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"Mom!" "Mom!" "Help me." "What is it?" "I wasn't dreaming, Walt." "I didn't imagine it." "I heard him." "I heard him." "I heard him." "I heard Chris." " I heard him!" " I know." "No." "I wasn't imagining it, Walt." "No, I did." "He's..." "He's..." " I heard him!" " Billie." "That's about as far as I can get you." "All right." "Thank you." " You left all your shit on my dash." " Keep it." "Suit yourself." "Thanks again." "Hey, hold on a minute." "Here, take these." "They'll keep your feet dry." "If you make it out alive, give me a call." "My number's inside the boots." "Thanks." "Hello?" "Is there anybody here?" "Guess not!" "Two years he walks the earth." "No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes." "Ultimate freedom." "An extremist." "An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road." ""Hey, listen, old man." "Now, don't psychoanalyze me, all right?" ""Shut up." "I'm taking you out to where we're going. "" ""Where you going?"" ""I told you." "We're going nowhere!"" "So now, after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure." "The climactic battle to kill the false being within" "and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution." "No longer to be poisoned by civilization, he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become" "lost in the wild." "...hard work and manifold contributions to our community during their time here, we salute you and offer all of you one more round of applause and congratulations." "Nina Lynn Lockwynn." "Vanessa Denise Lowery." "Christopher Johnson McCandless." "Regina Victoria McNabb." "I see them standing at the formal gates of their colleges." "I see my father strolling out under the ochre sandstone arch, the red tiles glinting like bent plates of blood behind his head." "I see my mother with a few light books at her hip, standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks with the wrought-iron gates still open behind her, its sword-tips black in the May air." "They are about to graduate." "They are about to get married." "They are kids." "They are dumb." "All they know is they are innocent, they would never hurt anybody." "I want to go up to them and say, "Stop, don't do it." ""She's the wrong woman, he's the wrong man." ""You are going to do things you cannot imagine you would ever do." ""You are going to do bad things to children." ""You are going to suffer in ways you never heard of." ""You are going to want to die. "" "I want to go up to them there in the late May sunlight and say it." "But I don't do it." "I want to live." "I take them up like the male and female paper dolls, and bang them together at the hips like chips of flint, as if to strike sparks from them." "I say," ""Do what you are going to do and I will tell about it. "" "Here they are, Walt." "Okay?" "Who wrote that?" "Well, could have been either one of us, couldn't it?" "Why is he letting Carine drive his car?" "There's a lot of great poems in here." "I have to speak to her about it." "Sit down." "Excuse me." "I'm going to get my son." "He just graduated today from Emory College." "I'll get it." "I'll get it." "Chris, hi!" "We've been waiting and waiting." "You scared me half to death jumping up there on that stage like that." " Hi, Dad." " Congratulations, Son." " This is a big step." " Thank you, Dad." "All right." "You're not supposed to be driving in Georgia." "Why?" "I have my permit." "'Cause it's against the law for a learner's permit to drive in another state from one's home state." "That's why." "I didn't know that." "I thought that if I was with a legal driver that it'd be okay." "Well, let's..." " Are they going to continue?" " No." "I guess everybody's celebrating today." " They're going to stay in the bar, right?" " That's right." "My grades are good enough, I think, to get into Harvard Law." "Chris, that's wonderful." "That is a big deal." "How much do you have left in the college fund?" "Exactly $24,500.68." "Well, that's specific." "I had to go to the bank this morning, Mom." "Your mother and I will be glad to contribute the balance for Harvard." "That's right." "I've got to figure out what I'm going to do." "I've got a lot of things to pack and organize here first." "Your father and I, we want to make a present to you." "We want to get you out of that junker." "What junker?" "That." " We want to buy you a new car." " That's right." "A new car?" "Why would I want a new car?" "Datsun runs great." "Do you think I want some fancy boat?" "Are you worried what the neighbors might think?" "Well, we weren't gonna get you a brand new Cadillac, Chris." "We just want to get you a nice new car that's safe to drive." "And you never know when that thing out there just might blow up." "Blow up." "Blow up?" "Are you guys crazy?" "It's a great car." "I don't need a new car." "I don't want a new car." " I don't want anything." " Okay." " These things, things, things, things." " Okay." " Everything has to be difficult." " Thank you." " Thank you." " Maybe that's not what he means." "Maybe he just wants his old car." "It's not such a big deal." "Thank you." "I just don't want anything." "Chris measured himself and those around him by a fiercely rigorous moral code." "Bye, Chris!" "He risked what could have been a relentlessly lonely path but found company in the characters of the books he loved" "from writers like Tolstoy, Jack London and Thoreau." "He could summon their words to suit any occasion, and he often would." "I forgot to ask what quote he'd have picked for his graduation dinner, but I had a good idea of who the primary target would be." "It was inevitable that Chris would break away." "And when he did, he would do it with characteristic immoderation." ""It should not be denied that being footloose has always exhilarated us." ""It is associated in our minds with escape" ""from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations." ""Absolute freedom." ""And the road has always led west. "" "I need a name." "Toward the end of June," "Emory had mailed our parents Chris' final grade report." "Almost all A's." "A in Apartheid in South African Society." "A- minus in Contemporary African Politics and the Food Crisis in Africa." "And on it went." "Clever boy, my brother." "But by the end of July, we hadn't heard anything from him and my parents were becoming unsettled." "Chris had never had a phone, so they decided to drive down to Atlanta and surprise him." "When they arrived at the apartment, there was a "For Rent" sign up and the manager said that Chris had moved out at the end of May." "Oh, yes." "He left two months ago." "So when they got home," "I had to hand them all the letters that they had sent Chris that summer, which had been returned in a bundle." "Chris had arranged for the post office to hold them until August 1st, to buy himself some time." "Did you know about this?" "He didn't say anything." "I understood what he was doing." "That he had spent four years fulfilling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating from college, and now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction, false security, parents and material excess," "the things that cut Chris off from the truth of his existence." "Hey!" " Hey, man." "Step around." "Jump in." " Okay, great." "We barely saw you there underneath that crazy hat of yours." "This door's a little tricky." "There you go." "Hop in." "That's Rainey." " Hi, Rainey." " Yeah, I'm Rainey." " I'm Jan." " Hi." "I'm Alex." "Alex with the hat on." " Yeah, I know." "You said it, man." " Yeah." "So you're a leather now." "I'm a leather?" "Yeah, a leather tramp." "That's what they call the ones that hoof it, go on foot." "Technically we're rubber tramps." "Because we have a vehicle." " You don't have to push me away." " Come on, please?" "Yeah, Alex could have a vehicle as well, but he decided to burn all of his money." "And why did you do that?" "I don't need money." "Makes people cautious." "Come on, Alex." "You gotta be a little cautious." "I mean, that book of yours is cool and everything, but you can't depend entirely on leaves and berries." "I don't know if you want to depend on much more than that." "Where are your mom and dad?" "Living their lies somewhere." "You look like a loved kid." "Be fair." "Fair?" "You know what I mean." "I'll paraphrase Thoreau here." ""Rather than love, than money, than faith," ""than fame, than fairness," ""give me truth. "" "From as long ago as Chris and I could remember, there have been daily bouts of rage in our house." "Violence that we were forced to witness." "It was very real." "But it was also like theater." "They cast us as both judges and the accused." "And I got you this token, this expensive token." "Dad had been the young genius that NASA enlisted to do crucial designs for the American satellite radar systems that would be our answer to the Russian Sputnik." "And Mom and he later started up a consulting firm combining her get-up-and-go resourcefulness with his wealth of knowledge." "Look at this." "But by the time the company actually made its first million, the careerism and money seemed only to embolden their blindness." "Thank you very, very much." "I remember the first family meeting to let us in on their plans for getting a divorce." "They wanted us to choose which of them we'd live with." "We cried our eyes out." "The divorce never happened, but the battles and the meetings never stopped." "It wasn't very long before Chris and I shut off." "We'd say "Go ahead." ""Get the divorce. "" "Jeez." "If I struck a match to you I'd have dinner and warmth at the same time." "Where's Jan going?" "Well, my friend, all is not well on the hippie front." "You're an industrious little fucker, aren't you?" "Little bit." "It's funny how things happen at particular times." "I've loved that woman for a lot of years, bro." "But, you know, she's got a story." "We've been going through this thing, real quiet." "So when we ran into you yesterday, this thing that we've been going through real quiet," "she's talking about it." "You know what I mean?" " I think I do." " You think what?" "Well..." "Some people feel like they don't deserve love." "They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps to the past." "That's a hell of an insight." "Jesus!" " You're not Jesus, are you?" " Look who's talking." "You gonna walk across the water and get her back for me, pal?" "No." "I'm afraid of water." "Always have been." "Something I've gotta get over sometime though, huh?" "So I will swim in it if you'll carry the firewood back to camp." " Shit, yeah." " Yeah?" " Call it carried." " All right." ""The sea's only gifts are harsh blows," ""and, occasionally, the chance to feel strong." ""Now, I don't know much about the sea," ""but I do know that that's the way it is here." ""And I also know how important it is in life" ""not necessarily to be strong, but to feel strong," ""to measure yourself at least once," ""to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions," ""facing the blind, deaf stone alone" ""with nothing to help you but your hands and your own head. "" "There's a big wave coming!" "Rainey, I'm freezing!" "Could you put your arms around me?" "The Navy bulldozed and abandoned this base down there, and all that's left is this huge grid of concrete foundations, or slabs." " Man, you would dig the Slabs." " You would like it." "You would like it." " If you're on the road still." " You'd love it." "Fellow travelers." "Just living on the cheap under the sun." "Can't beat it." "Sounds good." "If you come, I'll make you a proper hat." " Promise?" " I swear to God." "Oh, baby." "Baby." " Stop it." "Wait." " Yeah." " Oh, yes." " Okay." "Let me turn off the light." " He reminded me of..." " I know." "Such is the way of the world" "You can never know" "Just where to put all your faith And how will it grow?" "Gonna rise up" "Burning back holes in dark memories" "Gonna rise up" "Turning mistakes into gold" "I mean, you're really good." "I mean, you're like" "100,000 times better than, like, any apple I've ever had." "I'm not Superman, I'm Supertramp." "You're Superapple." "You're so tasty." "You're so organic, so natural." "You're the apple of my eye." "Hey!" "Such is the passage of time Too fast to fold" "And suddenly swallowed by signs Lo and behold" "Gonna rise up" "Find my direction magnetically" "Gonna rise up" "Throw down my ace in the hole" "In early September, Mom and Dad got a call from the Annandale police notifying them that Chris' abandoned car had been identified by the Arizona Highway Patrol." "A group of rare flower hunters stumbled upon it in the desert." "There were no signs that Chris had intended to return to it." "But there wasn't any evidence of struggle, either." "The police thought Chris had chosen to leave it behind and not that it was taken from him." "The initial comfort that gave Mom and Dad quickly turned to the realization that Chris was actually trying not to be found." "Strong." "You can do anything." "You can go anywhere." "Money, power is an illusion." "It's up here." "You can be here." "Me and you." "One, two." "No, no, no." "Two," "three..." "Don't be shy with it." "Get it moving there." "That's good." " That's your speed right here." " Right." "You go too fast, you won't get all the wheat." "That's it, straight line, straight line, little straighter." "See how you're bearing?" "Just a little straighter." "Now you're a combiner." "Wow, look at this view!" "But keep your eye on the wheat, here." "Make sure you're cutting it." "You can look back here and see how much is coming out, all right." " How do you feel?" " I feel great." "Okay, keep it straight." "God bless you." "Make yourself some money, my friend." "I'll see you in a little bit." "Okay." "Wayne." "Where you going?" "Kevin, you know I love you." "I'm joking with you." "I'm joking." "Stop it." " I'm joking with you." " Mind your own business, Wayne!" " What are you getting so hostile for?" " I don't know." "Me and you are on the same side." "We're on the same side." " I'm just tired of the teasing a lot." " Kevin, we're on the same side." "Let me get some..." "If I want some vagina, let me get it." " Whoa." "He's serious about this." " Let's just play cards." " Can we just play cards?" " Let's go, then." "$2, $4, $6, just put all the money in." "I just wanna see everybody going for broke." " You want to play?" " No." " Kevin, what have you got for the week?" " I got 260." "We're at 260." "We're gonna stay right at 260, that's our number." "We've got 20,000 pounds." "We've got 20,000 pounds we need to get rid of." "Maybe just do all that after lunch before we get back into everything else." "Can we do the $500 reserves..." "What do you think about all this?" "I like all this." "I don't think he can do it." "Is there a library or bookstore around here where I can get books on hunting and preserving?" "Anything at all to do with hunting or preserving the meat, smoking it, whatever the hell it is, talk to Kevin over there." "That's your man." "Outdoorsman." "What's your fascination with all that stuff?" "I'm going to Alaska." "Alaska, Alaska?" "Or city Alaska?" "Because they do have markets in Alaska." "The city of Alaska." "Not in Alaska." "In the city of Alaska, they have markets." "No, man." "Alaska, Alaska." "I'm gonna be all the way out there, all the way fucking out there." "Just on my own." "You know, no fucking watch, no map, no ax, no nothing." "No nothing." "Just be out there." "Just be out there in it." "You know, big mountains, rivers, sky, game." "Just be out there in it, you know?" "In the wild." " In the wild." " Just wild." " Yeah." " Just..." "What are you doing when we're there?" "Now you're in the wild, what are we doing?" "You're just living, man." "You're just there, in that moment, in that special place and time." "Yeah." "Maybe when I get back, I can write a book about my travels." "Why not?" "You know, about getting out of this sick society." " Society!" " Society!" " Society, man!" " Society!" " Society!" "Society!" " Society!" "Society, you know!" "Society!" "'Cause you know what I don't understand?" "I don't understand why people, why every fucking person is so bad to each other so fucking often." "It doesn't make sense to me." "Judgment." "Control." "All that, the whole spectrum." " Well, it just..." " What "people" we talking about?" "You know, parents, hypocrites, politicians, pricks." "This is a mistake." "It's a mistake to get too deep into all that kind of stuff." "Alex, you're a hell of a young guy, a hell of a young guy." "But I promise you this." "You're a young guy!" "Can't be juggling blood and fire all the time!" " You've got to just kind of..." " Wayne, what are you talking about?" " What?" " I mean..." "I'm talking about blood and fire." "We're talking about trying to juggle blood and fire." "Who are you to be giving advice to anybody anyway?" "Who am I to be giving advice to anybody?" " Yes." " Well, it's nice to meet you." " My name is Mr. Happy." " Mr. Happy." "And Mr. Happy sometimes gives advice." " Alex, please." " I'm sorry." "Sometimes Mr. Happy..." "Well, Mr. Happy is always happy." "But you know when he's happiest?" " He's not always happy." " When is he happy?" "Are you really gonna say that to me?" "Come on, tell me about it." "I am going to say that to you." " Now..." " Sit down before you hurt yourself." "One thing that you should try to keep your eye on is what happened in the late 1940s in Roswell." "When a search of tax records revealed that" "Chris had given his life savings to charity," "Mom and Dad became what Dad called "mobilized. "" "They hired a private investigator and notified law enforcement nationwide, determined to track him down." "I just figured he'd be with gypsies, far from the eyes of the law." "These are those free satellite TV deals." "You're the one who said it, Alex, not me." "You're gonna need something." "What kind of gun you got?" "I'm probably gonna get like a. 22, I think." "A.22 caliber rifle." "All right, then." "When you get your kill, time is of the essence." "Now, the first thing you wanna do is make sure that you got that meat nice and shaved up." "And you don't have a lot of time to do this." "This is about an hour or two." "Depending on the weather." "Especially if it's hot, you've got less time to do it." "What you do is you want to make sure that them flies don't land on your meat." "Because once them flies start shitting out larvae and them maggots, you know, those creepy crawlies, it's too late." "It's too late." "You got me." "You got me." "I warned Wayne about them little black boxes." "Mr. Westerberg, Scott Baker, FBI." "I think you know why we're here." " Impressive turn-out." " Yeah." "You mind grabbing that zipper for me there?" "Thank you." " Let's go." " Sorry, boys." "We're gonna have to shut down for a little while." "Alex, you come back and work for me any time you want." "Gil's got your checks, guys." "I shouldn't be away too long." "Remember Alex, no Alaska till spring." "South, kid." "You wanna head south." "The year Chris graduated high school, he bought the Datsun used and drove it cross-country." "He stayed away most of the summer." "Come on." "The neighbors are gonna be watching, honey." "Can you spray it?" "As soon as I heard he was home, I ran into his room to talk to him." "In California, he'd looked up some old family friends." "He discovered that our parents' stories of how they fell in love and got married were calculated lies masking an ugly truth." "When they met, Dad was already married." "And even after Chris was born," "Dad had had another son with his first wife, Marcia, to whom he was still legally married." "This fact suddenly re-defined Chris and me as bastard children." "Dad's arrogance made him conveniently oblivious to the pain he caused." "And Mom, in the shame and embarrassment of a young mistress, became his accomplice in deceit." "The fragility of crystal is not a weakness but a fineness." "My parents understood that a fine crystal glass had to be cared for or it may be shattered." "But when it came to my brother, they did not seem to know or care that their course of secret action brought the kind of devastation that could cut them." "Their fraudulent marriage and our father's denial of this other son was, for Chris, a murder of every day's truth." "He felt his whole life turn, like a river suddenly reversing the direction of its flow, suddenly running uphill." "These revelations struck at the core of Chris' sense of identity." "They made his entire childhood seem like fiction." "Chris never told them he knew" "and made me promise silence, as well." "I can't afford four." "Who's gonna pay for the fourth one?" "Bryan can't afford four." "Does it matter?" "Can I help you?" "Yeah." "If I wanted to paddle down the river, where's the best place to launch out of?" "Hang on a second." ""To launch out of?" What's your experience level?" " Not much." " Any?" "Do you have a permit?" "A permit?" "Permit for what?" "You can't paddle down the river without a permit." "If you want, you can apply for one here, get some experience, and I'll put you on the wait-list." "No, I got this guy in here." "We'll figure it out." "There's a wait-list to paddle down a river?" "That's right." " Yeah, it's gonna be..." " Well, how long do I have to wait?" "Yeah, hang on a second." "Now, the deal is it's gonna be me and you or it's gonna be me, you and her." "Next available is May 17th, 2003." "Great." "Done." "The three of us, then." "Twelve years?" " What's that?" " Twelve years?" "To paddle down a river." "Let me call you back." "You can do that, or you can join a commercial raft trip, go with a licensed guide." "They may have some last-minute cancellations, but that's gonna cost you $2,000." "Thank you very much." "Helmet, man!" "I'm Supertramp!" ""If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason," ""the possibility of life is destroyed. "" "Hello!" "Hello." "Come." "Join us." "We have hot dogs." " I'm Mads." " Mads?" " Mads." "Hi." " Mads." " Alex." " Hi, Alex." "Hey." "I'm Sonja." "Hey, Alex." "We are from Copenhagen, and you are from the rapids." "I am." " You're crazy!" "You're crazy, man." " My God!" "Sonja, get away from him." "Get away from him." "He's crazy!" "Look, he's crazy." "I'll make you a hot dog." "One minute." "I love this." "Don't you love this?" "You know, this is nature." "So where are you going?" " I haven't decided yet." " Really?" "Well, we like it here very much." "And it's so good to meet you, man." "So good to meet you." "You know, we went to Los Angeles, and then we went to Las Vegas." "Oh, yeah." "Las Vegas is very nice." "The universe is so good." " The universe is very good." " You know what I mean?" " Yeah." " The whole universe." "Just the place." "The city, she means." "Her English is not very good." "But then we came here." "I don't care if she's a little stupid, but I like her." "You know you can actually go all the way down to Mexico from here." " Yeah?" " Yeah." "You can take the kayak, and you can take it all the way around down to Hoover Dam, you can sail around, and then from there you can take the river all the way down to Mexico!" " Really?" " Yeah." "Come on, come on!" "She's so slow sometimes." " Here's the map." " But I like her." " Here." "Hoover Dam." " Okay." "About 330 kilometers, I think." " Miles?" " Yeah, miles, about 200 miles." " Two hundred miles." " Two hundred miles." "Yeah, man." "You know, I wonder if I could paddle all the way down that into the Gulf of California." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can." "You know, I will go with you." "I will go with you." "We leave Sonja here, and then we take the kayak." "No, no." "We go all the way down into Mexico." "You know, because in every man's heart, there is a Mexican mistress." "Oh, man." "I've gotta go, you guys." "I'm really sorry." "I gotta go." " What's going on?" " Why?" "The river patrol's after me." "I'm actually not supposed to be here, you know." "You have to have, like, a permit, it's like a government thing to be here, and I didn't get one." "If you see anybody, any of the rangers or anything, just tell them you didn't see me, okay?" "Okay." "Okay, again, I'm really, really sorry, man." "I wish I could stay, you know." "Take care, man." " All right." "Take care, Mads." " Nice to meet you." " Bye, Alex." " I wish..." "I wish I could stay." "Say hello to Mexico from me." "Bye, Alex!" "It would be Christmas in a couple of months, and the last news we'd had was about his car being found." "I woke up a couple of days ago, and for the first time, it bothered me that it wasn't only my parents who hadn't heard from Chris." "Honey?" "It's me." "I'm sorry." "Everything that happened, it's my fault." "Give me another chance." "Please do that..." "Come on." "Do that for me." "Come on." "They're calling for another quarter right now, and I ain't got it, so will you hurry it up?" "Come on now, don't hang up on me." "Hey, here's a quarter." "Thank you." "There's a quarter just happened out of the sky, so I'm on here talking to you again." "I got the quarter now, let's..." "No, no, no, no, no!" "I wondered why he hadn't tried to call in case I might answer." "He could've hung up if it wasn't me." "Why wouldn't he send a letter, maybe through a friend?" "It hurt a little, but I told myself it was good." "He knew I loved him enough to bear with the not knowing." "And it helped me remember that there was something more than rebellion, more than anger that was driving him." "Chris had always been driven, had always been an adventurer." "When he was four years old, he once wandered six blocks away from home at 3:00 in the morning." "He was found in a neighbor's kitchen up on a chair, digging through their candy drawer." "Whatever drawer he was opening now must have something pretty sweet in it." " You lived in a cave for 36 days?" " Yes, sir." "And how did you get into Mexico in the first place?" "Through the spillway at Morelos Dam." "River dries out pretty quickly beyond there, doesn't it?" "Yeah." "Turns into a maze of irrigation canals, thanks to our dams up north." "So I ported my kayak over the desert, and I hitched down to Golfo." "But after a few weeks, a sandstorm came up and blew the kayak away." "So I walked back north." "Here I am." "Well, you just can't be crossing the borders without any identification." " Are we understood?" " Yes, sir." "I've eaten enough sand to send me back to the city anyway." "All right." "Sit tight." "I'll be right back." "Some may ask, "Why act now?" "Why not wait?"" "The answer is clear." "The world could wait no longer." "Hi." "Do you have the time?" " Time?" " Time?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Front and back." "I don't have any more clipboards, so get one from the other fellas." " Next." " Hi." "Can you tell me how to get an ID?" " Did you lose your identification, sir?" " Yeah." "No birth certificate?" "Nothing?" "Ouch." "All right." "Well, you're gonna have to work that out with the DMV." "You can catch them in the morning." "The closest one is Montebello, and we can help you with the bus voucher." "So just come to this desk when you're ready for the voucher." " Okay." " What's your name?" " Alexander Supertramp." " What's that?" " Alexander Supertramp." " Supertramp." "Really?" "Yeah." "Okay, so I'm gonna look for you, Supertramp." "I got something for you." " Here you go, Supertramp." " Thank you very much." "Okay, baby." " And one last thing." " Yeah." "Do you have a bed for me?" "I'm sorry..." "Oh, no." "Sure, I got a bed for you." "Sign your name right here." "You fill this out." "And I'll set you right up." "Now, I'm out of..." " What's going on back there?" " I got it." "I'm sorry." " Come on, now." "Work with me." " All right." "Thanks, ma'am." "Supertramp, huh?" "You know the drill." "Move it!" "Thanks, but I'm not gonna need that bed after all." "You leaving us so soon?" "Supertramp!" "Show me your face." "I never, ever, ever forget a face." "If I see yours again, I won't arrest you, I'll kill you." "This is the goddamned railroad, and we will do whatever we have to do to keep you freeloaders from violating our liability." "Yes, sir." "You got any ID?" " No, sir." " Of course you don't." "Last time, my friend." "All clear." "Good boy!" "Yeah!" "That's what I'm talking about." "Finally!" "It's a mystery to me" "We have a greed With which we have agreed" "You think you have to want more than you need" "Until you have it all you won't be freed" "Society, you're a crazy breed" "I hope you're not lonely without me" "When you want more than you have You think you need" "And when you think more than you want Your thoughts begin to bleed" "I think I need to find a bigger place" "'Cause when you have more than you think" "You need more space" "Society, you're a crazy breed" "I hope you're not lonely without me" "Society, crazy indeed" "I hope you're not lonely without me" "Thanks a lot." "In the letters Chris wrote me from college, it was clear his anguish and problems with Mom and Dad had continued." "He said I was the only person in the world who could possibly understand what he had to say." "With whose money are you buying all these goddamn presents?" "I work." "The only reason I'm not talking is because you're wandering around acting like the big-shot flirt with everybody." "I am making the contacts for this business to work!" "You don't care at all about what I do!" "I don't even want to talk to you about it anymore!" "Don't you walk away from me, woman!" "Woman!" "Kids!" "Look what your dad is doing to me!" "For God's sake, look what your mother is making me do!" "Fuck you!" "I hate you!" "There ain't gonna be no party." "I'm gonna cancel Christmas this year." "Cancel Christmas?" "Who do you think you are?" "God?" "That's right!" "I'm God!" "Well, you're not God." "You can't cancel Christmas." "That's bullshit!" "We're 10 deep!" "Alex, I don't mean to be on you about everything." "You're doing a great job." "I wanna keep you on and we all wanna help you get to Alaska, but you've got to start wearing socks." "With almost a year having passed since Chris' disappearance, my parents' anger, their desperation, their guilt was giving way to pain." "And pain seemed to bring them closer." "Even their faces had changed." "She convinces herself it's Chris, that it's her son whenever she passes a stray." "That it's her son whenever she passes a stray." "And I fear for the mother in her." "Instincts that seem to sense the threat of a loss so huge and irrevocable that the mind balks at taking its measure." "I'd begin to wonder if I can understand all that Chris is saying any longer," "but I catch myself and remember that these are not the parents he grew up with," "but people softened by the forced reflection that comes with loss." "Still, everything Chris is saying has to be said." "And I trust for him that everything he is doing has to be done." "This is our life." "Big game." "Very big game." "Got it." "Damn it!" "Get off!" ""Hey, Dad, can I light the barbeque, please, Dad, this time?"" ""Well, Son, you can go get the lighter fluid. "" ""Come on, Dad." "Please, Dad, please?"" ""Well, why not, Walt?" "That sounds like a good idea... "" ""Shut up, Carine!" "Shut up, Carine!" ""No, Billie." "I told you once." "Don't make me tell you again." "Okay?" ""Okay?" ""You hear me?" "You hear me, woman?" ""You hear me, woman?" "Huh?" "You hear me, woman?"" ""Sorry." "Sorry, Walt." "I'm sorry. "" "Shit." "No!" "No!" "Damn it!" "God damn it!" "Fuck!" ""There was clearly felt the presence of a force not bound to be kind to man." ""It was a place of heathenism and superstitious rites," ""to be inhabited by men nearer of kin to the rocks" ""and to the wild animals than we. "" "Sunni." "Hey, Sunni!" "Come here, baby." "No." "No!" "But now all I'm focused on is just Alaska." " Yeah." " Alaska." "All right." "Let's hear it for Insane Cain!" "Let's give it up for Slab City's own Tracy T!" "Hey." "My name's Tracy." " Tracy!" " Yeah!" "Jack London is king." "Hey, you gonna stay with us long?" "Well, I'm waiting on a check from my last job to come into Salton City the day after Christmas." "I've got to start thinking about getting ready for Alaska." "When the sun gets a little lower tonight, I'm going to start a calisthenics routine." "After the check comes in, I think I'm gonna try to find some big old mountains I can climb every day until spring comes." "I've got to see how far the money's gonna go." "I've still got a lot of supplies to pick up before spring." "So, I might get another job or I might be okay." "Hell, we'd give you a little something for the days you spend in the booth here." "I'm not taking any money from you, Rainey." "It's been a real great twist meeting you two." "You two look like you're doing good." " We are doing good." " Yeah?" "We're doing real good." "Speaking of which, don't you think you ought to introduce yourself to our little Joni Mitchell over there?" "I..." " Hi." " Hi." "You selling these books?" "I am." "We are." "He was." "I like to read." " Do you?" " Yeah." "That's good." "I heard you play your song last night." " I'm terrible." " You are not terrible." "You sing sweet." "Thank you." "I was gonna go take a walk to Salvation Mountain." " You wanna go?" " Okay." " Hi." " Hi." "Alex." "I'd like to show you around up here." "I've been here since 1984, more or less." "A lot of tourists come in here and they look at that car door up there." "They really like it." "And I found car doors and put them up there and I bolted it all in." "Where did you get the telephone poles?" "A lot of people in the valley just love me a lot." "Everybody now, I think, in the whole world is just loving me." "And I want to have the wisdom to love them back." "And that's about it." "So I really get excited." "You really believe in love, then." "Yeah." "Totally." "This is a love story that is staggering to everybody in the whole world." "That God really loves us a lot." "Does that answer that?" " Yeah." " Good." "I really love it here." "I think the freedom of this place is just so beautiful." "To me, I wouldn't move for $10 million, unless I had to." "So I'm contented here in the desert, and I'm living where I want to live." "And I think good gets better." "And I think those great big tanks there were the sewer plant for the Marine base in World War II." "If you want to, you can try putting your hands in there." "And I'm gonna do the same thing, just for the fun." "You're doing real good." "You can wipe your hands off on my shirt if you want." "This is starting to make me hungry." "I was just a couple of years older than Tracy when I got pregnant." " Wow." " Yeah." "Yeah, I thought my husband and I were going to just make peace on Earth and babies and love and stay together forever," "and that didn't quite work out that way." "He left me." "So, I..." "Anyway, whatever, but I ended up raising Reno on my own." "That's my boy, his name's Reno." "Then I met Rainey." "That was sweet." "It was really good for a while." "It's just..." "You know, Reno was a teenager already by then, and he was just on his way to becoming his own man." "And I haven't even heard from him in two years." "I don't even know where he is." "I hope I get to meet him sometime." "Do your folks know where you are?" "Hey, guys?" "Dinner's ready if you guys are hungry." "Yeah, we are." "We're hungry." "I'll be all right." "You want to come and eat?" "Or we'll sit here." "Because I will sit here with you all night." "Let's go." "Let's go." "Guys, come on." "It's getting cold." "Check this out." "Tawdry?" "Denise, that sounds like your cup of tea." "That poor girl is about ready to vault herself onto a fence post." "And here you are, the monk of Jack fucking LaLanne." " So Jan talked to you about Reno, huh?" " Yeah." "Children can be pretty harsh when it comes to their parents." "You planning on seeing yours?" "I've only got one plan, Rainey." "That would be Alaska?" "Alaska." "Hello?" " Merry Christmas." " Come in here." "My parents went into town." "No." "Yeah." "They went to call my grandma for Christmas." "No, I mean we can't do that." "Why not?" "How old are you?" "Eighteen." "Seventeen." "What year were you born?" "So I'm 16." "You want to do something together?" "You can send mail to this address in South Dakota." "I don't know when I'm going to get it, but I'll get it." "You're pretty magic." " Yeah?" " Yeah." "And just remember if you want something in life, reach out and grab it." " You take care, kiddo." " You, too." " New Year's resolution?" " We'll work on it." "Just get your pack and get on out of here, okay?" "I don't think I could take a hug." "Hey." "Bye!" "A year and a half had passed in what Dad called "suspended animation. "" "The weight of Chris' disappearance had begun to lay down on me full-length." ""I have lived through much," ""and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness." ""A quiet secluded life in the country," ""with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good," ""and who are not accustomed to have it done to them." ""And work which one hopes may be of some use." ""Then rest, nature, books, music," ""love for one's neighbor." ""Such is my idea of happiness." ""And then, on top of all that, you for a mate," ""and children perhaps." ""What more can the heart of a man desire?"" "Comes the morning when I can feel" "That there's nothing left to be concealed" "Moving on a scene surreal" "But my heart will never Never be far from here" "Sure as I'm breathing Sure as I'm sad" "I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh" "I leave here believing More than I had" "And there's a reason I will" "A reason I'll be back" "As I walk the hemisphere" "I got my wish to up and disappear" "I've been wounded I've been healed" "Now for landing I've been" "Landing I've been cleared" "Sure as I'm breathing Sure as I'm sad" "I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh" "I leave here believing More than I had" "This love has got no ceiling" "Where's your camp?" "Just out past Oh-My-God Hot Springs." "I've lived in and around here for six years now and I've never heard of any place that goes by that name." " Show me how to get there." " Yeah." " Ron Franz." " Alex." "Alex?" "Where you from, Alex?" " West Virginia." " Okay, Alex from West Virginia." "Well, this is something out here." "Don't you..." "Don't you worry about those dope smokers and nudists down below there?" "No, they keep to themselves pretty much." "You strike me as a bright young man." "Am I wrong about that?" "I think I've got my head on my shoulders pretty good." "Well, that's what I mean." "How long you been out here?" " Couple of weeks." " And before that?" "A lot of places." "Been moving around a lot." " Well, how old are you?" " Twenty-three." "Twenty-three years old!" "Son, don't you think you ought to be getting an education?" "And a job?" "And making something of this life?" "Look, Mr. Franz," "I think careers are a 20th century invention, and I don't want one." "You don't need to worry about me." "I have a college education." "I'm not destitute." "I'm living like this by choice." " In the dirt?" " Yeah, in the dirt." " Where's your family?" " Don't have one anymore." "That's a shame." "Hey, Mr. Franz, I want to show you something." "Come on." "Come on." "It's getting a little steep." "A little high for me, kid." "All right, but even from halfway out, it's quite a sight, isn't it?" "From the top, you can see all the way to the Salton Sea, too." "You can see the Salton Sea from up there?" "Yes, sir." "My goodness." " You don't want to go up?" " Nope." "I don't do these kind of things." "I spent most of my life in the Army." "New Year's Eve, 1957, I was stationed in Okinawa." "My wife and son were here in the States just driving down the road, and some fella who'd had too much to drink plowed right into them." "Killed them both." "Now you might think the last thing I would do in the world is go to the whiskey." "But at the time, it felt like the only thing I could do." "And I did it hard!" "But pretty soon I realized" "I wasn't doing my wife and son any good mourning them with the bottle." "So I pulled myself together and I quit drinking, cold turkey." "So since all that, this is pretty much me." "Do you ever travel, Mr. Franz?" "No, I can't seem to get too far from my leather." "I do a lot of leather engraving." "I got a little workshop out in the garage." "Between that and my pension, I do pretty well." "But every time I think I might take a trip somewhere," "I get too far behind on orders and such to consider it." "When we finish eating, I'd love to see your workshop." " Would you?" " Oh, yeah." "I was hoping you'd say that." " It's amazing how malleable this is." " Yeah, it is." "When the leather is wet you can really..." " It's like butter." " Yeah." "It's amazing." "And then it hardens up, and, I mean, it stays right there." "A good whack with the mallet." "Crack it down." "Whack." "Bang." "I went to South Dakota." "I worked at a grain elevator for this guy named Wayne." "He was a really good guy." "So I took the Colorado River all the way down through the Grand Canyon and did rapids, which is by far one of the scariest things I've ever done." "And I took the Colorado down into Mexico, Golfo, where I got stuck." "Salvation Mountain." "The Slabs." "What's the "N" stand for?" "North." "Alaska?" "Son, what the hell are you running from?" "You know, I can ask you the same question!" "Except I already know the answer!" "You do, do you?" "I do, Mr. Franz!" "You got to get back out in the world!" "Get out of that lonely house, that little workshop of yours." "Get back out on the road!" "Really!" "You're going to live a long time, Ron!" "You should make a radical change in your lifestyle!" "I mean, the core of man's spirit comes from new experiences." "And there you are, stubborn old man, sitting on your butt." " Sitting on my butt?" " Yeah." "I'll show you sitting on my butt!" ""Stubborn old man. "" "I'll show you!" "Come on, then!" "Come on." "Sitting on my butt?" "Yeah." "Come on, old man." "Come climbing." "Sitting on my butt." "Come on." "Keep going!" "You're doing great!" " Keep going." "Keep going, Ron!" " Yeah!" "Can anybody see this?" "God, are you watching this right now?" "Yeah." " You all right?" " You little pinhead!" "I'm gonna miss you when you go." "I'll miss you, too, Ron." "But you're wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships." "God's placed it all around us." "It's in everything." "It's in anything we can experience." "People just need to change the way they look at those things." "Yeah, I'm gonna take stock of that." "No, I am." "I am." "But I wanted to tell you something." "From the bits and pieces I put together, you know, from what you told me about your family, your mother and your dad." "And I know you've got your problems with the church, too." "But there's some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate, and it sounds like you don't mind calling it God." "But when you forgive, you love." "And when you love," "God's light shines on you." " Holy shit." " I told you about that language." "I told you so!" "Where are the fucking animals now?" "I'm hungry!" "I'm fucking hungry!" "I'm fucking hungry!" ""For a moment she rediscovered the purpose of her life." ""She was here on earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment," ""and to call each thing by its right name. "" ""By its right name. "" "What is this?" "What is this one?" "This is Viburnum edule." "Viburnum edule." "Hedysarum alpinum." "Hedysarum alpinum is wild potato root." "Wild potato root." "Epilobium angustifolium." "Fireweed." "Fuck it all." "Fuck it all!" "Hi." "What are you doing up?" "It's 3:30 in the morning." "I heard you get off the couch about a half hour ago." "Had a funny feeling you might not be here for our breakfast." "I'm gonna drive you 100 miles to someplace where you can catch a train, a plane or hitch a ride and not get stuck out in this desert." "I'd take you all the way to Alaska if I didn't have an 8:00 mass." " Ron, you don't have to do that." " I want to do it." "Get you started on this thing of yours." " On my great..." " I know." "On your great Alaskan adventure." "Here." "Here's a machete." "Collapsible fishing pole, a few other odds and ends I stuck in there for you." " Ron..." " Just take it." "I'll get dressed and meet you in the truck." "Well, my friend." "Yep." "I had an idea." "You know, my mother was an only child and so was my father, and I was their only child," "so when I'm gone, I'm the end of the line." "My family will be finished." "What do you say you let me adopt you?" "I can be, say, your grandfather." "Ron, could we talk about this when I get back from Alaska?" "Would that be okay?" "Yeah, yeah." "We can do that." "Yeah." "All right, Ron." "Thank you." "What did his voice sound like now?" "What would he tell about now?" "...nine, ten." "I realized that the words to my thoughts were of less and less meaning." "Chris was writing his story, and it had to be Chris who would tell it." ""To call each thing by its right name." ""By its right name. "" "What if I were smiling and running into your arms?" "Would you see then" "what I see now?" | {
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"ARGONAUTS S.A. PRESENT..." "A FILM BY YANNIS ECONOMIDES" "KNIFER" "On Sunday, Trikala have their last chance to stay in the League." "Without any room for error, they're playing against Kavala which is only a step away from entering the finals." "Trikala vs Kavala, Sunday 730 pm from the basketball court live on National Television." "How do you see this glass?" "Half full or half empty?" "." "LIGNITE CENTRE WEST MACEDONIA" "Stay still..." "Okay, okay..." "Come on now!" "Rena!" "Rena!" "You've fucked up my life!" "You've fucked up my life!" "I'll fuck up your life!" "I'll fuck your cunt!" "Just like you fucked me!" "Rena, you bitch!" "Rena, you bitch!" "I will fuck you!" "What have you done?" "." "Stop moaning on top of everything, come on!" "No, no, give it here, for Petraki." "Come on, eat your meat." "That's the way!" "Yeah?" "." "Yeah, it's me." "Fuck everything!" "Fuck it all and come down to me." "What do you mean?" "." "Come to my place." "Come and stay with us at our house." "Fuck it all and come down to our house." "I've got a job for you too." "Ok, we'll see..." "What's there to see, hey?" "." "Niko, it's just us left in the family now." "I'm your father's brother!" "Why don't you listen to me?" "." "Why are you upsetting me now?" "." "I tell you, fuck it all and come down!" "To work, to live, to breath, you fool!" "You'll rot here, just like your father did." "You'll die like a dog, you loser." "You're nothing but a loser!" "Why not, Niko?" "." "Why?" "." "Why not, you son of a bitch?" "." "You'll get 800 a month." "Plus food and you'll have the studio downstairs." "You'll fuck, you'll screw, you'll do whatever you want!" "Take the fucking bike too, to get around, you dickhead!" "Take the keys to my place too." "Is it too much to ask?" "." "Look at me, uncle." "Come off it!" "Look at me, uncle!" "I'm looking at you, you prick." "Do I look like a dog guard to you?" "." "What's he supposed to look like?" "." "What's a dog guard supposed to look like?" "." "You won't have to do anything!" "Nothing at all!" "I just need someone around to keep an eye on the house." "The motherfuckers, the Albanians, will take revenge on me!" "Yeah, right..." "You have no idea, Niko." "Come on, just because you fought with the neighbours they're going to poison your dogs?" "." "Get a grip!" "You have no idea, Niko." "You have no idea." "I watch my back, what else can I do?" "." "With the fucking mess I'm in." "Make peace with them and get this over with." "What are you saying?" "." "With them?" "." "Why not?" "." "Because I don't want to." "Because they can't be trusted, that's why!" "They're fucking snakes in the grass!" "Do you know what that means?" "." "They're like fucking snakes in the grass." "Gogo." "If they're going to get you, they're going to get you." "It could be in one, it could be in ten years." "Guarding the dogs makes no difference, I'm telling you." "Gogo baby..." "Come over here, join us." "Come and sit with us, have something to eat." "What the fuck is wrong with us?" "." "Do we stink?" "." "What's wrong with us?" "." "Come and sit here with us." "Gogo, can't you hear me?" "." "I'm talking to you!" "I'm fine, Aleko..." "I'm ok, baby, relax." "I've already eaten, I'm not hungry, I'm ok." "Come on, get up." "Get going, come on, it's one o'clock and I need to unwind." "Get up, don't you get it?" "." "Shut the fuck up!" "Go back to your shop!" "Your hole!" "Do you hear me?" "." "I'm telling you for the last time!" "I'm going to burn the lot of you!" "You've become the caretaker, taking us all for a ride in here!" "You are stealing, that's all you are good for!" "You are in there to cheat us." "That's what I say!" "That's what I reckon!" "You better get down here to pick up the dog shit outside my shop." "Do as I say, before I get up there and burn the house down!" "Explain that to me, because I'm missing something." "So, you'll play it wise guys again and fix the matches." "That's what the losers say." "How many cups can a club win?" "." "You have to get yourself a decent team first." "AEK is the greatest soccer team, you stupid fuck!" "AEK rules!" "You mean this year's line up?" "." "We had the best performance." "Do you mean last year?" "." "This year you came 17th, I think..." "AEK has ruled for 5 years." "Really?" "." "When?" "." "Since you last had a job, that's when!" "Ages ago!" "Off you go, girl!" "You dickhead don't you even think about leaving the dogs on their own." "Those scumbags are out there." "The dogs are never to be left on their own." "Don't you trust me?" "." "Never the dogs on their own!" "Niko!" "Niko, we're off, wake up!" "Hey, wake up, we're off!" "Yeah..." "Hey uncle, I'm getting up..." "Okay..." "Yeah, I tell you, I'm getting up!" "Okay..." "Okay, bye..." "Fuck off..." "If you don't have it, you don't get anywhere." "Did you see what's next?" "." "PAOK vs Olympiakos." "Olympiakos will bleed..." "There's no way we're loosing this one." "What do you think?" "." "Well, I don't know..." "Our money is on PAOK then?" "." "I'm worried about them fixing the match." "The referees or what?" "." "It's all about match fixing." "I bet it'll be a draw." "That's what I reckon too." "It's a sure bet." "It sure is!" "Kazantzides was still alive in 1981." "Kazantzides my dear, made history with his songs since the 50's." "Bob Marley made history too!" "So you can't have known about Kazantzides!" "Every nation has an idol." "You don't know what Kazantzides did for his people." "Just as Bob Marley made history..." "I'd tell you what Bob Marley made..." "Marley did make history!" "He freed his people from slavery." "Well, we were free back then!" "Ok, Kazantzides left his mark..." "Niko!" "What took you so long?" "." "Let's go." "I'm dead, I'm going to lie down." "Come on, let's walk the dogs." "Not now, uncle." "Maybe tomorrow, ok?" "." "We'll leave it for tomorrow." "HEY SEXY, MY COCK'S GONE HARD AND MISSES YOU." "I told you so, Gogo, I called you." "Well I got Chinese." "I can see that!" "What's wrong with Chinese food?" "." "It's ok for jerking off but it's not for tonight." "What's so special about tonight?" "." "Chinese." "Perfect." "So your nephew can get to try it." "Did he want to try Chinese?" "." "It was my idea, ok?" "." "But I said get something we like." "Well I did." "That's what I fucking said." "Don't I have a say in anything?" "." "That's what I want to know." "That's what gets to me you know..." "It gets to me because I told you it's for my nephew!" "Yeah, and I got Chinese." "Stuff that!" "Well..." "What have those cunts done to you?" "." "What pussies they are!" "Gogo called me and I freaked out." "You've got to teach them cunts a lesson." "What poofters they are!" "And it's the fourth time, right?" "." "For 320 Euro..." "Fuck them." "Fuck the lot of them." "How are you now, uncle?" "." "What did the doctors say?" "." "Do you want me to get you anything?" "." "Come on, tell me." "What happened?" "." "How did it happen?" "." "Tell me." "Talk to me, uncle." "Why are you here?" "." "What do you mean?" "." "I came to see you..." "What are you doing here, you fool?" "." "What did I tell you, you idiot?" "." "Did you leave the dogs on their own?" "." "Why did you leave the dogs on their own?" "." "Why the fuck did you come here?" "." "Don't you know the dogs are unprotected now?" "." "Aleko, cut it out..." "First and foremost I'm your boss, and then your uncle, you prick." "Get the fuck out of here and go home go watch the dogs." "We're going to lose face in here." "Fuck off, go watch the dogs, I tell you." "What'll happen to the dogs?" "." "Come on!" "Get going you dickhead!" "Stop it, damn it!" "Quit nagging, you silly cunt." "Do you hear me?" "." "Enough, you idiot..." "You're busting my balls!" "I'm sick of you, too..." "Shut up!" "Go get fucked!" "What are you staring at, you cunt?" "." "Get up and leave!" "Get up I tell you!" "Piss off, get up and go!" "Off you go!" "Piss off!" "I'm going to kill him." "Why are you staring at me?" "." "I'll kill him." "We're closed." "It's closed." "So early?" "." "Do you know what time it is?" "." "Don't you get it?" "." "Go to the supermarket down the road." "Come on, open up so I can get some wine..." "I said we're closed dear!" "Closed!" "Off you go!" "I want..." "I want us to have a baby..." "Gogo?" "." "Did you hear what I just said?" "." "I want us to have a baby." "It was one hell of a blow, right?" "." "You were out of it?" "." "Yeah, I was out of it." "It got me thinking, what can I say..." "It got me thinking." "I want us to start a family, Gogo." "Let's create something beautiful." "Ok, at some point, we should have a baby..." "Shouldn't we?" "." "Please..." "You seem to be forgetting something..." "Haven't you forgotten something?" "." "Ok, I'm sorry..." "Of course I'm sorry..." "Forgive me..." "Dead people don't fuck, don't come, don't have children." "Dead people don't fuck, don't come, don't have children." "Niko, your money." "Thanks a lot..." "It's Sunday tomorrow." "Got any plans?" "." "We'll see..." "All hell broke loose at the hospital." "We went overboard, let's put it behind us." "Sometimes, I just lose control..." "Just ignore it..." "I'm ignoring it." "Let's move on." "That's my boy!" "Good on you Niko." "That's the way." "Achillea, sit down!" "Out of my shop, you motherfuckers!" "Wherever you play, I'll always follow you I'll die for you, I only live for you." "PAOK!" "Mega soccer team I'm mad about you!" "Son of a bitch, fuck off..." "No, I want to go..." "Let go..." "Watch it, my hair..." "Leave me alone..." "I love her, you wanker!" "I love her and I screw her!" "She's mine, I do whatever I want with her." "I don't give a shit about what you all think!" "What is this kung fu shit now?" "." "Fuck off Bruce Lee!" "Motherfucker!" "Motherfuckers, all of you..." "What's up, Gogo?" "." "Why are you crying?" "." "It's nothing..." "What do you mean "nothing"?" "." "Tell me, what happened?" "." "Nothing." "I just felt like it." "Gogo, talk to me..." "Is there something wrong?" "." "Nothing's wrong." "They're tears of joy..." "Weird, huh?" "." "It happens to me from time to time..." "I'm crying from joy..." "Hey, Aleko..." "He left... the prick..." "He ran off on you." "Niko, your nephew." "He packed up and left." "Hey Golfo, listen up and I shall begin to tell!" "The lord who went with Taso down to the Blackwater River was jinxed." "As Taso leaped freely over the waterfall he rightfully thought to do the same." "He was to cross over the other side when alas, he took a peak down." "Did he fall?" "." "Patience!" "He slipped and started rolling down hill like a "touloumotiri" as the playwright Peresiadis says here." ""Rolling like a touloumotiri", a round-shaped cheese which if left on a slope, it starts to roll, unlike Feta cheese with which you cannot do this." "No way!" "I've tried it and I can tell you with certainty it won't roll." "Where were we with the play?" "." "Yes!" "Taso saved the English lord and he gave him 5,000 coins!" "That was a lot of money back then." "And Taso is about to enter the stage, over here curtain one, he's ready to enter and announce great news." "He's amazing, he's fantastic, he has olive skin too!" "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Taso!" "May your fortune grow Taso!" "May our fortune grow, is what you should be saying." "Two years we've been in love, no one knows but the birds in the shrubs and the hills all around." "The birds, indeed." "Hi!" "And the hills, too." "Hi!" "But now it's time to unveil our secret." "I don't want the lord's money!" "What does he want, ladies and gentlemen?" "." "What do you want?" "." "True love!" "He wants true love!" "He wants the girl." "One thing alone can truly make me happy." "Golfo, the time has come to ask for your hand in marriage." "It's always a very touching moment for a girl." "A very touching moment..." "Golfo, you're mine!" "You too are mine, Taso!" "Thumbs up for the lord, and the cliff!" "Thumbs up for the money and the hearts falling from the ceiling!" "Sorry, we're in a hurry..." "I was here first!" "What the fuck are you doing?" "." "This is my tree!" "This is my tree, you arsehole!" "Find somewhere else to sit!" "What are you staring at, you idiot?" "." "Go away, you arsehole!" "Fuck off, you cunt!" "Get the hell away from my tree!" "Fuck off!" "Fuck off!" "Fuck off arsehole!" | {
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} |
"Original Sub by b0dom Resync for BluRay HDS by Ichanorion" "THIS MOVIE IS DEDICATED TO THE FINNS IN THE WINTER WAR" "Try to look after Paavo." "I'll try." "If anyone can look after each other." "Who knows, they might let us go." "If they reach an agreement..." " We could have walked." " Nobody walks to war from our house." "Starring Taneli Mäkelä" "In Pekka Parikka's film" "THE WINTER WAR" "Screenplay adapted by Antti Tuuri and Pekka Parikka" "Produced by Marko Röhr" "Directed by Pekka Parikka" " They promised us proper gear." " The army doesn't have any." "Martti, you and Paavo only need footrags and underwear." " We've got those, too." " Take a pair anyway." "I'd prefer a fur hat like that." " Too goddamn tight." " These are all too small." " They should've given me a cannon." " What for?" " To have a bit of fun." " Wrong time for fun now." "Korpela, it's your squad's turn." "Try to line up, boys." "I should've joined the Civil Guard." "Look at the stuff they gave me." "Only a cockade and a belt." "Makes a man look like a fool." " Have a smoke, Jussi." " I'm not here to learn to smoke." "You can learn it in the bargain." " You Hakala boys look real warlike." " That's where we're going." "The radio said Moscow negotiations are going well." "Not our radio." "You've got a radio at your place?" "You can listen to it anywhere." "Well, old school buddy?" "Damn, that's my bottle!" "What's going on here?" "Russkies better watch out." "Our guys are pretty wild already." " Shouldn't start boozing." " What if they drank your booze?" " I never touch the stuff." " There go the Sippola brothers!" " Think we'll have to eat hardtack." " Food's not the first thing in war." "Jesus, boys!" "When the bullets were flying in the Civil War of 1918 - food wasn't foremost in our minds." "The situation is serious." "But this is not war." "We are going on extra maneuvers." "Maneuvers are something we all know very well." "As for the negotiations, I know as much as you." "The Russians are demanding Finnish territory." "They are now discussing how big a part of Finland they want - and what right they have to claim it." "They can demand all they want, - but taking it will not be easy." "At ease." "Let's eat before we go." "Where are we going?" "Don't win the war too soon, I want my share too." "Don't talk rubbish." "Try to be a man here." "It's good we got the harvest in." "Paavo, you're the boss now with Jussi." "I guess that's it." " Where are you going?" " To Seinäjoki." " Will the Russians attack?" " You never know." "Come on, now." "There's no need to cry." "But war's coming." "Russians are terrible." " Who can tell for sure?" " They're so awful..." " There's nothing to worry about." " What if they kill you?" "How could they kill me, of all people?" "It's so hard to say anything..." "Look after your mother." "Leave it be, we'll be back soon." "I've been thinking about what happened to Estonia and the others." "Try to save Finland from the same fate." " We're not going to war." " It's just maneuvers, father." "Just remember what I told you." "Well, goodbye." "Here come the Sippola brothers!" "You homesick already, Paavo?" "Who was that girl crying back there?" "Don't you know our Anna?" "Good for a girl: "Anna, I wanna"." " Leave him alone." " Anything good in there?" " I don't think so." " You've got my bottle?" " We drank your bottle." "That's my bottle." "Your bottle's under the school's lavatory." "I don't know about the Russian demands, since I haven't listened to the radio." "But I guess it's land they want." "Half a county in Karelia, islands, and the Hanko peninsula." "Kind of voracious, aren't they?" "Nothing's enough for them." "Don't they have enough land already?" "All the way to Siberia." "They'd better leave our lands alone." "The only land we'll give them is their burial plot." " Have a drink, Pentti." " Never been greedy for the stuff." "Paavo, what are you sighing?" "Leaving's hard for a single man..." "Gets homesick." "Me, I thank my luck for getting away." "We're not leaving before we get a field kitchen." "I won't steal it." "(Civil War Veteran)" "Over and out." "They say we've received one." "Where can it be?" " I haven't seen one." " Did it turn into an airplane?" "Can I ask something?" "Go ahead." "Can Paavo and I be in the same squad?" "I promised to look after him." " I guess it's OK." " I don't know if I can, though..." " Rinta, is younger Hakala in 3rd Squad?" " Yeah, that's right." " What about Martti?" " He's in 1st." "Put Paavo in 1st, too." " What's the difference?" " Makes a difference to me." " So who do we take out?" " I don't know." "Just keep your papers in order." "Well, boys, what's your battle plan?" "Sir, we shoot if they start coming." "Every man has his own shooting sector, Lieutenant Colonel, sir." " How are you Kauhava boys feeling?" " Just waiting for war, sir." "Aren't we old pals with Hakala..." "From the Mäntsälä uprising." "I think we met there, too." " Bigger things are in store this time." " What sort of things?" "Let's wait and see." "You think they put Erkkilä in the same squad to get at us?" " I guess so." "They say he's our half-brother..." "His mother was our maid." "I suppose it's definite." "Well, you said brothers can help each other in a bad spot." "They were harping on it in school." " Sweden will help us if Russia attacks." " I don't believe it." " Who says that?" " Somebody heard it on the radio." "What help would the Swedes be?" "The Russkies won't attack if they know the Swedes are on our side." "The Russkies don't dread the Swedes." "I'd visit home, if I knew we had time." " Paasikivi is back from Moscow." " Only to get further instructions." "Anyway, he's back." " A quick trip home, I wonder..." " No use asking me." " I'll come and be your son-in-law." " I've got no daughters." " Hello, Rajala." " Hello?" "Don't you know how to salute?" "Let's do it again." " Are you serious?" " Let's try it." "Do it again." "Do it yourself." "We don't want to have the same fate as the Baltic states." "It's a road of no return." "And that's not where we want to go." "The Russians say they want to secure Leningrad - and that's why they want the land." "They don't trust us." "But we don't trust them, either." "So it's reciprocal." "Eat, boys, eat." " Come and help me, boys." " Us?" " Help me with something." " With what?" "The women said they have something for us." "Let's go get it." " Hey, where are you taking it?" " We're taking what's ours." "This is not yours." "Sergeant, how do you talk to your superiors?" "Fuck you, Jutila." "You won't take our kitchen." "Martti, go get a horse." " What do you think you're doing?" " Taking away our kitchen." " How do you know it's yours?" " It says so in the papers." "May I see the papers?" "This is the number of our kitchen, the same number as this one." " It's a bit unclear, the number." " Yes, I noticed it when I got it." "It took a while to find it." "Don't they know a dead body without dog tags?" " What if a grenade takes your head off?" " The tags go with it." "Or if a bullet hits you in the face so bad your pals don't recognize you?" " You wouldn't be any worse off." " Don't talk rot, this is regulations." " Finest thing I ever had round my neck." " Or will have." "I guess this means we're going, as they give out death tags." "Don't talk rot, men." "Jussi, take a good look at my dog tags - in case they shoot my head off." "I'll know you, Ylli." " How, if I don't have a head?" " By the smell." "And lead us not in to temptation, but deliver us from evil." "For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory." "Amen." "May the Lord be with you." "Jesus says;" "Come, for everything is made ready." "The body of Our Lord, Jesus Christ." "The blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ." "In fields cleared from forests deep A nation lives, brave and free" "The vow they made sacred and true" "Gone is slavery, or we will go, too" "Like our fathers have gone before us" "Dying for freedom is pure and true" " Boys from Ylihärmä can sing!" " Silence in the line!" " Why aren't we singing?" " Singing's by separate orders only." " Somppi, where are they taking us?" " I have no idea." "Find out, you're an NCO." "We're headed south." "But nobody on this train knows where we're going." " The engineer should know." " Go ask him." " We can go to Kivennapa, for all I care." " That's possible, too." "The radio said that Paasikivi is going back to Moscow." "It's time he raised some hell for the Russkies." "He's a bit too old for that." "He'll find it easier to negotiate, knowing we're on our way..." "Russkies will soon know the Finns mean a real thing." "Get some sleep." "Can't bear to sleep, Corporal." "Heroic deeds await us." "This is the turning point." "We can go either east or south." " Or we can stay here." " Haapamäki..." "I won't stay here." "Boys, come in!" "You can't leave the train!" "Arvi, come on!" "A man can still take a leak." "Nobody from our squad is there, are they?" "Boys, come in here." "Matti Ylinen also." "Come back safe, Paavo!" " Well, damn it, here we come!" " But where?" "Who cares?" "Away from home, anyway." "Or does Paavo miss his mother already?" "We didn't fight because of wrath But the glorious memories took us" "Our national heroes And songs of our fathers'" " Shut up, you youth club boys." " I'm not one of them." "You don't learn this at a worker's club." "What's wrong with the youth club?" " You should know, since you're one of them." "The sons of the heroic folk Can't lick their chains" "They want to rise from the forests And die on the fields of glory" "Don't make a fire here, the enemy sees it from the air." " I'm going to brew some coffee." " What enemy?" " Making a fire is strictly forbidden." " Just stop whooping." "Might be better not to light a fire." "You boys know nothing about art of war." "First thing you do is build a fire." "That's the most important thing in war." " Officers might not like it." " Is that what you're scared of?" " I'm not scared of anything." " Be afraid when you hear guns." "Don't be scared of officers, or a little fire." "I've been there." " I see you boys have a fire going." " Thought we might brew some coffee." "Good idea." "We may have to march all night to the border." "Well, Ylli, here we go again..." " Like in the Civil War." " This might be a little different." " Where are they taking us?" " To the butchers." " Keep on walking, boys." " You'll learn this soon:" "In war you never know, you just go where they tell you." "District Chief, let me try how it feels to ride that horse." "Try to learn to call me Lieutenant." "Lieutenant, sir, may I ride on your horse?" " Go ahead." " My feet are killing me." " Should've taken the old boots." "I thought I'd look better in new ones." "This is a mean place to sit if they start shooting at you." " That's what I thought." " You fall like a pheasant from a tree." " Should we sing a fine song?" " We can pass the time without." "Let the Ylihärmä boys sing." "We're looking for war glory." "Alert!" "Alert!" "Don't blow that whistle again as long as we're here." "Thank you for a fine ride, Captain." "Your horses aren't used to ships, I see." "This is the first time I've seen a ship on a river." " Where are you boys from?" " From Ostrobothnia." "Weren't you lucky to get here!" " I'd rather be home." " Come on, now!" "Come with us to Käkisalmi!" "You won't miss your home there!" "Funny kind of milk cart you have." " How about your milk?" " We take it along the road." "Funny to see the whole army running because of a ship's whistle." "What's this quiet little girl's name?" " It's Aino." " Well Aino, coming home?" "I see." " Is Aino a bit shy?" " She misses her fiance." "Where is he?" "Run off with another?" "Our men went to Rautu and Metsäpirtti to fortify the border." "Paavo, let's go brew some coffee." "Scarves from Paris, pure silk." "Come'n buy one for your sweetheart." " As you were." " Want some coffee?" " I just had some." " Suit yourself, then." "The regiment has decided not to draw the first pay - but to leave it to the army." "We've all seen the condition of our supplies and tools." "The army would buy guns and such." "What do you think?" " Has everybody else decided?" " Yes, that's what I heard." "I'm in." "That's all right." " Where are you going?" " To look around." "Careful, or they'll shoot you as a spy." "Paavo is spying into the morale of civilians." " Don't go without your weapon." " He sure has one." "This is a man's thing to do." "We bought stone drills with our own money - since the regiment didn't have any." "It was for a good cause." "I thought our plowman might be hungry." "Soil should be turned before winter." "My husband didn't have time." "He had to go off to Rautu." "I like doing it." "Helps pass the time." " I don't know how to pay you." " Don't need payment." "I've got enough land to know what it means to turn the soil." " You spoiled your Sunday." " Not much else to do on a Sunday." "We were just talking." " About our Fatherland?" " Yeah..." " Come and sit down." " I'd better not." "Just for a little while." "My fiance is building fortifications." "I can't do this to him." "I'm good enough to go to war and die, but not good enough to sit next to." "We might leave tomorrow." "Come and sit down." "I can't stand here all night." "My legs are going numb." "Anybody home?" " Good afternoon, I hope I'm not disturbing." " No, no..." "Not at all." "I just wanted to ask if you still had those pies to sell." "Or some soft bread..." "Seems to me like the pie-sharing happened already." "No, no..." "Wait, I'll get some." " Maybe I could warm these a little?" " They're OK like they are." "Martti's not too fussy." " How much are they?" " Let's say they're for plowing the field." " You're quite a pussy chaser." " You wanted to "plow", too." " I'm a married man." " What am I, then?" " You know best." " We just listened to the radio and..." "What did they say?" "Paasikivi returned from Moscow..." "Didn't agree to anything..." "Russkies better be careful with their demands..." "We might have a say about it, too." "Quite a patriotic moment." "That's what I said." "Lapua boys told me that America promised - to help us if Russia attacks." " That'd be a good thing." " It's too far for them to come." " Wouldn't take long by ship." " It's not so quick." "I've been to America." "If Russkies attack, we don't need any America." " We only need Laurila's regiment." " Laurila told not to spread rumors." "This is no rumor." "Lapua boys heard it on the radio." "I heard that Sweden won't let anybody march through their territory." "The horsemen said so at battalion." " Hakala here plowed our fields." " Thank you for that." "No need." "I wanted to make myself useful." " Well, I thank you anyway." " They've all been so helpful." "I find this army way insane." "We went to Rautu and you've been here." "There is no sense in this." "I would've preferred to stay home." "Write your address, when you know." "I'll write to you." "I'll write." "And remember." "You have girls crying after you here and there." "It's the common cause." " The country needs new soldiers." " Look who's talking." "Half platoon!" "Alert!" "Half platoon!" "It's the Russians now." "They're trying to kill you." "Bear that in mind." "Take your positions!" "Find your own sector and wait for the command." "Don't shoot on your own." "Isn't Ylli part of this maneuver?" "I've practiced so much that I'm waiting for the real thing." "You boys practice as much as you want." " I thought you went on leave." " As you see." "I thought you'd get leave for your own baby's christening." "They didn't let me go..." "They asked me what I should do there, now that the baby is already born." "Shut up!" "News!" "The Soviet Union has been forced to cancel the treaty of non-aggression." " The Sergeant-Major got ten days." " How did he wrangle that?" "His wife died." "Paavo, wouldn't a leave be nice, now that the skirts have gone..." "We might as well head off somewhere." "How come you're back so soon?" "When I got to the station they told me all leave was cancelled." "You don't say." "Russians crossed the border at Rautu and Metsäpirtti at 6:00 a.m." "It's the real thing now." " Should I wake the boys?" " That's the orders." "Good afternoon, men from Southern Ostrobothnia." "Good afternoon, Colonel." "Eyes front!" "Order arms!" "At ease!" "Like so many times in the past - the men of Finland must once more take up arms - as our old enemy, Russia, tries to invade our country." "We didn't want war." "We wanted peace." "But peace is not what we got from Stalin..." "Or from Otto Wille Kuusinen whom we threw out of this country back in 1918." "The army has shown to the Russians that this is no parade march." "And today, on our Independence Day, it is our turn." "Not an inch will we yield!" "Three cheers for the Fatherland, for the Finnish Army - and Commander-in-Chief Mannerheim!" "Get down, Ylli!" "They're firing at us!" "If it whines, it always misses." "When it's for you, it just whispers." "Follow me, if we have to go." "Must be nasty in the front lines." "I don't know." "Sure don't feel like going out there with an empty stomach." " Where is Somppi?" " Over there." "We have to prepare for a counterstrike!" "Medic!" "It hurts badly!" "Don't all stand together!" "Get back!" "This is no kids' game!" "Ylli went in one go." " How did he get it?" " Shrapnel through the back of the head." "When it's for you, it just whispers..." "He didn't get to hear machine guns sing in this war." "Did we lose Ylli?" " Did you sleep at all?" " I just woke up." " Should we build a fire?" " It's forbidden." " We'll freeze to death." " Many ways to die in the war." "I've been thinking about the Alanen family - with Ylli coming home in a casket." " His wife is our kin." " Ylli was my second cousin." "Get out, quickly!" "Take your positions!" "Anybody hit?" "I don't think so." " What did they tell you?" " Changeover tonight." "Stay here, Paavo." " What do I do?" " Just shoot it they start coming." " Is this tough?" " Aren't you the tough clan?" "I mean, is this a bad spot?" "Nothing but bad spots here, pal." "You've got grease in your rifle bolt?" " It's well greased." " Wipe it dry." "Should be a field there, and the river behind it." "Russians got across the river yesterday." "Pärssinen forest on the left." "Boys from Central Finland say the Russians start early, like work." "Must be warming up their tank engines." "They're Russians." "Shouldn't we shoot them?" "I don't know." "Did you get hit?" " Why isn't our artillery firing?" " Has anybody told them?" "Surely they can see." "It was about time." "Jesus, that's no good." "We are damn short of ammunition." "Russkies are coming!" " Did you get hit?" " No, just hot." "Martti, there are too many of them coming!" "How are you holding up?" " Why aren't the anti-tank men firing?" " They're bringing the gun." "Soon it'll be too late!" "All the phone lines are down, I sent a man." "Take Ahti's rifle, he won't be needing it." " Was Ahti hit bad?" " Already dead at the first aid post." "Who, Ahti?" "Are they going to kill all our pals?" " Will they come at night?" " Who knows?" " Have you stayed awake?" " There's enough noise." "Martti, come with me." "Let's see if the neighbors had any papers with them." "What papers?" "Let's search the pockets of the dead." "They won't come over now?" "You won't get shot?" "Go through their pockets." "Let's go." "You won't need this anymore." "If it gets any colder, we'll need dynamite to break up the cheese." "Let the Russian artillery do it for us." " Hell of a stink here." " My hands are covered in blood." " Are you wounded?" " No, it's the Russians I robbed." "The Russians stopped when we pointed the gun at them." "Don't brag now, they may come with force." "Damn it boys, Russkies are coming!" "They're already in the trench!" "In the trench?" "How did they get there?" " Dug their way in last night." " Are there many of them?" "Haven't counted them yet." "We have to drive them out or kill them right there." "I'll go first and clear the trench." "Paavo, you throw grenades." "Get ready for close combat!" "Let's show them what we've got!" "How did you get such a blunt bayonet through a jacket?" "I just shoved it and stabbed for my brother." "Take the bolts from enemy rifles." "They won't jam as easy." "Here they come!" "Take your positions!" "1st Platoon, get to the edge of the forest, one by one!" " Do I still have legs?" " One." "1st Squad, form a chain!" "Paavo, don't!" "Are you hit bad?" " I just lifted my hand and it scratched at once." " Where did it hit?" " It scratched my side." " Did you get it in the head?" " No, just my side, I think." "Jussi!" "Come and take a look at Paavo!" " I wasn't hit in the head." " Let's bandage it." "You'll get home leave." " Soon I can't even see anything." " Think you can walk?" "Nothing wrong with my legs." "As soon as I lifted my arm it scratched my side." " They can't use explosive bullets!" " Go tell them." "I've got the battalion commander's written orders." "About what?" "We would've known that anyway." "Somppi, you stay here." "I'll go to the company." " Did they order you there?" " Told me to drive the Russians back." "I'm going to ask with what." "All right boys, let's take back our positions." "Try to take a prisoner." " Aatos and Erkkilä!" " Grab hand grenades!" "1st Squad, prepare to counterattack!" "Look out!" "Why did he do that?" "They've been told that we'll torture and kill them." "Sir, we need more men to dig the trenches open." "I've already ordered reserves to counterattack." " What were our casualties?" " Four dead and six wounded." "I wonder how long they'll try coming straight at us, standing up?" "It's a permanent regulation for them..." "They can't change it in a hurry..." "Well, Hakala, how do you like war as a job?" "The younger Hakala was wounded today." "Badly hit?" " No." "Just a scratch in the side." "A man won't die by a scratch." "It's our turn for sentry duty." " So watch who you shoot at." " My bullets are for the Russians." "Hey guys, are you asleep?" "Asleep?" "Us?" " Sure looked like it." " We weren't sleeping." "Go get some sleep in the dugout." "Were we asleep?" "All I can hear is the boys digging and the Russian tanks." " I already heard them in the trench." " Let's hope that's all we hear." " Don't shoot, they're from 5th Company." " What are they doing there?" "Attacking the woods behind the school." "What's the matter with you?" "You'll get yourself killed." "Stay down!" "Don't go!" "They'll kill you!" "Password!" "Pussy, pussy." "It's hungry." "Pussy, pussy." " I wonder whose cat that is?" " It stayed behind." "A cat does that, even if the people leave." "Cats grow fond of places, not people." "You're the cat expert here." " What do you mean?" " You've stroked some pussy on this trip." "Boys are just talking..." "Jealous." " I hope Erkkilä didn't run the wrong way." " The Russians may have taken him." "This man was found at battalion headquarters." "Did you get that far?" " He told that all of you have been killed." "Well, we still have some men alive." "Sit down." " Come on, now." " They talked about a court-martial." "I told them that Erkkilä will come to his senses when he's back with his own folk." "Jussi, do you have any medicine for Erkkilä?" "Of course." "This will help you." "I see you've got yourselves a pet." " Every house needs a cat." " Rats can't pester us." "Some men from the Lieska battalion will open the trenches tonight." "Try and get some sleep here." "Erkkilä, too." " Yes, sir." "You hold on to this cat." "She purrs so nicely." "What did you give him?" "I have nothing but headache pills." "Erkkilä!" "Come lie down beside me." "My brothers told me after the Civil War - that it's an accident to get hit by artillery." "Even though the Reds got one Jäger." "I think machine gun is the most dangerous thing in war." "I wouldn't know." "Well, tell me what's the war like." "None of us will come back alive." "That I don't believe." "We got definite information that our boy Matti - killed thirty Russkies with his knife on the very first day." " I haven't heard about it." " Funny, it's supposed to be definite." "Russkies aren't within knife's reach." " You quite sure?" " Sure I'm sure." "I don't believe you..." "Why should they tell me if it wasn't definite?" "I wouldn't know." "They're afraid to talk about it..." "It gives a bad picture of Finnish soldiers - if the world hears they're killing with knives..." "That might well be." "Let's just hope he comes home safely." "The boys will have a cold ride." "I suppose they don't freeze." "Give me one, too." "Buy your own, then you'll know how far your money goes." "Oh Jesus Christ have mercy" "Once I must depart" "But when and in what way" "You only know" "It is withheld from me" "But for you it's clear" "You counted the days of my life" "In you Jesus" "My soul is praised here" "You give me your rest" "When the body weakens and dies" "Your young precious blood..." "Can you stay close to our Matti?" "The Russians can't harm him." "It's not like you think over there." "What's it like, then?" "It's like..." "Can't explain." "It's time Paavo started heading home." "Mother don't..." "Who knows when we'll meet again." "I've always been good enough for leaving." "They're doing the same everywhere..." "Trying to dig their way in close." "Take extra care, now." "Some of them pretended to attack while the others were digging, sir." "Have you found that Matti Ylinen yet?" "No, sir." "Russians have taken him." "I guess that's what happened." "I promised his father to look after him." "Well, boys." "It's Stalin's birthday today." "Be extra careful tonight." "It's Stalin's birthday." "They're trying hard today." "They're planning for a birthday present - that'll crush the White Bandits." "Be prepared for that." " They seem to have women there." " And they're drinking." "How do you know that?" " They're singing." " And having fun with women." "It's a birthday party." "Should we ask our artillery to deliver a greeting?" "Leave it be." "Makes them nervous." "We'll have peace and quiet." "Regards from home." " Back already?" " A week's leave only lasts seven days." "How are things back home?" "They sent a parcel..." "And a letter." "Now we've got a well rested sentry for tonight." "Boys are all falling asleep on their feet." "Paavo's been awake every night at home..." "He slept on the train." "Right, Paavo?" " I can do a night's guard duty." " I haven't got men left..." "Where did that cat go?" "Paavo should've seen it." "What cat?" " We had a cat..." "Guess it has run away." " No animal could live in that smell." " You must have been dreaming." " Will you be okay out there?" " Come and watch if you don't believe." "Nature's calling." "I'll go release Paavo." "It must be much fresher there." "Keep an eye on the Russians during the night - so they can't dig their way into the trenches." "Laurila told us they've tried that everywhere lately." "We'll be going, too." "They've got - cartloads of Christmas presents at the company." "I thought we'd deal them out tomorrow, as it's Christmas Eve." "So try and be nice, so you'll get presents." "But not too nice, not to our neighbor." "Just shoot them!" "Paavo, was there anything?" "Nothing unusual, except them singing, sir." " How was home?" " All's well." " How's the scar healing?" " It was just a scratch." "It surely burned you enough - so that you'll want to show the Russians." " Yes, sir." "All you need to do is light this match." "Then throw it so it breaks over the tank's engine." "These came from Rajamäki distillery." "How would a Molotov cocktail taste?" "It's just gasoline." " Aren't there some spirits too?" " And tar of course." "Just make sure your matches are dry..." "Or it won't light." "Are these any good against tanks?" "They've destroyed dozens of tanks." "This is our new secret weapon, approved by Mannerheim." "Because they can't give us anything better." "Wake up, boys." " It's your turn on guard duty." " I've just been..." "Go along anyway, Paavo..." "I've got nobody else to put there." "Down!" "Stay down!" "Boys, somebody else take this guard duty." "I can take this turn..." "Martti, you'd better go to the dugout." "Alert!" "Take your positions!" "Pass the order!" "Russkies are coming through the Terenttilä clearing." "Hello..." "Hello." "Attention, damn it, hello." "Martti, the lines are down." "The company should know that the Russians are coming in force." "Go tell them I don't have any men and the Russians are coming." "Over and out." "They're not all coming to your sector." "They're trying at several points, it's their regulation." "I will be there shortly myself." "We'll see where the Russians are strongest." "Tell Kantola to try and hold on." "Well..." "I'll tell him." "Luoma, try if you can cover their sector." "If you can't handle it alone, I'll bring more men." "Tell that." "He told he'll come here soon." " Did he promise more men?" " Yes..." "No." "If we need them." "Didn't you tell him we desperately need more men?" "He's coming himself." " Can you take your place now?" " Why not." "Our lines are getting so thin the Russians can walk through." "Why isn't our artillery firing?" "The Swedes sold us a bit too big shells." "There's fifty Russkies per man." "Take Paavo's gun." "It's Felix Rinta" " That was bad." "Where are you taking me?" " Who are you, boys?" " It's Jussi." "Who's speaking?" " I can't see." " You'll be taken care of." "Don't fire till I tell you to." "Aim for the stomach, boys." "Fire!" "That was not our artillery." "Now the Russkies gave us a Christmas present." "That was too many Russkies for us alone anyway." " Did the boss say he was coming?" " Yes." "Where's he taken to?" "I just lost my second." " They took Felix away." " Was it bad?" "I reckon so." "What are you doing here already?" "They're taking the boys home." "I thought you might see your brother off." "I promised to look after Paavo." "You've seen it for yourself..." "Not much use looking after anybody here." "The only help is from the Lord above..." "If He feels like it." " How are you boys holding up?" " It has been quite tough." "Just say the word if you can't take it - and I'll try to get some replacements." "Or if you can't take it." "We'll handle it." "Right, boys?" "It will be very difficult for the neighbor - to come through here - as they were rude enough to shoot the commander - and many friends of us." "It would be good if you can last until Boxing day." "Till the exchange." "Jussi, could you come here?" "The service company put together some cigarettes and food for you." "They know what happened..." "It's a Christmas present." "They've sent Rajala as your company commander." "Laurila needs you here." "And I thought you could use these." "They sent them from home." "My own boots are all right." "I didn't have time earlier today..." "About Paavo..." "I don't know what to say..." "It was quite a trick from them..." "I'll find it ever harder to love them..." "From now on." "Where the hell do all the lice come from?" "We're looking for 2nd Lieutenant Lehtinen." "In the dugout." "We thought we'd like to have a sermon at Christmas." "We heard you have a priest here as a 2nd Lieutenant." "I've come here to make war, and I left the priest home." "There won't be any." "This will be my first time in 30 years without the Lord's word at Christmas." "Glory be the Lord's in Heaven, and peace on Earth - among men." "As the angels had gone to heaven, the shepherds said to one another:" "Let us now go unto Bethlehem and see this thing - which came to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." "They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph - and the babe lying in a manger." "Let the Russians hear us singing the Christmas psalm." "They'll come straight across, running behind the tanks." "Don't get nervous, just wait." "Aim at the belly and shoot." "The tanks stop at the obstacles, they don't come further." "We've burned them with Molotov cocktails and anti-tank guns." "I was here early December, afraid for my life." "I thought you'd just arrived." "We just rested for ten days in Putkinotko." "One more thing..." "We've decided not to let go very easily." "We've lost so many friends here." "We lost them, too." "Thought I'd tell you that." "Did I lose my eye?" "Someone had counted 378 airplanes during one surveillance duty." "Ours or the enemy's?" "The regiment ought to declare a competition - where the first one to spot a Finnish plane wins the first prize." "I don't know about that." "But someone ought to do something about the lice." " Boy, it's cold." " I'm getting hungry." "Attention!" "Listen, everybody!" " Let's go to the dugout." " Is it something special?" "Yes." "How could one put an end to that strumming for a while?" "With a grenade." "All sorts of foolishness!" " Come Aatos, you'll be in a book." " What book?" "Somebody will make one out of this." ""Heroes of the Finnish War"" " You'll be one of them." " I won't come!" "Unshaven and all..." "Come on." "Help me, guys!" "Makes you feel so foolish..." "Martti!" "That took care of the strumming for a while, guys." "That shrapnel had your name on it." "And Marjatta said she's got two letters from you." "Here's her answer." "A parcel for Aatos Laitila." "Why won't anybody write to me?" "You're such a bad person." " They don't know it there." " Maybe the word's got out." " You'd better get some sleep too, Mauri." " What if the Russians come?" "They'll wake you up." "They're not coming now." "Just trying to scare us." " It's a mean noise!" " Take my gloves, I don't need them." "Finnish soldiers!" "The capitalist exploiters are turning the blood of soldiers - and the tears of your mothers and wives into gold." "Wipe the capitalists and their officers out of Finland." "Come with your weapons to the Russian side." "I'll go have a little wipe." "Soldiers' blood..." "Mothers' tears..." "What are you guys doing?" " We had to leave the casemate." " Why is that?" "Water started pouring in from somewhere." "We couldn't stay there..." "Cold like this and water getting in our boots..." " Did you all come back?" " Of course." " You should've at least left a guard." " Who'd be going there at night?" " Send a couple of men to guard it..." " Yes, sir." "As you were..." "Did you take the men out of the casemate last night?" " Yes, Captain, sir." " Who gave you permission?" "Water started pouring in, so men couldn't stay there." "Boys don't have decent boots here, Captain, sir." "Do you realize that the Russians took the casemate last night?" " Korpela, did you post a guard there?" " Yeah, the boys went there." "Sir, we have sentries there." "Your sentries started running as soon as they heard the Russians coming..." "They ran all the way to regiment." "We got a call from there." "Potila, order 5th Company to take the casemate back from the Russkies." "Yes, sir." "They have men who won't run to HQ - every time they hear a few Russian felt boots swishing in the snow." "It's our own artillery." "The Russkies will soon run." " That's just tickling." " We still have to go in there." "Give supporting fire!" "Now Finns are dying out there because of you." "Damn it, you gave that away!" "No sense in trying to go there in the daylight!" " Don't let anyone come through." " How?" "Try shooting them." " He's in a mean mood." " Reprimanded by the commander." " Are you sure there's still someone there?" " Yes there is." " Why aren't they shooting?" " Go ask them!" "They've blocked all openings." "Hands up, Russian soldiers!" "Come here!" "We've been shouting it at them." "If someone could speak Russian." "Send someone to take an order to the casemate." " Martti, you go." " What's so important?" " That I must go in there?" " What's it to you?" "It is, if I take the message." "When I order you to go, you go - even if I only want to say Hello to their commander." "Martti, go now." " What do I tell them?" " Damn it, tell them this:" "Say: 'Hello!" "'" "Nobody can go there!" "Stay down, Martti!" "Where are you going in this foul weather?" " Where's your company commander?" " Over there." "What are you doing?" "Learning to lie in grave." "Lieutenant, sir." " Yes?" "Our new company commander told me to come and say Hello." "Fire!" "Don't let them get away!" "Strange, that Russian getting away with a company firing at him." "Perhaps he earned his life." " I don't know!" "Damn it!" " Stay still!" "The casemate boys said - the Russians are coming in force." " I haven't seen anything." " They're the ones seeing things." "Go and relieve the 5th Company." "They're so tired they keep seeing Russians." " Sir, I'd like to ask one thing." " Yes?" "But I won't." " Who will go?" " 1st and 2nd squad." " Our boys are all tired." " Martti, you know the way." "Shall I say Hello again?" " Looks very bad here." " Is that a fact?" "We're to take your positions." "Where are your officers?" "Dead, every last one." " You must have someone in charge." " They haven't told me." " Where's your platoon leader?" " Over there." "Let's give them five minutes, then we blow the bunker." "Soldiers of the Soviet Union!" "Surrender and come out of the bunker - hands up and without your weapons." "We will blow up the bunker in five minutes." " Will they really blow it up?" " Looks like it." "Get down!" "I just wanted to know what's so important about that casemate." "Arvi, go tell battalion the next people in the casemate will be archaeologists." "I wonder if anybody was still in there?" "Are we going to look at that heap of gravel forever?" " I haven't eaten a thing in two days." " Better wait for orders to leave..." "Jussi, don't go!" "It's all over for Arvi..." "No, hell..." "Can't be..." "Martti, can you take Arvi's stuff and send it to his home?" "Why not..." " We're going to rest in a place called Yläjärvi." "There are postal services there." "Martti, wake up." "Wake up!" "Martti!" "Wake up?" " Is it alarm?" " Quiet, let's not wake up the others." "We could heat up the sauna." "Can you do it?" "Can't you find a kitchen man to do it?" "Go now, they're all busy." " And you've slept for a while." " Why me?" " You were right by the door." " You're hounding me." "I only asked you to heat the sauna." "I can do it." "The word is, if anybody's got a good reason to visit home - you can get leave." " Home?" "Where's that?" "I'd say where you left it." " How far is it to the Taipale River?" " I heard it's about forty kilometers." "Make way for women and children coming!" "Have a drink, pal!" "I don't touch the stuff." "What kind of man are you?" "No man at all." "Take it, when the heroes of Taipale River are offering it." "The heroes of Taipale River are all dead." "I tried to get leave for the funeral..." "But all leave was cancelled." "I just want to know how he died..." "Did Paavo have to suffer?" "I don't think so..." "It was really quick." "A rifle bullet clean through the heart." "He was in the trench in front of me when they got him..." "I was there right away..." "He was quiet, died instantly." " They wouldn't let us open the coffin." " That's the custom, isn't it?" "One of the pallbearers said that..." "When they came down the church steps with Paavo's coffin - there were like pieces rolling around." " Jussi, you were a pallbearer too?" " Of course I was." " Did you hear anything?" " I don't know..." "I had the front part." "How's little Paavo?" "A bit shy, it's been a long time." "Your mother said she'd take little Paavo into her bed for the night." "She said we can 'talk' in peace, with the boy not listening." "Come and 'talk', then..." "Paavo said none of you would come back alive." "Don't think about that now." "I won't let you go..." "Won't let you..." "When did you last see him?" "I didn't see him that night." "We weren't in the same squad." "How can a man disappear without a trace?" "They were in hand-to-hand combat that night." "It's such a chaos in the dark." " But they told us first - that our Matti had killed 30 Russians with his knife." " And now they don't know where he is." " Perhaps he was taken prisoner." "That's what grieves mother." "When he was reported missing..." "Not knowing whether he's dead or prisoner somewhere." "She keeps dreaming about him." "Matti is lying in blood, wounded." "Moaning and calling for his mother." "And then he's alive, not fighting." "Maybe a prisoner." " I can't tell you more." " It was easier for you, with Paavo." " At least it's clear." " I don't know about that." "Lucky it's so cold." "It helps the Finns." "Yes, King Winter is on our side." "It's cold for the Finns, too." "Wet clothes and -40 degrees." "But not as cold as for the Russians." "Greetings to just about everybody." " Well, you came back soon." " Missed you too much." "Did you bring any food?" "The Army is taking good care of its boys, bus rides and all." "They're in a hurry to take us into a tight spot." " A free ride and you're suspicious." " I hope the fare is not our lives." "Think we'd get away that cheap?" "They say we'll go to the Mannerheim Line - to shoot at the Russians from warm casemates and chairs." "No need to go outside." " Martti, do you have a smoke for me?" " You're too young to smoke." "Take this." " We're going to die as heroes, freezing in a bus." "There's a story to tell your grandchildren." "4th Company, prepare to cross to Äyräpää ridge." "Combat gear, leave your rucksacks here." "Of course the service troops stay back here." "How do you get food there?" "Our task is to ambush the Russkies if they try to cross the river." " A lot of them coming?" " A lot." "We might get overrun." "Laurila wants to surprise them on that slope." "It the Russkies cross the river, the entire Taipale front can be cut off." "We might be cut off ourselves." "They're trying to cross the river!" "Shoot them!" "Rajala promised us food, damn it." "Put a fire up his ass, Pentti!" "Well I'll be..." "They got my gun." "I have to take a new one from the Russkies." "Come away, boys!" "Martti!" "Go there." "Is anyone left there?" " Nobody who speaks Finnish." " They won't come through here." "They're covering for their own attack to the river." " I thought you bought it." " So did I." "One of the Russians hit me with his gun." " Was it bad?" " He hit me." "He should have shot." "I killed him." "Martti, don't go to sleep..." " You'll freeze to death." " Cut it off!" " Try to stay awake..." "They might come." " Who's they?" "Well, the same ones who've been coming at us lately." "Oh, yeah." "We can't let them get to the river..." "That would be the end of the whole regiment..." "Let's try and take back those positions, boys." "I know you're tired, but we have to try." "The Russians will believe us when there's enough iron in the air." "They're coming at us again!" "Somppi, get down!" "Somppi!" "You'll get yourself killed!" " Who is it?" " Hakala." " Paavo or Martti?" " Martti." "Paavo was blown into pieces at Taipale." "That's right." "Go to the battalion HQ and tell them that the Russians are in positions - and we can't flush them out, at least not until the morning." "Tell Sihvo that..." "That he could send a few men to help us." "Sure, I can go." "I've sent three runners, none of them came back." "Try and stay alive at least until there." " The password is Äyräpään Ärjy." " I'll remember." "Halt!" "Who's coming?" "Äyräpään Ärjy." "I need to go to the battalion HQ." "It's right there near the river." "We'll put them there." "I have a message to the battalion commander." " I'll take it." " From the commander of 4th Company." "We have the Russians in our positions." "We'll drive them out - but we need more men." " Thank you." "We have to keep these lines." "Rajala needs more men." "The Russians are in their trenches." "Yes, but I don't have any men." "Even the service troops are there." "Take these and chew them." " What are these?" " Coffee beans." "I don't have anything else to give." "Why me?" "!" "Don't bombard one man!" "Nobody else here!" " Who is it?" " Erkkilä." " Is it bad?" " It's really bad." "Son of God..." "Son of God." "Just keep calm..." "Nothing wrong with you." " Who is it?" " Martti." "Who are you, guys?" "Keep calm now..." "We'll leave soon." "You'll get well." "That's it, then..." "Jussi, are you hit bad?" "Not too bad, I guess." "No pain..." "I don't know..." "Your guts are showing." "Must be shock then." "I feel sort of numb." "Someone hit here?" "That other one's lifeless..." "This one has some life in him." "Let's lift him in..." "There might be horses at battalion." "2nd Battalion has to hold this side." "If they get across the Vuoksi, it'll be the end of the regiment." "The front will be cut off." "I'm asking you now:" "Can you hold your positions?" "I have asked every company the same question." "There are not many of you." "I guess we can, if it doesn't get any worse." "As long as anyone's left to fight..." "They told me to bring word..." "Nurmo boys will attack in the morning and take the church hill..." "We have to hold the ones here so they can't go and help." " Help the Nurmo boys?" " No, the Russkies." "I see..." "Yeah..." " Why don't the Nurmo boys attack?" " I don't understand." "Don't go now!" "The attack is badly delayed!" "Give supporting fire!" "Jesus, they'll kill them all!" "Now they intend to come through here!" "They keep coming no matter how we shoot." " They're full of vodka." " I wouldn't mind some." "I guess we'll fall back." "Just a little bit." "Martti, go along with Rajala." "Where to?" "Russians have crossed over to the Vuosalmi side." " What are we supposed to do?" " Go with the boys from 1st Battalion..." "And Mauri and Korpela, too." "They'll explain." "Hurry along." "I don't have a single piece of bread." "Take a coffee bean and chew it up." "The whole bean?" " Must be hundreds of bodies." " Keep quiet!" "Will they ever run out of men?" "They're getting fewer, though." "Some prisoners said they've brought in two fresh divisions." " That's 40 000 men!" " More or less." "No wonder their attack looked inexperienced." "Stay down, Mauri." "Martti, let's try once more." "Looks like we've scraped the bottom of the barrel." "Was it the Sergeant-Major?" "Always without his helmet." "Asking for it." "Forward!" "Mustn't stay here!" "Let's kick them all the way to Leningrad!" "Forward!" "Mustn't stay here!" "Shut the hell up." "How am I supposed to help, too..." "You didn't have to..." "Like shooting a ram between the horns..." " Where are the boys?" " Russkies shot them." " Is this the day they break through?" " Might well be." "Then it's the last day of this life." "Might be that, too." "Peace has come at 11:00 a.m." | {
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"Uh-huh." "Just pop the bone right back into place, I'll be there as soon as I can." " Hello?" " Hello?" " Hello?" " Hello?" "Okay, who's gonna be our first victim?" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "How about we call the..." "How about we call the pizza place and order a pizza with extra thick sausage, only we're talking about extra thick dicks?" "Wait, I don't know how to call outside numbers on this phone." " Ugh!" " Um..." "Oh!" "Let's call Jonas, from the mess hall." " Guy's a total doofus." "Extension 84." " Yes!" "Yes!" " Great idea." " Yeah." "Mess hall." "Jonas Jurgenson." "Hello." "Hello, yes, this is the food inspector." "We just received a report that your food is contaminated with dick farts." "What did you say?" "I said your stupid kitchen food apparently has a dick in it, and apparently that dick farted, and now your entire... kitchen smells like dick farts." "This isn't the food inspector." "The food inspector would never call me at this time of day." "Who is this?" "I'm gonna kill you and fuck you." "Who is this?" "It's your butthole." "Oh, my God!" "Victor!" "That was awesome, Victor!" "Victor, do you think he knew it was you, Victor?" "Victor, do you think he knew it was you, Victor?" "No, no." "That guy's a dumb fuck." "Victor Pulak." "Hello?" "Why don't you go fuck a soup?" "How 'bout I cook you like a soup?" "I'll simmer you and filter you through cheesecloth for stock..." "What's he saying?" "Then I'll add fresh vegetables and grains." "And once I'm done..." "I'm going to kill you." "He says he's gonna kill me... like a soup." "Should I hang up?" "I'm not sure what to do." " Should I say thank you?" "Okay." " No, don't." "Don't." " Thank you." " No." " We got to get out of here." " Okay." "Let's go to the bunk." "Come on." "Come on!" "Five, six, seven, eight!" "♪ The streets ♪" "♪ That's where the action's at ♪" "♪ The streets ♪" "♪ Where everything's for sale ♪" "♪ The streets ♪" "♪ That's where you make it or break it ♪" "♪ The streets ♪" "♪ It's a blackout ♪" "All right." "Good job, chorus!" "Good job!" "Take five." "All right, let's get our Billy and Roxy up here!" "We're gonna do the leap." "Okay." "Okay." "You ready?" " You gonna catch me?" " Yep." "Wrong!" "Reset, let's do it again!" "This is stupid!" "It's impossible!" "We just have to keep practicing." "Forget it." "I shoulda never done this to begin with." "I quit." "What?" "No, we can do this." "Go ahead." "Let's see what you got." "That's it, Andy!" "Run!" "Run like you always do." "Like this." "I guess Claude was right and I was wrong." "Maybe you don't have what it takes." "Maybe for the first time in my life..." "I'm afraid." "Then harness it." "Harness that fear." "Theater is fear." "Theater is pain." "Theater is now, and it's you." "And if there is anyone in here that does not have torments within them, well they can get the fuck out!" "Because I don't want to work with you!" " Is she always like this?" " Every day." "Now you get back up on stage, you beautiful, broken son of a bitch, and you dance like your life depends on it." "Because, God damn it, it does." "Five, six, seven, eight!" "Okay, front, back, front." "That was inspired." "I know." " Like Shields and Yarnell, those two." " Mmm." " I don't know what to do." " Let's go." "Come on!" "He's coming." "He's coming here now." " Get out!" "Give me the bag!" " We made a horrible mistake!" " Get in the bed." "Lie in bed." " Okay." "Oh, hey, Jonas." " What's up?" " Not much." " Have you seen Victor Pulak?" " No." "No, can't say I've seen him, come to think of it." "Cool." "Cool." "But I was just in the neighborhood and I thought, what the heck, off chance and just kind of maybe see if he was around here." " Yeah, sure." " You can never tell." "May get lucky." " I'll just mosey around here." " Yeah." "Right, right." "Maybe he is here and you just missed him." " Maybe he's not here." " Like..." "A-ha!" "Well, if you see him, just tell him I'm looking for him." "Absolutely." "I definitely, definitely will pass that information along if I see him." " That was weird." " What's weird?" "That sound." "What sound?" "The sound of someone jumping off the rafters and scampering to the back of the cabin." "That's just a rafter rat." "I've got to talk to Mitch about that." "I think I'm gonna take a look around." "Wish that you would take a look around." "There's all this area to look around in." "Why not look at it?" "So much here... to see." "Well, like I said, if you see him, just tell him I'm looking for him." "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" "Sure, sure thing, Jonas." "Are you kidding?" "That's exactly what I'm gonna tell him when I see him." "You sure you're not covering for your friend?" "I think I'm just gonna take another look-see around." " Victor, run!" " Ahh!" "Run, Victor!" "Godspeed, Victor Pulak." "Jonas is not who he says he is." "Everything has been a lie." "My trust in the world is broken." "Is this my wedding dress?" "I don't know." "Is this my wedding table?" "I don't know." "It's like I don't even know what a wedding table is anymore, you know?" "It's like maybe I never even knew." "Why don't you go talk to him, Gail?" "Tell him what you know and see what he says." " I can't do that." " Why?" "Because I'm a devout Mennonite, and in the Mennonite faith, a bride and a groom are not to see each other at all on the day of the nuptials." "It is writ so in the scriptures." " But you were with him earlier today." " No, I wasn't." " A bunch of times." "Yeah." " Mmm-mmm." "No, I wasn't." " What are you saying?" " We all saw you together." "I don't know what you're talking about." "And is that even true about Mennonite weddings?" "Look, I don't like how you're twisting my words, Froggy." "That's not fair." "Please don't do that." "There's been no twisting of words." "You know, Gail, sometimes to forgive is to set a prisoner free, only to realize that prisoner is you." "You know, when you point a finger at someone, there's three fingers pointing back at you." "Wow." "That is really true." "I never thought of that." "So, what are you gonna do?" "I'm gonna go through with the wedding." "God, Beth, the government hired a trained killer to silence us!" "You sure this guy can help?" "Well, we need a lawyer if we're going to expose Xenstar and stop the toxic sludge from killing everyone at camp." "Okay!" "What can I do for ya?" "Parking tickets?" "Fender benders?" "Slip and fall?" "I'm undefeated with slip and fall cases." "Public urination, too." "Undefeated." "Down at the courthouse they call me Johnny Piss Pot." "Oh, no, sir." "This is much bigger." "We're in danger, sir." "We need your help." "We want to take on the U.S. Government." "The U.S. Government, you say?" "Hold all my calls." "Dinner!" "Oh, hi." "There you are." "Listen," "I would love to go over some of the blocking for tonight." "Just some of the last minute changes I've been mulling over." "I would really love your input." "Wow." "You want my input?" "That's amazing, Mr. Dumet." "Oh, please, just call me Mister." "Okay." "So maybe you'd be willing to, uh, have dinner with me, alone in my cabin, just the two of us?" " A working dinner?" " Yes." "Yes, working." "Working on the play." "Playing." "Not working." "That sounds great, Mister." "It is my lucky day." "I'll go, uh, get the place ready, and why don't you, uh... freshen up?" "Well, I'm young, so I'm squeaky clean." "God bless." "Hey, Coop, the rock star look really, really works for you." " Oh, yeah?" "You like this stuff?" " Yeah." "Cool." "And I'll wear that shirt you got me to the show tonight." "Watch out, David Lee Roth!" "Cooperberg's lookin' hot!" " Hey, Jeanie." " Hey." "I'm really glad that we finally got a chance to have some alone time." "I'd like to make a toast." "To us, and what I hope will be a wonderful summer, filled with memories, laughter, hugs, maybe some..." "Let's do this right, shall we?" "Ah..." "You know, in my country, it's considered bad luck to make a toast without real wine." "What's he doing here?" "I invited him." "I mean, you don't want him to eat alone, do you?" "No, but..." "You and I haven't even had a chance to hang out." "Coop, I must confess, I have overheard what you two saying across me, and if you want me to leave, I understand." " No, it's fine." " Then let's drink, my friend." "No, I don't drink, 'cause I'm underage." "Come on, drink." "You don't want to be a Freddy Fuddy Duddy." "You do not want to be a Freddy..." "Who is this?" " It's Freddy Fuddy Duddy." " A Freddy Fuddy Duddy." " Okay." " Cheers." "Mmm." "Think fast." "Hey, Katie." "Good rehearsing' today..." "Thanks, Andy." "You, too." "Don't worry, we'll get that leap." "Oh, man." "What's in your nose?" "I don't know." "Do I have something?" "Yeah, it looks like a fart." " People have their mouths open." " So good..." " It's so good." " Whoa!" "Hold on!" "Did I just see a smile come out of the great, rich and powerful Katie Finnerty?" " No." " Oh, yeah." "I see how it is." "I'm gettin' to you, Katie." "Oh, my God." "I'll fart my way into that snatch, just you watch." "Okay." "Can't run forever, Victor!" "I'm gonna smoke you out." "Like salmon." "Ow!" "Do you know what the strongest shape is?" " Stop sign shape?" " No." "The strongest shape is the triangle." "One." "Two." "Three." "Like the three stars of Shabbat." "Do you know Pythagris?" "He was a mathematician." " You mean Pythagoras?" " Yes, Pythagris." "Pythagris said that if hypotenuse is length C, the legs are lengths A and B, then A-squared plus B-squared equals C-squared." " Isn't this nice?" " I don't understand." "Coop, the tird is not extra." "The tird is not hanging off from the side." " Did you just say "turd"?" " Coop, tonight we will be three." "You will be our tird." "It really, really sounds like he's saying turd." "He's saying "third."" "Turd." "Like the... what goes..." "What happen in the toilet." " Oh." " You will be our turd." "I guess then I misunderstood it." " Just one more time." " Okay." " Give me four for nothing." " Five, six, seven, eight." "♪ Zoot suit, zoot suit ♪" "♪ Z-O-O-T S-U-I-T ♪" " ♪ Reet pleat ♪ - ♪ Silk lapel ♪" "♪ Guns-a-blazin' Straight to hell ♪" "♪ In my mind you look so cute ♪" "♪ Wrapped up with your arms around my ♪" "♪ Zoot suit Zoot, zoot suit ♪" " That's good." "That was really pretty good." " Thanks." "Yeah." "Wow!" "I never thought that'd be so much fun." "It's fun." "It's fun." " What?" " What?" "Nothing." " What?" " What?" " What?" " Nothing." "What?" "Nothing." " One more time?" " Yeah." " Four for nothing." " You give me four for nothing." "Five, six, seven, eight." "♪ Zoot suit, zoot suit ♪" "We didn't even finish taking out the garbage, and then we found this flyer, and now we're here talking to you." "That's a hell of a story." "I've suspected Xenstar was dirty for years now, but no one's ever been able to prove anything." "Take a look at this dot matrix printout that we have." "Wow." "This proves everything." "You may have just uncovered the biggest government conspiracy since Watergate, which was about seven years ago." "So you'll take the case?" "You don't want me on this case." "I told you before." "They call me Johnny Piss Pot." "This case is out of my league." "I'm small time and I'm a terrible drunk and that's all I'll ever be." "You're Johnny Piss Pot." "Well, our government is taking a piss on the whole damn country." "Isn't that the public urination case of a lifetime?" "It won't be easy." "Who said it would be?" "Okay." "I'll set up a meeting with Xenstar's legal team for tonight." "In the meantime, you two should lay low." "Stay out of sight, maybe change up your look." "You never know who's spying on who." "Hopefully now they won't find us." "They won't." "And I gave the clerk at the front desk fake names." "We're Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Doohickey." "Oh, my God!" "Archibald Doohickey?" " I had to think of something fast." " Archibald Doohickey is my middle name!" "If the government sees that, they're gonna know it's me." " I'm sorry." "I didn't know." " Because you didn't ask!" "You don't know anything about me!" "Do you know why Camp Firewood is so important to me?" "Why?" "Those counselors, the cabins, the campers, the fields, the bunks..." "It's the only family I know, other than my own family." "You're like an onion, Beth." "I just keep peeling back layers to see what's inside." "And it stings my cheeks and it makes me cry, but it tastes so good on a sandwich." "This is wrong." "I'm with Mitch." "This is wrong." "No, no, no." "He's a can of vegetables." "He doesn't have to know." "I keep thinking about what you told us." "About how I can fit a can of Coke into my mouth and bite it and spray Coke everywhere without hurting my gums or teeth and in the right light, you can see a rainbow in it?" "No, about Eric, the rock star who went to this camp a few years ago then burned out." "I wanna check out his cabin." "Will you go with me?" "What?" "For serious?" "No way." "That place is definitely haunted." "That's one thing I know for a fact." "I'll let you touch my boob after." " Whoa!" "Which boob?" " Left." " My left or your left?" " Mine." " Nuh-uh, mine." " That's my right boob." "Do you want me to go with you or not?" "Do you want to touch a boob for the first time in your life or not?" "Yeah, fine." "Deal." "Let's go." "You know, I'm not much of a cook, but Betty Buckley gave me this pasta recipe." "Mmm." " Yummy." " You're yummy." "I really like what you've done with the place." "Hmm." "This old thing?" "Well, I just brought up some bean bags and lavas from the cit-ay." "Tell me, Susie, have you ever "bean" in "lava"?" " More wine?" " Um..." "Uh, Claude," "I feel like you and I might not be on the same page." "You know, I'm not like most girls." "I'm not some off-Broadway hussy that's gonna give you a BJ for a part." "No, no, no, no, no." "Who said that?" "Who said BJ?" "No, no, no, no, no." "You are a rare breed." "And a woman like you deserves to be praised." "You know, Susie, I would really love to help you with your theatrical career." "Oh, I would be so grateful." "Because, you know, I think that I want to be a director/choreographer." "But I'm also thinking I want to be a producer/writer/triple-threat." "I mean, I don't know if I want to be an actor, but if the right part came along..." " You know..." " Shh, Susie, shh..." "Let's have sex now." "Claude, I'm with Ben." "I mean, not like we actually have sex..." "You poor child." "No, it's not like that." "We both want to." "It's just we can never find the right time..." "Shh." "Now is the right time." "I will be your Ben." "Let's get naked." "Okay." "I feel uncomfortable, but I know that you have my best interest at heart." "Where's the groom?" "Oxy, oxy, oxen freeze!" " I gotcha!" " Ahh!" "Gary!" "Gary!" "Jonas has lost his mind!" "He's trying to kill me." "You got to hide me." "You got to hide me." "I don't want to die!" " All right." "Shh!" " I don't want to die!" "Jonas." "Victor!" "Hey, Gar." "Victor!" "I know you're in here!" " He's not here, Jonas." " Gar, not now." "I gotta kill your friend Victor." "Just as soon as I find out where he's hiding." "Okay, look, I know that he prank called you... but, but, but... but what about Gail?" "Aren't you supposed to be marrying her right now?" "Oh, my God." "Gail!" "Gail!" "You can come out now." " Did Jonas come in here?" " Yeah." "I knew it." "Gail!" " Gail!" " You made it!" "Is everything all right?" "I'm fine." "I'm more than fine." "Gail, there's something I have to tell you." "I'm not who you think I am." "It's okay, Gene Jenkinson." "I know everything already." "I saw it on the microfiche." "We don't have to talk about it." "Wow!" "You're so understanding." "Do you, Jonas Jurgenson..." "I mean, Gene Jenkinson... take this woman, Gail Dana Starfield, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "Boy, and how." "And do you, Gail Dana Starfield, take this man, Jonas..." "Oop!" "You'll get used to it." "Gene Jenkinson, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." "If anyone here soever objects, let him speak now or forever hold his peace." "Wait!" "Wait!" "I object." "Jeff, the city hall records clerk?" "I know I hardly know you, Gail." "But, uh, in the short time we've spent together," "I can honestly say that I've fallen madly, passionately in love with you." "So what do you say?" "Give it a shot?" "I'm sorry, Gene." "I feel like if I don't at least explore this thing with Jeff," "I might never be at peace." "You understand, right?" "If that's what you want..." "what you both want, then that's what you should do." " Thank you, Gene." " Thanks, buddy." "Let's do it!" "Let's get married!" "By the power vested in me," "I now declare you and you husband and wife." "Yay!" "We did it!" "No boob is worth this." "No boob is worth this." "Ugh!" "Stop being such a scaredy-cat." "Eric's just a washed up rock star, he's not some monster." "Oh, my God." "There it is." "Was this it?" "The hideaway that Eric had managed to keep secret from everyone for years?" "Everyone, that is, except a handful of campers, and now me." "Whoa!" "Put your paw in the honey pot, it might just get stuck." "I think you should leave." " I think I should stay." " Why?" "Because I believe in the proto-punk genius of the Rockin' Knights of Summer." "I believe in you." "You don't believe in anything." "You're just some teenager." "Now get out!" "You don't have to hide anymore." "I said get out!" "Go back to where you came from!" "And don't ever come back!" | {
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} |
"♪ I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time ♪" "♪ Friendly faces everywhere ♪" "♪ Humble folks without temptation ♪" "♪ Goin' down to South Park, gonna leave my woes behind ♪" "♪ Ample parking day or night ♪" "♪ People spouting, "Howdy, neighbor!" ♪" "♪ Heading on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind ♪" "♪ Mrph rmhmhm rm!" "Mrph rmhmhm rm!" "♪" "♪ Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine ♪" "All right, everyone, listen up." "I don't know about you, but I, for one, am sick and tired of hate speech that serves to marginalize others." "_" "_" "_" "Ahh." "You know, if there's one thing that makes me sick, it's when a race thinks they're superior and don't know how to check their privilege." "_" "An African American flips a turtle over on its back." "A transgender Filipino comes and sees the helpless turtle baking in the sun." "What color is the Filipino's father?" "I didn't think you were human." "Aah!" "Yeah, everybody's pretty freaked out over here, baby." "Everyone is on edge and feeling really nervous." "That sounds terrible." "Be careful, Butters." "I will, honey." "Butters, get to the bathroom." "Now." "All right, Kyle, what's this about?" "Jimmy's dead." "What?" "I know the whole story." "PC Principal killed him and tried to kill Leslie, but she got away." "Mrph rmh rmphm?" "PC Principal is part of a huge network of radicals who kill everyone that doesn't follow their PC ideology." "How do you know all this?" "Because Leslie's with me." "I'm keeping her safe." "♪ Kyle's got a girlfriend ♪" "It gets worse." "Someone in our town helped these people come here." "That person faked the Bill Cosby joke to get Principal Victoria fired." "Who would use a Cosby joke to push their own agenda?" "I think it's obvious..." "Stan's dad." "Kyle..." "Stan, your dad is one of them." "He had to be the one that let them in!" "You're letting paranoia and suspicion get the better of you." "There's no way to know who we can trust." "So, what do we do now?" "There's only one thing we can do." "We have to get guns." "Guns?" "It's the only way for us to be safe." "Kyle, even if we thought it could help protect us, how are we all going to get our hands on guns?" "All right, cool." "We got guns." "So, now what?" "Mrph rmhmhm rm!" "I already feel a lot safer!" "You guys lay low and watch your backs." "I'm gonna go keep Leslie protected." "Hey." "Don't fall too hard, partner." "Do I look sweet, Butters?" "Yeah." "What?" "What?" "Can you pass the garlic bread, Randy?" "Why wouldn't I be able to pass the garlic bread?" "Dad, where were you last night?" "What?" "When?" "Where was I what?" "Out." "With friends." "Doing things." "Well, I'm full." "I'm gonna go work in the garage for a little bit." " Work on what?" " On stuff that do things." "Um, oh, I'm gonna take some of this with me." "I'm still hungry." "Thought you just said you were full." "Jesus!" "What am I, on trial or something?" "!" "God damn!" "You guys are really acting strange." "All right." "We're good." "Nobody suspects a thing." "Take a look at this." "We've got everything from PC Principal's hard drive." "He was on to the gentrification around the world, and he was convinced that whatever was responsible wasn't human." "Not human?" "Then what?" "I don't care if they're aliens or vampires." "We need to round 'em up fast and fuck them till they're dead." "You don't want to fuck a vampire." "You'll get hepatitis." "Oh, girlfriend, I am well beyond that." "Oh, my God." "Don't you see what this means?" "If something not human is gentrifying the entire world, soon no human will be able to afford it." "They're trying to price our species out of existence." "Well, how do you like my new apartment?" "What happened to you, Nathan?" "I always thought you were a nice kid." "Now you've got a gun?" "Oh, everyone's getting one of these now, Jim." "Nobody knows who to trust." "Yeah?" "Well, guns are never the answer." "Don't you kind of wish you'd had one back when Leslie betrayed you and nearly beat you to death?" "Oh." "I guess it would have been a decent answer then." "T-T-T-Touché." "You see, I've got expensive tastes, Jimmy." "I like good food, organic pressed juices, and I've got a thing for high-class prostitutes." "Have you been introduced to my current girlfriend?" "My name is Classi with an "I,"" "and a little dick hanging off the "C"" "that bends around and fuck the "L"" "out of the "A"-"S"-"S."" "Nice to meet you, Classi." "All I had to do was work for the ads, and I got everything I wanted..." "My own loft with all of ShiTpaTown right at my doorstep." "All it took was some PC, and the whole thing was set in motion." "Oh, great." "So, now ads are using PC for their own gains?" "That's a new low." "What is PC but a verbal form of gentrification?" "Spruce everything up, get rid of all the ugliness in order to create a false sense of paradise." "Only one thing can actually live in that world... ads." "I know I've set it before, but man, do I hate ads." "Eric Cartman, I told you to go get ready for bed!" "Yeah, I just want to finish this movie." "No, Eric, this is a school night." "Mom, I'm into this movie." "I'm not going to bed right now." "Chillax." "You most certainly are." "Right now, mister!" "I will go to bed when this movie is over, Mom." "Eric!" "Where did you get that?" "!" "Turn off the light and go back to bed." "I'm staying up." "Eric, you march right up to your room, and you..." "I don't think so, Mom." "Eric, you get your butt to bed!" "No means no, Bill Cosby!" "I told you to go upstairs right now!" "Whoa, Mom, what the hell?" "I'm not going to tell you again, Eric." "It is time for night-night!" "Mom, put down the gun." "I am your mother, and you will do what I tell you!" "Okay, I am going!" "Well, then you go right now, mister!" "I am going to bed Mom!" "Chillax." "All right, then!" "No comic books!" "Just straight to sleep!" "I love you, sweetie!" "Okay." "I love you too, Mom." "Night-night." "Wow, he... he listened." "There has to be something..." "Some clue as to what we're dealing with." "The news stories PC Principal researched are all so contradictory, as if whatever these things are have control over the news somehow." "That sounds like vampires to me." "We have to find out who had me fired with the Cosby joke." "It's the key to knowing what we're dealing with." "Principal Victoria?" "Mr. Garrison?" "Caitlyn Jenner?" "Stan, what the hell are you doing in here?" "!" "Tell me what's going on, Dad." "Nothing." "We're just hanging out, talking about Coldplay, all right?" "No!" "I want to know what the hell is going on right now!" "What are you doing with that?" "Kyle said I couldn't trust you." "What are you planning, Dad?" "Stan, it isn't what you think." "Then what is it?" "Look, I need to show you something, okay?" "You need to see this, son." "Ooh!" "Psych!" "Now put the fucking gun down, bitch!" "I'm gonna go tell Mom!" "Oh, yeah?" "You go tell her." "I'll tell you had a gun." "You'll be in more trouble than me!" "Stan, I am your dad." "Put the gun down and sit over there." " Mom!" " Shit!" "Took a lot to hunt you down, PC Principal." "You mind telling me why you're going around the world shooting up revitalized arts and foods districts?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Try me!" "I don't know what they are, but they used me and others like me to try and change the planet." "You don't know what who are?" "Sir, the President is on the phone." "Wants to talk to you about PC Principal." "Yes, Mr. President." "I see, sir." "Yes, I understand." "We're to release him immediately..." "No questions asked." "And we're not supposed to believe anything he tells us." "Huh." "Ain't that a peach?" "He's being set free now, Mr. President." "Can I tell the commander why?" "This is a matter of national security." "I understand, sir." "Thank you." "God Bless you." "God Bless you, too, sir." "And may God Bless the United States of America." "You okay?" "Yeah, just feeling butterflies, and my hands are freezing." "Here." "Thank you, Kyle." "Don't worry, Leslie." "I won't let anything happen to you." "I'm warning you..." "You're on the wrong side of this." "We're just trying to get answers." "You pulled a gun on our son, Randy!" "He pulled one on me first, Sharon!" "Because you wouldn't talk to me, Dad!" "Stanley, let your mother and I deal with this." "I told you to leave him alone!" "God, I hate this family!" "Why are you always taking Stan's side?" "!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Shelly!" "Put down the gun, Shelly!" "You're always acting like Stan can't do anything wrong!" "She doesn't always take my side!" "You shut up or I swear to God I'll use this." "Shelly, put it down now." "You don't even try to know me, Dad!" "I want to, Shelly!" "I just sometimes feel like you hate me!" "I feel like you hate me, Randy!" "I don't hate you!" "I love you!" "I need to be a better husband, a better father!" "We all need to be better to each other!" "Okay, maybe I need to stop being so angry!" "I love you guys." "We love you, too, Dad." "We just want to know what's going on with you." "All right, I'll tell you everything." "Wow." "These things are amazing." "All right, Mrs. Farnickle, enjoy." "And remember..." "If the safety's on, you're good as gone." "Okay, and next customer, please." "Ah, going for the big one, huh?" "You must be feeling extra jumpy!" "You don't know the half of it." "Well, this thing should make you feel more at ease." "You know, you ought to check out the gun show." "The gun show?" "Yeah, it's gonna have everything, and with guns being so popular, practically everyone in town is gonna be in attendance." "The entire town in one location?" "Oh, my God." "The principal has become our biggest problem." "We need a news headline that will draw him back to town." "Oh, you're going to sponsor my content some more, baby?" "I'm all ears." "I've got to get to the Super School News." "Hey, Classi, do you think you could get me my crutches?" "Naw." "I don't think Nathan would like that." "You seem like a reasonable person." "Do you really want to live in a world controlled by ads?" "I mean come on, Classy." "No, it's Classi." "With an "I."" "The little dick that hangs off the "C"" "fuck the "L" out of the ass." "Cla-ass-i." "Sorry." "My bad." "Look, I'm a news reporter, Claaassi, and in a world where ads control the news, there's no way to be sure anyone's ever hearing the truth." "Truth about what?" "We can't just hide, Kyle." "We have to let people know PC is the enemy before it's too late." "Leslie, we don't know who is on their side." "We have stay safe." "The principal is going to try and make up some crazy story." "That's what PC people do." "You have to get in front of everyone and tell them what you've learned!" "I...gave up giving speeches." "But why?" "I came to you because I had heard how good you were at getting messages across." "That and because..." "I thought you were cute." "I'm sure I'd have no problem giving a speech if you could be by my side." "Well, I can't go with you, you know." "It's too dangerous." "Not if we go somewhere that's completely safe from any violence." " Where?" " The gun show." "Gun show?" "There'll be so many guns that nothing bad can happen." "Someone purposely had Principal Victoria replaced with the new principal?" "Yes, they wanted to use his PC as a means to start gentrification in our town." "That's why we thought PC Principal was behind it, but now we know they were just using his PC abilities to service their own needs." "When the pussy crusher story came out in Super School News, it started to make PC Principal question himself." "He started digging for answers." "They didn't like that." "So, they tried to distract and mislead him with this." "Sorry." "Wait." "That's an ad for McDonald's." "Hold on." "With this..." "Ugh, there's that ad again." "God, these things are annoying." "Anyways, whatever these beings are, they try to keep anyone from knowing the truth from..." "Ugh, I don't want to see a slide show." "PC Principal said something was trying to divert and distract his subconscious mind with this." "Wait, that's Leslie." "Oh, my God." "It's Kyle." "Kyle?" "Kyle's been protecting Leslie." "They're together." "He's been making everyone feel paranoid and saying you're the enemy, Dad." "Well, then, it's time to go ask Kyle why he sold out his own kind." "How will we get him to talk?" "We're going to kill him with kindness." "But instead of kindness, we're going to use guns." " Yeah!" " Yeah!" "Come on!" "Let's go!" "Shelly, you take care of Grandpa!" "Okay!" "No, no, no." "Don't shoot Grandpa." "Just literally take care of him." "Buckle up, buckaroos!" "Here it is, Jimmy, hot off the presses." "What is that?" "The newest edition of Super School News, hitting the streets tomorrow." ""Tragedy at Gun Show."" "What happened at the gun show?" "Not what's happened, what's going to happen." "The final sweeping underneath the rug." "By this time tomorrow, nobody will be asking questions ever again." "The ads will have won, and I will be the man." "I think the ads are playin' yo ass." "Shut up, Classi!" "Oh, hell, no!" "What?" "Oh, hell no, your Down syndrome ass just slapped me." "I'mma break yo dick off!" "Hang on, Classi." "I'm sorry." "I will bust yo fucking ass!" "I will bust yo fucking nose!" "I ain't no mimsy-ass ho!" "I'm a classy bitch, and I do not... want ads... controlling my news!" "Classi, thank you!" "You need my help?" "You gots it." "I need your phone to call Officer Barbrady, and we have to get to that gun show fast!" "Quick, to the Classi-mobile!" "Welcome back to the South Park Gun Show." "AN We've had over 2,000 gorgeous guns come through this arena today." "It's been whittled down to seven, the winners from each group." "David, take us down the line." "First, we have the beautiful Yorkshire .33mm with proud owner Steven Stotch." "An absolutely gorgeous gun, David." "The playful and lovely Australian semi-automatic, owned by Father Maxi." "And there's the Mayor with her delightful" "Rhodesian Ridgeback shotgun/rifle mix." "That's a favorite of the crowd here." "Always a favorite at these shows." "That's a nice gun right there." "The judge now asking to see that Yorkshire .33mm up close." "And there it is..." "Just a beautiful gun in motion." "Everybody loves it." "Looks like the judge wants to take another look at that shotgun/rifle mix." "And next up will be the..." "Nobody move!" "Everyone just stay where you are!" "And it looks like the gun show is under attack, David." "Yes, six armed gunmen have entered the arena, one of which is carrying an absolutely gorgeous little Pekingese Glock 17." "Listen to me, everyone!" "There are beings who are purposely gentrifying the Earth so that humans can no longer afford it." "We've been looking for Kyle Broflovski." "Somebody's hiding him." "Don't listen to them!" "The real conspiracy here are the PC extremists who have no problem killing whoever doesn't think like they do!" "You son of a bitch, Stan." "How could you have sided with the enemy?" "Fuck you, Kyle." "You're the enemy." "You've both got it wrong." "Jimmy?" "Officer Barbrady?" "Classi?" "Randy?" "Kyle, I know you probably thought Leslie was a kind, caring girl, but the truth is she's just an ad." " An ad?" " They've become sentient!" "They've taken human form." "You can't tell what's human and what's an ad anymore." "Oh, geez." "Are you serious?" "How am I supposed to fuck an ad to death?" "Ugh, flippin' ads." "They're such a pain in the ass." "You told me Jimmy was dead." "So, now we know who got Principle Victoria fired." "Nobody move, m'kay!" "Everyone just stay where you are!" "Mackey?" "Yes, I wanted Principle Victoria fired, but I didn't want any of this!" "You got me fired?" "Why?" "!" "18 years of answering to you... 18 years!" "You always telling me what to do." "If you had problems with me, why didn't you just talk to me?" "You never listened!" "Nobody listens to me!" "They just expect me to listen to them!" "Maybe we should have realized that sometimes a counselor needs counseling!" "I don't know." "Maybe I got manipulated by these ads, too, somehow, but I should have been a better person!" "We all could be better people..." "All of us!" "We all played a part." "Maybe from now on people in this town need to communicate more!" "Care about each other!" "If we're going to defeat our enemies, that's what it's going to take... all of us, together!" "If only we'd had these before, huh?" "Every time you block us, we get smarter." "Every time you try to stop us, we are more." "If one plan fails, we will plan another." "You will never be rid of ads." "Hey, Leslie!" "Your species took PC and twisted it for evil purposes." "That pisses me off!" "You're expelled." "Yes, dude!" "Well, I guess there's just one last thing to take care of." "Why did it have to be like this?" "!" "Why couldn't we try to live on this planet together?" "!" "Maybe we're not perfect beings, but we built a better town!" "We didn't need you to do that!" "And we'll keep on trying to make it better!" "Randy, you're yelling at a Whole Foods." "Go on!" "Get out of here!" "We know!" "Others will know!" "It isn't going to be so easy, not anymore." "All right everyone, listen up." "I don't know about you, but I, for one, am sick and tired of all the hate speech and microaggressions against our species." "We have a new enemy out there..." "An almost invisible foe that is so bigoted, so racially biased, they actually think we should all die." "They are trying to attract our youth, using tactics that are underhanded and unfair." "But no matter how hard they hit us, we cannot let them take from us our PC." "And so, I have been asked to stay on as your principal." "A lot of changes will happen in the coming months." "The bottom line is that the only thing that distinguishes those who want to kill us from those who don't is that we have the burning desire for social justice." "We are at war, but the only way to win this war is to be as understanding, non-biased, and politically correct as possible." "This is gonna be really hard." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
" Previously on Sleepy Hollow..." " ABBIE:" "When we waver in our duty, monsters get loose and people die." "CRANE:" "There is no need for tempers to flare." "I can't believe you let her talk you into this." "I did not!" "We have a lot to talk about." "But no, now is not the time." "JENNY:" "He doesn't need a medical exam, he needs a supernatural one." "Maybe Katrina could do it." "ORION:" "Should you ever need my aid, hold this charm and think of me." "I can find you." "No matter what obstacles we face, no matter how many disagreements we have, our bond cannot be broken." "ABBIE: ♪ Maybe I'm crazy ♪" "Come on, y'all." "♪ Maybe I'm crazy ♪" "♪ Maybe I'm crazy ♪" "♪ Probably... ♪" "Huzzah!" "I had no idea she performed." "She used to do" " karaoke all the time." " ♪ Probably ♪" "My mom said she had the voice of an angel." "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sore spot." "Oh, Orion?" "No." "The rogue angel Orion was dealt with." "The lieutenant and I made our peace." "Okay, good." "Just seems you two have been spending a lot less time together lately." "Has she said something?" "No." "Right." "Well, then, we've moved forward." " ♪ Ooh. ♪" " CRANE:" "Brava!" " Brava!" " (patrons cheering)" "(whoops)" "All right, mm-hmm, okay, yeah." " Crane, pick a song." " Ah." "Where might I find the Catch Club?" "ABBIE:" "What are they?" "The Beatles from 1760s?" "No." "Rather, the Beatles were the Catch Club of the 1960s," " thank you." " (Jenny laughs)" "Women swooned at the sound of their warbling." "Alas, lost to history." "Well, everyone's got at least one good karaoke song in 'em." " What's your go-to, Nick?" "'70s rock?" " (phone buzzes)" ""Oops, I Did It Again"?" "(chuckles)" "Well, as much as I would love to serenade y'all, looks like my answer's clear." "Time to go." "Got a line on some rare shurikens." "JENNY:" "Throwing stars?" "Taisho or Showa period?" "McKenna claims they're Edo." "Patrick McKenna brokered the deal?" "85% chance that weasel's selling you knockoffs." "15% chance they're real." "Want some company?" "Nah, it's a short hop." "Be back before you finish your drink." "If you're late, I pick your song." "(laughs)" "(engine revs)" "(engine stops)" "Where's McKenna?" "Carmilla." "What are you doing here?" "Is that any way to greet the woman who raised you?" "I'm pretty sure you got the message." "I've been avoiding you for about a decade." "Yes." "You take care." "It's more complicated than that." "Look," "Nicky... this is hard for me, too." "I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be." "What do you need, Carmilla?" "Second story guy?" "Courier?" "Call Carter or Jesse." "I have." "Carter's doing five to ten for a B and E." "Jesse's dead." "The job's here in Sleepy Hollow." "We're gonna rob Theodore Knox's estate." "Knox?" "You mean, like..." "Fort Knox?" "It'll be just you and me." "What I've gotten myself into... my life's on the line now." "No." "I'm sorry." "It's too weird." "Out of the blue." "(snarling)" "That's the way life is." "You owe me, Nicky." "Time to repay your debt." "♪ As I was a-walking ♪" "♪ Down by the Locke Hospital ♪" "(microphone feeds back)" "♪ Cold was the morning ♪" "♪ And dark was the day ♪" "(whoops) ♪ And who should I spy ♪" "Not exactly Billboard Top 100." " ♪ But one of my shipmates ♪" " The talent is there, he just needs new materiel." "♪ Wrapped in a blanket ♪" "Cheer loudly." "He's been through the wringer lately." "♪ As cold as the clay ♪" "Well, you guys were on opposite sides of a pretty major split about Headless." "You know, Katrina was right to free Abraham when she did." "Turns out that Orion was about to go biblical" " on Sleepy Hollow." " Hmm." "But you and Crane are okay?" "You talked it out?" "We're fine." "And are you lecturing me" " about communicating?" " I communicate." "That's what's happening now between us." "Then you can tell me what's going on between you and Hawley." "Nothing." "♪ So play the drums slowly ♪" "Maybe a little bit more than that." "Which is why it's weird he hasn't responded to my phone calls or texts." "He said he'd only be gone a little while." "He might have just lost track of time." "No." "No, Hawley wouldn't blow me off like that." "♪ For he's a young sailor ♪" "♪ Cut down in his prime. ♪" " WOMAN:" "Yeah!" " Thank you." "(whoops)" "Perhaps I should have done the one about the bass, about the bass." "(laughs)" "Everything all right?" "Hawley's a no-show." "Oh, well, no great surprise." " He'll turn up again in a fortnight." " Crane... he told Jenny that he was coming back tonight." "Ah." "Well, he is a man of his word." "We should investigate." "(phone buzzing)" "That's gonna have to wait." "There's been a breach at the archives." "When did that happen?" "Just now." "Silent alarm was triggered." "I didn't know we had an alarm." "I installed one when you moved out." "Oh." "(clattering, running footfalls)" "Jenny, wait!" "Hawley!" "Go back!" "I'll explain later." "What did you take?" "What are you doing?" "Just back off, Mills!" "She's desperate and she's dangerous." "Who?" "Hawley!" "Hawley!" "(snarls) (screams)" "(growls)" "What the hell was that?" "The last few months have been a real roller coaster, Mr. Irving." "You have fled the police, led your own department on a statewide manhunt, committed perjury..." "Your Honor, we have proven that Mr. Irving's confession was signed under duress." "Don't interrupt me, Counselor." "Or do you prefer "Mrs. Irving"?" "I understand it's unorthodox to represent a family member..." "But she's the best defense attorney I know." "I tried going with an outside firm." "That didn't work out so well." "Based on my readings, the State isn't pursuing any charges." "No, ma'am." "Then I have no choice, based on the new evidence." "This court has determined that the defendant, Franklin Irving... shall be exonerated of all charges." "(whispering):" "Oh, my God, Frank." "I'm free." "(Irving and Cynthia chuckle)" "IRVING:" "I can't believe it." "I'm finally coming home to you and Macey." "It's over." "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "It's... it's nothing." "We should have Katrina examine the creature's residue." "It was dripping off of her claws." "Like some sort of supernatural venom." "I had it analyzed already." "Oh, that was quick." "It's a mix of sialic and hydrofluoric acid." "This stuff could burn through anything." "Claws secreting acidic venom." "Vetala." "An undead human being of Hindu lore that serves Kali, goddess of death and regeneration." "Who is crazy fast, has inhuman strength and is immortal." "How did Hawley get involved with a vetala?" "He went home with a succubus, remember?" "Guy gets around." "Oh!" "He mentioned, uh, the guy who brokered the deal..." "McKenna." "Yeah, he's a local fence." "His front is a pawnshop in town." "We need to pay him a visit and see what he knows." "And the archives?" "Hawley clearly took something of value." "Finding it should lead to finding him." "Yeah, but we don't want to lose McKenna." "This mess'll still be here when we get back." "Well, then, in the words of Philip II of Macedon..." ""Divide ET impera."" "Divide and conquer." "Hmm, that's a good plan." "Time is of the essence." "Katrina can assist me in finding Hawley whilst you two find McKenna." "See you later, Crane." " (bell jingles)" " JENNY:" "This is McKenna's place." "The guy who set up Hawley." "McKENNA:" "Give me a minute!" "So, I take it you and Crane still haven't talked." "You were there." "We worked it out." ""Divide and conquer."" "You really think you two work better apart than together?" "Look, he's trying to figure out his relationship with his witch wife while they're mourning their Horseman-of-War son's death, which I'm guessing is pretty complicated." "So I am not gonna sweat the small stuff." "It's not gonna stay small forever, Abbie." "McKENNA:" "How can I help?" "Jenny Mills." "Abbie Mills." "Sheriff's Department." "How about you tell me who paid you to set up Nick Hawley?" "No idea what you're talking about, ma'am." "Okay." "Let's go." "Precinct." "I'm sure I can find a violation or two around here." "Unless you have prints and IDs for every item?" "Come on, you bring me downtown," "I'm still not gonna talk." "And you've just wasted a day on paperwork." "What is this... good cop, bad cop?" "I'm not a cop." "Aah!" "Did you see that, Abbie?" "This guy just tried to assault me!" "What's that?" "Ten years given his priors?" "It was a woman." "I don't know her name." "Aah!" "Okay!" "Carmilla." "Carmilla Pines." "And you delivered Hawley to her?" " If anything happens to him..." " Okay." "Okay." "Who is Carmilla Pines?" "She's a treasure hunter." "But not like Hawley." "She's dangerous." "A killer." "And she turns the task into a leisure activity with a rather lively ditty." "So, she sings, she cleans, she... travels by parasol..." "A modern witch specializing in housework." "It hardly sounds progressive." "Oh, no, no." "Miss Poppins seems quite fulfilled." "What is it?" "This charm... is a duplicate of the Halo Blade wielded by the angel Orion." "That sigil is a beacon." "Used to call upon an angel." "Miss Mills must have received it from him and... kept it from me." "As she did when she first allied herself with him." " (door opens)" " ABBIE:" "Got a name on our vetala." "Carmilla Pines, notorious treasure hunter." "ABBIE:" "And Hawley's legal guardian from 12 to 18." "So, Mr. Hawley was raised by a criminal who is also a monster?" "I believe I have discovered what Carmilla is after." "Hawley filched architectural designs" " belonging to Henry Knox." " As in Fort Knox?" "Well, before they named a fort after him, he was a revolutionary hero." "Built a home nearby used to safeguard weapons and supplies from the British." "And now Hawley has the blueprints." "Knox had a singular obsession... locks and puzzles." "He built the vault in his estate with the Sons of Liberty, a Boston spy ring, to ensure that the colonists' weapons were protected to the upmost security." "The contents in Knox's vault were considered very dangerous." "They still are." "The estate belongs to his heir now." "I've heard of him." "Theodore Knox?" "He collects black market antiques and weapons." "Rumor is he has an entire storehouse of occult items at his place." "So, whatever Carmilla's after in the vault..." "Is something we dare not let her have." "HAWLEY:" "Original architectural designs from the Knox estate." "Direct from a 1775 Sons of Liberty folio." "Now, this symbol in the corner represents a lever lock system." "Its tumblers for the vault... they run through the walls of the entire house, making the house like a fortress." "One big safe." "And this is how you crack it." "Impressive, Nicky." "Who were those people in the tunnels?" "Don't worry about them." "I did what you asked." "Now, tell me:" "what the hell happened to you?" "It was after you ran off..." "I ran because I saw you murder someone." "And that was before you were whatever the hell you are now." "I tried to protect you." " You ran." " I saw you." "The way you killed him, Carmilla." "That wasn't the first time." "How could I have stayed?" "I came looking for you, you know?" "Tracked you to Mumbai." "But I got caught by a Thuggee death cult." "And they turned me into this... thing." "Don't put this on me." "This is what they did to me." "It's the mark of the vetala." "(sighs)" "When I got wind that you were here," "I left you alone." "I didn't want to burden you with this." "But Knox has an artifact that could give me back my life." "I got you the blueprints." "You're on your own for the rest." "Did you hear me?" "I'm the only family you have left." "The artifact in Knox's vault will make me human again." "Look at me." "Help me." "One last time." "One and done." "(quiet laugh)" ""One and done."" "You enjoying yourself, Speed Racer?" "It's my first time driving a car with real horsepower." "Can you blame me?" "Oh, and on the subject." "Is said power referring to a horse of Arabian, Turkoman or Barb breeding?" "There is a difference." "Whichever horse is fastest." "Knox's swap meet started an hour ago." "If you scratch Hawley's car, serves him right." "How did Mr. Hawley come to be raised by Carmilla Pines?" "When he was 12, a few days before Christmas, his parents died in an accident." "She was his godmother." "He always described her as this kind of" " female Indiana Jones type." " She couldn't" " have been a vetala then." " Something happened between them." "It seemed like he really missed her." "But you know Hawley." "He never talked about it." "Are we certain this Carmilla will strike tonight?" "Knox holds these black market exchanges a couple times a year." "It's the perfect distraction for Carmilla to make her move." "An unusual crowd, loose guest list." "To Knox, it's not who you are, it's what you have." "So these... are our invitations." "When Carmilla arrives on the property, she will make her way to the vault." "Unless she's waiting for a specific time." "We need to surveil the place first." "And at all costs, we must stay together." "(dog barking)" "Talk to me." "It's the only way we're gonna make it through this." "Okay." "You were dead, Frank." "We saw where you were buried." "We put flowers on your grave." "We mourned you." "And now you're here and you're sleeping next to me again?" "I just..." "I just need to know if it's really you." "You think Henry still has some sort of hold on my soul?" "I don't know." "But I'm scared, Frank." "We're supposed to pick up Macey tomorrow from my parents, but" "I need to know for sure that my husband's back." "What do you want me to do?" "I don't have an explanation for this." "Only the fact that I am alive." "Remember what Abbie said?" "At the precinct?" "I know Abbie and Crane aren't your favorite people right now." "But Abbie told me Katrina could help us." "MAN (over P.A.):" "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen..." "CARMILLA:" "I don't know if I said this before, but thank you, Nicky." "Hey." "I'm here for you." "(quiet laugh)" "This job is no different from the others." "Knox is an overweight, entitled black market thief." "We're just stealing what was already stolen." "JENNY:" "There's Knox with the belly dancers." "See right there?" "Carmilla and Hawley." "We can't lose them." "Jenny, you take Hawley." "Crane and I will take Carmilla." "Excuse me." "That's, uh, quite the bow you've got there." "Black walnut stock, forged" " medieval limbs." " (laughs)" "I'd say late 15th century." "Thank you." "Uh, Teddy Knox." " Huh?" " Of course you are." "The resemblance is uncanny." "Uh, I've seen images of your ancestors." " Excuse me." " Uh... how can you just wear it like that?" "Linen with patriot blue..." " Crane?" " ...facing." "Ah, late 18th century, mint condition..." "Okay." "♪ ♪" "Thank you, Sons of Liberty." "(gun cocks)" "JENNY:" "So your aunt's a monster." "Mills." "Damn it, I told you before, you got to get out of here." "What is Carmilla stealing from Knox?" "I don't ask questions when I don't want to know the answers." "That's not good enough for me, and I thought you were better than that, too." "It's like you said... she's a monster." "I don't have a lot of other options." "You have us." "We can fight her." "I'm not gonna let you say no." "Okay, fine, come on, quick." "I'm trying to help you!" "I know, Mills, and thank you, but for your own good, stay out of this." "(pounding on door)" "(sighs)" "(woman chanting)" "♪ ♪" "(gun fires)" "(snarling)" "Lieutenant?" "!" "(snarls)" "Unhand her." "Now." "You shoot, she dies." "No!" "Don't!" "Stop!" "Hey." "We got what you wanted." "Let's go." "This one is police." "Harm her, and you will seal your fate." "There's another way to do this." "You let them live, they promise not to come after you and I'll stay." "I'll stay with you." "ABBIE:" "Hawley, what are you doing?" "There are three of us and one of her." "HAWLEY:" "It's not gonna work like that." "Carmilla, you taught me to make deals, not mistakes." "I don't trust them." "We lock them in the vault." "Knox comes by in a day or so, but by then we'll be halfway across the globe." "CRANE:" "Mr. Hawley." "When we first met, I considered you nothing but a faithless privateer." "But I have come to know you as a man of courage." "A man of compassion." "A man who fights for his friends." "Maybe you had it right the first time." "We have a deal?" "Deal." "Hawley, don't do this." "I'll make sure Knox knows you're in here." "We're coming after you." "Don't." "I mean that." "We need a way out of here." "Can we contact Miss Jenny?" "Not without cell service." "Not to add to our stresses, but I recognize the statue Carmilla stole." "The Bajrayogini Statue of Kali." "Yeah, I saw it, too, in the Hindu book of lore." "It's one of a kind." "And also the key to a dark ceremony that turns humans into vetalas." "How did we end up here anyway?" "We were bush-league upstairs." "You went after Carmilla without me." "I thought you were going to wait." "I thought you were signaling me to follow her and move on." "That was the plan." "I thought the plan was for us to stick together." "Clearly, our signals were crossed." "Another failure of communication to add to our list." "What is that supposed to mean?" "Well, it means the roster of our missteps is growing to karaoke catalog-sized proportions." "Does this have anything to do with me not mentioning the silent alarm in the archives?" "An excellent idea." "As was taking the toxins to the lab." "Yeah, I didn't intend to keep it from you;" "we're just moving fast." "Agreed, and neither require my consent." "But I cannot help but wonder why you did not share with me Orion's sigil." "We should pause this discussion until we have found a way out." "I've developed rather a distaste for being cramped in small spaces." "CARMILLA:" "You were a real hero to your friends back there." "Well, I meant what I said." "Look, whatever you become, it doesn't change the fact that you took me in when I had no one." "I shouldn't have left." "I know that now." "I owed you better than that." "I wish I could believe you." "I truly do." "No... (groans)" "(Hawley coughs)" "This whole thing's a con." "You won't abandon me again, Nicky." "We were family." "And thanks to the goddess Kali, we will be again." "Knox would have built an exit." "A fail-safe in case he locked himself inside." "CRANE:" "Hmm..." "The Liberty Tree." "The Sons of Liberty used this symbol, which may..." "Aha." "Huh." "Knobs." "These must control the hinges." "But how are they...?" "All right." "Each knob is marked with an alchemical symbol." "Push the correct knob, the door will open." "We don't know which one that is." "If we choose wrong..." "Then I doubt we leave the vault alive." "Quandary, indeed." "About the sigil," "I should have told you." "Orion gave it to me, I used it to find him." "Felt like bringing it up after the fact was opening a can of worms." "I thought it was over." "So did I." "Okay, you are by no means the only one responsible." "I decided Abraham was worthy of saving without consulting you." "Perhaps we both decided it was easier to act than to talk." "Yeah." "These problems have always resolved themselves in the past." "What if this is indicative of something larger?" "What if we're not as good partners today as we were in the past?" "Maybe our whole thing has started to go awry." "Even in the times of great peril we could always rely on one another." "But in the past few weeks, today," "I have felt our bond sorely tested." "Are you having a moment?" "I believe I am." "The thought of testing a bond." "During the war, Henry Knox's greatest achievement was stealing British cannons from Ticonderoga." "Cannons that were bonded in iron." "Oh, my." "One time you're wrong." "What are the damn odds?" "I'll admit..." "I was excited," "I may have acted rashly." "I'll make sure to put that on your tombstone." "I'm not gonna die in Knox's vault, even if it goes all..." "Star Wars trash compactor on us." "Star Wars?" "What did they use?" "They had a robot." "Ah." "You knew Knox better than anyone." "Which of these chemicals would he have picked?" "Knox was a student of alchemy." "He could've found reason to choose any one of these chemicals." "Forget about the war hero and the student." "What did the man love?" "Uh-uh, gambling." "Cards, horse racing, he was addicted." "He died penniless trying to line his pockets with gold." "Gold!" "Gold." "(sighs)" "We seriously named Fort Knox after a dude who died in debt." "Well, he had other redeeming qualities." "Abbie." "Where were you?" "Hawley locked me in a closet." "He locked us in a death trap." "I'm gonna kick his ass." "Where's Carmilla?" "She left with a Hindu statue." "That can turn people into vetalas." "I think one vetala's enough." "Yes, which is why we need to find her." "Hawley stole my cell phone." "Ten bucks says he still has it." "Which means we can track it." "It's not exactly the Ritz-Carlton." "I'll do a sweep of the perimeter, see how many guys we're up against." "We need to find a way to defeat Carmilla once and for all." "We need to find that statue." "The statue." "Of course." "Kali has six hands, four of them holding items and two of them in specific positions." "Mudras." "The symbolic language of gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism." "Thank you, yoga class." "I'm still not going back." "So, the top left hand was positioned like this." "Privthi." "The symbol of life." "And the right hand, Tarjani." "The symbol for destruction." "The bottom two hands on the right arms had a torch and an iron stone." "There it is." "Carmilla fled the tunnels because of the open flame on your torch and the iron tips to these bolts." "ABBIE:" "We can kill her with iron and fire." "(Carmilla chanting)" "(heart beating)" "(growls)" "(screaming)" "(chanting continues)" "The statue works." "Carmilla, please, think about what you're doing." "You once told me I made you a better person." "I'm not a person anymore, Nicky." "I know it's hard for you to see now." "But you'll thank me later." "Shh." "Oh, you're gonna love death, Nicky." "(screaming)" "Soon, the last of Kali's tears will be wept." "Then the statue will take us through the final journey." "(footfalls approach)" "Step away from him!" "(growling)" "(grunting)" "(chanting)" "(grunting)" "(hissing)" "(hissing)" "(chanting)" "(groans)" "(screeching)" "(groaning)" "Come on." "(screeching)" "(growling)" "Nicky." "You can't." "I'm sorry." "(hissing)" "(door opening)" "(sighs) Oh." "So, this is the welcome I get from now on." "Can't say I blame you." "You come bearing gifts?" "Well, friends don't steal from friends, right?" "Look, Jenny, now you know why I... keep my distance." "I get it." "She was your family." "But you also have a family here in Sleepy Hollow." "You know that, right?" "Thank you." "I mean that." "You're leaving, aren't you?" "Mills, I put you in danger." "Betrayed your trust." "I, uh," "I can't be here." "I'm gonna hunt her down." "You know," "I'd ask you to come with me." "Except you know what I'd say." "So, what happened when we were in the vault?" "Are we good?" "We are." "We are far greater than the sum of our parts, but we cannot rely on our bond to last unless we tend to it." "Damn straight." "That's why" "I thought it's time we do a duet." "ANNOUNCER:" "Next up is Abbie and Ichabod." " Lieutenant, you learned my shanty." " Mm." "No, the song's called "Proud Mary,"" "but you can do it." "You just killed a vetala." "You can handle a little rock and roll." "Come on." "♪ I dumped a lot of 'tane down in New Orleans ♪" " That makes no sense." " (humming)" "♪ I never lost a min... ♪" "♪ Minute of sleep ♪" "♪ Sleeping till ♪" "♪ I hitched a ride on the riverboat queen ♪" "♪ You know that big wheels keep on turning ♪" "♪ Turnin' ♪" "♪ Proud Mary ♪" "♪ Keep on burnin' ♪ ♪ Keeps on burnin' ♪" "♪ And we're rollin' ♪" "♪ Rollin' ♪" "♪ Rollin', yeah ♪" "♪ Rollin' ♪" "♪ Rollin' on the river ♪" "♪ Rollin' on the river ♪" "♪ Said we're rollin'... ♪" "KATRINA:" "This ceremony will dig into the very fabric of your being, which may be unpleasant and dangerous." "It might be best if you stood back." "I just want my family to know that I'm free and clear of Henry's influence." "Where is Henry?" "Excuse me?" "The fact that you are here in the flesh tells me that my son is still alive." "Where is he?" "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Whatever magic bound you to the Horseman of War is gone." "I cannot say how you came back to life, only that my son has no influence on your soul." "I think we got ourselves a miracle." "(chuckles)" "Promise me, this is the start of a new chapter of our lives." "Oh, baby." "I guarantee it." "(laughs)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"Jedi trapped on Felucia!" "Clones are surrounded by droid forces." "Their only hope is to escape on Republic gunships waiting to land on the embattled surface." "Jedi cruisers have managed to blow a hole in the droid defenses and have sent gunships to the rescue." "Warthog, protect the gunships." "I will take out the fighters." "They made it through the 1st wave." "Concentrate all fire on the cruiser on the left." "I can't shake these two droids." "Come around, and I'll try to get them off your tail." "General!" "Look out!" " That was close." " If those fighters got through, then our gunships can't be far behind." "Prepare the troops to evacuate." "Go!" "Go!" "Come on, Grunts." "We are leaving!" "Ahsoka should be back from her jungle patrol by now." "I'll try to contact her again." "Ahsoka, where are you?" "Ahsoka, what is your location?" "About six klicks east, Master." "We've engaged the enemy and we've got them on the run." "They're here to extract us." "We're leaving." "What?" "We can't retreat now, Master." "I've broken through." "Move it, trooper." "Come on, double time." "The droids are retreating." "We're outnumbered." "You must evacuate." "That is an order!" "Master Skywalker taught me never to let up" " when the tinnies are on the run." " They are running back here to regroup with the main force." "You are putting your troops' lives in danger, young one." "You will get on the gunship when we arrive." " Where's Ahsoka?" " Following your teachings." " Is she winning?" " For now." " She's not stopping." " Land in front of them." "What are you doing?" "Get in the ship, now." "Can't you see they're retreating?" "They're about to overrun you, Ahsoka." "You just can't see it." "Now follow orders and get in the ship." "Padawan Ahsoka, do you feel Master Kenobi's description of the incident is accurate?" "Yes, my Masters." "More to add, do you?" "I know I was wrong." "I just got so caught up in my own success," "I didn't look at the battle as a whole." "I wasn't being disobedient." "I just... forgot." "Masters, this incident is my responsibility." "Because of Ahsoka's advanced abilities, I forgot how young she is." "I gave her more freedom than I should have." "That may be, but it doesn't excuse what happened on Felucia." "I think she needs some time away from the battlefield." "On archive security, reflect on your actions you can, Padawan." "Guard duty?" "For how long?" "Longer now." "I'm sorry" " I let you down." " I know." "I was a Padawan not that long ago." "Madame Jocasta Nu, this is Ahsoka Tano." "She is to be your new security officer." "Hello, Madame." "So good to meet you." "Let's show you around." "There is more knowledge here than anywhere else in the galaxy." "Master Kenobi says there are even texts here that are forbidden to be read." "The archives hold a great many secrets, it is true." "Beyond this door lies the holocron vault." "The holocrons contain the most closely guarded secrets of the Jedi Order." "Good morning, Master Fisto." "Can we go inside?" "I'm afraid not, my dear." "I haven't been inside myself for years." "Only members of the Jedi Council are allowed access." "Guarding the holocrons is one of the most important duties a Jedi can be given, Ahsoka." " Do you think you're up to the task?" " Definitely." "Excuse the interruption." "As I was saying, bounty hunter," "I have need of your services." "I'm listening." "I need a Jedi holocron." "To get a holocron, I'd have to break into the Jedi Temple." "It's impossible, not to mention deadly." "Perhaps your reputation has been exaggerated." "I want a rogue-class starfighter with elite weapons, cloaking device, the works." "And triple my usual rate." "Your price is of no concern." "I will also provide you with the means to get inside the temple." "You've got a deal." "The setback at Felucia has affected our efforts in the whole sector." "It'll take weeks before we can..." "Master Yoda, what is it?" "A disturbance in the Force." "Intruders there will be in this temple." "You know, if you would just tell me what it is you're doing back there," "I could probably be of some assistance." "Look, I am just doing some maintenance." "You've been having memory crashes." "That is preposterous." "I have no memory of any crashes." "My goodness." "I have no memory of any crashes." "Exactly." "I am doomed." " Bane, you have to help me." " Calm down." "I'm done." " Thank you." " Get the door." "I am a techno-service droid, not a butler droid." "Can it, Todo." "You are what I say you are." "Well!" "Then..." "Who are you?" "I am Todo 360, techno-service droid." " Who are you?" " None of your business." "Everyone is in a good mood today." "Who's that?" "Bolla Ropal," "Jedi, out in the Mid Rim." "We going after him?" "Soon." "Right now, we're stealing a holocron." "Impossible." "The only place you can get a holocron is..." "I know." "Inside the main vaults of the Jedi Temple." "Fortunately, our Sith Lord client has set us up with some help." "For one, the map of the temple you're looking at right now." "For another, a security chip that I've placed in my droid." "I have been given all the technical data regarding security systems in the Jedi Temple." "Both the vent shafts and the vault itself are equipped with all kinds of traps and security measures." "Todo can take them out, but we'll need help from someone inside the Jedi library." "And that's where your talents as a changeling will come in." "He looks like a Jedi." "He was." "His name was Ord Enisence." "You should be able to walk into the archives and monitor us without a problem." "Now that I am a Jedi..." "I can do that." "Good." "You will need these." "They're ear comlinks so we can keep in communication." "The vault is in the library, which backs onto the communications center." "There will be swarms of Jedi nearby." "We'll use that to our advantage." "Even if you get into the vault, how are you going to crack that safe?" "Let me worry about the safe." "First things first." "Where do we start looking for these intruders?" "What could they be after?" "I doubt they've come to hijack starfighters." "What can they get here they can't get anywhere else?" " Information." " The Jedi transmitter codes." "Every piece of troop information, in one place." "And it's all in the east tower." " The east tower communications center." " I'll head there right away." "I'll monitor the perimeter defenses from the central security station." "Good afternoon, Master Enisence." "Good afternoon, young one." "May I be of assistance?" "No, thank you, my dear." "I don't want to bother you." "It wouldn't be a bother at all, Master." " Things are slow right now." " I could use something to do." "Cato, come in." "Cato, are you there yet?" "Cato, come in." "Thank you." "I'll be fine on my own." "You sure?" "Look, youngling." "I said I was fine." "Now let me go about my business." "Can't do anything right these days." "I'm in." "It's about time." "Just tell us where to get in." "[\All right, ]There's a weak point in the shield that Todo should be able to break through." "I'm beaming him the coordinates now." "Okay, I have got it." "I will jam the temple's scanners." "Let's see." "It is around here somewhere." "There." " In." " You're welcome." "What was that?" "The system is just recycling, sir." "Master, I'm in the tower." "No intruders, but something just happened." "All the scanners were behaving strangely for a moment." "[\Yeah, ]Something happened to the system down here too." "It cannot be a coincidence." "Arrived, the intruders have." "But if they are not in the tower, what are they after?" "The communications center, perhaps, their target is." "They must be in the central ventilation system." "Let me check the system." "You're right:" "there has been a disturbance." "It's near the top of the south tower." "I'll meet you up there." "On high alert place the temple." "The control board for the fan should be on your left." "All clear, sir." "Not quite." "The fan you're passing through has a security switch." "I do not see anything." "Besides, we have already gotten past the fan." "Todo, we're getting sucked into the fan." " Turn it off!" " I do not know how." " Cato, do something." " I've got it from here." "Sorry." "Okay, Bane, the next part is relatively simple." "Make your way down the shaft until you reach..." "Excuse me." "I don't mean to disturb you, but the whole temple is on high alert." "Thank you." "This is it." "Perfect." "Let's go in." "Cato, come in." "We are over the vault." "Give me a moment to check out the security system." "What's wrong with your voice?" "Change of plans." "I'm the librarian now." "Hurry it up, Cato." "We can't stay hidden for long." "Well, looks like this is where they broke in." "Fortunately, we'll have a less troublesome time." "The vault is filled with laser sensors that go in every direction." "I'll try to deactivate the whole system from here." "Just hurry." "I can hear them." "They're looking for us in the vent system." "Great." "Which way do you think they went?" "The communications center is this way." "We'd better hurry if we're going to catch them." "The Jedi are coming closer" "I've got it." "Go in." "I don't think they came this way." "Master Yoda, are you picking up any other life signs in this quadrant?" "Deep in the temple, the intruders are." "How are they managing to stay out of our way?" "Possible it is, receiving assistance they are, from inside." "Wonderful." "Almost there." "Are you done deactivating those laser beams yet?" " We are good to go." " Good." "Start cutting through that wall." "This job just keeps getting weirder and weirder." "Padawan, alert you must be." "Sense deception, I do." "Posing as a Jedi, the intruder is." "Find Master Jocasta, you must." "The two Jedi have turned around and are making their way towards you." "Who are you, and what have you done with madame Jocasta?" "The same thing I'm going to do to you." "You may have madame Jocasta's shape, but not her skills." " Todo, are you done yet?" " These things take time." "Some butler droid you turned out to be." "I am a techno-service droid!" "Looks like you were right." "Master Skywalker, I've captured the imposter disguised as a Jedi." "She says the intruder's in the holocron vault." "A holocron is no good without a Jedi to open it." " What are they up to?" " They must be trying to gain access to the communications center from the vault." "Let's get in[\ there ]." "I am not going to be able to do this without a diagram." "Cato, come in." " What has happened?" " Something's gone wrong." "Todo, is the hole finished?" " Yes, but..." " Go to the communications center." " What?" " You heard me." "Bane, the communications center will be crawling with Jedi." " Why do I need to go in there?" " Now!" "Quick!" "The communications center." "Let's go." "Hey, guys." "I was just, testing the access hatch." "Works great." " Bomb!" " Bomb?" "What bomb?" "Is there something going to blow up?" "Bomb!" "Madame librarian, are you okay?" "I think I'm all right." "We must call security." "Our war operations, it was never about." "Come on, changeling." "We have a new home for you." "What would someone want with a holocron?" "Wait." "Bolla Ropal." "What did you say?" "That's who Bane's next target is..." "Some Jedi." "What's wrong?" "Who's Bolla Ropal?" "He is the keeper of the Kyber crystal, the data on which can only be read by holocrons." "What's on the crystal?" "A list of every known force-sensitive child in the galaxy." "The future younglings." "The future of the Jedi Order." "We have to warn him." "That's going to be hard to do." "He's out of contact, somewhere in the Devaron system." "Seek him out, you must." "Ahsoka and I will set out immediately." "If this Cad Bane is still here on Coruscant," "I'll find him." "Stolen secrets!" "Villainous mercenary Cad Bane was hired by Darth Sidious to steal a holocron from the vaults of the Jedi Temple." "After fleeing the scene of the crime," "Bane hunted down and captured Master Bolla Ropal, who has a crystal which holds secrets of the Jedi Order." "As a separatist fleet arrives to help the bounty hunter," "Anakin Skywalker races in to cut off their escape and stop Bane from delivering the stolen holocron." "I guess we're going down with the ship." "Roger, roger." "General, we're receiving an urgent transmission from the planet." "General Skywalker, our base has been overrun." "There's no possibility of evacuation." "They've taken General Ropal and the holocron memory crystal." "Do you know where they've taken them?" "Sorry, sir." "We tried to stop them, but they left the outpost." "Wait a second." "There's too much interference." "Transmitter's been destroyed at the source, sir." "We have to find out what ship Master Ropal was on." "You will remain conscious, Master Jedi." "The bounty hunter has some questions for you." "Attach mind limiters, pain pulsers, and give him a full dose of X-C33." "Right away, sir." "Sir, that Republic ship has destroyed our escort and is blocking our escape." "Whoever's commanding that cruiser is a bold one." "Move us out of the battle zone and prepare to jump to hyperspace." "I have a small favor to ask our Jedi guest." "General, a separatist command ship is fleeing the battle." "You think they have Master Ropal on board as a prisoner?" "I'm sure of it." "Admiral, intercept them before they can jump to hyperspace." " I'll ready the troops for boarding." " Boarding?" "We have no boarding craft." "We were prepared to land on the planet, not to board another ship." "You can't be serious." "I am, Admiral." "Thank you for your opinion." "Now, target their hyperdrive." "We don't want them getting away." "Sir." "Captain." "Sir." "They hit the power converters, so we can't go into hyperspace." "I wonder what the Jedi are planning." "I've rounded up three brigades, sir." "Where are we going?" "We're going to board a separatist frigate, rescue Master Ropal, and recover an archive holocron." "We have no assault craft, sir, only a couple of fighters and the twilight." "Waiting for orders." "And the plan is?" "Just curious." "I came down to see if I could be of any help," "General Skywalker." "Actually, you can." "Activate those walkers, Admiral." "You're not thinking of using those to transport the clones to that frigate." "Well, they are pressurized." "And they're equipped with magnetic feet." " Good call." " Master, you're a genius." "Those walkers designed for terrain, not space." "Rex, load them up." "Let's go, snips." "Execute battalion, take AT-AT 300!" "Carnivore battalion, walker 773!" "Let's go!" "Simply open this little box of yours so I can get the information from this crystal, and your suffering will come to an end." "You will never get me... to unlock the holocron." "Unfortunately, I don't have time to discuss this with you." "Hit him again..." "Full power." "I'm not sure how much more of this he can take." "Are you a medical droid?" "Then step back and shut up." " Roger, roger." " More power." "We've lost all his vital signs." "Check." "He is no longer functioning." "Drop him." "He's dead." "Looks like we will have to find another Jedi to open this Holocron." "Only next time, I will try a different method." "When Darth Sidious asked me to loan you the federation fleet, he didn't say you were going to war." "You have already lost four of my ships." "I hope you can pay for all of this." "One authentic Jedi Holocron and the memory crystal I was after." "When my benefactor gets this, he will compensate you for your puny fleet." "Sounds like the Jedi want it back." "The Jedi are overwhelming our vulture droids." "Should we send out reinforcements?" "What are you doing?" "Did you say, "No?"" "Roger, roger." "The Jedi will board the ship and get the holocron back." "Transmit the information and close the deal immediately." "I can't." "Only a Jedi can access the device." "Fortunately, there are two Jedi on their way to help me, one more than we need for our purposes." "You'd better live through this." "I want my money, Bane." "You can count on it." "Wipe all the frigate's memory banks and destroy every record of our mission." "Initiate the self-destruct sequence." "You, transfer all ship functions to my wrist-com." "I want control of doors, gravity generators, everything." "The rest of you, stay here and defend the bridge." "We're defending the bridge alone?" "Against the Jedi?" "I hate this job." "Don't shoot!" "I'm not the Commander." "He's the Commander!" "Guess I'm the Commander now." "R2, see if you can find Master Ropal." "One authentic Jedi Holocron and the memory crystal I was after." "He has both pieces now." "Rex, send a squad." "Lock down the hangar bay and destroy all the escape pods." " No one gets off this ship." " Yes, sir." "R2, you have to find Master Ropal." "Hurry!" "What was that?" "One of the engines on that frigate has exploded." "I caution you to avoid the AFT section." " How much damage is there?" " I suggest immediate evacuation." "Not until we get what we came for." "Spread out!" "While you take on the clones, I will separate the Jedi and lead one of them away." "Master, I found him!" "Rex, have some men take Master Ropal back to the Resolute." "We might not be able to find the holocron in time, Master." "But if it's destroyed with the ship, Nute Gunray won't get it either." "Maybe, but I'd rather return it to the library personally." "Come on, R2." "R2 says we're close." "Stay sharp." "Switch to night vision." "There!" "Welcome, Jedi." "We've been expecting you." "Kill them!" "Let's make this a bit more interesting." "Lock down!" "Magnetics!" "You were trained for this." "Turn the gravity generators back on." "Check your fire!" "Hit one of those shells, and this fight is over for all of us." "I'll get him, Master." "Ahsoka, wait!" "It's a trap!" "Ahsoka, wait!" "We'll take him together." "You thought you could get away?" "You're not much of a challenge[\, youngling]." "I got you right where I want you." "I'm not impressed." "Can you hear me?" "Are you all right in there?" "I'm all right." "Get back to the hangar." "Find a transport, but wait for us as long as you can." " We're on it, sir." " Ahsoka, do you copy?" "There's a power surge heading toward the bridge." "If you're there, get out immediately." "You must abandon your mission." "I don't have the holocron memory, and I seem to have misplaced my Padawan." "The ship is tearing itself apart." "Move off to a safe distance, Admiral, and await my signal for evacuation." "Of all the Jedi, why did I have to end up with Skywalker?" "I wouldn't do that." "Those binders have been specially designed for Jedi." "The more you struggle, the tighter they get." "Impressed now, youngling?" "Not really." "Enjoy this while you can, sleemo." "This burning boat is about to finish us both off." "We have time." "The bond between a Jedi teacher and his apprentice is strong." "Which means my Master will be coming for me any minute." "Let's see if we can get him here any faster." " You said we'd be safe back here." " Come on." "There's three of us and only one of him." "It won't matter." "Sir, a Jedi is coming." "He looks very unhappy." "Your Master has gotten the message." "You have nowhere left to run, bounty hunter." "Let me worry about that, Jedi." "If I activate this control, the outside air lock will open, and she will be sucked into oblivion." "Do you think you can kill me and then save her before she's pulled out into space?" "It's a horrible way to die." "Besides, isn't negotiation the Jedi way?" " What do you want?" " This holocron carries information I've been paid to collect." "I can't unlock it, but you can." "The last Jedi who had it wouldn't open it." "I hope you don't make the same mistake." "We don't have much time." "Hurry up, Jedi, or she dies." "No, Master!" "Don't do it!" "I can't let you die, Ahsoka." "Master, no." "We'll deal with the holocron later." "How touching." "All units, make for that shuttle." "Captain, the main reactor is exposed." "It will implode at any moment." "Yes, sir." "We're trying to make our way to the shuttle now." " Get out of there!" " Sir, yes, sir!" "You two find the General and help him." "This frigate's not going to last." " We have to get out of here." " Yes, sir." "Come about." "We need to put some distance between us and that frigate." "Now I will combine this holocron with the memory crystal I acquired from your dead Jedi friend." "My employers will be most pleased." "Did the Jedi cooperate with you?" "With some encouragement." "I have access to the holocron and all the information the memory contains." "I only have to get off this ship." "Maybe you should transmit it to me now." "Then I could send another ship for you." "No, thanks, Viceroy." "I have a plan for my own escape." "Hold it right there!" "You're not going anywhere, bounty hunter." "I hope you found us a ride off this bucket." "We've got to leave now." "The reactor's gonna blow." " We cannot wait." " You'll have to." "I'm going after that bounty hunter." "Master, wait." "Stop!" "This is the way to the hangar." "We must get off the ship now." " I can't let Bane get away." " Patience, Master." "Patience." "You're right." "Come on!" "Come on!" "Trooper, did you get the holocron?" " No, sir." " I'll get it, Master." "No time." "Rex, get us out of here." "It looks like the holocron was destroyed, but at least the Separatists didn't get it." "Bane's dead, but I can still feel him." "Master," "I'm sorry I let that mercenary get the upper hand." "It wasn't your fault, Ahsoka." "It was mine, start to finish." "[\pos(192,220)]So" "[\pos(192,220)]did you manage to recover the holocron" "[\pos(192,220)]or capture the bounty hunter?" "I see." "So the mission was your usual version of success, then?" "If by success, you mean I won, then yes." