If you offer this vase to Her Majesty the Queen, you will suffer great humiliation." "Although there are many flowers, unfortunately there are no butterflies." "It is a well-known fact that His Majesty has not visited Her Majesty for a long time." "If the flower is Her Majesty, and the butterfly His Majesty, what do you think this vase is implying?" "Her Majesty is a useless flower that cannot attract a butterfly?" "That is so." "Then, the person presenting this vase will be seen as mocking Her Majesty." "That is so." "You must investigate this matter." "You will find that there was intent to cause you much trouble." "Mae-Hyang, your eye for character is much appreciated!" "How did you find such wisdom in such a young girl?" "Your kind words embarrass me, my Lord." "No, that is not so." "If it were not for her, I would have been humiliated." "Your name was Bu-Yong?" "That is so, my Lord." "I owe you a great debt." "That is not so, my Lord." "A great debt it is." "So what shall we do?" "How shall I repay my debt?" "Tell me your wish." "I will give you anything you desire." "Is that true?" "Will you give me anything I desire?" "That is what I said." "Is it riches you want?" "How much do you desire?" "I do not need riches, my Lord." "No need for riches...?" "Then...?" "Please raise my hair." "My only wish is for your lordship to raise my hair." "Your hair?" "That is so." "Very well then." "That will be easy for me." "What an honor this is!" "If you raise the hair for this child, there will be no greater honor, my Lord!" "It is an honor for me!" "A beautiful young woman is asking me to raise her hair." "What man in his right mind would refuse her?" "Are you certain no one has trailed you to this place?" "As this is our first transaction, I have added more money." "It is a symbol of our future relationship." " Send me a message anytime." " I will." "Was all of this your doing from the beginning?" "If I denied it, would you believe me?" "Your clever plan has sent an innocent soul to purgatory!" "There was no other way of capturing Lord Beok Gae-Soo's attention." "It was you that told me that world was unfair, was it not?" "Impertinent girl!" "So you're smarter than me, are you?" "You must raise your hair." "One cannot be a courtesan without having raised her hairpiece." "You will not be able to enter the Tournament." "A promise that goes beyond a thousand years, that beautiful promise, I give to you." "Is that you, Jin-Yi?" "What took you so long?" "Didn't Gae-Ddong tell you?" "I sent her several times to fetch you." "She told me." "Let's go inside." "Just a while longer." "Let's just stay like this." "Can't I just stay in your arms like this?" "Jin-Yi..." "It's so warm here." "Jin-Yi?" "You know..." "Will you be able to raise your hair?" "Do you like living as a courtesan?" "I chose this for myself." "Will you be happy?" "Probably." "Good." "Then it is enough." "As long as you want this, that is good enough for me." "When I look back now," "I realize that if I had never known love from a man," "I would have been perfectly content just playing the Gayageum." "Mother..." "It is one thing if your love is possible, but if either of you become weak and cannot hold up your love, how will you overcome the heartbreak?" "How will you live the rest of your lives nursing that heartbreak and pain?" "And how will I be able to watch you go to that heartbreak?" "If I think about it in that way," "I wish that your life would turn out different than mine." "As the music master said, you are a talented child." "It would not be a bad thing for you to live your life as a talented and skilled artist." "Don't you think it would be a good life?" "Yes, Mother." "Let's drink." "I have lived my life thus far because of you." "You are not only honorable and sensitive, but diligent in your pursuit of scholarly knowledge." "Soon you will go out into the world, and make me proud with your many accomplishments." "But if you are to do all this, you must put that girl out of your mind." " Mother...!" " Do not oppose me in this." "I do not have the strength to fight with you." "I am sure she is a good person." "Why else would you have fallen for her?" "But... there are things that can never be." "If you take that girl as your wife, you will lose everything that you have." "The government will never use someone who has taken a courtesan for a wife." "Do you wish to live a life with neither distinction nor merit?" "Is that what you desire?" "I know that it is my duty to bring honor to the family." "That's right!" "You're absolutely right!" "But... if I must abandon her to accomplish those things," "I choose not to go that path." "Eun-Ho!" "If I must throw away someone's love and dedication," "I would rather live humbly as one woman's husband, and a parent's dutiful son than a life full of merit and distinction." "That is how I feel." "My Lord, it is I." "Welcome, my wife!" "No wonder people say "two hearts, one mind"!" "I was just about to visit your quarters." "I just received news from His Excellency the Prime Minister." "His Majesty has indicated to him that He wishes for me to be in his Cabinet." "Is that so?" "Why... is your countenance so dark?" "You do not look happy at the news of my promotion!" "How can that be?" "There is no better news." "So... what do you think of hastening Eun-Ho's nuptials?" "Since we will be moving to the Capital, it would be good to take our daughter-in-law with us." "Don't you agree?" "Yes, my Lord." "Of course I agree." "It is late." "Why aren't you sleeping?" "What do you think?" "Everyone wanted their skin whitened before they got their hair raised." "So there was a lot of cloth to be washed." "What about you?" "Why are you creeping about at night like a stray cat?" "Why?" "Is your heart troubled?" "Do you feel guilty to that young master because you're getting your hair raised?" "Why?" "What's the use?" "You'll just worry yourself." " Sum-Sum..." " What?" "You know that Baek-Ah who lost his friend Chong Ja-Gi?" "You mean that master of the Guhmungo?" "What about him?" "What did he want to prove?" "What was it that he was trying to say when he cut the strings of his instrument?" "Jin-Yi!" "Do you think he regretted his decision to never play the Guhmungo again?" "Is it possible to not regret anything?" "What's the matter with you?" "This is so unlike you!" "Come here." "Follow me!" "Practice!" "Let's practice together." "What do you want to do?" "You want to play the Guhmungo?" "I'll play the Gayageum." "No, let's practice dance." "Let's do that." "Let's do that now." "Let's stop our wandering minds and focus on practice!" "We have to become palace courtesans!" "We have to be the best!" " Sum-Sum!" " Am I wrong?" "Then let's practice." "Let's begin now." "I'm doing well." "I'm doing really well today." "Don't you think?" "I was hoping... that I could see you." "It was not my intention, but I have caused you pain." "So..." "Still you hold on to that courtesan girl?" "Forgive me." "I did not request to meet you to hear an apology." "But..." "Have you not given thought to what you will lose?" "What I will lose will be nothing compared to what she has gone through." "Then..." "What will you do about my loss?" "What will happen if my loss and my pain is greater than anything you two have gone through?" "Did you summon me?" "Do you love him?" "Do you really love him?" "He will suffer." "He will suffer tremendously for you." "If you love him, you must let him go." "That is the proper thing to do." "Do you refuse me?" "Do you insist on becoming an obstacle to his future?" "But that is one thing I cannot forgive." "Let us share this love." "I will accept you as his concubine." "That is not possible." "Love cannot be shared so easily." "We do not have to share his love for now." "I can accept that his heart does not belong to me." "But do not be so confident." "Do not be confident that you have him." "Nothing is immune to time." "As time passes, and it always does, the world will change, and people will change." "Ten years later, no, even five years later, no one will know where that love is." "If he is not able to fulfill his true destiny, all he can worry about is what he will wear and what he will eat." "Is that what you wish for him?" "Do you think he would be happy with that kind of life?" "He is an honorable man who does not know how to blame others." "He will suffer his heartbreak and disappointment in silence." "Will you be able to watch him live this way for the rest of his life?" "Will you be able to watch him without feeling guilty the rest of your life?" "Why won't you answer me?" "My answer is the same." "I have nothing else to say to you." "Young master!" "Over there!" "Young master, over there!" "Go on and talk to her!" "Did the sun rise from the west?" "I cannot believe you asked me to see me first!" "There isn't anything wrong, is there?" "Or... did you just miss me?" "I think I was right!" "You missed me so you asked to see me!" "If you are weary, you can let go." "Do you want me to let go?" "It will not be an easy road." "If you decide to let go, no one will blame you." "You know I won't." "You may feel that way... now." " Look here...!" " Think with your mind, not your heart." "Then perhaps things will become more clear." "You'll realize how reckless this is." "How wearisome it will be... and how sad you will be." "But everytime I feel that way, will you not be beside me?" "Won't you?" "That will be enough for me." "I want nothing more than that." "Did you know that you are much more faint-hearted than I expected?" "What of it?" "Would you like to learn more of this dance?" "Can I really?" "Your movements cannot be disconnected." "Continue the breath of the last movement... begin your new step and connect as if your soles were dancing on the ground." "I wish to receive a reward from His Majesty." "There is no need to forget." "Love is cold and painful." "When you can smile through your loss, when you can smile through heartbreak and suffering, you have become a true courtesan and a true artist... Main Translators: wingyee, MrsKorea" "Spot Translator Editor:" "MrsKorea" "Timers:" "Nea Vanille, MrsKorea" "Final QC: ay_link What do you mean?" "I wish to be a courtesan no more." "I wish to keep my love." "If you truly love that young man, then fight for him fairly." "If you win the wager, I will not hold you back from leaving." "You said you wanted to kill Jin-Yi?" "If you really take her life, my Lord... that young man will never marry your daughter." "Then what can I do?" "What can I do to end their love?" "Let's see some benefit from you now." "Make her the loveliest of all women." "We must make it so there is no one else who can compare to her." "That is the only way she can win the heart of a man incomparable to others." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously, on AMC's "The Walking Dead."" "I'm sorry." "You gonna be." "You got something to say to me?" "I shoulda killed ya." "Yeah, you probably should've." "(gunfire)" "Fall back!" "(groaning, scuffling)" "No!" "That... is a no-no." "You want me to do it?" "Welcome to a brand new beginning, you sorry shit." "[The Jam's "Town Called Malice" plays]" "♪ Better stop dreaming of the quiet life ♪" "♪ 'Cause it's the one we'll never know ♪" "♪ And quit running for that runaway bus ♪" "♪ 'Cause those rosy days are few ♪" "♪ And stop apologizing for the things you've never done ♪" "♪ 'Cause time is short and life is cruel ♪" "♪ But it's up to us to change ♪" "♪ This town called Malice ♪" "♪ Rows and rows of disused milk ♪" "♪ Stand dying in the dairy yard ♪" "♪ And a hundred lonely housewives ♪" "♪ Clutch empty milk bottles to their hearts ♪" "♪ Hanging out their old love letters ♪" "♪ On the line to dry ♪" "♪ It's enough to make you stop believing ♪" "♪ When tears come fast and furious ♪" "♪ In a town called Malice ♪" "♪ Yeah-eah-eah ♪" "♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba-da-ba ♪" "♪ Ba, ba, ba-da-ba ♪" "♪ Oh, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba-da-ba ♪" "♪ Ba, ba, ba-da-ba ♪" "♪ Struggle after struggle ♪" "♪ Year after year ♪" "♪ The atmosphere's a fine blend of ice ♪" "♪ I'm almost stone-cold dead ♪" "♪ In a town called Malice ♪" "♪ Ooh-ooh, yeah ♪" "♪ A whole street's belief in Sunday's roast beef ♪" "♪ Gets dashed against the co-op ♪" "♪ To either cut down on beer or the kids' new gear ♪" "♪ It's a big decision in a town called Malice ♪" "♪ Ooh-ooh, yeah ♪" "♪ Ooh ♪" "[Walkers growling]" "[Whistling]" "[Lock clicks]" "[Lock clicks]" "[Upbeat music plays]" "♪ We're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And it feels so sweet ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And we're breaking out the good champagne ♪" "♪ I'm sittin' pretty on a gravy train ♪" "♪ And when we sing, every sweet refrain repeats ♪" "♪ Right here on Easy Street ♪" "[Pounding on door] ♪ Let's have a moment in the sun ♪" "[Lock clicks] ♪ The magic's only just begun ♪" "[Door opens] ♪ It's time to have a little fun ♪" "♪ We want everybody to come and see why you should be ♪" "♪ On Easy Street ♪" "♪ Yeah, we got a front-row seat ♪" "♪ Oh, to a life that can't be beat ♪" "♪ Right here on Easy Street ♪" "[Door closes, lock clicks]" "[Music stops]" "[Upbeat music plays]" "♪ We're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And it feels so sweet ♪" "[Lock clicks, door opens]" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat... ♪" "[Upbeat music plays]" "♪ We're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And it feels so sweet ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And we're breaking out the good champagne ♪" "♪ I'm sittin' pretty on a gravy train ♪" "♪ And when we sing, every sweet refrain repeats ♪" "♪ Right here on... ♪ [Door closes, lock clicks]" "♪ Oh, to a life that can't be beat ♪" "[Lock clicks, door opens] ♪ Right here on Easy Street ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪ [Grunts]" "[Grunts]" "Carson." "We were just finishing up." "Chop-chop." "Hi, D." "Hey." "Daryl, right?" "Don't talk to him." "It's negative." "Well, maybe next time." "Carson:" "Sorry." "Still getting used to being my own assistant." "Whatever they say... just do it." "I said don't talk to him." "Okay, let's take a look." "[Door closes]" "It'll get better -- if you let it." "Negan will take care of you." "Trust me." "[Chuckles]" "Dwighty boy." "I need to talk to my associate for a minute." "Go about your business." "Except for you." "You, stand right there." "Sit." "[Walkers growling] Man:" "Coming." "C" " Oh!" "[Crossbow fires]" "You know, I'm getting the hang of this thing." "[Walker growling]" "That's you, asshole." "Unless you're smart." "Your choice." "You could be like them or me." "Or them." "[Growling continues]" "[Door opens]" "[Grunts]" "Make it easy on yourself." "I ain't ever gonna kneel." "Yeah, I said that, too." "Yeah, I know." "See..." "[Sighs] ...that's the thing, man." "You don't." "But you're gonna." "[Door closes, lock clicks]" "[Upbeat music plays]" "[Grunts]" "♪ We're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And it feels so sweet ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And we're breaking out the good champagne ♪" "♪ I'm sittin' pretty on a gravy train ♪" "♪ And when we sing, every sweet refrain repeats ♪" "♪ Right here on... ♪" "Negan:" "He is going ape-shit!" "Yep." "And you?" "You are hustling." "It's working." "It's working slow, but, hey, man, some people are harder to break than others." "Yeah." "He's close." "Yeah, he is." "Since you're doing such an awesome job, you want to have a little blast from the past with you-know-who?" "[Chuckles]" "I'm kidding, man." "Lighten up." "Pick whoever you want, as long as she says yes." "Oh, crap." "Are you okay down there?" "Your penis?" "I mean, that guy, he, uh... clomped on it." "Or is it... pckww?" "Down for the count?" "[Chuckles]" "I'm fine." "But I'm gonna pass." "Man, I'm cool." "Huh." "Are you cool, though, Dwight?" "I mean, I just said that it was happy hour at the Pussy Bar and Dwight eats for free, and you're telling me no?" "Is that cool?" "I haven't finished the job." "I-I haven't earned it yet." "Right?" "The hell you talking about?" "You earn what you take." "[Walkie-talkie clicks]" "Woman:" "We have an orange situation." "Give me that." "Arat, what do you got?" "Grab-a-go?" "Yeah, he could've only gone three ways -- the moth, the angel, or the hard way." "Good." "It's D. I'll meet you at the gate." "I mean, I want my shit back, but that is grunt work." "Why don't you have Fat Joey go and do it?" "God knows he needs the exercise." "You?" "You don't have to do it, Dwight." "I'd like to do it." "[ Chuckles ]" "Good boy." "[Engine shuts off]" "[Upbeat music playing]" "♪ Let's have a moment in the sun ♪" "[Lock clicks] ♪ The magic's only just begun ♪" "♪ It's time to have a little fun ♪" "♪ We want everybody to come and see why you should be ♪" "♪ On Easy Street ♪" "♪ Yeah, we got a front-row seat ♪" "♪ Oh, to a life that can't be beat ♪" "♪ Right here on Easy Street ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "[Upbeat music plays]" "♪ We're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And it feels so sweet ♪" "♪ 'Cause the world is but a treat ♪" "♪ When you're on Easy Street ♪" "♪ And we're breaking out the good champagne ♪" "♪ I'm sittin' pretty on a gravy train ♪" "♪ [Muffled] It's time to have a little fun ♪" "♪ We want everybody to come and see why you should be ♪" "♪ On Easy Street ♪" "♪ Yeah, we got a front-row seat ♪" "♪ Oh, to a life that can't be beat ♪" "♪ Right here on Easy Street ♪" "[Door opens]" "[Footsteps approaching]" "[Walker growling]" "[Walker growling]" "[Walker growling]" "[Bones crunch]" "[Walkers growling]" "[Kickstand creaks]" "[Walkers growling]" "[Growling]" "[Grunting]" "[Breathing heavily]" "Go back while you can." "You know I did." "Whatever he's done to you, there's more." "There's always more." "You won't get away." "And when you're back, it'll be worse." "[Negan whistling]" "[Chuckles]" "[Sighs]" "Are we pissing our pants yet?" "Who are you?" "Negan." "Who are you?" "Negan." "Who are you?" "Negan." "Negan." "[Chuckles] You see that?" "I am everywhere." "And this was your shot to prove to me that that fundamental fact was sinking in, and you failed." "Which sucks, because your life was about to get so much cooler." "Am I right?" "Damn right." "[Chuckles]" "Now, Dwight gave you some options." "I don't think you get it yet." "So I'm gonna break it down for you." "You get three choices." "One, you wind up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man." "Two, you get out of your cell, you work for points, but you're gonna wish you were dead." "Or three, you work for me, you get yourself a brand-new pair of shoes, and you live like a king!" "Choice seems pretty obvious." "You should know, there is no door number four." "This is it." "This is the only way." "[Chuckles]" "Screw it." "Wow!" "You don't scare easy." "I love that." "But Lucille..." "Well, it kind of pisses her off." "She finds it to be disrespectful." "Lucky for you, she's not feeling too thirsty today." "But I am." "So..." "I'm gonna go get me a drink!" "[Chuckles]" "[Whistling]" "[Walker growling]" "[Walker growling]" "[Growling]" "[Grunting]" "Sherry:" "Daryl?" "There's so many things I wish I never found out..." "I wish I didn't try..." "Back in the woods... after I lost Tina... when we took your stuff, when we decided to go back..." "I told you I was sorry." "And you said, "You're gonna be."" "I am." "[Footsteps departing]" "I'm screwed up." "My bike's screwed up, and you're going back because you owe." "And now you owe a hell of a lot more." "Was it worth it?" "Just let me go." "I can't." "Why?" "Shut up." "We used to be friendly." "Shut up." "After everything he did... to you, to your wife..." "Don't talk about her." "She's not my wife." "Not anymore." "Look, there's nowhere to go." "Everything's his or will be." "I know." "Keep walking." "I said keep walking!" "It's okay." "What?" "It's okay if you do it." "I get it." "Hell, I want you to." "Please." "Shut up." "Keep walking." "I can't go back." "You will." "'Cause that's the only way." "See, that's what he tells us." "That there's no choice, no way but his way." "Thug swoops in with a baseball bat and a smile, and we're all so scared that we gave up everything." "Well, there's only one of him and all of us, so why are we living like this?" "Because look where we are!" "We were losing." "Now we're not." "[Scoffs]" "You know... after me and Maria survived those first few months... when we got there... we thought it would be okay." "We thought we knew how to fight the monsters." "Get up." "It's okay, D." "Get up!" "There's nothing back there for me." "This is the last time I'm going to kneel." "Get up!" "You feel." "Get up..." "I remember, D." "...or I'll put every person you ever talked to on the fence." "I'll blindfold them, and I'll make them eat shit sandwiches for the rest of their short, sorry lives." "I'll dig up your dead wife and feed her body to the crows." "You feel that?" "You feel it?" "!" "Okay, D." "You won." "But you know there's nothing left." "[Gunshot, body thuds]" "[Door opens, closes]" "Can I have one?" "[Lighter clicks]" "[Sighs]" "He good to you?" "Yeah." "Good." "Are you, um " "[Clears throat]" "You happy?" "Yeah." "That's good." "I did the right thing." "It's a hell of a lot better than being dead." "Yeah." "[Upbeat music plays]" "♪ Let's have a moment in the sun ♪" "[Music shuts off]" "[Lock clicks, door opens]" "Eat." "You got your friend killed." "I got Tina killed." "And don't pretend like you don't know the score." "You should be dead." "But Negan's taken a shine to you." "You're lucky." "Don't forget." "Bon appetit." "[Door closes, lock clicks]" "♪ I was all right ♪" "♪ For a while ♪" "♪ I could smile for a while ♪" "♪ But I saw you last night ♪" "♪ You held my hand so tight ♪" "♪ As you stopped to say hello ♪" "♪ Oh, you wished me well ♪" "♪ You couldn't tell ♪" "♪ That I'd been crying over you ♪" "♪ Crying over you ♪" "♪ When you said, "So long" ♪" "♪ Left me standing all alone ♪" "♪ Alone and crying ♪" "[Crying]" "♪ Crying ♪" "♪ Crying ♪" "♪ Crying ♪" "♪ It's hard to understand ♪" "♪ But the touch of your hand ♪" "♪ Can start me crying ♪" "♪ I thought that I ♪" "♪ Was over you ♪" "♪ But it's true, so true ♪" "[Lock clicks, door opens]" "Dwight:" "Step in." "[Chuckles]" "Ahh." "Jesus." "You... look awful." "Don't you worry." "We'll have Carson fix you all up." "You thirsty?" "Here." "Ah, hell, I forgot." "Your mouth is all... puffed up like a baboon's ass." "Need a straw?" "D, give him a straw." "What's wrong with you?" "See that guy?" "He hustles." "I like hustle." "But believe it or not, things weren't always cool between us." "See, D here -- he worked for points, him and his super hot wife and her super hot sister." "But, see, sis -- she needed meds." "And that shit is hard to scavenge, so it cost more." "Sis fell behind on points, so I asked her to marry me." "Told her I would take care of her in sickness and in health, blah blah blah, because I am a stand-up guy." "She tells me that she's gonna think about it." "Next thing you know," "I'm dealing with an orange situation." "Dwighty boy here stole all the medication and took off with his super hot wife and my super hot maybe soon-to-be fiancée." "[Lucille taps]" "So I had to send my guys after him." "Because I can't let something like that stand." "There...are...rules." "Cost me an arm and a leg going after him." "And you know what -- Dwighty boy?" "[Chuckles]" "He still got away." "But here's the thing." "D -- he saw the light." "He manned up." "He came back." "He asked for my forgiveness." "I like that." "Made me..." "take notice." "But Lucille..." "Well...you know how she is." "She is a stickler for the rules." "So, Dwight he begged me not to kill Sherry, which I thought was kind of cute, so I was just gonna kill him." "But then Sherry says that she will marry me if I let Dwight live, which, if you think about it, that's a pretty screwed-up deal, 'cause I was gonna marry her sister until she wound up dead, but..." "Sherry is super hot." "Anyways, it was a start." "But it wasn't enough." "So Dwight... he got the iron." "And then I married his super hot wife." "Ex-wife." "And then after all that, he still got on board." "And now look at him." "Pow!" "One of my top guys." "And we are totally cool." "The point being," "I think you can be that guy." "I think you are ready to be that guy." "You look around here." "This?" "Well..." "it can all be yours." "All you got to do is answer one simple question." "Who are you?" "[Chuckles]" "What, does the cat got your tongue?" "You're just overwhelmed by the awesomeness of this?" "I'm gonna ask you one more time." "Who are you?" "Daryl." "Oh." "This is the only " "Hey." "Sst, sst, sst." "It's cool, D." "He made his choice." "Ain't my problem if he made a dumbass choice." "[Grunts]" "You're gonna wind up in that room or hanging on the fence!" "Daryl:" "I get why you did it." "Why you took it." "You were thinking about someone else." "That's why I can't." "[Walkers growling]" "[Bottle shatters]" "[Sighs]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"woman:" "Aaaaah!" "Operator:" "911." "What's your emergency?" "Reichman:" "Please..." "please send help!" "Please!" "Somebody broke into my house!" "He stabbed my wife!" "Oh, my God!" "There's blood everywhere!" "[ Sirens wailing ]" "[ Fire engine horns honk ]" "I missed my flight." "[ Camera shutter clicking ]" "When I drove home from the airport," "I noticed that the lights were off." "I came in through the garage." "Called out for Elaine." "[ Camera shutter clicks ]" "I saw a man running out of the house." "Can you describe this man?" "It was dark." "I couldn't see his face." "He ran out the back door." "Must have forced Elaine to open the safe." "Why did he have to kill her?" "He had what he wanted." "[ Sniffles ]" "Mr. Reichman, how did you cut your hand?" "Maybe when I pulled the knife out of Elaine." "It was stuck in her chest." "I thought I could save her." "Where was your daughter during all this?" "Asleep..." "I hope." "Lydia:" "I heard mommy and daddy fighting again." "They woke me up, and I came downstairs." "How could you see with the lights off?" "I'm a girl scout." "I keep a flashlight under my bed in case there's an earthquake." "Lydia..." "What did you see when you went downstairs?" "I saw daddy stabbing mommy with a knife." "There was blood." "[ Echoing ] So much blood." "And when he stopped, he still had the knife in his hand." "And mommy wasn't moving anymore." "Judge black:" "Have you reached a verdict?" "Kane:" "We have, your honor." "Mr. Reichman, would you please stand and face the jury?" "Mrs. Kane." "We the jury in the above-entitled action find the defendant, William Reichman..." "Guilty of first-degree murder of Elaine Reichman." "[ Spectators murmuring ] I'm innocent." "So said December 3, 2004." "No, I'm..." "I'm..." "I'm innocent!" "No." "No, wait." "This is wrong." "I'm innocent!" "I'm innocent!" "Judge black:" "Order in the court!" "Wait, wait!" "I'm innocent!" "Order!" "Ladies and gentlemen, order in this court!" "All rise." "Court is now in session." "The honorable judge Richwood presiding." "Please turn and face the flag." "All:" "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "Judge Richwood:" "Please be seated." "Good morning." "All right, I have read the witness's new statement." "I've studied your briefs." "I'm now ready to hear final arguments on the motion to overturn Mr. Reichman's conviction." "D.D.A. Meeks." "Your honor, we've only had 60 days to follow up on this newly discovered blood evidence." "Excuse me, your honor." "This blood is not new." "It was there the whole time." "The police just didn't bother to process it." "We just put our hands over our hearts and recited the words" ""with liberty and justice for all."" "This man..." "this innocent man... has been deprived of both liberty and justice for 81/2 years." "He lost his architectural firm and his standing in his profession." "Mr. Reichman has always maintained his innocence." "He has always maintained that there was an intruder in the house." "After the only witness, a 10-year-old child, recanted, the police finally agreed to DNA-test all the blood." "Guess what." "There was someone else in the house." "He bled, he fled, he has a criminal record, and is wanted by the FBI." "All right, gentlemen, approach." "Lieutenant, you, too." "Why on earth didn't you test these blood samples in 2004?" "We ran DNA on the blood found near the victim's body." "This sample was taken from the other side of the house, near the kitchen sink, where Mr. Reichman said he washed his hands after cutting himself on the murder weapon." "He thought the blood was his." "When I see an area like this, that hasn't been checked," "I assume it's either purposeful or negligent." "Meeks:" "All we're looking for is 30 more days to find the person this DNA belongs to and determine to what extent, if any..." "My client shouldn't spend another minute in custody..." "He was involved in the murder." "That's enough." "Step back." "At least give us a chance to refile if new information arises." "Step back." "Will the defendant please rise and face the bench?" "Mr. Reichman, I am..." "Floored by what has happened here today." "Officially, your nightmare is over." "The state of California owes you a profound apology, sir, and I'm hereby dismissing this case with prejudice." "[ Indistinct conversations, light applause ]" "[ Metal detector beeping ]" "Woman:" "Mr. corbett, a moment of your time?" "Excuse me, miss Reichman?" "I'm Amy Sykes from "live at 5."" "Would you listen to an on-air apology from the police officer who arrested your father almost nine years ago?" "Detective Tao?" "It's Lieutenant Tao now." "Buzz, are we ready to roll?" "We are rolling." "Lydia, I am so sorry about what happened to your father." "I know you were probably trying to do your job, and it might have looked like he was guilty, but you manipulated me into testifying against my own father." "I didn't manipulate you, Lydia." "I was only trying to help you remember." "That's enough." "Turn off the camera." "Lydia, please, please!" "Lydia..." "I screwed up the case." "I'm sorry." "Maybe I didn't dig deep enough into what you were saying back then because I didn't want to traumatize you." "I was only 10." "You asked the questions and fed me the answers." "Please." "Watch the recording of our initial interview and see if you still think I acted in bad faith." "Are you still trying to turn me against my dad?" "Absolutely not." "The judge ruled your father can't be tried for this murder again." "He's effectively not guilty, which means someone else killed your mom, and you're still a witness to her murder." "You know I researched what was on TV that night." "April 3, 2004." "And I remembered watching a scary movie about a man who murdered his wife." "That's what made me say all those terrible things about my dad." "I was just a kid." "Watch this recording." "Please." "It may trigger a memory that could help me, help your mom." "Please." "[ Sighs ]" "She's sticking to her new story like she did to her old story." "Lieutenant, how did this case go so upside down?" "81/2 years ago, it cost about $1,000 per DNA test." "We took over 200 samples from the crime scene." "We had a trial budget of 50 grand." "So we chose 25 blood samples, and the defense chose their 25." "There wasn't much blood found in the kitchen, and Reichman thought it was his." "It's a brutal scene." "Whoever attacked Mrs. Reichman..." "And that would be Mr. Reichman." "Stabbed her in the neck by the door to the master bedroom." "She fought back." "Stabbed her again." "She crawled into the front room, trying to get out the sliding glass door." "He pulled her by the hair, slit her throat, stabbed her in the chest four more times." "Overkill." "Passionate." "Personal." "Sanchez:" "He attacked her with enough force to break the tip off the knife." "Did you find the tip in Mrs. Reichman's body?" "No." "The knife, according to the suspect... it was taken from their kitchen, by the way... was already broken." "It matched up to every wound in the victim's body." "Provenza:" "Not to mention Reichman bought a big roll of plastic, some cement, and a shiny new shovel one week before his wife's murder." "Which he claimed was for the yard." "He also claimed to give his daughter a sleeping pill." "Sleeping pill?" "For a 10-year-old?" "Reichman said, whenever he went away on business, the daughter became hysterical." "Helping her nod off was his wife's idea." "Mike tested the little girl's cocoa and found Ambien in it." "Now, the kid fell asleep before she finished it." "Otherwise, she wouldn't have woken up in time to catch her father with that knife in his hand." "The defense was right." "I never gave any credence to the intruder theory." "I always thought the husband did it from the get-go." "Because he's guilty as hell." "How can you be so sure, Lieutenant?" "Three good reasons, Sykes... it's always the husband." "It's always the husband." "It's always the husband." "Sharon:" "Lieutenant Provenza, that is exactly what Mr. Reichman's civil attorney will want you to say while he's suing this department for millions of dollars in damages." "What was Mr. Reichman's alibi, Lieutenant Tao?" "He arrived at the airport late, got stuck in a long security line, and missed his flight." "Here's Mr. Reichman staring directly into an l.A.X. Security camera at 12:04 A.M." "Who looks directly into a security camera?" "Hey, look, I can give him a break there." "Sometimes you can't see those cameras." "He left airport parking at 12:16 A.M." "And reported the murder at 22 minutes after 1:00." "Sanchez:" "What, leaving, like, an hour and change to drive all the way to silver lake?" "Plus, cut the power, stage a break-in, kill his wife, and call 911?" "I drove from l.A.X. To the crime scene dozens of times." "Varied the route, speed." "That late at night, it took me anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes, which would have given Reichman a window of 21 to 31 minutes." "Flynn:" "Plenty of time to commit murder." "It all fits." "Except the part where he turns out to be innocent eight years after I sent him to prison." "Mike, Mike, you got to stop beating yourself up." "The guy did it." "He outfoxed the system somehow." "Tell me about our new alternate suspect, Lieutenant." "The DNA says he's a wanted embezzler named Benito "Benny" Zapata." "He's lived and worked in Colorado Springs." "Last-known whereabouts?" "The crime scene, I guess." "Lieutenant Provenza, let's start looking for Mr. Zapata right now and contact our FBI liaison, since they seem to want him, too." "Lieutenant Tao, I would like to watch the initial interview that you did with Mr. Reichman's daughter." "I heard angry voices." "Mom screamed." "Someone ran out of the house." "I thought daddy was gone again." "But I could still hear noises, like grunting and groaning sounds." "So I got my flashlight and I went downstairs, and that's when I saw my daddy with the knife." "What was he doing with the knife?" "Hurting mommy." "Hurting her how?" "Can you show me?" "Like this." "Lydia, your daddy said he was pulling the knife out." "Is that possible?" "Pulling it out and putting it in." "It made noises." "Did you see anyone else in the house?" "Are you sure?" "Just mommy and daddy." "Why did you give this DVD to my daughter?" "After all we've been through." "Haven't you done enough damage already?" "[ Knock on door ] Reichman:" "Instead of dragging my daughter back through this, why don't you talk to me?" "Where's Sharon?" "I'll tell you anything you want to know." "Lieutenant Provenza, do you know how to knot a tie?" "You're seriously asking this guy for advice on a tie?" "Yeah." "Why not?" "He's been wearing 'em for a hundred years." "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." "Give me that thing." "Can you man the ship?" "Aye-aye." "Let me." "Do you want a windsor or a half-windsor?" "What's the difference?" "What's the occasion?" "Oh, well, my sperm donor is taking me and Sharon out to dinner." "I thought you didn't want to meet your biological father." "I'm calling him "Mr. Dunn."" "Uh, chin up, please." "And it shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but I can be bought." "The suit is a bribe." "A bribe?" "Well, Sharon bought me this suit to bribe me into having dinner with the donor." "I've never had a suit before..." "or a tie, and I got to pick it out myself, so I figured, you know, I should break it in." "Looks good." "This must be some fancy restaurant, huh?" "Yeah, it's like "Trat-o-ria Spo-leeto"" "or something like that..." "I don't know." "But it's not gonna be about the meal." "They have a great marinara." "No, I mean," "Mr. Dunn is gonna be on the hot seat tonight." "I've got, like, 47 questions to ask him." "Good God, you're not kidding." ""Number 12... which would you pay me more to do... live with you or stay away from you?"" "Yeah, that one may say number 12, but really, it's like number 1 or 2." "Definitely an up-front question." ""Why should I believe you never knew about me?"" "Rusty, you don't need these questions." "The man is blood, okay?" "You sit down, you look him in the eye, and then you give the man the benefit of the doubt." "No, but he should be on the defensive, not me." "Rusty, this is not chess." "No one needs to be on the defensive." "You listen to me, young man." "You got out there tonight and have a good time." "Hey, buzz, a little red light just came on." "Is it flashing or is it steady?" "Um, steady?" "N-no, flashing." "Leaving you in charge of the Titanic." "So..." "Do I look more mature?" "Yeah." "Sure you do." "Why all these questions about my daughter after nearly a decade?" "Sharon we're just trying to understand why Lydia changed her statement." "How about, she finally grew old enough to understand right from wrong?" "Anything new from the architect of our misery?" "He's suing Tao, the police department, and the city for wrongful imprisonment." "Shocking." "My story hasn't changed, and my daughter's new statement, by the way, corroborates the blood evidence and what I've been saying all along." "Lydia now realizes that she, too, saw an intruder in the house." "Which you say is Benito Zapata." "DNA doesn't lie, and neither did I, Lieutenant." "Did you know him?" "Zapata." "No." "But since I found out who he was and what he did," "I've been thinking about that." "Zapata owned an auto-body shop that was fraudulently billing for repair." "My wife, Elaine, was an insurance adjustor." "It's possible that she found out that this creep was stealing from her company." "And you have paperwork to document that theory?" "She kept stuff like that locked away in the safe." "You're the professionals, but maybe Zapata did take it." "I was never able to wrap my mind around why someone would kill Elaine after getting everything they wanted out of the safe." "But it's beginning to make sense." "Would you mind if I walk through your house one more time, just to refamiliarize myself with the crime scene?" "I don't want you in my house or in my life, and I especially want you to stay away from my daughter." "Excuse me." "You still own the house?" "I am an architect, captain." "That house was my child." "And I wanted to walk back through the front door as a free man." "Anything else?" "No." "You've been most helpful." "Thank you, Mr. Reichman." "I promise you, I will do everything in my power to finally make this right." "Can you give me back the time I lost with my daughter?" "Can you give me back my reputation, my career?" "My friends?" "Because that's what I need to make this right." "Sir..." "I am truly sorry." "Just find the man who murdered my wife, and let's get this over with." "Do you have any idea where he is?" "Fritz:" "According to interpol, not in Europe, South America, or Mexico." "The Bureau's had a UFAP warrant on Mr. Zapata since late in '04." "A u-who?" "Sanchez:" "A UFAP... unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, buzz." "Got to love a good FBI acronym." "With a proper fake passport," "Zapata could be almost anywhere in the world." "If he's still alive, the bureau thinks he might..." "Look something..." "Like this." "Unless he's had plastic surgery." "Good to have you back, Sykes." "Little ray of sunshine returns." "Zapata walked away from his wife, his job, his entire life." "We didn't even realize he was embezzling until almost a year after he disappeared." "Does he have children?" "Not that we're aware of." "How much did he embezzle?" "$1.8 mill..." "one million, 800 thousand." "So Zapata hit the sweet spot in terms of priority cases." "Yeah, he took enough to be wanted but not enough to be too wanted." "Back in '04, we were all focused on terrorism, to the exclusion of almost everything else." "Are you sure Zapata left the country?" "Well, we have records of him flying to Costa Rica one month before the murder." "Plus, he speaks fluent Spanish, so..." "But where'd he put the money?" "We never found it." "If he's been taking it out in increments of like $90,000 a year, that's virtually untraceable." "Sykes:" "Me..." "I'd be interested in hearing what Zapata's wife had to say." "Bureau's been keeping tabs on her phone calls and e-mails for the last eight years." "She's still in Colorado Springs." "Flynn:" "Well, we ought to fly her out here." "She might remember something useful." "We don't have the budget for that." "Captain, I'll pay for it myself, out of my own pocket." "Or I'll fly to her." "I'll use my vacation days." "I have to try to find this Zapata guy." "It's the least I can do." "No, Mike, I was thinking that, since the federal government has an interest, maybe the FBI could fly..." "we don't want her to find out we've been keeping her under surveillance." "It's been almost nine years." "I think it's possible to say that the "watchful waiting" part of your operation hasn't worked out." "Okay." "Let me go check with my fearless leaders." "You must be Rusty." "I'm Daniel Dunn." "It's good to finally meet you." "Sharon:" "I'm sorry." "He's usually much more talkative." "Maybe he's overwhelmed, like me." "Look, you've raised kids." "How do I get him to warm up?" "Try something positive about his mother." "He won't admit it, but he really misses her." "Yeah [Sighs]" "I knew her intimately, not well." "[ Door opens ] Think of something." "Hey, that was a pretty great dinner, huh?" "Uh, yeah." "Yeah, thanks." "So, uh, tomorrow's a school day for me, so I should probably..." "I-I'm going, I'm going." "But I-I feel like I talked so much tonight about myself that I really didn't get a chance to hear much about you." "And, also..." "You didn't ask me about your mother." "I thought that you might find it interesting to know what she was like when we were your age." "Oh." "Well, uh..." "Sure." "Well, she was, um..." "She was a really, really sweet girl." "She was beautiful." "And she had eyes exactly like yours." "We met junior year." "She was a new kid in school." "She was really shy at first, but she had this laugh." "People called it infectious." "I bet she still has it." "Not so much." "Well..." "She wasn't at school very long." "You know, her family moved around a lot." "Yeah, I never met my mom's family." "I think..." "I think her parents threw her out when she got... you know..." "Pregnant with you?" "Yeah." "That sucks." "Yeah." "I'm sorry." "I didn't know that." "Daniel, you went to high school with Rusty's mom." "Do you have a yearbook that might have a picture of her?" "Oh, my God." "I do." "I do." "Oh, my God." "I should have brought that." "You know, Rusty, I could come back tomorrow, if..." "I mean, if you don't mind having another dinner." "Um..." "Yeah, uh..." "How about hamburgers?" "Rusty knows the best places to get hamburgers all over L.A." "I love hamburgers." "Yeah, y-you know," "I might have a lot of homework tomorrow." "I'm not sure yet." "Listen, you've..." "you've been nice and all that, but how do I know that you're not trying to create some kind of..." "False impression?" "False impression?" "You're the one wearing a suit and tie." "Is this how you always dress for dinner?" "I think I'm beginning to see some genetic markers appearing." "Look, Rusty, there's no pressure." "I'll call you." "If you don't want me to come back tomorrow, we'll make our visit for some other time." "How's that?" "Perfect." "Good night, Daniel." "Thank you for buying us dinner." "Yeah." "Yeah, thanks." "No, no, no, thank you." "It was fantastic spending time with you, Rusty." "It's... it was fantastic." "So, we'll talk tomorrow." "Thank you." "Thank you." "[ Door closes ]" "Well?" "Why should I trust anything that he says?" "You can't." "But the DNA confirms he is your father." "He has legal rights." "We can't stall him forever." "Rusty, you need to get to know this man." "I know it's hard to trust him." "Trust me." "I'm on your side." "Well, you sure as hell aren't on Mike Tao's side." "I'm on the side of the victim and of figuring out how to properly conclude this case so that we avoid a civil action." "By pursuing every little lead on this disappearing clown, Zapata, you make it seem like" "Mike screwed this case up from the beginning." "Lieutenant, the court decreed that Lieutenant Tao put the wrong man in prison, and Lieutenant Tao offered to pay for Mr. Zapata's wife to be flown in himself." "Look, just because he asked [laughing] Doesn't mean you have to say yes." "You know, sometimes it's good to say no." "Captain, all I'm asking is that you back Tao a little more." "It's not that hard." "I need more information." "For instance, Lieutenant, maybe you could figure out why an embezzler like Zapata left blood by the sink of Mr. Reichman's house." "Well, I could think of a thousand reasons for that." "I don't need a thousand reasons." "I need one." "Mrs. Zapata, do you know why your husband was at Mr. Reichman's house 3rd of April, 2004?" "How should I know?" "Did he have a reason to come to Los Angeles?" "Probably chasing a woman." "What woman?" "Any woman he could con into hopping into bed with him." "There were a lot." "Benny never told me anything." "Even when he was home, he wasn't home." "Know what I mean?" "I do." "Yes." "Tao:" "You didn't know he was committing insurance fraud, embezzling?" "No." "He never gave me anything, never told me squat." "So why the FBI keeps on watching me," "I don't know." "Ma'am, do you have any idea where your husband has been the last 81/2 years?" "My guess?" "While I'm working for minimum wage as a cashier at a drug store," "Benny's lying somewhere on a beach in Central America next to someone in a bikini." "You want to find my husband, look for a woman who disappeared around the same time he did." "I think we know someone who fits that description." "Elaine Reichman." "And how long ago would Elaine Reichman have had an account at our bank?" "At least eight years." "Mr. Valdez, did you get the scan of the Interpol warrant for Mr. Benito Zapata?" "Because we think it might be related to the Elaine Reichman account." "Sí, sí, sí, I have it, Special Agent Howard." "Can you see me?" "I have it here." "Yes, yes." "Are you at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.?" "No, I'm in the Major Crimes division of the Los Angeles police department." "Allow me to introduce Lieutenant Tao, here." "And now I'm gonna turn you around, sir, and show the rest of the division and where they work." "This is Mr. Valdez from Banco Nacional." "It looks like an insurance office." "We agree." "I guess things are always more exciting in the movies, huh?" "Um, can I have the name again and the social security number?" "Elaine Reichman." "R-e-i-c-h-m-a-n." "I'm entering the social now." "Yes." "Uh..." "Ms. Reichman opened the account in march of 2004." "Flynn:" "In the amount of?" "!" "$1.8 million U.S." "It's worth quite a bit more now." "Lucky for her, she stayed away from the stock market." "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "De nada." "Fritz:" "Thank you, Mr. Valdez." "Bye-bye." "We'll get back to you." "I just got off the phone with the state department." "Mrs. Reichman renewed her passport one week before she was murdered." "She didn't catch Zapata committing fraud in her capacity as an insurance adjuster." "She was helping him." "The couple that feels together steals together." "They were planning to run off to sunny Costa Rica." "And Mr. Reichman found that out somehow." "Well, what have I been saying all along?" "It's always the husband." "It's always the husband." "It's always the husband." "It's always the husband." "And that's why Zapata's blood was at the scene." "Reichman didn't just kill his wife." "He also killed her lover." "Zapata isn't a suspect." "He's another victim." "I know we can't go after Reichman again for killing his wife, but, hypothetically, what if he killed two people on the night of April 3, 2004?" "Two people?" "His wife, her boyfriend." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "You think he stabbed Zapata to death, too?" "Why didn't we know this before?" "Because we had a dead body right in front of us and his daughter was an eye-witness to the murder." "Okay." "We didn't think to look for a second victim." "I understand that." "But, hypothetically, how did Reichman manage to pull off two murders and dispose of one body in just 20 minutes?" "Architects are good planners." "Maybe his original design was to get rid of both bodies." "The one thing he didn't plan on was his daughter waking up." "And how do you propose to find this second victim?" "Lydia." "Where's dad?" "I thought he was gonna meet us here." "Tying up some loose ends with his lawyer." "Would you mind walking us through without him?" "[ Keys jingling ]" "[ Sighs ]" "Everything's exactly like it was." "Where have you been living these past eight years?" "With my mom's parents." "They hated my father." "But when I turned 16, dad sent me the most..." "Beautiful letter." "And so I went behind my grandparents' back and started driving to prison to visit him." "When I got to know what a good person he really is..." "I started remembering more and more about what happened that night." "[ Sighs ]" "I just..." "[ Voice breaking ] I can't believe what I did to him." "It's just horrible." "But now we know the blood evidence we found proves your father was telling the truth about another man being in the house." "And thank you for admitting that." "Lydia, I want to find this man in the worst way." "I know it's painful, but I need you to walk us through every single thing you can remember from the moment you woke up that night." "[ Breathes deeply ]" "I was in bed." "[ Sniffles ]" "[ Muffled shouting ]" "I heard angry voices." "Aah!" "Mom screamed." "[ Door hinges creak ] Someone ran out of the house." "How do you know?" "Because I heard the door." "What door?" "The back door, downstairs." "It's always been squeaky." "I got up, and I looked out the window." "I saw him." "The intruder..." "Zapata." "You saw him out back?" "Yes." "Yes, he was carrying something... a sack or a duffel bag, maybe." "My dad must have gone after him." "Are you sure?" "I clearly remember seeing dad look around the yard." "I wanted to see if mom was okay, so I got my flashlight out from under my bed..." "And..." "I came down the stairs." "And that's when I saw dad pulling the knife out of mom." "He was trying to save her." "I know that now." "Sharon:" "Mr. Reichman?" "Mr. Reichman?" "Mr. corbett, Mr. Reichman, this is special agent Howard from the FBI." "You people aren't gonna question my client again without me being present." "Great news, gentlemen." "We finally found the money that Mr. Zapata embezzled." "It's in a bank in Costa Rica, and we are guardedly optimistic that it will lead us to your wife's killer." "That would be a miracle." "Obviously, if we manage to catch her murderers, your settlement from any potential civil suits would skyrocket." "I'm listening." "There's one little hitch." "The, uh... the money isn't in Mr. Zapata's name." "It's in your wife's name, Mr. Reichman." "Why would it be in Elaine's name?" "Is it possible Elaine was romantically involved with Mr. Zapata?" "Don't answer that." "Are you insane?" "There's one thing I bump on." "You heard your mother scream, you heard the door open... [ door hinges creak ] Oh." "There's that creak." "You looked out the window, and you clearly saw Mr. Zapata, and then your dad?" "From that very window." "But how could you when all the lights were off?" "Your dad told the first responders that the intruder cut off the power." "I know that because I flipped the main breakers on myself." "I'm not making this up." "I could see." "Lydia, you needed a flashlight to come down the stairs?" "God, you're doing it again." "You're..." "you're trying to confuse me." "No." "I believe you." "I have always believed you." "You were telling the truth from the very beginning." "No." "There was an intruder." "He stopped at the sink to wash the blood off his hands." "The DNA proves that." "Or else your father killed him here." "What are you saying?" "I think your dad came home from the airport and he snuck in the house, expecting to surprise your mother and Mr. Zapata in bed." "In bed?" "But Mr. Zapata was right here." "Fritz:" "Thanks to The Patriot Act, servers hang on to everything, forever." "The FBI was able to access your wife's e-mail from 81/2 years ago." "It appears she was very involved with Mr. Zapata, both criminally and romantically." "So your dad killed him." "Then he went to go kill your mother in the bedroom." "But he made two mistakes." "One, you woke up." "And worse, your mother was wounded, but she wasn't dead." "She was trying to crawl away." "And you came downstairs and found him finishing what he started." "He had no choice but to stage a break-in, cut off the power, and hoped everyone would treat you like a mixed-up little kid." "That's always the problem." "You plan the perfect murder, then people don't play their parts." "I don't believe you." "It's yourself you don't believe." "Fritz:" "These are records of you running a password-capture program on your wife's laptop, Mr. Reichman." "Sharon:" "If your client found his wife's correspondence with Mr. Zapata, that would be motive for killing her." "Corbett:" "This is ridiculous." "He cannot be tried for her murder again, even if you could prove it." "It's not just her murder we're interested in." "[ Police radio chatter ]" "[ Beeping ]" "Mr. Zapata, I presume." "Tweezers." "Please." "What's this in the sternum?" "It's a knife tip found at your house, Mr. Reichman, and it fits perfectly on the blade of the murder weapon." "You can't try him again for killing his wife." "That's double jeopardy." "Try double homicide, counselor." "Mr. Reichman, you remember Mr. Zapata, don't you?" "We found his body, sir." "And while you're right... we can't charge you again for the murder of your wife... we can use her as evidence." "Lieutenant." "Will Reichman, you're under arrest..." "again... for extremely premeditated homicide..." "Or, as we like to call it around here, murder in the first degree." "Your dad has agreed to take a deal." "He'll be spending the rest of his life in prison." "Give him credit for this... he didn't want to put you through another trial, force you to testify against him." "But why don't I hate him?" "After..." "What he did to my mom..." "When spouses cheat, people go crazy." "Maybe taking this deal and sparing you from taking the stand again was his way of saying he's sorry." "For everything." "Thank you for looking out for me." "Would you like to say goodbye to your dad before he goes to prison?" "Daddy, why did you do it?" "Why?" "I'll tell you what I'm really sorry about, Lydia." "I'm sorry I didn't kill you, too." "Get him out of here." "Oh, my God." "[ Crying ] Oh, my God." "My God." "My God." "[ Crying ]" "Will you at least try talking to your father this time?" "Please, please, call him Daniel." "He had nothing to do with raising me, and I don't think we're gonna hit it off." "I feel like I'm being tested." "Look, I completely agree with you." "Not all fathers are created equal." "But Daniel doesn't seem to be reaching out because he needs you, but because he wants to." "That's got to count for something." "[ Doorbell rings ]" "Hey." "Do you want to come with us?" "It's better I don't." "Hello, Daniel." "Good to see you again." "You, too, Sharon." "Hey, bud." "Hey." "What?" "No suit tonight?" "Uh..." "The suit was her idea." "I see." "You hungry?" "Sure." "Let's go." "We won't be gone long." "Oh, take your time." "But tomorrow's a school day, so try and have him back by 11:00." | {
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"CASTLE:" "There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people:" "Psychopaths and mystery writers." "I'm the kind that pays better." "Who am I?" "I'm Rick Castle." "Castle." "Castle." "I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?" "Every writer needs inspiration and I found mine." "Detective Kate Beckett." "Beckett." "Beckett." " "Nikki Heat"?" " The character he's basing on you." "And thanks to my friendship with the mayor," "I get to be on her case." "I'd be happy to let you spank me." "And together, we catch killers." "We make a pretty good team, you know." "Like Starsky and Hutch." "Turner and Hooch." "You do remind me a little of Hooch." "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING)" "(GRUNTING)" "You need someone to steady your bag." "Are you offering?" "Yeah." "Sure." "All right." " Thanks." " All right." "(GRUNTING)" "Nice." "(CHUCKLING)" "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" " Thank you." " Anytime." "Beckett." "ALEXIS:" "All right, here comes the turn." "Mmm." "Actually, sweetie, it's called the river." "Right." "Right." "The fifth community card is called "the river" or "fifth street."" "Now you're on the trolley, kid." "(SIGHS) So, who won?" "Oh." "Well, actually, you had me until the river." "Mmm-hmm." "And you got a third jack, and trip jacks beat trip nines." " You win." " Don't sweat it, sweetheart." "Just your first lesson." "What do you say we call it a night?" "What?" "No." "Let's keep playing." "Shuffle up and deal." "MARTHA:" "Ah!" "Hello, darlings." "Oh." "What's all this?" "Dad's teaching me the basics of No Limit Texas Hold 'Em." "I'm shocked." "Shocked there's gambling in here." "Deal me in." "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" "Good evening, Detective Beckett." "(POLICE RADIO CHATTER)" "Victim's name is Paul Finch." "According to the registration, it's his car." "What do we know about him?" "ESPOSITO:" "We ran him for next of kin, found his wife." "RYAN:" "She's on her way in." "And his rap sheet." "He's a thief." "Couple of bank jobs, some corporate B and E's." "But he hasn't been arrested in a few years." "So he's either really lucky..." " Or he's out of the game." " What happened?" "I'd say he was electrocuted." "That had to be pretty high voltage for him to get burns lhis that." "Sure." "You connect these leads directly into the ignition system, you rev the engine high enough..." "BECKETT:" "Looks like they were trying to torture him, but ended up killing him instead." "Either way, it wasn't pleasant." "You know, whoever did this either wanted to send a message or needed something from him." "What would somebody need from a retired..." "What?" "His eyes are closed." "Did anyone touch the body before you came here?" "Nope." "It was like that when I got here." "The killer must have closed them postmortem." " That means he knew our victim." " That means he knew the victim." "I would say, he probably felt guilty about what he had done, wanted to erase it." "Have CSU sweep the cars, and let's fume the body." "Maybe we'll get some prints off of his eyelids." "You got it." "CASTLE:" "What is it?" "You tell me." "Maybe he was murdered by The Artist Formerly Known As Prince." "BECKETT:" "Mrs. Finch, we're very sorry for your loss." "Does this look familiar to you at all?" "No, I'm sorry." "Look, I know what my husband was, but Paul had been out of the game since he left prison." "When we got married, he swore off taking scores." "Then a few weeks ago, he said he had to go do something for a friend." "Did he tell you what or who?" "No." "I begged him not to do it, but he..." "He said he owed the guy from way back." "Paul was a thief, Detective, but he had this sense of honor." "He was old-fashioned like that." "He was a good man, Detective." "I mean, God knows he had his faults, but..." "This?" "He didn't deserve this." "So the guy comes out of retirement for one job and ends up dead." "That cannot be a coincidence." "Yeah, what lures a guy who's been retired for years back into the game?" "Must've been something big." "BECKETT:" "That was Robbery on the phone." "They logged in a break-in at a branch of Manhattan Mutual the day before yesterday." "Bank heist." "That fits with Finch's profile." "Did they have any details?" "Nope." "They're sending the new guy up now." "And that would be me." "ESPOSITO:" "Oh!" " What's up, bro?" " How you doing?" "Why didn't you tell me you transferred?" "You know, I've been settling in." "Hey, uh, this is my boy, Tom Demming." "He was one of the best cops back at the 54th." "This is my partner, Ryan." " How you doing?" "You, too." " Nice to meet you, man." " ESPOSITO:" "Richard Castle." " Yeah, the author, right?" "That's right." "And this is Detective Beckett." " Yeah, we met." " Yes." "Hi." "Hi." "(CHUCKLES) So, Paul Finch, huh?" "He's one of the few guys on the island who could've taken a score like that." "Like what?" "A couple of pros tunnel into the vault, drill open a safe deposit box, leave nothing behind but the great smell of Brut." "And you think that Finch couldn't have pulled this off on his own?" "No, it was a two-man job at the minimum." "There's definitely another player floating around out there." "We've run a search for his phone records and financials, so hopefully we'll find something that ties him to a partner." "Or maybe the partner turned on Finch after the robbery, decided he didn't need him anymore." "Either way, we know that the robbery and the homicide are connected." "That seems like an awful lot of trouble for one safe deposit box." "Yeah." "And they left stacks of cash untouched." "The guys downstairs thought I was nuts when I hopped on this case, but I like the weird ones." "Hmm." "How about that?" "Beckett likes the weird ones, too." "Yeah." "What could be in that box that'd be worth digging a tunnel to and killing for?" "Diamonds?" "German bearer bonds?" "Nazi gold?" "DEMMING:" "We still don't know yet." "The bank had some trouble locating the owner, but he's supposed to be coming in this afternoon." "Would you like to join me for the interrogation?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I'd love to." "Good." "Meanwhile, I'm gonna need you guys to hit the street and see if you can scare up any of Finch's associates." "Maybe anyone that he's taken scores with in the past or people that he owes." "Thank you." "You got it." "What can I do?" "You could watch." "Two weeks ago, I saved your life twice." "BECKETT:" "Thank you for coming in, Mr. Cana." "Call me Fred." "DEMMING:" "And obviously we're going to do everything we can to help you recover your stolen property." "What exactly was in the box?" "Stamps." " Stamps?" " Yeah, I collect them." "It kind of surprises me it took you so long to reach out to us." "The folks at the bank said they left you a half a dozen messages over the last couple of days." "Well, I been busy, you know?" "I been working a lot." "And what is it that you do?" "I'm in private security." "This stamp collection, how much was it worth exactly?" "It's hard to put a price tag on an item like that because of, you know, the sentimental value." "And who else knew that you were keeping it at the bank?" "Just a select group of other stamp enthusiasts with whom I formed relationships over the years." "So how long you been a philatelist, Fred?" "Hey, watch your mouth, pal." "Fred Cana don't go that route." "Philately is the study of stamps, Mr. Cana, which you would know if you were, in fact, a collector." "Come on, Fred." "What's really in the box, huh?" "What'd they steal from you?" "I don't have to take this crap." "I'm the victim here." "RYAN:" "Hey." "Hey, you guys rounding up the usual suspects?" "Yeah, and every hood this side of Harlem says Finch has been out of action for years." "Where's Beckett?" "Oh, she and Captain America are in there with Fred Cana." "Fred Cana?" "Yeah, he's the guy who rented the safety..." "(CHUCKLES) Officer Esposito!" "Actually, it's Detective Esposito now, Fred." "Congratulations." "Fred here is a bagman for Victor Racine." "Who's Victor Racine?" "He's a syndicate man." "Made the leap from organized crime to legitimate businessman while no one was looking." "Racine is connected and untouchable." "You ought to know." "Esposito and his old partner tried to touch him a few years back." "How about I touch you instead?" " Come on!" "Come on, tough guy!" " ESPOSITO:" "Let's go, man!" "RYAN:" "Come on." "Take a walk, all right?" "He's not worth it." "Man." " What the hell was that all about?" " He works for Victor Racine." "So?" "Victor Racine killed my partner." "His name was Ike." "Ike Thornton." "We partnered up back when I was at the 54th." "We worked the Organized Crime Task Force." "Victor Racine was our target." "Until, one day, Ike didn't come into work." "It's like he just disappeared." "To make matters worse, Internal Affairs came around here asking all these questions, talking like Ike had gone over, that he was working for Racine." "It was an absolute load of crap." "Couple of days later, some kids found Ike's car out by the docks." "Shot to hell, blood all over the seats." "All the hallmarks of a professional hit." "Yeah, only we couldn't tie it back to Racine." "His guys had dumped Ike's body so that we could never find him." "The department shut down the whole operation after that." "I transferred here." "But I know one thing, if Fred Cana has a safe deposit box, it's because he's holding something for Racine." "And it ain't no stamps." "BECKETT:" "He wants blood." "I don't blame him." "From the look of it, I'm guessing" "Racine had Finch killed for stealing from him." "That explains why he was tortured." "So he'd give up his partner." "You know, whatever they stole from that safe deposit box," "Racine wants it back bad." "Yeah, but how did he get onto Finch in the first place?" "Maybe he recognized the great smell of Brut." "I'm sure that Racine is the kind of guy who has his sources." "So you like our stamp collector for doing the deed on Racine's behalf?" "Sure, except we called." "He has witnesses willing to corroborate his whereabouts." " Of course he does." " And we have no proof otherwise." "Oh, speaking of which, they brought up the CSU report on the crime scene." "The car was wiped down." "Other than Finch and his wife, we got no usable prints." "And we still don't have an ID on that metal symbol we found." "Meanwhile, our stamp collector has an alibi, and we currently have no evidence." "So what is our next step?" "We talk to the real victim of our robbery." "Mr. Victor Racine." "Bold." "I like your style." "What, you think he's the kind of guy who's just gonna tell us what's in that box or maybe admit to killing the thief?" "Watch and learn, Castle." "Watch and learn." "To what do I owe this pleasure, huh?" "A safe deposit box at Manhattan Mutual was broken into the other night, Mr. Racine." "It was registered to an associate of yours, Fred Cana." "You don't say." "What's this world coming to, huh?" "Mr. Cana claims that the box contained his stamp collection?" "I've never known Mr. Cana to lie to me." "We believe that it held something a little bit more valuable." "Maybe something of yours." "Oh, really?" "And why is that?" "Because one of the guys involved in the robbery was found murdered in a parking garage last night." "Actually, Mr. Finch was tortured before he was killed." "Now, why would someone do that if all he stole were stamps?" "Hmm." "Where were you last night?" "Home." "And I have around-the-clock bodyguards who can attest to my whereabouts, but you don't think I killed Finch." "You assume I had somebody do it for me, so you're here just to" "count coup, aren't you?" "Sorry." "What was that?" "The Plains Indians considered it an act of bravery to get close enough to one of their enemies to touch him with a coup stick." "Is my hair..." " Looks good." " Thanks." "This item or items that were in the safety deposit box, if they're so valuable, why aren't you out chasing down Mr. Finch's associate in this endeavor?" "After all, you know what the old saying is," ""no honor among thieves."" "See, what'd I say?" "Waste of time." "Well played, Detective." "Thank you, Detective." ""Well played"?" "All he did was deny it." "You can learn a lot from a denial." "Like what?" "Like Racine hasn't found Finch's partner yet." "Because Racine would never point us in that direction if he already knew who or where the partner was." "He must want this guy pretty bad if he's willing to have the cops do his legwork for him." "How does it help Racine if we find Finch's partner first?" "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" "Racine's connected." "He'd have no trouble having Finch's partner killed in jail." "Beckett." "Hmm." "Okay." "We'll be right there." "Lanie's ready to fume the body." "All right, you guys head back to the morgue." "I'm gonna go see if Finch's financials have come in yet." "BECKETT:" "Okay." " What?" " Nothing." "CASTLE:" "That is so cool." "Do you mind if I take pictures?" "Knock yourself out." "But if any of them end up on the Internet," "I will hunt you down and hurt you." "So, what's with the handsome robbery detective?" "Demming?" "Oh, we're just working the case together." "That's all." "Mmm-hmm." "But then again, you have been working with Castle for a year and not a damn thing has happened, so..." "We had a pool going." "I lost a lot of money on you two." "You guys." "Yahtzee." "The killer left a print when he closed our victim's eye." "Let's run it." "Huh." "What?" "We got a match on the print, but the guy it belongs to is dead." "But that's impossible." "Unless he's a zombie." "Not a zombie." "A cop." "Isaac "Ike" Thornton." " Esposito's old partner?" " He's alive." "I went to his funeral, held his wife's hand." "And now you're telling me he's alive and working for Racine?" "That he murdered Finch?" "It was the perfect disappearing act." "He knew that everyone would think that Racine had killed him and dumped his body somewhere." "No, I don't see how he could do it." "To the badge, to me?" "I would've taken a bullet for him." "Esposito." "This is Lieutenant Holliwell from Internal Affairs." "We've met." " You called IA?" " No." "I called them for your protection." "I'm sorry, Detective." "I don't really enjoy being proved right." "No, of course not." "I take it you were the investigating officer" " when Ike Thornton disappeared?" " I was." "And what put you onto him in the first place?" "Racine was always one step ahead of us, like he always knew what we were thinking." "It didn't take too much to figure out that he was being tipped off by a cop." "Luckily, we had an informant at the time that confirmed it, but before we were able to arrest Thornton, he disappeared." "Most likely found out that we were coming for him." "When we found his car, we just assumed Racine killed him." "Looks like he brought him into the family instead." "Has Thornton contacted you?" "What do you mean, contacted me?" "Whoa." "What exactly are you accusing my partner of?" "I'm not accusing." "I'm asking." "Asking what?" "If I knew all along?" "If I was part of it?" "The answer's no." "Well, such an elaborate hoax, it seems like it would take a little bit of planning, a little help." "I just told you, I didn't know." "What do you want me to do, take a poly?" "Would you?" "Take a polygraph test?" " Wait a minute..." " lf it'll get you off my back." "Esposito, you don't have to do this." " I want to." " Good." "My office." "One hour." "Guy was out of line back there." "I'd be asking the same questions if I was in his shoes." "You know you can talk to me, right?" "I put all that stuff behind me, bro." "The only thing I have left from back then..." "This, right here." "Back in the day, when I was in the 54th, everybody used to carry one of these with them." "It was like a sense of pride, you know?" "Ike have one of those?" " Yeah." "Why?" " Let me see it." "The 54th." "It must have broken off when he was struggling with Finch." "It was him." "You know, no one would blame you if you stepped off this case." "No." "Partner or not, he killed a man." "CASTLE:" "This guy's pulled a ghost routine for years." "Gave up his old life, his friends." "A guy can't pull a disappearing act like that without help from somebody." "He had Racine's help." "Well, Racine or no Racine, he was married, right?" "Has a kid." "They must have known." "I saw Carol last month." "She doesn't know anything." "You sure about that?" "Hell, I'm not sure about anything anymore." "Where you going?" "Take a poly, clear my name." "Go pick up the wife." "Let's see what she knows." "I'm sorry." "I don't believe you." "His thumbprint's on our victim's body, Carol." "He's alive." "There's no other explanation." "They never recovered Ike's body, so I don't know." "Someone could've cut off his thumb and..." "Yes, they could've done that, but you know they didn't." "Come on, Carol." "It's been years." "An attractive woman like you hasn't found someone new?" "It's not easy when you're a single mom." "Not that that's any of your business." "You know what you get when a cop dies with a warrant out on him?" "I'll tell you what you don't get." "You don't get a folded flag and you sure as hell don't get a penny of his pension." "And yet, you somehow managed to make mortgage payments..." "If Ike is alive, that means we're still married." "And you can't compel me to testify against my spouse." "She knew he was alive, but did she know he was working for Racine?" "She's a cop wife and she knows her rights." "Good luck getting anything out of her." "She might talk to me." "Oh!" "Look who passed his poly." "Yeah." "Had the feeling that Holliwell was kind of disappointed." "(CHUCKLES)" "She knows me." "I might be able to get her to open up." "All right, take a run at her in the morning." "And I'll get a unit down to the house in case Ike decides to show up." "Right." "CASTLE:" "Betrayal, lies, deceit." "Sounds like my first marriage." " What?" " I'm trying to figure out what was so damn important in that safe deposit box that Finch and his partner would risk their lives that way." "Who are you calling?" "Demming." "I was just calling you." "What a coincidence." "I was just coming to see you." "Wow." "It's like we're all on the same case." "Esposito told me about Ike." " You have a lead on him yet?" " BECKETT:" "No." "We're working on it." "What about Finch's partner?" "Ah, there's nothing in his phone or his financials that points to one." "But the bank surveillance tapes finally came in." "I was gonna scrub them in the morning." "If Finch cased the joint in the last couple weeks..." "Then maybe the mystery partner went with him." "Exactly." "You want to join me?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I'd love to." "Great." "I'll see you in the morning." "Okay, great." "I'll see you." "Good night." "Good night." "Castle, can I ask you something?" "You and Beckett, is there something going on?" " Me and Beckett?" " Yeah." " No." " Look, man, if I'm offside..." "No flag on the play." "Great." "Okay." "Great." "Don't smile when you have a good card." "You need to develop a poker face." "Trust me." "It comes in handy." "Except when it doesn't." "(STAMMERING) What do you mean?" "Never mind." "Pair of ladies." "What have you got?" "(SIGHING)" "Boom!" "Two cowboys!" "I win." "Who's the daddy now?" "You win like your grandmother." "(LAUGHS) So it looks like I owe you one night of solo dish duty." "And you owe me four days of bed-making duty, three spa treatments, two pairs of sunglasses, and a Bulgari purse for Gram." "What's wrong?" "I'm not used to losing." "(KNOCKING ON DOOR)" "Hey, Carol." "Got a few minutes?" "Uncle Javi!" " Hey, what's up, buddy?" " What's up?" " How you doing?" " Good." "Good." "Oh, man, you looking tall." "Hey, this is my boy, Kevin." "Hi." "I'm Tim." "Nice to meet you, Tim." "Hey, he loves baseball cards." "Why don't you take him upstairs and show him yours?" " Come on." " RYAN:" "Yeah, let's go." "How long have you known?" "Carol, it'll be a lot easier for him if you just tell me where he is." "(SIGHS)" "So you can arrest him?" "Carol, he killed a man." "No." "His prints were on the body." "Please." "Please." "Do not try to find him." "Not now, not when we are so close." "So close to what?" "(SIGHS)" "I'm sorry." "I can't." "You know, if your mouse finger gets tired, we can switch." "That's okay." "I think I can handle it." "Oh, I get it." "You don't want to give up the driver's seat." "Hey, I brought coffee." "Ah, you know what?" "It's okay." "Demming already brought some." "Did he now?" "Hey, Paul Finch." "Oh, yeah." "He's casing the place." "BECKETT:" "And look who his partner is." "That's his wife Monica." "She said she had no idea what he was doing." "There's someone else with them." "That's..." "BECKETT:" "Ike Thornton." "If he's working for Racine, what's he doing with Finch?" "So Ike was working with Finch?" "Yeah, it looks that way." "I'm guessing he discovered Racine was keeping something valuable in the box." "He needed Finch's skills to help him get it." "But if they were working together, why would he kill him?" "CASTLE:" "Maybe Racine was right." "Maybe there is no honor amongst thieves." "And maybe he didn't do it." "We have him at the scene." "Him working with Finch, what his wife said, it doesn't add." "Something else is going on." "Looks like we're about to find out what." "BECKETT:" "Here's the thing, Monica, we're not interested in whether you helped your husband case the bank." "All we care about is finding the guy who killed him." "Ike Thornton." "You think Ike Thornton killed Paul?" "Let me tell you the kind of man Ike is." "About 12 years back, he collared Paul and his kid brother Barry on a heist." "Ike saw that Barry was a first-timer, so he cut him a break." "Paul went to jail for five years, but he never forgot what Ike did for his brother." "That's why he did this last job with him, as payback." "Payback's a bitch, because we found Ike's fingerprints on your husband's body." "I don't believe it." "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it." "The fact is, Ike was there." "He tortured and killed your husband." "What was in the box, Monica?" "What did they steal from Racine?" "It must have been pretty valuable if Ike decided to kill your husband so he wouldn't have to split it." "(LAUGHS) Split it?" "There was nothing to split." "What was in the box?" "(SIGHS)" "A book." "A ledger." "A ledger?" "Something that showed all of Racine's pays and owes on all of his businesses, not just his legitimate ones." "An accounting of all of Racine's illegal operations could be worth a bundle in blackmail." "It could if they'd gotten it, but when they hit the bank, the box was empty." "Empty?" "The ledger wasn't there." "So a guy tortures and kills his partner after breaking into a bank to steal something from his boss that wasn't actually there." "It sounds crazy when you say it like that." "Look, I know he was my partner, but no matter how I slice it, it makes no sense that Ike would kill Finch." " Detective Beckett." " Lieutenant Holliwell." "Sorry to interrupt, but my team's been up on a wire monitoring the cell phones of several key members of Racine's organization." "We've been listening for any mention of Ike Thornton." " And?" " And it turns out, we're not the only ones looking for him." "Racine just put a price on Thornton's head." "BECKETT:" "Racine must have found out he was going after the ledger." "I guess you're not the only one your old partner betrayed." "Carol." "Where you going?" "If Racine's going after Ike, the first place he's gonna go is the same place we went, his wife and kid." " Ryan." " Yeah." "I'm gonna call the surveillance team." "(POUNDING ON DOOR)" "ESPOSITO:" "Carol!" "Carol, it's Javi!" "Carol!" "Timmy!" "Upstairs." "Go." "Carol!" "Timmy!" "(SIGHS)" "Nothing." "They're gone." "Surveillance team said they never left." " How the hell did they..." " Racine." "Have the uniforms canvass the neighbors." "Maybe somebody saw something." "Yeah, on it." "I appreciate what you done for my boy, Javi." "Carol and Tim." "Where are they?" "Somewhere where Racine can't find them." "We've had guys on this place 24l7." "How the hell did you get in here?" "Three years as a ghost, you learn a few things." "So IA was right." "Three years ago." "Now." " You were working for Racine." " Is that what you believe?" "You let me think you were dead." "And now you're holding a burner on me." "(SIGHS)" "You're a good cop, Javi." "But I put this down, you're gonna take me in." "And I can't let you do that, not yet." " Not when I'm so close." " So close to what?" "There is a dirty cop on Racine's payroll." "So in order to throw them off of his guy, Racine dirtied me up." "And IA bought it hook, line and sinker." "Why didn't you just come to me?" "Look, cases like mine are contagious, brother." "I couldn't let you catch what I had." "Racine's guy fed them so much garbage, they could lock me up." "And if I had let them," "Racine would have had me shanked at Rikers before I could clear my name." " Where you been?" " Watching, learning." "That's how I found out about the ledger." "Racine's pays and owes." "Everyone on his payroll, including the dirty cop that set me up." "But the ledger wasn't in the bank like you thought." "Somehow, Racine found Finch." "You were there, man." "We found your prints." "He was dead when I found him, Jav." "I just closed his eyes." "Come on, man." "And the ledger?" "I know where the ledger is." "But I need a little more time, Javi." "Just until tomorrow night." "You used to carry yours with you all the time." "(SIGHS)" "I still do, man." "Then that means there's somebody else mixed up in this, somebody from the 54th." "Whoever it is, they tipped Racine that I'm still alive, which means they're close." "Maybe a part of your investigation." "54th." "Demming." "It's him." "Got to be." "Remember how he said he requested this case?" "ESPOSITO:" "Said he liked the weird ones, but it was just so he could hunt down the thieves for Racine." "I knew there was something I didn't like about him." "Too pretty." "Bet he takes yoga classes just so he can pick up girls." "All these years, he's been lining his pockets with Racine's cash, leaving Thornton holding the bag." "Probably subscribes to The New Yorker, but doesn't even read it." "The guy's been playing us all along, using us to find Finch's accomplice." "Just leaves copies laying out where people can see them." "Let's nail the bastard." "How?" "If he was tipping off Racine, he wouldn't use the precinct phone." "He'd use his cell." "We could pull his SIM card." "If there are any calls to Racine, we have all the proof we need." "How are we gonna get his phone away from him?" "What's up, man?" "I have an idea." "(BOTH GRUNTING)" " (LAUGHS)" " Wow." "It's been a while for me." "You know, I'll try to be gentle." "You do that." "(BOTH GRUNTING)" "Too much for you?" "No, no." "I'm just a little slow to get started." "(GRUNTING)" "But I think I'm starting to find my rhythm now." "(ALL COUGHING)" "(CLEARS THROAT)" "ESPOSITO:" "Let's go." "Hurry up." "(HISSING)" "Ow!" "What?" "Hey, man." "What's up?" "Showering?" " Got it." " Let's go." "(GRUNTING)" " Any leads on Thornton?" " None." "How's Esposito taking all this?" "How do you think?" "I mean, here's a guy who's been carrying his 54th key fob in honor of his partner's sacrifice." " I had one of those." " Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." "(GRUNTING)" "(EX CLAIMS)" "But I lost mine years ago." "Come on." "(EXHALES DEEPLY)" "All right." "Bet this guy does a lot of sexting, too." "It's uploading now." "(GASPING)" "I gotta tell you, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up." "You know, I hear it helps if you think about baseball." "(GRUNTING)" "So what do you do for fun, Kate, huh?" "When you're not trying to take someone's head off?" "I'm actually kind of a homebody." "(GRUNTING)" "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "You know, the night before I met you, I went home to read a book." "No kidding?" " (GRUNTS)" " Whoa!" "(EX CLAIMS)" "What about you?" "What about me what?" "What do I do for fun?" "Or what was I doing the night before we met?" "Seriously. (PANTING)" "Why don't you just ask me if I have an alibi for Finch's murder?" "(CHUCKLING)" "(BOTH GRUNTING)" "Okay." "So where were you?" "(GRUNTS)" "RYAN:" "I ran all his numbers through the reverse directory." "They're all coming clean." "That's because it wasn't Demming." " Your alibi checked out." " Thank you." "He really was coaching an underprivileged youth basketball league." "For what it's worth, my kids won that night." "Oh, geez." "RYAN:" "Sorry, man." "Had to rule you out." "Let's just move on." "Look, there's a wrong cop out there." "We need to figure out who it is." "You know how many cops have gone through the 54th in the last 10 years?" "Hundreds, maybe thousands." "BECKETT:" "Whoever it was, was very good." "You don't work the other side without arousing IA suspicion unless you know what you're doing." "Yeah, we're never gonna find him, not in time anyway." "In time for what?" "I gotta take a walk." "Hey, I thought you were going for a walk." "What do you want?" "Thornton's going after the ledger tonight, isn't he?" "The man's been on the run for three years, separated from his family." "I gotta help the guy, so don't try to stop me." "I'm not." " I'm going with you." " No, you're not." "I'm your partner." "That means I'm with you till the wheels fall off." "I know, bro." "But I'm gonna need you to get my back if things go wrong, all right?" "Okay." "Thanks." "Tell me you got something, people." "Unfortunately, sir, we are dead in the water." "No, we're not." "If Thornton never worked for Racine, then someone lied to IA three years ago." "To throw suspicion from the real dirty cop." "So whoever IA was talking to, they must know who the real dirty cop is." "All we need to do is get the name of the informant from Holliwell and run him down." "(SCOFFING) Easier said than done." "There's no way an IA officer is gonna give up the name of a confidential informant." "We'll see about that." "You sure you're ready to bet your badge on this?" "Pretty long odds." "You're my partner." "You sure you can get us in Racine's office?" "Trust me." "I've been casing the joint for three years." "Let's roll." "BECKETT:" "Sir, how did you do it?" "Pulling strings and trading favors." "This can't be right." "The investigation against Ike Thornton three years ago," "Lieutenant Holliwell lists his chief informant as Detective Javier Esposito." "MONTGOMERY:" "Son of a bitch." " What does that mean?" " It means there was no informant." "Sir, is there any way to find out if Holliwell served at the 54th?" "Come on, bro." "What the hell's taking so long?" "I could have chewed through that by now." "Here." "There we go." "Nice thing about Internal Affairs, it's our job to monitor other cops." "You should've turned your cell phone off completely, Esposito." "You know, with GPS and all." "All this time, it was you." "I figured you'd come for that sooner or later." "Big mistake." "Toss the ledger over here." "Throw it!" "See, if I were you, Thornton," "(CHUCKLING)" "I would've just stayed dead." "You're not me." "I'm a cop." "I beg to differ, buddy." "You're a wanted criminal." "Just ask Esposito over here." "He died trying to apprehend you." "My only regret is that I..." "I showed up too late to save him." "You son of a bitch." "Look, there's something I want to say before we're done here." "Thanks for backing me up." "Lot of good that did us." "I am going to get the Medal of Valor for killing you, Thornton." "No, I'm serious, man." "Thanks for having my back." "(ELEVATOR BELL DINGS)" "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "Thank God you're here." "They tried to kill me." "Esposito and Thornton, they're both in on it." "Drop it or I will drop you." "RYAN:" "You know the drill, Holliwell." "Keep them up." "Lieutenant Holliwell, you're under arrest for the murder of Paul Finch." "Where's Esposito?" "Where's Esposito?" "Esposito?" "Yeah." "We got an officer down." "William 16, William 16, need an ambulance at 3471 Houston." "I'm cool." "It was a clean exit." "Holliwell?" "Yeah, we got him and the ledger." "Good." " Ike." " Yeah." " This is my partner, Ryan." " Hey." "And this is my other partner, Castle." "Hey, man." "And with Holliwell's testimony and the ledger, we now have enough evidence to arrest Racine." "Okay, but what I don't understand is how the hell you ended up in Racine's office with Thornton." " Sir, I..." " Oh, I..." "I'm sorry, sir." "I thought we made that clear." "Esposito was with us when we responded to a robbery in progress call at Racine's office." "Uh-huh." "And who made the call?" "The call was made by a private citizen who wishes to remain anonymous." "I may need a private citizen to help me write up this damn mess." "I'd be happy to lend my expertise." "So..." "I know you're not turning me loose." "Just a furlough." "We got something we want you to see." "You did it, bro." "And the best news is you're free to go." "As far as I'm concerned, Finch acted alone." "It's my case." "I'm closing it." "CASTLE:" "And I don't see Racine pressing charges anytime soon." "Right now, he's trying to deny that the ledger is his." "It's time for you to go home, Ike." "So is it always this much fun up here?" "We have our moments." "So now that you know I'm not a dirty cop, anytime you need a sparring partner..." "Thanks." "(CHUCKLING)" " BECKETT:" "I'm sorry." "What?" " I find..." "BECKETT:" "What?" | {
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"Previously on "mad men"... do you have any idea how unhappy I was before I met you?" "I was thinking of leaving my wife." "They call a girl like her a lobster,all the meat's in the tail." "If it is kennedy,nixon will lower himself to the occasion." "It's going to be kennedy." "Mother used to say,"you're going to get stout." "" Tell me more about that." "I miss her." "I'm living like there's no tomorrow because there isn't one." "Mad Med Season 1 Episode 10" "Running in the house." "Grandpa's here,and aunt gloria." "if I leave,can you keep your mouth shut?" "elizabeth,are you hiding your sugar bowl from me?" "Gene,I think i have some packets from the howard johnson." "Daddy,have a saccharin or nothing." "Where is your sugar bowl?" "Do you want to wake up with a cold leg like grandpa herman?" "Diabetics don't live long,and sometimes they lose their leg." "grandpa." "Good morning." "Good to see you,gene." "Don." "This is my friend,gloria." "I heard you might be joining us." "It's good to have another woman around." "Give betty a break." "Oh,I live to serve." "hey,you heard that,right?" "I have a witness." "She's a hell of a sport." "Don,will you help me with the suitcase?" "We're only going for the weekend." "I can't get it out of the closet." "honestly,it's unseemly." "I can imagine everyone at the club." "Was she waiting at the funeral, unbuttoning her top button like it was some sadie hawks dance?" "She seems like a perfectly nice lady." "What am I supposed to do with this?" "Fill it with hay?" "How far do you want to go with this?" "Oh,I'll say you talked me out of it." "She's a vulture." "Her husband was a failure." "When he died,they found out he cheated on his income taxes." "And her kids,louise never married." "Two more years and she'll be hanging out at funerals too." "Huntley,he was my brother's age." "He was always funny." "Bernie,your father was married what,40 years?" "The man can hardly fix himself a cup of tea,let alone do laundry." "All he needs is a housekeeper." "A housekeeper goes home at night." "Don!" "Let him have it." "and that fake smile." "You've been looking forward to the beach." "Let her cook." "Let your father put some stones by that wall so we stop getting water underneath the deck." "I guess I won't have to worry about talking to her." "She never stops." "Just get through today." "I'll be there tomorrow afternoon." "We'll go to that place with the lobster rolls." "Just come now." "You hate the way I drive..." "well,my father taught me." "Half the office has cleared out." "it looks like a may-po add." "it's incredible." "happy days are here again." "I'm just wild about harry." "It's light." "It's fun." "Doesn't cloud thmind with..." "I don't know,issues." "And it's catchy." "It's catchy like it gets in your head and makes you want to blow your brains out." "The president is a product." "Don't forget that." "I would like to talk to you for a moment about dollars and cents." "Your dollars and cents." "Now,my opponents want to increase federal expenditures as much as $18 billion a year." "How will they pay for it?" "There are only two ways." "One is to raise your taxes." "Turn it off." "The other-- an ad made by a public relations team." "Message receivedand forgotten." "We should give this to franz for some music." "Nixon's campaign song in the key of E." "Ethel go get the ice pick that nixon guy is on tv again should've never been this close." "I'd say we could run them again,but I don't think you want to see them." "Oh,I've seen them,which reminds me,you people aren't watching enough television." "It is your job." "The shows and the ads." "I was just wondering,there must be any number of people harvesting mud on johnny kennedy right now." "Have we heard anything?" "We hear things-- nothing useful." "He's a womanizer." "That's not gonna hurt him." "Women find out about that it'll push him up to the top." "Nixon is still ahead in the polls." "Should've never been this close." "Why do we need to attack when there's a story to tell?" "Kennedy,nouveau riche." "Recent immigrant who bought his way into harvard,and now he's well bred?" "Great." "Nixon is from nothing." "Self-made man." "The abe lincoln of california who was vice president of the united states six years after getting out of the navy." "Kennedy,I see a silver spoon." "Nixon..." "I see myself." "If we were to run a critical ad,there are obvious benefits." "When you run an ad that's positive you're only convincing the people who are already voting for you,but when you run an ad that's critical you get a shot at the people on the fence." "There are a lot of people on the fence." "Gentlemen,whether the nixon campaign wants it or not, we have to produce a spot that aims a howitzer at kennedy's balls." "I want to hear ideas..." "after the long weekend." "I agree." "Let's go down swinging." "If we can switch to a conversation about paying clients, menken's is coming in today to sign off on the roll out,father and daughter." "I get the feeling old abe schmencken can kill this whole thing." "Of course,the checks have cleared already but, don,I want you to go in and ride bareback over paul here." "Done." "And,uh,don,I want you on your best behavior." "Excuse me?" "I know she bothers you." "Miss holloway,may I?" "I really need to get to the bottom of that." "Yes,I would like to get a look at those." "Margaret and mona are off to block island for labor day." "Gone for the weekend along with every other wife in town." "We can go anywhere tonight." "We can see a broadway show and sit at any table at the colony with our clothes off if we want to." "How about a movie?" "Have you seen "the apartment"?" "I went last week with mona and margaret." "I hear shirley maclaine is good." "Oh,please." "A white elevator operator,and a girl at that?" "I want to work at that place." "Oh,I bet you do." "The way those men treated that poor girl,handing her around like a tray of canapes." "She tried to commit suicide." "So you saw it,huh?" "Oh,red,that's not how it is." "Look,it was crude." "That's the way pictures are now." "Did you see that ridiculous "psycho"?" "Hollywood isn't happy unless things are extreme." "It didn't seem that extreme to me." "Are we actually gonna get in a fight over a movie?" "You know,mona had a dream once where I hit the dog with a car." "She was mad at me all day,and I never hit the dog." "We don't even have a dog." "Why don't i call you later?" "Joanie... call me soon because we can go anywhere." "The new atrium,will make the store brighter and more vibrant." "The aisles will be wider,spotlighting these new chrome display cases." "Over here will be a new restaurant." "Elegant tea room." "Modern classic signs and champagne linens." "A tea room,nice,but 30 percent of my ground floor is devoted to the restaurant business?" "Lunch and shopping,a day of indulgence." "It's what ladies like." "Yes,I saw that in the chapter here." "It's much longer than the little schedule that says" ""we have to close our doors "while it's getting nailed together." "" Three months of construction during which time we build enormous anticipation." "It's like a movie premiere." "The new menken'S." "You will have a line that first day." "Even if you have to pay people to stand in it." "We'll do whatever it takes." "Mr. Draper,my dauger's presence here should let you know that I am not against change, and let us assume,that this is the most amazing idea in retail since "buy one get one free." "" I still don't understand why we have to throw out the baby with the water." "Can't I keep what I have and just build on it?" "Well,honestly,the unpleasant truth... is you don't have anything." "Your customers cannot be depended on anymore." "Their lives have changed." "They're prosperous." "Over the years they've developed new tastes." "They're like your daughter." "Educated,sophisticated." "They know full well what they deserve and they're willing to pay for it." "Why would I want to own a store that I wouldn't want to shop in?" "Mr. Menken,I don't know if that's true." "You had no problem abandoning that second floor hosiery store on seventh avenue for your present location,and that's a story you'll be proud to tell your grandchildren." "The only problem is they won't care." "As much as grandpa likes that marble palace,I can promise you they won'T." "They'll look at it and they'll say,"grandpa,it must've been hard back in the olden days." "" and it was." "Everybody's jumping to forget it." "Excuse me." "This is not some phony story you people print in your fourth of july circulars." "My father actually started with nothing and he made it into everything we're talking about." "Who here can say that?" "I meant no disrespect,sir." "None taken." "This is the plan,daddy." "As you can see,it wasn't just thrown together." "It does seem very well thought out." "It is." "Pleasure to finally meet you." "I hope you two know what you're doing." "Looks like we both get to keep our jobs a little while longer." "Don't screw this up." "I think he likes me." "I guarantee you there is nothing about you he likes." "What about you?" "Daddy,can we?" "This place reminds of a zaris ministry." "No matter what the decision,you don't feel it was yours." "Fortunately,I have no idea what you're talking about." "He's very good." "Persuasive." "Yes." "A little dashing for my taste." "carol,it's 10:30." "Did we have lunch?" "'Cause even I can't leave this early." "No,I needed to talk to you." "Why aren't you at work?" "Don't tell me you're late again." "Do you need to see Dr. Emerson?" "No!" "Good grief,joan." "Then what?" "You walked 12 blocks in a heat wave,and I see you didn't take my advice about the dress sheilds." "You know how Mr. Aldridge has had me reading the slush pile?" "Yes,writing the rejection letters." "You told me." "It was depressing." "I'm so stupid!" "This morning in the submissions meeting, the editorial director asked why we haven't responded to this poet from yale,marlin rice." "Mr. Aldridge tells him we never saw it." "Then the director asks me,and I cover for Mr. Aldridge." "I said that I had read it and rejected it." "Then they made Mr. Aldridge fire me." "Oh,honey,that's awful." "He was really sorry about it." "Of course,that S.O.B. I know." "I'm going to have to ask my dad for money again." "It's humiliating." "Stop it,you shouldn't be embarrassed." "There's never enough money." "Well,you always seem to manage." "These men,we're constantly building them up,and for what?" "Dinner." "Jewelry." "Who cares?" "You need to go out and shake all this gloominess." "All I want to do is sit in the movies and cry." "No movies." "Let's look for some actual bachelors." "Empty their wallets." "I hate manhattan sometimes." "Don't say that." "This city's everything." "where's howdy dowdy at?" "What can I do for ya?" "I just got off the phone with brett rowley at Dr. Scholls." "Don't tell me they're coming in again about the exercise sandals." "Did you tell 'em summer's over?" "They're not coming in - ever." "They're going to leo burnett." "What?" "Why didn't he call me?" "Probably because they were disappointed with the creative." "Rowley called it dull and humorless." "And what did you say?" " What could I say?" "I've never lost an account before,especially one that was here before I got here." "So you really put up a fight?" "He had very strong feelings." "He said some unpleasant things." "Which you don't remember or I'm sure you'd tell me." "The day you sign a client is the day you start losing them." "Are you going to tell sterling,or should I?" "Unless you think it can wait until after the weekend?" "I'll take care of it." "were you buzzing me?" "My intercom was making... a funny sound." "Leave it." "You wear Dr. Scholls inserts?" "I thought we all had to." "Take them out." "Get rid of this please." "we lost Dr. Scholls." "Where?" "Leo burnett." "Campbell enjoyed telling me it was something to do with creative." "Thought i should tell you." "Make sure the ink is dry on that raise." "That fat piece of shit." "He's a cigarette ash." "Chicago,what a joke." "Small time." "Sorry,maybe you're from there." "Well,I know I didn't drop the ball on this." "Sales were steady." "Probably didn't help that our billings crept up for no apparent reason." "Eventually,an accountant is gonna read the mail." "If you're trying to cheer me up,it's working." "The day you sign a client is the day you start losing 'em." "You don't really believe that." "You know what my father used to say?" ""Being with a client is like being in a marriage." ""Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons "and eventually they hit you in the face." "" damn it." "Are we supposed to cry about this?" "So we lost an account." "That means we'll just have to cut back." "Let's go fire somebody." "It's labor day weekend." "Between now and monday we have to fall in love a dozen times." "Betty's at the shore,I'm headed down tomorrow." "What do we work so hard for?" "To have enough money to buy fabulous vacations for our families so we can live it up here." "Give me tonight." "You owe me that." "I can use you as bait." "Uh,there's a casting call at 4 o'clock." "Double sided aluminum." "If freddy rumson's brain works the way I think it works, slow and obvious,I think we should go down to casting and see who's on the couch." "Remember,don,when god closes a door,he opens a dress." "what do you have there?" "Precious cargo?" "Mr. Rumson has me trafficking the "belle jolie" pouch." "Aren't you a busy beaver?" "Hey,I'm talking to you." "If you want to see the proofs,you'll have to check with Mr. Cosgrove." "It's his account." "Look at you." "Minister of protocol." "So,has draper talked to sterling yet?" "You'll have to ask him." " I'm asking you." "You should talk to him." "What's wrong with you?" "Excuse me?" "I'm just trying to do my job and you're making it very difficult." "Peggy dear,I think i understand what this is about, but you're not being professional right now." "I cannot believe I am in this conversation." "You think this is easy for me?" "I don't know." "I don't know if you like me or if you don't like me." "I'm just trying to get along here,and every time i walk by I wonder... are you going to be nice to me... or cruel." "Cruel?" "What am i supposed to say?" "I'm married." "Yes,I know,and I heard all about how confusing that can be." "Maybe you need me to lay on your couch to clear that up for you again." "That's some imagination you've got." "Good thing you're a writer now." "What do you need me for?" "It's incredible." "I mean,we're just hanging out in the art department and you two wander in." "We thought it was casting." "I wish it was." "I'd definitely pick you two." "You have such an exquisite look,the bones of your face." "And your sister,my goodness." "You two look very different when you pay attention." "I have an older brother." "My neighbors growing up had a dairy and one of the cows gave birth to two calves that were attached at the back,then they cut them apart but they always wanted to be together" "Is that what happened to you two?" "Do you like ukrainian food?" "Let me ask you something,draper." "Do any of these men have anything else to do?" "I just wanted to make sure the girls were,you know." "Matching?" "Exactly." "Well,there you have it,draper." "Double-sided aluminum as envisioned by sterling cooper." "Look at you." "Roger sterling." "Eleanor." "Eleanor ames." "What a great god that made two of you." "what a sweet thing to say." "Um,mirabelle." "This is donald draper." "He's our creative director here." "What a pleasure to meet you." "Well,honestly..." "I think we're going to send everyone else home and use our authority to say that you two are the new faces of cartwright double-sided aluminum!" "Oh,my god!" "Thank you!" "I think this calls for a celebration." "Come on upstairs with us." "One drink could be fun." "One last question." "How many birthdays have you had?" "20." "How about her?" "you're coming,aren't you,don?" "Aren't you two a pair of bookends." "What do you say,draper?" "Shall we cast 'em in bronze and mount them on the credenza?" "Oh,my." "Everything he says means something else too." "Did get warm in here." "They shut the air off at 5:00." "Oh,rochester,get her an extra ice cube or something." "So,mirabelle,what's your special talent?" "Singing?" "Dancing?" "Baton twirling?" "I ride,mostly jasage." "She has a wall full of blue ribbons back home in winchester." "Huh." "I have a few awards myself." "look at your skin." "It's translucent." "It's see through." "Can I touch it?" "I don't see why not." "After all,I do work here now." "That tickles." "Soft as a lamb's ear." "You gotta feel this." "I'm talking to you,eleanor." "do you love your sister?" "Of course." "Why don't you show her how much?" "Give her a kiss." "Right now." "Why do people always ask us that?" "My god,because it's a beautiful thing." "I should be heading home." "Wonder boy,have a great night." "You know what?" "I think we should go,too." "Oh,come on." "Nobody's going anywhere." "Do you want to dance?" "That's nice." "Dance for us." "I don't dance." "Sure you do,look at that." "I feel like I'm stuck somewhere between doris day in "pillow talk" and "midnight lace,"" "and what I need to be is kim nowak in just about anything." "You're prettier than kim nowak." "What a rut." "1960,I'm so over you." "Zip." "Shalimar?" "Too much?" "You never say die,do you?" "What's the point?" "Oh,carol,sweetie,it's not that bad." "Tomorrow's another day." "I know." "I'm okay actually." "Good." "No water works." "Mascara." "I'm just so happy right now." "Okay,are you on the gilby's already?" "no." "I just love this,you know,being with you." "We do know how to have fun,don't we?" "Joan..." "I love you." "I really do." "You." "That first week in college I saw you walking on the commons... and I thought,"who is she?" "" Then college was over and you came here,and I followed you." "You needed a roommate,I moved in... just to be near you." "I did everything i could to be near you,all with the hope that one day you would notice me." "Joanie... just think of me as a boy" "You've had a hard day." "Let's go out and try to forget about it,okay?" "Of course." "Good,because I'm starving." "they seem to be having a lot of fun." "Do you have any gum?" "no." "No,I don'T." "Listen,I should get going." "Over to the left there." "There you go,don't make me use my spurs on ya." "Easy." "Right over there by the trough." "I really should go." "eleanor?" "I'll be right outside." "Let her go." "Listen, let me call you a car." "I should wait for my sister." "I mean,I've been around the block a few times,but her... now all you're thinking about is going around the block,huh?" "I don't even think I can get out of the driveway." "Please,just wait with me?" "I like your office." "It's really fancy." "Mirabelle,love that name." "listen to that." "I haven't heard margaret laugh since she was seven." "Who's margaret?" "My daughter." "I think I like mirabelle better than margaret." "I wanted to name her margo like the wine." "I lost that battle." "I'm sure she would've hated margo almost as much as she hates margaret." "Why is she so angry?" "You're only a little older than her." "You're not angry." "Oh,don't be sad." "I just wish i could talk to her without her rolling her eyes." "Of course,she's right." "I have nothing to say to her." "I'm sure that's not so." "Girls love their fathers." "You have such beautiful skin." "My god,I just want to eat it." "I want to suck your blood like dracula." "aren't you two thesweetest walking us up." "You should be roommates." "He seems to be adelightful young man." "Ralph you don'tteach at fortamso?" "No, we were just sittingnext to each other at the bar and it seemedto be working." "Kelly, you know what we need?" "Ice." "Now where is that gin hiding'?" "just so we're clear about what's what,the redhead is mine." "So,franklin,you're into language?" "Yes,well,it's kind of hobby of mine." "I do carpentry." "I'm building a dry sink." "I love language." "Words and their ways." "Well,this is just bad speech." "I collect it." "There's this polish janitor in our building." "His name is stash stanislsuh." "He's locked me out of my office on more than one occasion." "One time,he described his bride as not speaking real good english." "oh,I cherish that gift." "Put that in a book and sell it." "Well,this is a party,isn't it?" "I was wondering if I could impose on the professor for one more teeny favor." "I never say no to a beautiful girl." "The light fixture in my room is out." "Could you change it for me?" "I'm up to that task." "We don't have a lot of men around here." "Oh,it's not that dark." "Well,what are we gonna do?" "Whatever you want." "You're married,aren't you?" "Yes." "Yes,I am." "Yeah." "You kiss like a married man." "Your own way." "No talking you out of it." "Is that good or bad?" "Oh,it's good." "Tell me what to do and I'll do it." "Maybe it's this office,but..." "you are selling too hard." "eleanor!" "Hello,ellie-- where are you?" "Something's wrong!" "Your friend,something's wrong." "I knew I shouldn't have asked him to do it a second time." "Jesus." "I,uh,I feel like there's a tank on my chest." "call an ambulance and then leave." "Is he okay?" "leave,right there." "mirabelle." "Oh,mirabelle." "Mirabelle." "Mona." "Your wife's name is mona." "How ya doin'?" "All these years I thought it would be the ulcer." "Did everything they told me." "Drank the cream." "Ate the butter." "I get hit with a coronary." "Son-of-a-bitch it hurts." "Well,you're talking,that's good." "That's not what the doctors think." "Don?" "Do you believe in energy?" "What do you mean?" "Like the thing that gives you get up and go?" "No." "Like,uh,human - energy." "I don't know A... a soul." "a soul." "What do you want to hear?" "Jesus..." "I've been living the last 20 years like I'm on shore leave." "What the hell is that about?" "It's living,just like you said." "God..." "I wish..." "I was going somewhere." "he's doing great." "Mona." "mona." "Mona." "I love you so much,mona." "Oh,god,I love you so much." "I know.Sweetheart,I know." "Listen to me,darling." "Margaret is outside and she needs to see you." "No,no,no." "I can't let her see me like this." "Roger..." "I'm getting her." "my goodness!" "All this from selling toilet paper." "Mr. Cooper,where is everyone?" "My roommate just gave me the message." "Out." "It's the middle of the night." "I'm not leaving you here." "You should go." "Thank you." "Suit yourself." "Miss holloway,roger sterling has suffered a heart attack." "What?" "He survived it and he's currently being hospitalized." "Now we need to immediately send a telegram to every one of our clients assuring them that business will not be interrupted." "Of course." "This is the master client list,names,addresses, and I'll read them out and you compose the telegram,huh?" ""Kyle mcelroy." ""President,alpine real estate." "it's me,bets." "Were you sleeping?" "not really." "The kids are in bed with me." "Gloria and my father made such a big deal about having separate bedrooms." "Listen,roger had a heart attack." "What?" "Don,that's terrible." "Is he going to be okay?" "The doctors basically say they don't know." "Mona's with him." "She must be a wreck." "It's good that you're there." "About tomorrow..." "no,I understand." "well,what happened?" "He was at work." "He just keeled over." "It was awful,actually." "Well,if the kids wouldn't be so heartbroken I'd come home now." "I don't want to be here." "You should've seen the two of them in the kitchen tonight." "She was making some pot roast with a ketchup." "My father started hovering behind her,watching,like he used to do with my mother." "How can he pretend that she never existed?" "I still pick up the phone sometimes to call her." "I don't know,bets." "I know people say life goes on... and it does." "But no one tells you that's not a good thing." "Why is that?" "I don't know." "Stop thinking about that." "I can'T." "I try." "Do you want me to come up there?" "no,there's nothing you can do." "Okay." "Give mona my love." "And,don,make sure you eat something." "How's he doing?" "Not great." "What happened?" "I don't know." "public and politician wants you to believe that richard nixon is quote "experienced." "" They even want you to believe that he has actually been making decisions in the white house." "But listen to the man who should know best,the president of the united states." "I just wondered if you could give us an example of a major idea of his that you had adopted in that role as the - as the decider?" "If you give me a week,I might think of one." "I don't remember." "at the same press conference,president eisenhower said... no one can make a decision except me." "I know it's late" " I'm sorry." "I got the telegram." "Let me in." "Are you okay?" "No." "You look terrible." "Can I get a drink?" "Of course." "Are you happy with the doctors?" "I can have my father make a call." "I don't know-- he's rich." "They seem to be taking care of him." "Is he okay?" "You can tell me,I'm not moving the account." "He's gray and weak." "His skin looks like paper." "I'm sorry." "He's your friend,isn't he?" "What's the difference?" "You don't want to lose him." "Don,don't!" "What good is that gonna do?" "Is this like some solar eclipse?" "It's the end of the world,just do whatever you want?" "I don't know." "You do." "You're exhausted." "You need sleep,that's all." "I just need to sit down." "Sit with me." "Why?" "Because I feel like you're looking right through me over there." "I'm not." "I don't like feeling like this." "No one does." "I remember the first time I was a pallbearer." "I'd seen dead bodies before." "I must've been 15-- my aunt." "I remember thinking "" "they're letting me carry the box." ""They're letting me be this close to it." ""No one is hiding anything from me now." "" And then I looked over and I saw all the old people waiting together by the grave, and I remember thinking I..." ""I just moved up a notch." "" Never heard you talk that much before." "Rachel-- - what do you want from me?" "You know." "I know you do." "You know everything about me." "I don't!" "You don't want to do this." "You have a wife." "You should go to her." "Jesus,rachel." "This is it." "This is all there is,and I feel like it's slipping through my fingers like a handful of sand." "This is it." "This is all there is." "That's just an excuse for bad behavior." "You don't really believe that." "No." "Not unless you tell me you want this." "Yes,please." "Miss holloway,I know it's none of my business,but you could do a lot better." "He's just a friend." "That's not what I'm talking about,my dear." "Don't waste your youth on age." "Could you-- lobby." "Do you want one?" "No." "You told me your mother died in childbirth." "Mine did too." "She was a prostitute." "I don't know what my father paid her,but when she died they... brought me to him and his wife." "And when I was ten-years-old... he died." "He was a drunk who got..." "kicked in the face by a horse." "She buried him and took up with some other man and I was raised by those two sorry people." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"{\move(400,10,190,270,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\cH000000f\3c0000a6}sub_master-HD" "Access the footage from Wesley." "We got to the temple this morning, and sent the unit advisors away right after lunch." "Funny the way things work out sometimes." "The only reason we found this place is because they were looking for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist." "God definitely has a master plan." "The tomb was undisturbed, but it'll probably take another couple of days to get to them." "Dr. Chandler completed his assignment this morning." "He was ready." "We all know the sacrifices we have to make." "Never seems to get any easier." "I miss Moray." "This could be a chance to change things forever." "Fulton says I'm crazy, but I want to get closer." "I need to get closer." "I stopped Fulton and the others from leaving." "They scared them in." "It always starts with hallucinations." "Then what could happen?" "I can't believe it's come to this." "No one can leave." "Get it out, get it out of my head." "Who do we send?" "I know the perfect person." "All my life, I've been a soldier of fortune." "Did what I had to do to get the job done and get my team out alive." "This mission shouldn't have been any different." "But it turns out, some things can't be killed with a bullet." "Dr. Cardell is on the ground." "I repeat, Dr. Cardell is on the ground." "Thunderbird 307 heading back to civilization." "Have fun, boys and girls." "I could put you out of your misery, rookie." "You ever flown combat before?" "Yeah, a bunch of times." "Videogames don't count, man." "screw you all." "All you all." "Elite unit, my ass." "Target practice, Hammer?" "lt ain't loaded, boss." "Give me that." "All right, listen up." "You've all been briefed about where we're going." "This is Dr. Cardell, she's here to tell us why we're going." "Meet the Angels." "Yoshi, Hicks, this is our medic, sergeant Harrington." "You can call me Doc." "Nickels." "Com tech." "You can call me Nickels." "This is our computer specialist, Click." "And the big guy is..." "sergeant Diego Garcia." "I've been briefed on your unit, Captain." "ClA puke." "As you know, the research station at shabaka was hit by a seismic event 36 hours ago." "All attempts to reestablish contact since then have failed." "And what kind of research are they doing in the middle of the desert?" "The work is classified." "That's all right, we can keep a secret." "It's an archeological site." "Its previous owners used it as a storage facility, but when we acquired it, we found something." "something that cannot be moved, something that my superiors say we don't need to know about." "Yeah, same shit, different day." "What do we get to blow up?" "Actually, sergeant, it's an extraction." "This is a fucking joke, right, boss?" "With all due respect, honey, but you don't need this hurricane of pain to dig a bunch of scientists out of the sand." "He's right, Mack, we're shake and bake, man, not search and rescue." "We're not here to rescue a bunch of scientists." "Just one." "Who?" "King Tut?" "Dr. Lee Wesley." "Can you pass that around, please?" "Nothing else is to be removed from that station." "Is that clear, sergeant?" "Wouldn't he have contacted somebody by now if he was still alive?" "There is a safe room." "But if the quake knocked out their uplink, there's no way that..." "Getting a signal, that would be impossible." "Yeah." "Anything else we need to know before we get this stupid mother-fucker out on his ass?" "Actually, there is one other thing, sergeant." "Oh, yeah?" "What's that?" "That stupid mother-fucker is my father." "It's getting pretty nasty on the horizon." "Let's load up." "I'm hit." "I'm shot." "Hicks." "Hey, don't you let him die." "Fuck!" "What the fuck happened?" "It's another ClA cluster-fuck, sir." "The locals aren't getting the message." "Well, next time remind me to get a translator." "You look like shit." "sorry, boss." "Can you move him?" "I'm working on it." "Wilcox?" "He's dead, sir." "You want this?" "Get the fucking thing away from me." "Goddamn heathen." "Mack!" "Buckle up and finish your smokes, ladies." "It's going to be a rough one." "What's the forecast?" "Look for yourself." "We going to be able to find the beacon?" "Fortunately, we got a strong signal." "Probably wouldn't be able to see anything in that shit storm." "synch on my mark." "Now." "Better be ready in six hours, or you're marching out." "This wind will bore in your skin like a blowtorch. so stay tight." "Move out." "Go, go, go, go." "Go, go, go." "Move it, rookie. soldier up." "I got to go, Mack." "The wind's too strong." "See you in six hours." "Base camp's been totally blown away." "stick together and find the hatch." "Hooah?" "Move out." "Eye on the prize, Captain." "On my mark." "Three, two, one." "Clear." "Let's move it." "Hustle up." "Yoshi, clear the perimeter." "Hicks, two-by-two formation." "Damn, it's hot in here." "Quit bitching, rook." "It can't be no more than 80 degrees in here." "Feels like fucking Cancun to me." "Clear." "Clear." "Clear." "Down!" "ls he all right?" "Yeah." "Give me some room." "Jeez." "What's wrong with him?" "Is he contagious?" "I don't know." "Hey, you know, I, I really don't want to spend a month in quarantine when we hit stateside." "He's not febrile, all right?" "If I had to guess, I mean, this looks like..." "Like radiation poisoning." "But I don't know." "Well, I got nothing on the Geiger counter." "What is a priest doing here?" "Alfeo Jacoby." "He's from The Vatican." "I thought you were a doctor." "My doctorate's in anthropology." "Man, that's some sick-ass shit, bro." "It's like when Blakeley and I were in the swamp for two days." "Blakeley?" "Our last CO." "Yeah, we came out, our whole bodies were covered in two-inch leeches." "Feel good, having something that big in your pants, Nickels?" "You want to take a little peek, huh?" "Kiss it?" "Mack." "All right, guys, come on." "Let Doc work her magic." "Didn't mean to hit on your girlfriend, Doc." "You okay?" "Yes." "I mean, no." "Well, which is it?" "someone's in the safe room." "ls it Wesley?" "I can't tell." "There's people wandering around everywhere." "And the bad news?" "Look, lady, I ain't got time for bullshit games." "If you know something, you need to spill it." "Well, the whole base is locked down." "We can't go any further without an override code." "Or a really good hacker." "Click." "Yo." "Get over here." "We need you to get into that network and get the elevator working." "I'm on it." "Listen up, we're going down in five." "Get your gear in order." "Hey." "What's up?" "Cardell was wrong." "The quake didn't knock out this com system." "They got torn to shreds from the inside." "How long is it going to take for you to get it working?" "Patch this up, about an hour." "There's no power running to this thing." "Could be a blown relay downstairs." "Boy got skills, or what?" "I can see why The Pentagon didn't cut you loose after you hacked into their database." "Oh, yeah, you company men." "Know all, see all, hear all." "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." "Hell of a first step." "You're not going to piss yourself, are you, Click?" "How deep did you say this hole was, Dr. Cardell?" "A thousand feet?" "Just ignore them." "Yeah I..." "I'm not worried about them." "It's this." "What's the Gehenna Project?" "I don't know." "Yeah, it looks like a bunch of encrypted data files." "But they won't be encrypted for long." "Come on, come on, breathe." "Breathe, God damn it, breathe." "Breathe." "Breathe, breathe, come on, Nate, breathe." "You look like shit." "sorry, boss." "Mack." "We'll get you out of here, son." "Can you move him?" "I'm working on it." "We got to pull rank, Captain." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "That's what happens when you get a chest wound." "What the hell are you doing?" "I'm cleaning out his airways." "That's disgusting." "Give me that." "Here you go, boss." "You okay?" "I'm trying to get this guy stable, but his vitals are for shit." "Maybe he's got allergies or just bad acne." "Would you shut the fuck up?" "Mack, we got to get him out of here." "Well, can we call the chopper back?" "Not in this storm, not without the uplink." "May I remind everyone, nothing is to be removed from this station." "That includes him." "You know what?" "That's bullshit." "No, Doctor, that's a direct order." "You know, this is exactly what you said wouldn't happen." "I'm not leaving him." "Yes, you are." "No, I'm not." "Mack, he's a priest." "Okay?" "That may not mean anything to you, but it does to me." "Well, set Nickels up with what he needs to do and pack your gear." "Him?" "Me?" "Cardell's right." "Our orders are no souvenirs." "so pack your gear." "No, no, no, no, I..." "I ain't touching him." "Yes, you are." "Yes, I am." "We'll plug the power back in downstairs." "I want that uplink fixed by the time we're back." "Hooah?" "Hooah." "It's like Tal Afar all over again." "Asses flapping in the wind." "You're up, Hicks." "Fuck." "I want this to go by the book." "We get Wesley, we get the hell out of here." "Ready?" "This badass was born ready, boss." "Let's move." "I love this shit." "No grab ass, you two." "Get in here." "Come on." "Dr. Cardell, you reset your transponder." "Hicks, rig the rookie, would you?" "Happy hunting." "Keep your safeties on." "Hey, this ain't so bad." "Welcome to hell." "You want something for that?" "Lock and load." "You know, in our line of work, nothing gets you killed quicker than dragging civvies into a hot zone." "Especially those wearing panties." "stay with us, lady." "Earthquake." "Hold it." "ls everyone okay?" "What the hell?" "This place is coming down on our asses." "Where do these leads go?" "When Wesley's team found this place it was booby-trapped." "They hauled out enough C-4 to blow it up two times." "Who's maintaining this place?" "Dr." "Wesley's team." "Enough chatter." "Hammer, Yoshi, take lead." "Let's move." "Okay." "stay sharp." "How many people did you say were down here?" "Twenty scientists, some security personnel." "It's up ahead." "What the hell is that?" "For God so loved the world..." "Over here, boss." "What is that?" "Who's that?" "Now why would God make such a bad deal?" "ls that Wesley?" "I can't tell." "Identify yourself." "We've been called many things throughout the millennia." "But Wesley isn't one of them." "son of a bitch." "Where do you turn for the answers you seek, Dr. sarah Harrington?" "The Authentic, the Barclay, the Contemporary, the New American, the New English, the New Evangelical, the Revised, the Restored, the Worrell?" "Have you ever wondered why there are so many if only one truly showed the way?" "I'll bet you have, Doc." "We got no time for this shit, Mack." "Without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sin." "Let me help you repent." "Doc, get over here." "Doc?" "Doc, what's wrong with you?" "He knew my..." "He knew my name, Mackie." "He just said my whole name." "shit." "That son of a bitch is spitting battery acid." "All right, just hang on." "Let me help you." "How'd he know my name?" "What was he talking about?" "scripture, Old Testament." "Hebrews 9:.22." "What does it mean?" "It means all her friends has gone loco, that's what it means, Mack." "shit." "sedate him, Doc." "I don't want this guy wandering around down here." "Hey, soldier up." "Knock him out, Doc." "If we have to, we'll lock him in the elevator." "Okay, now just keep it open, all right?" "Captain." "I don't think you got anything to worry about with this guy there, Click." "shit." "Good thing the bullet didn't hit the tank, or none of this shit wouldn't be here anymore." "You're the only one who can help me." "What?" "Why didn't you get it out of me, sarah?" "I'm sorry." "Why did you let me die, you bitch?" "I don't..." "You're the only one who understands." "It says, "Welcome to hell."" "You can read that?" "Yeah." "I speak a bunch of languages." "What?" "You can't?" "How we doing, Doc?" "sergeant Harrington?" "Harrington, do you copy?" "Doc?" "Click!" "Yeah?" "Get up here." "Where is she, Click?" "shit, I barely have a signal." "Find her." "straight ahead a hundred yards." "Moving fast." "Then so do we." "Dr. Cardell, what's down here?" "Engineering." "Hicks, Yoshi." "sir." "sir." "Get to communications relay and get the power back on," "so Nickels can get us out of here." "Yes, sir." "Click, you go with them." "Yeah." "Don't forget your gun, rookie." "And don't screw up." "Hammer, take point." "You got it." "Nickels, do you copy?" "Nickels, do you copy?" "Hey, yeah, yeah." "Barely, you're cracking up." "How's the priest doing?" "Priest?" "The priest is..." "No change. still passed out and creepy." "Watch out for him." "No, he, he's not supposed to get tranqued for another 15 minutes." "That's not what I mean." "Yeah, but you're breaking..." "You're breaking up." "stay clear of him and get the uplink fixed." "Go..." "Go again." "You're..." "You're breaking up." "Hammer, do you copy?" "Can we move him?" "Yeah." "Let's get him out of here." "We got to pull back, Captain." "Don't you let him die." "I can't breathe." "That's what happens when you get a chest wound." "Incoming." "Hammer blew the shit out of them fuckers." "Get him up." "Keep moving, Dr. Cardell." "All right, stay sharp." "Let's find that relay and get the hell out of here." "Go that way." "Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot." "I will shoot you." "Get down here." "What was that?" "I don't know." "Come on." "It's coming from in there." "Click, open it." "All right." "This is it." "Open it." "Fast." "You ever stop to think that maybe it's locked for a reason?" "You're not here for your opinions." "Open it." "All right, here we go." "Move." "Here we go." "Move." "Yeah, move it." "What is that fucking smell?" "Oh, fuck." "Mack." "Mack." "What the hell happened here?" "Keep moving." "Who are they trying to keep out, boss?" "Or who are they trying to keep in?" "Cut him down, Hammer." "There are those devoid of divinity." "Mack, listen." "That's Dr. Wesley." "Dr. Cardell." "Hospitals cramped with the mentally ill." "Those who see clearly the truth." "This cosmic game of good cop, bad cop." "We all fell for it." "It's a recording." "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt." "Hammer, it's me." "It's me." "What's going on with the power?" "Low-level transformer's fried." "One of the locals grabbed a main bus." "Both hands." "Was it Wesley?" "Have you seen what 299,999 volts does to your complexion?" "sir, what the fuck is going on down here?" "Yeah, what she said." "And nobody said nothing about crawling through a bunch of dead bodies" "and barbed wire." "Mack!" "Doc's signal." "It stopped moving." "How far?" "Give me that." "About 199 feet that way. storage room." "All right, go, go, go." "You two, stay here." "Anybody gets passed us..." "Take them out." "That's right." "Let's go." "Come on." "Yeah, something's getting past him." "Right." "Way too many rat holes in here." "Let's keep moving." "Click, position." "Twenty feet ahead, down the stairwell." "You sure you're reading that thing right?" "Yeah, we should see her at the bottom of the stairs." "They move about the earth with such ease." "Hospitals cramped with the mentally ill." "Those who see clearly the truth." "What is this bullshit?" "ls it Doc?" "No." "No one." "We bounce topside and wait for the cavalry." "Quiet." "Hey." "Oh, it's you again." "Where's my soldier?" "she's not your soldier anymore." "You blind fools." "We offer the same salvation, just without the rule book." "Where's sarah?" "Come with me." "I'll show you the way." "Together we will dine on the afterbirth of her new becoming." "What's that?" "I don't know." "The coms aren't working." "Mack?" "stay here." "Hey, get over here." "We did our part, now you do yours." "Dr. Wesley?" "This cosmic game of good cop, bad cop." "We all fell for it." "Some of us harder than others." "Slaughter one another, and anoint ourselves with ash." "Mommy?" "We got some C-4 that can help you, Doctor." "Just hurry up." "This is Dr. Elissa Cardell, is anyone in there?" "Yoshi?" "Yoshi?" "What the fuck?" "Look at your conflict." "You try to convince yourselves your existence on this ball of dirt is not a dead end." "Then I show you the truth of your faith, and you don't accept it." "Make up your mind!" "I think you got him." "How the hell is this bitch still wiggling?" "Nickels." "Nickels, do you copy?" "Nickels?" "Nickels?" "I want you to tell me what the hell's going on." "I don't know." "Bullshit." "What are they doing down here?" "I told you, I don't know." "I'm done risking my team for some Agency jerk-off." "This isn't a ClA project." "But covering up is?" "Fuck this." "Let's move." "You don't have the authority to make that call, Captain." "I think he just did, lady." "You want to stay?" "Be my guest." "I have no problem leaving your ass." "some kind of biohazard down here that I wasn't briefed on." "It's not your job to worry about what's down here." "It's your job..." "What the fuck do you know about my job?" "My job is to get my team out alive." "When I shoot somebody and they don't die, makes it hard for me to do my fucking job." "You can't do this." "I told you we'd get you down here." "I didn't say anything about staying." "Captain!" "Dr. Cardell." "It is you." "Are you alone?" "Yes." "Who is this, Doctor?" "This is Father Jacob Fulton." "He's part of Wesley's team." "What's going on down here?" "He wouldn't understand." "I just saw a dead man quoting chapter and verse." "Try me." "I want my soldier back." "Is my father still alive?" "The last time I saw him, he was in the temple." "That's where your friend would have been taken." "How did you know she was taken?" "How did you know she was taken?" "Mommy?" "Yoshi." "Where are you?" "Hi, Mommy." "Hey, baby." "Look what I found, your bear." "My mommy gave me that bear on my fifth birthday." "My mommy never gave me anything." "No bears, no birthdays." "Nothing." "Except a place in hell!" "I asked you a question, Father." "How did you know she was taken?" "God wiped us out once before." "It's all part of his design." "I don't give a damn what game God wants to play," "I just want my soldier back." "Your soldier is going to die." "We're all going to die if we stay here." "And you know the way to this temple you spoke of?" "Yes." "But..." "No..." "Let's go, come here." "I want to go back." "Lead the way, Father." "Go." "What the hell are we shooting at?" "What are we shooting at?" "What's wrong with you?" "she was here." "Yoshi." "I saw her, I swear to God, Marcus." "someone talk to me." "It's Yoshi, she's seeing things, boss." "Hallucinations." "It always starts with hallucinations." "What did you see, Yoshi?" "I don't know." "I didn't see shit, boss." "It didn't just look real, Mack, it felt real." "To the temple now." "she can't come with us." "They use visions to tempt us." "Wesley thought he could contain it." "I tried to convince him it's down here for a reason." "I don't give a damn what you think is down here." "You take us to the temple right now or I put a bullet through your head right now." "stop." "He'll take us." "All right?" "Please." "We got to pull back, Captain." "Incoming." "Get him up." "Let's go." "What the hell happened?" "Bad day at the office." "We lost Wilcox." "Everybody outside." "You okay, boss?" "Never better." "I hate this horror crap." "I can't go, I can't let it happen." "Not to me." "You fools don't understand." "All you're going to find in the temple is despair." "You're going to find despair, old man." "Wait." "I got a better idea." "Is this really necessary?" "Absolutely." "You appeared." "Oh." "Wow." "Blasphemous." "shit." "Hey." "Captain, Captain." "Doc." "Open the door." "I don't know." "I promise I won't tell." "Look, you need to listen to me, okay?" "You can't trust them." "Especially that bitch, Cardell." "All right?" "I know what's going on here." "It's not good." "I can get us out of here, come on." "Open the goddamn door, Click, get me out of here." "Captain..." "No, get off me." "Let me give you your penance." "Then you can be beautiful, just like me." "Come on." "Come on." "Be right with you, boss." "What the hell was that?" "Nothing like your videogames." "Eat this." "What happened?" "Fed Click's new friend some C-4." "Blew a 599-pound shit bag into next year." "The blast caved in the passage." "There's no going back that way." "Oh, that's great." "That's just great." "Now what are we supposed to do?" "Man, how could you be so stupid?" "Oh, yeah?" "I just saved your ass, didn't I?" "And what the hell you were doing back there anyway, huh?" "There's an access tunnel that runs parallel to this corridor." "We can use that." "You heard the lady, Click." "Get the door open." "Yeah, yeah." "Okay." "That's going to have to do." "Hicks, get him inside." "Yoshi, Hammer, burn anybody that isn't Doc." "Come on." "Go." "What about Wesley?" "Fuck Wesley." "Where is she?" "You told me my soldier was here." "I told you we had to leave." "Mack, look at this." "It's like a bunch of ancient-fire-and-brimstone shit." "There's stuff here from all over the world, different religions." "Hebrew, Christianity, Buddhism." "Click." "Yo." "What's it say?" "I can't read spanish." "You can read Latin, but you can't read spanish?" "Hammer, get in here." "Yes, sir, boss." "What is it, boss?" "What does this say?" "Let's see." "It's a testament from a farmer." "He said he saw an angel cast from heaven, 2,999 years ago." "What the fuck?" "It moved." "Mack, it..." "It moved." "Look, look, check it out, check it out, check it out." "I'm telling you, it moved." "What the fuck is that thing?" "Huh?" "Doctor Chandler sacrificed himself to stop it from spreading." "All right, I want to get out of here." "Yeah, I want..." "I want to go." "I..." "I'm cold, I'm hungry, and I'm tired of you gung-ho mother-fuckers pretending you got this shit under control." "Quit acting like a little bitch." "He's right." "What?" "It is cold." "It's coming from somewhere over here." "Behind this door." "It's freezing." "Go on." "scream if he moves, rookie." "Mommy?" "Over here." "This way, Mommy." "Doc." "Where have you been?" "Do you believe, Yoshi?" "Do I believe what?" "What you see, what you feel." "sometimes our faith changes who we are." "sometimes who we are changes our faith." "What are you doing?" "Come in." "Look." "You can see her?" "Of course I see your unborn child." "she's beautiful." "I told you it was cold." "What am I looking at?" "The wrath of God." "You might not believe this, Father, but you are expendable." "And I'm about two seconds away from expending your brains all over this floor if you don't tell me what the hell that is." "A nephilim." "A what?" "A nephilim." "Go on, Father, tell him where it's from." "Was he down here studying spacemen?" "It's not from space." "Yeah?" "What is it, then?" "An angel." "Not an angel from heaven, an angel cast from heaven." "An angel at war with God." "Nephilim are present in almost every religion." "In the Bible, the Torah." "Even obscure scriptures make reference to them." "Genesis speaks of the sons of God coming to earth and assuming human form." "They corrupted mankind." "Ignored the boundaries of their own domain, until God passed his judgment and wiped the slate clean." "started over." "Imprisoned them in tombs like this." "That's not ice." "It's the hand of God." "That's why the adjurists are here." "The what?" "The adjurists." "A group with one purpose." "To find the fallen angels and exorcise their evil." "They sacrifice themselves to absorb the nephilim spirit, to make sure that they never escape again." "Like that?" "Exactly." "But we were too late." "We found dozens of them down here." "But not like this one." "It's evil." "He's in Wesley." "Why didn't you tell me any of this before?" "You are on the front line of the biggest battle mankind has ever fought, Captain." "Besides, would you have believed me?" "Bullshit." "ls this a dream?" "It's a gift." "It's a chance to make things better." "I didn't have a choice." "Not if I wanted to stay with the team." "With Marcus." "With me." "seeing her hurts." "I know." "But you don't have to hurt anymore." "You don't have to hide your pain." "Or your desires." "What are you doing?" "Why'd you drag us down here?" "Why couldn't you just bring this thing up to the surface and pick it apart up there?" "You're not listening." "That's what they want." "To be free from the tomb that God created." "The fools never listen." "They'll come to you in ways you can't imagine," "like a wife, a lover, a child." "Child?" "Yoshi." "Yoshi?" "she's gone, Mack." "Click." "Click." "Get Yoshi back here asap." "Hammer." "I know your pain, Yoshi." "My sister, she trusted me." "The tumor on her spine, it was so small, but I didn't get it all." "And the cancer ate her up from the inside out." "I won't let that happen again." "Is this the way out?" "ls this the way out?" "Yes." "What's on the other side of this door?" "The possessed." "Besides the possessed, you simple son of a..." "I have no idea." "How come I don't believe that?" "Click." "Yeah?" "Get this door open, we're leaving." "Thank God." "What the hell happened?" "Bad day at the office." "We lost Wilcox." "Everybody outside." "How much longer?" "Just another couple of seconds." "It's clear?" "so we can go now, man." "Easy." "We leave when I say we leave." "Man, we got to get out of here." "Where the fuck is Hammer, you know?" "Hammer." "Yoshi." "Yoshi." "Mary, Mother of God." "Hammer." "Hicks, what the fuck are you doing, man?" "Don't let him hurt me, Marcus." "I know where Yoshi is. she needs you." "she's one of them." "she's one of us." "Don't you get it?" "This is what the priest said." "she's fucking with your head." "Put your weapon down, that's an order." "I can't do that." "No!" "Doc?" "What are you doing?" "I'm not checking out unless I got proof of what you people are doing down here." "Nothing can leave from here." "Lady, quit holding him up, okay?" "I mean, I'm not waiting here for more of these moaning mother-fuckers to bust in." "Fuck." "Hammer..." "Get her off of me!" "Move!" "Come on, Click." "Hey, Captain." "What happened?" "It's Hicks." "He's gone completely loco." "He just shot at me." "Why?" "I saw Doc. she looked like one of them." "It doesn't look good, boss." "It's not much better here." "shit." "There's more fuckers out there, Mack, and they're probably coming this way." "Are you all right?" "Look at me." "Does it look like I'm all right?" "I mean, this is some shit-covered, marshmallow kind of evil that I did not sign on for." "Take a seat, soldier." "I ain't no fucking soldier, okay?" "I mean, I shouldn't even be here." "Click, sit." "You know, I got you down here, and I opened up your Gehenna files." "You told me I'd be safe, I don't feel fucking safe anymore." "Oh, God." "Oh, God, you did it, didn't you?" "Holy Jesus, now I understand why you're here." "To access Gehenna." "Hey, hey, Father!" "Hey, Father!" "What was he talking about?" "Yoshi." "Yoshi." "Marcus." "Marcus." "Jesus." "Help me." "Come here." "I found her." "I found our baby, and I held her in my arms." "What?" "she has your smile." "Calm down, baby." "Everything's going to be okay." "I'm here now." "Who did this to you?" "Doc." "she's helping me." "Well, I'm here now, I'm going to take you, okay?" "Okay." "It's my back." "I..." "I don't know if I can walk." "Is it bad?" "sorry, Marcus." "Do you want some help with that?" "I asked you a question." "What was he talking about?" "The explosive rigs by the elevator." "What about them?" "Wesley's team didn't disarm them." "They installed them, in case something like this happened." "Come again?" "To incinerate everything." "so you pushed a button?" "How long?" "Hey, how long?" "Twenty-nine minutes, 32 seconds." "It's counting down." "I don't get it, why would you..." "Why would you detonate it before the shuttle's due back?" "How are we supposed to get out of here?" "We weren't." "This never was about getting Wesley out, was it?" "You were sent here to make sure that he doesn't." "That none of us do." "You sick bitch." "We should waste you right here, pendeja." "Why not blow this place from the surface?" "I couldn't." "Wesley changed the code." "Then how did you activate it?" "I didn't." "He did." "No, no, no, you did not just say that." "I needed a really good hacker to pull the trigger." "I didn't know." "I didn't know." "You used us." "I did what I had to do." "Did what I was told." "If anyone should understand that, it's you." "How do we shut it off?" "Only from the surface, and only with the code." "What's the code, lady?" "Weren't you guys listening?" "Wesley is all Four Horsemen rolled into one." "He hits the surface, what's happening down here will be happening everywhere, and there will not be any way to stop it." "Give me the code." "Get that thing out of my face." "Give me the goddamn code!" "It's not going to work." "she's not afraid to die." "Are you?" "I've been ready for this since I was born." "Fuck." "My father trained me." "so this whole ClA thing was just a cover?" "More like a means to an end." "You completed your mission before we even got in the elevator." "Why still go looking for Wesley?" "shit." "so what do we do if we can't find our way back?" "One problem at a time." "If anyone can hear this, you got 15 minutes to get the elevator before you're a permanent resident in this hell hole." "Come on, go!" "Let's move." "Let's move." "Come on." "Mack, I can't hold it." "Come on!" "Come on!" "I can't hold it." "Come on!" "Come on!" "Go!" "You're a soldier now, man." "Come on, Captain!" "It's an honor, boss." "We got to go, sir." "We got to go!" "Go, go, go, go, go!" "Come on!" "Father, let me help you." "Bye, Father." "Which way?" "Which..." "Don't tempt me." "This way, Captain, this way." "shit." "Eyes on me, Click." "We're almost out of here." "Elissa." "Dad." "shit." "What little is left of your father is very sorry to see you here." "You look just like your mother." "I'm surprised they sent you." "You're not ready." "I thought I was ready." "But I was just a child as you are now." "What's happening to him?" "Why doesn't he look like the others?" "The nephilim is inside of him." "We can't let him leave, Mack." "Why is he still here?" "I'm waiting for you to follow your orders, Mack." "My time in this skin suit is almost over." "I need for you to bring me a new set of clothes." "Yeah, right." "Remember what you said when you arrived?" "You told your friends, "You find Wesley and we get the hell out of here."" "Well, you have no idea how right you were." "Hey." "Nickels." "I got your message, man, and I'm ready to roll." "Don't you fucking move." "Click, lock and load." "Now." "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Captain!" "Click." "Click, Click, Click?" "You look like shit." "I never felt better." "You know, you and I aren't that different, really." "Both of us bred to do the dirty work of bosses who will never truly appreciate our skills." "You'd make a great angel." "I am ready." "Baby, you're a very, very naughty girl." "Jesus." "stop name-dropping, Mack." "Well, if you won't let me in, how about someone you actually care for?" "We could try your ex-wife, the one who left you." "Or maybe the daughter you never got to see grow up." "Or how about someone special, like your best friend?" "How you doing, Mack?" "Blakeley." "I heard you ended up with the angels." "That's a pretty good tradeoff." "But I got to be honest with you," "I'm not too impressed with your leadership skills." "Pretend to be whoever you want to be, I know you're not real." "Really?" "You've had a memory of me, of what you did, for the past five years." "If that don't make me real, you're crazy." "Mack, do you know the seven deadly sins?" "Man's roadmap to his failures." "Guilt isn't a sin, but in your case maybe it should be." "It wasn't my call." "You don't remember what happened." "Why?" "You never did answer that question, Mack." "What are you doing?" "Why did you do it, Mack?" "I did what I was told." "What a good little soldier." "You ever stop to think they might be wrong?" "Did you really have to do me in to shut me up?" "I did what I was told to do." "What makes you think one more would make a difference?" "Do you know how many millions have died in these deserts in the name of the Father and the son?" "But they couldn't do it without people like us to carry out their plans." "People who blindly trust their actions to others." "Lie, deceive." "I never believed in the Father or the son." "You weren't chosen by chance." "We knew you'd do what you were told." "And do it well." "You are on the front line..." "We can't let him leave, Mack." "Why did you do it, Mack?" "All right, maybe I am going crazy." "Let me show you the way, Mack." "I knew you wouldn't let me down again." "I knew it." "Maybe God does have a plan." "God?" "Don't talk to me about God." "He gives you pathetic creatures the gift of choice, and what do you do?" "You use it to turn your back on him first chance you get." "You chose to take this mission." "You chose to kill your best friend." "You chose to seek me out." "Thank God for free will." "Yeah." "Thank God." "Dad?" "We have to go." "Now." "I can't go." "What have you done?" "What I was trained to do." "To free my father's soul, that was my mission." "You have to leave." "I'm not going to leave you like this." "You have to leave me like this." "You understand." "No." "But I believe you." "For the first time, I know my purpose." "My place in the world." "I have a new mission, bigger than myself." "I'm a new soldier in a very old war." "{\move(400,10,190,270,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\cH000000f\3c0000a6}sub_master-HD" | {
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"Mr Bond." "Mr Bond, I'm so glad I caught you." "Your office called." "They're sending a helicopter to pick you up." "Some sort of emergency." "It usually is." "Thank you." "Good afternoon, Mr Bond." "Don't concern yourself with the pilot." "One of my less useful people." "You are now flying Remote Control Airways." "Think twice, 007." "It's a long way down." "I've looked forward to this moment, Mr Bond." "I intend to enjoy it to the full." "Really, have you no respect for the dead?" "Goodbye, Mr Bond." "I trust you had a pleasant... fright?" "You're fading from my picture, Mr Bond, but the end cannot be far away." "Mr Bond!" "Mr Bond!" "We can do a deal." "I'll buy you a delicatessen." "In stainless steel." " Please!" " All right." "Keep your hair on." "Put me down." "Put me down!" "Oh, you want to get off?" "Mr Bond!" ""For Your Eyes Only" by Sheena Easton"" ""For your eyes only can see me through the night"" ""For your eyes only I never need to hide"" ""You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new"" ""I never felt until I looked at you"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""You'll see what no one else can see and now I'm breaking free"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""The love I know you need in me"" ""The fantasy you've freed in me"" ""Only for you"" ""Only for you"" ""For your eyes only, the nights are never cold"" ""You really know me, that's all I need to know"" ""Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine"" ""But you don't need to read between the lines"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""You'll see what no one else can see and now I'm breaking free"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""The passions that collide in me"" ""The wild abandoned side of me"" ""Only for you"" ""For your eyes only"" " Afternoon." "How's it looking topside?" " Beautiful day." "Just bringing the nets in." "Fish for supper again." "Decode of Russian satellite data, sir, on British and American ship positions." " Verify and advise Admiralty." " Yes, sir." " Afternoon, sir." " Hello, Mac." "My watch." "Where the hell did that come from?" " What's going on?" " Unidentified object closing fast." "Secure Operations Room!" "Destruct ATAC system." " Yes?" " First Sea Lord and Vice Admiral." "Send them in." "Shocking news." "We've lost our electronic surveillance ship, the St Georges." "We had a routine message at 1600 hours yesterday." "Then nothing." "We sighted floating debris this morning." "My God, Jack." " How deep is the water there?" " Not deep enough, I'm afraid." "Yes, Comrade Secretary, off Albania." "The suspected British spy ship which we have been monitoring." "It suggests that there is a chance of obtaining the ATAC transmitter." "Of course, Comrade." "There will be no direct involvement." "But if it comes on the market we should not lose such a remarkable opportunity." "With that in mind, I've already contacted our usual friend in Greece." "Da." " Down you go." "Go on." " Down you go." " Give us a kiss." "Give us a kiss." " I'll give you a nut." "Here you are." "Come on." " Your packages, señorita." " Oh, thank you." "Melina!" " Thank you, darling." " Hello, Daddy." "Welcome home, Melina." "You look beautiful." " Thank you." " Your call from Athens was a surprise." "I was lucky to find you." "You left Crete so suddenly." "Yes." "I wanted to come back here and start work on the temple." "You between jobs?" "Only for a few days." "I'll lend a hand, if you want." "Darling, it's beautiful." "Thank you." "That's for you." "And pistachios for Max." " James." " Moneypenny, a feast for my eyes." " What about the rest of you?" " Well, I was going to get around to that." "Well, you'd better go in." "M's on leave." "The minister's here with the chief of staff and wants to see you immediately." " I'll be right back." " I can hardly wait." "Haven't you forgotten something?" "As M's away." " Ah, there you are, 007." " Hm." "Minister." "Chief of Staff." "Are you aware of our ATAC system, 007?" "ATAC, sir." "Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator." "Uses an ultra-low frequency transmitter to order our submarines to launch missiles." "Five days ago, our spy ship St Georges was sunk in the Ionian Sea." "She was equipped with ATAC." "If that transmitter fell into the wrong hands, it would render our entire Polaris fleet useless." " Every order could be countermanded." " Worse." "Our own submarines could be ordered to attack our own cities." "Have we begun a salvage operation?" "An official operation was impossible." "The St Georges was off the Albanian coast." "We asked Sir Timothy Havelock, the archaeologist, to locate the wreck." "Before he could report, he and his wife were killed by a hit man, Hector Gonzales." "The Greek police were able to identify Gonzales from a description given to them by Melina, Sir Havelock's daughter." "Operation Undertow - the information's all here." "Now, Gonzales is at a villa near Madrid." "Isolate him and apply the necessary pressure to find out who hired him." "A Walther PPK." "Standard issue, British Secret Service." "Licensed to kill... or be killed." "Take him away." "Excuse me." "Vamos, rápido, que no se puede escapar." "Corred." "Lo tenemos ahora, cógelo." "...por aquí." "You've outstayed your welcome." "Come on." "Ése no se puede escapar." "No importa." "Sigue, sigue, sigue." "Que se nos escapa." " Well, I hope you have a car." " This way." "Hurry." " Who are you?" " He killed my parents." "The Havelocks?" "I'm sorry." " How did you know where Gonzales was?" " Through a detective agency." "What were you doing there?" "I'm afraid we're being out-horsepowered." "Excuse me." "Take the low road." "Not that low." "You don't mind if I drive, do you?" "Por favor, empujen." " Go backwards forwards quickly." " Hm?" "Love a drive in the country, don't you?" "Hold tight." "We haven't been properly introduced, Melina." "My name is Bond..." "James Bond." "Muchas gracias." "Olympic has a flight at 11." "It should be safe to go to the airport now." " Are you all right?" " I'm fine." "Really." " Going back to your father's ship?" " Yes, I'm continuing his work." " But this business is unfinished." " What business?" "The man who paid Gonzales." "The Chinese have a saying." ""Before setting out on revenge, you first dig two graves."" "I don't expect you to understand." "You're English, but I'm half-Greek." "And Greek women, like Elektra, always avenge their loved ones." "I must go." "You were meant to question Gonzales, not let Miss Havelock perforate him." "I quite agree." "We'll have to tell the prime minister Operation Undertow is dead." "She'll have our guts for garters." "If you care to look again at page 2 paragraph 4 of my report, sir, you will note that I saw someone paying off Gonzales." "Assuming that that was for Havelock's murder, there is still a glimmer of hope." " I don't follow." " If we could identify that someone..." " Why don't you try the Identigraph?" " Hm." " Yes, sir." " Well, get cracking, 007." "Hm." "Minister." "Hello, Q." " Smithers, how's the arm?" " Coming along very nicely, thank you, sir." "That'll come in handy." " What are you doing here, 007?" " Identigraph, Q." "This way." " Stinging in the rain?" " That's not funny, 007." "I see you got the Lotus back together again." "I disregard these gibes about our equipment, 007." " I bet you don't find it funny in the field." " Indeed, I don't." "This 3-D visual Identigraph is still in the experimental stage." "Now, once we get a composite of the man, we can find a match by patching into the photographic files of the Sûreté, Interpol," "CIA, the Mossad..." "And the West German Police." "Yes, you've told me so already, Q, five times." "Thank you, 007." "Right." "Describe the person you wish to identify and I'll program the information." "Male Caucasian." "Late 30s." "Hair - fine, light brown." "That's it." "Parted in the middle." "Wait a minute." "Right." " Eyes - a little smaller." " Uh-huh." "Blue." "A little greyer." "That's it, you have it." "Now, nose." " A nose, not a banana, Q." " Sorry." "Stop." "Lips fuller." "Uh-huh." "Whoops." " No, no, no." "Mouth wider." " Uh-huh." "Good." "Thank you." "Thank you, Sharon." "You can go." "I'll lock up." "OK." "I reckon we're almost there, Q. Apart from glasses." " Steel-rimmed." " Yeah." " Octagonal." " Octagonal." "That's him." "That's our man." "Right." "I'll try and get a match." "Yes?" "Ah, sir, the man we want is Emile Leopold Locque." "An enforcer in the Brussels underworld." "He's been convicted of several particularly brutal murders." "He escaped from Namur prison by strangling his psychiatrist." "He has worked for drug syndicates in Marseilles and Hong Kong." "Now reported working for Greek smugglers." "The Italian Secret Service think that he is at this moment in Cortina." "I'll instruct Ferrara, our man in Northern Italy, to contact you there." "And, 007, try not to muck it up again." "I'll do my best, sir." "I'll leave you to lock up." "Let me out, will you?" " Grazie." " Prego, signore." "The snow this year is better at Innsbruck." "But not at St Moritz." " Ferrara." " Bond, James." "Luigi." "I presume London's briefed you?" "If Locque's in Cortina, we'll find him." "I have a reliable Greek contact here." "An Anglophile." "He helped us out last year on a smuggling operation." " Then what's he doing in Cortina?" " He spends a few months a year here at his chalet." "He's in shipping, insurance, oil exploration." "Knows everything going on." "Very reliable." "The British gave him a medal for resistance fighting during the war." " Yes, but can I meet him?" " I've set it up." "He is waiting for us at the Olympic ice rink." "Good!" "Extend your arms." " Signor Kristatos?" " Ah." " Kristatos." "Aris Kristatos." " Bond." "James Bond." " Would you join me in some gluhwein?" " That's a very good idea." "Thank you." "Well, gentlemen, how can I help you?" "We'd like some information." "My protégée." "A sure winner in the next Olympics." "She's completely absorbed in her skating, but innocent in the ways of the world." "The day she wins the gold medal will be the greatest in my life." "Bibi!" "Here are some new admirers for you." "Mr Bond, Mr Ferrara" " Bibi Dahl." "And her coach, Jacoba Brink." "Once a world-class skater herself." "I've seen Miss Brink skate." "The world will soon see much of your skating, Miss Dahl." "Only if she works harder - much harder." " Uncle Ari, can't I stop now?" "I'm pooped." " That's for Miss Brink to decide." "Come, Bibi." "Another half-hour of practice." " Will you take me to the biathlon?" " You know I have to work this afternoon." "Bibi wants to know if you would escort her, Mr Bond." " I don't think..." " I would feel better if you were with her." "Well, I'd be delighted." "I'm staying at the Miramonte." "Great!" "Now, how can I help you?" " Do you know this man?" " Yes." "Locque." "Columbo's right hand." "Milos Columbo." "His name came up in connection with a smuggling operation." "That's the least of his offences." "Drugs, white slavery, contract murder." "In the Greek underworld, he is known as "The Dove"." "A very sick joke." " Where is this "Dove"?" " In Greece, I would guess." "Once we were like brothers." "Now he hates me." "We fought together in the Greek Resistance and against the Communists." "After that, he took a different path." "Well, thank you for your time, Mr Kristatos." "My pleasure." "I leave for Corfu soon." "If I get any more information, I will call Ferrara." "What do you think?" "Does this "Dove", have the resources to mount a salvage?" "Definitely." "He runs a fleet of intercoastal freighters in the Aegean." "I'll ring my office in Milano." "They may have more on him." " Luigi, I'll see you later." " OK." " Is this the one you mean, signora?" " I'll take it." "Deliver it to the Hotel Cristallo, please." "Oh!" "Beg your pardon." "Buongiorno." "May I help you?" "Yes." "Give me a dozen lilies, will you?" "I'll pick them up later." "Come on, quickly." "Send them to the funeral, will you?" "Slow down." "Would you mind telling me what you're doing in Cortina?" " Your telegram." " What telegram?" "It said you found the man and to meet you here today." "I didn't send a telegram." "Now, get in." "The station, please." " Are we leaving?" " Not "we", you." "And now." "You don't tell me what to do." " La stazione, per favore." " Si, signore." "Did you find the man who hired Gonzales?" "I'm working on it." "He's here, isn't he?" "That's why you're here." " Driver, stop." "Go back." " Vai avanti." " I'm staying." " So you can put an arrow in his back?" "You do that and we'll never find out who is behind this." "It was my parents they killed, not yours." "Let me out." "Driver, stop." "Vai avanti." "Presto." "Melina, look at me." "You were lucky once but they are on to you now." "The telegram, the motorcycles, they prove it." " Please, let me handle this." " You?" "How are you involved?" "All I can say is it's something of vital interest to both our countries." "More important than my parents?" "Your father was part of it." "He thought it important enough to risk his life." "Now, Melina, please trust me." "Go back to the Triana and wait." "Let me find out what I can here, then I'll come straight to Corfu." "OK." "I'll go back and wait." "But not for long." "It won't be, I swear." "Amore, amore." "Don't they have showers at the ice rink?" "How did you get in here?" "One of the porters is a fan." "He'll do anything for me." "And I'll do anything for you." "I'm exceedingly flattered, Bibi, but you're in training." "That's a laugh." "Everybody knows it builds up muscle tone." "You can start building up a little more muscle tone by putting on your clothes." "Don't you like me?" "Why, I think you're wonderful, Bibi, but I don't think your Uncle Ari would approve." "Him?" "He thinks I'm still a virgin." "Yes, well, you get your clothes on and I'll buy you an ice cream." "Ah." "Shall we?" "Don't you ever come up for air?" "That's why I'll get the gold medal." "Breath control." "Yes, well, you can't lose." "The leading skiers are now at the firing range:" "Wolf Ghul from Austria," "Kerel Behrta from Switzerland, Wolfgang Blatt from Holland..." "And now Eric Kriegler, last year's East European champion." "He's passing people and coming up on the West German champion, Hans Wolf." " There's Eric Kriegler." " The East German champion?" " Isn't he beautiful?" " You know something, Bibi?" "You're fickle." "Hey, Eric!" "Come on, let's go watch him shoot." "Eric!" "Eric, we'll have a drink at the finish." " Well, Bibi, I'm afraid I have to leave you." " No, James, stay with me." "I have an appointment." "Will you come and say goodbye at the practice rink later?" "Please, we're going back to Greece soon." "All right, but if I can't make it, all I can say is don't grow up any more." " Huh?" " The opposite sex would never survive it." "Libero." "Libero." "Libero." " Ehi tu, dov'è il casco?" " Guarda." "Guardia, c'è un pazzo qua." "It won't take long." "Don't play with the switches." "Right." "James!" " James, what took you so long?" " Well, I took the scenic route." "Tell me more about your boyfriend, Eric Kriegler." "He doesn't smoke, he only eats health foods and he won't even talk to girls." " James, you're jealous." " Of course." "What else can you tell me about my rival for your affections?" "They say he's a defector from East Germany." "Bibi!" "It is time for your rubdown." "I could eat you up alive." "Farewell, Mr Bond, but not goodbye." "I'll be finished around six, Mikes." "Meet me here." "James, how did you know I was here?" "I radiotelephoned the Triana." "They said you were coming ashore." "I have to go shopping for the crew." "Why don't you come with me and we can talk?" "Yassou." "Parakalo." "I think you may need that." "My father loved the view from here." " I can see why." " We came here often." " Is Corfu your home?" " No." "My real home's always been the Triana." "The Greek islands, Turkey, North Africa, wherever my father's work took us." "Did he leave any notes?" "They could help us." "No, I don't think so." "To tell the truth," "I haven't had the courage to go into his study since..." "Try not to think about it now." "I'm meeting a man tonight at the casino who may give us a lead." "Cinq cent mille banque, monsieur." "Qui fait banco?" "Banco." "Carte, s'il vous plaît." " Huit." " Huit." "Et neuf la banque." "You're perspiring, Bunky." "Good evening, Contessa." "Un million banque, monsieur." "Qui fait banco?" "Your Lordship?" "Five hundred thousand." "Only half?" "Where's your courage, Bunky?" "Courage is no match for an unfriendly shoe, Countess." " Un million." " Bravo, Bunky." "Banco suivi." "Carte, s'il vous plaît." "A lucky night." "Carte." "The odds favour standing pat." "If you play the odds." "Neuf la banque." " La main passe." " La main passe." "Would you cash these in for me, please?" "Thank you." "Excuse me." " Aperitif, please?" " Ouzo for me, please." "Ouzo." "And a whiskey." "And to eat?" "I'll have the Préveza prawns, Savara salad, and bourdetto." "Excellent choice." "I'll have the same." "May I suggest a white Robola wine from Cephalonia, my home place?" "If you'll forgive me, I find that a little too scented for my palate." " I prefer the Theotaki Aspro." " Theotaki." "After our last meeting," "I am asking myself why you want to know about Locque, Columbo's man." "Now, I know Columbo runs heroin to be refined here before it is sent to England." "So I think I see the answer." "You are from the British Narcotics Board." " Am I right?" " Go on." "Hm." "I wish you luck, my friend." "But I must warn you." "Stopping Columbo will be difficult." "He has important connections." "You cannot just arrest him." "You must find a different way." "You may have to kill him." "Does this discourage you?" " Just tell me where he is." " Over there, with the woman in blue." "We ignore each other, but I wanted you to see him." "He is a secret partner in the casino here, but we are perfectly safe." "He will do nothing in his own place." "And the Countess?" "Lisl?" "An Austrian." "Expensive mistress." "She sometimes shills for the house." "If she bets, it's with other people's money." "But I must warn you." "Stopping Columbo will be difficult." "He has important connections." "You cannot just arrest him." "You must find a different way." "You may have to kill him." "Does this discourage you?" "Just tell me where he is." "You are a disgusting man." "How dare you talk to me like that?" "I will speak to you any way I please." "Sit down." "You're making a spectacle of yourself." "Get out!" "Nothing would please me more." " This may be an opportunity." " This may be a trap." " If you play the odds." " As you wish." "Take my car." "I'll play a little chemmy." "Ask the chauffeur to come back for me." "Allow me." "May I drive you home?" "No, thank you." "I'll take a taxi." "No courage?" "Seriously, you may have a job finding one this time of night." "Well, you look like a gentleman." "Why not?" "I'm the Countess Lisl von Schlaf." "My name is Bond." "I'm a writer." "I'm preparing a novel about Greek smugglers." "Do you know any?" "Smugglers?" "How would I know any smugglers?" "I would have thought that a lady in your position would get to know many things." " I'd really be most grateful." " How grateful?" "Very." "I adore grateful men." "May I call you tomorrow, Countess?" "I'm a night person." "I've champagne and oysters in the fridge." "Why not come in for a bite?" "I won't need you any more tonight." " Cheers." " Bottoms up." "Whoops!" "Me nightie's slipping." "So's your accent, Countess." " Manchester?" " Close." "Liverpool." "It was a very amusing performance between you and the owner of this." "What exactly did Columbo whisper to you?" "That you were a spy." "To find out more about you." "And have you?" "Have I ever." "When you're ready to leave, you can take my car." "Well, that sounds like a dismissal." "I was rather looking forward to breakfast." "Oh, James!" "Lisl!" "Lisl, come back!" "Get in." "Ugh!" "Goodbye, Countess." "What..." " Now, what should I do with you?" " You can't just arrest him." "You must find a different way." "You may have to kill him." "Does this discourage you?" "Just tell me where he is." "I am here, Mr Bond of the British Secret Service." "But I'll tell you, it is Kristatos you want, not me." "He told you about himself." "He's the one with the powerful connections." "Locque works for him, not for me." "I smuggle, yes." "I smuggle gold, diamonds, cigarettes, pistachio nuts." "But no heroin." "Sit down." "That I leave to him, when he is not too busy working for Russia." " Against my country and yours." " My country awarded him a King's Medal." "Yes, I know, but other people died for it." "All through the fighting in Crete, he was a double agent." "King's Medal!" "I would laugh if my heart was not so heavy about my poor Lisl." "What does Kristatos gain by setting you up?" "I know too much about him." "He wants me out of the way." "By using a British agent to do his dirty work for him, your government might give him another medal." " Why should I believe you?" " I'll prove it to you tonight." "We'll go together to his warehouse in Albania." "OK?" "If I don't report in by tomorrow morning, not only will my people but the entire Greek police be down on you like a load of bricks." "Don't worry." "By tomorrow we'll be good friends." "Let us drink to that." "I'll wait till tomorrow." "You may need this." "I am a good judge of men." "Mr Bond, you have what the Greeks call thrassos." "Guts." "So have you, Mr Columbo." "Cheers." "Yassou." "Locque!" "Phew!" "Santos, sproxto." "Argh!" "Watch it." "Santos." "Nikos." "JIM diving equipment, for salvage work at depths of more than 300 feet." "Raw opium." "An old smugglers' trick." "Kristatos knows them all." "Get your men out of here." "Now!" "Argh!" "Argh!" "You left this with Ferrara, I believe." "He had no head for heights." " Where did the St Georges sink?" " We can't be sure for certain." "We know it was in this vicinity." "Your father was using the temple as a front." "Kristatos killed your father because he didn't want him to find the St Georges." "Kristatos!" "How can I help?" "Where did your father keep his records, his daily log?" "Daily log." "Daily log." "Father and he were pals for 30 years." "He repeats everything." "Give us a kiss." " What's his name?" " Max." " Max." " Thank you." "Hello." " It's all shorthand." " He used a special kind." "I was the only one who could decipher it." "He made several surveys in Neptune." " What's Neptune?" " Our two-man submarine." "According to this, he saw a diving bell here." "Diving bell?" "Oil exploration, Kristatos." "Three days later, he sighted a wreck in the same area." "And?" "That was his last entry." "The day he was killed." "Ah." "Well, air would be useless at this depth." "We'd need a special mixture of oxygen and helium." "I have all the necessary equipment aboard." "The less people that know about this, the better." "I'll give the crew shore leave, apart from the mate and two others." "Let's go." "584 feet." "An oxygen-helium mix at that depth will gives us eight minutes." "We're going to have to work fast." "Wouldn't the St Georges crew have destroyed the transmitter?" "Only if they'd had the chance to set the explosive timer." "We have a visitor below." "Conserve your gas supply." "Speak only when necessary." "I hope he was dining alone." " You'd better go back to the sub." " No, no." "I'm staying." "That should be the command cabin." "Eureka." ""Main destruct timer under lever right of ATAC housing dualled by ring-mained circuit through antihandling charger."" "The destruct timer's set at one minute." "For some reason, the lever wasn't pulled." "The transmitter with a Thermite charge." "Hold these." ""To bypass trembler switch, cut wires in following procedure."" "Cutters." "Screwdriver." "That's it." "Let's get out of here." "James!" " James, I won't make it." " We both will." "Get back to the sub fast." "I'll stall him." "James!" " Try and close the CO2." " I'm trying." "Careful, James." "It's 5000 years old." "Thank you, Mr Bond." "You have saved us the trouble of disarming it." "Apostis, take that." " Where are the men I left on board?" " You will soon be joining them." "Let the girl go." "And I guarantee we'll double whatever you're getting." "Oh, I never go back on a deal." "It would be bad for my reputation." "I will deliver it and return with the money." "The voice of the KGB." "Our agreement was to meet in a place designated by me." "After they pay, I will turn the transmitter over to them." " It must not go out of your sight, Apostis." " Or mine, Kristatos." "Where are we going?" " We will take the ATAC to St Cyrils." " St Cyrils?" "I'll arrange the pick-up." "Ah, bind that wound." "We don't want any blood in the water." " Not yet." " Murderer." "You have shot your last bolt, Miss Havelock." "Leave the legs free." "They'll make appetising bait." " I didn't think it would end like this." " We're not dead yet." "Hold tight." "Turn around." "We go again." "Take a deep breath." "Once again." "Hurry." "Argh!" "Leave him." "Turn." "Run them down." "Follow me." "Ah." "The sharks have them." "Make port." " Thank you." " Hello." " Give us a kiss." " Max, not now." "Kristatos is still alive." "He's probably on his way to Moscow or Havana by now." " We'll never get him." " Or the ATAC." "ATAC to St Cyrils." "ATAC to St Cyrils." "ATAC to St Cyrils." "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned." "That's putting it mildly, 007." "Your signal sent Whitehall into shock." "Do you know, so far we've managed to locate 439 St Cyrils in Greece?" "Heaven only knows to which one Kristatos took the ATAC." "I know a well-informed person to contact about that, Q." "St Cyrils, where we used to hide from the Germans." "Only Kristatos would make an abandoned monastery his personal retreat." "My friend, I've been studying this place for years for just such an occasion." "We'll split here." "The best approach will be on the right face, away from the building." "Then make towards the shed on the left, which houses the basket and the electronic winch." "It can be operated only from the shed." "Good luck." " We need more people." " James is counting on surprise." " But we are only five men." " And one woman." "18, 19, 20..." " 50 more." " That's the pits!" "I'm supposed to be skating in Oslo and Innsbruck." "Why are we in this creepy place?" "Our plans are changed." "We are going to live in Cuba for a few months." "Cuba?" "!" "You can skate privately." "I will be your audience." "What a drag that'll be." "I wanna win the gold medal." "We all want that." "I know what you want." "But you're too old for me." "I'm splitting." "You have done this, poisoned her against me!" "Don't blow your top, Ari." "Leave her alone." "I will deal with you, Jacoba Brink, as I deal with everyone who betrays me." "Bibi, you're so young." " You must have a sponsor." " I'll find another one." "Go outside and check the guards." "Let me know as soon as the helicopter arrives." "James!" "Apostis." "One of Kristatos' killers." "Shut him up!" "Get the door." "Hurry, unless you want me to go without you." "You know I will never leave you." "Your general is late." "Only bad weather would delay him." "Cover the windows." "Let's go." "He's all right, leave him." "He's all right." "Back." "Sh!" "OK." "Let's go." "I'll be with you." "Sorry." "Cover the door!" "Where's Kristatos?" "Keep your voice down." "We are leaving him." "He must not know until we are gone." " We'll help you if you help us." " Ja, mein Herr Bond." "Ja." "Come." " Where are the guards?" " That way." "Hey." "Move." " Where's Kristatos?" " The other side of the courtyard." "You'd better stay here." "Where's Brink?" "What have you done to her?" " Go back to your room." " You can go to hell!" "Drop it." " Where's Kristatos?" " He left with the ATAC." "You're going to pay for it." "No, Melina." "That's not the answer." "We'll turn him over to the Greek police." "Out of my way, James." "All right." "But be prepared to dig those two graves." "Nyet!" "That's détente, comrade." "You don't have it, I don't have it." "Well, seems as though Bibi has a new sponsor." " Well, how's it going?" " I patched through a line to the satellite." " We can try Bond now." " Good." " Are you through to Number 10?" " Standing by, sir." "You know what I'd like?" "I can't imagine." "A moonlight swim." "007, are you there?" "Bond?" "Bond?" "Bond, are you there?" "Bond!" "For your eyes only, darling." "Bond?" "Bond?" "Bond, Bond." " He's there." " Patch in the prime minister." "I'll get it, Denis." " Hello?" " Mr Bond on the line, Prime Minister." "Ah, Mr Bond." "I wanted to call you personally to say how pleased we all are that your mission was a success." "Thank you." " Thank you." "Thank you." " Don't thank me, Mr Bond." "Your courage and resourcefulness are a credit to the nation." "Denis and I look forward to meeting you." "Meanwhile, if there is anything I can do for you..." " Give us a kiss." "Give us a kiss." " Well, really, Mr Bond." " I think we're having trouble with the line." " Give us a kiss." " You idiot." "Get on to him." " 007." "007!" "Bond, have you gone mad?" "What's going on?" "Bond?" "Bond!" "Bond!" ""For your eyes only can see me through the night"" ""For your eyes only I never need to hide"" ""You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new"" ""I never felt until I looked at you"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""You'll see what no one else can see and now I'm breaking free"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""The love I know you need in me"" ""The fantasy you've freed in me"" ""Only for you"" ""Only for you"" ""For your eyes only, the nights are never cold"" ""You really know me, that's all I need to know"" ""Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine"" ""But you don't need to read between the lines"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""You'll see what no one else can see and now I'm breaking free"" ""For your eyes only"" ""Only for you"" ""The passions that collide in me"" ""The wild abandoned side of me"" ""Only for you"" ""For your eyes only"" "Visiontext Subtitles:" "Adrian Isaac" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[chatter echoing]" "_" "Oh, my God." "Help me." "[clicking]" "[theme music playing]" "4x02" " The Burden of Beauty [heavy breathing]" "[whimpering]" "No, please." "Please don't." "Please don't." "Please." "[crying] Please don't." "No." "[crying] No." "No, please." "[sobbing] No." "Please." "Please." "Please." "Please." "Stop." "[muffled whimpering]" "Cut!" "[chuckles] Moving on, people." " Let's reset for close-up." " Sheriff's Department." " What the fuck are you doing?" " You're all under arrest." "The fuck are you talking about?" "This is a licensed production." "There's no license for what you're doing here, asshole." "Brock:" "Jesus Christ, son, pull your pants up." "You all right?" "Look at me." "How old are you?" "Don't answer that." "You're making a big mistake." "Don't fucking touch me." "Bunker, I want you to arrest all these people." " Don't fucking say anything." " Shit, fuck!" "Go ahead, resist." "Give me a reason, huh?" "Run!" "Fuck you, bitch!" "Pony Joe." "Motherfucker." "Have I mentioned you're under arrest?" "Fuck you, traitor." "Split 'em up." "I need individual statements." "Where do you want the director?" "Put him in the interrogation room." "Turn up the heat." " I want to talk to my lawyer." " Yeah, yeah." "Good morning, Sheriff." "Mr. Mayor, you're in my chair." "I heard you and your deputies had a busy morning." "Arrests don't mean shit if your DA can't get a conviction." "That won't be a problem." "Yeah, I guess it won't." "I'm not an idiot." "You think I don't know that every time your girl Cruz gets an anonymous tip, we're doing your dirty work?" "I don't need to remind you who put you in charge here and kept you in charge, do I?" "What can I do for you, Mr. Mayor?" "What progress have you made on my niece's murder investigation?" "Uh..." "We have a few leads." " Yeah, I read through the files." " These files are confidential." "And in case you forgot, you're still a person of interest in this case." "And if I wasn't out there wasting my time shutting down fuck films for you," "I'd have arrested a suspect in all three murders by now." "I expect daily updates from now on." "Really?" "I thought that was Deputy Cruz's job." "I want them from you, Brock." "Then I will make it a top priority, Mr. Mayor." " Thank you for your time." " You're welcome." "[birds chirping]" "Hi." " You look good." " [scoffs] Fuck you." "So what do you have here, 10 acres?" "25." "The woods are mine, too." "It's peaceful." "It's private." "[button clicks]" "Thanks." "New place is great." " A work in progress." " Mmm." "[clears throat] Where have you been?" "I guess I needed some time." "Yeah, I could have used some, too." "I shouldn't have turned my back on you." "You didn't turn your back on just me." " Job's dead." " Why, because Dalton said so?" "No, because that's what they do with people like Job." " You didn't know." " There was nowhere left to look." "[music]" "You kept looking for him." " Yes." " Still nothing." "What about Deva?" "Didn't you at least want to see her?" "Lucas:" "I have seen her." "She didn't tell me." "She knew if she did, you'd want to come." "And Deva going behind your back feels like a betrayal?" "I just..." "I need to protect her." " From him?" " From everything." " That's not possible, Carrie." " It used to be." "Ana." "Before he showed up in Banshee and forced himself back into your life?" " I didn't say that." " But that's what you feel, isn't it?" "I'm sorry." "For what?" "Everything." "[door opens, closes]" "Hubbard:" "The losses you've suffered, the pain you've endured, all the result of a choice made by someone else." "And now he's back again, showing up like he did two years before." "If you're so concerned about my losses and pain, why don't you let my kids come home to me?" " We've already discussed this, Carrie." " Let's discuss it again." "All I can do is make a recommendation." " Beyond that, my hands are tied." " Then what the fuck am I doing here?" "Tell me who gets to make that choice and let me go talk to them." "This is bullshit." "Let's talk about Gordon." "What about him?" "Have you started sorting through his belongings?" "No." " The longer you wait, Carrie..." " What?" "The harder it gets?" "Trust me, it can't get any fucking harder." "Hey, get those last three pallets loaded." "That truck should have been on the road hours ago." "Motherfucker." "Mr. Proctor, I was not expecting you today." "My condolences on your loss..." "[groans]" "Don't." "I'd say our terms of agreement were pretty clear." " Uh-uh?" " You and your Brotherhood manage my operations and I permit you to maintain yours for a bit of your profits." "And that's what you've been getting." "I check the accounting myself." "Which is why I hold you responsible for any errors." "Or omissions for that matter." " You've been running a side business." " Mr. Proctor..." "What happened this morning was your one and only warning..." "Mr. Bunker... from now on, my cut goes up by 10%." "Do you want me to talk to Mr. Watts about our new terms?" "That won't be necessary." "I didn't think so." "Hm." "What are you going to do about the arraignment?" "Why should I do anything?" "My men are solid." "I can vouch for them, but the director's a freelancer." "There's no telling who he'd rat out to save his own ass." "Mr. Bunker, you seem determined to prove your ineptitude." "I'll deal with it." "Somebody pick this shit up." "Hey." "You don't seem happy to see me." "_" " How are you?" " Never better." "Rebecca:" "Good, 'cause I need your help." "With what?" " You ever heard of Aaron Boedicker?" " Yeah, a meth dealer." "Rebecca:" "He and his clan used to just cook up in the foothills, but now they've started selling it in town." "Lucas:" "Sounds like a problem for Proctor." "No, it's actually a problem for me." "They were experienced cooks and I was looking to branch out on my own a little bit." "I warned Boedicker that Banshee was off-limits." "Let me guess, the inbred drug dealer didn't listen to the 24-year-old girl." "Rebecca:" "I'm asking you to help me fix this." "My uncle finds out what I've done, I'm dead." " Please?" " It's not my problem." "You drinking yourself to death in a shithole motel room wasn't my problem either." "I'm going after Boedicker with or without you." "I just thought that with you I'd have an actual chance." "[music]" "[shouting] [gunshots]" "Stop!" "[gunshot] Drop the gun, bitch." " You drop yours, asshole." " Why the hell would he do that?" "'Cause if he doesn't, I'm gonna blow your fucking head off." "[laughs]" "Well, since you asked so nicely..." "It's okay, son, I got this." "Get him out of here." "So, is this a social call?" "'Cause my memory could be failing me, but I don't remember inviting you to visit." " You didn't." " Then you're trespassing on my land." " We had a deal." " You've been getting your cut." "The deal was you wouldn't sell meth in Banshee." "Do you have any idea what my uncle would do to you if he found out?" "I never much liked being told what to do." "Then you're really gonna hate it when I shut you down. [laughs]" "Shit, girl, that there just ain't never gonna happen." "[shouts] [screams] [groaning] Lem, get the girl inside." "She and I need to have a little chin-wag. [laughing] [groaning]" "[grunts] [shrieks]" "[Lem screams] Hey." "[groans]" "I don't think you appreciate how much trouble you're in, little girl." "He'd better not touch me again." "And I don't know what I was thinking getting into business with you." "You're the one who broke the agreement." "[gasps]" "The problem with being a pretty girl is that over time you get the idea that you can do or say whatever the fuck you want." "[laughs]" "I'm gonna do you a favor." "I'm gonna remove the burden of beauty." "[whimpering] [shrieks]" "[dog growling, barking]" "Hesher here chased down a rabid possum a while back." "He ain't been the same since." "[screaming]" "[screaming]" "[groans] [screaming]" "Jesus... [dog barking]" "[Rebecca laughing] [laughing continues]" "[panting]" "You fucking bitch." "[screams] [screaming]" "Oh..." "Jesus Christ!" "You okay?" "Look at me." "Look at me." "Come on." "Come on." "Rebecca!" "Rebecca!" "Hey, Rebecca." "We don't have time for this." "Rebecca." "Get down!" "[gunshot]" "[groaning]" "[fire whooshing] [clatter]" "[faint music playing] [chatter]" "[band playing] # Yeah!" "#" "♪ Yeah!" "♪" "♪ I know, I know, I know... ♪" "Bunker." "Not the kind of bar I would think you'd hang out in." " There's a lot you don't know about me." " I'm sure that's true, sir." "Is there a law against drinking in this bar?" " The sheriff asked me to ask you to wait." " Wait for what?" "I'll let him tell you." " Nice car." " Thanks." "What are you doing here, Hood?" "I was thirsty." "Thought I might get a beer." "You're not here investigating the Bowman murder?" " No, sir." "I told you, I'm retired." " Yeah, yeah, listen." "Someone's out there killing young girls and I'm a little under the gun here, so I'm gonna ask you again, what are you doing here?" "One of the guys in the band had a thing with Rebecca." "I figured I'd watch the show, introduce myself." "No, you wait here." "Bunker and I will go talk to him." "Kid's a hillbilly drug dealer." "He's gonna run as soon as he sees the uniforms." "Then we'll know which one to grab." "Let's go, Bunker." "Sorry." "[music continues]" "♪ Your thoughts are being read out loud ♪" "♪ So everyone can hear ♪" "♪ We know your insecurities ♪" "♪ We know your biggest fear ♪" "♪ Your thoughts are getting worse and worse ♪" "♪ You're picturing your mother dead in a hearse ♪" "♪ You plague your friends with the worst curse ♪" "♪ You can think of... ♪" "[vocalizing]" "♪ Everybody knows, knows what you're thinking... ♪" " Get out of the way!" " Ow, man!" " # Everybody knows, knows what you're thinking... #" " Get out of the way." "Hey!" " Bunker!" " Man:" "Look!" "Bunker:" "Here!" "Shut up." "[tires squeal] Hood!" "God damn it!" "[knock on door]" "Come in." "Mr. Franklin." "Do you wanna sit down?" " You wanted to see me?" " Yes." "I've been going through the case file from the pornography arrests." "The evidence is overwhelming." "I'll have no problem getting convictions for all five defendants." " Withdraw the charges." " What?" " [scoffs] Why?" " I have my reasons." "Sir, with all due respect, you told me to throw the book at these guys." "And now I'm telling you to let them go." "Mr. Proctor, there's only so many times we can do this before people start asking questions." " I'll worry about that." " Sir, frankly, I don't understand..." "And you worry about me." " Was there anything else?" " No, sir." "Thank you for your time." "He won't be a problem." "[music playing]" "Take a seat." " What the fuck am I doing here?" " I said take a fucking seat!" "What happened to Rebecca Bowman?" "How the fuck should I know?" "Why am I even sitting here?" " You're not even a cop anymore." " That's right." "That means I can kick your fucking head in and not get fired." "You dragged me here." "Why don't you go fuck yourself..." "Or..." "All right." "All right." "I liked Rebecca." "We had a good thing going." " Till she dumped you?" " She didn't dump me." " Things just got complicated." " Complicated how?" " Can I get a beer or something?" " No!" "Complicated how?" "[sighs]" "I should have never told her about my fucking uncle." "Aaron Boedicker?" " They did some business, right?" " She was his business." "He was cooking that junk up in his bathtub before she got involved." "She's the one that gave him cash as long as he didn't deal in Banshee." "That was the deal." " I told her he wouldn't stick with it." " And he didn't." "That's when she started acting all crazy paranoid about everything." "I thought that she was scared of my family, but she said they were nothing." "It was Proctor that scared the shit out of her." "The twisted shit she told me about him." "Man, you have no idea how fucked up that guy really is." "You wanna know what happened to Rebecca?" "Ask that motherfucker." "All right, go." "Get the fuck out of here." "[scoffs]" "[door opens, closes]" "Seems this girl's ghost has got you all out of sorts." "Yeah, I owed her one." " Must have been a real big one." " You got something to say, just say it." "Seems like you owe Job a lot more than you owe this girl." "There, now I've said it." "[plane engine roaring] [music]" "Se?" "or Proctor." " Welcome to Pennsylvania, Mr. Loera." " About your niece." "[speaks Spanish] _" "You should take time to mourn." "Business can wait." "On the contrary." "A life can stop, but business must go on." "My operation's been growing exponentially since we last talked." "Expanding my distribution network is of high priority." " Loera:" "How does that benefit me?" " Market dominance." "It's no secret that the Sinaloa's partnership with the Chinese has hurt your bottom line." "Once the cartels got into the pill industry, you could no longer control the market pricing like you did with the cocaine and the heroin." "They're moving product across the border... twice your rate, just a fraction of the price." "The increased traffic is just causing you even more border headaches." "I can offer a local pipeline without any of the risk or expense of having to import the product itself from Colombia." "No disrespect, but I deal in a very different volume than you do here in Pennsylvania." "Your ambition impresses me, but I'm not convinced that you can play in my league." "Then allow me to convince you." "Very well." "I expect three tons ready for pickup in 14 days." "Done." "When this transaction is completed," "I expect to be your exclusive East Coast supplier." "Do we have a deal?" "Se?" "or Proctor, I've heard the stories." "You're a dangerous man." "But a dangerous man in Banshee, to the cartel, is still nothing but a mosquito." "Failure to deliver is not an option." "I'll see you in two weeks." "Judge:" "I reviewed the complaint." "All seems to be in order." "Are you prepared to make a bond recommendation, Mr. Franklin?" "[clears throat]" "At, um... at this time, Your Honor, the people would like to withdraw their complaint against all five defendants." "Are we discussing the same case here, Counselor?" "There seems to be more than sufficient cause here to proceed." "Yes, Your Honor, however, the people have recently discovered new evidentiary inconsistencies and possible Miranda violations on the part of the Banshee Sheriff's Department." "In light of these unfortunate developments, we have no choice but to vacate the charges and decline prosecution." "Very well." "I take it there are no objections from the defense?" " No, Your Honor." " Motion granted." "All charges are dismissed." "These men are to be released from custody immediately." "[gavel bangs] Pony Joe:" "I am free." "Home and free." "Mr. Prosecutor, I'd like a word in my chambers." "[music]" "Ana:" "Hey, Bunker." "How you doing?" "I can't believe this guy's back on the street." "Most of his actresses are underage." "He doesn't just shoot them, he drugs them and rapes them." "Nice to see you again, Mrs. Hopewell." "[music]" "_" " What happened?" " I'm having my things removed." "I thought you'd want to redecorate your new office." " Thank you, Uncle." " You're welcome." "[door closes]" "Lucas:" "Aaron Boedicker didn't kill Rebecca." "[glasses clink]" " Are you sure?" " I'm sure." "She was fucking his nephew." "Did you know that?" "Who she fucked is none of my business." "I trust you'll keep me informed of anything else you find out." "What if I find out it was you?" "I got nothing to hide." "[music]" " [knocks] Yeah?" " Forensics report came back from the lab." "There was a positive match to the blood sample we found in Rebecca Bowman's SUV." "_" "Help me." "Hood." " Son of a bitch." " It doesn't make him a killer." "Brock:" "Yeah, well, it sure as shit makes him a liar." "Nurse:" "You're safe now, sweetie." "Everything's gonna be okay." "I'll be right back." "You don't really think he did it, do you?" "Brock:" "I don't want to, but he and Proctor have never been best buddies." "You know, maybe Rebecca got caught up between them." "Bunker:" "That's not a motive for murder." "[glass shatters]" " Without that, we don't have a case." " Yeah, I know." "And we don't have anything connecting him to the other girls." " Brock:" "No, I know." "I know." " Bunker:" "And also you know Hood." "I know Hood just well enough to know that I don't know him at all." " Bunker:" "Do you want me to bring him in?" " Brock:" "No, let's wait." " Let's see where this trail leads us." " Yeah." "Thanks." "[clears throat]" "Right this way, girls." "Welcome to Dick Webster Productions. [laughs]" "This is where the magic happens." "I want you to sit down." "Sit down on the couch." "Get comfortable." "You want to check out some of the posters or, you know, some of the DVDs?" "I'm gonna get us some cocktails and then we're gonna start the audition, okay?" "We're gonna make it vodka." "[girls laughing]" "[chuckles] Yeah, buddy." "[chuckles] You got me." "You got me, lady." "[coughs]" "Who the fuck are you?" "A concerned citizen." " I don't think you want to mess with me." " I do." "[grunts] [grunts]" "How can Watts be so fucking blind?" "Proctor's got us running around like niggers in the field doing all the hard work while that motherfucker just keeps getting richer." "[scoffs] Maybe all that time in the cage and Watts doesn't mind taking it up the ass, but I fucking do." "I'm done being everybody's bitch." "Yeah, what are you gonna do?" "I'm going to wait for the right moment and then I'm going to fucking seize it." "[grunts]" "Calvin:" "I'm going to remind the Brotherhood who the fuck we are." "Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who sees how batshit crazy this world has become." " Please don't kill me." " Watts has lost his vision." "Fuck Watts." "He doesn't care that our families are in danger, that our future is on the brink, but I do." "[screaming]" "Fortune favors the bold." "Power comes from being willing to do whatever it takes." "Killing you would be much too easy." "[screams]" "Justice at any cost." "I'll be watching you." "Hello?" "Who's there?" "Hello?" "I don't want any trouble, Proctor." "I didn't kill Rebecca." "I swear to God." "You can tell him that yourself." "Please." "Please." "[groans]" "[clinks] [door opens]" "[music]" "[coughs, spits]" "[footsteps approaching]" "Man:" "Good morning, Job." "[screaming]" "_" "♪ I watched you from the dark last night ♪" "♪ I molded your heart in my hands just right ♪" "♪ But I lost myself in your eyes ♪" "♪ Had to pull myself away ♪" "♪ If love's gonna live in this house ♪" "♪ Then you best make the most and not sleep ♪" "♪ If you don't like the way she treats me ♪" "♪ Then you know where the door is if you wanna leave ♪" "♪ Then you know where the door is if you wanna leave. ♪" | {
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"(BOLT CLACKING)" "(CLACKING CONTINUES)" "(BELL TOLLS)" "(CROWD CHATTERS)" "(DRAMATIC MUSIC FADES UP)" "Back in the circle!" "In five... four... three... two..." "One!" "North wins!" "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING)" "(BOLT CLACKING)" "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "Back in the circle in five... four... three... two... one!" "South wins!" "(CROWD BOOING)" "Who the fuck tries to fast draw with a Desert Eagle, huh?" "Just admit you've got a small dick, save yourself pain and money." "Colt." " John." " John." "Kind of ballsy giving him a breath after that first shot, huh?" "He might've knocked one back at you." "He didn't." "You know her?" "She picks Zorringer's fights." "Zorringer, huh." "Which one is she looking at?" "North." "So, do you know this guy named Red Dolan?" "North fouls!" "Match to South!" "So you know a guy named Red..." "Fuck me." "I'm not here for you." "You saw me fight." "But I'm not here for you." "What do you want?" "What do I have to do?" "Unbutton your shirt." "Pristine t-zone." "I don't get hit." "You're not ready for Zorringer." "There's only one way to know for sure." "Knowing for sure, that's everything, isn't it?" "I'll be in the Old City next week." "And what will be different in a week?" "That's up to you." "(ENGINE STARTING)" "Are you pregnant?" "Come again?" "Red Dolan isn't much to look at." "If you're that intent on finding him, he must owe you something." "Wow." "Now you know, you didn't look like the kind of guy who'd say something that stupid." "Every now and then, I like to expand my horizons." "Well, couple of people have said you know him?" "We liked some of the same matches for a while." "I don't have a car, so I kicked him some gas money." "Ever fight him?" "I didn't have to..." "but he's better than you are." "Could be." "Being that he killed my brother, I don't think I have a lot of choice in the matter." "Slipped him a Teflon." "Bullet carved straight through the vest and tore his heart open." "Now Red's an asshole, but I've never heard anyone call him a cheater before." "So write down the date." "Happened in Chihuahua last April." "You've been looking for a while." "Yeah." "Just missed him in Quinatana Roo... right before the Mexicans decided to shut it down, too." "Took me a while to find out where everybody went." "Red got beat in Mendoza." "Then he got sulky, and then he got drunk and boring." "He was in El Valle last week." "Although he's probably gone by now." "So what is this conversation about?" "I wouldn't know Red Dolan to look at him." "Traveling alone and armed is challenging enough." "Asking questions in strange cities gets outright treacherous." "I gotta be in the Old City." "Next week, I heard." "So, I'm on your way, right?" "Kick me your gas money." "We can pick up a fight or two." "What makes you so sure we're gonna get along?" "Let's see." "I'm polite about my smoking and open-minded about radio stations." "Hey, look, when the time comes, all I want you to do is tell me... that I've found who I'm looking for." "And after that?" "After that?" "I don't foresee there being an after that, John." "(GUN FIRES)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "Yeah." "So, what did you do?" "You know, before this." "Waited for someone to invent it." "You ever see Zorringer shoot?" "By the time I started, he'd already stopped showing up." "You have to go to him." "You know anyone who has?" "I know people who said they were going to." "Then they either didn't, or never came back." "Shit." "That's got to get in your head." "Got into North's." "♪ They will never understand our language ♪" "♪ 'Cause we will never speak the words again ♪" "♪ Listen close and you can hear the echoes ♪" "♪ Fade and disappear into the wind ♪" "♪ And I will miss you more than fire ♪" "♪ This is the end when it expires ♪" "♪ We suffocate our former life ♪" "♪ For a lack of oxygen ♪ ♪" "Red's not here." "You sure?" "Which one of you do you figure I'd be protecting?" "Who do you know?" "I don't." "My partner knows Red Dolan." "I was actually hoping to meet Red myself." " You're that crazy bitch." " What?" "He knows you're looking for him." "Cinco!" "Cuatro!" "Tres!" "Cinco!" "Cuatro!" "Tres!" "Dos!" "Uno!" "How about a side bet?" "I'm open." "You win, I'll tell you where Red went." "I win, you suck my dick." "Why not?" "Closest a guy like you gets to laid, is the remote possibility, no?" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "Cinco!" "Cuatro!" "Tres!" "Dos!" "Uno!" "Ganador la dama con el Smith." "Oh, boy, that was close." "A mental mistake and I would have shot off all of your possibilities." "(GROANS)" "You gonna tell me what happened?" "When?" "When you were clear, and Cyclops was still looking for his gun." "If I didn't know any better, it looked like you waited for him to shoot." "I wanted to know what it felt like." "What did it feel like?" "Like taking a punch... something you get back up from." "Can I see it?" "Oh, for Christ's sakes, I'm not gonna compromise you." "I just want to look at your war wound." "Okay?" "You know about blunt force trauma, right?" "Yeah, I heard the stories..." "broken bones, heart failure." "Vest keeps the bullet from breaking the skin... but these waves, they run through your body." "Shock waves." "Moving everything around." "You said you weren't gonna compromise me." "Well, it's a lonely lifestyle and... you're a fit, young man." "Don't read into it." "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "You know, you drive the way you shoot?" "How do you think I shoot?" "A lot of anger, no finesse." "Oh... then, yeah." "(SIREN WAILING)" "COLT:" "Fuck!" "(DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING)" "Okay, okay, okay, okay, I can lose 'em." "Yeah, but why?" "COLT:" "I dunno." "We're in South America with a carload of guns and money?" "Hey, you ever see those car chases on YouTube?" "Um... maybe?" "You ever seen anyone get away?" "Shit." "(MUSIC ENDS)" "This car isn't stolen, right?" "Not to the best of my knowledge." "Salga del carro." "Mantenga las manos donde pueda verlas." "No hablo Español." "Bullshit." "Get your ass out." "COLT:" "Okay, okay, okay, officers, I know that looked really bad, but..." "OFFICER:" "Hands on the hood!" "Right now!" "The hood!" "Where is your license and registration?" "Well, here's the thing..." "I guess what I'm trying to say is... that I have a license, but I lost it, but, sir, not my driving privileges, right?" "Arma!" "Hands behind your back!" "Both of you!" "Hands behind your back." "Oh, fuck me." "(OFFICERS SPEAKING SPANISH)" "How well do you know this man?" "COLT:" "I picked him up hitchhiking." "But, sir, he's been a perfect gentleman." "A gentleman with guns and a bulletproof vest." "Are you any good?" "Yeah, what are we doing?" "He's in." "Yeah..." "I don't think so." "You say that like you have a choice." "Which one?" "Which one?" "Okay... this one, then." "This vest took a hit." "So." "Once a vest takes a bullet, it tears, bends the Kevlar fibers, it's no good." "You better be faster, then." "Probably he's gonna hurt the fuck out of you." "Probably." "You know what?" "He's right." "It was a bullshit arrest." "We don't help petty criminals..." "they don't fucking learn anything." "Over time, it starts to..." "it starts to wear on your soul." "And this won't?" "He gets a chance." "Is something more to this?" "Your money gives you freedom." "What could be more than that?" "Huh?" "Cinco." "Cuatro." "Tres." "Dos." "Did you mean my money for my freedom?" "Or my money and my freedom?" "Damn, you're fast... and accurate." "Good thing." "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "John?" "Yeah." "Are we cop killers?" "Just cop wounders." "Shit." "We, uh... gonna need new vests." "What happened here?" "I drink a lot." "Might've fallen down." "On a claw hammer, maybe." "Look like more bullet wounds." "Well, there'd be more bullets." "You get a hole in your arm, you go to the doctor." "You wear a bulletproof vest, maybe you don't think you're hurt." "DOCTOR:" "This time, a few cracks." "Next time, the ribs break, the pieces cut up your lungs." "Want more money?" "Up north, they wear vests, and shoot at each other." "But the idea is they don't die." "They just come down here, find people to make money from them." "Doctors, even." "Old City's on the boards..." "tomorrow night." "You drive." "I can sleep in the car." "John, she just told you another hit could hand you some serious damage." "I won't take another hit." "Fine." "Fuck it, not my responsibility." "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING)" "It's different now." "You've picked up some dings." "I had to, didn't I?" "To get my fight?" "You don't want the fight." "You want the ten seconds before the fight." "$20,000 buy in, he gives five-to-one odds." "I don't want them." "You get them anyway." "There's a roadhouse down behind the mountain." "Get there before the end of the month." "Guy says Red was in the Flats four days ago." "So I can get you that far." "After that..." "I can give you a few extra days to look around." "I owe you that much." "You "owe me"?" "For what?" "Not the sex." "The looking out." "You owe me for the sex." "Asshole." "You intend to kill Red or fight him?" "I don't know." "Guess that's the kind of thing you can't know until you're there." "(LATIN MUSIC PLAYING)" "There's a fight Thursday nights by the dam." "Doesn't show up on the board, 'cause it's mainly locals." " Mainly?" " They won't run you out." "You might have trouble finding a fight, though." "Why's that?" "Crossdraw Python..." "Nickel Smith with a mouth?" "MAN:" "There's some video of you floating around... from the Old City, some other matches." "A story you took out two policia." "I can't get a fight?" "I have to give odds." "Three-to-two or two-to-one on the outside." "I'm trying to get a stake together." "For Zorringer?" "Cost of getting known." "Speaking of which, Red Dolan been through here?" "He's been." "Can't say he made it through." "Am I missing something?" "He's dead." "She had something going with Red?" "Yeah... something." "That him?" "Yeah." "Red didn't cheat." "Didn't sound like him." "My brother, Sonny, he could walk into a bar... piss on the floor." "Guys three times his size wouldn't say shit." "Move to the States, Sonny gets it in his head he can shoot." "Yeah... what's gonna make him more American?" "Yeah, but they'd already shut down the games by then." "So, like every other asshole, he wanted to follow them down here." "Red was faster..." "by about a million times." "It turned out the blunt force crushed his kidney." "The perfect right spot with the perfect right bullet... and the perfect right soft spot in the vest." "By the time it occurred to anyone to take him to the hospital." "A stupid, pointless death." "And all I felt was disgrace." "My brother, toughest guy in the world... killed by his own fucking kidney." "You think killing Red would've fixed that?" "I don't know." "I don't know." "I know that I never really missed Sonny... because I turned him into revenge and I carried him with me." "The closer I got to Red, the emptier I'd feel." "I could see the other side of it." "The other side?" "Mm-hm." "When it was over, however it was gonna happen." "When the revenge left and..." "I was all alone again." "Do you ever thought what's on the other side of Zorringer?" "There is no other side." "Just a moment of... unambiguous perfection." "Yeah." "Yeah." "No one can say you aren't what you are..." "John." "What are you doing?" "Achieving intimacy." "(LAUGHING)" "Don't tell me you haven't wondered." "Not really." "I'd win." "If it's just about speed, sure, you'd win." "But it's never just about speed." "You think I won't shoot, because we spent some time together." "I'm willing to pay to find out." "(MUSIC PLAYING ON PHONE)" "Look at me, I can't be responsible for my aim." "Then I'm leaving my life in your hands." "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "♪ Howdy there Pilgrim We're not transcendental ♪" "♪ There's nothing beyond you Where's nothing to hope for ♪" "♪ Howdy there Pilgrim We'll make up some metal ♪" "♪ Consider the problem Trust in the day when ♪" "♪ The west is the future It's bright and metallic ♪" "♪ The west is a fever It's hot and hypnotic ♪" "♪ The west is a promise The west is a new land ♪" "♪ The west isn't over The west isn't ending ♪" "♪ Bless you my beauty I bless you my girl ♪" "♪ I bless you my little one ♪" "♪ God bless you bless you Bless you bless you ♪" "♪ Bless you my beauty Your beauty will fail ♪" "♪ I bless you my little one ♪" "♪ God bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you ♪" "♪ Come here now Pilgrim, hey ♪" "I'm gonna head north." "North, where?" "In the general direction of home." "There." "Hey..." "Colt." "Yeah." "I was wrong." "You would have beaten Red Dolan." "I hope it all works out for you, John." "(ENGINE STARTS)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "♪ Well the west is the future ♪" "♪ It's bright and metallic ♪" "♪ Well the west is a fever ♪" "♪ It's hot and hypnotic ♪" "♪ And the west is promise ♪" "♪ And the west is a new land ♪" "♪ And the west is an old light ♪" " ♪ And the west is a bad man ♪ - (DISTANT GUNFIRE)" "(YELLING)" "Python in a cross draw." "No one's gonna give you any odds you're gonna like." "Well, Gordo... you might get some bets going there." "He's fast?" "Slow as justice, but nothing knocks him down." "I've seen him take a lead pipe in the stomach, bar stool across the back... about a million beer bottles broken on that big head of his." "It's kind of like wrestling a crocodile, except no one ever wins." "Let's go wrestle a crocodile." "(MAN SPEAKING SPANISH)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "(MAN SPEAKING SPANISH)" "(CROWD YELLING)" "MAN:" "Diez!" "Nueve!" "Ocho!" "Siete!" "Seis!" "Cinco!" "Cuatro!" "Tres!" "Dos!" "(YELLS)" "(YELLS)" "Diez!" "Nueve!" "Ocho!" "Siete!" "Seis!" "Cinco!" "Cuatro!" "Tres!" "Dos!" "Diez!" "Nueve!" "Ocho!" "Siete!" "Seis!" "Cinco!" "Cuatro!" "Tres!" "Dos!" "Gano visitante." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Easy, easy, easy." "Hey, you gonna put that away?" "No doctor." "Of course not." "You wouldn't be you." "Hungry yet?" "I should be, shouldn't I?" "Try this." "Here you go." "You sure you're not hungry?" "You gonna answer the obvious question?" "Boards were on fire, passing around video of Crossdraw Python... and this plus-size campesino killing each other." "We didn't kill each other." "It's the Internet." "I started where I left you, followed the mountain about 20 miles, recognized the stable." "That wasn't the obvious question." "You're not gonna hear the obvious answer." "Not out loud." "Okay." "Okay, let's get you on your feet." "See what kind of leaks you spring." "COLT:" "Come here." "(GROANS)" "Anything hurt?" "Yes." "Okay, anything in particular?" "My arms and legs are working." "Couple busted ribs probably." "How about the internal stuff?" "Well, I'm pissing less blood." "Good... it's a start." "Aren't you supposed to wait until the flame goes down?" "You cook them off of the coals." "Want to do this?" "Yes." "Just sit there and eat what I give you, okay?" "I, uh, I sold..." "I sold computers." "Big-screen TVs, stereos." "Well, you asked what I did before." "About 100 years ago." "Yeah... that's about how long it takes." "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "♪ They will never understand our language ♪" "♪ Because we will never speak the words again ♪" "♪ Listen close and you can hear the echoes ♪" "♪ Fade and disappear into the wind ♪" "♪ And I will miss you more than fire ♪" "♪ This is the air when it expires ♪" "♪ And suffocate from a lack ♪" "♪ Oh a lack of oxygen ♪" "♪ Well are you standing at the drug store counter ♪" "♪ Are you on a bus that's going back ♪" "♪ Cannot hear you walking close behind me ♪" "♪ Oh listen to the crows as they take flight ♪" "♪ And I will miss you more than fire ♪" "♪ This is the air when it expires ♪" "♪ It suffocates from a lack ♪" "♪ Oh a lack of oxygen ♪" "♪ Lack of oxygen ♪" "I went to watch, at first." "Because that's who I was... a spectator." "And this kid, maybe 20, he had this look on his face... like this was one more thing he was gonna fail at." "And he did." "Two hits, one between left pec and shoulder, one side abdomen... and the fight went right out of him." "And after, he was out in the parking lot... selling the Python with a cut-up, leather drop leg." "And I bought it, without thinking, without skills, without a plan." "That's not exactly right." "I walked into the circle that first time..." "I was hoping to find something..." "You know... feel something." "Did you?" "That seems to be the problem." "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "♪ And I will miss you like an arm ♪" "♪ That's been removed ♪" "♪ But when it's gone ♪" "♪ Oh I can still still feel the pain ♪" "♪ Oh just like you returned ♪" "♪ And I will miss you more than fire ♪" "♪ This is the air when it expires ♪" "♪ And suffocates from a lack ♪" "♪ Oh a lack of oxygen ♪" "♪ A lack of oxygen ♪" "Zorringer?" "Not here." "Maybe an hour." "Maybe tomorrow." "(LATIN MUSIC PLAYING)" " All right, two beers." " All right." "We're gonna need a room, too." "Making you wait in line like you're at the fucking deli." "COLT:" "Fucker's so fast, why play games?" "Hmm?" "What, you want me to shut up, tell me to shut up." "JOHN:" "What?" "No, no, coffee, some breakfast." "Huevos?" "Okay, huevos." "Save you a trip." "Bourbon chaser next time." "Hey." "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "(LATIN MUSIC PLAYING)" "Feel different today?" "How?" "Want to take a walk around?" "See the sights?" "I haven't had much luck sleeping." "Maybe I'll go back up." "(MUFFLED LATIN MUSIC PLAYING)" "Fuck." "John!" "You all right?" "No, I'm not all right." "We're not fucking all right!" "We gotta get the fuck out of here!" "It's okay." "It happens sometimes." "People come here with money." "What about the police?" "It's okay." "Yeah, sure it is." "Shit happens sometimes, right?" "Okay." "That was me watching your back." "This is getting out of your way." "Because..." "If I stick around, I'm gonna see you die." "Yeah." "I'm not gonna die." "Fuck." "You're so fucking wrong!" "I'm not gonna die." "Fuck." "You're wrong." "Get in the car with that bitch, win or lose... who you are now is gone..." "is gone after that." "Okay... bye." "Why are you gonna go?" "Stupid, stupid man." "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "♪ I can see mountains ♪" "♪ I can see the lights in a distant house ♪" "♪ I'm all alone in silence ♪" "♪ Broken body ♪" "♪ I hear the wind blow ♪" "♪ I can smell the pollen from the hives ♪" "♪ I'm keeping track of all the wooden features ♪" "She's not coming?" "I fucked it up." "MARLA:" "Maybe you're not giving her enough credit." "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "This is Joe." "I don't know his real name." "We were... we were never formally introduced." "These guys live to be about 80 years old." "He'll be around a lot longer than both of us." "He's a very strange bird." "He's very... he's very independent." "Some dude came by years ago, looking for... you know, I guess the same as you." "He, uh..." "left him with me." "Beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah." ""Ad caelum et angustam."" "Caelum..." "Caelum, heaven." "All the way up to heaven." "There's a constellation Caelum." "It means "The Chisel."" "One word, two meanings, huh?" "You know there was a saint, St. Perpetua." "She dreamt that there was a ladder... a ladder straight to heaven." "But to get there, she had to step on the head of a dragon." "That make you the dragon?" "I don't want to be no fucking dragon." "Hmm." "They say the game has gone to shit." "It's not the way it was." "The way it was?" "Let me tell you something." "You know how it got started down here?" "The drug dealers, they wanted to know, just for kicks, which vests would work." "They paid the poor peons 100 bucks apiece to shoot at each other." "They got two fellas two feet apart, guns already drawn..." "It was more like a goddamn game of chicken." "You know, it was artless." "So a few of us who were down here, we gave it some rules... a little bit of form, a little bit of grace." "We were just a bunch of crazy boys dressing up... playing with real men's toys." "Raising the stakes where no stakes existed." "It was just an illusion." "Except when it's not about stakes." "ZORRINGER:" "Well, then what?" "The moment of form and grace." "Yeah, well." "Let's make it sunrise." "Come on, Joe, let's go to bed." "(DOOR OPENS)" "I don't want this." "Well?" "What do you think?" "I think the same thing I think every time." "You know, we weren't meant for this." "The things we're meant for, they're not very interesting after a while, either." "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "♪ Oh, and I've made friends with the hoppers ♪" "♪ Oh and I've become one of them ♪" "♪ We will cover the landscape ♪" "♪ We will prey on the kin ♪" "♪ We will darken the heavens ♪" "♪ And we will blot out the sun ♪" "♪ And we will build a new Egypt ♪" "♪ We will form a new God ♪" "♪ In our own image, in our own image ♪ ♪" "Stupid, stupid man." "(GUNS FIRING)" "♪ When you cut the nerve ♪" "♪ I don't feel a thing ♪" "♪ They say that I will walk ♪" "♪ And I know you'll try to sing ♪" "♪ But I don't mind ♪" "♪ Wasting time ♪" "♪ There is nothing I can do ♪" "♪ They say that I will walk ♪" "♪ Oh but that might not be true ♪" "♪ But I know that I can grow ♪" "♪ Just like glass after the attack ♪" "♪ I can never make it seem ♪" "♪ The dead flesh off my back ♪" "♪ So learn to say it now ♪" "♪ With the correct pronunciation ♪" "♪ They say that I will walk ♪" "♪ It's only Dinner-vation ♪" "♪ When I hit the ground ♪" "♪ You don't feel a thing ♪" "♪ But I can't get up and dance ♪" "♪ To those notes that you can't sing ♪" "♪ And when it breaks ♪" "♪ The bone, the trauma hard and blunt ♪" "♪ Well I can't get up and dance ♪" "♪ Darlin' this is not a stunt ♪" "♪ But I know that I can crawl ♪" "♪ With your dead weight on my back ♪" "♪ I can forage in the woods ♪" "♪ And fend off all attacks ♪" "♪ So say it to me now ♪" "♪ Make a formal proclamation ♪" "♪ You think that you will look ♪" "♪ Oh what vivid imagination ♪" | {
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"Excuse me, can you tell me this where Delmare Berry lives?" "He ain't here." "Go on inside." "He's a friend of mine, he wrote this address down, right here." "Here." "You can see that's Delmare's writing." "I sure had a hard time finding this place." " That's his writing'." " Like I said, he's a friend." "My name is John Rambo." "We served on the same team together in 'Nam." "I don't know if he ever talked about me." "I've got a picture of us together." "Somewhere." "This junk in my pocket!" "Here... here it is." "That's me, that's Danforth, Westmore, Bronson, Ortega, and there's Delmare, right in the back." "Had to put him in the back because he's so big... if we didn't, he'd take up the whole picture." " Delmare's gone." " What time will he be back?" " He died." "What?" "Died last summer." "Died how?" "Cancer." "Brought it back from 'Nam." "All that orange stuff they spread it around." "Cut him down to nothing." "I couldn't lift him off the sheets." "I'm very sorry." "Morning Amy!" "How are you doing, girls?" " Great, thanks." " Alright this morning?" " Andy!" " Howdy, Will!" "Good morning, Dave." " Hi, Sheriff." " Gonna take a bath this week?" "Morning!" "You visiting someone around here?" "No." "You know, wearing that flag on your jacket, looking the way you do..." "You're asking for trouble around here, friend." " Headed north or south?" " North." "Jump in, I'll make sure you're headed in the right direction." " Where you heading?" " Portland." "Portland's is South, you said you were headed North." "You got some place I can eat around here?" "There's a diner about 30 miles up the highway." " Is there a law against me getting something to eat here?" " Yeah, me." "Why are you pushing me?" "What did you say?" "I said why are you pushing me, I haven't done anything to you." "First of all, you don't ask the questions around here, I do." "Understand?" "Secondly, we don't want guys like you in this town." "Drifters." "First thing you know we got a whole bunch of guys like you in this town." "That's why!" "Besides, you wouldn't like it here, This is a quiet little town." "In fact you might say it's boring." "But that's the way we like it." "And I get paid to keep it that way." "Boring." "Portland, straight ahead." "If you want some friendly advice..." "Get your hair cut and take a bath." "You wouldn't get hassled so much." "Hope this ride helped you out." "Have a nice day, huh?" "Where the hell do you think you're going?" "I'm talking to you, goddammit!" "Let's see some l.D.!" "All right, you're under arrest!" "Put your hands on the car." "You put your hands on the car, and you spread them." "You're going to put your hands on that car," "How you do it you decide, right now!" "Legs back." "Back!" "You try to be nice to some people!" "Well, what do we have here?" " What would you be carrying a knife like this?" " Hunting." "Don't be a wise guy!" "What do you hunt with a knife?" " Name it." "Hi, Will." " Lester." "Buzz us in, will ya." " Hey, talk about your sorry looking humanity." "Just another smartass drifter." "Morning, Arthur." " Morning, Will." "What do you got?" "I want you to book this gentleman for vagrancy, resisting arrest carrying a concealing weapon." " He says he uses it for hunting." " Huntin'?" "what do you hunt, elephants?" "see if you can clean him up a little." "Smells like an animal." "Hey, Mitch." " Escort this young man downstairs." " Yes sir, Mr. Galt." "Right this way, partner." "OK, here we go." "You know it looks like it'll take old Leroy 10 years to paint this hall" " Why don't you paint it your damned self!" "Leroy, sling that paint, boy." " Mr. Ward," "Take these." " Thank you." "Name?" "Your name" "If you're looking for trouble, you came to the right place, buddy!" "Wait." "You got three seconds before I break your face in." "He means it." "Yeah, I do." "What do you know about that." "Old Harry here is a soldier" "Rambo." "John J?" "You're gonna talk to me." "I promise you're gonna talk to me, soldier." "I'm starting to dislike you." "A lot." "I'm gonna run a make on him." "Put his name in the Teletype." "Just roll it across." "Roll it across!" " Push it." " It won't work that way it'll only smear." "Now, roll it across!" "Look, you son of a bitch, if you don't put your god damned hand down there, I'm gonna break it off!" "Put it down, god dammit!" " What the hell's going on down here?" "Nothing I can't handle" "He won't let us print him well." "Leave the ink on the hand!" "Just what is your problem?" "As things stand right now, you're facing the ass end of a 90 day incarceration!" "Plus a 250 dollar fine which you don't look to me like you can pay." "At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning you're going up in front of that judge." "And you think we're tough!" "We're going to make you more presentable for your courtroom appearance." "Between now and then, you can just impress the hell out of me by doing exactly as you're told." "Clean him up." "Preston, go over there and get that hose ready, alright?" "Holy shit, look at this!" "What the hell's he been in to?" "Who gives a shit?" "Hands above your head and turn around." "Oh Christ, we should report this to Teasle." "Look at that!" "You just do what I tell you." "Galt, what the fuck was that?" "The man said 'clean him up'." "Clean him up!" "Hey, Preston, don't forget to get him behind the ears!" "How'd you like that, huh?" "What's the matter, Mitch, don't you like water sports?" "Hurry it up, it's time for my coffee break." "Alright, sit down." "Sit down!" "Damn it, boy's hard to get a hold of!" "That's OK, Ward, don't worry about the soap, he's tough." "Just shave him." "Dry!" "How blind are you?" "Can't you see he's crazy?" " Can't you see I don't give a shit?" "Yeah, I can see that." " That's better." "See there, I knew that you.." "We're just going to shaving you partner, take it easy." " Take this, Mitch." "Don't move..." "I don't want you to cut your own throat." "You asshole!" "What the hell...." "I'll kill the asshole!" " Art, don't shoot!" "There's people down there!" "Get help!" "I'll go after him!" "Get out of the way!" "Son of a bitch!" "Lester, this is Will." "I'm right on his tail." "He's just east of Smith's farm, headed towards Chapman Creek." "I know you can hear me!" "You're finished!" "You're gone as far as you're going to go!" "D'you hear me?" "He's up there behind the draw." "Mitch, get Orval on the radio." "Tell him to get out here with his damned dogs right away." "Tell him to bring the Dobermen!" "It's gonna rain, we need dogs that can hunt on sight." "Lester, tell Paul to get out to the lumber camp to get the helicopter up here." "If they give him any shit, tell him to site him for obstruction right on the spot." "We'll get him." "No problem." "Go on, Hooch!" "Thunder, lets get him!" "Come on sweethearts" "We'll get him!" "Won't be long before he's stuffed and mounted." " make him into a bear rug." "Didn't we go hunting here last year?" "Ya I got a couple of bucks last year." "Mitch, up the hill!" "Get these hounds away from me, Orval!" "I don't trust those bastards." "Keep moving, my dogs can eat and run at the same time!" "He's going straight to the top." " Isn't that supposed to be dangerous?" " He's just dumb!" "Hey, you're spoiling the scent." "Let my babies do their job!" "This is no good." " Why?" "there were three of us in the cell block down there." "He went through us like we weren't even there." "Come on!" "We've got him, he's trapped!" " Art, he's heading for Chapman's gorge." "Head him off!" "There he is!" "On the cliff!" "Son of a bitch?" "What the hell's going on?" "What are you doing?" "We're just supposed to spot him!" "Hold it steady." " I can't, we're in a thermal draft." "He's stuck there, he can't go any place." "If you don't ride this thing right I swear to God, I'll kill you!" "Sheriff to Galt!" "Come in Galt." "Hold it steady, you son of a bitch!" "Galt, come in, God damn it!" "Get closer and hold it steady!" " Galt, talk to me!" "I want to know what's going on." "I got him... easy now." "Over there, dummy!" "Come on!" "Hey, soldier boy!" "Galt, get on this radio!" "What's going on up there?" "I don't want him dead, Galt, I want him alive!" "You hear me?" "Art, come in!" "Art Galt, come in!" "Helicopter, come, dammit!" "Christ, look!" "Jesus Christ, give me the binoculars!" "Oh no!" "Shit!" " I can't figure it." "How did fall out?" " Does it matter?" "Let's nail this sucker's ass..." "he can't be far." "Look!" "Looks like he wants to turn himself in." "There's one man is dead. lt's not my fault." "I don't want any more hurt." "Freeze!" "Stay there and give yourself up!" "But I didn't do anything!" "I'm warning you, boy, don't make a move, I'll blow your head off!" "I didn't do anything!" "Cease fire!" "Ward, God damn it, cease fire!" "I think we hit him." "Let's get down there." "Move" "Sheriff to base, come in." "Go ahead, Will?" "Lester, we're down in the gorge." "Galt's dead alright." "Where the hell is that god damned chopper?" "He won't come, Will." "Says there's a storm heading your way." "I don't give a god damned what's on its way." "I want the chopper back here right now!" "I don't want Galt's body out here all night." "You sure picked one hell of a guy to mess around with." "Just came over the Teletype a few minutes ago." "John Rambo is a Vietnam vet," "A Green Beret, Congressional medal of honor." "Guy's a war hero." " Jesus, that freak?" " I knew there was something about that guy!" "I double checked it, Will." "What do you want me to do?" "I want you to do what told you to do." "Dod damn it." "Get that chopper back here now, out." "A Green Beret!" "War hero!" " That's great!" "That's just great!" " Shut your mouth!" "What the hell's the matter with you guys?" "He's one man... wounded." "Those Green Berets... they're real bad asses." "Why don't you let the State Police handle this?" "Look at him!" "Goddammit!" "Look." "Look at him!" "That's Art Galt, boy!" "He and I were friends when your momma was still wiping your nose!" "Now he's dead." "Because of that psycho out there!" "Now you listen good:" "I'm gonna get that son of a bitch and I'm gonna pin that Congressional medal of honor to his liver." "And I'm gonna do it with you or without you." "We're closin' in, the scent's getting stronger." " Keep your eyes open." "It's going to storm, that's all we need now!" "Will, let's get out of here before it gets dark." "What's the matter, you afraid of the boogie man?" "You god damned pansy." "Put your gun down, I'll show you who the pansy is." "Knock it off!" "Ward, move out!" "The fight is out here!" "He's out there waiting for you." "Mitch, get on your feet and move!" "Go find this guy for Chrissakes!" "Keep your eyes open!" "See you later, Ward!" " Shut up, Mitch." "There he is!" "Let them dogs loose, Orval!" "Go get em sweethearts!" "There's your dinner" "Cease fire!" "Goddammit I'm hit!" "Jesus, he's got a gun." "That's not him, it's a God damned scarecrow." "No scarecrow that shot Orville, he's close." "Kill him!" "Go get him!" "Go get him, Maggie!" "Mitch, Ward, come here!" "Shingleton, you cover us." "Look at his leg!" " Mitch, get your belt." "Make a tourniquet around that." "We got to get this guy to a doctor." " Get your belt on that fast!" "Where's the first-aid kit?" "I left it in the car." "Shit!" "Where did he get that gun?" " It's Galt's gun." "He's out of ammo.." " How do you know that?" " Because whatever killed that dog was no bullet." "Orval, listen." "You have to stay awake." "You have to release the tourniquet every 15 minutes." "We got to get him." "He's out of ammo." "He had no right to shoot my babies." "Get the son of a bitch!" "OK, listen up" "We're right on top of him." "We're going to form a skirmish line, 50 feet apart." "Keep moving, there's no way out of here, except through us." "OK, let's do some huntin'" "Huntin'?" "We ain't hunting' him, he's huntin' us!" "Spread out, dammit!" "I said 50 feet!" "I hate this!" "Will, it's Mitch!" "Who is it?" "What's up here?" " Shut up!" "He's got Ward." "Spread out, I'll go this way." "Who's firing?" "Who's firing there?" " I got him!" "Shingleton, follow me!" "I got him!" "Help me!" "Help me, Will!" "Balford?" "Where the hell are you?" "Shingleton, over here!" "Easy now." " Get me out of here!" "Shingleton, where the hell are you?" "I could have killed them all." "I could have killed you." "In town you're the law, out here, it's me." "Don't push it." "Don't push it, or I'll give you a war you won't believe." "Let it go." "Let it go." "Move back." "How bad is the situation?" "Captain..." "That's the only good thing about this business, is the business you're doing in town." "Reporters are drinking the place dry." "You look like you're ready to keel over, Will." "Why don't you go home." "It's my problem now." "Your problem?" "Listen Dave, don't give me any of your horsehit about jurisdiction in this one, you understand?" " Would you like me to step outside?" " Finish up what you're doing." "Somewhere in this rugged mountain countryside, possibly above the snow line, shrouded in mist, the fugitive, John Rambo, is hiding." "Units of the state police along with local members of the national guard are now being mobilized." "What still remains unexplained by the local authorities is just how and where the former green beret came into possession of the weapons former Green Beret got the weapons with which he allegedly killed one deputy sheriff and tried to kill 6 others." "Only their skilled training in police enforcement techniques saved their lives." "And word now is that the fugitive will be in custody an a matter of hours." "Maps Will." "Will, there's something you ought to know." "Talk to you later, OK?" "What is it, Lester?" "Spit it out!" "I was just talking to Mitch." "and he was saying that Galt and a couple of deputies were a little hard on the guy." "Assholes!" "Doesn't make one god dammed bit of difference." "Dave, and you know it!" "If one of my deputies gets out of line with a prisoner then the prisoner comes to me with it!" "And if I find out it's like he says, I kick the deputy's ass!" "Me, the law!" "And that's the way it's gotta be." "People start fucking around with the law and all hell breaks loose." " Whatever possessed God in heaven to make a man like Rambo?" " God didn't make Rambo," "I made him." "Who the hell are you?" "Sam Trautman." "Colonel Samuel Trautman." "We're a little busy this morning, colonel, what can we do for you?" " I've come to get my boy." " Your boy?" "I recruited him, I trained him, I commanded him in Vietnam for 3 years." "I'd say that makes him mine." "I wonder why the Pentagon would send a full bird a colonel to handle this?" "The army thought I might be able to help." "I don't know in what way." "Rambo's a civilian now, he's my problem." "I don't think you understand." "I didn't come here to rescue Rambo from you." "I came to rescue you from him." "Well, we all appreciate your concern, Colonel." "We'll try to be extra careful." " I'm just amazed he allowed any of your posse to live." " Is that right?" "Strictly speaking, he slipped up." "You're lucky to be breathing." "Great!" "Colonel, you came out here to find out why one of your machines blew a gasket." "You don't want to except the fact that you're dealing with an expert in guerilla warfare." "With a man who's the best." "With guns, with knives, with his bare hands." "An man who was trained to ignore pain, ignore weather," "To live off the land... to eat things that would make a billy goat puke." "In Vietnam, his job was to dispose of enemy personnel, to kill... period." "Win by attrition." "Well, Rambo was the best!" "OK, Colonel, now you've got us all scared to death, what do you and the special forces think we do with the psycho out there?" " Let him go." " Do what?" " For now." "Defuse the whole situation, defuse him." "Provide a little gap and let him slip through it." "Then put out a nation wide APB." "In a couple of weeks you'll pick him up in Seattle or someplace, working in a car wash." "There'll be no fight and nobody else will get hurt." "I do my own work." "I don't figure the best way to do that is to close my eyes and hope he gets picked up in Seattle!" "If you send your people in there after him, they'll get killed." "We're just a small hick town sheriff's department, colonel, but we're expected to do our duty just like our heroes in the special forces." " In Special Forces, we teach our people to stay alive in the line of duty." " No shit, I never thought of that!" " You want a war that you can't win?" " You telling me that 200 men against your boy is a no win situation for us?" "You send that many, don't forget one thing." " What?" " A good supply of body-bags!" "Trautman..." "I don't know what side you're on, Trautman, I still think you came out here just to cover your ass." "But if you're serious about taking Rambo clean, follow me." "State police calling John Rambo." "Acknowledge." "State police calling John Rambo." "Come in please." "Acknowledge!" "If you're listening, Rambo, here's your situation: you are surrounded," "Every possible exit has been blocked, every highway, every road, every fire break." "You have our word that your services to your country will be taken into consideration." "And you'll receive fair treatment." " Just respond, we can work everything out... over" " Anything?" " He took a radio off one of my deputies." " Then he has to be listening." "If I was in his position, I would try to pick up some information." "Maybe catch some cross talk." " Of course he's listening!" " He's not going to break radio silence." " No, not for us, but he might do it for you, Colonel." "He's your boy, isn't he?" "maybe you can talk him into sparing all our lives by giving himself up." "I can try." "At least we'd get a radio fix on his position if you don't mind setting him up for us." "Setting him up for you?" "That's like bringing the pigeons to the cat." " Thanks for bringing your people out." " Any time, Will." "Come on, Bobby, put the magazine away and pay attention." "We may only get one crack at this." "Company leader calling Raven." "Come on Raven." "Company leader calling Raven." "Company leader to Raven, talk to me, Johnny." "Company leader to identify Baker Team:" "Rambo, Messner, Ortega, Coletta," "Jorgensen, Danforth, Berry, Krakauer." "Confirm." "This is Colonel Trautman." "Talk to me, Johnny." "They're all gone, Sir." " That's him, get on it." " Rambo." "Are you alright?" "Over." "Baker team, they're all dead, sir." "Not Delmare Berry, he made it." "Berry's gone too, sir." "How?" "Got himself killed in 'Nam..." "Didn't even know it." "Cancer ate him down to the bone." "I'm sorry, I didn't know." "I'm the last one, sir." "It's good to hear your voice, Johnny, it's been a long time." "Look, John, you've done some damage here, but they don't want any more trouble." " He's North-west." "That's why I've come." "I'm gonna come in and fly you the hell out." "Just you and me." "We'll work this out together." "Is that fair enough?" " Where'd you come from, Sir?" " Bragg." "I tried to get in touch with you but the guys at Bragg never knew where to find you." "Well, I haven't been spending much time there lately, they've got me down in DC." "I'm shining a seat with my ass." "I wish I was back in Bragg now." " We'll talk about that when you come in." " I can't do that, Sir." "Well, look, John, we can't have you running around out there wasting friendlies and civilians." " There are no friendly civilians." " I'm your friend, Johnny." "I was there with you, knee deep in blood and guts." "I covered your ass more than once." "Seems like bailing you out of trouble is becoming a life long job for me." "There wouldn't be any trouble if it wasn't for that king shit cop." "All I wanted was something to eat." " But the man kept pushing sir." " You did some pushing on your own, John." "They drew first blood, not me." "Let me come in and get you the hell out of there." "They drew first blood." "Rambo, are you still reading me?" "Company leader to Raven!" "Rambo, acknowledge!" "He's finished, Colonel" "We've got a real good fix on him though." "Come first light, I'm gonna put every man I got up on that ridge." "Then we'll get him my way." "Dammit." "God dammit!" "Come on move it!" "Does the guy got a gun?" "There's the guy the cops are shootin' at." " I see him!" " I'll get him." "Don't shoot!" "This way!" "Let's go!" "There he is!" "Come on!" "Now we got him!" "Yes, I know exactly where it is." "Now listen to me very carefully!" "Surround the area with every man you got, but don't move in." "Don't do anything till I get there!" "And no shooting!" "I don't want him dead, I want him alive!" "Keep firing!" "Go on, guys, shoot!" "Come on!" "You guys are great!" "Steve." "I want you and Bruce, head around these trees go to the front of that mine." "Screw that, Clinton, I ain't goin up there!" " No way!" "Brandon, I want you to go into that mine." " Not me." "What do you mean, not me?" " I do this part time, I didn't come here to get killed." "He's probably waiting for us." "What's wrong with you, Clinton?" "Rambo?" "This is Lieutenant Clinton Morgan." "National Guard leader." "I'm giving you just 3 zero seconds to come on out." "Who's got the rocket launcher?" " I do." " Come here, Earl." "Rambo." "This is your last chance to come out!" "Maybe we should wait." "Earl, this creep is a killer!" "Besides, I'm in charge and I say we blow it up." "Now fire that thing!" "Just let me get out of the way first." "Give that man a cigar!" "Bull's eye!" " Where the hell are they?" " Up the hill about 500 yards." "Move in a little closer just like Iwa Jima." "I don't believe it!" "Idiots!" "One more for "Soldier of Fortune"!" "What the hell do you think this is... some kind of circus?" "Get the hell out of here!" "Clinton, Jesus!" "Didn't you get the word, Clinton, I told you people to wait until I got up here." "Well, he was shooting at us, Will!" "I wasn't taking any chances." "What a mess." "We have to dig his body out of there right away." "You can't get a dozer up here, you have to find somebody to dig him out." " lt's your mess, Clinton!" "You clean it up." " Will, come on..." "I gotta be back at the drug store tomorrow." "You'd better get started right away, Clinton!" "Buried in a hole by a bunch of God damned weekend warriors!" "Though you said he was the best you ever trained." "However he may have ended up, there was a time when he was very special." "'Special' my ass." "He's just another drifter that broke the law." " Vagrancy, wasn't it?" "That's gonna look real great on his gravestone in Arlington: "Here lies John Rambo, winner of the Congressional medal of honor." "survivor of countless incursions behind enemy lines killed for vagrancy in Jerkwater, USA"" "Don't give me any of that crap, Trautman!" "You think Rambo was the only guy who had a tough time in Vietnam." " He killed a police officer for Christ sake!" " You're god damned lucky he didn't kill all of you." "This character!" "He comes waltzing in here full of all kinds of good advice." "I wish we'd let that god damned maniac go loose... so we could save our own asses!" "Well, we saved our asses, Colonel." "And we didn't let him go loose." "The best man lost!" "And he doesn't like it!" " How are you doin', Will?" " Hold my calls." "Have a seat." "Miss, can you do this again, please." " Sure." " And for my friend...?" "A shot of wild turkey." "If I was out of line before, I just want to apologize." "None of that makes much difference now, does it?" "No, I guess not." "I suppose" "I just feel..." "Like you were cheated out of your chance?" "I wanted to kill that kid." "I wanted to kill him so bad, I could taste it." "Doesn't sit well with that badge." "It can get confusing sometimes." "In Vietnam you can bet that Rambo and I got pretty confused." "But we had orders." "When in doubt, kill." "But what the hell, you're a civilian." "You can go home to your wife, your house and flower garden." "You're under no pressure to figure all this out." "What about you colonel, what did you figure out from all of this?" "What would you have done with him if he came in?" "Would you wrap your arms around him give him a big sloppy kiss?" "Or would you have blown his brains out?" "I couldn't answer that until I met him face to face." "Well, there it is." "Just as well we never got a chance to find out." "Drive!" "Don't look at me, look at the road." "That's how accidents happen." "What's your name?" " Cathcart, Robert A." " What do you got in the back, Robert A.?" " M16s" "OK, Robert A., get out of the truck." " I don't got no beef with you." " Go home!" "Want to turn that up?" "What's your story, Steamboat?" "Looks like somebody pulled the plug too soon." "That Rambo guy?" "He's on the loose again." "Hey Will, it's Rambo!" "He's still around" " Holy fuck!" " Get out there right away." "Move!" "What the hell's going on?" "Watch yourselves!" " They're all gonna blow!" "Attention, all civilians!" "For your own safety please evacuate the streets immediately." "Remain indoors until you receive further instructions." "I repeat:" "This is a police emergency." "Please evacuate the streets immediately." "They found Rambo's body." "It stole a truck and blew up a gas station on the other side of town." "The kid is resilient." "Why don't you forget what you're thinking and clear out while you can." " Get the fuck out of here Trautman and take your advice with you." "When I talked to earlier, you knew he was still alive, didn't you?" "I suspected it." "Sure, that's why you stuck around." "You trained him." "You taught him how to get out of places like that cave." "But he's not going to get out of this place." "Teasle, you and all your men couldn't handle him before, what makes you think you can handle him now?" "Because God knows what damage he's prepared to do." "You're going to die, Teasle." "Everybody dies!" "There's only one man in this room that has a half a chance." "That's not because I'm better than he is." "But it's because he trusts me." "See, I'm the closest thing to family that he has left, and that may be all the edge I need." "Jesus Christ, where do you people come from?" "This is my job, Trautman, this is my town!" "I'm not giving it up to you, or to Rambo or anybody else!" "You just stay the hell out of my way!" " Get a little closer!" " I can't lt's too God damned hot!" "Will, it's Lester, do you copy, over?" "Come on, let's go!" "Will, this is Lester, do you copy, over?" "We've got some serious problems." "The highway's been cut off." "The truck's out here, but we couldn't find the body." "I repeat, no body, lt's totally burnt out." "Preston, get those people out of here..." "Move them back to the south side." "We don't know how many gas tanks there are under the pumps..." "Go ahead, go ahead!" " Go ahead you crazy son of a bitch!" " Rambo!" "Rambo, don't do it!" "Listen to me, Rambo!" "You have no chance." "Drop your weapon." "We're going to order a chopper in and fly you back to Bragg." "Hold your fire!" " Yeah?" " Hold your fire!" "Think about what you're doing." "The building's perimeter's covered." "No exits." "There's nearly 200 men out there and a lot of M16s!" "You did everything to make this private war happen." "You've done enough damage!" "This mission is over, you understand me?" "This mission is over!" "Look at them out there." "Look at them!" "If you don't end this now, they're going to kill you." "Is that what you want?" "It's over, Johnny. lt's over!" "Nothing is over!" "Nothing!" "You just don't turn it off!" "It wasn't my war." "You asked me, I didn't ask you!" "I did everything I had to do to win, but someone wouldn't let us win." "Then I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport protesting me, spitting." "Calling me baby killer and all that vile crap!" "Who are they to protest me?" "Who are they?" "Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about?" "It was a bad time for everyone, Rambo, it's all in the past now." "For you!" "For me, civilian life is nothing." "In the field, we had a code of honor." "You watch my back, I watch yours." "Back here, there's nothing!" "You're the last of an elite group, don't end it like this." "Back there I can fly a gun ship, I can drive a tank, I was in charge of a million dollar equipment." "Back here I can't even hold a job parking cars!" "Where is everybody?" "I had a friend who was there for us." "There were all these guys, man." "Back there were all these fuckin guys!" "who were my friends!" "back here there's nothing!" "Remember Dan Forest?" "Wore this black headband." "I took one of his magic markers, and I said "if found... mail this to Las Vegas", because we were always talking about Vegas." "And this fucking car. this fucking 58 Chevy convertible he was talking about his car he said he would cruise till the tires fell off." "In one of these barns a kid came up this kid carrying a shoe shine box." ""Shine please, shine?"" "He kept on asking." "Joe said ya." "I went to get a couple of beers." "And the box was wired." "He opened up the box..." "Fucking blew his body all over the place." "He's laying there and he's fucking screaming..." "there's pieces of him all over me!" "And I'm trying to pull them off, you know..." "my friend!" "it's all over me!" "I got blood and everything and..." "I'm trying to hold him together, I put him together the fucking entrails keep coming out!" "And nobody would help!" "They only go "I want to go home!" just calling my name." ""I want to go home, Johnny!" "I want to drive my Chevy!" "But I couldn't find his legs." ""I can't find your legs!"" "I can't get it out of my head." "It was seven years." "Every day it hurts." "Sometimes I wake up and don't know where I am." "I don't talk to anybody." "Sometimes a day." "Sometimes a week." "I can't put it out of my mind." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Let me guess." "You work the late shift, some shit-hole diner." "Now you're taking the shortcut home." "You don't go home till I say." "Make me fight for it," "I'll carve you up in big thick slices, then plug every hole you got." "What you did?" "What I do." "This works, too." "Queenie." "Queenie." "What the hell are you doing?" "Nothing you'd understand." "This is voodoo." "You're a witch." "We need you back in the coven." "Marie Laveau set me straight." "You were never my friends." "Oh, boo-friggin'-hoo." "You switched because girls were mean to you?" "Fiona slit my throat." "You don't see me bitching out." "We know our coven's a shit show right now." "But things are changing." "A new Supreme is rising." "And who's that?" "You?" "Fiona filled my head with that bullshit, too." "That bitch will say anything if it gets her what she wants." "This isn't for you." "Yet." "Holy shit." "You just killed an innocent man!" "Innocent?" "Shows what you know." "This bastard raped three schoolgirls that we know of, probably more." "Marie Laveau needs a dark heart, and I'm gonna give it to her." "Voodoo Queen is making a special potion to give me more powers." "Fiona ever do that?" "Huh?" "Voodoo, witchcraft." "This town ain't big enough for the two of us." "War is coming." "And you're gonna lose." "Meningeal carcinomatosis." "That's what the doctor called it." "Tiny seedlings that the cancer planted in the lining of my spine." "The little bastards are Satan's diet pill." "I used to think I understood pain." "A burn, a cut, a broken bone." "Heartbreak." "But this is as if I've been dipped in the River Styx and all the suffering of all the souls that ever were or will be has soaked my body." "My body doesn't belong to me-- not that I'd want it in this state." "I'm starting to look less Samantha and more Endora every day." "And what could be more painful than having to tell your child that you're going to die?" "The doctors say it's terminal." "Do me a favor." "Die before Thanksgiving, so none of us have to suffer through that mess of raisins and Styrofoam you call stuffing." "They say love is the best medicine." "You are so beautiful." "You're just a fool in love." "You like the way I look, take a picture." "A month from now, I'll be a... a balding and toothless skeleton." "So run away with me." "Paris." "Rome." "Marrakesh." "We can spend that month together." "I don't want you watching me decay." "Are you scared?" "I'm not scared of dying." "I'm scared of living like this." "The constant pain and the ugliness." "You ever consider making it stop?" "No." "I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of me killing myself." " Mm." " I'll stay alive just to spite them." "You know, the only reason my cancer is moving so fast and my hair's falling out like dead weight is because one of those girls is coming into her own." "Flexing her muscle." "I just have to figure out which one of those little pecker-heads it is." "Bitch." "Her name is Nan." "Dark-sided." "The whole lot of them." "They worship the devil." "That's not true, Mother." "Where else could they get their dark power from?" "Look what they did to you." "You don't get it!" "They saved me!" "Only Jesus can save you." "But only if you repent." "Only if you cleanse yourself of all the impurities." ""Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts."" "Nothing happened in that house." "You brought this on yourself." "You had no business going" " to that house." " You don't have" " to do this, Mother." " Oh, but I do." "You're unclean." "From the inside out." "But we're going to fix that." "Take off your pants." "Don't!" "No, no!" "No!" "No!" "She's hurting him." "Sit down, Nan." "Let go of everything outside this room right now." "Losing Queenie is a terrible failure." "My failure." "But as of now, she's dead to me." "And no one else will slip through the cracks." "Let's get back to the battle plan." "It begins with killing Fiona." " We can't afford to wait." " I should be the one." " I want to slit her throat." " No." "You have to stay hidden until it's time." "She cannot know you're back." "We have one shot." "That's it." "Our plan has to be flawless." "So does the execution." "Failure turns this into a suicide mission." "Where the hell is Spalding?" " Delphine?" " I'll get it." "Misty?" "You have to save me." "I knew the world could be a dark and evil place." "It drove me to my haven in the swamp." "I had my Stevie." "My garden." "I tried to disappear into nature." "But I have been found." "Aw." "Aw, you probably have no idea where you are." "Hmm." "You've been through a terrifying ordeal, but you came back." "You're safe now." "Not likely, my dear." "There's a man in the woods with a gun circling the shack." "I saw the assassin when he nearly stepped on my face." "Do you hear that?" "No." "The cicadas have stopped singing." "We hid in the swamp through the night." "Made our way here when I was sure he was gone." "Who's there?" "A witch." "Seeking safety." "Somebody is looking to kill me." "You're Misty Day." "You were set on fire and left for dead." "Whatever troubles you had, they are ours now." "You're under the protection of this coven." "This is your house." "Could my friend stay, also?" "I left her out back in the greenhouse." "Hello?" "Don't worry." "You're amongst friends." "Of course I am, Cordelia." "So long as Fiona isn't with you." "Myrtle?" "Oh, my God." "I thought I'd never see you again." "Poor choice of words, girl." "But given my wretched appearance, maybe it's a good thing you're blind as a butter knife." "How did your hair grow back so quick?" "Oh, little bird," "I've been buying in bulk from North Korea for years." "What have they done to you?" "I've lost my eyes." "You were burned at the stake, and our own Supreme murdered one of her witches." "I'm afraid this coven has fallen on hard times." "Or maybe it's the best of times." "Resurrection is a feat more difficult than all the tests of the Seven Wonders." "Those of us who have recently died have been brought back to life by the hand of one person here." "Misty Day." "Behold, our next Supreme." "Our journey starts today." "Sort some sounds and read the books, and we'll be on our way." "I can't." "Not now." "We're doing a thing downstairs, so you have to stay here, okay?" "And get real smart." "So you can finally tell me what's going on in your head." "Relax." "We're sharing him, remember?" "What's this?" "We're gonna be busy all night." "Now he has something to do." "Why can't he watch porn and jerk off like any other guy?" "And why can't he learn something so he can rejoin society and have a life?" "Be good, baby." "We'll have fun later." "See if you can guess..." "Mothballs and history." "It's a cocktail I swoon for." " I feel like a queen." " How does putting on this smelly old stuff help us get rid of Fiona?" "It's part of a ceremony called the "Sacred Taking,"" "which allows for the ascension of the new Supreme." "And we're sure Misty's the next Supreme?" "I'm certain of her credentials." "She's brought back more people from the dead than Jesus Christ." "Disappointed?" "You thought it was you, didn't you?" "Well, I knew it wasn't you, because when Fiona cut your throat, you died." "It could be any one of us." "Not really." "It's pretty obvious." "And what does that mean?" "Being the Supreme isn't something to wish for." "It's not a gift." "It's a burden." "How many of these women had happy lives?" "They had the power, but with it came the crushing responsibility of the coven." "They all bowed under the weight, except my mother" who ran from it." "Can I say something?" "I don't want to be the Supreme." "Nobody gets to choose." "When Fiona dies, whoever it is... will be." "Now, give me your hands." "We're ready to begin." "The Sacred Taking is a ritual used in times of crisis to ensure the survival of the coven." "It has been invoked three times in our history." "The first, during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692." "The coven had decided to flee south, away from Salem and the persecution of the Court of Oyer and Terminer." "The reigning Supreme at that time, Prudence Mather, suffered from consumption, and knew she would be too weak to make the journey." "She gathered her witches and invoked the Sacred Taking." "It's the most hallowed sacrifice a Supreme can make." "Prudence took her own life, which allowed a new Supreme to rise and lead them to safety." "Can you imagine those poor Salem witches, traveling all the way down here in covered wagons without a proper charcuterie platter or a bidet?" "Absolutely savage!" "Does nobody see the flaw in this plan?" "You really expect that narcissistic bitch to kill herself for this coven?" "Not without a push." "♪ When I look out my window" "♪ Many sights to see" "♪ And when I look in my window... ♪" "I just love this room, especially the walk-in closet." "I need that." "And my Warhol Mao would look great on this wall." " Madison?" " Surprise, bitch." "I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." "Hmm." "How soon can you have all of your stuff out of here?" "I really need my own room." "Oh, and a bed." "I can't wait to break it in." "God knows it's not getting any action from you, Grandma." "What are you?" "♪ Must be the season of the witch, yeah... ♪" "Who brought you back?" "Are you deaf?" "I'm the next Supreme." "I brought myself back." "Looks like you've got some 'splainin' to do." "Maybe we should call the Council." "Oh, wait." "You killed Myrtle, too." "Well, that won't matter." "We all know the playbook on this." "You killed me, so we burn you at the stake." "I'm gonna bring marshmallows and graham crackers to make s'mores." "Does Cordelia know?" "That you killed me?" "Everyone knows." "You'll be hash browns by this time tomorrow." "Of course, you're half-dead already." "♪ Sure is strange..." "Get out!" "Poor Fifi." "As my powers grow... yours fade away." "Let me break this down for you-- and stop me if I talk too fast." "I'm in, you're out." "And you can leave this world one of two ways." "You can burn at the stake tomorrow, which would be messy and painful, although very entertaining." "Or you can swallow these pills and go to sleep." "Stop suffering." "And stop our suffering." "The choice is yours." "♪ You got to pick up every stitch ♪" "♪ Two rabbits running in the ditch... ♪" "Going somewhere?" "Oh." "Is everyone back from the dead, or have I already died and gone to heaven?" "Well, I suppose it would be hell, you know." "I've been resurrected by our new Supreme, young Madison." "She rather reminds me of you in your youth, thin as a pin with a dreadful case of the "me, me, mes."" "Yes." "Well, I wish her the best." "I will be... on the island... of Patmos." "That's not one of the choices, darling." "Take your own life or be burned, I believe it was." "No, I'm not ready." "I have finally found someone belong to." "Someone I truly love." "No details, darling." "I couldn't bear it." "I am very ill, Myrtle." "I won't st long." "And he wants to take care of me." "You haven't thought through this, Fiona." "Maybe it's your weakened state." "You're still my beautiful angel." "This dream of a perfect love you're clinging to is just a nasty trick life is playing on you." "You will die the same way you lived your life-- alone and disappointed by everyone." "What's the matter?" "Huh?" "He won't stay till the end." "They promise, but... they don't." "You are nothing... but an envious old bitch." "Where are you going?" "This is taking too long for you to die." "Don't... don't leave." "The smells-- they make me sick." "Your breath, your piss, your shit-- this whole room smells of death!" "I know." "I'll die soon." "I promise." "How'd it go?" "Boffo." "She thinks I'm the next Supreme." " Why can't it be me?" " Because you have no style and your pits smell like fish sticks." "Do you think I could be the Supreme?" "You guys suck balls." "Nan..." "Luke?" "Luke?" "Luke?" "Oh, God." "You're preparing the corpse." "Be a dear, will you?" "Come hold this mirror for me." "My hand shakes so from those meds." "Life is a carnival, Myrtle." "Oh, my God." "Do you remember Levon?" "The drummer with The Band." "Great God, he was something." "I was so crazy about him." "We had such a... wild six months together in Woodstock." "Anyway, the point is some play it safe on the merry-go-round, others go for the thrills on the roller coaster." "I mean, I could sit here and boo-hoo my choices, torment myself... over the selfish detours I have taken." "But what good would it do now?" "Hmm?" "Do me a favor, get me my fur from the closet." "They were all over me at season." "But Levon, mm..." "Oh, my." "It was preemptive, I suppose, my leaving." "Get out of town before they run you out on a rail." "I've always been rigorous about not staying too long at the party." "Bad form." "Know when it's over." "Look after my beautiful Delia, will you?" "My most... terrible failure." "One that'll torment me into eternity, I imagine." "And you've chosen the perfect color for your lips." "I could never pull off the corals." "Make sure they hang my portrait in the place I chose." "Don't let them store me in the basement with that disgraced..." "Russian witch." "Half of it's paste, but goddamn half of it's good." "Madame." "Wake up." "Spalding?" "You need to take this." "We must purge you of this poison." "You can speak." "Yes." "I was murdered." "Those idiot girls thought they could silence me, but they've only given me voice here in the spirit world." "300 years, my family has been a clan of watchers." "And now..." "I see everything." "Take this." "No, Spalding... you don't understand." "I am finally... trying to do... something decent... something noble for the coven." "Horseshit." "You're making a martyr of yourself by giving up." "You've been tricked." "You've allowed a pack of lesser witches to buffalo you into this ignominious end." "I won't permit it." "I don't understand." "They've been running a number on you." "Huh?" "Madison Montgomery is not the next Supreme." "She didn't conquer death." "She was brought back by some dirty little... swamp witch." "They've been leading you to your doom with lies." "Lies... you swallowed more easily than those pills." "Huh?" "Oh, Spalding... you've always been my silent sentinel." "And I will avenge your murder." "Right after I've avenged my own." "Delphine?" "Is that a Jumpin' Jack with cheese I smell?" "Mmm." "Oh!" "Heaven." "Ain't they feeding you?" "All they ever do is bleed me for her poultice." "Come tomorrow, I'm gonna be dry as a bone." "Whatever did I do to deserve this betrayal?" "Didn't you like my pot pie and my peach crumble" "I learned how to make just for you?" "You put me in here." "You can get me out." "Only for a minute, just so I can stretch my legs." "This cage is just un-unfit for a human." "Which is why it's so perfect for you." "What I told you about feeding the animals?" "Queenie?" "I'm sorry, reine." "Mm." "You know, when I had the idea to have you brought back to me," "I thought of all the many ways I could dispose of you." "But I've found it give me great pleasure just to know you in a cage." "Shut your mouth, Negress." "Bring me something to drink in a clean glass, so I can enjoy my food in silence." "I'm not your damn maid!" "And if I were you," "I wouldn't be so eager to show my arrogance from that side of the cage." "What you gonna do?" "Kill me?" "I can't die." "Eh, throw me back in the box." "I seen enough of this world." "I'll take no part in a country that has a darkie in the White House." "Hundred years from now, when they dig me up again, the natural order will be restored." "You think I only have those two choices?" "The mistake you make is from a lack of imagination." "I'm not afraid of you." "I wouldn't give you that satisfaction." "Dear God!" "Oh, my God!" "You know, you're right, Delphine." "This gave me no satisfaction." "But we've only just begun." "We can't go next door." "It's the first place she'll look." "Then where?" "I don't care." "Anywhere." "Just us." "You mean boyfriend-girlfriend?" "Yes, there's an intruder in my house right now." "I'm staring at her." " She's armed and dangerous." " That's a lie!" "How dare you come into my house after what you've done." "Stay away from her!" "We're leaving, Mother." "You can't stop us." "The hell I can't." "I'm your mother." "I made you and I can unmake you." "No!" "Luke." "Don't leave me!" "I'm your Supreme." "How about something less doleful, Myrtle?" "It's Schubert's last sonata." "It's all about acceptance of death." "This is so incredibly stressful and weird." "You don't feel anything?" "My stomach feels like a storm's about to hit, but it's probably just my nerves." "I'm not exactly what you call a natural born leader." "Neither was King George, but one rises to the occasion." "Your feet should be getting warmer." "I'm told it starts as a tingle in the cooch." "For me, it started as a classic migraine." "Auras, nausea, pain behind the eyes." "You know, Myrtle," "Schubert was emotional, not mawkish." "So where... is this gifted little swamp witch that everyone's been talking about?" "I'm going with him." "Well, well, well." "So you're the swamp witch I've heard so much about." "It's not every day we see a witch with the power of resurgence." "According to my daughter, a power fit for a Supreme." "Hey, ladies," " you can't be in here." " Yes, we can." "You're gonna tell us what happened here, Officer." "There was a shooting." "Maybe a robbery gone wrong." "Son has a grievous head wound." "Mother is dead." "We're waiting on the coroner." "That's perfect." "Here's one you can... use your talent on." "They think maybe it was a robbery." "And my mother?" "Misty?" "I saw Fiona go inside." "Lead me." "Wait." "There's something here." "This was no robbery." "He was after us." "This road goes two ways." "See if you can guess which road the friends will take." " Click..." " This..." "This road goes two ways." "Click on the microphone button and say the word." "It's not you." "We're under attack." "None of us are safe." "I have to get you out of here." "No!" "This... road... goes... two... ways." "What does it mean, Kyle?" "I... love you." "I love you, too." "Where are all the servants?" "I might have slept until noon." "You didn't really make this coffee all on your own, did you?" "I'm not entirely helpless, Mother." "Oh, no, of course not." "Though I do think we might move your bed downstairs." "I mean, we wouldn't want you to have a... accident coming down those steps." "Wouldn't we?" "I'd much rather be found at the bottom of those stairs than be burned at the stake." "According to Auntie Myrtle," " that just hurts like hell." " Oh, Cordelia." "You don't really think I'd do something like that to my own daughter?" "Cut the shit, Fiona." "We both know I tried to orchestrate your death last night." "Yes." "And very nearly succeeded." "If you're waiting for me to get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, you can forget it." "It's not gonna happen." "Beg?" "I might throw you a parade." "What you and your girls demonstrated last night was real grit." "I finally have hope for the future of this coven." "And you, my dear I'm so proud of." "You really are my daughter." "Now you're proud?" "Hell... if I knew how easy it was to win your approval," "I would have made an attempt on your life way before now." "What's this?" "A silver bullet." "I found it last night in the street." "It's blessed." "Mm-hmm." "Witch hunters." "I'll admit, when I found it," "I was glad you were still with us." "We need you now, Fiona." "More than ever." "Where are the servants?" "Who was it?" "I don't know." "Help." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"SUBMARINE (2010)" "Most people think of themselves as individuals, that there's no-one on the planet like them." "This thought motivates them to get out of bed, eat food, and walk around like nothing's wrong." "My name is Oliver Tate." "Stuck On The Puzzle" "# I'm not the kind of fool who's gonna sit and sing to you" "# About stars, girl" "# But last night I looked up" "# Into the dark half of the blue" "# And they'd gone backwards" ""What kind of young person am I?"" "That's the challenge." "We talk about challenges." "Well, that's the challenge I'm giving you this term." "A gauntlet, so to speak." "But this gauntlet is also an opportunity." "An opportunity for self-discovery." "What do I mean by "self-discovery"?" "Mark Pritchard?" "Having a wank, sir?" "Discovery of the self." "Who am I?" "I find that the only way to get through life, is to picture myself in an entirely disconnected reality." "I often imagine how people would react to my death." "Mr Dunthorne's quavering voice as he makes the announcement." "The shocked faces of my classmates." "A playground bedecked with flowers." "The empty stillness of a school corridor." "Local news analysis." "Oliver Tate was a popular and much-loved pupil." "Many of the people I've spoken to here referred to him as an example." "He was so funny and so smart..." "He's gonna be really missed." "It's so bad." "He's so young." "Tear-streaked tributes." "I just wanted to hug him." "I just wish I had." "I wish I could have said goodbye, but I never said anything to him." "The steady stoicism of my parents." "All the girls liked him." "Other boys respected him, looked up to him, I guess." "Candlelit vigils." "We are witnessing incredible, unprecedented scenes of quiet devotion." "Behind me a vigil that's been repeated all over the country." "A testimony to the love felt for Oliver Tate and the loss felt by his friends... and, frankly, by Wales on the whole." "And, finally, my glorious resurrection." "Don't ask how." "Just know that I'm now more powerful than ever." "Let's get off." "Zoe." "Zoe, this is for you." "It's yours." "It has your name on it." "Take it." " It's not mine." " Please take it." "That note seems fascinating, Oliver Tate." "You know the rules." "Stand up and read it out." "I can't." "It's Zoe's." "She gave it to me and I was gonna..." "Saved by the bell once again, Mr Tate." "All right, take your time." "I know you're all gagging to get to double Biology but don't rush." "Jordana Bevan's only real flaws are her sporadic bouts of eczema." "Other than that, she has many qualities." "She never speaks about herself." "She could be anything." "Perhaps she's a Fabian." "That would make her a socialist who advocates gradual change." "She's moderately unpopular, which makes a romance between us more likely." "She's also a girl - to be seen with her would improve my street cred, which, though high, could be higher." "Lastly, she's now single, cos Mark Pritchard cheated on her with Abby Smuts at the school disco." "The full extent of the betrayal is still the subject of speculation." "Chips knows there's nothing more attractive than a bully." "He also knows that Zoe Preece is a legitimate target because she's overweight and won't accept notes in class." "Essentially, I disapprove of bullying." "Jordana seems to enjoy it in moderation." "I must not let my principles stand in the way of progress." "I must be willing to adapt." "Keep up, Tubs!" "This was the correct decision." "Give it back now!" "This was a vivid memory of youth that I would cherish when I was old and frail." "Oh!" "Catch." "Straight into the hands." "We were working as a team, testing each other's limits, challenging one another's bourgeois assumptions of what was acceptable." "Oh, grow up!" "Grow up!" "I knew that these events - although hard to bear at this precise moment - would help build Zoe Preece's character in the long term." "Aargh!" "Wanker!" "Honestly, Zoe, it was an accident." "I mean, it was just unlucky that you were there and that you fell in." "We were playing... sort of like a game." "And you can replace the stuff that was in your bag." " I'm not saying it's cheap..." " Fuck off and die!" "In many ways, I prefer my own company." "It gives me time to think." "I suppose it's a bit of an affectation, but I often read the dictionary." "My word for today is "flagitious", which means wickedly shameful." "I live in a large house with my parents." "They tell me that our area has breathtaking scenery." "I'm not sure I believe in scenery." "However, the views allow me to spy on our new neighbours." "I don't know them yet but they seem like terrible human beings." "Ninjas." "My parents have not had sex for seven months." "I've been monitoring their intimacy via the dimmer switch in their bedroom." "I know when they've been at it because the dial will be set to halfway." "I wish life could be more like American soap operas." "Then, whenever things got dramatic, you could just fade the picture down and pick things up again later." "Can you tell your mother to hurry up?" "I'll be waiting in the road." " You look nice." " Thank you." "Yeah, you look good for your age." "For a mum." "Mum's getting the bus." "So..." "I inherited it all." "Well, er, it's been terrific." "Small world, all that." "It's such a lovely area." "This used to be Jill's grandmother's house, right?" "Yes." "The hours we spent up in that room, listening to records, hatching plans." "Right, yes." "So are you going to be selling up?" "Just gonna let things take their own path." " You have a good day, Lloyd." " OK, cheers, Graham." " Give my love to Jill." " Will do." " Ciao, Lloyd." " Goodbye." " You go get 'em, killer." " I will." "As usual, Dad drops me 800 yards from school." "That way, I can slip in unnoticed, like a torpedo." "Watch your step, motherfucker!" "Ha-ha" "You've got to wake up." "How many times have I told you?" " Ellis?" " Yes, sir." " Griffiths?" " Here, sir." " Harris?" " Yes, sir." " Davies?" " Yes, sir." " Morris?" " Sir." "Preece?" "Preece?" "Anyone seen Zoe?" " Tate?" " Yeah, present." " Pritchard?" " Yes." "Smuts?" "Wanker!" "Zoe Preece hasn't been in school for a while, so I've written a pamphlet on how to break out of the victim cycle." "I've also given her two examples to inspire her." "Firstly, Rhydian Bird, who pulled his trousers down to fart." "And followed through, calling an unhealthy turd onto the tarmac." "But instead of looking embarrassed, he screamed with laughter and pointed." "Nobody could tease him about it cos he was so proud." "How do you even know all men read poems?" "All men do, unless you're gay." "Are you gay?" "Secondly, Chips." "He wasn't even considered hot until the Watkins twins stabbed him in the back with compasses." "He said nothing, showed no discomfort." "As his shirt." "Blossomed with blood poppies." "His stoicism reminded me of the brave men who died in the First World War." "Chips is an outstanding bully." "He once made our Religious Education teacher cry using only Blu-Tack." "Right, now, now, now." "I don't quite know what I am yet." "I've tried smoking a pipe flipping coins... listening exclusively to French crooners." "Other times I go to the beach and stare at the sea." "Someone made a documentary about a prominent thinker who struggled with unspeakable loss." "I've even had a brief hat phase." "But nothing stuck." " Gene." " What?" "The most secure route to Zoe is big Gene, who, over the last few months, has become her only friend and confidante." "Gene told me that Zoe had moved schools." "She was very unhappy because she was bullied and one boy even pushed her into a pond." "Oh..." "I had no idea." "I persuaded her to give Zoe the pamphlet by saying it was a love letter." "It's a big love letter." "I've got a big heart." "Sometimes I wish there was a film crew following my every move." "I imagine the camera craning up as I walk away." "But, unless things improve, the biopic of my life will only have the budget for a zoom out." "I feel bad, cutting into his head." "Why?" "It's just a fucking frog." "It's still a thing, though." "It had life." "Where do you think they get the frogs?" "I don't know." "Probably a lake or a river nearby." "They probably have a guy that does it." "I could find out." " I don't actually want to know." " Neither do I." " I'm just saying." "You asked..." " I wonder where Fat is." " Zoe?" " Mm." " She hasn't been in school for a while." " I hadn't noticed." "I thought you would have." "She leaves a big gap." "She's not on my radar." " Is it cos we pushed her into the pond?" " I didn't push her." " Think she's weeping herself to death?" " I didn't push her." "Maybe you should write to her." "Maybe you should write her a pamphlet or something." "What do you think?" "What is this?" "What do you want from me?" "Meet me under the railway bridge after school and we'll take it from there." "Bring a Polaroid camera and a diary." "OK?" " Got the camera and the diary?" " Do you have the pamphlet?" "Give me the camera." "OK." "Now kneel down." "Please, Jordana..." "What is this?" "Kneel down." "Close your eyes." "We kissed until our lips felt swollen." "Her mouth tasted of milk, Polo mints and Dunhill International." "OK." "Now take out the diary and write today's date." "Write a few paragraphs on how excited you are to have kissed me." "Mention what a dick Mark Pritchard is and slag off Abby Sluts." " It's Smuts." " Let's call her Sluts." "I sit next to her in Geography, so we're mates." "I don't need your life story." "Wow." "You look mentally retarded." "Have you ever kissed anyone before?" "I had in fact only kissed one person before" " Zoe Preece." "It was after the Cowboys And Indians school disco." "I told her if we were going to do it, we had to hide behind the refectory." "Her tongue was blue from blackcurrant squash." "It smouldered in the cold." "OK, I've done it." "Good." " Can I have the pamphlet now?" " No." " What will you do with the photos?" " Leave them lying around school." "For people to accidentally find." "Oh." "What are you complaining about?" "This is conclusive proof that you might not be gay." "Gaylord!" "Gaylord!" "Gaylord!" "Gaylord!" "Come on, gay boy, take back what you said about me!" "I take it back." "I take it back." "And admit that you're in fact a gaylord." "No." "Do not admit it." " Do not admit that." " Shut up, Chips." "Fine." "I'm gay." "I'm very gay." "And Jordana's a slut." " Jordana is a slut." " No." "Say it." "Say it!" "No." "Don't be a dick, Mark." "Just let him go." "Fine." "I'll let him go." "I'll let him go." "Lf... he admits you're a slut." " Ooh." " Just say it, gay boy." "Say it." "Why don't you go fuck yourself?" "Fucking big gay." "I was completely overbalanced." "It was luck." "I'm gonna get him for this." "I'll bring him so much pain." "Probably catch him like he caught me, on the sly." "Blood." " Are you gonna get up now?" " Yeah." "Sorry, yeah." " You've got scaly hands." " It's eczema." "Now that we had kissed for non-blackmail purposes," "I thought it gentlemanly to escort." "Jordana home." "When there, I asked if she was my girlfriend now." "And she said:" "I'll think about it." "But what she meant was, yes." "We are now as one." "Whenever I'm late home from school, my mother assumes I've been abducted and left to drown in a lake." "There he is." "Oliver?" "My mother is worried that I have mental problems." "I found a book about teenage paranoid delusions during a routine search of my parents' bedroom." "After that, I start." "Ed slipping choice phrases into our conversation." "My body has been replaced by a shell." "My organs are made of stone." " I've been dead for years." " Right." "My mother is naturally neurotic and in her youth even dreamed of being an actress." "Until she was told by a speech therapist her tongue was too big for her mouth." "Now she works for the council's Legal and Democratic Services depart." "Ment." "One of the rules in her office" " is that if it's your birt." "Hday..." " Ta-da." "...you are held responsible for bringing your own cake to work." " Happy birthday, Jill." " Thank you." "Oliver?" "Oliver, come here." "Come here." "Where are you going, Oliver?" "OK, sit up." " Are you being victimised again?" " No." "I'm never victimised." "You were, in primary school and Cubs." " I don't remember." " I do." "There was a lot of crying." " Is it drug related?" " How?" " I don't know." "You tell me." " It's not." " Your pupils are huge." " It's dark." " Is it self-harm?" " Why would I punch myself in the eye?" " I really don't know." " I wouldn't." "This is stupid." "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the truth." "OK, I got into a fight." "I was defending the honour of my girlfriend." "OK, fine." "You're not being serious, it's fine." "No, I am." "I have a girlfriend now." " Really?" " Yeah." " Do you?" " Yeah." " Really?" " Yeah." "Of course." "Yes, of course." "I mean, why wouldn't..." "I didn't..." " Did you think I was..." " No, I didn't." "Come here." "What a lovely little chat." "You're doing so well." "So?" "K-nock, k-nock, can I come in?" "This was the happiest I'd seen my fatherfor years." "Not too long ago, I discovered an empty bottle of anti-depressants, during another routine search of my parents' bedroom." "My research indicates it all start." "Ed when he was sacked from his job presenting on the Open University." "My father is a marine biologist, and introduced a segment called Mysteries Of The Deep." "But he was an uneasy screen presence, and never knew quite what to do with his hands." "After his dismissal, he spent several days in bed, drinking hot lemon from the same mug and never washing it, a key sign of one of his downturns." "Now he works at the local university, doing a job he finds difficult to explain, to anyone without a degree-level knowledge of fish." "Listen, I hope you don't mind." "But your mother informs me that you have a girlfriend." "Is there anything I can help you with there?" "I'm not sure yet." "I'll let you know." "OK." "All right." "Yes." "Er..." "listen..." "I know you think I'm very boring, you know." "But once..." "I ripped my vest off in front of a woman and er... it was very effective, actually." "I know." "It produced a very atavistic response." "That's just something to bear in mind." "And listen, I madeyou a cassette recording." "It's a compilation of songs I used to listen to during some of my early formative relationships." "Plus a couple of things I thought you might dig." "I think music can make things seem a bit more real, sometimes," " if you know what I mean." " Thanks." "I've also included some break-up songs towards the end, just in case things don't work out." "Which, obviously, you know, that isn't the aim, though, I'm gonna tell you, it is likely." "Passion rarely lasts, I'm afraid." "All right, well... good night and erm... well done!" "It's an achievement." "It really is, of sorts." "Good night, son." "# Tomorrow I'll be quicker" "# I'll stare into the strobe light flicker" "# And afloat I'll stay" "# But I'm quite all right hiding today" "# Tomorrow I'll be faster" "# I'll catch what I've been chasing after" "# And have time to play" "# But I'm quite all right hiding today" "# And I will play the coconut shy" "# And win a prize even if it's rigged" "# I won't know when to stop" "# And you can leave off my lid" "# And I won't even lose my fizz" "# I'll be the polka dots type" "# I'll know the way back if you know the way" "# But if you are, I am quite all right" "# Hiding today" "Jordana and I enjoyed a glorious atavistic fort." "Night of lovemaking, humiliating teachers and bullying the weak." "I've already turned these moments into the Super-8 footage of memory." "# Tomorrow I'll be stronger" "# Running colourful" "# No longer just in black and white" "# And quite all right hiding tonight" "# And I will have a game on the coconut shy" "# And win a prize even if it's rigged" "# I won't know when to stop and you can leave off my lid" "# And I won't even lose my fizz" "# I'll be the polka dots type" "# I'll probably swim through a few lagoons" "# I'll have a spring in my step" "# And I'll get there soon" "# To sing you a happy tune" "# Tomorrow" "# And you'd better bring a change of clothes" "# So we can sail our laughing pianos" "# Along a beam of light" "# But I'm quite all right hiding tonight" "It's fucking ridiculous!" "How long's it been?" "Two weeks." "It's fucking ridiculous!" "I'm not bothered." "We've as good as done it." "Never take more than a week between everything but and stuffing it in." "She's taking the piss." "Keiron, back me up." " She's taking the piss, man." " Thank you." "Watch out, she's looking." "Is she still looking?" "Yep." "Jordana hates any place that could be termed romantic." "With this in mind, I took her to one of my favourite industrial estates, for some quality one-on-one time." "This is nice, isn't it?" "Yeah, it's not bad." "I mean, you know, we get on pretty well." "Yeah, it's fun." "And we're getting more and more intimate." "Intimate?" "Yeah, you know, we've done things." "We've been intimate." "We have been intimate, yeah." "My parents are going to the cinema on Thursday." "It's a tradition." "They go every Thursday evening." "So what I'm saying is, it's empty." "The house." "On Thursday." "The house is empty." "On Thursday evening, it's an empty house." "So what do you think?" "Are you asking me to come round and have sex with you?" "If I say yes, does that lessen the chance of you wanting to?" "Before I answer that, I just want to check one thing." " Yeah, sure." "What is it?" " It's quite serious." "Of course, yeah." "Go ahead, you should be able to ask what you want to ask." "Will the house be empty?" "Write down the reasons why I should." "OK." "It's Thursday." "You're going to the cinema?" "You should leave." "Is that what you wear to lounge around?" "Your father doesn't want to go out all of a sudden." "I've been looking forward to it." "I didn't realise there'd be others." " They're our neighbours." " Who, the ninjas?" "It's Thursday, our cinema night." "It's not a free-for-all." "Do not call them ninjas, Oliver." "It's racist." "He's white." "They don't strike me as big Eric Rohmer fans." "Why don't the three of you just go and see some tat at the Odeon?" " I'll just stay in." " You should both go." "So rude, Lloyd." "Oh, for God's sake." " Oh, Graham." " Whoa!" " Oh, not really..." " Hey." "Oh, thanks." "Are you all right?" "Whoargh!" "You look lovely." " Thank you very much." " Sorry I'm a bit early." "It's just, there's a fantastic noodle bar right next to the cinema." "Kim-Lin and I would love to take you and Lloyd..." " Ninjas." " My treat." " Very sweet." " No need to take two cars, right?" "Plenty of room in the van." "Do you mind jumping in the back, here, Lloyd?" "Hop right in there, make yourself comfortable." "All right there, buddy?" "Great." "Thanks for living up a fucking hill." "Sorry, I had to er... go to the toilet." "I'm OK now." "It doesn't matter." "Just gonna top this up quickly." "There we go." "To us, and a wonderful evening of lovemaking." "Can you just get off my shoulders?" "I'm just directing you, just..." "Right, OK, just don't open them." "I'll tell you when." "Stay there." " What, now?" " Yeah." "Fucking hell, you're a serial killer." "I'm sorry for that." "I didn't know whether you'd like it." "But we can learn from it." "I've learned from it." "I think you've learned from it." "Maybe we could start again." " I've gotta go home." " OK, cool." "You should go home." "I'll give you this." "It's just a letter I was gonna give you." "Just take it." "It's nothing." " Sorry, but..." " No, no, I..." "Yeah..." " You..." " OK, bye." "Dear Jordana, thank you for letting me explore your perfect body." "I could drink your blood." "You're the only person I would allow to be shrunk to microscopic size, and swim inside me in a tiny submersible machine." "We've lost our virginity but it wasn't like losing anything." "You're too good for me." "You're too good for anyone." "Sincerely, Oliver." "Don't get cocky." "How was the film?" "I'm going to bed." "It's nice to see something lightweight once in a while, that you don't have to think about." "Relationships are tough, aren't they?" "You should be in bed, Oliver." "Tonight, I stumbled across an encyclopaedia entry on ultrasound." "Ultrasound is a sound vibration too high frequency to be audible." "It was first developed to locate submerged objects - submarines, depth charges, Atlantis and such." "Some animals, like bats, dolphins and dogs can hear within the ultrasonic frequency." "But no human can." "No-one can truly know what anyone thinks or feels." "What's inside Mum?" "What's inside Dad?" "What's inside Jordana?" "We're all travelling under the radar, undetected." "And no-one can do a thing about it." " Any more word from Graham?" " Nothing to report., Jackie." " We went to the cinema as normal." " How did that go?" "Awkward, of course." "Lloyd sulked because we watched Crocodile Dundee rather than one of his dark numbers, I don't know." "But I really laughed." "I thought it was very charming." "And I could see why someone like her would go for someone like him." "Graham is still very attractive." "He probably felt threatened." "Lloyd is far too self-involved to feel threatened, Jackie." "He knows Graham was your first love..." " He wasn't my first love." " Come on." " I was 18." " Pardon?" "18." "Look, I've got to go." "I'll call you back." "Actually, I'll see you tomorrow, OK." "Lloyd?" "Were you listening in to that?" "Sorry, what?" "I could hear you breathe, Lloyd." "Why hadn't my parents told me that Graham was Mum's first love?" "No wonder their cinema outing had ended in such a schism." "I can only assume the subject of wife-swapping was raised and Dad didn't feel emotionally ready." "Is it possible that Mum would cheat on Dad?" "Will they get divorced?" "They don't even row." "They just have discussions." "I'm going to have to increase my surveillance." "Good night, Oliver." "Yargh, yargh, yargh!" "Yargh, yargh, yargh!" "Yargh!" "Thank you very much, Jeff." "I got you these books." "They're really meaningful to me." "This is Shakespeare's most mature work, miles better than Hamlet." "Just more developed thematically." "And this is Nietzsche, one of the most influential philosophers of modern time." "I don't agree with all he says but he makes some interesting points." "And this is The Catcher In The Rye, a great modern American novel." "Salinger's very influential." "Why are you doing this?" "I thought it'd be nice to get some mutual interest, now we've had sex, other than spitting and setting things on fire." "Why would I want to be more like you?" "Just try not to crack the spines or burn them." "We should get in." "It starts in an hour." "I want to get a good seat." "It's rude to leave a film before it's finished." " Who to?" " The film-makers." " How do they know?" " They just do." " How?" " They do." " There wasn't even any sound on it." " There was never intended to be." " Then why did they write it?" " Kiss me." "Get off me!" " What are you doing?" " Just kiss me." "Get the fuck off me, you freak." "That was fucking ridiculous." ""Kiss me!" Who says that?" " It was a kiss." "I tried to be romantic." " What the fuck?" " You were crushing my face." " Yeah, in a romantic way." "I'm not in the mood." "It seems pretty clear that Mum is having an affair." "Why else would she be at the hairdresser's with Graham the ninja?" "He probably makes sure all his prospective sex part." "Ners are salon fresh before impregnating them with a ninja love child." "Cheers." "Mum normally just gets a trim from her work colleague Jackie." "But now I think of it, she did mention her hair the other day." "I used to have long hair like her." "Hm?" "I used to have long hair, remember?" "Hm, yes." "Pretty, isn't she?" "I dunno." "Do you like my hair long?" " Er..." " Or short like now?" "Well, you know..." "I like your hair no matter how long it is." "But did you prefer it long?" "Either way's good." "No opinion." "Well, it's up to you." "So it wouldn't bother you if I shaved it all off?" "Not if it made you happy." "If you want to shave off your hair, you should." "Why would I shave my hair off, Lloyd?" "What a stupid idea." "Yeah." "I can imagine my mum calmly leaving one day while Dad helps her pack." "So er... got any plans?" "No, not really." "No, just... see how it goes, really." "Are you planning on getting dressed today?" " Do you want to take the car?" " That's fine." "I'm going to work from home today so if you want to take the car..." "I was planning on going to see one of Graham's talks tonight." " OK." " You don't mind?" " Why would I mind?" " It just means I won't be in tonight." " I'll make sure I keep myself busy." " Oliver, you coming?" " I'd like a moment with my father." " Lovely." "I'll see you in the car." "I think Mum might be having an affair." "Can you turn the tap off, please?" "I saw her in town with Graham and heard her on the phone talking about him." "You shouldn't be spying on people." "I just saw them and accidentally picked up the phone." "Aren't you worried?" " Graham's an old friend of Mum's." " They've met up." " Yes." " So you're condoning this affair?" "There is no affair." "He's just some bloke I stole your mother from." "So you admit they have a history?" "I think you should go to your mother now, OK?" " Thanks, Mum." " Just a second, we're early." "How are things with Jordana?" "Fine." " You ever going to let us meet her?" " Maybe if you get a terminal illness." "So things are serious between you two?" "It may seem like a big deal now but it probably won't matter when you're my age." "38?" " Just be careful." " I always use condoms." "Good." "You know that your dad and I are going through a bit of a tough time." "And I want you to know we really appreciate you trying to help." " I'm not trying to help." " You're a loud whisperer." "You shouldn't spy on people." "Why have you been meeting Graham?" "Graham is an old friend and has had relationship problems with Kim-Lin." "He needed someone he could talk to." " So he might be single soon?" " Goodbye, Oliver." " Mum?" " Yes?" "Who would you save first in a fire, given the hypothetical situation that Dad and I were equally hard to save?" "I'd go for you but I'd feel bad for your father." "OK." " Kiss me!" " What?" "I still can't believe you fucking said it." "I did not say it in a high-pitched..." "like a little mouse." " You cried it." " Come on, we're late." " That gap gets smaller every day." " What are you doing tonight?" "I'm busy tonight." "Doing what?" "As in, I've got stuff to do." "Busy." "No, you never have anything to do." "What are you doing?" "What is light?" "What is light?" "How important is light?" "OK, let's think about that for a minute." "Cos it seems very basic and banal but it's not." "It's loaded." "It's a bloody nail bomb." "I think light is probably the most important gift we have from the universe." "And if you asked any intelligent bloody writer, like Professor Hawking or anybody of that ilk," "he could talk to you... for about, I don't know, a year... just about bloody light!" "We don't want to be in the dark, being fiddled with." "That's for sure." "How's my dad meant to compete?" "The only time I saw him enthral a room was when he gave a talk about the disappearance of a giant sturgeon." "Sturgeons are royal fish, since the 14th century, and, if caught, they do become property of the Crown." "So, yes, we're treating the matter as suspicious." "How deep is the ocean?" "Seven miles at its deepest point, but on average, six miles as a rule of thumb." "But no fish could live down there." "There's no light, of course, and the pressure is far too great." "Any human who found themselves at that level, well, they would die immediately." "They would implode." "They wouldn't stand a chance." "But in answer to your question, the ocean is six miles deep." "I am a prism." "That's not mad." "OK?" "I am a prism, I am light." "I am lucid." "I am exciting and delicious." "Thanks very much for today." "You've been fantastic." "Well done." " It seemed to go pretty well." " Oh, yes, yes." "I think they..." " They loved it." " Did you enjoy it?" "Absolutely." "A lot to take in." " But it was silly, right?" " No, no." " You think I'm silly?" " No, I don't." " It's OK." " I don't." "I don't." "I didn't ask for this, Jill." "This gift, it's..." "It's like a burden to me." "Sure." "Yeah, you must be exhausted." "I split up with Kim-Lin." "Oh, no." "Oh, dear." "Let her go." " She was young, right?" " I'm really sorry." " It's all good." " Anyway, I'd better..." "I'd better go." " Gonna come next week?" " Er..." " I can?" " You'd better." "Sure." "I'll check my diary." " Bring Lloyd." " Um..." "OK." "I don't think it's really his cup of..." "I'll ask." "If you ask him... he will come." " I'll see what I can do." " Right." " Thank you again." "You're very good." " Ciao, Jill." " Watch yourself." " Thank you." "Bye-bye." "I'm watching you." "And by being in balance with the colours around them, with a healthy colour glow around themselves, they're living a fulfilled life." "So when you're in a crisis, it doesn't feel like the waves are crashing on you, it feels like you can just stand under those waves and let them do their business, and then get a towel and bloody dry yourself off, and go about your day." "That's what it means." "My mum is the exact type of person who is susceptible to this mystic bullshit." "I can picture her telling Jackie at work how it's a bit over the top but there's something in it." "If my dad radiated a colour, it'd be ochre or eggshell." "He knows the number for the pothole helpline off by heart..." "It's about a foot in diameter." "It's a bit of a concern." "Pothole." "Yes, that's right, Lloyd Tate." "Oh, hi, how are you?" "He was the first person in our village to install double glazing." "It's from Dad." "He ruins every Christmas." "It's a kettle." "Great." "...how extraordinary they are." "Because they've forgotten, right?" "Maybe it's time for Dad to rip off his vest again." "I mean, it's a bit over the top, but I think there's something in it." "Yes, yes." "Good turnout, was it?" "I'm going out for a bit." "The question was, do I tell Jordana about this Graham situation?" "I mean, we'd had sex." "Wouldn't it spoil things if I suddenly got emotional?" "I decided to soften the blow with some light arson." "You don't talk about your parents much." " I mean, do they get on?" " Yeah, they get on." "Mine get on as well." "It's good, isn't it?" "It's important that they get on." "So everything's fine at home, everything's OK?" "Cos everything's fine with me." "Actually, my mum's not well at the moment." "They get on, you know." "That's the main thing." "Yeah." "Sorry, did you say your mum wasn't well?" "Yeah." "Why, what's wrong?" "She's got... it's called... medulloblastoma." "What does it mean?" "It means she's got a brain tumour." "Oh, no." "Confiding in Jordana was now impossible." "Her mother had cancer." "And in the Top Trumps of parental problems, cancer beats potential infidelity." "I would have to travel this road secretly, unaided, a renegade, a solitary samurai." "Things were a lot less fun since Jordana's mother might die and my parents' marriage start." "Ed falling apart..." "I've been working on strategies to solve both problems." "I bought my dad some new aftershave, but I'm drawing a blank on the cancer." "You're fucked." "Even if her mum is terminal, it can still take ages." "Please, Chip, shut up." "This is not what you signed up for." "This is about dipping your wick." "You've done that, game over." "She'll be in no mood to put out any more." "No more Yuletide logging for you, unlike me, who shall be rolling in it throughout the festive period." "Do you actually pre-prepare these lines?" "I just split lines as they come to me." "You've got to shut the shit down." "Keiron, get my back." " With extreme prejudice." " Thank you." " Nothing's changed." " Do what you want." "Remember two things:" "One - treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen." "Two - don't mix family and bush." "Get the fuck out of here." "Merry Christmas." "Have a good 'un." "You all right?" "You've gotta shut this shit down." "It's fucking ridiculous." "Glass In The Park" "# If there's glass in the park" "# Darling, I can't help but keep" "# Making appointments to sweep" "# Beneath the climbing frame" "# If the sun's in your eyes" "# I'll tighten your blindfold, baby" "# Don't worry, your foot won't get cut" "# Strut carelessly" "I've been taking my duty as a boyfriend seriously." "Last night, I reread the book I Only Want What's Best For You." "I remembered a chapter that says:" "It's therefore in Jordana's interest that her dog dies before her mother does." "Then we can get things back on track." "Oliver Tate." "OK, calm down." "What happened?" "There was no need to poison Jordana's dog because Jordana's dog had just been hit by a train." "I scraped his remains into the bin liner I'd brought." "The death of a pet makes it easier to accept the death of a parent." "I could feel the tension between Jordana and I start." "To slip away." "Oh!" "No, of course, I'm sorry." "I just..." "I thought..." "We should bury him." "No, I don't think we should." "Foxes dig up dead animals and eat them." "What should we do, then?" "Well, there's this thing the Vikings used to do." "Jude would like to meet you." " Who's Jude?" " My mum." "Since when have you called her Jude?" "Since she might die in two weeks." "Right." "So, do you wanna come?" "The Bevans had Christmas dinner early in case it was the last one they had." "I hoped it wouldn't be, cos the turkey was quite dry and the spouts had turned mushy and out of focus." "This is crackin', love." "Yeah, it's great." "Thank you, Mrs Bevan." "This is my last warning." "It's Jude." "So, I hear from my little girl that you've stolen her heart." "Dad..." "Let me tell you, if you're lucky enough to find an angel, hold onto her with everything you've got." "Oh, these fucking lights!" "Cheap shit." "Oh, come on." "You're acting like I'm dead already." "Come on." "It'd take more than some silly tumour to kill me." " It might not." " Oh, come on, now." "Don't be daft." " Sorry." " All right." "Oh, it's all right, darling." "Ssh." " Come here." " Sorry, love." "Are you all right?" "Come on." " Come on." " Sorry, sorry." "Sorry." " All right?" " Yeah." "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "Give us a cudge." "Listen..." "Thank you." "Thank you from the bottom of my heart." "Thank you for looking after Jordana, for walking through the fire with her." " Thank you." "Appreciate it." " No." " No, we both do." " He's a good boy, isn't he?" "Part of the family now." "Deal?" " Deal?" " Deal." "Family, deal." "Deal, yes?" "There we fucking go." "Maybe you should come to the hospital this Friday." "Mum will have had her operation by then and we can visit." " If you felt like it." " Er, Friday." "I've got to do some Christmas shopping." " What?" " I always leave it too late." " I want to get you something good." " Mother might die." " I know." " Do you care," " or couldn't you give a fuck?" " I do, clearly." "I'll come." "When is it?" "Friday." "Great, yeah." "Yeah, Friday's good for me, actually." "Yeah, I can do that." "Excellent." "Your skin's better." "You're allergic to the dog." "I'm eating better." "Following Mum's special diet." "Is that because of the..." "We eat lots of ginger now." "So, Friday." "The visiting hours are six till eight." "Got it." "Six till eight." "I'll meet you there." "OK." "I'm sorry I'm like this." " I dunno." "I'm sorry." " No, it's fine." " Don't think you have to wait." "It's cold." " No, it's fine." "I'll wait." "I've got you these matches." "Your favourite." "I noticed the way you light a match." "The flame is the same shape as a falling tear." "I knew then it was too late to save her." "She'd gone gooey in the middle." "From now on she'll buy little gifts for her favourite teachers and she'll admire the scenery and she'll buy soup for homeless people." "And she'll never burn my leg here again." " Maybe I will go." "It's pretty cold." " Yeah." "OK." "Good night." "When I discovered I could see these colours in people, it took a long time because I was in such a state of anxiety." "It was when I start." "Ed to be comfort." "Able with it and stopped trying to resist it, it start." "Ed to nourish me." "And I could relax around it and be in it." "Then I start." "Ed to make more of an understanding of it." "Well, it's um..." "It's interesting." "He's really working that third eye, isn't he?" "It's just a metaphor, Lloyd." "Oh, no, no, no." "I mean, it's good, yes." "I like the whole colour coding thing." "Well, I'd like to go again." "I'd like you to be there, so..." " You want us to go?" " Yes, I do." "Right." "Do I have to bring shorts?" " It's on this Friday, so..." " Right, OK, yeah." "What, are you coming or..." "Well, I'm intrigued, yeah." " For sure." " This Friday." "This Friday." " This Friday?" " Mm-hm." "OK, yep, yep." " Thank you." " Mm." "Don't let me down." "OK?" "The most fantastical way people experience the Graham T Purvis system, is to come to the seminar." "Oliver, what are you doing?" "...have been mind-blowing." "I've seen lives change." "It's just incredible." "I wish on a global scale that people could get the message." "Wouldn't it be just wonderful?" "Friday..." "I'll be OK." "I'll be..." "I'll be fine." "I'll be all right." "Yeah, I'll be OK." "Yeah." "You should go in." "Dad, aren't you going to Graham's thing?" " Hm?" " Graham's thing." "It's Friday." "I thought you were going out." "Yeah, I'm meant to be at the hospital." "Well, you should get along then, I suppose." "Yeah." "Yeah, I will." "Yeah, I should go." "Right, I'm off out." "I'll see you, then." "Bye." "Dad, who would you save first in a house fire, given the hypothetical situation that both Mum and I were equally difficult to save?" "I'd save your mother first, so we had a better chance of working together to save you." "Do you often feel like this?" "Like what?" " Tired?" " Down in the dumps." "Quite often." "How long for?" "Since I was about your age, I suppose." "What does it feel like?" "Like being underwater." "Is that why you became a marine biologist?" "Maybe, yeah." "Have you always liked fish?" "I suppose so." "I just sort of drifted into it, really." "No pun intended." "And does Mum mind?" "I think she'd rather I earnt more money." "No, you being underwater." "Oh." "Yeah, no." "I'm sure she'd rather I wasn't." "It's not very pleasant." "The ocean is six miles deep, isn't it?" "Well remembered." "Yeah." "Could be Mum." "Or Jordana." "I haven't spoken to Jordana about her mother because there's only two possible outcomes." "Either the operation was a success, in which case she'll be too relieved to be angry with me for long, or her mother was dead, in which case she needs privacy and time to grieve." "During this brief hiatus, I can help save my parents' marriage and then resume my duties as the best boyfriend in the world." "Oliver." "Yes?" " What's this?" " I don't know." " What is this?" " A letter." " I don't know what's in it." " I think you do." "Why did you write this, Oliver?" "This isn't funny." "If I did write it, and I'm not as yet admitting that I did, it'd be because I spoke to Dad." "This is what he wants." " You spoke to Dad?" " He knows he's been imperfect." "What did you talk about, Oliver?" "Listen, he still finds you attractive." "He still wants to make love to you." "Are you making this up?" "Me and Dad have discussed it." "We both want to make this marriage work." "Are you with us?" "Going to the beach with Graham." "I will not be back tonight." "On New Year's Eve, everyone from town goes to the beach." "Chip said, if a girl won't get off with you on New Year's Eve, you may as well cut it off." "I'm start." "Ing to think that we may grow apart..." "I don't want a mystic ninja as a stepdad." "I don't want to be from a broken home like Chip's, wearing tracksuit tops instead of coats and taking gateway drugs in shopping malls." "I want my family back." "I don't want anything to change." "The celebrations are really kicking in, right?" "Yeah." "It distresses tiny animals." " You can relax, right?" " Mm." " There's some lovely massage oils." " Great." "OK." "In you get." "All right." "I have no idea what I'm hoping to achieve by breaking into Graham's house." "I just want to give him the idea that I'm deranged and therefore capable of anything." "This will probably involve me urinating or something." "I need a fucking drink." "I'm doing it." "Just do it." "Just do it..." "Just do it." "OK." "Feel my piss." "Oh, come on." "Come on." "Oh, for fuck..." "Fuck." "It's fine." "Come on." "Just..." "Fucking piss on your face, you fucking freak." "For fuck's sake, just come on." "Loosen up." "Oh, here we go." "OK, that'll do it." "Jesus Christ." "Fuck." "Kim-Lin?" "Is that you?" "Do you still have a key?" "That's very naughty." "Oh, this is fun, isn't it?" "What kind of protest's this, then, eh?" "Huh?" "How much more of this bizarre behaviour do I have to endure?" "Nearly went red there." "Come on, up you get, sweetheart." "I'm just try..." "My name is not Kim-Lin." "My name is Oliver Tate." "Hello." "Hello." "Hello!" "Knock, knock." "How are you feeling?" "I saw Mum with Graham at the beach." "Mm." "Mum told me everything." "Did she say she went into the van with his face on it?" "Yes." "Did she say what happened in the van with his face on it?" "Yes." "Aren't you angry?" "Worse things have happened at sea, Ol." " What did happen?" " That's between your mother and I." "Lloyd, I think it best we be honest." "Sweet pea," "I gave Graham a handjob." "Is there anything you'd like to say about that?" " Lloyd, do you want to add anything?" " No." "OK." "Well, I was drunk and I was trying to relax Graham." " It was a silly thing to do." " Mm." "Thank you." "Your father and I have discussed it and if it's OK with everyone, that's the last we'll say about it." "OK?" "Thank you." "Is there anything you'd like to talk about now, huh?" "Me and Jordana are having relationship problems." " Oh." " It's difficult." "I suppose it won't matter when I'm 38 but..." "I'm upset about it." "You should be more angry with her." "Why would I be angry with Jordana?" "Oh, you mean me." "Yes." "No, no." "Well, you know, I am." "Yeah, I'm upset." "We should go back to sleep, though." "Yeah." "We're not going to punish you now but we're going to talk about what you've done." "What about what you've done?" "OK, don't push it, Ol." "Well, we'll talk about that too but you should go back to sleep now, OK?" " OK." " Mm?" "Right." "Dear Oliver, I tried to tell you but I figure you'll only probably believe me if it's in writing." "It's over." "I enclose my lighter as a parting gift for you." "Also, I think you should know, I've found someone else." "When we're in school together, try not to look upset." "I know you're a good actor." "You were right about my being allergic to dogs." "I got tested." "Oh, and in case you're interested, my mum's fine now." "Sorry if it made you feel awkward." "It's Hard To Get Around The Wind" "# It's like you're trying to get to heaven in a hurry" "# And the queue was shorter than you thought it'd be" "# And the doorman says, You need to get a wrist band" "# You got a lift between the pitfalls" "# But you're looking like you're low on energy" "# Did you get out and walk to ensure you'd miss the quicksand?" "Could you tell her I called?" "# Looking for a new place to begin" " It's Oliver." "Oliver Tate." "Oh, yeah, she's got my number." "# Feeling like it's hard to understand" "# But as long as you still keep peppering the pill" "# You'll find a way to spit it out again" "# And even when you know the way it's gonna blow" "# It's hard to get around the wind" "None of this will matter when I'm 38." "But it's been two months since Jordana last spoke to me." "Her new boyfriend has an incredibly long neck." "Just thinking about giraffes makes me angry." "I wish I could hand in this excuse note." ""Dear Mr Davey," "Please may Oliver be excused from class." "His tiny heart is broken." "Yours sincerely, Lloyd Tate. "" "# Stretching out the neck on your evening" "# Trying to even out some deficit" "# But it's sabre-toothed, multi-ball confusion" "# And you can shriek until you're hollow" "# Or whisper it the other way" "# Trying to save the youth without putting your shoes on" "# Looking for a new place to begin" " Is he all right?" " He's fine." "Just leave him." "# As long as you still keep peppering the pill" "# You'll find a way to spit it out again" "# And even when you know the way it's gonna blow" "# It's hard" "# To get around the wind" "In my other recurring dream, I mentally rehearse the end scene." "The one where it's getting dark and I mistake a girl for Jordana." "A girl with the exact same frame and the exact same hair." "And when she turns around, I see her face is nothing like Jordana's." "And she asks, "Do I know you?"" "And I look traumatised and say..." "No." "You don't know me." "You don't know me at all." "I think this will matter when I'm older, when I'm 38." "Don't you knock any more?" "Sorry, Oliver." "What?" "Jordana..." "I think it will matter when I'm older." "Yeah, course it will." "OK, well..." "Good night." "# And I can hear you through my window" "# But I'm never quite sure who is who" "# But they want the world on a dessert spoon" "# It always sounds like they're fighting" "# Or as if that's what they're about to do" "# It might not hurt now" "# But it's gonna hurt soon" "Wait, wait, wait, wait." "You've got to be shitting me." "Pritchard." "Pritchard, take a look at this." "It's as funny as fuck." "All right, whose note is that?" "It's mine." "Thank you, Oliver, for your refreshing honesty." "But you know the rules." "Up you come, read it out." "It was just a joke?" "Yeah." "OK, well, as I say, if it was just a joke then that's fine." "But if ever you have serious feelings of, you know, difficulty or sadness or any negative feelings that you want to talk about, feel free to come and..." "I know, I know, yeah." "I can talk to you about that." "OK." "I don't want to embarrass you but I just wanted you to know that I'm open to talking whenever you want." "Yeah." "OK." "Cool." "Good." "Nice one, Ol." "Nice one, you fuck-muppet." "Why write stuff like that?" "Perhaps people are right and you are gay." ""Jordana, I love you." "I want to have your babies, get married. "" "What the fuck?" " Fuck you, Chips." " What the fuck are you up to, you fool?" "What?" " You're a loser." " Go and see the girl" " who doesn't like you." " I'll be back." "I'll hit you in the face." "Can I have a word, please, in private, without him?" "I'm fine here." "Sorry I didn't come to the hospital." "I thought my parents were going to split up and I didn't want to look weak or things to change." "My mum gave a hand-job to a mystic." "Look, I was frightened." "I'm full of regret." "This is the moment where you leave him and come with me." "Is it?" "Yeah." "Are you coming?" "No." "I don't know if I've come of age but I'm certainly older now." "I feel shrunken, as if there's a tiny ancient Oliver Tate inside me operating the levers of a life-size Oliver-shaped shell." "A shell on which a decrepit picture show replays the same handful of images." "Every night I come to the same place and wait till the sky catches up with my mood." "The pattern is set." "This is, no doubt, the end." "Jordana!" "Jordana!" "It is you." "I didn't think it'd be you." "I..." "I thought it'd be like a film where the girl turns round and it's not the..." "You've got a new dog." "You're allergic." " Oliver." " Where's your boyfriend?" "He's not my boyfriend." "Your skin's looking bad, terrible." "It's probably the dog." "I don't care about my fucking skin." " Why on earth did you get a new dog?" " Because I like dogs, OK?" "Why are you such a total dick?" "I don't know." "I was crying earlier." "My eyes are probably red." "They look fine." "No, well, maybe they don't go red when I cry." "It happens to some." "You were horrible to me." "I know." "I made a mistake." "I made a mistake." "What do you want me to say?" " Ask me how deep the ocean is." " Shut up." "Go on, just ask me." " Why?" " Because I know the answer." " Oh, do you?" " Yeah." "I do." " How deep?" " I'm not going to say." "I'm broken-hearted." " The ocean is six miles deep." " Good." "Piledriver Waltz" "# I etched the face of a stopwatch" "# On the back of a raindrop" "# And did a swap for the sand" "# In an hourglass" "# I heard an unhappy ending" "# It sort of sounds like you leaving" "# I heard the Piledriver Waltz" "# It woke me up this morning" "# You look like you've been for breakfast" "# At the Heartbreak Hotel" "# And sat in the back booth" "# By the pamphlets and the literature" "# On how to lose" "# Your waitress was miserable" "# And so was your food" "# If you're going to try and walk on water" "# Make sure you wear" "# Your comfortable shoes" "# Mysteries flashing amber" "# Go green when you answer" "# But the red on the rest of the questionnaire" "# Never changes" "# I heard the news that you're planning" "# To shoot me out of a cannon" "# I heard the Piledriver Waltz" "# It woke me up this morning" "# You look like you've been for breakfast" "# At the Heartbreak Hotel" "# And sat in the back booth" "# By the pamphlets and the literature" "# On how to lose" "# Your waitress was miserable" "# And so was your food" "# If you're going to try" "# And walk on water" "# Make sure you wear" "# Your comfortable shoes" "# Oh-oh-oh" "# The Piledriver" "Stuck On The Puzzle" "# I'm not the kind of fool" "# Who's going to sit and sing to you" "# About stars, girl" "# But last night I looked up into" "# The dark half of the blue" "# And they'd gone backwards" "# Something in your magnetism" "# Must have pissed them off" "# Forcing them to get an early night" "# I have been searching from the bottom to the top" "# For such a sight" "# As the one I caught when I saw" "# Your fingers dimming the lights" "# Like you're used to being told that you're trouble" "# And I spent all night" "# Stuck on the puzzle" "# Nobody I asked" "# Knew how we came to be" "# The one to who" "# You surrendered" "# Any man who wasn't led away" "# Into the other room" "# Stood pretending" "# That something in your magnetism" "# Hadn't just made him drop" "# Whoever's hand it was" "# That he was holding" "# I have been searching" "# From the bottom to the top" "# For such a sight" "# As the one I caught when I saw" "# Your fingers dimming the lights" "# Like you're used to being told" "# That you're trouble" "# And I spent all night" "# Stuck on the puzzle" "# I tried to swim to the side" "# But my feet got caught in the middle" "# And I thought I'd seen the light" "# But, oh, no" "# I was just stuck on the puzzle" "# Stuck on the puzzle" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on 90210..." "Dr Sukaly, I got my donor's signature giving up his paternal rights." "I really need to get my forms back." "I realized I made a mistake." "That's why we called the donor." " You forged my signature?" " Teddy..." " I can explain." " No, you can't." "I need to speak to one of your guests, Max Miller." "It's urgent." "WOMAN:" "I'm sorry." "Mr. Miller never checked in." "Mr. and Mrs. Miller?" "I'm wondering if you maybe heard from..." " Max." " DIXON:" "Do you think, just because you cheated on me that you'll be able to walk out of my new company?" "You signed a contract." "I own you." "Where's this coming from?" "No talking." "Dixon, we need to talk." "Seriously?" "I'm starting to take us, together, more seriously." "I don't know what to say." "I act like this whole wheelchair thing doesn't change anything, but I know that it does." "Eventually, she's either gonna feel like she can't take this on anymore, or that I'm holding her back." "Dr. Bronson, I've changed my mind." "I want to go through with the spinal surgery." "I'm not insane. (groans)" "ASHLEY:" "I'm doing this for you." "You'll be traveling in this." " You're gonna put me in a box?" " If you won't let me protect you, you leave me no other choice." "No!" "(gunshot)" "ANNIE:" "What you went through..." " I can't imagine." "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" " Yeah." "Absolutely." "Have a nice day." "What the hell's wrong with you?" "And while I was busy trying to get Max's job back..." "Which I asked her not to do..." "Max was supposed to be in Iceland, at an international geek conference." "Instead, he was hiding at his parents' house, watching Star Wars in footie pajamas." "MAX:" "Thermal underwear." "The basement has a damp draft, so..." "I rest my case." "Look, I..." "I know that I shouldn't have lied about going to Iceland, but..." "she keeps trying to run my life." "This morning, I found a business card in my pant pocket for a spiritual advisor." "NAOMI:" "Who was single-handedly responsible for Madonna's comeback." "Max, your future affects me, too... we're married." "Marriage isn't about picking a... a single life course." "It's about being happier together while pursuing your own dreams." "Do you have a career, Naomi?" "Absolutely." "I'm an event planner." "She hasn't planned an event since my wedding." "My... my other wedding." "Is it possible you're overly-focused on Max because you're having a hard time establishing your own identity in this marriage?" "No, no, no..." "I'm not the one who ran away." "(scoffs)" "This is about Max." "I'm here to help." "I love..." "I love you, Max." "I..." "I want you to be happy." "In that case, it sounds like what Max needs is to be able to make his own decisions." "Okay." "That's fine." "WOMAN:" "Great." "Naomi, I suggest you spend some time focusing on yourself." "You may be surprised to find you need it as much as Max does." "Absolutely." "From here on out, it's all about me." "(laughs)" "Teddy..." "Hey." "Please stop." "Look, I'm sorry to ambush you, but I went to the beach house." "Dixon said you've hardly been there, and you haven't returned any of my calls." "'Cause I don't want to see you." "Look, when your Uncle Charles insisted that we destroy the embryos, yeah, I freaked out, and yes, I..." "I forged your signature, but I went to the clinic so that I could get the paternity rights waiver back." "I would never have gone through with it." ""It" meaning what?" "Silver, what exactly was your plan?" "Steal the embryos, get knocked up and run away, hoping I wouldn't hear about it?" "That's kidnapping." "It's a felony." "Just like forging my signature." "If I pressed charges, you could go to prison." "You're my best friend, and deep down, you know that we can work this out." "Otherwise, why are you still in town?" "Because my lawyers are drawing up a petition to destroy the embryos." "(techno musical intro plays)" "♪ 'Cause, baby, when you look straight into my fries ♪" "♪ You can't get away without a side ♪" "♪ 'Cause I'm a shake charmer. ♪" "(music stops)" "Okay, that's good." "Thank you." "Look, I went to your launch party, and I apologized for being late." "How much longer are you going to torture me?" "This isn't torture, Ade." "It's income." "I invested all the money" "Annie gave me into getting studio space and equipment." "Like it or not, you signed a contract giving me the rights to exploit you "in all markets""" "I can't release you till I'm out of the hole." "Well, I'll be singing denture jingles by then." "I promise you that every cent of my commission is going to pay off the label's debt." "If you don't believe me, you can call the accountant." "Morning." "Morning, babe." "Hey, Adrianna." "Nice to see you, too." "(sighs)" "Yeah, uh, don't worry about Ade." "She'll come around." "She's, uh, actually a nice girl... when she's not cheating on me, or trying to kill Silver, or pregnant and on drugs." "I just can't imagine why things didn't work out with you two." "Anyway, Adrianna's the least of my problems right now." "What do you mean?" "I just got my tuition statement for CU." "My dad didn't have life insurance, and there's no way my mom can pay for school." "Without a job or three," "I might have to move back to San Diego." "But hey, maybe we can be pen pals." "Whoa." "No, no, no, no." "We'll find you a scholarship or something." "No, I just came from the financial aid office." "They're trying, but even loans are hard to get this late in the year." "Okay." "Well, um, come work here for me." "Dixon, the label's in debt." "I'm not going to be anybody's charity case." " But I just want to help." " I know, but the best way you can help is just to stay out of it." "And I'm a big girl." "I can take care of myself." "Hey." "Here's, uh, another one, just in case." "I thought maybe you would..." "Awesome!" "This can be the smothering pillow." "Liam, I'm fine." "I told you." "Plus, I have finally uploaded the homecoming photos, so if I weren't feeling better already," "I definitely would be now." "Mm-hmm." "Ugh." "The one day I decided not to shave my legs. (laughs)" "Um..." "I must have missed that one." "You okay?" "I'm fine." "Yeah, I'm not the one that got shot by Ashley, right?" "I think I'm just gonna go to the gym." "I'll catch you later." "Hey, man." "How you holding up?" "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "Uh... pff!" " Well, hey." " Hmm." "I brought over some of your stuff from the beach house, where you could still stay and let me take care of you." "Thank you, but I feel like" "I should be here for Liam, you know?" "I'm worried about him." "Yeah." "He, uh, did it up with this whole nursemaid routine, huh?" "Yeah." "Actually, those are from Riley." ""To the cutest shooting victim I know."" "You guys must be getting really serious, huh?" "Yeah." "He is." "At Navid's Christmas party," "Riley basically said he was falling in love with me." "And you said...?" "Oh." " Oh?" " I didn't know what else to say!" "I mean, I really like Riley, but do I want to get serious?" "Guess I'll have to decide before he gets back from his family vacation." "Uh, Annie..." "Riley's not on family vacation." "Yeah, um, a few days ago, a trainer told me that Riley went out to the San Jose Spinal Center to get experimental surgery." "What?" "!" "Why didn't you tell me?" "You were kind of busy getting shot. (scoffs)" "And plus, I didn't know it had anything to do with you at all." "Look, around Christmas, Riley was worried that you weren't taking the relationship seriously because of his handicap." "And I basically told him that was true when I said I didn't know how I felt." "Oh, my God." "(sighs)" "Please pick up." "Damn it..." "San Jose Spinal Center?" "Hi." "Riley Wallace, please." "He's already prepping for surgery." "Well, uh, th... this is..." "Melinda from his insurance company, and we're having difficulty processing his claim, and we can't authorize the surgery, so can you just tell him to hang tight for a couple days?" "Thank you." "Annie, did you just lie to a hospital?" "He can't do this until I talk to him." "Let's go." "You're driving me to San Jose." "(groans quietly in pain)" "MAN:" "Hey, congratulations." "The bag's dead." "Had a rough couple of days." "I'm just trying to work off some stress." "Seen you a lot this week." "You don't talk much." " I'm not here to talk." "I'm here to hit stuff." " You ever think about hitting something that actually hits back?" "All the time." "Well, I got a fighter that could use a sparring partner." "If you're comfortable getting in the ring," " I'll pair you up." " Yeah, absolutely." "Rules are simple." "Rounds start and end with the bell." "No knocks to the head or the groin." "Carlos has a big match later and needs an easy warm-up." "Now, we're working on holding down his left, so I want you to throw low and right when you can." "Here we go, Carlos." "Touch gloves, fighters." "(bell rings)" "Good." "Keep it low." "That's good." "Good." "That a boy." "Good." "Keep it low." "Keep it low!" "That a boy." "Keep moving." "Watch your head!" "Watch your head!" "(grunts)" "Hey!" "What the hell were you thinking?" "I don't know." "(speaking quietly)" "(panting)" "(theme music playing)" "I was just throwing punches trying not to get hit too hard." "Before I knew it, the guy on his ass." "I mean, I feel bad for flooring him, but... man, it felt good." "Sounds like a better outlet for anger than hitting tennis balls." "Oh, am I glad to see you guys." "All these business school prerequisites." "Man, that last class was brutal." "Couldn't have been any worse than my conversation with Silver this morning." "Ah, sorry, man, spare us the details." "Silver's our friend, too, and things tend to get a little complicated in the Silver baby situation." "We're Switzerland." "We remain neutral." "Well, I don't blame you guys for wanting to stay out of it." "The whole situation is a nightmare." "Well, hey, if hitting tennis balls doesn't help, join me at the gym sometime." "Speaking of which, I got to run." "See you guys later." "He's pretty chipper for a guy who was almost shipped to Mexico in a crate." "Man, I wish my life looked so good." "I'm trying to make a comeback, after dropping out of Princeton." "Oh, so I applied for the honors business program," "Mm-hmm." "But they don't accept applications mid-semester." "Uh, so without some serious pull, my chances of getting in pretty much suck." "MAN:" "Teddy Montgomery." "No way." "I didn't know you were back on this coast, man." "Campbell Price." "Hey, this is Navid Shirazi." " What's up?" " Hey." "Campbell was" " an old classmate of mine from boarding school." " "Classmate"?" "That's cold, Monty." "We were partners in crime and, according to the Dean of Students, "total asses."" "Which I still don't think is very nice thing to call the two guys who sent a stripper to your mom's funeral, but..." " Ah, the good old days." " Uh-huh." "Hey, I'm head of Cronus now." "You should come to our next meeting." "Actually, I'm just in town visiting friends, so..." "Mm." "Too bad." "We're about to sacrifice a virgin." "(laughs) I'm kidding." "Like I know any virgins." "Yeah. (laughs)" "All right, man, good seeing you." " Good seeing you, too." " No!" "That's the Cronus Society." "Well, that's that secret elite group." "Well, basically the, uh, west coast version of Skull and Bones." "Exactly." "A bunch of douchey guys using their connections to get ahead." "Man." "That's exactly what I need." " What?" " Later." "Late..." "later." "DIXON:" "Okay, so, look, I'll be back tomorrow night, okay?" "I need you to unlock the door for the sound mixer... oh, and if Ade has any gigs, just tag along, rep the label." "It's glorified baby-sitting." "(laughs) There is nothing "glorified"" "about baby-sitting your ex-girlfriend." "She hates me." "Is this some elaborate trick to get me to work for you?" "No, no!" "Not at... look, I know you won't take any favors, but can you at least give one?" "I..." "I really need your help, Megan." " Please?" " Fine." "Only as a favor." "I'll see you when you get back." "Thank you." "Here." "We don't have time to stop for dinner." "You know, I really wish you would have told me about Riley when you first found out." "Look, I was just trying to protect you, okay?" "But, I guess just like everyone else, you don't want me to." "What are you talking about?" "Okay, look... when I first got into my accident, you broke down a wall in my house and moved in, okay?" "Wh... when I was addicted, you paid for my rehab." "When was the last time you let me do anything for you, Annie?" "So, what, you're mad at me for helping?" "I'm not mad at you." "I..." "I'm mad at Megan." "She can't afford her tuition and she might have to leave Los Angeles, and she won't let me help her." "Look, I..." "I know we barely started dating, but when you meet the right person, you just know." "And you'd do anything to keep them." "Yeah." "Like, uh, impersonating an insurance agent and driving all night, huh?" "Something like that, yeah." "Come on." "Let's go." "(Dixon sighs)" "♪" "(engine starts)" "Surprise." "I know it's not your birthday, but I am gifting you the Naomi Clark" "Makeover of the Century. (laughs)" "Now, strip." "Hi, Naomi." "Whoa!" "(chuckles)" "Are we going somewhere?" "Like a hooker convention?" "(laughs) Okay, look, my marriage counselor said" "I need to give Max some space, but I'm dying of boredom." "God knows, you have nothing going on, so I was thinking you could distract me." "Tut-tut, just because you're gonna be a mom doesn't mean you have to dress like one." "Actually, I'm not." "What?" "Going to be a mom." "Teddy changed his mind." "Oh, my God, Sil." "Are you okay?" "It's a lot to process." "But, actually, I'm almost relieved." "I've spent so many months not knowing if I would ever even have this baby, that... at least I finally have the answer." "Way to put a positive spin on it." "Besides, you know what?" "Teddy's not the only guy out there with sperm." "Maybe next time you can find a hot he who will inseminate you the fun way. (clicks tongue)" "Yeah, totally." "That could be my new project." "Step one: dress sexier." "You seriously don't have any better way to give Max space other than Project Baby Daddy?" "Actually, I have had quite a few job offers lately." "You know, they e-mail me... one of them was a beauty pageant that the director's fallen out of, and..." "I don't know, it's so plebian." "You know, they don't even have a celebrity judge." "Maybe you could help." "Oh, and why would I want to do that?" "Because once you see all those women in their bikinis, you will be reminded of all the baby weight you never have to lose." "Okay, when you put it that way..." " Yes." "Why not?" "I'm in." " Mm-hmm." " This one?" " No." "(chuckles) It's too long." "I know." "Why do you have my stuff?" "Sorry, but you can't train here anymore." "Carlos had to forfeit his fight this afternoon because he was seeing double." "Look, I didn't mean to hurt him." "He'll be fine." "But you're lucky it wasn't worse." "Come on, man, I'm sorry, I..." "I'll stick to the bag until I know what I'm doing." "This isn't about knowing the rules." "You clearly have some stuff you got to work out and I can't afford you're gonna work that out on one of my fighters." "I'm sorry." "(sighs)" "ADRIANNA:" "I'm doing this as a favor for my friend Naomi." "You really don't have to be here." "Trust me, I'd rather be at a dentist appointment, but I promised Dixon I'd represent the label at every gig you book." "I'll stay out of your way." "(gasps) Ade!" "Thank you for pitching in at the last second." "No problem." "So, which pageant is this?" "Oh, well, it's a funny story, actually... (girls screaming, squealing, shrieking)" "Little Miss Tinseltown." "And you forgot to mention that detail when you called?" "Look, if I knew what this was," "I would have never signed up for it." "But having said that, spending time with them, they're actually really cute." "(laughs) Oh, my God." "♪" "Look, Silver's helping out, too." "If she can stand to be around the little monsters, so can you." "(sighs) Okay, what do you need me to do?" "Just sing one teensy little song with them, and I promise, I will owe you one." "Am I even being paid for this?" "I'm sorry, but I can't let Adrianna work for less than her standard rate." "Plus the added risk of contact with germy little "prostitots"?" "We'll need hazard pay." "That's not really my call." "You can speak to the pageant officials." "Happy to." "As soon as you stock Ade's dressing room with her favorite..." " Cheese plate." " Cheese plate." "A... and fruit." "Okay." "I will have Silver go to that little stinky French place you like." "Okay..." " what was that?" " I'm pre-law at CU." "It's not too different from arguing a case with my contract law professor." "Except Naomi has better shoes and a smaller mustache." "(laughs)" "♪" "Hey, uh," "Campbell, hey." " Uh, Navid Shirazi." " Yeah." " We met yesterday." " Oh, yeah." "Good to see you." "Hey, uh, that's funny that we should run into each other so randomly." "(laughs) Teddy has been trying to convince me to join the Cronus Society, but, uh, you know, just because I'm a National Merit scholar doesn't mean I'm some sort of genius or anything." "I'm sorry, man, Cronus isn't really an academic club, so..." "Maybe give MENSA a shot, though." " All right?" " Uh, wait." "But I..." "I thought, uh, the Cronus Society was full of, uh, elite overachievers." "Yeah, it is." "Cronus has it all." "Except for fun." "That's why I wanted to get Teddy in." "I mean, his dad's a movie star." " Oh, yeah." " Hook us up with a little excitement, but it didn't pan out." "So... good seeing you." "Hey, uh, uh..." "I know movie stars, too." "Well, have you ever seen Corporate Invaders?" "♪" "Excuse me?" "I'm looking for Riley Wallace." "He's in room 14." "You go." "I'll park the car." "Thanks." "Annie?" "What are you doing here?" "I love you." "Well, I guess I should send flowers more often." "I..." "I mean it." "I love you." "I didn't know what to say at Christmas." "I mean, you're rude, and obnoxious," " and you make very inappropriate jokes..." " Whoa, slow down before I run off and try to marry myself." "But there's nobody like you, Riley." "And if you're getting this surgery because you think I can't love you exactly the way you are, then you're wrong." "Annie, I'm glad you came, but I sort of already had the surgery." "What?" "That's impossible." "I called the hospital and told them your insurance didn't clear." "That was you?" "Listen... number one, it's an experimental surgery, so it's not even covered by insurance." "And, number two... you're the first girl that's ever committed fraud for me." "Yeah, well, I guess the thought of losing you made me kind of insane." "But you didn't lose me." "I'm right here." "And, since I'm all drugged up on painkillers and being sincere:" "I love you, too." "I may be planning a mere kiddie pageant... please don't get me started about how horrible that is, but... it is going to be the best damn kiddie pageant" " anyone's ever seen." " Yeah." "What we need now are some cupcake bras." "Mommy, mommy!" "Sorry, she thinks you're the judges." "She's sucking up so she can win." "Come on, honey, let's go." "Silver..." "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "If you want to back out right now," "I will not be mad." "I'm fine." "Really and-and totally fine." "If anything, that was... that was an affirmation that I dodged a bullet." "Um, I got to go." "I have 75 corsages to make by tomorrow morning." "Sorry about that." "WOMAN:" "Hello, Naomi." "Rachel, what are you doing here?" "My best friend has a daughter competing." "And when I heard that you were running the show," "I couldn't resist stopping by." "(weak laugh) After all, I had to see what you gave up New York for." "Oh, no, no." "I didn't... give up New York for toddler pageants." "I gave up New York for love." "Oh." "I didn't realize it had to be one or the other." "The girl who I hired has done an amazing job with New York." "In fact, I'm sending her to Tokyo to open up our next offices." "Oh, that's so lovely." "Frankly, I'd always envisioned that kind of a future for you, but I'm so thrilled that you've found what makes you happy." "Of course." "I married the love of my life." "What more could I possibly want?" "Well, then... congratulations." "So good seeing you, Naomi." "(chuckles) Good to see you..." "Rachel." "NAVID:" "Hello!" " Ah, hey." " Hey." "What's this?" "Yeah." "Uh, I'm making kiddie corsages for Naomi's beauty pageant." "Wow." "Wow." "It'll be fun." "What's up with you?" "I was just seeing if I could borrow some shot glasses for a thing I'm throwing tonight." "Got a couple hours." "Need help?" "Definitely." "Yes." "Thank you." "Jump in." "All right, what do I do?" "Um, take a bunch like this." "(wire cutter snips) Just three?" "Wrap that around it." "NAVID:" "So, uh, how are things?" "It's been a while." "Everything's great." "Look at me, I'm a children's florist." "Yeah." "Nice." "Aah!" "Great." "All right, hold on." "Hold on." "Aw." "Aw." "There." "All better." "It's funny to think I'll never get to do this for my own kid." "I'll never get to do this... for my own kid." "(voice breaking):" "I keep saying that I'm fine." "I'm trying really... hard to be fine, but I'm..." " I'm not fine." " Hey, come on, Silver." "I know Teddy backed out." " We can still find someone else." " No, I can't." "The doctors said that I... (sighs)" "I can't do another IVF." "The hormones could kill me." "Those two embryos were my only shot at having my own kavi." "Does it matter?" "What I did to him was so messed up." "I don't..." "I don't think I'm ever gonna get pregnant or... ever have my own baby." "And it's all my fault." "So, I checked out of the hotel..." "Do you guys need a second?" "No, I should probably check with Dr. Bronson" " to make sure the lab's ready for you anyway." " Okay." "Hey, man, I'm, uh..." "I'm glad you're okay." "You're not gonna try to... kiss me, too, right now, are you?" "No, no, no." "But I will apologize." "When I told Annie about the surgery," "I wasn't expecting her to go crazy and call the clinic." "Well, can you blame her?" "I mean, I'm... kind of irresistible." "(chuckles) Okay, yes, your sister went temporarily insane, but she did it for the right reasons, you know?" "She thought that her... incredibly handsome boyfriend was gonna bite the bullet, so, sometimes in situations like these, the ends justify the means." "Okay, time to get poked with needles." "RILEY:" "Wait to be impressed with how manly I can be." "(grunts)" " RILEY:" "All right, man." " All right." "See you." "Uh, yes, is this the CU Financial Aid Office?" "Yes, yes, um..." "I'd like to set up an anonymous scholarship for one of your students." "MAX:" "You ever gonna reopen this place?" "'Cause I could really use a beer." "Help yourself." " They're cold." " Thanks." "Nice suit." "Yeah, I've been on seven interviews in the last 48 hours." "Do I go with the small start-up with huge growth potential or do I play it safe with the established conglomerate?" "My biggest decision today was whether or not to murder this alien with an ice pick or a crowbar." "♪ Crowbar." "That's my game!" " Our game." " Yeah." "(laughs) Look at... look at tiny strong Liam with his little shovel." "I'm supposed to be stocking the fridge for Navid's party, but I'm getting a strange satisfaction out of seeing" " how many ways tiny Liam can kill these aliens." " Mm." "You want to play?" "Yeah." "Don't... don't use the fire hose... it's a trap." "What's wrong with the fire hose?" "I already... (Liam groans)" "Yeah. (sighs)" "So pathetic." "MAX:" "Man, this is fun." "I mean, I spent so much time writing this game," "I never actually got the chance to..." " try the final product." " Yeah, well, sure beats polishing your résumé and talking to conglomerates." "(quiet laugh)" "You're absolutely right." "Dude." "Dude, dude, d... (groans)" "You let the oracle die." "I'm sorry." "Here." "Here." "You're better at it." "I got to go." "Yeah." "(sighs)" "Ade, you will enter stage left, and that will be right after the cotton candy clouds part." "Sounds great." "Not as great as Tokyo, but that little girl is probably a sad, lonely wretch who hasn't gone on a date in months." "What?" "Who?" "What?" "No one." "Huh?" "Oh." "The juice boxes need restocking." "Yay." "MEGAN:" "Oh, yes." "Thank you so much." "Good news?" "I just got a scholarship that will cover my tuition for next semester." "I was this close to selling fries, like you, except from behind the cash register with a tacky polyester uniform." "Not that you care." "At all." "Sorry." "Uh, sound check's in 45 minutes." "Thanks." "And congratulations." "The scholarship sounds great." "Thank you." "And..." "I'm sorry I have been such a bitch." "What happened with me and Dixon has nothing to do with you." "I know it sounds weird coming from his ex-girlfriend... but you're actually pretty cool." "Thanks." "You're not so bad yourself." "(knocking on door) Come in." "We need to talk." "(chuckles) Okay, look, I'm sorry." "I didn't realize this Cronus Society thing meant so much to you." "I'll call Campbell and put in a good word for you." "Yeah, that's, um, not why I'm here." "Do you have any idea what Silver's going through?" "No, and I don't care." "She's lucky I'm not dragging her ass to court." "She's your best friend, Teddy." "Do you really think she would've forged those forms if it wasn't her last chance at getting pregnant?" "What are you talking about?" "Silver can't have any more babies, okay?" "If you do this, she'll... she'll never have kids of her own." "Hey, I get that you're mad, but if you still go through with this, what you'll do to her... is so much worse." "ADRIANNA: * It's a game you're gonna lose *" "♪ 'Cause, baby, when you look straight ♪" "♪ Into my eyes" "♪ I got you in a spell" "♪ You're hypnotized" "♪ Don't try to run away from some of your lies... ♪" "Max, what are you doing here?" " Aren't you supposed to be off finding yourself?" " Yeah." "I, uh..." "I figured out what I want to do with my life." "Liam and I were playing the Corporate Invaders game, and it was fun; it was the kind of fun that I haven't had in a year..." "I mean, not since I..." "I gave up my whole life to... to think about stocks and mergers." "Well, we both gave up things that were important to us, Max." "Yeah, but why?" "Did we have to?" "I mean..." "I mean, I used to love working, when I was in my dorm room writing code because I wanted to, not because the-the shareholders needed a product." "What... so what are you saying?" "You want to go back to Caltech?" "N... no..." "MIT has this amazing program" "I've always wanted to be a part of and... and they're willing to take me mid-semester." " MIT?" " Yeah." " That's what you figured out?" " Yeah." "That's what I was giving you all this space for?" "That is... that's the grand life plan?" "!" "How can you be mad that I want to go back to school?" "(stammers)" "You don't want to go back to school!" "You want to... you want to go back to hanging out in your dorm room!" "You want to go back to exactly the way your life was before you married me!" " That is not true." " Yes, it is." "That's why you ran off, and went and hid out at your mother's house" " because you're acting like a child, Max!" " A child?" "!" "Yes, a child!" "I'm surrounded by children!" "If I'm acting like a child, it's because you're treating me like one." "Oh, my God!" "Hey, hey, thanks for the insight, Naomi." " Maybe you can cut the crusts off my sandwiches, too." " You know what?" "I am sick and tired of thinking about what Max wants." "Massachusetts?" "What am I supposed to do there, huh?" "Plan pilgrim dinners?" "I don't want to go there with you, Max!" "I don't want to go there!" "I want to go to Tokyo, and I want to be a princess!" "(wry chuckle)" "Wow." "Wow, well..." "I guess you should go." "NAVID:" "Cronus, welcome to the Offshore!" "If I could have your attention, everyone." "Uh, please don't forget about the ice luge." "It's slowly melting." "Uh, we have darts, we have pool, and a serious game of backgammon, so, uh, please, make yourselves at home." "Hey." "It's a great party, right?" "It's a little overcrowded." "What are you talking about?" "There's, like, 30 people here." "We had, like, twice as many people at the Christmas party." "Oh, shoot." "I'm sorry." "Uh, I forgot that was the day you were kidnapped." "Sorry." "Hey." "Liam Court, right?" "Oh." "Um, you mind if I get a photo?" "Whoa." "Hey." "A "no, thanks" would've done it." "(sighs) I'm sorry." "I..." " Dude, are you all right?" " I'm fine." "It's this party that sucks." "I'm bored out of my mind." "Bored?" "How can you be bored?" "Got all the darts and icy drinks we could want." "Shirazi," "I thought you promised something different." "Is just another bar, except without chicks." "That's what I'm saying." "Any suggestions?" "(stammers)" "Actually, I may have an idea." "Let's go." "Dude, what are you doing?" " Yo, guys, let's go." " We don't, we don't have to leave the bar, I mean..." "Come on." "(sighs)" "Teddy, what are you doing here?" "I talked to Navid." "Look, I didn't, I didn't ask him to talk to you and I don't expect anything that he said to... change your mind." "You shouldn't." "But I can't do it." "I can't take away your only chance to have a baby." "Oh, my God." "Thank you." "Don't thank me." "If I could find a way to go through with this so I would never have to see you again, I would." "But as much as I hate you right now," "I can't be as horrible to you as you were to me." " Teddy..." " Just... just be at my lawyer's office tomorrow." "What's this?" "The absurdly large check" "I squeezed out of the pageant officials." "I figured you deserve to be the one to present it to Dixon." "Remind me to tell Dixon how amazing you are." "Do... do you know where this brings our total?" "No idea, but I'll meet you out front in ten?" "Sure." "(gasps happily)" "(sighs)" "Hi, it's Adrianna Tate-Duncan from Unfaithful Records." "I just wanted to let you guys know that I just received a check for $15,000." "What does that bring our total to?" "What?" "How is that possible?" "We just got paid for that fast food jingle." "No, thank you." "I've heard all I need to." "NAVID:" "Liam, now, what if there's an alarm?" "Then we'll run real fast." "I heard clubs like yours usually have some kind of initiation or... ends with the new guy getting his ass kicked." "Like the cloak and paddle routine?" "That's not really our thing." "Well, maybe this will be your thing." "(chuckles)" "Think anyone can take me?" "I can." "Then, let's go." "Let's make this more interesting." "I'll put a grand on Court." "I know this isn't what you meant when you said you wanted excitement." "You're right." "This is better." "Being an upstanding pillar of society gets old quick." "The guys are dying to be a little bad, and your buddy Liam has just provided us with the perfect opportunity." "All right?" "Let's go, Court!" "(cheering and applause)" "MAN:" "All right!" "Yeah, whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Who's next, huh?" " You're back." " Yep." "So, uh... how'd everything go?" "It was great, actually." "Turns out, Ade and I make kind of a good team." "Mm!" "So, uh, does that mean you're reconsidering working for me?" "Not necessary." "The financial aid office called." "A last-minute scholarship came through and I got it." "Really?" "Wow, th... that's great, babe!" "Congratulations." "Hey, I was just telling Dixon how great you were up there." "Yeah, not as good as you were." "Tricking me into thinking we were friends so I'd humiliate myself for your tuition money?" "W... what?" "Yeah, what are you talking about?" "I worked my ass off, and you used that money to set up a scholarship for your girlfriend." "I talked to the accountant." "Oh, my God." "Ade, it's not like that." "I am such an idiot." "I can't believe I trusted you again." "Starting tonight, I will do whatever it takes to get out of your contract and out of your life." "Adrianna..." "Okay, look, um, I..." "I can explain, okay?" "I..." "I was..." "I was just trying to take care of you." "Okay, y... you're happy you get to stay, right?" "I mean, the ends justify the means." "How could you do this after I told you how important it was to me to take care of myself?" "Megan, I don't want to lose you." "It's too late." "I won't take your money." "I..." "I'm turning down the scholarship and I'm going home to San Diego." "No!" "W... w... wait!" "Why?" "Why is it so hard for you to let me take care of you?" "This isn't taking care of me, Dixon!" "It's lying to get what you want." "Megan..." "(phone line ringing over speaker)" "WOMAN (over phone):" "San Jose Spinal Center." "Hi, it's Annie Wilson for Riley Wallace, please." "Hi, Annie." "It's Dr. Bronson." "We met this morning." "Is everything okay?" "Well, late this afternoon, a clot traveled to Riley's lungs." "W... what are you saying?" "Riley's okay, right?" "I..." "I was just there." "He's fine." "I'm sorry, Riley passed away." "Hey." "Hi." "You came back." "To say I'm sorry." "You're right, I, uh..." "Well, I was acting like a kid." "I shouldn't have run away to my parents' house." "I love you." "But?" "(sighs)" "But I don't know if it's enough." "(sighs)" "Therapist said I... might have lost my own identity." "Maybe she's right." "I deserve to find out what I want to do with my life." "So do you." "MIT was always your dream." "Well, we're supposed to be supporting each other's dream." "All we seem to do is hold each other back." "I'm sorry that I, I can't be the adult that you need me to be." "That's not just you, Max; it's me, too." "I've been on my own since I was 16." "I've been pretending to be an adult so long, I..." "I'm not." "I'm not an adult." "And I was mad at you for acting like a child because..." "I never got to be one." "So... what do we do now?" "I don't know." "I don't know." "Hey, um," "I got your text message telling me to come right over." "What's going on?" "He's dead." "Riley... he's dead." "(sobbing)" "CAMPBELL:" "Court, Shirazi." "Senator Bravman called in a glowing recommendation for you, for the honors business program." "You should get your acceptance any minute." " I..." "I don't even know Senator Bravman." " Sure you do." "He's one of your brothers." "Welcome to the Cronus Society, gentlemen." "♪" "Hi, I'm Erin Silver." "I'm here to sign the custody agreement." "Where's Teddy?" "Please take a seat." "Uh, Mr. Montgomery thought it best that I handle the paperwork." "Sure, of course." "I am just so grateful that he's giving me this," "I'll sign anything." "Actually, custody can't be determined until the surrogacy paperwork has been filed." "I don't understand." "Mr. Montgomery has stipulated you hire a third party to carry the child." "What?" "No, that can't be right." "I'm sorry, but my client was clear about his intentions." "No, he can't." "The whole reason that I'm going through with this is because I want to carry my own baby, not have someone else do it." "Take as long as you need." "I'll be in my office." | {
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"Captain Taylor to the Bridge." "Captain Taylor to the Bridge." "Big money in whale meat." "We've done DNA testing... on samples from Japanese and Korean markets." "The samples match the signature... of these southern hemisphere whales." "They call themselves research vessels." "That's how they justify tracking the whales... but they come out here to hunt." "Your friend doesn't talk very much, does he?" "Meeno." "Not much." "No." "But he's probably the most passionate of any of us." "Attention, whaler... you are about to violate international law." "Any attempt to harm this mammal... will be a direct infraction of the Reykjavik moratorium." "Hey, guys!" "Heads up!" "God damn it!" "What do we do?" "Oh, my God!" "Hang on!" "What's happening?" "Brace yourselves!" "Help me." "Meeno, help me!" "Meeno!" "Meeno!" "Meeno!" "No!" "No!" "John!" "John!" "Take my hand!" "John!" "Give me your hand, John!" "Reach out!" "Meeno!" "Open it." "OK." "That's just..." "Man." "What is that?" " It's a cross." " A cross?" "15th Century by the look of it." "The Coroner's Office has already asked to interview you." "Well, they'll never find an explanation." "I think it's time we brought them in." "And I will not accept a "No" answer." "Not from those four." "Tell your mother that you're going." "Period." "OK?" "Mom already said the exact opposite of you." "She's always saying the exact opposite of you." "OK." "Look, honey." "Is this important to you?" " Yes, Daddy." " Then let me talk to her." "He wants to talk to you." "Power's out again." "Tell your father we can't afford it." "Excuse me, I'm looking for a patient named..." "Meeno Paloma." "Are you immediate family?" "No." "I'm a journalist." "The Observer." "It's immediate family only." "No exceptions." "Thank you." "How exactly do you expect to pay for this?" "I don't know, but the kid loves the harp... and she's good at it, right?" "So it's what, like, 50 bucks a week?" "Howard, you can't get the alimony and child support together." "I..." "I understand why... but don't grandstand for your daughter... when you know you're not going to be able to." "Charge the damn lessons, OK?" "Use my MasterCard." "The one with the hot air balloons on it." "I don't think that's maxed out." "You don't have the money, Howard." "You don't..." "You don't exactly write... for The New York Times anymore, in case you haven't noticed." "Damn it, Sally, just do it." "Please." "Excuse me, folks." "Hope I'm not disturbing you." "Mind if I..." "Are you the gastro inter..." "No, no, no." "Don't bother, really, 'cause I'm not." "My name is Howard Thomas, and I'm a journalist." "And I, and my readers, would be extremely interested... in hearing about what happened to you out there." "I thought Dr. McKergy specifically said..." "Dr. McKergy didn't voice any objections to me... about my stopping in, just for a few minutes." "Great." "Thank you." "So, um... a rogue whaling ship... and you were in a Greenpeace 12-man raft, right?" "What... what exactly happened?" "The whaler was..." "They were firing on a gray, uh..." "Uh, female." "Then, suddenly... it was... it was like... something was... churning the water." "Some... force." "Some violent force... destroyed the whaler." "And... and then..." "and then it hit us." "Hmm." "Violent force, huh?" "And you were, what, about 50 miles out?" "Sargasso Sea?" "It's also known as the Bermuda Triangle." "L..." "I never said anything about the..." "Oh, no." "Relax, relax." "You don't have to." "I will." "Good people died out there." "Mr. Thomas!" "Yeah?" "Mr. Thomas." "My name's Ackerman." "Aron Ackerman." "And I'm..." "Wow." "Well, I'm just a huge fan of yours." "I think you're a truly fantastic journalist." "Truly." "Thanks." "I've got something for you." "Oh, come on." "Are you..." "She's serving me again?" "I just talked to her." "She didn't mention this at all." "No." "This is nothing like that, sir." "Nothing like that at all." "Well..." "Copy that, Base." " Professor?" " What?" "All right." "Are you reading the velocity sensors?" "5-5-5, Professor." " Full array?" " Across the board." "Love you, luv." "You newbies, don't start the recorders... until my tailbone has crossed the threshold." "Shake it off and zip it up, Professor." "We're approaching center spoke." "What's my splash factor?" "Looks like you'll be landing over open marsh." "We got recovery fan boats standing by." "That's Florida State Conservancy land down there." "You'll probably get busted." "We're center spoke." "Right now!" "All right, everybody." "Eyes wide." "You snooze, I lose!" "This is one small step for man... one giant leap for mankind!" "Thanks, guys." "You're awesome." "Totally awesome." "Bruce Geller." "The incredible Bruce Geller." "Need any help with bail... there's a number in there you can call." "Hey, who the hell are you?" "How did you know where to find me?" "Check the other three." "He's not in any pain." "Somebody has taken him." "They haven't harmed him." "He's wearing a... red shirt." "Dark red shirt." "There's a stain..." "What kind of stain on the front?" "It's..." "It's chocolate." "I smell chocolate." "Who's this?" "This guy Stan something-or-other." "Used to be some big lost kid finder." "He's offered to help." "There's a van." "It's a... very dark van." "Brown..." "No." "No, it's black." "It's very..." "Yeah, definitely black." "And there's a red stripe on it." "The driver of the van is..." "I see gold." "I see..." "He's wearing a gold chain." "Damn it, if I could just see a landmark or a signpost." "The van is stopping." "Mommy?" "Oh, Felicio!" "Here's your kidnapper!" "Way to go." "Mr. Lathem." "It isn't your domain, Emily." "It doesn't matter whether it's my domain." "This is a B.T.W. Safety issue." "I observed it, now we have to deal with it." "Below the water line safety is my domain, Dr. Patterson... and the drill coils we're using are operating well within... spec tolerances for depth and pressure." "Well, then this 780 tells me that you're either a liar... or a liar." "Look at it." "Something caused it to torque." "We're within specs." "This was a fluke." "If we have to shut down to investigate..." "Look, we're talking about men's lives here." "Those men's lives." "Something caused this." "We owe it to the frontliners to find out what it was!" "Look, Emily, you're a pretty good deep ocean resource engineer..." "When you hired me, you said I was one of the best you'd ever seen." "Yes, well, now I'm firing you." "What?" "On what grounds?" "Safety." "You're firing me for bringing to light a potential life and death..." "No, it is your safety I'm referring to." " Oh!" "My safety?" " Don't listen to her!" "She's crazy!" "We want to work!" "Section 21, subparagraph B of your contract... if I feel I can no longer assure your safety as a woman on board this rig..." "Look, they don't want to rape me, they want to... kill me." "Just collect your gear, OK?" "Company chopper leaves in 20 minutes... and I want your toes on the departure line topside in 19." "Your attention, please." "Welcome to Miami International Airport." "Please maintain visual contact with your personal property at all times." "Dr. Patterson, hi." "Can I help you with this?" "Do I know you?" "No, but I have something for you." "How was your flight?" "Howard Thomas." "Bruce Geller." "Bruce Geller." "Stan Lathem." " Howard." " Hi." "Welcome." "Any of you have any idea why we're here?" "You're here because I asked you." "I'm Eric Benirall." "My team, my experts." "Experts in what?" "Exactly how much do you know about the Bermuda Triangle?" "Benirall Shipping Lines is the largest... privately owned shipping company in the United States." "Over 700 million tons of cargo transported every year." "There's a good chance that something you're wearing right now... something electronic which you used today... will have come to this country on one of my 303 cargo haulers." "303 ships presently on the seas." "Six months ago, it was 307." "And a year ago, it was 309." "The Bermuda Triangle is eating your ships?" "When the first ship went missing..." "I used exactly the same tone, Mr. Thomas." "My tone has now changed." "That section of the South Atlantic... is one of the busiest shipping areas in the world." "Ships go down." "It experiences two powerful sea breezes... one from the east, and one from the west." "The push between the two forces triggers extreme weather." "The Atlantic is also the deepest ocean in the world... with amazingly strong currents." "6 ships lost in a single year." "Now, these are not pleasure craft... some drunken day-sailors at the helm." "No, these are very, very, very large ships... made of iron and steel... with the most professional crews in the world." "But no distress signals were given." "There were no adverse conditions." "They just disappeared without a trace." "Why isn't this public knowledge?" "It is." "What I'm about to show you is not." "This particular ship had her own encounter... just two nights ago." "94 miles from shore." "She's the first that's managed to make it home." "No explanation as to why she was spared... but not unscathed." "Of a crew of 25... only 7 survived." "None of you believe a word I'm saying, do you?" "Which is good." "That's what I need." "Look, Mr. Benirall, it's not that I don't believe you." "And I really respect all that adventurous stuff you do." "I mean, the America's Cup wins... and that Arctic thing you did last year." "I kind of did the same sort of thing myself." "I really appreciate your problem with missing ships..." "No, you don't." "You don't give a rat's ass about my problems." "But I'm rich, you see... and I'm known to be a bit crazy with my money... which is all the magnet I needed to draw you here... and to keep you here..." "I'm willing to share some of those riches." "Intrigued?" "Mind your heads." "Christopher Columbus himself recorded more than one encounter... during his voyages through the Triangle." "In fact, despite having discovered a new world for Queen Isabella..." "Columbus was ultimately imprisoned by the Spanish." "Any of you know why?" "On one of his return voyages, he lost 500 men... and more than 6 of his 30 ships to a freak hurricane." "Despite the large number of ships and men lost... not a single remnant was ever found." "Columbus was thrown in prison... on the accusation that he had somehow... personally summoned the unnatural storm." "The charge was sorcery." "Ten years before this, he recorded his first encounter... with a strange phenomenon in the Atlantic." "Might I read you something from his log record for that night?" ""Appeared before us a behemoth of iron..." ""the measure of a mountain." "Before our eyes, then not." ""Not of this God's known world."" "Now, two nights ago, this ship ran into fog." "All seven survivors say they saw ships within that fog." "But not just ships..." "wooden sailing ships." "Three of them." "Flying Spanish flags." "The flags that the Spanish have not flown... for more than four centuries." "You think that this crew encountered Columbus?" "We don't know what they saw." "People build recreations of old ships all the time." "They fly all sorts of flags." "Ms. Patterson, I do know something... about what's out on the ocean, and I do trust my crews." "And they do not believe that what they saw were recreations." "Might I suggest that you prepare yourselves?" "Please." "What exactly are we supposed to be observ..." "Is that... 11 men died here." "More than just died." "That's close, Mr. Lathem." "In fact, it was 9 men who died here." "This is the only physical evidence we have... of what actually happened on board that night." "As for the rest of the crew..." "Now, at the same time... these remains appeared on the foredeck of the ship." "Remains that forensic sampling... would suggest belonged to a man who'd never had... a single childhood inoculation in his life... that bathed with lye soap... and was suffering from the onset of scurvy." "Anyone not of a rational mind might begin to think that perhaps... this man came from the wooden ships." "Come along, Ms. Patterson." "Those the seven survivors?" "They're still under quarantine on the ship." "Why are they still on deck?" "They're afraid to go down below." "Look, I sympathize with the plight of your crew here... and I appreciate the ghost ship tour and all... but I just flew in from an oil rig, I'm dead tired... and what exactly do you want from me?" "Answers, Ms. Patterson." "Explanations." "The explanation." "Explanations of what?" "Oh, come on." "Not the Bermuda Triangle." "I have ships traversing the entire globe... but I've only lost them in the Triangle." "I need to know what's happening here." "What I want is nothing less than the definitive reason... why almost 1,000 ships and nearly 8,000 souls... have been lost over the centuries." "Why this group?" "Yeah, you could afford anyone." "We weren't his first choices." "Or even his tenth, probably." "Yes, it's true." "You weren't exactly my first choice... but you have, shall we say, risen to that position." "Yeah, because we showed up." "What is important is that you each bring a distinct discipline... from the scientific to the more ethereal." " And me?" " Ah, you, Mr. Thomas." "Yes, you're my referee..." "the ultimate arbiter." "You are my Triangle expert." "I've examined your work in..." "What's the name of the publication you write for?" "The Observer." "The Observer, that's right." "You've interviewed every legitimate explorer... every wild-eyed crackpot." "You know every theory..." "And I don't believe any of it." "Exactly." "Now, what they propose, I want you to vet very hard." "See, this endeavor... it isn't about hypotheses and suppositions." "It isn't about "what ifs" and "just maybes."" "This is a journey." "This is a quest for truth." "The truth." "To uncover something that's managed to evade... everyone that has gone before you." "Look, you said something about money?" "I mean, if you want me to set aside all my projects..." "I mean, all my other projects..." "and start researching this... then you're going to have to compensate..." "Not just research, Dr. Geller." "This isn't some weekend gig... that you palm off onto your grad students." "This is field work." "This is getting your feet wet and your hands filthy... and going wherever you need to go... and doing whatever you need to do to bring me what I need." "And for that..." "when you bring me that..." "I'm prepared to give each of you $5 million." "Each?" "He said "Each."" "The funds are already in escrow accounts... in a bank in the Cayman islands." "Rather fitting, I thought." "But understand this..." "it is not payable for trying." "You only collect when you deliver." "That's why all the other candidates passed." "I'm very serious about this, Mr. Thomas." "What possible answer could we give you?" "What has happened to my ships." "It's simple." "So, I'm assuming that there'll be some kind of contract... that our lawyers can look at..." "Decide now." "You start tonight." "Well, we don't get some part of the money up front?" "I mean, what if..." "It's an all-or-nothing proposition, Dr. Geller." "All or nothing." "I'm a man who does his homework... and I do not expect to get a "No" from any of you." "$20 million." "You've got 15 minutes." "The name on the deposit slip is Bruce Geller." "Geller with an "e-r."" "So this is proof that the money's there waiting for us?" "I guess I should call my paper... and tell them I'm taking a leave of absence?" "In the morning." "Listen, is there anyone there who speaks better English?" "English!" "The amount I'm looking at is $5 million." " Work space, whatever you need." " American dollars." "The whole 5 million?" "And he can't just take it back?" "As soon as he gives his OK, the money is mine?" " Personal items, clothes..." " OK, got it." "Definitely got it." "Thank you." "Thank you very, very much." "What's your name again?" " Ackerman." " I've got some staff... some key staff I want to bring along." "This is your team." "Mr. Benirall was very specific about not wanting... to unbalance the dynamic of..." "What about expenses?" "Per diem?" "It's covered." "Jaro said you can come back to work anytime you're ready." "A one-nothing lead in the 3-game series." "And over in soccer, the lightning..." "Ruben's been messing with my presets again." "No, he hasn't." "Those are the same stations they've always been." "Helen, I think that what happened to me..." "I think it somehow affected my memory." "Your memory?" "What do you mean?" "This truck was blue." "I know it's the same truck." "There's Ruben's cherry soda stain on the carpet, but..." "Unless you had it painted while I was in the hospital?" "Of course I haven't had it painted." "Come on, Meeno, it's always..." "Dad!" "Hey, hey, it's the Rubenator!" "Oh, man." "I missed you." "You know, the whole time I was out there... all I could think about was getting back here to you." "They wouldn't let me come to the hospital." "I know." "I know." "It's OK, though." "I'm here now." "Hey, hey, hey!" "Nader!" "Hey, Nader." "How's my Nader?" "Hey, hey!" "Daddy!" "Who's this?" "Aren't you going to hug Dylan?" "Dylan?" "Dylan... our youngest." "Passengers, Flight 246 to Dallas-Fort Worth... is now boarding at Gate C24." "Tell Victor to cover my classes." "Don't ask him." "Just tell him." "And have the grad students keep crunching the hurricane data." "No, I can't tell you what I'm doing." "I can't tell you..." "Listen, just hold down the fort, all right?" "So what is the Triangle anyway?" "Do we even know its boundaries?" "Miami, Bermuda, San Juan." "14,000 square miles." "You didn't know that?" "And you're what?" "Our ocean person expert?" "Deep ocean resource recovery." "So forgive me for not being conversant in the current folklore." "Well, it's not just folklore." "Thousands of people have been lost." "And ships, planes." "You heard Benirall." "I'm here because he lost 6 ships in the last 12 months." "That's something I can help him with." "Nobody really knows anything about this guy." "We know he's rich." "And that's about it." "He's a total enigma." "Like the anti-Trump." "No TV show, no Buslness Week interviews... no society columns." "Hey, we know he believes the Bermuda Triangle is real." "There is a mystique to the region." "Yeah." "Hey, what about him?" "What does he do?" "I think he said he's a weatherman or something." "The preeminent meteorological authority... on the South Atlantic and environs." "Of course." "That explains why I've heard of him." "What's the name of the newspaper you work for, again?" "Oh, that's right." "The Observer." "No, no, I'm still here." "No, nobody sits this one out." "I want everybody on this." "Grad students, undergrads." "Every warm body whose academic life..." "I hold in the palm of my god-like hand." "Yes, you heard me right..." "Very funny." "Just get them started." "Benirall was very specific." "He wanted your work, not your coeds." "5 million on the line." "That could fund my research for the next 10 years." "I'm going to use every resource I've got." "People have been trying to explain the Triangle for years." "Why Benirall thinks that us... this group... can come up with some new answer..." "Definitive answer." "Hey, this is Zegna!" "I'm going to get a cup of coffee." "Anybody else?" "No, thanks." "What?" "Psychic." "That's what I'm talking about." "But I'm sure having a paranormal guy around like that... makes you feel more at home." "Ooh, that's rich." "Why am I sitting here?" "What do we really expect to accomplish?" "We expect to accomplish a big chunk of Benirall's millions... in our bank accounts." "There is no answer to find." "We're going on a wild goose chase." "We all went to college, right?" "We all faked a paper or two in our time." "I never faked anything in my life." "I said college paper, luv." "Look, I really don't think we're going to be able... to con this guy out of parting with $20 million." "Why not?" "We're all experts in our field." "Well, I know I am." "What's to stop us?" "We spend 3 weeks, drop 6,000 pages in his lap... full of polysyllabic words, data specific to our individual expertise." "We dazzle him." "It's worth a try." "If he doesn't buy it, what's he going to do?" "Fire us?" "You don't have to wear it." "No, of course not." "You got it?" "Yeah, it's right here." "What, sweetie?" "I got it." "Here." "There." "There you go." "We're boarding now, right?" "Yeah, we are." "It's Gate 7." "Your flight leaves in 90 minutes." "We got your offices set up and waiting... right in Cape Canaveral City, minutes from the Space Center." "Oh, I almost forgot." "What are those?" "This is everything Mr. Benirall has collected on the Triangle." "Pretty much every known scrap of information... on the phenomenon." "There's over 13,000 pages in there." "A lot of it's nonsense." "You know, bunch of polysyllabic words that say nothing." "But some of it is, like, really great..." ""Get-me-Art-Bell on-the-phone" kind of stuff." "You believe in this?" "Absolutely." "No, Daddy, like this." "Watch!" "Why aren't you trying?" "Whoa!" "I am trying." "You used to be really good." "What happened?" "You're doing good." "Where are you going, Daddy?" "I'll be right back." "Daddy?" "Squishy." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry, but I have never laid eyes on... that game before in my life." "You bought it specifically... so that you and Dylan could play together." "He is your son, damn it." "Your flesh and blood." "You named him Dylan." "The doctors say there's nothing wrong with me." "Well, nothing wrong physically... but you have got to see someone else." "See a different type of doctor." "I need to get to work." "They're going to expect me back." "Do it, Meeno!" "Look, Helen, I don't..." "For us." "For your family." "OK." "Heather, you OK?" "Bathroom?" "Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing turbulence... so the captain has turned on the "Fasten seat belt" sign." "Flight 777, ceiling is at 37,000 feet, visibility 40 miles." "You got clear flying." " Captain?" " No, thanks." "Fog bank." "Damn it." "Why isn't that on my RYCAP?" "Heather!" "Hold on!" "Heather!" "Mr. Benirall, sir." "Yes, what?" "How long ago?" "Who else knows this?" "Absolutely." "All of it." "As soon as you get it." "Get me Ackerman right away." "There's been..." "Something's happened." "Wow." "How'd you ever divine that?" "Come on!" "Out of line." "What are you talking about?" "A plane has gone down." "A commercial liner." "I got a chopper standing by." " Let's go!" " Go where?" "It's a 747." "Outbound flight, Miami to Zurich." "Full passenger list plus 11 crew members." "What about survivors?" "CNN..." "Reuters..." "nobody's saying." "This is the crash site of a commercial airliner." "They don't need us in their way right now." "Forget about need." "That's the U.S. Coast Guard down there." "You really think they're gonna let us... go traipsing' around while they're trying to work?" "What are those?" "You cannot be serious." "Are these real?" "What are they?" "They're DOD's INDEF security IDs." "Department of Defense?" "INDEF?" "Spook time." "It's "I tell you, I'm gonna kill you" territory." "I mean, nobody has these." "Are they real?" "Tell me you're not giving us counterfeit government IDs." "Counterfeit?" "Define your terms." "Yes, counterfeit, because none of you has that kind of clearance." "But they are 100% the real thing." "Look, you flash that... nobody's gonna dare question you being there." "Do we get to keep these?" "I mean, after?" "Coast Guard cutter Deflance, this is Romeo Two Echo." "Romeo Two Echo, this is Deflance." "Deflance, Romeo Two Echo, a Bell 222... requesting permission to land." "Attention on deck." "Attention on deck." "How come you got out here so fast?" "We were already in the vicinity on sentry patrol." "Navy's got some maneuvers goin' on." "Had us out here baby-sittin' this patch." "Any survivors?" "The plane's resting on a shelf around 30 meters down." "It's not very deep, but survivors?" "I doubt it." "We have some ROVs deployed." "Why ROVs?" "Why not just send divers?" "Ma'am, we're a security contingent." "We have divers aboard... but none of my boys are NTSB RescuelRecovery trained." "The mainland's puttin' together a whole cigar box... full of experts from all over south Florida." "When you arrived, we thought you were part of 'em." "Bring it around this way." "More." "You guys might want to see this." "Up." "Bring it up." "Here, move." "You see what I'm seeing?" "Are we sure this is the same plane that just went down?" "This plane looks like it's been down there for decades." "Last transponder transmission came from this lat and longitude." "Those engines are Pratt Whitney 4074 turbo fans... added to the line no more than a year ago." "This is a very new plane." "Then where'd all that rust and those barnacles come from?" "Nothing says that it came from... where you're suggesting it came from." "If you don't mind my asking... what project are you folks with?" "You should know better than to ask that." "Sirs, there are other craft down there." "Those look like Navy planes." "But what kind are they?" "Those are Avenger torpedo bombers." "Torpedoes?" "The Navy hasn't used torpedoes in years." "Sir, you better take a look at this." "They did in the 1940s." "1940s?" "They look like they crashed today." "Look." "He sure hasn't been down there since the Forties." "I'd say a couple hours at most." "She's alive." "Inside that 747... there's someone still in there... alive." "I'm in." "It's completely swamped." "There's no way anybody could be alive down there." "Excuse me." "Has anybody else noticed something, uh..." "Where are all the passengers?" "No, listen to me, please." "Someone..." "It's a little girl." "There's a little girl, alive, inside of that plane." "Hey, Meeno!" "How you doing, bro?" "Hey." " Hey." " Hey, Tito." "Meeno!" "Welcome back, brother." "I do have a couple of divers on board." "Maybe not specifically trained, but..." "My people are doing this." "They're experts." "The ROVs aren't showing anyone alive." "And let's not forget the guy claims to be a damn psychic." "Can't be anyone still alive on that plane." "There's nobody on that plane period." "And I want to see what the ROVs aren't showing us." "You don't have to come." " You're not diving that wreck alone." " Oh, my hero." "Besides, if you find something that satisfies Benirall..." "I want to be there." "Do you know how to deep dive like this?" "I've only done it about 500 times." "What about you?" "Are you kidding?" "I almost lost a leg diving a trench off the Aleutians." "Didn't stop me." "Splash... right back in." "Just get it over with." "OK." "Good." "Good idea." "Thanks." "Actually, this isn't the creepiest thing I've ever done." "OK, it is." "Do you ever focus?" " Looks like we've got company." " I see it." "Have you ever seen them do this before?" "Sharks." "Drawn by all the blood." "What's wrong with them?" " What do you mean?" " They're not moving." "Aren't... aren't sharks supposed to keep moving?" "They're not moving forward." "I think it's the water." "You just keep an eye on them." "What's she doing?" "NTSB teams are inbound." "They should be here any minute." "Good." "That's good." "They want to talk to Mr. Lathem." "Can I borrow your headphones?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I..." "I think it's toward the rear of the plane." "What's he showing us?" "The seatbelts are still locked." "Stan... there's nobody here." "The plane is empty." "She's there!" "That's her." "What is that?" "It's coffee, ma'am." "Coffee?" "I don't drink coffee." "OK, Mr. Rational, explain this one." "Well, it's obviously a pocket of trapped air." "OK, but meanwhile, where is everybody else?" "You know, a few drinks, you get some old sailors... talking about boats that disappeared and turned up somewhere else... undamaged, but with all the passengers missing." "It's always second- or third-hand." "I've never actually met anyone who's witnessed it themselves." "Well, congratulations." "Now you have." "Hi, sweetheart." "What's your name?" "Heather." "Heather." "Where's my mommy and daddy?" "Do you know what happened, Heather?" "How long were you down there, dear?" "About two hours?" "It was getting really hard to breathe." "How old are you, Heather?" "We better go, people." "We can't leave her like this." "We really need to go." "Emily!" "Emily!" "Let's go!" "This place is great." "Dr. Geller, please." "Let me just get you logged on." "Tell me again about the water sample you guys took." "How many houses like this does he have exactly?" " A few." " A few." "You mean just here in the States." "He's gotta have places outside the States, too, right?" "Guys like Benirall, they have villas, beach estates." "They don't even remember they own 'em, all right?" "I would like to report to Mr. Benirall, please." " What was it about the water that..." " It's called a halocline." "A gradient, usually vertical, in the ocean." "Dr. Patterson..." "Emily recognized it." "You're saying there's an area of fresh water in the ocean?" "That's what's near the 747?" "Haloclines are extremely rare." "Normally caused by fresh water run off nearby land." "These weren't anywhere near land." "We located the downed aircraft by side-scan sonar only." "I'm afraid it's at a depth which precludes any serious attempt at recovery." "The wreckage is scattered over an area... estimated at nearly a mile long, and there are no survivors." "Considering the location of the crash... recovery of victims' bodies should be considered extremely unlikely." "NTSB officials say the cause of the crash is still under investigation." "But early indicators suggest that the plane may have been... the victim of a pocket of extreme turbulence." "Turbulence." "No survivors?" "Try... no bodies." "Try... everybody disappeared." "The girl." "What have they done with the girl?" "What have they done with her?" "Stan..." "I know what you think." "Eh?" "But that woman that we found wasn't a little girl who magically..." "No, don't... don't patronize me!" "Why does it always seem that the more education a person has... the more unwilling they are to accept new ideas?" "I mean, how many degrees do you have?" "Three." "No..." " Four." " Four." "Four." "What's the definition of science?" "Evidence through observation." "Now, you saw the condition of that plane." "You saw the passengers were missing." "You saw me directly lead you to the one surviving passenger." "Now, how can you question that now?" "Now, I'm telling you that old woman... was a six-year-old child when she boarded that plane." "When you see what you see... do you know they're visions or whatever?" "I mean..." "Do you, um..." "Do you know they're absolutely real?" "As real as my looking at you now." "Calm down." "Marty, will you shut up?" "Of course I can tell you to shut up." "You're the editor of a cheesy tabloid." "Now, the bad news is I'm not gonna be filing a story this week, but..." "Because I'm out in the field." "Seriously." "No, it's nothing you're paying for." "Listen, I've witnessed this..." "I'm part..." "You know what, Marty?" "You're just gonna have to trust me." "This story's gonna be big, and you're gonna love it." "No, I'm not at the damn dog track." "Look, I'm hangin' up on you now, all right?" "Well?" "Not a simple request, I understand that... but I mean, look, satellite films." "We've got haloclines posting through most of the Southern Atlantic." "Look at this spot right here." "It's halocline crazy." "I mean, this is unheard of." "And satellite is amazing, amazing, valuable technology... but listen, this phenomena can't be examined from 200 miles up." "No, sir, this calls for..." "Yeah, four people." "Yes!" "Yeah, we got it." "Hey, guys." "We got it." " Got what?" " Our sub." " Did he say sub?" " Mm-hmm." "Only private sub on the Florida coast rated for 300 fathoms." "Sub as in submarine?" "Following up on your haloclines." "But it's in Fort Pierce, so we're going to have to drive all night... if we're going to be there by morning." "Anybody have trouble sleeping in a car?" "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Wait a minute." "What happened to the nice offices in Canaveral City?" "As field opportunities come up, Mr. Benirall expects you to take 'em." "Hey, we just got back from the damn 747." "We've got observed data to research, assimilate... weeks' worth." "They're your haloclines." "You're the one who ordered the submarine." "Howard." "Sally?" "What?" "Who's there?" "Someone there?" "Oh, my God." "She's a beauty." "I didn't know she was a Russian." "Foxtrot class." "Probably built in the early Seventies." "1870s." "We're expected to go out to sea in this thing?" "Why?" "Do you see us at risk?" "Don't you?" "Well, the thing's in dry dock." "Do we really expect that she's ready to dive?" "Gotta find the captain." "Sally?" "Oh, look, I..." "I didn't mean to wake you." "I just..." "Why are you calling so early?" "Is it Tracy?" "Did something happen?" "No!" "No, no, no." "It's not Tracy." "Why?" "Isn't she there?" "No, she stayed over at Mindy Granger's last night." "Something... something happened last night... and I..." "I just wanted to make sure... just wanted to make sure that you were all right." "You wanted to make sure I'm all right." "Yeah." "Yeah, did anything..." "Well, where... where were you last night?" "Like around 2:30 or so this morning?" "Is that what this is about?" "I was with Adam." "Is that what you want to hear?" "How did you..." "Adam?" "Adam..." "Adam Leffert?" "Come on, you're kidding, right?" "No, I'm not." "We're divorced, Howard, and it's none of your business." "Wow." "Is it... is it serious?" "Or..." "It might be." "Howard, why are you calling me?" "It's nothing." "Never mind, I'm..." "Sorry I bugged you." "Go back to sleep." "Give Tracy my love, all right?" "Bye-bye." "You're the sub owner and the captain?" "Yeah." "Owner, operator." "Call me Captain Jay." "Where the hell's my breakfast?" "So, how many we got?" "What, you want a little day trip?" "See some shoals?" "Maybe a couple of Spanish wrecks?" "Maybe see some sharks!" "You wanna go here?" "Yep." " How deep?" " Just what it says." "Have you got cash?" "Gentlemen!" "Are we all locked and loaded?" "We got the rations on board?" "My rations better be on ice, Ivan... or you'll be on ice back in Siberia where you belong." "Hey!" "Hey, you knuckleheads!" "Both bow lines!" "We actually gonna let this nut bag take us down in this thing?" "Three things in life where you don't go cheap... sushi, surgery, submarines." "Great." "A submarine?" "I know I said any expense, but..." "Just a minute." "I think I better... just give them anything they need." "Anything they need." "Do you understand?" "OK, Ivan, how we doing?" "Onboard cameras." "Pretty nifty, huh?" "What was that you just..." "Lithuanian." "It's an old Navy oath." "I thought Lithuania was landlocked." "What does it mean?" "Into the belly of the beast." "Super." " Set to go?" " Yes, Kapltan." "Benirall's really done one hell of an exhaustive study." "Paxton from M.I.T., Woo from Beijing..." "Westerfield and his crazies at Rand." "I bet none of them are riding a war-surplus Russian sub to 1,800 feet." "He's even had some poor goofs doing serious research... into UFOs and Atlantis." "Now we take up that noble baton." "Why can't you at least consider the possibility... that the answer lies in non-traditional science?" "I mean, after everything we witnessed yesterday?" "Well..." "All of us witnessed?" "I'm willing to think outside the box here." "Not all the way to Atlantis, but..." "I'm going to say a word." "I don't want you to laugh at me." "It's... wormholes." "As in time travel?" "A non-recurring, randomly generated pathway... between two distinct timelspace dimensions." "I thought your area of expertise was ocean stuff, ocean studies?" "I don't know that much about them." "I've written about wormholes and interviewed people... who've actually traveled through them." "Fascinating group, if you can just get past... the extra-Iong sleeves that buckle in the back." "I know they're only theoretical." "I hear myself, and I hate that I'm saying it." "But after all that we've witnessed... the 747 that aged, the Navy bombers from the 19..." "We don't know that those were the same planes." "Oh, please." "The passengers..." "they all had to go somewhere." "What about the old woman?" "OK." "OK." "So what?" "Your theory is that... that all we have to do is prove that wormholes truly exist?" "Excellent." "That's great." "Gee, what are we gonna do with all that extra time we've got left over?" "No wonder you're divorced." "Ooh, touche!" "Look, all I'm saying is that this region is known... for its electromagnetic anomalies." "For example, it's one of only two places on earth... where compasses point both true north and..." "Magnetic north at the same time." "Yawn." "Old news." "See, this is the problem with trying to explain... the Bermuda Triangle." "All the theories have been... studied and discussed and dismissed years ago." "What the hell is your problem?" "Ever since we left Benirall's..." "I just don't like small, enclosed spaces, OK?" "No, something's bothering you." "What?" "Well, I don't know." "Since yesterday, something else." "Oh, you really are a wonder, you know that?" "Hey, you're all gonna want to see this." "I'm gonna get some light on this." "Haloclines." "Dozens of them." "Hundreds." "I was through this area a couple weeks ago... with some Colombians..." "Colombian tourists." "These things were not here." "I've never seen anything like this." "I've never heard of this many." "Something's removed the salinity from this water." "Is this your electromagnetic anomalies or..." "Desalinization can occur through means of electrical processing." "Somebody's zapping the ocean with electricity." "Wouldn't that have, perhaps, a few other noticeable ramifications?" "Look at this." "What?" "What is it?" "Must be, like, 200 or 300 of those." "I swear none of this was here two weeks ago." "Sasha, get that long and lat." "Note the time." "Maritime law, open sea salvage." "As owner and captain of this vessel... anything we see there that's recoverable is legally mine." "What the hell is that?" "The Cyclops." "No way." "That... that can't be." " What?" " What is it?" "I've done dozens of articles on the Cyclops... the legend of the Cyclops." "It's a 19, 000-ton U.S. Navy collier from World War I." "It supposedly went down with all hands in 1918." "We're deep here, but not that deep." "Why hasn't anyone discovered any of this before?" "It's all right." "It's OK." "No problem." "No problem." "No, no, this happens all the time." "We'll get it going again here in a minute." "Not a problem." "Dmitri, get me a damn beer." "No power means we can't surface... we can't maneuver, we can't regulate temp..." "Air!" "What about air?" "A little matter of air?" "People, we are living our own Triangle experience." " Oh, come on!" " This is exactly what it's like!" "I bet the people on the 747 said the exact same thing." "We don't if anything caused this other than the fact that this sub is a joke!" "Ah, that's better." "Something hit us." "No, we hit something else." "Well, I think that did it." "Uh-oh." "Looks like we're a tad stuck." "Exactly how much is a tad?" "I don't know." "When can we surface?" "Soon as I get the engines fixed." " When's that?" " I don't know." "What about the radio?" "Can't you call for help?" "It's a submarine at 1,500 feet." "More like 1,800." "Radio's useless unless you've got a COMS buoy." "Are you kidding?" "Do you have any idea of how much those things cost?" "I do have a distress jimmy..." "Well, why don't you at least launch it?" "That way, if it's working, maybe someone will see it!" "What about oxygen?" "How much oxygen..." "It's not the oxygen you have to worry about." " Carbon dioxide." " Oh." "Every time we exhale... we're putting a little more poison into the air." "God!" "I saw something yesterday." "Out at the crash site... just before we left the Coast Guard ship." "I swear I saw... survivors in the water... hundreds of them, bleeding, burned." "I know that they had to be some sort of a... a hallucination, but they were completely real." "So real." "I was looking right at them." "Granted, we've been experiencing some pretty strange... very strange crap out here... but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's supernatural in origin." "I'm sure there are plenty of..." "Everybody uses "supernatural" like it's a dirty word." "There is an explanation for everything... that we are experiencing here." "Supernatural isn't impossible." "It just means we haven't uncovered its secrets yet." "Hey, you're a psychic." "How can anything be a secret from you?" "You mean like why you're still wearing your wedding ring... even though you're divorced?" "Something just happened." "The weirdest thing." "I was in the head, there was this mirror..." "I look into it, and no reflection." "I swear to Almighty God." "I wasn't there." "What?" "Seemed completely real?" "For 10 seconds, I was not in that mirror." "That did it!" "Reverse engines!" "Dmitri, get us the hell out of here!" "All right, blow the ballast, all the tanks." "Get us up!" "Get us up!" "Up we go." "Hang on." "Here we go." "That's how you do it!" "All right, let's get some air." "Anybody got a theory on this one?