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(DEEP TONE)" "(HIGH-PITCHED TONE FADING UP)" "(HIGH-PITCHED TONE INCREASES IN INTENSITY)" "(HIGH-PITCHED TONE SLOWLY FADES)" "(DEEP TONE CONTINUES)" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "(RUMBLING CONTINUES)" "(PANTING)" "(PANTING CONTINUES)" "(GENTLE CLATTERING)" "(CLATTERING)" "(DOOR CREAKS)" "(SHUTTER BEING LOCKED)" "(WIND HOWLING OUTSIDE)" "(ZIPPER BEING OPENED)" "(RAIN PATTERING ON ROOF)" "(RATTLING AND CLINKING)" "(SNIFFS)" "(PLAYS AND HOLDS NOTE)" "(PLAYS SPORADIC NOTES)" "(BLOWS HARSH NOTE)" "(TENTATIVE BLOW INTO HARMONICA)" "(SUSTAINED NOTE)" "(WIND WHISTLING OUTSIDE)" "(TAKES SHORT IRREGULAR BREATHS)" "(TAP SQUEAKING)" "(WATER STARTS RUNNING)" "(SPLASHING)" "(BELT BEING FASTENED)" "(METALLIC SCRAPE)" "(GENTLE CLATTERING OF SPOON)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(SPORADIC BIRD CALLS)" "(SNIFFS)" "(TRICKLING)" "(BARK TEARING)" "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(DOOR HINGES CREAK)" "(SNIFFS)" "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(GRUNTS SOFTLY)" "(WIND HOWLING OUTSIDE)" "(THE ROAR OF WATER)" "(SEEDS RATTLING IN TIC TAC BOX)" "(FLIES BUZZING)" "(PANTING)" "(FLIES BUZZING)" "(BREATHES NERVOUSLY)" "(EXHALES SHARPLY)" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "(RAIN PATTERING)" "(UNZIPPING)" "(PLAYS NOTE)" "(WATER DRIPPING)" "(INSECT BUZZING)" "(FLAMES CRACKLING)" "(DISTANT BIRD CALL)" "(TIN CAN ALARM GENTLY CLATTERING)" "(TIMBER CREAKING)" "(CLATTERING)" "(RIFLE CLICKS)" "(BREATHES HEAVILY)" "My name is Kathryn... and this is my daughter Milja." "(TWIG SNAPS)" "(FLOORBOARD CREAKS)" "Would you be able to spare some of your crop?" "We can offer something in exchange." "The real treasure, then." "We have legumes... brassicas." "Strong varieties." "These could boost your yield." "Surely you can spare something?" "There's more than enough." "That's what they all thought." "Well then, perhaps..." "Perhaps we could stay the night." "Inside." "Wait." "On the bed." "On the bed." "Wait." "Inside." "Unbolt that door." " (SHE UNBOLTS DOOR)" " Inside." "Food first!" "Do you have any more chairs?" "Sit on the bed." "Bags." "Don't move." "(EXHALES)" "Stand up." "Stand there." "Turn your backs to me." "Turn around." "Sit back down." "(PAN CLANKING)" "Where you coming from?" "Monaghan." "You travelling alone?" "Just the two of us." "Can we have more?" "How long have you been here?" "Seven years." "Always alone?" "I used to live with my brother." "He's dead." "On your feet." "(RUSTLING)" "Inside." "I need to ask you something." "Don't come inside her." "Shut the door." "(DOOR BEING BOLTED)" "(SHOE DROPS ONTO FLOOR)" "(OTHER SHOE DROPS)" "(UNZIPPING)" "(TIMBER CREAKING)" "(WIND WHISTLING OUTSIDE)" "(WATER GENTLY SPLASHING)" "(SHE GASPS)" "It's to shave you." "(HEAVY BREATHING)" "(EXHALES SOFTLY)" "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(DOOR CREAKING)" "(SPOONS TAPPING AGAINST BOWLS)" "Do you have a toilet?" "By the heaps." "Use your nose." "(BOLT SCRAPES)" "She likes you." "Do you like her?" "Would you like to keep seeing her?" "The farm's small for a reason." "But we still found it." "We could clear more land." "More hands to manage it." "I've managed so far." "You've been lucky." "It wasn't luck." "Pack your things." "Now." "(WATER RUNNING)" "(FLOORBOARDS CREAKING)" "(MUFFLED THUDDING)" "(MUFFLED FOOTSTEPS)" "(GRUNTS)" "(PLAYS HARMONICA)" "(CONTINUES PLAYING)" "(MUSIC CONTINUES)" "(TRICKLING)" "(URINATING)" "(FINISHES URINATING)" "KATHRYN:" "He keeps the shells in his front trouser pocket." "I can reach them from the bed." "Will you have time to load the gun?" "I'll take it outside." "By the time he reaches the door, I'll be ready." "Try not to use both shells." "(BOLT SCRAPING)" "(FIRE CRACKLING AND WIND HOWLING)" "(BED CREAKS)" "(SHELLS RATTLING SOFTLY)" "(HE GASPS)" "(KISSING)" "(MUFFLED THUDDING)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(WATER BABBLING)" "Where's Milja?" "(MUFFLED GROAN)" "(MILJA BREATHES HEAVILY)" "KATHRYN:" "Milja!" "(EXHALES SHARPLY)" "(BREATHES HEAVILY)" "(GUNSHOT ECHOING)" "(SHE GRUNTS)" "(COCKS PISTOL)" "(GRUNTS)" "(GROANS)" "(RASPING BREATHING)" "Make the fire." "(HE GRUNTS)" "(HE WINCES)" "Get a blade." "You need to sterilise it first." "(LABOURED BREATHING)" "(HE GASPS)" "(GROANS)" "It's in one piece." "It has to be cauterised." " (SIZZLING) - (HE STIFLES GROANING)" "(STIFLED EXCLAMATION)" "It's OK." "Get back." "Get away from me." "Get up." "Get inside." "Keep that gun down." "Shut the door." "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(BOLT SCRAPES)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(HE COUGHS)" "(BIRDS TWITTERING)" "(BIRD CAWING)" "(INSECTS BUZZING)" "(HE GRUNTS)" "(LABOURED BREATHING)" "I'm sick." "Gone, is he?" "Going." "Better this way... than through the stomach." "Think he has a chance?" "Well..." "..no matter now." "He's useful." "A third mouth... on a farm fit for one." "And too far gone, anyway." "No harm in trying, then." "You're getting sentimental." "You're getting older." "He was the one that found me." "(SCRAPING)" "(WATER SPLASHING)" "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(SILENCE)" "(FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING)" "(DEEP BREATHING)" "(PANTING)" "(HE CRIES OUT)" "(GASPING)" "SURVIVALIST:" "Help me!" "(GRUNTING)" "(METALLIC CLANG)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(DING)" "(LEAVES RUSTLING IN BREEZE)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(WATER CRASHING)" "How did your brother die?" "He was careless." "(BIRD CALLS)" "(BRANCH CREAKING)" "(GLASS RINGING)" "(THUD)" "(NIGHT BIRDS CALLING)" "(RATTLING)" "(MUFFLED BREATHING)" "(HE DROPS FIREWOOD)" "(DOOR HINGES SCREECH)" "(WHISPERS)" " (RUNNING FOOTSTEPS)" " Shh, shh." "(RUNNING FOOTSTEPS)" "(FOOTSTEPS)" "(THUDDING AND RATTLING)" "(CLICKS RIFLE)" "(THUDDING ABOVE)" "(RATTLING)" "How many are there?" "Six." "We have two shells and one bullet." "Enough for us." "(RATTLING AND BANGING)" "(BOLT SCRAPING)" "(CLATTERING)" "(DOOR HINGES CREAK)" "(WIND HOWLING OUTSIDE)" "(SLURPING WATERY MOUTHFULS)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(WIND HOWLING OUTSIDE)" "(SOFT CHATTERING)" "(BIRD CAWS)" "(SHE BREATHES NERVOUSLY)" "(TRAP SQUEAKS)" "(CAWING)" "Why are you wasting berries?" "Some meat..." "With the protein, we might make it." "The only thing I've caught in there walked on two legs." "(TRAP CLICKS)" "(SHE GASPS SOFTLY)" "(EXHALES SHARPLY)" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "(RAIN PATTERING ON ROOF)" "There's food enough for two." "You could shave him tomorrow." "Not like that." "You have to do it." "For both of us." "For both of us." "I could cook a meal." "A meal?" "With mushrooms." "That would take a few days." "We could go away for a while." "(SPOON SCRAPING IN BOWL)" "(DOOR CREAKS)" "(UNLOCKS DOOR QUIETLY)" "We're leaving." "I'm not." "(SHE EXHALES)" "(SHE VOMITS)" "(SHE COUGHS)" "(COUGHING AND VOMITING)" "It's too late." "You know it's too late." "Did you poison us?" "No." "Just me." "(SLOW FOOTSTEPS)" "(RUSTLING)" "(TIMBERS CREAKING IN WIND)" "Don't." "Don't waste the shell." "Have you got your knife?" "I need you to do it." "When I've finished this." "(SHE EXHALES)" "(CLICK)" "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(BANGING ON DOOR)" "Me and my brother used to raid camps... ..stealing supplies." "We'd get in... and get out before anybody knew we were there." "One time... ..my brother saw this girl." "He should have left her." "But he couldn't control himself." "She screamed." "We managed to get outside." " They chased us." " (YOUNG SURVIVALIST SCREAMS)" " They were gonna get the both of us." " Help me!" "(GRUNTS)" "I did what I had to do." "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(WIND WHISTLING OUTSIDE)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(SNIFFS)" "(GRUNTS SOFTLY)" "(PLODDING FOOTSTEPS)" "(RATTLING)" "We need to get the seeds before they find them." "(THUDDING AND CLATTERING FROM INSIDE)" "(THUDDING CONTINUES)" "(DOOR RATTLING)" "(SNIFFS)" "(PICTURE FRAME CLATTERS)" "(MUFFLED RATTLING)" "Augustus." "My brother's name was Augustus." "Run." "(HE BREATHES INTO THE HARMONICA)" "(PLAYS ANOTHER NOTE)" "(HARMONICA PLAYS NEARBY)" "(BREATHES NOTE)" "(HARMONICA PLAYS IN BACKGROUND)" "(HARMONICA PLAYS NEARBY)" "(PLAYING CONTINUES)" "(HE SCREAMS)" "(GUNSHOT ECHOES)" "(THUD)" "(SHALLOW BREATHING)" "(GROANING)" "(GRUNTS)" "(FIRE CRACKLING)" "(PLAYS NOTE ON HARMONICA)" "(A SUSTAINED AND EERIE NOTE)" "(SUSTAINED NOTE)" "(SHE GASPS SOFTLY)" "(BIRDSONG)" "(TWIG SNAPS)" "(CRICKETS CHIRPING)" "(WEAPONS CLICK)" "What happens now?" "WOMAN:" "They'll be taking a vote." "It shouldn't be long." "(BABY CRYING IN DISTANCE)" "(CRYING)" "When are you due?" "Six months..." "I think." "Do you know what you'll call it?" "If it's a boy." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Hey, Russell." "Have you seen Adam?" "Adam, uh, six feet tall, brown hair, lives with a chick who's w-w-way too hot for him?" "All right, even your compliments are creepy." "All right, he's with Timmy, and they're with a client for the rest of the afternoon." "Ugh." "So coming down here was a complete waste of time." "Well, now, not necessarily." "What are you talking about?" "Well, you seem tense, and, uh..." "I think I have just the thing to relax you." "Yeah, you wish." "No, you do." " Aah!" " Aah!" "Aah!" "What happened?" "Did you have a bad dream?" "No." "I had the worst dream." "I was having sex with Russell." "Oh, wow..." "Wow, honey, t-that's awful." "Good night." "Hidey-ho, Jeffrey." "Should have gone peephole." "Uh..." "Yeah, Audrey's, uh, not here, so..." "Well, here's the dealio." "Uh, the Bertmans are moving back, so I had to find a new sublet." "Oh, well, we'll sure miss having you living directly above us, tap-dancing at all hours of the night and such." "Well, the problem is there's a one-week gap between the Bertmans moving back and my new place being ready." "So I guess what I'm asking you, Jeffrey, is..." "Can you help me with my gap?" "Look, having you live with us would be a real treat." "Unfortunately, the guest room is, uh, piled high with baby furniture, and, uh..." "Plus, uh, there's all that asbestos." "The economy." "Oh." "Hey, guys." "What's going on?" "Oh, I was just asking Jeff if I could bunk with you guys for the week, but he told me about the baby furniture in the guest room, so..." "That stuff's not getting delivered till next month." "Odd." "Uh, what about that delivery that I got yesterday?" "You mean the pizza you ordered and ate in the bathtub?" "We would be happy to have you stay with us, Liz." "Oh, roomies!" "It'll be just like three's company." "♪ come and knock on our door" "♪ we've been waiting for you" "♪ where the kisses are hers and hers and his ♪" "♪ Meow meow meow meow meow" "did you not get that I was signaling you?" "Yes, I did manage to crack your sophisticated code." "Then why are you letting Liz stay with us?" "She's a disaster." "She's got no boundaries." "What about all her disgusting cats?" "I'm sure she'll put them in a kennel." "She should put herself in a kennel." "Jeff, she's our friend." "And she needs help, so we help." "It's called "being a person."" "♪ ba ba ba ba boo" "♪ I'm tap-dancing too" "♪ I'm singing and tapping together ♪" "♪ Dee dee dee dee dee do" "there we are, sir." "It appears your work here is done." "Unless, of course, you wish to join me in, uh, breaking in the table." "It's possible he made an incorrect assumption." "Whoa." "Sweet table, yo." " What's it doing here?" " Ah, Mr. Rhodes." "Well, when Sullivan retired, there was a disagreement between Mr. dunbar and myself about what to do with his office." "What did Russell want to do with it?" "He wanted to cover the floor with mattresses and call it "the boneyard."" "Well, he is the boss." "Still, I convinced him a ping-pong table could help bring people together." "Hmm." "Sounds like that "boneyard" idea might work too." "We'll keep that as a backup, sir." " Look at this, huh?" " Mm-hmm." "Look at this..." "Tournament-grade surface, 3/4-inch top, reinforced aluminum apron." "Nice." "Ah, Mr. Rhodes, you play ping-pong." "Well, Tim, if you consider winning the after-school enrichment program for kids whose parents couldn't pick them up by 3:00 ping-pong championship "playing,"" "then, yeah, I play." "Oh." "Not to boast, but, uh, I've been known to stroke the balls a bit in my day." "Why would I say it like that?" "I mean, really." "So what do you say, huh?" "What do you say, Tim?" "Should we get our pong on?" " Oh." " Yeah." "Oh, cool." "A ping-pong table." "Yeah, sorry, guys, but Timmy and I are about to..." "About to play, so..." "Perhaps we could all play doubles." "Now hold on." "What pong championships have you won?" "Um, none." "Oh, man, I can't do this." "He's gonna bring down my game." "Mr. Rhodes, remember this is about camaraderie." " Hey, I'm Fred." "I work up in..." " No names." "Just grab a blade, and let's do this." "Hey, Aud, you almost ready, or should I make myself a drink?" " I'll just be another sec." " Okay." "Past experience doesn't make me question that at all." "Well, I finally got all my stuff unloaded." "I am one sweaty dog." "Woof." "I'm gonna have that drink." "Look at you, Mr. sharp-dressed man." "I was all hot, but now I'm bothered." "Aud." "Oh, Jeff, I was also thinking about our morning bathroom schedule." "Ugh." "Uh, I need to book the commode from 8:00 to 8:30." "Oh, and I have prescription toilet paper, so I think we need to keep our rolls separate." "I don't know what is going on with my plumbing." "Oh, no, no." "Jeff, Jeff, don't pour a drink." "Come on, you're gonna make us late." "Me?" "I-I've been..." "Forget it." "Actually, Audrey, Jeff's been ready for a while." "He's been waiting for you." "Well, I was in..." "I had to change m..." "All right." "All right." "It's my fault." "I'm sorry." "It's your fault, and you're sorry?" "Yes." "I will try to be better about managing my time." "Come on, let's go." "Audrey actually said it was her fault." "You heard that." "Oh, oh, oh, oh." "Here's your rice pudding, sir." "Yummy." "Oh, did you go through it?" "Yes, I removed all the rice as you requested." "You know what?" "They're just too pointy." "Timmy." "Timmy, we've got a match coming up." "We aren't you wearing the outfit that I bought you?" "I'd rather not, Mr. Rhodes." "Hmm." "What if your boss ordered you to?" "Would he wear the exact same outfit as you?" "Yep." "Ordered." "Oh." "Hey." "You will never guess what happened last night." "Hmm." "You know, I'm sorry, but I really have to focus on my pudding right now." "Jen had a sex dream about you." "Okay." "I'm gonna need you to speak very slowly." "Start from the beginning, and remember no detail is unimportant." "I can't." "I can't." "I got to go stretch." "Stretching can wait, sir!" "I mean, Adam, buddy..." "Don't you think you owe it to Jen to find out the meaning of this dream?" "As Freud so eloquently put," ""dreams are the guardians of sleep."" "Hmm." "Now, was I riding her like a bull in a rodeo?" "I-I don't know." "I just know she woke up screaming." "Screaming in ecstasy." "Yes!" "Dream Russell knows what the ladies like." " Hi." " Hey, honey." "Ugh." "Hey, could you, uh, take these papers down to the recycling in the basement, please?" "I was gonna have a beer." "Yeah, it'll just take a second." "Audrey, your fella just had a long day at work." "How about a little "how do you do"" "before you give him the old "honey do"?" "Fine." "I'll take them." "I work too, you know." "You go, girl." "So, you actually like having Liz live with you?" "Like it?" "Last night was the best night of my life." "Oh, Jeff, that stuff is terrible for you." "I thought we agreed to eat healthier." "If you want Jeff to eat better, you're gonna have to cook more and complain less." "Oh, we really need a new dining-room set." "We don't need one." "You want one." "Come on, Jeff, I want to watch the amazing race." "Hey, it's not his fault the game went into extra innings." "Dude..." "I know we joke around a lot, but seriously, congratulations." "Yeah, yeah." "No." "Yeah, you deserve it." "You deserve it." "That's not all." "Uh, Liz got Audrey to say, and I quote," ""I'm sorry."" "At first, the words didn't register." "I hadn't heard them in over 15 years." "You sure it wasn't a dream..." "Like the one where I boned this dude's fiancee?" "Come on." "Who knew there could be a benefit to Liz?" "You know, it's really too bad that you guys need a third person." "Jen and I just work things out together." "Oh, so you both decided that she would bang Russell in her dreams." "Oh-ho-ho." "Oh." "All right, match point." "Oh!" "Oh, yeah!" "I hope you losers enjoy the taste of losing." "Losers!" " Let's get out of here." " Oh, "let's get out of here."" "Fine, you know what?" "Skedaddle." "Get out of here..." "Stinking up the joint." "Right this way, milady." "Oh, come on." "Who put a ping-pong table in the boneyard?" "All right." "Who's next?" "Huh?" "Well, um..." "It seems that nobody else wants to play." " Oh, well." " Mr. Rhodes..." "Have we let our competitiveness get the better of us?" "I only know one speed, Timmy, okay?" "Supersonic." "Perhaps we should go offer them an apology." "All right, maybe you're right." "Hey, when did we get a ping-pong table?" "Oh, it's like that, is it?" "Let's go." "Okay, this will be fun." "Chivalry dictates that the ladies serve first." "Oh!" "How's that feel, four-eyes?" "Huh?" "Or should I say three-eyes?" "Peace!" "All right, don't slip on your tears." "Next!" "Good morning, sweet Jennifer." "Ugh." "What are you doing here?" "You tell me." "This is your dream." "Ooh-ooh-ooh!" "I can't believe Adam told you about that." "I know a way you can..." "Get back at him." "Ugh." "Fine." "Let's do this." "Seriously?" "Seriously." "Aah!" "I have to get Russell out of my head." "Adam, we have to have sex right now." "No." "Sorry, hon." "Look, I got to rest up for pong tomorrow." "No." "It wasn't a question." "Hey, you know, I've been thinking." "I shouldn't have forced you to let Liz move in here." "What?" "What's that?" "I was wrong." "It's like angels singing." "If you want, you can ask her to go to a hotel." "No, you were right." "Friends help friends." "It's called being a person." "You taught me that." "Okay, let's cut the crap." "The only reason you like Liz staying here is 'cause she's always taking your side." "Is she?" "I hadn't noticed." "I mean, I had noticed that she's a very levelheaded gal, crusader of truth and justice." "Oh, come on." "I'm turning off this light, so I don't have to look at that giant muggy smile." "Yeah, but even in the dark..." "You know it's there." "Ow!" "It's still there." "Really, you... you don't need to apologize." "I know." "I just..." "I tried to tell her "no sex," she would listening." "Yes, as you told me last night, when you texted me from atop your fiancee." "Huh." "That's curious." "What do you guys want?" "What do you think we want, huh?" "To wipe the court with you, ass-face." "Well, that's not gonna happen." "You guys are banned." "We just wanted to have some fun during our lunch hour, but you had to start bullying everyone." "Yeah, because I only know one speed, guy..." "Super..." "Sonic." "Actually, this might be a good thing, Mr. Rhodes." "I mean, listen to them in there." "The table was supposed to bring people together, and it appears it has." "It's brought them together in their hatred of us." "Then you're welcome." "I mean, if I hadn't been so dominant, people wouldn't have hated us so much." "Well, it was clearly my skill that carried our team and, thus, led to the extraordinary level of hatred." "Oh, really?" "Oh, I'm glad you think so." "I don't think it." "I know it." "We hate you both equally." " Well, there you have it." " We make a good team." "Hey, by the way, you owe me $300 for the outfit." "Ugh." "Daddy's home." "Ew." "What stinks?" "Hi, honey." "How was your day?" "What the hell's going on here?" "Well, last night you made some excellent points." "By not letting Liz keep her cats here," "I was not being a good friend." "Strong move." "Ah, there's the hombre de la casa." "Thanks for letting my brood stay here." "Their time in the kennel really threw off their potty habits, but don't worry..." "They're getting closer to the litter box every time." "Oh, no..." "Cotton, don't you make a liar out of me." "Oh, that's okay, right, Jeff?" "Liz, did Audrey tell you how we're visiting her parents for a week, after we had already agreed on just a long weekend?" "Audrey, you can't make changes like that without looping your hubby in." "Good point." "Tell Jeff your unfortunate gynecologist story." "Well, jeffery, as you may or may not know," "I have a tilted cervix." "Needless to say, you can't use a regular speculum." "You don't say." "When I ask Audrey for sex, a lot of times she turns me down." "Go." "Audrey, you need to have your hormones checked if you're turning down this stud." "Will do." "Tell Jeff your cat's visit to the vet story." "Oh." "Well normally, anal sacs are emptied by rectal pressure when the cat defecates." "Now, in the case of pickles, you have to do it manually." "And this is not unmessy or odorless." "Audrey buys tons of crap we don't need." "It seems like if you don't need it, that's a waste..." "Oh, ingrown toenail..." "Show him!" "My pedicurist turned me down." "All right, that's enough!" "You know what?" "You know what this is all about?" "You can't stand being told you're wrong." "Oh, and you have never seen a situation that you haven't tried to exploit." "I see an opportunity." "I seize it." "It's human nature." "Oh, what do you know about being human?" "Oh, stop it!" "Just stop it!" "I can't stand all this arguing in front of the kids." "Come on, children, let's retreat to our safe zone." "All-time low?" "No, not even close." "Okay, we can't keep fighting like this." "In a few days, Liz will be gone." "We still have to live together." "That's true." "Yeah, I guess I chose to win a few battles instead of thinking about the war." "Our marriage being the war?" "Obviously." "So do we have a truce?" "Truce." "Okay, pickles, this is just gonna hurt a little bit." "Do you have a lot of towels?" "Hey, is dream Russell still sleep-banging your lady?" "No, no, I think that's over." "Sorry, buddy." "Oh, no, that's all right." "I don't want to be in Jen's dreams anymore." "I actually have my sights set on someone else." "Oh, yeah?" "Anyone I know?" "As a matter of fact, yes." "Aah!" "You gave me the dream!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Hurry!" "Hurry!" "W...wait for me!" "Geez, you're such a slow poke..." "Oh, come on..." "But the transfer kid in room C is so cute." "That's what you told me, and that's why I went to go take a look!" "Did you watch last night's show?" "He's good looking, but what's up with his clothes?" "That's what's so cool about him." "And yesterday he had a fight with Moriguchi, the vice president." "What?" "He's just a thug, then." "Wha?" "No he's not!" "Geez, you're so..." "Record of the School Wars:" "MURYOU" "Record of the School Wars:" "MURYOU I looked up at the sky..." "Ano sora o miagete" "Record of the School Wars:" "MURYOU ...and drew it in my heart kokoro ni egaita ...and drew it in my heart kokoro ni egaita" "Believe in your strength..." "Sono chikara o shinji ...and walk along arukidaseba ii" "Because winds may stab painfully..." "Itaku sasu kaze ya ...and uncertainty might wash you away fuan ni nagasare" "If you close your eyes..." "Hitomi o tojitara jibun o ...you may lose yourself miushinau kara" "I can fly higher and higher Motto takaku, takaku toberu" "Don't forget to take your courage Yuuki o wasurezu ni" "This won't change for..." "Iku sennen saki made ...thousands of years to come kawaranai" "Because the light is always there Hikari wa soko ni aru" "The Name is Shingu" "Hey!" "The cops are here!" "A burglar, right?" "In the girls' changing room?" "D...don't ask me!" "But, you know there might be an alien attack." "This is such an insignificant case compared to that." "So, what did this burglar guy steal?" "Apparently it happened during second year homeroom E and F's phys-ed class." "What he stole...was a girl's clothes!" "Moriyama" "Moriyama Yeah." "Talk about bad luck." "Moriyama" "Moriyama Yes..." "Well..." "Moriyama" "Nayuta Moriyama..." "Oh, you're the Tenmo Shrine priest's daughter." "No wonder I recognized you." "You did a greatjob at the festival last year." "Thank you..." "What do you want to do?" "Do you want to go home?" "No, I'm fine." "2-E Moriyama" "Hey, look..." "Eesh!" "So the victim was vice president Nayuta Moriyama!" "That must have been an annoying ordeal." "None of your business." "Apparently one of them has wandered in." "How'd that happen?" "Be careful." "Hachiyou and Shun are looking into it." "Today's Point Chirp they do, Japanese Bush Warblers Heian Period" "On the surface, these days are no different than usual." "But, something is changing." "Aliens and burglars..." "And even more..." "Okay!" "Okay!" "Get in three lines!" "Everyone get in line and have your tickets ready!" "Is Muryou Subaru here?" "!" "You?" "It must be you!" "You should do judo!" "No, kendo!" "Wrong, soccer!" "Baseball!" "Wrong, soccer!" "Wrong, soccer!" "Let's run!" "Spike the ball!" "Excuse me." "What's going on?" "What does it look like we're doing?" "We're recruiting!" "No, I know you're recruiting but I was wondering why you're all so..." "You were there too!" "Yesterday morning, when he and Moriguchi had a duel!" "You understand, right?" "!" "He was in a fight with Moriguchi and nothing happened to him!" "On top of that, he's just sitting there casually eating a yakisoba sandwich!" "Oh..." "Yeah... you're right." "See?" "It's the Judo Club that needs his fighting sense, which rivals even Moriguchi's !" "What do you say, Subaru?" "Subaru?" "Subaru?" "Subaru!" "Don't you think the cafeteria's cooked sandwiches are good?" "Yeah." "I highly recommend their yakisoba sandwich." "Yeah." "I just ate one." "What did you think?" "It was good." "Good, I'm glad." "Want some?" "Thanks." "I'm Shun Morihata, second year, homeroom A." "I know." "You're the secretary of the student government, right?" "And you are an overnight sensation!" "Muryou Subaru." "So have you found it?" "Not at all." "It's hiding from us by putting up a force-field." "We know its target, so why don't you let it be?" "Just get him when he comes out." "We can't do that." "This is a school... other people are here too." "Yeah... you're right." "Such a mysterious person." "Who?" "You!" "I'm talking about you." "Really?" "Thanks to you, Kyoichi's been in a grumpy mood since yesterday." "He's like, " Damn it!" " Damn it!"" "Why did you come to this town?" "Hey." "There's something I want to discuss." "There's evidence that they used some kind of technological method to collect data." "We're no longer who we were." "Keep that in mind when you act." "It was my favorite..." "Today's subjects are..." "There." "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival" "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival The time's about right to start making decisions about..." "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival" "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival ...the Athletic Festival representative, among other things." "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival" "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival We'll be deciding the rep for the Cultural Festival too," "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival" "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival so please volunteer or make recommendations." "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival" "Cultural Athletic Festival Festival Right here." "Maybe I should volunteer?" "Sure." "Let's just wait until we get there." "Let's start with..." "Class Rep." "Yes, Subaru?" "I'd like to volunteer." "And, I heard that the Athletic Festival reps can volunteer to be Cheer Captain, so..." "Might as well." "I volunteer for that, too." "I'd also like to volunteer to be the Cultural Festival representative." "Subaru, what are you thinking?" "You're gonna be the Cheer Captain!" "Do you understand?" "I know, that's why I volunteered." "You're gonna be the Cultural Festival rep!" "Do you understand?" "I know, that's why I volunteered." "Hey, I'm talking about both!" "Both!" "What are you thinking volunteering for both the Athletic and Cultural festivals?" "!" "I'm saying I'm going to do it." "Oh geez..." "You're slow, Ha-chan." "It's because of what happened during lunch." "It's about all those upperclassmen from the sports clubs trying to recruit him he doesn't wanna deal with that." "Uh-huh." "Uh-huh." "The sports clubs can't do much if he says he's busy with student government activities." "The sports clubs are standoffish towards the student government, so..." "Is that it, Subaru?" "Yeah." "I'm actually really surprised you'd use the student government as an excuse, Subaru." "Yeah, I thought about that too but they're the ones who recommended it." "Have Muryou Subaru as the Cheer Captain?" "Yup." "And I was thinking why don't we have him as the Cultural Festival rep, too?" "What are you thinking?" "Now, now." "Don't " now" me!" "He seems like a good guy." "My late grandpa used to say," ""Offer help to those in trouble."" "I'm the one who's in trouble!" "Why, at this time of year, did he transfer schools?" "Anyways, now there's no doubt that the Athletic Festival is going be awesome." "Kyoichi Moriguchi, the foremost martial artist of Tenmo was at the mercy of the mysterious transfer student!" "We can definitely use this to our advantage!" "Just kidding!" "Shun." "Why are you siding with him so much?" "He gave me half of his sweet-bean roll." "What?" "!" "That's right." "Subaru is a second year, homeroom C student, so he'll be the White Team's captain." "Kyoichi, how about you?" "Want to be the Red Team's captain?" "I've had enough!" "Um..." "Whatjust happened?" "I wonder what happened, too." "Kyoichi and Nayuta are both overly sensitive about him." "Not everyone can act like you, Hachiyou." "Record of the School Wars:" "MURYOU" "Go ahead, I'll catch up." "Where are you going?" "The bathroom." "Various different questions that I don't understand are clogged in my head." "I feel like my brain is constipated, and it's making me feel sick." "For the record, my stomach is doing great, though." "Translation malfunction..." "Translation malfunction..." "I am going to restrain you for a short while." "It won't be life threatening." "Nothing to be scared of." "Follow my orders." "What you're saying is scary enough." "Your brain..." "I will need to analyze your memory core." "Cell extraction." "Get down!" "It's ..." "It's him again!" "Someone!" "Help!" "I'm sorry about last night!" "I didn't do it on purpose." "Analysis results:" "Numerically, your power is extremely close to the power we are seeking." "I'm going to ask you to come aboard the mothership with me." "You will not be harmed." "Let's run!" "If it's hard to breathe, you should take off your mask." "If it's to hide your identity, it's all right." "I already know..." "Nayuta..." "Moriyama..." "Um..." "How?" "Why?" "How did you figure it out?" "B...because... 2" " E Moriyama" "Your phys-ed uniform and shoes." "I'm sorry about yesterday." "I kicked you in the stomach..." "And as hard as I could..." "I was in a panic, so..." "I'm the one who attacked you!" "It's obvious that you were going to fight back." "But... um..." "Stop reminding me when I've already forgotten about it!" "I said it's fine!" "For now, you should run." "We were all his targets, but now it seems like it's only me." "We?" "You and I!" "And that guy named Muryou Subaru." "The people who were at the park last night!" "Watch out!" "I've been looking for you." "You little bastards." "Run!" "Hurry!" "Specimen collected." "You idiot!" "Why didn't you run?" "Not now!" "Pick up the rocks!" "The rocks!" "That's enough..." "That's enough you bastards!" "Oh, right..." "Let's go!" "Translation function operating normally but unable to comprehend own actions requesting assistance." "What's wrong?" "They're here." "This way!" "That's a..." "Hey, you came." "Subaru!" "I brought you your bag." "But Moriyama's bag..." "I'm not familiar with your classroom so I didn't bring yours." "Sorry." "This isn't the time, Subaru!" "There's a giant thing above the ocean and a shady guy at school!" "From last night's battle, they speculated that the source of the Shingu's power is from this town." "You should know the reason why." "And... from your actions today, their speculation turned into certainty." "Your power is not yours alone." "You're too thoughtless in your actions, Nayuta Moriyama!" "I will make up for my mistakes." "Shingu!" "Moriyama?" "The power of Shingu." "From person to body." "The power of the stars." "Power unlimited." "The body will become a new vessel." "Moriyama?" "So, you knew our secret after all." "It's not a secret to me, since I came here to protect you guys." "What?" "It's a promise my grandfather made to the old woman who's the head of your clan." "That's what we're here for!" "Are you saying that something of great magnitude is about to happen?" "Something will happen, and the people of Tenmo won't be able to protect her?" "I don't know, but grandpa said that " the time has come."" "Moriyama!" "Nayuta!" "Clever thinking, to shoot her arms." "She's the kind of girl who always gets them back." "What a positive attitude." "Yes!" "She did it!" "That was amazing, Moriyama!" "Yes!" "She did it!" "That was amazing, Moriyama!" "She's so strong!" "She did it!" "She did it!" "She did it!" "Moriyama!" "She did it!" "Hooray!" "Um..." "Sorry to interrupt when you're all excited, but..." "What is it?" "About our secret..." "He just saw it." "Just my luck for using the school bathroom." "This really doesn't look good..." "And we'll continue this in the next episode." "To Be Continued" "Next Episode" "I'm the vice president of Misumaru Middle School's student government Nayuta Moriyama." "Lately there have been a lot of things that I need to reflect on." "I wish I could do something about them." "So, I've made some big decisions." "To have a humble heart, and the ability to reflect upon my mistakes." "Yes, this is key." "Next Episode of Record of the School Wars:" "Muryou!" ""The Time to Move."" "The Time to Move" "Look forward to it!" "The Time to Move" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Hi, it's Charlie." "Leave a message." "Hi, Charlie." "It's Carol from the LA Temp Agency." "Listen, Dr. Batel's office needs you for tomorrow." "Is that okay?" "Let me know." "Bye." "Good morning, neighbor." "Hey." "Help yourself." "Oh, thanks." "I was out of everything." "Aw, why do I even bother?" "You know, Remy, I gave you that key for emergencies." "Extreme emergencies." "It was." "I needed caffeine." "I don't know." "This is good." "I'd even wear it." "Good, 'cause I've got to go." "I'm late for my first client." "But you stay, have breakfast, take a shower." "Go through my drawers." " Hey, Charlie." " Morning." " Are the boys ready?" " Dragon!" "Zorro!" "Hey!" "There are my boys." "Come on." "Yay." " See you later!" " Bye!" " Be good, boys!" " Whoa!" "Slow down!" ""Romance is in the air today." "No one can resist your obvious charms. "" "Well, Otis, your horoscope seems accurate." "Stop it." "Come on." "Let's read mine." "Okay." ""Do not leave your house today. " Too late." ""And stop looking so hard." "Love is right in front of you. "" "Hey." "What's wrong?" "I ordered a nonfat latte." "I can taste the fat." "I would be happy to change it for you, sir." "Can't you even make a friggin' cup of coffee?" "I can taste the fat." "How hard it is to make a friggin' cup of coffee?" "I can make another one for you if you'd like." "I'd be happy" " to exchange it for you, sir." " Hello?" "It's okay." " You've done enough, thanks." " I'm sorry." "Karma." " Have a good one." " Thanks, girl!" " Oh, sorry." " Oh, I'm sorry." "Hi." "Hi." "I don't know how to read tarot cards." " Why am I in the cards?" " Come on, just try." "Okay, well, this crazy old lady keeps coming up." "The knight in shining armor." " Mmm!" "That's mine." " No no no." "What?" " I saw this guy twice today." " That guy?" "Two times in one day." "That's got to be a sign, right?" "Mm, a sign." "Yeah, okay." "What did he say when you talked to him?" "I didn't talk to him." "Well, are you sure he saw you?" "Yeah!" "I mean, I think so." "Okay, honey, we're worried about you because you're turning into a little bit of a freak." "Yeah, we think it's from not having sex." " Exactly." " Look, just because..." "I haven't been in a relationship in a while doesn't mean I'm miserable." "I just want a sweet guy, you know, a guy who's strong but still opens a door once in a while." "And who notices things and... you know, maybe makes a difference." "Maybe he completes you." "Oh." "You complete me." "Oh, sorry." "Dr. Batel's office." "Hi, Mrs. Reynolds." " Go to Grandma's, tell her I'll be home late." " I still have stitches to do..." " Yeah, can you please hold?" "I'll see you at home." "You know what?" "You go ahead." "I can do that for you." " Oh thank you, Charlie." "You're a doll." " No problem." "Hey, George." " How're you doing, Charlie?" " Good." " What do you got there?" " The doctor asked me to bring it from home." "Whew!" "Okay!" "All right." "The doctor will be right with you." " Thank you." " # Come on, dive into the stove... #" "We're here!" "Thank God you guys are here." "I am down two girls tonight." "Here." " Sorry, that's all I got left." " Sweet." "Wow." "You know, I love that I am now comfortable enough with my sexuality" " to wear something like this, you know?" " Looks good on you." " Hey, what's up?" " Take off the apron now." " Sorry." " Where do we start?" "Okay, uh, hand out these shrimp balls." "There has got to be a better name for those." " I don't think it's that bad of a name." " What's wrong with the name?" " Oh my God, that's him." " Whoa!" "Who?" "Who?" "The guy I ran into." "He's here." " Where?" " What?" "That is three times in two days." "What are the chances of that?" " Um, like, none." " That's Dr. Fields." "This is his party." "He just moved back from San Francisco." " Really?" " Yeah." "Well, you're right." "He is hot." "The guy then goes into cardiac arrest," "Kevin performs CPR on the guy, saves his life again." "God." "Disgusting, isn't he?" "No, you are amazing." "Yeah." "Excuse me?" "W- wait wait wait." "What do we have there?" "Oh, um, balls." "Uh, shrimp balls." "Um, shrimp in balls." "I'm sorry, but we're not really into fish genitalia." "Yeah, okay." "Was she really listening to our conversation?" "Excuse me." "Wait a second." "Um, so I know two things about you... you work in catering, and you have a lot of dogs." "Oh, that... no." "Uh, I'm a dog walker." "I'm not some crazy dog-lady with 12,000 dogs." " That's why." " And I'm sorry about before." "I didn't mean to be eavesdropping." "Well, you're right." "You shouldn't have." "You should have stayed and talked to me." "Well, your girlfriend seemed pretty offended." "Oh no, that's..." "that's not my girlfriend." "I" " I don't have a..." "I'm sing..." "I don't have a girlfriend." "What?" "Nothing." "Nothing." "Um, I'm Charlie." "Charlotte, but Charlie." "Well, I'm..." "I'm Kevin." " Nice to meet you." " Nice to meet you, too." "Uh-oh." "What?" "What does "uh-oh" mean?" "It looks like someone else is mowing your lawn, Fiona." "I'm gonna go destroy these." "Excuse me." "I'll see you guys." "Oh, my shoes are killing me which means they must look fabulous." "Can I get you anything?" "One of him on a platter." "Such a waste." "What's a waste?" "Oh, you didn't know?" "Kevin's gay." " What?" " Yeah." "That's Kit, the groom." "Or maybe he's the bride." "I can't remember which one's the top and which one's the bottom." "Yeah, they're getting married next Christmas in Maui." "I didn't get that vibe." "Trust me." "Thanks." "Look at that dude's arms!" "I used to have such good gaydar." "Oh, you're home." "Thank God." " I'm exhausted." " What did you do today?" " Hi, it's Charlie." "Leave a message." " Went to the post office." "Uh, hi, Charlie." " This is Kevin Fields." " That's him." "I don't know if you remember me from the party the other night, but I was just calling, uh, to see if, um, maybe... maybe you wanted to walk my dog." "What?" "No!" "Hang up the phone." "No, actually, you can't, because I don't have a dog." "So maybe you could walk me." "Hang it up." "All right, you know, I'm-I'm gonna go now." "Call me at 555-0118 and ask for Dr. Fields." "Okay, thanks." "Bye." "Oh man, that was..." "that was horrible." "Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath for a callback on that." "Yeah, she'll call me back if she wants to walk an idiot." "Yeah, I'm not going to disagree with you." "So takeout or raid your fridge?" "Here we go." "Take it easy, Lilly." "Easy." "Hi." "You never called me back so I figured I would bring the coffee to you." "Thanks." "Um, look, I think you're a really nice guy and everything, but I don't know why you called me." " Hmm?" " I'm a woman." "Yeah, I love that fact." "Have you ever been with a woman?" "Excuse me?" "I mean, have you only ever been with men?" "Men?" "What are you talking... whoa whoa whoa." "Wait a minute, I'm not gay." " You're not?" " No." "No, I like women." "Lots of... no, not lots of women, but you know what I mean." "Why did you think I was gay?" "Awkward." "Okay, I got to go now." "Wait wait." "Wait wait wait." "Okay, I'll prove to you that I'm not gay." "Let me take you out on Friday night." "We'll watch the playoffs," "I'll order a pizza, I'll completely ignore you." "Give me one good reason." "'Cause I'm different." "Really?" "Okay, what color are my eyes?" "Well, at first glance, your eyes are brown." "But when the light hits them they change to amber." "And if you look really closely around the iris the color is pure honey." "But when you look into the sun they almost look green." "That's my favorite." "How did I do?" "I would've settled for brown." " Okay!" " Peanut, let go!" "Off!" "Off!" "I'm sorry he bit you." "I mean, they all have their shots so it should be fine." "Seriously, don't worry about it." "It barely broke the skin." " Outside." " Did you just move in or something?" "No, I've been here a year and a half." "Oh, nice place." "I should have some hydrogen peroxide around here somewhere." "What is all this stuff?" "Oh, I'm a yoga instructor." " This?" " And a Little League coach." "And a dog walker and a caterer." "I told you I'm a temp." "That is not true." "She is an incredibly talented artist." " Remy!" "Remy!" " I mean, look at her sketchbook." " She hides it right under there." " Remy!" "What?" "He's not..." " Are you all right?" " Yeah." "Yeah, thank you." "Found it!" "So you're an artist, too?" "Uh, I like to dabble in a lot of different things." "I mean, life's too short to live the same day twice, right?" "Yeah." "That's a good philosophy to live by." "My dad always used to say that." "Come on." " Used to?" " Oh, yeah," " my parents died when I was little." " Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay." "It was a really long time ago." " You ready?" " Yeah..." "I mean, it's a little embarrassing." "I'm the doctor." "I'm the one who's supposed to look at the... ah!" "Ow!" " Oh my God." "I'm sorry!" " I'm just kidding." "I never get to do that." "Okay, because the cut is, like, three inches higher." "Sorry." " Do you need my phone?" " Oh, no thanks." "It's just my mom." "And it's only her second page of the day." "She's just getting started." " Well, you're all set." " Thank you." "So, do you think, uh... we could do this again sometime, maybe without the biting?" "Yeah, that would be nice." " Heard from Kevin yet?" " Not yet." "I've paged him." "Would you page him again?" " Good morning, Stan." " Good morning." " You're in a good mood." " The last time the network executives came to my dressing room I got my own show and a big fat raise." " Yeah and I had to start kissing your..." " Viola Fields?" "Oh my God!" "It is such an honor to meet you." "Oh thank you, darling." "Would you mind just signing this autograph?" "For my grandmother." "I'd love to." "You know what else I'd love?" "I'd love you to get me a latte." "Do you mind?" " Okay." " Thanks, hon." "Hi, guys." "How are you?" "That woman is a legend." "Shouldn't you be getting the latte?" "I just can't believe they picked me to replace her." "Oh, shit!" "I" " I've been replaced?" "I'm so sorry, Viola." "Psst!" "I'm fine." "I mean, you've had an amazing career, Viola." "It's just that we're trying to appeal to a younger demographic." "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "God damn!" "Get my manager on the phone!" "And then I'm gonna call the head of the..." "Uh, we're on in two minutes." " Okay." " Will you get her to come?" " Please!" " Okay, she'll be ready." "I'm ready." " Are you okay?" " I'm great." "Hey, I've had a great run." "I've done exclusives with Kissinger, the Dalai Lama," "Muhammad Ali... four sitting presidents... three of them hit on me." "Five Emmys!" "Now I'm being replaced by a young thing whose grandmother loves me." "You know what I'm gonna do?" "I'm gonna finish out my contract and I'm gonna leave this show with my dignity intact." "Okay, coming back from commercial." "Three, cue announcer." "Today on "Public Intimacy,"" "pop singing sensation Tanya Murphy." "And now we're live with Viola Fields." "Four, three, two..." "Well, that was very nice." "My goodness, you have a big voice for such a tiny girl." "You're gonna miss Viola Fields." "Have you always been a singer?" "Ever since I was a child." "I would sing in school plays, choirs." " How old are you?" " I'll be 17 next month." "W- what do you do for fun?" "I love watching really old movies." " They're my favorite." " Really?" "Really, which ones?" "Well, "Grease" and "Grease II."" "Um, "Benji. " I love "Benji. "" ""Free Willy," um..." ""Legally Blonde,"" ""The Little Mermaid. "" " Oh." " Yeah... oh, I know." "You ever read a newspaper?" "Newspaper?" "Viola, the girl has stars on her nipples." "I don't have much time for that." "So basically, you have absolutely no idea what's going on in the world?" " Oh, I..." " And yet, you've sold over five million albums..." "CDs, to millions of kids" " who listen to your insipid lyrics." " What is she doing?" ""You want to know me, look in my makeup bag. "" "You're influencing an entire generation of kids who won't know how to think straight, or vote for a president, or remember the significance of Roe versus Wade." "Oh!" "I don't support boxing as a sport." "I think it's too violent." "Y'all better get that little girl out of there." " Holy crap!" " Get us off the air!" " Quick!" " Go to commercial!" "Go to commercial!" "Crazy bitch!" "Get off me!" " Cut!" "Cut!" "Put in the Bow Flex tape!" " Get her off!" "Juice Man, something!" "Oh, I don't support boxing as a sport." "I think it's too violent." "Oh." "I wanted you to take one last look at the old Viola." "Oh, thank God I've changed." "Yes." "Well, just remember the breakdown was only a few months ago so take it nice and slow out there." "No stress." "Absolutely." "In fact, I'm going to take a vacation." "I've been promising my son we'd go to Africa since he was a little boy." "And I finally have the time." "That's wonderful." "Not to worry," "I'm in complete control." "Ruby!" "Ruby, my dear old friend." "Oh, I'm so happy to see you." "Well, good, they still have you medicated." "Ruby, I figured it out." " Life, I mean." " Oh, this ought to be good." "It's not about how many celebrities I interview or what my ratings are." " It's about relationships and family." " Oh!" "Me and my son." "Oh, I just spoke to Kevin." " Did you get the tickets?" " Sure did." "Right here." "He's going to be so surprised." "Yeah, the three of you should have a good time." " Three?" " Yeah, uh, you, Kevin" " and his new girlfriend." " New girlfriend?" "That's a lovely surprise." "Is it?" "Well, I mean, it can't be too serious." "I've only been away a few months." "Well, that's the end of it." "Where do you want me to put this?" "Oh, under the bed." "Uh, you sure you don't want me to put it by the door so you can make a quick escape to the apartment you still have for some reason?" "Now come on." "You agreed to me subletting my apartment." "I would have agreed to anything to get you to move in here." "Oh, these are great." "Are they new?" "Oh, no!" "You can't look at those!" " 'Cause they're not finished yet." " Oh, sorry." " Okay?" "Please?" " Okay." "Here, I'll put them back." "I forgot to tell you, we're having lunch with my mom tomorrow." "Oh!" "It'll be fine." "I promise." "You want to take a shower?" "Hmm." "Yeah!" "Okay!" "All right, so tell me about your dad." "Well, he died when I was two." "But that was just her first husband." "At the time she was a freelance journalist and then she married this guy who was a network exec and got her her first on-air break, but divorced him for Alec Wrigley." "Wait, the actor?" "I thought he was..." "Oh, he was." "It lasted about two years till she threw him out for sleeping with her second husband." "Wait, how many times has she been married?" " Well, four." " Wow." "But, you know, her career was always the main thing." "She just lived for it." "Well, her career and me, of course." "And, basically, now I'm all she's got." "Here we are." "Oh, no." "Oh, playing dress-up, are we?" " Shut up." "Is that the Dalai Lama?" " Yeah." " Oh my God, That can't be real." " It is." "Did you know all these people?" " Some of them." " Kevin!" " Look at you, all handsome." " Ruby!" "Good to see you." "Yeah, you too." "Now, forget about my mother." "This is the woman you need to get through." "Charlie, this is Ruby." " Well, it's a pleasure to meet you." " Oh, the pleasure's mine." "Uh, excuse us." "I've got to talk to him about a rash." "You're bringing a girl home to meet your mother now?" "Yeah, Ruby, I am." "The women is fresh off the funny farm." "I mean, why don't you come back, let's say... next spring?" "Oh, the trees will be blooming." " It'll be so beautiful." "She'll love it." " How is she?" "She's good." "The first thing she did when she got home was make me lock up all the booze." "It's Oprah!" "Oprah!" "Yeah, Oprah." "There's one in there with the cast from "Good Times" too." "So how big is this place?" "About four acres." "There's a tennis court, two swimming pools, indoor and outdoor... it's kind of crazy." "What?" "No helicopter pad?" "Oh, no." "There's one out back." "I'm kidding." "Kevin!" "Oh, I've missed you so much!" "I promise I'll never leave you again." "Oh my God, Mom." "Look at you." "You look fantastic." " It's just something I threw together." " Come here." " What?" " I want to introduce you to someone." " Charlie." "Mom." " Kevin." "Charlie, this is Mom." "Mom, Charlie." "Oh, hi." "Oh, I'd love to just be able to think of it and make it." "I must have spent the last 30 years looking for the perfect little black..." " Cocktail dress." "... cocktail dress." "Yes." "I know." "Well, it doesn't matter." "You could wear anything with your figure." " I mean, you look amazing." " Oh, honey, thanks." "Listen, when you're my age, if ain't broke, you fix it before it is." "Why the question mark?" "Oh, 'cause I just don't know." "I love your jewelry." " Oh, yes." "Yes, thank you." " I love that." " I like it... the earth tones." " It's fantastic." " Where did you get this from?" " My first husband." "That's Kevin's father." "He gave it to me when we were in Peru." " It's very earthy." " It's like the dress, very earthy." "I just think it's wonderful that you've tried so many temp jobs." "Think of all the experiences you have." "You've been so quiet, Kevin." "Oh, well, it's kind of hard to get a word in edgewise with you two." "Oh, is he great, or what?" "I tell you too, that's a little scary." "Enjoy it while you can." "Here you go, some more coffee." "Actually, I was a little nervous about the two of you meeting." " Really?" " Why?" "Well, 'cause it's important to me." "Mom, you're the most amazing woman I've ever known." "And, Charlie, I've never met anyone like you." "You're real, you're honest." "And although we've only known each other a few months," "I" " I feel like I've known you forever." "I guess what I'm trying to say here... is what are you doing for the rest of your life?" "What?" "Oh my God!" "Charlie, will you marry me?" "It's..." "it's too sudden." " She's in shock." " No!" " I mean, I am, but..." " Yes!" "Seriously?" "Seriously." "No no." "Say "no. "" "Yes." "Yes!" "Yeah!" "Oh, gee... oh!" "Oh, I'm so happy for you." " Congratulations!" " Oh my God." "I can't believe this." "I am so happy for you." "Congratulations!" "I'm so pleased that you're going to be my daughter-in-law." "Oh, congratulations." " I can't believe this." " I'm so happy for you." " Thank you!" " You're going to need a moment alone." " Excuse me, I'll be right back." " Okay." "Oh!" "Shit!" "Medicine." "Let's see." "No." "What's... ah!" "14% alcohol!" " You are so crazy!" "Oh my God!" " I almost forgot." "I've been carrying this around for two weeks waiting for the perfect moment." "I can't believe this turned out to be it." " Kevin." " Try it on." "It is the perfect moment." "Maybe you should go check on your mom." "Oh, she's fine." "She's probably calling all of our relatives." "Oh, Holy Spirit... surround me with light." "Please rid me of my negative karma and my wickedness." "Please help me be a better person." "I could just kill that dog-walking slut!" "Of course." "She's pregnant." "So, goodness." "That was a lot to take in at teatime." " Oh, you're telling me." " I had no idea that you guys were so serious." "Kevin, you never mentioned anything." " Mom." " Here's what I want to say." "It's wonderful being in love." "But I don't think marriage is the best solution to a thing like this." "Well, you know nowadays a girl has so many alternatives to getting married..." "there's adoption, abortion," " lesbianism..." "Hmm?" " Whoa, Mom!" " What are you talking about?" " Well, I mean, it's so sudden" "I have to assume there's a pressing reason." "Oh oh, no." "Charlie's not pregnant." "Call me old-fashioned, marriage is a sacred union that should only be entered into with the utmost care." "Weren't you married four times?" "Yes, dear." "Which would make me an expert, don't you think?" "Excuse me." "It's the hospital." "I'll be right back." "Okay." "You want me to go with you?" "No, stay right there." "You know, this is as sudden for me as it is for you." "It's too sudden, right?" "You think?" "Yeah." "Really?" "I mean, what's the rush?" "It's not like the old days where you had to get married and have kids, and have it all figured out by the time you were 21." " Exactly." " We have options now." "And I've always liked having my options, you know?" "Mm-hmm." "Mm-hmm." "Yeah." "This is so... big." "What am I..." "what am I doing?" "I love Kevin." "I want to spend the rest of my life with him." "Oh my God!" "I'm getting married!" "Ruby!" "Ruby, I need a bottle of champagne." "We're going to celebrate." "May I have the key to the liquor cabinet please?" "What key?" "The key, Ruby." "Key?" "There's no key." "Ruby, give me the key." "You want to take this outside?" "Bring me the key." "And fix your hair." "You look like a damned cockatoo." "She is such a fabulous assistant." "Hey, do you think your mother liked me?" "Of course." "Why?" "I don't know, because she called me a pregnant lesbian?" "I'm sure she meant that as a compliment." "Trust me." "She loved you." "Oh, they're gone?" "I'll just put this baby back to bed, okay?" "My son the brilliant surgeon is gonna marry a temp." "Gonna need something stronger than this." "Where's that martini?" "Hooch will not solve your problems." "She's going to destroy him." "It is so clear." "She's got no money, no career goals." "She was just waiting for a rich innocent to step right in her path." "Oh, Kevin's smarter than that." "Come on, you raised him well." "He's a good boy." "But he's a man." "That's the problem." "The only time they think straight is when they have an erection, and it's usually pointed right at the trampiest woman." "You talking about her or you?" "Look, there's nothing you can do." "Just let it go." "You know what you need?" "A project." "Or another husband." "You know, why don't you marry another gay guy?" "That was fun." "You know, you're right." "I do need a project." "And I have the perfect one." "I am going to save my son." "Here." " What?" " You go use those old contacts of yours to get all the information you can about that little pimp." "And exactly what do you expect to find?" "Everybody's got a past, honey." "Find something." "And I'm going to open up the Montecito house and get a party planner." "I'm going to give them an engagement party." "And then what?" "Lock her in the basement?" "When he sees how out of place she is in his world, it's gonna be over." "This will end badly." "Get me another one of those." "Is it me, or is each house you take me to bigger than the last?" "But I thought your mom said this was a barbecue." "Oh my God." "It looks like she's invited everyone I've ever known." "And they're all in black tie." "Oh, there's my mom." "Mom!" "Darlings!" "How was the trip?" " Welcome." " I'm sorry." " I didn't know this was a formal party." " Well, that's because" "I have something for you." "I bought you a new dress." "Oh, see?" "There's a dress upstairs." " Thank you." " Besides, you look great in anything." "Exactly." "You always look so clean and shiny." "Oh, Kevin, your tuxedo is upstairs in your room." "But first I want you to meet some friends." "Come." " Prince Amir." " Can I change first?" " This is Sarah." "Kevin." " You know Kevin." "And this is Charlie." "She's a temp." "Charlie, this is the man that introduced the euro to the global market." " Mr. Prime Minister." " Viola." "Oh, Marie." "You know my son, but this is Charlie." " Very good to meet you." " So nice to meet you." " She's a temp." " Yeah." "I worked in a bank once." "Oh, look!" "There's the Poet Laureate and... oh, Charlie, first I want you to meet the Secretary of Commerce." "Viola, please let me change first." "I don't want to meet her in my flip-flops." "Of course, of course." "Ruby, would you show Charlie to the guest room?" " Come on, Charlie." " Thank you." "Thank you." "Wow!" "Oh my... it's vintage." "Oh, Fiona." " You look stunning." " Thank you." "So do you." "My goodness." "Kevin just went up to his old room." " Why don't you go say hello to him?" " I'd love to." "Good girl." "Fiona, what are you doing here?" "I'm dressing." "Why don't you let me give you a hand with that?" "Give it up, Fiona." "You know, you and I had a very strong bond once." "No, you and I had very strong drinks once." "That's not true." "Kiss me." "I'll remind you how good it was." "What are you doing?" "I'm engaged." "I'm happy." "It's gonna fit!" "Why did she get me such a small dress?" "I have two asses." "It'll fit." "There we go." "Okay." "Okay!" "Okay!" "What is it about her that's so special?" "I don't know but I plan on spending the rest of my life finding out." "Kevin!" "God!" "Men in love are really hot." "Fiona!" "Oops!" "Um..." "I was just giving Kevin a congratulatory kiss." "Don't, uh, worry." "Why would I worry?" "He's gay, right?" "Charlie!" "Charlie, that was not what it looked like." "I'm going home." "I've destroyed priceless couture." "I embarrassed myself in front of 70% of the world's royalty." "Oh!" "I forgot, yeah!" "I just caught you making out with your ex-girlfriend." "Charlie, let me explain." "Ugh!" "It doesn't matter." "I can't do this." "I don't belong here, Kevin." "And if I don't belong here then maybe we don't..." "Hey hey hey." "Listen to me." "It's you and me now." "This isn't my world anymore." "You're my world." "Okay?" "Now let's get the hell out of here." "I'm taking you home." "Okay." "Um..." "Let me try and get out of this dress and then..." "Okay, see you downstairs." "Do you like it?" "Yeah, it's great." "I'm so glad you finally decided to do it." "I don't know." "I just woke up today and it just felt like home." "I'm gonna do all three walls." "You know, I think it's time to take a break." "Oh, wait!" " Wait a minute." " Whoo whoo whoo!" "I can't let it dry too much." "Oh God!" "Are we getting out of bed today, "Camille"?" "What for?" "I could die and nobody would care." "I would." "You promised me a face-lift." "Sit down, Ruby." "Sit with me, hold my hand." "Have you got anything on the girl yet?" "Nothing." "Nada." "No criminal record." "No debt." "Good grades." "Went to design school." "And then a string of odd jobs." "Isn't that exactly what somebody with a past does?" "What about drugs?" "What about promiscuity?" "She's had fewer lovers in her entire life than you did at closing day of Woodstock." "Well, find something." "Well, I guess if I had a hair sample maybe I could take it" " to my little crime lab and..." " Perfect." "I'll get to work on it." "Listen to me." "There is nothing." "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she's a good girl?" "Oh, don't joke." "I would like to speak to that woman who got back from the loony bin." "Is she around?" "Because you are taking me for a spin in the crazy mobile." "Ruby, Ruby." "Everybody knows that when a woman marries a man she marries his mother too, right?" "What if I drive her crazy?" "Okay, now you're foaming at the mouth." "Oh!" "Charlie and Kevin's house." "Oh, I forgot you live there." "I didn't realize that you had already moved in." "Kevin, stop it." "I'm on the phone with your mother!" "I'm sorry, Viola." "The slut's practically fornicating with him!" " Stop it!" " I don't blame her." "That boy's a fine piece of ass." "Hold on, Viola." "He's... stop it!" "Right here." "Actually, Charlie, the reason I'm calling is I wondered if you'd like to have lunch next week." " Really?" " How would Tuesday work for you?" "Yeah, Tuesday's perfect!" "Listen, Viola, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now, um, but Tuesday's fine." "Yeah, me too." " Lots to do!" " Okay, bye!" "Oh." "I'll go get the vodka." "It's good to see you." "There she is." "Charlotte." "Hi." "I'm going to have the garden salad and the low-cal Chinese dressing and a decaf iced tea." " And you, miss?" " Oh, um, I'll just have a... cheeseburger with fries and a soda." " All right." " Okay." "You continue to surprise me." "Aren't you worried about fitting in your wedding dress?" "Well, I mean, I'm making the dress to fit my body, not the other way around." "Whoa." "I wish I had been that confident when I got married." "I'll tell you one thing you're gonna have that I never did, a stupendous wedding." "And it's important that we book the church right away." "I always thought that Kevin looked like Jesus in the cathedral down on Second Street." "Mmm." "Actually, we were thinking of having... a non-denominational service, being that I'm more spiritual than religious." "Oh." "What about my place then?" "That way we don't even need to book a location." "And Kevin was born there and grew up there." "Oh, it would mean so much to him." "I'll plan it all." "We'll have that marvelous band that the Swansons' had at their wedding." "And a divine cake." "Oh, honey!" "No no no!" "Tsk tsk tsk!" "Chewing, it's a disgusting habit." "Oh, hold still." "I've gotta... gotta..." " There!" "Got it!" " Ow!" "Thanks, um..." "What do you think about peach?" " Oh, um, excuse me." " Yes?" "Can I get another salad without the nuts?" " I have allergies." " Okay." "I'm allergic to nuts, and eggs, and shellfish, and blueberries." "Oh... and soy." "It's amazing you've been able to nourish yourself all these years." "Oh, yeah!" "The cake!" "I'm thinking traditional vanilla with strawberry drizzle." "Look, Viola, I really do have all of this under control." "I made this for you." "It's your wedding planner book." "Peach." "Oh." "Is that a picture of me and Kevin?" "Oh, and... present time from your new mama!" "Thanks." "Wow!" "It's big!" "You can see the thorns on the roses." "You'll wear it on your wedding day, just like I did." "Of course I was a virgin when I wed." "But we'll just pretend with you." "Now, about the wedding... the two of you are going to arrive in a horse and carriage." "And the driver's top-hat will match the horse's saddles, and the ribbons on the doves that will be released at the exact moment of "I do," hmm?" "And I've been in touch with your bridesmaids." "How do you know their names?" "Well, Kevin told me." "And I think for the honeymoon" "St. Bart's is the absolute best place for you to go" " 'cause Kevin adores it." " Hey, just hold on!" "Just wait a minute, okay?" "No." "Thank you, but no." "Thank you, but no to everything." "No to the horse and buggy." "No to the top-hats, and to the doves and geese and any other farm animals you're thinking of using that day." "And definitely no to you planning our honeymoon." " What?" " Oh no." "I can... oh!" " Oh oh!" " What's wrong?" " "Oh no" what?" " My pills, my pills!" "Okay." "Well, let me help you." " Oh!" " Viola!" " Oh, no!" " Wait, Viola!" "Viola!" "Viola!" "Oh my God, Viola." "Oh my God!" " Give her some room." " Help!" " Give her some air." " My God, is she dead?" " No!" " Get her some help." "It couldn't be that easy." "She's had an anxiety attack, which can feel like a heart attack." "She's gonna be okay." "But she definitely needs to take it easy." "No stress." "She said that you were yelling at her, that you refused her gift and said she couldn't plan our wedding." "Tell me that's not true." "Well, technically... yes." "But, hold on." "I didn't yell at her." "And she just kept pushing and pushing and pushing." "And, okay, I admit it." "I snapped a little bit." "But..." "What was I supposed to do?" "She wouldn't take no for an answer." "Come on, look, you know what a hard time she's been having." " So she's a little difficult." " Difficult?" "A two-year-old is difficult." " She's like... ah!" " Come on, she's all alone." "I'm all she's got..." "we're all she's got." "Come on." "Excuse me." "I'm Dr. Chamberlain, the psychiatrist in residence." " Are you Mrs. Fields's son?" " Yes." " May we speak in private?" " Actually, this is my fiancée." "We can talk." "Um, is she okay?" "Well, I just completed your mother's interview and I'm concerned." "It's possible that she's on the verge of a psychotic break." "I should probably see her at least twice a week, minimum." "Also, I prescribed her some anti-anxiety medication." "If she starts to feel overwhelmed, they'll relax her." "Does she live alone?" "Uh, yeah." "Well, I feel it would be best if she were cared for by relatives... people that are closest to her during this time." "Just until we're confident that she's out of danger." "All right." "Well, thank you, Doctor." "Oh, God." "I've got that medical conference." "What am I gonna do?" "You know what?" "Don't... don't worry about it." "Um, I'll take care of her." "Thank you." " Come on." " What?" " No, come with me." " No no, the doctor said no stress." " Charlie, come on." "Enough already." " I'll stay here." "Kevin!" "Come on." "I am so sorry." "No, Mom, don't be." "It's okay, really." "Charlie?" "I'm sorry too, Viola." "No, I was too pushy." "No." "You weren't." "Look, Viola..." "I would love it if you would help me with the wedding." "It's all right, sweetheart, I..." "I don't really think I'm up to it." "My nerves are shot." "Mom..." "Mom, Charlie and I think you should live with us for a while, until you feel better." "Are you sure?" "Oh!" "Oh, I can't possibly." " I couldn't." " Mom, it's okay." "Relax." "I couldn't possibly." "Not unless I know Charlotte's forgiven me." "Will you?" "Me?" "Yeah, I forgive you." "You just put those anywhere." " Hi!" " Hi." " Are you feeling better?" " I'm much better, thank you." " Great." " Sweetheart, I'm kind of thirsty." " Would you... is the kitchen over there?" " Yeah, sure." " Great." "Goodbye." " Okay." " Hey, Charlie." " Are you moving in, too?" "No, I don't like the neighborhood." "Look, do you have any firearms in the house?" " No." " You might want to get one." "When will you be back?" "Soon as I can, honey." "I promise." "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" "Yeah." "I mean, hey, it's only at night, right?" "And, I mean, she's gonna sleep most of the time with those pills the doctor gave her." "Right?" "Look, I know my mom can be a little challenging." "So if you have any problems just call me." "I'm on the first flight back, I promise." "Okay." "Well, hurry home." "And who knows?" "By the time I get back, maybe you two will be best friends." "Oh, am I interrupting something?" " Uh, no, Mom, come in." " The caterer called." "He still thinks I'm doing the wedding." "He sent over a sample plate 'cause I gave him the colors you wanted." "I said absolutely no peach." "And from now on, everything goes through my new daughter." " Thank you." " Yeah?" "Okay, I'll be right down, thanks." " Oh, here." "Look." " Oh, it's beautiful, Viola." " Thank you." " Oh, I'm glad you like it." " Thanks." " My car's here." "Gotta go." " Bye, Mom." "Bye, Mom." " Okay." "Oh, bye, sweetie." "Oh, it's gonna be fun." " We're gonna have such a good time." " I love you." " I'll be a good roommate." "I promise." " Okay." "Ohh!" "It's so nice to have a girlfriend." "Yeah, huh?" "Viola?" " Are you all right?" " I can't sleep." "I feel so alone." "I do." "You're not alone." "I'm here." "Did you take your pills?" "My pills?" "Oh no, I forgot." "Could you get them for me, sweetie?" "They're on the sink." "Sure." "Here they are." " Thank you." " You're welcome." "Oh, I don't have any water." "Could you get me some water please?" "Okay." "Oh, I can't drink out of the tap." "Would you get me some Evian..." "with ice?" "Yeah." "Here you go." "Oh, thank you." "You have a good night, okay?" "Charlotte?" "I hate to ask you this, but it's my first night here." "Could you stay with me?" "Please?" "Sleep with me." "Be a good girl." "Huh?" "No no no!" "No no, don't!" "God!" "Viola!" " Are you okay?" " No, let go of me, you!" "No." "Huh?" "Oh!" "Okay." "Okay." "Hi, how was your day?" "It was... okay." "Wonderful!" "You're cooking." "I wanted to make you dinner all by myself." " Sit." " Okay." "It's steak and kidney pie." "Actually, the steak didn't defrost in time so it's mostly kidney." "Mmm!" " Do you like it?" " Mm-hm!" "I made a decision today." "I called my lawyer and I asked him to redo my will." "I want to include my new daughter." "Really, Viola, that's not necessary." "Oh, don't be silly." "I want to." "Of course they have all these stupid questions that they want to ask." "You know, like, "Are you currently an illegal alien?"" "Oh, uh, no." "Oh, that's interesting." "Okay." "Um, are there any hereditary illnesses in your family?" "You know, the kind that could be passed on to grandchildren?" " Uh, no." " No." "How many men have you been sexually active with?" "What?" "Why would they want to know that?" "That many, huh?" "Would you be willing to sign a prenuptial agreement?" " Excuse me?" " I know." "They're such nosy bastards." "It's none of their business." "Let's just deal with this later." "No, why don't we deal with it right now?" "I'll tell you what, I'll clean up the kitchen and you continue enjoying your dinner." "No no no." "You did all the cooking." "I'll clean up." " Are you sure?" " Yeah." "I am kind of tired." "Thanks." "Well, I'll just go up to bed then." "I had kind of a difficult night last night." "You had a difficult night?" "He's skidding out of control." "This bus is out of control." "Is somebody there?" "Tina." "Tina." "Who the hell is that?" "Oh." "What?" "Oh my God." " I thought you were sleeping." " Well, I couldn't sleep." "Hmm?" "What do you think of my outfit?" "This is a ceremonial robe given to me by Chairman Mao." "These go with the robe." "This was a birthday gift from the Dalai Lama." "He never forgot my birthday." "Of course now he doesn't care anymore." " Do you mind if I sit with you?" " No." " Just for a little while." " Okay." "Why is she running?" "Well, someone's chasing her." "Why is he chasing her?" "I'm not sure." "Well, who is he?" "I don't know." "We have to watch." " You have to stop talking." " Mm." "Don't you hate what she's wearing?" "Running out there with bare feet and, what is that, a pajama top?" "It's so unrealistic." "I once did a whole segment on nighttime television." "You would not believe how much the demographics influence the networks." "I mean it's just ridiculous." "All they care about is the bottom line." "Oh, it's so nice just to sit with family and do nothing, huh?" "Don't even need to talk." "It's wonderful." "I miss so much being a working mom." "I used to bring Kevin, though, to the set." "That's where he met Gore Vidal and Jackie Chan." "Is there anybody famous in this movie?" "Because I don't know any of them." "And they all look the same... all the girls have the same body, all the boys have the same hair." "...so many beautiful people who live in Los Angeles?" "I think all the beautiful genes ended up in California." "Why is he kissing her?" "It's beyond me." "I'm sorry." "I thought it was air freshener." " Charlie?" " Dr. Batel's office." "Miss Reynolds?" "Hi." "Yeah." "Nope." "Okay." "Bye." "Oh God." "I-I'm sorry." "You know what?" "That's probably my fault." "I mean, I never thought she'd..." "I mean, she's a little eccentric, you know?" " I'm sorry." " Well, It doesn't matter." "I don't want to talk about your mom tonight." "I want to talk about us." " I miss you." " I miss you too." "Especially now when I'm in the tub... naked and wet... and naked." "Really?" "Well, do you know what I would do to you if I was there?" " What?" " Well, for starters..." "Charlie!" " I'm not looking." "I'm not looking." " Hello?" " I just wanted to return your shampoo." " Your mom just walked in." "You really should use a shampoo that doesn't dry your hair so much." "We don't want a bride with straw under her veil." " Oh, is that Kevin?" " Yeah, it is." " Honey, your mom wants to talk to you." " Sweetie, hi." " Hi, Mom." " Honey, I can't thank you both enough." " Of course." " I'm having the most wonderful time." " How's Charlie?" " Oh, she's been a doll." "We've been girlfriends all week." " Great." " I'm gonna be sad to go home." "You do?" "Well, you never know what the future's gonna bring right?" "I mean, I do love this neighborhood." "In fact, you know, two doors down, there's this house for sale." "It's got two big bay windows and a great rose garden." "You know how I love rose gardens." "And basically, it's got my name all over it." "I'm having my..." "my... um... real estate guy look into it." "She's buying a house here?" "Two doors away." ""Lovely property." "Beautiful bay windows. "" "It's bullshit!" "She doesn't even like this neighborhood." "Oh God, I'm so exhausted." "She's driving me insane!" " I can't do this." " Yes, you can!" "Stop being such a big baby." "Kevin is the best thing that ever happened to you." "Charlie, do not give up on this one." "It seems Mommy Dearest has been keeping a very close eye on you, sweetie." "What are you talking about?" "What are you doing in her clothes?" "I was just upstairs in her room minding my own business." "And I found all of this in her closet." "She's been investigating you." "Whoa." "Why does she have your high school transcripts?" "I know." "There's a picture of me at the beach?" "!" " Yes, it is." " I can't believe that." "There's another picture of you in here." "And it's..." "look." "Look at that." "It's like a close-up." "But you have to be close to take that, right?" "Look at all this Gucci!" "It's just Gucci Gucci Gucci!" "She has skin caviar." "This stuff sells for $400 a jar." " I've heard of that." "I want a try." " Here." " Mm." " Doesn't that smell good?" "Ooh, hello." "What are these?" "Those are just her anti-anxiety pills." " Ooh, these are good." " Really?" "They'd knock out a horse." "I have these at home." " You do?" " Wait" "I don't know what these are." "But they're definitely not what I take." "They smell like oranges or something." " Are you sure?" " Yeah." "Let me see." "Hi, Andy." "It's Charlie." "Now, I'm not working for Dr. Batel's office this week." "But I had a question." "Yeah, about some pills." "Can I stop by?" "Charlie, I'm having a bit of a bad day, so Ruby's gonna take me to see Dr. Chamberlain." "Okay!" "You take care!" "Let's see what you're up to." " There you go." " Thank you." "Thank you so much." " And thank you." " Wear that, sister." "Okay, now Cartier is one right down." " Where's Niketown?" " What?" " Niketown." " Niketown?" "Bad day, my ass." "Wait a minute." "Dr. Chamberlain?" "All right." "Hello?" "Hey, Andy." "What are they?" "Chewable vitamin Cs, huh?" "Okay, thanks." "I know." "I can't believe the wedding's only a week away." "No, we do the final walk-through on Monday." "Oh!" "Wait a minute." "I think I hear her car." "Drop my stuff at my house, okay?" "All right." "Look crazy." "Charlie!" "Ch-ch-ch..." "Ch-ch-ahh..." "Charlie!" "Oh, I had to bring him home with me today." "He's harmless." "Sit." "No!" "No." "No." "No, Zorro!" "Sit!" "Is that expensive?" "It was." "Sorry!" "Oh!" "Charlie!" "Bonus." "Good boy." "Come on." "Come on." "Mmm." "Hello, old friend." "Viola!" "You can't mix alcohol with your pills!" "I'm a little upset as you can imagine." "Well, I know that and I'm sorry, but your doctor said if you're feeling upset that you should take your pills, not alcohol." "So you relax." "I'll get them." "Shit." "Here we go." "This will make you feel better." "Drink up." "Now I hope you like what I made." "It's one of my mother's specialties." " What's that?" " Tripe." "It's a delicacy." "Try it." "It's like nothing you've ever tasted." "Trust me." "So Kevin called." "He's coming home tomorrow." "I can't wait." "I'm so excited." "I miss him so much." "I was thinking maybe the three of us could go to lunch tomorrow." "What do you think?" "Yeah, I think it's a great idea too." "I'll make reservations." "It'll be so much fun." "Don't you just love being girlfriends?" "Night-night, sleep tight." "And good morning to you too." " Ruby, is that you?" " In here!" "Oh my God." "Is she all right?" "I thought she went to bed." "I don't know." "I haven't seen her like this since "The View" won an Emmy." "I wish I could stay and help but I've got to go pick up Kevin at the airport." "What?" "I underestimated you." "You don't need a gun." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Mm-hm." "Last call!" "We'll see you tomorrow night." "Uh, there's a reservation under Fields, Kevin." "Yes, right this way." "I'm so glad my mom and you had a great week." "We did." "I learned a lot about her." "So who's the mystery guest?" "Oh, surprise!" "I thought your office said we were having lunch alone." "Well, I hope you guys forgive me." "I just..." "I wanted to talk to you and Kevin together." "So how are you, Mom?" "Fine." "Though I did have a rather difficult night." "Ooh, it was probably that martini you had." "Mom, you're not supposed to be drink alcohol with those pills you're taking." "You know, the truth is" "I owe you an apology." "You know, I was so insensitive to your feelings about wanting to help with the wedding." "Oh, it's ancient history." "A young bride doesn't want to hear the opinions of an old widow." "No no, that is not true." "I mean, you're going to be my mom soon." "And a grandma shortly after, hopefully." "And I want you to know that I will do anything it takes to make this relationship work." "That said... will you be my maid..." "I mean, my matron of honor?" "Charlie, that's..." "that's amazing." " Mom, what do you say?" " But, uh..." "Morgan is gonna be your maid of honor." "Oh no, she has graciously relinquished her title to you." "And I had this specially made up." "A dress in your favorite color... peach." " Come on, open it." " Well, that's..." "Char... ah." "I" " I don't think I can." "Mom, I think it's a great idea." "I just don't think I'm up to it." "I really don't." "I've got to talk to my doctor." "Oh, I called him." "Yeah!" "And he said he thought it was a great idea." " You called my psychiatrist?" " Mm-hmm." "In fact, we had lunch at The Ivy." "Well, anyway... he said, considering this turning point in your life, you know, losing so much so suddenly, that being involved in the future would be the best therapy in the world for you right now." "Careful." "You know those are strong." "You know, we..." "are your future." "And we want you to be part of it." "I can have a list of duties for you tomorrow." "No." "M- mom... no, Mom." "Mom, don't cry." "Here." "Charlie." "I didn't think I would be this emotional." "Mom, here." "Can I?" "Oh, oh!" "Oh, thank you, baby." "I love you." " I love you too." " I love you too!" "I love you too, Mom." "Kevin, you know what?" "Why don't you give your mom and I a moment alone?" "Yes, of course." "Just so you know, the crying bits are getting old." "Just so you know, Kevin likes his girls thin." "Oh!" "Well, I can always get liposuction." "I've been meaning to ask." "Is it painful?" "That maid of honor bit." "Priceless!" "You know what they say?" "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer." " Oh!" " Now you listen to me." "This is my game now." "You are going to tell Kevin that you are not moving into our neighborhood, and that you've decided that you're feeling like it's time that you go on with your own life!" "You're moving out of our house immediately." "This is over!" "Oh!" "This isn't over, not even close, girlie!" "Well, bring it on, Grandma." "That little bitch!" "Let's go someplace near the ocean and drink lunch." "What?" "You know exactly what." "Move!" "Move!" "Move!" "What's wrong with you?" "I am sick." "I am sick sick sick of your shit." "And I when I'm not sick, I'm tired." "I am sick and tired." "What are you saying?" "Damn you and your luggage!" "Ruby, you're not going to leave me too, are you?" "No, I'm not leaving you!" "You old slut!" "Ruby!" " Ruby, please..." " Hey, you almost forgot your dress!" "You'll have nothing to wear to the wedding." "See you, Ruby!" "Maybe we can get you a matching bonnet." "See you at the rehearsal dinner!" "Motherf...!" "So, how's the bride-to-be holding up?" "Ooh, under the circumstances I'd say mediocre." "But she's tough." "Not as tough as the old bird." " What does that mean?" " For your own safety, make sure you know where the emergency exits are at all times." "Hey, are you and my mom okay?" "Great." "Yeah, I just have a little of the pre-wedding nerves, but everything's under control." "Of course." "Hello, everyone!" "Welcome to the rehearsal dinner." " My God, she looks amazing." " I know." "Oh!" "Father Tyson." "Hello, Blaire." "Kit, how are you?" "Hello, hello." " Oh, you are Morgan." " Yes." "I have heard so much about your delicious catering service." "Oh!" "Oh, wow!" "I have a lot of friends." "You're going to be a busy girl." " And you're Remy." " Yeah." "I recognize you from all the wonderful things Charlie's told me about you." "Wow." "Well, Ms. Fields, I have to say..." " Oh, call me Viola." "Please, I insist." " Viola." " All right, I'm gonna go get a drink." " Okay." "I'm such a huge fan." " Oh, you..." " Oh, I..." "Well, mi casa, su casa." "Make yourself at home." " Thank you." "Bye, Viola." " Cheers." " Goodbye." " I like her a lot." "Hi." " Hey!" " Hi!" " You guys have a nice little chit-chat?" " Oh my God." "She came over and started talking to us." "What did you want us to do?" " Ignore her?" " Yes!" "So then getting her autograph would be completely out of the question?" " Was that yes?" "'Cause... okay." " No." "So there I was sitting next to the Sultan of Brunei with Maureen Dowd, Carrie Fisher and Snoop Dogg." "You know the story, Kevin." "I said to Snoop, "Snoop, I think your lyrics are sometimes a little sexist and unfair to women. "" "And the Sultan of Brunei said, "Really?" "I have 114 wives and they're all huge fans of the Dogg!"" "Honey, would you see who's at the door?" "Sure." "These are delicious, Viola." "Oh, Kit, I'm glad you like it." "Mm, yeah." "Look who's here." "It's Dr. Chamberlain." "Oh my God!" "It's Dr. Chamberlain." " Hi!" "Everybody, it's Dr. Chamberlain!" " Hi." "Good evening." " Thanks so much for inviting me." " Oh, shit!" "That's Dr. Chamberlain." "He's Viola's doctor." "Oh, we're going to need another place setting." "Oh, please, let me get that." " There's a chair in the living room." " Sure." "Scootch down, you guys." "Come on, make room." "You guys move down." "Cheers." "Thank you." "Who's he?" "It's Viola's therapist." "Move down, you guys!" " Excuse me." " No problem." " Here's you chair, Doctor." " Here." "Have mine, too." "Hello." "Hi." " Hi." " Hi." "I'll get it." "So you just got here?" " Are you expecting anyone else?" " Huh-uh." " Hello, everybody!" " Fiona!" "I'm so glad to see you." "I just couldn't resist bringing the happy couple a little gift." "That's great." "I will get you a place setting." "She's bringing a gift?" "I think she is the gift." "What the hell is she doing here?" " How about some more wine, everyone?" " Yeah!" "How much longer do we have to stay?" "I have midterms tomorrow." "Shh." " Oh, I get it." " No, baby, not now, okay?" "It's not the time." "So, Dr. Chamberlain, tell us about med school." "Where did you do your residency?" "Uh, now that's..." "that's a long story." "I don't think your guests want to hear that." "No, we really want to know." "I think we need some more gravy." "What is going on?" "What are you doing?" "I'm behaving." "Viola, no!" "You can't!" "Charlie's allergic to nuts!" "Give it to me!" "Viola, you're crazy." "Oh, get up." "Put the gravy down or I'm telling Kevin." "Yeah!" "What's the big deal?" "So her face swells up... swells up a little." "So what?" "Swells up a little?" "Her face'll blow up like a Macy's Day balloon." "Well, good." "It'll match the other body parts!" "Viola, think about what you're doing." "Come on, the girl's getting married tomorrow!" "Ruby, when did you lose your edge?" "Right after you lost your mind." "Come on." "All right." "Okay." "No nuts." "Come on." "Viola, I think you dislocated my vagina." " Where's the..." " Where's the what?" "Gravy?" "More gravy?" "Anyone for more gravy?" "Oh, I am not doing time for you!" " Where's the back door?" " Stay cool, Ruby!" "Stay cool!" "This is no time to lose your nerve." "If I get arrested I'm gonna sing like a canary." "Maybe she won't take any gravy." " That's a lot of gravy." " Mmm!" "This gravy's delicious!" "You... you gotta go stop her!" " Go on, stop her." "Go stop her." " You go, you go, you go." "Why me?" "You're the culprit?" "You go!" " You're my assistant." " What am I supposed to do?" "Go out there and stick my finger down her throat?" "Yeah." "Baby, are you okay?" "Kevin, my tongue feels weird." "I think something's wrong!" "Charlie, are you okay?" " What are we gonna do now?" " Hide the damn nuts!" " Are you all right?" " Get her some water." "Flat or sparkling?" "The caterer says he doesn't know how this could have happened." "Well, I feel like I ate a loaf of nuts." "I mean, even my tongue is swollen." "You're marrying a big, fat, puffy tomato mouth." "It's not that bad, really." "Besides, the swelling's already going down." " Yeah?" " Hey, Kev." " Yeah." " Just coming to check up on the bride-to-be." "For the love of God..." " Out!" " You see?" "I told you it looks terrible." " I told you." " Baby, I promise you." "In 24 hours the swelling will be completely gone." "Give me that!" "Door was open." "Oh thank God." " The Bride of Frankenstein is gone." " I know." "I was up half the night worrying." " You look great." " I just don't know" " how those nuts got in there." " Yeah." "Hmm." "Wait." "Hey, do you think she would..." "No!" "Come on." "I mean, she's crazy, but she's not like, psycho-killer crazy." "Hmm." "No!" "Oh, hey, I was wondering." "Could I bring a date to your wedding?" "Of course." "My God." "How exciting." "Great." "Thanks." "So then, I'll see you later." "But... w-wait!" " Who is he?" "Tell me!" " Oh, it's... okay, don't be mad." "It's Dr. Chamberlain." "Actually "Paul. "" " Is that his real name?" " That's very funny." "I gotta go get a mani, pedi and my eyebrows waxed." "But I'll see you in a couple hours, okay?" " Oh, let me go down with you." " Okay." "Oh God." "She added even more ruffles!" "Where's your prom date, señorita?" "Oh, wait a minute." "This is too damn good." "Where's my camera?" "This is just too good." "Will you just get me out of this right now?" "Come here." " Cheers." " Hey." "Thanks for coming." "Okay, guys, let's go see how Charlie's doing." "Ah, yes, please." "Uh-huh." "Oh my God." "Those are so much better than mine." "Don't... touch me!" "I got out of that car the same way I got in it... without you." "Now where is she?" "You here with the bride or the groom?" "I'm here with my mother." "Oh." "She looked a lot older." "L..." "Well, look what we have here." "Oh my God." "You look beautiful." "Oh my God." " Oh my God." " This is it!" "Yeah!" " Oh God, did you talk to the priest?" " I talked to him." "He's just going to skip right over that whole" " "if anyone should object" part." " Okay." "You're a vision in white, sweetie, really." "Knock knock." "Look at you!" "And so is your mother-in-law." "Mm." "Mm-mm-mm." "All right." "Everybody out." "Out." "Give the bride a moment." " No way." " What?" "What is that?" " What?" " Where's your bridesmaid's dress?" "Oh, I gave it to Ruby's daughter." "She works at Hooters." "She was thrilled." "I don't have a daughter?" "Oh." "Rude." "Take off that white dress right now or I'll take it off for you." "Don't you tell me what to do!" "You did not just poke me!" "Don't you touch me, you two-bit tramp!" "Oh my God!" "Viola, I'm so sorry." "I didn't mean to..." "You don't go and slap somebody then apologize." "Get some backbone!" "God!" "This is crazy!" "Why don't you just face it?" "I'm marrying Kevin today and there's nothing you can do about it." "You face it!" "You'll never be good enough for him!" "Didn't stop you from marrying my son." " Oh God, no." " Well, look at you." "All in white." "You are so predictable." "Oh, Gertrude." "I didn't know you were coming." "You didn't?" "Wonder why." "Oh, I know." "You didn't send me an invitation!" "I thought you were dead." "But evil doesn't die so easily." "I heard you got sacked and thrown into a loony bin." " Oh!" "Oh!" " My congratulations." "Oh my God." "Oh my God!" "These hors d'oeuvres taste like old socks." "Now, I want to get an up-close look at the bride." "Holy Toledo!" "You are a stunner!" "My grandson is a lucky fellah." "Look, what he did." "He went out and found himself an exotic Latina!" "Would that my son had been that lucky." "Here we go again." "What?" "You were a television weatherwoman in Dubuque, Montana." "You drove around in a broken-down minivan and you drank red wine from a box!" "Classy." "You killed him, you know?" " What?" "!" " You killed him." "All the doctors agreed, my son died of terminal disappointment!" "If anybody killed him, you did." "You smothered him to death!" "Nobody was ever good enough for him!" "My God, you look old!" "Fine." "This woman is going to drive me insane." "Now, I'd rather not take all the credit." "You'll get over it." " Okay, I love you." " You're kidding." "This is never gonna end, is it?" "I mean, that's going to be me and you in 30 years." "We'll be doing the exact same thing." "You know what?" "I wanted to marry Kevin because we make each other happy." "But you're never gonna let that happen." "Are you?" "Oh my God." "I can't believe I'm saying this." "You win, Viola." "What do you mean?" "The wedding's off." "Bye, Ruby." "I" " I cannot believe she compared me to Gertrude." "I know." "Now that's just wrong." " Thank you." " You are far worse." "I don't recall Gertrude ever trying to poison you." "And I'm pretty sure she wore black to your wedding." "Black." "Yeah, she said she was in mourning." "Mm-hmm." "I just want my son to be happy." "Whatever made you think he wasn't?" "Hey, what are you doing here?" "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the..." "Charlie, what's wrong?" "What is it?" "Are you nervous?" "Hey." " Kevin, I need..." " Charlie," "I need to talk to you." " Viola, stop it!" " It's the flower girls." " They're drunk again." " What?" "Yeah, in the toilet." "Not now, Viola, okay?" "It's really important." "Just give us a minute." "She'll be right there." "Please?" "Charlie, what is it?" "I'll be right back." "What do you want, Viola?" "I don't want you to walk out on this wedding." "You don't?" "No, I don't." "What, am I supposed to believe that you've had some epiphany?" "That all of the sudden, everything is going to be different?" "It's never been about you, Charlie." "It's me." "I've been so afraid of losing him." "He's the only family I've got." "This is my chance for a family, too." " And I'm scared." " Oh!" "Don't blow your chance for happiness." "You've never needed my approval." "He's loved you from the very beginning." "And I promise I will get out of the way and let the two of you be happy." "That's not what I want." "I mean, there just has to be some boundaries, Viola." "I can do boundaries!" "I don't love boundaries but I can do them." "How about the number of times you call Kevin a day?" "Can we limit that to, like, one?" "Oh, I need at least four minimum." " He's 35 years old." " Three?" " Two." " Deal." "Two long-ass calls!" "When Kevin and I have kids, he and I will decide how they're raised." "All right." "But you know I have raised one wonderful boy." " And my advice could be very..." " Will be solicited when needed." "All right, as long as one kid is named after me." " Middle name." " Deal." "What else?" "Holidays and special occasions." "Are you gonna keep me away?" "You must be present for every Christmas," "Thanksgiving, birthday, school play, clarinet recital and soccer game in our kids' lives." "I want you to love them and spoil them and teach them things that Kevin and I can't." "Like how to throw a right hook for example." "I want you there, Viola." "I do, up front and center." "From this point I will not negotiate." "Damn." "That girl can give a nice little speech." "Deal?" "Oh... can they call me "Aunt Viola" instead of "Grandma"?" "Fine." "Come on, unzip me." "Viola, you don't have to wear that dress, really." "Yes, I do." "Really." "Go, Kevin and Charlie!" "Yeah!" "Mom!" "Do you really think I would leave without saying goodbye?" "I love you, Mom." " Thanks for everything." " Go." "Bye, you guys!" "Okay, everybody gather around the back of the car!" "Charlie!" "Charlie, right here!" "Right here, Charlie!" "Sheesh." " Oh, Hawaii!" "I cannot wait!" " I know." "I can't either." "Have a great time in Hawaii!" " Good luck!" " Have fun in Hawaii!" "Just you and me now, Ruby!" "Jesus." "Who did I kill in a past life?" "And take off that damn dress." "You look like a giant peach cobbler." "You're making me hungry." "Come on, weathergirl, I'll buy you a box of wine." "Gettin' old." "Ripped by:" "SkyFury" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"♪ ♪" " Let me go!" "Let me go." " Let me go!" "Don't-- don't do this, please." "♪ ♪" "[Bluesy rock music]" "♪ Against The Wall 1x12 ♪ Second Chances Original Air Date on October 23, 2011" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "Maggie, these are great." "I would so go to this place." "I would so hope." "Okay, which one should I send to the printer?" "Too many decisions." "My brain's fried." "Abby, you decide, honey." "Oh, design is not my specialty." "Just pretend it's a bad guy." "Well, in that case, this one." "Mom, this is so great." "Your dream is finally coming true." " Can you believe it?" " No!" "You inspired me to follow my dream." "I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to thank you enough for letting me be a part of this." "We are so proud of you." "Oh, girls, girls, now stop." "Stop it 'cause you're gonna make me all weepy." " Oh." " Oh, now we're out of coffee." " On it." " Thank you." "Oh!" "Ah." "Mom." "Why are you so nervous?" "Why am I so nervous?" "Well, I've got a million things to do before the opening party, and I've only got a few days left." "It's just family and friends." "If it's not perfect, no one will care." "Well, I will." "Oh, I need to go to work." "Do you want a muffin to go?" "Yes, please." "Oh, thank you, darling." "How would you feel about me dating your brother?" "Well, I guess that would depend on which one you're talking about." "Donnie." "Who else?" "Um, wow." "I would feel good." "I think it's a great idea." "I'm sorry I didn't think of it." "Really?" "Really." "I think it's about time" "Donnie got back out there and started dating." "And who better to show him the way?" "Don't you normally name the firstborn after the husband?" "There's nothing normal about the Flores family." "Carlos' father is a Carlos, so my Carlos is already a junior, so we didn't want to have a junior junior." "So we never named any of the boys Carlos." "Okay, so why start now?" "Because it's the last one." "Carlos knows it's now or never." "I want to speak to lt." "Papadol." "He's not here." "Can we help you, Lieutenant?" "Reggie Johnson." "I work the 26th district." "We have a problem at the Academy." "Can you play this?" "Sure." "Two CPD recruits from Alpha squad were kidnapped and assaulted yesterday." "One of them was my daughter." "That's her there." "That's Tamika." "Then you'll see the second one." "That's their classmate Jethro Carson." "They're being shoved towards the Chicago River." "By who?" "By two unidentified male idiots who pushed Tamika and Jethro in the water and left." "Are they okay?" "Tamika's okay." "I can't speak for Jethro." "I'm afraid the two psychos who did this are fellow recruits." "How did you find out about this?" "We had dinner last night, she was upset," "I finally got it out of her what happened, where it happened." "I went out there this morning," "I saw a security camera, tracked down the damn video." "Here I am." "Tamika didn't want to file a police report." "She told me to stay out of it." "You did the right thing." "CPD has zero tolerance for hazing." "No, I don't call this hazing, Detective." "I call this attempted murder." "Yeah, it's gonna work, man." "It's gonna work." "Yeah, I mean, I hope so." "I hope so." "Okay, guys, against the car." "Come on, you know the drill." "Here we go." "Here we go." "We didn't do nothing, man." "Sister Clair sent us." "Yeah, and the Pope sent me." "Don, Don, stop." "Stop, stop, stop." "Stop." "Sheila, back inside." "I'm sorry." "I'm terribly sorry." "There's been a big mix-up." "Please go back inside and wait for me." "I'll be right there." "Just go inside." "What the hell was that about?" "What are you doing?" "They're here for a job interview." "Sister Clair sent them." "I told you about this last night." " No, you didn't." " Yes, I did." "Was I reading the paper at the time?" "You might have been." "Sister Clair runs an organization called Second Chances that gives ex-gang members a chance to get their lives back together." "That's what parole is for." "They have great success." "They have an excellent baking program." "Plus, whoever I hire, half their salary's covered for the first six months." "Did you see the tattoos on those guys?" "That means he killed someone." " Really?" " Really." "Well, I made a commitment to Sister Clair, and I believe in second chances." "Lt. Reggie Johnson is third-generation Chicago cop." "His mother and grandfather were cops." "Now his daughter Tamika's carrying on the legacy." "Sound familiar, Kowalski?" "Well, I can't imagine my mom as a cop, and Tamika's an only child, but, other than that..." "Yes, sir." "This was taken yesterday morning-- footage from a security camera." "2009 Dodge Caravan." "Unreadable plates." "We checked all 19 recruits in Alpha squad." "Not one of them has a 2009 Dodge Caravan registered to them." "How do we know recruits did this?" "All we know is what Lt. Johnson told us, but we need to talk to Jethro and Tamika." "Keep it low-key." "Let's see if this is an isolated thing or if there's a culture over there that breeds it." "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm just hot." "You want some ice?" "No." "No, I'll be fine." "I'll meet you downstairs." " Hey!" " Hey." "I was coming to find you." " You were?" " Yeah." " You owe me a date." " Do I?" "I was supposed to take you to dinner for your birthday." "Oh, that's right." "Look, I am so sorry about that whole thing." "Well, why don't you show me how sorry you are and have dinner with me on Saturday?" "Please don't say you have to work." "Okay, I would love to have dinner with you on Saturday." "You can pick me up at 7:00." " Okay then." " Okay." "He's dehydrated." "I've seen it a million times." "Sergeant Egan, good to see you." "They think I tell 'em to drink water for my own benefit." "Listen, and you won't end up in the same boat as your buddy here." "Kowalski knows what I'm talking about, isn't that right?" "Yes, sir." "All right, time to get back to work." "Tamika, run your squad through the drills." "Yes, sir." "Come on, people." "Begin with the dummy drag and move on to the tire run..." "I heard a nasty rumor you were working Internal Affairs." "It's not a rumor." "We need to ask some of your recruits some questions." "How come you want to talk to my recruits?" "Are all 19 members of the Alpha squad here today?" "Minus the one going to the hospital?" " What's his name?" " Lynn O'Leary." "And, no, Jethro Carson didn't show up today." "Any idea why?" "I haven't heard from him." "He's a lousy recruit, probably dropped out." "Do other recruits share the same opinion of Jethro?" "What?" "That he's not cut out to be a cop?" "All of them do." "He cost 'em a hundred extra laps last week when he wimped out on a wall." "Well, the wall's always been the recruits' biggest challenge." "Give me a break." "If they can't cut it here, how are they gonna make it in the street when they got to watch a partner's back?" "Do you still have battle buddies?" " Yeah." " So Tamika and Jethro?" " Yeah." " Battle buddies?" "I team the strong with the weak, send 'em into battle together." "The strong's responsible for the weak." " Responsible in what way?" " In every way." "If Tamika wants to stay at the top of Alpha squad, she's got to make sure Jethro gets over that wall." "And if he doesn't?" "Then she doesn't graduate." "So both battle buddies have to make it over the wall in order to graduate?" "Since when?" "Since they started sending me recruits that got no business becoming cops." "So if Jethro were to drop out," "Tamika would have nothing to worry about?" "That's right." "Take a look at her." "She's been smiling all day." "Tamika, you were kidnapped, hand-tied, had a hood thrown over your head, and pushed into the Chicago River." "That's not nothing" "No, ma'am, it's a prank." "Pranks like that happen often at the Academy?" "Not that I know about." "Tell us how it went down." "We were jogging on North Clybourn." "Then a bag went over my head, someone slammed me on the ground, tied my hands, and threw me in a van with Jethro." "Did they say anything?" "Not one word." "We didn't drive far." "He got me out, walked me to the water, and loosened the ropes." "The minute I hit the water," "I was able to free myself." "Then you swam back to the seawall?" "Yeah." "Jethro panicked." "I had to pull him out." "Was he injured?" "No." "He was crying, said he couldn't take it anymore." "I told him the same thing Sgt. Egan told him." ""The streets are gonna make the Academy seem like an Easter parade."" "I started walking." "I went to get help." "When I came back, he was gone." "What did you think when Jethro didn't show up today?" "I thought he quit." "Last time I saw him, he said he was done." "Makes your life easier." "Why didn't you call the police?" "Because you know who did it." "No, I don't know who did it." "You have your suspicions." "I'm not gonna lie to you." "I'm happy I don't have to babysit him any longer." "Jethro had this romantic notion about being a cop." "He just wasn't cut out to be one." "So maybe you and your buddies, who you won't rat out, helped him to the door?" "What, you think I was a part of it?" "What are we supposed to think?" "You won't tell us who assaulted you." "Look, I wanted him to do well." "I was busting my butt to make sure of it." "Anyone else in the class who didn't want Jethro to succeed?" "Yeah." "Everyone." "Excuse us." "We found Jethro." "He's safe." "He's already back at his old job." "Good." "'Cause we're not getting a lot out of Tamika." "You think Tamika's involved?" "We don't know." "But we do think she knows who it is." "She just doesn't want to be a rat." "We know why Tamika and Jethro were targeted?" "Jethro's the weak link." "Tamika is his partner." "You stay with Tamika." "You talk to Jethro." "Excuse me." "You Jethro Carson?" "Who wants to know?" "I'm Detective Lina Flores," "Internal Affairs." "Great." "How'd you find me here?" "Some of your recruit friends told us." "They all hated me, Detective." "I certainly don't consider them friends." "The Academy is a place to learn, not to be abused." "Were you abused?" "Bullied?" "Were you harassed by Sgt. Egan or any of the other recruits?" "I thought it was called motivation." "Who pushed you and Tamika into the Chicago River?" "How should I know?" "I had a bag over my head." "Look, I'm done talking about these people." "They're out of my life, so if you'll excuse me." "And how are your baking skills?" "I'm learning." "And by learning, you mean you can boil water?" "Okay, I don't know a lot, but I can make a mean cup of coffee, you know, wash the dishes, clean the ovens, mop the floors." "Well..." "I appreciate your honesty, Blas, but I need bakers." "Mrs. Kowalski, I really need this job." "I'll do anything you need." "Please." "Let me finish up with the rest of the interviews and I'll let you know by the end of the day." "Okay?" "Thank you." "Lourdes Perez?" "So it says here your specialty is strawberry-kiwi shortcake?" "It's my abuela's recipe." "I've been baking since I was a kid." "My abuela taught me everything I know." "My grandmother taught me everything I know too." "And some of my best memories are of baking with her." "Sister Clair believes that someday you're gonna be a top pastry chef." "Sister Clair's my guardian angel." "But she has bigger dreams than I do." "And what are your dreams?" "Finish high school, work, make a life for myself outside the gang." "Well, I can get you started on one of your dreams." "You're hired." "Are you serious?" "When can you start?" "Right now." "Yes, I was hard on Jethro, but I didn't bully him." "I wanted him to commit fully, 100%." "He never has." "You can't make someone commit." "Look, I hate that wall." "I want to chop it down, but not until I get over it." "And I'm gonna do it in under ten seconds." "Ten seconds is the record." "Set by my dad." "Wait, your dad is the ghost that every recruit wants to beat?" "What was your time?" "Ooh, 15 seconds." "I'm gonna make it in nine." "You think Jethro's holding you back?" "Nobody's holding me back." "Was Sgt. Egan your D.I.?" "Yeah." "He got me over that wall." "Sgt. Egan and my dad don't get along." "Why?" "My dad watches the drills and gives his opinions." "Do you think Egan was too hard on Jethro?" "If he was, Jethro needed it." "How long have you wanted to be a cop?" "Ooh, conception?" "Like we had a choice, right?" "This is where we came up from the seawall." "You could have drowned." "Jethro almost did." "Do you really think the two guys who did this deserve a badge?" "I think they made a mistake." "They committed a crime." "And by not telling me who they are, you're helping to cover up a crime." "Is that really how you want to start your career as a cop?" "Give me their names." "Wade Thompson and Lynn O'Leary." "Uh..." "Okay." " Hey." " Hey." "Sorry to come out here like this." "No, it's fine." "What's up?" "Richie invited me to your mom's bakery party." " He did." " Yeah, I just wanted to drop by and check with you to see if it's cool, 'cause the whole birthday thing with Danny was kind of weird." "I didn't want a repeat." "No." "Neither do I." "Okay, so, it's all good?" "Yeah." "All good." "All right." "See you there." "See you there." "Your name was given to us, Wade." "We heard you had it out for Tamika and Jethro." "Where were you Sunday morning at 5:41?" "Home." "Sleeping." " Who'd you borrow the van from?" " What van?" "The van you and your buddy Lynn borrowed to kidnap Jethro and Tamika." "We know about the hazing." "There is no hazing at the academy." "Yeah, we heard otherwise." "We have you on tape." "You got me on tape?" "You got my face on tape?" "No, but we know your height." "You want to tell me who else is a 6'5" recruit in Alpha squad?" "So?" "So I'm a tall recruit?" "So what?" "I'm not the only 6'5" guy in Chicago, am I?" "Do you realize the seriousness of this crime?" "You could be facing assault and kidnapping charges?" "It wasn't me." "If I find out you had anything to do with the hazing of Jethro and Tamika," "I will recommend termination from the Academy." "I suggest you find yourself a good lawyer." "Okay, fine, we teased him." "Jethro made himself an easy target." "Wade and I were just trying to toughen him up." "By dumping him in the river?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Okay, Lynn, we know you and your battle buddy Wade kidnapped and assaulted Tamika Johnson and Jethro Carson." "And as soon as we get the proof, which we will, you're not only gonna get kicked out of the Academy, you're gonna go prison." "Care to change your statement?" "Wait here." "Hey, Dad." "Listen you got to talk to your mother." "She's hiring thugs from Second Chances to do her baking." "Yeah, I know." "You know?" "Yeah, I think it's a great organization." "Do you know that she hired a murderer?" "She's in way over her head." "She won't listen to me." "Hopefully she'll listen to you." "Okay, I'll talk to her." "Dad, I got to go." "There's been an accident at the Academy." "Tamika's been hurt." " How bad?" " Bad." "Her neck's been broken." "They have to wait for the swelling to go down before they can perform surgery." "We understand you were watching the exercises." "Yeah." "Tamika was the first one over the wall." "She got to the top, she was doing great..." "And then something happened." "Her hands--her hands went out from underneath, and she went over." "Headfirst." "Someone greased the wall." "What?" "When I reached Tamika, her hands and her shirt were covered in grease." "I want to know who is responsible for putting my baby in that bed." "My strong..." "My strong, beautiful, little girl may not be able to use her arms." "Or her legs." "Just find whoever did this, Detectives." "Yes, I know about the teardrop." "Every tattoo tells a story." "What's Lourdes' story?" "She shot and killed a rival gang member when she was 14." "She spent four years in juvy and three years in prison." "Oh, my." "What'd you think, Sheila?" "These kids were busted for jaywalking?" "They've had tough lives." " I-I know." "I just" "I guess I never thought it would be that tough." "You wanted the litter bugs?" "And the shoplifters." "You want to back out?" "We all have different ways to give." "This may not be the calling that God has in mind for you." "I don't want to back out." "Good." "I'll be fine." "I believe you will." "I'm sorry I called you." "I'll try not to bug you for every little thing." "It's just that owning my own business is so new to me." "You can call me whenever you want." "Helping a stranger on the road to redemption is not easy." "Pray on it." "You'll find your way." "Everything okay?" "Yes." "Go back to work." "Hey." "If your father sent you, you can just go right back home." "I've already had your three brothers in here giving me the third degree." "I don't need it from you." " Well, that's a fine howdy-do." "Why can't a daughter just stop by and say hi to her mom for the heck of it?" "Okay, dad's worried about you." "He said you hired a killer." "Oh, he makes me so mad sometimes." " Did you hire a killer?" " Yes." " And?" " And what?" "The organization is called second chances, Abby." "There's a reason these people need help." "Okay." " Is that it?" " Yeah." "This is your shot, mom." "You have the right to hire whomever you want." "And no one is a better judge of character than you." "Thank you." "Always." " We have booze." " Oh, great." "Where do you want it?" "Tell Stevie to go around back, I'll unlock the door." "Okay." "Hey, drive around back." "What?" "What was that for?" "You invited Brody to mom's party." " So?" " "So?"" "I thought you liked Danny." "I do, but Brody's my partner and friend." "I can't just ignore him because you can't make up your damn mind." "Seriously, pick already." "It's not that easy." "God, you're such a girl." " Take that back." " You take it back." "You take it back." "Richie!" "Oh, ow!" "Put me down!" "Would you two knock it off?" " She started it." " I so did not." "He did." "You started it." " I don't care who started it." "Would you--seriously." "Grow up." "Ow!" "You guys are worse than my kids." "It's axle grease." "It was spread all over the top plank." "So when Tamika reached for the top plank..." "Her hand would slip right off." "Hey." "This is Kevin Proud." "He's worked in the main office for years." "He just gave me the maintenance schedule for the wall." "We're also gonna need a class schedule." " Oh, oh, sure." " And do you know which squad used the wall fore Alpha?" "Yeah, kappa squad had the course from 6:30 to 8:00 in the morning." "Alpha squad arrived at 8:30." "Who else would have access between 8:00 and 8:30?" "A lot of people, from the groundskeeper to maintenance crew to every recruit on campus." "Kowalski." "I heard you were looking for me." "Hey, you." "You work in the main office?" "Yes, sir." "We need some more water out here." "Yes, sir." "Nice." "What?" ""Hey, you."" "Seriously?" "Kevin Proud's worked in the office for years." "You don't even know his name." "I go to the office for paperwork, not chatting up paper pushers." "Now this wasn't an accident." "I think we already know that, sergeant." "Is the class commander still the first one over the wall?" "Yeah." "What, you think Tamika was targeted?" "What do you think?" "Well, some of the recruits aren't fans, I'll give you that, but to intentionally hurt her?" "No way." "Are you aware there was hazing going on in Alpha squad?" "There is no hazing here." "Well, Tamika's father feels otherwise." "He's filed a complaint against the Academy." "Do you know lt." "Johnson?" "Oh, yeah." "Unfortunately." "He's a major pain in my ass." "He's here all the time, checking up on Tamika." "He's always yelling at me, telling me what I'm doing wrong." "Listen, this guy is not exactly miss congeniality." "Well, I didn't think parents were allowed to watch." "Oh, they're not." "You try telling that to lt." "Johnson." "Lourdes, I never would have thought to add cinnamon to the kolaches." "They're so delicious." "Cinnamon is one of my secret ingredients." "It's so good." "So I'll see you tomorrow?" "Okay, bright and early, right?" "We have a lot to do tomorrow." "Bye." "Hey, Don, is that you?" "Can I help you?" "Where's Lourdes?" "Heard she works here." "Who are you?" "Where's Lourdes?" "I'll tell her you stopped by." "I want to see my kid." "I'll give her that message." "You're gonna give me her address." "I don't have her address." "You should give her a call." "She's not answering my calls." "Give me her address." "Okay." "Okay, I have it over here." "Leave." "Walk out that door now." "What you gonna do, huh?" " You're gonna shoot me?" " Take one more step and find out." "All right." "All right, I'm gone." "You're one crazy bitch." "Okay, last one." "Sarah Thompson." "That's Wade's mother." "Yeah, I know I'm grasping at straws." "2001 Lexus." "Okay, well, if I think of anything else, I'll-- okay, thank you, bye." "No one in Lynn or Wade's family owns a 2009 Dodge Caravan." "They could have borrowed it from a friend, a neighbor." "They could have even rented it and taken off the tags." "Yeah, I'll check it out." " You should go home." " Oh, yeah?" "You got a hot date?" "No, no hot date." "Mm." "I spy Danny." "Uh..." "You know what, you can go." "I'll be leaving soon anyway, so..." "Okay." " Hey." " You ever go home?" "Occasionally." "How you been?" " Busy." " You?" "Well, it's after 7:00, and I'm still at work." "What do you think?" "I think you should take a break and let me take you to dinner." "There's this great place." "It's called perennial." "They have the most amazing rice dish." "Makes me hungry just thinking about it." "So can I entice you?" "Uh..." "Can I take a rain check?" "Sure." "Don't work too hard." "You okay?" "Yeah, just-- just a really long day." "Mm-hmm." "You mad at me?" "No." "Anything you want to talk about?" "No." "No, I'm fine." "I'll get it." "Hi, I'm Lourdes." "I work for Mrs. Kowalski." "Can I speak to her?" "Oh, yes." "Please." "Come in." " Lourdes." " Come in." "Is everything okay?" "I just heard what Gus did." "I'm so sorry." "He didn't mean you no harm." "It's okay." "Let's talk about this tomorrow." "Okay?" "Okay." "If you're sure you're okay..." "I'm fine." "Good night." "What happened?" "I pulled my gun on her boyfriend tonight." "Why?" "He came in the shop looking for her, and he wouldn't leave." "What's his name?" "What is his name, Sheila?" "Gus." "That's all I know." "Some guy comes into your shop and threatens you," "I'll kill him." "You will do no such thing." "I took care of it." "He's not gonna come back." "You taught me to use a gun for a reason." "So let it go." "Okay?" "Please." "Oh!" "Oh, Danny." "Sorry." "I didn't mean to scare you." "I'm just tired." "Well, I figured you'd still be here." "So..." "I brought you dinner." " That's really sweet of you." " Oh, don't tell anyone." "I have a reputation around here I want to keep." "Well, then I'd lose the lunchbox." "Oh, this?" "This only comes out on special occasions." "Oh." "I got you my famous peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich." "And why is this famous?" "The bread." "I got it at this great bakery in Lincoln Park." " Floriole?" " Yeah." "Oh, I love that place." "They have the most amazing almond croissants." "I get that every single day." "Mm." "Wow." "Okay, the bread is good, but the strawberry jam is amazing." "My mom made it." "She has a garden and cans it every year." "Mm." "I should hook her up with my mom." "That's right." "Richie said she's opening a bakery?" "Yeah." "So you and Richie." "Is it getting serious?" "I must admit I have a little bit of a man crush." "Oh." "I also got you some milk." "Because you can't have a PBJ without milk." "And for dessert... ♪ Da da da da ♪" "Chocolate-chip cookie." "Danny, you did not have to go to this much trouble." "I don't see you as trouble." "Okay, maybe a little." "Thanks for the popsicles." "That was very sweet of you." "Well, you said you were hot." "I thought it might help." "So I went through the DMV list for all the 2009 Dodge Caravans." "All of 'em?" "All 2,023 of them." " You get a hit?" " Nope." " Nothing." " Mm-hmm." "Lynn, what are you doing here?" "Um, I want to make a deal." "Unless it involves a confession, we're not interested." "Wade and I threw Jethro and Tamika into the river." "We had nothing to do with greasing the wall." "Okay, you can ask 20 guys." "Both of us were in the gym." "So you're admitting to the kidnapping and assault of Tamika Johnson and Jethro Carson?" "I'm admitting to a joke that maybe got out of hand." "I mean, come on, we untied their hands." "We didn't want to hurt 'em." "Who loaned you the van?" "Kevin Proud." "It was actually his idea." "Thank you, Mr. O'Leary." "Are you guys gonna help me out?" "We'll see what we can do." "Kevin Proud from the Academy office?" "What would Kevin Proud have against Tamika and Jethro?" "Not a clue." "Okay, let's start with the obvious-- most of the civilians who work for the department hate cops." "Well, I can understand why." "They do so much of the work, they don't have the same union protection, pension, the respect." "So let's go find out if Kevin Proud is an unhappy employee." "So I loaned Lynn my van." "He said he was moving." "Gave me 50 bucks." "Last time, Garcia." "You lose your locker combo again, you can haul your crap around on your back." "We heard something different." "We heard you offered it up after planting ideas in the heads of young recruits." "Ideas about what?" "The good old days of hazing." "There's no hazing at the Academy." "Do you know how many times we've heard that in the last few days?" "When did Lynn borrow your van?" "It was last week." "Friday." "Said he had a lot of boxes to move." "We're gonna need those keys." "Why's that?" "Crime lab wants to search inside." "Oh." "Okay." "Sure." "I'll get 'em for you." "I need Tamika Johnson's locker combination." "Got a call today saying they needed me to clean out Tamika's locker." "Couldn't wait." "They're like vultures." " How's she doing?" " She's holding up." "You're welcome." "He's in a lot of pain." "I'm sure he didn't mean to be so rude." "Yeah, he did." "Reggie's always been a dick." "You've got something personal against Reggie?" "Who doesn't?" "He walks around here like he owns the place." "I'll--I'll get the keys." "Guess we found our connection." "So you think this is about Reggie?" "We talked to several officers under his command." "Reggie is not well-respected." "And there's no love lost between Reggie and Kevin Proud." "But it was Kevin Proud who loaned out his van for the river escapade." "This is interesting." "20 years ago, Kevin was a recruit, but he never graduated from the Academy." " Why?" " Well, Kevin's a civilian, so it doesn't have the details." "It just notes that Kevin was dismissed." "Two months later, he got a job in the main office." "Looks like he's had excellent performance reviews over the years." "20 years ago, Reggie would have been at the Academy at the exact same time." "Here we go." "20 years ago, Reggie reported a fellow recruit for misconduct." "Guess who?" "I think we should take a closer look at Kevin Proud." "Get a warrant." "We're looking for Kevin Proud." "He took the rest of the day off." "Did he say why?" "I don't keep tabs on his personal life." "Come on, you must have exchanged words when he told you he was leaving early." "Kevin is under investigation." "Anything you can tell us about your conversation could be helpful." "Think he said something about visiting a friend." "Asked if I knew of a good florist near Marshall and West 19th Street." "Right near Garfield General Hospital." "Do I still have a job?" "Of course." "Lourdes, hold on." "Look, he's not my boyfriend." "We broke up months ago." "I realize I should have told you about my son." "I just--I just didn't want you to think I was always going to be leaving early because--because I have a kid because I won't." "My moms is helping out." "She knows how important this job is to me." " Lourdes." " I totally understand if you need to fire me." "I just want you to hand this to Blas." "He's making a grocery run for me." "You're really not upset?" "I'm upset you felt you had to hide your son from me." "I want to support you any way I can, okay?" "You seriously are the coolest woman I've ever met." "Her injuries are so severe, you know, she may never walk again." "But thank God my baby's still alive." "What's going on?" "Do you know this man?" "He came on behalf of the Academy to send good wishes for Tamika's recovery." "He brought these flowers." "Everybody at the Academy feels lousy about what happened to Tamika." "Really?" "Everybody?" "Lousy?" "Tell me what's happening." "We just need to take Kevin down to the station for a little chat." "Oh." "Yeah, sure." "Detective, is he responsible for Tamika's accident?" "We don't know yet, sir." "But we intend to find out." "We found this in your garage." "So?" "I use it for my cars." "You also used it on the wall to hurt Tamika." "Are you crazy?" "I've got nothing against Tamika." "We know." "Your grudge goes back a lot further than that." "20 years, to be exact." "You and Reggie were recruits together." "You even considered him a friend until he turned you in for impersonating an officer." "Must have been devastating when you were kicked out of the Academy." "All your hopes and dreams gone in that one moment." "Says here you come from a long line of cops." "But that legacy stopped with you." "Didn't that upset you?" "What do you think?" "I think it ate away at you every day knowing Reggie was out there having the career that you wanted." "But there was no way for you to get revenge until Tamika walked into the Academy." "You wanted Reggie to pay for everything that he did to you." "And what better way to do it than hurt the one thing he loves the most?" "Tamika." "He was always there." "To watch his precious Tamika." "He was so proud, so cocky." "You know, I saw him in the bathroom one day." "We were standing right next to each other, washed our hands, and I could tell he had no idea who I was." "So I introduced myself." "Not a flicker of recognition." "He ruined my life." "I'll never forget the day I ruined his." "Honey, where should I put these?" "Oh, yeah, put 'em right there, honey." "Thank you so much." "So, listen, I need to tell you something." "What?" "I took care of Lourdes' ex." "Oh, you are a nut." "No, but, seriously, I paid a little visit to Mr. Moroni." "I told him that Lourdes was now a part of the Kowalski family and we take care of our own and I never want to see him anywhere near Lourdes or you or this shop ever again." "Honey." "Thank you." "You're the best." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Hey, I got-- oh, whoa, okay." "Guys, not in front of the kids." "Just go put that in the back." " Gladly." " Give us a minute." " Okay." " For heaven's sake." "Has she got timing or what?" "♪ ♪" "Oh, I know." "I saw Brody's here." "No, I was talking about your eldest." "Oh, yes, isn't that wonderful?" "It's so nice to see him having fun." "The divorce was so hard on Donnie." "I just want him to be happy." "He looks pretty happy right now." "Family and friends." "I'd like to propose a toast to the love of my life." "To my sexy, tough, stubborn, beautiful wife Sheila..." "Who 15 years ago decided to start her own home cake business." "And look where she is today." "I am so very, very proud of you." "Thank you." "To Sheila." "To Sheila." " Hey!" " Congratulations." "Couldn't have done it without you boys and all your tasting." " Congratulations." " Thank you, baby." "Thank you." "Oh, mwah." "So dad told me about Lourdes' boyfriend." "It's her ex-boyfriend." "And your father has a big mouth." "Are you okay?" "It was a little scary." "Okay, it was a lot scary." "He called me a crazy bitch." "That's ridiculous." "You're not crazy." "You know, in a weird way, I was." "And in a way it's good to know that that crazy bitch is in there when I need her." 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"(applause)" "Which means... which means a profit so far this year" " of 1800 billion billion." " Splendid!" "And this doesn't even include the added revenue arising from your takeover of ITV." "ITV!" "I'd forgotten about ITV." "Brilliant!" "Gentlemen, when I first started Reynholm Industries," "I had just two things in my possession - a dream and 6 million pounds." "Today I have a business empire the like of which... the world has never seen the like of which." "I hope it doesn't sound arrogant when I say that I am the greatest man in the world." "Hear, hear." "Gentlemen, to the future." "Oh, you don't have any glasses." "Just pretend." " The future." " The future." "Um..." "Sorry to interrupt, but there are some policemen here." "They say they need to speak to you about irregularities in the pension fund." "I see." "Could you make them a cup of tea, please, Stephanie?" " (Moss) Nice." " Isn't she a beauty?" "It's certainly a phone." " 160 PPI screen, Wi-Fi enabled..." " Ask me what kind of phone I've got." " What kind of phone have you got?" " It doesn't matter." "Voice recognition." "So let's say I wanted to call my mum, all I'd have to do is say "Mum" and it calls her." "I don't need to do anything." " It's the dog's bollocks." "Oh, no..." " (woman) Hello?" "Hello?" "Mum, Mum." "No... no." "I'm sorry." "No, Moss said that." "Yeah." "OK." "I'll call you later." "Bye." "Only problem with it is that it's got a very weedy vibrate setting." "I mean, it..." "Watch this." "OK." "(laughs)" "(weak buzzing)" " I mean, what is that?" " I'll sort it out." "Oh, could you?" "Just, you know, welly up the vibrate on it a bit." "OK, all right." "Now, will you answer this question?" "Oh. (sighs) Are we still on this?" "Well, you keep interrupting me." "We would have been done ages ago..." "All right, all right, OK." "Go on." "Question 39, when was the last time you exercised?" "Ah." "The last time I exercised was... never." "I'm still reeling from your answer to question 12." " What was question 12?" " You brush your teeth in the bath." " So?" " That's where your... balls are." "OK, question 40, do you get your five fruit and veg?" "Oh... (sighs) I mean, I certainly try to." "I would say I probably do." " A day." " A what?" "OK, you are going to love this." "This website takes all that information you just gave me, and guess what it does." "It actually estimates the date of your death." " What?" " I know." "Unbelievable, isn't it?" "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Wait a second." "I know about those." "Everyone knows about those." "Oh, right, so you've already done it." "So, when's the big day?" "No!" "I haven't done it!" "Why would I want to do it?" "I go March 2, 2079." " Oh, my God." " That's right, baby, I've got 70 more years." "OK, Moss, close that window." "I do not wanna know." " But I've written it all in now." " Moss!" "I do not wanna know the date of my death." "Close it." "(phone rings)" "Hello, IT." "Have you tried turning it off?" "You know what, I'm sick of saying that." "What do you want?" "OK." "Yeah, someone'll be up in a minute." "Maybe." "You looked!" "You know!" "You know when I'm going to die!" " I do, yes." " I told you not to look." " I made a mistake." " Oh!" "(groans)" "When is it?" " You don't wanna know." " You can't say that to me now!" "My advice, Roy, is to forget all about this." "Why, how long have they given me?" "20 years?" "It's less than 20?" "You see, I don't think this is taking into account leap years, so that could well be something to hang on to." "What does it say, Moss?" "Does... does it say I'm already dead?" " Oh, no, that'd be terrible." " Thank God." " It's Thursday." " What?" " It's Thursday." " Thursday?" "Again, remember, leap years." "It's Thursday!" "Thursday's the third!" "Although not till late afternoon, so that gives you most of the day." "3pm." "How can they be that specific?" " Yeah." "It's silly." " Yeah." " These things are, at best, 79% accurate." " Oh, good." "I would take no further notice of it." "Yeah." "Yeah, no, you're right." "It's silly." "I will take no further notice of it." "Apparently there's something wrong with all the computers on seven." "Who wants it?" "Roy?" "Ooh, you look terrible." "Are you ill?" "I don't know." "This idiot's disabled the flipping firewall." "Yeah." "Hello?" "Excuse me." "Thank you." "Um..." "Some attention, please." "I know you don't think it's important or cool, but there is a ruddy good reason why we put up antiviral software and firewalls." "It's because there are a lot of dangerous things out there." " Jesus!" " (woman screams)" "Well, you know..." "All right, calm down." "Just don't disable the firewalls." "OK, 73." "That's good, that's good." "And, um..." "Mum, what age did Uncle Tony die?" "32?" "!" "Oh, it was a car accident!" "Brilliant!" "OK." "No, I completely forgot." "OK." "Oh, Mum, I have to go." "Unbelievable." "Some brainiac disabled his firewall, which means that all of the computers on floor seven are teeming with viruses, plus I've just had to walk all the way down the motherfudging stairs because the lift is broken again." " Oh, my God." " What?" " Oh, my God." " What?" "What is it?" " Denholm's dead." " Oh, yes, and Denholm's dead." "OK, everyone ready?" "Wow, you look great." "We should go to more funerals." "Yeah, except is there any chance that I could, um... not go to this one?" "No." "Why?" "It's just, you know... funerals." "They're so morbid." "Oh, will you please forget this website nonsense?" "You are not going to die." "Come on, cheer up." "You're gonna ruin the funeral." "No, you're right, I..." "I..." "Pay no attention to me." "I'm being an idiot." "Dead man walking." "Very funny." "You crazy little bastard." "So, when did you last exercise, Jen?" " Ooh, no, you are not gonna do it to me." " Scared?" "No." "I happen to think I have a good few years left." "I take plenty of exercise and I haven't smoked for three years." " I didn't know you smoked." " Oh, yeah." "I was on 40 a day by the end." "40 a day?" "That's 146,002 a decade, presuming there's two leap years." " How the flip did you give up?" " Basically pure self-control, Moss." "No, no, I'd never smoke again." "I'd rather lick a tramp." "Derek, hello." "Hello, Jen." "Thank you for printing up those funeral announcements." "Oh, no, no, I enjoyed doing it." "You know, in a... in a..." "in a... in a... in a sad way." " Can I have a word, please?" " Sure." "(Roy sighs)" " Hey." " Oh, hey." "Oh, my phone." "Oh, cool." "Have you, um... souped it up?" "Yeah, I've totally pimped your phone, girlfriend." "(roaring vibration)" " Is that the highest setting?" " That... is the lowest setting." "It should come as no surprise to you that I don't like this department." "Never have, never will." "I see no need for an IT department and I would much rather use this basement for something important, like a big toilet." "Ooh, I have to say that actually is a bit of a surprise." "Really?" "I did send out a memo." "I didn't get it." "I..." "I had no idea you felt like this." "Well, I do." "However, I am prepared to give you another chance." "Another chance?" "But I didn't know we'd already had a chance." "This should be the first chance." "You should give us this chance and then another chance." "(Roy and Moss laugh hysterically)" "(phone vibrates loudly)" "OK, OK." "Now give me a go, give me a go." " I'm gonna put it up to five." " OK." "Oh, I'm gonna put it in my pocket!" "(shrieks)" "Put it up to eight, put it up to eight." "I'm not putting it up to eight, Moss." "It'll blow my cock off." " Go on, go on." "Put it up." " OK, OK, I'll put it up." "You do know we are burying a great man today?" "Did someone else die?" "I mean Mr Reynholm!" "Yeah." " "Did someone else die?"" " Well, I didn't know." "You have to be careful." "He's our new boss." "Oh, he hates us." "He keeps saying that there doesn't even need to be an IT department." "Why did no one tell me this?" "There was a memo." "It just said, "I hate the IT department."" "Oh, no, no, no." "No, you are not coming to the funeral, Richmond." "What funeral?" "(church bells)" "Oh." "Has anyone got the right time?" " It's twenty to three." " I make it a quarter to." "Why?" "Oh, yes, because that website said you were going to die at three, didn't it?" " Did it?" "I..." "I can't remember." " But how could you forget?" "It clearly stated that you were going to die, today, at precisely three." "Unless it was tomorrow." "But, no, it's today at three." "Will you put it out of your mind?" "Right." "You're right." "Out of my mind." "OK, there's Denholm's wife." "I never know what to say to people at funerals." "No, neither do I. I'm terrible." "Oh, just say, "I'm sorry for your loss" then move on." " He'll be in our prayers." " Thank you." " (sighs) I'm sorry for your loss." " Thank you." "Move on." " Sorry for your loss." " Thank you." "It's not like you've lost a pen, is it?" "It's... it's so much worse." " Would you like a pen?" "I have a spare one." " No, thank you." " Please take it." " Why are you giving it to me?" "I don't know." "Swings and roundabouts." "(organ plays)" "(organ plays)" "Death!" "Death is coming." "Death is here." "(whispers) Death is outside." "There is no escape." " I don't like the way Derek's looking at us." " (priest) Death will catch you." ""Hi."" ""Who's that knocking at the door?"" " Yes, it's Death." "Let him in." " (whispers) Is this normal?" "Death came for Denholm just as he will come for you." "Who will be next?" "You?" "(laughs)" "Maybe you." " We are gathered here today..." " What's wrong with you?" "...to mourn the passing of a great man." " Nothing." "(clock ticks)" "I've never seen a grandfather clock in a church before." "Yes, or one with a second hand." "(priest) Yes, he had more money than most of us here today... (echoing)... but did that make him a better man?" "We know Denholm was a man of money." "Yes, he had more money than any of us here." "(sigh of relief)" "Argh!" "Oh!" "Argh!" "(screams)" "Oh, no, Jesus!" "Argh!" "Argh!" "Jesus Christ!" "Someone call me an ambulance!" "I'm not (bleep) joking!" "I need an ambulance!" "I'm not (bleep) joking!" "Call me a (bleep) ambulance!" "I'm not..." "Oh." "Oh, no, wait." " It's my phone." " (vibrates)" "I shouldn't take it..." "I'll just..." "They'll leave a..." "I'll turn it off." "I'll just put it on..." "Oh, thank (bleep)" "Go on." " Oh, it's gone to message." "Um..." " (beep)" "Hello, Roy." "Nothing important, just wondering how the funeral went." "Call me back." "If we are all quite ready," "Denholm instructed that this short film be played before the service." "(whispers) You're all out of here." "You are out of here." "You're history!" "Hello." "If you're watching this it means I'm dead now, and it's all thanks to these little things." " Ha!" "Wrong!" " Shut up!" "Cigarettes have finally killed me, like they killed my father, my father's father, my mother's father, my mother and her father." "I just can't seem to give the damn things up." "I love them." "Sweet, smoky cigarettes." "Ah!" "You delicious bastard." "(gasps)" "Final thought, Stephanie, could you categorise the personnel files alphabetically from now on?" "That rhyming thing just isn't working." "Also, call "Who's Who" and get them to update my entry." "Well, thanks, everyone, for coming." "Enjoy the rest of the funeral." "Well said, sir." "I will now ask Mr Pippen to read the eulogy." "I see a lot of faces out there." "Some of you I know, some of you I hope to get to know better over the coming months, some of you I probably won't be seeing very much of after today." "The reading of the eulogy is a duty normally left to the eldest child, but, as you all know, Denholm's son Douglas mysteriously disappeared after a lengthy court case seven years ago." "Let me start by reading this poem that I saw in the film Four Weddings and a Funeral." ""Stop all the clocks..."" "Father!" "(grunts)" "Argh!" "Tits!" "Unhand me, priest." "I'll go all day." "Where is your God?" "Where is your God now?" "Here lies a great man." "A great man!" "Father!" "(anguished sobs)" " (whispers) I miss anything?" " Just the start of Derek's eulogy." "You stink." "I just smoked a cigarette from the drain." "(moans)" "Well, who's this?" " Hi, I'm Douglas." " Jen Barber." "That's a beautiful second name." "What are you doing after the funeral, Jen?" " Douglas." " Speak, priest." "No, I'm a bit..." "Your father prepared a second tape in the event of your sudden arrival." "A second tape?" "I see." " Actually, I don't follow." " I'll just put it on." "Hello again." "If you're watching this, it's because my son from my first marriage has arrived, caused a scene and is currently chatting up some nearby trollop." " Hey!" " Quiet, woman!" "Douglas, I have something important to tell you." "I'm here, Papa." "Reynholm Industries is now yours." " (all gasp)" " My Lord." "Thank you, Father." "But it's yours at a price." "I want you to promise me now, in front of all your new employees, that you will never again become embroiled in a sexual harassment case that damages the company." "I promise, Father." "There's one more thing, Douglas, but it's for your ears only, so I want you to stop the tape, take it home and watch it again later in private." "But these are my new family, Father." "I hold no secrets from them." "OK, Douglas, now we're alone I can speak frankly." "You may well receive a visit from the police at some point concerning irregularities in the pension fund." "Turn that off." "I've been using a very creative accountant, recently released from jail," " to manage what I call a suck fund." " Let me do it." "Where's the remote?" " Now, the suck fund..." " I'll do it myself!" "Goodbye, Father. (sobs)" "Right, I'm off." "I'll see you all on Monday." "Douglas, Douglas." "Sorry... didn't mean to, um..." "Derek Pippen." "I worked very closely with your father." "Oh, Derek, good to meet you." "I'm afraid I'll be bringing in my own people, so you're immediately fired." "OK, good luck, everyone, and, uh..." "I'll see you later." "And you are ready to go." "Brilliant." "Thank you, computer man." "I'm told my father was particularly proud of the IT department, run by a dynamic go-getter, a genius and a man from Ireland." "Yes, one last thing." "How do I erase files like this one here marked "pensions"?" "Um... just like this." "All gone." "Wonderful." "Thanks, guys." "I'll be working very closely with your department, and I have a feeling I'll be needing you for a lot more than just deleting incriminating files." "(laughs)" "I just mean files." "OK, we'd better be off." "By the way, where's that hootsie-tootsie, humdinging, coochie mama boss of yours?" "Um... she went home early." "She said she had some catching up to do." "(# "EastEnders" theme tune)" "Oh, one last thing." "I sorted out this for you." "Now, I'm afraid the vibrate setting is still a little weedy, so you may wanna put her all the way up to ten." "Ten?" "Shall do." "Done, and done." "OK, bye-bye." "Sorry about this, old man." "Oh, yes." "(giggle silently)" "Shh!" " (phone vibrates, coins jangle)" " Ooh." " (vibration)" " Ooh." "Now, I like that." " (vibration)" " Ooh." " (vibration)" " Ooh." "Mm." "Mm." "Ohh." "(Douglas, breathlessly) Nearly at the station!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on Once Upon A Time..." "Regina:" "Daniel's grave." "He died because of you." "Snow:" "I was very young, and your mother... (Squish) She ripped his heart out." "Henry, you're gonna go home with David." "I want you to be here because you want to be here, not because of magic." "(Whispers) I want to redeem myself." "Magic can set you free." "Let me guide you." "And I won't become like her?" "That, dearie, is entirely up to you." "It's not safe here." "Cora's still out there." "We found a safe haven." "We must go there now." "Hello, Hook." "Aurora:" "I don't know if I can do this." "I'm not a very good liar." "Snow:" "Oh, it's not really a lie, Aurora." "Lancelot did die an honorable death and Cora did escape." "All true." "Just leave the particulars to us." "There's no reason to cause unnecessary panic" " amongst your people." " I'm not so sure it's unnecessary..." "Wait." "The tower." "We always have sentries guarding the entrance." "(Blade zings)" "Stay close." "Oh, my God." "Mulan:" "This can't be." "Our land... we were protected here, hidden." "How did the ogres find us?" "Ogres didn't do this." "What?" "Cora did." "Their hearts... they were ripped out." "This was her magic... twisted and evil." "We have to stop her." "Too late." "She killed them." "She killed them all." "No, we have to stop her before she hurts anyone else." "Hey." "Hey." "Look." "There's someone under there." " He's alive." "Man:" " Please." "It's okay." "Please help me." "It's okay." "You're safe now." "We won't hurt you." "Thank you." "(Panting) Thank you." "(Panting)" "Once Upon A Time 2x05" " The Doctor Original air date October 28, 2012" "(indistinct conversations)" "Thank you very much for caring." "See you." "(Exhales deeply)" "You." "We need to talk." "Oh!" "(Sighs) What the hell was that for?" "Sleeping with my wife." " Kathryn?" " Snow." "Look, I didn't know." "All right?" "I was cursed." "Yeah, I got it." "What do you want?" "(Sighs)" "So... is it true?" "People are saying that you're trying to find a way to build a portal back to your land because that's where you think Emma and Mary Margaret are, that they're alive." "Well, the whispers can stop." "I have no secrets from this town." "That's exactly what I'm doing." "But the land... it's... it's gone, destroyed by the curse." "Apparently not." "Well, you're having any luck?" "Not yet." "We're working on it." "Does that mean that all the lands still exist?" "Possibly." "So the Queen lied to us." "Again." "Are you sure?" "Remember who we're talking about." "Regina." "Are you here to see me?" "I've been trying to keep my promise to Henry, but it's been difficult." "To not use magic." "It's been two days." "That's an excellent start." "Come on in." "It's just that magic is the way I've always gotten everything." "Sounds like it's also the way you've lost everything." "Regina, this is your chance to start over, to earn Henry." "(Door opens)" "Dr. Whale, this is highly inappropriate." "Send me back." "Excuse me?" "To my land." "Send me back to my brother." "Why don't you check the "Missing" board like everyone else?" "Your curse only brought the living." "Well, then I'm sorry for your loss." "But I'm afraid I can't send anyone anywhere." "Can't or won't?" "Dr. Whale, I have to insist." "Please." "Go." "Sorry." "What you said isn't entirely true, is it?" "I'm sorry?" "About the curse only taking the living." "The grave of your father's here, right?" "I don't care about Whale or his brother." "I brought who I wanted." "Anyone else?" "(Sighs)" "If you want help, you have to try and trust me." "Stopping magic is a lot harder than starting." "(Whinnies)" "Rumplestiltskin:" "Now show me what you've learned." "Immobilize it." "(Whinnies)" "(Whoosh)" "(Giggles)" "There." "I did it." "Excellent work, my apprentice." "Now there's just one last, tiny, tiny, teeny, little detail." "Take its heart." "Like what my mother did to..." "Oh, to your true love." "Indeed." "Then you already know how it's done." "Gentle." "If you do it right, no harm will befall it, unless of course, you will it." "(Breathing heavily)" "I can't." "It's innocent." "Nothing is innocent." "(Squish)" "(Giggles)" "(Snorts) (Heart beating rhythmically)" "(Sighs)" "Now it belongs to me." "You see, when you take a heart, it becomes enchanted." "Stronger than a normal heart." "You're not hurting the beast." "You're controlling it." "Now show me you know what to do with that power." "Kill it." "What?" "You've seen it done." "Now do it yourself." "Show me you can take the next step in your training." "Crush it." "(Heart continues beating)" "(Heart crackles)" "(Groans)" "(Exhales)" "Dearie, dearie, dearie." "(Blusters)" "And I had such high hopes." "And I didn't sign up to kill unicorns." "Magic is power." "Until you can take power, you're not learning anything." "Do you want me to teach you or not?" "Yes." "Then there's one simple question for you to ponder." "I'll tell you anything." "(Giggles) I don't need the answer." "You do." "What's holding you back?" "(Gasps)" "(Sniffles)" "His name was Daniel." "I preserved his body with an enchantment spell." "He's dead, but frozen, and I've kept him in my family mausoleum." "Because you couldn't let go of him." "(Sighs) If you can't let go of the past, Regina, it's doomed to haunt you." "(Sniffles)" "(Sighs) You know what?" "I think this has been quite enough." "Regina, wait." "I..." "I can help you." "I doubt it." "(Thunderclaps)" "(Horn blares)" "(Gasps)" "(Thunderclap)" "Daniel?" "(Thunderclap)" "All right." "(Yawns)" "(Laughs) Come on." "What's with the yawn?" "(Blusters) This isn't school." "It should be fun." "I couldn't sleep." "(Sighs deeply)" "Hey." "I know." "I miss 'em, too." "(Horse blusters)" "Now just think how happy Emma and Snow will be when they come home to find that you've become a proper knight." "(Horse blusters)" "Say hello to your steed." "Is he mine?" "(Clicks tongue) (Nickers)" "This one's yours." "Really?" "(Nickers)" "So... how do I get on him?" "Oh, you're not riding today." " I'm not?" " No." "There's much to learn before you hop in the saddle." "Like what?" "Well, every morning, you'll have to muck out his stall." "Then you'll brush him and feed him." "After school, you'll do it again." "Every day, twice a day." "(Nickers)" "That's not riding." "That's babysitting." "Ah." "Horsesitting." "It builds an essential bond... the trust between knight and steed." "Okay." "But when will I ride him?" "When the horse tells you." "(Horse whinnies in distance)" "I'm gonna go check in on the dwarves, see how the mining's coming." "I'll pick you up later." "So..." "(Nickers) anything you wanna tell me?" "(Nickers)" "(Birds chirping)" "(Crow caws)" "(Doors squeak) (Gasps)" "(Clears throat)" "Are you ready to begin?" "Oh, I've been ready." "The question is, are you?" "Yes, I am." "(Wheel creaks)" "Tell me why you're really here." "For power..." "Stop wasting my time!" "What is it you want?" "Come on." "You've done all your soul-searching." "Now tell me." "Can you teach me how to use magic to bring back the dead?" "That's what this is about?" "The stable boy?" "I want true happiness." "Then find it elsewhere, dearie." "Magic can do much, but not that." "Dead is dead." "(Sighs)" "Then I am lost." "And I've had my time wasted." "I'm sorry, but, uh, transcending death is beyond even my reach." "I thought nothing was beyond your reach." "Ah." " Busy." "Should I..." " No." "No." "Nothing important going on here." "Rumplestiltskin..." "Ignore her." "I got what you wanted." "What about the slippers?" "Oh." "Couldn't find 'em." "Heard talk they've already been moved to another land." "That's what I needed to get to that other land." "(Bottles clatter)" "Well, come with me in my hat." "I'm sure we can work something out." "No, no." "Your hat only transports between magical realms." "I need to get to a land without magic." "Why would anyone want that?" "My business." "You want the ball or not?" "Mm... yes." "Help yourself to as much gold as you deem appropriate." "(Clears throat)" "Oh, and, you." "You can let yourself out." "Our work is done." "Wait." "So that's it?" "You're not going to teach me anymore?" "So long as you harbor foolish notions of bringing back the dead, so long as you live in the past, you'll never find your future." "Teaching you is a waste of time." "Pardon me..." "(Gasps) for eavesdropping, but I think you need to look elsewhere for assistance." "What do you know about it?" "I hear things." "Jefferson's the name, and I'm a man who travels and sees much, and I know the man who can do what you want... bring back the dead." "He's, um, you might say... a wizard." "I can bring him to you." "At what price?" "Always a price indeed." "So here's mine." "Like I said, I'm a man of travels, and I've made many enemies along the way, and I'd like a royal passport so I can have free reign to traverse your kingdom." "How would I do that?" "(Inhales deeply and clicks tongue)" "Well, you're the queen... aren't you?" "That's right." "I am." "And this wizard... (Sniffles) can he really bring someone back from the dead?" "Well..." "If he can't, no one can." "Emma:" "Have you seen him before?" "Yes, I've seen him around." "He's a blacksmith." "Came to our camp a couple months ago." "Said he lost his hand in an ogre attack." "Why would Cora leave a survivor?" "It's messy." "Doesn't make sense." "You think he's lying?" "I think Cora's tricked us before." "I don't want that to happen again." "Here you go." "I can't thank you enough for your kindness." "Fortune, it seems, has seen fit to show me favor." "An island full of corpses." "You're the only one to escape." "How exactly did that happen?" "She attacked at night, slaughtered everyone in one fell swoop." "When she started ripping out people's hearts," "I hid under the bodies of those who had already been killed." "Pretended to be dead myself." "Mercifully, the ruse worked." "So much for fortune favoring the brave." "It was all I could do to survive." "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret." "I'm pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to me." "I'm telling you the truth." "We should leave here in case Cora decides to come back." "We should start searching for a new portal back to Storybrooke." "I only got about five minutes with my husband." "Not to mention, my grandson." "You have a grandson?" "Long story." "Well, I know this land well." "I can guide you." "(Blade zings) You're not gonna guide us anywhere until you tell us who you really are." "(Pants)" "(Door squeaks)" "(Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A. in distance)" "(Door creaks) Dr. Whale?" "Where are you?" "Where is he... this wizard?" "You promised to bring him to me." "Indeed, and off we shall go to see him, but I warn you, be cautious." "Why?" "Is he dangerous?" "Not to us." "But bear in mind, he's never been to a world like this before." "He's unfamiliar with our ways, with our magic." "All I care about are his ways, and if they will do what I require." "Well, there's only one way to find out." "May I present to you... your salvation?" "You're the wizard?" "(Clears throat)" "I prefer "doctor,"" "but you're welcome to call me whatever makes you comfortable." "Very well... doctor." "You understand why you've been brought here?" "Of course." "Now..." "(Clears throat) show me the patient." "It's remarkable." "It's as if his last breath was drawn just moments ago." "A preservation spell." "Can you bring him back?" "Perhaps." "Let's take a look." "It's wonderful." "His condition is ideal... apart from being dead, that is." "Just how many times have you done this, doctor?" "You didn't tell her?" "Tell... tell me?" "Tell me what?" "The procedure is experimental." "Success is yet to occur." "But if certain conditions are met, I'm optimistic." "Optimistic?" "Just hear him out." "What kind of charlatan are you?" "I am no such thing." "I was told the last crucial piece of the puzzle exists in this land." "What else do you need?" "A heart." "It's a fragile organ, and I need a strong one." "I've searched the far reaches of my realm for one with the fortitude to stand the shock of my procedure." "None have survived." "But they say in your land, there are hearts transformed by magic." "Hearts made so powerful, they glow." "That's why you've come here?" "I need this for my work." "So tell me... how do you change these hearts?" "How do you enchant them?" "Those who practice the dark arts do it by ripping the organ out of the living while it still beats." "Mm-hmm." "And you can do this?" " No." " Huh." "You assured me that this queen was some powerful sorceress." "I will not use magic for evil." "Well, if you want your fiance back, then you're gonna have to find someone who will." "Have I wasted my time here?" "No." "I know exactly who can help us." "I know where to get a heart." "Dr. Whale?" "(Electricity crackling)" "(Gasps)" "(Clatter) Oh!" "(Lights creaking)" "Oh." "(Grunts) Whale." "Whale." "(Grunts)" "I know you took Daniel's body, and you took one of my hearts." "Why?" "Did you bring him back?" "I did it." "He's alive." "Yes." "I brought him back, but... he's not Daniel." "What?" "He's... he's a monster." "(Crickets chirping) This... was my mother's." "How sweet, but I'm not interested in heirlooms." "Oh, I believe you will be." "Listen." "(Fire crackling)" "To a fireplace?" "Just listen." "(Heart beating faintly)" "Where is that coming from?" "Her vault." "(Whoosh)" "(Multiple hearts beating rhythmically)" "Take your pick." "These are all... hearts?" "My mother was a collector." "Whose hearts are these?" "I have no idea." "She took so many, caused so much pain." "It was impossible to keep track." "She was a monster." "(Box scraping)" "(Hearts continue beating)" "Finally." "After all this time." "(Gasps)" "It's perfect." "(Monitor beeping steadily)" "(Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)" "What's going on?" "I just got a call that Dr. Whale was attacked." "You'll have to ask his doctors." "No." "I am asking you." "I came here to speak with him and discovered he was hurt." " It's the truth." " What else?" "What did you come here to speak with him about?" "Someone from my past." "I believe he's come back." "Daniel." "His name is Daniel." "The man you were supposed to marry." "Snow told me what happened, and... how it was her fault that he died." "Yes." "He did." "(Exhales) Well, then how could he be back?" "Whale." "He believed he could bring him back from the grave, and..." "I don't know how... (Whispers) but he has." "You don't know how?" "Guess." "He practices something more powerful than magic... or so I was told." "All he needed was a heart, and he took one of mine." "You have hearts here?" "In my vault." "From our land." "Whose heart did he take?" "I have no idea." "I took so many." "It was impossible to keep track." "I need to go." "I have to help him." "No." "Where is he?" "Look what he did." "He's dangerous." "Not to me." "He won't hurt anyone else, David, I promise." "You know I can't take that chance." "You have two choices, Regina... tell me where he is, or jail." "I think it's like when..." "you awoke from your coma." "He's following his final thoughts to where he last met me... the stables." "No." "Henry." "Henry's at the stables." "Gramps says that you'll tell me when I'm ready to ride you." "So... anytime." "Like, soon?" "(Nickers)" "(Whinnies)" "(Horses whinnying)" "(Whinnying)" "Aah!" "(Horses whinnying)" "I already told you." "I'm just a blacksmith." "Sure you are." "(Whistles)" "(Growling in distance) You don't want to talk to us?" "Maybe you'll talk to the ogres while they rip you limb from limb." "(Ogres growling)" " Come on." " What?" "You... you can't just leave me here like this!" "What if he's telling the truth?" "He's not." "Good for you!" "(Chuckles)" "You bested me." "I can count the amount of people who've done that on one hand." "That supposed to be funny?" "Who are you?" "Killian Jones, but most people have taken to call me by my more colorful moniker..." "Hook." "Hook." "Check my satchel." "As in Captain Hook?" "Ah, so you've heard of me." "(Clink) (Ogres growling)" "You better hurry up." "They're getting closer." "So unless you wanna be dinner, you better start talking." "(Chuckles)" "Cora wanted me to gain your trust so I could learn everything there is to know about your Storybrooke." "She didn't want any surprises when she finally got over there." "She can't get there." "We destroyed the wardrobe." "Ah, but the enchantment remains." "Cora gathered the ashes." "She's gonna use them to open up a portal." "(Growling grows louder, thrashing)" "Now if you'll kindly cut me loose." "No." "We should leave him here to die to pay for all the lives that he took." "That was Cora, not me." "Let's go." "Wait." "Wait!" "(Ogres continue growling)" "You need me alive." "Why?" "Because we both want the same thing... to get back to your land." "You would say anything to save yourself." "Why are we supposed to believe you now?" "I arranged for transport with Cora, but seeing how resourceful you are," "I'll offer you the same deal..." "I'll help you if you promise to take me along." "How are you going to help us get home?" "The ashes will open a portal, but to find your land, she needs more." "There's an enchanted compass." "Cora seeks it." "I'll help you obtain it before she does." "So Cora won't make it to Storybrooke, and we'll be one step closer to getting home." "Sounds too good to be true." "There's only one way to find out." "(Ogres roaring)" "You tell me one thing... and whatever you say, I better believe it... why does Captain Hook want to go to Storybrooke?" "(Screech in distance)" "To exact revenge on the man who took my hand..." "Rumplestiltskin." "(Ogres growling)" "(Horses whinnying)" "You... you gotta stop." "You're..." "you're scaring the horses." "(Whinnying continues)" "Are... are... are you hurt?" "Can I help you?" "(Horse whinnies)" "(Heart beating rhythmically)" "Let me help you." "(Grunts)" "(Horse whinnying) (Grunting)" "Regina:" "Daniel!" "Let him go!" "(Thud)" "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "Go." "Go!" "It's true." "You're really here." "(Grunts) (Grunts)" "(Latch clicks)" "It won't hold for long." "Can you cast a spell to subdue him?" "No." "I won't use magic on him." "What do you think you're doing?" "(Safety clicks)" "He's a monster, Regina!" "If you won't put him down, I will!" "David, please!" "Just let me talk to him." "It's too big of a risk." "There's no telling what he'll do." " You have to at least give me a chance!" " Out of the way, Regina!" "Now!" "No!" "I won't let you hurt him!" "He'll listen to me!" "Please!" "Let me talk to my fiance." "(Wind whistling)" "(Thunderclap)" "The heart, your majesty." "(Thunderclap)" "Thank you." "Now please, wait here." "The procedure is one I must perform alone." "(Thunderclap)" "What's he doing back there?" "Magic?" "He says he wields power greater than magic." "Really?" "(Thunderclap)" "Why won't he let us see?" "In his land, there's much we don't understand, or can't." "If he can't achieve what you seek," "Rumplestiltskin was right." "It can't be done." "(Thunder crashing)" "(Heart beating rhythmically)" "(Thunder rumbling)" "Well?" "I'm sorry." "I failed." "The heart wasn't strong enough." "It couldn't withstand the procedure." "(Crying)" "(Thunderclap)" "(Gasps)" "(Grunts)" "(Choking) Daniel." "Stop." "(Grunting)" "It's me." "(Whispers) I love you." "(Inhales deeply)" "(Gasping and coughing)" "(Whispers) Regina." "Daniel." "Oh." "(Exhales)" "(Inhales deeply) I can't believe it's really you." "Oh!" "Daniel?" "(Moaning)" "Stop." "Just stop the pain." "How?" "Just... let me go." "No." "No, I won't lose you again." "(Crying) Without you, I'm lost." "(Groans)" "Daniel." "Daniel, come back to me." "(Weakly) Can't." "Can't." "(Whispers) But I love you." "Then love again." "(Groans)" "Oh." "(Sniffles)" "(Whoosh)" "(Sobs)" "(Crying)" "Good-bye, Daniel." "Up ahead." "We'll find the compass just over the ridge." "Snow:" "Do you get the feeling he's leading us exactly where Cora wants us, that this whole thing's a trap?" "It's definitely a trap." "As long as we know they're trying to play us, we can..." "Stay one step ahead of them." "Exactly." "Let me guess." "The compass is up there?" "Oh, yeah." "Emma:" "So how do we... get to it?" "It's not the climb you need to worry about." "It's the giant at the top." "(Engine idles)" "(Birds chirping)" "Who's this?" "Ah, your replacement, of course." "I needed someone more dedicated." "Dedicated?" "(Squish)" "(Heart crackles)" "(Thud)" "(Giggles)" "Now... where were we?" "You're back." "(Whispers) I used magic." "Why don't you come in and tell me what happened?" "(Sniffles)" "(Birds chirping)" "Enough." "I need to be taken home." "Now I have work to do, and I believe our deal is done." "The deal isn't done until he says it's done." "Now, now." "Patience, please." "Our transaction is, uh, nearly complete." "And are you satisfied with the results?" "She did seem rather... heartbroken." "She is." "(Clears throat)" " She bought my failure." " You should've seen her tears." "I've seen the aftermath." "Impressive." "Now... my property." "Yeah, here it is." "You'll excuse me if I check." "(Beating rhythmically)" "(Lock clicks)" "It's been a pleasure doing business with you." "Oh, the pleasure was mine." "Thanks to your efforts, I've made my monster." "Now I do hope you'll be able to make yours." "I'm not making a monster." "Sure you're not." "Good luck." "If these hearts are as strong as you say, I won't need luck." "Oh, just magic." "No." "What I'm going to accomplish goes far beyond magic." "And yet you need a magical heart to do it." "So small-minded." "I need my powers to transcend the limitations of your magic." "This must be quite a land you hail from if you think your abilities are more powerful." "They are." "Care to wager?" "I suspect someday you'll see it my way." "I doubt it." "Now may we go?" "Careful, dearie." "Just remember, whatever it is you traffic in, it comes with a price." "(Whooshing)" "We'll see." "(Door bells jingle)" "(Door closes, bells jingle)" "When they say I charge an arm and a leg, that's meant as a figure of speech." "Put it back." "You want me to reattach your arm?" "Can you do it?" "Of course." "But first, tell me why." "Because I want to use it again." "Obviously." "I meant why bring that stable boy back from the dead?" "Why now?" "I thought... (Groans)" "I thought that if I helped her, she would return me to my world." "I want to see my brother, to try to bring him back again." "Again?" "The first time ended badly." "I need to return and try it once more." "Well, it seems that's rather beyond her abilities." "My condolences." "Now my arm." "You said you can do it." "Oh, yes." "But there's a difference between "can" and "will."" "Name your price." "Say it." "Say what?" "You know what." "You came here, not the hospital." "So say it." "(Scoffs)" "I need magic." "That's all I needed to hear." "Always a pleasure doing business with you, uh, Victor." "(Thunderclap)" "(Thunder crashing)" "Doctor." "You've returned." "Did you find what you were looking for?" "Yes." "(Thunderclap)" "Look at it." "It's remarkable, isn't it?" "The final piece to the puzzle." "I believe so." "(Thunderclap)" "Let's begin." "(Thunder crashing)" "(Clank, electricity humming)" "(Electricity crackles)" "(Thunderclap)" "(Clank)" "(Crackling)" "(Bubbling)" "(Whirring)" "(Electricity crackling)" "(Thunder crashing)" "It's alive." "You did it." "Victor, you did it." "Yes." "I believe I have." "Welcome back, brother." "(Whispers) It's magic, Dr. Frankenstein." "(Whispering) No." "Not magic." "Science." | {