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"You girls take the napkins and the plates." "Out of there." "Come on, go find your mom." "Aunt Lily!" "Aunt Lily!" "Would you help me here, please?" "lt's not exactly my line, Martha." "Thank you." "But all right." "There we are." "Grandma!" "Grandma!" "Darling!" "Grandma, I'm so glad you came." "I could hardly sleep last night, waiting to see you today." "Mrs." "Tilford, will you excuse me, please?" "Yes, surely." "My!" "Your new dress looks lovely on you, Mary." "And I must say, you look nice and healthy." "Healthy?" "The way they make you slave around here, I'm lucky I don't have gray hair and rickets!" "lt's all for your own good." "Everything I hate always is." "Anyway, I'm glad you're here." "How do you do, Miss Dobie?" "Fine, Miss Wright." "What do you think of our school?" "I like it." "And you?" "I may be hasty, but I think it's here to stay." "I think we'll have two or three new pupils next term." "Martha, it's almost too good to believe." "Let's not stand here and gloat." "You should have a kitchen helper." "It's just too much to teach all day, then cook, wash the dishes." "Aunt Lily, 10 minutes is a long time for one glass." "I do not aim for speed, Martha." "I aim for perfection in life." "Will you try to perfect a few more?" "If you'll excuse me, I have one of my headaches." "I think I'd better go to my room and prepare for tomorrow's classes." "Good night." "Good night." "Sleep well, Aunt Lily, and knit up the raveled sleave of care." "Karen you know that if I could support her in any other way, I wouldn't have her here." "She worries you too much." "One day, we'll have enough money to" "Money!" "I forgot to tell you." "I did the bills, and we're $90 ahead this month!" "Ahead?" "I can't believe it!" "lt's not much, but it's the first time." "Out of the red, into the black." "Finally!" "What'll we do with it?" "Save it." "You need clothes." "What about you?" "I'm a skirt-and-blouse character." "We're always in style." "But you're not." "You're Fifth Avenue." "Rue de la Paix." "You need to be kept up." "Yes, like an old battle monument." "I'm serious." "I remember how you used to dress in college." "The first time I ever saw you, running across the quadrangle your hair flying." "At the time, I was running from a chemistry professor." "I remember thinking, "What a pretty girl."" "Time for lights out." "Your turn to crack the whip." "I'll finish up here." "Hurry back, and we'll take a walk." "All right, I'd like that." "All right, girls." "Already?" "Miss Wright, my new ring, it's gone." "I can't find it anywhere." "Don't worry about it." "We'll look for it tomorrow." "All right, bedtime." "Lights out, everyone." "Go ahead and sing." "A woman who sings while she works is a happy woman." "Who said that?" "Joseph Cardin, M.D. You ever hear of him?" "No." "Ethical doctors don't advertise." "Ethical doctors starve." "I thought you were at the hospital Sunday nights." "I was." "I traded with Dr. Mallory." "Sunday for Wednesday?" "It's an even swap." "They both have 24 hours." "Why don't you just crawl in and browse around?" "You know what I did this morning?" "What?" "I delivered my 100th baby." "Congratulations." "How many children do you want, Martha?" "I already have 20." "Upstairs." "Where's Karen?" "Putting them to bed." "That's good practice." "Why don't you pay tuition?" "Then you could eat three meals a day here." "Martha, you've been a little sharp with me lately." "Have I?" "Maybe it's me." "Maybe it is." "Wait." "Where did you get this book, Mary?" "Hurry up." "I've read this page twice!" "Okay, turn it." "Wow!" "Double wow!" "She's headed this way." "How peaceful." "Everybody's studying." "Where's Catherine?" "That'll be all for today, Catherine." "That's last year's history book, Mary." "I feel funny inside." "I don't know what I'm doing." "I've got pains." "Pains?" "I've had them all day." "Where?" "Around." "Anything I can get you for pains "around"?" "I think I'd better call my grandmother." "Perhaps sleep is the best thing tonight, Mary." "Tomorrow I'll call Dr. Cardin and ask him about your pains." "All right?" "Catherine, your harness." "Off to sleep, everybody." "Good night." "Good night, Miss Wright." "Good night." ""Dr. Cardin" this, "Dr. Cardin" that." "She always drags him into the conversation." "After all, she's in love with him." "Then why doesn't she marry him?" "I heard him ask her that same thing once." "Downstairs." "I brought your coat." "Are you ready?" "Look who's here." "Look who's here!" "Who's here?" "You!" "It's Sunday." "What happened?" "I killed all the patients and emptied the joint just for kicks." "Come on." "But" "Come on, Martha." "I'm too tired for two girls." "Martha and I were going for a walk." "Then go." "You go, Karen." "I'm tired." "I have papers to correct." "See you later, Martha." "Want to go to a movie?" "Nope." "Walk by the lake?" "Nope." "Have a beer?" "Hate beer." "What do you want to do?" "Let's try something we've never done before like getting married." "Even after we're married we'll be saying the same things every night." "Movies, a walk by the lake" "I wouldn't like to think that." "No, I wouldn't." "It'd be nice to sit by ourselves in our own room and read a book." "Read a book?" ""Miss Wright..." ""...is that what you'll be doing after you're married?" ""Reading books?"" "What's the matter with you, Joe?" ""...was on its feet." Yes, I know." "I've never heard you talk this way before." "Why are you angry tonight?" "I don't know." "Why don't you know?" "Why don't you know?" "People feel the way they feel, that's all." "I feel lonely, and I feel tired and I'm sick of plans for the future." "Do you feel in love?" "Other people's children." "I asked you, do you feel in love?" "Don't be cute." "What I'm trying to ask you, only you talk so much, is...." "Can we have a baby 12 months from now?" "All right, kid." "You got a date." "How I love you." "Love you." "Martha Joe and I decided tonight." "We're going to be married two weeks after school lets out." "So soon!" "It doesn't seem so soon to Joe." "No, I suppose it doesn't." "Congratulations." "Wouldn't it be nice to have the wedding right here at the school?" "The garden will be in full bloom and the roses out." "We could put up a candy-striped awning." "And then good-bye, Wright-Dobie school." "My marriage isn't going to make any difference to the school." "It will, Karen." "You know it will." "It can't help it." "You keep saying things like that." "We've talked about all this before." "You know Joe isn't asking me to give it up, and I'm not going to leave." "No, of course not." "I don't know what I could be thinking of." "I don't understand you!" "It's been so hard building this place up." "Just when we're getting on our feet you're ready to let it all go right to hell!" "Martha, for God's sake, do you expect me to give up my marriage?" "No." "No, of course not." "I'm sorry, Karen." "I don't know how I could be so selfish." "Please, forgive me." "I already have." "It's been a long day." "We both need some sleep." "Yes, you're right." "Who has the cooking detail for breakfast?" "I do." "Karen you know, don't you, that I only want the best for you?" "I know." ""This proves me base:" ""If she first meet the curled Antony" ""He'll make demand of her, and spend that kiss" ""Which is my heaven--"" "Evelyn." "Can't you imagine yourself as Cleopatra talking to an asp?" ""This knot intrinsicate" ""Of life at once untie" ""Poor venomous fool" ""Be angry, and dispatch--"" "Why, Mary, are you just arriving for your elocution class?" "If you take no interest in your work, then" "I went to get these flowers for you, Mrs. Mortar." "You told us you loved flowers." "And I walked so far to get them for you." "That was very thoughtful of you, Mary." "I suppose I'll have to forgive you this time." "Thoughtfulness and courtesy mean breeding and breeding is an excellent thing." "I think you should write that down, all of you." "We wrote it down last week." "Put them in a vase for me, Mary." "Yes, ma'am." "Good afternoon, Miss Wright." "Evelyn has just been reading Cleopatra for us." "That's nice." "Mary just brought me a gift of some flowers." "Where did you get them, Mary?" "She picked them, especially for me." "Where did you get them, Mary?" "Down near the lake." "I see." "That'll be all, girls." "Thank you." "Mary?" "I have to get my biology book for" "I'd rather you waited." "It wasn't necessary to go down to the lake for those flowers." "There was a bunch exactly like these in the trash barrels this morning." "What a nasty thing to do!" "What a nasty thing." "Come." "Come and sit down." "Mary, why do you do these things?" "Why do you lie to us so often?" "I'm not lying." "If you have to do things to let off steam or for adventure, come and tell us about it." "Tell us the truth." "I promise you, we'll try to understand." "I picked the flowers down near the lake." "All right, you leave me no choice." "You'll have to be punished." "Take your recreation periods alone." "No field hockey, no swimming and do not leave the school grounds for any reason." "Saturday, too?" "Saturday, too." "But the boat races are Saturday, and you said I could go." "The boat races were a privilege which you've lost." "I'll tell my grandmother how" "Go upstairs." "I'll tell her how you treat me." "Go upstairs, Mary!" "I don't feel well." "I've got a pain." "It hurts here." "I've never had it before!" "My heart!" "It's stopping or something!" "I can't breathe!" "I can't!" "I can't!" "It's nothing." "You'd better telephone Joe and ask him to come over." "All right." "What happened?" "Did she fall?" "No." "I was disciplining her and" "And you finally hit her?" "No, of course not." "She just seems to have fainted." "Maybe it's a heart attack." "Now, I think the feet should be higher than the head." "Try it here." "Where?" "Here." "There?" "Yes, there, a most important spot." "Yes, indeed." "When Delia Lambert had a heart attack in Buffalo right on the stage, that was the spot." "Did this Delia survive?" "Yes." "I saved her." "How's her pulse?" "The pulse is very bad." "I'm afraid she's slipping away." "There's no heartbeat at all." "We'll need a specialist." "Perhaps you, Doctor, would condescend to take over?" "What?" "Heart attacks are nothing to play with." "Never played with one in my life." "As the child's teacher, l" "Mrs. Mortar, please." "Well!" "I was practically put out of the room." "So you don't resent your aunt being snubbed and humiliated?" "Aunt Lily." "Karen is rude to me, and you know it." "Karen is very kind to you." "And what's even harder, very patient." "Patient with me?" "When I've worked my fingers to the bone for both of you." "Yes, to the bone, to the very bone!" "Aunt Lily you've talked about going back to New York for a long time now." "It's been years." "I'll never live to play on Broadway again." "But you will, Aunt Lily, you will." "You can go back to New York." "You want to get rid of me?" "I'm trying to give you something you've always wanted." "You keep talking about the theater and the great opportunities in television that you're missing." "Turning me out." "Nice, grateful girls." "How can anybody deal with you?" "Please, do not raise your voice." "I shall write to my agent." "When they have a suitable part for me" "No." "I don't think we should wait that long." "I'll give you what little money we have now." "You think I'd take your money?" "I'd rather scrub floors first." "You'll change your mind after the first floor." "I should have known by this time that the wise thing to do was to stay out of your way when he's in the house." "When who's in the house?" "Don't think you're fooling me, young lady." "Any day that he's in the house is a bad day." "Now, look...." "Let's give it up." "I'm tired." "I've been working since 6:00 this morning." "I know what I know." "You can't stand them being together, and you're taking it out on me." "God knows what you'll do when they marry." "Jealous, jealous" "Aunt Lily." "You've always had a jealous, possessive nature even as a child." "If you had a friend, you'd be upset if she liked anybody else." "And that's what's happening now." "And it's unnatural." "It's just as unnatural as it can be." "The sooner you get out of here, the better." "You are making me sick." "And I won't stand for you any longer." "I want you to leave tomorrow, no delays." "What are you doing down here?" "We just came to" "I was going up" "I was going upstairs." "We just came down to see how Mary was." "I think you came down to listen deliberately." "We didn't mean to." "Eavesdropping is something that nice young ladies just don't do." "You wait outside in the hall." "I'll talk to you later." "You should not be around children." "When you're at your best, you're not for tender ears." "So now it's my fault, is it?" "You'd better look to yourself and not continue to blame me for everything." "What's the matter with the duchess?" "Rehearsing an exit in case she finds the right play." "How's Mary?" "Strong as a mule." "I don't know who's teaching fainting here, but she flunked." "We've reached the end of our rope with that child." "Someone should talk to Mrs. Tilford about Mary." "You wouldn't be electing me, would you?" "She's your aunt." "Yes, but I'm not writing the Tilfords into the marriage contract." "Incidentally, did Karen tell you she finally set a date?" "She told me, incidentally." "What's the matter, Martha?" "Nothing." "I think there is." "I don't know what's bothering you." "I always thought you approved of me." "You must know how fond I am of you." "If it's the school you're worried about, don't." "Karen knows I have" "Damn you!" "Leave me alone!" "Stop consoling me, or patronizing me, or feeling sorry for me, or whatever it is you're doing." "Leave me alone!" "The angel child is just coming back to life." "Her roommates were busily eavesdropping at the door when Aunt Lily and I were yelling at each other." "Karen I think we should separate those girls from Mary." "Yes." "She's a bad influence." "I have a class waiting." "They're outside." "I'll take care of it." "All right, girls, you may go in now." "How does it feel to be back from the grave?" "Did you meet any interesting people?" "lt's my heart, and it hurts." "You like that story, don't you?" "I want to see my grandmother." "We're awfully sorry, Miss Wright." "I'm sorry, too." "You never used to do things like that." "I'm afraid we're going to have to separate you girls." "Peggy, move into Helen Burton's room, and Mary, change rooms with Rosalie Wells." "Miss Wright." "And it's just because I had a pain." "You're always being mean to me." "I'm always getting punished, picked on, blamed for everything that happens around here!" "Tell Rosalie." "Help!" "Are you leaving?" "Not until I get paid." "Good-bye, teacher." "Good-bye, Doctor." "Now, go on." "Why did Dobie want to get rid of Mortar?" "Dr. Cardin and Miss Wright are going to get married." "Everybody knows that." "Stupid!" "But everybody doesn't know that Miss Dobie doesn't want them to get married." "How do you like that?" "Why doesn't she?" "I don't know, but Mortar said that Dobie was jealous and that she was like that when she was a little girl and she never wanted anybody to like Miss Wright and that was unnatural." "Boy, did Dobie get sore at that." "What did she mean by unnatural?" ""Unnatural."" ""Un" for "not." Not natural." "Then genius here dropped her book." "What are you doing?" "My bracelet." "I still can't find it." "I don't like that Mary Tilford coming in here." "Come here, Sylvester." "We're moving." "Peggy says she blows her nose all night." "I need $2." "I don't have it." "You have $2.75." "Get it for me." "No, I won't get it for you." "Get it for me." "I won't!" "Get it for me!" "Let go of my hand!" "Get it for me!" "Girls!" "What are you making all this fuss about?" "I shall get one of my headaches." "I'm very upset today, with all my packing and moving and I cannot stand this noise." "Isn't that Helen Burton's bracelet, the one that was lost?" "I...." "No, ma'am." "It's Rosalie's bracelet." "You dropped it." "In my day, children were seen and not heard." "Try and be ladies." "Rosalie!" "Now will you get me the money?" "Keep the change." "I'm sorry, grandma." "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." "Forgive me?" "What made you act that way, run away like that?" "I told you." "I'm scared of them." "Nonsense!" "They've got something against me." "I don't believe that." "They're always punishing me for anything they can think of." "You imagine it." "Miss Wright and Miss Dobie are nice young women and good teachers." "You don't know anything about them." "I do." "I know lots of things." "Like what happened yesterday." "What happened yesterday?" "I can't tell you." "Why?" "Because you're going to take their part." "Very well, then." "It was all about Miss Dobie and Mrs. Mortar." "They were having a terrible argument, and Peggy and Evelyn heard them and Miss Dobie found out." "That's why they're making us change our rooms." "What's wrong with that?" "They don't like to have us near them." "They've got secrets or something." "There's nothing wrong with people having secrets." "But these were funny secrets." "Peggy and Evelyn heard Mrs. Mortar say that she knew what was going on." "And they were talking about all sorts of things about Miss Wright and cousin Joe getting married and how Miss Dobie was jealous." "And boy, did Dobie get sore at that." "I don't wish to hear any more of this ugly gossip." "Besides, I don't believe this talk of jealousy between Miss Dobie and Miss Wright." "But I didn't say she was jealous of Miss Wright." "I said that Mrs. Mortar said that Miss Dobie was jealous of cousin Joe." "I don't understand." "Neither do I." "But Mrs. Mortar said that it was unnatural for a woman to feel that way." "I'm just telling you what she said." "Mrs. Mortar said that Miss Dobie was like that even when she was a little girl, that it was unnatural" "Stop using that silly word." "That's the word she used." "Then they got mad at each other and Miss Dobie told Mrs. Mortar to get out of the house." "That probably wasn't the reason at all." "I bet it was." "Because, honestly, Miss Dobie does get mean and cranky every time cousin Joe comes." "And yesterday I heard her say to him, "Damn you."" "You've picked up some very fine words, haven't you?" "But that's just the word she used." "One time, Miss Dobie was in her room late." "It's right near ours." "And Miss Wright goes in there almost every night and stays late." "That's why they want to get rid of us." "Of me, I mean." "Because we hear things." "That's why they're making us move our rooms." "I've heard other things, too." "Plenty of other things." "Strange, funny noises." "And we've seen things, too." "What things?" "Bad things." "I can't tell you." "You're annoying me very much." "If you have anything to say, say it." "I mean, I can't say it out loud." "I've got to whisper it." "Why must you whisper it?" "I don't know." "I've just got to." "Mary, do you know what you're saying?" "Stop the car, John." "Stop the car, John!" "Just a moment." "It's true." "You wait right here." "My goodness!" "Good morning, Mrs. Tilford." "I've come here to see Miss Wright or Miss Dobie." "They're in class." "I never carried a suitcase before in my life." "Oh, dear." "I'll wait." "I guess I'd better cram these things into this bag." "My theater maid usually does the packing for me." "What must I look like?" "I gave up a very important role in Morning Sunshine just to teach here." "And now my niece has dismissed me." "Dismissed, after a year of backbreaking work." "I sacrificed my youth for her but I'm sure you know all about that and ingratitude and the sting of the wasp." "Do you suppose I could get one of those coats in that other bag?" "Mrs. Mortar I've been told you used a strange word in connection with your niece." "I've heard that you feel there's something unnatural" "Something unnatural?" "Why, the whole thing's unnatural." "You would think that a healthy woman her age would have a husband or at least an admirer but she hasn't, and she never has had." "Young men who liked her, yes, but not for long because she has no interest in them, only the school and Karen Wright." "Mrs. Tilford, at 28, do you spend your life with other people's children no new clothes, working every night, nothing to look forward to but a summer vacation with Karen Wright?" "And now that Karen's getting married, Martha's in a frenzy of bad temper and she's taking it out on me." "Friendship between women, yes." "Nobody's had more friends than I." "But not this insane devotion." "I'm forgetting something, my umbrella." "I left it in the closet." "Perhaps it's all for the best." "It was bound to happen sooner or later." "I couldn't have stood it much longer." "Here it is." "Anyway, one shouldn't be away too long from his true profession." "My make-up case." "I left it upstairs." "I'll be right back." "Drive back to the house." "Yes, ma'am." "I don't have to go back today?" "No." "This week?" "No, Mary, you don't have to go back." "Ever?" "Ever." "You're the nicest, sweetest grandmother in the whole wide world." "John, please stop at Mrs. Anderson's house." "Bonjour, monsieur." "Je voudrais un stylo, s'il vous plaît." "Mon frère est en France." "Et je veux lui envoyer un cadeau." "Catherine, will you please continue?" "Rosalie, will you come outside with me a moment?" "Go ahead, Catherine." "Je vais voir combien d'argent j'ai sur moi en ce temps." "Rosalie, your mother has sent us a message that you're to pack a bag and spend the night at the Tilfords'." "John will drive you." "Why?" "I'm sure it's nothing to be upset about, dear." "Your mother's been away and very likely just wants to see you as soon as she gets back." "John's outside." "Don't keep him waiting." "Yes, Miss Dobie." "I'm going to ask it, too." "Why?" "First Mary doesn't come back." "Now Rosalie?" "I don't know." "I just don't...." "Another car's coming." "Rosalie Wells is here to spend the night with you." "What?" "Till her mother comes for her." "You mean, she's going to sleep here?" "lf you don't keep her awake all night." "Why?" "How do I know the crazy things that are going on in this house?" "All right, come on in, Rosalie." "Have you had your bath, dear?" "Yes, ma'am, this morning." "Better have another." "I'll be in later to make up your bed." "And if you need anything, you just let me know." "Sissy!" "But, Mrs. Walton, there must be a reason." "You don't" "Mrs." "Vincent, won't you please tell us" "Come along, now." "She hung up." "Did you get Joe?" "No." "I tried twice." "He's out on a call." "Miss Janet." "Are we coming back, Miss Dobie?" "I don't know, dear." "All the girls leaving, it's all so funny." "Come along." "Your mother wants you to hurry." "Didn't Mrs. Webb leave us a message?" "Yes, ma'am." "She said have Janet's trunk packed, and I'll pick it up." "That's all she told you?" "Yes, ma'am, that's all." "Mr. Burton, don't you...." "What is happening here?" "Has everyone gone insane?" "I'm awfully sorry to leave, Miss Wright." "Come on, Helen." "We're sorry, too, Helen." "Thank you." "Good-bye." "Go on out to the car, Helen." "How much do I owe you for the rest of the term?" "We don't want your money, Mr. Burton." "We want to know why all this is happening." "If you don't know, I don't know." "You mean, you're taking your child out of school and you don't know why?" "It'd be better if you talk to her mother." "Why?" "It's not the kind of thing I want to talk about!" "Mr. Burton!" "Mr. Burton, you've got to tell us." "What would you say if I told you that I knew why you were leaving school?" "You're always pretending you know everything." "You and your silly secrets." "Suppose I told someone it all happened because you told me something." "Me?" "I don't know anything to tell you." "That's not what I told my grandmother." "Why, Mary Tilford." "I didn't tell you anything." "I'm going right down to your grandmother and tell her I didn't tell you anything whatever it is." "You're just trying to get me into trou...." "Why don't you go?" "Wait a minute." "I'll come with you." "What for?" "I want to tell her all about this." "What about it?" "Just that you stole it from Helen Burton." "I never did any such thing." "I borrowed it." "And I was going to put it back as soon as I'd worn it to the movies." "I never meant to keep it." "I was putting it back yesterday when you made me drop it." "And who do you think will believe that?" "And if I told my grandmother she'd tell your parents and everybody at the school and the police, of course, that you're a thief!" "And you'd be put in a school for delinquent girls." "Mary, don't tell anybody!" "Please, don't tell!" "See?" "Whatever you ask, I do." "Wild horses couldn't drag the secret out of me now." "Thank you, Mary." "As long as you do what I say." "Want to join my sorority?" "Yes, I think so." "Put your hand on your heart, and take the oath of allegiance." ""l, Rosalie Wells..." ""...am now a member of the inner circle."" "I, Rosalie Wells am now a member of the inner circle." ""I will never betray a sister member."" "I will never betray a sister member." "Hello, Amelia." "Good evening, Joseph." "How are you?" "Tired." "We're getting the results of the mating season about now." "Did I take you away from a patient?" "No." "I was just finishing at the hospital." "I told you that on the phone." "Yes, of course." "How is the hospital?" "How is it getting on?" "Just the same." "Not enough money, badly equipped." "Amelia, you didn't call me here to talk about the hospital." "What's the matter?" "Aren't you feeling well?" "If I only knew how to start." "Start at the easiest place." "It's a very hard thing to say." "Hard for you to say to me?" "Did you know they dismissed Mrs. Mortar from the Wright-Dobie school?" "They did?" "Good." "It's about time." "Don't you think it odd they wanted so much to get rid of that silly, harmless woman?" "Lily Mortar is not a harmless woman, though God knows she's silly enough." "She's a selfish old bore." "If you're feeling sorry for her, you're wasting your time." "You didn't call me to talk about that." "No." "No, something else." "You've been engaged to Karen Wright for a long time, haven't you?" "Two years." "She doesn't seem to be able to make up her mind." "It wasn't that so much as it was the school." "lt was a tough job getting it on its feet." "And there's Miss Dobie." "Yes." "Anyway, it's all settled." "You can buy the wedding present." "It's official." "Well?" "No congratulations?" "Joseph you must not marry Karen." "Why must I...." "What are you talking about?" "Why must I not marry Karen?" "Because there's something very wrong with Karen." "And there's something very wrong with you for thinking you can talk to me this way." "I know what I'm talking about." "Who's that?" "Mrs." "Tilford, is she in?" "I won't have them here." "What are you talking about?" "I won't have them here!" "Then you don't want me here either!" "Darling, what is this?" "What did she do it for?" "What are you doing to us?" "I don't think you should have come here." "What is all this?" "Hasn't she told you?" "Nobody has told me anything." "What's the matter, Karen?" "Martha?" "Did anything happen at the school?" "There is no school anymore." "The children have been taken by their parents." "Why?" "We couldn't find out." "Nobody would tell us." "Finally Mr. Burton told us." "Told you what?" "That...." "That Martha and I...." "That Martha and I have been lovers." "Mrs. Tilford told them." "Did you tell them that?" "Yes." "Are you sick?" "You know I'm not sick." "Then what did you do it for?" "Because it's true." "You think it's true, then?" "You crazy, crazy old woman!" "You mean, you did say it?" "You knew what you were saying?" "I don't think you should have come here." "I shall not call you names, and I won't allow you to call me names." "And I don't want to talk about it with you, now or ever." "What is she talking about?" "What does she mean?" "Where did you get this idea?" "This can't do any of us any good." "Can't do any of us any good?" "Listen, this is our lives you're playing with." "Our lives!" "That's very serious business for us." "Can you understand that?" "Yes, I can understand that." "And I can understand a great deal more." "You've been playing with a lot of children's lives." "That's why I had to stop you." "I know how serious this is for you how serious it is for all of us." "I don't think you do know." "You came to find out if I'd made the charge." "You found out." "I made it." "Let's end it there." "I don't want you in this house." "I'm deeply sorry this had to be done to you, Joseph." "Amelia, you've done a terrible thing." "I've done what I had to do." "You know I wouldn't have acted until I was sure." "What they are is possibly their own business." "But it becomes a great deal more than that when children are concerned." "But it's not true!" "It's just not true, not one single word of it!" "We're standing here defending ourselves against what?" "Against nothing." "Against a lie, a great, awful lie." "I'm sorry." "I can't believe that." "Don't get the idea we'll let you whisper this lie." "You made it, and you'll come out with it." "We'll make you shriek it." "And you'll do it in a courtroom." "Tomorrow, Mrs. Tilford, you'll have a libel suit on your hands." "Don't do that, Miss Dobie." "lt frightens you, doesn't it?" "Yes." "I'm frightened for you, because I know it will bring you nothing but pain." "It was wrong of you to brazen it out here tonight." "It would be criminally foolish for you to brazen it out in public." "It's already quite public, Mrs. Tilford." "Five hours ago, we had our lives decently to ourselves." "Now we have nothing left but the dirt you made of us." "The dirt you made for yourselves!" "This thing is your own." "Go away with it." "I don't understand it." "I don't want any part of it." "Take it out of here." "Clean your house, Joseph, and in time, count yourself lucky." "You have understood nothing." "These are my friends." "When we clean house, the three of us will clean it together." "Maybe we should clean your house for you, Mrs. Tilford." "Where's Mary?" "Under no circumstances." "I wouldn't allow that." "That's where you really got it." "How could you believe a child saying something as awful as that?" "And how could a child that age even know about such things?" "She could hardly invent them." "She's a bad girl, your Mary." "She always has been." "I'll have no more of this." "All I wanted to do was get those children away." "That's been done." "You've been in my house long enough." "Get out!" "The wicked very young." "The wicked very old." "Let's go home." "When three people come to you with their lives spread out on a table for you to cut to pieces the only honest thing you can do is give them one last chance to come out alive." "We want that last chance." "If you're honest, you'll give it to us." "Mary!" "Sit down, dear." "I'd like to tell you something." "Everybody lies all the time." "Sometimes they have to, sometimes they don't." "I've told lies for a lot of different reasons myself, but there was rarely a time when, if I'd had a second chance I wouldn't have taken back the lie and told the truth." "I'm telling you this because I'm about to ask you a question." "Before you answer the question I want to tell you that if you've made a mistake you must take this chance and say so." "You won't be punished." "Do you understand all that?" "Yes, cousin Joe." "Were you telling your grandmother the truth, the exact truth about Miss Wright and Miss Dobie?" "Yes, cousin Joe." "We're not through, Amelia." "Why don't you like Miss Wright and Miss Dobie, Mary?" "I do like them." "They just don't like me." "They're always punishing me for everything." "Why do you think they do that?" "Because they're" "Tell your grandmother why you were punished." "Because Peggy and Evelyn heard things and they took it out on me." "That's not true!" "Heard what, Mary?" "Mrs. Mortar told Miss Dobie there was something funny about her." "She said she had a funny feeling about Miss Wright." "Mrs. Mortar said that was unnatural." "That's why we got punished, just because" "That is not the reason they were punished." "My aunt is a stupid woman." "What she said was unpleasant, but it was only said to annoy me." "It meant nothing more than that!" "What do you think Mrs. Mortar meant by all that?" "Stop it." "I don't know, but all the girls would talk about it when Miss Wright visited Miss Dobie's room late at night." "And funny things did happen." "We'd stay awake and listen, and we'd hear strange, funny noises." "I'd get frightened." "Be still!" "No, you don't want her still now." "What else did you hear?" "What did you see?" "I don't know." "They were just things." "What things?" "I don't know." "She doesn't know?" "I saw plenty of things." "What?" "One night they were in Miss Dobie's room late." "And I looked through the keyhole, and they were kissing and...." "Like what I told you." "That child is...." "Ask her how she could see us again." "I was leaning down by the keyhole." "There's no keyhole on my door." "What?" "There is no keyhole on my door!" "It wasn't her room, Grandma." "It was Miss Wright's room!" "How did you know anybody was in her room?" "I told you." "We heard them." "Everybody heard them!" "My room is at the other end of the house." "It's impossible to hear anything from there." "What is this?" "Why did you say you saw through the keyhole?" "I'm so mixed up!" "Everybody's yelling at me at one time!" "I did see them!" "Mary, I want the truth." "Whatever it is." "We're finished here." "We've cleaned your house." "Let's go home." "Wait." "Please, wait." "Stop crying." "I want the truth." "All right." "It was Rosalie who saw them." "She told us all about it." "I only said it was me so I wouldn't have to tattle on Rosalie." "You ask Rosalie." "She said it was when the door was open." "And she told us all about it." "Agatha!" "Get Rosalie." "Yes, ma'am." "You deserve whatever you get, Mrs. Tilford." "I don't know anymore." "Maybe it's what I do deserve." "Rosalie Mary says there's been a lot of talk at school lately about Miss Wright and Miss Dobie." "Is that true?" "I...." "I don't know what you mean." "That things have been said among you girls." "What things?" "What was the talk about?" "Don't be frightened." "I don't know what she means, Miss Wright." "Mary has told her grandmother that certain things at school have been puzzling you girls, you in particular." "Arithmetic puzzles me." "I guess I'm just not very good at" "No." "That's not what she meant." "Mary said that you told her that you saw certain things happen between Miss Dobie and myself late at night." "Once when the door was open, you saw us together in my room." "I didn't." "I never said any such thing." "Mary!" "Yes, you did, too." "You told us about what you saw." "I remember it was the day that Helen Burton's bracelet" "I never did!" "The day Helen Burton's bracelet was stolen." "And no one knew who did it." "Don't you remember?" "Helen said that if her mother found out who did it she would call the police, and have the thief put in jail." "Rosalie, there's no need to cry." "You must help us by telling the truth." "Grandma." "Yes!" "I told Mary!" "What Mary said was true!" "I said it!" "It's cold in here." "Yes." "What time is it?" "I don't know." "I was hoping it was time for my bath." "Take it early today." "I couldn't do that." "I look forward all day to that bath." "Makes me feel important to know there's one thing I have to do." "Kind of a date with something." "Let's go out." "Take a walk." "What if we see somebody?" "What if we do?" "Come on." "We'll go tomorrow." "No, we won't." "There's our friend." "I knocked on the kitchen door, but nobody answered." "You said that last week." "All right." "Thank you." "Good-bye." "Stop it!" "I've got eight fingers, see?" "And two heads!" "I'm a freak!" "Martha, what are we doing here like this?" "It's as if we're in a nightmare and can't seem to wake up." "You'll be getting married soon." "Everything will be all right then." "It'll be a good day and a happy one for me, too." "What's wrong?" "There's nothing wrong." "It's just that I don't know what I'm thinking anymore." "That about sums up my official duty, Dr. Cardin." "I don't have to tell you how much we've valued having you here." "You also know this hospital is kept going by people who are meddlesome as well as generous." "Thanks for the speech." "Joe!" "Everybody here knows that you're not guilty of anything." "It's a matter of association." "I feel sure that if you were to sever your relationship with these two young women...." "I'm sorry." "Good-bye." "I don't believe it." "And here I am!" "Hello!" "May I come in?" "My old chair." "It's very good to see you both." "How is everything?" "Everything's fine." "How are you?" "A little tired." "lt's been a long trip." "Of course." "Is there anything I can get you?" "You know, I would like a cup of tea, but don't you bother." "It's no bother, no bother at all." "Why, Martha...." "You know, I think" "Where have you been?" "Now, there's your temper again." "Answer me!" "I've been on tour, you knew that." "Mostly one-night stands although we did have one ghastly week in Detroit." "But the theater's changed." "There's no question of it." "They simply will not accept a serious play on the road." "Isn't that interesting?" "Is it a trend?" "Will it pass?" "I don't know." "I really just don't know." "I was interviewed in San Francisco and, I said, quite frankly...." "I said that perhaps a whole culture is changing." "It's possible, you know." "You think so?" "A whole culture." "My, we'd be so interested to hear about it." "Why didn't you answer our telegrams?" "I told you, I was moving around." "How did you manage to get out of the summons?" "What difference does it all make now, anyway?" "Karen is quite right." "Let's let bygones be bygones." "Why did you refuse to come back here and testify for us?" "I didn't refuse." "I was on tour." "That's a moral obligation." "I couldn't just leave." "The curtain must go up." "...although it's been in every newspaper in the country." "How we lost a suit for slander against a woman named Tilford who accused us of having had what the judge called "sinful sexual knowledge of one another" based on remarks made by one Lily Mortar against her niece." "But, my dear" "A large part of the defense's case rested on the telling fact that Mrs. Mortar would not appear in court to confirm, explain, or deny those remarks." "She had a moral obligation to the theater." "It wouldn't have done any good for us all to get mixed up in this unpleasant notoriety." "But I do see it your way." "And now that I'm here, I'm going to stand shoulder to shoulder with you." "There's an 8:00 train." "Get on it." "All my grown life, I've been something for you to pick dry." "Now get out and don't come back." "How can you talk to me like that?" "Because I hate you." "I've always hated you." "God will punish you for that." "He's doing all right." "I'll wait upstairs until train time." "You'll be sorry one day for what you've said to me." "Look who's here." "A few weeks late, aren't you?" "So it's you." "I call that loyal." "A lot of men wouldn't still be here." "You're a very lucky girl, Karen." "Get out of here!" "Why did she come back?" "She's broke." "Stop it." "She's not worth all that." "We'll give her some money and get rid of her." "Why'd you do that?" "Do what?" "Turn away from me." "I didn't turn away from you." "I was putting out a cigarette." "We sit around here much longer, we'll all go mad." "So we're not going to sit around." "I sold my place this morning to Foster." "You can't do that!" "We're getting married this week." "You have two days to pack and close the place." "Thursday we'll be in the car" "I won't let you leave." "It's all done." "I found a good place that needs a doctor." "It's farm country." "It'll be tough at first." "But we'll live cheaply." "There will be plenty for all three of us." "Joe, I'm not going with you." "But thank you, from the bottom of my heart." "You're coming with us." "We want you to come." "It's going to be good, starting fresh in a new place." "You don't want to go." "No." "I don't want to go." "This was my place, where I wanted to be." "And you don't want to go." "You wanted to stay here, too." "We can't stay, so to hell with it." "We're going to a place where we can live." "Joe's right." "But I'm not going with you." "It's better for all of us if I don't go." "Stop talking nonsense." "You're coming with us." "Later on, you can leave if you want to, when you have something to leave for." "All right?" "All right." "I think I'll cook us a dinner." "A departure dinner, whatever that is." "Something fancy." "I've done this to you." "I've taken away everything you wanted." "Stop talking that way." "There are a lot of people in this world who have bad trouble." "We happen to be three of those people." "We could sit around the rest of our lives and live on that trouble and we'd get to where we'd have nothing else, because we wanted nothing else." "We're going to put the whole business behind us." "There'll be no more talk about what could have been or should have been." "I'm sorry." "I'll be all right as soon as we get out of here." "Joe, I want a baby." "I want to have a baby." "Maybe in a year or so." "We won't have enough money now." "But I don't want to wait a year." "You said you wanted children right away." "Why have you changed?" "We can't go on like this!" "Everything I say is made to mean something else." "Yes, every word has a new meaning." "Child, love friend, woman." "There aren't many safe words anymore." "Even marriage doesn't have the same meaning anymore." "It does to me, and it should to you, if...." "If what?" "If you won't try to take the past with us." "Wherever we go, that'll be with us a long time." "We can't move away from that." "A new place, a new room won't fix that for us." "It won't work." "What won't work?" "The two of us, together." "Stop talking like that." "You'll begin to believe it soon." "Tell me." "Tell me what you want to know." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Yes, you do." "We've both known for a long time." "Say it now." "Ask it now!" "I have nothing to ask." "All right, is it?" "Was it ever?" "No." "No, Martha and I never touched each other." "It's all right, darling." "I'm glad you asked." "My God!" "What's happened to me?" "I'm sorry, darling." "I didn't mean to ask that." "I never believed" "I know." "Of course you didn't, but after a while, you weren't sure and then you began to wonder." "You've been a good, loyal friend." "Don't be ashamed of what you felt." "All right, good or bad, I've asked, you've answered." "That's all." "Let's go ahead now." "You believe me?" "Of course I believe you." "Yes." "Maybe you do but I'd never know whether you did." "And your saying it again won't do it." "It doesn't matter anymore whether you believe me." "All I know is, I'd be frightened that you didn't." "That's the way it would be." "We'd be haunted by it." "Things would never, ever be right between us like that." "You know that." "Darling, I didn't know what I was asking." "Don't be sorry." "You can't help it." "It would have been a miracle if the poison hadn't reached you, too." "But go away for a while." "Go away from me and love and pity and all the things that mess people up." "Go away by yourself and I will, too." "And after a while, I'll know." "And you'll know, and then we'll see." "Please." "There's nothing for me to know." "A few weeks won't make any difference." "Please!" "I don't want to go!" "Go now, darling." "What will you do?" "I'll be all right." "Go now, darling." "If it's what you want." "It is." "I'll be coming back." "I'll be coming back soon." "I don't think so." "God!" "Hold still!" "You're as nervous as a cat." "What's the matter with you?" "I couldn't sleep well last night." "Going to a new school, I understand." "You'll like Elmhurst." "Doris Tanner thinks it's wonderful." "Doris Tanner just likes horses." "That's all they do at Elmhurst, ride." "It has a very high rating, and you'll make new friends." "You won't be moping around, like you did all summer." "What's all this?" "My compact!" "I've been looking everywhere...." "And whose ring is this?" "This scarf and gloves?" ""Happy birthday, Helen."" "Mary!" "She made me do it!" "Don't believe her!" "She's just trying to blame it on me" "Be still!" "Come here." "No." "No!" "I'm all right." "Cooking always makes me feel better." "I suppose we'll have to feed the duchess." "Even vultures have to eat." "I baked a cake." "And you know what?" "I found a bottle of wine." "We'll have a good dinner." "Where's Joe?" "Gone." "A patient?" "Will he be back in time for dinner?" "No." "Then we'll wait dinner for him." "What's the matter?" "He won't be back anymore." "You mean, he won't be back anymore tonight." "He won't be back at all." "What happened?" "Karen, what happened?" "He thought it was true." "I don't believe it." "I don't believe it!" "What kind of talk is that?" "I don't believe it." "All right!" "Didn't you tell him?" "For God's sake, didn't you tell him it wasn't true?" "Yes!" "He didn't believe you?" "I guess he believed me." "Then what have you done?" "I don't understand." "What do you mean, you guess he believed you?" "I don't want to talk about it." "It's over." "Lord, I wanted that for you so much!" "What's happened to us?" "Whatever happened go back to Joe." "lt's too much for you this way." "Stop talking about it." "Let's pack and get out of here." "Let's take the train tomorrow." "The train to where?" "I don't know." "There must be someplace we can go." "I don't know where it is." "They'd know about us." "We've been famous." "But this isn't a new sin they say we've done." "Other people haven't been destroyed by it." "They're the people who believe in it who want it who've chosen it for themselves." "We aren't like that." "That must be very different." "We don't love each other." "We've been close to each other." "Of course, I've loved you like a friend the way thousands of women feel about other women." "I'm cold." "You were a dear friend who was loved, that's all." "Certainly there can be nothing wrong with that." "It's perfectly natural that I should be fond of you." "We've known each other since we were 17, and I always thought that" "Why are you saying all of this?" "Because I do love you." "Of course." "I love you, too." "But maybe I love you the way they said I love you." "I don't know." "Listen to me!" "I have loved you the way they said!" "There's always been something wrong." "Always, just as long as I can remember." "But I never knew what it was until all this happened." "Stop it." "Stop this crazy talk!" "You're afraid of hearing it, but I'm more afraid than you." "I won't listen to you." "No!" "You've got to know." "I've got to tell you." "I can't keep it to myself any longer." "I'm guilty!" "You're guilty of nothing!" "I've been telling myself that since the night I heard the child say it." "I lie in bed night after night, praying that it isn't true but I know about it now." "It's there." "I don't know how, I don't know why but I did love you." "I do love you!" "I resented your plans to marry maybe because I wanted you." "Maybe I've wanted you all these years." "I couldn't call it by name before, but maybe it's been there since I first knew you." "But it's not the truth." "Not a word of it is true." "We've never thought of each other that way." "No, of course you didn't but who's to say I didn't?" "I never felt that way about anybody but you." "I've never loved a man." "I never knew why before." "Maybe it's that." "You're tired and worn out." "It's funny." "It's all mixed up." "There's something in you, and you don't know anything about it because you don't know it's there." "And then suddenly one night, a little girl gets bored and tells a lie and there, for the first time, you see it and you say to yourself, "Did she see it?" "Did she sense it?"" "But it could have been any lie!" "She was looking for anything to" "But why this lie?" "She found the lie with the ounce of truth." "Don't you see?" "I can't stand to have you touch me!" "I can't stand to have you look at me!" "It's all my fault!" "I've ruined your life, and I've ruined my own." "I swear I didn't know it!" "I didn't mean it!" "I feel so damn sick and dirty, I can't stand it anymore!" "I have something to say to you." "Let me come in." "Please." "You must hear me." "Mary and Rosalie Wells have admitted the whole thing was a lie." "I have more to tell you." "I tried to call Joe." "He wouldn't answer my call." "But I've spoken to Judge Potter." "He'll hold a hearing and reverse the court decision." "There'll be a public apology and an explanation in the papers." "The damage suit, of course, will be paid to you in full and any more that you'll be kind enough to take from me." "So you've come here to relieve your conscience." "A public apology and money paid, and you can rest your head again." "Don't rest it!" "You've come to the wrong place!" "There's nothing we want from you, Mrs. Tilford." "There's no relief that can be bought for me." "I didn't come here for that." "I swear to God, I didn't." "There must be something I can do." "Please?" "Please, help me!" "Help you?" "Please go, Mrs. Tilford." "We don't want you here!" "I'm going away someplace to begin again." "Will you come with me?" "We can find work now." "Thank you." "Let's talk about it tomorrow." "I want to go to sleep." "Karen, is Martha with you?" "Her door is locked." "I don't understand." ""The Lord bless you and keep you" ""And make His face to shine upon you" ""And give you peace" ""Both now and evermore."" "Good-bye, Martha." "I'll miss you with all my heart." | {
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} |
"...is allowed to climb on the dinosaur." "But, of course, it went right in one ear..." "I love how he cares so much about stuff." "If I squint, I can pretend he's Alan Alda." "Oh, good." "Another dinosaur story." "When are those gonna become extinct ?" "If I was a superhero who could fly and be invisible that would be the best." "What does Rachel see in this guy ?" "I love Rachel." "I wish she was my wife." "Who's singing ?" "The One With the Race Car Bed" "When you guys were kids and you played Happy Days who were you ?" "I was Richie." "I was always Joanie." "Question :" "Was "Egg the Gellers !" The war cry of your neighborhood ?" " It's the Mattress King !" " Don't look, honey." "Change the channel !" "Wait !" "I wanna see this !" "After I divorce him half of that kingdom is gonna be mine !" "Despair fills the mattress show room." "My kingdom is suddenly without a queen." "I'm so depressed I'm going to slash my prices !" "Check it out !" "599 for a California king !" "499 for a pillow-top queen set !" "I'm going medieval on prices !" "What a wank !" "I cannot believe he's using our divorce to sell mattresses !" "I know." "At 499 for a pillow-top queen, who cares about the divorce ?" "Those babies will sell themselves !" "And I'm appalled for you, by the way." "I'm close !" "I'm cheap !" "I'm the King !" "[UNCUT] He stuffs that codpiece, right ?" "[UNCUT] Oh, yeah." "[UNCUT] Okay, here you go." "[UNCUT] You know what ?" "[UNCUT] I asked for no cinnamon on top." "Okay, Daddy." "We'll see you tomorrow night." "Okay, bye." ""We" ?" " Are having dinner with my Dad tomorrow night." "I hope that's okay." "Oh, shoot !" "Tomorrow's not good." "I'm supposed to fall off the Empire State Building and land on a bicycle with no seat, so..." "Ross, my father doesn't hate you." "Please." "He refers to me as "Wet-Head."" "Honey, he calls everybody by a nickname." "I know." "Just one dinner." "One night." "For me." "Please ?" "I just want him to love you like I do." "All right." "Well, not exactly like I do." "But if you do come to dinner I'll love you like I do in that black thing that you like." "I'll go." " Fine." " Thank you." "Hi, Gunther." "Yeah." "We'll see." "Hey, you guys !" " Guess what." " What ?" " I got a gig !" " Great !" "See, that's why I could never be an actor." "I can't say "gig."" "I can't say "croissant." Oh, my God !" " What's the part ?" " It's not a part." "I'm teaching Acting for Soap Operas at the Learning Extension." "Come on !" "That's great !" "It's, like, my chance to give something back to the acting community." "You're probably not allowed to sleep with any of your students." "I know." "I don't know, Monica." "It feels funny just being here." "I mean, if you buy a bed from Janice's ex-husband that's like betraying Chandler." "Not at these prices !" "You know, in England this car would be on the other side of the store." "Phoebe." "Come here." "This is my new bed !" "You gotta feel this bad boy !" "Monica, it still feels so weird, you know ?" "Chandler's your friend." "Oh, my God !" "All right, take this bed." "You can make other friends." "Good evening." "I am Mr. Tribbiani." "And I'll be teaching Acting for Soap Operas." "[UNCUT] Unfortunately, tonight will be my only class..." "[UNCUT] ...because due to a rare blood disease I only have two weeks to live." "[UNCUT] So do we get our deposit back ?" "[UNCUT] That was supposed to be an example of acting for soap operas." "[UNCUT] Then why are you only teaching tonight ?" "[UNCUT] I'm not." "Look, why don't we get straight to the lesson, okay ?" "Now on my first day as Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days of Our Lives I learned one of the most important things in soap opera acting is reacting." "This does not mean acting again." "It means you don't have a line, but someone else just did." "And it goes something like this :" "Thanks." "Thanks a lot." "By the way, before I forget :" "To work in soap operas some of you are gonna have to become much more attractive." "All right, moving right along..." " How was teaching last night ?" " Great !" "You get to say stuff like :" ""Hey, the bell doesn't dismiss you." "I dismiss you."" "Oh, nice." "Guess what ?" "I got an audition for All My Children !" "It's this great part." "This boxer named Nick." "And I'm so, so right for it." "He's just like me." "Except that he's a boxer and has an evil twin." "Hear ye, hear ye !" "Delivery from the Mattress King !" " You Miss Geller ?" " Okay." "Sign here." "Do I have a middle name ?" "All right." "Monica "Felula" Geller." "It's that bedroom there." "Monica bought a bed from the Mattress King ?" "So please, please, please don't say anything to Chandler." " You want me to lie to him ?" " Is that a problem ?" "Oh, hey, "Nick the boxer." Let's see what you got !" " All right, put them up." "Come on." " Hey, you're pretty good at this." "I had to learn." "I was staying at the Y and some of the young men weren't acting Christian enough." "Hey, now !" "And I'm bleeding." "Okay, great." "Wow !" "And I'm a vegetarian !" "I'm sorry." "We'll put some ice on it." " Put your head back." " All right." " I can't see." " I have you." "Oh, God !" "Which bedroom do you want it in, Ms. Geller ?" "It's the compulsively neat one by the window." "Gotcha." "Hi, Daddy !" "This is where they put us ?" "What, there was no table available in the kitchen ?" " Hello, baby." " You remember Ross." "Nice to see you again, Dr. Greene." "So..." " How's the library ?" " Museum." " What happened to the library ?" " There never was a library." "I mean, there are libraries." "It's just that I've never worked at one." "You know what's really good here ?" "The lobster." " What do you say ?" "Shall I order three ?" " Lf you're really hungry." "It was a joke." "I made a joke." "Actually, Daddy, Ross is allergic to lobster." "What kind of person's allergic to lobster ?" "I guess the kind of person that works in a library." " It's not..." " I know." "It's a museum !" "You're the only who can make a joke ?" "At least mine was funny." "Waiter." "We will have two lobsters and a menu." "So, Dr. Greene, how's the old boat ?" "They found rust." "Do you know what rust does to a boat ?" "Gives it a nice antique-y look ?" "Rust is boat cancer, Ross." "Wow, I'm sorry." "When I was a kid, I lost a bike to that." "Excuse me for a moment, will you ?" "I wanna say good night to the Levines before we go." "Honey, stop." "It's not that bad." "Your dad must have added wrong." "He only tipped like 4%% ." "Yeah." "That's Daddy." ""That's Daddy" ?" "Doesn't it bother you ?" "You're a waitress." "Yes, it bothers me." "If he was a regular at the coffee house, I'd be serving him sneezers." " So ?" " So, Ross I've bugged him about this a million times." "He won't change." "Do you really serve people sneezers ?" "Well, I don't." "All right, kids." "Ready ?" "Thanks again, Dr. Greene." "Wait, I think I forgot my receipt." " You don't need that." " Why not ?" "The carbon." "It's messy." "I mean, gets on your fingers and causes night blindness." "What is this ?" "Who put a 20 down here ?" "Huh ?" "Oh, yeah, that would be me." "I have a problem." "I tip way too much." "Way too much." " It's a sickness, really." " Yeah, it is." " We have to do something about that." " Excuse me." "You think I'm cheap ?" "He didn't mean anything by that." "He really didn't." "Nothing I do means anything." "Really." "This is nice." "I pay $200 for dinner." "You put down $20 and you come out looking like Mr. Big Shot." "You really want to be Mr. Big Shot ?" "Here." "I'll tell you what :" "You pay the whole bill, Mr. Big Shot." "All right ?" "Well, "Mr. Big Shot" is better than "Wet-Head."" "Okay, some tricks of the trade." "Now, I've never been able to cry as an actor." "So if I'm in a scene where I have to cry, I cut a hole in my pocket take a pair of tweezers and just start pulling." "Or let's say I wanna convey that I've just done something evil." "That would be your basic I've-got-a- fish-hook-in-my-eyebrow-and-l-like-it." "Let's say I've just gotten bad news." "Well, all I do there is try and divide 232 by 13." "And that's how it's done." "Great soap opera acting tonight, everybody." "Class dismissed." " Hey, Mr. Trib." " Hey." "Guess what ?" "I got an audition !" "One of my students got an audition." "I'm so proud !" "I was wondering if you'd consider coaching me for it." " You bet !" "What's the part ?" " Oh, it's great !" "It's a role on All My Children." "Nick the boxer." "You had to do it." "You couldn't leave it alone." "Four percent, okay ?" "I tip more than that when there's a bug in my food." "Tonight was about the two of you getting along." "Would you just see my chiropractor already ?" "I'm gonna go to a doctor who went to medical school in a mini-mall." "Hey, Pheebs." "What are you doing ?" "I'm freaking out !" "Monica trusted me with something and she shouldn't have !" "I haven't lived here in a while, so I have to ask you." "Does Monica still turn the lights on in her bedroom ?" "I am so dead !" "Look, here's the bottom line." "This is fixable if we act fast, okay ?" "I'll invite him to brunch tomorrow, and you can make nice." "Honey, I have tried to make nice." "It doesn't work." "Look, I realize my father is difficult." "But that's why you have got to be the bigger man here." "Sweetie, I could be the bigger man." "I could be the biggest man." "I could be a big, huge, giant man, it still wouldn't make a difference." "Except I could pick your father up and say, "Like me !" "Like me, tiny doctor !"" "Can't you just try it one more time ?" "For me ?" "For me ?" "One brunch is not gonna solve anything." "Face it." "We're never gonna get along." "Well, you are just going to have to." "I've already got a mother and father who cannot stay in the same room." "I don't want to have a separate room for you too !" "I'll get the bagels." "What's this ?" "Isn't it cool ?" " This is not the bed I ordered." " I know !" "You must have won, like, a contest or something." "Why is this car in my bedroom ?" "I'm sorry." "I wasn't looking and the store won't take it back because you signed for it." " When did I sign for it ?" " When I was you." "It's all Joey's fault, because he left his nose open !" "Did you make brownies today ?" " Knock, knock !" " Quick !" "Take off your dress." "He won't notice the bed." "I'm going for sushi." "Does anybody want... ?" "Somebody missed the off-ramp !" " It's Monica's bed." "What ?" " Okay." "It's a racecar !" "This has always been Monica's bed." "You just noticed ?" "How self-involved are you ?" "If this bed isn't new, then how come there's plastic on the mattress ?" "Sometimes I have bad dreams." "Look I just saw my best friend's brain smeared across the canvas." "It's not gonna be me." "Not me." "That was good." "That was..." " Tweezers ?" " No." " That was really good." " Thanks." "Any suggestions ?" "You told him to play the boxer gay ?" "Well, I might have said :" ""Super-gay."" "[UNCUT] Joey, the last time an actor did something this bad, a president died." "[UNCUT] Lincoln." "Booth." "[UNCUT] Something happened at the tunnel ?" "You're this guy's teacher." "How could you do this ?" "Because, Monica, the guy's so good." "And I really, really want this part." "Well, if you really, really want it, then it's okay." " Hi, Daddy." " Baby." " Ross." " Dr. Greene, how are you ?" "Thanks for dinner last night." "Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson." "Nice hair." "What did you do, swim here ?" "That's it." "I can't take it anymore." "What ?" "He's interested in you." "He likes your hair." " He just wants to know how you got here." " Oh, please." " It's hopeless." "I'm just gonna go." " What ?" "Ross..." " I'm sorry." "It's just..." " Ross ?" "What's with the neck ?" "He has this thing." "I keep telling him to go to my chiropractor." "You still going to him ?" "That man couldn't get into med school in Ixtapa !" "Thank you." "That's what I keep saying." "Excuse me, Dr. Bobby happens to be an excellent doctor." "Wait a minute." "His name is Dr. Bobby ?" " That's his last name." " And his first name." "He's Bobby Bobby ?" "It's Robert Bobby." "And excuse me, he helps me." " Please." "Ask her how." " What do you need help for ?" "My alignment." "One leg's shorter than the other." " Oh, my God." " Argue with that." "It's true !" "My right leg is two inches shorter !" "Come on, you're just tilting !" " Her legs are fine." " I know that." " So why do you let her go to him ?" " "Let her" ?" "She doesn't listen to me about renter's insurance either." "Wait a minute, you don't have renter's insurance ?" "What if you're robbed ?" "How will you run after the robber with one leg shorter than the other ?" " Would you like some juice ?" " I'd love some juice." "This is going so well !" "Did you see us ?" "Did you see ?" "Yeah, honey." "I was standing right there." "Why don't you tell him about the mole I haven't checked yet ?" "Excellent !" "There will come a time in each of your careers when you'll have a chance to screw over another soap opera actor." "I had such an opportunity in the recent present." "And I'm ashamed to say that I took it." "I advised a fellow actor to play a role homosexually." "We both auditioned for the part and as it turned out they..." "They liked the stupid gay thing and cast him." "And now he's got a two-year contract opposite Susan Lucci the first lady of daytime television." "And me ?" "Me, I'm stuck here teaching a bunch of people most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "Thank you." " May I help you ?" " Yes, hi." "We spoke earlier." "I'm the lady stuck with the racecar bed." "Look, it's like I told you." "There's nothing I can do." "You signed for it." ""Monica Felula Geller."" "All right, jester man, we wanna see the King." "Nobody sees the King." " Okay." "I'm talking to the King." " Hey, you can't go back there !" "Oh, my God." "Watch it, lady !" "Hey, good-looking." "All right, I'll leave." "My bed's so boring." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Call it in to dispatch." "Okay." "Mom, it's Tommy." "I..." "I've been in an accident." "I'm so sorry." "I'm sorry." "Mom?" "Mom?" "Mom?" " Yes." "Yes." " A... are you okay?" "You're staring at that tomato paste like it's gonna attack you." "No, I'm j..." "I'm just getting the paper plates and napkins." " That's all." " Are you sure you're ready for this?" "Look, we can just pretend it's a welcome home dinner and then... no, no, no, Tommy." "Now's the time." "Nora?" "Nora?" "Where are you?" " Hey, Saul." " Tommy." "Hey, long time no see." "Mwah." "Hey." "Wow." "Good to see you." "You, too." "So tell me, what is this all about?" " I have no idea, but it should be interesting." " Hey." "Surprise." "Look who's here." "Yeah, I'm the, uh, mystery guest." " Oh, God." "It's good to see you." " Yeah, you, too." "I love the hair." "Well, thanks." "Thanks." "It's my own." " Oh, my..." "Tommy!" " Hey." " How are ya?" " Hey." "Oh, my God." "You look so good." "Okay, what does everyone want to eat?" "Uh, Thai?" "Chinese?" "Indian?" " Wait." "Wait a minute." "Wait a minute." " What?" "You're ordering takeout?" " Tommy?" " Oh, hey, bro." "How are ya?" " Guys." "I'm good." "How are you?" " Good, you know?" "Oh, look at you." "You look great." "So, um, what's... what's going on?" "Well, uh, Tommy's here, mom's ordering takeout, uh, so welcome to Bizarro world." "We just got in." "I haven't had time to cook anything." "See?" "I knew she went somewhere." " Shut up." " Look, Tommy had a few days off." " I..." "I just flew up to see him." " And don't you worry." "I told her, next time she goes away, you have to tell someone." "Yeah, the only reason why we didn't think you were abducted was because the thermostat was turned down." "Okay, Tommy, what's the occasion?" "Are you engaged?" " Oh, let me guess... you've been arrested again?" " You met someone?" "You did?" "You did?" "You met someone?" " Kidding, kidding." " No, no, no, no." "What's with the 20 questions?" "Just stop, okay?" "He's here for a visit." "Let's not harass him." "Well, maybe if you told us why he was here, mom," " instead of calling the mysterious emergency meeting..." " Oh," "I swear this family has more meetings than the mob." "I'm gonna tell you everything," "but let's decide what we wanna order first." "Uh, Thai." "Thai, yeah." "Thai, Thai, Thai, Thai," "Thai." "So talk." "Okay." "Okay." "Um..." "So as I think you all know, a company called Obstfeld tried to buy Holly's shares of Ojai Foods." "But Holly refused to sell them, right?" "That... that's right." "She didn't sell." "Now they've come to us with an incredible offer" " to buy our shares..." " What?" " And I was thinking..." " It's... oh, whoa." "I'm sorry." "You're seriously considering this?" "Sarah, I know what Ojai means to you, what it really means to this whole family." "But it's also been an albatross around our necks... the financial difficulties, the family disputes." "Well, we've worked through those." "I'm just thinking that maybe we don't need this baggage anymore." "You all have your own lives." "Maybe it's time." " Cash in, move on." " I can't believe I'm hearing this." "A month ago, you were telling me that Ojai was practically our family religion." "Sarah." "They're offering us a lot of money." "So that's why you came down here, to help mom lobby us to sell our shares?" " And you, too, Saul?" " Sarah, honey, listen to me." "Think about it." "You've always had to be the breadwinner." "But this... this would take the pressure off of you." "You could enjoy your kids and Luc." "And do what, mom, become a '50s housewife?" " This is my career." " You wouldn't have to juggle so much." " I like to juggle." " Wait a second." "Is this about Narrow Lake?" "What's Narrow Lake?" " Nothing." " That's not what Holly says." "Holly says this is a piece of property that's worth a lot of money, that apparently, Ojai owns." " What?" " Okay, how do I not know about this?" " Because it's nothing." " Well, obviously," " it's not nothing, mom, if even Justin knows about it." " Whoa." " Holly has been looking into this for a month..." " What?" "And there's nothing there." "Nothing." "But this offer is real." "I'm telling you, it's real." "Justin, you're in med school." "It's gonna be years before you can earn a living." " Mm, thanks, mom." " Kevin, you want to be a father." "You've already spent a fortune, you don't even have the baby yet." "Do you have any idea how much it costs to raise a child in L.A.?" " Guys, this is a great offer." " Oh, my God." "Mom, please stop spinning." "I mean, I'm a pundit." "I can smell spin a mile away." " I'm not spinning." "I mean this." " But?" "But nothing." "Nora." "Nora, you're not telling them everything." "Okay, the only thing I haven't told you is that Obstfeld, the company, is owned by a guy named Dennis York." "That's all." "Dennis York?" " Who's that?" " He used to work for dad." "Yeah." "Wow." "That's like calling a whore a date." "Oh, this guy was paid under the table to do God knows what." "Sarah, you're making him sound like he was a hit man." "Dennis York was a problem solver, okay?" "If there were any union problems, for example, your father would call him, and... and they would be resolved." "So does this guy have anything on dad?" " Wait a minute, mom." "Is he trying to blackmail you?" " No!" "Guys, I think you should just talk to Holly about Narrow Lake." "Is this another way of covering something dad did?" "Well, what did dad do?" "I have put the last five years of my life into Ojai... yeah, but, Sarah, if there are bodies buried somewhere," " I think it's t..." " It's not about your campaign, Kitty." "Oh, I never said it was about my campaign," "Stop!" "There is no body buried!" "No." "Th-this is just an incredible opportunity for you guys, and that's why I brought it to you, so you could all have everything you want out of your lives." "Look, this is the kind of opportunity that makes owning a family business worthwhile." "I'm..." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry if I... if I... if I shocked you." "That's why I thought we should order some food first." "Mom, I don't think food would have made this go down any easier." "Well, then don't eat anything." "Just don't eat anything." "You were absolutely right." "Bizarro." "I don't understand how your mom could completely dismiss the possibility of Narrow Lake." "Because I was the one who said it." "I..." "I mean, when it comes to Ojai, I don't count." "And it started with my dad." "He never wanted me around that place." " I'm just not a part of it." " Well, I am." "It's where I work, and it's my mom's company, and I just gave her all of that money to invest in it." "Rebecca, she was just throwing it out there, all right?" "It doesn't mean I'm gonna do it." "Yeah, you say that now, but you know your mom." "She's gonna pressure you into it." " We're gonna be caught in the middle again." " No, we won't." "Rebecca, you come first." "You're what's important to me, not Ojai." "So whatever you want me to do, I'll do." "I don't want you to sell." "Then I won't." "And all this family stuff..." "I mean, we've been through too much to let it matter." "I choose you." "I choose you, too." "Come here." "Wow." "I feel like we just won the lottery." "Well, we don't know what the offer is yet." " And I'm not even sure we should take it." " What?" "Do the words "gift horse" mean anything to you?" "Look, Scotty, Ojai's our family business, okay?" "It's always been there." "It's a like safety net," " and I want that for our kids." " What kids?" "Kevin, right now we have two frozen blasts and a lot of debt." "We're supposed to be positive, remember?" "Okay, I'm so positive." "I'm reading "the secret,"" "and I'm putting good vibes into the universe." "But this is our last chance." "You know, if Monday's transfer doesn't work, that's it." "W... we're done. $100,000 down the tubes." "That's your version of staying positive?" "I just want us to have kids so badly." "And if this doesn't take, we're gonna have to pay for a whole other round... look, I would love the cash, okay, but I'm not gonna sign anything until I know the facts." "And, you know, there's something wrong here." "Why would your mother try to cover it up?" "I mean, you guys all know he wasn't exactly the most upstanding businessman, and, you know, besides, he's dead." "What if this is about Tommy?" "I'm serious." "What if he convinced mom to sell the company so he could pay off his debts?" "Not everything's Tommy's fault." "Well, I kn... you know what?" "I'm just not gonna be comfortable" " until we know the truth." " All right." "To a good transfer." "And an easy thaw." "Ooh, I'm gonna get your little feet." "Do you wanna play peekaboo?" "Evan." "Where is Evan?" "Hey." "Peekaboo." "Hey." " How was dinner?" " Oh, you have no idea." "I was so deluded growing up." "I thought my father was the best father in the whole entire world." "Now I have no idea what he did, but I know that it was really bad, because when I tell you that my mother is spinning like a top... did you tell 'em about your appointment?" "Honey, you were gonna tell them about your first-look appointment with Dr. Avadon." "Yes, I just..." "I didn't get a chance." "Tommy was there." "And then my mother drops this bombshell, and she wants everybody to sell their Ojai shares." "Okay, look, I am not interested in Ojai right now." "I'm just thinking about you and this appointment" " and that you're gonna be great." " Yeah." " And Evan thinks so, too." " Yeah." "Poor little guy." "He is so high on, uh, children's ibuprofen and teething gel, that... that he doesn't know what's going on." "Do you, baby?" "Mm." "No." "He just knows he loves you." "I don't know, you know, I just keep thinking that..." "This is what cancer survivors do." "You know, you go through your rounds of chemo, you get a clean bill of health, and then you go back for a checkup." "You know, it's like... it's like going to the dentist." " It doesn't mean that you have a cavity." " Exactly." "And I'm, uh," "I'm gonna sell my shares." "My... my mother wants that, and I, you know, I think she's in some kind of trouble, so..." "Hey, look, whatever's right." "Yeah." "Why should we just sit around?" "Sarah." "Justin, what are you doing up?" "Why is mama yelling?" "Oh, mommy isn't yelling." "Mama's just talkin' really loudly." "Come on." "Let's go upstairs and get you back in bed." "Oh, hey." "It's me." "Are you doing anything?" "I couldn't hear what they were saying, but mom was in the yard with Dennis and dad." "And... and then she was yelling." "She was angry." "I've never seen her so angry." "I wish I knew what it was, but I don't." "Okay, but how is mom involved in this?" "I don't know." "I swear to God, I don't know." "But whatever it is, it freaked out mom so much, she hopped a plane to Seattle." "Sarah, I don't know about you, but I don't want to start digging up old bones." "So what, we just sell Ojai?" "Look, I know that you think saving the company is saving the family, but the family will be fine without it, probably better off." "You need to focus on your life, Sarah." "If mom is right, and there is an opportunity..." "Hello, Nora." "They're not biting." "So what's the game plan?" "I brought Tommy down." "I just need more time." " You have until next week." " Next week?" "I'm losing patience." "I've already wasted enough time trying to buy Holly's shares." "Oh, Dennis, you know what?" "I never trusted you." "I used to say to William," ""there's something off with that guy." "He's dead in the eyes."" "You know, I'm getting a little sick of this." "You insist on making me into this monster, and we both know I was just following orders..." "William's and yours." "Here." "Proof... copies of canceled checks." "Your signature's on every one." "There's nothing illegal about what we did." "I know." "But it's hardly what your children expect from you." "Get your kids to sign on the dotted line, or I swear to God, Nora, I'm gonna destroy your family." "I have no choice." "Thanks." "So you're actually considering selling your shares?" "I don't know, Holly." "I mean, if my family can make a lot of money on this now, and I don't have to deal with the crap my father left me... it's not your father's business any longer." "It's ours." "Well, maybe I'm just not up for the challenge anymore." "If it's not the economy, it's some scandal or... or secret that gets dredged up from the past, like this Narrow Lake." "What's with that?" "Why didn't you come to me?" "Because your mother asked me not to." "Why would she do that?" " She's convinced there's nothing there." " Nothing there?" "I found a geological survey that your father did in '73 on this piece of property called Narrow Lake." "A month ago, Dennis York filed a "doing business as"" "under the same name." "He did?" "Yes." "Obviously, this is complicated for you." "You've got a lot of family issues to consider." "But bottom line... this is business." "And you and I have been working our asses off to save this place." "And God knows I need the money more than anyone." "My... my personal assets have been wiped out." "But God, Sarah, look around." "Look at this place." "It's incredible." "And we could make this a great business again." "I mean, we have come this far." "What are you gonna do, huh, just give up?" "Well, I wouldn't be giving it up." "I'd..." "I'd..." "I'd be moving on." "As long as you can live with that." "Hey." "Hi, honey." "Thank you for stopping by." "I..." "I wanted to talk to you after last night." "Uh, me, too." "Sarah, I..." "I want you to know that this is... this is completely your decision." "Oh, good." "I'm glad that you think so." "And I'm sorry how I acted last night." "This isn't easy for anyone." "I know how hard it would be for you to walk away." "Good." "Because I thought about it, mom." "I..." "I really did," " and I talked to Tommy." " I know." "He told me." "What he said made a lot of sense, but then I just talked to Holly." "To Holly?" "Well, she is my business partner, mom." "Well, I know she is, sweetheart, but Holly has her own agenda, and I think maybe she would manipulate you in such a way to service that agenda..." "that stupid Narrow Lake thing." "Yeah, but it's not... it's not really stupid, is it, mom?" "There's some pretty compelling evidence that there's something..." " Hey." " Hello." "Hey." " Oh, are we talking about Ojai?" " Yeah." "Evidently, our friend Holly is trying" " to convince your sister not to sell." " No mom." "I actually thought it through myself, very carefully." "I've just realized that I can't sell Ojai until it's back to what it was." "Otherwise it's gonna feel like an enormous failure." "Is this about your pride now?" "What am I supposed to say in a job interview, mom?" "That I took my father's company, that I drove it into the ground and then I walked away because somebody made me a nice offer and it was the easiest thing to do?" "You can't ask me to do that." "But this is a family business, honey." "It's a family business." "Everybody has a vote." "What about you, Kitty?" "You're being uncharacteristically quiet here." "Yeah, come on, Kitty." "My career is on the line." "No, Sarah." "That's not fair." "Please just let Kitty make her own decisions." "Okay, I..." "I think, you know, coming from somebody who is less emotionally entangled in..." "I'm not emotionally entangled, Kitty." "I'm co-president." "Okay." "Okay, Sarah, all I am saying is that... that you're on mom's side." "No, I'm not taking anybody's side, Sarah." " It's not about sides." " Well," "I'm not selling, and I'm gonna make damn sure that nobody else can either." "Kitty, you're not selling." "Stop it!" "God, Sarah, stop it." "Don't bully your sister." "God, when is the last time I ever asked you for anything?" "Never." "And I'm always there for you, whatever you want." "If you need me to babysit or carpool your kids of make you a dinner or be a shoulder for you to cry on," " I'm there." " Oh, so that's it?" "The bill's due now?" "Instead of 13 bucks an hour, you want my career?" "This isn't a career." "It's a job." "It's a job." "And I don't care what you say." "You're smart." "You're talented." "You could get a job anywhere." "Do you think I would ask you to do something like this if I didn't need to?" "My God, Sarah, I'm always there for you." "I come through for you every time, no questions asked." "And just this once, this one time, why can't you do the same for me?" "We got it." "Let's go." "Is he stable?" "Dennis?" "Mom." "Mom." "Get in the car, Tommy." "I said get in the car." "They, uh, they both just left." "They seem pretty upset." "Tommy, Sarah's not gonna do it." "Sarah's not gonna do it." "Mom... what is going on?" "If this were just about dad, you wouldn't be doing all this stuff." "Look, you brought me down here, mom." "What?" "What is it?" "I met with York again last night." "He gave me these." "I know your father told you everything was all right." "Oh, my God." "But it wasn't all right." "Have you been paying off the family?" "Yes." "No." "Mom, what, a-and you lied to me?" "For 25 years, you lied?" "!" "He... he's hurt?" "How bad?" "Mom?" "How bad?" "!" "He was paralyzed." " He was paralyzed." " Oh, God." "Oh, God." "It was an accident, Tommy." " Mom..." " Your father made a deal with the family." "He sent them money every month, and then when he died..." "I continued to do it." " No." " It was a very long time ago." "You were all just kids." "And at the time..." "I thought we were doing the right thing." "What do you mean, she flipped out?" "Okay, there are two kinds of flip outs, right?" "There's the "oh, my God." "You all aren't coming over on Thanksgiving dinner?" Flip out, and then there's the "oh, my God." ""My husband has been cheating on me for the entire duration of my marriage" flip out." "And it was definitely the latter." "And all I said was that I didn't want to sell the company." "Yeah, and it's not even like I agreed with you." "Yeah, you made your feelings about that pretty clear, Kitty." "I don't think we should do anything" " until we know exactly what's going on." "Thank you." "What happens if dad actually did something really bad?" "What if it's Tommy?" "He's already broken the law once... that we know of." "Look, this is probably nothing, but I keep..." "I keep going back to this memory I had." "Mom's yelling at York in the backyard." "Oh, my God." "I remember that." " It was the night that you got me drunk." " I got you drunk?" "Yes, you did." "You got me drunk." "Oh, my God." "Sarah, don't you remember?" "Sarah?" "!" "What, Kitty?" "I'm right here." "Oh, hi." "Who is mom yelling at now?" "It's, uh, dad and this guy Dennis." "Did he throw up on mom's sofa, too?" "Oh." "Here." "This will help settle your stomach." "Okay." "Thanks." "Sarah." "Oh, Justin." "What are you doing up?" "Why is mama yelling?" "Oh, mommy's not yelling." "That was the night that I vowed I would never drink again." " Whew." " That lasted." " Yeah." " Well, at least I don't drink wine coolers anymore." "What was mom yelling about?" "I don't know." "I couldn't hear through the window." "Wait a minute." "That was the night that you had that big party at Ojai." "Oh, my God." "I did." " Yeah." " Was that when I was dating Patrick Shuman?" "No." "No, you definitely weren't dating him." "But he... he was there." " I never got invited to anything." " Oh, no, you were there." "You turned up with Tommy and crashed my party." "We do, Patrick." "We lose Nicaragua, there goes central America." "Next thing you know, we got the soviets positioning missiles in our backyard." "Okay, Kitty." "He gets enough poli-sci lectures in school." "No, it's rad." "I rarely meet other Republicans." "You're a Republican?" "See?" "I told you I wasn't the only one." "* We were so in phase *" "Here, Kitty." "Oh, I don't really drink." "Oh, stop being such a geek." "Oh, look what just walked in." "Hey, Sarah." "Kit." "What are you doing here?" "Oh, he's showing off his new car." "Ah, you're just jealous." "Where's the keg?" "Tommy, this is a college party." "Kitty's not in college." "Yeah, but she's a girl." "At any party with college guys, high school girls are invited." "And all of my classes are A.P, which is basically college." "Well, this is basically where I work." "So as a responsible employee, I might have to call dad, tell him his oldest daughter is throwing a kegger at his office." "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." "Did you bring Kevin?" "Oh, hi, Sarah." "I love this song." "What are you doing here?" " I brought him." " Oh, cool." "Thanks a lot." "I thought high school girls were always allowed." "Yeah, his I.Q. is very low." "It's hard for him to distinguish genders." "Oh, guys." "This is, uh, this is Aaron." " He's from Sharon." " Hey." "Oh, my God." "That rhymes." "I'm just down here for the weekend." " There's a state swim meet." " Yeah, yeah." "He's one of the best divers in Cali." "Oh, my God." "What did Kitty do to her hair?" "I love it!" "Oh, my God, Kevin." "Remember that boy that you brought?" "Who, Aaron?" "Yeah." "Yeah, well, I used to see him at swim meets." "He lived up north." "Yeah, you were totally into him, weren't you?" "Wouldn't have mattered." "I wasn't out then." "Oh, you never fooled around?" "Not even a little bit?" "Actually, we had a fight that night." "What about?" "I don't remember." "That was 25 years ago." "We were drinking wine coolers." "Well, I thought he was very cute." " You thought everyone was cute that night, didn't you?" " Oh, I did not." "I'm just gonna ask you this one time, Kitty." "Did you sleep with Patrick Shuman?" " No, I didn't..." " 'Cause you know he was my boyfriend." "No, Sarah," "I was a virgin, and you never told me he was your boyfriend." "I bet the only reason you didn't was because the party busted up." " Wait." "What... what happened?" "Did the police come?" " No." "It was Tommy." "Hey!" "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" "No body parts on the copier." "Yo, Sarah." "Your brother's on the phone." "Patrick!" "Uh, hello." "You what?" "Are you okay?" "Why did you do that?" "Okay." "Okay, okay." " What happened?" " Uh, Tommy's been in an accident." "He's on his way to the hospital." "Oh, was he hurt badly?" "I don't know." "He's with the paramedics." "But he told dad that we're hanging out here." "We have to clean up this party right now." "Dad's on the way." "That's right." "He totaled his brand-new car and he ruined the party." "It's so Tommy." " Oh, my God." " What?" "I remember this now." " Okay, don't freak out." " What?" "He wasn't the only one in the car." "Where you going?" "To get more beer." " Tommy, you're drunk." " I had two drinks." "And the liquor store is, like, three blocks away." "That's what the kids in the film at school always say just before they drive into a semi." "You are such a pain." "You're like an ad for M.A.D.D." "See?" "Tommy, you're drunk." "You're rhyming and you don't even realize it." "Look, you need to stop worrying about me, Kevin, and start worrying about yourself." "Okay?" "I mean, look at you." "You have no friends." "And the only reason Aaron's hanging out with you is because he's from a different high school." "He's from a different city." "Look..." "Kev..." "I'm sorry." "I'll pick you up some grape Hubba Bubba and..." "Hey, I told you I'd take you to see "Platoon" this weekend, and I will." "Hey." "Um, I'd..." "I'd rather see "Top Gun" again." "Okay. "Top Gun" it is." "Hey." "And Tommy was drunk?" "You're sure?" "Yeah, I'm absolutely sure." "Well, who was the other kid in the car?" "I don't know." "Tommy had tons of friends." "Okay, I..." "listen, let's just step back from the edge here for a second." "Are we honestly thinking that Tommy..." " Oh, God." "It's him." " What do we do?" "Uh, we just act casual." "Hey, Kev." "Scotty said you'd be here." "Uh, yeah." "Actually, we were just talking about you." "Yeah." "Just, you know, old times." "Reminiscing." "Actually, Tommy, you know, um..." "We figured out, that... that memory I told you about, with mom yelling?" "Turns out that that was the same night that I threw the party at Ojai." "What party?" "You, um, you had just gotten your first car." "So?" "That was 25 years ago." "Who cares?" "Well, if I remember, you actually totaled that car that night." "I can't believe this." "Tommy, we're just trying to figure out this whole York thing." "Yeah, right." "You think I did something, don't you?" "There was another kid in the car with you that night, right?" "Kevin... do not blame me for this." "Oh, Tommy." "Nobody's trying to blame you." "We're really... we're just trying" " to figure it out." " You guys, I'm warning you." " Just drop it." "Okay?" " Tommy..." "What?" "I'm outta here." "Tommy." "I'm not talking about this, Kevin." "Who was in the car?" "Did you hurt him?" "Oh, unbelievable." "Is mom covering for you?" "Is that what this is all about?" "York's found out, now mom's covering for you?" "Why is it the first thing you want to do is blame me?" "I'm trying to help you, but I can't do that" " unless I know the truth." " Oh, you think you have the whole thing figured out," " don't you, Kevin?" " Tommy," "I was th..." "I..." "I begged you not to get in that car." "Please, just please, let me help you." "You know what?" "!" "You're on your own." "You always do that." "You always run away from your problems." "You know what?" "You can't do it forever." "One day, you're gonna have to face yourself and you'll be alone when you do." " Hey." " Hey." "Are you looking for the kappa house or are you just gonna go ahead and roll on into first period?" "How's Evan?" "He's good." "He's with Mary at the park." "What... what happened last night?" "Oh, my God, Robert." "It's so bad." "Tommy apparently was in a car accident when he was, like, 16 years old, and we think that he hurt somebody or worse, and... we're starting to think that that's what York has on mom." "And... and now Saul has called us back to the house for this... this big..." "Kitty," "Kitty, listen, I know about the accident." "What?" "Well, yeah." "I know about the accident like I know that Kevin was late on his '02 taxes and that Sarah had a housekeeper for a summer that wasn't a citizen." "Oh, my God." "Of course." "You ran for president, so... yeah, I mean, they vetted my seventh grade math teacher." "Okay." "So tell me what you know." "I'm sorry to have you all come over here again." "Well, it's not like we've been thinking about much else." "Um, I have to meet Scotty soon, so can you say what you want to say?" "I know it's hard, what your mother's asking us to do." "I've been at Ojai longer than any of you." "So you want to sell?" "Sarah, please let him finish." "Well, it doesn't make sense, mom." " It makes all the sense in the world, Kevin." " Why?" "All I need to know is that she wants to do it." "I don't give a damn why." "Your father was involved in a lot of things." "And if she wants to clear his name, whatever is left of it, why won't you let her?" "I don't think it's his name she's trying to save." "Mom, I love you more than anything in the world," " but you gotta tell us what the hell is going on." " Yeah." "Mom, Sarah's right." "It's over, mom." "I can't keep doing this." "You... you... you have to tell him the truth." "I'm..." "I'm sorry. "Him"?" "Who do you have to tell the truth to?" "It's Kitty." "Yeah." "Robert knows all about Tommy's accident." "It was nothing." "Nobody was seriously hurt." "What are you talking about?" "Well, our whole family was investigated when Robert ran for president, and the kid who was in the car with Tommy, he's a teacher up in Santa Cruz now." "He's fine." "Tommy wasn't the one who did anything." "Hello?" "Kevin?" "It wasn't Tommy that hurt a boy that night, was it?" "No." "Uh... where did everybody go?" "I don't know, but it looks like they left in a hurry." "Yeah, it must have happened fast, 'cause we weren't in the warehouse that long." "Yeah, we kinda were." "Oh, God." "Look, I'm so sorry." "I mean, I probably didn't have to show you how they package every kind of produce." "No, it was cool." "Yeah, uh, but... you know, what... what... what about a ride home?" "How... how are we gonna get there?" "I don't know, but I'm not in any rush." "And hey, we even got refreshments." "Yeah." "It's nice out here." "Yeah." "Did I hear something?" "I think everybody left." "It's okay." "I didn't hear a thing." "What the hell was that?" "Kevin!" "Get in the car." "Dad..." "I, uh..." "Get in the car now!" "I didn't... didn't mean to." "I didn't mean to." "I'm sorry." "Hey, Kev." "I thought you might be here." "Why?" "I asked you a question." "How'd you know I was here?" "Just go talk to mom." "This is about Aaron, isn't it?" "Look, let me just take you home, you can talk to mom... no, because you're here and you know something." "There was a fight, right?" "Yeah, and dad told me he was fine." "So why don't you tell me what happened?" "Look, all I know is, after my accident, I called mom." " Yeah." " Dad picked up the phone." "I told him we were at Ojai hanging out." "I guess he must have come down here to see what was going on." "And then when I was leaving the hospital..." "I saw Aaron." "He was on a... a gurney." "They were rushing him in." "And Dennis York was there, too." "Tommy, if you know what happened to Aaron, you have to tell me now." "He was paralyzed." " Oh, my God." " I'm sorry." "You... you knew all this time?" "No, no, no, no, no." "Mom just told me." "I mean, that night, they..." "they said he was fine." "I swear." "I thought that was the truth." "Kevin..." "Kevin, this is not your fault." "It's okay." "No, Tommy, this is not okay." "This is not okay." "I can't just stand here and do nothing." "I don't know what to say, mom." "I wanted to protect him." "I thought of him differently than I thought of you." "Hello." "Yeah." "I..." "I told him, mom." "I had to." "Okay." "What have I done?" "It was an accident." "He was a swimmer." "Did you know that?" "You didn't mean to hurt him." "What did dad tell you he saw that night?" "A fight." "Just... just a fight." "Two... teenage kids stupidly swinging at each other, and then Aaron stumbled off the platform." "That's all he saw, us fighting?" "Yes." "When he got home, he told me your friend had been hurt." "He'd fallen off the platform." "He... he didn't know how badly at first." "He told me he called York, and it was York that went with Aaron to the hospital." "Why did you tell me he was fine when he wasn't?" "I..." "I wanted to protect you." "You were a sweet, insecure 14-year-old boy." "I w..." "I was afraid that it would destroy you." "And I..." "I'm a 38-year-old man." "I know." "There was never a right time." "You were struggling to come out," " and then law school..." " Law school?" "When was the right time for me to tell you?" "And the longer I waited, the harder it got." "Did dad pay them off?" "Yes." "But the family agreed." "No one... was pressured..." "I didn't know, mom!" "I didn't know." "I know." "I know." "I wanted to protect you." "I thought that's what parents were supposed to do." "I don't need protecting." "Everything you've said, it's all about you... what you wanted to do, how you felt, how you were gonna protect me." "You were only protecting yourself." "Kevin." "Do not follow me!" "Okay." "Okay." "Come on, Tommy." "Let me sign your cast." "Don't let her do it, man." "She's gonna write "Reagan rocks."" "I don't care what it says." "Nobody's gonna see it anyway." "I'm grounded forever." "Well, it serves you right." "I guess that means no "Top Gun," right?" "You, too." "Hey." "You guys both totally ruined that party." "Why do you always hit me?" "Mom." "Is... is everything okay?" "I remember when they all got home that night." "Kevin asked me if everything was gonna be okay." "God, I wish it had been." "Oh, William... damn you." "If you hadn't bought that lake, none of them would've found out about any of this." "Now I don't know if he'll ever forgive me..." "If any of them will." "And I don't know why I'm standing here talking to you." "I hate you, William." "I hate how much you hurt this family." "But I'm gonna repair this if it's the last thing I ever do." "And then I am never coming back here again." "After all the things we found out about dad, the one thing that I always knew I could count on was mom." "Now I'm not so sure." "Are you okay?" "Uh, no." "No." "Actually, I'm not." "I..." "I have to go in for my first look on Monday." "Oh, God." "Do you?" "Uh, yeah, I do." "Your cancer's not coming back, Kitty." "I promise." "Oh, you know what, Sarah?" "Please don't say that." "I mean, you can't promise me anything." "You don't know anything." "Nobody can promise me anything." "And... and I just..." "I hate it when people say that." "You're right." "And I'm sorry." "I'm..." "I don't know." "I'm just, um, I'm..." "I'm scared." "Kitty, you're right." "I can't promise you anything, except this one thing... that I will always be there for you." "Good." "Good." "'Cause you need to, uh, finish the dishes." "Mm." "Nora, we need to talk." "Call me." "Ugh." "Hey." "Hey." "Where is your mom, and what the" " hell is going on with her?" " You're asking the wrong guy." "I am literally the last person to know anything in my family." " Mom, Justin's not gonna sell." " Well, good." "That's great." "But what about your mom and Kevin and everybody else?" "Can you talk some sense into them?" "Uh, no." "No, I can't." "With all due respect, I'm not them." "They... they make their own decisions." "So just see me as me, just like I see you... the mother of the woman I love." "Wow." "I didn't pay him to say that." " Um, you're right, Justin." "I'm sorry." " Oh, it's fine." "Hey, has this painting always been here?" "Actually, it used to be in your father's office." " Oh, that's why it looks so familiar." " Yeah, my mom painted it." "It's this place that William used to take me... up the 5, a little cabin by the lake." "A cabin by the lake?" "Mom, a lake." "Oh, my God." "So anything?" " Well, the land in question was owned by a William." " Walker?" "Hearst." "William Randolph Hearst." "Oh." "They donated it to the state of California a few years ago." "So basically it's... a dead end." "It's just a beautiful lake." "That's all." "Mom, I'm so sorry." "Oh, it's okay, sweetheart." " Don't give up." " I won't." "Thank you." "Bye." " Bye." " Bye." "I mean, what... what if she's doing all of this for nothing?" "What if it doesn't lead anywhere?" "Where will she be then?" "What?" "What?" "What were you just thinking?" "Maybe we should do it." "Get married, right here, right now." "Justin, don't joke about that." " You know... you know I would." " I'm not joking." "I promise." "Rebecca, you asked me to marry you in Mexico, right here, right now, just us, and I said no because my family wasn't there." "You are my family." "It's not about them." "It's about us." "So let's walk in there and say "I do."" " Okay." " Okay?" "Yeah." "You wanna?" "Let's go." "Justin, repeat after me." "I, Justin, take you, Rebecca, to be my lawfully wedded spouse." "I, Justin, take you, Rebecca, to be my lawfully wedded spouse." "I, Rebecca, take you, Justin, to be my lawfully wedded spouse." "Do you promise to love one another in sickness and in health, in prosperity and adversity..." "I do." "I do." "Then by the virtue of the authority vested in me," "I pronounce you married under the laws of the state of California." "Okay, why are you telling me about something that happened 20 years ago?" "Because, Scotty, there was a fight." "Apparently, Kevin hit Aaron..." "Okay, will someone please just tell me what's going on?" "Scotty, Scotty, Aaron fell." "He was paralyzed." "Kevin found out today." "Oh, my God." "That's why he wasn't there." "Uh, we had our, um, second implantation today." " Oh, God." "Oh." " I..." "I waited with Michelle for two hours." "I kept telling the doctor, "he'll be here." "Just give him ten more minutes."" " I mean, he didn't even call." "Do you know where he is now?" " No." "No." "We have no idea." "That's why we came here." "I want to sell Ojai." " What are you talking about?" " The secret is out, Sarah." " York has no leverage." " It's not about York, Saul." "It's about Kevin." "It's about this family." "We've just... we're paying too high a price." "I don't want anything else to do with dad, his secrets..." " Sarah, that's ridiculous." "You're just..." " Saul, she's right." "Enough with protecting this... this legacy." "Let's just be free of it." "Oh." "Oh, my God." "Are you okay?" "What..." "What the hell is this?" " Why are you even here?" " We... we couldn't find you." "And Scotty didn't know about Aaron." "So we... we filled him in." "Oh, really?" "Did you tell him how dad covered it all up by paying the family for years, and when he died, mom took over?" " Did you tell him that?" " Oh, come on," "Kevin." "She was in a terrible position." " What would you have her do?" " Please, please, do not do that, Saul." "Because she is as bad as my father." "Actually, she's worse." "She pretended to be above it." "What have I done?" "Kevin, it is not your fault." "I ruined his life, Scotty." "He was a kid." "Oh, my God." "The implantation." " I am so sorry." " It... it's okay." " It's not okay." "I'm..." " Yes, it is." "I went through with it." "You did?" "We had to." "We would've lost the embryos." "Kevin." "Kevin, wait." "Kevin." "Kev... look, look, I'm, uh, I'm really sorry." "I thought coming home would help, but I actually can't breathe." "I just need some air." "I just need some air." "I'll call you." "I'm fine." "Don't you get it?" "That lake, what... whatever it is, is the key to getting your family back." "Holly, you know what?" "You are one of the most insensitive people I have ever met." "I'm not being insensitive." "I know what happened to Kevin, and if you want your children back... well, thank you so much for stopping by," " but I have to tell you, I..." " Then don't let them sell Ojai Foods!" "I know better than anyone that Ojai is a family business." "And once their anger fades, they are going to regret letting it go." "Sarah and Tommy, they grew up there." "And you've seen how much they have thrown themselves into that place." "Holly, I really can't tell them what to do right now." "Oh." "I've made enough mistakes as it is." "So what if you've made mistakes?" "Every single mother in the history of mankind" " has made mistakes." " Well, you oughta know." "Look, I did what I thought was best for Rebecca." "That's what you did with Kevin." "We were just protecting our kids." "So don't stop protecting them now." "Yes." "It's the lake." "Mm-hmm." "We have to find the lake." "I've got a plan." "Repeating the same thing slower and softer is just condescending." "Well, if you don't have the authority to change the reservation, put your manager on, and I'll hold." "Okay." "Hey, Mrs. Walker." " Hey." "Ooh, I like the sound of that." " Oh, you do?" "Mm." "Can you hold on one second?" "Thank you." "Babe, do you see the, uh, "press your own penny" there thing?" "Can you... can you get me one?" "You want a flattened penny?" " I like tchotchkes." " Or are you just trying to get rid of me because you don't want me to hear what you're planning?" "Well, can't a man surprise his wife, for God sakes?" "Hey." "Okay, look, I'm sorry." "I know the house was rented." "But I just got married, and we eloped, and I wasn't able to plan a honeymoon." "I mean, I..." "I really want to make this special." "My name is Justin Walker, and..." "Yeah." "Yeah, Nora and William's youngest." "Uh, everybody's good." "So is there anything you can do?" "Oh." "Thank you." "Thank you so much." "I..." "I'll call you back." "I'll call you back." "Thank you." "Honeymoon is all set." " It is?" " Yes." " Here's your souvenir." " Thank you." "Uh, and you know what else they have here?" " What?" " They have the best date shakes in all of California." "Milkshakes for breakfast?" "I knew I married you for a reason." " Mr. Burnett?" "Right this way." " Oh, thank you." "Hey." "How'd it go?" " Did Kevin call?" " No." "No, not yet." "You okay?" "I'm fine." "Let's just get outta here." "Wait." "W... wait a minute." "Wait a minute." "This is your first look to find out..." "You know, what's going on with the cancer." "I want to know what's going on." "Oh, God." "It was fine." "I had a C.T. I had my blood drawn." "It's just..." "I don't know." "It's just being back here is... you remember that girl, the girl with all the piercings?" "Yeah." "Well, she's back." "And she's having another round of chemo." "I mean, that's the thing, right?" "I mean, it's a crapshoot." "You either get lucky or you don't." "Well, whatever happens, we're gonna go through it together." "Oh, it's Kevin." "Yeah." " Hey, Kev, hi." " Kit, you have to do me a favor." "Call Scotty." "Tell him I'm okay." "I'm just not ready to talk yet." "Sure, but, Kevin, what... what's going on?" "Kevin, it's me." "I'm outside Aaron's house." "I have to face him, kit." "We have to talk about what I did." "Kevin, I don't understand." "What... what are you talking about, what you did?" "I'm gonna go, all right?" "But I love you." "What happened to you?" "You... disappeared." "Kitty, um..." "Can I tell you something?" "And you have to promise you won't say anything to anybody." "Of course." "I'm so drunk, I probably won't remember anything anyway." "All right." "Um, you know that kid that I was with tonight, um, Aaron?" "Mm-hmm." "Yeah." "He thought I liked him." "So?" "I mean,"liked him" liked him." "Oh." "Do you?" "No." "No." "No." "I..." "I don't..." "I don't know." "Maybe." "I mean, I haven't seen him in, like, a year." "And I've been..." "I've been thinking about him a lot." "And, um... tonight, when we were alone, before dad came..." "I, uh..." "I did the stupidest thing." "What?" "Oh, God." "I'm gay, aren't I?" "I am." "I am." "I'm totally gay." "It's okay." "No, it's not." "Kitty, I mean, mom would have a breakdown." "And dad?" "Dad would kill me." "I wouldn't care." "You wouldn't?" "I mean... aren't you a Republican?" "But I'm your sister first." "I'll always love you, no matter what." "Hey." "Can I help you?" "Aaron?" "Yeah." "I'm Kevin Walker." "Thank you for seeing me." "I've been in my car the past few hours trying to find the courage to come in here." "I'm not sure what you think this is gonna accomplish." "You sure waited a long time to stop by." "Aaron, I am so sorry." "I..." "I..." "I didn't know what had happened to you until last night." "Um, this might sound crazy." "My parents told me that you were fine." "Obviously, if... if I'd known..." "Listen..." "I..." "I'm sure you must be feeling a lot of things right now, but, uh, that night, I don't dwell on it." "I..." "I have worked long and hard to make sure that it didn't define me, and quite frankly, I'd like to keep it that way." "Of course." "Uh, absolutely." "And... and I'm not trying to make this about me." "Then why are you here?" "I'm gay, and I needed you to know that." "I knew you were gay." "Why do you think I tried to kiss you?" "And... and I wanted to, believe me, so badly." "But I was..." "I was so scared of the way I was feeling... instead..." "You hit me." "Look..." "I had a lot of rage about what happened, and I'm not gonna pretend it wasn't directed at you." "But not anymore." "I moved on." "I have a partner now." "We have a life." "What happened... happened." "That two boys couldn't share a kiss and feel all the normal things you're supposed to feel at that age, that wasn't your fault." "You were just acting the way the world wanted you to." "I made peace with that." "And you need to do the same." "But not here..." "Not with me." "Oh, my God." "This is beautiful." "Well, look, I know it's not the four seasons," " but what do you think?" " I love it." "Where did you find this place?" "Well, remember the Ojai house my family used to own?" "This is the Ojai house?" "Oh, my God." "I can't believe it." "I've heard so many stories." "Well, look, the people who bought it, they rent it out now, so I was able to talk the landlord into giving it to us." "Anyway, more than anyplace else, this is the place I remember being the happiest." "I love that you brought me here." "Oh." "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." "What?" "We're in!" "We're in." "Okay, target on the move." "Holly, I..." "I just really don't know that I can do this." "What?" "Of course you can." "Just keep him talking." "Well, what if I can't?" "Don't chicken out on me now." "You're Louise, remember?" "I thought you wanted to be Louise?" "You said she had street smarts." "Fine." "Fine." "Then be Thelma." "Just keep him in his chair until you get a text from me." " All right." "Just be quick about it." " I will." "Excuse me." "Are you gonna be much longer?" "I just need to change." "I'm just leaving." "Oh, great." "Would you like turndown service later?" "Absolutely." "Thank you." "Hi." "Hi." "Thanks for seeing me." "Ah, I wish this wasn't such a contentious deal." "It never felt like a deal." "It felt like an ambush." "If you came down here to vent..." "No, I didn't." "I..." "I didn't." "I'm sorry." "I came down for this." "This is an agreement guaranteeing that if the sale of Ojai goes through, you won't let any of the employees go for at least a year." "And I thought that you and I should go through this together." " Won't be necessary." " There... y..." "look, I..." "I..." "Honestly, I don't want there to be any misunderstanding..." "Look, I have no intention of firing anyone." "As a matter of fact, I hope to be hiring soon." "Hiring?" "Mm-hmm." "Oh, come on, Dennis." "You won." "Give me a hint." "What makes Ojai Foods so valuable?" "Nice try." "If you don't mind, I really should get back to my room" " and make a few calls." " Dennis, Dennis..." "What happened to you?" "You used to be so sweet." "Yeah." "That was before William ended up with pretty much everything I ever wanted... the business, you." "I think it made me crazy." "Oh." "Mm." "Have you ever wondered, um..." "If you made the right decision, staying with William?" "You know..." "It could've been you and me, Nora." "I don't know." "Sure." "I..." "I..." "I wondered." "Sorry." "I have to go." "Wish I could stay." "Kind of an emergency." "Listen, could you at least answer my question?" "Right." "Dennis..." "The thing about William, he never wanted to openly hurt anyone." "That's why he hid everything." "You, on the other hand, take pleasure in it." "Did I ever wish I had left William for you?" "No." "Not for a second." " I completely struck out." " You didn't find anything?" "No, no, all I found is a bunch of receipts." " I don't know what they're for." " Wait a minute." "What's this?" " It's a valet ticket." " Bingo." " Bingo?" " Could we have our car right away?" " We're trying to get to the movies." " Sure." " We don't want to be late." " What are you doing?" "Well, isn't it obvious?" "You didn't find anything in his room." "He doesn't have an office." "He must keep everything in his car." "So, what, you're gonna take his car?" " We're gonna look in his car." "You started this, Holly." " Oh, my..." " Here he is." "Come on." " I've created a monster." "Nora, think before you act." "Come on." "Look in the car, Holly." " Thank you so much." " My pleasure." "Look." "He has one of those navigational GPS systems." "That means if he's been to Narrow Lake, maybe it will be logged in." " Okay, that's good, that's good." " Just look on that part of the car Holly, look under the seat." " That's him." " Ok, get out of the car." " Get on the car!" " Get out of the car!" " Get on the car!" "Get in the car, get in the car!" "Get in the car." "Look, he stopped at every hot dog stand, greasy spoon and hamburger joint in Ojai valley." "And we're not closer to finding Narrow Lake." "* Let's go, let's go.... *" "The only destination that he flied are the one where there's a good food." " * Narrow Lake...*" " Would you please stop singing, you're driving me crazy." "I'm trying to remember the rest of this song, it's William's song about Narrow Lake, I can't remember it." "Well, obvisouly you didn't exaggerate about the shakes, they're very good." "Hmm, yeah, they're great." "We always used to stop here on our way to the old Ojai house." "All the kids have had a day shake." " We gotta go." "There's a lot more in the GPS." " * Let's go out tonight... *" "Come on Nora let's go." "Put some pep in your step." "What?" " What did you say?" " Put some pep in your step." "Pep... the pepper... put the pepper in your stepper... with a pepper in your stepper and a glint in your eye we'll follow the dream into our future you and I. That's it." " That's it." " That's the song William used to sing?" "That's awful." "With the pepper.... the pepper.... with a pepper in your stepper." "What the hell does that mean?" "It means he had too much to drink." "Oh, Holly, tell me again, when was it that Williamn bought Narrow Lake?" "Summer of '73." "'73. 1973." "The summer of 1973" "I had four kids, all under the age of six" " William worked all the time..." " Did he ever take a business trip, and you didn't know where he was going?" "Come on Holly, William took an excessive amount of business trips, I just chose to ignore them." "But did he say he was going to buy land?" "No, I don't know." "I don't remember." "No, he...." "Wait a minute, wait a minute..." "There was this one time... and I remember Holly, because... the night before he took me to this party, somewhere in Malibu, and he spent the entire time, flirting with this lady blonde and I had to stay in the corner and chat with his business associates about products all night..." "When did he say he was going to buy land?" "Cause it might have been Narrow Lake." "Come on." "He's hanging all over this blonde." "Next morning, he says he has to go look for land." "No, no." "He spent the entire weekend in bed with the blonde." "You don't know that." "If I've learned anything, I've learned that." "Unless you have proof to the contrary." "Oh." "Well, Nora..." "I think we should talk a... a..." "Oh, it's Robert." "No, no, don't answer it." "But it might be about Kevin." "I have to answer this." "Oh, God." "She spoke to Kevin." "He's fine." "Oh thank God." "What's that?" "Um, nothing." "It was the TV." "Nora, where are you?" "Don't say anything." "Um, I'm..." "I'm taking a little road trip." "Right now, while your family's in the middle of a crisis?" " Well, I'm upset." " Stop it!" "I gotta go." "Nora, something is going on." "You are a horrible liar." "All right." "Fine." "I'm looking for Narrow Lake with Holly." "We just stole Dennis York's car." "No!" "It was unintentional, and I'll get it back to him." "I just don't want it to hurt Kitty's campaign." "You should've thought of that before you stole a car!" " Hindsight is 20..." " Give me the phone." "All right, look, I'm sure that this is Holly's fault..." "I had nothing to do with this." "Hi, Holly." "Where are you?" "You're driving around on freeways?" "!" "Well, we can't take the surface streets to Ojai." "Look, I know that Nora is nutty enough to do something like this, but you?" "Hi, Robert." "This is Nutty Nora." "Okay, could I just have one conversation at a time?" "Did York see you take the car?" "No." "Well, maybe." "Okay." "Yeah, I think he did." "You cannot be driving around in a stolen car." "We're not gonna be driving around in a stolen car." "All right?" "We're gonna..." "we're gonna pull over someplace and we're gonna figure all of this out." "We're... and I know the perfect place." "Oh, God, I'm so lucky." "Yes, you are." "Mm." "Oh, I love you so much." "I love you, too." " Hello." " Hello." "What..." "What the hell?" "Why?" " The... the door was unlocked." " We're so sorry." " What the hell is going on?" " We were in the area." "Yeah, we were looking for Narrow Lake, and we needed a... to stop for a while." "I called the real estate office." " They said you were here." " Yeah." "What is that all they said?" "Should there have been something else?" " No." " No, no, no." " Gosh, we're sorry to interrupt your romantic little weekend." " We'll just go..." " we're gonna go into the kitchen." " Great idea." "Take your time.." "Thank you for that, ma." "That's... that's really sweet." " I hate them... so much." " I hate them." "You know, I think it's really amazing that you talked to Aaron today." "But he's right." "This is something I have to... deal with alone." "I just don't know how." "You know, Kev, I had to go to the hospital this morning." "They gave me a test to see if my cancer came back." "Are you having any symptoms?" "No, no." "It's just a standard procedure." "Uh, I'm still waiting for the results." "But the... the point is, is I don't know whether they're gonna be good or bad." "And if they're good, I suppose that means that somebody else is gonna get a call saying that their cancer is back." "It's not the same." "You... you didn't cause that." "Well... that's true." "But what happened to Aaron was an accident, too." "Why he fell the way he did and why you didn't, it..." "Kev..." "There's no answer to it." "Is Kevin okay?" "Yeah." "Well, I don't know." "He's with Kitty." "He won't talk to me." "Well, mom, you know," "I did a lot worse than lying when I was using, and you all forgave me." "He's... gonna forgive you." "It's just gonna take time." "Are you expecting someone?" "Hello." "I rented this place." "What are you doing here?" "Looking for her." "Mom, have you lost your mind?" "I know this looks bad." "Bad?" "Robert just called me to say that you've stolen a car." "What, you stole that car?" "I was gonna tell you about that." "Mom, whatever you're doing, stop." "Oh, my God." "There are more of you." "I told you not to tell Robert anything." "What else did you tell her not to say?" " Is she responsible for this?" " No." "It was my idea to steal the car." "Look, Sarah." "We're trying to find Narrow Lake." "That makes perfect sense." "You're driving around in a stolen car looking for a lake that you don't think exists." "Why don't you let her explain?" "Because she's not making any sense." "Sarah, I know it sounds crazy... yeah, it does, mom, but I don't want to hear it." "I promised Robert that I would tell you to return the car." "So return the damn car." "Tommy, are you coming?" "Sarah!" "Please." "Please don't just leave." "After what just happened, it's a little hard to get excited about a lake, mom." "I'm so sorry." "I made a lot of mistakes." "I'm not a perfect person." "I'm sorry." "Well, it's a little late for apologies." "Look, sell Ojai or don't sell Ojai." "I don't care." "But Holly and I need more time." "I have to find Narrow Lake." " Okay, you know what, guys?" " Stop it." "Has it even occurred to you why Rebecca and I are here?" " Did something else happen?" " Yeah, we got married." "What?" "Oh, my goodness." "When?" "At the court house." "We eloped." "This is our honeymoon." "I..." "I..." "I stupidly thought this would be the perfect place to come celebrate our marriage." "Okay?" "So figure it out." "Who the hell is that?" "I'm looking for Nora Walker." "And Holly..." "Harper?" "You're both under arrest." "I can't really blame them, eloping." "I suppose so, but I missed my only daughter's wedding." "Well, when we get out of here, we'll throw them a great big party." "Yeah." "We'll have to celebrate." " Holly." " Hmm?" "Thanks." ""Thanks"?" "We were just booked for grand theft auto." "Yes, I know." "Well, that's my fault." "But I don't know." "Maybe they're right what they say." "Sometimes, it's about the journey, and the journey today..." "Well, if I didn't know better," "I would think we were almost friends." "What?" "Well, I should've told you about this this morning, but our history is so complicated, and I didn't want to rock the boat." "Oh, God." "Should I brace myself?" "You know that leggy blonde that you saw William flirting with at the party in '73?" "That was me." "You?" "Yeah, that was the first night I met him." "Holly, forget about it." "Forget about it." "I don't care." "I am so over this, I can't begin to tell you." "Honestly." "I knew he was a womanizer." "I just wanted to keep what we had, our family, and... ugh, who cares?" "I know you think that he slept with that leggy blonde... you." "Me... that weekend." "And you want it proved to the contrary." "Well, I've got it." "It was more than a month before we had sex." "I really wouldn't push it if I were you." "I know, I know, I know." "But what I'm saying is, he wasn't with me, so maybe he was really looking for land like he said." "Oh, my God." "You mean, maybe he was telling me the truth for once?" " Maybe he was out looking for land?" " It's possible." " But that doesn't give me..." " Check-out time, ladies." " Oh." "Oh, Robert." " Hi!" "Y... you know what?" "Hang on just one second." "This is too good." "Oh, no!" "No!" "No!" "Oh, it's mom." "I'm not here." "Hi, mom." "Uh, yeah, yeah, he's here." "He's, uh, he's doing okay." "What?" "You're kidding me." "Well, y... well, yeah, of cour..." "Well, yeah." "Yes, mom." "I..." "I said that I would tell him." "But you need to let me get off the phone." "What?" "Well, you're never gonna believe this." "Our baby brother got married." "You're right." "I don't believe it." "It's true." "And they're... they're all up at the old house in Ojai." " And they're having a dinner." " Oh, no." " Unh-unh." "Kev, Kev, you gotta go." " No." "Oh, yes, Kevin." "We have to go." "Your brother got married." "Kevin." "Hey." "You all right?" "No, but, um, I'm here." "So..." "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened." "You don't need to apologize." "All right?" "I should've pushed dad for some more answers." "Well, we were kids." "We just did what we were told." "But I don't want you guys to sell the company because of me." " We'll talk about it later." " Okay." "Is that Scotty?" "Yeah." "I'm..." "I'm glad you're here." "Well, I'm here because of Justin and Rebecca." "Rebecca, I always wanted the perfect wedding for you... the flowers, the music and the dress." "And you'd think that I would be a little upset about not being invited to my only child's wedding." "But, sweetie, I have never seen you happier." "And, Justin, I want to thank you for taking such good care of my little girl." "Every time I see you looking at her as if she is the center of your world," "I am so happy that you're gonna be part of our family." "Thank you." "Oh, and, Rebecca, I talked to you father, and he told me to tell you that you're gonna have to do this all over again," "cheers." "Okay, Justin." "You really are an amazing little brother." "We can always count on you for compassion and kindness." "And you're also a handful." "Come on." "Let's face it." "You've made more than your fair share of mistakes." "But you always come back to what matters..." "Love..." "And family." "Cheers." "Uh, a special cheers to the senator for bailing out our mothers out of jail." "Oh, hear, hear!" "And I have photos." "Yes." "I'll delete them for the campaign," " but how about that, huh?" " Oh!" "Oh, stop!" "That is awful." "I hate you." "I... ugh!" "Oh, my God." "Hello?" "Oh, hi, Dr. Avadon." "Who is ready for some cake?" "Me." "Me." "Um, actually, I'd..." "I'd like to say something first." "I guess if there's one thing I've learned recently it's, uh, nothing makes sense in this world." "It's a mystery to me how anything happens." "But it's what we do about it that counts." "How you both met... that was fate." "But that doesn't mean it was easy, and a lot of things came between you and your love." "But you showed faith in each other and in the future, and that's what I'd like to toast." "To trusting that the end is worth it and never letting go of its promise." "Cheers." " Cheers." " Thank you, Kevin." "Cheers." "Kitty, what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Nothing." "I just... that was, um... that was really beautiful, Kev." "Kitty, what's going on?" "Well, I, uh, I just, um..." "I just got my results from my first look cancer checkup." "And I'm cancer-free." "I'm in remission." "I shall be released" "Mmm." "Mom." "I swear, you could make cake stranded on a deserted island." "You're, like, the MacGyver of food." "Well, I'm glad you liked it." "Oh, honey, I know I didn't make a speech tonight, but..." "I wanted you to know how happy I am for the two of you." " And I'm so proud of you." " Oh, thanks, mom." "I love you." "Oh, and just think, one more dinner in the old Ojai house." "You know all those summers we used to spend up here as kids, you know, running around trying not to kill each other?" "You know what my favorite part was, mom?" "When you'd call us in from the backyard." "Oh, yes." "You would all come racing in, tripping all over each other trying to be the first one at the dinner table." "Yeah, and dad would be sitting at the head of the table giving us his stupid quizzes and word puzzles, but you... you would want to know everything about our day... whatever crazy idea we had or whatever," "you'd listen to it all." "The most important people in the world, mom." "Well, at least I did something right." "You did." " Am I interrupting?" " No." "No, after you two barging in on my honeymoon today..." "Oh, right." "Sorry." "Oh, my God." "I can't believe we interrupted your honeymoon." "Well, speaking of "honeymoon," mom," "I figured you might want something for your scrapbook." "You know, the "press a penny" place" " with the date shakes?" " Yeah, we each had one." "Oh, my God." "What?" " I know it's lame, but..." " No." "Holly, that weekend." "What weekend?" "Well, your mom remembers this weekend in the summer of '73 when your dad said he was looking for land." "I remember now." "He brought me back one of these." "So he was looking for land..." "Somewhere around here." "I'm gonna get the map." "It's so beautiful out here." "Yeah, I know." "It's so quiet." "Yeah, I feel like a storm's passed." "Tommy, what if we're making a mistake selling Ojai?" "Would you ever think about coming back?" "I don't know." "Well, I'll say one thing, whatever dad's expectations of us were or whatever his vision for the company was," "I don't really care about them anymore." "Hey, listen, if you could do anything... absolutely anything... with Ojai, what would it be?" "Hypothetically?" "Yeah." "I would, um..." "I'd take that parcel of land up by Victorville, plant wild strawberries." "Strawberries." "Yeah." "I like that idea." "Okay, so these are all the destinations in York's GPS?" "Yes, here's the list right here." "Yeah, we kept going in a circle, which is what I said." "We kept passing the same hill with the same mesquite tree." "You know that tree, Saul, that great big tree, right there at the turnoff at 150?" "Yeah, I know it, except it's a pepper tree." "It's a pepper tree?" " Oh, wait." "You don't think..." " Pepper in your stepper..." "Pepper... with a pepper in your stepper." "Kevin, come here." "We're trying to solve one of dad's puzzles." "Can't." "Scotty's already in the car." "Come on." "You're the best at trying to figure this stuff out." "Just a little ditty." "All right." "What's..." "What's the circle for?" "The trail that York left with his food obsessions." "Or else he was driving back and forth to Narrow Lake" "That's it!" " What?" " Look, that's it." "If... if York was driving back and forth, if you triangulate all the stops, here is the center right here." "Wait." "But what's that road?" " Calle de Los Suenos." " Street of dreams." "Follow the dream, the dreams... you... you and I." "Pepper... pepper in your stepper, dreams." "This has gotta be it." "It has to." "It's gotta be something." "We have gotta go back to route 150 and see what's at the end of that road." "Yeah, but that looks like a dead end." "Wait a minute." "Narrow lake is an anagram for " Nora Walker."" "Good luck finding it." " You're leaving?" " Yeah." " Oh." "All right." " Thank you." " Congratulations, sister-in-law." " Thank you." "Bye." "Bye." "Kevin." "Kevin, please talk to me." "I don't want to, mom." "Not yet." "I love you." "I know." "This can't be it." "Well, it has to be." "Everything points here." "There's nothing here." "There's not even a lake." "I know." "It does look like an empty piece of land." "But I'm telling you, Holly," "I see our future here." | {
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"It seems like such a short time ago that my pet and I were just lazing about in our little London flat, living the humdrum bachelor life and wishing things weren't so very, very dull." "That's my pet, Roger." "My name's Pongo." "You remember, I'm the one with the spots." "Oh, goodness!" "No, no, not that one." "Or that one." "That's me, living my new life as a family man." "Never a dull moment." "I guess I got my wish." "I think I'm seeing spots!" "Hey, seeing spots!" "Spots, I'm seeing spots Everywhere I'm seeing lots" "Of those tiny little dots Yes, it's true" "They¤re on the beds and the cots In the pans and the pots" "And they've left little spots in the loo!" "Roger, are you packing or playing?" "I'm playing at packing, dear!" "Well, quit fooling around." "We're moving first thing in the morning!" "We'll have a Dalmatian plantation I see spots on the walls In the rooms, in the halls" "On the floors in the drawers Yes, I do" "And every morning when I rise and I open up my eyes" "I am taken by surprise 'Cause instead of seeing skies" "I see lots of little spots" " We'll have a Dalmatian plantation" " Spots, spots, spots" " And never again shall we roam" " Everywhere on the beds and the cots" " Can't wait to begin..." " On the walls..." " ...our sweet living that's in - ...the rooms and the halls" " Our Dalmatian plantation home" " Our Dalmatian plantation home" " Dalmatian plantation" " Dalmatian plantation" " We're home" " We're home" "Oh, Roger!" "Yes, tomorrow would be moving day." "Only one more night in this little flat, which was getting smaller by the minute." "I mean, even I was beginning to feel a bit smothered." "Really, it was easy to see how one of our puppies could feel, well, just a little bit lost in this sea of spots." " Ah, hello, Patch." " Hello, Mother." "Watching the television, are we?" "Yes." "Well, I've got to save my spot, now, don't I?" "It's the best spot, after all!" "But you know your show doesn't start until after..." "Dinnertime!" " Oh, dear." " Oh, not again!" "Come on, you guys!" "Make room!" "No, you don't, Mr Roly-Poly." "One bowl at a time!" "There must be something in here." "Right!" "Is everybody ready for the show?" "My spot!" "Thunderbolt" "Hounding hoodlums with a howl Bad no-goodniks hear his growl" "Thunderbolt" "Desperados, cringe in fear Mighty Thunderbolt is here" "Righting wrongs and doing right Barking boldly in the night" "The One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog" "Kanine Krunchies, the crunch your dog loves to munch, presents The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour." "Starring Thunderbolt, the One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog!" "And his trusty sidekick, Lil' Lightning." "In last week's thrilling episode, Wholesome Tommy was kidnapped..." "Help!" "Thunderbolt!" "Save me!" "...and spirited away by that black-hearted villain, Dirty Dawson!" "Help, Thunderbolt!" "Save me!" "Will our hero arrive in time?" "Help, Thunderbolt!" "Save me!" "What horrible fate awaits Wholesome Tommy?" "Oh, I can hardly look!" "I've seen this one." "This is brilliant!" "Help, Thunderbolt!" "Save me!" "That mangy mutt can't save you this time!" "Hold on, Tommy!" "Thunderbolt's coming!" "Hey!" "This is just like "Double-cross at Dead Man's Ditch,"" "except that was a mine car, not a train." "Watch this, Thunder's gonna grab the whip." "Patch, you're gonna spoil it again!" "They say every dog has his day, but this one ain't gonna be yours, you flea-bitten cur!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "This ain't fair." "What was that supposed to be?" "It was the most pitiful bark I've heard yet." "Yeah." "It sounded like someone sat on a squeaky toy!" "Thunderbolt, you're one of a kind!" "Wow, one of a kind!" "Kanine Krunchies can't be beat..." "All right, bedtime, everyone." "But, Dad, we're not sleepy yet." "Nanny, do you have the new dog tags?" "Right here." "We'll put them on as they come up the stairs." "Say, kiddies!" "ls your dog a One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog?" "If you think your pooch has what it takes, bring him down to the London set of Thunderbolt's exciting new adventure," ""Thunderbolt versus the Hound of the Baskervilles."" " Thunderbolt's in London?" " That's right!" "Thunderbolt's in London." "Just follow the Kanine Krunchies truck down to tomorrow's auditions, where one lucky pup will win the opportunity to appear as a guest on the show!" "Dad, Dad, Dad!" "...57, 58..." "Careful." "...59, 60, 61, 62, 63..." "Dad!" "Dad!" "I have to see Thunderbolt!" "Just a minute, Son." "I'm counting. ...67, 68..." "But, Dad, I've seen every episode, all 72." "...72, 73..." "Two?" "Not now, Patch." "I'm busy losing count here!" " ...76, 77, 78, 79..." " But, Dad!" "Dad!" "...82, 83..." "Oh, dear." "...98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, and Patch, 105. 105?" "Are you all right, Son?" "Dad, I've just gotta see Thunderbolt tomorrow." "Yes, I know, but tomorrow is moving day." "You're going to love it on the farm, Son." "There are big green fields and a stream and a barn and lots of different animals." "Hey, maybe you and I can chase some chickens, huh?" " Sure, Dad, but..." " Here we go!" ""Cherry Tree Farm, Little Tichfield, Devon."" "Why, I imagine it's the most splendid farm in the whole country." "Oh, Perdi, the farm will be such a wonderful place to raise our puppies." "And best of all, we'll be miles away from that evil, ugly monster..." "Cruella De Vil!" "Now, please let me in!" "I can't do that, Miss de Vil." "But, Mr Fitzweil, please, something, anything." "You know very well that the terms of your probation don't allow me to sell you any more furs." "Not even a stole, a muff, a pair of mittens?" "No!" " One mitten?" " No!" "Could things possibly be any worse?" "Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil" "Shut up, shut up!" "Stop it!" "What does Cruella De Vil have left to live for?" "Good grief." "Tell me, what do you see?" "Everything." "Darkness and light, form and content." "And what else?" "Chaos and order, joy and pain." "And there is more than that?" "The possibility of triumph, the certainty of defeat, the culmination of all I've ever reached for but could not grasp!" "I see everything!" "I see absolutely everything!" "I feel faint in the presence of such artistic truth." "Where is the artist?" "I simply must meet him!" "But you already have." "I am Lars and I am an undiscovered genius." "My name is Cruella De Vil, and I'm an over-financed heiress." "Your passion for my work both repels and attracts." "Could you bear the sweet agony of seeing more?" "You mean there's more?" "Spots!" "Spots!" "Spots!" "Spots!" "I had yet to find anyone who truly understood their bleak, but beautiful meaning." "That is, until I met you." "This could be it!" "This could be the cure for my craving!" "My analyst said I should find something to substitute for my magnificent obsession." "Who needs furs when I can soothe my tortured soul with art?" "Something tortures you?" "Tell me, what cloud dares cast a shadow on the flower?" "Oh, it's a sad but familiar tale of loss and disappointment, probation and a restraining order." "But you, you can help Cruella to forget all that." "Will you do a painting just for me, to ease my pain?" "I will create a masterpiece, if you will be my muse." "Oh, darling." "63, 22... 202." "No, no, no." "Oh, no." " Dad?" " 97..." " I can't sleep." " 98..." " I've been thinking." " 99..." "Do you think I'm a one of a kind orjust one of101?" "101!" "That's it." "101." "All right, everyone, into the truck!" "You're 90." "You're 91." "You're 92." "You're 93." "You're 94." "Hold it." "Wait." "You're 98." "You're 99." "You're 100 and you're 101." "And you're 101." "And you're 101." "Hold it." "Wait." "How many 101s are there?" "Well, I've successfully lost count again." "Right." "Anyone not here, speak up." "Oh, no!" "Wait!" "Wait for me!" "Well, that figures." "They didn't even miss me." "Then I'm not going to miss them." "Well, what do you think?" "Why, it's splendid!" "Puppies, welcome to your new home!" "Right then." "That's 1 and 2 and 27, 36, 5, 50, 80..." "Minus two, carry the three and... 101?" "Finally, no more counting." "Run!" "All this place needs is a proper dusting, a splash of paint, and it'll be good as new." "Now, where do you suppose we'll put the music room?" "I think you just found it, darling." "Thunderbolt" "Hounding hoodlums with a howl Bad no-goodniks hear his growl" "Thunderbolt" "Desperados, cringe in fear Mighty Thunderbolt is here" "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, pooches and pups of all ages, are you ready?" "Desperados cringe in fear, Mighty Thunderbolt is here!" "I don't believe it!" "It's really him!" "And here's his sidekick extraordinaire, the ever-trusty Lil' Lightning!" " Yoo-hoo!" " Hello, handsome!" "Over here, you gorgeous hunk of hound." "Oh, hi, ladies." "Nice to meet you." " Oh, no." " We don't want you." "Get out of the way." " We want..." " Thunderbolt!" "Sorry, little buddy, but these ladies aren't interested in the sidekick." "They're here to get a big eyeful of hero!" "Heel, ladies, heel!" "All right, everybody, line up your dogs for the audition." "We need to hear their best heroic bark!" "Very good." "Hey, that's very..." "Oh, there's more!" "Well, go ahead." "Uh..." "What's the matter, little fella?" "Cat got your tongue?" "It's funny, 'cause, you see, we're dogs and we chase cats, so..." "Well, it made me laugh." "Come on, kid, we haven't got all year." "You're wasting my valuable limelight." "Say, who sat on the squeaky toy?" " Hey, Thunderbolt, over here!" " Nice." "Thunderbolt" "That's it, folks!" "We'll announce the winner of the audition tomorrow." "Have a megafantabulous day, and remember, buy your pooch lots and lots of tasty Kanine Krunchies!" "Nice work, Patch." "Just brilliant." "Ladies, ladies, you're wearing me out!" "Oh, please, just do it one more time." "Oh, well, all right." "I guess just one more time couldn't hurt." "Golly, I'm good." "Hello, boys!" " Thunder!" " Lightning, little buddy." "It's just awful!" "I overheard what they're planning for the next episode!" "Don't be too harsh on them, little buddy." "I know we don't have the best writers in television, but we can always improvise." "I'm pretty good at improvising, as long as it's written down for me." "No, no, you don't understand." "Something really horrible is going to happen." "Don't tell me." "Let me guess." " The dam breaks?" " No." " The mine collapses?" " No." "Do I get an evil twin?" "I've always wanted an evil twin!" "No!" "Listen, Thunder, what happens is you..." "You..." "You die." "I don't believe it." "I die?" "Oh, Lightning, this is just about the greatest thing ever!" "I've always wanted to play a big death scene!" "The selfless hero who sacrifices himself to save the innocent." "I'll kick bigger than Old Yeller!" "So, how do I make my shockingly unexpected and triumphant return?" " You don't." " What do you mean, I don't?" "You don't make a shockingly unexpected and triumphant return." "You die." "You're dead." " You never come back." " Not even for a reunion show?" "Not even for a cameo in the remake." "They're writing me out of the show?" "They're gonna replace you with a younger dog." "So that's what those auditions were really all about!" "Lightning, you've gotta help me!" "I can't end up on the street, homeless, foraging in trash cans." "Mange!" "I could get mange!" "Well, I..." "I did have this one crazy thought." "Or ticks!" "I hate ticks!" "They suck all the blood out of you." "Do you hear me?" "They suck all the blood out of you." "What if you went out and did something heroic, like you do on the show, but in the real world?" "You know, get your name in the paper." "Prove to them that you still got it!" "Wait a minute." "What if I went out and did something heroic in the real world?" "Or that could work, too." "Аfter all, you are the One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog." " How hard could it be?" " Yeah, it'll be a catwalk." " Cakewalk." " Precisely!" "I'll just go get a little press for doing some easy hero stuff and they'll be begging to keep me on the show!" "But, first, I'll have to figure out a way to sneak past my adoring public." "Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak." "Hide." "Master of disguise." "Hi, Thunderbolt!" "I'm sorry, I'm..." "You've got the wrong dog, kid." "I know it's you." "That's the same disguise you used in episode 18," ""Gambling Gophers of Gunfire Gulch."" "For howling out loud!" "Now you've blown my cover." "This is champion!" "I'm your biggest fan, Thunderbolt!" "I know every episode by heart!" "Remember the time when you fought that grizzly bear and rescued those orphans and then the dam broke?" " And..." "And..." " Hey, aren't you the squeaky toy?" "Yeah." "That's me." " Listen, pup..." " Patch." "Pooch, whatever." "You've gotta understand." "Sometimes danger and I like to dance alone!" "Good gracious gravy, look at that!" " A cat is stuck up in that tree!" " He is?" "Oh, my heart goes out to the poor helpless creature." "Now, if I were me, what would I do?" "Well, I'd read the script, that's what I'd do." "Oh, no, I don't have a script!" "This is just like when Tommy was trapped on that cliff in episode 29." " Okay, okay, don't panic." " That one was a classic." " You can do this." "You can do this." " Only it's also like episode 64." "You can't do this." "You can't do this." "When he was drowning in the water tower." " Yeah, that was great." " Who am I kidding?" "I have no idea what I'm doing!" "But episode 29 was still the best, at least from the first season." " Pooch!" " Patch." " Whatever!" "I'm trying to panic here!" " Sorry." "I just thought you were going to do what you did on Raccoon Ridge." "You know, when you got that barrel?" "And rolled it next to the cliff?" "Then you found a long plank of wood?" "And got a great big round boulder," " and then..." " Precisely!" "Whoa!" "Hang on, little kitty!" "Help is on the way!" "The press is going to love this." "There you are, my good man." "No need to thank me." "The look on your face is thanks enough!" "Now, smile for the cameras!" "Hey, that's strange." "Where are all the photographers?" "The press is always around when I do something." "What's the matter with you English people?" "Are you all having tea?" "How am I supposed to get my job back if you're all having tea?" "That was champion, Thunder!" "Just like on the telly!" "You know, this stuff isn't as easy as it looks!" "I mean, maybe if I could remember what happened in every episode of the show, you know, like Squeaky Toy, here, well, then I could..." "Hey, Squeaky Toy." "Oh, darling, it's just divine!" "It's remarkable." "It's stunning." "It's grand!" "But it's all wrong." "But it's my best work yet, cupcake." "But it simply has to be better than your best, darling." "I mean, look at these spots." "The shapes aren't at all acceptable." "They're not soft enough." "You know, cuddly, like something you'd want to squeeze the life out of!" "No, this one is no good at all, an embarrassing mediocrity, a complete failure." "Your harsh words strike me like blows from the fists of a large dockworker." "I would cry now were it not so bourgeois." "There, there." "I know you'll get it right, my depressive da Vinci." "You simply have to keep trying." "Аfter all, you're the only one who truly understands Cruella, who can see into her tortured soul." "Yes!" "Her heart is like a vast, dark ocean on whose waves I am hopelessly adrift in my dinghy of passion." "I shall not betray your faith in me!" "I shall create another canvas!" "And another!" "And another!" "And another!" "Until I have found spotted perfection!" "I shall not stop until the fires of your craving have been quenched." "Junior deputy test?" "Which episode was that in?" "One of the lost episodes." "But I only give it to pups who I think might be worthy." "And, who knows, if you do real good, maybe I'll even let you be on the show with me!" " Really?" " Sure, kid." "I'm the star, aren't I?" "Mother of pasteurized milk!" "That stagecoach is out of control!" "This is your first junior deputy test, kid." "Okay, well..." "This is just like in episode 37, "Stagecoaches of Serpent Summit."" "Very good." "Now, episode 37, was that the one where I leap, run and pounce?" "No, no." "That was the one where you run, pounce and leap!" "Precisely!" "Stand back!" "Get a hold of yourself, man." "You're out of control!" "Whoa!" "It's okay!" "I'll get the brake!" "Still no photographers." "How odd." "There may be days when things don't go right" "And your shoes re¤use to dance" "To make the winds of fortune blow right" "¤ou might need a second chance" "So if you get one try and that don't fly Stop and count to 10" "And if at first you don't succeed Try again" "Here's your next test, kid." "Wow, bank robbers!" "Episode four." "Beginner's luck is overrated Once you blink it's come and gone" "The only way to cultivate it" "Is to keep on keeping on" "Yeah" "Still no photographers?" "Try and try and then" "If at first you don't succeed, yeah Try again" " Try, try again" " Yes, my friend" "Try, try, try again" " Those men are frozen with fear." " No wonder." "Those crazed badgers are trying to eat their heads!" "It's just like in episode 27, when you whipped those two grizzlies." "Huh?" "And don't you never stop, no" " What is it?" " Looks like we've stumbled on a band of cattle rustlers." " Aren't those monkeys?" " Even worse, monkey rustlers!" "Sounds like episode 34 to me." "Right answer, once again, Junior Deputy." "I passed the test?" " Think you can handle it?" " You bet!" "Let's get those monkey rustlers!" "Now if you find you're batting zero And a legend you are not" "You can still wind up a hero if you give it one more shot" "If you don't give in, you're gonna win The only question's when" "So if at first you don't succeed" " Try again" " Try, try, try again" " Try, try again" " And again" " Try again" " Try, try, try again" "Try again" "Hey!" "Get over on the right side of the road, buddy." "Sheesh, London drivers." "I tell you, Thunder, this is the best day ever." "Yeah." "You know, I never knew it would be so much fun out here doing this real hero stuff." "What do you mean?" "Don't you do this all the time?" "Oh, well, kid..." "Well, you know, it's..." "Of course, I do!" "I do this all the time!" " So let's talk about you, kid!" " Me?" "Yeah, what's your story?" " Well..." " Hold on." "Okay." "Go on." "Missing!" "What do you mean, he's missing?" " We've looked." " And looked." "But there's just no sign of Thunderbolt anywhere!" "This is a catastrophe!" "A calamity!" "A cataclysm!" "We have to shoot first thing in the morning and I find out my star is missing." "How can you shoot a show without a star?" "How do you spell "cataclysm"?" "How can you shoot a show without a star?" "How can you shoot a show without a..." "A star?" "This is it!" "This is megafantabulous!" "We'll rewrite this episode to star Lil' Lightning!" "Oh, I'm a genius!" "Get the writers!" "Fire the director!" "This is going to be a whole new direction for The Thunderbolt..." ""А whole new direction!"" "What do you think of that, Thunderbolt, old pal?" "Finally, I'll be able to step out of your shadow, you overrated, overacting ham!" "The Lil' Lightning Adventure Hour." "It has a nice ring, doesn't it?" "What do you think?" "I have failed you, my muse!" "Oh, fickle bird of inspiration, to what far shore have you flown?" "Poor pathetic Lars, do not despair." "I know exactly where to find the inspiration we crave." "Well, this is art, after all." "Art!" "Our creativity cannot be thwarted by trivial matters like restraining orders." "Yes, sacrifices must be made!" "Gone?" "They're all gone?" "How unspeakably rude ofAnita to move away without even leaving a forwarding address!" "Lars, now what am I to do?" "Why, you little..." "What's this?" "I know you." "Oh, this is delicious." ""Cherry Tree Farm, Little Tichfield, Devon."" "Oh, no." "Freckles, dear." "Stop helping." "Oh, my, the tea!" "Yes, the paper!" "No time to read this if I'm going to finish my new song." "Well, I come from this really big family." "I knew a guy came from a big litter, 10 or 12, I forget." " There's 101 of us." " 101 Dalmatians?" "Hey, I heard about you guys." "Yeah, you were on the Twilight Bark." "Well, that's just it, isn't it?" "I'm afraid all I'll ever be is one of101." "Аt least that's what my dad thinks." "Hey, Thunderbolt?" "How do you become a One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog, anyway?" "Well, in my case, it all hinged on getting just the right agent." "But, you know, kid, getting there isn't so tough, it's staying on top." "That's the real challenge." "You think you're doing great and all of a sudden, there's somebody trying to take your place." "Crowd you out!" " Push you aside!" " Steal your spot!" " Precisely!" " Precisely!" "You know, you're all right, kid." "I'll tell you what, little buddy." "I'm planning on doing some more big hero stuff today." "You stick with me, maybe you'll get your picture in the paper, show the world that you're not just another dog." "Oh, no, no, no." "Like this." "Uh-oh." "What?" "Patch in London?" "Don't you worry." "I'll keep an eye on things here." "This is all my fault." "If only I hadn't lost count." "Stop blaming yourself, dear." "The important thing now is that we find him before Cruella De Vil does!" "It's not fair, Horace, me lad." "It's just not fair." "How come she gets off with probation and a restraining order..." "While we's left rotting away in here?" "Off your bums, lads." "Sprung for your bail, somebody has." "It must be Mum come to spring us!" "Mum never liked me." "Must be good old Dad!" "Dad never liked you, either." "Jasper, Horace." "It's time to finish the job." "Oh, no, not her." "We always get the worst end of it with her." "Well, if she wants us to work for her this time, we won't be made fools of." "You look just like Mum." "Shut up, you!" "I ain't going through with this, I tell you." "I ain't!" "Here he comes now!" " Go on, Jasper." "Go on." " Go!" "Go on, go!" "Аfternoon, love!" "Something I can..." "Hello, there." "Something I can do for a pretty young lady like yourself?" "Of course you can, you naughty man." "You can just give me this truck!" "They're all inside, Jasper!" "Go ahead and start it up!" "Whatever in the world?" "Hmm?" "Hey, where's he going?" " Kanine Krunchies!" " Kanine Krunchies!" " What's that?" " Hey, Kanine Krunchies!" "It worked, Jasper." "Like a dream, Horace, me lad, like a dream!" "You!" "I should have known it was you terrible men!" "Now let those puppies go right now or I'm going to knock the stupid out of both of you!" "Here now, lady, we don't want to have to hurt you none, so..." "Calm down." "She's..." "She's mad, I say." "Come on!" "Right." "That's it, then." "I've had just about enough of this!" "Oh, no!" "There now." "That ought to hold you right proper." " Jasper?" " What?" "Can we just go back to jail, now?" "Your muse has returned!" "But I am a failure." "You should despise me." "Stop being such a wet blanket and come see what I've brought for you!" "A gift?" "For me?" "How very Christmas morning with the twinkle lights of you." "The gift of inspiration!" "Well, of course, these are only just about the most adorable little puppies" "I've ever seen in my whole life!" "Look at these cute little darlings!" "Fuzzy wuzzy little puppy poo." "Poo poo, little puppy poo." "Did you see that?" "Did you see that?" "He gave me a little kissy!" "I'm going to kiss him back now." "He's having a wobbly." "And you mean for me to do a painting of them, don't you?" "That's an absolutely lovely idea!" "It makes me smile a lot." ""Painting of them," he says." "No, no, no, darling." "I don't want you to make art of the puppies." "I want you to make art with the puppies." "Use their coats as canvases." "Create a masterpiece in a new medium." "Together, you and I will stun the art world with our ruthless originality!" "But that means..." "How could you do such a thing to the cute little puppies?" " Poison them." " Drown them." "Bash them in the head!" "I may be eccentric, but I am not a sicko!" " What?" " And you'll not hurt one spot on these innocent little creatures' heads, not as long as I have anything to say about it!" "I thought you were a man of vision, someone who understood my passions, who understood the complexity that is Cruella!" "Does no one get the point?" "Lars, you're such a disappointment." "Well, if I can't have a masterpiece, at least I'll finally have a fabulous Dalmatian coat." "That's almost as good, don't you agree?" "What's gotten into you, girl?" "Kidnapped?" "How many?" "Uh-huh..." "Wretched dogs." "Oh!" "Steady, lads!" "I just can't understand it." "We've been out here doing hero stuff all day and none of these London photographers seem to care." "Why do you want photographers around?" "Kid." "Look, I got something to tell you." "Something I guess I should've told you a long time ago." "I don't know how to say this, but the truth is..." "Thunderbolt, listen!" "There's an emergency!" "Sounds like a kidnapping!" "Being held in a warehouse, a devil woman, 101 Dalmatians." "Hey, what a coincidence!" "You come from a family of101, too!" "Wait, what's the matter, kid?" "That is my family." "Cruella must have them again!" " Cruella?" " The devil woman!" "She's the one who kidnapped us before." "This is awful." "What am I going to do?" "Wait a second." "Thunderbolt!" "You'll help us, won't you?" "Yes." "Well, kid, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." "You see, I'm not really a..." "Of course, I'll help you, Patch." "Yeah, the world-famous Thunderbolt rescues the world-famous 101 Dalmatians." "Sounds like a good story to me!" "Newsworthy, even." "Come on." "We'll let them know I'm on my way." "The villains will soon cringe in fear!" "Mighty Thunderbolt is here!" "It's just wonderful!" "I heard it through the Twilight Bark!" " Tell all!" " Well," "Thunderbolt is going to save those little Dalmatian puppies!" " The ones that were kidnapped?" " That's right!" "Isn't he just a dream?" "More like a nightmare!" "What if Blunderbolt gets lucky and succeeds?" "If the press got wind of that, I'd never be rid of him!" " Look, that must be the warehouse." " Let's try over there." " Hey, do you think you can reach that?" " No problem." "Thunderbolt, old pal." " Lightning?" " Lightning!" "What are you doing here?" "I came as soon as I heard." "Thought you might need a bit of help." " Thanks for coming, little buddy." " Wouldn't miss it." "What's that supposed to be?" "Leave us alone, Jasper." "I think it's kind of pretty." " So, what's the plan, kid?" " See those guards?" "I think you can sneak past them." "Remember the end of episode 39, "Flight from the Forbidden Fort"?" "The one where I ran, jumped and sprang?" "No, no." "Sneaked, evaded and triumphed." "Oh, yeah, of course." "I get it." "Hey, you're a pretty smart kid." "That's a good plan, stealthy." "But we don't need any of that!" "This is Thunderbolt!" "Villains always cringe in fear whenever Thunderbolt is here!" "So true." "What we need is a full frontal assault!" "How hard can it be?" "That's right!" "How hard can it be?" "Follow me!" "I'm right behind you, pal." "Sort of looks like you, except you don't have that much hair." "It's Patch." "And he's brought Thunderbolt!" "He'll save us!" "Here now, where'd you come from?" " Get out of here, you stupid mutt!" " Maybe they didn't hear you." "Don't worry, kid." "This'll be take two." "That's more like it." "What have we here?" "It's you." "I owe you a debt of gratitude, my photogenic little friend!" "If it wasn't for you, I'd have never found your brothers and sisters." "And now I have you all!" "Thunder, are you playing dead?" " That hurt." "That really hurt." " I knew you were faking it." " He's been faking it, all right!" " Lightning, little buddy!" "I am not your little buddy, and you are no Wonder Dog." "This kid trusted you, and look where it's got him!" " What does he mean?" " He's been lying to you all day, kid." "He doesn't care about you or your family." "He was just trying to get his name in the paper and save his job." "Ask him!" "No!" "Well, yeah." "But..." "But..." "But, but, but." "Hey, genius, you're no hero." "You're a fraud." "And by the way, there never was a plan to recast you." "I just had to get you out of the way." "Now I gotta go take your place on the show." "My show." "Thunder?" "I don't understand." "You lied to me?" "I put on an act." "I'm an actor." "It's what I do." "But you said I could be yourjunior deputy..." "I made all that up!" "I just needed someone who knew the script." " But you said that you'd help us." " Don't you get it, kid?" "All that running around and saving the day stuff, it's..." "It's make-believe!" "It's not real." "You promised!" "Patch, I just..." "You lied." "I'm sorry, all right?" "I'm not a real Wonder Dog." "I just acted like one once." " I'm hungry." " I want to go home." "It's scary here." "Where's Mother?" "Patch?" "Are you okay?" "Patch?" "Dad was right." "I am just one of101." "I'm sorry, Lucky." "This is all my fault." "Hey, didn't Thunderbolt get out of a cage like this once?" "You know, in episode 13, "The Flaming Flea Circus."" "Episode 18." "Episode 18!" "Did you see what Patch just did?" "Wizard, Patch!" "Absolutely wizard!" "Hey, shut your yapping!" "I'm trying to get me beauty sleep." "Okay, you guys, stick together and be quiet." "Don't look so put out." "My favourite furrier will be open in the morning and then we'll be out of your hair." "Perfect!" "Episode 53, "The Mineshaft Mix-up."" "Everybody, stay here until I tell you it's safe to come out." "What is it with..." " You let the puppies get away!" " You let the puppies get away!" " Hold on!" " They can't have gone far." "Here, start searching!" "When that crazy bird finds out we lost them again, she'll skin us!" "Horace!" "Jasper!" " What are you looking for?" " Nothing, mum!" "We haven't lost the doggies or anything!" "You let them escape?" " Jasper fell asleep!" " You were snoring like a train!" "The lift is barking." "The mutts must already be downstairs." " Funny how we never heard the lift." " Shut up, you!" " Come on, they'll be back soon!" " Aren't we going down?" "Nope." "We're going up!" "Ready, Rolly?" "No, no." "No, no, no, no, no, no!" "Whoa!" "Can I do that again?" "Okay, now the rest of you." "I'm just saying, maybe the puppies are still upstairs and they just tricked us into coming down here." "Come on now, Horace." "Dogs ain't that smart." "They haven't got the big, educated brains we got." "97, away!" "98, away!" "99, away!" "Get him!" " Thanks, guv." " Cheers." "Come on." "We're gonna hitch a ride!" "Here they come!" "There they are!" "Get them!" " What happened?" " She pushed me!" "Did not!" "The crazy lady is right behind us!" "He had a birdie in his mouth!" "You idiots!" "Here, take the wheel!" "Speed up, you imbeciles, or we'll lose them!" "Ha-ha!" "That's one!" "Just 98 more to go!" "Okay, okay, quiet on the set." "We're rolling!" "And action, Wholesome Tommy!" "Lightning, you're one of a..." "Patch, help me!" "Well, well, if it isn't the little half-pint hero again!" "Wow!" "Check out Patch!" "What do we do now, Patch?" "See those windows?" "We can reach them from the upper deck!" "You go ahead, I'll hold them off." "Somehow." "Oh, here's a feisty one." "Thunderbolt!" "How you doing, kid?" " But I thought..." " Come on, haven't you seen the show?" "I always arrive just in the nick of time." "Look, I may not be a real hero, but I can act like one!" "Lightning, don't let them hurt me!" "Heart." "My heart." "Lightning, this might be the end!" "She might see us." "Give me that!" "I'll put this mongrel out of his misery!" "Lightning, I can feel the warm kiss of life ere it parts my cheek." "Do not mourn me when I am gone!" "It is enough that you were here at the end." "Goodbye, old friend." "Good night, sweet prince!" "Dispa¤h to Car 47, what's your situation?" "Over." "No, no, fellas." "I'm not with them!" "I was trying to help Thunderbolt, honest!" "That's what I do." "I'm a sidekick." "We're a team!" "Come on, fellas!" "Come on!" "Don't you watch TV?" "Now, who's the pathetic ham actor?" "I am painting spots, but she doesn't like them so good and then she says," ""No, you must kill them," and I'm not so sturdy." "She's very mean to me!" "And then I pass out." "There they are." "Those are the ones!" " She made us do it!" " She made us do it!" "Spots?" "I do see spots, you know." "They're everywhere!" "Spot!" "Spot!" "Spot!" "Spot!" "There they are!" "It's wonderful!" "They're all here!" "Come now." "Stop it." "Stop it." "We were so worried about you." "Penny, Lucky, my darling puppies!" "Patch!" "You're safe." "We were so worried about you." " We missed you very much, Patch." " You did?" "Of course, Son." "Mom, Dad, this is Thunderbolt." "He saved us." "I don't know how to thank you for saving my family." "No, no." "Don't thank me." "It was your son, Patch, who..." "Mom!" "Dad!" "The devil woman got us." "And we were trapped and then Patch got us out!" "Yeah." "And Patch made me a trampoline!" "You should have seen Patch, Mother." "He was fantastic." "Just like Thunderbolt!" "You know, they're right, kid." "Me, I'm just an actor." "But you, you are a real One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog!" "Hey, lads, they're over here!" "Say, "Spots"!" "Say, kiddies!" "ls your dog a One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog?" "I'm one of a kind" "A one-of-a-kind dog, baby" "I'm the one" "Doggone son of a gun, now, baby" " I'm one of a kind" " He's one of a kind" "A one-of-a-kind dog, baby" " I'm the one" " He's the one" "Doggone son of a gun, now, baby" "I'm one of a kind Oh, yeah" "Wow, one of a kind!" "Kanine Krunchies can't be beat" "They make each meal a special treat" "Happy dogs are those who eat nutritious Kanine Krunchies" "You know, they're right, kid." "Me, I'm just an actor." "But you, you are a real One-of-a-Kind Wonder Dog!" " l'm one of a kind" " He's one of a kind" "A one-of-a-kind dog, baby" " I'm the one" " He's the one" "Doggone son of a gun, now, baby" "Doggone son of a gun" "I'm one of a kind" "Oh, yeah" "Oh, yeah Oh, yeah" " I'm the one" " He's one of a kind" "A one-of-a-kind dog, baby" " I'm the one" " He's the one" "Doggone son of a gun, now, baby" "Wow, one of a kind!" "That's right!" "All right!" "And don't you never stop, no" "So if you try that climb one more time You might hit the top" "Now if you find you're batting zero And a legend you are not" "You can still wind up a hero if you give it one more shot" "If you don't give in, you're gonna win The only question's when" "So if at first you don't succeed" " Try again" " Try, try, try again" "Try, try again" " And again, yeah" " Try, try, try again" " Try again" " Try, try, try again" "And again and again and again, yeah" "Try, try again" "Again and again and again, yeah" "Try, try, try again" "Try, try, try again Try again, yeah" "DIR¤ DАWSON:" "Oh, no, come on." "Down, boy!" "Down, all of y'all!" "This ain't fair!" | {
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"Previously on Jericho:" "All right, it looks like the explosion came from the west maybe Denver." "Are we under attack?" "This could've been a test." "Could've been an accident." "Look, I know you're telling people it was an accident but if it was an attack, Sheriff and there's chaos out there, you might not want the wrong people knowing that Jericho is still here." "Dale Turner's mother died tonight in another explosion" "Atlanta." "Oh, my God." "Won't the rain clear the radiation out of the air?" "Yes, and bring it straight down on Jericho." "A direct, concentrated hit." "Anyone exposed too long..." "How do you know about radiation, Mr. Hawkins?" "Stanley." "No, hey!" "No, uh-uh." "Stanley, don't touch her." "How do you know the rain's radioactive?" "Denver's pretty far away." "Well, we don't know how many bombs there were." "Oh, my God." "We got something!" "Are they just reporting it or are they behind it?" "Maybe we're being invaded." "If this country is at war, we need to know it." "More than electricity or food, this town needs information." "We can't just sit here in the dark." "He's right." "Makes us too vulnerable." "We could organize a group of people send them out in every direction" "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." "Let's hope not." "I'm telling you, it's the Midwest." "From the skyline, I'm thinking Cincinnati." "I wish we could read the license plates." "Let's make Cincinnati a question mark." "Jake." "Hey, Stanley." "Hey, Bonnie." "Anything new?" "No, not since yesterday." "Shep and Gray should have been back by now." "Our radios went silent about 50 miles out." "God, it makes you wonder what happened to whoever shot this." "I think that might have been the last thing they ever saw." "The generator's running out of gas." "We're going to lose the TV." "I'll take care of it." "How can you?" "Gas pumps don't work at the station with the power down." "Look, I don't want you to worry." "Sorry, folks." "We're closing early tonight." "Take a flashlight, it's dark out there." "What?" "It's only 9:30." "You heard her, let's move it, folks." "Time to go home." "Let's move it out." "Hey." "Hey." "Is the generator out?" "No, out of booze." "Any more images?" "No, just the same loop." "Come on, I'll walk you home." "Where do you live?" "That way." "So is it weird being home after so long?" "A little bit." "I still can't get used to Bailey's without the mechanical bull." "Stanley must have cried when they took that out." "He had the record." "When did the Pizza Garden become the Cyberjolt Cafe?" "Oh, when the Health Department shut down the Pizza Garden." "What?" "!" "Oh, don't tell me you liked the Pizza Garden." "I used to work there washing dishes." "Oh, you must not have done a very good job." "That came from the alley." "It's the pharmacy." "Why don't you go get some help?" "Help..." "H..." "Help." "Jake." "Who is he?" "I don't know." "Help me get him out of here." "Not without gloves or a hazmat suit." "We got to get him to a doctor, now." "Is that radiation sickness?" "I think it might be." "Heather, Heather." "Get her out." "Okay." "Let's go." "Come on, Bill, let's go." "Help us pick him up." "I'm not touching him." "No way." "Not me." "He could be contagious." "He's not contagious, Bill." "I'm sorry, Stanley." "What if it was me lying here, Bill?" "Would you walk away then?" "We could get sick touching that guy." "It's not like with you, Stanley." "We don't even know who this guy is." "I just stopped by Bailey's to check on the TV signal." "Can't you cut your husband some slack?" "And that took three hours?" "I was only there for, like, an hour." "We're in a state of emergency, Eric." "I'm aware of that, April." "Dr. Peterson's gone to Kansas City to look for his daughter." "And Dr. Hoder's worked the last 24 hours." "Well, I am here now." "What do you want from me?" "And you... decided to go have a beer." "I've got a baby on a ventilator and the generator is almost out of gas." "Well, don't you have a hand pump?" "Who'd pump it?" "Out of the way." "Out of the way." "Out of the way!" "April, he's having trouble breathing." "Get him in Room Three." "Who is that?" "Who's in there?" "Hello?" "Who is that?" "It's just me, Mrs. Leigh." "Oh, Dale." "What are you up to?" "You scared me to death." "It was supposed to be a surprise." "What?" "Oh..." "Where did you get all this?" "The train that never showed up." "It smashed into a car." "There's a ton of food just sitting on it." "It's just about five miles outside of town." "Well, we can't just take it, it's not ours." "Not all of it, anyway." "The town took your food." "Well, it was an emergency." "And so is this." "The hell with them." "Who is this man?" "Anyone recognize him?" "Not so far." "Those burns..." "Does that mean that he was close to the blast?" "Why'd he come to Jericho?" "It's a hell of a way from Denver." "Maybe he's related to someone in town." "Then why'd he break into the pharmacy?" "Any I.D.?" "No, just some keys." "He doesn't even have a wallet." "Is he going to be okay?" "Depends on the dose that he got." "Son, you and Stanley should go wash up." "Those clothes might still be contaminated." "There's a shower down the hall." "Dad." "We got another situation." "There's not much more gas in the generator here." "Bailey's tavern went dark tonight." "That was the only satellite dish in town getting a signal our only link to the outside world." "You okay?" "Yeah." "We're going to have to get people to siphon gas out of their cars." "What if more come?" "There's not enough gas to keep the clinics going for all of them." "You saying we ought to turn them away?" "No, I'm saying we have limited resources." "Well, for right now, let's just get as much as we can." "Some of the nurses are spooked." "They're worried about contamination." "Honey, I'll do anything I can to help you." "If you could, keep an eye on this baby then I could see to the other patients." "Sure." "I hope to God the power doesn't go." "Look, we'll do everything we can until we can't." "Dad, it's Sam." "Dad, I'm thirsty, are you in there?" "Any word from Shep or Gray?" "No, Mayor." "Still can't get 'em on the radio." "Maybe they got captured by those tanks Stanley saw." "Those tanks are probably just National Guard" "okay?" "So-- --You don't know that." "They could be-- --Shh." "They could be China, they could be Iran." "Al Qaeda, North Korea-- anybody who hates us." "They could be coming here and what's our line of defense?" "You're looking at it." "Jake?" "Oh." "Had to take a shower." "Go ahead." "No, I I did;" "I just took a shower." "Oh, right." "So what's up?" "I..." "April said that the medical center was running low on gasoline for the generator and it occurred to me that if we had a length of hose and a funnel, we could siphon gas out of our cars." "Then it occurred to me there's all that gas in the tanks at Murthy's gas station and if we could get enough suction we could get all the gas we wanted..." "Would a water pump do it?" "Bonnie." "This could be my brother." "Is this how they die?" "No." "Stanley didn't get it this bad." "He could still got cancer." "No, we don't know that." "Listen." "Don't worry about me," "I'll be fine." "Take care of him." "I'm going to have to put him on a ventilator it'll use up power but" "But the baby has the better chance for survival" "save the generator for the baby." "Hey, hey, hey, what about him?" "Give him something for the pain." "Keep him comfortable." "Sit back and watch him die." "Well, I don't like it, Jake, but that's the most rational option we have right now." "Unless you can think of something better." "Will your generator last until morning?" "I think so." "All right, give me until then." "Can you tell me your name?" "Victor." "Miller." "Victor." "Victor, you're in a medical clinic." "Okay, we're going to take care of you." "No, no." "They're coming." "They're coming." "So how long do you think he'll be unconscious?" "Could be a long time." "If he ever wakes up again." "Who are "they"?" "Who's coming?" "Well, maybe he saw passengers from one of those planes." "He could've meant terrorists." "Unless he wakes up, we don't know what kind of danger we're in." "For right now, hire as many deputies as you can use them to help you get gas." "Clinic's running low." "But it's not my gas, it belongs to Noraco." "It's no use to anyone, Mr. Murthy." "Without electricity, the pumps don't even work." "And we'll leave you an I.O.U. for the 500 gallons." "I could be fired." "With all due respect, who's going to fire you?" "It's a different world now, Mr. Murthy." "All right, let's get them open." "Stanley will be here any second." "They're never coming back." "The district manager, any of them." "Are they?" "No." "Shortly after my mother died, my husband was transferred to St. Louis." "It was hard to leave Memphis, because it was our home." "But eventually we learned to love it." "How did your mother die?" "M.S." "Aly, what area of St. Louis are we from?" "Kirkwood." "Which is where?" "Near Powder Valley." "Lots of hiking, trails and nature." "We love to hike." "Sam, where'd you go to school?" "The Crow School." "Crow Island School." "God, we've gone over this so many times." "And we'll go over it again and again until we get it right." "Mom..." "You know what, I can't keep doing this." "Keep Samuel inside." "I've got my story." "Hey." "We lived in a two-bedroom house we drove a green Volvo, we had a stay-at-home mom, which is bull because she worked all the time because our dad was never around." "Upstairs." "Go on." "You got a minute?" "Of course." "You probably heard the, uh, Sheriff's been killed, along with three more of our men." "I heard." "I'm sorry for your loss." "Thank you." "Well, we're down to just me and Bill, and neither of us is trained for a national emergency." "I don't think anyone is prepared for this." "We need a few more deputies." "And I thought since you were a cop in St. Louis and all..." "No." "It's a very flattering offer, but I'm still settling my family." "It'd just be for the time being." "Look, Mr. Hawkins, people are on edge." "All right, we've got break-ins and kids vandalizing." "We just need some more manpower to show people there's still law and order in this town." "All right." "When do I start?" "You're already on the clock." "We're asking everyone in town to donate five gallons of gas." "Sorry, honey." "I need my car." "But, Gracie, if the clinic goes down, people could die." "I sympathize, Eric, but I already gave this town my whole store." "Someone else can donate gas." "Bill." "What's up?" "I'm going to head to the clinic with what I've got." "How are things on your end?" "It's not looking good." "We're still 90 gallons short at the clinic." "People are scared, Eric." "They're hoarding." "Maybe we can't afford to be so polite." "I couldn't find an empty pesticide container." "I thought this water tank might do." "No, no, we can't use steel." "There's too much risk of static." "One spark, the whole thing could blow sky-high." "We don't have time to look for something else." "Well-well, who's going to fill it?" "Well, what do you want to do, draw straws?" "No, I'll do it, you got Bonnie to take care of." "Don't be a martyr." "I've already been irradiated." "I'm doomed." "No, you're going to live to be 100, remember?" "Our pacts never work out." "Let's just do this before we think about it too much." "Get off the truck, Stanley." "Get off the truck." "Back up." "Hey, Allison." "This place has been a zoo all day." "Uh, that's $1.69." "Okay." "You got the last bag of corn chips." "I'll give you 20 bucks for them." "She picked them up first." "Fine, I'll give you the 20." "Or how about this?" "I'm having a party." "If you give me the chips, then I'll invite you." "I don't even know you." "So?" "It's not like there's anything else to do." "You're awesome." "Come by anytime, it's the big house at the top of the Pines." "Okay, well, thanks, I guess." "Hi." "Oh, God..." "The generator's down!" "Somebody call April." "Hurry." "We've lost all his machines." "He's not breathing." "Okay, I've got to get to the baby and I only have one hand pump." "You used to be a nurse, Gail." "You'll do fine." "Let's go." "Keep a steady pace." "Uh, guys, we have a problem." "It's stuck." "No, no..." "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" "Don't feel bad." "I'll loosen it up for you." "No." "The gas has been sloshing around in there building up fumes." "If you force the cap, and it sparks..." "What do you want to do, huh?" "Look, with all the static electricity built up we could blow the thing to kingdom come." "That was dumb." "All right, here, get that to him." "Let's go!" "I can't get a heartbeat." "Let's go!" "All right, got it." "Go, Stanley." "How's he doing?" "He was down for about two minutes." "I need help with the cardiac feed." "See that black switch?" "Can you turn that on?" "Oh, right." "I invited you." "Oh, yeah, but, you know I don't..." "I don't have to..." "No, forget it." "Come in." "Hey, where's April?" "Come on." "Come on." "April..." "I got 75 gallons of gas." "For the generator." "Thanks." "We got it covered." "Sky, look who invited himself." "Just put it over there." "Why are you such a jerk when you're with your friends?" "Did I interrupt a lover's spat?" "Stop it, Lisa." "You know what?" "I'm gonna go home." "I only came here 'cause you begged me to." "Just... go home." "Victor!" "Victor." "It's okay." "April!" "April!" "Vic..." "Victor, you said they're coming." "Who's coming?" "They need... help." "Who does?" "Who needs help?" "20 from..." "Denver." "Where are they, huh?" "Where are they?" "Lake..." "A lake?" "Boat." "Boat dock." "A lake with a boat dock?" "A lake with a boat dock." "What road is it on, do you remember?" "I... have my... daughter." "Can I help you?" "Hey, turn that down." "Yeah, we had a complaint that you're using too much power." "And?" "And... the party's over." "You can't do this." "This is a private home." "All right, everybody pack it up." "How much gas you using to run this place, Skylar?" "None of your business." "It's my generator, it's my gas." "Right." "Hey, hey, hey, hey." "Just go home." "Jimmy." "Jimmy!" "You got to get over here." "We found Shep's truck." "Bill?" "No sign of Shep, but look what I found inside." "Looks like Victor Miller forgot his wallet." "This is the man you were talking about?" "The..." "The stranger in the hospital?" "Yeah." "You recognize him?" "No." "I just think we should ask him what he did with your friend Shep." "April, we need to talk to Victor Miller." "He's unconscious." "I think you need to wake him up." "No." "Still the same stuff." "Look at all the people running." "What if they come here?" "Hey." "You worked a miracle." "Generator's full; we can go three more days." "Great, three days." "Hey." "Everything's going to be all right." "You know, when you say it, I almost believe it." "Eric, you there?" "Go, Jimmy." "We found Shep's truck." "Meet us at the clinic." "I'm on my way." "It doesn't matter." "We have got to go look for his family." "Why'd he have Shep's truck?" "We need to know what he did with him." "I know, but we can't just torture a dying man." "No one is torturing anyone." "We could give him a shot of adrenaline." "It'll wake him up enough to question him." "He's dying of third degree burns." "It'll be like waking him up on fire." "Uh..." "Our people are dying out there." "Shep may already be dead." "We need to protect ourselves, Jake." "We need to protect ourselves from this." "Jake, Shep, he's one of us." "We need to find out what this guy did to him." "Hey, he is going to die, anyway." "But he could save some people's lives." "Eric." "I'd like to do this myself." "No, I'm not leaving him." "Okay." "What's going on in there?" "They're asking him a few questions." "Like hell they will." "That's my patient." "Let go of me." "We need information." "You have no right." "He could be a murderer." "And that gives you the power to do anything that you want?" "Yes." "Yes." "Victor, it's going to be okay." "We'll make this quick, all right?" "Hey." "The car you drove here-- did someone give it to you?" "No, no." "It was..." "It was... on the side... of the road." "Okay." "It..." "It was... running." "Okay, okay." "But was there anybody in it?" "No." "I had... to help them." "Where are they?" "Do you remember anything else about the lake?" "It burns." "Was it off a dirt road?" "It burns." "He needs morphine." "Was your daughter at Bass Lake?" "Y-Yes." "He needs morphine, Jake." "Please, please." "Hey." "Hey!" "We said families only, hmm?" "Why?" "Why did you go back to Denver?" "I..." "I couldn't let them die." "It was a mistake, Vic," "because now we are a man down." "No." "Some... some..." "S-Someone..." "Someone flipped." "A traitor." "There's...a tra... traitor." "Do you know who it was?" "Come on, man, tell me." "Vic, who was it?" "I..." "Tell me." "Do you know who it was?" "You... know." "He's gone." "We had to do it." "I thought you were going to a party, hon." "You're worth ten of her." "Ten of who?" "Skylar Stevens." "She's not a bad person." "Hmm." "We're not like them." "They can be nice sometimes, but don't be fooled." "That's what my mom used to say." "Well, she was a smart lady." "You scared?" "'Cause I remember when I did something wrong waiting for my old man to come home." "Baby, what you did today-- that wasn't just you going to a party." "It wasn't." "You put your mother, your brother," "all of us at risk." "Do you hear?" "And if you pull something like this again girl, you have no idea how scared you'll be." "I need a few volunteers." "There's a group of people just outside of town." "No way, man!" "It's too dangerous out there!" "They're at Bass Lake." "They may have radiation sickness." "We need to bring them here get them to the clinic before it's too late." "Turn it back on!" "We've seen it." "We've seen it 100 times." "A man just died in our clinic." "Our clinic!" "He was traveling with his daughter and about 20 other people." "All right, it could have been Shep or Gray or any of us." "They need our help." "Are we going to help them?" "Or are we just going to sit here watching the same three images over and over?" "Jake?" "I'll donate gas if you need to fill your car to get them." "Thank you, Mary." "I'll go with you." "Thank you." "Anybody else?" "I'll go with you, Jake." "I'll go." "Let's go." "Yeah, me, too." "Thank you." "Earlier today, we buried 20 people-- refugees from Denver." "People we didn't know, but were prepared to welcome into our town." "Unfortunately, they died of radiation poisoning before we could reach them." "For those people from Denver, and for our own people, for Sheriff Dawes and Deputy Riley" "for Deputy Conner and Deputy Salem for people out there somewhere we know nothing about who might be suffering and dying right now" "I ask that we take a moment of silence." "If you've lost a loved one, would you please stand?" "If someone you love is missing, would you join those standing?" "We stand because we know that every life matters." "We have to fight for every life, even when it seems hopeless," "even when we're afraid, because the battle ahead isn't just for our survival" "it's for our humanity." "I think I'm going to be okay." "Jake." "Hi." "You're a good man for trying to help someone you didn't even know." "Hey, you thirsty again?" "No." "Couldn't sleep." "Where did you go to school, Sam?" "Crow Island." "Who is your dad?" "You." "Who loves you more than anything in the world?" "You." "And, Sam," "who is always going to take care of you?" "Mommy." "Transcript:" "Raceman, Synchro:ikpko" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Kerry, look." "Six of the Seven Tips to the Perfect Kiss I already do." "The seventh I don't need because my lips are naturally moist." "Yeah, like you can learn how to kiss by reading a magazine." "It beats getting mirror-burn." "Shut up." "Thanks for letting me stay here till my Mom could pick me up." " Sure." " Bye, Rory." "Yeah." "Bye, punk." "All right, Sabrina." "Thanks for showing me that spin move." "See you soon." " Say hi to your mom." " Bye." "Bye-bye." "Oh, boy." "He's pinching his nose." " He's mad at somebody." " Hope it's you." "Rory Joseph Hennessy." " The whole name!" " Oh, he's gonna get it!" "What?" "What did I do?" "What didn't you do?" "You were insulting Sabrina the entire car ride home." "And you just called her "punk." Why?" "She doesn't like "butt-face."" "You're making my point." "I was gonna say something, I didn't wanna embarrass you" " in front of your friend." " Favorite child." "Yeah, when does that matter?" "Tomorrow, you're gonna apologize to Sabrina." "And just so you know, punching somebody in the arm every time you see a VW bug is not OK." "And it still hurts." "What?" "What?" "!" "[both teasing] Rory's got a girlfriend." "Rory's got a girlfriend." " [girls continue chanting] - [grunts]" "Hey, girls." "Get over here." "You got mail." "Paper mail." "I can show you how to open it." "Looks like the results for your state aptitude tests." "They don't prove anything." "What is aptitude, anyway?" "A talent, skill, or ability for learning." "Got that question wrong." "I'm with Bridget on this one." "I don't place much stock in standardized tests." " That's 'cause you didn't do well..." " I had pink eye." "OK, whatever, I don't really care." " [gasps] An 88." "I got an 88!" " You did?" "!" "I read to her as a child." "Just so you guys know, I really did my best, OK?" "We know that." "You can always take it again." " [gasps] I got a 92!" " I'll pay for tutors, classes..." "You said you got a 92?" "!" "I did better than Kerry!" "No, wait, let me see that, no." "No." "[whining] No!" "Don't worry." "It's just a little higher than your cute score." " Wait, wait, wait!" "Calm." " Bridget, this is outstanding." "I can't remember the last time you made the refrigerator door." "[mock laughing] I can." "It was in the second grade." "She drew a six-legged dog." "No, this is bigger than the refrigerator." "I gotta frame this." "These." "I should start wearing glasses and put my hair up because now I'm smart and hot." "Wake up." "Wake up." "[knocking]" " Guys?" " Wow, it knocked." " I have a question." " We don't care." "Let's just say a guy likes a girl." "A girl named Sabrina?" "No!" "This is for a friend of mine." " Let's just call him..." " Dork?" "OK..." "And he..." " He lives down the hall from us?" " [Rory] Know what?" "You know, what?" "Forget it!" " Come back." "We'll help you." " Sit down." "Oh, and shut the dork." "I'm just joking." "Last one." "OK, so you like Sabrina and you wanna ask her out." "Yeah, and I can't talk to Dad about it because as soon as he finds out I like a girl, he's gonna go, "Aw!"" " Aw." " Aw." "Well, how do you know Sabrina even likes you?" "Patrick stole this note from Megan who got it from Lacey, passing it to Katy." "It said Sabrina called me a "hottie with a body", which is good, so it's a lock." "Oh, my God." "You've turned into Bridget." " Whatever." " Whatever." "OK, so what's the problem?" "Well... a bunch of people are going to the movies this weekend, and I was thinking about asking Sabrina." "[both laugh]" " What?" "You don't think she likes me?" " Well... no." "OK, let's just say, by some freak chance, she's not using you to make a cooler guy jealous or win a bet by dating über-dork." "Um, Dad's never gonna let you go." "But it's with a group." "Dad didn't let me group date when I was your age." "Oh, but in fairness, you had to be part of a group." " I had friends." " They were one-foot-tall and stuffed." " Shut up!" " And you kissed them." "Shut up!" "[scoffs]" "Just do what I do, all right?" "Just sneak out." "Don't do that." "You'll get caught and you'll be in worse trouble." "Come on." "Who ya gonna listen to?" "Her or the smart one?" "Oh, please." "You were bound to do well eventually." "If you give a thousand monkeys a thousand tests..." "That would be one test per monkey." "A 92..." "I..." " [sighs]" " Yes?" " Dad..." "I have a question." " No monkey." "No." "It's just that there's... this girl." " Aw!" " Forget it." "No, no, no, wait, wait... wait!" "I'm sorry." "Sit down." "Sit down." "Rory, I promise I won't do that again." "So who's the lucky girl?" "Actually, it's Sabrina Jenkins." " Aw!" " Dad." "Sorry!" "That's awesome." "Kerry!" "Check it out." "Rory's about to ask Dad if he can go out with Sabrina." "This is gonna be a train wreck." "Move, I can't see." "Anyway, a bunch of people are going to the movies Saturday." "And I was wondering if I could go with them." "Half-truth." "Interesting move." " And take Sabrina." " Honesty?" "Such a rookie mistake." "Now it'll be a "no" and a three-hour lecture of why it's a "no."" " Show's over." " Yeah." " Sure you can go." "Sounds like fun." " Really?" "Sweet!" " What?" " What?" "Dad!" " My God, you are such a hypocrite." " You're favoring Rory!" " It's not fair!" " Kerry stole my shirt!" "I thought I'd slip that in." "OK, Rory gets to date." "Bridget's smarter." "Wake up!" "Wake up!" "OK, everybody be quiet!" "Kerry, pull yourself together." "Paul, what's going on here?" "Well..." "Rory got himself a little girlfriend." "Aw!" " Mom, Dad's letting Rory date." " Oh, yeah." "Which is totally unfair." "The sisters are wigging'." "Well, it isn't exactly a date." "It's a group thing." "Just a group thang." "OK, Rory!" "Beat it." " Rory is skidattlin'." " Go!" "OK, calling it a "group thing" instead of a date is just..." " Just..." " Semantics?" " I was gonna..." " Say that?" " Know what?" "It is go time, genius!" " Bring it over here." "Let's go." " You couldn't..." " Girls!" "Girls!" "I thought you were on the same side here." "Sorry." "This ain't over." ""Isn't."" "Look, you gotta talk to Dad for us." "Yeah, he's letting Rory get away with murder because he's the boy." "Meanwhile, the women are stuck in the kitchen." "Yeah, but only one of us is actually doing anything." "You know we're right." "Talk to him." "Well, girls, I'd love to help you out on this one." "But your dad and I have an agreement." "We do not undercut each other." " OK, but what about sisterhood?" " Well, I'm all for it, but this sister needs a new car." "So I'm picking my battles." "Good luck!" " Mom, come on!" " Wait!" "Get ready." "Here he comes." "Hello, girls." "How's it going?" "OK, first of all, we are not girls." "We are women." "It's been a long day." "Could you be women after dinner?" "No." "You're bending the rules for Rory." "We're not gonna take it." " It's a double standard." " Want me to tell him he can't go?" "We don't care if he goes." "We want more freedom." "And pro-rated." "For all the times we didn't get to do stuff." " Yeah, so we want later curfews." " And dates on weeknights." " And a tattoo that says "Kyle."" " Bridget!" "Sorry." "I thought I'd slip that in." "I see." "So you both think I treat Rory better than you?" " Yes." " Yeah." "I see." "I don't agree, but fair's fair." "So how about this?" "Your curfew's always been 11:00, right?" "No, it's actually been 11:30." " Really?" "!" " Yeah." "For like about a year." "Oh!" "Well, then never mind." "Hey, Dad." "Check it out." "I got the new Insane Clown Posse CD for the ride to the movies." "You know, set the mood." "[chuckles] The name alone screams "romance."" "[doorbell rings]" "Little Hennessy, what do you say?" "You gonna invite me in?" "I can't." "My mom hates you and doesn't want you in our house." "That so?" "Well, guess what, her car's not here... move it." " Tommy?" "What brings you here?" " My wife call?" "No." "Why would your wife?" " She..." " [phone rings]" " Hello." " Give me..." "Yeah, I'll get that report to Higgins." "Hello?" "Honey, what are you?" "I told you I'd be working here, didn't I?" "Well..." "Wait a minute." "Are you checking up on me?" "I don't check up on you, do I?" "Because I trust you." "Well, frankly, if I were in your shoes, I'd feel terrible too." "All right, well, don't cry." "All right." "Just don't call again, all right?" "OK." "Yeah, me too." "Bye." " See ya." " Tommy, I hate it when you do this." "I hate myself when I do this." " Why do we do this, Hennessy?" " I'm not doing anything." "That's exactly what I tell myself, but I get over it." "What are you doing Saturday?" "I may need you by your phone." "I'm sticking around here on Saturday." "My son's going out on his first date." "Rudy has his first date." " Rory." " Whatever." "Your little boy!" "Yeah." "Already." "Then again, he is a Hennessy." "Ah..." "More important, he overcame it." "[chuckling]" "You're chuckling a lot for a guy reading the history of the Cosa Nostra." "I was just thinking about Rory." "Lo and behold, he's got his first date with a girl." "[continues chuckling]" " I'm reading." " No, it's just, I'm thinking about how it was almost like yesterday when he said, "Girls are yucky,"" "and throwing rocks at 'em and now, lo and behold, he's got his first date with a little girl." "You can't pretend that you're not thinking about it, too." "I'm thinking you've said "lo and behold" about five times in the last hour." " Would you, you know, stop?" " Is that so bad?" "If you'd said it before you proposed it would have been a deal breaker." "So sue me." "I'm basking in my little buddy's foray into manhood." "Paul, you are the master of the double standard." " What?" " You never chuckled when the girls were foraying into womanhood." "Well, that wasn't funny." "Not then, not now." "But you gotta admit, with Rory, it's kinda cute." "Well... well, you think it's cute." " I think it's a little sad." " I know, lo and behold, he's..." "Is this gonna be like the time you said "vis-a-vis" for six months?" "I'm sorry." "Anyway, you know, I heard on the radio that 30 percent of kids are sexually active by the time they are freshmen." "Can you believe that?" "Things have sure changed since we were in college." " Freshmen in high school." " No!" "Don't say..." "So what?" "You're saying you think Rory is..." "No." "No, no, no." "I'm just saying this is another thing to worry about and to prepare our kids for." "'Cause Rory's not a teenager, you know, vis-a-vis..." " I swear to God, vis-a-vis..." " Sorry." "Yeah, but he's nearly in high school." "I remember when I was his age, I barely had the nerve to hold a girl's hand." "I mean, mine would literally tremble whenever I'd reach for hers." " Aw!" " You know what it's like." "You remember what you were like when you were that age." "Yes." "Yeah, I..." "Yes, I do remember that." "Good night, Paul." " [up-tempo music on TV]" " Kids?" "What are you doing up so late?" "It's a school night." "We couldn't sleep." " We were scared." " Shh." "As long as you're up..." " What do you want, Dad?" " Well, I just..." "I'm doing this research on a column." "Oh, is it about double standards, 'cause you already know a lot about that." "No." "Although, and you're gonna laugh, it does touch on that." "Uh-oh." "He wants to ask us about sex." "Yes, sex is a complex and difficult decision." "We will not let peer pressure dictate our actions." " Oh, God, you are so not Celine Dion." " Would you... would you stop with this?" "Now, it's..." "Actually, I don't wanna talk about you." "I'd like to talk about other kids." "Theoretically... do you think that..." "a lot of them are you know... sexually active?" "Define "sexually active."" " Do you want to be home-schooled?" " Hey, girls!" "Girls!" "Come on!" "Please." "I don't know, Dad." "I mean, I wouldn't say a lot." "Oh, good." " Probably... one in three." " Yeah, about that." "Oh, except the band kids." "The band kids?" " Oh, yeah, they're like rabbits." " Uh-huh." "I need to sit down." "Dad, a lot of kids realize that you only have one chance for a first time, so, it's kinda worth waiting for until you're absolutely sure you're ready." "Wow, Beach." "That's exactly what I wanted to hear." "I know." "Cate, I've been thinking about this thing with Rory since last night." "What if Rory is one of the one in three?" "Or Sabrina is one of the one in three?" "And what's one in three times one in three?" "Quick, get Kerry down here." "No." " Get Bridget." " OK." " OK, Paul, you have to calm down." " What?" "I'm calm." "Take a deep breath." "You know, maybe you just need to have another talk with Rory." "You know, advanced birds and bees without the nature videos and giggling." "That's your answer for everything?" "Communicating, dealing with the problem." "Where do you come up with this stuff?" "It's not that easy." "Oh, really?" "Huh." "Um, Kerry, I just got a call from your history teacher." "Missing homework assignments?" "Explain, please." "What's the point in studying?" "Bridget's the smart one." "Bridget's the everything." "What do I care?" "All right, honey, look, I know you feel bad right now, but this is one test, taken on one day in your lifetime." "That doesn't make me feel better!" "School was the one thing I was good at." "It was my thing." "Bridget's got everything else." "Now she's suddenly Miss Ninety-Second Percentile." "I mean, that's not fair." "All right, honey, just try this:" " Get over it." " What?" "Good one, Mom." "And you... smart girl with the smart mouth." "You are obviously underachieving, so I am sentencing you to two hours of homework a night, every night, until I see an improvement in your grades." "Every night." "What?" "!" "No, no." "It was a fluke!" "I'm stupid." "S-T-O-O-P-l-D." "See?" " Too late." "You're smart." " [Bridget groans]" " Ha-ha!" "Good one, Mom." " Shut up!" "Well, you know what..." "Now, that's how you give a talk." "That was good." "Oh, look at him." "I don't hear an "aw!"" "God, I can smell the cologne over here." "Hey, Dad, how do I look?" "Like a very nice young man." "Aw, man, now I gotta go change." "Come on, you're cool." "Come here." " Can I have some money for the movies?" " Yeah." "You know, I've been unfair to you." "No, no, no." "I mean, I've been unfair to you and your sisters." "Come here for a second and sit down, Rory." " Dad?" " Yeah?" "When Sabrina gets here, do you think maybe you could call me Ror instead of Rory?" " Ror?" " Yeah." " Like a lion." " Oh, yeah!" "OK." "All right, listen, I just wanted to say that I may have gone out on a limb here, treating you differently." " 'Cause I'm the boy, right?" " Yeah." "Yeah, about that, you know how I am with boys who wanna date your sisters?" "Yeah." "Horrible." "No, well, let's just say "cautious." But I have to be careful, because I only want your..." "your sisters to go out with good guys." "And I want you to be one of the good guys." " You want me to go out with my sisters?" " No, I..." "Ror, pay attention, OK?" "I want to have a discussion with you about your behavior with girls because you'll probably be doing more of this." "Dad, don't worry." "I think I know how to treat the ladies." ""The ladies?" Who are you, Dean Martin?" "[doorbell rings]" " It's Sabrina." " Wait a minute." "I'm not finished." " Dad, I gotta go." " Listen to me." "I want you, and I expect you, to act maturely and be respectful towards Sabrina and any other girl you ever might wanna date or ever even encounter from this day forward, forever and ever." "Amen." "Why are you telling me all this?" " Because you're the boy." " [groans]" " Hey, punk." " Hey, punk." " Hi, Mr. Hennessy." " Sabrina." "See ya, Dad." "How are you doing?" "Did you see how she was dressed?" "!" "What was I thinking?" "I wanna keep the girls in a convent, and here I'm giving Rory money for shore leave." "Have a little faith." "In what?" "That Rory is the son of a very sweet man, whose hand trembled when he reached for the hand of a girl." "Cate, why don't you say that louder?" "I don't think the neighbors heard!" " [suspenseful music plays] - [high-pitched screaming]" "Uh, girls, come on over here." "You've got mail." "Oh!" "You know, neither one of you is the brightest bulb on the tree." " Oh, yeah, right." " Right." "It's from the state testing service." ""Due to an error in our computer system, your score was mistakenly reported."" "[gasps] A 94!" "I got a 94!" "Well, what did I get?" "Well, honey, you got your catalog from Delia." "Cool." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"( distant coughing )" "You found them like this?" "I came to see Karen... and I saw the blood on the floor." "Then I smelled them." "Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire." "They killed them and set them on fire!" "You're a cop." "You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me." "You understand?" "You bring 'em to me." "We'll find out who..." " I need to say it again?" " No." "No." "I know what you're feeling." "I've been there." "You saw me there." "It's dangerous." " Karen didn't deserve this." " No." "David didn't deserve it." " Nobody does." " All right, man, let's..." "Man, I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!" "We're on the same side, man." "Hey, look," "I know what you're going through." "We've all lost someone." "We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down." "You need to step the hell back!" "She wouldn't want you being like this." "Stop!" "Stop!" "Carol:" "Stop!" "( grunting )" "Daryl:" "That's enough." "That's enough." "( grunts )" "Daryl:" "Rick." "( Tyreese groans )" " Stop." " Let go of me!" " No." "No." " Let go of me!" "No." "( sobbing )" "( theme music playing )" "This is gonna be sprained at least a week." "( winces )" "Good news, none of these cuts need stitches." "I wouldn't plan on much typing the next few days." "You okay?" "It hurts." "I wasn't talking about the hand." "We just went through something terrible." "Everything we've been working so hard to keep out, it found its way in." "No." "It's always there." "Council meeting tomorrow morning." "Thought you should know." "We just lost 12 of our own." "Two more we killed in cold blood." "We could be facing an outbreak." "I think I've done enough damage for one day." "I've fallen off the wagon before." " That's what this is?" " Pretty close." "When it happened, I didn't stand around feeling bad about it." "I got back up." "I had responsibilities." "People to keep safe." "( grunting )" "Let's get you cleaned up, man." "You might even need a couple stitches." "Not until they're in the ground." "You should at least let Hershel or Dr. S. take a look at you, make sure nothing's broken." "When they're in the ground." "( grunting )" "I'm gonna be okay, though, right?" "I mean, Karen and David, they were already sick." "So if we were gonna get it, we'd have had it by now." "It doesn't happen on a timeline." "It's different with everyone." "But we could be okay." "Yeah, we could be." "Everything could be okay." "If it's walkers, if it's people, we can do something." "We can fight." "But with this, I'm just digging graves." "( coughing )" "Got to see Dr. S." "I'm gonna be okay." "( panting )" "Dr. S...?" "( people moaning, coughing )" "( coughing )" "Dr. S.?" "( growling )" "Dr. S.:" "We have to tell them." "It's starting." "Hershel:" "It's spread." "Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D." "Sasha, Caleb, and now others." "Oh, Jesus." "So what do we do?" "First things first." "Cell block A is isolation." "We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David." "What the hell we gonna do about that?" "Ask Rick to look into it." "Try to make a timeline..." "Who was where when." "But what are we gonna do to stop this?" "There is no stopping it." "You get it, you have to go through it." " But it just kills you?" " The illness doesn't." "The symptoms do." "We need antibiotics." "We've been through every pharmacy nearby." "And then some." "That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication." "The drugs for animals there are the same we need." "That's 50 miles." "Too big a risk before." "Ain't now." "I'm gonna take a group out." "Best not waste any more time." "I'm in." "You haven't been exposed." "Daryl has." "You get in a car with him..." "He's already given me fleas." "( chuckles ) I can lead the way." "I know where everything's kept." "When we're out there, it's always the same." "Sooner or later we run." "I can draw you a map." "There are other precautions I feel we should take." "Carol:" "Like what?" "There's no telling how long it'll be before Daryl and his group return." "Wouldn't it make sense for us to separate the most vulnerable?" "We can use the administration building." "Separate office, separate room." "Who is the most vulnerable?" "The very young." "What about the old?" "( squeaking )" "( gurgling )" "Give me another go at it." "The whole line's mudded up." "The end is dragging the bottom again." "We'll have to go out there and clear it." "Set the bird, go out through the tombs, swing around through the forest route." "We got enough for now." "That's tomorrow's problem." "Rick, five more people have come down with it since Sasha went in." "There's not a lot of us left." "What if you get sick?" "What if I do?" "What if we get in trouble out there and don't come back?" "Let's get this up to the people who need it." "Let's get what we have to get done first." "Is Carl pretty pissed about going into quarantine?" "Of course." "But it's better to be safe." "Always better to be safe." "You should talk to him." "We should both pay our respects." "I'll take this up first." "Meet you." "I'm sorry about what happened." "What I did to you." "Everything." "It's on both of us." "You got to find who did this." "I didn't know David much." "Did you?" "Did anyone have a problem with him or Karen?" "No." "No way." "I was with her all the time, every day." "She got along with everybody." "Same with David." "They were the only two who were sick." "The person who did it might have trying to stop this thing from spreading." "They didn't." "Now Sasha has it." "Look, whoever it was who did this, they're not going anywhere." "We'll find them." "Today?" "Right now?" "Because I'm not feeling the urgency." "All I see you doing is pumping water." "In fact, what I'm picking up is murder is okay in this place now." "No, it is not." "But we have to save lives first." "We have to keep this place going." "You worry about that." "I'll worry about what's right." "( coughing )" "It's for your own good." "I'm fine." "I don't want to be locked away with a bunch of kids." "I need you in there keeping an eye on Judith and everybody else." "Making sure they're safe." "If anybody gets sick, you let me know." "What if they've already turned when I find them?" "You don't fire unless you absolutely need to." "But you know I might need to, right?" "It's gonna be okay." "( sighs ) It's gonna be okay." " Glenn?" " Don't." " Don't... don't come in." " What is it?" "I have it." "Son of a bitch is about a quart low." "You still keep it in the bottom of tower three?" " Yeah." " I'll go get one." "Hey." "I'm glad you're here." "Where else would I be?" "Running off." "You know I'm not running off." "So it's just gonna be me and you like in the old days?" "Yeah, and Bob." "Still, feels like we could use another person." " Who else isn't sick?" " We don't ask Rick." "He wants to stay here with Carl and Little Ass-Kicker." "Keep them safe." "Plus there's plenty of stuff he could do here." "So who else we got?" "( people coughing )" "Oh, there you are." "Took me damn near forever to find you." "Whatcha doing?" "Somebody needs to stand watch." "Man, I want to find them, too." "Put a bolt in them for what they did." "( faint coughing )" "These people are cut off." "Ain't no way anyone's getting in and out without a whole bunch of people seeing 'em." "Sasha's in there." "I ain't going nowhere." "Standing guard ain't gonna do no good unless we come back with them meds." "All right." "We're gassing up by the front gate in case you change your mind." "Carl:" "Where are you going?" "I'm down here away from y'all 'cause you kids are supposed to stay away from me." "I've been walking the halls." "My dad told me to look out for everyone." "Well, you should keep your distance." "You're walking towards the exit." " I need to go out there." " To the cell blocks?" "To the woods." "So you're sneaking out." "Don't need anyone worrying about me and I damn sure don't want someone telling me I can't go." "I can't just let you go out into the woods by yourself." "Let me?" "I can't stop you." "But I have to tell my dad." "Go ahead, then." "I'll be out there by the time you find him." "Hershel." "If you have to go, then I have to come with you." " Carl." " I have to." "( coughing )" "I swear, it's just allergies." " Jeanette." " They come and go." " Jeanette." " Ask anyone from Woodbury." "Jeanette." "( door squeaks )" "( bangs )" "Lizzy:" "Carol...?" "Mica said you were here." "I don't feel good." "( coughs )" "It's okay." "Don't worry." "Hey, don't worry." "We're gonna get you better." "You just go in there and lie down." "Will you tuck me in?" "You know my friend Glenn?" "He's the best tucker I know." "And he'll make sure that you feel toasty and warm, okay?" "( coughing within )" "Okay." "It's okay." "It's okay." "It's all right." "Go on." "Thanks for being in there." "I know you don't have to be." "It means a lot you being in there with Judith." "Things okay out there?" "Glenn has it." "Maggie." "We don't get to be upset." "We all got jobs to do." "That's what Daddy always says." "Daryl and Michonne will get the meds." "You and Carol and Rick will help everyone till they get back." "And I'll take care of Judith." "Just focus on what you have to do." "No matter what happens, we'll deal with it." "We have to." "When did your dad give it back?" "Yesterday." "After everything happened." "You've grown a lot these last few months." "There's a responsibility about you." "I think it's done you good to step back." "Yeah." "It was all right." "Can't be like that all the time." "I would have been fine on my own." "It's peaceful out here." "These last couple days, we might be safer outside those walls than in." "No, we're not." "( growling )" "( snarls )" "Let's wrap this up." "( rattling )" "Don't." "You don't need to." "It was so peaceful." "It was." "Can't be like that all the time." "( growls )" "It's not as bad as it looks." "( panting heavily )" "Don't do that." "( sobbing ) Okay." "I must be a sight to see." "I'm so sorry." " I heard about Karen..." " Don't." "Don't think about that now." "Think about getting better." "Positive thoughts." "Positive vibes." "I don't know." "( sobbing )" "Daryl's got a group going out." "They're getting medicine." "Someplace Hershel knew about." "That veterinary college?" " It's far." " But they feel sure about it." "So we could have medicine as early as tomorrow." "We've got a chance." " Ty." " Get some rest." "I got to go." "Everything look all right?" "Yeah." "Zack kept this thing running pretty good." "This is Zack's car?" "Yeah, fastest one we got." "You all right?" "You really want me coming along?" "What's that word?" ""Zanamivir."" "Yup, we need you." " What's up?" " Still got room for one more?" " Hell, yeah." " Good." "Just got to get my gear." "All right." "( thumps )" "( gasps ) Oh, God, I didn't see you there." " Sorry to interrupt." " It's okay." "You okay?" "I'm going on the run with Daryl." "But I was wondering..." "I know there's a lot of people in trouble." "Sick." "It's just I know how you are." "You care." "Thank you." "I was wondering if you could look in on Sasha for me." "It would make me feel better knowing you were looking in on her." " If you can't..." " No." "No, I'd be happy to." "Thank you." "Oh, what happened to Karen, I'm so sorry." "( thumps )" "( sobs )" "Why aren't you in quarantine?" "I'm no good to anyone in there." "Daddy, please." "Maggie, dear, there are people in there suffering." "I can bring their fever down and keep them stable." "Daryl's getting the antibiotics." "Some of these people won't last 12 hours." "I can't let you do this." "Maggie, Glenn's in there." "What's going on?" "Elderberries." "My wife used to make tea with them." "They're a natural flu remedy." "Caleb's too sick to help." "I can." "There's so many times we haven't been able to do anything to change what was happening..." "What was happening to us." "We wished we could, but we couldn't." "This time, I can." "I know I can." "So I have to." "Hershel, if you go in there, you're gonna get sick." "Wait, we don't know that." "What we do know is that these people's symptoms need to be controlled." "Hershel, please." "We can wait." "Listen, damn it!" "You step outside, you risk your life." "You take a drink of water, you risk your life." "And nowadays you breathe, and you risk your life." "Every moment now you don't have a choice." "The only thing you can choose is what you're risking it for." "Now I can make these people feel better and hang on a little bit longer." "I can save lives." "That's reason enough to risk mine." "And you know that." "Dad." "( creaking )" "( creaking )" "Maggie?" "Daddy's gone." "He left." "I know." "Did he tell you where he went?" "No, but..." "I know." "How?" "Dr. S. is sick and... we all got jobs to do." "We'll deal with it, right?" "We don't get to get upset." "( growling )" "( metal rattling )" "( walkers snarling )" "( banging )" "Damn it." "Shit." "Carol!" "Run!" "Shit." "Run!" "( splashes )" "( gunshot )" "Piece of cake." "We decided to do that tomorrow." "We don't know if we get a tomorrow." "Daryl:" "Hey, I know you weren't running off." "The thing is, that trail went cold." "You know that, right?" "If it was any different," "I'd be right out there with you." "( radio static crackles )" "Would you hand me one of them CDs right there?" "Faint voice:" "Find sanctuary." " Was that a voice?" " Shh." "Determined to survive..." "Keep alive." "( tires squeal )" "( growling )" "Grab something!" "( wheels screeching )" "Go to the left." "We're jammed up." "Make a run for the gaps right there." "You two make a run for the woods and don't stop for nothing, you hear me?" "Now!" "Move!" "Ty!" "Ty!" "Go!" "Come on!" "Come on and get me!" "Go!" "Go!" "Come on." "Come on and get me!" "Daryl:" "Go!" "Daryl:" "Come on." "Hold up." "( growling )" "Come on." "( distant coughing )" "Drink it." "Hang in there, Doc." "You shouldn't be here." "Tell me you wouldn't be." "( coughing )" "( cup clatters )" "( coughs )" "If you weren't in here already, you'd be in here." "( coughs )" "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "( groans )" "Keep this on your forehead." "Veterinarian's orders." "( sighs )" "This sucks." "After everything, we just get taken out by a glorified cold." "Don't say things like that." "Don't even think things like that." "All I can do is stop saying them." "No, you can do more." "We got this far somehow, you can believe somehow." "Now we all have jobs here." "That one's yours." "That was a stupid thing you did." "Going out there like that." "Yes, it was." "You know, you do a lot for us, for the kids." "You sacrifice a lot." "Is there anything you wouldn't do for the people here?" "No." "Carol...?" "Did you kill Karen and David?" "Yes." "( Theme music playing )" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"When the prodigal son returned, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him, for this, his son, was lost and is found." "You are the prodigal son, Tornado, and I rejoice at your return and thank you for making our little family reunion possible." "Now, you must have many questions." "No?" "Oh." "How could I forget?" "Your voicebox is offline." "But your eyes and ears still function perfectly, as does the prodigious mind I built for you all those years ago." "And really, what else matters?" "Pineapple juice?" "[Slurps]" "Ahh." "Just what the Doctor ordered." "How's the arm doing, Wally?" "Well, nothing wrong nachos can't cure." "Nachos?" "Oh!" "I'll go get you some." "Aah!" "[Beeps]" " [Grunting]" " Good work, everyone." "In fact, it's been a very productive week." "Yeah, for everyone except kid malingerer." "Hey!" "Arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here." "[Chuckles] I've really enjoyed being your, uh, den mother this week." "Recognized:" "Zatara, one, one." "[Whirring]" "Access granted." "Zatanna, Zatara." "A-zero-3." "Authorization:" "Zatara, one, one." "[Whirring]" "Zatanna, this is the team." "Team, my daughter, Zatanna." " Hi!" "I'm..." " Robin!" "Ahem." "I mean, I'm Robin." "Heh." "She's M'gann, and that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, and Connor." " Welcome to the Cave." " Thanks." "So, uh, are you joining the team?" "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." "This is strictly a visit." "But I am sorry we missed the training." "It's something from which Zatanna could benefit." "[Thinking] Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?" "[Thinking] Not just Zatara." "I mean, why is Marvel still hanging around?" "[Thinking] Because we like having him around." "[Thinking] You like having him around 'cause he waits on you hand and foot." "And your point is?" "[Thinking] It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor." "[Thinking] Yeah." "At least he trusted us." "If you ignore the fact we shouldn't have trusted him!" "He was a traitor." "That machine nearly got all of us killed." "Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" "'Cause I can't decide if that's cool or really rude." "All right." "Fine." "We were talking about Tornado." "It's been weeks since his attack, and the League hasn't told us anything." "The League is searching for Tornado, as well as the other androids that invaded the Cave and their creator, T.O. Morrow." "Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority." "But you've found none of the above." "Not yet, but Tornado is Justice League." "The team is not to pursue this." "Why don't you all take Zatanna on a, uh, a tour of the Cave?" "[Snores]" "Ah." "You're giving a tour?" "Cool!" "Actually, I was hoping you'd take wolf outside." "He needs the exercise." "We'll join you in a few." "Sure, sure." "I can do that." "Come on, wolf." "What..." "My nachos!" "[Grunts]" "When did you... how did you..." "We're not really taking a tour, are we?" "No." "We're hunting down that robot." "Yes, we are." "Oh, wow." "Out loud and everything." "What about new girl?" "I'm sure she won't tell." "I can't tell." "Not if you kidnap me." "Oh, she's going to fit in great." "[Grunts]" "Fetch." "Come on!" "Fetch." "Please?" "[Whirring and beeping]" "M'gann, the bioship wasn't authorized for departure." "We're kidnapping Zatanna..." "To show her happy harbor." "Be back soon!" "Roger that." "Have fun." "I did not give permission for..." "They're good kids, Giovanni." "Trustworthy kids." "Don't worry." "Where are we going?" "Batman is the world's greatest detective, and he searched for Tornado and morrow in every logical location." "If we're going to do better, we need an illogical solution." "A truly dumb idea." "As a matter of fact..." "[Beeps]" "[Beeps and whirs]" "Look, Tornado." "Your brother and sister are back online." "We'll have you up and running, too." "Maybe even turn your voice box back on, as soon as I'm done copying and downloading your memory files." "In the meantime, I'll tell you a story." "[Buzzing]" "Once upon a time, a brilliant scientist decided to build his own superhero to infiltrate and destroy the Justice Society of America." "His first creation was..." "Red Torpedo, hero of the ocean deep, a machine programmed to think he was a man." "Unfortunately, that programming was crude." "Torpedo never quite fit in." "Your eldest brother was a failure." "But the scientist believed in his plan and began again." "Your sister debuted as firebrand, a much-loved and admired heroine." "[Woman screams]" "If only she hadn't been so darn heroic." "Yet our intrepid scientist would not quit, and this time, the android would know he was an android." "The new approach worked..." "Red Tornado, the robot hero, was inducted into the Justice Society." "The scientist believed he had triumphed." "But Tornado's original heroic programming and Pinocchio-like desire to become more human caused him to betray his creator, his father." "[Beeps] Still, the scientist refuses to give up." "Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last month's prison break." "He's given us 5 minutes with you." "Spill, Ivo." "How do we find T.O. Morrow and his Reds?" "Now, why in the world would I know how to find morrow?" "Because..." "And here's a truly dumb idea..." "You're Morrow's biggest competitor in the evil android game." "Who better to keep track of what he's up to, and where?" "Ah." "I see your point." "So let me rephrase..." "Why in the world would I tell you how to find morrow?" "He knows." "Do what you must." "[Laughs] Oh, please." "As if I've never faced a telepath before." "[Speaks Latin]" "Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park," "100 meters South of old faithful." "Wait." "What just happened?" "Download complete." "[Buzzer]" "[Whirring]" "Time for the upload." "But first, introductions." "Red Tornado, Red Torpedo, Red Inferno..." "I like that name so much better than firebrand..." "Meet your baby brother..." "Red Volcano." "This Red won't bother infiltrating the Heroes." "He'll simply destroy them, with the help of your memories." "Finally, the scientist has built an android that transcends the need to be human." "[Beeps]" "No more Pinocchios." "[Whirring]" "[Grunts and gasps]" "Hello, father." "Son." "You're hurting me." "Yes, but pain is so human." "And per your programming," "I've transcended any concern for human." "No more Pinnochios." "His son was lost... son was lost..." "Son was..." "[Buzzing]" "Did you know father was an android?" "We're a stick." "Father, you were right." "Humans are annoying." "Black out all external communication." "Soon, Canary and Zatara..." "Batman, too, I imagine..." "Will know of our visit with Professor Ivo." "We haven't much time." "Look." "[Chuckles]" "I'm trying to be all nonchalant here." "Why?" "Be as chalant as you like." "I think we're all just trying to get a handle on your powers." "Could you teleport us to Tornado, or Morrow to a cell, or force his bots to surrender?" "Or create peace on earth for all time?" "Zatara couldn't even do all that, and I'm nowhere near on my dad's level." "I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it." "Plus, all magic requires energy, which usually has to come from within." "I just can't make the impossible happen at will." "What's our E.T.A. to Yellowstone?" "I'm way past ready to stuff Tornado into a trash compactor." "Are you so certain he betrayed us?" " Aren't you?" " I am not convinced." "And even so, that makes him but the victim of his creator's programming." "Certainly, he deserves a chance to prove he's more than the weapon others designed him to be." "Listen to me, my brothers, my sister." "I have been downloaded with all your memories." "Father's, too." "Oh." "He left out the bit about him being an android, but he did reveal his plan, his dream for our destiny." "There is a semi-dormant supervolcano beneath Yellowstone." "Father gave me the power to activate it in 3 stages." "The eruption will decimate the planet, kill millions, and trap the rest under an impenetrable cloud of ash." "While humanity struggles to survive, we 4 will build a Red Army to make this earth a Red Planet." "[Beeping]" "Ivo to Morrow." "Thomas, are you there?" "I'm here, Anthony." "What do you want?" "Reluctantly, to warn you." "The children have learned your location." "I do not believe they have told their elders and betters." "But they are on their way." "Perfect." "Stealth mode." "I recommend you stay behind." " Is that an order?" " No." "You must do as you see fit." "Good." "[Speaks Latin]" "Prove yourself a loyal Red, brother." "Kill them for me." "Ivo was right." "Something's down there." "[Wind blowing] [All grunting]" "Why, Tornado?" "Why are you doing this?" "[Thinks] Message received." "Who cares why?" "Nail him!" "Superboy!" "Maneuver 7!" "[Both grunt]" "Aah!" "[Grunts]" "[Both grunt]" "Look out!" "Aah!" "That does it, Red." "You're not the only spin doctor around here." "[Grunts]" "[Grunts and screams]" "[Both grunt]" "[Stammering in Latin]" "[Grunts]" "Quite a performance, brother, but we both know that's all it was." "I have all your memories, Tornado, plus a next-gen processor." "I know your next move before you do." "[Grunts]" "[Scoffs] Blowing a message into the sand?" "[Grunting and yelling]" "[Thinking] Zatanna?" "I'm good." "The Red Tornado's getting away." "Is he abandoning us?" "I don't believe that." "You stand no chance against me, humans." "[Grunts] We're not human!" "Apologies." "I suppose the properly inclusive term is..." "[Both scream]" "Meatbags." "[Gasps] [Both scream]" "[Both grunt]" "[Both grunt]" "Tornado's memory files and my superior processing speed allow me to anticipate your every move." "[Speaking in Latin]" "[Groans]" "Tornado never knew my moves." "And I bet you've got some good ones." "Whoa." "Sorry." "That may have come off a little too Wally." "[Chuckles] I don't mind." "[Whirring]" "[Rattling]" " We must stop him." " Why?" "Once we believed we lived." "Now, there is only Red Inferno and Red Torpedo." "Why should we help save humanity when we are no longer human?" "The premise of your question is flawed." "You were never human, but you were heroes." "[Grunts]" "[Thinking] He's activating a stage 2 eruption." "It gets to stage 3, kiss the hemisphere good-bye." "[Thinks] Hit him from all sides." "[Grunting and yelling]" " [Screams]" " M'gann!" "[All grunting]" "[Speaking in Latin]" "I use a scaled-down version when I want to sneak out of the house." "[Grunts]" " Nice hit!" " The hit was not mine." "Look!" " [Metal clangs]" " Sister!" "Brothers!" "Stop!" "[Metal clangs]" "Father would be so disappointed." "[Grunts]" "[Rumbling]" "Tornado, listen!" "We're on the verge of a stage 3 supervolcano eruption." "There's no turning back from that." "We need to vent pressure, fast." "But the ash cloud will bring on worldwide nuclear winter unless you divert it." "Triangulate around the pressure locus." "Right." "There, there, and there." "Yes!" "[Whirring]" "[Clicks and beeps]" "There." "That should do it." "Yes." "I can speak again." "You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the planet." "The planet would have survived." "It is humanity that was saved..." "Though not by me." "My sister and brother were the true heroes this day." "My point is this... you were never the mole, never a traitor." "No." "I left to protect you from further attack and to find my creator, Morrow." "Cool." "Souvenir." "Reddy, we can rebuild you better than you were before." "I do not believe I should be repaired." "Why'd you volunteer to become our den mother in the first place?" "I was the pragmatic choice." "I do not require sleep." "I have no secret identity or second life to live." "But you do have advanced A.I. programming designed to learn, adapt, evolve." "Hello, M'gann." "You wanted to become more human." "And you couldn't do that with the League." "They're stiffs." "You're sure not going to learn emotion from Batman." "Trust me." "Then the Cave was not a proving ground only for us, but for you as well." "I do not know if these statements are accurate, but perhaps they are true." "And if I understand the term correctly," "I believe I have come to..." "Care about you all." "See?" "Practically a meatbag already." "Which reminds me." "[Beeping] [Respirator hissing]" "[Gasps] I will not hurt him." "[Wheezing]" "He was evil, but T.O. Morrow is still my father." "I will care for him." "It is the human thing to do." "So, good kidnapping?" "Actually, yeah." "Best ever." "Heh." "First of many, I hope." "If my dad doesn't ground me for life." "She's grounded for life!" ""They're good kids, Giovanni."" ""Don't worry, Giovanni."" "She's never joining this team." "Um, are they coming out to play or what?