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} |
"Episode Air No.: 11 Original Air Date:" "January 2, 2009 Production No.: 16" "Dooku Captured" "Written by Julie Siege Directed by Jesse Yeh" "Manhunt!" "After a long and perilous search, the Jedi finally track down Separatist leader, Count Dooku." "During a heroic attempt to capture the Count," "Anakin Skywalker has gone missing." "Having lost contact with Skywalker," "Obi-Wan Kenobi heads towards his friend's last known location, a lone Separatist frigate in the far reaches of the Outer Rim...." "Wonder." "Don't bother to get up." "You're not the prisoner I'm looking for." "Oh, it's you." "This is how you thank me for rescuing you?" "Pounce me from the ceiling?" "Kind of difficult without a lightsaber." "Thanks." "Did you manage to locate Dooku befor land in jail?" "I know he's on board." "Might be able to do something about it if I had my weapon." "It was important for you to arrive without it." "So your capture would be convincing." "Oh, he would be convinced alright." "But how can I'm the one getting caught all the time?" "It doesn't look good." "When you're a Jedi Master, you can make the plan." "That's just it." "How can I become a Jedi Master if I'm always getting caught?" "At least you're a master at getting caught." "Very funny." "Surprise, surprise." "If it isn't Count Dooku." "Obi-Wan Kenobi." "I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the Force." "I see you've freed young Skywalker." "Where might he be if you weren't always around to rescue him?" "Sir, there's a Jedi cruiser attacking." "Let's try not to blow up the ship before they get off this time." "Your ship is surrounded, Count." "Republic troops are boarding as we speak." "Jedi fools." "I should have seen that coming." "What are you doing?" "Following him." "Not that way." "We need to cut him off." "You cut him off." "I'll follow him and meet you at the hangar." "Why do I even try?" "Oh, great." "Your ship is ready, sir." "Good." "I thought you were following Dooku." "I was." "I followed him here." "Hang on." "Ahsoka, Dooku managed to escape." "We're in pursuit, but we could use reinforcements." "Follow us in what ships you can round up." "We'll get there as soon as we can." "That was easy." "Lucky for you, I'm an excellent shot." "Well, now those fighters are attacking." "I'm on it." "Uh, he's getting too close." "Lucky for you, I'm an excellent pilot." "For all your expertise, this is not a very smooth landing." "And if you'd hit that second fighter, we wouldn't be in this mess." "I've had better landings." "Dooku." "What's this, a homing beacon?" "Which means the distinguished Count is waiting for help." "So he can't be far off." "His engine is damaged." "He's not going anywhere." "Not without a homing beacon." "There." "Caves are a good start." "Strange." "You sense it too." "Many life forms in there." "And Dooku's one of them." "Let's try to get him before something else does." "What's that?" "Run!" "You won't be needing this anymore, Skywalker." "Well, well." "What do we have here?" "Who are you?" "More importantly, my friend, who are you?" "Master!" "Obi-Wan, can you hear me?" "Master!" "Anakin, when I tell you to run, run." "Master!" "You're alive." "And where's your lightsaber?" "It got knocked out of my hand." "By a rock?" "Yeah, by a rock." "It's got to be here somewhere." "That is a feeble excuse." "You know what would be helpful?" "A little light." "Certainly." "Silly thing." "It was just working a minute ago." "You don't suppose it was hit by a rock, do you?" "Oh, this should be interesting." "Your solar sailor is very beautiful." "It's a pretty rare ship, very expensive." "What are you doing all the way out here?" "I sustained some damage in an asteroid storm and had to make a landing." "Feel free to help yourself to it." "If you need transport, the nearest planet is Florrum." "It's six parsecs away." "Is it civilized?" "That depends on your definition of civilized." "But you would certainly be more comfortable there than here." "Vanqor is no place to be after dark." "Perhaps I shall take you up on your offer." "Very good." "Now all that's left to do is settle my fee." "Fee?" "Just a little something to cover my expenses." "It shouldn't be a problem for someone so obviously wealthy as yourself." "I'd be happy to compensate you for your services." "That's it, boys!" "We are heading home." "Jump in anytime!" "Oh, you're doing fine." "She seems to like you." "Yeah, lucky me!" "This isn't as much fun as it looks." "I thought Gundarks were only found on Vanqor." "Then this system must be Vanqor." "So that would make this one..." "The mother of all Gundarks." "Precisely." "Are you gonna help me?" "Well, you took your time." "It's a pity." "I was just starting to sense a connection." "Should I leave you two alone, or would you prefer to find a way out of this hole before she wakes up?" "Welcome to Florrum." "Lose your flashy sword?" "Are these what you were looking for, Jedi?" "I am more powerful than any Jedi." "Know that you are dealing with a Sith Lord." "You're still outnumbered." "The leader of the clanker army and a Sith Lord, no less." "Someone is sure to pay a pretty price for you." "Provide me with the proper means of communications." "I will arrange for any ransom to be paid." "And you will arrange for your armies to crush us as well." "You don't survive in the Outer Rim by being stupid." "If the Separatists will pay to get you back, chances are, the Republic will offer even more." "Sounds like another Gundark." "It's too far away to worry about." "It won't stay far away." "New problem." "That's not good." "It's just gas." "Yes." "Probably toxic gas." "That's good." "Maybe it'll kill your Gundark." "And maybe it will kill us." "Come on." "Let's get out of here." "This isn't gonna work." "I can't breathe." "As always, I'm open to sugges" "Come on, Obi-Wan." "Don't give up now." "What was that?" "I have no idea." "Master!" "Looks like I got here just in time." "What do you mean, just in time?" "You were in very big trouble." "Trouble?" "We were simply searching for Count Dooku." "Yeah." "We had the situation well under control, my little Padawan." "Oh, I see." "So which part of the situation did you have under control:" "the blocked entrance, the poison gas, or that Gundark behind you?" "Gundark?" "Oh, you mean the one that's too far away to worry about?" "Block the entrance." "There's still Dooku to deal with." "You let him get away?" "No, not get away exactly." "Just..." "Chime in anytime." "Oh, no." "I'm enjoying this far too much." "If you want the Sith Lord, it will cost you a million credits." "The payment will be in spice delivered in an unarmed diplomatic ship." "We will need proof he's alive before agreeing to your terms." "Let me present your fearless Sith Lord." "I'm afraid he's too embarrassed to speak." "A hologram can be faked." "You want proof?" "This is his lightsaber." "Hmm." "Yes." "Belongs to Dooku, that lightsaber does." "This scum having possession of Dooku's lightsaber proves nothing." "If you refuse, I am sure the Separatist council will be more than willing to meet my price." "We may never have a better chance to capture Count Dooku." "We would like to send two Jedi to confirm you have Count Dooku before delivering the ransom." "Send your Jedi, but they must be unarmed." "Impossible." "They will be safe." "We have no interest in getting involved in your war." "We've reestablished contact with Kenobi and Skywalker." "They're in a system close to Florrum." "And most eager to find Dooku, they are." "His only stipulation is that you arrive unarmed." "Unarmed?" "We know very little about these pirates." "We may be walking blind into what could very well be a hostile situation." "We can't let Dooku slip through our fingers again." "Report back as soon as you arrive." "Well, this should be fun." "Follow me." "Gentlemen." "Can I offer you something to drink?" "No, thank you." "Congratulations on your capture of Count Dooku." "Very impressive." "Yes, it was." "Eh, even a Sith Lord is no match for my warriors." "He put up quite a fight: blasters, cannons, that glowy thing." "You mean a lightsaber?" "That's it." "And I don't need to tell you, those things can do some damage." "Carved up some of my best men pretty good before I could get the jump on him." "And how exactly did you get the jump on him?" "With this?" "We have no interest in disagreeing with you." "All we want is to confirm you are holding Dooku, and we'll go." "I will arrange a meeting." "Look how the mighty Sith Lord has fallen." "This place suits you, Count." "It wasn't so long ago that you yourself were in similar surroundings on my ship." "Yeah, but now I'm free, and you're not." "I'm confident the situation will rectify itself soon." "Soon you'll be brought to trial by the Senate and most likely spend a very long time in a cell just like this one." "And that's if you're lucky." "Oh, my naive young Jedi." "You must be overly optimistic if you think these Weequayans plan to let you leave this planet." "They're planet-hopping thieves looking for a quick score." "They have no interest in picking a fight with Jedi." "They are devious and deceitful and, most importantly, stupid." "It's a wonder you don't get along with them, Dooku." "You have so much in common." "You underestimate them at your own peril, Kenobi." "I don't know about you, but I could use some rest." "Rember, Anakin, this could still be a trap." "You're not worried about Dooku, are you?" "No, I'm worried about these pirates." "Jedi!" "Now that your business is completed, we invite you to join us in the grand hall for a banquet." "And a true Weequay banquet is not to be missed." "No question they have Dooku." "Send the ransom." "He's being securely held?" "Yeah." "And very cranky about it." "Good." "Senator Kharrus and Representative Binks will be dispatched immediately." "Now can I persuade you to join us for a drink?" "It's a tradition, in the name of friendship." "All right, but nothing too strong." "He's flying." "Bring our guests some refreshments." "To a successful transaction." "To powerful pirates and new friends of the Republic." "Enjoy your evening, gentlemen." "I still don't get it." "Get what?" "How a bunch of drunken pirates managed to catch Dooku when we couldn't." "Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here." "I still don't get it." "It's to remind us to be humble and never too proud to accept a gift when it comes our way." "Well, to unexpected gifts, then." "Hear." "Hear." "(You can use our subtitle freely, but please don't remove our tag." "We spend hours making subtitle, so we should at least be credited for.)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I found a long, blonde hair on Simon's scarf." "You followed me?" "What did you think I was doing?" "I'm pretty sure my husband is sleeping with someone else." "I'd be nothing without her." "She's... a wonderful mother, a talented doctor and not a bad little earner!" "So in sympathy and admiration, please be upstanding for a toast to Gemma." "To Gemma!" "'Heaven has no rage 'like love to hatred turned..." "'Nor hell have a fury 'like the woman scorned.'" "There you are!" "Erm, we ought to cut the cake, really." " I thought you'd want to be there." " Of course." " Excuse us." " Yeah, sure." "I'm sorry, I..." "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well." "You've only been here half an hour." "No, I'm not drunk." "I just..." "I feel sick." "I could be sick." "I should go home." "Come on, you two!" " Yeah, yeah!" " Come on!" "Do you want to go now?" "I'm really suffering." "Is it serious?" "No, I'm sure it'll be fine." "I just..." "I just want to lie down, really." "After everything you've done?" "I'll do it myself!" "You carry on." "There's no point in spoiling it all." "I'll take Tom back so you can enjoy yourself." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, absolutely." "Hey..." "I meant every word, by the way." "What now?" "You said we could stay!" "I want to go back with Dad." "Mum!" "Mum!" "You broke the mirror." "Yeah." "This one girl there, Isobel, her mum works for Dad." "She said her parents got divorced last year and her mum cries all the time." "What?" " She was talking to me about her mum." " Why are you talking about divorce?" "I don't know." "We talked about loads of stuff." "What are you doing?" "Making a cup of tea." "Do you want something?" "Can I have a Coke?" "No." " Squash?" " Yeah, OK." "I'll bring it up." "OK, thanks." "Tom..." "Love you." "What was that noise?" "I'm just... throwing a few things away." "Isobel said that, when the divorce was happening, she thought she'd have to live with her dad in Reading." "She said it was horrible." "I don't know." "Good shopping in Reading." "I mean the divorce." "The divorce was horrible." "Tom, what's the matter?" "Where's this come from?" " Isobel." " Has Dad said anything?" "Dad?" "Is that why you were annoyed?" "Have you had an argument?" "No." "Mum, if you do get divorced, I don't want to move." "I like it here." "Tom, we're not..." "This is your home." "You'll live here as long as you like." "I promise." "OK." " Was that Dad?" " It's a bit early." "Maybe he's drunk." "Oh, don't be silly." "I've never seen you drive like that before." "I'm ill." "Can I..." "Can I come in?" "Is..." "Tom upstairs?" "I'm having a rum and Coke." "You?" "No, no, I'm fine." "Erm, is that Simon's stuff?" "How long have you known?" "What?" "Known what?" "I found his other phone in the boot." "Pictures of them together." "Your texts." "You need to be honest with me now before I really get fucked off." "How long have you known?" "Oh, God, Gemma..." "Yeah." "Did you tell him?" "I haven't said anything except I'm ill." "Answer my question." "Well, erm... .. he came in with something maybe..." " maybe four weeks ago." " Four weeks?" "I thought it might be an STI, so I asked him about sexual partners." " Today just gets better and better(!" ")" " Oh, no, it's OK." "In the end, it was fine." "It's just that, when I asked him the question, he paused and... so I guessed." "And since then," "I have been telling him every week, texting him," ""You deal with this or I will."" "Oh, I am so sorry!" " Can I give you a..." " What?" " A hug?" " No." "I don't know who you are." "Neil." "Anna." "His assistant." "You." "Who else?" "If that's who was on the phone, that's probably it." "Her parents, presumably?" " I don't know." " Why didn't you tell me?" "And don't say it's because you didn't want to take sides." " Well, technically, I'm not allowed to tell you anything." "He's my patient." " He's my husband!" "I thought it would be better if he told you himself." "He promised me he would." "How long has it been going on?" "Well, I'm not..." "I'm not sure." "No, you've asked." "He's told you." "Three months." "I'm sure it's not serious." "I mean, it's serious for you." "You warned him, yesterday, when I talked about the blonde hair." "Oh, God." "I'm so sorry." "You should be." " Gemma, please..." " No!" "Anyway, I've decided." "When Simon gets back, he'll move out." "What, forever?" "Because, I mean, it's probably just sex, isn't it?" "A midlife crisis?" "He probably knows he's made a mistake, still loves you and..." "Whose side are you on?" "I don't want to be on a side." "Wrong answer!" "Yours." "Go back to the party." "He should have a good time and really enjoy himself." " I don't think..." " Don't tell him that there's anything wrong." "I want him to come in and see those suitcases and understand in that second... exactly what he's lost." "I'd like to stay here with you." " No." " I... don't think that you should be on your own." "I think, if you want us to stay as friends, you should do exactly as you're told." "Of course." "Hi." "I loved that." "It was amazing." "The... party." "Not the piss." " Simon..." " You should be in bed." "You're ill." " I couldn't sleep." " I'm really tired." "Sorry!" "Sorry!" "Drunk." "Drunk." "Can you bring some water up, please?" "Morning." "I forgot to turn off the alarm." "It's a good job you didn't." "You need to be up." "Why?" "Right!" "Yes!" "Tour of the ground, meet the players." "Are you excited?" "Dad, were you drunk last night?" "Don't know what you're talking about, mate." "I didn't touch a drop." "How are you?" "Better." "What was it?" "What?" "You didn't feel well." "I don't know." "Just had a pain in my stomach." " You should get it checked out." " Yeah, I will, if it carries on." "Enjoy it." " Yeah, I will." " Bye!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Was I all right last night?" "Were you "all right"?" " I didn't say anything to upset you?" " You didn't have a chance." "You came in, went to the loo, then passed out." "Sorry." "Don't be." "It was your birthday." "You're supposed to have a good time." "Thanks." "Your wing mirror's off." "Yeah." "What happened to you last night?" "You hit the champagne a bit hard?" " I know what you doctors are like!" " I was ill." "But... better this morning?" "I'm..." "I'm in a hurry." "'Gem, seriously... now that you know, you can't just..." "They're going to Villa Park to see a game." "A..." "A special tour." "Tom won it in a school raffle, so..." "Gem, you need to tell him." "He's been looking forward to it." "So, update on this morning -- Locum's here." "So is Dr Barton." "Dr Mitchel's ill." "And Jack..." "Jack doesn't work here any more." " He left a message saying he was going to sue." " What for?" " He sounded drunk." " My computer's packed up." "Already?" " That has to be a record." " Morning!" " Call the man, check it's not the whole system." " It's the whole system." "God, this place is a joke." "Sorry." "Let's just start." " Doctor..." " Anwar Shamsi?" " Yeah." " Hi." " Doctor, it's urgent." " Gordon, we have to stick to appointments." "Mr Shamsi, if you'd like to come with..." " Hi." " Hi." "I'm sorry, should I...?" "Could you give me a second?" "What is she doing here?" "Is she here to confront me?" "No, I've just seen, she's on my list." "It's a normal appointment." "She booked it a couple of days ago." "Come here." "This is hard." "I'm good at keeping my head together, but today..." " Talk to Simon." " I will." "But before I do, I need the facts." "What is this relationship?" " I mean, three months, is it a fling?" " Yes." " He's never suggested it's anything..." " What about her?" "What does he see in her?" "Apart from..." "Gemma, wait!" "Stop." "What are you...?" "Kate Parks?" "If you can come with me?" " Sorry, I thought..." " I'm here to see Dr Mahendra." "Dr Mahendra has too many appointments today." "Mr Shamsi, if you can wait five minutes?" "Kate, you don't mind swapping, do you?" "It speeds things up for everyone else." "Thanks." "So, Kate, how can I help?" "Er, I've been feeling tired recently, like a cold, and it's not going away." "How long?" "Couple of weeks." "All right." "So, if you take off your top and trousers, we'll have a look." " Top and trousers?" "Why do I need...?" " To examine you." "You're in good shape." "I'm heading to the gym." "I go every morning." "I've got a trainer." "Sounds wonderful." "You should try it." "Maybe I will." "You just lie on here for me, please." "So you work at your dad's restaurant?" "Sometimes." "Just for a bit of money, but I'd rather..." "Ouch." "Does that hurt?" "No." "All right." " How about... this?" " Ow!" "Yep." " Mm." " Yep." " It's a little tender." "It's probably nothing." "But to be sure, I'm just going to get some blood samples." "Doesn't the nurse do that?" "I don't mind." "I need to ask you a few standard questions." "OK." "How much do you drink on average?" "Couple of glasses of wine." " A night?" " A week." " And do you smoke?" " No." "Ah...!" "Sexual partners?" "Sorry?" "I'm just trying to rule a few things out." "Do you have any sexual partners?" "One." "I don't tend to sleep around." " Are you having sex regularly?" " Erm..." "Not enough." " He's married." " He...?" " Right." " But unhappy." "Though it's sad, actually." "Why doesn't he just leave his wife?" "Family, I suppose." "But the wife doesn't suspect?" "Not a clue." "Hm..." "Sounds complicated." "You can put your clothes on now." "You seem fine." "I hope you don't mind all the questions, but it helps to get a picture and you seem very healthy." "Just in case, could you pop next door, pee in that and bring it back?" "Yeah." "No problem." "Excuse me." "This'll just take a minute." "We'll do the bloods, see what comes back." "It's probably just a cold." "In the meantime, take it easy and avoid doing anything strenuous or stressful." "What are the bloods for?" "Measures all sorts." "Iron, sugar..." "And that one?" "Oh, this is just a..." "What?" "What is it?" "Kate... are you having unprotected sex?" "Erm..." "No." "Have you been trying for a child?" "What are you talking about?" "Two lines means it's positive." " Sorry, are you saying I'm...?" " Yes." "You're pregnant." "I assume the father is... .. this man." "It's a lot to take in, I know." "You'll want to consider the stability of this... relationship." "Can I see Dr Mahendra?" "She is my doctor and this is a shock." "So can I see her instead?" "Please?" "I'll let you know." "OK?" " OK..." " Excuse me." "Gordon, just wait." "You're next." "Anwar Shamsi?" " Anwar?" " He just left." "Really?" "Mr Shamsi!" "Hi." "Well, I'm a solicitor with a client that needs me urgently." "Your receptionist said, if I had the first appointment of the day, I'd be straight in." "I'm so sorry." "I hope she explained, there's no guarantees." "I'm having quite a morning." "Why have you come out here?" "That's not normal." "Because men your age don't tend to see doctors when you should, and you look extremely worried, so I'm not going to let you leave until you tell me the problem." "I'm often sick first thing in the mornings." "Mm-hm." "Often?" "Yeah, every few days." "What, are we going to do this here?" "Yeah, yeah." "You drink a lot?" "Not usually." "Look forward." "Recently, I can't sleep." "I worry about things." "So, yeah..." "I have a drink." "Your eyes are a little bloodshot." "I take it you've googled your symptoms?" "Er, yeah." "And?" "Well, it says... being sick like that first thing in the mornings could be a warning of a brain tumour." "Yeah." "That's possible." "But there are many more likely explanations." "Tummy bug, virus or your late-night drinking." "So it doesn't suggest anything to do with the brain?" "Not unless there's more to say." "Are you sure you don't want to come in for a moment?" "No, if you think it's nothing, then I should go." "Thank you." "So, she's not going to keep it and she doesn't want anybody to know." " Not Simon?" " No." "She's going to find somewhere they'll do it as soon as possible." "Isn't she worried that I might tell him?" "Well, why would you?" "I mean, as far as she's concerned, you're oblivious." "But..." "Simon." "He should know she's pregnant." "What?" " Gemma..." " He'd want to know." "Do you want to make things work with him?" "Because, if she ends up with his baby, then forget it." "Her and this child are going to be in your life forever." "You don't have to tell him." "It's better for him if you don't." "Besides, according to the General Medical Council and every professional standard, you're not allowed to." "So be quiet for the next 24 hours and let it happen." "Then talk to your husband and sort out your marriage." "And this girl is a fling." "You're not." "Don't tell him." "We had to take penalties and when I took mine," "I fell over." "He was really serious." "He did this long run-up and then he just..." "Yeah, all right." "Thanks, mate." "How did you do?" "Erm, I scored." " No!" "Did you?" " Yeah, and he was a professional keeper." "Tom was really good, actually." "They said he was the best." "Oh, well done!" "I am so pleased you had a good time." "Yeah." "How was work?" "A mess." "Why?" "Just appointments, you know?" "You all right, though?" "You feeling better?" "Yeah." "Good." "You should come next time, Mum." "Watch him have another turn." "You'd find it really funny." " Dad, that missed." " Yeah, all right!" "Next weekend, we'll find a goal, we'll do penalties and settle this." "Er, can you deal with the humiliation?" " He's just like all of them." " What do you mean?" " It's what men are like." " Really?" "Yeah." "It's been proven statistically." "Men all fancy 22-year-old women." "Doesn't matter how old they are themselves or what they say, that's just who they're after, sexually." "They might happen to like their partner as well but, biologically," "22 and fertile is what it's all about." "He's just had a hot summer and messed it up." "He'll come back." "I mean, you love him, don't you?" "When it's done and she's got rid of the baby, give him hell and then let him back." "I shouldn't tell him?" "Give him a chance to..." "Tell him?" "You're sort of innocent sometimes, aren't you?" "I mean, you're not." "Clearly." "But you think the world's better than it is." "Yes." "I'll join you." "OK." "Hi." " Hi..." " What are you drinking?" " Beck's." " Beck's and a rum and Coke." "I thought when you said you had a drink in the middle of the night, you meant in your kitchen." "Why are you here?" "Well, it's Saturday night, Anwar, and, as you can see, I'm a party girl." "I couldn't sleep, either." "Why not?" "Got a lot going on." " Like what?" " At home." "Doesn't matter." "Tell me about you." "You were holding something back this morning, weren't you?" "Something you weren't saying." "I'm married." "OK." "Alesha's six months pregnant." "Congratulations." "Five years ago, I had this... dizziness." "They eventually did a scan and found a tumour, in my brain." "Couldn't operate." "Said it wasn't doing any harm at that point, but it was growing and that, one day, it would kill me." "I'm sorry." "I should've told Alesha at the time." " I just didn't want to scare her away." " She doesn't know?" "If I tell her now, she'll ask why did you make all these promises, start a family, all this time...?" "Go for another scan." "I came in because it'd be good to know if the symptoms fit." "Is this it?" "You didn't tell me your history." "What do you think now?" "I can't be sure." "Well, can you guess?" "The symptoms fit." "Talk to your wife." "Right." "There's two things." "There's the mistake and then there's the lie to cover it up," " and the mistake is a lot easier to forgive." " You reckon?" "I know." "If I tell her, that'll be it." "She'll find out eventually." "She'll see it in your notes." " Medical records are confidential." " Not the medical records." "The post mortem." "Sorry, but you married her." "You've made a promise." "Trouble at home." "Something's happened with your husband." "That's what normally sends women your age to a bar in the middle of the night, yeah?" " Yeah." " See, I do a lot of divorce and you should know that a woman might get the house, the assets, the children, but that doesn't mean that she's won." "Because, a few years later, he's with someone new, making lots of money, no real responsibility." "But she is struggling." "Kids, work, no time to move on." "We've all got problems that we can't solve." "Tell your wife the truth." "I can't." "Hey, we've got to go." "OK." "I'm this way." "Erm, how much?" "Ah, it doesn't matter." "No, go on." "7 for the cigarettes, 2.50 for the lighter." "Thank you." "You'll be all right getting back?" "Who says I'm going back?" "Be careful, yeah?" "Night." "Hey..." "Want a drink?" "Ah..." "Urgh, what's going on in there?" "Shower's broken." "No milk." "Fridge doesn't work." "Your flat's a shithole, Jack." "You're very welcome to go home." "When we first moved here, you and David had us over for dinner and looked after us." " You remember?" " Yeah." "David's missed." "As you can see." "How long were you together?" "Oh... 30 years." " Did you ever cheat?" " No." "Did he?" "There's something in your head." "Can you keep a secret?" "Don't be ridiculous, Gemma." "I'm an alcoholic." "Of course I can keep a secret." "Simon's been sleeping with another woman." "Oh, I'm sorry." "Are you two...?" "I haven't told him that I know." "Why not?" "Because I'm not that woman that gets cheated on and..." ".. finds out and has screaming rows." "And I'm not... maintenance and divorce and all that stuff." "I'm better than that." "I'm clever." "Yeah, and, er..." "I'm not a pissed widower who hasn't showered in three weeks." "I'm clever, too." "Doesn't mean a thing." "She came to the surgery today, this other woman, and I did some tests." "Turns out she's pregnant." "She's decided to have an abortion and not tell anyone." "She went to see you?" "I told her I was the only doctor available." "Be careful..." "Yeah." "I'm not entirely surprised." "In his 20s, Simon used to sleep around." "Always in the Crown." "Different girl every other week." "Simon?" "Then when he came back from London with you, we all thought he'd grown up." "No-one's ever told me that before." "Well, they wouldn't." "His dad cheated on his mum, didn't he?" "Left her." "Yeah." "My dad loved Scotch." "Sons are their fathers." "I hope not." "Three weeks, you couldn't use the sink?" "Look, while it's been lovely to be dragged home by someone who's actually more depressed than myself, maybe we should call it a night?" "Urgh!" " Click!" " What's wrong?" "Gout." "Diagnosed by me." "You don't need to see it." "I'm going to bed." "You can't live like this." "You should tell him you know." "Tell him she's pregnant." "I'm not ethically allowed to." "Tell him all of it." "Then... take your son and leave." "Start again." "It's just a fling." "It doesn't..." "It doesn't mean he won't do it again." "Look, he's lived here all his life." "You don't need to stay." "Sometimes, it's the place that's the problem." "Hm?" "I woke up this morning and you weren't there." "I came down to work." "I couldn't sleep." "I was dead to the world." "Weeks are long at the moment." "I know that's always true for you, but... .. we start the build in a week, so it's full on, you know?" "And all that running around with Tom yesterday..." "You're having an affair." "Aren't you?" "I'm convinced of it." "You're convinced?" "OK..." "There would be two things, if you were." "There would be the relationship itself." "The sex, all of that." " And then there would be the lie." " Gem..." "I..." "I think that I... could accept the relationship, eventually..." ".. if you put an end to it." "We said, when we got married, that there would probably be other people that we fancied over a lifetime." "Yep, yep." "Yes, we did say that." "So the lie would be the bigger problem." "If you'd been with someone else and you didn't just come out and tell me, then that would be the real betrayal." "Don't you think?" "And I don't want to prove it." "I don't want to catch you." "I want you to be honest." "Unprompted." "To just tell me." "To say, "Yes." "I'm sorry." "But, yes."" ""I have been seeing someone else."" "You can." "And then... .. all of the consequences, we can talk about all of it together." "But that'd be hard, but it'll be better." "For both of us." "Because... .. actually..." ".. even if you have done this..." ".. I think I still really love you." "I'm not." "Where has this come from?" "You..." "You follow me to Mum's and now this." "Why would you suddenly think...?" "It's OK." "It doesn't matter." "You've said you're not." "You're not." "You really think I could do that to you?" "It's working too hard." "Yeah." "Work." "That's it." "Excuse me." "Hey, Tom." "Sleep well?" "Cereal's there, love." "You want toast?" "Sure?" " Morning!" " Hi!" "Fancy a drive?" "It's got wing mirrors and everything!" "Leave her alone!" "My two alarms go off at 7.30 and then a woman arrives at my door, pushes in, starts packing my bag." "Informs me her name is Casey and there's a taxi waiting." "Carly." "She tells me, if I don't get in it, Gemma Foster will have me arrested." "Practising medicine while under the influence." "Plenty of evidence, if I need it." "You're going on holiday." "I can't afford a holiday." "All expenses paid." "Out and open return, but stay there a while." "Your train will be here in a minute." "I'm not going anywhere." "I found these in your flat." "Sleeping pills." " Yes." " And these to stop the vomiting." "But I didn't go through with it." "But you kept the pills, in case you changed your mind." "This is an intervention, Jack, so trust me." "Sometimes it's the place that's the problem." "You'll be met when you get there." "By whom?" "Mary." "Mary who?" "She's a friend." "What happened with the girl?" "What are they going to do?" " No." " You told him?" "He doesn't deserve to know." "A friend?" "I think you'll like her." "You're mad." "It's a bit nicer today." "Yeah." "At last." " You're all right?" " Oh, yes." "Thank you." "You didn't sleep last night." "Do I look that bad?" "When you came in last week... .. there was a change." "You kept a distance from him." "You know, don't you?" "About this other woman." "Simon swore me to secrecy." "But he told me about it." "He's acting exactly like his father." "I'm sorry." "She's pregnant." "Kate." "Her doctor told me." "She's having an abortion today." " He doesn't know?" " No." "When's it happening?" "Soon." "One o'clock." "Tell him." "Why should I?" "He's got a right to know." "'We're really close." "'All the preparation's done so, literally, a couple of weeks, that's what we're looking at to start." "How long, then, until it's finished?" "Eight months." " Right." " Tea?" "Er, no, thanks." "Biscuit, then?" "OK." "I'll, er, bring the model in one day." "You can see it." "Tom, mate, you going to tell Gran about what we did yesterday?" "Well, we went on a tour of Villa Park, it's a football ground, and it was really, really good." "We saw everything -- the pitch, the changing rooms, the museum bit at the back of the club with the history." " Can you remember when it was built?" " Yeah." " What?" " Go on, then, what year?" "1897 it was built originally, but they've replaced most of it now." " Is it big?" " Massive, yeah." "We got a tour." "Only, like, celebrities or whatever get it normally." "That was really cool, actually." "And then we went and..." "Sorry." "Hi." "Yeah, just, erm..." "Just give me a minute." "We went and met the players and had a go on one of the goals." "Dad missed." "It was really funny." "Wow." "And you won this day out?" "In a raffle, yeah." "It was second prize." "Second prize?" "Well, that's a good raffle." "Very lucky." "Dad's always on his phone." "He's very busy." "I'm really sorry." "Erm, an investor's pulled out." "I need to get on the phone to see if he'll reconsider." "The paperwork's in the office." "I need to take the car." "Can I?" "No problem." "We'll get a taxi home." "Sorry, Mum." "It's OK." " See you later, mate." " See you." "Will you take the cups out to the kitchen?" " Yeah, sure." " You know where it is, don't you?" "Down the corridor, on the right." " Yep, I know." " If you put them in the dishwasher..." "I know, I know." "Do you think it's serious?" "Well, when they make a decision on this child... .. you'll know." "But... two years, it says something." "Two years?" "Ros said it was three months." "Oh, Gemma." "No." "For two years?" "!" "I thought you knew." "You said you'd found out about it." "Oh, I'm sorry, Gemma." "Why don't you come and sit down?" "All sorted?" "Yeah, for now." "Love you." "She's not happy I told him, but she's clearly pleased he knows." " They're going to keep it?" " I think so." "It's two years." "Yeah." "He lied." "Seems that's what he does." "Jack said, when Simon was young, he had a different girl every week." "You never told me." "You were at school with him." "It didn't matter." "I thought he was committed." "But when you found out that he was cheating... .. were you surprised?" "To be honest... .. I'm surprised it took him so long." "Where are you going?" "Work." "I've got work to do." " Morning." " You told my wife everything!" "Absolutely against the code of ethics and the law." " Do you want to talk in private?" " Not acceptable." "What did she say when she called you back?" "She was upset." "Some mad woman calling her in the middle of the night." "She thought I'd been up to something at first." "But she asked me if what you'd said was true." "And I said, "Yeah."" "What did you decide?" "She's, erm..." "She's going to come with me," " to the scan." " Good." " Still worried what they're going to find, though." " Of course." "But the point is, you calling her like that was illegal." " I know." " You shouldn't do it." "Understood." "Would you like to make a formal complaint, then?" "No." "Boy or girl?" "It's a little girl." "Er..." "You said you did a lot of divorce work." "Yeah." "I do." "Why?" "I'd like to book an appointment." "Neil, could we find a moment to go over my accounts?" "Sure." "Over dinner, maybe?" "The moment I tell Gemma, I lose her." "And I lose my son." "From what he said last night, he still loves you." "And it's good to be loved, Gem." "It really is." "Go on, then." "Why are you here, Neil?" "Because, in the last five years, I've thought a lot about your body and it's got to the point that I desperately want to know what's going on underneath that dress." | {
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"As long as I can remember, I've had hemorrhoids." "And I've thought for many years, I shouldn't tell this ." "Because hemorrhoids only grow with Grandpa's ." "I thought them to be a very ungirly thing ." "Zinc ointment helps against the outer itching." "A hazelnut-sized amount on the finger with the shortest nail." "Then, rub it on the cauliflower, that proliferates down there ." "One can also introduce the ointment anal, to still the itching on the inside." "My mother has told me, that it is difficult, to keep a pussy really clean." "A pussy gets sick a lot easier than a penis." "That is why hygiene in the bathroom has the top priority." "Helen, are you ready?" "If everything is fresh again?" "Almost." "Come on" "Jump." "Trust no one." "Not even your parents." "It' s better to have a scratched knee now, than to have a broken heart later on." "With a lot of things, that were taught me," "I do not agree ." "So I subjected myself to a living pusssy hygiene self-experiment." "At a public toilet my mother pees in a floating squatting position." "I take a lot of pleasure from seating myself fully on the dirty toilet seat ." "Then, I wipe the seat clean with my pussy, in a neat circle." "The dirtier the toilet, the better." "I've done this experiment for many years, and I've never had a single mushroom ." "I have a very healthy pussy flora." "Hygiene is a lowercase word to me." "One shouldn' t wash one' s pussy too much." "My goal is that it can be smelt easily and seductively right through the pants ." "Men will then percieve this, unconsciously, because we are all animals so, who want to mate ." "Preferably with people who smell of pussy." "Are you hungry?" "The consistency of the pussy-mucus plays a major role." "It is always different." "Sometimes like olive oil, today more like cottage cheese." "Many strongly prefer cottage cheese." "You may not believe me." "But it's true." "Taste alright?" " Can I take a picture of you?" " Now?" "Yes." "Thank you." "Looks good." "As if you're dying." "My sex-souvenir candy ." "If you find dicks, sperm and other bodily fluids disgusting, it's better just to leave sex alone." "That, for sure, is not my intention ." "Cooking me something?" " Nope, I just borrowed the vegetables." "That's Toni, my brother." "As a baby he was always yapping about ." "But today he says nothing." "Well, only if you touch his teddy bear ." "Stop it now!" "Everyone needs hobbies." "For me, besides fucking, it' s growing avocado trees ." "The seeds are my own little family ." "That's mama." "She has tried every religious and spiritual thing there is." "Hallelujah!" "After the divorce she has gone for the most bizarre religion of them all." "Catholicism." "Amen !" " Hi." " Oh, hi ." "Neighbors." " Great." " I'm Corinna." " Bye, Corinna." " Helen, don't be so rude." "It 's not worth it, get to know us, you know?" "Because soon my mother will wink at the next guy." "And we move away again." " It' s not that bad." " Still is though." " Yeah, men are not that easy." " We need to be off again." "Otherwise my vegetarian roast will burn." "You can take your mom over sometimes." "Right." "We' ll invite all of her ex-lovers." "Then we have a really cozy gangbang evening." "See you soon, take care." "Bye." "Why do you emberass us like that?" "What will people think of us?" "I have no idea, what Corinna thought about us." "I just know that she will soon be my best friend ." "And that she had a knack for always picking the wrong types." "Her last boyfriend was the drummer in a heavy metal band ." "As Corinna would soon find out the drummer had a very special fondness during sex ." "I love you." "I love you too." "Can you poop on my stomach?" "What?" "Corinna did her best ." "But the worst was that thereafter everybody knew about it ." "Papa?" "Papa?" "Can I live with you?" "Your eggs are burnt." "Hey, why don' t you ring the doorbell?" "My dad." "He often hurts me a lot, without realizing it ." "To dance so uninhibited you've got to have a lot of money." "Or a big penis ." "Or both, like my father." "As a child of divorce I hope, as do almost all children of divorce, for my parents to get back together." "Why?" "Because every child loves his parents unconditionally." "Whether they deserve it or not." "Are you dreaming?" "No, I'm thinking." "Abraham!" " Here I am." " Take your son, Isaac, and take him there. as a burnt offering" " Father?" " Yes, my son?" "Here is fire and wood." "But where is the lamb, we wanted to sacrifice?" "God will choose the sacrificial lamb, my son." "What are you thinking about?" "How it' ll be when you're old." " Ah yes?" " Uh-huh." "And how would it be?" "Good or what?" "Do you feel old?" "I do not want to talk about it." " Do you understand?" " Uh-huh." "I mean you're old already, but I mean really old." "Are you afraid that I'd die soon?" "Do not be afraid." "No." "I mean, if you are old and in need of care." "And I have to wash your ass." "I'd do this at home, within the family circle." "What do you think?" "I find it... nice." "All right." "And her I'd stuff in a nursing home." "And about me?" "I'll lay you down in the same bed as mom." "Until you die." "You'd tie me to the bed with your father, until I die?" "After all this man has done to me?" "Yes." "How come you want to punish me like that?" "Punish?" "Sometimes, I just have to wait patiently, it' s in my hands ." "Since I really don't like shaving" "I always do it too fast and too hard ." "To me, the ass belongs to the domain of sex." "So it is subjected to this modern shaving-duty as well." "Perhaps not everyone knows what an anal fissure is ." "This is a small, small crack in the anus." "And you can get it easily." "For example, when shaving ." "This causes me one of the greatest pains I've ever had." "Ahhh ...!" " Hello, my sweetheart." " Hello." "Is everything okay?" "Mhm." " Are you sure?" " Uh-huh." "Did you smoke weed?" "Okay." "The swollen hemorrhoids are now pressing full force against my shaving injury, and let the fissure tear ever further ." "On the ass-injury, a bulging blister has formed, which hangs out of the anus, like the neck skin of these tropical birds, when during mating season they pump a lot of air into it." "It must look very inflamed." "All who come in say..." "Ohh!" "I'm Doctor Notz." "Ahhh!" " Oh!" " Warn me first, please!" "Damn!" "What was that?" "That was my thumb." "Do you always introduce yourself like that?" "Yes I do, imagine that." "No." "First of all, with that thick bubble in place I can't see a thing." "And secondly, it presses against the skin lesions and hurts you." "And now it no longer hurts." "That's quite a success." "So, gentlemen, what's to be done here?" "I think operate, Professor." " I didn't ask you yet." " Rocco." " I'd suggest it as well." "Surgery?" "Yes, operate." "But right away, right?" "Nils?" "Definitely." "Have you already eaten anything this morning?" " No." " Eaten nothing, drank nothing?" " No." "Out of sheer pain I have not eaten anything." "Wonderful, then we apply general anesthesia ." "Why?" "Michael." " An awkward silence." " Yes." "Which spares us the everlasting chatter." "Alright then." "We 'll see you later, looking forward to it, bye." "And whate exactly do you do in the operating room?" "In the OR we cut the inflamed tissue around the skin lesion out in a wedge-shape." " Okay." " Good." "Can you draw it for me?" "I can't imagine it.." "Uh..." "So the circle represents your behind." "The circle is my anus." "Oooaaahhh!" "You have to read these documents." "And sign at the end." "It says something about incontinence." "What does that have to do with pee?" " This is anal incontinence." " Never heard of it." "Ah, that means I can no longer close my sphincter." " And shit will just run right out of me." " Right." " You' ll need a diaper then." " Exactly." "But happens relatively rarely." "So, will you sign here?" "I can't really operate myself at home." "Right, Valerie?" "That's right." "That' s where it got me now." "Shit, man." "All the fault of a Ladyshave." "Actually I shave myself only because of Kanell ." "If I had not met him, this would not have happened ." " Are you shaven?" " What?" "Whether you've shaved." "No, why do you ask?" "Because I would like to shave you sometime." "Here is my address." "This is one of my most spontaneous dates for sures." "So I don' t get callous skin on my knees." "Want to fuck me now?" "But you are too young." "Too bad." "Get dressed." "Helen, hi." "I'm Robin, the nurse." "I've got some news for you, we' ve managed to plan your operation real soon." "So, you are operated on the anus, a very unsanitary place." "Actually, the most unhygienic of the whole body." "Just the coat, please." "You need to bare it all." " Completely naked?" " Exactly." "Problem?" " Yes." " Why?" "I think that's just awful." "They all just talk about what you look like." " Oh, these are all professionals." " Yes, of course ." "Professionals." "I can hear what they're talking about." "In my subconscious." "Then I'll go crazy, in a few years, and no one knows why." "Uh, the..." " the skirt as well." " Ah." "Yes, it does some patients like that." "Mhm." "Okay." " Excited?" " Yes." "Very good." " What are you writing about?" " A list of my hobbies." "I have to think over, what I'll sacrifice to God non-existent, so that he' ll spare me anal incontinence." "Okay." "And what do you want to offer him?" "Point 2" "Or point 3" "Drugs or hookers." " Yes, that's good." " That's a great sacrifice, I think." "Here's a sedative for you." "This makes the transition to general anesthesia soft and supple." "Here." "That hit my uvula hard." "Mine is quite sensitive." "I know that from cock sucking." "When they poke real deep, you know?" " Classic." " Yeah, or something." "Has your girlfriend got gagging problems as well?" "Uh, no, she doesn' t do oral sex that much." " Too bad." " Yeah, I thinks so as well." "What do you think so as well?" "Nothing." "We are talking about an undersupply of oral sex." "Aw." "Mhm." "How nice." "Valerie!" " Girlfriend?" " Well, we 're having a kind of relationship break." "Wow." "For how long?" "Two years." "All right." "Here." "So can I call you someone?" "Your parents?" "No." "My parents died tragically." "Really?" "Could these eyes lie?" "I think so." "Right." "Very well in fact." " Okay, come over here." " What is it?" "Where is the ball-point pen?" "You will call my parents, okay?" " Yes." " That' s dad." " Yes." "And that's mom." "They have to come at the same time." " Okay." " That is important." " Do you understand?" " I promise ." " Okay." " United at their daughters bedside." " Okay." "Look here, it's the foot." "It' s constantly kicking me." "Do you feel that?" "Not so hard." "Come on, the face doesn' t hurt that much." "Have you washed yourself?" "Show me your butt." "All right." "This afternoon, the Dutch city of Enschede." "Was shaken by a huge explosion," "The first reports of the fire at a fireworks factory were only vague, yet later it became a certainty ." "Enschede, hours after the explosion." "Clouds of smoke still rise in the sky and give a first impression of the size of the disaster..." "So now it is just as if we had kissed." "Since it had my spit on it." "Here." "It's better than plastic toys." "At the time there happened to be a cameraman for the Dutch Local TV station TV Oost at the site ." "His pictures are a cinematic document." "Of the minutes of terror that took place." "Nah, too tight for me, just go over to your mattress." "Ah!" "Come here, little one." "After Tonis birth my parents just argued." "Blow it out, sweetie, make a wish." "Please let dad back inside." "Tadaa!" "For you." "The most beautiful thing was the reconciliation after each battle." "Sometimes you had to help out a little." "Eventually they didn't want to be helped anymore, and divorced ." "And they put me in a boarding school." "But I couldn't stand it for too long ." "And luckily there were others, who sorely needed my help." "Okay, then just stick your finger inside." "And then smell it." "Do it one more time." "Hi." "Make yourself at home." "This is Michael ." "The boy Corinna is head over heels in love with." "Hi." "And Michael has other advantages ." "He pushed the best grass in town." "Do you have money?" "Watch out that he doesn' t steal anything." "I'll get money." "So, what do you do?" "I sell drugs." "Nah, I mean in your spare time." "I listen to music." "Cool." "Hm" " And..." " what do you listen to?" " Minimal." "Uh!" "Stop it." "Stop it!" "Give me my teddy!" "Right now!" "Your teddy looks completely torn." "We must bury him, Toni." "No!" "Give me my teddy!" "You have beautiful breasts." "When I bathe, I always dive right in." "Mhm." "Everything is warm then." " Hot?" " And quiet." "Somehow one feels so... sheltered or something." "Like a child." "Like a child?" "I would sure like to be real small again." "Do you?" "No." "I don' t know my way around children." "I've had me sterilized." "And what does your mother say about that?" "She doesn' t know." "It's all gone well." "How can one be so stupid, as to cut oneself in the ass?" "Well, maybe there is a loving God after all, and everyone gets the injury, he deserves." "Is it possible to see what they cut away at the surgery?" "I do not want that a part of me ends up in the trash, with appendixes and abortions." "I 'll ask around if it's ok." "Did my parents come?" "No, I could only reach their voicemail." "But I told them about the fissure and the successful OP.." "And about the hemorrhoids." "What are you listening to?" "Valerie, it's me ." "I do not know whether you'll ever hear this, but this is for you ." "Oh." "What's up?" "I've got it." "I'm impressed, nurse Robin." "Where 's my clothes?" "They're over here." "Oh." "This is the situation, mom is so afraid of." "Her absolute nightmare ." "My mom thinks the most important thing for a woman is, to have clean underwear in hospital." "But unfortunately you do not know in advance, when you get to the hospital." "Mamas 's last thoughts before her death at the scene would be:" "How many hours have I worn my underpants?" "Are there any traces yet?" "I can gladly wash it for you if you want." "No." "I can wear them one more week." "Can you call my parents?" "You have to order them here." "Tomorrow." "At five ." "It' s important." "Both of them together." "Tomorrow, five o' clock, together." "Here ." "In this room." "Yes, got it." "If you're in pain, simply ring..." "I will." "Okay." " Robin?" " Yes?" "Thank you." "Don't be frightened Light comes on." "It' s a high-fiber diet for you." "And what if I have a bowel movement?" "The wound will heal with daily bowel movements, so that everything expands nicely." "Come on." "One more." "After your bowel movement you are fired." "So eat it nicely." "Shit." "Sorry." "How can I help you, Helen?" "Do you smell something?" "Hmm... barely." " Can we speak less formal now?" " Yes, of course." "I need to ask you something." "Yes?" "Could you photograph my wound?" "My butt hole?" " Nope." " Nope?" " That... that's not allowed." " That's not allowed?" "Nope." "Well I do not know if it is allowed, but I think it's not allowed." "But noone has to know if we do this." "You only have to take your cellphone." "No, my phone is not allowed in the patients rooms for sure." "But it's not for calling someone up now is it, Robin." "You do want to photograph my ass." "Right?" " This is really good." " That's it." "I know it." "Here." "That's more hole than ass, man." "I can't be an ass-model anymore with that." "I've never been allowed to see the wounds of other patients." " Yes?" " Yes ." "Right." "Now maybe a bit more..." "Just take your hand away from there." " So?" " Yes." " Have you had a bowel movement?" " No." " Really?" " Really." "How are we feeling today?" " Crappy." " Crappy?" "Yes." "I have a picture of your masterpiece." "Uh, here." "But as far as I can see the photo has been made at close range" "Yes." "Yes." "Very close." "Well, in this routine procedure there were no complications." "Except for anal incontinence?" "You do not know that, what you're talking about." "Of course, I know that" " Anal incontinence?" " Yes." " Is the wound bleeding then?" " Nope." " You see." "So, once you have a bowel movement, You can go home." "Yes?" "And that can happen today." " Memel." "I am Helen's mom." " Ah!" "Excellent." "Glad to meet you." "We have just noticed how wonderful the operation went." " Oh, wonderful!" "I am pleased." " I beg to differ, mama." "She's a bit high-strung of course, your daughter" "It's quite normal in girls at that age." " Exactly." " Oh, really?" "Yes. don't worry." "We have befriended eachother." "Right?" "Michael?" "Yes?" "But when you need tips for bringing her up, then we will help you." "We have to deal with difficult personalities more often here." " And you were?" " Professor Dr. Notz." " I am the head doctor of this clinic." " Ah, yes." "Doctor Notz," "Her mother is perhaps a difficult personality, but not my daughter." "If I may give you a hint:" "Keep your mouth shut and do your work." "Bye." "Cede repugnanti!" "Cedendo victor abibis." "Give in to the one who defends himself." "In yielding you'll emerge victorious ." "Hm?" "Now they will all hate me here ." "Because of you." "How was the surgery?" "Was not there." "It was general anesthesia." "You're too early." "I appointed you at five." "Can you come again after work?" "My god, one can't do anything right with you." "God again." "Can you take that god up there down?" " No, I can not." " Still." "It bothers me." "Quit that nonsense, Helen." "I can do it myself as well." "No." "All right, I'll do it already!" "Careful." "Since when did you have .." "These things there on you?" "Hemorrhoids?" " Yes." " Always have." "Not true, I have bathed you as a baby." "It's been a while." "Yes." "They are hereditary." "The hemorrhoids." " Do you have them, or dad?" " You got them from your father" "I got your stuff, without which you can not even..." "Yes." "I see it." "There are seven." "That's the second." "I love soft surfaces ." "As the greasy leather of the buck in our sports hall in the past." "But you have to save these moments for when nobody notices ." "Helen!" "What are you doing?" "What is that nonsense?" "Or so soft like the glans of a penis ." "I really want, ever since I can remember, to have a child." "But in our family there is a recurring pattern:" "My great-grandmother ." "My grandma ." "My mama ." "And I." "All firstborn ." "All girls." "All weak nerves, disturbed and unhappy." "With my sterilization I have broken this cycle." "From my tummy unhappy, disturbed beings will never crawl out." "Okay!" "Thank you!" "I have brought you something from America." "The Turduck roast." "You take a quail, the quail one stuffs into a chicken, the chicken into a goose and in the end we have the turkey, which entirely covers the goose." "Okay." "Oh, it makes me feel queasy in the stomach." "At Helen's birth, the doctors had to make an episiotomy." "There was a noise just like this." "And actually... it looked exactly like this as well." "It's an organic turkey, so everyone, even the vegetarians..." "Cheers!" "You want me to applaude?" "Look, that's where they've cut." "It's all I wanted to say." "That's where they've cut in." "Ass." "Slugs." "Is this an allusion to my butt hole?" "I thought you were interested in slugs." "You asked me about them sometimes." "And now I have a whole book." "Yes." "I get tablets for the pain." "What pain?" "At my butt." "Ofourse." " What kind of tablets?" " Neoncoloured." "Do you still have an appointment?" "No." "You?" " I need to leave you alone again unfortunately." "Hospitals, those are not for me." "I feel myself quite ill." "But you can still read to me a bit." "It's summer now, everything is dry and the snail is scared... dying of heat." "I will read to you gladly." "When I pick you up." "Well, a friendly greeting to your collegues then." "Which colleagues?" "Your work colleagues." " Be well." " Uh-huh." "Good to see you." "That's good, I have to tell you something." "I love you." "I will stay with you forever, even if I do not love you." "It has to be so, when you have children." "Get well soon." "I've been thinking about your wound and about your Looseness." "I've talked it over with a buddy and he told me... that you're an exhibitionist or something." "I don' t know how he gets that idea." "Loving to show, I always say." " Yes." "Is that bad?" " Not at all, I..." "On the contrary, I would hope that more girls... be like this, ehm, who take the initiative, you know .." "Come a little closer." "Come closer." "Now close your eyes." "What?" "Close your eyes." "I 'll tell you a story." "In the street where I live, is a brothel ." "The Sauna Oasis." "Guys are always invited for their 18th birthday by their parents." "I was not invited." "So I did everything myself ." "Hi." "Any women who do it with women?" "Cynthia!" "And I pick one." "Come on." "Put it on the table." "Thank you." "Can I lick you?" "Yes." "Did you come?" "Yes." "That went pretty fast alright." "Do you know why I I picked you?" "Nope." "Copper roof, always damp in the basement." "That's what my father always said." "I will give it to her." "These are the residues that they have cut away from your anus." " Here you go." " Thank you." " Did you have a bowel movement?" " I do not think so." "And you?" "The material in the bag is highly infectious." "So deal with it accordingly, ok?" "Hygiene is paramount in the hospital." "It's at home with me, also an important issue." "You know, the sooner you dump, the sooner we are rid of you, ok?" "Do you understand me?" "When you're finished playing with your ass parts make sure they go back to the hospital waste." "You've got great eyelashes." "One can't beat natural lashes like that, right, Mrs. Memel?" "Mhm." "You must be proud of your daughter." "Hello, sweetness." " Well then, pleasure to talk to you." " Yeah." " Goodbye." " Goodbye." "An old gypsy saying goes, when one gets too many compliments for something, then perhaps it's about to break down." "Look." "Here, for you." "This is all just a dream, sweetheart." "Go back to sleep." "I'm not sure mama really did this, because I often mix up reality, lies and dreams ." "Mainly because of the many drugs, I've taken ." "Michael left his drugsbox." "And went off with the real cola." "Do we need to notice him?" "A mustache kiss." "Oh, my God." "This one is a bit longer." "Slowly." "Stop." "Hi, this is Michael." "First I, then beep, then you" "Oh man, voicemail again." "Here is your favorite Helen." "If you are looking for your Coke can, uh, we have it." "We have started to drink, the Coke already." "Bye." "Okay, he knows." "Yummy!" "Have you actually ever slept together?" "No." "He waits for the right moment ." " I see." "Um..." "Juhu!" "Hey, we were here before." "I think I am completely sober." "I'm cold ." "Fire!" "Debt was the main outcome of our adventure ." "Michael wouldn't talk to us for a week." "And to appease Michael, I baptized the rat Michael 2 ." "Unfortunately Michael 2 had left us again soon.." "In revenge, I decided kill her new husband ." "But that I would have done my mother a favor ." "What are you doing?" " I'll cover you up, you're very exposed." "Just let it go." " Does't matter what it looks like." " Then stay like that, in God's name." "Yes." "You're late." "You can leave again." "You're impossible." "I wish that once you have a daughter, she acts to you like this as well, tit for tat." "Then you're in for a long wait." "Why?" "Don't you want children?" "Can this be thrown out?" "Give it to me." "These are the parts from my ass." "Can you go now?" "Can come back tomorrow." "Just go." "And be on time tomorrow." "Valerie... we only wanted to say to you that we'd like to thank you for the last two years and the 175 night shifts, you've taken..." "Thank you ." "And all the best for your birthday and..." "Hello, Spacko." "I need a pizza." "Yes, a spinach pizza and a six pack At the Hilf..." "Maria Hilf Hospital." "Room 265 Did you write that down?" "All right." "If the pizza is cold, I'll shove it up your ass." "Corrina is such a good friend of mine, that we are always get our period at the same time." "And we made up something special about that ." "Are you ready?" "We exchanged our Tampons." "Corinna put my self made one in, with which I hope to ban the American Tampon industry ." "There it comes, okay?" "My blood sister." "My blood sister." "Say, do you actually get those things back out?" "Most of the time." "The only small disadvantage to my homemade tampons is, that they lack the small blue filament." " I can't get it out." " Okay, do not panic." "Ah." "Where was it?" "Thank you." "Where are you going?" "Hello?" "I'm talking to you." " Hi." " Hello." " Well that took forever." " Oh, you ordered pizza?" " That makes 19 euros." " So, I 'll give you 12" "Helen, shouldn't you eat high fiber food after surgery?" "The prices are not negotiable." "Can you advance me something?" "I'm broke." " What about tipping?" " Say a nice greeting to the kitchen." "Tell them a drunken monkey could bake a better pizza." " All right." " Helen Memel is the name." " Fuck you." " Wow." " Give it to me." " Mmm." " Give it to me!" " That is proper juicy." "Want some?" " No thanks, I've had some." " Do you want beer?" "You know, there simply are certain rules." " For you or for me?" " Well, for all of us." "For all." "Stop that!" "Man!" "Thank you." " Do you know my pizza story?" " Nope." " You don't?" " Nah, tell me." "That's why I'm so soggy with the delivery boy." "Mhm." "Because I want sex." "With very many different men." " At the same time." " Sounds logical." "First of all ." " This story has gone around for a long time." "Two girls order pizza." "But the pizza doesn't arrive." "And so the girls keep calling back and complain." "Sometime later, the pizza arrives." "But somehow the pizza tastes funny." "So the girls bring the pizza to one ot their fathers, coincidentially a food chemist." "Still, they all think the pizza has gone bad or so." "But the analysis tells a different story." "On the pizza... is the cum of four different men." "Well, I imagine the origin of the story like this:" "Our friends are annoyed." "And because the main characters are girls, they have rape fantasies." "Normal." "So they get their cocks out and jerk off together on the pizza ." "I would like to eat such a pizza." "That would be as if four men ejaculate directly into my mouth." "Did you ever get an opportunity like that before?" "Uh, rather rare." "Ahh... is delicious." "Good night." "Sleep." "Got my money yet?" "I've almost shit my pants, you Spacko." " Corinna and I need the money." " Corinna and you?" "Do you want to move in together or what?" "Something like that." "What 's wrong with Michael?" "What?" "Did you finally get to play on his magic flute?" "No." "Could you?" "I am pregnant." "Aha." "You know, I'm looking forward to it." "I think it's selfish of you." "But that doesn't change a thing between us." " This changes everything." "And you know it" "Do you know why you have a family like you do?" "Do you know why you have no friends?" "You stink." "I feel sorry for you." "Get out!" "In Helen's birth, because the doctors had to make an episiotomy ." "makes me feel queasy ." "It smells of gas in my room." "I smell nothing." "Maybe not." "It was just a joke." "What is this?" "I thought it was boring without you." "Do me a favor and don't take me for a fool, okay?" "No, I get this sometimes." " But I do not know why." "Good night." "Yeah, fuck you too, Robin." "What?" "Nothing." "Fuck you all." "Assholes." "Good day, daughter." "Good day, dad." "Surprise?" "A balloon?" "A red balloon." "That will make me better for sure, dad." "No idea what that is?" "A hemorrhoid cushion." "You can sit on it, with no pain." "Did you get this from the plumbing trade?" "Isn't it called the medical trade?" "Right." "Your hair is gray." "Well." "Maybe I should leave you be for now." "Start with the grieving process." "If you're gone then, everyone will wonder why I'm so well off." "Sounds reasonable." " What?" " Nothing." "Thanks for inflating it." "I've got to be back on the road." "It really is hard with your schedule." "Yes, work is waiting." "What are you by profession, dad?" "You have no idea, what do I do?" "Not exactly, no." "I am an engineer." "Should I also become an engineer?" "Yes." "But you're so bad at math" "Are you in pain?" "I discourage the use of this pillow." "It's for people with unoperated hemorrhoids, and if you sit on it, then everything breaks again." "Is the wouind bleeding?" "No." "Then everything is good." "We can dismiss you." "No, I need to stay there, I still have to have bowel movements." "This pressure on defecation, brings nothing good." "Try it in peace." "At home." "Can I still stay one day?" "No, we only see eachother if the wound is bleeding." "Well." "Never to be seen again." "I say, good-bye." "Yes?" "What are you doing?" "Holy shit!" "I moved a little weird earlier." "Out of my way, please!" "Prepare general anesthesia." "Caution!" "Man!" "Robin, you have to call my parents." " Both, okay?" " Yes." "Tell them what happened." "This is my last chance to get them here together." "They are preparing the OR for you right now." "They don't have to clean it up for me." "I don' t care too much about order." "Yes." "I know." " So, there you go." " Robin, I'm afraid." "Yes, I'm scared too." "I'm scared for you." "We need to start now, because you lost a lot of blood." "You may think that you're still aware of everything, but this is in reality only a fraction of of what is going on." "Here we have all had a bit of bad luck." "Especially you." "Everyone hoped that I'd forget." "But through her silence it has become ever greater." "Until it has swallowed me." "I have Toni tells everything." "The hardest conversation I've ever had to perform ." " The did you know?" " I always have this shit dreams." " Where is he?" " I do not know who you mean." "He gave me this thing over here." "I got it turned on, but there is nothing on it." "Only noise." "Helen?" "Are you laid off?" "I've been looking for you." "Yes, I'm just on the way home." "You're lucky that you still caught me.." "You too." "Bacause you can take me to your home." "You really have to think over whether that's okay with you." "Yes." "Yes, you still have to think, or yes, you're okay with it?" "If I live with you, surely you want to sleep with me." "Yes." "But for starters, not in the ass." "Get me out of here." | {
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"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..." "What are you doing?" "Masticating." "What?" "Don't worry, it doesn't mean what you think." "What do you think I think?" "You know..." "Okay, I know what I know." "What do you know?" "I know that you're supposed to masticate your food 20 times before you swallow." "Yeah, but what about the other thing?" "What other thing?" "The thing you thought I was thinking." "I'm sorry, Dad." "You lost me." "Morning." "It is, but I need to talk to Charlie." "Oh, Morning." "Isn't this your day off?" "Well, good luck." "He got home an hour ago, had a bowl of chili, threw up and went to bed." "He probably threw up 'cause he didn't masticate enough." "Hey, pottymouth, there's a lady present." "Berta, why don't you tell me what you need, and then you can go enjoy your day off by spreading sunshine and cheer to others." "It's about the house." "I should wait for Charlie." "I live here, too." "What's the problem?" "I'll wait." "Oh, for God's sake, pretend I'm Charlie." "Talk to me." "Hey, Charlie, I've thought it over, and if you want me to kill your brother, I'll need the cash up front." "Very amusing." "Thanks." "I've been taking an improv class." "Okay, here's the deal." "I got five brothers and sisters." "I'm the middle child, which probably explains why I'm such a people pleaser." "Anyhow, my brother Philip-- he's the second oldest-- he's in the roadside fireworks business, which is, as you might expect, seasonal." "Now, this creates a lot of economic uncertainty which has strained his marriage." "Perhaps not as much as him boinking his wife's half-sister but it's a snowball effect." "Anyway, to make a long story short..." "Too late." "Fair enough." "Berta: 1;" "Zippy: 1." "Anyway, Philip can't live at his house because, technically, it's a crime scene." "Which is why I wanted to ask Charlie..." "You, uh, you want your brother to stay here?" "Oh, don't be stupid." "He's staying at my place trying to wean himself off the meth and the codeine and whatnot." "I want to stay here for a couple of days." "That's okay." "I'll ask Charlie." "No, you don't have to ask Charlie." "You-you can ask me." "Fine." "Oh, you'd like an answer now." "That'd be swell." "Ah, ah, well, uh, uh, I-I would have to say, um... uh, after due consideration and, uh, and, uh, uh, taking into account all the, uh," "uh, factors that are-are involved that..." "It would be our pleasure to have you." "Super." "Do you mind if I take your room?" "My room?" "Gee, I-I..." "Trust me." "You want me to have a room with a private crapper." "Okay." "By all means." "Take my room." "I'll bunk with Jake." "Thanks." "What do you mean, you'll bunk with Jake?" "Is that a problem?" "Yes." "I need my privacy." "For what?" "You know..." "Two and a half men" "Episode 3x04 Your dismissive attitude toward boobs" "Never again." "Never, ever, ever again." "You gonna quit drinkin'?" "Don't be ridiculous." "I'm gonna quit waking' up." "What are you doing here?" "Isn't this your day off?" "It is, but your brother invited me to be your houseguest for a couple of days." "Did he now?" "Well, I was going to ask you, but Alan said he could speak for both of you." "Did he now?" "You got a problem with that?" "Don't be silly." "You're like family." "Yeah, well, I've seen how you treat family." "Hey, you're always welcome here." "You don't even have to ask." "Morning, Alan." "Hey, look who finally..." "Berta?" "Living here?" "Are you insane?" "She needed a place to stay for a couple of days." "What would you have said?" "I would have sat her down and explained my sincere belief that there are boundaries between employer and employee which exist specifically to protect said employer from accidentally seeing the employee prancing around in her big cotton granny-panties." "All right." "Go tell her that." "Okay, I was bluffing." "Look, look, it's just for a couple of days." "We can tough it out." "Yeah, but we wouldn't have to tough it out if you hadn't presumed to invite someone to stay at my house without my permission." "Hey, hey, I live here, too." "So do termites!" "But they don't have guest-inviting privileges either." "You're equating me with termites?" "Hell, no." "You can get get rid of termites." "You know, if I thought you meant that, I would be really hurt." "Too subtle?" "Okay, let me take another tack." "Do you know why I've never accepted any money from you to stay here?" "Well, I assumed you were being compassionate and generous during a difficult period in my life." "It's so you can be here and Jake can be here, but it remains my house, not our house." "What's the difference?" "In my house, what you think, what you want, what you say doesn't mean squat." "It's just jibber-jabber." "So... so you're saying I have no rights here?" "I thought that was understood." "I can't believe we're even talking about it." "Incredible!" "I've been living here for two years, and you still consider me a houseguest." "No." "My houseguests bring a bottle of wine and have sex with me." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I'll go get some chardonnay and assume the position." "Hey, don't be letting your mouth write checks your ass can't cash." "Pompous jerk." "I don't know how you put up with that." "You heard?" "We were whispering." "Must be one of them acoustical anomalies." "I just think it's criminal the way Charlie treats you-- like some kind of second-class citizen." "Second-class?" "I aspire to second-class." "You know what the pecking order is in this house?" "Charlie, women Charlie sleeps with," "Charlie's bookie, women Charlie hopes to sleep with, termites, me." "Well, that's just not right." "Yeah, but what am I supposed to do?" "I-I-I can't really afford my own place." "I mean, I could, but it certainly wouldn't be on the beach... unless the beach was Guadalcanal." "It's a shame, you paying all that money for an ex-wife and an ex-wife's house, and you're not allowed inside either one." "Exactly." "I'm a victim here." "Oh, yeah." "You got "victim" written all over you." "But does my brother sympathize?" "Do Catholic priests make good baby-sitters?" "Listen, you want rights and privileges, you got to demand them." "Stand up to Charlie." "Get in his face." "You know what?" "You're right." "And starting now." "Go get him, tiger." "Come here, Charlie." "I want to..." "Oh, that is so wrong." "Hey." "Hey." "You know, Charlie, you've really got a beautiful view here." "You're just noticing that?" "Well, I spend most of my days looking dirty toilets and those Rorschach tests you call bedsheets." "Oh." "Well, it's nice you're getting a chance to stop and smell the roses." "Oh, don't get me started on the smells around here." "Hey, listen, Berta, you know, you know how I feel about you, right?" "No, tell me." "Oh, gee, I could never put it into words." "Well... then show me." "Relax, I'm just screwin' with you." "Good one." "Anyway, uh..." "I believe there are certain boundaries between an employer and an employee... which is why I think it'd be best if you found..." "Oh, I agree with you about the boundaries which is why I've been keeping quiet about the things your brother says behind your back." "What does he say?" "Oh, I don't want to cause problems." "No, no, no, come on, tell me." "Let's just say that he doesn't always appreciate everything you do for him." "You know what the problem is?" "I'm a soft touch." "You do have a big heart, and there are always people out there who will take advantage of that." "You just wouldn't think it'd be your own brother." "Yeah, that's the saddest part." "But what can I do about it?" "Respect's not freely given in this life, Charlie." "You got to demand it." "You're right." "It's time for me to stand up for myself." "Good for you." "And while you're up, would you get me one of those little" "Japanese beers you keep in the refrigerator?" "Oh, sure." "Be right back." "Thanks." "I'm a baaad pussycat." "Did you know your body doesn't digest corn?" "It goes out the same way it comes in." "It's like a little bookmark in your poop." "Did they teach you that at school?" "Nope." "It's the powers of observation." "Jake, that's not dinner conversation." "You're right." "It's dinner cornversation." "See what happens when you don't hit your kids." "Hey, something smells good." "Meat loaf." "Great, I love meat loaf." "Well, you should make some." "I'll give you the recipe." "You didn't make enough for me?" "I'm not your chef." "Is that so?" "How did you cook the meat loaf?" " In the oven." " Aha." "My oven." "What's your point?" "My point?" "Oh, don't put me in the middle." "I love you both." "My point is, I'm hungry, and I want meat loaf." "Yeah, well, I'm Alan, and I want respect." "I think I got a better chance at gettin' meat loaf." "You know what, Charlie?" "I'm starting to feel like maybe Jake and I have overstayed our welcome." "No, not at all." "Jake's still welcome." "You're the one with the attitude." "My attitude?" "I-I thought my attitude didn't count for anything." "that it was just..." "jabberwocky." "Jibber-jabber, you moron." "Okay, okay, that settles it." "I think it's time we moved." "We?" "Yeah, we." "But I'm still welcome." "You'll go where I go." "Can we get a place on the beach?" "Sure, if you don't mind living under a lifeguard stand." "Hey, we managed to get by without your help before we came here, we'll do it again." "Why do you keep saying "we"?" "You know what your problem is?" "You just don't appreciate all the things I do for you." "Yeah, well, I'm tired of being treated like a second-class citizen." "Fine." "You want to leave, leave." "Maybe I will." "Way to stand up for yourself." "Thank you." "So, are we really out of meat loaf, or were you just saying that to piss him off?" "Oh, this looks interesting." ""Two-bedroom." "Needs work." "Up-and-coming neighborhood."" "What-What does that mean, uh, "Up-and-coming neighborhood?"" "It means the Realtor didn't think he could move the house saying," ""Drug-ravaged battlefield."" "Okay, we'll keep looking." "Alan, I don't mean to pry, but after alimony and child support, exactly how much can you afford to spend?" "Really?" "Yes, really." "Sweetie, my shoes cost more than this." "Well, Mom, you have a lot of shoes." "The ones I'm wearing." "Alan, based on this amount, you don't need a Realtor." "You need someone who sells camping equipment." "Yeah, well, then that's what I'll do." "All right, but may I propose a simple alternative?" "I'm not living with you, Mom." "Okay." "Well, then I have a final alternative." "And what would that be?" "Run straight to your brother's ass, and kiss it repeatedly." "Forget it." "I-I can't stay here anymore." "Hey Red, you wanna top this off for me?" "Certainly." "May I get you a short stack and some pork links while I'm at it?" "Nah, I'm full." "But as long as we're discussing dining choices, why don't you bite me?" "Oh, goodie." "More loved ones." "Good morning, Charlie." "Let me guess." "Alan invited you to move in." "No." "She's helping me move out." "This is a sad day." "We're gonna miss you around here, Alan." "Well, thank you, Berta." "Sad, sad, sad." "Don't you have anything to say, Charlie?" "Yeah." "Okay, well, enough of sentiment." "We should really get going." "Apartments in your price range are a long drive from Malibu." "I know, Mom." "A long, long drive." "Got it." "Maybe you should try to go pee-pee before we get in the car." "Would you mind looking after Jake?" "If it'll help get you out of here, I'll breast-feed him." "You know, with Zippy out of here, you're gonna have that nice guest room just going to waste." "Yeah?" "So, I was thinking, how about if I become a live-in?" "A live-in what?" "H ousekeeper." "Easier for you, easier for me." "Everybody wins." "Gee, um..." "Hold that thought." "My coffee just kicked in." "Hey, you want to go down to the arcade and play some air hockey?" "No." "Want to go to a movie?" "No." "Come on, I'll take you to some unrated." "See some boobs." "Leave me alone." "Are you mad at me?" "What was your first clue?" "Well, frankly, your dismissive attitude toward boobs." "Why are you making us move?" "You're not moving." "Well, then why is Dad looking for another place for us to live?" "Because he's trying to teach me a lesson." "Why don't you tell him to stop?" "Because I'm trying to teach him a lesson." "What's your lesson?" "That it's my house." "What's his lesson?" "That he lives here, too." "Okay, I'm just a kid, but that sounds stupid even to me." "Well, be that as it may," "I give you my word," "I am not gonna let you go anywhere." "Promise?" "Promise." "Is the boob offer still open?" "Come on." "How do you pronounce her last name?" "Hayek." "Salma Hayek." "Wow." "Her name's as pretty as her boobs." "What's all this?" "Found a place." "Fully furnished, ready to move in." "Uh, Jake, I packed most of your stuff." "You may want to check if I missed anything." "Uncle Charlie...?" "Listen to your father." " But you said..." " I said listen to your father." "I'm just a pawn." "So, where is this place?" "In the Valley." "A lovely, uh, Spanish-style complex called" "Valley Hacienda." "Good for you." "Two-bedroom." "Pool, Jacuzzi, rec room." "Sounds great." "It is, and we're going." "I can see that." "Well, it's for the best." "I'll finally have a place that's really mine, and you can go back to living the selfish, unexamined life you obviously cherish." "Looking forward to it." "OK, I guess I'm ready to go." "Well, then, uh, I guess we should go." "Need some help?" "No, we can handle it." "All right, uh, Valley Hacienda, here we come." "Jake, say good-bye to your Uncle Charlie." "Bye, Uncle Charlie." "Bye, kid." "Jake, go get in the car." "Listen to your father." "I don't think anybody's learning anything here." "Well, uh, thanks for your hospitality." "I'm sorry we overstayed our welcome." "Alan..." "I don't want to go." "Please don't make me go." "I love it here." "I love it so much!" "I thought you found a nice place." "I was bluffing." "It sucked!" "They all sucked!" "Do you want me to kiss your ass?" "'Cause I will literally kiss your ass!" "Come on." "Turn around." "Alan, cut it out." "I mean it, I mean it." "You're the boss." "You know, I'd-I'd rather be a second-class citizen here in paradise than king of a urine-soaked firetrap next to Burbank Airport." "Alan, Alan, calm down, calm down." "If you want to stay, you can stay." "Thank you, thank you, thank you." "Thank you." "Oh, Charlie, you have no idea how bad it was." "I mean, I couldn't bring a woman to one of these places." "The only way I'd ever have sex was if I was molested by a rat." "Pull yourself together." "Now go grab Jake, and we'll all have some dinner." "And-And thanks again." "You're welcome." "Hey, hey, Charlie?" "What?" "Just before I- I went down on my knees... were you about to say something?" "I don't think so." "Before I started weeping, you were gonna tell me to stay." "No, I wasn't." "You're not fooling anybody." "You'd miss me if I was gone." "Despite everything you've said, we're brothers, and we have a bond that's deeper and more meaningful than any..." "He folded, didn't he?" "My ass is covered with lip-prints." "Damn." "Well, anyway, uh," "I guess you want to head home and see how Philip's doing." "Who?" "Philip?" "Your brother?" "Detoxing?" "Oh, yeah, sure." "Philip." "My brother." "This isn't so bad." "Seems reasonably safe." "Oh, yeah." "I'm sure the Valley Hacienda crack dealers have organized some sort of neighborhood watch." "We could make this work." "I-I think it's got a lot going for it." "I'm not a big fan of the orange carpet, but part of the fun of having a new place is fixing it up, making it your own." "You know, slap on a new coat of paint..." "Of course, a little bleach to take out those bloodstains in the tub." "Or you could just run home and kiss your brother's ass repeatedly." "Couldn't you just say, "I told you so?"" "transcripts by cfsmp3 corrections by Bouliii" "Synchro by nColas" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(CANDY WRAPPER RUSTLING)" "(MUSIC STARTS PLAYING)" "NARRATOR:" "For over 70 years, miners of Durham County have come together once a year for their demonstration on Gala Day." "This was the first Durham rally since the pits were handed over to the people." "This year, one of the popular attractions was Mr Herbert Morrison, who spoke of the link of solidarity between miners and other workers." "HERBERT MORRISON:" "I want you men of the pits to come through." "I want this great scheme of nationalization to succeed triumphantly." "The whole country is watching to see how this great new organisation, this new adventure," " this new experiment comes out." " (THE STARS LOOK DOWN PLAYING)" "The great experiment of socialism in a democracy depends on you." "The whole future we are trying to build up in our country is for all our people and all our children and it depends on you." "(SINGING) Through the dark and through the hunger" "Through the night and through the fear" "Through the fight and years of hardship" "Through the storms and through the tears" "And although your feet are weary" "And although your soul is worn" "And although they'll try to break you" "And although you'll feel alone" "We will always stand together" "In the dark, right through the storm" "We will stand shoulder to shoulder" "To keep us warm" "Any news?" "Still waiting." "(SINGING) And the stars look down on the mean and hungry" "And the stars look down and show the way" "And the stars look down and we'll stand together" "To see a day" "When the stars look down and know our history" "When the stars look down upon our past" "And the stars look down and see a future bright at last" "When we'll stand as one" "Sit down." "Beneath the sun" "And though our hands... (CHEERING) ...are bruised and bleeding" "And our lungs... (SINGING) And our lungs ...are full with dust." "Are full with dust" "And our hearts..." "And our hearts ...are near to breaking." "Are near to breaking" "We will never..." "We will never ...forgo the trust." "Forgo the trust" "Thank you." "We will fight through pain and hunger" "Every arrow, every knife" "(MAN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY)" "We will never give the hope up" "Of a proud and honest life" "(BOYS SHOUTING)" "So we will always stand together" "Through the frost, the hail, the snow" "The stars are our redemption" "And so we know" "He's heard!" " We're out." "We're on strike!" " (ALL CHEERING)" "(SINGING) The stars look down when we're abandoned" "Look down in the heart of night" "And the stars look down and give us vision" "More Tory!" "To see the light" "The stars look down upon our struggle" "The stars look down and know the past" "The stars look down and see a future bright at last" "When we'll stand as one beneath the sun" "All out together" "Kevin!" "All out as one" "All out for victory" "Get home, now!" "Till we've won" "All out together" "All out as one" "All out for victory" "All out till we've won" "(MUSIC FADING)" "MICHAEL:" "Billy, do you know why they're on strike, like?" "It's to do with Maggie Thatcher, isn't it?" "Maggie Thatcher?" "Why?" "What's she done, like?" "Fucked if I know." "See you at boxing, then?" "Yeah, see you, Michael." "(SINGING) Take me up and hold me gently" "Raise me up and hold me high" "Through the nights under darkness" "Will come a day when we will fly" "And although we've been rejected" "And although we've been outcast" "We will find a new tomorrow" "When we come to rest at last" "And we will stand there proudly" "And we will never walk alone" "And we will be returned" "Back to our home" " Cush!" " Piss off, man." "And the stars look down at their reflection" "And the stars look down and there's a light" "When the stars look down they'll see the justice" "And the right" "And the stars look down and see the struggle" "And the stars look down and know the pain" "And the stars will lead to where light shines again" "Where we'll stand as one beneath the sun" "One beneath the sun" "When we'll stand as one" "All out together" "When we'll stand as one" "All out as one" "When we'll stand as one" "All out for victory" "When we'll stand as one" "Till we've won" "When we'll stand as one" "All out together" "When we'll stand as one" "All out as one" "When we'll stand as one" "All out for victory" "When we'll stand as one" "Till we've won" "When we'll stand as one" "All out together" "When we'll stand as one" "All out as one" "When we'll stand as one" "All out for victory" "All out till we've won" "(EXCLAIMING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING)" "MARGARET THATCHER: (ON RADIO) It came from a ruthless determination from a few men to create mounting chaos." "DAD:" "Billy!" "Now these few men are the wreckers in our midst." " Billy!" "Shit!" " They're not the mass of trade unionists..." "What am I gonna do with you, lad?" "...but there are a few militants who are the wreckers." "Billy!" "Get down here now before I tan your hide for you!" " (THUDS)" " Hey!" "Not on the table." "They seek to use freedom in order to destroy freedom." "DAD:" "Turn that bloody witch off, will you?" " Hey, I was listening to that." " (TURNS OFF RADIO)" "Don't you want to know what's going on in the world?" "I know what's going on in the world." "We're on bloody strike." "Billy!" " Get this off the bloody table." " Eh!" "Socialist workers, my arse." "What do you know about political agitation?" "What do you know about political aggravation?" "You're not wearing any trousers!" " Exactly!" " (AUDIENCE CHUCKING)" "You're wearing a bloody bikini!" "Billy!" "I don't know what you want to keep the pits open for, anyway." "If it was up to me, I'd close the bloody lot of them." " Billy!" " That's exactly what they're gonna do." "Where's my pasty?" "Will you forget about your bloody pasty?" "I am making you a nice cooked breakfast." "I don't want a cooked breakfast." " I'll have some, though." " Shit!" "Not your cooked breakfast." "Billy, get down here now!" "What he lacks is a mother's touch." "DAD:" "What he lacks is a kick up the arse!" "Look at the state of this!" "Howay, man." "Jackie." " GRANDMA:" "Oh, no." " (YELLING) Breakfast!" "(ALL CLAMOURING)" "Good morning, everyone." "What's good about it?" "They've purloined me bloody pasty." " Get off!" " Right, bugger off!" "The lot of you!" "You're eating me out of house and home." "Oi, the police are bussing the scabs in early." "Come on!" " Shit!" " (ALL CLAMOURING)" " Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!" " ALL:" "Out, out, out!" " Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!" " Out, out, out!" "Billy, your 50p's on the side." "(SINGING) Arthur Scargill" "We'll support you ever more!" "We'll support you ever more!" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "If I were you, Big Davy, I wouldn't eat that." "(SIGHS HEAVILY)" " Hello, Grandma." " Hello, son." "Grandma, I found this in the airing cupboard." "What the hell is that?" "It's your pasty." "(EXCLAIMING) Oh!" "Thank the Lord." "I thought they'd eaten it." "Nobody'd eat that, Grandma." "It's mank." "You lot have it too bloody easy." "I can remember the General Strike..." " Grandma!" " Hmm." "You'll make yourself ill." "Look, it's got mould on it." " (GROANS) You're driving me mental." " Oh." "Anyway, how come you can remember the General Strike, but you can't remember where you hid your pasty?" "Mmm." " Ugh!" " Grandma!" " It's absolutely disgusting." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Where are you going now?" "I've got a nice sausage roll on the landing." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(SNIFFS)" "Oi, little 'un." " What have I told you about the bottles?" " Sorry, Mum." " You're gonna be late." " Mum..." " Have you got your 50p?" " Dad gave it to us." " Have you got your trainers?" " Yeah." "No." " They'll be in your bedroom." " BILLY:" "No, they're not." " Billy!" " I'm absolutely positive they're not." " Found 'em!" " (CHUCKLING)" "You'd forget your head if it was loose." "I think Grandma must have moved 'em." "Mum?" "Mum?" "(WHISTLE BLOWING)" "Come on, get them knees up," " you lazy little buggers." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "This is a boxing club, not Butlins." "Right, drop down there and give us 20." "BOY:" "Bloody hell!" "Oh, no!" "What bloody time do you call this, for Christ's sake?" "Go on, get changed now." "Do I have to?" "Of course you bloody have to." "You haven't done any boxing yet." "But it's nearly finished." " Get changed or I'll knock your block off!" " Ow!" " Jesus!" " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Jesus!" "Jesus!" "(GRUNTS)" "Do you call them press-ups, you lazy little twat?" "I've seen more life in Maggie Thatcher's knickers." "Right, yous lot, piss off." " Oi!" " Ow!" "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm pissing off." "You're pissing me off." "You can bloody well stay where you are and fight Joe Bugner there." "I think you've knocked a tooth out." "Serves you right." "Over here now!" "Oi, Michael!" "But I need the toilet, sir." "It's not my fault I'm late." "I had to see to me Nana." "I'll see to your bleeding Nana in a minute." "Do you think I do these classes for the good of me health?" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "It's half 11:00, for Christ's sake." "Anyone would think you didn't like boxing." " I don't." " 50p." "You, bonny lad, are getting your 50p's worth whether you like it or not." "But look, everybody else is going home." " Aye." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "That's because they've done their boxing." "See you, George." "See you, sunshine." "Wanker!" " Oi, Michael, where you going now?" " (GRUNTING)" "I need the gents'." "I give up!" "GEORGE:" "Jesus Christ!" "Right!" "In this alternative universe that we have created for ourselves, you are Muhammad Ali and you are Cassius Clay." "Right." "Hit him." "Do I have to?" "Well, of course you have to hit him." "It's boxing, not flippin' macramé!" "What, man?" "Please, sir, can I have a word?" "Aye, you can have two." " Bugger and off!" " Ow!" "His dad doesn't even like him coming." "You can shut your cake hole, or else I'll clip you myself." "All right, smart aleck." "You hit him." "Ding, ding, ding!" "Seconds out." "Round one." "Come on." "Let's do a bit of boxing." "That's what we're here to do." "Howay, son!" "Put a bit of beef into it." "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" " (YELLING) Whoa!" " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Shirley Bassey, what the hell are you doing?" "I'm just trying to put him off." "Put him off?" "It's not a bloody tea dance, man." " Hit him in the head." " Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure." "Twat the little bastard!" "(GRUNTING)" "Well, get up." "Sorry, Billy." ""Sorry, Billy"?" ""Sorry, Billy."" ""Sorry, Billy"?" "(YELLING) What do mean, "Sorry, Billy"?" "He's supposed to hit you, you're supposed to hit him." " It's boxing!" " (GRUNTING)" " Jesus Christ!" " Are you all right?" "Well, of course he's all right, you stupid fat fanny." "Howay, Michael, come on." "Let's show him how it's done." "Give us a left." "And a right." " And a left." "You see..." " (EXCLAIMING)" "(GRUNTS) You little bastard!" " Sorry, George." " Piss off." " You can stay where you are." " (GRUNTS)" " But..." " No buts about it." "You're a disgrace to your father, to them gloves, and to the fine traditions" " of this boxing hall." " ...of this boxing hall." "(SCREAMING)" "(SIGHS) I'm off to the picket line." "You can stay here and practise with the punch bag by yourself." "Aye, and make sure Mrs Wilkinson" " gets these keys before you leave." " (KEYS CLANKING)" "Who?" "(KEYS DROPPING)" " (KIDS YELLING)" " GIRL:" "She's coming." "(KID YELLING)" "Chairs!" "(PIANO PLAYING)" "Oi, Rocky, bugger off." "And arms!" " (KIDS SINGING)" " Alison Summers, get that coat off!" "Full plié." "Get rid of the pie, Tracey Atkinson." "Up." "I'm telling you, Tracey, you will end up like your mother." "And second!" "Miss, the keys!" " Who the hell are you?" " Billy." "Billy Elliot." "Oh, pleased to meet you." "I'm Margot." "Margot flippin' Fonteyn." "It was a rhetorical question." "Now piss off up there." "Keeley Gibson, how many times have I got to tell you?" "But miss, my mum..." "I don't care if your mother has got cerebral palsy." "You have to bring your shoes." "(SINGING) Try to keep your arm in line" "Come on, at least pretend you're doing fine" "Don't forget the golden rule, girls." "Never hide your light under a bushel." "No matter how big the bushel, Tracey Atkinson." "You can wow them every time" "Even you, Susan Parkes!" "All you have to do is shine" "Jetés!" "That's it, girls, so our tawdry little lives can be transformed by the power of art." "Forget about content" "Oi, you!" "Focus on style" "Steal an inch on 'em" "And they'll give you a mile" "Chair!" "Everybody ready for the big number." "And smile, smile, smile, smile!" "Right." "We've only got another seven and a half months to rehearse this." "So, for Christ's sake, concentrate!" "It doesn't matter if you're large or small" "Trapezoid, short or tall" "Even if you can't dance at all" "All you really have to do is shine" "It doesn't matter if your life's a mess" "The whole process will coalesce" "Girls, just try to effervesce" "All you really have to do is shine" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle" "Turn on the old pizzazz" "BILLY:" "Miss, the keys!" "There won't be time to shilly shally" "Give it backbone, give it welly Bowl 'em over, knock 'em out" "Show what life is all about" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle and shine" "Oi, you, join in or bugger off!" "It doesn't matter if you're unemployed" "Only partially humanoid" "An octopoid whose mind's a void" "All you really have to do is shine" "Come on, Debbie, it's your big moment!" "It doesn't matter if you're special needs" "Maimed or lame, or born in Leeds" "They love to see a heart that bleeds" "(SCREAMING)" "All you really have to do is shine" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle" "Turn on the old pizzazz" "There won't be time to shilly shally" "Give it backbone, give it welly Bowl 'em over, knock 'em out" "Show 'em what life is all about" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle" "And shine!" "Oi." "Where the bloody hell do you think you're going?" "I'm going home." "Oh, no, you're not." "You haven't done any dancing yet." "What do you mean, dancing?" "You wanna stay." "Be in the show." "Oh, no." "It's gonna be rubbish." "I couldn't give a monkey's cuss" "I couldn't give a fig" "Come on, son, get over it" "It's all part of the gig" "Smoke, Mr Braithwaite, please." "That's it, girls, hide behind those fans." "No faces now, just tiny smurfs!" "Give 'em the old rinkle tinkle" "Out, in!" "Show 'em the old kabam" "Line!" "Knock 'em sideways Blow their minds out" "There's no time for half-arsed frolics" "Grab the buggers by the bollocks" "Show 'em what class is all about" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle" "And shine" "Lights!" "It doesn't matter if you're short or squat" "Cerebrally challenged, completely shot" "You might have it or might not" "All you really have to do is" "All you really have to do is" "Shine" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle" "And shine" "Give 'em the old razzle dazzle" "And shine" "And shine" "And shine" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "50p's." "Oi, you owe me 50p." " No, I don't." " Yes, you do." " What for?" " Your lesson." "You don't think I do this for the good of me health, do you?" "What you on about?" "That wasn't a lesson." "Of course it was a bloody lesson." "It nearly killed me." " Margaret Gormley!" " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Admittedly, your fan work wasn't so hot, but you have quite a nice turnout." " A what?" " 50p, stop pissing about." "I haven't got 50p." "I spent it on boxing." "Well, you can bring it next week." "What do you mean "next week"?" "Well, you're coming back, aren't you?" "You've got to be joking." "To this crap?" "Please your Bessie!" "Debbie, bring me stuff." "So what do you reckon?" " You look like a right dickhead to me." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "(DOOR OPENING)" "BILLY:" "Grandma!" "What are you doing?" "I know it's here somewhere." "You've hidden it." "Grandma." "That's me private stuff!" " What's that?" " Nothing." "It's private." "Mum left it for me." "Where's she gone?" "She's dead, Grandma." "You were at the funeral." "Was I?" "'Course you were." "She was buried next to Granddad." "Not him and all." "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Christ, Billy, they're dropping like flies." "For Christ's sake." " I've got you a pasty." " Really?" " From the Co-op." " (EXCLAIMING EXCITEDLY)" "Just don't tell Dad I was late or anything." "(SCOFFING)" "Go on, then." "Oh, come off it." "Do you really not remember about Granddad?" "Of course I do." "How could I forget your Granddad, Billy?" "We were married 33 years." "So what was he like, like?" "He was a complete bastard." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" " (MUSIC PLAYING) - (MEN TALKING INDISTINCTLY)" "(SINGING) I hated the sod" "For 33 years" "We should never have married" "Of that I'm quite clear" "He spent the housekeeping money" "On whisky and beer" "And never lifted a finger" "Times were hard" "But the swine rolled back pissed" "So we'd fight and he'd swing" "And he rarely missed" "So I clobbered the sod" "When he couldn't resist" "Asleep, you can't lift a finger" "But we'd go dancing" "And he'd hold me tight" "He was air, he was water He was breath, he was light" "And he would hold me there with all his might" "And it was bliss for an hour or so" "But then they called time to go" "And in the morning" "We were sober" "(INHALES DEEPLY)" "Oh!" "He'd drink and he'd talk" "Just like a fool" "Lie like a bairn and snore like a mule" "Rarely was sober, pretty much was the rule" "And he never lifted a finger" "I suppose times were hard" "Things were different then" "Women were women and men, they were men" "Seventeen, that was it, your life ended" "When you had a ring around your finger" "But we'd go dancing" "He was my own Brando" "And for a moment there My heart was aglow" "We had dust in our hair and nowhere to go" "But we were free for an hour or three" "From the people we had to be" "And in the morning" "We were sober" "But if I went through my time again" "Oh, I'd do it without the help of men" "Or at least your Granddad" "But then again, you know" "Best not to linger" "What is the use of dreaming now?" "I had my chance, well, anyhow" "If I'd only known then what I know now" "I'd have given them all the finger" "And gone dancing" "And not give a shit" "Spin around and reel and love every bit" "And I'd dance alone and enjoy it" "And I'd be me for an entire life" "Instead of somebody's wife" "And I never" "Would be sober" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "And I never" "Would be sober" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING AND CHEERING)" "(DRUMS PLAYING)" "(KIDS CLAMOURING)" "What are yous doing here?" "Keeping the peace." "What for, like?" "There's nothing going on." "Well, we're doing a good job then, aren't we?" "Now sod off." "(KIDS CLAMOURING)" " So are you going to go back then?" " What, to ballet?" " Plenty of lads do ballet." " Aye, puffs." " Not necessarily." " Who, like?" "What about Wayne Sleep?" "He's not a puff." "(SOLDIERS LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Anyway, I don't know why you bother going." "You're crap at it." "No, I'm not." "Anyway, I don't have much choice, do I?" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Oi, Debbie, get a move on." "How do you put up with her?" "Oi!" "How would you like it if I slagged off your mum?" " Me mum's dead." " Oh." " See you then." " (MUSIC STARTS PLAYING)" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Everybody, positions, please." "Girls to the front." "And five, six, seven, eight, turn!" "And rocking the baby, stretch." "Pie, Tracey Atkinson." "Debbie, you're late, girl." "And washing those windows, five, six, seven, eight." " Hello." " BILLY:" "Hello." " Shoes." " I haven't got any." "Well, you have now." "Put them on." "As two groups." "I can't wear them." "I'll look like a right sissy." "Well, you should have thought about that before you came in." " 50p." " What?" "50p." "Again, six, seven, eight." "Arms, Susan Parkes." " What about last week?" " Rip-off!" "Crossing!" "Well, you joining in or what?" "Debbie, count, girl, count for Christ's sake." "Oi, Billy Elliot!" "And airing the sheets." "And hang them on the other line." " What am I supposed to do?" " Get down for starters!" " I just gave you 50p." " Travel back." "That's lovely." " What do I do?" " Follow the others." "And marching forward to socialism, and..." "I don't know what I'm doing." "MRS WILKINSON:" "Arms, Sharon Percy." "Miss, I don't know what to do." "Floor-Barre." "BILLY:" "What barre?" "(WHISTLING)" " Plié." "Tendu second." " (MEN CLAMOURING)" "Plié." "Tendu close." "Développé devant." "Left leg." "(SINGING) Oi, Geordie, wanna see something you've never seen before?" "Right leg." "And that's just off the overtime Wanna see some more?" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Left leg." "You think you're smart, you cockney shite You wanna be suspicious" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Two lines." "When you were on the picket line" "We went and fucked your missus" " All of us at once." " All of us at once." "Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "All for one and one for all Solidarity forever" "Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "All for one and one for all Solidarity forever" "(MRS WILKINSON WHISTLING)" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Girls to the centre." "Right, here's the lesson you've all been gagging for." "Pirouettes, God help us." "Right." "I want you all to find a spot on that wall." "That'll be this wall, Susan Parkes." "And I want you to focus on that spot." "Do not take your eyes off that spot." "Right, then you turn your bodies around and your head follows, but your head is the last thing to leave and the first thing to come back, understand?" " Yes, miss." " Yes, miss." "Everybody in the centre." "Thank you, Mr Braithwaite." "And here we go," " and one, two, three, Billy..." " (KIDS SCREAMING) ...five, six, seven, eight." "And for God's sake, spin 'em, Mr Braithwaite, spin 'em!" "BRAITHWAITE:" "I'm spinning them, Mrs Wilkinson, I'm spinning them." "(KIDS CHUCKLING)" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Absolutely bloody hopeless, the lot of you." "And you're the worst of the bleeding lot, Billy Elliot." "Okay, forget it, forget it." "Everybody in the corner." "We'll do some chaînés." "And five, six, seven, eight." "Go, go, go." "Beautiful arms, Susan Parkes." "Lovely, much better, Alison Summers." "(GASPING) Gold star, Keeley Gibson." "Try not to kill yourself, Tracey Atkinson." "Oi, Rudolf Nureyev, over here." " Okay." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Class dismissed." " (MUSIC PLAYING) - (MEN CLAMOURING)" "(SINGING) Keep it up till Christmas, lads It means a lot to us" "We send our kids to private school on a private bus" "We've got a lot to thank you for Geordie, you're a corker" "A nice extension on the house and a fortnight in Majorca" "Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "Don't worry, lads, we're on your side Solidarity forever" "Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "We're proud to be working class Solidarity forever" "You're late." "Look, Jackie, I wanted to have a word." "If things are a bit difficult for you, we could sort something out." "DAD:" "What do you mean?" "I mean, if things are a bit tight with the 50p's." "50p's?" "Yes, man, your Billy's not been to boxing for over four weeks now." "What do you mean he hasn't been goin' to boxing?" "If he hasn't been goin' to boxing, where the bloody hell has he been going?" "(SINGING) Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "We're proud to be working class Solidarity forever" "(KIDS SCREAMING)" "(ALL YELLING INDISTINCTLY)" "(MRS WILKINSON WHISTLING)" " MRS WILKINSON:" "Quiet in my lesson." " DAD:" "Oi!" "Where've you been going Saturday mornings?" "Boxing, where'd you think?" " Dad." "Dad, home." " Boxing?" " Tony's waiting." " I'll see you later, young 'un." "Okay, girls, forget about what's going on outside." "Just concentrate." " Do some soubresauts." " GIRLS:" "Yes!" "And five, six, seven, eight." "Shoulders down, pointed feet." "Pretty arms, Sharon." "That's both arms, Keely Gibson." "Feet in fifth, tendu second, thank you, Debbie, plié fifth, retiré." "And five, six, seven, eight." "(SINGING) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight" " You're crap at that." " No, I'm not." "MRS WILKINSON:" "Lovely legs, Tina." "Arms, Debbie." "Arms!" "Temps levé!" "Susan Parkes, you look like a spastic starfish." "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" " BILLY:" "You're crap at that." " Oh, piss off, man, will you?" "Oi!" "Attitude." "Promenade." "Prepare and..." "What's the time?" "No, on the wall." "Pick up the biscuit." "Much better, Sharon." "Arms up, Billy." "Debbie, get your bum in, for Christ's sake." "Other way round, Susan Parkes." "(CHUCKLES)" "Lovely little fairies on top of your music boxes." "Elbow." "Wrist." "Tummy." "Chin." "Please, Mum, can we have a go?" "Right." "Baskets of pansies, ladies." "Yes, thank you, Mr Braithwaite." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And five, six, seven, eight." "(MUSIC PLAYING)" "(SINGING) You fucking worms, you fucking moles" "You fucking Geordie shits" "We're here to kick your Geordie arse You little Geordie gits" "We're terrified, we're petrified Those words are so obscene" "We'll boot your fuckin cockney skulls right back to Bethnal Green" "Ha!" " And one." " Two, three." " And two." " Two, three." " And three." " Two, three." " And four." " Two, three." " And five." " Two, three." " And six." " Two, three." "And smile, smile, smile, smile." "(SINGING) Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "We're proud to be working class Solidarity forever" "Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "We're proud to be working class Solidarity forever" "Billy, spot!" "Come on, lads, get at them Really get stuck in" "It's not a bleeding tea dance Do the fuckers in" "(WHOOPING)" " Solidarity, solidarity" " Shine" " Solidarity forever" " Just shine" " We're proud to be working class" " Shine" " Solidarity forever" " Just shine" " Solidarity, solidarity" " All you have to do" " Solidarity forever" " Is shine" " We're proud to be working class" " All you have to do" " Solidarity forever" " Is shine" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Prepare for pirouette." "ALL:" "Hit it!" " Solidarity, solidarity" " One, two, three, four" " Solidarity forever" " Five, six, seven, eight" " We're proud to be working class" " One, two, three, four" " Solidarity forever" " Five, six, seven, eight" "Ever, ever, ever, ever" " Ever, ever, ever, ever" " Forever, forever, forever, forever" " Ever, ever, ever, ever" " Forever, forever" " Ever, ever, ever, ever" " Forever, forever" " Forever, forever" " For ever and ever and ever and ever" " Forever, forever" " And ever and ever and ever and ever" " Forever, forever" " For ever and ever and ever and ever" " Forever, forever" " And ever and ever and ever and ever" "Forever and ever" "And ever!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "What the bloody hell's going on here?" "MRS WILKINSON:" "Can I help you?" "What the hell do you think you're playing at, son?" " BILLY:" "Naught." " Naught?" "I thought you were at boxing." "You're here messing about with lasses in tights." " Excuse me!" "I'm trying to teach a class!" " Shut it!" "But it's healthy, man, Dad." "It's just like sport." " Ballet?" " It's not just puffs that do ballet, you know." "Look at that Wayne Sleep." "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Wayne Sleep?" "Wayne Sleep!" "He's as bent as a nine-bob note, son." "I am busting my bollocks trying to find you 50p's and you were running around in here like a fruit!" "Mr Elliot, I've never heard anything so bigoted and ridiculous in my life." "Don't you call me bigoted, you ignorant cow." " But I like it, Dad." " Right, that's it." "No more bloody boxing, no more bloody ballet." "From now on, you're stopping at home to look after your nana." "Listen, if anyone's going to do the ordering around in here, it's gonna be me." "You listen to me!" "This is my son, so don't you dare tell me what to do." "This is ridiculous." "You're supposed to be encouraging us to do things." "Well, I don't see why he shouldn't do ballet." "TRACEY:" "Fred Warmsley used to do it." "Yeah, but he was crap." "Well, I don't give a fuck about Fred Warmsley or any of you." "You are banned." "Full stop." "I hate you." "You're a bastard!" " Oh, shit!" " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Well, that was a very mature and intelligent way to handle the situation." "Don't you ever come near our Billy again!" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Oh, Jesus Christ!" "Okay." "Class dismissed." "(TOILET FLUSHING)" "BILLY:" "What did you have to do that for?" "Now I'm banned!" "I don't want to come to your stupid ballet anyway." "I'm not even any good at it." " Bullshit, Billy Elliot." " No, it's not." "It's absolute bullshit and you know it." "Billy, I know this might sound a bit weird, but I've been thinking about the Royal Ballet School." "The Royal what?" "The Royal Ballet School." "Aren't you a bit old, miss?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Not for me, you stupid idiot." "For you." "They have regional auditions soon in Newcastle." "But what about my dad?" "It'd take a lot of work, but I thought if you had some proper lessons with me on your own, you might have a chance of getting in." "But I've only just learned to pirouette!" "They're not looking for something fully formed that's leapt from the brow of Zeus." "They're looking for potential, Billy." "They teach you the ballet." "But I'm banned, miss." " For Christ's sake." " Shit!" "You can't come in here." "Just come after school." "Nobody else need know." "You don't fancy us, do you, miss?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "No, funnily enough, I don't." "I don't think I've got time." "I mean, when would I play out and that?" "Look, Billy, if you want to stick round here and piss about with your little mates, that's fine with me." "Look." "I'll be here on Monday night." "Just bring some things with you and we'll make up a special dance for the audition." " What sort of things?" " Things that mean something to you." "Things that tell me something about who you are." "See you Monday, then?" "Well, sod you, then." "See if I care." "Michael!" "Michael!" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Fucking hell!" "What?" "You're wearing a dress." "I know." "Is it yours?" "Course it's not mine, you stupid idiot." "It's my sister's." "(GASPS) Do you want a go?" "No." "Look, I need to talk to you." "Are you sure?" "You can borrow one of my mum's." " What you doing?" " I'm just trying it on you." "Oh!" "That's mank." "Won't we get wrong?" ""Will we..." Bollocks." "My dad does it all the time." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Hold it." "Michael!" "That's me!" "You know that week after I had to stay behind at boxing?" "Oi!" "When I had to give that wife the key?" "Howay." "I did some ballet." " You did ballet?" " Just a few steps and that." "It's fucking weird, if you ask me." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(GASPS) Bingo!" "Cush!" " What?" " Separates." "Trackies off." "The wife says I'm good at it." "She's asked us to do an audition for the Royal Ballet." "The Royal what?" "The Royal Ballet School." "Do you get to wear a tutu?" "Don't be daft." "That's only for the lasses." "I wear me shorts." " Smile." " What are you doin'?" "One for the album." "BILLY:" "Ugh." "Here, put this on." "Arms!" "So do you think I should go back and do the audition?" "I wouldn't if I were you." "People'll think you're mental." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But you dress up in women's clothing." " That's different." " Is it?" "'Course it is." "Time for a look in the mirror." " Go on, then." " Yes!" "And the finishing touch!" "Oh, for crying out loud!" "See, man, there's naught wrong with dressing up in women's clothing." "(MUSIC PLAYING)" "(SINGING) Is it sinful if you're blue" "To cheer up the place?" "Ah!" "What is wrong with dressing up in satin and lace?" "Oh, no!" "Get some earrings, some mascara" "Heels and a fan" "(CLICKS TONGUE)" "Pretty soon you will start to feel" "A different man" "Olé, baby!" "What the hell's wrong with expressing yourself?" "(EXCLAIMS)" "Being who you want to be?" "Howay, join in." "Will anybody die if you put on a dress?" "Who the hell cares if your blusher's a mess?" "Start a new fashion Buck all the trends" "Emphasise integrity" "Shake them shoulders, Billy." "Shut up, you puff." "'Cause what the hell is wrong with expressing yourself?" "For wanting to be me?" "(SCATTING)" "What the hell's wrong with wearing a dress?" "(BOTH WHOOP)" "Being who you want to be?" "Who the hell is it you try to impress?" "All you have to do is learn to care less" "Start a new fashion Buck all the trends" "Billy, sing something to me." "Whoo!" "'Cause what the hell is wrong with expressing yourself?" "For trying to be free" "Sing it, sister!" "If you wanna be a dancer, dance" "If you wanna be a miner, mine" "If you want to dress like somebody else" "Fine, fine" "Let's get these dresses dancing'!" "It's not a big statement It's not a weird act" "Just a good idea at the time" "We'll not complain about your boring life" "If you'll just leave me to mine" "If you wanna be a dancer, dance" "(EXCLAIMING)" "If you wanna be a miner, mine" "Shoes!" " I'm gonna beat you, Michael." " No, you're not." "Yes, I am." " One shoe." " That's one shoe!" " Oh, no, two shoes." "Michael wins!" " You cheat!" "Come on!" "Loser!" "BOTH:" "Push!" "Follow me!" "Arms!" " Keep up, Billy!" " I'm trying, Michael!" "Shimmy shake!" "We gotta do something better than that." "Oh, like what?" " Like this!" "Six, seven, eight!" " Whoa!" "Show time!" "Smile!" " So what do you think, dancin' boy?" " Not bad." "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" "BOTH:" "One, two, three, four." "Here they come!" "BILLY:" "What's that?" "MICHAEL:" "Me dresses!" "(BLOWING KISSES)" "Come on, Nana." "BILLY:" "Trousers?" "Women's clothing only!" "Scene change!" "(WHISTLE BLOWS)" "From the top!" "(EXCLAIMS)" "Oh, yeah." "Whoo-hoo!" "(BOTH EXCLAIMING)" "Five, six, seven, eight!" "(SINGING) Everyone is different It's the natural state" "It's a fact, it's plain to see" "The world's grey enough without making it worse" "What we need is individuality" "Go on, then!" "(SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY)" "Finish!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING WILDLY)" "(AUDIENCE WHISTLING)" "(CHEERING LOUDLY)" " (THUD) - (GLASS SHATTERING)" "(SIREN WAILING)" "What are you doing with that?" "Naught." "Well, put that back where it belongs." " This has got nothing to do with you." " Hasn't it?" "You're going nowhere with that." "Don't you tell me what to do." "Just put it back, son." "Look, this isn't Camberwick fuckin' Green, Dad, man." "If you want to go down there and get the shit kicked out of you, that's up to you." "Oh, Che Guevara. (SCOFFS)" "Don't be so bloody stupid, man." "There are 2,000 police on the doorstep." "Argh!" "Did you see what they done to Harry Robson?" "They broke both his bloody legs, man." "Yeah, so the last thing we need is you in hospital as well." "Please, just put it back." "Put it back." "Make us." "I said, put it back." "What are you going to do about it, like?" "Hit us?" "Come on, then." "Come on!" "No." "You've been a complete waste of space since me mum died." " Useless piece of shit!" " (GRUNTS)" " Stop it!" " (GROANS)" "Stop it, please." " What the bloody hell are you looking at?" " (SCREAMING)" "(CONTINUES SCREAMING)" "Oh, hello." "I thought you weren't going to show." "I had to wait until me dad went out." "Well, better late than never." "Come on, best get started." "Have you brought your special things for the dance?" "Well, I've brought a few bits of stuff and that, but I didn't really know what you meant." "Well, let's see, then." "Rubik's Cube." " TV theme tunes?" " Yeah." "Mmm!" "Baked beans." " What's that?" " It's a packet of soup, miss." "What the bloody hell's that for?" "I don't know." "Billy, I asked you to bring things that mean something to you." "I know." "Well, how the hell am I going to make up a dance about baked beans and a cup-a-soup?" "Oh, I don't know." "At the risk of being totally boring, dancing is as much about you discovering things about yourself as it is about discovering about dancing." "Do you understand?" "What?" "Look, it's not just about the steps." "It's all about you." "Why does it have to be about me for?" "Jesus Christ." "'Cause I say so." "What's this?" "It's a letter." "I can see it's a letter." "(GASPS)" "You can open it if you want." "Thank God for that." "The suspense was killing me." "It's from me mum." "Your mum?" "She wrote it for us for when I was 18, but I opened it a few years early." "I see." "You can read it if you like." "Read it out." ""Dear Billy, I must seem a distant memory..." ""Which is..."" ""...which is probably a good thing." ""And it will have been a long..."" ""Long time." "(SINGING) "And I will have missed you growing" ""And I'll have missed you crying" ""And I'll have missed you laugh" ""Missed your stomping and your shouting" ""I'll have missed telling you off" ""But please, Billy" ""Know that I was always there" ""I was with you through everything" ""And please, Billy..."" "(BILLY BREATHING HEAVILY)" "(SINGING) "Know that I will always be" ""Proud to have known you" ""Proud that you were mine" ""Proud in everything" ""And you must promise me this, Billy" " "In everything you do..."" " In everything you do..." "Always be yourself, Billy" "And you always will be true" "Don't go." "And I'll have missed you growing" "And I'll have missed you crying" "And I'll have missed you laugh" " Missed your stomping and your shouting - "Missed your stomping and your shouting" " I'll have missed telling you off - "I'll have missed telling you off" " But please, Billy - "But please, Billy" " Know that I was always there - "Know that I was always there" " I was with you through everything - "I was with you through everything" " And please, Billy - "And please, Billy" " Know that I will always be - "Know that I will always be" " Proud to have known you - "Proud to have known you"" "Love you forever" "Love you forever" "MRS WILKINSON: "Mum."" "(SNIFFLES)" "She must have been a very special woman." "No." "She was just me mum." "Right." "Oh, Mr Braithwaite!" "I thought you'd abandoned us." "I just got a little detained at the Rose and Crown." "What's he doing here?" "Well, you're going to need something to dance to, aren't you, you little wanker?" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "You see, there are two main theories about dance." "One is that it's basically technical, something you learn from the outside and then repeat." "Or it's a very personal expression that you realise from within." "What's she on about?" "Well, basically, it was all down to Diaghilev, who ran the Ballets Russes, who wanted to revolutionise what had become a purely decorative medium and reconnect it with dance's chthonic roots as a primordial means of expression." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Eh?" "MRS WILKINSON:" "He did a BTEC at Sunderland Poly." "(BLOWS RASPBERRY)" "What Mr Braithwaite means is that you have to release your inner caveman, and everything else will just flow naturally." "Hit it, Mr Braithwaite!" "(PIANO PLAYING)" "(SINGING) We weren't born to stand still" "Ain't a question of will" "What are you doing?" "Miss!" "Gotta move, it's a fact" "We were born to react" "We weren't made to behave" "Like we will in the grave" " Join in!" " (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING)" "When the music is played" "Oh, the soul will be swayed" "And your feet, they will move" "As if only to prove" "Whoo!" "That it wasn't by chance" "We were destined to dance" "(GRUNTS)" "We were born to boogie" "Yeah!" "We were born to boogie" "It ain't a puzzle" "'Cause we're blood and muscle" "From the Day of Creation" "We were the dance sensation" "Right!" "Let's have some proper dancing!" "Oh, your feet and your hands" "BILLY:" "Whoa!" "Oh, your toes and your glands" "Your eyes and your skin" "Well, your face and your chin" "Oh, your brawn and your brains" " Come on!" " (AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Your balls and your chains" "We were born to boogie" "We were born to boogie" "It ain't a puzzle" "'Cause we're blood and muscle" "From the Day of Creation" "We were the dance sensation" "We were born to boogie" "We're all born to" "Gee, my bum." "My bum." "Let's start at elementary level." "Five, six...eight." " Long leg." " One." " Stretch." " Two." " Point." "Flex." " Three." " In front, behind." " Four." " Eyes front." " Five." " And in and in and over." " Six." " Face the barre." "Oi, shift." " Seven." " Retiré." " Eight." " Turn out." " Nine." " Shoulders down." "Chin up." " Ten." " Rise, balance." " Eleven." " That's it, Billy." " Twelve." "Chassé turn." "Intermediate level." " Use the floor." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Strong arm, Billy." "Around, again, and in and in, and chair." " Oh, miss, I can't do it." " Yes, you can." "Push down." "Miss, I can't do it!" "Yes, you can!" "Push down, Billy." "Balance." "All right, let's have it!" " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" " MRS WILKINSON:" "Next level." "That's it, Billy!" "BRAITHWAITE:" "Oh, shit!" "Right." "Let's go, Baryshnikov." "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Try this." "BRAITHWAITE:" "Watch me, Billy!" "Shoes!" "Sweat, Mr Braithwaite." "Easy." "Not bad for a big fella." "I'm concentrating!" " Faster!" " Faster!" "Oh, Jesus!" "(WHOOPING)" "BRAITHWAITE:" "Cheeky monkey!" "Go, miss." "I'm doing it, you cheeky monkey!" " Boogie!" " Boogie!" "(SINGING) We were born to boogie" "We were born to boogie" "We were born to boogie" "We're all born to" "Boogie" "(VOCALISING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING WILDLY)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "Are you nervous for your audition?" "Hmm, not really." "You wanna be." "You're shite." "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "I thought your mum said I was cush." "I wouldn't listen to her." "She's sexually frustrated." "Really?" "Well, me dad was doing it with this wife at work but then he got made redundant." "He used to be a deputy manager, but now he's an alcoholic." "Bugger off, will ya?" "Billy?" "What, man?" "Do you not fancy us, like?" "Well... (BREATHING HEAVILY)" "I've never really thought about it." "If you want, I'll show you me fanny." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" " Nah." " (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "You're all right." "MRS WILKINSON:" "Debbie!" "Outside!" "Right, here's the tape." "And remember, once the audition starts, just concentrate." "Do exactly what you do in here and you'll be fine." "Fuck a duck, miss, I know." "You've told me this before, man." "And another thing, Billy." "Try and keep your mouth shut." "Right." "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at 8:00, here." "Okay?" "(SIREN WAILING DISTANTLY)" "Listen..." "You can do this, Billy." "You've worked so hard, and I know you can do it." "You just have to forget about everything else." "Do it for you." " DEBBIE:" "Mum." " (SIGHS)" "Mum!" "Right, Billy." "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." "And for God's sake, don't be late!" "We've got to be in Newcastle by 9:00 on the dot." " Don't worry, miss, I'll put me alarm on." " "Put me alarm on."" "TONY:" "Ow!" "Get off us, will you, man?" "GEORGE:" "We should get you to the hospital." "MINER:" "How the hell are we supposed to get him to the hospital?" "They've got the whole place surrounded, man." "He can't stay here." "They're after him." "Ow!" "Fucking hell, man!" "Anyway, the Union will sort it out." "The Union will sort out fuck all." "Right." "You saw what they did for Harry Robson, man!" "The Union are doing what they can." "This isn't a strike any more." "It's a bloody class war." "(ALARM RINGING)" "Shit!" "GEORGE:" "We should get him to hospital." "How the hell are we supposed to get him to a hospital?" "There were 2,000 police taking six scabs to work." "(HISSES) Leave it!" " What's going on?" " MINER:" "It's all kicked off." "There's about a hundred police coming through the village." "Where do you think you're going with that bag?" "Nowhere." "Out." "Get back upstairs." "But I said I'd see Michael." " You're going nowhere today, son." " Dad!" "Back upstairs!" "Now!" "Look, I'll be right back." " TONY:" "For Christ's sake." " Shit!" "DAD:" "What is the matter with you today?" "Hello." " Can I come in?" " Hang on a minute." " What the hell's going on, Billy?" " Just go away, miss." "I've been stood outside the Welfare for three quarters of an hour." "Do you know what the time is?" "What the hell's she doing here?" "You realise we're late already, don't you?" "Late for what, for God's sake?" "Please, don't tell him, miss." "Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on here?" " Just go away!" " No, Billy." "We're going to have to sort this one out once and for all." "Look, I know this will be a little difficult for yous to understand, but I think I have to tell you..." "No, miss!" "Billy has an audition this morning for the Royal Ballet School." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "The Royal Ballet?" "School." " Where they teach the ballet." " Oh." "(LAUGHING)" "You've got to be joking." "Billy has been coming to class and I have been giving him private lessons for the last two months." "What?" "Who gave you permission to teach him ballet?" "Mr Elliot, we're missing the audition as we speak." "Hang on a minute!" "Have you any idea what we're going through in this village?" "Ballet?" "You trying to make him a scab for the rest of his life?" "He's only 12, for Christ sakes." "You've got to start training from when you're young." "Shut it, you." "I'm not having any brother of mine poncing round for your gratification." "Excuse me, this is not for my gratification." "Billy is exceptionally talented..." "What good's it going to do him?" "He's only a bairn, for Christ sakes." "What's wrong with giving him a childhood?" "I don't want a childhood." "I want to be a ballet dancer." "I'll give you a bloody childhood in a minute." "What qualifications have you got?" "Teaching 12-year-olds in a miners' welfare." "You could be a nutter for all I know." "I think you should calm yourself down, son." "(SIREN WAILING DISTANTLY)" "Right." "Argh!" "You say he wants to be a dancer." "Well let's see this dancing then." " This is ridiculous." " Tony, man..." "Shut up!" "Come on." "If you're supposed to be a ballet dancer, let's be havin' you." "MRS WILKINSON:" "Don't you dare!" "What sort of ballet teacher are you?" "This is his big chance!" "Come on!" "Dance, you little bastard!" "(PEOPLE CLAMOURING DISTANTLY)" " No." " No." "He says he doesn't want to dance." "So we'll be having no more ballet." "And if you come near him again," "I'll smack you one, you middle-class cow!" "Hang on a minute!" "You don't know anything about me, you sanctimonious little shit." "What are you scared of, that he won't grow up to race whippets, grow leeks, and piss his wages up the wall?" "(SPITS) Fuck off!" "I've been with this boy for weeks now, and you, and you haven't even noticed." "So don't you lecture me on the British fucking class system, comrade." "Tony, the police are coming down the street." "Everyone out the back." "Now!" "Tony, now!" "Move, man, move!" "I'm sorry, Billy, you haven't got a hope in hell." "Jackie, away, man." " Me mum would've let us." " Well, your mum's dead." "MINER:" "Jackie!" "(SCREAMING)" "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING)" "Dad, you bastard!" "(GRUNTS)" "(YELLING)" "(PEOPLE CLAMOURING)" "(VEHICLE HORNS HONKING)" "(SCREAMING)" "Shit." "(PEOPLE CLAMOURING)" "(SIREN WAILING)" "Piss off, man!" "Fuck you!" "Fuck yourself!" "(INDISTINCT SHOUTING)" "(YELLING INDISTINCTLY)" "Fuck off, you paps!" "Fuck off!" "(SINGING) Solidarity, solidarity Solidarity forever" "All for one and one for all Solidarity forever" "(GRUNTS)" "Get out, bastards!" "(YELLS)" "(YELLS)" "(SCREAMS)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "(TAPPING ON MIC)" "(OBJECT RATTLING)" "Dig deep for the miners." "Dig deep for the miners." "Welcome back to the second half of the Easington District Miner's Welfare temporary soup kitchen annual Christmas party!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "I'm deeply moved." "Now, we may be eight months into the strike, but are we downhearted?" "AUDIENCE:" "No!" "Come on, you can do better than that." "Are we downhearted?" "AUDIENCE: (LOUDLY) No!" "That's more like it!" "So, let's make this the best Christmas party we've ever had." "But before we do that, it's time to draw the winning ticket in the special meat prize draw raffle." "(AUDIENCE WHOOPING)" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "But before we do that, I would just like to thank the various groups who have donated meat to the special Christmas strike pot." "Firstly, Darlington Socialist Group Karate Circle have given us a couple of chops." "(AUDIENCE JEERING)" "Hetton-Le-Hole Amateur Operatic Society have given us a load of tripe and a pile of ham." "(AUDIENCE JEERING)" "And finally, (CHUCKLES)" "I would just like to thank our lovely comrades from Newcastle upon Tyne." " Where are they?" "Give us a wave!" " (AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "Oh, there they are, Tony." "The Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic Lesbian and Gay Caucus... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) ...who have given us some mince and faggots," "and a nice juicy Cumberland ring." "So, here's me best mate and sparring partner, Mr Billy Elliot." "And the winning ticket is, not that one." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Eight and four, 84." "So, if you've got this ticket, come up and see Santa and he'll give you a nice piece of meat." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Oh, yes, he will." "Hey, Santa!" "Whatta?" "Can you hear it in the distance?" "Can you sense it far away?" "AUDIENCE:" "Ooh!" "Is it old Rudolph the Reindeer?" "Is it Santa on his sleigh?" "(BOTH SINGING)" " It's heading up to Easington" " It's heading up to Easington" " It's coming down the Tyne" " It's coming down the Tyne" "Oh, it's bloody Maggie Thatcher and Michael Heseltine" "So Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher May God's love be with you" "We all sing together in one breath" "(PEOPLE CHEERING)" "Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher We all celebrate today" "'Cause it's one day closer to your death" "ALL:" "Two, three, four, look." "Two, three, four, attack!" "BRAITHWAITE:" "And now, welcome to the stage a couple of volunteers from the Sunderland Barnardo's." "(SINGING) They've come to raid your stockings and to steal your Christmas pud" "But don't be too downhearted It's all for your own good" "The economic infrastructure must be swept away" "To make way for business parks" "And lower rates of pay" "So Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher May God's love be with you" "We all sing together in one breath" "ALL:" "Moo!" "Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher We all celebrate today" "'Cause it's one day closer to your death" "BRAITHWAITE:" "And now, have we got a surprise for you." "The Easington District Miner's Welfare present their political puppet workshop forum!" "Okay, lads, let 'em have it!" "(SINGING) And they've brought their fascist boot boys" "And they've brought their boys in blue" "And the whole Trade Union Congress will be at the party, too" "And they'll all hold hands together" "All standing in a line 'Cause they're privatizing Santa" "This merry Christmastime" "So Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher May God's love be with you" "We all sing together in one breath" "(ALL SHOUTING)" "Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher We all celebrate today" "'Cause it's one day closer to your death" "Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher May God's love be with you" "Yeah!" "We all sing together in one breath" "ALL:" "All together now!" "Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher We all celebrate today" "'Cause it's one day closer to your death" "Oh, my darling, oh, my darling Oh, my darling Heseltine" "You're a tosser, you're a wanker" "And you're just a Tory swine" " ALL:" "Yeah!" " (AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Right, who's next to give we a song?" "No, Dad, no!" "No, no, no, no, no." "Not after last year. (CHUCKLES)" "Now, I can see just the man," "Mr Jackie Elliot!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Give us Big Spender, Jackie!" "Big Spender!" "Big Spender!" "I'm not singing Big Spender," "I'll sing you all an old folk song." "No, we don't want an old folk song." "It's boring." "It was one of my Sarah's favourites." "It was three years ago last week she died." " Dad, come on, man." " I'm all right." "(SINGING) Oh, once I was a young man" "I looked over vales and hills" "Saw myself a future of riches and of thrills" "But on me 15th birthday" "I paid my union dues" "And they sent me deep into the ground" "Oh, the winter wind can blow me colder" "Oh, the summer's heat can parch me dry" "But I'll not leave here for a fortune" "I shall never leave here till I die" "Oh, once I had a family" "Sons to make you proud" "They have gone and left me" "And I count the time out loud" "Now I am an old man" "Just waiting for me turn" "Till they send me back into the ground" "Oh, the winter wind can blow me colder" "Oh, the summer's heat can parch me dry" "But I'll not leave here for a fortune" "I shall never leave here till I die" "ALL: (SINGING) Oh, the winter wind can blow me colder" "Oh, the summer's heat can parch me dry" "But I'll love these dark, dark hills forever" "And I won't leave them until I die" "Once, I loved a woman" "She meant all the world to me" "We dreamed ourselves a future" "As far as I could see" "I was only 37" "When they took her down from me" "And they buried her..." "I cannot." "BILLY: (SINGING) Oh, the winter wind can blow me colder" "Oh, the summer's heat can parch me dry" "But I'll love these dark, dark hills forever" "And I won't leave them until I die" "(SOBBING)" "Merry Christmas, Dad." "Merry Christmas, Son." "Come on, let's go home." " Well, a fuckin great Christmas this has been." " (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I know." "It's been a right load of shite." "All I got was an atlas from the support group." "Oi." "Count yourself lucky, all I got was a bloody football kit, and a signed photo of Kevin fuckin' Keegan!" "But I swapped it for a brand new Cindy the nurse!" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Did you ever go back and see that wife?" " What wife?" " (GROANS)" "Debbie's mum." "The ballet wife." "Oi!" "No." "I've packed it in." "Really?" "Well, maybe it's for the best." "At least you won't be running away to that ballet school, will you?" " What's good about that, like?" " Well, I'd miss you." "We'd best be going." "Oh, it's freezin' in here." "Wait." "What?" "Come here." "What are you doing?" "I'm just warming your hands." "You're not a puff or owt?" "What gave you that impression?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Aren't me hands cold?" "I quite like it." "Just 'cause I like ballet, doesn't mean I'm a puff, you know." "You won't tell anyone, will ya?" "Here, put this on." "Cush!" "Ah!" "It's fucking freezing in here!" "(SHIVERING)" "It's a bit small." "Oh, no, I'm not sure this red will go with me tutu." "Oh, shut up, man!" "Come on, show us a bit of ballet then." "No, I've told you, I've packed it in." "Howay, just a little bit." "Just a little bit." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Just a little bit." "(WHOOPS)" "Just a little... (SCREAMING)" "Oh!" "I can see why they call it The Nutcracker!" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "Come on, man." "Well, you do some dancing then." "(MELLOW MUSIC PLAYING)" "We'd best be goin', my dad'll be after us." "Your dad's as pissed as a platypus." "No, he's not!" "Well, a right barrel of laughs you are." "If you want, you can keep the tutu." "Can I?" "Cush!" "You're not goin' home in it, are you?" "'Course I am." "No one will notice." "See you, then." "Yeah." "Merry Christmas, Michael." "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(MUSIC STOPS)" "(TAPE REWINDING)" "(MUSIC RESUMES)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING WILDLY)" "(MUSIC INTENSIFIES)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING WILDLY)" "Go home, Billy!" "Go home!" "(MELODIC TUNE CHIMING)" "What can I do for you?" "I was looking to speak to Mrs Wilkinson." "Sandra!" "Friend of yours." "Oh, hello." "How much is it going to cost, then?" "And a very Merry Christmas to you, too." "I've been doing a lot of thinking." "Well, that must have come as a shock to the system." "DEBBIE:" "Who is it, Mum?" "Bugger off, Debbie, will ya?" "I know I shouldn't have come." "Not at all, it's Christmastime." "Good will to all men and all that." "Look, would you like to come in?" "I just need to know, is he actually good enough?" "For what?" "I don't know, for the school, the audition." "Well, we'll never know, will we?" "Maybe he'd have gotten in." "Maybe he'd have joined the Ballet Rambert." "Maybe he'd end up on the scrapheap, like everybody else." "How the hell should I know?" "Nothin' we can do then." "Wait!" "Actually, we could still get him to an audition in London." "Well, it's not too late, then?" "No." "How much is it going cost, this ballet school lark?" "Maybe five grand a year." "Plus, living expenses." "Sometimes the local authority pay the tuition costs." "Five grand?" "I was talking about the audition." "Oh, it's nothing. 20 quid or something." " DEBBIE:" "Mum!" " Five grand!" "We haven't even got the money for a bus fare to London." "If it's just a question of the bus fare..." "Mum!" "Piss off, Debbie." "I'm busy." "I don't want your money." "I didn't come here for charity." "He is my son." "Oh, for Christ's sake, when are you going to get over your pig-ignorant working class pride?" "The kid is gifted." "He's got a chance." "What have you got to offer him?" "Mining?" "This town has had it." "It's finished." "You're fighting a battle that was lost years ago." "I'm not the enemy, Mr Elliot." "We're all in this together." "So for God's sake, talk to me." "Let me help." "I want to thank you for everything you've done for our Billy." "I really appreciate it." "Is that it?" "Yeah." "This is ridiculous." "Why don't you come inside..." "I'm the one who got us into this mess!" "I'll be the one who'll get us out of it." "Oi, Sandra!" "Well, stuff you, then." "See if I care." "Merry bloody Christmas." "(OFFICER CLAPPING)" "OFFICER:" "Right, let's be having you." "Gormley." "GORMLEY:" "Here." "OFFICER:" "Davidson." "DAVIDSON:" "Aye." "OFFICER:" "Summers." "Summers?" "I haven't seen you before." "MAN:" "Jackie?" "Jackie Elliot." "Christ, I never expected to see you here." "Aye, well, things change." "Well, I'm glad to see you've come to your senses, mate." "Piss off, man, will ya?" "Howay, then." "All aboard the Skylark." "MINERS: (CHANTING) Scab, scab, scab, scab, scab, scab, scab, scab..." "MAN:" "Fucking scab bastard!" "(PEOPLE CLAMOURING)" "Fuck ya!" "You fucking scab bastard!" "You fucking scab!" "You fucking scab!" "Dad!" "Dad, what are you doing, man?" "Dad!" "(CLAMOURING STOPS)" "(SINGING) I can't take this any more, So n" "It's tearing me apart" "It's lost, we're finished, man, we're through" "I need to give the kid a future" "I need to look him in the eye" "And believe me, Son, I'd do the same for you" "You can't give in now, Dad." "We've all been out a year." "(SINGING) I'll never be able to talk to you again" "You can't do this to me, Dad." "You can't do it to yourself." "He's just a kid, he's only just a bairn." "(SINGING) But he could be a star for all we know" "And we don't know how far he can go" "And no one else can give what I can give" "What the fuck are you talking about, man?" "No one else can give what I can give" "Dad!" "He could go and he could shine" "Not just stay here counting time" "Son, we've got the chance to let him live" "We have got the chance to let him live" "This isn't about us, Dad." "It's not about the kid." "It's all of us, this is everybody's chance." "(SINGING) It's everybody's future It's everybody's past" "It's not about a bairn who wants to dance" "It's about our history." "It's about our rights." "Think about the sacrifice we've made" "It's what you always taught us since I was a kid" "Please, Dad, don't let that passion fade" "For Christ sake, Jackie." "(SINGING) But he could be a star..." "Oh, fucking hell!" "...for all we know" "And we don't know how far he can go" "It's about our history." "It's about our rights." "And no one else can give what I can give" "It's what you always taught us!" "No one else can give what I can give" "Go fuck yourself!" "ALL: (SINGING) We're all in this together, Jack" "There is another way" "All for one." "And one for all" "(YELLING)" "Take this and this" "And this and this" "And this and this" "And this and this" "Don't worry, lad, we'll never let you fall" "He could be a star for all we know" "And we don't know..." "I don't know... (SINGING) So we'll give all that we can give" "We will all give all that we can give" "ALL: (SINGING) We will go and we will shine" "We will go and seize the time" "We will all have pride in how we live" "We will all have pride in how we live" "Yes, we'll all have pride in how we live" "(COINS CLATTERING)" "That makes 19 pounds, 17 and a half pence." "And 12 pesetas." "It's not enough for the bloody bus fare." "Don't forget about the 30 pound from the 50p's." "You can't do that, man." "I thought that was for a new bag." "Well, we'll be supporting the arts!" "Just because we're a boxing club doesn't mean we're a bunch of Palestines." " Eh?" " (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Philistines!" "Anyway, you're wasting your time, man, scrabbling round for 50p's." "Hey!" "I've worked hard for them 50p's." "You've never done a hard day's work in your life, man." "BILLY:" "Anyway, we're not scrabbling round." "We've nearly got enough." "You haven't nearly got enough, man." "You haven't even got enough for the ruddy B and B, man." "This is bloody hopeless." "TONY:" "What the hell do you want?" "I don't want any trouble." "Yeah, well, get out then, 'cause we don't have scabs in here." "Here, son." "What's this?" " It's for the bairn." " Yeah?" "I don't fuckin' think so, give us it." " We're not taking anything from you." " Hang on a minute!" "No." "We don't have dirty money in here." "But it would pay for everything." "For Christ sake, Tony." "Give the bairn a chance, man." "We're not taking it." "Scab!" "There must be hundreds here." "Can we use it, Dad?" "Go on, then." "Do your audition." "What's left here, eh?" "We're screwed." "They've already started going back." "Go on, take the fuckin' money." "Go to London." "What's the point in trying to keep the community together?" "What's the point in trying to keep your pit open?" "(SOBBING)" "What's the point in trying to keep your family together anyway?" " Tony." " No." "So, can we use it, Dad?" "ALL: (SINGING) We will go and we will shine We will go and seize the time" "We will all have pride in how we live" "We will all have pride in how we live" " We will always stand together" " We will all have pride in how we live" "In the dark, right through the storm" " We will stand shoulder to shoulder" " Yes, we'll all have pride" " To keep us warm" " In how we live" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Is this it?" "Well, they said on stage." "Whoa!" "Oi, Dad, look!" "That man looks like Arthur Scargill." "(LAUGHING)" "He does, doesn't he?" "Look, look, look." "He's even got the comb-over and everything." "Is that absolutely necessary?" "Name?" "Name?" "Billy." "Billy Elliot." "And your son's name, Mr Elliot?" "I beg your pardon?" "You are here for the auditions?" "No. (CHUCKLES)" "No, man." "He's Billy Elliot." "Occupation?" "He's still at school." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "No." "Your occupation." "I'm a miner." "Gosh." "You mean you actually go underground?" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "Not at the minute, like." "We're on strike." "Right, This way, please." "Just the children." "We're holding the auditions on stage today." "Thank you." "(LAUGHING)" "Frightfully nerve-wracking, isn't it?" "(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING)" "I beg your pardon." "Frightfully nerve-wracking." "Do you know, sometimes," "I think I get more nervous at these things than my Thomas." "(LAUGHING)" "Well, it's wor forst time, like, y'knar." "I beg your pardon." "It's wor forst time, like, y'knar." " First audition." "Sorry." " Ow!" "God, man!" "Get off me!" "Dad." "Dad, for Christ's sake!" "I've changed me mind." "Just get back in there, you little git." " Hold on a minute." " Security!" "ANNOUNCER:" "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen." "Please clear the stage, ready for Royal Ballet School auditions at 2:30, followed by a 7:15 performance this evening." "Thank you." "And you would happen to be..." "Billy." "I'm sorry?" "Billy Elliot." "From County Durham." "Well, stand on the spot, please, William." "MALE ANNOUNCER:" "Please clear the stage, this afternoon's auditions are about to commence." "Clear the stage." "Thank you." "William Elliot." "William, what is that you're holding?" "It's me money." "WOMAN:" "Your money?" "For the audition." "Some of it's in 50p's, but the rest is from the scab." "Would you like to put it down now?" "Sorry." "And now, the piece that you've prepared." "You do have some music for us?" "Uh, no." "I've got a cassette I made with Mrs Wilkinson..." "Shit..." "Shite." "Sorry." "It's all right." "It's always doing this." "I can get it back." "Have you got a pencil?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(MAN SIGHS)" "(UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING)" "It's the next bit, you'll have to wind it on." "(TAPE REWINDING)" "(SOFT MUSIC PLAYING)" "(CASSETTE UNWINDING)" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "You all right, pal?" "Aye." "Aye." "Sorry... (EXCLAIMS)" "Would you like a smoke?" "(HIGH-PITCHED) Thanks." "(CLEARS THROAT)" "(GRUFFLY) Thanks." "(CLEARS THROAT)" "Thanks very much." "Where the bloody hell are you from?" "Glasgow." "Where the hell did you think, Milton Keynes?" "I came down when I was 13." "It's a wee bit nerve-wracking, isn't it?" "It's not exactly what I expected him to be doing." "Aye, my dad was just the same." "Oh, aye?" "Oh, Jesus Christ!" "I suppose that, uh, well, he's used to it by now, is he?" "No, he's a complete arsehole." "You get right behind your bairn." "Understand?" "Yeah." "Prick." "Mr Elliot." "No smoking in here!" "No, no, we're all right, he's..." "Sorry, sorry." "I'll, uh..." "No!" "No!" "No!" "(EXCLAIMS)" "(SIGHS)" "Are you all right?" "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "What's the matter?" "It was a complete waste of bloody time." "Oh, don't be so silly." "It's only a stupid audition." "Piss off." "Look, it's all right." "Piss off, ya bent bastard!" "(GROANING)" "MAN:" "What on earth is going on here?" " Thomas!" " Shit." "DAD: (SOFTLY) Billy." "Mr Elliot." "WOMAN 1:" "I'm afraid, Mr Elliot, that mutual respect and self-discipline are absolute prerequisites of any pupil at this school." "Such displays of violence cannot be tolerated under any circumstances." "Do you understand?" "Billy's really sorry." "He's been under a lot of pressure lately." "MAN 1:" "Just a few questions to finish with." "Could you tell us why you first became interested in ballet?" "I don't know." "I just was." "MAN 1:" "Well, was there any specific aspect of ballet that caught your imagination?" " The dancing." " He dances all the time." "Every night after school." "He does all the, you know..." "WOMAN 2:" "Yes, we have a very enthusiastic letter from a Mrs Wilkinson." "She has also explained your personal circumstances." "MAN 1:" "Are you a balletomane, Mr Elliot?" "I beg your pardon." "WOMAN 1:" "Are you a fan of the ballet?" "I wouldn't exactly say I was an expert or anything." "WOMAN 1:" "You do realise that pupils are expected to attain the highest standards, not only in ballet, but also in their ordinary academic work." "A child can only succeed with the 100% support of his family." "You are completely behind Billy, are you not?" "Yeah." "Yes." "Yes, I am." "MAN 1:" "Would you like to ask us any questions?" "(INAUDIBLE)" "No." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "MAN 1:" "Are you sure there's nothing else you'd like to say?" "WOMAN 1:" "Well, in that case, we will let you know in due course." "WOMAN 2:" "Just one more thing." "Can I just ask you, Billy, what does it feel like when you're dancing?" "(SINGING) I can't really explain it" "I haven't got the words" "It's a feeling that you can't control" "I suppose it's like forgetting Losing who you are" "And at the same time something makes you whole" "It's like that there's a music playing in your ear" "And I'm listening and I'm listening and then I disappear" "And then I feel a change like a fire deep inside" "Something bursting me wide open Impossible to hide" "And suddenly I'm flying Flying like a bird" "Like electricity, electricity" "Sparks inside of me and I'm free" "I'm free" "It's a bit like being angry" "It's a bit like being scared" "Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell" "It's like when you've been crying and you're empty and you're full" "I don't know what it is It's hard to tell" "It's like that there's some music playing in your ear" "But the music is impossible Impossible to hear" "But then I feel it move me" "Like a burning deep inside" "Something bursting me wide open" "Impossible to hide" "And suddenly I'm flying" "Flying like a bird" "Like electricity, electricity" "Sparks inside of me" "And I'm free, I'm free" "Electricity sparks inside of me" "And I'm free, I'm free" "Free" "I'm free" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING WILDLY)" "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "Hey!" "Hey!" "WOMAN 1:" "Have a safe journey home." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Mine." "WOMAN 2:" "And, Mr Elliot, good luck with the strike." "Billy, did you really chin one of the dancers?" "I didn't actually chin him, I just sort of pushed him over a bit." "You'll be trying for the royal boxing school next." "Howay, now, lads." "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie." "Out, out, out." "All right, Billy?" "How did you get on at your audition?" "Good." "Well, fingers crossed, eh?" "Yeah." "Thanks, Lesley." "All right." "Anyway, I'm quite glad, really." "You heard anything yet?" "No." "Not yet." "Howay, Michael, let's get out of here." "Oi, Billy Elliot." "Have you heard owt yet?" "No, not yet!" "Well, divint worry, you'll get in, ne bother." "Oh!" "Do you reckon?" "What, that?" "He's got no chance." "I thought you said he were a genius." "Genius?" "Is he, bollocks." "If I was his father, I'd chop his bloody legs off." "Post!" "Post!" "Post!" "(WHISPERS) Christ." " This is it." " Well, let's open it then, shall we?" "What do you mean?" "We can't open it." "It's for the bairn." " That doesn't matter." " Of course it matters." "How would you like it if someone opened your post?" "Well, when was the last time that I got a letter?" "We could steam it open." "Give us it here." "Look, it's not fair." "It's for the bairn." "We could take a knife and slice along the bottom." "Look, nobody's gonna slice anybody along the bottom." "Oh." " Grandma, I'm warning you." " (MOCKING)" "(SIGHS)" "For Christ sakes." "Right, we're gonna leave it here." "We're gonna leave it here." "We're gonna leave it here for Billy for when he gets home." " Come on." "Let's just open it!" " Just fuckin' leave it!" " He's not gonna know..." " Let it go..." " Give it here!" " (GRUNTING)" "BOTH:" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "MICHAEL:" "See you, Billy." "BILLY:" "Yeah, see ya, Michael." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Shit." "DAD:" "Open it, Son." ""William Elliot is queer."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Oh, no!" "(EXCLAIMING)" ""Esquire"!" "(LAUGHING)" "Just open it, man." "(SNIFFING)" "Open it, for Christ sakes!" "Just go ahead, man." "(SIGHS)" "(GRUNTING)" "DAD:" "Down, down, down!" "Well?" "I didn't get in." "Oh, Billy." "I'm sorry, Son." "GRANDMA:" "Oh." "Billy." "Never mind, kiddo." " You little bastard!" " (EXCLAIMING)" " He got in, man!" "He got in!" " (SCREAMING)" "(SINGING) Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Hitler" "If you think Old England's done?" "(BOTH EXCLAIMING)" "You little bugger." "He got in!" "Did you not hear us, man?" "He got into the school!" "Have you not heard?" "DAD:" "Heard what?" "We're going back." "Strike's over, Jackie." "I've just had a call from the regional committee." "They've caved in." "We've lost." " We've lost everything." " So that's it, then?" "A whole fuckin' year?" " It'll be all right, Dad." " All right?" "When you come back here, Billy, everyone you know will be unemployed." "In this village, in the next village and the village after that, and the village after that." "In 10 years, there won't be any pits left." "We're dead." "We're dinosaurs." "200,000 men." "We can't all be fucking dancers." "We'd better get down the hole." "Anyway, congratulations, bonny lad." "I always said you'd get in." "(SCREAMS)" "Better get down the hole." "You all right, son?" "I'm scared, Grandma." "Scared?" "What are you scared of?" "I'm not sure I want to go." "Can't I stay here?" "No." "No, you can't stay here." " We've rented your room out." " (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Not funny, Grandma." "(GIRLS SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY)" "Did you really get in?" "Uh-huh." "Will you sign this for us?" "(GIRLS SQUEALING)" "Shh!" "Hello." "Hello." "Can I help you?" "I just came to tell you, I got in." "Oh." "Well, me dad thought you should know." "It's all right." "They sent us a letter when it happened." "Miss, I know I should have come before, but, you know..." "I can imagine." "Okay, girls, toilet break." "(GIRLS SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY)" "Debbie, go on." "(GRUNTING)" "And miss, I just wanted to say thanks, miss." "For everything that you did." "I could never have done it without you, miss." "Well, good luck, Billy." "Thanks." "Well, goodbye." "Goodbye, then." "I'll miss you, miss." "No, you won't, Billy." "You'll get down there and realise what a crap little dancing school this was." "What a complete second-rate training I gave you." "And then you'll spend the next five years unlearning everything I taught you." " No!" " It's all right." "That's the way it is." "No, you don't understand," "I'll come and see you every time I come back, miss." "Here's a piece of advice, Billy." "Piss off out of here." "Don't look back." "Start everything afresh." "There's sod all left for you here." "You are very fucking special." "Now, piss off before I start to cry." "Okay." "And, Billy." "Good luck." "Good luck as well, miss." "(VOICE BREAKING) Yeah, thanks." "Thanks, Billy." " (SPEAKING INAUDIBLY) - (MUSIC PLAYING)" "MEN: (SINGING) Once we built visions on ground we hewed" "We dreamt ofjustice and of men renewed" "All people equal, in all things" "We once were heroes" "Once were kings" "But all great things must come to pass" "We know the first will soon be last" "And in the ground we may be lain" "But a seed is sown to rise again" "So we walk proudly" "And we walk strong" "All together" "We will go as one" "The ground is empty" "And cold as hell" "But we all go together when we go" "Knock 'em dead, kiddo." "Yeah." "Thanks, Tony." "See you, sunshine." "(SINGING) We saw a land where wealth was shared" "Each pain relieved, each hunger fed" "Each man revered, each tyrant killed" "Each soul redeemed, each life fulfilled" "From each man's means to each his need" "We saw a time man would be freed" "We fought for all the things we saw" "The battle's lost but not the war" "So we walk proudly" "And we walk strong" "All together" "We will go as one" "The ground is empty" "And cold as hell" "But we all go together when we go" "We will go down but our heads are proud" "We will go down with our voices loud" "We will go down but come again" "And we all go together when we go" "(ALL VOCALISING)" "And we all go together when we go" "We walk proudly and we walk strong" "All together we will go as one" "The ground is empty and cold as hell" "But we all go together when we go" "We walk proudly and we walk strong" "All together we will go as one" "The ground is empty and cold as hell" "But we all go together when we go" "We walk proudly and we walk strong" "All together, we will go as one" "The ground is empty and cold as hell" "But we all go together when we go" "We walk proudly and we walk strong" "All together we will go as one" "The ground is empty and cold as hell" "But we all go together when we go" "You'd forget your head if it was loose." "Bye, Mum." "Bye, Billy." "See you soon?" "No." "I don't think so." "Do you?" "No." "Not really." "I wrote you a letter." "A letter?" "Me reply." "It's a bit scrumpled." "Dear Mum... (SINGING) "And please, Mummy know that" ""I will always be" ""Proud to have known you" ""Proud that you were mine" ""Proud in everything" ""And I promise you this, Mummy"" "MUM: (SINGING) In everything you do" "Always be yourself" "Mummy" "And I always will be true" "Love you forever" "Love you forever" "Love you forever" "Billy." "Mum." "(SNIFFLES)" "Bye, Mum." "Oi, dancing boy!" "See you, Michael." "Yeah, see you, Billy." "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDER)" "Lights!" "(MUSIC PLAYING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Girls!" "Now, boys!" "Oh, yeah!" "One more try!" "Six, seven, eight!" "(CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "Five, six, seven, eight!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(SINGING) It doesn't matter if you're large or small" "Trapezoid, or short or tall" "Even if you can't dance at all" "All you really got to do is shine" "It doesn't matter if your life's a mess" "The whole process will coalesce" "Just try to effervesce" "All you really gotta do is shine" "Everyone is different It's the natural state" "It's a fact, it's plain to see" "The world's grey enough without making it worse" "We need individuality" "'Cause what the hell is wrong with expressing yourself?" "What we need is individuality" " (MUSIC STOPS) - (AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "(MUSIC PLAYING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "Move over, dancing boy." "It's time for the next generation." "Whoo!" "Five, six, seven, eight!" "Keep on smiling!" "Oh, yeah!" "ALL:" "Oi!" "Oi!" "Oi!" "We've got to have something better than that." "We need some backup." "Five, six, seven, eight!" "Let's do this!" "(BOYS EXCLAIMING)" "BOYS:" "One!" "Two!" "Three!" "Four!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "ALL:" "Finish!" " (MUSIC STOPS) - (AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" "(UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING)" "(CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING LOUDLY)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Good morning." "Did we get more products in?" ""I love you beary much."" "We sell some cheesy crap." " My boyfriend gave that to me." " And it is beary sweet." "I love puns." "Did your boyfriend get this for you at the maul?" "Maul." "Rrargh." "Sir, could I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure, yeah." "What do you need?" "I just needed that to stop." "Hey, I didn't know you guys celebrated Valentine's Day." "Oh, yes." "Some people call it Sweethearts' Day." "It's a very big deal here." "Not to the Indians who refuse to cheapen the notion of love with western commercialization... chocolates, flowers, fat, flying infants armed with crossbows." "Ah, yes, someone else has been duped into wasting their hard-earned money on what are essentially plant genitals." "Actually, Rajiv, this is from Vimi to you." "She "wuvs" me?" "I "wuv" her too." "Actually, they're for Manmeet, but it's nice to see you have a heart in there somewhere." "Yes, a heart that pumps blood to my brain so I can make rational decisions and not get sucked into this tawdry, materialistic..." "I was joking." "They really are from Vimi." "My pumpkin?" "My darling?" "Oh, now I feel really bad because they're actually for Manmeet." "What do I care?" "I am a stone." "I have been joking with you this entire time." "I have delivery for Rajiv Gidwani." "Double-check that card, you son of a bitch." "I can't do this anymore." "Maul..." "The bear is mauling." "Yes, sir, I do have two eyes." "Yes, sir, I actually have 20/20 vision." "Forget about it." "Hey, Todd." "Hey, Todd." "Can I ask you something?" "Oh, wait." "Is this about women or about work?" "Oh, come on, man, have I ever asked you about work?" "What's up?" "Okay, I have a dilemma." "See, both Debbie and Ashlynn expect me to take them out for Valentine's Day." " Is the dilemma that they're in America and you're here?" " No." "I video-chat with them after work." "I talk to Debbie on Fridays and to Ashlynn late at night Saturdays after she closes the cold stone creamery." " I just can't decide who to pick." " Well, you could try juggling." "Two dates the same night." "I tried it once... two girls, two dinners, two awkward rejections at the door." "But I got a great story out of it." " What's the story?" " Well, that was it." "Fine!" "Fine!" "Have it your way." "Thank you for calling!" "Anger management is essential for good customer service." "Thanks, Gupta." "This is just how I wanted to spend my break." "Oh, temper, temper." "Now, this is a relaxation video they showed us back when I started at Mid America Novelties." "And, actually, I think it's right up your alley." "Namaste." "That's Indian for "greetings."" "Todd, there is no such language as Indian." " I know." " Yoga is the greatest gift of these spiritual, magical people." "We're Indians, not elves." "Yoga is an effective way to relieve stress." "Energy is everywhere." "And everything is energy." "And at the same time..." "It is nothing." "And therefore it is nowhere." "What the hell is she talking about?" "The beauty of yoga is in its simplicity." "It was invented by a people who had nothing but a dirt floor, and look what they came up with." "Namaste." "Okay, well, I guess that was a little less offensive when I was watching it back in Kansas when I didn't know any Indians, but, uh..." "I've fallen in love with you magical bastards." "You know, I had your job." "I'll just train you myself." "I want that bird feeder where the cats are trying to catch the birds." "Okay, ma'am, if you could just give me the item..." "Now birds is spelled b-u-r-d-s." "Get it?" "B-u-r-d-s." " Okay, if you could just tell me..." " The cats wrote it themselves." "Okay, I get it." "What?" "Wha... what are you saying?" "Number?" "What..." "Your damn accent is so thick!" "Well, maybe you could understand me if you scooped that clam chowder out from between your ears." " Red Sox suck." " Okay." "You just insulted the customer." "If you feel like you're gonna lose your cool, just transfer the call to me." "Oh, one thing, very important," "Yankees suck." "Okay, Pinky, let's do this." "If you'll hold, please," "I'd like to transfer you to my manager." "But, Pinky, we haven't even started yet." "Your call is very important to us." "Please stay on the line." "Your estimated wait time is five minutes." "Okay." "Who's left?" " Come on, Gupta." " Stay cool, man." " Don't let him get to you." " You can do it." "I want my money back." "Don't you get that?" "How dumb are you?" "I am sorry, sir." "I can only offer you a store credit." "Well, you listen to this, M. Night." "If I don't get my refund," " the twist of this movie's gonna be my foot up your ass." " I..." "Sorry, sir, but we cannot refund products that have been personalized." "How's this for personalized?" "You're a moron, and a monkey could do your job." "Sir, if I could please put you on hold, my manager will be able to help you take care of this." "Yeah!" "Hey, Todd." "I figured out how to juggle both Valentine's dates." "Okay." "Debbie at 6:00 and Ashlynn at 9:00." " I just need to borrow your laptop." " Yeah, sure." "Why?" "No, I don't want to know." "I'm not sure I want to know how my laptop" " figures into your love life." " No, we go to video chat and watch a movie together." "But please tell me what you were thinking." "That sounds much better." "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "Shut up forever!" " Sir, shall I cue up the racist yoga tape again?" " No." "Todd." "I just transferred that call to you." "Did it not go through?" "It's too late, Gupta." "Pack your things." " You can't scream at customers." " Todd is right." "This is a teachable moment for everyone." "An anger level of four can escalate to a ten in the blink of an eye, team." "The only one I need to teach is you." "You stepped way over the line, all right?" "You're suspended for one week, no pay." " Get out of here." " Wait, sir, please." "I think you are this close to firing him." "If you need something to push it over the top, consider these offenses." "Yesterday he sucked all the jelly out of a doughnut." "He frequently wears a belt with makeshift holes." "He clearly has made no attempt to understand our culture." "I am sorry." "I have skipped over to the part about you." "Todd." "Gupta..." "Pack your things." "Katie, Buja, come on." "Well, that's everything." "This is starting to feel very real now." "You know, I think I've learned my lesson." " Gupta, wait." " Thank goodness." " You know, my heart was racing." " Headset." "Of course." "Nothing else to say, you know." "Drag it out." "If I stay any longer, my... my friends may defend me, which they shouldn't." "But if someone wanted to say something, now would be the time, 'cause I'm getting pretty close to the door." "Look how close I..." "No." "Wha... what was that, Manmeet?" "Did you say something?" "No." "I just found out that I have to work tonight." "Oh, shoot, I guess I have to cancel" " all the plans I made for us." " Oh, save it." "I don't care about going out on Valentine's either." "It's all just a big scam." "Is this a test?" "No." "You don't have to make any plans." " Now is it a test?" " No." "I really don't care." "You're sure it's not a test?" "I mean, if I ask you, you have to tell." "It's like undercover cops." "I thought you said you suspended Gupta." "Yeah, I did." " Who am I?" " What's going on?" "Gupta, why are you here?" " You're suspended." " From work." "I'm not working." "I'm socializing." "It's like a paid vacation, except I'm not getting paid." "This cafeteria is for people who work here, all right?" "This week you don't." "You need to leave now." "Okay." "I'll just get my things again." "Katie, Buja." "If someone wants to speak in my defense," "I'll wait because I know you're chewing your food, and you don't want to talk with your mouths full." "You people are killing me!" "You look so beautiful, Debbie." "Thanks, my sweetheart." "One, two, three..." "Bite." "If you're ready, my darling, I'll start the movie." "Yes, I'm ready, honey." "What's the matter?" "I was just thinking." "It's a long movie." "Maybe we should both go to the bathroom." "You are so considerate." "Ashlynn, you're early." "No, I'm not, Meatloaf." "Yes, it's 6:00 there." "No, silly, it's 9:00 in New York." "Isn't this romantic?" "Both:" "Yes." "Sure is." "I'm so happy we're spending Valentine's Day together." "Me too." "Take my advice." "Don't go out with that man tomorrow night." "He's a phony." "I wish I was there in your city, you know, near that large, navigable body of water." "I would kill for you to be here in San Francisco (in New York)." "Someday, baby." "What's up, Gupta?" "Gupta?" "What are you doing out here?" "Just waiting for my suspension to be over." "Well, you got four more days." "Go home." "I can't." "I was already behind on the rent for my apartment." "I made the mistake of asking my landlord for more time, since you suspended me, and he kicked me out." "Well, can't you go to your parents' place?" "They moved back to Delhi." "So where are you gonna sleep tonight?" "Ah, don't worry about me." "This concrete will be my bed." "If I'm lucky, it will rain in the morning, and that will be my shower." "Okay, Gupta, I know you're trying to make me feel bad, but this is your fault." "Yes, I know." "The last thing I want is for you to feel bad." "Actually, the last thing I want is to sleep on the street or get murdered in my sleep." "So from bottom up," "I guess it goes street murder, gutter bed, Todd sad." "All right, just for tonight." "I'll get my things!" "I got my things." "Hello?" "Morning, miss Morrow." "This is Rex." "Hey, Manmeet." "Why do we need a movie?" "Why don't we make our own show?" " Whoa, Debbie!" " Who's Debbie?" "Nothing, baby." "Who was that?" "Is there someone there with you?" "I hear another woman." "Okay, turn me around." "I want to see her." " I don't think..." " Do it, Meatloaf." "You've got to be kidding me." "You're cheating on me with her?" "Oh, no, you got it twisted." "He's cheating on me with you." "Okay, okay." "Please." "Please, I am..." "I am sorry it happened this way, but you're so special." " I don't want to lose you." " Lose who?" "Yeah." "Which one of us are you talking to?" "Youuuu." "Oh, what a day." "Thank you for letting me borrow these." "They're soft, but they creep." " Yeah." "Those are yours now." " Okay." "Good night." "Todd!" "But I can't tie you up?" "Yep." "I'm on it." " Finally." " Gupta." "What?" "I ordered while you were showering." "Melon wedge?" "Hey, Manmeet." "How'd your juggle go?" "Oh, they found out about each other." " Ahh." " Huge fight, man." "I'm sorry, man, but that's what happens." "You go for two women, now you got neither." "Oh, no, I got one." "Turns out Ashlynn likes to fight for her man." "And guess what." "We're exclusive now." " Hey." " But Debbie's so upset." "She cut off her hair in front of me on camera." "She has a lumpy head." "I'm just glad I found out now." "Sir, if you'd like to fill out the incident report" " about Gupta, I have the call cued up." " Yeah, let's do this." "Mid America Novelties." "What do you want?" "I'm calling to order a pair of those truck nuts." "For God's sake, why?" "It sounds like he's already mad." "Yes." "He's out of control, sir." "This truck nuts gentleman has done nothing to provoke him." "You know what?" "Play the previous call." "Mama, they don't like me to take personal calls here." "This will only take a moment." "Your sister's future in-laws are visiting this weekend." "Oh, that's okay." "I can sleep on the sofa." "I think it would be best if you found somewhere else to stay tonight." "The Vermas are a very prominent family, and if you were there..." "You're saying you don't want me there?" "I'm glad you understand, Beta." ""And then the suspect fled the scene of the crime, disposing of the murder weapon in a community compost heap."" "What's going on here?" "Oh, I'm teaching Santosh English." ""Police are still looking for the..."" ""Se-ver-ed lim-bas."" ""Severed limbs."" "That's good for today." "I think Santosh cousin." "Ah, ah, ah, you mean, "I think that's my cousin."" "We have so much work to do." "We'll start again after you make my lunch." "What are you doing back so early?" "Well, uh, I was thinking, and, uh, maybe I was a little hard on you earlier, you know." "I'm sure you had a reason to go off on that customer." "Maybe there's some personal stuff going on?" "No." "Nope." "No." "Nothing." "No family stuff?" "No." "No." "No." "No." "No mom stuff?" "So the calls really are recorded for quality control and training purposes." "There never was an apartment." "You still live at home, huh?" "Yeah." "That was pretty rough, what your mom said." "Yes." "But I know you understand, because we are in the same boat." "You are the joke of your family too." "Well, no, I'm the disappointment of my family." " Yeah, same thing." " It's a little different." "Not really, Todd." "What..." "My point is that you can't let your mom treat you like that, you know." "Respect is a two-way street." "No, no, no, not here." "Respect is a one-way street." "The signage is quite clear." "Respect your parents." "So what are you gonna do?" "The Vermas will be gone tonight." "I can go home." "You're gonna go back?" "That's what we do, Todd." "In India, we live at home until we get married." "Oh, man, that's rough." "I couldn't wait to leave home." "Dad was always on my case." "I had to get out." "Well, I mean, I slept in the guesthouse until I left college, and then I got out." "I was feeling like we were in the same boat until you mentioned you went to college and that your family has an extra house." "It's not like a whole house." "It's like a room with a bathroom and a kitchen." "Two rooms?" "I did it." "I did it, Todd." " What?" " I got my own place to live." "Hey!" "That's great." "Good for you, buddy." "It's great because we can share a rickshaw to work." "Why?" "I bet you'll be able to hear this!" "You're right underneath me!" "Can you believe it?" "I can't." "I almost don't want to." "Oh, isn't it great, Todd?" "I listened to you, and I went out on my own." "Yeah, you went out on your own..." "Really, really close to where I went out on my own." "There's a communal bathroom down the hall." "But perhaps in the morning when there's a line," "I could use yours?" "Ah, I should probably go after you, because Santosh's coffee really does a number on me." "Let me give you a tour." "Sink..." "Bed..." "And here we are." "It's a starter." "Dancing!" "I want to see everybody dancing!" "What?" "What?" "You're next." "You're next." "Gupta, you're out of cups." "No problem." "Here..." "Excuse me." "Excuse me." "Todd." "Todd, I need cups!" "Todd!" "Todd, I need cups!" "Maybe you should get him some cups." "No, no." "No, just ignore him." "He'll go away." "I need cups, Todd!" "Plastic cups!" "What the hell?" "Hey, isn't this great?" "Now we have a talk hole." "Hey, Todd, I don't know if you heard me, but I need cups." "And bring her." "It's a sausage fest up here." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I don't think you've thought this through." "What do you do with the hostages one you get to the airport?" "They're coming with me." "We're talking party plane." "All the way to Libya." "Rita, that's so wonderful." "I'm so happy for you!" "You and Erin both." "Ah, you'd better take a hike." "Why?" "My mom's talking to my Aunt Rita." "This isn't going to be pretty." "Gotcha." "Later, huh?" "That remains to be seen." "I can't believe it." "Little Erin getting married." "She's not rushing into this, I hope." "Oh, no, no, of course not." "Twenty-one is..." "I'm not implying anything, for goodness sake, Rita." "I'm just... this is so exciting!" "Where?" "That sounds lovely." "I presume Mom's footing the bill?" "No, no..." "Your cousin Erin is getting married." "So I gathered." "You know there'll be hell to pay." "Well, I guess you all heard the wonderful news." "Little Erin is getting married." "At the Windsor Hills Resort in Leeville." "Whoa-ho!" "That'll set Rita back a pretty penny." "Not Rita." "Mother." "Nothing but the best for her favorite daughter's darling offspring." "Windsor Hills." "They've got that legendary thirteenth hole!" "Forget it, Jake." "No golf." "Wedding." "I'm almost sorry I'm going to miss this." "On the contrary, sweetie: you and Quinn are going to be bridesmaids." "I made sure of that." "Bridesmaids?" "Can I dye my hair if the dress doesn't match?" "What a hideous twist of fate." "Me, a bridesmaid." "Aw, it won't be that bad, I mean, sure, you'll have to wear some frilly peach-color dress that makes you look like a circus freak, and you'll be pinched by incontinent old uncles who still think you're still six years old, and..." "Here we are." "I'm sorry, we only do weddings, not funerals." "Believe me, I'd prefer a funeral." "Dearie, you don't have to get married if you don't want to... or do you?" "I'm a bridesmaid in the Chambers-Danielson wedding." "Here it is." "Pity." "They're such lovely dresses." "Nature didn't see fit to give you much in the way of hips, did she, dearie?" "I think I'm going to be ill." "Is that a problem for you?" "Turn around, please." "Oh, Scarlet, you grow lovelier by the day!" "I will kill you, and bury your body in this dress." "Daria?" "What are you doing here?" "Isn't is obvious?" "An Arab sheik's in town to buy a few more wives." "They're putting on a bridal expo in the gym." "We're modeling!" "A bridal expo?" "That's a good message to send to high school students." "It's a fundraiser for extracurricular activities." "I wonder what kind of extracurricular activities would lead to a wedding..." "What about you?" "Are you in a play or something?" "Yes." "I'm playing Mrs. Lincoln, after she went crazy." "I didn't know she went crazy." "Oh, yeah." "That's why Lincoln shot himself." "Come on, Brittany." "Let's finish out fitting, and I'll tell you all about how nice Mr. Lincoln really died." "You mean the bullet didn't kill him?" "Hold still." "I'm having a hard enough time with your body as it is." "Well, I think my humiliation is complete now." "It does match my hair!" "I spoke too soon." "I don't know why you didn't let me bring my golf clubs." "Jake, we're here to see my family, not to have fun." "Who's escorting your sister to this, anyway?" "Well, she dumped the sculptor, the skydiving instructor had that horrible accident, and I believe that Bruno is in some federal facility." "So I don't know..." "That Rita sure knows how to pick 'em." "Redrum!" "Redrum!" "This will cost your mother a fortune!" "Well, what else should she spend her money on?" "Something boring, like college funds for her other granddaughters?" "I just keep telling myself that Erin hasn't had the advantages our girls have." "Advantages?" "You got me." "You know, if the girls see us, we're going to die." "They said we'd make them feel self-conscious." "Are you kidding?" "They want us to come, bro." "That's why they told us not to." "They knew that if they invited us to a bridal expo, there's no way we'd go near the place." "Then why are we here?" "Forbidden fruit, man." "Forbidden fruit." "When you hear yourself talk, does it make sense to you?" "Sometimes." "Hey, fellas." "Just want you to know, we welcome same-sex partners." "What you do with the ring is your business." "This is an expensive vehicle." "Be careful with it." "Yeah, right." "Helen!" "Rita!" "How are you, Jake?" "Well, I'm not bad..." "Oh, the girls look lovely." "But Daria, why didn't you get the same dress as the other bridesmaids?" "I did." "I'm sorry about the rehearsal dinner, Rita." "I had meetings all yesterday afternoon, and by the time we got on the road..." "Everyone, this is Paul, my beau." "Hello." "Paul Meyerson?" "Jake?" "Jake and I were in Boy Scouts together." "You bring your clubs?" "Dad, what was that you said about knowing how to pick 'em?" "Oh, Daria..." "Wow, who's that?" "Aunt Amy?" "I don't mind a few dents, but change the radio station and you're a dead man." "Amy, how delightful." "I thought you weren't coming." "I wasn't, but I thought if you two could put aside years of bitterness and resentment, then so can I... for a day." "Oh, Amy, why do you say such ridiculous things?" "Out loud?" "So, Jake." "You're still with Helen, huh?" "Shows remarkable fortitude." "And Roger." "How's the skydiving going?" "Amy, Roger passed away." "This is Paul." "Oh, sorry." "Paul, how do you do?" "Who's Roger?" "He fell onto a cow." "And he was one of the lucky ones." "Girls." "Hey, what's the point of a senseless tragedy if you can't find a little humor in it?" "I like the way you think, Daria." "Now, Amy, I'm not sure where we're going to seat you..." "I need a drink." "Why are you laughing?" "Wow, Aunt Amy's really weird." "Oh, it can't rain on Brian and Erin's wedding." "It just can't!" "That would be so awful." "I couldn't stand it!" "On the contrary." "Rain is an ancient symbol of fertility." "Every couple should be so lucky." "Oh, don't you see?" "A little rain won't spoil the happiest day of Brian and Erin's life." "It may rain out there, but in here the sun will be shinning" "We are now entering hell." "Please keep your hands and elbows inside the car." "You must be Erin's cousin." "I am." "But Daria's, um, her cousin..." "What?" "Nevermind" "Actually, I'm in the witness protection program." "The Morgendorffers were kind enough to take me in after my real family was exterminated by the mob." "Oh." "Well, how come you didn't get the same dress as the rest of us?" "I did." "Anyway, it's too bad you guys missed the rehearsal dinner." "It was so fun." "Let me introduce you to your escorts." "Daria, Quinn, this is Garrett." "Garrett will be with Quinn." "Of course." "Quinn, you're just about the loveliest thing I ever saw." "Thanks." "Do you think you could get me some soda with just an eentsy-weentsy slice of lemon, please?" "Daria, this is your escort, Luhrman." "Of course." "How do you do, Da-rye-a." "It's Daria, actually." "Sorry." "So, Luhrman." "Is that your first name or your last name?" "Does it matter?" "Well, they seem to be hitting it off." "Oh, yeah." "She's rough, she's tough, she's lovely." "Our Sandi is in a silk and rawhide outfit by Harve's of Beverly Hills, proving that the happiest day of your life doesn't have to be dull." "Stick 'em up, hombres." "Here's lovely Brittany in a sleeky and satiny number from Laburb that says, this may be my wedding day but, dammit, I wanna dance!" "Wake up!" "It's Brittany!" "What?" "Huh?" "Oh, man!" "I think you're blowing our cover." "Kevin, what are you doing here?" "Surprise, babe!" "And as we share the joy of this lovely young couple, Brian and Erin, we are compelled to ask, what is love?" "Yes, love, like a tiny rivulet which begins in a high mountain, and only after twisting and turning for thousands of miles, overcoming uncountable obstacles, must eventually meet, and merge, with that great ocean of love which is its birthright and its destiny." "It was her." "Babe, I said I was sorry." "What if there had been someone there from a major talent agency?" "What then?" "Well, I guess they would've seen that you're talented." "Oh, that's what you guess, is it?" "More like they would guess I'm dating the king of the jerks, and they'd be right!" "Wow!" "Look at all these flowers." "Are these for sale or just display?" "So they said," ""Why don't we just make you VP and have you take over the whole damn operation?"" "And here I was, 29 years old." "Yeah, you mentioned." "So, how'd you meet Rita?" "Well, you know, we both love the sea." "I have a sailboat." "And she's a little dingy!" "I'm kidding, of course." "Well, let's face it." "Rita's a little flighty, but she's a tiger in the bed." "Keep going" "Yeah, well, I guess it runs in the family." "What did you say?" "Just a little pointless chit chat." "Forget it." "Would you like another soda?" "No, uh..." "Or shall we just split a bottle of drain cleaner?" "Please be assured that my remark was intended in jest, and not as an incitement to any type of self-destructive behavior." "You're not from around here, are you?" "Daria, there you are!" "I can't believe I didn't get to see you before the wedding!" "It was a lovely ceremony." "Oh, but you haven't met Brian." "Isn't he marvelous?" "He works for the government." "Intelligence." "Erin!" "I know, I know, I'm not supposed to say anything, but isn't it exciting?" "If our national security is compromised, you can bet there's a woman at the bottom of it." "Oh, you." "Oh, God." "Hey, Daria, how come you're not wearing the same dress as everybody else?" "I am." "I think I'll go to the..." "The little girl's room?" "Yeah, the little girl's room." "I'm going to powder my nose and check the seams on my nylons." "I'm sorry, what did you say you do?" "I thought I heard intelligence, but that can't be right." "A wild, rolling, surging ocean of love, on which we, as mere individuals, have no control." "Do you understand what I'm saying?" "I'm not sure." "Hi, Quinn." "Hi, Father." "Actually, I'm a minister, not a priest." "The important thing is, you're the voice of morality in the community." "I hate myself in a formal dress, and everyone else, too." "You don't look too thrilled about things, either." "Oh, no." "I'm overjoyed to be at this big family event." "Day to day life isn't humiliating enough." "Let's see, you're in college now, or something." "Still high school, unfortunately." "I have some vague memories of high school, but these days, you all carry weapons, right?" "Well, not to formal occasions like this." "That's where you kids make your mistake." "I mean..." "Love thy neighbors, love thy brother, love thy parents." "Every time you turn a page, love, love, love." "I thought when I hit thirty I would stop feeling out of place with these family things." "You feel out of place?" "You didn't notice my sisters are so busy competing with each other that I don't even register on their radar?" "Yeah, but I just figured you were above all that." "I mean, you're kind of..." "Cool?" "I know, you can't say that to me." "Law of the teenagers." "Thank you for respecting it." "When I was a kid, with Helen and Rita going at it all the time, all they left for me to do was to supply the color commentary." "Then, one day, I found myself all grown up with my own point of view, and feeling no particular obligation to listen to anyone else's B.S. Ever." "So it actually worked out pretty well." "Unless I have to see my sisters at a wedding, yeah." "Sarcasm." "It's a great way to deal." "But, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" "Hey, what's the matter?" "This whole thing is starting to get to me." "I mean, Daria had a point." "Why should high school kids be thinking about marriage?" "If I see one more sweet, dopey girl stuck with a lame-brain idiot..." "Hi!" "Not even the pep squad?" "Not even the pep squad." "I'll be honest with you, Daphne:" "I just can't find the time." "How come?" "Well, first of all, there's my work." "What do you do?" "I'm an exotic dancer." "You know, at a club." "I take my clothes off and dance for strange men." "Really?" "Wow." "She's really very good." "You've seen her?" "I'd better go check on Quinn." "I can't imagine what's keeping her." "Oh, it was a lovely ceremony, though, wasn't it?" "It really was, Rita." "I'm just so sorry Mom couldn't be here." "Don't worry, she'll get to live it all vicariously when the bills arrive." "Jake, how about getting me another glass of wine?" "Gee honey, maybe you shouldn't..." "Jake, I'd really like an other glass of wine, now." "Right." "Helen, you're not bitter about this." "Rita, please." "Why would I be bitter?" "You and Erin deserve the best." "You always have." "Oh, no I should be punished forever because I made a few bad decisions?" "Hi." "What are you two arguing about now?" "Arguing?" "We're not arguing." "Still mad because Dad gave Rita that MG and all you got was a Plymouth Valiant?" "My goodness, Amy, the things you remember." "It was a Dodge Dart." "I guess what I'm trying to say, Quinn, is, I may be a man of the cloth, but I'm also a man." "Quinn, there you are." "Father..." "Actually, I'm a minister, not a priest." "We've all been wondering where you were." "Really?" "Well, I know I have." "I've just been explaining to Quinn how emotions can be very confusing for young people like yourselves." "With all due respect, Father," "I wonder if maybe you're not the one with the confusing emotions." "I'm not sure I take your meaning." "Oh, I think you do." "Oh, no." "So, it turns out that you could go through training and be up there working on the space station in under three months." "Now I'm just waiting for my Tang." "Wow." "Is that true?" "No, it's not true." "I just made it up." "Also, I'm not an exotic dancer, I don't know Seal, and I wasn't abducted by the undersea fish people." "We decided we'd better not talk to you anymore." "What?" "It's not that we don't like you." "It's just..." "You have problems." "Well, duh." "Honey, maybe we ought to think about getting back." "No, my little party's just beginning." "Waiter!" "Here, I'll get you some coffee and wedding cake." "Oh, Rita would love that, seeing me balloon up right in front of her." "Helen, um, you're being kind of loud." "Oh, no!" "We don't want a scene, do we?" "We don't want to spoil the lovely wedding that lovely Mother spent so much lovely money on, do we." "Is everything okay here?" "Well, you were right about one thing:" "she sure knows how to pick 'em!" "Keep it down!" "Wanna make me?" "What's going on?" "Helen?" "Oh, you know perfectly well what's going on, Mother." "Your pathetic boyfriend is making a scene!" "What do you mean pathetic?" "Look in the mirror, pal!" "I just want to say one thing, Rita." "You may be the pretty one, you may be the one Mom loves, but I worked my damn butt off!" "Aunt Helen!" "Please!" "What's going on?" "No cat fights, ladies!" "Shut the hell up, you prehistoric imbecile!" "Things are getting ugly." "I suggest we make a hasty but unobtrusive exit." "Really?" "Let's go find a place that serves cheese fries." "You eat, I'll watch." "I'm, uh, taking off." "Oh, sure, leave me to the dogs." "You can come if you want." "No, I prefer to sit here and watch the carnage unfold." "It's been fun, though." "Oh, all right, I'll eat, too." "Follow me." "Don't look to the right or left." "There's nothing you can do for these people now." "This place oughta do." "Aunt Amy?" "Just Amy." "Amy, is life always tawdry, stupid, and humiliating, or is it just a phase?" "Just a phase." "I'm expecting to grow out of it anytime now." "Coast is clear!" "One three-time hubby is not enough for this red hot mammal." "The polygamous hippopotamus, when Sick, Sad World returns." "I'm not going back there." "I don't care who sent you." "Does he look familiar to you?" "I think I saw him on America's Least Wanted." "I suppose you want to ask me what your mother was like as a child." "Okay." "What was she?" "A tightly wound pain in the ass." "New topic?" "Name it." "I don't..." "I don't know what happened." "One minute I had him, and then..." "Everything's under control here, officers." "Why don't you two go have a cup of coffee or something, on me." "Don't worry, I'm no stranger to pain." "I love you, Helen!" "I love you, too!" "Sir, wouldn't this be more enjoyable in the daytime?" "Perhaps with some partners?" "Don't talk, son." "You're shaking the light." "Réponses au blindtest :" "Daria and Jane going to bridal store Jay Z" " Sunshine driving to wedding Blur" " Country House redrum Concrete Blonde" " Bloodletting at bridal fashion show Fat" " Numb" "Mack and Kevin being mistaken for a gay couple Finely Quaye" " Sunday Shinning" "Aunt Amy's car music The Cramps" " Bikini Girls W/ Machine Guns fashion show Crystal Method" " Get Busy Child" "Kevin and Brittany fighting Pond" " Spokes" "Daria and Luhrman at wedding Tina Turner" " Private Dancer" "Quinn and Minister Sade" " Hang On To Your Love" "Quinn and Minister AZ Yet" " Last Night" "Jodie amd Mack Urge Overkill" " The Break" "Daria talking to other bridesmaids Blur" " The Universal" "Rita and Helen fighting The Cherry Poppin' Daddies" " Brown Derby Jump" "Quinn and minister Sade" " Your Love Is King" "Daria talking to other bridesmaids Lyle Lovett" " She's No Lady, She's My wife drunk Helen scene Tony Bennett" " Stepping Out With My Baby end of wedding (original) Celine Dion" " My Heart Will Go On end of wedding (revised) Neil Diamond" " If There Were No Dream closing credits (original) Ani DiFranco" " Wishin' Hopin' closing credits (revised) Dusty Springfield" " Wishin' Hopin'" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"♪ Bom, bom, bom, bo-om ♪" "♪ bom, bom, bom, bo-om ♪" "♪ like a honeybee beating on my screen door ♪" "♪ I got a little buzz and my head is sore ♪" "♪ and from my bed, I can feel the sun ♪" "♪ Lord, I hear the morning come ♪" "♪ just a-creepin' ♪" "♪ creepin' ♪" "♪ creepin' ♪" "♪ creepin' ♪" "♪ just a-creepin' ♪" "♪ creepin' ♪" "♪ head for the future, run from the past ♪" "♪ hide from the mirror, and live in a glass ♪" "No, don't." "♪ What dreams forget, the whiskey remembers ♪" "♪ kinda like molasses in late December ♪" "♪ just a-creepin' ♪" "♪ creepin' ♪" "♪ oh, creepin' ♪" "♪ your cocaine kiss and caffeine love ♪" "♪ got under my skin and into my blood ♪" "♪ that need you back comes over me ♪" "♪ like ivy crawling' up a hickory tree ♪" "♪ just a-creepin' ♪" "♪ creepin' ♪" "♪ just a-creepin' ♪" "Should be nine more workers inside." "Just rotated on shift." "Security?" "Two in the lobby, one in the lab." " ♪ run from the past ♪" " Let's get to work." "♪ Hide from the mirror and live in a glass ♪" "♪ just a-creepin' ♪" "_" "♪ bom, bom, bom, bo-om ♪" "Forget it." "Liz needs all the help she can get." "Since when are you interested in helping her?" "All you've ever done is betray her." "Says the guy who's hunting her down." "You really think Liz is a Russian agent, a terrorist?" " If you know where she is" " I don't." "That's why I'm here." "Look." "I know you don't trust me." "If it's any consolation, I don't trust you, either." "Like I said, forget it." "Don't you want to know the truth?" "Don't you want to know what happened?" "Easy." "Your ex is a wanted killer." "You want to help her, let me do my job." "I know you care..." "about Liz." "You can act like you don't, but I know you do." "Let me help." "I can go places." " I can do things." " Break the law?" "Work around it." "Next time, I break that arm." "We were out." "You said the ship we were on was headed to Spain." "Change of plans." "Because?" "Because after far too much time playing defense, today's the day we switch to offense." "Take a look around." "We are hardly in prime position to be fighting anyone right now." "The Director needed permission to have me killed." "And he only got it by convincing others that I didn't have the Fulcrum." "That was a costly mistake." "And now members of the Cabal will be exposed as a result of investigations." "His own people are questioning his leadership." "We need to capitalize on that by wreaking such havoc on the Cabal that they will choose to exonerate you and sacrifice the Director." "How is that ever gonna happen?" "Our journey begins in the home of the double-bacon corn dog." "Welcome to Iowa." "What do you know about Verdiant Industries, Lizzy?" "Nothing." "They're the world's largest agribusiness." "They sell seeds." "More to the point, genetically engineered seeds." "In fact, they're the single largest manufacturer of genetically engineered seeds on Earth, and not just any seeds." "Corn, soy, the crops at the very foundation of our food economy." "I've read about this." "Modifying the DNA of the seed itself, teaching it to create a protein that kills common pests that would eat it." "Yes, and those seeds are very expensive." "Most small farmers can't afford them." "Many of them have been driven out of business." "And when people feel their homes and livelihoods threatened, violence is never far behind." "A few days ago, a Verdiant facility was attacked by a group of small farmers who call themselves Los Segadores, men determined to kill Verdiant before it kills them." "Damaging one building will hardly kill Verdiant." "They did more than damage a building, Lizzy." "They stole data, a cache of proprietary files detailing how Verdiant modifies its corn genome." "That's a trade secret worth billions of dollars." "You and I are gonna take those files from the men who stole them." "Assuming we could do that, why would we?" "Verdiant launders money for the Cabal." "Hundreds of millions of dollars a year." "If we get those files, we have leverage over Verdiant." "We have leverage over Verdiant, we have leverage over the Cabal." "I know how Mr. Reddington and Agent Keen got out of the diner where the standoff happened." "The tunnels, the ones they used to escape from the diner, they were built to sneak in contraband from the port of Baltimore." "Coordinate with the MPA." " I want a full accounting of all ships" " Already did." "One particular freighter caught our attention." "The DMC Peña set sail 48 minutes after the siege of the diner ended en route to the Spanish port of Valencia, but 70 miles into their journey, they turned back to the US, citing engine trouble." "Where's the freighter now?" "They docked at Norfolk late last night." "According to the cargo manifest, only one thing came off the ship." "Container number 358202 was offloaded and placed on a westbound flatbed at 12:23 AM." "Stowed away in a corrugated sardine can." "The glamorous life of an international fugitive." "I want to know where that truck's headed." "Find that crate." "What is it?" "Dembe." "This is the rendezvous point." "Something's wrong." "We're gonna need transportation." "This'll do." "_" "I'm not talking to you." "Dembe's missing." "They were here." "The FBI." " When?" " When?" "What does it matter when?" "They were here." "And when I refused to answer their questions, they took me in." "Don't try my patience, Glen." "I'm sorry, Red." "I'm hypoglycemic." "My blood sugar crashed and I just lost it." " Glen." " I must've spent six hours in the box." " I nearly had a stroke." " What did you tell them?" "I didn't have my crackers with me, I couldn't get a juice box." "I rolled, Red." "I'm sorry." "I told them everything." "Everything?" "I'm yanking your crank." "What do you think I am, a snitch?" "I'm clean as a whistle, which is more than I can say for your shorts." "I can hear you dropping a steamer through the phone." "We got wheels." "Safety!" "Okay." "Dembe." "What's the 911?" "You're a fool." "You think because you would risk your life to save Reddington that he's gonna do the same?" "He won't." "Reddington won't come for you." "You are protecting a man that has left you for dead." "We have a colleague of yours." "He's being prepared." "Unless you tell me where I can find Reddington... he will suffer." "Nothing?" "So be it." "What you hear next is a consequence of your misplaced loyalty." "Please, no!" "Gentlemen." " A moment of your time." " Eduardo!" "I wouldn't." "You're members of Los Segadores, am I right?" "A simple nod is acceptable." "Excellent." "I was hoping to have a word with your leader." " That's me." " I don't believe so." "I was told to speak with a man named Eli Matchett." "What are you, cops?" "Goons working for Verdiant?" "Either way, I'm not telling you" "The next one goes in your leg." "Eli Matchett." "He's gone." "Gone where?" "I don't know." "I don't!" "Look, Verdiant has a warehouse up in Silver Ridge doing some top-secret research." "We were working on how to take it out when Eli-- he just snapped." "Started saying how we were a joke, how none of us had the balls to make a real impact." "So he walked." "Next we hear, nine people are dead." "You think Matchett is responsible?" "We got a guy on the inside at Verdiant." "Gabriel Costa." "If Eli did this, he had Costa's help." "We're gonna need Mr. Costa's address." "And maybe some directions." "My associate prefers to steal cars made before the advent of GPS." "_" "Were you able to crack the server files?" "All 5 billion nucleotide pairs." "Verdiant's patented prize pig." "I'm uploading the file to a couple dozen hosting sites." "Look, I know we agreed to open source this, but this is Verdiant's most guarded trade secret." " It's worth a fortune." " So what?" "You want to sell to the highest bidder?" "I want to get back what that seed cost me." "My farm, my family." "Yeah." "We sell and get back our losses, but no one else's." "This doesn't belong to Verdiant, it doesn't belong to us." "We release to everyone." "Sorry, friends." "But I got something else in mind." "_" "Sure is one hell of a sardine can." "The man does have style." "Aram?" "I found on the AP." "A bombing in Fairfield at a facility owned by Verdiant Industries." "Reddington comes to town a few days after a major attack?" "That's not a coincidence." "I thought the same thing." "So, I cross-referenced every senior-level employee with Mr. Reddington's file, and I came up with one name." "Verdiant CTO Susan Hanover." "Why do I know that name?" "Because it was listed in the Fulcrum." "25 years ago, Hanover was a low-level staffer on the Hill." "A bombing with a direct link to the Cabal." "That's why Reddington's in town." "How many employees were lost?" "We think 15." "Nine are confirmed dead, the other six are officially listed as unaccounted for." "They say some of the bodies are, uh, unidentifiable." "You've been hit before?" "The company, yeah, but not this facility, and never like this." "There's a group, calls itself Los Segadores." "Up to now, it's only been property damage." "So why the escalation?" "Because certain secure terminals can only access the company mainframe during business hours." "Whoever did this accessed our proprietary files." "They downloaded information detailing how we modify our genomes." "That's a trade secret worth billions of dollars." "This was a robbery." "If that data is released publicly, it's only a matter of time before our product is being mass produced on the black market." "The price of our product will fall permanently." "Our stock won't recover." "Sir." "Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I just received a call from the medical examiner." "What is it?" "They ran preliminary DNA tests on the remains recovered inside, and everyone was accounted for except for one employee." "A, uh, Gabriel Costa." "That's not possible." "His badge was used to swipe in that morning." "He was here." "Unless he walked out with the attackers." "Maybe Gabriel Costa's our inside man." "How long do you need?" "Delivery system's done." "Now it's just two more hours for the completion of the replication period, and you'll have your virus." "Costa isn't here." "Then we look for anything that may reveal his whereabouts." "I don't know what happened." "I used to consider myself lucky." "I had a husband I loved, a job I always wanted." "I was the kind of person good things happen to." "Have you ever heard of Mugs Kalinowski?" "Lovely guy." "Ugliest man I ever laid eyes on." "That's why everyone called him Mugs." "Except his dear mother." "She was an art professor at Bard." "Lovingly referred to him as Picasso." "That's kind of sweet, actually." "Well, it was an apt nickname." "His face was... all over the place." "But perhaps as a result of that nickname," "Mugs grew up with a great appreciation for art." "He fenced some of the most extravagant pieces in the world." "He only had one rule." "Out of respect for dear mom, he'd never lift a Picasso." "Felt it was bad luck." "Then one day, he got a tip from a source about a piece sitting in a huge loft in Soho." "So one evening, Mugs shimmied up the drain pipe, broke in, and lo and behold, there hung on the wall, Les Femmes D'Alger." "A spectacular Picasso." "One of a series of 15 and astronomically valuable." "Did he take it?" "No." "And Mugs was convinced that was the single biggest stroke of bad luck he'd ever suffered." "Well, what he didn't know was the source who'd given him the tip was working with the feds." "The painting had a tracking device on it." "Sometimes, bad luck is the best luck you'll ever have." "What ever happened to Mugs?" "Did he land on his feet?" "Unfortunately, no." "Mugs had borrowed $500,000 from a loan shark against the value of the painting." "When he didn't steal it, he couldn't pay it back." "A few weeks later, the loan shark shot him dead." "There's something going on with that vent." "Time to go." "I don't understand." "How did they find us?" "They didn't, and they won't." "We need a drill." "Forget about the box." "We need to leave." "They're one step behind us." "This is the life, Lizzy." "Someone's always one step behind." "Aram, I'm sending you a photo." "I want it sent wide." "It's not Aram." "Keen?" "Why are you doing this?" "It's my job." "You know me." "You know I've been framed." "If you're innocent, come in." "Let me help you." "We know about the Verdiant attack." "That's why you're here, isn't it?" "I'm just trying to get my life back." "Verdiant is connected to the Cabal." "Reddington thinks that if we get enough leverage" "Reddington's not capable of telling the truth." "You know that." "If you're interested in the truth, back off." "Let me do what I have to do to clear my name." "No." "You were at Costa's apartment." "I'm getting close, aren't I, Keen?" "Keen?" "You were right." "Reddington and Liz were here." "We just missed them." "Was there a surveillance camera?" "No, but I pulled this off a responding officer's dash cam." "He was dispatched to meet us at the scene." "It looks like he blew right past them." "Run that plate." "Find out who that vehicle belongs to." "Put out an alert for the car." "Looks like Costa was copying Verdiant documents and feeding them to Matchett and his crew." "He kept this ledger to keep track of the documents he stole." "He's got internal memos here tracking some development project called Genesis." "He was sending them to a feed store in Wilson Park?" "Wait, wait, look." "We can't just go charging in there." "We had a hard enough time handling the Cabal when the FBI was backing us, let alone hunting us down." "Don't be anxious." "We're still a step ahead." "I'm not anxious." "I'm scared." "Where are we?" "400 tiny viral vectors ready to be released into the wild." "Imagine." "You can hold in one hand everything you need to bring humanity to its knees." "Table for one?" "Or are you waiting on the rest of your party?" "No, just me." "And this order's to go." "Is the Chicken Gorgonzola gluten-free?" "I believe so." "You believe, or you know for sure?" "Because although that may just be a small lexical distinction for you, for me, it'll determine whether I spend my entire evening on the can with two rolls of triple ply." "Why don't I ask the chef?" "Rover keypad." "Four-digit PIN." "Could be thousands of combinations." "Only if you don't know the four digits." "Now there's only 24 combinations." "Gabriel Costa." "Agent Navabi." "Where?" "Copy that." "Wilson Park." "Have your officers secure the vehicle and stand down until we get there." "Patrol found the car." "355 Mission." "What is this place?" "This is it." "This is the genome data they stole from Verdiant." "Let's get what we need and go." "_" "That's the car." "Is that Ressler and Samar?" "We're fine." "Keep working." "They're in the building." " How much more time?" " I don't know." "These files are massive." "We should go." "I saw a storm door on the side of the building." "Not yet." "The desk." "We're not gonna make it." "Reddington!" "Clear." "Ressler." "Think if you stare long enough, it might ring?" "What's her name?" "Elizabeth." "She's gone." "I was hoping that..." "You know, when we meet she was seeing this other guy," "He worked, I didn't." "But we started seeing each other anyway." "Anyway, we had this, uh... signal, way of communicating so he wouldn't know." "She would call that phone at exactly 7:00 PM, and I'd pick up." " We'd meet." " How'd that work out?" "Not so great." "Hey, uh, sorry, would you do me a quick favor?" "Um..." "Just if that phone rings, if she calls, would you... give her my number?" "I just spoke to the owner of the building." "He said he leased the space to a man named Eli Matchett two months ago." " Did you get a background?" " I did." "Matchett had a farm that adjoined one of Verdiant's properties near Abingdon." "Apparently, some of their seed blew onto his farm." "They claimed he illegally infringed on their patent and they sued him." "The defense cost Matchett a fortune." "Must've lost everything." "Aram, did you get those files?" "You stumbled on a state-of-the-art virology shop." "Matchett didn't steal Verdiant's genome blueprint so he could release it publicly." "He needed it to identify its weaknesses and design a virus tailor-made to destroy it." "He wants to sabotage their GMO crop?" "90% of all corn grown in America is genetically modified, and Verdiant is the largest producer of it." "In fact, this one strain is planted all over the world." "If this virus gets out, it will spread fast." "How fast?" "It would cross state lines in weeks, maybe even days." "With months, it would migrate overseas." "If Matchett unleashes this virus, we could have a global food crisis on our hands." "We've got around 90%, but I'm not sure it's readable." "We'll probably need help accessing the data without a complete download." "How the hell did Ressler" "I called him while you were in the store." "Why would you do that?" "I told him to back off because I thought if he was interested in the truth, maybe" "Ressler is a law-enforcement robot." "The FBI winds him up." "That's not true." "He's a person." "He's a good person." "Look at me." "You need to let that go, Lizzy." "I have survived for a very long time now, and I assure you, I didn't do it by relying on the goodness in people." "We should go." "I'll check the parking lot, find us a new ride." "Meet me out front in a minute." "Yes, sir." "That was Gordon Pierce at Verdiant." "You know that lawsuit against Eli Matchett?" "Yeah, what about it?" "Matchett didn't just lose his farm because of it." "After the bank foreclosed," "Verdiant purchased his property in a short sale." "In fact, they bought out several other places in that area and turned them into one large industrial farm." "Verdiant's growing GMO corn on the very land that Matchett grew up on." "You think that's where he plans to unleash the virus?" "I think we just found ourselves ground zero." "Must be my lucky day." "Drop your gun!" "Can't do that." "Raymond Reddington." "You got any idea how many people want to see you dead?" "Some idea, yes." "And you." "You're the girl on the news." "The Russian." "You seem like an intuitive guy." "At least intuitive enough to know when you're in over your head, so whichever lowlife you're working for, he's gonna have to wait to get his revenge." "Set it down." "911, what's your emergency?" " What's your location?" " We have to leave." "We can't." "We're in the middle of nowhere." "He'll be dead by the time the ambulance gets here." "I'm not leaving him." "Pockets." "Help!" "We need help here!" "Single shot to the chest!" "He's breathing, but barely any pulse." "About 15 minutes ago." "Hey." "Hey!" "Yes, but send two more units to Ash and 3rd." "We're five minutes out." "No visual on Matchett yet, but State Police have locked up all roads leading into the Verdiant property." "So, Reddington was on a ship bound for freedom, and he turns it around to come back here for Verdiant." "Does he really think that taking these guys out is gonna get him closer to clearing Keen's name?" "Do you think he has a family?" " Lizzy." " He's gonna die." " Don't." " You saw that hospital." "They wouldn't have a thoracic surgeon on call." "They'd have to medevac him to a different county." "You're right." "Thoracic surgeons would be very rare in Fairfield, Iowa." "What does that tell you?" "Focus." "Who else would be rare in Fairfield?" "A virologist who specializes in GMOs." "So, where did Eli Matchett find one?" "The documents we got from Costa-- the ones he stole from Verdiant." "They were talking about a special development project" "Genesis." "And Eduardo this morning at the Segadores farm." "He said Verdiant was working on some top-secret RD at a warehouse in Silver Ridge." "What are you thinking?" "That Agent Ressler may be of some use after all." "Possible suspect sighted." "Stand by." "Suspect sighted!" "Headed north!" "Head him off!" "You boys about finished?" "He's all yours." "Hey." "Ressler." "I just received a cache of internal research documents from Verdiant." "Definitely not the kind of stuff they'd want out there." "Got them how?" "Where'd they come from?" "That's the crazy part." "They came in on the fax hard line." "I think from Agent Keen." "I think she wants us to search a Verdiant warehouse in Silver Ridge." " Why?" " Are you sitting down?" "Because you are not gonna believe this." "I don't understand." "What's the delay?" "What exactly do you know?" "That's unacceptable." "Get me an update." "My God." "You're Raymond Reddington." "And you're Susan Hanover." "Chief Technology Officer at Verdiant Industries." "And corporate shill for the Cabal." "Come on." "Why don't we let the boy play?" "I have some bad news, Susan." "The virus you helped Eli Matchett create has been contained." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Oh, I think you do." "See, I thought Eli Matchett was Verdiant's greatest enemy." "I assumed he left Los Segadores because he wanted to be even more radical, but that's not true, is it, Susan?" "The truth is he was co-opted by your company." "You paid him to attack that facility." "You wanted him to steal that data." "That's outrageous." "Oh, well, we certainly agree on that." "You provided him with everything he needed, including the scientist who synthesized the virus." "Okay." "That's enough." "Sit down, Susan." "Let's not make a scene in front of the boy." "This virus you're talking about." "Why would we do that?" "Why destroy our own product?" "Perhaps you were willing to create this disease because you already possess the cure." "It's ingenious." "Hire a madman to unleash a catastrophic threat, and then wait just long enough for the world to panic." "Why would we do that?" "For the money, Susan." "So you and your company could come rushing in with a new product at the perfect time, a seed immune to the devastating scourge and available, of course, at a much higher price." "You can't prove that." "Oh, but I can." "I know about the Genesis project." "By now, so do the FBI." "At the risk of sounding immodest," "I'm on their Most-Wanted list." "Number one with a bullet." "They came here looking for me." "Unfortunately for you, what they found were dozens of internal Verdiant documents which will lead them to your warehouse in Silver Ridge, and I don't need to tell you what they'll find inside." "A stockpile of new seed waiting to be sold to a desperate world on the verge of calamity." "You would've made a fortune and looked like heroes in the process." "I knew Matchett was a mistake." "Never met the man." "Wouldn't judge him too harshly, though." "He seized his chance to terrify the world, shine one glorious spotlight on the dangers of planting the same seed in fields all over the globe." "Progress." "It's a bitch." "What do you want?" "I came here to ask you to deliver a message to your friend, the Director." "This is only the beginning, and I won't stop until his own people realize that their only way forward is to exonerate Elizabeth Keen and to leave the Director to me." "Please." "Tell him I'm coming." "The Verdiant arrest warrants are coming through." "They're being executed now." "There's something else." "We just got word Liz shot an undercover cop earlier today." "What?" "What happened?" "I'm not sure." "The details are still coming in." "But it does look like the guy's gonna make it." "I shot a cop." "Yes, you did." "And killed the Attorney General of the United States." "♪ Well, I just found the fence where I'm gonna lean ♪" "Yes." "And when you did that... you crossed a threshold, leaving your world, entering mine." "Bad things are gonna find you now, Lizzy." "This life... has a mind and a momentum of its own." "That's a reality you need to accept." "♪ But try to think it my way ♪" "♪ and say oh, oh, oh ♪" "Bad things happen to good people." "Am I a good person?" "I'm not so sure anymore." "♪ This was not my plan ♪" "I'm sure." "Reddington obviously thinks that he can take the fight to the Cabal." "But look what happened." "This time, Keen shot a cop." "The next time, she's gonna be the one getting hurt." "You know, I've watched you run the task force all this time," "I don't think I ever appreciated how damn hard it was." "I'll deny it if you ever repeat it, but there wasn't a day when I didn't feel" "I was in over my head." "You should trust your instincts, Agent Ressler." "I do." "Tom Keen came out of the woodwork." "Keen?" "Does he know something?" "No." "No, he just wants to help." "And did you take it?" "What, are you kidding?" "That guy's a liability." "Yes." "And a loose cannon who would shoot a guilty man in the back to prevent him from escaping, but in a case like this, there could be a place for a man like that." "You tell me to trust my instincts?" "My instincts are telling me to stay as far away from tom Keen as possible." "You know what?" "You're right." "You should trust your gut, not mine." "After all, look where my instincts got me." "You're a good agent, Donald." "You made the right call." "♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪" "♪ this was not my plan ♪" "♪ oh, oh, oh ♪" "♪ things are not so bad ♪" "♪ and we say, "Oh, oh, oh, it's a wicked campaign" ♪" "Red, yeah, hey, it's me." "It's about Dembe." "We got a problem." "I think he's been taken." "♪ We sing oh, oh, oh, our wicked campaign ♪" "♪ ohh ♪" "The price of silence." "We're gonna die in here." "Thank you." "In case you get tired of waiting." "What would you do to help Elizabeth Keen?" "How did you find" "What would you do to help her?" "Anything." "I don't trust you." "I certainly don't like you." "You're a liar, a thief, and a murderer." "Which is exactly why you're perfect for the job." "What job?" | {
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} |
"What are you looking at, monkey boy?" "Ow!" "Ow!" "Ow!" "Reese!" "What are you doing?" "Help!" "Ow!" "Help!" "Mom!" "Cut it out." "Cut it out." "Ow!" "Help!" "It hurts!" "Ow!" "Knock it off, you little..." "Reese, what the heck are you doing?" "You can't leave that kid alone for five minutes without picking on him!" "Reese:" "I didn't do anything, Mom." "I gave him that." "* Yes, no, maybe *" "* I don't know *" "* Can you repeat the question?" "*" "* You're not the boss of me now *" "* You're not the boss of me now *" "* You're not the boss of me now *" "* And you're not so big *" "* You're not the boss of me now *" "* You're not the boss of me now *" "* You're not the boss of me now *" "* And you're not so big *" "* Life is unfair. *" "Honey, which juice don't I like... apple or grape?" " You don't like either." " Oh, right." "Malcolm, what is all this stuff from your teacher?" "That woman sends home two or three fliers every day." "She says she wants the parents... to be as involved as possible with the children." "At school?" "It's the only break I get." "What exactly is "Personal Fulfillment Week"?" "Square dancing." "That's right, square dancing." "You should see it." "The Krelboynes dance on the tetherball courts... in front of the whole school." "We laugh our asses off." "Excuse me?" "Butts." "We laugh our butts off." "Open." "Swish." "Spit." "This tastes like crap." "Reese is right." "This class is turning me into a total weirdo." "You are not a weirdo." "You are gifted." "And if gifted kids are supposed to square-dance, then you'll do it." "Probably teaches you geometry." "Don't forget to mail these bills." "They're late." "Two blues, one pink." "We're doing better." "Don't get cocky." "They're hot until I deposit my paycheck." "You kids, let's get going." "You don't want them to do-si-do without you." "That's it." "For the sake of my manhood, today I'm ditching school." "Hey, why don't I drive you boys to school today?" "Uh, that's okay, Dad." "I don't mind walking." "Oh, no, no, no." "I really want to." "A chance to spend a few extra minutes with my sons, enjoying their company..." "Honestly, son, it'll be the highlight of my day." "Come on." "Great." "Now I can't even be mad at him." "Aw, Stanley." "Let me show you how it's done." "Uh-oh, eyes down." "That was good." "You didn't give them any satisfaction." "In another six months, they'll be bored with you." "Man (on TV):" "...get out of this one." "Patterson has just reversed... (Laughing)" "That's got to hurt." "Mom was right." "I do get some sick thrill out of trouble." "Ow!" "That skinny guy!" "Come on, get him!" "Commandant on the floor." "Ten-hut!" "(Snarling)" "I smell smoke." "Who is responsible?" "Very well." "We'll do it the hard way." "Patton." "(Growling)" "(Growling)" "(Barking)" "Francis, please lift up your right foot." "Son, you have the worst attitude..." "I've ever seen in 15 years at this institution." "You seem compelled to break every rule, to flout every convention." "You are never going to make it..." "in the armed forces or anywhere else." "Now, I was never fortunate enough to serve in combat... but I do know what it requires." "Look at this dog." "He is vicious, he is ungrateful... and yet even he understands the importance of obedience." "Do you hear what I am saying, Francis?" "Yes, sir." "I'll try to be more like a Jack Russell terrier, sir." "There will be no hot water for this floor for the entire month." "You can thank the cadet after I leave." "(Snarling)" "(Blow Landing)" "Francis:" "Ow!" "Reese wiped his booger on my lunch bag." "What have we taught you about snitching?" ""Only snitch when asked to snitch."" "Good boy." "So, looking forward to school?" "I guess." "That's a shame." "'Cause we're not going to school." "(Chuckling)" "Where are we going?" "Boys, I'm going to share something with you..." "I hope you'll remember for the rest of your lives." "Now, I don't want to spoil the surprise... but I've been planning this for years." "I just had to wait until you were all old enough to appreciate it." "Hookers?" "If it gets me out of square dancing, fine." "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, boys." "We're rebels." "We're wild men!" "(Cackling)" "Whoo!" "("Sukiyaki"Sung InJapanese)" "Where did I put the damn paycheck?" "(Gasping)" "Yeah." "Those guys are wimps." "That's not even half the size of the one I gave you... just to get you out of riflery." "Hey, thanks for pulling them off me." "I owe you one." "One?" "Hey, you want to see something very, very cool?" "Oh, boy, what have you done now?" "Francis:" "Oh, isn't he beautiful?" "He only cost me $20." "I'm calling him Otis." "Did you listen to anything Spangler said?" "You're already in enough trouble as it is without bringing in a pet." "Well, Spangler has that oversized gerbil." "And besides, Otis is not a pet." "Otis is a symbol." "Of what?" "Of everything that is beautiful in the world." "Independence... free thought." "I may be stuck here in this militaristic loony bin... but at least some part of me can stay connected... to the things that give me my humanity." "You're not going to turn me in, are you?" "I don't know." "On the one hand, you're probably going to get caught... because you always do." "Then, of course, I'll be involved... even though I had nothing to do with it." "On the other hand... it's a snake." "Good man!" "I think I'm starting to bring out the rebel in you." "Touching." "Right." "Sorry." "(Bell Ringing)" "Stock car races!" "Oh, cool!" "That's right, boys." "The real field of dreams... only with concrete instead of all that grass." "* I don't want to work... *" "Here we go." "Excuse us, please." "Oh, boys, boys." "You see that blue car down in front?" " Number 16?" " Yeah." "That is Rusty Malcolm." "Greatest man in the history of the sport." "Maybe the greatest man ever." "15 NASCAR titles." "Six world records." "Inventor of the in-car urination system." "The list is endless." "And he came from nothing, just like you boys." "You see, this is Rusty's last race ever." "He's retiring." "So, I wanted to share him with you before he went... so that you can see for yourselves how much you can accomplish in this world... with a little persistence and determination." "Did you read that article in People about him getting a divorce?" "Shut your filthy mouth." "You know, you were named after Rusty, Malcolm." "I was?" "Yessiree, Bob." "Took me two kids to win that argument." "Announcer:" "And there they go." "Whoo!" "Gentlemen, start your excitement, because here they come!" "(Whooping)" "He won!" "Rusty Malcolm won!" "No, sweetheart." "That was just the pace lap." "How many laps are there?" "Oh, hundreds." "We've got four hours of this." "Four hours?" "!" "Uh-huh." "Do we at least get to see any flaming wrecks?" "Reese, it's not about that." "See, it's about strategy and technique." "It's about the melding of man and machine." "The wrecks are just sort of a bonus." "Dewey... you can keep track of the laps." "Can we go get sodas?" "What?" "Already?" "Well, okay." "Guess it can't be a special day without sodas, huh?" "Here." "Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." "Get your dad a beer." "Take my I.D." "Come on, Rusty!" "(Vacuum Cleaner Running)" "Firecrackers." "Malcolm." "(Vacuum Cleaner Stops)" "(Chuckles)" "I'm going to say Reese." "Three rooms to go, and already I have enough evidence... to ground them for life." "Dewey, stay with us." "You're going to get lost." "No, I won't." "Yes, you will." "You always do." "You know you could help." "I'm watching him." "He's right over..." "Man, how does he do that?" "Totally your fault!" "He was right in your eye line." "You don't pay attention to anything!" "I pay attention." "Score!" "What are you doing?" "(Muffled):" "Too slow." "Come on." "Let's just go find Dewey." "This place sucks." "It's hot, it stinks... nobody's T-shirts cover their stomachs... and I'm bored out of my mind." "Hey." "Look at that." "Let's check it out." "I don't know." "It doesn't just say "keep out."" "It says "forbidden."" "And they wouldn't bother making it "forbidden"" "if it wasn't something totally bitchin' on the other side." "Wow." "I can't find a flaw in his logic." "Come on." "What's the worst that could happen?" "We didn't do anything!" "I'm a diabetic." "I need insulin." "Sit down!" "You are such an idiot!" "It actually was pretty bitchin'." "And I'm totally getting one of these for Christmas." "(Doorbell Rings)" "What does the sign say?" "Woman:" ""No soliciting."" "Well, that includes Jesus." "No, it's Caroline Miller, Malcolm's teacher." "I need to talk to you." "Yeah, come on in." "Oh, spring cleaning?" "Oh, ho." "Yeah, I'm cleaning house, all right." "I'm sorry to bother you at home... but when Malcolm didn't show up for school today..." "What?" "Malcolm cut school today?" "Yeah." "Actually, not just today." "Now, your first reaction is probably going to be one of understandable..." "Wait!" ""Ditching."" "We have a winner!" "(Scraping Sound)" "Anyway, this week... we've been doing a lot of work on folk movement... and l-I think that Malcolm may be ditching because he's afraid that... well, that he may not seem... graceful." "Oh, you're serious." "Yes, I'm serious." "I think he may have body issues." "(Chuckling)" "Look, honey, you're probably very bright... but you've got a lot to learn about boys." "First off, they're able to think maybe three minutes into the future... and it's our job to make sure that future comes crashing down on them... within the time limit." "Otherwise, they never learn anything." "Help lift." "Eew!" "What is that?" "Don't be such a baby." "I'll get the tongs." "I'll be Kevin." "You be Clyde." "Think you can cry?" "No." "I got to feel it." "Ooh, I got an idea." "No!" "Just follow my lead." "No, Reese." "Whatever it is, no!" "Well, I guess you boys had some time to think about what you've done." "Yes, sir." "Look, I, uh, used to be your age... and I understand how tempting a place like that can be." "And I guess you kids really didn't do any major harm... so I've decided to let you off..." "You idiot!" "Open it!" "It's locked!" "Okay, I think I can cry now." "Announcer:" "...And Rusty Malcolm... has retaken the lead with only 100 laps to go." "Rusty:" "Great beverage work, Hal!" "My pleasure, Rusty!" "(Voice Echoing)" "Here comes Rusty Malcolm into the pits." "It's going to be four tires..." "Hey, how about that, boys?" "(Sighs)" "Well, this just plain hurts my feelings." "Oh, man." "Oh, ma..." "Stanley, I'm sorry, I..." "Wait." "I'm trying to see if I'm inspired by its symbolic bid for freedom." "No." "I'm just really pissed." "Okay, don't overreact." "It's just a snake, right?" "So, it's got to be around here somewhere." "No big deal." "(Dog Barking)" "(Whimpering)" "Spangler:" "Oh, my God!" "Patton, no!" "(Two Gunshots)" "Hi, Mom." "Uh, I was just thinking about how much I missed you guys... and..." "I was thinking I should come for a visit, you know, like today." "There's a flight leaving in half an hour and I already booked it... so I just need your credit card number to..." "Well, honey, here's the thing." "Right now you are actually better off being as far away from me as possible." "But..." "You got to trust me on this one, Francis... or, uh, should I say..." ""Olaf Mortenson" of Wheatville, Montana?" "(Dial Tone)" "You know, I have learned more in two hours with you... than I have in six years of teaching." "(Sighs) So, did your life... turn out anything at all like you planned?" "Oh, God, no." "Oh, when I was a girl..." "I had all these crazy, romantic dreams." "I wanted to be a blackjack dealer in an Indian reservation." "Didn't work out." "Stubby thumbs." "Well, at least you have your home and your family." "All I come home to every night are three howling cats and..." "Bob." "Who's Bob?" "My shower head." "Do you have anything stronger?" "I'm way ahead of you." "...and it looks like Rusty Malcolm will win his final race!" "Rusty!" "I can't believe they're missing this." "Rusty Malcolm maintains the lead high off the third turn... (Tires Screeching)" "What...?" "Oh, for the love of God!" "What happened?" "What happened?" "Rusty do something?" "Missed it!" "What'd he do?" "(Metallic Squeaking)" "Men... a terrible tragedy has befallen us." "At approximately 1700 hours... our beloved Patton was set upon by a serpent and devoured." "I, myself, fired a few rounds as it slithered away... but, hampered by a lack of depth perception... my efforts were useless." "(Sniffles)" "Now..." "after an incident such as this... certain questions arise." "Leaving aside for the moment... why God feels the need to take away everything that I love... that leaves us with the matter of who is responsible." "Can you explain that, Francis?" "Yes, sir." "I believe you lost that finger trying to start the school lawn mower." "What is in the hand?" "They appear to be Raisinettes, sir." "They are snake droppings, found in your footlocker." "Now, what do you have to say for yourself?" "Sir, I'm obviously the victim of an elaborate conspiracy to frame me." "It's just too perfect, sir." "Two months!" "No hot water, no television... and an 8:00 p.m. Curfew for the entire academy!" "Feel free to thank the cadet after I leave." "Could I ask one favor?" "Send a picture to my mom with "I told you so" written across it." "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "Way to go, man." "What?" "We hated that yappy, little rat." "Let's hear it for Francis, you guys!" "(Cheering)" "This is an improvement, right?" "Reese!" "Rusty Malcolm wins the stock car..." "Malcolm!" "(Grunts)" "Hi, Dad." "Hi." "Where are your brothers?" "Oh, geez." "Come on." "Uh... what seems to be the trouble here, Officer, uh..." "Karl?" "These your boys?" "Yes, sir, that they are." "Couldn't be prouder of them." "These are two of the worst kids I have ever encountered in my life." "And I work the state fair." "Really?" "See, that must be fascinating..." "Seeing people from all over, the different cultures..." "I don't want to be a hard case here, but these kids physically attacked me." "Plus, they completely destroyed a $300 pneumatic drill... which someone's going to pay for." "Well, this all sounds pretty serious." "But don't you worry, Officer Karl." "They are going to hear all about it when I get them home." "I'm just sorry that they had to put you through all of this." "That's not fair." "And I, uh, see, I fully intend to pay for... (Groans)" "Clyde, Kevin!" "Get to the car!" "(Moaning)" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Ooh!" "(Chuckling)" "Okay." "All right, men." "Well, I hope you've all learned something today, huh?" "I learned my dad is actually capable of doing something cool." "I'm not saying violence is cool, but that was cool!" "I always wondered where we got it from." "Program... tickets..." "Huh." "Your mother's paycheck." "Now, boys, remember, as far as your mom knows..." "I have been at work all day." "(Laughing)" "Okay, go on." "All right." "Well, at least she doesn't know I skipped school all week." | {
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"GERRY:" "I've been trying to make contact for years." "You know why I didn't tell you about my experience?" "'Cause I never had one." "Kurt died trying to clean up your mess." "You disgust me." "If you love something..." " ... you should do it." " I have feelings for a woman!" " It's Chelsea." " GINA:" "We should take a break." "It doesn't really feel like group anymore." "So, our next meeting is TBD." "OZZIE:" "I thought I had an answer, and now I have more questions." "NANCY:" "Empathize with this." "♪ ♪" "DON:" "Jeff, I have a confession." "I haven't worked in two months." "I'm in love with a subject and I didn't erase her mind." "There has been no erasing." " I just can't bear to erase..." " Shut up!" "I'm in the middle of something." "I'm about to kill Gina." "[Doorbell rings]" " Hey, Gina, can we talk?" " GINA:" "Whatever." "DON:" "I guess you can't kill her now... that 28409 has shown up." "OZZIE:" "I could really use your help." "I think I'm having a breakthrough." "Well, haven't you heard?" "I don't do "helping people with breakthroughs" anymore." "The group is over." "Everyone's taking a break." "This is even better." "I can kill both of them." "But they're living beings." "Wha..." "You need commission approval." "Please, shut up!" "You're chipping in my time for killing people." "OZZIE:" "Look, I'm sorry to hear about the group." " [Beep]" " Wait... buffering?" " What?" "Yeah." " What the hell is this?" "Piece of... [Spits]" "Piece of garbage!" "Come on!" " I'm going to look at my files." " Work!" "Why would you buffer on this day?" "I could really use your help trying to figure out these drawings of mine." "[Sighing]" "No offense, but you are a really bad artist." "No, I did these when I was a kid." "I think it has something to do with my experience." "Whoa!" "You're drunk." "No, I'm not... [Sniffles]" "Okay, we should get you some food." "[Beep]" "Aha, aha!" "Succe..." "No!" "Oh!" "[Phone rings]" " JOHN:" "Hello?" " Hi, honey, it's me." "I was just calling to tell you that I miss you." "[Woman laughing on phone]" "What was that?" "JOHN:" "Nothing, I'm... just watching TV." "Oh... so how's the, how's the trip going?" "Trip's good." "Gotta stay an extra ten days to make sure this deal closes." " I'll call you in a couple of days." " John..." "[Phone disconnects]" "[Loud horn honk]" "[Tires screech]" "Richard?" "What were you doing out there in the middle of nowhere?" "Nancy took my car." "But she must've been so upset that she just, you know, left me behind like that." "And... she's not returning my texts." "Richard, can I, can I give you some friendly advice?" "After my husband died," "I was so eager to be back in love that I let people take advantage of me." "Yeah, I think if I can just prove to Nancy that there's nothing going on between Gina and I, everything would be fine." "Why would you think there's something going on between you and Gina?" "I'm just going to have Gina clear this all up." "Drop me off at Gina's house." "Oh." " [Crickets chirping] - [indistinct police radio]" "Hey, Glimmer, can I ask you something?" " Shoot." " How do you make it, as a human, without a lot of money?" "Hmm." "Pretty much Top Ramen." "It's a meal that you can buy for, like, around 18 cents." "Top Ramen's gonna be your best friend." "Is that what you eat?" "Yeah." "Two divorces... $35,000 in gambling debts." "That's why I'm working with you guys." "[Softly] Wow." "[Knocking]" " Hey, hi, hi, Glimmer." " Hey, Don." "So, uh, Jeff's in a very bad place." "He's about to murder two subjects... 12738 and 284709." "Ozzie?" "Where are they?" "In Gina's house." "I went to Beacon when I was a kid and I disappeared." "So what do you want from me?" "Clearly I'm blocking something and I need you to do, like, some serious stuff... not the crap we were doing in group, like, really drill in there and just..." "[Vocalizes explosion]" "There is a type of therapy." "It's, it's more aggressive than what we do in group." "It was my specialty when I lived in New York." "Great, let's do it." " But I can't do it." " Why not?" "[Whispering] Because I killed someone." "Wait... what?" "I was pushing this patient to face his fears... fear of intimacy, fear of heights." "They don't sound like they were linked, but they were linked." "[Shouting] She believes in me!" "[Thud]" "Anyway, I couldn't deal with my guilt." "I drank too much, I lost my practice, I moved here and... you know, then I had my experience." "You had your experience after your patient died?" "Well, pretty soon after, yeah." "This could be the link... trauma followed by an alien experience." "What if we're inventing our experiences as a coping mechanism for the trauma in our lives?" "Ooh!" "Or aliens are choosing to abduct us when we're at our most emotionally vulnerable." "Oh!" "If we can figure out what happened to me, we can figure out what happened to all of us." "I just really don't want to kill anyone again." "Yeah, you shouldn't." "[Eerie music]" "[Crickets chirping]" "Jeff?" "[Door closes]" "I know you're here." "Hello, Jonathan." "Oh, there you are." "You ready to do this?" "Yeah." "Okay, so this looks right." "OZZIE:" "Yeah." "I'm sorry, Gina, this is ridiculous." "Ozzie, do not get off that horsey." "Walk me through everything you remember from that day." "All right, my parents were fighting, they were lost." "They bought me a grape soda." "Now take a sip of your soda." " Trigger something?" " No, but this is delicious." "Why'd I stop drinking this?" "Oh, 44 grams of sugar, that's why." " Are you ready?" " Do we have to?" "Yes, we do, we need to ride the horsey." "How else are you gonna experience it?" "[Coin clatters, upbeat music playing]" "Anything?" "This song..." "I remember hating this song." "[Whooshing]" "[Slow music playing]" "_" "I remember." "I got off the horsey and I went into the store towards a door in the back." " Okay, dismount, let's go!" " Okay." " Um, careful... don't hurt yourself!" " Okay, no, I got it." "You're breaking up with me?" "I think you're the most magnificent being on this planet." "But it's distressing my job, it's-it's crushing me." "I had no idea that the Remarkable Bean was such a pressure cooker." "Yeah, they're tough." "So that's the reason we have to break up." "Yeah." "And, uh, and my, my mother is dying... of a disease... back home, in Iceland." "[Sighing]" "Yeah, you know, it's a lot of things going on right now." "Well, you should really go be with her." "Yeah, I would, but it's my job and..." "I... you know, I'll miss you." "I will miss you a lot." "I'll miss you too." "Why don't I go with you?" "Screw your job." "This is your mother, Don." "Your, your "Muth-er."" "It's your family." "What's more important?" "Some stupid job or the people you love?" " The people I love." " Yeah." "I've got nothing going on for me here." "I'm a temp at a funeral home, you know?" "And I've always wanted to go to Europe." " Iceland." " We should do this, you know, and I..." "I think you're really special." "You do?" "Yeah, of course." "You know, yeah, let's do it." " Really?" " Yeah." " Okay!" " Yeah." " [Laughing]" " This is... this is happening." "What are you doing here?" "What's your plan?" "I am avenging Kurt's death, and you're getting in my way." "Okay, you know that's against the rules." "The rules no longer apply." "The Main Station's almost here." " We're all going to be..." " ..." "Bathed in human blood tomorrow." "I'm doing them a favor, putting them out of their misery before the real shit starts." "So they won't have to see their loved ones mining ore." "JONATHAN:" "Well let's take a beat and check in." "You know, measure twice, cut once?" "Jeff?" "[Thunk, gears whirring]" "Sorry, Nancy, I had to do it." "[Crackling]" "Oh, rats." "[Knocking on door]" "Can I come in?" "Of course." "[Chelsea sniffles]" "I think my husband is cheating on me." "Oh..." "Are you sure?" "He's always away on business, and he never calls me, and when he is home, he's so distant." "I think my marriage is over." "Maybe it's just a bump in the road." "Yeah, maybe." "I'm sorry... to bother you with this." "I know you're... taking a break from all this priest stuff right now." "[Clears throat]" "It's okay, Chelsea." "I'm also your friend." "Uh-oh." "And remember to be a good listener, and speak from your heart, because that's the way you're gonna be..." "Bye, Margaret." "Bye!" "Nancy?" "Oh, she's with a man!" "I always knew we'd end up here." "Aah!" "Jeff, I know about you and Kurt, okay?" "It's cool, interspecies, it's not a big deal." "You keep that name out of your mouth!" "[Screams]" "[Gasps]" "Oh, shit, wait a second, that's Walsh." "Are they having an affair?" "At Gina's house?" "This is the door." "[Eerie whooshing]" "It's definitely giving off some strong vibes." "[Whispering] You have to go in there." "All right, I'll distract him." "Figure out a way to open that lock and get in there." "Excuse me, sir, I'm, uh," "I'm looking for a good, uh, quinoa." "Oh, yeah." "[Register beeps]" "Can I also add some women's deodorant, and um, some lottery tickets..." " [Loud banging]" " Um..." " Did you hear that?" " No, nothing." "God, I need condoms, cigarettes, batteries and beef jerky." "Really?" "[Eerie music]" "[Door slams shut]" "[Steam whooshing]" "Louis, I gotta say this one's on you, first of all." " Yeah." " Okay, buddy?" "There's a sign... it says "Employees Only."" "Well, now we're going to have to kill him." "You always want to kill 'em." " No, no, no..." " Of course I always want to kill 'em." "Listen, let's take him to the ship." "Hey..." "Hi, I'm Snake Man." " Where is he?" "Ozzie!" " Ozzie!" " Come on, come out!" " MAN:" "Hold it right there." "Rough night, huh?" "GERRY:" "Hey, Ozzie, I'm in the car." "I'm actually going to a business meeting." "Is it urgent?" "Yeah?" "All right, I'll be there." "[Phone chimes]" " Text Yvonne." " [Phone chimes]" ""Hey e Von running tiny boat lake see you ace app."" "Oh, okay." "All right." "Gerry, my mother had hundreds of these alien drawings that I did." "I've been to Beacon before." "I was abducted as a child!" "Holy crap." "If you were abducted as a child, that means they've been..." " Yep." " No." "You know what?" "I meant it when I said I'm out." "I've wasted too much time chasing alien stuff." "Wasted?" "Gerry, this is your life!" "No, not anymore." "This is my life now." "I'm in the insurance game, like my old man." "You're an alientologist, Gerry." "Come on." "No, I put away childish things." "Call me if you need comprehensive coverage." "What?" "Wha... wait, Gerry, you're gonna miss it." "Gina's gonna put me under hypnosis." "Hypnosis, Gerry!" "You love hypnosis!" "GERRY:" "I'm done with that." "I chase real things now... like money." "I mean, this kind of thing happens all the time, right?" "I'm married, you're a priest." "Lots of married people develop feelings for priests, right?" "Nope, this is wrong." "Totally, totally wrong." "Of course it is." "You're right, okay." "No, I never should've never come back here." "[Mumbling]" "Margaret, it's Richard from the group." "Oh, hello, Richard!" "I'm outside a window." "I'm peeping at Nancy." "She's with that Walsh guy that used to be Ozzie's boss." "Do you think she's in love with him?" "I don't know, Richard, I have no idea." "Maybe she's breaking up with him." "Oh!" "Yeah, right... so Nancy and I could be together." " [Slap, Richard gasps]" " She just slapped him!" "She is breaking up with him!" " [Slap]" " That bastard just slapped her!" "Richard?" "Richard?" "Who the hell..." "I lost visual." " [Thudding] - [Nancy groaning]" "JEFF:" "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." "RICHARD:" "You stupid..." "little shit!" "No!" "[Banging on door]" "It's over, Jeff." "I win." "Wrong again." "COMPUTER VOICE:" "Initiating self-destruct sequence." " Oh, no." " Five, four," " three, two, - [Grunts]" " Nancy, I'm here!" " one." "[Loud explosion, glass shatters]" "Okay, relax." "Concentrate on my finger." " Last time this only took a..." " [Moans] second." "Really, unbelievably fast." "What happened after the grocery store contact?" "Share with me what you see." "OZZIE:" "I'm with the snake man from my drawing." " GINA:" "Where are you?" " We're in a corridor." "There are people being led in and out... grown-ups, children." "Where is the corridor?" "Is it in the Beacon?" "We're on a ship." "Oh, my God." "You've been abducted before." "You're a lifer." "Okay, Ozzie, what else do you see?" "What else is happening on the ship?" "There's a girl, she's wearing a softball jersey, it says "Cardinals."" "What else do you see?" "On the back, number eight, "Morrison."" " [Loud slap]" " Ow!" "Did you just say "Morrison"?" " Yeah." " That's my last name." "Did you play softball in high school?" "Yes." "Oh, my God." "I'm freaking out." " Do you have a picture?" " Uh, yeah." "Throwback Thursday." "Is that the person you saw?" "Yeah." "That's her." " Whoa." " Holy shit." "[Electricity crackling]" "[Eerie music]" "You're..." "Don, pick up!" "I need you to go to Gina's house to tell me what happened." "I lost signal." "COMPUTER VOICE:" "Docking." "Docking." " Oh." "They're here." " Docking." "Docking." "Okay, they're here." "Um, oh, boy." "Oh, oh, I can't believe they're here." "Oh, my God!" "Ahhh!" "[Panting]" "Breathe, just breathe... just breathe." "You're gonna do great, you're gonna do this." "[Mumbling]" "Welcome, Commanders!" "Everything is going according to..." "Who the [bleep] are you?" "Ramen's ready." " The first one's on the house." " Mmm!" "There's clean towels in the hallway closet if you need 'em." "Uh, you're... okay." "[Beep, whirring]" "Kill 28409," "Ozzie Graham." "No, Nancy." "We don't kill Ozzie Graham." "We're not killing any of those kids." "NANCY: 17857, Chelsea Wheeler." "58937, Kelly Grady." " ♪ When it's my moment in the sun ♪ - 11378, Yvonne Watson." " 67892, Richard Schultz." " ♪ Oh, how beautiful ♪" " 48937, Margaret Flood." " ♪ I'll be ♪" " 65742, Ennis Hart." " ♪ But in a normal sort of way ♪" " 75841, Gina Morrison." " ♪ Like I am you ♪" "♪ And you are me ♪" "_" "[Tapping]" "Let's go for it!" "And..." "like this!" " ♪ Said I have a lot of things to say ♪ - [Knocking on door]" "♪ And you'd be wise to listen good ♪" "♪ I think that hunger, war, and death ♪" "GINA:" "Richard!" "♪ Are bringing everybody down ♪" " What, what happened?" " Oh, Nancy exploded." "Oh..." "Jonathan Walsh is an alien." "You want the truth?" "The truth is I'm a lizard person." "Huh." "MAN ON INTERCOM:" "Hello, and welcome to Fly Iceland." "We're currently cruising at an altitude of 39,000 feet." "[phone chimes]" "_" "♪ Well it's my moment in the sun ♪" "[Sighing]" "♪ I won't forget that I am blood ♪" "[Static crackling]" "No, it's a brand-new lease." "♪ But every hero... ♪" "[Music stops]" "[Crickets chirping]" "[Sarcastically] Great, perfect." "[Groans]" "[Whirring]" "[Whooshing]" "It's happening." "It's finally happening!" "I knew I was special!" "Ha-ha!" "Whoo!" "Suck it, Dad!" | {
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"♪♪ Theme Music Playing... ♪♪" "♪♪" "♪♪" "♪♪" "*JUSTICE LEAGUE ACTION* Season 01 Episode 28" "Title: "The Fatal Fare"" "DARKSEID:" "At last, the glorious invasion of Earth is upon us." "Desaad, prepare the greatest" "Boom Tube in the history of warfare." "(WHIRRING)" "Inform me when the conquest is done." "HAWKMAN:" "Our informants were right." "Darkseid is attacking Earth." " We'll never catch up." " We'll catch up." "Those ships are going nowhere." "(ALL SCREAM)" "(GRUNTS)" "(SCREAMS)" "This Kryptonite ray should take the fight out of you." "Huh?" "Where's the Boom Tube?" " He's done something!" " (ELECTRICTY CRACKLES)" "(WHIRRING)" " Where'd they go?" " Not Earth." "Superman redirected the Tube." "They could be anywhere." "Hey, space cruisers." "Power ring run down in the middle of nowhere?" "Need a ride home from your latest battle," " bounty hunt or bachelor party?" " (DEVICE BEEPING)" "Hi!" "I'm Roxy Rocket, former Earth daredevil turned interplanetary entrepreneur." "Why pay outrageous space cabbie rates when my cosmic charter service can whisk you across the galaxy for a fraction of the cost?" "It'll take more than some gal with a stolen warp engine to cut into this space cabbie's business." "What can compare to the cozy comfort of a 9-Planet Taxi cab?" "(SPRING TWANGS)" "So, the seat's a little broken in." "It's like flying the family couch." "Ow!" "(DEVICE DINGS)" "A new customer!" "Eat your heart out, Roxy Rocket." " Welcome, Mr. Dark... "Seed"?" " Darkseid." "Ah!" "Oh, of course." "Yikes, my bad." "(VEHICLE RUMBLES)" "Where to, your eminence-ness?" "The third moon of Graxos IV." "Mr. D, there's nothing on that mud ball except a bad smell, mind you." "I dislike having my requests challenged." "Drive." "No, sir." "Yes, sir!" "SPACE CABBIE:" "Third moon of Graxos IV, right away." "9-Planet Taxi accepts cash, check, or universal debit." "This will suffice." "A platinum Omega?" "(WHISTLING) Right, sir, I can't change this." "Keep it." "Don't wait." "Yes, sir!" " (BEEPS)" " Uh-oh." "Big guy forgot his receipt." "Even cosmic big-shots need their business write-offs." "Mr. D?" "Mr. D?" "That's a lot of battleships." "Mr. D?" "(SUPERMAN SCREAMS)" "(GROANS)" "Observe, great Darkseid, how completely helpless the Kryptonian is." "What about our Boom Tubes?" "What has he done to them?" "Somehow he placed a virus within his Mother Box that has infected our entire network." "That's why you couldn't use a Boom Tube to get here." "We've tried to delete it, but it keeps coming back." "Only he knows how to break the code." "I suppose he's not talking?" "You suppose right, madman." "(SCREAMS)" "(METAL CLANKING)" "My Lord, not to question you, but you did come in secret?" "(PANTING)" "Mmm-hmm." "(PANTING HEAVILY)" "Oh, mama, this is big." "I better call the Justice League but..." "But first I'd better put some distance between me and those creeps." "I said don't wait." "No." "I was just..." "You defied me." "Uh, got it." "No defying." "I will overlook it, as my associate, Kanto, needs a ride home." "(STAMMERS) Yes, sir!" "SPACE CABBIE:" "That Mr. D, is some swell guy, huh?" "Naive mortal." "Darkseid is all." "Yeah." "And you do what for him, again?" "Tidy up loose ends and execute my master's wishes." "Yikes." "Okay." "So, Apokolips, I'll have you there yesterday." "No hurry." "In fact, I've been meaning to make a visit to the acid lakes of Schlough." "Let's stop there first." "Whoa!" "The acid lakes?" "Isn't that where all the space pirates go to drop their victims?" "(CHUCKLING) Indeed." "Oh, so that's why the Green Lantern Corps had the planet cordoned off." "I don't care to alert the Green Lanterns and distract them from their noble duties, of course." "Mmm, maybe now they'll shut down a certainly deadly no-name jungle planet a couple parsecs over." "Yeah, carnivorous plants there give out a goo so corrosive, it would dissolve this cabin in seconds." "No trace." "You've piqued my curiosity." "I'd like a look at the place." "Oh, you don't want to go there." "It's remote, it's dangerous." "It's worth an Omega." "Yep, you're the boss." "Here we are." "No-name jungle planet of doom." " (GUN COCKS)" " Argh!" "Walk!" "Me?" "But..." "Those killer plants!" "Exactly." "You've seen too much." "(SCREAMS)" "Oh, that is impressive." "(GRUNTING)" "(SIGHS) You really cut it close, bud." "Please, never say "cut" to a plant." "The ever-pungent Swamp Thing." "Of course!" " I'm on..." " Earth." "I believe you know my associates?" "Smart move leaving your radio on." "We followed your signal perfectly." "Can you take us to Superman?" "Yeah, but we got to step on it." "Pile in." "I'll catch up after I drop" "Kanto off at Belle Reve Prison." "(VEHICLE RUMBLES)" "Oh, you're coming too?" "Why not?" "I even brought my own seat belt." "(GROANING)" "It's your last chance, Kryptonian." "Give up the code for your life." "There's a third choice, Darkseid." "You're not going to like it." "Huh?" "You forgot your receipt." "You!" "(GUNS FIRING)" "(GRUNTS)" "(GROANS)" "You're all dried up, creature." "And there isn't a drop of water on this planet to save you." "Yes." "But I hear your warships carry tanks of it." " (GLASS CRACKS) - (WATER GURGLING)" "Oh, yeah." "There it is." "(GROWLS)" "(GRUNTS)" "Hang on, Superman." "My handy-dandy Jack will get you out of there." "(BEEPING)" "(ROARING)" "(GRUNTS)" "Is that your best shot, Darkseid?" "I'm not even up to full strength." "(GRUNTS)" " (GRUNTS) - (GROANS)" "Want to know how we did it?" "It wasn't a virus." "It was something even trickier." "You can come out now." "I thought you'd never call." "I was getting claustrophobic in there." "What did I miss?" "Master!" "The Boom Tube generator is active." "It is, indeed." "And with this portable Mother Box... (BEEPS)" "I can send you away, Darkseid." "(GRUNTS)" "(GROWLING)" "(CHUCKLING) Nice." "Where did you send him?" "To the acid lake planet, Schlough." "I still never gave him his receipt." "We've got all the prisoners aboard." "Too bad Darkseid couldn't join them." "Cabbie!" "I really want to thank you for the help you gave us." "You sure we can't give you a lift?" "No." "Jack's got this." "He's a one-bot body shop." "You guys can take off." "I'll be fine." " What's the verdict, Jack?" " (BEEPS)" "Oh, great!" "Now how are we going to get off this rock?" "(BEEPING)" "No way." "I'll walk home first!" "Roxy Rocket at your service." "Hop on and hold tight." "Oh, if the other cabbies hear about this," "I'll never live it down." "Make some room back there." "I got another fare to pick up on the acid lake planet, Schlough." "Some guy named Darkseed?" "Dark..." "Darkseid?" "Whoa!" "Sync corrections - by srjanapala" "♪♪ Theme Music Playing... ♪♪" "♪♪" "♪♪" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"CHILD:" "We lay, my love and I" "Beneath the weeping willow" "But now alone I lie" "And weep beside the tree" "Singing "O Willow Waly"" "By the tree that weeps with me" "Singing "O Willow Waly"" "Till my lover returns to me" "We lay, my love and I" "Beneath the weeping willow" "But now alone I lie" "O willow, I die" "O willow, I die" "[BIRDS CHIRPING]" "[BIRDS CONTINUE CHIRPING]" "[QUIET SOBBING, SNIFFLING]" "[SOBBING CONTINUES]" "[BIRDS CONTINUE CHIRPING]" "WOMAN: [WHISPERING] All I want to do is save the children... not destroy them." "More than anything, I love children." "More than anything." "[WHIMPERING]" "They need affection... love... someone who will belong to them... and to whom they will belong." "MAN:" "Miss Giddens, may I ask you a somewhat personal question?" "Do you have an imagination?" "Oh!" "[CHUCKLES]" "Oh, yes, I can answer that." " Yes." " Good." "Truth is very seldom understood by any but imaginative persons... and I want to be quite truthful." "I'm a bachelor... but not, I might add, a lonely one." "I spend a great deal of time abroad." "And as for my London life, well, it amuses me... but it's not the sort of amusement that one could suitably share with children." "In brief, Miss Giddens..." "I am a very selfish fellow... and the last man alive to be saddled so suddenly and so awkwardly... with two orphaned infants." "[INHALES, SIGHS] It's most unfortunate... for I have no room for them, neither mentally nor emotionally." "Does that seem quite heartless?" "Honest, but not heartless." "Then the children do not live with you?" "No." "They are at my country estate in Bly." "A rather large, rather lonely place." "Still, I'm sure you'll agree, the country seems the proper thing for children." "I see from your letter that you are, yourself, the daughter of a country parson... and, um... oh, yes, here it is..." ""More than anything, I love children."" " Yes." " How remarkable." "For several years now... little Miles and Flora..." "Charming names, don't you think... have had only me." "Well, poor brats, they need more than a distant uncle." "Well, of course they need more than a governess." "They need affection and love... and someone to whom they can belong and who will belong to them." "You, Miss Giddens." "I feel that you are that person." "Sir, you... you do realize that this would be my first position." "What does that signify... if I trust you, if you trust me?" "You see, Miss Giddens, the person whom I engage... must solemnly promise to accept full and complete responsibility." "She must never trouble me." "Never." "Never." "Neither complain nor appeal nor write." "Simply take the whole thing over and... leave me alone." "What do you say, Miss Giddens?" "The children, uh..." " Have they had a governess before?" " Unfortunately." "Not that there was anything wrong with Miss Jessel." "She was an excellent governess and a most respectable woman." "The children quite liked her, especially little Flora." "Oh, which reminds me, be careful not to broach that subject to Flora." "She was so fond of Miss Jessel, and... it did come as an appalling shock." "I'm not certain that I understand you, sir." " [CLOCK CHIMING]" " She died." "Yes, just when I thought I'd got the whole situation settled... and everything running smoothly... the confounded woman died." "It was all very odd." "I was in Calcutta when it happened... and have only now been able to seek a replacement." "Meantime, my nephew had to be sent off to school... and the little girl, Flora, is being chaperoned by my housekeeper..." "Mrs. Grose." "Help me, Miss Giddens, for truly I am helpless." "Give me your hand." "Give me your promise." "Well, sir... if you are really sure..." "Quite sure, and very grateful." "Only remember, you're in supreme authority." "Whatever happens, you must handle it alone." "Yes, I'll try." "I promise you that." "I'll do everything I can to keep the children happy." " MISS GIDDENS:" "Oh, stop." "Please stop!" " Whoa there." "If you don't mind, I think I'd like to walk from here." "As you wish, miss." "Whoa." "Thank you." "WOMAN:" "Flora!" "Flora!" "Flora!" "Didn't you hear?" "Someone is calling your name." "No, I don't think so." "I didn't hear anyone." "Isn't your name Flora?" "I'm Miss Giddens." "Yes, I know." "You're my new governess." "I've been watching the road, waiting for you." " Are you afraid of reptiles?" " That rather depends." "Why?" "Because I've got one in my pocket, and he's very eager to meet you." "Well, in that case, by all means." " [SIGHS]" " His name is Rupert." " Oh, a tortoise." " We love each other." " Yes, I can see that you're very close." " Very." "There, now you've met Miss Giddens." "But Rupert isn't the only one." "I mean, ever since my uncle wrote... we've all been waiting and waiting for you to come." "Oh, we have been excited." "So have I. I've been very excited indeed." "Not as excited as we have." "And not as excited as Mrs. Grose." "She's cleaned and cleaned and had all the windows washed." "Just imagine... 134 windows!" " All that for me?" " Yes." "And I helped!" " Oh, we will have fun together, won't we?" " Yes, we will, dear." "Oh, Mrs. Grose, she's here!" "And she isn't afraid of reptiles." "And that's more than can be said of me, isn't it?" "[LAUGHS]" "[CHUCKLES] I walked from the gate." "I..." "I wanted to see it all." "[CHUCKLES] I'm glad to see you, Miss Giddens." "Really, I'm glad." "Oh, do please come in." "Thank you." "You're very kind." " Oh!" " Now, I expect you'd like a cup of tea." " Thank you." " But not you, Miss Flora." "Now, you know you're not allowed in the house with that toad or turtle... or whatever it is." " Go on." "Run along." "Off you go." " Oh, all right." "I had no idea." "I never imagined..." "Oh, I'm so sorry." "That's all right, miss." "It's always happening." "I never imagined it would be so beautiful." "Well, we do our best." "Though half the rooms are empty now..." "locked and empty." "All the same, it's too big, a job to keep clean." "But what I always say is, it's a heaven for children." "Oh, yes, a heaven!" "And what an enchanting child she is." "There's not another like her." "Though, mind you, she has her ways." "You have your work cut out." "I don't doubt." "But she seems..." "Well, she certainly looks angelic." "Well, she is too." "But she does like to wander, to go off by herself." " We're always hunting her." " Oh, yes." "I heard you." "Just now, as I was coming through the garden, I heard you call her name." "Oh, not me, miss." "Perhaps it was Anna or Cook." "Well, someone." "Sit down, miss, and have your tea." "Mmm, it'll be dark in here soon." "I'll get Anna to bring some lamps." "Miss Giddens?" "[WHISPERS] Miss Giddens!" "Has she gone?" "Yes, for the moment." "You don't mind Rupert sharing a bit of your cake, now, do you?" "Watch out." "He'll grow too fat to fit your pocket." " I have a pony too." " Oh." "He isn't really mine." "He belongs to Miles." "Miles is my brother, you know." "He's away at school." "You must miss him very much." "Well, he'll be coming home soon." "Not, I should think, until the holidays." "Time you went upstairs and got ready for your bath, Miss Flora." "Promise, now, you won't go away." "I expect to be here for a very long time." "And to think what qualms I had." "I was so afraid." " Afraid, miss?" " I couldn't make up my mind." "Should I accept this post, or shouldn't I?" "Well, miss, I'm sure I'm very glad you did." "After all, I didn't have much choice." "Their uncle is most persuasive." "[LAUGHING] And don't I know it." "Many's the time he's worked his magic on me." "Even when he was a boy he could twist you around his finger... and the children are the same way." "He doesn't come down here very often?" "Well, he likes the town life." "He always was a very popular gentleman." "And what's the good of being popular down here... with only the children and the pigeons and me?" " Mrs. Grose?" " Yes, miss?" " What was she like?" " Who, miss?" "The other governess." "The one who died." "Who, Miss Jessel?" "Oh, she was a young woman." "Some thought her pretty, and, well, I suppose she was." "But not as pretty as you, miss." "Not by half." "He seems to prefer them young and pretty." "He did." "He had the devil's own eye..." "I mean, that's his way, the master's." " But of whom did you speak first?" " Why, the master, of course." "There's nobody else, miss." "Nobody at all." "[BOTH LAUGHING]" "Be careful, dear, or you'll splash Miss Giddens!" "And is the other one just as remarkable?" "Is he too as enchanting?" "Well, if you like this one... you should be quite carried away by Master Miles." "I seem to be carried away quite easily." "That's what happened to me in London." "Miles is coming!" "Miles is coming!" "Stuff and nonsense." "You know very well Miles is at school." " Now, hold still." " [BOTH LAUGHING]" "[CLOCK CHIMING]" "I've got a little bed in your room." "It's got curtains." " How nice." " Yes." "Mrs. Grose wanted to give you a big room... but I said, "She'll only be there when she's asleep."" "Big rooms get bigger at night." "Do you know that?" " Do they?" " Mrs. Grose doesn't know." "[WHISPERS] She shuts her eyes in the dark." "[LAUGHS] I think that's silly." "I always look in the dark." "Do you?" "And what do you see?" "There are a lot of empty rooms." "I said, to Mrs. Grose..." ""I wish there was some way of sleeping in several rooms at once."" "Mrs. Grose was quite startled by the thought." " I don't wonder!" " "Stuff and nonsense," she said." " "Stuff and nonsense." - [BOTH LAUGH]" "Now I lay me down to sleep." "I pray the Lord my soul to keep..." " Why can't Rupert sleep with me?" " Because you might roll over..." " and crush him." " Crush a tortoise?" " Now finish your prayers, dear." " If I should wake before I..." "If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." "Amen." "Miss Giddens, where would the Lord take my soul to?" " To heaven." " Are you certain?" "Yes, of course, because you're a very, very good girl." "But I might not be." "And if I weren't, wouldn't the Lord just leave me here to walk around?" "Isn't that what happens to some people?" "[LOUD SCREECHING]" "Whatever was that?" " [SCREECHING CONTINUES]" " I'm sure something's been hurt." "An animal." "We must pretend we didn't hear it." "That's what Mrs. Grose says." " Pretend?" " Then we won't imagine things." "Sometimes one can't help..." "imagining things." "[MOANS]" "[SIGHS, MOANING CONTINUES]" "[HUMMING "O WILLOW WALY"]" "[STOPS]" "[RESUMES]" "FLORA:" "By the tree that weeps with me" "Singing "O Willow Waly"" " Till my lover..." " You should be outdoors on a day like this." "I was just practicing, Mrs. Grose." " Have you seen Miss Giddens, my lamb?" " I'm out here, Mrs. Grose." "Oh!" "There's some letters for you, miss." " Oh, thank you." " Oh, please, can I help you read them?" " Yes, if you like." " Which first?" "Now, how can I tell?" " Then I shall choose." " All right." "Here." "This one's from my sister." "Oh, look, dear." "Here's a picture of me and my family together." " Am I in it?" " How could you be?" "It's of my family." "Oh." " Now this one." " It's from London." " Is it from my uncle?" " Yes, I think it is." "You do look pleased." "Is he coming to see us?" "No, dear." "He's sent me a letter from Miles's school." " Flora?" " Yes, Miss Giddens, dear?" "Didn't you say last night that Miles was coming home?" "Oh, look." "It's a lovely spider... and it's eating a butterfly." "Mrs. Grose?" "Here's a letter their uncle has forwarded without opening." "It's from Miles's school." "He just wrote on the envelope, "Am off to Italy for the summer." "This is from Miles's headmaster." "Deal with it without bothering me."" " That's just his way, miss." " But how am I to deal with it?" "Miles has been dismissed from school." " Dismissed?" " Sent home." "Expelled." "But what has he done?" "What do the gentlemen say?" "They go into no detail." "They simply say..." "Here." "Read it." "Read it for yourself." "It's no good, miss." "I never learned." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I didn't realize." "They say that it is impossible to keep him." "Why?" "That he is... an injury to the others." "Master Miles?" "Him, an injury?" "Oh, stuff and nonsense." "You might as well think ill of Miss Flora, bless her." " You've never known him to be bad?" " Oh, I wouldn't say that." "You mean you like a boy with spirit." "Well, so do I, but not to the degree to... contaminate." "To what?" "To corrupt." "Master Miles?" "[LAUGHING] Oh, miss, are you afraid he'll corrupt you?" "Miles is coming!" "Miles is coming!" "Miles is coming!" "CONDUCTOR:" "Bly!" "Bly station!" "Miles!" "Miles!" "[LAUGHS] Miles." " You're Miss Giddens, aren't you?" " Yes." "How do you do?" "Oh, thank you, Miles." "FLORA:" "She's our new governess, Miles, and she's awfully nice." "I hope Miles will agree." " Come on." " [TRAIN WHISTLE TOOTS]" "Nothing's changed." "Oh, I've been longing for these holidays." "Holidays?" "Longing to see Bly and Mrs. Grose and Flora." "And you." "Flora wrote and told me you were coming." "Did you have a good term at school?" "Look, Miles!" "There's the lake!" "MILES:" "Oh, it is nice to be back." "I hope you won't be lonely... with just Flora and Mrs. Grose and me." "Were you happy at school?" "May I tell you something?" "Yes, Miles, of course." "I think you're far too pretty to be a governess." "And I think you're far too young to be such a deceitful flatterer." "[CHILDREN LAUGHING]" " [LAUGHING]" " Dearest Mrs. Grose!" " It is nice to be home." " Stop!" "Stop!" "You'll have me out of breath!" "It's all just the same." "Somehow..." "I don't know..." "I was afraid it might be different." "Oh, nothing ever changes here, Master Miles." "You look a bit thin, though." "We'll have to fatten you up." "Oh, Miles, you haven't seen the pony!" " May we?" " Yes, of course!" "Come on!" "[LAUGHS]" "Well, miss?" "It's just as you said." "Charm seems to run in the family." "And that cruel letter?" "It must be a misunderstanding, a mistake." "Yes, a mistake." "So, uh, what will you say to Master Miles?" "I shall have it out with him later on." "That can't be avoided." "But not now." "I'm not going to spoil his homecoming because of some silly schoolteacher." "Oh, yes, miss." "Oh, I..." "I'm so thankful we're not to have trouble." "Dear Mrs. Grose, what a comfort you are." "MILES:" "Why don't you come in, Miss Giddens." "How did you know I was there?" "This is a very old house." "Things creak." "And anyway, I saw the light from your candle under the door." "You should be asleep." " I'm much too excited." " Excited?" "By being home." "By seeing Flora." "And meeting you." "Besides, I like to lie awake." "That's a very bad habit, Miles." " Is it?" " Yes." "What do you think about while you're lying awake?" "Oh, a world of different things." "And tonight... were you, perhaps, thinking about school?" "Oh, no." "All that seems very far away." "Miles... you do know that you will not be allowed to go back." "You realize that it is a very serious matter... for a boy to be expelled from school." "I can't think what your uncle will say." "Can't you?" "I can." "He'll say, "Don't bother me." "I'm too busy."" " Miles, that's not true." " Isn't it?" "You've met him, haven't you?" "You know what he's like." "He doesn't care about me or Flora." "He doesn't care what happens to us." "Miles, dear, you mustn't believe that." "Your uncle has..." "Well, he has... a great many responsibilities and not enough time..." "To waste any on us?" "I understand." "It's a bit sad though... when people don't have time for you." "Oh, I have, Miles." "I have time." "And I care." "And, Miles, if there's something wrong about school... if there's something you want to tell me..." "Miles, dear Miles... can't you see that I want to help you?" "Trust me." "[GASPS]" "The candle's gone out." "Don't be frightened." "It was only the wind, my dear." "The wind blew it out." " FLORA:" "We lay, my love and I - [BIRDS CHIRPING]" "Beneath a weeping willow" "But now alone I lie" "And weep beside the tree" "Singing "O Willow Waly"" "By the tree" "That weeps with me" "Singing "O Willow Waly"" "Till my lover returns..." " [STOPS] - [BIRDS CEASE CHIRPING]" " [BIRDS RESUME CHIRPING]" " We lay, my love and I" "Beneath a weeping willow" "But now alone I lie" "O willow, I die" "O willow, I die" "[COOING]" "[FLIES BUZZING]" "Miles." "How long have you been here?" "I don't know..." "20 minutes, half an hour." " Oh, then you must have seen him." " Who?" "The man who was standing here on the tower." "I've been quite alone, except for my greedy friends." "Well, that can't be true." "Not two minutes ago I saw a man standing exactly here." "Perhaps it was me." "No, no, it was a man." "He was looking at me." "I expect you imagined it." "Or else..." "Oh, dear." "I hope you won't have to wear spectacles." "You're much too pretty for that." "Oh, yes, I expect I'm tired." "I haven't been sleeping well." "I know." "Flora told me." "She says you make little groans and moans all night." "Of course, one can never believe Flora." "She invents things, imagines them." "You mean, like poor, silly Miss Giddens?" "[LAUGHS]" "[KISSES]" "Miss, would these, by any chance, be yours?" "Scissors." "The gardener brought them up." "He said he found them in the garden." "I must have dropped them this morning when I... whilst I was cutting roses." "And just left them there. [CHUCKLES]" "I'm afraid today isn't altogether my day." "I seem to be at sixes and sevens." "Well, miss, you've never been away from home before." "A strange place, new responsibilities." " Takes a bit of getting used to..." " Mrs. Grose." "Is there anyone living here that I don't know about?" " Living here?" " In the house, I mean." "I've met the two maids, the cook and her husband, the gardener... and I was just wondering if there was someone I hadn't met." "Bless you, miss, I wish there were." "We could use another pair of hands." " [FOOTSTEPS RUNNING]" " Oh, hurry!" "Do come!" "You must see!" "Miles is giving an "expedition!"" "Oh, come!" "You must see!" "He's awfully brave!" "[WHINNYING]" "Miles!" "Flora, watch me!" "[LAUGHING]" " Miles!" " [WIND BLOWING]" "[BIRDS SQUAWKING]" "Miles?" "I didn't know you were watching." "That was very clever, Miles." "Do look, Miss Giddens." "I can draw too." "Miles isn't the only one who can draw." "Oh, yes." "Now I see." "It's lovely." "A vase of flowers." "Goodness, no." "It's a thunderstorm." " See the clouds and the lightning?" " Oh, yes, dear." "Yes, well, I'm sure it's very original." "Perhaps you'll grow up to be..." " a famous artist." " Did you hear that, Miles?" "Yes, dear." "But Miss Giddens is merely being polite." "Tell me, Miss Giddens, what do you think I might grow up to be?" "Anything you want." "There's nothing I want to be... except what I am..." "a boy living at Bly." "Oh, if only everything could go on just as it is now." "I love this house." "Don't you, Miss Giddens?" "It's very beautiful." "And so large." "I expect it's the biggest house in England." "The whole world, actually." "Oh, hardly the whole world, Flora." "Your house, where you used to live..." "was that a big house too?" "No, it was very small, I'm afraid." " How small?" " Very, very small." "Too small for you to have secrets?" "Well, secrets were a bit difficult." " FLORA:" "But possible?" " Not for long." "Secrets require a privacy that our little home did not provide." " Did you play games in your house?" " No." "We had to be quiet, usually, because my father was preparing his sermon." "But if he went out, we'd play hide-and-seek all over the house." "Oh, lovely!" " Let's do that!" " All right." "You hide, and I'll seek." "We can go all over the house, can't we?" " Everywhere, I mean." " Yes, I should think so." "[CLOCK CHIMING]" "Oh." "Where are the children going?" "It's their bedtime." "Yes, I know." "But I thought, just one little game and then right to bed they'll go." "Oh, they've won you over, miss, already, I can see." "They have indeed." " FLORA:" "We're ready!" " I'm coming!" "[CHUCKLES]" "Anna?" "MILES:" "Miss Giddens!" "[GEARS SPINNING]" "[MUSIC BOX: "O WILLOW WALY"]" "[DOOR HINGES CREAKING]" " [GASPS]" " You'd never have found me if I hadn't pounced on you!" " Did I frighten you?" " Yes, a bit." " Now you're my prisoner." " Oh, Miles!" "Let me go." " Why?" " You're hurting me." " Am I?" " Yes, Miles." "Please let me go." " But why?" " I told you." "You're hurting me." " Miles, I mean it." " Do you?" " Oh, you've found it!" "I've missed it so." " [MUSIC BOX]" "Mrs. Grose must have hidden it here." " Now it's your turn to hide." " Hurry!" "Run!" "All right." "Now where?" "Oh, where shall I hide?" "Wherever you like." "We'll count a hundred." "One, two, three..." "TOGETHER:" "four, five, six, seven, eight... nine, 10, 11..." " [WIND RUSTLING] - [BIRD CALLING]" "[FLORA, MILES LAUGHING]" "FLORA:" "Miss Giddens!" "Where are you?" "[SCREAMS, GASPS]" "[BIRD SQUAWKING]" "MRS. GROSE:" "Miss?" "Miss Giddens?" "Whatever are you doing there, miss?" "Heavens, child, you're white as milk." "I saw him!" "Don't tell me I didn't, because I did." " I saw him staring." " Who, miss?" " The same man... the man on the tower." " The tower?" "But now, just now, he was staring past me into the house... as if he were hunting someone." " What's he like, miss?" " He had dark, curling hair." " And the hardest, the coldest eyes." " Is he..." " Would you say he was very handsome?" " Oh yes." "Handsome and obscene." "But I've seen him before." "Yes, he..." "I know where I've seen him." "A picture." "There's a picture of him." "A miniature in a cracked glass in the attic." " I'll show you." " It can't be." " It can't be?" "You know him." " Quint." " Peter Quint, the master's valet." " But you said..." "Yes, miss." "You see, he's dead." "Quint is dead." "[GASPS] Dead?" " [LAUGHING] - [MUSIC BOX]" "[LAUGHING CONTINUES, FADES]" "[MOANING]" "[THUNDER CRASHING, RUMBLING]" "[SCREECHING]" "[SCREECHING]" "[SCREECHING CONTINUES]" "Your pencil does have the most terrible squeak, Flora." "It does, doesn't it?" "But I can't help it, you know." "Can't you?" "I thought you were doing it on purpose." "She is." " Stop it!" "Stop begging!" " I'm not begging!" "Yes, you are!" "You're begging for attention!" " [SCREAMS, SOBBING]" " There you are, begging again." "First for attention, now for affection." " Stop it, Flora!" " Now, Miles." "Hush, Miles." "Oh, darling." "Oh, poor darling Flora." "There, now." "Look, I've made you cry." "Oh, what a hateful, what a grumpy old governess you have." "You're not grumpy at all." "Of course you're not." "Though I wouldn't wonder if you were." "Nor would I, with everything so horrible." " [SNIFFLING]" " Horrible?" "Why, yes." "You know, the rain." "Not being able to go out in the garden." "My squeaky pencil and me..." "I wasn't even trying to be good." "Oh, but you are good." "You both are." "I know what." "Let's put away our books and let's pretend it's Flora's birthday." " Oh, yes!" " All right, Flora, it's your birthday." " What would you like to do?" " Have a party." " A costume party." " That's a splendid idea!" " Miles and I'll go get all dressed up." " May we?" " Yes, of course you may." " Come along then, Flora." "FLORA:" "Oh, good!" "[DOOR OPENS]" " Hurry, hurry, hurry!" " Where are you going?" " To dress up!" "You said we might!" " Well, I'll come with you." "No!" "Then there'd be no surprise!" "You wait downstairs!" "We won't be long!" "FLORA:" "Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!" "I've let them go." " Go where, miss?" " Oh!" "Oh, I've let the children go." "Upstairs, to the attic, perhaps." " Alone." " [LAUGHS]" " Is that all?" "They'll come to no harm." " I can't." "I can't leave them alone, not after the other night." "As for the other night, miss, put it out of your mind." "Pretend it was part of a dream, hich perhaps it was." "A dream?" "Don't you think I want to believe that?" "That it was just the darkness, a nightmare?" "But it's no longer dark." "It's daylight." "And I know I saw him." "A man, or something that once was a man... peering in through the window, looking for someone." "And if it isn't true, if I didn't see him... how could I have described him so accurately?" "Well, you had seen his picture." "Really, miss, you're upsetting yourself over nothing." "You said he was the valet?" "Yes, but when the master left..." "Quint was alone with us, in charge." "Tell me, how did he die?" "Quint?" "Out there, miss, on those very steps." "It was winter." "The coldest, blackest winter's night." "The steps were icy." "Quint, he came home late, after we were all abed." "Late, and full of drink." "There was a wound on his head, as if he'd slipped... as if he'd fallen out there in the dark." "I can't forget his eyes." "They were open, filled with surprise... with pain, like the eyes of a fox I once saw... a fox the dogs had hunted down." "But it was an accident?" "He was a peculiar man." "There were things in his life that could account for violence done him... vicious things..." "Well, it doesn't do to speak ill of the dead." "The children never mention him?" "Oh, no, miss, and neither must you... not to them." "You see, miss, it was Master Miles that found him." "Oh, that poor little boy." "If you could have heard his screams... seen the way he clung to him and begged him to speak..." "That poor little boy worshipped Quint." "Worshipped him?" "That man?" "Miles?" "You didn't know Quint, miss." "Such power he had over people." "You can't blame the child." "A lonely boy with no father." "Quint took advantage, that's all." "It made me sick to see Miles trotting after him like a little dog." "They were always together." " [MUSIC BOX]" " MILES:" "Quiet, everyone." "The entertainment is about to commence." "Oh, look, miss." "I borrowed your pin cushion." "I hope you don't mind." "Miss Giddens, dear, would you sit there?" "And, Mrs. Grose, would you sit there too?" "And now Miles will recite to you." "A poem." "What shall I sing to my lord from my window?" "What shall I sing, for my lord will not stay?" "What shall I sing, for my lord will not listen?" "Where shall I go, for my lord is away?" "Whom shall I love when the moon is arisen?" "Gone is my lord... and the grave is his prison." "What shall I say when my lord comes a-calling?" "What shall I say when he knocks on my door?" "What shall I say when his feet enter softly... leaving the marks of his grave on my floor?" "Enter, my lord." "Come from your prison." "Come from your grave... for the moon is arisen." "[WHISPERS] Welcome, my lord." "[WHISPERS] Look at that." " What, miss?" " I was afraid for them." "But what if he knows?" "What if Miles knows?" "Knows what, Miss Giddens, dear?" "You think I'm imagining it... and yet just now you yourself saw and heard Miles..." "Playing a game." "You told me Quint and Miles were always together." "But Master Miles wasn't to blame for that." " Yes, but couldn't you have stopped it?" " I wasn't in charge, miss." "It wasn't for me to question the master's arrangements." "The master put Quint in charge here." "Besides, no one could go against Quint." "You were afraid of him?" "But what of Miss Jessel?" "Couldn't she have done something?" "Or was she afraid of him too?" "Not at first." "At least..." "In the beginning, when she first came here, she was always happy and smiling." "Very fond of music she was... and dancing." "She and Miss Flora used to dance together, dance by the hour." "But she changed." "Oh, yes, she changed." "'T was hard to believe... her being an educated young lady and Quint being..." " [MILES LAUGHING] - well, what he was." "[FLORA SCREAMING] Stop it, Miles!" "Stop it!" "You see?" "I knew they'd be overexcited." "It's long past their bedtime." "Yes, but what did you mean about Quint and Miss Jessel?" "Look, miss, they're dead, gone." "There's no point in telling tales of what's over and done with." "Over and done with?" "Yes, but is it?" "[FLORA, MILES LAUGHING]" "MILES:" "Let go, Flora." "You'll fall in." "FLORA:" "But I want to row the boat." "Silly." "You know you can't." "Miss Giddens, tell Miles to let me row." "I will, when you're a little older." "But it's too heavy for you now." "I don't care." "I've got a boat of my own anyway." "[GOOSE HONKING]" "[SIGHS]" "Heavenly, warm sun." "It's almost hot." "I like it when it's hot." " Do you know what Miles told me once?" " No, dear." "What?" "He said that once, when he was on the lake, he could see a hand waving on the bottom." "But Mrs. Grose said, "Stuff and nonsense!" "Stuff and nonsense!"" "Miss Giddens, can tortoises swim?" "No, dear." "I thought perhaps they couldn't." "[HUMMING "O WILLOW WALY"]" "[CONTINUES]" "Flora, where did you learn that song?" "I don't think I remember." "[RESUMES HUMMING]" "It's the song from the music box, isn't it?" "Isn't it?" "[CONTINUES]" "MISS GIDDENS:" "Flora!" "Who is it?" "Over there." "Oh, goodness, miss, you gave me quite a turn sitting there in the dark." " And where are the children?" " Upstairs with Anna." "I wanted to be by myself for a while, to think." "Well, miss, I'm sure a little light will make your thoughts more cheerful." "Mrs. Grose?" "There are two of them." "I beg your pardon?" "Two of those abominations." "Today, down by the lake... there in the broad sunlight..." "I saw the other one." " The other one?" " A woman dressed in black." " Miss Jessel." " Oh, but Miss Jessel's dead." "She died, why, almost a year ago." "Huh." "Almost a year ago." "Almost a year." "Flora saw her too." " Did she tell you so?" " No, of course not." "She lied to me." "Well, it amounted to a lie." "Oh, now, miss, I've never known either of the children to tell lies." " Why would they?" " Why?" "Because they are both playing... or being made to play some monstrous game." "I can't pretend to understand what its purpose is." "I only know that it is happening." "Something secretive and whispery... and indecent." "I tell you, believe me, the children are in dreadful peril." "Well, what are we to do?" "Then you do believe me?" "You don't think I'm imagining it?" " I believe you, miss." " Oh, thank God." "Thank God." "I've been so frightened." "I've felt so alone." "But together, with you to help me..." "Oh, yes, miss, I'll help you." "Only tell me how." "Yes." "We must try to learn what it is these horrors want." "Think, Mrs. Grose." "The answer must lie in the past." "Were Quint and Miss Jessel in love?" "They were in love, weren't they?" "Love?" "Oh, I suppose that's what she called it." "But it was more like a sickness... a fever that leaves the body burned out and dry." "There was no cruelty she wouldn't suffer." "If he struck her..." "Oh, yes, and I've seen him knock her to the floor... she'd look at him as though she wanted the weight of his hand." "No pride, no shame." "Crawl to him on her hands and knees, she would." "And him laughing at her." "Such a savage laugh he had." "Oh, it hurts me to remember." "Bad she was, but no woman could have suffered more." "A person ought to keep quiet about it." "You must tell me." "Oh, miss, there's things I've seen I..." "I'm ashamed to say." "Go on." "Rooms... used by daylight... as though they were dark woods." "They didn't care that you saw them?" "And the children?" "I can't say, miss." "I..." "I don't know what the children saw." "But they used to follow Quint and Miss Jessel... trailing along behind hand in hand, whispering." "There was too much whispering in this house, miss." "Oh, yes, I can imagine." "Yes, I can imagine what sort of things... they whispered about." "Quint, Miles." "I can hear them together." "But there was nothing wrong in Master Miles wanting to be with Quint." "Quint taught him to ride and took him walking." " The poor lad needed someone to..." " To corrupt him?" "But Master Miles is a good boy, miss." " There's nothing wicked in him." " Unless he's deceiving us." "Unless they're both deceiving us." " The innocents." " Innocents they are, miss." "It's not fair." "You have no right to accuse them of..." "Oh, forgive me, Mrs. Grose." "I'm not accusing." "I'm just trying to put it together, to understand." "Tell me, were the children happy?" "Oh, they seemed to be." "The same as now." "But sometimes I used to wonder if they really cared for them, those two... or if they weren't just using them." "Using them?" "Yes, of course they were... and still are." "And in the end, what happened to her, Miss Jessel?" "Oh, that was pitiful." "When Quint was found, she went into blackest mourning." "Her, that should have hated the man." "She grieved till there was something crazy in her eyes." "Never slept." "Never ate." "I used to hear her wandering about all over the house, sobbing." "Couldn't go on." "Finally she died." "Here?" "At Bly?" "But of what did she die?" "Well, I suppose you might say a broken heart." "Excuse me, miss." "They're in bed now." "All scrubbed and nice and waiting for you to hear their prayers." "Thank you, Anna." "I shall be up in a moment." " [DOOR CLOSES]" " One thing more before I go." " Yes, miss?" " Our local vicar, what sort of man is he?" "The Reverend Fennel?" "Oh, he's a very fine sort of gentleman, miss." "Oh, but, miss, I wouldn't do that." "I..." "I mean, if you were thinking of discussing with the vicar what we have been discussing... oh, I wouldn't, miss." " Why not?" " Well, it might cause talk, a scandal." "Haven't we worse to fear than a scandal?" "But what good would it do, miss, telling the vicar our secrets?" "He can't help us." "He's perhaps the only one who can." "[MOANING]" "MRS. GROSE:" "What good would it do, miss, telling the vicar our secrets?" "He can't help us." "MISS GIDDENS:" "Only remember, you are in supreme authority." "Shh." "Flora, it's a secret." "You must remember it's a secret." "[CHILDREN LAUGHING]" "Watch her." "Watch her." " [CHILDREN LAUGHING]" " Flora, it's a secret." "It's a secret." "[LAUGHING]" "[WHISPERING, INDISTINCT]" "[WINGS FLAPPING]" "It's a secret." "A secret." "[MUSIC BOX]" "[BELL TOLLING]" " [CHILDREN LAUGHING]" " I've made up my mind." "Right after church, I shall take the next train to London and see their uncle." " He must have returned." " But why, miss?" "Why now?" "Because I..." "We can go on no longer without help." "I know you're almost sick with worry, but accept for odd times... you can't say the children haven't been good." "But they haven't been good, merely easy to live with." "Because they are not living with us." "We have no part in their real life." "Dear Mrs. Grose, I know it's hard for you to think wrong of those children... but there are things that I haven't told you... that I can't bring myself to tell even you." " [TOLLING CONTINUES]" " Look at them." "What do you think they're saying?" "Well, I don't know, miss." "Just children's talk." "They're talking about them." "Talking horrors." "So far these monsters have kept their distance." "Only been seen in high places... through windows, across the lake." "But they intend coming closer." "And if they do..." " What will you say to the master?" " Well, what can I say?" "That his house is being poisoned?" "That the children are a pair of calculating liars?" "That they have friends who would frighten them out of their lives... if they weren't deeply and forever bound to them?" "Oh, yes, I know, he'll think I'm insane... or that it's some stupid trick to get him to notice me." "Oh, I wish there was something I could do to help." "There is." "Have you told me everything?" "If I am to convince their uncle, I must have the truth." "All the truth." "How did Miss Jessel die?" "Please, miss, we'll be late." "[TOLLING STOPS]" "How did she die?" "[ORGAN]" "In wickedness." "She put an end to herself." "She was found in the lake, drowned." "Oh, I'm sorry, miss." "I..." "I should never have told you." "I'm glad you did." "Oh, go in, Mrs. Grose." "I'll follow you in a moment." "[ORGAN CONTINUES]" "[ORGAN CONTINUES]" "Flora." "I do wish you wouldn't go, miss." "It seems wrong somehow, your hurrying off like this." "I'm left with no choice." "Thank you, Mrs. Grose." "There's nothing else to be done... except to go to their uncle, tell him everything and force him to understand." " Did you order the carriage for me?" " I did, miss." "I'll go and see if it's come around." "I'll get someone to take your luggage down." "Thank you." "I shall be in the schoolroom." "[WOMAN SOBBING]" "[SOBBING CONTINUES]" "[SOBBING CONTINUES]" "MRS. GROSE:" "Miss Giddens?" "Miss Giddens?" "[KNOCKS]" "Are you ready, miss?" "I'm not going." "Everything has changed." "Are you ill?" " Where are the children?" " Anna's giving them their milk." "The carriage is ready, miss." "From now on, we must never let them out of our sight." "We can't take the slightest chance." "Of what?" "She was here." "She was waiting for me." "Who?" " She spoke." " She spoke?" "It came to that." "Oh, I could feel pity for her... if she herself were not so pitiless." "And hungry." "Hungry for him." "For his arms... and his lips." "But she can only reach him... they can only reach each other by entering the souls of the children... and possessing them." "The children are possessed." "They live and know... and share this hell." "Then surely you must tell the master." "I can't leave them now." "I shall write to him and insist upon his coming down here." "But even if he chooses to ignore me... with or without his help, I think I know how we can save them." "Yes, miss?" "They must be made to admit what is happening." "One word, one word of the truth from these children... and we can cast out those devils forever." "I pray to God you're right, miss." "[CLOCK TICKING]" "[CLOCK TICKING]" "[SIGHS]" "[TICKING CONTINUES]" "[PIANO]" "WOMAN:" "Shh." "WOMAN:" "Softly." "The children are listening." "[TICKING CONTINUES]" "[WOMAN LAUGHING]" "[TICKING CONTINUES]" "[FLOOR CREAKING]" "[CREAKING]" "[GROSE'S VOICE ECHOING] He had a wound on his head as if he'd slipped." "I can't forget his eyes..." "they were open." "[MILES'S VOICE ECHOING] What shall I say when his feet enter softly... leaving the marks of his grave on my floor?" "[CREAKING]" "WOMAN'S VOICE:" "Kiss me." "Kiss me." "Kiss me." "Kiss me." "Kiss me." "[WIND HOWLING]" "[WOMAN LAUGHING]" "[JIGGLING DOORKNOB]" "[MAN'S VOICE ECHOING] Look at the children." "Look at the children." "[WOMAN LAUGHING]" "WOMAN'S VOICE:" "You're hurting me." "[DOOR CREAKS, CLOSES]" "[WOMAN LAUGHING]" "[ECHOING CLATTER]" "[WOMAN'S VOICE ECHOING] The children are watching." " The children are watching." " [JIGGLES DOORKNOB]" "The children are watching." "[MAN'S VOICE ECHOING] Haven't they taught you?" "Knock before you enter." "[WOMAN'S VOICE ECHOING] Knock before you enter." "[MAN'S VOICE ECHOING] Knock before you enter." "[OVERLAPPING ECHOING VOICES]" "[OVERLAPPING, ECHOING INTENSIFY]" "WOMAN'S VOICE:" "Love me!" "Love me!" "Love me!" "Love me!" "Love me!" "[SCREAMS]" "[CHILDREN LAUGHING]" "MRS. GROSE'S VOICE:" "Quint is dead." "Flora!" "Flora!" "[WHISPERING] Somebody's walking in the garden." "[ECHOING] Miles!" "[DOOR CLOSES]" "Oh!" "Miles, what were you doing?" " When?" " You were looking up at the tower." " You saw something." " Of course I did." " What did you see?" " Only you, Miss Giddens." " I was waiting for you." " Waiting?" "Oh, I knew you'd look out." "But don't you want to know why?" " [SIGHS]" " I'll tell you the real, true reason." " But I wonder if you'll understand." " I'll try." "Well, put me back to bed then, if you're not too cross." " Are you cross?" " Yes, I am." "I thought you would be." "Come on." "I'll tell you when I'm in bed." " Well, now..." " Yes?" "I wanted you to think me bad for a change." "For a change?" "Well, I thought I might be becoming a bore." "Miles, tell me the truth." "But I am." "I mean, good children do get a bit boring, don't they?" "So I thought, why not go out tonight and wander about in my bare feet?" "It was a shocking thing to do, wasn't it?" "Yes, very shocking." "Well, that was our plan." "Flora and I arranged it together." "But we giggled so." "I was sure you must have heard us." "Yes, I..." "I did hear something." "I told her to go over to the window... then you'd be bound to look out and see me." "Flora's been bad as well." "Miles, what are you hiding under your pillow?" "I'm not hiding it." "I'm keeping it warm." "I found it this morning, one of my pigeons." "I couldn't, could I, leave it out there alone?" "But, Miles... its neck." " It looks as though..." " Someone had broken it." "Yes, poor thing." "I'll bury it tomorrow." "Kiss me good night, Miss Giddens." "[INHALES DEEPLY]" "[EXHALES]" "[PIANO: "O WILLOW WALY"]" "Are you writing to your sister, Miss Giddens?" "No, Miles, to your uncle." "I knew you would finally." "Did you?" "I suppose you're telling him what a wicked boy I've been." "It concerns you, in part, yes." "Well, do be sure and give him my love." "Miles, isn't that the tune that Flora's always singing?" " Do you like it?" " [CONTINUES]" "Where is Flora?" "Isn't she here?" "Shall I play you something else?" " Flora!" " [CONTINUES]" "Flora!" " Flora!" " [RUNNING FOOTSTEPS]" "Mrs. Grose!" "Mrs. Grose!" "Flora, she's gone!" "Miles planned it beautifully." "Oh, yes, it was very clever." "Quick, we must find her." " Where?" " By the lake where we picnic." "Where we saw Miss Jessel!" " You see?" "She's taken the boat." " All alone, that child?" "She's not alone." "And at such time, she's not a child." " She's an old, old woman." " [ROLLING THUNDER]" "[MUSIC BOX: "O WILLOW WALY"]" "[CONTINUES]" "[CONTINUES]" "[THUNDERCLAP]" "[ENDS]" " Flora?" " Oh, there you are." "I thought someone was watching me." "And who did you think it was?" "Why, Miss Giddens, you came out without your hat." " So did you." " [THUNDERCLAP]" " How did you get here, dear?" " In the boat." "MRS. GROSE:" "Miss?" "Miss Giddens?" "And when did you learn to row, Flora?" "Miles taught me." "Why did you come here?" "I always come here when I want to dance, when I want to be alone." "And who gave you that music box?" " I don't think I remember." " Miss Giddens?" "Oh, yes, I do." "It was Mrs. Grose." " No, it was not." " Wasn't it, Miss Giddens, dear?" "And where, my pet, is Miss Jessel?" " [THUNDERCLAP]" " Where is she, Flora?" "Miss Giddens?" "Where is she?" "You know you can see her!" " Miss?" " Look, Flora, look!" "There!" " You know you can see her." " I can't!" "I can't!" "Admit it!" "She's there!" "You know you can see her!" " I can't!" "I can't!" " But look!" "She's there!" " Stop it!" "I'm frightened!" " Stop it, miss." "[FLORA SOBBING]" " But you can see her." "You must!" " [FLORA SCREAMING]" "Hush, hush, dear." "She isn't there." "How could she be?" "She's dead and buried." "Hush, little lamb." "I can't see anything!" "I've never seen anything!" "You're cruel!" "You're wicked!" "I hate you!" "I hate you!" "I hate you!" " Flora!" " Take me away from her." "She's cruel!" "Take me away!" "Please take me away!" "Don't look at her!" "Don't look at her!" "She frightens me so!" " [SCREAMS]" " Hush, dear." "Come on." " [SCREAMING, SOBBING]" " Mrs. Grose!" "[SCREAMING, SOBBING CONTINUES]" "Come along." "[SCREAMING, SOBBING CONTINUES]" "[THUNDERCLAP]" "[SCREAMING CONTINUES]" "[SCREAMING, SOBBING CONTINUES]" "I like it when the fire does that." "Don't you?" "[FLORA SCREAMING, SOBBING]" "[SCREAMING, SOBBING CONTINUES]" "[SCREAMING, SOBBING CONTINUES]" "MRS. GROSE:" "Shh." "Hush, my love." "Anna will stay with you." "[SCREAMING CONTINUES]" "[SCREAMING CONTINUES]" "I've never known the equal." "Never." "It's beyond nature." "Now do you believe me?" "Now that you've seen?" "Now that I've heard." "In all my years... and I've known a vile tongue or two in my time, never have I heard such obscenities." " [SCREAMING, SOBBING CONTINUES]" " That pleases you?" "No, of course not, but it justifies me." "It's proof." "Perhaps it is, but to hear such filth from a child's mouth..." "I don't know where she could have learned such language." " I know." " I never heard her speak like it before." " Never." "Till you came." " You saw who taught her." " You saw that woman." " I know what I saw." "Has she mentioned it?" "Mentioned Miss Jessel?" " Only to say there was no one there." " You pretended to believe her." "I didn't have to pretend." "Well, how can you say that?" "As though you... you too were a complete innocent?" "Well, you lived here." "You knew those two." "You knew them when they were alive, and what influence they were on the children." "And it frightened you." "When I came here, you were still frightened." "Oh, you were." "I sensed it." "And why?" "Because you felt they weren't really dead." "And now, despite all that, you turn on me." "You blame me." "And all I want to do is save the children, not destroy them." "Don't you know that?" "All I know is Miss Flora was a sweet, innocent child... a happy child, until you made her face that..." " That woman!" "Say it!" " That bad memory!" "[FLORA SCREAMS, SOBBING]" "It may have been the saving of her." "[EXHALES] But you must take her to her uncle." "You must both go away tomorrow." "Away from me, away from them, the servants... everyone must go." "Leave you here all alone?" "Except for Miles." "We were together this afternoon... sitting in front of the fire." "He didn't say anything... but he wanted to." "It was like a pendulum... and I could feel it swinging my way." "Slowly, slowly." "Oh, yes, he wanted to reveal himself and ask for my help." "And we must give him that chance." "Don't you understand that?" "After today, miss, I doubt I shall ever understand you." "It was a cruel thing." "And if you're planning another cruelty..." "But to wake a child out of a bad dream, is that a cruelty?" "[SIGHS] If you were my age... and had cared for as many children as I have... you'd know that waking a child can sometimes be worse than any bad dream." " No." " It's the shock." "And then being suddenly deprived." "No, you're wrong." "You're talking nonsense." "As you say, miss." "You and Flora will leave tomorrow." "It is my decision." "I shall send the servants away." "He put me in charge..." "in sole charge, Mrs. Grose." "Tomorrow I must be alone here with Miles." "Miss, may I ask what I am to tell their uncle?" "The truth." "The truth?" "Yes, miss." "Thank you." "Mrs. Grose, have you got my letter?" " What letter, miss?" " To their uncle." "I left it on the desk." "Oh, I haven't touched it, miss." "Well, I wonder who..." "Oh, of course..." "Miles." " You're accusing him of stealing?" " Well, what matter." "It's just one thing more for us to talk about when we're alone." " Where is Master Miles?" " He went out early this morning." "But I shall wait for him." "He'll come to me." "Well, I..." "I suppose Miss Flora and I had best be on our way." "Give her my love... when she's better." "And, Mrs. Grose, please, wait till you see Miles again... before you judge me." "I can't judge you, miss." "A body can only judge themselves." "May God be with you, miss." "[DOOR OPENS, CLOSES]" "[BIRDS SQUAWKING]" "[WHIP CRACKS]" "[TICKING]" "[ROLLING THUNDER]" "[BIRD SQUAWKING]" "So, here you are." "I say, are we having tea in here?" " Yes, Miles." " How very grand and grown-up." "Yes, and we can talk together now, like adults." "Jolly nice, I call it." "I feel quite the master of the house." "Where are the servants?" "They've gone home." "Oh, did you send them, or did they take fright and run away?" "What do you mean?" "Well, you're afraid, and perhaps you made them so." "And of what..." "assuming you are right... of what am I afraid, Miles?" "I'm not a mind reader, my dear." "I've told you that before." "But I do sense things." "Don't worry." "There's a man in the house." "Is there?" "Yes, me." "I'll protect you." "[CHUCKLES] I say, it is fun." "We've got the whole house to ourselves." "More or less." "There are still the others." "Poor Flora." "Is she awfully ill?" "I mean, is it serious?" "Has she gone to hospital?" "No, just to London." "I think Bly didn't agree with her anymore." " This house upset her." " Suddenly?" "Oh, no, I had seen it coming on." "Did you?" "Then why didn't I?" "I love Flora, and I know what she feels before she feels it herself." "She loved this house." "She was as happy here..." "As happy as I am." "Are you?" " What?" " So very happy." "Are you, Miles?" "If you'll excuse me." " Miles, you haven't..." " [DOOR CLOSES]" "Poor Flora." "She must have been upset to have forgotten Rupert." "Why did you want to be alone with me?" "I think you know very well." "What do I know?" "Or rather, what is it that you want to know?" "Well, for one thing, why that night when you were supposed to be in bed..." " why were you in the garden?" " I told you." "The real reason, Miles." "It's beyond me why you go on asking a fellow questions... when every time he answers you you tell him it isn't true." "Because you are not telling the truth." "Don't shout." "Don't be so angry." "It does something to your face." "It makes you look ugly and cruel." "Miles." "Miles, listen to me." "I'm not a cruel person." "I'm sometimes very foolish and I make mistakes... but I'm not cruel." "My father taught me to love people and help them." "Help them even if they refuse my help." "Even if it hurt them sometimes." "And that's the only reason I'm here is to help you." "Whatever you've done, I'm not against you." " I don't think it's your fault." " But I haven't done anything." "Then why were you sent home from school?" "It must be because I'm different." "But you aren't." "You're like any other boy." "Ah, now who isn't telling the truth?" "If you really thought that, we wouldn't be having these conversations." "No, my dear, you don't think I'm like any other boy." "That's why you're afraid." "If I am, it's for you." "And I am afraid for you, Miles." " If you don't tell me now..." " There's nothing." "Isn't there?" "Why did you take my letter?" "You did take it, didn't you?" "Yes, I took it." "Why?" "To see what you said about us." " Us?" " [RUSTLING]" "Well, about me." " [RUSTLING]" " And what did you discover?" "You thanked my uncle for trusting you." "You apologized for troubling him... for asking him to come down." "Go on, Miles." "What else did I say?" "That's all I read." "I heard footsteps." "I threw it on the fire." "And did you take other things?" "Is that what you did at school?" "No, I'm not a thief." "Then what did you do, Miles?" "I..." "Well, I..." "I said things." "Yes, Miles?" "Sometimes I hurt things." "And sometimes at night... when everything was dark..." " What?" " They screamed." "The masters heard about it." "They said I frightened the other boys." "And when... did you first see and hear of such things?" "Why, I..." "I made them up." "Who taught them to you?" "I told you, they just came into my head." "What were they?" "Shall I tell you who taught them to you?" "I won't ever again." "I promise." "Shall I tell you who taught you the things you've done, the things you've said?" " Shall I tell you his name?" " You don't fool me." " I know why you keep on and on." " [GASPS]" "It's because you're afraid." "You're afraid you might be mad." "So you keep on and on, trying to make me admit something that isn't true." "Trying to frighten me the way you frightened Flora." " Miles." " But I'm not Flora." "I'm no baby." "You think you can run to my uncle with a lot of lies." "But he won't believe you, not when I tell him what you are... a damned hussy, a damned dirty-minded hag!" "You never fooled us." "We always knew." "[LAUGHS]" " Miles?" " Forgive me." "Hush, darling, hush." " There." " I didn't mean it." "Oh, it wasn't you." "That voice, those words... they weren't yours." "[SOBBING] Forgive me." "Oh, Miles." "Dear Miles, say it now." "Now, while I'm holding you." "Say his name... and it will all be over." "Who?" "The man who taught you." "The man you've been meeting... that you've never stopped meeting." "You're wrong!" "You're insane!" " You're insane!" "You're insane!" " His name, Miles!" "His name, Miles." "Tell me his name!" " You must tell me his name!" " He's dead!" " Look!" "Miles, look!" " [MILES SCREAMS]" " Look!" " No!" " He's here!" "For the last time, he's here!" " No, no, he's dead!" "He's here, and you must say his name!" "Quint!" "Peter Quint!" "Where?" "Where?" "Where?" "Where, you devil?" "Where?" "[NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE]" " He's gone, Miles." " [BIRDS CHIRPING]" "You're safe." "You're free." "I have you." "He's lost you forever." "Miles?" "[CHIRPING CONTINUES]" "Miles!" "Miles!" "Oh!" "Oh, no." "[CHIRPING CONTINUES]" "[CHIRPING CONTINUES]" | {
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"I thought he was supposed to have a breakfast date, right?" "I mean, they told me that last night." "Breakfast?" "Is that on the sched?" "It isn't, but the lieutenant told me that he'd be doing breakfast with someone down at the harbor." "I mean, if he ain't," "I could go get this gassed up at the Fallsway." "I hate this detail, man." "It's off duty." "Lotsa perks." "All this stand around and wait, you know?" "Hoskins says I do the one year, and I'll make sergeant on the next list." "Yeah." "They told me, careerwise, you can't do better than drive the mayor." "Shit, if you could make rank the right way," "I'll still be working Western drugs." "All right, fuck this," "I'm gonna go look for the lieutenant." "Anyone comes looking," "I'm back up on the second floor." "Sir?" "I understood that the mayor might be going to, uh, breakfast at the harbor?" "With Kweisi." "But, um, that's up in the air, I thought." "Would you happen to know where Lieutenant Hoskins is?" "Sir?" "Lieutenant?" "Umm..." "You don't look happy, Detective." "We're about to raise some hell." "Maybe too much hell." "A state senator, two councilmen, the City Development Agency, all those developers..." "Princes of the city." "Lester, tell me the thought hasn't crossed your mind that some kinda shit could blow back on us, man." "Do you know what Theodore Roosevelt said about hunting grizzly bears?" "The thrill is in overcoming your own fear." "What was the thrill for the bear?" "I should've run every one of these subpoenas by my front office." "That's not procedure." "Fuck procedure, Lester." "My boss is running two points behind in the polls with the mayor's support." "How do you think he's gonna do if he pisses off Royce and starts dropping off incumbent tickets?" "Why do you care?" "If Demper thinks I fucked him and he wins," "I will be at Central Booking covering bail reviews." "If he loses to Bond, a new front office comes in and maybe they bounce the white girl back to a trial team and give the Narcotics Division to one of their own." "It's Baltimore, Lester." "We're missing a couple of subpoenas." "We are?" "Clay Davis and Andy Krawczyk." "I'm holding those till October." "Oh, the hell you are." "Lester... we drop subpoenas on either of those guys three weeks before the primary, and all hell breaks loose." "That's what I'm sayin'!" "Clay Davis is Royce's deputy campaign chairman, and the number-two man at the City Legislative Caucus." "And Krawczyk is his number-one fundraiser!" "You're giving me resumes and job titles." "I'm just following the money." "And we will follow it..." "after the polls close." "We can drop a second batch of subpoenas." "There is no reason to do this now and risk..." "A year ago, if we had gone after these records," "City Hall would've stomped on this unit and the subpoenas." "And a month from now, after Royce is reelected, they'll do us the same way." "But right now, with the primary coming, they gotta worry about how they look, how they behave." "Right now, they gotta worry about scandal." "You told me you wanted to do this a year ago, but fresh cases got in the way." "You told me that." "Oh." "Very clever, Lester." "You got it all figured, huh?" "Me?" "I'm just the police." "I saw the teachers' union finally endorsed Royce." "You knew they were gonna." "What time's your first appearance?" "Today?" "I meet up with you guys at the SoWeBo forum." "And tonight, it's me and the kids next to Tommy at the Roland Park fundraiser." "Better speed things along." "A kick in the ass sometimes helps." " B-5?" " No, Daddy, D-5." "You sure you didn't say B-5?" "D-5." "What did I hit?" "Submarine." "Umm..." "E-6." "Miss." "Just gimme 10 minutes." "You seen your schedule today?" "You ain't got 10 minutes." "Norman, I got this pretty girl's aircraft carrier boxed in." " D-4." " Ow!" "Hit." "Tommy, for Christ's sakes." "Is there any way that I can win?" "With the numbers what they are, is there any way at all?" "Right, so if it's just a matter of playing out the string, then that's what I'm gonna do." "That game's pretty much over, Norman." "But this game..." "this game right here... this one could still go either way." "H-11, sweetheart." "Miss." "D-3." "So I guess y'all getting what y'all need?" " Brianna keeping' y'all close?" " She come up with it." "Money comin' through every month like she say." "A'ight, 'cause I'm standin' tall up in here." "They don't need to worry about me an' I ain't need to worry about them." " You a soldier, Bey." " You know it." "Everything all right with my fishes?" "You'd tell me if it wasn't, right?" "The fish be fine." "I mean, they fish, right?" "How I know how they feelin' about shit?" " De'londa..." " They fine, Bey." "Ask Namond." "Cleaned the tank an' all, like you say." " Cleaned the filter, too." " A'ight, a'ight." "Check you out, though." "Getting some fuzz up there, huh?" " Mm-hmm." " Yeah, whatever." "I know when I was a little kid, boy," "I couldn't wait till I started shaving." "One of the old heads on the corner say," ""Hey, little man, you wanna grow a 'stache?" "Next time you take a piss, take some of that piss, get it on your fingertips, do like this, here. "" "Eww!" "You do it?" "You damn right I did it." "Shit." "What's going on with you, though, son?" "Ain't nothing." "School about to start." "So what about Bodie and his boys?" "They treating' you right?" "Yeah, he cool." "Boy, don't lie to your father." "He don't even show up for work half the damn time." " Bodie told me." " I missed a few days." "That's all, Dad." "And what money you do make, you waste on nonsense." "And if you think I'm gonna give you a dime for your school clothes, you better think again." "What Bodie got you doin'?" "I'm a runner, most days." "Everybody got to start somewhere." "You better listen to your father." "He ain't tell you 'bout that hair, though, huh?" "Yeah, he said I gotta get it cut." "I like it this way." "Even the white police lookin' out from three blocks away gonna be able to spot you from every other nigga out there." "They gonna hop out and say, "Look at the boy over there with the pretty-ass ponytail." "Get him. "" "You think I'm bullshitting." "Either you real out there, or you ain't, Nay." "You see what I'm sayin'?" "Let me get some!" "Hey, yo!" "Over here!" " Whoa!" "$100!" " Thanks, mister!" " Thank you, Mr. Marlo!" " Thank you!" "That's my money, yo!" "Your name gonna ring out, man." "Manuel..." "Boy, you talk that shit better'n me and I been dealin' with these Mexicans for years now." "Yeah, I don't think they would call what I'm speakin' Spanish, man." "Just a dirty word or two here or there." "Yeah, well." "Once you can talk to these cats, the only thing you need then is a truck, man." "Could be runnin' your own crew, picking' up fresh clients." "I mean, if we put in together we could be coverin' twice the ground, makin' twice as much." "Nah, man, I got other obligations." "Oh, right." "You set to be the new Angelo Dundee." "I near forgot." "I thought you already went up to Mondawmin to get your school shit, man." "Yeah, but not all of it." "And my boy, he need to pay for his own shit and his little brother, too." "The fuck this look like, a Social Services office?" "You want a check, go the fuck up Rosemont." "Come on, man, I'll work for it." "Nay, I took you on outta respect for your father, a'ight, but I can't go hirin' the whole damn neighborhood." "You can have my job until you get enough for you an' Bug." " Thanks, man." " Yeah, work for y'all, work for me, yo." "Po-po." "Step the fuck off." "Looking for your man Lex." "I see his broom, but I don't see him." "Where's your number two been at?" " I ain't seen him." " Since when?" "I thought we were on better terms." "Or do you want me rolling past lookin' for Lex every 15 minutes?" "He come past, I'll call you." "I will!" "If he come past." "Oh no, I don't know." "They're spinning their wheels." "You know, poor Tony Gray, pulling 20% of the black vote." "It's embarrassing." "Well, who knows what the fuck" "Carcetti's trying to prove?" "But I tell you, at the end of this thing, he's gonna regret getting on the wrong side of me." "Mm-hmm." "A'ight, now." "I got what you need, boy, clean tees, any sizes, huh?" "Lookin' for socks, briefs, you lookin' for dice, Zippos, cards... come on over to the Rollin' Emporium." "You ain't gotta walk to Rite-Aid." "Shit, Rite-Aid comin' to y'all." "What can I get you, baby?" "Fresh dice an' a pack of Trojans." " All righty." " You got Philly Blunts, too?" "Bubbles got it all, dawg." "I'm the one-stop shop." " How much is that?" " Six an' a bit." "Thank you." "Thank you kindly." "Yes, sir, I see what you're lookin' at." "Two a deck, name brand." "You can't beat that price." "Yeah, let me get two decks, man, and a white tee, double-X." "And give me the rest of them paint cans, too, man." "All right, all right, there you go." "That's it?" "Yeah, what's that?" "How much the man owe, Sherrod?" " 13." " Whoa whoa whoa." "He asked for all the cans." "Three cans is $12, plus the other stuff." "It's $19." "$19, sir." "Come on, you still gettin' off with a deal," "Now, you didn't have to move your feet." "We came to you, right?" "My bad." "$19, like he said." "Thank you very much." "He's an intern, I'm working with him." "But, ma'am, what I'm asking is when was the last time you saw Lex?" "Oh, excuse me..." "Curtis?" "Hmm?" " Two days ago?" " I don't know where he at." "Three days?" "You mind if I look around?" "I'd rather you leave my house be." "Well, Ms. Anderson... your son is in trouble, and I can tell you're upset." "But the best thing that you can do for him... the best thing that he can do for himself... is talk to me." "I'm gonna tell you the truth:" "We know he's selling drugs." "And I'm gonna tell you..." "I don't know nothin' about that." "But I'm telling you that I don't care he's selling drugs." "I'm not even gonna bother with that." "I'm here because of a homicide, and the way it looks right now your boy is running from the police behind that killing." "I don't know where he at..." "Ma'am..." "Councilman, my people got only cost-of-living bumps for four years." "Morale is at rock bottom." "All things being equal, you'd be our guy." "We like what we hear." "The polls say it's going to be Royce." "We endorse you now, we're out in the cold." "Bobby... this might be the chance to get in on the ground floor of something better." "That may be true, Major." "But for now, we're gonna play the cards that we were dealt." "Councilman, if you were me, I'm sure..." "I'd cover my ass and endorse Royce, along with the teachers and the firefighters." "But I'd also tell my membership not to get carried away." "I mean, it's one thing for the police union to call out for Royce, it's another thing entirely for off-duty cops to be manning the mayor's phone banks and polling stations." "I don't think any of my officers will be too aggressive for anybody." "That much I can give you." "Best you could do, Tommy." "Royce has got all those fucks running' scared." "Yeah... best I could do." "Call it a night, Tommy." "You got a debate to prepare for tomorrow." "Yeah." "Debate." "Nothing matters more at this point." "Let the truth set you free, Norman." "Nothing matters at all." "Thanks." "Come on, boy, come on now." "Man, you better not be getting tired, 'cause you gonna get put to the test" " on Saturday night." " I'm ready." " Hey, Miss Johnson." " Hey, Justin." "Hello, Dennis." "You're Spider's mother, right?" "Right, Sharon." "Sharon Johnson." "Your boy left here a while ago." "I ain't looking for him." "He at his grandmother's." "I wanted to ask you something." "You know, my son is crazy about you." "All he talks about is boxing, bein' at the gym, and what his coach been teachin' him." "Well, Spider's a good kid." "He really studies the sport." "Dennis, I am so grateful for your interest in Spider," "I want to cook you dinner." "How 'bout tonight?" "Well, ah, that is really nice, Sharon." "But the thing is, I got four of my boys fighting this weekend, and I got to train 'em really hard these next few evenings." "You in here every night of the week." "What you do for fun?" "Look here, you got to eat, right?" "And you can look at me and know" "I throw down in the kitchen... among other places." "Yeah, I tell you what:" "If you fix me up a plate and bring it over here," "I would love that." "That I can do." " He said what?" " "Me?" "I'm just the police. "" "Like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth." "And the thing that I resent most is that he's not just playing the system, he's playing me." "Like I'm part of the problem." "You were gonna hold back the paper for Davis and Krawczyk, right?" "Only until the primary was over." "And now you feel guilty about it." "Did he do that thing where he, uh, stares at you over the top of his reading glasses?" "You know, that look that says," ""I'm the father you never had, and I don't want to be disappointed in you ever again. "" "It's not funny, Cedric!" "Those subpoenas went out today!" "The front office is gonna go batshit!" "But you did it anyway." "I'm sorry, but shit, I'm just glad to see" "Lester doing it to somebody other than me." "Hey, you holdin' us back, Sherrod." "I made a mistake, man." "Why you trippin'?" "If I can cut you loose to handle the money, we can cover twice the ground, selling twice the merchandise." "More... more..." "what you call it, uh, market share." "Instead I gotta keep your ass close." "You shoulda been promoted to your own cart by now." "You keep on hittin' your dome on the glass ceiling." " Glass what?" " You gotta step up the math skills if you wanna advance in this here enterprise." "You remember last spring when you tried to take me up to Harlem Park?" "They couldn't even find my records, Bubs." "They didn't want shit to do with me." "They put you in a classroom, right?" "The teacher didn't look at me once." "So you rolled out." "An' who got hurt behind that, huh?" "The teacher or you?" "What's four times five plus six times seven?" "See?" "See?" "Fuck that shit, son." "I can't wait until school starts." " You joking, right?" " Nah, seriously, son." "I can't wait to see all them girls, see which ones got phat over the summer," " you know?" " Guess who I saw last week?" " Who?" " Kwaneese Davis." "Oh, shit, you mean Cute-Ass Kwaneese?" " Uh-huh." " She phat?" "Got titties, too." "I'm definitely tapping' that pussy, now, y'all watch." "I'm be all up in Kwaneese this year like this, bangin' that..." "Just like you tried to do last year, right?" "Fuck you, nigga, I only halfway tried." "So, Michael, who you gettin' with this year?" "Stankin' ass, uh... what's her name?" "What's her name?" " What's her name?" " Oh, Tina." "Tina..." "Tina Jenkins." "Don't talk bad about Tina, man." "I'm not sayin' that it bad." "I'm sayin' she be sucking dudes' dicks in the boys' bathroom and shit," " that's all." " I heard you, man." "She suck dick even better than you do, Namond." " Oh!" " Wow." "What up?" "What up, see?" "Good jabbing', man." "Chill chill chill!" "Don't rip this shit." "I just bought this throwback." "Yo, Michael, son, if I ain't had this shit on," "I'd have fucked you up." "Word up." "You little niggas ain't up to no good, is you?" "Yo, what up, Monk?" "Look here, first day of school coming up, right?" " Yeah, next week." " Y'all need school clothes and shit?" "Here..." "Yo, what's this for?" "What, you ain't hear me?" "For new clothes, whatever else you need to get." " Thanks, man!" " Damn, 200?" " Yo, thanks, Monk." " Oh, you need to thank my man Marlo." "He ain't wanna see you little motherfuckers going raggedy on the first day." "Whoa." "That Marlo?" " Naw, man, no thanks." " You ain't gotta do nothing for it." "No thank you, man." "Hey, yo, Mr. Monk?" "I'll take his if he don't want it." " I'll hold his for you..." " Yo, don't press, man." "Don't press." "Fuck is wrong with you, boy?" "You too good for my money?" "Or is you such a bitch-ass punk you worried about where my money come from?" "Yeah." "Ain't no thing, shorty." "We cool." "You can't tell nobody." "Swear to me you won't spread this around." "And he saw you?" "Yeah, he saw me." "Carv, I'm fucked in the ass with a pineapple on this." " What the hell'd you say to him?" " I said, "Mr. Mayor, that's a good, strong dick you got there, and I see you know how to use it. "" "I didn't say shit!" "And I didn't wait for him to say anything, either." "Shit, I'm never gonna make rank now." "I'll end up riding the boat or some shit like McNulty." "This is way beyond my pay grade." "We need to get with someone who knows politics." "Who do we know like that?" "On crime, he knows you're coming, so he's gonna set some traps and lean on stats that say crime is down." "He'll also try to inoculate himself by making it about you." "Like you're playing the race card if you talk about drugs or violent crime." "He's hoping you'll back down." "But you come on twice as hard:" ""Clarence Royce has not made this city safe. "" "Hey, Jen, what's up?" " You got a second?" " No, I got time, what is it?" " You forgot the check." " Oh no, you're kidding me." "You've got to pay it right away." "No, no, I got the number here, yeah." "No, I'll straighten it out straightaway." " Okay." " Yeah." "Shit." "I forgot to mail the check to the fuckin' archdiocese." "My kid's gonna get tossed outta St. Albans if I don't get my shit together." "Tommy." "Focus." "He comes at me with race and some bullshit crime stats." "I ignore the race thing and counter by noting that homicides are up 15% even though other violent crime stats are down 12%." "I point out this does not make sense unless Royce is cooking the crime stats, making robberies, rapes, and assaults disappear." "I suggest the mayor is not telling the truth about crime in the city." "I conclude by declaring that it is for all of Baltimore... every neighborhood... that I'm making public safety the cornerstone of my campaign." "Tomorrow night, I will kick his ass." "But the next morning," "I still wake up white in a city that ain't." "Sister Theresa?" "Hey, how you doing?" "Yeah, Tommy Carcetti." "Yo, Randy, man, you crack me up, son." "Running behind him talking about," ""I'll take his, Mr. Monk." "Give his to me. "" "Listen, man, I could've used that extra." "I already spent all the clothes money" "Miss Anna gave me on stuff to sell at school." "Yo, and plus Marlo wanted us to have it." "He want to show us who callin' the shots out here." " Yo, Michael, why you ain't take it?" " that ain't me, man." " Say what?" " That owing' niggas for shit, man." " That ain't me." " I'll take any motherfucking' money" " if he givin' it away now." " Why?" "Shit, your family got more money than all of us." "Yeah, but my mom said she cuttin' me off, she ain't buying' me school clothes and shit." "You already took my job with Bodie, so..." " Gentlemen." " Oh my God." "Oh shit!" " Donut, you crazy, man." " Yo, Donut." "You think you could steal us one of them camper trucks?" "Yo, you steal us a camper truck, we can all go campin'" " out in the woods an' all." " I be scared in the woods." "I don't mean far like that." "I mean like Howard County." "Naw naw naw, man." "The Ku Klux Klan live in Howard County." "I know that for a fact." "Nigga, my aunt live in Howard County." "There ain't no Ku Klux Klan there." "Nigga, you simple, I swear." "Hey, yo, Donut, drive me away from these ignorant bitches, man." "You can't tell these niggas nothin'." "Move, motherfucker." "Can you see over the steering wheel?" "You think he'll talk to me?" "Use my name if you have to." "I had one of his sectors for eight months." "What's wrong with that picture?" "Nigga, if there was a black one in the parking lot," "I would've took one." "Yo... narcos, narcos!" "760 to K-G-A." "I got a bailout at Calhoun and Mosher, six to eight juveniles beating feet north in the alleys around Calhoun." "10-4." "K-G-A to all units..." "I love this." "Just like old times." "I don't need to chase these fucking knuckleheads." "I know half of 'em." "Shit, I know where they hang." "Besides, you're a little overdressed." "Let's just call this in and go see the man about your thing." "Yo, yo, man, I ain't do nothin'!" " I ain't do nothin'!" " Then why you runnin'?" " 'Cause you chasin' me." " Yeah, right." "What's your name?" " For real, man, I ain't do nothin'." " What's your goddamn name?" " Randy." " Randy what?" " Wagstaff." " I know you ain't lying." "Wouldn't nobody make that shit up." "Put your hands against this fucking wall." "Come on..." "what do you know about hoppers bailing from a stolen car?" "Nothin'." "Little motherfucker." "You slingin'." " No, sir." "I swear to God." " Hell you ain't." "How else you walking around with 200 in your pocket?" "My foster mother gave me that to buy school clothes with." "Your foster mother gave you 200 cash?" "Yeah." "Tell her to come down to the Western, and I'll give it back to her." "Beat feet, motherfucker, before I lock your little ass up." "Don't be fucking lookin' at me, move." "This right here is fire." "That said, I'm ready to serve 'em myself and keep your names off the returns." "I've got my 20." "You two got to live in this department." "Fuck 'em where they live." "Let's go." "The price of steel being what it is, that's gonna kill us if we can't pass along the overage." "Mr. Krawczyk?" "Baltimore City Police." " What's this?" " A subpoena for records." "You need these right now, because, uh," "I'm kinda up to my ass in stuff today." "Honor it in a timely fashion." "I think that's the legal standard." " No problem, Detective..." " Shakima Greggs." "You're with the city?" " Which unit?" " Major Crimes." "Senator." "What the hell is this?" "Subpoena for records." "Sphinx Club?" " Man of the year." " What kinda bullshit is this?" "You people must be out your damn mind." "You were in the Sphinx Club?" "My uncle used to tend bar over there." "Marvin Thompson?" "Short guy..." "What is your name, Officer?" "Detective Sydnor, sir." ""Major Crimes"?" "Shit..." "Enjoy your day, sir." "Son, we're gonna see about this." "That's it." "Yankin' that bitch." "Son, that's too much knuckle." "Why the fuck you keep callin' me?" "But what I say, though?" "He got the message, fool." "Yo, Monk." "Who that, man?" "Andre." "Old Face Andre." "Here, let me holla at that dude." "Yo, check this out, man." "I'm gonna show you how you do this right here, man." "Don't rush me on shit." "I'll get at you when I'm at you." "Yo, remember who you're talking to before you say another fuckin' word." "Andre, man." "Nigga need more maintenance than both my babies' mamas." "By accident." "It was accidental." "And the mayor doesn't say anything?" "I think he's pretty mad." "I mean, Major, I only took this detail to try and make sergeant on this list." "Kid, you made sergeant already." "Shit, if Royce gets reelected, you'll be a lieutenant in two years and a major in four." "You go back down to the hall." "You act like it never happened." "You shut up." "Say nothing to no one." "But the mayor, he's gonna..." "He's gonna watch and see how you carry it." "And kid, you're a fucking rock." "When the mayor looks in your face, he knows he can trust you with this." "And I'll bet in a couple of weeks, he comes asking, real friendly-like, what are you looking to do with the department?" "With your career?" "He's interested in you." "But he doesn't mention no blowjob, and neither do you." "Uh-uh, it just lays there like a bad pierogi on the plate, both of you pretending it ain't there." "What if he screws me over?" "Bounces me to a midnight shift?" "He does that, you will talk." "What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes right now." "Kid, careers have been launched on a hell of a lot less." "Just shut up and play dumb." "I can do that." "No problem." "Thanks, Major." "Thanks for taking the time to meet me on this." "I mean, it's a weight off my mind talking to you." "It really is." "Don't mention it." "Maybe you get a chance to do me a turn one day after you make rank, huh?" "Oh, boy." "It's all good, Carv." "Because if some federal motherfucker comes through the door, I say, "Hey, it's all in the game. "" "But a City Police?" "Baltimore City?" "Hell, no." "Can't be happenin', 'cause I know" "I have raised too much goddamn money for the mayor and his ticket." "Hell, no!" "Ain't no soul in the world that fuckin' ungrateful!" " Calm down, Clay, hmm?" " Money laundering?" "They gonna come talk to me about money laundering?" "In West Baltimore?" "Shit..." "Where do y'all think I'm gonna raise cash for the whole damn ticket?" "From laundromats and shit?" "From some tiny-ass Korean groceries?" "You think I have time to ask a man why he givin' me money?" "Or where he gets his money from?" "I'll take any motherfucker's money if he givin' it away." " I don't wanna know." " I know you don't wanna know." "But I'm scratchin' an' clawin' to get it done for you, Clarence." "For you and me and the rest of the team." "And who comes through my door but a Baltimore City Police lookin' to get up into my shit about it." "Clay, we didn't know about that." "I'm sorry, I gots to leave up out of here before I lose my damn mind." "Nobody knew about that." "You want to run a campaign with my money pillowed under your ass, you need your people to back the fuck up, Clarence." "Krawczyk's on line one." "I'll jump on Burrell and Demper both." "Find out what the hell's going on." "Wait... wait a minute." "That new driver, the bald-headed, white kid." "Where did he come here from?" "Hoskins brought him in, I think." "Hoskins?" "He doesn't have a better rabbi in the department than that?" "Why, you want to lose him?" "Let me think about it." "Yeah, man, Officer Walker be shady like that." "Police be stealin', yo." "Yo, what I really wanna get is a bubble Caprice." "I seen a nice one, too." "'94 caprice on 22's." "Shit was tight." "You better be careful." "They almost caught you today." "Nigga, they ain't almost caught shit." "Shh." "Be quiet, y'all." "Y'all know who I am, right?" "Carver." "You a narcos." "Today I'm auto theft." "Fair warning." "If I see any of y'all little hoppers even smile at a motor vehicle again, it ain't gonna be no juvenile hearing." "No, it's gonna be my people settling' up with y'all in the alleys." "You understand?" " You can't do that, yo." " Try me, Namond." "Yeah, that's right." "I know your name," "I know where you live and I know where y'all hang." "Damn, yo!" "Nice ride." " Hey, Bunk." " Hmm?" "You have any luck finding your shooter?" "Naw." "He's runnin'." "But at least I know who my shooter is, right?" "I just got to find the boy." " Family won't go for nothin'?" " Nah." "Mother wouldn't say shit." "But it wasn't the usual way a mama lies." " What do you mean?" " I don't know." "It was a weird vibe, man." "I can't explain it." "It was like she was off somewhere else in her head." "Line four." "Communication." " Who's up?" " I'm up." "I'll take it." "No, wait." "If it's yours, you lucky bitch, then it's a domestic in a house with four wits." " You want the call?" " But I pick up that phone, do I make it unlucky?" "Or is it still your call?" "You want the call, pick it up." "If you don't, don't." "Homicide." "Norris." "Right." "Uh-huh." "I got it." "1400 Lanvale, in the street, found by the post officer, no suspects, no witnesses." "Ah, man." "Better to be lucky than to be good." "You wanna work the heavy bag?" "G'head." "Four rounds." "Hey." " Hey." " I'm Gail." "I made this for you and the other men to let you know you're appreciated." " That's real nice." " Peach cobbler." "I'm sorry, I forgot whose mother you are." "Oh, I don't have any boys." "I just appreciate what you been doing, you and the other coaches volunteering and all." "Well, thank you, that's real nice." "I got three girls." "Y'all don't teach girls, though, do you?" " No, I'm real old-fashioned about that." " Oh, I agree wit' you." "Men should be men and women should be women." "That's what I think." "Single wound, upper back, no casings, no witnesses, and nothing on the canvas." " Dead when you got here?" " Actually not." "He was still conscious and coughing' blood when I pulled up." " You ask who shot him?" " Yeah, I asked who shot him." "He said it was a guy with a gun." "Yo, why the fuck you keep calling me?" "He got the message, fool." "Yo, Monk, who that, man?" "Andre." "Old Face Andre." "Yo, Monk, who that, man?" "Andre." "Old Face Andre." "Lemme key that." "Yo, Monk." "Who that, man?" "Andre." "Old Face Andre." "Yo, check this out, man." "Don't rush me on shit." " I'll get at you when I'm at you." " I'm just saying..." "Old Face Andre." "Tryin' to reup with Monk Metcalf." "Yeah, well, Monk took the call on his cell phone." "But that second voice ranked him." "Ranked everybody, by the sound of it." "Marlo Stanfield." "On the phone." "The way he shut that call down, I'd say, yeah, that was him." "Yeah, but what was all that in the background?" "Fireworks, or..." "Naw, it was regular intervals." "Semi-auto from the sound." "Target practice, maybe." "Either that or a firing squad." "There are no bodies on this guy in months, but we get him on the phone and it sounds like a war zone." "Well, at least he gets on a phone now and then." " That's something." " Sounds arrogant, doesn't he?" "Like he's the lil' king of everything." "Ah." "Youth." "Yo, bubs." "Thought you asleep." "If you want..." "I could go to school some." "I ain't been for a while, so I don't even know if I can." "But if you want me to go... ain't no thing." "His Honor was mad?" "I can't begin to describe it." " What's he want from us?" " To block the subpoenas, but he knows we can't once those things go out." "What I could promise him is no more surprises out of our shop." "Is this that cocksucker McNulty?" "Not this time." "He's been gone from that unit a year." "My best guess would be Lester Freamon." " Freamon?" " Lester's got a helluva game." "Well, we need to sit on the motherfucker." "All that unit needs, Commissioner, is proper supervision." "Hey, the State of Maryland just lost another cooperating witness, and I just found a lot of fucking overtime." "This case went from a who-gives-a-fuck drug murder to straight-up red ball." "Fuck, I should've picked up that phone." "Hey, Sarge." "My boy's a witness." "Drug case pending in part 18." "You know for sure he's killed for that reason?" "Don't know shit." "But from the look of the court computer, this guy's the state's whole case." "Don't put it in the 24 that the guy was a witness." "Trust me, we do not wanna kick shit in an election year." "Work the case, take the O.T., but bury the witness angle till we know for sure." "And close the door." "Yeah." "It's Landsman." "Homicide." "Is the major in this morning?" "Next order of business:" "class rules." "It helps if the team is constant on these." "Less wiggle room for the children." "Mrs. Scott?" "Same as last year, double space." "Language Arts, we grade a lot of papers." "It doesn't make them write any better, but it saves my eyesight." "Make sure you demonstrate it for them." "Some of them think double-space means more space between words." "I'd of thought by eighth grade..." "Rule of thumb around here, Mr. Pryzbylewski:" "Never assume." "Explain what you want them to do, have them do it, then explain again." "With time and patience, they'll get it." " Mrs. Shapiro?" " It's easier to keep track of lab work if we all use the same heading." "Upper right-hand corner, above the first blue line:" "name, date, and class number, in that order?" "Mr. Pryzbylewski, do you have anything you want addressed?" "Can we have them not chew gum?" "They won't do it in Ms. Sampson's class, but in four years, I have not been able to stop them." "You can try, but first year, it's best to stick with basics." "And team rules..." "we can only go with what we can all enforce." "Also, keep your windows closed." "Makes them drowsy, and drowsy's good." "There's a lot to learn." "But for now, build in lots of activities in your lesson plan." "You can't have enough." "You keep them busy, you keep them off-guard." "You need soft eyes." "Excuse me?" "Yeah, but that doesn't prevent you from giving more under your wife's name, your children, if they got separate accounts... yeah." "Sorry, Richie, can you hold a moment?" "Your buddy from the F.O.P." "And he says it's important." "Hey, Stan." "I'm a little busy losing an election here." "You remember about six months ago, you told me to keep an eye for any witnesses gettin' clipped?" "You remember that?" "Who's better than me, Tommy?" "Hey, Richie, can I call you back?" "Thanks." "Anything else you want me to do, Miss Donnelly?" "Uh... you live near Duquan Weems, correct?" "Dukie?" "I want you to take this to his house." "These clothes won't stay clean long." "Make sure you deliver them just to Duquan, not any of the adults in the house." " Just Duquan." " Want me to do it tonight?" "that would be great." "And, Crystal, thanks for today." "You're welcome, Miss Donnelly." " Can I help you?" " Yes, ma'am." "This young man has to be registered for school." " Does he attend here?" " He should." "What I mean is, what grade were you in last year, dear?" "He kinda lost his way some time ago." "He's livin' with me now." "And you are his..." "Uncle." "I'm his uncle." "Come into my office." "Thank you." "Excuse me." "Yo, look at coach workin' it, yo." "A'ight, man, break." "That's what I like to see, baby." "That's what I like to see." "You gotta use that left" " a little more, though, a'ight?" " Yo, man, you finished?" " Got another two minutes." " Fuck that, I got a fight coming up." "You can come back later, a'ight?" "Yo, man said he got one more round, a'ight?" "Step aside, youngin'." "Naw, man, bag is mine for four rounds" " and I only did three." " Fuck that." "What the fuck you tryin' to prove, huh?" "Whoa, whoa." "Come on, man, come on." "Come on." " What's going on, boy?" " I got a fight Saturday night, an' the boy won't get off the bag." "What the fuck he on the bag for anyway, huh?" "He don't even fight." "He don't even spar." "Spar with your ass any day." " Come on, then." " Hey hey hey." "Y'all be cool, you hear me?" "I ain't putting up with this foolishness." "Come here, Michael." " I can work the bag now, right?" " Not yet." "Just wait." " You said four rounds." " Yeah, I know what I said." "You finish up your rounds, and then Justin gets on." "I don't want hear no more street talk." "We boxing' up in here, we ain't fighting'." "He wanna get in the ring with me," " we can go." " Look here, look here, let me tell you something:" "You can come here, work out, use the equipment." "But nobody gets in that ring unless they're being trained." "You wanna be trained?" "I've been watching you hit that bag." "You got a natural right hand, the way you throw it, the way you land it." "Now if I was to train you, we'd have to start with floor work." "'Cause see, if you don't know how to move, you ain't got no business being in that ring." "So what you think?" "I'd train you myself, personally." "Nah, really I just wanna keep doing what I been doing." "All right." "Let's see that right." "Uh-huh." "Is Dukie here?" "What's that?" "That's for Duquan, right?" "I take it to him." "Gimme." "Hey, Crystal." "Miss Donnelly said to give you these." "Okay." "I'll be right down." "What?" "And for either of my opponents to suggest that downtown development comes at the expense of our city's neighborhoods, well, that's just unfair and, uh, divisive." "For them to suggest that my administration has not been responsive, well..." "Economic development cannot be a band-aid." "It is a long-term process that requires commitment to retraining our workforce and, as I said before, this can only be successful in a city where people feel safe." "So before we can even begin to think about luring new industries to Baltimore, we need to think about how we can make these neighborhoods and this city safe once again." "Mr. Carcetti may think it's in his interest to exploit people's fears." "He's been doing it throughout this campaign." "I'm offended by it, personally." "But the fact is, that violent crime is down citywide, and our police department is working hard to keep it that way... and will continue to do so under my administration." "Councilman Carcetti, you have two minutes to respond." "Does anyone in this room really believe that crime is down in Baltimore?" "You calling me a liar, Tommy?" "Gentleman, please." "No personal interactions." " Councilman Carcetti." " Can the mayor honestly tell the people of Rosemont, of Belair Edison, of Highlandtown or Cherry Hill there's less drug-dealing, less violence?" "Any statistics coming from the police department cannot be trusted, because under this mayor, the police are more concerned with protecting Clarence Royce politically than fighting crime." "There's no leadership and morale has never been lower." "I'll change that." "It's business as usual down at City Hall and as a result, our response to crime has been characterized time and time again by wanton indifference." "...32 yards!" "What do I mean by business as usual?" "What do I mean by wanton indifference?" "Well, last night in West Baltimore, on Lanvale Street, another citizen was shot and killed." "This time, the victim was a key witness in a drug case that had yet to come to court." "Courageously, this man had agreed to testify in two weeks time in that case." "The police should have been protecting him." "They were not, and he was murdered." " Oh, shit." " Why?" "Because this mayor..." "You're prime-time, Eddie." "...would not spend the money to protect him." "Now I have no doubt that in a moment or two" "Clarence Royce will accuse me of exploiting this man's death for my own political purpose." "But the truth is, a year ago I wrote the mayor a letter." "I have copies for anyone who wants one." "I begged him to spend the money and make witness protection a priority." "He ignored me." "I even teamed up with our legislative leaders..." "Delegate Watkins and others... to get matching funds for witness protection approved in Annapolis." "And incredibly those matching funds were never claimed by this administration." "Now to mention this now may be exploitive..." "I don't know." "I only know it's true, and on such truths I ask the voters of our city to consider a change." "Folks, please, please, hold your applause until after the round of questions is over." "Mayor Royce?" "No more surprises, huh?" "I am unaware of the specifics of the incident to which Councilman Carcetti is referring, uh, so I can't answer that directly, um... however, I can say that this city places the highest priority on protecting those citizens" "who come forward to testify, and we will continue to do so." "Mr. Carcetti states that he wrote a letter expressing his concerns, and I'm sure that he did." "I mean it's... it's... it's easy enough to write letters when all you have to do is write letters." "But when you are required to run a city on limited resources, and balance priorities, well, then... well, then you understand that writing letters will not solve the problem." "Oh, no..." "Shit, girl." "You know I'm-a roll wit' you." "Huh, I need some kinda break." "Mm-hmm." "Oh, shit." "Ain't nothin' worse than them bitches with fucked-up nails at the blackjack table." "You know." "Hold on." "You think my son gonna go up to that school lookin' like himself?" "And I don't believe we can get a handle on crime until we get a handle on the schools." "Because we need to be thinking about these kids before the corners take them." "And this means a renewed focus on our schools..." "Ripped by subXpacio and TusSeries English" | {
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"23.976 English for HI" "NARRATOR:" "This is a story of an ordinary little boy named Charlie Bucket." "He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children." "His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected." "In fact, they barely had enough to eat." "Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world." "He just didn't know it yet." " Evening, Buckets." " Evening." "charlie:" "Hi, Dad." "Soup's almost ready, darling." "Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in, love." "Oh, well." "Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage." "Charlie I found something I think you'll like." "NARRATOR:" "Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory." "The hours were long, and the pay was terrible yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises." "It's exactly what I need." "What is it, Charlie?" "Dad found it, just the piece I needed." " What piece was it?" " A head for Willy Wonka." "Well, how wonderful." "It's quite a likeness." "charlie:" "You think so?" " Think so?" "I know so." "I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes." " l used to work for him, you know." " You did?" " l did." " He did." "He did." "I love grapes." "Of course, I was a much younger man in those days." "GRANDPA JOE:" "Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street." "But the whole world wanted his candy." " Mr. Wonka." " Yeah?" "We need more Wonka bars..." " ...and we're out of chocolate birds." " Birds?" "Birds." "Well, then we'll need to make some more." "Here." "Now open." "[TWEETS]" "[TlTTERS]" "The man was a genius." "Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer?" "You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it won't go runny." " But that's impossible." " But Willy Wonka did it." "GRANDPA JOE:" "Before long he decided to build a proper chocolate factory." "The largest chocolate factory in history." "Fifty times as big as any other." "Grandpa, don't make it gross." "Tell him about the Indian prince." "He'd like to hear about that." "You mean, Prince Pondicherry?" "Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka and asked him to come all the way out to India and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate." "[LAUGHS]" "WONKA:" "It will have 100 rooms and everything will be made of dark or light chocolate." "GRANDPA JOE:" "True to his word, the bricks were chocolate and the cement holding them together was chocolate." "All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well." "So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture." "It is perfect in every way." "Yeah, but it won't last long." "You better start eating right now." "Oh, nonsense." "I will not eat my palace." "I intend to live in it." "But Mr. Wonka was right, of course." "Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun." "Mmm." "[LAUGHS]" "The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own." "All the other chocolate makers, you see, had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka." "They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes." "Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt." "Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor." "Then Slugworth began making candy balloons that you could blow up to incredible sizes." "The thievery got so bad that one day, without warning Mr. Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home." "He announced that he was closing his chocolate factory forever." "I'm closing my chocolate factory forever." "I'm sorry." "But it didn't close forever." "It's open right now." "Ah, yes, sometimes when grownups say "forever," they mean "a very long time."" "Such as, "l feel like I've eaten nothing but cabbage soup forever."" " Now, Pops." " The factory did close, Charlie." "And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever." "Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys." " The factory was back in business." " Did you get your job back?" "No." "No one did." "But there must be people working there." "Think about it, Charlie." "Have you ever seen a single person going into that factory or coming out of it?" "No." "The gates are always closed." "Exactly." "But then, who's running the machines?" " Nobody knows, Charlie." " lt certainly is a mystery." "Hasn't someone asked Mr. Wonka?" "Nobody sees him anymore." "He never comes out." "The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy already packed and addressed." "I'd give anything in the world just to go in one more time and see what's become of that amazing factory." "Well, you won't, because you can't." "No one can." "It's a mystery, and it will always be a mystery." "That little factory of yours, Charlie, is as close as any of us is ever going to get." "Come on, Charlie." "I think it's time we let your grandparents get some sleep." " Good night, Grandpa George." " Night, Charlie." " Night-night." "MRS. BUCKET:" "Chair." "Thank you, dear." "Night, Grandpa Joe." "Good night, Grandma Georgina." "Nothing's impossible, Charlie." " Good night." "ALL:" "Night, Charlie." "Sleep well." "NARRATOR:" "Indeed, that very night the impossible had already been set in motion." "WONKA'S VOICE:" "Dear people of the world I, Willy Wonka have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year." "ln addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine." "Five golden tickets have been hidden underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars." "The bars may be anywhere in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world." "[YELLING AND CHATTERING]" "Wouldn't it be something, Charlie, to open a bar of candy and find a golden ticket inside?" "I know, but I only get one bar a year, for my birthday." "Well, it's your birthday next week." "You have as much chance as anybody does." "Balderdash." "The kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day." "Our Charlie gets only one a year." "He doesn't have a chance." "Everyone has a chance, Charlie." "Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat." "REPORTER 1:" "Augustus." "This way." "I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste something that is not chocolate or coconut or walnut or peanut butter or nougat or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles." "So I look and I find the golden ticket." "Augustus, how did you celebrate?" "I eat more candy." "We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket." "He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one." "REPORTER 2:" "Yes, it is good, Augustus." "REPORTER [ON TV]:" "golden ticket claimed and four more...." "Told you it'd be a porker." "What a repulsive boy." "Only four golden tickets left." "Now that they've found one, things will really get crazy." "of every shape, size and hue." "REPORTER:" "Veruca." "Can you spell that for us, please?" "V-E-R-U-C-A." "Veruca Salt." "As soon as little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on." "Thousands of them." "Hundreds of thousands." "I'm in the nut business, you see." "So I say to my workers:" "Morning, ladies." "From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead." "[ALARM BEEPS]" "MR. SALT:" "Three days went by, and we had no luck." "Oh, it was terrible." "My Veruca got more and more upset each day." "Where's my golden ticket?" "I want my golden ticket." "Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that." "I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted." "And finally, I found her a ticket." "Daddy, I want another pony." "She's even worse than the fat boy." "I don't think that was really fair." "She didn't find the ticket herself." "Don't worry about it, Charlie." "That man spoils his daughter." "And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that." "Charlie, Mum and I thought maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight." "Here you are." "Maybe I should wait till morning." " Like hell." " Pop." "All together, we're 381 years old." "We don't wait." "Now, Charlie, you mustn't feel too disappointed you know, if you don't get the...." "Whatever happens, you'll still have the candy." "Ah, well." "That's that." " We'll share it." " Oh, no, Charlie." "Not your birthday present." "It's my candy bar, and I'll do what I want with it." "Thank you, darling." "Thank you, Charlie." "Bless you." "All right, let's see who found it." ""The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde."" "Hah!" "Hah!" "Hyah!" "[GRUNTlNG]" "These are just some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won." "I'm a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars." "She's just a driven young woman." "I don't know where she gets it." "I'm the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer." "This piece of gum I'm chewing right now I've been working on for three months solid." "That's a record." "Of course, I did have my share of trophies, mostly baton." "So it says that one kid's gonna get this special prize, better than all the rest." "I don't care who those other four are." "That kid, it's gonna be me." "Tell them why, Violet." "Because I'm a winner." "What a beastly girl." "Despicable." "You don't know what we're talking about." "Dragonflies?" "REPORTER:" "But wait, this is just in." "The fourth golden ticket has been found by a boy called Mike Teavee." "[GUNSHOTS]" "All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei lndex." "A retard could figure it out." "Most of the time I don't know what he's talking about." "You know, kids these days, what with all the technology...." "Die!" "Die!" "Die!" "Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long." "In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar." " And how did it taste?" " l don't know." "I hate chocolate." "It's a good thing you're going to a chocolate factory, you ungrateful little" "[MUFFLED DIALOGUE]" "REPORTER:" "That question is, who will be the winner of the last gold--?" " Dad?" " Yes, Charlie?" "Why aren't you at work?" "Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought they'd give me a bit of time off." "Like summer vacation?" "Sure." "Something like that." "NARRATOR:" "ln fact, it wasn't like a vacation at all." "The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities which led to a rise in toothpaste sales." "With the extra money, the factory had decided to modernize eliminating Mr. Bucket's job." "We were barely making ends meet as it was." "You'll find another job." "Until then, I'll just" " Well, I'll just thin down the soup a little more." "Don't worry, Mr. Bucket, our luck will change." "I know it." "GRANDPA JOE:" "Charlie." "My secret hoard." "You and I are going to have one more fling at finding that last ticket." "You sure you want to spend your money on that?" "Of course I'm sure." "Here." "Run down to the nearest store and buy the first Wonka candy bar you see." "Bring it straight back, and we'll open it together." "Such a good boy, really." "Such a good...." "charlie:" "Grandpa?" " You fell asleep." " Have you got it?" "Which end should we open first?" "Just do it quick, like a Band-Aid." "Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket?" "Yes, it was in the paper this morning." "MAN:" "Good boy." "Come on, George." "Good boy." "One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight, please." "Okay." "Here you go." "The nerve of some people." "I know." "Forging a ticket." "Come on." "It's a golden ticket." "You found Wonka's last golden ticket." "In my shop too!" "Listen. I'll buy it from you." "I'll give you $50 and a new bicycle." "Are you crazy?" "I'd give him $500 for that ticket." "You wanna sell me your ticket for $500, young man?" "That's enough of that." "Leave the kid alone." "Listen." "Don't let anyone have it." "Take it straight home, you understand?" "Thank you." "Mom!" "Dad!" "I found it!" "The last golden ticket!" "It's mine!" "Yippee!" "[HUMMlNG]" "Here." "Read it aloud." "Let's hear exactly what it says." ""Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka." "I shake you warmly by the hand." "For now, I invite you to my factory and be my guest for one whole day."" ""I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself showing you everything there is to see."" ""Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat."" ""And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination." "Now, here are your instructions."" ""On the 1st of February, you must come to the factory gates at 10 a.m. sharp." "You're allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you." "Until then, Willy Wonka."" "The 1st of February." " But that's tomorrow." " Then there's not a moment to lose." "Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands brush your teeth, blow your nose." "And get that mud off your pants." "MRS. BUCKET:" "We must all try and keep very calm." "First thing that we have to decide is this:" "Who is going with Charlie to the factory?" "I will. I'll take him." "You leave it to me." "How about you, dear?" "Don't you think you ought to go?" "Well, Grandpa Joe seems to know more about it than we do, and...." "Provided, of course, he feels well enough." "Yippee!" "No." "We're not going." "A woman offered me $500 for the ticket." "I bet someone else would pay more." "We need the money more than we need the chocolate." "Young man, come here." "There's plenty of money out there." "They print more every day." "But this ticket there's only five of them in the whole world and that's all there's ever going to be." "Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money." "Are you a dummy?" "No, sir." "Then get that mud off your pants." "You've got a factory to go to." "Daddy, I want to go in." "It's 9:59, sweetheart." "Make time go faster." "Do you think Mr. Wonka will recognize you?" "Hard to say." "It's been years." "Eyes on the prize, Violet." "Eyes on the prize." "WONKA [ON SPEAKER]:" "Please enter." "Come forward." "Close the gates." "Dear visitors it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory." "And who am I?" "Well...." "[PUPPETS LAUGHING]" "PUPPETS [singing]:" "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka" "The amazing chocolatier" "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka" "Everybody give a cheer!" "Hooray!" "He's modest, clever and so smart" "He barely can restrain it" "With so much generosity" "There is no way to contain it!" "To contain it To contain, to contain, to contain!" "Hooray!" "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka" "He's the one that you're about to meet" "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka" "He's the genius who just can't be beat" "The magician and the chocolate wiz" "The best darn guy who ever lived" "Willy Wonka, here he is!" "[music SLOWS AND WARBLES]" "PUPPETS [WARBLING]:" "The amazing chocolatier" "[WONKA TlTTERS]" "Wasn't that just magnificent?" "I was worried it was getting dodgy in the middle part, but then that finale...." "Wow!" "Who are you?" " He's Willy Wonka." " Really?" ""Good morning, starshine." "The Earth says hello."" ""Dear guests, greetings." "Welcome to the factory." "I shake you warmly by the hand." "My name is Willy Wonka."" "Then shouldn't you be up there?" "I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could I, little girl?" "Mr. Wonka, I don't know if you'll remember me but I used to work here in the factory." "Were you one of those despicable spies who tried to steal my life's work and sell it to parasitic, copycat, candy-making cads?" "No, sir." "Then wonderful." "Welcome back." "Let's get a move on, kids." "AUGUSTUS:" "Don't you want to know our names?" "Can't imagine how it would matter." "Come quickly." "Far too much to see." "WONKA:" "Just drop your coats anywhere." " Mr. Wonka?" "Sure is toasty in here." " What?" "Oh, I have to keep it warm." "My workers are used to an extremely hot climate." "They just can't stand the cold." "Who are the workers?" "All in good time." "Now...." "[GASPS]" "Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde." "Oh." " l don't care." " Well, you should care." "Because I'm gonna win the special prize at the end." "Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key." "I'm Veruca Salt." "It's very nice to meet you, sir." "I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot." "[TlTTERS]" "I am Augustus Gloop." "I love your chocolate." "I can see that." "So do I." "I never expected to have so much in common." "You." "You're Mike Teavee." "You're the little devil who cracked the system." "And you." "Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?" "And the rest of you must be their" " Parents." " Yeah." "Moms and dads." "Dad?" "Papa?" "Okay, then." "Let's move along." "Is it just me or does Wonka seem a few quarters short of a buck?" "I'm sorry, I don't speak American." " Would you like some chocolate?" " Sure." "Then you should've brought some." " Let's be friends." " Best friends." "An important room, this." " After all, it is a chocolate factory." " Then why is the door so small?" "That's to keep all the great big chocolatey flavor inside." "[TlTTERS]" "Now, do be careful, my dear children." "Don't lose your heads." "Don't get overexcited." "Just keep very calm." "It's beautiful." "What?" "Oh, yeah, it's very beautiful." "Every drop of the river is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality." "The waterfall is most important." "Mixes the chocolate." "Churns it up." "Makes it light and frothy." "By the way no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear children." "And you can take that to the bank." "People." "Those pipes suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory." "Thousands of gallons an hour." "Yeah." "And do you like my meadow?" "Try some of my grass." "Please have a blade." "Please do. lt's so delectable and so darn good-looking." "You can eat the grass?" "Of course you can." "Everything in this room is eatable." "Even I'm eatable." "But that is called cannibalism, my dear children and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies." "Yeah." "Enjoy." "Go on." "Scoot, scoot." "[GRUNTlNG]" "Son." "Please." "Dad, he said, "Enjoy."" "Why hold on to it?" "Why not start a new piece?" "Because then I wouldn't be a champion." "I'd be a loser, like you." "Daddy, look over there." "VERUCA:" "What is it?" "It's a little person." "Over there, by the waterfall." " There's two of them." " There's more than two." " Where do they come from?" " Who are they?" "Are they real people?" "Of course they're real people." "They're Oompa-Loompas." " Oompa-Loompas?" " lmported, direct from Loompaland." " There's no such place." " What?" "Mr. Wonka, I teach high-school geography, and I'm here to tell you" "Well, then you'll know all about it, and, oh, what a terrible country it is." "WONKA:" "The whole place is nothing but thick jungles infested by the most dangerous beasts in the entire world." "Hornswogglers and snozzwangers and those terrible, wicked whangdoodles." "[buzzing]" "[INSECT SCREECHES]" "I went to Loompaland looking for exotic new flavors for candy." "Instead I found the Oompa-Loompas." "They lived in tree houses to escape from the fierce creatures who lived below." "The Oompa-Loompas ate nothing but green caterpillars, which tasted revolting." "The Oompa-Loompas looked for things to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better:" "Red beetles, the bark of the bong-bong tree." "All of them beastly but not quite so beastly as the caterpillars." "Mmm." "But the food they longed for the most was the cocoa bean." "[TlTTERS]" "An Oompa-Loompa was lucky if he found three or four cocoa beans a year." "But, oh, how they craved them." "All they'd ever think about was cocoa beans." "The cocoa bean is the thing from which chocolate is made, so I told the chief:" "[ULULATES] [IMITATES FARTlNG]" "They are such wonderful workers." "I feel I must warn you, though, they are rather mischievous." "Always making jokes." "Augustus, my child, that is not a good thing you do!" "Hey, little boy." "My chocolate must be untouched by human hands." "Ah!" "He'll drown." "He can't swim." "Save him!" "Augustus!" "No!" "Augustus!" "Augustus, watch out!" "Ah!" "[GASPS]" "There he goes." " Ah!" " Call the fire brigade!" "It's a wonder how that pipe is big enough." "It isn't big enough." "He's slowing down." "He's gonna stick." "I think he has." "He's blocked the whole pipe." "Look." "The Oompa-Loompas." "Back off, you little freaks!" "What are they doing?" "They're going to treat us to a little song." "It is quite a special occasion." "They haven't had a fresh audience in many a moon." "ALL:" "Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop" "The great big, greedy nincompoop" "Augustus Gloop, so big and vile So greedy, foul and infantile" ""Come on!" we cried "The time is ripe" "To send him shooting up the pipe!"" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 1:" "But don't, dear children, be alarmed" "ALL:" "Augustus Gloop will not be harmed" "Augustus Gloop will not be harmed" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 2:" "Although, of course, we must admit" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 3:" "He will be altered quite a bit" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 4:" "Slowly, wheels go round and round" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 5:" "And cogs begin to grind and pound" "ALL:" "We'll boil him for a minute more" "Until we're absolutely sure" "Then out he comes, by God, by grace" "A miracle has taken place" "This greedy brute, this louse's ear" "Is loved by people everywhere" "For who could hate or bear a grudge" "Against a luscious bit of fudge?" "Ah!" "Bravo!" "Well done!" "Aren't they delightful?" "Aren't they charming?" " l say, that all seemed rather rehearsed." " Like they knew it was gonna happen." "Oh, poppycock." "Where is my son?" "Where does that pipe go to?" "That pipe, it just so happens to lead directly to the room where l make delicious strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge." "He will be made into strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge." "They'll be selling him by the pound all over the world?" "No." "I wouldn't allow it." "The taste would be terrible." "Can you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop?" "Ew." "No one would buy it." "[ULULATES]" "I want you to take Mrs. Gloop up to the Fudge Room, okay?" "Help her find her son." "Take a long stick and start poking around in the big chocolate-mixing barrel, okay?" " Mr. Wonka?" " Huh?" "Why would Augustus' name already be in the Oompa-Loompa song, unless--?" "Improvisation is a parlor trick." "Anyone can do it." "You, little girl." "Say something." " Anything." " Chewing gum." "[RECITES] Chewing gum is really gross Chewing gum, I hate the most" "See?" "Exactly the same." "No, it isn't." "Uh, you really shouldn't mumble." "Because I can't understand a word you're saying." "Now, on with the tour." " Are the Oompa-Loompas really joking?" " Of course they're joking." "That boy will be fine." "[laughing]" "What's so funny?" "I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans." "Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins?" "Gives one the feeling of being in love." "You don't say." "All aboard." "Onward!" "Here." "Try some of this." "It'll do you good." "You look starved to death." " lt's great." " That's because it's mixed by waterfall." "The waterfall is most important." "Mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy." " No other factory in the world" " You already said that." " You're all quite short, aren't you?" " Well, yeah." "We're children." "Well, that's no excuse." "I was never as short as you." " You were once." " Was not." "Know why?" "Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head." "Look at your short, little arms." "You could never reach." "Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" "Oh, boy, do I." "Do I?" "NARRATOR:" "In fact, Willy Wonka hadn't thought about his childhood for years." "kids:" "Trick or treat!" "Trick or treat!" "ALL:" "Trick or treat!" "Who do we have here?" "Ruthie, Veronica, Terrance." "And who's that under the sheet?" "Little Willy Wonka." "NARRATOR:" "Willy Wonka was the son of the city's most famous dentist Wilbur Wonka." "Now let's see what the damage is this year, shall we?" "Caramels." "They'd get stuck in your braces, wouldn't they?" "Lollipops." "Ought to be called "cavities on a stick."" "Then we have all this...." "All this chocolate." "You know, just last week, I was reading in a very important medical journal that some children are allergic to chocolate." "Makes their noses itch." "Maybe I'm not allergic." " l could try a piece." " Really?" "But why take a chance?" "charlie:" "Mr. Wonka?" "Mr. Wonka?" " We're headed for a tunnel." " Oh, yeah." "Full speed ahead." " How can they see where they're going?" " They can't." "There's no knowing where they're going." "Switch on the lights!" "People, keep an eye out." "We're passing some very important rooms here." "What do you use hair cream for?" "To lock in moisture." "[MOOING]" " Whipped cream." " Precisely." "That doesn't make sense." "For your information, little girl whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips." "Everybody knows that." "Stop the boat." "I wanna show you guys something." "Now, this is the most important room in the entire factory." "Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything." "Okay?" "Go on." "Go on, scoot." "Hey, Mr. Wonka, what's this?" "Oh." "Let me show you." "Thank you." "These are Everlasting Gobstoppers." "They're for children who are given very little allowance." "You can suck on it all year, and it'll never get any smaller." " lsn't that neat?" " lt's like gum." "No." "Gum is for chewing." "If you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers you'd break all your little teeth off." "But they sure do taste terrific." "And this is Hair Toffee." "You suck down one of these little boogers and in exactly half an hour a brand-new crop of hair will grow out over the top of your little noggin." "And a mustache." "And a beard." " Who wants a beard?" " Well beatniks, for one." "Folk singers and motorbike riders." "You know, all those hip, jazzy, super-cool, neat, keen and groovy cats." "It's in the fridge, daddy-o." "Are you hep to the jive?" "Can you dig what I'm laying down?" "I knew you could." "Slide me some skin, soul brother." "Unfortunately, the mixture isn't right yet." "Because an Oompa-Loompa tried some yesterday, and, well, he" "How are you today?" "You look great." "Watch this." "[ALARM WAILING]" "You mean that's it?" "Do you even know what "it" is?" " lt's gum." " Yeah." "It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe." "Know why?" "Know why?" "Because this gum is a full three-course dinner all by itself." "[TlTTERS]" "Why would anyone want that?" ""It will be the end of all kitchens and all cooking." "Just a little strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast, lunch and dinner." "This piece of gum happens to be tomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie."" "It sounds great." " lt sounds weird." " lt sounds like my kind of gum." "I'd rather you didn't." "There are still some things that are" "I'm the world-record holder in chewing gum. I'm not afraid of anything." " How is it, honey?" " lt's amazing!" "Tomato soup." "I can feel it running down my throat." "Yeah." "Spit it out." " Young lady, I think you'd better-- - lt's changing." "Roast beef, with baked potato." " Crispy skin and butter." " Keep chewing." "My little girl's gonna be the first person to have a chewing-gum meal." "Yeah. I'm just a little concerned about the" "Blueberry pie and ice cream!" " That part." " What's happening to her nose?" "It's turning blue." "Your whole nose has gone purple." "What do you mean?" "Violet, you're turning violet." " What's happening?" " l told you I hadn't quite got it right." "Because it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert." "It's the blueberry pie that does it." "I'm terribly sorry." "Mother?" "What's happening to me?" "She's swelling up." "Like a blueberry." "I've tried it on, like, 20 Oompa-Loompas, and each one ended up as a blueberry." "It's just weird." "But I can't have a blueberry as a daughter." "How is she supposed to compete?" "You could put her in a county fair." "[ALARM BLARES NOTE]" "[ticking in RHYTHM]" "ALL:" "Yeah, yeah" "Yeah" "Listen close, and listen hard" "To the tale of Violet Beauregarde" "This gentle girl She sees no wrong" "In chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing" "Chewing, chewing all day long" "Yeah" "She goes on chewing till, at last" "Her chewing muscles grow so vast" "And from her face Her giant chin" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 1:" "Sticks out just like a violin" "ALL:" "Chewing, chewing all day long" "Chewing, chewing all day long" "For years and years she chews away" "Her jaws get stronger every day" "And with one great, tremendous chew" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 2:" "They bite the poor girl's tongue in two" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 3:" "And that is why we try so hard" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 4:" "To save Miss Violet Beauregarde" "ALL:" "Chewing, chewing all day long" "Chewing, chewing all day long" "Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing" "Chewing, chewing all day long" "violet:" "Mr. Wonka!" "I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once, okay?" "Juicing Room?" "What are they gonna do to her there?" "They're gonna squeeze her." "Like a little pimple." "We gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately." "violet:" "Mother, help me." "Please." "Come on." "Let's boogie." "Without the boat, we'll have to move double-time to keep on schedule." "There's too much to see." " Mr. Wonka?" " Yeah?" "Why did you decide to let people in?" "So they could see the factory, of course." "But why now?" "And why only five?" "What's the special prize, and who gets it?" "The best kind of prize is a surprise." "[LAUGHS]" "Will Violet always be a blueberry?" "No." "Maybe." "I don't know." "That's what you get from chewing gum all day. lt's disgusting." "If you hate gum so much, why do you make it?" "Once again, you shouldn't mumble." "It's starting to bum me out." "Can you remember the first candy you ever ate?" "No." "NARRATOR:" "In fact, Willy Wonka did remember the first candy he ever ate." "I'm sorry, I was having a flashback." "I see." "These flashbacks happen often?" "Increasingly today." "[TlTTERS]" "Ah, this is a room I know all about." "For you see, Mr. Wonka, I, myself, am in the nut business." "Are you using the Havermax 4000 to do your sorting?" "No." "You're really weird." "[CHITTERlNG]" " Squirrels." " Yeah." "Squirrels." "These squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of shells." "Why use squirrels?" "Why not use Oompa-Loompas?" "Because only squirrels can get the whole walnut out almost every single time." "See how they tap them with their knuckles to make sure it's not bad?" "Oh, look." "Look." "I think that one's got a bad nut." "Daddy, I want a squirrel." "Get me one of those squirrels." "I want one." "Veruca, dear, you have many marvelous pets." "All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster." "I want a squirrel!" "All right, pet." "Daddy will get you a squirrel as soon as he possibly can." "But I don't want any old squirrel, I want a trained squirrel." "Very well." "Mr. Wonka, how much do you want for one of these squirrels?" "Name your price." "Oh, they're not for sale." "She can't have one." "Daddy." "[IN MR. SALT'S VOICE] I'm sorry, darling." "Mr. Wonka's being unreasonable." "If you won't get me a squirrel, I'll get one myself." "Veruca." "Little girl?" "Veruca, come back here at once." "Veruca." "Little girl?" "Don't touch that squirrel's nuts." "It'll make him crazy." "I'll have you." "MR. SALT:" "Veruca." "Veruca." "No!" "Veruca!" "[GRUNTlNG]" "Let's find the key." "Nope." "Not that one." " Daddy!" " Veruca!" "No." "It's not that one." "There it is." "There it isn't." "Daddy, I want them to stop." "What are they doing?" "They're testing to see if she's a bad nut." "[CHITTERS]" "Oh, my goodness." "She is a bad nut after all." "MR. SALT:" "Veruca!" "Daddy!" "Where are they taking her?" "Where all the other bad nuts go." "To the garbage chute." " Where does the chute go?" " To the incinerator." "But don't worry." "We only light it on Tuesdays." "Today is Tuesday." "There's always the chance they decided not to light it today." "[VERUCA WAILS]" " Ah!" " Ah!" "Now, she may be stuck in the chute just below the top." "If that's the case, all you have to do is just reach in and pull her out." "Okay?" "[OOMPA-LOOMPAS singing]" "ALL:" "Veruca Salt, the little brute" "Has just gone down the garbage chute" "And she will meet, as she descends" "A rather different set of friends" "OOMPA-LOOMPA:" "A fish head, for example, cut" "ALL:" "This morning from a halibut" "An oyster from an oyster stew" "A steak that no one else would chew" "And lots of other things as well" "Each with its rather horrid smell" "Horrid smell" "These are Veruca's newfound friends" "That she will meet as she descends" "These are Veruca's newfound friends" "Who went and spoiled her, who indeed?" "Who pandered to her every need?" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 2:" "Who turned her into such a brat?" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 3:" "Who are the culprits?" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 4:" "Who did that?" "ALL:" "The guilty ones, now this is sad" "Are dear old Mum and loving Dad" "Ah!" "Oh, really?" "Oh, good." "I've just been informed that the incinerator's broken." "So there should be about three weeks of rotten garbage to break their fall." "Well, that's good news." "Yeah." "Well, let's keep on trucking." "[DlNGS]" "WONKA:" "I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier." "The elevator's by far the most efficient way to get around the factory." "There can't be this many floors." "How do you know, Mr. Smarty-Pants?" "This isn't an ordinary up-and-down elevator, by the way." "This elevator can go sideways, longways, slantways and any other ways you can think of." "You just press any button and, whoosh, you're off." "Oh, look." "Look." "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fudge Mountain." "Oh." "I'd rather not talk about this one." "This is the Puppet Hospital and Burn Center." "It's relatively new." "Ah, the administration offices." "Hello, Doris." "Why is everything here completely pointless?" "Candy doesn't have to have a point." "That's why it's candy." "mike:" "It's stupid." "[IN MR. WONKA'S voice] Candy is a waste of time." "No son of mine is going to be a chocolatier." "Then I'll run away." "To Switzerland." "Bavaria." "The candy capitals of the world." "Go ahead." "But I won't be here when you come back." "Sorry, son." "We're closing for the night." "I wanna pick a room." "Go ahead." "Here." "Put these on quick, and don't take them off whatever you do." "This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls." "And we certainly don't want that, now, do we?" "This is the testing room for my very latest and greatest invention:" "Television Chocolate." "One day it occurred to me:" ""Hey, if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air then reassemble it on the other end why can't I do the same with chocolate?" "Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, all ready to be eaten?"" "I'm not gonna touch it." "I'm not going in that direction." "MR. TEAVEE:" "Sounds impossible." "mike:" "It is impossible." "You don't understand anything about science." "First off, there's a difference between waves and particles." "Duh." "Second, the amount of power it would take to convert energy in matter would be like nine atomic bombs." "Mumbler!" "Seriously, I cannot understand a single word you're saying." "Okey-dokey." "I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room to the other by television." "Bring in the chocolate." "It's gotta be real big because you know how on TV you can film a regular-size man, and he comes out looking this tall?" "Same basic principle." "It's gone." "Told you." "That chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads in a million tiny little pieces." "Come over here." "Come on." "Come on." "Come on!" "Watch the screen." "Here it comes." "Oh, look." " Take it." " lt's just a picture on a screen." "Scaredy-cat." "You take it." "Go on." "Just reach out and grab it." "Go on." "Holy buckets." "Eat it." "Go on." "It'll be delicious. lt's the same bar." "It's just gotten a little smaller on the journey, that's all." "It's great." "It's a miracle." "So imagine, you're sitting at home watching television and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say:" ""Wonka's chocolates are the best in the world." "If you don't believe us, try one for yourself."" "And you simply reach out and take it." "How about that?" "So can you send other things?" "Say, like, breakfast cereal?" "Do you have any idea what breakfast cereal's made of?" "It's those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners." "But could you send it by TV if you wanted to?" " Of course I could." " What about people?" "Well, why would I wanna send a person?" "They don't taste very good at all." "Don't you realize what you've invented?" "It's a teleporter." "It's the most important invention in the history of the world." "And all you think about is chocolate." "Calm down, Mike." "I think Mr. Wonka knows what he's talking about." "No, he doesn't." "He has no idea." "You think he's a genius, but he's an idiot." "But I'm not." "Hey, little boy." "Don't push my button." "He's gone." "Let's go check the television, see what we get." "I sure hope no part of him gets left behind." "What do you mean?" "Well, sometimes only half of the little pieces find their way through." "If you had to choose only one half of your son, which one would it be?" "What kind of a question is that?" "No need to snap." "Just a question." "Try every channel." "I'm starting to feel a little anxious." " There he is." " Mike." "OOMPA-LOOMPAS [singing]:" "The most important thing" "That we've ever learned" "The most important thing we've learned As far as children are concerned ls never, never let them near The television set" "Or better still just don't install The idiotic thing at all" "Never, never let them Never, never let them" "Never, never let them" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 1:" "It rots the senses in the head" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 2:" "It keeps imagination dead" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 3:" "It clogs and clutters up the mind" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 4:" "It makes a child so dull and blind" "ALL:" "So dull, so dull" "He can no longer understand A fairy tale, a fairyland" "A fairyland, a fairyland" "OOMPA-LOOMPA 5:" "His brain becomes as soft as cheese" "ALL:" "His thinking powers rust and freeze" "He cannot think, he only sees" "Regarding little Mike Teavee" "We very much regret that we" "Regret that we" "Shall simply have to wait and see" "Wait and see, wait and see" "Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see" "We very much regret that we" "Shall simply have to wait and see" "If we can get him back his height" "But if we can't" "It serves him right" "Ew, somebody grab him." "mike [lN HIGH-PlTCHED voice]:" "Help me." "Help me." "Oh, thank heavens." "He's completely unharmed." "Unharmed?" "What are you talking about?" "Just put me back in the other way." "There is no other way." "It's television, not telephone." "There's quite a difference." "And what exactly do you propose to do about it?" "I don't know." "But young men are extremely springy." "They stretch like mad." " Let's go put him in the taffy puller." " Taffy puller?" "Hey, that was my idea." "Boy, is he gonna be skinny." "Yeah." "Taffy puller." "I want you to take Mr. Teavee and his little boy up to the taffy puller, okay?" "Stretch him out." "[GASPS]" "On with the tour." "There's still so much left to see." "Now, how many children are left?" "Mr. Wonka, Charlie's the only one left now." "You mean, you're the only one?" "Yes." "What happened to the others?" "Oh, my dear boy, but that means you've won." "Oh, I do congratulate you. I really do." "I'm absolutely delighted." "I had a hunch right from the beginning." "Well done." "Now, we mustn't dilly or dally." "We have an enormous number of things to do before the day's out." "But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things along" "Speed things along." "Come on." ""Up and Out"?" "What kind of room is that?" "Hold on." "Oh, my goodness." "We're gonna need to go much faster, otherwise we'll just never break through." "Break through what?" "I've been longing to press that button for years." "Well, here we go." "Up and out." " But do you really mean--?" " Yeah." "I do." "But it's made of glass." "It'll smash into a million pieces." "[TlTTERS]" "Augustus, please don't eat your fingers." "But I taste so good." "Look, Mother." "I'm much more flexible now." "Yes, but you're blue." "Daddy, I want a flying glass elevator." "Veruca, the only thing you're getting today is a bath, and that's final." "But I want it." "Where do you live?" "Right over there." "That little house." "What time do you think they'll be back?" "Hard to know, dear." "[SCREAMS]" "I think there's someone at the door." "Hi, Mom." "Mom." "Dad." "We're back." "MR. BUCKET:" "Charlie." "MRS. BUCKET:" "Charlie." "Goodness." "This is Willy Wonka." "He gave us a ride home." "I see that." "You must be the boy's" " Parents?" " Yeah." "That." "He says Charlie's won something." "Not just some something." "The most "something" something of any something that's ever been." "I'm gonna give this little boy my entire factory." "You must be joking." "No, really. lt's true." "Because you see, a few months ago, I was having my semiannual haircut and I had the strangest revelation." "WONKA:" "In that one silver hair I saw reflected my life's work my factory, my beloved Oompa-Loompas." "Who would watch over them after I was gone?" "I realized in that moment:" "I must find a heir." "And I did, Charlie." "You." "That's why you sent out the golden tickets." "Uh-huh." "[whispers] What are Oompa-Loompas?" "I invited five children to the factory and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner." "That's you, Charlie." "So, what do you say?" "Are you ready to leave all this behind and come live with me at the factory?" "Sure." "Of course." "I mean, it's all right if my family come too?" "Oh, my dear boy, of course they can't." "You can't run a chocolate factory with a family hanging over you like an old, dead goose." "No offense." "None taken, jerk." "A chocolatier has to run free and solo." "He has to follow his dreams." "Gosh darn the consequences." "Look at me." "I had no family, and I'm a giant success." "So if I go with you to the factory, I won't ever see my family again?" "Yeah." "Consider that a bonus." "Then I'm not going." "I wouldn't give up my family for anything." "Not for all the chocolate in the world." "Oh, I see." "That's weird." "There's other candy too besides chocolate." "I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka." "I'm staying here." "Wow." "Well, that's just unexpected and weird." "But I suppose, in that case, I'll just" "Goodbye, then." "Sure you won't change your mind?" "I'm sure." "Okay." "Bye." "Things are going to get much better." "NARRATOR:" "And for once, Grandma Georgina knew exactly what she was talking about." "The next morning, Charlie helped his parents fix the hole in the roof." "Grandpa Joe spent the whole day out of bed." "He didn't feel tired at all." "Charlie's father got a better job at the toothpaste factory repairing the machine that had replaced him." "Things had never been better for the Bucket family." "The same could not be said for Willy Wonka." "I can't put my finger on it." "Candy's the only thing I was ever certain of and now I'm just not certain at all." "I don't know which flavors to make or which ideas to try." "I'm second-guessing myself, which is nuts." "I've always made whatever candy I felt like, and I" "That's just it, isn't it?" "I make the candy I feel like, but now I feel terrible, so the candy's terrible." "You're very good." "MAN:" "Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell" " Walter." " Willy Wonka." " That's the one." "Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well." "But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it." " Yep." " Oh, really?" "You ever met him?" "I did." "I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice." "He also has a funny haircut." "I do not!" " Why are you here?" " l don't feel so hot." "What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?" "My family." "Ew." "What do you have against my family?" "It's not just your family." "It's the whole idea of" "They tell you what to do, what not to do and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere." "Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you." "If you don't believe me, you should ask." "Ask who?" "My father?" "No way." "At least, not by myself." "You want me to go with you?" "Hey." "Hey, what a good idea." "Yeah!" "And you know what?" "I've got transport" "I have to be more careful where l park this thing." "I think we've got the wrong house." "[BUZZER RINGS]" "Do you have an appointment?" "No." "But he's overdue." "Open." "Now, let's see what the damage is, shall we?" "Heavens." "I haven't seen bicuspids like these since...." "Since...." "Willy?" "Hi, Dad." "All these years and you haven't flossed." "Not once." "NARRATOR:" "It was on this day that Willy Wonka repeated his offer to Charlie who accepted on one condition." "Sorry we're late." "We were brainstorming." "Thought I heard thunder." " You staying for dinner, Willy?" " Yes, please." "I'll shuffle the plates." "You smell like peanuts." " l love peanuts." " Oh, thank you." "You smell like old people and soap." "I like it." "Elbows off the table, Charlie." "How do you feel about little raspberry kites?" "With licorice instead of string." " Boys, no business at the dinner table." " Sorry, Mom." "I think you're on to something, though, Charlie." "NARRATOR:" "ln the end Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory." "But Willy Wonka got something even better:" "A family." "And one thing was absolutely certain:" "Life had never been sweeter." "[ENGLISH SDH]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Captioning made possible by comedy central" "?" "I'm going down to south park?" "?" "Gonna have myself a time?" "?" "Friendly faces everywhere?" "?" "Humble folks without temptation?" "?" "Going down to south park?" "?" "Gonna leave my woes behind?" "?" "Ample parking day or night?" "?" "People spouting "howdy neighbor"?" "?" "Headin' on up to south park?" "?" "Gonna see if i can't unwind?" "?" "So come on down to south park?" "?" "And meet some friends of mine?" "Remember when life used to be simple and cool?" "Not really." "Uh, hey, how's it going, fellas?" "Butters, what the hell are you doing?" "Well, i'm just standing around being a kid, why?" "How come you're all wearing those oogy spacemen masks?" "These are gas masks, butters!" "Yeah, if you don't have a gas mask" "You're gonna get smallpox or anthrax." "What?" "Oh jesus, i don't wanna get the 'thrax, fellas." "What do i do?" "There's nothing you can do except stop breathing." "Stop breathing?" "Yeah, you can't get it if you don't breathe." "Oh, all right then." "Okay, next." "Next." "Let's see,hotties, juicy, whoppers." "Okay, next." "Aha!" "What the hell are you doing with this?" "Those are myhootie owl round tip scissors." "These are a weapon!" "Oh, come on, how am i gonna kill people with those?" "I'll think of a way." "Now, move along." "God damn it!" "All right, next!" "Okay, clear." "Oh, jesus, man, they're gonna get me!" "Oh, christ!" "They're gonna get me." "All right, class, as some of you may of heard," "The president has asked that american children" "All send one dollar to the children of afghanistan." "So i have a list of addresses and we're gonna all chip in." "Ha!" "I'm not giving a dollar to those towel-Heads." "Eric, the afghan people need our help." "Oh, i'm sorry," "But i thought we were at war with these assholes!" "We're at war with terrorists, fat-Ass," "Not with afghanistan." "And the only reason you care" "Is 'cause you don't wanna give up a dollar." "That dollar buys me a chocolate milk for lunch!" "What, you want me to just get a regular milk for 10 cents?" "Now look, it isn't our fault that terrorists hate us." "We're just kids." "We aren't the ones bombing them now." "We're just kids." "There's a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world," "But we're just caught in the middle." "It's not our fault." "The afghan kids are caught in the middle, too." "Yes, but they're sand monkeys!" "All right, children, we're all sending a dollar" "To the kids in afghanistan." "That's it, end of discussion!" "God damn it, i hate regular milk!" "Eh!" "Ahh!" "Ahh!" "Ahh!" "Another high alert status for terrorist activity this weekend." "The government said bad things are likely to happen." "Meanwhile, the world continues to back down" "From their support of the united states," "Saying that they were really only kidding to begin with." "Hey, mom, doorbell's ringing." "Hey, sharon." "Maybe you should stop watching the news for a little bit." "Sharon, you've been watchingcnnfor about..." "Eight weeks now." "Don't you want to watch something else?" "Sh-Sharon?" "Hey, look what the postman brought me!" "It's a big brown package from afghanistan." "That's nice." "We sent the afghani kids some dollars," "They must've sent us something cool in return." "Do we have some scissors to cut this open?" "Stanley, your mother's a little freaked out right now." "Why don't you go play with" "Your big brown package from afghanistan outside." "All right." "Big brown package from afghanistan!" "Dude, what's going on?" "We got a package from the kids we sent dollars to." "They sent us something back." "Prelim shows negative, sir." "Then we're gonna have to blow it." "Yes, sir!" "Ah, this is it, man, it's over!" "Tweak, calm down, have some coffee." "Open!" "Ah, it's just a goat." "Precious goat." "Hey there, little guy." "Stay away from it!" "Terrorists could've given that goat anthrax or smallpox" "Before sending it over." "Johnson!" "Check the goat for diseases." "Yes, sir!" "The goat seems to be clean, sir." "I told you." "Those afghan kids just wanted to give us something back" "For giving them $4." "Four dollars for a goat, we got ripped off." "All right, men, this area is secure." "Let's head out." "What are we supposed to do with it?" "You're gonna have to take it home with you, kyle." "Dude, my mom won't even let me have a hamster." "Kenny?" "No freakin' way, dude." "My parents will never let me keep a goat." "Well, i guess we're gonna have to kill it." "No, we're not going to kill it, cartman." "We'll just have to take the return address" "And mail it back to the kids in afghanistan." "Come on, goat." "Uh-Oh, they're closing." "Excuse me," "We wanna overnight this goat to afghanistan, please." "Excuse me?" "It's an afghanistan goat, it can't stay here" "Or else it will choke on the sweet air of freedom." "Yeah." "Afghanistan?" "I'm sorry, boys, but our planes aren't flying there." "They're not?" "The only planes going to afghanistan" "Are the military planes over at the base." "I'm sorry." "Oh yeah, the military planes." "Come on, goat, we'll put you on one of them." "Stan, i don't think we're supposed to be" "In the military base." "They might shoot us." "I don't care, we're going." "Don't forget to bring a towel." "Ahh!" "Oh, no, not towelie." "When going someplace new, you should always bring a towel." "Okay, thanks, towelie." "You wanna get high?" "No, we don't wanna get high!" "You mean, you don't want towelie around?" "That's right!" "So am i to understand that there's been a "towelie ban"?" "Ohh!" "God damn it, get the hell out of here, towelie!" "All right, see ya." "All right, group," "We'll depart for afghanistan in five minutes." "Let's move out!" "All right, come on." "We just gotta get the goat on one of these planes." "Isn't this exciting, tony?" "We're finally gonna see some action." "Yeah, and i hear that as soon as we land" "We get a u.S.O. Show." "We do!" "Stevie nicks is going to perform." "Oh, stevie nicks, i love her!" "Okay, it's clear, come on." "Hey you!" "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" "I'm sorry, miss nicks." "Hey, guys, it's stevie nicks." "Oh, wow!" "Can i get a picture?" "Miss nicks, over here, miss nicks." "Miss nicks, i don't wanna bother you," "But could you sing a quick fleetwood macfor us?" "Could you?" "Come on!" "Yeah, yeah." "No way!" "Wait 'til i tell my sister about this." "She is gonna flip!" "Well, we've gotta get miss nicks" "On the plane to afghanistan, guys." "Oh, can we just get a" "I'm sorry, miss nicks isn't answering any more questions." "Oh sure, we understand." "Move along." "She looks great." "She looks great." "Hey, let's put him on here." "Shh... there we go." "You're gonna be okay, goat." "You'll be back in afghanistan in about 20 hours." "Stan, if you're finished having your tearful good-Bye with the goat" "We'll like to go now, please." "All right." "All right, tango clear, let's head out." "Oh, son of a bitch!" "Hey, wait!" "There's children in here!" "Dude, it looks like we're going to... afghanistan." "Going to afghanistan?" "Trapped in a small space for 20 hours" "How could things get any worse?" "Ohh!" "Ohh!" "Ohh!" "Oh, you guys." "Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut." "Welcome to afghanistan, troops." "Get your gear ready and report to the barracks in 0900." "Sir, yes, sir!" "Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut..." "Oh god, it was horrible!" "20 hours!" "Oh god, it stinks like shmmt!" "What the hell?" "Cartman farted in there." "We had to breathe it in for 20 hours." "It didn't smell that bad, you guys are overreacting." "I don't smell any- Oh, oh god!" "Oh, whatever." "You son of a bitch, cartman." "You don't fart when you're locked in a small space" "With other people!" "Oh, i'm sorry!" "Next time i'll just ask my fart nicely" "If it wouldn't mind staying tucked away for a while!" "All right, let's just get the goat back to his home." "We have to find this address." "God, what a craphole, dude!" "This is like east denver, jesus christ!" "Dude, no wonder terrorists come from places like this." "If i grew up here i'd be pissed off too." "Hey, look, there's a taxi." "Hello." "We need to go here." "God, what is this, the friggin' "flintsones"?" "Is this the right house?" "I think so." "Uh, hi, we're from america." "Ah, we sent you the dollar, the $4." "You sent us this goat." "Goat?" "Here, we don't want it." "Oh, you want something else?" "All we had was the goat." "Your country bombed everything else." "No, dude, we're not ungrateful." "It's just none of us can keep the goat." "It was choking on the sweet air of freedom in america," "So we brought it back to your crappy country." "Oh, and here." "Take this american flag as a gift." "Yay!" "Yay!" "Yay!" "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" "They told us in school everyone but terrorists love america." "Ha!" "What did you call us?" "Your country is the evil empire." "Your government wants to rule the world!" "But your values and spiritualism are in the gutter." "Then why did you send us a goat?" "Because in afghanistan we have pride." "If you send us something" "We must send something in return." "It doesn't mean we don't still hate you." "Now, get out of here!" "Hey, hey, open the door." "I told you, "jawas" have no hearts." "Jawas?" "You know, sand people." "How come they hate america so much?" "What the hell did we do?" "Well, we tried, dude." "If anyone else in this craphole hates americans" "We better just leave the goat and get back to the plane." "All right." "Oh look, he's following us." "It's so sad." "God, i hate you so much, stan." "What?" "Howdy." "Ah... greetings from canada." "Well, boys, it's "aboot" time" "We get to our "hoose" in canada, isn't it?" "Hey, what the hell are you talking about?" "!" "I'm not a god damn canadian and neither are you!" "Oh, cartman, you stupid asshole." "...osama bin laden!" "Good job, fat-Ass." "Dude, don't call me a canadian." "You gotta listen to me, we're not spies!" "Look, i think i can explain everything." "See, my friend stan here is an oversensitive animal lover." "He got a boner for this goat." "Ooh, a la bulla bulla bulla." "Oh crap, it's him!" "A mulla mulla mulla?" "Mulla hak a mulla." "Oh, dude, it's called deodorant, okay," "It's not expensive." "Hakka maha mallah!" "Ooh, a tukka tukka mulla mulla." "America a booga booga booga." "Hakka hakka durka durka." "Hakka hakka durka durka!" "And... cut!" "Dude, these people are insane." "...as more and more cases" "Of terrorist-Related aids continues to grow." "And this just in:" "The taliban has apparently taken" "American civilians as hostages." "The taliban has just released this videotape" "In which it is clearly visible" "That they have indeed captured stevie nicks." "Miss nicks appears to be in good spirits," "Though her whereabouts are unknown." "Hey, sh-Sharon," "Have you seen stan in the last couple days?" "Yes, i just saw him." "Oh, okay." "With stevie nicks in captivity" "The other members of fleetwood mac have been hidden" "So the taliban can't get to them as well." "They... took stevie nicks?" "Bastards." "Heartless, gutless bastards!" "All right, men." "Grab your guns and your bibles." "We're going to get miss nicks back." "Hooray!" "Hooray!" "Hooray!" "The taliban's video also shows" "What appears to be four american children in captivity," "Though they could just be french." "We have to help them." "They are not the spies." "They came to give us our goat back." "Screw them!" "They're evil americans." "I know, but you if we don't help the innocent ones" "Then we are no better than the americans are." "Help americans?" "That doesn't make sense." "Dude, we are speaking english right now." "Does that make sense?" "!" "All right, let's go." "Oh, jihad jihad." "Ooh, ooh!" "America, hakka hakka!" "Dursha, durpa durpa durpa!" "Boola boola booga wooga hagga." "Gurba de durka and america!" "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" "Shh, we've come to save you." "You but i thought you hate us." "We do." "Durkka durkka..." "Cartman, where are you going?" "I'm gonna go take care of this prick." "Cartman, he's crazy." "He's not crazy, he's an idiot." "I know how to deal with these people." "A flibbidy flabbidy floo!" "Jihad, jihad!" "Hey..." "What's up, bin laden?" "Aruba duba duba!" "Durba durba hak!" "Uh-Oh, 5:30, time to pray!" "Ah la la..." "Tabba hagga?" "Allah allah allah." "Ala hagga durpa, durpa durpa haggalah." "Uh-Oh!" "We will have to be quick." "The americans are attacking!" "Where do we go?" "Get down!" "You, murdering american!" "Hey, shut up, kid, america didn't start this war." "America did start this war." "They started it years ago" "When they put military bases on muslim holy lands." "Ramadan!" "Hey, look, an infidel!" "Ooh, pedro kabob!" "So that's what this is all about." "Ishtar fatwah open sesame!" "Ooh, tastes like chicken." "The ass of a chicken!" "Toolah foo kabob!" "Woo hoo!" "We're coming, miss nicks," "Hang on!" "All right, i've had just about enough of this." "They told us in school, and on tv," "That most people in afghanistan and pakistan like america." "And you believe it?" "It is not just the taliban that hates america." "Over a third of the world hates america." "But why, why does a third of the world hate us?" "Because you don't realize" "That a third of the world hates you." "That doesn't make sense." "You guys are just buttholes." "You're buttholes!" "You're buttholes!" "Yoo hoo." "A dukka dukka dukka." "Dukka dukka dukka doo!" "Ooh, bella, bella, falafel." "Mi amore, fatwah, fatwah." "Ah, vino, mi fatwah." "J'al une fatwah." "You really think that your civilization is better than ours?" "You people play games by killing animals" "And oppress women." "It's better than a civilization" "That's spends its time watching millionaires" "Walk down the red carpet at theemmys." "He's got us there, dude." "I got her, i got stevie nicks." "There you are!" "Where have you been?" "We have another anti- American video to make." "Oh, video durka?" "Hurry, get into wardrobe!" "Oh, hurry up, will you, hurry!" "Oh, you look marvelous, darling." "Hakka hamma hamma." "Come on, the cameras are ready." "All right, there we go." "Let's roll cameras." "Oh, and here's your microphone." "Oh, america a durka durka." "Uh-Oh." "Waa!" "We've done it, the taliban is destroyed!" "Hooray!" "Hooray!" "Hooray!" "Wow, i guess cartman really did take care of him." "Blh-Blh-Blh-Blh!" "Terrorists is the craziest peoples!" "Oh!" "I got him, i got him!" "Well, looks like the taliban and bin laden" "Are finally out of power." "Yeah, you don't need us anymore." "Hey, wait a minute." "Y'know, you guys should know one thing." "Most people in america are good people" "Who just try to live day by day like you guys do." "Maybe if you took some time" "To see all the great things about our country" "You'd see we're not so different after all." "Yeah." "That's fine, but we still hate you." "Oh..." "Well, i guess maybe some day" "We can learn to hate you, too." "Maybe, in time." "I'm confused." "Great job, troops." "Once again we have killed our enemies!" "Hooray!" "We sure did!" "The world is now safe thanks to you." "And so now, as promised," "Here is fleetwood mac with stevie nicks!" "?" "Just like the one-Winged bird?" "?" "Sings the song sounds like she's singing?" "?" "Baby, said?" "Come on, let's go get to the plane." "Dude, i almost thought those afghani kids" "Talked you into not liking america." "No, dude." "America may have some problems," "But it's our home, our team." "And if you don't wanna root for your team" "Then you should get the hell out of the stadium." "Yeah." "Go america." "Go broncos." "Yeah, go broncos." "Yeah." "Captioning made possible by comedy central" "Captioned by soundwriters™" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Miss." "You were finally able to head-off to Animal Village and we've run into rain." "I like rainy days." "With my favorite umbrella I put on my boots and splash around in the puddles." "Well what matters is how you feel about it." "Moving to that shabby village all by yourself; you must be self-reliant Miss." "No need to call me Miss it's Ai." "(Japanese alphabet AIUEO)" "ABCD like Ai." "Ai-pe is it?" "That's a nice name." "Ai-pe?" "(pe = sound a kappa makes)" "That spot where you see the rainbow end is Animal Village." "Over there is..." "Animal Village!" "Animal" "Matt4212" "Crossing" "Soulslayer" "Theatre Edition" "Here's the town hall." "Mr. Animal Village!" "My name is Ai!" "I've moved to the village today!" "Don't worry I can handle this." "Really?" "Indeed you prefer to be self-reliant." "You must be Miss Ai right?" "The one who is moving here." "Yes pleased to meet you." "My name is Peli-ko." "Ever since you contacted us I've been getting everything ready." "If you need any help or don't understand something feel free to ask me ok?" "I'll always be here in the daytime." "Ok." "At night is my older sister so you can visit too." "Staying open 24 hours that's so modern." "You must be our new resident Miss Ai am I right?" "Yes!" "I'm Kotobuki the mayor." "Let me help you remember I'm Kotobuki the mayor." "Yes." "I know this is sudden but may I ask you a question." "A question?" "In the up coming ballots Who do you think is most qualified." "1 Me the mayor." "2 Me the mayor." "3 Me the mayor." "4 Me the mayor." "They're all the mayor?" "That was a pretty cold-hearted remark." "Please reply Mr. mayor." "This winter we'll be having another election." "Mayor Kotobuki is always worrying about it." "Election?" "For the mayor?" "The mayor!" "Yes the mayor." "Mayor number... any number you want." "I see!" "I see!" "I am really touched to have Miss Ai supporting me within the Animal Village." "Miss Ai your landlord will be Mr. Tom Nook." "(tanuki = racoon)" "Please head to Tanuki goods shop and pick up the key." "Tanuki Goods" "Welcome!" "Come in come in!" "Please feel free to browse around." "What in particular were you searching for?" "Well no I didn't come here to buy something." "My name is Ai." "I was told by Miss Peli-ko to come find Mr. Tom Nook who will be my landlord." "Is that right?" "You should've mentioned that from the start." "I'm sorry." "Ok put this on." "I need you to start working right away." "Work?" "Ok take care of the deliveries." "Deliveries?" "I just came to get a key I wasn't really looking for work." "The quickest way for you to get used to your new life in Animal Village is by working." "Is that true?" "How's that?" "While working you can introduce yourself to all the residents it's two birds with one stone." "Well that might be true." "It's not "Well that might be true" it's yes that is true." "But still it's so sudden." "Come now come now." "Time is money they say." "Oh well sure." "Here is the delivery list." "Ok!" "Well I'm off!" "There's still a lot left to be delivered so I want you to come back right away!" "An uphill challenge." "Let's see this one." "Miss Bouquet I have a delivery from Tanuki goods." "Finally it's here!" "(chiki = silly)" "Excuse me from today onward..." "How is it?" "How is it?" "It looks real good." "You see today I came to the Animal Village." "I must really be dynamite." "Everything I put on looks so cute amazing!" "Excuse me." "Hey you're a newcomer right?" "Why did you move here?" "Alone?" "Or are you living with a friend?" "Or how about how about..." "I'm alone." "Alone is it?" "I got it!" "You are running away from your former home." "In order to forget him and to heal your broken heart you have naturally set off on a solitary journey." "And finally you have arrived at this far-off village!" "That's not it." "Has to be it." "I also want to be taken away by my prince on a white horse!" "Mr. Halberd I have a delivery." "Thank you for leaving the delivery of five hundred pies to..." "Five hundred pies?" "!" "You see today is..." "It's here it's here!" "Just remembering the taste by indulging in the smell coming from this box." "It's like I'm about to be enchanted into a dream." "(wani = crocodile)" "Excuse me..." "Hey you custard or tiramisu which do you prefer?" "As for me I like them both!" "Who's that?" "Wait!" "Wait up!" "Ninja?" "Why's that?" "What'll I do he left?" "It can't be helped." "I'm the one supposed to be moving what's going on here." "Excuse me Miss Bianca I'm from Tanuki goods." "I have a delivery." "Thank you." "It's open so may I please ask you to leave it inside?" "Yes." "You just started right?" "Yes!" "You have that glimmering sparkle in every sense." "It's lovely yes?" "Well delivery work might be lacking romance and might be quite laborious but a polished lady will shine brightly in any circumstance." "Yes." "Whenever you need come see me and I'll help you learn to be a lady in any situation yes?" "She was a beautiful person." "(uki = monkey noises)" "Welcome!" "I'm from Tanuki goods." "I'm here to deliver your order." "Thank you for the hard work." "Please leave it in that area." "Yes." "Cute clothes!" "Good afternoon." "Hey there Sally-chan!" "Welcome." "I'm sorry to always bother you during work." "It's fine today we get to see another one of Sally's designs right?" "Yes I'm always excited to see another one of Sally's wonderful designs." "Excuse me." "Come now show it to us." "Tanuki" "Goods" "Tomorrow I'll be waiting!" "That was a long first day." "That's it there." "Let's go!" "In that house will be the commencement of my first time alone." "Don't move!" "The spider will get away!" "That's why I said don't move!" "Wait!" "Wait!" "Alright!" "I finally caught the rare spider!" "(gozaru = ancient ninja talk)" "I won over Halberd!" "I won over Halberd!" "I won over Halberd!" "I won over Halberd!" "I won over Halberd!" "Wait now!" "What do you think..!" "You're that afternoon ninja." "For you." "I'm Yu from the nearby village." "I often come here to play." "That's not exactly how this conversation was supposed to continue." "Anyway I was able to catch the spider." "And it was the two of us." "Two of us?" "For you." "Mr. Apollo I have a delivery." "Mr. Apollo?" "Wait!" "Wait wait!" "Him again!" "HEY YOU!" "You there what did you do!" "Oh?" "Now that I look closer I've never seen your face before." "Your a new resident?" "And your name is?" "It's..." "Ai." "Ai is it?" "Well since you're new it can't be helped." "DON'T THINK I'LL GO TOO EASY ON YOU!" "Reaction's determine people's true character." "Since you're new you probably don't know about me so here's my introduction." "I am the enforcer of justice towards people who break the rules in Animal Village Mr. Reset." "Pleased to meet'cha." "Likewise." "Now the problem is this garden right?" "I'm sorry!" "What should I do about this?" "Well by the looks of it..." "You didn't do it on purpose." "No need for a lecture then." "But of all the gardens it had to be Apollo's garden right?" "You must be real unlucky." "See you!" "Mr. Reset!" "Apollo is not home do you know where he could be?" "How 'bout checking the Pigeon's Roost?" "Apollo visit's that place quite often." "Good after-?" "Fu-ko?" "Brother Futo!" "Did you hear that just now?" "Yes it came from that direction." "Excuse me are you Ok?" "The person screaming was it you?" "I'm sorry." "The door was open and I came in and got surprised." "Um this place is?" "Wonderful!" "T-Rex." "Approximately 43 feet in length." "Existing during the Cretaceous Period." "The T-Rex is the pinnacle of the saurus in particular the most fearsome carnivore within the superfamily Tyrannosauroidea belonging to the genus Therapods." "By the way the terminology can be split into parts." "Tyranosaurus meaning 'tyrant lizard' and Rex from the latin meaning 'king.'" "When my brother starts talking he's never going to stop." "Wasn't there are reason for your visit today?" "Let's see..." "I'm Ai." "I just moved to the village." "I have a delivery for Mr. Apollo and I heard he might be at the Pigeon's Roost so..." "Is that right?" "Well then let me show you the way." "Over here." "This is?" "That is the display case reserved for a Seismosaurus." "(recent scientific studies classify Seismosaurus as a member of the genus Diplodocus)" "Seismosaurus?" "Yes!" "It is said to be the largest of all animals." "It's length could reach over 177 ft." "The name means "Earth-shaking lizard."" "It is believed that it could eat up to 500 kg a day in plants." "This way." "I can't wait for the day when we complete the Seismosaurus display." "We have a cafe on the rooftop." "On the roof?" "I always hang out there;" "so when you have some free time come and visit Ok?" "Yes!" "Animal Village is the best place for viewing stars." "They are so pretty you'll be surprised." "Especially in the winter." "Delicious coffee and wonderfully matched music." "Coming here is always the best." "The coffee is the best but perhaps not the music?" "Excuse me." "what music would you prefer?" "I'm searching for someone." "Real men prefer enka definately enka." "(enka = traditional-style Japanese popular ballad)" "Here I go." "Excuse me." "Mr. Apollo?" "I can't believe I would be mistaken for Apollo." "We are definately not as eccentric as him." "Forgive me." "But you know Apollo used to be such a friendly person." "Well that was before he started to try and take off from the village." "Coffee same as usual." "Right away." "Speak of the devil." "Please go ahead." "Silent as usual." "He seems to be in a foul mood." "What's up Apollo?" "Someone made a mess in my garden." "After I finally got the blue roses to bloom." "Excuse me." "I have a delivery." "Tanuki goods is it?" "I'm sorry!" "I'm the person who messed up your garden!" "I came to deliver the goods but you were out." "Then a ninja appeared and..." "Anyway I'm the one at fault for hurting the roses." "I'm really sorry!" "Master the coffee was delicious." "Another delivery right?" "Let me help." "Thank you but I can handle something like this." "I have alot of strength." "That seems to be one of my talents." "Since I finally have a chance to use it it's more efficient." "Efficient?" "Cherries!" "You can only get them in this village." "Let's say we were creating cherry pies." "But they are not triangle slices they are circles!" "Let's ponder how we would eat them alone." "Eating the first slice and second is no problem." "But when I get to the third slice my head is full of thoughts of dieting." "Yes yes!" "That often happens." "When that happens what do you do?" "I say to myself I really shouldn't eat them but then I stuff my face with them all." "That's just like me." "I mean if you're not going to eat them they will just be left in the refrigerator." "As time passes you forget about them and it only leads to tragedy." "Yes yes." "I believe thinking about things is also a talent." "Only because it would be a waste not to eat the food." "You have to keep using them or your talents may become rusty." "Keep using them?" "So you see by helping you I was also able to help myself." "Here you go." "Thank you." "Delicious!" "I love cherries!" "Actually me too!" "My name is Ai." "ABCD like Ai." "My name is Sally." "Mother." "I seem to be getting used to life in Animal village." "I'm starting to make acquaintances and I have a friend named Sally." "Today we were planting cherry trees." "That's great!" "Becoming a designer is my dream!" "I hope one day people all over the world will be able to wear my clothes." "That's a grand dream." "This sketch book is..." "Sally's cherry pie right?" "Here." "Just like you said." "This is my cherry pie." "Mother since we'll be gathering a lot more cherries" "Please send me some more cherry pie recipes." "A message bottle?" "Above the pine forest" "The night of the winter festival a miracle will occur." "Pine forest?" "The night of the winter festival?" "A miracle?" "UFO?" "It can't be?" "Mayor that's dangerous!" "Bianca always looks lovely!" "Do you know the rumor going around that Bianca and Apollo were a couple?" "You mean that Apollo?" "Yep the owner of the garden you messed up Apollo." "Don't remind me..." "It seems Apollo is still mad at me." "I can't believe that grumpy old man and Bianca were a couple." "Bouquet don't spread rumors around too much." "And what about you?" "Infatuated with that box when are we going to swim?" "I'll be done in a 'sec." "We haven't even taken a dip once today!" "Miss Mable said she would select one of my designs and help me find a store to carry it." "So I have to try hard." "That's great." "Sally has her own dream." "I've thought it over many times and I still don't know if I have what it takes." "If someone asked "Do you like doing this?" then I would have to say "Yes I like doing this."" "You do for sure!" "Sally's drawings are all great." "Put in lots of effort!" "And then you gotta eat that cherry pie you're making!" "Right?" "Cherry pie?" "All done!" "Found it?" "Nope." "Mr. fossil come out and play!" "Hey!" "I found something!" "Really?" "HEY YOU!" "Stop making so many holes all over the place!" "Thanks to you all my precious tunnels are starting to cave in!" "Kids being rambunctious digging holes all over my house isn't that great!" "Don't tell me you did it on purpose?" "No we didn't..." "Not at all." "Of course you didn't!" "There would be no end to how sorry you would be if you did." "Looking for fossils is fine but there has to be a better method." "Run away." "Listen there are reasons for the rules in place." "Run away." "Run!" "HEY YOU!" "Mr. Reset we're sorry!" "Sorry!" "RUNNING AWAY!" "Another tunnel caving in!" "Tanuki Goods" "Alright!" "Sally's designs are almost ready." "Let's definately wear them to K.K. Slider's next live!" "You betcha'!" "Thank you." "Ai." "Bouquet." "Another one showed up." "Plant pine trees as marked on the map." "For the miracle during the winter festival." "More?" "Miss Pelly-ko!" "My everyone's gathered!" "We are preparing for the fireworks festival." "This year is special we will have a stage setup." "Before the fireworks K.K. slider is going to perform!" "I really want to hear K.K.'s Rhythm!" "You find it?" "Nope." "Just another haniwa." "(Haniwa=clay figures which were made for ritual use and buried with the deceased)" "Another one of those crazy get-ups he's in." "What're you guys doing?" "Hey you guys." "Got it!" "Finally an ammonite fossil get!" "Just by a thread now our collection is complete!" "Found it!" "Found it!" "Found it!" "Hoi!" "Fossil of a fishy found it!" "Hoi!" "An ammonite fossil it is!" "Hoi!" "Come on!" "Fossil it is!" "Hoi!" "These boys..." "Being so happy over such a small thing." "Makes me jealous." "But you know I've seen tons of those in the other place." "Really?" "I want to go." "Take us?" "Please!" "Let's go soon!" "Let's go fast!" "Let's go together!" "Right right right?" "I got it already!" "I'll take you so let go." "How many..?" "You scalliwags to the treasure!" "Forward Ho!" "Oh!" "Oh..." "Let's go!" "Into the cave of secrets!" "Into the cave of secrets!" "These boys..." "Such a cool place exists!" "I'm getting excited!" "Fossil sweetie wait for me." "A breeze?" "It's summer but in here its pretty cold." "Bouquet do they really have fossils in here?" "I think so..." "You think so?" "Actually it was such a long time ago." "Which path should we take?" "Answer me swabbie Bouquet." "Who are you calling swabbie!" "But..." "Right!" "Right it is!" "What's that?" "Waterfall!" "Sorry it was left!" "Too late now!" "Pushing forward is the only choice." "Pardon me." "Let's see now." "Have I seen this resident in Animal village before?" "I can't this is no time to space out." "This is a great chance for me to use my leadership appeal." "Sir do I resemble anyone you know?" "Another villager who doesn't recognize me." "My ratings must be at an all time low." "You shouldn't be surprised looking at a visitor." "But you shouldn't look at them expecting too much neither." "Just kidding!" "Hey!" "Must've been on a journey." "Is everyone Ok?" "Yeah." "I'm Ok." "We're saved." "Incredible!" "Fossils!" "The ammonite!" "Alright!" "Alright!" "I see them!" "Incredible!" "See I told you!" "They had to be in this cave." "Found it!" "Found it!" "Found it!" "Hoi!" "A mountain of fossils found it!" "Hoi!" "Ammonite fossils!" "Hoi!" "Ai!" "Hurry and come over here!" "Ai?" "Wonderfu..." "What's that?" "A huge discovery." "In-incredible!" "Earth-shaking." "Earth-shaking?" "Earth-shaking is not the real name." "I think it was..." "Sei-Seismosaurus!" "Seismosaurus?" "The world's largest animal!" "They say it can eat 500 kg in a day." "The world's largest?" "!" "Ai that's great!" "You know so much!" "No I heard about it from Futo earlier." "Futo says his dream is to one day complete the display at the museum." "Well then let's make that dream come true!" "Gosh darn it!" "Yu you alright?" "Darn." "These rocks look like they are crumbling." "Run for it!" "It really earned the name earth-shaking!" "Do you see an exit?" "We might be able to get out over there!" "You sea dogs save yourselves!" "Oh!" "The seismosaurus fossil!" "You can't!" "Let go!" "Give up Yu!" "It's dangerous!" "Everyone is right!" "(Welcome!" ")" "(Welcome!" ")" "(Play a game!" ")" "(Play a game!" ")" "(Here we go!" ")" "K.K. Slider is still not appearing!" "Jeez calm down a bit Bouquet." "Sally what's that?" "That's?" "I... can't seem to get the fossil's image out of my mind." "I felt I had to transfer it onto a design." "Once you have the image no need for particulars." "All that's left is to run with it." "If I do that no one can stop me." "Sally." "Hi!" "Such a splendid night." "My name is K.K. Slider." "Long ago I performed in front of the station" "But now on Saturday nights" "I perform live at the Pigeon's Roost." "Thank you for coming to listen tonight." "Are there any requests?" "K.K.'s Rhythm please!" "Ok!" "A wave a splash a ripple" "At the flows end what shall be?" "A present found on the seashore" "That is when a door will open" "Maybe it was the key" "The door's" "Otherside" "Once you have the image no need for particulars." "All that's left is to run with it." "Becoming a designer is my dream!" "I hope one day people all over the world will be able to wear my clothes." "I believe thinking about things is also a talent." "Only because it would be a waste not to eat the food." "You have to keep using them or your talents may become rusty." "This sketch book is..." "Sally's cherry pie right?" "Lies excitement" "Not just a faint breeze" "In the same way" "A switch of happiness" "That way" "You'll have" "Somehow have made it become" "A wave a splash a ripple" "At the flows end what shall be?" "A present found on the seashore" "Is calling out to you" "It seems to be" "Thank you." "Everyone thank you." "Look!" "See you got it." "K.K. Slider was the best!" "I felt a little embarassed." "K.K.'s Rhythm." "It was like he was singing out to me." "I know it!" "I know it!" "That feeling!" "I want to taste it too." "Not that." "My very own cherry pie." "What's that?" "Really?" "This is the golden sling shot!" "It's rare!" "rare!" "It's rare!" "My my!" "Do you have a sharp eye!" "This item is one in a million." "It gives you 100% accuracy they say." "100% you say?" "!" "That's great!" "Hey!" "Don't you think Yu is getting a little carried away?" "Since today is the once a year fireworks festival" "How about I give you a special price of 3500 bells?" "This great slingshot for 3500 bells?" "Real lucky!" "These boys..." "Hey!" "Ai!" "Sally!" "Bouquet!" "This shop is great!" "It's all hard to find items!" "Everyone come and look!" "Mayor." "The name's Kotobuki!" "Mother." "Today I was a little jealous of Sally." "Being able to decide her own dream living it out with conviction to the full extent." "Above the pine forest" "The night of the Winter festival a miracle will occur." "Traveling to this star" "I was unable to fulfill my wish" "Next I'm coming to your planet." "Plant pine trees as marked on the map." "For the miracle to happen during the winter festival." "On the night of the winter festival we can finally meet." "Should I plant them?" "The pine trees." "I still don't know what my dream is but..." "Mother." "However I seem to be smelling it's fragrance." "Ai why didn't you come!" "What do you mean?" "Sally's farewell party of course!" "Sally looked really sad!" "If only Ai had come." "Did Sally go somewhere?" "Don't tell me you didn't hear?" "In order to become a designer Sally is moving away." "Ai!" "Sally." "We'll be waiting for your next visit!" "Why is there a hole here!" "Now this looks splendid eh Cyrano?" "Stop laughing and help me out!" "A real man isn't so quick to ask for help from others." "Your friend is in trouble here!" "Someone!" "Save me!" "We did it!" "A great success." "This is nothing!" "I'm in top form today!" "Something this easy in one go!" "Was this a success?" "That was cool!" "It's Ai!" "Alright!" "The secret hole plan is a success!" "Alright!" "Alright!" "At least it was big." "Your usual blend?" "K.K.'s Rhythm." "The taste should be over the 80% mark." "Please go ahead." "Thank you." "I am sure that Sally is listening to this same song right now." "Oh my why are you acting all depressed?" "Is it because your friend is moving?" "No matter what the circumstances" "Being happy about your friends' decisions is how to be a proper lady." "There is no way I wouldn't be happy for Sally moving." "Then what is it?" "She never said a word." "She never said a word about moving." "Master you heard?" "!" "Bianca you also knew about it!" "I thought" "We were friends!" "Ah silly." "You are more silly than you look." "If you thought you had a bond as a lady then you do without a doubt." "Believe in yourself more." "Believe in myself?" "If you believe in yourself then your friends will believe in you also." "Think until you understand." "It's Bianca's advice for the day." "Ok." "Thank you very much." "What'll I do?" "Satisfy your coffee tab anytime you like." "Thank you." "A bond between women is lovely yes?" "No matter how long or how far you are seperated" "The next time you meet it will be like it was just yesterday." "However a man and a woman are different." "Even if it's just for one day" "You can never return to how it was before." "excuse me." "I'm real hu-hungry." "I'm so hungry that I can't even move." "I'm reaching the end." "You Ok?" "Do you have so-some food?" "My house is real close." "Can you make it that far?" "If you plan to give me some then..." "I'm sorry this is all I had." "Something caught in your throat?" "Here some water." "That really hit the spot." "What is it?" "Wendell is having so much fun eating I was thinking." "When you're starving you become sad." "And when you're sad you become hungry." "Have some." "It's good." "Yes!" "Miss Ai right?" "A letter." "Yes." "Sally!" "Well then." "Thank you very much!" "Wendell?" "!" "Ai." "I'm sorry." "You're probably mad I kept it from you right?" "But I knew if I told you directly I would start to cry." "Even I would" "Cry." "I didn't want to take the first step of my dream with tears in my eyes." "I knew my friend Ai who always supported me would understand." "Please forgive my selfishness." "Your best friend in the whole world...." "Sally" "(the color white is an outline for your spoon)" "Now it's your turn to eat your very own cherry pie." "Sally has been helping me prepare for the next step." "This time." "It's my turn." "I'll also try hard!" "Ai what's wrong?" "Suddenly yelling is surprising." "Bouquet what is it?" "I was..." "Earlier today I said some harsh things." "No way is that it?" "No way?" "You were really downcast." "I just received a letter from Sally." "Can I see it too?" "Of course!" "A shooting star!" "Another!" "A meteor storm!" "I hope that Sally's transition goes real well." "Mother." "Sally believed in herself and left the village." "Next is my turn she said in a letter." "Sally and Bouquet have always believed in me." "I think I'll try to believe in myself a little more too." "postscript" "Mother it seems people become sad when they are hungry." "Please keep your stomach full always." "Ai!" "Bouquet!" "How is my cute set up?" "With this I'll definately be this year's winner!" "It has that Bouquet feel nice!" "Thank you!" "Ai have fun at the festival!" "I don't know about stars or aliens but don't study all day!" "Ok Ok!" "I'll be eating my cherry pie for sure!" "More cherry pies?" "There sure are a lot of pine trees this year." "Who could have planted all of them?" "Since we have to decorate all the trees that have been planted then..." "Taking down all the lights is my problem?" "!" "Everyone in the Animal village." "The commencement of the winter festival is starting." "Whomever has the best decorations will be this year's winner!" "Also the electoral proceedings for the mayor have started don't forget to vote." "Blatant advertising is definately against the rules jeez." "Let's close our eyes Sis." "The mayor is desperate." "Way too busy!" "Way too busy!" "What was that now?" "No way." "I'm getting old." "This tree." "Has gotten really big." "I wonder if it will really happen." "This year's winter festival miracle." "Sis come take a look." "Fuko!" "The new snow is slippery so take care!" "The Animal village the Animal village festivities have started!" "Tonight all the hidden stars in the sky will come out to play!" "Even during this cold winter I can understand their warm-hearted feelings too." "Pretty!" "Were you able to see something?" "Nothing at all." "What's wrong?" "Lately I've been thinking." "The message bottles might just be a prank." "And I thought it was sent by UFO's without reason." "On the night of the winter festival a visitor flying on a UFO will come to Animal village." "A fantastic speculation." "But it's not something most people would come up with." "It's not really that far-fetched." "The idea of UFOs is a common topic." "The idea of it just being cult-fiction has passed." "The reality exists but nothing has been confirmed." "So the chances are not null." "When you're the one saying it I get excited again." "Keep the feeling!" "At least until the festival is over lets keep an eye out." "I want to meet them people from another planet!" "Yeah!" "What's wrong?" "UFO!" "It's bad!" "Red Alert!" "A UFO has crashed!" "UFO he said?" "UFO?" "What?" "A UFO?" "It fell in that part of the forest!" "Here here!" "Incredible!" "It's a real UFO." "Brother Futo hold on!" "I'm getting chills." "They really exist right Ai?" "Yeah." "Was there an alien inside?" "Be careful!" "If you get too close you'll be hit by an alien lazer beam!" "Or they may put a chip in your brain!" "You boys again." "Hello earth!" "And earth people pleased to meet..." "You Ok?" "Of course!" "That was painful." "Pleased to meet you!" "Are you an alien?" "Yes!" "Hello earth!" "And earth people pleased to meet you." "You're a big liar!" "Actually something bumped into me up above." "Everyone I have a request." "Can you please help me look for the UFO components?" "UFO components?" "(Five is Go in Japanese)" "When I was hit there were five parts that went flying." "I still haven't paid off my bank loan." "Loan?" "Without those parts I can't return to space!" "If I can't go home my life will meet it's..." "Oh No!" "What should we do?" "This guy is real suspicious." "Sis that's rude to say out loud." "So to sum it all up" "Unless we find your parts you can't go home right?" "Now that you mention it." "A moment ago I saw a shooting star falling in the area." "Then we should..." "Search the mountains for the UFO." "Right." "I'll head towards the ocean." "(Brother let's look this way)" "What is it Yu!" "?" "Had to be!" "Yu wait up!" "Had to be what?" "I'm coming too!" "Earlier I saw it." "Something sparkling in the sky." "It can't have been flying." "It must've been a falling UFO part." "Did it really fall in the cave?" "Probably." "I'm done for it." "It's useless." "Useless." "Don't give up so easily!" "Sally?" "Sally!" "Sally!" "Sally!" "I had the holiday off so I came to join the festival." "Everyone was talking about the UFO." "And they said I could find Ai if I looked in this area." "Sally thank you for the letter." "You came back just in time Sally." "You saved us." "Now leave the rest to me!" "Wait up!" "Don't head off alone!" "Wait up!" "Over there!" "Where where?" "The fossil!" "On top of the dinosaur fossil!" "That's dangerous Yu!" "Have you forgotten?" "The rock will start crumbling!" "That was in the summer." "But now the cold weather has hardened it." "I can climb it I must climb it!" "That alien's life is at stake!" "Yu!" "Incredible." "Way high!" "You guys look like little ants!" "Forget about that!" "Make sure you don't fall!" "I'm fine!" "Over there." "Just a 'bit more." "I did it!" "Alright!" "Where's the part?" "I can't see ahead." "Yu!" "We'll catch you don't worry!" "I'm too scared!" "I won't make it!" "Ai!" "Help me!" "I'm not a good swimmer." "I'm sorry." "Nice catch Ai." "What is it?" "This is the first time I've seen your real face." "One." "Two." "Three." "Four." "And one more." "We found it!" "Found it!" "Here." "What?" "!" "Oh no!" "Why are there two!" "It's true!" "What does it mean?" "The miracle of the winter festival." "This part is alive." "It can't be?" "!" "This is a foreign life-form." "It has a mysterious shape." "But I'm sure it's a living being just like us." "It was probably up above like the rest of the UFOs." "This UFO has been hurt." "For real." "I see." "During that time the UFO I bumped into was..." "This guy!" "Were your injuries healed?" "You're going back to your friends right?" "Bye-bye!" "Thank you Yu." "If you weren't around we couldn't have saved him." "I get it!" "I'm pretty cool!" "Again?" "!" "However boys have nice warmth." "Look!" "They're heading home." "Somewhere in the universe they must have their own village." "What's that?" "!" "It's Ai!" "Ai!" "A celestial present remarkable." "Such a beautiful sky!" "I've never seen anything like it." "That was splendid." "Apollo?" "Are you still upset about the blue roses I messed up?" "Blue roses?" "I mean when we meet you seem upset." "Really?" "Were you still worrying?" "My fault." "Apollo you're smiling!" "Of course I am!" "We saw a real live UFO!" "Lucky Lucky real lucky!" "We saw a real live UFO!" "Alright!" "Real lucky!" "Ai the miracle really happened!" "Yeah!" "How about it!" "The winner of this year's contest should be Ai!" "Using the stars to light up the sky it's the first time it's ever happened." "Agreed!" "Congratulations Ai." "Thank you very much!" "Congratulations!" "Ai congratulations!" "Whistle whistle!" "Congratulations!" "You did it Ai!" "Now then time to announce the results of this years election ballots." "Election ballots?" "I completely forgot." "Did you vote?" "No..." "Pelly-ko hand me the box." "It slipped my mind." "I forgot about it." "(Kotobuki)" "One vote for Kotobuki!" "Are there anymore?" "None?" "None it is." "Well then Kotobuki will continue on as the mayor of Animal village!" "Who could have casted that vote?" "Of course it was me!" "Mayor." "Thank you!" "Arigato~ earth people!" "Because of you I was able to fix it." "Me is going home now." "See you!" "See you!" "What in the world did he come here for?" "All that work placing those message bottles to create this stage." "I wanted to look cool in front of everyone." "Who would've thought it would attract real UFOs." "Mother." "During the winter festival" "It was the first time I truly felt like I was a member of the Animal village." "Softly" "The gentle breeze" "Is slowly coming forth" "With overflowing exhilaration" "The sunshine's rays" "Streaming through leaves" "The expression of the light is" "Illuminating the hidden parts" "The leaves" "Are floating by" "The clouds" "Are drifting towards" "The distance" "The blue" "Streaming creek" "Continues flowing on" "Satiating the dryness" "The swaying" "Enormous trees" "Closely knit together" "Are creating a resting place" "Beginning" "To bloom out" "In various" "Colorations" "Every one of them" "My heart" "Is still beating" "Racing even faster" "Life is sparkling" "In the freedom of the forest" "Tatertotz" "Timer:" "SoulSlayer" "Timer:" "AbatisTreefaller" "Typesetting:" "Matt4212" "Translation:" "P.Chobits" "Mother." "In the Animal village it's spring." "It's been a year since I arrived yet it's still unbelievable." "Ai!" "It seems this year I'll be able to make a delicious cherry pie." | {
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"I didn't go to my high school reunion." "So when my high-school sweetheart called me for a reunion..." "I was curious to see... if he looked like the boy I used to make out with in front of my locker." "Can you tell me how to get to Chemistry class?" "Actually, he looked better." "My God, Jeremy!" "That's my name." "Don't wear it out." "Wow!" "You look great!" "I knew you looked great 'cause I saw you on the cover of your book." "But I have to say, even better in person." "God, I'm so glad you called." "I'm going to be spending the month in Connecticut, so..." "I had to look you up." "How are you?" "I heard you married somebody that you met in business school." "Yeah." "I got divorced, like, two years ago." "Really miscalculated that one." "So I'm on my own again." "How about you?" "Are you seeing anybody or..." " Nope." "Wide open." " How is that possible?" "My high school boyfriend spoiled me for life." "Right." "Me and my AMC Pacer." "Oh, the Pacer!" "Oh, man!" " I put our names down for a table." " Great." "Look, earlier you said maybe you might have dinner plans." "Was that in case I turned out to be a..." "Yeah, maybe." "But my fictional plans fell through... so I'm available." "Miranda had no plans that night... so she was thrilled when her cute, new neighbor stopped by." "I didn't expect you home on a Saturday night." "Motherhood." "So what's my excuse?" "I just got Brady to sleep." " Now, do you sing to him?" " Only if he's been bad." "Listen, I have these two courtside seats... for the Knicks charity game at the Garden next Friday night." " Would you want to go?" " I would love to." "Great." " Great." "I'll look for you there." " Okay." " Thanks so much." " Good night." "You, too." "Miranda wasn't sure if it was a charity game or just charity." "I didn't even ask what you were doing in Connecticut." "Nothing, for a change." "I spent the last decade working my ass off in Denver... so I decided to take a month off." "Spend some time at sea level." "So I've just been relaxing in the country, sorting through some things, you know." "Sometimes you need to get away." "Sometimes you wonder why you stayed away so long." "Well, this is my place." " It's a nice place." " Yeah, I love it here." "I feel like I want to kiss you, but I..." " I don't know what..." " I know." "It's very unclear." "I mean, this isn't a first date." "We've already dated." " And we've kissed." " Many times." " Hours." " We were in a lip-lock for most of 1982." "So... what's one more kiss?" "You mean business." "That's a lot better without the gearshift sticking up my ass." "It was a romantic, hot summer night... followed by a miserable, hot summer day... which was the fourteenth miserable, hot summer day in a row." " Samantha Jones." "How are you?" " Great, Phoebe." "How are you?" "Refreshed." "We just dropped by the Soho House for a dip." "I mean, what else can you possibly do in this heat... except sit by the pool and drink cocktails while they mist you with Evian." " Isn't it the best?" " It's fabulous." "I'm running to a lunch, otherwise I'd be up there myself." "Toodles." "There's a pool a block from my apartment and I can't get in." " What pool?" " At the Soho House." "You have to be a member and I'm on a bullshit wait list." " Don't they know who you are?" " And, more importantly, who we are... who need to be at the pool with you." "You know, in high school, all you had to do was jump a fence... and you could be in somebody's pool." "Speaking of high school, I saw my high-school sweetheart... and I think I might like him." "Again." " Is that crazy?" " No, I love this." "You could end up with your high-school boyfriend." "Okay, let's not jump the gun." "It was the best date I've had in a long time and I wasn't even thinking it was a date." " When he kissed me good night..." " He kissed you good night?" "It was wild." "Because I actually remembered what it felt like to kiss him." "Imagine if you slept with him." "Talk about a homecoming." "No!" " We never went all the way." " Why not?" "Because we were kids." "We wanted to wait." "And now, I think we've waited long enough." "You're marrying him." "Will you stop?" "He doesn't even live in New York." "He lives in Denver." " People move." "It would be so romantic." " Or tragic." "Seriously." "If I had the guy in high school... what have I been doing for the past 20 years?" "Why did you two break up?" "I broke up because I thought, "There must be better guys out there."" "Turns out, there aren't." "That night I started thinking about my retro relationship." "Since high school, most women I know... have acquired much better taste in clothes, hairstyles, and food." "But what about in men?" "Maybe we were better off when we thought less and kissed more." "Have we graduated past our ability to find true love?" "When it comes to matters of the heart, did we have it right in high school?" "Samantha was too cool to belong to any clubs in high school... so she refused to believe that any club was too cool for her now." "Especially since New York in August is not cool at all." " May I help you?" " I hope so." "I'd like to know what's holding up my membership." "I've been on the wait list since June." "Yes, I'm sorry, but we are not currently admitting any new members." "The pool is so fabulous, we're at capacity every day." " Do you know who I am?" " No, I don't." "But we can't accommodate you right now." "Can I at least use the restroom before I go, or is there a wait list for that as well?" "Down the corridor on your left, the door marked "WC."" "Miss, did you leave your card on the sink?" "Oh, yes." "Yes, I did." "Thank you so much." "Since they didn't seem to know who she was at the Soho House... she figured she could be Annabelle Bronstein." "The next day, Samantha tested the waters with her fake ID." "Excuse me, can I get you something to drink, Miss Bronstein?" "Yes, but I'll just pay cash." "And please, call me Annabelle." "Meanwhile, a fight was about to break out in the cafeteria." "But this time, Cafeteria was a trendy restaurant in Chelsea." " Thank you." " God, I hate him." "Come on, we're going over there." " Why?" " Because you're in a tank top." "Really." " Hi." " Oh, hi." "You're here." "What a small world." "That's Chelsea for you." "Can't swing a dick without running into someone you know." "We'd love to stay and chat, but we have to go get our tuxes for the prom." "Did you say "the prom"?" "Yes, it's a big fundraiser at the gay-lesbian-bi-transgender center." " I'm on the decorations committee." " What's the theme, "Queer and Queerer"?" "I have the best memories of my prom." "I was the prom queen." "Of course you were, darling." " I missed my prom in high school because..." " You were gay." "No." "My girlfriend and I broke up the night before because..." "You were gay." " No, I wasn't gay until..." " You were born." "Never mind." "Goodbye, Charlotte." " Bye." " Bye, Marcus." "Those two should be going to the gay-lesbian-and-prostitute prom." " Be nice." " What?" "I happen to know that Marcus used to be a gay escort." " He was not." " Honey, wake up and smell the K-Y." "I was flipping through a vintage issue of Honcho." "I saw his ad in the Rauncho section." "He called himself Paul." "Worst hustler name I ever heard." "He and Stanford are in love." "Well, according to Honcho, he used to be in love all over town." " You are mistaken." " There's a picture." "I'll send you the ad." " I don't want to see it." " I'm sending it, prom queen." " What can I get you?" " Cute waiter." "I wish I didn't know this." "Do you think Stanford knows?" "Probably not, so maybe we shouldn't talk about it in Madison Square Garden." "I don't think that these people know those people." " Look at how cute he is." " He is gorgeous." "He looked at me." "Did you see him look at me?" " He totally likes you." " You think?" "Look at these seats." "You're right." "These seats are too good to be casual." "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Knicks City Dancers." "Did I ever tell you I was a cheerleader?" "No, because you knew I would mock you endlessly." "Did you used to do that?" "No, we just did some herkies and some kicks." " What is she doing?" " The blonde one in front?" " She's flirting with your boyfriend." " He's not my boyfriend." "What is she, like, 21?" "It was Friday night, it was the big game... and Miranda was jealous of a cheerleader." "Two hours later, the game ended and Miranda felt like the loser." "Okay, let's just go." "No, you have to go over there and talk to him." " He's talking to her." " You are better than her." "Go on." "You can do it." " Are you gonna do a herkie now?" " Just you go over there and flirt a little bit." "Go." "Go." "The Knicks and Madison Square Garden thank you for coming." "Have a safe trip home." "That's it." "I'm out." "Meanwhile, I invited Jeremy to come over and watch a movie... which in high school was code for, "Come over and make out."" "And happily, it still was." "I've gotta run." "Last train leaves in half an hour." "I think you should stay." "I think we should go all the way." " All the way?" " We never did." "And now we can, and your mother won't walk in with her laundry and her tab." "That's true." "Carrie, I need to be honest with you about something." "That's the worst thing you can hear from someone you really like." "I'm not really just taking time off." "I'm sort of in a... mental institution." "No, actually, that's the worst thing you can hear." "I wanted a man who would commit, not a man who was committed." "Apparently, we have to be more specific." " But how is he able to see you?" " Did he escape?" "No, he's voluntary." "He says it's not really a mental institution... it's a therapeutic community." " Which one?" " Juno-Spears." "That's supposed to be a good one." "I've had clients go there." "Really?" "Why haven't we heard about that?" "Because I'm good at my job." "No one wants to admit they're in a loony bin." " On a first date." " It's all humiliating." "Think about what we have to go through to date." "I am 38, and I am competing with a cheerleader." "And even when you get the guy, you never know what fun surprise might be revealed." "Let me tell you something, ladies." "In a good relationship, there are no surprises." "I know everything about Marcus, and Marcus knows everything about me." "I don't think he knows everything." "What?" "What?" "Charlotte, like all girls, learned at an early age... that the only way to get rid of information you don't want to have... is to pass it on." "Oh, my God!" "Is this real?" "Anthony found it in an old issue of Honcho magazine." "Let me see that." "Oh, my!" "Is that Marcus?" " What is that?" " Nothing." "Okay, hand it over." "Okay, hand it over." "Where did this come from?" "Someone better tell me where this came from right now." "I'm not kidding." " I got it from Carrie." " I got it from Miranda." " I got it from Charlotte." " I got it from Anthony... but I told him you and Marcus were very much in love." "Charlotte was still a cheerleader for love." "But like the Knicks, her team was having a bad season." "Well, you think you know somebody..." "Excuse me, which one of you is Annabelle Bronstein?" " I am." " Well, that's impossible." "Miss Bronstein is in London for the week." "No, I am Annabelle Bronstein." "And she's British." "As I was saying, dear sir..." "I am Annabelle Bronstein." "I'm fairly certain you're not Annabelle." "I've spoken to her on the phone." "I am absolutely Annabelle Bronstein... and I do not pay $900 annually... to be treated like this." "Now, ring round the waiter and have him tally up the drinks." " What's with the accent?" " She's got a case of the Madonnas." "I'm sorry, but I know for a fact that Annabelle lost her card." "Yes, I thought I did... but it was on top of the telly." "And Miss Bronstein is from Sussex, as am I... and I'd venture to guess that you are not, in fact, from the UK." "That's true." "I was raised in Inja." "On any given day, there are a lot of versions of "crazy" right here in New York." "Today, Annabelle Bronstein had multiple personalities... and at least two accents." "Hey, Hobbes." "Where did you disappear to after the game?" "I was gonna thank you, but you were talking to that girl." " What girl?" " Some cheerleader." " Do you like her?" " No." "I like someone else." "You." "This cheered Miranda up immediately." "Now, see, how would I know that?" "Well..." "Would it be any clearer... if I did this?" " Hi, Mrs. McCaffrey." " Hello, Mrs. McCaffrey." "I wanted you to have these." "Marbles." "In case I lose any more of mine, I want to know where I can find a stash." " How are you?" "Do you want to come in?" " She asked with trepidation." "No, I think it's great what you're doing..." "I know I probably threw you for a loop the other day, but..." "I should probably just come right out and say something about this, but I..." "Truth is, I haven't worked out my rap on it yet." " Well, it's a tough thing to slip in." " Yeah, it is." ""Hi, I might be crazy." "Would you like to share an appetizer?"" "The thing is, I think I made it sound worse than it is." "If you saw Juno-Spears, you'd see it's not a cuckoo's nest." "It's more like Canyon Ranch for the brain." " Do they have pilates?" " They do have pilates." "I don't want to lie to you." "I am going through some pretty heavy stuff." "I mean, soul-searching, really." "Trying to figure out why... some things seem to be harder for me than they are for other people." "I think my family has something to do with it." " It's good to blame the parents, right?" " Right." "So I figured I could spend the next five years in therapy... or spend the next month and deal with it intensively right now." "It's just more efficient." " You make a very good case." " That's what my doctors say." "Well, that's it." "Ta-da!" "I just wanted to explain myself so that..." "I didn't become known eternally as that nut case you dated back in high school." "How about "my high-school boyfriend who was the best kisser ever"?" "I could live with that." "You're not bad yourself, either, you know." "That night we went all the way." "And we weren't the only ones." "The next afternoon, my other crazy boyfriend stopped by." "It's true." "Marcus was a gay escort." " But he's been off the market since 1992." " So you talked about it?" "Yes, and he says he did it just to put himself through dance classes." " But if that's true, then why keep it a secret?" " Maybe he was embarrassed." "Yes, but it's not the escort thing... but the secret thing that's bothering me." "I was the last to know." "I don't want to hear the truth from some bitchy queen with back issues of Honcho." "So... we broke up." " Stanny, really?" " Yes." "And right before the prom." "And I still have to go, because I'm on the decorations committee." "And I have no date." "Again." " When is it?" " Tomorrow night." "Will you please go with me?" "I can't." "I have to visit my boyfriend at the asylum." "Of course you do." "He wants me to see the place for myself." "It's supposed to be like Canyon Ranch." " Honey." " I know." " But I like him." " You'd have to." "Who are we to say, he's got issues, he's getting help?" "Usually, that's considered a good thing." "It's New York." "Everybody's insane." " You slept with him, didn't you?" " Yes." "That's where the problems begin." "You sleep with someone, you start rationalizing away all the red flags." "At least he was honest about it." "Yes, unlike Paul." "Apparently, the Juno-Spears Center was harder than the Soho House to get into." "Or out of." "Even as a visitor, I could see how this was a very relaxing place to get away to." "It's kind of nice, huh?" "There are great hiking trails all around here." " Maybe later we can do a hike." " I don't really hike." "Neither do I. But I will fill you in on something I discovered." "Hiking is walking." " Really?" " Yes, hiking is walking." "I started to think maybe the Juno-Spears Center... should be mandatory for New Yorkers." "Like the Hamptons or Fire Island." "Feces!" "I guess that doesn't happen very often at Canyon Ranch." "I've never been." "It might." "Who am I kidding?" "This is a full-on psychiatric facility." "With pilates." " You're definitely the sanest person here." " Thank you." "That's like being the best house on a bad block." "People would advise you against buying it." "Maybe it wasn't the wisest thing to start something while I was still in here." "Maybe when I get out... in eight to ten months..." "Eight to ten months?" "My doctor still thinks I have a lot of work to do." "To be honest with you, I'm comfortable here." "I kind of like it." "I like that everybody's craziness is out in the open." " I loved seeing you." " I loved seeing you again." "But I understand." "We're just in very different places right now." "Ironically, it was the sanest breakup I ever had." "And now, the Queen and Queen of our prom..." "Carrie Bradshaw and Stanford Blatch." " Oh, my God!" "I love this song." " Me, too." "Thank you very much." "This is my best prom ever." "Thank you for coming." "Believe me, I'm glad to be back with the normal people." "You know the craziest thing of all?" "I somehow thought that after everything I've been through..." "I might end up with my high-school boyfriend." "I don't think my story's going to get tied up like that." " Your boyfriend might get tied up." " And taken away." "Okay, no more jokes." "I might be dating him in eight to ten months." "May I cut in?" "No, thank you." "I already have an escort." "Honey, I didn't tell you because it's part of my past." "It's not who I am anymore." "I was really messed up back then, but I've got it together now." "And it's prom night." "We have to have a dance." "Why don't I get some punch?" "Just tell me one thing." "Did you ever, ever sleep with that little bitchy pine nut, Anthony?" "No." "God, no." "So, maybe it won't look the way you thought it would look in high school." "But it's good to remember love is possible." "Anything is possible." "This is New York." "Ripped by ravydavy part of the [RL] Crew" | {
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"[RUSSELL SIGHS]" "RUSSELL:" "Fucking silver." "[GRUNTS]" "Your father deserved it, you know." "Just as you deserve this." "All I wanted was a couple of goats for my wolves." "You slaughtered my entire family for a couple of goats." "[CHUCKLING]" "GODRIC [IN SWEDISH]:" "RUSSELL:" "Goats." "No." "Just shut the fuck up and die, please." "I swore to my father." "Your father was a self-important, greedy little putz, and he got what was coming to him." "[SCREAMING] [âª]" "Sookie." "You fucking betrayed me again." "I only pretended to betray you so that I could save your life again." "And it worked." "Russell is gone." "Where's Eric?" "Outside, burning." "SOOKIE:" "What?" "He bound himself by silver to the king." "Was the only way to kill him." "I can't let him do that." "Sookie." "You do not own me." "Eric, this is just stupid." "Go away." "[IN SWEDISH]" "No forgiveness." "I won't let you do this." "Sweetie, please." "Use your gift." "I don't know how." "Yes, you do." "Don't think about it." "Don't try." "I will not surrender to the true death." "I will find a way to come back and kill your precious Viking and your brooding Mr. Compton and his unbearable progeny and anyone you ever cared about, and all because you didn't use your fucking power!" "[YELLS]" "[RUSSELL CHUCKLING]" "Well, it's about fucking time." "Now drag me the fuck inside." "[LAUGHING]" "You watch your fucking language." "[JACE EVERETT'S "BAD THINGS" PLAYING]" "⪠When you came in The air went out âª" "⪠And every shadow ⪠⪠Filled up with doubt ⪠⪠I don't know Who you think you are ⪠⪠But before the night Is through âª" "⪠I wanna do bad things With you ⪠⪠I'm the kind to sit up In his room âª" "⪠Heartsick and eyes Filled up with blue ⪠⪠I don't know What you've done to me ⪠⪠But I know This much is true âª" "⪠I wanna do bad things With you âª" "⪠Ow!" "⪠⪠I wanna do real bad things With you âª" "PAM:" "He needs blood." "Human blood." "He's too weak to drop fang." "Bite me." "PAM:" "Thank God, the key." "[WHIMPERS] [âª]" "Keep an eye on him." "We both know he could lose control." "[MOANING]" "FLANAGAN [ON TV]:" "This is all part of a concerted effort on the part of the right-wing fringe to stir up fear of vampires." "Oh, was it the right wing that ripped a guy's spine out on live television?" "FLANAGAN:" "No, but it is the right wing saying that all vampires need to be wiped out of existence." "Following that logic, Osama bin Laden is human, therefore all humans need to be wiped out of existence." "Did you hear that?" "All human beings must be wiped out of existence." "The vampire agenda, pure and simple." "I didn't know you could cook." "I never made breakfast for you?" "[SCOFFS]" "Maybe that's because you always snuck out before I woke up." "Maybe that's because you always woke me up, barking in your sleep." "There's a reason for that." "Hoecakes?" "My adopted mother, in addition to being a repressed, codependent doormat, was kind of a great Southern cook." "Bacon grease." "It's all about the bacon grease." "There's a reason why I bark in my sleep." "Do not tell me you're a fucking werewolf." "No." "No, no." "Because there are already too many supernatural freaks in my life as it is." "Tara, I'm not a werewolf." "[SIGHS]" "Thank you, God, for once." "I'm a shape-shifter." "You're a shape-sh...?" "Shut the fuck up." "No, I'm not gonna shut the fuck up about it, Tara." "It's what I am." "It's who I am." "[GROWLING]" "That's enough." "[GROWLS]" "ERIC:" "Where's Russell?" "Outside." "We have to bring him in." "Are you insane?" "Why?" "Godric appeared to me and asked me to spare Russell." "You are insane." "Sookie..." "You want me to go get the guy who wants to kill us all and bring him inside?" "Really?" "Eric, do the world a favor and let that little fuck fry." "I'll go out there myself." "[BOTH GROWL]" "Oh, for the love of God." "I'm here to save you." "Ah, thank you, Miss Stackhouse." "Shut up." "[GRUNTS]" "[GROANING LOUDLY]" "Don't you think being a shape-shifter is something you should tell a person before you sleep with them?" "Maybe." "If it is, I apologize." "I cannot deal with nonhumans right now." "Tara, Franklin was a psychopath." "I know you're not a psycho, Sam." "But too many bad things have happened to me because of supernatural stuff." "And humans." "God." "Wish I could just reboot." "Be a completely new person." "In a brand-new life." "Without knowing any of the shit I have learned recently." "You can." "Be surprised how easy it is, someone smart as you." "And the other you, the old you, never catches up?" "Well, of course it does." "That's why you just gotta keep on moving." "[GROANING] You're a fool not to kill him." "Killing him won't solve anything." "No, but it would keep him from killing us." "Oh, he won't be doing any more killing." "Eric, who the fuck are you right now?" "He killed your family." "Rip off his fucking head." "Do not listen to them." "I shall reward you handsomely." "[GRUNTS]" "[COUGHING]" "Well, that's humiliating." "I'll take that." "Sookie, come and hold these chains together." "As tight as you can." "Don't even think about it, bitch." "Are you kidding me?" "It's all I'll think about ever again." "We should go to ground." "You stay here and watch him." "I'm not babysitting this psycho while you nap." "ERIC:" "He can't glamour you." "Ginger's coming in later." "He would glamour her in a heartbeat." "Pam, make one of the guest coffins available for Mr. Compton." "I'm staying out here with Sookie." "ERIC:" "Suit yourself." "Bill, you have the bleeds." "I won't leave you alone with him." "I don't want to look at your face, or any of your faces, for that matter." "Go crawl back into your holes, you creepy, cold freaks." "It's Eric Northman." "Please, be careful." "I'm gonna need your van and your help tonight." "Do not stake him." "Just how big a blood-demic y'all got going on around here?" "I wouldn't say it's an epidemic." "Well, this here's blood enough for about a hundred doses." "That's a lot of hard-ons, enhanced athletic performance, and spontaneous healing of physical infirmities for a town of how many?" "Twenty-seven hundred... and 12." "Excuse me, sir." "Stackhouse, why are you here?" "JASON:" "Are these the DEA guys?" "Who's this exactly?" "Oh." "Ahem." "I'm Stackhouse." "I'm a deputy." "Off-duty deputy." "On leave, actually." "Listen, I know all about the blood ring in Hotshot." "I'm the one who cracked it." "When y'all going in?" "My office." "Get your..." "You ain't thinking about tipping them off, are you?" "I know your new girl's from there." "There's all kinds of innocent people up there." "Kids." "So we just let 'em sell drugs?" "Well, if we stop 'em, somebody else is just gonna start up." "Right?" "You just rationalized away all need for law enforcement." "I don't know what that means exactly, but you gotta stop those government people out there." "Please." "Give me one good reason why." "I would, but I swore I wouldn't tell nobody." "Jason, the fucking DEA is here and they are going in today." "Fuck." "You listen to me." "You go warn Hotshot, you can kiss ever becoming a cop goodbye!" "[âª]" "[SCREAMING]" "[GUNSHOT]" "[TARA SCREAMING]" "TARA:" "No." "No, please." "Please." "What the heck?" "[MEN CHATTERING]" "Oh, sweet Lord." "She bit him." "Mom, what are y'all doing here?" "Hoyt." "You remember Mr. Rakestraw, guidance counselor over to the high school." "It sure is good to see you again, Hoyt." "Uh..." "Want to take a seat?" "I got work to do." "I-I'm supervisor when Jason's not here." "Yeah, well, I'm here for these folks who really love you." "They just want you to hear 'em out." "Then you can say what you want to say." "Then we're done." "Not a big deal." "Heh, uh..." "Sit down, Hoyt." "I'll start." ""Dear Hoyt." ""I have known you ever since you were a safety patrol" ""and helped me across the street every day." ""You always smiled and said 'hey' to me." ""I have watched that kind, caring boy" ""grow into a fine, outstanding, great man." ""But now, instead of choosing life," ""you want to go back to a vampire" ""who just wants to drink your blood, and it just breaks my heart."" "[SOBBING]" "Oh, well, now." "Here." "Mrs. Fortenberry." ""Dear Hoyt." ""You are my first- and only-born." ""And if you think I am going to sit back" ""and watch you throw your life away on a redheaded dead girl" ""you are sorely mistaken." "There will be consequences."" "Yeah?" "Like what?" "Like I will not let you back in my house." "I already left." "I will disinherit you." "You don't have any money anyway." "I am your mother." "You're a mean, prejudiced old control freak." "Okay, let's just try..." "You just shut up." "You're not even a real therapist." "Everybody knows you got a bottle of Malibu Rum in your desk, so shut up." "Now, look." "I love Jessica." "I'm not leaving her." "If you don't like it, you can't be a part of my life." "She is a killer." "They're all killers." "We saw that on the TV." "Summer." "I wish you well." "I wish you the best husband in the whole world." "But that ain't me." "Oh." "[BOTH SOBBING]" "It's okay." "[GRUNTS]" "You're early." "I figured I'd make a couple of pots of oyster stew this morning, but I goddamn ran out the house so fast, I forgot my key." "No problem." "Thank you." "Mm-hm." "[âª]" "SAM:" "Cross me and you're a dead man." "Rough night?" "You could say that." "Miss Stackhouse." "I'd like to propose a deal." "Oh." "This ought to be good." "I will give you my word that I will not harm you or anyone you love." "Stepping around the fact that your word's worth about as much as tits on a turtle, what else?" "One million dollars." "Five." "Two." "Seven." "Okay, five." "What else?" "I will kill Eric Northman." "And Bill Compton." "Both." "Or neither." "Or just one of your choosing." "Both." "And your house in Mississippi." "I like that house." "Done." "What do I have to do in return?" "[GROWLS]" "Release me." "No." "It may not be me, but someday some vampire is gonna rip you open to get at the essence inside of you." "There is no way around that." "Shut up." "You don't know what it is to drink your blood." "It is paradise." "Arcadia." "Nirvana." "Who even knows what your blood is capable of?" "Heh." "I am surprised that your Mr. Compton has showed such restraint." "He is either a true gentleman or very, very smart." "Smart, why?" "By showing such a degree of control he's able to make the experience last that much longer." "That's basic tantra." "But others won't be able to stop themselves." "They'll drain you dry, which is a shame, really." "But the rose only blooms for a short while," "I suppose." "[YELLS]" "That's enough out of you." "You better hope to God I die, because I would rip you open and feed your entrails to y..." "Why are you carrying this around?" "He was the love of my life." "This isn't him." "It will be." "You think you can bring him back to life?" "Of course not." "Yes, you do." "Somehow, involving my blood." "Fuck you." "No." "[SHOUTING IN GERMAN]" "[YELLING]" "[SOOKIE LAUGHING]" "[COMPACTOR GRINDING]" "[LAUGHS]" "JASON:" "Maybe everybody already took off." "CRYSTAL:" "No, they're here." "Y'all come on out!" "It's me, Crystal." "I don't think there's anybody here." "Shh." "CALVIN:" "You brought him here?" "Ain't enough you polluted your family?" "Now you bring outsiders?" "I want both of y'all off my land." "Daddy, there ain't no time for this." "The DEA is coming for you." "And there's lots of 'em." "You gotta get rid of all the V or they're gonna haul all of y'all off to jail." "We never should have agreed to sell that." "Fucking fangers." "Creek, you and Eddie Boy get that cooler." "Destroy that shit." "CALVIN:" "Yeah, and bring me some guns." "Gasoline too." "MAN:" "Yes, sir, Daddy." "This don't make a difference between me and you, boy." "Well, don't you think it should?" "I'm trying to help your family out here." "Well, we don't need none of your fucking help." "We were doing fine on our own for a long time." "Oh." "Is that so?" "'Cause, uh, I see a lot of people who look dirty and hungry and kids who probably ain't in school, and several people obviously got dental problems." "Here you go, Uncle Daddy Calvin." "Bufort, I want you to get all the meth and the gear." "Put it in the back of the tow truck." "Eddie Boy, you park it deep in the woods." "I'm throwing this vamper shit in the latrine." "[GUNSHOT] Wouldn't do that if I were you." "MAN:" "He's got a gun!" "[SCREAMS]" "[LAUGHING]" "There's way too much money to be made off that vamper juice for me to let you get d of it." "Been drinking this dirty blood?" "You want it all for yourself?" "Don't knock it." "You ain't never tried it." "I ain't a little pussy like you." "That so?" "[SCREAMS]" "MAN [ON RADIO]:" "It's now clear that the Vampire Rights Amendment will not achieve the majority needed to become law." "This just days after the passage seemed not only possible, but li..." "[RADIO SHUTS OFF]" "[SOBBING]" "Hey, buddy." "Sam." "Hey, uh, listen." "I owe you an apology." "Don't worry about it." "No." "No, no, no." "I, uh..." "I treated you terrible and, uh, you don't deserve that." "You're a good man, a good employee, and friend who's made a tremendous sacrifice for his..." "His country." "[SOBBING]" "And, uh, for the rest of us." "Hey, hey, hey, hey." "Hey, it's okay." "It's more than okay." "It's great." "Arlene's good." "Our baby's good." "Coby and Lisa are good." "Yeah." "My armadillo Felix is good." "Heh." "Yeah." "And now we're okay." "Yup." "Yup, we are." "Just when I thought it couldn't get any better." "I swear, sometimes I feel so lucky." "Uh-huh." "Right." "And so grateful." "And I feel it so hard," "I think it's just gonna split me in half." "Right." "And I don't ever want it to stop." "You know?" "Not really, but I'm happy for you." "[CHUCKLING]" "Hey, Tommy." "How come you're not answering the phone?" "[WATER DRIPPING] [âª]" "[SIGHS]" "[âª]" "[ALL CHATTERING]" "Can I hop a ride with you?" "Or I can follow in my own car." "Sheriff, you're injured." "You'd be a liability." "Of course, sir." "Need me to do anything on this end?" "Run to the store, grab me a pack of Luckies." "Asshole." "FELTON:" "I ought to kill all you motherfuckers." "I felt kind of bad shooting my own daddy." "I ain't gonna feel nothing shooting you." "Put the gun down, Felton." "Nobody needs to get hurt." "Maybe I like hurting people." "That's the blood talking." "Look at me." "I've been there, man." "It's lying to you." "You don't wanna hurt anybody." "You don't know what I want!" "I know you want more V." "And ain't nobody here gonna try to stop you from taking it with you." "Say goodbye to my woman, 'cause she's coming with me." "No, she ain't." "She can either get in that truck by herself or I can shoot you and put her in it." "Her choice." "I have to." "No, don't." "FELTON:" "Ten!" "JASON:" "Listen, when he shoots me, you change and you run and you don't look back." "Nine." "This is what I was born for." "This is what's in store for me." "You know that's not true." "Who'll keep me from shooting him and dragging you off anyway?" "Because I know you ain't all bad." "I know you wouldn't do that to these women and kids." "You know, with you and Daddy both gone, well, somebody gotta take care of everybody that's left." "And that somebody is you." "Tell me how to." "You just help 'em, however you can." "If this is the last time I ever see you..." "I will find you." "I promise." "I'm so sorry, Jason." "Don't you worry about your people." "You just stay safe." "I love you." "[FELTON CHUCKLING]" "She worth it?" "[ENGINE STARTS]" "[âª]" "Okay." "Everybody... my name is Jason." "Mama." "Baby?" "Tara Mae?" "Baby?" "Don't come in here." "Reverend Daniels?" "Uh, hello." "I-I spilled some lemonade on my pants." "Baby, it ain't what it look like." "Yeah." "Your mother was just helping me with my sermon when I spilled the lemonade." "LETTIE MAE:" "Tara Mae." "I know this is embarrassing, but..." "Does his wife know?" "His kids?" "He gonna tell them." "Soon." "Soon." "He loves me." "He gonna leave his wife." "He just needs time." "I'm in love." "Be happy for me." "God knows I don't have any business judging anybody, but aren't you sick of this?" "Don't you want to change your life while you got time?" "I am changing." "I'm gonna be a minister's wife." "I'm gonna be happy at last." "Good luck, Mama." "I really hope you will be." "[ENGINE STARTS]" "[BLUES ROCK MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] ⪠Long way from home ⪠⪠Can't sleep at night ⪠⪠Call on the telephone ⪠⪠Something don't seem right âª" "⪠That's evil ⪠⪠Evil's going on âª" "Tommy!" "[SAM SHOUTING IN DISTANCE]" "ARLENE:" "I don't know if I can put with Sam being an asshole again today." "Not after everything I've been through in the last 24 hours." "I'm inside her right now." "She can't get rid of me." "ARLENE:" "This is hell." "We're in hell." "[SCREAMS] [SCREAMS]" "Are you crazy?" "You should not be working." "We need the money." "Do you wanna lose this baby?" "Of course not." "I am seeing things." "Bad things." "What kind of things?" "Blood." "Ghosts." "I saw a monster head on you." "Look, where are you right now?" "Merlotte's." "Am I schizophrenic like my mama?" "Look, I'm gonna be there as soon as I can, okay?" "I'm leaving right now." "Okay." "Okay." "Hurry up, please." "Hurry up." "Hear that?" "That's my wolves coming to rescue me." "Are you sure you're not hungry?" "I could make you a peanut butter and butter sandwich." "No?" "[DOOR OPENS] [SCREAMS]" "[SIZZLING] Ah." "Could you please not do that?" "How did you know to come for me?" "Here because Eric called me." "Said he needed my help with something." "Promised to settle all my dad's debts." "Oh." "Why?" "You in trouble again?" "When am I not in trouble?" "Is Janice okay?" "My whole family's okay, knock on wood." "Debbie's gone missing, though." "I've been thinking about you." "A lot." "That's nice, I guess." "I even had a couple dreams about you." "Alcide." "No." "I'm just saying, it sure is good to see you again." "[GROANS]" "I'd have hated if we never saw each other again." "Don't, okay?" "Don't be such a good guy right now." "I can't help it if I'm a good guy." "[CHUCKLING]" "Yet every full moon, he turns into a wolf and kills and eats his prey." "Rabbits and squirrels, not people." "Details." "Good, you're here." "Your truck out front?" "ALCIDE:" "Yup." "[GROANS]" "BILL:" "Let's go." "Got a lot to do." "Sookie, stay here." "Pam'll protect you." "Feel safer protecting myself, since I now know I'm basically vampire crack." "By the way, I rescind the invitation to my house for all vampires present." "So don't even think about following me home." "ERIC:" "Get up." "RUSSELL:" "I do not take orders from anybody." "ERIC:" "Suit yourself." "[GROANING LOUDLY]" "If you two have finished eye-fucking each other, can we go?" "Eric, do not bring that thing back inside this bar." "[âª]" "[DOOR OPENING] MAN:" "That's all we need." "Your so-called deputy here tipped the suspects off." "Whole place was cleaned out." "Nobody there except him and two dead guys." "I told you, they was killed by Felton Norris, who then stole my truck," "Louisiana license plate Larry-Charlie... ie-8-M-2." "He took the V and his gun with him." "Now I gotta call fucking New Orleans, tell 'em what a clusterfuck you got up here." "Sons of bitches, backwater hicks." "Where's my Luckies?" "Somebody bring me my Luckies." "Nice." "Way you just fucked yourself and me both, that's pretty impressive." "And thanks f spilling the beans about Eggs to Tara." "Andy, this ain't about us." "There are bigger things." "Like what?" "A girl?" "Like a whole lot of other people who ain't rely able to fend for themselves." "Well, I hope you realize you just screwed your one chance of ever making something of yourself." "Sometimes the right thing to do is the wrong thing." "And I know I did the right thing." "[BLUES MUSIC PLAYING OVER RADIO]" "Come here, come here." "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." "What the fuck is happening to me, Jesus?" "My first memory is of my mama talking to motherfuckers who wasn't there." "Is... ?" "Is that what's happening to me?" "I don't think so." "All right?" "I really don't." "I think you just opened up something inside you." "You're just much more sensitive now." "I don't want to be sensitive to that shit." "I want it as far away from me as it can be." "Listen to me, Lafayette." "Look." "When my TÃo Luca started teaching me magic," "I was in a sweat lodge for three days, and the earth started talking to me, literally, with multiple faces." "This shit don't make me feel better." "After, I started seeing things that people wanted to hide." "But i-it wore off." "Or I just got used to it, I don't know." "Now, wait a minute." "You said somebody taught you magic?" "Yeah." "You kind of need to be taught." "What are you?" "Huh?" "I'm a brujo." " A witch." " You're a witch." "You're a witch who's a nurse who's a dude." "[âª]" "Oh, well, shit, I guess I lucked out, then, huh?" "[CHUCKLES]" "[CRICKETS CHIRPING] [âª]" "Oh, my God." "I love it." "Really?" "I just needed to make a change." "Change is good." "Feels like forever since we just hung out." "It has been forever." "I've been such a bitch to you." "Hey, don't beat yourself up, not after everything you've been through." "I hate being mad at you." "I know." "You're basically my sister." "We shouldn't be mad at each other." "What the hell happened up in your bedroom?" "You don't even wanna know." "Vampire?" "Werewolf." "I'm gonna run over to Merlotte's for a little while." "I need to see Lafayette." "Will I see you later?" "Yeah." "I won't be gone long." "Good, 'cause I don't wanna be alone right now." "Bye." "ALCIDE:" "We're done now, right?" "My dad's out of debt." "You leave him and my family alone." "[ENGINE STARTS]" "[RUSSELL YELLING]" "Just kill me, Viking." "Take your fucking revenge." "That was the original plan." "Then I was thinking, how do I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you won't find some sort of peace afterwards?" "[CHUCKLING] Heaven." "Oh, dear." "GODRIC [IN SWEDISH]:" "I can't bear the thought of you finding any redemption." "Wrapped in silver, encased in concrete." "You won't be going anywhere for at least a hundred years." "A hundred years, that's nothing to me." "That's a nap." "That's 100 years with no escape from your grief." "No escape from knowing I took what you love most and you will never get it back." "A hundred years during which you will go mad." "Madder even than you are now." "And you are as mad as a fucking hatter." "A hundred years for me to plan exactly how I'm gonna kill you both!" "Have fun." "This is who I am, Godric." "This is what you made!" "Do you not see that he is the one who is mad?" "Speaking to phantoms?" "All I can see is how utterly powerless you are knowing that you're about to be buried alive." "And honestly, it's a thing of great beauty." "[CHUCKLING]" "You will regret this." "Maybe." "But right now, it feels fucking good." "[GRUNTING]" "[MUFFLED GRUNTING] [âª]" "[GASPS]" "When fate presents one with such a grand opportunity, what else is one to do?" "[GRUNTS]" "[GROANING]" "[PHONE DIALING]" "[LINE RINGING]" "MAN:" "This is Ruben." "[ERIC'S VOICE] It's Northman." "I want you to find my progeny, Pam, and kill her." "Now." "[GROANING]" "HOYT:" "Ah." "No peeking." "And no using special vampire powers, either." "JESSICA:" "Okay." "HOYT:" "Easy, easy." "I gotcha." "All right." "A little dip." "There we go." "Would you please come in?" "[GIGGLING] Ooh." "It smells funny." "[SIGHS]" "Hoyt." "I hope you like it." "I already paid the deposit." "It's totally cute." "No, I mean, it could be really cute." "Can you paint it?" "Oh, of course." "Gonna do all kinds of stuff." "But, uh, building a totally tricked-out hidey-hole for you is first on the list, though." "You wanna live together?" "I wanna marry you." "[âª]" "But..." "Uh, we can't." "Says who?" "People become ministers on the Internet." "So, what's to keep me from becoming a minister and marrying us myself?" "I love you so much." "I don't know what I'd do without you." "Well, it's lucky for you you'll never have to find out." "[SQUEALS]" "[BOTH CHUCKLING]" "No!" "[CROWD CHATTERING] [âª]" "[GUN CLICKS]" "[KNOCKING ON DOOR]" "We must talk." "Come in." "Russell is gone." "Thank God for small favors." "Eric as well." "What?" "I ended him." "Why?" "He tasted you." "He knew what you are." "Even if we are to go our separate ways," "I will make sure that you are safe." "But Eric would never..." "Sookie, most vampires are not like me." "Even if holding themselves back occurred to them, they would probably not be able to." "I'm not taking any chances." "I intend to bring the true death to all that have tasted you and know what you are." "Russell, Eric..." "Pam, the queen, and any who discover it in the future." "I will do anything to keep you safe, even if it means me not being a part of your life." "This I swear to you." "I have never loved, nor will I ever love, as I have loved you." "Wait." "Don't go." "[SOOKIE GASPS]" "Did you tell her you were originally sent by the Queen of Louisiana to procure her because of what she might be?" "What?" "I did not know why she wanted you." "As I grew to know you, I purposely kept you from her." "Were you ever gonna tell me?" "I hoped to someday." "I swear it." "What about you letting two psychos beat her within an inch of her life so you could feed her your blood the night you met?" "Think she'll forgive you for that?" "[GRUNTING]" "Oh, my God." "Sookie..." "Is it true?" "Yes." "He tried to silence me tonight so you would never know." "He doesn't wanna protect you." "He only wants to protect himself." "Get out of my house." "Please!" "Don't ever come here." "Don't ever call me." "Don't ever talk to me." "Ever." "You manipulated me into falling in love with you." "It is who you are, Sookie, not what you are, that I love, and will love always, until I meet the true death." "Love?" "!" "You don't even get to use that word." "I rescind my invitation." "No!" "[GRUNTS]" "I want my phone back." "You too." "Get the fuck off my porch and out of my life." "For the record, I would never have given you to Russell." "Go back to hell where you came from, you fucking dead piece of shit." "I'm sorry to see you suffer like this, but I thought you had the right to know." "[SOBBING]" "[GRUNTS]" "[COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING INSIDE]" "[CROWD CHATTERING INSIDE]" "Did you kill him?" "Please tell me you killed him, because I will never get all the cement out of my hair." "I gave him a much worse punishment." "Ruben tried to kill me, by the way." "I took him out." "[SIGHS]" "Oh, great." "On top of everything, I'm out an assassin." "I have zero patience with that shit." "[CRICKETS CHIRPING] [âª]" "SAM:" "Tommy, come back here!" "[TOMMY PANTING]" "Fuck!" "So now you're gonna shoot me?" "Give my money back." "Fuck you." "You came along, changed my whole life." "Took away everything I knew." "And now you're just throwing me away like garbage." "I think I might have saved your life, you stupid little shit." "Yeah, stupid." "Good, rub it in!" "Just give me my money." "How am I supposed to live?" "Get a job." "I can't fucking read." "Not my problem." "Fuck you." "You ain't gonna shoot shit." "[âª]" "[SOBBING]" "[SNIFFLING]" "[KNOCKING ON DOOR]" "Your Majesty." "Hm." "We'll side step your recent defection." "For now." "Tell me, do I make a good widow?" "You are a vision." "Bill, don't be such a sourpuss." "Aren't you the least bit excited?" "Russell is no more." "I am pleased, yes." "Dear me." "How dreary you are." "All right, bring me the girl." "I have waited centuries to find a true fae." "I can't wait to feel the sunlight on my skin again." "Maybe I'll get a yacht." "Sookie is not here." "Yes, I brought you here under false pretenses." "But I do have another surprise for you." "Only one of us will leave this house." "You dare challenge me?" "I'm over twice your age." "Yes." "But I have nothing left to lose." "[BOTH GROWLING]" "[YELLING]" "[âª]" "Gran, I am so lost." "I followed my heart, but it led me down a dead-end road." "I miss you so much." "I've never felt so alone." "And I've spent my whole life feeling alone." "CLAUDINE:" "Sookie." "You're not alone." "Come with us." "[âª]" "[SNIFFLING]" "[âª]" "[BIRD CHIRPING]" "[JACE EVERETT AND CC ADCOCK'S "EVIL (IS GOING ON)" PLAYING]" "⪠Long way from home ⪠⪠Can't sleep at night ⪠⪠Call on the telephone ⪠⪠Something don't seem right âª" "⪠That's evil ⪠⪠Evil's going on âª" "⪠I'm warning you, brother ⪠⪠You better watch Your happy home ⪠⪠Evil âª" "⪠Long, long way from home ⪠⪠Can't sleep at all ⪠⪠You know another mule's Been kicking' in your stall ⪠⪠That's evil âª" "⪠Evil's going on ⪠⪠Evil âª" | {