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"SSA:" "Wait for audio trigger" "One enemy AS at 12 o'clock!" "Is it an M-9?" "I can't confirm!" "Don't isolate yourself!" "Stay in formation!" "It's too fast, I can't get a lock on it!" "Right!" "On your right!" "Calm down!" "There's only one enemy!" "Over there!" "Boy Meets Girl" "Sagara-kun..." "Five units..." "The silver AS..." "Well dodged..." "Kashim..." "Which is superior?" "In an ordinary battle, they would be evenly matched..." "But..." "That silver AS isn't normal!" "It's got some strange weapon that gives it the upper hand." "My shell exploded in midair!" "It's some messed up trick..." "Trick..." "No..." "It's not..." "It's not a trick..." "Skill..." "Technology..." "The enemy has it..." "But, in his machine..." "Ka..." "Kaname-chan..." "What's wrong?" "He's going to lose." "At this rate... he's definitely going to lose." "What?" "!" "Shit, that's it!" "It's not an incendiary grenade..." "It's not even reactive explosive armor..." "It's like... some invisible wall..." "How can he..." "Al..." "Unharmed?" "!" "After taking that hit?" "!" "What?" "!" "Al... what was that sound..." "Main system, boot up sequence executing 20 seconds until boot up complete" "What..." "What are you doing!" "?" "Al!" "I missed?" "Once more then..." "Lambda driver initialization complete" "Lambda driver?" "What are you talking about?" "Cannot answer" "Combat system..." "Answer me, Al!" "Cannot answer" "What's going on?" "When that happened to me... my whole machine was destroyed!" "I somehow... understand..." "Kaname, you okay?" "I feel sick..." "He... doesn't know how to use it..." "A strong... will to defend..." "Stop it!" "Kaname, get a hold of yourself." "A hint..." "I..." "Hint?" "What hint?" "I'm... always being saved... this time..." "I have to perceive... the... similar to... topological..." "No!" "I won't lose!" "Kaname..." "What's wrong with you..." "Your radio... pass it to me..." "I have to tell him quickly!" "Hurry up!" "Can you survive this next one?" "Sagara-kun, can you hear me?" "Chidori?" "Listen carefully..." "You enemy has... a special device equipped..." "The enemy's... impulse to attack is... projected as a physical force... by that device." "Chi..." "Chidori?" "Listen!" "And..." "I don't know why but..." "Your AS... has... a Lambda driver equipped!" "That's why you were unharmed." "Lambda... driver?" "Just a minute ago..." "You thought about protecting yourself, didn't you..." "The device reacted to that!" "What you strongly desire in your heart takes form!" "What I desire takes form..." "There's no way a weapon like that..." "This is..." "Your enemy just thought... of smashing you to pieces... but he couldn't!" "You can do the same too..." "Concentrate hard." "Concentrate on defeating your opponent!" "Give it your all." "Gather you thoughts!" "I see." "Of course, it's possible... since you were protecting the whispered..." "It's not strange that you possess it..." "What are you doing!" "?" "Give it everything you have!" "I've been doing that!" "Nothing is happening!" "This is how you use it!" "How long do you plan to keep on running away like that?" "It's useless." "You don't have a clue about what you're doing." "Let's finish this." "Listen Sagara-kun, what's important is concentration." "Breath in and when you're about to exhale, let your gun have it all." "Even if you say so..." "Then imagine this..." "If you lose, I... am going to be stripped naked... they're going to perform experiments on my body and kill me!" "Think about that!" "You don't like it do you...?" "No..." "Does it piss you off?" "Yeah..." "He's... planning on doing that..." "Would you forgive him for that?" "Never..." "Then... aim your gun at him." "So that's all you've got..." "You disappoint me..." "It'll be alright..." "Close your eyes." "Believe in me..." "Picture it in your mind..." "Now, you're going to hit him." "Close his eyes in front of the enemy?" "!" "When you do that... take a breath..." "Die." "Imagine it..." "Now!" "Now!" "Sagara-kun, you okay?" "Affirmative." "Geez." "This is the world's... worst way of transporting injured people." "Quit complaining." "How do you feed, Chidori?" "Better than before." "I forgot what I was saying earlier though." "Chidori!" "Are you okay, Chidori?" "You're gonna hear about this later..." "Kaname-chan, we've arrived at the sea." "Moreover, we have a grand escort." "Wurz-7, keep running forward!" "Sousuke, you only get one chance!" "Jump off the cliff's edge!" "Recovered Wurz-7..." "Request entry from hatch #4." "Complete." "Commence locking on hatch #4." "Two seconds remaining..." "Locking complete." "Starboard, steer two zero five." "Full ahead." "Aye aye, ma'am." "Starboard, steer two zero five." "Full ahead." "What a mess..." "What happened to Gauln?" "He dies." "This time for sure..." "I see..." "I would've liked to be there..." "You look like you want to say something..." "Major... what is the Lambda driver?" "Major, I understand elementary physics..." "I've never heard of a device that can generate that kind of power." "This is probably hard to understand for someone from your generation." "The weapon technology we have at this point is an aberration." "The Lambda driver is one... so is the ECS..." "Even this ship's propulsion system..." "All of them are far too developed..." "Have you ever thought that having Sci-fi-like robots running around on the battlefield... is a bit abnormal?" "I... thought for the first time today..." "I've always carried this question with me..." "There's no way such a thing can exist..." "But.. there it is..." "Technology that is able to produce things such as the AS..." "Who created this Black Technology... or should I say, where did it come from?" "Do you know?" "From people like Chidori..." "The ones called whispered..." "That I cannot say..." "But, keep it in mind..." "Yes sir." "And, about Chidori..." "We've decided the intelligence division will spread false rumors." "Gauln and his men analyzed Kaname Chidori, but... she was not one of the whispered." "She should be safe with that..." "But... it is necessary to have some kind of insurance..." "Insurance?" "Are you awake?" "Sousuke is safe." "There is no need to worry..." "Where is this?" "Who are you?" "This is a hospital in Tokyo..." "You've been unconcious for two days..." "We were the ones that brought you in." "I'm one of Sousuke's comrades." "Sagara-kun's?" "There isn't much time, so I'll make it short." "Listen, Kaname..." "You were drugged at that base, and became unconscious..." "The next thing you knew, you were in this hospital..." "You don't remember anything about what happened in between..." "Forget everything." "Who are you people..." "We are Mithril..." "We're a group that brings down terrorist groups, destroys drug factories and such..." "I guess you can say we're a group that protects the world..." "Mithril..." "I think there are people in Japan that have at least heard of the name..." "But... if you don't want any trouble..." "you'll say you don't remember anything..." "That's what you have to stick with." "and another thing..." "I have to thank you." "Thank me?" "You saved two of my subordinates." "You're a life saver." "Uh..." "I didn't..." "If you hadn't been there with them..." "Sousuke and Kurz probably wouldn't have survived..." "You could quite possibly be... a much stronger person than us." "Oh no..." "I feel awkward..." "Well then... bye for now." "Wait!" "Will he..." "Will Sagara-kun..." "Sousuke?" "He's already on another mission." "Are there... any messages...?" "For you?" "None that I heard..." "I see..." "Good bye." "Kyoko..." "Kana-chan!" "Thank God!" "I was really worried!" "We were thrown out of those transport planes at Fukuoka Airport." "We haven't seen that rescue team since." "Seems like they had nothing to do with the United Nations." "That's why we didn't know where you were!" "But just a little while ago, the hospital contacted the school." "They said you were brought in here." "I'm so sorry, Chidori-san!" "I was the one who should have been taken away by them!" "Hey, wait..." "I am a patient you know..." "That's true." "Even though it's only a slight injury, you should get some rest." "That's right, so be gentle." "You really ought to thank that rescue team." "Yeah, though our field trip did get ruined..." "You're alive, that's all that really matters." "So there really is no problem." "Yup, that's right." "We're alive, that's all that matters." "Sa..." "Sagara-kun!" "What is it, Chidori?" "Why... are you here?" "What do you mean, why?" "It's okay, it's okay." "I just came to see how you were doing." "Here, I even brought you a gift." "What's going..." "I'm your insurance..." "For a while..." "Sousuke!" "Let's go, Sousuke!" "What is this smoke!" "?" "No, the data!" "My precious word processor!" "I used a smoke bomb!" "What?" "!" "You said we needed a diversion." "If you reduce visibility to zero, you can safely get away with the copies without being seen." "On top of that... they won't..." "You imbecile!" "That hurts..." "Oh, shut up!" "You war-driven gloomy creep!" "Look at this!" "The papers are all ruined!" "Now all of that was pointless!" "We can probably use them if we just dry them." "No excuses!" "You're just too stupid!" "I don't care if you're an AS pilot of whatever." "You need to learn some common sense..." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[J.D.] It's been a week, but I'm having trouble moving past my breakup with Julie." "Luckily, my roommate knows how to take care of me." "Nice." "Now it's a picture of me and you on a unicorn." "J.D., that's Gary Busey." "It's uncanny." "[J.D.] Now that we live together, Elliot and I were getting tighter every day." "[Screaming] Oh, my God!" "That's cold!" "J.D.!" "[J.D.] She wasn't great at practical jokes." "[Squeaking]" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Oh!" "[J.D.] But still, we'd become inseparable." "[# The Southland:" "Shadow]" "Whoa!" "OK!" "Yeah." "There you are, little fellas." "Thanks for the ride, buddy." "See you upstairs." "Ooh!" "Todd!" "Gun show!" "Don't worry." "I've got permits." "Go ahead and touch 'em." "The safety's on." "Oof!" "I keep passing out, but you haven't seen it 'cause it happens when I yawn." "No problem." "Newbie." "Quick." "Tell him a story." "Lay off." "I'm still upset with this Julie thing." "I'm... [splatting]" "You know, in high school once there was a..." "Hope that hurt." "Totally worth it." "I need one of you two clowns to do a work up on this guy." "It's going to be a giant pain in the ass." "Hmm." "Newbie, looks like it's you." "All the best." "Damn those rollerblades." "OK, everybody, let's gather around." "[J.D.] After six months, some interns can become completely overwhelmed." " Where's Rex?" " He's gone fetal again." " Put a blankie on him." " I've got it." "Unfortunately, young Keith had become competent so quickly that every word out of his chiseled mouth came tainted with an arrogant smugness that he couldn't hide no matter how hard he tried." "Is there anything else I can do?" "[J.D.] Right on cue." "No, Keith." "All I need right now is a sip of your coffee to make me feel warm in my belly." "Oh!" "Keith!" "Look what you did!" "Here!" "Dr. Dorian, take my shirt." "You think you're better than me?" "With your rock-hard abs and your dynamite areoles." "Well, you're not." " [Gasping]" " Dr. D, what's on your back?" "Those, Jason, are the panicked scratches of the adolescent raccoon who, until animal control can get into my home, is currently residing in my sock drawer." "[J.D.] To clear my head, I decided to give scooter-blading a try." "I got this!" "Gun it, grandma!" " OK." " [Revving]" "Ooh!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "[Yawning]" "Hmm?" "Whoo!" "Whoa!" "Mm-hm." "[Tires screeching]" "[Shouting]" "Whoo!" "That was close!" "# I can't do this all on my own" "# No, I know I'm no Superman" "# I'm no Superman #" "You OK, Dr. Dorian?" "Keith, it's like you're begging me to hate you." " I don't feel like I am." " You can't stop!" "[Whistles] Newbie, today." "[J.D.] We were edgy because our favorite patient, Mrs. Wilk, had developed a lung infection and needed to be intubated." "Basically, we had to put her in a coma." "At her age, there's always a good chance she'll never wake up." "A whole week of sleep." "You'll have some killer bed head." "I'm nervous." "Sorry." "I love bed head." "Marge, the patient should not have to be braver than you." "Go easy on him." "He's my fella." "Now listen, if this doesn't work, I want you to just let me go." "Don't let me linger." "[J.D.] You'd think we'd be used to this kind of stuff by now, when a patient's been around for a while, it gets to everyone." "No matter how long you've been here." "Turkelton, you're a surgeon." "When did you ever deal with Mrs. Wilk?" "[Electro music playing]" "You're not extending your arm." "It's called pop and lock, Christopher." " Not pop and dangle." " OK." "OK?" "[Music plays]" "Oh." "OK." " You're getting it now, baby." " OK." " I'll see you later." " Go Michael!" "She changed my life." "All right." "Here we go." "See you in a couple days." "Let's hope so." "[J.D.] Everyone has their own way of getting stuff off their mind." "Some people like to work it off." "Others try to drink it away." "For me, I had heard that the piercing girl at the mall was easy." "Thanks for penciling me in." "Maybe later you could show me where else you're pierced." " Why wait till later?" " All right." " [J.D. Screaming] - [Banging]" "I feel so close to you right now." " [Zipper unzipping] - [Screaming]" "Oh!" "Why do I forget that I'm lactose intolerant?" "What are you doing here?" "We were so bummed about Mrs. Wilk we inhaled six gallons of ice cream." "Would you tell Dr. Kelso to make this gym more female friendly?" " There's no equipment for women here." " Yeah." "Know where there's all kinds of equipment for women?" "Toddland." "Damn it, Todd." "What did I tell you about talking like that around my wife?" " Wait until she leaves and then say it?" " Exactly." "You're welcome." " Saving this seat for your ex-wife?" " No." "She... she's over there." "Do you know that guy pointing at us?" "No." "You should fight him." "One rule." "No yapping." "The only thing I want to hear is my liver drunkenly singing rugby songs." "Calm down." "I'm not even here." "Seriously, my shift at the hospital doesn't end for three hours." " I hate that place and everyone in it." " I'll drink to hate." "Cheers." "[Laughing] You're right." "But, you know..." "You know what else I hate about Kelso?" "His hair smells like a pet store." "Actually, that's my fault." "I filled his hairspray can with dog sweat." " Dogs don't sweat." " No?" " What the hell am I putting in there?" " We're giving Bobby a ride home." "Say good night to your girlfriend." "He'll be here tomorrow." "I will." "Not that it matters." "Not that I care." "[Country music plays]" " [Jordan] Perry!" " [Record scratches]" "Dorm closes at midnight." "Uh!" " I gotta go." " Yep." "I tell you, I am done trying to pick up the random ladies." "Every time I do, I end up with face holes and an emerald stud on my peep." "[J.D.] Which I'm keeping." "You're surrounded by interns who'd do anything to get with the attending." " Make a booty call." " He's right." "People have been making booty calls since the dawn of time." "Kronk, why you go now?" "Oh!" "Hey." "You're up." "Um..." "Look." "I don't know what you're looking for, but I just got out of a really tough relationship with this girl, Debbie." "Also, my sister was carried off by a giant bird so we've all been in mourning about that." "And, um, my brother ate my foot." "But you are just fantastic." "The things you were doing last night, they were, well, crazy." "OK?" "So when I clear my own stuff up, I'd love to get back together with you." "Hungry." "OK, I should really go." "You know what?" "I'll do it." "If my partner-in-crime here'll join me." "J.D., booty calls are pathetic." "More than e-mailing your high school boyfriend to see about his marriage?" "Black hand side." "Carla, Mike Gorski wrote "keep in touch" in my yearbook and that's all I'm doing." "He did say that his wife Carol is his soul mate and yes, they have twins, but he also said that he wished she knew how to ski, so let's just see if they're together come winter." "Yes, J.D., I will do this with you." "Oh, Dr. Kelso." "Where..." "Where's your wife going?" "He's gonna ask Dr. Kelso if we can get some equipment for women in the gym." " Oh." "That is so nice." " My baby's learning." "[Turk] Oh!" "Are you crazy?" "Why would you want your wife in the gym?" "Because unlike you, I don't hate my wife." "Yet." "You don't hate your wife yet." "But think about it, huh?" "You go to work, she's there." "You go out, she's there." "And when you go home, where is she?" " There?" " Ding." "Women are everywhere." "Except for the gym." "That's why it's such a magical place." "Don't ruin that." "Don't be that guy." "Come on." "You're so much more than that." "[Whispering] I'm begging you." "I'm..." "I'm actually saving that for someone." " That's not allowed." " Fair enough." "Say, that's a real nice pantsuit you have there." "Oh, well, thank you." "It's 40 percent off." "Swing by my place and see if we can't get it 100 percent off?" "Had to be done." " Thanks." "I got your next one." " Don't mention it." "I'm late 'cause Dorian parked his scooter behind my new van." "Practically punctured a tire backing over it." "Kid drives me crazy." "A new van, huh?" "You blew up the old one over a bet." "Remember?" "Right." "Dorian drives me crazy too." "But what are you going to do about it?" "I stole this from his locker." "I come by here a couple times a week and move stuff around." "Turn off his alarm." "Maybe cut his bangs." "You're in need of help, but darn it, I'm not gonna give it to ya." "How sound a sleeper you think he is?" "Well, watch this." "Why?" "So, what now?" " [Siren wailing] - [Screaming]" "Naked." "Excellent." "Who took my emerald?" "[J.D.] After paying the Janitor the unreasonable sum of $90 to move my bed back home we decided to round up our interns so we could pick out our respective booty calls." "Welcome to Fuglyville." "J.D., I don't want to do this." "Can't we just go home and put on our pj's and watch Grey's Anatomy?" "Oh, I do love that show." "It's like they've been watching our lives and then just put it on TV." " Yeah." " Hmm." "[J.D.] Carla listened at the door while I was helped Turk ask for gym equipment." " What do you want?" " [J.D.] And then Turk lied." "Sir, we're here on behalf of Dr. Bianca." "You know, the albino radiologist?" "Oh, Jim!" "Who'd he get pregnant this time?" "I tell you, the ladies cannot resist that ivory rascal." "Sir, Jim is demanding that he gets new equipment in his lab." "Demanding?" "There is no way in hell that Jim is getting new equipment!" "Sorry, baby." "I tried." " Has there been any change?" " She's still the same." "[J.D.] I guess in the back of my mind I was hoping for a pleasant surprise because around here most of them are unpleasant." "[Sighs]" "Like when a guy you thought you connected with turns on you." "Hey." "How's the day treating you, big guy?" "You're not talking to me, are you, Doogie?" "Doogie?" "This is a doctor no-fly zone, bubs." "Speaking of flys, yours is down." "Oh, no!" "You fell for the grade school zinger!" "You gotta go!" "Back to the game, boys." "And you guys would not believe how hard my man fought for us." "Yeah." "Well, you know, ladies, I do what I do when I do what I do." "[J.D.] Or your boss blows your cover." "Turkelton, I have reconsidered your request and I've decided to give old Jim that new MRI machine." "[Yelps] See, baby..." "No!" "Wait!" "[J.D.] My surprise came the next morning when I found out Elliot had broken our no booty call agreement." "With my nemesis." "Why is he wearing my robe?" "It fits me." " J.D., I can explain." " Oh, you did it twice." "All righty." "Somebody's a stud." "We got a stud alert in here!" "Whoop!" "Whoop!" "Whoop!" "OK, this is just mathematically impossible." "Keith, Dr. Dorian and I have to get to work now, OK?" "Why don't you clean this up, then drop off my laundry and get me a coffee and bring it to the hospital." "Run, like a bunny." "Sure thing, Elliot." "Keith!" "It's after nine." "It's Dr. Reid now." "Dr. Reid." "Dr. Reid." "I love booty calls." ""El Toro Grande"?" "I'm not familiar with this brand." "No change." "Her FIO2 is still 50 percent." "I said no cream." "I didn't say no cream." "It's like having a sex puppy." " What's your problem?" " I can't stand that guy." "J.D., he's just a booty call." " Say the word and I'll end it." " I'd appreciate it if you'd end it." "Oh, my God." "You've turned Keith into forbidden fruit." "I must have him now." "Heel!" "[clicking tongue]" "Oh." "Hey, bud." "Check out my new mop bling." "Bling!" "It's cool." "I cleaned it." "Oh, so what?" "Now we're pals again?" "I've got to be honest." "I'm confused, Sasquatch." "I got a rep to protect, OK?" "I'm seen as the king of working folks." "If they catch me hobnobbing with a doctor-type," "I won't get my cut of prosthetics we looted from the storage room." " How's that?" " We sell feet to college kids for $500." "Apparently, they..." "smoke something out of them." "Let me get this straight." "You are embarrassed to be seen with me?" "At the hospital." "At the bar we can hang out all we want." "You rich, yacht-owning punk!" "You think..." "They're gone." "It's cool." "See you at the bar." "Aw, sweetie, do you want me to call his mommy and tell her he's being mean to you?" "My friend is mean to me." "Listen." "Honey, I know you're angry." "But look what I found in my locker." "A wad of cash." "You can buy the shoes you wanted." "I'm not mad about that gym thing." "Sign this please." " Any of you ladies have a pen?" " Whoo!" "Oh!" "Yow!" " Yow!" " [Sighs]" "You set me up." "Baby, you are mad." "It's not a crime for me to want one place that I can hang out by myself." "Turk, I am not mad, OK?" "Now staple these, please." "Anybody got a stapler?" "Hey!" "Hey." "[J.D.] I promised I wouldn't pick on Keith, but this one he had coming." "OK, guys." "Gather round, gather round." "Your hero, Keith here, forgot to check the blood levels on Mr. Joy this morning and guess what?" "He's dead." "Way to go there, Keith." "I've never seen this guy before." "Oh!" "Way to get to know your patients there, murderer." "There's Mr. Joy." "J.D., did you steal him from the morgue?" "I left a note on the decapitated guy's stump I'd have him back by 2." "It is 1:45." "I have to take him back to the basement and I don't even have my gurney." "I hate dead people." "All right." "The real reason that I brought Mr. Joy up here was for a teaching exercise." "Can anyone figure out the cause of death?" "Maybe when you leaned over to check his I.V., you smothered him to death with one of your love handles." "What did you say, Keith?" "Dr. Reid told me if you picked on me I should stand up for myself." "And that you're very sensitive about your... doughy physique." "Well, I'm not." "Please, no one help." "He's not heavy at all." "Out of professional decorum we should refrain from talking about Dr. Reid." "He's boinking her, everyone." "That's why he gets special treatment." "What did she say to do if I said that?" " Page her." " Ah!" " Hello." " [Gagging]" "I forgot how strong you are when you're mad." "Hey, can I..." "can I talk to you for a sec?" "What's the matter, Sally?" "Vending machine's out of bras again?" "Nice." "You tell him." "What's up, buddy?" "I just thought your friends might be interested in seeing this photo" "I took with my cell phone the other night." "I'm going to airbrush "Friends Forever."" "Then I'm gonna hang these bad boys all over the hospital." "Oh, evocative." " Give it to me." " You want it?" "Come and get it." " Come and get it." " Gentlemen, let's try to be professional." "I left my gurney downstairs in the morgue." "You're a superstar." "One of them staplers could've killed me." "Know what bothers me?" "You whining about me being in your space when you never want to be alone." "For God's sake, you bought side-by-side toilets." " That was a surprise for your birthday." " A surprise for me." " Surprise!" "How about that?" "OK?" " I don't want it." "Take it back." "Doughy physique, Elliot?" "Doughy physique?" "If the pear-shaped shirt fits, wear it." "I am ashamed of you, OK?" "Do you know how petty it is to get that personal?" " My own face, OK?" " That's what I'm telling you." "Once when we were dating, Elliot asked me to urinate on her." "[All stop arguing]" "I had been stung by a jellyfish!" "[All arguing]" "[Pagers beeping]" "[J.D.] Around here, it can feel like good things never happen." "Good to see you, you old bird." "Did I miss anything?" "I'll catch you up later." "[J.D.] Of course, when they do, all the petty little arguments fade away." "And you don't mind waiting a little longer for your workout." "Or your bar friend not being your work friend." "Because the truth is, when you put stuff in perspective, the little things will never bother you again." "Good morning, Dr. D." "Dr. Reid told me to get my sweet ass out of the shower and make an omelet." "You want one?" "[J.D.] Did I say never?" | {
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"In two months, I will have been here ten years." "And you're like my real family." "Isn't that tragic?" "My mother called and wished me happy birthday and hinted to the fact I wasn't making enough money." "If you can call, "Still making the same salary, honey?" a hint." "My ex-wife used to say that too, but she never used the word "honey"." " In three years, can I double my income?" " Good luck." " Four years?" " Maybe." "You're great people and this is a great present." "I wish I could squeeze all of you into one pretty woman." "If you'd like to go into my office, I'll try." "Thanks a lot." "I'll be home soon." "I'm taking Daniel to get his new car." " What'd he get?" " BMW convertible." "Oh, my God." "Leather?" " Leather?" " Oh, yeah." " I want one." " All right." "Kiss Alex for me." " I want one." " She says, "happy birthday"." "These are great." "Thanks." " Just stuff I like." " It's great." "Why do you drive this?" "I see people driving these." "What, is a flood coming?" "Hoover Dam broke?" "I like this car." "It's a battering ram." "This is what Patton drove." ""Hey, you, soldier, forward"." "In an 8.5 earthquake, you'll beg for a Jeep." "In an 8.5 earthquake, I'll beg for a coffin." " What are you doing tonight?" " Taking a long drive." " Alone?" " Unless someone comes with the car." "You don't want to be alone on your birthday." "What better day to be alone?" "I don't have that hang up about birthdays and parties." "You're born alone, celebrate it." "Celebrate aloneness." "That's what birthdays are for." "Never thought of that." "It's a pitiful theory." "I've had these cars before and there's something wrong." "The smell is making me sick." "That's a normal smell." "That's a protective coating, it's not oil burning." " You look fantastic." "You lose weight?" " Did I what?" "I was talking to someone else." " Did any lights come on the dash?" " I don't think so." "That means you're okay." "If there's any trouble, they come on." "We have a saying around here." ""If you smell something and don't see lights, try dry cleaning"." "Try what?" "She has no sense of humor." "Dry cleaning?" "If it smells on Monday, bring it in." " I'm sure it's nothing." " I'm sure it's something." "Trouble with a new car?" "She's a lunatic." "Boy, you have lost a lot of weight!" "A lot of weight?" "You saw me three days ago." "You look different." "Why?" "I don't know." "I just wrote you a check for $39,000." "That's it." "That's the look. $39,000 lighter." "Let's go get it." "Let's get her." "What's in the box?" " It's my birthday." "I got a CD player." " Happy birthday." " You got a CD player in the car." " No, I don't." "You paid for it." "You wanted the best." "The best radio comes with a CD." "You'll love it." "There she is." "It's gorgeous!" "Look at it." "It looks huge!" "It's beautiful!" "That's not it." "That's a 750." "That's it." "What a cutie." "Try not to show the 750 first." "My car looks like a turd now." "If I had to choose between this car and yours, I'd take yours every time." "You're an idiot, Jim." "Do we all have to hear that?" "Come to me." "Good afternoon, and welcome to Judgment City." "You just had quite a journey, so relax and enjoy the ride." "Considering your recent transformation, you won't have any choice." "If we've done our work correctly you should all be from the western half of the United States." "Even though this isn't the Earth our surroundings should seem pleasing and very familiar to you." "Why you're here and what you'll be doing will be explained later." "No need to worry about that now." "Soon we'll be dropping you off at your hotel." "You'll sleep tonight and when you awake you'll feel wonderful and raring to go." "You'll find many activities to enjoy in Judgment City." "How many like to play golf?" "You won't be able to get your hands up yet but we have three championship golf courses." "Sit back and have fun." "You'll be here for five days and we want you to enjoy yourselves." "Those staying at the Continental Hotel will be escorted from the tram." "The rest of us will depart momentarily." "Thank you." "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome." "My name is Stan." "Because of what you've been through, you'll want to go fast asleep." "You're already checked in." "Nothing to worry about tonight." "Everything will be explained tomorrow." "Have a good rest." "If you have any questions, I'm here to help." "Thank you." "Excuse me, sir." "Mr. Miller, this is your room." "Make yourself at home." "I'll be right back." "All the clothing you'll need for the time you're here is in this closet." "We call these tupas." "They're like caftans." "They fit everyone." "Would you like to shower, or are you too tired?" "Too tired?" "I understand." "There are five channels of programming on the television." "Channel 3 tells you about Judgment City." "Have a wonderful night's sleep." "If I can do anything, I'm at your service." "I'd be surprised if there's anything in there, but I appreciate the attempt." "Sleep well." "Good morning, Alan." "Good morning, Philip." "Glad you could make it, Leonard." " Good morning, Susan." " Good morning, Mr. Diamond." " Who's prosecuting?" " Lena Foster." "She'll have a field day with this." "She lost last Thursday." "Really?" "There is a God." "Okay, call him up, please." " Hold on for Bob Diamond, please." " Who?" "Daniel?" "Diamond here." "How are you?" "Good sleep?" " Yes." " Amazing, isn't it?" "Listen, you're going to get up, shower, put on those nice clothes and take a tram downtown and come see me this morning." "Do you know what's going on?" "No." "In a nutshell, you're here to defend your life." "And I'll help you." "Defend my life?" "Soon, you'll be smarter than anyone you've ever met." "Sound exciting?" "I guess." "It is, believe me." "Did you eat breakfast yet?" "No." "I've got good news for you." "It's not only the best food you'll ever have, but you can eat all you want." "I can what?" "As long as you're here, you can eat all you want." "You won't gain weight." "So pig-out." "Eat 30 hotcakes." "I'll see you at 11:00." "Eat all I want?" "Eat everything." "Take care." "I've loved you from the day I met you." "When did you meet me?" "Do you remember?" "Don't do this to me." "Of course, I remember." "What's my middle name?" " You never told me." " It's the first thing I told you." "In which life?" "In which life?" "That's it, Lenore." "You tried, and you failed." "The game is over for you." "Stay here and someone will come and get you." "Stu, the decision is yours." "Do you want to stop here, or face your fear?" "I'll face the fear." "He's facing his fear!" "You might just get a hole in one." "Want to eat a lot?" "Ted's House of Buffet says you can have everything you see, plus more." "Our chefs will cook it, but they won't look." "Like to horseback ride?" "Judgment Stables, open till sunset, welcomes you." "If your trial's through early, come ride with us." "Good morning." "Good morning." ""Take the eggs, I pray thee"." "What's good here?" "Everything is sensational." " How's the cheese omelet?" " Sensational." " I'll take it and some orange juice." " I'll be right back." "Was this made for somebody else?" "No, just for you." "That fast?" "Fast and delicious." "Eat all you want." " Delicious." " That's nice." "A red tram is leaving right now that will get you into town by 11:00." "To make sure you're on time, you should leave now." "These are the best eggs I ever had." "Of course." "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Inner City Transport System." "Please remain seated until the tram comes to a full stop." "Never exit the tram once it's moving because of the electronic field surrounding the moving vehicle." "So young." "AIDS?" "Car accident." "Oh, my God!" " But you feel okay now, don't you?" " Yes, I do." "Me, too." "Isn't it amazing?" "Is this what you thought it would be?" "I certainly didn't." "I don't know what it is yet." "Do you?" "No, I guess I don't." "You make me think of my little poodle." "Do you have a dog?" "I did have a dog." "I'll tell you about my dog." "I had a little..." " Have you got a while?" " Yeah, go ahead." "They let us on the train in those days." "We didn't have to put him in baggage." "Every time the conductor came around, he knew it." "And he would crawl down in the corner of the bag." " Did you have a dog?" " You asked me that twice." " What did you say?" " Yes." " What did I say?" " It's wonderful." "Well, it is." "Mr. Miller, welcome." "I'm Helen, one of Mr. Diamond's assistants." "Come with me, please." " Looks familiar, right?" " I was just thinking that." "It was designed to be as stress-free for you folks as possible." "If we can do anything to make it more like Earth, we have suggestion boxes." "We'd like your opinion." "If you want to make it more like Earth, you should build some mini-malls." "It's funny you should say that." "Six just opened up outside of town." "I hear they're lovely." "I never go because I don't like yogurt and I do my own nails." "Mr. Diamond will be with you shortly." "Daniel, Bob Diamond." "Come in." "How are you?" "Sit down, my friend." "What's wrong?" "You look good in that tupa." "Some people don't, but you do." "It's flattering to you." "So, is this what you thought it would be?" "Thought what would be?" "Where am I?" "Heaven?" "No, it isn't heaven." " Is it hell?" " No, it isn't hell either." "Actually, there is no hell." "But I hear Los Angeles is getting pretty close." "Daniel, let me tell you what's going on." "When you're born into this universe, you're in it for a long time." "You have many different lifetimes." "After each one there's an examining period, which you're in now." "Every second of every lifetime is recorded and as each one ends, we sort of look at it." "Look at a few of the days, examine it and if everyone agrees, you move forward." " What do you mean "move forward"?" " Continue onward." "The point of the whole thing is to keep getting smarter." "To keep growing to use as much of your brain as possible." "I use 48 percent of my brain." "How much do you use?" "47." "3." "I'm sorry?" "3." "I use 3 percent of my brain?" "Don't worry." "Everybody on Earth uses 3 percent of their brain." "3 to 5 percent." "That's why they're there." "3?" "3 percent?" "No one on Earth uses more than that?" "When you use more than 5 percent you don't want to be on Earth." "Though your take-out places are lovely there are more exciting destinations for smarter people." "Being from Earth as you are, and using as little of your brain as you do your life is devoted to dealing with fear." "It has?" "Everybody on Earth deals with fear." "That's what Little Brains do." "What are "Little Brains"?" "That's what we call you folks behind your back." "Forgive me." "Who are you?" "I'm just like you." "I was on Earth a long time ago." "But I advanced, I moved forward." "I got over my fears." "And I got smarter." "Did your friends' stomachs hurt?" " Everyone of them." " It's fear." "Fear is like a giant fog." "It blocks everything." "Real feelings, true happiness, real joy." "They can't get through that fog." "But you lift it and you're in for the ride of your life." "God, my 3 percent is swimming." " What are you reading?" " You wouldn't understand." "Just numbers." " You read numbers?" " Yes, sir." "I'm on trial for being afraid?" "First, I don't like to call it a "trial"." "Second, yes." " What happens if I'm guilty?" " Don't think "innocent" or "guilty"." "Worse comes to worse, you'll go back to Earth and try again." "You keep going back until you get it right?" "Not forever." "Eventually, they'll throw you away." " Have I been to Earth before?" " Yeah." " How many times?" " Approaching 20." " Is that a lot?" " I was there six." "My God!" "So I'm the dunce of the Universe." "We've had people who have been there 100 times." "I wouldn't want them as friends, but we've seen them." "If you're defending me, is there a prosecutor?" "Damn good one." "Lena Foster." "We call her "The Dragon Lady"." "That's our prosecutor?" " Who does she work for?" " The Universe." "The Universe is like a big machine, and we are parts." "If a bad part gets through before it's ready the whole machine breaks down." "We're here to make sure you're ready." " What do they look at exactly?" " I can't tell you that exactly." "But I can tell you it's nine days from your life." "Nine days." "So my trial goes on for nine days?" "No." "All the trials last four days." "We look at nine days, or episodes, from your life." " Tell me which days." " I'm not allowed." "Is that a normal number?" "High?" "Low?" "Is that a good number?" "You're very concerned about normal." "Kind of cute." "I'd prefer seven, but nine's fine." "Some have twelve." " Hungry?" " Starving." "I didn't have time to eat." "Well, Mr. All-You-Can-Eat, let's stuff." "Come on." "We have about 400,000 residents here." "We service half of the US's dead." "About 2,500 people a day." "Do children come here?" "Children don't have to defend themselves." "When a child is taken, they automatically move forward." "Isn't that nice?" "Any teenagers?" "Too much trouble." "They go elsewhere." "We tried, but they damaged the tupas." "Too rowdy." "How is your chicken?" "Delicious." " What are you eating?" " You wouldn't like this." "What does it taste like?" "You're curious, aren't you?" "I like that." " Want to try?" " Yeah." "Looks so weird." " Oh, my God!" " Like horseshit, huh?" "As you get smarter, you manipulate your senses." "This tastes different to me than to you." "This is what smart people eat?" "So talk to me." "Tell me about your life." "You feel you had any problems?" "Sure." "I had some problems." "Everybody has problems, don't they?" "Everybody on Earth." "Did you give a lot to charity?" "A lot?" "A lot of money." "Did you donate things?" "This isn't a good or a bad thing." "I'm merely curious." "I'm sure I could have given more." "I gave a lot to street people, but you never get a receipt." "How much do you have to give?" "What's the total?" "Don't worry." "Relax." "There was one person you were really cheap with." "Over and over again." "I wish you'd been more generous with him." "Who?" "You." " I got to go." " Where do you go now?" "You wouldn't understand." "That's not an insult." "I mean it literally." "Get out tonight." "Have some fun." "You know what you might try?" "Get over to the Past Lives Pavilion." "What is that?" "It's where you see the people you've been before." "You see yourself in other lives?" "Most people love it, but some it makes nauseous." "Don't worry about it." "Take care." "Want to take that chicken with you?" "They love putting things in bags." "If you need to talk to me at any time, just call." " I never sleep." " Never?" "I do have a question." "I'll call you later." "You're already checked in." "You have nothing to worry about tonight." "Everything will be explained to you in the morning." "If I told you how old this man was, you wouldn't believe me." "Should I tell them?" "We're talking light years." "Light years." "He looks good though." "No prostate, but he looks fine." "You're looking at me like stunned sheep." "Come on!" "What is this, a white sale?" "I'm going to tell you a story." "About a year ago, this Little Brain comes in here." "I'm talking half a percent of his brain at the most." "He orders a piece of pie, he forgets what it is." "He looks down, doesn't know what it is." "It's a piece of pie." "I say, "What are you doing?" He says, "I'm waiting to make a call"." "I say, "Does that look like a phone?" He says, "It is a phone"." "The joke is on me." "He picked up the pie and called his mother!" "Folks, come on, please." "Stay with me here." "You're on trial, not me." " Hi." "What's your name?" " Arthur." " Hi, Arthur?" "Where were you from?" " Denver." " Lovely city, Denver, Arthur." "Did you ski?" " No." "No." " How'd you die?" " I was in a coma." "I'm sorry." "How long were you in a coma?" "I really don't know." "Let's play a game." " Elvis." "Living or dead?" " Living." "Long coma, Art." "Long coma." "Have a nice day." " What's your name?" " Ernie." "Hi." "Having a good time in Judgment City?" "It's fun." "The food's good." "It is." "Have you been to the stables?" "Like to horseback ride?" "Not very much." "There's a nice-looking young man." "Hi." "How'd you die?" "On stage, like you." "Funny." "Maybe you should come up here." "No, thank you." "Of course, he doesn't want to." "This is very hard work, but I love it." "And I love you, Little Brains." "Have you heard any Little Brain jokes?" "I know you, right?" "I hope so." "Who are you?" " I'm Julia." " Hi." "I'm Daniel." " You know me?" " I thought I did." "You weren't in the bus, were you?" " What bus?" " I hit a bus." "No." "I don't think so." "Sit down." "I'm sorry, you really look so familiar to me." " Really?" "Maybe because I'm the only man under 100." "That could be it." "I want to tell you a true story." "Three months ago, six dead people came in." "Obviously, humor has nothing to do with brain size." "Obviously." "Do you want to take a walk or do you want to stay and see the show?" "I have to." "That's my dad." "I'm kidding." " That would be so sad for me." " Awful." "So, the moral of the story is, if you got to fart, go outside." "Let's go." "Folks, please." " Please, you don't want to miss the song." " We'll get the record." "Please." "Ed and I'd like to do a beautiful song." "One of your favorites." "We'll do it a bit different." "This is from me to you." ""That was life" ""That's how you lived it" ""And now you Little Brains are here to defend it"" "I'm glad we stayed." "Let's go." ""You'll do just swell and if not" ""You'll go to hell" Just kidding!" " What's that?" " What?" "I don't believe you." "You'll make a great baby in the next life." "Didn't anyone ever tell you, you carry yourself very stiffly?" "Leave me alone." "I'm dead." " How many days are you looking at?" " My lawyer says nine." " You call him a "lawyer"?" " What do you call yours?" "Sam." "You call him by his first name?" "It never occurred to me to do that." "I bet you called everybody by their first names." "What was your butcher's name?" "Pete." " What about your mailman?" " Jesse." "What was your mailman's name?" "No idea." "He was coming to my house for over a decade and I couldn't tell you." " Didn't you get him a Christmas present?" " Liquor." "I just put it in the box." " I don't suppose you had a butcher?" " Steve." " Steve Rubin." " Seriously?" "He wasn't a professional butcher." "He was a buddy who liked to cut meat." "You'd bring him a steak, he'd cut it." " How many days are you looking at?" " Four." "That's all?" "That means you'll go on." "I hope so." " Sam thinks so." " Sam does?" "Yeah." "I hope you and Sam are very happy." "I'll write to you from hell." "I like this." " Were you married?" " Yes." " Children?" " No." "What about you?" "I had a girl and I adopted a boy." "How old were they?" "Stephanie was 7 and Adam was 9." "I bet they miss you." "I'm sure they do." "I miss them." "But I feel okay about it." "Don't you?" "I didn't know them that well." "It does, it feels okay." "They say they make it that way so we can look at our lives without distractions." "My lawyer Bob told me the same thing." "But wouldn't you call this a distraction?" " But isn't eating all you want a distraction?" " Isn't it the best?" "I had a dream that I'd go to a place where I could eat all I want and now I'm here!" "You dreamed about this place?" "I was dreaming about the Sizzler near my house." "What about your husband?" "Did you have a good marriage?" "Parts of it were okay." "What about your wife?" "I got married too young." " How old were you?" " Seventy-one." " What did she look like?" " Very pretty." "Too pretty." "You should be with a person who's just good-looking enough to turn you on." "Any excess brings problems." "She was much prettier than I needed." "Never heard that theory before." "So you like your lawyer?" "He's brilliant." "You know how big his brain is?" "I came from a world filled with penis envy to a world of brain envy." "How big is his brain?" " What's this?" " It's my hotel." " This is your hotel?" " Yeah." "Where are you staying?" "At the place for people who weren't generous and didn't adopt anybody." "I'm at the Continental." "Come over one day." "We'll paint it." "Tomorrow after the trials, do you want to have dinner?" "I can't tomorrow." " You can't?" " No, I'm sorry." "You can't have plans here already?" "Should I call you in two weeks?" "Sam is having a small dinner party." "He said there'd be very smart people there and asked me to go." "Sam again." "I hope you're not dating your defender." "I know in my heart it's wrong." "I'll call you after the dinner." "We can talk on the phone." "It'll give me time to have sex with my prosecutor." "Good luck tomorrow." "Good night." "Champagne and caviar now being served in the Blue Room." "Daniel!" "Right here!" "How are you feeling, buddy?" "Doing all right?" "Let's go." " Nervous?" " No." "Should I be?" "I wouldn't be." " What did you do last night?" " I met this amazing woman." "You met a girl?" "You're kidding me!" "What are you laughing at?" "It just sounds funny." "Two days after the car accident and you're in love." "I've done this a million times and every time it feels like new." "Here we are." "Ready?" "Hello, Robert." "Well, well." "If it isn't my old friend." "I heard we lost last Thursday." " Leave it to you to greet me with that." " Turnabout's fair play." "I'm going to get you." "I promise." "Don't make conversation." "Are you two feuding?" "It isn't a feud." "Feuding suggests at one time you liked each other." "We never did." " This should be a mistrial." " It's not a trial." "Then it's a mis-whatever it is." "You two are already fighting." " Good morning." " Good morning." "I'm sure your defender explained the basics to you, but let me just say even though this feels like a trial, it isn't." "It's just a process that helps us decide." "As imperfect as it may be, we think it works quite well." "What you'll see on the screen will look and feel so real to you, you might be uneasy at first." "Just relax." "After a while, I think it will become pleasurable to you." "They tell me it feels something like 3-D." "Any questions, Mr. Miller?" "You may begin." "Thank you, Your Honors." "Over the following four days, I will attempt to show that Daniel Miller while he is a quality human being, is still held back by the fears that have plagued him lifetime after lifetime." "I believe that I can show without a shadow of a doubt that he must once again be returned to Earth to work on this problem." "May we begin in childhood, please?" "Could we go to 11-4-19?" "By the way this signifies you're 11 years, four months and 19 days old." " Is that clear?" " I think so." "In other words, if I said, 9-2-17 you would be nine years, two months and 17 days old." "I understand." "Realistic, isn't it, Mr. Miller?" " Look what I found." " Give me that." "Make me." "Why don't you make me?" "You can't make me because I'll beat the shit out of you." "You couldn't." "Hit him, Daniel!" "Come on!" "Chicken!" "Hit me right here." "Come on, chicken." "Hit him, Daniel!" "Stick up for yourself, low-life chicken." "That's too bad." "Come over to my house later and I'll help you glue it back together." "What were you feeling as you watched that episode?" "It felt strange to watch myself." "Is that what you mean?" "I mean emotionally." "What kind of feelings did this bring up?" "Frustration?" "It's not a test." "There's no right answer." "Is that what you felt?" "Frustration?" "I guess." "Why were you afraid?" "I object." "How did we introduce the word "afraid"?" "From frustration to "afraid"?" "This is already pronouncing him guilty." " Could we use another word?" " Which one?" "What word would I use?" "How about "restraint"?" "I think the little boy was dignified." ""Restraint"?" "May I show you what I mean?" "Be my guest." "Your Honors, may we go to 1-8-17, please?" "What are you accusing me of?" "Say it to my face!" " What?" " You never think about my problems." " Lower your voice." " Lower my voice?" "Don't yell in front of the baby." "It's always the baby." "What about me?" "I live here, too!" "I work hard to pay for this house!" " I know you do!" " The minute I earn it, you spend it!" "You think I spend too much?" "All I do is scrimp!" "If you don't like it, then why don't you leave?" "Stop it!" "This happens when you drink!" "Lecture time!" "Just sit down and join the lecture!" "Don't touch me!" "In that brief moment, when that baby and his father's eyes met this child learned the meaning of restraint." "He wasn't afraid." "He was mature." "He was non-violent." "Dignified, I call it." "My colleague may believe in "Hit first, ask questions later" but we're not all that way." "I resent that." "Let's ask Mr. Miller." "In the schoolyard, did you want to hit that child back?" "I wanted to hit him back, but I felt restraint." "You felt restraint." "I see." "Is restraint always the best course of action in every case?" "No." "Wouldn't this have been a case to not restrain yourself?" "If you had stuck up for yourself this event would not have haunted you all your life." "You never forgot this." "You always thought about it." "Hold on." "People think about lots of things throughout their entire life." "You're isolating this incident?" "Aren't we here to isolate incidents?" "Or maybe I don't understand the job." "Your Honors, to save valuable time I submit 11-4-19 as shown without further comment." "I'm fully satisfied." "I love watching this kid." "Anything you want to say?" "I feel very good about the "restraint" idea." "Thank you." "You're up." "While we're still in childhood I'd like to show something absolutely extraordinary." "Could we go to 10-9-15, please?" "I'm on probation for stealing books." "They're going to think I stole this." "I'll be expelled." "You won't." "Of course, I will." "I'm already in big trouble." "Good afternoon." "Continue working on the assignment you began last Tuesday." "Take these." " I'll say I lost mine." " You'll be in trouble." "Just do it." "Where are your supplies?" " I left them at home." " Left them?" "I lost them." "Did you lose them or leave them?" "Both." "I left them and lost them." "Where are your supplies?" "Do you know how much such these things cost?" " Class, tell Daniel how much paint costs." " $10." " And the brushes?" " $3." " What's the total?" " $13." "You can't be an artist without paint." "Like you can't swim unless you get in the water." "You must have paint." "This is careless behavior." "I have to call your father today." "Somehow, you must pay for this." "Yeah." "You got in quite a bit of trouble for that." "But you felt your friend would have been punished worse." "At 10 years old, he showed the kind of courage most adults never find." "I let the life stand for itself here." "Could we go to 10-9-15?" "The evening of that same day." " How will you pay for this?" " I don't know!" "I'm very disappointed in you." "I'm sorry." " We must punish you severely." " We don't have to!" "Yes, we do." "First of all, no television for a month." "I didn't do it!" "Steve did!" "It's Steve's fault!" "What?" "Steve lost the paints." "He probably stole them." "I didn't do it." "Punish him!" "What happened to your friend Steve?" "Do you remember, Mr. Miller?" "What do you mean?" "He was expelled from school two days later, isn't that right?" "I thought he left on his own." "What's the point?" "I'm looking at the results of what you call a courageous act." "Mr. Miller might have acted bravely in class but we just watched him crumble a few hours later, and why?" "At the threat of no television?" "I was ten years old." "Television is everything to a ten-year-old." "It's like heroin." "You can't just pull it away." "I never wanted to watch." "My parents made me because they wanted to go out and I got hooked." "Miss Foster and I have had this argument before." "I think the act itself is what's important." "She wants to keep enlarging it until everything loses meaning." "If I fixed a flat tire on your car and two years later I lose your garden hose according to you, I won't get credit for the flat." "I'm just the dummy who lost the hose." "Let me suggest this." "Did we ever consider that this boy had a bond with his father?" "It had nothing to do with his friend." "I just think Daniel couldn't lie to his dad." "That's all." "You're nodding, Mr. Miller." "Does that mean you agree?" "I had a bond with my father." "I pretty much never lied to him." "You never lied to your father?" "Would you like to see at least 500 examples?" "I said, "pretty much"." "I didn't say, "never, ever lied"." "You have to lie sometimes in an emergency." "It doesn't mean that the bond is affected." "If you've got the bond, the bond's always there." "Even if you lie sometimes, you won't interfere with it." "You know, the bond can wait for a little lie." "In the end, it's there for you." "Sometimes in the middle of a lie I found that the bond would kick in." "Maybe squeeze a little truth out." "Wrap it up." "I am through." "Very good day." "I'm pleased." "She's tough, isn't she?" "If I told you how tough, you wouldn't sleep, believe me." "Well, I'm off." "You call me if you need me." "You going out with that gal tonight?" "I can't." "She's busy." "Busy?" "I'll be damned." " How are you?" " Fine." "And you?" "Some sake." "How are you?" " What's good?" " Everything." "Everything." "What's this?" "It looks like a worm." "Our resident food." "How does it taste?" "You'd throw up." "I'll have the tuna." "Very good tuna." "Very fast." "So I've been told." "Delicious!" "Like it?" "Thank you very much." "How many days?" "How many days you looking at?" "Nine." "Nine days?" "Oh, my God!" "Nine days!" "You better have more sake!" "9 days?" "I have 15." "My name's Frank." "Fifteen days?" " Is that a lot?" " I don't know." "How'd you die, Dan?" "May I call you Dan?" "I got hit by a bus." " And you?" " Got shot in the head." "Really?" "Murder?" "Hunting accident." "Some putz thought I was an animal." " How'd you make a living?" " Advertising." " And you?" " Made a lot of money in adult books." "Selling them?" "No, reading them." "Yes, of course, selling them." "Were you from LA?" " Know the night clubs by the airport?" " Those strip clubs?" "I coined the phrase, "All nude"." " What do you mean?" " That was mine." "I bought two clubs." "They were only using the word "nude"." "I put up "Totally all nude"." "Doubled business in a month." "I got to piss." "You?" "Thank you very much." "I'm not leaving." "I'm going to take a piss." "Take a piss!" " Hello." " Mr. Miller?" "I have a message for you." "You do?" "Here it comes." "Hi." "Where are you?" "I'm going to sleep." "Tomorrow, when you're done meet me by the main entrance." "I'll be there." "I miss you." "Isn't that funny?" "Good night." "This is wild." "Let me get this straight." "You actually had sex with Benjamin Franklin?" "Twice." "How was he?" "He was fat, Bob." "I couldn't believe it." "It's wonderful." "I'd forgot all about it." "He was willing to sleep underwater." "Marvelous." "Good morning." "Good morning." "I'm Dick Stanley." "I'm going to defend you today." "I'm going to defend you today." "Mr. Diamond couldn't make it." "He couldn't make it?" "You're kidding." "He'll be back tomorrow." "How can you?" "You don't know me." "Mr. Miller, I use 51 percent of my brain." "I know everything about you." "51 percent?" "That's clocked?" "Clocked." "Impressive." "I'll lose." "I can't start over again with you." "I operate differently than Diamond." "Without tooting my own horn, I'm quite good at this." "I'm familiar with your life and I want you to trust me." "I'll lose." "Thank you so much." "That was so nice." "It was nothing." "Good morning." "Your Honor, my defender is not here this morning." "Under the circumstances, this puts me at a disadvantage." "It's quite common." "Mr. Stanley will do fine." "Begin." "Today I would like to begin with an episode in the 24th year of life." "Mr. Miller had been out of school and working for several years and he had put aside $10,000 specifically to invest." "Do you remember?" "One of Mr. Miller's good friends from school was the son of an executive of the Casio Corporation which at that time was not doing particularly well." "Mr. Miller had dinner with this friend at which he was given information which comes along maybe once every five or six lifetimes." "May we go to 24-2-16, please?" "They're gearing up now." "They'll start production in three months." " Buy as much stock as you can." " This is fantastic." "Switzerland keeps the time, Charles, not Japan." " It'll change." " I doubt it." "Why not?" "Because you need a society that is into precision." "Japan makes great radios, but they don't know beans about precision." "You come here and tell me the Germans are going to start making watches and I'll invest." "What's the present value?" " Six." " Here's my prediction." "When word hits the street, you're at three." "You watch." "Remember who said it." "For the record Casio is one of the largest producers of time pieces in the universe." "I know who they are." "For the record, his original investment of $10,000 would be worth $37.2 million today." "Wow!" "I have nothing further to say." "I'm fine." "You're what?" "He's not going to reply." "You aren't responding?" "I'd like to hear you speak." "You are good." "Listen, I'm not as smart as everyone here." "Am I defective because I didn't make money on this?" "I can't believe that the whole point of the universe is to make money." "I can't believe that." "This has nothing to do with making money." "It's a judgment you made." "Nobody dragged you from home, saying: "You have to invest $10,000"." "You chose to do that." "You sought the investment." "We're just looking at that choice." "What did you finally invest in?" "Do you remember?" "I think it was cattle." "Cattle." "What happened?" "I never got a straight answer." "All I know is, their teeth fell out." "I rest." "Mr. Stanley, you're up." "No counter at this time." "Wait a second." "You're not showing something in my favor?" "Not at this time." "I think it's better to move on." " Shall we move on?" " Sure, let's move on." "Your Honors, I would like to go to 29-4-5." "This is the evening before Mr. Miller took the advertising job he was to hold until his passing." "He asked his wife to help him by playing a little game." "Remember?" "You asked her to act the boss so you could practice getting what you wanted." " Do this for me." "It helps." " I'm eating." "Do it." " What do you want me to do?" " Be him." " This is silly." " It's not." "It helps me." "Offer me $55,000." "No more." " How much do you want?" " What's the offer?" "$55,000." "I can't work here for less than $65,000." "I can't pay you $65,000." "Then I can't work here." "$58,000." "$65,000." "$59,000." "$65,000." " $60,000?" " $65,000." "$61,000." "Listen." "I cannot take the job for under $65,000, under no conditions." "I would like to go to the next afternoon and show you the real encounter." " I'm prepared to offer you $49,000." " I'll take it." "I'll get you a parking place." "I'm curious why you caved in so fast." "Why did you accept less money and do it so quickly?" "Here we go again." "Obviously, this is all about money." "I'm guilty." "I didn't make enough money, okay?" "Call me a "hippie," send me to hell." "You keep thinking it's about money, but it's about fear." "Why didn't you stand up to your boss the way you did to your wife?" "First, it wasn't my wife." "It was a man in a suit." "The suit had an odor and the odor said $49,000." "I like that very much." "Your nostrils said you were worth less, is that right?" "The process of accepting a salary is a complicated one." "You don't know all my reasons." "We lived fine on that money." "That money was fine." "If you want to make it about money, you may." "But we're looking at fear." " What was I afraid of?" " You tell me!" "$49,000 is a lot of money!" "I have nothing more to say." "Mr. Stanley?" "I'm fine." "I can't believe it." "You didn't want to toot your own horn." "Would you like to show something?" "I got a raise six months later." "Let us know if you want to show us." "Your Honors, I'd like to present a compilation of general misjudgments half of them fear-based, half just stupid." "I have assembled 164 misjudgments over a 12-year period." "Congratulations." "This is so wonderful." "I am looking forward to tomorrow." "I missed you." "Meet Sam." " Julia told me about you." " Really?" "She doesn't know me." "She could have fooled me." "I heard you had Dick Stanley today." "How'd you know?" "Sam uses 54 percent of his brain." "Stanley is a good man." "Quiet, but excellent." "Very quiet." "Julia, see you tomorrow." "Thank you." "We have to go to the Past Lives Pavilion." "Everybody talks about it." " Don't you want to see who you were?" " Some people don't like it." "You'll love it." "They have great hot dogs." "The best hot dogs in town are by the Hall of Records." "You sure love this eating thing." "To be able to eat all you want, never gain weight and feel great." "Please." "Look at this!" "Let's get in line." "Reminds me of Disneyland." "Hope we're tall enough." "On Earth, did you ever feel like you might have been other people?" " Ever see yourself in a past life?" " Never." "You did?" "I think so." "I think I might have been a heavyset man once." "Really?" "I doubt that." "You never saw yourself as anything?" "Once I got stoned and stared into a mirror for two hours until I saw someone who looked Chinese." "But I think it was just me squinting." "Please take the first available booth on the left." "The show will begin in 30 seconds." "Welcome to the Past Lives Pavilion." "In a moment, you will be asked to place your right hand on the plate next to you." "An image of yourself in a former life will soon appear." "When you have seen enough, take your hand off the plate." "In order to accommodate everyone you will be limited to five past lives only." "Thank you." "Place hand on plate." "What the hell is this?" "Elizabeth!" "Time for supper, darling." "Be there in a moment, Mumsy." "What the hell's going on here?" "Come on, then!" "To the castle!" "That's incredible!" "Who are you?" "I'm Prince Valiant!" "Really?" " Who are you?" " Dinner." "I was a prince, I was a whaler, I was a tailor!" "God." "It was so incredible!" "You were a native?" "And a dressmaker." "That's all I saw." "That's so weird." "You were a dressmaker, I was a tailor." "Interesting." "Want some?" "You're going to eat the stick, too?" "I can't get you out of my mind." "Tell me about it." "The screenings are so tough but when I see you, I instantly feel okay." "That's great, right?" "I don't think it has anything to do with me." "It worries me." "You're doing it." "What?" "What am I doing?" "I'm not sure." "But I read that you had to be okay with yourself before you were okay with another person." "I feel okay with you." "But I don't know how okay I was with myself before I met you." "So maybe you're making me okay." "You're not that okay." "I'm okay." "What's the score?" "You're losing." "We're tied." "Beauty." "You know, you never told me how you died." "I don't want to talk about it." "Why?" "It's embarrassing." "What could be embarrassing?" "I was hit by a bus." "I tripped." "Seriously?" "You tripped?" "On what?" "We were visiting friends for the weekend." "Everybody wanted to go into town but I wanted to stay and go swimming." "So I went outside tripped over the chair, hit my head on the cement and rolled into the pool." "What did the East German judge give you?" "Seriously, did you feel anything?" "Were you unconscious?" "Scared?" "I was pissed." "You died pissed." "I'm still pissed." "I was a good swimmer." "Swimming is only part of it." "You must negotiate the furniture." "In the Olympics, they're taking that part very seriously." "The Romanians are great at it." "If you make fun of me, I'll get you." "You've already got me." " What time do you start?" " Early." "I start at 3:00." "Want to have dinner tomorrow?" "I thought I'd start dating others now." "I have my eye on this 91-year-old." "I'll be at the entrance at 5:00." "I'll be there." "If you finish early, come to my screening room and see my life." "I'd like that." " Good night." " Good night." "You'll sleep great." "I have three boxes of candy waiting for me." "Did they give you those chocolate swans?" "They're cream-filled." "They're really delicious." "Swans." "I think I'm just getting breath mints." " Good morning." " Good morning." "After you." "Thank you." "Now I have no attorney." "That's a very, very nice outfit." "Do you like it here?" "I'll make you a promise." "When we're through, if you still want to know about me, I'll tell you." "But right now, let's concentrate on you." " Well, look who's here." " Good morning." "I missed you." " How are you, buddy?" " What do you care?" "Stop it." "You think I let you down, don't you?" "Where were you?" "I'm just curious." "You wouldn't understand." "Don't treat me like a moron." "Try me." "I was trapped near the inner circle of thought." " I don't understand." " I told you." "Hi." "How are you?" "Good morning, everybody." "Let's begin." "Miss Foster, you're up." "Thank you, Your Honors." "This morning I would like to begin in the 34th year of life." "Mr. Miller had a speaking engagement to represent all of the West Coast advertising agencies." "He was to give a very important speech to the Ford Motor Company." "If he did well, it could have worked wonders for his career." "Don't make this the end of the world." "May we go to 34-7-7, please?" "It's packed like sardines." "You ready?" "I can't do it." "There are too many people." "I can't go out there." "You've got to." "Something has happened to me." "This is way too many people." "I'm having horrible stage fright." "You got to." "People are counting on you." " I'll make a fool of myself." " No, you're not." "I can't do it." "My heart is racing." "I am having some sort of an anxiety attack." "You know this stuff." "I can't think straight." "Listen to me, that's too many people." "I don't want to go out there." "You have to cancel this." "You're on." "Give us a second." "You've got a full house." "It's packed." "Let's go!" " You'll be fine." " Don't make me do this." "Please welcome our speaker from Foote, Cone Belding, Daniel Miller." "I'll be right here if you need me." "Your attention, please." "Nothing serious." "We have a gas leak under this room." "We'd like you all to file out." "Be orderly." "This is only a precaution." "I would have shown this day to illustrate just how brave Mr. Miller is." "With all the pain, panic and confusion in his mind he still walked to the microphone." "He never said anything!" "There was a gas leak!" "But he never went back and accomplished it." "He never got up in front of a large audience again." "Maybe he didn't want to." "Mr. Miller accepted that engagement with a great deal of excitement." "He wanted to be there." "If he had accomplished that moment I'm positive his life would have gone in a much better direction." "You're positive!" "She's wonderful!" ""His life would have gone in a much better direction"." "Just incredible!" "I'd like to move on to something I think we'll have a ball watching." "This is damned exciting stuff." "Daniel, where did this scene take place?" "What are you showing?" "I'm sorry." "We're going down to 31-1-9." "The snowmobile." "Big Bear." "Big Bear." "Watch this, Your Honors." "Just dynamite." ""Where the buffalo roam" ""And the skies are all cloudy all..."" "Oh, my God!" "How far did you have to go for help?" "About three miles." "You broke your leg in two places?" " Yes, I did." " I'm proud of you." "With no help, by himself, with as badly a broken leg as I've ever seen this man crawled three miles to get help." "You're kidding." "What have we just watched?" "That is self-preservation." "He didn't risk his life, he saved his life." "You're not a hero if you save your own life?" "A hero?" "No, you're not." "No one here is accusing Mr. Miller of not having a survival instinct." "We're here to see if he can overcome fear, not pain." "You don't see fear in this?" "Fear of what?" "How about death for starters?" "I hope you realize it would be very hard to be a brilliant public speaker if you're lying dead in the snow." "For the record you never rode a snowmobile again." "Hold on." "Not because I was afraid." "Because I hated it." "You must believe me." "This is not about fear." "This is hate." "This is a rotten contraption." "It heats up like a toaster oven." "I burned the hair off my thigh from my knee to my crotch!" "Singed it right off." "I don't know if the seat was leather or lined with fur but years of rotting, drying out and getting wet..." "Mine smelled like an old sheepdog." "Also, it's very, very noisy." "You don't find that out until the second hour when you can't hear anyone." "You get off and your friends are in a silent movie." "Pardon me, but your balls vibrate for three weeks afterwards." "I'm very proud of you." "Very good day." "Very emotional day." " What are you doing tonight?" " I'm seeing this woman." " Julia?" " How'd you know her name?" "Still don't get the big brain bit?" "I'll see you tomorrow." "You did very well." "See you." "Here it comes again." "Look at her go!" "Going back for the cat is wonderful." "What kind of cat was it?" "Persian." "I love Persian." "Sorry, but I just had to see it again." "That's all right." "It was spectacular." "That's all for now." "We'll meet once more." "For enjoyment's sake." "Let's make it at 1:00." "Daniel, nice to see you." "How are you?" "You have a good time tonight." "I'll see you tomorrow at 1:00." "Sam told me about an amazing Italian restaurant." "Exciting." "It was like watching a Mutual of Omaha commercial." "You're jealous." "You'll never know how much." " Those portions are gigantic!" " I'm so hungry." "The residents love this place." "It has the best resident food in the area." "Good clumps?" "Enjoy your meal." "What was your favorite food?" "Turkey with stuffing." " I couldn't eat turkey." " Why not?" "When I was a kid, I had one as a pet and I named it." "You can't eat something you name." "I wish I'd known that." "I would have named ice cream." "Do you eat meat?" "Sometimes." "How about you?" " I like fish." " Me, too." "What kind?" "Salmon." "And I like the kind that live near the nuclear reactors." " I forget their name." " Glow fish?" "They light up your house when you cook them." " How was your screening?" " Very, very good." "Some fine wine for yourselves?" " What's your name?" " Eduardo." " How are you, sir?" " I'm fine." "You're going to eat a lot with us tonight?" "What do you recommend?" "You like pasta?" "I'll bring you three pounds of it." "Best you've ever tasted." "You'll love it." "What about you, my friend?" "Do you like shrimp?" "They're so fresh, they'll crawl up onto the plate themselves." "Aren't they high in cholesterol?" "I don't know what you're talking about, but don't worry." "I'll be right back." "Is there a Jacuzzi in your room?" "In yours?" "Not in my room." "It's in the bathroom." "It may not even be a Jacuzzi." "I think it's just holes in the tub." "You don't have to protect my feelings." "If you have a Jacuzzi, I'm happy." "Okay, I do." "I use it every night." "It's just wonderful." "I'm happy for you." " I love it." " A lot of bubbles?" "Here we are." "You're going to love this." "And you will love this." "There's 30 shrimp and 30 more where that came from." "This looks delicious." "Broccoli?" "With lots of cheese?" "That's my girl." "What about you?" "Maybe just a touch." "You got it." "That's fine." "How many days you looking at?" "Nine." "You like pie?" "I love pie." "I like you." "I'll bring you nine pies to take with you." "A pie for every day." "I don't want any pies." "It's my pleasure." "They'll keep." "Don't." "Really." "Don't bring me anything." "Oh, my God!" "Oh, my God." "It's unbelievable." "My prosecutor just sat down." "Look." "Don't look!" "I can't eat here." "What?" "You're just eating dinner." "I'm eating 30 shrimp." "I'm a pig." "Everyone eats like that here." "Yes, but everyone doesn't have her watching." "She'll have a tiny resident portion and I'm eating a fishing boat." "Let's leave." "You're silly." "You're just eating." "You're right." "When will that end?" "We're having fun." "That's important." "See?" "This woman's looking at that." "This is causing me trouble." "Don't look!" "Back." "Okay." "Suck that up." "It's long." "Bite down now, please." "Please bite." "Bite." "Done." "She makes me nervous." "I'm going to the ladies' room." "I pray to God when I get back you've changed." "You're Daniel's prosecutor." "I want you to know he's wonderful." "You are?" "Julia." "Pretty name." " Nice to meet you." " What did I say?" "So you don't forget, I bring these." "You've got nine pies in here." " Will that be enough for you?" " I didn't want these." "You told me to make them." "I did not." " You said that." " No." "Yes, you did." "I have no place for these boxes." "You're embarrassing me." "You're shy." "I'll bring you some steaks." "No steaks!" "Did Sam say what would happen to you?" "He said I wouldn't come back to the hotel after tomorrow." "That's all I know." "I must tell you something." " I know you think I've got it together." " You do." "No, not quite." "But one thing I do know how to do is make things work." "I can take a situation and just make it okay." "I've always been able to do that." "But it's work." "And this this isn't." "I don't know what this is but it's..." "Effortless." "I've never, ever had that before." "Tell me about it." "I didn't think it would happen to me." "Where do we find it?" "In the pit stop." "Thanks, God." " Better this than nothing." " I guess." "Want to spend the night with me?" "More than anything in the world." "Good." "Come on, let's go." "I don't think I can." "I don't think I should." "Why?" "Because." "This is already better than any sex I've ever had." "Ever." "I don't want to screw it up." "Literally." " How do you know what will happen?" " I don't." "Let's say it's the most amazing thing ever." "Then what will I do?" "I doubt we're going to the same place." "So, I'll just have to miss it forever and ever?" "And what if it's not so good?" "I won't be able to fantasize about it." "I love you." "If I had a fire scene like you, I would feel differently." "I'd stay here." "I'd never leave." "But I've been defending myself so hard and I don't want to be judged anymore." "I have this wonderful feeling inside of me, but I'm..." "I'm just tired of being judged." "It's okay." " I'll miss you." " I'll miss you so much." "I love you, Daniel." "I'll miss you." "I should go." "Can you get me the Majestic Hotel?" "Yes, Julia." "My God, I don't know her last name!" "Excuse me?" "I am in love with a woman in your hotel and I don't know her last name." "What's her first name?" "We have two Julias." "Both have "Do Not Disturb" signs on." "Can you ring through?" "It's important." "I'm not allowed to do that." "But it's very important." "I'm sorry." "Can I leave a message then?" "For both of them." "Go ahead, sir." "Tell them both that I love them more than life itself." "I've never met anybody like them and I'll miss them forever and ever." "Is that all, sir?" "That's all." "Has Mr. Miller overcome his fears, Your Honors?" "I believe my final summation scene will prove to you that he has." "Your middle-thirties were not very good for you, were they?" "A bad divorce left you with virtually nothing financially." "You had about $9,000 to your name, correct?" "Months before your divorce you and your wife purchased tickets to Hong Kong." "You were going to go together but after the separation, she cashed hers in." "What did you do with yours?" "I used it." "He used it." "With only $9,000 to his name with his life in a rut, he didn't do the safe thing." "He could have cashed in his ticket." "But he said, "To hell with it, I'm going to Hong Kong"." "That alone, in my book, takes a lot of guts." "But, Your Honors, it just begins there." "Let us go to 36-9-16." "Los Angeles International Airport." "You're in seat 41 B." "Between A and C." "Yes, it is." "I'm sitting between people all the way to Asia?" "Yes, you are." "Is coach completely full?" "Oh, yes." "Any space left in first class?" "There's one seat left." " What's the price difference?" " Round-trip?" "It's an additional $3,194." "I'll take it." "This man just spent one-third of his entire life savings to be more comfortable." "What does that say?" "As stressed out and crazy as his life was at that moment the little boy inside him cried out:" ""I need this." "Don't worry about money." "We'll get it back." "Be nice to me"." "And he was." "I feel Mr. Miller is sufficiently past the fears that would keep him from being a remarkable citizen of the Universe." "I wholeheartedly recommend full onward movement." "I rest." "Miss Foster, you're up." "At this point, I would like to show my final summation scene." "Proceed." "My scene takes place not there, but here." "We're showing something from here?" "Yes, we are." "I was told we're not doing that anymore." "No one told you that." "What are we seeing?" "Something from last night." "Please watch this and tell me what you were feeling." "Want to spend the night with me?" "More than anything in the world." "I don't think I can." "I don't think I should." "Why?" "If I had a fire scene like you, I'd feel differently." "I'd stay here." "I'd never leave." "But I've been defending myself so hard and I don't want to be judged anymore." "I have this wonderful feeling inside of me, but I'm..." "I'm just tired of being judged." "You genuinely feel for this woman, don't you?" "Why didn't you stay with her?" "I was afraid." "Louder." "I was afraid." "I rest." "This is a new one on me." "Sex with somebody and move right on." "Is that how it works, Miss Foster?" "You're not very understanding about the world Mr. Miller came from." "It's filled with problems you no longer have:" "Deadly diseases, confusing identities, changing attitudes." "Perhaps he was worried about getting a disease." "Were you worried about getting a disease?" "I didn't think she had a disease." "No." "But you didn't know." "We're getting off the point." "We've never been near the point!" "You're getting him both ways!" "When he's brave and then does something you don't like, you show the follow-up." "Or you blame him for not having any." "This is an example of something he wanted to do." "And he didn't because he was afraid." "This was just last night." "You know what I think we just watched?" "I think we just watched a man who was caring of another human being's feelings." "He didn't know what this experience would do to her, so he was careful." "But you blame him for it." "I praise him for it." "You call it "fear"." "I call it "thoughtfulness"." "To be caring about someone else's feelings." "I'm sorry, but I hope we all can have that quality." "Your final summation, please." "I think it was thoughtfulness." "I'd like to say something about this disease." "Your Honors, I didn't think Julia had a disease." "But right now on Earth they're filling our heads with these terrible things." "They tell you over and over you're not sleeping with one person." "You're sleeping with everyone they've ever slept with." "Now that I've been to the Past Lives Pavilion that could be 20 to 30,000 people." "As far as my life is concerned, I truly believe I turned the corner." "I know I had a few fears left, but I was taken very young." "I could've conquered them." "If you see fit to let me move forward I promise you, I will do the best I can." "I will work very hard, I'll do whatever is asked." "I'll do the best I can." "Honestly." "I will." "I'll do the best I can." "Is that all?" "Please just know that I'll..." "Do the best you can?" "Good." "That's all." "It was nice to meet you." "Good luck." "That's it." "Let's go back to my office." "We'll know in 30 minutes." "Judgment's in." "It's early." " Is that good?" " It's not good or bad." "They don't waste any time." "They must need the hotel space." "How do you like our city?" "We do a pretty good job here." "How was the Italian restaurant?" "What does it say?" "You're going back." "Can I say something?" "Because they're sending you back doesn't mean they're right." "They can make mistakes." "Don't let others get to you." "Just follow what's in here." "Come on." "I'll take you to the station." "Trams 7 and 8 to onward destinations..." "I'll never get over it." "The organization is amazing." "All these different trams going everywhere." "These are yours." "Your boarding card, various ID." "The things you'll need." "You won't remember any of this, so you won't kick yourself forever." "Just take the opportunities when they come, okay?" "Passengers going back to Earth, please board trams on your left." "Those moving onward, board trams to the right." "This is it." "Good luck." "I've got a lot of faith in you." "I can take that here." "Keep those and follow the yellow line." "All trams now operational." "Trams 7 and 8 to onward destinations final boarding please." "Here, sir." "All personnel, please prepare for departure." "Daniel!" "Julia!" "What are you doing?" "Sit down!" "You'll hurt yourself!" "I love you." "I called, but I didn't know your last name." "I won't let you go." "I won't let you go." "Help!" "Help!" "Hold on!" "Just please, hold on!" "I love you." "I love you." "Open this up!" "Damn it, open it!" "Please open the door!" "Julia!" "Wait for me!" "Brave enough for you?" "Open the door!" "Please!" "Let him go." | {
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"I-I don't mind when the people who handle food wear those gloves." "Right." "But it's the surgical masks that make me nervous." "Well, 'cause this is a medical-themed restaurant, dad." "Oh." "That's why." "Yeah, I guess, I'll have the yogurt, then." "And it's also because of the enormous popularity of shows like "E.R.", these medical shows." "That people think that people want to have lunch at an I.C.U...." "I see you!" "Oh, dad!" "So you don't have to be sick to eat hospital food anymore." "It's great." "It's the best of both worlds." "I'll tuck you in." "Oh, man." "Hey, I actually want..." "I got some exciting news." "Guess who called today?" "Who?" "Carlton Campbell." "Oh my god." "That's right!" " You're kidding." " Nope." "Carlton Campbell." "Mm-hmm." "The rich industrialist?" "Nope." "Carlton Campbell's a colleague of mine..." "Oh." "It's hard to say." "Carlton Campbell." "And he has a show called "Campbell's couch", a call-in radio show." "He's gonna be out of town Friday night and asked me if I would cover for him." "I've never heard of this radio show." "Uh... well, it's on am radio, from 10:00 to 1:00 and, it..." "Y'know, people call in with problems, and he tries to give them advice on the air and it's, uh..." "So he's a therapist, too." "He's a therapist, but, y'know, he's in show business and he..." "'Cause he's a radio personality?" "Yeah." "That's not show business." "Well, you know he's on the..." "The fringe." "The fringe of show business, yeah." "Um, so he asked..." "You?" "Yeah, he thought I would do a good job hosting the show one night." "Does he... does he know you well?" "Uhh... yeah." "'Cause you're the-the last guy I would picture being on the radio show, I wouldn't..." "Now why is that, Ben?" "People who are on the radio have, uh, spent, y'know, they... they're experienced, it's broadcasting." "Ben, what's the, uh, big deal?" "Somebody will call up with a problem, and I'll either help them or not." "You know, I don't like the idea of those shows anyway." "You know, the people call in for..." "With their problems." "Yeah." "The calls that come in are all those, y'know, they're all those..." "It's just a gimmick." "It's a scam." "I think you can get genuine help on the air." "I think it's just a coincidence, but I think it could happen." "Dad, you also have to be very careful, 'cause radio attracts, um, a fringe audience." "Is that right?" "Yeah, yeah." "You know, don't, um..." "Don't piss off the skinheads." " Right." " Okay." "I'm writing that on my hand right now," ""Don't piss off the skinheads."" "In fact, Ben, maybe you would like to come down and..." "And see how one of these things is thrown together, these shows." "I have been to a radio station." "Yeah." "And, um..." "But I would be..." "But I've never seen a show, actually, uh, taped." "I bet it's really exciting to see a guy sitting there." "Behind a mic." "Taking a phone call." "Yeah." "You're being sarcastic, Ben but what you're not seeing is the hundreds and thousands and possibly millions of people glued to the radio, listening..." "Clinging to my every word." "Dad, it's not the '40s." "People are watching TV now." "You're not FDR." "People aren't tuning in especially to hear your radio show." "There might be, like, 40 people listening." "All very sad." "My hands are sweating so much that "Don't" came off the "Don't piss off the skinheads."" "It just says "Piss off the skinheads," now." "Now I'm screwed." "I'm screwed." "Hey, Laura, guess what?" "What?" "A colleague of mine asked me..." "This guy, uh, Carlton Campbell, if I would host his radio show Friday night." "He has a call-in radio show." "And..." "This is the weird part, I said, "yes."" "Really?" "It's on from 10 P.M. to 1 A.M." "Oh, that's a good time slot." "Well, I guess, that's when people are sort of more reflective and pensive and, uh... home." "Right." "And I thought it might be fun if you come down with me to the station." "Well, why?" "Well, we could do, uh..." "You could screen the calls, we could do a little banter, maybe, on the air." "Mmm." ""You look great today."" ""Oh, stop."" "Might be fun." "I don't know." "I'll say things to you like, um," ""Is the caller there, Laura?"" ""Yes."" ""Thank you, put him through."" ""Okay."" ""How's it going out there?"" ""Good."" "You know, and things like that." "I can do that." "Yeah, y'know, you could be my, uh, producer." "I like that." "Y'know, there'll be products to plug and you could..." "Well, do you think it's ethical for a therapist to be pushing products on people?" "Ethical?" "I look at some of these guys, these athletes..." "When they let themselves go, the body, it's..." "Do you remember Buster Douglas?" "'Member, he..." "Oh... yes, I do, the boxer." "Well, he beat Mike Tyson, 'member?" "Right." "And then I see him, he fights Evander Holyfield." "He had like a beer belly, and he had, like, those big "Buddha" tits." "His nipples were pointing straight to the ground, isn't that a bad sign?" "I'm not a boxing expert, or a nipple expert, but when you're about to climb into the ring against a world-class heavyweight, your nipples better be kinda perky, y'know what I mean?" "You better have two little, rigid "raisinets"" "jetting' outta your chest." "That's all I'm sayin'." "I couldn't agree more." "I love my uncle." "Bad kisser, but a good guy." "This is..." "Aunt Iola's husband?" "Yeah, my uncle Tony." "Yeah." "And he was a guy that, uh..." "He hated everybody, he hated Julius Erving." "He hated "The doctor"." "He said, "The doctor, what the hell'd he ever cure?"" "He said he was "The doctor of my ass, that's what he was the doctor of."" "And I always try to get that image out of my mind." "Of Julius Erving working on my uncle's ass." "Hey, Dom, I-I-I I wish you wouldn't bring food into my office." "It's not fair to me, or to the other patients." "Doc, you know I have low blood sugar." "The reason I eat like this..." "Is so that I won't get anxiety." "Mm-hmm." "You know... you want half of this?" "What is that?" "Mmm, it's good." "Don't bite where I bit." "Why not?" "W-what's wrong with where you bit?" "Because I'm gonna cut out where you bit." "'Cause you got a thing that looks like it's happening on your lip." "I don't want it happening on my lip." "Looks like a sore." "Here, taste that." "That is dee-licious." "Mmm, isn't it?" "Yes, um, but you know what?" "I guess, you're allowed to eat, then." "As long as it's delicious." "Dom, look, you're getting food on the couch, you're getting food on the floor, y'know, this is..." "Well, let's just finish this, then we'll get back to work." "All right." "Ben!" "Hey, Todd, keep it down." "Ben!" "You don't wanna wake the customers." "I know, I never greet you with any enthusiasm." "I just thought I should start doing th..." "Ben!" "It's like a spiritual..." "Yeah." "You're doing, man." "Hey, Todd, uh..." "Yes." "My dad is filling in for this talk-radio show on, uh, I think it's am 620." "I love talk radio." "Do you know, uh, "Campbell's couch"?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "You do?" "Is it "Campbell's couch," the, the...?" "The therapist." "Yeah, that radio therapy, over-the-phone thing, yeah." "That's right, you call in, you talk..." "You call in." "Well, my dad's gonna do it." "Oh, that's a good thing to do, man." "He should be proud of that as a therapist." "Well, Campbell, apparently, is..." "A lot of people listen to that show." "It's like therapy without all the privacy." "Well, that's right, 'cause it's..." "You're trying to help more people than just the person..." "Privacy always stops a person from really letting their problems pour out." "I'm saying, Campbell provides a free service to people who call in, they don't have to pay for therapy." "But, uh, I'm a little worried that my dad is not gonna get a lot of callers 'cause, y'know, he's a fill-in." "It's like having a substitute teacher, y'know, nobody pays attention." "Yeah." "So, I'm soliciting people to call." "Really?" "On Friday." "So here's the number." "You want me to call on Friday?" "Well, I wouldn't mind..." "You know, yeah." "Yeah, but I..." "What am I gonna call?" "I got, you know, I'm normal." "I got nothin'." "Problem-wise, I got nothing going on." "Really?" "Nah, I don't have any problems." "Well, Todd, that is a problem." "Why don't you call?" "Oh, I'm..." "I'm gonna." "But I just want..." "I want other people to call, 'cause I don't want my dad to look dumb." "On the air, y'know..." "How's he gonna look if I call and go," ""hi, I'm normal, but your son told me to call?"" "Well, Todd, maybe if you call up and say you're normal, he could find out what's really behind that." "Behind my normalcy?" "Well, I don't think you're normal." "Really?" "Yeah." "I've had very few..." "Especially as an adult," "I've had very few problems." "Really?" "Just, you know, a few childhood traumas, but we don't need to talk about them anymore." "Well, maybe you do, maybe they still..." "Still eating' at ya." "What happened when you were a child?" "Y'know, there was a bad birthday party when I was six." "Oh, really?" "Yeah." "How bad?" "My parents hired a clown to entertain ten kids." "Ohh, one of those bad clown stories where the guy showed up drunk..." "No, he was great." "'Til the heart attack." "All of us kids thought it was part of the show." "We were still dancing and singing" ""Here we go 'round the mulberry bush"." "While my father did CPR on the guy." "That's a pretty funny sight." "CPR on a clown." "I laugh about it now." "Dr. Katz?" "Ben?" "I think my man is cheatin' on me." "Ben, I know what you're trying to do..." "Dr. Katz, stop callin' me Ben." "My name is..." "Benna." "Okay, now is this your husband, or your boyfriend?" "It's my boyfriend." "He's s'posed to be comin' home... every night." "But on three nights a week," "I don't know where he is." "Is this just..." "This just three nights out of the week?" "You did not do well, dad." "Well, Ben, first of all, you can't just call me out of the blue." "You gotta give me some warning." "Try it again, and, um..." "Let's try it again." "So I have to call back, or I can just..." "No, call me..." "Call me back." "Hello, is the caller there?" "Dr. Katz?" "What can I do for you?" "This is Dr. Katz." "Sitting in for Carlton Campbell on "Campbell's couch"." "Jeez... that's great, dad." "That gets it off on the right foot." "They like to know who they're talking..." "You should tell them right away," ""I'm filling in, I'm not qualified at all."" "Well, that's not..." "That's only in your mind, that suggestion." "You should just add that you're not a therapist..." "And you're not qualified, you're just a friend of Carlton's who..." "I'm fixin' Carlton's couch." ""Happened to stop by, and he wasn't here, so I did the show."" "So, Julie, what I would like you to do is to... try and..." "Just to close your eyes, get comfortable, and try to think of your earliest childhood memory." "My earliest childhood memory?" "Yeah." "Okay, why don't we shift gears and just..." "Anything that pops into your head." "You could talk about your parents, you could talk about your, uh..." "I went to see my mother." "She's walking around her house with a screw, looking at everything in the whole house." "And you have no idea why." "No, I followed her around, and I'm like," ""What are you doing?"" "She said, "Julie," "I think this has fallen out of something."" "Yeah." "So, being tall has always been an issue for you." "I've always been..." "I have always been really tall." "When I was in first grade I was five feet tall." "The teachers had to always stop the other little kids from playing "Gulliver" with me out on the playground." ""I can't help it, I'm a giant, behemoth child."" "I always wanted to be a ballerina." "But I can't be a ballerina, 'cause they don't make toe shoes in size eleven." "Well, they do, but they call them "boots"." "I go into shoe stores all the time and I'll say to them," ""I'd like this shoe in a size 11."" "They'll be in the back, wetting themselves with laughter." "They'll come out, "How 'bout a '5' and a '6', we'll staple 'em together?"" "But y'know, he's a..." "He does it on the air, so it's a... he's sort of crossed the lines between therapy and show business." "Ohh, and it's not just entertainment, these people are really calling in with their problems?" "Well, it's pretty entertaining." "Doesn't that seem a little strange?" "That people would call up and do that?" "It does, but he asked me..." "He has to go to a wedding, and he asked me if I would cover for him." "Ohh." "And, um... y'know, I'll take calls..." "Uh-huh." "So, ehh, but this is new for you, you're gonna, like, solve people's problems, like, on a... ten-minute phone call, that's..." "Well, I don't think anyone calls up with that expectation." "Yeah." "What do they call for?" "But, um, aside from that," "I would love it if you guys would listen, and if no one else is calling in, if you could just..." "Call in and, pretend to be, um..." "You mean, call in like a..." "Like a guy with a problem, just..." "Like a setup?" "I don't know." "Well, because, you know, I don't..." "Otherwise there's just dead airtime, and I have to talk." "You guys know what that's like." "Julie, why don't you try placing one call?" "Can you make things up?" " Yeah, go ahead." " Yeah." "Anything." "Is the caller there?" "Uh, yeah, hi." "Hi, what can I do for you?" "This is Dr. Katz, sitting in for Dr. Campbell on "Campbell's couch"" "um, I feel a little silly doing this, actually." "That's okay, everyone feels silly the first time." "Well, I have this thing where" "I'm sort of afraid to go out of my house." "Mm-hmm..." "Silly!" "So, Laura, just give me the cue and as soon as..." "You give me the signal, I will, uh..." "Okay, well, alright... ready?" "Mm-hmm." "Go." "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." "This is Dr. Jonathan Katz, sitting in for Carlton Campbell." "I will be filling in for Carlton tonight and, uh, we'll be taking calls, and the lines are open now, and we're gonna be here until 1:00 in the morning, so call in, and, uh..." "You can confide in me the same way you confide in Carlton." "We have the same kind of training, the same approach to therapy." "And also with me here tonight is my wonderful co-producer, the very lovely and talented young Laura." "Co-producer?" "Laura, you're on the air." "How are you?" "Fine." "Any calls coming in?" "No." "Well, it's interesting that you mention that." "Because that's one of the things about the radio and phone calls." "I always wonder what happens when no one calls in." "Well, you're livin' it." "I guess, my wondering days are over." "But guess who's living it with me?" "Umm... me?" "My charming co-host." "Co-host?" "Yeah, all of our phone lines are open, so please call in..." "All of them are open." "Anything you want to talk about... we're open, we're taking all calls, uh, I am a professional psychotherapist, and I'll be taking calls about any range of emotional problems, personal problems..." "Dr. Katz, we got a..." "We got our first call!" "Oh, that's great!" "Hello, is the caller there?" "Yes, hello!" "Yes!" "Where's Dr. Campbell?" "Dr. Campbell is not here tonight, can I help you?" "This is Dr. Katz." "I'm sitting in for Dr. Campbell." "What can I do for you tonight?" "Yes, I'd like to speak to Dr. Campbell." "Yeah, Dr. Campbell's not here tonight." "Oh..." "Uh, Dr. Campbell will be back on Monday night." "Okay, bye-bye!" "Oh, man." "I guess, he has a very loyal following, Dr. Campbell." "Hi, "Campbell's couch" with Dr. Katz." "What would you like to talk about?" " Laura." " Ben?" " Hey." " Hi." "Listen, get me on." "I got a good one." "Ben, this isn't a joke, this is a radio show." "We're trying to do a show here... no, no, no." "I've been driving around listening to the show, it's a joke." "It's going okay." "No, you've had one call..." "No, we've had a lot of calls." "Or two calls, and they're all asking for Dr. Campbell." "My dad is eating it." "Now let me get on there, I can save this thing." "I don't think it's a good idea, Ben." "Laura, I'm telling you..." "You guys are in deep trouble." "All right!" "Patch me in." "Dr. Katz." "Hi, is the caller there?" "Your show sucks!" "Ooof." "Um... wh-where you calling from?" "You suck!" "'Cause it sounds like you're s..." "Oh, man!" "I can barely understand what you're saying, but it sounds like... you suck!" "Like you're not enjoying the show." "Buh-bye!" "Oh, okay... bye bye, you suck!" "Folks, sometimes when people call in, th-they're angry, they're hostile, and sometimes it's just because a lot of what they hear is too painful." "Let me just apologize to my listeners for that rude interruption, that happens sometimes." "Dr. Katz, we got another call." "Is the caller there?" "Hey, good show so far, Dr. Katz." "Thank you very much, you know, I'm new at this, so I..." "No..." "Okay, put another call through." "Yes, is the caller there?" "Yes, I'm here, how ya doin'?" "I'm okay." "What's your name, sir?" "Name's Ben." "Ben, what can I do for you tonight?" "Um, I am, uh... whew, man, I'm winded." "Hey, dad." "Hello, Ben." " How ya doin'?" " Good." "That's a huge window, this whole thing is wide open." "You know there..." "There is an elevator." " Really?" " Yeah." "Why did I take the stairs, then?" "'Cause you didn't see the elevator, I guess." "Whew, I just did fourteen stories." "Did you see Laura out there?" "Is this all on the air?" "Yeah, we're on the air." "This is my son, Ben, I'm talking to, folks." "Hey, everybody." "And this is not exactly, uh, therapy." "'Cause it's not really entertaining." "But it is live." "Umm..." "Dr. Katz, there's a real call." "It's not Ben." "'Cause I'm right here." "Okay, hi, this is Dr. Katz, is the caller there?" "It's me, actually." "I'm on the cell phone." "Oh." "Yeah." "But take it." "I mean, why not?" "Gimme the phone." " Sorry... dad?" " Yeah?" "At this point, because nobody's calling in, maybe what we should do is turn it around." "Maybe you should call out." "Oh, we call them." "Yes, as a twist." "Yeah, it doesn't really..." "Doesn't really work that way, Ben, in um..." "I mean, it's totally inappropriate, but I think, um, maybe not such a bad idea." "Okay, Laura, place a call..." "See who's home." "Here's my book of patients." "Alright." "See if I can catch someone in." "Uh... hello?" "Dom?" "Did I..." "Did I wake you up?" "Uh, no, no, that's all right," "I was just..." "Lookin' at the back of my eyes for about six hours." "First of all, I hate to call you at home." "No, it's no problem, uh..." "But you're on the air." "Who is this?" "This is Dr. Katz, and we're on the air, live." "My Dr. Katz?" "That's right." "You're callin' me?" "I'm calling you because I'm hosting a radio show called "Campbell's couch"" "and, I thought it would be interesting..." "For the audience to hear the voice of an actual patient." "And to hear the sound of therapy, and people..." "Give 'em some of the other sounds." "Because people who've never experienced therapy..." "You're gonna what!" "?" "!" "Well..." "I learned a very interesting lesson tonight." "Well, dad, like..." "You know what?" "It's 1:00 A.M., and you've just had a bad radio show for three hours, it's late and you're a little loopy." "That was the lesson I learned." "Yeah, you should do a morning show." "I don't think that I'm cut out to speak into a microphone." "You know?" "Well, you definitely shouldn't be doing late-night radio." "Because, y'know," "I'm not good under that kind of pressure, being on the spot." "And some of these people really needed help." "Laura, you were good." "Yeah, Laura, you did a great job." "Thank you." "You have no..." "Nothing to be ashamed of." "And Ben, you..." "You kicked in nicely, too, I thought." "Well, once I found the studio," "I think I really saved the show." "Right, Laura?" "Well..." "When do the ratings come out?" "Check the papers tomorrow." "See if it's still on the air." "Yeah, well, there'll be a big article about..." "Your show, tomorrow." "I'd be curious to see how, um, what's the guy who's on after me?" "Oh, uh, f-f-father O'Sullivan." "Father O'Sullivan." "Yeah, I'm curious to see how he does tonight." "Yeah." "I wonder if he can follow my show, y'know?" "Maybe we should call father O'Sullivan now." "Ask for forgiveness." "I hope that I haven't cheapened what I do, in any way." "Oh, you definitely have." "Okay." "Let me hope for something else, then." "I hope nobody got hurt." "I also went out to the Grand Canyon, which is a really good time, except I wanted to take that Brady Bunch burro ride down to the bottom of the canyon." "But I couldn't, because there was a weight requirement for the burro, which I exceeded..." "Which totally bummed me out." "That I flew 2,000 miles and I'm too fat to ride a beast of burden?" "And I hate ventriloquists." "Mm-hmm." "I hate ven..." "That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen a ventriloquist, and you know what bothers me, doc, that really get..." "Is the people that get mad at the dummy." "How stupid are they, that they're like," ""Yeah, that dummy." "Boy, that dummy's got a foul mouth."" "And they watch the dummy, and they go," ""The ventriloquist seems like a nice guy, couldn't he get a nicer dummy?"" "I mean, ventriloquists never get women." "Never ever get women." "You never hear a woman goes," ""I went back to this ventriloquist's house the other night, and he had me on the bed, and he had a Spanish voice comin' out of my butt, it was incredible."" "They disgust me." "You like 'em?" "No, I-I don't really enjoy ventriloquists." "I think..." "I think, Dom..." "And I have never laughed at a clown." "I'm sorry to interrupt you." "That's all right." "I'm just feelin' it today, doc." "I just feelin' it..." "A lot of anger towards, uh, performance artists." "You've never laughed at a clown." "I never laughed at a clown." "I don't think clowns are funny," "I don't know anybody who goes," ""Did you see that clown, he was killin' me." "With that thing, with the horn, and the pie, boy is he funny."" "Imagine the wife of a clown." "You're tryin' to hide yourself in a new neighborhood, you move in, "What's your husband do?"" ""I don't wanna talk about it."" ""No, what's he do?"" ""He's an entertainer."" ""What's he do?"" ""Alright, he's a clown, he's a friggin' clown!" "You know what it's like ironing those hoop pants every night?" "You know what it's like rinsing out that spongy red nose," "I can't get his shoes under the bed, hardy har har?"" "Oops, you know what the music means, Dom." "We're gonna have to stop." "Our time is up." "We really need to, uh..." "To wrap this up." "I'm just glad I have a therapist that says, "oops."" " What's that?" " Oh..." "Oh, hey, hey!" "Works every week." "Yeah." | {
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"Belinda here." "Yes." "Name?" "Charles McGill." "Client visit." "Here's Johnny!" "Hey, I knew you'd come." "All right." "You're a sight for sore eyes." "You're looking good." "Jimmy." "Sorry you had to come all this way." "It's a long way, right?" "It's a long way." "Yeah." "Sorry." "Only two things I know about Albuquerque..." "Bugs Bunny should've taken a left turn there." "And, give me a hundred tries," "I'll never be able to spell it." "Anyway..." "As you can see, I'm in a..." "A bit of a pickle." "You certainly are." "Forget the property damage and assault charges." "You face being labeled a sex offender, Jimmy." "If that happens, it'll follow you for the rest of your life." "That is insane!" "Okay?" "Th..." "That is a trumped-up load of horse crap, Chuck, come on." "Is that what I tell the judge..." ""Trumped-up load of horse crap"?" "I'm not the lawyer here, okay, but it was a simple Chicago sunroof." ""Sex offender"?" "That's not even remotely a..." "Let's talk strategy, okay?" "'Cause I need you to work your magic and make this whole situation go poof." "You got a plan of attack?" "Huh?" "Come on." "I know I haven't made it easy for you, but you are..." "You are the man!" "Right?" "I know you got a million legal loopholes that we can dance through." "Big bag of tricks, you know?" "Any clever technicalities, huh?" "And reasonable-doubt type stuff?" "Come on, Chuck." "I haven't seen you in, what, five years?" "We barely hear from you." "Now that you're in it up to your neck, you can't even call me yourself?" "You have Mom call me?" "Mom took it upon herself to call you." "I was just letting her know where I was." "You didn't cry to her on the phone?" "What?" "No." "You didn't cry and beg Mom for help?" "What?" "Jesus!" "She hears what she wants to hear, okay?" "I'm gonna cry on a payphone in the middle of Cook County Jail." "Jesus!" "Can we..." "Can we talk strategy here, huh?" "Look..." "I know I'm a lousy brother." "I'm a lousy brother, I'm a big screw-up." "And if I was just a better person," "I would not only stop letting you down..." "You know what, I'd stop letting me down." "And it's about time that I started to make both of us proud." "Am I right?" "Guard." "Wait." "Chuck, wait, wait, wait, wait." "No, no." "You can't leave me, no." "If I don't get out of this, my life is over!" "So long as you understand that." "Yeah." "Jimmy, if I do this..." "If..." "Do not make a fool out of me." "I promise I won't." "Everything you're doing, everything you're involved with, that's over." "Just tell me what to do." "Whatever it is, I'll do it." "Just say it." "Please, Chuck?" "Help me." "Hello?" "Hey." "It's me." "Jimmy?" "What's..." "Uh..." "Jesus, what time is it?" "Clock says 2:00, but I think that might be Ho Chi Minh's time zone." "What?" "What's happening?" "Is Chuck all right?" "Yeah." "Chuck..." "Chuck is Chuck, all right?" "Everything's all right." "I just wanted to call you." "So, uh..." "Hey, whatcha doing?" "Jimmy..." "No." "I'm not talking dirty to you." "What?" "Wait, you think that's the only reason" "I would call you at this time of night?" "I mean, can you just give me..." "Give me a little bit of credit, okay?" "And you're not talking dirty to me either." "Okay, bye." "I knew it." "Uh, joking." "Just joking." "Having fun with you." "I'm calling you tonight with quality PG phone conversation." "PG-13 at worst." "Uh-huh." "Hand to God, you know?" "Uh, but, uh, if you hang up now and drive straight over, limited time only," "I'm offering a free pedicure and foot bath." "Is that right?" "Well, maybe next time." "Hey, more for me." "Uh, you're, uh, probably swamped with work anyways, what, with that big, fat, giant case falling right into your lap." "Which case is that?" "I don't know." "Some, uh, some county official or something?" "It was in all the papers." "Craig Kettleman." "Craig Kettleman, yeah!" "The primo client your dipwad boss stole right out from under me." "Nobody stole anybody." "The Kettlemans made a choice." "Yeah, so did the Donner Party when they took that shortcut." "Come on, Jimmy." "Hamlin is not that bad." "And I'm gonna be second chair if it ever goes to trial, so..." "Be happy for me." "Hey, um, how much exactly did Kettleman get away with?" "Uh, excuse me, innocent until proven guilty?" "Uh, excuse me, but I'm a taxpayer in this county." "I think I have a right to know." "And besides, it's not like I'm his lawyer or anything." "I have to go to sleep." "So do you." "I know you have court in the morning." "He got away with a million, million-six, at least?" "I'm not talking details of the case with you." "Good night." "Where'd he stash all that dough?" "I mean, besides for buying that idiotic boat." "Hello, guilty." "Hanging up now." "This guy's..." "Yeah, he's probably a target." "Somebody might get some bad, bad ideas." "You know, if Kettleman isn't careful with that money," "I mean, his whole family could be in danger." "What do you mean "danger"?" "Jimmy, why would you say that?" "What?" "You said the family might be in danger." "I did?" "I..." "Oh, I, uh..." "I'm..." "I'm drunk." "So, I'm just, uh..." "I'm thinking out loud." "I'm..." "I'm up, spinning, uh..." "Spinning thoughts." "You sure?" "Yeah." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Uh..." "So, I'll see you down in the court bowels manana." "Good night, Kim." "Good night, Jimmy." "I'm no hero." "Hello!" "You've reached Team Kettleman!" "Please leave a message for Craig..." " Betsy..." " Warren..." "And Jo Jo..." "After the beep!" "Hello!" "You've reached Team Kettleman!" "Please leave a message..." "Hello?" "Kettlemans, you're in danger." "You're in danger." "I'm s..." "I'm sorry." "What?" "Craig, who is it?" "I am not sure." "Wait." "Say..." "Say that again, please." "They know about your money." "Watch out." "Yeah, what are you trying to say?" "This is a warning." "You're in danger." "They're coming for your money." "This is a friendly stranger." "Your whole family is in danger." "They money..." "They know about the money!" "You have a terrible connection." "I'm warning you." "They know about your money." "Be careful!" "Do you think..." "Can you call back on a better line?" "Kettlemans, you're in danger." "They're coming for your money." "Bye." "What'd he say?" "We're..." ""In danger."" ""They're coming."" "Who..." "Who's coming?" "Okay, how about this, time served plus counseling?" "Can't do it." "It's his first offense." "Can't do it, McGill." ""Can't do it." "Can't do it." Would you work with me here?" "I'm listening, aren't I?" "Well, you're kind of a captive audience." "What'd you eat for lunch?" "The whole roast beast?" "Funny." "Okay, okay, hear me out." "Wow." "The 30 he's done, which is a 60 credit, plus 60 additional days." "Can't do it." "Best offer..." "Six months plus the time he's done, half time for good behavior, out in 90." "That's my final." "That's never gonna happen." "Oh!" "Come on." "Now, are you joking?" "Now, that is the best deal you're gonna get." "I can't do it." "Your guy drove drunk into a shopping center and killed three people." "Wait." "Shopping center?" "Desmond Rojas." "Armed robbery, liquor store." "He assaulted the cashier with a bottle of Kahlua!" "Oh." "I was thinking of Daryl Redwood." "Yeah." "Okay, my bad." "Desmond Rojas." "Okay, go, start over." "I'm not starting over!" "I'm busting my nut here every day for 700 a throw, inhaling your BM, which is straight from Satan's bunghole, and you can't tell one defendant from another?" "90 days with good behavior, we're doing this!" "Yeah, okay." "Yeah." "Say it." "Say the words, "I accept the deal."" "Yeah, I accept..." "I accept the deal." "Good morning." "What do you mean, what did I mean?" "I..." "No, I told you." "I was drunk." "I just..." "Kim, why are you..." "Why are you asking me this?" "Oh, damn it." "Here." "I'm in a real rush." "I didn't have time to get the validation." "Fine. 9 bucks." "I..." "I don't have it." "I have $5." "Please?" "You know the drill, money or the validation." "Look, this is an emergency, okay?" "A serious, serious emergency." "I have to get out of here." "I promise, on the souls of my forefathers," "I will get you the stickers when I come back." "I will get you extra if you just let me go." "Fine!" "Fine!" "You're gonna make me walk back and get the stickers," "I'll walk back and get the stickers!" "I'm not making you do anything." "Those are the rules." "Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night." "Screw you, geezer!" "Copy that, dispatch." "Jimmy." "What brought you here?" "Me?" "Uh..." "Uh, I was surfing the police scanner." "I heard there was big activity out this way." "Well, there's no business for you here, so maybe next time." "Uh, it was a home invasion?" "Uh, the Kettlemans okay?" "Uh, we don't know." "Neighbor was walking the dog last night, saw the front door wide open." "The place was ransacked." "No sign of the family." "There's no note, so..." "We're still figuring it out." "I gotta get back." "Yeah, yeah." "Of course." "Good luck." "Why did you come here?" "I'm just supporting a friend in her time of need." "You wanna be supportive?" "Tell me why you said those things last night." "I'm just reading tea leaves, same way I knew the Kettlemans needed a lawyer." "All that money floating out there, it's logical somebody would come after it." "So, the same night you worry about them, they... disappear?" "Yeah." "It's crazy." "It's Ripley's." "Jimmy, it's not just Craig and Betsy Kettleman, it's their two kids as well." "You would say something if you could help find them, right?" "I don't..." "I don't know what happened to them." "Really, I..." "I don't know." "The longer you stay here, the more explaining I have to do to Hamlin." "I'll talk to you later." "Hey, you'll tell me if there's anything I can do?" "Everything is gonna be fine." "It's gonna work out A-Okay." "It's gonna be fine." "Nacho." "Leave it." "Uh, yes, I'm, uh..." "This is the party you spoke to the other day." "Uh, and I sincerely want to help you de-escalate your situation, uh, legally and otherwise." "Um, so call me at 146-8729 at your earliest convenience." "But soon, please." " Nacho." "Leave it." "Yeah, Nacho, hi." "Uh..." "Just to clarify, look, I don't know anything." "I have spoken to no one, and, uh, there are no rats on this ship." "But for the sake of everyone involved," "I would just like to open a dialogue." "So... 146-8729." "Call me when you get this." "If I didn't say it before, time is of the essence on this matter, so, uh, I'm gonna hang up now..." "If you're trying to call." "Uh, there's no call waiting here if you get a busy signal." "146-8729." "Just keep trying." "I'll be here." "I can put out this fire, if there is a fire." "By hope of hopes, this is all a big misunderstanding." "146-8729." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Nacho?" "Nacho?" "Walking." "Just walking." "Just strolling along." "Thank God!" "Help!" "Help!" "Down!" "Show us your hands!" "Stop!" "On the ground!" "You guys are cops?" "Show us your hands!" "I got bad knees!" "Ow!" "Ohh!" "Come on, officers." "You're making a mistake." "My name is McGill, James McGill." "I'm an attorney." "Easy, easy!" "It's his lawyer." "Whose lawyer?" "You sure he asked for me?" "You going in or what?" "Hey." "You asked for me, and I have come." "I want to tell you this was a wise move." "Very smart." "Because I'm here to help." "Everyone." "All parties." "But mostly you." "Uh, those two detectives..." "They just gave me an earful." "And what they were telling me is..." "It's problematic." "I'm gonna pitch it back to you so I know we're on the same page." "A neighbor lady saw a suspicious van parked across the street from the Kettlemans' house two nights in a row." "She wrote down the license plate." "It was your license plate." "Cops tracked your van and you, searched it, and found blood on the floor." "So, here we are." "Um..." "Um..." "They're calling the FBI in on this, which makes it federal." "That's a bad thing, Nacho." "That's..." "That's very bad, but if you tell me where the family is, if you give them up now, full cooperation, deep remorse," "I feel very good about knocking your sentence down to the minimum," "18 years." "They take this good behavior thing very seriously, so start here, right here." "Tell me the family is okay." "Tell me the kids are okay." "You want to tell me your thoughts and weigh in?" "Does this sound like a plan that you can get behind?" "You miserable piece of shit." "You set me up." "I what?" "You gave my score to another crew, and now you're setting me up." "I..." "What the what?" "Did the cops beat you?" "'Cause you're talking like a person with head trauma..." "You think you're funny?" "What are you saying?" "Are you saying that you had nothing to do with this?" "That was your van outside the house." "Y..." "You weren't there?" "Yeah, I was there." "I was casing the place, figuring out the best way in and out, what time they went to bed, all that." "They were fine when I left." "That's it." "You had nothing to do with the Kettlemans." "I was never in the house." "What about the blood in your van?" "They DNA my ride, all they're gonna find is the blood of your skate-rat twins, plus whatever piss and shit you leaked out when you were in there." "Nobody's been in the back of that van since." "I..." "I don't understand." "Here's what I understand, Counselor." "I told my plan to one other person." "One..." "You." "Now here I am, under arrest." "Go figure." "I don't know anything about a setup or another crew." "You know what?" "I don't even care." "The cops are out there right now, poking in to my business, and if they find something on me or my partners, for real, it's gonna be bad for you." "Really bad." "Bad?" "Bad as in..." "You get me out of here today..." "Or you're a dead man." "Oh, hey." "I asked if you knew anything." "You didn't tell me you were representing the lead suspect." "I didn't know it at the time." "He give up anything?" "What?" "Did he tell you where the family is?" "He doesn't know." "What does that mean, he doesn't know?" "He gave them to somebody else?" "He doesn't know because he didn't do it." "Ah, Christ." "Give me a break." "Guys, can you give us just a minute?" "Jimmy, that family is in real danger." "You don't have to stand behind attorney-client privilege." "I'm not." "These people can be buried in a box, sucking air through a straw right now." "And I'm sorry if that's where they are, but my guy didn't do it." "How are you so sure?" "You know what you're gonna do?" "You're gonna get your special CSI people, right?" "And you're gonna test the blood from that van, because I guarantee you, one billion percent, it's not the Kettlemans'." "Whose is it?" "It's not the Kettlemans'." "Just test it." "That'll take weeks, if we can even get a DNA sample to compare it to." "Well, isn't that convenient?" "You've got an innocent man in there right now, who I demand you release with an apology!" "There are no other suspects." "There's no evidence that points to anyone else." "Well, then, I want to see the crime scene, 'cause you guys are missing something." "Screw you, "Missing something."" "No, Detectives, I, um..." "I think that's a good idea." "A good idea?" "Yes." "I think we should invite Mr. McGill to the house." "Why?" "Yeah, why?" "So, what did we miss?" "This is the son's room." "Warren." "Twelve years old." "Jo Jo's room." "She's 7." "All right, you wanted me to crack?" "Mission accomplished." "But I'm telling you, my client didn't do this." "We know Varga was outside the house the night the family disappeared." "That is a fact." "Advocate for the guy all you want, after we get these people back safe." "In the meantime, help us." "Where's the doll?" "Where's the what?" "Uh, got little shoes, a bunch of clothes, a table and chairs, hairbrush, but where's the doll that goes with all this stuff?" "In every picture of this little girl, she's holding the same doll." "So, where's the doll?" "What does it matter?" "Doll is gone." "Girl is gone, which means doll and girl are most likely together, which means..." "I have no idea what that means." "Which means the kid wasn't dragged out of the house, ipso facto..." "Wait, wait." "What are you saying?" "Maybe the Kettlemans kidnapped themselves." "That's it." "You're..." "You're done." "Let's go." "It makes perfect sense." "How does it make sense?" "Why would they do that?" "They stole a million dollars-plus, right?" "You..." "You wanna get away with all that yummy cash, what do you do, run?" "No, you can't." "If you run, everyone knows you're guilty." "Ah!" "But if you're kidnapped, you're a victim, right?" "They staged this to throw everyone off." "You guys are looking in the wrong place." "Who knows how many miles into Mexico or Canada they could be." "You gotta put the word out." "Oh, come on." "You don't think it's possible I'm right?" "It's possible, unlikely." "Unlikely?" "All their cars are here." "There's no record of a taxi or car service to the house." "And they didn't get on any planes or buses or trains." " You checked all that?" " Yes, we checked it." "And the doll?" "It's not news." "We saw it was missing." "So where is it?" "The girl was scared, crying." "Bad guy lets the kid take the doll to shut her up." "What, you don't think that's possible?" "I need to talk to you." "Alone." "I've got to tell you something on the QT, and promise not to be upset with me." "No way am I making that promise." "I called the Kettlemans." "After I hung up with you, I gave them a warning call." "A warning call?" "Yeah, I was worried my guy Varga was going after their money." "And he was." "He was gonna rip them off." "I deduced it from a conversation that we had." "It was lawyer to client, so there was, you know, confidentiality issues." "But I called the Kettlemans anonymously to warn them." "Anonymously?" "You didn't..." "Oh, God, you didn't..." "You didn't do the sex robot voice, did you?" "I did, with the tube and the whole thing, which probably scared the living shit out of them, and they took off, which, you know, file that under "unintended consequences,"" "but you..." "You believe me now?" "Uh..." "Great!" "Now we have to find them." "Or better yet, get the cops to let Varga go because right now, my ass is on the highway to the danger zone." "Why are you in danger?" "Nacho Varga." "He didn't kidnap the family, but he's a bad guy." "He's a very bad guy." "And if the cops keep pushing him, they're gonna find something." "And when that happens, Nacho blames me, and then his guys turn me into a meat pinata." "Jimmy, tell the police." "No, there's..." "There's no way I'm gonna rat on this guy." "I will never be safe." "No, I have to convince the cops that I'm right, get them to stop looking at Nacho, and catch the Kettlemans on the run." "And if they never catch them?" "The Kettlemans?" "Well, you've met these people, right?" "They're not exactly masterminds, right?" "They will be caught if the cops are looking for them, so you tell them to, would you?" "FBI, too." "I heard they're getting in on this." "Why would the FBI listen to me?" "Well, Hamlin..." "They'll listen to him, right?" "APD, at least." "You talk to Howard." "You explain things to him." "He has clout with these people." "What?" "Is that a no or..." "Hamlin will never agree to it." "The Kettlemans are our clients." "This would mean incriminating them." "Oh, you..." "You see?" "This is why people hate lawyers." "It's Hamlin's call, and Hamlin will never agree." "And even if it were up to me, you know I couldn't." "I'm sorry." "I just..." "I get it." "Where are you going?" "I'm gonna go talk to Nacho." "I'll try to make him see reason." "To beg!" "Come on." "Come on!" "Right." "Yeah." "Hey." "I was a jerk, okay?" "So, I will..." "I will pay you what I owe you, plus interest, if you just let me come through." "I suggest you find parking somewhere else." "Somewhere else, as in..." "Where somewhere else?" "Not my concern." "Uh, actually, uh, this is your job, so, by definition, it's your concern." "So pump out the ticket and open the stupid gate already, please." "I mean, I don't have time for this." "All..." "All right." "Hey." "I'm gonna..." "I'm gonna park right here." "I don't think you wanna be doing that." "Oh, yeah?" "What are you gonna do?" "You got a poop-filled diaper in there?" "You're gonna throw it at me?" "You gonna gum me to death, huh, geezer?" "Ohh!" "Whoa, ow!" "We're talking about a family, mom, dad, two kids." "Lawyer's got this bullshit theory about them staging this and running off with the money." "You know the story?" "Yeah, county treasurer embezzled funds." "I read the paper." "Yeah, well, we got this gangbanger dead to rights." "Only problem is your guy over there." "He needs to help us get his scumbag client to talk." "So, what do you say?" "You on board?" "Help us do some good." "Sure." "Okay, here's the deal." "You assaulted this man." "Give me a break." "I barely touched the guy." "But you laid hands on him first." "Finger..." "I laid finger on him." "Well, whatever your interpretation, it was still an assault." "Now, this gentleman is willing to let this go, not press charges, if you help us out." "You gotta get your client to tell us where he has the family stashed." "Wait, guys, I'm the definition of a broken record on this one." "Nacho is "not-cho" man, comprendo?" "Nobody took the Kettlemans." "The Kettlemans took themselves!" "You're gonna keep playing that line, it's gonna go rough." "You know what?" "Do your worst." "All right." "Let's go." "To booking." "Yeah." "Sure." "Fine." "Perfect end to a perfect day." "Hey, guys, wait a second." "I changed my mind." "I'm sorry, what?" "I don't wanna press charges." "We talked about this." "You want to press charges." "No." "No, I don't." "What're you doing, buddy?" "I thought you had our backs." "No, I don't think I said that, buddy." "So, what, you get a chance to do the right thing and you puss out?" "Mmm..." "Yeah." "Well, I guess it's my loss." "Hey, Cagney, Lacey." "When you realize how wrong you are about all this," "I'll take an Edible Arrangement as a "sorry."" "Heavy on the pineapple." "Hey, hold up." "How come you let me off the hook back there?" "I'm going back to work." "Why don't you quit while you're ahead and go on your way?" "No, I refuse to believe it's because you have something resembling a heart inside your body." "You're not gonna have a heart inside your body in about five seconds." "Okay, don't tell me, all right?" "I already know why you did it." "Yeah?" "Why's that?" "'Cause you believe me." "That family kidnapped themselves." "All right, I believe you." "I knew it!" "I knew it!" "Finally, someone believes me!" "Why do you believe me?" "I heard the details." "Your story makes sense." "Of course it does!" "But, devil's advocate." "Like the cops said, the Kettlemans' cars are still at their house." "There's no record of them leaving." "How'd they get out of the country?" "They didn't." "Odds are, they didn't get out of their neighborhood." "What?" "They..." "Come again?" "Look, when I was still on the job back in Philly, we had this case..." "Whoa, hold up." "Hold up." "Now, wait." ""On the job,"" "as in you were a cop on the job?" "This bookie disappeared after the Super Bowl..." "Cowboys/Steelers." "Took $6 million in bets and skipped town when things didn't go his way." "Now, everybody thought he was on the beach in The Bahamas or dead in the Jersey Pine Barrens..." "Wasn't the case." "He was two doors down from where he lived in a foreclosed house." "Hid there for six months without anyone suspecting." "But why?" "Why not run?" "Now, that's what everybody expects." "It's human nature to want to stay close to home, and if this Kettleman figured out how to do it, that's what he did." "Nobody wants to leave home." "♪ Baby, you know me well" "♪ You know I mean what I say" "♪ Before I say farewell" "♪ I'll give you one more day" "♪ So you can find out what's happening" "♪ Find out what's happening before long" "♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh" "♪ If you don't find out what's happening" "♪ You're gonna find out that I'm gone" "♪ Gone, gone, gone, gone" "♪ Tell me what you're gonna do" "♪ You'd better make up your mind" "♪ It all depends on you" "♪ Oh, I'm leaving you behind" "♪ You'd better find out what's happening" "♪ Find out what's happening before long" "♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh" "♪ If you don't find out what's happening" "♪ You're gonna find out that I'm gone" "♪ Gone, gone, gone, gone" "♪ Baby, you know it's true" "♪ We've been through thick and thin" "♪ But if you don't come through" "♪ You won't ever see me again" "♪ You'd better find out what's happening" "♪ Find out what's happening before long" "♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh" "♪ If you don't find out what's happening" "♪ You're gonna find your daddy gone" "♪ Gone, gone, gone, gone" "♪ Find out what's happening" "♪ Find out what's happening" "♪ Find out what's happening" "♪ Find out what's happening" "I know." "It's pretty exciting." "Let's really sell this one, okay?" "Let's do this." "And... ♪ There was a farmer had a dog" "♪ And Bingo was his name-o" "♪ B-I-N-G-O" "♪ B-I-N-G-O" "♪ B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o" "♪ There was a farmer had a dog" "♪ And Bingo was his name-o" "♪ I-N-G-O" "♪ I-N-G-O" "♪ I-N-G-O" "♪ And Bingo was his name-o" "♪ There was a farmer had a dog," "♪ And Bingo was his name-o" "♪ N-G-O, N-G-O" " Hey, it's me." " Listen to this." "♪ N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o" "♪ There was a farmer had a dog" "You hear that?" "I found your dumbass clients." "♪ G-O, G-O, G-O" "It's a long story." "♪ And Bingo was his name-o" "Look, I'm..." "I'm taking them back to their place." "We'll meet you there." "♪ Bingo was his name-o" "Give me a couple hours." "♪ O, O, O" "♪ And Bingo was his name-o ♪" "Hey." "Yay!" "That was great, guys." "Yeah, I think we have time for one more before bed." "Do we have to?" "Oh, hey, I don't know about you, but I would love a little" "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt." "Yeah, and you know what?" "Let's really have fun with this one." "Okay, Kettle Team?" "Let's do this." "And..." "Here's Johnny!" "Hey, Warren." "Hey, Jo Jo." "Uh, sorry about that." "I'm your Uncle Jimmy, all right?" "Now, your parents are gonna take you down the mountain back to your house." "That sound good?" "Uh, we..." "Yeah." "See, they're excited." "Mr. McGill, can we talk about this?" "No, we can't, okay?" "You're done here." "Pack up your stuff, bury your scat, 'cause we're heading back." "Civilization awaits." "Finally." "Look." "Please, could we just talk this through?" "It's not an option." "You either do this on your own recognizance or the cops come and drag you by your heels." "I..." "Let's go." "Kettlemans, time to ship out!" "No." "No!" "Yes, you are." "This is happening!" "No!" "No!" "This is not happening!" "Yes, it is!" "Yes, it..." "Yes!" "Kettlemans!" "No!" "Yes, you are doing this now!" "No!" "Yeah." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on The West Wing:" "He's a lunatic." "He's colorful." "He's certifiable." "Who?" "Lord John Marbury." "You're gonna let him loose where there's liquor and women?" "We can hide the women, but the man deserves a drink." "allow me." "Lord John Marbury." "I was summoned by your president." "Yes." "We've met 1 0 or 1 2 times." "Leo McGarry." "I thought you were the butler." "You're the one who's been saying we need a radical approach." "Yes, yes, I have." "And I got shouted down in every meeting." "I prefer not to paint a picture in the interest of oratory." "The year is one week old." "The legislative session hasn't begun and we can't put waffles in our mouth without coughing up the ball." "You got beat." "Yes." "Figure it out." "Tell me what you'II do." "Are we patched into the Pentagon?" "We can hear them?" "We can hear what they're saying at Command?" "Why can't I hear anything?" "Why aren't we hearing anything?" "Fifteen seconds to target launch." "Why don't you just tell me to shut up" "We have a target launch sequence." "Go flight." "Kwajalein Atoll, how do you read?" "We read you five by five." "Positive target launch sequence." "Here we go." " Target launch in five." "Four." "Three." "Two." "Target is aloft." "How long do I have?" "Two minutes, 1 0 seconds." "I' m gonna see if I can get the president to watch this." "Mr." "Sumatra, you' re a sports fan." "Yes, sir, Mr. President." "Golf." "Okay, well, golf's not a sport." "It's fine, don't get me wrong, but let's not confuse it with things that men do." "Yes, sir." "We're going to Bangkok in June." "June, Charlie?" "Yes, sir." "You're at the Oriental." "Best hotel in the world." "James Michener wrote many of his books at the Oriental and one of his typewriters remains in the suite they named for him." "Is that right?" "Make sure I see that." "T om." "Mr." "President, it is with pleasure that I present His Excellency T ada Sumatra of Thailand." "And by request of the secretary of state, ask that you accept his credentials from King Bhumibol Adulyadej as Thailand's ambassador to the US." "Mr. Sumatra, I accept your letter of credence from King Adulyadej and by affixing my signature and seal do declare you to be an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary." "May our people know peace and prosperity." "Congratulations." "Thank you." "We've got gifts, and we're gonna stand for pictures." "Ambassador, right here." "Madam, congratulations." "He's got about another two minutes, and then I've gotta pull him." "Hey, Charlie, is he done?" "Another two minutes." "I'd Iike him in the Situation Room." "Should I tell him it's an emergency?" "No emergency, it's just time-sensitive." "What are you looking at?" "You're testing that preposterous contraption again." "It's not a preposterous contraption." "Mind your own business." "In my day we knew how to protect ourselves." "In your day you could turn back the Indians with a Daniel Boone musket." "Sarcasm: the grumpy man's wit." "Sharpen a pencil, would you?" "What's up?" "They're gonna launch the intercept." "I'm sure somebody will come along soon and tell me it didn't work." "Why that attitude?" "It won't work." "What do I get if it works?" "What do you get?" "Well, I can't make you Thailand's ambassador to the U.S..." "...because I just signed that guy's letter." "Come with me to the Situation Room." "You know what?" "You are the Charlie Brown of missile defense." "The Pentagon is Lucy." "I'm not familiar with the reference." ""Peanuts," Charlie Brown." "I'm just not conversant in them." "Why?" "I've never read the comics." "Leo, were you born at the age of 55?" "I know that there's a dog." "Charlie Brown wanted to kick a football and Lucy would hold it." "Except she'd pull it away at the Iast minute and Charlie Brown would fall on his butt." "That's funny?" "No." "But each time, Lucy would find a way to convince Charlie Brown that this time she wouldn't pull the ball away, but she would." "And once again, Charlie Brown would fall on his butt." "That's funny?" "Satirical." "What's it satirizing?" "The DOD bringing you to the Situation Room every time they run a missile test so you can come tell me how great it works so I'II put money in the NMD." "You should put money in the NMD." "It doesn't work." "It will work." "One day." "Soon." "There are 3-star generals in there." "Call them Lucy and you're on your own." "Good morning, Mr. President." "Where are we?" "The kill vehicle's on a clear trajectory." "What's its time to the target?" "Fifty seconds." "Colonel, walk the president through." "Y es." "Approximately three minutes ago a missile was launched with a simulated warhead from the Kwajalein Atoll in the South Pacific." "And it's gonna hit my garage in New Hampshire when?" "Well, once the missile cleared cloud cover, it was detected by the early-warning satellites, which launched an interceptor, or kill vehicle." "Ten seconds to SRB sep." "SRB sep is "Solid Rocket Booster separation. "" "That means the radar on the ground has gotten a Iock-on signal from the kill vehicle." "Go SRB sep." "Confirm Solid Rocket Booster separation." "Kill vehicle 's away." "Coming over at 0-4-4." "Roger." "Roger, Control." "We got that 4-4-7." " Thirty seconds to target intercept." "Go flight." "What happens now?" "In 20 seconds it collides with the nuclear warhead." "Where?" "Outer space." "Seventeen miles above Earth's atmosphere." "But we don't have anybody out there right now, do we?" "Ten seconds to intercept." "When we stay at the Oriental we have to see James Michener's typewriter." "Intercept in five." "Here we go." "Four." "Three." "Two." "One." "Is that silence usually a good sign?" "No." "Negative intercept." "Have we got sensor readings?" "No." "Negative intercept." "KM warhead overshot target." "It was just enthusiastic." "By how much?" "Leo" "By how much did it miss?" "Colonel?" "1 37." "We missed it by 1 37 feet." "Miles." "We missed it by 1 37 miles?" "When you consider the size of outer space, that's not so bad." "By the way, the words you're looking for are, "Oh, good grief. "" "For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a very lovely ceremony." "It's informal." "The ambassadors are led into the Oval Office probably with a few friends and family." "They chat with the president, maybe exchange some gifts and they're presented by the State Department's chief of protocol who asks the president to accept the ambassador's credentials and the president signs a letter to that effect." "Y es?" "You have four new ambassadors this week." "Is there an order in which they're seen?" "The order they arrived in Washington." "Earlier the president saw Ambassador Sumatra of Thailand then it'II be Peter Hans of Sweden followed by Her Excellency Renee Ernesto of Argentina Noah Jola of Burkina Faso and the newly named British ambassador will be arriving just as soon as he's been newly named." "I thought it was-- I forgot his name." "Anthony Bratt?" "Y eah." "Anthony Bratt cited family obligations and withdrew over the weekend." "Weren't they gonna replace him with--?" "Sir Christopher Nealing-Roach?" "No, Sir Christopher has been diagnosed with encephalitis contracted during his posting to Kenya." "Who's the new British ambassador?" "I don't know." "When the State Department tells me, I'II know." "It's pool photographs only until tomorrow night when there'II be a reception for the new ambassadors." "Thanks, C.J." "Want to know who's been here the longest?" "The dean of the diplomatic corps?" "Anybody?" "Guys, you know I study these things just for you." "It's Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia." "I could've also told them Burkina Faso has a population of 1 1 million and in even years they host Africa's largest crafts market." "I need a chance to use that knowledge." "C.J.?" "Do you know the crops of Burkina Faso?" "No." "Millet, sorghum, rice, peanuts and cotton." "Mention in your briefing that we've accepted a Iast-minute invitation for the president to address the global Defense Council tomorrow." "I thought we passed on the GDC." "We passed on it three months ago when we thought the president was gonna be in South America." "But they lost their keynote speaker." "We're gonna use this to launch C.A.R.E." "That's what I want you to announce." "C.A.R.E.?" "Yeah." "Okay." "clean Air Rehabilitation Effort." "You don't know what it is." "The clean Air Rehabilitation Effort?" "An effort to clean and rehabilitate air" "How can--?" "I'm not involved in environmental policy." "Which will come as a relief to environmentalists." "I knew the crops of Burkina Faso." "I'II brief you later." "Have we heard from T oby?" "No." "Do we know if he's landed?" "No." "How's everybody doing in here?" "They're doing fine." "Is global warming a real environmental condition or merely a temporary anomaly?" "Is it a global threat or the exaggerated claim of alarmists?" "The time for such debate is over." "As of today, it shall be the position of the United States government that global warming constitutes a clear and present danger to the health and future well-being of this planet and all its inhabitants." "Did somebody get that?" "Yes." "I didn't see writing." "You wrote it." "I just added "The time for such debate is over. "" "We got it." "It sets up the reveal." "22 trillion in benefits versus half a trillion in compliance costs." "We're making sure that's right?" "We're making sure in a few places?" "I want three sources." "Fine." "We don't know if Toby's back?" "You'II know soon." "Sam?" "Is it Toby?" "Can I have the phone?" "He's standing right there." "Thanks." "Twenty-two thousand fewer respiratory-related hospital admissions." "I don't wanna use the stats unless I have three sources." "How was the trip?" "It was fine." "What's going on?" "The president's gonna speak at the GDC conference." "What are you talking about?" "He's gonna launch C.A.R.E." "Since when?" "Their keynote speaker fell through." "When was this decision made?" "Last night." "Why wasn't I involved?" "You were in Kansas City." "I have a telephone." "I have a damn telephone, Sam." "Frankly, I didn't think-- I thought there'd be a consensus." "Who was at this meeting?" "Where?" "Where the decision was made." "It was me, Carl Taub at the EPA, Jane Ziskin was there...." "We've been looking for an opportunity to Iaunch" "Leo wasn't there?" "No." "We've been looking for a platform for this." "What's the problem?" "There are a number of problems, any one of which I could have told you about had you gotten me on the phone." "We already blew off the AFL-CIO." "We said the president was gonna be in South America." "He was gonna be." "Now he's not." "Instead, he's speaking to labor's good friend, the environmental lobby." "He's the president of the United States, he's nobody's understudy." "You got him out there like Joey Bishop." "I gotta say, I hear all that, but the president was very enthusiastic." "Of course he was enthusiastic." "I wasn't in there twisting his arm." "I told him this opportunity had opened, that we had notes so I could finish the speech, he asked questions..." "...we answered them, he said yes." "AII right." "I understand." "AII right." "It's gonna be a good speech." "Yeah." "They need you." "Thanks." "How was the trip?" "Fine." "I need to see Leo." "Yeah." "It's not gonna be Sir Christopher." "I heard." "I said it's not gonna be Sir Christopher." "And I said I heard." "I Iike to say Sir Christopher." " Who Will it be?" "I' m waiting to hear from the State Department." "Me too." "Maybe it'II be Sir Christopher." "Can I stop talking to you now?" "What are you doing?" "I'm standing with my back straight against the wall." "Why?" "I was told by doctors it would relax me." "Josh?" "Gotta go." "Y eah?" "Are you okay?" "Y eah." "What?" "Is it true that Leo can't stand a guy named Lord John Marbury?" "Why?" "A reporter asked me." "What's a reporter doing talking to you?" "It's a friend." "Leo has nothing but respect for John Marbury." "That's what I said." "Leo thinks he's a lunatic." "He's very handsome." "Maybe, but Leo thinks he's a lunatic." "Are you threatened by his brilliance?" "You seem to be." "How do you know he's brilliant?" "His picture." "I'm not threatened by his brilliance nor his good looks." "His charm?" "Not threatened at all." "I'm sorry, I meant Leo." "Neither Leo or I are threatened by his brains, his looks or his charm." "He is, however, a lunatic Brit." "We're grateful there's an ocean between us." "There isn't anymore." "There isn't what?" "An ocean between you." "please don't tell me" "He's the new British ambassador to the United States." "Yeah." "Josh?" "Yeah?" "He's dreamy." "I'm gonna stand next to the wall a Iittle while longer." "Okay." "Josh?" "What I need people to do is knock." "I did knock." "You didn't wait for a response." "Why would I?" "Because I could have been relaxing by standing behind that door." "AII right." "How was the trip?" "It was fine." "We're pinch-hitting at the GDC conference." "I didn't think it was a good idea, and I said so." "That seems to have helped." "Look" "We can't be at the beck and call of the environment." "We could insult them." "Yes." "I'm kidding." "I'm not." "We were invited." "Don't care." "What do you have?" "Environmental terrorists burnt down a ski resort and the GDC didn't comment." "Why did terrorists burn down a ski resort?" "T o save the lynx." "The links?" "Yeah." "T errorists burned down a ski resort to save a golf course?" "It's an animal." "Sam's gonna have strong objections." "Y es, I know." "You want me to talk to Leo?" "I'II talk to him." "I want you to talk to C.J." "About what?" "The Will Rogers dinner is gonna ask Cornelius Sykes to host." "You're kidding me." "No." "He didn't laugh at the joke." "Talk to C.J." "Why do you relax by standing behind a door?" "I'm not." "I'm standing with my back against the wall" "I don't care." "Yeah." "Keith, I" "Keith, I can't tell him that." "I can't tell the president that nine out of 1 0 things went right." "He's gonna say, "Yeah, but we didn't hit anything. "" "Would you, please?" "Thank you." "We had an NMD test this morning." "We were successful on nine out of 1 0 criteria." "We missed?" "Yeah." "By how much?" "We were trying to shoot down an intercontinental ballistic missile." "Once you miss, it really doesn't matter by how much." "I suppose." "1 37 miles." "Sam just told me about the speech." "Which speech?" "The GDC." "Leo--?" "I wasn't in the meeting." "How did--?" "I wasn't in the meeting." "I'm saying" "It happened fast." "Sam pitched it and the president wanted to do it." "How could you not be there?" "I'm getting the president to warm up to a missile shield that's supposed to save humanity and there is a limit to the number of rooms I can be in at once." "You wanna file a complaint?" "No." "Good." "Here's what I think." "Screw the environmental lobby?" "Did I say that?" "Did I say screw the environmental lobby?" "You didn't say anything." "Before I even open my mouth you decide I'm gonna say screw the environmental lobby." "There's an extent to which we've got to screw the environmental lobby." "A public demonstration that the president's not beholden to them isn't a bad idea." "You think he should walk in and smack them around?" "For 30 seconds of a 40-minute address announcing an initiative they love." "How do you think they'II feel about the 30 seconds?" "Not that good, but that's the point." "We don't have to move to our right if we can spank the people to our left." "Anything in particular we wanna spank them for?" "Failing to publicly admonish acts of eco-terrorism." "The GDC doesn't engage in acts of eco-terrorism." "But they fail to publicly admonish those who do." "For example?" "A Colorado ski development that was under construction was set on fire because it threatened the habitat of a rare, local lynx." "Is a lynx a--?" "I don't know." "It's like a possum or something." "It doesn't matter." "AII right, tell Sam to out it." "I don't want it in the advance text." "I don't want Sam and his 1 4 objections." "It should just be a drop-in." "I'II talk to the president." "Anything else?" "1 37 miles?" "Yeah." "Is that a Iot?" "Yeah." "Okay." "We have 30 minutes at the ballroom after the speech to spin and the next morning as well." "Among the things you wanna be emphasizing are what?" "America's the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide." "We have 4% of the population." "We're responsible for 25% of the greenhouse emissions." "How are we gonna reduce those levels, you ask?" "The clean Air Rehabilitation Effort." "Yes." "Which you can read about on page 1 1." "Don't skip the footnotes and just read what's underlined." "Were you able to get girls to go out with you in school?" "Yes." "Really?" "These regulations would cap the volume of carbon dioxide a company could emit in a year." "What's the good news?" "If the company comes in lower than the cap they can sell the balance of their emissions allowance." "Creating what?" "A cash incentive." "Can you tell us anything else about that, C.J.?" "No, but I can tell you that lumber, cocoa beans aluminum and petroleum are the major exports of Cameroon." "Then you're all set." "Can I have her for a second?" "Y eah." "Why do you ask him?" "He looked in charge." "Of where I go?" "Can we please?" "Did you hear they named John Marbury British ambassador?" "Lord John Marbury?" "I know." "It's gotta be like Davy Jones himself was showing up." "Don't make fun of Davy Jones, all right?" "He once wrote me a letter." "He took that kind of time." "And he still tours." "plus, my love for John Marbury is real." "It's not a schoolgirl crush." "He calls me principessa." "Does he?" "Yes." "Well, he calls Leo "Gerald. "" "He's eccentric." "What do you need?" "Janice Barry says Cornelius Sykes will be asked to host the Will Rogers dinner." "For sure?" "They' re gonna ask him." "They' re trying to stir this up again?" "He didn't laugh at the joke." "How many more ways are there to say that?" "You guys are friends" "We're not friends." "You know each other." "We don't hang out." "Yeah, but you know him." "Where is he?" "In New York doing stand-up." "Since you'II be there" "I'II see him." "Thank you." "He didn't laugh at the joke." "You'II see him tomorrow night?" "Josh." "Arrange a meeting tomorrow in New York with C.J. and Cornelius Sykes and no one else." "Yeah." "Thank you!" "And I was thinking, when Marbury gets here you could encourage him to introduce me to any royal, single men he knows." "That's a good idea." "I'II do that." "You're not really, though." "Are you?" "No." "I think many people don't realize that Swedes have lived in Sweden more than 5000 years longer than nearly any other European people." "That's right, sir." "In fact, Gothic tribes from Sweden played a role in the disintegration of the Roman Empire, did they not?" "They did." "So you've got that to answer for." "Yes, sir." "Tom." "Mr. President, with pleasure I present His Excellency Peter Hans of Sweden and by request of the secretary of state ask you to accept his credentials from King Carl Gustaf as Sweden's ambassador to the United States." "Mr. Hans, I accept your letter of credence from King Gustaf and by affixing my signature and seal do hereby declare you to be an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary." "Thank you, Mr. President." "Congratulations." "Mr. Ambassador, right this way." "Family, please." "Congratulations, ambassador." "Leo." "Is he still holding you responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire?" "Yes." "Welcome to my world." "I'II see you at the reception?" "Yes." "Congratulations." "Mr. Ambassador, you and your family can step this way." "Sweden has a 1 00-percent literacy rate." "A hundred percent." "How do they do that?" "Maybe they don't and they can't count." "Maybe." "I really think you should know" "Y es?" "Nine out of the 1 0 criteria that the DOD lays down for success in these tests were met." "The tenth being?" "We missed." "Damn!" "So close." "Mr." "President" "It's that tenth one." "See, if there were just nine" "Look, the tracking software on the KM vehicle clearly acquired a read on both the target and the decoy." "And for the first time ever, successfully rendered a clean identification." "Seriously, when they were telling you that on the phone how stupid did you think you'd sound saying it?" "This project needs money." "It doesn't work." "Neither did phases of Apollo 1 1, but Neil Armstrong claims it was a success." "Do we need to decide this right now?" "No." "So about the GDC speech." "Since we're giving them exactly what they want Toby thinks it's not a bad idea to signal our independence as well." "How?" "A drop-in." "Eco-terrorism that's gone unadmonished by the GDC." "For example?" "A ski development in Colorado that threatened a rare lynx was burned." "And we can't take it for granted that everyone pretty much opposes arson?" "A year and a half ago, you took AI Caldwell's head off because the Christian League hadn't publicly admonished religious extremists." "It'd be hypocrisy not to hold friends to the same standard." "Y et it feels strange scoring political points by doing the right thing." "I'm victim to my own purity of character." "Whatever." "We'II get you some information on the lynx which is a kind of possum, I think." "It's not a kind of a possum, so you get me that information." "Toby doesn't want it in the speech?" "Just a drop-in." "Did you hear?" "About Marbury?" "Isn't it great?" "Yes, sir." "I assume you're enjoying my suffering." "Absolutely." "Anything else?" "No." "Thank you, Mr. President." "Two thousand environmentalists are gonna try to kill me." "We should go, sir." "They'II come at me with vegan food." "Doesn't sound like something people do." "Still, I'd Iike you to get between me and any boiled seaweed you see coming." "Mr. President?" "Leo just talked to me." "About the GDC tonight" "I'm not doing this for politics but because it's the right thing to do." "Well, I'm doing it for the politics." "A lynx isn't a possum." "I think it's in the possum family." "It's a cat." "And we don't have enough of those." "How does Sam feel about this?" "Toby?" "This isn't Government Camp." "It's not important that everybody gets to play." "I won't tell you how to run your office." "Thank you, sir." "Vegan food coming at me all night long." "C.J.?" "Yeah." "Where you going?" "New York, New York." "The town so nice they named it twice." "Why?" "I'm receiving an award from New York Women in Communications." "For what?" "I discovered a comet." "What do you mean?" "Past winners include Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer and Ms. Leslie Stahl." "Josh talk to you about--?" "I'm meeting him after." "And you're briefed on the clean Air Rehabilitation?" "You'II need this: "The president's always spoken out against moderate groups not taking responsibility for extremism and he won't stop with the environmental lobby." "Friends are honest with each other. "" "He's gonna do a drop-in?" "Yeah." "I'II see you tomorrow night." "Hey, Toby, you wanna see the speech?" "Sam's writing a good one." "Yeah." "Climate changes have accelerated glaciers are shrinking, the polar sea ice is what?" "It's thinning." "The polar sea ice is thinning causing a rise in sea levels around the globe." "What do we say when they say the proposals in C.A.R.E would seriously choke the auto, trucking and utility business?" "Twenty-two trillion dollars in benefits versus half a trillion in compliance costs." "Public health benefits." "We'II make it clear." "Where's C.J.?" "New York." "What's she doing in New York?" "She had a lunch." "Media Women?" "That was today." "She had to stay." "So it's just me?" "Yeah." "Call me from the place." "Yeah." "Final draft?" "Well, it's the 1 2th draft." "Whether it's a final draft is really up to you." "Was that sass?" "Yeah." "Okay." "The difference between a good speech and a great speech is the energy with which the audience comes to their feet at the end." "Is it polite?" "Is it a chore?" "Are they standing up because their boss just stood up?" "No, you want it to come from their socks." "We got half an hour." "Let's read this again." "Every time one of these tests fails congressional Democrats jump on it as a reason to kill the program." "You're not gonna turn the president around on this." "I'm not gonna turn him around today and probably not tomorrow but as long as somebody has the money to keep trying to make it work, then I'm fine." "There's someone here to see you." "Who?" "Gerald!" "Oh, God." "Gerald, old friend." "Good to see you, ambassador." "It's as if the gods themselves insist that we be not long apart, you and I." "They do seem to strongly insist upon that, yes." "Your assistant Margaret is looking positively buxom." "Thank you, I'II tell her." "Thank you." "Yes, well done." "John?" "My aide, Caprice." "How do you do?" "Leo McGarry." "Good to see you, ambassador." "God bless you, Josh." "The prayers of millions were answered." "Thank you, sir." "I have come." "Y es." "I am Lord John Marbury with my aide." "I am hereby presenting my credentials in the fervent hope" "We do that later with the president." "Excellent." "I will tell you, though, that I personally welcome you and I Iook forward to our new partnership." "As do I." "I know we've had our differences but I think you know I respect you." "I congratulate you on this auspicious occasion." "In fact, your arrival couldn't be better." "How so?" "Leo wants the president to give the NMD more time." "You're an expert." "I hope I can count on your support." "Well, you'II not have it." "Why not?" "The NMD is an absurdly wasteful military boondoggle that'II never produce a working missile." "It violates any number of elements of the ABM treaty and any argument you make in its defense will surely be moronic." "Détente." "I'm sorry, Gerald." "We'II have this out." "Excellent." "Let's go get you knighted or whatever the hell it is we do." "Hey." "Hey, how you doing?" "Not bad." "Thanks for taking the time." "Yeah, I gotta get back pretty soon." "I won't take long." "You wanna stay for the show?" "I gotta get the 7:00 shuttle." "You want something to drink?" "club soda." "alicia, can I get some club soda?" "I haven't seen the movie." "You should see it." "It's good." "That's what everyone's saying." "Well, I appreciate that." "So you know this is about the Will Rogers dinner." "Yeah." "They're gonna ask you to host and, obviously, the president's gonna be there." "We appreciate the support" "You want me to say no." "We think the press will go back two years and bring up" "Let them." "I don't want to." "Now, you know how I feel about you." "You know I don't mean you disrespect" "You don't?" "No." "I've raised money for you, I've registered voters for you I've done commercials for you and I've voted for you." "Because of something I never did wrong two years ago you don't wanna be on the dais with me." "It takes a special kind of arrogance not to think that that's disrespectful." "Thanks, alicia." "Make your case." "I gotta be funny in a while." "It missed by 1 37 miles." "Yes." "If it missed by 37 fewer miles, it would have still missed by 1 00 miles." "It doesn't work." "That depends what your definition is." "My definition is precisely the same as everyone else's." "John." "Mr." "President." "It's good to have you." "Your servant, as always." "What made you agree to the post?" "I suppose it's possible I was drunk." "A reasonable bet." "I've gotta go across town and give an address on global warming and our planet's future." "You're not interested, right?" "Good God, no." "Stay here and fight with Leo about something." "I'II be back in an hour." "We'II do your thing and then enjoy the reception." "Excellent." "Indeed." "An hour, did he say?" "Yes." "I'II need some amusement." "Good evening, Your Lordship." "Excellent." "Corey." "Hang on." "Let me finish." "It was not a benign joke." "C.J." "You don't tell benign jokes." "It was a joke about New York cops shooting black men." "I'm a black man." "I'm in a room full of rich Democrats." "You thought I was gonna talk about airline food?" "It was a political fundraiser in the heat of a national campaign." "You weren't doing a set at Catch a Rising Star." "It's been years since I worked there." "You made the joke." "As inoffensive as you think it was there was enormous pressure on him to disavow your remarks, and he did not." "And I'm supposed to feel good about that?" "That he didn't disavow me?" "That I wasn't disavowed?" "We were courting law enforcement." "Don't be naive." "You were also courting the black vote." "I'm not naive." "What did you expect us to do?" "I expected that when I was called in any number of places a Hollywood sleaze, that you might have said a few words on my behalf." "I expected you were gonna say, "We in the Bartlet campaign don't believe Cornelius Sykes is a Hollywood sleaze." "We believe he's a world-class humorist and millions of Americans agree." "We believe his humor can be disconcerting to some but those who are making noise now are feigning their concern in an effort to frighten white men. "" "But what you said was, "He didn't laugh at the joke. "" "Corey" "He did laugh at the joke." "Yeah." "He laughed at the joke, C.J." "I've been doing this 20 years." "You don't think I'd know if I had him?" "I killed that night." "And that was a very big deal for me to play in front of that audience, to get that man to laugh." "And the next day, my parents read in the paper that I am Hollywood sleaze." "But that's okay, because the candidate didn't think I was funny." "I understand." "I don't wanna cause any trouble for the president." "You knew that when you walked in here." "I'II pass on the dinner." "I'II tell them it's because I couldn't get out of a booking." "But the president laughed at the joke, C.J." "I killed that night." "You did." "Okay." "I gotta go." "I'II see you next time." "Is the president off-stage?" "Just about." "Anyone know how it's going?" "Toby?" "It's Sam." "He admonished them." "Sam" "He went off the speech at the end and slapped them down for not speaking out on eco-terrorism." "He just flew off the speech" "Listen" "Something about a ski resort" "Are you listening?" "T alk to me." "Say, " Friends are honest with each other." "The president's spoken out on moderate groups not taking responsibility and he won't stop with the environmental lobby. "" "Okay." "You got that?" "What's happening?" "Sam, what's happening?" "They' re not standing." "So you' re actual royalty?" "Y es." "It's not just an honorary thing?" "No." "In fact, there's little honor attached to it at all." "T ell me about yourself." "My mother was a descendant of the third of the nine children of Queen Victoria." "Victoria was the granddaughter of George III who was the great-grandson of George I." "George I was the great-nephew of Charles I who was the son of James I." "And James' mother was Mary Queen of Scots." "And are you and Caprice an item?" "No." "Mr." "Ambassador?" "Is he back?" "He's back." "He's receiving Her Excellency Renee Ernesto of Argentina..." "...and asks for your patience." "He shall have it." "C.J." "Yeah." "You just get back?" "Yeah." "You heard what happened?" "Yeah." "Here's what it is:" ""The president's spoken out on moderate groups not taking responsibility for extremism." "He won't stop with the environmental lobby." "Friends are honest with each other. "" "Sam?" "Have you spoken to T oby?" "When?" "Since after the speech tonight?" "No." "Okay." "They're setting up for the reception?" "Yeah." "Sixty billion dollars can be spent on other things." "I'm all for retention pay, health benefits, procurement." "I'm talking about Abrams tanks and Apache helicopters, which work." "An Apache helicopter will not stop the Shahab-3 Iong-range Stiletto or a North Korean ICBM." "Well, so far, neither can anything else." "Hey, Sam?" "I'm going back in there." "Have you been getting questions?" "I'm sorry?" "Have you been getting questions?" "Yeah." "From the press, or...?" "The press will be tomorrow." "Who's asking--?" "The chairman of the GDC four congressmen, the secretary of the interior, who'd you think?" "What'd you--?" "I said, "Friends have to be honest. "" "I said exactly what you told me to say, which is what C.J. told me to say which is funny considering C.J. was in New York and didn't speak to you." "It's like there were people who knew it was gonna happen." "Sam" "Get away from me." "Hey, Sam." "Can I get in for just a minute?" "He's pretty tight right now." "I don't think I can get you in." "Well, yes, certainly." "There's Edward, Earl of ulster." "He's the son of Richard, Duke of gloucester who's the son of Henry, Duke of gloucester." "Edward, Earl of ulster?" "Yes." "You think he'd Iike me?" "Do you date younger men?" "Sure, how old is he?" "Five." "Well, Iet's stick a pin in that for a moment and move on." "Hello." "Hello." "Am I interrupting?" "Not at all." "Ambassador Marbury was just telling me how royal men are schooled in courtship." "King George III sailed his bride up the Thames to music specially composed." "That was years before we opened a can of whup-ass on them at Y orktown." "How can you look at North Korea, which 24 months ago..." "...fired a T aepodong missile--?" "Which failed." "And with some modifications, it'II be able to reach alaska." "I don't live in alaska." "I Iive in England, which is not protected by the shield." "Not that anybody else is at the moment, either." "You forgot that we're both signatories to the '72 ABM Treaty of which this shield is in violation." "You forgot it'II compel China to strengthen their nuclear arsenal." "You forgot European allies have strong reservations about the shield." "And you forgot that it doesn't work." "You know what I didn't forget?" "What?" "That we opened up a big can of whup-ass on you at Y orktown." "AII right." "Leo." "Excuse me." "Excuse me." "I'm gonna correspond with the Earl of ulster once he learns how to read." "Okay." "Here you go." "No." "No, alice, I got it." "It's all right." "No, I got it." "You want a beer?" "Yeah, thanks." "You don't ever go into the Oval Office mad." "No." "No." "No." "No, Sam, you don't ever go in there mad." "I think the president's remarks were ill-advised, to say the least." "You're wrong." "The drop-in's the story now, not the energy package." "It doesn't need to be a story, it's gonna be a law." "We don't need the environmental lobby?" "I don't think we're gonna lose them." "I think you're tragically misguided." "Most environmentalists are absolutists who will use this insult to pull their support undercover we cut a deal with Detroit." "Well, then they can grow up, Sam." ""Use this insult"?" "They got their energy package and the president at their dinner." "They should shut up!" "Well, you should explain it to them just that way, Toby because they're really pretty receptive to that argument." "When they see the alternatives on the ballot, they get receptive fast." "Was there anything else, or can I sit here now?" "You can sit here." "See you tomorrow." "Yeah." "I see opposition polling that scares the hell out of me." "I see internal numbers that change by the hour." "I listen to economists that tell me" "You left me out." "You think I made you lose on the leadership breakfast?" "I got creamed." "Because of me?" "I didn't want the discussion!" "Then why are you here talking to me?" "Now you want the discussion." "You may think they deserved it but the cynicism of attacking friends for political protection offends them." "And it offends me." "It offends you, and there's nothing I can do to make you feel better about that." "We can't govern if we don't win." "You should've talked to me about the numbers more." "Yeah." "Anyway, I have this beer so" "Yeah." "I was gonna sit down and drink it." "Yeah." "We don't have to talk or anything." "Yeah." "That was Chairwoman Shelly Loobis I just got off the phone with." "Before that was a conference call with Jamie Schwartz of the Environmental Defense Fund, Bryce Davis from the Sierra club and people from the Sub-Committee on Energy and Environment." "The number of different words they had for "manipulative" there's no way they didn't have a thesaurus with them." "Bryce Davis said if I keep this up, he's gonna encourage Seth Gillette..." "...in a third-party bid." "What'd you say?" "I said for $50 and a ride to the airport, Gillette could have the job right now." "What'd you say?" "I reminded them it isn't a good idea to threaten the president." "Nancy!" "I wanna know when you're pushing me towards the missile shield it's not because you want me to look strong on defense." "Yes, sir?" "Tell Charlie I'm ready." "I'm pushing you because it works." "Based on what?" "Confidence, and the understanding that there's been a time in the evolution of everything that works when it didn't work." "You know, can I say this?" "Why don't we just give the $60 billion to North Korea in exchange for not bombing us?" "It's hard to believe that you're not on the National Security Council." "I feel they're missing an important voice." "Mr." "President." "Good evening." "John, Iet me explain why you've been waiting." "I have to see people in the order they arrive and you got beat by Argentina." "You lost out on preferred seating for the State of the Union." "I have to attend it?" "Yes." "Well, then attend it I shall." "Okay." "T om." "It is with pleasure that I present Lord John Marbury of Great Britain." "And by request of the secretary of state, ask you to accept his credentials from Her Royal Majesty Queen elizabeth II as Great Britain's ambassador to the United States." "Where are you on the missile shield?" "Well, I think it's dangerous, illegal fiscally irresponsible, technologically unsound and a threat to all people everywhere." "I think the world invented a nuclear weapon." "I think the world should see if it can't invent something to make it irrelevant." "Well, that's the right sentiment." "And certainly a credible one from a man who's fought in a war." "You think you can make it stop?" "Well, you can't." "We build a shield, and somebody will build a better missile." "Well, it's a discussion for serious men." "They say a statesman is a politician who's been dead for 1 5 years." "I'd Iike us to be statesmen while we're still alive." "Lord Marbury, I accept your letter of credence from Queen elizabeth and by affixing my signature and seal declare you to be an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary." "Thank you, sir." "Congratulations." "God bless America." "God save the queen." "Let's go." "Subtitles by SDI Media Group" "[ENGLISH]" | {
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"I got a feeling this is going to be a riot" "I don't read the news papers" "Because they all have ugly print" "Bring it on, bring it on" "Bring it on" "At the starting of the week" "At summit talks you'll hear them speak" "It's only Monday" "Negotiations breaking down" "See those leaders start to frown" "It's sword and gun day" "Tomorrow never comes until it's too late" "You could be sitting taking lunch" "The news will hit you like a punch" "It's only Tuesday" "What time is it?" "You never thought we'd go to war" "After all the things we saw" "It's April Fools' day" "What time is it?" "Tomorrow never comes until it's too late" "Tomorrow never comes until it's too late" "You hear a whistling overhead" "Are you alive or are you dead" "It's only Thursday" "What time is it?" "You feel a shaking on the ground" "A billion candles burn around" "Is it your birthday" "What time is it?" "Tomorrow never comes until it's too late" "Trying to be smart" "Get your ma on the phone" "Tomorrow never comes until it's too late" "Trying to be smart" "Think tomorrow's come I think it's too late" "Another day" "Tomorrow is another day" "Tomorrow is another day" "Nice ride." "It does the job." "What job, delivering pizzas?" "Well, it's not the ride, it's the rider." "What the hell was that?" "What?" "Hey!" "You talking to my girl?" "Oh, shit." "Here we go." "Yeah." "She was just admiring my ride." ""My ride. "" "My grandma's Buick could smoke that piece of shit, trailer trash." "Well, what about your daddy's Viper?" "This beast's got 500 horsepower and a Borla exhaust system." "It does 0 to 60 in like 4.3 seconds..." "That's about right." "That's about right." "Yeah." "Wow." "You can read the brochure." "What a pitch, baby." "What a pitch." "I like that." "What's he gonna do?" "Let's make it happen." "Bring it." "I got your..." "I got your back." "Why don't you nice boys let your cars do the talking?" "I only race for pink slips." "This car goes for 80 grand." "What would I do with a broken-ass piece of shit like that?" "How about me?" "Winner gets me." "Cut it, let's cut it." "Let's go, go, go, go!" "Blast-off, baby!" "First one out the other side..." "It's time." "Let's go!" "Ready, boys?" "Make it interesting, Clay." "Shit!" "Yeah!" "I thought you loved me." "Oh, well." "What the hell?" "Guess I got a new date for prom." "Clay, stop the car!" "Shut up!" "Clay, stop the car!" "Shut up!" "Stop it!" "Clay, please stop!" "Please stop!" "Can I get a copy of that?" "You think this is a joke, huh?" "You see Ken and Barbie over there?" "They're gonna walk out of here without even a slap on the wrist." "Mommy and Daddy are too hooked up." "But I like screw-ups like you." "You know why?" "'Cause you're 100% guaranteed conviction." "Where's my car?" "I crushed it." "You did what?" "Sit down!" "You're done." "Easy, easy." "You're done." "You understand me?" "You're done." "And all before your eighteenth birthday." "Now sit down." "Sean." "What the hell were you thinkin', huh?" "Mrs. Boswell?" "Please." "It's, uh, it's Miss." "Officer, is it, um, illegal to smoke in here?" "It's a tough state." "And it's a pretty clear-cut case." "He'll be lucky if they don't try him as an adult." "This is our third town in two years." "Your son's got two priors for reckless driving, willful destruction of property." "This makes it strike three." "They're definitely gonna want to get him off the streets." "Well, there's just got to be another way." "So, where are we moving this time?" "We are not moving anywhere." "Sean." "I thought you were gonna be here on the 7th." "Today is the 7th." "Well, look, just hold on one second." "Come on in." "This is it." "You know, Sean, I was, I was gonna be there." "But your mom, she said the 7th, see, and we're a day ahead of you in Japan." "Well, you're here now, and that's good." "So, how is your mom?" "Where do I sleep?" "Now, Sean, you know she had no other choice." "I mean, it was either this or juvie hall," "I mean, you just can't keep moving away every time you get into trouble." "Worked for you." "Look, neither of us asked for this." "But I promised your mom I'd take care of you." "So you just go by the rules her and I agreed to, and I'm sure you'll manage just fine." "Rules?" "Yeah, rules." "Real simple." "You go to school, you come back here right after." "And I don't want to see or hear about you anywhere near a car." "Here, the bedroom is yours." "Make yourself comfortable." "Lights out in 10." "You got to be kiddin'." "Wrong train." "I'm new here." "Boswell, yes, ma'am." "Japanese food is like the Army." "Don't ask, don't tell." "Name's Twinkie." "Hey, I noticed you ain't have a laptop." "Yeah?" "I'll hook you up." "Half price." "No, I'm cool." "60% off." "Hmm?" "Since we're both army brats and everything." "I ain't got no cash, man." "And I ain't an army brat." "All right, all right." "Well, what about a cell phone, huh?" "Everybody needs a cell phone." "No offense, but I'm probably not gonna be here long enough to remember your name." "Then you gonna need some new shoes to book town with, man." "You like Michael Jordan?" "I love Michael Jordan." "Check this out." "Brand new Jordans." "Not even out yet." "LeBron James couldn't even get his hands on those." "You selling that Sparco steering wheel?" "Hell, no." "That's mine right there." "Man, I even paid retail for it." "What you drive?" "My ride?" "Yeah." "My ride's one of a kind." "Show me." "Thought you weren't sticking' around." "All right." "My life be like Ooh Aah, Ooh Ooh" "My life be like Ooh Aah, Ooh Ooh" "Ooh Aah, Ooh Ooh" "My life be like Ooh Aah, Ooh Ooh" "My life be like" "It's times like these that make me say" "Lord if you see me please come my way" "Leavin' bread crumbs for when I stray" "Rely on sacrifice and the price you paid" "Feel me like a fingertip" "Slamming, huh?" "Look at that car." "Tryin' not to quench your fire with the things I do" "At least let me drive." "Y'all better have some real cars around here." "Okay, I see somebody got jokes, huh?" "Well, all right." "I don't know if you're ready for them, though." "You look a little nervous." "What up, Tosh?" "I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo" "If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go" "Tick, Tick, Tick" "I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo" "If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go" "For when you blow your wad, man." "Tick, Tick, Tick" "Hear that?" "It's still not right for the way I drive." "I don't need a computer to tell me about my throttle response." "Okay." "Then we're done here." "You wouldn't have that problem with a V8." "Boys." "All they care about is who's got the biggest engine." "I'm a guy." "It's in my DNA." "So y'all race with these things, huh?" "Cute little toys." "You know, I almost didn't recognize you without your slippers on." "Don't you mean uwabaki?" "Neela, right?" "You're a quick learner." "So, where you from, anyway?" "Here." "No, I mean, not where you live." "Where'd you come from?" "Does it really matter where I'm from?" "Who's the tourist?" "What's with you and the schoolgirls, D?" "You're moving up in the world." "You gotta elevate your company." "Wednesday, Wednesday, meet Thursday." "God." "Girl." "Ladies, hold that thought, all right?" "All right, beautiful." "Hold up." "Hey!" "He was just leaving." "I'm sorry." "I don't speak Japanese." "Understand that?" "Gaijin?" "Takashi." "We were just talking." "This isn't your scene." "That word you called me, gaijin or something or other, what does that mean exactly?" "Means, turn around, keep walking." "That's exactly what we gonna do." "Come on, man, let's roll." "Yo, look, man, he's yakuza." "Now, see, that's funny, 'cause I thought this was, like, a free country where a girl could talk to whoever she wants." "You know who I am, boy?" "Yeah." "You're like the Justin Timberlake of Japan, right?" "Leave." "Damn, man." "You know yakuza?" "The Mafia?" "Look, sorry, DK- san." "Monkey didn't have his banana today." "Hey, D, let's go." "It's time to race." "Hey, good luck, Timberlake." "You're the one that's lucky, 'cause I'm about to race." "Then let's race." "With what, huh?" "Your skateboard?" "Easy to sound cocky when you got no ride." "Take mine." "Let's race." "What?" "I wanna see what the kid's got." "Can he drive?" "Can he drive?" "You know what DK stands for?" "Donkey Kong?" "Drift King." "Drift?" "What do you mean, drift?" "Still need a dictionary?" "You know that real famous painting?" "The one of the woman who's smiling all the time?" "The Mona Lisa." "Right, right, right." "Mona Lisa." "Well, look, man, this car right here's like the Mona Lisa of the drift world." "Han rebuilt this bad boy from ground up." "We talking forged pistons, bigger turbo, new rods, new crankshaft." "Hey, man, Han's labor ain't cheap, man, you feel me?" "Well, if I needed a 30-second lesson on how to drift..." "All right, look, man, there's lots of ways you can do this, all right?" "Hand braking is the easiest, so the first thing I want you to do," "I want you to rip that e-brake." "All right, after you rip the e-brake, then I want you to power over." "You know what?" "Just don't mess up Mona, all right?" "All right." "Ready." "Set." "Go!" "I told you." "Damn it!" "Damn it!" "Don't leave town." "Do you know what time it is?" "I thought it was around 7:00." "You know, US is a few hours behind." "Looks like the party was better here, anyway." "Have you been racing, Sean?" "You're out of here." "Go ahead." "You don't get it, do you?" "You have nowhere else to go." "If it doesn't work out here, you're going to jail." "Do you get that?" "This isn't a game." "And I'm gonna tell you one more time, if you're gonna live under my roof, you're gonna go by my rules or get out." "Understand?" "Understand?" "Yes, sir." "Get in." "I'll get you your money." "Why you talking like you have a choice?" "There's a guy in there with a paw that owes me some money." "A paw?" "Go get me my money." "Okay." "Han said, okane." "Han said, okane." "Let's go." "You're in the pickup and delivery business now." "I might call you once a week or once an hour." "I don't care if you're sick as a dog or in bed with Beyoncé." "I call, you show." "Only if you teach me how to drift." "This ain't a negotiation." "I wasn't negotiating." "What's he doing here?" "He's paying me back for that crumpled beer can sitting in my garage." "Hope he's not driving." "Gaijin." "When is your next race?" "I'd really like to be there." "Why not be in it?" "You heard me." "Ready to lose another car, Han?" "I'm ready to take that '86 Corolla off your hands." "All right." "Put up the '72 Skyline." "Done." "What do you think, Morimoto, huh?" "Get him out of here." "We have business to discuss." "Your shipment's late." "Since when are you so worried about the details?" "When is the shipment arriving, Han?" "Just sit pretty and let me handle it." "Hey, Dad, it's me." "Uh, I had to stay after school for some extracurricular activities." "So I'll be home a little later." "Sir." "You really need to stop following me around." "What are you doing here?" "I thought I'd stop by and ask your boyfriend for some drifting lessons." "Trust me." "You don't wanna be a part of this world." "It's good enough for you." "You don't know anything about me." "Well, why don't you think I know?" "'Cause I'm a gaijin?" "An outsider?" "Let me guess." "You're an army brat who moved around a lot." "Your mama and daddy was never home." "So you walked around pissed off all the time." "And now you found your family with these drift nuts." "Zero for one, cowboy." "Why can't you go find a nice Japanese girl like the rest of the white guys around here?" "Mamacita, oh my God, I think your on fire" "Do you want me to get you water" "Is everything okay back there?" "I can handle DK." "I thought he's yakuza." "His uncle's yakuza." "He's just playing gangster in his little storage room." "But I need him." "He keeps Uncle Kamata from poking around too much." "What do you mean?" "Well, his uncle gets a piece of the action from everyone on his turf." "We're on his turf." "50% of something is better than 100% of nothing." "So have you raced DK?" "Why not?" "Is he that good?" "What's the point of a race?" "To see if I'm better than the other guy." "Just proves you're faster, that's all." "If I were to race, it would have to be for something important." "Or why else do it at all?" "Why are you letting me race?" "'Cause you're DK's kryptonite." "And you owe me a car." "She wanna break it down, break it down, break it down, break it down" "She want some reggaeton, reggaeton, reggaeton, reggaeton" "She wanna break it down, break it down, break it down, break it down" "She want some reggaeton, reggaeton, reggaeton, reggaeton" "Oh, shit." "I make ya smile right" "What the..." "Police cars here are only factory-tuned." "You can do better than 180 k, they can't catch you, so they don't even try." "'Cause its just nice you lookin different saying' to yourself" "You know what?" "I'm beginning to like this country already." "When my chain keep linkin' like Christmas lights" "Mamacita, oh my God I think your on fire" "Do you want me to get you water" "Danny!" "You're looking good." "Disco." "We gotta catch up." "Get you a drink on me, huh?" "Let's go." "Aha." "Easy now, ladies." "Come on." "Hey Mami, you sexy, hey Mami, you sexy" "What's up?" "How you doing?" "Hey, baby." "Hey Mami, you sexy, hey Mami, you sexy" "Hey Mami, you sexy" "Can I get that number" "Big hot pockets, feya, ugly" "Corny, busted, chopped, straight fugly" "British guys playing rugby" "Brooklyn boys who wanna thug me" "Skanky, cranky, foogly, oogly" "Slammin dudes that wanna do me" "G'Doonk G'Doonk, skoonky, flavors" "Keep your hands off the kid, girls." "He's underage." "Country boys and them boys in the city" "Ladies, ladies, ladies." "Disneyland for grownups, huh?" "All these girls, man, they look like..." "What, models?" "Check it out." "See, Tokyo is the fashion capital on this side of the planet, all right?" "Now, imagine you been posing all day." "I mean, that's a lot of hard work." "Not only do you get tired, but, on top of that, you wanna have a little fun, but you can't 'cause you don't even know nobody in town." "And most of the guys around here are too chicken shit to even try picking up one." "So what do you do?" "Man, you talk to the little dude who makes you laugh." "Yeah." "Look, man, I don't just think outside the box." "I tear it up." "That's my thing." "Yo." "You should slow it down papi" "You sound like a carbon copy" "Sean!" "But you're just plain sloppy" "Hey Mami, you sexy" "It's dipset Bitch" "There it go Baby don't stop now" "There you go Damn shorty look good" "And I'm thinkin' about gettin' at her" "Okay, time to whistle at her" "Ay girl, you make my whistle blow" "There it go Bring it here baby" "There it go Bring it here baby" "Top down and I'm at it again" "It's hot now and I'm at it to win" "You heard me" "Who want it with me" "Nobody wanna it with me Oh, I'm so fly" "Oh, Mami, Back up" "Move it till you feel something hard on your back" "The red Evo's yours." "If u want it come and get it I ain't kiddin' I'm with it" "Here it go, go" "So, girl, let me see you get low" "There it go Yeah, just like that" "What do you mean?" "You're representing me now." "What you think, I'm gonna let you roll in a Hyundai?" "So, girl, let me see you get low" "Oh, man." "Damn it." "My mother, she's blind in one eye and she can drift better than that." "Han, where did you find this guy?" "Will someone please teach this guy how to drift?" "Is that yours?" "Sure is." "What happened?" "I don't know." "I found it this way at the base." "It's got potential." "Yeah, maybe." "We'll see." "You know, Sean, the Japanese have a saying." ""The nail that sticks out gets hammered. "" "You're gonna be late." "Sean!" "Come on, man, you broke it." "Hey, whoa, whoa." "There must be a misunderstanding." "Out of my way, or you're next." "Take it easy." "Look, man, I don't do refunds, all right?" "Okay, let's go, then!" "Let's go!" "Touch me again..." "Here." "Try not to break this one." "Say, man!" "What the hell is wrong with you, huh?" "Now everybody's gonna want exchanges around here." "Damn!" "Not easy saving the day, is it?" "Maybe you could give me some pointers sometime." "You're doing all right." "Thanks." "Hey." "Yeah?" "Sorry about the other night." "Your life isn't any of my business." "It's okay." "Foul!" "Ain't no damn foul." "That was a foul." "Yo, you in my face." "That was a foul." "Hey, Han, sort this wanker out." "A wanker?" "What do I look like, a zebra?" "So, how did you end up over here, anyway?" "Well, you know those old Westerns where the cowboys make a run for the border?" "This is my Mexico." "Why'd you let me race with your car?" "You knew I was gonna wreck it." "Why not?" "'Cause it's a lot of money." "I have money." "It's trust and character I need around me." "You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are." "And one car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of, that's a price I can live with." "Look at all those people down there." "They follow the rules, for what?" "They're letting fear lead them." "What happens if they don't?" "Life's simple." "You make choices and you don't look back." "So, if you don't drift to win, what do you drift for?" "You really want to know?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Let's go." "There's no "wax on, wax off" with drifting." "Learn by doin' it." "The first drifters invented drifting out here in the mountains by feeling it." "So feel it." "Again!" "What's in this bag?" "You'll see." "How much you got?" "Keep going, keep going." "I'm so good, man, I could sell rubbers to a monk." "Again." "Again." "Watch it." "Watch it." "Not too early, now." "Go, go, go, go!" "Don't lose it!" "Don't lose it!" "Hey, Han." "Hey, Twink." "Get this man a bunk." "Pleasure doing business." "Yeah, baby." "I told you." "I told you, didn't I?" "It's actually not bad." "I didn't even have to put ketchup on it." "See, I'm not a total gaijin." "I hate that word." "It's what they used to call me when I was a kid." "I thought you were born here." "Well, "outsider" can mean many different things." "My mom died when I was 10." "She came out here from Australia when she finished high school." "And all I know about her is that she went to work in a hostess bar." "DK's grandmother took me in." "Well, my parents split up when I was three." "Me and Mom moved around a lot." "Mostly 'cause of me." "Well, it was all 'cause of me." "Kind of made myself an outsider, you know, without even thinking about it." "But I realize now, outsider or insider, it doesn't really matter." "All that matters is knowing what you really want and going after it." "We used to come up here when we were kids." "Even before we could drive we'd cut class, sneak out, come up here, and watch the older kids drift." "Things were different back then." "Once I got my license, I practically lived up here." "Back then, kids just drove whatever they had." "You know, we just made do." "No one bothered us." "The day I got my license is the day I got my first speeding ticket." "The day after that, I won my first race." "I beat this rich kid by three lengths." "I gotta admit, it felt good." "It felt like..." "Like everything else just disappears." "No past and no future." "No problems." "Just the moment." "Boy needs to chill." "Hey, Twink, I'm gonna grab another set." "Whoa!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" "Another set?" "No." "Look, that was your third set today." "I mean, them tires ain't cheap." "DK, grab a chair." "We're about to roast some marshmallows." "Yo, come on, man, look..." "Stay away from her, or the only thing you'll be driving is a wheelchair." "Find yourself a new driver." "I'm all right." "What'd you expect?" "You didn't just play with fire, you soaked the matches in gasoline." "It's over." "All this over a gaijin?" "I am a gaijin." "You've changed, DK." "You say I've changed." "But we're not so different, you and I." "We're both products of fuckups, aren't we?" "They say your mom was the best trick in all of Kabukicho back in the day." "Leave my mother out of this." "If we hadn't taken you in, you'd be just like her, doing anything for a buck." "Think anyone would take a second look at you if it wasn't for your uncle?" "We're the same, Neela." "Difference is I know who I am and where I belong." "Do you know who you are?" "Do you know where you belong?" "Hey." "Come on." "Hey, brother." "I vouched for you!" "Put my reputation on the line for you!" "We were partners!" "You think you can keep your side deals from me?" "Come on." "We ain't in the Boy Scouts." "This is what we do." "Takashi!" "What about now?" "Hmm?" "Is this what we do?" "Man, you need me." "You'd still be shaking down teahouses for chump change if it wasn't for me." "Get in!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Come on." "Sean." "Sean!" "Takashi." "I wouldn't do that if I were you." "Okay." "I'll go with you." "Neela." "See you when Daddy's not around." "I'm putting you on a plane tonight." "Dad..." "Sean, don't argue with me." "I did this." "I can't run away." "I can't." "Sean, I'm your father." "I'm responsible for your well-being." "And I'm responsible for my mess." "I gotta do this." "Can you understand that?" "At least you're not redoing my mistakes." "You all right, man?" "We're leaving town." "Look, I know some people..." "I can't do it, Twink." "Look, DK wants your head." "All right?" "And the trouble you just made for Kamata?" "You're done here, bro." "Maybe I should talk to Kamata." "What?" "DK answers to him." "I know I just didn't hear that." "I gotta end this." "I'm gonna go talk to him." "What, are you crazy, huh?" "Han is dead, all right!" "Plus, you can't just walk into Kamata's place, man!" "It's all I got." "Something I think Han would've wanted you to have." "What's this?" "You're gonna need it if you're gonna make it out of Kamata's place alive." "Don't you need it?" "No, it's cool." "Look, I'll figure it out." "Sean." "You need to leave." "You came to the wrong place." "I didn't come here to see you." "Takashi." "You think you can walk in here, dump some cash and walk out?" "I know I'm only returning what belonged to you in the first place, sir." "But that's not why I really came." "I came here to apologize." "I know your nephew and I have embarrassed ourselves badly." "Sir, I'm here to offer you a peaceful solution." "How do you plan to accomplish that?" "A race." "DK and I have caused nothing but problems for you, for us." "And I'm asking you to allow us to settle this, once and for all." "We race and the loser leaves town for good." "I've already beat this piece of shit once!" "Good." "Then it should be easy." "The cops took all the cars." "Hey!" "That's why she's spitting." "We almost there, Twink." "Couple more tweaks." "It's not the car I'm worried about, man." "DK picked this road for a reason." "This is his mountain." "He's the only one to ever make it to the bottom." "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yes!" "Come on." "Yeah!" "Come on!" "Come on, Sean." "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Sean, you the boss." "Let's go." "Damn!" "Come on, man!" "That ain't right." "Yeah, baby!" "That's what I'm talking about, man." "I told you!" "I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo" "If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go" "Fast and furious" "Tick, Tick, Tick" "Fast and furious" "Tick, Tick, Tick" "Hey, yo, Sean!" "Yo, Sean!" "Hey, check this out, man." "This dude over here wanna race the new DK." "Heard he's been beating everybody around Asia, too." "Not tonight, Twinkie." "Said he knew Han." "Said Han was family." "All right." "Let's race." "Nice ride." "I won it from my friend Han, a few years ago." "I didn't know he was into American muscle." "He was when he was rolling with me." "You know this ain't no 10-second race." "I got nothing but time." "You ready, kid?" "Come on, Sean!" "Come on!" "Ready!" "Set!" "Go!" | {