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"Did he say what it's about?" "Who else is coming in?" "Everyone?" "It would be easier if it wasn't Saturday already." "But I can add 30 people to the list." "No, no." "Can?" "No, sugar." "Not you, Jones." " Uh-uh." " Oh." "Yeah." "What if we open up the patio?" " Yeah." " Okay." "Ugh." "All right, got it." "I'm on my way." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "I'll be there at 2." "Thanks for breakfast, hon." "I gotta go." "Yeah, I gotta go too." "All right, let's see." "What do I have to do?" "I've got to..." " What?" " This is crazy." "Look at us." "This is our weekend." "The reception's this afternoon." "Gotta order tomato basil crostini..." "Yeah, and I gotta catch some bad guys, but we also need a little time for us." "I'm sorry." "Ever since I got back from San Francisco, it's been nonstop." "Well, you know what?" "It is gonna end tonight." "You and me, bottle of wine and a movie." "No work." "No discussion of work." "No excuses." "Just us." "Wow." "Okay." "All right." "Just for that, I might make my patented pot roast." "Oh." "I wonder what you'll make if I keep going." " Bye." "Ha, ha." " Bye." "Tonight." "Date night." "Don't be late." "I won't." "Any idea why we're being called in at 8 a.m. on a Saturday?" "Crime doesn't take the weekend off." "Did you have plans?" "Yeah, I was hoping to go to the White Bored exhibit at the Powell." " White Board?" " No, no, White Bored." "Spelled B-O-R-E-D." "It's conceptual." "The artist takes a mundane office item... turns it into a canvas commentary on modern business." " Does he use paint?" " Markers." "I already have one in my office." "Wait." "And how did you know how I was spelling "bored"?" " It's the same word." " Your tone." "Peter, you gotta see it." "Come with me." "The museum's outside your radius." " Can't." "Date night with Elizabeth." " Even better." "She'll love it." "No, date night, which means no White Bored of any sort and no Neal." "You could ask her." "I'll make you a deal." " You can see the exhibit." " Really?" "If you can find an FBI agent willing to escort you." "Cake." "Making Elle pot roast?" "Only food I've ever heard you brag about." " Bancroft's here." " Your boss' boss." "This can't be good." " Do all higher-ups do double finger-point?" " They teach it at Quantico." "Wait here." "Diana." "Good morning, Neal." "What do you want?" "Last weekend of the White Bored exhibit at the Powell." " Outside your radius." " I need an escort." "Just hear me out." "Swan's work is gonna blow your mind." "His pieces are a master study of corporate counterculture." "That would be irresponsible to ignore as a member of a white-collar division." " I agree." " Excellent." "That's why I went last week." "You shouldn't have waited so long to ask." "Why are the Marshals here?" "I guess you're gonna find out." "Neal, this is John Deckard from the Marshals Office." "Are you sure it's necessary to bring him in?" "Neal, how long did you evade the U.S. Marshals?" "Well, technically, they never found me." "You did." "As I heard it, you had the Marshals searching for you along the Mexican Riviera." "If anyone knows about evading arrest, it's Neal Caffrey." "I want this agent found." " And I want the two of you to work it out." " Yes, sir." "FBI Agent Jack Franklin is currently a fugitive." "An FBI agent's on the run?" "Used to work here in the White Collar Branch." " Did you know him?" " Not well." "He transferred from the Chicago office a couple years ago... then got bumped down to Internal Bank Fraud." " Isn't that the Siberia of assignments?" " The Bureau should have fired him instead." "U.S. Marshals caught him trying to access their witness database." "Wow." "Deckard, do you wanna coordinate the search?" "The Justice Department insisted we loop you in." "Well, you're looped in." "Let me know what you find." " U.S. Marshals, all smiles." " Yeah." "Conference room." "Franklin is one of us." "I don't know what he's gotten into." "But if anybody's gonna bring him in, it's gonna be the FBI." " What?" " This is the first time... I've been on this side of a manhunt." "The Marshals went looking for Franklin at 6:30 this morning and he's MIA." "They've got a two-hour head start." "We can't let them get Franklin before we do." "If they catch him fleeing, they will shoot him." "Jones?" "I'll check airports, transit in and out of the city." " Good." "Diana?" " I'll put photos in circulation... cross-referenced with his FBI aliases." "All right, I wanna canvass his friends and family, so let's move." " Franklin was a good agent." " He was." "Top in his class, 12 years of service." "FBI Medal of Valor." "That can't be easy to come by." " Mm-mm." " What happened?" "He had an inappropriate relationship with a CI." " Really?" " Yes." " How inappropriate?" " Want me to draw a diagram?" "No." "He fell in love with her." "He got caught." "They sent him down to Bank Fraud." " Then she was his first stop." " Well, maybe." "She's his former CI." " They broke it off when he got transferred." " She has three known aliases." "She knows how to hide someone." "Come on, Peter." "If you went on the run..." " I wouldn't go on the run." " Yeah, but if you did..." "Yes, I'm sure it would be your fault." "Let's move." " Rebecca Vidal, please." "Sure, one moment." "She works here in Sales." "Before she became a CI, what was she into?" "She was a car thief." "Do what you know." "I'm a prospective customer." "Rebecca and I are going on a test drive." "Maybe I should take the test drive, talk to her CI to CI." "You will do no such thing." "You just wanna drive the car." "Those two gentlemen right over there." "Oh, good." "Now I understand the inappropriate relationship." "There's a reason Elle prefers my working with a male CI." "If the car talk gets a little detailed, I got you covered." "Thanks." "Hi, I'm Rebecca." "What can I do for you today?" "Actually my friend Peter has come into a modest windfall." "I'm his consultant." " Oh." " I have an '86 GTB... and I'm looking at an upgrade." "Well, '86 is a classic, but the Spider's got 483 horsepower versus 270 in yours." "Double the torque, F-track stability, which you need at 200 miles an hour." "How are the adjustments to manettino controls?" "I could tell you you'd love the steering wheel mount shifting... but nothing speaks like a test drive." " Ha, ha." " And it comes standard with GPS?" "Heh." "Yes." "I'll go get the keys." "'86 GTB." "Nice touch." "You don't have to drive one to dream about them." "Behave while I'm gone." " There you go." " Thank you." " You've been here before." " Yeah, a few times." " What's your name?" " Dan." " Anyone ever offered you a test drive?" " No." "Nobody ever said hello." "People judge." "I wish it weren't so, but people judge." "By your cotton-poly blend, pleated khaki slacks... by your cell phone holster." "But, Dan... you can wear whatever you want if you drive a Gallardo." " Yeah?" " But that's not why you drive one." "You drive one because this car is a transcendent experience." "Hello, Dan." "I'm Nick Halden." "Ready for a test drive?" "Yeah." "I'll get the keys." "Taking the Gallardo out." "He's a looker, not a buyer." " When did you start?" " This morning." "Eddy didn't tell you?" "Nick Halden." " Welcome, Nick." " Thanks." "Welcome." " He may be a looker, but he's a live one." " Good luck." "Thank you." "Why are we stopping?" "Peter Burke, FBI." "Based on that look, you know why I'm here." "I knew it." "I knew it." "Listen to me." "I worked with Agent Franklin in the White Collar Division." " I wanna help him." " The Marshals already came by." "They searched my place this morning, then all my stuff at work." "I'm not doing this again." "Take me back." "Now." "My CI is more than just my entrée into the criminal world." "He's the one I turn to when I need help." " Are you finished?" " Yeah." "Good." "Then turn the car around." " What'd I say?" "What did I tell you?" " I want it." " That one." "Okay, have a seat." "I'll get the paperwork." "Can I get you some espresso?" "That'd be great, yeah." " Okay, sure." "Listen, uh, this is my first sale and I promised to split it with Rebecca." " He's buying?" " I know." "She's out with another customer." " Can you log me in on her computer?" " Sure." " Congrats." " Thanks." "Ahem." "Oh, um..." "Could you get him an espresso?" "Thanks." "You better hope I find him before the Marshals." "Look, I haven't seen Agent Franklin in almost a year." " He broke it off after they demoted him." " He was a good agent." "Whatever they're saying he did, there's no way." "He needs to come in." "It's the only way we can clear him." "I told you, I don't know where he is." "All right, listen." "Listen." "If you two do make contact... let him know that I'll make him this promise." "I'm willing to listen." " Uh..." " What?" "Ahem." "I know that you think I only took the car out to talk." "Clearly you didn't take it out to drive it." "No, but I need an honest answer on one more thing." "I've been with the Bureau for 12 years." "I've got perfect credit." "Can I get financed on one of these?" "You'd have better luck seizing one from a drug dealer." " Hey." "Hey, Rebecca." "So glad you're back." "This is Dan." "He's buying the yellow Gallardo." "Dan, Rebecca will take it from here." " Congratulations, my friend." " Thanks." "What were you thinking?" "Her drive log from yesterday?" "So?" "3:45 p.m., she took a test drive with Claudia Weaver." "Claudia Weaver?" "That's one of Rebecca's aliases." "Took herself for an hour-and-a-half spin in a Porsche." "Any idea where she and her alias went?" "Luckily the cars come equipped with a GPS tracking device." "Ha-ha-ha." "Just like you." "Just like me." "Franklin shows up at her showroom." "Rebecca tells everyone she's going for a test drive." "And she parks the car here." " Or Franklin phoned her and they met there." " Mm-hm." "Boss, look at this file." " Sullivan anti-trust case." " Case Franklin was working on... before he got transferred from White Collar." " Where'd you find it?" " In a locked file drawer in Franklin's office." "I got in there before I let the Marshals search it." "That's Deckard." "Are these all U.S. Marshals?" "No, not all of them." "Some are witnesses." "This guy's a lawyer." "So is this guy." "Have you found anything?" " Where's Agent Burke?" " Peter." "He's upstairs in the conference room." " Come on." "Wait a minute." "If it's a canvas commentary, why would he use white...?" "Burke." "Any leads?" "Deckard, little heads-up when you're on your way over here." "Hey, what did Franklin's CI say to you?" "Did she give you a location?" "Well, we don't have anything yet." "But how did you know that we met with Rebecca Vidal?" "The Marshals can track my anklet." "I heard you were quick." " Are those Franklin's files?" " Just the files you gave us this morning." "Just because Franklin's one of you doesn't make him any less guilty." "We're on the same team." "Jones, show him what we have." " Not sharing the file from Franklin's office." " Think I'll take it home with me." "Working from home." "One way to avoid them looking over your shoulder." "Here's the other way." "You stay here and let them look over your shoulder." "With pleasure." "Oh, Peter, have fun cooking your pot roast." "Jack Franklin?" "Agent Burke?" "You said you'd listen." "So here I am." " I need you to lower your weapon." " I can't do that." "Put your gun down, Jack." " House rules." " I know your rep, Peter." "And I'm here because you play straight." "You said you'd listen." "But I'm not surrendering my weapon to you or anyone else." "Not until I can get the truth out." "Holster your weapon and we'll talk." "Hey, Mozz." "Sorry, I'm late." "So they conscripted your Saturdays." "Go, FBI." "Found anything?" "I deciphered the phone number that Kate dialed from the plane." "I traced it to a store-bought burner phone." " So no names associated with it?" " Not yet." "But, "the reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."" "It's been a while since you quoted Einstein." "It means you're in a groove." "Well, "great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weaker minds."" " The pot roast smells good." " Heh." "You're kind of screwing up my date night with my wife." "You wanna talk to me about those accusations?" "I was working on the Sullivan anti-trust case." "After two years, looked like I finally had a witness who was willing to come forward." "One week before his testimony, he's killed in a hit-and-run." "You started poking around the Marshals." "They were the only ones aside from me who knew where the witness was." "A few days after I start asking questions, OPR gets wind of me and Rebecca." "Next thing, I'm transferred into Bank Fraud." " Why didn't you tell anybody?" " Well, I tried." "But I didn't have any proof." "Why now?" "Why did Deckard start going after you today?" "I made a breakthrough." "And Deckard knows I'm on to him." "Yesterday, I hacked into one of the defense attorney's systems." "Volker in the Sullivan case." "I found a reference in an e-mail to a hard-copy ledger." " What's on it?" " As far as I can tell... it's got every transaction Volker did with Deckard." "The witness names, how much he paid Deckard, the names on the accounts." "Volker keeps it in case Deckard tries to turn on him." "Hang on." "You and Rebecca went to Volker's office yesterday to look for it." "We cased it out." "How did you know?" "We followed the GPS data on her test drive." " Does Deckard know this?" " It's his case." "But if Deckard knows I went to Volker's office, he's gonna head there." " And if he gets that hard copy..." " Jack." " We do this together or not at all." " Okay." "You're a fugitive." "There's a warrant for your arrest." "I need you to surrender your weapon." "Good." "Let's go." "I'm telling you, Jones, you cannot miss this." "It's mostly office motifs, right?" "Lmagine Shepard Fairey meets Dilbert." "That means nothing to me." "And you compare that to this." "Where's Deckard?" "He went to chase down a lead." " Where?" " He didn't say." " Yeah?" " Peter." "Neal and I are on speaker in your office." " What's going on?" " Deckard left the FBI." "Who are you on the phone with?" "Jack, don't break in." " Are you with Jack Franklin?" " Yeah, at Volker's office." "Franklin says that Deckard is the one who's selling witness information." "And there's evidence in Volker's office to prove it." "That may be where Deckard went." " Wait, wait, Peter, you're with Franklin?" " Yeah." "Do you need backup?" "No, we're in Glen Cove." "It would take a half-hour." " I won't wait for backup." " Jack." "That evidence is my only hope." "You can wait here or follow a fleeing suspect." " Peter, I'm gonna call local P.D. No, I'll manage." "I'll let you know if things change." "What now?" "Franklin?" "Deckard?" "It's Burke." "Peter, he's destroying evidence." "Franklin, it's over." "You're coming in." "Deckard." " Yeah?" " Where's your backup?" "They're on their way." "Deckard, hold your fire." "He got to the files." "Deckard, I'm gonna stand up." "Both of us are gonna lower our weapons." "Burke, Jack Franklin's a fugitive." "Why haven't you cuffed him yet?" "He's unarmed." "We're gonna wait for backup." "I don't know what you've planned, but he's coming with me." "Deckard, listen." "Oh, the FBI, always covering for each other." "Don't think about it." " You have no idea... what you're getting yourself into." " I think I do." "Jam the door." "This won't hold long." " Peter." " I need to hotwire a Lamborghini." " Theoretically?" "Because..." " No, right now." "I need to actually hotwire a Lamborghini Murciélago Roadster." "Oh, yeah." "That's a tough one." " Can you do this?" " No." " What do you mean?" " It's a half-million-dollar Lamborghini." "You can't just tap two wires together." "You need the key." "Rebecca, it's an '09 Lamborghini 640 LP Roadster." "Give me the VIN number." "If I find it in the dealership database..." "I may be able to route the code through the phone." "Is Franklin talking to Rebecca?" "Is this a Cl-off?" "Hard to say." "He's reading her the VIN number." " Volker kept evidence against Deckard?" " Yes, in his office." "He's a guy who likes to have a backup plan." "I already checked." "No key in the obvious places." "Wait." "Wait a second." "There's a small recess inside the rear bumper." " It's where I'd put a backup." "She found the code." "It's gonna take a couple of minutes to see if it works." "My CI beat your CI." "Yeah, well, mine's out of practice." "What are you doing?" "This ends here." "I'm meeting my team." "I need to figure this out." "Not with me, you're not." " You can't run." " You saw what just happened." "Deckard destroyed the only evidence I'll find that will clear my name." "And he's shooting to kill." "We can fix this." "How are you gonna do that?" "Ah." "I don't know yet." "But the answer isn't getting on a Greyhound Bus." "Deckard knows that you're in contact with Rebecca." "He's gonna go after her to try to get to you." "There was a reason that you were willing to risk your career... for the witness who was killed in the Sullivan case." " I know you still believe in our system." " Okay." "You had me at "he's gonna go after Rebecca."" "It's all right." "It's all right." "Car's got a tracking device as good as my anklet." "Can you disable it?" " Why?" "You're not coming in?" "It's complicated." "We gotta lose the Marshals." " They're not gonna be far behind us." " Then you better get started." "Oh." "Of course." "Do I understand correctly that Peter Burke is on the run?" "The same Peter Burke who would never run." "No talking." "Tracking disabled." " You okay?" " Getting there." "We're gonna need a place to hide out until we figure out our next steps." " I think I can manage that." "Good." "You must be Agent Franklin." "All right, you two head back to the FBI." "Any further contact will be through Diana." "Be careful, Mario." "Hello, sir." " Where's Peter?" " I see you've spoken with Deckard." "He said Franklin was destroying evidence and that Peter helped him flee." " I believe Peter is still with Franklin." " Why?" "He thinks Deckard is selling the witness information, not Franklin." " Really?" " Yeah." "There was proof in Volker's office, but Deckard destroyed it." " You were there?" " No." " So you don't know." " Peter wouldn't have fled... unless Franklin was in danger." " Why didn't he come in?" "He wanted your permission to stay out there with Franklin... while they work out a way to prove Deckard is behind this." " Get Peter on the phone." " He tossed it." " So then he isn't really asking permission." " I guess it was more of an FYI." " Mm." " Look, this can work in our favor." "Deckard doesn't know we suspect him." "He'll try to keep Jones and I close in case Peter contacts us." "You want me to authorize you to mislead the U.S. Marshals to buy Peter time." " Yeah." " I will let you know." "Thank you." "Oh, by the way, just in case Deckard brings it up..." "Peter had to steal a Lamborghini when they fl..." "I knew this day would come." "The hunter has become the hunted." "This way, gentlemen." "Where are we going?" "Somewhere no suit has ever gone, nor shall ever go again." "You're a Buddhist." "I don't subscribe to labels." "Don't think this is my only safe house." "One of many." " I call it Tuesday." " Why?" "Because I'm usually here on Wednesdays." " How well do you know this guy?" " Well enough." "Ugh." "I left the pot roast in the oven." "Date night." "I didn't call Elizabeth." "Oh." "Mrs. Suit will not be pleased with you." "He knows your wife?" "I'm sure Rebecca has some friends you'd like to forget." "Excuse me." "You can show a little respect for the man who's harboring two fugitives." "You have no idea what bringing you here is doing to my chi." "I'm sorry, Mozzie." "Thank you for your hospitality." "Well, in that case, mi casa es suit casa." "We won't be here long." "Hey." "What did you find on Volker?" "He has one of the highest acquittal rates." "He won his last three cases when a key witness disappeared or died." "So, what's the plan?" "If Bancroft buys off, Jones and I will keep Deckard occupied." "That will free you up for Peter to contact." "Neal." "You and Jones." "We're gonna stake out Burke's home." " Who are you?" "She's a transfer from D.C." "I want her running point with your people here." "Let's go." "There's gotta be a way to prove that Deckard is working with Volker." "Stan Volker, the defense lawyer?" "How do you know him?" "He sold out a friend of mine who was arrested with one of his clients." "I knew he was trouble." "You can never trust anyone... who spells his name with dollar signs on his license plates." "You know about his cars?" "Are you kidding?" "His Lambys are all the guy ever talks about." "We need to move that car." "Even with the tracking disabled, the thing's gonna attract attention." "You stole one of Stan's Murciélagos?" "We commandeered it." "You G-men and your manifest destiny." "Mozzie, how would you like to participate in a government-sanctioned con?" "Involving a dirty marshal, Stan and one of his prized Lamborghinis?" " How about yes?" " Excellent." "All right, listen." "I need to get ahold of Diana." " Where's the phone?" " There's no phones here." " Tuesday has no phones." " Give me a phone, Mozzie." "Okay, there's an emergency burner phone in the dojo." " Which way?" " There's only one dojo in the loft." "I can fix it." "I can." "Hey, babe." "What's with all the smoke?" "Satchmo, what are you doing outside?" "Where's your daddy?" "Oh, man." "This feels really, really wrong." " Well, you can always tell us where he is." " I wish I knew." "Frankly, I'm a little offended he hasn't contacted me." "I'm not." "I want nothing to do with this." "It's all on Peter." "He's your boss." "I'm surprised you're not more loyal." "You know, since Peter's the real reason you're not behind bars..." "I assume you're protecting him." "So let's all be very honest about why we're here." "Sooner or later, he's gonna contact her or one of you guys." "Yes, one of these keys goes to your anklet." "How do you like the new model, by the way?" "You know, it's lighter than the last one." "And sleek." "I get a lot of compliments." "And the GPS is more accurate too." "Down to the yard." "Yeah, I noticed." "Tonight I wanted to go to a museum exhibit a mere two miles outside my radius..." "Neal." "Ahem." "We got company." "Who is that?" "No idea." "Mozzie?" " Yeah." "May I?" "Yeah." "What are you doing here?" "Date night." "So a U.S. Marshal..." "A dirty U.S. Marshal named John Deckard." " has been selling the locations of witnesses to a defense attorney." "A devious attorney." " He's using this information to intimidate..." " And kill witnesses." "Which is why your noble husband leapt to the aid of a wrongfully accused FBI agent." "Who inadvertently commandeered my date night." "And here I am." "What exactly is the plan?" "The less I tell you, the better, just in case Deckard tries to interrogate you." "Have you ever heard of a prisoner's dilemma?" "It's the idea of separating two suspects and getting them to turn on each other, right?" " Yes, but this is a little more challenging." " Is Neal involved in this?" "He is, but Peter hasn't told him yet, which is one of our challenges." "But we've done more with less." "Is my husband okay?" "Oh, right." "He told me to tell you "azaleas."" "Good." "That means he's okay." " What?" " Oh, nothing." "I'm not judging." "My safe word is "bread basket."" " Actually, Mozzie, that's two words." " Exactly." "Excuse me." "My name is Stan Volker." "I got a call from an Agent Diana Barrigan about my car." "Yeah, hi." "I got this." " Stanley Volker?" " Yeah." "Thanks for coming in." "I'm afraid I have some bad news about your car." " Well, which one?" " I think it's best you see for yourself." "I'll let them know we're on our way." "What do you know about this guy?" "He's another CI." "Peter leans on him when Neal is not around." "Really?" "We should talk to him." "No, let's let it play out." "Let's see where he leads us." "So Thursday has a view, huh?" "Oh." "To say Thursday has a view... is like saying the Hubble Telescope has a magnifying glass." "It is the most spectacular cityscape our fair city has to offer." "Really?" " I have to go now." " Okay." "You gonna watch Moon Landing:" "Fact or Fiction?" " No." " Oh." "Then it leaves with me." "It was nice to see you, Mrs. Suit." "Nice to see you, too, Mozz." " Thanks for the vino." " It was Neal's." "Looks like our CI has left the building." "Want us to follow him or stay here?" " We should follow him." " We do both." "My guys stay and monitor the house." "We'll follow the miniature Caffrey." "I guess it's Put Your CI to Work Day." "This way." "Pretend you know me." "Give me a reason." "I've given your sweetheart safe passage." "In about two minutes, we're gonna clear his name." "They gotta be talking about Burke and Franklin." "Excuse me." "I gotta take this." "This is Neal." "Hey, are you with Deckard?" "Yeah." "Yeah." " Are you there, sir?" "I am." " Who is that?" " Tell him it's Bancroft." "It's Bancroft." "Diana should be with Stan Volker." "Yeah." "Uh-huh." "That's correct." "Give me the phone." "I think Deckard wants to speak with you." "Caffrey, you still there?" "Did you lose him?" " It's Deckard, sir." " Deckard, put Caffrey back on." "Yes, sir." " I'm back." " Okay." " Have you ever run a prisoner's dilemma?" " I've been in one." "Well, now's your chance to run it on a U.S. Marshal." " You clear on what to do?" " Crystal clear." "Thank you, sir." " What's going on?" " Just follow my lead." "Stan 1 was stolen earlier today and apparently taken on quite a joyride." "They thought they could bring it here for parts." " What are they doing in there?" " You know what they're doing in there." "That's it." "Who did this?" "We have them in custody, Mr. Volker." "Don't worry." "Oh, they're gonna pay." "Just need your signature." "If you could read over this statement for me." "I think you'll find everything's in order." "Volker's cutting a deal with the FBI." "He's selling you out." "Yup, there it is." "A signed confession." "Once you showed up in Volker's office, he knew it was a matter of time... before you turned on him." "He made a deal." "Come on, Deckard." "Don't make it harder than it is." "There is one more thing." "What is this all about?" "Deckard says you paid off an FBI agent... to intimidate and kill witnesses in federal trials." "You're looking at 25 to life." "Unless you start talking." "Deckard came up with the thing." "What do you wanna know about him?" " Give it up." " Stay back." "Hands up, Deckard." " It's over." " Put the gun down on the ground." "You realize the grief you caused me with Bancroft when you fled?" "Yeah, on this side of a manhunt, isn't all peaches and dandelions, is it?" "It beats being led away in cuffs." "Good working with you, Deckard." "How did it go?" "They've cleared Franklin of all charges." "Bancroft's reinstating him into the White Collar Division." "It's great work, everyone." "Let's get some rest." "Ahem." "Neal." "Good work." "Thank you." "Yeah, I'll be headed home too." "Won't be going to the Powell today, because, you know, it's outside my radius." "Please?" "Thanks for playing last night." "Oh, the follow-the-leader stuff?" "That was child's play." "The reason I'm calling now is because I've obtained some information since then." "What did you find?" "I know who Kate called from the plane." "It was the FBI agent who set up the deal between you and Kate." "Garrett Fowler." "Now I need to find him." "Caffrey." "I'll get right back to you." "Ahem." "Sir?" "Come here." "You planning on seeing this?" "Well, yeah, I was, but, you know, it's out of my range and..." "Uh-huh." "I've wanted to see this thing since it opened." "Let's go." "The moment I met you, I could tell you were a man of refined tastes." "Oh, I know, hon." "I'll be home in 15 minutes tops." "No, I can't wait either." "Just a few hours sleep and I'll be yours all day and night." | {
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"PRIESTS' ALLEY" ""NIETZSCHE'S DAYS IN TURIN"" "TURIN GUIDE" "CARLO ALBERTO STREET" "Good time." "Blows here a light and capricious breeze... that gives wings to the heaviest thoughts." "My old Jacob Burckhardt passed through this city... saw a representation of "Traviata"..." "MAP OF TURIN ANCIENT AND MODERN in the Alfieri Theater." "My mustaches are my filters... and the sidewalks of this city are the paradise for my feet." "Only the thoughts that we have while walking are worth something." "Here is the city that I needed at this moment." "But Turin!" "Congratulations, my dear friend." "You advised me from your heart." "This city is made for me." "It is evident in a tangible way... and it has been like this since the first time that I saw it... even taking into consideration my horrible state in the first days." "Before the weather was miserably rainy, cold, unstable... nerve oppressing with half an hour of suffocating air at intervals." "What a worthy city." "Strict." "Nothing of a great city, nothing modern, as I feared." "On the contrary, it is a residence of the 1 7th century... when everything was only one ruling taste, the court and the nobility." "Each stone conserves the mark of the aristocratic calm." "There is no poverty in the surroundings of the city." "A taste uniformity that extends itself to the color exists." "The whole city is yellow or ocher red." "A classic place for the feet as well as the eyes." "What safety." "What pavements." "Talk less of trains and trolleys, whose organization here is prodigious." "It seems that here life is more economical than..." "LIBRARY in the other Italian cities I know." "Besides, I have not been deceived by anyone." "They think I am a German official... although this winter on the official foreigners' list..." "I was registered as a Pole." "What gardens." "What severe and solemn squares." "The style of the palaces is unpretentious... the streets are clean and austere... everything worthier than I had expected." "The most beautiful cafeterias that I have ever seen." "With such a variable atmosphere... the arches are necessary and so spacious... that they don't oppress us." "At night, on the bridge of the Powder River: splendid." "Beyond good and evil." "It is not pure malice... if in this writing I praise Bizet at the expense of Wagner." "Amid several games..." "I present a subject with which one should not play." "Turning the back on Wagner was to me a destiny... enjoying something again, a victory." "Nobody grew up so dangerously close to Wagnerism... nobody resisted it harder... nobody got so happy by getting rid of it." "A long story." "Do they want a designation for it?" "If I were a moralist, who knows how it would be called?" "Perhaps surpassing oneself." "But the philosophers don't love the moralists... and they also don't love beautiful words." "What does a philosopher first and last demand from himself?" "Surpassing himself in time... to become unworldly." "Therefore, against what should he fight the toughest battle?" "Against that which makes him the son of his time." "Very well." "As much as Wagner, I am the son of his time... in other words, a decadent." "But I understood that... and against it I defended myself." "The philosopher in me defended himself." "I separated myself from Wagner, when he headed for a German god... the German church and the German empire." "Romanticism, just like Christianity, is a physiological decay... a station on the way to nihilism." "I believe that I am not a musician exactly not to be a Romanticist." "But, without music..." "life would be for me a mistake." "Since I arrived in Turin, I haven't missed a day's work." "I am incomparably better than in Engadine." "Turin is equally the only place... where my feeding corresponds perfectly... to my more personal imperatives." "I also have a new autumn overcoat, very elegant." "Day after day, the days are of an indescribable brightness." "I have never seen such autumn anywhere." "The grapes and the other fruits are better." "I can't describe them in words." "The city is calm with its 300,000 inhabitants." "Yesterday, do you believe?" "I heard Bizet's masterpiece for the twentieth time." "I stayed to the end with soft devotion." "Again I could not flee." "This triumph over my patience frightens me." "How such work improves." "We turned into masterpieces ourselves." "Really, whenever I heard "Carmen"..." "I got the impression I was more of a philosopher... a better philosopher than I believe I usually am." "Becoming so indulgent, so happy, so Indian, sedentary." "Seated for five hours." "First stage of sanctity." "This music to me is perfect." "It approaches lightly, subtly, with politeness." "It is kind, it doesn't transpire." "What is good is light." "All that is divine moves with delicate feet:" "the first sentence of my aesthetics." "This music is malicious, refined, fatalistic... however it remains popular." "Such is the opposite of polyp in music, the infinite melody." "Piramidale, tutto Torino carmenizzatto!" "I am in a good mood... immersed in work from morning till night... a small pamphlet on the music... occupies my fingers." "I digest it like a semigod." "I sleep in spite of the noise of the coaches." "I asked mother to give Mr. Brandes my picture, the best she had." "Mr. Brandes, of the University of Copenhagen, is lecturing on my books." "Actually, I ask you, my dear Mr. Georg Brandes... where did you find this courage to speak in public of an unknown?" "Only the day after tomorrow belongs to me." "Some men are born posthumous." "Mole Antonelliana, I baptized it "Ecce Homo"." "The lyrical-poet supreme idea was given to me by Heinrich Heine." "He possessed that divine malice... without which I am unable to imagine what is perfect." "I esteem the value of men for necessarily conceiving god... as inseparable from the satyr." "Every philosophy up to now has been a misunderstanding of the body." "I say: the body is the thinker." "Teacher Karl Knortz, writes me from New York... saying he will review my books in an American magazine." "That is a sign of recognition." "I need to make a complete outfit at a good tailor." "But this tailor here criticized me for my clothes." "He told me that he didn't believe that my suit had been made to measure." "He didn't believe such bad tailors existed." "I laughed, but seriously." "For ten years, I hadn't covered my body with clothes that pleased me." "Hear me, because I am such and such." "Above all, don't confuse me." "Damned anti-Semite, damned Schmeitzer." "I return to you now, Mr. Fritsch... the 3 issues of the "Correspondence" newspaper that you sent me... thanking you for the trust that allowed me a glimpse... into the filthy principles in the foundation of this strange movement." "From now on I ask you to send no more such publications." "I fear I may finally lose my patience." "The constant absurd falsifications and accommodations of vague concepts... as Germanic, Semitic, Aryan, Christian, German... all these may finally end up annoying me... drawing me away from the ironic indulgence with which until now..." "I have considered the virtuous whims and the pharisaism of today Germans." "And finally, Mr. Fritsch, what do you think I feel... when I hear the name of Zaratustra from the mouth of anti-Semites?" "Mr. Fritsch, you make me vomit." "I vomit when the name of Zaratustra comes out of your mouth." "DRUGSTORE" " OPEN" "A place where the races are mixed, source of a big culture." "The good European, that is, the extra European... that is what interests me." "The Indians, red skins, Delawares and Mohicans... pariahs, artists, the German Jews... those from below... these will be the liberators of our hate, our national hate." "The thought of the eternal return... the highest form of affirmation that one can reach..." "I had it when I walked in the forests close to the Silvaplana lake... and I stopped close to an imposing stone block shaped like a pyramid... a short distance from Surlei." "Then this thought came to me." "I was a mere speaker, a mere medium of powerful forces." "All of a sudden, with ineffable certainty and subtlety... something became visible to me." "Audible, it moved me... and it upset me deeply." "I heard, I didn't seek." "I took and I didn't ask who had given this present." "A thought glittered like lightning, without hesitation." "An ecstasy... whose tremendous tension loosened in torrents of tears." "Involuntarily, my step sometimes hurried, other times crawled... totally not its usual self... with the clearest conscience of numerous delicate tremors... and chills that got to the toes... an abyss of happiness." "Everything happened in an involuntary way... but as in a whirl of sensation of freedom... of unconditionality, power, divinity." "The very things approached and they offered themselves as symbols." "All of them came caressing to encounter my words... and they flattered me, because they wanted to ride on my back." "That is how... the words and the chests of words of every being opened to me." "Every being wanted to come and be word... all that came to be wanted to learn from me how to speak." "Ah, he said, and if one day or one night... a demon sneaked out in your most solitary solitude and said:" "This life, as you live it now and as you lived it... you will have to live it once again, even countless times... and there won't be anything new in it." "Each pain and each pleasure and each thought and sigh... everything that is unspeakably small and big in your life... must return to you." "Everything in the same order and sequence... and in the same way this spider and this moonlight among the trees... and in the same way this moment and myself." "The eternal hourglass of existence will always be turned again... and you with it, little dust from dust." "Would you not rush to the ground and grind your teeth... and curse the demon if he spoke to you like this?" "Or you once lived an uncommon moment... in which you answered him:" "You are a god, and I never heard anything more divine." "If this thought acquired power over you, as you are... it would transform you and perhaps triturate you." "Before everything and each thing, the question:" "do I still want this one more time and even countless times?" "It would weigh like the heaviest of weights on your acts." "Ah, ah!" "Was this the life?" "Very well then!" "Again!" "I understand the philosopher as being a terrible explosive body... before which everything is in danger." "I am not, for instance, an ogre, a moral monster." "I am even an opposite nature... to the type of man that up to now has been worshipped as virtuous." "Between us, I think it's exactly what forms part of my pride." "I am a disciple of the philosopher Dionysus." "I would rather be a satyr than be a saint." "If I wage a war against Christianity... it is allowed because I never tried contrariety and obstacles." "The most serious Christians always show goodwill to me." "Myself, an opponent of rigueur of Christianity, I am far away from... bearing a grudge against an individual for the fact he is a Christian." "Fatality of millennia." "Jesus didn't deny the world, nor despised it... making it an entrance for a better world, further on." "He simply ignored it, without denying or approving it." "It was by the hands of his disciples and apostles... that the no to life was injected into this world." "Buddhism is a hundred times more realistic than Christianity." "It has in itself the inheritance of knowing how to formulate problems... in an objective and cold way." "It appears after centuries of philosophical activity." "It doesn't fight against sin, it fight against suffering." "It has already left the self-deception of moral concepts." "It places itself, to speak my language... beyond good and evil." "On this perfect day, in which everything ripens... and not only the vine gilds, a sunbeam fell upon my life." "I looked back, I looked forward..." "I had never seen so many and so good things at once." "It was not in vain that I buried today my forty-fourth year..." "I could bury it." "What in it was life is saved... it is immortal." ""The Antichrist", "The Dithyrambs", "The Twilight of the Idols"... my rehearsal of philosophizing with a hammer... all these are presents of this and, in fact, its last quarter." "How wouldn't I be grateful to my whole life?" "And for this reason I tell myself about my life." "ALFIERI THEATER" "My health as a whole is good." "I have been for two months in Turin and I've only been ill four times." "In this adorable city, there are twelve theaters... a philharmonic academy, a school of music... and a plethora of teachers of all instruments." "Moral:" "Turin is almost a musical center." "There are also big trilingual bookstores." "Landscape of the Alps." "The autumn, a great season." "I found a philosopher from Turin, the teacher Pasquale D'Ercole... who paid me a lovely visit." "He knew of my existence in a Turin bookstore, the Loscher." "I know my fate." "One day my name will be remembered for a terrible thing... for a crisis that had never happened on Earth before... for the deepest collision of consciences... for a decision plotted against everything until then believed... sanctified, requested." "I am not a man, I am a dynamite." "But my truth is terrible... because up to now the lie was called the truth." "The transformation of all values... is my formula for the supreme self-gnosis of mankind... that makes itself in me genius and flesh." "The fortune of my existence... its singularity perhaps, is in its fatality." "I would say it in the form of enigma:" "like my father I am dead..." "like my mother I still live and age." "The development of the art is linked to two artistic impulses:" "the apollinian and the dionysian." "I borrowed these name from the Greek gods' world." "Apollo, god of the serenity... is the Greek name for the ability to dream." "It is the principle of the light that makes the world... emerge from the original chaos." "It is the one that orders, having tamed the blind forces of nature... submits them to a rule." "It is the symbol of every appearance, of all the plastic arts." "It gives shape to things, delimiting them with precise contour... fixing their distinctive character and determining their function... their individual sense." "It models the movement of every vital element... printing each one a rhythm, the form of time... and, this way, it imposes to the becoming a law, a measure." "Dionysus, foreign and wandering god." "Dionysus is the Greek name for ecstasy, for intoxication... state that destroys, cuts into pieces... abolishes the finite and the individual." "Dionysus is the god of chaos, of enormity, of deformity... of the sexual fury and of the flow of life... he is the god of music, the universal art mother of all arts." "Born from hunger and pain... pursued and lacerated by the hostile gods..." "Dionysus is reborn every spring... and there it creates and it spreads happiness." "Animated by Dionysus... man shows himself as a member of a superior community." "He unlearned how to walk and how to speak... and is about to, by dancing, fly into the air." "His gesture is enchanting." "Just as now the animals speak, and the Earth gives milk and honey... from inside the man rings something supernatural." "He feels himself god." "He walks in ecstasy and enraptured... as he has seen the gods walk in his dreams." "Man is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art." "Why are you so scared by the idea of being your mother's lover?" "Why?" "How many men, in dreams, have made love to their mothers... and perhaps live dreading such a dream?" "Nevertheless, one has to search for the truth." "I'm afraid Tiresias really can see into the truth." "Tell me, did he travel alone or in a great entourage, your husband Laio?" "No, he had five men with him... four soldiers and a servant." "He had just one coach." "And who brought all these news?" "The servant the only one who saved himself." "Is he still here?" "In the house?" "When he came back and saw you as king in Laio's place, he begged..." "This one!" "Don't you know him?" "!" "So?" "Did you or did you not take this boy up the hill?" "Yes, I took him." "It would be better if I had died then and there." "And who did give you that boy?" "Was he or was he not your son?" "He wasn't mine." "Others gave him to me." "Others?" "Who were these others?" "For God's sake, ask me no more." "Speak, open wound!" "I have just read a book..." ""The Religious Legislators:" "Manu, Moses and Mohammed"... where for the first time I came across the code of Manu." "It is a priestly code, based on the Vedas." "It is not a pessimistic code, although it's priestly." "All the moral legislations that we possess are caricatures of him." "The Egyptism and Plato seem instructed by a Brahman." "The Chinese also produced their Confucius and their Lao-tse... under the inspiration of this code." "The Jews are also simple middlemen, they didn't invent anything." "Art and nothing but art." "Art makes life possible." "It is the great enticer of life, the great stimulant of life." "Art as the only force of superior resistance... against every form of denial of life." "As access road to states where the suffering is wanted... transfigured, deified." "Where the suffering is a form of great delicacy." "Who rejuvenated my eyes?" "Did my own disgust create wings for me... and give me the ability to see into the future?" "Truly, I had to fly to great heights to again find... the source of pleasure." "I found it, my brothers." "Here in the highest, sprout for me the source of pleasure." "Gush almost too impetuously, oh, source of pleasure." "Philosophy, as up to now I understood and lived it... is also the voluntary search on the loathsome sides of existence." "Of the long experience that gave me such an adventure... through the ice and the desert, I learned how to face in another way... everything that was philosophized until now:" "the hidden history of philosophy... the psychology of its great names came to light for me." "How much truth does it bear, how much truth does a spirit dare?" "This became for me authentic meter of value." "An experimental philosophy, just as I live... hasten experimentally even the possibilities of the radical nihilism." "Not meaning to say that it stops in a negation... in the No, in the No Will." "Instead of this, it wants to cross to the other side... until the dionysiac says yes to the world, just as it is... without discount, exception, selection." "The supreme state that the philosopher can reach... is to be dionysiacly before the existence." "My formula for that is the love of destiny." "EGYPTIAN MUSEUM" "Hand me thy handkerchief." "I have it not about me." "What?" "No, indeed, my Lord." "That is a fault!" "That handkerchief did an Egyptian to my mother." "I give the world to think..." "Honest to God, I've never seen it." "You've lost?" "It's gone?" "Speak, it's out of the way?" "It is not lost, but what if it were?" "How?" "I say, it's not lost." "That sheet, let me see it." "I came sad, but I will not now." "This is a trick to put me through my slit." "Pray you'll let Cassio be received again?" "Hand me thy handkerchief." "I pray, talk me of Cassio." "The handkerchief!" "Never at all it's time on your love." "Share dangers with you." "The handkerchief!" "Calm, calm." "You never meet a more sufficient man." "Away." "Away!" "Away." "In the Subalpina Gallery, I can see if I leave my room." "The most beautiful and elegant place of this genre that I know." "Every night, they play there "The Barber of Seville"." "Marvelously." "There the consumption price is a little higher." "If there is anything at which I am skilled it is turning perspectives." "I will say a word about my art of style." "To communicate a state, an internal tension of pathos through signs... including the time of those signs, here is the sense of all style." "And considering that the multiplicity of internal states... is in me extraordinary... there is in me many possibilities of style." "Good is every style that really communicates an internal state... that doesn't make mistakes with the signs... in the time of the signs, in the gestures." "All the laws of the period are arts of gestures." "Dear friend Georg Brandes." "After you had discovered me, it was not difficult to find me." "The difficulty now is getting lost." "The crucified." "All those people that have affinity with me... even the fruitseller that chooses for me the best bunches of grapes... are perfectly worthy people, a little fat." "Even the waiters that serve the tables are fat." "Prince Carignano has just died." "We will have a great funeral." ""TRISTAN AND ISOLDE"" "My mother... deep down, me, your old creature..." "I am now an extraordinarily famous animal." "Not in Germany, because the Germans are very stupid and vulgar... for the height of my spirit and with me they always made gaffes." "Not only with me, but with others too." "Among my admirers, I have chosen natures." "Only noble and influential people, in Paris, Stockholm..." "Vienna and New York." "Ah, if you knew the terms with which the personages of the first order... express devotion to me!" "Including the most fascinating women, among them a lady..." "Princess Ténicheff." "Among my admirers, several geniuses exist." "There is not any name that is pronounced... with so much distinction and reverence as mine." "See, that is a masterpiece:" "without a name, without a social class, without wealth..." "I am treated here as a small prince by all." "Even by my fruitseller, who doesn't rest... until she finds me the sweetest bunch of grapes." "My dear friend Strindberg... a great funeral takes place outside... the burial of prince Carignano." "The whole Italy is in Turin." "It really was her son... but no one better than Jocasta, your wife, could know that." "She gave him to you?" "Yes, she gave him to me." "And what orders did she give you?" "To kill him." "Why such an atrocity?" "Because she feared terrible prophecies." "Which prophecies?" "That she would kill her parents." "And why did you allow that old man to save him?" "Out of pity." "I bring the war." "Not of people against people." "I wage the war on all those absurd fortuities:" "people, class, race, profession, education and culture." "A war in the land of the spirit, with the weapons of the spirit." "To Mrs. Cosima Wagner..." "Bayreuth, Germany." "To the Aryan princess, my lover." "That I am a man is a disadvantage." "But I have already lived among men... and I know all... that men can taste... from the lowest to the highest things." "I was Buddha among the Indians... and Dionysus in Greece." "alexander and Caesar are my incarnations... as Lord Bacon, Shakespeare's poet." "Last I was Voltaire and Napoleon." "Perhaps also Richard Wagner." "But this time I come as victorious Dionysus... that will make of the Earth a party day." "I won't have a Iong time." "The skies are happy that I am here." "I was also placed on the cross." ""DIONYSUS-DITHYRAMBS"" "Highness... so much honor." "Come in." "It's an honor." "Welcome in my palace." "Here it is the mask of Dionysus... my fire idol." "Highness, here it is." "Welcome to my palace." "Thank you." "It's an honor." "Thank you so much." "Highness, please." "It was an honor." "Thank you, highness." "It was an honor, an honor." "Prince Taurinorum." "Caesar." "Prince Taurinorum." "Caesar." "Prince Taurinorum." "Caesar." "Prince Taurinorum." "Caesar." "Prince Taurinorum." "Prince Taurinorum." "Caesar." "He's gone crazy!" "Go and see what is happening." "He's out of his mind." "Dear Mr. Teacher... old friend, Jacob Burckhardt... deep down, I'd rather be a Basel teacher than be god... but I didn't dare to take so far my personal selfishness... to the point of leaving, by that, the creation of the world." "See, it is necessary to make sacrifices." "However a small student room was reserved for me... that is in front of the Carignano palace... in which I was born Victorio Emanuele... and besides it allows me to hear from the workdesk... the magnificent music in the Subalpina Gallery." "I pay 25 francs for the service, I prepare my tea... and I sum up all the bills alone." "I suffer with the shoes that are worn-out... and I thank, at every moment, heavens for the old world." "Don't take the Prado case very seriously." "I am Prado, I am also the father of Prado." "I dare to say that I am Lesseps." "I would like to give to my Parisian ones, whom I love... a new notion, that of an honest criminal." "I am also Chambridge, he is also a honest criminal." "What is unpleasant and constrains my modesty... is that, deep down, each name in the history is me." "Twice this autumn..." "I saw myself dressed the least possible in my funeral." "First as Count of Robilant." "No, no, this is my son... while I am Carlo Alberto." "But Antonelli was myself." "We artists are incorrigible." "I heard an operetta today." "I go anywhere dressed as a student?" "Here, there." "I tap anyone on the back and say:" "are you happy?" "I am god, I made this caricature." "Tomorrow comes my son Umberto with lovely Marguerita... that here, however, I will only receive informally." "The rest is for Mrs. Cosima..." "Aryan..." "Last year I was crucified in a very painful way by the German doctors." "Destroyed Wilhelm, Bismarck and all the anti-Semites." "With cordial affection, your Nietzsche." | {
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"All right, Earl." "Next." "Come on, step right through." "Sir, I need you to take your belt off and go back through." " Good, Mick." " Hello." "Mick." "Mick, I was just calling you." "Hey, I was just calling you at the office." "I got to talk to you." " Come on, stick with me." " How long are you going to be here today?" "Depends on when the judge calls my client." "See, what does it say about me that I let you treat me like this, huh?" "I am giving you a big chance to move up in the world and help me." " My daughter's about to go to surgery." " I have heard it all before, Val." "Come on, baby, talk to me." "What do you got?" "Okay, I got something big for you." "This guy's going to be the big money." "It's in Inglewood." "But the problem is that he goes up before the judge at noon, okay?" " You listening to me?" " I am listening." "So the client, his mother and his mother's lawyer comes to my office at 8:00 a.m. In the morning..." " He's already got a lawyer?" " Just listen." "Listen, it's not criminal, it's just real estate, okay?" "And I made them so crazy about you that now they want to put up their Malibu beach house against a million." " The bail's a million?" " Yeah." " What did they book this guy for?" " I say it's a romantic tiff." "The cops are saying he beat up the girl really bad." "They want assault with a deadly weapon, throw in a GBI." " Has the DA filed yet?" " Yes, he did." "See, I take care of my friends." "I even take care of you, bubba." "Inglewood by noon." "You could do it, man." "Go through some red lights," " break the speed limit." " Be honest with me, Val." "Is this real?" "Don't bullshit me." "Is this going to stick?" "Of course it is." "Would I lie to you?" "And you're going to take care of me, right?" "Make them forget the beach house and go for my bond." " What's his name?" " Louis." "Louis Roulet." "R-O-U-L-E-T, like the wheel." "That's not how you spell the wheel, but got it." "Roberto." "Do you mind checking that list, seeing where my man Harold Casey is on it?" "Don't go that low." "I got a case across town at noon I got to get to." "Do you mind just bringing him down?" "I will only be a second." " Reynaldo." " Pardon me?" "My name's Reynaldo, not Roberto." "Us bailiffs all look alike, right?" " Your man white?" " Yeah, he's white." " I got blacks down here right now." " All right, listen, Reynaldo." "My bad on your name." "I took a wild-ass guess." "I was wrong." "But I didn't forget you at Christmastime, did I?" "Remember that jar of nuts with the prize inside?" ""Happy holidays." "Your friend, Mick."" " I went through those pretty fast." " All right, let's make it two this time." "Okay." "I will bring your body down, but you better make it quick." "Gracias, Reynaldo." "Harold Casey." "Yeah, bring him down." "Harold." "You shouldn't be running from your lawyer." "It's bad form." "Now, you know what I want to talk about." "In a minute, Judge Powell's going to call us down." "He's going to want to know if we're ready for trial." " We are." " We are not." "And you know why not." "Rule one, I get paid or I don't work." " Don't worry, I got your money." " Exactly." "You got it, I don't." "It's coming." "I talked to my boys." "Listen, Harold, I looked on the list of people I trust." "You're not on it." "The law says you can't just quit." "The judge won't let you." "I looked it up." "Pay close attention." "Michael Haller for the defense, Your Honor." "If I may, I'd like to carry this over." "Do you have a reason, Mr. Haller?" "I am having trouble locating a witness, Your Honor, an indispensable witness." "A Mr. Green?" " How much time do you need?" " That's hard to say." " Does the state object?" " No, Your Honor." "All right, I am going to hold this over pending notification from counsel." " That was some bullshit, man." " Yeah." "I expect to hear from you, Harold." "Inglewood, Earl." "Keep it on the surface streets." "Earl, headphones." " This is Haller." " And this is your office." "Actually, I am in my office, Miss Lorna, on my way to the courthouse in Inglewood." "Listen, jot down to remind me to give Reynaldo, the bailiff over in San Fernando, 200 bucks for Christmas, all right?" "Got it." "Hey, did Val reach you about his customer?" "Yeah. "I got something big for you, Mick." Every time." "Any other calls?" "No, just some odds and ends." "A few DUIs." "I just quoted them the house number." " Gloria Larson called from county lockup." " She got popped again?" "The usual with a complication, cocaine possession." " Her first appearance is right after lunch." " Look, tell her I will try." "So, I was thinking, boss, you know, when you get your license back or whatnot, maybe I can stay on, like, a permanent thing or something, you know?" "I got my license back three months ago, Earl." "Hey, boss." "Do you want me to do something about that?" "Because I can." "No, just keep doing what you're doing." "Boss." "All right." "Pull over up here." " Counselor." " Eddie." " How's it hanging?" " A little to the left, my man." "How about you?" "Not bad." "Your ride's a little messy." "Yeah, the maid doesn't come till Tuesday." "What can I do for you, big man?" "Our boy Harold called from the pen, said you're stalling his case till you see some more green." " I don't get paid, I don't work." " We paid you. $5,000." "That's long gone, Eddie." "Look, I could tell you that half of it went to an aerial-photo expert." "He's going to blow the state's case by showing that the DEA violated the airspace over Harold's farm by flying too low." "I could also tell you that I got to fly that guy in from New York City, get him to testify, put him up in a hotel and all that kind of stuff, but you don't need to know that." "All you need to know is that we had a deal." "It's time to refill the tank." " What, another five grand?" " Ten." "He wants to fly business, wants a first-class hotel." "And we want Harold back on the farm." "He's our best farmer, if you know what I mean." "I don't, and I don't want to." "Now, look, either pay me or go with a public defender." "He won't know much about airspace, but..." " Ain't you going to count it?" " I just did." "Keep that rubber on the road, Eddie." "Let's roll, Earl." "So, this expert flying in from New York, do you want me to pick him up at the airport?" " There's nobody coming in." " What?" "The best camera experts in the world are right here in Hollywood." "Nice." "You know what?" "You would have done all right on the streets." "Shit." "Where do you think I am, Earl?" " Louis Roulet?" " Yes." "I am Michael Haller." "Mr. Haller, I called you because I need someone." "This whole thing is a setup." "I made a mistake with that woman, and she was setting me up." "Keep your voice down." "Hear me?" "Don't say anything about the case until I get you out on bail." " I understand your family lawyer's in court." " Yes." "His name's Cecil Dobbs." "He's here somewhere." "I will find him." "Tell me about yourself." "How old are you?" "Thirty-two." "Ties to the community?" "Did you grow up here?" "Yeah, Beverly Hills." "I went to USC." "I work for my mother's business." " How about your father?" " He died when I was two." " How much did you make last year, Louis?" " My taxes said $600,000." "I want a lawyer, too." "My name's Corliss, two S's." "Do you got a card on you?" "Listen, buddy, they will have a lawyer for you out there." "Right now I need you to back away and give us a little space." "Can you do that, pal?" " I am backing, boss." " There we go." "Okay." "There we go." "There we go." "Listen, they have put some heavy charges on you, Louis." "The DA's probably going to ask for no bail." " Wait, no bail?" " I said they're going to ask for it." "When was the last time you were arrested?" "Never." " So, if I checked your record..." " You'd find parking tickets." "Are you going to get me out of here?" "I am going to try, Louis." "Are you the prosecutor who used to have the Roulet case?" " Haller." "Son of a bitch." " Rules are rules." "I wanted this one." "Okay, okay, I will go quietly." "But after today's hearing, if you don't object." " It depends." "Are you going for no bail?" " That won't change with the prosecutor." "Not after what your guy did." " If he did it." " Sure, if." "They only picked him up in her home with blood all over him." "I love it when you get sarcastic." "Can I at least see the arrest report?" "You get it from whomever takes over." "No favors on this one." "How's Hayley today?" " She's good." " Good." "I will pick her up the usual time on Saturday." "Because of the seriousness of the offense, the financial resources of the accused, the state requests no bail." "Your Honor, there's no way the state can claim that my client is a flight risk." "He's not." "With resources like this man has, flight is always a risk." " Are there any priors?" " No, Your Honor." "Then I am going to reduce the risk of flight by ordering him to wear a tracer anklet and I am going to set bail at $1 million." " Judge, have you seen the photo?" " Miss McPherson, bail is set." "Thank you, Judge." "Mick." "Feeling compelled to thank me and speak well of me, because this one's going to be the money, I am telling you." " We will see, we will see." " There's his lawyer right there." "Cecil Dobbs." "Hey, Mick, don't forget our deal." "A possibility, but..." "He's here now." "I will talk to you later." " Cecil Dobbs." " Mr. Haller." "It's depressing to see the boy caught up in that cattle call." "The boy?" "I have represented the family for a long time." "Listen, my advice is, let Val fix you up with a bond." "Then you take the boy home." "But we were thinking of putting up property, Mrs. Windsor's beach house." "The mother's name is Windsor?" "Her second husband's name." "He's dead now." "Assessing the house will take days." "Trust me, you don't want the boy in the clink for even that long." "So tap Val, take Louis to your office." "I will meet you there at 4:00." "Here, let me give you my business card." "Oh, boy." "Media?" "Yeah, they're already on us." "Mrs. Windsor is sensitive about the press, but I guess there's not much we can do about that." "Let me see." "Say, bub, come here." "Come here." "I saw you filming in there." "What's your name?" " The name's Rob Gillon." "They call me Sticks." " Sticks, you freelancing on this?" "Yeah, your client's got profile." "I figure I'd sell it to local news." " How much?" " How much what?" "How much they pay you for what you shot in there?" "That depends. $700, $750." "Yeah?" "How about we take it off your hands for $800?" "No?" "Too short?" " All right, let's make it a grand." "Deal?" " It's yours." "Sold." " I can expense this, right?" " Of course." "Absolutely." " Thank you, Sticks." " Thank you." "You know, Mr. Haller, you weren't my choice." "I will bet I wasn't." "A firm like yours must have some heavy hitters on call." "We do." "But Louis insisted." "Frankly, I have never heard of you, but maybe I should have." " Did you say I was Louis' choice?" " Yes." "He'd read about a case you handled." "I will need 100 grand up front, working off $550 an hour." "Another 100 if we go to trial, more if we go past a week." "Appeals, we start over." "I take it none of that's a problem." " No." " See you at 4:00." " Where we headed now?" " We're going to go meet Sticks at Jim's." "That same spot?" "All right." "There he is." "There we go." "Eight for me, two for you." "Thank you, Sticks." "Anytime." "Hey, my tape." " You don't look good, girl." " Thanks." "Something new, booked on possession of coke, plus the usual." "I know, it was dumb." "This guy paid me with it, and I had it on me when I went to the next." " And the next was a cop." " Yeah." "Look, can't you get me into one of those rehab places that gets you straight?" "We did a pretrial rehab last time." "The DA's never going to go for it again." "You may have to do some jail time, Gloria." " Mickey, I can't." " Yes, you can." "Yes, you can." "Hey." "They have programs in jail, too." "Now, look, you have had a long run." "Maybe after this, you can get out of the life." "Yeah." "Housewife of the year, that's me." "Maybe I can turn some tricks with the PTA." "It's not funny." "I'd like to see that." "All right, give it to me." "All right, I did a guy at the Travel Inn on Santa Monica." "The guy who paid you with coke instead of money?" "Yeah, and he had a shitload of coke in there." "I saw." "Do you know him?" "No, he reached me through my Web site." "He was..." " He was Mexican or something." " Did you screen him?" "Don't I screen them all?" "Okay, with what?" "He had his driver's license?" "No, his passport." "Damn, what was his name?" " His name was Hector." " Hector what?" "What's his last name?" "Think, Gloria, think." "Hector "Arrande" Moya is what you get if you run a trace." "He's a fugitive from a grand jury down in Florida." "The DA wants him for drug trafficking." "And Leslie?" "They want him a lot." " And your girl's looking to trade?" " She will give you his hotel and room number." " She will also have to testify on the coke." " No, location only." "Your guys take it from there." "My investigator says Hector hasn't checked out yet." "And in exchange?" "You drop all charges." "All she does is a pretrial rehab." "The facility at USC Med would be nice." "Or I can take it to the Feds." "They will cut this deal in a minute." " All right, you fucking asshole." " After you." " You'd go head first?" " I'd give it a shot if I was going to do it." " Why?" " Style points." "You're so vain." "Nobody cares if you kill yourself." "It'd look cool." "What do you think the last thing to go through your mind would be?" " Your asshole." " Yeah." " Mr. Haller." " Louis, good morning." " Thank you." " It's just a start." "This is Frank Levin." "Frank's my investigator." " Louis Roulet." " Good to meet you." "We're in here." " I got a..." " Tracer anklet." "A present from your friend Mr. Valenzuela, by order of the court." "As if I'd go anyplace before this thing's over." " Gentlemen, welcome." " Mr. Dobbs." " Mr. Haller." " Good to see you." "This is Frank Levin." "Mr. Levin is my investigator." "His fees are in addition to mine." "Of course." "Gentlemen, this is Mary Windsor." "She's Louis' mother." " Mr. Haller." " Mrs. Windsor, pleasure to meet you." "How do you do?" "I am fine, thank you." "This is Frank Levin, my investigator." "How do you do?" "The charges against my son are ridiculous, and so is that woman." "Here's a check for you, Mr. Haller." "This is going to have to come from your son, Mrs. Windsor." "You can give him the money, he can write the check, but it must come from him." "He's my client, and that has to be clear from the start." "I can't thank you enough for being here." "Sincerely, it's good to know that you're going to be there." " When we need you." " But not now, is that it?" "No, ma'am." "The DA could make you testify about what you hear." "Attorney privilege does not cover you." "I will see you at home." "Mary, I will call later." " She's not used to being told what to do." " I can believe that." "So, how fast can I go to trial?" "I want this behind me." "Are you sure?" "You can stretch it out, enjoy your freedom." "Most clients choose..." "Guilty clients, you mean." "Okay, then I insist on going to trial right away." "Or perhaps it never goes to trial at all." "My firm can bring considerable influence to bear." "Don't kid yourself, Cecil." "There's no way the state's dropping these charges." "As a matter of fact, they have already upped them to improve their negotiating position." "There won't be any negotiating." "No plea bargain, no nothing." "I am not going to jail for something I didn't do." "I am innocent." "And if there is a trial, I want to take the stand and tell the jury that I am innocent." "Now, if that's a problem, we can part company right now." "Time to tell me what happened." "I was having a drink at the Association." "The Association?" "That's the bar on 6th Street, the one with a lot of young women?" "Right." "It's good for pick-ups." "What's the file say about the girl, Frank?" "Regina Campo, known as "Reggie."" "Twenty-six years old, part-time actress, part-time office temp." "And hoping to retire after suing my client." " Did you know her before last night, Louis?" " No." "I'd seen her around, but we'd never spoke." "She was always with another guy." "Last night, too." "I got it that she wasn't too into her date." "She brushed by me on her way to the bathroom." "I hope I see you tonight." "And she basically just laid her address on me." "On a napkin." "She said she could get rid of him by 10:00." "Do you still have it?" "What she wrote down?" "No." "I didn't keep the napkin." "Frank, check that file." "See if the police report has any of this." "Frank here has already worked us a little miracle." "He happened to score us a copy of the discovery file." "Everything the DA has." "They would have had to turn it over eventually, but it would have taken awhile." "No, they don't have the other guy." "They don't even have the bar." "So, what, all they have got is Louis shows up at her apartment" " and she gets beaten?" " That is such bullshit." "Just keep telling me your story." "Okay." "I got there early and waited until he came out." " Did you see what he was driving?" " A blue Mustang." "All right, so he comes out, you go in." "She saw it was me and opened the door." "The hallway was tight, so I had to walk past her so she could close the door." "So my back was to her," " and that was it." " What was it?" "She hit me with something." "I went down, and everything got black fast." " Show me where she hit you." " Like, right here." "It still hurts." "And that blow knocked you out." "Just keep him down." "Can someone get the police?" "Next I know, two fags are sitting on me holding me down." "Police report has it." " "Homosexual couple from across the hall."" " Like I said, faggots." "I stand corrected. "Faggot couple from across the hall."" " Go on, Louis." " I was still foggy when the cops came." "Ma'am, my name is Officer Maxwell." "I just need to ask you a few questions." " Can you tell me your full name, please?" " Reggie Campo." "Do you know this gentleman?" "Have you met him before?" " No." " And that's when I saw she'd set me up." " Set it up how?" " She put blood on my hand." "My left hand." "He said he was going to rape me." "And kill me." "And then he said he was going to come back here and rape me again." "You said she left the door open a crack." "Did you happen to see her face?" "Not all of it." "Mainly her eye." " Wait, her left eye?" " Yes." "All right, so she already had the injuries to the right side of her face." "She opens the door, conceals that from him, and as he enters, she clobbers him." "So, our case is, what, she beat herself up?" "If she already had the injuries, she either did just that or she had her boyfriend do it." "Yeah, she must have." "I mean, she saw Louis' Maserati, his watch." "It's known the family has money." "I will wager she will be filing in civil court the moment this is over." "Let's hear the police report." "How's Reggie tell it?" "Okay. "According to the victim, she was at home alone" ""when the suspect presented himself at the door as someone she knew." ""Upon letting him in, she was immediately struck."" "Does it say he knocked her down?" "Yes. "There was a struggle that continued from the hallway to the stairs."" "Come back here." ""He held the victim by the neck and forced her down." ""The suspect maintained a position behind her, holding a knife" ""against the left side of her throat."" " That's not my knife." " Are his prints on here, Frank?" "Well, it stands to reason, if she put blood on his hand, she put his prints on the knife." " I just told you, though, that isn't my knife." " Keep talking, Frank." ""As Miss Campo ran for the stairs, they fought," ""and she kicked the intruder backwards." ""Realizing her attacker had her cornered, she fought free" ""and seized a nearby bottle of vodka."" " And that's when she clonked him." " That's her story." "Those are all lies." "Look, if everything she's saying is a lie, then this is going to be the easiest case ever." "But you swear it's all lies?" "All of it?" "Are you sure there's not anything that you're not telling me?" "Nothing." "Why'd he choose you, Mick?" "Rich kid, spoiled as shit, never heard the word "no."" "Yeah, but the damn thing is the way he tells the story, Frank." "It's just quirky enough to be true." "I don't know, Mick." "This kid feels wrong to me." " But I will check out his story." " All of it." "You know the moves." "Start at the Association bar." "And then Miss Regina Campo." "The way he said she came on to him, sounds like a pro." "Yeah, run it down." "Also, Mr. Mustang." "All right, now, I still don't get how that works." "What, he and Reggie got into some rough trade and then he punched her?" "Unless he was in on it." " Meaning he hit her afterwards?" " Bingo." "Jesus, Mick, are you starting to think Louis is innocent?" "He just might." "Besides, you know what my father always said about an innocent client?" "No, I have never heard this." "Hi." "He said, "There's no client as scary as an innocent man."" "That's right." "Because if you screw up and he goes to prison, you're never going to be able to live with yourself." "So there's only one verdict you can put on the board, baby, and that's an NG." "What do you say, Mags?" "Frank, if you let a man drive home in this condition," "I think that I can charge you both." " I will take him to his house." " How you going to get home?" "Earl can pick up the car from me in the morning." "I came with friends." " Later." " Thank you, baby." "No, no, I got this." "I insist." "What?" "Moonlight becomes you." "You're not doing me any good, Haller." "Hey, Mick." " Jesus, Frank, what couldn't wait?" " Want to watch a movie?" "We caught a break." "The owner had a camera system set up last month." "I had the security tape transferred to a disk so I could manipulate." "I know this place." "All right, and there's our boy Louis." "And I would like you to meet Miss Reggie Campo." " And there's Mr. Mustang." " Are you sure?" "I wouldn't have popped a grand for the tape if I wasn't sure." "Now, watch." "Reggie gets up, goes to the ladies' room." "Mr. Mustang chats up the bartender, so that's where he goes." " That gives Reggie her chance." "Watch her." " Wait, that's not how he said it went down." "He said she gave him her address on a napkin." "Okay, hold on, hoss, hold on." "Let her go pee." "Okay, here she comes." "There's your napkin." "Now, watch this." "She and Mr. Mustang decide it's time to split." "Look, look." " Look at his hand." "Look at his watch." " It's on his left hand." "That's no good." "The facial blows are from the left." "This guy's right-handed." "Babe, you haven't been drinking enough." "You said you knew the Association." "You would realize this shot is into the mirror behind the bar." "That's where the owner set up the camera so he could watch his register." " So everything's backwards." " And Mr. Mustang punches with his left." " You proud of yourself, Frank?" " I really, really am." "But not just about this." "That feeling I had about Reggie, that she was selling it?" " I did a little bit of research." "She's a hooker." " You're telling me the cops don't have this?" "How can they?" "There's only one and it's not a copy." "Then make a copy." " Why, you going to give it to the prosecutor?" " Yeah, a new guy named Ted Minton." "He's going to hand over the discovery file." "Poor bunny." "He's not going to know what hit him." " How long till you think your man's back?" " Probably just a few more minutes." " Mr. Haller?" " There he is." "Sorry to keep you waiting." " The discovery file." " I hope this will be worth your while." "It's kind of light." "You got somewhere we can play this?" "What else do you have?" "What else do I have?" "Come on, Minton, let's cut the bullshit here, all right?" "Look, not only is your so-called victim a prostitute, but I have her soliciting my guy on video." "You think a jury's going to see this and think he had to rape her at knifepoint just to have sex with her?" "No." "Are you listening to what I am saying?" "Yes, and it doesn't change the offer I am prepared to make." "Offer?" "You're going forward?" "We will drop down to assault with a deadly, attempted sexual battery." "Guidelines put that at seven years." "Maybe he will do four." "What am I missing here?" "Yeah, you want it." "Hey, Frank." " What's up?" " Look here." "These files look identical to me." "All right?" "There's something we're missing and we're not seeing it." "Well, here's the discovery file I got from my clerk in the DA's office." "And this is the one I got from Minton." "There's Reggie Campo." "Reggie." "That's the door chain." "No, it's the same." "Here we go." "Here we go, here we go." "Son of a bitch." "They switched out the files." "This is a different knife." "I have been taking care of this guy for 10 years, and he set me up." " Well, he's off the Christmas list." " He's on the shit list." " Good shot, E." " Nice shot." " Thank you." " Very nice." "Looks a little short to me." " You guys finish up." "I will see you later." " You're closed out, anyway." "Louis." " So what happened?" "Did you see Minton?" " I saw him." "We need to talk." "You lied to me, Louis." "You didn't tell me you were paying Reggie Campo for sex." "Now, don't go looking surprised." "You could have easily told me that in Cecil's office." "I didn't want my mother to find out." "Cecil tells her everything." "So, you decide to keep from me the one thing" " that could have made this trial go away?" " Is that what Minton said?" "No more trial?" "I said "could have." If that had been the only lie you told me." " What do you mean?" " Do you recognize that?" "It's a picture of your knife, the one you had on you when you went to Reggie's." "The one the cops have." "That's why Ted Minton didn't fold his tents, and shit, why should he when he's got a knife with her blood and your initials?" " That wasn't the knife that was in the file." " That's right." "It wasn't." "The file Frank got us is what we call a loaded deck." "The cops used it to set us up, to make us think they didn't have anything, when, in fact, they have got enough to put your golf-playing ass away for 20 years, big boy." "Why'd you lie about the knife?" "Christ, why would you lie about anything?" "Everything you tell me is confidential, attorney-client privilege." "All right, I didn't lie." "I said the knife in the picture wasn't mine." " I said it twice and nobody listened to me." " What are you now, the goddamn lawyer?" "You said it wasn't yours?" "What you should have said was, "I had a knife, Mick, but this isn't it."" "You brought a weapon to a meeting with a prostitute." "You tell me, how the hell am I supposed to make that look like she set you up?" "I did not do this." "It's custom-made, serrated tip." " It has your initials engraved on the handle." " I always carry it." "We show homes to people we don't know." "This one time, my mother was showing a place." "It was in Bel-Air, so she thought it was okay to go alone." " But he was there." " Who was there?" "The man who raped her." "When she didn't come back, I went to the house and found her." "That's when she stopped showing property, and I started carrying a knife." "Always." " Your mother will have to testify." " No, I don't want that." "I don't give a damn what you want." "If you want to stay out of the shithouse, you do exactly as I tell you from now on." "You got it?" " Hey." " Hey." "Success." "We had fun." " Got her?" " Yeah." " At least we did one thing right, huh?" " We did a couple." "Good night." " Well, look who's come calling." " Detective Kurlen." "Have you been to San Quentin lately?" "See our boy Martinez?" "I asked you something." "How's Martinez doing up there?" "He make the pucker-up-and-kiss-me team?" " I haven't talked to him." " Right." "I guess once they plead guilty and go down, you don't have much use for them, huh?" "But he's away forever, right?" " He got life, yeah." " So, he will be out in 15." "Too bad." "Because his victim, Donna Renteria, she's dead forever." "How does someone like you sleep at night, with all the scum you represent?" "Sorry." "Hey, Kurlen." "Come here a second." "I had a client once, he decapitated his ex-wife." "Kept her head in the refrigerator." "Nice." "Sweet." "The DA got greedy, tried to pile on two unsolved murders, trick up the evidence to make it look like my guy did it." "But you got your boy off." "And he's out walking around now, right?" " Well, fuck you, Haller." " No, fuck the DA, and the cops who helped him." "It's called the justice system, Kurlen." "That's not the way it's supposed to work." "Ernie and Rich." " How are you?" " Monica." " Well, look who's here." " Hello, kids." "Maggie." "Hey, hey, Haller." "Do you want a beer?" " I'd love a cold beer." "Scotty." " Yeah, Mick." " We can share this." " No, I am good." "Why, why?" "We have swapped spit before." " Tell me about your buddy Minton." " Who says he's my buddy?" " He sandbagged me but good." " With that guy Corliss, right?" "Yeah." "How'd you know?" " You will take the guy's head off on the stand." " I hope so." "So, what, Ted talked to you about Corliss?" "No, no, I sent him to Ted." "He thought I was on the case because I made first appearance." " But I should not be telling you any of this." " No, I knew." "Look, I knew a guy like Minton wasn't above putting a jailhouse snitch on the stand." "And that's what he is, right?" "Can we just have a friendly beer and not talk about work, please?" "Let's get a table out back, grab something to eat." " We can talk about our daughter." " Okay." "Yeah." "I bet you didn't know 3-D movies could be so much fun." "The fun is watching her." " Join the club." " Right?" "Yeah." "Hey, you didn't know Minton had Corliss till I blabbed, did you?" "I knew he was hiding something." "Screw it." "I am not going to defend Minton." "He fights too dirty." "This from Maggie McFierce?" "You know there are lines I won't cross." "Don't you?" "Can you give me a lift?" "She's going to wake up and she's going to see us here." "It's not fair." " How'd she get in here?" " She comes in when she has nightmares." "How often does she have nightmares?" "Don't start." "You don't know what it's like to raise a child alone." "I will leave, come back in an hour, we will go together to pick up your car and then I can take Hayley to school." "Just like that, you're going to start taking her to school?" "Do you remember what we talked about last night?" "Yes, I remember what we talked about last night, but I thought you were just trying to get my head into your case or get me in bed." "I can't win with you, can I?" "No, you can't." "Not when you're being a defense lawyer." "Not when I am trying to keep dirtbags off the street" " and you keep putting them there." " I have heard it all before, Mag." "Donna Renteria." "Man, they had my picture everywhere, man." "They were going to bring me in anyways, so I am like, "Fuck."" "Yeah, but you told Kurlen you were in her apartment, all right?" "He didn't have that." " No, no..." " He didn't have it." "He didn't even have any prints." "No, but that shit I said was true." "I saw her at La Zona Rosa, and she said if I paid her more money than the other guy, then we can go to her place." " Nobody saw any other guy." " There was another guy." "It was a white guy." "He was right by the bar." "The coroner says her vagina was brutalized." " Are you my lawyer, man?" " I am trying to be." "Look, when I left, that chick was fine." "Look, I slept with her, okay, I did, but I didn't hurt her, I promise." "Three people saw you throw a knife into the LA River." "Help me." "I had that knife in my car." "I knew they were going to find it, man." "They were going to pin it on me, I know." "Look, if all you did was have sex with her, then why didn't you leave any prints?" " I mean, the place was wiped down clean." " I didn't wipe it down, though." "You left semen on the towel." "Do you remember that?" "Did you forget the towel?" "No." "I didn't forget anything, man." "I just used that towel, I paid her, and I left." " That defense isn't going to make." " Don't say that." "It won't make, man." "There's not a chance in hell with that defense." " You know what they're asking for?" " What?" "They want the death penalty, man." "They want to take your ass down." "They want to burn you, man." "Listen," "I can see to it that that never happens, but not if we don't plead." "You want me to say I did it?" "There's a deal to be made here, and I can do it." "I can get you life." "Life means you're paroled in 15." "It keeps the needle out of your arm, man." "It's our only play, man." "I am innocent, bro." "Do you know what that means?" " That means I didn't do it." " It's the best I can get for you, man." "I don't want to go to jail for something I didn't do, man." "You know what that's going to do to my mom, bro?" "I ain't going to jail for something I didn't do, bro." "Come on, man." "Please, help me, bro." "Please, help me." "I am not going to ask how you are, because I know." "No, bro." "You don't know." " I need to ask you some questions, Jesus." " Questions?" "Now?" "You know what?" "You didn't ask me a lot of questions back then." " You never asked me, "Did you kill her?" No." " Please." "I am trying to make this right." "I need you to tell me what happened at the La Zona Rosa bar that night." "One more time." "Please." "She was working." "I liked her." "Right off the bat, I liked her." "I knew she was the one." "You know, she caught my eye." "They were going around in a little circle." "She was acting all cute and shit." "Listen, I don't know how this works." "I don't know..." " It's fine." "You want a dance?" " Yeah, I want a dance." "I can give you a private dance." "I picked her." "I asked her to dance for me." "Then we started talking." "You know what she said?" "I could take her home." " So, how much for me to come over?" " Usually, I charge $1,000." "But for you, $300, because you're sexy." "And she was good, man." "Yeah, so I did." "But I didn't kill her." "Okay, but you said there was another guy, right?" "Yeah." "She was talking to him." "And then she came back to me." "Okay." "I have some pictures, all right?" "Some mug shots." "I want you to see if you can ID that other guy at the club." " Tell me if you recognize him." " No." "How about this guy?" "Jesus?" "You recognize him?" "Okay, take your time." "Yeah, how about this guy?" "Is this the other guy?" " Was this guy in the club that night?" " Guard." " Jesus?" "Is this the other guy?" " You know what?" "You played me, bro." "Why are you bothering me with this?" " Jesus, is that the guy from the club?" " What does it matter, man?" "I am right here." " Right where you wanted me, bro." " This is the guy." " You know what?" "I don't trust you, dawg." " I am trying to make it right." " And I never will." " Interview's over." "Okay, Ahab." "That's my boy." "That's my boy." "Get out of here." "Hey." "You okay?" "Where you been today?" "I have been trying to call you." "I have been to San Quentin." "To see Jesus Martinez." "About what happened after he left Donna Renteria's apartment." " After he killed her." " He didn't kill her, Frank." "He went there, had sex, flushed the condom down the toilet, wiped his prick on a pink towel, and then he went home, but he didn't kill her." "Come on, Mick, we have been through this 100 times." "The real killer, she lets him in." "Maybe he fakes like he's Martinez and he forgot something." "Maybe he had an appointment." " Like the guy in the bar?" " Right." "He comes in." "He punches her a few times to soften her up." "But she's not going to be lucky like Reggie Campo is, because this son of a bitch pulls a knife, takes her and bends her over the table, puts on a condom and rapes her, and when he's done, he stabs her over and over," "52 times, while he works something out in his sick goddamn mind." "Do I have to tell you what kind of knife it was?" " A short-blade folding knife?" " Just like Roulet's." "Okay, okay, let's take it a little bit easier on that, okay?" "Why, Frank?" "Why didn't I listen?" "Listen, I got a baseball bat if you really want to beat yourself up." "No, I am not beating myself up." "The son of a bitch told me he didn't do it." "All right?" "There was the DNA and there was the knife that he ditched, but there was no way I was going to listen to him." "There was no way I would believe that he didn't do it." "I couldn't believe him." "I couldn't believe that I actually was representing an innocent man." "Just like my father warned me about." "Mick, come on." "They all say they didn't do it." "You know that." "Yeah, so what do I do?" "I get him to plead." "I get his sister to beg him to plead." "Because he's got no case." "So I get him the best deal I can, and I feel pretty goddamn good about it, because, hey, I got the son of a bitch off death row." "I got him 15 years instead of the needle." "Yeah." "I showed him Roulet's picture." "Okay." "Roulet is using Martinez as the other guy in the bar?" "Like Mr. Mustang in this case?" "So, he's not just getting off on killing women." "It's seeing somebody else do the time." "That's his MO." " What did Martinez say?" " Enough." "Enough for me to know I got to find another way." "What you have to do is find a way to put Roulet in Renteria's apartment the night she was murdered." "That's what you..." "I have to find a way to make it right, Frank." "I got to make it right." "Well, you can't bring it to the cops, because he's your client." "And you can't take it to the DA, because you'd lose your license." "Worse." "Any evidence we found would be inadmissible." "Attorney-client privilege." "It would ruin any case they could ever have against him." "That's why that son of a bitch hired me." "He's got me in his trick bag." "You got one client in jail for what your other client did." "What you going to do, Mick?" "Hey, Mick, you okay, buddy?" " Frank, Frank, listen to me." "I got it." " What?" "You know how Roulet said all we'd find on him was parking tickets, right?" "Right." "Listen, I don't buy that anymore." "No, there were others." "Other girls he did." "Renteria and Campo." "I mean, they look too much alike." "It's like they're sisters." "And the injuries to the right side of their faces are too similar, man." "This guy's got a type, Frank." "There's other cases out there, and you can find them." " You got to do this." "I can't." "I am his lawyer." " Okay." "Okay, I am on it." "All right, I got to take this." "Maggie, hey." "Hey, did you get my voicemail?" "I have been up to San Quentin to see an old client." "How's Hayley?" "She's good." "You know, she has soccer this weekend." "Saturday, right?" " I look forward to it." " Great, we will talk later." "If you're wondering how I got in, I am in real estate, so if I want to get into a friend's house...." "No, we're not friends." "You're my client." " I am your lawyer." " My lawyer." "See, that's exactly what I wanted to remind you of." "I am about to go on trial, and yet I couldn't reach you." "Now I find out where you were all day." "Heard you tell Maggie." " You shit." " You went to see Jesus Martinez." "And I know what you talked about." "Donna Renteria." "You're right, Mick." "I killed her." "There." "No reason I shouldn't tell my own lawyer, since it's all confidential." "Attorney-client privilege." "Isn't that what you told me?" "It's time for you to go, Louis." "All right." "That's a cute picture of your daughter Hayley." "She's very pretty." "She's got soccer practice tomorrow, right?" "Don't." "Don't what?" "You think you're the first client to ever threaten me or my family?" "All I said was she's pretty." "Are you scared, Louis?" "Because where you are right now, you're in a very dangerous place." "And so, in conclusion, what this case is about, what this case is all about, is a predator." "On that night of March 6th, Louis Roulet was out stalking his prey." "Now, you are going to hear from the victim herself about her lifestyle, one that we would not condone." "But remember, anyone, anyone can be the victim of a violent crime." "This case is clear." "It's straightforward." "A man attacked a woman in her home in order to rape and kill her, and it is only by the grace of God that she's here to tell her story." "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Michael Haller, and I am representing Louis Roulet." "Now, Mr. Minton doesn't want to use the word "prostitute"" "for the woman who is supposed to be Louis' victim." "He needn't worry, because this case isn't about how she makes her money." "This case is about her actions." "How she saw a young man with signs of wealth as a ticket out of the life she was in, and chose to target him." "Now what she didn't count on was you." "How you'd put two and two together and let your common sense tell you who the real predator is in this case." "Thank you for your time." "Court will adjourn until Monday, when the state will call its first witness." " Go, Hayley, go." "Turn it, turn it, turn it." "Go." " Nice, baby, nice shot." " Left foot." "Left foot." " Take it away, take it away." "Go, Hayley." "Stay on it." "Get on it." "Hey, Mick." "Hey, Maggie." " What are you doing here?" " I am going to take Hayley home." "You have got someplace to be." "What are you talking about?" "What happened?" " Hey, hey, sir, stop, please." " Ma'am, I am family, okay?" "I am family." " This is a closed crime scene." " Sir, the name's Mick Haller..." "Sobel." " Sobel." " Yeah, but, listen, slow down a second." " Slow down." " Talk to me." "What happened?" "Somebody shot him in the chest and the head, and then they shot the dog, too." "His body is right in front of the door." "Great, this is just what we need." "Okay, so you have been here before." "You can tell us if anything is unusual." "Anything weird?" "Like, throughout this whole house, why is it that all I see are pictures of this guy?" "My partner's asking if Frank Levin was gay." " Is that relevant?" " Yeah, it's all relevant." "He was an ex-cop." "Crimes against persons, in Chicago." "Is that butch enough for you, Lankford?" " I don't see anything that can help you here." " All right." "Hey, Haller." "I don't need to tell you to stick around town where I can find you, do I?" "Am I a suspect?" "When do you retire, Lankford?" " When do I retire?" " Yeah." "Eighteen months." "Why?" "I want to make sure I show up the next morning so I can kick your ass." "Val." "Hey, Mick." "What the hell are you banging on the door like that for, man?" "Are you nuts?" " Dude, dude, you look terrible." " Frank Levin was murdered." " Man, I am sorry." "I am sorry to hear that." " Roulet did it." "Roulet?" "I thought you and Frank were defending him." "Why would he take Frank out?" "That makes no sense." "You know, Val, I figure you know exactly how it went down." "How do I know about it?" "What are you talking about?" "Because you lied to me." "You didn't send me the Roulet case." " He asked for me." " Okay, okay, that's true, man." "That's true." "But you know what?" "I said, "Haller's your man." "Go for Haller."" " I did that for you." " You lied to me once." "So, what, you think I am going to lie about this?" "Give me a little respect." "Give me a little credit." "I am not going to lie about this kind of shit." "The police tracked the tracer that you put on Roulet." " It said he was nowhere near Frank's house." " So maybe it wasn't him, Mick." "So maybe it wasn't him." "Nobody can beat the tracer, huh?" " It was him." "Roulet killed Frank, Val." " I don't like the way you're following me." "I don't like the way you're cornering me, man." " I don't like the way you're talking to me." " Roulet killed Frank, Val." "Do you think I cut the kid loose so he could murder Frank?" "Did Roulet kill Frank?" "Mick, I am sorry about Frank, but I didn't do it, man." "You're the only one that could have taken it off him." "Being married to you sucked, but it beat being your car service." " Maggie." " Yeah?" "You know what I used to be afraid of, Maggie?" " Yeah." "Me." " That I wouldn't recognize innocence." "That it would be right there in front of me and I just wouldn't see it." "Yeah." "I am not talking about guilty or not guilty, just innocence, you know?" "You know what I am afraid of now?" "Evil." "Pure evil." "Maggie." "Did I get Frank Levin killed?" "Mickey, no." "Go to sleep, honey." "New message, yesterday, 11:07 a.m." "Mick, it's me." "I tried you on your cell." "Sorry to interrupt your day with Hayley, but you asked me to do some digging on Roulet." "Well, I might have found Martinez's ticket, Mick, his ticket out of Quentin." "Someone's at the door." "Look, you go and you have a good time with Hayley, and I will fill you in when I know it's for sure." "I got to go." " Detective Sobel." " Sobel, Mick Haller here." "Listen, I just checked my messages." "It turns out Frank called me just before he was killed." "The message came in at 11:07." "He said he found something, something that could help an old client of ours get out of prison." " Okay, who is the client?" " Jesus Martinez." "He's in San Quentin." " Okay, did he say anything else?" " Yeah, he made a joke." "He said something about finding Martinez's ticket out of the Q, and then someone came to the door." "That's when he hung up." "All right, listen." "Whoever came to the door, that's who killed him." " Okay, you get me a copy of the tape." " I will get it to you right away." "How's it going on the case?" "You getting somewhere?" "Yeah." "We did catch a break." "We found a bullet casing in the room from a .22." "That's good." "Frank Levin owned a .22." "You will find it registered to him." "Yeah, we did." "Yeah, but it wasn't a Woodsman." " A what?" " A Colt Woodsman." "It's an old antique job." "That's the gun that killed him." "Fuck." "Morning, Mick." "It's too bad about Frank Levin." "Got any idea who did it?" "Yeah, I am pretty certain I do." "Mr. Talbot, you were with Miss Campo on the night of March 6th." "Yep." "We went on a date to the Association." "Then I took her back to her place for another date." " And did you have sexual relations?" " About 400 bucks worth." "And she earned every single cent." "What time did you leave her apartment?" "I don't know." "About five minutes before 10:00." "Did she say whether she had another appointment?" "Oh, no, no." "She acted like she was done for the night." "Objection, Your Honor." "I don't think Mr. Talbot's qualified to interpret Miss Campo's thinking or plans." " I mean she acted satisfied." " Sustained." "Go on, Mr. Minton." "When you left, Mr. Talbot, what condition was she in?" "Was she hurt?" "No." "She was fine." "She did not look like this?" "Man, what kind of sick bastard does something like that?" "Answer the question." "No." "No, we made pleasurable and consensual love." "I mean, that's what life's all about, right?" "Then I paid her." "Mr. Talbot, are you right-handed or left-handed?" "Left." " Left?" " Yeah." "Isn't it true that before you left Miss Campo's apartment, she asked you to repeatedly strike her in the face with your left fist?" "Your Honor, Mr. Haller is just muddying the waters with outrageous statements." " It's part of the defense theory, Your Honor." " The witness can answer." "I am sorry." "Can you repeat the question?" "This is by your hand, isn't it, Mr. Talbot?" "Admit it." "This whole thing is a setup by you and Miss Campo, framing my client, Louis Roulet, isn't it?" "I never hit her or any other woman, you understand?" "Do you know a prostitute named Shaquille Barton?" " Work name is Shaquilla Shackles?" " Yeah, yeah, I seen her once." "And if I brought her in here and she said," ""Yes, Mr. Talbot, he did strike me with his left fist in my face."" "She'd be lying." "I tried Shaquilla once, but I am not into that rough stuff." "I am a missionary man." " With a strong left." " Am I on trial here?" "Not yet." "Good afternoon, detectives." "What can I do for you?" " This warrant's bullshit." " It's good enough to search your house." "It would have been smart if you had told me that you had a Woodsman." " There's one registered to you." " Let's go for a drive." " All right." "Let's bag the box." " You can't do ballistics on a box, can you?" " Modern technology." " So, why didn't you report this stolen?" " I don't know." "But maybe I should have." " You think?" "Still and all, we're going to have a look around the place, huh?" " Go crazy." "You got the warrant." " All right." "Let's start with the couch." "Sir, stand up." "You know, we got a history on the piece." "It turns out it once belonged to Mickey Cohen, the gangster from the '40s." "I know." "My father, he represented him." "Got him off for using it in self-defense, so Mickey made him a present of it." "It's a nice present." " Pearl handle, collector's piece." " How sweet." "You know, that Mickey Cohen shooting is pretty famous." "It turns out that the county still has the evidence in storage." "The bullet." "You can match the casings from a slug that's 50 years old?" "Well, I mean, it would be easier with the gun, but, yeah." "How long will ballistics take?" "Hey, Mick, I got something for you." " You asked me to run that witness' name." " Is that Corliss?" "Dwayne Jeffrey Corliss, right." "He's this lowlife type, not much came up, but sometimes he goes by DJ, no punctuation," " and when you run it that way..." " Tell me." "He's played the courtroom snitch a lot." "Here and in Arizona." " Both times, it got him early release." " All right, this could be good." "All I got to do is find him." "They put him in pretrial rehab at USC." "I just got lucky." "There she is." "How are you, sweetie?" " You all right?" " Yeah." "All right, listen." "I am actually not even here about you today." "I need you to do something for me." "Keep moving." "Let's go, let's go." "Stay on the wall all the way down." "Nuts to butts, boys." "Let's go." "Shut up." " That's it." "Stay on the line." " Corliss, right?" "I am going to say this real quiet." "Trustee, away from the line." "You don't know me, but I talked to the DA, and he gave me a way to get us both out." "So, Haller, I hear you had interesting visitors last night." "Worry about yourself, Ted." "You're dying the death of a thousand razors up there and you don't even know it." "One last witness, Your Honor." "The prosecution calls Regina Campo." "It's true that I lied to the police." "I knew the defendant when he came to the door." "Miss Campo, why did you lie?" "Because I was scared." "I didn't think the police would believe me, and I wanted to make sure they arrested him." " Because he's an animal." " Do you regret your decision now?" "Yes." "If it helps him get free and do this to somebody else." " Objection." "It's prejudicial, Your Honor." " Sustained." " I have no further questions for Miss Campo." " Your witness, Mr. Haller." "Miss Campo, have you engaged an attorney to sue Louis Roulet for the events that happened on the eve of March the 6th?" " No, I haven't." " Have you talked to an attorney?" " I haven't hired anyone." " No, have you talked to one?" "About a possible lawsuit?" "It was nothing more than talk." "Did you ask if you could sue him for damages?" "I thought what you say to a lawyer is private." "If you wish, you can tell the jurors." " I think I'd like to keep it private." " Okay." "Let's talk about the night at the Association bar." "Had you ever seen Louis Roulet before that night?" " Yes." "There and other places." " Ever notice that he wore a Rolex watch?" "No." "Or that he drove one of two vehicles, a Maserati and a Range Rover?" " I never saw him driving." " And what made you approach him?" " I saw him leave with girls who do what I do." " With prostitutes?" "They go to a hotel or one of their apartments, right?" "I don't know where." "Well, how do you know they left?" "Maybe they just went out for a smoke." "Because I saw them get in his car and drive away." "Now, wait a minute." "You just testified that you had never seen Mr. Roulet drive." "Now you are saying that, yes, you did see Mr. Roulet get in his car and leave with a prostitute like yourself." "Which one is it?" "I saw him get in his car, but I didn't know what kind of car it was." "Do you know the difference between a Maserati and a Range Rover?" " One is small and one is big, I guess." " Okay." "The other women that left with Louis, when you saw them again, did any of them have injuries or were any of them beaten?" "I don't know." "I didn't ask." "But girls in your profession, you do talk to each other about customers, right?" "You warn each other if someone's a freak or something?" "Yeah, usually." "And did any of them ever warn you or have one bad thing to say about Louis Roulet?" "No." "No one." "So you believed you'd be safe?" "I thought he was a known quantity, and I needed the money, so..." "So you thought he could solve your problems with money." " No." " No?" "Isn't that why you're sitting here?" "Because you zeroed in on him?" "No." "I mean, yes, but it wasn't like that." "He attacked me, I swear." "And..." "All right, let's pause that right there." "Just to confirm, this is you, right, Miss Campo?" " Yes." " What was on the napkin?" "My name and address." " And your price?" " Yes. $400." " It's a hard line of work." " Yes, and dangerous." "In fact, haven't you told your friends many times that you were looking for a way out?" " I am not proud of what I do." " I know." "And isn't it true, and nothing would be easier to understand, that you saw Louis Roulet and his money as that way out?" "No, that's not what this is about." "Are you not listening to me?" "No further questions, Your Honor." "Mr. Minton, do you have another witness for us?" "He really looks worried." "Not worried enough." "No." "The state rests, Your Honor." "Then the defense will call its first witness after lunch." "Yes, I recognize this knife." "It's the one that my son has carried with him for protection" " for the last four years, almost exactly." " Why would he need protection?" "Realtors alone in a house are sometimes robbed or hurt, even raped or murdered." "But has Louis ever been the subject of such a crime?" "No." "But he knew someone who was raped and robbed by a man." "Louis found her." "It was terrible." "So the first thing he did afterwards was get himself a knife," " to carry with him at all times." " Thank you, Mrs. Windsor." "I have no further questions, Your Honor." " Your witness, Mr. Minton." " Miss Windsor, you seem pretty exact about when it was your son started carrying around this..." "This weapon." "A five-inch folding knife." "Yes, I am." "The incident took place on June the 9th, 2007." " Was it in the newspapers?" " No." "Do you somehow remember it because the police came to talk to Louis?" "No, there was no police investigation." "Then how do you remember the exact date?" "Were you given it before your testimony here today?" "I remember the date because I will never forget the day I was attacked." "And Louis won't forget it, either." "He found me in the house, tied up." "My clothes were ripped." "It was traumatic for him." "Mr. Minton, is there anything else you wish to ask?" "No, Your Honor." "So, I have been thinking about those thousand razors." "We have had an offer." "You can spend six months in a county jail." "Like I told you from the beginning, no deals, no bargaining, I am innocent." "Save it." "You make the call." "I don't give a shit." " You got my answer." " Yes, I do." "I will pass it along." " You do that." " Louis, tomorrow," "I am putting you on the stand." " I am ready." " You better be." "Hey, Earl." "There's something I need you to get for me." "Your Honor, the defense calls Louis Ross Roulet." "I knocked." "She looked through a side window and saw that it was me and opened the door." "Then I walked past her toward the living room." " What happened next?" " Something hit me from behind." "I blacked out." "I have no idea for how long." "Is that all?" "When I woke up, two guys were sitting on me, telling me not to move." "I couldn't anyway." "I was scared." "But you had blood on your sweater." "And on your left hand." "Someone put it there because I didn't." "You didn't strike Miss Campo with your left fist?" " No." " Threaten to rape her?" "Threaten to kill her?" "No, I am not that guy." "Do you have any idea what it's like to be accused of something like this?" "To sit there and listen to people tell lies about you, about your having done something this sick and depraved, call you an animal, talk about your sex life, humiliate you?" "Listen, I understand the process." "I know I had to sit there and be quiet and wait my chance, but if guilty people have rights, then what about innocent people?" "I am innocent." "I am innocent and I want this behind me." "I have no further questions, Your Honor." "According to you, Miss Campo punched herself, or she had someone she had never met violently and viciously beat her as a part of a setup?" " All I know is that I didn't." " And this knife that you always carry." "How did she know she'd find it on you as part of the setup?" "I guess she couldn't, could she?" "I never take it out, I never show it to anyone, so she must have just found it in my pocket after she, or whoever, knocked me out." "Isn't that right?" " I would prefer if I asked the questions." " Okay." "Mr. Roulet, I'd like you to take a..." "Take a look at this photo." "Tell me again." "Do you think Regina Campo would or could have done this to herself?" "I don't know who did it, but it wasn't me." "Nobody deserves that to happen." "What do you mean by "deserves"?" "Do you mean crimes of violence only come down to a woman getting what she deserves?" "I mean, no matter what she does, or who she is, no woman deserves that." "I have nothing further, Your Honor." " Mr. Roulet, you are excused." " Thank you." "The defense rests, Your Honor." "Before deciding to rest its case, the state would like to take the night, Your Honor." " For what purpose?" " To consider a rebuttal witness." " What witness is he talking about?" " I have no idea." "The court will adjourn until 10:00 tomorrow." " Morning, Bill." " Morning." "I want to go grab some coffee." "You want some?" " No, man." "I am off caffeine." " Right." "Say, is that the custody list?" "Yeah." "Let me see if any of my no-good clients are on there." "Sure." "Lorna." "Okay, Minton's putting Corliss on." "He's already in lockup." " That's great." " Yeah, it's good." "How'd it go with you?" "Did you serve Kurlen?" " Yes, I did." " Okay." "I am going back to the courtroom." "Stand by." "Okay." "Hey, Haller, what is this bullshit?" "I have nothing to do with this case." ""Subpoena to appear as a witness."" "You will just have to wait and see." "It's a legal document, Detective." " Hey." "Glad you made it." " Working your magic?" " I got a little something up my sleeve." " See you later." "Mr. Minton, does the state have any rebuttal?" "The state intends to call Dwayne Jeffrey Corliss as a rebuttal witness, Your Honor." "Judge, who is this witness?" "And why wasn't I told about him until now?" "Bailiff, remove the jury." "A fair question." "Mr. Minton." "Dwayne Corliss is a cooperating witness who spoke with Mr. Roulet in custody following his arrest." " That's a lie." "I didn't speak to anyone." " Be quiet, Mr. Roulet." " Mr. Haller, control your client." " Good." "Let me take it from here." "Judge, I share my client's outrage." "And how long has the state been sitting on this testimony?" "Mr. Corliss just came forward yesterday, Your Honor." "Yesterday?" "This is incredible." "Do you want to go back and talk to him?" "Given the timing, I'd allow it." "No." "Thank you, though, Judge." "I think we all know what this is." "Mr. Minton's putting a jailhouse snitch on the stand, and everything he says will be a lie." " That's groundless, Your Honor." " I want my objection noted." "Then I am going to rule." "He can testify." "Call the jury in." "May I ask one indulgence, Your Honor?" "May I step into the hallway and make a call to an investigator for whatever good it may do at this late date?" "Thank you, Your Honor." "Yep, I am here." "Come to the courthouse at exactly 10:15 with the printouts." "Mr. Corliss, are you incarcerated at this time?" "No, now I am just in a courtroom." "But you are currently being held in the jail ward at USC hospital, correct?" " Yeah." "Since I got arrested." " For burglary and drug possession?" " That's right." " Now, do you know the defendant?" "Yeah." "I met him in lockup." "We was bused over from jail." "Then we were together in the tank when we came for first appearances." " Did you talk at that time?" " Yeah." "Talked about how bad we needed cigarettes." "Anything else?" "You know, "What are you in for?" Like that." "And did he say what he was in for?" "He said, "For giving a bitch exactly what she deserved."" "Those were his words." ""For giving a bitch exactly what she deserved."" "Now, have I or anyone else promised you anything in exchange for your testimony today?" " No." "It's just the right thing to do." " Thank you, Your Honor." "How many times have you been arrested, Mr. Corliss?" "About seven times in LA." "A couple more in Phoenix and New York, if you want to count those." "Yeah, so you know how the system works, yeah?" " I try to survive." " Right." "Does that sometimes mean ratting out fellow inmates?" "Your Honor, I object." "Take a seat, Mr. Minton." "I gave you leeway bringing this witness in." "Thank you, Your Honor, but I will rephrase." "What I am asking you is how many times have you snitched on a fellow inmate?" " This makes my fourth." " This makes your fourth time." "Four times you have testified for the prosecution against a fellow inmate." "It makes you a popular man, Mr. Corliss." "It sounds like people just come up to you, tell you the crimes that they have committed, so you can come in here and testify against them." "People talk to me." "I am a friendly guy." "You're a friendly guy?" "And you're saying you and my client were friends?" "We was friendly." "So, he just said to you what you just told us and told the jury, that he gave a woman "what she deserved"?" "And then the two of you went back to talking about cigarettes?" "Not exactly." "It's like he was bragging." "He told me he did it before." "Said the other time he killed the bitch." "He got away with it then, he'd get away with it now." "Mr. Haller." "I have no more questions, Your Honor." "Redirect, Your Honor." "What the hell is this?" "You tell me." " What the hell did you say to this guy, huh?" " Nothing." "This is a setup." "You're doing this." "How?" "How am I doing this?" "You say he was bragging." "How?" "Well, like, he told me the details." "Of the other one, that he killed." "She was a dancer at some club, and she had a sexy snake tattoo wrapped around her body." " Did he say anything else?" " No." "The snake girl stuff was it." " How does he know this, Louis?" " Do you think I know?" "No." "If you didn't tell him this shit, somebody did." "I'd start thinking about who that could be." "Then I have no further questions, Your Honor." "Any recross from the defense?" " A moment with my staff, Your Honor?" " Be quick." " Is it all here?" " Yeah." "Okay, good." "Now listen, you go now." "Leave the building." "I don't want anyone asking you questions," " you got it?" " Okay." "All right." " Dwayne." "Mind if I call you that?" " Sure, man." "Wow on the assistant." "You're a funny guy, DJ." ""DJ."" "Isn't that what they call you, for example, down in Phoenix?" "Maybe." "Well, my assistant, the one whose number you want, she was reading on the Internet about a DJ Corliss, arrested in 1989 on drug charges, hometown of Mesa, Arizona." " Yeah, that'd be me." " You do remember Fred Bentley, right?" "Your Honor, where is the defense going with this?" "Make a connection soon, Mr. Haller." "But the witness will answer." " I don't remember any Bentley." " Sure you do." "You testified that he confessed to you the crime that he was charged with." "Raping a 10-year-old girl." "But he denied it in court." "Am I ringing any bells, DJ?" "In 1989, I was high a lot." "I don't..." "Not much I recall." "Then I'd like you to read this for us." "Your Honor, this is a news report from the Arizona Star, 1997, eight years after Mr. Bentley was convicted." "I ask that it be admitted into evidence." "Your Honor, a news report?" "Let's see where it takes us." "The state can object later." "Thank you, Your Honor." "If you could read this for us, Mr. Corliss." "I have highlighted the part I'd like for you to read." " I am not good at reading." " That's okay." "You can take your time." "We will make it through it." ""A man, Frederick Bentley," ""wrongly convicted of rape, was released Saturday" ""after conclusive DNA results cleared him of the crime." ""The case was bolstered at trial by testimony from an informant," ""DJ Corliss of Mesa, who claimed Bentley had bragged to him" ""about the rape while together in the holding cell."" "That's enough." "Thank you, Mr. Corliss." "Were you charged with perjury in this incident, DJ?" "No, I was not." "Is that because the prosecution was complicit in your confession?" "Judge." "Were you promised the same thing here, Mr. Corliss, to say that Louis Roulet bragged to you in the holding cell?" "Isn't that what happened?" "You lied then and you're lying now." " All right, Mr. Haller." "That will do." " Objection, Your Honor." "I am sorry, Your Honor." "I have no more questions." "I am excusing the jury for an early lunch." "Bailiff, see them out." "Mr. Minton, do you know what you have done?" "You have put a documented liar on the stand, a man with a record of putting innocent people in prison..." " Your Honor." " Shut the hell up when I am talking to you." "I can think of nothing more prejudicial or corrupt than what I just saw out there." "Do you realize what you have done to my trial?" "He's going to talk to his boss to decide what they want to do before the judge comes down with a directed verdict." "What's a directed verdict?" "It's where the judge takes the case from the jury's hands, declares an acquittal." "Oh, my God." "We will know more in a few minutes." "I want to know how Corliss got that shit he's saying." "Maybe Frank Levin told him." "Maybe he found something and gave it to Corliss, and that's why you killed him." "Court's back in session." "Your Honor, I spoke with the district attorney." "The state wishes to dismiss all charges." "You have the motion in front of you." "This is a motion to dismiss with prejudice." " Case closed." " Yes, Your Honor." "Mr. Roulet, you're free to go." "Court's adjourned." " Mr. Haller, thank you so much for my son." " You're welcome." " You were splendid." " Thank you." " I want the gun." " Of course you do." "I want to talk." "Mr. Haller," "I insist you join us for dinner tonight for a celebration." " I don't think so." " Louis Roulet," " you're under arrest." " What do you think you're doing?" " Be quiet, Mother." " Hands behind your back." "What's the charge?" "He's under arrest for the murder of Donna Renteria." " Everything that man said was a lie." " You have the right to remain silent." "You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning." "If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." "Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?" "Hey." "Look at me." "Do you understand your rights?" "Detective, can I have a word with him?" "Well, that's it, Louis." "I got you off." "Time to find yourself a new lawyer." "I have still got your gun." "And you're going to have to explain how you got it." " Thank you, Detective." " Come on, Louis." " Mary..." " Not a word." "You get my kid out of jail." "Haller, you are one messed-up son of a bitch." "First you get your client off for assault, only to burn him for murder." "You don't have enough to charge him with the Renteria murder, do you?" "They have got enough to screw with him." "There's no way the DA was letting Roulet walk out of here, not after what just happened." "I don't get you, Haller." "Whose side are you on, anyway?" "God damn it." "Earl." "Dude." "Hey, I am sorry, boss." "Look, I stepped away for half a minute, all right?" " All right." "All right, all right." " You can take the ticket out of my pay." "You don't make enough." "This one's on me." "Let's roll." "All right." "All right, let's go to the house, Earl." "Hey, boss." "You know that favor you asked me?" "A guy I know, he picked it up on the street." "Real clean." " Hey, boss, be careful, all right?" " Yes, sir." "Mick, it's me." "I tried you on your cell." "Sorry to interrupt your day with Hayley, but you asked me to dig on Roulet." "Remember?" "You said you didn't buy it that all he had was parking tickets?" "Well, I might have found..." "Maggie, I got it." " I think I know why Frank Levin got killed." " Yeah?" "All right, call Lankford." "Have him pull up Roulet's driving record, every ticket he ever got." "That's what Frank did." "He said he found Martinez's ticket out of the Q." "I just never knew what he meant." "Okay, done, but I have to tell you something." "They let Roulet go." "They didn't have enough to hold him." "You were right." "I guess the family got involved." " Maggie, is Hayley with you?" " She's at my sister's." "Why?" "Go to your sister's, stay with Hayley, and wait for my call." "You got it?" "Okay." " Val, it's Mick Haller." " Hey, Mick, haven't heard from you since you busted into my office and accused me of conspiracy to commit murder, huh?" "If I had any self-respect, I'd hang up on you right now." "It was Frank dying, all right?" "I was out of my head." " I need you to do me a favor." " You need a favor?" "Okay." "You got more balls than a Chinese ping-pong tournament." "I will give you that." "Listen, man, you can kick my ass later, all right?" "It's important." " Is Roulet still wearing the tracer?" " Yeah, yeah, he is, yeah." "I got a call." "He's coming in the morning to get it off." "I guess they kicked him, huh?" " Yeah." "I need you to track him for me." " Man, I can't." "I can't." "I got a little biddy coming in a few minutes." "Val, Val." "Stop whatever you're doing." "I need it, man." "I need you to do it now." "It's about my family." "Yeah?" "It's me." "He's headed up north on San Fernando." "Mick, I think he's headed for your house." "Do you want me to call the cops for you?" "Bullshit." "I am telling you, he just passed Dodger Stadium." "No, no, no, he's not going to my house, Val." "You're right, you're right, Mick." "He just shot past your street." "He's not headed for your house." "I know where he's going." "Hello?" "You're welcome." "No, it's all right." "Don't worry about it." "Hello, Louis." "My family's here." " I know." " You bring your knife?" "And my gun?" " Maybe." " Good." "Beause I brought this." "You got one chance to turn around and leave." "And then what?" "You going to keep coming back every night?" "Every day?" "Or just try to get me sent up to San Quentin like Jesus Martinez?" "No." "I am not quitting until Martinez is free and you're convicted of murder." "And when that needle goes in your arm, that will be me." "Well, why don't you just shoot me right now?" "I don't think I will have to." "Hey." "That's my car." "What are you doing?" "Come on, now, get him up." "Get up." "Hospital, not the morgue." " Hey, Mags." " You were right, Mick." "Roulet got a ticket outside of Renteria's apartment on the night that she was murdered." "It's all going to be on the DA's desk in the morning." " Where are you?" " Just about home." "What do you say I come pick up you and Hayley at your sister's place in an hour and we go out for a nice dinner, huh?" "Great." "Yeah." "See you in an hour." "Breaking and entering, huh?" "Just like your son." "You knew, Mr. Haller." "You need to get the hell out of my house, Mrs. Windsor." "You knew." "You set him up." "The only person who was set up here was me." " And how'd that turn out for you?" " You have no idea who we are." "I know that your son Louis is going down for the murder of Donna Renteria." "I also know that I am going to burn his ass for killing my friend, Frank Levin." " He didn't kill him." " Yes, he did." "He beat the tracer and he killed him." "Look, I am not going to talk about it with you." "Now, for the last time, get the hell out of my house." " You're not listening to me." " No, you're not listening to me." "Mrs. Windsor, get the hell out of my house." "I told you my son didn't kill Frank Levin." "I did." "911, what's your emergency?" "I thought I told you to be careful, man." " Yeah, that's enough." " Nobody till somebody shoots you." " Hey, boss, feeling all right?" " Yeah, Earl." "Solid." "Yeah, I heard down at the courthouse that Martinez is out." "Is that right?" "Yeah, it is." "And Roulet, they're going for the death penalty on him?" "Martinez is free." " Boss, we got company." " Yeah, I see that." "Pull over up here to the left, say hello." "What do you say, Eddie?" " You took one for the team, huh?" " Yeah." " Did you really shoot your client's mother?" " Damn right I did." "She shot me first." "Well, I am glad you're better, because my boy Harold, old hard case..." "Don't tell me." "Yeah, he got caught with 50 kilos in his girlfriend's minivan." "The girlfriend's some cop's wife." " That doesn't help." " No." "You're the only help he's got, Counselor." "All right." "Call me with the details." "I got to say, though, the way things went down," "I think we earned a little discount." "Say, half your fee." "I tell you what, Eddie." "How about I do this one for free?" " Are you sure you're feeling all right?" " Repeat customers, Earl." "We will stick it to them next time." | {
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"Previously on Heroes..." "Daphne!" "This woman is dying." "I need to get her to an emergency room." "I can't do anything to help her here." "I don't want you to help her." "Got another assignment for you." "I want the perimeter locked down." "A-team, rip apart the rectory." "All clear." "I slept, and I had a dream." "I know what we have to do now." "We need to go find Nathan and Claire." "We need to bring this family together." "And they're coming for little Matt." "We were sent to help." "Janice Parkman, we have a warrant to bring you and your child in for questioning." "We should pool our resources." "You desperately want to find Martin so you can get that ability, don't you?" "Shape shifting." "You're salivating." "It'd be a lot easier for us to operate if everybody thinks I'm dead." "No pulse." "No body temp." "Believe it." "Sylar's dead." "Impressive work." "I never did catch how you pulled it off." "Four-inch pocket blade." "Replaced by a six-inch metal spike." "Metal's a good choice." "Last time it was glass." "Killed him just fine until it melted in the primatech fire." "Oh, trust me." "He won't be getting up again." "I've been chasing this one for a long time." "It's a funny thing." "You're on the hunt all these years, and I show up, and bang, he's dead." "Maybe you didn't really want to catch him." "Or maybe you're just better at this than me." "Bennet." "You have a visitor downstairs." "Says she's your wife." "My wife is here?" "Send her up." "You have reached a number that has been disconnected and is no longer in service." "I've arranged travel to India." "If it's safe, I'll get what I can from the apartment and leave by ship from New York." "Avoid the airports." "Smart." "Washington's far too dangerous for us." "You should come with me." "I'm not going anywhere." "Matt." "Matt, I know how you feel about Daphne." "And what they did to her was inhuman, but this is" "What they did to Daphne was protocol." "She died because she was different." "I can't get over it, Mohinder." "I can't get it out of my head." "These agents, they're too powerful." "We tried to stop them before." "We went after the wrong guy." "Emile Danko, he's been pushing this whole thing." "And that bastard killed Daphne just as sure as he pulled the trigger himself." "So it's revenge." "You just want to see him die?" "I want him hurt." "I want him to feel what he's done." "Matt, please, let's just talk about this." "You've been a really good friend, Mohinder." "Good-bye, Mohinder." "Sandra, what are you doing here?" "I am not gonna sit home any longer, Noah." "Agents burst into our house, our daughter goes missing, and you ignore my phone calls." "That's not fair." "I have returned all your calls." "And told me nothing." "I know when I'm being handled, Noah." "Claire is safe." "You know how this works." "The less you know, the better." "That's not good enough." "I can't believe a word you say, and I want to see my daughter." "I'm sorry." "Am I interrupting your busy day?" "There's a body inside." "They're telling me that it's Sylar, but I don't know." "Something just doesn't feel right." "Will you listen to yourself?" "Claire has disappeared, and you are talking to me about Sylar." "You must be Mrs. Bennet." "I've seen your picture." "I'll bet you have." "From the surveillance cameras watching my house?" "Nice meeting you." "Sandra." "Please." "Go back to Costa Verde." "I am staying at the regency." "And I am not leaving until you find her." "It was fun being you." "Commanding the respect of others." "What the hell are you doing?" "But you really ought to have that mole checked." "You know the one I mean." "I showed Bennet the body." "Should have seen his face." "Do you know how dangerous this is?" "This isn't a game." "It's not about you finding some clever way to kill Noah Bennet." "I'm not gonna kill him." "I'm gonna destroy him." "Heroes Season 3 Episode 22 "Turn and Face the Strange" sync:" "ÅÝÅÝ·É ´óÖíÖí edited by rogard" "This is Bennet." "Noah, Angela." "I've been worried about you." "I've had a dream." "Do you know about what happened at the place called Coyote Sands?" "I've heard whispers." "Rumors." "For 20 years, anyone I ever asked always told me the same thing." "Which is?" "That I should never ask again." "Peter and I are headed there now." "I spoke with Nathan." "He and Claire will meet us." "I need you with us." "It's time everyone knew the truth." "Just have a few loose ends to tie up." "They showed me a body." "Our old friend with a six-inch spike in his skull." "Sylar?" "So they tell me." "There's only one way to be sure." "No, leave it alone, Noah, get out while you can." "Where'd they take the bodies?" "Crematorium." "Barbecue day." "No, leave it-- Are you listening to me?" "Leave it alone." "Leave." "Noah, Noah." "Noah!" "Someone's gonna have to pay for that." "Who took my papers?" "My father's work?" "They said they were from homeland security." "Also told me that if you or the big guy showed up," "I should give 'em a call." "I'd advise against it." "Might have to implicate you." "I checked the building before I came up." "No one's watching." "These guys must have got what they wanted." "First the feds, now you." "I don't need this in my life." "Don't worry." "I'll be gone tomorrow." "I don't believe this." "Oh, and your crazy old man, he left some stuff in storage downstairs." "Do me a favor." "When you go, take it with you." "Show me." "Oh, don't go getting all foreign on me." "Y'all are from the mother ship, huh?" "Uh, habla a little ingleso?" "Si." "I am Hiro." "This is Ando." "And this is baby Matt Parkman." "Well, climb aboard, amigos." "Name's Sam Douglas from Lubbock, Texas." "Car trouble, huh?" "Yes, we are trying to get to the east coast to find the baby's father." "Yeah, I got me a buddy mechanic in the next town." "He can get you all fixed up." "Oh, that's fantastic." "Thank you." "No problemo." "Yeah." "Well, let's rodeo." "Hey, everything shut down." "Ignition, electrical." "Even my cb went out." "Something's not right." "That's it, Emile." "Feel it." "Feel it." "It's a hell of a thing not knowing who you can trust." "That's it." "Feel it." "The person closest to you is in danger." "Go to them." "Make sure they're okay." "Wait." "Stop." "Don't move that body." "Mr. Bennet, can I help you?" "Draw your weapons." "Sir?" "Get a beat on the back of his head." "Do it!" "Mr. Bennet." "Quiet." "Okay, I need this sent to Strathmore Labs." "I need a DNA analysis." "This is an a1 priority." "You got it?" "Sure." "You want us to go ahead and cremate the body?" "I have a signed order to cremate the body." "Mr. Bennet." "Who are you?" "Alena." "Is everything all right?" "Sandra, hi, come on in." "So this is your new home." "Well, you said it couldn't wait, so I assume you want to know about Claire." "No, Claire's fine." "She called about a half an hour ago." "I just need you to sign these." "What is it?" "It would be easier if you just sign." "Divorce?" "This is the real reason you came all the way to Washington?" "Was to serve me?" "What does it say?" "That you have perpetually lied to me, brought loaded guns into the home, endangered the lives of our children." "Sandra." "I already changed the locks, Noah." "Just sign the damn papers." "Now, Sandra, don't throw away 22 years of marriage." "Marriage?" "Is that what you call this?" "This isn't a marriage." "It's an arrangement." "It's cover so you can go around shooting at people." "Look, I'll be done with my work here soon." "I will come back to California." "Don't insult me with promises." "We will go to counseling." "It's too late." "We owe it to Lyle and to Claire..." "You're not listening." "To try to hold this family together." "It's too late." "I don't love you anymore!" "You're a liar and a betrayer." "You say you care about your family." "You don't." "It's over, Noah." "I don't love you." "I don't trust you." "I don't even respect you." "And when that's gone..." "Look, I'm sorry for all y'all's troubles, but what say we try moving your magic baby the hell away from my truck?" "Well, I still got a load to deliver." "Thank you for the ride." "Good luck to yous." "Come on, baby Matt Parkman." "Please." "I make a funny face for you." "Come on, baby Matt." "Look at uncle Ando." "In English, Alena." "You promised you'd practice." "For you, Jakob." "But only you." "Do you really have to leave so soon?" "I told you." "This was all last minute." "I have to fly back to Chicago tonight." "I know, I know." ""A mix-up at the warehouse." "" Car's here." "I gotta go." "Give me a smile." "I'll be back in Washington before you know it." "Who are you?" "How did you get in here?" "The door, uh" " I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "This was a bad idea." "I don't believe it." "They sent you to me, didn't they?" "Sent me?" "The escort service." "They gave you my address, right?" "I told them I was finished." "No more." "But they never listen." "So the guy who was just here was a client?" "Mr. Prodasa." "Mr. Prodasa." "How do you know about Jakob?" "Jakob and I work together." "He asked me to meet him here." "You're from his work." "Yeah." "I've never met any of his friends." "But now that I have you, I insist." "Please, sit." "Strathmore Labs." "This is Nigel." "This is Noah Bennet." "I'm awaiting results of a DNA sample I sent earlier today." "Yes, Mr. Bennet, I was just emailing you now." "DNA matches one James Martin of Arlington, Virginia." "Martin." "Thank you." "Sylar's a shape-shifter." "Have you been seeing Jakob a while now?" "Almost a year." "Jakob and I met through the..." "He ever talk to you about his work?" "A bit." "School books." "He says his company sells all over the world." "It sounds boring, actually." "Yeah." "Well, his sales calls do keep him on the move." "That and his family." "He talks to you about his family?" "His wife." "Two boys, yes." "He told me about them right away." "He's going home to Chicago to be with them, but he promised once his children are grown that we" "You were gonna be together, yeah." "After what I have been through, it is a miracle." "To have someone like Jakob come into your life." "He loves me." "You know what?" "The sick thing is... he probably does." "But he does not deserve you." "Whatever you think he is, it's a lie, Alena, a lie." "And you need to get away from him now, while you still can." "No, you are scaring me." "Who are you, really?" "You want me to tell you all about Jakob?" "I'm gonna show you." "Hello, Dr. Suresh?" "This is Hiro Nakamura." "Yes, I know." "My very angry landlord said you've been calling all day." "Yes, it is important that we find Matt Parkman." "Do you know where he is?" "Still in Washington, I'm afraid." "I did what I could." "But..." "Hiro, Matt's changed." "He's committed himself to a very destructive course." "What?" "We must save him." "Believe me, I tried." "It's difficult to dissuade a man who's decided he has nothing to live for." "I'll tell you the place where Matt was last headed." "Thank you, Dr. Suresh." "What's it called again?" "Coyote Sands." "Here it is." "Looks like a million miles from nowhere." "Why do we have to meet her there?" "I have no idea." "When your grandmother has a dream, it's a good idea to pay attention." "It appears my father was looking for information on an abandoned government project in the 1960s." "Focusing on an "Operation Icarus."" "Files are heavily redacted, but it mentions medical research and a place called Coyote Sands." "My father was there." "There's cash in my purse." "I'm not here for your money." "Noah." "You say another word and you die." "Noah, what are you doing?" "Divorce papers?" "Nice." "Did you really think I wouldn't notice that your signature doesn't match?" "What are you talking about?" "Sandra never even left California, did she?" "Noah, it's me." "It's sandra." "Shut up." "I know who you are." "Your mother's name is Anita." "We honeymooned in Puerto Vallarta." " You've done your homework." " You sleep on your left side." " Your joints ache when" " You can mind-read now?" " What?" " Who did you kill?" " Matt Parkman?" " I didn't kill anyone." "Danko's in on it, isn't he?" "He was going after James Martin." "Did he feed you his catch?" " Noah." " Answer me." "Is Danko in on it?" "I don't know what you're talking about!" "Noah!" "Please, the kids." "Don't do this." "Where's your phone?" "Where is it?" "What?" "In my coat pocket." "Hello." "Dad." "Lyle, what do you need?" "Um, I'm supposed to give Muggles some kind of pill while mom's away." "I forgot where she keeps the pills." "Where are Muggles' pills?" "I don't know." "Top shelf of the refrigerator on the left." "Not the green bottle, the brown one." "Top shelf of the fridge on the left." "The green bottle or the brown one?" "Brown." "Get out." "Sylar's a shape-shifter." " Leave." " He came to me as you." "You filed for divorce, you'd changed the locks." "Probably a good idea." "No, no, Sandra, don't you understand?" "This is exactly what he wants." "Get out!" "You gotta believe me." "I do believe you, Noah." "But it doesn't matter." "It's too late." "I really want you to leave." "Now." "Alena." "What are you doing here?" "I don't understand." "You live here?" "Damn it, Alena, I'm not gonna ask you again." "How did you find me?" "I brought her here." "Parkman." "What the hell did you do to her?" "Inside." "Both of you." "Don't even think about it." "Even if this place is bugged, your soldiers won't get here in time." "So this is what you've been reduced to?" "What kind of garbage did you push into her head to get her to come along?" "It didn't take much, Danko." "Danko?" "Why does he call you that?" "And this place, you said you lived in Chicago with your family." "Stop, Alena." "Don't listen to him." "He'll work you." "Make you believe things that aren't real." "What's the matter, Emile?" "What, are you worried she's not gonna roll out the red carpet when she finds out what her boyfriend really does for a living?" "Oh, shove the psychobabble, Parkman." "You have no idea who I am." "I used to be a cop." "I was surrounded by basket cases like you." "Your job's a nightmare, so you seek out anything to ease the pain." "Nothing relationships." "Fantasies of a normal life." "Trust me, I've been there." "Go to hell." "Your boyfriend kills people for a living." "Jakob, tell me you are not this person." "Go ahead, Danko." "Tell her." "My name isn't Jakob." "There is no family in Chicago." "No house." "I'm a soldier." "I hunt people for the government." "Son of a bitch." "Tell her what you did to the woman I loved." "All of it." "The woman, Millbrook..." "Daphne... she was a threat." "You killed her?" "No, it's worse than that." "He had a choice, and he let her die." "You were everything to me, Jakob." "Why did you lie?" "Because I knew you couldn't possibly love someone who did these things." "You really care about her, don't you?" "This is the only way... that you're gonna truly understand... what you did to me." "Go ahead, Parkman." "But if you think killing her is gonna make a difference, or change how I feel about the program, forget it." "Whatever you do, nothing's ever gonna be more important to me than putting you and your friends down." "My god, Jakob." "I'm sorry." "I'm so sorry." "This is what he's done to us." "In his world there's no room for mercy..." "Jakob, no!" "Go ahead." "Finish it." "Close one." "Parkman!" "Alena." "Monster." "Stay away from me." "What is it, Bennet?" "Guess again." "I went to Bennet's apartment and told his doorman that I forgot my key." "Bennet's old Primatech files." "Looks like he's been holding out on you." "I'm not surprised." "No?" "Are you surprised now?" "If I were Sylar, I wouldn't need this now, would I?" "Gun." "I knew he couldn't have gotten to James Martin alone." "Not right under your nose." "What do you want?" "How dumb are you?" "How did you think it was gonna end?" "Who did you think would be left standing the minute Sylar got bored?" "You?" " What do you want?" " I want Sylar on a platter." "Then maybe I'll overlook this pathetic little cry for help." "He's been going on assignment as agent donner, leader of team six." "They've been racking up a lot of wins lately." "Where are they now?" "On a mission." "They should be back in an hour." "I'll wait." "And so will you." "I know you meant well, Hiro, but I didn't ask to be rescued." "Dr. Suresh told us about your plan." "It is one thing to defend yourself." "But a true warrior knows the difference between a righteous battle and" "What, retribution?" "See, that's where you're wrong." "It's the only thing that the other side understands." "But that is why we are better than them." "That is why we had to save you." "Matt!" "Finally." "What's going on?" "I cannot make the face anymore." "What's with the kid?" "Matt Parkman, meet Matt Parkman." "He is your son." "Wait." "My son?" "We rescued him from government agents in California." "He has a power like us." "This is why you can't give up." "A boy needs his father." "I have a son." "I have a son." "Outstanding." "Great work." "Wade." "Good job." "Agent Donner." "Yes, sir." "A word, please?" "I do something wrong?" "Just wanted to say congrats." "You guys have really been on a roll lately." "Thank you, sir." "This man is not Donner." "He's Sylar." "He has shape-shifting abilities." "Get a lock on the back of his head." "Whoa, whoa, guys." "It's just me." "Tell 'em, Danko." "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Agent Danko has betrayed you." "He and Sylar are working against you." "Guys, this is a huge mistake." "Put the gun down, Bennet." "This is Sylar." "He's killed a dozen agents, and Danko is protecting him." "Everybody, stand down." "Look, you're under a lot of stress." "Yeah, because of the divorce and everything." "How would you know a thing like that?" "Everybody, freeze." "This is Sylar, and I can prove it." "He's gonna heal." "You watch." "Now get up." "Get up." "Get up." "Get up!" "He's dead." "Sylar was never even in the building." "You just killed an innocent man." "Nobody move." "Put your weapons on the ground right now." "Weapons down, or I will blow his head off." "Get him!" "I didn't have a lot of options." "I had to direct him somewhere." "It seemed the safest choice." "You almost got me killed." "You could have said I was Agent Foster." "Except if Bennet shot Foster, Foster would be dead." "I didn't know you could bleed like that." "I squeezed out a little extra." "For show." "Sandra, just called to say..." "I don't know what." "I love you.I miss you." "I miss my family." "All my old numbers are burned." "I can't leave you this one." "I'll call again when it's safe." "Alena, it's me." "I know how you must feel." "Betrayed." "Angry." "But what I said before, it's not true." "You mean so much to me." "The way I am with you, it's not a lie." "Jakob Prodasa is the man I want to be." "I can't do it without you." "I'm begging you." "Please." "Give me a chance to prove myself." "I still don't understand what we're doing out here, mom." "This is the place, Peter." "This is where our story really begins." "Yeah?" "Why did you call him here?" "This family has to come together." "Whatever has happened, Nathan is still your brother." "Yeah, well, I have a hard time believing that." "Peter." "Claire, it's all right." "Let him vent." "Enough." "There's been too much misery in this place." "What happened here, ma?" "Why'd you call us together?" "I never wanted you to see this." "Any of you." "But I realize now that was a mistake." "And to prepare for the future, you have to understand the past." "You want the answers?" "Then you'll have to dig." "It is our nature to protect our children." "For each generation to pass on their cautionary tales to the next." "So it is with the myth of Icarus, the legend of a boy who fashioned wings from feathers and wax, daring to fly into the heavens." "I need a light." "His father was fearful and warned Icarus to be careful." "Find something?" "Begging him not to tempt fate by flying too close to the sun." "But in the end, the boy couldn't resist." "His waxen wings melted from the sun's rays." "Mom." "And he plunged... to his death." "You know who that was?" "I knew... all of them." "All of them?" "Exactly how many are here, mom?" "Keep digging." | {
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} |