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"Eva Szalanczky?" "Another Way" "Gently" " Did your husband find you?" " Yes" "I hear your husband's unwell." "He's unwilling to eat the prison food" "And then there's the prosecutor who keeps harping on a certain delicate matter" "Donci keeps silent, but it's difficult to keep it secret" "Oh, yes." "They got away with it" "Eva died, Donci's in prison and I'm staring at this rotten sunset" "I'd sooner they'd killed each other" "You're clever, a Party member for a century, Comrade Erdos" "What can you do now?" "Listen, Livia" "Get used to the idea that you won't be able to live as you used to" "Eva's dead." "You can't live with your husband any more" "You've changed, too" "In a couple of years Donci will be released and Eva will be a legend" "A heroine who committed suicide." "A martyr" "She hurled herself against the barbed wire, as she couldn't bear lies" "It's only me who's rotting alive" "My heart is broken" "That's what hearts are for, Livia" "I'm not old." "I wanted to have a child" "Who'll give me a child now?" "What are you doing?" "Where are you taking me?" "Pushing me aside like a sack?" "Leave me alone" "Leave me alone!" "I've gone mad." "I'm not normal" "My brain will burst if someone grabs me and shoves me aside once again" "Go out for a moment, will you?" "I'll be calmer in a minute" "But don't go away!" "Nurse, don't let him go away" "I've got to talk to Comrade Erdos." "It's important" "My drawer is full of her letters" "She threatened me." "She pleaded with me." "She gave me up" "In the end she tried to commit suicide" "It's strange, she wanted to kill me and she died" "I'm still alive" ""The honey-cake, the walnut..." ""...the aubergine"" "What's become of us?" "What's going to happen to us, Eva?" "Third floor?" "Same as me" "Excuse me" "Tell me something about yourself" "Fiala praises you to heaven, but our journal deals with earthly matters" "I'm a peasant girl who was told in 1945, "Study hard..." ""...and you can become a minister"" "Study, study, study" "And what's become of you?" "Nothing." "I'm a nonentity" " You're out of work?" " I'm refused work everywhere" "On what grounds?" "Have you read my stuff?" ""'The Joke'" ""An early afternoon train" ""Outside it's drizzling, the sun is playing hide-and-seek" ""1955" ""Seated opposite me..." ""...is a man with a big nose and mocking eyes." "He keeps dozing off" ""Suddenly he wakes with a start" ""Grabbing his things, he's about to jump from the moving train" ""'You'll break your neck,' I say." "'What's the next stop?" "' he says" ""'Balatonlelle'" ""'Would you like to hear a story till we get there?" "' he says" ""'Why not?" "' I say" ""'Well, a chap's been in solitary confinement for a year" ""'The cell door opens and in comes a lanky, bald man..." ""'... dressed all in black" ""'I'm the executioner,' he says" ""'Oh, so you're the hangman,' says the chap" ""'That's the common word for it,' says the man in black" ""'I'm going to hang you tomorrow." "What do you want for your last meal?" "'" ""Well, the chap orders the meal..." ""...and asks for pen and paper too, as is customary on such occasions" ""Two officers come in and watch silently as he eats his meal" ""The chap writes a farewell letter and a farewell poem" ""Then there's a clatter of boots on the iron stairs" ""Our chap's not a coward, but he stands up and grips the table" ""His teeth are chattering" ""The prison governor has arrived with the hangman..." ""...who says to the chap..." ""'..." "I have to inform you that we played a practical joke on you" ""'Consider the whole matter a joke." "There'll be no execution'" ""The chap flops on his bunk..." ""...and the hangman remarks as he turns to leave" ""'After all, a joke is better than the rope, isn't it?" "'" ""Our chap just says, 'You motherfucker!"'" "I don't remember ever having travelled in a train with you" "Even so, that is your story" "I told it only once, in a select company of friends" "True, one or two journalists were present" "I was one of them" "You really don't remember, or you just..." "You look haggard." "What's happened to you lately?" "I tried to stomach your story" "Maybe you don't remember, but I left the gathering locked myself in the bathroom and was sick and I cried" "Then I kept asking you how could you bear living with stories like that?" "You said, "Bury them like old photos." "Maybe we'll dig them up one day"" "I preferred to write it down" "Still, it's my story and the day to dig it up again has not yet dawned" "So there's no job for me on your journal?" "I didn't say that" "Why didn't you rejoin the Party?" "Because if the Party's wrong again I don't want to be wrong with it" "After the bitter experiences what are your views on the state of affairs in this country?" "This country is my homeland, whether they like it or not" "Good health!" "Good health!" "Good morning" "Good morning" "They said I'd be in this room" "Are you Eva?" "That's your desk." "What a noise outside." "It drives you crazy" "Doesn't it bother you?" "No, the only important thing is that I can work" "Any desk will do for me as long as I can write on it" "I haven't worked in two years" "I was given this on my way here" "I didn't want to go back home to leave it" " The soil is quite dry" " I'll get some water" "Have you got a flat?" "A room" " And a husband?" " No" "I live alone" " And you?" " I'm married" " Is he handsome?" " Fairly" " Have you got a photo?" " No" "Time to eat" "We'll be along in a moment" " Aren't you coming?" " No, I've got two eggs at home" " I'll get you a lunch ticket" " How much is it?" "Never mind about that" "Pay me when you get paid" "Well, let's begin our weekly editorial meeting" "Comrade Vandor was assigned to appraise our latest edition" "Comrades, I have the privilege of assessing this week's edition" "Dialectical criticism should consider our faults as well as our virtues" "But I think we took a great step forward" "The fight on two fronts" "Why bring up "The fight on two fronts"?" "Just outside we were saying how our articles are prevaricating, mendacious" "Why not deal with that?" "Don't you realise how humiliating this is?" "We only talk sincerely out in the corridor." "Only there" "What do you mean?" "Here it's work that earns you the right to criticise" "When you've tried for over 30 years to speak the truth, as I have you'll learn to value those talks in the corridors" "You don't understand the situation" "What will become of us in 10 years?" "Nothing's certain" " Imre Nagy was sentenced to death" " Silence, please" "Let Eva give us her views" "I don't want to be offensive, but our task ought to be to record the truth" "In my opinion there are two basic reasons why we don't" "The first is that we journalists don't know life sufficiently well and we never will, because those who could help us mislead us at will" "I mean county Party secretaries, factory managers, cultural chiefs" "As for actual work, believe me, Comrade, I long to be able to work" "I've completed an article on village events in 1956" "A village Party secretary says that in four months 1,500 people were forced to join the co-operative" "And the result?" "People began to hate the Party" " That's why the revolution broke out" " Counter revolution" "The storm raises the dust but it helps to blow away the filth too" "You'll give next week's assessment" "Before that we two will discuss storms" "Why did you take my panties away?" "Not now" "It's very hard to make sense of it" "You see there are feelings" "And it's hard for me to..." " Hi" " Hi" "Excuse me for bothering you, Eva" "You?" "I'm sorry, but could I have a word with you?" "Come in" " When were you released?" " A month ago" " Was it awful?" " I was often cold" "A sadistic wardress kept us in our nighties, even in the depth of winter" "And now you need money?" "No." "I work in the textile mill." "They gave me a bunk in their hostel" "May I have a drop of rum?" "Help yourself" "Just imagine, they've allocated two detectives to recruit me as an informer." "They're constantly on my trail" " Now?" "Here?" " No" "Don't be frightened." "I gave them the slip today" " They promise me everything" " What, for instance?" "A flat, a job in my trade." "They're blackmailing me" "Not only for my political past but also because I love women" "I hope you didn't come for that reason" "I can't get rid of them" "What shall I do?" "Oh, never mind" "And you, how are you?" "Have you got someone?" "Why do you ask?" "It's just that I thought that you and I the two of us maybe we could again..." "Leave me alone" "I don't want you, Magda, do understand" "I don't love you" "Help me" "You can stay for the night, if you like" "Pull yourself together and try to calm down, do you hear?" "My train goes soon" " Isn't there another train for tonight?" " No" "The trouble is, I have to change trains" "Our village is on a branch line" " Can't you go tomorrow morning?" " Impossible" "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and my mother is expecting me" "Pity" "Do you know the bloke?" "He's been here with the blonde but I haven't seen the little one before" " Another journalist?" " Of course" "I expect the three of them write romances together" "Cheer up, girls." "Christmas comes but once a year and it doesn't last long" "G. B. Shaw." "The sage" "I like Christmas" "Of course you do." "You've no wife no mother-in-law, no children" "You live like a wandering knight" "Or like a solitary star, always solitary and uninhabited" " I won't be long." "Will you wait?" " Yes, but hurry" " You said you were broke" " No, you shouldn't" "Repay me later." "You might need it tonight." "Bye-bye" "Two more cognacs" "Has Fiala gone?" "I don't know" "Livia, I love you so much." "You know, don't you?" "I've smudged your make-up." "A little more..." "Do you love me a bit?" "Kiss me" " Look at that!" " Poor wretches" " This is awful" " Awfully bad?" "No" "No, awfully good" "Police" "Your identity cards, please" "You're married, why get mixed up in such a thing?" "That's my business" "If we catch you at it again, we'll inform your husband, understand?" "And your boss, too." "Go home now" "You're coming with us" "Have you the right to treat me like this?" "We're not in America." "Get moving" "Hello" "You're in here?" "Livia's changed places with me" " Why?" " No idea" "Haven't you got anything to do?" "Indeed I have." "Thanks for reminding me." "I've plenty to do" "Sorry, this isn't the best moment" "I'm alone." "Come in and let's talk" "A little later." "All right?" " Mara, come in for a moment, please" " I'm on my way" "If anyone wants me, tell them I'm with the old man" "You know that nothing will happen if you don't want it to happen" "Leave me alone." "I'm afraid of you." "I don't want to ruin my life" "What are you afraid of?" "You start being afraid now?" "Let's talk it over." "We can't leave it at this" "Leave me in peace, please!" "It's too late." "You should have thought about it before." "You started it" "That's not true." "You wanted it" "I'm certain it was you who wanted it" "I've never done such a thing before" "You sit in a corner like a spider waiting for the fly to get caught" "You know this from experience." "I don't want any of it" "Captain Horvath, please." "This is his wife speaking" "I'll wait" "Donci could you come for me now?" "All right" "We'll meet at home" "Hello, darling." "I'm sorry, they didn't let me go" "No problem" "Anything wrong at the office?" "Nothing important" "What about your manoeuvres which were so important?" "Horrible." "That lot aren't soldiers." "They're pop-singers step-dancers, student actors a bunch of pansies." "There's no getting them together for an alert" "You, Napoleon" "Where would you like to go for supper?" "Anywhere, as long as I needn't wear a suit because my officer is in uniform" "I'm not going in uniform" "Then I can wear my slit skirt, can't I?" "I often think I leave you on your own too much when I'm on duty" "I don't know what's the matter with me." "I've been so drowsy lately" "Let's get ready" "There" "That's too strong for me" " Please take it" " Thank you" "Wait for me until closing time" "You ought to take more care of yourself" "Feeling better now?" "I'd be better if things were better" "And?" "Bring a drop for me, too" "Come on, kids" "Sit down here, Livia" "Tomorrow, you three go to Szolnok County" "Take a little look around" " I can't go" " Why not?" "I've got an appointment for a medical check" " Nothing serious, I hope" " I don't think so" " I hope not" " What's the trouble?" "Nothing." "I'm getting breathless." "Nothing to worry about..." "Idiot" " What's the matter?" " I can't sleep, I just can't" "Stay here, then" " You two, go to the country" " We'll publish a report?" "We'll try" "Hello" "They're coming" " How come you chose the co-op?" " The co-op chose me" "You joined voluntarily and eagerly, right?" "You know that the wheels of history roll on caterpillar tracks" "It's best to climb aboard in good time" " Were you the only candidate?" " In the village, yes" "The whole district holds you in high esteem, Comrade Chairman" "Come to the cowshed, there's a problem" "Why did you join the co-op?" "My brother's the chairman" " What did you say about the Astoria?" " Nothing" " Cigarette?" " That's too mild for me" "No need for evening dress." "We'll meet in five minutes" "I'm glad you've come" "So am I now" "Wait" "Don't you regret it?" "It's so strange" "Tonight I'll..." "You're beautiful" "What are you doing?" "I hope you'll write nice things about us" "Let's drink to the chairman's health" " I hope he won't get too conceited" " No risk of that" "The truth is, I was born to be a chairman" "And what was your brother born to be?" "A mug!" "We're witnessing great times, Eva" "Comrade Instructor, could you tell me the Hotel Astoria story?" "What Astoria?" "When the men were taken to Budapest" "Oh, in Budapest" "Well, the comrades organised an information session to win over private farmers of some importance to the co-operative" "And the chairman was there, too?" "Of course he was" " His brother, too?" " Yes" "I don't think he'll be chairman after the end of the financial year" "Why not?" "He got people to join." "Now he can go" "About 20 of us who are respected were taken there" "The comrade there told us, "Well, folks..." ""...you can't leave the hotel, but eat and drink as much as you like"" "And the political seminar?" "It didn't take long." "They said, "Folks..." ""...you won't leave until you've made up your minds"" "A guard was posted outside the door" "After a week, we signed" "First my brother, then Beci Bikai then Bandi Pozsar, then in the end I signed, too" "Stop it, damn you!" "Bloody hell!" "Comrade Chairman" "Were you born to be a chairman at the Astoria?" "Comrade..." "let me tell you something" "Once I was a heroic Hungarian soldier at the Battle of the Don" "Then I was just a bloody soldier in the POW camp" "Then I was a new landholder" "Then I became a kulak hireling" "In 1956 I carried the national flag too" "Well, I served my time for that" "Now I've become a chairman, because it's my due" "What's up?" "I'm nervous, I can't sleep" "Another cognac" ""I was born to be a chairman." That's good." "That's perfect" "The right man, the right story, the right headline." "Congratulations" " It can go to press?" " No" " Then I'll go." "Goodbye" " No" "Look, Eva" "Your article is excellent and it's very important to us" "But without the Hotel Astoria bit" "That little episode suggests we're still in the early 50s" "We aren't and we're getting farther and farther from those times" "What guarantee is there of that?" "We ourselves, who don't want those times to return" "Do you think the people then wanted such times?" "Stop this nonsense." "Eva, you're a clever woman" "You and I can carry on this journal and do what we have to do only if we accept X clever compromises" "The final value of X is all that we can argue about sensibly" " The Astoria story is excessive?" " Yes" "Why?" "How much longer are we going to bury everything that's unpleasant?" "As long as we must, as long as the situation requires it" " What situation?" " You really don't sense it?" "You don't sense that there's a limit to the truth that can be uttered?" "Let me ask you something" "You don't sense that there's a limit to the lies that can be uttered?" "Don't lecture me on truthfulness" "I've suffered from it more than you have" "Not only have I learned when to open my mouth" "I've learned when to keep it shut and when is the moment to disembowel someone" "Correct your piece." "You've got half an hour" "Bloody hell!" "Thank you but I can't write lies" "Goodbye" "Wait" "I'll cut your article myself and have it set immediately" "I'd like you to read it in tomorrow's edition" "If you agree, the car is waiting to take you on your next assignment" "You're quite someone, aren't you?" "Goodbye" "Where are you going?" "For a stroll on Margaret Island" "Or to the Three Hussars, or home to mummy" "Or to Moscow, New York, the Moon" "None of your business!" " A drink?" " No, thanks" "Is your heart still giving trouble?" "Why did you summon me?" "Did you see this piece?" "Yes, I edited it and had it set" "How could it have got published?" ""I was born to be a chairman"" "Plain facts - we have to face them" " Could I see the manuscript?" " Only upon disciplinary action" "That's a long way off." "Fortunately, I have a copy" ""Now only village co-op members can elect their leaders" ""How revolutionary it would be to extend this practice..." ""...to every community" ""To factories, offices..." ""...towns, districts, counties, the country..." ""...so that leaders could be elected from below, by secret ballot"" "The rotten Lesbian bitch!" "And you support her?" "I didn't engage her for her work in bed, but at a desk" "Besides, I cut out the words you quoted, as you can see" "Luckily for you, but that's only one part of the matter" "Another part is your editorial meetings" "Your people speak of "October events" and the "1956 revolution" which I won't tolerate" "I don't want to see Eva Szalanczky there any more." "You'll kick her out" "The Szalanczky girl, that Lesbian bitch, as you say needn't be kicked out by anybody." "She's left" "Thank God" "But in a couple of years you'll regret this" "Yes, you'll sadly regret it" "Because you'll be surrounded by arselickers and spineless scribblers who'll write what you want - and you'll be swept away like litter" "By whom?" "By me, I dare hope" "Now we really must have a drink" " Have you heard something?" " Things can't go on like this" "What?" "I had an old friend who was known for biting his nails" "He couldn't kick the habit" "Friends took him to a psychiatrist who cured him by hypnosis" "He hypnotised my friend and kept repeating..." ""Nail biting is a repulsive habit, a disgusting habit" ""I'll never bite my nails again"" "And wonder of wonders, he stopped biting his nails" "A month passed, two months passed and my friend began to twitch." "What you do is just the same" "What do you mean, "What you do?" Who is "you"?" "Let's say what I or we do, or can do if we feel like it" "True, at present we can give commands to the patient - a whole nation" "We say you won't do this or that" "But what will happen in five years, ten years, twenty years?" "When illness returns, who will take the responsibility?" "Why don't you want to understand?" "Dear friend, beware of a misconception" "We didn't suffer the miseries of 1956 to let comrades like you ruin the country again" "God help the party which relies on you or the likes of you" "A month ago I couldn't cope any more." "I broke my silence and wrote to you" "The paper burned under my pen" "Such a letter was enough to bring to life the stone lion outside the Opera" "But you could not bear replying" "I began to hate you." "I waited two weeks for your reply" "I rang the office" "They told me you were on holiday" "I sat in front of your house waiting for you so that I could strangle you." "I sat on that bench for four days, waiting" "I realised that I hated the pigeons, the postman and I wished the pair of you would die" "I wanted you to die" "Christ!" "What frenzy there is in me that I could even kill" "I dreamt I was a child again and had to dance on burning straw as a sort of punishment" "I was crying and laughing my face was tear stained and I complained to you." "It was very hot" "Then I saw myself sick and feverish and I called you" "I got burnt up" "Tell me, what now?" "What will become of us now?" "Good day!" "Hello" "Good day" "My colleague from Budapest" "Welcome" "Doughnuts will be ready soon" "I feel so small near you" "You are small, little one" "I weighed very little when I was born" "There was hardly any life in me" "On Sundays I was shoved out into the yard so as not to disturb Sunday dinner if I should die" "But I didn't die" "One can't simply not love me" "You hooked me for yourself" "That's not true, you hooked me" "Do you know what you are?" "Honey cake walnut, aubergine" "I'd like to walk with you naked" "I won't let you go from here" "Love me" "I'll be waiting for you." "I'll wait all night" "The night was dark, no father was there" "The grass was wet with dew" "The mire was deep and the child did weep" "And away the fog flew" "Yes, it's beautiful, really" "But the translation isn't quite accurate" "This, for instance, "vapour"" "Vapour isn't fog." "Mist or haze is closer to it" "In Hungarian it simply means that the haze dispersed" " How can I help?" " Your blouse is unbuttoned" " Does it bother you?" " Yes" " Anything else?" " A coffee, please" "The child was wet with dew, not the grass" "Excuse me" "Hail to the vice squad." "Be firm" "When you go to see a woman, don't forget to take your whip" "As for me, all I can do is to take my umbrella and my spectacles" " Livia?" " Yes" "Well, dear boy, in this case one can't be clever enough" "Livia likes to play" "True, but I can play, too" "And this would be a pretty hard game" "And what would be my part in it?" "Help us." "You know us both" "And how could that little louse be switched off?" "That "little louse" isn't a radio." "You can't even tune her down" "So what can we do?" "That's just what I'm asking you." "What?" "All we can do is pray" "Tell me about this person" " Such as what?" " What type of person?" " Do you think that will help us?" " Has he got anyone else?" "A wife, children, a parrot, I don't know" "That's absolutely unimportant" "I'll find out." "Where does he live?" "Far away" "And you want to go so far away now?" "Leave me alone" "I'm coming with you." "I'll talk to him" "Wait till morning, at least." "This is so sudden, I can't take it in" "If you leave me now I can't answer for myself" "I'm not going to stay alone in this flat." "I couldn't bear it" "Then go somewhere else, amongst people" "Stop making plans for me" "You won't leave me." "You won't shake me off" "I love you." "I haven't got anyone apart from you and I will never have" "I thought it over long ago." "It's how I am and that's that" "I've cooled down." "These things aren't so complicated" "They are simply facts" "You won't go away" "You won't run away from me." "Everything will be fine, you'll see" "We want to live together, understand?" "What if I raped you?" "Would he..." "Would he want you even then?" "What would you gain by raping me?" "It's you who would suffer" "I'd see to it, don't you believe that?" "Yes" "I believe that." "I just don't believe that you love him" "You're mistaken." "I need that person" "More than I need you." "I don't need you" "And has the woman champion of truth anything to do with all this?" "Let's stop play acting" "I'm fed up with you pretending we're not talking about Eva and I'm fed up pretending that I don't know that you know" "I'm fed up with you!" "Tell me, do I disgust you?" "I asked if I really disgust you so much" "No, you just don't interest me" "All I can think of now is that she's waiting for me, I promised her" "Let her rot where she is" "It's very good with her." "You don't count any more." "I don't love you" "I can't love you any more, try to understand." "Leave me alone!" "Take your hands off me!" "Go to hell, you bloody swine!" "Drop dead!" "Hi" "Why have you come?" "Shall I go away?" "I don't care" "Livia tell me what I should do" "You?" "Yes, tell me what to do now" "Go on living your life, write your little pieces" "Nothing's happened to you, after all" "Shall I close the window?" "Close your eyes and stop staring at me" "I can't close my eyes" "Neither can I. I can't get a wink of sleep despite all the sedatives they give me" "I love you so much" "And I was thinking..." "What?" "What can you still think of?" "When you get out of hospital you can move in and live with me" "I'll do everything for you" "I couldn't live without you" "Leave me alone!" "I love you" "Go away!" "Major Blindics speaking, criminal police." "Call back later, I'm busy now" "Thank you" "What relations did you have with Mrs Horvath?" "I love Livia." "It was a love affair" " Mutual?" " Yes" "How is that?" "When you look at me for example, doesn't it even occur to you to look at me as a man?" "Of course it does." "You are a man, aren't you, Major?" "Lf, for example, you fall for a woman, what do you do?" "Do you court her?" "Do you buy her flowers?" "Excuse me, must I answer these questions?" "No, not at all, you're not obliged to talk about it" "I was only asking" "I can't understand..." "What can't you understand?" " Well, how you do it" " How we do what?" "How do you do it?" "For heaven's sake, what do you want to know?" "How do you do the thing to each other?" "With our fingers." "We stick them up there" " Yes?" " Yes" "One finger, two fingers, three fingers - you mother-fucker!" "Stop, or I'll shoot!" "Fire a warning shot" "Stop, damn you!" "She's over there" " Eva Szalanczky?" " Yes" | {
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"Desmond." "Yes." "Teddy Rist." "I know who you are." "May I offer you something to eat?" " An apple?" " Thank you." "This is not your first visit to Nigeria." "No." "I was here during the hurricane." "I want out of this God forsaken hell hole, like, yesterday!" "And then I also had a chance to become acquainted with your rich and varied wildlife." "This is all very interesting, Mr Rist." "But if I may ask, why are we meeting?" "Jonathan Bankole." "first time I met the man... he welcomed me with open arms." "Open fire!" "Open fire!" "Again!" "Jonathan Bankole, a disgrace to every man, woman, and child in Nigeria." "Maybe." "He is a traitor." "Tell me, Teddy Rist, what do you know about betrayal?" "Enough." "I know enough." "The Philanthropist 104 "Nigeria Part II"" "You know, betrayal... betrayal comes in all shapes and sizes." "The treacherous office gossips to backstabbing, both figurative and literal." "At the heart of each betrayal is this." "Someone you know breaks the bond of trust between you." "I trusted you, man." "Now, Philip." "You were supposed to go to Finland and make friends with the Minister of Foreign Trade, not fondle his wife." "They're practically divorced." "The chromite deal is dead." "It's your fault." "Oh, I think you're being a bit extreme." "Judgmental, even." "All right, I may have made a misstep or three, but..." "Just don't screw up the press briefing." "You have my word." "Your word." "Ladies and gentlemen, the Maidstone-Rist oil refinery." "Thank you." "Now, the petroleum production of this refinery will generate around about $50 million to the struggling Nigerian economy." "And bring cheaper gas to America." "Right." "Have a look." "Feel free to ask questions." "I imagine you're looking forward to getting back to Kujama and Chima Balo." "Olivia, my feelings for Dr Balo are strictly limited to my great admiration for the passion she brings to rural medicine" "We are in fact just good friends." "Isn't that what you called the wife of the Trade Minister in Finland?" "Finally, my first trip to Nigeria." "Got to admit, i'm a little nervous." "Don't be." "All's well in Kujama." "Rebels signed a cease-fire." "We found ourselves in the crosshairs of a raging gun battle between the rebel forces and the Nigerian army." "Hey, Bem." "Safe journey?" "Oh, yeah." "Where the hell is everybody?" "Chief Bankole came into the village and convinced everyone to walk away." "Who's chief Bankole?" " Depends who you ask." "The federal government calls him a terrorist." "To the villagers, he's a hero." "Even before the hurricane, he's been fighting to get aid into the region." "Now that doesn't make any sense." "Why would a hero want to hurt the local economy?" "Mr Rist did not ask Bankole for permission to build." "Okay." "Can you get us a meeting with him?" "No." "But maybe Dr Balo can." "And where is she?" "Working as always." "You're doing that completely wrong, you know?" "The famous Teddy Rist." "Well, congratulations!" "Thank you." "Come here." "It's funny." "In all our correspondence you never mentioned this." "I just didn't know how, you know?" "Long distance." "And you and the father?" "No, he died during the hurricane." "You didn't tell me that either." "I'm sorry." "Neither of us mentioned our losses, did we?" "Mm, no." "You're right, we didn't." "Hey, I was in Kashmir recently and I, uh, I found this and thought of you." "It's sapphires." "Thank you." "I love them, Teddy." "But you do know I'll sell it to raise money for the clinic." "Oh, no, no, no." "No, you won't have to." "This refinery is gonna bring in a ton of cash." "But before that happens, apparently I have to have a sit-down with a guy called" "Jonathan Bankole." "Chief Bankole." "He's a good man." "Though his methods are at times severe." "Huh, yeah, severe." "That's an understatement." "He nearly blew us to smithereens on the way here." "The hurricane, the suffering, the deaths, they've hardened us." "The government's promises remain unkept." "And chief Bankole's trying to bring hope back to the village." "Hope I can get behind." "It's the bullets that bother me." "Building our refinery will help the people around here more than any armed rebellion ever could, you know?" "I can go out to the camp right now." "Yeah, okay." "Yeah, I'm in the mood for a ride." "No, you--you coming might be a mistake." "Uh, you gonna be safe with" "Teddy, I'm a doctor." "I know what I'm doing." "Of course you do." "Oh, and thank you." "Forgive me for asking, but what is wrong with you?" "You are a rich man." "You don't have to go through this trouble or any trouble for a small village in Nigeria." "I got two answers to that question." "One incredibly complicated, and the other that can be boiled down to just a few words." "All men are sons, but only some men are fathers." "Babe." "I just got a text from Teddy." "He almost got blown up again." " Is he okay?" " Yeah." "I should've gone with him." "Absolutely not." "You're just barely recovered from surgery." "Even so, Teddy's always somewhere helping somebody with something." "I help when it's convenient, when it's logical." "What's wrong with logic?" "Nothing, except, you know, there's so many problems to be solved." "And not just in Nigeria and Kosovo." "Here, in New York, on our block." "You're still doing things." "You're doing plenty." "Yeah, in measured steps." "You know, I write cheques." "I serve on the board." "It's from a distance." "I just wish it could be a little bit more... spontaneous." "Hours had passed and Dr Chima Balo had not returned from the rebel camp." "No sign of Dr Balo." "But a kid gave me this." "What is it?" "Chima's bracelet." "Son of a bitch." "What kind of idiot am I?" "Guy throws grenades at me and I let her go to him." "All right, I need to get a location on this guy, like, now." "Somebody in kujama must know where the hell his camp is." "Now go." "Go on, find it!" "Scoot, scoot." "Damn!" "Hey, hey!" "Hey!" "I think you're probably looking for me, huh?" "I'm Teddy Rist." "So take me to your leader." "AJ, Gerard," "Don't do anything." "Don't talk to anyone." "Make fast, eh?" "Put the hood on." "Come." "You can drop your hands now." "D--Dax, where are you going?" "After Teddy." "Dax, he told us" "He said for the two of you to do nothing." "He didn't mention me." "Normally when I travel by water," "I'm in a speedboat or a 140-foot yacht," "Not sitting on the floor with my hands tied," "A bag over my head, and a rifle in my ribs." "Mr Rist, welcome." "I'm Jonathan Bankole." "This is Achike Wasah." "Former lieutenant, Nigerian Rangers." "Where is Dr Balo?" " Safe." " I want to see her." "I'm afraid that's not possible." "How much?" "How much what?" "Is the cost of our freedom" "After the hurricane, the government abandoned this area, leaving many of our people to die needlessly." "And your righteous response to that is to kidnap a doctor?" "Mr Rist, there's no justice for Kujama... or the entire state of Kaduna." "Oh, we have filled out forms, waited in lines, begged." "Now?" "Now we demand by force." "Do you not think dying children justifies extreme actions, huh?" "You haven't answered my question." "How much?" "$100 million US." "I want the government to pay, not you." "I'm not some local tyrant who recruits child soldiers and massacres whole villages." "No, I will use the money to rebuild schools, roads, a real hospital." "My oil refinery, the profits of which the people of Kujama have a share in is guaranteed to improve their lives." "Why rely on handouts from indifferent politicians." "These are not handouts." "This is what we are owed as citizens of a free and equal Nigeria." "Okay." "Okay, then so what?" "Just get Dr Balo and I to squat here while you flick off a ransom note to the bureaucrats, huh?" "No." "You see, I can think of no more articulate advocate for our cause than the great Teddy Rist." "Oh, you-- you've got this all back to front, chief." "I'm the big prize." "Massive investment." "A huge contract in Nigeria." "The boys in Abuja are not gonna want to-- let me die." "So release Dr Balo." "I'll take her place." "As fascinating a guest as you are, you will serve us better not here tied to a chair, but out there...negotiating." "You have a great deal more faith in my negotiating skills than I do, believe me." "I don't think so." "You'll be highly motivated." "You see, the life of Dr Balo and her unborn child are in your hands." "You expect me to believe that Bankole's only goal is to bring prosperity to Kujama?" "Hmm." "Impossible." "You know, you're a businessman." "I'm a businessman." "Here's a tip." "Never ignore the effect that money has on an individual." "Whether someone has a desperate need for cash or an excess of it," "Money makes people behave in bizarre ways." "James." " Ah, Philip." " What's up, man?" "Afternoon visit, huh?" "Nice surprise." "How you doing?" "I was in a meeting around the corner." "I had a craving for one of Windsor's famous Rubens." "Bud in a glass?" "Oh, yes, sir." "Thank you." "How's your son?" "Damn." "Duane is...good." "He's fine." "You didn't say that with much conviction." "My son's a smart kid." "I mean, I know he is." "But his report card came yesterday." "Mostly "C"s, a "D" in math." "What is he, a freshman in high school?" "Yeah." "About half the 15 year olds are at their grade level in algebra." "I mean, it's tough stuff." "There's no effort on his part." "He's so far behind he needs a tutor." "I can't afford that." "Hey, man." "Let me help." "I'll pay for a tutor." "Hey, I didn't say that" "No, I know you didn't, man." "Know you didn't, but you're a good man." "Duane's a good kid." "You've always taken care of me." "Let me return the favour." "And besides, I always stunk at algebra too." "That beer's on me." "Some deals come together easily." "Others are doomed from the start." "Mr Rist, you barge in here" "Now just do me a favour, General." "Write the check." "Sir, the Government of Nigeria refuses to haggle with kidnappers." "Does not your State Department hold the same principle?" "If you don't intend to bargain, what exactly do you intend to do?" "Pssh, nothing." "You're just gonna let Chima Balo die?" "Better her than thousands." "Look, Mr. Rist." "I cannot put $100 million in the hands of a criminal like Jonathan Bankole." "The man is trying to build a school, not a bloody fortress!" "As Commander of the Nigerian Army and a member of the Federal Executive Council," "I cannot allow a stranger to meddle in our affairs." "Have a safe trip home, sir." "I'm not going home, General." "Not until Chima Balo is safe." "Duane, a good education makes for a better life." "Yeah, from this high up you'd think that but where I live there are ways to get rich without a diploma." "Any of those ways legal?" "Does it matter?" "Survival is survival." "Yeah." "Well, I know I don't know you that well, but I know your father." "Just 'cause he serves you drinks doesn't mean you know the man." "Yeah, but you do need to study." "Says you." "I just don't see the upside." "Okay." "What if I paid you?" "Yeah, I know how that sounds." "There's a similar program." "It's called Reach." "Monetary incentives for students who increase their test scores." "This is just a little bit more personal." "And if you get 1,700 on your SATs," "I'll give you a bonus." "$500." "What happens if I hit 1,800?" "I like the way you think." "Disappointed by the conversation with General Umar," "I unfortunately fell back on some old habits" "Teddy!" "and contacted my friend Gabriel Udeze." "Gabriel." "I have staged this party in your honour, eh?" "And yet you don't look happy." "I don't mean to be ungrateful, Gabriel." "But I can't get Chima Balo off my mind." "How am I gonna get General Umar to cough up $100 million?" "I know Umar." "Do you know what I can blackmail him with?" "He got a coke problem?" "Leather fetish?" "No, no." "He's the worst kind of politician, Teddy." "Self-righteous and incorruptible." "Oh, come on." "He's got to bleed from somewhere." "Right." " He wants to be Obama." " No." "He wants to travel the world." "Washington, London, Paris." "Be respected, toasted, honoured in The White House." "Yeah, well, I think Jonathan Bankole suffers from the same condition." "So, put these worries away." "Have a good time, Teddy." "Come on." "Nope, it's time for Teddy...to go to bed." "Alone?" "Well, believe me." "Charming as they are, on this occasion, Gabriel, I will have to decline." "Ladies." "You like little girls and you like it when they like you!" "So hokey." "Who wrote this rubbish?" "You insulted General Umar." "Oh, good evening, Philip." "I am very well." "Thank you very much." "Teddy, I need you to see this oil deal through." "Umar is making unpleasant grunting sounds." "Oh, come on." "It's not as if I slept with it." "Because it gets the job done!" "Are you drunk?" "What is wrong with you?" "Teddy?" "Teddy!" "I gotta go." "AJ!" "AJ!" "AJ!" "Teddy!" "It's 5:30 in the morning." "Strategy meeting in my room in 10 minutes." "You can tell Gerard to get his fat ass out of bed and go buy me the most expensive digital camcorder in all of Nigeria." "Go." "Go on." "Ah--AJ!" "AJ." "I think I have found a way to rescue Chima Balo." "Hey you, shut up down there..." "Move." "Thank you once again for your charming and warm welcome." "Where's Dr Balo?" "What's that?" "I intend to film you, putting your case to the Nigerian people." "And then we are gonna broadcast it, unedited, to all 36 Nigerian states simultaneously." "Nigerian television will never give Chief Bankole air time." "They didn't give it to the Chief." "They sold it to me." "I'm sorry." "I still cannot understand how you can trust Jonathan Bankole." "When you have a friend in trouble and you have but one option, what else can you do?" "Fathers and sons." "We do things because of our fathers and we do things for our sons." "James." "Hey, man, what happened?" "They sold the hotel, Philip." "To some French company which is gonna turn the whole place into condos." "Some guy we never even met before." "Tells the whole staff," ""This is your last shift."" "I lost my head yelling at him." "I mean, they can't do this to people." "What's up with the crutches?" "I kicked the front desk, ruptured my ACL." "Can't stand on it for weeks." "Let's go talk in my office, man." "The reason I'm here, with this bad knee I'm gonna be out of commission." "Surgery, physical therapy." "I can hardly walk with these crutches, let alone handle an 8-hour bartending shift." "What about your union?" "Hotel wasn't union." "No severance package, no insurance, nothing." "The worst part is I" "I can't provide for Duane." "Not fancy stuff." "Basics." "You know that the city has a program," "Opportunity NYC, they subsidize parents for these exact circumstances." "I looked into it." "I don't qualify." "I've never been...a beggar." "I never been on Welfare." "I've earned every dime I've ever had." "But my bank account is low." "Well, I could give you a job here." " Doing what?" "I've been bartending since I was a kid." "I have no business skills." "I can't even push a broom with this bad leg." "Well, I wouldn't ask you to do that." "But there's got to be something you can do besides mix drinks." "There is." "Taking care of my boy." "Ever since my Martha died," "I've dedicated myself to that boy's well-being." "No sacrifice too great." "Even my pride." "Which is why I'm asking." "Would you help me the way Opportunity NYC helps others?" "I don't follow." "Pay me a fee each time I bring Duane to the doctor or the dentist." "Keep him focused and away from those bad elements." "$200 or whatever feels fair." "Pay you?" "Then I'd pay the dentist or whoever." "With the little left over," "I'd be able to take care of my boy." "200 is nothing to you." "It's the world to me." "Yet it's just such a strange request" "It wasn't easy for me to ask." "When I was a small boy, seven or eight, my mother was raped by a military man from Lagos." "My father went after the man who had caused such misery." "He journeyed to the capital seeking justice." "When justice was denied him, he sought revenge." "We never saw my father again." "Still another 15 minutes of this." "There's a particularly nasty piece at the end where he talks about one of the other members of your" "You cannot put this on the air." "Well, unless you give me $100 million," "I'm afraid I just" "Stop him." "Do something." "Teddy Rist is a private citizen." "Our government has no control over his actions." "Well, then I will get our government to put an end to this programme." "Oh, yeah, you could do that." "But you wouldn't be able to stop me uploading that onto the internet where it will spread through the world like a-- like a particularly nasty strain of swine flu." "Paris, London, The White H" "Are you thinking of having tea with Barack and Michelle?" "100 million is too extravagant." "Oh, come on." "I think 100 million is cheap for a man like you." "10 million." "80 million." "You know nothing." "20 million." " 70 million." " 30 million, no more." " 50 million." "We crack open the fizz." "Did you know that YouTube gets 100 million hits every day?" " Okay." "50 million." "Excellent." "But how do I know that once he's received the money that Bankole will not make another video?" "Because he will sign a contract with me." "He's signed many documents." "No." "We give him one million now, and if he behaves, one million every month." "No, I'm not sure he's gonna agree to those terms." "Well, you make him agree." "I'll give it my best shot, general." "I've been going to this hotel since God knows when." "And James has been there even longer, so I offered to help him out for a bit." "Let me make sure I understand." "You're paying James Glynn to care for his son?" "No--Well, there's more to it than that." "It's like Opportunity NYC." "And you're also paying Duane to study?" "Babe, you know me." "I've done the research on this." "Reach has been doing a "Pay to Study" program in the city for two years." "They're trying to close the racial achievement gap." "Hon, your heart is in the right place." "But you don't pay Terry to behave." "You're certainly not going to pay him to study when he gets older." "Terry's gonna have opportunities that James and Duane will never see." "Besides, we pay our nanny to take care of Terry." "What's the difference?" "As a parent, you know the difference." "And you know what?" "I've looked into Reach as well." "It has very mixed results." "You and Teddy get to be philanthropic whenever and however the spirit moves you, but when I do it, I get grief." "All I was asking for was a little support from you." "What do you want us to do?" "Construction here is behind by three days." "You two have got 48 hours to get it back on track." "Teddy, Bankole might not let the villagers come back to work." "You're $50 million short of his demand and you're only bringing him one million of that." "Hey, hey, hey." "You're not doubting T Rist, are you?" "Give the money to me." "No, I'm delivering this money myself." "And then I'm going to escort Dr Chima Balo back home." "No, no, no." "No, not this time." "He's coming with me." "Who is he?" "My army." "Chief Bankole ordered me to be accommodating." "Good." "Then we're ready." "Wonderful" " Hello." " I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am." "This is--this is Duane Glynn." " Oh, yes, hi." "Um, can I give Philip a message?" " I'm, uh, I'm in the hospital, the ER." "Are you okay?" "I got jumped by a couple guys." "I'll be fine though." "But the doctors want to keep me overnight." " Which hospital?" " St Vincent's." "Could you--could you tell Mr Maidstone to come see me?" "Tonight?" "No, no, not tonight." "Have him come in the morning when my dad's gone." "Okay, Duane." "Um, he'll be there first thing in the morning." "The finally found you a bed." "You'll get the rest of the money" "Over time with conditions." "I know the terms aren't ideal, but they're real." "We must have a toast." "Oh, no, we won't be staying." "Where's Dr Balo?" "Wasah." "Dr Balo tells me that you had a son." "I, too, had a son..." "Who I have not seen since he was nine." "And you're telling me this why?" "Mr Rist, I have sacrificed much for my country." "You have made my sacrifice worth the pain and the loneliness." "I'm assuming the construction can continue at the refinery, yeah?" "Immediately." "You're free to leave, Dr Balo." "Thank you." "Shall we?" "Teddy." "Teddy, please." "What's wrong?" "The father of your child isn't dead at all, is he?" "No." "And back at the camp there, you weren't really being held prisoner, were you?" "Jonathan Bankole's the only hope this village" "I believed you." "I believed that you were being held hostage." "Why would you make me go through that worry, Chima?" "See, what I'm finding hard to get my head around here" "Is why you didn't just ask me for help." "Because I" " I didn't trust you enough." "No, because I trusted Jonathan more." "Betrayal." "I can see it in your eyes." "I know the feeling and I am sorry." "It's very easy to walk away when that feeling sets in." "You know, the emptiness." "The fear that you may never trust anyone again." "Well, maybe it's better not knowing." "What did Duane mean," ""Don't come to the hospital till my dad's gone?"" "I don't know." "By the sound of his voice, that child is terrified." "I got to go to St Vincent's." "Duane, you okay?" "Mr Maidstone." "What are you doing here?" "I--I have a friend who's the co-Chair of Cardio." "We were planning a fundraiser, I saw him laying here." "What happened?" "He got jumped." "Coming from a friend's house." "Did you report it to the police?" "The hospital did." "Do you know who attacked you?" "I mean, can you identify them?" "We appreciate your concern, but Duane will bounce back from this." "Have a nice night." "I'd like to help pay for the hospital bill." "No." "No, we've taken quite enough from you already, sir." "It's no trouble.You know" " Yes!" "Yes, it is!" "A whole pile of trouble and it has to stop." "Okay, James." "Keep your money!" "It's nothing but poison." "My money wasn't poison" "Just keep away from us!" "I'm sorry, son." "When James told me that he kicked a desk when the hotel laid him off," "I chalked it up to stress." "But the way he was acting in the hospital..." "We have to assume he beat his son." "We don't know that for certain." "No, but we have to find out." "For Duane's sake." "I'll call my contact at Child Protection." "They'll investigate." "That's what I get for going against my instincts." "No." "Don't think that." "You know, hon, you may not see the good which comes from the good that you do, but it's there." "It's there." "So The Times wants to do a philanthropist profile on you." "I pushed the Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce meeting back to 10:00" "I'm here." "Your lunch with the congressman to 12:30." "And?" "Dr Balo called, again." "Dr Balo called and" "I heard you, Gerard." "Walk away." " Mr Maidstone." " Yeah." "Duane Glynn is here to see you." "Okay, send him in." "Hey, Duane." "What's up, man?" "Listen, I'm--I'm sorry." "Mr Maidstone, relax." "Life is good." "It's a'ight." "I'm staying with my aunt in Queens." "I'm gonna see dad on Saturdays." "He's working with Child Protective Services trying to get better." "Can you tell me why he was beating on you?" "Well, we got into an argument because I wouldn't go to the dentist." "And he felt he--he owed you." "That he promised." "Mr Maidstone, I told you." "We're gonna work through it." "Besides, that's not the main reason I came here." "1,820 on my SATs." "Get out of here!" "Oh, my God." "That's great!" "Friendship, parenthood." "Like any investment, we anticipate a return." "Maybe that's a skewed way to view relationships, but that's the truth." "I expected more from Chima, as if she owed me some kind of debt." "One of the things I've learned recently is that sometimes being generous is the most selfish thing a person can do, and that we might just have to ask those we help to forgive us our generosity." "Bankole is dead." "He got what he deserved." "The betrayer was betrayed." "You might think that his death is divine retribution, young man, but you'd be wrong." "Teddy, you need to see this." "Assassinated by one of his own men," "Achike Wasah, former lieutenant of the Nigerian" "Jonathan Bankole was a fierce rebel leader who tried to blow me up, force me to blackmail a sovereign nation's government, and who convinced a woman I trusted to betray me." "But I do not blame him." "His people were dying." "Children were dying." "Now, if I were in his boots, who knows what I would do." "* How long, baby *" "* How long should I wait for you?" "*" "* Oh, number one is really good *" "* Number two is really good *" "* Number three is really good *" "* How long shall I wait for you?" "*" "* Oh, number one is really good *" "* Number two is really good *" "* Number three is really good *" "* How long shall I wait for you?" "*" "* Blues *" "* You stay away from me *" "* Stay away from me *" " So that's the reason I asked to see you." "I wanted you to have a glimpse of Bankole's other side." "The side you're not allowed to see on TV or read about in the papers." "The side that you never got to know because-- because he left you when you were so very young." "You know, he didn't betray you, Desmond." "Your father" "He did betray us." "He walked away from me, from my mother, when I was nine." "What man does that?" "I am--I am so not the guy to be preaching right and wrong." "All I can say is what I saw." "Bankole's army wasn't an army at all." "It was a family." "He was looking after-- after other people's sons and daughters." "Is that supposed to be good enough?" "Erase years and years of neglect, huh?" "But still, I didn't want you going to bed tonight and every other night for the rest of your life thinking ill of the man." "People don't behave in the way you want them to behave.." "but that doesn't mean the way they behave is wrong." "Do you see that, Desmond?" " Hey, yo." " Hey." "Our stocks are down another three points because of unsettled disputes in Nigeria." "Feel like going to have a drink?" "You know, there's an old Greek saying:" ""Why pay for what you've already purchased?"" "Hey, do you remember James Glynn?" "James Glynn?" "Oh, the, uh, the bartender at The Windsor." "Yeah, I never forget a bartender." "Why?" "Never mind." " No, go on." "What?" "There's a funny look in your eye." "Yeah, man." "I've been thinking about us." "About when we had that little office on Grand Street." "Had all these big dreams." "Big plan." " Yeah." "Zero money." "We started this business together and we succeeded." "Together." "It's because we know each other." "We know each other's moves." "We know each other's motives." "We compliment each other." "Your spontaneity, my logic." "But." "But for, like... the last couple months," "I feel like...everything is falling apart." "Like we're not together on a lot of stuff." "And in that void, I try to compensate." "I try to be something that I'm not." "And I just don't feel like you have my back, man." "I know I've been crazy these last few months." "But you should know this," "I would never, I mean never, hurt you or Olivia or Terry." "And I will never compromise your son's future." "For that you have my most solemn promise." "To memories past." "And memories yet to come." | {
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"Peace" "Long ago, before the founders established this great city of ours that word was all but meaningless, an ideal as elusive as a dream." "Now, 200 years later" "We are all of us living proof that peace is indeed attainable." "The reason for this is of course are faction system." "Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Abnegation" "In dividing people according to personality and attitude we've created a society in which each faction plays a critical role in maintaining the social order." "But this harmony we achieved is now under attack from a small but extremely dangerous group of individuals" "We call them "Divergents"." "They are in essence the worst of what humanity used to be rebellious, defiant, and uncontrollable." "Five days ago, a rogue group of divergents posing as Dauntless brutely invaded Abnegation in an obvious attempt to cripple the faction system by attacking it's most vulnerable members." "These divergents despise our system because they are incapable of conforming to it." "These latest rumours for example that I was somehow behind the attack on abnegation is nothing more that divergent propaganda" "I have devoted myself to bringing these fugitives to justice." "I've exercised my right as acting council leader to declare martial law until im confident that any threat to our security has been eliminated." "Tell Jeanine we got it." "We are all that's left of humanity." "The vast wall that encloses this city may protect us from our toxic surroundings, but it is up to us to confront any element that can poison us from within." "Because when you are civilizations last hope peace is not merely an ideal its an obligation." "And it is up to all us to take a stand position against it's one true enemy." "Divergents." "I N S U R G E N T" "Amity!" "We should make sure it's clear." "Tris!" "Help us, help us, please!" "Please help us, you have to help us!" "I'm sorry, you have to leave." " You just don't belong here." " Its all her fault." "You killed Will." "No..." "She killed ..." "Mom!" "You've killed us all." "And..." "Three!" "Higher!" "Higher, higher!" "Are you alright?" "Okay everyone back to you classroom" "I just wanted to do something different." "Yeah." "Well that's definitely different." " You dont like it?" " No, i like it, i like it alot" "I'm just surprised, that's all." "What's going on, Tris?" "Nothing." "I'm fine." "Just..." "Still having nightmares?" "No." "We're good." "You and me." "I know nothing else is, but we are." "Time for chores." "How much longer do we have to stay here, Four?" "Until we know it's safe to leave." "Hey." "Hey." "Son!" "You can't ignore me forever." "I know you're thinking about your next move, but there are things you don't know." "Marcus, please just leave us alone." "Your mother didn't come back to abnegation just to save you." "She died trying to hide something from Jeanine that something entrusted to Abnegation" "long time ago." "Marcus!" "Stop!" "Whatever you want from us, you're not gonna get it." "I'm not the enemy here." "You found it..." "It was in the home of Natalie and Andrew Prior, like you said." "Want to tell me what's inside?" "A message from the founders that will ensure the future of people who deserve it." "Divergents will destroy our society, unless we destroy them." "And now we can." "However, only a divergent can open this box." "Find them!" "Every last one of them." "Go with happiness." "Go with happiness" "You with happiness." "Thank you." "Go with happiness." "I really don't know how much longer I can do this whole peace and love thing." "It's the amity way, just try to blend in." "I'm trying to blend in, and its just not working." "Coming through, on you right." "Hey here we go." "Look a rainbow." "It's pretty." "Pathological offendiness along without questioning passivity." "I love this place." "Thank you." "Go with happiness." "Oops, Excuse me." "Hey tris, I really like your hair by the way." "Did you try to cut it all short and weird..." "Hey Peter, why don't you take your food and sit down huh?" "Or what?" "Besides I think we all should stick together now that we are officially fugitives." "Wait what do you mean by official fugitives?" "You don't know?" "You did'nt tell Caleb?" "Yesterday Jeanine announced that the attack on Abnegation was organized by a group of regenade divergents And their sympathizers." "So they're blaming this whole thing on us?" "Yeah." "And Jeanine needed a reason to petition to the council so they could institute martial law." "And now she had one." "Staying here at Amity is the best option for now." "We need to keep an eye of the ground and find out where the rest of the dauntless are." "Then we can make a move." "We need to kill Jeanine." "I know, we're not ready yet." " Beatrice you're not being serious, right?" "No I am being serious.." "I'm not gonna stop until she's dead." "Tris you can't just go around killing people." "She's right, listen to your sister." "Tris, I think you should go to erudite and kill Jeanine yourself." "I will stay with Caleb so they don't kill him too." "What?" "C'mon you know." "What you did with your parents." "Stop!" "What do you think you're doing?" "My office!" "Now!" "Enjoy your meal everyone, enjoy your meal." "Hey, you need to calm down." "Was I not clear that the terms of your sanctuary here included non violence?" "Well I can guarantee you nothing like this will ever happen again." "Be that as it may, you can no longer stay here with us." "Your presence, it is just too disruptive." "The truth is that our sanctuary was never gonna last very long here anyways." "Was it?" "With you not standing up to Jeanine." "You don't understand us at all." "No I do understand you." "I understand that you think you can stay out of this but you can't." "One day she's gonna show up and Jeanine is gonna take whatever power you think you have away from you." "Tris!" "Tris!" "Look, Johanna, we need a little more time." "We need to find out where the rest of the Dauntless are, then we can leave." "And then what?" "Attack Erudite?" "I will not be a part of your violence." "No one is asking you to." "We just need a few more days." "One." "One, what?" "One more chance." "See, to be Amity is to forgive others, and yourself." "You're hurting Tris." "And my heart goes out to you." "I know what it's like to stand helpless while you loose the ones you love." "But killing Jeanine will not gonna bring your mother back." "I know you're angry, but you're letting it consume you." "What is it?" "Stay here and keep quite." "Gentlemen, Amity welcomes you." "To what do we owe the pleasure." "This isn't really a social call Johanna." "We're looking for divergents." "I see." "Well of course, anything we can do to help." "We need you to volunteer your faction to be tested." "This is screening technology from Erudite." "Amity." "Not that Jeanine is heading up yo the council the whole improval processing got a little easier." "You're exceeding your jurisdiction." "Now, Johanna." "What happened to that Amity politeness." "The easy way, or the hard way?" "It's up to you." "Alright, but under protest." "Okay we're good to go!" "Move it out!" "All Amity report to the dome all come to the dome for new mandatory testing." "Ok, lets go, get inside!" "You know something lady?" "You seem awfully stuck in that doorway." "Eric is here." "We need to move now, come on." "What's up there?" "Just my office." "There's two guards with guns." "We're going out the window?" "We need to split up." "Okey, yeah." "Every man for hmself." "Good." "Hey, they're up here!" "Hey, they're up here!" "Come qon they're getting away!" "You're ready?" "Where?" "Out the window!" "I got three on foot heading towards the dome!" "Get them low!" "Repeat, three on foot toward the dome." "Over there!" "I demand amnisty!" "Sit down!" "Sit down!" "I believe in Abignation, it's my right!" "Detain him!" "Let's go!" "Come on, keep moving!" "Run!" "Run!" "Come on!" "Listen!" "What?" "A train!" "Go, go, go!" "Caleb!" "Keep moving." "Ammo!" "Come on, go." "Go, go!" "Caleb!" "Move!" "You sure know how to make an entrance!" "Factionless." " Amity." "Oh, you stare like dogs." "I have no idea what this one is." "Look, we just need to get to the city, thats all." "Well to bad, the train is taken." "And you damaged our cargo." "These are Abnegation and you are factionless right?" "Caleb!" "I used to be Abnegation." "We used the same bolts to make cloth for you." "Are you saying that we steal from you?" "No no, I'm no longer Abnegation, so technically you're not stealing from me." "No, you're not stealing at all." "It's a questions of semantics I suppose wether it's stealing or sharing." "But it's all really the same." "That's enough!" "Everybody relax alright." "You've made your point." "We'll get off your train alright." "Guy, would everybody just relax?" "Why don't we take a seat?" "I was just trying to help!" "Don't." "Yeah, this is going to be fun." "Everybody calm down alright?" "Caleb." "Get off!" "Get off!" " You alright?" " Yup." "Are you okay?" "Tobias Eaton." " Say it again." "Tobias Eaton." "What you know him?" "I am him." "We have been looking for you." "What are they talking about?" "Four!" "Follow me." "Tris!" "I'm sorry, I wanted to help." "Four!" "four!" "why are they looking for you?" "How do they know your your name?" "This is factionless." "This is insane." "Tobias!" "Mother." "I thought she was dead." "Me too." "Somebody please tell me what's going on here." "Tobias's father was very abusive." "I knew the only way I could ever truly escape him was... to disappear completely." "Abnegation helped me fake my death." "Anything to protect Marcus image." "But you just left him there alone with Marcus." "I was very young." "I reached out to him about a year ago." "I felt it was finally time to reconnect." "I'm still your mother." "No, my mother is dead." "I went to her funeral when I was six." "And she wasn't trying to reconnect with me." "She was trying to use me." "Like you are now." "What?" "She wants an army." "An army?" "I want an alliance." "No, what you want is revenge!" "This isn't about me." "It's about putting an end to a system that says one group is more deserving than another." "This city may be surrounded by a wall but it doesn't have to be a prison." "I think that's a bit extreme." "I mean, the factions isn't meant to be perfect but it's hardly a prison." "Let me guess, you're Erudite?" "I was Erudite." "Are you willing to kill Jeanine?" "Absolutely." "When I was married to Marcus I knew her well." "And believe me, there's nothing she isn't capable of." "But I think you already know that." "Tris, we can't trust her." "Maybe she knows...." "We're on the same side, Tris." "I'm factionless because I don't fit in any one faction." "And you're Divergent because you belong to too many.." "But we are both a threat to Jeanine." "My people are ready for war if that's what it takes." "And then what?" "We depose those in power." "And once you've done that?" "Once you killed Jeanine, who's in power then?" "You see, that's the part she always conveniently leaves out." "Don't tell me this isn't about you, this is only about you." "I know where the remaining Dauntless are hiding." "Where?" "They took shelter in Candor." "As far as I know they're still there." "Think about it." "If we were to combine forces," "Dauntless and Factionless, we'd be unstoppable." "That's not gonna happen." "Thank you for your hospitality, but we will be leaving in the morning." "Four, maybe this is..." "Tobias, please reconsider." "Don't you call me that." "My name is Four." "You want to talk him in, or should I?" "The food looks lovely." "Thank you." "I'm sorry." "I should've told you about her." "No more secrets." "Okay?" "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to wake you." "I always loved to watch him sleep." "I take it you're setting out to Candor in the morning?" "Yeah." "Listen, I only want what's best for him." "You hardly even know him." "You'd like to think that wouldn't you?" "But deep inside I think you're scared I know him all to well." "Im not scared." "Of course you are." "You're scared that he'll finally see you for what you really are." "Deadly." "You don't believe me?" "Ask him." "Are you okey?" "Yeah." "Sure?" "Yeah." "Im not going with you guys." "What?" "To Candor." "I'm not going with you guys." "What are you talking about?" "What's your plan?" "You guys are gonna find the rest of the Dauntless and then what?" "You attack Erudite?" "Assasinate Jeanine and start a civil war?" "Im sorry, I'm just not cut out for that." "I'm not like you guys." "I need to get back to Abnegation maybe..." "...." "Maybe I can be usefull there." "Caleb, there's nothing left in Abnegation." "Yeah." "You okey?" "We just need to get to Candor." "Triss!" "I know you think Caleb is your responsibility but he made his own choice." "You can't protect everyone." "I can't protect anyone." "Nobody can." "Him leaving isn't your fault." "None of this is your fault." "Johanna was right." "You have to forgive yourself." "Thank you." "We gotta move." "We found them!" "Yeah." "Damn it's good to see you guys." "How are you?" "I'm better now." "I'm not exactly good for layong low." "Triss!" "Christina!" "It's so good to see you." "You too." "Have you heard anything about Will?" "No." "Nothing?" "No." "Something must have happened to him." "He would've found me by now you know." "Hey." "Hey." "How are you holding up?" "How many Dauntless do we have?" "175 total." "175?" "That's it?" "The rest followed Max." "Not nearly the number we need." "Hold it!" "Grab the guns!" "Hey, they're with us." "We know who you are." "Last warning." "Drop your guns." "Alright." "Easy." " I'm Jack Kang, I'm leadership here." "We know who you are." "We are not a threat to Candor." "That might be your truth, it's not neccesarily mine." "All I know for certain is you are both wanted for criminal insurgency and conspiring in the attack on Abnegation." "Those are lies." "If you were Candor I would take you at your word." "Unfortunately given the circumstances I'm obliged to hand you over to the council." "You can make your case there." "You might as well kill us now." "If Jeanine finds us, we're not gonna live to stand trial." "I doubt that very much." "She would never supersede the council." "Are you sure about that?" "Who's gonna stop her?" "You?" "Factional law must be upheld." "No, wait wait wait." "Can I ask you one question?" "Can I ask you one question?" "Jeanine believes that Erudite are the most fit to govern because they are the smartest." "You believe Candor is the most fittest to judge because you are so honest?" "I admit, I hold that belief." "Then, would you say I trial held here at Candor would be inherently more fair than a trial held by Erudite?" "The answer is yes." "In my opinion a Candor trial would have the greatest chance of achieving true justice." "So you are asking me to petition a council at the great Candor...?" "No." "As part of Candors initation you administer a truth serum." "Correct." "We dont technically discuss such matters with other factions." "It's a pretty evasive answer." "Evasion is not dishonest." "But it's not exactly honest either." "Yes, we possess such a serum." "Then use it on us." "Four!" "If we are guilty, we surrender to the council." "If not, you just saved two lives." "And gain some loyal allies." "Alright." "But you should know the serum can be quite brutal." "It was designed for tender applicants who are already predisposed to honesty." "Not everyone find it so easy to share their secrets." "I do not want to do it." "We have to." "Neither of us have secrets worth dying for." "Let the truth set you free." "Tobias Eaton." "You are accused of conspiring with your fellow Dauntless in the attack on Abnegation." "Is this true?" "Conspiring no." "But I did attack." "I was in simulation controlled by Jeanine and the rest of the Dauntless she had recruited." "Tris found me." "She managed to break me free from the simulation and together we fought are way out." "So you are saying that Jeanine orchestrated this attack?" "Yes." "One last thing." "If you suspected that Jeanine had corrupted Dauntless, why didn't you just leave?" "Why did you stay?" "I wanted to leave." "But I fell in love with Tris Prior." "And I could not leave her." "Thank you for your Candor." "Thank you for your Candor." "Tobias Eaton, this trial has concluded and you are resolved of the guilt on the attack on Abnegation." "Miss Prior if you would." "Let the truth set you free." "Tris Prior" "Mr Eaton said you managed to free him from the sim." "Yes." "So you were never under the simulation yourself." "No." "How is that possible?" "Because im divergent." "I see." "So you never harmed any of your fellow Dauntless or the Abnegation?" "I did." "Who?" "My mom." "I watched her die first and then my dad." "They were killed trying to save me." "Miss Prior, the more you resist, the more painfull the serum will be." "My friend ..." "I killed my friend." "He was trying to shoot me." "And ..." "I shot him first." "What was his name?" "What was his name?" "Will." "I killed Will." "This is what happens to people that get close to me." "They get hurt or they die." "I can't forgive myself." "Thank you for your Candor." "Thank you for your Candor." "Tris!" "Im sorry." "I told you I didnt want to do that." "Christina." "Go." "Go." "Abnegation sim complete." "Dauntless sim initiated." "Mam, the Divergents viable is dropping." "If we dont pull her out of the sim soon we'll loose her." "You stop when I say so." "She's gonna do it." "She's gonna pass the sim." "Dauntless sim failed." "Divergent test subject six is no longer viable." "Alright shut it down." "We are wasting our time." "I've been asuming all the Divergents are the same." "But some are stronger than others." "Assign all non essential personnel to Divergent detail." "We need to work harder." "We need to find that very special one." "Where's your scary boyfriend?" "Probably out doing scary boyfriend things." "Mind if I join you?" "I love heights." "Up here everyting seems much smaller, you know." "I know it sounds crazy, but..." "Sometimes I think I see lights out beyond the wall." "I know they say its all just wasteland out there but..." "We can't be the only ones left." "Can we?" "C'mon!" "Got any weapons ?" "No!" "Coast clear, moving out!" "Mommy!" "Mommy!" "That thing hurt me?" "You see?" "It's ok." "It's just something to help you go to sleep." "I need you to do me a favour." "You have to go to the top of the stairs and don't come down until your mommy comes here." "Don't come down." "Can you do that?" "Be brave, ok ?" "Ok, go." "Hey !" "Why are we the only ones awake?" "Because we're Divergents." "Come on, I need your help to open this." "I need your help." "Hey!" "Look who decided to show up." "It's really good to see you again." "Alright folks, nothing to be nervous about." "It's a little routine inspection, then we all go back to our business." "Hello." "Divergent 10 %." "Shit." "You're almost normal." "That's boring." "That is not part of the mission." "So what?" "As far as I'm concerned the rest of them are still outlaws." "Let's just wrap this up quick." "The others is gonna be awake soon." "Hi, sweetie." "I should not..." "Divergent 40%." "I'm afraid it's not you either." "The lady said that I should not..." "The lady said that I shouldn't have come downstairs." "Maybe you should have listened." "Enough!" "You still have to test her." "Jeanine stold us we have to test everyone." "Divergent 100%." "I'll be damned." "What?" "She's what we've been looking for." "Bullshit." "Divergent 100%." "Get her in the veichle." "I'll alert Jeanine." "If you think you got lucky, you are wrong." "You gonna wish I killed you." "Drop your weapons!" "Thank you." "It's lucky you got that gun Four." "We both know your'e not much without one." "You think you're safe now?" "You're wrong." "Jeanine will never gonna stop searching for you." "Why?" "What she want with her?" "Tell me!" "It's exactly what Jeanine needs." "It's the perfect subject." "Is that supposed to scare me?" "You're responsible for the death of hundreds of people." "You know the punishment for that." "Listen..." "I found a way to live with the blood on my hands." "But can you?" "Why dont they come out?" "All I know is that they put me sleeping and then all hell break lose." "Heck, don't play!" "You know what this means." "Thank you." "For helping us." "I wish I could do more." "I had no idea Jeanine was capable of something like this." "It's time we fight back." "We don't have the numbers." "We will." "Once we get the Factionless." "You heard Eric." "Jeanine is not gonna stop coming after you." "It's are only option." "Tris Prior." "Of course." "It had to be her." "Is she still off the grid?" "Yeah." "But I think I found a solution." "It's Peter, right?" "Yeah." "Jeanine, can I just say it's truly an honor to finally meet you in person." "Congratulations mother." "You got your war." "I know you wish there was another way." "But there isn't." "I'm the lesser of two evils, is that it?" "It better be." "Tell me..." "Why did you surrender to Erudite?" "What do you want?" "I would like a position in your regime." "Ideally I would like a position with some advancement opportunities." "I may be Dauntless but I'm not just some meathead." "No offense, Max." "Prove your worth to us." "Then we can discuss your ambitions." "Great." "When do I start?" "Let's talk about your friend Tris Prior." "How do I flush her out?" "It's simple." "The girl is a walking bleeding heart." "She was borne out of Abegnation." "It's her weak spot." "You just have to know how to press it." "Help!" "Come quick." "Traitor Tris Prior must be surrendered to Erudite." "Or every day more death will follow." "Hand over Tris Prior." "Or every day more death will follow." "Hand over Tris Prior." "Or every day more death will follow." "Hand over Tris Prior." "Or every day more death will follow." "Christina!" "No!" "Christina!" "Help me!" "Tris!" "We removed this from the body of the suicidal." "Marlene." "Her name was Marlene." "I'm sorry." "Marlene." "It's a very sophisticated sim serum injector." "It also has a radio transmitter in it's head." "How do we get them out?" "I don't know." "This tech was built to defend itself." "This tendril... wraps around the nearest major artery." "If you try to removed them..." "and it kills the host." "Kill the host?" "So what do we do?" "Tori must neutralize the disk before we do anything else." "Or we can do the logical thing." "We hand her over." "Nobody knows about this alliance, we have to protect that advantage." "If we hand Tris over now... it might buy some time." "I think it's a good idea." "But you have to go through me first." "Me too." "And us." "I am the one with a time bomb in my arm!" "I know what you're thinking." "But I'm not gonna let you do it." "I can't let anyone else die because of me." "No one else is gonna die because of you." "Tori will disable the disk." "And if she doesn't?" "Then..." "If she doesn't, we figure it out." "Together." "You know, I'm just one person." "I'm not worth it." "You are worth it." "You are more than worth it to me." "I love you." "This city may be safe behind a closed wall, but make no mistake, that wall alone doesnt ensure our security." "It's up to us, everyone of us, to remain vigilant and isolate any threat against us." "There are individuals hiding among us who must be contained." "Permit me to address the objections from my fellow faction leaders." "I'm aware that there has been some concerns about the unavoidable raid on Candor so let me be clear." "The harbouring of Divergents from any faction can not be tolerated." "Very soon I will present what I believe to be no less than a mandates from the founders themselves." "On this I have no doubt on the measure I have taken to keep the peace." "I have provided instructions that will allow us to eradicate the Divergence crisis" "Once and for all." "Where are you going?" "She has left." "She's gone." "What?" "When?" "Last night." "Wait." "Tobias!" "People look to you for leadership." "You can't just abandon them" "Tobias!" "Wow!" "I have to admit that I'm surprised." "I mean, I know that you are dumb but.." "I didn't think you were dumb enough to actually come down here." "And turn yourself in." "The killings had to stop." "That just shows that you can take the girl from Abnigation but you cant take Abnigation out of her." "Let's go." "Once a stiff, always a stiff." "Right?" "What is this?" "What is this?" "This is the whole reason you are locked Tris." "Man I love knowing stuff you don't." "I need you to open that box Tris." "The only way to open that box is to pass the sims of all five factions." "But te only people who have tried to it so far have died." "I don't think I was supposed to tell you that." "Well..." "No pressure." "Remarkable!" "The chances of it being you of all people." "You're the..." "laws of probability." "As remarkable as many people you managed to murder?" "Dark times call for extrme measures." "You may find it hard to believe." "But I'm serving the greater good." "Step up on the disc please." "Step up on the disc please." "Mam?" "Stop the suicides or I swear I will shoot him." "That's okey." "You can kill him if you want, we have plenty of guards." "What?" "I'm guesing you need me alive for this to work." "Right?" "Right?" "!" "Tris." "Caleb." "Caleb." "Don't engage to subject." "Conditions are already less then optimal." "My God." "If I do this the suicides stop?" "No." "The suicides will continue." "Until you suced and pass all five sims." "That should be sufficient enough." "Good luck." "Let's begin." "Initialize the Dauntless sim." "Mom." "Tris, help me!" "Heart rate is rising." "Keep her in play." "Mom!" "I'm coming." "Mom!" "I'm coming." "Tris!" "Hold on!" "Tris." "Dauntless sim complete." "I miss you so much." "I know you do." "But I'm still with you.." "You need to be strong now." "Tell me you're gonna be strong." "I'm trying." "You can do this." "I know you can." "You're brave." "Braver than anyone." "I'm not brave mom." "I pretend that I am." "I want people to think that I am, but I'm not." "I'm really really scared and..." "Maybe we are actually what's wrong in this world." "Divergents." "I never wanted any of this." "You and dad and Caleb and Four." "I can't help but think that if I was normal we would all still be together." "Mom, I don't want to be Divergent anymore." "I just want to feel safe again." "Candor sim complete." "Four." "You're here?" "Yeah, I'm here." "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "Secure the hallway." "Let's get you out of here." "You good?" "Yeah." "Stop." "Let him go." "Wait, you're not gonna shoot me?" "Once a stiff, always a stiff." "Go!" "Four, how did you get passed security?" "You know me, scary boyfriend skills." "What is it?" "You weren't there." "You didn't even hear that." "Tris." "We need to leave now." "Alright?" "I'm sorry Four." "What?" "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was gonna go." "I wanted to say goodbye, but I just didnt know how." "I didn't know how." "What are you talking about?" "Even though I didn't get to say it in real life, at least I get to say it now." "Even if it is just a sim." "Tris, we're not in a sim." "Don't you think I would know if I were in a sim?" "Four....you're not in a sim." " You're the sim." "Wait, wait." "Erudite sim complete." "There's only Amity now." "She hasn't passed Abnegation yet." "Yes she has." "When she spared your life." "This girl is extraordinary." "She tested positive for four factions in one day." "No one has gotten that far." "We got a problem." "She's crashing." "We have to rest her." "Are you sure you're not letting familiar attachment cloud your judgement?" "See for yourself." "Very well." "Detach the subject." "Good work, gentlemen." "We will resume tomorrow." "You were never planing on going back to Abnegation, were you?" "I had to do what I though was right." "My parents would be ashamed of you." "Well maybe not." "I mean I'm willing to sacrifice you." "The only family I have left." "The only person that I love." "In order to preserve what's best for everyone else." "What's more selfless than that?" "What does Jeanine think is in that box Caleb?" "It's a message from the founders." "But the box was to be opened only if the factions broke down." "Which is why we require someone like you to open it." "You're living proof that the Divergent problem has grown beyond all control." "Do you even hear what you are saying right now?" "No one think it's your fault that you were born this way." "Jeanine murdered an entire faction Caleb." "That faction could no longer be trusted." "She killed our parents." "Are parents brought that on themselves." "What are you talking about?" "The box, it was in their house." "They were the ones hiding it." "All those lives could have been spared." "Seems we didnt knew our parents as well as we thought we did." "Alright family reunion is over, it's time to go." "I got a little surprise for you Tris." "Four!" "Tris!" "Tris!" "Four!" "I gather your brother explained how vital the work you're doing here is to the future of the city." "Please just let Four go." "If his well being is such a concern you should focus on the task at hand." "Tell me..." "Do you appreciate irony?" "You tested positive for Erudite so you must have the intellectual capacity." "Irony." "For instance." "Right now you are full of hate, but you need to pass an Amity sim." "Then there are other ironies at work too." "Such as the fact your cherish mother..." "Don't." "that you so dauntlessly saved in the sim is the reason you're in this mess to begin with." "You're the reason I'm in this mess." "And then there the most pointed irony of all." "Stop." "That Nathalie Prior not only died trying to protect the data that I now have." "Because you stole them." "You killed her for it!" "Data that she so selfishly withheld." "But her own daughter, her beloved Divergent Tris is going to be the one who delivered it to me." "I said stop!" "Therefore... your mother's death, just like your boyfriend's death.... will mean absolutely nothing." "Don't pull her out." "Not yet." "No!" "Bring her back!" "Bring her back" "Now!" "Bring her back!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Bring her back!" "Test subject seven is no longer viable." "I really thought you were the one." "We just..." "We just have to resume are search." "Find solace in your faction, Caleb." "We are your family now." "Jeanine wanted me to show you this." "Hey, Four, can you do that thing you do?" "Hey Four, that's pretty good right?" "First I stole paralytic from infirmary then I shot her up when she was freaking out about you." "I mean I told these guys I was pretty smart." "I guess they should've listened." "You're real!" "Yeah I'm real." "What are you doing here?" "You die, I die." "ohh....okay guys come on." "Lets go, seriously." "You can do that later." "You're ok?" "Yeah." "Thank you, Peter." "Yeah whatever." "No we're even, stiff." "Alright, come on let's go." "Before Jeanine realizes we're gone." "" "What?" "The box!" "We have to get the box!" "Are you kidding me?" "Now is not the time for souvenir tris!" "Four, you have to listen to me." "It's not what Jeanine think it is, I know it's not." "My mother would have destroyed it." "We have to get it." "Peter, is there another way to the lab?" "I mean, I have to go to the control room to disable all the doors." "Okay you do that!" "Okay, right now?" "Yeah." "You just choose our side whether you meant to or not." "If you want to survive, make sure we do." "Let's go!" "Fuck!" "No guns." "It draws less attention." "Hey." "Hold up!" " Access Denied." " Come on!" " Access granted." " Let's go.." "Is that it?" "Yes." "Grab it and let's go." "Security breach." "What's going on?" "What's going on?" "What is it?" "There's been a breach in the sim room." "I want to see who the hell is in there." "The cameras are down in that sector." "I'll send the guards there." "Bring up every cell!" "Now!" "Show her." "Tori finally found a way to get them out safely." " How many others?" " Every last one of them." "Let's go!" "Tris!" "Tris, come on, we gotta move." "Tris we have to move!" "I can't!" ", i can't" "My mom died protecting what ever is inside this." "I have to open it for her and I think I know how." "If we dont leave here now we're not getting out." "I have to do this first." "I know it doesn't make much sense but you have to trust me, please." "You have my life apparently." "Get in." "Don't move!" "Initializing Amity sim." "Back again are we." "You're an even bigger fool than your mother." "You can say whatever you want Jeanine." "But I'm not gonna fight you." "How very Amity of you." "I mean it." "I'm not gonna fight you." "Of course you're not." "You're gonna fight her." "The one you really hate." "What are you?" "I'm you, Tris." "I'm the real you." "I'm not gonna fight you." "I'll make you fight me." "You're not me." "I am." "I'm what the others see when they're looking at you." "You killed Will and your parents." "You're deadly." "Enough!" "No one's gonna love you Tris." "They're not even gonna miss you." "This world will only be better off without you." "One less Divergent ruining things." "And no one will ever forgive you for what you've done." "You're wrong." "Because I will." "Amity sim complete." "No!" "No!" "Stop!" "Initializing message." "Hello." "I come from outside the wall." "Where we have all destroyed each other." "We designed your city as an experiment." "We believed it was the only way to recover the humanity we had lost." "And we created factions to ensure peace." "We believed that there will be those among you who will transcend these factions." "These will be the Divergent." "They are the true purpose of the experiment." "They are vital to humanity's survival." "If you're watching this now than at least one of you are proof that our experiment has succeeded." "The time has come for you to emerge from your isolation and rejoin us." "We have allowed you to believe that you're the last of us, but you're not." "Mankind waits for you, with hope, beyond the wall." " you're okay?" "Yeah." "Yes." "You're wrong about us." "We were never the problem." "We're the solution." "Bury the box." "What?" "No one sees it." "Ever." "Kill them both." "No!" "Don't move." "Put your weapons down now!" "Stay!" "Do not move!" "Hello, Jeanine." "Evelyn." "Impressive." "I think we're gonna like it here." "Do you honestly think the other factions will stand for this?" "Because you're so popular?" "Get her out of here." "When that message gets out it will be the end." "What message?" "You'll see." "I'm gonna put it on every monitor in the city." "We have seperated you from the rest of us." "And we created factions to ensure peace." "The time has come for you to emerge from your isolation and rejoin us." "We have allowed you to believe that you're the last of us, but you're not." "If you're watching this now than at least one of you are proof that our experiment has succeeded." "Mankind waits for you, with hope, beyond the wall." "These will be the Divergent." "They are the true purpose of the experiment." "They are vital to humanity's survival." "You did it." "Everyone's staring at me." "You changed everything." "What now?" "Only one way to find out." "Are you ready?" "It's been over 200 years." "Who knows what's out there?" "You'll never find out." "Creator:" "M.R. Sumon" | {
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"Kids, everybody makes mistakes." "Take this girl Meg for instance." "She made a mistake, a mistake named Barney." "Yeah," "I thought I was gonna get married to my last boyfriend but, boy, did that guy have commitment issues." "That whole relationship-- that's three weeks of my life I'll never get back." "Well, I love commitment." "I wish I could marry commitment." " I met a girl last night." " Really?" "So perky and full of life and not at all fake." "You're talking about her boobs, right?" "C?" "And that wasn't Spanish, that was cup size." "What up?" " So, these boobs..." " Hmm." "paint me a word picture." "All right, Ted." "Imagine the heads of two Irish babies." "Mmm." "Let's call them... and..." "Please stop!" "When you get married, you start outgrowing certain parts of your life." "And for Lily and Marshall, those certain parts were, for the most part, me." "Why would you come in?" "You heard me shaving!" "I thought you were shaving your face!" "Well, clearly I wasn't!" " Oh!" " No, no!" " Pay up!" " Ugh!" "Hussy!" " Guys." " Hussy?" "What?" "Guys, it's 3:00 in the morning and it reeks in here." "Ted said it was okay." "Ah, hey, Marshall." "You're still up?" "Aren't you taking the bar tomorrow?" "Discontent was bubbling under the surface, until one day..." "Ted!" "How many times have I asked you to put the lid back on the peanut butter jar?" "It's this sort of inconsiderate, immature jackassery that makes me feel like I'm living in the Real World house, and not the early years... when they all had jobs and social consciences." "I'm talking about Hawaii and after!" "I can't take this anymore!" "Ted, Lily and I are married now!" "It's time!" "We're getting our own place!" "Actually," "I left the lid off." "Sorry, baby." "But still, it was time to move forward." "So, they set out to find a new apartment to rent." "Hey, here's one." "Pre-war building, recently renovated, hardwood floors, tons of light, two bedroom, two bath." "Oh, yeah, but that one's not for rent." "It's for sale." "Oh, right." "Kids, Uncle Marshall always likes to say that he had made three big mistakes in his life." "This was the first." "Jump, you big chicken!" "Jump!" "You afraidy cat!" "Jump!" "Jump!" "This was the second." "No!" "And this was the third and biggest." "We should buy a place!" "What?" "Baby, real estate is always a good investment." "It's not." "And the market is really hot right now." "It wasn't." "And because of my new job, we are in such a strong place financially." "They weren't." "Because lily had a secret" "Hi." "My name is Lily and I'm a shopaholic." "Hi, Lily." "Oh, you guys don't do that here?" "Sorry." "Proceed." "I buy designer clothes and accessories that I can't afford." "I have 15 credit cards, and they're all maxed out." "And no one outside of this room, not even my husband, knows." "And I, I feel terrible because all I want to do right now is ask you where you got those shoes." "They're adorable." "We can't buy; we have debt." "Yeah, I know, my student loans are pretty big." "I forgive you." "What?" "Well.." "I'm just saying as your wife, you know, I'm cool that you spent tens of thousands of dollars on a brand name law school." "Because I know it makes you feel good and pretty." "Let's just go take a look at this place." "Where is it?" "Uh, it's in a neighborhood called..." "Dowisetrepla?" "Dowisetrepla." "Oh, I see, you're not New Yorkers." "Oh, actually we live on the Upper West Side, so..." "No need to be embarrassed, listen, here in New York we just shorten the names of all the neighborhoods," "SoHo, TriBeCa, Nolita" "Oh, right." "Dowisetrepla." "No, I'm, I'm from New York." "I know this neighborhood." "I'm down with D-town." "Oh, well, nobody calls it D-town." "Dowisetrepla is the up-and-coming neighborhood." "And I have to tell you, for these prices, you're not going to be able to find another..." "I'm, I'm gonna stop you right there." "Don't bother with the hard sell." "This place is, is way out of our price range, and besides, we've only just started to looking." "Is what Marshall should have said." "I'm gonna stop you right there." "I love it!" "Let's get it!" "Thank you, guys, for coming down here so quickly." "I've never been to this neighborhood." "Kind of thought this part of town was water." "No, dude." "This is Dowisetrepla." " Dowisetrepla?" " Yeah." "Is that an abbreviation for something?" "He's from Ohio." " Dowisetrepla is the up-and-coming neighborhood." "Oh." "I think this might be the place where Lily and I start a family." "I can see it now." "Two, three, four." "All right, bring it home, boys." "Sounds great, boys." "Who wants chocolate pancakes?" "Thanks, Mommy!" "Man, life is gonna be sweet!" "Oh, my God," "Lily, have you seen this kitchen?" " I know." " It's..." "Isn't it amazing?" " I just love it so..." " What the hell are you doing?" "You can't buy this place." "Lily, you have a debt the size of Mount Waddington!" "Waddington?" "It's the tallest mountain in Canada." "It's like 4,000 meters high." "Meters?" "Don't let Marshall fall in love with this apartment." "I know, I know, I know, I know, but what do I tell him?" "I-I don't know, tell him, um, tell him you saw a ghost." "Tell him it's haunted." "You really don't know Marshall at all." "So, uh, the owners," " where are they?" " Oh." "They're on vacation in France" " for two of weeks." " I see." "Between you and me," "I'm also interested in the apartment." "So is there any way I could come back later and check it out while you're showing them other places?" "The lock bar's combination is 1421." "And here is my card." "Are you serious?" "You're trying to snake this apartment away from Marshall and Lily?" "Ted, do you think I have no morals whatsoever?" "I simply want to fool a girl into thinking this is my apartment so I can nail her once and never have to see her again." "I'm not a monster." "Now, listen, I don't want to put a lot of pressure on you, but there is one other couple that's expressed... very serious interest." "I see what you're doing here." ""Another couple."" "Please." "That crap is page one out of the Realtor's playbook." "And we're not buying it." "Is what Marshall should have said." "Another couple?" "No!" "We want it." "Sell it to us." "We'll give you so much more money." "Oh, Marshall, can I talk to you?" "Marshall, I just..." "I don't know if now is the right time to buy." "But we're not doing this for now, we're doing this for our future." "Can't you imagine starting a family here?" "Oh, Persephone!" "Oh, Daphne!" "These'll be a perfect additions to our... upcoming mother-daughter exhibit at the Met." "Looks great, girls." "Who wants crêpes au chocolat?" "Merci, papa!" "So... what do you guys think?" "Oh..." "I love it, but Marshall," "I should have told you this a long time ago." "We can't afford to buy an apartment because I have too much credit card debt." "I am so sorry." "Is what she should have said." "I love it." "Let's get it." "Can we charge it?" "To Lily and Marshall and their momentous step... forward into adulthood." "Cheers." "Chug!" "Chug!" "Chug!" "Chug!" "Chug!" "Chug!" " Drink it!" " Yes!" "Well done." " Nice!" " Yeah!" "Anything else?" "Yes." "I've been staring at that thing for years." "Wendy, bring me the comically large bottle of champagne" "Really?" "Are you sure?" "It's never been refrigerated." "And I think at some point there was a fish in it." "Honey, once you've made the sale, stop sellin'." "All right, but you guys have to help me carry it." "All right, let's do it." "Let's do it." "Let's go." "Hmm." "I know what you're thinking." "I should tell Marshall the truth." "Hey, I've got the whole thing figured out." "We'll apply for the loan under Marshall's name, and he'll never need to know." "And then in the meantime, I'll slowly work down my debt." "Right after I furnish the apartment." "I saw this amazing leather sofa today." "You should be a reality show." "Nice!" "Nice." "Wait!" "That cork is the size of a softball and you're pointing it directly at Wendy the waitress's face." "Is what he should have said." "Now if you're thinking of buying an apartment it's always good to check the place out at night." "Welcome to my humble abode." "This place is so nice." "Ah, make yourself at home." "Please, get comfortable." "If you see something you like, just take it." "Who are these people?" "Uh... that's my parents." "They're Asian." "Yeah." "They're a Chinese couple that wanted a white baby." "It works both ways." "Cookie." "Wow." "Did you make those?" "You got me." "My sisters taught me how to bake and how to listen." "Wow." "I feel so at home here." "I'm glad." "Sometimes, I don't." "A place like this really needs a lady of the house." "I know it's too early to be thinking of you as..." "Oh, God, I'm freaking you out, aren't I?" "It's just you make me feel so safe..." "I didn't..." "The next day," "Lily and Marshall went to the mortgage broker... to get a loan." "Hey, uh, can we get this in singles?" "Before we get the apartment I want to put in a kiddie pool and swim around in it naked." " Great, - that is great!" "Thank you." "Thank you." "Okay, all right, back to business now." "All right, Mrs. Aldrin, I'm going to need your social as well." "What?" "Why?" "I mean, you already have Marshall's." "Yes, but since you're a married couple, you'll be applying for a joint loan, so..." "Well, can we just go ahead and do it in my husband's name?" "He's the head of the household." "He earns the big bucks." "I mean, can women even own property?" "Go ahead, just give him your social." "Okay, my..." "my social is, uh... 54924180" "Got it." "Okay." "Let's see what kind of rate I can get you two." "Under six percent." "Under six percent." "Under six percent, please." "There we go." "Congratulations." "You have been approved for a loan at 18%." "No, way." "That-that can't be right." "You're lucky to be getting a mortgage." "Let's get out of here, Marshall." "Hold it, I-I don't understand." "Did we do something wrong or...?" "You have quite a bit of debt." "My student loans." "Great." "I thought we were friends." "You know what, it's fine to penalize me for trying to get an education and build a career, but I will not let you deprive my beautiful wife... of her dream home just because I..." "Okay, actually, it's because of your wife's credit card debt." "Oh, my God." "Marshall, there's something I have to tell you, and I want you to hear it from me first." "okay, so, let me get this straight." "You just snuck this girl into some stranger's apartment?" "Yeah, we spent the night." "Hey, look at you." "Hey." "I'm wearing your bathrobe." "I hope you don't mind." "The only thing missing from that bathrobe are your initials." "My mom's gonna be in town next week." "Is it okay if she stays with us?" "Only if she sleeps in the bed and I sleep on the couch." "You're so sweet." "I love you." "There, I said it and I'm not taking it back." "Oh, my God!" "I love you, too." "I'm finally not the first one to say it!" "How about you get in the shower, and I will make us some waffles." "Works every time." "Wait." "That time that you offered to walk my dogs when I went to visit my dad in Vancouver..." "Yup." "Is that why my Yorkie trembled for like a week after I got back?" "Yeah." "That little guy saw some stuff I'm not proud of." " Whoa." " What?" "There was a fight here." "What do you mean?" "Whenever Marshall and Lily have a big argument, they always leave a trail of evidence all over the apartment." "Oh, God, here we go." "He had a detective club as a kid." "Uh, the Mosby Boys cracked a lot of big cases." "The Mosby Boys?" "You mean you and your sister." "We solved the mystery of the missing retainer." "Hmm, let me guess: it was in the garbage." "Why are you like this?" "Anyway, this is serious." "I know Lily and Marshall." "All the telltale signs are here." "Like this." " A water bottle?" " Don't touch the evidence!" "I got your back, partner." "It's not just any water bottle." "Notice the label is peeled off." "Lily always peels labels off the bottlewhen she's feeling guilty." "This label is not only peeled off, but torn up." "Oh, man, she must have done something bad." "Which means Marshall must have been really angry, and when Marshall gets really angry... he eats." "Just as I suspected," "Cherry Garcia." "Given the liquid consistency," "I place the fight between... noon and 1:00." "Ew, that was on the floor." "If you want to get to the bottom of this, you're gonna need a stronger stomach than that, doll-face." "Marshall stood here." "Eating and yelling, yelling and eating." "Lily stood here." "Crying." "Ew, Ted." "And then Marshall tried to storm out... but Lily went for the Hail Mary pass." "Which would mean..." "What do you think, makeup sex?" "No." "There'd be a bigger mess." "Tempted as he was, Marshall was still too upset." "He had to get out of here, any way he could." "He chose the door, slamming it behind him." "Which is why this picture is crooked." "Nice catch, rook." "I'll just, uh, take this down to the lab." "Now all we need is a motive." "The million-dollar question." "What were they fighting about?" "I know what they've been fighting..." "Bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup." "There's only one possible conclusion." "Lily and Marshall were fighting about:" " peanut butter." " Ah." "Lily left the lid off... then Marshall blew his." "I know what they were fighting about, and it wasn't peanut butter." " Robin, just..." " I appreciate your help, but there's a reason your name is Robin, not Batman." "Just..." "They were fighting because they didn't get the loan and it's all Lily's fault." " Robin, just..." " What?" "Yeah, she has a pile of debt the size of Mount..." "Rushmore." "Nice try, Robin." "So, the next thing Lily did was give Marshall a few hours to cool off about the peanut butter." "Then she called him to apologize, which is why the last number dialed is..." "Greenstein and Lee, Divorce Attorneys." "This can't be happening." "They can't... get divorced." "Not Lily and Marshall, no way." "Well, it's been nice knowing you guys." " What do you mean?" " Well..." "Marshall's gonna get you guys, Lily's gonna get me." "Even if they did break up, that doesn't mean we can't all still hang out." "I mean we broke up and we still hang out." "It's not weird." "It's a little weird." "Yeah, it is." "It's weird." "The world needs Marshall and Lily... together." "I'm not crying, there's something in my eye." "They're back." " Hey, hey, guys." " Hey." "We have an announcement." "I know, it's a terrible idea." "You can't do it!" "Just look at me." "Oh..." "I hit redial on the phone." "Divorce lawyers?" "Oh, I should explain." "We got in a pretty big fight." "Yeah," "I know." "Marshall stormed out." "I went, uh, to the bar." "Still drinking that?" "I paid for it." "And apparently money's tight now, so..." "Listen," "I've been thinking about this, and I know there's no way to undo what I've done, but, well," "I made an appointment with a divorce lawyer." "What?" "!" " What?" "!" " Oh, no, no, no, no-no." " What, you want a divorce now?" " No." "I just mean on paper, so that you can buy the apartment" " without my bad credit dragging us down." " Lily... are you trying to kill me?" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have led with the divorce lawyer part." "No, you shouldn't have." "I love you, Lily." "I love you, too." "And I want us to have our dream home." "And, well, I don't know." "It seems like this is a way to do it." "So..." "Marshall Eriksen, will you divorce me?" "That's the sweetest divorce proposal I've ever heard." "So is that a yes?" "You can't sleep with other women though." "No, we're not getting divorced, not even on paper." "When I married you, I married your problems, too." "The ones I knew about and the ones I didn't." "So, that was the deal." "We'll figure this out together." "Can I get you guys anything else?" "So you're not getting a divorce?" " No." " Wow, you guys scared us." "Oh, thank God." "'Cause, I mean if you did, then who'd be the lame married couple I get to make fun of?" "Like, "Hey, Marshall, you married Miss Right." "You just didn't know her first name was Always."" "That stuff is gold." "So, what's the announcement?" "I just got off the phone with the Realtor." "We told her that, uh, because of our finances, we're not getting the place." "It's just-- it's not the right time." "Is what Marshall should have said." "I just got off the phone with the realtor." "We got the place!" "We're homeowners!" " Don't do it." " Are you insane?" " Have you lost your mind?" "Is what we should have said." "Yes!" "Congratulations!" "That's awesome!" " This is exciting." " Yeah." "There it is!" "Our new home." "Shall we?" "We shall." " Oh!" " Oh!" "Oh, what a horrible smell." "It reeks." "Oh, that's just the plant." "Don't worry, they shut it down on the weekends." "Wh-What plant?" "What are you talking about?" "Don't you know?" "Baby, this whole neighborhood is downwind of the sewage treatment plant." "Wait... what did you just say?" "I said, we're downwind of the sewage treatment plant." | {
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"Previously on Jericho:" "All right, it looks like the explosion came from the west, maybe Denver." "If it was an attack and there's chaos out there you might not want the wrong people knowing that Jericho is still here." "The unfortunate truth is there was another explosion in Atlanta." "Well, I'm seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces around here since the attacks." "Robert Hawkins has been nothing but helpful." "Shows up two days before the end of the world with enough cash to buy the old Thompson house." "I'm just saying that we should know a little more about who we're sharing our foxhole with." "Is it inappropriate that I keep asking questions about him?" "Do you have a thing for Jake?" "No." "Maybe." "Yes, just a little bit." "A little." "The mighty Johnston Green felled by the flu." "I came here to talk to you, but when I got here..." "Hurry." "He went into shock or something." "Three, four." "He's not breathing." "Must have been too much for his system." " How do we treat it?" " If we had any heavy-duty meds left in the pharmacy, maybe." " What kind would he need?" " Cipro probably." "But we ran out weeks ago." "They'd have it in Rogue River, though." " That's 90 miles away." " Gotta get going, then." " I'm going too." " Eric, no." "If Gray's right about how dangerous..." "Go." "Go now." " Jake." " I see it." "Slow down." "I'm not stopping until we get to Rogue River." "We can't leave her lying in the middle of the road." "You see that second set of skid marks back there?" "Someone forced her off the road and probably robbed her and killed her." "For all we know they could be waiting out there to do it again." "I don't like it any more than you do, but if we don't make it, Dad dies." "This is the world we live in now." "Yes, it's ready." "Oh, no, honey." "Watch out, sweetie, it's hot." "Wow, I can't believe it worked, Mom." "Yes, your father is a very smart man." " Should I go get him?" " No, honey, he's working." "Besides, this thing needs time to cool." " Hello." " Mrs. Hawkins." "Do you mind if we come in for a few minutes?" "Hey, Gray Anderson and Jimmy are here to see you." " Did they say about what?" " No." "But I didn't get the feeling it was just a friendly house call." "Okay." "Okay, I got a route to the county hospital in Rogue River." " Take Cedar Run Road..." " No good." "You don't even know what I was gonna say." "Put the map away." "We're taking the back roads." "Dad's on borrowed time." "We need to get the medicine and..." "I spent most of my teenage years driving these roads." "We'll make up the time." " You always think you know better." " This thing's loaded?" "Yes, it's loaded." "What are we gonna have to do, Jake?" "I don't know, but when it comes time to do it," "I'll be ready." "You haven't said anything for miles." "Stay sharp." "What happened to you, Jake?" " What do you mean?" " The last five years." "Where were you?" "I'm assuming jail." " Why won't you tell me?" " Why does it matter?" "Because all that time" "I stood and I watched Mom and Dad suffer." "Every time the phone rang they thought it was you." "I used to hate calling the house because we sound the same on the phone." "I couldn't listen to them realizing it's only me." "I'm sorry, all right?" "I'm sorry for what I did to our family." "But don't use me as an excuse for not getting on with your life." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You wouldn't be the first guy to leave his wife, Eric." "I'm not telling you to leave her." "I'm just saying..." "You don't know what you're talking about." "I'm talking about what you're afraid to say." "Life's too short." "Well, don't worry about me." "Just drive." "Thanks for talking with us, Rob." "No problem, Gray." "What's this all about?" "Well, when I was in Topeka people were saying that all of this could be the first step in a foreign invasion." "Except that getting all of these bombs into the country would be pretty difficult." "Without help on the inside." "Exactly." "I understand you and your family moved to Jericho just before the attack." "And you bought your house in cash, on a cop's salary." "Am I under arrest for not taking on a 30-year mortgage?" "No, of course not." "Well, if you wouldn't mind, my family and I were just about to sit down to dinner..." "Actually, if you wouldn't mind humoring us for a couple more minutes..." "You know, since all this happened, we're all, I think, understandably curious about anybody who's new in Jericho." "Well, why don't you just ask me the question?" "Do you really think I was the mastermind behind the largest terrorist attack in the history of the world?" "Were you?" "Fine." "Listen, would you mind if I just asked your family a few questions?" "That's funny." "You know, when I was a cop, that is just the kind of thing that I would say during an interrogation." " Purely information." " And I would have said that too, Gray." "Well, Darcy's been wanting to get to know the neighbors." "Come on." "How long can he hold on like this?" "I can't say for sure." "Maybe 1 2 hours." "Twelve hours?" "I am so sorry." "I've been married to that man for a long time." "I refuse to believe this is the way it ends." " Oh, hey." " Hey." "I brought some food." "Yeah, come in." "Gail's upstairs." "I used to have this phobia of dairy products that don't need to be refrigerated." "Now I thank God for processed-cheese food." "Yeah, I brought soup." "Creamy mushroom." "The only stuff I had left is what I had for the food drive." "I guess we're not the only ones." "How is he?" "He's getting worse." "April doesn't think he has a lot of time." "Hi." "I heard the door, I thought it was the boys." " Heather brought some food." " Oh, thank you, sweetheart." "I'm so sorry about your husband, Mrs. Green." "In this day and age, how can someone die of a fever?" "It's the 21 st century." "I can't get the right drugs." "Can't even find ice to cool him off." "I can make ice." "One of the students had a project in the science fair last year." "I just need water and..." "Do you have fertilizer?" "Maybe, in the garage." "Okay." "I can do this, I think." "Okay, well, let's try." "Okay." "Grab every large bowl you have." "Can you get some buckets?" "Get some fresh water from the well." "It'll be cooler." "I'll get the fertilizer." "Buckets are in the laundry room." "Where is everybody?" "Come on, let's get to the hospital." "You see those markings?" "Those homes were evacuated 10- 25 by FEMA." "Ten twenty-five." "That means they came through a month after the bombs." "Well, if FEMA was here at least there's still a sort of government." "As of a week ago." "What are the other numbers?" "Zero is the number they found alive." "And the two?" "Number of dead." "We're gonna go in, get the medicine and we're gonna get out." "Okay." ""Federal Emergency Management Agency has determined that radioactive fallout from the blast in north Kansas has contaminated the water table of this region." "Under no circumstances should water from any taps or wells be consumed." "FEMA."" "Well, I guess that explains why this place is empty." "What the hell?" "Where is that coming from?" "We gotta get inside." "Stay close." "Oh, my God." "What happened here?" "You okay?" "Yeah." "Where do you think those shots came from?" "Top floor." "Who the hell would be shooting at us?" "I don't know." "If they have any Cipro, it's probably upstairs." "Oh, my God." "Five-five-six." "From an automatic weapon." "Maybe they belonged to these guys." "I didn't know Rogue River had a SWAT team." "They don't." "These guys aren't cops." "They're government contractors." "Private army." "A firm called Ravenwood." "What are mercenaries doing in Kansas?" "Same thing they've been doing in Iraq and New Orleans." "The military's been stretched so thin the past few years mercenaries became a commodity." "The real question is:" "Did they kill these people?" "Look." "Let's just get the drugs and go, okay?" " All right." "You ready?" " Yeah." "Nice job with the stove." "You burn the wood in the broiler, right?" "Yeah." "You know, we're just lucky we had gas instead of an electric, because it's got its own built-in vent." "Where's your brother?" "How should I know?" "I'm here with you." "Allison, manners." "Let me know when dinner's back on." "Will you just pardon me a moment?" "So, Darcy, why did you decide to move to Jericho?" "Hey." "I don't like that guy." "I need you to do something for me, okay?" "The ammonium nitrate in the fertilizer extracts the heat from the water." "How long is it supposed to take?" "I don't know." "I think a while." "I'm gonna go up and check on him." "God, I hope I'm not screwing this up." "She's been up for 24 hours." "They've been married for 40 years." "Oh, can you imagine?" "I was supposed to be married tomorrow." "Hey, hey." "Roger's coming back." "So is Jake." "All right, stay close to the wall." "Come on, come here." "Okay." "If something happens to me, get in the car and go, all right?" "Find another town." "Search house to house if you have to." "Jake, nothing is gonna happen to you." "Okay?" "Nothing ever does." "Go!" "Go, move!" "You went to Crow Island School." "We moved here after our grandfather died." " Sam, are you listening?" " I'm hungry." "I want dinner." "Oh, God." "You know what, Sam?" "You should tell that to the guys in there." "Just keep saying it as much as you can, okay?" "Hey, pal." "What you drawing?" "My old house." "Oh, yeah?" "Well, where is that?" "I'm hungry." "Well, you know what?" "Soon as we're finished talking your mom will give you some pie." " I want it now." " Well, in a few..." "Now." "I'm hungry." "He gets a little cranky when he's hungry." "Yeah, I see that." "You mind if we get him something to eat?" "No, no, of course not." "I'll take him to the kitchen." "Come on, Sam." "Would you mind hanging out for a couple of minutes?" "Whatever." " Sam." " See you, buddy." "You okay?" "You say something?" "All I hear is ringing." "It'll pass in a minute." "You down there, freeze!" "Drop your weapons." "No." "We're here for medicine." "It's an emergency." "We don't want trouble." "There's no medicine here." "We wanna look for ourselves." "We can trade you for food." "We have everything we need." "Go away." " Jake." " What?" "Are you crazy?" "Didn't you hear him?" "He's scared." "He threw a grenade." "That was a flash-bang, not a grenade." "It's just loud and bright to scare us." "If he wanted to kill us he would have." "We're putting our weapons down and coming up." "You come up and I'll shoot you." "All right, just take it easy." "That's far enough." "Gail." "Oh, it's me, April." "Gail's downstairs." "She'll be up soon." "I wish there was something more I could do, but there isn't." "Please, just hold on a little longer." "Can I tell you a secret?" "You are going to be a grandfather." "I haven't told anyone yet, not even Eric." "I don't know what he's going to say." "But this child needs a grandpa." "Hold on, okay?" "Please." "You're with Ravenwood." "How do you know?" "I spent a year and a half in the Green Zone, running a supply rig up and down Route Irish to BIAP." "You were in Iraq?" "Soldier?" "No, I just drove a truck for another contractor, but I met a lot of Ravenwood guys." "Where were you?" "Fallujah." "Man, I thought I had it bad." "I thought it was the worst thing I'd ever lived through." "Till now." "You mind putting that thing down?" "We're just here for medicine." "We don't have a lot of time." "This is my brother, Eric." "I'm Jake." "Come on." "Randy Payton." "I'll take you to see the doc." "You're in pretty bad shape." "Morphine and instant coffee are the only thing keeping me standing right now." "What are you doing in Kansas?" "Not enough National Guard." "Homeland Security hired us." "Brought us in to protect the governor of Nebraska." "Wait, the governor's alive?" "Don't know." "When we landed, they brought us here to help FEMA evacuate Rogue River." "Where to?" "FEMA set up a tent city." "Wal-Mart parking lot." "A few miles north of here." "What happened to these people?" "These are the ones that couldn't be moved." "Too old." "Too sick." "So you just killed them?" "No." "Not me." "We tried to move them, but the doctors wouldn't allow it." "There were so many of them, crying out, begging." "The guys just wanted to come in and they wanted to take the medicine, and they wanted to leave." "But doctors started arguing with them." "And then one of our guys, he just snapped." "He started firing." "Before I knew it, they had all emptied their weapons." "Why didn't you stop them?" "How do you think I got shot?" "They left me for dead with everybody else." "There's the doc." "When I came to, he was working on me." "Patched me up as best he could." "Trying to save everybody else since then." "I need more bloody light." " Doc?" " Yeah." "This is Jake and Eric, and they need medicine." "Dr. Kenchy Dhuwalia." "Forgive me if I don't shake your hand." "We need Cipro." "Right." "Morphine's worth a lot more, you know?" "Hey, I'm not selling it, all right?" "I need it now." "It's for my father." "It's Ravenwood." "They're back." "Looks like there are six or eight of them." "They brought a truck." "They're gonna clean out the hospital." "Medicine, supplies, anything that's not nailed down." "And they're gonna kill anybody they find alive." "We know what they did." "We can't let them get inside." "Hey, hey!" "One down." "What about a back exit?" "It's barricaded." "You wanna live?" "Stand up and fight." "There's someone up there." "Well, that's when my grandma died and left everything to my parents." "They wanted me out of the school I was in, so we moved." "Was your father away from home a lot when you were a kid?" "Of course." "He's a cop." "Well, did he bring friends around?" "Anybody you thought was kind of strange?" "His friends are all cops." "What about money?" "Did your parents ever argue over money?" "Doesn't everyone's?" "No, I'm thinking, you know, about a sudden windfall." " Like my grandma's inheritance?" " Right." "Now, when was that again?" "What, are you stupid?" "I already told you." "Six months ago." " Don't be disrespectful, Allison." " Dad, this is bull!" "He's in our house acting like we're criminals or something." "Are you harassing everyone in town or just the black people?" "That's enough." "Why are you letting him do this?" " I apologize, Mr. Anderson." " You're apologizing to him?" "Yes, and so are you." "Forget that." "I'm not sorry." " Apologize." " Dad, he's a racist!" "I hate this stupid town." "I wish we never moved." "They're coming in." "Why weren't they shooting?" "Ammo's in short supply." "They're gonna wait to fight up close." " Here." "Take some of these clips." " They're all empty." "We gotta get the medication and get out of here." "Doc!" "Where's the Cipro?" " Where's the Cipro?" " On the shelf." "They're gonna come straight for us." "We gotta hide." "Let them pass, then we can slip out." "I couldn't even save one." "Not even one!" "Doc, we gotta go or we're gonna be dead too." " Jake!" " I got it, I got it!" "Come on." "Come on!" "My girl's been through a lot, but I raised her better than that." "I wanna assure you, Mr. Hawkins, that this is not about color." "Black, white, or otherwise." "My only objective is to protect the people of Jericho." "I got a boy about the same age." "You should bring yours over sometime." "Yeah, Samuel could use a playmate." "Would you mind if Jimmy has a quick look around the house while we talk?" "Excuse me?" "Just a question of being thorough." "And is searching houses standard policy here?" "I thought this was Kansas, not Soviet Russia." "You know, we've been pretty easygoing about all this." "And I'm only asking for a little more patience so I know I can vouch for you." "Unless you're afraid there's something we'll find." "You know, if you can overlook the mess, we can overlook the violation of our civil rights." "I'll just take a quick peek around and then we'll be on our way." "Come on, let's go." "What do you say we wait till they leave the building?" "But that could take hours." "Dad doesn't have hours." "What's wrong with him?" "He's gone into septic shock." "Sepsis." "You have to go back." "What are you talking about?" "If your father's in septic shock his organs are shutting down." "That means that by the time you get to him, his body won't even be able to process the Cipro." "You need an intravenous drug." "It's called Levaquin." "It's back in the ICU." " What's it look like?" " It's a clear bottle, purple label." "You'll need syringes." "Jake, this is nuts." "We can't go back there." "We can't take the chance if we have the wrong medicine." " We're gonna shoot our way through?" " Yeah, if I have to." "I'm with you." "Are you with me or not?" "Okay." "We need a plan." "All right." "This is definitely taking too long." "The water should be freezing by now." "Let's just dump these and start over." "Shouldn't we figure out what we've done wrong?" "No." "This is all we have." "The mayor's running out of time." "We gotta cool him down." "Everybody's counting on me and it's not working." "But we have to give it time to work." "Okay, you're freaking out." "This one's cold." "It's working." "What did you do differently with this one?" "The bowl." "It's aluminum." "God, plastic's an insulator." "I'm so stupid." " So we just need more of these, right?" " Yeah." "Anything metal." "Pie tins, anything." "I'll get them from the kitchen." "We got ice!" " Don't shoot." " Hey!" "I'm a doctor." "I'm unarmed." "On your knees." "Who are you?" "I can help your friend." "What's your name?" "What's your name?" "Don't make me ask you again." "Eric." "Eric Green." "I'm a doctor." " The Red Cross brought me here." " To shoot at me?" " That wasn't me." " Who was it?" "The guys in that muscle car?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Where are they?" "Where are they?" "They're in the therapy room downstairs." "There's three or four of them." "Get them." "Your man lost a lot of blood." "I can help him." "Get up." "Fire in the hole!" " Clear left." " Clear right." "Room's empty." "Move out." "All right, we need something to cut his shirt." "Something sterile." "Hey, what are you doing?" "I'm just getting something for the pain." "He can handle the pain." "Just get to work." "Oh, no!" "You people drafted my husband into your police force, and now you're suspecting him of being a criminal." "We're not suspecting anything." "We just want to know..." "Yeah, who's in your town." "Yeah, I heard." "This has been unpleasant for all of us." "Yeah, some more than others." "I found something." "Darcy." "I'm gonna need a minute alone with Mr. Anderson." " Hey, let's go." " Go on." "Come on." " Car's out front." " No." "No, this is on me." "Hey, they'll kill you." "Come on." "I don't care." "I deserve this." "I emptied my gun up there too." "Now go." "Let me do this." "Come on, go!" " Where's Payton?" " He's not coming." "Why didn't you just tell me you were a federal agent?" "How do you even know that that badge is real?" "I guess I don't." "The fakes are usually made of aluminum." "It's cheaper, lighter." "If it's heavy, that's how you know." "Don't just assume that because somebody has one of these that it is real." "Especially not these days." " But why didn't you say anything?" " Because I don't know you." "I don't know who I can trust." "You see, the Bureau was tracking some suspicious contacts between unknown people in this area of Kansas and terrorist groups abroad." " What kind of contacts?" " Payphone calls." "Money transfers." "You know, I was relocated to investigate undercover, Mr. Anderson." "And as far as I'm concerned, I am still on the job, so I would appreciate your discretion." "No, of course." "Jimmy's the only one who knows." " I'll make sure it stays that way." " Good." "The people who did this, they will try to hit us again." "We can't let that happen." "From now on, we keep an open line with one another." "Okay, then." "Man, it's been a long day." "If you don't mind..." "I'm just happy to have you on the team, Mr. Hawkins." "I'm very sorry for the intrusion." "You do not have to apologize for anything." "You did good work." "Is he?" "Barely." "Just hurry." "Okay." "Let's go." "April." "This is Dr. Kenchy." "April Green." "Did you get the Cipro?" "This is Levaquin." "It will go directly into his system." "Are we in time?" "Well, if his body is strong enough, we will know by morning." "He's strong enough." "You're gonna be all right, Dad." "You're going to be okay, sweetheart." "It was a nice job." "You got the key?" "Thank you." "I know you're one of the good guys." "Thanks for staying with my mom." "Glad to help." "She's being humble." "She saved your father's life." "Well, you guys get some sleep." "What'd you see out there?" "Another time." "Good night." "Good night." "What's all this stuff?" "I don't know." "How are you feeling?" "Honestly?" "Couldn't tell you." "You'll be okay." "All right?" "You'll get through this." "You're a much better person than I am, so I know you'll be fine." "I don't know if I'm a better person." "I'm in love with Mary Bailey." "But you knew that, didn't you?" "I'm gonna tell April." "Life's too short, right?" "Whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be the right thing." "Let's get some rest." "Where's my jacket?" "I don't know." "Did you leave it in the car?" "Jake, I left my jacket back there." "The wallet is in the jacket." "The address." "What if those guys come here?" "No, those guys are dead, all right?" "Payton took care of it." "Don't worry." " Sorry I screwed up." " You did great out there today." "Get some sleep." "We'll worry about it tomorrow." "Good night." "Good night." "Good." "See to that." "Mount up, boys." "We're moving out." ""Jericho."" "We're clear." "Let's go." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"In New York City's war on crime," "the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives" "of the Major Case Squad." "These are their stories." "Kyle, this is Malcolm Bryce." "My brother Kyle." "So you're the high school teacher we've heard about." "Welcome!" "My nephew says you look like a Protestant." "Oh, by birth." "I'm not really religious." "No matter." "Let's get you set up with a Protestant drink." "Come on." "Oh, you look so pretty today, Fiona." "Is that him?" "Is that the teacher?" "What does your Mr. Bryce teach?" "He's not "my" Mr. Bryce, but he teaches geography and history." "Well, the friendliest one was your cousin, Aidan." " Mary and Paddy's eldest, right?" " Poor Aidan." "He likes talking to people who don't know about his accident." "He was hit by a horse when he was a kid." "Lost the family jewels." "Ouch. / Yeah." "That's why he's never been married." "You think they suspected anything?" "No." "Wallach." "Hold on." "It's your office." "This is Lawson." "Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph." "I'll be there as soon as I can." "How could you involve her in something like this?" "And you, Fiona, you're 12 years old." "You have your whole life ahead of you." " It doesn't always seem like it." " Don't be smart." "They're not charging her, but only because it's her first arrest." " You're a different story." " Come on, girl, get in." "Please, this time let me take her." "She belongs with the family." "Get off your high horse, Ann." "Fiona and me ain't the only ones with trouble." "What are you talking about?" "It's known. / What?" "It's known." "Look, can't we just talk about it?" "Yeah, 10:00." "We'll work it out." "Paul, I didn't hear you." "Ann, we've come too far to give up." "I have to, Malcolm, for everyone's sake." "I thought this was important to you." "I'm sorry, Malcolm." "I have to go." "I'm sorry you're disappointed." "ºó¼¾Æ® µµ³ëÇÁ¸®¿À (·Î¹öÆ® °í·" Çü"ç æµ)" "ij¾²¸° ¾îºê (¾Ë·º"êµå¶ó ÀÓÁî Çü"ç æµ)" "Á¦ÀÌ¹Ì ½¦¸®´ø (Á¦ÀÓ½º µðŲ½º °æ°¨ æµ)" "ÄÚÆ®´Ï B. ¹ê½º (·Ð Ä"¹ö °Ë"ç æµ)" "Law Order CI 2x21." "Graansha" "ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON NBC: 2003/05/11" "Ann Lawson, probation officer for juveniles in Manhattan." "Just a guess, but it probably won't match the tread marks on her chest." "Oh, God." "By my count, she's been run over at least three times." "And that accounts for all the abrasions." "The door's ajar on the driver's side." "Yeah." "These bruises on her front." "She was standing right by the door." "She heard, she turned." "Wham." "She didn't have time to get out of the way." "Or she didn't try." "Maybe she recognized the car." "Or she was drunk?" "No, I don't smell any alcohol or food." "Ah." "Hot peppers, blue cheese." "Buffalo wings?" "Well, someone who ate Buffalo wings held her hand." "The left hand, actually." "It wasn't a handshake." "No." "It was someone who knew her well." "Sure, we're famous for them." "Best wings south of Buffalo." "You see her in here last night?" "With somebody who ordered your famous wings?" "Yeah." "Booth 17, back here." "She was with an older guy." "He got here before she did though, did all the eating and drinking." "Did she seem anxious or nervous to you?" "Yeah, all of that." "She didn't even take off her coat." "Sounds like older guy was getting the brush-off." "How did it end?" "She left after half an hour." "He did a couple minutes after that." "I guess he thought he could still change her mind." "Is that what he looked like he was doing outside with her, trying to change her mind?" "Well, he came back 20 minutes later and he looked upset." "Then he asked for directions to the E train and took off." "If he came here by subway, why would he need directions back to the subway?" "Unless he took a cab, or drove and had car trouble." "No." "He would have had to have a tow." "No, maybe his car trouble was that his car disappeared." "Maybe he filed a report." "You said your car was parked across the street from Benson's?" "Yes." "As a matter of fact, I was there last night." "Well, as a matter of fact, we knew that." "What were you doing there?" "I was meeting a friend." "What's this?" ""To Daddy, love, Paul." That's adorable." " Your son?" " Yes." "He's very adorable." " So you're married?" " Uh, divorced." "This friend with no name is just a friend?" "Her name's Ann." "Ann Lawson." "We had a date, very casual." "I don't see what this has to do with my car." "How did your paths cross in the first place?" "We met at a conference on juvenile delinquency." "It's an interest of mine and, you know, she's a probation officer." "You're an anthropologist, aren't you?" "Well, I have Ph.D.'s in anthropology and sociology." ""Fearsome Gods."" "That's a South American tribe." "Wasn't this a bestseller?" "Oh, yeah, for non-fiction, years ago." "You participated in blood rituals and warfare." "I didn't participate." "I observed." "Uh, "The Jukes."" " Another best seller?" " Well, it was in 1877." "Uh, I'm getting the feeling you're really not interested in my car." "No, see, we're very interested." "Your casual date was run over last night in a parking lot near Benson's." "My God, I..." "We're especially interested in the fact that your car was stolen just around the time Miss Lawson was killed." "And you think..." "I'd better, uh, talk to a lawyer." "Make sure he has our card." "The woman dumps him, he runs her over, reports his car stolen, then ditches it." "That's not much of a plan." "He's not much of a liar, either." "His interest in juvenile delinquency?" "No." "He has no background in criminology." "Then maybe it's about her work, one of her probationers?" "She had 43 open cases." "She hadn't violated anyone in over three months." "All right." "The DMV record on Bryce's car." "It shows an accident three months ago." "The driver was Paul Bryce." "The adorable kid was driving?" "Bryce was happy to let us believe that he was stil a little kid." "Let's see if he has an adorable record." "He's got a sealed juvie record." "He might be one of her probationers." "Maybe Bryce met Lawson through his kid." "Or maybe not." "The kid isn't one of her current cases." "Deakins." "Wait, wait, wait, wait." "Which exit?" "Thanks." "Bryce's car just turned up off the Whitestone Expressway." "Look." "Ann Lawson was Paul Bryce's probation officer for over a year." "Six weeks ago she transferred his case to another probation officer." "There's no explanation." " Where you going?" " To Mom's." "Paul, I heard about Ann." "You want to..." "You want to talk?" "Talk?" "I know where you were last night." "You just couldn't leave her alone, could you?" "You just couldn't." "Hot wired?" "No." "That's what they wanted it to look like." "But these wires are for the wipers." "This was definitely an amateur." "I mean, first he reports the car stolen then gets it washed." "Then goes back to the car theft scenario, ditches the car and pulls the wrong wires." "How tall do you think Malcolm Bryce is?" "6' 5", give or take." "The last person to sit in this car was 5' 10" at the most." "5' 10"." "What an adorable height." "Ann asked me to reassign Paul Bryce to lighten her caseload." "How'd Paul end up on probation?" "Uh, when he was 15, he stole a car with another kid." "There was a firearm found in the vehicle." "It was Paul's first offense." "He got 18 months probation." "Here, this is hers." "Did he get along with Miss Lawson?" "She never said otherwise." "There's nothing in the file." "The file." "Do you..." "Do you mind if I have a look?" "It's locked." "She didn't like people poking in her things." "Ann was very private." "These kids, they often form attachments to their PO's, isn't that right?" "No." "We intervene before things get out of hand." "In any event, we don't arbitrarily reassign kids." "Did Miss Lawson ever talk to you about Paul's mother?" "No." "Her phone logs show only one phone call from Mrs. Bryce, the day before Miss Lawson had Paul transferred." "It was about something Paul told me." "He said Ann was taking him to an exhibit at the Whitney on a Saturday." "It was wishful thinking on his part?" "Yes." "I called Ann." "Apparently she had no idea." "He had a crush on her." "Is that why she transferred him?" "She said that he would do better with a male probation officer." "How did Paul take it?" "I think he suspected that I had something to do with it, because a few days later he moved in with his father." "Your ex-husband, he told us that he had an interest in juvenile delinquency." "Is that because of what happened to Paul?" "Well, that's how Malcolm deals with personal problems." "He studies them." "There would have had to been some kind of sociological force at work?" "Yes." "By the way, do you know where your son was the night Ann Lawson was killed?" "He was at Malcolm's." "First the good news." "We found your car." "Oh, good." "Was there anything in it?" "We'll get to that." "And now the bad news." "About your casual date with Ann Lawson, we were told it would have been inappropriate for her to date you." "Well, she did." "I met her at this bar..." "It wasn't a date." "It's about work, your work." "What?" "What are you talking about?" "Your study of criminal behavior among juveniles." "Ann was helping you." "She..." "Maybe she gave you sealed records." "You didn't want to get her in trouble so you lied to us." "That was before you found out she was killed." "With all your sneaking around, it's no wonder we got the wrong impression about you and Ann." "Anybody would." "Especially someone with a juicy adolescent crush on their probation officer." "Oh, I get it." "Paul ran her over." "With his..." "With his skateboard?" "No, with your car." "You see this damage?" "Ann's blood and hair were found in the radiator." "And then there's the rearview mirror and the seat, which was adjusted for someone roughly around 5' 10"." "Paul didn't do this." "I had the car, I drove it to the bar." "But he knew you were meeting with her." "And seeing how smitten he was over her, once he saw the two of you together, he just had to vent." "He had to." "He had the extra set of keys, he took your car and wham." "Paul is not a criminal." " His rap sheet says otherwise." " He made one mistake." "There's a big difference between one bad judgment and a criminal mindset." "Paul does not have the predisposition for antisocial behavior." "That's learned over years and years through generations." "I went out and I got my own copy." "It's The Jukes Family of New York State." ""The true story of a genetically-linked clan of paupers, harlots," ""misfits and petty criminals."" "It's inspired a whole generation of behaviorists, and maybe it inspired you." "Look, Professor, now, maybe it's just hit home now that your son was..." "Paul didn't do it." "I did." "I was in love with Ann and I begged her not to break it off." "But she wouldn't listen." "She walked away." "She just walked away." "And I killed her." "He just took the rap for his kid." "What a good dad." "What it did was it gave us an open invitation to search his place." "Make sure the warrant covers the kid's room." "Other than a pair of moldy shoes in the kid's closet, it's slim pickings." "This is a family tree that Bryce has been putting together." "It's pretty rough, and it's got his own shorthand." "But there's one name here, L. Devlin." "Now, there was a Devlin on the list of Ann's open cases." "Yeah. "Devlin, Lane."" "This docket number, it's a criminal case, but not a delinquency file." "Well, this might be why." "If L. Devlin is the same person, he or she was born in 1975." "One of her old probationers?" "Back for an encore?" "Aunt Trina will be claiming her this afternoon." "Dad wants the viewing tomorrow night." "The last time I saw her, we fought." "I shouldn't have." "She didn't deserve it." "Oh, now." "You didn't know." "Dad, he wants to know on account she was run over." "Open casket?" "Daddy, we need to see her to say goodbye." "Listen to me, cousin." "Ann was a sister." "She'll have pride of place, so everyone can see her." "Now, you'll have to use your skills on the left side of her face but you will make her pretty." "Now, you can do that, can't you, cousin?" "Lane Devlin was picked up for shoplifting." " Her and her 12-year-old." " They tag-teamed the store?" "It was cute." "Kid's up front, spilling her Slurpee, making a diversion, while Mom's stuffing battery packs into her purse." "The kid's got a hell of a role model." "Her mom's got priors for bad checks." "What we can't figure, is why her file was with a juvenile probation officer in Manhattan." "You mean Ann Lawson." "She's Lane Devlin's aunt." "Lane called her when she and the kid got popped." "And she came and bailed them out?" "Apparently, it wasn't the first time." "The little girl, where did she end up?" "Back with her mom." "Lawson told us she was going to seek custody." "Her and the mom had a real squabble about it." "Lane Devlin's other relatives, uh, you wouldn't happen to have run across any of them?" "We've had dealings with two of her brothers for possession of stolen property, and she's got a cousin doing time for a short-dollar scheme." "I gotta get back in." "This clan of misfits and petty criminals." "Professor Bryce was studying was Ann Lawson's." "Yeah, a study that he was afraid to tell us about." "Maybe one of these criminals isn't so petty." "I didn't talk all that much to her, her being down in the city, busy with her job." "She was in law enforcement." "That must have made for some tense moments at family dinners." "She got along with everybody." "She was all for the family." "A family she never mentioned to her co-workers." "Why would she?" "What do you people want from me?" "I'd like a glass of water." "Is that okay?" "No, no, that's okay." "I can get it myself." "I need to run some names by you, starting with your brother Evan." "Hi." "You're Fiona, right?" "I'm Bobby." "I'm sorry about your Aunt Annie." "What are you reading?" "A schoolbook." "Atlantic County School District." "That's South New Jersey." "You went to school there?" "Just for a semester." "Bucks County, Pennsylvania." "You went to school there, too?" "Last year." "Is that why your aunt wanted you to move in with her, because you move around so much?" "Would you have liked that, to live with your aunt?" "I wouldn't have liked living away from the family." "Well, wasn't your aunt family?" "She didn't live with the family." "She went to live outside, with them." "You mean outsiders, like me?" "Being an outsider is not such a hot thing." "They're suckers." "Outsiders are suckers." "I can't imagine Ann being killed over a custody battle." "Even with her criminal record," "Lane had nothing to worry about from Ann." "Unless you factor in the family's criminal record." "You see them all checking us out?" "I'll bet you that every one of them, either by blood or marriage, is related to the Devlins." "These RV's, campers, trailers." "This is their winter camping ground." "Come spring, they'll hit the road." "They're Travellers." "Travellers." "I can't say that I know that much about them." "That's how they like it." "They're insular." "They have their own language, Shelta." "They're like a tribe." "They're scattered across the country in family groups maintaining a nomadic lifestyle." "With the rep of being scam artists." "Roof and driveway repair fraud, that sort of thing." "They also do seasonal work, anything to support life on the road." "And one of them used Professor Bryce's car to kill her over the custody of this little girl?" "Well, one thing the Travellers are not known for is violence." "Well, depends on how far Ann would go to get custody." "I mean, she was telling Bryce everything." "Not just names and birth dates, but financial arrangements, their frauds, their travels, the kids' neglected education." "That's a powerful piece of evidence in a custody fight." "That might be what she intended to use it for when it was finished." "But it could also link the Devlins to hundreds of crimes across the country from here to Missouri." "If someone wanted to stop Miss Lawson from talking, can you tell who would have the authority to order such a thing?" "Well, this symbol here..." "Here, it indicates a tribute being paid to a K. Devlin by other members of the family." "It means he could be the alpha dog." "Ann's older brother Kyle." "Bryce likes to get up close to his subjects." "He lived with this South American tribe." "He would have insisted on meeting Ann's tribe." "For a pair of cops investigating a murder all the way down in the city, you're spending a lot of time bothering the very people who loved my sister." "She was a part of our family too, Mr. Devlin, her being a probation officer." "If you have any ideas, like about this boyfriend of hers, Malcolm Bryce..." "I don't know much about him." "He drove up here with Ann." "Didn't he?" "He charged some gas about three weeks ago..." "Last Saturday, right?" "At a station about a mile from here." "Yeah." "Ann brought him around for a cup of coffee." "Seemed a decent sort." "What did Ann tell you about him?" "Just a guy she fancied." "High school teacher." "Why do you suspect him?" "Well, let's just say we're not not suspecting him." " This your truck?" " That's my son's." "Yeah, it looks like there's a little mix-up here." "These packages say, "50-year-warranty shingles."" "Yeah. / They look a little thin to me." " He's using a new amalgam." " More like 20 years." " That's a spun glass core and the like." " And the like?" "This roofing tar?" "Is that new too?" "Because, I don't know, it feels like crankcase oil." "I'll mention that to my son." "Hey, you know, it's kind of odd that you called Bryce a high school teacher." "That's what he said he was." "Really?" "Because he's a college professor." "Teaches anthropology." "They study social groups." "Tribes, clans." "Even extended families." "How tall are you?" "What's that to you?" "Don't make us look it up on your driver's license." "5' 11". / You're all legs." "That's why you sit so low in the seat." "You don't mind, do you, getting out of my truck?" "You know, it might interest you to know that Malcolm Bryce wrote a book a few years ago about a tribe of fierce warriors." "He's writing a new book about a new tribe." "It's no matter to me." "He started drawing a family tree, and it looks like a clan of modern day nomads." "You know, itinerant tradesmen, roofers and the like." "This isn't your tribe, is it, here, you think?" "You know, because, look, it says KD." "That could be you, and then PD, ED." "That must be your sons." "And then there's these little squiggles next to the names." "You know, I think that's Bryce's shorthand for criminal records." "Professor Bryce was putting you and your kin under the microscope." "You know, like bugs on a pin?" "Yeah, well, he should study his own tribe, with that kid, that car thief that was panting after my sister." "Where'd you hear about that?" "From Ann." "He was a trouble." "And we're finished talking." "Right?" "If I understand you, you no longer consider Paul a murder suspect?" "Yes." "We believe Paul was home the night Ann Lawson was killed." "But he needs to tell us about any contact he had with her family." "This call to Rockland County from your mother's phone on a Saturday three weeks ago." "How'd you get this number?" "I found it at my Dad's place, on some driving directions." "He was going somewhere with Miss Lawson?" "Yes." "Some guy answered." "He said he was a friend of Ann's." "Kyle something." "He said that her and my dad had just left." "What else did you talk about?" "He asked me if I was one of Ann's kids." "He just..." "He kept talking." "He was funny." "I..." "Told him all about how you feel about Ann." "And about your dad." "Yeah." " I think he was a little drunk." " Why do you think that?" "They were having some party." "I heard music in the back, lots of people laughing and singing." "Kyle told us it was just a cup of coffee." "Might be something about that party he doesn't want us to know about." "Here's the first one." "It prides me to know that we'll be one blood from now on." "It's good for everyone, cousin." "Sheriff Mulroney's right." "There must have been over 100 people at the Devlin's." "Lots of Indiana plates." "The Sheriff said he had his deputies keeping an eye on things." "Yeah, well, you always got to keep an eye on the Devlins." "Kyle hired you to take pictures." "It must have been a special occasion." "Uh-huh." "Yeah, he said it was for a confirmation party." "It was a very nice affair." "Right." "It was for his granddaughter, Fiona, and a friend's grandson, a kid from Indiana, Eric Brennan." "It looks over the top for a confirmation." "The flowers are all wrong." "Roses, rhododendrons, foxgloves." "The flowers of Ireland." "In the girl's hair." "Ivy, faithfulness." "The blue dress, the lavender bouquet." "All that's traditional for an Irish bride." "This was an engagement party for these two kids." "An arranged marriage." "That's what Ann wanted Malcolm to see." "An arranged marriage, between children?" "This is just a betrothal." "The actual marriage will take place when they reach a legal age." "Until then, the boy, Eric Brennan, will live with the Devlins." "The whole idea's so primitive." "An arranged marriage in this day and age." "Yes, especially in light of the stunning success people have choosing their own mates in this day and age." "It doesn't matter what we think." "It's what Ann Lawson thought." "She had a history of intervening on behalf of the little girl." "It might be what finally pushed her into spilling her guts to Bryce." "I don't know anything about the Devlins." "Ann never told me anything." "She told you." "She showed you." "And then she took you right into the heart of it." "The last free-living tribe of nomads in America." "What a subject." "What a book." "Might even get you back on the bestseller list." " Look!" "Just stop!" " All Ann wanted to do was to save a little girl from the life of petty crime." "Come on, what'd you do?" "You just kept on pressing her." "Look, I swear I had no idea they'd go that far." "I wanted to understand my son." "Ann started telling me about her family." "I encouraged her, maybe I pushed her too far." "Did you push her to take you to this engagement party?" "Well, I told her there'd be no book without firsthand observation." "Did anyone threaten her?" "Well, she was worried about Kyle's temper." "You know, she found out, you know, that he knew and, you know, her niece told her." "You got no cause taking my daughter away." "I make sure she goes to school, I make sure no one is harming her." "I am a good mother." "This is what they're worried about." "That's a good-looking son-in-law you'll have there." "I know what you think." "Nothing indecent goes on." "This is just a promise." "Anybody even ask Fiona if is this is what she wanted?" "Fiona's a child." "It's up to her elders to decide what's best for her for her future." "Well, maybe she had some little dream about what her future might be." "Something that she talked to your Aunt Annie about." "This is our tradition." "It's served us well." "There's no reason to change it." "How'd it do for you?" "The husband your dad chose for you, where is he?" "He's in prison, isn't he?" "Five-to-ten for burglary?" "This kid from Indiana, how'd your dad pick him?" "He just pull his name out of a hat?" "He does what's best." "Hey, Kyle found out who Professor Bryce was." "He found out that Ann was talking to him." "Dad would not harm his own sister." "She was family." "Even in death I heard him making the arrangements." "He wanted her to be beautiful." "He wanted her to have pride of place." "He wanted her to be beautiful." "What did he say exactly?" "The left side of her face." "He told them to use their skills to make her pretty." "There was a police report filed last summer with the Indiana State Troopers by Eric's grandfather, Colin Brennan." "Mr. Brennan reported the theft of seven RV's owned by the Brennan family." "When the police recovered the vehicles three months later, they traced them back to Kyle Devlin." "Mr. Devlin stole them?" "The state cops never had a chance to find out." "Brennan dropped his complaint." "He said it was all a misunderstanding." "To be settled amongst themselves?" "No, it's not that simple." "The outside world is fair game, but not the family." "Devlin wouldn't want anyone in the family to know that he stole from a fellow Traveller." "Ah, I see." "Restitution would have to be done quietly." "$200,000 doesn't change hands without the family noticing." "He'd have to disguise it." "Yeah." "It's tradition for the family of the bride to pay a dowry to the family of the groom." "Devlin arranged this marriage and used his granddaughter to cover up his crime." "If they were confronted with what Devlin did..." "Why would they believe us?" "We're outsiders." "But they'd believe Ann." "You said there's no evidence she knew." "Well, maybe Professor Bryce misplaced some of his notes." "First of all, I want to say thank you to Colin Brennan" " for entrusting young Eric to our care." " Here, here." "Now just one more word, if I may, about our sister, Annie Devlin." "She didn't always agree with our way, but her love was always true." "You're back in our arms, Annie," " never to leave again." " Here, here." "And one final wish here." "That the man who killed her be met with justice, merciful and swift." "This is a private function." "Yes." "We're sorry about that." "But we have some news that we need to share with your family." "We took your advice and took a closer look at Malcolm Bryce." "We arrested him for the murder of your sister." "Well, that is good news." "And I appreciate your coming down here to tell us." "There are just a few loose ends to tie up." "We never got a formal ID by the family." "There's a picture for you to look at and then a form for you to sign." "This might not be a good idea for your daughter to see." "You saw her after the mortician did his work, isn't that right?" "You had no idea it was this bad." "No, I didn't." "But that's her." "It's pretty shocking if you see it for the first time." "Especially what happened to the..." "To the left side of her face." "Thanks. / Last thing." "We need some help deciphering some notations that we found on these papers in Bryce's office." "You remember he was writing a book about your family?" "Well, it looks like your sister was helping." "It might even be the reason why he killed her." "Anybody can snoop through county records, make up stories." "The Devlins don't go talking family business with outsiders." "I should hope not." "Well, maybe he made it up." "Let's see." "It concerns someone named Aidan." "Is he here?" "I'm Aidan Devlin." "And next to your name, there's a notation." "It says, "sine prole."" "Now, that's Latin." "It means you have no children." "Is that right?" "It is. / Next to it is a symbol." "I think it means an injury." "You have no children because of an injury." "Annie was a good girl and all, but she shouldn't have been gossiping to strangers." "It isn't right." "Well, at least, we know now that Bryce wasn't making it up." "What about this?" "It's next to your name." "It says, "debere." That's more Latin." "It means a debt." "Next to it, there are initials, "CB." CB, who's that?" "That would be me." "I'm Colin Brennan. / Oh." "And this debt?" "It's a dowry." "It's nothing to worry about." "Actually, anthropologists, they have a special symbol for dowry." "Bryce would have used it." "So no, this is definitely a debt." "Underneath it there's another notation." "It's the number seven." "And it's got this little circle thing next to it." "Bryce used this symbol in his other book." "It meant that... a pig was stolen from a member of the tribe." "Which just means that the debt is about seven stolen pigs." "You're not a pig farmer are you, Mr. Brennan?" "No, I ain't." "I sell recreational vehicles." "So, maybe the debt is about seven stolen RV's?" "Is that why he owes you money, because he stole seven RV's from you?" "I told you, it's a dowry." "Yes, you did." "What about it, Mr. Brennan?" "Your cousin here steal from you?" "He did. / Well, how much does he owe you?" "$228,000." "I'm guessing it's as much as the dowry for your grandson's wedding?" "I can't believe I let you talk me into this. / Colin, listen..." "I only agreed to help you save your honor before your family." "But your family can't keep their mouths shut." "Come on, Eric." "The marriage is over." "The Devlins won't be welcome in our parts anymore." "And you still owe us the money." "I should have known." "I should have known it!" "You can't trust those Brennans!" "This is all a misunderstanding." "I'm sorry, Lane." "I never wanted this to happen." "But Ann wanted it." "To stop the marriage." "Haven't you caused enough hurt?" "No, haven't you?" "When you discovered that Ann was telling Bryce the history of the Devlin family, or maybe I should say the terrible misdeeds of Kyle Devlin... that she was going to throw a wrench into your deception, stop you from marrying off your granddaughter to hide your thievery." "Don't listen to this cop." "No, you're right." "He's right." "Don't listen to me." "Listen to Ann, who only ever tried to help her beloveds." "Tried to keep them out of trouble, keep them in school, help them to have a good future." "Ann, who got in his way." "Ann, who you disposed of as casually as you disposed of your granddaughter's future." "This is nonsense." "You said that you never saw the injuries to Ann's face." "But before the family could claim the body, you described those injuries to the mortician, telling him to use his skill to make her pretty." " That is not true." " Yes, it is." "It's true." "I heard it." "I was told about her injuries." "No, you saw her when you ran her down." "It wasn't me." "I didn't do it!" "You weren't there that night, Kyle, the night Ann died." "I came by with your supper." "You weren't there." "You stop these hysterics." "I didn't kill Annie." "But she is the one who turned her back on us!" "The car that killed Annie wouldn't happen to be a Buick, would it?" "Yes, it was." "Kyle, you old car thief, that set of master keys you borrowed from me." "Am I ever getting them back?" "Is that it?" "That's it?" "That's the loyalty?" "Huh?" "You side with them?" "You side with the bitch that brought people in here to spy on us!" "To kill the life, our life!" "It was you or her." "Your ways or hers." " It was self-defense." "My beloveds..." " Shut your yap, Kyle!" "Take him." "Get him away from here." "Our pleasure." "Kyle Devlin, you're under arrest for murder." "Come on now, you're not going to stand there and let them do this to me?" "Paddy!" "Joseph!" "Save me!" "Maeve, for God's sakes, I'm your brother!" "Lane, be a girl!" "Help your father!" "Bronson, save me." "Maeve!" "Hey!" " You know, I just realized something." " What's that?" "All that Ann gave up?" "It must have been hard for her." | {
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"BARTENDER:" "Hi, Eli." "Eli." "ELI:" "Morning, George." "(BOTH CHUCKLE)" "This is a white man's saloon, and it sells white man's liquor, and I'm telling you to crawl your filth out of here, breed," "before I kill you." "Do you hear, you red-skinned nigger?" "A white man's talking to you." "You need stepping on, breed." "Back off, lawman." "You hear that, George?" "I'm gonna bleed you, boy." "Jesus!" "(DOG BARKING)" "I'll get Quincey Whitmore." "Some Indian, I think." "HALL:" "Eli's been shot dead, Captain." "Some Injun." "He's run." "An Injun, you say?" "WOMAN:" "Eli's been shot!" "Apache." "I'll get Will Coop." "He wouldn't wanna miss this." "MAN:" "The sheriff's dead." "Gonna get that Injun, Quincey?" "MAN:" "Who is it?" "Nye?" "What is it, Quincey?" "What do you want?" "Saunders, just been killed." "It won't stop the world a-turning." "Ah!" "Now then, ain't you a picture?" "An Injun shot him." "Oh, and you got dressed up for the hanging, huh?" "Well, we'll have to catch him first." "Get your pants." "Yeah." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Getting night, Quincey." "All we have is sand in the mouth and the horses are tired sore." "How's Harvey's horse?" "Uh, threw a shoe and a hoof's split." "Ain't nothing for it, Quincey." "We got to turn back or bed down out here." "Well, we could go to the Hooker brothers' place." "Only about 10, 12 miles from here." "We can night there." "(WOMAN SCREAMS)" "Aw, come on, honey." "It ain't gonna hurt none." "Just give me a little, honey." "(PANTING)" "(SOBBING)" "All right." "Now, I'll tan your hide, do you hear me?" "Hey, Jubal." "Hey, Jubal." "By all that's holy!" "I'll take the skin off you, you don't bide what I say." "Ah!" "You're damn crazy!" "(SCREAMING)" "She's kin." "Go on, get back to the house." "(SCREAMS)" "(PANTING)" "(DOG BARKING)" "What's with that fool dog?" "Riders coming, Jubal." "Earl!" "Looks like Captain Quincey." "You've been up to something else?" "There's nothing touching me, Jubal." "Quincey, you're riding late." "Posse, Jubal." "We're hoping to put down here for the night." "Why, sure." "Why not." "What's the trouble?" "Apache breed shot Eli Saunders dead." "Jesus hell!" "Saunders, dead." "Elias, get some food on that stove." "Earl, help with them horses." "You lose him, Quincey?" "Yeah." "Aw, that's hell's doing." "You figure on pushing it on at first light?" "Well, he headed south." "(COYOTE HOWLING)" "I don't hold out much hope." "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "Jesus, what is that?" "Potato whiskey." "(LAUGHING)" "I'd rather be belly-shot." "You get the first swallow down, the rest tastes good." "Earl's right, Harv." "It takes getting used to, like dying." "(COUGHING)" "After your first cup, Harv, you're blind anyway, and after your second, you're darn glad you're blind." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Well, if we catch this breed, we won't have to hang him." "We'll just give him a jug of this." "Hey, you're a cruel one, Harv." "(MAN CHUCKLING)" "Where's Jubal?" "He'll be out back setting some traps." "You best take your Spencer, Captain Quincey." "The Everettes' had some stock run off on them by some Mimbrenos." "You never know." "(GROWLING)" "(HUSHING)" "It's me, Jubal." "I mean to be no trouble, Jubal." "Company's welcome." "(WHIMPERS)" "Been thinking on tomorrow." "Be obliged to hear." "Circle around by the Everettes', pick them up, then go on to the Malechie place." "He's got two Mex riders." "Then over to Ezra Meade's." "He has an old Tigua Indian that can track." "We might cut his trail before he gets too far over the line." "Well... (DOG BARKING)" "Might be no more than catching the wind." "We'll get him." "Quincey, me and my brothers will go past the edge of hell, but we'll have that breed and we'll burn him!" "We'll burn him!" "Me and Eli, why, we walked the whole war together." "That puts a man close to you." "We'll surely have that breed and burn him." "(MEN CHATTERING)" "How long you figure it'll take, Quincey?" "Well, three or four days at the most." "Me and my boys are alone here now." "Mimbrenos run off three of my best beef last week." "I can't be gone long." "I heard." "I'd understand, Josh, if you wanted not to join..." "No, no, no." "I'm gonna ride with you." "Gibbon?" "Naw, I'll ride anyplace to see a dead Injun." "This could be a good land without the Injuns." "Comanches in Texas first, now the Apaches here..." "Killing, robbing." "Naw, I'm gonna ride with you, but I just can't be gone long." "Gibbon, you stay close." "You mind your ma." "Giddyap." "Giddyap." "(URGING HORSE)" "(CHILDREN CHATTERING)" "WOMAN:" "Gavin!" "Good morning, Mrs. Malechie." "Good morning." "Good morning, Mr. Everette, gentlemen." "I believe you know, uh, Quincey Whitmore and the Hooker brothers and, uh, Nye Buell." "NYE:" "How do?" "Nye." "Martin Hall and Harvey Lansing." "HALL:" "Morning, ma'am." "Hell, I've known him since he came here." "Morning, Gavin." "George Dunn from up Wolf Butte way." "Will Coop." "Set you down, gentlemen." "Come on inside with you now." "We're not here to be sociable, Malechie." "Some breed killed Eli Saunders." "We're huntin' him." "Thought you might like to ride with us." "Yes, I heard about it yesterday." "One of my vaqueros, he knew this half-breed called Pardon Chato." "He bought some horses off him a year back." "Does the Mexican know if the breed has a piece of ground to run to?" "I'll ask." "He's with my brother-in-law Brady bringing in some strays." "I'll send for them." "You be coming with us, Mr. Malechie?" "Soon as I wash up." "Will you have coffee and biscuits?" "That's to my taste." "We'll ride to Ezra Meade's, get him and his Indian and meet up at the wells." "Aw, Jubal, I had a hankering for biscuits and coffee." "You'll do as I say." "Just keep moving." "You see that Brady Logan woman?" "That's what I call a fine-looking woman." "Put it from your mind." "Thinking ain't sinning." "Jubal, don't you ever get bothered?" "(CHUCKLES) I swear, brother Earl, one of these days, you're gonna get caught halfway up somebody else's peach tree, and you're gonna be dead." "(CHUCKLES)" "Brady Logan and the Mexican." "I'm taking Raoul." "Do you have to go, Gavin?" "You know I have to." "I hate it when you're gone." "You and Moira won't be alone." "I'm leaving the Mexicans." "That's not the same." "And what would they think of us, neighbors and all?" "We're new here, Edna, cutting out a place here." "We've gotta do what's expected of us." "To hunt down some poor man?" "He killed the Sheriff." "And he's Indian." "(URGING HORSE)" "Is your pa around, Jacob?" "I'm around." "You're not going to ask to step down, Jubal?" "We haven't given you any call to speak harsh words, Ezra." "Say your piece." "Eli Saunders was murdered by a 'Pache breed." "The world won't grieve." "Quincey Whitmore has got up a posse." "We thought you might want to ride with us, Ezra, or leastways, lend us your Injun to track." "I won't ride with your kind." "As for the Injun, he's his own man." "(SPEAKING TIGUA)" "He says the Apache's not his enemy." "Now, ain't that pretty?" "We ain't gonna let no damn Indian..." "Shut your mouth." "He was a white man, Ezra." "He was a redneck with a loud mouth and a gun." "I heard he got no more than he called for." "Son, you wanna swallow back them words?" "Ride out." "(COCKS RIFLE)" "We're waiting for an apology, Ezra." "JACOB:" "You'll not get one here." "Don't give me the pleasure." "(CHUCKLES)" "(URGING HORSE)" "Where's Meade?" "He won't ride with us." "He favors the breed." "Ezra always was a mite standoff." "It'll not be forgotten." "I always thought of Meade as a good neighbor." "Who's the Mex?" "He rides for Malechie." "Looks more than half Apache to me." "He's part Yaqui." "You best keep a short rope on him." "We'll turn south from here and head towards the high country." "Keep spread out and hunt for sign." "Anyone see anything, raise a shout or shoot twice." "Malechie, tell your Mexican to scout ahead over by that long ridge." "That's the last place we caught his trail." "Raoul." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "S?" ", se?" "or." "QUINCEY:" "Whiskey and a hot sun don't mix." "NYE:" "Well, neither does my ass and this damn saddle." "Anyhow," "I used to hear it said you boys that rode with Hood drank five states dry." "You can always tell where Hood's Texans have been by the empty bottles and the dead Yankees." "QUINCEY:" "And it was true." "From Cemetery Hill till old slow trot Thomas broke us at Nashville, we had more than our share of both." "You know, one thing I never could fathom, Quincey, how did them Yankees win?" "They had more." "More men, more guns, more food, more luck." "You know, when I look back at it," "I know now that it was all there for the seeing, except we didn't see it." "Getting licked, I mean, as early as '63." "Hood took us up a little round top at Gettysburg." "And if we could have held it, we could have rolled back those Yankees like old carpets." "But there were too many of them." "They say from Culp's Hill, you could see it all clear." "Gray lines comin' like the sea wash, yelling' and sort of breaking up when they hit the blue ridge and then falling' back." "Lee cried." "I guess he knew." "Hell..." "It was a good war." "(GUNSHOT) -(HORSES NEIGHING)" "(SHOUTS IN SPANISH)" "(URGING HORSE)" "Hey." "Apache." "You sure?" "(CONFIRMS IN SPANISH)" "How long ago?" "When?" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "An hour, maybe less, he says." "It don't make sense." "Now, how can you tell that?" "From the droppings." "Sun dries them pretty damn quick." "Still fresh inside, means it ain't been long." "Looks like he stayed here quite a spell." "Don't make sense, Jubal." "Should have been long gone from here, a running man and all." "Might be he figured we stopped chasing him and circled around for some reason." "Might be." "If he does, we'll have us a hangin' come nightfall." "(MEN URGING HORSES)" "Still damn hot, even with those clouds." "Well, maybe it'll sweat some of the whiskey out of your hide, Nye." "(NYE LAUGHS)" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "(NEIGHING)" "Watch it." "Watch it!" "Who's down?" "Watch the horses." "Will, you okay?" "JUBAL:" "You all right, Quincey?" "ELIAS:" "He's hurt." "(WILL GASPING)" "QUINCEY:" "How is it, Will?" "Is it broken?" "Don't know." "How's it feel, Will?" "Sore inside." "I don't think it's broke, but he can't ride." "George, can you get him back to Arillo?" "GEORGE:" "Sure, Captain." "We'll make a travois for him." "There's some brush down at the bottom there." "(URGING HORSE)" "My place is closer." "You can get a wagon there." "We got our work cut out." "You're the lucky one, Will." "(WILL COUGHING)" "Gonna be all right, Will?" "(COUGHING)" "(GROANING)" "Sorry, George." "All right, Will." "I got a feeling we're well out of it anyway." "The Mexican." "Pretty good." "Pretty good." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "Damn this light." "Might as well bed down here for the night, get a fresh start in the morning." "Unsaddle and make camp." "Hell, there's no water here, Quincey." "We're gettin' low on water." "And the horses will need some." "Earl's gone hunting' for water." "NYE:" "You can bet the honeybee's sugar tit there ain't no water to find." "Look around." "Sharp rock, dry dirt, that's all." "Each man ration his own water." "Damp down your neck cloths or some piece of something and wet down the horses' muzzles." "I've eaten so much of this damn land today, I can't even spit." "You'll eat more of it tomorrow." "We haven't even seen the shirttail of him yet." "We don't even know if what we're chasin' is the breed that done it." "Jubal thought he'd have a hangin' by night." "The only hangin' is my ass." "(NEIGHS)" "Quincey!" "What is it?" "What's going on?" "(GROANING)" "Let me see that." "It ain't no use staring at them." "That rotten bastard!" "You figure it was the breed?" "ELIAS:" "Who'd you figure it was?" "(SCOFFS) He could have cut our throats." "Maybe he isn't a killing man." "He's half Apache, ain't he?" "You mix dog and wolf, you wind up with a killin' animal." "He killed Eli." "That's a fact." "He's either a damn fool or he got some game." "Apache don't leave tracks unless they got a reason." "I don't like it." "I don't like it one bit." "You want to hightail it for home, Harvey, do you?" "(SCOFFS) I didn't say that." "We're gonna find that breed and we're gonna hang him." "And nobody's gonna do different." "Now, hold on now, Jubal." "There's no cause for that." "Each man is here by his own doin'." "If a man wants out, he can." "I wouldn't ride with a man who didn't want to ride with me." "JUBAL:" "We're gonna ride till we get him." "What are you all thorn and thistle about, Jubal?" "Harv didn't say nothin' about going back." "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "Here comes the Mexican." "Where in hell's he been?" "Tracking." "One thing for sure, that breed ain't far ahead." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "Says he found fresh tracks heading south towards the Lava Hills." "That's bad country, Quincey." "This ain't hardly the Garden of Eden." "Listen, Quincey, you know, could be that breed is leadin' and we're followin'." "And if it's true, he could be leadin' us into bad Apache trouble." "Them Mimbrenos that run off my beef a while back, they could be hiding up in the hills." "Mind ya, I'm just sayin' maybe." "Maybe." "Well, what do you think?" "Well, I learned one thing when I was with" "Tom Jeffords chasing Cochise." "You can never know what's in an Apache's mind." "Ain't a man like..." "Like we know a man." "He thinks Apache, and that's a..." "A shut book full of terrible things." "(SIGHS)" "I got a real dislike of red beans." "Gonna be a hot one." "No, maybe snow by noon, Elias." "(LAUGHING) And the devil take a chill, huh?" "(NYE LAUGHING)" "You sure as hell all speed." "Breakfast done." "You Indian dirt." "(GROANS)" "Now, you keep all your killin' feelings for what we gotta do." "(LAUGHING) I tell you, brother Earl, you got some kind of sweet disposition, all sun and little white flowers." "Pleasant company, them Hooker boys." "Nothin' movin'." "That don't mean a damn thing." "Watch that broken ground over there." "I'm going to have a look." "(GRUNTS)" "Nobody about for quite a spell, I'd say." "(URGING HORSE)" "Mescalero." "(CONFIRMS IN SPANISH)" "There ain't nothin' here." "Hey, look." "They had themselves a feast." "BRADY:" "What is it?" "Dog." "Apaches think on dog like you think on a good steak, Brady." "He'd rather eat dog than beef." "If he was hungry, he'd eat his own dung." "QUINCEY:" "Well, no more than any other man, and less than most." "They aren't men." "They're animals." "Yeah, God knows what God was thinking when he made the Apache." "We'll burn them wickiups and then we'll ride." "(URGING HORSE)" "(MEN YELLING)" "Come on, let's get this one right here!" "Y'all get out of here!" "JUBAL:" "Burn that one!" "Brady, get this out of here!" "(JUBAL LAUGHING)" "Look at that sucker burn!" "(MEN URGING HORSES)" "That's it." "Come on!" "(NEIGHING)" "(YELLING)" "We can't ride across these flats." "We'll tear the hearts out of the horses." "ELIAS:" "Malechie's right, Jubal." "Well, the breed will ride across." "If he does, he'll be on foot before night." "How many miles across do you figure, Buell?" "Enough." "We get this damn Indian, I'm sure gonna make his dyin' slow." "Put God's word on that." "Him and his damn land." "Hey, maybe he's got a woman out there someplace." "Jeez, Earl, don't you ever think about nothin' else?" "(GUNSHOT) -(SCREAMS)" "(GUNSHOT)" "Don't let the horses break." "Whoa." "Whoa." "Come here, you son of a bitch." "Whoa." "Whoa." "(WHINNIES)" "Hold, hold it!" "Easy, easy." "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" "(WHINNIES)" "I don't see a thing." "You're welcome to take a closer look." "Martin, you all in one piece?" "Yeah." "Mexican all right?" "Yeah, I seen him move." "There's only one way, Jubal." "Let's get at it." "Nye, Elias, Jubal and me are going in after him." "The rest of you, spread out and give us cover." "Martin, you stay with the horses." "(SHOUTING)" "We've been suckered, Quincey." "That's a God-given fact." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "He said it's the breed they call Chato, all right." "He can tell by the horse he rides." "Well, I didn't think it was the president of the United States." "We gotta find those horses before night." "Whoa." "Whoa." "Whoa." "You fly-tailed bastard!" "Whoa, red." "Whoa." "Whoa." "(NEIGHING)" "I swear, I'm gonna stretch your hide and leave the rest for the crows." "Two more, hot and ready." "Harvey, I bet that horse tastes better than he rode." "HARVEY:" "Nye, you'd have your own mother in a skillet before she got cold." "ELIAS:" "He never met the lady." "(HARVEY LAUGHING)" "Where you from, Brady?" "Before you came out to the territory." "A place called Greenock on the west coast of Scotland." "I used to work in Lithgow's yards, shipwright." "QUINCEY:" "You ever long for it?" "BRADY:" "Yeah." "Yeah, water and fire are different, this land and there." "There, the river, the sea fog, gray stone houses wet in the rain." "We used to stand behind the town and look down over the slate roofs across the river to the highlands on the other side." "Yeah." "I never did get to look at the sea." "Brother Jubal did once." "He said it was so big the mind couldn't hold it." "Two more, hot and rare!" "You from Georgia, too, Quincey?" "Texas." "Better drag them horses off." "They'll call all the flies in by morning." "Earl?" "How are we with water?" "Gettin' short." "And we're three horses gone." "You're..." "You're going on after him, Quincey?" "Well..." "When the breed hit us, he had a mind to turn us back." "An Injun will chase something until the chasing' costs too much and then he'll drop it." "That's how he thinks." "Now, he don't plan on something comin' after him no matter what." "He might just get careless now." "I'm agreed." "But I say no more than a week for it." "You can't put a halter on it." "I can for myself." "And what about the others, Harv and Josh?" "They get their say?" "Anybody want to back down, they go on foot, and leave their water for them that stay with it." "(CHUCKLING) Jubal, you got more generosity than June." "That's a Georgia choice." "I must say, it'll cut short thinking on." "(LAUGHING)" "(SPEAKING APACHE)" "JOSHUA:" "Nye, what in the hell are we doin' out here?" "NYE:" "We've got Indian fever." "Sweats in a man, drives him blind in the eye and not quite right in the head." "We ain't seen scratch nor hair of that breed since he buffaloed us." "I ain't sure I want to." "I got a bad feelin' comin' over me, Nye." "I'll bet the Mex's got water." "Got water, Mex?" "You're holdin' out on us." "Earl." "I don't trust him." "He got too much Indian in him." "He ain't tryin' to find the breed." "He's breed himself." "He's tryin' to lose us, I'm tellin' ya." "You stand by your man, Malechie?" "He's a good man." "Yaqui-Mex is more than halfway Apache." "Yeah, why should he help us?" "You got Malechie's word." "You got a sickness on you, Earl." "Can't bide anything Injun." "Do you trust him, Captain?" "Well, we used Apache scouts when we went after Cochise." "They never broke faith." "Apache don't give his word easy, but given, I've never known one to break it." "I guess it's same with the Yaquis." "I'm gonna kill you, Mex." "Understand?" "And that's a promise." "You mean face on, or when he gives you his back?" "You're gonna put foot on my patch once too often, Malechie." "You don't frighten me, sonny." "JUBAL:" "Earl, put the gun down." "You hear me?" "Put it down." "He got his heels into me, I swear." "Put the gun away now." "Right now." "(GROANS)" "Ooh." "(GROANS)" "All right." "All right." "You made your point." "You made your point." "(MOANING)" "Take it easy." "Hey, you sure are one hell of a fighter, brother." "(RATTLING)" "Big party, went by today or day before." "S?" "." "Most likely a raiding' party." "Or a murdering party." "We've left our women, our places." "They could be heading that way." "Some of these horses are shod and unrode." "It means they've..." "They've raided and are on their way home." "Headin' north?" "Well, could be Comanche." "Comanches?" "Comanches ain't this far south." "Kiowa will raid into Mexico." "They've been as far south as Yucatan." "Could be Apaches just as easy, Quince." "An Injun don't raid with so many extra mounts." "They've been and got what they want." "I agree with Jubal." "Comanche." "Maybe a few Kiowa." "Well, that don't ease the mind none." "We might run into them." "That could be real bad." "If they caught us in this open ground..." "Me and the Mex will scout ahead, Quincey." "I do believe you..." "You're really enjoying this, Quincey." "Now, the Hookers, they hate better than most and that pushes them." "The others?" "(LAUGHING) They had small choice." "But you, Quincey..." "With you, it ain't so easy to read." "You got a hungering." "For a thirsty man in a dry land, you got a lot of talk, Nye." "You know, some men just can't let go of time." "Passes them by, they reach out and grab her shirttails." "(LAUGHING) That's you, Quincey." "You can't be just another face around a small town." "Mmm-mmm." "That's what you're doing, all wrapped in gray, sitting proud on that horse, chasing' one damn half-breed and thinkin' about that bastard Grant and his Yankees." "Whoa, Quincey!" "Come ahead!" "(RATTLING)" "JUBAL:" "Enjoy it, boys." "It's the end of the water." "QUINCEY:" "We'll find water in the morning." "Why don't we just come out with it?" "The breed's lost us." "(STUTTERING) We ain't seen none of his sign." "What is it you're saying, Josh?" "I'm saying that we're chasing a bad guess, only." "We run out of water, and we got nothin' left to eat except some red beans and some scrawny prairie chickens." "And you've got an itch to get back to where there's good food and a fat wife." "I got a spread back there that needs working." "All we got out here is a handful of nothin'." "(COUGHS) Dirt and dry mouth." "Josh is right." "Like hell he is." "You've got the quitting' streak, too?" "Don't lean too heavy on me, Jubal." "I don't bend easy." "How do you see it, Quincey?" "As Josh says, we might be guessing, but I got a feeling we're not." "That breed tried to lead us off and then lose us." "Now, he didn't head for Mexico, and he could've and made it, easy." "Instead he..." "He headed into bad country and then swung north." "Now, put that with the fact that he bought supplies in town, and I think that points to him having someplace he wants kept safe." "(COYOTE HOWLING)" "(SPEAKING APACHE)" "(COYOTE HOWLING)" "(GROANS)" "What's the matter, Josh?" "Just a coyote." "Josh sees that as bad medicine." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "You gettin' Indian on us, Josh?" "(NYE LAUGHING)" "Come on." "Ease up, Josh." "I'm gonna kill that dog." "(JUBAL LAUGHING)" "JUBAL:" "You wouldn't think a grown man would worry about a dog." "(CHATTERING CONTINUES IN DISTANCE)" "(COCKS RIFLE)" "Oh!" "(PANTING)" "What's troubling you, Josh?" "Oh, Quincey, I don't know." "I don't know." "It's just that things aren't working out the way I figured they would." "Say, don't you ever have second thoughts?" "You know, are you still as sure about what we're doin' as when we started?" "I tell you, Quincey, I ain't a believing' man, but I got a God-fear." "I think he's gonna lay his hand on us." "And that's the truth." "(COYOTE HOWLING)" "(WHOOPING)" "(SHOUTING)" "(LAUGHING) Give me my hat." "Get all the water out of my hat!" "(LAUGHING)" "Go on, get it." "Don't fill your bellies too fast." "Stop that." "You see any sign?" "Well, that raiding party turned to the northeast a couple of miles back." "Nothing since." "Then they must be Comanches." "I hope we don't step on their tails." "Better 10 Comanche than one 'Pache." "Well, that's just like saying, "Better pox than the plague."" "I seen Comanches in Texas, and, boy, I never wanna see one again, I can tell you." "Well, you don't see Apache." "You don't hear 'em and you don't see 'em." "It's like an act of God." "Oh, you are a comfort, Captain Quincey." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "MAN 1:" "Hey!" "MAN 2:" "Hey!" "MAN:" "Cut that out!" "(WHINNYING)" "(GASPS)" "Brother Earl!" "Here's candy for ya!" "(EARL WHOOPING)" "Whoa." "Hey, look what I found!" "Oh, boy!" "Look at that." "Oh, let me at her." "Let's see what you've got, squaw." "(LAUGHING) Whoa, my!" "Who's first to the honey pot?" "Let me at her." "(ALL CLAMORING)" "MAN:" "Hey, come on, let's get out of here." "Come on, let's go." "Come on." "Breed's got all the comforts of home here." "(LAUGHING)" "(WOMAN SCREAMS)" "Are you going to stop that, or am I?" "(MEN SHOUTING)" "Don't get between a dog and his bone." "You too frightened, man?" "This ain't the army, Malechie." "These men have no cause to listen to me." "(WOMAN SCREAMING)" "(GRUNTS)" "You stay clear of her." "Take her inside." "(LAUGHING) Come on." "Get her up." "Come on." "We got to organize this thing." "Come on." "Come on." "Hold it there." "I was first!" "Let's go!" "What's the matter with you all?" "Can you not see it?" "There's no right in what we're doing." "It's against God." "She's a squaw." "Don't waste any sweat over it." "Malechie, did you ever see what Injuns do when they get a white woman?" "(WOMAN SCREAMING)" "(MAN LAUGHING)" "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "(SPEAKING APACHE)" "(BOTH LAUGHING)" "All right!" "Tie her down and tie her good." "This ain't right, Jubal." "You ever hunt wolf?" "Get the bait, stake it out." "They'll always come." "He'll come for her." "(ELIAS LAUGHING)" "(LAUGHING) Well, now, ain't that a courtesy?" "Staking out a claim, Quincey?" "(ALL LAUGHING)" "JUBAL:" "Well, it's gonna be dark soon." "Take up your positions." "Well, come on." "Go ahead!" "He'll be here, sooner or later, for sure." "(JUBAL LAUGHING)" "Do you think he'll come?" "I hope not." "(SIGHING) I want it done and be home." "We'll not be clean of it even then." "We shouldn't be here, Gavin." "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "Get them horses out of there!" "(GUNSHOTS)" "Everybody, shoot!" "Better shoot those guns and run!" "Look!" "He's up on the roof!" "Let's get the horses." "Where the hell is he?" "MAN:" "Up there!" "Up there!" "(ALL URGING HORSES)" "(MEN URGING HORSES)" "Get 'em out!" "(MEN URGING HORSES)" "Seen that?" "Thought I saw somethin' move." "(SCREAMS)" "(STUTTERING) I think I got him." "Yeah." "Hall, check the woman." "Put out those fires!" "HALL:" "Squaw's been cut loose and gone!" "QUINCEY:" "He's got the woman!" "Yeah, you like starting' fires, don't you, you old bastard?" "Earl, bring a rope!" "(GUNSHOT)" "What the hell you playing at?" "(CHUCKLES)" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "What's troubling him?" "He says they're beasts and fools, and the Apache will kill now." "No, no, no." "He'll run, now that he's got the woman." "You figure he'll come back?" "He got what he come for." "Would you have dared it, comin' in to get her?" "No." "I would've." "What?" "For a squaw?" "She was a good-Iookin' woman." "Earl, there never was a woman born worth dyin' for." "You don't feel for nothin', do you, Elias?" "Know somethin'?" "Come sunup," "I'm goin' out after her." "You got the fever." "I want that woman for my own." "Well, now, Earl, brother Jubal might get a little bit upset if you marry a squaw." "Jubal!" "Jubal don't own me." "What did I ever get from him?" "Whippin' and hard words." "What are we, Elias?" "Hatin' and killin' and whoring'." "Runnin' scratch cattle." "Ain't got nothin' soft." "Ain't got nothin' don't go bitter in the mouth." "I want somethin'." "Well, Earl, you better wipe them drippings from your mind." "You don't see, do you?" "Like you got a box around your head." "(CHANTING SOFTLY)" "The woman, she'll slow him down, Quincey." "Hey!" "It's a carving of a little bear." "Found it inside with some others." "Means there's a child." "That don't change anything." "Yeah, it does." "If we catch up to him, we hang him, but the woman and the child, if they're with him, they go unharmed." "I want your word on that, Jubal, or you and your brothers can go it alone." "Well, you're gonna have a tough time convincing' Earl that way." "He wants that woman." "Where is Earl?" "He went after her soon as it got light." "Why didn't you stop him?" "Well, he was in no mind to pay heed." "You didn't even try, did you?" "He's full-growed, Jubal." "I oughta whup you." "But you won't, Jubal, 'cause you know I'd put a hole in your gut." "Best wait for breakfast, Jubal." "Grab all you can to eat." "We leave in five minutes." "What's the hurry?" "Earl went after the woman." "Jesus hell." "I'm obliged, Quincey." "(SQUAWKING)" "Whoa." "His horse bolted." "(URGING HORSE)" "Take your hands of Cain from him." "I..." "I don't want to bury him here." "It's an empty place." "Empty." "Nothin' to remember." "MALECHIE:" "We command into thy hands of mercy, most merciful father, the soul of our brother departed." "We commit his body to the earth beseeching thy infinite goodness to give us grace to live in thy fear and love and to die in thy favor." "No promises now, Quincey." "May God pity the man that comes between me and that..." "And that breed." "HALL:" "Even an Apache woman's got to slow down soon." "QUINCEY:" "I doubt if the woman's with him now." "NYE:" "Sure leaving' a good trail." "QUINCEY:" "He ain't running'." "HALL:" "Well, you think he'd make a fight of it?" "When he chooses." "JOSHUA:" "Quincey, you know, I think he's doubled back on himself." "I think he's leadin' us in a circle." "I noticed." "Well, what's he doin'?" "QUINCEY:" "He's pickin' his ground, I'd say." "What's that supposed to mean?" "To you this is so much bad land, rock, scrub, desert, and then more rock, a hard land that the sun has sucked all the good out of." "You can't farm it, and you can't carve it out and call it your own, so you damn it to hell, and it all looks the same." "That's our way." "To the breed, now, it's his land." "He don't expect it to give him much, and he don't force it none." "And to him, it's almost human, a livin', active thing." "And it'll give him a good place to make his fight against us." "You know, sometimes you spook me, Quincey." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "Where?" "Just one horse goin' that way." "Maybe he cut the other one loose." "Maybe, maybe not." "He's cut back and got behind us." "We'd best backtrack and see if we can find out where he turned off." "What if he went straight on?" "We lose a little time." "Better that than a scalp or two." "ELIAS:" "You're guessing', Captain." "We're both guessing'." "All right, Quincey, what do we do?" "Spread out and find where he turned off." "Keep a sharp eye." "The breed ain't gonna give us much ground for mistakes." "What's the matter?" "Look about you, Jubal." "Wouldn't you say that this is about as good a place as you can find to do your killin'?" "If he was up there in those rocks, we'd be easy to cut off." "Well, we'll just have to climb a bit, that's all." "And climb right into him?" "He can't be on both sides." "Well, behind us or in front of us, once we start scrambling' up there, we've lost our mobility." "We'd be like lame men." "It's too steep, and we got horses." "We can't pull our horses up through there, not and move fast." "Do you think he's up there, Quincey?" "Well, he might be." "Aw, he's got you so you're scared to move, Captain." "He's only a lousy Indian." "He's half Apache." "And we're 10 men!" "This morning, we were 11." "You seem awful sure he'll make a stand of it." "We raped his woman and killed his kin." "Do we wait for dark?" "That wouldn't give us much." "We'd have to ride fast over blind ground." "We pull back." "Try to find a way around it." "We'd lose too much time." "You're blind, Jubal." "You can't see for hate." "Try to go around?" "That might take five or ten miles." "We'd lose what's left of today and half of tomorrow tryin' to pick up his trail again." "Why, I'd kill the man who'd let that breed get away!" "I told you that this morning, and I mean it!" "Mount." "Keep low and..." "And ride like hell." "QUINCEY:" "Ho!" "(ALL URGING HORSES)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(MEN URGING HORSES)" "Quincey!" "Josh!" "(GUNSHOT)" "It's Hall." "Somebody's got to go back for him." "No." "He's probably dead, Gavin." "How do you know?" "Maybe he's just wounded." "You better hope he's dead." "This falls on you, Jubal." "You'd do well, Quincey, to close your mouth." "We know where the breed is." "We can box him in on that ridge." "There's 100 ways out of there." "Logan, Malechie, stay with the horses." "We'll go in." "Right, matey." "Come on." "(GROANING)" "Over here!" "Quick!" "Sweet mother of whores." "It's a..." "It's a hell of a place to die in." "There ain't no good places." "I guess not." "The breed came." "He grabbed my hair, just stared at me." "I guess Josh was right about that coyote." "God, I don't want to die." "Let's get him out of here!" "Come on, Hall." "Easy, Hall." "MALECHIE:" "O lord, we beseech thee, mercifully hear our prayers and spare all those who confess their sins unto thee." "(HALL COUGHING)" "And they whose consciences by sin are accused, by thine merciful pardon may be absolved" "through Christ, our Lord." "Amen." "Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy loving kindness." "According to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions." "Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins, for I acknowledge my transgressions." "My sin is ever before me." "Against thee, thee only have I sinned." "I've done this evil in thy sight." "Your words are no use, Scotsman." "Close your book." "My mind's on a..." "On a pretty little whore in Lordsburg." "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "Nye, Nye, once I knew a pretty little girl." "(SINGING) Once I had a pretty little girl" "(BELCHES)" "Pretty little whore in Lordsburg" "Eyes like berries" "And lips like cherries... (GUNSHOT)" "(GUNSHOT)" "Come at us!" "He's just lettin' you know he's out there." "Are you just gonna leave him?" "Well, we can't sit around here all day waitin' for him to die." "I've had my fill of you, Jubal." "Go, then." "And God mark you for the man that you are." "(COCKS GUN)" "Don't drop that hammer." "(COUGHING)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(GUNSHOT)" "He's got us in the open." "Anybody see where them shots come from?" "From the hills somewhere." "JOSHUA:" "Quincey!" "Quincey!" "Get on your horses and ride out of rifle range." "Quincey, my shoulder, I think it's broke." "Can you make it to the horses?" "I'll have to." "(NEIGHING)" "(ALL URGING HORSES)" "(URGING HORSE)" "Get him down." "Come on." "Easy." "JUBAL:" "He's up in them high rocks." "We can circle wide and get behind him." "Malechie, you stay with the horses." "(GROWLING)" "NYE:" "Right." "(GRUNTS)" "(STAB) -(NYE GROANING)" "(GROANING)" "Nothing?" "Nothing." "The breed got him." "Yeah." "Can't be sure of that." "Yeah, I think we can." "It's as if the ground had opened and devoured him." "You can't fight what you can't see." "He'll hunt us down, one after one," "till we're all gone." "It looks bad." "Josh needs doctoring." "QUINCEY:" "Harv's right." "He won't make it without help." "We're goin' back tomorrow." "JUBAL:" "No." "Nobody is runnin' from this." "Stay if you want, Jubal." "The rest of us are goin' back in the morning." "You saw Earl." "You all saw what was done." "If I don't get to a doctor, I'll die." "Looks that way." "You want blood for blood, don't you, Jubal?" "We came here to hang a murderin' breed, and hang him we will." "What's the matter with you?" "He's got us beat." "Can't you see that?" "Brother, looks like Harvey's lost his taste for justice." "You came to hunt a man because he was half Apache." "You raped and killed to feed your hunger." "In the name of God, don't call it justice." "(LAUGHING) Listen to our Bible tongue." "What sets you apart?" "You rode with us." "You got the same dirt we got." "We got three, maybe four dead and one bad wounded." "We're goin' home in the morning." "Damn you to hell, Quincey Whitmore." "I've taken enough of your words." "Now I don't want to kill you, Quincey, but by God's own eyes I will, right here and now, where you stand, if you call me to it." "We stay." "Now I want to hear you say it, clear and straight out," ""We stay till that Apache breed is hung."" "You think you can hold us with your gun?" "Yes, I do." "Say it, Quincey." "Well, speak, man." "Do what he wants now, and he'll have us savages like himself." "(COYOTE HOWLING)" "We stay" "till the Apache breed is hung." "Josh and me are leaving, Jubal." "(LAUGHING)" "Well, I never judged you to have bone enough, Harvey." "Well, that breed's got us beat, and Josh gotta have a doctor." "Elias, if you move from that blanket, you'll put the death on your brother." "You ready, Josh?" "Jubal, I gotta get to a doctor." "I wouldn't run out on you otherwise." "Oh, I know that, Josh." "Every man's got an end to his rope." "I'll bear no hurt against you." "If a man feels he must pull a gun on another that he's ate with and rode with, well, then it's best that they part." "Quincey, I'm sorry." "We looked to you." "But last night you left us no choice but this way." "(URGING HORSE)" "I can't stomach a man who runs out on his friends." "Drop them." "Leave it." "God, Quincey." "(GUNSHOT)" "Do I go after him, Jubal?" "You do." "Don't kill him unless you have to." "Now, you two, stack them guns right there." "Come on." "You got nothing to gain by trouble save a lonely dying'." "Just remember that." "If the Apache comes, you grab for them guns." "If not, don't you get within six feet of them." "Now, look to Quincey." "Take care, hear?" "Right, Jubal." "Mmm." "Don't fuss me." "Quincey..." "Quincey, I..." "Earl..." "Earl was the youngest." "He was just 16 when the war started." "Well, there was nothin' before the war." "Nothin' after." "You understand me, Quincey?" "I need to see that breed dead." "I can't step past that." "You knew." "I told ya." "I got no hate against you, Jubal." "Ten years ago, I'd have..." "I'd have killed you for what you did last night." "Ohh..." "Ohh, God." "(CHUCKLES)" "You should've seen us at Chickamauga." "Damn that George Thomas." "Damn him for..." "For all the men he put in the ground that day." "Hooker took the ridge." "And you could hear the screaming' men" "dying'." "It's like..." "It's like a flower that grows in the night." "You know," "I always wanted a dog" "(CHUCKLES) when I..." "I was a boy." "But I..." "I..." "(URGING HORSE)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(GUNSHOTS)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(SQUAWKING)" "How long's it been now?" "More than four hours." "Nearer five." "What's holdin' you, Elias?" "He'll not come now." "I'm thin on patience, Malechie, so bite hard and shut tight." "You know it's true." "You'll never see him again." "He's lying out there somewhere, like Josh," "maybe not so lucky." "He'll come." "(RATTLING)" "(SCREAMING)" "(ELIAS SCREAMING)" "(ELIAS MOANING)" "(ELIAS SCREAMS)" "All right, cover him with rocks to keep them birds off." "(SCREAMING)" "(MOANING)" "(JUBAL GRUNTS)" "(JUBAL GROANING)" "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "(GROANS)" "Hurry." "Hurry with the fire, Gavin." "(SHIVERING)" "We shouldn't take the risk." "(SHIVERING)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(HORSE NEIGHING)" "(PANTING)" | {
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"(PANTING)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTER)" "(WIND WHOOSHING)" "Mornin'." "Mmm." "Mornin'." "Anybody see my shirt?" "Mama, you seen my shirt?" "It's where you put it last." "Anyone?" "HENRY:" "No." "QUINCY:" "I got your shirt right here." "Hand it over." "Here you go." "Mmm." "Cut it out, Quincy." "It's my only shirt." "Oh, come on now." "What's the matter?" "You too fancy for us now, college boy?" "JESSE:" "Uh, what's that supposed to mean?" "I've always paid my way." "You know I send what I can." "QUINCY:" "Bye, Mama." "Mama, what are you doing?" "First boy of mine to go to college is gonna look respectable." "You like it?" "Ma, we can't afford this." "Try it on." "Mama, it's Ohio State." "It's not Sunday school." "Shh!" "Thought I was gonna lose you at five years old." "(PANTING) Now look at you." "(MAN SHOUTING)" "(MEN SHOUTING IN RESPONSE)" "EMMA:" "I knew when I cut that lump out of you, you were born for great things." "Yeah." "God spared you for a reason." "(PANTING CONTINUES)" "There." "You look handsome." "A man has to present an image to the world." "You remember that, James Cleveland Owens." "Yes, Mama." "Thank you." "Thank you, Mama." "(BOTH CHUCKLE)" "Bye, Laverne." "Is Dad coming downstairs today?" "LAVERNE:" "I hope so." "He knows you're leaving." "(SIGHS)" "So long, Pa." "Things are gonna turn around, Pa." "(HORN HONKS)" "You'll see." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(CROWD GROANING)" "MAN ON PA:" "That's Ohio State's Ken Seitz in the dust." "It's Charlie Parsons and Foy Draper from the University of Southern California." "And another poor showing for Ohio State." "(MEN LAUGHING)" "MAN:" "Good race." "Hey, there's the coach." "Hey." "Larry." "What's up, Dean?" "How many is that now?" "(SOFTLY) Asshole." "(CHUCKLES)" "Sorry, Coach." "This time I really thought I had 'em beat." "Yeah, well, that's probably why you didn't, then." "MAN ON RADIO:" "That makes it three straight losses for Larry Snyder and Ohio State." "After two years without a national win, you've gotta wonder if the Buckeyes made a mistake bringing Snyder back to coach at his old alma mater." "He was a hell of an athlete in his time, but that doesn't make you a great coach." "If I was Larry Snyder right now," "I'd be worried about keeping my job." "Here's a man who's no stranger to winning," "USC coach, Dean Cromwell." "With four Olympic gold medalists to his credit, it's no wonder they call him "the maker of champions."" "Thanks for making the time, Mr. Cromwell." "DEAN:" "It's a pleasure." "Call me Dean..." "(TURNS OFF RADIO)" "Oh, no." "Please, switch it back on." "Why?" "So we can watch you sit around all afternoon feeling sorry for yourself?" "How do you know what I have scheduled?" "Oh, I know the schedule." "Fresh blood." "(DOOR OPENS)" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(SIGHS)" "Hi." "How are y'all doing?" "I'm Dave." "Mmm-hmm." "Fine weather we're having, isn't it?" "(CHUCKLING)" "Dave!" "Y'all so sophisticated." "Dave, would you quit bothering every girl you see?" "I'm not bothering them none." "They never met a college man before." "They're impressed." "Yeah, well, you ain't a college man yet." "All right, so, come on." "Let's go." "All right, give me 10 minutes." "Take a cold shower or something." "(HORN HONKS)" "WOMAN:" "Can you grab that comb for me in the back?" "JESSE:" "Gloria." "Gloria." "JESSE:" "Come here, sweetie." "Give me a moment." "Come to Daddy." "(GRUNTS)" "I'm working, Jesse." "You can't come here when I'm working." "(SIGHS) You just try and keep me away." "See, that's the kind of talk got us in trouble to begin with." "(CHUCKLES) Really?" "Get out of here, you big dope." "Go on, get." "(HUFFS)" "(SIGHS)" "Money's gonna be a little tight from now on." "Till then, take this." "I'll send more as soon as I find work." "You should put some aside for the wedding." "Are you finally gonna marry me, Jesse Owens?" "Gotta do it right." "(HORN HONKS)" "Hi." "How you doing?" "(SCOFFS)" "WOMAN:" "See that, that way that colored pushed me?" "Hi." "How you doing?" "WOMAN:" "Put a Negro in a suit... (POUNDING ON BUS) DAVE:" "Hurry up, shorty!" "I wanna get there before we graduate." "(HORN HONKS)" "(SIGHS)" "(BUS DOOR CLOSING)" "(DAVE LAUGHING)" "DAVE:" "Whoo-hoo!" "(PANTING)" "(STOPWATCH TICKING)" "(DOOR OPENS) (MEN YELLING)" "Good games..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Now, where do you boys think you're going?" "Just using the showers." "(CHUCKLES)" "Not until we're through, you're not." "You niggers can wait your turn." "MAN:" "Yeah." "Can you believe they let these jiggaboos share our locker room now?" "Let's get outta here." "MAN:" "They won't ever play football." "Dave." "MAN:" "No, sir." "(MEN CHANTING) OSU, what?" "OSU, what?" "(SHOWER RUNNING) (MEN SINGING)" "Kick that cracker's ass is what I should do." "Sounds like a great idea." "Get us thrown outta here before our bags are unpacked." "Dave, this is our shot." "All right?" "Don't blow it." "(SINGING CONTINUES)" "MAN:" "Hey, Owens." "Coach wants to see you." "Now." "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "(EXHALES DEEPLY)" "What am I supposed to do, kiss his ass after I wipe it for him?" "No, sir." "Look, you just smile and play nice." "Run every last one of these peckerwoods off their feet." "(STUDENTS CHATTERING)" "Hey." "Sorry." "That's some outfit." "What's this, a pickaninny parade?" "Slow down, boy!" "Well, look at this." "(TYPEWRITER KEYS CLACKING)" "(EXHALES SHARPLY)" "Peggy, who do we have here?" "Coach Snyder, I'm Jesse Owens." "Nice jacket." "Think I had the same one back in Sunday school." "Coming in, or what?" "Shut the door." "Oh, you can sit down." "Charlie Riley says you can run." "Yes, sir." "Well, says you're a natural, best he's ever seen." "Well, I guess." "Me personally, I don't trust naturals, 'cause they think they don't have to work." "I will say, you can run." "(CHUCKLES) And, boy, oh, boy, you can jump." "What I wanna know is, can you win?" "And what I mean by that is, can you work?" "You know, your mama might've taught you how to dress right, but she sure as hell didn't teach you anything about manners." "You should look a man in the eye when he's speaking to you." "Can you work?" "I was picking 100 pounds of cotton a day at six years old." "You ever pick cotton?" "The way it cuts you when you, when you get it off the boll?" "Yes, sir, I can work." "Coach Riley's a smart man." "But I was watching you out there today, I'll tell you this." "Your start's no good, your rhythm's off and your posture's lousy." "But we can fix all that." "That's easy." "But if you wanna win, it takes more than a pair of legs, all right?" "You win up here." "And that's the part I don't know about you yet." "I don't know if you got that." "I ran 100 yards last year in Chicago in 9.4." "LARRY:" "Mmm-hmm." "I mean, it's the same as Wykoff." "It's a world record." "Records don't mean shit!" "You know what matters?" "Medals." "Some kid come out of nowhere, snatch your record from you like that." "But a gold medal?" "That's yours for life." "Is that you?" "Mmm-hmm." "It's the US Olympic team, Paris games, '24." "Go ahead, take a look." "That's me on the right, next to Charley Paddock." "You, you went to Paris in '24 with Charley Paddock?" "No." "Well, why not?" "You wanna win a gold medal?" "Well, sure." "You wanna do it in Berlin?" "Well, I mean, unless you were planning on waiting." "You know, I..." "I heard they don't care much for colored folk over there." "Well, they don't care for 'em much here in Columbus either." "Is that gonna be a problem?" "No, sir." "I just came here to run." "Well, then, for the next 28 months, you're either in a classroom or you're on that track, every hour, every day." "And I don't care about your grades." "I really don't." "And I don't care if your buddies have a keg they need help with." "And I certainly don't care if you got a girl at home rolling down her silk stockings with that look in her eye." "You belong to me." "Do we have an understanding?" "Yes, sir." "Good." "All right, well, go home and get some rest." "9:00 a.m. tomorrow, we'll see how good you really are." "Jesse." "Why'd you come here?" "I mean, after the noise you made in Chicago, hell, you could've gone anywhere you wanted." "You know, maybe someplace a little more progressive." "Yeah, well..." "Mr. Riley said you were the best." "Mmm." "(MAN SHOUTING)" "Another one?" "Uh-huh." "Well, the joke on the board is, they're thinking of renaming us the "Model T State."" "LARRY:" "Mmm." "Any color you want, so long as it's black." "Yeah, well, maybe if you and Coach Schmidt let 'em play football, they wouldn't all choose track and field, huh?" "Jesse!" "Ready when you are." "Okay, Coach." "Let's see what we got here." "Ready, go!" "(CLICKS)" "(STOPWATCH TICKING)" "(CLICKS)" "(CHUCKLES) Whoo!" "Well, I don't know why you look so impressed." "This was a second slower than Wykoff's record." "Frank Wykoff runs 100 yards in 9.4." "Kid just ran 100 meters." "Well, Lynn, you know that meters are longer than yards, yeah?" "No." "(FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING)" "(PANTING)" "There a problem, Coach?" "Uh, no." "No, Jesse." "No problem at all." "Uh-uh." "You want me to do it again?" "Yeah." "That'd be great." "Watch your start." "He works on his start, you're looking at a 1936 gold medalist right there." "That is, if they have a '36 Olympics." "(ALL CLAMORING)" "(HORN HONKING)" "MAN 1:" "We won't go to Berlin, Brundage!" "MAN 2:" "Nazi-lover!" "Get your hands off me!" "(CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING)" "MAN 1:" "Americans can't take part in these games!" "Okay, we're here." "Take a seat, Avery." "What's this I'm hearing about a boycott?" "Hmm?" "(SIREN WAILING)" "(CLAMORING CONTINUES OUTSIDE)" "Nothing's been decided yet, but we're hearing some pretty ugly reports out of Germany." "MAN:" "Apparently, they're rounding up Romany Gypsies..." "Gypsies!" "...vandalizing Jewish property." "They're using the sports clubs to exclude Jewish athletes from trials." "They're putting up two women, Mayer and Bergmann, both Jewish." "MAN:" "Oh, two!" "As a token gesture." "Well, maybe the rest weren't good enough." "(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Excuse me?" "MAN 2:" "Is this really the point here?" "It is not the purpose of the Amateur Athletics Union or the American Olympic Committee or the International Olympic Committee to tell Germans how to govern their affairs." "So you think we should just sit back and take their word that they're going to play fair?" "I'm saying politics has no place in sport." "The AAU already accepted the invitation to compete." "You wanna go back on your word?" "If they go back on theirs." "There's a lot of hateful literature coming out of there, and it is not only against the Jews." "Now they're saying they don't want Negroes to compete." "Krauts got kicked in the balls 20 years ago, and they're still catching their breath." "They need these games." "Show they're back on their feet." "Why would they risk us pulling out?" "Maybe they don't think we have the nerve." "We have had every assurance they will not discriminate." "And you trust the word of a Nazi?" "I've never met a Nazi." "Have you?" "Come to think of it, when was the last time you played 18 holes with a Jew or a Negro?" "(MEN CHUCKLING)" "Come on." "The situation here is hardly comparable." "It's not?" "You want to pull out of the greatest sporting event in the world because of a few rumors." "It's been a tough few years here, too." "The American people need champions to remind them what they're capable of." "I'm surprised you can still see the American people from all the way up there in your skyscraper." "Screw you, Mahoney." "These games have to be inclusive." "If I'm not satisfied that the Nazis are going to make good on their promises," "I have no alternative but to recommend a vote to boycott." "(ALL CHATTERING)" "You can't do that." "You can't do that." "You can't do that." "No, but I can urge each athlete to search their conscience, and I know a lot of people on the American and the International Committees who feel the way I do." "But that's politics, that's not sport." "Okay." "We'll send someone over there to find out." "Keep them in line." "Uh, who do you have in mind?" "I propose Avery." "I'm a builder." "Don't you have some tame diplomat for that?" "MAHONEY:" "I think you're just the diplomat we need." "(DRUMMING)" "Gather around." "Okay, we got some new exercises." "You're gonna think I'm nuts, but we're gonna do 'em anyway." "First, we're gonna start off with high knees, like that." "You got to lift those legs." "And we're gonna work on your syncopation." "A lot people think a shorter stride makes you slower." "Well, a lot of people are wrong." "A shorter stride means more strides and a faster time." "When your feet are in the air, you're not moving forward." "So let's get those legs working double-time." "Let's go!" "Move it, move it, move it!" "JESSE:" "Dear Ruth, this is all I can send you this month." "Our books cost much more than you'd think." "But I got a job at a service station that's good for a few bucks a week." "Our coach has his own ideas about how to get things done." "He's working us pretty hard." "Now, you probably won't believe this, but guess what I did today?" "I applied for a marriage license." "I'm coming back for you in style, Minnie Ruth." "Kiss Gloria for me." "I miss you both so much." "Jesse." "(INDISTINCT CHATTER)" "(DOOR OPENS)" "Come on." "Let's go." "I'm coming." "Missed you at practice this morning." "Yeah." "I, I had to cut up a frog for lab class." "Okay." "What about this afternoon?" "I was at the service station." "What, were you pumping gas?" "Look, Coach, I need this job." "I got a lot of people counting on me, all right?" "Well, I guess I misunderstood." "'Cause I was under the impression when you stood in my office and you looked me in the eye, that you made me a goddamn commitment!" "You think you know everything?" "Got nothing left to learn, is that it?" "Huh?" "No, sir!" "Look, I know I ain't as fast as I want to be, but you need to figure out a way to feed and put clothes on my baby girl." "Or else, fit your practices in around me, 'cause I'm all out of options." "Hey!" "Why didn't you tell me you had a daughter?" "You never asked." "(SIGHS)" "MAN:" "Welcome to Germany, Herr Brundage!" "Thank you." "MAN:" "I trust you had a pleasant flight?" "Yeah." "Very impressive." "(SPEAKS GERMAN)" "MAN:" "This will be the largest and most technically advanced stadium in Olympic history." "(EXPLOSION) 326 acres, with a capacity of 110, 000." "A little more, I think, than your Los Angeles Coliseum." "(EXPLOSION)" "Every moment is being recorded by Miss Leni Riefenstahl, one of our most talented young filmmakers, handpicked by the Fuhrer himself." "(MAN SHOUTING)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTER)" "(WOMAN SHOUTING)" "(MAN AND WOMAN SHOUTING)" "(SHOUTING)" "(WOMAN CRYING)" "(WOMAN SCREAMING)" "(SHOUTING CONTINUES)" "MAN:" "This is history, Herr Brundage." "For the first time, an audience of millions will experience the Olympics as if they were there themselves." "(IN DISTINCT CHATTER)" "I've never had much time for the pictures." "Herr Brundage..." "Let's allow Miss Riefenstahl to explain." "Sorry, I'm late." "(CLEARS THROAT)" "(CHATTERING STOPS)" "(PATRONS GASP)" "May I present Dr. Joseph Goebbels?" "How do you do?" "His ministry is financing my little film." "Well, I've been hearing all about it." "It's my hope that Olympia will stand as the greatest advertisement for the Olympic ideals the world has ever seen." "At last, we will be able to honor the full glory of the games." "And I thought this was all about the glory of the Nazis." "We hope to present a favorable image of ourselves, that's all." "Well, then, let me ask you something." "Do you want to be remembered as the guys who held the Olympics without America?" "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "The minister hopes you are impressed by the facilities here at our sports club." "AVERY:" "Yeah, the facilities are great." "No problem with the facilities." "But the one thing that puzzles me is you don't allow Jews to be members," "and that's the only way they can qualify for the games." "(IN GERMAN)" "We have several, very promising" "Jewish athletes we expect to compete." "Look, I'm not here to tell you how to run your country." "I walk in a man's house, I'm not gonna piss on his rug." "But I don't expect him to feed me manure and call it foie gras." "You wanna use these games to sell your nasty little ideas to the world, and I'm here to tell you no one is gonna stand for it." "You gotta clean up your act." "Would you like me to translate or interpret?" "(IN GERMAN)" "Avery, what did you have in mind?" "(SIGHS AND CHUCKLES)" "Gotta take down those posters." "Put a leash on your press." "I don't wanna hear about anymore rounding up of undesirables." "And I want your word, here, today, that you will not exclude Jews and Negroes from the games." "So long as they're American citizens, we'll bring Martians if we want to." "(IN GERMAN)" "LENI:" "If the minister agrees, he can count on your support?" "Sure." "(IN GERMAN)" "Coach?" "There you go." "JESSE:" "What, what's this?" "LARRY:" "An identity and registration card for the Ohio state legislature." "All the pages there gotta have them." "What's a page do?" "Takes home 60 bucks a month, plus expenses." "All right." "But what does he gotta do?" "Nothing." "He's got the Big Ten Championships coming up." "He trains." "Thanks, Coach." "See you at 9:00 a.m. sharp." "LARRY:" "Ten seconds." "Okay?" "I want you to count that to yourself." "Ten seconds, fellas." "That's all you get to run the 100." "Sixty strides, and every single one of them counts." "There's no margin for error, all right?" "You could fall down in the 400, pick yourself up and still place." "Not here." "Now, if you're over-striding, if your cadence is too slow, it can cost you a quarter of a second the whole race." "Every fraction of every second counts, but it's your start that counts the most of all." "Go." "I'm looking at you, Jesse." "You come off the gun like you're slamming into a brick wall, and it pains me to watch it, okay?" "You gotta start low." "You gotta glide into it like an airplane." "Any of you fellows ever seen an airplane take off?" "The lower you are, the longer you stay there, the less resistance you get, the faster you are." "It's that simple." "Ready?" "(GUNSHOT)" "And we're gonna keep working on that over and over, okay?" "You gotta stay low all the way through the hurdle, okay?" "Wow." "The great Jesse Owens." "Jesse, let's get back to basics." "Why don't you swing from those bamboo poles over there, boy?" "(MEN LAUGHING) MAN:" "That's right, jiggaboos!" "Let's see you hang off those bars!" "LARRY:" "Hey, Jesse, get set." "MAN:" "Hustle to it fellas." "It's just like being back in the jungle, huh?" "MAN 2:" "Come on, porch monkey, swing!" "MAN 3:" "Yeah, do it!" "One more thing." "Jesse, you wanna tell me what was so interesting about the goddamn football team?" "(FOOTBALL TEAM CHATTERING)" "I don't know, Coach." "I just got distracted." "Oh, you got distracted?" "See, that's what I'm talking about." "You can't get distracted." "You understand?" "MAN:" "What the hell is this?" "All right, Larry." "Finish this up now." "I got boys who need to shower." "Yeah, one sec, Coach." "I'm not quite through yet." "Sit down." "Everybody, sit down." "Sit down!" "Larry, hustle these niggers out of here." "You hear me?" "MAN:" "Get 'em out!" "If you get your head turned by a few gorillas in warm-up pads here at home, how are you gonna hold up in Michigan?" "Who the hell is he calling "gorillas," Coach?" "Coach Snyder!" "LARRY:" "Hey, look at me!" "Coach Snyder." "A lot of people show up for the Big Ten meet." "Coach Snyder!" "Not all of them are gonna be on our side, you understand?" "(ALL SHOUTING)" "Do you?" "Do you?" "You gotta learn to block it all out!" "It's just noise!" "That's all, all this is!" "All it is, is noise." "You hear me?" "(CLAMORING ECHOES)" "They will love you or they will hate you." "Does not matter." "(CLAMORING CONTINUES)" "'Cause either way, when you're out there, you're on your own." "(ECHOING) Jesse!" "(CLAMORING FADES)" "(ECHOING STOPS) Do you hear me?" "Yeah." "Yeah, Coach, I hear you." "Good." "MAN:" "About time." "All right, come on." "Let's go." "You heard Coach." "They need the locker room." "MAN:" "Right." "Come on!" "Move it!" "Let's go!" "Jesus Christ, Snyder." "Why you always have to complicate everything?" "Thanks for your patience, Coach." "Locker room's all yours." "What in the hell was that, Coach?" "(PEOPLE CHATTERING)" "MAN:" "Okay, Dave." "All right." "Let's see it." "(WHOOPING)" "That was for you." "No, that was for you, shorty." "No, I'm good, Mel." "Come on." "You believe it?" "Yeah, I saw." "You jump like my sister." "Like your sister?" "Matter of fact, my daughter can make that jump." "She's three years old." "Yeah, she's three inches taller than you." "Come on now." "Hey, shorty, show us what you got." "Come on, Jesse." "Hey, what would Ruth say?" "Come on, Jesse." "Ah, make her proud now." "Yeah, shorty!" "One jump." "One jump!" "DAVE:" "You better lower that." "I don't think..." "No, pick it up." "Pick it up now." "Come on now." "Higher." "Don't be shy." "(GRUNTS) (POLE CLATTERS)" "(WOMAN SCREAMS)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTER)" "MAN:" "I don't know what he was thinking, though." "Right." "Mmm-hmm." "Who's that?" "(WATER SPLASHING)" "I think that's his coach." "JESSE:" "Coach." "Yeah?" "I'm fine." "Two days, and I'll be right as rain." "You've got three days." "(SIGHS)" "Three days from now, we go to Ann Arbor with or without you." "Got it?" "(GROANS)" "Goddamn it." "What were you doing?" "Training." "Fell down some steps." "MAN ON PA:" "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ferry Field here in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for the finals of the Big Ten track and field conference of 1935!" "(EXHALES SHARPLY)" "Hey, go get dressed." "I'm scratching you." "You can't run." "Coach, I'm fine." "I'm good." "For God sakes, you can barely walk, Jesse." "Come on." "Coach, just let me do the 100." "You wanna pull me after that, then fine." "What?" "No." "No, no, no." "No, you run with an injured back, you could be out for months." "All right?" "Forget it." "Coach, let me do this." "The three days did the trick." "I'm good." "It'll only be 10 seconds." "Better be faster than that." "Go." "MAN ON PA:" "Ladies and gentlemen... (CROWD CHEERING)" "The first sprint final of the day, the 100-yard dash!" "(JEERING)" "Negro!" "LARRY:" "They will love you or they will hate you." "Does not matter." "'Cause either way, when you're out there, you're on your own." "Set." "(GUNSHOT)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS)" "Hey, kid, you did it." "You did it." "I was slow off the start." "No, no, no, no. 9.3 seconds." "That's a record, kid." "9.3 seconds!" "PHIL: 9.4." "What are you talking about?" "9.4, Larry." "No, I clocked it myself at 9..." "PHIL:" "You know the rules." "What rules?" "We have to go with the higher time." "What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, "the higher time"?" "We got two out of three agree." "Okay, then, what's the problem?" "Will you calm down?" "Do you understand?" "I'm not gonna calm down till you come to your senses and give us the record!" "We're going with the higher time!" "That's ridiculous!" "You gotta be kidding me, Phil!" "Look!" "I see it, Coach." "ANNOUNCER:" "Up next, on the broad jump, we have from Ohio State University, Mr. Jesse Owens." "(CHEERING)" "ATHLETE:" "What's he doing?" "What do you mean?" "He's getting a feel for it." "(CLEARS THROAT) Excuse me, sir." "Uh, how far did you say that Chinaman could jump?" "What, whoa." "Mr. Nambu is, uh, Japanese." "(CHUCKLES) His world record stands at 26 feet and two inches." "Do you have a handkerchief I could borrow?" "Thanks." "Now he's just showing off." "(CHUCKLES)" "(SIGHS)" "(PANTING)" "(CHEERING)" "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new world record." "(CHEERING INTENSIFIES)" "Twenty-six feet, eight and one quarter inches!" "Twenty-six feet, eight and one quarter inches!" "Here you go." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Whoo!" "(CHEERING INTENSIFIES)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Mr. Jesse Owens sets a new world record with a time of 20.3 seconds!" "20.3 seconds!" "(PANTING)" "This is unbelievable!" "Jesse Owens has smashed another world record... (CHEERING)" "With a time of 22. 6 seconds!" "Three world records set and another tied in just 45 minutes!" "Is there anyone who can beat Owens now?" "CROWD: (CHANTING) Jesse!" "Jesse!" "Jesse!" "(INAUDIBLE)" "JESSE:" "It's okay." "You can say it." "LARRY:" "Say what?" "JESSE:" "Whenever you're ready." "Long ride back to Columbus." "Take your time." "Yeah, you're gonna have to help me out here, Jesse." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Really?" "Yeah." "How many other natural speed men you trained just set three world records in a single meet, hmm?" "Injured." "Four, if you count the 100." "(BOTH LAUGH)" "I'll tell you what." "It gets worse than that." "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." "You also shattered the Ohio State record for most points in a single year, so congrats." "Really?" "Mmm, yes, really." "Which cracker did I take that off of?" "This cracker." "Yeah." "I had that record for 11 years." "Eleven years, and you left me in the dust." "(LAUGHS)" "Yeah, well, you know what they say about records, don't you?" "No." "What do they say?" "Some kid, come out of nowhere, snatch the record off of you, just like that." "(LAUGHING) Oh, that saying." "Yeah." "Mmm-hmm." "Mmm-hmm." "No, you did good." "Real good, Jesse." "That was something to watch." "JESSE:" "Yeah, well, I'll tell you what." "You stick with me, I'll make a great coach out of you." "(BOTH LAUGH)" "LARRY:" "Frank Wykoff took gold in Amsterdam in '28, and again in '32 right here in LA." "Him and Draper, they're the best Cromwell's got, which make them pretty much the best in the country, so..." "Are you listening to me?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Coach, I already took Wykoff." "Yeah, well, this..." "That's Eulace Peacock." "Peacock took the 100 meters and the broad jump in Philadelphia." "He's a driver, not a floater like you." "It's ugly to watch, but he goes down that track like a freight train on fire, and he's got a hell of a finish." "Him, you need to watch out for." "He clocked at 9.5 against Villanova." "There you go." "He's slower." "A tenth of a second slower, Jesse." "Two-tenths, Coach." "Mmm-hmm." "JESSE:" "Relax." "I won't let you down in front of Cromwell." "(EXCITED CHATTER)" "(BUS DOOR OPENS)" "(PEOPLE EXCLAIMING) MAN:" "Mr. Owens." "(CLAMORING) One picture, please!" "Mr. Owens, we have a couple of questions for you." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy." "Come on, let us through." "How does it feel to be the world's fastest human?" "Excuse me." "Excuse me." "(JEERING)" "Owens." "MAN ON PA:" "Good afternoon, and welcome to Los Angeles, where the great Jesse Owens, no doubt, hopes to make good on his unprecedented streak of four world records." "(FAST JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING)" "I'm telling you, the skirt in LA..." "They must be putting something in the water." "(ALL CHUCKLE)" "Who drinks water?" "(LAUGHS)" "Forget it, shorty." "You might get a girl like that to dance, but you'll never get her into bed." "You're Jesse Owens." "Yes, yes, ma'am." "Like to dance?" "Come on, Jesse." "Go!" "Oh, no, I, I got a girl." "Where is she?" "I'll dance with her too." "(CHUCKLES)" "She's in Ohio." "I like her already." "Whoo!" "Go, Jesse." "Go on, shorty!" "(SLOW JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING)" "So, how come it's Jesse?" "Excuse me?" "You're The Buckeye Bullet." "Born James Cleveland Owens, September 1913, in Oakville, Alabama." "You've won eight out of eight events since you got here, and there's nobody that can touch you in the west coast, east coast, or straight down the middle." "What I don't know is, why Jesse?" "Uh, well, it's actually "JC."" "My elementary school teacher, she misheard on account of my accent." "I never had the heart to put her right." "That's too bad." "How so?" "A big heart can get in the way." "Of what?" "All kinds of fun." "MAN:" "Allow me to say how pleased we all are we have met your expectations." "AVERY:" "Everything looks swell." "Let's keep it that way through next summer, hmm?" "The AAU is set to decide on US participation in the games at its December convention." "That's right." "I wonder, Avery, do you really think America will withdraw?" "Well, we have to vote." "That's what a democracy is." "Yes, of course." "The minister Goebbels merely asks for reassurance we can count on your support." "Oh, I've made my position clear." "In the meantime, might we ask that you grant us the benefit of your considerable experience in construction, and review these plans of our new embassy in Washington?" "AVERY:" "You know, last time I looked," "I was worth close on $15 million." "You tell him I can't be bought." "You can't afford me." "A bribe?" "No." "No." "A business proposal." "The minister would be greatly obliged to you." "There aren't many companies like yours that could handle a project of this size." "(CHUCKLES)" "Well..." "MAN:" "The architect is Albert Speer." "Hmm." "Impressive." "But these towers won't pass DC zoning laws." "You can't build higher than 130 feet." "You see, this is exactly the kind of expertise we need, if you're interested." "QUINCELLA:" "Whoo-wee!" "I am beat." "JESSE:" "You look beautiful." "Just be glad we weren't on the bus." "My daddy didn't buy me this car to watch me take no damn buses." "(HORN HONKS)" "(JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING)" "(KNOCKS ON DOOR)" "Uh, Mr. Owens, sir." "Telegram." "She can't sue you, Jesse." "How is she gonna sue you?" "And for what?" "Breach of promise?" "What does it even mean?" "It's a threat." "That's all." "She's just angry." "(PHONE RINGING)" "MAN: (OVER PHONE) Hello." "JESSE:" "Mr. Solomon?" "It's Jesse." "Jesse, what you want, boy?" "Well, can I speak with Ruth, sir?" "She don't wanna talk to you..." "I understand that, but if you just give me one second to exp..." "Don't call here no more!" "If she would just... (LINE DISCONNECTING)" "Jesse." "(DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES)" "(ECHOES) Go, Jesse!" "You can do it!" "(SCREAMS)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "STARTER:" "Take your mark." "I'm gonna beat you, boy, like I was your daddy." "STARTER:" "Set!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(PANTING)" "MALE ANNOUNCER: (ON PA) Eulace Peacock has beaten the world's fastest human, Jesse Owens, with an incredible time of 10.2 seconds." "Hi." "You alone?" "Mmm-hmm." "Hmm." "So, you, uh, you wanna tell me why you lost today?" "I thought that was your job." "I know how you lost." "You looked for him at 90 meters, and it cost you the race." "He's got no goddamn business beating you." "Who, Peacock?" "Yeah, or Metcalfe." "Yeah, well, it happened." "All right?" "I had a bad day." "Look, I'm tired, Coach." "We've got a 15-hour ride back to Ohio." "I just wanna drink my beer and get some rest." "Hmm." "Actually, if you keep losing like you did today, that boat's going to leave for Berlin without you." "You know what, Coach?" "If this is going to be another one of your sob stories, then, if it's all the same to you," "I'd rather just hear it tomorrow." "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(SIGHS DEEPLY)" "Look," "Miss Nickerson seems like a..." "Nice enough gal." "I don't judge what you do, just as long as you feel all right about it." "The choices you're making right now won't even feel like choices, until it's too late." "You ever been married, Coach?" "Yeah." "Our little girl's all grown up now." "Turns 18 next year." "My wife and I are taking some time off." "She told me," ""You can't have two families." ""There's no room on the team for us."" "Think track and field's hard, you should try marriage." "I'd like to give it a shot." "Good for you, kid." "(DOOR OPENS)" "You never told me you had a daughter." "You never asked." "(SIGHS DEEPLY)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "Hurry up." "I wanna get to Des Moines by morning." "(CAR DOOR OPENS)" "Look, Quincella." "You are, you're an amazing girl, truly." "And it's, it's been a real..." "Screw you, Jesse Owens!" "I hope she's worth it!" "(SLAMS CAR DOOR)" "(TIRES SCREECHING)" "I've got to see Ruth." "I've got some explaining to do." "Mmm-hmm." "Good luck with that." "(EXHALES)" "(ENGINE STARTS)" "(SIGHS)" "(THUNDER RUMBLES)" "(EXHALES)" "(DOOR CHIME DINGS)" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(INDISTINCT MURMURING)" "(CLEARS THROAT)" "Ruth?" "I'm so sorry, Ruth." "I... (SIGHS) Look, I swear I'm gonna... (SIGHS)" "Do you remember the day we first met?" "I carried your books home from school?" "And the whole way, we was..." "We was talking about this and about that, and what we wanted out of life, and what we didn't." "Do you remember what I asked you at your door?" "You asked me to marry you." "And do you remember what you said?" "I said we should wait." "Well, I'm done waiting." "I wanna marry you, Minnie Ruth Solomon." "I did then and I want it twice as bad now." "I'm a fool." "When that boy asked me to marry him," "I should've said yes." "But you ain't him no more." "Now, go on and get out of here." "(SIGHS)" "Ruth..." "Get out of here!" "You keepin' all these people waiting." "Just get out, Jesse." "Get out!" "(DOOR OPENS)" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "(MEN CHATTERING)" "(THUNDER RUMBLES)" "(WOMEN CHATTERING)" "Whoo!" "Look at all this rain." "What do you think you're doing?" "Waiting to walk you home." "You been out here all day?" "Yeah and I'll be out here all day tomorrow, too, all week if I got to." "Then you'll just miss your damn races." "I don't care about that." "I just wanna run, I can do that right here in Cleveland." "Jesse, you wanna work in a service station the rest of your life?" "Well, if it means I get to be with you." "Oh, you're smooth." "Yes, you are." "Marry me." "You crazy?" "Right now, let's do it." "My parents hate your damn guts." "You left me with our daughter, Jesse." "It's a little late to make an honest woman out of me." "Look, I'll square with your parents." "Just say yes." "Say you'll marry me." "Where are we gonna get married, Jesse?" "You think there's a decent Christian minister in this town who'll do it?" "I haven't thought about that yet, but I'll find a place, I swear." "It's just us, Ruth." "It's always been just us." "(CHUCKLES)" "All right." "I'll marry you." "Where you going?" "I gotta go find a guy to do it." "I'll see you later!" "(CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING)" "MAHONEY:" "Gentlemen, today we make a profound decision." "It is a complicated decision." "For all of you, I know." "A vote today against our American athletes participating in these Olympics is a vote against tyranny." "Anybody who competes, in any event, any level," "knows that on any given day, you're going to win or you're going to lose." "What matters is you were there." "AVERY:" "When it's all over, everybody goes home." "History remembers the winners." "Every man or woman on that field is grateful for the chance to be there, to meet in the spirit of friendly competition, man against man, nation against nation, to test themselves without fear or rancor against the best the other side has to offer." "Surely we all agree the Olympic code is a direct antithesis to Nazi ideology." "They're who we ought to be thinking about." "Our athletes, those putting their sweat, their blood, their heart into getting that chance." "I don't feel I have the right to take it away from them." "I know when I was competing, I wouldn't have wanted it taken from me." "And whether they bring home medals or not, they'll all have won that chance." "I urge you to vote today not with your hearts as sporting men." "...to tell their children but with your conscience and their children's children as members of the human race." ""I was there."" "(SLAMS DOOR) (GRUNTS)" "What happened to you?" "Is that the, uh, Citizen?" "Come here." "Let me see it." "Fifty-eight to fifty-six." "Congratulations." "I respect their decision... (CHURCH BELLS TOLLING) ...but in all conscience, I can't be the one to carry it out." "MAN:" "Go get us that gold medal, you hear?" "Yes." "(LARRY LAUGHS)" "(LAUGHS) Hey!" "Hey!" "How about that, huh?" "WOMAN:" "Hope you win, Jesse!" "MAN 2:" "Go, Jesse!" "(DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES)" "(SOFTLY) Good evening, y'all." "(CHUCKLES) Evening." "EMMA:" "Jesse, this is Representative Davis of the Ohio State legislature." "He's here on behalf of the NAACP." "(CHUCKLES) The what?" "The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People." "JESSE:" "Oh, well, hello." "This is my wife, Ruth." "Hello." "Have a seat." "Our secretary, Mr. Walter White, has asked me to deliver this to you personally" "with his best wishes." "All right." "What's this about?" "I want to congratulate you on your many recent successes." "I've been following them with great and particular interest." "(CHUCKLING)" "As all of us in our community have." "Well, thank you." "And, uh, the Olympic trials, well, they're coming up soon." "(CHUCKLES) Yes, sir." "A little under five weeks." "Well, no doubt you hope to qualify and take part?" "Well, yeah." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "(CHUCKLES) I mean, yes, sir." "Even under the Hitler regime?" "On behalf of Mr. White and his organization and the Negro community across America," "I hope you don't go." "But this is the Olympic games." "I mean, Jesse's been training for this his whole life." "DAVIS:" "Look, Jesse, you're the best." "You have a chance to strike a powerful blow." "I know that it must sound hypocritical for any American to talk about racial bigotry in other countries, but that is the whole reason we must not go to these games." "We've got a chance here to show our solidarity with the oppressed people of Germany." "It's all a part of the same great hatred." "We can make those in power aware of their moral obligation to fight against the wrongs that we Negroes suffer right here at home." "You think it's gonna make a damn bit of difference?" "He stays, they ain't gonna notice." "He goes, he can come back with a drawer full of medals, and they will hate him even worse than before." "J.C." "Do what you want, now." "You understand me?" "It ain't gonna make no difference no how." "Do you run, Mr. Davis?" "Do I?" "Well, um, not competitively, no." "Figures." "'Cause you know, out there on that track, you're free of all this." "The moment that gun go off, can't nothing stop me." "Not color, not money, not fear, not even hate." "There ain't no black and white." "There's only fast and slow." "(EXHALES)" "For those 10 seconds, you are completely free." "Now, here you come telling me I can't do it, that I'm letting down my race if I go." "What's that supposed to do for me?" "God gave you a great gift, Mr. Owens." "Maybe he can tell you what to do with it." "RUTH:" "You don't have to tell them what's on your mind." "JESSE:" "He's my coach." "I gotta say something." "ANNOUNCER:" "Joe is ahead as we go into round four of this 15-round bout between Joe Louis, the Brown Bomber, ad ex-heavyweight champion Max Schmeling..." "Hey." "Hey!" "Guys, come on." "You're missing the fight." "Get over here." "Come on, let's go." "ANNOUNCER:" "...just a warm-up for Louis." "Louis hardly seems to know what he's doing." "He's dazed, hurt, fighting mechanically." "Come on, come on." "(BOXING AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Louis is down." "(ALL GROAN)" "Get up." "The official timekeeper is counting the seconds across the ring." "(BOXING BELL RINGING)" "That's it." "It's a knockout." "(SLAMS TABLE) (DISHES CLANG)" "What happened?" "DAVE:" "The Nazi beat him." "He beat Joe Louis." "I don't believe it." "Well, there's only one thing to do now, right?" "We go over there in three weeks to Berlin, we get some payback in their house." "Am I right?" "(ALL APPLAUDING) That's right." "Alvin Kraenzlein." "Alvin Kraenzlein." "The greatest athlete that this country's ever produced." "Kraenzlein's the only track and field athlete to ever bring home four medals from a single games." "Now, me personally, I may not get to beat Alvin Kraenzlein, so I guess I'll just settle for coaching the guy who does." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Shorty won't get four." "You seen the way he go over them hurdles?" "I'm not going." "SEITZ:" "Like a bullfrog with his ass on fire." "What did you say, kid?" "Huh?" "I said I don't know if I can go." "To Berlin?" "What the hell are you talking about?" "I mean, well, think about it." "I go down to Berlin, it's like telling them Nazis it's okay, like I don't care nothing about what's going on over there." "(LAUGHING)" "Hey, I get it." "You're nervous, kid." "No, Coach." "Look, I've thought this through." "Now, come on." "You're going, okay?" "Trust me." "Believe me." "You're going." "That's it." "All right?" "You've worked too hard." "And if you don't go over there, you're gonna feel awful." "All right?" "If you were to pull out now, you..." "Yeah, I know." "I'll regret it for the rest of my life, right?" "Exactly." "Yes, sir." "(ALL MURMURING)" "And my wife, she'll walk out on me, 'cause she realizes what a loser I really am." "And I'll probably end up drinking myself stupid until my coach, he gets so sick of the sight of me that he gives me a goddamn job!" "(ALL GASPING) JOHN:" "Larry!" "You get a chance to be a part of history, and you're gonna walk away from it, huh?" "Throw it away?" "Look, I got people looking at me for an example." "What do you mean, people?" "What people?" "Black people?" "Come on." "I don't give a shit about any of that!" "Yeah, well, you're white!" "You don't have to!" "Come on." "(SLAMS)" "(SOFTLY) It's okay." "(PANTING)" "(BLOWING ON BOTTLE)" "(BLOWS)" "Mmm." "(GRUNTS)" "(SNIFFLES)" "(GRUNTS) Ah!" "(GROANING)" "(BRAKES SQUEAK)" "(DOOR OPENS)" "What happened to you?" "Look, you're right to be angry." "I've, uh, never been good at listening." "They're asking too much of you." "A man competes to prove something to himself." "That he's the best he knows how to be." "Nothing else matters." "It just..." "Jesse, I don't know anything about the kind of pressure that's being put on you right now." "But I do know what it's like to be an athlete." "And I know that if you don't go, it's gonna feel like the biggest mistake you ever made in your life." "Maybe." "But you gotta let me make it on my own." "All right." "You don't have to decide anything just yet, but at least do the trials." "Qualify." "Give yourself the option." "(CAR DOOR CLOSES)" "(CAR ENGINE STARTING)" "(EXHALES)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "REPORTER:" "It has been quite a day for you here in New York, Mr. Owens." "You have qualified in three events, the 100 and 200 meter sprints and the broad jump." "I'd like to ask the coaches, who are the guys you've gotta beat?" "Well, Carl Long, the broad jumper." "We're keeping a real close eye on him." "And, you know, I mean, the guy's got every damn record in Europe." "Mr. Glickman, Mr. Stoller, as Jewish Americans, did you ever feel pressure not to take part in these games in Germany?" "For the record, the only pressure they're under is winning their races." "We don't discriminate on the US Olympic team." "LARRY:" "I think we've heard enough about politics today." "We're here to talk about medals." "They need to answer the question." "Mr. Owens, so, does this mean you're going?" "REPORTER:" "How can you justify taking part in Germany when there's so much discrimination here at home?" "LARRY:" "You know, that's a very good point." "(ALL CLAMORING)" "(CAMERA CLICKING)" "When we get our own house in order... (VOICES FADING)" "Whatever you need from me, wherever you need me to be, whatever you need me to do." "I just wanna help." "Well, that's, uh, very nice of you to offer there, Larry, but, uh, you're not an official American coach." "Yeah, but you don't know Jesse like I do." "Now, Mr. Owens is not the only runner coming with us, and this isn't our first games." "Jesse Owens can beat any sprinter over any distance, and you know it." "You can't afford to have him off his form." "Oh, so you're saying he needs the best coach." "Is that what you're saying, Larry?" "Thanks all the same." "You should know he may not get on that boat tomorrow, and there's nothing anybody can do about it." "(SIGHS)" "JESSE:" "I couldn't believe when I heard you got injured, Eulace." "How's the leg holding up?" "It's good!" "It's loose." "Yup, tore the hamstring right up." "But I'm training again, so a couple months..." "It's shot." "It's over." "For me." "I read the papers." "All them people yelling and screaming at you." "It can really get in the way of a man's concentration, but all that means is there's a lot of people counting on you." "To do what?" "To get on over there to Berlin and stick it up Hitler's ass!" "Courtesy of Eulace Peacock." "(SIGHS)" "(SIREN BLARING)" "(SOFTLY) Ruth." "Ruth." "What'll she think of me if I don't go?" "You're her daddy." "She gonna love you no matter what." "And what'll you think?" "Don't put this on me, Jesse." "I promised you a better life than what we have now." "I mean, how else am I supposed to get it?" "I like our life just fine." "(SCOFFS)" "You're the only damn person in the world whose opinion matters to me, and you ain't got one." "I ain't gonna tell you what to do, Jesse." "That's why you love me." "Jesse?" "Say I go." "What if I lose?" "You're the fastest man on the Earth." "But you won't be there." "My family won't be there." "My coach won't even be there." "Larry's not going?" "No." "He tried, but they won't let him." "I'm gonna be there all by myself, the whole world watching." "And if I lose..." "If I lose, it'll mean those Nazis were right." "Quit thinking so much, Jesse." "It's not what you're good at." "You was put here to run." "Don't listen to any of them." "Listen to you." "You listen to your heart, all right?" "Okay?" "Ruth, I have everything, all right?" "I'm sure." "(SNAPPING SUITCASE SHUT)" "Now, I'm always saying goodbye to you." "Yeah, well, that just makes it that much sweeter saying hello." "Now, here you go, sweet talker." "So you remember where to keep looking." "Give Daddy a hug!" "(GRUNTS)" "I love you both." "I love you." "(SHIP'S HORN BLOWING)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "LARRY:" "You get your sea legs yet?" "Coach?" "What the hell are you doing here?" "I mean, someone's gotta keep an eye on you." "Can't have you laying around all week getting fat." "No turning back now." "I'm gonna go find my room." "Coach." "You're headed the wrong way." "Everybody's in first class." "Yeah, not on my own dime." "No, I, uh, be staying down in steerage with you and Dave." "(CHUCKLES)" "See you in the morning." "(HORN BLOWING)" "(FILM PROJECTOR RATTLING)" "(IN GERMAN)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(ALL WHOOPING)" "(LAUGHING)" "(THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER PLAYING)" "(CHEERING)" "You're kidding me!" "MAN:" "How do you do?" "Let's go, Jesse!" "ANNOUNCER ON PA:" "Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Reich chancellor Adolf Hitler and the German Olympic Committee, welcome to Berlin." "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "Here, take a flower!" "Thank you!" "(ANNOUNCER CONTINUES INDISTINCTLY)" "Come on, Marty." "Shalom!" "Uh, sir, where are the colored dorms?" "There are no colored dorms." "We're with y'all?" "Now, don't worry." "We'll keep the noise down!" "(LAUGHS)" "(SIGHS)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "Well, well, well." "DAVE:" "Food's good too." "Maybe these Nazis just got a bad reputation." "We'll see." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(CHEERING CONTINUING)" "(APPLAUSE)" "(CHEERING)" "(ATHLETES CHATTERING)" "DAVE:" "That's Luz Long?" "JESSE:" "Uh-huh." "The man can jump." "Yeah." "He's got a hell of a home-field advantage, too." "(DRUMS PLAYING)" "(NEEDLE SCRATCHES)" "What do you think this is?" "Mardi Gras?" "Get back to work!" "You got something you wanna say to me, boy?" "Hmm?" "Now, hold on a second." ""You're not fit to train fleas on a dog."" "You actually said that to Dean Cromwell?" "(SCOFFS)" "Hey, you hear the mouth on this boy?" "Now, Dean, hold on a second." "Don't know what you're teachin' him, but it sure as hell isn't respect." "All right, all right." "Now, what's this about?" "What is it you want?" "I want a goddamn apology." "That's what I want." "Jesse." "Jesse, what do you want?" "I wanna be able to train the way I'm used to." "Oh, for God's sake." "And I want my coach back." "You're out of your mind." "No way." "That's out of the question." "Mr. Snyder is not a registered Olympic trainer." "All right." "Well, I hope you know all the words to the German national anthem, because you'll be hearing it every time one of those Nazis win a medal I would've won." "You wanna quit?" "You go ahead, because no Negro is gonna talk to me that way..." "Hey, hey." "Now, what the hell's that got to do with..." "That's got everything to do with it." "Oh, come on." "You're making it about that." "You weren't there." "You didn't hear what he said to me." "Enough." "Jesse, you don't mean that." "You're not about to walk out now?" "Okay." "Okay, fine." "Look, if we can get a pass for Mr. Snyder here, we can put all of this behind us." "Hey, Jesse?" "Yeah." "You better keep your boy on a leash." "Dean." "What the hell was that all about?" "What?" "(SNICKERS) What?" "I figured you couldn't afford a decent seat." "I thought I'd help you out." "And here I am thinking this is your way of thanking me." "I wouldn't even know where to start." "Bring me three gold medals." "That's the only way." "Come on." "Hey, how are the new shoes I ordered you from England?" "They never showed up." "(BELL RINGING)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "Hi." "You know where this is here?" "Hello, hello." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "Never mind." "Sorry." "(BABY CRYING)" "(MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY)" "(MEN SPEAKING GERMAN)" "Excuse me." "I..." "Whoa." "(SPEAKING IN GERMAN)" "American." "No, I, I'm American." "I'm American." "American." "I'm from the US Olympic team." "Hey!" "Hey, hey, hey!" "(STAMMERING)" "I got it, okay?" "I've got papers. (MEN YELLING)" "Yes." "Here." "Here, here, here." "(DOG BARKING)" "American." "US Olympic team." "I'm, I'm looking for, uh, Dassler." "Dassler." "Adi Dassler." "Dassler?" "Dassler, yeah." "Yes." "Yes." "Shoe." "Yeah." "(DOG BARKING)" "(MEN YELLING)" "LARRY:" "Don't push." "Please." "(DOOR BANGING)" "Good." "(JESSE GRUNTS)" "(DOOR CLOSING)" "Okay." "Okay." "Here we go." "It's gonna be damp out there." "The track's gonna be heavy." "Yeah?" "How are the shoes?" "They're great." "Good." "Good, good, good." "Oh, gosh, I wish you would've had more time to break them in though." "I don't know what happened there." "I'm gonna get to the bottom of that." "That's another..." "Coach, I said they're all right." "You gonna keep fussing like an old hen, or are you gonna let me get out there and run?" "Mr. Owens, I'm expecting great things." "Anything less than a gold, we will consider a disappointment." "LARRY:" "I'm sure he was joking." "JESSE:" "Thanks, Coach." "You're a lot of help." "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(INAUDIBLE)" "(CHEERING INTENSIFIES)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(CHEERING CONTINUES)" "(BLIMP RUMBLING)" "(ENGINES WHIRRING)" "(CHEERING CONTINUES)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN) ...Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler." "(CHEERING CONTINUES)" "CROWD: (CHANTING) Sieg heil!" "Sieg heil!" "Sieg heil!" "Sieg heil!" "Sieg heil!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(ANNOUNCER CONTINUES SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(EXHALES)" "(STARTER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(HEAVY BREATHING)" "(STARTER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(GUNSHOT FIRES)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(PANTING)" "(ALL CHEERING)" "The winner of the men's 100-meter finals is Jesse Owens in first place with a time of 10.3 seconds." "Whoo!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER PLAYING)" "JESSE:" "Whoo-hoo!" "(BOTH LAUGHING)" "Coach!" "Outstanding!" "Outstanding!" "Come on, let me see it." "(LAUGHING)" "Congratulations." "Mr. Owens." "Thank you, sir." "(CHUCKLES)" "Now, there's somebody I want you to meet." "All right." "Here." "(WHISTLES) Hey." "Oh!" "Thanks." "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "(MEN SPEAKING GERMAN)" "Herr Brundage." "Hmm." "Chancellor Hitler has been forced to leave early today, and won't be able to congratulate the winners." "The traffic, you understand." "You let the chancellor know he congratulates all of the gold medalists or none of them." "FURSTNER:" "Herr Brundage... (SPEAKING IN GERMAN)" "(IN GERMAN)" "Regrettably, it is impossible." "Then he's..." "Come on." "(BLUES MUSIC PLAYING)" "Time to go over the rules here for tomorrow." "You should know they're very particular about their attempts here." "So none of that showboating you tried to pull in Ann Arbor." "Yeah." "You listening to me?" "We're here at the 11 th Olympiad, bringing you the qualifying round of the men's broad jump event." "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "Up first, the German," "Luz Long, reigning European champion." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "And he's making it look easy!" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Now it's time for Jesse Owens of the USA." "We've seen this before from Owens." "He wants to examine the track..." "Easy." "...before his first attempt." "Owens, kneeling on the run-up." "Jesse, no!" "(CROWD GASPS)" "It's a foul!" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "ANNOUNCER:" "I don't believe it!" "They've recorded it as a foul!" "Owens questioning the officials." "He's not going to be happy about this!" "Still, he has two more attempts." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Owens makes his second attempt to qualify." "MAN:" "Come on, Jesse!" "(CROWD MOANING) ANNOUNCER:" "Another foul!" "He stepped over the line!" "This event looks like it might be over for Owens before it begins." "(CROWD CHATTERING)" "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Wait." "Here's something you don't see every day." "Long seems to be offering Owens advice on where to jump from." "Owens, making his third and final attempt." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Owens, Owens..." "(CROWD CHEERS) He's done it!" "And Owens is through to the final!" "(SIGHS)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(JESSE SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(CROWD CHANTING) Sieg heil!" "Sieg heil!" "The men's broad jump final." "German chancellor Adolf Hitler takes his seat for the event." "And after a close-run qualifying round, the great athlete Jesse Owens of the USA faces up against Luz Long." "Each competitor will have three attempts, with his best score determining the winner." "Long's first jump." "The reigning European champion." "(CROWD GASPS)" "(CROWD CHEERS)" "It's a white flag." "7.54 meters!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Owens..." "His, too, a white flag!" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN) 7.74 meters!" "Long again." "(GRUNTS)" "The white flag is up." "7.87 meters." "It's a new European record!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "Owens..." "(CROWD CHEERS)" "The white flag is up!" "7.94!" "Incredible." "Owens has beaten the European record set only moments ago!" "Let's see what Long can produce to match it." "(CROWD GROANS)" "Oh, it's a foul!" "(GROANS)" "A foul from Long on his final attempt." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "But it means Owens has done it!" "He's secured a second gold medal of the games!" "That was a great match." "Please, take your last jump." "ANNOUNCER:" "What's this?" "The competition is over, but the German Long seems to share the interest of the crowd here in Berlin, in seeing the best the amazing Owens has to offer." "(CROWD CHANTING) USA!" "USA!" "This is the true spirit of sportsmanship we're seeing here between these two athletes today." "(GRUNTS)" "(CROWD CH EERS)" "The white flag is up!" "(AN NOU NCER SPEAKING GERMAN) 8.06 meters!" "It's a new Olympic record!" "(INAUDIBLE)" "Congratulations." "Let's make the lap of honor." "Okay, sure." "Have you seen this before?" "Never." "(IN GERMAN)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(KNOCKING AT DOOR)" "(SNICKERS) Thanks." "You beat me, square and fair." "(LAUGHS) It's "fair and square,"" "and you gave me the chance." "I wanted your best." "Otherwise, what is the point?" "JESSE:" "Is that your girlfriend?" "LUZ:" "Yes." "JESSE:" "Wow." "She's very pretty." "Thank you." "Do they have any ugly girls in Germany?" "They prefer to keep them out of sight." "There are a lot of things they want to keep hidden." "You think I'm joking." "(SIGHS)" "I love my country, but it's no secret my government's going insane." "They don't bother to hide it." "I don't even think they are ashamed." "A few nights ago, they sent a girl to my room to wish me luck." "She wanted to sleep with me." "(CHUCKLES)" "Governor Davey sent me a telegram and a case of Coca-Cola." "I should emigrate." "No." "No." "This girl, she wanted to get pregnant." "I think she was ordered to get pregnant." "I suppose I should be flattered." "(SIGHS)" "I think all things considered, you're actually better off in America." "I don't..." "I don't know if there's much difference deep down." "Are you gonna get in any trouble?" "You made quite a scene today." "They want to use us to prove something to the world." "I'm happy to show them they're wrong." "Believe me, I would have preferred to beat you, but it wouldn't have been for them." "If they want to make these games a weapon, they can't complain when it's used against them." "Maybe now they see how stupid it was to even try." "You are entered for one more event, right?" "Uh, yeah." "Uh, 200 meters." "I very much hope you win." "Not to prove anything to any government." "(SIGHS)" "Just to make me feel a little better about losing to you." "(BOTH CHUCKLE)" "(RUMBLING)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Conditions have been damp and overcast all morning here in Berlin, as the competitors take to the field for the men's final of the 200-meter dash." "This is it." "(GIGGLING) It's been 36 years since a track and field athlete brought home three individual gold medals from a single games." "(MAN SPEAKING GERMAN)" "Hans... (IN GERMAN)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Taking their lanes are Wil van Beveren, and Tinus Osendarp of the Netherlands," "America's Jesse Owens and Mack Robinson," "Paul Hanni of Switzerland, and the Canadian, Lee Orr." "(STARTER ON RADIO SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(GUN FIRES)" "ANNOUNCER:" "And they're off to a clean start." "Owens has gone off." "And so has Robinson." "Owens is flying around the top bend into the straight." "Mack Robinson in second place." "Owens and Robinson ahead of the field." "Osendarp is challenging." "And it's Owens!" "(ALL CHEERING)" "(CHEERING)" "(CROWD CHEERS)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Owens sprints it in 20.7 seconds." "CROWD: (CHANTING) Owens!" "Owens!" "Owens!" "(IN GERMAN)" "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "When we first met, we spoke of hospitality." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "When you are a guest in somebody's home, you abide..." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "I understand." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "What time they serve dinner, the brand of cognac they prefer." "It's, it's good manners." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "The Jews, Glickman and Stoller, are competing in the 400-meter relay." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "It would show a great deal of sympathy and understanding on your part if they did not." "(CHUCKLING)" "Thanks for the drink." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "He says you have a business arrangement." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "That was business." "That has nothing to do with this." "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "How would it look for your American Olympic Association to have collaborated with us before these games?" "Okay." "There are reports the krauts have been holding back their best runners to spring a nice little surprise on us in the 400-meter relay." "With that in mind, we've got some changes to the lineup." "All right." "So, Foy, guess you'll take third leg." "Frank, you're now going to run anchor." "Okay." "Marty, Sam," "I'm sorry, but we gotta cut you." "Who's gonna run first and second?" "You mean we came all the way here, we're not gonna get to race?" "No, no, no." "That's a load of crap." "Marty and me, we both licked Foy in the speed test yesterday." "I'm sorry, believe me." "It's not been an easy decision..." "Hey, hey." "You're gonna cut somebody, you cut him." "Foy's got more experience." "Any team the krauts got out there, we can win this by 15 yards." "Oh, come on!" "You know what this is all about." "We're the only Jews." "CROMWELL:" "This has nothing to do with the Jewish question." "If you do this..." "If you do this, you'll catch hell for it back home." "CROMWELL:" "That's not your problem." "We want to field our strongest runners." "And that's gonna be Ralph and Jesse." "Come on, that's perfect." "No, look." "Coach, you gotta run Sam and Marty." "I mean, I can't speak for Ralph over here, but you gotta give 'em a shot." "I've never even ran the relay." "I don't even think I know how to pass a baton." "You do as you're told, Owens." "LARRY:" "Press have copies of the lineup." "You change it now and we lose, they'll wanna know why." "That's a lot of pressure to put on one race, don't you think?" "Would you remind me who you are again?" "Ralph, you do what you want." "I'm not running." "Not unless Sam and Marty say it's all right." "(FENCING SPARRING)" "You ever fly in an airplane?" "No." "Nothing in the world like flying your own plane." "A girl down in New Jersey, waiting for you." "See, an airplane gets people excited the same way they come out and watch a man race." "But what they really want, what really gets them worked up, is to see you crash." "To see you fold up that Stearman biplane like a piece of paper." "Watch the ground crew drag you out like a rag doll before it blows up, explodes into flames." "Now, that's exciting." "(SPARRING CONTINUES)" "Well, is..." "Is that why you didn't go to Paris?" "Because you crashed your plane?" "April, 1924." "(SIGHS)" "Three weeks before the opening ceremony." "I heard Paddock win on the radio." "Man!" "Yeah." "(GRUNTING)" "You were some kind of idiot." "(BOTH CHUCKLING)" "That's exactly what my father said." "I woke up in the hospital, and he gave me this." "Yeah." "Yeah, I had my shot, but I didn't know it." "Just threw it away." "A Stearman's a beautiful little plane, but I don't imagine it compares much to running at the Olympics." "You're right, you know." "It's not your race." "(KNOCKING)" "Hey." "If you lose, it's for nothing." "Understand?" "Sam and me would've been shafted for nothing." "All the world will see is another Nazi waving another medal." "What are you trying to say?" "He means don't lose." "Yeah." "(CROWD CHEERING)" "(ANNOUNCER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "(STARTER SPEAKING GERMAN)" "MAN:" "Come on, Jesse!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "ANNOUNCER:" "Owens, the world's fastest sprinter sets a terrific pace from the start." "Owens passes Mariani, hands off to Metcalfe." "Faster, passing the Canadian." "The second change!" "(SHOUTING)" "Go, Frank!" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "ANNOUNCER:" "America in first place with a new world record of 39.8 seconds!" "All right!" "(LAUGHING)" "(CROWD CHANTING) USA!" "USA!" "(CHANTING) USA!" "USA!" "Thanks, Larry." "All right." "Go!" "Go!" "(EXHALES)" "Go ahead." "Take a look." "(CHUCKLES) No, it's okay." "You sure?" "Yeah." "Last chance." "Bring it to me." "(LAUGHS)" "Hmm." "(CHUCKLES)" "(FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING)" "(KNOCKS) What..." "Excuse me." "Mr. Owens, my name is Leni Riefenstahl." "Um..." "I have a favor to ask you." "(CAMERA FILM ROLLING)" "(SPEAKING GERMAN)" "Would you mind one more?" "(PANTING)" "Last time, I promise." "Well, sure, but isn't that cheating?" "Cheating?" "Yeah." "I'm just saying that's not the actual jump I made." "You did make that jump." "We all saw it." "You made history out here." "All I'm doing is making sure years from now, those people who weren't there can see it too." "So they never forget what you did." "(CHUCKLES)" "One more?" "Please." "All right." "One more." "Danke." "Danke." "(CAMERA ROLLING)" "(CROWD CHEERING)" "Wonderful." "Here we go." "Good evening." "Hello, sir." "Not bad, huh?" "Not bad at all!" "I'm sorry, sir, but your friends will have to use the service entrance." "Are you kidding me?" "You know who this is?" "Yes, sir." "I mean, they're holding the dinner for him." "Yes, sir." "I'm sorry, Mr. Owens, sir, but those are the rules." "Yeah?" "Yeah, well, your rules are bullshit!" "You know that, yeah?" "How about you go inside and get your boss or someone that can actually help us out..." "Coach, Coach." "It's all right." "Go ahead." "I'll meet you in there." "Unbelievable." "MAN 1:" "Jesse Owens!" "MAN 2:" "Jesse Owens." "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "MAN:" "I think that's Jesse Owens!" "Mr. Owens?" "Yes?" "(PENCIL DROPS)" "(CHUCKLES) Um, would you mind?" "(CHUCKLES) Sure." "Thank you!" "(CHUCKLES)" | {
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"My name is Oliver Queen." "For 5 years I was stranded on an island with only one goal-- to survive." "Oliver Queen is alive." "Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish-- to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city." "To do this, I must become someone else." "I must become something else." "Previously on "Arrow"..." "You told me to stay away from your family and I did." "But your family isn't staying away from me." "Which means something must be done about it." "Where can I find the man in this picture?" "Do you not think it convenient you captured me so easily?" "Run!" "Uhh!" "Uhh!" "Do you even know what this island really is?" "It's a prison." "What would you do in my position?" "♪ Yes, sir ♪ yeah, yeah" "♪ yes, sir ♪ yeah, yeah" "Whatever you're listening to, it ain't music." "They're ought to be a law." "Well, there's not." "Watch it!" "Back up!" "Get out of here!" "Tahitian green or midnight black-- what do you think?" "I think that you've been dropping hints all week, Thea, and mom still isn't buying you a car for your birthday." "I could not have said it better myself." "Oliver got a car when he turned 18." "Yeah, but I could back it out of the driveway without hitting a tree." "That's true." "But I do remember you taking the paint off the side of your dad's Maserati." "Yeah, the party planner's waiting." "Sorry to run off like this." "Don't we have a convertible to go buy?" "Good luck." "How's she holding up?" "Oh, she's okay." "Thea thinks she's actually a little bit too okay." "What do you mean?" "Just..." "behaving erratically." "Shut-in one minute, running the company the next." "Well, her husband is missing and presumed who-knows-what." "If anyone had an excuse to be erratic, it's your mom." "That's what I told Thea." "...he's too busy to comment." "The department has got the same comment about this heist as it did the other two." "No comment." "The SCPD may not be willing to go on the record, but traffic cameras got the entire heist in this exclusive." "The $2.3 million heist is like a scene out of the movies." "That's why you keep all your money offshore." "With all the guys working up top, you might want to think about a side entrance for your, uh," "Arrowcave." "Just put one in." "South alleyway." "Something I want to show you." "Finally getting into online dating and you need help with your profile." "Not exactly." "But there is somebody I'd like to meet." "Yeah, I read about it." "This is the third truck to be hit this month." "I saw it on the news this morning." "I couldn't figure out why it seemed so familiar." "Then I remembered this." "Kandahar, '09, when the Marines took out a Taliban transport vehicle." "Yeah." "Well, there's a reason why it looks so similar." "These guys are running the same swarming technique." "Where'd you find this?" "I was researching someone." "Bodyguard who works for a private security firm." "Blackhawk squad protection group." "His name is Ted Gaynor." "Oliver, Ted Gaynor was my commanding officer on my first tour in Afghanistan." "Dig..." "I'm sorry." "Gaynor's on the list." "Gaynor's a few hundred thousand dollars short of making your list." "Well, I never said it was just one-percenters, did I?" "Oliver, this guy saved my life." "Received a commendation for it." "I don't care what your book says." "He's not a stick-up man." "You haven't known him in a long time, Diggle." "We both kept in contact with each other since we got stateside." "6 months ago he even offered me a job at Blackhawk." "Now, trust me, you don't know this man like I do." "I know in Afghanistan his training specialty was M-32 multiple grenade launchers, the exact same weapon used in these heists and not exactly something that you find at your local sporting goods store." "Two months ago, we found out this wasn't even your father's book, that it was written by whoever hired the other archer." "Doesn't that kind of beg the question what else you could be wrong about?" "I could be wrong." "But the list isn't." "Now, I'm gonna have a pointed conversation with Mr. Gaynor tonight." "We'll see what he has to say about it." "I understand if you want to take the week off." "Well, thank you." "Sir." "Different day, same slop." "You new?" "Yeah." "Don't worry." "It took me a year to find my way around the island." "Oh, hey, hey." "Hey." "I'm supposed to be transporting a prisoner." "A Chinese guy who wears a green hood." "Sounds like the guy they took to the east camp." "I'm heading over that way." "Come on." "You can hitch a ride." "Let's go." "Come on." "Hold up!" "Hold up!" "Units one, two." "That wall over there still has to be taped and textured." "I need you to to grout the hallway floor as soon as they are done with the tile install." "All right." "Yeah?" "Hey, Tommy." "Dad, I am really busy." "Tommy, I know things have been, well, strained between us since..." "Since you cut me off and told me that I was a loser?" "I was just trying to jolt you into adulthood." "And look at you now." "You've got your first job." "My tough love worked." "What do you want, Dad?" "Nothing more than to share a meal with my son." "Dinner tomorrow night?" "Laurel and I have plans." "Bring her along." "I think it's time" "I got to know her a little better." "Tommy..." "I've said some pretty hurtful things, and I regret them." "But you're still my son." "And I still want what I've always wanted." "For us to be close." "Let me check with Laurel and I'll get back to you." "Uhh!" "Ted Gaynor, we're gonna have a conversation." "You make a move, go for a gun, anything, things will end badly for you." "Put the bow down." "♪ Arrow 1x11 ♪ Trust but Verify Original Air Date on January 23, 2013" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "It's all clear." "You okay?" "Uh..." "Yeah." "Well, I gotta talk to my boss, but after..." "what I just saw," "I'd say you're as good as hired." "Hell of a job interview, Ted." "Usually the Vigilante only goes after rich schmucks." "Any reason why he would change his M.O. for you?" "You've known me a long time, John." "What do you think?" "That he made a mistake." "Got the wrong guy." "I could've shot you." "I could've killed you." "What the hell were you thinking?" "!" "I'm not gonna let you William Tell an innocent man." "Gaynor isn't innocent, Diggle." "You seem to think that mainly because of what's in you're damn book, which you apparently trust more than you trust me." "I trust my father." "And he explained to me that every name on that list has a reason to be there." "I thought you took that book off your father's dead body." "How can he have been so chatty?" "A few years ago, I found a message he left me explaining the list." "Oliver, how is that possible?" "You were on a deserted island." "I didn't say that I found it on the island." "Diggle, for the past 4 months," "I have lied to, hurt, and hid things from all the people that I care about." "Do you really think that I would do all of this if I wasn't sure?" "Oliver, listen." "Gaynor got me into Blackhawk, and I'm gonna prove he's innocent." "And if he isn't?" "If he's not, I'll be the one to take him down myself." "You owe me that." "You owe me at least that." "Were you stationed by the perimeter?" "Yes." "And your report?" "Uh, everything's good, sir." "No trouble." "How long have you been stationed here?" "Just arrived, sir." "Yes, you do seem rather green." "Although I don't recall the submarine bringing in a phalanx of new troops lately." "Submarine?" "I thought everybody came into the island on the plane." "Indeed they do." "I think you've tried on every dress in the city." "It's so gonna be worth it." "My friends are gonna freak." "Yes, well, if your father were still alive, he'd freak, too." "Though in an entirely different way." "Like when he saw what I was wearing to my first boy-girl dance." "That poor boy you went with." "Oh, Robert scared him to death." "You know, dad used to say his saddest day would be when I turned 18." "Now he's gone and I'm the one that's sad." "Sorry." "I need to take this." "Hello." "Yes, I understand, but I'm with my daughter." "All right." "I'll be there." "I thought you said we were gonna spend the whole day together." "I know." "But, uh, compliance needs to file the 8k connected to my assuming Walter's position in the company and they can't wait." "I'm sorry." "Is everything okay?" "You look worried." "Not worried, just..." "My father called." "Oh." "And how did that go?" "He invited us to dinner for tonight." "Oh." "Yeah." "Apparently he wants to mend some fences, but thanks to him, I can't afford a fence, so I can only assume he's got some other agenda." "Well, there's only one way to find out." "Maybe he really is trying to extend an olive branch." "You really do look for the best in people, don't you?" "Lucky for you." "I'm sorry to have to pull you away from your family like that." "What do you want, Malcolm?" "We have a problem with your friend Carl Ballard." "He's trying to gentrify the Glades." "Carl knows that's not part of the plan." "Which is why you're gonna shut him down." "You're his friend." "He'll listen to you." "If you want me to help you with Carl," "I want something in return." "Proof Walter's still alive." "My word isn't enough?" "What's that saying" ""trust but verify"?" "Words to live by." "Two days later, I am still digging regurgitated tacos out of the car vents and he asks me why I won't turn on the A/C." "All right, you win." "Bodyguarding Queen was never that bad." "6 years serving my country, the only thing I'm qualified for is babysitting spoiled brats." "Well, Ted, they're not all like that." "I haven't met one yet that would survive a single day in country." "Sometimes it makes me wonder what I was doing over there." "Specialty of the house." "Thank you, Carly." "No." "Where is my cake?" "Tired of listening to you complain about the dry cleaners shrinking your suit." "Oh, yeah." "Mm." "She likes you." "She's my sister-in-law, Ted." "Not anymore." "Your brother's gone, John." "But you are here." "Car's waiting outside." "Got a client to drop off at the Chaykin Art Gallery opening." "John, you remember Paul Knox?" "He was a couple of ranks under us back in the 'Stan." "Good to be working with you." "I'll be outside." "I didn't know Knox worked at Blackhawk." "They recruited him when his tour ended last month." "Mm-hmm." "People change, John." "And everyone deserves a chance to prove it." "Knocking is not just a suggestion." "I need to talk to you." "Thea, I'm not telling you if mom's getting you a car." "It's not about that." "Remember last week when I asked you if you thought mom was acting weird?" "Yeah." "Well, I found out why." "She's hooking up with Tommy's dad." "That's insane." "I just saw them together." "It's happening all over again." "What are you talking about?" "A couple of months before you and dad left on the "Gambit,"" "mom and dad were arguing a lot." "About what?" "I don't know." "But she was having a lot of these... lunch meetings with Mr. Merlyn." "And now Walter's gone, too, and mom and Mr. Merlyn are back at it." "It's gross." "Mom never would have cheated on dad." "She's not cheating on Walter." "You don't want to believe it because you have this perfect image of mom in your head." "That's not who she is, Ollie." "She's a liar and a cheater." "And you really don't know her at all." "She thinks Malcolm and I are having an affair?" "And that it started back when dad was still alive." "Why would she think that?" "She says you and dad were fighting." "Mom..." "It's not your concern, sweetheart." "Thea made it my concern." "What was going on?" "Robert was unfaithful to me repeatedly." "It made our marriage difficult, to say the least." "I'm sorry, Oliver, but your father wasn't always the man you thought he was." "I know you thought he walked on water, but, you see, that how I wanted you to remember him-- as a good man who loved you." "That's how I want Thea to remember him." "So promise me you'll keep it a secret." "Of course." "Mom." "Yes?" "Why would Thea think that you and Mr. Merlyn are still sneaking around?" "Well, I can't imagine." "Have you seen him lately?" "Oliver..." "He's been the CEO of Merlyn Global Group for years." "I've been running Queen Consolidated mere weeks." "Yes, I occasionally go and ask for advice." "Is my interrogation over?" "See, this is where we, uh, detain prisoners prone to running off before I've finished with them." "Uhh!" "Prisoners like you, Mr. Queen." "At Christmas one year," "Tommy wanted a puppy." "He wanted to name it Arthur, as in King Arthur, because he's a Merlyn." "Well, you used to be so incredibly adorable." "I still am." "My wife would have liked you, Laurel." "I wish I would have known her." "She passed away before Tommy and I became friends." "She was killed, Laurel." "There's no need to be polite about it." "You're just a ray of sunshine today, aren't you, Dad?" "Please forgive me." "Talking about my wife has a tendency to make me a little bit maudlin." "And here I was beginning to think my days of being" "Oliver Queen's personal computer geek were coming to an end." "Is that your way of saying you miss me?" "No." "But if it works for you, go with it." "Heh." "So a friend of mine is running a scavenger hunt, and there's a case of Lafite Rothschild 1982 waiting at the end." "Oh..." "I love red wine." "But in order to find it," "I first need to get through this." "Hmm." "Security fob." "It's pin protected." "Challenge response goes back to a company called" "Blackhawk Squad Protection Group." "Yeah, my friend had his bodyguard set it up for him." "Personally, however, I think it's cheating." "But whatever." "This is a military-grade cryptographic security protocol." "Your friend really went to all this trouble?" "The idle rich are hard to entertain." "Listen..." "You get through it and one of those bottles of wine is yours." "This been lovely, Mr. Merlyn." "Thank you." "Thank you for joining me." "It's been wonderful getting to know you better." "And if Tommy doesn't mind me mixing a little business with pleasure," "I could use your signature on these." "You want to shut down mom's free clinic?" "It's not hers anymore, Tommy." "That clinic meant everything to mom." "You were 8 years old." "I don't think you were in a position to know what was important to your mother." "I just need your signature" "Stop." "This dinner was never about getting to know Laurel." "It was about this." "You haven't changed and you never will." "It's about time that I learned that and stopped letting you disappoint me." "We're leaving." "This clinic was his mother's." "Yes." "And his mother taught him a lesson I've been trying to, that the world is a harsh and unforgiving place." "And when did she teach him that?" "When she was lying dead in the street with a bullet in her head." "Good night." "Management keeps things running smooth, which is nice." "Better than going to war with the army you got, right?" "Indeed." "Indeed." "So, Ted, are you the reason Knox is working for Blackhawk?" "Look, I know you don't like the guy." "I wasn't his biggest fan, either, but jobs are hard to come by for everybody these days." "And guys like us, when all anyone thinks you're qualified for is shooting at people-- if I hadn't gotten Knox this job, chances are he'd be out knocking over liquor stores or robbing banks." "What did you get?" "I think your friend's bodyguard gave him the wrong security fob." "Why is that?" "Well, once I got past Blackhawk's authentication system, there wasn't anything about a scavenger hunt." "Just a directory and..." "Well, I think you stumbled onto, or got me to stumble onto something pretty illegal." "Define illegal." "Oh, you know." "Robbing an armored car with grenade launchers and tear gas." "What?" "Someone at Blackhawk was using their system to store detailed routes and schedules for each of the city's 7 major armored car carriers, including the 3 that have already been hit." "Mr. Queen, I think we should provide this information to the police." "With it, they should be able to predict the next heist." "Hold on." "Felicity, I don't want to get you in trouble with my friend, so do me a favor." "Forward that directory on to me and I'll get it to the police personally." "Thank you." "So, no wine, then?" "Uhh!" "Uhh!" "Knox, he's hurt!" "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Aah!" "Oh, God, check it out!" "Check it out!" "Convertible." "You must be so surprised." "Oh, isn't everything absolutely perfect?" "Except for dad's not here." "If dad were here, he'd say you look beautiful." "Oh!" "Excuse me a sec." "I heard the Hood foiled an armored car heist this evening." "Gaynor wasn't running the rocket launcher." "I know." "I was with him the whole time it was going down." "It looks like you were right." "Listen, if someone at Blackhawk is involved," "I'd put my money on Knox." "He started right before the heists began, and he has military training." "Okay." "I injured one." "He was bleeding pretty badly when they made off in their van." "Okay, so if any of Knox's blood is in one of the motor pool vans," "I'm going with you." "We'll know for sure." "No, no, no, listen." "You have this party." "And I told you I would handle this." "If there's any problems, you're just a phone call away." "Hey." "Head on a swivel." "That's the way I was born, man." "Happy Birthday!" "I'll miss you!" "We have a special birthday gift for you." "It's called Vertigo." "It's supposed to make you feel all floaty." "Uh, if my mom caught me with this," "I wouldn't make it to 19." "I'm gonna go put it upstairs, and then I'll be right back down." "♪ Come on down" "Moira, I have a little something for you." "Walter..." "I did as you asked." "Now it's your turn to do as I asked." "I'll take care of it." "Thank you, Moira." "At my party." "Right here in front of me?" "No, Thea, you don't understand." "Walter hasn't been gone two months and you're already cheating on him." "Just like you did on dad." "Thea, I never cheated." "Like I would believe anything you say." "No." "I wish it had been you that was on that boat." "I had a feeling you'd show up." "Yeah?" "Why is that, Knox?" "Right after Gaynor got you hired, someone hacked our system." "First person to ever make it through our firewall." "You want to tell me how you did it?" "I'm not really sure." "He didn't think you'd be very cooperative." "Who?" "Hey, John." "Ted, you're part of this?" "No, not part of." "My men." "My mission." "Mission?" "This isn't Afghanistan." "Oh, don't I know that." "Over there we were trusted with millions of dollars in weapons and personnel." "We were conquerors." "Now we're nannies with tasers." "So that gives you the right to steal, to kill innocent civilians?" "I'm not gonna convince you I'm right." "I am gonna convince you to join the team." "Yeah, now I know you're crazy." "Earlier tonight was supposed to be our last score, but because of the Hood guy, we struck out." "Now we're down a man." "Good thing you're qualified to take his place." "Ted, I think your convincing is gonna have to be a lot more convincing." "Copy that." "Cavanaugh." "Carly." "You son of a bitch." "Kill her." "No!" "Don't!" "Don't!" "Wait!" "Don't." "Knox." "You both can die tonight, John." "Or once we do this, we're on a plane and she can go home to your nephew." "It's your call." "Well, you shouldn't have done that, Dig." "Now you gotta watch us kill your pretty little girlfriend." "No!" "Please don't!" "You're forgetting one thing, guys." "Oh, yeah, what's that?" "I'm the one with the grenade." "Carly, get out of there!" "Freeze!" "Drop it, Ted, or I swear..." "Don't...posture." "You're not gonna do it." "You can't." "I can see it in your eyes." "You're late." "You knew I was coming?" "Next time you plant a bug on someone, be more subtle about it." "I wish you trusted me, though." "I trust you, Diggle." "But them, never." "You should get out of here." "John!" "Carly." "You okay?" "Turn around and put your hands where I can see them." "Oh, Thea." "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "I'm fine." "I'm just headachy, really." "The car--is--is it" "Thea, the car isn't important right now." "Do you remember what happened, sweetheart?" "You go away." "Thea, please." "I said I'm fine." "Now, when Larry shows up tonight, you gotta show him and Janet that he doesn't" "Your father's even beginning to call me now." "Don't waste your minutes." "Your father is a jerk, but he's still your father." "They're broken up." "They're not gonna get back together ever." "I think in his own way," "I think he sees himself as protecting you somehow." "Yeah." "He is really good at using my dead mother for an excuse for being a jerk." "You never talk about your mother." "I was only 8 and I don't remember much about what happened." "But after..." "My father completely shut me out." "And then he went away." "He was gone for maybe a year or two." "I was 8 and he left me." "That is who my father is." "He only cares about himself." "Cops give you a hard time?" "Nah." "I explained to them to me and Gaynor were old war buddies." "He tried to rope me in..." "When I refused, he kidnapped Carly, everything else happened under duress." "I screwed up, Oliver." "Obviously Gaynor wasn't who I thought he was." "I was wrong." "Yeah, but... you were right, too." "When you told me that I trusted the list more than I trusted you..." "Diggle, the truth is, after what happened to me on the island..." "It's difficult for me to trust...anything." "But you do." "And that reminded me why I chose you as my partner." "It's because you see the best in people." "I learned something, too." "Until you tell me, I'll never want to know what other names are in this book." "She promised me she's not cheating on Walter." "Like I would trust anything that woman says." "Miss Queen!" "Thea Queen?" "Is there a problem?" "We received a call from your doctor." "In the event of a vehicular accident, they're required to report to result of the driver's tox screen." "Miss Queen tested positive for a narcotic called Vertigo." "The drug they're using in the Glades?" "Thea Queen, you're under arrest for driving under the influence of narcotics." "Do you know why my men wear balaclavas, Mr. Queen?" "Because it masks everything but the eyes." "In a man's eyes, one can always find the truth." "You risked everything to save your friend." "Someone I warned you about, yet you trusted him." "But that trust was misplaced." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
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"I'm offered two and six for this handsome trophy." "Do I hear another bid?" "It's going for two and six to the party in the checkered scarf." "Next, lot 177." "What have we here?" "One mother-of-pearl box, inlaid, containing a fan." "Here's a beauty for you!" "Regency period, Alençon lace mounted on carved ivory sticks." "Absolutely perfect condition." "You'd never know that Jerry had dropped his filthy bombs near it." "What's the bid for this veritable treasure?" "Wallington Limited." "There it is, right there." "The stamp of one of England's most refined jewelers." "Think of a noble lady, all done up in her silks and her settings that must have held this in her delicate hands or waved it at her noble Lord." "Oh, here's a name on it." "Margaret." "Now there's a real lady's name for you." "Come up, come up." "Don't be frightened of the aristocracy." "This here is more than an object of beauty." "It's genuine necessity, it's what every English home needs this winter." "Something to set up a nice cool breeze." " Twelve shillings." " Fifteen." "Eighteen." "Eighteen shillings?" "I'm an auctioneer, not Father Christmas." "Who will give a proper bid?" " Young man." " How much, madam?" "I have no intention of bidding." "Why should I?" "It's my own fan." "Madam, this here is a piece of unclaimed property salvaged from blitz buildings to be publicly sold." "Well, it isn't any more because I'm claiming it now." "You should have thought of that sooner." "These lots have been on view for the past month." "Come on, I made a bid of 18 shillings." "All right, 18 shillings for the gentleman with the big heart." "Do I hear a pound?" "What are you talking about?" "The fan is mine." "You really can't stand there selling things that don't belong to you." "How do I know the fan is yours?" "Well, I..." "I told you so." " Oh, come off it, madam." " I shall be delighted to have it back." "It's been stored at Edwards's for years while I've been travelling." "That's right, you know." "There was a direct hit on Edwards's." "Come on, we haven't got all day." "Madam, can you furnish any proof of ownership?" " Have you got a bill for this fan?" " Of course not, it was a gift." "You'll find me always cheerful and willing to oblige." "I'll put the fan aside for a day." "If you bring in someone who knows you and knows it's yours, you can have it." "That's quite absurd." "Everyone I once knew in London must be dead by now." "Sorry, madam, but you must find someone to establish proof." "Madam, would you fill in this form, please?" "That is the law." "I'm sure it is - it's quite inconvenient enough to be." "Next..." "Would you be good enough to tell me, is Lord Darlington still alive?" " He sure is." " Oh, you're an American." "I spent many years in your stimulating country." "I get along very well with Americans." "After you've married one or two of them, they don't seem like foreigners at all." " Does Lord Darlington live here?" " Oh yes, we all do." "Oh, how picturesque." "This is the drawing room." "There is the dining room." "There's the chandelier." "And there is the painting over the fireplace." "And you, young ladies, you are perhaps, um... descendants?" "I hadn't known that Lord Darlington had ever visited America." "Oh no, we just rent our rooms here." "Oh, forgive me." "I've been away for so long." "It's rather startling to find Lord Darlington letting lodgings." "Don't you know there's a housing shortage?" "This is an office now." "And just what office is this?" "We work for an organization in the States that sends food to people here." "I knew you were nice girls the moment I laid eyes on you." "And does Lord Darlington have an office here too?" "Oh no, his rooms are the way they always were." "Poor old guy, how could he live any other way?" "He's a museum piece." "A museum piece?" "My dears, Lord Darlington was once the most dangerous man in London." " Is he at home now?" " He never goes out before three." "Do you want to see him?" " Yes, please." " Sure." "Oh, who shall I say?" " Just tell him a very dear old enemy." " Okay." " Hi, sweet." " Good afternoon, my dear." "You're looking like a..." "No, not at all like a rose." "You're looking like an extremely healthy sunflower." "You know what?" "There's a lady waiting downstairs to see you." " Indeed?" "What is her name?" " She said she was a dear old enemy." "Extraordinary, I didn't know I had any of them left." "Hope she doesn't keep me too long." "Enemies' conversations are interminable - friends get it over in a minute." "This is the hour for my walk." "Here's your little gloves." "Here's your little cane." "Here's your little hat." "My dear, somehow I believe my accessories are the normal size." " There." "Are you okay now?" " I'm quite, as you say, okay." "Why, it is Lord Darlington!" "Don't you remember me, Robert?" "You must forgive me, madam, but I have such a wretched memory." "Of course." "At our age we remember only ourselves." "But, don't you?" "Can't you?" "Please make me young again by telling me your name." "Hey Cynthia, have you got what came down from Liverpool this morning?" "You cannot expect me to refresh my memory in this mad house," " so if you will pardon me..." " Pardon you?" "I'll do much better than that." "I'll accompany you." "Of course it was my vanity that made me think you'd recognize me today when yesterday was so very long ago." "Madam, I regret that I'm contributing very little to the situation and I'm pressed for time so if you'd be good enough to tell me who you are..." " Oh, come Robert." "Why don't you try and guess?" "I am sorry, but I have no fondness for games." "Good afternoon, m'lord." "Here it is, ready and waiting for you." " I'm a bit late today." " Oh, it's still fine and fresh, sir." "Who else but Robert Darlington would wear primroses in this day and age?" "Oh, you're quite perfect!" "That is perhaps debatable." "I haven't got time to argue it with you." "What is it you want of me, madam?" "A little attention, to begin with." "You might at least ask me how I am." "I never ask people that question." "They might tell me." "If it hadn't been for the fan, I wouldn't have dreamed of looking you up." "But those idiots say that I can't have it unless I bring in someone who knows me and knows about the fan." "What idiots?" "Bring in where?" "What fan?" "Why, Lady Windermere's fan!" "How do you know that name?" "That's one name you remember, isn't it Robert?" "Because you loved her." "No man ever loved her as you did, except her husband." "I think you've said enough." " And assumed entirely too much." " You wear them every day, don't you?" "She was so much like a primrose herself." "So fresh, so exquisite, so innocent." "Who would have thought that you and I would survive her and him?" "They went together, he and she, when the first bombs fell." "And that was best." "One could not live without the other." "I saw their graves." "There were primroses on hers." " Please..." " You see, I loved her too." "And so I was glad that you could not have your wish." "That you could not destroy the happiness of her marriage." "I will not have you speak to me this way." "I have never seen you before, I do not know you and I have no wish to." "Indeed, you have seen me before." "I can show you the place where you first saw me." "This shop!" "Television?" "It was once Wallington's, the jewelers." "That was before the First World War." "Dear man, it was before the Boer War." "It was on a beautiful spring day, but it was not a very happy day for me." "I had no money left, simply no money at all." "In my hotel suite, the bills were piled like snow drifts." "'I'd known other times like it before but it's curious how one never gets used to destitution." "That day, I'd come to Wallington's to sell my sapphire earrings." "Pardon me, gentlemen." "May I fetch someone to serve you?" "No thank you, not yet." "I..." "I want to look at your charming frivolities." "Every thread of the Alençon lace is perfect and the design is extraordinarily delicate." "She must have it, Arthur." "I think she will be delighted." "I'm glad you told me about this, Cecil." "It's the perfect tribute to an enchanting wife from an enchanted husband." "Really, Cecil." "What a salesman you would have made." "What a salesman you make!" "If I may say so, Lord Windermere, you're wise to be guided by Mr. Graham." "His taste is faultless." "Robert, the only way a poor man can indulge his taste is by selling it." "Your wit is improving, Cecil." "I'm entirely persuaded." "I shall take the fan." "You should have your wife's name on the fan to make it more personal." "A most thoughtful touch." " How would you do that?" " Something very delicate..." "Rubies." "An exquisite tracery of rubies." " That's it." " Excellent." "Her name is Margaret." " And her birthday should be on it too." " Very good." "It's the 24th of April and be sure to have it done in time." " She'll want it at her birthday ball." " It will be finished in ample time." " Good afternoon then." " Good day." " May I be of service, madam?" " Lord Windermere is mistaken." "Lady Windermere's birthday is the 21st of April." " Lord Windermere said the 24th." " I just told you he was mistaken." "You must remind him that he is wrong as soon as possible." "Certainly." "If you say so, madam." "But I can't help thinking that Lord Windermere would know better than anybody." "Not better than anybody." "Her birthday is the 21st." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I came to see Wallington for a moment." "Of course I'll wait." "There's no need to." "I'm glad of a bit more time." "There are too many lovely things here for me to make up my mind quickly." "Thank you for your most altruistic indecision." "I think... my idea of having rubies on the fan should be worth ten pounds more." "I think five pounds is sufficient, Mr. Graham." "I was going to bring in the Duchess of Berwick to see the emeralds." "Very well, ten pounds, Mr. Graham." "Thank heavens, I remembered in time." "My wife's birthday isn't the 24th, it's the 21st." "I already know, m'lord." "This lady was kind enough to inform me of the correct date." "I'm sorry, I couldn't help hearing." " I'm so glad you did, thank you." " Perhaps you wonder how I knew." "Well, my most innocent vice is reading the news of London society." "There's been so much about Lady Windermere's birthday ball on the 21st." "Of course, the 24th is our wedding anniversary." "My memory is always in a state of confusion about dates." "I'm afraid it's even gone into a confused state about names." "You cannot blame your memory for something that was never in it." "My name is Mrs. Erlynne, but you don't know me." " But I do know you, I'm sure." " No." "Perhaps Lord Windermere wishes that he did." " You came back too, Cecil." " Why, certainly!" "I thought of taking another look at some of Wallington's precious little trinkets." " I'm sure we have met." " No, Lord Windermere." "I'm positive." "There's something about you..." "I know this isn't the first time I've seen you." " And I hope it won't be the last." " I've just decided to stay in London." "They say it's a very small place." "I hope it's true." "How remarkable that we should meet again so soon, and in the same company." "I dare say you left a glove, Robert." " Of course." " But you've got both gloves on." "I carry a third glove to leave behind, then I can return and find out how my friends have been improving their opportunities behind my back." "They really don't deserve it, Mrs. Erlynne, but let me present." "Lord Darlington, Mr. Graham." "The two best dressed men in London." "But there is a difference between us, Mrs. Erlynne." "You see, I live by my wits." "Lord Darlington is a much more usual type." "He lives on his money." "The witty so often undervalue the rich and vice-versa." "The settings on my earrings are rather loose." "Will you have them tightened, and send them over to me?" " To Mrs. Erlynne, Albemarle Hotel." " Yes, madam." "Good afternoon." "No, I didn't sell my earrings after all." "It, shall we say, came over me that it was not going to be necessary to part with them." "I knew one of you three men would solve my problem.'" "Is her ladyship at home, Dawson?" " Yes, m'lord, in the ballroom." " In the ballroom?" "Will you please get down before I have heart failure?" "I'm measuring how much garland I'll need for the decorating." "I greatly admire your slender white neck." "It would grieve me to see it broken." "Darling, I wasn't in the slightest danger." "But it is sweet of you to worry." "Purely selfish." "I'd hate to have anything happen to you." "We've been married nearly a year and I'm in the habit of having you for a wife." "Margaret, why won't you let people do things for you?" " Must you do everything yourself?" " I love it." "What's the hurry with the garlands?" "There's still three weeks before the ball." "I'm so excited." "I think I'm going to have the most beautiful birthday." "Your birthday is the greatest day of history for me." "Thank you so much for having been born." " Dawson?" " Yes, m'lady?" " Is the tea ready, Dawson?" " Yes, m'lady." "Would you bring it in?" "Here's a new offence." "You've been addressing these invitations yourself." " The secretary could have done it." " It's my birthday, it's my party." "They're my invitations and I love it this way." " Oh, what's Lord Darlington's address?" " Half Moon Street." " What number?" " Just Half Moon Street will reach him." " That will be all, Dawson." " Just London would for that matter." "You didn't show me the announcement of your birthday ball in the society news." "Why, there hasn't been any." "This is to be our own very small party." " Are you sure there was nothing?" " Quite." "I hate that sort of thing." "My aunt always said a lady should have her name in the papers only three times." "When she's born, when she's married and when she dies." "I was particularly careful to avoid any report of our ball." "So there was nothing about the ball in the papers." "Yes, this was their house." "This was where they were happy." "My dear lady, you've painted a very pretty little picture of domestic bliss." "Arthur told me about it." "Now I'm supposed to imagine an intimate little supper with Windermere pouring out all his confidences as well as the champagne?" "Oh, no." "Nothing half so formal." "He told me on one of his visits." "As a matter of fact, he called on me at the Albemarle the very next afternoon." " Windermere, the model husband" " Windermere, the model husband." "And you have accused ME of trying to destroy their marriage?" "I wanted to keep that marriage happy." "Madam, it does no good to stir up these things." "Dead scandals have earned the peace of their graves." "Here is where we really must part." " Good afternoon, m'lord." " I'm seven minutes late." "I was unavoidably detained by an absolutely unforeseen occurrence." "We are quite ready for you, m'lord." "I cannot get used to this strange new world." "The streets of London are positively unsafe." "In broad daylight, one is badgered by all sorts of insistent females full of memories." "One is literally pursued." "Thank you, Simpson." "May I be of service, madam?" "Lord Darlington is in there, isn't he?" " Really, madam, I..." " I want to talk to him at once." "This is most irregular, madam." "Madam, is there no place sacred?" "Not when I want something, and I want my fan, Robert." "I must ask you again..." "I've told madam this is unprecedented..." "Please leave us, we are very old friends." "Come along, Robert." "Come and verify my statement and then I can have my fan back." "I can verify nothing for you." "But of course you can when I help you to remember a little more." " Do you smoke?" " No thank you." "It may clear you memory." "No thank you, madam." "Please don't trouble, let me light it." " It's good of you to permit me to smoke." " Will you permit me?" "Do you enjoy it?" "Not a bit, but I enjoy the outraged looks on people's faces." "Including yours, Lord Windermere." "I'm not at all outraged, Mrs. Erlynne." "I find your vices most fascinating." "For instance, I could find no reference to my wife's birthday in the in the society news." " I lie so clumsily." "I can't imagine your doing anything any way but gracefully." "You wonder, don't you, how I knew about your wife's birthday?" " Of course, I came here to ask you." " I'm indebted to your curiosity." "But you must let me stay clothed in mystery." "Mystery is a most important garment in the wardrobe of an adventuress." " Adventuress?" " Yes, does the word shock you?" "To me it only means one who loves adventure." "You must have had many of them." "In Paris, Constantinople, Cairo to Shanghai." "Oh yes, there were quite a few." "Although they were all of a certain sameness." "I'm ready for a different sort." "I've decided to try the most challenging of all." "The adventure of making a place for myself in London society." "A beautiful woman alone?" "The odds are against you." "Yes, a hundred to one." "But they're the kind of odds I prefer." "Don't you?" " You appeal to my sporting sense." " I know, I meant to." " How will you make your start?" " I thought you'd tell me that." " Well, be seen at the opera." " Splendid, I'm so fond of the opera." "The singing never interferes with the conversation." "May I help to see that you get a box for the season?" " Naturally." " And you should go to the races." "I'm not so fond of racing." "I never gamble except with my future." "Besides, racing is for the many." "I want something more difficult." "I want to start right in with the... favored few." "That is decidedly the more difficult." "Still it can be done." "With your aid of course." "Look, here's the kind of thing I mean." "The finals of the Mask and Foil Club on Saturday next at Temple Gardens." "Now, the Mask and Foil Club is ideally select." "Besides I love to watch fencing." "Are you a contestant?" "No, I'm the referee." "Cecil Graham and Lord Darlington are the finalists." "Mr. Graham told me when he called this morning." "If Cecil is that quick at the tournament, Darlington had best look to his laurels." "It should be a splendid match." "Is Lady Windermere going?" "Mrs. Erlynne, I'm afraid it's almost impossible for you to go to the fencing." " Almost impossible?" " The tickets are reserved for members." "Yes, but surely you could arrange that a... shall we say, friend, could come?" "Well, you see..." "it's a matter of subscription." "It's a very old club and they're quite strict about these things." "In short, you don't think an adventuress would belong there." "No, no." "I..." "I didn't say any such thing." "Yes you did, dear Lord Windermere." "You said it in all sorts of languages." "I..." "I think I should go now." "I still don't know how you knew my wife's birthday." "I'm glad." "I keep my mystery." "You're very kind to have let me stay so long." " I've made you keep someone waiting." " Oh no, you haven't." "They're my own inventions." "I always keep them inside so that when a gentleman calls they provide an opening for a conversation." "We didn't need one, did we?" " I hope we meet again soon." " I'm sure we shall." "Probably at the fencing match, Lord Windermere." "Good afternoon." "I'm heartbroken to have kept you waiting, but business matters, you know how they are." "Or rather, I hope you will never need to know, Lord Adolphus." "Augustus, dear lady, Augustus." "Augustus Lorton." "Yes, of course." "How could I have confused it when Augustus has always been one of my favorite names?" "There's something so regal, so Roman Empire about it, it suits you." "You were saying when my... my matter of business interrupted us?" "I'm so fortunate in having this letter of introduction to you from Mr. Whistler." "Oh yes, Mr. Whistler." "What a dear disagreeable man." "This is the sketch he did for the 'Lady in Silver' - his portrait of me done years ago..." "too many years ago!" "Dear Jimmy." "I so wish I could paint." "Oh, there are always such quantities of artists." "You, I'm sure, have rarer gifts." "I know you're someone famous." "Where is it I saw your name in print only lately?" "Oh, I know!" "Aren't you a member of the Mask and Foil Club?" "I'm second vice-president." "How wonderful of you!" "Do make yourself more comfortable." " Won't you have a cigarette?" " Thank you." "Mr. Whistler has indeed done me a favor, in introducing me to you." "Oh no, Lord Augustus." "The favor is to me." " Why don't you sit here?" " That will be fine." " Do you think it's going to rain?" " I don't think so." "Look, there's Darlington, all ready." "Thank you, Lancelot." "Excuse me a moment." " Good afternoon, Arthur." " Hello." "I hope you're in good form." " Well, I hope I won't disappoint you." " Excuse me, Margaret." "I want to apologize, Lady Windermere." "Now, what have you done?" "I told you the other evening that even you could never look more beautiful." "Now that I see you today, I find I was wrong." "I wonder why a man thinks he's pleasing a woman when he says things to her he doesn't mean." " But I do mean them." " I hope not." "I like you very much, you know that." "But I shouldn't like you if I thought you were what most other men are." "You're better than most." "Sometimes I think you pretend to be worse." "If you pretend to be good, the world takes you seriously." "If you pretend to be bad, it doesn't." "Don't you want the world to take you seriously?" "No, but I want YOU to take me seriously, Lady Windermere." "Why me?" "Because we might be great friends." "And you may need a friend someday." "I think we are good friends, and will be so long as you don't spoil our friendship." "What's the matter with Darlington?" "Has he given up already?" "Lady Windermere, it would have been much kinder to me if you'd come heavily veiled and swathed in thick shawls." "I shall have the most terrible time keeping my eyes on my opponent." "It is useless to protest, all men are bound to pay you compliments." "Compliments are the only things I can afford to pay." "Do you remember there's a match you're supposed to take part in?" "Do you think the rain will hold off?" "It looks very threatening." "I don't think it will rain." "What do you think, Robert?" " Your guest, Arthur?" " Mrs. Erlynne?" "Augustus is a fool." "You must pay me a great deal of attention this afternoon, I shall need it." "Tell me who people are." "Well, there is my sister, the Duchess of Berwick." "Who on earth is that with my brother?" "Do you know her, Mr. Hopper?" "What an interesting face!" "You must introduce me to her." "And next to her, Lady Agatha, my niece." "And there is Lady Windermere." "Her name is Mrs. Erlynne." "She lives at the same hotel as I, the Albemarle." " Is there a Mr. Erlynne?" " I don't think anybody knows." "She looks like an edition deluxe of a wicked French novel meant especially for the English market." "They say she has quite a past." "She looks as if she had at least a dozen." "Well, Arthur, are we going to start?" "Perhaps we had better postpone the match." "Due to the inclemency of the weather or the arrival of Mrs. Erlynne?" "All right, let's start." "Are you ready?" "En garde!" "Play." " Agatha?" " Yes, Mama?" "We are going inside." "I won't risk ruining my new hat to see whether Graham touches Darlington first, or Darlington Graham." "Come along with us, Margaret, or you'll be drenched." "I can't leave." "The match isn't over yet." "My dear, they can't possibly go on in this weather." "Look, Arthur is calling the match now." "All right, it's finished." "My dear lady, do hurry for the carriage or your lovely hat will get soaked and it will quite break my heart." "Maybe I can heal your heart." "I'll allow you to buy me a new hat." "Touché, Lord Windermere." "The heavens are with you this time." "Come, Augustus." "Wait for me." " Kindly leave that sign where it is." " I beg your pardon, sir?" " This house has been let, I'm the agent." " It has not been let." "But Lord Windermere will sign the lease this afternoon." "Oh, he will?" "Extremely interesting." "You there!" "Augustus?" "Have you completely lost your mind?" " What are you doing?" " Well, as you see, dear boy, there's no end to what I'd do for an attractive woman." "And she's damned attractive." "But I don't understand all this." "She must be rich." "She's taken this house." "Who is she?" "Where does she come from?" "Why hasn't she got any relatives?" "Damn nuisance, relatives I know, but they make one respectable." "Why are the women so down on her?" "You should hear what my sister says." "Don't tell me the Duchess of Berwick has met her." "Not yet, but she's heard things about her, didn't leave a rag on her." "It doesn't matter, she's got an really fine figure." "Mrs. Erlynne, I mean, not my sister." "Oh, I don't know what to do." "Sometimes one would think I was married to Mrs. Erlynne." "She treats me with such indifference and when I complain about it, she's so clever, she can explain everything." "Do you mind if I have a word with her?" "She can't get into society, can she Arthur?" "Where is she?" "Upstairs, deciding on the mood for her bedroom." "Would you introduce her to your wife?" "Would you do that, old boy?" "Mrs. Erlynne, will you please tell me what this is all about?" "Brocade is always handsome, but it rather ages one." "I wonder about tartan, billows of tartan." "I do love tartan." "So fresh and spring-like!" "Help me decide, Windermere." "What do you think?" "This lease was sent to my solicitor for my signature and my check." "I'm supposed to take this house for a year." "With an option for another." "Clever of me to think of that!" " For 350 pounds." " Guineas, my dear man." "And I had to be most pathetic to the agent to get if for so little." "It's a charming house, isn't it?" "What has made you think that I am going to provide you with a house?" "Good reasons." "I could tell them to you, but mystery fascinates you, doesn't it?" "I have no intention of presenting you with this house." "Perhaps you haven't at the moment." "But in a little while you'll be absolutely astonished at the change in you." "Your self-confidence is entirely misplaced." "Oh no, it isn't." "You will want to give me this house for two reasons." "It will make ideal campaign headquarters for my siege of Lord Augustus." "Am I supposed to encourage Lord Augustus to marry you?" "Oh dear me, no." "I'll do that." "It will require only the most primitive technique." "All sunshine one day, complete indifference the next." "And there you are, or rather, there I'll be." "Lady Augustus Lorton." "I dare say you'll make him an admirable wife." "He will think so, and so probably shall I." "But I require your financial assistance before we're officially engaged." "He will propose eventually, but it would hasten things considerably if I had the added attraction of a dowry." "He can so easily think that I inherited it from a third cousin or a second husband, or some distant relative of that kind." "Nothing ostentatious, say... 2,500 pounds or so." "Mrs. Erlynne, you are the most outrageously brazen woman I ever met." "Thank you, I always enjoy being described with a superlative degree." "Do you really mean that I am to give you a house and a small fortune because I called on you once?" "You are fascinated by me, admit it." "It rained the other day, Lord Windermere... for you." "But now the sun is shining... for me." "Will you kindly tell me why you feel you can practice this extortion?" " I'm going to tell you." " Mrs. Erlynne?" "My dear lady." "I quite forgot Augustus." "It's so easy to." "I'll send him away at once." " Come back later and I'll tell you then." " I must insist that you tell me now." " Come back at five o'clock." " I shall be busy at five." "Not that busy." "I'll see you at five o'clock." "I'm coming, my dear Augustus." "Poor Arthur, he was furious with me, with himself, with everything because he knew he would come back at five o'clock." " And did he?" " Promptly." "You know how curious men are." " I'm sure you satisfied his curiosity." " Certainly." " May I ask how?" " In the simplest possible way." "By telling him the truth." "There is nothing like a lifetime of lying to make one realize how effective the truth can be." "You understand that, don't you, Lord Darlington?" " My life was not devoted to lying." " It didn't have to be." "You let the lies come to you, and then used them most adroitly in your attempt to break up the Windermere marriage." "Yes, but I honestly loved Margaret and I had no hope until I heard those stories about you and Arthur." "His visits to you, and his paying for your house in Curzon Street." "That gossip was a godsend to me." "It was my chance." " And you took it." " And I took it." "I knew she was going shopping that day so I waited for her and followed her to the Burlington Arcade." "It was too great a temptation." "And you know that a man can resist everything except temptation.'" "If I had known you were coming this way today" "I would have covered the street with flowers for you to walk upon." "Good morning, Lord Darlington." "I've been so busy, I almost forgot to get slippers to dance in." "You're always the sweet exception." "Other women think first of their costumes, then of the occasion for them." "You know a great deal about women." "It's rather too bad you've made it your only study." "I admit it was a waste of time." "I found that out when I began to study you." "I'm not sure I like being observed so closely." "What will you forbid me next?" "To look at flowers, to see the sun?" "What a fascinating puritan you are." "The adjective was quite unnecessary." "Perhaps I am rather a puritan." "After my mother died, my father's sister took charge of me." "She taught me to remember what the world is forgetting, the difference between right and wrong." " She allowed no compromise?" " Nor do I." "I wonder if you wouldn't consider a compromise in a case such as I happened to hear of recently." "The case of a young married couple." "The husband has become involved with a woman of rather doubtful character." "So doubtful in fact that there is no doubt whatsoever about it." "He calls on her constantly and he's said to be paying her bills." "Don't you think that in this instance the wife has a right to seek consolation elsewhere?" "You mean because the husband is vile the wife should be vile too?" " Vile is a terrible word." " But it's a terrible thing, Lord Darlington." "Look, Agatha." "There's Lady Windermere." "My dearest Margaret, how pleased I am to see you!" "Agatha, tell Lady Windermere how delighted you are to see her." "Yes, Mama." "How do you do, Lord Darlington?" "Do have the good sense to leave us." "There are two things a man should never find out about a woman." "What she really thinks of him and the size of her shoes." "I suppose we shall see you at Lady Windermere's ball." "It's not a ball, it's only a dance." "It's small and early." "Very small, very early and very select." "We know that." "I don't know what the rest of society is coming to." "One meets the most dreadful people everywhere." "They certainly come to my parties." "Yours is one of the few houses left in London where" "I can take Agatha and feel perfectly secure." "By the way, Margaret, have you sent an invitation to Mr. James Hopper?" "I don't know Mr. Hopper." "He's that Australian everyone is taking so much notice of." "His father made a fortune by selling some sort of food in circular tins." "Most palatable, I believe." "I fancy it's the thing the servants always refuse to eat." " Mr. Hopper is quite taken with Agatha." " Of course, I'll send him an invitation." "I'm so much interested in Australia." "Agatha has found it on the map." "It must be so pretty with all the little kangaroos flying about." "Australia is a very young country, isn't it?" "Wasn't it made at the same time as the others, Duchess?" "How clever you are, Margaret." "No, no Darlington." "You mustn't dream of talking to Agatha." "You're far too wicked a man." "Come now." "As a wicked man I'm a complete failure." "Everyone says I've never done anything really wrong in my life." "Of course they only say it behind my back." "Goodbye, ladies." "What does he mean by that?" "I suppose we shall never find out." " Come on, Agatha." " Yes, Mama." " Goodbye, Monsieur Philippe." " Au revoir." "A dans 15 jours." "Margaret, you tell him dear." "He never understands my French." "He must come from some little village where they speak a sort of patois." "The shoes need stretching." "My little toe hurts me whatever I do with it." " He'll bring another pair." " Yes dear, I understood that." " Agatha, darling?" " Yes, Mama?" "See those shiny buckles over there, aren't they charming?" "Yes, Mama." " Go over and look at them more closely." " Yes, Mama." "Dear girl, she's so fond of shiny things." "Such a pure taste." "I do so admire you, dear Margaret." "You're being so brave about this." " Brave about what, Duchess?" " And wise." "But the best thing you can do is to take him to Vichy for the waters." " Take whom?" " Why, Arthur of course!" "Then you can keep him under your eye all day long." "I assure you, my dear, that on several occasions I had to pretend to be very ill and I was obliged to drink the most unpleasant mineral waters just to get my husband out of town." "He was so strongly susceptible." "But he'd never give away any large sums of money to anybody." "He was too high principled for that." "My dear Duchess, won't you tell what you are talking about?" "My husband and I, believe or not, married for love, just like you and Arthur." "We all begin like that." "And before the year was out, he was running after all kinds of petticoats." "Every color, shape and material." "Please, Duchess, what is all this about?" "Wicked women get our husbands away from us, but they always come back." "Damaged, of course, but they come back." "What pretty slippers!" "Do you mean wicked women in general or some particular wicked woman?" " I mean Mrs. Erlynne, naturally." " Mrs. Erlynne?" "I've never heard of her." "What is she to do with Arthur?" "Everyone looked on Windermere as such a model husband." "Please, Duchess." "Is it necessary to discuss this in front of..." " He can't understand a word I say." " I can't either." "That woman has actually taken a house in Curzon Street and they say that Arthur goes there four or five times a week." "She must have got a great deal of money out of somebody." "It seems she arrived in London a few weeks ago without anything to speak of." "Now she has a charming house, drives a pony in the park every afternoon and all this since she's known poor dear Windermere." "But her house and her horses can't be due to Arthur." "Margaret, tell him I'll take these shoes and I'll take them with me." "Somebody is giving her money and it isn't Augustus." "He's head over heels about her, exactly what one would expect of him." "But he's given her nothing." "I know because I examine his check book every night." "You look in your brother's check book without his knowledge?" " Of course I do." "Agatha?" " Yes, Mama?" " Well, get the shoes dear." " Yes, Mama." " You're not going to cry, are you?" " You needn't be afraid, Duchess." "I don't believe a word of this gossip and besides, I never cry." "Quite right, my dear." "Crying is the refuge of plain women." "But it's the ruin of pretty ones." " It was a pleasant evening, wasn't it?" " I loved it." "We should go to the theatre more often." "Society is at its best there." "All the chattering comes from the other side of the footlights." "So different from the opera, isn't it?" "Did you hear what somebody said about the opera?" "They enjoy it because the singing never interferes with their conversation." " Who did you hear say that?" " I don't know." "Somebody told me somebody had said it." "So late in the season, people repeat almost anything." "I'll recommend you as a hairdresser to all my friends." "I should be glad to serve them, but my heart wouldn't be in my work." "If it should be, I'd kill them." "Are the plans for your birthday party all in order?" "I really think I've attended to every single thing about the dance." "No, I haven't." "I didn't send a card to Mr. Hopper." "I must do it at once." " You must do no such thing." " I promised the Duchess." "You can keep your promise in the morning." "You didn't tell me you saw the Duchess." " I met her at Philippe's." " How many reputations did she destroy?" "Oh, she was rather interesting today." "She talked about you." "What did she say about me?" "Except, of course, the highest praise for my character and for my tailor." "I didn't pay much attention to most of it." "In fact, to any of it." "She did say you were extravagant." "It seems you've been buying houses and horses and all sorts of things for some mysterious lady that recently came to London." "Mrs. Erly, or Eryl, I really don't remember." "Well, I'm glad you don't pay much attention to her." "Why should I?" "You remember what she told us about Lady Jansen and her husband and that incident in the South of France." "Come, let's have no more horrible stories." "Did you see anyone pleasant today?" " Yes." "I met Lord Darlington." " Oh, Robert?" "I saw him too, or rather I caught a glimpse of him." " He went past me in Curzon Street." " Curzon Street?" "What were you doing in Curzon Street, Arthur?" "I was endeavoring to get from one end of it to the other." "Why do you ask such nonsensical questions?" "I don't know." "I suppose I must have nonsense in my head." "You're tired, darling, that's what it is." "You need a rest, I think we both do." " Why don't we go abroad after the ball?" " That's curious." " What is?" " You're suggesting that we go abroad." "The Duchess suggested it too, she thought it would be a very good thing." "Then for once the Duchess and I agree." "Even she can't be wrong always." "No, I suppose she can't always." " Is something wrong, darling?" " No, I was just thinking." " What about?" " Lady Jansen." "She and Lord Jansen no longer live under the same roof." "She left him." "I said that the Duchess had to be right sometimes." "It has to do with the law of averages." " Arthur, what's the matter with you?" " What's supposed to be the matter?" " You just shouted." " I didn't do anything of the kind!" "And if I did, you show me the man who can discuss the Duchess of Berwick without losing his patience." "And you show me the woman." "Margaret, what on earth are you doing?" "Of course." "You couldn't wait to see what your birthday present was." "You know what happens to little girls who can't wait and steal a look at their gifts, don't you?" "Don't look so frightened." "I'd love to give it to you now." "You needn't wait a moment longer." "Happy birthday, Lady Windermere." "Oh, it's lovely, it's enchanting." "You're an angel, Arthur, you're my good angel." "You've kept me from doing something I should've been very much ashamed of." " What could you do to be ashamed of?" " I couldn't sleep." "My mind kept going round and round about the Duchess and Lady Jansen and houses and horses and mysterious women and about how the Duchess was right sometimes and..." "Then when you said you'd been in Curzon Street I..." "I kept thinking." "Suddenly I just had to know." "It wasn't about the birthday present." " It was because I was going to." " Going to what?" "Because I was going to look at your check book." "Margaret, that isn't like you!" "I know." "Wasn't I an idiot?" "All this fuss and worry when all I needed to do is to ask you." "Darling, you're so tired, you must go to sleep..." "You would have told me, wouldn't you?" " It's nearly morning, come to bed." " Wouldn't you?" " Please Margaret, it's so late." " Arthur, tell me now that it isn't true." "Will you stop this foolishness?" "Have you been paying money to this woman?" " Then I must find out for myself!" " You don't understand." "Things are not always what they appear." " Mrs. Erlynne, 600 pounds." "It's insane to misconstrue circumstances." " Mrs. Erlynne, 400 pounds." " Things seem to be what they're not." "Mrs. E, 700 pounds." "Mrs. E..." "Oh, it's all true!" " I only ask you to trust me." " Trust you, after what I've just seen?" "After the money you've given and given to this trollop." " You mustn't say such things about her." " Why mustn't I?" "Because they're wrong." "As long as I've known Mrs. Erlynne, her conduct has been beyond criticism." " Perhaps it's true that many years ago..." " Please, spare me the story of her life." "Listen to me." "Mrs. Erlynne lost everything, threw it away if you like." "All she wants is a chance to get her life back again, to have a new start." "That's all she wants from me or from anyone else." " I've tried to help this woman." " So I can see from your check book." "Margaret, believe me." "I've done nothing to hurt our love." "You have." "You thought because I had no father or mother that you could humiliate me and degrade me and I'd do nothing about it?" "It drives me mad when I think of you and that woman congratulating each other on my ignorance." "Laughing and smirking together while I trust in you." "I wish to Heaven, I could find a way to hurt you and her as you two have hurt me." "And I will find it, I will!" "You'll see that I will." " Good afternoon, Bessie." " Good afternoon, madam." " Has anyone called?" " Lord Windermere has been waiting." "If I'd known you were coming I never would have coaxed Augustus into playing that second set." "The house is beginning to look like a house, isn't it?" "I've been involved with masses of upholsterers and drapers." "I had to plead, virtually on my knees, with the carpet dealers or there would have been no new carpets for months." "I'm sorry, Mrs. Erlynne, but there will no further need for carpets or anything else for this house." " And why not?" " Because you're leaving it." "You're leaving London, leaving England." " Margaret knows everything?" " Not everything, but enough." " Who told her?" " Some 'friend'." "I'm sorry I didn't tell her the truth myself from the first." "Curious." "I regret my bad actions and you regret your good ones." "All London is gossiping about this house and the money I gave you." " You take these things too seriously." " Mrs. Erlynne, I wanted to help you." "I didn't realize how things would seem and what people would say." "You must leave London." "You're breaking your word, Arthur." "You promised me the chance of a new life, a secure and decent life." " I know I did." " Well, you haven't given me that chance." "I've not yet assured my position so that Lord Augustus will ask me to marry him." " I can't help it, you must go." " Please don't give me orders, Arthur." "I shall stay in London as long as I choose." " Yes, Bessie?" " I beg your pardon, madam." "This has just been delivered by special messenger." "You don't want to cause Margaret any more pain, do you?" "I've never seen her as she was last night." "Today, she locked herself in her room, there's no telling what she might do." "I can't lose her." "If I do, I lose life itself." " And what about my life?" " Must you always think of yourself?" "Don't you realize that if you stay here Margaret will find out who you are?" "If she does find out, will the world come to an end?" " It would for her." " You'll not hound me out of London." "I've made mistakes, yes, and I've paid for them." "And now you come to me and tell me I must pay again and go on paying for the rest of my life?" "Well, I won't do it." "My account is settled and I'll pay no more." "I too have been paying for your mistakes, Mrs. Erlynne." "And I'm willing to pay considerably more to end any further demands on me." "I'm making out this check to you for 10,000 pounds." "It's drawn on the Paris branch of my bank." "Payable only in Paris and only within the next three days." "I won't go and that is final." "The club train leaves at 10:45 tonight." "There is no emergency to excuse your conduct." "You're disposing of my life with utter selfishness, and now you add vulgarity to cruelty." "You're the lowest of all thing, you're cheap." "I'm leaving the check on the mantelpiece, Mrs. Erlynne." "Good afternoon." "As long as I live, I'll never forget that moment." "There was a check of 10,000 pounds from Lord Windermere to be rid of me." "And there was an invitation to her birthday ball from Lady Windermere.'" "It was the most precious invitation I ever received." "The most precious invitation from his wife?" "From my daughter." "Margaret, your daughter?" "I didn't know." " I never knew." " Of course you didn't." "It was my career to keep everybody from knowing it." "How could I have acknowledged a grown-up daughter?" "I never admitted I was more than 29, 30 at the most." "29 when they were pink shades 30 when they were not." "But why did you become separated from your husband and your child?" "Why does any woman leave her husband and her child?" " For another man." " Who in turn, abandoned me." "I'm sorry." "Arthur was the only one who ever knew my secret." "More than anything in the world, he wanted to spare Margaret the humiliation of knowing her mother was a woman whose name was a scandal in every country in Europe." "He was right to shield her." "I realize that now more clearly than ever." "That night I went to her birthday ball." "I forget why." "Perhaps I wanted to defy my son-in-law." "Perhaps I longed to see my daughter." "Anyway, I went to the ball." "Mrs. Erlynne." "Yes, madam." " Good evening, Lord Windermere." " My dear Countess!" " And Margaret." " Good evening, my dear." " Excuse me." " It's been so long." " Good evening, Arthur." " Hello, John." "Nice to see you." "How dare you come to this house tonight?" "It isn't especially daring to accept an invitation." " How did you get that?" " A messenger, a special one." "Such a dependable service, don't you think?" "You're not going in." "I'll have your carriage called at once." "Manners before morals, Lord Windermere." "Good evening, Cecil." "Lord Darlington." "Good evening, Lady Windermere." "I am Mrs. Erlynne." "It was so charming of you to invite me." "You must have known how delighted I'd be to meet on your birthday." "Good evening, Mrs. Erlynne." "Your house is enchanting." "I'm sure you chose the decorations yourself." "One can tell such things." "And your fan, what a lovely thing!" "A birthday present?" " Yes, from my husband." " What exquisite taste your husband has." "I congratulate you, Lord Windermere." "And with all my heart, I congratulate you, Lady Windermere." " Many, many happy returns of this day." " Thank you." "Excuse me." "Lord Augustus, you have quite neglected me." " I haven't seen you since this afternoon." " I had no idea you were coming." "Excuse me." " You should have told me." " Isn't a surprise pleasanter?" "I give you my word I have nothing to do with this." " I've no idea how she got the invitation." " I sent it to her." "May I dance with your wife, or are all her dances reserved for you?" "I should be delighted, Lord Darlington." "I thought I knew Arthur well but apparently I don't." "Very shrewd of him to invite her." "Nothing looks so much like innocence as an indiscretion." "I invited Mrs. Erlynne." "You did?" "Why?" "I don't know." "I asked her because I was hurt and angry." "I wanted to show him, I wanted to show them all." "I was going to make an example of how I was going to insult him." " But why didn't you?" " I couldn't." "She's so different from what I thought she'd be." "When she stood there, I could do nothing at all." "It takes a thoroughly good woman to do a thoroughly stupid thing." "You played right into her hands, you helped her to achieve triumph." "Please take me out onto the balcony." "It's so bright and loud in here." "Tell me what I am to do." "You said one day I'd need a friend, I didn't dream it would be so soon." "But I need one now." "Will you be my friend?" "No Margaret, I cannot be your friend any longer." "Between you and me, there is no friendship possible." "There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship." " I love you." " Please Robert, don't." "I 've loved from the first moment I saw you." "And now is the time to tell you I want to take you away." "I want you to leave this house tonight." "I offer you my life, Margaret, my whole life." "Do what you want with it, but please, please, take it." "I can't, I'm afraid." "I'm a coward." "You mustn't be." "You must be brave, this will take courage." "I wish I could lie to you," "I wish I could tell you the world doesn't matter, but it does." "The world and what it will say matter far too much." "There'll be a time of pain, disgrace even, but remember I'll be there beside you." "When it's all over, when you no longer have his name but mine the world that is so quick to turn, will turn back again to respect you." "You said you make no compromises, make none now, be yourself." "Not now, I can't answer you now." "I offer you my love and my life." "I offer you more than that, I offer you your pride, your self-respect, your honor." "Leave this house with your head high." "Leave all that is ugly and tarnished and corrupt forever." "But suppose... suppose Arthur..." "Yes?" "Suppose Arthur what?" "Suppose Arthur came back to you, is that what you're thinking?" "If he did, you'd take him, wouldn't you?" "Poor Margaret." "In a week, you will be driving with this woman in the park." "She'll be constantly in your house, she'll become your closest friend." "You're right, my dear, you have no courage." " Please, give me time to think." " No." "Our moment came, you refused it." "Now it is gone." "Our lives touched." "They'll never touch again." "I'm leaving England tomorrow." "Goodbye, Margaret." "Isn't that Darlington?" "Oh, Arabella, allow me to introduce Mrs. Erlynne." "Good evening, Duchess." "I think next to your brother, I am your most fervent admirer." "He talks about you so often." "Everybody knows what a brilliant talker he is." "Everyone knows where he gets it from, of course, it runs in the family." "As a matter of fact, the last time I was in Monte Carlo they were all quoting your absolutely deathless remarks." "Were they really?" "In Monte Carlo?" "You must tell me." " Agatha?" " Yes, Mama?" "Have you kept the last three dances for Mr. Hopper?" " Yes, Mama." " Could I possibly have this dance too?" "I doubt that she has one left, but we can ask her." " Have you this dance left, Agatha?" " Yes, Mama." "You're indeed in luck, Mr. Hopper." "Take care of my little chatterbox." "What charming things you say, Mrs. Erlynne." "Tell me more about Monte Carlo." " Isn't this our dance, dear lady?" " I wish it were, Augustus, but our host insists on dancing with me." "Duchess." "Don't look so dismal, Arthur." "Everything is going beautifully." "From tonight, the odds are greatly reduced." "I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean." "The odds against my being received into London society were a hundred to one." "Tonight I have been received by your wife, my position is secure and Lord Augustus is ripe for the plucking." "I cannot imagine what made Margaret ask you here tonight." " I don't know what will come of it." " Nothing but good." "I'm planning to have a little talk with Margaret." "Please don't, please don't cause us any more trouble." "Would it cause more trouble if she understood about those checks to me?" "What will you tell her?" "How pleasant it is to have a son-in-law who dances so well." "What are you going to tell her?" "Leave it to me." "I never rehearse my conversations." "It will be some heart-warming little story about your friendship for Augustus." "Arthur, I must tell you everyone is remarking what a handsome couple you and Mrs. Erlynne make." "How civilized of poor dear Margaret not to be jealous!" " Agatha." " Yes, Mama." " Come here, Agatha." " Yes, Mama." " Has Mr. Hopper..." " Yes, Mama." " And what answer did you give him?" " Yes, Mama!" "Did you hear that, Mrs. Erlynne?" "Dear Agatha always says the right thing." "Mr. Hopper, come here!" "Agatha has told me everything." "How cunningly you two kept your secret!" "You may kiss me, Mr. Hopper." "You don't mind my taking Agatha off to Australia, Duchess?" "Australia, with all those horrid kangaroos crawling about?" "We'll talk about that tomorrow." "You must come at lunch, of course." " You'll join us, won't you, Mrs. Erlynne?" " With pleasure, Duchess." " Well, run along, children." " Yes, Mama." "Till tomorrow then, at luncheon." "Aren't we going to dance at last?" "I believe the next one's a polka and I just learned it." "I can hardly wait, but first I want to talk to our hostess." "Oh, Mr. Graham?" "Have you seen Lady Windermere?" "Look for Lord Darlington if you wish to find Lady Windermere." "And look for Lady Windermere if you wish to find Lord Darlington." "So much information based on so little evidence is always the mark of a spiteful mind." "You should be more careful, Mr. Graham." "Would you take me to Lady Windermere, please?" "I believe her ladyship is out on the balcony." "I just took her cloak to her." "Is she alone?" "I believe so, madam." "Lord Darlington left a while ago." "Yes, madam?" "Are you quite sure you don't know where Lord Darlington is?" "He attended Lady Windermere's ball tonight." "I know that!" "Would he have gone to his club, perhaps?" "I couldn't say, madam." "Will you go to club and see if he's there?" "It's most important." " Take a cab." " Very well, madam." " Oh, there he is now." " I'm afraid not." "His lordship always uses his latch key." " I'm sorry, Lord Darlington is not at home." " Good." " Please, do what I told you." " Wait, where are you going?" "To get a cab and see if his lordship is at the club." "That will not be necessary." "But get the cab and wait at the corner, please." "Very good, madam." " I'm so glad I found you." " What do you mean by interfering?" "Lady Windermere, you must leave here." "You mustn't make this terrible mistake." " How do you know what I'm going to do?" " Oh, I know these things." "Too well." "Did Arthur send you?" "Is he afraid of the scandal?" "No, he doesn't know you're here." "I told him you'd gone to your room with a headache." "Go back to your husband." "Don't throw away his love." "The day may come when you will starve for love." "You go back to my husband, he's yours." "I must say after seeing you tonight I understand him only too well." " You're quite irresistible, Mrs. Erlynne." " Please go back home." "I shall stay here with the man who has offered me his life." "Yes, he offers you his life and then he takes yours and destroys it." "I've learned that." "I've learned that too well." "Listen to me." "We do silly things when we are hurt." "Don't spoil your beautiful young life on my account." "Your husband loves you and in your heart you know it." "What do you know about hearts?" "Women like you have no hearts." "They're bought and sold." "Perhaps..." "But can you imagine yourself trying to live by your wits?" "Trying to fight against a world that wants none of you?" "That will allow you no place in it?" "Think of yourself if you can, despised and ignored by every woman." "Think of the men who look at you, guessing and making bets about you." "Don't worry, Mrs. Erlynne, that won't happen to me." "I thought that too but it could happen to you just as it happened to me." "I was just as young as you, just as beloved, just as mistaken." "But you... you'd be lost, child, you couldn't stand it." "There is only one thing that I can't stand..." "Don't say it, it isn't true." "I mean nothing to Arthur." "The money that he gave me was really a gift from Augustus who didn't want to write his own checks because he was afraid of his sister." "You're most accomplished at clever little stories, Mrs. Erlynne." "I hate to admit this but you're jealous of a woman who could be your mother." "Don't mention that name." "You're devoted to her memory, aren't you?" "Think of her now." "Think what she would say if she were alive." "She would tell you to go back to your husband, that your place is with him." "I don't understand." "What makes you say all this?" "I once ruined a man's life, just as you're about to ruin Arthur's." "But we don't ruin a life and go scot-free." "We ruin ourselves from the moment we do it." "I don't want anyone to stand in front of you one day and tell you that you're a woman that can be bought and sold." "Come, I'll take you home." " I want you at nine o'clock tomorrow." " Yes, m'lord." "Come, quick." "My cloak!" " Good night, Robinson." " Good night, m'lord." "Robert, old boy!" "Whoa, cabbie!" " Augustus, what are you up to?" " Come on to the club for a drink." " I just came from there." "It's closed." " Closed at two?" "That's ridiculous." "Let's all go to the Cafe Royal." "In my opinion, we all need a good night's sleep." " A very good idea." " You may well talk, a married man!" "Arthur, you're coming along with us to a bachelor's." " How about having a drink with you?" " Of course, come in." "Let's go out through the back door." "Hoskins?" "Hoskins?" "I'm afraid we shall have to wait upon ourselves." "I can't find Hoskins." " Soda or water?" " Water, please." "Robert, we were just saying what a great evening we all had." " Yes, delightful." " No, no, no." "Don't drown it." "Make mine a small one." "I really must go home in a moment." "I shouldn't leave Margaret alone." "Don't go yet, old man." "You'll only weaken her." " Was Margaret not feeling well?" " She had a headache." "Probably the excitement of her first ball." "Probably." "By the way, why did you leave so early tonight, Robert?" "I had some other important matters to attend to, I'm leaving England tomorrow." " Isn't it very sudden?" " Quite." "Would you care to play cards?" "I can't." "I promised Mrs. Erlynne never to gamble or drink again." "He's actually keeping half his vow." "That's the worst of women, they're always reforming men." "Yes, they always find us bad." "I don't think we men are bad, I think we're all good." "No, we're all in the gutter." "But some of us are looking at the stars." " You're very romantic tonight, Robert." " You must be in love." "Who's the girl?" " Come on, Robert." "You can trust us." " Who is she?" "The woman I love is not free or thinks she isn't." "Don't let it worry you." "There are only two tragedies in life." "One is not getting what one wants, the other is getting it." " Come on, Augustus, I'll take you home." " I don't want to go home yet." " Don't be silly." " This is the best joke of the season." "Augustus, don't be a fool." "Don't you realize..." "He's talking of pure love but has a woman in his room." "My fan!" "They found my fan!" " Show him the fan!" " What fan?" "Show us, Cecil." "Come on." "Perfectly ridiculous, it must be some mistake." "It's my wife's fan, there can't be any mistake." "Arthur, I assure you I have no idea how that fan got here." " That's no explanation." "You must know." " I'm sorry but I don't." "Then you certainly won't object to my searching your rooms." "I'm afraid I must object." "You cannot search my rooms..." "You swine!" "Here, take my fan and leave the rest to me." "Come, come." "I'm going up these stairs." "Will you let go of me!" "I'll not leave here..." "I'm so sorry, I think I left my fan here." "Oh, there it is." "No, this is isn't mine." "Well, isn't that stupid of me?" "This is Lady Windermere's fan." "I must have mistaken it for my own when I was leaving the ball." "I'm so sorry." "Will you please return this to your wife, Lord Windermere?" "Please send mine to my house before tomorrow night as I'm leaving for Paris." " Could your man escort me home?" " Yes, of course." "And Augustus, would you tell your sister, the Duchess that I shall be unable to lunch with her tomorrow?" "Thank you." " Did the young lady, I mean..." " Yes, madam." "I put her in the cab." "You would be doing your master real service by not telling him that there was another lady in the house tonight." "I understand, madam." "Good morning, Dawson." "Good morning, m'lord." "I had no idea Your Lordship was up." "I slept in the study." "Have any of you found a fan?" "Someone left it here." "A fan?" "I don't think so, m'lord." "At least, not yet." "Several of the ladies left various gloves and handkerchiefs and her grace, the Duchess of Berwick left a galosh, but I've seen no fan." "I will enquire of the others." "Tell them to try and keep quiet, I don't want her ladyship to be disturbed." "Her ladyship left the house half an hour ago, m'lord." " Did she say where she was going?" " No, m'lord." "Very well." "Try and find the fan." "Rosalie, did her ladyship say where she was going?" " She was going to deliver a package." " What package?" "It was a fan, my Lord." "Her ladyship had me put it in a small box for her." "Thank you, Rosalie." "My dear child, you've come to see me." "It's hard to believe." "It's lovely to believe." "I had to see you." "I can't accept your sacrifice, it's too much." "You must be calm." "Come and sit down." " You look pale." " I don't mean to." " Didn't you sleep well?" " No, of course I didn't." "Mrs. Erlynne, think what you did last night." "You threw away all your hopes, all your safety." "All your life." "What does a child like you know about my hopes and my safety?" "I saw you ruin them just to save me." "Why did you do it?" "Perhaps because your hopes and your safety and your life are more precious than mine." "Or perhaps it was because I'm very fond of you, Lady Windermere." "I can't let you do it." "I'm going to tell Arthur everything." " No, you mustn't dream of doing that." " But I owe it to you." "If you think you owe me something, pay me by silence." "Don't spoil the one good thing I've done in my life by telling it." "I know your mother would think that." "I know that she'd want above all that you keep Arthur happy." "I think your father would want that too." "Yes, I know he would want my happiness." "He had so little happiness himself after my mother died." "He loved her very much." "They say people don't die of broken hearts, but I know that he did." "As you see, I'm packing again." "Packing and unpacking, that's the rhythm of my life." "I'm rather glad." "London is too full of fogs and serious people." "Whether the fogs produce serious people, or the serious people produce fogs, I don't know." "Oh, there's your carriage." "And there's your Arthur." "Good, at least I can tell him how foolish I was to suspect him." "You'll do nothing of the kind." "Not that you are not foolish, but to admit it and to a husband..." "Never." "Here, I came to give you back your fan and I've forgotten to do it." "I'd rather like you to keep it, to remember me by." "Oh, I should love to have it." "I hate to say this..." "Goodbye, Lady Windermere." " You'll write to me perhaps?" " I don't think so, child." "Our lives will lie so very far apart." "We belong to different worlds, you know." "I used to think that, now I know better." "There's the same world for all of us." "Yes, I tore up Lord Windermere's check." "Perhaps I shouldn't have." "But it gave me so much pleasure to do it that I have never regretted it." "Oh, I've needed the money a thousand times." "But I've learned a thousand times that money isn't very much." "Yes, if it could buy back your twenties, or your thirties, or your forties." "Even your sixties!" "How did we come to talk about all this?" "The fan." "You know, the fan you found at the auction." "Oh yes, and I was so proud of my memory." "Now I've gone and forgotten what happened just this morning." "You know, I always wondered why you were at my house that night." " In fact, sometimes I almost thought..." " You thought I came to see you?" "Oh, what indestructible vanity." "No, my dear." "Every other woman in London, I don't doubt, but not me." "Mrs. Erlynne, I find we have so many things to talk about." "It would give me great pleasure if you would dine with me one evening." "Robert, Robert, we're grown-up now." "Besides, my dear, you must save your coupons." "I shall be so happy to have the fan again." "After Margaret had gone home that morning, she sent me a bouquet of red and white roses and her fan in the mother-of-pearl box," "the fan with her name on it." " Come on, let's go and get it now." " Oh, I..." "Ready, m'lord." "It's such a treat to press a fine Cheviot nowadays." "Oh, I see." "Thank you, Simpson." "How easy life is for men!" "A freshly pressed suit and they're young again!" "My dear." " Good day, Simpson." " Good day, m'lord." | {
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" Good luck tonight, Miss Mars." " Thank you, Tommy." "You are perfect." " How is it in there?" " Too early to tell." " We're about to be clotheslined." " By whom?" "Sheila Weissman." "Miss Mars, I'm Sheila Weissman." "I remember you." "How are you?" "We agreed that interviews would be done inside the gallery." "I want to ask her if she knows how offensive her work is to women." " Cute." " Let's go." "Photography is becoming a high-priced commodity." "And there is suspicion in some circles in the art world a feeling that we're running out of salable paintings and photography is being pumped up." "That an artificial market is being created and photography is just a hype." "These are not easy questions to answer but here in this gallery there is a fabulous exhibit of violent and sexy photographs." "Aren't you doing a fashion hustle?" "Recycled photographs, really." "Does anyone have anything positive to ask?" "Do you consider yourself a serious artist?" " I'm very serious about my work." " Serious by what standards?" " By my own standards." " Isn't that an elitist position?" "Honestly, I think I'd better take the Fifth." "You can do better than that, Ms. Mars." "Really." "Fellas, come on." "Give us a break here, huh?" "She'll see you later, I promise." "I loved your questions." "We have to mix with the real people now." " Is there a back door?" " You are a sensation." "You're the right number of minutes late." "Traffic was terrible." "We are going to sell pictures like crazy." "Now, who shall we work on first?" "The art world is being asked to consider these provocative pictures as salable art." "We'll be examining these questions tonight and meeting people on all sides of what is rapidly becoming a major controversy." "I don't know when I've seen more hostile reporters." "If they don't stop drinking, I'm gonna throw their asses out." " Have you seen Doris Spenser yet?" " No." "What I think Laura is saying with her work is "Okay, America." "Okay, world." "You are violent." "You are pushing all this murder on us." "So here it comes right back at you." "And we'll use murder to sell deodorant so that you'll just get bored with murder"." "Right?" "Oh, my God, I don't believe this." "Just a minute." "Let me think." "Do you have to do it now?" " We want to question certain people." " I understand." "This will spread like wildfire." "It'll wreck the opening." " Can't you give us an hour?" " A half-hour." "Really, that's so gross." "I hear you did some work in Negev." "I didn't have a chance to take enough pictures so I'm going back in two weeks to shoot the border war." " And if she goes, I'm going with her." " She will too." "Like hell you will." " Whatever happened to beautiful?" " Well, it certainly isn't here." "That is tragic." "Absolutely tragic." "You really think so?" "Yes, I think it's really tragic that this is the kind of junk that's passing for art these days." "That's a completely different conversation." " Don't you think it's a hype?" " I don't understand..." "Hype, hustle, rip-off." "Are you a critic?" "Do you know the artist?" "What's her name?" "Laura Mars." "I know her fairly well." "Well, if you see her, will you point her out to me?" "I'd be interested to find out what kind of frustrated voyeur type this chick is." "She's nothing like that at all." "She's very old-fashioned." "Sort of like Grandma Moses." "Laura." "Excuse me." "Could I steal you away for a moment?" "Are you her?" "Her stuff is really disgraceful, don't you think?" "Doris Spenser's been horribly murdered." "There's a detective here, and he's asking people questions." "Oh, shit!" "Everything happens to me." "Murdered." "Something about her eyes." "What did you say about her eyes?" "Something sharp." "Let's get you a drink." "Laura?" "Come on, darling." "It's all right, Billy." "Tonight at the E laine Cassell Gallery in Soho fans awaited the famous and wealthy for the opening of Laura Mars' Photo Exhibit." "But the glamour was disrupted by news of the brutal murder of Doris Spenser editor of the soon-to-be-published book The Eyes of Mars." "Miss Mars left the gathering immediately." "But as word of the murder circulated it had the effect of increasing sales of the photographs." "More after this message." "Elaine." "I'm all right." "Are you?" "We're all over the goddamn news." "The gallery, the murder, you, me." "I don't think I'll be able to shoot." "Of course you're going to shoot." "Life has to go on." "Elaine do you believe in psychic psychic experience?" "I believe in a good night's sleep." "I'm gonna take something that'll knock me out for hours." "I suggest you do the same." "All right." "The opening was beautiful." "That's very sweet of you." "Sleep tight." "She's still beautiful, isn't she?" "That's the problem." " Come on." " Let go of me!" "Let go of me, you pig!" "Don't push me!" "Morning, Wendy." "You like?" "Good." "Michele." "For Lulu." "I think she'd like it, right?" "Good morning." "Robert, the fan will be on the left so let's get the hair on the right." "Fine, there's plenty of volume here." "It's very nice hair." " Mighty tired eyes." " I'll be all right." "Everything under control?" "Who wants coffee?" " Tea, tea!" " Forget it." "Fifteen minutes." "Joey, the same colour on the nails." "Joey." "I'd like her mouth more fuchsia, her eyes more intense." "I'd like them to pop." "I want to see the mouth and the eyes from a mile away." " Bert, how's this look?" " It's good." "They're all good." " Which one are we gonna use?" " So choose." "Now this one." "This one is really beautiful." " It's beautiful." "We'll just..." " Crop it there." "That's right." "I'm very pleased." "These are really wonderful." "What are we gonna start with?" "Coats and lingerie." "Okay, but on this one I gotta see lace, right?" "Don't worry." "You can do anything you want to do, just show me the lace." " Here, check the layout." " I don't need to, Bert." "Every photographer's got to look at layouts." "She doesn't have to look at layouts." "Nickey." " Move the main light lower." " This is your idea, Laura." "Don't forget why we're shooting it this way." "You want lace?" "Today is lace day here." "We'll have lace on Columbus." "We'll have lace on the cherub." "Bert, enjoy yourself." "Relax." "You hired this woman, let her do her work." "She's beautiful." "Watch." "God, Lulu!" "You don't have to pull that hard." "Girls, I love it!" "Michele, Lulu, look more this way." "Broader action." "Michele, see the lens." "Ready?" "Check that." " Hey, we gonna work or what?" " What's going on?" "She was out late last night." "You all right?" "Yeah." "I'm just a little dizzy." "I'll be fine." "All right, kill the fire." "Turn off the fans." "Girls, don't mess yourselves up." "Hold it together." "And just stand by, please." " What's the problem?" " I'm just trying to help!" "Did you have breakfast?" "I'm fine." "Here we go." "Start the fire." "Everybody get in your places now." "Here we go." "I have an appointment." "I'll get out here." "I got nothing to do, right?" "I just sit here." " Hey, come on!" "I ain't got all day." " Yeah, stuff it." "Let me through." " Please, let me through." " Hey, lady, you can't go..." "Come on, let's go." "You gotta keep this area clear." "No!" "I saw it!" "I saw it!" "Sal, I think we got a witness here." "I'm Detective Sergeant Volpe." "You saw this happen?" "Yes." "Did you see the perpetrator?" "What'd he look like?" "His size, his colour?" "Can you describe him?" "No, no." "I didn't see who." "What the hell did you see?" "I saw it happen." "But I..." "Where were you standing?" " Where were you when it happened?" " I was a few blocks away." "You were a few blocks away?" "What did you see it with, a telescope?" "Go get her." "Hey, lady!" "Hey, lady." "Hey, hold it a minute!" "Okay, who's next?" " I feel like a hooker." " Really." "I'm bored." "Tommy Ludlow?" "That's me." "How long do we have to sit around this pigsty before we talk to someone?" "Excuse me." "I represent Laura Mars." "She called me an hour ago." " Who are you?" " Donald Phelps." "I'd..." "Okay, Donald Phelps, sit down and behave yourself." "Pigsty." "You're a pretty important guy around here." "Is this an accurate statement of your experience?" "Why were you at my opening?" "Just getting to know you." "Why am I here?" "I've given you a statement." "You certainly have." "Look, what's on those pages is what I saw." "You can see that we might be having difficulty absorbing it even though it is what you saw." "I'm going to call my lawyer." "I think it's the time to do that." "Or do you have to read my rights first?" "Hell, no." "I didn't even frisk you yet." "What about this?" "That's legal." "Yeah, I know it's legal." "Why do you carry it?" "Cut rope and shit." "Yeah, I know." "You probably just carry it to protect Miss Mars' fancy, expensive camera equipment." "And maybe protect her from some creeps, right?" "You're the man." "This whole city's full of creeps." "Right?" "Guess which creep's arrest record I have here." "What I'm trying to do is give an account of the times in which I'm living." "I've seen all kinds of murder." "Physical, yes." "But moral, spiritual, emotional murder!" "I can't stop it, but I can show it." "I can make people look at it." "That's a very moral point of view." "Thank you." "I've got something I want to show you." "Where did you get that?" "This is you on the front here, isn't it?" "Have you ever seen this particular copy of this book before?" "Yes." "I saw it happen." "With your own eyes?" "In a nightmare." "Were you friends with Doris Spenser?" "I knew her." "Business acquaintances." "And Miss Elaine Cassell?" "I knew her well." "I am sick and tired of waiting back there!" "Now I want to know where my girlfriend is!" " My father is a very..." " My father can whip your father's ass!" "Get him out of here." "If you want real suspects, take a look at that number you just dragged out." "That's right." "You can tell me anything you want." "Why don't you give me a bit of that Rona Barrett?" "Frankly, I don't do Rona Barrett." "How'd you like to see my Barbara Walters?" "Hey, I do a terrific Lloyd Bridges." "These are classified police photographs of unsolved murders." "They've never been published anywhere at all." "Now, what I would like you to do is compare your photograph to ours in this case and in this case." " My question is simple..." " Why are my photos so much like yours?" "That's right." "When were these taken?" "About two years ago." "This one, about 14 months." " It's disturbing." " Extremely." " No, the timing is disturbing." " In what way?" "You go through definite periods in your work." "About two years ago, I began to see images of murder, violence." "And it started to become a part of my work." "By "see," do you mean "see" as you see in your statement?" "No, I would just be in the middle of doing something and suddenly, images would come to me well, like those." "You think I was in those actual situations..." "I don't buy it." "Keep it moving, please." " Get rid of him." " I already told you once." "Let's go." " How you doing, lieutenant?" " How you doing, Murph?" "Just send it up." "Elaine Cassell apartment." "That's right." "Third floor." "I'd like to know if you recognize any of these clothes." "I think they're my husband's." "Husband?" "Ex-husband." "We've been divorced over a year." "The last I heard, he was living in San Francisco." "Well, he's back." "Obviously." "Was this going on when you were married?" " What's his name?" " Michael." "Michael Reisler." "Is this him?" "Is this a picture of your ex-husband?" "Those are very nice clothes." "What does he do?" "Did you buy those clothes?" "Michael couldn't kill anyone." "Do you have any idea where he is?" "No idea." "Are you still in love with him?" " May I go home now?" " Of course." "Thank you." "Good evening." "Good night." "Good night." "In case you need me, this is my number." "Call me anytime, day or night." "John Neville." "Thank you." "Lt. Neville..." "Should I hire a bodyguard?" "You already have one." "Quiet!" "Quiet now!" "Michael!" "What are you doing here?" "How did you get in?" "I still have a set of keys." "Don't look at me like that." "I did not kill Elaine." "Why would I?" "She was the best meal ticket I ever had." "Second best." "I was the best." "I was in San Francisco, working on my novel and I ran into her." "She convinced me to come back, said she'd be good for me make it easier for me to write." "I've missed you." "Oh, come on." "You know I only came back to be near you." "I would have called you sooner or later." "I still love you, Laura!" "Michael, stop it!" "Oh, poor Elaine." "What good, good friends." "I was your husband." "I was never your friend." "But Elaine was." "Why Elaine?" "Do you have to destroy everything you touch?" "This whole thing is pointing towards me and I did not do it!" "Everything I have is in Elaine's apartment." "I have no money, no clothes." "The police are after me, and now you provoke me!" "You deliberately provoke me!" "You may have these other people fooled but I know what a killer you can be at 3:00 in the morning." " A killer at 3:00..." " Where were you?" "Where?" "When I needed some comfort, where were you?" "In your darkroom." "Where else could I find peace?" " You were drunk!" " You made it impossible for me to write!" "That's not true!" "You've been drunk for the last six years!" "But you!" "Instant star of the world of chic!" "Will $50 be enough?" "I don't give a damn if everybody else in Manhattan talks to the reporters." "I don't want you talking." "That guy's bullshit just won't quit." "I'd like to see him hit the streets." " I don't think he could hack it." " I know." "Hey, John, how come in that meeting you didn't mention anything about that Mars chick seeing those things and having dreams?" " You don't believe her, Sal?" " No." "You're playing with the big boys now!" "Big boys!" "Jesus!" " Hi, darling." " Morning." "Sleep well?" "What'd you find out?" "There's a very interesting case of a woman in France who had something similar." "What happened?" "She died in an insane asylum." " Good morning, Miss Mars." " Good morning, Tommy." "Maybe you shouldn't talk to anybody about this." "It might just go away." "Big boys!" "Look at that." "Is that fabulous?" "That's the fourth I've seen today." "They're all over the city." "They'll be so famous we won't be able to afford them anymore." "You'll find a way." "Miss Mars, I don't know if the cops told you any of this..." "Let's talk about this some other time." "Mr. Phelps here has things he'd like to tell you about me but I'd rather tell you them myself." " What things?" " This isn't the time." "I'm trying very hard to keep my cards on the table and myself on the street." " Bad timing." "I did a bit." "I mean I've been in prison." "What did you do?" "I was in for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon." " And I have some prior arrests." " Jesus!" "Spare us the soap opera." "You knew that when you hired me for Miss Mars." "But what kind of deadly..." "You did?" "You knew that?" "Why is that so amazing?" "You can't just talk about rehabilitation." "I believe in giving people a chance." "You believe in spit." "And I'm not putting up with..." " I'm not putting up with this..." " Wait!" "Five minutes ago, you sat in this car and tried to railroad me!" " Are you going to let him..." " Wait a minute!" "I don't want to hear anymore." " I'm sorry." " I'm sorry." "That's it." "Both of you leave me alone!" ""Both of you"?" ""Both of you"." "Me and your driver." "I'll do some straightening up down here." "Be up in a minute." "Don't forget the flowers." "They're at the regular place." " The Greek's?" " Yes." " I'm sorry if I caused you problems..." " No, Tommy, I'm sorry." "It's a difficult time for all of us so could we just keep working together?" " You can count on me for that." " I can always count on you." "You don't need that." "Thanks, Tommy." "Donald!" "Laura!" "What is it?" " He's up there." " What?" " He's up there." " Who?" "I saw him looking at me." "Darling, I know what you're going through." "I feel for you." "But there's a lot of money involved." "I don't care about the money." "And there is the ad agency." "They've got print dates to meet." "Bert is depending on you." "Forget about the clients!" "Okay, you're right." "What are we, monsters?" "Let's wrap this thing, go home and wait for the killer to strike again." "Really, you're right." "I'm sorry." "I thought if you kept busy..." "You really know how to manipulate me, don't you?" "Manipulate." ""Manipulate" is just a little bit paranoid." "And to be frank, I'm beginning to get the message that you don't really trust me anymore." "Look, get them ready." "Let's shoot." "Put them in the sink and wet them down." "Don't disappear." " Rita?" " Good morning." "The eyes are perfect." "Keep them soft." "Don't change." " Morning." " Good morning." "Anna." "Cover her shoulder." "Cover it completely." "John will I get enough height on Anna's tail?" "Sure, definitely." "Once I brush it, it'll be completely full." "Michele's eye." "Cover it." "Okay, I saw that." "I'll do it." "Perfect." "Much better." "I don't like the pink." "Lulu, it likes you." " It's perfect." " Really?" "Really." "I got this for you, man." "A stolen flower." "How nice." "Here I am, girls." " Hi, Laura." " Hi, Jim." "You're in the pool, dead." "For a hundred bucks an hour..." "There." "You want the eyes opened or closed?" "Your head over." "Eyes open." "Wide." " Where do you want the blood?" " There." "That's enough." "That's enough!" "Here's your gun." "Give it to Lulu." "Here you go." "Be careful." "All right, kill the shoot." "Wrap it up." "That's it." "Try and pick it up tomorrow." "Do you ever have any warning when this happens to you?" "It terrifies me." "It could happen at any time." "I find myself waiting for it to happen." "Maybe that's what does it." "People who are afraid of having an anxiety attack can bring one on just by being afraid of it." "It's not an anx..." " You don't believe me." " I'm trying to believe you." "I've been talking to your associates." "They say you're overworked." " Overworked?" " Yeah." "Overworked?" "Am I hallucinating all of this?" "Tell me it's all a dream." "Tell me that Doris is still alive." "Tell me Elaine is still happily involved with Michael." "Overworked!" "I'm leaving now with Bert." "Lock up, will you?" " Tommy'll wait for you." " That's not necessary." "I'll take a taxi." "I'm sorry." "I'll call you." "I think I can show you what I mean." "About what?" "About what I'm seeing." "Look through that." "Now if you think of that camera as the eyes of the killer what you're seeing through that lens is what the killer sees." "It's on the monitor there." "When it happens to me I can't see what's in front of me." "What I see is that." "Do you understand?" "Let me try." "It looks like fun." "What?" "Is that how I look?" "Like that?" "I think that's how you look." "I look like a damn cop, is what I look like." "No, it's..." "May I ask you a few questions about what's been happening?" "It makes me nervous." "Why is he killing my friends?" "Why is he after me?" "Why me?" "A variety of things might attract him to you and to your associates." "It could be a person who's jealous of your success." "It could be a person who, in his own loony way feels your work is promoting porno and decadence and he has a mission to clean up the world." "It could be a person who is outraged about being seen in your book." "Whoever it was was here this afternoon and he was looking for me." "You know, I find all of this very interesting..." "I'm gonna double the security around you." "I'd advise you to stay indoors as much as possible." "Goodbye." "Hey, John, you need a little help with anything?" "No thank you, Officer Feeney." "I can handle these subjects alone." "Thank you." "Feeney, get the hell out of here!" "What a creep." "Did either of you ever receive a threatening or obscene phone call in relation to your work with Miss Mars?" "I got a few letters." "Did you get more than one from anyone?" " I don't think so." " Do you remember things they said?" " The tone?" " Oh, yeah." "Or anything specific?" "Any specific quotations?" ""Even though I'm so ugly and I have pimples..." "I'm so ugly that you would spit at me if I ever talked to you... "" " Do I have to go on?" " I get the picture." " I kept mine." " What?" "Can you bring them so I can read them?" "And I can read them too?" "Sure." "Yeah." "All right." " Any more questions, officer?" " No, ma'am." "This is very fine." "Either one of you need a ride home?" "Hey, Feeney, get back in here." "Taxi." " Anything doing?" " She's still up there working." " Hey, thanks." " See you." "Lulu!" " This is Lulu..." " And Michele." "We're not home, so go to hell!" "But if you're not a horny creep, leave a message at the beep!" "That was so dumb!" "Senseless violence, unrelenting, inexcusable hateful violence, is once more unleashed." "Each one of us has some purpose on this earth some role to play and in the case of Michele and Lulu the role that they had chosen to play was the role of model." "Now, not having met either of these lovely young women but knowing that I did want to say something meaningful about them today I went to my Webster's Dictionary and I looked up the word "model"." ""Model:" "A person that serves as an artist's pattern specifically a person who poses for an artist"." "But beyond that, it says "An example for imitation"." "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." "He leadeth me beside the still waters." "He restoreth my soul." "He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake." "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." "Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me." "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies." "Thou anointest mine head with oil." "My cup runneth over." "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." "Do you intend to go on with the violence theme in your work?" "I blame you." "No matter who did the killing, you're to blame." "Don't walk away from me!" "You're the murderer!" "Because of you, she's dead." "You're gonna pay for this!" "You're gonna pay for this!" " Where would you like to go?" " Home." "Clear out of here, fellas." "Tommy, come over here." "I'm gonna take the lady home." "I'm dismissing the car, okay?" "Do we have to go right back to the city?" "There he is." "Look." "It's a finch." "Do you think Robert is right?" "Should I take this all on myself?" " But I am guilty." " No, you're not." "Please listen to me very carefully." "I want you to understand something very important." "I feel that everything I thought about you before I really knew you is not what I feel anymore." "This is incredible." "In the midst of all this, I can't stop thinking of you." " I know." " What is going on?" "I don't know." "It's unprofessional of me to be walking with you in the woods." " I don't have time for this!" "I'm supposed to catch a killer." " I'm completely out of control!" " I know." "Me too." "But I can't stand being so..." "I can't understand how it's possible to live your whole life without someone and be doing more or less okay." "And then, suddenly, you find them." "You recognize them. ...and you know without them..." "It's terrifying." "It's beautiful." "Thank you, ma'am." "There's something I want you to have." " No, I don't want that." " Please." "You've got me so well protected that I'm a prisoner in my own house." "I don't need it." "Michele and Lulu had police protection." " I don't know how to use it." " I'll show you." "Just put your hand on the..." "That's right." "Put your finger through there and use the left hand to support the right." "Push it as far away from your face as you can." "Look right down the barrel." "And when he comes at you, squeeze that trigger." "He'll go away." "I'll keep it." "If you have to, use it." "Promise me that." "You'll be doing the son of a bitch a favour." "What's going on up there?" " Her agent." "It's his birthday." " Her agent?" "Party time." "It'll be a long night." "Refill!" "There she is." " I didn't know if you'd come." " I know." "Same here." "Happy birthday." "Come on in." "Take this off." "Tonight, we forget everything." "Everything, all right?" " All right." " This is great." " For you." " Can I open it?" "Aunt Caroline!" "What's going on with you, apart from this horrible business?" "I think I'm in love." "Oh, I can't wait!" "Wait a minute." "What is this?" " Look at this!" "When was this taken?" " When you weren't looking." "I hate it!" "I love it." "I'm sorry." "Tommy, would you come back in an hour for me?" "Yeah." "It's just hard to figure out what to do in just an hour." "Could you work it out?" " We'll save you a piece of cake." " You're a piece of cake." "For he's a jolly good fellow" "For he's a jolly good fellow" "Which nobody can deny" "Which nobody can deny" "It looks like the burning of Atlanta." "Don't catch that wig on fire!" "Happy birthday, Donald." "A man." "Michael?" "Michael, where are you?" "Birthday boy!" "You take over." "This is for the musician." "Now you have 15 seconds to gallop this up..." ""Gallop this up"?" "Then we all play bridge." "For I'm a jolly good fellow For I'm a jolly good fellow" "Don't take your fingers off the keys." "You gotta play too, Laura." "Now who's been murdered?" "It's Michael." "He's..." "I have to go to him." "What do you mean, you have to go to him?" "He's in a laundromat in Brooklyn." "He's drunk." "He just woke up there." " He may kill himself." " What if he kills you?" "He won't." "Michael will only kill Michael." "I don't agree." "The night Elaine was murdered, he came to me, terrified." "He came to you, he took money and he left." "Yes, he took money, but he was terrified and he needed help." "I could have been kinder." "Get the men downstairs to drive you." "I won't lead the police to him." "It's time for bridge." " Just a second, just go back..." " You keep saying that." "Donald, I don't know how to get past them." "Please." "Who is?" "The lieutenant." "Now he's getting into her?" " That's what I hear." " You make me laugh." "Hey, it's her." "Why is she going away from her car?" "Come on, let's go." "Miss Mars, wait up." "Where you going?" "Let us take you where you're going." "What are you...?" "Listen." "Come on." "You're not Miss Mars!" "So?" "You're not Kojak." "What does that prove?" "Hey, it's him!" " Why are you all dressed up like this?" " It's my birthday." "Wait a minute, you son of a bitch." "Where is she?" "What are you, nuts?" "I'm sick of this name-calling crap!" "The doctor asked you to stay in the hospital." "You could have at least stayed overnight." " I'm sorry." " You could be hurt and not even know." "Please, don't." "I'm fine!" "I'm fine." "All right, I'm sorry." "I just don't think I could stand to lose you now." "I can't stand to lose you." "Time for one of these bombs." "It's doctor's orders." "It'll make you feel better than worse." " I'll take one with you." " You will not." "We'll get high." " Where's your kitchen?" " There." "Now take your medicine for me like a good girl, please." "Come on." "Thank you." "I can't cry." "I haven't been able to cry for Donald." "I can't cry anymore." "I want to get you away from here." "Not without you." "I'll get it." "I hate bothering you, John but I think we finally got a break." "We found..." "That's good." "Be right with you, Sal." " I think we have some evidence." " What?" "What is it?" " Still have that gun?" " In the bedroom." "Good." "Why?" "Hang on, Laura." "I think we got the son of a bitch." " Be careful." " All right." "Junk, junk, more junk." "Oh, God." " Look at this!" " Sorry, I'm late." "Traffic." "It smells like a gorilla cage in here." "It started from the front door." "What's in these boxes?" "I see nothing but pictures and pictures and crap." " What's under the mattress?" " I looked there." "Bunch of pictures." "No letters, no weapons." "You haven't seen anything that looks like an ice pick?" "Who is this?" "It's for you." "I wanna talk to you, man." "It doesn't matter where the fuck I am." "I just wanna talk to you." "You're in a lot of trouble." "You gonna come in?" "I know that." "I just want to talk first." "Right where you are, but I don't want any cops there." "They're on their way out." "You come and see me." "Okay, get everybody off the street." "Find something to do for a while." "Take a hike." "The man's going to come in." "Okay, boss." "Let's go." "What, you gonna arrest me now?" "Let's talk for a while." "All right." "Look, man, I mean, I was just killing time in the basement." "And it came time for me to get Miss Mars..." "Wait." "Start at the beginning." "Tell me what happened last night." "I was down in the basement killing time, right?" "And when it came time for me to go get Miss Mars upstairs I went to the elevator." "And then I saw..." "And then I remembered that I was sneaking out the back door of the bar." "So I said to myself "What the fuck are you doing?" "Sneaking out the back door, running away, from what?" "I mean, you didn't do nothing." "Nobody can prove that you did nothing because you did not do nothing"." "We have a problem." "We found something that we think belongs to you." "It's a playing card." "It's from your deck, I believe." "And it was in the elevator with Donald's body." "It was underneath him." "Do you know how it got there?" "Do you think whoever killed Donald caught him in the elevator after you had already gotten off in the basement?" "It must have been that way, man." "I don't know." "All right, you're in the basement, the elevator door opens there was the body." "So you took off." "The next thing you know you're sneaking out the back of a bar." "What bar?" "Do you know what you had to drink?" "Do you drink a lot?" "Are you drunk now?" " Do you know the bartender's name?" " Wait a minute!" "If there's any kind of lapse in your memory or if there's any period of time in your life that you just can't remember..." "If there's anything you can't remember it's very important that we discover together what it is." "You're trying to put me in fucking Bellevue." "What's going on here?" "Did you arrest him yet?" "No, I didn't arrest him." "Take him down for observation, please." "Come on, let's go." "I'd rather go to the fucking tombs than a fucking psych ward." "Get out of here!" "Stop!" "He pulled a knife on me." "Tommy, don't run!" "Come on, let's go." "Stop!" "There he is!" "Down 49th!" "Pull up ahead of him." "Stop!" "Hey, nice work!" " He didn't know what he was doing." " I saved the state 200,000." "Call a supervisor." "He was sick, Sally." "Sick!" "We got him." "It's all over." "Pack your bags." "It's over." "Pack your bags." "I'm taking you away." "All right, all right." "I love you." "I love you." "We're being sent home now." "Anything you need before we go?" "No." " Thank you." " My pleasure." "Excuse me." "Go away!" "Go away!" "He's in here?" "Who's here?" "He's in the elevator." "I saw him kill someone." " I saw him in the elevator." " There's nobody in the elevator." "No, I saw it." " I just got out of the elevator." " I saw it." "It's over." "Tommy's dead." "He's dead." "Tommy's dead." "Tommy's dead?" "I don't understand." " Why'd he kill those people?" " He hated you." "He hated you." " He had the idea..." " He didn't..." "He had an idea that your work was glorifying violence." "He had the idea that death shouldn't be used to sell things." "Death is a sacred thing." "What are you talking about?" "His mother." "I don't understand." "Tommy's mother." "Hysterical woman." "She was a hooker, you know." "Leave him sitting three, four days at a time in a little one-room in the same pair of diapers while she sold her ass on the streets of the nation's capital." "It wasn't very pretty." "No." "That's not Tommy's story." "One day, the father comes home." "I think it was the father." "It might have been a john, you know, a trick." "Outraged about the condition of the child, he slashes her throat right there on the spot." "I watched the blood dry on her face until it was just about the colour of your hair." "You said "I."" "I don't know what you see in that son of a bitch." "Can't even pay his bills." "They turned off his electricity." "He cannot finish his dissertation." "He's been working on it for 3 years." "I'm the one that keeps him in shape." "See this body?" "That's my work." "If it was up to him, I'd weigh 98 pounds." "I'm the one that feeds him." "I pay the bills." "I answer the Christmas cards." "I'm the one you want." "I love you!" "I love you." "If you love me kill him." "Now." "Please." "If you love me, you'll kill him." "I love you." "Please, kill him." "Police operator 834." "Where is the emergency, please?" "I want to report a death." "Ma'am, please give me your name and address." "Give me your address, please." "He came here to kill me." "Be calm." "I'll have someone there to help you in a moment." "He couldn't do it." "Ma'am?" "Because he..." "In order to help you, I have to have your name and your address." "He really did love me." "Just give me your name." "What?" "Your name." "I'm Laura Mars." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Subtitles provided by Mark." "If you pair of deuces are lookin' for work," "I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here, pronto." "Now, up on Brokeback the Forest Service has got designated campsites on the allotments." "Them camps can be 3 or 4 miles from where we pasture the woollies." "Bad predator loss, 'cause nobody's lookin' after 'em at night." "Now, what I want is a camp tender" "to stay at the main camp where the Forest Service says." "But the herder, he's gonna pitch a pup tent on the Q.T. with the sheep, and he's gonna sleep there." "You eat your supper and breakfast at camp." "But you sleep with the sheep." "A hundred percent." "No fire, don't leave no sign." "You roll up that tent very morning in case the Forest Service snoops around." "Yeah?" "No." "No!" "Not on your fuckin' life." "You got your dogs, a .30-.30." "You sleep there." "Last summer I had a goddam near 25% loss." "I don't want that again." "You..." "Fridays at noon to by down by the bridge, with a grocery list and mules." "Somebody with supplies, will be there at the pick-up." "Tomorrow morning we'll truck you up to the jump off." "Jack Twist." "Ennis." "Your folks just stopped at Ennis?" "Del Mar." "Nice to know you, Ennis Del Mar." "My second year up here." "Last year, one storm, the lightning killed 42 sheep." "I thought I'd asphyxiate from the smell." "Aguirre got all over my ass, like I was supposed to control the weather." "It beats working for my old man." "Can't please my old man, no way." "That's why I took the rodeo." "You ever rodeo?" "Yeah... well..." "I mean once in a while." "When I got the entry fee in my pocket." "Yeah." "Are you from ranch people?" "Yeah, I was." "Did your folks run you off?" "No, they run themselves off." "There was, uh, one curve in the road in 43 miles... and they missed it." "So, uh... the bank took the ranch, and my brother and sister, they raised me mostly." "Shit!" "That's hard." "Can I?" "One thing... don't ever order soup." "Them soup boxes are hard to pack." "I don't eat soup." "Well, watch it there." "That horse has a low startle point." "Don't think there's a filly that can throw me." "When you get in this damn saddle it's kinda not so bad." "Shit." "Can't wait till I get my own spread and won't have to put up with Joe Aguirre's crap no more." "I'm savin' for a place myself." "Alma and me, we'll be getting married when I come down off this mountain." "That stay with the sheep, no fire bullshit." "Aguirre got no right makin' us do something against the rules." "No more beans." "Something wrong?" "Yeah." "Why didn't we get the powdered milk and the spuds?" "It's all we got." "Well here's next week's." "I thought you didn't eat soup." "Yeah, well, I'm sick of beans." "Too early in the summer to be sick of beans." "Come on." "Whoa there, whoa, whoa!" "Where the hell you been?" "I been up with the sheep all day, I'm hungry as hell and all I find is beans." "What in the hell happened, Ennis?" "Come upon a bear, is what happened." "Goddam horse spooked, and the mules took off and scattered food everywhere." "Beans is about all we got left." "Got whisky or something?" "Dumbass mule!" "God-damn!" "Let me see." "Shit." "Well, we gotta do something about this food situation." "Maybe I'll shoot one of the sheep." "Yeah, what if Aguirre finds out, huh?" "Supposed to guard the sheep, not eat 'em." "What's the matter with you?" "There are thousands of 'em." "Stick with beans." "Well, I won't." "Whoo-wee!" "Yeah!" "Was getting' tired of your dumbass missing'." "Then we won't." "Ain't nothing you can do with fish that can't do with no elk." "Hey, I'm commuting' four hours a day." "I come in for breakfast." "I go back to the sheep." "Evening get 'em bedded down, come in for supper, go back to the sheep." "I spend half the night checking for damn coyotes." "Aguirre got no right making me do this." "If you wanna switch, I wouldn't mind sleeping' out there." "That ain't the point." "Point is we both oughta be in this camp." "Goddam pup tent smells like cat piss or worse." "I wouldn't mind bein' out there." "Well, I'm happy to switch with you, but..." "I warn you, I can't cook worth a damn." "I am pretty good with a can opener though." "Well you can't be no worse than me then." "You don't get much sleep, I tell you that." "Yeah." "Come on" "I saw a coyote up there." "A big son of a bitch." "Balls on him the size of apples." "Looked like he could eat himself a camel." "You want some of this hot water." "It's all yours." "I don't rodeo much myself." "What's the point of riding some piece of stock for 8 seconds?" "Money's a good point." "Uh-huh." "If you don't get stomped winning' it." "Yeah." "Well, my old man, he's a bull rider." "Thanks." "Pretty well-known in his day." "Though he kept his secrets to himself." "Never taught me a thing, never once come to see me ride." "There." "Your brother and sister do right by you?" "They did the best they could after my folks was gone." "Considerin' they didn't leave us nothin' but" "$24 and a coffee can." "They got me a year of high school." "That was before the transmission went on the pick-up." "Then my sis left, met a rough-neck and moved to Casper." "Me and my brother, we... we went and got ourselves some work on a ranch up near Worland till I was 19." "Then he got married, and uh..." "No more room for me." "That's how come me end up here." "What?" "That's more words than you spoke in the past 2 weeks." "Hell, that's the most I spoke in a year." "My dad, he was a farm roper." "He didn't rodeo much though." "He thought rodeo cowboys was all fuck-ups." "The hell they are." "Well..." " Yeehaw." " There you go." "Burn his guts out." "Wavin' to the girls in the stands!" "He's kickin' me to high heaven!" "I think my dad was right." "Tent don't look right." "It ain't goin' nowhere." "Let it be." "That harmonica don't sound quite right either." "That's 'cause it got kinda flat, when my mare threw me." "Oh yeah?" "I thought you said that mare couldn't throw you." "Oh, she got lucky." "Yeah well, if I'd to listen to that harmonica, I woulda broke it, too." "#I know I shall meet you on that final day.#" "#Water-walkin' Jesus.#" "#Take me away!" "#" "My mama, she believes in the Pentecost." "Yeah?" "What exactly is the Pentecost?" "I mean, my folks they was Methodists." "The Pentecost..." "I don't know." "I don't know what the Pentecost is." "No one ever explained it to me." "I guess, when the world ends, and... fellows like you and me, we march off to Hell." "Speak for yourself." "You may be a sinner, but I ain't yet had the opportunity." "Thank you." "I'm gonna go up to the sheep now." "Damn, it's too late to go to them sheep." "You got an extra blanket?" "I'll just roll up out here." "Catch forty winks." "I'll ride out first light." "You'll freeze your ass of when that fire dies down." "That's good enough." "Ennis!" "What?" "Quit your hammering' and get in here." "What're we doin'?" "See you for supper." "Come on." "This is a one-shot thing we got goin' on here." "It's nobody's business but ours." "You know I ain't queer." "Me neither." "Twist." "Your Uncle Harold's in the hospital with pneumonia." "Doctors don't expect he'll make it." "Your ma sent me to tell you, so... here I am." "Bad news." "There ain't nothing I can do about it up here, I guess." "There's not much you can do about it down there, neither." "Unless you can cure pneumonia." "Jesus." "Them sheep'll drift if I don't get back up there tonight." "You'll get pissed in a storm like this." "And we sure ain't tryin'." "Close it up." "Well, what are we supposed to do now, huh?" "Get on in there and untangle them sheep out of ours, I guess." "...where is it..?" "Maybe the Goddam sheep rachers were off." "We've gotta try." "The least we can do is get the count right for Aguirre." "Fuck Aguirre." "Oh yeah, fuck Aguirre." "What if we need work next year?" "You ever figure about that?" "We gotta stick this out, Jack." "You'll run them sheep off, if you don't quiet down." "What are you doin'?" "Aguirre came by again." "Said my uncle didn't die after all." "Said to bring 'em down." "Bring 'em down?" "Why?" "It's the middle of August." "Said there's a storm comin'." "Comin' in from the Pacific." "Worse than this one." "But that snow barely stuck an hour." "That son-of-a-bitch, he's cuttin' us out of a whole month's pay." "It ain't right." "Well, I'd spare you a loan but I'm short on cash." "I can give it to you when we get to Signal." "I don't need your money." "I ain't in the poorhouse." "Shit." "All right." "Time to get goin', cowboy." "This ain't no rodeo, cowboy." "Ennis..." "Ennis." "Come here." "Some of these never went up there with you." "The count ain't what I'd hoped for, neither." "You ranch stiffs, you ain't ever no good." "You wanna give it some gas?" "I can't believe I left my damn shirt up there." "You gonna do this again next summer?" "Well, maybe not." "Like I said, me and Alma's gettin' married in November." "So..." "I'll try to get something on a ranch, I guess." "You?" "Might go up to my daddy's place." "Give him a hand through the winter." "I might be back." "If the army don't get me." "Well, I guess I'll see you around, huh?" "Right." "What the fuck are you lookin' at?" "Huh?" "...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." "For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever." "Amen." "Under the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife." "You may kiss the bride." "And if you don't, I will." "You all right?" "Stop!" "No, you stop!" "My old lady's tryin' to get me to quit this job." "She says I get too old breaking my back shovelling' asphalt." "I told her, strong backs and weak mind runs in the family!" "I told her it keeps me fit." "Yeah!" "Well look what the wind blew in." "Hi, Mr. Aguirre." "Wonderin' if you was needin' any help this summer." "You're wastin' your time here." "What, you ain't got nothin'?" "Nothin' up on Brokeback?" "I ain't got no work for you." "Ennis Del Mar ain't been around, has he?" "You boys sure found a way to make the time pass up there." "Twist, you guys weren't gettin' paid to leave the dogs to babysit the sheep while you stemmed the rose." "Now get the hell out of my trailer." "How are you girls doin'?" "All right." "Jenny's still got a runny nose." "Ennis, could you wipe Alma Jr's nose?" "If I had free hands I could!" "Shh, come here." " Girls all right?" " Yeah" "Jenny's still got a cough." "I think you should take the girls into town this weekend and get 'em an ice-cream or somethin'?" "Can't we move to town?" "I'm tired of these lonesome old ranches." "No one for Alma Jr. to play with, besides, I'm scared for Jenny, scared she has another one of them bad asthma spells." "No, rent in town's too high." "There's a cheap place in Riverton over the laundromat." "I bet I could fix it up real nice." "I bet you could fix this place up real nice if you wanted to." "I know you'd like it, too." "A real home, lots of kids for the girls to play with." "Not so lonely like you were raised." "You don't want it to be so lonely, do you?" "I ain't so lonely now." "You sure the girls are asleep?" "Sure." "Come here." "Let her rip..., boys He's hangin' on for dear life" "Watch out there, he's coming for ya!" "Send in the clowns!" "Shit." "Never mind folks, there are the rodeo clowns!" "I'd like to buy Jimbo here a beer." "Best damn rodeo hand I ever worked with." "Thanks, cowboy." "If I was to let every rodeo hand I pulled a bull off of buy me liquor I'd a been an alcoholic long ago." "Well, bullseye for you buccaroo, it's just my job." "Save your money for your next entry fee, cowboy." "You ever try calf roping'?" "Do I look like I can afford a fuckin' ropin' horse?" " Do you wanna go in a little closer?" " No, this is fine, Jenny'll get scared." "Woo-wee!" "Look at this crowd!" "Bound to be a lot of pussy on the hunt in a crowd like this!" "...scroll up." "...like a frog." "Where'd you figure the most pussies at?" " Las Vegas?" " California." "...one town in Wyoming, I take Wyoming." "Hey, you might wanna keep it down." "I got two little girls here." "Fuck you." "I don't want any trouble, but you need to shut yourself up." "Listen to your old lady tonight." "What about it?" "You wanna lose about half your fuckin' teeth?" "It's all right, buddy." "I'd sure rather not." "Here she comes, ladies and gentlemen!" "Oh boy, look at her fly!" "It's Lureen Milton from right here in Childress, Texas." "Come on folks, she's one of yours..." "Let's give her a big hand." "She's cleared on two." "She's around three." "Come on folks, help her home!" "Come on, come on!" "And the time is sixteen and a half." "Ma'am." "Next up is a newcomer, Jack Twist, all the way up from Lightning Flat, Wyoming." "Let's see what the judges say..." "I tell you what." "That sure looked like a winning' ride to me." "You know that girl?" "I sure do." "That's Lureen Newsome." "Dad sells farm equipment." "Big farm equipment." "$100,000 tractors, shit like that." "What you waitin' for cowboy?" "A mating call?" "Wait, hold on." "You don't think I'm too fast, do you?" "Maybe we should put the brakes on?" "Fast or slow, I just like the direction you're goin'." "You are in a hurry!" "My daddy's in a hurry." "Wants me home with the car by midnight." " Hey, Monroe." " Hey, En." "Is Alma here?" "Oh yes, she's in the condiments aisle." "The what?" " Ketchup." " Thanks." "Hey honey!" "What are y'all doin' here?" "I'm in a big hurry." "My boss called and, uh, he wants me to go up the ranch." "Seems all the heifers decided to calf at the same time." "I figured I could drop the girls off with you." "I got a million things I gotta do before I leave." "I don't get off for another three hours." "Mama, I need to pee." "Not now, honey." "Ennis, please, you promised you'd take them tonight." "I can't afford not to be there when they have these calfs." "I'll lose my job if they lose any of 'em." "And what about my job?" "OK, all right." "Call my sister see if she can take 'em." "All right, all right." "Be a good girl for mama, all right?" "I'll be half the night..." "Oh boy!" "Monroe, I am so sorry!" "It's ok, it's ok." "I'll clean this up, just as soon as I call my sister to come get the girls." "Really, Alma, it's ok." " Forget it." " Alma, come with me." "Watch your feet." "Alma." "I got two whole boxes of formula for you." " 120 cans - 120?" "Dear, where'd you put 'em?" "Oh hell." "Back seat of the car where I left 'em." "Rodeo can get 'em." "I can already see what little Bobby looks like." "Good job, little girl." "He's the spittin' image of his grandpa." "Isn't he just the spitting image of his grandpa?" "Hey." "Hey Ennis, you somebody name of Jack?" "Maybe." "Why?" "'Cause you got a postcard that come general delivery." "Friend, this letter is long over due." "Coming through on the 24th." "Drop me a line say if your there." "Jack." "Is it somebody you cowboyed with, or what?" "No, Jack, he rodeos mostly." "We was fishin' buddies." "Maybe we could get a babysitter." "Take your friend to the Knife and Fork..." "Jack ain't the restaurant type." "We're more likely just go out and get drunk." "If he shows." "Ok, we take one more bite then we finish with dinner?" "There, that's a good bite." "All right, you're excused." "Jack fuckin' Twist!" "You son-of-a-bitch." "Alma, this is Jack Twist." "Jack, this is my wife, Alma." " Howdy." " Hello." " Oh, you got a kid." " Yeah, I got two little girls." " Alma Junior and Jenny." " I got a boy." " Yeah?" " 8 months old." "Smiles a lot" "I married the prettiest little gal in Childress, Texas." "Lureen." "So me and Jack, we're gonna head out, and get ourselves a drink." " Sure enough" " Pleased to meet you, ma'am." "We might not get back tonight when we get to drinkin' and talkin' and all." "Ennis?" "Could you get me a pack of smokes?" "If you need smokes there over there in the top pocket of my blue shirt in the bedroom." " 4 years, damn!" " Yeah, 4 years." "Didn't think I'd hear from you again." "I figured you was sore from that punch." "That next summer I drove back up to Brokeback." "Talked to Aguirre about a job." "Told me you hadn't been back so I left" "Went down to Texas for rodeoin'." "And that's how I met Lureen." "Made $2,000 that year bullridin'." "Nearly starved." "Lureen's old man makes serious money." "Farm machine business." "Of course he hates my guts though." " The army didn't get you?" " Nope, too busted up." "That rodeo ain't what is was in my daddy's day." "Got out while he could still walk." "I swear to God, I didn't know we was gonna get into this again." "Oh yes, I did." "I red-lined it all the way, I couldn't get here fast enough." "What about you?" "Me?" "I don't know." "That Brokeback got us good, don't it?" "What are we gonna do now?" "My God, there's nothin' we can do." "'Cause I'm stuck with what I got here." "Makin' a livin's about all I got time for, now." "Hey." "Me and Jack's headin' out for the mountains for a day or two." "Do ourselves a little fishin'." "You know your friend could come inside, have a cup of coffee." "Oh, he's from Texas." "Texans don't drink coffee?" "You sure that forman won't fire you for takin' off?" "That foreman he owes me." "I worked through a blizzard last Christmas." "You remember that?" "Besides, I'll only be a couple of days." "Bring fish, dad." "Big, big ones." "Come here." "See you Sunday at the latest." "I'm starvin'." "Wanna get something to eat?" " Yep." "Last one in..." "Is there anything interesting up there in Heaven?" "I was just sending up a prayer of thanks." "For what?" "For you forgetting' to bring that harmonica!" "I'm enjoyin' the peace and quiet." "You know, it could be like this, just like this, always." "Yeah?" "How'd you figure that?" "What about if you and me had a little ranch, somewhere?" "Little cow and calf operation?" "It would be a sweet life." "Hell, Lureen's old man, you bet he'd give me a down payment to get lost." "He more or less already said it." "No, I..." "I told you, it ain't gonna be that way." "Well, you got your wife and baby in Texas." "You know, I got my life in Riverton." "That so?" "You and Alma, that's a life?" "You shut up about Alma, this ain't her fault." "The bottom line is..." "We're around each other and this thing grabs hold of us again in the wrong place in the wrong time we're dead." "I tell you..." "There were these two old guys ranched up together, down home." "Earl and Ritch." "And they was the joke of town, even though they were pretty tough old birds." "Anyway, they found Earl dead in an irrigation ditch." "They took a tire iron to him." "Spurred him up, drug him around by his dick till it pulled off." "You seen this?" "Yeah, I was about 9 years old." "My daddy, he made sure me and my brother seen it." "Hell, for all I know, he done the job." "Two guys livin' together?" "No way." "We can get together once in a while." "Way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, but..." "Once in a while?" "Every 4 fuckin' years?" "If you can't fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it." "For how long?" "As long as we can ride it." "There ain't no reins on this one." "It's nearly supper time, where in the hell do you think you're goin?" "To work." " Hell, I thought you got the day off." " Well you thought wrong." " The girls need to be fed." " Well you take care of it." "Alma!" " Supper is on the stove!" " No-one's eatin' unless you're servin' it." "I already promised I'd take the extra shift." "Fuckin' tell 'em you made a mistake, then." "Goddamit, Alma!" "Alma!" " You girls need a push or somethin'?" " No." "This is the hard part, gentlemen." "You're not gonna get that with your Caddy." "I told yous you could do it, now I'm gonna show you." " Say, ain't that piss-ant used to riding' bulls?" " He used to try!" "Ennis, see you in a couple weeks, fish should be jumpin'." "Jack." "Honey..." "Have you seen my blue Parka?" "Um, last time I seen it you was in it." "Day we had that big ice storm." "Well, coulda sworn I seen it here." "You know, you been goin' up to Wyoming all these years..." "Why can't your buddy come down here to Texas and fish?" "'Cause the Big Horn Mountains ain't in Texas." "And I don't think his pick-up could make it down here anyway." "A new model comin' in this week, remember?" "You the best combine salesman we got." "You're the only combine salesman, in fact." "Yeah, well, I'll be back in a week." "That is unless I freeze to death." "And I'll freeze if I don't find that Parka!" "Well, I don't have the Goddam Parka!" "You know you're worse than Bobby when it comes to losing' stuff." "Speakin' of Bobby, did you call his school about gettin' him a tutor?" " I thought you were gonna call." " I complain too much." "The teacher don't like me." "Now it's your turn." "Ok, fine, so I'll call later." "All right, fine." "Bye." " I got 14 hours of driving' ahead of me." " See now, it don't seem fair." "You goin' up there two or three times a year him never comin' down here..." "Ennis, they got an openin' at the power company, might be good pay." "Well, if they're as clumsy as I am, probably get electrocuted." "Hey daddy!" "The church picnic's next weekend." "Will you be back from fishin' by next weekend?" "Please, daddy, please!" "All right, as long as I don't have to sing." "You forgetting' somethin'?" "You're late!" "Here we go." "No hands!" "Come on..." "Come on..." "It's Saturday night." "You know we could still smarten up and head on over to the church social." "That fire and brimstone crap?" "I think it'd be nice." "Ennis, as far behind as we are in the bills, makes me nervous not to take no precaution." "If you don't want no more of my kids I'd be happy to leave you alone." "I'd have 'em, if you'd support 'em." "Custody of the two minor children, Alma Del Mar Jr." "and Jennifer Del Mar is awarded to plaintiff." "Defendant is ordered to pay child support to plaintiff in the sum of $125... per month, for each of the minor children until they reach the age of 18 years." "Del Mar divorce granted, this 6th day of November, 1975." "ENTERING WYOMING" "What are you doin' here, huh?" "Got your message about the divorce." "Come here." "This here's Jack, Jack these are my little girls." "This here's Alma Jr. and Jenny." "Hey." " Say hi, girls." " Hi." "I got your card the divorce came through." "So, here I am." "I had to ask about 10 different people in Riverton where you'd moved to." "I guess, I thought that this means you..." "No..." "Jack, I..." "I don't know what to say." "See, I got the girls this weekend, and..." "I'm sure as hell sorry." "You know I am." "See, I only get 'em once and month and I missed last month, so I just... because of the round up..." " So, uh... well,..." " Yeah, all right." " Jack..." " Well, I'll see you next month, then." "Here we go." "Here we are!" "Hold up there, Rodeo." "Stud duck do the carving' around here." "You bet, LD, I was just..." "saving' you the trouble." "Bobby, if you don't eat your dinner I'm gonna have to turn off that television." "Why mama?" "I'm gonna be eating this food for the next two weeks." "Hey, you heard your mama." "You can finish your meal, and then you can watch the game." "Daddy..." "Daddy!" "Hell, we don't eat with our eyes!" "You want the boy to grow up to be a man, don't you, Dolly?" "Boys should watch football." "Like Hell." "He's gonna finishe eating' a meal that his mama too three hours fixing'." "You sit down, you old son-of-a-bitch!" "This is my house, this is my child and you are my guest." "Now you sit down before I knock your ignorant ass into next week." "Daddy, tell about when you rode broncs in the rodeo." "Well, that's a short story honey, it was only about 3 seconds I was on that bronc." "Next thing I knew, I was flyin' through the air." "Only I was no angel like you and Jenny, here." "I didn't have no wings." "And that's the story of my saddle bronc career." "There you go." "You oughta get married again, Ennis." "Me and the girls worry about you bein' alone so much." "Hm..." "Well, once burned..." "You still go fishin' with Jack Twist?" "Not often." "I used to wonder how come you never brought any trouts home." "You always said you caught plenty, and you know how me and the girls like fish." "So one night I got your crail case open, night before you went on one of your little trips." "Price tag still on after five years." "And I tied a note to the end of the line." "It said, "Hello Ennis." "Bring some fish home." "Love Alma."" "And then you come back, lookin' all perky." "Said you caught a bunch of brown ones and you ate 'em all up." "D'you remember?" "I looked in that case first chance I got and there's my note still tied there." "That line hadn't touched water in its life." "It don't mean nothin', Alma." "Don't try and fool me no more, Ennis." "I know what it means." "Jack Twist?" "Jack Nasty." "You didn't go up there to fish, you..." "Now you listen to me." "You don't know nothin' about it." "I'm gonna yell for Monroe." "You tell him, I'll make you eat the fuckin' floor." " Get out!" "Get out of my house!" "Daddy!" "Alma!" "Bye, Daddy." "Bye!" "." "Hey asshole, watch where you're goin'!" "You stupid fucker!" "Goddam what I'm sayin' is, if the tax don't get you, the inflation will eat it all up." "If you'd see Lureen, punchin' numbers in her adding' machine." "She's gonna crack the zeros." "Her eyes gettin' smaller and smaller." "Like watching' a rabbit tryin' to squeeze into a snakehole with a coyote on its tail." "That's some high-class entertainment if you ask me." "For what it's worth." "You and Lureen, it's normal an' all?" "Sure." "She don't ever suspect?" "You ever get the feelin' I don't know when you're in town and someone looks at ya?" "Suspicious?" "Like he knows." "And then you go out on the pavement and everyone's lookin' at ya like they all know, too?" "Maybe you oughta get out of there, you know?" "Find yourself some place different, maybe Texas." "Texas?" "Sure, and maybe you can convince Alma to let you and Lureen adopt the girls." "And we can just live together, herding' sheep." "And it'll rain money from LD Newsome, and whisky'll flow in the stream, Jack, that's real smart." "Oh hell." "You wanna live your miserable fuckin' life, go right ahead" " I was just thinkin' out loud." " Yeah, you're a real thinker, there." "Goddam." "Jack fuckin' Twist." "Got it all figured out, ain't ya?" "Just finished my shift." "Wanna dance?" "Well, I was on my way to..." " I'm Cassie, Cassie Farrah." " Ennis." "Del Mar." "No more dancin' for me, I hope." "You're safe." "My feet hurt." "It's hard work, is it?" "Yeah!" "Drunks like you, demanding' beer after beer, smokin'..." "Gets tiresome." "What do you do, Ennis Del Mar?" "Well, earlier today I castrated a calf." "What are you doin'?" "Tryin' to get a foot rub, dummy." "All right." "That good?" "...then I pledged Tri-Delt at SMU." "And I sure never thought I'd end up in a pokey little place like Childress." "Then I met old Randall here at an Aggie game and he was an animal husbandry major ." "So we been here for a month, and he got the foreman job over at Roy Taylor's ranch." "Like it or not, here I am." "Was you Tri-Delt?" "I was Kappa Phi myself." "Well, even though we ain't quite sorority sisters, we might have to dance with ourselves, Lureen!" "Our husbands ain't the least bit interested in dancing'!" "They ain't got a smidgen of rhythm between 'em." " It's funny, isn't it!" "Husbands don't never seem to want to dance with their wives." " Why do you think that is, Jack?" " I never gave that theory any thought." " Wanna dance?" " Yes!" "Thank you." " Do you mind?" " No, no problem." "That's very nice." "Thank you for asking me to dance with you." "I appreciate that." "Randall never does." "It's a good thing you and Lureen happened along when you did, otherwise we'd still be stuck on the side of the road in that there pick-up." "I told Randall we oughta take the car, of course he'd never listen to me!" "He wouldn't listen to me if he was goin' deaf tomorrow!" "I told him it'd take more than chewing' gum and bailing' wire to fix that there pick-up." "Well, he's never been very mechanical, though." "You ever notice how a woman'll powder her nose before she goes to a party." "Then she'll powder it again once the party's over?" "Why powder your nose just to go home and go to bed?" "I don't know." "Even if I wanted to know, I couldn't get a word in with Lashawn long enough to ask!" " That woman talks a blue streak." " A lively little gal." "You'll like workin' for Roy Taylor." " He's solid." " Oh yeah, Roy, he's a good old boy." "He's got a little cabin, down on Lake Camp." "Got a crop house, a little boat." "Said I could use it whenever I want." "We oughta go down there some weekend." "Drink a little whisky, fish some, get away, you know?" "When I was right out of SMU I coulda had my pick of pretty much any job in North Dallas." "So my pick was Neiman Marcus, which was a disaster, 'cause honey, where clothes is concerned, I got no resistence." "I was spendin' more than I made, more than Randall ever will make!" "We come out here thinking ranching' was still big hats and Marlboros." "Boy was we behind the times!" "Hey there, Junior?" "You ready?" "What do you think?" " Your daddy ever see fit to settle down again?" " I don't know." "Maybe he's not the marryin' kind." "You don't think so?" "Or you don't think I'm the one for him?" "You're good enough." "You don't say much but you get your point across." "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude." "Hi." "You're stayin' on your feet, cowboy." "Excuse me darlin'." "So I'll pick you and Jenny up next weekend, after church." "Fine." " You all right?" " Yes." "Are you sure?" "Daddy, I was thinkin'..." "Well, with a new baby and all, mom and Monroe are bein' awful strict on me." "More on me than Jenny, even." "I was thinkin', maybe I could... maybe I could come and stay with you." "I'd be an awful good help, I know I would." "Well, I..." "You know I ain't set up for that." "With the round-up comin', I won't ever be home." "It's all right, daddy." "Well, you know, I'm not sayin' I wouldn't..." " It's all right, I understand." "All right, well, I'll see you on Sunday, then." "Bye." "Bye, sweetheart." "Gonna snow tonight for sure." "Yep." "All this time, you ain't found nobody else to marry?" "I been puttin' the blocks to a good lookin' little gal over in Riverton." "A waitress, want's to go to nursing' school or somethin'." "I don't know." "What about you and Lureen?" "Lureen's good at making hard deals in the machinery business." "But as far as our marriage goes we could do it over the phone." "Kinda got this thing goin' with the ranch foreman's wife over in Childress." "I'm scared I'll get shot by Lureen or her husband each time I slip off to see her." "Well, you probably deserve it." "Tell you what..." "The truth is..." "Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." "I guess I'll head on up to Lightning Flat." "See the folks for a day or two." "There is somethin' I been meanin' to tell you, bud." "Well, it's likely November before I can come out here again." "After we shift stock and afore winter feeding' starts again." "November..." "Well, what in the hell ever happened to August?" "Christ, Ennis." "You know had a fuckin' week to say some kinda word about this." "Why is it we're always in the friggin' cold?" "We oughta go south, where it's warm." "You know, we oughta go to Mexico." "Mexico?" "Hell Jack, you know me." "About the only travelling' I ever done is around a coffee pot lookin' for the handle." "Come on Jack, lighten up on me." "We can hunt in November." "Kill us a nice elk." "I'll try if I can get Don Wroe's cabin again." "We had a good time that year, didn't we?" "There ain't never enough time, never enough." "You know, friend..." "This is a Goddam bitch of an unsatisfactory situation." "You used to come away easy, and now it's like seein' the Pope." "Jack, I gotta work, huh?" "I mean, in them earlier days I'd just quit the job." "Well you..." "You forget what it's like bein' broke all the time." "You ever hear of child support?" "I tell you this." "I can't quit this one, and I can't get the time off." "It's hard enough gettin' this time." "The trade-off is August." "You got a better idea?" "I did once." "You did once." "Have you been in Mexico, Jack Twist?" "'Cause I hear what they got in Mexico for boys like you." "Hell yes, I've been in Mexico." "Is that a fuckin' problem?" "I'm gonna tell you this one time, Jack fuckin' Twist." "And I ain't foolin'." "What I don't know, all them things that I don't know," "I'd get you killed if I come to know them." "I ain't jokin'." "Well try this one, and I'll say it just once." "Go ahead." "I tell you what." "We could had a good life together, fuckin' real good life." "Had us a place of our own." "But you didn't want it, Ennis." "So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain." "Everything's built on that." "That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all." "So I hope you know that if you don't never know the rest." "You count the damn few times that we have been together in nearly 20 years... and you measure the short fuckin' leash you keep me on, and then you ask me about Mexico." "And then you tell me you kill me for needin' something that I don't hardly never get." "You have no idea how bad it gets." "And I'm not you, I can't make it on a couple of high-altitude fucks once or twice a year." "You are too much for me, Ennis." "Son of a horsin' bitch." "I wish I knew how to quit you." "Well why don't you?" "Why don't you just let me be, huh?" "It's because of you, Jack, that I'm like this." "I'm nothin..." "I'm nowhere..." "Get the fuck off me!" "Shh, shh, it's all right, it's all right." "Damn you, Ennis." "I can't stand this any more, Jack." "And now you're sleepin' on your feet like a horse." "My mom used to say that to me when I was little." "And sing..." "I gotta go." "See you in the mornin'." "Excuse me." "Hey, Ennis Del Mar." "Where you been?" "Here and there." "I left word for you, with Steve, at the ranch." "But you musta got those notes I left at your place." "Looks like I got the message in any case." "Carl?" "Yeah, Carl's nice." "He even talks." " Good for you." " Yeah." "Good for me." "I don't get you, Ennis Del Mar." "I'm sorry." "I was probably no fun anyways, was I?" "Ennis, girls don't fall in love with fun." "Jack, how about November 7 for you?" "I can meet you at pine creek." "Ennis Del Mar (DECEASED)" "Hello." " Hello, this is Ennis Del Mar." " Who?" " Who is this?" " Ennis Del Mar." "An old buddy of Jack's." "Jack used to mention you." "You're the fishin' buddy or the hunting' buddy, I know that." "Woulda let you know what happened, but I wasn't sure about your name or address." "Jack kept his friends' addresses in his head." "That's what I'm callin', is to see what happened." "Oh yeah." "Jack was pumpin' up a flat on the truck out on the back road when the tyre blew up." "The rim of the tyre slammed into his face broke his nose and jaw and knocked him unconscious on his back." "By the time somebody come along he had drowned in his own blood." "He was only 39 years old." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Hello!" " Was he buried down there?" " We put a stone up." "He was cremated, like he wanted." "Half his ashes was interred here, the rest was sent up with his folks." "He used to say he wanted his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain." "But I wasn't sure where that was." "Thought Brokeback Mountain mighta been around where he grew up." "Knowin' Jack, it might be some pretend place... where bluebirds sing, and there's a whisky spring." "Well, ma'am, we was herding' sheep on Brokeback one summer." "Back in 1963." "Well, he said it was his favourite place." "I thought it meant to get drunk." "He drank a lot." "Is his folks still up in Lightning Flat?" "They'll be there till the day they die." "Thank you for your time." "I sure am sorry." "We was good friends." "Get in touch with his folks." "I suppose they'd appreciate it,... if his wishes was carried out." "About the ashes, I mean." " Want a cup of coffee, don't ya?" "Piece of cherry cake?" "Yes ma'am, I'll have a cup of coffee, but I can't eat no cake just now." "Thank you." "I feel awful bad about Jack." "Thank you." "I can't begin to tell you how bad I feel." "I knew him a long time." "I come by to say... if you want me to take his ashes up there on Brokeback like his wife said he wanted to, then I'd be happy to." "Tell you what." "I know where Brokeback Mountain is." "Thought he was too Goddam special to be buried in the family plot." "Jack used to say,..." ""Ennis Del Mar," he used to say," ""I'm gonna bring him up here one of these days, and we'll lick this damn ranch into shape."" "He had some half-baked notion the two of you was gonna move up here, ...build a cabin, help run the place." "Then this spring he got another fella gonna come up here with him." "Build the place, help run the ranch." "Some ranch neighbour of his from down in Texas." "Gonna split up with his wife and come back here." "So he says." "But like most of Jack's ideas ... it never come to pass." "I kept his room like it was when he was a boy." "I think he appreciated that." "You are welcome to go up to his room, if you want." "Yeah, I'd like that, thank you." "Tell you what..." "We got a family plot." "He's goin' in it." "Yes, sir." "You'll come back and see us again." " Hey there, Junior." " Hey, daddy." " Like the car?" " Yeah, is it yours?" "It's Kurt's." " Well, I thought you was seein', uh, Troy?" " Troy?" "Daddy that was 2 years ago." " Troy still playin' baseball?" " I don't know what he's doin'." "I'm seein' Kurt, now." " Well, what does Kurt do?" " Works out on the oil fields." " So he's a roughneck, huh?" " Yeah." "I guess you're 19, you can do whatever you want, is that right?" "Sure." " Daddy, you need more furniture." "Yeah, well, you got nothin', you don't need nothin'." "So, what's the occasion?" "Me and Kurt." "We're gettin' married." " Well, how long you known this guy for?" " About a year." "The wedding'll be June 5th at the Methodist church." "Jenny'll be singin',... and Monroe's gonna cater the reception." "Now this Kurt fella..." "He loves you?" "Yeah, daddy, he loves me." "Was hoping' you'd be there." "I think I'm supposed to be on the round-up down near the Tetons." "You know what?" "..." "I reckon they can find themselves a new cowboy." "My little girl is getting married." "To Alma and Kurt." "Jack, I swear." "Subtitles - painstakingly transcribed by Mark!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"The Quiet Hour" "It's been almost a year," "yet we still know nothing about them." "Who they are, where they come from," "why they went down... all we know is, since they came," "two quiet hours a day is all we have." "What was that?" "I'm not sure." "A gunshot?" "No, it can't be." "No, I heard an engine." "It could have been anything." "What if there were people out there?" "and they found us?" "It's nothing, Ok?" "Would you shoot someone if you had to?" "Go back to sleep." "What's she saying?" "Uh...they've left the UK, and stopped here." "and some country's name I couldn't understand." "Shh!" "Turn it off!" "Why?" "Because it creeps me out, Ok?" "If you go out the back, make sure to lock the door behind you, Ok?" "Is anybody there?" "Hello, survivors." "Tom Connelly here, playing just for you." "Dad?" "Dad?" "Who are you?" "God what is wrong with you?" "I told you to shut the door." "I'm sorry." "That's the second time." "Do you want to get us killed?" "He's been shot." "Where?" "In the leg." "Could that be what we heard last night?" "Sarah?" "Are you gonna fix his leg?" "Well, you shouldn't." "He stole our food." "Hold the light closer." "Is he gonna die?" "No." "At least no from me hitting him." "What is this?" "A survival blanket." "From Manchester." "Twenty-Seven" "What do you see?" "One of their mines." "Looks incredibly deep." "I heard they're taking minerals from the core of the planet." "Can you see them?" "No." "What are we gonna do with him?" "I don't know, I'm thinking." "We'll have to see what dad thinks when he gets home?" "Do you think he'll be back tonight?" "Sarah?" "Oh,forChrist'ssake, how could I possibly know?" "Good girl." "Coffee?" "There ain't much milk." "It's been a while since she had babies." "Will she stop producing it?" "Eventually." "I'm sorry, Ok?" "It must be Dad." "Hello?" "You'll catch a fever washing in that filthy water." "Why did you run away?" "I meant you no harm." "I suppose you don't see many people in these parts." "It's quite isolated, isn't it?" "What's your name?" "Sarah." "You live alone in that big house?" "No." "Who else is there?" "My brother." "And my father." "How old are you?" "I'm twenty-five." "How old are you really?" "Eighteen?" "Nineteen?" "What do you want?" "He's there, isn't he?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "You're lying to me, Sarah." "Did you tie him up?" "Sarah..." "Shh..." "Sarah?" "Fine." "You've got ten minutes to get him out." "Ten minutes." "Or big, bad wolf will be knocking on your door." "Over." "How many are there?" "I'm not sure." "At least two." "I think there night be more hiding in the back." "Let's just take him out as she said." "He must be with them." "Then you tell them it's just the two of us." "And then we'll be screwed." "We might as well kiss our animals goodbye." "He wouldn't know." "He's still knocked out, isn't he?" "Come, let's take him out." "So they can invite themselves over?" "We can take him out through the window,I'll help." "I imagine they want to kill him." "So what?" "he's a thief." "That would be murder." "Sarah, we can't keep him here." "What if he breaks free?" "It could be dangerous." "What do you suggest?" "That we kill him?" "Come with me." "It's stuck." "Sarah?" "I didn't mean to frighten you." "Your friend has already contacted us." "My friend?" "The woman who contacted me on my CV." "I'm alone." "Do you think I'm stupid?" "They've been following me." "Why?" "How did you get here if you weren't in that van?" "I bundled myself inside survival blankets." "Old ones that the army took out." "They're full of rodents and asbestos fiber." "They work if the patrol vessels fly high enough." "But it's like playing Russian roulette." "I was lucky." "But believe me!" "These are not good people." "Untie me and I'll protect the house." "Keep quiet." "I don't trust you." "Is it the uniform?" "Maybe." "But I'm not a soldier." "I'm a journalist." "They why are you dressed like one?" "I took the clothes from a dead one." "Look in my front pocket." "There's a picture in there." "Please take a look at it!" "What is it?" "That's my wife and daughter." "They're dead." "So what?" "Is that suppose to make you a good man?" "Oh, come on!" "You can see that I was shot." "Could have been an accident." "A self-inflicted wound." "Do you think you can hold the four alone?" "You don't know what they're capable of." "They won't stop until they've got your farm." "Well, it seems to me like it's you they want." "No, don't delude yourself." "How many farms with souls and piles of livestock do you think you can find" "Please." "Untie me." "So you can open the door to your friends?" "You can't beat him alone." "Our father will be back soon." "Where is he?" "He went to town to get some supplies." "And how soon will he be back?" "Soon enough." "How many of them are there?" "Five." "used to be six, but one of them was killed by the blasters last night." "that must be what we..." "Don't." "I went inside an abandoned house to look for some food, and one of them followed me without cover." "I escaped just before the blast." "If what you're telling me is true, then why are they trying so hard to capture you?" "You're a liar!" "Please." "Let me help you." "No, no!" "What are you doing?" "Shutting him up." "Let him talk, Sarah!" "Be quiet!" "I'm gonna go upstairs, Ok?" "Knock knock." "Big bad wolf." "Keep quiet, bitch." "You need to untie me." "Those guys will kill your sister." "Then they will come down here and kill me and you." "Do you want that to happen?" "There's a knife in the side pocket of my bag." "Get it for me and let me help." "I'm not going to lie to you, I promise." "Come here." "Here." "Great." "Yeah." "Stay there." "No one can see you." "You'll be fine." "No!" "Thanks." "Jeez!" "Are the other locked?" "No." "We'll be safe now." "Tom?" "Sarah?" "Are you Ok?" "Yeah." "What did he do to you?" "Nothing." "Your sister's fine." "Did you hear them leave?" "I heard an engine." "They moved a van." "They have broken into the barn." "They'll attack us again at sunset." "That's how everyone left is killed." "You've done a good job cleaning up my leg." "You a nursing student?" "Something like that." "Tell me what you did to them." "Tell me the truth." "I killed one of them." "My brother." "They killed my wife and daughter." "They broke into the basement where they were hiding." "My wife tried to defend what little food we had." "And they killed her." "I came back from a water run and found them carrying boxes to their van." "And I just hid." "I remember her wiping blood on her pants." "Him eating our food." "And their brother bragging about what he'd just done." "Thought I'd never see him again." "Then, a couple of days ago," "I'm riding in a bunker on the coast and I hear a voice." "Their brother's." "I killed him whilst he slept." "Then ran." "They've been chasing me ever since." "And your daughter?" "They got her, too." "How do you know he isn't making up stories to make you feel sorry for him?" "Tom..." "Was he in the picture he showed you?" "No." "Then you don't know for sure, do you?" "He saved my life." "Maybe he plays the good guy till he's done with the people outside." "Look, we're all in this together." "I'm just saying we should watch our backs." "He killed a man before your eyes, how do you know he's not gonna kill us, too?" "How can you judge him so harshly you can't even see him?" "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean it." "That's another five." "Mediocre shot." "That's a nice radio." "Who taught you how to use it?" "My father." "Your father sounds like quite the survivalist." "He didn't..." "He doesn't like to take things for granted." "He would always be prepared if we went to ship." "Did you get your electricity from the solar power?" "Some." "But we save the batteries for the radio." "Waita minute." "Yourmenwilllive" "Theykeepdoingalright" "Thisusuallymeansyou 'reOK" "An unusually big swarm has been spotted over Bradford heading south." "I repeat." "An unusually big swarm has been spotted over Bradford heading south." "They're three quarters advanced" "They're heading our way." "They've been acting strangely lately." "What do you mean?" "Their patterns have changed." "They'd been drilling like crazy." "Like there's no tomorrow." "It's Jimmy." "Don't come back it'stooriskyatthemoment." "Tom, why don't you fetch this bowl of mine?" "After all, it's been a long time since we've had a guest." "Sure." "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to intrude." "When did Tom lose his sight?" "He was flash blinded the day they came." "He was outside feeding cattle with mum." "All he remembers is this intense light" "telling him to run away." "She died." "It was the last thing he saw." "And your father?" "I saw his grave." "They got him, didn't they?" "I saw a blast a distance a couple of days ago." "Is that why you came here?" "I was hoping to find people." "Life." "Yeah, and you've left them to us." "I didn't know they were following me." "I'm sorry." "Tom needs to know." "The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be." "You know what?" "This is none of your business." "So you're gonna keep lying to him?" "Give him false hope?" "Sorry." "It's burnt." "We ran out of oil." "Hello?" " What's happened to my husband?" "Did you kill him?" "Well?" "There's been enough bloodshed as it is." "Releaseyourprisoner and we'll be square." "He's gone." "You're lying" "I'm not." "He cut his ties and escaped." "When?" "A couple of hours ago." "He's probably dead by now." "If not, the survival blankets won't protect him for long." "What did you do with my husband's body?" "He's still with us." "Take him down at sunset so we can have a Christian burial." "We'll leave the house as soon as it's done." "Youhaveourword." "Over." "What do you think?" "I wouldn't believe them." "She should be allowed to bury her husband." "That's not what they want him for." "What do you mean?" "Well, they need to eat to survive." "And what about you?" "Have you been eating dead people, too?" "Of course not." "They gave us their word." "It means nothing." "It's worth taking a chance." "They might go away." "If what I think will happen happens, they will be able to stay out there for days while we're stuck in here with no food or water." "What do you think, Tom?" "I think you need to leave." "Tom!" "If he left, they'd go!" "No, they wouldn't." "They'd come back for the farm." "We need his help." "We were fine before he turned up!" " He wouldn't make it out there by himself." "I don't care if he dies." "Um..." "I'm sor- he didn't mean that." "Are they back?" "Yeah." "She'll call." "Ok." "Will you come with me?" "Back in a minute, Ok?" "Ok." "Ok." "We'll be alright." "You alright?" "Dad should be back by now." "They thought they could contain him." "If we were without our satellites we were dine for." "The heat." "Snow." "A stench of decaying flesh." "There are no words for it." "And soon we'll have no newspapers to send them to." "So I got back in the car, drove home faster than I could." "Is there anyone left in cities?" "No." "The blasters didn't leave them a chance." "The old fire blankets, the solar panels, that just drops in the ocean." "and those who you love survive to become animals." "They hide in basements or bunkers." "They get sick or lose their minds." "Have you heard of anyone actually making contact with them?" "No." "Never." "Well, maybe there isn't anyone." "Maybe they just sent the machines." "Or maybe they just don't give a shit about us." "Is that what you believe?" "That they don't care?" "Why would they?" "What makes us more special then the ants or...field mice or dolphins?" "Our art?" "Our ability to build, to think about our life in sequences?" "Hence build completely sophisticated colonies." "Birds decorate their nests," "Yeah, but they don't... regret, they don't dream, they don't hope." "Maybe they do." "Maybe they don't." "It's probably for the best." "It won't get hard that way." "Tom..." "Uh...why don't you play something for us?" "I don't feel like it." "Come on, do it for me." "What should I play?" "What you were playing over the radio." "Hello?" "You Ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "You can come in." "What did you study?" "Veterinary medicine." "First year." "It doesn't matter now, though, does it?" " You could have studied English lit, like me." "Believe me. you won't want me sewing your leg up." "What happened to your father?" "I found him." "Yesterday morning." "A few yards from here." "He must've been confused." "Maybe his watch stopped, or something." "When he left," "I vaguely remember waking up remembering I'd forgotten to turn off the alarm the night before," "telling myself every way it hadn't rung." "I'd just go straight back to sleep." "And when my alarm did go off a few minutes later," "I got out, and I saw his bike leaning against a tree." "And you really think it was a mistake?" "What are you saying?" "Maybe... he just wanted to get it over with." "No..." "No, my father was a fighter." "He kept saying that we had to keep going." "That we could never give up..." "he wouldn't..." "Never..." "In this world, people change." "It was a mistake, Ok?" "My father wasn't a coward." "He would...never have abandoned us like that." "He knew I couldn't protect him alone." "Or maybe he knew you could." "Maybe he thought you were stronger than him." "You are, Sarah." "You're stronger than you think." "Where were you when all this started?" "Just...grocery shopping with my wife." "We were bickering because I was wasting money on expensive food and she was trying to save a few in the summer." "Sounds trivial, doesn't it?" "What was her name?" "Lisa." "Our daughter's name was Marty." "She was such a lively little girl." "She was." "Dancing around." "Lisa said she could become a ballerina." "And I remember the last night before I left them." "Marty woke up" "She wanted to come with me." "She wouldn't let go of my hands, as if somehow she knew." "Sarah?" "Nooooo!" "No..." "No!" "Oh, shit." "Tom?" "!" "Tom?" "Tom!" "Tom?" "Tom?" "No...he wouldn't have." "No!" "There were too many patrols around." "He's all I have left!" "Tom!" "Tom!" "Tom!" "Tom!" "What?" "They burned the straw." "They're still here." "Go!" "Go." "What are you doing?" "There is no asbestos." "We'll be fine." "Tom!" "Sarah!" "Hey!" "Tom's alive." "Ok?" "Wait." "I heard laughing." "They're in the cellar." "You alright?" "We need to get him out." "I'll take him by surprise." "What are you doing?" "He'll sniff them out." "Tom?" "Tom." "Tom, Tom" "It's me." "Come on." "Stay here, Ok?" "She's not here." "I guess they've gone." "Tom?" "Get up!" "Come over here, boy." "Why did you shoot him?" "There was no need." "He killed my brother." "You killed his wife." "No..." "They were already dead." "His wife ran to a death with their child." "She just couldn't take it anymore." "We found him scavenging for tomatoes in the garden." "Took them back to her bunker." "I guess we didn't agree on what we had to do to survive." "You were wrong." "And because you wouldn't listen, you got my husband killed." "He tried to rape me." "I don't believe you." "It's time for this to end." "You're going to be Ok." "I just needed you to trust me." "We need to go." "Come back when it's safe." "I didn't mean what I said about Jude." "I know." "What now?" "Are you sure this is what you want?" "Stop!" "Maybe we should wait." "What happened?" "They're gone." "They left the same way they came." "Without warning." "Dad used to say as long as there's hope in our hearts, we'd survive." "He was right." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