"# I lived for art.." "# I lived for love.." "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD" "# I never did wrong to a living soul." "# With a secret hand," "# I relieved many misfortunes that came my way." "# Always with a true faith, # my prayers rose to holy shrines." "# Always with a sincere faith," "# I gave flowers to the altar." "ROME" " TRASTEVERE At the beginning of this century" "Halt!" "Good evening, gentlemen." "Guys, it's a theater!" "Get down, come on!" "Let's go!" " Come on!" "The women?" " Magnificent, Excellency." "Don't kid yourself, Sergio, we're not in Paris." "Here." " Thank you, Excellency." "Hey, you!" "I told you this is a place for gentlemen only." "# .. and behind the dark shadows of the alcove, the lamp shines." "Good evening." " Is this our box?" " This way, please." " Chin up, Luigi!" "# The moon shines so brightly." "Let's sit down." "Get out of here!" " What are you saying?" "So much smoke!" "See, Maestro, they're singing "Serenade" tonight." "# Fly, Oh Serenade, my delight is all alone." "# The moon shines so brightly.." "Wasn't she feeling sick?" "Yes, a bad attack and she promised me not to do her number." "# ..behind the dark shadows of the alcove, the lamp still burns." "Poor mama!" "What the hell are you doing?" "Get out of here!" " Romolo, look!" "Hey!" "What do you want?" "# Fly, Oh serenade, fly!" "You can't sing!" "Is that hag your grandma?" "Listen, doll, if you know her, tell her to throw herself in the Tiber!" "She's crazy!" "That one is a nut!" "I couldn't breathe.." "just like the time before." "And then there's also this pain.." "Lie down, dear, I'll take you home." "Mama!" " You here?" "Nora, how many times have I told you, this isn't a place for her!" "But you're sick!" " No, it's nothing, just a cough." "Yes, just a cough." "I leave her to you, Lina." "She's not in any condition to go on." "Wait, I can do it, no problem.." " Mama, don't excite yourself." "Tell me.. how did your lesson go?" " Great." "After so many lessons, I finally got to sing an entire aria." " Good." "What did the teacher say?" " "Not bad, not bad"." ""The training is not perfect but.."" ""in a few years, you'll see, you'll see."" "He always says the same thing." "Olimpia, on stage!" " Oh, Nora!" "My costume!" " No, you can't go on stage." "Olimpia!" " I must go, the boss.." "Wait, let me talk to the boss." "Nora, watch mama." "I'll be right back." " Yes, dear." "Don't worry." "Look who's here!" "That nut from before!" "A Spanish lady from Trastevere!" ""The Spanish Lady"." "Hark at that!" "Now you're a singer!" "Come down here, so I can slap you silly!" "I'll do it myself!" "Is that an impression of a wall?" "We'll show this nut!" "Hey, look out, here comes the train!" "Nice and loud!" "Come on!" "Whistle!" "Whistle!" "Louder!" "Silence!" "Silence!" "Louder!" "Whistle!" "Will you shut up?" "Excuse me a moment, Miss." "I told you to be quiet." "Excuse me, but we paid for our tickets too!" "Fine, but that's enough." "Got it?" "Why, what will you do?" "Come down then, jerk!" "Let's start with removing your hat and keep quiet when I speak to you." "Got it?" "And then?" " I'm surprised, a gentleman like you.." "Let's drop the knife, OK?" "Good boy!" "Get out!" "Go home!" "Go!" "That's better." "Now then, shall we listen to this number?" "Go ahead." " Thank you." "# In Spain, I'm the fairest, the queen of love." "# Everyone says I'm a star, a vivid shining star." "# In Spain, I'm the fairest, the queen of love." "# Everyone says I'm a star, a vivid shining star." "# Hold me tightly in the ecstasies of love." "# That's how the Spanish lady loves, mouth to mouth, night and day." "# Hold me tightly in the ecstasies of love." "# That's how the Spanish lady loves, mouth to mouth, night and day." "# That's how the Spanish lady loves, mouth to mouth, night and day." "# Hold me tightly in the ecstasies of love." "# That's how the Spanish lady loves, mouth to mouth, night and day." "Lina, your mother.." " What happened?" "Where is she?" "They brought her to the hospital." "She had another attack." " You mean.." "Where are you going?" "It's late and the hospital is far away." "I can bring her with my coach." "Thank you, I'll change." "Poor Olimpia!" "She sacrificed her entire life for this girl." "Just like a real mother." " She's not her mother?" "No, Lina was 5 years old when she became an orphan." "Olimpia has always dreamed that she'd become a great singer." "But in real theaters!" "Not in a dump like this." "Nora, give me a hand!" " Excuse me, she'll be out in a minute." "Come, let's dry those eyes, OK?" "They're too pretty to be spoiled by tears." "I'm sorry, but.." "I'm so worried." "It won't be anything serious." "A few days' rest and she'll be like new." "Don't you worry." "That's better." "Now tell me something about yourself." "Me?" "There's not much to say." "Singing lessons and singing exercises every day." "You know you have a lovely voice, right?" " Really?" "Tonight, I sang in public for the first time." "And thanks to you for kicking out that scoundrel." "An ugly place that theater." "I've never seen a spectator like you before." " No?" "But, tell me, how did you wind up there?" "A tourist's curiosity." " Then, you don't live in Rome?" "No, I'm here for the horserace at the Piazza di Sienna." "I've a few days before I return to Paris." "The hospital!" "Thank you, thank you so much." "Miss!" "Thank you." " You're welcome." " Goodbye." "Excuse me, Miss, a moment." "Do you have an invitation?" "Well, no.. but can't I go in anyway?" " Oh, that's all we'd need!" "This way, please." "Excuse me, Miss." "Right ahead." "Hey!" "What style!" "A great horseman this Russian with his horse, Tulipan." "Excuse me, what did you say?" "Russian?" "Yes, he's the Russian military attaché for Paris." "Prince Sergio Bariatin." "Look, if you like." "Prince Sergio Bariatin." " Yes" "Miss, please.." "Miss, eh?" "Sorry." "He's doing it now!" "Bravo, Sergio!" "Hey!" "Prince Sergio Bariatin is the winner of the Capitol Cup with the following results:" "Penalties: 0 Time: first place and 11 seconds." "Bravo!" " Happy?" "Look who's here!" " Sergio!" "Excuse me, Prince." "I wanted to give these back." "I don't need them anymore." "I'm sorry." "But you'll need them now." "But.." " Didn't you want to become a great singer?" "You can return it when I come to applaud you in Paris." "Sergio, my friend!" " Excuse me." "Thank you!" " Bravo!" " For you." "In Paris?" "Excuse me.." " May I help you?" "I'd like some singing lessons." " The cheap ones, I suppose?" "No, no!" "I want the best teacher you have." "Yes, and the most famous." "The best?" "The most famous?" "Fine." "There, Miss!" "Master Doria, the best." "Give him a try." "Thank you." "Master Doria?" " Yes?" "I'd like to take lessons from you, Master." "Lessons?" " Yes, for singing." "Are you free?" "Well, I wouldn't say exactly free." " If you mean the fees, don't worry." "I can pay, you see." "If you are as good as they say." "Is that what they say?" "De Santis, would you let me use this piano for a minute?" "Certainly, Master." "Please." "Have you sung before?" " Yes, but.. nothing good." "Like what, for example?" " "The Lady from Ciociara"." "# And when the lady from Ciociara wanted a husband, # she came respectfully with the twine and the shoe." "# And after the lady from Ciociara was married, # the twine was broken and the slipper flew." "# the twine was broken and the slipper flew." "# Come back, my dream love." "# Come back and smile upon me once again." "# And from me, will reflect back to your countenance # a new dawn." "# A new dawn." "# Come back, my dream love." "# Come back." "# Come back." "Well then?" " Very nice." "You made great progress." "Now, you're ready for your debut." "Really?" "But will you guide me?" "Yes, Lina." "Wherever and whenever you want, I'll always be with you." "Have you ever been to St.." "Petersburg?" " St.." "Petersburg?" "Yes, a few years ago." " What's it like?" "It's a mysterious city." "When I saw it, it was covered in snow." "A fairy-tale, dreamlike city." "I think that's its fascination." "And.." "Paris?" " Ah, Paris is different." "Paris doesn't have shadows, mysteries." "All is light, color in the city." "In that wonderful city.." "Paris is for lovers, Lina." "It must be very beautiful." "You'll see, when we.." "When you get to go there too." "Who knows when!" " Would you really like that?" "More than anything else." " You will, Lina." "We'll go together." "Us?" "They always insisted because I conducted a season in Paris for an old friend." "It'll make your career easier, you'll see." "Are you serious?" " We can leave right away." "Hooray!" "Don't worry, Master, I've the money for the trip." "Stop calling me "Master"." "We're friends now, right?" "Yes, Master!" "Who is it?" "Hello, Lina, it's me Doria." " Come in!" "Good morning, Master." "What beautiful roses." "You have a gallant rendezvous tonight, eh?" " No, these are for you." "For me?" " Yes." " Thank you." "To celebrate some good news." "I got a part for you in the third opera of the program." "Oh, Doria!" "It's wonderful, I thank you, you're an angel!" "Lina.." "Lina.." "you must've known how I felt about you." "It seems to me impossible.." "it's absurd!" "I'll make you happy, you'll get anything you want." "We'll travel the world." "You'll sing in the great theaters and become famous!" "No, Doria, I'm sorry." "I never thought.." " What is it you thought then?" "That junk about being just friends?" "A cute story of a generous teacher respectful of his student?" "Yes, that's what I thought." "Stupid, right?" "Don't you realize what I'm offering you?" "All your wishes, dreams, ambitions!" "I understand, Doria." "I understand well." "And it would be so easy for me, so convenient." "But I cannot accept." "Where are you going, Lina?" "You can't.." "I don't know but away from here." "Anywhere." "And alone!" " Alone?" "You?" "A little unknown singer?" "I met many like you." "They come to Paris, thinking to conquer." "But the reality is the opposite:" "It'll destroy your youth, understand?" "I'm warning you, Lina.." " Thanks for the warning, Master." "But I'm not afraid." "Fine." "See for yourself." "But you'll see that you'll need me." "Like I do you." "One moment." "That's all for today, girls." "We don't need anymore." "A sentimental song then?" " Oh, no, no." "But I'm looking for a singing number." "Don't you want to hear my voice at least?" "Who cares about that?" " But.." " Ah, of course!" "You know this one?" "Yes, I do." "Want to hear it?" "Later, later." "Let's look at your legs now." "It's the great unknown." "Higher." "Higher!" "Are you afraid?" "Are they crooked?" " Take that!" "All the same!" "Holy crap!" "Italian?" " No, Parisian!" "Venetian." " Oh, I'm from Rome." "Hungry, eh?" "Hunger is the prologue." "I'm in the third act." "It's a tragedy, I know." " Dancer?" "Illusionist?" "I sing a little." " I play a little." "Not enough to get by." " But, how is that possible?" "You see, they're looking for full acts:" "a duo, a trio." "There you go." "And I had one:" "Gustavo." "He was French like me." "I played, he danced.." "and he danced away with another." "Poor, old Gustavo!" "He went on his honeymoon with my savings." "What's your name?" " Me?" "Lina." "I'm Carmela." " Whose turn is it?" "Both of ours!" "And who are you?" " Lina and Carmela." "What can you do?" " An Italian number." "Go on." "Good luck." "You know "The French Lady"?" " "The French Lady" is our biggest hit." "Hurry, let's hear it!" "Hit it." "# I'm the French Lady, I come from Paris." "I'm a little naughty, I must say." "# I'm the French Lady, I come from Paris." "I'm a little naughty, I must say." "OK, that's enough." "In four days, the Eldorado!" "The Eldorado on Tabarin?" "Why?" "Isn't that prestigious enough for you?" "What do you want?" "No, we're satisfied for the moment." "If it's possible, a small advance.." "Don't ask me, in a few days you can talk to the manager." "It's because.." " We lost the habit of eating." "That's a bad habit!" "But.. consider it a loan, eh?" "And bon appetit." " Thank you!" "Goodbye." "Lina!" "Poor thing!" "So much in love?" "I've done nothing but think about him all this time." "It's because of him, I'm in Paris." "But he's not here, he returned to Russia." "The rest: singing and success, they're all excuses." "But you can't understand, you've never seen him." "Handsome, tall, dark, with broad shoulders like this!" "On a white horse, eh?" "But maybe he.." "wouldn't even recognize me anymore." "There's only one way, Carmela:" "one must become famous, elegant." "Like those monkeys at the Piazza di Sienna." "# I'm the French Lady, I come from Paris." "I'm a little naughty, I must say." "# I'm the French Lady, I come from Paris." "I'm a little naughty, I must say." "# To start, know this.." "no, don't get so vain!" "# I have a boyfriend, there's nothing doing here." "# To start, know this.." "no, don't get so vain!" "# I have a boyfriend, there's nothing doing here." "# What were you expecting?" "Please don't shout!" "# If you don't knock it off, I won't sing anymore!" "# I'm really good, but I'm incorrigible." "# I'd like to know something, but the truth please." "# I'm really good, but I'm incorrigible." "# I'd like to know something, but the truth please." "# You like to fool me, I see you laughing!" "# Why do you do it?" "Tell me the truth." "# You like to fool me, I see you laughing!" "# Why do you do it?" "Tell me the truth." "# What were you expecting?" "Please don't shout!" "# If you don't knock it off, I won't sing anymore!" "# What were you expecting?" "Please don't shout!" "# If you don't knock it off, I won't sing anymore!" "Thank you." "What do we do?" "An encore?" " And she'll throw her usual fit." "What do we care?" "The public is always right!" "Next, let's all sing together!" "I'm going!" "I'm leaving you!" "You'll be ruined!" "Listen to that caterwauling!" "Make her stop right now!" "But the public likes her!" " The public!" "The public is here for me!" "It's my name on the poster." "Now you're letting that Italian delay my entrance!" "Lower your voice, Manolita." "It won't happen again, I promise." "Ten days, I put up with this." "Now I'll show them who Manolita is!" "Where are you going?" " None of your business!" "# What were you expecting?" "Please don't shout!" "# If you don't knock it off, I won't sing anymore!" "# What were you expecting?" "Please don't shout!" "# If you don't knock it off, I won't sing anymore!" "Manolita, the public is waiting for you!" "Don't act so proud." "They would applaud even a trained dog here!" " Hush!" "Of course, Mr. Peret." "They applaud her after all!" "Damn bitch!" "Put a muzzle on her!" " What?" "Let go of me!" "Calm down, Manolita!" "Carmela, did she hurt you?" " No, she ruined my makeup." "Who knows what'll happen now?" "I bet they don't renew our contracts for the new review." "But Peret has promised!" " Yes, but he does whatever she wants." "Now this!" "Can I use your greasepaint?" "Mine's run out." "Take it." " Thanks." "Carmela!" "What happened to you?" "That viper!" "That infernal woman!" "Look here, Lina, a pin!" "Look, what a dirty trick!" " You could've been disfigured!" "You think it was.." " Manolita!" "Witch!" " Lina, wait!" "I'm going to take care of this!" " Don't do anything crazy!" "Where are you!" "Come out!" "Please stand there." " One moment." "There she is!" "Get out of my way!" "Coward!" "You witch!" "You wanted to disfigure me!" "You're crazy!" " Get off of me!" "Calm down!" "I'll kill her!" "Will you stop?" "Coward!" "This way you learn, got it?" "Get off of me!" "Lina!" " I'll kill her!" " You're fired, both of you!" "What did she do?" " Ask her!" " Get out!" "Let's go!" " One moment, please!" "What?" "Get out.." " Bravo!" "What's the young lady's name?" "Lina Cavalieri." "From Rome." "52 kilograms, featherweight!" "Bravo!" " I'm not finished with you yet!" "You see, my dear, I fired them!" " What an idea!" "I'll make you rich!" "The biggest success of the season:" "Manolita and Lina together!" "Together?" "Never!" " You, shut up." "I can see the headlines:" "Art and temperament at sword's length." "A duel to the death!" "Listen: some well written articles, a few photos and watch the money pour in!" "I like it, it's terrific!" "A terrific idea!" "Good evening." "Good evening." "My friend Carmela." "We do a number together." "Very pleased to meet you." "I saw you on stage." "She's good, isn't she?" " Yes." "Very good." "I need to talk to you, Lina." " I have things to do, bye." "No, wait." " We'll see each other later at the hotel." "Bye." "Well, then?" "Sit down." "Please." "I saw the show." "Degrading." "For shame, Lina, you're throwing yourself away." "I don't think so and besides that's my affair." "Not your voice." "That's my work." "What would you be without me?" "Probably still singing the folk songs of Trastevere." " Are you so sure?" "Why?" "Don't you remember when you couldn't tell one note from the other?" "And now your voice is not my affair?" "Is that what you're telling me?" "You're right, it's true:" "sully it on the vulgar stage." "Sing those ditties and destroy my work!" "I'm sorry, Master, I know how much I owe you." "But do you think I'm happy where I am?" "I must live." "Anyway, for Lina and Carmela there'll be no more encores." "Fired?" "And what will you do now?" "Look for another job, but I'm not discouraged." "Listen, Lina." "I signed a major contract for this season." "The offer that I made you still remains." "Thank you, but.." " You won't accept?" "Just as friends?" "And something more." "Something that'll change your life." "You understand me, Lina?" "I was hoping we'd never speak of it again." "Lina, I'm offering you my name!" "Marriage?" "But I don't love you, Doria." "Then there is another." "So who is he?" "A clown?" "Someone in the show?" "Some second-rate actor or acrobat?" " And if he were?" "That's why you wanted to come to Paris." "And like a fool, I believed in your enthusiasm!" "No, listen.." " I've listened enough!" "Lina!" "Welcome back, Madame." "Allow me to present the "firsts" of your rival Manolita!" "What nonsense is this, Carmela?" " It's no nonsense!" "Miss Manolita challenges you to a duel." " We're the seconds." "A duel?" "Yes, with sword." "Why can't we fight like men if we want to?" "Sometimes." " Naturally, if you're afraid, you could.." "I'm not afraid!" "Of seconds or anybody!" "When does this tomfoolery take place?" " Friday morning at 8." "At the Bois de Ventain." "It must be an advertising gimmick." "It could be good." "Go on, accept." "Carmela, you see to it." "Make sure I'm taken care of." "I'm going to my room." "I'm tired." "Agreed, ladies." "The place is good.." "and we accept the choice of sword." "You said at 8?" " Of course, at 8.." "But it's still night then." " Maybe 9?" "I believe 11 would be perfect." " Agreed." "Then, at 11!" "Oh, poor thing!" " Who?" "Oh, nothing." "I was just thinking about the last duel Madame Cavalieri had in Italy." "I don't want to even think about it." "The poor man was cut to ribbons!" "Good night, ladies." "Let the press know that we accept and.." "and tell your mistress to make a will." "Good morning, Marquis." "Sorry, but this is the meeting place." "You can see them fine here." "The other side, that way!" "Finally!" "Come my beauties, this way!" " Right up ahead!" "Hurry!" "Please, the Eldorado in the front row." "They've mobilized half of Paris!" " Such publicity for Manolita!" " And Lina!" "Giramond, tell me, who's here?" "Monsieur Francoise Duval:" "director of the Folies Plastiques." "Don Percival with his new Rolls Royce." "The Count of Champion." "The Viscount La Parterie with.." "with his wife." " Strange." "Look, Manolita's here!" "Good day." "We were only awaiting you and Miss Cavalieri." " What?" "She's not here yet?" "Manolita waits for no one!" "What?" " Manolita goes!" "Miss, the code of chivalry allows for a 15 minute delay." "What else do these idiots say?" "If Miss Cavalieri doesn't come in 10 minutes, you'll be declared winner." "Ah, good!" " See, it's all for the best, dear." "Who's that?" " The doctor to treat wounds." "No!" " Manolita!" "For heaven's sake, a cognac!" "Where's Lina?" "Don't worry, she'll be here." " I'd be scared to death!" "Maybe you, but not Lina!" "Attention, make way!" "Here comes Miss Cavalieri!" "Madame Manolita has chosen that field for battle." "Please, wait for her there." "You picked the right time!" "And what an outfit!" "Fantastic!" "If there's going to be publicity, you might as well do it right." "Hey, don't take her so lightly." "Manolita has been taking fencing lessons for a week." "Really?" "And I went to the theater to watch The Three Musketeers." "Let's see if her teacher is better than my D'Artagnan!" "Madame, where are your seconds?" " Seconds?" "I fight all by myself." "The seconds don't fight, Madame, they assist according to the rules!" "Of course, Lina, the rules." "I'm her second." " We need two seconds, Madame." "Of course." "Charlotte, come here!" "Well, why are we waiting?" "Giramond, what's going on?" " They're undressing, Contessa." "No, that is not for you, my child." "Am I fighting some sort of washerwoman?" "Well, are we ready?" " I'm ready." "Merci, Madame." "Madame, Miss Cavalieri is ready." "And yourself?" "Yes!" "I'll show her!" "What are you doing, my dear Manolita?" "I'm ready!" " Your hat." " The hat!" "What do you mean?" " You must remove it.." " Get off me!" "Go on, laugh!" "It will be your last!" "Did you hear that turkey?" "She thinks to beat me with blather." "To your swords!" "Please, Madame." "For you, Madame." "No, lady, what are you doing?" "Don't you worry, it'll stab just the same!" "Ladies, please." "Respect for the rules." "Now.." "Salute!" "Please." "What's going on?" "Come on!" "Bravo, D'Artagnan!" "Out of my way!" "Away!" "Take it!" "I won!" "Hooray for Lina Cavalieri!" "The most beautiful woman in the world!" "Manolita, I did it for you.." "Some terrific idea!" "Francois Duval, director of the Folies Plastiques." "Congratulations, I hope you'll become the star of my new show." "The headliner?" "I'll make any contract you want!" "You can dictate the conditions." "This way." " Thank you." "Good evening, friends!" " Hello!" "How are you?" " Nice to see you." " Thank you." "Say, how did you like St.." "Petersburg?" " I prefer Paris." "You see that?" "Prince Sergio has returned to Paris." "After 6 months of imitations at last a first class public, eh?" "They're all here every night like us." "They never tire of seeing her." "Come, there are plenty of lovely French women!" "What do you mean?" "Not like Cavalieri!" "No, you'll see." "She walks like a queen." "And two eyes, Sergio, fiery like the Italian sun." "She must have some defects, right?" " Yes, only one, but it's huge." "I bet it's the legs!" " Worse!" "She's virtuous." "This seems to me, gentlemen, a defect which can easily be cured." "Just think, a famous Englishman plays her chauffeur just to be near her!" "The most famous men in Paris have courted her without any luck." "Doesn't that convince you?" " No, it makes me want to try." "I bet you'll fail completely." " Oh, yes?" "And the bet?" "My team against Tulipan." " Tulipan?" "Risk losing Tulipan to win a woman?" "Sorry, it's not worth it." "Bet less if you're so offended.." " Let's not even bet." "How's the theater?" " Sold out!" "They should give you a raise." " Any friends of ours?" "Yes, a few, you can see them from here." "Take a look." "Look!" "There's Madame Montpellier." "How fat she's got!" "What is it?" " It's him!" "Sergio!" "Look, he's in a box!" "Oh, Carmela, finally!" "Calm yourself!" "Come you need to dress." "Get ready!" "Come on, girls, hurry!" "What do you think, Sergio?" "Oh, not bad." "Beautiful hair." "# Once upon a time, you came to win me." "# To see if I were a sweet coquette." "# Don't pretend to calm my fears." "# You used to love my charms." "# Why don't you understand me?" "# How I used to look at you with an indifferent air." "# You laughed at me and my people." "# Why don't you love me if you know # how much I love you?" "I hate to admit it, Sergio, but I think she only likes you." "Do you?" "Then her taste in men is improving." "# Why don't you understand me?" "# How I used to look at you with an indifferent air." "# You laughed at me and my people." "# Why don't you love me if you know # how much I love you?" "Bravo!" "Jacques, I'm ready to stake anything for that woman." "Just Tulipan." "Gentlemen, you are witnesses:" "My team against Sergio's horse." "I know now who'll be winning at the Piazza di Sienna next year!" "How will you do that, Jacques?" "On foot?" "Sergio, when will you start the attack?" " Don't worry, you'll see!" "Shall we go?" " After you." "Any day now, you can get undressed!" "Where are Sergio's flowers, Carmela?" " All of Paris' is here, but not his." "Impossible!" "Did you look thoroughly?" "Yes, Lina." "Look, how wonderful:" ""With admiration and love, Count Lefevre."" "Return it." "Return everything!" "I don't understand." "He was in the box before my eyes." "Maybe he didn't recognize you." "You've become more beautiful, more elegant!" "Send them away, Carmela." "Tonight, I don't feel like signing autographs." "I'll try." "Beautiful, elegant.." "famous!" "But to no avail, Madame Cavalieri!" "I'd like a meeting with Miss Cavalieri." "When may I see her?" "Well.. every evening at 8:30 exactly, when the curtain goes up!" "Oh, Mr. Silvani!" "May I have your autograph?" " Sure." "Here you are." "Silvani?" "The great tenor!" " Yes." "I wanted to congratulate Miss Cavalieri for her marvelous interpretation." "But tonight, it's impossible." "She has a terrible headache!" "Wait until these bores go away." "Gentlemen and ladies, please!" "You know the way out, don't you?" "This way, please." "These are flattering compliments coming from you, Silvani." "It's rare that anyone even remembers my voice." "This happens when one is too beautiful." "Listen, there's going to be an artists' party and without Miss Cavalieri, it wouldn't be complete." "Handsome young men?" " Yes and all Italian!" "Don't you feel homesick for our country?" " Of course." "Then, shall we go?" "It'll be fun, won't it?" "All right, let's go." "I really want to lose myself tonight." "Come in!" "Mademoiselle Cavalieri?" " Yes?" " Captain Ivan Romanov." "The Prince Bariatin offers his compliments and begs you to appear at a party made in your honor at the palace." "In my honor?" " The prince apologizes for not coming himself and hopes you'll accept because he strongly desires to meet you." " But.." "Go ahead, Lina." "You can come another time." "I accept." " His Highness's carriage awaits." "Excuse me, Captain." "May I accompany Miss Cavalieri?" "You'll allow me, won't you, Lina?" " But, of course." "Excuse me, Silvani but.." "I've been waiting a long time for this." " I understand perfectly." "I'll wait outside." " Thank you." "But let's not give up the party." "Your beauty will grace it, Carmela." "Beauty?" "I guess I must be the fairest of them all!" " I'll come back to get you." "Then, you're going?" " Of course, I'm going." "He didn't recognize me, Carmela." "He didn't remember me." "Maybe, it's better that way!" "Finally I'll see him, talk to him!" "Quickly, Carmela, my dress!" " Josette, help me!" "Hurry, help me!" "You have fun too, Carmela!" "I'm really happy tonight." " I'm pleased to hear it." "The palace of Prince Bariatin." "40 minutes after midnight!" "I think I'm going to like Tulipan." "Fine horse, Tulipan!" " There's still time." ""Don't count your horses, 'til they're in the stall", my wise uncle would say." "By the way, what would the Czar say if he saw his favorite nephew going nuts over an Italian singer, while a poor Baltic princess awaits him anxiously at the altar?" "I trust to your discretion." " Don't worry, Sergio." "When do you go back?" "Sooner than I like, unfortunately." "I must return for the Grand Maneuvers." "They're very important." "I still have 10 days though." "Shall we drink another?" "10 days, eh?" "Are you thinking of spending them with the most beautiful woman in the world?" "All 10?" "I'd dedicate a 1000 if I could!" "Lefevre, don't you like her?" " Well enough." "But not enough to go crazy." "Madame Lina Cavalieri." "Miss Cavalieri, thank you for having accepted my invitation." "Ah, no, it's me who must thank you." "They say it's a great honor for a woman to attract your attention." "Exaggeration of my friends." "How modest!" "Rare for a man in your condition." "But I'm the only woman." "Why is that, Prince Bariatin?" "No one would've dared brave the paragon in her beauty." " Very gallant." "And do your friends think so too?" " I'm afraid so." "They're all your admirers." "Really?" "I had almost forgotten." "Will you present me, Highness?" " As you wish." "The Viscount La Turin" " Ah, La Turin" "The Viscount has exquisite taste in his choice of flowers." "Unfortunately with no success, Madame." "General Beltran." "How can a strategist like you, general, think you can conquer by hurrying?" "You're right, Miss." "But I don't have time for a long siege." "The Count Lefevre." " Lefevre.." "I sent back a necklace tonight from a man with the same name." "It was too good a jewel for me." "So, you wouldn't do anything crazy, eh?" "Friends, a toast:" "to Lina Cavalieri." "Paris will never forget her beauty." "I drink to your fortunes, gentlemen." "A little music, please." "May I?" "Sorry, but given the circumstances, I think I should pick the gentleman." "It's a very difficult choice to make." "Would you mind?" "I'm afraid the bet is lost." "It's not over yet." "Thank you for choosing me." " Weren't you sure?" "I confess I was getting worried." "You were wrong, Highness." " Try to call me Sergio." "And you call me Lina?" " Of course." "Lina." "There, now we're like old friends." " That's true." "Old friends." "We just met tonight.." "and I feel I've known you for years." "Our first dance." "Come, let's go out on the terrace." "There's a wonderful moon." "Extraordinary!" "The usual foolproof tactic:" "moonlight, the murmur of the fountain.." "Look: his cheek touched hers." "And now a whispered invitation to meet at dawn." "Hey, La Turinl you know where that staircase leads?" "To the chalet!" "You can say goodbye to your horses." " You still have one last hope." "What?" " Maybe Miss Cavalieri won't pass the chalet's door." "We're alone." "You see, Sergio?" "It was your ring that gave me hope." "Even when it seemed that I would never be able to see you again." "But I knew one day we would be reunited." "You've become Lina Cavalieri, acclaimed by the whole of Paris, but you're still the girl from Trastevere who believes in fairy tales." "Yet here we are in Paris together." "Punctual to the appointment." "Remember?" ""One day I'll see you in Paris. "" "Why didn't we meet right away?" "How many days, how many months lost!" "And how many still ahead!" "We've our whole lives ahead of us, Sergio!" "Lina.." "Aren't you happy you found me?" "Every hour, all the days to come and every minute of your life, I want you for me." " Yes, forever." "Lina, there are other things I want to tell you." "Not yet, Sergio." "Hold me, don't let me go." "Sergio!" "What's going on, Sergio?" " Wait for me, I'll explain later." "Sergio, open up!" "Open up now!" "What do you want at this hour?" "Are you drunk?" "We're here to check up on you." " Go away, please!" "Sergio, how did it go?" "Are you or am I the lucky one?" "The winner must provide champagne for all!" "I lost." "You were right, she's inaccessible." "What?" "Even the great Russian Casanova fell flat?" "I bet that she's still here!" " I told you that she's not!" "You won the bet, Tulipan is yours." "Now go." "Let's go look!" " I said nobody's here!" "What perfume!" "The scent of a woman!" "It's called "Night of Passion"!" "The evidence is overwhelming." " Please, go home now." "Not before I check.." " Stop, where are you going?" "I swear that I'll come to St. Petersburg for the wedding!" "I want to tell your future wife of your prowess!" "We want to see her!" "It's part of the bet!" "If you succeeded, my horses are yours, otherwise I won the bet." "No, La Turin" " Lina!" " You lost." "Give the horses to Prince Bariatin." "Gentlemen always pay their bets." "Please, listen, you're mistaken!" " I'm mistaken?" "Is your wedding in St. Petersburg a mistake too?" "Right, Highness?" "Lina!" "Lina, let me explain!" "Explain what?" "That you gambled my love for a horse?" "That won't be necessary." "Gentlemen." "Sergio, I'm sorry, believe me." " Thank you." "Do not take it so hard." "After all you won the team." "Sergio!" "Sergio." " Any news?" " Nothing we don't already know." ""Mysterious disappearance of Lina Cavalieri."" ""Lina breaks the contract.. " and so on." "No trace of her." "The police?" " They can't do anything." "The manager withdrew the complaint." "The contract was legally dissolved." "Lina paid the penalty." "Then they'll know where she is." " No." "She sent the money with a letter." "The stamp was from Paris." "That's all." "I received it this morning." "Shortly before the courier brought this order of departure." "I need to take command of my regiment." " Your coach is ready." " Good, thanks." "Believe me, Sergio," "If I had foreseen the consequences of that silly bet," "I would've cut out my tongue." " Not your fault." "Time heals all, Sergio." "The responsibilities of your rank will help you forget." "Yes, Sergio Bariatin, the favorite nephew of Czar.." "Just think what he'll say when I tell him I don't want to marry the woman he chose." "You cannot destroy your future." "I know." "But I met Lina, Jacques." "I couldn't marry another woman even in obedience to the Czar." "I will love only her.." "forever." "Look for her again, you must find her at any cost and write to me." "Good bye, Jacques." " Goodbye and good luck." " Same to you." "# In the hour of my sorrow.." "Are you hungry?" "No?" "I understand." "You prefer the music, eh?" "Come." "# .. you pay me back so?" "Well done, very good!" "These last few months, you've made more progress than I could've ever hoped." "But that's enough." "We've worked too much." "You're tired." "Shall we go for a walk?" " I can't, I'd be late for Paris." "I'll walk you to the gate." "Be right back, Carmela." " Will you bring me a singing teacher too?" "I don't know what I would've done without you, Mario." "What help have I given?" "A few lessons and some gossip in Paris." "You gave me back an enthusiasm for my work and an interest in life." "How can I ever repay you?" " I'm the one who should be grateful." "You don't know what it means to me to be near you." "I love you." "Mario.." " No, don't answer me yet, I know." "Maybe one day you feel for me what I feel for you.." "Lina, we can be so happy together." "Thank you, Mario." "If that day arrives, I'll be the one to remind you." "No, we're not there yet!" "Don't follow, look at my baton!" "You need to be in time." "Again: measure 26." "Ready?" "Sorry to interrupt, but it is important." "OK, gentlemen, 5 minutes." "And for Tosca?" "Unfortunately, there's no hope that our Julienne will return from London." "And?" " I think I found a solution." "She never sang in opera, but perhaps you have heard of her." "She achieved great success at the Folies Plastiques last year." "Then she disappeared." "Her name is Lina Cavalieri." "Silvani has insisted much that I hear her." "Silvani?" " Yes, he's her teacher." "He's been giving her lessons all this time." "Oh, a beautiful voice!" "I wanted to you to listen to her before signing the contract." "No, it doesn't matter." "Cavalieri will be fine." "I've heard her years ago." "A beautiful voice." "I've already invited her." "She's waiting with Silvani in my office." "Have them come in." "Please." "Gentlemen, let's start at number 25, act one." "Number 25, act one!" "Good day, Lina." "Good day." "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Master." "I only gave my approval." "You disappeared for a whole year." "I've been looking for you everywhere." " I've always been near Paris." "In a country cottage." " I see." "I studied a lot." " With Silvani?" "I know, a great teacher." "Shall we begin?" " I'm ready." "I'm so excited, Mario." " You'll be fine, you'll see." "Just remember that high C before I get shot." "Come, Let's go." "Highness, within 3 hours we must return to Paris." "Yes, they already told me before I left." " Sergio!" "Thank you for the letter, Jacques." " And you've done this madness?" " Yes." "I almost regret it." " What time does it start?" "It's already act 2." " Let's go!" " What do you intend to do?" "Come on, there's no time to lose." "Bravo!" " Thank you." "Oh, Mario!" "Don't make any commitments." "Tonight we celebrate." " Of course, dear." "Will you accept my congratulations?" "You were great." " Thank you!" "Without you on the podium, Master.." " She would've been a hit all the same." "Clear the stage!" " In a bit!" "Excuse me, Master." "Lina!" "Aren't you happy to see me?" "Won't you even greet me?" "I crossed Europe for you." " What did you bet this time?" "No, Lina, I want to marry you, now!" "I disobeyed the Czar." "I gave up everything for you." "No, Sergio, it's too late." "You took my dreams, my enthusiasm.. and my love." "You gambled them away to win a bet." " Lina, listen to me, please.." "I've already been cheated once and so have your friends." "Admit it:" "You knew that Lina Cavalieri was that poor girl from Trastevere and that you had won her over." "Now go!" "I never want to see you again!" "Your presence is unbearable!" "That's not true, Lina." "Your eyes belie your words." "You couldn't have forgotten me." "No, I have not forgotten the laughter of your drunk friends, their insults." "My name on your lips mixed with a horse." "That's all I remember." " Madame, on stage!" "Please, Lina, time is fleeting." "Don't destroy our love because of a mistake." "You'll curse this day forever!" "How sure you are, Prince!" "You think you're the only one who can make me happy?" "If I told you that there's another man?" " I would never permit it!" "Lina, are you ready?" "Come in, Mario." "Meet the Prince Sergio Bariatin." "Mario Silvani." "I was telling the prince that we're marrying at the end of the season." "Lina!" "I had promised, it was up to me speak first." "Stand aside, comedian!" "Stop it!" "You will never marry him.. ever!" "Victor." " Yes, Master." "I must make a change for tomorrow's orders." "For tomorrow morning's rehearsal, at 11 Oh'clock would be good." "But only the orchestra." " Alright, Master." "I'll see to it." "That's all, thank you." "# She fell into my arms.." "# Oh, soft kisses, oh, sweet abandon!" "# As I trembling, # as I unloosened her veils and disclosed her beauty." "# Oh, vanished is my dream of love," "# Oh, fled is that hour." "# And desperately, I die." "# And desperately, I die." "# And never before have I loved so much." "# Never have I loved so much!" "# It's time." " I'm ready." "# Remember, at the first shot, go down." " Down." "# And don't get up before I call you." " No, beloved." "# And fall down well." " Like Tosca in the theater!" "# You mustn't laugh." " So?" " So." "# How long is the waiting!" "Why are they still delaying?" "# The sun already rises." "# Why are they still delaying?" "# It's just a pantomime, I know." "# But this anguish seems to last forever." "# They're they are, taking aim!" "# How handsome my Mario is!" "# He dies!" "What an actor!" "# Oh, Mario, don't move." "There's only 40 minutes left, Highness." "Sorry, but I must insist, Highness, the station is far away." "# Don't move yet." "# Hurry, get up!" "Mario!" "Mario, get up!" "Let's go!" "# Up, up, Mario!" "Mario!" "He's dead." "Lower the curtain!" "Hurry, a doctor!" "I'm sorry to disturb you, but we still need you." "We're.. we're at your complete disposition, Commissioner." "Miss, we need to know from you, who were so close to poor Silvani, if there was anyone who had a motive of hatred, resentment toward him." "No." "I wouldn't know." "Who would.." "And you, Master?" "Silvani was a generous man and loyal." "He couldn't have enemies." "But on the other hand.." "Can we rule out that it wasn't an accident?" "Absolutely." "It was a well planned crime." "The autopsy leaves no doubt." "The bullet was fired from a modern gun probably a military type." "Horrible." " Be patient, we'll continue our investigations." "Goodbye, Miss." "Master." "I don't think I'll bother you anymore." "At least I hope so." "Goodbye, Sir." "Lina, you hesitated a moment before answering the Commissioner." "Do you suspect someone?" " No, not at all." "Listen, Lina, you've suffered a lot." "But you must be strong and think of your future." "I'd like to.." "but it's so hard." "But I'll help you." "Now you have a specific duty:" "no longer do you belong to yourself, but to the public.." "of the whole world that waits to applaud you." "And you can't betray them anymore." "THE CROWNED HEADS KNEEL BEFORE HER" "CAVALIERI AND CARUSO IN A PASSIONATE EMBRACE excite the Metropolitan Opera House audience" "Of course." "I also say that I'm truly grateful to New York and its audiences for the wonderful reception." "I'm sorry, Madame Cavalieri, to clarify some items:" "Your relations with Master Doria are exclusively professional?" "Exclusively professional." "Excuse me." "One last question:" "Why in your repertory does La Tosca never appear?" "Why do you insist?" "You already know the answer!" "That opera reminds Miss Cavalieri of a painful incident." "Master, was the culprit found?" " No, never." " Enough!" "Enough of this." "I'm sorry, but the interview is over." "Madame is tired, I beg you to excuse her." "Thank you." "Thank you, Master." "Have a good trip." " Thank you." "Miss Cavalieri." "What gossip!" "These journalists are all alike in every country in the world." "Let's hope that in Russia.." " What?" "Russia?" "We have to go to Russia?" " Yes, I wasn't able to tell you about it." "It's an official invitation by the Czar himself." "Aren't you happy?" " Yes, but such a long journey, the rehearsals, a different orchestra, it seems so complicated!" " Leave everything to me." "I'll precede you by a few days and when you get there, you'll only have to sing." "Sound good?" "All right." " Good." "Then you will have been applauded by the whole world:" "Europe, America, and now Russia." "At the same time, the cavalry attacks the left wing of the deployed opponent." "That's all." "After 2 years of training we can count on the Cossacks." "Gentlemen, the success of the maneuvers now depends only on you." "Gentlemen, see you tomorrow." "Good." "My old friend, La Turin." "Boris!" "Take that." "Boris!" "Prepare the horses." "And let the major know that he must take my command." " Right away." "What's going on?" " Are we there yet?" "No, still snow." "Always snow for three days." "Where are we then?" "Wait.." "I'll take a look." "Don't be alarmed, ladies." "The snow has blocked the tracks and it'll take 2 hours to free them." "Meanwhile, if you want to sit in a warm place with some hot tea, there's a small station across the street." "Thank you." "I'll go let my friend know." " I'll take care of it, Miss." "This way." " Thank you." "I'll go get your friend." "Have a seat." "Here you'll be fine." " Thank you." "Lina!" "And this is just by chance?" "A snowstorm, right?" "I wanted to welcome you to my land." " And so you did!" "And now am I free to go or will you stop me?" "Go on, you're in charge." "What can I do against your Cossacks?" "Well then?" "Are you sorry already or do you lack the courage?" "Lina.." "Lina, why are you always creating new obstacles to our love?" "Haven't we suffered enough to deserve it?" " Oh, Sergio!" "I can't live with this suspicion anymore." "It's like a nightmare." "Why did you do it?" "You shouldn't have killed Silvani!" ""Killed Silvani"?" "Me?" "You suspected me?" "Who else?" "Your revolver, the fight in the dressing room.." "You believe me capable of that?" " Yes!" "Only you had reason to hate him!" "You shouldn't have done it, Sergio!" "Not even out of love." "Why didn't you report me?" "To what end?" "They would have arrested you, convicted you maybe." "And then I wasn't completely sure.." " Are you sure now?" "You think I'm a murderer?" "It's over, Lina." "I could've born anything for your love.." "but not this." "Sergio!" "What happened Lina?" "That damn soldier wouldn't let me rejoin you!" "Lina?" "Lina?" "It was him!" "Him!" "Sergio!" "What did you say?" "What did he do?" "Oh, Carmela, he didn't even try to defend himself!" "And it was he who killed Silvani!" "What do you mean?" "Are you crazy?" "What evidence do you have?" "He did it out of jealousy, I'm sure of it!" " Jealousy!" "If all jealous men killed, there'd be a massacre!" "All your rejected admirers:" "La Turin, Lefevre, Doria.." "Yes, even Doria gets jealous with you." "Doria!" "Madame Cavalieri." "Master Doria." "His Imperial Majesty awaits you." "Please, will you follow me?" "Madame Lina Cavalieri." "The Master Giovanni Doria." "Thank you, Madame Cavalieri, for having accepted our invitation." "You'll find the small court theater here in the palace is very different from the large theaters you singers are accustomed to." "I had heard a lot about your beauty, but you are even more beautiful than fame's report." "Thank you, Your Majesty." " Which opera would you like to sing?" "Tosca." " No!" "No, impossible!" "Not Tosca!" "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but the scenes, costumes, rehearsals.." "That's what worries me about doing Tosca." "Too bad, I would've liked to have heard it." "I love the music of Puccini." "And I still don't know this latest opera." "Your desire will be fulfilled, Majesty." "We'll do Tosca." "# Always with a true faith, # my prayers rose to holy shrines." "# Always with a sincere faith," "# I gave flowers to the altar." "# In my hour of suffering, why, why, Oh Lord?" "# Why do you repay me so?" "# Jewels, I brought for the Madonna's mantle # and songs for the stars of heaven # that they shone forth with greater radiance." "# Why, Oh, Lord?" "# Why do you repay me so?" "# Why do you repay me.." "# ..so?" "# How long is the waiting!" "Why are they still delaying?" "# The sun already rises." "Highness, won't you wait until the end?" " Enough, I can't stand this!" "Don't you see she chose this opera because of me?" "As an accusation?" "You stay." " Your Highness." "# But this anguish seems to last forever." "# They're they are, taking aim!" "No, don't shoot!" "Stop, don't shoot!" "Lina.." "Now you'll tell me what happened." "I.." "It was me." "I killed him." " You?" "I didn't want you belonging to another man." "It was like I was insane, Lina." "Blinded by jealousy, you understand?" "Lina!" "Sergio!" "Forgive me, Sergio." "How could I ever have doubted you?" "English subtitles by sineintegral@KG excepting the libretto from Tosca" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"With support from" "Producers" "Co-producers" ""May 1943"" "Yes...?" "Speaking..." "Evening, Slávek." "No, I'm not sleeping;" "I'm working..." "Cut it out!" "Of course it can wait." "Serious?" "How serious?" "I understand." "Some guy was hurt at a sawmill in the mountains." "They're bringing him in." " What about tomorrow?" " I have to operate in Prague." " Some people have all the luck." " On Thursday I'm all yours." "I've got tickets to the theater." "Damn..." "There's an emergency." " Dr. Littner?" " Yes." " Hi, Slávek..." " Evening, Richard..." "Richard..." "How's the patient?" "Holding on." "By all rights, we should have lost him." "You're his last chance." "Suction..." "I'm off." "I've got a long trip and can be of no more use here." "Say goodbye to Richard and Slávek." "I will." "Goodbye." "Eliška...?" "The patient needs blood immediately." " What type?" " Yours." "Starring" "Directed by" "Screenplay by From the novella by" "Inspired By A True Story" "Art director Costume designer" "Edited by Sound" "Production managers" "Executive producer" "Music" "Director of photography" "Produced by" "Coproduced by" "You can't always be lucky." " I've done it before." " Exactly." "No one expects it of you;" "maybe you've had enough." "Loose the envelope if there's trouble." " There won't be." " Fine." " Let's go over it again then." " A four-story corner building..." "With exits into two streets." "I use the one by the post office, 2nd floor, 1st door." " When do you enter?" " Just after 5 PM." "Two names on the door:" "Emílie Fojtková and Aleš Dobøanský." "At 5:03 PM I'll hear a vacuum cleanerturn on inside." "I slip the envelope in the slot and exit by the other door." "Good." "Always the same game." "It's getting boring, gentlemen." "Thank you." "Excuse me, may I use your bathroom?" "Of course..." "Let me just get the light." "Thank you." "We saw you come in..." " Are they searching apartments?" " Not yet." "Wouldn't you like to lie down?" "No, thank you." "I just felt a bit dizzy." "It's okay." "Thirsty, Mr. Janda?" "You're my personal patient;" "I must take good care of you." " You need to drink." " Thank you, doctor ma'am." "I already told you I'm not a doctor yet." "How could I be since they closed the school..." "And I'm no ma'am either." "You'll have to wait for both." "We're releasing you soon." "Would you like to write your family?" "No family?" "I know about having no folks, or not knowing about them..." "Mr. Kukalík, how'd you sleep?" "Good." "Good heavens!" "Sitting there like a ghost." "Where's Richard?" " What're you doing here, Slávek?" " You have to leave." " What?" "Here's money, ration coupons, new work papers, all documents." " New personal data." "Commit it to memory." " Are you crazy?" "No." "The Gestapo got Fojtková and Dobøanský; they may talk." "Tonight you're taking an ambulance to Køenovice." "What will I do there?" "Continue on by train with Janda, the man you donated blood to." " You can't return here anymore." " And Richard?" "I need to see him." " Impossible." "Get packed and go." " I want to hear it from him." "Richard's gone." "He emigrated." "Nonsense!" "No one can emigrate." "Tell me the truth." "I can take it." " That's what we counted on." " Dammit, This isn't possible!" "It is possible!" "Richard emigrated and left you this." "He took off and left me this?" "I'm supposed to believe that?" "This wasn't part of the game!" "Am I the only one who didn't know?" " No one knew and everyone did..." " And everyone was ready but me!" "Please, be quiet!" "Your relationship was public, so we'll say you emigrated too." "The Gestapo'll probably buy it." " Where'll you go?" " Don't worry." "Give me your keys." " I'm going home." " No!" "You can't be seen!" "Give me your keys." "What do I do now?" "Learn your new identity." "There, there, sweetie, don't tremble." " Slávek, come with me." " Pull yourself together..." "You'll get your bag in Tynec, some clothes and personal stuff." "Dr. Beníèek will have it; he's the man who brought Janda in." "Nothing to be afraid of;" "he'll guard you with his life." "Beníèek vouched for him." " What's he wearing?" " The shoes and pants are his." "The coat, shirt, and briefcase are mine; there's food in it." "I left some photos at Richard's place." "Don't worry, I'll clean up." "Bye, Eliška." "I'm a doctor." "I'm carrying medicine and food forthe sick." "Here's the receipt and inventory." " And this?" " Personal belongings." "Personal belongings?" "And this?" "Hardly yours..." "They are a bit small..." "I have some old clothes forthe patients; they have so little." "They're lucky to have you..." "You may go." "I'll leave the bag in the train." "Joza?" "That's what they call you, isn't it?" "You know the danger I'm in..." "I've got to hide and I don't know for how long." "You have to forget who I was." "Now I'm Hana Hofmanová." " Didn't Dr. Chládek tell you?" " He did, miss." "We needn't be so formal." "My name's Hana..." " Your hands are like ice, miss." " Miss?" "Your hands are like ice, Hana." "Your hands are like ice, Hana." " We're here." " Where?" "ádová Hu." "Watch out forthe mud, miss." "Must you be so formal?" "No." "You'll have to stay here a bit till I find something else." "We can't stay at my old place, but I'll find an empty cottage." " You have empty cottages?" " From those who left or died." " You didn't die?" " No." "Waiting for your beau?" "For Lipka and he's not my beau." "He got caned again yesterday." " Did a fairy save you?" " She's one of us." "Helenka..." "She's eòa Bojarová's." "She can stay a few days, Joza, if we're good enough for her..." " I'm not asking any questions." " Good idea." "I'll talk to the principal about her." "So you made it back..." "You look betterthan before." "elary-celery, chickenshit smellery... elary-celery, chickenshit smellery..." " Why are they teasing her?" " She's from elary." "That's why." "Thank you." "You scared me..." "You've acted very dangerously." "Slávek wouldn't have sent me here if he'd known." "He's dead." "The Gestapo came for him." "And if they catch you, they'll execute everyone who helped you, including me." "I'm taking you back." "You'll go to elary, marry Janda, and I won't ever hear about you again." "A fairy saved Joza Janda." "I saw her." "No such thing as fairies." "A plane!" "German." "Flying in the clouds." "And she is too a fairy." "You're just a stuck-up brat!" "Forthe last time, who stole boards from Burda's fence?" "Confession eases the soul..." "Lipka, come with me to my office." "If he beats you again, bite another one of his fingers." "The cane solves nothing." "ádová Huis in a rut." "Chickenshit stinky butt." "Kids from the Hu like to shake their butt." "Better hope Lipka doesn't wring your necks!" "ádová Huis in a rut." "Chickenshit stinky butt." "Kids from the Hu like to shake their butt." "Are you happy?" "Trying our patience?" "You think it's worth the beating, don't you?" "Beat it!" "Get out of my sight!" "Out!" " You got punished, eh?" " Not today." "Nice of the principal to let you off." "He didn't..." "When he beats me he lets me off." "You're with Joza, huh?" "Joza from the sawmill?" "Yeah... that's right..." "I assumed you knew you couldn't just waltz around like this." "I don't want to see you outside, ortalking to the children." "Children can't keep secrets, and they're my responsibility." "Take yourthings back inside and wait till they come for you!" "Come in!" " Praise Jesus..." " Forever and a day..." "Can't sleep either?" "I can't sleep since she's been here..." " What do you want?" " I came to thank you for Lipka." " It was nothing..." " You maintain strong discipline." "The last principal couldn't compare." "But that's the only thing I've accomplished with the cane." "Most of the kids here are headed forthe gallows." "That's where we're mistaken:" "A child's soul is a flower bud." "Then what hemlock did Lipka bloom from?" "Though he'll be gone soon, I'm still telling his stepfather." "Don't." "Save your compassion forthose who need it." "His stepfather will kill him;" "what about your conscience then?" "What makes you think I have one?" "Please, rethink this!" "I'm applying for a transfer..." "Come in..." "Lord keep us!" "Sorry to disturb you;" "I'd like to speak to the priest." " Have you come for her?" " Yes, principal." "Let's go outside." "Thanks for everything." "There's not much furniture but I'll make some soon." "There's a kitchen, bedroom, front room, shed..." "Lucka lives up there, eòa next to her..." "And Juriga lives down below." "Where's the yard?" "Everywhere." "There's no electricity but you'll get used to it." "Have a seat..." "I have to take the horse back to the mill." "It'll be warm soon." "Sit closerto the stove." "That's Azor." "Now I've got two guards." "Tea will be ready soon." "Tomorrow's Saturday." "I arranged the wedding..." "without banns." "The priest will help register you in elary and with the parish." "I'd like to wash and go to bed." "Good night." " This is eòa Bojarová." " Good morning." "Get out of here!" "eòa will dress you." "What for?" "I think I'm capable." " You need different clothes." " My clothes are fine." " You can't get married in them." " What's that supposed to mean." "You're all so sure I'm marrying Mr. Janda, but maybe I'm not!" "There's no other way." "Then I'lljust go and yourtroubles will be over." " You've got nowhere to go." " You're all mad or I'm dreaming?" "You're not telling me what I can and cannot do." "Sorry..." "I told you to stay outside!" "How will you make me?" "There's no other way." "They wouldn't accept you." "Why don't we eat something?" "Cheers..." "What's that?" "Clothes from the theater group we had here." "You could use this wig and this dress... orthis one..." "My clothes are fine;" "I don't need to dress like a clown." " You can't wearthem." " Why?" " The local people..." " And because of your hair, too." " My hair?" "Wearthis until your hair grows out." "They're coming!" "They're coming!" "Morning!" "Good morning!" "I assume you don't have a recent copy of your birth certificate?" "Will you try to get one later?" "I suppose you have no idea what I'm to use to register you?" "Your presence here in elary is forcing me to commit fraud." "I hope, at least, you are aware of that." "I am in an unenviable position." "I can turn you in and endanger all those who have helped you." "Or I can marry you and pray that no one else turns you in." "God help you from being arrested..." "Well, I hope you're single at least." "At the ceremony I have to ask three questions;" "I'd like the answers now:" "Do you enter into matrimony willingly?" "Yes." "Yes." " Are you under pressure to marry" " No, not at all." "Not at all." "Do you wish to have offspring?" "What will you say before witnesses?" "Yes." "Yes." "Fine." "I'd like to pray before the ceremony." "Alone." "Thank you, father, thank you." "Forest, forest, oh, forest green," "Come, lass, I'm home alone," "Home alone, all are at mass," "Come to my bed, come, my lass..." "Sorry, but I don't know how to dance like this." "Don't worry, I'm drunk too." "You have a fine wife, Joza!" "You whore!" " You whore!" " Stop that!" "Leave her alone!" "Stay the hell out of it, you dirty slut!" "He hit you again?" "You should've killed him!" "Can I sleep here?" "The bench is hard." "I have to tell you something." "I was unfaithful to you." "Not today, before." "Down in ádová Hu." "With Irèa, the one you stayed with." "How could it matter?" "She's used to sleeping with me." "I don't mind." "Hello." "Hello." "I'm not used to the stove." "I'm helping mow Juriga's meadow tomorrow." "Then they'll help us with the floor." "Morning." " Pretty here, huh?" " You're right about that." "Police are scarce around here." "The Germans use a back road." "So I heard." "You're safe here." "And there's no reason to be afraid of us." "I asked myself, where'd she find that old goat?" "He's lived alone for years." "Then one day all those logs fall on him, near kill him, and he comes back with a young gal who doesn't suit him at all." "I met Joza at the hospital." "A person has to wonder what a young city thing would see in such an old goat." "What's there to like?" "Various things come to mind:" "Maybe she doesn't like him, just needs a place to hide." "Someplace far away where no one will find her." " Get your hands off me, you pig!" " Oh, don't worry..." "We'll have more chances to dance." "Lunch!" "Lunch!" " Afternoon." " Afternoon." "Sit." "Him too..." "Enjoy the meal." "I broke the lamp." "It doesn't matter." "I'll tell young Juriga." "He'll bring another from ádová Hu tomorrow." "You'll like it." "You'll see." "Don't cry." "You'll have a new one tomorrow, Hanulka..." " Shouldn't I call you that?" " You can..." "That lamp doesn't matter." "You're not mad, Joza?" "I brought you some books from ádová Hu." "The priest said they might help with boredom." "So that's your plan:" "If I read I won't touch anything." "Thanks." "Azor, stay." "Evening, Mr. Janda." "May we come in?" " What's your business?" " I need to sort out some papers." " God keep us!" " Evening." "Sorry to disturb you, ma'am." "Have a seat." "Bring drinks forthe guests." "We have to register you, ma'am." "I'll need to see your papers." "Fill this out:" "Address, name, age..." "Born 1924?" "If you were single you'd have gone to work in the Reich, eh?" "To bad we didn't meet her before Mr. Janda did!" "Any domestic animals?" "Cross it out then." "Here's a voucher for ration coupons, and we're all through." "Sign it, please." "Respect the black out." "No lights at night." " Good night." " Good night." "Farewell." "I'll teach you how to do it." "Good afternoon." "Hello, kids." " Hello, principal." " Hello." "What can I get you?" "Run out of honey?" "No..." "I just wanted to ask..." "Do you know your Helenka is friends with Lipka?" " Of course; everyone knows." " You've given your permission?" " I haven't forbidden her." " He's not a good influence." "Helenka is an intelligent child." "She could already start school." "But Lipka is a loser, a hoodlum." "He grew up fatherless and his stepfather drinks." " Helenka has no father either." " Yes, but she's sensitive." "But under Lipka's influence she's obstinate and standoffish." "It seems the opposite to me." "You realize that Lipka will become an outcast and a thug." " What boy is better?" " He's like a wolf." "You don't know him as I do." "It's appalling." "Threats and beatings?" "Like water off a duck's back." "But I do know him." "They're my kids." " Not Lipka..." " He's Helenka's brother." " What?" " Milk brother." "What's that?" "I nursed him when his mother lost her milk," " after I'd lost Matuek." " Milk brother, eh?" "That's right, principal." "As you wish, Mrs. Bojarová." "I was concerned about Helenka." "I can see how busy you are..." "so I won't detain you." " God keep you." " And you." "The floor's ready." "Come have a look..." "Hanulka." "You bastard!" "No, daddy!" "You don't lift a finger at school or at home!" "No, daddy!" "Michal!" "Get off!" "Don't come back, you freeloader!" "Why do you hound him?" "Must he sneak home like a thief?" "This isn't his home." "I don't want to see your bastard again!" " Going to town tomorrow?" " Yes." "I need a couple things." " I can't read this." " Soap." "I need it for laundry and..." "I didn't want to say it, but you could use it occasionally." " We'll go together." " I shouldn't be seen." "I'd like to show you to my mother." "Like to tell her I married." "You have a mother?" "I was in elary to see Lipka's stepfather." "Now something for you:" "I'm worried about him..." "about Lipka." "I'm afraid that brute will nearly kill him." "I wanted it, wanted that animal to be an extension of my arm." "Now tell me who's the bigger brute." "Who will God's wrath strike?" "Sometimes I envy your pure soul." "You're wrong." "I know." "Even saints sin." "Seven times a day, isn't it?" "May I touch you." "Yes." "Okay children, who can name ten forest creatures?" " A flea!" " What are you doing here?" "And a frog, a worm, a snail, a wasp, a rabbit, and a bear..." "That's seven." "Okay, a badger, an owl, and a trout." " You like school?" " It's pouring outside." " Who taught you that?" " Lipka." "He knows them all." " He should be here, not you." "I'm here instead of him." "He's not coming again." "Ever." "It stopped raining." "My goat must be completely soaked." "Let's continue!" ""Autumn 1943"" "Get into your little cottage;" "you'll be warm there in winter." "Azor!" "Joza..." "Well, shit..." "You look frightened." "This is Lucka Vojnièková." " What is it?" " Drink up!" "There was a swamp and an old house..." "She got all the way to the old mill." "I'm glad you didn't go there." "You can't get through the bog." "I saw someone there." "Water, Joza!" "Thoroughly!" " Her legs are full of thorns." " So pull them out." "Dry her off and lay her on the table." "Hold her." " Joza?" " Yeah?" "I saw something else when I got lost in the woods." "There was a house... burning..." "That was the gamekeeper's lodge." "The Germans burned it." " The gamekeeper hid partisans." " They killed them all." "No, just the gamekeeper's family." "The partisans escaped and left them there." "I saw them..." "All dead..." "Don't wander so far from here ever again." "I really don't want to die now." "They won't find you here, Hanulka." "They haven't so far." "Winter's coming." "We'll be scraping snow off the windows." "Still sulking, grumpy?" "Your mom sent this so you won't starve." "You've got to come get it yourself." "I'm not traipsing overto you." "I'd just drown in all your crap anyway." "Winter's coming, so quit your sulking." "Go home to your mother." "Or you'll croak here." "Lipka!" "Are you here?" "Can you hear me?" "Lipka!" " You been here the whole time?" " Come on..." " Teacher's sending the cops after you." " Let him just try." "Lucka says winter will chase you home anyway." " Look what fell from heaven." " What is it?" " Try it." "Keep your mouth shut about me and it's yours." "What'ya got there?" "I won't tell." "Lipka said it's a secret that fell from heaven." " How is he?" " Really great." "He's not cold and stuff falls from heaven." " Can you eat it?" "I'm famished." " You can't try it." "It's secret." "Good morning." "You can keep it for yourself." "Close your eyes... both of you." "Open your mouths..." "If it's frozen cat crap..." "As beautiful as in church, and it's from heaven, too." "But it's betterthan the Lord's body the priest gives us." "If he passed this out on Sunday the place would be packed." "No more for you." "You don't pray enough." "Thank you." "Joza?" "You promised me a dance..." "Don't hesitate or you'll miss out..." "Last piece..." "Last piece..." "Hey, you in there..." "I've got something." "Want some too?" "But you have to get it now." "If you don't come out I'll eat the last piece myself." "Not a word or I'll turn you both in." "Joza!" "Run get Lucka!" "She's at the church..." "He broke my arm!" "Didn't it ever seem odd?" "What's she doing here?" "Where'd she come from?" "Where'd that old goat find her?" "You don't realize the danger we're all in?" "Slut!" "Just wanted a bit firsthand." "Anything happens to her, we know where to go." "Remember, Michal!" "He's bleeding like a stuck pig." "They can sew him up in town." "I'll do it myself." "But not here..." "At home." "You can come birthing with me." "Yourtalents are wasted here." "Joza, it seems to me they didn't trim you properly." "Your ears are like flyswatters and the asymmetry bugs me." " I think I'll cut one off." " Go ahead." "Aha, I found you out..." "You want me to maim my husband." " I'll strangle you forthat!" " Go ahead." "Don't provoke me." "Choke your own self if you want." "But bear in mind, I'll bump you off if you do." "Where's the gun?" "Gun, gun, gun..." "Azor's training rabbits with it." "Oh, God, if I burn lunch tomorrow I'll hang myself." "Will you pound in a nail for me?" "The nail's already in..." "From last time." "If it's Joza, I'm not here." "Lipka!" " What happened?" " My mom's bleeding." "She fell." " Grandma won't call for help." " Hanulka, hurry..." ""eòa, go forJoza;" "we may need him."" "No one knows I came to get you." "Mom's hurting bad, and dad's drunk." "She miscarried." "Who let her just lie here all day?" "All because your precious boy's too spoiled to feed the stock?" "His arm's bust." "Can't pitch hay." "He drank away the pain." ""Ma said he got beat up at the mill; too scared to go out now."" "What'd that hag say?" "Praying hard she'll soon be rid of her nightmare?" "What do you mean?" "We care about Aninka." " No one invited you." " You did, you nag, you old cow!" " Hear what she said?" " He ain't deaf, is he?" "I'll get the doctor..." "It's even too late forthe priest." "Get some sheets..." "And you get the sled, fast!" " She's dying." " I know." "We have to take her down the hill." ""Take the boy away;" "he can't help."" "Take him home." "Joza, stop!" "I'll go down... forthe priest." "You were right." "It was useless." "That didn't matter." "Evening, father." "It's almost morning." "Did we wake you?" " I couldn't sleep anyway." " We're frozen stiff..." "Thank you." "eòa, why don't you remarry?" "Helenka and I are doing fine..." "Right?" "Dona!" "Heel!" "Come out!" " Oh, it's you." " That your dog?" ""She's mean." "Her old master beat her; now she hates people."" "We've just had her a short time." "Vermin come sniffing around..." "Leave her alone, she's a beast!" "Dona, get over here!" "It's okay, Dona." "It's okay, don't be scared..." "Come wash and have something to eat." "If you chop wood for us, you can come eat when you're hungry." "I'd appreciate the help." "She can't anymore..." "Water!" "Water!" "Hanulka!" "Water!" "Water!" "eòa's strange." "Just smiles, doesn't say much." "She's self-sufficient." "And what about Vojta?" "Vojta Juriga?" "He's a tomfool who doesn't know what to do." "But eòa does." "He only does what she lets him." "Afternoon..." "That was young Gorèíková..." "I thought she disappeared." "Nothing just disappears off the mountain." "There's always tracks." "She left her brutal husband to live with her father-in-law." " I don't get it." " Why not?" "How could they hide it so long?" "Her husband went looking for her" "They hid nothing." "Think they really 'live' together?" "She's in her sixth month!" "Chamomile..." "Cinquefoil..." "Buckthorn..." "St." "John's-wort..." "Comfrey..." "Mugwort?" "Buckthorn?" "Buckthorn?" "Buckthorn?" "That baby is mine!" "It's mine!" "You can keep the whore, but the baby is mine!" "Baby thief!" "I'll be back for it!" "Close your eyes..." "You're beautiful." " What?" " You are." "Now you..." "About you?" "You are..." "What?" " An old hag." " Oh, you!" "You think you've got me tamed but I have other plans." " I'm going to finish med school." " I also have big plans." " Which include me?" " Yes." "What?" "It's a secret." "Tell me." "We'll buy some sheep." "That holy night, shepherds stood underthe heavens, taking turns watching their flocks." "A great light suddenly appeared, and a mighty angel of the Lord stood before them." "They were overcome with fear, but the angel said unto them:" "Fear not..." "He says we're to stand and go outside..." "Everyone." "For hiding an enemy of the Reich..." "Death!" "Spring 1945" " Praise the Lord." " May He bless us." "I got it out by the bridge." "Seemed sad to let it float away." "That's not a doll." "It's Winter, the goddess." " Now maybe Winter won't end." " You believe such stuff?" "You're dripping." "They'd beat me up if they saw me with it." " I need to dry it someplace." " You do deserve a beating." " Indeed, it's a sin." " I'll repent in confession." " God knows you're not sorry." " I'm just tricking him a little." "You can only trick yourself and forfeit His forgiveness." " Does God know everything we think?" " Everything." "Here, help me with these." "It's all hopeless if He knows everything." "Are yourthoughts pure?" "It's enough to know they're not." "You're right, Spring is here." "Let Winter float away, or stand in a corner, right?" "Run along." "Soldiers!" "Soldiers are coming!" " Cheers!" " Cheers!" "To our liberators!" "Cheers!" "You look like my sister." "What're you doing, you jerk!" "I'll shoot you!" " Just having fun, old man." " Fun?" "To victory..." " Laughing at me?" " Yeah." "I'm..." "I'm walking straight." "It's shameful..." "And the field mice can see you." " I'm going no further." " I am..." "What if I run away?" "You won't today..." " I'm on your conscience." " Can't drink or walk, but wants to run." """ "Put me down; wait; you're panting." " Stop squirming."" " You're going to bust." " Now you're free." "You can go." "You're laughing at me again." "Where could I go?" "I'm not budging." "I mean tomorrow." "In a week." " Maybe someone's waiting." " No one's waiting for me." "No one..." "Roman?" " This her?" "She's pretty." " I told you you'd like her." "You're beautiful, I like you..." "What's you're name?" "Sorry..." "It'll be fine..." "I'm Vasya." "Understand me?" "What're you doing, you whore?" "Stop!" "Stop, you bastard!" "I'll show you..." "Swine!" "Fascist!" "Fucking fascists!" "Killed my brother..." "I'll kill them all!" " Where is it?" " Overthe hill!" "Let's go!" "Move!" " I'm on your side..." " Back!" "Get down!" " I'm a friend." "Forthe love of God..." "You idiot!" "That was a priest." "He's not a German..." "You killed him." "Let's get out of here!" "No one will find you here." "Wait for me." "Don't go..." "Sorry, mother..." "I'm Sashka..." "Sorry..." "Stop, you idiot!" "And take your hands off me!" "Let's have a drink..." "Thank you, mother, thank you..." "Mommy!" "Mommy!" "Help, they're killing her!" "Help..." "Azor!" "Seek, Azor!" "My God..." "Careful!" "God keep us..." " Let me do it." " Here's sheets for bandages..." "Azor, slow down." "Au!" "Put him down here, Joza." "Give me more..." "Joza..." "It's okay..." "Grab it!" "Grab it!" "Over here!" "And Vojta?" "Where's Vojta?" "Azor?" "Azor!" "Quiet!" "Joza!" "Joza!" "They aren't fascists, Comrade Lieutenant." "Germans?" "Where?" "These are our people." "I know them." "Don't shoot!" "They're all our people." "Careful here." "Follow me." "Come, the boy knows the way." "These are our people..." "Hurry!" "Help with the wounded." "Get a move on!" "Bring a stretcher." "Careful..." "You'll be fine." "Joza?" "Doctor!" "Doctor!" "It's okay..." "Let me give him a little hug..." "A lovely future soldier!" "Lucka..." "It can't be..." "Hanulka?" "Oh, Lucka..." "Is it really possible?" "You're alive?" "You're alive..." "I'm none too sure..." "I'm none too sure at all." "Subtitled by John Brent" "Printed at Barrandov Studios" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[cat purrs, meows] [fast, lively flamenco music playing] [screams] [giggles]" "[puss yowling] El Gato!" "[yowls]" "1x13 - "Star"" "[panting] [grunting] [Esme groans] [horse whinnies] [woman screams]" "Dulcinea!" "The town is in total chaos and I sense that you know why." "Who?" "Me?" "You can't prove anything!" "[thumping]" "We are friends, and friends tell each other what is going on when there are a series of bizarre, seemingly unconnected occurrences." "Oh!" "I wish I could get away from all this!" "Where did she go?" "Dulcinea!" "[bandit] Hey!" "Oh, my!" "[bandits growling]" "Dulcinea!" "Hmm." "I think we need another mattress on top, long-ways, to give it a little extra pizzazz." "First pig named Toby to the top wins!" "[grunts]" "Hello!" "I'm here and ready to help!" "What a lovely, yet dangerous fort!" "Oh, hey, Toby!" "Do you want help down from there?" "I don't need any help!" "[whimpers]" "Oh, well, all right then." "Kid Pickles, let's go over your blueprints." "Never hurts to have a second pair of eyes!" "Nah, that's okay." "I don't need anyone!" "Whoo!" "Oh, okay." "Well, I've got... ooh, phew, just so many other things to do, like, like this one thing, and then there's this other thing..." "'Kay, see ya!" "[Cleevil laughing]" ""When you're needed not at all, it can make you feel quite small."" "Yes, Booky." "Quite small." "[laughing]" "Whoa!" "[grunts] [panting]" "Gentlemen, you mess with the cat, you are going to get the claws." "He called us gentlemen!" "Ooh, I can't wait to tell my mom!" "Puss, do you ever feel like you're not needed?" "No." "Why do you ask?" "Is someone spreading awful rumors about me to the contrary?" "Show yourself, rumor monger!" "No, it's just that, now that the orphans are getting older," "I-I feel like they don't need me anymore." "Ah, I, too, would feel... something if the people of San Lorenzo no longer needed me to protect them." "Uh, sadness, maybe?" "Or hunger?" "Yes, I think hunger." "Do not worry, Dulcinea, there is a surefire way to fix this problem." "Yes!" "Go on." "That was as far as I got." "[sighs]" "Dulcinea, I hate to see you so sad." "How about tonight, I join you in your favorite evening pastime?" "[sighs] Reading bedtime stories to the flowers of the garden." "Oh, really?" "You mean it?" "Yes!" "And I will even write all of the stories myself!" "I will use all of the words!" "So many words!" "Oh, Puss, that is so sweet!" "Just nothing too, you know, spicy, okay?" "I write what I know, and what I know is muy caliente." "I go!" "[woman] Can I place an order, please?" "[man] Make it a double please." "Thank you." "Pajuna!" "The Cantina is packed!" "Can I help you?" "That depends." "Can you make milk with your cat parts?" "No." "Also, eww." "Don't knock it till you've tried it." "All right, who'll have a milk shake?" "[customers hoot, cheer]" "There must be someone out there that I can help." " Hello there, Mayor!" " Huh!" "Good evening, Mayor." "[screams]" "I mean, hello." "I didn't realize you make the barrels that you hide in." "Uh, yes." "There would be no barrels if it weren't for me!" "And where would you cower in fear if there were no barrels?" "Right." "Well, maybe I could help you!" "I've never made a barrel, but I've made pinecone bird feeders." "I just love it when the birdies peck the seeds out!" "They're like, "Ooh, seeds!"" "[pecking]" "I am sorry, but no." "The barrel maker, he is a lone wolf." "[howls]" "Nothing personal!" "[howling] [whistles] [horse neighs]" " [Dulcinea] Artephius!" " Where?" "Oh!" "Hiya, Dulcinea!" "Do you need any help with whatever that is?" "Oh, you mean, my macramé owl kite?" "Uh-huh, yes!" "That!" "I would be honored if you would let me help you!" "Sorry, kid, can't let you board the macramé train." "The secrets of macramé are not for mere mortals." "Ooh, scary!" "Oh!" "[sighs]" "I just want someone to need me." "Oh, so pretty!" "[gasps]" "I've never seen a star twinkle blue before!" "Could it be a wishing star?" "[gasps]" "No." "But maybe?" "I wish that flower were alive!" "Wow!" "I said a thing and it happened!" ""Official Secret Star Wisher."" " [gasps] Me?" " [male voice] Yes, you!" "[gasps] A talking medallion!" "I'll call you Goldy and wear you around my neck like best friends do when one of them is a necklace!" "[male voice] No!" "Up here!" "Starry?" "Hi!" "I'm Esteban!" "I'm your wishing star!" "I've been waiting thousands of years for someone to wish on me." " You have?" " Yup!" "[Esteban] A wishing star needs a wisher, otherwise he can't help people!" "Wait, you like helping people?" "[Esteban] You betcha!" "It's all I've ever wanted!" "I like helping people, too!" "[both] Oh, my gosh!" "we have so much in common!" "I can tell we're going to be best friends!" "[Esteban] Best friends forever!" "[gasps] So now what?" "I just make wishes?" "Wishes to... [gasps] oh, oh, become the most helpful person in San Lorenzo?" "[Esteban hesitantly] Uh-huh, but remember," "I'm a secret wishing star." "If you tell anyone about me, all your wishes will go away, and I'll go to sleep forever and never be able to help anyone ever again." "A life without helping!" "That's terrible!" "[Esteban] Good thing that'll never happen!" "Now, let's make with the wishes!" "[giggles]" "[Pajuna humming] [snarling] [screams]" "Back, beasty!" "Back!" "[grunting]" "All right, Esteban, keep your eyes open for anyone who might need our help." "[Esteban gasps] Who's that?" "Is he a mystic warrior?" "[coughs, hawks]" "Oh, that's Puss!" "But shh!" "Keep your voice down." "[Esteban] It's okay, you're the only one who can hear me." "See?" "[yells] My name is Esteban!" "[Puss gagging]" "Huh, magic sure is nifty!" "[retches] Eww." " Hello, Puss!" " Hello, Dulcinea!" "I was trying to catch a couple more thieves." "The two I caught earlier seemed very lonely." "Oh, I have something else to tell you." "The most exciting thing happened, I got a..." " [Esteban screams] No, no, no!" " [Dulcinea] Hat." "I see no hat." "Well, it's very small." "Okay, bye!" "Sorry about that!" "It's just that Puss and I tell each other everything." " [Dulcinea] It's our thing." " [Esteban] Oh, it's okay!" "Sometimes friends almost send friends to eternal slumber by accident." "[grunting]" "[Esteban] Why is that strange man trying to fit into a barrel?" "Suck in that gut, Temeroso!" "[grunts]" "Oh, hey, Mr. Mayor." "Can I help you with that?" "Ah, we've been over this." "Lone wolf?" "Works alone?" "How-how-howl!" "Oh, okay." "I guess I "won't" help you then!" "I don't know what the fingers mean." "[giggles]" "I wish the mayor had a barrel that would fit him perfectly." "[Esteban] Hah!" "That's easy!" "Wish-zam!" "[gasps]" "[Temeroso] Fits like a glove!" "It worked!" "[giggles]" "[Esteban] I am super good at this!" "[gasps] [yelps]" "[grunts and screams] [screams] [gasps] [screaming]" "Am I man or barrel?" "[crying]" "[Artephius] Come on, Owlexander!" "Fly!" "Fly!" "Aww." "Oh, hi, Artephius!" "Looks like you could use some H-E-L-P!" "Why did you just spell "ham"?" "No, I was..." "I was asking if you needed some help." "Oh, that's too bad, I'm starving." "[stomach growling]" "Anyway, can I help you with your kite?" "Oh, you can try, but the owl kite only takes commands from me, its master." "Would you mind looking over there for a quick sec?" "Sure." "Oh!" "A wall!" "[exclaiming] I wish Artephius's kite would fly!" "[Esteban] One flying kite coming up!" "Wish-zoop!" "[laughing] Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" "You're welcome!" "You didn't do anything." "Maybe I did." "Maybe I didn't." "Yeah, you didn't, though." "Maybe I didn't." "But maybe I did!" "All right, then maybe thank you!" "[giggles] Wow!" "This is amazing!" "[Esteban giggles] We're magic!" "[continues giggling]" "Whoa!" "[Artephius] I should be worried about this!" "Whee!" "You and me, Esteban!" "We're a perfect pair!" "[Esteban] Like a pair of peas!" "Yes!" "We're just like peas!" "Magic wishing peas, who are also friends!" "[horse neighing]" "Please, Julio!" "I must get this yarn to market!" "Mush!" "Don't worry, Señora Igualdemontijo!" "I can help you!" "Do you know anything about horses?" "Not even a little!" "I wish her horse would giddyap!" "[Esteban] Wish-zap!" "[Igualdemontijo gasping] Thank you!" "Thank you, Julio!" "You're welcome, ma'am!" "And the name's not Julio, it's Dulcinea!" "San Lorenzo's Official Secret..." "[Esteban screams] [gasps]" "Chair!" "Yeah, chair." "That works." "Okay, well, have fun with your horsey stuff!" "[neighing] Oh!" "Oh!" "[screams]" "My yarn!" "No!" "I am ruined!" "Left!" "Left!" "No, your other left!" "I have two lefts?" "I'm a monster!" "[screams]" " Yay!" " [Señora Zapata] Children!" "Clean up this mess!" "It's time for bed!" "All right, troops, you heard her!" "Let's pack it up!" "Aww, I wish someone else would clean up after us, like when we were little!" "Oh, Esteban, the poor children." "I wish I could do everything for them like when they were younger." "[Esteban] Wish-zowie!" "[cooing, babbling] [wailing]" "[babbling]" "Why are they all acting like babies?" "[Esteban] You said, "Like when they were younger."" "That's not what I meant!" "Dulcinea, I have written a tale for flower story time." "Phooey!" "I knew I was forgetting something!" "Let me just say," "I hope the flowers' petals are not too delicate!" "My tale is spicier than the legendary Volcano Death Pepper of Saraqusta!" "I will find you one day, Volcano Death Pepper!" "I will find you and I will eat you!" "No pepper is too spicy for me!" "[chomping]" "Puss, I'm sorry, but I have to cancel flower story time tonight because of... uh, reasons!" "[laughs, coos]" "Uh, Dulcinea, Toby is doing that." "Oh, they're just playing a game!" "A fun, fun game!" "[giggles] Oh, funny." "[babbles and burps]" "Are you fibbing to me?" "Your eye is twitching." "[stammering] It is not!" "You are lying!" "And you have never lied to me." "Are you in trouble with the law?" "You can tell me!" "Hm?" "Hm?" "No!" "[Esteban] Look away from his eyes!" "They're so compelling!" "[gasps]" "I wish there was something to keep Puss busy!" "[Esteban] Wish-zomp!" "[gasping and screaming]" "Señora Igualdemontijo, I will save..." "Ooh!" "[meows]" "I am suddenly busy!" "But we are not done here!" "[children cooing, babbling]" "[Esteban] Boy, I really mucked this one up!" "Oh, no, it's okay." "It's okay." "We'll just fix it with more wishes!" "I wish the kids were older!" "[Esteban] Wish-zooby!" "Oh, my hip!" "[exclaiming in pain] My aching scales!" "My grandson never calls me!" "Oh, no!" "Now they're too old!" "[screaming and yelling in distance]" "Um, Esteban?" "I think we may have gone a little overboard." "[screaming and yelling continues]" "Um..." "[Artephius screaming] [giggling]" "Dulcinea!" "I must speak with you!" "[gasps]" "Esteban!" "I wish you would keep him busy again!" "[Esteban] Wishing is fun!" "Wish-zowie!" "How did you escape?" "The key is safely in my boot!" "I can tell because every step is incredibly painful!" "The door just opened and we walked right out." "Hah!" "Like I'm going to believe the lies of common thieves!" "En garde!" "[grunting]" "Now, if you will excuse me, I must go help Dulcinea." "What!" "What is this deviltry?" "[both gasp] [mumbling in amazement] [yelling] [grunting and growling]" "[screaming continues]" "Oh, my!" "Esteban!" "All of our wishes went wrong!" "[Esteban] Don't worry, I can fix it with..." " More wishes?" " More wishes!" "[yelling and screaming] [grunting] [grunts]" "[crying]" "Why won't you stay down?" "[crying] I don't know!" "I don't wanna fight no more!" "Will this never end?" "Incoming!" "This is a horrible nightmare." "[screaming]" "I wish the mayor wasn't in the barrel!" "[Esteban] Wish-zoink!" "Help!" "I'm scared of heights!" "Also horses, and glue, and puppies, and small rocks, yogurt." "[screaming]" "I wish Artephius' owl kite wouldn't fly!" "[Esteban] Zoot!" "[screaming] [grunts]" "[all groaning] [grunts]" "[panting]" "[Igualdemontijo screaming]" "Dulcinea!" "The town is in total chaos, and I sense that you know why." "Me?" "You can't prove anything!" "[thumping]" "We are friends, and friends tell each other what is going on when there are a series of bizarre, seemingly unconnected occurrences." "[Esteban] Please don't tell him!" "Oh!" "I wish I could get away from all this!" "[Esteban] Wish-zap!" "Where did she go?" "Dulcinea!" "Hey!" "Oh, my!" "[whimpers]" "I'm ruining everything!" "If only there was something I could do to make it up to San Lorenzo." "If I could make one big wish, something really important, something that would help everyone in town..." "Ooh!" "[screaming]" "[exhales] [gasps]" "The Great Mage Sino!" "If I could restore your spell that separated San Lorenzo from the world, the town would be safe forever." "I'd be the helping-est helper San Lorenzo has ever seen!" "Esteban, I wish San Lorenzo were separate from the rest of the world again!" "[Esteban] Wish-ziminy!" "[grunts] [wind howling] [screaming]" "What is going on?" "Oh, I'm too old for this!" "You said it, Kid Pickles." "Ah, Adult Pickles?" "Old Pickles?" "The name's Sergeant Pickles, 44th Cavalry!" "I fought for my country!" "It's like I'm falling in every direction at once!" "What is going on?" "[Esteban] Dulcinea!" "[Dulcinea] Oh, my!" "You're so big!" "[Esteban] I don't think we can fix this with more wishes." "I'm just no good at it!" " Oh, we just need one wish to go right." " Wait a minute." "Wish?" "Dulcinea, do you have a wishing star?" "There are many tales of wishes, but they all end the same way." "Badly." "You must give it up." "But he's my friend!" "[Esteban] Dulcinea, he's right." "You have to tell everyone about me." " You'll go away forever!" " You have to help your friends." "You're my friend!" "I can't!" "Dulcinea, all you wanted was for someone to need you." "And now, a whole bunch of floating someones need you." "Please." "You have to do this." "Even though I can only hear one half of this conversation, it is very touching." "I'll miss you, Esteban." "You can still talk to me." "I just won't answer." "Everybody, listen up!" "I have a wishing star!" "[Esteban] Bye!" "[explodes]" "Esteban?" "Are you there?" "[Puss] Dulcinea." "Dulcinea, I know you are down, but we have something that might raise you up a bit." "Go ahead, Esme." "We made this for you." ""The Star of San Lorenzo."" "For me?" "But why?" "I know you have been worried that no one needed you anymore, but we do." "We all do." "You help us in the most important way of all:" "you brighten our lives like a star." "Aww." "Yeah!" "You always read us bedtime stories." "And the flowers, too!" "And hug us every time when we are scared." "And let us steal food from your room without you knowing!" " What?" " Nothing!" "Group hug!" "[all laughing]" "Hmm." "I had the strangest dream that the town had been thrown into chaos." "I did not know what to do." "I had a dream like that, too." "Good thing that's all it was, just a dream." "[children giggling]" "[fast, lively flamenco music playing]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"The pit was very deep, or she fell very slowly, because while she fell she had time to look around and to wonder what was going to happen next." "Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland" "Mellie." "Mellie." "Is that the bus from Marseille stopping?" "Yes, mother." "I don't think so." "It never stops." "What are you looking at?" "Is there a traveler?" "Yes." "Did he come on the bus?" "The hell he did." "That bus never brings anybody." "The rain must have brought him." "THE PASSENGER OF THE RAIN" "Tuesday, October 10, 5 PM." "That's the third in 10 minutes." "I smoke so that you have something to say to me." "I have to go and find my dress." "OK, I'm through." "There's 5 to be repaired." "What's wrong with that one?" "It turns over." "The hell it does." "It's you that cannot get anything right." "Go ahead, say that I drink too much." "You drink to much, mama." "I drink to forget." "Forget what?" "That men are pigs." "When will you bring my cars you're getting fixed?" "Day after tomorrow." "Why not tomorrow?" "Tomorrow I have to attend a wedding." "Why don't you admit that your husband doesn't want you to see me." "He doesn't want me to come here, that's not the same thing." "Besides, you're also invited to the wedding." "Mine was quite enough for me." "Good night, mother." "Good night, daughter." "Astronauts can go to the moon, to Mars or wherever... but since there's nobody there, why bother?" "Did you get my bread?" "Yes." "It's over there." "You think this dress is too short?" "No." "Let me try it with your shoes." "You husband doesn't like short dresses?" "Not on me." "Does he come back tomorrow?" "Toni?" "Tonight." "He's supposed to bring me a record from London." "Wait till you hear it, it's... bestial!" "How's that, a bestial record?" "I'm flat broke" "I want the police station, please." "Your number please?" "Hello... 18... 18, Cap de Pins." "A moment please." "Police station." "Hello." "Hello, speak up." "Hello." "Who is this?" "Is it number 18, Cap de Pins?" "Yes." "Did you talk to the police station?" "Yes, thank you." "Don't hang up... you have a call from London." "Hello?" "Go ahead Sir." "Mellie?" "Toni." "It's you, Toni." "Of course it's me." "Tell me, do you come back tonight?" "Yes, we're taking off in 20 minutes, I'll be home around 11." "Is something the matter?" "No, nothing." "Doesn't sound that way." "Toni..." "Can I pick you up at the airport?" "No, a friend will pick me up." "Toni, let me come." "I said no." "But why?" "You driving's pretty bad." "Listen dovey, I assure you it's not worth it." "Come quick." "Are you angry, dear?" "Come quick!" "See you soon, dear." "Get out!" "Go!" "I won't tell anybody." "I won't press charges." "You heard me on the phone." "I didn't say anything." "No one will know." "Please, just go away!" "Police, road check." "Your papers, please." "Is that you, Mellie?" "It's Mrs. Afou." "I went to school with her husband." "Are you alone?" "Yes." "And where are you going?" "To the airport, to pick up Toni." "The reason I ask is, we're looking for somebody... a real nut." "I wouldn't want you to run into him, that's all." "You didn't see anybody on the road?" "No." "OK, be careful." "Good night, Mellie." "OK." "Is that you, Mellie?" "Yes." "It's me." "Do you know what time it is?" "Where were you?" "Toni, please." "I'm asking you where you were!" "I went to see mother." "She went to see mother..." "I went to see mother!" "It's true I went to see my mother." "But I had problems... with the car." "What kind of problems?" "With the starter." "You wouldn't even know what is a starter." "A driver fixed it for me." "He told me." "Where?" "On the sea road." "Your mother didn't see you on her way over." "I didn't come that way." "Do you know what my father... would have done, if my mother... would have left the house just once at this time?" "Just once?" "He would have given her a head like that!" "For sure!" "Le habrede fatto la testa cossi!" "I never saw my old man cook, touch a pan or what." "Look." "an egg..." "Do you see it?" "She would never have left him even break an egg!" "She's have been ashamed!" "Your mother was a saint." "You can say that again." "Mellie wasn't that lucky." "Is that your dress for tomorrow?" "Yes, I wanted to show it to mama." "What do you think of it?" "Dirty." "I'll wash it... it's easy." "Besides, you lost a button." "Now where are you going?" "To check the furnace." "Wednesday" " Noon" "Give each other the right hand." "I declare you man and wife, in the name of the father... the son and the holy ghost." "Amen." "Hear us, oh Lord who made heaven and earth." "Lord, hear my prayers." "May my prayers reach thee..." "BODY FOUND ON THE BEACH" "Bless oh Lord these rings which we bless in thy name." "So that those who wear them may live in faithfulness." "May they live in peace, obeyant to the will of God... and may they live with everlasting love." "For the will of Christ our lord, amen." "Why did you kill him?" "What will I get for a correct answer?" "Nothing, but I will win time." "Not a very profitable game." "Does it have anything to do with math?" "With what?" "With mathematics." "I'm a wiz at math!" "It's only an American watch, that's all." "What did you think?" "That you're an American." "That's all." "Are you afraid of Americans?" "No, of watches." "Where do you live when you're at home?" "My home is everywhere." "Why didn't you stay there?" "Ah you know, same old urge..." "'Chercher la femme'." "Are you with the police?" "Me?" "No." "Then you are out of luck." "I've already got a man." "Sorry, I have to go." "I don't have a car." "I'm told you might take me back." "Take you back, where?" "We're going to Cap de Pins." "That's exactly where I'm going." "My name is Dobbs, Harry Dobbs." "Have you been here long?" "Since this morning." "Where are you staying?" "In the Palm Hotel." "The Palm Hotel is closed." "Not for me." "I have a nice room, light, with red curtains." "Are you here for business?" "You could call it that." "What kind of business?" "Hunting." "Hunting?" "But... there's nothing to hunt here." "That depends on what you're hunting." "You never found that lost button?" "I'll ask Nicole for another." "Alright... end of the line." "It's still far to the Palm hotel." "We are not going there." "Not enough?" "Yes." "When will you be back, Toni?" "Saturday at noon." "You travel with a lot of money." "That's my business." "And where are you going?" "Djibouti." "And then where?" "Cairo and Rome." "What's Djibouti like?" "Like the rest." "What's the matter, Toni?" "The guy who fixed your car last night, was it Harry Dobbs?" "Who?" "The American." "You never saw him before?" "Why are you like this, Toni?" "Why are you so jealous?" "A man who is not jealous... is not a man." "Now, what have I done?" "I saw you dancing with him." "You know what my father used to say... to my mother?" "If somebody watches you, tell me." "If somebody touches you..." "I'll kill him." "Give me, I'll brush it... and I'll never dance again, with anybody." "I promise." "Alright." "I want to drive you to the airport tomorrow." "Alright." "Thursday, 11 o'clock" "I bet I can beat you, what do you say?" "I've never done any bowling." "Who was talking about bowling?" "How did you get in?" "Through the door." "First I went to your house." "But there was nobody." "Where were you, Marseille?" "You had just driven your husband to the airport." "And another thing..." "It took you 45 mins. too long to come back." "I can also tell you why..." "You were reading all the newspapers." "Too bad there was nothing about the body... they found on the beach yesterday morning." "What do you want from me?" "Talk." "We have said it all, yesterday at the wedding." "Yesterday I had not seen your house." "It's really fancy." "Your husband is a pilot... with Air France, isn't he?" "He is a navigator." "Tell me..." "A navigator must do pretty good." "How much is he making?" "What do you want to talk to me about?" "Let's talk about the man you saw get off the bus, right here." "Your mother told me." "True, I saw a stranger get off the bus." "But I hardly noticed him." "But you saw him again later on." "That's not true." "You were undressed, in a dress shop, to try on a dress." "He was on the sidewalk, in front of the shop window." "His eyes fixed on you." "A peeping Tom." "Your friend Nicole told me this one." "You know Nicole?" "I've met many people after arriving here." "You told me you weren't a cop." "Why are you so interested in that man?" "You told me you were great at math." "This man is very interesting." "Not to me." "I didn't know they were going to kill him." "Or come around asking me questions." "Or anything." "True, naturally, but please make a big effort." "When this man was there, looking at you," "wasn't he holding something in his hands?" "You know very well what." "All you do is lie." "You really forgot about the red bag?" "You really don't no what happened to it?" "I don't even want to know it." "What do I care about this man?" "You were the last person who saw him." "I've asked everybody in the village." "So what!" "There's only one explanation." "You took him home in your car." "What?" "Because nobody goes anywhere around here without wheels." "You do!" "Ah, but I've got a car." "Yesterday you didn't." "I said that I didn't have one." "It's a red one." "I really like red." "Hey, that cost me money." "I'll give it back to you!" "Go." "I'll find that red bag, Mellie." "There are not too many places he could have hid it." "If the bag is not at your home... it's maybe... in a locker at the railway station." "Leave me in peace." "Not without getting hold of that bag." "Not one minute before." "Believe me, Mellie." "Better I find it before the police does." "Are you leaving, Mellie?" "I saw your car outside." "I want to ask you something." "Yes..." "Well... it is about... the poker game we'll play at your home when Toni comes back on saturday." "I've lost a lot this winter." "I'd rather talk to you about it, because Toni will listen to you." "Besides, with you it's easier.." "You see... what I need is a kind of loan." "If it doesn't bother Toni, I don't want to bother nobody." "No problem, I'll tell him." "And I'm sure he will not mind." "Thanks, Mellie." "The man they found dead yesterday on the beach, he used to be a boxer..." "Bruno Sacchi." "Didn't you know about it?" "I saw the papers yesterday." "Today there wasn't a word.." "Not one word until they get the murderess." "Murderess?" "Yes, they already know that it's a woman." "They've got ways, I'm telling you." "OK, till saturday Mellie, and thank you." "Everybody's lying." "Me, when I speak, I'm never sure if I really mean what I say." "I was just looking for you." "No kidding." "You said you'd leave me in peace, when you've got the bag." "Well here you have it!" "Very well." "The owner of this bag went to see you at your home, Mellie." "That's not true." "Oh, I can't leave you alone now." "That is you address, isn't it?" "Give me back that photo." "It's worth a lot of money to me!" "I'm hungry, Mellie." "Invite me for breakfast." "Is that for me?" "Americans feed on ketchup and eggs..." "I'm a wiz at cultural geography." "Mellie..." "Mellie is the diminutive of what?" "Melancolie." "They wanted to call me Melanie, after my grandma, but when my father went to register me, he said:" "no, no, not Melanie, don't put Melanie." "So in order not to have to erase anything, they called me Melancolie." "Eat, or it will be cold." "I like your father." "He left when I was 9." "He never came back." "An what's that?" "A present." "From friends of Toni's, from Hong Kong or wherever." "Toni must have friends all over the place." "Right?" "When was this picture taken, Love Love?" "Give up, and I'll tell you." "I think it was last year." "But that doesn't mean Toni knew this Bruno Sacchi." "You seemed to know his name alright." "I just heard it." "I don't think he was a friend of your husband." "Otherwise he wouldn't need a picture to identify him." "Impeccable psychology." "I'm a wiz at psychology." "Only in some matters, you don't need that insight." "Neither seen nor heard, that's perfect." "Sacchi didn't come here by chance last tuesday, he came on business." "That's for sure." "Whatever happened when he found you at home alone, that's for you to tell me." "Would you like coffee... before leaving?" "I have no intention of leaving." "I have all the time in the world!" "You don't think... you're going to stay here, do you?" "Where would you like me to go?" "To the police?" "Why are you doing this to me?" "A man's gotta make a living." "And what would you gain if I saw 2, 3 or 4 Mr. Dobbs?" "You'll choose one of them as your confessor." "Drink, Love Love..." "There are people in the next house, they'll hear if I scream." "Go ahead." "I checked this morning, there's nobody." "Just like tuesday night, when you killed him." "That's not true." "I don't want to drink!" "Who tells you to drink?" "Better tell me what happened tuesday night." "Drink, Mellie, I hate to repeat myself." "If you do that again, just one more time," "I'll spike your bottom." "You... what?" "I'll turn you over my knee and spank your bottom real good." "All of it." "Nice place here." "Toni know how to live well." "Marines and aviators, they got it pretty good." "A girl in each port and..." "I know Toni." "And I know Sacchi." "Come on, ask me to talk about him." "That'll make you thirsty." "That's an interesting case for a psychiatrist..." "Liar, thief, sadist, and a sexual maniac..." "He has his good points, though." "The trick with nuts, for instance." "He taught me some things about nut throwing." "Take a chance." "Hard." "You're in love..." "Love Love" "When the pane breaks, means you're in love." "Get out." "Toni had nothing to do with any Sacchis, or Harry Dobbs's." "There's a name for what you're doing." "Assisting a murderess?" "Blackmail!" "I'm the one who will tell the police." "Do you hear me?" "I will go to the police." "To the police, right." "What was Bruno Sacchi's racket?" "I am not an information center." "Please, answer me Mr. Dobbs." "All Toni brings from his trips are things for the house." "Or records, for our friend." "You can't hide anything in a record jacket, can you?" "Nicole." "Ah, it's you Mellie, one moment please." "What's the matter, Mellie?" "Double crosser." "What's your racket with my husband?" "I'm happy that you know, because I want us to stop it." "True, I've slept with Toni." "You know..." "I was his one night stand for 2 nights, that's all." "But it never meant a thing to Toni, nothing." "It was my fault." "I don't know what happened to me." "I said only 2 times!" "What did you learn from your friend Nicole?" "Nothing of interest to you, Mr. Dobbs." "Toni cheated on me with her." "But I don't care." "So what's the money for?" "Because I'm not sure of anything anymore." "Please, give me that photo." "It's all I had in my account." "I have household money at home, I'll give it to you." "I've bought a bottle." "It's only fair that you pay for it... since you're the one who's going to drink it." "Do you like it?" "My mother says it helps you to forget." "Forget what?" "That men are liars." "She knows." "Nobody know more about alcohol and unfaithfulness." "It was she who cheated on my father." "Come on Mr. Dobbs, pick it up." "At such friendly price murder is cheap, Love Love." "I pay for my husband's peace of mind, that's all." "You're kidding." "What he's got to worry about?" "Until he comes back, I won't know a thing." "I'm buying time, Mr. Dobbs." "Here, pick up your money and keep it!" "You think I want your housekeeping money?" "I don't understand." "I am not a blackmailer." "So... who are you?" "I'm your partner, Love Love." "For more than a week I've been chasing Sacchi." "I searched all over the country and big parts of Germany to find him." "Why?" "To kill him." "Imagine my surprise when I arrived here yesterday morning." "The job was already done for me." "Obviously... is was an amateur job." "Me, I would have grabbed the everything he carried." "Do you have any idea what our partnership is worth?" "Name a figure, Love Love." "60,000 dollars in bills of 10 and 20." "Look, that would fit in a bag of this size." "But, the police..." "didn't find the money on the body?" "No... and it wasn't in the bag either." "And I know that you don't have it." "So?" "So you will tell me exactly how you killed him." "I'll take care of the rest." "I've never killed anybody." "I've wasted too much time with you, enough of this!" "It's almost 6, you have until the clock's last stroke... to tell me that you killed him, or else I will kill you." "I swear..." "I'm telling the truth." "So am I." "I don't believe you." "Same here." "Bravo." "Surely..." "you saw that it wasn't loaded." "You really deserve a drink, Love Love." "On the rocks." "How did you get to Cap de Pins?" "I talked to the bus driver." "And why did you go to the wedding?" "Your friend Nicole told me you'd be there." "She's not a friend." "She's a drum." "A what?" "When I want to say a dirty word, I say drum." "Perhaps Sacchi didn't carry the money when he arrived here?" "He paid the bus with this." "That doesn't prove anything." "Take your glass and follow me." "I want to show you something." "There is a box in this drawer with 2 cartridges missing." "That's news to me." "I searched the house while you were out and 2 cartridges are missing." "That's strange?" "You bought another box and put it in here." "Finish your drink." "It's easy to see that this rifle was used recently." "An expert would say the day before yesterday." "Come on, tell me that it's not true." "It's true." "You admit it!" "Day before yesterday, I shot... some rats in the cellar." "Rats!" "Come here, come Love Love..." "Rats, right?" "You shot rats, this high, and this high?" "They were jumping." "Listen, Love Love, even for the dumbest cop that would constitute a proof." "But I'm not a cop, I'm a future millionaire." "Tell me the truth." "What are you doing?" "Shooting a future millionaire." "And I won't wait for the stroke of the clock!" "Don't move!" "Don't move." "Give me you pistol please, Mr. Dobbs." "I did not kill Sacchi." "Now, where is your proof." "Pull up your shirt." "Pull it up!" "Who did that?" "Toni hit me..." "last night." "Toni?" "Why?" "He saw me dancing with you." "Drum." "Toni comes back tonight, he'll kick your face in." "He knows how to fight." "So do I." "Toni is far away and won't be back until the day after tomorrow." "You won't last that long, Love Love." "The day daddy left, I found a coin on the floor... the door was bolted, so we got a neighbour to break in." "His room was a mess... dad had even taken the mattress cover with him." "Yes, the mattress cover." "It's true, Mr. Dobbs." "But why did he leave?" "Because I saw my mom sleeping with another." "I kept quiet." "But my father started to ask me questions and questions and questions." "I couldn't stand it anymore..." "So I told him." "Then he left." "Since then, no one has called me Melancolie." "Yes, I know." "It's my fault." "I get it, Love Love, you confessed one time and it didn't work out." "That's why you won't confess anymore." "If I would have killed that man, I would have told the police." "No, not after what he's done to you." "Women who undergo this don't go to the police." "Is this psychology?" "No, statistics." "Who's coming to save me?" "Don't know, don't move." "Mellie..." "Mellie, I know you're here." "You have to listen to me." "I'm sorry." "I thought you were alone." "Mellie is busy tonight." "This house looks like my life." "2 days ago, everything was in order." "Now, we break doors, shoot guns in the cellar." "Drink bottles." "Kiss... anybody." "Do you know why I kissed you, Mr. Dobbs?" "Because you're in love with me." "Bravo." "You're going to say you kissed me to bother Nicole." "That's partly true, but there's something else." "You don't want anybody else to stick his nose in our story." "Or that somebody else knows about it." "Love Love?" "Friday, 10 o'clock" "Did you take my cars for repair?" "My cars." "I forgot." "Where are they?" "In the trunk." "I'll take them today." "Forget it, I'll so it myself." "Is this yours?" "Do you collect them?" "United States Embassy, Confidential" "I let women in my room for only one reason, and I decide who." "You searched all of my house." "Yesterday you took a photo of my husband and put it in that bag." "Besides, that bag is yours, you left in the station locker." "You set it all up, Toni never had anything to do with it." "Exactly." "But if you know that, it means you found the other red bag, the real one." "No..." "I just figured it out." "Now I know who you are." "Colonel Dobbs." "A cop." "Not a cop." "Let's say I run a parallel investigation." "Why?" "In the army nobody asks why." "I have to find out the truth, and send a report." "That's all." "MURDER" "And the truth, you're going to tell me here." "I'll make it easy for you." "I'll tell you what happened." "Tuesday night a stranger... attacked you in your own home... his face covered with a stocking." "You tried to defend yourself, but all of a sudden... he hit you like this!" "You see..." "And now I'll tell you what he did." "He always stays in the house afterwards," "I know that guy, I've read his file." "You found him in the cellar and you killed him." "I have proof.." "You called the police station... but that night you hang up without a word... they told me at the switchboard." "To get rid of the body you went with the car, but at the highway... you were stopped by the police." "They told me at the police station." "You told the police you went to get your husband at the airport." "But that wasn't true." "Your mother told me this." "Impossible... my mother never tells anything." "I'll ask you something, Mr. Dobbs." "If you know everything and have all the proof... why are you playing this little comedy?" "So there must be an important thing missing from your puzzle." "Which one, Mr. Dobbs?" "Bravo!" "I didn't kill him, Mr. Dobbs." "Would you let an innocent woman take the rap for you?" "They arrested Sacchi's mistress." "That's not true." "It is, right now they are at the beach, where they found the body." "Go and see." "If she's innocent, she's not in danger." "Don't you bet on it!" "Even her best friends are after blood, and you know why?" "Because they think she's got the 60,000 dollars." "What beach?" "You think the body swam far?" "I don't think anything..." "I know nothing." "A place they call "The Wig"." "Toussain..." "Yes." "I want to tell you something." "Sorry Mellie, wrong time." "That woman, who is she?" "The mistress of the victim." "She lived in a house up there, her name is Madeleine Le Goff." "But she doesn't live here anymore." "No, they brought her from Paris last night." "She was a waitress in the restaurant of the Eiffel tower." "And why did they arrest her?" "She was here at the moment of the crime." "Say, Mellie, this affair does interest you, hey?" "Go... don't stand there looking at me." "Did you hear me?" "Go ." "Our of the way!" "Mrs. Melancolie Mound, coming from Marseille, Marignan, please proceed to the information desk." "I have an appointment with Tania Le Goff." "I know." "Your bag and your coat." "No, I'll keep them." "Do as I say." "Follow me." "Tania Le Goff?" "Are you the one who called me?" "Yes." "How did you find me?" "I went to the Eiffel tower, then to a photographer who gave me your number." "But I have little time, I've another plane to catch." "You went to great lengths to see me." "Last night your sister was arrested... and I know that she's not guilty." "So?" "Why... so?" "She's your sister." "So what?" "I want..." "I want her to go free, do you understand?" "I want her to be set free!" "My sister is very lucky." "I don't understand a word you say." "Sit down." "OK, tell me more." "Give me your hand." "Do you know what it means, when a girl bites her nails?" "Come on, it's not a sin you know." "I didn't come here to get rid of that." "When people bite their nails... it's not what you think." "It means they haven't quite grown up... and have more imagination than is good for them." "Where was your sister Tuesday night?" "She was here, as usual." "Here?" "In Paris?" "Why didn't you tell the police?" "You think the police ought to know about this place?" "Answer me." "First, I need to know where I am." "With whom did your sister spend Tuesday night?" "With people." "I want to see those people." "That's easy." "Here she is." "It's like I've been playing dolls.." "These days, they make talking dolls." "What does this one say?" "She asks questions." "Ah, where were we..." "Her dad left, taking the mattress cover." "So she took a plane with 60,000 dollars in an envelope." "Where is that envelope?" "I mailed it." "Who did you send it to?" "Well, to myself." "To Cap de Pins." "Oh, that's too rich!" "Did you come to Paris by plane... to send yourself mail to Cap de Pins?" "Only for that..." "No..." "The Americans were on my heels in Orly." "I had to get rid of that money." "Why did those men follow you?" "By order of Harry Dobbs." "Harry Dobbs." "May I know who is this new personage?" "An American colonel." "What I didn't get is what he could have in common... with Sacchi." "Could you explain?" "He was a big shot." "Is that all?" "Bring me my coat." "I'll show you something." "If the pane breaks, it means you are in love." "He said that." "Follow me, please." "Where is she?" "Where is she?" "Don't know what you're talking about." "Tell him to drop it." "That's enough." "You guys leave me alone, I'll leave you alone." "Alright." "Really glad to see you, Mr. Dobbs." "Me too, Love Love." "Now that you really exist, Mr. Dobbs... could you perhaps explain this game to me?" "I haven't seen Mr. Sacchi for over a year." "What did she come here for?" "It's all a misunderstanding." "I'm responsible for it." "Anything else, sir?" "No, thank you." "Yes, bring me coffee at 8." "Yes, sir, thank you, sir." "You have to be home before your husband arrives, Love Love." "I'll take you there." "Can you hear me?" "Saturday 8 o'clock" "You should eat a bit." "I heard what you said." "That's my business." "Do you always live here?" "I live in Germany... but all places look like this room." "In your suitcase I saw the photo of a small boy." "Is he yours?" "Yes." "Are you married?" "No, I'm single." "Are you really so sure of winning, Mr. Dobbs?" "You shouldn't use that word." "I didn't kill him." "Thank you." "Are you able to dress yourself?" "Were you waiting for me?" "I wanted to talk to you... before you'd get back... home." "I've had a quarrel with mama." "A horrible quarrel." "We even broke a door." "A door?" "And why?" "Because of my father." "OK, a door can be fixed." "I have to go again tonight." "Oh, no." "But yes." "Good morning." "Thank you." " Thank you." " See you." "Come out." "5,000." "I follow." "15 30" "No." "Call." "Me too." "Nice to win, four aces." "Melancolie." "You're sending mail to yourself." "Look... your name, Melancolie." "I've always liked your name, but I've kept it," "for when you'd grow up." "What are you saying?" "Nothing." "Here, this came for you." "It's a letter, right?" "What time is it?" "You slept all afternoon." "Is this the door that I broke?" "I see that I'm strong." "Did you tell Toni that it's not true?" "What do you think?" "Besides, you are very forgetful." "What is it again?" "Toni's friend the policeman asked you to talk to him about a loan." "Drum!" "I completely forgot, is he mad?" "No, tonight he's in a good mood." "The woman who was arrested has confessed everything." "Hello, Mellie." "It's warm, right?" "I'm really sorry." "I completely forgot." "Don't worry, I'm winning today." "Thank you." "She didn't look guilty." "Listen, Mellie..." "She killed her lover for money, and buried him at The Wig... and that's it." "Buried him?" "Yes." "But when?" "Last year." "But colonel Dobbs said..." "I must have misunderstood." "This is another case." "Dobbs is looking for a demented guy who escaped from a German military hospital." "He was condemned three times for rape, and this time he took the cash too." "You got more beer?" "Are you going to investigate?" "Investigate what?" "Dobbs is convinced that this loony was around here and got himself killed." "But there's no complaint, nor a body." "I made a bet with him that he's still around here." "Alright, is there beer or not?" "I'll get it." "Funny, these Americans, looking for a recent body, asking for dogs from Toulon, and they find an old one." "Ain't that funny?" "Yes." "I was right, Love Love." "He was hidden in your car... but you didn't know about it." "I hate you." "You're a liar, and a cheat." "You had nothing on me!" "You dreamt it all up... with that feline smile of yours." "It's you who has caused the confusion." "When I saw you stare at the newspaper in the church," "I knew I'd win." "Never." "You've led me to MacGaffyn." "Who?" "Your victim." "His name is MacGaffyn." "I'm sure he's there." "I'm gonna have the bottom dragged." "I want to get a bit of air." "Even if he's found here, it's no proof." "Love Love." "And that bag you are holding, isn't that proof?" "What bag?" "I have no bag." "They're leaving." "I can stay here tonight, if you like." "No." "I'm a bit tired, that's all." "Mellie..." "What have I done now?" "Nothing, my dear." "What's the matter?" "That's Tousain leaving." "His siren is stuck." "I'm leaving tonight for London." "Do you want to stay with her?" "No, because she's going with you." "With me?" "What's the occasion?" "I know a Melancolie." "She'll find an occasion before I get to the gate." "She's a wiz at it." "I'll honk at the gate." "Listen dovey... that's crazy!" "Sure, but take me..." "I want to be with you." "I have things... to tell you... in London." "He was caught on the rocks, wouldn't have surfaced for months." "I've won our bet, colonel." "If he wanted to rape some girls from here and they killed him, you are in a bad situation." "Why?" "Because... he cannot talk... and who knows what happened." "You'll know when you read my report." "Did you finish your job?" "I have the money, I have the body," "I have enough for my report." "You can't have it all, don't you think?" "Besides, nobody is interested in recycling this story." "MacGaffyn has taken the truth with him." "And stop biting your nails, Love Love." "Bye bye." "Mr. Dobbs... a while ago, my mother has called me Melancolie." "Great." | {
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"Previously on The Client List..." "Kyle Parks, you're under arrest." "Hands behind your back." "Reporter:" "Mr. Parks was arrested last night and is being held at Harris County jail." "All right." "I'm hiring an attorney." "You are not bailing that man out of trouble." "All we need is a $5,000 retainer." "I don't have that kind of cash on me." "How can I help you today?" "I need to open a small line of credit on my house for some attorney fees." "Monroe:" "Riley Parks, Detective Monroe." "Detective Dunbar -- Houston P.D." "I played with Kyle at U.T. Manny Monroe." "Manny the Man!" "Manny the Man might be your friend, but I'm not." "Did Mr. Parks ever give you any of his funds off the sale of the stolen copper wire?" "No." "No one has given me any money." "Why are you standing by him?" "He is Katie and Travis' daddy." "Are you sure you're doing this for the kids and not you?" "I promise." "I've been there for her." "And there was nothing in it for you, right?" "Don't you think we deserve a little selfish time?" "Riley, what are you getting at?" "I think you should sell the Rub." "I'll make payments." "I'd be the owner." "Think about it." "[ Glasses clink ]" "I'm selling you the spa." "Okay." "Jolene and Kendra just quit." "Yeah, and Dee Ann hurt her knee at zumba." "I called in a favor from one of my very powerful clients." "Hello, Judge Overton." "After that nasty business with the councilman," "I'm not sure how much longer I can keep them away from her." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "[ Moaning ]" "Oh, yeah." "Does that feel good to you?" "Mm, yeah." "It's great!" "[ Moaning ]" "Can I, uh, turn over now?" "Oh, sure." "Sure." "♪ Hot night in the city" "♪ ain't no water in the well" "♪ mama ain't gonna sleep tonight... ♪" "[ Sighs ]" "Mm. [ Laughs ]" "How's that pressure?" "Oh, yeah." "[ Moaning ]" "♪ If I don't get out of here, I can't be blamed ♪" "You sure?" "Oh, yeah." "Yeah!" "[ Inhales sharply ]" "[ Crying ] Oh!" "Ah." "Yeah." "[ Crying ]" "Thank God." "[ Sobbing ] Oh." "You were amazing, as usual." "[ Sniffles ] Mm." "You know, some girls would get their feelings hurt that you cry, Walter." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "Yeah, that's -- that's why you're my favorite." "[ Sniffles ] You get me." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I went over my hour." "Oh, did you?" "I didn't even notice." "[ Laughs ]" "♪ 1, 2, 3, let's go" "♪ The Client List 2x02 ♪ Who's Cheatin' Who Original Air Date on March 17, 2013 [ sighs ] Longest day ever." "No." "Best day ever." "I'm telling you -- Kyle getting arrested here was so good for business." "Less girls means more money for us." "And by "us," I mean me." "Thank you, little miss sensitivity." "Ohh." "All right." "What's wrong with you?" "I feel like my arm's about to fall off." "It's peckeritis." "Is that really a thing?" "[ Laughing ] Yeah." "All right." "You know how some supermarket cashiers get carpal tunnel from working the register, except they're making change, and you're making, well..." "Really?" "Peckeritis?" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Can you straighten your arm?" "Yeah, of course I can s-- ohh!" "[ Laughing ] I told you." "Oh, my God!" "It's really a thing." "Yeah, well, just, uh..." "But don't try to submit it for insurance." "Selena, stop." "Ohh." "That leaves us only one solution." "Yeah, give me all your clients." "No." "We have to hire new girls." "And by "we," I mean me." "Ow!" "Ow!" "Ow." "[ Sighs ]" "Aww." "Hey, I thought you said you were gonna wait for me." "Yeah." "It's all right." "I got it." "Didn't you say you hurt your arm at work?" "No, it's just -- ohh!" "You got it?" "It doesn't look like you got it." "Oh." "I'm so sorry." "You all right?" "How's your arm?" "Ow." "You know, maybe someone should take care of your aches and pains for once." "That is nice..." "for an amateur." "Very funny." "[ Laughs ]" "What the hell you got in here, anyway?" "A bunch of bricks?" "Oh." "No, it's -- ow -- a box of old pageant stuff." "Don't tell me you're busting out the old tiara." "Oh." "That is a good look." "[ Chuckles ]" "No, Katie needs a costume for this Texas Wildlife day thing, and she wants to be an armadillo." "So I'm gonna make it." "Oh." "That feels good." "[ Laughs ]" "Anyway, I know that I've got some fabric in here somewhere." "Oh." "Super mom to the rescue, huh?" "Yeah, not to mention super Uncle." "I already told the kids you were going." "Well, kryptonite couldn't keep me away." "Are you doing anything Thursday afternoon?" "Uh, let me think -- making this costume, casserole, and there's a "Hoarders" rerun." "As amazing as that sounds," "I wanted to take you to someplace special." "Oh." "I don't know." "I mean, it is a 300-pound woman whose home is overrun with bunnies." "[ Both laugh ]" "I can do better than bunnies." "Pick you up at 4:00?" "Mm-hmm." "Bye." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Ow!" "The sign is perfect." "This place looks great." "The food is fabulous, the ambiance is to die for, and the management -- you're looking at the new manager of Harold's Bar " "Houston's latest hot spot." "The manager?" "Are you serious?" "Harold needed a hand in running it, and if there is one thing I learned in all my years at the Rub of Sugar Land, it's -- how to give a man a hand." "Mm-hmm." "[ Both laugh ]" "Okay." "Don't tell me." "Riley Parks." "My Georgia can't stop talking about you." "I'm Harold." "It's a pleasure." "Likewise." "And thank you for freeing up my baby's time and handling everything at the spa." "Oh, well..." "I'm an expert handler." "Well, welcome to my place." "I'm sure we'll see each other soon." "Mwah!" "Ladies, excuse me." "Ooh." "He is handsome." "Isn't he, though?" "And as sweet as sugar." "That's why he can never find out about the spa." "Woman, it's in the vault." "Oh, honey!" "I can't take cash." "But you said that I could make payments." "You're not changing your mind about selling the Rub." "No, no, honey." "I'm getting out of the game, but you can't pay me with this." "This deal has got to be completely aboveboard for me and for you." "Okay." "I'll get you a check." "Harold:" "Sweetie." "There's a girl here to see you about that waitress position." "Okay." "Tell her I'll be right there." "Look, Georgia, I'm getting ready to hire some new girls myself, so how do I know who to trust?" "Take your time." "Follow your gut." "There's a lot more at stake at the Rub than just messing up a drink order." "One bad decision, and everything we've worked for goes down the drain." "[ Buzzer blares ]" "What's going on?" "The judge moved up the bail hearing." "I tried to call you, but it was all over in 10 minutes." "Okay." "What happened?" "Well, we pled not guilty to first-degree felony larceny." "So, they're gonna release him on bail, you told the judge that he's got family here?" "The D.A. argued that he's a flight risk and a danger to the community." "Well, that's just ridiculous." "I mean, what's the bail?" "$75,000." "Is that judge on crack?" "[ Buzzer blares ]" "[ Door opens ]" "[ Sighs ]" "$75,000, Kyle?" "The court is concerned that Kyle might flee back to Mexico -- not to mention his lack of cooperation." "What do they want from him?" "A confession, for starters." "Right now the D.A.'s case is entirely circumstantial." "They have no evidence tying Kyle to the crime, but if that stolen wire were to turn up..." "And I told you that I don't have it." "Okay." "So, what if they could get their wire back from whoever did steal it?" "If Vandermeyer Construction were to recoup their losses, they'd most likely drop the charges against Kyle." "And until that happens, you need to put up 10% of the bail, and a bondsman will put up the rest." "You're looking at $7,500." "I need to speak to Kyle alone." "I'll be in touch." "[ Buzzer blares ] Where the hell am I supposed to get $7,500, Kyle?" "Everything is gonna be okay." ""Okay"?" "There's nothing about any of this that's okay." "Now, you need to return that wire." "That can't happen." "Why not?" "Because I want nothing more to do with Mick Vandermeyer." "That guy is nothing but trouble." "Graham just said if they get back what they lost, they might drop the charges." "Man:" "I'm afraid your time's up, Mr. Parks." "Mr. Parks." "Wow." "[ Buzzer blares ]" "Hey." "I just got here." "Your mom told me the bail hearing happened." "How'd it go?" "Not good." "What can I do?" "Do you happen to have $7,500?" "Didn't think so." "Riley:" "Okay." "First two verses." "All:" "♪ The stars at night" "♪ are big and bright [ All clap rhythmically ]" "♪ Deep in the heart of Texas" "♪ the prairie skies are wide and high ♪" "[ All clap rhythmically ]" "♪ Deep in the heart of Texas" "[ Riley and Karina laughs ]" "Texas Wildlife day, here we come!" "You guys were so great." "Now, who wants ice cream?" "All:" "Me!" "Well, then, go get ready!" "Child:" "Yay!" "Whoo." "Okay." "Here you go." "Oh, yes." "Thank you." "I'm really glad you guys came over." "It's sweet that they're friends." "So, how are the kids holding up?" "I haven't told them yet." "I just wanted everything to be sorted out." "I was hoping that my line of credit would pay all of Kyle's legal fees." "Is there anything that we can do?" "Do you have any more options?" "I mean, I know you have some cash." "Not nearly enough." "It's like I'm underwater here." "Well, let me check into your finances again." "We'll figure something out." "[ Cellphone ringing ]" "Excuse me." "[ Cellphone beeps ] Hey, Georgia." "Riley, whatever you did with the client list, make sure it's good and hidden." "There's no time to explain." "Trust me." "[ Cellphone beeps ]" "[ Clears throat ]" "Karina:" "Everything okay?" "Uh, you know what, actually?" "It's a -- it's a work emergency." "I got it." "I got it." "Come on, kids!" "Let's go get some ice cream!" "Travis:" "Yay!" "Ice cream!" "Bye-bye." "Bye!" "Go get it!" "Katie:" "Love you!" "Love you!" "Bye!" "Bye!" "[ Tires screech ] [ Sirens chirps ]" "[ Tires squeal in distance ]" "[ Car doors shut ]" "Oh." "Thank you, Mr. Armadillo." "[ Zipper zips ]" "[ Car doors shut ]" "[ Doorbell ringing ]" "[ Clears throat ]" "Hey." "What are y'all doing here?" "What's up, Riley?" "Riley Parks, we have a warrant to search your house." "Monroe:" "Come on, guys." "Let's go to work." "Sorry about this, Riley." "Oh, I'm sorry." "Dunbar:" "All right." "Why don't you start in there?" "So... are you guys still looking around for large spools of copper wire?" "We're not looking for wire." "Well, you're not tearing my house apart for nothing." "We're looking for cash." "What cash?" "The stolen wire was fenced last night in Biloxi by Kyle's accomplice." "Wait, you caught someone with the wire?" "Kyle's accomplice is still at large." "The Biloxi police arrested the men he sold the wire to." "They paid thousands in cash." "Yeah." "You can keep looking around." "You're not gonna find anything here." "Aiding and abetting a felon is a serious crime." "18 months in prison is a long time to spend away from your family." "I'm gonna say it again." "You are not gonna find anything here." "We'll see about that." "Let's check the bedroom." "Wow." "Talk about your bedside manner." "Let's go." "Be thorough." "We can't all be as sweet as you, Riley, but my partner does have a point." "Do you really want to take the fall for a crime Kyle committed?" "Allegedly committed." "Kyle was my man at U.T." "I had his back on that football field, and he had mine." "[ Sighs ] But he's changed." "This whole little walkabout with these pills in Mexico -- a lady like you doesn't deserve that." "He's still my husband." "That hasn't changed." "He's an anvil, Riley, and he's pulling you down." "Now, if you want to cooperate, tell us what you know." "[ Police radio chatter ]" "[ Buzzer blares ]" "Line up in hold." "All right." "Let's move." "[ Buzzer blares ]" "[ Door opens ]" "Lacey:" "I cannot believe the police searched your house." "I know." "I've never felt so violated." "Neither has he." "You are very clever." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "I'm just glad I got the kids out in time." "So, when are you gonna tell them?" "I don't know -- hopefully, Kyle will get out on bail, and I won't have to." "You came up with the bail?" "That was fast." "I'm working on it." "Now, does this look like an armadillo to you?" "Kind of." "[ Groans ] I am so overworked." "Do you know that I've got 18 clients tomorrow?" "Is that even humanly possible?" "No, that's why I'm hiring some new masseuses." "Ow!" "Well, how do you hire therapists that do, you know, what...you do?" "I don't." "I'm getting some people who do legit massages, and if they end up, like me, needing the money, well, that is completely up to them." "So, you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors?" "Well, I definitely have an idea." "Like, I'm doing a room-rental system -- you know, the more rooms I rent, the more money I make." "Kind of like we rent the chairs at the salon, except we just do blow-dries." "Lacey, that is only Selena." "Well, how are you gonna choose between all these applicants?" "I don't know, but I'm glad there are so many, 'cause if I've learned one thing about men, it's that they like all types." "Hello." "Do you have your massage license?" "Wow, you look, uh -- you look different from your picture." "Hmm." "Hi, there." "No, we don't do that here." "No." "You have a massage license?" "Yeah, and I don't know if it applies, but I'm also a Yoga instructor." "Oh, that's cool." "Believe me, I could use a shot of Zen." "Hmm." "Hey, there." "[ Chuckles ]" "Hold on." "Let me find you." "Uh..." "Oh!" "Look there." "[ Chuckles ]" "What was that?" "Hi." "I'm Nikki." "[ Chuckles ]" "This place rocks." "Nice to meet you." "You're so pretty." "Well, thank you." "Nice to meet you, too." "Have a seat." "So, it says here that you're a student." "Oh, it's just Houston Community College." "Nobody in my family ever went to school, so it's kind of a big deal." "If my mom had her way, I'd be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader." "[ Laughs ] So, what are you studying at school?" "Accounting." "I've got a thing for numbers." "Well, that could come in handy around here." "So, you're not working right now?" "No." "I mean, I had a job, but..." "It didn't work out." "Well, what kind of job was that?" "Okay." "Well, look." "[ Chuckles ]" "I'm not proud of this, but I was dancing... and not for the Cowboys " "I mean, not for the Dallas Cowboys." "[ Chuckles ]" "Well, tuition's expensive." "Nothing to be ashamed of." "Education's very important." "It's everything to me." "Anyways, so I got my massage license so that I wouldn't have to take off my clothes at lunch for these horny guys that give crappy tips." "I shouldn't have brought up that stripping thing." "Look, I just want you to know I really want this job." "Okay." "Well, if you really want it, there's just one more thing you're gonna have to do." "[ Moaning ]" "This is really tight." "What have you been doing?" "Taking care of everybody but me." "[ Chuckles ]" "I'm sure it's a lot of work running this place, but you seem like you'd be a cool boss." "Oh, thank you." "That is really -- ooh -- really nice." "Hey, could you come back and do this again tomorrow?" "You want me to come back?" "Room 7 is all yours." "[ Chuckles ] Thank you." "[ Cellphone ringing ] [ Sighs ]" "[ Cellphone beeps ] Hey, mama." "Linette:" "We have a problem." "Yeah, I ordered the pizza already." "You need to come home now." "[ Indistinct shouting ]" "What on earth are they fighting about?" "How come daddy was on TV and nobody told me?" "Who told you he was on TV?" "Ethan told everybody at school." "Uh, you know what?" "Your daddy ran into some trouble at work." "For what?" "That's a little hard to explain." "Um...oh." "Do you remember the time you took the cookie 'cause Katie didn't have one, and so you ended up doing something wrong trying to help your sister?" "But why was daddy on TV?" "Uh, because what daddy took was a little bit more serious than that, so the police had to take him to jail." "So, daddy's a bad guy?" "No, your daddy's not a bad guy." "He just -- he made a mistake." "Well, what are you two worrying about?" "Mama's here." "I got this, okay?" "Now, go." "Get ready for dinner." "Scoot." "Go, go, go!" "[ Sighs ] I just feel like I keep breaking their hearts." "You handled that so well." "I couldn't have done half as good a job." "[ Chuckles ] [ Doorbell rings ]" "Oh." "I hope that's the pizza." "[ Doorbell rings ]" "Riley Parks?" "Yes." "It's from Kyle." "Are you crazy?" "I have cops searching the house, and you send some stranger over with dirty money?" "Play it out, Kyle." "How can we take care of our kids if we're both in jail?" "Well, the original plan was for me to deliver it myself." "It doesn't matter." "It's still dirty money you stole from innocent people." ""Innocent"?" "Vandermeyer steals from everyone." "Hell, that copper wire was probably stolen in the first place." "It doesn't matter what they did." "We need to turn that money in." "If you give that money to the cops, you are giving the prosecution the evidence that they need to convict me." "Is that what you want to do?" "You want to send me to prison?" "You're doing a fine job of that on your own." "Okay." "I'm not saying what I did was right." "You think this is the man that I ever wanted to be?" "You don't understand how desperate I was." "I mean, I hated what I was doing, and it tore me up inside." "But I felt like I had no choice." "Now, I need you to promise me that you're not gonna make any rash decisions here." "Riley:" "Let me introduce you to Selena." "Oh, Riley, hey." "Um, I'm leaving early." "Check out this sale at Nieman's." "Thank God for these alerts." "33% off of an $825 bag." "That's like " "The total is $587.30, which is a savings of $272.25." "Well, nobody likes a show-off." "[ Scoffs ] Who the hell are you?" "This is Nikki, our new girl, and apparently a very good math student." "Oh." "Really?" "Nikki." "Well, do this math." "More employees cut into my purse fund, so you should leave." "She's gonna be in room 7." "I do have good memories of room 7. [ Chuckles ]" "You know what?" "Your client's here." "His name is Walter." "Walter." "I don't like that girl." "Why?" "'Cause she's good at math?" "No." "No." "I don't trust her." "She was eavesdropping on our conversation." "Oh, good lord." "Will you relax?" "We need help with the client list, and this might be our girl." "Selena, stop that." "Yeah, right." "That's if you can trust her." "Well, we'll know soon enough." "[ Scoffs ] How?" "'Cause I'm testing her." "Your shoulders are really tight." "Yes, I got a lot of emotional tension built up." "Are there any other areas you would like for me to work on?" "Yeah, you bet there is." "But first will you pass me that box of tissues?" "[ Knock on door ] Yeah." "Come in." "[ Door opens ]" "Hey, there." "How was the first massage?" "It's always the...hardest." "Yeah." "Since you brought it up..." "Look, I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble, and I really need this job, but my client, Walter -- he asked me for a happy ending." "Oh, God." "That sounds awful." "But you know what I mean." "Oh, yes, and I am sorry." "Yeah." "That -- that won't happen again." "I'm gonna talk to him." "I'm not gonna lie." "It was kind of tempting." "He offered me a really big tip." "Really big." "So...what stopped you?" "You've just been so cool to me, and I know that this isn't that kind of a place." "What if I said it was?" "Look, 90% of what we do here is legit, but the other 10%..." "Is what Walter asked for." "No wonder Selena can afford that $587.30 purse." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "And listen... you don't have to do anything that you're not comfortable with." "[ Doorbell rings ]" "[ Mug thuds ]" "Hi, I'm Karina -- Ethan's mom." "I'm Linette." "Come on in." "I'm here to drop off some refinancing paperwork for Riley." "Your son, Ethan, owes Travis an apology." "Excuse me?" "You had no business telling your son about Kyle." "I am so sorry." "It wasn't me." "He was with his daddy over the weekend." "He probably saw it on the news." "No." "I'm sorry." "This has just been so hard on everyone." "I'll talk to Ethan and make sure he apologizes." "I would never want to upset Riley." "I've been in her shoes." "So, do you mind giving her these refi papers to sign?" "Sure." "I'll make sure she gets them." "Thank you." "And, again, I'm really sorry." "[ Knock on door ]" "We got a problem." "Uh, okay." "I'll be right there." "[ Lock engages ]" "[ Sighs ]" "Selena, you need to get in your uniform right now." "Well, out of all the spas in all the world, you guys got to walk into mine." "And for good reason." "The money from the stolen wire still hasn't turned up." "Maybe it never will." "Or maybe Kyle gave it to someone he trusts, and they were smart enough not to leave it at their house." "That's an interesting theory." "You're a detective." "I'm sure you'll figure it out." "So you don't mind if we take a look around, then?" "Can I see your search warrant?" "Aw, darn." "I guess you guys are just gonna have to show yourselves out." "We'll be back with one, Riley -- sooner rather than later." "And I look forward to it." "[ Sighs ]" "[ Train whistle blows ]" "[ Engine shuts off ]" "[ Sighs ]" "Excuse me." "I'm looking for Mick Vandermeyer." "Man:" "Yo!" "Mick!" "Someone's here to see you." "What can I do you for?" "I'm Riley Parks -- Kyle's wife." "Oh, it's a shame about Kyle." "Breaks my heart to have to do this to him, but I had to set an example." "Look, I know that you think my husband made a mistake, but he wasn't involved." "So, you came here thinking, with your beauty and your obvious charms, that you could convince me that your husband didn't steal a semitruck full of copper wire?" "No." "Actually, I came here to square his account." "I took that from our family savings." "I have two kids at home th really miss their daddy." "And the half that his partner took?" "I don't " " I don't know anything about a partner." "Look, I'm just here to clear up the confusion about Kyle." "Okay." "But if you still feel like you need more money, then I can make that happen, too." "[ Chuckles ]" "You know, I wish my third -- hell, even my fourth wife were as stand-by-your-man as you are, Mrs. Parks." "I'm standing by my kids." "I understand that." "I truly do." "And I'm a man who believes in squaring accounts." "Good." "So, then, you're gonna drop the charges against Kyle as long as I can get you the rest of that money?" "That would be the Christian thing to do." "But I'm spiritually adrift." "As far as I'm concerned, I've never met you." "You never gave me a bag of cash." "And my suggestion is, next time, pick a man worth standing by." "Now get out of here." "[ Breathes deeply ]" "[ Jazz piano music plays ]" "[ Sighs ]" "You look like you could use a drink." "[ Sighs ] I wish a drink could fix all this." "What's going on?" "I don't even know where to start." "I mean, this Kyle thing -- it's a real mess." "And it's not just affecting me personally." "It's affecting the business." "Do you remember those two detectives I told you about -- the ones that searched my house?" "They came to the Rub." "Did they look around?" "No." "They couldn't." "They didn't have a search warrant, but I'm gonna tell you -- they're gonna get one." "A warrant to search the Rub?" "I mean, if the clients find out that the cops paid us another visit, we're gonna lose everyone." "Maybe I could make a few phone calls, call in a favor." "Mr. Louboutin kept the cops off your back." "Let's see if he can help again." "Oh, Georgia, I didn't mean to get you caught up in all this." "Oh, honey." "We're family." "Family look out for each other." "Thank you." "[ Birds chirping ]" "I can't." "Kyle gave this one to me." "I mean, maybe I should just call Evan and cancel." "With all that's happening, you need to take a couple hours just for you, don't you think?" "No, what I think is that I should stay in." "No." "You're going out." "You deserve to be happy." "Um...ah!" "Remember?" "I got you this one." "Yeah." "I mean, how can I be happy, though?" "My life's a big hot mess." "You have two beautiful kids." "Well, that's very true, but you know what?" "Let's review." "I'm ashamed to tell them what their mama does for a living." "I have a top-secret life in Sugar Land." "My husband leaves me, then comes back, gets himself thrown in jail for stealing copper wire." "Who steals copper wire?" "And on top of that, I'm dating my husband's brother." "Word." "I mean, I am one step away from being a guest on "Jerry Springer."" "[ Chuckling ] I love that show." "I do!" "[ Both laughing ] What did I miss?" "Oh!" "So much, mama." "You two been hitting the chardonnay?" "You wish." "Where are you off to?" "No need to be nosy." "[ Laughs ]" "Anything you want to tell me?" "So badly -- but I'm not going to." "Lacey Jean." "What -- what's that, Travis?" "!" "Aunt Lacey's coming!" "I can't believe we have this whole place to ourselves." "How'd you manage it?" "I did some roofing for the owner last week." "Told him I wanted to bring someone special, so he shut down early for us." "[ Sighs ] You okay?" "Yeah." "Everything's great." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "You know, as much as I love that beauty-queen smile of yours," "I can tell when something's upsetting you." "You want to talk about it?" "[ Sighs ] I'm just so mad at Kyle," "I don't even want to look at him, and every time I try to fix this whole thing, it just gets worse." "Well, maybe I can help keep your mind off it for a little bit." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "Yay!" "[ Laughs ]" "You know, watching you lose is getting tiring." "Watch this." "♪ Did you see that shining" "♪ passing by at the speed of sound?" "♪" "You okay?" "My club is bent." "What are you, like 15?" "When I'm with you." "[ Laughs ] ♪ beautiful and amazing" "I think I finally struck gold!" "Oh." "Is that what the kids are calling it?" "Come on." "Let's see if I got a hole in one." "Don't you mean a hole in two?" "It didn't come out." "♪ There she goes like a shooting star ♪" "Ethan." "I can't believe you did this." "♪ Lighting up this world with a little smile ♪" "♪ she's on the rise" "♪ and, oh, there she goes, and she won't slow down ♪" "Here's to focusing on the good." "This is really sweet." "[ Cellphone ringing ] Ooh." "♪ Keep on shining like a shooting... ♪" "Hello?" "Yes, I'll accept the charges." "Kyle:" "Hey, I just got phone privileges." "I was hoping I could say hi to the kids." "Uh, not right now." "Why not?" "Because I'm not at home." "Where are you?" "I'm just not at home." "Can I call back tomorrow, the same time?" "Sure." "And, Riley... you mind telling the kids their daddy loves them?" "Yeah." "I'll tell them." "[ Cellphone beeps ]" "[ Sighs ]" "Okay. [ Chuckles ]" "Wow." "Um, can we just rewind that whole last part?" "Tough to do, but we can try." "I'm sorry." "I mean, I really am trying to get back to where we were when he was gone, but he's just not gone anymore." "No." "He's not." "But I'm not giving up getting us where we need to go." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "[ Ball rattles ]" "[ Gasps ]" "And I think the universe agrees with me." "[ Laughs ] Yeah, but it still took away your hole in one." "I think that means I win, right?" "[ Sighs ]" "Last night was amazing." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "Hurry back." "I hope you had a nice time last night." "Linette:" "Riley!" "[ Gasps ]" "Well, did you?" "Did I what, mama?" "Have a good time last night." "Well, get your robe on." "Katie's costume isn't gonna stuff itself." "Here." "Hold the tail." "Oh." "Mama, are you sure this is not too much stuffing?" "It's supposed to be an armadillo, not a big, old T-Rex." "This is Texas." "Go big or go home." "Hey, thank you for helping me out." "Oh, the banker lady stopped by." "She wanted me to give you this." "What's going on?" "I need money for Kyle's bail." "Are you really gonna take on more debt for him?" "What do you want me to do?" "I mean, just let him stay in jail?" "How does that help the kids?" "Ugh." "I just need this whole thing to go away." "Maybe I could help with the money." "I could sell that little parcel of land that Bill left me." "Mama, no." "Brixton Ranch?" "You love that place." "Oh." "Some of my best memories were fishing off that bridge." ""Ranch"?" "It's a tin shack on a muddy creek." "Well, I appreciate the offer, but I got this." "At what cost?" "I know what you're hiding." "Riley, you can talk to me about all these things." "You don't have to keep all these secrets." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Yes, you do." "I didn't raise you stupid, and my mama didn't raise me stupid." "I know that." "If you're scared to talk to me about all you've been hiding 'cause you think I won't be all right with it," "I want you to know your mama's all right with it." "Okay, mama." "Just to be clear, you're saying..." "that you're okay with..." "You dating Evan." "Why wouldn't I be?" "I can't slip anything past you." "I know all your secrets." "And I'm so grateful that this is what we're talking about." "[ Cellphone ringing ]" "Ah." "[ Cellphone beeps ]" "Hey, Georgia." "I called in that favor." "You don't have to worry about those detectives snooping around the Rub." "How can I ever repay you?" "It's not me you have to repay." "He asked for a little favor of his own." "[ Groans ]" "He said he wants to do what?" "Mr. Louboutin wants two girls at the same time." "Now, come on, Selena, you know you love these shoes." "I'm more of a handbag girl, but " "I'll do it." "Eavesdropping." "I told you I don't trust her." "Well, you snooze, you lose." "Nikki, you're in." "No sex, right?" "Absolutely not." "Just some kinky stuff." "You know, he's a real nice man, generous with his tips." "Are you sure you're okay with this?" "Will you get out of here?" "I'm in." "Tuition's due." "How's your pedicure?" "Um..." "Hmm." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "Hey, Judge." "Hey, darling." "Look, I can't thank you enough." "And for these, too." "[ Both laugh ]" "Well, I have to look out for my girls." "Well, I really appreciate it." "Now, look, I got a little surprise for you today." "You do?" "I do." "[ Laughs ]" "Well, let's see, now." "I'm guessing..." "Maybe a size 7?" "[ ZZ Ward's "Put the Gun Down" plays ]" "Good eye, Judge." "♪ I got 10 fingers to the sky" "♪ my back to the wall, my white flag high ♪" "♪ hair, lips, just like a gun" "♪ she's got silver bullets on her tongue ♪" "Welcome to the family." "♪ He's deep under her spell" "♪ I'm screamin' out, but it just won't help ♪" "Is that nice?" "Mm-hmm." "[ Chuckles softly ]" "♪ Now, now" "What do you think?" "Perfect fit." "[ Both laugh ]" "I just want to say thank you for taking a chance on me." "I'm really gonna love it here." "And thanks for next semester." "You got it." "Riley:" "Manny?" "Darn." "You didn't bring your partner." "[ Chuckles ] I left him at the office." "I got you a burrito." "I hope you like chorizo." "Oh, well, thank you." "Something tells me you're not just here about bringing me a burrito." "Judge says there's no evidence you were involved in Kyle's crime." "That's 'cause I'm not." "Well, here's the thing, Dunbar and I -- we got warrants on way less." "Oh, Manny, come on." "You played football." "You know you don't win them all." "Maybe you just got unlucky this time." "Or maybe somebody pulled some strings to back us off your business." "I give massages for a living." "Who would I know that has that kind of power?" "Riley, you in some kind of trouble?" "Whatever it is, I can help." "I'm not just a cop." "I'm your friend." "But be warned the deeper you get into this, the harder it's gonna be to get out." "And if Kyle's pulled you into something, it won't just be the money or your freedom you could lose." "It'll be your family." "Thank you." "I'll see you around." "I lost my appetite." "[ Chuckles ]" "If you change your mind, you know where to find me." "[ Crickets chirping ]" "Lacey:" "Don't move." "Let me see!" "Oh, my gosh!" "You are the prettiest armadillo in all of Texas!" "But where are you?" "[ Gasps ] There you are!" "[ Laughs ] Go get your brother." "Oh." "She is so cute." "So...who's all, uh, coming tonight?" "Uh, you know, the usual -- you, mama..." "Evan?" "Yes." "And if you want to know about the date, just ask." "Great." "Where'd you go?" "Where'd he take you?" "What'd you do?" "I felt like a princess." "Oh, and a kiss from the prince?" "Did I say that?" "Ooh." "Was it a good kiss?" "No, I'm not gonna tell!" "Hello!" "Hey!" "You guys look great!" "I want you both to know that I'm very proud of you, and I know that your daddy would be, too." "Okay." "Come on." "Let's rehearse once for aunt Lacey." "I'm ready." "On three." "One, two, three..." "Travis and Katie:" "♪ the stars at night are big and bright ♪" "[ All clap rhythmically ]" "♪ Deep in the heart of Texas" "♪ the prairie sky is wide and high... ♪" "♪ wh-o-o-o-o-oa" "♪ wh-o-o-o-o-oa" "♪ oh-oh [ cellphone rings ]" "[ Cellphone beeps ] Riley:" "Hey, mama." "Linette:" "Your girl doing okay?" "Yeah, Katie's gonna sleep like a baby." "She left it all on the stage." "Where are you going?" "Oh." "Lacey just wants to talk." "You know, I'm not quite sure how long that's gonna take." "Okay." "Well, sweet dreams." "Night." "Night. [ Cellphone beeps ]" "♪ Steady now" "♪ steady now [ exhales sharply ]" "♪ Don't fear what you can't see ♪" "♪ ready now" "♪ ready now" "♪ I'll hold on to you" "♪ you hold on to me" "♪ ooh" "♪ I found the heart of a lion [ grunts ] ♪ in the belly of the beast" "[ grunts ]" "Okay." "♪ and I held it in my hand" "♪ and I could feel" "♪ I could feel" "T.J. Braswell -- A.K.A. "The Camel."" "Alex Stone -- ripped abs, single, drives vintage Cadillac, has a wine locker, 5,000 bottles." "Jeremy Diehl -- "The Duke."" "Grant -- law student, dad's on the Fifth Circuit Court of appeals." "Hollis Overton, A.K.A. "Mr. Louboutin."" "♪ Gas up the easy rider" "♪ and head out for Nevada" "♪ can somebody let the beast out, baby?" "♪" "♪ ow!" "♪ Can't stop the beast, the be-e-e-at ♪" "[ Sighs ]" "[ Door opens ]" "Morning." "Well, hey." "You missed a heck of a show last night." "I know." "And now I can see why." "My God." "Are you okay?" "What happened?" "I'm fine." "I just got called in to the night shift and got into a little tussle with a 4x6." "So, you punched a 4x6?" "Imagine my surprise when it punched back." "That's your story?" "You're sticking to it?" "Yes, ma'am." "Well, okay." "So, how did Katie do at the show?" "Oh, well, other than a little mobility issue with that, uh, armadillo costume that I made, it was, I must say, quite beautiful." "[ Laughs ]" "Well, I know beautiful when I see it." "Wow, this is, uh..." "Yeah." "Do you hear that?" "I don't hear a thing." "My point exactly." "Hmm." "No kids..." "No nosy mama hanging around." "Oh, yeah." "Yeah, that's good." "Keep talking." "[ Laughs ]" "So, this would be our first time alone." "[ Laughs ]" "[ Doorbell rings ]" "Oh." "Are you kidding me?" "[ Groans ] Sorry." "Oh." "Are you here with another warrant?" "It's not about Kyle." "Um..." "I heard some news on the scanner, and I wanted to be the one to tell you." "It's your mother, Riley." "She's had an accident." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"PLAYING FOR HIGH STAKES" "TREASON written by music by as Lieutenant Kloss starring" "production manager photography directed by" "I must get him alive." "Attention, attention!" "The fast train from Zurich... is arriving at platform three." "Please watch out and stay clear ofthe tracks." "Stop him!" "Don't shoot!" "Attention, attention!" "The fast train from Krakow..." "Thank you, Miss Kield." "It's our fault that he's escaped." "You should have saved me that, Mrs. Schabe." " I could have been recognized." " Certainly not." "Anyway, we'll do that more skilfully tomorrow." "I hope so." "Now to the theatre, quickly." "My performance begins in 20 minutes." "I can keep these flowers, can't I?" "Cretainly." "You are the aide of general von Boldt, aren't you." "Yes, sir." "Lieutenant Stolp." "The general gives you his best regards... and he'd like to know when you're leaving for Stockholm." "The day after tomorrow, in the morning." "Do you have it with you?" "Kloss..." "How nice to see you." "You sang beautifully tonight, Christin." "Thank you." "I thank you." "We're going to that old restaurant The Golden Dragon." "You will go with us." "We have to celebrate my last performance." "But I thought..." "There will be time for everything, my dear." "I think you are too daring, lieutenant." "We've known each other since yesterday." "It's because we have very little time." "Do you think you will manage to make use ofthis time?" "I'm trying to." "No way." "I'm leaving the day after tomorrow." "We can meet in Stockholm." "In Stockholm..." "After the victory, I suppose." " Do you believe in that victory?" " I'm a German officer." "And I'm a citzen of Sweden." "So may I not believe in it?" "Are you angry?" "You are too pretty to be angry with." "My sweetheart..." "Why are you so gloomy, colonel?" "We're worried because you're leaving." "And it's already tomorrow." "When shall we see you again?" "I don't know if I'll return to Berlin." "I don't like this city." " Memories?" " What do you know about that?" "I also often think about Heini." "Let's not talk about it." "Let's drink." " I'm sorry." " How clumsy you are!" "Why do they make the intervals so long." "Who?" "What do you mean "who"?" "The orchestra." "Christin, darling, calm down." "I'm sorry." "Come on, Berta." "Let's see if our make-up is all right." "Please, excuse us, gentlemen." "Good evening, colonel." "Are you enjoying yourself?" "Thank you." " We haven't met before, have we." " Lieutenant Kloss." "Nice to meet you." "You haven't been long in Berlin, have you?" "Your companion is beautiful;" "congratulations." "I won't disturb you any more." "I must be offto work." "Heil Hitler!" "It's strange you haven't met him before." " Who is he?" " Sturmbanfuhrer Fritz Schalbe." "He's Muller's right hand for all the dirtyjobs." " I don't understand, colonel." " The better." "Excuse me for a while." " Aren't our ladies back yet?" " Not yet." "Who was Heini, colonel?" "Christin's fiance." "Heintz Bonnelt." "He got killed in Poland." "She can't forget him." "When she arrives in Berlin she stays at his place." "Oh, I see." "Let's drink, shall we?" "I was here with Heini a year ago." "We drank red wine." "He wanted our wedding to be during his last leave." "I refused." "I can't forgive myselffor that." "Stop it." "Enough ofthese sad thoughts." "First let's drink and then our gentlemen will dance with us." "To the shelter, quickly." " Good-bye." " Bye, darling." "This air-raid has spoilt the whole evening." " Good-bye!" "See you!" " Won't you invite me?" "No, I won't." "I can offer you two hours before the departure." "Two hours?" "That's right." "Tomorrow at 6.30 p.m. in front ofthe Roma cinema." "Good-bye." "Good-bye." "Maybe we won't go to the cinema at all." "Come in." "Sit down." "Would you like some tea?" "Yes, please, Oskar." "I didn't make it." "I feel bad." "Damned old age." "I'm getting more and more scared." "And that's not good." "Fright brings bad luck." "Maybe we should change the place oftransmitting." "I have nobody but you here." "You can't... and I won't manage to." "So who will be carrying this box?" "We've been urged by the HQ." "Christin Kield mustn't live through this night." " Anything new?" " Robert arrived today." "Christin was to be waiting for him at the station." "They had failed to warn him." "In our pub some railwayman talked about shots at Ostbanhof." "I checked that." "Robert didn't give in." "But our courier is arriving from Krakow the day after tomorrow." "He is to give her some documents which are to be taken out of Germany." " I guess they'lI have time to warn him." " How?" "They don't even know where he is supposed to meet Christin." "They know only one thing:" "the day after tomorrow, in the morning." "That courier and Christin know each other." "When did they discover that Christin had turned traitor?" "Only yesterday." "She was thought to be a perfect courier." "I believe she knows nothing about me, does she?" "She doesn't but ifthe one from Krakow gets caught..." "It's a nasty mission, Hans." "But you know that in Berlin there is noone but you." "Yes, I know." "I'll do that right away." "I already know her address." "It's you?" "You're too daring." "It won't work." "Even the nicest boys aren't admitted here at this hour." "I'd like only to..." "What is it, Christin?" "Nothing, auntie." "This gentleman came here by mistake." "But tomorrow at 6.30?" "Well..." "We have to organize that better tomorrow." "Miss Kield played her role perfectly." "I have no idea how he got his bearings." "This job is too delicate for you, Fritz." "Tomorrow we'll go there together." "As soon as Miss Kield has done herjob she may return to Sweden." "Do you want to let her go?" "Beautiful women require special treatment." "She came to us all by herself." "She may be useful in the future." " How did she spend this evening?" " She was in The Golden Dragon." "Of course in the company of Schmeck and that Abwehr officer, Kloss." "I'd rather nobody from the Abwehr hung around Christin." "Hello, Hans." "How are you." " Are you going to the cinema?" " Yes, I am." "In a nice company." "Take advantage ofthe little time you've got." " Why?" " I'll tell you something on the sly." "I've seen some still not signed personal orders on our boss's desk." "Berlin is over for you." "You're going back to Poland." "You'd rather go to Stockholm, wouldn't you?" " Why?" " She is going there." "Who?" "Stop pretending, my friend." "The beautiful singer, Miss Christin Kield." "It's enough to show yourself in her company... to make the whole Berlin speak about that." "Good evening, madam." "You are the one who rattled at my door last night." "Is Miss Kield at home?" " She had an appointment with you." " Unfortunately, she didn't turn up." "Then she must have changed her mind." "Leave her alone, young man..." "She only thinks about my nephew, our poor Heini." "But I'd like to know where she has actually gone." "I don't know." "She said she would be back by 9.15 p.m." " One beer!" " Yes, sir." "You shoudn't come here." "I'll be at home in an hour." "What's up?" "I haven't carried out the order;" "she's alive." "Oh, I'm sorry, sir." "The HQ has failed to warn the courier." "The courier is a woman." "I'll fetch you another beer, lieutenant." "Her name is Elza Schmidtke." "We'll be in the Reich in a minute." "It's the border already." "As a matter offact we've been in the Reich all the time." "All ofthis country is German." "Of course, it's German." "Border: passport control!" "Thank you." " You're Elza Schmidtke?" " Yes, I am." " Are you going to Berlin?" " Yes, that's right." "All right." "Heil Hitler!" "Hans!" " Are you alone?" " Yes, I am." " Where is Christin?" " I don't know." "Have a drink." "A glass for the lieutenant!" "Thank you." "The gestapo has been here." "They're looking for you." "For me?" "As a matter offact they're looking for Miss Kield." "I haven't seen her." "What do they need Christin for?" "They didn't tell me that." "They're very anxious." "They've already questioned the janitor." "Christin left home before 7p.m. and then the janitor noticed a car passing by." "But he's not sure if Miss Kield got into it." "The gentlemen from Gestapo often look for people... they have alredy been keeping for a long time." "This time Muller is really very keen to find Christin." " And you really don't know anything?" " No, I don't." "I just thought... she had decided not to meet me." "And you decided to find consolation in The Golden Dragon, didn't you?" "Now I've really begun worrying." "I guess you have good reasons for that." "I'll tell you more: she had an appointment with Muller too." "And apparently, at that meeting she didn't turn up either." "You know a lot." "I do." "And here comes Fritz Schabe." "I've been looking for you." " Where is Christin Kield?" " I'd like to know that too." "We aren'tjoking." "It's a matter of state importance." "This is an... official conversation." "Could you inform me what has happened." "No information is necessary." "We need Christin Kield." "Do you understand?" "She may have gone anywhere, to visit, for example, her acquitances or friends." "It's almost 10 p.m." "She was to be back by 9.15 p.m." " When did you last see her?" " Yesterday evening." "We were supposed to meet today at 6.30 p.m. by the Roma cinema." " She didn't come." " What did you do next?" "I went to her place." "I was told that she had left at 6.45 and said she was going to the cinema." " And you claim she didn't come?" " I've already said that." "Lieutenant Schultz and lieutenant Kloss... have certainly met here by accident, haven't they?" "Gentlemen from the Abwehr like night clubs." "They do." "Do you think there is something wrong about it, Sturmbanfuhrer?" " We will find Christin Kield." " I'm ready to help you." "It will be enough ifyou just don't disturb us." "Ifyou recall anything please report immediately." "It's not unlikely that we'lI have a chance to talk again." "It seems to me that it would be better ifwe stayed here a bit longer." " Unfortunately I must be going." " As you wish." "But I advise you to stay." "It's good advice, my friend." "No woman is worth risking your career." "Oh, as much as that?" "You really know a lot." "No, my friend." "I have no idea where Miss Kield is at the moment." "But no matter where she is she isn't worth looking for." " Do you like her that much?" " I'm leaving." " Have a drink!" " Could you do me a favour?" "Could you lend me your motor-bike?" " Take it." " Thank you." "Good evening." "The porter told me you were still here." "It's you?" "I'm in a hurry." "I have an appointment." "What's the matter?" "You were supposed to meet Christin, weren't you?" "Christin has disappeared." "All Berlin police are looking for her." " Have you been questioned about that?" " No." "Have a seat, please." "Some Gestapomen have visited the director - maybe about that." " Are you looking for her too?" " Yes, I am." " Oficially?" " Berta... who visited Christin in her dressing-room last evening?" "I'm worried about her." "Colonel Schneck did." "The one that was with us in The Golden Dragon." "And before that?" "Lieutenant Stolp." "But he was here for a short while only." " How long has Christin known Stolp?" " She knows general von Boldt." "Stolp is his aide." "After all, you already know that Boldt used to be Heini's commander." "Yes, I do." "Tell me, please, what happened to Heini." "I'm sorry, but it has nothing to do with Christin's disappearance." "I'm afraid she's been kidnapped." "Please, tell me." "Heini served in Warsaw." "He was great." "He was found terribly mangled on one ofthe street." "Poles..." "Poles..." "I understand." "Are you ready?" "What are you doing here?" "I'm just leaving." "Good-night." "Hands up!" "Don't turn around!" "Where is Christin?" "Answer me!" "First I'll injure you and next I'll call in the Gestapo!" "I don't know." "I'm carrying out an order." " Whose order?" " General von Boldt's." "What were you told to look for here?" "A slip of paper." "The orderly officer?" "Lieutenant, I'd like to report to general Boldt... in connection with a matter of great importance." "The general has already left." "Phone him at home, please." "I'm lieutenant Kloss from the Abwehr." "Von Boldt speaking." "I'm not receiving anyone else today." "All right." "Give him the receiver." "Lieutenant Kloss speaking." "I'm calling about the mission in Schantzenstrasse... that you instructed one ofyour officers to carry out." "Come around to my place, please." "General von Boldt is trying to establish contact... with the resident ofthe American secret service in Stockholm" " Kirsthoven." "Kirsthoven has already tried twice to establish contact with Germans." "I've reported to the HQ about that." "Now Christin Kield is the go-between." " Has she sold Boldt out to the Gestapo?" " Maybe not yet." "But Boldt has probably learnt about her colaboration with the Gestapo." "Do you think he's done away with her?" "I'd rather say he's hidden her somewhere." "So our courier is safe, isn't she?" "How do you know what game these men are playing." "It has to be rewritten and decoded." " Where do you have it from?" " I found it at Christin's." "In the belt of her dress." "It's an old method ofwomen couriers." "Inform the HQ that it can't be used any more." "Be on the alert all night." " Sure." "Where are you going now?" " General von Boldt is waiting for me." "Lieutenant Kloss to the general." " Lieutenant Kloss?" " Yes, sir." "Lieutenant Stolp, the general's aide." "The general is waiting for you." "Come in!" " Sir, lieutenant Hans Kloss..." " Enough." "Why are you disturbing me in the night?" "What's happened with Christin Kield?" "I don't understand why you are asking me about that." "Well, make up your mind, lieutenant." "Suppose that the thing your aide lieutenant Stolp... was looking for, got into the wrong hands." "What sort ofthing was Stolp looking for?" "It's you who should know that, not me, general." "Rubbish!" "Either you'll immediately explain to me what it's all about or... you'll leave this room." "I like clear situations." "The game is risky, general." "We err charging wrong people with important tasks." "We err promoting youngsters to the officer's rank." "Weren't you taught to have confidence in your commanders?" "Everything I do is for the best of Germany." "I believe you." "What do you know?" "Enough." "And you want to go to the Gestapo, don't you?" "I want to know... ifyou have Christin Kield and what you are going to do with her." "You came here vain." "You may leave." " Is everything ready?" " Yes, sir." " You'll go with me." " Yes, sir." "Where is your gun?" "Take it along." "Take it away from me." " Take it away!" " Calm down!" "I'm not from the Gestapo but I know how to talk with the ones like you." "Watch her well." " Shall I bring her in, sir?" " No, I'll go there myself." "Open up!" "Go upstairs." "I'll call you in when I've finished." "How can you..." "How dare you keep me here?" "You can blame only yourself." "You colaborate with the Gestapo." "Yes, I do." "But in connection with something else." "What did you tell Muller about me?" " Nothing." " Do you want me to believe you?" "Where is the letter you were to take to Stockholm?" "At the Gestapo?" "The letter is in my apartment." "I collaborate with the Gestapo only against Poles." "I thought that you, Heini's commander would trust me." "You collaborate with the Gestapo." "The same Gestapo that murdered Heini." "Heini was murdered by Poles." "This is the official version." "Heini gave away... that he collaborated with Poles so Muller had to dispatch him." "But that's not the reason I have a grudge against them." " Why did you keep silent then?" " It doesn't matter." "Let me out!" "But first you'll tell me where the letter to Kirsthoven is... and what role lieutenant Kloss is playing in all that." "I won't tell you anything!" "I've been waiting for you, Hans." "The boss wants to see you right away." " The boss?" " Yes, the admiral." "Hurry up." "Lieutenant?" " Lieutenant Kloss to the admiral." " Please follow me, sir." "Captain, lieutenant Kloss to the admiral." "Please follow me, sir." "Major, lieutenant Kloss to the admiral." "Sir, lieutenant Kloss has reported." "Yes, sir!" "Come in, please, lieutenant." "Come closer, please." " Who are you working for?" " I'm working for you, sir." "Why does Christin Kield interest you?" "I've fallen in love with her." " You're an idiot, lieutenant!" " Yes, sir." "So we've already agreed upon one thing." "And now quickly." "What do you know?" "General von Boldt sent lieutenant Stolp to Miss Kield's apartment." "I came to a conclusion that Miss Kield is at the general's place." " I went to see him." " Did you try blackmailing him?" "Stolp admitted looking for some slip of paper at Miss Kield's." "I thought it was a love letter from the general." "I was jealous, sir." "You are lying, Mr.Kloss." "You're not such an idiot as you're pretending." "Both of us know what slip of paper it was." "That should be enough for you." "Yes, sir." "Or maybe you'd like to report about that somewhere else?" " I wouldn't advise you to." " I know how to keep silent, sir." "You've already forgotten about everything, haven't you." "You will recall that only when I've ordered you to." "And you won't be looking for Christin Kield any more." " Understood?" " Yes, sir." "And I advise you to fall in love with someone else." "You may leave now." "Oh, you are at last!" "You were so stunned that you forgot..." " to give me the keys back." " I did indeed." "I'm sorry." "Good-night." "Sweet dreams, Hans." "Lieutenant Kloss!" "I've been looking for you." "Standartenfuhrer wants to talk to you." " Now?" " Immediately!" "Calm down, please." "What's up?" "I can't breathe." "Let me out!" "It's the general's order." "I can't do anything for you... even though you are so... pretty." "Open the window." "There are iron bars anyway." "I won't run away." "Aide of general von Boldt, lieutenant Stolp speaking." "Yes..." "Yes, sir." "Well, you are at last, lieutenant Hans Kloss." "Have a seat, please." "What did the admiral tell you?" "You aren't too kind to your guests, are you, Standartenfuhrer." "Shut up!" "I know you've seen the admiral." "What did he say?" "Talk!" "Nothing that might interest you." "You are impudent!" "Schabe, tell him what we do with impudent people." "And you do away with the people who want to collaborate with you." "Did you hear that, Schabe?" "He wants to collaborate with us." "What did the admiral tell you?" "He asked me if I knew where Christin Kield was." "So he did?" "Why does this girl interest him?" "Apparently Schultz had reported to him about her disappearance." "What did you tell him?" "I told him nothing more than I could tell you that I don't know anything." "What were you doing all evening?" "I went to the theatre and asked about Christin." "Next I went to her place." "Nobody was at home so I roamed in the streets." "Is that all?" "Yes, it is." "Will you have a cigarette, lieutenant?" "We may pay dearly for the disappearance of Miss Kield." " Are you working together?" " Stop playing a fool!" "Get on, Hans!" "Get on!" "Get off!" "Schultz!" "Tell him to stop fooling." "Put the gun away, Stolp!" "Open the door." " Now say what you told the Gestapo." " Easy, Stolp." " What did you tell Muller, Hans?" " I didn't tell him anything." "You'll find out about that." "The Gestapo won't go to see the general." "That doesn't matter any longer." "That girl has escaped." " So she really was at Boldt's." " You should be glad." " It was you who helped her to escape." " Are crazy?" "!" "That's enough, Hans." " Where is she?" " When did she run away?" "What about the letter?" "You found it, didn't you?" " It's not unlikely." " What did you do with it?" "Stop talking with him, Schultz." "He must be done for." "Don't disturb me!" "Listen, Hans." "I'll be very sorry if ifyou shoot me and the letter gets into the wrong hand, right?" "Ifyou work for Muller..." "Put the gun away, Stolp." "I don't work for Muller." "All that conspiracy ofyours is a childish game." "If I worked for Muller I wouldn't come here with you." "Put that gun away!" " When did she run away?" " half an hour ago." "Take me back to the city now." "And then return to your duties." "At least you may be useful in this way." "You are good-for-nothing, gentlemen." " Could I have a light, please." " Here you are." " Are we very late?" " By at least 40 minutes." " Hello." "Who's speaking?" " Miss Kield is in her apartment." "Well, you are at last." "Where have you been?" "What happened to you?" "We have some time." "Tell us about everything." " There's nothing to tell you about." " I don't understand." "Leave me alone!" "We have to go to the station in a moment." "Change your clothes quickly, please." "We're going to be more careful today." "Don't count on me." "I won't go anywhere and I won't give anybody away." " It's over." " What did you say?" "I said I'm not going to work for you any more." "You killed Heini." " Who told you that?" " It doesn't matter who." "Do you think it's so easy to break with us?" " You are devoid of imagination." " I'm a citizen of Sweden." "The Swedish citizenship won't help you much." "You have three minutes to change." "No way." "What's going on, Fritz?" "That Stolp came here so invited him upstairs." " Let's run." " No." "You'll be dead in three minutes." "No..." "Fritz, tell her it's time for us to go." "Subtitles ripped by Judge Dredd" "SubRip 1.00b" | {