" Previously on Cracked..." " I miss you so much." "It's over." "I'm sorry, I'm done." "Still not sleeping?" "Your head kept bobbing every time the car stopped." " Red-light power naps." " Nightmares?" "You can't have nightmares if you're not sleeping." "Look, I just want us to get our coffees and go home." "Arrest me." "Huh?" "Arrest me!" "Nobody's day has to be ruined!" "Are you chicken?" "Are you chicken?" "Huh?" "♪ I got out of bed today ♪ ♪ Swear to god, couldn't see my face ♪" "♪ I got out of bed today ♪ ♪ Staring at a ghost ♪" "♪ Oh, have you seen my ghost ♪" "♪ Seen my ghost, seen my ghost ♪" "♪ Oh, have you seen my ghost ♪" "♪ Staring at the ground?" "♪" "You a police officer?" "You gonna call me a chicken?" "Yeah, kid, I'm a police officer." " Why?" " Why?" "'Cause I like helping people when they're in trouble, or lost" " or hurt." " Why?" "Why do I like helping people?" "No, why do people get hurt?" "You don't know the answer, do you?" "Detective Black." "Hey." "I'm Detective Black, this is Dr. Ridley." "Female EDP approximately 42 years of age, what else?" " Service weapon." " What?" "She's one of ours." "Her name's Beth Croxton." "Patrol Officer out of 34 Division." "Ms. Croxton, my name's Detective Black." "I have a doctor with me..." "Daniella Ridley." "Go away." " We can't do that, Beth." " I said, go away!" " Lindsay, wake up, sweetie." " Ms. Croxton?" "This is Dr. Ridley." "I understand you're just trying to protect Lindsay." "You're a police officer, that's what you do." "I'm her mother." "That's what I..." "what I should have done..." "Beth, Lindsay needs our help." "Please let us in." "I can't..." "I can't let her go." "You don't have to." "We can do it together." "But I need you to do something." "I need you to please take the weapon and move it across the floor." "I know you don't want to hurt anyone." "Give her a second." "Beth's in the ambulance." "I spoke with the coroner, who won't know anything until the autopsy report, but..." "Suicide." "Beth said the car was still running when she came home from work." "Lindsay's face was flushed, consistent with carbon monoxide poisoning." "Yeah." "Neighbours heard screams, called 911, but when the EMTs came and they tried to take Lindsay away," "Beth drew her gun on them." "I guess she wanted a few last moments with her daughter." "Anyway, it's pretty straightforward." "C.I.B can take over." " Or not." "Watch." " [I wanted to make sure] [you didn't get the last word, like you always do.]" "[You made sure my life was over] [and now I get to finish what you started.]" "[I hope you're happy.]" "[I'm so tired.]" "[I just...]" "[I can't anymore.]" "Too few or too many for a phone number." "A date?" " Date and time?" " Could be anything." "No, these numbers are chosen carefully." "It's the last thing she said." "Ever." "Could be meaning in the fact that they're meaningless." "But why wouldn't she just say, "My life is meaningless"?" "OK, well, what if it's not the numbers, but the fact that there are 8 numbers?" "She chose to kill herself in a costume." "Strange numbers." "I'm thinking there's a likelihood of criminal harassment." "So, all that stuff in the garage... basically an acute stress reaction." "She's gonna stay the night in seclusion, and go home tomorrow." "And?" "No, nothing." "She has no idea what the numbers are." "Excuse me, I'm looking for Beth Croxton." " She would've just been admitted." " Excuse me," "I'm Detective Black, this is Dr. Ridley." "You know Beth Croxton?" "Yes, we live across the street." "One of the officers" " told us she was here." "Is she okay?" " She's resting right now." "It's just such a shock." "I can't believe it." " Lindsay, she was at our house yesterday." " Do you know the family well?" "Molly is friends with Lindsay." " Molly, did anything happen to Lindsay in the last little while?" " No." " Did you know she was depressed?" " I don't know." " How are you doing?" " Lindsay's new to the school." "She and Beth just moved in a few months ago... it was a rough divorce." "And from what Beth said, Lindsay was having a hard time fitting in at first, but then she got the lead in Pygmalion.." "The school play." "I did costumes." "The two of them worked for hours on the Embassy Ball gown." "It's a shame about that mishap on opening night..." "[Take your slippers, and... ] (screams and laughter)" "We found this when we went through Lindsay's emails." "Whoever posted it tagged her, so her inbox was full of comments." "Looks like half the school chimed in." "They even made up a bunch of nicknames for her." "My personal favourite?" ""Eliza Booblittle."" "Lindsay's understudy did the rest of the performances, but that didn't stop anyone from harrassing her about it for her last two weeks." "The video went viral." "There's a lolcat version, an animated gif..." "Someone even made an autotune remix." "[Take your slippers...]" "[Your... your..." "Take your slippers..." "Your... your...]" "Thank God the internet didn't exist when I was in high school." " Have you figured out who put it online?" " Our tech guys" " are working on it." " Any luck with the sequence of numbers?" " Nothing on her computer so far." " Check locker numbers, page numbers... what's she reading?" "I don't know, check the periodic table." "That girl was terrorized, and it's criminal harassment." "Who makes that call?" "When does taunting cross the line?" "That's for a judge to decide." "Last year in Guelph, 6 girls were convicted of criminal harassment for an incident similar to this." "So if there's a ringleader out there?" "I want them found." "I don't know what to say." "Lindsay was bright, talented," " artistic..." " Did she have any issues, problems, conflicts with any other students?" "Not that I know of." "In her suicide video, Lindsay seemed to be talking about someone specific." "You're here every day;" "You don't have any idea who was going after her?" "Who's "in" and who's "out" changes on an hourly basis." "Even if I thought I had an idea, it would be wrong." "You're better off talking to the kids directly." " I'll find you somewhere to set up." " Thanks." "So, what did you think of Lindsay?" "Well, I mean she's the new girl in school... everybody's gonna talk about the new girl, see what she's about." "She did her own thing, wasn't a part of the bullshit." "I liked Lindsay." "People didn't know, but she was really funny." "I didn't have anything against her, but, you know, she was not really part of our group." "And what group is that?" "Me, Jessica, a few others." "People call us the "Pit Crew."" "But when she got the leading role in the play, that got Jessica's attention." "But then what happened with the play..." "She kind of shut down after that." " The dress only dropped for a second." " It was totally awful." " Called her a bitch..." " Slut..." " Jessica knew that if she... screenshot it, somebody would get a hold of it." "Lindsay went crazy after that." "Do you recognize these numbers?" "No." "Should I?" "I'm not sure if I should be talking to you." "People may not like it." " What people?" " Jessica." "Her and her crew hang out at The Pit, smoking and drinking and choosing their victims." " But you didn't hear it from me." " Jessica's just mean to everyone." "Last year, she took a picture of me in the girl's locker room and plastered it all over the school." "She drew circles on it... you know, like plastic surgery?" "See, Jessica likes things in place, and Lindsay just didn't fit." "So she buried her." "And she didn't deserve it." "It wasn't fair." "You haul my daughter down here in the middle of the day, I have to leave work..." "This is absurd." "That girl killed herself." " Jess had nothing to do with it." " We've received information that Jessica had been harassing Lindsay before she died, posting a video online." "Is that true?" "Sorry." "I just had to send out my biology assignment." "Give me the phone." "Give me the phone." "Did you post the video they're talking about?" "No." "I did happen to be filming when Lindsay's dress ripped, but I only emailed it to a few friends." "But you had to know it was gonna end up online." "How?" "Do you think I control the entire school?" "Some of the other students think you do." "They're probably just jealous because I have a lot of friends." "Jessica, our Tech guys are tracking whoever posted that video, so I hope you're not lying, 'cause if you are, we're gonna have to charge you with obstruction of justice and criminal harassment." "If you charge me, then you're going to have to charge half the kids at school... anyone who made a gif, posted a remake, sent a text message, tweeted..." "OK, we get it." "What happened with Lindsay's dress, it was awful." "I know if it was me, I would've been devastated." "But I didn't have anything to do with it." "Can we go?" "Phone?" "Are you ready?" "She's always in here playing, practicing something..." "She loves... concerts and... symphonies..." "and the theatre..." "Oh..." "She used to send me on scavenger hunts all over the house." "Leaving me clues." "Once, when I got to the end of a hunt," "I found this a piece of paper, and it had song lyrics on it that she had written for me." "She didn't say goodbye." "Psychopath." "Psych." "O. Path." "We don't diagnose kids with psychopathy." "But you know, right?" "I'm a psychiatrist, not a psychic." "Ridley, for once, don't think with your head." "Think with the hairs on the back of your neck!" "Kids' brains are still developing." "Family dynamics come into play, insecurity..." "This girl's bad." "I mean, you don't write it down, but you know it." "Did the hairs on the back of your neck stand up?" "She could be mean." "We don't diagnose 'mean.'" "Did they stand up?" "We don't diagnose 'cold' or 'bitch' either." "And she's all that." "You're not answering the question." "Yeah." "They did." "Fast forward a few years, this girl's gonna be boiling bunnies on some guy's stove." "You coming?" "Uh, no, I'm gonna stick around for a bit." "Been spending a lot of late nights here." "When do you sleep?" "Goodnight, Ridley." "♪ I don't know what you've done ♪" "♪ To me ♪" "♪ Don't know if it was planned ♪" "♪ I'm trying hard to understand ♪" "♪ I don't know what you've done to me ♪" "♪ Don't know if it was planned ♪" "♪ I'm trying hard to understand ♪" "♪ You heard about ♪" "♪ What's happening ♪" "♪ Look inside out ♪" "♪ At everything ♪" "Yeah, can I get a medium meat lover's pizza for delivery at police headquarters?" "Hey, bitch, so where ARE you?" "I've texted you, like, 10 times!" "Nadira?" "Nadira?" "Is that you?" "It is about goddamned time..." "Nadira, this isn't funny." "Shit!" "Oh..." "Look what you made me do." " Where are we on Jessica O'Donnell?" " Nowhere." "The tech guys confirmed that the video was uploaded and posted in the school library" " but have no way to prove who posted it." " Oh, she did it alright." "She's just smart enough to game the system." "She's still a kid, and she's not that smart." "She'll slip up." "I'm having her school records sent over to see if we can establish a pattern of intimidation." "What about the numbers from Lindsay's suicide note?" "You!" "You dragged my daughter in here like some kind of criminal yesterday, and now she's gone missing and I want to know what you're gonna do about it!" " Missing?" " You blamed her." "She was so upset, she locked herself in her room, and when I went to look for her," " she was gone." " Could she be at a friend's house?" "Would a friend do that?" "A uniform's taking Mrs. O'Donnell home." "They're gonna bring back Jessica's laptop." "It looks like the photo was posted by Jessica from her own phone." " Shoes." " Two pairs." "Plus the photographer, so at least 3 people there." "Maybe there's something in these comments." "Hey, scroll down." " OMG, WTF, and LOL..." " Look." "Nadira." "Wasn't she Jessica's friend?" ""Where are you?" "What's going on?" "Are you at the Pit?"" "But Jessica never responded." "This is a girl who lives on her phone, texting, emailing, tweeting, but hasn't sent anything back in, what, 10 hours?" "Nadira says they call her and her friends the "Pit Crew."" " Mm-hmm." "I heard the other kids mention it." "It's a place where they hang out." "In the woods behind the school." " What are you grinning about?" " Just remembering my version of The Pit..." "There was this beat-up old tool shed just outside the school grounds." "It was totally disgusting and needed to be condemned, but... all the fun I had in high school was in that stupid shed." " Really?" " Yeah." " You don't strike me as the type." " What type?" "Well, you know... skipping, smoking, screwing..." "The uzhe." " I was totally that type." " No, you weren't." "OK, I played Dungeons and Dragons, so what?" "Ha, ha, ha!" "I remember this." "Hey." "I think I found the bottle" "Jessica was holding in the photo." "I think I found her phone too." "Oh yeah." "Yeah." "Alright, let's bag this and get forensics down here for a full search." "Uh, can you..." "Thanks." "Wisnefski." "Hey." "It's Aidan." "Uh huh..." "OK, we'll be right there." "Hi, teach." "[I don't..." "I don't understand." "I was being cooperative.]" "What's this about?" "Jessica O'Donnell went missing last night." "What do you know about it?" "I don't know anything about that." "Why are you asking me?" "We found this letter on her computer." "Got a little handsy with the kids, huh, Rick?" "Absolutely not." "She was going to report you to the school board." "Lotta detail in that letter." "I mean, that's a real career killer." "It isn't what you think." "Jessica brought this to me after I flunked her on a term paper." "A failing grade would have jeopardized her chance to get into AP English." "So rather than actually doing the work, she thought she'd threaten me." "Are you saying she tried to blackmail you?" "Have you met her?" "What did you do?" "I called her bluff, I asked if she'd really considered the ramifications of going down this road." "She ended up backing down." "Can anyone corroborate your story?" "Talk to the principal, Felicia Owens." "I gave her a copy of this letter." "Do you believe him?" "He sounded credible, and she is a psychopath." "We don't know that." "Well, obviously, the girl has issues." " What's that?" " Print-out of Jessica's texts." " How far back did you go?" " Um, that's just the last two weeks." "It's gonna take us forever to get through." " Ah, the important one's right on top." " Jessica's BFF texted her yesterday afternoon, asking her to meet at the Pit at ten." "Hey, Nadira." "You and Jessica have fun at The Pit last night?" "What are you talking about?" "Cut the crap." "We got a text from you to Jessica, asking her to meet you at The Pit at 10pm." " Right before she disappeared." " I never sent that." " It came from your phone." " Well, someone stole my phone yesterday." "I had volleyball practice, I got back to the locker room, it's missing." "I couldn't have texted her." "Aidan." "Well, there are no obvious defensive wounds." "Maybe she was drugged." " Or poisoned." " Coroner'll pump her stomach and run a tox screen." "We'll know soon enough." "What about the bag?" "Standard issue grey hockey bag." "It's torn at the bottom, see?" "I think whatever was weighing it down spilled out." "Current flows south, so she would have been dumped upriver." "Closer to the school." "I've got foot patrols walking the bank." "Psychopath or not, no one deserves this." "Jessica was queen bee, Nadira's second in command..." "Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey in the middle of the pack..." "What?" "You remember all their names?" "Molly and the others are a rung below that." " Lindsay on the bottom." " Good news." "Forensics found a fresh tire tread on a dirt road near The Pit." "Bad news is, it's a common brand, used on a whole bunch of car models," " including mine." " What about the bottle of vodka?" "Jessica's prints were all over it, along with two other unidentified sets." "And, the remaining vodka in the bottle tested positive for GHB." " The date-rape drug?" " That's right." "GHB overdoses can be lethal, especially when combined with alcohol." "Maybe Jessica's death was a high school prank gone wrong." "Well, we still gotta figure out who did it." "Maybe we can get to the "who"" "by following the "how." The GHB." "We just need to trace it back to..." "What?" "I got liquorice in my teeth or something?" "How do you feel about makeup and heels?" " You Kyle?" " Who're you?" "Poppy." "Zach's older sister." "Zach?" "Yeah, he said you were the man to talk to." "There's this club opening on Ossington tonight." "I need some coke." " GHB, anything." " I don't know you." "But you know my brother." "He said you did." "Oh, come on." "I'm just in town from Montreal for a few days," "I don't know anyone else." "Please?" "Just a gram." "Alright, meet me at the east gate in 10 minutes, OK?" "You got it." "♪ I got a lesson for the teary-eyed, don't you cry ♪" "So the guy shows up with a gram of GHB, and an ounce of pot in addition to the coke." " Like taking candy from a baby." " A horny baby with a trust fund." "You want me to sit in?" "Uh, not if you want him to be able to concentrate." "Ha, ha!" "Yeah, I should probably..." "You got this." "That bitch set me up." "Detective Wisnefski is not a bitch, but she did indeed set you up." "And now you're looking at some serious time, unless you and I can come to some kind of arrangement." "I want the names of everyone you sold GHB to in the last 3 months." "You joking?" "You think I'm gonna hand you a bunch of other charges?" "Every single person, first name and last." "Cooperate, and this little incident with Detective Wisnefski goes away." "Hold out, and I'm gonna sic the K-9 unit on your parent's basement so fast it'll make your head spin." "I'm sure Mom and Pop will be real proud to have a couple of German Shepherds tearing up their son's bedroom." "Oh, and if you're feeling lucky?" "Those dogs can smell a cannabis seed inside a thermos of gasoline." "He gave her up." "Third name down." "Lindsay Croxton." "Our suicide victim." "Lindsay and I were very close." "We talked about... everything." "And when it came to drugs..." "I mean, I'm a cop." "I'm not suggesting Lindsay was using." "Then why would she have bought GHB?" "The coroner found evidence of it in Jessica's tox screen." "It looks like someone may have drugged her to get back at her." "And you think it was me?" " Using Lindsay's stash?" " I gotta play out all the angles, Beth." "My daughter died 3 days ago," " and now you're accusing me of murder?" " Can you just tell me" " where you were Wednesday night?" " I was here." "Alone." "Trying to figure out how the hell I'm gonna get on with the rest of my life." "Convenient, huh?" "Did you communicate with anyone?" "My sister." "She called around 9:30." "We spoke for an hour and a half." "OK, that's good." "The phone records should be able to prove that, no problem." "Oh, and 3 of Lindsay's friends stopped by, but that was earlier, about 6:30." "Three friends?" "Yeah, Molly from across the street," "Janelle Waters and Caitlin Borysiuk." "What were they doing?" "Just wanted to take some things for a memorial at the school." "From Lindsay's room." "I'm just gonna look for anything out of place." "You won't find anything." "What?" "That could be anything." "Contact lens solution." "It's not contact lens solution, Beth." "Three girls they come up here, they've got a crazy plan." "They're nervous... they've got a bottle of vodka in their backpack and a cop downstairs." "Trying to figure out where they're gonna spike this drink." "It's too dark in the woods, too scary in the streets..." "They're rushing." "I mean, you could be coming up at any time." "Hands are shaking, Spill the GHB." "I know those girls." "Molly is a sweetheart." "She's not capable of something like that." "Sometimes when the mob mentality takes over, people are capable of doing things they would never do when they're alone." "I'm sorry, Beth." "You seem like a nice girl." "Good grades..." "on the track team..." "You probably didn't want to have anything to do with this." "Am I on the right track?" "Take a look." "That's what a dead girl looks like." "Now, here's how this works, Caitlin." "If you're the first to confess, you get the best deal." "Right now, my colleagues are in the other room with Janelle and Molly." "One of them is gonna crack." "And when they do, you can bet they're gonna be laying it all on you." "You made costumes for the school play." "You made Lindsay's dress?" " It doesn't mean she murdered anyone." "We're just trying to find out what happened, that's all." "Molly, did you rig Lindsay's dress to fall off on stage?" "I'm so sorry." "I cut the stitches so the strap would fall off." "But Jessica told me to." "She said she'd let me come out to The Pit with her." "I'm such an idiot." "She lied to me." "And then she told Lindsay what I did." "I can't..." "The look on Lindsay's face..." " Did you know about the GHB?" " Molly told me about it." "OK, look." "Maybe you got caught up in the moment." "You didn't plan to drug Jessica, let alone kill her." "Maybe one of the other girls roped you into it." "Is that how it went down?" "Look, I'm not trying to get anybody in trouble." "It was just supposed to be a prank." "Take a few pictures, so Jessica could see how it feels for a change." "We owed it to Lindsay." "Janelle stole Nadira's phone." "We texted Jessica and told her to wait at the Pit." "We got the GHB from Lindsay's room, and Caitlin poured it into a bottle of raspberry vodka." "We left it there for Jessica." "We... we bought masks so she wouldn't know it was us." "When we got back, she was barely conscious." "We took her phone, and we took some pictures..." " Then Jessica stopped breathing." " Janelle took her phone." " I smashed it." "And we ran." " We ran." "We ran away." "We didn't know what else to do." "We didn't know..." "Three confessions." "Not one of them mentioned moving Jessica's body to the river." "We got Janelle to describe it in detail." "I don't think she's lying." "Why leave out the bit about disposing the body?" "Especially after you already admit to killing someone." "Because they didn't." "Kill anyone." "That was the coroner." "Official cause of death was drowning." " Jessica was alive when she hit the water." " Oh, my God..." " She didn't overdose..." " Whoever moved her, is the one who killed her." "Molly, Janelle and Caitlin lure Jessica to the Pit, drug her with GHB and then run away, thinking they've accidentally killed her." "Only she's not really dead." "Later, someone comes back, moves her to the river." " Who else knew they'd drugged her?" " Anybody who saw" " the pictures online." " Whoever it was, they had a car." "You're 16, you and your friends are getting revenge on some crazy bitch who's been terrorizing your school for months." "Someone who singled you out, exploited your vulnerabilities and used them to tear you down." "And then there she is, drunk, helpless." "You're laughing." "You're posting photos online, and then suddenly you realize she's taking a dirt nap right there on the forest floor in front of ya." "You panic, you scream, you shake her..." " She won't wake up." " Crying, you smash her phone..." "And then you run." "Fast as you can." "Through the woods." " Where do you go?" "You're terrified." " You've got no one to turn to." "No boyfriends, no older siblings..." " No support system at all." " Who do you tell?" "Molly, could you stand up, please?" "[You're under arrest for the murder of Jessica O'Donnell.]" " Mom?" " What are you doing?" "Stop it!" " Stop it!" "My daughter didn't do anything." " We believe she did, ma'am." "In fact, we believe she planned the whole thing." "She was closest to Lindsay, knew about her stash of GHB..." " That doesn't prove anything!" " We also found a partial tire track near the scene." " Matches the make and model of your car." " Mom, help me!" " Let's go." " Wait!" "What's going to happen to her?" "She'll be charged with second degree murder, and in all likelihood, the Crown Attorney will petition" " to try her as an adult." " Mom, I am so sorry!" "The duty desk can provide you with a list of attorneys." "No, wait!" "Wait!" " She didn't do this." " We have her confession..." "She didn't do it, OK?" "!" "I did." " Mom... what are you...?" " I did." "Tell us what happened." "I went back into the woods and I found her." "She was just lying there." "There was no pulse." "I swear, I checked." "So I got my husband's hockey bag out of the car." "And I weighed it down with rocks." "Then I found a bridge..." "over the river." "I didn't know what else to do." "But then, I..." "I could see the bag moving." "She was alive." "I couldn't do anything." "I couldn't get down tothewaterintime ." "And so I got into my car." "And I drove home." "I'm so sorry, honey!" "Molly tried to tell me for months about Jessica, about what was happening." "But I..." "I just thought..." "I just thought it was girls being girls..." "Wait a minute." "Lindsay's numbers... we never figured out what they meant." "With suicide, there's some questions you just can't answer." "♪ Sakura ♪" "♪ Sakura ♪" "♪ Cherry blossoms ♪" "♪ In the sky ♪" "♪ Come, come, come ♪" "Announcer:" "Tuesday on an all-new Cracked." "At the time of the school bus shooting..." "Detective Aidan Black was unfit for duty." "Someone's trying to take Aidan down." "Were you ordered to take the shot?" "Or did you make that decision yourself?" "Cracked, Tuesday at 9:00 on CBC." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"President Reagan today officially announced the Space Defense Program." "The Strategic Defense initiative is officially started against the ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads." "Are you okay?" "Of course." " The night's beautiful." " Told you so." "Only the best for my girl." "Isn't that right, guys?" "Woo, woo, woo, Wolf pack!" "If we keep up the effort like this, then I can get a scholarship easy!" "Then there's no stopping till I turn pro." " You know what that means?" " That you can be a pro?" "Yeah, damn fuckin' right I can be a pro athlete." "Fame, money, women." "And all the booze and weed we can get our hands on!" "Woo, woo, woo, Wolf pack!" "I'm happy that makes you happy, but I have to go." "I said I'd be back by 9:00." "Don't be a party pooper, babe." "You ain't a kid anymore." "You're a big girl." "Your dad needs to understand that." "He's bugging you, 'cause you're the only one he's got power over." "He thinks he can tell you where to go and who to go with, but for Christ's sakes, the bastard doesn't even have a job." "He's a zero!" " It's not his fault." " Yeah, right." "Biff, how about we get everybody together and go up to my place?" "My parents are gone to San Diego for the weekend." "The whole house is ours." "Your parents are probably fixing their marriage with some sex in the zoo, banging in the water park, checking out the kangaroos, how they do it." " Fucking funny, McNeal." " I think it is." "How about you, babe?" "Is it funny?" "Hey, Tully!" "Why in such a hurry?" "Mommy probably slept with someone again, but she didn't leave the key." "He cannot go home!" "Tully!" "Wouldn't you like to join us?" "It's time to start acting like a man!" "All the girls are beautiful over here, and the moonlight, and the best football team in the world!" "Yeah, yeah!" "If you spend only five minutes with us, your balls will drop for sure!" "How about we forgive each other for what we did and become friends?" "I never did anything to you." "Of course you didn't!" "Of course you didn't." "But you know what, Tully?" "This... was the part of the initiation!" "Now you're one of us." "Did you know that?" "Now you're a member of the Wolf pack!" "You're a wolf!" "The most dangerous animal in the forest!" "Woo, woo, Wolf pack!" " Jenny?" "Tell him." " Biff, leave him alone!" "Jenny thinks the same too!" "Girls?" " We love you, Tully!" " Do you hear that?" "Hey, Earth calling Sam!" "Lose the bike and join us." "City lights." "Stars." "Beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah, it is." "Do you know what's more beautiful than this?" "Pussy!" "And I know that's what you want, Sammy boy!" "That is what you want." "A girl, right?" "Rather than those nicely cut peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as your best friends during breaks!" "Ain't that right?" " I gotta go, guys." " Of course you should, of course." "But I know something much more interesting." "Something that would make you feel like a real fucking man!" " A trial, if you wish." " Biff, leave him alone!" "That was enough!" "You're not funny!" "Do you see, Sam?" "She is such a good girl." "She tries to protect everyone and does everything for you." "Whatever you like." "And I mean everything!" "You know what I mean?" "So how about it, Tully?" "Would you like her?" "You would like the girl, ain't that right?" "You're an asshole, Biff!" "Take me home now!" "Now, you listen to me, Tully." "What would you do for a kiss from my babe?" " From my sexy Jenny?" " Go to hell!" "What would you give for that?" "I..." "I've really got to go home now, I'm sorry." "He should go to the old amusement park and come back with some kind of evidence like, some corpses." " Would you do it?" " Tully, yes!" "Would you go in the old amusement park?" "Is our little Jenny worth that much to you?" "You're out of your mind!" "If you don't take me home right now," "I'm gonna walk." "But I'm not going alone." " Come on, Sam, let's go!" " Tully!" "Just look at this body." "Wouldn't it be worth it?" "Biff, that is not a funny joke." "That's enough!" "Shut the fuck up, Lou!" "Who said that I'm joking?" "So, Tully, would it be worth it to you?" "Yes or no?" "And I only want to hear one word." "Yes!" "Tully, yes!" " Tully, yes!" " Tully, Tully, Tully!" " I..." " So?" "I..." "All right, I'll do it!" "You know what, big boy?" "Biff." "That might not be such a good idea." "You know that place is not cool." "Did you shit yourself?" "Are you fucking chicken?" "Of course not, you idiot!" "Only my dad's gonna kill me if he finds out I was there." "I only know one thing, and that's Tully is gonna show us all tonight that he has real balls!" "Gentlemen!" "Let's... broaden our minds!" " To the park!" " To the park!" "The coach awaits, my lady." "Come on, babe!" "Westlake is pretty far from here." "I'll take you home." "And now, let's drink to Tully!" "Our new hero who's gonna show us poor dogs what true love really means." "Tully, Tully!" "Tully, Tully, Tully!" "Are you ready Tully?" "You don't have to do this, Sam." "I'm ready." "I love this kid!" "It's time, buddy." "Right now it's... 10:00." " So..." " Tully, Tully!" "Five minutes... past midnight." "So, five minutes after midnight, you should come out and bring something with you." "Something scary." "My old man told me no one's set foot on these grounds since 1928." " It was like Black Friday or something." " So that's why you are so smart." "Family heritage or, you know, something." "Fuck off, jerry!" "I'm serious!" "They reopened it in the '60s, but they had another accident." "Like 50 people died, so they closed it down again." "The clock is ticking, man." " Tully boy!" " Woo, woo, woo!" " Tully boy!" " Woo!" "And don't forget, Tully!" "Bring me something nice!" "Something nice, I said!" "We won't see him again." " We should really go now, guys." " Not on my watch." " What, you want to wait until midnight?" " Of course." "The little prick will bring me a gift." "Isn't that right, kitty cat?" "What a man wouldn't do for a real woman." "Go to hell, Biff!" "You can all go to hell!" "What's wrong, babe?" "Maybe you'd like to go in with the little moron." "You know what?" "You don't know anything!" "And none of your idiot friends do!" "And if anyone is a complete moron in this place, it would only be you!" "Stupid Biff." "Stupid friends." "Stupid." " Sam!" " Jenny, what are you doing here?" "I came in after you." "It was silly of you to come in here." "Biff and the others are complete idiots." " You shouldn't be here at all." " Jenny!" "I appreciate you doing this for me, but this whole thing... their stupid game, Biff's stupid game..." " Jen!" " Oh, when he's drunk... oh, it's complicated, but I don't want you to do this just 'cause of me." " What the hell was that?" " I have no idea." "Something weird, like eastern magic and freaks." "But whatever it is, I'm pretty sure that now everyone knows we're here." "The "Sea of Love." There might be someone there." " What?" "What are you waiting for?" " I just hate spiders." " Sam?" " Jenny." "Sam, I think that someone's in that boat." "And he's watching me." "Hey, sir?" " Jenny, don't get any closer!" " Sir?" "Biff!" "Not funny!" "Stop this stupid game!" " Stop it right now!" " Jen, this isn't a good idea." "Look, the boat is empty." "Look, I can see a way out!" "This really isn't the Sea of Love." "Do you hear that?" " What?" " That noise." "It's coming from over there!" "Something is really messed up about this place." " What?" " We've got to get away from here!" " I can't hear you!" "I can't hear anything!" " We got to get out of here!" "Jenny!" "Welcome to my fairy tale." "Let's get this party started!" "Feel free to call me something like this:" "Clown..." "Clowney..." "Mr. Clown." "But never, never call me Dorothy!" "I hate that fuckin' name!" "This... this..." "Sam, I'm scared... please." "And I thought school was bad." "That thing was not human!" "A teeny tiny mouse sneaked into my house." "He wants to find some cheese or some juicy freshy peas, but finally what he found buries him into the ground." "My rhymes are probably crap." "But you walked into my trap." "Did you see that thing?" "It looked like a clown." "Clown or not, that's what we saw." "I've had enough of the lights turning on and off." " Look!" "We'll go inside and call for help." " Do you think the phone still works?" "I'm calling my dad, and then I'm gonna call the police." "And then I'm gonna grab Biff Russell's head and beat it against the side of his stupid car until I feel better." "What?" "Sam." "Can I ask you something?" "What's in your bag?" "You've had it ever since we got in here." "And you're holding on to it like your life depends on it." "This... it's just a backpack." "I see." "Just a backpack, huh?" "These..." "These are important things to me." "Like this comic book." "I've read it like a hundred times already... because in comic books, anything can happen." "The good guy always wins and... anything is possible." "And it's so... it's so colorful." "I..." "I just carry the bag because I'm afraid that if I put it down somewhere, it'll get lost and I'll lose all the things that I love." "Of course, it's just a comic book and... and some crap, but... somehow, that's me." "My whole life's in this." "You're saying your whole life is in this bag?" "Maybe." "I'm gonna go and take a look over there." "There might be an exit." "Well, hello." "Did you say something?" "Not a single word." "A little bit to the right." "Right." "Lower." "It's a rare moment to find such a beautiful couple around here." "This has got to be a bad dream." "Compared to what awaits you here, this is really nothing." "What..." "What are you?" "I'm a teakettle, asshole!" "What'd you think?" "Marilyn Monroe?" "What is this place?" "And are you the one that keeps playing with the lights?" "Are you a fucking retard or what?" "As I said, I'm a fucking teakettle, not a stupid lamplighter from "The Little Prince"!" "What is this place, you ask?" "Well, honey, this place is your worst nightmare, the hell of those who were expelled from hell, the rollercoaster of death, the asshole of Cerberus" " or at least something very similar." " Sam, let's get the hell out of here!" "Would you just shut your dirty, diseased traps?" "You're driving me fucking nuts!" "Hey, Biff!" "Aren't you going after your girl?" "They might be riding the merry-go-around together or, you know, something else." "Shut the fuck up, Jerry!" "This is not funny." "The little whore called me a moron!" "The little whore called me a moron... and she kicked a dent in my car!" "My beautiful fucking car!" "Now what?" "Well, if we don't go out at midnight, maybe Biff and the others will come in after us." "What?" "Biff, the knight in shining armor?" "Look, I'm really sorry you have to deal with this." "It's my fault." "You're here because of me." "Biff and..." "I hate Biff." "He's a selfish, arrogant, bullying, dumb, envious, cocky egomaniac." " Are you hearing this, too?" " Yeah, there's music." "Maybe there is someone here who can help!" "Maybe it's whoever is playing with the lights." "Or another talking creature." "Like a talking clock, or a reindeer..." "or maybe it's the clown." "Maybe." "So this is where you want to wait for my selfish, dumb, bullying, arrogant, envious," " cocky... did I miss something?" " Egomaniac." "Yeah." "So this is where you want to wait for my selfish, egomaniac ex-boyfriend and his stupid friends, or are we going to get the hell out of here?" "A dickhead." "That's what I left out." "A major dickhead." "Captain of the dickheads." "Wait a minute." "What did you say?" "Your... your ex-boyfriend?" "Yeah." "I'm not dating a selfish, egomaniac guy." "I..." "I..." "Oh, I don't know if you've noticed, but it stinks like a skunk in here." "Biff's been here before." "Oh, the stench is awful." "Let's move on." "I could throw up!" "Fuck me!" "This piece of shit is stuck again!" "Dennis!" "Dennis!" "Are you sitting on your fucking ears?" "What took you so long?" "I was putting the clothes out to dry." "Fucking funny." "You don't even have hands." "It could be that I'm lying, then." "What do you want, wormface?" "This shitty gramophone is busted again." "No, don't give me that surprised look." "It was expected." "I don't know why we have to dick around with these old pieces of shit." "Why can't we use something... modern stuff?" "I'm sick of these gothic losers." "I mean, why don't we modernize?" "Why do we have to do the same old crap for 500 years?" "Sure, sure, I understand... tradition and all that boring shit." "But this is not the fucking Buckingham Palace!" "And I am not the royal family!" "Or is that how I look like to you?" "Seriously now, Dennis." "Do I look like a fucking prince?" "Are you finished?" " I'm gonna go look at the gramophone." " Just getting started!" "I am absolutely en-ra-ged!" "Sometimes I would just like to say the boss is a cheap bastard." "He has no balls to change anything." "Suck my balls, Drew." "You won't drag me into this crap." "If you want to modernize so much, you could really just change music once in a while." "It's just that it would be nice to hear something else." "Johnny Cash or Bowie." "Bowie my ass!" "That guy is giving me the willies." "What does that man look like?" "Does he have just one mirror in the house?" " Sinatra, Sammy, Dino..." " Jenny..." "I think we have three choices." " One..." " ..." "Bing." "...we go through there, but I don't want to go through there." "Two, we go back to the talking teakettle." "But I don't want to go back to the talking teakettle." "And three," " the clown." " Bored of sex." " I don't want to see the clown again." " How could you be bored of it?" "You're just a fucking..." " I think we have another option." " ...sphere." "Let's get the fuck out of here!" "Pretty good joke, wasn't it?" "You little shit!" "Don't touch anything." "What the hell happened here?" "Some people set fire to this place... after they lost their jobs." "They didn't want to have fun." "They just wanted to be able put food on the table." "How do you know that?" "My dad." "He, reads a lot now that he stays home." " I'm sorry about that." " About what?" "That he can't get a job." "Oh, he'd get one, but... it's easier to stay home and drink." "You know, Biff was right." "Jenny, I'm sorry." "Don't be." "Ever since my mom died, it's like... he's just trying to find his place in the world, I guess." "It's not his fault." "I really love him." " What was that?" " I think it's just a bat." "I think it's dozens of bats!" "Okay." "Fuckin' shithole of a house." "Biff!" "Biff!" "Hey!" " Who's there?" " Don't you recognize my voice?" "Who the hell are you, asshole?" "I'm your horny mommy." "Then get ready to have your ass kicked!" "Do you want a diaper?" "Tell me... how's about a little... tongue?" "Hey, hey, hey, look at those two beauties!" "Oh, my goodness." "What a lovely... smell it." "Oh, no, not again!" "I can't restrain myself." "I have to chew their brains out." "I want to feel that juicy taste." "I want to suck 'em all to the last drop." "I want to lick it down from their..." "from their broken skulls." "I want 'em." "Shut up, you stupid perv!" "What's wrong with you?" "I'm so horny, man." "Freakin' horny." "Hey, you sexy, brainy beast." "Come to papa!" "I'm gonna eat your brains out!" "Slowly, softly... yum-yum." "Yum." "Did you hear that noise?" "What noise?" "Never mind." "I just hate this place so much." "I've had it up to here with this whole place!" "Sam?" "Sam?" "Sam!" "Sam!" "Sometimes everyone needs to relax a bit." "You wouldn't like to fall apart either, would you, Sammy boy?" "You wouldn't want to fall to pieces." "Don't run away, partner." "I'm just a tiny, lonely yellow duck who wants to play with his duck-dude." "Just like my momma said," ""Quack, quack, quacker." "Time to die, motherfucker!"" "Sam?" "Jenny." "Jenny." "Jenny." "He wants you, Jenny." "He kill you, Jenny." "Jenny." "He'll kill you, Jenny." "Sam!" "Sam!" "Sam!" "Sam!" "Sam..." "Here comes your nasty little friend!" "I came as soon as I could." "I hope I'm not late." "What do you want from me?" "Oh, it would take a long time to tell." "I'd rather show you." "Samuel Tully!" "You will come back right now and I will tear out your heart!" "Hello, my pretty." "Did you come to play with me?" "To... to play?" "Yes." "You can start." "Start what?" "Oh, my God." "Are you a talking spider?" "What are the rules?" "The rules are made up during play." "You have to make a move." "If you lose, I'll eat well today." "No." "You go first." "I'll give you a little bit of a head start." "So, I'm facing a master of games." "Good." "Very good." "Let's see." "Use the head to throw." "Excuse me?" "Now, I made a throw and I will say what I am supposed to." "One, two, four, six." "These fine little corpses can do no tricks." "Talk about blind luck." "A good throw, a nice throw." "Won't you say the line?" "The... the line?" "The line, of course." "Five, one... four and two." "I hope these lines are good enough for you." "Oh, you are good." "Very good." "But let's see how you deal with this!" "Two, seven, six, three." "I'll cut your head off and eat your knee!" "Seven, three, nine, two." "You'll lose if you don't let me go, too." "This can't be true!" "You must be a true champion!" "I have to get myself together." "One, six, seven, four." "I'll rip your heart out on the second floor." "Five, three, two, seven and five." "I believe it's your final jive." "I'm gonna shit my pants!" "No... hell no!" "This can't be true!" "No one has ever beaten me!" "No!" " Take it!" " It's... it's a..." "I couldn't bear the shame." "I had to quit on top." "I'm gonna eat... your... soul... buddy." " Jenny!" " Sam!" "I thought I'd never see you again." "Let's get out of here!" "Where we came in, we should also be able to get out that way." "It's like we've been wandering around for years." "Do you think its past midnight?" "What happened to Biff?" " Jenny." " Yeah?" "I have to tell you something, and I have to tell you something right now, because if I don't tell you now, I might never get the chance to." "Sam, I don't think now's the time." "Jenny, I have to tell you something right now, because I might never..." "You're such a wonderful girl... and you deserve so much better than that idiot Biff and his stupid buddies." "You're smart and funny... and charming and smart and... unbelievably beautiful." "I just want you to know that I..." "I..." "Somebody help!" "I'm begging you!" "I'm bleeding!" "I ate her brains." "Completely, totally." "I didn't dick around with it." "I did it right." "This woman was tasty." "As always, so damn exciting." "You know what?" "You are the most cynical scumbag on this planet." "So what's going on otherwise?" "Ginger said that he doesn't want to be cleaning bloody mirrors for the next few days." "He didn't have an appetite for that rat." "Shut up!" "Couldn't you do this somewhere else?" "It's grossly disgusting." "I'm sorry." "My stomach's been acting up." "Biff!" "We can't let them kill him, Sam!" "Let's tear him apart, here and now." "I want his brain." "I smell it." "I wanna chew it out." "Why here?" "Why can't you wait a little bit longer?" "You are a fucking lazy brainman." "I'm carrying this heavy rat." "So tell me... tell me now... why the hell can't you wait?" "Why can't we take him to the Ferris wheel and tear him apart?" "Oh, I love tearing stuff apart." "Maybe it's because we've done this a thousand times?" "It's boring." "I still don't think the Ferris wheel is boring." "I don't!" "I really don't." "That's because you are a major ass." "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "I've had freakin' enough!" "It's fucking unbelievable!" "Unbelievable that you can't shut your giant trap." "And "blah, blah, blah," all day long, all day long." "And since there is no other dumb-ass who can listen to you," "I have to do it all the fucking time!" "And a little bit more." "Oh my God, oh my God!" "You are such an antisocial prick!" "Antisocial?" "Me?" "Have you ever looked in a fucking mirror?" "What the hell are you thinking, man?" "Look at yourself!" "Like a fuckin' twin sister of that fuckin' elephant man." " That hurt." " I'm not done yet." "Do you think you are so damn entertaining that you're gonna be the next Eddie Murphy or the next Arsenio Hall?" " Oh, hell no!" " Let me go!" "Oh my God, what is that fucking smell?" "Never mind." "The issue is, what do we do with this rat?" "Shut up!" "You know what?" "Fuck it." "Do it yourself." "Fine, fine!" "Fine!" "Oh my God, fine!" "So be it!" "I don't care either!" "I won't do your work for you!" "You fucking brain-eating moron!" " Moron!" " I heard that!" "Then fuck you!" "And fuck you too." "Biff!" "Biff, are you okay?" "Jenny?" "Jenny!" "Those... did you see them?" "You have to stand up." "We have to get out of here." "What are they?" "What were they?" "They were not human!" "Those... those..." "What?" "!" "This is all your fault, you little shit!" " Biff, don't do this!" " If this little dumb-ass hadn't come along trying to steal my girlfriend," "I wouldn't be in this much shit now." "What I want to do more than anything else is run your guts up a flagpole, you little worm!" "If I ever see..." " Jenny, run!" "I'll lead one away!" " Sam, no!" "I hate this fucking amusement park!" "All right." "Fuck it!" "Nobody fucks with Biff Russell, you hear?" "Nobody fucks with..." "Let me off this thing!" "Just let me off!" "Let me off!" "Hello, Sam." "I hope you got some rest." "Let me go!" "I can't do that, unfortunately." " There's nothing funny in it." " This is funny?" "Killing people?" "Torturing them?" "This whole goddamn place is the brainchild of your sick mind!" "You call this a joke?" "How can it not be funny?" "After all..." "I'm laughing!" "I will tell you a story, my friend." "I like good stories." "May I?" "So, the fish, the penguin..." "Well, sorry, it's just hard to tell it without laughing." "So, the fish, the penguin and the chainsaw go on a camping trip." "They go on a small hike on the third day." "Nothing too serious..." "just to the next wood over... but they still get lost." "Can you follow?" "Well, now." "As they mope around the woods, night falls." "They can barely see a thing in the dark." "They stumble about." "They're scared shitless." "You know how it is." "So, the fish speaks up and says," ""We've got to make a plan to live through this." "If we don't get out of here soon, we must sacrifice one of us to have something to eat."" "You sick animal, untie me!" "Wait." "It's not even remotely over." "The penguin thinks about what the fish said and asks the chainsaw, "Look, buddy." "How long can you go without food?"" "In response, the chainsaw cuts off the penguin's head without a word and turns to the fish," ""I hope you don't mind."" "The fish replies, "Of course not." ""I didn't get it anyway... what is a penguin doing in a fucking forest?"" "It kills me." "Just so that you understand, you have no business here whatsoever." "Neither you nor your little girlfriend." "Hereabouts, we easily sacrifice anybody to help the others survive... those long days... extremely easily." "With your permission," "I have some minor business to deal with... your little girlfriend." "She is being very naughty." "Leave her alone!" "You hear me?" "I'm right here!" "She's not the one you need!" "Oh, she is." "I think I need her more than anything." "Sam?" "Sam?" "Maybe you are waiting for someone, my dear?" "If I was mean," "I would think that you were not happy to see me." "What's wrong?" "Maybe you don't find me as good as good old Sam?" "What have you done to him?" "Nothing... yet." "He still has both of his eyes." "Hereabouts, that's pretty rare." " You're not a real clown, are you?" " You may be right, but don't tell anyone!" "But in truth, if you ask me what I am," "I can tell you easily," "I am the worst nightmare you've ever had." "I'm the eternal scream in the innocent children's frozen minds!" "I am the Grim Reaper of every hope and every soul!" "I am the great collector." "The bone crusher." "The spawn of darkness!" "I'm your last friend in this stinking place." "Feel free to call me something like this:" "Clown..." "Clowney..." "Mr. Clown." "But never, never call me Dorothy!" "I hate that fucking name." ""Dorothy." You wouldn't dare." "Take this shit off of me!" "Fuck you!" "Release me!" "The fish, the penguin and the chainsaw go camping together." "Release me, or I swear" "I will kill you!" "They go on a small hike on the third day... nothing too serious," " just over to the next wood." " Fuck you!" "They still get lost." "Can you follow?" "As they mope around the woods, night falls." "They can barely see a thing in the dark." "They stumble about." "They're scared shitless." "You know how it is." "So the fish speaks up and says, "We've got to make a plan to live through this." "If we don't get out of here soon, we must sacrifice one of us to have something to eat." So the penguin replies," ""Fuck your plan!" "Fuck yourself, you little..."" "That's not how the joke goes." "You screw up... even my joke!" "Fucking fish!" "Oh, you really lit me up." " You're bleeding." " It's just a scratch." " What happened to your glasses?" " You won't believe me if I told you." "I had to shoot out the brain of a giant spider with a shotgun." "Okay." "Okay, you won." "I... thank you." "It's... it's nothing." "It's what I'm here for." "Your drawings are rubbish by the way." "They look nothing like me." "All right, sorry." "You're such a smart alec." " Excuse me, Mr. Comic Book." " It's good that you got a pretty face." "It's good that you..." "I don't..." "Okay, so... so you're all brave now, yeah?" "You're gonna not be afraid of spiders or anything?" " Excuse me, I can handle myself, okay?" " God, what was that?" " Oh, you're trying to freak me out now." " Shut up." " Oh, I'm so scared." "Biff!" "Biff!" " That's not funny." " Don't speak ill of the dead." " Okay, okay, sorry." "What was that?" "I think it's a velociraptor." "I think it's dozens of velociraptors!" " Yes!" " Cut!" | {
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} |
"(BRICKS OR COCONUTS PLAYING)" "So, are you staying over tonight?" "I'm not sure." "There are a couple of gallery openings I want to go to." "I'm, like, so nervous about my show." "I mean, I still have two more paintings that I have to do." "Everything I've been coming up with is completely derivative of everything at the Henry." " Where's my stuff?" " It's in your drawer." "I have a drawer?" "Yeah, I just figured I'd, you know, put some of your things in." "There wasn't anything in the drawer before." "There was a couple of things but I moved them into a different one 'cause it made more sense that way." "Honey." "We're getting so domestic." "(HONKING)" " (HONKING CONTINUES)" " Good luck with the paintings." "I still have a lot of tooth paste in my mouth right now." " Have a great day." " Okay." " Bye." " Bye." " Hey." " Yo!" "Sorry I'm late." " What's that smell?" "What is that?" " What?" "(SNIFFS) Did you sit in jam or something?" " What are you talking about?" "(SNIFFING)" " You smell all fruity. (SNIFFING) Oh!" "Yeah." "I ran out of shampoo." "I had to use Rachael's." " That's great." " (SNIFFING)" "You smell like you fucked the cast of The View." "Are we gonna go?" " Why?" "You don't want to be late?" " Well, I'm two minutes late already." " You're already two minutes late." " I know." "But if you really care about that, you should probably learn to drive." "That's what I think." "I deserved that." "You know what's really gonna make us late?" "What?" " When I stop for cappuccinos." " No, no, no, they have coffee there." " Delicious cappuccinos." " Dude, seriously." " Your back still hurts?" " Yeah." "I'm going back to the doctor today." " That's not right, man." " I know." "Have you been fucking in weird positions?" "(SCOFFS) Of course, that's where you would go with this." "Sometimes when I fuck in weird positions..." "I tried froggy style for a while once with a girl I was dating." "Fucked up my back." "I don't even want to ask what that is." "It's kind of a doggy style, but like, you're kind of way higher up..." "Actually, Rachael and..." "We haven't..." "We haven't done it in like three weeks, dude." "You haven't had sex in three weeks?" "Well, she had a yeast infection, and then she had her period right afterwards." " Which has got to be done by now." " You can't fuck with a yeast infection?" "You can fuck with a yeast infection or period." " No." "No, it hurts." " It does?" " Well, that's what she says." " I think that's bullshit." "No, but I've heard that before from other girls." "Has she been sucking on your dick?" "Been giving you blow jobs?" "No, she doesn't like to." "She doesn't?" "No fucking shit she doesn't like to." "Who likes putting dicks in their mouth?" "You do it 'cause..." "That's why they're called blow jobs." " Don't get hysterical." " It's a job." "I'm not hysterical." "I think it is..." "You..." "She stays at your house all the time." "She leaves her fucking shit everywhere." "You clean it up, you're a nice person." "The least she could do is fellate you." "KYLE:" "You put up with a lot of shit when you're dating a hot girl." "Truthfully, that's why, if you recall, in high school," "I didn't date any hot girls, ever." " That's why?" " Yes, that's why." "Well, we're not in high school anymore." "The relationship that I have with Rachael is about more than sex." " What is it about, Adam?" " It's about each other." "You know, we care about each other, we talk to each other." "It's great." "Wouldn't it be nice if you could do that, and then bang the hell out of each other" " afterwards?" " Ideally, yes." "But it's not a perfect world, okay?" "Can you hurry up, please?" "(GROANS) Just gotta tie my shoe." "Good morning, Jenny." "Hey." "How's it going?" "Are you on the phone?" "I'll be quiet." "That's so gross, man." "It's disgusting." "You shouldn't do that." "Hey, Kyle, Adam." "KYLE:" "Hey, Phil." "ADAM:" "Sorry we're late." "Look at that, you are late." "Don't do that." "I wanted to talk to you about the volcano piece." "It's coming along really well." "I've got all the research and interviews done." " Great." " But the narration is turning into a bit of a problem." "Whoever did it, he kept clearing his throat." "And he doesn't take a pause, he just keeps talking." "And if there was a pause" " (CELL PHONE RINGING)" " I could cut around it." "But..." " Cool?" " Grab that." " Okay." " So I'm just gonna..." "It's like he doesn't care." "No, it's like we gotta put shit on the radio every single day." "And it's pointless to spend months working on something that someone's gona hear for two seconds while they're stopped at a red light." "Well, I like it when it's good radio." "Yeah, well, good luck with that." "You're in Wales?" "You're in Wales?" "(LAUGHS)" "So does that make you Welsh, or Wale-ish?" "I never know which one's which." "Okay, yeah." "World music." "Can you hear me?" "Your voice sounds weird." "You sound like a robot." "Do I sound like a robot?" "Does it sound weird to you?" "You have to be quieter." "I'm trying to..." "I said you sound like a robot to me." "Wait, go back." "Go back." "It's unbelievable." "I know." "See, I don't know what world music is either." "That's what's so weird about it." "(MIMICKING KYLE) "It's unbelievable." "I know." ""I know." "What is world music, anyway?" "I'm such a fucking asshole." ""I'm the king of the fucking world." "Suck my dick." ""My friend Adam hasn't had his dick sucked in six fucking months."" "(LAUGHS MORONICALLY)" "(DOOR OPENS)" " ROSS:" "How are you?" " Hi." "The patient has been complaining of back pain and night sweats." "Blood tests and urine analysis are normal." "MRI suggests a massive intradural malignant schwannoma neurofibrosarcoma extending in the psoas muscle with nerve root compression syndrome and bone erosion." "The growth extends from L2 to L5." "Will send patient for biopsy to confirm." "(TURNS OFF RECORDER) Yes, question?" "Sorry, I just didn't follow that." "Is there something wrong with me?" "Yes." "Well, if you look here on your MRI, you see this cephalopod-like object that's spreading down your spinal column." "That is a massive schwannoma neurofibrosarcoma." "Okay." " So sorry." "I just don't know what that..." " It's a malignant tumor." " A tumor?" " Yes." " Me?" " Yes." "That doesn't make any sense though." "I mean, I don't smoke." "I don't drink." "I..." "You know." "I recycle." "Actually, your case is really quite fascinating because your cancer is the result of an incredibly rare gene mutation in chromosome 17," "(VOICE FADING) the P53 gene that causes the growth of malignant cells..." "I think that given the placement and size of your particular tumor, the wisest course of action is to see if we can possibly reduce this thing down to a more manageable size before we consider surgery." "Now, chemotherapy can often result in fertility issues." "But I'm gonna be okay?" "If you need someone to talk to, we have an excellent staff here at the hospital of social workers and psychologists." "They specialize in these matters, and they would be able to help you." "Now as I said, you should consider..." "(HIGH AND DRY PLAYING)" "Two jumps in a week" "I bet you think that's pretty clever, don't you, boy?" "Flying on your motorcycle" "Watching all the ground beneath you drop" "You'd kill yourself for recognition" "Kill yourself to never, ever stop" "Oh, Adam." "Listen, I'm not expecting you to take this on." "I mean, it's not like we're married or anything." "So, you know, if you have to bail, then you should." "No hard feelings." "Not that I want you do." "I hope that you don't." "I'm not gonna bail on you, Adam." "I'm here for you." "Okay?" "Thank you." "It's gonna be okay." "Yeah." "It'll be okay." "All right?" " I'm gonna throw up." " Don't throw up." "You're gonna be fine." " I actually think I might throw up." " You're not gonna throw up." "No, open your eyes." "Look at me, look at me." " Okay." " All right?" "(KYLE BREATHES DEEPLY)" "What kind of cancer is it?" "What's the name of the cancer?" " Some rare kind of cancer." " What's it called?" "Schwannoma..." "I knew this." " Schwannoma?" "It's schwannoma?" " Schwannoma..." " What's schwannoma?" " That means tumor, basically." "Do you have a picture of it, at least?" "Can I see it?" "Why would I have a picture of it?" "It's common practice to fucking get pictures of shit now." " But that's like the Internet, so..." " (SIGHS IN RELIEF)" " It's not a picture of anything." " Are you gonna be okay?" " I think so." " What are your chances?" " What are your odds?" " I don't know." "I looked it up and it said 50/50." " But that's like the Internet, so..." " (SIGHS IN RELIEF)" "That's not that bad." "That's better than I thought." "You're gonna be fine, man." "You're young." "Young people beat cancer all the time." "Every celebrity beats cancer." "Fucking Lance Armstrong, he keeps getting it." " Yeah." " He's fine." " Yeah." " The guy from Dexter?" "He's okay." "Patrick Swayze?" "He's fine." " Patrick Swayze?" " And he's older." "Yeah, but, dude, that guy's dead." " Really?" " Yeah." "That's really fucked up." "I didn't know that." "Don't even think about him, okay?" "Don't worry about that." " You got to look at the bright side here." " Bright side?" "Of what?" "You're gonna be fine." "What did your parents say?" "Did they freak out?" "Your mother?" "I'm not gonna tell her." "You're not gonna tell her?" "You gotta tell her." "She'll probably deal with it better than most people." "Your dad has Alzheimer's, you know." " She's used to dealing with tragedy." " But you know her." " She loses her fucking..." " Obviously you have to tell her." "I'm gonna tell her." "(SIGHS)" " You're gonna be fine." " Yeah." "You're gonna be fine. 50/50!" "If you were a casino game, you would have the best odds." "Yeah, thanks." " Okay." "Let's get to work." " You don't want coffee?" "I'm awake now." " Hi, Mom." " Hi, honey." "(CAR DOOR CLOSES)" "Hi, Dad." " Hi, I'm Richard." " Adam." "This is Adam, your son." "Remember?" "Adam." "Hi!" "So, what's the big news?" "Is Rachael pregnant?" "Mom, no." "I'll tell you, okay?" "Okay, okay." "I know you use protection." " Wow, you need to do something about this." " What?" " Well, call the landlord, the paint's peeling." " It's fine." " Give me his number, I'll call him." " Okay." " Hi." " Hi." " That's new." " ADAM:" "Yeah." "Rachael made it." " It's called Oppression." " No, it's Liberation." "That's right, that one's Liberation." "Oppression is in the bathroom." "(CLEARS THROAT)" " Nice." " Thank you." "DIANE:" "Sweetheart, your pills." "There you go." "So, what's the special occasion?" "I want to tell you something, but..." "I just need you to promise me you're gonna stay calm." "Adam, don't be so overdramatic." " Mom, just promise, okay?" " Okay, I promise." "You always make me out to be some irrational loon." "Okay." "(SIGHS)" " Have you ever seen Terms of Endearment?" " Mmm-hmm." "Jesus, Adam." "Just tell her." "Tell me what?" "(SIGHS) I have cancer." "What do you mean you have cancer?" "I have cancer." "What do you want me to say?" "When did this happen?" "A couple of days ago." "A couple of days ago?" "You waited a couple of days to tell me?" "I'm sorry." "You're right." "Honey." " I'm moving in." " What?" "No." "No, Mom." "No." " I'm your mother, Adam." " No!" "Exactly." "That's why." "And look, you already have enough on your plate with him." "Who's gonna take you to your appointments?" "You don't even drive a car." "Who's gonna look after you?" "Me." "I'm going to take care of him." "Mom." "Mom!" "Mom!" " What are you doing?" " I'm gonna make you some green tea." "Can you just come back?" "Come sit down." "I heard on the Today show that it reduces your risk of cancer by 15%." "Well, I already have cancer." "So, can you just please come and sit down." "Okay?" "(DIANE CRYING)" " Hi, I'm looking for Dr. McKay." " Second door down there." "(SIGHS)" "Come in!" " Hi." " Can I help you?" "I'm supposed to have an appointment with Dr. McKay?" "Oh!" "Sorry. (LAUGHS)" "Please come in and please call me Katherine." "Hi." " You're Dr. McKay." " I am." "Uh..." "Well, have a seat." "Sit down, please." "Sorry about this guy." " You're Adam." " Yeah." "And aren't you supposed to be wearing an earth-toned sweater and be like 65 or something?" "Did someone say I looked like that?" "No, no, no." "I'm just..." "Sorry." "If you don't mind, how old are you?" " Twenty-four." " You're 24." "Wow!" "So, what, are you like Doogie Howser or something?" "Who?" "Doogie Howser?" "Teenage doctor." " Does he work here?" " No, no." "I just meant you seem a little young to be a doctor." "Technically I'm not a doctor yet." "I'm actually working on my doctorate." " Okay." " Yeah, this is a training hospital." "I see." "So have you had very many patients?" "My patient history is not..." " I'm your first patient, aren't I?" " (LAUGHS) No." " No?" " No, not at all." " Second?" " No." "Third?" "Wow, okay, third." "How are the first two doing?" " Can't talk about that." " Right." "So this is training for you?" "It will be part of my dissertation." "Oh, so you write about all of this?" "Don't worry, I don't use your real name." "(SCOFFS) Okay." "That's fine." "Well, Dr. Ross" "(CLEARS THROAT) filled me in on your situation." "Yeah." "This must be incredibly difficult that all this..." " How do you feel right now?" " Fine." "Yeah, I feel..." "I can't remember being so calm in a long time." "That's a really common symptom in patients like yourself." "Actually your body is in survival mode, so what you're experiencing is shock." "What?" "I think I'm actually just fine." "Right, but that's why you're feeling the sense of calm." "Would you describe what you're feeling as a kind of numbness?" "No, I'd describe it as fine." " Because certain patients feel like..." " I feel great." "(SIGHS) Well, that's wonderful." " I think that's wonderful." " Thanks." "If it's okay with you, I think maybe today we'll just start with some simple relaxation exercises." " I am relaxed." " I know you are." "Um..." "But just humor me?" "(LAUGHS NERVOUSLY)" "If you want to lie down." " Lie down?" " Yeah." "(NEW AGE MUSIC PLAYING)" "Okay." "And close your eyes." "Really?" "Yeah." "For this to work, you're gonna have to trust me." "Yeah." "They're closed." "Okay." "RACHAEL:" "No peeking, keep your eyes closed." "Okay, open your eyes." "Surprise!" "His name is Skeletor." "He's a retired race dog." "You got me an old dog?" "Well, he's not that old." "He's old enough to be retired." "Having a dog helps with the healing process." "What, does he have a medical license?" "RACHAEL:" "Okay, forget it." "I can just bring him back to the shelter in the morning." "ADAM:" "Well, then what happens to him?" "He will be put back in his tiny cage with 10 other dogs who will bully and rape him until he's eventually euthanized." "Okay, fine, I'll keep the dog." " Really?" " Yeah." "This is gonna be so good for you." "I promise." "(GRUNTS NONCOMMITTALLY)" "KYLE:" "This whole party was my idea." "I thought maybe we could just, you know, celebrate his life." "I mean, he's gonna be better." "Right?" "It's not like he..." "I hope so." "But, you know, I just..." "I'm not even thinking about that." "Tonight I thought it was best not to think about whether he gets better or doesn't." "I just thought we should celebrate the Adam that we all know and love." "Have you started chemo yet?" "So, what kind of cancer you got?" "You want to know the secret to beating this thing?" "My uncle had what you have." "I like to get touched when I cry." "I don't know about you." "I'm gonna miss you so much." "I'm gonna miss you too, Phil." "Hey, Phil." "Yeah, buddy?" "You know, I want you to know I'm still gonna finish that Mount Moa Moa story." "You take as much time as you need." "I can't wait to hear that." "Thanks." "You know, I just wanted to say that you've been really great these last couple of weeks." "And then today making me breakfast and coming with me." "It's just really great." " Thanks for saying that." " Thank you." "Oh, Adam." " Are you coming?" " If it's cool, could I just wait here?" " Well, you know it's like four hours, right?" " Yeah, yeah, no, I know." "So you're just gonna sit here for four hours?" "Honey, I don't want to mix that world and, you know, this world." "It's like an energy thing." "You know?" "Okay." "All right." "(RACHAEL LAUGHS NERVOUSLY)" "Good luck." " Adam Lerner?" " Yep." "(ELEVATOR BELL DINGS)" "(NEW COUNTRY PLAYING)" "Oh, I'm all alone" " This way, my baby." " (COUGHING)" "I know you're still listening to me" "Isn't a lot as far as I see" "You want a macaroon?" "Oh, thanks." "I'm all right." "There's weed in them." "Oh." "Yeah, thank you." "But I don't do weed." "Come on, man, just get high with us." "Okay." " Thanks." " Sure." "MITCH:" "Hey." " How old are you?" " I'm 27." "That's the worst." "What a waste of a perfectly good youth." "Don't listen to him." "He's just messing with you." "No, no, you listen to me." "You know, this cancer is bullshit." "See, first, all your hair falls out." "Then your balls are gonna shrink." "And then to make matters worse, your dick becomes a constant source of disappointment." "You know, I was kind of scared about this whole cancer thing." "But now I've met you guys and, boy, do I feel better." "Thank you." "(BOTH LAUGHING)" "I'm Alan Lombardo, stage three lymphoma." "Pleased to meet you." "Mitch Barnett, metastatic prostate cancer." "Nice to meet you." "Oh, I'm Adam Lerner, schwannoma neurofibrosarcoma." "Whoo!" "What the fuck is that?" "Tough break." "The more syllables, the worse it is." "(ALAN CHUCKLES)" " These are really good." " Yeah, my wife made them." "Are they, uh..." "How strong are they?" "Stee-rong." "(TO LOVE SOMEBODY PLAYING)" "There's a light" "A certain kind of light" "That never shone on me" "I want my life to be lived with you" "Lived with you" "There's a way Everybody say" "To do each and every little thing" "But what does it bring" "If I ain't got you?" "Ain't got" "Baby, you don't know what it's like" "Baby, you don't know what it's like" "To love somebody" "To love somebody" "The way I love you" "Oh, no, no" "You don't know what it's like" "Baby, you don't know..." "(VOMITING)" "(COUGHING)" "(VOMITING CONTINUES)" "Adam, are you okay?" "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "KATHERINE:" "So, how are you feeling, after your first chemo?" "It feels pretty bad, I gotta say." "My head hurts right now." "Yeah." "From what I understand, it's really rough." "Um..." "But it will pass." "Mmm." "I think it's important to remember that these side effects are completely normal." "Well, that's good." "I would hate to feel special in some kind of way." "I'm sensing some anger, which is good." "I'm not angry." "Why would that be good?" "Because you're expressing yourself." "You're dealing with a really serious illness and it brings up a lot of emotions." "So you're trying to make me freak out or something, right?" "Is that the goal here?" "I'm not trying to make you freak out." "I do want you to get in touch with what you're feeling inside." " So, if you're angry..." " I'm not angry!" "Okay?" "(SIGHS)" "Let's just do the relaxation things, okay?" "Can we do that?" "I want to hear sitars, and go to my happy place and feel the warm beam of light." " Can we do that?" " I see." "I'm sorry." "I'm just being an asshole." "I didn't need to say that." "I don't need you to take care of me." "I'm trying to take care of you." "You're right." "Listen, there are a couple of books I want you to check out." "A lot of people find them really helpful." "You don't have to read them cover-to-cover." "Just take a look and see if anything resonates." " Okay?" " Okay." "Sorry." "Are you gonna, like, keep touching me like that?" " This?" " Yeah." "I'm, uh..." "I'm trying to make you feel more at ease." "That's gonna make me feel more at ease?" "It's like being slapped by a sea otter." "Touching promotes trust." "It's one of the key ways that hospital practitioners make their patients feel more secure in stressful situations." "Yeah, but it's just..." "That's not gonna help." "Really?" "A sea otter?" "Is this..." "Is that kind of better?" " Okay, this is getting creepy." " I'm sorry." "Okay, you don't like that." "That's fine." "You shouldn't do this." "You're making a mistake." "You're gonna look weird, man." " What do you mean?" " It's gonna look fucking weird." "What are you talking about?" "Who knows if you've got some big Gorbachev bird shit thing on your head." " You said that you liked this idea." " I liked the idea in theory." "Now that we're standing here about to do it," "I think you're gonna look like fucking Michael Stipe or something." " We have to do it." " I'm not doing it, man." " We have to do it." " You do it." "I'm not fucking doing it." " Come on." "Do it." " No way." " You said you would." " I don't want to, 'cause if it looks fucked up you're gonna blame me every time you look at your weird-looking bald head." " (RAZOR BUZZING)" " What?" "Wait a minute." "(TURNS OFF RAZOR)" "What do you use this for?" "You know, my body hair." "When was the last time you cleaned this?" "Like brand new." " That's great." " Totally clean." " Okay." "Okay." "Okay." "Okay." " (RAZOR BUZZING)" "Oh, fuck." "Dude." "Holy shit." "Cut that part off." " Shit." " You want to do one?" "Yeah, can I?" "Okay, I'm gonna do it." "(EXCLAIMING)" "I don't want to do it anymore." "You kinda got a Klingon thing going on here." "You could pass for Worf from Star Trek." " Looks totally good." " It's totally uneven." "Totally normal." "Is this attached?" "Jesus Christ." "Looks okay, right?" "No, looks really weird." " We shouldn't have done this." " Yeah, big mistake." "Why didn't we go to a barber?" "That would have been a good idea." "If we paid someone to do it." "Using your fucking balls trimmer instead of going to the barber." "I never wash them, ever." "And it's not my balls, it's my asshole." " I'm joking." " You're not joking." "Not at all." " How come we've never met Rachael?" " Yeah, what the fuck?" "Yeah, hospitals kind of freak her out, so..." "MITCH:" "Hmm." "What?" "Well, Adam, nobody likes going to the hospital." "That's not why people go." "No, no, you don't get it. it's like she doesn't want to mix the negative and the positive." "It's an energy thing." "Sounds to me like a bullshit thing." "Well, you can meet her if you want." "She's gonna pick me up right after this." "If you want to meet her." "I'm sure she would love to meet you guys." "Sure." "She's really great." "You guys are gonna like her a lot." "Okay." "Hey, it's me again." "Just calling to check if you're close." "I'll talk to you soon." "Okay." "See you." "So you need a ride, kid?" "Oh, no, she's gonna come." "I'm sure she is just hung up or something." "You guys should probably go, though." "You could meet her next time." "Yeah, sure." " See you, Adam." " See you." "(EXHALING)" "Adam, I know." "I'm sorry." "Please don't be mad." " I was calling you for like an hour." " (SIGHS)" "Yeah, my cell phone died." "You know, you don't have to do this." "I'm sorry, I am." "I know I fucked up." "I gave you an out." "I'm doing my best." "Can we just go home?" "(RACHAEL SIGHS)" "KYLE: "Inoperable Optimism." ""Cosper Schlegel, un-American medical intuitive" ""and mystic psychiatrist"?" "Mystic psychiatrist?" "What is that?" "Is he Frodo's psychiatrist?" "Why would you buy that?" "Because the therapist lady said to buy it." "So, I don't know, what else am I gonna do?" " Let's go to Mardi Gras." " I have a girlfriend." "Why would I go to Mardi Gras?" "You have a girlfriend." "Yeah, I forgot." "Why would you go to Mardi Gras when you're busy here not getting blow jobs and hand jobs?" "You know what?" "If you're not gonna take advantage of this then I am." " Hi, Claire." "Hi." "I'm Kyle." " Hi." "Could you help me find some of these, please?" "Yeah." "Sure." "Are these for you?" "I'm sorry," " that's really none of my business." " No." "Don't worry." "No, thank God." "They're actually for my friend." "That guy over there." " That little guy in the hat." " Yeah." "They're for him." "He's my buddy." "He's really, really sick." "That's awful." "He's got type four back cancer, and..." " Oh, no." "Really?" " I know, yeah." " It's really sad." " Poor guy." "I don't focus on that." "I focus on the positive." "I take him out to bookstores." "I like to take him for walks." "I take him out to get snacks and to plays, stuff like that, while he has time." "That's nice of you." " Yeah." "So where are..." " Oh, yeah." "Sorry." " They're just over this way." " No problem." "Yeah." " All right, there you are." " Thank you." " Thank you." "Bye." " Bye." " I'll see you tonight." " Okay." "Bye, Claire." "Nice to meet you, Claire." "Thank you, Claire." "(RINGING)" "(SIGHS)" "(PHONE RINGING)" "(SIGHS HEAVILY)" " Hi, Mom." " Jesus, what took you so long to pick up?" " Are you okay?" " I'm fine." "I'm fine." "I just didn't hear the phone ring." "Do you need anything?" "I was about to go to Rite Aid for your father" "Listen, I'll come over." "I'll make you some dinner." "I'll pick up some macaroni and cheese." "I haven't liked macaroni and cheese since I was like ten." " You haven't?" " Actually Rachael's coming over later." "So, I'm totally fine." "Don't worry so much." "Fine, if you say so." "I love you." "Love you." "(SIGHS)" "MAN:" "Hi." "Oh, this one's really cool." " Look at that." " My friend did this actually." " No way." " Yeah." " Your friend's a real talent." " I know." "Uh-oh." "I think I got a new favorite." "That's so amazing." "It's like a circle, but then they add a line in the middle." "And that totally sets it off." "It's like totally different." " Yeah." "Simple." " Holy shit, there's two of them." "What the fuck?" "So what do you think about this one?" "Oh." "This is genius." "I mean, I'm having like an emotional thing going on." "It's fucking gorgeous." "It's..." "You know, it's beautiful." "Oh, my God, I should've known I would see her here." " It's a fucking gallery opening, right?" " Who is she?" "You know my friend, the one who's sick with cancer?" "That's his girlfriend." "I'm gonna go get some wine." "She doesn't really look like she's anyone's girlfriend." "No fucking way." "No fucking way." "(CLICKS)" "(GRUNTING) Oh!" "I fucking nailed that cunt." "Can you believe that?" "Oh, God." "I don't usually say that." "(DOOR UNLOCKS)" "(DOOR OPENS)" "Hi." "I'm sorry." "I didn't want to wake you." "Come here." "(FAKE YAWN) I'm just..." "I'm so tired." "Let's just go to bed, okay?" "Yeah." " Hey." " Oh, my God!" "Surprise, it's Kyle." " What's happening, guys?" " RACHAEL:" "Hi, Kyle." "What time is it?" "Did I come at a bad time?" "Am I interrupting something?" "We were just about to go to bed." "I'm sorry." "I was in the neighborhood." "I was just on a date." "Claire, the girl I met at the bookstore?" "My date did not go well, unfortunately, due to a lack of chemistry and, I think, an overuse of profanity on my part." "But whilst on my date," " I ran into Rachael." " Oh, yeah?" "And I would like to present to you what I have grown to call exhibit whore!" "Look at it!" "That's Rachael." "And that's a fucking filthy Jesus-looking motherfucker!" "And they're kissing!" "I did it!" "I fucking nailed you!" "I've hated you for months!" "And now I have fucking evidence that you suck as a person!" "Holy shit!" "Holy shit!" "Nothing?" "Nothing?" "Okay." "You guys should talk about this." "What?" "Were you cheating on me?" "Listen..." " Yes." " Seriously?" "Adam... (SIGHS)" "You have no idea how hard it's been." "I don't know how to do this." "This has been so stressful, and you've been so sick." "And shit!" "Okay, you know what?" "Kyle is the one who has been using your cancer for girls." "All right?" "You told me that." "All right?" "So why am I the bad guy?" "Because you're his girlfriend, you cheated on him." "He has fucking cancer, you lunatic!" "Okay, Adam, we had problems long before you got sick." "And then when you got sick, I just didn't know what to do." "Well, then..." "Why are you here then?" "Why do you spend every night in my bed?" "I didn't want to abandon you." "Let's just go to bed." "And we will talk about this tomorrow." "All right?" "I'm sorry." "I can't stand in the kitchen and listen to this bullshit any longer." "You gotta get out of here." "This is crazy!" " You're so weird." " Adam..." "This is the most uncomfortable situation ever!" " Just leave!" " RACHAEL:" "Yeah." " And then we're gonna talk tomorrow." " Get up!" "No, you won't!" "Why will you talk tomorrow?" " I care about you, Adam." "All right?" " This is disgusting." " It's not like this." " You are reprehensible." " That's what this behavior is." " Shut up for a second." "Kyle does not have your best interests in mind." "All right?" "I've thought that for a very long time." " I didn't fuck a filthy bearded hippy." " I want you to know that." " I didn't make out with a disgusting hippy." " I care about you." " Fuck you!" " You're disgusting." "KYLE:" "This is the best thing that has ever happened to you." " Why?" " Why?" "You deserve better." "Way better." "If I was your girlfriend, you know what I would be doing?" "I'd be sucking your cock every thirty minutes." "I'd be baking you fucking cookies all day and shit." " What kind of cookies?" " Any kind." "You'd make me snickerdoodle cookies?" "I'd bathe you in snickerdoodle cookies." " I'm getting nauseous." " Actually?" "No, that was a joke." " Hi." " Oh!" "Look at this guy." "I love greyhounds." "Hi." "What's his name?" "Skeletor." " This is Marlow." " Marlow!" "Hello, Marlow!" "Look at this guy." " Do you guys live around here?" " Yeah, we sure do." "He's licking his balls." "(BOTH LAUGHING)" " That was awesome." " That was wonderful." "Yeah, we should probably go." "He gets cold" " when he's not moving." " Yeah, okay." " Right." " ADAM:" "Nice to meet you." "Okay." "Okay." "Nice to meet you." " Bye." "Nice to meet you." " Come on." "You could've fucked the shit out of that girl." "You know that?" " What are you talking about?" " What am I talking about?" "No one wants to fuck me." "I look like Voldemort." "No, you don't." "It doesn't matter, man." "Seriously." "You just invite her out on a doggy date, tell her you have cancer, and fuck the shit out of her." "You really think that a girl's gonna go for me just 'cause I have cancer?" "For the millionth time, yes!" "You're fucking single now." "Dude, help me help you get laid." " You think that would work?" " It would totally work." "All right, let's do it." "KYLE:" "Lots of hot girls!" "Good odds tonight." "Lots!" " Okay, right there." " Yep." "All right." "Blue shirt." "Go for it." "Just talk, spark up a conversation." "Hey, how's it going?" "Okay, you know what I would do?" "Get into the cancer thing faster." " Faster?" " Faster." " She didn't say anything." " I know, but it's your hook, man." "It's what you got." "You know?" "So, what, that's the first thing I say?" "Just like, "Hello, I have cancer."" "That's what makes you different." "It's what sets you apart." " You know, you're sympathetic." " Okay." "Okay." " Just try it." " Okay." "(WOMEN CHATTERING)" "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING)" " It's a great song." " Totally." "I have cancer." "I was wrong." "I was wrong." "It was weird." " It's weird like that." " That's too soon." " It doesn't sound cool." " No." "I'm Kyle." "How's it going?" " Allison." "This is Jackie." " Allison?" "Jackie." "ALLISON:" "Nice to meet you." "KYLE:" "Nice to meet you guys." " It's my birthday today!" " ALLISON:" "Happy birthday!" "Cheers!" " I'm here with my buddy, actually." " The skinny one?" " One second." " Yeah." "Look, I met two nice girls." "They're right there." " Yeah, they're cute." " Yeah, let's go over." " Are they nice?" " They're very nice." " They're talking to you?" " Yeah." " Really?" " Take the hat off." " Take it off." "Take it off." " I'm not taking it off." "What do you guys do?" "I just designed the website for the Swiffer." " The Swiffer?" "Really?" " Yeah." "Sorry, I got excited." "I'm a fan." "I kike Swiffer." "I use it for everything." "Mopping and sweeping." "I just got a dog and he sheds a lot." "And when there's hair all over the place I just use a wet cloth." "Taken care of." "That's cool." "What's your dog's name?" "His name is Skeletor." "Cool guy." " It's kind of..." " Warm in here, isn't it?" " Oh, you're so bald." " No, no." "It's just cancer." " I'm sorry, what?" " Cancer." "Yeah, I have cancer." "It's not contagious." "Oh, my God." "Well, what Kind of cancer is it?" "It's spinal." "It's in his spine." "I didn't even know that was possible." "How did you get it?" "Bad mattress." " He's joking." "It was a joke." " Oh!" " He's just kidding." " Oh, my God." "See." "He still has a sense of humor about it." "He's inspirational." " It's an inspiration." " Very cute." "Can I..." "May we touch it?" "JACKIE:" "Is that weird?" " Yeah, if you want to." " You can do more than touch it." "Come on." "Oh..." "Oh, this is a really nice head." "KYLE:" "Play with it a little." "Let's all rub it together." "It will grow if you rub it enough." "VENDOR:" "There you go." "What are you doing?" "Are you okay?" "(CLEARS THROAT) I've got to go to sleep." "No, man." "You can't." "We have to be awake when they're awake." "That's how we have sex." "That's the whole purpose of this." "Don't throw all this away." "Don't waste my time, man." "Okay." "Can you give me an approximate time when I'll be having sex?" "Ninety-five minutes from now, we'll be having sex." " I'm not gonna make it." " That's how fucking long it's gonna take." "I wish it was sooner." "These girls, 96 minutes." "Hey, what's happening?" "Look at that." " Got a wiener." " You got one!" "So, you guys want to hit up Lash?" "I know the DJ." " Oh, nice." " I'm gonna have to crash out." "Sorry, I'm just exhausted." "The chemo just takes it out of you." "But, you know, I have some really potent medical weed at my house if you want to come over?" " That sounds fun." " That does sound fun!" "That's a great idea." "I love that." " Game on!" " Yeah, let's do it." "Nice!" "Let's do it." "Let's get a cab." "There's cabs over here." "Sensational." "That's pimping." "That was actually very pimp." "That was impressive." "(GROANS)" "I'm sorry, am I hurting you?" " No, no, keep going." " Okay." "Are you sure?" "'Cause you just don't really look like you're having a good time." "Mmm." "No, but it does..." "It hurts." "I'm sorry." "Yeah, my back is..." " Yeah, maybe you should just..." " I'll get off you." "Maybe..." " Yeah, if you don't..." " Sorry." "(GRUNTS)" "(SIGHS)" "KYLE:" "I wonder what the machine gun budget on this film was." "You can't afford actors, but you need one million machine guns." " Can we watch something else?" " No, I want to see how this ends." "(SIGHS)" "(MOUTHING) I fucked her." "Adam?" " Oh, hi." " Hey." "What are you doing?" "Good old chemotherapy." "Oh." "Waiting for the bus." "I'm on my way home right now." "I have my car if you want a ride." "I'm used to the bus." " Thank you." " No, I can't just let you..." "I can't make you wait for the bus." "I live kind of far away." "I won't take no for an answer." "Sorry about the mess." "I'm not good at getting rid of stuff." "Yeah, I see." "Let me know if you need to pull over, or anything." "Like if the chemo's..." "If you feel nauseous, just say the word and I'll pull right over." "Okay, thanks." "So you don't have a car." "No, I don't even have a license actually." "Why not?" "It's incredibly dangerous." "It's like the fifth leading cause of death." "Which is, I guess, just a few behind cancer." "Still, the bus?" "The bus after chemo?" "Yeah." "Well, usually Rachael drives me." "But we broke up." "She kind of cheated on me." "Oh, um..." "Adam, do you want to talk about this?" "You know what?" "Actually, no." "Let's not do the therapy in the car." " You're just giving me a ride as a friend." " Yeah, Adam, if..." "You know, what we should really talk about is, you have trash on your floor." "And there's no reason." "You know, at least have a bag in the back to put the trash in." "Adam, your girlfriend cheated on you." "We don't have to talk about it." "We don't have to." "I just broke up with somebody recently myself." " You did?" " Yeah, it sucks." " Sorry." " No." "Well, it's good because..." " We actually shouldn't be talking about it." " Why not?" "It's not appropriate for me to tell you personal things because the patient-therapist relationship doesn't really work if you know all my problems." "Admittedly I do check his Facebook like every day to see if he's dating somebody new, which is so pathetic." "I shouldn't have said that." "I should have stopped." "Yeah." " We could just listen to the radio." " Yes." "(DAYS GONE DOWN PLAYING)" "And our day is coming by and by" "I'm traveling this long road to be with you" " Stop the car." " Are you okay?" " Yeah, let's just stop." " I'm stopping the car." " I just..." " What are you doing?" "I just can't handle this mess." "Are you serious?" "Adam." "You don't have to." "That's my dinner." "The brown thing is my dinner." " Which one?" " That..." "This thing." " You're gonna eat that?" " This is new." "Don't judge me." "Hey, nice." "Look at that." "Could you unlock the door?" " Thanks for the ride." " No problem." " Thank you for cleaning my car." " Yeah." " I'll see you next week." " Okay." "Okay." "Uh..." "Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" " Yeah." "Yeah, I'll be totally fine." " Okay." " Bye." " Bye." "Hey, Adam?" "Listen." "I just want you to have my cell number." "Just if you need anything." "You have it." "Thanks." "Did I just, like, score your digits?" " No." " No." "That was a joke." "That's fine." " I don't know why I said that." " No, that's okay." "That would be inappropriate." "Of course." "I know that." "It's a defense mechanism." "And that's fine." "Yeah." "That's for emergencies." " And if you need someone to talk to." " Yeah." " Good night." "Okay." " Good night." "Thank you." "MALE NARRATOR ON TV:" "The great white." "It is the largest predator in the sea." "I thought the deserts were crazy." "The ocean's fucking nuts, man." "I like the trees." "The trees are gonna be bananas." "Jesus!" "(WATER BUBBLING IN BONG)" "(ADAM COUGHING)" "You okay?" " Lift your elbows above your ears." " What are you talking about?" " It helps you stop coughing." " I'm not doing that." "(KNOCKING AT DOOR)" "I always heard it would help you stop coughing." "I'm just here to pick up my things and then I'll get out of your way." " Yeah, I put all your things in a box." " Okay." "It's outside the door." "You walked right past it." "Oh." "Well, then I guess I'll be on my way." "You're smoking weed?" "Well, it's medicinal." "You got a prescription for medicinal marijuana?" "No, I got a prescription for medicinal marijuana." "Adam was too afraid." "Well, what's wrong with you, Kyle?" "I have night blindness." "My cones and rods are askew and weed fixes it." "You took down my painting." "Well, it didn't really fit there with the new TV." "Adam, can I talk to you outside for a second, please?" "Yeah." "It's all right." "So, how are you feeling?" "Pretty awesome." "I wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry." "Well..." "I'm sorry, too." "I mean, I know this wasn't easy for you." "I'm sorry I didn't come to your opening." "It's just because I hate you so much." "I'm glad you didn't come." "It was a complete disaster." "No one bought any of my paintings." "That's weird, they're so good." "Really?" "Yeah, they're great." "I'm sorry that happened." "It's just, you know, you'll get them next time." "Oh, God." "(SIGHS) I don't want to break up." "I can do better." "We can start over again, and I'll just do better." "You should go." "Really, you should." "You should go." "I don't want to go." "I want to stay here with you." "No." "No." "You know what?" "Seriously." "You should get the fuck off my porch." "Now." "That's the box." " Your painting?" " I made it for you." "(CRYING PLAYING)" "I was all right" "For a while" "I could smile for a while" "But I saw you last night You held my hand so tight" "As you stopped to say, "Hello"" "You wished me well" "You couldn't tell" "That I'd been crying over you" "Crying over you" "Then you said, "So long"" "Left me standing all alone" "Alone and crying" " It actually looks a lot better." " It's not that bad like this." "Yeah." "We could hang this up." "You were around before TV, right?" "(ALL LAUGHING)" "No, 'cause I want to hear about the radio." "Because the radio used to be like a really..." "We work in radio, right?" "Yeah." "Like, they talk about people just sitting around and listening to the radio, like, actively." "Glued to the radio." "Yeah." "Well, what did you listen to?" "Little Orphan Annie." "KYLE:" "What did you look at while you were listening to it?" "Just nothing?" "It engaged everything somehow." "What kind of stuff do you guys do?" "I'm doing this piece on a volcano." "I do radio that I think people would actually want to listen to." "Mostly stuff about food." " Best hamburger." "Best hamburger in Seattle." " People like to listen..." "KYLE:" "You'd listen to that as opposed to, "Hey, coming up next," ""you're gonna hear a guy talk about a volcano for twenty minutes."" " MITCH:" "You know what I'd do?" " What?" "I'd turn on the TV." "KYLE: (LAUGHING) Yeah." "That would be a very good idea." "It's not the same." "MITCH:" "What do you mean, it's not the same?" "You get audio and video." "Guys, Bernie blended up some Wheatgrass." " ADAM:" "Thank you." " You're welcome." "It's like drinking liquid lawn cuttings." "(TOASTING IN RUSSIAN)" "Jesus!" "Bernie, Adam." "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." "Hi, Adam." "And this is my friend, Kyle." " Oh, God." " Good, you like it." "It's not good." "So, Adam, I'm surprised." "The way Mitch talks about you I thought you were much older." "He's 85 years old." "He just looks really good." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Okay, I got to go." "No, no, honey." "Come on, stay." "Stick around." "I haven't seen you all day." " Are you all right?" " I'm good." "Good stuff." "Good stuff." "Really good stuff." "I love you." "I love you, too." "ADAM:" "Mom, I'm sorry." "I can't talk about this anymore." "I'm at an appointment, okay?" "And I'm late already." "Yes, I'm here." "I'm standing in the office talking on the phone to you." "So I'm just gonna get off." "I just want to know if you tried those recipes." "Okay." "Do you know what you're gonna make for dinner?" "I don't know what I'm gonna make for dinner." "I'll figure something out, okay?" "I'm hanging up now." "Goodbye." "Bye." "I love you." "Me, too." "Bye." "(SIGHING) God." "Sorry about that." "Don't worry about it." "I have parents, too." "Do yours give you migraines?" "Well, I would talk to my therapist about my parents." "Really?" "Yeah, we could do role play." "I'll be your mom." "Oh, God, no." "That's disgusting." "Why is that disgusting?" "Uh..." "No, it's not." "I mean, okay, my mom..." "I don't know." "She's a crazy person." "She just worries all day every day." "And honestly it annoys the shit out of me." "It's way too much." "And it's not helpful and I can't talk to her." "I don't call her back." "It's a problem." "So she's got this husband that can't talk to her and this son that won't?" "Yeah, I guess." "Makes you kind of a dick." "Me?" "(LAUGHS)" "Is that like the medical term?" "Yeah, I mean, listen..." "You can't change who your parents are." "The only thing you can change is how you choose to deal with that." "Aren't you supposed to, like, subtly manipulate me into figuring this stuff out?" "Not just call me on my shit?" "Yeah, you cleaned my car." "So we're completely beyond that." "It's weird, isn't it?" "Shouldn't have done it." "Shouldn't have gone for it." " It was good." "It was good." "It's all right." " No, it wasn't." "It was so forced, I'm sorry." " Try it again." "I was too far." " Okay." " If I'm a little closer." " It'll make it really natural." " Yeah." " Totally." "That was better." "FEMALE NURSE:" "Okay." " You're all set." " Thanks." "(MACHINE BEEPING)" "Where's Mitch?" "He died last night." "We were just with him." "He was fine." "What happened?" "What does it matter?" "His heart stopped." "(INAUDIBLE)" "PRIEST: "He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." ""Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" ""I will fear no evil for thou art with me." ""Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me." ""Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."" "STEPHEN COLBERT ON TV:" "Nation, I have your test results." "(COUGHING)" "Good news!" "You're me-positive." "This is Cheating Death with Dr. Stephen T. Colbert." "MALE REPORTER:" "... speculation, Mount Moa Moa, located on the highlands of Savai'i, erupted early this morning, shooting a plume of black ash and smoke nearly four miles into the air." "Initial reports this morning suggested that Mount Moa Moa was getting weaker." "Our analyst can now confirm that the volcano is actually growing stronger." "Again, Mount Moa Moa has just erupted." "This is live footage taken..." "So, I think I'm starting to realize I'm probably gonna die." " Did something happen?" " No, it's just..." "Look at me." "I wake up and I look in the mirror and, like, it's pretty obvious, you know." "Mitch died." "Alan's probably gonna die." "And, you know, so am I." "You don't know that." "And a lot of what you're feeling right now is from the treatment." "I know, but it's..." "Look." "Thank you, but you don't have to try and cheer me up." "I'm actually really okay with it." "You know." "Okay, I'm gonna die." "You're gonna die." "You know, hopefully a lot later than I am." "It's just what happens." "And, you know, it doesn't really mean anything anyway." "Okay." "I mean, Adam, right now you're going through what's called the alienation phase." "And I know that you feel really helpless." "But I think it's important to remember that the way you feel is completely normal for someone in your situation." "Sorry, but I just have to call you on this." "It's just bullshit." "It's what everybody has been saying from the beginning." "Like, "Well, you'll feel better," and, "Don't worry," and, "This is all fine."" "And, like, it's not." "You know?" "I don't know why everybody's so fucking scared to just say it." "Like, "You're dying, dude."" "It makes it worse that no one will just say it." "Okay." "Um..." "Adam, I'm here to help you." "I'm trying to help you." "Why?" "So thirty years from now you can be at some cocktail party, and tell an inspiring anecdote about your third patient ever, and how you coached him into feeling normal right before he died?" "Okay, Adam, I'm sorry if I'm saying the wrong things." "I'm trying." "I really am." "No, you know what?" "This just isn't working." "I don't know why I came here." "(DOOR OPENS)" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "ON VOICEMAIL:" "This is Kyle." "I'm not around." "Leave a message." "(VOICEMAIL BEEPS)" "Hey, man." "I'm just calling to see if you could take me to the doctor's appointment tomorrow." "It's the big one." "So..." "DIANE:" "Oh, my God!" "What's wrong?" "(SIGHS HEAVILY)" "Hi, Mom." "FEMALE NURSE:" "The doctor's just in with another patient." "He should be out in a few minutes." "Are you guys holding up all right?" "It's cold in here." "Is there any way you can lower the air conditioning?" "Unfortunately the temperature is controlled by a central thermostat." "My son has cancer." "Really, if I could I would." "But there is nothing I can do." "Don't worry about it." "I'm fine." " Are you sure?" "I can get you a blanket." " I'm really okay." "Thanks." " I'd love a blanket." " We're fine." "Okay, but if you need anything you let me know." "I don't like her." "You're warm." "I'm fine. (CLEARS THROAT)" "DIANE:" "Hmm." " ADAM:" "What?" " Nothing." "What?" "He just went to a state college, that's all." "You're unbelievable." "I just worry you're not getting the best care possible." "Would you just stop it?" "Please?" "I'm not him." "I can take care of myself." "It's just so hard when you won't let me take care of you." " It's just really hard." " I am letting you take care of me." "You drove me here, didn't you?" "Didn't you?" "And what about you?" "What about me?" "(SIGHS) How are you?" " Seriously?" " Yeah." "You know, what's going on in your life?" "The highlight of my week is this cancer support group I've been going to." "You're going to a support group?" "It's for parents whose kids have cancer." "I didn't know you were doing that." "How could you?" "You never call me back." "You're right." "I'm sorry." "You don't have to say you're sorry." "Sorry to keep you folks waiting." "Anyway, I will cut to the chase." "The cancer is not responding to the chemo." "As you can see the tumor is continuing to grow here along the nerve." "We have to remove it now, or we risk metastasis." " Okay, so what do we do?" " We need to operate." "Now I've moved some things around and I can get you in this Thursday morning with Dr. Walderson." "She is one of our finest neurosurgeons." "But he's gonna be okay, right?" "You're going to fix it." "Considering the placement and the size of the tumor, a surgery of this nature is always very dangerous and potentially life-threatening itself." "The surgeons will attempt to be very aggressive." "However if we are not successful in removing the cancer, then unfortunately we will be out of options." "KYLE:" "I'm not gonna bring up the fact that your surgery is tomorrow." "I'm not even thinking about it." "So, don't worry about it, 'cause I'm not gonna bring it up." "You remember the last time we were here?" "Yeah." "It was prom night." "(LAUGHS)" "The memory seems really far away." "Yeah." "It was a long time ago." "I don't even remember who you went with." "Nora Mattingly." "That girl..." "That girl sucked." "You knew how to pick them." " Even then I think you knew." " Yeah." "Well, she seemed sweet." "No, she didn't." "She always sucked." " You just always hate my girlfriends." " That's not true." "Okay, it is actually." "But it's because you always date people who are fucking dickheads, man." "You date needy bitches." "Why?" "It's fucking cold." "And it's only midnight." "Dude, let's go to the bar, man." "Let's try to get laid." " What's the fucking point?" " Come on." "Live in the now." " I have fun with that." " I know you have fun with it." "Well, you could, too, maybe." "Let's do it." "You're drunk." "It worked." "Take your hat off. (LAUGHS)" " You're just gonna leave this here?" " A homeless gentleman will collect it." " Oh, fuck." " Are you drunk?" " You're really drunk." " I'm a little drunk." "You think I should drive?" "I would let you drive but you don't know how." "You don't have a license even." "That's so funny." "It might be my last chance." " So you want to drive, right now?" " Yeah." "That's what you want to do?" "That's your make-a-wish?" "To drive?" "We could be having sex with hookers while skydiving right now." "And instead you want to do something I learned to do when I was fifteen?" "Can I have the keys?" "Okay." "Be careful." "Whoa!" "Just drive carefully." "Don't change my seat adjustment, okay?" "It's all in places I like." "Okay." "Okay." "Now the first thing... (TIRES SCREECHING)" "What the fuck!" "Make a left." "Make a left!" "It's a one-way street." "What the fuck!" "Jesus Christ!" "There's a car!" "Wrong way!" "Wrong way!" "Christ, dude." "What the hell?" "Adam!" "Stop, man!" "Stop!" "(TIRES SCREECHING)" "What the fuck are you doing, man?" " You're being an idiot right now." " Get out." " Get out?" "This is my car." " Get out of the car." " Get out." "Just get out!" " Don't hit me!" " I can't fucking let you do this." " Get out!" "Jesus Christ, man!" "Shit." "(GRUNTING)" "(SCREAMING)" "KYLE:" "Oh, no." "No, you are not calling her, man!" "After what she did to you!" "You're a pussy, Adam." "You're a selfish piece of shit!" "You care more about getting yourself fucking laid than being my friend." "(PHONE RINGING)" " KATHERINE:" "Hello?" " Hey, it's Adam." "Adam?" "It's midnight." "What's going on?" "I'm just probably having a nervous breakdown." "I think I just fractured my larynx." "I'm really, really glad that you called." "I just want it to be over." "(SIGHS) I'm so fucking tired of being sick." "You know, if this surgery doesn't work, it's..." "That's it." "And I've never, you know..." "I've never been to fucking Canada." "I've never told a girl I loved her." "(SIGHS)" "It sounds stupid, doesn't it?" "No, it doesn't." "Sorry." "I was such an asshole the other day." "No, I was an asshole." "I was totally unprepared for you." "This job is really hard." "If I fuck up I can ruin somebody's whole life." "Well, I guess we're both beginners at this." "Yeah." "What were you doing when I called?" "Were you on Facebook?" "You know, stalking my ex-boyfriend actually isn't the only thing I do in my free time." "I wish you were my girlfriend." "Girlfriends can be nice." "You just had a bad one." "I bet you would be a good one." "(TAPPING ON WINDOW) Let me in, man." "Jesus." "It's fucking freezing." "I'm gonna go." " Yeah, it's no problem." " Thanks." "Thanks for everything." "Good night." "(SIGHS)" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "Come here, boy." "Yeah." "Okay." "Ready?" " Yeah." " Okay." " It's gonna be good." "It's going to be fine." " Yeah." " DIANE:" "Adam." " That's your mom." " Yeah." " Yeah." "Awesome." "So, I'll just..." "I'll park the car, I guess." "And then I'll come in and I'll see you before you go in there, right?" "Yeah, there's..." "It depends on if they bring me in first." " If not before then..." " Right after." " Yeah, I'll see you after." " Okay." " Yeah." " Take care, man." "Okay." "I'll see you in there." "Thanks." "(CHATTERING)" " WALDERSON:" "Good morning, Adam." " Hi." "I'm Dr. Walderson." "I'm gonna be doing your surgery today." " How are you feeling?" " Great, thanks." "Good." "Good, good." "So, we're gonna take excellent care of you." "The surgical team is top notch." "Just try to relax." " See you later." " Thanks." " What's this?" " Standard paperwork." "Hospital liability and disclaimer forms, and organ donor authorization." " Sign right there." " Okay." "Thanks." " I got a new coat." " Yeah?" "Brooks Brothers." "Silk pockets, feel." " Feel." " I'm feeling." " Nice?" " Yeah." "Listen." "I know it's a little hard to follow everything that's going on right now." "But I just want you to know, I love you, very much." " Okay." " Okay, Dad." "Okay." "Hello, Adam." "I'm Dr. Lee." "I am here to administer your anesthesia." "Okay." "Hi." "Excuse me, please." "Now, just relax." "I'm going to inject the anesthesia through your IV." "It's gonna take a few moments before you start to feel the effects." "You're doing it now?" "If you guys just want to head over to the waiting room that'd be great." " And how long does it last?" " That really depends on the individual." "Right, but how do you know it's gonna last long enough so I don't wake up in the middle of the surgery?" "So that you make sure that I'm gonna wake up after." "Mom." "Sweetie, you're gonna be just fine." "LEE:" "I'm really sorry but we need to get Adam to the operating room." "Could you just wait a moment, please?" "I'm sorry." "I love you." "(THE OTHER SIDE OF MT." "HEARTATTACK PLAYING)" "I won't run far" "I can always be found" "I can always be found" "Ah" "Ah" "If you need me" "If you need me" "If you need me" "I can always be found" "I can always be found" "Ah" "Ah" "Ah" "Ah" "Ah" "If you want me to stay" "If you want me to stay" "If you want me to stay" "I will stay by your side" "I will stay by your side" "Ah" "Ah" "I won't run far" "Ah" "If you need me" "If you need..." "It's been five hours." "Has it?" "Something's wrong, we should have heard by now." "Don't worry." "Adam's gonna be fine." "Okay?" " Um, Adam Lerner?" " Yeah." "Dr. Walderson's one of the best surgeons in the country." "So, he's in good hands." "Who are you?" "I'm Katherine." " I'm..." " Therapist." "Yeah." "I'm Kyle." "I'm Adam's friend." "Hi." "Hi." "These are Adam's parents." "It's nice to meet you guys." "Did he say I'm a dick?" "'Cause I'm not." "I want you to know I smothered him because I love him." "Seriously, did he say anything?" "I can't." "I wouldn't talk about that kind of thing anyway." "Mr. and Mrs. Lerner?" "So, as you can imagine with a surgery of this magnitude, there were some unforeseen complications." "The bone erosion was much greater than initially anticipated." "We had to remove part of the hip and pelvis, as well as most of the right psoas muscle." "We also had to remove a good amount of the sheath tissue around the sciatic nerve." "It's not gonna be an easy road back, but he's gonna be okay." "He's gonna be okay?" "You should start with that information, okay?" "That should be the first thing you say." "Good. (LAUGHING)" "DIANE:" "He's gonna be okay." "Thank you, Doctor." "Thank you." "(MONITOR BEEPING)" "Mommy." "My little boy." " Hi, Dad." " Adam." " It's nice here." "We got a good room." " DIANE:" "I know." "We need to go on more vacations." "Yes, we'll go on a huge vacation." "We'll go to Hawaii." " Hey." " Hey, man." "What's up?" "I'm afraid to touch you, but it's good to see you, dude." "Yeah." "Boom. (LAUGHING)" "You look..." "You look really good." "I'm high as a motherfucker." "(LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) we don't get high." "Cool, man." "It's you." "It is me." "How are you feeling?" "Great." "I love morphine." "What time is it?" "Um..." "It's 8:00." "I was just working late so I thought I would stop by." "Working late?" "Do you have a new patient?" "I got a few new patients actually." "That's good." "I want to make you pancakes sometime." " That is really nice, Adam." " You're gonna like it." "I'm peeing right now." "I'm not gonna look." "KYLE:" "Oh, it's gross!" "Oh, God." "Okay." "I just need to..." "Oh!" "Oh, I keep looking back at it, thinking it's gonna be less gross." "Can we just get it over with?" "Come on." " Your mom does this?" " She does it all the time." "This is like Saw shit." "Your words are so comforting." "It's really reassuring." " You're a good friend." " Okay." "I'm just gonna do it." "I'm just gonna act like it's nothing." " I'm really proud of you, man." " Okay." "Let's just go." "Let's just do this." "Oh, I'm doing it." "I'm inside of you!" " Wait, wait, wait." "Is that your finger?" " What?" " Is that your finger?" " No." " There's Q-tips." " I know." "I got one." " That was your finger." " It wasn't." "What?" "Is it bad if it was?" "Did you wash your hands?" "It was a Q-tip the whole time." "Don't worry about it." "This looks like Kuato from Total Recall." " "The oxygen." (LAUGHING)" " No!" "Don't do that." "(GROANS IN DISGUST)" "Can we get this going?" "It's 7:30 now." "Come on, put the bandage on." "Excuse me." "And you are ready for your date." "All right-y, there we go." "That's crazy." "I look pretty good." " I'd fuck you." " Thanks." "(DOORBELL RINGS)" "Who could that be?" "Go answer it." "Just go." " Hey." " Hey." "You look nice." "Thanks." "You, too." "You look super nice." " You want to come in?" " Yeah." "Nice place." "Look at you." "Walking up a storm." "Oh, la, la, la, la." "(KYLE CLEARS THROAT)" " You remember Kyle." " Yeah, hi." " Hi." " Good to see you." "We met before." "I see you brought pizza which is good because I haven't fed him yet all day." "I did just change the dressing on his wound." " Yeah, he came to..." " If it starts seeping though," "I left all the stuff out." "There's some Vicodin in the bathroom if you need it." "I know people take it recreationally, but he actually needs it for his aches." "Are there channels he can't watch?" "That's funny." "See, she's cool." "So, you're doing your doctorate, I hear?" "That's..." " Dude?" " Yeah." " You're awesome." " Yeah." " Get the fuck out of here." " Okay." " She's cool." "She's funny." " I know." "So..." "So..." "Now what?" "(YELLOWLEDBETTER PLAYING)" "Unsealed on a porch a letter sat" "Then you said, "I want to leave it again"" "Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand" "And on the sand, "I wanna leave it again"" "Yeah" "On a weekend, I wanna wish it all away, yeah" "And they called and I said that "I want what I said," then I call out again" "And the reason ought to leave her calm, I know" "I said, "I know what I waited, not a boxer or the bag"" "Oh, yeah, can you see them" "Out on the porch?" "Yeah, but they don't wave" "I see them round the front way, yeah" "And I know and I know I don't wanna stay" "At all" "I don't wanna stay" "I don't wanna stay" "I don't..." "Don't wanna..." "Oh..." "Yeah" "Ooh..." "Oh..." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on Desperate Housewives:" "I left Morty." "Susan's mother made quite an impression." "Bree made a secret commitment." "He's not going to let us be friends." "Who says he has to know how I spend my free time?" "Gabrielle made a discovery." "I am pregnant and it's all your fault!" "Tom made a mistake." "You hire your old girlfriend and you don't tell me about it for 3 months?" "And Susan made an appointment..." "Do you think you can help me?" "...with trouble." "I know I can." "When she was younger, Sophie Bremer was a hopeless romantic." "She was also hopelessly naïve, which is how she came to be married 4 times." "The first time, to a man who liked to gamble." "The second time, to a man who liked to drink." "The third time, to a man who liked other men." "And the fourth time, to the same man she married the second time." "Yes, Sophie was tired of having her heart broken." "So, she decided she would never get married again." "And then one night," "Sophie!" "she had a visitor." "Sophie!" "Morty?" "What are you doing?" "I--I need to talk to Sophie." "Now?" "Are you drunk?" "Uh-- just a little." "How-- how are you, Susan?" "I got to speak to, uh to Sophie." "Are you crazy?" "It's 1 a.m., she's sleeping!" "I'm going to ask her to marry me." "What?" "Well, I--I thought I could be happy." "The restaurant is starting to make money," "I just bought a new jet ski, my cholesterol is down, but none of it's any fun without her." "Ah, Morty." "I just don't think it's going to happen." "She's moved on." "Why don't you just sit down." "I call you a cab." "Sophie!" "Your doctor told you not to drink!" "Well, there are times when you need to-- when you need liquid to court." "Oh!" "Oh!" "Did this ring belong to Delores?" "You gave her your dead wife's ring?" "It's--it's a 3 karat diamond, she shouldn't care if it's-- used." "So what--what do you say, Soph?" "All right." " Really?" "Really?" " Yeah!" "But you gotta do it officially, you know..." "Oh, um" " Yeah here." "Sophie, would you-- do me the honor of-- of marrying me?" "Sophie Bremer was still a hopeless romantic." "On one condition:" "tomorrow, we trade this in for a ring of my own and I want a bigger diamond than Delores got." "But she was no longer naïve." "episode 1-21:" "Sunday in the Park with George" "Marriage is a simple concept." "Basically, it's a contract between two people that binds them together for life in the hopes that they can live happily ever after." "Sadly, some contracts are made to be broken." "I did not mess with your birth control." "Really?" " Really!" "Look!" "It's been pulled apart and put back together." "It's probably a manufacturing defect." "You can still see the glue marks!" "I'm telling you I didn't do it!" "Don't insult me, Carlos." "You've been whining about wanting a baby for months." "Who else would it have been?" "I" " I don't" "Oh no." "What?" "Mamá!" "Oh please." "It's possible!" "You buy that stuff in bulk 6 months at a time, right?" "Yeah, so?" "Before the accident, I told her how much I wanted to have a child." "And she said she would take care of it." "I just thought that she would talk to you." "Baby, I am so sorry." "That bitch!" "I can't believe her!" "I loved her." "But even I had issues sometimes." "She could be very controlling." "Reaching out from the grave to screw with me." "God, she's good!" "Where are you going?" "I'm feeling a wave of the morning sickness coming on." "And I want to be standing on your mother's grave when it hits." "Hey honey, I'm going to be home late tonight." "Peterson wants a bunch of us out for drinks." "Oh, that's fine." "I wanted to talk to you about something." " What?" "Oh, you know what?" "That's your carpool." "You gotta go." "Never mind." "Lynette, what is it?" "It's nothing." " OK." "It's just" "We haven't had sex in 10 days, and the longest we've ever gone before is 9." "Are you sure?" "Didn't we do it last Thursday?" "We started to, but then, wahh-- you fell asleep." "Is this why you're so worried?" "Because we could do it tonight if you want to." "Ha ha, where?" "No no, I got 10 days pent up in me." "We are doing it tonight." "Nothing to worry about, OK?" "Oh crap, I forgot my briefcase." "Can you tell them I'll be right there?" "Yeah, sure." "Oh." " Hey Lynette." "So is Tom almost ready?" "Yeah, he's just getting his briefcase." "Oh, sorry." " OK." "Ah, where have you" "Bye." "I got" " I got it!" "I got it!" "Thank you for having me." "I'm going to miss you both so much!" "Oh, us too." "House will feel empty without you." "Can't you guys stay a little longer?" "Oh, no, no." "They want to get their new life together started." "We don't want to hold these crazy kids back." "Bye, Morty." " Bye." "Listen, I-- hope it's OK, but-- your mom told me some of the stuff that you've been going through, you know, with the-- plumber guy across the street." "She did, huh?" "Yeah." "Don't give up on him." "If I'd given up, I wouldn't be here now with this lovely lady." "Did she tell you that he served time in prison for manslaughter?" "No, she left-- she left that part out." "I don't suppose she told you he was a drug dealer." "I don't recall that." "[You don't] know the whole [story.]" "I went over there and I told him how much you love him." "What?" "What were you thinking?" "What did he say?" "Yeah, what did he say?" "I think I walked in on him in a very bad time." "Someone close to him had just died." "Oh God, really?" "He could use a shoulder to cry on." "Did I do wrong?" "Please, I can't stand it!" "Mm!" "Oh George, you have got to taste this." "I can't wait." "Mmmh." "Oh, is that fennel seed?" "It's fantastic!" "I don't know, but anything that good has got to be sinful." "Isn't this fun?" "Trying different dishes, opening the mind to different experiences." "Rex just hates these cooks tours." "He likes to stay at home with the same old plate of spaghetti and a mug of root beer." "So how about this Marinara sauce?" "I think it's the best I've ever had." "I've had one better, but that was in Italy." "You've been to Italy?" " Mhm!" "Rex and I took a vacation there." "Right before the kids were born." "It was so much fun in those first few years." "I guess it was just easier to be happy back then." "I don't know why I just said that." "No more wine for me." "Maybe we should go to Italy." "What?" "Wouldn't that be oh?" "Going to all those museums and cathedrals, it's fantastic for tourists." "We could just pick figs off ourselves." "I can't go on a trip with you, George." "Why not?" "I'm married." "People would talk." "All right, I'm sorry." "It's a bad idea." "Oh, don't worry about it." "Here, I want you to try one of these clams." "I bet they're as good as the Marinara sauce." "Mmmmh." "You are absolutely right." "It's that good, this has got to be sinful." "OK, boys." "It's 7 o'clock, it's time for bed." "Sweetie, let's go." " I don't want to go to bed so early!" "I told you, honey, Daddy and I have a special meeting tonight." "Go on!" "Oh, I love you!" "Hi!" "Hey." " Hi." "Whoa." "All right, this is the tenth day." "Hey honey, give me a second to let the office wear off." "I mean" "What are you thinking?" "I was wondering what that smell is." "Oh." "It's probably baby drool." "There." "Now you got easier access." "I am coming right" "What?" "Well, that smell really soaked through, huh?" "Yes, it soaked through a little." "That is the nature of baby throw-up." "Do you want me to wear a haz mat suit or are you going to be OK?" "No, I just like it when you're clean and in your sexy clothes." "I don't own anything clean and sexy!" "Everything is covered with either baby spit or chunks of melted crayon" "OK, I said I'm sorry!" "You make me feel like I just got off the shrimp boat, for God's sakes!" "Honey, I said I'm sorry." "It's just that, you know" "Guys sometimes like it when women put a little effort into things." "OK, um" "Can we just go back to the kissing thing?" "Please?" "Can we try that?" "Fine." " Honey" "OK." "Off." "Mo-o-o-m!" "Mo-o-o-m!" "Susan Mayer hired you." "I know." "She decided to start poking around in your life and called me of all people." "Lucky for you, I've got the biggest ad in the phone book." "What am I going to do?" " Run." "Pack up your kid and get out of town." "That's tricky." "My son doesn't want to move." "He can be pretty insistent." "Well, I can throw off the scent for a while." "Fine." "All right then." "Tell me exactly what it is you want this woman to believe." "She was born Angela." "But when she was a teenager, she changed her name to Mary Alice." "On my application it says that she was named after a relative she no longer speaks to." "Here's her birth certificate, and her Utah petition for legal name change." "What about Dana?" "There was a record of another child." "A girl." "Dana Marie Young died at 18 months, apparently from some kind of fall." "That was all true." "Everything he said." "How could I have been so wrong?" "Well, I'm going to need a cheque." "Oh, of course." "Actually, before you go," "I need you to check into someone else's background." "There's this plumber I know." "Hey!" "Did you get my messages?" "Yeah, I didn't want to call you back because I wanted to talk to you in person." "I have some potentially upsetting news." "Come on, Mrs Solís, you can tell me." "I can handle it." "I'm pregnant and it might be yours." "I could barely afford my new dirt bike." "How am I going to handle child support?" "We don't even know for sure if it's yours, so relax." "And I didn't come here to watch you freak out." "Then why did you come here?" "Cause I want to make sure you let me protect you." " From who?" "Carlos." "Your parents." "John, something like this can ruin your life." "That's why you have to keep quiet about our affair." "There's no point in this catastrophe taking both of us down." "Thank you." "Forget about it." "I should've worn a condom." "Yeah, that would've been helpful." "You hired a private investigator?" "I can't trust Mike, and I want to find out what really happened." "From a source that doesn't have an agenda." "Now open it up." "OK." "Ready?" "Go." "Stop!" " What?" "Um" "If you find out something that's really bad, just try to put a positive spin on it." "OK." "I have some good news and some bad news." "Give me the bad news first." "The guy Mike killed was a cop." " Oh my God!" "OK." "Give me the good news." "There is none." " What?" "You told me to spin it." "I did the best I could." "Forget it." "Just let me look at it myself." "Can't believe it." "What is it?" "I know her." "What's going on here?" "You two just won't stop, will you?" "Deirdre's dead." "It doesn't matter who killed her." "Just let it go." "It's not that easy, "Keirdre"." "Why?" "My sister hated you." "Both of you." "She said so." "That was her drugs talking." "Right." "The drugs." "Deirdre humiliated this family, and she threw our love back in our faces." "She knew it, and she couldn't have cared less." "Are you done?" " No." "I want to know what you're planning." "We're just talking." "I don't believe you." "Then don't ask." "Of course I don't want a new cardiologist, but Lee's been conducting tests for weeks." "He should've been able to figure out what's wrong with me by now." "Honey, we socialize with them." "What am I going to say to Helen?" "All I know is, I've never felt worse." "I got to do something." "Um, I" " I have to talk to Edie." "Bree!" "We're going to be late!" "Oh, it'll just take a second, I need to, um, get-- a recipe!" "Edie!" "Hi!" " Hi." "I saw you at Fredo's yesterday." " Yeah, I saw you too." "Ts, ts." "Naughty, naughty!" " I beg your pardon?" "The guy." "The one you were spoonfeeding." "Not bad." "A little petite for my taste, but then again," "I'm not the one sleeping with him." "This is exactly what I was afraid of." "George and I are just friends." "Hey, I'm not judging you." "I get it." "I mean, Rex was sticking it into that hooker housewife." "It's payback time." "you have got the wrong idea." "That man is my pharmacist." "You could have an affair with anyone, and you choose a pharmacist?" "You are such a Republican!" "I am not having an affair!" "George and I, we just talk." "He's a very good listener, and I share my hopes and dreams with him, and my innermost thoughts, and that's all there is to it." "You have to believe me." "OK, I believe you." "Thank you." "I'm glad we cleared this up." "I know it must have looked strange, and I didn't want you to think that I was cheating on my husband." "But you sort of are." "Excuse me?" " Come on, Bree." "You're telling this guy your innermost thoughts?" "Your hopes, your dreams?" "Sex aside, it sounds like you're pretty intimate with a guy that's not your husband." "Oh, I mean, everybody needs someone to talk to." "What's wrong with talking to Rex?" "We're not home, please leave a message." " Hello Zach!" "It's Felicia Tilman." "I do so enjoy our little visits, and I haven't seen you for a few days." "I hope everything's all right." "Zach's not feeling well." "Oh." "Paul." "And I don't think it's appropriate if he spends so much time at your house." "I made you some cocoa." "How are you feeling?" "I've felt awful for two days now." "I think I should see a doctor." "It's probably just a touch of the flu." "We'll keep an eye on it." "It's this house, Zach." "I feel it too." "It isn't healthy for us to stay here." "I told you." "I'm not moving." "It would be for your own good." "You can't keep running around, doing the kinds of things you're doing." "Susan Mayer's kitchen, for example." "People are going to catch on." "Yes..." "Wouldn't it be great to just start over somewhere in the country?" "You could meet some new friends." "Maybe even meet a new girl." "How about I let you sleep on that?" "We'll talk about moving tomorrow." "The lack of passion in her marriage had become an unpleasant reality for Lynette." "Then one day, it occurred to her the best way to fight reality was with a little fantasy." "Of course, all the fantasy in the world won't do you any good if no one shows up to enjoy it." "I really feel bad about putting you out like this time." "You're not putting anybody out." "You've been flying all day." "Why stay in some hotel?" "I just hope you don't mind sleeping on the sofa." "Yeah." "The sofa should be fine." "Hey honey." "Why don't you just let the maid get that?" "Ha ha ha, not funny, Tom." "By the way, Gary's showering." "He asked if you could bring him a clean towel and-- and your riding crap." "Come on!" "No, I'm glad that you find my humiliation so entertaining." "Honey, you were wearing a French maid's costume!" "I mean, come on, what were you thinking?" "I was thinking our marriage was in trouble and one of us ought to do something to try and save it." "Wow, since when is our marriage in trouble?" "OK, so we haven't had sex for a few days." "Big deal." "It happens." "Oh." "That's Annabelle." "How ironic!" "How is Annabelle roll into this conversation?" "Because she now comes to this house every morning to remind you what I'm not." "What?" "She's the fantasy, Tom." "The hot woman you work with every day, with her manicured nails and her designer outfits." "I-- am the reality." "The wife who never wears makeup and whose clothes smell like a hamper." "This may have been the stupidest thing you've ever said." "I used to be the fantasy." "There was a time when I didn't need a maid's outfit, because I knew I was enough for you, even wearing a smelly T-shirt." "And clearly, that's no longer the case." "OK honey, I don't know what to say." "If there's a way for me to fix this, I will do it." "Just tell me, and I will do it." "No, there's nothing to fix." "We've changed." "That's all I'm saying." "You ready?" "You should go." "You don't want to keep Annabelle waiting." "Be careful with that." "It'll get the baby heartburn." "Can't get it hot enough." "My hormones are killing my taste buds." "I'm paying more attention to your food than you have to me lately." "I plan on getting really fat, as a tribute to your mother." "John!" "What are you doing here?" "I've been doing some serious thinking about the baby." "Really?" "Why?" "Look, there's a good chance that it's mine." "And if it is, I want to do the right thing." "No, no!" "Nobody expects you to do the right thing!" "I kind of figured you'd try to blow me off." "That's why I'm going directly, Mrs Solís." "What?" "Are you crazy?" "He would kill us both." "He and I need to hash this out." "Man to man." "That's what's best for the baby." "John!" "Are you going to go get him or am I?" "OK." "You win." "Wait right here." "Uh" " Don't get out!" "Why?" "Because I was going to get in." "Yeah." "You see, pregnant women have very strong urges." "All right." "OK, I'm going to freshen up, and I'll be right back." "OK." "You sit!" "Sit!" "I'm turning on some music." "Um" " Carlos is unavailable at the moment." "You're lying." "John, what're you doing?" "Mr Solís!" " Stop it!" "Mr Solís, open up!" "John!" "What are you doing?" "John!" "John!" "Please, get out of the way." "John!" " Get out of the way!" "Oh my God!" "My God, it burns!" "I'm sorry, it's just salsa!" "Feels like acid." "Really?" "I've been finding it so bland." "Mr Solís!" "Mr Solís!" " John!" "Mr Solís, come out here, I need to talk to you!" "Shut the hell up!" "Listen to me." "You are never going to be the father of this baby!" "No matter what the paternity tests say, it's Carlos's child." "How can you say that?" "Because Carlos can provide, John." "He will give this baby everything." "Piano lessons, and summer camp, and the best colleges..." "He can raise this child the way a child deserves to be raised." "You can't." "This isn't about money." "This is about what's best for the baby." "If you want what's best for the baby, I think you will help me." "Hey, help me make sure that this kid does not grow up poor like I did." "What's taking you?" "Hey John." "What are you doing here?" "Uh-- he" "Justin was thinking the hydrangeas need a replacement." "He wanted me to come by for a second opinion." "Your friend is a good kid." "But he's not half the gardener you are." "You should come back and work for us." "I mean, we're practically family." "Thanks, Mr Solís." "Zach?" "Are you here?" "I have to do this, dear." "I know you'll forgive me." "Hey." " Hey." "Are the boys asleep?" "Tucked in tight." "Get a penny?" "Sound asleep." "Good." "OK, when this thing goes off, meet me in the bedroom." "What are you-- what is this?" "Wait till it goes off." "All right!" "I'm coming in!" "Oh my God!" "You want fantasy?" "I'll give you fantasy." "Come to me, woman." "Prepare to be bored to death." "Please, will we make it past this stage?" "I'm scathing." "I kind of like it." "Good, get out the lights." "No." "Please." "I'm not turning off the lights." " Please." "No, no, no." "It's open." "Oh, Paul, it's you." "I'm so glad." "I have some papers I want you to look at." "Where's my son?" "Upstairs, sleeping off those tranquilizers you gave him." "I don't know what you think you're doing, but I'm taking my son and going." "I am not my sister, Paul." "You do not want to screw with me." "Martha kept a journal." "Every drab event of her drab life, meticulously documented." "Including her discovery that you and your wife stole a baby." "A baby named Dana." "I'm sorry if the copies are hard to read." "I hid the originals in a safe place." "It seemed like a reasonable precaution, since you murdered Martha and all." "Would you like a cookie?" "Suit yourself." "Now, I have a little proposition for you." "These are the fantasies of a bored, lonely woman." "They prove nothing." "The only reason the police haven't caught you yet is because they have no reason to suspect you." "But once they find out that Martha was blackmailing Angela --sorry, Mary Alice" "What it is you want?" "The same thing you want." "For you to leave town, change your name and start your life over again somewhere far away from here." "If you're so sure of yourself, why don't you just turn me in?" "Because Zach would never forgive me." "And it's important that we be on good terms, seeing as how he's going to be living with me now." "What?" "You're bad as a parent." "You're about to become a fugitive." "Is that the kind of life you want for your son?" "The two of you spending every night in a different town?" "No." "You're a better father than that." "I can't just leave him." "You stole him so that he could have a better life." "That was a noble act, Paul." "Truly." "And it's time for you to be noble again." "Can I at least say goodbye?" "Did you allow me to say goodbye to Martha?" "Oh, hi." "I'm looking for Kendra Taylor." "I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave." "Oh." "You don't understand." "See, I can't just drive away." "Please, back in the car!" "Look, um" " Bob." "Let me try to explain." "In the car!" "See, this is maybe my last chance to find out if I can be with the man I love." "Ma'am" " And Bob," "I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me!" "So I'm going to walk up to that house, and you're going to let me." "And you know why?" "Because behind that badge and that big you-could-crush-me-like-a-fly chest, there's the heart." "A heart that believes in love." "Just get in the damn car!" "It's not my fault you don't have love in your life!" "Susan?" "Hi, Kendra." "And despite the evidence, despite all that's been laid out in front of me," "I just can't help thinking there's more to the story." "Does that sound stupid?" "No, no." "Of course not." "Unfortunately, you've got the whole story right here." "Look, Mike's lawyer will probably get self-defense, and if that's the case" "Delfino sold black tar heroin to my daughter." "He killed the cop who tried to bust him, got convicted and did his time." "End of story." " Dad" "She deserves to hear the truth, however awful." "I'm sorry, Ms. Mayer." "I really am." "I appreciate you talking to me." "What the hell was that?" "If she knew the truth, she'd go running back to him." "She might talk him out of doing this job." "I can't risk that." "Just don't have the time." "Quick." "Drive around the corner." "We need to talk." "What do you think, Rex?" "I'll choose greens." "That'll work whether Gabrielle has a boy or a girl." "That's great." "What's the matter?" "You've been mopey all day." "I'm sorry." "I'm just worried about the test results." "If they don't find out what's wrong with me soon, I'll lose my mind." "Oh honey." "You must get tired of hearing me complain." " No." "No, not at all." "I think that we should talk about it." "In fact, I think maybe we don't talk enough." "Yeah, I guess." "Why don't we start doing things together again as a couple?" "Mhm." "I think that as soon as you're well enough, we should go on a vacation." "Take a trip, go somewhere fun." "Remember our trip to Italy?" "Yeah, sort of." " Sort of?" "You don't remember the glorious food and the gorgeous scenery and" "What I remember is sweating like a pig and wishing we hadn't spent all our savings." "So where would you like to go?" "It doesn't matter." "You decide." "Michael wasn't a drug dealer." " What?" "Deirdre was." "Mike-- he kicked the habit earlier on." "But Deirdre couldn't -- or didn't want to, I don't know." "Anyway, she spiralled out of control and was in and out of jail." "One day, an undercover cop caught her using." "And he forced her to trade sex for freedom." "Mike found out about it, and he tried to put a stop to it." "He busted in on the two of them." "He" "The cop pulled a gun on him, and Mike fought him off." "But they both went over a balcony." "Mike was the only one that got back up." "It was self-defense." "Yeah." "Mike went to jail, trying to save my sister." "But he couldn't." "I knew he was good." "I just knew it." "Thank you." "The vow is simple, really." "Those who take it promise "to stay together, for better or for worse," ""for richer or for poorer," ""in sickness and in health," ""to honor and to cherish," ""forsaking all others" ""until death do us part."" "Yes, the vow is simple." "Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part." "But if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever after." | {
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"Welcome, welcome, welcome." "It's a little quiet in here." "Oh, you just beat the rush." "Uh, let me get your order before, uh... before I get swamped." "I'll have a Til'amin froth." "I'll have a..." "What was that?" "What was what?" "!" "Oh, that!" "That's, uh... just my nephew and Chief O'Brien repairing some conduit." "You'll get used to it." "The Klingon restaurant." "It would be quieter." "When are you two going to be done in there?" "When the conduit is repaired and brought back up to safety specs." "Well, hurry up before I lose all my customers." "I need to get something." "What?" "Two root beers." "Aah..." "Hyperspanner." "Optronic coupler." "How did you know I was going to ask for a phase decompiler?" "I was paying attention, sir." "That you were, Cadet." "My father says I can learn a lot from you." "He says you can fix anything." "I'm an engineer." "That's what we do." "There." "Good as new." "Amazing." "Damn!" "We repaired the leak right away but the problem was worse than I thought." "The entire plasma distribution manifold is shot." "Can you replicate a new one?" "No." "Cardassian manifolds use a beta-matrix compositor which can't be replicated." "Well, I suppose we could contact Gul Dukat and ask him if he has any spare manifold systems lying around." "I'm sure he'd jump at the chance to help us." "Any other ideas?" "We could send a salvage team to the abandoned Cardassian station in the Trivas system." "Empok Nor." "It's the same design as this station." "The Cardassians pulled out about a year ago but there's good chance that the plasma manifold system is still operational." "What about Dominion activity in the area?" "There hasn't been any for several months." "Strategically, they seem to have lost interest in that sector." "But there is one problem." "It's standard Cardassian procedure to booby-trap a facility before abandoning it and a lot of the surprises they leave behind are specifically keyed to attack non-Cardassians." "Sounds like you should take a Cardassian along." "So, what did Captain Sisko do to persuade you to come along?" "How do you know I didn't volunteer?" "He threatened you, didn't he?" "Nothing so coarse." "The Captain bribed me." "He offered to help me procure a larger space for my workshop." "The latest dressmaking equipment is surprisingly bulky." "Well, whatever he did, I'm glad you're here." "What's the matter?" "Well, it's just that lately" "I've noticed everyone seems to trust me." "It's quite unnerving." "I'm still trying to get used to it." "Next thing I know, people are going to be inviting me to their homes for dinner." "Well, if it makes you feel any better" "I promise I will never have you over." "I appreciate that, Chief." "Ah, don't mention it." "Anything to return the favor." "Disarming Cardassian booby traps is my least favorite kind of engineering." "I can certainly understand that but don't worry." "I have some experience in that area." "Booby traps?" "I can't believe I let you talk me into volunteering for this." "Well, it beats working on the waste extraction system." "Besides, how often does an engineer get to wear a phaser?" "Hate to disappoint you, Pechetti but the only thing you're going to be using that for is shooting voles." "Empok Nor's been abandoned so long they're going to be hungry." "Don't worry." "You play with your wrenches." "We'll watch your backs." "Can I help you, Cadet?" "I'm reporting for duty... sir." "Welcome aboard, Cadet." "Thank you, sir." "And may I say, it's a privilege to be here, sir." "You've earned it." "But one more "sir," and I'll leave you behind." "Very well, s..." "Chief." "Let's get going." "Next stop:" "Empok Nor." "What are you doing?" "Regrouping." "But you're losing." "That's why I need to protect my assets." "This is not a financial transaction." "Protecting your assets is what got you into trouble in the first place." "You have to go on the offensive." "You have to attack." "Your move." "Oh, this is maddening." "Asking a Ferengi to play a Cardassian game is like asking a Klingon to chew with his mouth closed." "Kotra is not about "regrouping" or hoarding "assets."" "It's about bold strategy and decisive action." "Chief, would you like to take on the winner?" "I'd love to play kotra against the hero of Setlik III." "What is that supposed to mean?" "Oh, we all know your distinguished war record... how you led two dozen men against the Barrica encampment and took out an entire regiment of Cardassians." "If you play kotra with half that brazenness we'd have quite a match." "I'm not a soldier anymore." "I'm an engineer." "I see." "So when you and Dr. Bashir go into the holosuites for hours at a time, you're just repairing them?" "What's your point, Garak?" "I'm just curious." "Why do you and Dr. Bashir spend hours in the holosuites, dressed as fighter pilots reliving ancient battles?" "We... do it for fun." "It's a game." "And so is kotra." "And I'd love nothing more than to play against a man like you." "Maybe some other time." "Chief, here's the wish list you wanted." "Three categories." ""Must-have"...which includes the manifolds and plasma recoilers." ""Could-use"...things like, uh, EPS matrix converters." "And "would-be-nice"... bypass displacers, polarity maximizers that sort of thing." "Cardassian emblems and insignias?" "Well, a low priority, but if we happen to find some..." "This is a salvage operation, Pechetti not an opportunity to indulge your collecting obsession." "Right." "Approaching Empok Nor, sir." "Take us out of warp." "Run a full scan." "I'll take the helm." "The station's main power supply and life-support systems are off-line." "No life signs." "I'll take us into transporter range." "Oh, I don't think we can risk beaming aboard." "There are probably pattern scramblers rigged to go off if they detect a non-Cardassian transporter signal." "That could be messy." "We'll have to dock." "Landing pads are sealed." "We'll have to try an upper pylon." "Won't the airlock have booby traps?" "You can count on it." "And someone's going to have to disarm them before we dock." "I volunteer, sir." "The scanner in the airlock might mistake your enthusiasm as Cardassian..." "but not your DNA." "No, I'm afraid I'm the only one who has a chance of getting through." "Ah, welcome to Empok Nor." "Thanks for having us." "Take whatever you need." "My house is your house." "All right, listen up." "We're going to break up into three teams." "Nog and Stolzoff, you're with me." "We'll do the "must-haves."" "Pechetti and Amaro, you'll do the "could-use."" "Boq'ta and Garak..." ""would-be-nice."" "Garak has disabled the central security net but there could be booby traps anywhere." "Don't move into an area until you've scanned it." "If you see something that isn't right don't touch it." "Call for help." "All right, let's go." "Ugh." "What's this?" "It's a biogenic compound." "I wonder where it came from." "Follow me." "These look like stasis tubes." "Cardassian." "He's been dead for about a year." "Hey, look at this." "Interesting." "A regimental badge." "Third Battalion" "First Order, if I'm not mistaken." "This is going to make Pechetti's day." "Both those tubes have been activated recently." "Coil spanner." "Flux-coupler." "Uh-oh." "Flux-coupler." "I left it on the runabout." "I'll go get it right away, sir..." "I mean, Chief." "Garak to O'Brien." "Go ahead." "Could you come down to the Infirmary?" "There's something you should see." "On my way." "That's not right." "A runabout doesn't disengage from its docking clamps and blow up all on its own." "Which leads me to believe that the former occupants of these chambers are up and about." "If you're telling me that there are two Cardassian soldiers from the Third Battalion loose on this station we're in trouble." ""Death to all."" "That was their motto." "Three simple words and they certainly sum up their credo nicely." "Why would the Cardassians abandon this station and leave behind a few soldiers in stasis tubes?" "Why do you think?" "To guard it." "The tubes were probably rigged to wake them up as soon as someone came aboard." "Well, that's possible, but one thing's for sure... they're out there somewhere and considering what they did to the runabout" "I don't think they're too friendly." "Maybe they're just upset because we haven't introduced ourselves." "We should find them." "Say hello." "This thing's not working." "Neither is mine." "They must have set up a dampening field." "We've got to get out of here." "Let's call for help." "How?" "The station's subspace transceiver was ripped out when the Cardassians evacuated." "Well, we could always try sending smoke signals." "That's not a bad idea." "The deflector grid is still relatively intact." "If we could modify the field coils to emit a series of covariant pulses..." "We could use the station like an old-fashioned telegraph and tap out an S.O.S." "For the pulses to be strong enough to reach Deep Space 9 we'll have to boost power to the induction grid." "Pechetti, you go down to the Habitat Ring and bring the microfusion reactor back on line." "Stolzoff, you go with him." "Boq'ta, realign the magnetic flow field in Conduit G-4." "Amaro will watch your back." "Nog and Garak, you're with me." "We'll set up the signal generator in Cargo Bay 4." "Aye, Chief." "Use your communicators as little as possible." "We don't want to give away our positions." "Any questions?" "Let's go." "Well, I'm not convinced Stolzoff was right about our Cardassian friends." "Why would anyone voluntarily seal themselves into a stasis tube... perhaps for years... just to guard an abandoned station?" "Even the Third Battalion isn't that fanatical." "Something else is going on." "Maybe so, but I don't intend to be here long enough to find out what it is." "That's the trouble with humans." "You don't know how to appreciate a good mystery." "I love a good mystery... the kind I can read in bed... not the kind that's trying to kill you." "Don't get me wrong, Chief." "I want to get off this station as much as you do, but I just know if I don't figure this out it's going to nag at me for days." "All right, now, let's concentrate on finishing the signal modulator so that we can get out of here." "You have the whole trip home to sort out your mystery." "Nog?" "I need your help with the phase discriminator." "On my way, Chief." "Do you mind not aiming that at me?" "Don't worry, the safety's on." "Tell me you did that." "Maybe I did activate the turbolift without realizing it." "I'm going up." "Okay." "Whoa." "Pechetti!" "Stolzoff to O'Brien!" "A Cardass..." "Stolzoff?" "Stolzoff!" "The Cardassians must've surprised them." "They're probably using the internal sensors to track us." "Take it easy." "We're going to get out of here, you can count on that." "But we've got to stay focused." "Now, it looks like Pechetti was almost done getting the microfusion reactor back on line." "I'll finish that and then I'll go back down to the cargo bay." "How are you doing with the conduits?" "L-I'm done." "Good." "Now, you and Amaro get down to Auxiliary Control and reconfigure the pulse generator." "We're going to split up?" "We have to." "If we don't send out a signal we're never going to get off this station." "But, Chief, what if we..." "I need you, Boq'ta." "You can do this." "Don't worry." "I'll watch your back." "Stolzoff was supposed to be watching Pechetti's back." "Look what happened to them." "What if I send Garak with you, too?" "Would that make you feel better?" "I'm flattered." "But I'm afraid I have other plans." "What are you talking about?" "I don't intend to stand around waiting to be killed." "Meaning what?" "Meaning I'm going after those two Cardassian soldiers... and neutralize them." "Besides, all this whining is giving me a headache." "You're going to have more than a headache if you don't do what the Chief wants." "Amaro..." "You'd like to shoot me, wouldn't you?" "You're dying to kill a Cardassian... any Cardassian." "Let him go." "If he thinks he can neutralize the Cardassians let him try." "He'll be doing us all a favor." "That's the spirit." "Why don't you come with me, Chief?" "Kill a few "Cardies."" "It'll be like old times." "Wouldn't you like to avenge their deaths?" "No." "I just want to get everyone home." "You're fighting your instincts, I can see it but the hero of Setlik III is still inside there somewhere." "If you're going to go, go." "Nog, you go with Boq'ta and Amaro." "Aye, sir." "It's all right, Chief." "He can stay with you." "For some reason knowing Garak's going after those Cardassians makes me feel better." ""Access denied." "Access denied."" "Don't you know how to say anything else?" "Apparently not." ""Access denied."" ""Access denied."" ""Access denied."" ""Access denied"..." "how monotonous." "Looking for me?" "Oh, that felt... good." "Chief, why does Garak keep bringing up Setlik III?" "Because he wants to get under my skin." "But you were a hero, weren't you?" "That doesn't mean" "I like thinking about what happened then." "I was a soldier, Nog." "Sometimes soldiers have to kill." "Come now, Chief, don't be so modest." "You did a lot of killing." "How did you get in here?" "Both doors are secure." ""Secure" is such a relative term wouldn't you agree?" "I've brought you something." "If you don't mind." "I'm sure Pechetti would have appreciated it more, but..." "Where did you get this?" "From its former owner." "You killed one of the soldiers?" "One down, one to go." "By the way, I took a tissue sample from the soldier's body." "The analysis was rather fascinating in a grim sort of way." "It seems the unfortunate soul had been given a massive dose of psychotropic drugs." "Why?" "I'm not sure, but I can tell you one thing... it wasn't to make him amicable." "The drug's protein structure seems designed to amplify my people's xenophobic tendencies." "My guess is that the soldiers that were left here were part of a Cardassian military experiment." "The High Command was probably looking for a way to further motivate their troops." "So they gave them a drug to make them hate anybody but Cardassians." "Then why did they attack you?" "That's a good question." "Maybe it's an experiment that went wrong." "That's why they were left in stasis." "They were uncontrollable." "I'd love to stay and hypothesize all afternoon but once I've set my mind to a task" "I hate to leave it unfinished." "What is it, Chief?" "You look different." "How so?" "That's not the face of a tailor." "I'm not a tailor." "Not for the moment, anyway." "You know..." "I once bought a suit from Garak." "Turns out the sleeve was a little long." "I remember being angry when I brought it back to be fixed." "Is there a point to this story?" "If I'd known he was so dangerous" "I never would've complained." "You think he'll get the other Cardassian?" "I hope not." "I want to get him myself." "I don't blame you." "Stolzoff was my friend." "We were at the Academy together." "She was my sparring partner." "The first time we faced off" "I remember thinking maybe I ought to take it easy on her." "She ended up taking me down so hard it knocked the wind out of me." "That was the last time I ever pulled a punch with her." "She had this one-two combination... a feint to the right, a back-handed chop to the neck... faked me out every time." "If that spoon-head gives me the chance maybe I'll just try that out on him." "I think Stolzoff would've liked that." "I can't get this loose." "Get me the coil spanner, would you?" "What does it look like?" "It's got two pointy things on the end." "He asked me to get a coil spanner for him." "I just turned my back for a second." "That's a shame." "And the worst part of it is... this isn't a coil spanner." "It's a flux-coupler." "That should do it." "O'Brien to Boq'ta." "Boq'ta, come in." "Amaro, what's going on up there?" "H-he's out there." "Easy now, easy." "Who's out there?" "Garak!" "He stabbed me." "Chief, why would Garak do this?" "Come on." "He may still be close by." "It doesn't make any sense." "Garak's on our side." "Not anymore." "The psychotropic drug." "He must have been exposed to it." "It's the only explanation." "I should've seen it earlier." "The way he accused Amaro of wanting to kill him." "The way he insisted on going after those Cardassians." "He's coming after us, isn't he?" "Yes." "Maybe we can reason with him." "Get him to try to understand that the drug is affecting him." "You saw what he did to Amaro and the others." "He's not going to listen to us." "Then, we have to finish setting up the deflector grid." "We've got to get a distress signal out." "Garak knows what we're trying to do." "He'll stop us." "Don't we have to try?" "Forget it!" "I've already lost four crewmen trying to send out that bloody signal." "Garak was right." "We should have gone after those Cardassians as soon as they attacked us." "You don't wait for the enemy to come to you." "You go to him." "Come on." "We're going after Garak." "Y-you mean, to kill him?" "If that's what it takes to stop him, yes." "I know you're hiding somewhere..." "Ah." "There you are." "Garak to Chief O'Brien." "You'll never guess what I just found." "A kotra board." "The Station Commander left one in his office." "The pieces were scattered all over but I found the last one hiding under his desk." "I can't help thinking what a perfect metaphor this game is for our present situation, hmm?" "Two players, two minds, two strategies each trying to outmaneuver the other... testing the enemy's defenses, advancing, retreating." "We split up." "Enter Ops through the main corridor." "I'll go through the Captain's office." "Wait for my signal." "...that, in the game we're playing the stakes are life and death which makes it so much more interesting." "I haven't had this much fun in years." "My heart's pounding." "The blood's racing through my veins." "I feel so alive... and I'd wager, so do you." "It looks like I've captured your last piece, Chief." "If you want it back you're going to have to take it from me." "It's your move, Chief." "What are you going to do?" "Attack?" "Retreat?" "Surrender?" "Listen to me, Garak, it's the drug." "It's affecting you." "You've got to fight it." "Fight it?" "But I'm enjoying myself." "This is the most exciting game I've played in years." "It's not a game!" "Oh, but it is, and the best thing about it is that it brings out the player's true nature." "Where are you, Garak?" "!" "I saw the look in your eyes when I took the Ferengi away from you." "You wanted to kill me." "You wanted to strangle me with your bare hands." "I just want my crewman back, that's all." "You're a killer, admit it." "We both are." "Behind your Federation mask of decency and benevolence you're a predator just like me." "No, I'm nothing like you." "Oh, but you are." "You proved that on Setlik III." "How many Cardassians did you kill?" "Ten?" "20?" "100?" "I don't remember." "Oh, but you remember how you felt." "The Cardassians were killing your men." "You had to stop them." "You had to make them pay." "Blood for blood!" "You enjoyed killing them, didn't you, huh?" "You enjoyed watching the life drain out of their eyes." "All right, Garak, you want to finish this game?" "Fine, let's finish it." "You and me, face to face." "Nothing would give me greater pleasure." "We'll meet on the Promenade." "No weapons!" "No weapons." "You have no idea how hard it is to keep from pulling this trigger but I need you alive." "They've come to cheer you on, Chief... your loyal team." "Apparently, they've forgiven you for getting them all killed." "My supporters may be fewer in number but they're no less loyal." "I thought we agreed, no weapons." "What's that in your hand?" "Well, how did this get here?" "But we won't be needing these, will we?" "Put yours down." "You first." "Put it down... or say good-bye to the Ferengi." "Don't do it, Chief." "Oh, he has nothing to worry about." "I'm not going to shoot an unarmed man." "What fun would that be?" "You wouldn't happen to have another one, would you?" "Naughty, naughty." "Your turn." "I admit I am tempted to end this right now." "But that would be depriving myself of too much enjoyment." "I'm disappointed, Chief." "I expected to see the bloodlust in your eyes but all I see is fear." "Maybe it's true." "Maybe you're not a soldier anymore." "You're right." "I'm an engineer." "You okay, Nog?" "I'm all right, sir." "Is he dead?" "Did you kill him?" "No..." "I didn't." "He should be all right in a few days." "I've neutralized the psychotropic compound that was affecting his nervous system." "He looks so peaceful." "It's hard to believe he's the same man who attacked us." "In a way, he's not." "The drug brought out the worst parts of him and allowed them to take over." "He wasn't in control of his actions." "Can I talk to him?" "For a minute." "I thought you might like to know that we salvaged the plasma manifold." "It's being installed right now." "Mission accomplished." "I guess it didn't exactly go the way any of us expected." "You know there's going to be an inquest." "Yes." "I've been told that." "Chief, I was hoping to ask a favor." "Don't worry, once they know the facts..." "It's not about that." "I'd like you to express my... deepest regrets to Amaro's wife." "I'd talk to her myself but I'm not sure she'd welcome that." "I'll tell her." "I'd appreciate it." "Julian tells me the blast broke a couple of your ribs." "Well, it could have been worse." "If I'd been any closer to that phaser it would have killed me." "Don't take this the wrong way, but... that was the plan." "I understand." "See you around." | {
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"Okay, I'm ready." "Previously on This Is Us..." "I'm gonna go ahead and spare us both the seductive birthday dance this year." "I'm sorry, baby, but it's my birthday, and I would really like to see the dance." " My water just broke." " Yep." "I'm Dr. Katowski." "Dr. Schneider's appendix burst an hour ago." "He just went into surgery." " Baby?" " Something's not right." "We lost the third baby, Jack." "I'm..." "I'm very sorry." "Which one's yours?" " Those two." " Congrats." "Someone left a newborn at my fire station." "I didn't know what to do, so I brought him here." "Smoke?" "No." "Life's strange." "I'm telling you, this is gonna work." "♪ Baby, everything is all right ♪" "Oh!" "Ah!" " I told you they'd like Stevie!" " They're kicking!" " Do you feel that?" " Oh, my God." "♪ Out of sight ♪" "You hear that, Big Three in there, huh?" "Wow, that's crazy!" "♪ From across the railroad track ♪" "♪ Only shirt I own is hangin' on my back ♪" "♪ But I'm the envy of every single guy ♪" "♪ Since I'm the apple of my girl's eye... ♪" "Farrah." "As in Fawcett?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I actually like Farrah." "All right." "God, I like you pregnant." " Right?" " Uh-huh." "I love being pregnant." "How much do you love being pregnant?" "I love it a lot." "Think we can make some quintuplets?" "Jack, I have to pee." "Yep." "All right." "Ready?" "One, two, three." "Okay." "I hate being pregnant." "Whoa." "None of my shoes fit me." " Really?" "Um, well, hey, uh..." " No." "... why don't we get out of the house today and we'll go buy some new ones." "No." "My stomach literally cannot stretch anymore, Jack." "There's no more room in there." "Just six weeks away, babe." "Just six weeks, okay?" "And they said that triplets come early." "So we're almost there." "There are three human beings inside of me, Jack." "And they're all lining up to go down the waterslide, and we don't have anything done for them yet." "We have cribs." "And we-we have" " Big Three onesies." " We have cribs inside a barely finished house that is littered with moving boxes." "I have a million things that I have to do." "And I'm gonna have to duct tape garbage bags to my swollen clown feet to get any of it done." " I got it." " No, no, no." "Jack, don't run away from this conversation." " I'm not done talking yet!" " I'm just answering the phone, dear." "Hello?" "Hey, it's Miguel." "Just calling to wish you a happy birthday." "Hey, thanks, man." " So, what do you guys got planned for the big day?" " Um..." "She, uh... she went to the dark side, man." "Yeah." "I actually think she forgot my birthday." "Yeah, well, that happens." "Why don't you come out with me for a few hours?" "Shelly took the kids to Jersey." "Give Rebecca some space." "It's your last birthday of freedom." "Yeah..." "Jack!" "When you're done talking with your girlfriend, can you bring up some toilet paper?" "!" "Hey, Miguel, pray for me, okay?" " All right, man." " Yeah." "I hope you didn't forget, hon," "Peter and the kids are coming over today." "Don't worry, I took the day off." "Gonna go by the store later and get some junk cereal for the little ones." "I know, I know." "It's bad for their teeth." "But it's what they like." "And I'll be damned if I'll be the first grandfather in human history to deny his grandchildren." "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." "It's been two weeks since my last confession." "Tell me your sins." "I lied to my wife." "She hates when I smoke, so I told her I stopped." "Well, actually, I did stop." "Haven't had a cigarette in a week." "But yesterday I bought a pack." "I just wanted to hold 'em, you know?" "You should tell her the truth." "Uh..." "Yeah, I know." "Thing is, Father, we actually... haven't exactly been in a great place lately." "For a while, really." "Which kinda blows." "Sorry, Father." "Because the best moment of my life was the morning I met her." "She rear-ended me." "Totally her fault." "I got out of my car to go scream at her... but I saw her face." "And I walked right up to her and stuck out my hand like an idiot and said, "Hi, I'm Joe." "Don't worry about what just happened." "Could I take you out for a cup of coffee?"" "So that's why I'm really here, Father." "I was wondering if I could be so bold to... ask you for a little miracle." "It's hot." "I'm so hot." "Are you hot?" " Not really..." " It's hot." " So hot." " Yeah." "Hey, why don't we go to the movies today, huh?" " Mm-hmm." " Yeah?" "Go see a double feature?" "They got AC all day, snacks, popcorns, all that stuff, yeah?" "I want to be alone." "Wait, you what?" "Jack, the house isn't done." "It's not ready." "There are moving boxes everywhere." "I trip over them all the time." "There just..." "There are too many things in this house, and I need you" " not to be one of them." " Babe, the house isn't..." "Get out!" "Wow." "What?" "Nothin'." "Oh, I see." "Okay, so now I'm the crazy wife who's making your life totally miserable," " huh?" " I'm not miserable." "I'm just..." "I'm-I'm starting to get stress vertigo anytime we have a conversation about a... a grocery list or, you know, any conversation," " for that matter." " Huh." "But... you are carrying my children, so I'm gonna leave you to your afternoon." "Thank you, sweetheart." "Hey, baby?" "Yes, babe." "I love you so much." "I love you." "But do not come back into this house until you've had a major attitude change." "Hey, God." "I know we only talk during play-off season, but if you're listening..." "I'm concerned that my wife might be possessed by demons." "Hey!" "Thanks again for the bathroom sex at Froggy's, Jack!" "Oh, God." "Mmm." "I'm a monster." "Guys... ... when are you coming out?" "How much longer?" "Okay." "One, two..." "Mm, mm, mm..." "I am a monster." "Nathan?" "Nice to see you out and about." "Oh, hello, Anne." "Yeah." "That stuff will rot your teeth," " you know." " Ah." "Well, Peter's coming over with the kids, so..." "Ah." "Yeah, I can't seem to take it off." "Nor should you." "After I lost Donnie..." "I..." "Well, it takes time, is all." "Yeah." "You look thin." "Just old." " If you're old, I'm ancient." " If you're ancient," "I'm dead." "Well, I better get going." "Yeah." "Nathan." "If you need a good meal or... just some company down the road," "I'd love to make you dinner sometime." "Well, I'm always on call, is the thing." "You never know when this thing's gonna go off, and..." "Plus, you know, babies... like to come at dinnertime." "Of course." "I understand." "Well, you take care of yourself, Nathan." "Yeah." "You, too." "Hey." " I'm back." " Hey." "Went to church." "Saw Father Williams." "Oh, yeah?" "Good." "He's going to put us in his prayers." "Well, that should do it." "What have I done now, Samantha?" "Nothing." "You know what I asked him to help me with?" "Father Williams?" "I asked him to save my marriage." "I see." "Interesting to hear." "I'm due at the station." "So, what are we doing here again?" "'Cause it's your birthday." "And my gift to you is this... showing you the way." " Golf?" " Golf." "Nah, man, it's..." "it's not my thing, pal." "Last I checked it's not your thing, but..." "What?" "I'm just..." "I want to get back to Bec." " What?" "No, no, no." " I'm-I'm gonna take off..." "Give her space." "There's gonna be plenty of time for you to become a martyr, I promise." "Right now we need to get you some new clubs." "No, look, I-I don't want to spend the money." "Wrong." "Being a father means that every once in a while you get to buy yourself something." "Because your kids get everything else." "Uh..." "Look at these guys." "I-I don't like golf." "Nobody likes golf." "I don't like golf." "But that doesn't matter." " We need to get you some new shoes." " Yeah?" "Let's go." "Match your pink pants?" "Okay." "Um..." "Yes." "Okay." "Cake." "All right." "Mm." "Yeah, I can do that." "Okay." "Really?" "Sugar." "Okay." "Shelly." "Hi, Shelly." "It's Rebecca." "I am the worst, most terrible wife in the entire world." "I totally forgot that it's Jack's birthday today." "And all he was doing was trying to make me feel better, and I kicked him out of the house." "I kicked him out of the house on his birthday, Shelly." "And I don't have a car, and I really want to make him this... fancy chocolate almond cake for his birthday." "Oh, God." "And I usually do this, like, really... sexy Marilyn Monroe-style birthday dance for him, and..." "Oh, my God." "He's gonna leave me." "He's gonna leave me for some... some hot, not crazy dental hygienist named Stephanie who doesn't forget his birthday." "I guess you're not home, huh?" "This is Rebecca." "Did I say that?" "Okay, bye." "Okay." "Who wants to go to the grocery store?" "Huh?" "All of you do." "Great." "Okay." "Let's go." "♪ Baby ♪" "♪ Everything is all right ♪" "♪ Uptight ♪" "♪ Out of sight ♪" "♪ Baby ♪" "♪ Everything is all right ♪" "♪ Uptight... ♪" "Stop it." "Do you want me to bust that bottom?" "You know what?" "I don't..." "I don't care..." "Will you stop?" "No." "Sorry." "No, Charlie, Charlie... ♪ Is all right ♪" "♪ Uptight ♪" "♪ Out of sight, baby... ♪" "You look good, Dad." "You really do." "Well, those Jane Fonda tapes must be working their magic." "Seen the new Star Wars film yet?" "Empire Strikes Back?" "It's got a real twist for an ending." "Life has enough twists." "Alli liked Ordinary People, the new one with Mary Tyler Moore." "Oh." "Your mom liked her." "Well, you should check it out." "Maybe see if a friend wants to join you for a flick." "There anybody out there you might like to... take to a movie?" "A friend?" "My son is about as subtle as an elephant with gas." "Why don't you tell me some more about this, uh," "Ordinary People movie?" "Well... it was really moving to see Mary play such a complicated mother..." "You don't see that often." "Tony, Carl, this is my best friend, Jack." "Today's his birthday." " Oh, happy birthday, man." " Happy birthday!" " Thank you." " And his wife's pregnant with triplets." " Oh." " Ooh." "Come on, it's not gonna be that bad." "Oh, Jack, come on, now, I..." "I love you, and I'm excited for you." "You are a superhero." "But don't kid yourself... triplets are gonna be bad." "So we're buying him his first set of golf clubs." "No, look, you're not buying anything." " He's skeptical." " You're gonna love golf, Jack." "A round of golf takes at least four hours..." "Five if you suck, which, luckily, most of us do." "Five blissful hours, where your wife won't tell you that you're holding them wrong or feeding them wrong or just being generally wrong." "Jack." " Sorry." " You all right?" "Yeah, I just... just keep thinking about my wife and how I just... want to get home to her, hang out with her, make sure she's okay." "Which is crazy, because she's at her absolute worst right now." "I mean, like, Exorcist level bad." "But I still don't want to escape her." "Or my future vomiting, crap-riddled kids." "I just, I want more time with them." "I want to freeze time with them, so-so that I can get a little bit more." "Well, thanks, Miguel." "I think I am gonna buy myself a present." " Great." " Yeah, just not here." " Nice to meet you guys." " Hmm." " You, too." " Have a good game." "Well, that guy's gonna make us look bad." "Hi." "Hi." "Okay, I need to make... a fancy chocolate almond cake as fast as humanly possible." " Okay." " So I'm gonna need... butter... sugar, flour, almonds and semisweet chocolate." "Ma'am, this is a liquor store." "I know." "I know." "But it says that it's "Liquor and more."" "So where's the more?" "You were the only store within walking distance." "Really?" "Okay." "What's your name?" "Teddy." "I'm Rebecca." "Hi." "Teddy, here's the deal." "I haven't slept well in the last couple of nights, right?" "I cry when my socks are mismatched." "And I was really, really, really mean to my husband." "Really mean to him." "And he's pretty much perfect." "I've seen what else is out there." "So I need to make him something for his birthday." "Do you understand me?" "I need to make him something homemade." "It doesn't have to be fancy chocolate almond cake." "It just has to be homemade, something that I make with my own two hands so he can see how much I love him." "'Cause I was really mean." "Do you understand?" "Yeah." "I got, um, banana muffins." "I'll take a banana muffin." " Do you have icing?" " Uh..." "I got Twinkies." "You can squirt out the insides." "Uh... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "I can... work with that, I guess." "I'll take six Twinkies." "Okay." "Uh, that'll be, uh, $4.25." "$4.25." "Okay." "Okay." "Thank you, Teddy." " It was nice meeting you." " You, too." "Thank you so much." "Uh, Teddy?" "I got it." "I need to stretch." "I'll grab it." "Hey, you." "Where'd you come from?" "Someone just left him." "Right at the door." "Just like that, like in the movies." "We should take him to the precinct." "Cops'll know what to do." "What do you think'll happen to him?" "He'll go in the system, probably." "I'm sure they got a routine in place for this type of thing." "You know, foster care or adoption." "Whatever." "I'll take him over to the precinct." "You're a little miracle, aren't you?" "Aren't you?" "Hey, little bugs." "I'm sorry I've been complaining so much lately." "'Cause I really enjoyed having you as my sidekicks this year." "You have really great taste in music, by the way." "I guess I'm just, um..." "I'm a little... overwhelmed." "Not about meeting you guys..." "I can't wait to meet you guys." "I can't wait to meet you guys." "I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I can't wait to make Halloween costumes for you, which is weird, because I'm not a big Halloween person." "I've been acting out lately." "I've been terrible to your dad, who is just... perfect." "He is so perfect." "Oh, my God, you guys are going to freak out when you see how awesome your dad is." "Honestly, you're gonna be... huge fans." "I think I'm nervous about you guys meeting me." "I don't know how much you can tell from in there, but I am not gonna be the perfect mom you've probably been dreaming about." "You guys dream, right?" "I think so." "I'm impatient." "And I'm... stubborn." "And, uh I stole an Abba-Zaba bar from the grocery store in fourth grade." "And I'm... terrified that I'm gonna make a hundred wrong decisions and ruin the chances that you guys have to lead the perfect lives that you deserve, but..." "I will protect you fiercely." "And I will always sing to you when you can't sleep." "And I will always be excited to hear you laugh." "I bet you guys are gonna have wildly different laughs, huh?" "I love you so much it hurts, and I haven't even met you yet." "It's crazy." "Mm." "So, I guess what..." "I'm trying to say is, um... you are gonna have to take the good with the bad when it comes to me." "So, now that you know all of this, are you still... excited to come and join me out here, huh?" "I'll take that as a yes." "You are so beautiful." "Jack, what are you doing?" "Where did you get that thing?" "Eh, I thought that we needed it." "Babe, wait, have you been filming me this whole time?" " Yeah." " No." "It's okay, don't worry, it doesn't-it doesn't get sound, just picture." " Turn it off." " Uh-uh." "Come here." "Come here, baby." "I forgot your birthday." " It's okay." " No, it's not okay, 'cause you are the world's greatest husband." "And you're gonna be the world's greatest dad." "And I promise you, me and the kids..." "We're gonna make you those cheesy mugs every year for your birthday." " Yeah?" " Yeah." "And I-I... got you the world's worst birthday present." "And I made you the world's worst birthday cupcake down in the kitchen, but I don't know..." "I had to do something." "Oh." "Oh, that is..." " that is exactly what I wanted." " No, it's not." "Well, there is a certain dance that I look forward to every year..." " Jack." " Yeah." "No." "Stop." "I was..." "I was actually thinking like, um," "I don't know, like, a shoulder rub." " Eh..." " Babe." "None of my lingerie is gonna fit me." "That's okay." "Birthday tradition doesn't care." "Mm-hmm." "Okay." " Yeah?" "Yeah?" " Yeah." "All right, cowboy." "So, I'll meet you in the bedroom in five minutes." " You know what to do." " Mm-hmm." "Strip down to your birthday suit." " Uh-huh." " Okay." " Okay." " Uh-huh." "It's my home, Peter." "I'd appreciate if everyone spoke at full volume." "Now, what's on your mind?" "Dad, we're officially worried about you." "Well, that is officially unnecessary." "We miss her, too." "Dad, she's been gone for over a year." "14 months." "Nathan... you're still a young man." "I mean, you're working, what, 60 hours a week at the hospital?" "I wish." "That would be a vacation." "Maybe you could take a vacation." "Please stop." "Mom's gone, Dad." "I know she's gone." "You don't think I know she's gone?" "I buried her, Peter." "I was married to her for 53 years and I buried her." "I don't need you to tell me she's gone." "And I will never move on, so stop asking me to." "She's my wife." "She was my life." "And I love you two, but if you tell me to move on again you will not be welcome in our home." "There's my grandkids." "Hey, who's ready for some junk that'll rot your teeth out?" "Hey." "Shh, shh." "Sam." "What?" "I'm in the middle of reading something." "What is that?" "He was left at the doorstep of the fire house." "The same day I asked Father Williams for a miracle, he was literally left at our doorstep." "So..." "He was meant for us, Sam." "We couldn't have kids, and we grew apart because of it." "But now..." "Stop." "Joe, that is not our baby." "That is just some child who was left by a terrible person at your fire station." "Sam..." "I'm sorry, but, God... come on, Joe." "A baby is not just gonna fix us." "That is a newborn baby." "You need to get it to a hospital." "Now." "Before you get arrested." "Ow." "Okay, I'm ready." "Hey, you promise you like your gift?" "The towel?" "It's absolutely terrible." " Suit's on?" " Yes, ma'am." " Your birthday suit?" " It's the only one I've got." "I had to put the lingerie on top of my clothes." "I see that." "It wasn't a great moment for me." "Tradition is tradition." "Peter and Alli came over today." "He is your son, through and through, that's for certain." "Stubborn as a damn mule." "He thinks he knows something 'cause he's been married for... what, ten whole years?" "I love that boy, but... my God." "Carol, I'm gonna say something now, and you have to promise now not to be mad at me." "Every morning, I open the, uh, medicine cabinet, and I just stare at all your..." "Um..." "Baby, I don't know if I can keep doing this without you anymore." "And I, uh..." "I'm really not sure that I want to." "God, I miss being with you, and I..." "Well..." "Duty calls." "We'll, uh... finish this conversation another time, okay?" "I love you, baby." "I've never heard Dr. Schneider scream obscenities like that before." "Well, a burst appendix'll do that for you." "Mm." "Give me the run-down again." "Uh, Rebecca Pearson, 30 years old." "First-time mother with triplets." "How's the mental state?" "She's good." "Calm." "I meant the husband." "What the hell could this thing possibly be for?" "It's for rectal examinations." "That one's from the dirty pile." "Sorry." "Now, then, I'm Dr. Katowski, but you can call me Doc or Dr. K, which is what most people choose to do..." "Shh." "First male is out." "Something's not right." "Your wife is in distress, Jack." "We lost the third baby, Jack." "I'm-I'm very sorry." "I need to be with my wife." "You will be, but she needs to sleep now." "You just sit there." "I lost my wife last year." "Cancer." "Five children, 11 grandkids." "But we lost our very first child during the delivery." "There she is." "Hi." "You did so good." "Yeah." "What's wrong?" "We lost one of the babies." "No." "No, that's not true." "Yeah." "No, that's not true." "That's not true." "That's not true." "It's okay." " No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" " It's okay." "No." "No, no, no, you're lying to me." " Yeah." " We have three babies." "We have a boy and a girl." "We do." "It's okay." "I like to think that maybe one day, you'll be an old man like me, talking a younger man's ear off, explaining to him how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer..." " Which one's yours?" " Um and turned it into something resembling lemonade." "Wow." "How about you?" "Which one's yours?" "None of 'em, actually." "Strangest damn thing." "Someone left a newborn at my fire station." "I didn't know what to do, so I brought him here." "Huh." "Smoke?" " No." "Thank you." " Oh." "If you can do that, then you will still be taking three babies home from this hospital, just maybe not the way you planned." "Hi, baby." "I felt all of them, Jack." "I felt all three kicking." "I know." "I really felt like we were meant to have three." "Me, too." "What if we still are?" "Hey." "Baby okay?" "Yeah." "You're a good man." "What?" "We've been awful lately." "Um..." "And you find an abandoned baby, and your first thought is to bring him home." "To try and... repair us... with him." " It was stupid." " Yeah." "But also sweet." "You ever wish we could just start over?" "Go back to where we started, like that first day, you know, just try to do it all fresh?" "Yeah, sometimes." "All the time." "It's all I want, honestly... to start over." "Hi." "I'm Samantha." "Don't... worry about what happened back there." "Can I take you for a cup of coffee?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "God, that was a day." " You hear the latest?" " What's that?" "Couple with the triplets." "He's been asking about the baby from the fire station." "Might be thinking about adopting." "Hmm." "Well, I'm out of here." " Night, Dr. Katowski." " Mm-hmm." "I, um told a young man about the baby, yesterday, hon." "I haven't spoken to anybody about that in... a really long time." "And I, uh..." "I gave him some advice." "And it seems he may have actually listened to me." "It seems he may have taken the worst thing that ever happened to him in his life, and tried to push on." "There isn't a minute that goes by that I don't think of you." "And I..." "I hope you know this." "I hope this is what you would want me to do." "I expect it is." "Come on, Randall." "Let's go." "Great." "You guys ready?" "Yup." "We watch these every year." "Yeah, well, it's my Father's Day, and I pick the movies, so we're gonna start at the beginning." "What are you saying, Mom?" "Secret." "Can you tell us?" " No." "Thank you." " No?" "No." "Let's watch it, okay?" "I like to think that maybe one day, you'll be an old man like me, talking a younger man's ear off, explaining to him how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade." "If you can do that, then you will still be taking three babies home from this hospital, just maybe not the way you planned." | {
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"Never found out why you left him" "But this answer begs that question" "Too blind to see tomorrow Too broke to beg or borrow" "Span the distance Bridge the border" "Beg forgiveness Round the corner again" "One more point of contention" "I need some intervention" "Approaching failing tensions" "Are you sure you don't wanna go to my room?" "No." "Why?" "My roommate's already moved out." "We'll be all alone." "All right." "The door is locked." "Okay,Jim, relax." "Relax." "Okay, yeah, sure." "No strings attached, okay?" "It's just friendly good-bye sex." "Yeah, right." "Right, right, right, right." "Yeah, right." "Right, right, right, right." "Uh, yeah, but you see, it's just that, um, we've never even had friendly hello sex." "So do you not wanna do this?" "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." "Oh, I do." "Yeah." "No, I definitely do." "Uh, it's just that, you see, this is actually my first time." "Well, not my first." "It's my first time, uh, since my..." "first time." "So, technically, that's my second time." "And I" " I don't-- I don't wanna suck at it." "So if I'm not up to par, performance-wise" "Jim, this isn't exactly a turn-on." "I mean, girls like a guy with confidence." "Hey, I'm confident." "Oh, I am" " I'm absolutely, totally confident." "Oh?" "Yeah." "Let's get naked." "Okay." "Seems like just yesterday my dad picked me up after my first year at college." " Mm-hmm." " We popped a couple of beers, and he said, "Now, you're a man."" "And today I get to say the same thing to my son." "Honey, your speeches embarrass him." "So, try and do what the kids say, and just... be cool." "I think I bring new meaning to the word "cool," honey." "That's his dormitory up ahead." "Turn over." "Okay." "Ow." "Can't bring alcohol in the dorms." "Oh, uh, good." "Thank you, uh, Matt." "I'm just here to surprise my son Jim." "Now pin my leg up." "What?" "Pin my leg up, like this." "Uh-huh." "Oh, yeah." "Maybe you can help me out, you know." "Okay." "Is that the one?" "No." "There!" "Oh, yeah, yeah!" "Oh, oh, oh, okay!" "Now I remember." "I didn't do this for you." "Thanks, dude." "Where's my big guy?" "Oh, my God!" "Oh, no." "Hey" "Jesus!" "Jim, we got here a little early." " Dad, get out!" " I'll wait in the car." "Go, Dad!" "Oh, my" " Geez." "Was that your dad?" "Yeah." " I'm so sorry." " For your own edification, son, I just-- I'm not embarrassed." " I am!" " It's a perfectly normal thing for two" " Dad, what are you doing?" " This is human nature." "Human nature at its best." "Son, everybody does it." "Your mother and I-- Well, not so much anymore." "Got your favorite." "Oh, my God!" "They're fucking!" " No!" "No!" " Honey, honey, listen." "No, no." "I'm gonna take her" "Please just go!" "Actually, if you wouldn't mind." "Honey" " I'll take her to the car." "Hi, Mama." "What?" " Natalie!" " I'm Jim's dad." "You must be the parents of this young lady." "I'm sorry I didn't get her name, but hopefully my son did... because I have not been here the whole time." "because I have not been here the whole time." "Natalie, get dressed!" " Beer?" " Avert your eyes!" "Turn around!" "Thanks,Jim." "You don't believe in locks?" "Oh, my God." "More time apart will give you a few more months to argue" "Is this too much to live through It always seemed to far to" "Drive the point home Send more letters" "Pray tomorrow Ends up better" "Heya, fuckface." " Mornin', dude." " Come on, Ozzy." "It's show time." "Ozzy, before you go to Ann Arbor to pick up Heather, I wanna show you what you're missing." "See what they are today, dude." "See what they are today." "Okay, here we go." "Moment of truth." "Ooh!" "There's little hearts on her panties!" "Super." "There's little hearts on her panties!" "Come on, look, you pussy." "Look." "What the fuck, man?" "Come on!" "I'm disappointed in you." "Here it is, the end of our freshman year and you screwed one girl." "One." "You're a disgrace to men everywhere." "Look at the Stifmeister." "I got laid 23 times this year, and I'm not counting the hummer I got in the library stacks, baby." "All right, here's a new idea for you, Stifler, okay?" "You find a girl." "You two become best friends." "You don't bother counting how many times you have sex with each other." " You just laugh at the people that do count." " Here's a new idea for you." "I'll get you a spoon so you can eat my ass." "Okay, people." "Notebooks closed." "Let's get this exam rolling." "Holy shit, dude." "We got an exam today?" "You kiddin' me?" "Bullshit." "Yes!" "I'm never even gonna think about political science again." "Hey." "How'd you do?" "Oh, fine." "Yeah?" "I can't believe I'm doing this summer abroad thing." "Last thing I need is more classes." "You're gonna have a great time." "Hello, summer!" "Did that exam blow or what?" "Yeah, it sucked." "Ozzy!" "Kev, what's up, man?" "How are you?" "Good." "Put your party hat on." "We got 12 weeks of immortality ahead." "Yes, sir!" "Weird." "Ah, the one that got away, huh, son?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Well, evidently you two made quite the handsome couple on the Internet." "Oh, I didn't see it." "It, uh, was brought up at a P.T.A. meeting." "Anyway, my point is, these little sexual debacles should not get you down, because you know what?" "It happens to the best of us." "In fact, the first time your mother and I... got together," "I used a condom." "Well, she referred to it as "shrink wrapping."" "But I got over it." "Anyway, keep your chin up." "You keep plugging... and, uh, good things will happen." "Good to have you home, son." "It's good to be home, Dad." "It's gonna be nice to hit Stifler's tonight after exams." "Did you get through 'em?" "There's the mystery man!" "Finch, how are you?" "Kevin." "Konichiwa." "James." "Konichiwa." "Konichiwa." "It's Japanese." "It means "hello." Hello." " Finch, what happened to Latin?" " I met a Japanese girl at the art museum." "Changed majors." "Wanted to understand all those things she was moaning." "You got laid in an art museum?" "The Met." " Oh, and the Guggenheim with Francesca." " The Guggenheim?" "And then my social-psych professor in Baskin-Robbins." " All right, enough, Finch." " But I'll tell you, none of these women... even compare to" "Stifler's mom." "Stifler's mom is a goddess." "How about some more of Stifmeister's collegiate concoction?" "This thing is like half alcohol." "You're just trying to get me drunk." "Mary, would I do that?" "My name's Christy." "Christy, right, right." "Beautiful name." "Like it matters." "Hey, how you doing?" "Hey." "Howdy-howdy, fuckin' partners!" "Johnny C., how's it going?" "Good to see you." "Oh, looks like someone gained a freshman 15." "This'll help." "You're an asshole." "Missed you too." "All right, everybody having a good time?" "Ladies." "Fellas!" "How's it going?" "The keg's back there as always." "Enjoy." "Ladies, I'm Steve Stifler and I have an 11 -inch penis... around!" "Think about it." "Sherman!" "Okay, Stifler, take your shot." "Ha, ha." "Come on, man." "I'm really happy to see you." "All right." "You stupid fuck." "Hey." "Hey, are you Steve Stifler?" " Yes, I am." " Well, thank you for throwing this awesome party, man." " No problem." " Yeah, the cops bust all our parties now." "Well, I put the word out... so high-school chicks would come." "Just 'cause you fuckers don't have dicks doesn't make it right for you to be here, you know." " Uh, hey, man, could I ask you a question?" " Sure, son." "Is it true that Paul Finch nailed your mom?" "Sons of bitches." "My mom's a saint!" "Go suck some dick!" "Hey, Carlos, Jason." "What's going on?" "Keg's back on the deck." "Hey, how's Iowa State?" "Did you see those fuckers I had to boot outta here?" "Yup." "Back at Stifler's." "It's just like old times." "One difference." "We're college men now." "Some of these girls are from the grade below us." "I might actually have a chance." "Hey, I remember you." "Oh, do you now?" "You're that guy who blew his load on the Internet." "Splat. "Oh, wait, Nadia, don't go." Splat." "Pathetic." "Loser." "It's exactly like old times." "I'm gonna miss you." "I'll miss you." "I'll call you when I get in, okay?" "Go have fun." "Okay." "Bye." "Bye-bye." "I can't believe those two girls, Kevin." "Jim, it's not a big deal." "No." "Yeah." "They toyed with my emotions." "Hello." "Hello." "See?" "There's other girls." " How are ya?" " You got nothing to worry about, man." "Hey, Jessica's here." "With Vicky." "And Vicky got... hot!" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Look at her." "Yeah,Jim, I see her." "Hey, Kevin." "I'll be right back." "Hey, Vic, how are you?" "What's up?" "I'm okay." "Yeah, I'm good." "That's good." "It's good to hear." "Yeah, you too." "Wow." "Well, this is about as comfortable as a high colonic in Tijuana." "And I would know." "Okay." "I'm gonna get a drink." "She's right." "Why is this so weird?" "Actually, l-I have no idea." "See, I knew it." "I knew you'd be mature about this." "You know, and we could still be friends, right?" "Yeah." "I miss you, Kev." "Whoa." "Friends, right?" "Yeah, right." "I mean, I know you said friends and I" " I just" "I'm sorry." "I was" " It was just... an old habit-- a friend kiss." " Are you sure?" " Vic, why wouldn't I wanna be friends with you?" "Look, we'll-- we'll just do this, okay?" "Friends." "Friends." "Ozzy!" "My man!" "There he is." "Shake off your chains of monogamy." "You're a free man." "I don't think so." "You know I'll never turn over to the dark side." "Dumb ass." "What happened to the 'nova I knew in high school?" "'Nova, as in Casanova?" "The guy who had all the moves?" "Yeah, he was an idiot." "Yeah, but he was my idiot." "Hey, everyone!" "Listen up!" "'Nova's back, baby!" "And he's taking the locks off his cock!" "Ozzy, I'm lobbing you a softball here." "Pull out your bat and take a swing." "Mandy." "This is my friend Oz." "All-state lacrosse three years in a row." "Hey, Oz." "Hi, Mandy." "How are you?" "Listen, I have a girlfriend." "It was a pleasure meeting you." "Beer out back." "You pussy!" "Stifler's mom's room." "How did you do that magic you did?" "Tantra." "What the fuck are you doin' in here?" "Just relax." " You get out of my house!" "Jesus Christ!" "Come back here, you little fucker!" "Come back here, you son of a bitch!" "Take it easy." "Whoa!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Easy!" "Easy!" "That's enough." "Okay, guys, we went through this last summer, all right?" "Finch got a black eye and Stifler got six stitches." "'Cause you fuckin' bit me!" " You touch me, I bite." " You two relax and shake hands." "Shake this!" "Hey." "Finch." "I need a drink." "Why is everybody taking a piss right now?" "The line's too long." "I ain't gonna make it, man." "You'll be okay." "Relax." "Hey, bro." "Hey, man, you're the guy who boned Stifler's mom." "Hey, you are a god." "Holy shit, dude." "If I didn't have to hold my dick 'cause I gotta piss so bad, I would shake your hand." "I'm honored, guys." "Don't leave." "You must teach me." "How?" "How?" "Oh, look what I found, Christy." "Oh, what a coincidence." "I've been saving this for a special occasion... for a special girl, just like you." "You're so sweet." "That's what they say." "Oh, weird." "Oh, my God." "I spilled some on you." "Maybe I should mop that up." "Thanks." "No problem." "Whoa!" "Whoa, hey." "Take it slow." "Come on." "Right." "You know, they warn us about these situations in college." "Now, you may be intoxicated." "Oh, yeah." "Are you certain that you wish to engage in "consensing"" "Hey, don't count your chickens, buster." "I'm just playing by the rules, baby." "I make the rules." "That's a pretty good fucking rule." "Dude, the line's too long." "I'll never make it." "It's gotta happen now." "Get my back." "Go, bro." "Clamp it off." "Hello." " Oh, Laurie." "How are you?" "Hey." "How are you?" "Hi, Lori." " Good." "I'm really good." " How 'bout I give you a little champagne?" " Why don't you go downstairs and get us a couple beers?" " I've got a surprise for you." " Why don't you go downstairs and get us a couple beers?" " I've got a surprise for you." "Close your eyes and get ready." "Oh, I'm ready." "You want a beer?" "Yeah, all right." "Mmm." "Okay, go." "This is kind of kinky, and I like that." "Ohhh!" "That's it." "Bathe the Stifmeister." "Oh, that's great!" "Oh, that's great." "How did you get it so nice and warm?" "I can taste the bubbles." "Actually, I can't." "Much better." "Wait a second." "Let's go." "Thanks, man." "Christy?" "Oh, fuck!" "Oh, fuck!" "Yep." "Half of these got East High parking passes on 'em." "Break up another one." "Call a couple units." "Isn't this the Stifler house?" "Yeah." "You ever seen Mrs. Stifler?" "Oh, what a "milf." Oh, yeah?" "Okay, now, do these high school kids think that we're cool because they're at a college party, or are we those weird older guys that try to hang out with high school kids when we come home?" "No way." "We're definitely not those guys." "Cops!" " Cops!" " All right!" "Break it up." "Party's over." "Let's go." "Ostreicher, Meyers." " Welcome back." " Where's Steve Stifler?" "I got peed on." "No, man, Stifler's got shut down." "We can't party anywhere anymore." "And things are" "Getting weird?" "Yeah, a little bit." "First summer back from college." "Yep, things are gonna get weirder." " What are you talkin' about?" " Well, times change, people change." "It's just what happens, you know." "Kev, listen." "Go into my old room." "My friends and I knew that it was up to us to stick together." "You remember my first college summer?" "We rented that lake house in Grand Harbor." "We treated every day out there like it was a post-prom party." "Hell of a time." "We capped it all off with a massive blowout." "Best ever." "It was legendary." "My advice is do that." "By the end of the summer, you're gonna see the big picture." "I love adventure Nothing's better to me" "She's on the phone." "She's on the phone." "It's long distance." "Who?" "Nadia!" "Nadia!" "What?" "New York." "She's on" " Hello." "Yes, dear, he's right here." "Here." "Wait." "Now remember" "Yes, I am sure to go see the Lion King." "Right." "And don't ride the subway after midnight." "Okay." "I know they've done wonderful things with that city, but, you know, for me" " Dad!" " He's right" " Hang on." "Hey" " Hey, Nadia." "Jim!" "How was college?" "College was excellent." "Yeah." "Yeah, it was-- it was really excellent." "You have not forgotten about me, have you?" "No. I, uh-- Absolutely not." "I definitely didn't." "Good, because guess what?" "I'm coming to see you at the end of summer." "I hope you're ready for me... because I have not forgotten about you either, you sexy boy." "Shit." "Jim, you can eat hot dogs tomorrow." "No, no, Finch, it's not the hot dogs." "Nadia called me this morning." "She's coming here at the end of the summer and she wants to see me." " Oh, that's killer." " Yeah, that's a good thing." "No, not "good thing." Not "killer."" "I'll never be able to do it." "Nadia is gonna be expecting filet mignon." "Okay, and all I'm gonna be able to give her... is rump roast." "Aw, come on." "Jim, you've had experience since Nadia." "Ah, yes, you would be referring to... the flute-fetish band geek that made me her bitch and then ditched me after prom." "Yes, that's great experience." "That's the one." "Ah, you just gotta find the right girl, Jimbo." "Brings it all together." "I had the right woman." "She just sells her cottage and takes off to parts unknown." "Oh, my romantic life has past its peak." "Take me out to the pasture and shoot me." "Super start to a super summer, fellas." "Welcome home." "Guys, I got it." "Pack your bags." " For what?" " We're moving to the lake." "We're gonna be the shit." "Everybody on the beach is gonna know us." "Plenty of opportunities to practice for Nadia." "Throw a huge party at the end of the summer to cap it all off." "Dude, that's a great idea." "That way we'll be able to welcome Heather back... and we'll be able to prepare for Nadia's big arrival." "This is it." "This is my summer of love." "Just thought I'd say good-bye to you animals." "Hey, Mr. Levenstein." "How are you, sir?" "Hey." " All packed up I see." " Yeah, we're all set, Dad." "Don't worry, okay?" "I'll be fine." "Come on and give your old man a hug." " Keep it real, homies." " You too, sir." "Have a good summer." "All right, let's go." "I've been running these numbers here and I don't think the four of us can afford this place." " Not on summer jobs." " Well, I kind of thought of that." "So..." "I invited someone else." "Oh, yeah!" "The Stifmeister's coming back to Grand Harbor!" "Deck the halls!" "Bye-bye, Great Falls!" "Wipe my ass and lick my balls!" "It's Stifler time, baby!" "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Stifler, if you're gonna be living with us you gotta behave yourself." "All right, you and Finch just stay out of each other's way." "Kevin, Stifler's stench is unavoidable." "Finch, fist yourself." "That's right, baby." "We're here." "Yeah, baby, we're here!" "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "'Cause we like having fun at other people's expenses" "Cutting people down is just a minor offense" "It's none of your concern How you shall never learn" "I'm sick of being told to wait my turn" "I don't wanna waste my time" "Become another casualty of society" "I'll never fall in line" "Become another victim of conformity" "It's a palace." "It's a temple." "Isn't this great?" "Ah, dude." "Are you kidding me?" "This just won't do." "I'll do everything" "But you're not that way" "I'm lost around you" "And you'll do everything with the same old lies" "When I can't even try" "Yeah, you get me high I'm feeling so low" "How far will you let me go" "Yeah, you get me high I'm feeling so low" "I'm knocked down by the vertigo" "Guys." "Check this out." "This is it." "I fall behind you" "I'll make the same mistakes with the same old lies" "Will you idiots tell me what this fucker's doin'?" "Don't touch me while I'm tantric." ""Tantric"?" "What the fuck is tantric?" "It's a Buddhist discipline." "You learn to channel your body's energies-- your chakras." "When you can do that, you can have sex for hours, even days." "And this stuff's for real?" "It's been around for centuries." "With tantra you can make an entire session of sex... feel like one giant orgasm." "Eventually, you can sustain that feeling by meditating." "Well, maybe you can teach me sometime?" "Very doubtful." "True." "Come on, Jim." "You can't possibly be that bad." "Oh, no?" "No way." "Well, I guess there's only one person that really knows for sure, huh?" "Oh, yeah?" "Where's she this summer?" "Hey, are you here for the mid-session performance?" "Guests go in the amphitheater." "You can't be here." "Do you know where I could find Michelle Flaherty?" "Guests bring food." "Food attracts animals." "This one time, a bear came, and then the bear had to be destroyed, which means they shot it in the head with a rifle and killed it and it died." "You must know Michelle." "One, two, three, four." "One, two, three, four." "One, two, three, four." "That's a lot of flutes." "Good luck." "Thanks." "Good job." "Have fun at your next class." "Hey, Michelle." "Jim." "Holy potatoes!" "You're really here?" "Everybody stick together." "You're really here?" "Everybody stick together." "Oh, shoot!" "We're" " We're not supposed to have visitors," "Oh, shoot!" "We're" " We're not supposed to have visitors, 'cause this one time, uh... here, this kid had these cookies-- this kid had these cookies" "Let me guess." "A bear came." "Cool." "It's like you know all our stories." "Oh." "Was that a question?" "I don't know." "Maybe." "Do you wanna answer it anyway?" "Michelle, um," "I left you like, uh-- like three messages after prom." "Really?" "You didn't think I was weird because of the way I acted that night?" "Weird, no." "Surprising, yes." "I get nasty when I'm horny." "That's kind of why I'm here." "Um, you remember, was I any good..." "that-that night?" "Oh, wow." "Geez." "How could I forget?" "You sucked." "You didn't know what the hell you were doing." "But wasn't it fun even though you were so terrible?" "I'm sorry. "Terrible"?" "I've had worse." "Oh." "Oh, sorry." "I-- l-I could give you some pointers if you want." "Really?" "Oh." "Oh, shoot." "Okay, wait here." "I'll meet you in an hour, okay?" "Yeah." "Oh, wait." "Cool idea." "Hey!" " What are you doing?" " Ow!" " Ooh." "Ooh." "You're all right." "Here we go." "You know you're not supposed to be here now." "Everyone's supposed to be in the amphitheater." "All right." "Come on." "It's piss-poor to be this late." "I'm very angry right now." "You can tell by the tone of my voice I'm angry." "I'm pissed off is what I am." "Here they are." "Cut 'em off." "Go, go." "Wait a minute." "Are you Petey?" "Petey?" "Uh, yeah, sure." "Petey!" "Well, that explains everything." "All right." "Well, it's always something with these kids." "Go!" "Petey, we are just so thrilled to have you." "None of my kids are at your caliber." "Watch that." "But we are just so overjoyed to have someone with your kind of talent here." "Oh, great." "Here you go." "That's great." "Oh, look at this." "Your old best friend." "Come on." "Move." "I know it's not yours, but you are going to make beautiful music." "Here we go." "This is fantastic." "I'm very excited." "You just own this and break a leg." "All right, all right." "What was he doing out wandering around unsupervised?" "Who knows?" "I'll tell you something." "I'm about fed up with these Tall Oaks North kids." "Kids, entertain yourselves." "Play along with Petey." "No, no, no, no, Petey." "Here we go." "All right, all right." "Come on, now." "A little encouragement." "Right to this spot." "Folks, he's just a little nervous." "This isn't right." "Just blow on it, kid." "All right." "Here we go." "Uh-- Come on, Petey." "Play!" "Do something." "Special, my ass." "Come on." "Give the little guy some support." "Come on, Petey." "You're doing great, partner." "Come on, honey." "You can do it." "Come on, Petey." "Oh, what the hell." "Yeah!" "All right!" "All right, Petey!" "Play it, man!" "Come on!" "Yeah!" "Rock and roll!" "Whoo!" "Thank you!" "Thank you, Tall Oaks." "You're beautiful." "My name is Petey!" "Thank you!" "And I have gigantic balls!" "I" " Michelle" " Not now!" "Come back later." "Go!" "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." "Come back here!" "I wanna talk to you!" "You are so sweet." "He is... special." "He's my bitch." "Well, Michelle has confirmed it." "I suck." "What?" "I gotta get some practice." "Don't worry about it." "I mean, that's why we got the house, Jimbo." "We plop a keg on the deck, and the girls come in off the beach." "It's like a hummingbird feeder." "You think so?" "I know so." "Guaranteed hotties." "Fellas, nice pad." "Good view, but... the Sherminator sensors detect no female life-forms in the vicinity." "High likelihood of a sausagefest in progress." "The girls are comin'." "I made some calls." "Yeah." "The Sherminator's got a point, Kev." "Since when do you start listening to the Sherminator?" "Since he made me realize there's an abundance of wiener here." "I mean, look around, dude." "Dude?" "All right, now it's your turn." "Oh, come on." "There's nothing to tell." "Hey, what's up?" "What are you guys talking about?" "You know, we're just trading war stories about college-- who hooked up with who, who slept with who" "So, Vicky?" "Well, there was this one guy." "How 'bout you?" "Oh, you know, there was a few girls-- three." "Ooh, look at you." "You stud." "All right, Oz." "Now that Kevin told us, what about you?" "You haven't had the slightest bit of attraction to any girl at school?" "Don't you fuckin' say no." "I know you did." "Even if I did, it wouldn't be anything more than just a momentary thing." "Very... uninteresting." "And how about you, Jessica?" "How many chicks did you sleep with this year?" "Gee, wouldn't you like to know." " Fuck yeah, I would." " Come on, Ozzy." " Yeah, man." "Ball." "Poo"s yours." " Hey, Vic, you wanna play?" " Yeah, sure." "You wanna break?" "What the" "Where are the fuckin' females?" "Jim, can't you leave your shirt on?" "You're scaring the chicks away." "Jim, can't you leave your shirt on?" "You're scaring the chicks away." "Dude, give him a break." "Ozzy, go deep." "Yeah, bro." "You playing?" "No." "No, no, keep going." "Flag pattern." " What are you doin'?" " Fishin'." "Are you okay?" " You okay?" " Oh, man, I'm so sorry." "Is everybody okay?" " Amazing." " Yes." "The Force is strong in that one." "Whoa." "The Sherminator detects serious heat at a distance of two meters." "Prepare to deploy beer." "Sherman, dude, let me give you a valuable piece of advice, okay?" "Drop the whole "Sherminator" thing." "Please repeat previous statement." "Look, I know your last name is Sherman, right?" "And that rhymes with The Terminator which was a big hit movie ten years ago." "But you can't tell me a gir"s ever really gone for it." "System overload." "Hasta la vista, Jessica." "What a freak." "Vic, hey, you guys are leaving?" "You know, we barely had a chance to hang out, you know, catch up." "Well, what are you doing this weekend?" "I can get together." "Cool." "Let's hang out." "All right." "Bye, Kev." "See ya, Jess." "No, no, that's all wrong." "Thank you." "Have a nice day." "Good-bye." "So what does he mean, "meet up"?" "You know, like hang out, grab lunch, whatever." "I told you, we're just friends now." "And he totally understands." "Oh, yeah, I'm sure he understands quite well." "He does." "Oh, no, sir." "These are all wrong for you." "I mean, seriously." "Sure." "Well, we're friends." "But it's not like I see her making plans with anyone else." "Right." "I don't see her with a boyfriend." "I think that puts me on deck." " Hey, Vicky only slept with one guy since we went out." "I mean, that like makes me 50%of her entire guy-related life." "You dipshit." "She didn't sleep with one guy." "She slept with at least three." " What?" " When a girl tells you how many guys she slept with, multiply it by three and that's the real number." "Didn't you fuckers learn anything at college?" "Look, he did not sleep with three girls, okay?" "Much like Sly and the Family Stone aren't gonna dance on in here... and gang-bang me between the Afros and the bell bottoms, okay?" "It's not gonna happen." "Kevin Meyers did not sleep with three girls at Michigan." "But why would he lie to me?" "It's not a lie." "It's an adjustment." "The rule of three." "But why would he lie to me?" "It's not a lie." "It's an adjustment." "The rule of three." "The rule of what?" "Three." "A guy tells you how many girls he's hooked up with, it's not even close to that." "Take that number and divide it by three." "Then you get the real total." "So, if Kevin's saying it's been three girls, it's more like one, or none." " None?" " Rule of three." "It's an exact science, consistent as gravity." "Ozzy, I'm happy for you." "At least you've seen a nice bod while Heather's off sucking dick." "Sifler, keep your fantasies to yourself." "Dude, use your fuckin' brain." ""Oh, I'm an American college chick." "La, la, la." ""Your European cultural shit is so charming." ""Ooh, hey." "Hot Spanish guy." "Love your accent." "Love your ding-dong."" "I'm telling you, man, right now there is a dick in your girlfriend's mouth." "Knock it off." "What'd I say?" "Oh, my God!" "Guys!" "Check it out." "Lesbians." "Lesbians live here." "You know, Mr. Homophobic Wizard, that it is possible for women to hold hands and not be gay." "Friends can hold hands." "Hey, Finch, I don't wanna hear about you and your boyfriends." "Go jerk off." "Unnecessary." "Tantra teaches you to hold an orgasm over time... in anticipation of an ultimate moment... to release it upon the world." "I'm filling up to the brim." "That's fucking disgusting!" "Oh, I'm gonna throw up." " Hello?" " Hey, Heather." "You're in!" " Oz!" " How's the studying going?" "I'd hardly call it studying." "I've been going to the Picasso Museum, hanging out at Sagrada Familia, going with Pierre to the Parc Guell." "Hey, who's Pierre?" "One of the guys in the program." "He's got a girlfriend back in France, so we've kind of got something in common." "Ah, that sounds cool." "Yeah, I've overheard them on the phone at night." "And, uh, well, it made me think." "Hey, Oz, I'm reaching under my shirt, and I'm rubbing myself." "Oh ho ho ho!" "Oz, come on." "It's phone sex." "Help me out here." "Okay." "Uh" "I'm going over to my bed." "Yeah." "And I'm lying down." "And I'm slowly... reaching downstairs." "Grab it." "Tell me how big it is." "Listen, Heather, I'm feeling kind of awkward." "Oz." "If we can't physically be with each other, then we have to learn to be more vocal." "Right?" "Right." "Okay." "Okay, here we go." "I'm reaching in my pants now." "And I'm rubbing it for you, Heather." "And it feels so good." "Yeah, me too." "Oh, yeah." "I got" "Call waiting." "Oh, shit." "Hello?" "Wrong number." "Hey." "Hello." "Wrong number." "All right, look, man." "I got my hand on my dick right now, okay, and I'm trying to have sex with my girlfriend over the phone." "Emir, good for you, man." "Okay." "Hey." "Sorry about that." "Where were we?" "I think you were reaching for something." "Oh, yeah." "Oh, yeah, Heather." "I'm rubbing it and it feels so good." "Hey, Oz, I'm touching myself." "What else do you want me to do?" "Oh, Heather, baby." "Why don't you tell me my dick is as big as Stifler's." " Stifler, get off!" " I am getting off just listening to the two of you." " Keep going." " I think we should try this another time." "Yeah, all right." "Bye-bye." "I love you." " I love you." " Come on, you guys." "I was almost there!" " Nice talking with you, Steven." " Stifler, man!" "Repressed." "Repressed." "Check it out." "Potential lesbians leaving the building." "All right." "Now is my chance." "I need confirmation." "Stifler." "Hey, man, what are you doing?" " Go get him." " You ass." "Stifler, get out." "Stifler?" "Stifler." "Stifler?" "Oh, shit, dude!" "I found a dildo!" " Stifler." " Big blue rubber dicks for everyone!" " The people demand rubber dicks!" " Finch, help." " The people demand rubber dicks!" " Finch, help." "Dildo, dildo, dildo!" " What are you doing?" " I'm looking for more lesbian artifacts." "Where'd you get this?" "Finch's ass." "Oh, my God." "Shit!" "Guys, they're back." "Stall 'em!" "Come on." "Come on!" " Come on." "Come on." " This is awesome!" "Danielle, Amber, hi." "Hey." "Just needed the paper, huh?" "Mm-hmm." "Which room?" "W-Which room?" "I can't remember shit." "I was too excited." " I'm in a lesbian stronghold." " Was it in here?" " Shit, man." "Why are you asking me so many questions?" " Was it in here?" "Maybe." "What do you mean "maybe"?" "Was it or was it not here?" "Happy painting, boys." "You gotta get out of there." "They're inside." "Oh, shit balls." " Very original, Steven." " Don't call me Steven." "Ow!" "I can wear that little leopard bikini of mine." "I love that one." "It's so cute on you." "Help unzip me, please." "Oh, yeah." "Okay." "Thanks." "Hey, have I shown you my cute little pink shoes?" "Does it match the pink bikini?" "They're getting naked." "Cute." "Thank you." " Oh, shit." "She's de-pantsing." " Oh, man." "Wait a minute." "They can't hear us inside?" "We won't cross over their radio or anything?" "No, man." "These work on a C.B. frequency." "This girl is so hot." "Two possible lesbians in their bras and panties." " Lesbians?" " Uh" "Did you say lesbians?" " Hot lesbians!" "Don't touch me." "I'm not." "That better not have been what I thought it was." "This is not gonna fit." "Look at you and look at me." "Too big." "I'll get you the blue stringy number." "Johnny West is missing." "Maybe you kicked it under the bed." " Okay, let me look." " Wait." "Didn't you have it when we were downstairs?" "Oh, maybe." "Guys, get the hell out of there right now." "Come on." "Come on." "It's clear!" "Go, go, go!" "They're coming back." "Oh, I'm just so glad I found him." "He's my favorite collectible." "I know." "Hey, guys, we got nothing to worry about." "I just remembered." "I got that dildo from the other bedroom." "Holy shit!" "There's a dildo in my drawer." "Oh, my God!" "You could have asked me if you wanted to borrow it." "Stop it." "Shh!" "What the hell was that?" "I don't know." "Call 9 11." "No 9 11." "Don't call the police." "My God, it's the painting kids." "I'm still calling the cops." "Okay, no, no, no." "This isn't right." "Okay, look." "Stifler did break in here." "You dick!" "But we just followed him in to get him out." "I just wanted proof that you chicks are really lesbians." "You wanna mess with 'em?" "Yeah, it'll be fun." "Let's do it." "Let's do it." "You guys..." "like that?" "Ozzy, stand by for confirmation." "That's a big 10-4 on the confirmation." "Sounds like your little friends outside wanna play too." "Sounds like your little friends outside wanna play too." "You won't be needing this." "Who wants me to touch Amber?" " I do, I do." " Who the hell is that?" "Who's this?" "Uh, this is John..." "Smith." "I'm turning off my radio now." "Okay." "Where should I touch Amber?" "Ass, baby." "Feel that ass!" "Okay." "That's nice." "Oooh." "I know." "You feel his ass first." "Excuse me?" "Yeah, yeah, I like that." "That's good." "It's good." "Yeah, so I got some painting I should, uh" " It's" "Jim, hold on." "I can handle it." "What?" "Stifler, I'm comfortable with my sexuality." "And I would love to see that show." "Bravo!" "One finger..." "on the cheek." "We want... palm... grasping." "Oh, that's too much." "No, no, no." "You don't touch, we don't touch." " Squeeze his ass, son." "You'll like it." " Come on, boys." "Jesus Christ." "Oh, shit." "I'm touching his ass." "I'm touching his ass." "Red Leader, what's your position?" "I'm touching his ass." "I'm touching his ass." "Mommy!" "You can go." "That really wasn't bad." "I wanna go home." "That's too bad." "Never mind." "I'm staying." "Danielle is feeling my breasts." "No way, dude!" "Her breasts are so luscious." "What a wonderful Christmas gift you bought the boys." "My nipples are so hard." "I think I can fix these." "Sweet Jesus." "Your turn." "Oh, yeah!" "No, no, no." "Mm-mm." "Him." "Kiss." "Dude, no." "Wait." "What?" "Oh, yeah." "You want more?" "We want more." "Go get him, tiger." " You're gonna love it." " Do it for us." "Okay, dude." "One, two, three." " That doesn't even count." " That totally counted." " That doesn't even count." " That totally counted." " That's how you kiss your mother." " Don't you say anything!" "Make it real." "You do that, we'll do anything you want." " A-A-Anything?" " Anything." "Anything." "Anything." "You better like it." "Promise." "I promise." "I wouldn't lie." "Come on." "That is what I'm talking about." "Ah, Kev, you can look." "Ooh!" "That's it." "Where's your tongue?" "Good boys." "Very good." "Dude, you're a fuckin' lousy kisser." "What?" "I wasn't trying!" "That's not fair!" "I wasn't trying there." "I'm really" "I'm not-- No judgment." "Nope." "Wait a second." "You were trying?" "Fuck no!" "You were trying!" "Oh, my" " That's disg-- Oh, I kissed Jim!" "Silence." "Silence." "Silence!" "Ladies." "Yes?" "As you were." "Here we go." "Let's do it." "Ooh." "Ahh." "Amber!" "Them girls sound like the two transvestites we picked up in Biloxi, Cooter." "Honey, come on." "Food's ready." "I'm not hungry!" "I can't" "I can't believe it." "Okay, okay, just do it." "Ooh!" "Oh." "Oh, God." "It was worth it." "Hello!" "Oh!" "Whoo!" "Uh, Amber." "Okay, I think that's enough." "That's good." "I want more." "Hell, yeah." "Yeah." "I want more, too, baby." "Mm-hmm." "We're gonna get more physical as soon as we get some" " Hand jobs." " Okay!" " Hand jobs." " You, do him." "We love to watch." "I'm sorry?" "Yeah." "You go." "You go." "We go." "We go." "Don't be a wimp." "Okay." "It's okay." "I know what I have to do." "I need to keep this party goin'." "I'm takin' one for the team." "Mother of God!" "Come on, you pussies." "We had 'em." "I am not touching that." "Put that thing away, Stifler." "Why can't you guys be team players, huh?" "I was the one doin' all the sacrificing'." "Whoo!" "And now, for our devoted listeners, back to the show." "Amber, let me try that dildo." "Okay." "Now wait just a minute." "Stifler wanted to give you two hand jobs?" "No." "Stifler wanted one from us." " What?" "Bullshit." " No, he did, okay?" "And it was horrible." "Very horrible." "You guys, you wanna play some "asshole"?" "Just watching the game, Kev." "Hey, I just wanna do something together." "We just did something together." "Very together." "Ho ho ho." "Stifler Claus is here." "Now, just so there's no confusion," "Santa Porn has just brought us some heterosexual entertainment." "Here you go." "All right." "Here." "And the Stifmeister's provided us some complimentary lubricant." " Whack away, Jim." "Whack away." " Does this stuff really make a difference?" " Oh, yeah!" " Really?" "Stifmeister's palace of love-- uh, straight love." "Oh, hey." "Yeah, I'm fine." " That's Stifler's mom." " Silence." "I didn't really think you were gonna be in Michigan this summer." "Yeah, you're more than welcome to be here." "Okay, stop by in a couple of weeks." "We're having a big party." "Okay, bye." "Uh, Stifler, was that" "Okay." "She's coming." "Stifler's mom is coming here." "Efforts must be doubled." ""Efforts must be doubled."" "Absolutely." "Jenny, where'd you put my clarinet?" "I think I shoved it in your box." "Oh, thanks!" "Bad man." "I'm a bad, bad man." "Michelle." "Michelle." "Hi." "Hi." "Jim, what are you doing here?" "I, uh-- uh-- Well, I thought you had said" "You can't just stand out here." "Look, uh, I need your help." "Nadia's coming back, and I don't" "I don't wanna be this awkward, bumbling, nervous guy with her." "I don't wanna seem like a dork." "Well, I know that feeling." "Spend your life playing in the band, it doesn't exactly give you the ultra-cool hipster image." "I think you're pretty cool." "Seriously?" "Yeah." "Michelle, why did you ditch me after prom?" "I didn't ditch you." "I" " I just" "Our date was over." "I mean, did you want some... funky, weird, next-morning good-bye?" "It's not like I wanted you to pretend you were in love with me or something." "Why would I pretend that?" "Guys do that." "Yeah, well, I'm not like other guys." "I know." "Okay, I'm gonna help you." "Really?" "Yeah, I feel bad for saying that you sucked, even though you kind of did." "Oh." "Okay." "Uh, I'm just" "Let's just get started." "Okay." "Okay." "Now, I'm a hot girl." "Right." "Okay, what do you wanna do?" "I wanna feel your boobs." "No, you dingbat." "You don't just go groping away." "You don't just go groping away." "You gotta preheat the oven before you stick in the turkey." "Okay." "Kiss me, here." "Good." "Okay, now, the collarbone-- kiss." "Good, Jim." "Oh, you're making me wet." "Holy shit." "Really?" "No, I was just saying that so you could practice." "Of course." "Okay,Jim." "That was good." "Let's work on something else." "Does direction matter-- like clockwise, counterclockwise-- make a difference?" "Okay, Jim, this is what I'm talking about." "Your main problem is..." "you're so uptight." "Do I seem uptight about my sexual stuff?" "No." "The biggest pointer I could give you is... you have to feel comfortable in any situation." "Stand up." "Hmm?" " Stand up." " Ohh!" "Now, this is a fucked-up situation." "What happened to preheating?" "We're skipping a few chapters." "Oh, okay." "This is good." "This is good." "Obviously." "Ooh!" "Gilligan's Island, Mr. Howell." "Wh-What?" "You've got to control yourself and think of something nonsexual." "I haven't even touched you yet, and you're turning into the Sears Tower." "I'm sorry." "Yeah, uh, nonsexual." "Right, right." "Um, okay." "Chairs." "Chairs." "Good." "Uh, uh-- Mastodons." "Uh, uh-- Good." "Cleaning my bathroom." "Dung beetles." "Good." "Yeah." "Okay." "Now, don't freak out." "I'm gonna do something to push your threshold." "Okay" "Oh, that's cold!" "What are you doing?" "I just shoved a trumpet in your ass." "Aren't instruments fun?" "Okay, I think you've just crossed my threshold." "We gotta go!" "Call me in two weeks." "I'll be home then." "We can finish lessons." "Okay." "Oh!" "Pointer-- less tongue." "What is it?" "A guest book?" " Yeah, and look at this entry." ""Best thing was the blowout at Tom Meyers' place." "There he is." ""A night not soon to be forgotten." "August '93." It's your brother, man." "Look." "Yeah, his cottage was right down on the beach." "Guys, this is what our party's gotta be." "Something we'll always remember, you know?" "Yes, definitely." "Absolutely." " You go fish." " Finch, we're playing gin." "Oh." "Gin." "Gin." "Just tell me how I got this far" "Just tell me why you're here and who you are" "'Cause every time I look you're never there" "And every time I sleep" "You're always there" " Huh!" "'Cause you're everywhere to me" "And when I close my eyes it's you I see" "You're everything I know that makes me believe" "I'm not alone" "I'm not alone" "I recognize the way you make me feel" " What the fuck?" "It's hard to think that you might not be real" "I sense it now The water's getting deep" "I try to wash the pain away from me" "Away from me" "'Cause you're everywhere to me" "And when I close my eyes it's you I see" "You're everything I know that makes me believe" "'Cause you're everywhere to me" ""Dear 'Jeem.'" ""Chicago is beautiful, but it would be better if you were here." "I'm counting the days." "Love, Nadia."" "Well, I wish you were here, Nadia." "Have you been dirty?" "Oh, yes, baby." "I've been dirty." "Do you want me to clean you?" ""Apply a few drops to achieve desired lubrication."" "All right." "Is that a loofah, or are you just glad to see me?" "Oh, what the hell." "Shit." "Ohh!" "God!" "I been missin' out." "Uh-oh." "Ow." "Oh." "Oh, shit!" "Ah!" "Oh, shit!" "Oh!" "Ow!" "Jeez" "Everybody okay?" "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "Everything's fine." "Shut the fuck up, or I'll break down this door and pummel your ass!" "No, don't come in here." "I'm fine." "Everything" "I just fell out of the bed." "Okay, good night, then." "You sure?" "Okay." "We'll see you in the morning." "Uh, night." "Oh!" "Oh!" "Shit!" "Oh, shit!" "Aah!" "Ow!" "Aah!" "Ow!" "Poison control." "Hello?" "Uh, hi, hi." "Uh, yeah." "Yeah, I kind of, uh," "Uh, yeah." "Yeah, I kind of, uh, uh, Super Glued myself... to, uh, myself." "No." "Uh, no." "Ow." "Don't, uh, don't send an ambulance." "Look, is there anything, uh, you know, around the house?" "Paint thinner." "David?" "Shit." "Don't move!" "Stay where you are!" "Hands where we can see 'em!" "Both hands!" "Get the other hand up, goddamn it!" "I can't!" "I can't!" "I'm glued!" "I'm glued!" "Sorry." "Relax your hands." "I'll take it from here, okay?" "Don't worry,Jimbo." "You're gonna be fine, buddy." "Jim, this happens to the best of us." "Left foot first." "Easy does it." "Good." " Watch your head." " All right." "Take a seat." " Ahh!" " Excuse me, sir." "Are you a family member?" "Fuck, no!" "This is just too good to miss!" "Okay, sir, you're just gonna have to wait here." "All right?" "This summer's turnin' out to be great." "Mucilage is, um, dangerous territory." "And I would think any adhesive product... would have a warning right on the-- on the tube." "I thought it was, uh, uh, lubricant." "Okay, I was trying to use lubricant." "Oh." "Oh." "Son, couldn't you have left that disgusting thing at home?" "Excuse me?" "Well, that kind of material is offensive to me." "Oh, well, we're sorry." "But you see, my son couldn't leave it at home... because he's having a bit of a medical emergency." "That's right." "Thanks, Dad." "Your opinion of his taste in video rentals, I'm afraid, is, uh, not a priority, lady." "Dad-- Okay?" "It's at the bottom of the totem pole." "Okay?" "Thank you, Dad." "Okay." "My son..." "is sitting here right now... with his hand glued to his penis." "But that doesn't mean anything to you, does it?" "Because you don't have a penis." "Or maybe you do!" "Dad" "Sorry." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "Ow!" "You know, it just bugs me when-when-when people speak before they think." "You know, they speak" "How you doin', son?" "Ah." "I've been better." "Boy, that doesn't look too bad,Jim." "Good job, Doctor." "The swelling should subside in about eight or nine days." "The swelling should subside in about eight or nine days." "Eight or" " Eight or nine" "Beach party's in a week." "Nadia's coming." "Oh." "Oh." "Doctor, my-my son has a party in seven days, and there's a young lady coming... that he's been waiting to-- he's been waiting to get with." "I'd tell your son to keep his pants on during that party." "Oh, yes, yes." "Believe me, I will be doing that." "It goes without saying." "But if his pants... decide to come off during the party, could he have full use of his, um, penis?" "Okay." "This should shave a couple of days off." "Oh, good." "Thank you, Doctor." "Jim, that's good news." "This has been a good-news day, son." "Here." "Put this on." "Little chilly out there." "Well, here we are." "You know, Jim, um," "I think we should keep your mother in the dark about the incident tonight." "I think the whole glue thing might get her a little queasy." "I don't know how I get myself into these things." "But thanks for understanding." "You've been really cool." "I mean, between this and, you know" "You know, you may be Jimbo or Jumbo... or Jimbodinny to these guys in here, but I want you to know there are two people... who still remember where James Emanuel Levenstein came from." "We're awful proud of you, son." "Thanks, Dad." "Don't forget your penis cream." "That was it." "Right there." "That was a pure tantric moment." "The ficus, the water-- it was all erotic." "One more stimulant, I would have had full release." "Finch, stay the fuck away from that ficus." " That's a jizz-free ficus." "There he is." "Morning, Jimbo." "How's the twig and giggleberries, man?" "Oh, very colorful." "My dick looks like a paint-by-numbers." "Jim, you're the only guy I know whose dick needs an instruction manual." "Casa de Stifler." "Oh, hey." "What, you're here now?" "No, that's cool." "You know, if you want to hang out with these guys." "Okay, then." "I'll meet you out front." " Hey, Stifler, was that" " Eat shit, Shitbrick." "She's here." "My lady has arrived." "I gotta prepare." "Here we go." "Great." "Stifler's mom is here?" "This could be a disaster." "Whoa." "Not unless Stifler's mom drives a moped." "Moped?" "Fuckers, fuckers, fuckers." "How you doin', boys?" " That's Stifler's little brother." " What are you doing here?" "Pussy, man." "I'm here for the pussy." "Take a number." "Gentlemen, why all the noise?" "Everybody knows that this is my special day." " What is that?" " Is that a fuckin' dress?" "Are you wearing a dress?" "Shitbrick, meet my little brother." "Little brother, meet Shitbrick." " That's your brother?" " Yes." "My lady's not coming." "So my entire... stockpile is wasted, and I look ridiculous!" "Excuse me." "That didn't look too good." "No." "Let's go find your room." "So, where are the fuckin' females?" "I can't believe I finally got you alone." "That only took, what, six weeks?" "So, uh, are you alone too?" " Yep." " Good." "I'm all alone." "Guess what I had in mind?" "Hey, Marco, can you get your balls off me?" " Thanks." " Heather, what the hel"s going on over there?" "Uh, nothing." "It's just my flatmates." "I guess this is kind of a lost cause, huh?" "Yeah, I guess so." "I can't wait." "See ya this weekend?" " I can't wait either." " Bye-bye." " Surprise!" " Holy" " Nadia!" "You're here?" "You're here." "What are you doing here?" "Jim, I got so tired of sightseeing." "But you're-- you're early." "Okay." "Nice to know you." "I will leave." "No!" "No." "Uh, don't-- don't leave." "Don't leave." "No leaving." "Uh, no." "Uh" "It's just, I'm not gonna be ready" "I mean, the party won't be ready, uh, until Saturday." "I can... stay here until then?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna be right back." "Is that okay?" "Okay." "Nadia." "Who's in my room." "Now." "Holy shit." "All right, I've got a plan." "Okay." "How about I come back with you... and you say, 'Hello, this is Michelle, my girlfriend. "" "And obviously, Nadia won't expect you to hop in the sack." "And then we break up the day of the party." "And you're all healed and back on the market." " You're evil." " No way!" "I'm like Cupid." "And I know how to make a girl jealous." "This is gonna be fun." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but we just started seeing each other a few weeks ago." "Um" " But I'd really love it... if you stayed here." "I think you should stay and have fun at the party." "Good for you, Jim." "Of course I will stay." "That's grea" " Aiee!" "That's my nipples!" "She just loves my nipples." "If you could only read my mind" "You would know that things between us" "Ain't right" "I know your arms are open wide" "But you're a little on the strange side" "I can't lie" "Your one vice is you're too nice" "Come around, now Can't you see" "I want you all tattooed" "I want you bad" "Complete me Mistreat me" "I want you to be bad, bad, bad" "Bad, bad" "If you could only read my mind" "You would know that I've been waiting" "So long" "For someone almost just like you" "But with attitude I've waited" "So come on" "Get out at close time Pull out those highlights" "Come around, now Can you see" "I want you in a vinyl suit" "I want you bad" "Bad, bad Oh, no." "Oh, my God." "You still broken?" "Oh, my God." "You still broken?" "No." "I'm fine." "I might have to..." "actually go through with this." "Jim, what's the big deal with Nadia, anyway?" "I mean, okay, so she's 50,000 times hotter... than most girls, but... come on, it's just sex." "Oh, no." "You saw the thing on the Internet." "Did it look like I might have had... a slight interest in Nadia then?" "Add another year to that." "Okay." "Hey, why don't you bring Nadia to the concert first?" "It'll be a cool date." "We'll see how things go." "Michelle, you have been great." "Thank you." "Anytime." "Come on." "You ready to break up?" "You big, stupid dummy!" "Theater is so cool!" "I don't care if you are the best lay I've ever had in my life." "I hate your guts anyway." "Don't say that." "And I don't care if you did give me ten orgasms in a row, because you smell really bad." "No!" "I smell really bad!" "Because we've been having so much sex, and-- and I haven't showered, and I wanna shower!" "So, don't you go being all super-sexy guy anymore, because I am now impervious... to your unrelenting machismo and sexual ardor." "And that includes fucking me in the ass!" "So there!" "We had something special." "What's up?" "What's up, dog?" "Vicky." "Hey." "Hey." "I'm so glad you came." "You want something to drink or-- Hey." "Can I help you?" "Kevin." "That's my date." "What?" "You" " You saved them all." "How sweet." "You don't think I'm a dork?" "Whatever you are, Jim, it is what I like." "Kevin left." "Didn't look good." "Kevin left?" "Just wandered down the beach." "You okay, Kev?" "Wanna tell us what's up?" "Wanna feel Finch's ass?" "No, I" " I went to say hi to Vicky, and she was there with a date." "You hooked up with three girls this year." "You're doing fine." "Rule of three, Oz." "I guess I was living in the past-- wanting to party with you guys... and be with Vicky, it's just like high school." "You remember that day after prom?" "You know, we made a toast to the next step." "I guess I never took it." "My brother said that by the end of the summer I'd see the big picture." "And I see it." "No matter what, times change and things are different." "The problem is, I don't want them to be." "You know, Kevin, I haven't moved on either." "I've been obsessed with the one woman I can't have a real future with, other than a very kinky, extremely warped one." "I gotta find a new goddess." "It's gonna take patience, but I've been celibate all summer." "Yeah, you kinda get used to it, though, huh?" "Are you insane?" "Hey, look, Kev, different does not necessarily mean worse." "As a matter of fact, I think things are just getting better." "Or am I gonna have to drag your ass back to that party and prove it to you?" "I'll walk." "Wow!" "You know, you have beautiful eyes." " Oh, you're sweet." " That's a really nice top." "Oh." "Thanks." "You're welcome." " Wanna fuck?" " Are you serious?" "Come on, baby." "Give it to the Stifmeister." " I think you better" " Your loss." "Wow." "You know, you have beautiful eyes." "Come here, dude." "Come on." "You're making an ass out of yourself." "You're ruining my mojo." "And you're not the Stifmeister, okay?" "It takes years to develop true Stifmeister style." "Come on, man!" "I just wanna see some boobs." "Hey, Pop-Tart." "Dream on, midget." "Excuse him." "Come here." "Take this." "You're on cop watch." "Go out in the driveway." "See any cops, call me, okay?" "Steve-- All right." "Gentlemen, uh, this appears to be a party." "Guys, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go look for Nadia." "Good luck." "Ahh." "So what was this year like for you?" "Did you miss high school?" "Well, no." "When you travel as much as I do, you get used to moving on." "But I have great memories." " Wow, can we go in there?" " The lighthouse?" "Yeah." "Yes." "Yes, we can." "How romantic." "Jim, come on." "Wow!" "Wow!" "Oh, it's beautiful!" "Cool!" "Jim, I have told you my memories from high school." "What are yours?" "Oh, uh" "Well, uh, you." "You have not changed." "Jim, relax." "We are just, how do you say, tooting our horns." "Actually, that is quite difficult." "How do you mean?" "Well, this one time at band camp," "I" "Holy shit." "What?" "Tell me." "Uh, well, uh, this one time at band camp," "I got stuck playing this trombone." "And I can't play anything at all." "So I totally sucked." "And everyone thought I was this Petey guy, but I didn't know what to think, so I just kept playing and playing, and I didn't know what I was doing." "It was so funny!" "I gotta go." "What?" "Why?" "Nadia, please don't take this the wrong way, but, but you're-- you're everything that I used to want." "And as much as I may really, really regret what I'm about to do," "there's somebody else I want to be with." "You-You want the band geek?" "Nadia, I am a band geek." "I just never joined the band." "You go get your geek." "Someday I will find mine." "Well, my mind is now playin'tricks on me" "And the world is crashin'" "I think about it" "Hey, um, Kevin Meyers." "Hi." "Sorry I was a dick before." "It's okay, man." "My name's Brett." "Uh, could you give us a sec?" "Sure." "Look, you don't have to do this." "Maybe I was being selfish... in wanting to be your friend." "Maybe it's just not gonna work." "Victoria," "I would much rather have you as a friend than not have you in my life at all." "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Whoo!" "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Whoo!" "Yeah-hah!" "Party on!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" " I don't know." "From the lighthouse all the way" " Hey, handsome." "Heather!" "Hey." "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "I was gonna pick you up at the airport in, like, two hours." "I took an earlier flight, and I thought I'd surprise you." "Yeah, you did." "Kinda weird without the phone, huh?" "We'll get used to it." "Come on." "I wanna hear all about it." "We'll grab you a drink." "Steve, this cop-watch thing is horseshit." "Hello?" "Man, this sucks." "Who is it out there?" "It's the Stifmeister, baby." "Is that so?" "Life's a bitch, isn't it?" "It's all right." "You don't have to say anything." "I'm used to girls ignoring me." "Or making fun of me." ""Come on, Sherman." "Be the Sherminator."" "Like the movie." "How clever." "l-I get it, okay?" "Maybe I am a geek." "Whatever." "Yes!" "Yes, you are!" "All right." "I... am the Sherminator." "Ohh!" "A sophisticated sex robot sent back through time... to change the future for one lucky lady." "I am lucky lady?" "That's right, Nadia." "You've been targeted for Shermination." "Come with me if you want to live." "Oh!" "Oh, no!" "Help!" "Help!" " Ohh!" "Fuck me, geek!" " Affirmative!" "No fuckin' way!" "Forget it." "Like you have a chance." "Cheers, bud." "Hey, Steve, look what I found." " Dude, don't touch the shirt." "Just look." "Hi." "Hey, there." "Brilliant." "You found lesbians." "Good luck trying to break through that force field." "Lesbians?" "We never said that." " What?" " We never said that." "Oh." "Oh, man." "I will do anything-- anything-- to sleep with you chicks." "Okay?" "I'll grab every guy's ass in this room." "I'll caress it, even." "I'll shave some ass if they need it." "Oh, yeah." "You heard me." "It's true." "I'll kiss everybody here." "Dudes, chicks, everybody." "Because I am comfortable with my sexuality." "Oh, yeah." "At least have a drink with the Stifmeister." "All right." "That's fair." "All right." "You truly are a Stifmeister." " Welcome back to the party." " Steve, those are my lesbians." "Ladies, I am down with the funky shit." "Like what?" "One time at this party, I was drinking champagne" "Thank you." "Thank you." "Our next soloist will be Michelle Flaherty." "Petey?" "This kid is killing me." "You suck, retard." "I'm not retarded." "You suck, retard." "I'm not retarded." "I'm a very special boy." "To live the life that's in his dreams" "At night he lies awake and he wonders" "Jim!" "How's this for a band camp story?" "If I can be like that" "I would give anything just to live one day" "Come on, guys." "Let's hear it for Petey!" "If I can be like that what would I do" "What would I do" "Yeah, yeah, yeah" "Oh, yeah" "Falling into less" "In dreams" "And run away" "Talented bastard!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Good for them." "Yeah, it's awesome." "Want to dance?" "Yeah." "We'll be back." "Come on, baby!" "It's one thing to complain but when you're driving me insane" "Well, then I think it's time that we took a break" "'Cause I'm in too deep and I'm tryin'to keep" "Up above in my head instead of going under" "'Cause I'm in too deep and I'm trying to keep" "Up above in my head instead of going under" "Instead of going under Instead of going under" "Instead of going under Instead of going under" "Instead of going under Instead of going under" "You know, there's only one word for that party:" "You know, there's only one word for that party:" "bitchin'." "Out of control." "Dude, am I gonna have a hangover?" "'Cause I want one." "Dude, am I gonna have a hangover?" "'Cause I want one." "Good-bye." "See ya." "Let's go to our page." "Oh, my gosh." "We have to write about this party." "This party was crazy!" "Look at my date!" "He's passed out!" "You drank him under the table." "He couldn't hang out." "She holds her head" "Within her hands" "Quietly reeling" "If only he could understand" "What she's feeling" "She moves into me" "Just to kiss my shoulder" "Oh!" "Best summer ever, huh, fellas?" "Absolutely." "Sorry things didn't work out for you, Finch." "You kiddin'?" "Things are great." "I have all the time in the world." "So, are we gonna do this every summer?" "Oh, yeah, we are." "Of course we are, gentlemen." "Well, we're gonna try." "Well, we're gonna try." "Sweet car." "It is sweet." "Stifler's mom." "Hey, Finchy." "How did you know I was here?" "I called a couple of weeks ago." "Didn't Steven tell you that I was gonna drop by sometime?" "I guess it, uh, slipped his mind." "Hey, what's your name?" "Jeanine." "Jeanine." "Okay, uh, well," "I've been thinking, and, you know, I'm 19 years old." "There's a whole world out there." "I can't be obsessed with one woman." "Just can't be." " I'm glad you're learning, Finchy." "Good." "Good." "You want to get it on?" "You better clear your schedule." "See you guys later." "Where are you goin', man?" "What about Dog Years?" "Uh, give me, like, uh, three days." "Wait, was that-- Was that who I think" " No." " Yeah." "Yeah!" "I think it was." "I think so too." "Son of a" "Who the hell was that?" "That was, uh-- That was" " Someone was lost." "Lookin' for the lake." "Yeah, all turned around." "What a dumbass." "The lake's right there." "Incredible." "How does Finch get so lucky?" "Ah." "What are you worried about?" "You got a girlfriend now." "Everything in." "Let's go." "Pony up." "Dog Years awaits." "Everything in." "Let's go." "Pony up." "Dog Years awaits." "Yeah, I do." "Yeah, I do." "I have a girlfriend now." "Yeah, you do." "She's my girlfriend." "All right, Jimbo." "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Hey, where's Shitbrick?" "The movies." "Took the bus." "Coffee." "Wait a second." "Who the fuck was in that car?" "And here's to you Mrs. Robinson" "Jesus loves you more than you will know" "Oh, Finchy, I missed you." "Yeah." "Oh, God." "Jeanine." "Jeanine." "Call me Stifler's mom." "Oh, Stifler's mom!" "Oh, Stifler's mom!" "I don't want to be an ass anymore" "Sick and tired of all the promises" "That I made to you" "And I pray to you" "And I know you think you've heard it all before" "Something tells me that you think I'm stupid" "When I say to you" "That what I say is true" "Too much lyin' Too little tryin'" "This time it's gonna be the last time" "I say the last time again" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "I don't want to be redundant anymore" "Skipping like a broken record you can play again" "But I'll do it all again" "I'll put it behind me then you rewind me" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "Once again I must have been" "Tryin'to wash away the sin" "'Cause I wake up bathroom floor" "I won't do this anymore" "Starting tomorrow" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "This time is gonna be the last time" "What I say The last time again" "And it's always little things" "That to the surface brings" "Space you need to breathe" "Before the curtain call" "The light that leads the way" "Before you hit the wall" "The mountain that you climb" "Just to take a fall" "The blind among the blind And I say" "There's an echo 'round my heart" "Draggin'me down" "Beneath the waves in silence I fall" "There's a halo above my head" "Spinnin'me 'round" "'Cause I don't know if I'm alive or dead" "There's a dagger in my hand" "Bleeding me dry" "And all we have to lose" "Is time" "And what we lose we leave behind" "Stay around and we will shine" | {
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"There we go!" "Universal roaming." "Never have to worry about a signal again." "No way!" "It's too mad." "So I can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time on my mobile?" "Long as you know the area code." "Frequent flyer's privilege." "Go on, try it." "Distress signal!" "Locking on, might be a bit of..." "..turbulence." "Sorry!" "Come on, Martha, let's take a look." "'Automated distress signal transmitting.' Woh!" "Now that is hot!" "'Automated distress signal transmitting.' It's like a sauna in here!" "Venting systems." "Working at full pelt, trying to cool down... wherever it is we are." "Well!" "If you can't stand the heat..." "That's better!" "Oi, you two!" "Get out of there." "Seal that door!" "Now!" "Who are you?" "What're you doing on my ship?" "Are you police?" "Why would we be police?" "We got your distress signal." "If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines?" "It went dead four minutes ago." "So maybe we should stop chatting and get to engineering." "Captain." "'Secure closure active.'" "What?" "This ship's gone mad." "Who activated secure closure?" "I nearly got locked into Area 27!" "Who are you?" "He's the Doctor and I'm Martha." "Hello." "'Impact projection 42 minutes, 27 seconds.'" "We'll get out of this." "I promise." "Doctor!" "42 minutes until what?" "Doctor!" "Look." "42 minutes until we crash into the sun." "How many crew members on board?" "Seven, including us." "We transport cargo across the galaxy." "Everything's automated." "Call the others." "I'll get you out." "What's he doing?" "!" "Doctor, don't!" "AAAGH!" "But my ship's in there!" "In the vent chamber?" "!" "It's our lifeboat!" "It's lava." "The temperature's going mad in there." "Up 3,000 degrees in ten seconds and still rising." "Channelling the air." "The closer we get to the sun, the hotter that room'll get." "We're stuck here." "So, we fix the engines, we steer the ship away from the sun." "Simple!" "Engineering down here, is it?" "'Impact in 40.26.'" "Blimey!" "D'you always leave things in such a mess?" "Oh, my God." "What happened?" "It's wrecked!" "Pretty efficiently, too." "Someone knew what they were doing." "Where's Korwin?" "Anyone heard from him or Ashton?" "No." "D'you mean someone did this on purpose?" "Korwin, Ashton, where are you?" "Korwin, can you answer?" "!" "He should be up here!" "Oh, we're in the Torajii system, lovely!" "You're a long way from home, Martha." "Half a universe away." "Yeah, feels it." "And you're still using energy scoops for fusion!" "Hasn't that been outlawed yet?" "We're due to upgrade next docking." "Scannell, engine report!" "No response." "What?" "The controls are wrecked, I can't get them back online." "Oh, come on!" "Auxiliary engines!" "Every craft's got auxiliaries!" "We don't have access from here." "The auxiliary controls are in the front of the ship." "With 29 password-sealed doors between us and them." "We'll never get there on time." "Can't you override the doors?" "No, sealed closure means what it says." "They're all deadlock sealed." "So a sonic screwdriver's no use." "Nothing's any use!" "We've got no engines, no time and no chance." "Oh, listen to you, defeated before you've even started!" "Where's your Dunkirk spirit?" "Who's got the door passwords?" "They're randomly generated." "Reckon I'd know most of them." "Sorry, Riley Vashtee." "What're you waiting for, Riley Vashtee?" "It's a two person job." "One to take this for the questions, the other to carry this." "The oldest and cheapest security system around." "Reliable and simple." "Just like you, Riley." "Try to be helpful, get abuse." "Nice." "I'll help you." "Make myself useful." "It's remotely controlled by the computer panel." "That's why it needs two." "Oi, be careful." "You too." "'McDonnell, it's Ashton.'" "Where are you?" "Is Korwin with you?" "'Get up to the Medcentre, now!" "'" "You've gotta stop it!" "Korwin, it's Abi, open your eyes, I need to take a look at you." "Korwin!" "What's happened?" "Is he OK?" "Kath!" "Help me!" "It's burning me!" "How long's he been like this?" "Ashton just brought him in." "What are you doing?" "!" "Don't get too close." "He's my husband!" "And he's just sabotaged our ship!" "What?" "He went mad." "He locked the ship, then sent a heat pulse to melt the controls." "He wouldn't do that!" "I saw it happen, Captain." "Korwin?" "Korwin, open your eyes for me a second?" "I can't." "Yeah, course you can." "Go on." "Don't make me look at you." "Please." "All right, all right just relax." "Sedative?" "What's wrong with him?" "Rising body temperature, unusual energy readings." "I do love a good stasis chamber!" "Keep him sedated in there, regulate the body temperature." "And run a bio-scan, a tissue profile and a metabolic detail." "Just doing them now." "Ooh, you're good!" "Anyone else presenting these symptoms?" "Not so far." "That's something!" "What's the matter with him?" "Some sort of infection." "We'll get the test results." "Now, back downstairs, eh, see about those engines, go." "Call us if there's news." "Any questions?" "Yeah." "Who are you?" "I'm the Doctor!" "Heat shield failing at 25." "Impact in 32.50." "Hurry up, will you?" "All right!" "Fix the clamp on." "What're you typing?" "Each door's code is the answer to a random question set by the crew." "Nine tours back, we got drunk, thought them up." "If we're hijacked, we're the only ones who know all the answers." "So you type in the right answer." "This sends an unlock pulse to the clamp." "But we only get one chance per door." "Get it wrong, the whole system freezes." "Better not get it wrong then." "OK!" "Date of SS Pentallian's first flight?" "That's all right!" "Go!" "Yes!" "28 more to go!" "Abi, how's Korwin doing?" "Any results from the bioscan?" "He's under heavy sedation." "I'm just trying to make sense of this data." "Give me a couple of minutes and I'll let you know." "Martha, Riley!" "How you doing?" "Area 29, at the door to 28." "Yeah, you've gotta move faster!" "We're doing our best!" "Find the next number in the sequence. 313, 331, 367." "What?" "!" "You said the crew knew all the answers!" "The crew's changed since we set the questions." "You're joking. 379!" "What?" "It's a sequence of happy primes." "379!" "Happy what?" "Just enter it!" "Are you sure?" "We only get one chance!" "Any number that reduces to one when you take the sum of the squares of its digits," "A happy prime is a number that's both happy and prime." "and continue iterating until it yields one, is a happy number." "Any number that doesn't, isn't." "Now type it in!" "I dunno, talk about dumbing down, don't they teach recreational mathematics any more?" "We're through!" "Keep moving, fast as you can." "And Martha, be careful." "There may be something else on board the ship." "Any time you wanna unnerve me, feel free." "Will do, thanks." "Impact in 30.50." "Can't believe our lives depend on some stupid pub quiz." "Is that the next one?" "Ah, this is a nightmare." "Classical music." "Who had the most predownload number ones?" "Elvis Presley?" "Or The Beatles?" "How are we supposed to know that?" "We need a back-up, in case they don't reach the auxiliary engines in time." "What have we got?" "Doctor!" "What is it now?" "Who had the most number ones, Elvis or the Beatles?" "Pre-downloads?" "Elvis!" "No!" "The Beatles!" "No!" "Wait!" "Erm, that remix?" "I don't know!" "I am a bit busy!" "All right!" "I'll ask someone else!" "Now, where was I?" "Here Comes The Sun!" "No!" "Resources!" "So!" "The power's still working, the generator's going, if we could harness that." "Ah!" "Use the generators to jump start the ship." "Exactly!" "It'll buy some more time." "That is brilliant!" "I know!" "See, tiny glimmer of hope!" "If it works." "Oh, believe me, you're gonna make it work." "That told him!" "Impact in 29.46." "MOBILE RINGS" "Hello?" "Mum!" "It's me!" "It's Martha!" "Wow!" "Where are you?" "Don't you check your messages?" "I've been calling you!" "Actually, bit busy, need you to do something for me." "No, listen to me." "We have to talk about this Doctor." "Not now." "I need you to look something up on the internet." "Do it yourself!" "Oh, just DO IT!" "Please." "When did you get so rude?" "I'll tell you when - ever since you met that man." "I need to know who had more number ones, the Beatles or Elvis." "Hang on, the mouse is unplugged." "OK, I'm on." "What is this, a pub quiz?" "Yeah." "Pub quiz." "Using your mobile is cheating." "Have you found it?" "There's over 400,000 results." "Give me a minute!" "'Impact in 28.50.'" "Doctor, these readings are starting to scare me." "What d'you mean?" "Korwin's body's changing." "His whole biological make-up, it's impossible." "This is Medcentre, urgent assistance requested, urgent assistance!" "Stay here!" "Keep working!" "Urgent assistance!" "Abi, they're on their way." "What's happening to you?" "Burn with me." "Burn with me." "Captain!" "I told you to stay in engineering!" "I only take orders from one person." "Is he always this cheery?" "Elvis!" "What?" "Really?" "Elvis!" "Burn with me." "Korwin, you're sick." "Burn...with...me!" "Mum, you're a star!" "Now, we need to have a serious talk." "SCREAMING" "What was that?" "I've gotta go!" "Doctor, what were those screams?" "Concentrate on those doors!" "Impact in 27.06." "Korwin's gone!" "Oh, my God..." "Tell me that's not Lerner." "Endothermic vaporisation." "Horrible." "I've never seen one this ferocious." "Burn with me." "That's what we heard Korwin say." "What?" "You think...?" "No way!" "Scannell, tell him!" "Korwin is not a killer." "He can't vaporise people!" "He's human!" "His bio-scan results." "Internal temperature 100 degrees, body oxygen replaced by hydrogen." "Your husband hasn't been infected." "He's been overwhelmed." "The test results are wrong." "What is it?" "A parasite, mutagenic virus?" "Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him?" "Stop talking like he's some kind of experiment!" "Where's the ship been recently?" "Docked with any other vessels?" "Any sort of external contact?" "Is this an interrogation?" "We've gotta stop him, before he kills again." "We're just a cargo ship" "Doctor, if you give her a minute." "I'm fine, I need to warn the crew." "Everybody, listen to me." "Something has infected Korwin." "We think... ..he killed Abi Lerner." "None of you must go anywhere near him." "Is that clear?" "Understood, Captain." "Erina, get back here with that equipment." "Whatever you say, boss." "Go there, come back, fetch this, carry these, make drinks, sweep up. please, kill me now!" "Burn with me." "Burn with me." "Impact in 24.51." "Is the infection permanent?" "Can you cure him?" "I don't know." "Don't lie to me, Doctor." "11 years, we've been married." "Chose this ship together." "He keeps me honest." "So I don't want false hope." "The parasite's too aggressive." "Your husband's gone." "There's no way back." "I'm sorry." "Thank you." "Are you certain nothing happened to provoke this?" "Nobody's working on anything secret?" "Cos it's vital that you tell me." "I know every inch of this ship." "I know every detail of my crew's lives." "There is nothing." "Then why's this thing so interested in you?" "I wish I knew." "Doctor, we're through to Area 17." "Keep going." "You've got to get to Area One and reboot those engines." "You got those tools, Erina?" "Cos I'm..." "Korwin, it's me... we're mates." "They're getting too far." "We must share the light." "Heatshield failing at 20%." "Come on!" "Everything on this ship is so cheap!" "CLANG!" "Who's there?" "Is that Korwin?" "No, wait a minute." "Oh, Ashton." "What're you doing?" "Burn with me." "Well, if you wanna help." "Burn with me." "Burn with me." "Move!" "Come on!" "What is happening on this ship?" "Never mind that, where are we?" "Airlock sealed." "Jettison escape pod." "That doesn't mean us?" "Doctor!" "Pod jettison initiated." "Doctor!" "We're stuck in an escape pod off the Area 17 airlock!" "One of the crew's trying to jettison us!" "You've gotta help us!" "Tell me you can stop it." "Why's this happening?" "Stay here." "I mean it this time!" "Jump start those engines!" "It's picking us off... one by one." "Jettison held." "Thank you." "Jettison reactivated." "Come on!" "Sierpinski sequence!" "This'll get him." "Jettison held." "Escape Pod stabilised." "You're pretty good." "Ashton?" "Someone's hacked at the systems." "I can't re-route the generators." "There's no way I'm gonna be able to jumpstart this ship!" "Who the hell did that?" "!" "Korwin?" "What are you?" "Why are you killing my crew?" "What did you do to him?" "What have you done to my husband?" "You recognise me." "Korwin, you know me!" "It's Kath." "Your wife." "My wife." "That's right!" "You're still in there!" "I'm your wife." "It's your fault." "That's enough!" "What do you want?" "Why this ship?" "Tell me!" "Jettison activated." "He's crashed the circuit, I can't stop it." "I can't stop it!" "What d'you mean it's my fault?" "It's your fault." "Now burn with me." "What're you doing?" "Freezing him!" "Ice vents!" "You'll kill him!" "Come on." "Let's see you." "I wanna know what you really are." "Airlock sealed." "McDonnell!" "Ashton's heading in your direction." "He's been infected just like Korwin." "Korwin's dead, Doctor." "Everything's locked!" "Airlock decompression completed." "Jettisoning pod." "Doctor!" "I'll save you!" "Martha, it's too late." "Doctor!" "I'll save you." "Doctor!" "I can't hear you." "INAUDIBLE" "INAUDIBLE" "INAUDIBLE" "Sorry." "Impact in 17.05." "What did he mean, "your fault"?" "Don't touch him, he's infected!" "We don't know how it spreads." "You murdered him." "He was about to kill you." "He recognised me." "You heard the Doctor!" "It isn't Korwin any more." "The Doctor doesn't know!" "None of us know." "So what're you gonna do, sit here until we burn?" "Cos without you, none of us stand a chance of getting out of here." "Scannell, I need a spacesuit in Area 17, now!" "What for?" "Just get down here!" "Go on, do what he says." "Ashton's still out there." "I'll deal with him." "The wonderful world of space travel." "Prettier it looks, the more likely it is to kill you." "He'll come for us." "It's too late." "Our heat shields'll pack in any minute." "Then we go into freefall." "We'll fall into the sun way before he has a chance to do anything." "You don't know the Doctor." "I believe in him." "Then you're lucky." "I've never found anyone worth believing in." "No girlfriend?" "Boyfriend?" "The job doesn't lend itself to stable relationships." "Family, then?" "My dad's dead." "I haven't seen my mum in six years." "She didn't want me to sign up for cargo tours." "Things were said and, since then, all silent." "She wanted to hold on to me." "I know that." "God, she's so stubborn." "Yeah, well." "That's families." "What about you?" "Oh, the works." "Mum, Dad, Dad's girlfriend, brother, sister." "There's no silence there." "So much noise!" "God!" "They'll never know." "I'll just have disappeared." "And they'll always be waiting." "Call them." "Ashton!" "I can't let you do this!" "You're wasting your breath, Scannell." "You're not gonna stop me." "Open an airlock on a ship spinning into the sun?" "You can't survive." "Oh, just you watch!" "It's suicide." "This close to the sun, the shields'll barely protect you." "If I can boost the magnetic lock, it should remagnetise the pod." "You've got to get the rest of the doors open, we need those auxiliary engines." "Doctor!" "They're too far away." "It's too late." "I'm not gonna lose her." "Decompression initiated." "Impact in 12.55." "MOBILE RINGS Hello?" "It's me again." "Sorry about earlier." "Is everything all right?" "Yeah, course." "Martha?" "Mum, I..." "You know I love you, don't you?" "Of course I do." "What's brought this on?" "I never say it." "Never get the time or never think of it and then..." "I really love you." "Tell Dad, Leo and Tish that I love them too." "Martha, what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Promise." "Where are you?" "Just out." "With anyone nice?" "Some mates." "What mates?" "Mum, can we not just talk?" "Of course, what d'you want to talk about?" "I dunno, anything." "What you had for breakfast, what you watched on telly, how much you're gonna kill Dad when you see him." "Just anything." "Is the Doctor with you?" "Is he there now?" "Mum, just leave it." "It's a simple enough question." "I'd better go." "No, Martha, wait." "See you, Mum." "Impact in 11.15." "Heat-shield failing at 10%." "Come on!" "Go on, my son!" "Doctor!" "How're you doing?" "I can't get it!" "I can't reach!" "I dunno how much longer I can last!" "Come on!" "Don't give up now." "We're being pulled back!" "I told you!" "The Doctor!" "It's alive!" "It's alive!" "It's alive." "Doctor, close the airlock now!" "That pod's gonna smash into him!" "Stay here." "Impact in 8.57." "Airlock repressurisation completed." "Doctor!" "Doctor!" "Are you OK?" "Stay away from me!" "What's happened?" "It's your fault, Captain McDonnell!" "Riley, get down to Area 10 and help Scannell with the doors." "Go!" "You mined that sun, scooped its surface for cheap fuel!" "You should've scanned for life!" "I don't understand." "Doctor, what're you talking about?" "That sun's alive!" "A living organism!" "They scooped out its heart, used it for fuel and now it's screaming." "What d'you mean?" "How can a sun be alive, why's he saying that?" "Because it's living in me!" "Oh, my God." "Humans!" "You grab whatever's nearest and bleed it dry!" "You should have scanned!" "It takes too long, we'd be caught!" "Fusion scoops are illegal!" "Martha!" "You've gotta freeze me!" "Quickly!" "What?" "Stasis chamber!" "You've got to take me to below minus 200, freeze it out of me." "It'll use me to kill you if you don't!" "The closer we get to the sun, the stronger the link." "Medcentre quickly!" "Quickly!" "Help me!" "Impact in 7.30." "What's your favourite colour?" "You what?" "It's the question!" "Purple!" "Or did I say orange?" "Come on!" "I can do this, I can do it." "Martha!" "Where are you?" "It's all right." "Just setting everything up." "Stasis chamber." "Minus 200, yeah?" "You'll kill him!" "Nobody can survive those temperatures." "He's not human!" "If he says he can survive, then he can." "Let me help yo then." "You've done enough damage." "Ten seconds, that's all I'll be able to take." "No more." "Martha?" "Yeah?" "It's burning me up, I can't control it!" "If you don't get rid of it, I could kill you." "I could kill you all." "I'm scared." "I'm so scared." "Just stay calm." "You saved me." "Now I return the favour." "Just believe in me." "It's burning through me, I dunno what'll happen." "That's enough." "I've got you." "There's this process, this, this thing that happens, if I'm about to die." "Shhh, quiet now." "Cos that is not gonna happen." "You ready?" "No." "DOCTOR SCREAMS" "Heat-shields failing at 5%." "No!" "Martha, you can't stop it, not yet." "What's happened?" "Power's been cut in Engineering." "But who's down there?" "Leave it to me." "DOCTOR GASPS" "HE SCREAMS" "Impact in 4.47." "Are we gonna do it in time?" "Come on!" "You're defrosting." "Martha, listen." "Only got a moment, you've gotta go." "No way!" "Get to the front, vent the engines, sun particles in the fuel, get rid of them." "I am not leaving you!" "You've got to!" "Give back what they took!" "Doctor." "PLEASE!" "GO!" "I'll be back for you." "Impact in 4.08." "You were right." "It was my fault." "Impact in 3.43." "I didn't know." "I really didn't know." "Korwin, please, stop." "Everyone must burn." "Riley, Scannell." "I'm sorry." "McDonnell!" "McDonnell!" "I love you." "Exterior airlock open." "It's the last door." "We've gotta keep going." "Impact in 2.17." "Primary engines critical." "Repeat, primary engines critical." "Survival estimate projection, 0%." "Martha!" "Doctor!" "What're you doing?" "I can't fight it." "Give it back or..." "Burn with me." "Burn with me, Martha." "Impact in 1.21." "NO-O-O-O-O-O!" "Got it!" "Life support systems reaching critical." "Repeat, life support systems reaching critical." "Impact in 1.06." "Collision alert." "Collision alert." "It's not working!" "Why's it not working?" "!" "Collision alert. 58 seconds to fatal impact." "Vent the engines!" "Dump the fuel!" "What?" "Sun particles in the fuel!" "Get rid of them!" "DO IT!" "NOW!" "Come on, Doctor, hold on!" "Fuel dump in progress." "It worked!" "The auxiliaries are firing!" "Impact averted." "Impact averted." "Impact averted." "We're clear!" "We've got just enough reserves." "Doctor." "This is never your ship." "Compact, eh?" "And another good word - robust." "Barely a scorch mark on her." "We can't just leave you drifting with no fuel." "We've sent out an official mayday." "The authorities'll pick us up soon enough." "Though how we explain what happened..." "Just tell them that sun needs care and protection just like any other living thing." "So...you're off then?" "No chance I'll see you again?" "Not really." "It was nice - not dying with you." "I reckon you'll find someone worth believing in." "I think I already did." "Well done." "Very hot." "So, didn't really need you in the end, did we?" "Sorry." "How are you doing?" "Now!" "What d'you say, ice skating on the mineral lakes of Kurhan." "Fancy it?" "Whatever you like." "By the way, you'll be needing this." "Really?" "Frequent flyer's privilege." "Thank you." "Don't mention it." "Oh no." "Mum!" "PHONE RINGS" "Hello?" "It's me again." "Three calls in one day?" "Sorry about earlier." "Over-emotional." "Mad day." "What're you doing tonight?" "Why don't you come round, I'll make something nice, and we can catch up." "Yeah." "Tonight." "Do my best." "Um, just remind me what day is it again?" "Election day." "Right." "Course." "I'll be round for tea." "Roughly." "And what about..." "Anyway, gotta go!" "See you later!" "Love you!" "Is that all?" "For now." "Have you voted?" "Of course!" "Just don't expect me to tell you who for." "Thanks for all you're doing, Mrs Jones." "Mr Saxon will be very grateful." "Martha, this watch is..." "If anything goes wrong, it's all down to you, Martha." "It's Monday, November 10th, 1913." "We make quite a team." "Don't we just!" "You like pretty girls." "Oh, in the sky!" "Help me!" "Completely human." "Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd" "Email: [email protected]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I got a delivery for you." "Leave it at reception." "I'm supposed to deliver this one in person." "Clean up on aisle five." "After three years of writing, one year of shooting, four years of reshooting, and two years of editing," "I have finally completed my movie," "Threat Level Midnight." " Erin, Erin..." " Yes?" " What are you doing?" " Guys..." "Did you guys know that our own Michael Scott has made a movie and that he maybe will let us watch it, but only if everybody's dying to see it?" "That's..." "Well, don't put words in my mouth." "Threat Level Midnight is the great lost film of Michael Scott." "We're all in it, from, like, years and years ago." "It's like a home movie." "Yeah, if Michael Scott did your home movie." "Michael screened a work in progress for us years ago, and it didn't go well." "We thought it was a comedy." "Everything pointed to it being a comedy." " Yep." " We'd love to see it." "Sweet." "I will go invite Holly." "Okay, everyone, I know we're really excited to see this movie that everybody's in, but we have to remember that Michael is sensitive." "So let's stay positive..." "And no laughing, no comments, just positive energy, and we'll have a pure fun day, okay?" "Thanks, mom." "You never told me you made a movie." "Mm-hmm." "It's got action." "It's got heart." "It's got symbolism." " It's got you." " It's got a lot of me." "I can't wait." "Ladies and gentlemen, Threat Level Midnight." "♪ ♪" "Michael Scarn?" "Well, that is an interesting story." "He was once the best secret agent in the business." "That was years ago." "Where is he now?" "Well, that's also an interesting story." "Master Scarn." "Master Scarn!" "I play Samuel, Michael Scarn's robot butler." "I wanted Samuel's voice..." "To be like this." "But Michael thought that Samuel should be a very advanced android, almost indistinguishable from a real person." "Dwight does not play a robot." " I'm up." " It's the president." " He needs you for a mission." " Tell him I'm retired." "It's Goldenface." "Goldenface..." "This makes it personal." "♪ ♪" "Scarn, you're right on time." " Hail to the chief." " I gave up a lot of weekends because I thought it would be good for my daughter to see a black man as president, even in a silly home movie." "What a stupid waste of time." "It's your old enemy, Goldenface." "He's after the NHL all-star game." "He's hidden a bomb somewhere in the stadium." "Scarn..." "This one is personal for me." "I own the stadium." "I can't see it blown up." "It's my retirement plan." "We have to search the stadium." "Not so fast..." "Goldenface has taken all of the concession-stand workers hostage." "Scarn, will you find these hostages and save the game?" "Heads I do it, tails I don't." "Best out of seven." "Heads." "Tails." "♪ ♪" "Heads." "Tails." "Heads." "Tails." "Looks like there's gonna be a clean up on aisle five." "Well, the hostages were scared." "Don't you guys get it?" "Nobody's coming for us." "Oh, someone's coming, all right." "The only man who would care, Michael Scarn." "See, I'm gonna lure him here." "Then I'm gonna kill everybody." "Then I'm gonna dig up Scarn's dead wife, and I'm gonna hump her real good." "I did not love the dialogue..." "Or the character." "I took the role to impress a receptionist who will remain nameless." "Well, the all-star game was three days away." "The only way Scarn was getting in was in a uniform." "Just one problem with that..." "Scarn didn't know a hockey stick from a slim Jim." "So he went to meet with the famed trainer," "Cherokee Jack." "Mop the ice." "I'm not here to learn how to mop," "I'm here to learn how to play hockey." "Mop it." "♪ Oh ♪" "♪ I get no traction 'cause I'm running on ice ♪" "♪ it's taking me twice as long ♪" "♪ can't have a reaction 'cause I'm running on ice ♪" "Come on." "Come on." "♪ ♪" "♪ You got to run, run, run, oh ♪" "♪ oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪" "♪ you run, you run, you run, run, run, oh ♪" "♪ oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪" " Now take this." " ♪ Running on ice ♪" "What am I supposed to do with this?" " ♪ Running on ice ♪" " Mop." "♪ Running, running on ice ♪" "♪ running on ice ♪" "Well, Michael Scarn was quickly becoming one of the hottest hockey players in the country." "Each year the national hockey league accepts one civilian amateur to play in the all-star game." "It's down to the three of you." "The final test is speed skating." "On your marks..." "Get set..." "Die." "♪ ♪" "Nice try, Goldenface, except you forgot one thing..." "to kill me." "Oh, I wasn't trying to kill you." "I was trying to slow you down." "No!" " Oh, by the way..." " Yeah?" "How's your wife doing?" "Congratulations." "Hey, you came in second..." "Not bad either, champ." "I'm so sorry I have to do this." "Shh!" "Shh, shh!" "I'm so sorry." "I'm so sorry." "I'm intercepting a name..." "Jasmine Windsong." "She works for Goldenface." "But what I can't figure out is, who is the Funky Cat?" "Not who, what." "The Funky Cat is the hippest jazz club in town." "Oh!" "Oh, n... ♪ ♪" "He cut the part where my circuit board malfunctioned?" "Then what was the point of spilling the drink on me?" "♪ They call me ♪" "♪ Jasmine Windsong ♪" "Bingo." "He finished his movie?" "No kidding." "Wow." "That's great." "Yeah, good for him." "♪ ♪" "♪ The hostages are under the stadium ♪" "Ooh, ugh!" "Ugh." "Check, please." "You have to let us go, Goldenface." " We have families." " Ha, this is gonna show them..." "That I mean business." "See ya." "Far and away the most expensive shot of the movie, but it was "intregral" to the story." "Ha!" "It's Scarn!" "Sorry about your friend, Scarn." "The joke's on you, Goldenface." "That man was a wanted animal rapist." "We've searched the whole building, Goldenface." " Where is the bomb?" " Hmm?" "We've searched the whole building, Goldenface." " Where is the bomb?" " Hmm?" "We've searched the..." "Okay." "He said, "Where is the bomb?"" "In the puck." "But why are you telling me this?" "Because I'm going to kill you, unless..." "You forgive me for murdering your wife." "♪ ♪" " Hey, Goldenface." " Yeah?" "Go puck yourself." "No!" "That was not scripted." "More Tylenol." "You've already had four." "Oh, God!" "So good." "You're lucky to be alive." "It'll take a lot more than a bullet to the brain, lungs, heart, back, and balls to kill Michael Scarn." "Let's just make sure that everything's... working properly." "You just said the bomb is in the puck?" "Yes." "Is that where you hid the bomb, Goldenface?" "But why would you blow up the stadium?" "You own the stadium." "For the insurance money..." "I knew it all along." "You will never get away with this." "Where had I gone wrong?" "All I wanted was to start a family with my beautiful wife." "But somewhere along the way, things got messed up." "It wasn't easy for Scarn to admit that he'd lost his self-confidence." "And he hadn't, of course." "He just wasn't using it right now." "Mike!" "Beer me, Billy." "You don't look so good." "What's got you down?" "I got problems, Billy, big problems." "You got problems?" "My TV don't work." "I pay 30 bucks a month for the damn satellite "Whatsahoozit."" "I can't even get the damn game." "Now, you tell me, what's worse than that?" "Don't ever change, Billy." "Goldenface is going to blow up the NHL all-star game tomorrow." "I see what you mean about problems." "I know what'll cheer you up." "That table of bachelorettes over there bought you this drink." "Hey." "Ever banged an entire bachelorette party, baby?" "Why are you singling my line out, like, a million years later?" "I'm too depressed to save the big game, Billy." "I'm gonna cheer you up the only ways I know hows." "Hey, kid..." "Hit G-9 on the jukebox." "No, Billy, I haven't done that dance since my wife died." "There's a whole crowd of people out there who need to learn how to do the Scarn." "♪ ♪" "♪ Well, my name's Michael Scarn ♪" "♪ and I'm here to say ♪" "♪ I'm about to do the Scarn in a major way ♪" "♪ ♪" "♪ you jump to the right, and you shake a hand ♪" "♪ then you jump to the left, and you shake that hand ♪" "♪ you meet new friends, you tie some yarn ♪" "♪ and that's how you do the Scarn ♪" "♪ You jump to the right, and you shake a hand ♪" "♪ then you jump to the left, and you shake that hand ♪" "♪ meet new friends, tie that yarn ♪" "♪ that's how you do the Scarn ♪" "♪ you jump to the right and... ♪" " Shh." "Stop." " ♪ And you shake that hand ♪" "♪ meet new friends, tie that yarn ♪" " ♪ that's how you do the Scarn ♪" " Boom!" "If doing the Scarn is gay, then I'm the biggest queer on earth!" "You guys, I think I have..." " I'm really sorry." " My self-confidence back." " Hey, hey." " Michael!" "Michael, I'm sorry." "I'm really, really sorry." "I think I was just relieved to see that Michael Scarn got his confidence back." "Yeah, Michael, the movie's amazing." "It's, like, one of the best movies" "I've ever seen in my life." "You should enter it in festivals." " Or carnivals." " Yeah." "Well, that's a pretty good reaction." "That's pretty cool, right?" "Did you like it?" "Did you like that?" "Which part?" "Okay." " All right." " Oh, come on." " No." " Michael." " No, come on!" " We have to see the end." "No, it's not good enough." "It's not good enough." "Some people are really popping on-screen." " Hey." " Hey." " Good movie." " Mm, good?" "Everybody out there says it's great." " I loved it." " Did you?" " What did you love about it?" " Um..." "I loved that you got to work together with all your friends." " Mm-hmm." " Isn't that so great when you can all work together like that?" "No, no." "Holly, this isn't Oean's Eleven, where you get together with all your friends, and you just have fun, and you don't care about how it turns out." "What'd you really think, honestly?" "Um..." "Is it... is it because you're afraid of where this is gonna take me?" "Because, see, I need you to keep me grounded." "I'm not worried about that." "This is 11 years, okay?" "This has been my dream for 11 years..." "And if you don't think it's great, then you're basically saying you don't believe in my dream." "It's your dream?" "You never even mentioned it before." "We talk about a lot of things, Holly." "You know, I was eventually going to get around to my dream, obviously." "11 years that I could've been working on the Scarn Nebulus." "Well, why do you have to make a movie at all?" "Because if I don't have this, what do I have?" " I have nothing." " Really?" "You can't think of anything else that you might have?" "I have my book on business, somehow I manage." "I have my HBO Comedy Special, here I go again, dot, dot, dot." "But you know what?" "When I think about it, when I really think about it, none of those things are as real to me as my movie." "I'm real." "Yeah, you're a real pain in the ass." "And now I'm gonna go watch the movie with people who think it's great." "And I'm sorry I called you a pain in the ass." "I'm angry, and I love you." "I love you too." "I'm a huge Woody Allen fan..." "Although I've only seen Antz." "But I'll tell you something..." "What I respect about that man is that when he was going through all of that stuff that came out in the press..." "About how Antz was just a rip-off of A Bug's Life, he stayed true to his films..." "Or at least the film that I saw, which, again, was Antz." "Thing is..." "I thought Bug's Life was better, much better than Antz." "Point is, don't listen to your critics." "Listen to your fans." "Who likes Threat Level Midnight?" "Okay, well, then who wants to watch the rest?" "Michael, you have to get to that puck before halftime, or the whole stadium will explode." "I know." "It's a good thing my trainer and mentor" " is here to cheer me on." " Cherokee Jack?" "Michael, he died." "♪ ♪" "This one's for you, Cherokee Jack." "We filmed this during an actual" "Scranton High School hockey game." "They were trying to qualify for States." "Shh." "It's fine." "It's great." "No, no, actually it was really screwed up, because they..." "they were trying to qualify." "They were disqualified." "They had to forfeit the game." "Undefeated season..." "That's why there were so many people there." " Why is your face gold?" " Why do you care?" "I'm just making conversation." "I worked in a gold factory." "We had a boss who only cared about money." "He wouldn't give us lunch breaks, so we had to..." " Hey." " Hey, I'm sorry." " It is good." " No, no, it's not." "It's not." "But they really seem to be enjoying it." "Come on." "Please, Goldenface, let us go!" "Cherokee Jack." "I want you to take all your frustrations... with women, the system, with everything... take it out on the puck, all on the puck." "♪ ♪" " Yah!" " Aah!" " Oh!" " Yay!" " Yay, they're saved!" " Whoo!" "♪ ♪" "Hey, we got sports games again." "Oh, sh..." "Some breakfast for me, some breakfast for you." "Aw." "Oh, yeah, I guess I did let him be a robot." "I'll get it." "Man, I love being retired." "Scarn here." " Michael, it's the president." " Hello, sir." "I need you for another mission." "Uh..." "Yeah, I'm in." "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Isn't the president evil?" "Oh, yeah." "Yes, he is." "No, no, he's doing it to catch the president." "No, no, Dwight, he's just being stupid." "Well, Michael Scarn was back in the game." "And I bet you're wondering why do I know so much about Michael Scarn?" "Well, because I am Michael Scarn." "Oh!" "That was so good." "Aw, yeah!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Now, that's a roar, Boog." "Now get in." "We're gonna be late." "No denying." "The girl's got growl." "But can she get down like this?" "Can you get down like this?" "Bring it here." "Bring it." "Then bring it right back, huh?" "Look at that." "Look at that." "Here it comes." "Hey, Gordy." "Morning, Beth." "Welcome to Timberline's Wilderness Extravaganza." "I'm Ranger Beth." "Please, put your hands together for Boog." "Behold, the mighty grizzly." "You can say I'm in love You could say I'm insane" "But no one understands me Like my darling Lorraine" "Looks like you're going from one grill to another." "We rocked that house, didn't we, Boog?" "They were eating out of our hands." "Well, my hands, your paws." "Eating out of your paw." "That's good." "That's going in the show." "Shaw." "That guy really chaps my khakis." "You wait here, Boog." " Cuff him, Gordy." " Oh, the Girl Scouts are here." "He's at it again." "Shaw, hunting season doesn't start for three days." "What are you doing with that buck on your hood?" "What?" "It ain't my fault." "He ran right in front of my truck." "Where, on the interstate?" "Sort of." "Where is that girl?" "That's nasty." "What?" "What the...?" "What's going on?" "Where am I?" "I saw a bright light and..." "I saw two bright lights and..." " Am I dead?" " Not yet." "But seeing how that is Shaw's truck..." " What's a Shaw?" " Only the nastiest hunter in town." "A hunter?" "Did he get you too?" "You don't see me tied up, do you, baby?" " This is my ride." " Your ride?" "Yeah, this is my town, okay?" "These are my people." "This is where I reside." "Nobody's hunting this bear." "Really?" "Well, then untie me." "Please?" "Look, no one's looking." " Ain't gonna be able to do it." " What am I gonna do?" "I don't wanna be mounted on a wall." " Calm down." "Ain't gonna happen." " It's not?" " Not with that rack." " I don't have a problem with..." "My..." "It's..." "I'm a unihorn." "Don't look at me." "Don't look at me." "I'm hideous." "I'm a monster." " Tree-hugger." " Knuckle dragger." " Tree-hugger." " Knuckle dragger." "Veggieburger." "All right, all right." "That's enough, you two." "Listen, Girl Scout, they're dumb animals." "I'm just respecting the natural order:" "Man on top, animals on the bottom." "But your bear..." "Now, now, your bear is special." "He belongs somewhere in the middle." "Between two slices of rye, smothered in gravy." "You're a sick, sick, twisted puppy, Shaw." "Put me down for a box of Thin Mints, will you, sweetie?" "Six-toed gun monkey." "Boog, come on, let's get out of here." "Come on, I'm begging you." "Please, please." "Just untie me." "Come on." "Please, please, please?" "Hey, go on now." "Scamper on back to the woods, little buddy." "Little one-horned freak." "Buddy?" "He called me "buddy."" "My buck." "My truck." "Why, you little..." "Shaw, no shooting in town." "But, Gordy, that bear leaned over and untied my buck." " Didn't you see that?" " All I see is a busted headlight." "Shaw, you've been living in the woods too long." "They can't tell me what I seen, because only I know what I seen." "Wheel of Fortune!" "Big money got to come." "Come on." " Okay, buddy, time for bed." " Five hundred..." " There's no R..." " Boog." "Mr. Dinkleman's waiting." "Good night, big guy." "Oh, did I forget something?" "No, no, no." "No more treats for you." "No, stop it." "Not the face." "Oh, no, not the eyebrows too." "No, it's not gonna work this time." "Stop it." "I'm serious, Boog." "It's cute, but no..." "All right." "If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise" "If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise" "For every bear That ever there was" "Will gather there together because" "Today's the day" "The teddy bears have their picnic" "Good night, Boog." "Who's there?" "I'm warning you." "I got ten claws and I ain't afraid to use them." " Hey, buddy." "It's me, Elliot." " What are you doing here?" "You helped me, I'm returning the favor." "I'm busting you out of here." "Let's go." "Let's do this." "Come on." "Let's book it before the warden makes her rounds." "No, cornflake." "You've got it all twisted." " This here is my home." " Sweet." "Now haul your little butt back out that window." " What's this?" " Get off of that." "So soft." "What is that?" "What are you doing in there?" "This place is big enough for two." " What?" " Wow, look at that." "Does this look natural?" " Give me that." " Oh, who's this little guy?" " Dinkleman." " Dinkleman?" "Is Dinkleman your doll?" "I don't care about that old thing." "Oh, I get it." "You're like a pet." " I ain't nobody's pet." " Right." "I do what I want, when I want, and I come and go as I please." "Well, then let's go." "Outside?" "Why would I wanna go outside when I got all I need in..." "Whoa, what's that?" "I call them Woo Hoos, like:" "You want one?" "I know where there's a bunch of them, but you gotta go outside." "Inside." "Outside." " Inside." "Outside." " Stop it." " Stupid nose." " Inside." "Outsi..." "Okay, I got that Woo Hoo right out of one of those container doohickeys." "You got that out the garbage?" "I had that in my mouth and everything." "Dude, you're freaking me out with that nose thing." " Whoa." " What is it?" " It's a whole Woo Hoo village." " Sweet." "It's locked." "Maybe we should come back tomorrow." "Hey." "Elliot, look what you..." "You did." "You gonna get us in some trouble." "The Woo Hoo bar." "She's my lady." "Smooth and creamy." "So bad, I shouldn't." "Yet I will." "What is that?" "Whoa, let me try." "Boog." "Boog?" " Hello, idiot." " It's "Elliot."" "I come in peace." "I'm foraging." "Pepperoni!" " All right." "Yeah, there it is." "Let's go." " Boog, party's over, let's go." " All right, yeah, there it is." " Freeze." "Behold, the mighty grizzly." "Good night." "If you go out in the woods today There's gonna be some fries" "Yeah, and the giraffes they taste almost exactly like the elephants." "That's messed up." "Hey, Gordy." "Back up quick, before she sees me." "You're in big trouble, mister." "You know what sugar does to you, Boog." "Straight to bed, now!" "I'm so sorry." "It's my fault." "It won't happen again." " What if he had hurt someone?" " Gordy, please." " We're talking about Boog here." " Hey, what are you looking at?" "I told you not to wait up." " I'll take him back to the woods." " It's time to put him where he belongs." "No, no, he's not ready to go back yet." "I mean, it's not my fault." "I tried to teach him the basics." "I took him fishing, but he didn't wanna get wet." "Gordy, please..." "Boog is sorry." " Beth, you're not his mother." " I'm not mothering him." "Excuse me." "Go to bed, Boog!" "One more summer." "That's all I'm asking, one summer." "Great, see?" "I can be reasonable." "Thanks." "You know something?" "The longer you wait, the harder it's gonna be for him to adapt." "Oh, I'm sure he'll..." "At least I think he'll..." "And the harder it's gonna be for you to let him go." "Good night, Beth." "What am I gonna do with you?" "This isn't decaf." "You know what caffeine does to me, Bob." "I'd be talking up a storm, chatting your ear off a mile a minute for the whole ride." "Mr. Weenie, heel." "Heel, Mr. Weenie." "Hot." "It's terrible but wonderful at the same time." "It's like freedom in a cup." "Out of hand." "You know, I heard Boog got loose last night and he totally trashed the place." " Really?" " That's what happened." "There's something wrong going on here." "You?" "It walks like a man." "Hold still, you two-legged latte drinker." "Look out!" "Not again." "Boog will have you eating out of his paw." "Get it?" ""Paw," because he's a bear?" " So anyway..." " Oh, man." "Okay, relax, Boog." "You can do this." " What the...?" " I gotta hide." "I gotta hide." "What are you doing?" "Get out of here." "Hey." "He's right behind me." "I knew it." "That bear's corrupted my buck." "Hide me." " All right, he's gone." "Now get out." " Good idea." " Where you going?" " Behold, the mighty grizzly." "How cute, a donkey." " You got me in enough trouble." " Hey, I..." "You saved my life." "That means that you're responsible for me." "What?" "Stop messing up my life." "You needed to get out." "You should thank me." " Thank you?" " You're welcome, buddy." "Stop calling me that." "Now get out." "Need to hide." "Need to hide." "Boog?" "Oh, no, you don't." "You're leaving now." " Out of the coat." "Take it off." " No." "No!" " Take off the coat." " No means no." " He's eating the donkey." " He's gonna eat us all." "You know he's still out there." "Eat you?" "He's not gonna..." "Boog, what are you doing?" "Put that animal down this instant." " Hold still." " No, I'm staying." "But my show!" "Sit, Boog." "You're getting a time-out." "Do you hear me?" "I'm totally getting angry." "That guy wants to kill me." "No, wait." " I chipped a hoof." " Chipped a...?" "You chipped a..." "I'm gonna kill you." "He's harmless." "Really." "Stay calm." "Stay calm!" "Out of my way." "Move." "Show's over, you four-legged freaks of nature." "Perfect." "Shaw." "Drop that gun." "You're ruining my show." "Easy, now." "Just line them up." "Two heads, one bullet." "Buttermilk biscuits." "Shaw, you're under arrest." "Shaw?" "Gordy, I didn't know what else to do." "I..." "It's time, Beth." "But what about hunting season?" "Take him above the falls." "He'll be safe there." "Take him above the falls." "He'll be safe there." "You're gonna be..." "You're gonna be fine." "I'm gonna miss you, big guy." "Pretty." "Where's home?" "It's gone." "Someone stole it." "Hey, could you keep it down?" "I'm trying to sleep here." "You." " No, I didn't do it." " Take a good look, Elliot." "What do you see, Elliot?" "Something's missing, Elliot." "What is it, Elliot?" "What is it?" "Wait, don't tell me." "I..." "Timberline is missing!" " I was just gonna say that." " My garage is missing." "Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are missing." "My life is missing, and it's all your fault." "What are you gonna do?" "You're funny." "I thought, "Maybe," but then I was like... and then..." "This ain't happening." "It's some kind of mistake." "Think, Boog." "She's mad, but you can fix this." "All right, I'll go back and I'll give her the face." "The face." "Gotta get back before she forgets the face." "That'll clear it all up right there." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, the face." "Boog!" "You can't just go wandering around out here." "You don't know where you're going, Boog!" "I'm going home." "Wait." "Boog." "I know where Timberline is." " I can get you back." " Thank you, but no thank you." "Quiet." "Timberline's gotta be around here somewhere." "Well, that was quick." "Now, let's see." "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey." "Boog, is that you?" "Boog." "Okay, I gotta get the lay of the land." "Somehow if I get up high enough, then..." "All right." "I can do this." "No problem." "Lost your way to Sunday school, pal?" "This is McSquizzy's turf." "Nobody messes with McSquizzy." "Because that's me." " What?" " Touch a needle in this tree and I'll give you such a doing!" " Yeah?" "You and what army?" "Oh, that army." "Mess not with the furrytail clan." "Defenders of the good, crusaders of the righteous guardians of the pine." "Keep your tree." "I'll find another one." "Look!" "He's got a wee freakish twin growing out of his back." "Oh, this one will work." "Hey." "That was a warning, all right?" "Try that again, and I'll be kicking your furry brown bahookie!" " What?" " Hey, this is a different tree." "They're all my trees." "I suggest you turn round and head right back from whence you came." "That's what I'm trying to do." "So just point me the way to town and I'll be out of here." "That's it." "You're asking for a whooping." "Ready!" "Fire!" "Hey, Boog, look." "No hands." "I think I'm getting a sunburn, though." "Check it out." "All right, where's town?" "Or what we would call this, a moon burn." "Look, just give me the directions." "I really need to get back." "So sad." " Where's Timberline?" " Okay." "Okay." "All right." "You got it good in Timberline, right?" "Coffee, Woo Hoo bars, safety." " Yeah, so?" " And still, something is missing." " There is?" " Yep." "Me." "And I want in, Boog." "I'll take you to town but when we get there, we're partners." "Deal, partner?" "What?" "Oh, no, no, no." "That ain't never gonna happen." "Never." "Don't you have a herd to get back to?" "What...?" "My herd?" "They..." "My herd will understand." "These guys are my..." "They're my buddies." " They..." "They want the best for me." " Forget it." "Oh, well." "Better start moving, then." "Because open season starts in a few days." "Maybe one of those hunters can give you a ride back on the hood of their truck." "Hunters." "Dang." " Okay, okay." " So we have a deal, then?" "Okay, let me hear you say it." " Partners?" " You're disgusting." " What was that?" " I..." " Sorry, can't hear you." " I said, I guess we can be partners." "Partners?" "Partners." "Okeydokey, this way!" "Move it or lose it!" "You know, we should have a secret handshake and like nicknames and stuff." "Like, cool nicknames, though." "I'll call you Boogster and then you can call me The Incredible Mister E." "Isn't that great?" "I came up with that myself." "I made that up." "You know, this is gonna be awesome." "It's just you and me." "Hey, who's the lady in the shorts?" "I hope I'm not too late." "They've been out here all night." "A bear and a deer, working together." "How far does this conspiracy go?" "What other animals are involved?" "God bless America!" "I hope the bald eagle hasn't turned." "No, no, no." "Maybe they're right." "Maybe..." "Maybe old Shaw is crazy." "Yeah, maybe." "Isn't it peaceful out here, Bob?" "You're right, Bob." "Let's not spoil the beauty of this moment with idle chatter." "Some people can just jibber-jabber till the cows come home." "What does that mean, Bob?" ""Till the cows come home."" "Where have the cows been?" "Okay, Forest 101." "These big wood stick things are called trees." "The big rocks are called mountains, and the little rocks are their babies." "Altitude." "No jelly arm, no jelly arm." "Come on." " Elliot!" " Boogster, it's..." "How many times must I say it?" "I am the Incredible Mister E." "Elliot, please." "Look, if you don't use the code names how am I supposed to know that it's really you that I'm talking to?" "Yeah, yeah." "Okay, I got it." "Nice and easy." "Just rip it off fast, like a Band-Aid." "Hold still, okay?" "Just be calm." "This might pinch a little." " Get it over with." " You may wanna cover your ears." "Cover my...?" "Okay, scamper on back to the woods, little buddy." "Buddy." "Okay, ladies, this dam ain't gonna build itself!" "Lift that birch." "Swing those pines over here." "Come on." "Move it!" "Yo, O'Toole!" " Yeah, boss?" " I want you to cantilever that cedar on the bias down by the north end, you got that?" "Put a twig in the hole." "Rookie." "Take five for lunch!" " What do you got?" " Wood." " What do you got?" " Wood." "You wanna trade?" "Hey, hey, guys." "Check it out." "There goes the largest carnivore in North America." " The mighty grizzly." " And he's a good dancer." "We're gonna be in a show." "Come here!" "Hey, that's my good antler." "Listen, simple." "We are not "we."" "It's just me." "And we ain't doing no show." " Diva." " What?" "I understand what's going on here." "You're a little crabby because you're hungry." "I, I..." "I think yes." "I'm starving!" " Here, try this." " I can't eat that." "Picky, picky, picky." "Well, what do bears eat?" "Fish." "Bears eat fish." "All right, fishies, give it up for Boog!" "Hey, Incredible Mister E." "Yes, Boogster?" " I gotta go." " Well, go." "No, I need a toilet." "You know, the think tank." "The log cabin, the johnny on the spot, the oval office." " There's none of those things out here." " Well, what do you do?" "You know I can't remember." "But listen." "Don't look now, but I see a little bush with your name written all over it." "A bush?" "Are you serious?" "Go on." "It's just like riding a bicycle." "Only you're crapping on it." "Show us your "grr" face, nature boy." "Hey." "What are you doing here?" "Get out of here." "I'm working here." "Now, go." "All right, all right, you've had your fun." "Nothing to see here." "Let the bear do his thing." "You believe those guys?" "Finished?" "I bet my nuts that big hairy choob can't do it." " I'll take a piece of that action." " What is wrong with you animals?" "Perhaps some roughage, buddy?" "Buddy." "Perhaps some privacy." " What are doing on my house?" " This is your house?" "Oh, I..." "I didn't know..." " It would be an improvement." " What did you just say, Rosie?" "Nothing." "Why you gotta be so sensitive?" " Boogster, what's the deal?" " You watch your mouth or you'll get yourself in trouble." "You're just jealous because you ain't got a man." "I don't know." "Some kind of chick fight." "Elliot, what do I do?" "Well, that's easy." "You just gotta mark your territory." " Show them who's boss." " All right, ladies." "I'm laying down the law." "Unless, of course, they're skunks." "Disgusting." "Giselle." "Ridiculous." "The woods is no place for a bear." "Ducks?" "Okay." "Look, don't move." "Oh, yeah." "Sprucing up." "Quick." "You guys gotta help me." "Don't mind Deni, monsieur." "He's a bit nervous." "Never been quite right since the great migration." "There were thousands of us when we started in the big V's." "Then..." "Then it happened." "What happened?" "What happened?" "Open season happened." "Just me and Deni were left." "How can you make a V with only two duck, you ask, eh?" "Well, you cannot, monsieur." "It's a tragedy!" "Yeah, right, whatever." "But check this out." "I'm looking for town." "Okay?" "Now, could one of you guys fly up there and show me the way?" " Fly?" "Fly?" "Quiet." "They'll hear you." "Giselle." " Elliot?" " Hey, gorgeous." " How you doing?" " Elliot, where have you been?" "Oh, you know." "Big city." "Kind of a road trip." "Saw the sights, hit the buffet, took in a show." "Things are looking up, Giselle." "Really?" "I heard you got hit by a truck." "That..." "Rumor." "You better get out of here." "Remember what happened last time you talked to me?" " Is lan around?" "How long have you had that tic?" "I think it's getting worse." "Oh, crud." "Hello, "Smelliot."" "I called him Smelliot." "Herd!" "Circle formation!" "You pinheads." "That's an oval." "More circle-y!" "You got a lot of nerve coming back here." " Why, thank you." " That was not a compliment, maggot!" "Well, he was just going." "Right, Elliot?" "Yeah, lan." "I had to stop by and say hello to some of my old pals." "Bob, Kevin." "Jurgen, how's the knee?" "I told you to leave the herd and never, ever, ever..." " Never?" " Never, ever, ever come back." "Back?" "I'm not..." "I'm not back." "Me and my best buddy are heading to town." "Yeah." "I sure am gonna miss you guys." "Off the upholstery!" "What now?" "So as I was saying, never, ever, ever..." "A bear!" "Bear." "Bear." "A bear." "Elliot, are you all right?" "Buttermilk biscuit." "Hey, lan." "Get a load of this." "Hey, cut it out." "Oh, I've heard of you." "You're that bear that got his butt thumped by a squirrel." "It was..." "There was 20 of them." "And they had nuts." "Don't listen to him, Boog." "Boog?" "What is that short for?" " Booger?" " Booger!" " Listen, you!" " I'm all ears." " Well..." " Boog, let's go." "You two are perfect for each other." "You're a loser and you're a loser-er." "Herd, let's bound!" "Hey, Elliot." "I think you lost something." "Maybe it'll grow back." "Bye, Elliot." "Yeah, see you." "See you later, backpack boy!" "That's right, fool." "You better run." "Keep on prancing, you panty-waisted cow." "Yeah." "One more word, and I was gonna rack him." " That's right." " I was waiting for it." "He's scared." "He's scared." " Look at him run." "Look at him run." " Yeah, I know it." "Look at him go." "Are you not gonna buy him a drink before you kiss him?" "You big jessie." "On your bikes, you big numpties." "That was lan's girl you was trying to talk to, huh?" "You dog." "Lan's right." "I'm a loser." " No, you're not a loser." " Yes, I am." " No, you're not." " Yes." "Trust me." "You know the day I met you, lan kicked me out of the herd." "I lost my antler, I got run over and tied to the hood of a truck." "What do you call that?" "A loser." "But check this out." "Behold, the mighty grizzly." "I look like a bear, I talk like a bear." "But I can't fish, I can't climb a tree, I can't even go in the woods." "That's nothing." "Half doe." "Half buck." "I'm a duck." "Hey, I ride a unicycle for crackers!" " I have a glass eye." " I can't snap." " I thought "log" was a color." " I can't see my feet." "I killed a man." "Well, at least you've got a home." "Home." "Yeah." "I sure hope so." " Crimenently!" "Was that your neck?" " No." "My fishy crackers." "Oh, she still loves me." "Thank you, Beth." "I'm coming home." "Try one, partner." "Yeah." "Woo Hoo bars they ain't, but they take you back." "You know?" "Remind you of home." "Sweet, salty home." "Oh, yeah." "To be back in my own soft bed." "Eight square meals a day, plus snacks." "Beth tucking me in every night." "It's like heaven to me." "You know, when we get back home tomorrow I'm gonna make things right with Beth." "And maybe, just maybe we'll find a place for you in the garage with me." "Sweet!" "Oh, yeah." "I'm in the garage." "Who's staying in the garage?" "I'm in the garage." "Who's got a place in the garage?" "It's me." "Oh, yeah." "Oh, yeah..." " Hey, buddy?" " Yeah?" "Do me a favor, will you?" "It's gonna sound silly, but will you...?" " Ah, forget it." " What?" "Come on." "I'm here for you." "Will you sing me that "teddy-bear picnic" song?" "Absolutely." "The what song?" "Well, Beth always sings it to me, you know, because it helps me sleep." " Okay." "I'll give it a shot." " Thanks." "Once there was a magical elf Who lived in a rainbow tree" "He lived downstairs From a flatulent dwarf" "Who was constantly having to pee" "One day the elf could take no more" "So he went and banged On the rude dwarf's door" "And what do you know They suddenly both were married" "Good night, Boog." "I'm sleeping in the garage." "I'm sleeping in the garage." "Come on, Mr. Weenie." "Beg." "You can do it." "Come on." "Beg." "Bob, he won't listen." "Bob, show him how to beg." "Dog worship." "Oh, my!" " You folks all right?" " What?" "No, no, no!" "He's..." "Taken you hostage." "I know, I know." "You're safe now." "I've got the enemy neutral..." "There, there, Mr. Weenie." "Are you all right, baby?" "You're the sweetest little weenie I ever saw." "Don't be fooled." "He's one of them." " Who?" " The enemy!" "The bear!" "That deer!" "All them animals!" "I have seen the future." "It will start in small towns like Timberline." "Soon, it'll spread." "They will invade from burrows, caves, petting zoos." "If I don't stop them it'll be a total reversal of the natural order." "They laugh at old Shaw, but you'll see." "The truth will be revealed." "We know exactly what you mean." " You do?" " We're scientists." "Well, of sorts." "And we're trying to secure photographic documentation of a real, live homo-sasquatchus." " Homo-say-what?" " We're looking for Bigfoot." "Bigfoot...?" "I didn't realize I was talking to a couple of wack jobs." "Don't trust him." "Pets are double agents." "The moment you turn your back, he'll shiv you!" "Oh, no, he can't." "We had him fixed." "Boog?" "Boog." "Are you awake?" " I am now." " Awesome." "I was watching you sleep last night and you were like a little angel." "Except for you're fat and snoring like:" "We're gonna work on that, though." "I invented this cure where you stick your whole hand in your mouth." " How long before we get to Timberline?" "Oh, by nightfall." "Easy." "Are you sure?" "Absolutely." "Hey, you wanna see something stupid?" "Well, then we better get going." "Right." "We're on a tight schedule." "I'll carry your load." "Oh, no." "Whoa, wait." "Look, you gotta be real careful with him, okay, because he's real delicate." "Want a fishy cracker?" "No." "I'll eat when I get home." "Listen, girlfriend." "You wanna find a man like my Ignacio, you gotta check your look." "What are you saying?" "I'm black and white." "I go with everything." "You go fine with everybody." "Maybe that's your problem." " Ain't those the same two skunks..." " I had some thoughts on the show." " My show?" " The lady in the shorts has gotta go." "She's slowing us down." "It's gotta be fresh, new." "I want some jazz." "I'm the star, and the people out there come to see me a grizzly bear." "I see." "You get to have the career while I stay home and look after Dinkleman!" "He's not even mine!" "I don't get to have a dream." "Is that it?" "Buddy." "Don't you think I might like a little singing a little dancing, a little:" " Elliot." "But no." "All I ever hear is, "How long until we get to Timberline, simple?" " How long until we get home?"" " Elliot!" "Are those the same beavers?" " No." "All beavers look alike." " Hey!" "Tiny dancer!" "Yeah, that's right!" "Shake it, shake it!" " Let's see some moves!" " Elliot!" "Yeah." "Elliot, this is the same dang dam." "We've been going in circles!" "Circle." "One time around." "You don't even know where we're going." "Got them, Lorraine!" " What was that?" " Hunters?" " What are they doing up here?" " Okay, boys." "Take cover!" " Boog, we gotta hide." " I'm out of here." "Boog, wait!" "Don't go out there!" "Hey, tubby, stop!" "Hey, this ain't a load-bearing structure!" "Oh, that's bad." "Rosie, in here." " Stop." "Get off." " Buddy, buddy, buddy!" "Crud." "Shaw!" "Dinkleman!" "You're gonna be okay!" "We're gonna die and you know it." "No one around here to save you this time, boys!" "Paddle, Boog!" "Paddle!" "Grab a boulder!" "Grab a boulder!" "Left, left." "Right!" "Oh, like you know." "Where is he?" "He's gone." "Oh, there he is." "No, wait." "There he is." "There he is." " Why, you little..." " There he is." "Quiet, I'm trying to drive." "Faster, Boog!" "Like fishing and hunting at the same time." " Give me a hand, Boog!" "Hold me!" " Stop." "Get off!" "Elliot, get off." "Get off!" "Stop!" "Dinkleman?" "You." "You did this." " Yeah, that's right." " What did I do?" "You dragged us down to the hunting grounds." " Yeah, where are we gonna hide?" " We're sitting ducks out here." "And it's open season!" "All right, all right." "That's enough." "Guys, it's not his fault." "Oh, you're right, Elliot." "It's your fault." " My fault?" " Yeah." "If it weren't for you I'd be home right now." "None of this would've ever happened." "You said you knew the way back, but you lied." "I..." "No." "Okay." "Okay, maybe..." "I thought if you hung out with me then maybe you would like me." "Oh, man." "I trusted you, Elliot." "I'm sorry, Boog." "We're still partners, right?" "You know, Elliot, I'm better off alone." "What about us?" " Yeah." " Yeah, what about us?" "Us?" "There's no us." "You're not my problem." "And you?" "We're done." " But..." "Boog, wait." " Done." " Oh, no." " Thanks for the license, Gordy." "All right, guys." "Good luck." " Hey, Earl." "That a new truck?" " Yeah." "Check it out." "Jealous much?" "You okay?" "I put him way above the falls." "I hope I did the right thing." "Don't worry, Beth." "I'm sure Boog is happy in his new home." "Stupid nature." "Civilization." "Hello?" "Excuse me." "Is anybody home?" "Oh, sweet porcelain." "And the crowd goes wild!" "Now, there's gotta be a fridge in here somewhere." "Oh, no." "Deers, skunks, beavers." "I gotta hide." "That bear's turned them all." "Here you go, Lorraine." "There, you get good and dry." "Come morning, we got a rebellion to crush." "And then I'm gonna take back what's mine!" "Elliot." "Someone's been eating my candy." "Somebody's been sitting in my chair." "Somebody forgot to flush!" "And he's still here." "Come back for your bear, Goldilocks?" "Ready or not, here I come!" "If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise" "If you go out in the woods today You better go in disguise" "'Cause every bear That ever there was" "Was gathered there Together because" "Today's the day The teddy bears have" "Their picnic!" "Hey, bear!" "There ain't nowhere that you can hide from me!" "As soon as I get mine:" "Blowing their heads off!" "Good time." "Elliot." "No buddy." "Elliot, you've gotta hide." "The hunters are here." "He's gonna give us away." "All right!" "Bring it!" "Bring it!" " Boog?" " Hey, buddy." "What are you doing back here?" "Come on." "I couldn't go home without my partner." " I don't have a partner." " Elliot." "I don't need the herd and I don't need you." "So leave me alone." "Ain't gonna be able to do it." "You see, I already saved you once." "That makes me responsible for you." "I saw that." "Come on." "Let me hear you say it." "Partners." " No." " What was that?" " I guess we can be partners." " Sorry, I can't hear you." "I said I guess we can be partners." " Partners!" " Partners!" "Okeydokey." "This way." " This way." " Right." "Maybe you better lead." "Yeah." "Let's get back to the garage, where it's safe." " Safe?" " Safe?" "Hey, Boog." "How many animals can fit in the garage?" "How many...?" "Hello, Boog." "So where you all headed?" " To the safe place." " This land of garage." " With buddy." " Come on." "You owe us, Tiny." " Yeah!" " Yeah!" "That's right!" "Yeah, I'm sorry about the dam." "And how I messed you all up, you know." "My bad." "So you're taking us with you, right, Booger?" "Please?" "Please." "Look at me." "I'm too pretty to die!" "Well, maybe..." "No!" "No!" "No!" "You ain't leaving without us." "I didn't mean to call you Booger." " Can we take Giselle?" " Wait!" "Let me think." "Hunters." "Dang." "Nobody's going home tonight." "There's so many of them." "That's it, then." "No more me." "I guess I will be mounted on a wall." "Oh, no, you won't." "Now, when I'm a bearskin rug, they can walk all over me." "But until that happens, I ain't going out without a fight." " What?" " Fight?" " The F word?" " That's right." "One thing you all have taught me the woods is a messed-up, dangerous place." "And y'all are crazy." "You've been kicking my butt for the last two days." "Yeah, I kind of did." " I didn't." " Sorry." "So let's do to them what you've been doing to me." "Now, I say we give our guests the full outdoor experience." "Yeah!" "Hey!" "Is this a private fight or can anybody join?" "Because McSquizzy wants in." "Good." "Because we'll need your nuts." " And your acorns too." " What's the plan, Boog?" "Oh, we gonna run those yahoos back to town." "Yeah, baby." "When we get through with them, they won't ever come back." "So you think you're so tough, huh?" "Well, you know what I think?" "I think you're still just a mama's bear." "You guard the fort, Mr. Weenie." "Mama's gonna take a dip." "That's good." "Mama's getting kind of gamey." "Come on, Bob." "There's gonna be a full moon out tonight." " Sorry." " Come on." "Let's go." "Boog?" "Oh, yeah." " Maria, let go." " I'll carry it." "It's empty." "Ladies." "Heave-ho, heave-ho." "This is gonna be great." "You." "We gonna need more ducks." "Elliot, is that chocolate on your face?" "No." " It's a pet." " He's gonna blow our cover." "I've been living a lie!" "Please, take me with you." "Hey, Boog." "You're not still mad about that backpack thing, are you?" "Oh, no." "I never hold a grudge." "I just let them go." "What was that?" "It's the signal." "Okay, Deni." "Let's round them up!" "All right, ladies." "Let her rip!" " Gas mask." " Got it!" "My pants!" "Good job, Reilly." "All right." "Time to run these guys back to town." "Are you ready for this?" " This is awkward." " Yes." "Yes, it is." " Can I?" " Go for it, Smelliot." "Charge!" "Holy stampede!" "It's a stampede!" "All right." "Show me your "grr" face!" "Now, let's kick some hunter bahookie!" "Bob, we've been robbed!" "And they took Mr. Weenie!" "Come on, mate!" "Move them pudgy wee legs!" "I feel so alive!" "Drop antlers!" "Bless me." "No!" "No!" "How you doing, partner?" "Boog, this is great." "Let's do this every year." "No, no!" "Get that bill away from me." "Fire!" "Guys, let's get out of here!" "Sheriff!" "Sheriff!" "The animals are going wild, and the bear is their leader!" "It's for you." "Gordy, I'm bringing him home." "Come on, men!" "They're just animals." "Elliot, catch." "Got it." "Present arms!" "Yeah!" "Fire!" "Oh, my God!" "Back to the trucks!" "Boog, it's working." "Yeah." "Look at them run." " Send in Mr. Happy!" " Who?" "Go, go, go!" "Adieu!" "Mr. Happy didn't go off." "Hey, whoa." "We're just supposed to run them into town." "Well, it's time for them to start running, isn't it?" "Hey, Earl, ain't that your truck?" "That's a bummer." "That's right." "Keep running." "Sweet." "Freedom!" "Hello, Goldilocks." "What?" "Bull's-eye!" "Quick!" "We need more ammo." "Elliot!" "Elliot, stop helping me." " Keep it coming." " Okay." "Let's see how you like it." "A pillow?" "Oh, come on!" "More!" "More!" "All right." "Come on, mama's bear." "You can do better than that." "Let's see what you got." "Come on." "Boog!" "Oh, yeah." "Don't mess with the Boogster." "Fore!" "All right, Lorraine." "Let's kiss this bear good night." "No!" "No!" "Stop!" "Elliot?" "Buddy?" "Oh, Elliot." "You all right, Elliot?" "I'm a little lightheaded." "Hey, Tiny." "Nice show." " Behold, the mighty grizzly." " Boog, Boog, Boog." " Let's get him!" " What?" "No!" " Stay away!" "No!" " Here you go." "Cannonball!" "You know, Elliot, this place ain't so bad." "Hold that thought." "Oh, yeah." "Karate noises!" "No." " Beth?" " Boog?" "Oh, Boog." " What's he doing?" " Is he not gonna maul her?" "No." "She's his mom." "She's taking us home." "Every buddy?" "I was so worried." "I'm bringing you back with me." "Come on." "Let's go home." "Oh, no." "Come on, Boog." "Let's go home." "Boog?" "You are home." "I'm so proud of you." "So how are we both gonna fit in the helicopter?" " She's coming back, right?" " Who?" "The shorts lady." "Boog?" " Hey, big guy." " What's up, Tiny?" " What's up?" " You said that we..." " You're judging me?" " How y'all doing?" " Hey, Boog." " Hi, Boog." "I know he's a duck." "But he treats me like a lady." " But she's..." " Hey, buddy." " Hey, find me some food." " Come on." "What is our pickup time?" "Elliot, we're staying here." "This is our home." "These are our people." "This is where we reside." "What?" "Are you insane?" "Where have you been for the last two days?" "This place is horrible." "Horrible!" " Hey, guys." " What's up, lan?" "Come on, Elliot." "It ain't that bad." "She's at least gonna bring some Woo Hoo bars, right?" "It's just the two of us, Elliot." "Unless you plan on going back to your herd." "What?" "And break up the team?" "Bros before does." "Yeah." "Bros before does." "Hello, Elliot." "Catch you later, Boog." "Hey!" "Get off my trees, you bucktoothed sporran!" "Feels like home, baby." "Hey, Boog!" " Rabbit fight!" " Oh, no, you didn't." "Oh, yeah?" "Well, eat rabbit." "Hey, buddy." "Bob!" "Bob!" "A real live homo-sasquatchus." "Wait, wait." "No." "No." "No!" | {
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"Previously on Desperate Housewives:" "As one affair ends, ..." "We don't have to sneak around anymore!" "We can have a real relationship!" "... another begins." "Edie!" "I had asked her if she'd like to live together, and she said yes." "And yet another ..." "This is Rex's mother, Phyllis." "Claims, this is Joe Flannery." "Are you aware that my daughter-in-law has a boyfriend?" "... is exposed." "And it's not gonna break your heart to leave those sad little faces behind?" "And while some people can't wait to get out of the house, others are being kept there against their will." "Which one is Rex's headstone?" "I always forget." "It's right down this row." "Oh!" "Oh, yes." "That's right." "Over the years, Bree Van De Kamp had grown increasingly concerned over her mother-in-law's forgetfulness." "Oh honey - did I forget to take the pins out of that dress?" "Her lapses had become more frequent, ..." "Sweetie, didn't I tell you I was gonna paint that chair?" "... more glaring, ..." "Oh dear." "Didn't I mention I waxed the floor?" "... and more dangerous." "Yes, Bree was worried about Phyllis's faulty memory," "But she was more than happy to remind her - especially when it came to the important things." "So, have you given any thought to when you might be ending your visit?" "What?" "Have I become a burden?" "Is that what you're saying?" "I was simply asking when you were planning to leave." "There was no agenda behind the question." "Oh." "I " "I don't know." "Why don't we play it by ear?" "Yes, let's." "What on earth -?" "Oh my God!" "What happened?" "Looks like someone dug Rex up." "Well, I thought that, but why?" "Why would they do that?" "I don't know - unless..." "Unless what?" "Maybe this has something to do with that insurance investigator." "Insurance investigator?" "He came by, asking all sorts of questions?" "I don't know what you're talking about, Phyllis!" "Maybe you were at the store." "Anyway, he was very suspicious." "Suspicious?" " Oh yes." "He has a theory that Rex didn't die of a heart attack." "He thinks he was poisoned." "It was in that moment Bree could finally see the truth." "Did I not mention that?" "Her mother-in-law's memory was fine." "It was her soul that was faulty." "season 2 episode 3 "You'll Never Get Away From Me"" "The parties took place on the front lawn of 4347 Wisteria Lane every Sunday afternoon." "Chloë Pendergast would bring the tea set, which was appropriate, since she was the hostess." "Britney Cruys provided formal attire from her mother's closet." " How are you?" "And Marissa Ann McKay invited the additional guests, some of whom hadn't been to a party in years." "Of course, it never occurred to the three young girls that while they were busy playing out their fantasy, one of the older girls in the neighborhood was engaging in a fantasy of her own." "Hey." " Oh, hi, Mrs Solís." "Ralph." " Out to the mall again?" "You know me." "There was nothing Gabrielle enjoyed as much as shopping." "And even when she couldn't afford to take anything home, she took satisfaction in looking at the merchandise." "Hey, Susan." "What's going on?" "It's Karl's weekend to have Julie." "And they're always back by 6." "That's our custody agreement." "And it's after 6." "It's like 6:15." "See?" "There you go." "I'm sure they just forgot." "Well, I have a court order." "It's out of my hands." "It'd still be nice if you gave him a grace period." "No, I'm being nice." "I could have him arrested." "Don't get me wrong." "I am all for Julie spending time with Karl." "He is still her dad, and she loves him." ""But..."" " But he's with Edie." "She's not exactly the maternal type." "I wouldn't be a good mother if I wasn't concerned." "Who knows what passes for a kid-friendly good time in there." "Drugs?" "Porn?" "Smoking?" "# .." "let it shine, shine, shine, let it shine. #" "Doesn't sound like they're having an orgy in there." "# All through the night, I'm gonna let it shine. #" "# All through the night, I'm gonna let it shine. #" " Well, obviously they saw us coming." "# .." "let it shine, shine, shine, let it shine. #" "Whoo!" "That's a strike!" "Hey guys!" " Hey Mommy." "Hey!" "Look who's here!" "Parker, guess what I got." " What?" "School supplies." " School supplies!" "Yeah." "And the best part of it is," "I got you - a really cool - backpack!" " Wow, look at that." "Pretty neat, huh?" "Wow, thanks!" "So on your first day at school, you and your Dad can find your cubby, and you can hang it up." "You're not taking me?" "Actually, your Dad's gonna take you to school on your first day." "Yeah, just me and you, big guy." "I'll be right there to hold your hand." "But I thought Mommy was taking me." "Well honey, I have to work." "Mommy's boss is a mean, mean lady, and if I miss work I lose my job, and then we won't have any money to buy food." "Honey, you gotta believe me." "If I could be there, you know that I would." "All right." "I didn't know it was that important to you." "I will talk to my boss, and I'll see what I can do." "Thank you, Mommy." "Wow, I don't want to rain on your prairie, but he just totally manipulated you." "Hey, when a kid's that good, you gotta give him his due." "An autopsy?" "Detective, Rex died of a heart attack!" "Well, there were some anomalies in the doctor's report." "Anomalies?" "What anomalies?" "Madam, I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss this any further with you." "Am I a suspect?" "I didn't say that." "Well, if I am you're wasting your time." "I loved Rex, and anyone who knows me will tell you that I was incapable of hurting him." "Are you sure about that?" "You talked to Phyllis!" "Again, I can't discuss the case." "She's my mother-in-law!" "Of course she said horrible things about me!" "Ma'am, lower your voice." "She blamed me for every problem that Rex and I ever had." "So there were problems with the marriage?" "Well, it was a marriage." "Of course there were problems." "May I record this, just so there's no confusion over your statement?" "No, you may not record this." "So you refuse to make a statement?" "I'm not refusing anything." "All I'm saying is, stay away from Phyllis." "She's a - she's a raving loon." "Ma'am, perhaps you'd be more comfortable with an attorney present." "You want a statement?" "Fine." "I'll give you a statement." "My husband died of a heart attack." "I loved him very deeply." "And your mother did a lousy job." "To Bree's way of thinking, there were two kinds of people in the world:" "Those who were useless before their morning coffee and those who weren't." "What's going on?" "Don't rush me, Bree." "I'm an old woman." "Get her out of here!" "I will tell you one thing:" "You wouldn't be acting this way if you didn't feel guilty about something!" "What's the occasion?" "Uh, our anniversary?" "Oh, right." "How could you forget our anniversary?" "You sit in a cell all day long, staring at a calendar!" "What's the big deal?" "Our marriage is a sham anyway." "Oh, we're not doing this again." "You know, in real marriages, wives are faithful." "And husbands remember anniversaries." "So I guess we're even." "Are you equating forgetting our anniversary with cheating on me?" "You are clearly determined to ruin this special date for us!" "What is wrong with you that you don't feel guilty?" "I feel tons of guilt, so back off!" "You never even apologized." "I apologized a million times." "Yeah, but you always followed it up with an excuse." ""I was lonely." "You weren't home enough." "A woman needs to be loved."" "A woman does need to be loved." "And since you didn't give it to me, I had to find it elsewhere." "So that's what the teenager was doing in our bedroom:" "Filling you with love." "Say what you want, but John Rowland loved me like no one ever has." "Not as a trophy or as a possession, but for me." "He loved me." "No, he really did." "Let me count the ways:" "gently, savagely, frequently, upside down, ..." "Is there a problem here?" "No, it's our anniversary." "We're just reliving the good times." "That's an amazing car." "Aston Martin, right?" "Uh-huh." "Brand new." "Limited edition." "A little anniversary present from my husband." "He's very generous." "More than he knows." "I'm sorry, what?" "I'm singing at church for the Family Follies." "Edie's going to accompany me on the guitar." "She's really good." "So you and Edie are - are gonna be an act." "Is that a problem?" "No!" "No." "I mean, I'm a little surprised that you didn't ask me to accompany you first." "On what?" "You don't play an instrument." "I play the piano." "You know that." "How would I know that?" "I've never seen you play." "Well, I played in high school." "So the last time you tickled the ivories was sometime in the late 70s?" "It was the early 80s." "Well, I'm not gonna argue with you." "You wanna do the show with Edie, and I think that's super." "So she's rather good, huh?" "She knows her guitar." "Aparently there are a lot of musicians in her family." "Sort of like the Von Trapp's." "Except, you know, her brother of deed." "All I'm asking you is to go out and play a little bit of ball." "Is that such a big deal?" "Matthew, you are such an excellent player, darling, that people will want to be your friends." "Then the next thing you know, God knows who will be wanting to drop by, call in " "Sweetie, we need to keep a low profile!" "Yeah, I know." "But I have got to get out of this house sometime, or I'll go crazy here." "What is it?" "Oh." "My daughter is singing a song at church, and I want to accompany her on the piano, and I haven't played in years." "You were so amazing at Rex's funeral the other day," "I was wondering if " " I don't give lessons." "Oh." "Oh, OK." "Oh!" "You have a little - on your " "I'm baking cherry pie." "Excuse me." "What happened to maintaining a low profile?" "If you're being rude to everybody, they didn't stop whispering about us." "You're right." "We do want to fit in." "Lynette!" "Check it out." "Cheese'n'smile." "Stu, isn't that the new videoconference setup?" "Yeah." "Isn't the resolution fantastic?" "Hey, Nina." " M-hm?" "About tomorrow morning " "Mhmmm - you know how the first hour of the morning meeting's always so slow?" "'Cause I've got this thing " "Good God." "This is not about your kids again, is it?" "I know, I promised I wouldn't do this." "But Parker really needs me to be there on his first day of kindergarten." "He's so freaked out I can't be there " "I'm sorry." "How is this my problem?" "Because we can't escape the fact that I have kids." "I love my job, but to be fair, there's got to be some balance." "OK." "How about the people that don't have the kids?" "Did you ever consider that they might need a little more balance in their lives?" "Like maybe they want to go see a matinée." "Or perhaps they want to come in a little late, after a big crazy night out." "Or maybe they just want to get a haircut, which I myself have not been able to do for two months." "So no, this is about fairness to the people who are childless by choice, OK?" "OK." "Good point." "Er, sorry about your hair." "I can see why you're upset." "Open wide!" "Now, Stu." "Hang on a sec." "I don't understand." "This system is gonna let Mommy be with you on your first day at school." "The resolution is fantastic." "Mmm..." "The next day, Gabrielle decided to cheer herself up with another round of windowshopping." "But this time, she was taken aback by what was on display." "Mrs Tilman." "Mr Delfino!" "I heard you are back from the hospital, so I brought you these." "Can't tell you how long it's been since I got flowers from a handsome man." "I mean I could, but" " I don't want your pity." "Where are you off to?" "I'm going back to Utah for a few weeks." "The recuperation is taking longer than the doctors anticipated." "Speaking of my attack, have they caught young Zachary yet?" "No." "Actually that's why I'm here." "So the flowers were just a ruse." "Figures." "I'm trying to find Zach before he gets any more trouble." "Do you know any friends that he might have, anywhere he might be holed up?" "I know you're close to him." "Funny thing." "Since he beat me and threw me down the stairs, we just don't stay in touch like we should." "Since when do you care so much about Zach Young?" "It's complicated." "I'll bet." "I'm sure he's out there somewhere trying to find his father." "Which I trust you made impossible." "No, I let Paul go." "I couldn't go through with it." "That was a mistake." "He will spend the rest of his life running from the police." "I think that's punishment enough." "Zach is the only connection that Paul has with his dead wife." "At some point he will run back here, looking for her." "I don't like to be negative, but - you really should have killed him." "At the brisk of ruining a lovely evening," "I have some unpleasant news." "The police dug up your father today." "What?" "Why?" "Well, apparently they want to do an autopsy." "They don't think that he had a heart attack." "They think that somebody was poisoning him." "Who would have poisoned Daddy?" "Well, apparently I'm a suspect." "They always look at spouses first." "It has something to do with statistics." "It's just a formality." "I'll be cleared in no time." "Would you two please stop looking at me like that?" "Obviously, I did not kill your father, I loved him deeply!" "Yeah, but you and Dad had a lot of problems." "Everyone knows that." "Yes, we had issues, but I would never have hurt him!" "What about the night Daddy had a second heart attack?" "You must have loved him a lot to make the bed before taking him to the hospital." "I was in shock, Danielle." "You know that." "Andrew." "Surely you don't think I murdered your father." "I know you didn't." "You're not capable of murder." "Thank you." "That wasn't a compliment." "Takes guts to kill somebody." "Thank you so much for changing your mind about helping me." "I really appreciate it." "I'm happy." "And " "I'm sorry if I seemed rude before." "I was having a bad day." "That's good." "It's really good..." "You might want to lay off the pedal." "Really?" "Oh, I thought it made it sound more professional." "It doesn't." "Boy, your son really likes to play his hip-hop music loud." "The good news is it drowns out the sound of the - dryer." "Part your fingers, Susan." "# ... shine, shine, shine, let it shine. #" "Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt." "I knocked, but I guess you guys didn't hear me." "No, we heard you." "We just hoped that whoever it was would go away." "I'm still hoping that'll happen." "What's up, Mom?" "Well, I have good news." "I've been taking piano lessons with Betty Applewhite, and " "I just thought, maybe I could join you guys?" "You know, like a trio." "Doesn't that sound fun?" "I don't do trios." "But thanks, anyway." "Well, I don't mean to be tactical here, but this show - it really is supposed to be a family thing, and I hate to point out, you're not family." "No, but I have talent." "And to most audiences, talent trumps family." "What makes you so sure I don't have talent?" "Just a hunch." "Yeah." "Well, we've both seen your talent." "Which is a nice way of telling you," ""why don't you put some curtains on your bedroom window."" "Guys!" " Oh come on, be honest." "You didn't want any part of this until you found out I was involved." "That is so not true!" "Oh yes it is." "It burns you that your own daughter picked me over you." "She did not pick you." "It just didn't occur to her that I would agree to do it." "Well, now she knows, and if she had it to do over again, she'd pick me." "No, she wouldn't." "Well, why don't we put it to a test?" "Julie, who would you rather have play with you?" "Oh, no." "No no no." "No, it's OK, honey." "Who do you want to be with you in the family talent show?" "Yes, who do you want with you in front of all of those people?" "And remember, it's church." "They are going to be judging you." "OK." "Well, first of all - you both suck." "But if I had to choose " "I guess I'd pick my Mom." "Sorry, Edie." "Fair enough." "I'd like my pitch pipe back please." "It was you, wasn't it?" "Hello John." "Long time no see." "One of the neighbors saw an Aston Martin driving away." "Whom would you know?" "Would someone have attended the yard..." "You were busy elsewhere." "You saw us?" "Yes!" "And I have to say she's old enough to be your mother." "Hell, she's old enough to be my mother." "Joan's only 41." "Joan?" "You're calling her Joan?" "Why shouldn't I?" "She's my friend." "I know your friends." "And I have a hunch you don't do to your friends what I saw you doing to that wrinkly old lady." "OK." "So you caught me doing it with somebody else." "What's the big deal?" "You're supposed to be in love with me." "What?" "How many times did you say it?" "How many times did you whisper in my ear, "you're the only woman that I'll ever love"?" "I don't know." "A bunch." "So were you lying to me?" "Were you just trying to get me into bed?" "No, of course not." "I loved you." "But we broke up." "Yeah, like 5 minutes ago!" "Haven't you ever heard of a mourning period?" "I know, it seems quick." "But I have feelings for her." "In fact, I think I may be in love with her." "Oh my God." "What's the matter?" "Is it the baby?" "No." "Oh no no, it's me." "I am beyond stupid!" "You're not stupid." "Oh no, I am." "Yesterday, I was still fantasizing that it could work with you." "That a one bedroom apartment might be cozy." "Mrs Solís, please " "Oh my God." "I almost left my husband for someone who calls me Mrs Solís!" "So " "Are you upset because you wanted to get back together?" "Because I can break up with Joan." "That's OK, sweetie." "I'm good." "So this is it for us?" "'Cause I really feel like we should end it better than this." "Actually, John, given how stupid both of us have been, this is an entirely appropiate ending." "Mrs Van De Kamp!" "What can I do for you?" "I would like to submit myself to a lie detector test to eliminate any uncertainty about what happened with my husband." "Are you sure you don't want a lawyer present?" "I'll waiver that." "My only stipulation is that I want my children to be able to see me answer the questions." "I think we can accommodate you." "Is your name Bree Van De Kamp?" "Yes." "Were you married to Rex Van De Kamp?" "Yes." "Did you and your husband temporarily separate last year?" "Yes." "Did you kill your husband?" "No." "Do you know a man named George Williams?" "Yes." "During your separation from your husband, did you have a relationship with Mr Williams?" "What does that have to do with anything?" "Just "yes" or "no" responses, please." "Well, I'm not going to respond to something that's none of your business." "Mrs Van De Kamp, if you want us to take this polygraph seriously, answer the questions we ask." "OK?" "Who's George Williams?" "He's our pharmacist." "During your separation, did you have a relationship with Mr Williams?" "Yes." "Are you in love with Mr Williams?" "What?" "Are you in love with Mr Williams?" "No." "Um, I" " I was thinking of something else just then, so why don't you ask me the question again?" "Are you in love with Mr Williams?" "No." "Did you see that?" "Yeah." "I saw it." "Hello Susan." "Are you ready for your lesson?" "Yup, I am." "I think I'm gonna make another push for using that pedal." "I think it adds grandeur." "I want to talk to you!" "I'm busy now." "I cannot believe you kicked Edie out of Julie's performance!" "I did not kick Edie out." "Julie made that call." "Because you played the Mom card." "Well, it is a family recital, and Edie is not family." "One day she could be!" "Och, don't even joke like that." "How about your plumber/convicted murderer, huh?" "He seems to keep popping up at "family events"." "It was not murder, it was manslaughter." "And that's totally different." "Mike and I aren't even living together." "And he cares about Julie." "So does Edie." "She was really looking forward to performing with Julie." "If you think Edie Britt cares about anybody other than herself, you are living in a fool's paradise." "You don't know her the way I do, and the only reason she's interested in Julie is to mess with my head!" "Ha!" "That's both crazy and self-absorbed!" "Just go for it." "Way to go!" "Whether you choose to believe it or not, they're both great together." "And if you don't believe me, ask Julie." "I'm sorry you had to witness that." "Oh, it's OK, hon." "I have lived my share of family knock-down drag-outs." "I hope it wasn't as ugly as me and Karl." "You'd be surprised." "Parker?" "Honey?" "Can you hear me?" "Tom, why isn't he talking?" "Um, honey, there are a lot of kids here, he's a little stressed out." "Parker, say hi." " Mommy?" "Oh, hey, honey." "This is so exciting, your first day of school!" "You're gonna make so many friends!" "Lynette." "Staff meeting." "Now." "Uh, right." "I'm gonna be right there." "Now now now now!" "Stu!" "This coffee, it's cold." "Honey, I'm gonna be right back." "Mommy?" "Where are you going?" "Right back!" "Mommy, come back!" "OK, let's turn to page 5." "Damn!" "I forget my prospectus." "Any extra copies?" "No?" "Be right back." "Hi, I'm back!" "How's he doing?" "Um, honey, he's upset, 'cause he wanted to show you his cubby." "He would love to." "Honey, I'm here, you can show me your cubby now!" "Nina found extra copies." "She wants you back now." "OK..." "I'll be back in 2 seconds, sweetie." "Mommy, Mommy!" "Don't go!" "So the big issue here is second order billing." "Where are you going?" "Ladies' room." " No." "Nina, Nature's calling." "Lynette, hold it for 10 minutes." "We have to get through this." "What I'd like to do is trade out the invoicing structure." "Let's take a look at our graphs on page 10, please." "Lynette had been struggling to balance her career and her family." "She finally saw an opportunity to tip the scales in her favor." "... clients with invoices on the shorter-term campaigns, I say we bill on delivery." "Yes!" "Bill on delivery, yes!" "Are you having a seizure?" "No!" "No, I'm just - very excited." "It's a really good plan." "Yeah." "Now, what happened with the Berman account is that they were sent duplicate bills by Tina and Ron in Accounting, and I'm not pointing any fingers, but" "Tina and Ron, about walking in and seeing all my lines lit up with disgruntled..." "Ow!" "Ow!" "Hot!" "Hot!" "Help!" "Stu!" "And that's why we packed you extra cookies, so you could share with all your new friends, remember?" "Uh-huh!" " I think we got to go now, honey." "You're gonna be great, Parker." "Mwa, I love you." "I love you too, Mommy." " Mwa!" "Bree, hi!" "What can I do for you?" "Well, for starters, you can help me prove to the police that we didn't conspire to kill my husband." "OK." "So because of the anomalies in Rex's blood, the police started to wonder if I'd been poisoning Rex." "That's absurd." "Lots of things can cause high potassium levels." "Renal failure, low sodium..." "That's why I took the polygraph to prove to them that I was innocent." "Obviously, you passed." "Sort of." "Well, I think the police now have a different theory, which is:" "If I wasn't poisoning Rex on my own, then maybe - you were helping me." "You're kidding." "No, that's why I need you to take the polygraph too." "W-What?" "It's the quickest way to prove to the police that they're wrong." "I don't understand." "We're just friends." "Why would the police assume that people in a - platonic relationship would want to murder someone?" "Um..." "During the test, they asked me some questions about you and, um, us, and whether we had a relationship, and I said, yes, because it's true;" "and then, they asked me something else, something I hadn't considered." "Which was?" "They asked me if I loved you." "What did you say?" "I said, no." "Oh." "But according to the polygraph, that wasn't exactly true." "Well, I don't " "I don't know if that means anything." "Polygraphs aren't completely reliable." "I think perhaps the machine picked up on something." "Something that I wasn't aware of." "Wow." "That's why I need you to take the test and answer the detectives' questions." "Because I'm not gonna know exactly how I feel until we put this behind us." "But then once we do we can move on." "Can those Ciccarelli Sisters dance or what?" "Well, look out, Broadway!" "Now don't forget that we will have cookies and juice set up in the basement after we're done here." "We want to see you all there." "And for our next act, please welcome the musical stylings of Julie and Susan Mayer!" "I'll be right back." "Oh, um..." "I'm just gonna need a couple of seconds, so " "Feel free to pray!" "The other day when I saw you making music with my family," "I got a little jealous, and I went a little crazy, and I pushed you out." "Seeing you sitting here today, well, I can see how much you care about Julie, and - she comes first." "And it should be you up there playing with her, not me." "So" " I'm sorry." "Thank you, Susan." "How convenient that you decided this after I showed up without my guitar." "Well, like I said I'm sorry." "I wish it could be you up there." "You know, I play piano." "And so let's all welcome Julie Meyer and her aunt Edie." "You did a good thing." "Yeah, well, I try." "# This little life of mine #" "# I'm gonna let it shine #" "# This little life of mine #" "# I'm gonna let it shine #" "Ugh, give me a break!" "This thing has like 90 flats in it." "# This little life of mine #" "Poor Julie." "Stop it." "You're loving this." "# I'm gonna let it shine #" "No!" "Not at all!" "# Let it shine, shine, shine, # # let it shine. #" "So." "They said you needed to see me." "What is it?" "What's going on?" "Uh " "I've been thinking - you know, about - everything that happened with John and " "and, um " "I was really - selfish and stupid." "And I'm sorry." "I really am sorry." "That's all I had to say." "Really." "You know what?" "That is the best anniversary gift that you've ever given me." "Really?" "Yeah." "Actually, the one you gave me is really nice too." "Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then." "Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly." "Sometimes, we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life." "Lynette, staff meeting now." "Yeah." "Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are." "Occasionally we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible." "Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one." "Did you know Rex Van De Kamp?" "Yes." "Did Mrs Van De Kamp ask you to poison her husband?" "No." "Did you poison Rex Van De Kamp?" "You start by lying to yourself." "No." "And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win." | {
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"DANGER, DON'T PICK UP HITCHHIKERS" "Brilliant." "Should we stop?" "Absolutely not." "We don't pick up hitchhikers." "You can't be serious." "It's too dangerous." "Come on." "Come on!" "Calm down, or I'll make you calm down." "Hey." " Get out of the car." " No!" "Are you all right?" "Hey!" "Hey!" " I said, get out!" " Hey, hey, hey, hey!" "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "You want this guy?" "You're trying to pull a fast one on me?" "I took you everywhere!" "I was at your beck and call!" "Get out of here!" "Just go!" "You can keep that whore!" "Asshole!" "Dickhead!" " You're just a slut!" " Get out of here!" "What a nightmare, this guy." "I can't believe this." "Thank you." "This could have been really bad." " What are you doing here?" " I'm sorry, I don't speak French." "Are you English?" "Yeah." " You speak English?" " But of course." "Oh." "Are you all right?" "It's nothing." "I am an idiot." "What about you?" "Oh, just a little accident." "So, do you know that guy?" "No, I was hitchhiking, and he picked me up." "I don't know how you say it in English." "Stop." " How do you...?" "Stop." "You understand?" " Yeah." "No." " My name is Véronique." " Jack." " Where do you go, Jack?" " I'm just trying to get home." " To England?" " Hmm." "I've been down south, just hanging out." "I thought it was time to get back." "The journey should've taken me a couple of days, but the lifts just dried up." "Feels like I've walked halfway across France." "I know what that's like." "Life on the road." "What about you?" "You've been traveling long?" "I'm always traveling." "It's good for the soul, you know?" "Got to keep moving." "Yeah." "I'm a bit of a restless soul myself." "Where you headed?" "Wherever I can get to." "You don't have a home?" "No." "Not anymore." "I'm sorry." "One, two, three..." "Scissors!" " I win!" " Again." "What the fuck?" "Come on!" "What is wrong with these people?" "No, seriously, what the fuck?" "I think it's because of the road killer." "I think it's because of the killer of the road." "How do you translate?" "Road killer?" " Yeah, you've heard of him?" " No." "He's famous, though." "He's a serious killer, like, um, Jack the Ripper." "You mean a serial killer." "Yeah, well, that's what I said." "They found corpses on the road, their throat slit." "Like, really bad things have been happening lately." "People are scared..." "The whole area is terrified." "Like dead people on the road, do you understand?" "You're not scared?" "Of course I am." "That's why I don't want to stay here." "Well, you know..." "We need to help each other." "Ah?" "You speak French now?" "A little." "I see." "I agree, it's better if we stick together." "It's safer." "Safety in numbers, yes?" "One, two, three..." " Paper!" " Are you serious?" "And why would you stop?" "Do you want some..." "Chair?" "Yeah." "Thanks." "Do you want a chair?" "At least, I hope this is what you mean..." "Ah. "Do you want a chair?"" "Yeah." "Good." "I was practicing." "My signature." "What about you?" "Why don't you learn French?" "Why don't you carry a bag?" "It's a bit weird that..." "To travel without bags?" "Well, I lost them." "Lost them?" " Actually, they were stolen..." " Oh." "In the train station in Nice." "Worst day ever." "Lost everything except my... passport." "Oh, come on." " Wait!" " Give it back." "I'm just looking." "Jack Withe." "Born on August 12." "They don't like you smiling in those things." "I mean, what's wrong with a little smile?" "They need to lighten up." "I look proper." "No." "You look cute." "We were born a week apart." "I'm older." " Cool." " Yeah, it's cool." "You're not afraid of me?" "No." "You're a good guy." "I can feel it." "How do you know I'm not a killer?" "Come on in!" "The water is so nice!" "Come on!" "It's great." "Wondered where you'd got to." "Thought you just left." "Not yet." "I'm not going anywhere." "Cool." "I mean..." "It's fine." "Good." "Uh, you know how I told you that I lost my, um..." "Yeah?" "My girl..." "Ex-girlfriend..." " Never mind." " No, tell me." "What did she do?" "Did she steal your bags?" "She just dumped me for my best friend." "That's not exactly a best friend." "We had this big plan... to meet in Nice and travel all across Europe." "Instead, I walked in on their..." "sweaty, naked bodies." "It was complicated." "Shit." "Bad luck." "Like I said, worst day ever." "I can imagine." "I don't give a shit about that anymore." "You should forget about her." "Or she will stick to you like a bad odor." "Live in the present." "Do what you want." "You are free." "You're a nice kisser." "Do you understand?" "Come on!" "Come on, let's go!" "British reg." " Please tell me you're going to England." " I am sorry." "I can take you as far as I can, but not so far." "Oh." "I just thought with the registration plate..." "The car?" "It's the car of my wife." "She's English." "But do come in!" "Véronique!" "You coming or what?" "Your girlfriend?" "Could you just give me one minute?" "Huh." "Véronique..." "Let's go." "Safety in numbers, remember?" "Okay." "You travel light." "All the way to England with nothing?" " Long story." " Well, then, you have to tell me the story." "I am interested." "Where did it start, how does it end...?" "Et cetera, et cetera." "Well, excuse me." "Make yourself at home." "I thought it was a bit quiet." "What I really like is to listen to the sound of this car." "You know?" "This engine sounds beautiful." "What the...?" " What was that?" " My God." "Stay in the car." "I'll go see what it is." "What'd he say?" "He said, "Stay in the car."" "Sorry, I laugh from the nerves." "It's a rabbit." "It's crazy how many animals die on the road." "Poor thing." "Yeah, well..." "Ah." "As long as we're not stuck in a ditch." "I've known dumb ones, but as far as rabbits go, this one takes the cake." "Mistakes happen." "We should bury it." "You must be joking." "I'll deal with it." "You must be hungry." "So we're going to eat some rabbit." "Ah." "I haven't been to England for a long time." "It must have changed a lot." "What about you, miss?" "Which way are you going?" "Why?" "I was just wondering." "I was just wondering if you were going the same way." "Both of you." "It's plausible." "It's none of your business." "I don't know." "I have nowhere to go." "Fair enough." "Tired, right?" "Well, it's getting late." "Weather may change." "It's not safe on the road in the night." "You can stay the night with me." "My wife likes to have English company." "That's very kind, but I've really got to get back." "I'm supposed to be visiting my parents." "They'll be worried." "I understand." "Parents worry." "That's what they do." "What about you, miss?" "Your parents?" "Dead." "Both of them." " They're dead." " Véronique, I'm so sorry." "Don't be sorry." "It was a long time ago." "A long time." "That is very sad." "Parents..." "They are important." "Well, uh, Jack, here is my suggestion." "You come to my home, my wife will make, uh, good, uh, food." "You eat, you sleep, and tomorrow..." "Tomorrow, I will take you where you need to go." "To Calais for the ferries." "You'll be home in the afternoon." "Sounds too good to be true." " But you know what..." " Oh, wait!" "I am such an idiot!" "I forget completely, there is strike in Calais!" " A strike?" " Mm-hmm." "No ferries." "Oh, I didn't know." "We'll figure something out." "Oh, yeah?" "And what is that?" "You're going to swim across the Channel?" "No, maybe better to come to my home." "And I will make you some nice, hot coffee." "Actually, I could kill for a cup of tea." "Tea?" "How very..." "English." "Ah!" "Damn it." "I've looked everywhere for it." "Why did I put it here?" "Jack, this is a bad idea." "Let's just get some food and clean up." "We can leave after dinner, yeah?" "I completely forgot where I put it." "Here." "Please." "Thank you." "My wife will be very happy to see you." "Here we are, my house." "Mary, darling, look who I've brought home." "Two young travelers lost on the road." "Our friend here is a young Englishman, Jack, and his friend is a poor... orphan with nowhere to go." "Come in." "Darling, would you show Jack his room?" "Of course." "Follow me." "And I'll show you yours." "I can carry that." "Monsieur said you were English." "Have you lived in France long?" "Too long." "I lived in England for a while, before I ended up here." "But I am originally from the States." "My husband seems to forget." "Oh." "It hasn't been used in a while." "Your visit is... unexpected." "Good God." "I didn't have time to clean the room properly." "Well, why would I?" "I mean, you've only just arrived." "Anyway..." "I hope you'll at least be comfortable." "Oh, believe me, anything beats sleeping rough." "Oh, but you mustn't do that." "It's very dangerous." "Yeah, so everyone keeps telling me." "But it's not every day you meet someone as kind as you, Madame." "You can call me Mary." "Well, thank you, Mary." "Is everything all right?" "I don't know why I did that, um..." "Unexpected." "That's the word I was looking for." "Please..." "Have a rest and freshen up." "I'll see if I can..." "find you some clean clothes." "We can have a chat later." "What do you think of this place?" "It's cozy." " Cozy?" " Yeah." "What's your room like?" "Who cares?" "Let's get out of this place." " I really don't like these people." " No." "They're all right." "I think they're just lonely." "Did you see how they were looking at me?" "They're weird." "I don't trust them." "They didn't even give us the same room." "I think they're just a bit old-fashioned." "And why do you want to stay in the same room as me anyway?" "I told you, I'm dangerous." "Youngsters, dinner is ready." "Oh, I'm just finishing up here." "As soon as you'll be ready." "Old-fashioned?" "To your good health!" "As we say in French." " My love." " Bon appetit." "You know, my wife is an excellent, uh..." "What's the word in English to say..." "I'm afraid my English is... rusting." " Uh..." " Cook." "Of course!" "Cook." "It hits the nail right on the nose." "You mean, on the head." "You say tomato, I say open-heart surgery." "Is something wrong?" "I don't usually eat meat." " Though it does look very good!" " Oh!" " I'm sorry." "I didn't know." " Oh." "Why didn't you say?" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." "I'll take it off." "Are you vegetarian?" "Yes." "Oui." "Oh..." "Um, we have some salad." "No, it's fine, honestly." "No." " Are you sure?" " No." "You don't know what you miss, young man." "In life, meat is... one of the most important... pleasure." "Not only pleasure, but, you know." "We say in France, you know..." "It melts in your mouth." "Like truffle, chocolate." "Chocolate truffle." "You should try." "Try it." "Anyway, how can you imagine such a handsome boy... being a homme-lette?" "Don't mind him, he's just... teasing." "Well, no, no, I am not." "What is wrong with you?" "I would rather be a vegetarian than stuff my face with all the flesh that you eat." "Leave him be." "She speaks." "Merci." "Oh, my God, what are you doing?" "I'm sorry." "What's happening?" "Is there any problem?" "Or what?" " No." " So, I'm sorry." "I'm sorry, okay?" "That's it." "I really appreciate you taking us both in like this." "I mean, it feels like we've been hitching forever with this road killer business." "What did they call him?" ""Le tueur de la route."" "You've... you've heard of this killer?" "Well, he's famous." "He's a serious killer." "Serial killer." "I don't..." "I don't want us to talk about it, okay?" "It upsets my wife, you know." "They found a body close to here in the last weeks." "Young man." "Would be the same age as you." "I would rather talk about something else." "Okay." "I just wondered, you know." "It's kind of freaky." "He'd been cut up and buried in several pieces." "I'm sorry, darling!" "Oh!" "Please." " God, I am so sorry." " Oh!" "It's not your fault." "It's not your problem, no." "Everybody's upset." "People have lost their loved ones... in many ways." "What... what do they know about the killer?" "Are there any leads?" " Nothing." " Nonsense!" "That's not true." "Everybody knows around here that he's lurking, looking for his next victim." " I'm sorry, but everybody knows." " Yes, that's true." "He only attacks the weak and the vulnerable." "Children, old people." "Women who travel alone." "And hitchhikers." "But anyway, you're safe here, you know." "Really, Jack, don't worry." "I'm sorry, I must assist my wife." "What the hell did you just say to him?" "You're a pain." "You want one?" " Look, I'm sorry, okay?" " Will you stop saying you're sorry?" "You English spend your time apologizing." "Why do you always apologize?" " I don't want to argue with you." " It's fine." "Forget it." "How did you get that scar on your back?" "I saw it in the shower." "Oh, my stepdad." "Mom's boyfriend, whatever." "We got into an argument when I was 12." "We were on a road trip in France, actually." "He lost it and hit me with a metal bar." " Got 10 stitches." " Shit." "I hit him back, in the face." "He didn't bother me again after that." "Never actually told anyone about that before." "Well, my father never hit me, but..." "I don't know." "I never fought back." "How did they, you know...?" " Sorry." " No, no, it's okay." "They say it's good to talk about it." "Well..." "When I was little, my brother and I would play hide-and-seek in the fields." "And..." "One day..." "We went a little too far." "And..." "A tractor drove by." "And..." "It was too late." "The tractor... mauled my brother." "So, now, whenever I think about my brother," "I see blood." "And..." "My mother always thought it was my fault." "Do you understand?" " Do you understand?" " Yeah." "You have a brother, right?" ""Frère."" "It's silly, but I've never been to England." " Why don't you come with me, then?" " Really?" "Yeah." "It's not just an empty suggestion?" "No, it's not an empty gesture." "Seriously, come with me." "But just for the record, I really like France." "I wanted to do that since I first saw you." " Liar." " Really." "What, when you saw me in the car with that weirdo?" "Well, maybe it was just a minute after that." " See?" " I'm not lying." "I'm tired." "I should go to bed." "I can't wait to get back on the road and get out of this weird place." "Shit." "It's flashing outside." "You just missed it." "Good night, Jack." "Good night." " Are you all right?" " I'm fine." "Come here." "I'll be all right, really." " Thanks." " It's the least I could do." "I'm sorry." "For what?" "Everything." "Dinner." "Don't be." "It's not your fault." "Thank you." "What happened to you, Jack?" "It's complicated." "Yeah." "It always is." "I like your tattoo, by the way." "Oh." "From when I was young and free." "Like a butterfly." "Somehow, it seemed personal to me." "Like, a butterfly reminded me... of myself." "What can I say?" "I was young." "You're still young." "And what's age anyway?" "Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, Jack." "Make yourself at home." "What are you playing at?" "What is all this melodrama?" "Everything was going well." "You're going to ruin everything." "Why are you doing this?" "I can't do this anymore!" "Did you take your pills?" "No." "No!" "Fuck the medicines!" "Fuck them!" "The company that charters ferries across the Channel announces a day of strike and blockades." "Unions did not find an agreement with the leadership regarding a salary increase." " It will be the third day of strike..." " I didn't mean to disturb you." "You're not disturbing me at all." "Come in." "I'm happy to see you." "Passengers have been stuck for several days..." "I'm sitting here in the dark, alone, by myself." "I'm afraid you can no longer go home." "I'm sorry?" "Tomorrow, you'll have to stay." " What do you mean?" " The strike." "Oh, right." "By the look of things, the ferries will run again in two or three days, maybe, at the best." "Oh." "But as I said, you stay here and make yourself comfortable." "I'm not sure." "I need to speak to Véronique." "We'll see more in the morning." "We say, "Tomorrow is another day."" "No need to worry." "What are you doing?" "I am looking for..." "Let's see, a piece of cloth... of this size." "Yeah, right." "I saw you looking at his passport." "Oh." "Well..." "That's hardly a crime, is it?" "Anyway, he put it on the desk." "It was just there." "I can't believe this." "You're not ashamed of going through other people's stuff?" "I'm sorry." "You'll have to excuse me." "I'm a bit of a night owl, you know." "Anyway, I think it's time to go to sleep now." "Now, following an unexpected turn of events, the police seem to think..." "Beautiful house." "Must get a bit lonely." "Just you two with all this space." "I like quietude." "It's good for peace of mind." "What about your children?" "Like a taste?" "Ah!" "Just for my sake." "Just to taste it." "The police are concerned there may be a dozen other victims whose corpses haven't been found, and they are investigating cases of missing persons in the area." "We don't have children." "Such is life." "Some things you have, some things not." "I am happy to have a drink with you because my wife, she doesn't like to drink." "The police advise people not to pick up hitchhikers..." "More than enough, thank you." "Meanwhile, temperatures are reaching a new high." "She claims it distracts her, and she can't focus on her painting." "But then she drinks wine." "My wife's artwork is all over the house." "Oh, I didn't even realize she was an artist." "She is very talented." "And you?" "I am a composer." "I travel a lot, you see." "So, it depends." "I am not always a composer." "Sometimes." "It's a happy coincidence." "You two being artists." "What kind of music do you compose?" "I don't believe in coincidence." "Just destiny, or inevitability." "Right." "And you?" " Me?" " Sure." "What do you do?" "I'm not really sure yet." "I was thinking of studying archaeology." "I'm fascinated by what societies from the past have left behind." "Hmm." "But you know, that's really dangerous." "I knew you were one of those." "Prying, snooping around." "But, you know, some things should be left alone." "Some things are asleep and should stay that way." "Well, I don't mean to be rude, but..." "I don't really understand what you're saying." "I should probably go and get some sleep." "Right." "That's understandable." "You've walked a lot." "And all this chatting is tiring, right?" "We'll talk more about it tomorrow." "Good night." " Good night." " Hmm." "Keep your door... locked." "Hello!" "Oh, wow." "You're a vegetarian, Jack?" "Oui?" "Ah, shit!" "Véronique?" "It's locked." "I was just looking for Véronique." "Oh." "She left." "What?" "I said your friend is gone." " What do you mean, she's gone?" " She left." "She said to tell you good-bye and good luck." "No." "I don't understand." "There's nothing to understand." "She left." "And you should also leave now." "You said you'd give me a lift to Calais." "I'm afraid I won't." "I'm changing my plans." " Have you a phone I could use?" " No phone." "What's that you've got there?" "What?" "Oh, this?" "Oh..." "I'm just fixing things." "As you can see, this house is old." "There's always something that breaks, and I have to fix it." "Where is she?" "What have you done?" "What are you talking about?" "Hmm?" "What are you worrying about?" "No point." " Relax, Jack." " Véronique?" " Why?" "Véronique, Véronique..." " Véronique!" "I told you." "She left..." "Véronique." " Véronique!" " Calm down." "Véronique!" "Véronique?" "Véronique!" " Jack, what are you afraid of?" " Véronique!" "Look, she left a note for you." "Read it!" "Hmm." "Poor Jack, love is fickle." "But you're young, you'll get over it." "It's just..." "Probably for the best." "Where's Mary?" "Madame Grizard." "She's not here." "You must leave now." "Are you awake?" "I put you in the back with the animals because there was no room in the front." "You've reached your final destination, my poor man." "Here..." "I made you some food." "What the fuck?" "I hope you like rabbit." "I want to leave." "What?" "What is it?" "Ah, sorry!" "What the fuck?" "Don't get all worked up, man." "I don't speak English." "I am sorry." "Here." "You see, this one," "I am keeping for later." "Beautiful animal, right?" "Yes." "Yes." "I've been doing this for 10 years." "The State pays me to do the dirty work nobody else wants to do." "Pick up road kill." "They don't understand, you see." "It's the best job in the world." "Yes, it is." "I am being paid to eat." "But I can't eat it all." "Right, Jeanne?" "Sometimes, the poor things are in such bad shape that I can't do anything with them." "So, I bury them." "And then, sometimes," "I stuff them, when they're not too damaged." "You see?" "Like this one." "Or this one." "It's pretty, isn't it?" "You know..." "Some people are ready to pay the big bucks to have stuffed animals." "Yes, yes." "Here you go." "Please, I don't understand." "I don't understand." "Please!" "Anyhow." "I found you on the road, unconscious, lying on the ground like those dead animals." "I didn't see that coming." "Although, it's a nice change." "What are you going to do to me?" "Yum, yum." "Eat." "It's really good." "There you go." "Come on." " No, fuck off." " Oh, yes, yes." "Come on, eat." "Well, shit." "I invite you over for dinner, and this is how you thank me?" "Oh, fuck!" "Wait, please..." "Please!" "Stop!" "No!" "Why are you doing this?" "And why not?" "Huh?" "Wait, don't move." "Or I could cut your little toe." "Please." "Please, don't do this." "Please!" ""Please don't do this." "Please don't do this."" "Stop, stop!" "No!" "What a fool you are." "I am not going to cut your little toe." "That would be pure cruelty." ""What did I do to deserve this?"" "Is that what you were thinking?" "There you are." "It will do you good." "What, you're not eating?" "No eat?" "Eat." "Come on." "Hey." "Look at me." "That's it." "You're a good boy." "See, I knew you weren't a "homme-lette"." "Here." "Let me taste it." "Damn, it's so good." "Don't even think about it." "What do you mean..." ""Homme-lette"?" "No, no, no, no." "Wait a second." "You know Grizard?" "Shit, you should really see your face." "Poor little boy." "All right." "Say, I'll do you a favor." "I'll take you to the highway." "It's not that big of a detour, and I have to go by the Chabrol farm to finish the job." "You won't remember anything when you wake up." "You'll be back where you started." "On the road." "Imagine that." "You shouldn't have pissed off Grizard, boy." "But since he didn't kill you, you must be strong." "Come here." "Shit." "Damn it, the stove!" "All right, let's finish this once and for all." "Where the hell did I put them?" "Damn." "This little punk is really in trouble now." "In any case, they don't pay me enough for this shit." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Is anyone there?" "I need help!" "Hello?" "Goddamn it." "Where did he go?" "At least we have his picture." "We really scared him, huh?" "What are you doing?" "Something must be done." "Listen to me!" "The only thing we need to do is go to town in order to get some pills." "And then what?" "You think everything will suddenly be fixed?" "When are you going to wake up and be realistic?" "This is a terrible, awful mess!" "There's no way out!" "Not this time." "We'll never get out of it." "It wasn't so..." "It will be a hazy memory for Jack at the most." "I spoke to Delacroix less than half an hour ago." "And everything was under control." "Ah, shit." "We can go and check on them on the way." "No, I don't want to do that." "Véronique?" "Fuck!" "What have they done?" "Jack, they said you left!" "It was a nightmare!" "I'm such a fool." "I should have listened to you." " They told me you had left!" " No!" "They tried to trick me." "I knew it." "I knew you wouldn't leave me." "You're so sweet." "Where are those fucking weirdoes?" "They've left." "I don't know where to." "Fuck!" "You need to cut this thing." "It's going to be all right." "I feared you..." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "Wait." "They're back." "We have to get out of here!" "That girl cannot leave this house." "Shit!" "Hurry." "Move!" "Yes." "What the fuck are we going to do?" "Drive." "Just keep driving." " We need to call the police." " Jack, there's no time." "We need to go very far, very quickly." "Shit!" "I am losing it." " This is all my fucking fault!" " Jack, please don't say that." "It's not your fault." "I should've listened to you from the beginning." "How am I so naive?" "I thought they were nice people." "I'm always so fucking wrong!" "Fuck!" "He's trying to run us off the road." "Can't believe it!" "Be careful, for God's sake!" "Leave me alone." "I know what I am doing." "Leave it to me." "This is nuts!" "Come on!" "This bloody engine!" " Jesus!" " What the fuck are they doing?" "Come on." "What the fuck are you doing, you sick people?" "Are you crazy?" "Fuck, something's wrong!" " Look out, Jack!" " Oh, shit!" "Jack, are you all right?" "We have to get out of here!" "Hurry." " Come on." " What happened?" "Come with me." "We are cursed." "Don't ever forget how much I love you, no matter what happens." "They won't go very far on foot." "Running away is pointless." "What the fuck are you doing?" "Go away!" "Come on, what are you waiting for?" "God!" "I knew this would happen." "I knew it, didn't I?" "It's out of control!" "What are we supposed to do?" "Calm down, my love." "Calm down." "I am calm!" "Don't tell me to be calm!" "You English people aren't so strong after all." "Just unlucky." "What's with you and all the bad luck, seriously?" "Ah, I don't know." "It can't be all that bad, though." "I met you, didn't I?" "Ah." "Oh." "Oh, God." "Are you okay?" "Everything's going to be okay." "Is anyone in here?" "Who is there?" "I've had enough of your nonsense." "Get out of there." "I have a knife that cuts, and I know how to use it." "Stay here." "Don't worry." "What are you doing here?" "I knew I heard someone." " Are you crazy?" " Fuck." "I can't believe you did that." "Leave us alone!" "Stop playing with that thing." "It's dangerous." "Come on, put it down." "Leave us alone!" "Come on, little girl." "Calm down." "That's enough." "Leave us alone!" "Come here." " Hey." " Don't you fucking touch her." "No, no, no." "Wait, wait." "Stop it." "Don't do anything stupid." "Help me, please." "Help me." "Fuck." "Shit." "Fuck, my head really hurts." "Jack?" "Jack!" "God." "It hurts like hell!" "Help me." "Help me." "We're talking about flesh." "Flesh and blood." "Do you hear me?" "You're listening, but you won't hear." "No!" "You listen to me, but you don't hear me!" "Come out!" " We know you're in there!" " Shit." "Shit." "Come out!" "Come out!" "He didn't want to play with me." "But you want to play with me, Dad, don't you?" "What did you do with the boy?" "This is the last time I can do this for you." "I hope you understand." "I said it was an accident." "How many times have I heard you say that?" "Why won't you believe me?" "He tripped and fell." "Yeah, right." "And as usual, Daddy has to clean it up." "I am Mr. Clean, right?" "I'm sorry, Daddy." " Listen to me." " Get out of the car!" "Jack!" "I said, get the fuck out of the fucking car!" "I thought you said he ran away." " I can't believe it." " Get out of the fucking car!" "Give me the keys!" "Don't fucking move." "Don't fucking move." "You don't know what you're doing!" "Oh, really?" "Shall we see, shall we?" " Please..." " Shall we fucking see?" " Please, put the gun down." "Let's talk." " Yes!" "We can explain everything." "I know everything." "You're trying to make her one of your mannequins." " You sick fucks!" " No, Jack, you have to understand." " All of this, I was trying to protect you." " Stop talking!" " Yes, Jack, there's something I've been..." " Shut the fuck up!" "Tie them up!" " Get down!" " No." "This is going way too far, darling." "Oh, yeah?" "Too far?" "Then, you shouldn't have come!" "It's your own fault." "Sooner or later, they will find out if you keep doing this." " Jack!" " Shut up!" "You won't always get away with it!" "No!" "Véronique!" "I've been wanting to do this for so long." "You have no right to do this to us, baby." "I am not a baby anymore." "And now, of course, you're interested in what I do." "That's too easy." "Come here." "Don't talk to those lunatics." "So, what are you going to do now?" "Are you going to kill us?" "Kill me?" "Is that it?" "You want to kill your mother and I?" "I am leaving with him." "I can't live like this anymore." "What's gotten into you?" "Shut up, damn it!" "Shut up." "Dad, I love you." "I love you, but I hate you." "You will never understand." " Why?" "Why?" " Because I can't take it anymore." "I can't be stuck in this idea anymore." "I am going crazy with you two!" "You don't help me." "You can't help me." "For a long time, I hoped you would stop." "But I must admit it, you're crazy." "Shut up." "Shut up, okay?" "Yes, you're crazy." "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "You will never stop." "I try to get away, but I always come back." "This time, it's over." "I won't come back." "You will never stop." "Never." "That's the problem." "You are a killer." "Véronique!" " Listen to me." " That's enough." "Don't forget that we are..." " That's enough." " Listen to me." "I know you will do it again." "You need me." "We are your only family." "Listen to me!" "Don't leave!" "I don't want you to leave." "Do you understand?" "I will do anything for you." "One, two, three." "Scissors!" "Free, at last!" "I couldn't have done this with anyone else." "Only you." "What did you say?" "You brought me back to life." ""You brought me back to life?"" "I love it when you speak in French." ""Tu me fais revivre."" "You're so beautiful when you speak in French." "You have to teach me." "A little bit every day, okay?" "Okay." "What was that?" "Nothing." "Just something I don't need anymore." " Calais?" " Just drive." " But where are we going?" " Anywhere!" "Anywhere but here." "Shouldn't we go back to your family?" "No." "They'll be worried, no?" "No." "They never have." "Anyway, I feel safe here." "With you." | {
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"Oh, good morning, Mrs F--F--F--F--F--F--F--F--F..." "Jackson!" "Firelighters?" "Firelighters?" "C--Certainly, madam." "Step inside and take the weight off your purse." "No, he'll be up in a minute for his breakfast." "Don't you have any desire to wander round this comestibles wonderland?" "" " Not really." "" " Oh, bring your head in more often." "We have an offer on baked beans." "Perhaps he'd like some of them?" "Lf..." "If you like an apple, th--these are firm... these are firm and crisp and sweet." "'Course they don't burn like firelighters!" "Where do you want these?" "I said, where do you want..." "Oh, heck, where's he gone now?" " (BELL) " " Good morning." "Won't keep you." "" " Someone in the shop!" "" " It's me, you d--dozy idiot!" "I've been halfway down the street, s--soliciting for customers!" "We don't get the normal customer any more." "Just a series of disappearing acts!" "I spend me time poking me head round the door!" "Where do you want these?" "See what I'm doing now?" "Talking to a cardboard box!" "Come on, my arms are getting longer!" "Just put them down anywhere." "Anywhere!" "Listen, Granville, pay attention to me." "We've got to get more of this leisure trade in, grab the casual customer, let me get me claws on him." "We must sh--shift some of these apples an' all." "" " They're not selling." "" " Not another sales drive!" "I want you to think apples!" "How else would a young man spend his adolescence (?" ")" "I want you to be totally apple motivated all week!" "If someone goes out without buying an apple, we have fo--fa--fe--failed!" "" " What if they don't like apples?" "" " N--negative thinking, Granville!" ""N--negative thinking, Granville" (!" ")" "Ah, so solly!" "Ah, please to beg forgiveness, honourable ancestor!" "'Ey, 'ey, 'ey!" "I don't want you blunting that sickle." "Put it down!" "If you want action, come here." "I've got a part for you." "Take an apple." "Now, when a customer comes into the shop," "I want you to t--take a bite of that, b--but casually, as if you didn't know the customer was here." "" " Oh, heck!" "" " Hey, now listen, Vanessa!" "We don't want all that temperament!" "Just a little performance is all I require." "" " Ma--Ma--Ma--Ma..." "" " Mare?" "M--M--M--Morning!" "Would you let me finish speaking, please?" "!" "(COCKNEY ACCENT) Are you having treatment for that?" "For what?" "" " Your impediment." "" " I haven't got an im--im--impediment!" "The only im--impediment I've got is him!" "What's up with him?" "I'm sick of trying to preserve a shred of emotional integrity in this crude commercial environment!" "Is that why you're talking to a shelf full of puff pastry?" "!" "What can you do with them at that age?" "Our Eileen's girl married one of them sociology graduates." "Perhaps we'll try that." "An ounce of Sweet Virginia and two packets of cigarette papers." "Don't just sell him something." "Talk to him about his dreams and aspirations!" "I see they've got the drains up again outside the slaughterhouse." "We never make any real contact!" "That's not what you said when you had your fingers up the light bulb socket!" "Now then...there we are, sir." "That's 80...90...100." "Thank you." "B--By the way, one of these a day keeps the doctor away!" "Keeps him away?" "Have you tried to get hold of one lately?" "!" "Impediment, ch--cheeky devil!" "I'm f--fed up with these foreigners coming up here, taking our jobs!" "Right." "Come on, I want a bit of teamwork down here now." "I've got to start pulling a cart now, have I?" "" " No, no." "Just take hold of that." "" " All right." "Now what?" "I want you to bite it." "It's rotten!" "You're not practising on good ones." "They're for sale!" "Look, it's got a worm in it!" "Well, you're not blessed with uncontrollable wild teeth, are you?" "You can steer past a bit of worm!" "It's not a question of where it is now." "One has to ask oneself what it did on the surface when it went in!" "Well, let us b--be brave and face it." "The first thing it did was wipe 48 pairs of shoes covered in earwig manure!" "Eugh!" "No, for bright eyes and a glossy coat, the human body requires the trace element of earwig manure, you know." "No!" "Well, put it this way..." "Why has life always got a worm in it?" "Ah, m--m--morning, Mrs Jardine." "Good morning, Mr Arkwright." "Do you have a large cocktail biscuit?" "I think so, yes." "How is Mr Jardine?" "Very well, thank you." "Still highly thought of at the works." "Yes, he puts in long hours, doesn't he?" "The executive treadmill, you know." "Fancy, fancy." "And to think I knew him when he was an ordinary human being!" "He has done very well." "Amazing." "And he used to come in here for anti--perspirant like anybody else!" "We're expecting an invitation to the chairman's dinner this year." "It's not official, you understand, but one hears on the grapevine." "Oh, d--does one?" "W--We still use the old--fashioned telephone round here!" "Oh, Granville, I was just saying." "I remember when Mr Jardine would come in here." "You know, if you asked him the reason for his success, he'd purse his lips in the thoughtful manner of a m--modern executive and he would say, in that modest way they have, in case they might be wrong," ""l--I owe it all to apples!"" "" " Apples?" "" " Yes, he used to s--swear by them!" "Didn't he, Granville?" ""The nourishment in that humble fruit," he'd say." "Mind you, I don't suppose he'd remember that." "Not with having so much on his grapevine!" "But I remember it as if it were yesterday." ""Arkwright," he'd say, "the day I stop eating apples" ""will be the day I f--finish f--functioning" ""as a f--fully--fledged f--first--class executive brain!"" "But he wears dentures now." ""And that will apply," he said, "even when I wear dentures!"" "So, h--how many would you like?" "Several?" "H--Hello, Gladys Emmanuel." "N--Nice to see you looking so cheerful." "Oh, it's you." "Have you got one of them nice big round cottage loaves?" "No, but you have!" "That'll do." "" " All I've got is a small Wonder roll." "" " Save it for me." "It's yours any time you want it." "Well, you know that." "I've told you before." "Speaking of that, when are you and me going to hold the final of the North Eastern M--Mouse Festival in your bedroom?" "Tonight, if you like." "Me mother's going out." "The welfare people are taking her to see "Oklahoma"." "Tonight?" "Yes, but you needn't get into serious training." "It'll be in the front room and, if you're lucky, a bite of supper." "A b--bite?" "!" "Food, I'm talking about, not your sort!" "And smarten yourself up a bit." "Don't just drift over in your overall." "I feel like being pampered." "By 'eck, Gladys, I'll pamper you, all right!" "I'll pamper till there isn't a pamp left in me!" "It'll seem like Christmas all over again!" "Hang on!" "There's at least one more shopping day left, Arkwright!" "" " I should get back over there!" "" " Right." "I like the Christmas theme." "" " Stick to that." "" " How do you mean?" "If you're a wise man, you'll come bearing gifts!" "If I wasn't here, cleaning down this bacon slicer," "I'd like to be flying a jumbo jet into Kennedy Airport." "Taxi up to the terminal... ..and some fabulously wealthy American bird is waiting for me in a chauffeur--driven Lincoln Continental." "I'd give her, you know, a quick wave from the cockpit." "(IMITATES ENGINE ROAR)" "'Cause I can see her there, you know, looking all...wealthy, with her motor running." "She'll be waiting for me to change out of me uniform." "We couldn't hit the night spots with me in my pinny and bicycle clips!" "You know, what this shop needs is customers of at least th--three minutes full duration." "I like rich birds." "Not because of their money, but because they're like new cars, always in showroom condition!" "See, a shop shouldn't just be a place to buy things." "It should be somewhere where you can wander round, relax and s--spend money stupidly!" "Rich birds always come with all the optional extras!" "You know what we need here, don't you, eh?" "A touch of self--service." "Nothing too elaborate." "We must maintain the standards of courtesy and service which have made the g--grocery business a by--word for greed!" "No, what we need is one central island, here, just here." "Where they can wander around and indulge in a bit of impulse buying." "But it will have to be an Aladdin's cave!" "An Aladdin's cave choc--a--bloc with the irresistible treasures of an advanced c--consumer society!" "Among all these irresistible treasures of an advanced consumer society, aren't these sticks of celery a bit limp?" "We c--can't just cater for the luxury trade, you know." "We must provide s--something for everybody." "You ought to appreciate that." "It was always your mother's motto!" "You know what you've built here, don't you?" "A little grotto for shoplifters." "I mean, look, if we're up here behind the counter, and they're in there, they'll be nicking stuff retail!" "" " You reckon?" "" " Aye." "Still, if you're going self--service, it's worth having a few things pinched." "" " What are you talking about?" "!" "" " No, no!" "What I mean is, you've got to keep out of the way." "Keep out of the way so your customers can relax." "I don't know whether to prosecute and risk the bad publicity, or just sh--shoot them in the leg a bit!" "Before you get your gun, we haven't had any customers yet!" "You see, it d--d--doesn't work!" "Let's get it down, come on." "Come on, wait a minute, give it a chance!" "They're supposed to be seized by this wild ungovernable lust for things on the shelves." "They walk in and suddenly..." "ba--baboom!" "Bare b--bum?" "Yes, they're seized by this ungovernable lust." "It's supposed to be like a c--c--c--customer trap, in't it?" "They come in one minute, next they're squirming securely on the end of your till!" "They might if you didn't frighten them off!" "They can't if you're breathing down their necks!" "You've got to let them get on with it." "" " Turn your back on them?" "" " That's right." "Not keep your eye on them all the time?" "Exactly." "Oh..." "I can't do that!" "You're gonna have to try." "" " There you are, he looks all right." "" " He looks like Himmler!" "" " Guten Abend." "" " Sh!" "(CRUNCH !" ")" "Ah, got yer!" "Come on!" "Where are you going with that?" "!" "G--Granville, ring the British Embassy!" "Serves you right for being so suspicious." "How should I know he was a v--vicar?" "He shouldn't go c--creeping around without his collar on!" "He wasn't a vicar." "He was a lay preacher." "Sort of religious special constable." "Well, he should have worn a helmet, then." "That was some sermon he gave me, you know." "Serves you right." "You asked for it." "I don't need to be told to love thy neighbour when I've been unofficially engaged to Nurse Gladys Emmanuel so long!" "He were only looking at the goods." "That's as far as you'll get with Nurse Gladys Emmanuel." "Oh, well, h--here's a bit of news for you, Reginald Bosanquet." "She has just invited me over!" "" " Oh, yeah?" "What for?" "" " For the evening!" "That's what for." "And by the look on her tone of voice, she's going...she's going to remove all obstacles." "Her entire gas fire will be open to me!" "But she'll need coaxing with little trifles." "Take some blackcurrant and walnut." "They aren't selling well." "I want something to put her on the right lines, not freeze her points!" "I know what I'll take her." "Remember them earmuffs we had once as a special line that never went?" "I'll take her three pairs of them." "Three pairs?" "Don't go mad." "One pair's enough!" "One pair's enough for her ears, but what about her theres and her everywheres?" "With any luck, I might get to put them on her!" "Where the hangment are them muffs?" "I think you'll find them in the Aladdin's cave... around a tin of cream undercoat!" "Oh, th--thank you, Widow Twanky!" "I d--don't think I can put up with this self--service much longer." "It's a strain on your nerves." "I know." "It's a strain on your customers' nerves an' all, especially when you leap out, "Where are you g--going with that?" "!"" "" " That's only my bit of fun." "" " Rubbish!" "Listen, I'm not going to leave the customers alone with the stock." "It's like hiring your wife out." "" " Do people do that?" "" " No, course th..." "It's not a bad idea, is it, though?" "Must be a bigger profit margin in it than groceries." "P--pound for pound, I mean." "'Ey, don't you hate the days when you tread on a Swiss roll?" "Oh, dear." "What about these?" "What do you think?" "No?" "Hello, Nurse Gladys." "Have you come for your Wonder roll?" "Perhaps you'd prefer a Swiss roll?" "Look." "Special new design to enable you to send it through the post." "Or perhaps you'd prefer a nice--ice..." "a nice--ice--ice iced bun, would you?" "" " I want a stepladder." "" " My G--God, you must be hungry!" "Granville, go and pick out a nice tender stepladder, would you?" "I'm not buying it, you fool." "I want to borrow it." "I've locked meself out!" "Oh, dear, how f--fortunate!" "I might have known I'd get a lot of sympathy from you, Arkwright!" "" " What's all this?" "" " The new self--service department." "Mmm, I thought you'd been taken over by War on Want!" "Granville, can you come over and give me a hand to get in the window?" "Oh, we'll both come." "He can hold the ladder and I'll give you a bunk up!" "This is all we've got." "Will these do?" "Yes, anything'll do!" "Let's get started." "Time's money." "Let's go!" "I think I'd feel safer if you stayed on your own side of the street whilst I'm climbing in the window, thank you!" "I don't want to feel your hot breath steaming up me double glazing!" "I hope and trust that won't apply to our rendezvous tonight?" "" " That's still on?" "" " If I ever get back in!" "'Ey, why bother?" "Why bother?" "!" "Why don't you m--move into my spare room upstairs?" "The rent would be nominal." "Don't you mean phenomenal?" "!" "He's doing that all the time now, leaving bits off words." "Should have heard what he called PC Bottomley!" "'Ey, 'ey, go wash your mouth out with quick--drying cement at once!" "Seriously, Gladys, why don't you become my f--fully furnished tenant?" "I promise you every comfort." "The price might be a bit high." "No, £2 a week, and I wouldn't want much down." "At £2 a week, you wouldn't be getting anything down!" "Come on, Granville." "" " Listen, you could p--pay in kind." "" " Oh, yes?" "What kind of kind?" "Oh, any kind of kind you're kind enough to offer!" "Listen, I don't want that stepladder shop--soiled!" "Will you try and just step on every other rung?" "Good job Romeo didn't have you for an uncle." "He'd never have reached that balcony!" "Listen, they cost money, these things!" "Tell you what, I shall go up these steps backwards on my hands and open the window with me feet!" "If anyone asks, I'd say I'm a passing Australian looking up a relative!" "D--D--Down a bit." "I'll tell you when to stop." "St--st--s--s--st.... s--s--st--STOP!" "Why don't you s--s--s--stop when I tell you to s--s--s--stop?" "Now, just take it up a bit again, will you?" "Come on, up." "N--Not too far." "Just..." "No, you missed it." "Take it..." "Up a bit." "Down." "Tie it off about there." "I like a man who knows his own mind." "" " That's good." "That's very good." "" " Glad you're happy about it (!" ")" "It means I can stand here smiling, and still keep an eye on the thieving articles." "It means that I'm without a wardrobe door!" "That's a small sacrifice, isn't it, for the security?" "Small for you, you've still got your wardrobe door!" "Oh, I can't give up my door." "Oh, no, it must be available at all times for the g--garments of Gladys Emmanuel... sh--should she move in!" "What, into your wardrobe?" "Into my w--wedlock." "Meanwhile, I'm on for moths in my mohairs!" "That conjures up a nasty picture!" "Come over here." "" " Come on." "" " Oh, no, not again!" "You haven't even started!" "Come on, I want to hear how you bite that." "Let's have some expression, some zip!" "I've a zip in my mohairs, but it won't stop the moths having a ball!" "Would you just take a bite out of that before your mouth gets you into trouble?" "Have you started yet?" "" " Yes!" "" " Well, louder, louder!" "" " Any particular key (?" ") " " No, any old key, just a loud key." "(CRUNCH )" "That's a bit better." "Now, try and look as if you're enjoying it." "" " It's sour!" "" " No, they're not." "No, in the trade, they're known as mouth--watering." "Well, in the mouth, they're known as eye--watering!" "Fruity and mouth--watering, got it?" "And try and look a bit more pleasant, please!" "Pleasant!" "It's me that's got to eat these sour little apples!" "" " Simmer down." "" " It's me consuming earwig manure!" "Don't lose your cool, Granville." "It doesn't look as if Shirley Bassey will ever answer my letter!" "What we need is a slogan for the window, nothing too elaborate." "Just a few golden phrases or two." "Now, come on, think." "" " I want a rise." "" " Don't be dirty!" "That's a d--disgusting thing to say!" "Your language is getting atrocious these days!" "Why are you writing to Shirley Bassey?" "'Cause I've finished with Julie Andrews!" "Hey, sh!" "A big bite!" "Ah, yes." "Ah, are you looking for some medication?" "Oh, good afternoon." "I'm looking for some medication." "I'm--I'm afraid that's our full selection." "Is this your full selection?" "W--We don't carry a lot these days." "I suppose you don't carry a lot these days." "I'm wasting me time." "He's clairvoyant!" "I'm looking for something for wax in the ears." "Don't think you need anything." "You're deaf as it is!" "I'm afraid it makes me a little deaf." "Yes, it's the wax in your ears doing that!" "You've nothing for it." "Apples." "Pardon?" "Ap--ples." "I'm sorry, but I could have sworn you said apples." "No, louder, louder!" "Louder!" "It's not usually a powder." "It's usually in a bottle with a dropper." "Ooh, dear, poor lad!" "Serve this young man first." "He needs something more than I do!" "Aye." "He'll get something the minute you turn your back an' all!" "You deaf old twit!" "These instant chips take longer than ordinary ones!" "You won't be wanting anything when you come in tonight?" "Oh, no, I shall be having everything I want over there, with any luck!" "Touch wood and whistle. (WHISTLES)" "No, I shall come back thoroughly replete." "Replete -- sounds like you've been eating Chinese radishes." "Replete...satisfied!" "Don't you know any big words?" "Have you gleaned nothing from the rich harvest of knowledge available on the back of the cornflake packets?" "Now, where's my little present?" "What are you taking her?" "Chocolates?" "No, I've got something special, Granville." "Something primeval." "The first gift ever exchanged in love between a man and a woman, stretching across the centuries to the dawn of time!" "" " What do you mean?" "" " Get out!" "Clear off, you stingy devil!" "It's what Eve gave Adam!" "I'll tell you what this Eve is going to do -- 'eave them back at you!" "Oh, get off!" "Get off it!" "Granville!" "Fetch a box!" "Th--That central display is coming down tomorrow, enough's enough." "The run--free tights with the special offer will be tucked away where they belong..." "..next to the meat paste." "Them apples will get sold eventually, I s'pose." "They'll just go soft, that's all." "Well, after all, that's life, isn't it?" "To hell with self--service, I say." "Tomorrow we start with a new motto.:" ""God Help Those Who Help Themselvesl"" | {
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