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"In the 6th year of Keichou (1601)." "The man proclaimed as the unrivaled warrior from Noubi Iwamoto Kogan." "He had an extra finger on his right hand." "According to Matsudaira Sadakatsu the lord of Kakegawa Castle:" ""The Kogan-ryuu sword technique is like a shooting star."" ""It's godly." "There's nothing like it now or ever before."" "Fig carrot pepper and shiitake." "Burdock soapberry spring herbs mushrooms." "Fig carrot pepper and shiitake." "Burdock soapberry spring herbs mushrooms." "Cucumber wax gourd." "Ichijiku Ninjin Sansho Shiitake." "Gobou Mukuroju Nanakusa Hatsutake." "Kyuuri Tougan." "Fig carrot pepper and shiitake." "Burdock soapberry spring herbs mushrooms." "Cucumber wax gourd." "Should I do it instead?" "Don't mind me." "It'll be good training for my fingers." "How is Fujiki doing?" "There's no helping him is there?" "Even though it was only practice he lost so ungracefully to the man who came in to break the dojo." "He didn't open up when Mie-dono tried talking to him either." "I don't think he'll be able to read or learn anything today." "Maybe I'm wrong about Mie-dono but I'd say she's been strange ever since." "You don't say that very often." "Still that Irako guy..." "Even if you say he has good skills those skills certainly weren't normal." "I hope he doesn't trouble us." "We'll find out eventually." "That jump!" "Just as I thought he really isn't normal." "The dance alone makes you dizzy." "I have seen through your moves." "It would be wise of you to stop now if you deem yourself a noble warrior." "Don't you agree Ushimata-dono?" "Yamaguchi Ootsubo seal the exit." "Master Ushimata has finished warming up." "Sorry." "I haven't shown you my fullest up to this point but now I shall show you what the Kogan-ryuu is." "It disappeared..." "His smile." "Killing you is easy." "Pulling this off is much harder." "I have finally met real swordsmanship." "Of all the rascal days I have lived" "I now can only repent." "Today starting now please accept me as a student..." "A dojo is no place for such theatrics." "He has angered Master Ushimata." "To defile our sacred dojo with such a joke..." "My..." "My... sword!" "Move aside!" "That's my sword!" "Matching against other schools is only for practice." "It's not a matter of life and death." "These must be his innate skills." "No he is just a coward." "No he is just a coward." "Bring me a spear." "How is he doing?" "He said "Until my requests are heard by the master."" "Quite a stubborn guy." "Definitely someone that can't be dealt with through usual means." "Ushimata-dono." "While I may be troubling the master's wife" "I must ask that you head back." "I've been called here by my husband." "I cannot let you meet our sensei today." "Please do not take it badly." "The size of this mansion." "The number of servants." "Just as expected from the mansion of the martial arts master with the name of the Kakegawa clan." "It must be at least 300 koku in size." "Iwamoto Kogan has only one daughter." "Mousuke?" "Yes." "It is done." "Red bean mixed with starch paste bound together to form jelly." "Please try it." "With this amount of stickiness it should be okay." "If I become his adopted son I can continue the Kogan school." "A Kakegawa clan warrior with 300 koku of land." "That's not bad either." "Ushimata-dono." "Irako Seigen." "Our master has agreed to meet you." "I am most honored." "Did he accept my request to join his school?" "That is for the sensei to decide." "At last I'll meet Iwamoto Kogan." "The one who once worked together with Yagyuu Munenori." "If that's who he is I may even be promoted as far as a swordsman for the shogun." "A swordsman that lives on in history!" "What a strange grip." "Besides agility it also has range." "It is dangerous to oppose into that area." "In that case..." "Yagyuu Shinkage-ryuu Cruciform." "Is that so?" "Kogan-ryuu Shooting Star." "I must not..." "I must not fight beyond this." "Even if I execute my killing sword" "I have no chance of winning against this man." "I give" "I declare this match a draw." "You got a recommendation from the Tokugawa family I heard." "I see that you have at least that much skill." "It is what I wish." "However..." "Do you want to serve as a cadet?" "Why do you hide your fingers?" "Because it is unsightly." "How rude." "The Emperor Dowager has the same number of fingers." "And yet you are saying that is unsightly?" "Hiding his fingers during the audience with the official was an instruction from Yagyuu Munenori." "In exchange for his honor Kogan's ambition was to have an audience with the official." "It was defeated by Munenori's cunning deceit." "In the 4th year of Bunroku (1595)." "Ushimata-dono if you tie me up like this" "I cannot pay my fullest respect to Sensei." "You don't need to bow." "You just need to look straight at Sensei." "You mustn't move." "These men..." "What is this ritual?" "Let him come out." "Ushimata-dono!" "He is not Iku-sama." "He is someone who wants to join our school." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "Well done." "The Kogan-ryuu entrance ceremony." "Yodareazuki." "Iwamoto Kogan." "Since when did his consciousness become uncertain?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL" "Ooooh!" "Go on try it out" "The acoustics are marvellous" "It was an ancient oratory" "Along there, are the tombs of 3 popes ...and 7 bishops" "It's a graveyard in here" "In 1871 this oratory became a true auditorium ...for both vocal and instrumental concerts" "All the courts of Europe envied us for it" "For its acoustics" "Ooooh, hear it?" "The sound is limpid, without echo" "Ideal for listening to music" "Without any reverberation" "That podium was for the world's great conductors a mark of achievement" "What musicians!" "And the people!" "There were ministers, ambassadors, clergy" "They'd bring their own score to follow the music" "And what beautiful ladies... elegant ...audacious" "Playing tricks again?" "And the air was perfumed!" "...there was another atmosphere..." "The public today is no longer the same" "I must be boring you with this chatter" "Everything is in place" "Beautiful, eh?" "But I'm only the copyist, second fiddle to everyone" "Another year and off into retirement" "I'll return only to attend concerts" "That yes!" "I couldn't live without music" "Good morning to one and all!" "I heard some TV people are coming to do a documentary about our orchestra." "This beautiful auditorium was once a church ...of the 13th century, as you must know" "There, you can see ancient tombs and..." "I already told them" "Oh, I'm the first violinist" "Good morning, Mirella" "Can somebody help with this cover?" "It weighs a ton" "Here, let me" "Don't say anything." "TV people are here" "I'd like to know what they do with these chairs!" "Dirty Filthy!" "They'll break!" "...Break wind!" "I'm having a sauna at 4, no matter what ...a snake, a lion... about thirty positions in all ...but it's all a mental approach" "There's no hurry You're doing wonderfully" "To me he looks worse than the last time" "Oh, Professor, with us again!" "I'll bet the Professor here that within 4 months..." "Professor, my Uncle Quintilio ravished them all for sixty years straight" "Big eater." "Drinker." "Exceptional stud" "Everyone said:" "He can't last" "Well, let me tell you, he's 93 ...and still going strong" ""One of Werther's sons?"" "...begins with G" "What rotten people you run into the light turned green ...but he just stood there" "I tapped the horn and said I was late for a rehearsal" "Then, as if eyeing a turd, he says:" ""What's there to rehearse?" "It's obvious..."" ""...you'll never learn"" "You're listening to the soccer game?" "Not me I'm too nervous" "Your barometer?" "Let's see what old faithful says" "Oh, it's gone up another 15% ...the prospects aren't too good for my violin" "How's the octopus?" "Ah, it's a battle!" "The thing's always there lving in ambush" "What a bitch!" "Go ahead keep up this shit about my nightmares" "Don't get pissed, Professor, it's bad for you" "Our neurosis is the that's strangling us" "We paid a fortune for him, but wasn't it worth it?" "What's that?" "A depressant" "I've tried them all, no improvement ...perhaps worse" "Why doesn't it play?" " look..." "Assholes!" ""8 and a Half" is a psycho- analytical film?" "Get with it" "Brush up!" "What's with you?" "How can I play?" "Hey, barometer put the chair where it belongs so I can play" "No, sorry..." "It's too close to the stand." "I must sit there" "I must." "Be courteous I forgot my glasses" "I'm not here for courtesies, but to play!" "I, here!" "I, there!" "This is my place" "You're offensive..." "THERE!" "...HERE!" "You sick in the head?" "Stop it!" "You stop!" "Gentlemen, quiet your attention please" "A distinguished guest:" "...Television" "With technicians ...and director, for coverage ...of our orchestra rehearsal ...And interviews" "You're better off if we're not interviewed otherwise I'll tell" "Tell what?" "That you get a kickback" "For your participation ...and your union representative agrees..." "Compensation:" "Nix" "No one made any agreement" "It's a special job!" "For special rates!" "It's not special" "No, nothing doing!" "We're not in agreement" "Theoretically, we could even accept ...but not the Union" "It's the usual hedging with State Television that's never solved" "Let your representative tell you" "Calm down, people..." "We're already poorly paid but TV wants us for nothing" "The public loves music and the ones who play it." "...but the minute it becomes a program..." "For filming us, at least a token ...a gift" "No one is obliged ...whoever grants the interview ...grants it." "Who doesn't want, doesn't grant" "How silly!" "Numbskulls!" "Allow me to turn your attention to something..." "What kind of representative are you?" "What an insult!" "Dumb heads!" "I dreamt there was a horse in my room" "That's not good ...Though it depends on the horse's color" "Shitheads!" "You want to interview me?" "I prepared it ...he helped me with it through" ""The piano is like a king on a throne"" ""lmmobile." "One must go to it"" ""Bow down." "Near the stool to it"" ""It's like a mythological creature"...his doing" ""A room with a piano becomes its room"" ""It's an instrument of royal courts"" "What was that, Sir?" "I said I once played at court" "Before Victor Emanuel III" "And you weren't shot?" "I don't want a piano, I mean I have one but it needn't be mine" "All the pianos of the world are that piano" "To play mine alone would be limiting..." "would be restrictive" "I think that to realize one's self, one must be aware ...that is, be more aware of people ...have more acquaintances" "Okay!" "I'm from Marina di Pisa ...but I took up the flute in California ...Where's it's played sweeter, less violently" "The flute is a delicate instrument" "The most similar to the human voice" "Even if they say that about the cello ...and saxophone ...and probably the drum!" "It's funny because choral groups say they sound like an instrument!" "But really only the flute has that human quality" "What a mysterious sound..." "supernatural!" "It even tames wild beasts" "Didn't Apollo use the flute to awaken the dead?" "It's the instrument of magic spells, both solar and lunar ...why flutists are all so batty" "It's true." "That's what they say" "Maybe because they blow and blow and all that wind goes to their heads, right?" "Everyone expects us to do something strange, who knows why?" "The trombone is a unique instrument ...with a grave voice, that admonishes with kindness" "And also very comical, accompanying clowns ...as they squirt water and take falls" "It's the instrument of angels!" "That's true, in Renaissance paintings you'll see angels with trombones" "Received by the Lord to trombone music fantastic" "The trombone is the voice of a solitary being" "I love to listen to it along the beach ...in wintertime" "I have nothing to say, really" "I was looking at that hanging cobweb 5 or 6 yards long, isn't it?" "With the trombones blowing it swayed back and forth." "Look, look, see it?" "...the spider, up there?" "...hanging from the thread?" "See it?" "Isn't it wonderful that we're here to make a spider go on a swing" "Take a look at it" "That little spider while the trombones played..." "Can you spare a minute?" "...for a frivolous question?" "Is it true there are likes and dislikes between instruments?" "Absolutely, definite likes and dislikes" "We get along with the bass ...because it keeps time, tight and even" "Without flourishes, trills or "arpeggios"" "The piano is a chatterbox" "And violins bleed" "In Italy they concentrate less on rhythm" "More on singing." "Neapolitans have a good sense of rhythm" "They're the best drummers" "Who invented the Tarantella?" "The Neapolitans" "I'd say the rhythm instruments are liked ...they got humor." "Yeah, they're friendly" "What he says is true" "That air of sufficiency..." "The condescending tone..." "The haughtiness... of a violin, or a flute ...as it takes its place, just doesn't exist with us" "Let a Neapolitan in an orchestra... and what's he become?" "The tympanist, the drummer ...it makes him feel happy" "A little rhythm even helps the Maestro... to get unwound." "Even the oboe forgets that it's gloomy, and begins smiling" "I don't want to be interviewed, or photographed" "I don't want to be mistaken for someone else" "Try asking him" "Professor..." "Would you mind answering?" "Actually, you don't deserve it" "Without compensation, I shouldn't bother." "However go ahead" "Let's see..." "Tell me about your cello" "It's one of the essential instruments of an orchestra" "You might say that the violin and cello are the foundations ...upon which all symphonic concerts are built" "The pillars." "Am I wrong?" " Yes..." "I'll explain the violin..." "The 1st violin is the brain, the heart of the orchestra" "And the clarinet is the cock!" "Look, I'd say the cello comes close to being the "ideal friend"." "It's the true friend ...discreet, faithful." "Not like the violin" "The violin is seductive, fascinating ...but deceiving" "It's female" "Oh, what horseshit!" "You don't agree?" "No, I don't agree, because for us the violin is the most virile instrument in the orchestra" "It's female!" "Isn't "she" always seducing?" "Well, if we want to play games it's totally masculine ...it's penetrating, phallic!" "I agree with my gentle colleague" "It's not at all feminine, there's nothing languid about it." "It's vibrant and always modern" "In the Conservatories it is still the preferred instrument" "The cello is chronically sad" "The violin is the true diva of the orchestra" "I was saying that the first violin is the star of the orchestra" "When unfortunately we have a conductor who doesn't keep the tempo, and misses his cues ...one who lacks authority ...and we can tell immediately as soon as he reaches the podium ...and raises the baton" "It's the first violin..." "...who controls the situation ...and guides the orchestra ...literally substituting..." "...the conductor" "Whose hand does the conductor shake ...when the applause comes?" "The first violinist's" "I once told a conductor:" ""You're in love with brass"" ""That's your speed:" "Bandmaster!"" "How does that fit in?" "Getting back to the cello, it's certainly ...an instrument that will never betray you" "Once it has chosen you it remains faithful" "The bassoon... good for clowns" "I owe everything to the violin." "It helped me take wing ahead of time" "In what sense?" "It helped me discover where dissonances lie" "You're interviewing me?" "Then I'll go there" "That's my place" "Comb your hair before the red light goes on, Curly" "Yes, certainly..." "The clarinet?" "It led me out of the fog of my hometown." "A village..." "...in the Po Valley:" "Gazoldo" "From August to April of the following year it's invisible" "The bell tower vanishes, the school vanishes... and" "Let me explain:" "Thanks to the clarinet I travelled the world." "And even met the great Toscanini, who told me:" ""Bravo, young fellow, finally..."" ""I hear a nice clarinet sound." His words" ""Finally, I hear a nice clarinet sound!"" "And you said?" " What could I say to a Toscanini who tells you:" ""Bravo, finally I hear a nice clarinet sound"" "What did he say?" "Didn't you hear?" ""Bravo, young fellow..."" ""finally I hear a nice clarinet sound"" "Who was playing?" "I was!" "...a truly fantastic instrument ...engaging." "Not only for its miraculous ...possibilities." "With a trumpet you can venture into incredible music acrobatics..." "No!" "What's extraordinary is that it allows you to express what's inside you ...joy, sadness..." "even silence" "Claudio, you better talk to this guy" "Pipe down, I'm being interviewed here!" "A mistake... it happens" "The trumpet is a passport to... a greater dimension" "Who plays it, understands" "A dimension of fullness" "Everything is more intense, more sublime" "Ask any trumpet player..." "we're quite a few" "Tell him how we trumpets study harder than anyone" "What was that?" "It's true" "We spend hours making our lips supple ...before we begin playing" "The margin of error allowed to other instruments ...isn't tolerated for the trumpet" "Aren't the strings just as demanding?" "A clinker on a trumpet is death ...it has become a mania..." "I can't sleep I'm a sleepwalker..." "They found me wandering outside in pajamas ...playing the trumpet" "I'm always terrified of going sour" "You've worked quite a lot..." "Hey, "paragraph 9"!" "You've had it with me" "You can go play in a jukebox" "There's no muzzling in without getting cleared through personnel" "You understand?" "Yes, I'm the Union Representative for this category Glad to answer you." "We've freed musicians from a state of intolerable servility" "The music worker today has reestablished ...his dignity" "He's not a minstrel, or the puppet ...of conductors and agents" "But an integrated worker, conscious of his contribution ...to mass culture" "How did we achieve this?" "By safeguarding his prestige as a professional ...through union struggles" "From equitable salary demands to the elimination of mediators!" "Keep quiet!" "From reconstructing the organic whole... of the orchestra ...to the shifting of progressive objectives..." "I thought we agreed..." "What will I do with him..." "A mouse!" "There!" "Behind the painting" "It's behind there." " It's huge!" "There it is!" "Don't kill it!" "They're opening all the sewers with their reconstructions" "Burn it!" "You gotta burn it!" "Let's fry it" "Careful!" "Catch it" "It won't die." "It bites" "I don't want to see it!" "Let's stew it All right, throw it out." "You're disgusting" "Hey!" "Are we insured against rats!" "To your places!" "In place!" "The Maestro's here" "Our respects, Maestro" "How terrible!" "Please, no time now" "Put out dat light." "Ja, I know you from TV, but I'm against it" "Oboe!" "My feet are freezing" "I forgot my wool booties at home" "Why you interested in rehearsals?" "This is a workshop." "Or it should be ...where we try to put something together" "What are we doing now?" "...trying to construct something" "Exactly for what purpose, I've never understood." "You excuse me now" "We will talk after" "That light, please" "The strings, only strings" "Violins, what's wrong, had an argument?" "Everyone is playing for himself." "Maybe because ...you belong to different parties?" "Why bother answering him?" "Attention..." "Stop!" "Stop!" "With finesse!" "We're not in Amusement Park" "Sentiment, but with elegance." "You're violins ...not trumpets!" "Flute, it's an E-flat ...not natural" "Here it says E natural" "It's an E-flat" "It's E natural" "Correct it..." "For you it's always the copyist's fault!" "Clarinet, not... uhaaa!" "...more delicate, poetic" "Why laughing?" "...not comic" "Maestro, the whole phrase is hilarious" "Composer's intention was not hilarity" "You laugh uselessly" "Listen..." "Even he's laughing" "It's very funny" "You're funnier than the music" "I'm sending you 4 clarinets" "Even if you need 1, you gotta take 4" "After, I'll tell you later" "Why didn't I stay in California?" "Where are we?" "...on a soccer field?" "Take me for an umpire?" "Too strong!" "Too penetrating!" "Castrate yourselves" "He's right... the brass was too loud" "He's a riot!" "Put the sheets back, go on" "I'm also sending a certain Ciccio Calamida" "He plays nothing, but you gotta take him because the undersecretary..." "Why did he do that?" "To give us a little break?" "...many thanks" "Remember the one who threw his watch at me?" "Tomorrow, though." "If it's 400 I'll give you 20%" "Sunday at the beach and bring the kid" "Let's try the "Gallopade"" "...from no. 15" "Alt!" "You got fear of strings?" "Or low blood pressure?" "Da capo!" "Alt!" "Oboe, too invading!" "...give room to the others." "Da capo!" "You tickle the strings ...you must slice!" "Saw!" "May I ask a question?" "Do you know what you're here for?" "I want compact sound." "Da capo!" "That's it!" "Like that" "Go on!" "I don't hear!" "More life" "Let me hear the bass!" "Don't fall behind!" "Weiter!" "Genauso!" "Break through!" "...ACHTUNG!" "Toscanini clarinet, please be so kind to repeat alone last four bars ...from no. 82" "No, I played it once then twice." "The third time by myself is against union regulations" "The passage must be executed by the entire orchestra" "What's he running, a school?" "I'd think less about unions and more about music" "And yet I insist" "If Wagner had to worry about ...unions and strikes ...nix music and operas" "It's not the union's fault if he wrote lousy music" "Ja... there's no peace ...no calm, no silence" "It's a shit life" "Smear that shit on your baton and then ...give it a lick" "From 5-3-0" "The saxhorn, please" "What was that?" "Saxhorn?" "Not here" "Meaning what?" "I don't know." "He's not here" "He "couldn't" come, why is that?" "You asking me?" "I'll restate it" "Not he "couldn't", but he "wouldn't" come in protest" "With the Union's approval" "So who plays, somebody's sister?" "Leave our sisters alone ...let's keep the families out" "You said, "somebody's sister"" "I only meant a hypothetical saxhorn sister" "I don't grasp such subtle humor" "You just worry about your baton ...and we'll take care of our relatives" "All right then, from 5-2-0" "Not now" "The orchestra is upset ...I doubt they can continue rehearsing" "What the devil do you want from me?" "See me lose my mind, you want?" "You want my ass?" "Here, you got it!" "The orchestra will take a double break ...20 minutes" "The conductor?" "He's not too bad" "Bit hysterical, but within reason" "There's no need for conductors like that" "A metronome's better" "The public should sit in with us" "They'd hear the orchestra as if watching a battle in a movie ...or watching a real battle" "Ascetic." "Tormented." "Authoritative" "Magnetic... the identity of a great conductor!" "Then there are the mystics, the priest-like" "The acrobatic" "How 'bout that lion tamer?" "He'd turn into a harp, a violin, the drum ...a kettledrum, even the bassoon, what a riot!" "When there's a TV camera you can't shut up" "My Maestro up there has to look at me ...otherwise I'm jealous" "I'm on camera?" ""We're the lilies of the valley"" ""We're pure Romans"" "...who's got friends?" "Who sees anybody?" "You come in, punch a card ...and pick it up later" "It's a factory" "Me?" "I thought I'd tour the world with this ...but I'm always here" "I'm sick of it this ridiculous fart horn..." "It makes me feel useless, it should be eliminated" "What's it good for?" "It can even be dangerous" "I give my all to shape a sound ...and out comes another fart" "I think it's the very symbol of obtuseness ...of a stolid mentality" "Of those relationships in an orchestra, that inhibit ...any sort of contact" "I wanted to say that many of us are from the provinces" "What province?" "I'm from Naples:" ""Vaffanculo"" "The actual truth though ...is that we're limited ...culturally" "We've no real interests in anything" "We spend our lives with a piece of wood or tin ...blowing away, or plucking" "Blow your philosophy someplace else" "Anyway..." "All your gabbing about ...Unions, the organic whole, politics ...brass section, strings ...this or that conductor ...couldn't interest me less" "Because I can't get it up anymore" "That's the real tragedy" "Drink, drink, it's great for the liver and the brain" "Just a drop of wine picks me up" "A little drop can't hurt" "It's whiskey, I saw it ...and I even smell it" "Each to his own vices." "Better to drink than go molesting little girls" "They'll catch you one day." "That's worse than whiskey" "I didn't choose the tuba ...it chose me" "I loved the trumpet." "It gave me goose pimples" "You remember in the army when they played taps" "I'd get a lump in my throat ...and then go AWOL." "I'm very sensitive" "All art makes me cry" "And that's not all..." "At times I could die" "Why?" "The world is evil" "Now I miss my father!" "What the fuck you saying?" "Let's talk about the instrument" "The fact that everybody refused it, moved me" "Poor tuba..." "like a stray dog" "I felt akin to it ...sad, and solitary..." "It's awkward like me" "We had to get together" "And we did." "I did well, it was destiny!" "...I'm attached to it ...we're true friends" "When things are down we go by the window ...look up at the moon ...and play a little solo from Verdi" "Like to hear it?" "Eh?" "A little piece, why not" "People react and interpret sounds, each in their own way" "It's a personal thing" "An F-sharp, or a B-flat ...can make some people swoon ...and others vomit." "That's the way the ball bounces" "Yes, true" "What a magnificent instrument the oboe is" "It's the oldest of all ...invented by the Chinese" "The most difficult" "The most delicate ...and most alone" "We oboists are isolated" "Envied, even disliked" "The orchestra has to reckon with the oboe" "The oboe sets down the laws" "The oboe established the diapason ...between the highest pitch ...and the lowest" "It's owing to this privilege ...that the violin hates the oboe ...and the oboe the violin" "It's an instrument ...of great spirituality" "He who plays it, develops a sort of special power" "An interior vision ...which permits him ...to perceive the color of sound" "I play and see ...an aura of gold ...luminous ...the color of sunlight... like a spreading reflection It's true..." "I once saw a thing like a long streamer" "A supernatural experience!" "Let him hear." "You care to hear?" "Certainly, if you're not bored" "Maestro?" "Excuse me" "Another minute he's taking a shower" "With the permanent conductor they once had the musicians didn't carry on like this" "Everyone wore a tie!" "You were in trouble if you didn't" "Now I wouldn't be surprised if they soaked their feet while playing." "We had a strict rule" "Whoever went flat or missed his cue ...had to play standing" "For the length of the entire concert ...as punishment" "What?" "Sessions?" "Hour shifts?" "...you worked all night" "Ah, how often I had to wait till dawn" "And the musicians, at dawn, dead tired would applaud the conductor ...and thank him" "Oh, he was phenomenal ...he conducted with eyes closed, as if in a trance ...and yet saw everything." "How?" "When he had to give a player a calling down ...he could find words that would skin him alive" "And make him ill for a month" "And with his baton?" "Such lashings on the hands and fingers of those players who made a mistake" "It would hiss!" "Yet, you know something?" "They were happy ...for those hand raps" "They'd come up like school children ...hands held out and say:" ""My fault"" ""Hit me too..." "Me too, I was wrong"" "Those were the days!" "You see what he's doing?" "TAKE YOUR STICK AND CONDUCT MY PRICK" "You think that's right?" "Maybe now it's right" "No one knows anymore" "Maestro, there are..." "What else you want to know?" "I ask you:" "Does music exist?" "No?" "Then the world doesn't exist." "Only our habits do" "You may go..." "What meaning has music today?" "You think people know what music is?" "They consider themselves intelligent because they feel ...emotion in the gut." "They're participating" "Beethoven makes them feel like knights in armor" "Some seem to be jumping out of their seats" "When I'm conducting, I'm always feeling ridiculous" "As if dead." "I feel like a ghost" "Better I don't say these things." "Cancel it!" "Today nothing is forgiven." "One must be always intelligent" "So let us say:" "Music is..." "...the world" "When I conduct I own the world." "I am a king" "You want to know really how I feel?" "Like a sergeant who must go kicking everybody in the ass" "But absurd laws forbid me to be a sergeant" "Certainly we have taken advantage of our privileged positions" "Excuse me..." "Ach, warm as usual ...no ice" "Talent is the child of whims and eccentricity" "I once asked a musician to remove his ring ...the twinkling of the stone bothered me" "And this seemed a caprice, the whim of a divo" "That may even be" "But an exuberant character for an artist ...is a vital charge ...for leading others, for interpreting symphonies" "Prosit" "But now this unique charge of the conductor is being contested" "The musicians?" "...don't look at them, don't see them" "Sometimes they have unbearable face" "I'd put a screen in front of some of them" "They're like wild dogs" "With wild eyes..." "No!" "Better cancel that too ...or they shoot my legs" "The time of greatness is "Kaputt"" "I remember the first time I took my place at the podium" "My first, great impression was the enormous silence that fell before me" "As I signalled to begin I suddenly realized, with great emotion, that my conductor's baton ...was tied to the sound of the orchestra its voice came from within my hand" "It would pull the orchestra out of silence ...and to silence make it return" "This voice would rise like a sea wave together with my arm ...moving through the air like a bird's wing" "And when my arm lowered, this harmonic voice would fade again into silence" "But now everyone is equal, and I should resemble the first violinist with his butcher's hands" "So I have fits of rage" "And buy houses" "Two in America" "One in Tokyo, in London, and Berlin..." "In Paris, no houses." "That's because..." "I do not go along with the music of France" "That's why, maybe, the Customs at Orly is always frisking me ...from head to foot" "You have your interview?" "That's enough" "You say "the conductor" but this word has no meaning anymore" "A true conductor is like a priest" "He must have a church..." "with believers ...but when the faithful all become ...atheists..." "I remember Koplensky my great maestro ...I was first violinist" "When he took the podium, everything was silence" "He would only look around distractedly." "But he already knew ...every line of the score in front of him" "He was music personified" "And we followed him happily, with absolute reverence" "To enact the rite of transubstantiation ...to change the wine into blood the bread into flesh..." "You laugh?" "...I hope not" "Music is always sacred" "Every concert is a Mass" "We were enthralled, and we would forget all worries at the first sign of his baton ...We were but one breath, we and our instruments ...a single vital force" "He would begin!" "Nothing was more beautiful than his authority" "We trembled at the thought ...of a mistake in performing this rite" "An overwhelming emotion ...an immense happiness" "We could feel our joy transmitting itself ...to the audience, which was immobile, holding its breath" "We didn't watch the conductor it wasn't necessary" "He was there, and we knew it ...we felt it" "He was... within us ...so much love passed between him and us" "A love which you can see is now lost" "I and my musicians only feel diffidence for each other" "The doubting which destroys belief" "And then there's a lack of respect" "There's resentment." "Because something has been lost ...never to be found" "That's how we play together" "United by a mutual hatred ...like a family in ruin" "Maestro, the lights have gone out" "I know" "What now?" "The break is over, we rehearse!" "Go ahead, walk." "Light my way" ""Conductor, conductor..."" ""Conductor, no more!"" ""You'll only conduct us Bowed to the floor"" "Claudio... you gotta do something" "Now, the other eye!" "Boys, what are you doing?" "...listen" ""Conductor, conductor..." "Conductor, no more"" ""You'll only conduct us Bowed to the floor"" "Conductor no more!" "No conducting allowed!" "We were idiots to study ...to spend a lifetime in a Conservatory" "That's right!" "We don't need conductors, don't need music" "Nothing." "Just a ring in our nose like savages" "Music is a public service." "It belongs to everyone" "Without class distinction" "Maestro how did this happen?" ""Conductor, conductor..."" ""Conductor no more"" ""You'll only conduct us Bowed to the floor"" "What are you doing?" "You're crazy!" "How nice you're all sweated..." ""Conductor, Conductor..."" "What's falling here?" "What's happening?" " Worse yet, you're shifty, and corrupt." "You've been bought" "You signed too" "I'm reporting you the Association." "Immediately" "Down with music power!" "Down with assembly line music!" "It's gotta stop!" "Stop!" "Take a look, what's on my head?" "Let me taste" "What is it you want?" "Moron, it's raining!" "I'll not be insulted!" "What's he doing?" "Look at how one can ruin his life..." "Again..." "Another?" "Down with the baton!" "Music belongs to us!" "You don't exist!" "Who is he?" "I ask you, who is he?" "He doesn't exist." "And if he does, he shouldn't!" "There's blood." "Wretches!" "Madmen!" ""You're fucked, you're through"" ""It's all over for you"" "May I sit down for the interview?" "I was first aware of the harp in a dream." "I was very little" "I didn't know what to think of that small gold cage" "One day, in a book I saw Nero, and Rome that was burning ...and the instrument I had dreamt" "And then in a perfumed calender there was an angel flying and he played the same harp of my dreams" "The harp!" "For me it's a human presence" "I couldn't live in a house without a 60 harp" "I'd never fall asleep if I didn't know it was nearby in the next room" "At times hands seem to run across it" "I hear it play ...it could be the wind" "The harp is my very life" "Not only for what I have earned ...but it's my refuge ...my friend" "I've always lived alone." "No men" "No one ...only the harp" "We confide, we talk it answers me, I receive sensations ...fantasies... an overwhelming sense of joy ...and of sadness" "Mostly, it gives one faith" "You become aware that other dimensions exist" "A child once asked:" ""Where does music go when it's over?"" "...only a child could ask that" ""Orchestra - terror Conductor - death"" ""Orchestra - terror Conductor - death"" ""Orchestra - terror Who plays is a traitor"" "Here's our new conductor!" "Long live the Metronome!" ""Metronome metronomous..." "Musicians - autonomous"" ""Musicians at last freed from the past"" "Down with the metronome." "We'll establish the tempo, the rhythm, the cadence" "We've had enough of their music ...it's degrading!" "We play it, we'll create it, we'll manage it" "I'll not be directed by anyone!" "Death!" "...to the metronome!" "Idiot!" "Give me that gun ...gimme" "You're hurting me." "I have a permit" "Look in my wallet" "All right let's see it ...in his name" "A regular firearm permit" "Get up..." "A Smith Wesson!" "Look up there... up there!" "Look!" "Everything's crumbling!" "Help me..." "Help me..." "Oh, why?" "...you are here and I'm here..." "Everyone must give undivided attention to his instrument ...that is all we can do now" "Somebody can help me?" "...please" "The notes are saving us" "Music saves us" "Hang on to the notes" "Follow the notes ...one after the other..." "In the way my hand can indicate" "We are musicians..." "You are musicians and we're here ...to rehearse" "Have no fear." "The rehearsal continues" "To your places!" "In place, please ...thank you..." "You must do less coloring with sounds" "Noise is not music" "Not a trolley car, I heard pots and pans" "Where are we?" "...one a soccer field?" "You think I'm an umpire?" "And where has the brass gone?" "What's happened to your little lungs?" "Where is all your breath?" "...used it for stupid chatter?" "Sustain the notes!" | {
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"( buffer whirring )" "Hmm." "Please acquire a fin-bearing sea-dweller." "Oh." "Go fish." "( sighs )" "And the flanking action allowed us to rout the Decepticon forces." "Amazing." "Tell us another." "Ugh, give it a rest, will you, Strongarm?" "You bugging Pops for war stories is getting older than, well, Pops." "Sideswipe, you'd better watch your" "Young Bot, you may call me Optimus Prime or Optimus." "Those are your only options, understood?" "Yes, sir." "And I'm not bugging Optimus." "I'm leaving." "You should try it sometime." "Soon." "You're not the boss of me." "Someone has to be." "( both grunt )" "SIDESWIPE:" "What?" "Don't" "( laughter )" "( both cheer )" "( grunting continuous )" "Okay, Slick, Cadet, cease fire before..." "Whoa!" "( both gasp )" "Sideswipe, Strongarm, be careful." "It wasn't easy capturing those Cyclone Mini-Cons." "( grunting continuous )" "SIDESWIPE:" "Come on!" "Ugh." "Grimlock, would you please break them up?" "( roars )" "Grim." "( all gasp )" "Micronus." "♪ Transformers ♪" "♪ Robots in disguise ♪" "♪ Robots in disguise ♪" "( roars )" "♪ Robots in disguise ♪" "♪ Robots in disguise ♪" "Micronus?" "Aah!" "Get him off me!" "Get him off me!" "Aah!" "Optimus Prime, now that your battle with Megatronus is over, you must return those portions of the Sparks your fellow Primes lent you." "I understand." "Wait." "Optimus told us the first transfer almost destroyed him." "How do we know the reversal won't--?" "This isn't a QA session, Botling." "Commence reversal." "( screams )" "Stop!" "You're tearing him apart!" "Aah!" "Whoa!" "( screaming )" "Optimus, are you all right?" "( groans )" "I am...alive, Bumblebee." "Barely." "You took too much of his power." "( computerized beeping )" "My scan indicates Optimus will recover." "My scan indicates Optimus' levels are dangerously low." "When will Optimus recover?" "Weeks?" "Months?" "Only time knows the answer." "That isn't helpful." "Is he gone?" "Please, tell me he's gone!" "Whew!" "Well, Optimus might not feel better, but I sure do." "My physical condition is of no consequence." "Let us continue our mission." "Optimus, you should take it easy." "I am functional." "And if I am functional, then I am capable of assisting as I heal." "He's about as weak as a frayed fan belt." "I'll snap you in two if you don't stop that kind of talk." "If Optimus says he can help, he can help." "Regardless, it's been weeks since we defeated Megatronus." "We need to get back to capturing Decepticons." "And stop fighting with each other." "Now, most of the Alchemor's fugitives have been centered near the Scrapyard, but Windblade's told us there are others scattered all over the world." "On which region do we focus?" "All of them." "Drift, you and your Mini-Cons, along with Windblade, will concentrate on distant Decepticons." "Your stealth and speed should allow you to cover substantial ground." "Then I'm going with them." "With me on board, we'll have any 'Cons we find rounded up before Russell's lunchtime." "You just want to be wherever Windblade is." "Don't put me in the middle of your little psychodrama." "You've got it all wrong." "I just want to be wherever you aren't." "( both growl )" "Enough!" "Sideswipe, if you want to go, go." "Yes!" "Strongarm, Grimlock and I will continue to operate from the Scrapyard, with Denny and Russell's assistance." "Optimus, with Fixit's help, will track and coordinate all of our missions from the Command Center." "OPTIMUS:" "No, Bumblebee." "I believe I would be most helpful leading your field team." "With all due respect, sir..." "You're kind of gonna slow us down." "You were built for neither speed nor stealth." "And we don't want to see you get hurt." "Your concern is appreciated, but unwarranted." "Optimus Prime will lead the Away Team." "Fixit, resume scanning and widen the vectors." "Let's see if we can pick up a remote Decepticon signal somewhere." "And rig up a portable tracker for the Away Team to use." "Yes, sir." "I shall assist with the construction of the tracker." "You've had some wonky ideas, Bee, but putting Optimus in charge of us?" "That's" "None of us is gonna be able to make Optimus change his mind." "Let him lead as best he can, and try to position him where his condition can't jeopardize your missions." "At least until his strength returns." "How?" "Suggest he hang back, to coordinate communications or formulate strategy." "You know, something like that." "( sighs ):" "Okay." "But only if I get to come up with a cooler name for us than the "Away Team."" "FIXIT:" "Lieutenant." "Decepticon signal located at the Arctic Circle." "The Arctic Circle." "The cold will impede our systems." "We must capture our quarry quickly." "I'll program the coordinates into the Ground Bridge." "Looks like you're up, Away Team." "You mean "Bad Bot Bashers."" "Huh?" "Right?" "Come on." "I'm just warming up." "My friends, let us venture forth on this new mission, and let us claim victory for Cybertron and for Earth." "( sighs )" "( grunts ):" "Ow!" "Forward." "( dramatic theme playing )" "Is this really a good idea, sir?" "They'll be fine." "( explosion )" "( both gasp )" "( suspenseful theme playing )" "Whoa!" "( sighs )" "Look at the bright side:" "the fire's out, and you can skip your bath tonight." "( sighs )" "Command Center to Away Team, do you read?" "Away Team, can you read me?" "For all I know, their molecules could have been scattered from here to Cabraxas IV." "Or they could have materialized inside a meteor, or" "Fixit, stay calm." "Keep trying." "Right." "Away Team, this is" "OPTIMUS:" "This is Optimus Prime," "Command Center." "( wind gusting )" "We have reached the Arctic Circle." "We are at the base of an ice mountain... near some manner of research installation." "Is everything okay back there?" "We heard strange noises as we came through the portal." "We had a slight malfunction of the Ground Bridge." "( sizzling )" "My theory is that something in the Primes' reversal process altered your basic chemistry, Optimus." "When you went through the portal, you affected the Ground Bridge the same way a magnet damages a lard chive" "Card five" " Hard drive." "In other words, you're not taking a shortcut home until we get the Ground Bridge fixed." "Understood." "Optimus out." "I shall scan for our quarry." "Remain here and prepare yourselves for battle, should there be one." "Did I call it?" "Optimus is already messing us up." "It'll take us forever to drive back to the Scrapyard from here." "Cut him some cable, Slick." "It wasn't his fault the Ground Bridge fritzed." "According to the scanner, the Decepticon's signal is emanating from that cave." "Travel up the mountain will not be easy, but" " Aah!" "Are you injured, Optimus Prime?" "I am fine, Drift." "Ugh!" "( suspenseful theme playing )" "Grimlock, please help me gently separate the pieces of the Ground Bridge." "We must determine which components remain operational." "( grunts )" "( roars )" "I said gently!" "That was my gently." "Bee, are you sure it was wise to split your team like this?" "Specifically, sir, was it wise to separate those of us who wield Decepticon Hunters?" "Fair point." "And I do worry about jeopardizing the chemistry we've built since we've been here." "But I can't send Grimlock on an extended field mission." "He's too hard to disguise." "And we can't just fight Decepticon activity here when we have every reason to believe there are fugitives all over the globe." "Solid reasoning, sir." "I just hope neither team encounters anything that will make you regret your decision." "( heavy footsteps )" "( ominous theme playing )" "Please, please, keep your seats." "And bring Optimus Prime to me now." "Overload?" "( sirens blaring )" "Denny, Russell, get to safety." "Way ahead of you, Bee!" "Shut down the Scrapyard's defense systems." "FIXIT:" "You don't have to tell me twice." "You almost look familiar." "But I've performed before so many." "( growls )" "When I awoke from stasis," "I sensed Optimus' energy signature here." "He stole my spotlight so long ago in our first encounter." "But the sequel shall be very different." "( roars )" "( grunts ) Whoa!" "Oh, you're looking to take center stage." "Well, you're not the star here." "You're not even an extra." "( grunting )" "Watch the face." "The face is an actor's fortune, you know." "( grunting )" "Hi." "I'm Grimlock, the Dinobot who's gonna rearrange your pistons." "Is that right?" "Exit Grimlock, stage left." "( screams )" "( suspenseful theme playing )" "( wind gusting )" "( panting )" "Hey, Optimus, if the cold is slowing you down, why don't you just go back and, uh, coordinate communications for us?" "What Sideswipe means, sir, is that you're too valuable to be up here." "I agree." "If you relocate to the bottom of the mountain, you could hold your strength in reserve in case we encounter difficulty." "That's not exactly what I was" "That might well be a prudent suggestion." "Perhaps I" "Aah!" "( snarling )" "Found our Decepticon." "But unless he runs out of ice, we're gonna be stuck here for a while." "That is not acceptable." "( groans )" "Continue up the mountain." "I will provide cover." "Optimus, you are too exposed." "( grunts )" "Do not argue." "You must continue up the mountain" "Aah!" "( action theme playing )" "Optimus!" "( dramatic theme playing )" "( grunting )" "Hang on, Optimus." "We'll come get you." "Okay, how are we gonna go get him?" "I can't carry Optimus in jet mode." "He's too heavy for me." "Have your Mini-Cons give Optimus something to stand on." "I'll see if I can take the pressure off for a little while." "( dramatic theme playing )" "Right." "I'll wait here." "( groaning )" "SLIPSTREAM:" "Rest your weight upon us, Optimus." "JETSTORM:" "Not all of it, perhaps." "( grunting )" "SLIPSTREAM ( straining ):" "Light as a feather." "JETSTORM:" "Uh-oh." "( both chattering )" "Fixit, it sounded like Bee knows this 'Con." "He should." "( electronic beeping )" "During the War for Cybertron," "Overload was the Decepticons' top spy." "He assumed many identities, and fancied himself a brilliant actor." "Overload's work led to the destruction of several Autobot installations, until Optimus learned of the treachery and put an end to it." "But Overload badly injured Optimus's rookie scout in the battle." "Bumblebee." "( groaning )" "Let me give you your cue one last time." "Where is Optimus?" "He's gone." "( moans )" "( grunts )" "OVERLOAD:" "Oh, amateurs." "( Grimlock grunting )" "But wait." "Why am I concerning myself with mere understudies?" "Optimus is who I want." "Optimus always felt protective of innocent bit players." "And this world is full of them." "If I crush those bit players," "Optimus will come running." "And I'll be waiting." "( laughs maniacally )" "( both chatter )" "( techno theme playing )" "STRONGARM:" "Hate to say it, Lieutenant, but Overload seems to have the armor to stand up to our entire team." "It didn't look like he had as much armor on his face." "He thinks he's an actor." "Probably doesn't want to hide his "good looks."" "Maybe if we had Sideswipe, Drift and" ""Maybe" doesn't matter." "I'm taking that Decepticon down." "With our help." "Before he hurts anyone else." "Fixit, continue Ground Bridge repairs while I go after Overload." "We have another concern." "Ransack and Backtrack are moose" "Goose" " Loose!" "Stopping Overload is my priority right now." "We'll add the Mini-Cons to our "to-do" list." "Lieutenant, we're going too, right?" "Oh." "Of course." "Come on, team, let's rev up and roll out." "( tires screech )" "Bee's taking this way too personally." "You noticed, huh?" "( dramatic theme playing )" "( tree rustling )" "( Ransack and Backtrack chittering and humming )" "Hail and well met, small doers of great destruction." "BOTH:" "Uh...huh?" "Care to audition for my supporting cast?" "( dramatic theme playing )" "And action!" "( grunts )" "( laughs )" "Showtime." "( laughing )" "( dramatic theme playing )" | {
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"(Fly buzzing)" "(Birds chirping)" "(Music)" "Susan!" "Victoria!" "Hi!" "Good morning!" "(Groans)" "Good morning!" "Come on." "Stand, Susan." "Stand, Susan." "Stand." "Step, it's right here." "Step." "Okay." "I'll give you eh, three, four minutes in there." "(Birds chirping)" "Good job, my Susan!" "Okay." "And slowly... no,no,lhaven% let you go." "See, I'm right here." "I'm right here." "Right here." "Okay, Susan miracle..." "Hey, hey, okay." "Here we are." "Fred, come and eat." "Eat, eat, eat." "Eats." "Eats." "Okay." "Mr. Avidma." "Good morning, Susan!" "Whoop dee doo!" "Yes." "Fred, sit." "Queen Victoria." "Yeah man." " Thank you!" " You're welcome!" "Did you sleep well?" "Did you dream?" "Oh, yes." "Yes, yes." "What did you dream?" "That I was going upstairs." "Very good!" "Let me hear you say the line," ""but wait there's more."" ""But wait there's more."" "Far too realistic." "Far too genuine." "You've got to make it totally phony." "TW again." ""But wait, there's more!"" "What do I do when Fred starts talking about his dead cat?" "Well, you... you play it by ear that's all." "Play it by ear." "You remind him very nicely that it's dead, or not." "I mean, as soon as it's alive it's just... it's just going to forget it's dead again." "How much Nova did you get?" "Pickles and lox killed more Jews than Hitler, we'll be fine." "Can I listen to music or something?" "Sure, 10 minutes." "Did you hear me say 10 minutes?" "Yeah, sure, whatever." "When he's up there by himself we have no idea what medication he's taking, how much." "I'm sure he's been taking her medication." "I mean, Victoria is just a nurse's aide." "He's the one who's responsible for physically giving her medicine and then he has to take his." "I agree, it's totally nuts." "I forgot the cream cheese." "Oh, don't even worry about it." "I'm sure I'm going to have to make a supermarket run." "I mean, he tries to go to the store himself, he forgets what he's supposed to pick up." "It's insane that he's even driving, if you ask me." "I know." "Listen, did you get the three everythings?" "Yes." "You know, he hasn't even paid his taxes yet?" "You're kidding me!" "That's unbelievable!" "This has got to stop." "This has got to stop on this trip." "That's the end." "(Birds chirping)" "(Knocking)" "Lila, come on!" "(Knocking)" "Hi dad!" "Robert, hi!" " Captain!" " Grandpa!" " How are you?" " I'm good!" "Oh, you're so grown up for your age." "Thanks!" "Everyone in my school is." "Hi!" "How are you doing, dad?" "Oh, I love you!" "I'm going to go see where Susan is." " Hello!" " Hi!" "Hi!" "Nice to see you too!" "Did you bring a book with you?" "Yeah." "Hi mom!" "Hi!" "Oh, it's okay." "It's just me." "It's Carol." "Hi!" "You're having a good rest?" "Do you want anything, something to drink, refreshment?" "I'll have water." "Water?" "Okay, good!" " Nothing for me, thanks." " Nothing for you?" "Okay." "Do you remember?" "You're not sure?" "Hmm." "You don't know." "Hey, look who's here." "Lila came." "You think you had saltines?" " No." " No." "Okay, all right!" "That's all right." "Look, I'm going to be right back, okay?" " You rest some more." " Okay." "I love you!" "Hi!" "Victoria!" "Can you come in here a moment?" "Yes, Ms.?" "Did my parents get saltines today?" "Yes, I gave them this morning." "Well, ljust want to make sure it's clear that the reason Susan takes saltines is to keep her blood pressure up so..." "I..." "I know you're the one who told me." "I know, but it seems like we're almost out." "Umm, okay." "You know, Fred, sometimes he forgets to do the shopping." "And I..." "I refused, I told them I wouldn't," "I'm not going to drive that car." "No,no,no,no, you're totally right." "I'm so sorry." "You know what I think we're going to do, and then I'm going to go shopping right now." "Okay, Captain!" "Okay." "I told her not to use the front door." "She keeps doing that." "So... sojust tell me what happened?" "So Susan, you know, she went unconscious again, so I called the ambulance and I..." "I had to get in with her and I waited until she was admitted." "Sure!" "And... and then when I came home," "I saw that your father here just collapsed on the ground and he couldn't get up." "You know, I'm sorry I don't know how long that he was there and I can't be in both places at the same time." "No,no,no." "Captain!" "I'm in the barn!" "Coming!" "(Music)" "Hey!" "Huh?" "Come here, sweetie." " Hey mom!" " Listen," "I want you to remember that" "Fred doesn't like people going out the front door, right, huh?" "Okay." "What were you doing in the barn?" "Me and Gran Susan used to have tea there." "I haven't heard you call her Gran Susan in a long time." "What's that?" "It's an emerald frog." "It's from when we used to have tea." "Hey, you know, umm," "I want you to hold on to this and you show this to Gran Susan, okay, a little later on?" "And then when it's done you give that right back to me" "I've got to put it back where it went, okay?" "Right now I'm going to the store." "You come with me please." "Go close the barn, do it first though." "You know, Fred, I've been thinking about this time before Carol and... was born, you left grandma here to take care of me in the house." "And I went away to play with a friend at his house or something like that and I came back and grandma must have gone out to go shopping because there was nobody here and the door was locked and I couldn't get in the house." "But grandma had left me a note." "I found it on the door and it said, the schlizzle is in the hunschdizzle." "I didn't know what the hell it was talking about." "The schlizzle is in the hunschdizzle." "And then I realized hunschdizzle meant dog dish." "So I looked down in the dog dish and there was the key." "So I figured it out." "The schlizzle is in the hunschdizzle is the key is in the dog dish." "Dad?" "So I understand you put in a new oil tank." "It's in the basement." "The old one was outside." "I'm amazed they were able to get the thing down the stairs." "What did it cost you?" "Too much." "You have to do it, right?" "By the way, I noticed while we were driving up looks like it can really use some new paint." "I got a guy who's cheaper than the Mexicans and he cuts the lawn." "Wow, cheaper than the Mexicans." "I'm not being racist, I'm being realistic." "So how's the movie business?" "That's, uh, not so realistic." "It's very different than I thought it was going to be." "I mean, it's all about the small screen now, you know, downloads and all that kind of thing." "Well, how did the movie about the clown do?" "Not so well." "People didn't find it funny." "I thought that was the point." "You're right, that was the point, but when people download something about a clown, they have a certain expectation it's going to be hilarious." "It was during prohibition and my father was making wine in the cellar." "So a cop was walking by and he saw this large amount of grapes." "Walked to my father and said, hey, Bub, what are all those grapes for?" "My father pointed to me and my brother and he said, my kids love them." "And he believed it." "Because it was true." "I mean, you still do love the grapes, right?" "But I guess it was also a lie at the same time." "So what?" "That's show business." "Bob, sometimes you remind me of Yogi Berra, you know." "Someone once asked him what time it was and he said, you mean now?" "You know, I saw your old tennis playing buddy" "Steven the other day." "Still plays very well." "Fuck him." "Dad, don't you think it would be better if you got some kind of regular exercise?" "I mean, you know, therapeutic exercise?" "All that stuff would be..." "would be so easy." "Oh, is it time for our vodka?" "Vodka!" "Not yet." "Put her on the couch." "Okay." "Okay, Susan." "She can stand." "Hold me." "Okay." "Stand Susan." "Susan, stand." "Okay." "Let her walk." "Okay." " One step." " She can walk." "No Fred, she cannot." "I got her." "I got her." " Put her on the couch." " Okay." "I got you mom." "Slow." "Okay, okay, great." "You look good mom." "Oh yes." "Yeah." "I'm alive." "Well, that's..." "that's good!" "Listen, umm, do you remember when you went to Goucher College, remember how you used to live in a dorm there?" "Well, that's what it's going to be like again." "You're going to be living in a situation very much like a dorm." "I mean, back in those days when you guys got married, you didn't get a chance to finish, but now you're going to have an opportunity to really finish things." "It's going to be great." "Sounds good!" "It is." "It really is good." "I mean, you'll be close to me." "You'll be close to Carol." "It's going to be really good." "You'll see." "How is Aris?" "Oh, Aris is doing good!" "Both boys are great." "Jess had some sort of a bug, but she's more or less over it." "Okay." "Come on, drink." "Yes." "I want to thank you." "Drink, drink, drink." "UP, UP, up you go." "Drink." "Come on." "A little bit of juice, little bit." "Drink, drink." "Swallow." "My dear, swallow." "(Music)" "Hey, what do you think about Susan living near us?" "I like that." " Yeah?" " Yeah." "But Fred, he's going to... he's going to stay where he is for now." "Why isn't he going to move with Susan?" "Well, ljust think he wants to stay out here" "I mean, he's lived here a really long time and I..." "I just don't think he's ready to leave yet." "You know, eventually he's going to miss Susan a lot so he'll probably move down to the city and he can even live in the same building as her." "That's pretty cool, right?" "Yeah, yeah, I think it's going to work out really well." "Dad, this is the best possible situation." "Mom is going to be able to get the care she needs." "You can be with her two floors below." "You can go to the office every single day if you want." "And listen, if you're not happy, you can leave." "I'm not going to make you stay there if you don't like it." "I'm too old." "Could you get me another vodka please?" "Bottled or tap?" "Tap, it's all we got." "Hi sweetie!" "The Captain is here with her mom and Robert." "Oh, she's fine." "Oh, yes, she's fine." "Hold on." "I'll give her to you." "Here, take the phone." "Hold the phone, Susan." "Susan, hold the phone." "Hold the phone!" " Fred!" " Calm down, dad!" "Give me that!" "Sit down." "I said sit down." "Don't treat someone that way." "Hold on." "Hideafl" "Oh, I don't... umm," "me too." "You put it right on the table." "Right there?" "Oh, my shoes are untied." " Hello!" " Hi!" "Are there anymore bags in the car?" "Oh yeah, just one." "You know what, let me get it though, because I have no idea how this kitchen is organized anymore, so." "Okay." "I'll be right back." "Hey Susan!" "Do you remember this?" "That's okay." "Carol, did you get cream cheese?" " Yes" " I love you" "You want it across the board on toasted sesame, Fred?" "Sure!" "How about you, Susan?" "Whoop dee do!" "(Sighs)" "Two across the board on toasted sesame for the youngsters;" "I'm going to make a salad." "I want pie é la Mode." "Aha, not until after you finish lunch." "Okay." "So what are you guys doing for the summer?" "Actually, so far me and Jess have made zero plans for the summer." "How about you and Patrick?" "What can I do?" "If you don't mind, the ones that grandpa likes, the big ones." "You know, we are probably going to end up just staying in the city." "Well, that can be really nice." "I mean, the summertime is really quiet and you really get to know people." "It's different." "Well, you make it sound so appealing." "Oh, I'm sincere about it, it can be very nice." "By the way, how late are you planning to stay?" "I mean, I can always take a train" "I'm sure we're all going to leave around the same time;" "definitely before dinner though." "Of being able to avoid Maestro if possible, but if I can't, I guess I can't." "Victoria, would you mind getting me some cream cheese from the fridge?" "Okay." "Ouch!" "Jesus, that's hot." "WOW!" "That oil tank is the bomb, man." "Yeah, you have to finish help making lunch though." "I just want to see it, then I'll come help." "All right!" "Uh, you're going to help clean up afterwards?" "Yeah." "But be careful there's a lot of stuff down there." "Okay." "Umm, listen," "I think maybe we ought to consider packing up a lot of mom's stuff today so that Tuesday is not a big ordeal, you know what I mean?" "It's not going to be a big ordeal." "I'm just going to take the necessary things." "Really, I'd rather just wait till Tuesday." "All right!" "Hey, how did it go with Fred?" "Fantastic!" "Victoria, do we have a peeler anywhere?" "Yeah." "Hold on, I'll get it." "All right!" "Thank you!" "(Music)" "How do you like the salad, Fred?" "Very good!" " It's great!" " Thank you!" "Pick it up." "Pick it up." "Pick it up." "Hey, you can finish your lunch you can have that pie é la Mode." " Great!" " Uh-huh." "When do we hear about the schools for the Captain?" "She's going to Horace Riverston next year." "She got a scholarship." " That's great!" " Congratulations!" " Wow, fantastic!" " Than ks!" "That's so wonderful!" "I'm so proud of her." "I'm proud!" "Oh, you know, well, your dad and I are talking about that one." "My life depends on it." "Susan, you're going to be seeing a lot more of us" "You're going to get to see us all the time." "Will live in the same building as you, just two floors below." " It's going to be wonderful!" " I'm not going." "Oh!" "Dad, you've got to at least try." "I'm not going without Ginger." "Where's Ginger?" "Did you see Ginger?" "I'm not going anyplace they don't allow pussy." "Grant me strength, idiot!" "Oh, I think I know who's here." "Maestro's here!" "Okay." "Listen, I promise, I promise, I'm going to be nice." "Okay, if you say so." " How are you?" " Maestro's here." "I'm okay." " Hey Bob!" " Hi Carol!" " How are you doing?" " How are you?" "It's good to see you." "Nice to see you!" "Did you guys have lunch yet?" "Yeah." "I've got a special treat" "I'm making, you might want to sit down." "You know, Susan is resting in the other room today so can you come and do the music session there?" "We'll just pull my keyboard into the room and..." "Move it in." " Lila, you'll help me, right?" " Yeah." "Okay." "Do you mind going to the fridge and get me the... like the nova, the cream cheese, maybe some vegetables." "You know, we don't have any left." "Sure, there is." "There was a lot left." "I'm going to make Bob's Bagel." "No, I told you, there's nothing." "What happened to the Everything Bagel?" " Hi e"eFYbodyl" " Bob!" "'" " How are you?" " Good to see you!" "Oh, you can just take that stuff straight through" "We'll be there in a minute." "I got it." "Listen, Carol, just because you happened to be a psychotherapist doesn't mean you see the dark recesses of everybody's hearts or their stomachs either." "This has nothing to do with me being a psychotherapist." "You asked if I had brought three Everything Bagels." "I think you had a personal interest in those." "That's exactly my point, if I wanted to have all three would I draw attention to it like that in the car?" "Yeah, I think you would." "I like Bob." "I want to give him something special." "He has a personal relationship with mom." "I'd like to give him a gift." "Come on, he works for us." "He's in our employ." "He doesn't need a gift basket every time he comes to our house." "I'm not giving him a gift basket." "I'm giving him an Everything Bagel." "He's an artist." "Awonderful, wonderful artist!" "Pretty soon he and I are going to be working together." "He's going to be ticking out Hava Nagila at a bar mitzvah and I'll be committing the whole thing to eternal video;" "And anyway, the two of you would work horribly together." "What have you got against Bob?" "I'm Bob." "There can only be one Bob." "And speaking ontologically, there can only be one everything." "Not three everythings, not two." "There can only be one everything in the end." "Now, there are no everythings, so why don't you go in there and at least help him." "I certainly would be delighted to help that wonderful artist." "What am I going to do now?" "You know Susan, you are my favorite student and I promise you we'll sing all of your favorite songs today." "How are you feeling, mom?" "Ah, listen, Maestro, is there anything that I could do to, you know, help?" "You want to help?" "Yes, I want to help." "Okay." "Well, I'm setting the chairs up around Susan here so why don't you help me finish with these chairs?" "Sure!" " Hey Bob!" " Yeah?" "Hey Bob!" "I'm so sorry, it seems that all three" "Everything Bagels have disappeared." "All three of them." "That's too bad." "I, umm..." "I could give you some carrots." "Oh no, thanks, I'll pass." "Sorry dad." "Listen, do you think maybe we could get..." "We could get Victoria in here" "No, let Victoria please finish cleaning up in the kitchen." "I want Victoria to sing with us." "Okay, go get her." "Go get her." "Victoria!" "Can you sing with us?" "Here we go." "Okay, come sit over here, sweetie." " Good!" "Can you sit next to me?" " You can sit by Fred." "Go ahead, sweetie." "Thank you!" "And come sit over here between me and Fred." "Lila, would you do me a favor?" "Listen, just for my own information, just for my own sort of understanding of things, this whole thing is really kind of for mom's benefit, right, is it really necessary that all of us have to get together" "and do the whole singing bit?" "Come on!" "It will be fun." "We go over this every week." "It will be fun." "You know something, if you really want to help your mother, everybody enjoying this together is extremely helpful." "All right, fine." "I'm sorry." "I apologize." "Go ahead." "Go ahead." "All right!" "Susan, why don't we start with our very favorite tune?" "♪ Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag ♪" "♪And smile, smile, smile. ♪" "♪ Don't let yourjoy and laughter hear the snag ♪" "♪ Smile boys, that's the style. ♪" "Everybody!" "♪ What's the use of worrying ♪" "♪ It never was worth while ♪" "♪ So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag ♪" "♪And smile, smile, smile. ♪" "♪ Smile!" "I'm sorry, this is just depressing." "I'm just going to kill myself." "I cannot take this." "It's not that bad." "I'm sorry." "I'm..." "I'm sorry." "Oh, come on, come on." "Look, look, I've got a beat for you." "Here we go." "♪Ain't we got fun?" "♪ Not much money, oh, but honey ♪" "♪Ain't we got fun?" "♪ The rent's unpaid, dear. ♪" "♪ And we haven't a bus." "♪ But smiles are made, dear ♪" "♪ For people like us" "♪ In the winter, in the summer ♪" "♪Ain't we got fun?" "♪ Times are bum and getting bummer ♪" "♪ Still we have fun" "♪ There's nothing surer" "♪ The rich get richer and the poor get poorer ♪" "♪ In the meantime, in between time ♪" "♪Ain't we got fun?" "Great!" "Great!" "All right, let's hear it fellows." "Who remember Silvery Moon?" " Oh." " Oh, Silvery Moon." "Come on." " Silvery Moon." " What's that smell?" "Silvery Moon." "With a spoon, yeah." "Here we go." "♪ By the light of the silvery moon ♪" "♪ I want to spoon" "♪ To my honey I'll croon love's tune ♪" "♪ Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June ♪" "♪ Your silv'ry beams will bring love's dreams ♪" "♪ We'll be cuddling' soon" "♪ By the silvery moon." "Here we go again." "♪ By the light of the silvery moon ♪" "♪ I want to spoon" "♪ To my honey I'll croon love's tune ♪" "♪ Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June ♪" "♪ Your silv'ry beams will bring love's dreams ♪" "♪ We'll be cuddling' soon" "♪ By the silvery moon." "(Laughter)" "(Background chatter)" "♪ Na, na, na, na, na." "♪ Na, na... ♪ Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June ♪" "♪ Your silv'ry beams will bring love's dreams ♪" "♪ We'll be cuddling' soon" "♪ By the silvery moon." "♪ Pa pa-rap pa pap Pa" " Very nice!" " Beautiful!" "Very nice!" "Okay." "What happened to the painting of the horse?" "Umm, Fred gave it to a museum." "VVhy?" "Well, it made him feel like a very wealthy, important person." "Is he wealthy?" "No." "And when she's happy it makes it much better for all of us." " I used to..." " Thank you!" "Thank you, Fred!" "I used to be involved in a way with the music business." "I made boxes and at the time when there were record albums, we would manufacture and produce the sleeves, the jackets that the albums would go in;" "Broadway shows and different artists and all kinds of things." "So we really love music." "You know, there was something so romantic about going into a record store and seeing those big boxes all lined up on the shelves." "I couldn't wait to find my most favorite new artist and bring that..." "that record home, take the packaging off, smell it, read everything, even before I listened to the music, it was such a big deal to myself and all of my friends growing up." "Oh, I didn't know that people smelled it." "I used to like to smell books." "Well, you know, it's like those mimeograph smells from school." "We all thought it..." "it just meant something to have such a great new record and... and every bit of the sensation attached to it was important to us." "We used to listen to Glenn Miller and Bing Crosby." "Oh, Susan loved Bing Crosby." "I had an album of... for Dumbo, the movie Dumbo, and each side of each record at that time was a different song, you know, it was great." "I never saw an elephant fly, and oh my goodness, and Pinocchio also was really great, great music, so." "In a little way I was a part of the music business, as far as the packaging of it." "(Music)" " Hey Bob!" " Yeah." "Can you come on in here for a sec;" "I'd just like to talk to you?" "Okay." "I guess it's going to rain anyway." "Are you sure?" "I think it's clearing." "Come on." "Okay." "Look, I knowl haven't been entirely what you might call supportive of the whole music therapy thing." "Well, the thing is I see that it has been good for them." "I mean, it has really made a difference." "I want to thank you for that." "The thing that I didn't get to tell you before was next Tuesday my mother is going into a facility in the city." "So like all good things" "I'm afraid music therapy is going to come to an end." "Oh, that's such a shame." "Well, you know, at least I can still come once a week, because there's still Fred to work with," "Yeah, I know, I could see that he really enjoys it." "But the thing is the following week" "Fred is also going into the same facility." "You know, he didn't say a word to me about this, are you sure, becauseifs"." "Well, he may not yet understand it fully, he will definitely be going into the same place." "Ijust had a 10-minute conversation with him, we talked about music" "Bob, you've got to trust me on this one." "It's my company's checks that pay for you and that pay for Victoria and all the support they get." "He definitely is moving to that same facility two floors below her a week after she goes in." "You've got to believe me." "Actually, you know something, because I do a lot of work in these facilities, it's just a keyboard and a stand." "I'll just bring it into the facility." "Well, I'm not sure what the facility's policies are about that sort of thing," "It's... it's done all the time." " Is it?" " I assure you." "Well, I'll certainly be happy to research it and give you the answer." "We could certainly give it a try." "Okay, all right!" "Fair enough." "In the meantime, ljust wanted to give you this, just sort of a little thank you." "Butjust to say our extra thanks." " Thanks!" " My pleasure!" "Oh, by the way," "I downloaded ten minutes of the film of yours the other day on my cellphone." "No kidding!" "Which one?" "It's that clown thing." "That's a comedy, I think, right?" "Well, thank you for everything!" "I appreciate it!" "Okay." "Think about what I said, okay?" "I sure will." "Okay." "Hava Nagila Hava Nagila Hava... (Music)" "So how did he take it?" "Well, it wasn't great, but he will be all right." "I need ajump." "Ajump?" "Ajump." "(Music)" "That guy shows up one more time" "I'm going to have to put a stake through his heart." "Hey, isn't this where mom's frog pond used to be?" "Oh yeah." "I guess they covered it over after mom got sick." "You know, it used to be just a fountain and then this frog showed up." "I wonder if mom kissed it." "I mean, that's how she met Fred." "Come on." "Let's go get Susan." "Nice night, huh?" "Here you go." "(crying)" " Captain?" " Yeah?" " Want to play catch?" " Yeah." " Go ahead." " Okay." "Wait for me." "Do I have to?" "Dad, can I get you something?" "No." "You want to go outside;" "I can get your cane?" "I don't use a cane." "All right!" "Do you want to go outside?" "Fred, have you paid your taxes yet?" "No." "VVhy?" "I don't owe anything." "(Sighs)" "Nice!" "I got it!" "I got it with one hand." "What?" "Come on, throw the ball." "Look, come here, let show you something." "See those two trees?" "Yeah." "You know who Zeus and Hermes were, right?" "They were Greek Gods." "That's right." "Back in the olden days Zeus and Hermes heard weren't acting the way they wanted them to." "They weren't being nice and friendly to the others." "They weren't acting with what the Greeks called xenia, which means like hospitality." "So they decided to check it out themselves." "So they got dressed up in costumes and pretended to be ordinary people." "So they went walking around among the Greeks trying to find somebody who would be nice to them who would let them stay at their house for the night." "They couldn't find anybody to do that." "And finally they found this one poor old couple." "They were called Philemon and Baucis." "Would let them stay over at their house." "In the morning Zeus and Hermes were so happy they told Philemon and Baucis they could have one wish." "What did they wish for?" "They wished that they would die together at the same time so that neither one would have to go on without the other." "You know what the Gods did?" "They turned them into two big oak trees standing together, just like that." "They went on like that forever." "So what really happens after you die?" "You and me and mommy and grandma and grandpa but, uh, I don't know." "Look after grandma." "I'm going to get some stuff, all right?" "All right!" "You don't mind if I leave you in Lila's care for a minute, do you?" "Okay." "(Music)" "Captain!" "Over here!" "We gotta motor!" "It's time to say goodbye." "Coming!" "Come on!" "(Crickets chirping)" "(Crickets chirping)" "(Birds chirping)" "(Music)" "Fred, are you okay?" "Yeah." "Are you okay?" "Is everything all right?" "Stop bothering me." "Good morning, Fred!" "Good morning!" "Hold on, let me get that coffee for you!" "No, no, no, I'll get it." "No, I got it." "Just sit." "You know, your son and daughter, Carol, Bob, they're coming today?" "Are they bringing the boys and the Captain with them?" "No, they're coming to help you pack up your things and, you know, move you into the city." "Why am I going to the city?" "You agreed that it was for the best." "Best for what?" "For you." "I wouldn't ever speculate about the future, not when it has to do with where I'm going to live." "That wouldn't make sense, would it?" "Yes, but you agreed." "Well, who would be here when Susan gets back?" "Fred, you know they love you, right?" "I love them." "I know that you do, Fred." "How's your husband?" "He's fine." "How did Ghana do?" "They lost." "I'm sorry." "Was it a close game?" "You know what, I don't want to talk about that." "I know how you feel." "Really?" "Yes, I think I do, Queen Victoria." "You know, you really should be with Susan." "She doesn't even know who I am anymore." "Yes, but if she sees you then she'll know who you are." "In this I think that your children are right." "You know, Carol, she told me this story about you." "She told me that when they were younger you used to take the three of them into town on Saturdays to the supermarket." " She told you?" " Yeah." "I mean, who else would tell me?" "She said that, uh, you did it to give, uh, Susan a break." " She remembered?" " Uh-huh." "You see, that's what I'm saying, your children, they love you." "That's very sweet." "Uh-huh." "Hi dad!" "Hello Robert!" "Well, time to get ready to go." "We came today so we could help you decide whatever it is you want to take so you can be, you know, comfortable in the new place." "Didn't you bring the boys or the Captain?" "No, we didn't think the, uh, the timing was right for that." "I'm not going." "Dad, look, nobody is saying you have to go today, all right?" "I'd like you to try and think of us as your family/image consultants." "In other words, we're going to help you decide what of your possessions you want to take with you so that you can keep the same sort of, uh, public persona you've always had there when you" "when you... when you're in your new place." "Nobody is saying you have to leave today, but the thing is you have to understand that in two days, you really do have to get ready to go." "Once I shared space with a public relations firm, they were sort of sleazy characters and they did quite a bit of business with prostitutes." "They offered me a key." "The government shut them down for not paying their taxes." "This is condescending bullshit!" "Always, dad, will you listen?" " Bob!" " Same bullshit again and again" "I want you to take a break, okay?" "Drive into town, go do some shopping, come back in like a half hour." "You know what?" "You are a stubborn old man." "You're getting like a child." "No, I'm serious." "You have to deal with what is." "I'm sorry." "I'm just getting tired of this." "These are all yours." "No, just go." "All right!" "Okay." "Excuse me." "Don't use the front door." "The melon is sweet." "(Birds chirping)" "Dad, I... you know, I can really understand why why you want to stay here." "Freddie, you know you could, uh, you can always get me back." "There is no everything, just this place, and I want to stay here." "Yeah, I know, I know, but why don't you just give this other thing a try?" "So Oedipus was very depressed and his friends said, Oedipus, you need a vacation, why don't you go to New York, see a few plays, relax?" "So Oedipus flew to New York and he got a cab, and the impatient cab driver turned to Oedipus and said, where do you want to go, motherfucker?" "I need a vodka." "Fred" "Susan is not coming back." "Her Alzheimer's is getting worse she just needs more care than she can get here." "Now, you can... you can live right near her and you can see her everyday and we'll both come and see you too, us, the boys, the Captain." "Jim!" " Bob!" " Yeah." "I've got the whole Wolfman Jack thing going on." "I'm doing good!" "Thanks." "How about you?" "Gee, you look great." "How often do you run?" "Two times a week;" "three." "What do you do?" "Well, I get the urge to workout every so often," "I like to lie down till it passes." "You know, I hear about you all the time, you're like a big success story around here." "Since I gave my life to Jesus." "That's great!" "Well, you must still work pretty hard, right?" "I still have time to volunteer at the animal shelter on the weekends." "No kidding!" "How's your family, your mom and dad still around?" "Yeah, thanks for asking." "They're doing well." "They're retired." "They live up in Nantucket." "They love it." "Hey, how's your folks?" "I run by their house every once in a while." "I haven't seen them for a while." "Your dad is such a force of nature." "Yeah, he certainly is." "Well, they're doing okay." "They're hanging in." "Oh, that's great!" "How's the film business?" "The film business is very interesting." "It's always changing and evolving." "It's taken sort of a turn towards the Internet now." "That must be so exciting." "Yeah, exciting is, uh, is exactly what it is." "You really should think of working out, you know, get the endorphins going." "Listen, I've got to keep my heart rate up." "Good to see you!" "Great to see you!" "Give my regards to Jim Jones." "(Music)" "Remember the swing that used to be here?" "Yeah, that was fun, huh?" "Oh my God!" "Great!" "Yeah, yeah, he agreed to leave this Tuesday." "That's great!" "He's just going to forget that he agreed to it." "He would sit there and zip his tap water vodka and again not want to go, or if he does go, he's going to want to return." "Listen you don't mind if I take the car, right," "I have sort of an idea?" "No, where are you going?" "It won't take long." "I'll be right back." "Carol?" "Victoria?" "Can I see outside for a sec." "Don't use the front door." "What's up?" "What is that?" "A ginger cat, freshly plucked from the animal shelter." "Yeah, but it's not Ginger, it's another fucking red cat." "Bob, you're crazy." "I mean, he'll know." "I think you've really gone crazy this time." "Listen, your father, he's not a well man." "You cannot play these kinds of games on him." "I'm not playing any games." "What do you guys trust me, please?" "One Time!" "But what is this supposed to do?" "What is this going to do?" "Here we go, sweetie." "Come on , come on." "L90tyou." "Just give me one minute, all right." "Hey Fred, look who I found?" "Ginger!" "Yeah." "I was in the back looking at the two old trees and I see this little orange ball way up at the top." "And I tried waving, but I guess she didn't recognize me, so I climbed up the tree, and I guess then she knew me, because she came down into my arms and here we are to tell the tale." "Hey guys!" "How is it going?" "Robert found Ginger." "Watch out!" "Come here, kitty, kitty, kitty." "Ginger!" "He's not going to answer to Ginger." "Why not?" "Here kitty." "Where did you go?" "♪ The bells are ringing" "♪ for me and my gal" "♪ The birds are singing" "♪ for me and my gal" "♪ Everybody's been knowing" "♪ To a wedding they're going" "♪ And for weeks they've been sewing ♪" "♪ Every Susie and Sal" "♪ They're congregating" "♪ for me and my gal" "♪ The Parson's waiting" "♪ for me and my gal" "♪ And some day" "♪ I'm goin' to build a little home for two ♪" "♪ For three or four or more" "♪ In Love-land" "♪ for me and my gal" "(Applause)" | {
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"Will, psst" "What does this word mean?" "Marmaduke" "It's not a word it's a cartoon dog" "Okay..." "Use it in a sentence" "Marmaduke, you're an idiot" "Well, I've been using it wrong" "Karen, what's wrong?" "You've hardly touched your muffin" "Oh, honey, c'mon" "Since Stan and I split" "I've done nothing but touch my muffin" "Ugh, now I don't even want it" "I don't know what it is" "Everywhere I go, I see Stan" "In the thick ankles of a bakery clerk" "In the sagging breasts of a bus driver" "Even in the eyes of a fat baby" "Wow, Karen..." "He was a really fat man, wasn't he?" "He sure was, Jackie" "Well, Karen, maybe our little girls' night tomorrow will help you take your mind off it" " You're gonna have a girls'" " No" "Wait, are you sure that's tomorrow night?" "Lemme check my book" "I've got a cute little doodle of me hanging from a rafter" "Yeah, that's it" "Girls' night" "It's my last chance to hang with my girlfriends before Leo gets back on Saturday" "'Cause once he's home" "I ain't talkin' to you bitches" "Well..." "You know what, Joan?" "That sounds swell count me in" "Hey, I'll even bring some of my old 45s" "Ooh, and maybe my new .38" "Okay" "Oh, oh." "Will" "I forgot my wallet" "Can you get this?" "I'll get the next five" "Yeah." "Then we'll be all caught up" "C'mon, Jack, we should probably go too I'll walk you" "That's okay I went before I left" "Well, that's good 'cause I left the plastic bag at home" "Your job!" "You have a job" "It's time to go to work" "Again?" "I just worked, like last Tuesday" "Jack, you charge your acting students money" "You have an obligation to show up and make them regret that" "That's true" "You know, when you see people in the movies with jobs, it just seems so fabulous" "But in real life you're not properly lit and there's no soundtrack" "Ah-da-da-da-da I get this one" "You realize that's my wallet" "Yeah, I got it" "Okay, people, who left their dog tied up with no food, no water, and a Willie Nelson bandana?" "Well, like, whoever you are you don't deserve a dog" "That's why I let him go" "The things you've gotta do to get a seat in this dump" "Oh, my god, do you know who that is?" "That's my old babysitter" " Sissy?" "!" " What-y?" "It's me Jack McFarland" " No way" " Way!" " For real?" " Real!" "Get out of town!" " Town!" " Ah!" "Well, I think I can leave you two to your Mensa meeting" "The last time I saw you you were nine years old and you made us watch Auntie Mame over and over again" "You did come out, didn't you?" "Uh, like the next week" "So, um, like, you always seemed like one of those people who had the brains and the looks to do anything they put their mind to" "What, what amazing things have you been doing?" "Still babysitting" "But now I have my braces off" "Wow" "That is so Marmaduke" "Anyway after highschool I realized" "I had babysat for everyone in the neighborhood" "And it was like, you know "Enough!" "I need a change."" "So, I got a Eurail pass and I babysat my way through Europe" "Wow, Sissy, you've lived a glamorous life" " Knock on wood" " Yeah" "Mm, these are delicious What are they?" "They are Mint Milanos" "Still with the expensive taste, I see" "So, do you have a boyfriend?" "What about that guy from the couch?" "Do you still see him?" " You mean Randall?" " Yeah" "Yeah, we had an on again off again thing for years" "You know, it was on and then it was off and then he got married and it was on again" " More tea?" " Please" "God, look at you You are so grown up" "Did you ever dream that one day you would be sitting in your own apartment, drinking tea?" "You know what, Sissy?" "I did" "But not with you and not with tea and definitely not in my own apartment" "Oh, you know what?" "I better scooteroo" "I'm between jobs" "And I really should use my downtime" "I'm way behind on my friendship bracelets" "Wait, Sissy" "Do you have to go?" "Well, I thought you said that you were teaching a class tonight" "Yeah, but I don't wanna" "Work's no fun" "I wanna stay here and lay with you, like we used to" "I remember that sour puss" "I also remember the only thing that could turn that frown upside down" "A visit from Mr. Tickle-Wickle" "Uh-uh, uh-uh!" "Now that's fun, okay?" "Jack?" "Where's Jack?" "Mm, that's funny" "He was here a minute ago" "I'm pretty sure he's not under that pile of cushions that wasn't here before" "Hmm, I think I'm just gonna lay down and relax on this soft pile of cushions that wasn't here before" "No!" "No!" " Sissy, I was under there" " What?" "!" "Yeah." "C'mon do it again" "Sorry, mister I really gotta go" "Besides, it is way past your bedtime" "Well, can you come back again tomorrow?" "No, Sis has gotta find her next job" "Wait a minute" "What if this was your next job?" "What if you were my babysitter again?" " I don't know, Jack" " I could pay you!" "Okay" "I am so excited you guys are finally meeting" "Julie, this is Ellen" "She lives in New Jersey We went to college together" "Back then, I slept with her husband we worked through it" "Ellen, this is Julie" "She's a masseuse she lives next door" "She touched me inappropriately once we worked through it" " I'll get drinks" " All right" "So, Julie, are you married?" "Yeah" "He's an actor" "Huh, well, "actor."" "He did four student films last year and played Aladdin at the mall" "What's yours do?" "Cleans his ears with his car keys" "And he's an accountant" "Yeah, I led with the interesting one" "I'm glad you guys are getting along" "I was a little worried, 'cause you both have such weird personalities" "Good weird" "You kidding me?" "She's great" "I like woman who's not afraid to talk like a bowery boy and look like a mushroom" "Here's to ya" "Thanks" "And I like a woman who's not afraid to have a glass of wine when she's pregnant" "I already had the baby" "This is just fat" "Heh." "But, um thank you" "Okay, bitches let's get this lady love-in started" "Who's up first?" "Ooh, a preggie" "Never done that before" "And, yum" "A hottie grows in Brooklyn" "Karen, it's not that kind of girls' night" "She's harmless, really" "But just for fun lock the door when you got to the bathroom" "Oh, relax, Grace" "I know how to do this" "I've been in a sweat lodge with Candi Bergen and Penny Marshall" "Well, not a sweat lodge so much as Penny's Aerostar" "So what are we drinkin' about?" "Oh, the usual" "Rob's boring, and it's his fault I'm fat" "At least he works" "The only thing my husband did last year is add "Southern accent" to his resume" "Oh, you wanna play this game?" "My half-ton husband spent 13 months in prison met some hussy in the cafeteria" "Now they're shacked up at my mansion sharing the bed we used to make rabid love in" "If you're playing "whose husband is worse" with Karen don't play for money" "She's still collecting from Linda Hussein" "C'mon, Grace" "Tell us" "What bugs you about Leo?" "Nothing, he's perfect" "Pbblt!" "C'mon give us somethin'!" "Likes to wear your lipstick to bed cries in the shower likes to kiss..." "I'm sorry It's great" "Married four months and still no problems" "Unless you consider constant lovin' a problem" " Ugh" " Oh, this is gross" "Get her!" "Whoo!" "That's Leo" "This is the time he calls to say he loves me" "My husband calls the same time every day too" "Maybe one of these days I'll pick up" "I'm sorry I'm late" "Did I miss girls' night?" "Honey, you missed "girls' night" by about a hundred years" "Shut your hole you drunken doughnut" "Oh, my mood stabilizer party mix" "Uppers, downers and candy corn" "And don't tell my doctor he's trying to get me off sugar" "Everything okay, Grace?" "Um, no" "That was Leo" "Uh, he's not coming back for another five weeks" "Why?" "What happened?" "Um, I don't know" "Uh, one of the doctors there ate some bad pork or was eaten by a wild pig..." "Um, all I know is that he" "He volunteered to stay longer" "Here, honey have some party mix" "You'll feel better" "Or worse" "That's what I love about party mix, you never know" "C'mon, Jack!" "The movie starts in half an hour I don't wanna miss the previews" "Then I'll never know what books have been made into movies that are now available on video" "We're gonna need to use our indoor voice" "I just put Jack down for his nap and I don't need you out here yelling like the wild man from Borneo" "Yeah..." "We're, like, 40" "So, do you think you could stop talking to me like I'm a cub scout?" "Look, Jack was a little overactive today" "He ate two bowls of Fruit Loops and twirled himself to tears" "Interesting" "Could you tell the fruit to get his loop out here?" "We're going to the movies" "Oh?" "What movie?" "The new Vin Diesel thing" "I don't think so" "I hear it's violent, with a strong homoerotic subtext" "Uh, dur" "Why do you think we're going?" "Sissy?" "!" "My blanky fell off the bed!" "I gotta go." "Bye" "So, it's another month" "I mean, if anything it's good news" "'Cause now, I have another few weeks to do these dishes in the sink" "I think there's peanut butter in the bottom of this glass" "So what'd you tell him, Grace?" "I told him it was fine" "What else was I gonna say?" "He's a million miles away" " You did the right thing" " I did, right?" "Yes" "You know, since we had our second baby" "I've been wanting to take a fork and just stab Rob in the balls with it" "But I'm not about to bother Rob with that at the office" "Julie, do you think I did the right thing?" "Yeah" "You never tell guys what you're feeling" "Let them figure it out on their own that you hate them" "Thanks" "Rosario?" "Yeah, dress slutty shut up" "That's my motto" "Great." "Okay" "Thank you Guess that settles that" "So, girls' night" "Anyone with a uterus drinks free!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa" "Hold on there, red" "Don't you wanna hear what I have to say about this?" "Well, Karen...." "Yes?" "Come on" "What?" "Well, you're..." "you" "And?" "And..." "Come on" " I see" " Karen" "No, no, no That's all right" "Honey, I understand" "You think that just because my marriage failed that I have nothing to offer" "You have things to offer" "You would be the first person I'd call, if I wanted... to hurt an orphan's feelings" "Well, I know more about marriage than any of these girls ever will" "And if you wanted my opinion" "I would tell you to grow a set pick up the phone and call that no-good do-good husband of yours and tell him how you feel" "That you're sitting here, home alone, pissed off while he's out there giving free boob jobs to hyenas!" "But you don't care what I think so I'm outta here!" "And I'm taking this with me" "I'm certainly not leaving $3,000 worth of snacks where I'm not appreciated" "Yes, the files just arrived" "But, Mr. Stein, there is no way I can get all this done by Monday" "I do too have a life" "I" " In fact, I've got plans with my friend Jack tonight" "But he's napping at the moment, so" "Hello?" "Hey" "I thought we were going to the movies" "I was looking forward to going to see Vin Diesel" "I heard he's got a new facial expression" "I came to get you" "But that crazy lady with the rockin' body sent me away" "Jack, what are you doing with her?" "She is in my employ" "I am a very busy man and I need a staff" "What exactly is her position?" "She's my, uh..." "She helps me with my, um..." "You know, she sometimes she sometimes" " She's your babysitter, isn't she?" " Yes!" "She's my babysitter" "So what if she is?" "There's nothing wrong with that" "What does she do?" "Feed you, change you pat you on the back to burp you?" "Only when Mr. Gas Bubble's shy" "Oh, my god, I was joking!" "This is the creepiest thing I've ever heard" "Well, that's what babysitters do" "For babies!" "What are you implying, Will?" "That there's something odd about my relationship with Sissy?" "Uh...dur" "You're an adult, Jack" "Well, I don't wanna be an adult anymore!" "It's very hard!" "Sissy" "Sissy takes care of me" "She makes me feel good" "She cuts the crusts off my sammiches" "Jack, you're a grown man" "A grown man does not need a babysitter" "How dare you call me a grown man!" "What is she doing just walking out?" "Gettin' all mad at me" "What does she expect?" "I should ask her for advice?" "I mean, the woman once had a spirited debate about the death penalty with a can of cashews" "And somehow they swayed her" "Here, you go ahead Yeah" "I filled up on the cucumber sliver" "Okay, fine, look" "Karen is my friend" "And I love her" "But I mean let's face it" "There are certain things that you just don't go to Karen for" "Like, let's say... any situation that you might encounter on Earth" " Right?" " Right" " Right" " Well..." "What?" "One time I dropped a Kit-Kat on the ground" "And when I bent over to pick it up" "Miss Karen gave me a swift kick in the tuchus" "But she was right I didn't need it" "Well, Karen helped me once too" "Rob and I were fighting" "And she gave me the number of a guy to whack him over the head with a pipe" "I didn't call him" "But I keep the number in my purse and that makes me smile" "I hardly know her" "But I was really bumming before she gave me this blue pill" "Lemme tell ya I'm flying now" "This party rocks" "I'm sorry, was my attempt to draft a 1 billion-dollar corporate merger keeping "wittle Jackie" awake?" "You know, you shouldn't make that face" "It might freeze that way" "Look, William" "I don't want to be the cause of any tension between you and Jack" "Do you think maybe I could come in and we could talk about it?" "I'm incredibly busy I don't see how that's possible" " I make killer s'mores" " I'll preheat the oven" "No, Leo, I'm not asking you to come home" "I just want you to understand that I'm upset" "That these, these decisions affect me too and I want us to make them together" "All right?" "Good" "I love me too" "Bye, baby" "Nice" "Hey, you came back" "Well..." "I got all the way home and realized..." "I forgot my maid" "I usually keep an extra under the mat, but..." "You were right" "It was better to tell him" "Well, I'm glad" "Honey, why didn't you ask me for my advice in the first place?" "I don't know" "Partly because, well... you talk to cashews" "And I guess... because I was afraid that you might tell me what I already knew" "I mean, of course I should be honest" "It's just that our marriage is so new" "I don't know how much conflict it can take, you know?" "I mean, we've spent more time apart than we have together" "So how'd it go?" "Well, I could tell Leo felt bad" "That felt good" "You should let me help you more, honey" "I know a few things and I care about you" "Hmm?" "Now let's get back in there" "C'mon, we got a room full of lovely ladies" "Let's put on some music and get those tops off" "You do know that it's not that kind of girls' night?" "We'll see" "God, I love s'mores" "Why don't you marry 'em?" "Don't make me laugh" "No time to laugh" "Look at all this law stuff" "No way I'm ever gonna get finished" "Well, you know, that's one way of looking at it" "But there is another way" "Inch by inch foot by foot it won't take long with the homework song" "Huh?" "You do one task that's all we ask you do one more and you get another s'more" "Well, when you say it like that it does seem totally doable" "Now, c'mon" " You try" " Oh, I don't know" "Come on" "Case by case tort by tort sign and stamp" "Hey, I finished one report" "Foot by foot mile by mile perhaps I should try the McKendrick file" "Well, well, well" "So grown men don't need babysitters, huh?" "She's not my babysitter" "She's just singing me a little song to help me with my casework" "We learned that in law school" "Oh, would you just admit it?" "It feels good to be taken care of" "Nice work, Sissy" "Hey, it was your plan smarty-pants" "Wait" " You two set me up?" "Mm-hmm" "And it was easy" "You're a whore for a s'more" "Hey, there is no comparison between what happened here and the sick relationship you two have" "And blow..." "Thank you" "The difference is I don't need it" " What are you saying?" " I believe you heard me" " What's your point?" " I think you got it" " What are you implying?" " What I said outright" "You're a Sissy-holic" "All right, all right" "So what if, what if I am hooked on my babysitter?" "It's a hard-candy world out there and sometimes this fella needs a little break" " Yeah" " Yeah" "So if I have to pay someone $4 or $5 an hour to help me get through it then it's worth it" " Actually, Jack, I make $40 an hour" " Good-bye, Sissy" " I don't need you anymore" " What are you saying?" " I believe you heard me" " What's your point?" " I think you got it" " What are you implying?" " Will, what am I implying?" " Out, get out!" "What, do I have to spell it in macaroni and spray paint it gold?" "Sis..." "I think he's right" "I think I maybe need to outgrow you" "Damn it" "Why does everyone outgrow me?" "I mean..." "I know being a babysitter is all flashy and ooh-la-la" "But you don't know the heartbreak behind it" "The kids grow up and I never see 'em again" "You know, but then I ran into you" "And I thought maybe there are some things that don't change" "Well, Sissy, we can still hang out and be friends and spend time together" "I mean, you don't have to charge me" "Yeah, I do" "I need the money" "I'm into Casual Corner for, like, 12 grand" "I understand" "It's been fun and..." "I guess it had to end sometime" "I'd like to propose a little toast-ess to the hostess" "Here's to our little girl" "You're kind" "You buy clothes from stores that otherwise would never be able to sell them" "But you know what I think speaks gallons about you?" "The quality of the women you attract" "Honey, look around you Look around." "Huh?" "Perky little pregnant Ellen" "Juicy Julie with her jolly jugs" "My maid" "And me, your best gal pal and ultimate fantasy lay" "And we're all here because of you, honey" "Grace Adler" "Oh, god" "You know my name" | {
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"Ripped, corrected and synched by Fingersmaster." "Enjoy!" " Mama!" " We know." "Jyn, gather your things." "It's time." "Hello?" "Saw, it's Lyra." "It's happened." "He's come for us." "You know what to do." "Jyn, come here." "Remember, whatever I do," "I do it to protect you." "Say you understand." "I understand." "I love you, Stardust." "I love you, too, Papa." "Galen." "Go." "Jyn." "You know where to go, don't you?" "Trust the Force." "You're a hard man to find, Galen." "But farming..." "Really?" "Man of your talents?" "It's a peaceful life." "It's lonely, I imagine." "Since Lyra died, yes." "My condolences." "Search the house." "What is it you want?" "The work has stalled." "I need you to come back." "I won't do it, Krennic." "We were on the verge of greatness." "We were this close... to providing peace and security for the galaxy." "You're confusing peace with terror." "Well, you have to start somewhere." "I'd be of no help, Krennic." "My mind just isn't what it was." "I have trouble remembering." "Even simple things." "Galen..." "You're an inspired scientist, but you're a terrible liar." "Now, I admire the effort." "I really do." "Oh, look, here's Lyra, back from the dead." "It's a miracle." "Stop!" "Oh, Lyra troublesome as ever." "You're not taking him." "No, of course I'm not." "I'm taking you all." "You'll all come." "You, your child." "You'll all live in comfort." "As hostages." "As heroes of the Empire." "Lyra." "Put it down." "Think very carefully." " You will never win." " Do it." "Lyra!" "Lyra!" "They have a child!" "Find it!" "My child!" "Come." "Come." "We have a long ride ahead of us." "Check in security, cell block 4227." "4227." "TK-62, XX-25900." "I was about to leave." "I came as fast as I could." "I have to get back on board." " Walk with me." " Back to Jedha?" "They'll leave without me!" "Easy!" "You have news from Jedha." "Come on." "An Imperial pilot, one of the cargo drivers, he defected yesterday." "He's telling people they're making a weapon." "The kyber crystals, that's what they're for." "What kind of weapon?" "Look, I have to go." "What kind of weapon?" "A planet killer!" "That's what he called it!" "A planet killer?" "Someone named Erso sent him." "Some old friend of Saw's." "Galen Erso?" "Was it?" "I don't know!" "They were looking for Saw when we left." " Who else knows about this?" " I have no idea." "It's all falling apart." "Saw's right." "There's spies everywhere." "What's all this?" "Come on, let's see some scandocs." "Yeah, of course." "Just..." "My gloves." "No!" "What have you done?" "Troopers down." "Section 9." "Are you crazy?" "I'll never climb out of here." "My arm!" "Get out of the way." "Move!" "Move!" "Hey." "Calm down." "Calm down." "It will be all right." "Is that him?" "He looks kind of different to how I imagined." "Okay." "So you're Saw Gerrera?" "Saw Gerrera?" "No?" "Okay, we're just wasting time that we don't have." "I need to speak to Saw Gerrera." "I keep telling them." "Before it's too late." "We're out here in the middle of nowhere." "We need to get to Jedha City." "What part of "urgent message" do you guys not understand?" "We are all on the same side." "If you just see past the uniform for a minute." "What now?" "I don't know." "Must be another pickup." "I thought we had everybody." "All clear, sir." "Hallik!" "Liana Hallik!" "Her." "You wanna get out of here?" "Hey!" "What about me?" "Give me the keys!" "Give me the keys!" "Congratulations." "You are being rescued." "Please do not resist." "LU-28, report to maintenance level 4." "You're currently calling yourself Liana Hallik." "Is that correct?" "Possession of unsanctioned weapons." "Forgery of Imperial documents." "Aggravated assault." "Escape from custody." "Resisting arrest." "Imagine if the Imperial authorities had found out... who you really were, Jyn Erso." "That is your given name, is it not?" "Jyn Erso, daughter of Galen Erso?" "A known Imperial collaborator in weapons development." "What is this?" "It's a chance for you to make a fresh start." "We think you might be able to help us." "This is Captain Cassian Andor, Rebel Intelligence." "When was the last time you were in contact with your father?" "15 years ago." "Any idea where he's been all that time?" "I like to think he's dead." "Makes things easier." "Easier than what?" "That he's been a tool of the Imperial war machine?" "I've never had the luxury of political opinions." "Really?" "When was your last contact with Saw Gerrera?" "It's been a long time." "But he'll remember you, though." "Wouldn't he?" "He might agree to meet you, if you came as a friend." "We're up against the clock here, girl, so if there's nothing to talk about, we'll just put you back where we found you." "I was a child." "Saw Gerrera saved my life." "He raised me." "But I have no idea where he is." "I haven't seen him in years." "We know how to find him." "That's not our problem." "What we need is someone who gets us through the door without being killed." "You're all rebels, aren't you?" "Yes, but Saw Gerrera is an extremist." "He's been fighting on his own since he broke with the Rebellion." "His militancy has caused the Alliance a great many problems." "We have no choice now but to try and mend that broken trust." "What does this have to do with my father?" "There's an Imperial defector in Jedha." "A pilot." "He's been held by Saw Gerrera." "He's claiming the Emperor is creating a weapon with the power to destroy entire planets." "The pilot says he was sent by your father." "We need to stop this weapon before it is finished." "Captain Andor's mission is to authenticate the pilot's story, and then, if possible, find your father." "It appears he is critical to the development of this super weapon." "Given the gravity of the situation and your history with Saw, we're hoping that he will help us locate your father and return him to the Senate for testimony." "And if I do it?" "We'll make sure you go free." "Captain Andor." "I'm K-2SO." "I'm a reprogrammed Imperial droid." "I remember you." "I see the Council is sending you with us to Jedha." "Apparently so." "That is a bad idea." "I think so, and so does Cassian." "What do I know?" "My specialty is just strategic analysis." "Galen Erso is vital to the Empire's weapons program." "Forget what you heard in there." "There will be no extraction." "You find him you kill him." "Then and there." "Shuttle number LMT R-20." "Prepare for take-off while we check your authorization." "You met K-2?" "Charming." "He tends to say whatever comes into his circuits." "It's a byproduct of the reprogram." "Why does she get a blaster and I don't?" " What?" " I know how to use it." "That's what I'm afraid of." "Give it to me." "We're going to Jedha." "That's a war zone." "That's not the point." "Where'd you get it?" "I found it." "I find that answer vague and unconvincing." "Trust goes both ways." "You're letting her keep it?" "Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you?" "It's high." "Let's get going." "It's very high." "Lies!" "Deceptions!" "Let's see it." ""Bodhi Rook"... .."Cargo pilot."" "Local boy, huh?" "Okay." "I can hear you." "He didn't capture me." "I came here myself." "I defected." "I defected." "Every day, more lies." "Lies?" "Would I risk everything for a lie?" "No, we don't have time for this." "I have to speak to Saw Gerrera before it's too late." "Okay." "Sorry, you're..." "That's for you." "And I gave it to them." "They did not find it!" "I gave it to them." "Uh, Galen Erso." "He told me to find you." "Bor Gullet." "Uh, Bor Gullet?" "What?" "Wait!" "Galen Erso sent me!" "He told me to find you." "Most unfortunate about the security breach on Jedha, Director Krennic." "After so many setbacks and delays, and now this." "We've heard word of rumors circulating through the city." "Apparently, you've lost a rather talkative cargo pilot." "If the Senate gets wind of our project, countless systems will flock to the Rebellion." "When the battle station is finished, Governor Tarkin... the Senate will be of little concern." "When has become now, Director Krennic." "The Emperor will tolerate no further delay." "You have made time an ally of the Rebellion." "I suggest we solve both problems simultaneously... with an immediate test of the weapon." "Failure will find you explaining why to a far less patient audience." "I will not fail." "What's the matter, Jyn?" "You look frightened." "I'll always protect you." "Stardust." "Don't ever change." "Trust." "Galen." "We're coming into orbit." "You have controls." "That's Jedha." "Or what's left of it." "We find Saw, we find your father." "What's with the Destroyer?" "It's because of your old friend, Saw Gerrera." "He's been attacking the cargo shipments." "What are they bringing in?" "It's what are they taking out." "Kyber crystal." "All they can get." "We wondered why they were stripping the temple." "Now we know." "It's the fuel for the weapon." "The weapon your father's building." "Maybe we should leave target practice behind." "Are you talking about me?" "She's right." "We need to blend in." "Stay with the ship." "I can blend in." "I'm an Imperial droid." "The city is under Imperial occupation." "Half the people here wanna reprogram you." "The other half wanna put a hole in your head." "I'm surprised you're so concerned with my safety." "I'm not." "I'm just worried they might miss you and hit me." "Doesn't sound so bad to me." "Bor Gullet can feel your thoughts." "No lie is safe." "What have you really brought me, cargo pilot?" "Bor Gullet will know the truth." "The unfortunate side effect is that one tends... to lose one's mind." "No!" "Hey." "You just watch yourself." "Wait." "No, no." "Sorry, sir." "We don't want any trouble." "Sorry." "Come on." "Come on." "Citizens of Jedha." "You must come forward with information of the location of this missing cargo pilot." "A reward of 600 credits for the information shall be awarded." "I had a contact." "One of Saw's Rebels." "But he's just gone missing." "His sister will be looking for him." "The temple's been destroyed, but she'll be there waiting." "We'll give her your name and hope that gets us a meeting with Saw." "Hope?" "Yeah." "Rebellions are built on hope." "Hands where I can see them." "Get over there." "Show me some identification." "Check inside." "Is this all because of your pilot?" "May the Force of others be with you." "Wait for me." "May the Force of others be with you." "May the Force of others be with you." "Would you trade that necklace for a glimpse into your future?" "Yes." "I'm speaking to you." "I'm Chirrut Îmwe." "How did you know I was wearing a necklace?" "For that answer, you must pay." "What do you know about kyber crystals?" "My father, he..." "He said they powered the Jedi's lightsabers." "Jyn." "Come on." "Let's go." "The strongest stars have hearts of kyber." "Let's go." "We're not here to make friends." "Who are they?" "The Guardians of the Whills." "Protectors of the Kyber Temple." "But there's nothing left to protect." "So now they're just causing trouble for everybody." "You seem awfully tense all of a sudden." "We have to hurry." "This town is ready to blow." "Citizens of the Empire..." "Imperial forces tirelessly fight Saw Gerrera's reign of terror over the people of this beloved city." "Truth and justice are the tools of the Empire." "Tell me you have a backup plan." "Incoming!" "Looks like we found Saw's rebels." "Up there!" "Jyn, no!" "Hit the terrorist." "Get out of there!" "Kyber..." "Come on!" "This way!" "Cassian!" "Did you know that wasn't me?" "Yeah." "Of course." "I thought I told you to stay on the ship." "You did." "But I thought it was boring, and you were in trouble." "There were a lot of explosions..." " for two people blending in." " Freeze!" "You're right." "I should just wait on the ship." "Halt." "Stop right there." "Where are you taking these prisoners?" " These are prisoners." " Yes." "Where are you taking them?" "I am taking them to imprison them in prison." " He's taking us to..." " Quiet!" "And there's a fresh one if you mouth off again." " We'll take them from here." " That's okay." "If you could just point me in the right direction," "I can take them, I'm sure." " I've taken them this far." " Hey, wait a second." " Take them away." " Wait." "You can't take them away." "You." "Stay here." "We need to check your diagnostics." "Diagnostics?" "I'm capable of running my own diagnostics, thank you very much." "Let them pass in peace." "Let them pass in peace." "The Force is with me." "And I am with the Force." "And I fear nothing." "For all is as the Force wills it." "Hey, stop right there." "He's blind." "Is he deaf?" "I said stop right there!" "Is your foot all right?" "You almost shot me." "You're welcome." "Clear of hostiles." " One hostile." " He's with us." "They're all right." "Thanks." "Cassian," "I'm sorry about the slap." "Go back to the ship." "Wait for my call." "Is he a Jedi?" "There are no Jedi here anymore." "Only dreamers like this fool." "The Force did protect me." "I protected you." "Can you get us to Saw Gerrera?" "Can't you see?" "We are no friends of the Empire." "Anyone who kills me or my friends will answer to Saw Gerrera." "Because I'm the daughter of Galen Erso." "Are you kidding me?" "I'm blind." "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "You pray?" "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "Really?" "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "He's praying for the door to open." "It bothers him because he knows it's possible." "Baze Malbus was once the most devoted Guardian of us all." "I'm beginning to think the Force and I have different priorities." "Relax, Captain." "We've been in worse cages than this one." "This is the first for me." "There is more than one sort of prison, Captain." "I sense that you carry yours wherever you go." "Jyn." "Is it really you?" "I can't believe it!" "Must be quite a surprise." "Are we not still friends?" "The last time I saw you, you gave me a knife and loaded blaster and told me to wait in a bunker till daylight." "I knew you were safe." "You left me behind." "You were already the best soldier in my cadre." " I was 16!" " I was protecting you!" "You dumped me!" "You were the daughter of an Imperial science officer." "People were starting to figure that out." "People who wanted to use you as a hostage." "Not a day goes by that I don't think of you." "But today of all days..." "It's a trap." "Isn't it?" "What?" "The pilot." "The message." "All of it." "Did they send you?" "Did you come here... to kill me?" "There's not much of me left." "The Alliance wants my father." "They think he sent you a message about a weapon." "I guess they think by sending me, you might actually help them out." "So what is it that you want, Jyn?" "They wanted an introduction, they've got it." "I'm out now." "Rest of you can do what you want." "You care not about the cause?" "The cause?" "Seriously?" "The Alliance... the rebels, whatever it is you're calling yourself these days... all it's ever brought me is pain." "You can stand to see the Imperial flag reign across the galaxy?" "It's not a problem if you don't look up." "I have something to show you." "Come." "The Emperor is awaiting my report." "One would hope that he and Lord Vader might've been here for such an occasion." "And I thought it prudent to save you from any potential embarrassment." "Your concern's hardly warranted." "If saying it would only make it so." "All Imperial forces have been evacuated... and I stand ready to destroy the entire moon." "That won't be necessary." "We need a statement, not a manifesto." "The Holy City will be enough for today." "Target Jedha City." "Prepare single reactor ignition." " Sir, we're in position..." " Fire!" "Commence primary ignition." "Who's the one in the next cell?" "What?" "Where?" "An Imperial pilot." " Pilot?" " I'm gonna kill him!" " No, no." "No, wait!" " Come here!" "No!" "Back off!" "Back off!" "Okay, okay." "Are you the pilot?" "Hey." "Hey." "Are you the pilot?" "The shuttle pilot?" "Pilot?" "What's wrong with him?" "Galen Erso." "You know that name?" "I brought the message." "I'm the pilot." "I'm the pilot." "I'm the pilot." "Okay." "Good." "Now where is Galen Erso?" "Stand by." "This is the message I was sent." "Saw, if you are watching this... then perhaps there's a chance to save the Alliance." "Perhaps there's a chance to explain myself... and, though I don't dare hope for too much... a chance for Jyn, if she's alive... if you can possibly find her... to let her know that my love for her has never faded... and how desperately I've missed her." "Jyn, my Stardust..." "I can't imagine what you think of me." "When I was taken, I faced some bitter truths." "I was told that soon enough" "Krennic would have you as well." "As time went by..." "I knew that you were either dead... or so well hidden that he would never find you." "I knew if I had refused to work, if I took my own life... it would only be a matter of time before Krennic realized... he no longer needed me to complete the project." "So I did the one thing nobody expected." "I lied." "I learned to lie." "I played the part of a beaten man resigned to the sanctuary of his work." "I made myself indispensable... and all the while, I laid the groundwork of my revenge." "We call it the Death Star." "There is no better name... and the day is coming soon when it will be unleashed." "I've placed a weakness deep within the system... a flaw so small and powerful, they will never find it." "But, Jyn..." "Jyn, if you're listening, my beloved so much of my life has been wasted." "I try to think of you only in the moments when I'm strong... because the pain of not having you with me your mother, our family." "The pain of that loss is so overwhelming I risk failing even now." "It's just so hard not to think of you." "Think of where you are my Stardust." "Saw... the reactor module, that's the key." "That's the place I've laid my trap." "It's well hidden and unstable." "One blast to any part of it will destroy the entire station." "You'll need the plans... the structural plans for the Death Star, to find the reactor." "I know there's a complete engineering archive in the data vault at the Citadel Tower on Scarif." "Any pressurized explosion to the reactor module... will set off a chain reaction that will destroy the entire station." "Go, go!" "K-2, K-2!" "Where are you?" "There you are." "I'm standing by as you requested... although there's a problem on the horizon." "There's no horizon." "Locate our position." "Bring that ship in here, now!" "Where are you going?" "I gotta find Jyn." "Get the pilot, we need him!" "All right." "I'll get the pilot." "Pilot." "No, no, no!" "Let's go." "Jyn!" "Jyn!" "Hey." "We gotta go." "I know where your father is." "Go with him, Jyn." "You must go!" "Come with us." "I will run no longer." " Come on." " But you must save yourself." " Come on." " Go!" "There's no time!" "Save the Rebellion!" "Save the dream." "Oh, it's beautiful." "Chirrut, let's go!" "Come on!" "Let's get out of here!" "Get us out of here!" "Punch it!" "I'm not very optimistic about our odds." "Not now, K." "Come on!" " Punch it." " I haven't completed my calculations." "I'll make them for you." "I believe I owe you an apology, Director Krennic." "Your work exceeds all expectations." "And you'll tell the Emperor as much?" "I will tell him that his patience with your misadventures... has been rewarded with a weapon that will bring a swift end to the Rebellion." "And that that was only an inkling of its destructive potential." "I will tell him that I will be taking control over the weapon..." "I first spoke of years ago effective immediately." "We stand here amidst my achievement." "Not yours!" "I'm afraid the recent security breaches... have laid bare your inadequacies as a military director." "The breaches have been filled." "Jedha has been silenced." "You think this pilot acted alone?" "He was dispatched from the installation on Eadu..." "Galen Erso's facility." "Oh, we'll see about this." "A coded message from Captain Andor, sir." ""Weapon confirmed."" ""Jedha destroyed."" ""Mission target located on Eadu, please advise."" "Destroyed?" "Proceed." "Tell him my orders still stand." "Tell him to proceed with haste... and keep to the plan." "We have no idea what he's building for the Empire." "We have to kill Galen Erso while we have the chance." "Baze, tell me." "All of it?" "The whole city?" "Tell me." "All of it." "Understood." "Set course for Eadu." "Setting course for Eadu." "Is that where my father is?" "I think so." "So you're Galen's daughter?" "You know him?" "I am Bodhi, the pilot." "You brought the message." "Yes." "Your father... he said I could get right by myself." "He said I could make it right... if I was brave enough... to listen to what was in my heart." "Do something about it." "Guess it was too late." "It wasn't too late." "Seems pretty late to me." "No." "We can beat the people who did this." "My father's message, I've seen it." "They call it the Death Star." "But they have no idea... there's a way to defeat it." "You're wrong about my father." "He did build it." "Because he knew they'd do it without him." "My father made a choice." "He sacrificed himself for the Rebellion." "He's rigged a trap inside it." "That's why he sent you, to bring that message." "Where is it?" "Where's the message?" "It was a hologram." "You have that message, right?" "Everything happened so fast." "Did you see it?" "You don't believe me?" "I'm not the one you've got to convince." "I believe her." "That's good to know." "What kind of trap?" "You said your father made a trap." "The reactor." "He's placed a weakness there." "He's been hiding it for years." "He said if you can blow the reactor, the module, the whole system goes down." " You need to send word to the Alliance." " I've done that." "They have to know there's a way to destroy this thing." "They have to go to Scarif to get the plans." "I can't risk sending that." "We're in the heart of Imperial territory." "Then we'll find him and bring him back." "And he can tell them himself." "Course set for Eadu, sir." "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "20 degrees to the right." "10 degrees up." "Lower, lower, lower." "Lower!" "Are you sure this is the way?" "They have landing trackers here." "They have patrol squadrons." "You've got to stay in the canyon." "Keep it low." "Watch your right!" "There's a 26% chance of failure." "How much farther?" "I don't know, I'm not sure." "I never really come this way." "But we're close, we're close." "I know that." "Well now, there's a 35% chance of failure." "I don't wanna know." "Thank you!" "I understand." "Now!" "Put it down, now!" "The wind." "If you keep going, you'll be right over the shuttle depot." " Watch out!" " K!" "Hold on tight!" "We're coming down hard!" "Try them again." "I am, sir." "We..." "The signal's gone dead." "Squadron up." "Target Eadu." "How about now?" "Check stabilizers." "Bodhi, where's the lab?" "The research facility?" "Yeah." "Where is it?" "It's just over that ridge." "That's a shuttle depot straight ahead of us." " You are sure of that?" " Yes." "We'll have to hope there's still an Imperial ship left to steal." "Here's what we're doing." "Hopefully the storm keeps up and keeps us hidden down here." "Bodhi, you're coming with me." "We'll go up the ridge and check it out." "I'm coming with you." "No, your father's message." "We can't risk it." "You're the messenger." "That's ridiculous, we all got the message." "Everyone here knows it." ""One blast to the reactor module and the whole system goes down."" "That's how you said it, "The whole system goes down."" "Get to work fixing our comms." "All I want to do right now is get a handle on what we're up against." "So we're gonna go very small and very careful up the rise... and see what's what." "Let's get outta here." "Does he look like a killer?" "No." "He has the face of a friend." "Who are you talking about?" "Captain Andor." "Why'd you ask that?" "What do you mean, "Does he look like a killer?"" "The Force moves darkly near a creature that's about to kill." "His weapon was in the sniper configuration." "No, no, no." "We've got to go up." "You can't see much from down there." "This way." "I'll be right behind you." "Come on." "Where are you going?" "I'm gonna follow Jyn." "Her path is clear." "Alone?" "Good luck!" "I don't need luck." "I have you!" "What are they doing?" "If Cassian comes back, we're leaving without them." "You see Erso out there?" "We've come too far." "Patience, my friend." "That's him." "That's him." "Galen, in the dark suit." "Get back down there and find us a ride outta here." " Well, what are you doing?" " You heard me." "You said we came up here just to have a look." "I'm here, I'm looking." "Go." "Hurry!" "Excellent news, Galen." "The battle station is complete." "You must be very proud." "Proud as I can be, Krennic." "Gather your engineers." "I have an announcement." "Is that all of them?" "Yes." "Gentlemen, one of you... betrayed the Empire." "One of you has conspired with a pilot to send messages to the Rebellion." "And I urge that traitor step forward." "Very well," "I'll consider it a group effort then." "Ready!" " No!" "No!" " Aim!" "And... fire!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Krennic, stop!" "It was me!" "It was me!" "They have nothing to do with it." "Spare them." "Fire!" "How do I know the weapon is complete?" "Let me share with you some details." "Cassian." "Cassian, can you hear me?" "I'm here." "You've got it working?" "Affirmative, yes." "Although we have a problem." "There's an Alliance squadron approaching." "Clear the area." "No, no, no, no!" "Tell them to hold off!" "Jyn's on that platform." "Jedha..." "Saw Gerrera." "His band of fanatics... their Holy City... the last reminder of the Jedi, gone." "You'll never win." "Now where have I heard that before?" "Relay from Captain Andor." "General." "Captain Andor requesting a delay on squadron support." "Alliance forces on site." "Please confirm." "Get the squadron leader on." "Get him on now!" "They're already engaged, sir." "Jyn." "No." "Return fire!" "To your stations!" "Get our fighters in the air now!" "Father!" "Roger that. 3 through 7." "Fall back!" "Fall back!" "Director, we need to evacuate." "Papa." "Papa, it's me." "It's Jyn." "Jyn?" "Stardust." "Papa." "I've seen your message." "The hologram, I've seen it." "It must be destroyed." "I know." "I know." "We will." "Jyn." "Look at you." "I have so much to tell you." "Papa." "No." "No!" "Papa." "Papa, come on!" "Over there!" "Take 'em down." "Come on." "Papa." "Come on." "Jyn, we gotta go." "Come on." "I can't leave him." "Listen to me, he's gone." "Nothing you can do." "Come on." " I can't leave him." " Come on!" "I can't." "Move!" " This way, this way!" " Down!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Well done." "You're a rebel now." "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Come on, let's move!" "Come on, let's get out of here!" "Move, move, move!" "Okay, K-2." "Let's go!" "Copy that." "Ion thrusters low until we've cleared the storm." "Understood." "You lied to me." "You're in shock." "You went up there to kill my father." "You don't know what you're talking about." "Deny it." "You're in shock and looking for some place to put it." "I've seen it before." "I bet you have." "They know." "You lied about why we came here and you lied about why you went up alone." "I had every chance to pull the trigger but did I?" "Did I?" "You might as well have." "My father was living proof... and you put him at risk." "Those were Alliance bombs that killed him." "I had orders orders that I disobeyed." "But you wouldn't understand that." "Orders?" "When you know they're wrong?" "You might as well be a Stormtrooper." "What do you know?" "We don't all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something." "Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you." "Some of us live it." "I've been in this fight since I was 6 years old." "You're not the only one who lost everything." "Some of us just decided to do something about it." "You can't talk your way around this." "I don't have to." "Yavin 4." "Make sure they know we're coming in with a stolen ship." "Anybody else?" "My lord, Director Krennic... has arrived." "Director Krennic." "Lord Vader." "You seem unsettled." "No... just pressed for time." "There's a great many things to attend to." "My apologies." "You do have a great many things to explain." "I delivered the weapon the Emperor requested." "I deserve an audience... to make certain that he understands its remarkable... potential." "Its power to create problems has certainly been confirmed." "A city destroyed... an Imperial facility openly attacked." "It was Governor Tarkin that suggested the test." "You were not summoned here to grovel, Director Krennic." "No..." "There is no Death Star." "The Senate has been informed... that Jedha was destroyed in a mining disaster." "Yes, my lord." "I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor that Galen Erso has not compromised this weapon in any way." "So I'm still in command?" "You'll speak to the Emperor about..." "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director." "We must scatter the fleet." "We have no recourse but to surrender." "Are we really talking about disbanding something... that we've worked so hard to create?" "We can't just give in!" "We joined an alliance, not a suicide pact." "We've only now managed to gather our forces." "Gather our forces?" "General Draven's already blown up an Imperial base." "A decision needed to be made!" "If it's war you want... you'll fight alone." "If that's how it's going, why have an alliance at all?" "If she's telling the truth, we need to act now!" "Councilors, please." "It is simple." "The Empire has the means of mass destruction... the Rebellion does not." "A Death Star." "This is nonsense." "What reason would my father have to lie?" "What benefit would it bring him?" "To lure our forces into a final battle to destroy us once and for all." "Risk everything?" "Based on what?" "The testimony of a criminal?" "The dying words of her father, an Imperial scientist?" "But don't forget the Imperial pilot." "My father gave his life so that we may have a chance to defeat this." "So you've told us." "If the Empire has this kind of power, what chance do we have?" "What chance do we have?" "The question is "what choice."" "Run, hide... plead for mercy, scatter your forces." "You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power... and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission." " The time to fight is now!" " Yes." "Every moment you waste is another step closer to the ashes of Jedha." "What is she proposing?" "Just let the girl speak." "Send your best troops to Scarif." "Send the rebel fleet if you have to." "You need to capture the Death Star plans if there's any hope of destroying it." "You're asking us to invade an Imperial installation... based on nothing but hope." "Rebellions are built on hope." "There is no hope." "I say we fight." "I say the Rebellion is finished!" "I'm sorry, Jyn." "Without the full support of the Council... the odds are too great." "General Syndulla, please report to the briefing room." "You don't look happy." "They prefer to surrender." "And you?" "She wants to fight." "So do I. We all do." "The Force is strong." "I'm not sure four of us is quite enough." "How many do we need?" "What are you talking about?" "They were never gonna believe you." "I appreciate the support." "But I do." "I believe you." "We'd like to volunteer." "Some of us..." "Well, most of us... we've all done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion." "Spies... saboteurs, assassins." "Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion." "And every time I walked away... from something I wanted to forget..." "I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in." "A cause that was worth it." "Without that, we're lost." "Everything we've done would have been for nothing." "I couldn't face myself if I gave up now." "None of us could." "It won't be comfortable." "It'd be a bit cramped, but we'd all fit." "We could go." "Okay." "Gear up." "Grab anything that's not nailed down." "Go, go, go!" "Jyn." "I'll be there for you." "Cassian said I had to." "I'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad." "Welcome home." "May the Force be with us." "Cargo shuttle, read back please." "What's going on out there?" "That ship's off-limits." "No one's supposed to be on board until further instructions." "Yes, yes, we are." "Affirmative." "That's an impounded Imperial ship." "What's your call sign, pilot?" "We have to go." "It's, um..." "Say something." "Come on." "Rogue." "Rogue One." "Rogue One?" "There is no Rogue One!" "Well, there is now." "Rogue One, pulling away." "Pulling away." "Despite what the others say, war is inevitable." "Yes, I agree." "I must return to Alderaan to inform my people that there will be no peace." "We will need every advantage." "Your friend... the Jedi." "He served me well during the Clone Wars... and has lived in hiding since the Emperor's purge." "Yes, I will send for him." "You will need someone you can trust." "I would trust her with my life." " Captain Antilles." " Senator." "I have a mission for you, sir." "Okay." "We're coming in." "There's a planet-wide defensive shield... with a single main entry gate." "This shuttle should be equipped with an access code that allows us through." "Assuming the Empire hasn't logged it as overdue." "And if they have?" "Then they shut the gate." "And we're all annihilated in the cold, dark vacuum of space." "Not me." "I can survive in space." "Okay." "Here goes." "Cargo shuttle SW-0608 requesting a landing pad." "Cargo shuttle SW-0608, you're not listed on the arrival schedule." "Acknowledged, Gate Control." "We were rerouted from Eadu flight station." "Transmitting clearance code now." "Transmitting." "Cargo shuttle, SW-0608..." " you are cleared for entry." " Yes!" "Impressive." "I'll tell the others." "Okay." "Tractor beam test in bays 2 through 8." "Tractor beam test in bays 2 through 8." "SW-0608, cleared for Landing Pad 9." "Acknowledge, please." "SW-0608 proceeding to LP 9 as instructed." "Main building down there, what is it?" "That's the Citadel Tower." "They keep all the Imperial structural archives up there." "If the plans are anywhere, they'll be there." "And the dish at the top, what's it for?" "I guess it takes a lot of signal to send those data files out." "Landing track, engaged." "Landing track locked." "We're landing." "We're coming in." "Saw Gerrera used to say... one fighter with a sharp stick... and nothing left to lose can take the day." "They've no idea we're coming." "They've no reason to expect us." "If we can make it to the ground, we'll take the next chance." "And the next." "On and on until we win... or the chances are spent." "The Death Star plans are down there." "Cassian, K-2, and I will find them." "We'll find a way to find them." "Melshi..." "Pao..." "Baze, Chirrut... you'll take the main squad." "Move east and get wide of the ship." "Find a position between here and the tower." "Once you get to the best spot... light the place up." "Make 10 men feel like 100." "And get those troopers away from us." "What should I do?" "Keep the engine running." "You're our only way outta here." "Cargo shuttle SW-0608... be prepared to receive inspection team." "Ready?" " Hello." " Hey." "Oh, you're probably looking for a manifest?" "That would be helpful." "It's just down here." "Director Krennic, we are entering the Scarif shield gate." "General Ramda has been informed of your arrival." "Good luck... little sister." "Go!" "Go now!" "You're clear!" "All right, let's go!" "Come on." "Move, move, move." "925-H to transport control." "925-H to transport control." "I've got a bad feeling about..." " K!" " Quiet!" "What?" "We need a map." "Well, I'm sure there's one just lying about." "You know what you have to do." "One per pad." "Pick your spot." "We wanna draw them out." "I'll call the timing." "Go!" "Hey, did you hear the rumors?" "Yeah, the T-15s have been marked obsolete." "Oh boy, it's about time for that." "Hey!" "What the..." "Director, what brings you to Scarif?" "Galen Erso." "I want every dispatch, every transmission he has ever sent... called up for inspection." "All of them?" "Yes, all of them." "Get started." "K." "Our optimal route to the data vault places only 89 Stormtroopers in our path." "We will make it no more than 33% of the way before we are killed." "Melshi, talk to me." "Ready." "Ready." "Standing by." "Light it up." "Come on." "Are we blind?" "Deploy the garrison!" "Move!" "Troopers!" "Troopers!" "Troopers on the left." "Get in!" "Get in!" "Sir, it's Scarif base." "They're reporting a Rebel incursion." "I want to speak with Director Krennic." "He's there, sir." "On Scarif." "The original plans for this station are kept there, are they not?" "They are." "Prepare for the jump to hyperspace and inform Lord Vader." "Can we help you?" "That won't be necessary." "Senator!" "Senator!" "Stop right there, Private." "Let him speak." "Intercepted Imperial transmission, ma'am." "Rebels on Scarif." "I need to speak with Admiral Raddus." "He's returned to his ship." "He's going to fight." "No!" "Attention, all flight personnel, please report to your commanders immediately." "All flight personnel, please report to your commanders immediately." "We have been redirected to Scarif." "Pilots, you'll be briefed by your squadron leaders en route." "May the Force be with you." "Scarif?" "They're going to Scarif?" "Why does nobody ever tell me anything, R2?" "Move, move, move!" "Forward!" "Forward!" "Keep drawing them out!" "Pad 12, report to ground." "Coming in on our flank." "We need numbers." "Pad 14, what's going on down there?" "Status please." "All pads report in immediately." "Oh, no." "We have rebels everywhere!" "We're taking fire!" "Pad 12, Pad 14 request assistance." "This is Pad 2." "Pad 2." "I spot 40 rebels heading west on Pad 2." "Get on there." "Tell him you're pinned down by rebels on Pad 5." "This is Pad 5!" "We're being overrun!" "Help us!" "Pad 12, Pad 10, Pad 8, please confirm." "Confirm and report." "Get reinforcements down to Pad 5 immediately!" "This is not working, K!" "Right hand." "Baze!" " Baze!" " What?" "Run!" "Karabast!" "AT-AT!" "Move!" "This is Admiral Raddus of the Rebel Alliance." "All squadron leaders, report in." "Admiral, this is Blue Leader standing by." "This is Gold Leader standing by." "This is Red Leader standing by." "Sir, those are rebel ships." "Get Admiral Gorin, immediately!" "Director, the rebel fleet, it's amassing outside the shield." "Lock down the base." "Lock it down." " And close the shield?" " Do it!" "Red and Gold Squadrons, attack formations." "Defend the fleet." "Blue Squadron, get to the surface before they close that gate." "Copy you, Admiral." "Blue Squadron, on me!" "Copy, Blue Leader." " Copy, Blue Leader." " We won't have long." "Close the field aperture now!" "Close it!" "Come on, come on, come on!" "Pull up!" "The rebel fleet has arrived." "What?" "There's fighting on the beach." "They've locked down the base." "They've closed the shield gate." "What does that mean?" "We're trapped?" "We could transmit the plans to the rebel fleet." "We'd have to get a signal up to tell them it's coming." "It's the size of the data files." "That's the problem." "They'll never get through." "Someone has to take that shield gate down." "Bodhi." "Bodhi, can you hear me?" "Bodhi, tell me you're out there." "Bodhi?" "I'm here." "I was standing by." "They've started fighting." "The base is on lockdown." "I know." "Listen to me." "The rebel fleet is up there." "You've gotta tell them to blow a hole in the shield gate... so we can transmit the plans." "Wait." "I can't." "I'm not hooked into the comms tower." "We're not tied in." "It's the only way we're getting them out of here." "Find a way!" "Cover our backs." "You'll need this." "You wanted one, right?" "Your behavior, Jyn Erso, is continually unexpected." "Jyn." "Come on." "Sa'kalla!" "Fire on my command." "Look!" "Get ready." "We're gonna have to go out there." "What are you doing?" "They've closed the shield gate." "We're stuck here." "But the rebel fleet are pulling in." "We just have to get a signal strong enough to get through to them... and let them know that we're trapped down here." "For that, we have to connect to the communications tower." "Now, I can patch us in over here, the landing pad." "But you have to get on the radio." "Get one of the guys out there to find a master switch." "Get them to activate the connection between us and that comms tower." "Okay?" "Then go!" "What's going on down there, Lieutenant?" "Unknown, sir." "We can't raise them." "All rebel frequencies are blocked." "Keep trying." "Engage those Star Destroyers and let's start probing that shield!" "Yes, sir!" "We're going in." "Stay with me." "Schematic bank, data tower two." "How do I find that?" "Searching." "I can locate the tape, but you'll need to use the handles for extraction." "What am I supposed to do with this?" "Whoa!" "Well, finally." "Wait!" "Stop!" "The rebels, they went over there." "K, what's going on out there?" "There's one." "Ah, well." "Come on!" "Red Leader, this is Gold Leader." "We're starting our attack run on the shield gate." "Keep it tight, and watch out for those towers." "More fighters." "Form out at six-five." "Sir, enemy fighters coming in." "Melshi!" "Melshi, come in." "Are you there?" "Bodhi sent a signal from here." "He's patching us in." "But you guys have to open up a line for the tower." "How?" "Please advise." "There's a master switch at the base of the comm tower." "Master switch?" "Describe." "What are we looking for?" "What does it look like?" "The master switch?" "Where is it?" "U-wings, reinforce those troops on the beach." "All fighters, on me." "We have to shield them from air attack." "Troop reinforcements." "Here we go." "For Jedha!" "We're having no effect on that shield." "How much more can that thing take?" "Stick close, Red Five." "Where are you goin'?" "They're all over me." "I'm trying to lose them!" "This is Red Five!" "I need help!" ""Hyperspace tracking,"" ""Navigational systems."" "Two screens down." ""Structural engineering."" "Open that one." "I've got one on my tail!" "I'm on him!" "Project code names:" ""Stellarsphere, Mark Omega, Pax Aurora."" ""War-Mantle, Cluster Prism, Blacksaber."" "What?" ""Stardust."" "That's it." "How do you know that?" "I know because it's me." "Hey, you!" "Identify yourself." "I can..." "Incoming fire!" "Get cover!" "K, we need the file for Stardust." "Stardust." "That's it." "K?" "Climb." "Climb." "You can still send the plans to the fleet." "If they open the shield gate you can broadcast from the tower." "Locking the vault door now." "K?" "K!" " Goodbye." " K!" "Sir, unauthorized access at the data vault." "What?" "It's just come in, sir." "Send my guard squadron into battle." "Two men with me, now." "Get that beach under control!" "Bodhi, are you there?" "Did you call the fleet?" "I can't get to the shuttle." "I can't plug in." "You have to." "They have to hit that gate." "If the shield's open, we can send the plans." "General, behind you!" "Step back." "We're going down!" "Come on!" "Melshi, Melshi." "Come in, please." "I'm tied in at my end." "I just need an open line." "Hang on." "The master switch." "It's over near that console." "I'm going!" "I've got it!" "Careful!" "You okay?" "Jyn!" "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "Chirrut!" "I'm one with the Force and the Force is with me." "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." "I'm one with the Force... the Force is with me." "I'm one with the Force... and the Force is with me." "I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me." "Chirrut!" "Come back!" "I'm one with the Force..." "Yes!" "Keep going!" "Keep going!" "Cassian!" "Chirrut!" "Come!" "Come with me!" "Chirrut!" "Chirrut." "Don't go." "Don't go." "I'm here, I'm here." "It's okay." "It's okay." "Look for the Force." "Chirrut." "And you will always find me." "The Force is with me and I'm one with the Force." "The Force is with me and I'm one with the Force." "The Force is with me and I'm one with the Force." "Deflector shields down to 50%!" "We're sustaining heavy damage!" "There's no turning back now!" "We have to press the attack!" "Hit that opening!" "We see it, Gold Leader." "Ion torpedoes away!" "What's happening?" "We've lost engine power, sir." "That Star Destroyer's disabled." "This is Rogue One calling any Alliance ships that can hear me." "Is there anybody out there?" "This is Rogue One." "Come in, over!" "This is Admiral Raddus, Rogue One." "We hear you." "We have the plans." "They found the Death Star plans." "They have to transmit them from the communications tower." "You have to take down the shield gate." "It's the only way they're gonna get them through." "Call up a Hammerhead corvette." "I have an idea." "Stand by, Rogue One." "We're on it." "This is for you, Galen." "The Force is with me, and I'm one with the Force." "Corvette Five, locked on target!" "Prepare for impact." "Sublight thrusters, full power!" "Reset antenna alignment." "Reset antenna alignment." "Reset antenna alignment." "Reset antenna alignment." "Reverse engines!" "Full power!" "Antenna aligned." "Ready to transmit." "Who are you?" "You know who I am." "I'm Jyn Erso." "Daughter of Galen and Lyra." "You've lost." "Oh, I have, have I?" "My father's revenge." "He built a flaw in the Death Star." "He put a fuse in the middle of your machine... and I've just told the entire galaxy how to light it." "The shield is up." "Your signal will never reach the rebel base." "All your ships in the air will be destroyed." "I lose nothing but time." "You, on the other hand die with the Rebellion." "Transmitting." "Transmitting." "Admiral, receiving transmission from Scarif." "Leave it, leave it!" "That's it." "That's it." "Let's go." "Transmission received." "Admiral, we have the plans!" "She did it!" "Do you think anybody's listening?" "I do." "Someone's out there." "Sir, we're detecting a massive object emerging from hyperspace." "Sir, shall I begin targeting their fleet?" "Lord Vader will handle the fleet." "Target the base at Scarif, single reactor ignition." "Yes, sir." "Come on." "You may fire when ready." "Commence primary ignition." "Rogue One, may the Force be with you." "All ships prepare for jump to hyperspace." "Your father would have been proud of you, Jyn." "The rebel flagship is disabled, my lord... but has received transmissions from the surface." "Prepare a boarding party." "Yes, my lord." "Hurry!" "Let's go!" "We gotta go, now!" "Move!" "Move!" "Move!" "Hurry." "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "It's stuck!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Help!" "Open fire!" "Help us!" "It's jammed!" "Pull it!" "Pull it!" "Here!" "Here!" "Take it!" "Take it!" "Launch!" "Make sure you secure the airlock." "And prepare the escape pods." "Your highness." "The transmission we received." "What is it they've sent us?" "Hope." "" " English " | {
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"Keep your eyes on the road, or pull over and I'll drive." "All nurses to the nurses' station." "Paging Dr. Battaglia." "Call extension 198." "Dr. Battaglia, extension 198." "I heard the other female in the car with her may not make it." "We have to move quickly." "She's going into shock." "We're losing her." "You got some more drugs today?" "Just a couple." "Not much, no more than that." "Ok." "Did you bring me some?" "You know I did." "Appreciate that." "See you later on, all right?" "See you tonight." "Ok." "All right." "Phaedra!" "Phaedra!" "Phaedra!" "Phaedra, do you not hear me calling you?" "Say what?" "God!" "Do you not hear me calling you, girl?" "I said, what?" "You don't smell that?" "I cannot wait to move out of these apartments." "The smell is driving me crazy." "I don't smell anything." "You don't smell that?" "No." "Little boys down there smoking their stinking mess seeping up through the cracks, you don't smell it?" "No,?" "There's a single's meet and greet tonight at the church and I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go, but I don't have anybody to watch Mikayla, so..." "And you still don't, because I have plans." "What?" "Another party?" "If you must know, yes." "Nice shot." "You don't do anything anyway." "All you sit around here and do every day is nothing." "Nothing." "And?" "And you're a grown woman without a job, that don't bother you?" "No, 'cause I got money." "Which I'm sure's running thin, since all you do every weekend behind another no-good man." "Is that your sanctified way of calling me a ho?" "What?" "Did I call you that?" "Did I say that to you?" "No, but you're over here dropping bombs like I'm stupid." "I know what you're trying to say, Tammy." "What am I trying to say, Phae?" "What am I trying to say?" "That I don't do nothing with my life." "You don't." "That's not a lie." "Ok, that's what's up." "I won't be here much longer." "I'm not pushing you out, all I'm telling you to do, slow your roll, stop living in the past and running behind these no good men." "And look at you, going to church to find a man." "I hope you get a good one tonight, Tammy." "Somebody to be Mikayla's daddy so you can stop asking me to watch her." "Church ho." "Wow, Phae, really?" "Was that necessary?" "Well then, stop popping off, talking about what I do." "Look." "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." "Will you forgive me?" "You didn't hurt my feelings, I'm cool." "Well, good." "Then you can sit here and watch Mikayla." "I'm gonna go get dressed." "Appreciate it." "Black design." "I do like what I see." "Mr. Owens?" "Mrs. Owens is on the line." "She said it was urgent." "Malaina, what is this emergency?" "Chris, can you please just come home before the fashion show tonight?" "No, I can't, it's too hectic." "Please." "I need you here, just for a little while." "This pain is unbearable." "Malaina." "I said I can't, ok?" "I'll call you, or I'll have Tiffany call you to check on you later." "Are you mad at me or something?" "No I'm not, I'm not mad." "I'm just tired." "I'm sorry." "If you can't come, I understand." "Well, I love you." "Yeah, me too." "So, what did you get for number five?" "I got two times 22, which was..." "How does Mommy look, good?" "Do you want me to add something?" "I'll call you back, Adriana." "Jewelry, makeup?" "Too much cleavage." "What?" "That was intentional, why'd you do that?" "You're going to church." "I know, but I don't wanna come home without a number, at least." "It's rather desperate." "Whatever." "Your Mama has needs too." "Mom, I don't wanna hear about old people's needs." "Correction, honey." "I'm not old." "I just need someone to talk to that's my age." "There's only so much I can talk to my 13 year old daughter about." "Sorry, Mom, but my conversations are quite stimulating." "What?" "Little girl, please." "Phae!" "I'm leaving." "I'm gonna do something to your hair." "How long you gonna be gone?" "It's over at ten, but if I meet somebody, don't wait up." "Wait, Mom, what's that supposed to mean?" "It just means that," "I might go for drinks and conversation afterwards." "That's it." "Conversation." "But I thought they were serving dinner and drinks at the church." "They are." "I haven't met anybody and you're already opposed to me having a conversation?" "Goodness!" "Just saying." "Come over here and give Mom a kiss." "Yeah, right." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Girl, you ain't had none in what, 12 years?" "Girl, when a man touch your mama tonight and you gonna hear singing soprano by 10:15." "That's not a bad thing." "Aunty, that's not funny." "Mom." "What?" "Can you please be back here by 10:30?" "Honey, even if I am, you won't know, 'cause you won't be up." "Don't let her stay up late." "And off that phone 10 o'clock." "10?" "10 o'clock." "Not playing with you. 10 o'clock." "It's the weekend." "She's not a baby." "Whatever, I can't expect you to understand." "You ain't a mom." "Phae, Phae." "I wasn't thinking when I said that." "I'm sorry." "Phae?" "Look, I'm sorry." "Move." "Come on, do you some good." "Bye." "Lord, Jesus." "Help us, Jesus." "All right, I'm gonna go." "Come lock this door, ok." "I love you." "Yeah, I love you too." "Remember what I said." "Off that phone by 10. 10!" "Ok, Mom." "You can do this." "Hello?" "Mrs. Owens?" "Hi." "This is Tiffany." "Mr. Owens asked me to give you a call." "Are you all right?" "Tiffany." "Yes, I'll be all right." "Are you sure?" "I called earlier, but there was no answer." "I'm actually at the door." "Are you?" "I'm sorry, Tiffany." "Hold on." "Just give me a minute." "I'll be at the door." "I'm sorry." "The medicine I take for pain completely knocks me out." "I'm sorry you had to come all the way over here." "It was no problem, Mrs. Owens." "To be honest, I was glad to get out of there." "Too much going on." "I was actually getting dressed." "I wanted to surprise Chris, but I took that pill and it just knocked me out." "You still can go." "If you miss the show, there's still a party afterwards." "Ok." "Let me get my clothes on." "But it takes me a while to get dressed." "Yeah, do you mind if I get dressed here?" "Make yourself at home." "Thanks." "Malaina." "My God, Gail!" "How are you, darling?" "Good." "Where's Chris been keeping you these days?" "Done working on a new project." "Are you modeling again?" "No, not me." "No?" "No, you know Tiffany Martin." "Chris's assistant." "Hi, Tiffany." "This is Gail Stewart, one of the top fashion consultants in the business." "I've met her before, seen her before." "She's a doll." "Great on the runway." "Yes, she is." "And Freddrick." "Where is he, is he here?" "Yeah, he was just here." "I'm looking for my Chris, too." "Have you seen him tonight?" "Yes, but not lately." "But if you stick around, you'll probably see him." "If not, I'll let him know you're looking for him." "Ok, well, thanks, Gail." "It was wonderful to see you again." "You too." "And I'll see you in New York tomorrow night?" "With Chris?" "Not sure." "Guess that slipped Chris's mind." "Nice to meet you." "There he is." "We'll talk soon." "Bye." "Hey, Tammy." "Uncle Nate." "Hey listen, I'll be in town in a couple of weeks." "I'm gonna drop by and see you." "Yeah, yeah." "Tell your sister I said I'll see her in two weeks." "Ok." "Love you too." "Love you too." "All right." "Aunty?" "Mikayla, get out of my room!" "All right, y'all, we're slowing it down." "Find that special one you've been eyeing all night." "Ladies, let your Boaz find you." "That was so much fun." "I had a good time." "Well, the night's still young." "We're grown." "What?" "No, I mean, I can do for some coffee." "I don't know, I kind of have to get home." "So, maybe another time." "Ok, I understand." "Wait, don't give up so easily." "You're right, we're grown." "And I could use a drink." "A coffee." "So, sure." "Well, this is kind of fun." "Not too many churches do this type of thing for singles." "Yeah, I almost didn't come." "Why not?" "I had so much fun." "Well, I didn't wanna seem desperate or anything." "That I can understand." "Just nervous about dating again." "Well, it's been a while for me too." "Like 12 years." "Whoa, 12 years?" "Really?" "Yeah, 12 years." "It was just me and my baby for a while." "So I wanted to give her everything and dating didn't fit into that." "Ok." "I understand that." "One of my buddies talked me into doing this." "Really?" "I wasn't interested in dating again." "Well you can tell this buddy thank you for me." "Wanna sit?" "Yeah." "Ok." "So why didn't you wanna date?" "You don't have like a stalker ex-girlfriend out there, do you?" "Watching us right now." "No..." "I lost my wife in a car accident a year and a half ago." "I'm so sorry." "I didn't know." "It's all right." "Car full of teenagers." "Smoking and drinking." "Enjoying life." "One of them said the driver swerved right into my wife." "Killed her and my unborn son." "Phaedra, slow down!" "Baby girl, I got this." "Slow your butt down and quit playing." "Will you tell your mama to stop worrying?" "Aunty gonna get us home safely." "Keep your eyes on the road, or pull over and I'll drive." "Oops." "My bad, let me stop playing." "You ok?" "Yeah, I gotta go." "I'm so sorry." "I just..." "Wait." "Was it something I said?" "No, it's not you, trust me." "I just have to go." "Great." "Dang, Tam, dang, Tammy." "My gosh, don't mess this up." "Don't, get it, Tammy, get it together." "Get it together. ok. ok. ok." "Ok." "And I didn't even get his number." "I've got to." "Come on, Tammy." "Excuse me, miss, excuse me." "Are you all right?" "No, the car just stopped." "I don't know what's wrong with it." "Well, pop the hood, let me check it out for you, ok?" "Looks like it's running hot." "Let me go inside and get some coolant for you, ok?" "Hey." "Do you need any help or anything, are you ok?" "Yes." "No." "I have someone coming." "Well, do you want me to wait with you till they come?" "I mean, you just look like you could use a friend." "And to be honest, I could use one too." "Your wine, ma'am." "Thank you." "Slow down." "You're not gonna find your answers in there." "Then where?" "My life is falling apart." "I'm sick, and it's ruining my life." "My husband's cheating." "My car's stopped out of nowhere." "Give me some answers, then." "Everything happens for a reason, Malaina." "Everything." "That's the best that you can come up with?" "No, look, listen." "God, He uses our experiences to build our character and our faith in Him." "You're one of them." "What is that?" "Like my grandma." "I don't even care about that stuff anymore." "I get it." "Your struggle is internal." "You're not gonna find it on the outside, sweetheart." "Do you know how to pray?" "Pray?" "Yeah, pray." "I haven't prayed since I was a little girl." "I used to pray with my grandma and my grandpa about school, or my binky, or for my mom to get well." "I think I understand what's going on here." "I believe that God is using your experiences to get you talking to Him again." "He hasn't forgotten about you." "He created you." "He loves you, Malaina." "It's gon' be ok." "I promise." "Let me pray for you." "Dear Father." "In the name of Jesus," "I thank you for who You are." "Malaina." "Malaina!" "We need to talk." "Look, Chris." "I don't wanna fight tonight." "Let's talk tomorrow." "I don't feel good and I just wanna lie down." "You see, that's my problem." "Right there." "You're always too tired or sleepy, and I can't touch you anymore or have sex because you never know when you're gonna have another episode." "We can't go out in public no more because you're always rushing off to a bathroom." "Now your near misses, you're puking all the time, this is embarrassing." "It's obviously nothing working." "Doctors, surgeries, medicine." "It's insufferable." "And you can't be so naive to think that another woman wouldn't be in the picture." "It's obvious, Malaina." "It ain't working out for you, me." "I want a divorce." "I knew I'd find you here." "Mikkey." "You not talking, now?" "Listen, I know I hurt your feelings the other day and I didn't mean to yell at you." "I'm sorry." "You forgive Aunty?" "I have nothing to say to you." "You use drugs and you know better." "I'm 13, and everywhere I go there's somebody smoking weed, popping pills, or mixing pills and alcohol, trying to get higher." "Kids my age and younger." "Teenage boys on the steps smoking over at Adriana's house." "Now in my own house?" "Is life that bad that's the only alternative?" "I'm not mad at you." "I hate you." "Mikayla." "Mikkey." "Look." "I didn't know you were that passionate about it." "I promise, I'm sorry, I won't smoke anymore." "Yeah, whatever." "Mikayla." "You are my niece." "I love you more than anything in this world." "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." "I promise, I'll quit." "Really, Aunty?" "I'll hold you to it." "How did I get such a responsible niece?" "This is embarrassing." "I want a divorce." "It's obviously nothing working." "Doctors, surgeries, medicine." "It's insufferable." "This is embarrassing." "I want a divorce." "It's obviously nothing working." "It's insufferable." "Shut up!" "God, if you're still there, I need you." "Malaina?" "Miss Malaina?" "Malaina!" "Malaina?" "Tiffany?" "Malaina." "You scared me." "What are you doing here?" "I called your phone several times, but you didn't answer." "So I came by." "I can't stay." "I heard about the party and your car." "So I wanted to check on you." "Thanks, Tiffany, but I didn't call you today." "It may have been Mr. Owens." "Probably." "It doesn't matter." "Either way, I'm just glad you came when you did." "Why?" "You ok?" "Yeah." "I will be." "Can I share something with you?" "Yeah." "In confidence?" "Sure." "My marriage is over." "Chris told me last night he wants a divorce." "I had to say it out loud." "I've been feeling like I'm trapped in a nightmare." "I try to voice what's going on inside me, try to get a sense of reality," "like a sense of power, like I have control back." "A sense of freedom?" "Exactly." "Just a moment ago, I was about to completely give up." "I felt so... so useless." "Ever been in a store, suddenly you have to go and you rush as fast as you can to end up not making it in time?" "You have a accident right on your clothes." "What do you do?" "Who can you call in a situation like that?" "You have to walk out in whatever didn't get soiled." "And whatever shred of dignity you had is left behind the stall doors." "Miss Malaina, I'm sorry." "I didn't know." "No, don't apologize." "Like I said, speaking about it gives me power over it." "You are a strong, phenomenal woman." "You've always been so kind to me." "I was hired when you first started getting sick." "And you never let it change how you treated people around you." "You were my silent mentor." "I'm glad you were there." "Tiffany, you're my angel." "Thank you." "It means so much." "Wow." "I feel like a big sister." "You're welcome." "Mr. Owens loves you." "He will see that." "Hopefully sooner than later." "I'd better go." "Yeah." "Right." "With Chris out of town," "I don't know what to do in this big house." "When people come over, I don't know how to let 'em leave." "By the way, you look beautiful." "What's the occasion?" "I told you." "You inspire me." "So I just had my first photo shoot." "Congratulations!" "With who?" "An agency I met at the party." "I'll call you with the details later." "Because..." "I'm meeting with my boyfriend right now." "Ok, well call, I wanna hear all about it." "And about that boyfriend stuff too." "Ok, I'll call you later." "Hey Phae, baby, you're looking real good in that outfit." "Where you about to go?" "What you doing here?" "I've been calling and you ain't answering none of my calls." "You know what, I lost my phone." "But what's up?" "You." "Still ain't got paid for what I gave you yesterday." "It's like that?" "How much I owe you?" "I don't want your money." "We can talk about what you owe me upstairs." "Dude, you're drunk." "Move." "Man, you're playing games." "One minute you're all over me, now you're acting like you don't know what's about to go down." "Dude, you're drunk..." "Don't you ever put your hands on me like that disrespecting me, you understand?" "What's up, y'all?" "Phaedra, you ok?" "She all right, man, this don't concern you." "I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to her." "Phaedra, you ok?" "Tell the man." "You're ok, right?" "No." "He just tried to choke me." "Get over here..." "Where did you go?" "I went to go downstairs and talk to Officer Thomas." "You ok?" "Yeah, I just kinda, you know, feel weird." "Wanna lay down." "Did he hurt you?" "No, baby, I'm ok." "Look, I need to talk to you." "Ok." "Go." "I'm glad you're all right." "Thank you, Mikkey." "Good night." "Good night." "Good night, baby." "What's up?" "Look." "I just need to talk to you because I honestly I can't keep this bottled up any more." "I know I'm not perfect, and I know that" "I've made mistakes when I was younger." "And I should have been an example for you but I wasn't." "I messed that up." "But I can't watch you hurt another day, Phae." "Tammy, not another one of your lectures about my lifestyle and what I do, who I date and all of that, I mean going to church." "I'm not you, Tammy, I'm not ready." "I'm not, I promise you I'm not lecturing you." "I just wanna talk to you..." "You know, can we talk tomorrow, 'cause..." "Ok, Phae." "Good night." "Good night." "Jesus, please." "I didn't even notice he locked up everything." "Really?" "That's wonderful." "Maybe we can go out tonight." "Drinks on me.!" "I don't drink." "What?" "Since when?" "This morning." "Child, please." "I'm serious." "You really gonna stop this time?" "You said that so many times before, and you always wound up drinking again." "I don't wanna drink anymore." "Thanks for the vote of confidence, but yes, I am." "Where are you?" "Calm down." "I'm outside." "I'm hanging up." "I mean, what was he thinking?" "If you had an emergency, how would you get around?" "I mean, I thought Chris was one of the good ones." "I guess he said you ain't taking nothing while he's gone." "I'm not stealing it." "We're still married." "I just need some transportation while he's gone." "Let mine lock me out." "He'll come back and the house will be gone." "Stop it." "Ok, so how are you getting in here?" "This don't make no sense." "Look at all this opulence." "And you don't have a key to nothing?" "I'm not leaving him." "The keys are in the garage." "It feels like hellfire out here." "I'm going in." "Hold on, I got an idea." "Give me your shoe." "Come on." "You what?" "For what?" "Just give me the freaking shoe." "Dang!" "Now that's Christian Louis Vuitton in your hand." "Now don't... do nothing stupid." "I tell you." "Life throws you curves." "You can be intimidated by the spin or the speed and foul out like a wuss, or brace yourself." "Watch it closely, and whack it out of the park." "It's too late, I already told her I want a divorce." "You told your sick, depressed wife of seven years you want a divorce?" "Yeah." "Pazzo!" "I tell you something." "I have cancer." "Gail is at every appointment, treatment or surgery." "Sometimes, I feel like I'm holding her back." "She is beautiful and full of life." "But I wake up, and see her every morning." "And I'm so grateful she is there." "I tell you, this." "Malaina loves you." "This chasing skirts is for the." "The decision is yours." "Why'd you leave?" "I wasn't much in a social mood tonight." "Is there something I can do?" "What, are you not in the mood for me?" "This ain't gonna happen." "What now?" "This ain't what I want." "When did you decide that?" "Why am I here?" "You're right." "I'm gonna get you another room." "I thought we were gonna be together." "You need to decide who you want." "I have." "You stay away from me." "You hear me?" "You stay away from me." "?" "Jesus" "?" "Bless that wonderful name of" "?" "Jesus" "?" "No other name I know" "?" "Yes, there's joy in the name of" "?" "Name of Jesus" "?" "Yes, there's joy in the name of" "Hallelujah." "Someone be set free." "Father God, that someone be redeemed and delivered." "Hallelujah." "Hallelujah, become a saved child, son of God." "Father God, we thank You for salvation today." "We thank You Lord Jehovah that You, Lord, given us a mind to wanna seek You, Lord." "Praise you and glorify Your name." "To live this life with joy in your life." "So we find that that's why some people are having a hard time trying to come to reality of what life is offering them right now." "But Jesus has a way for you this day." "He has a way for you this day." "Through everything, through everything." "All that we're doing and all that we're going through," "Jesus has that way for us." "Just hear Him." "He has not allowed any trial to come upon us that, temptation to come that there is not a way to escape." "He won't let no more come upon you than you can bear." "He won't let no more come upon you than you can bear." "And if it's there, then God has a way in your trial for you to get out." "He has a way in your trial for you to get out." "And so it's up to us today to realize I wanna come to God." "I wanna bring everything to God." "In order for you to do that, you have to learn to forgive and ask forgiveness." "Ask for forgiveness, ask God to forgive you of your sin, ask God to change the way you're thinking, and then forgive yourself." "See, forgive yourself." "Excuse me, Tammy?" "Hey, Sherrod." "Boy, I'm so sorry for running out on you the other night." "That was completely rude of me." "Was it something I said or did?" "No, no, no, it." "Trust me, it has nothing to do with you." "It's all me." "But maybe we could talk about this another time." "Yes, please." "Here's my card." "Ok, well, I will definitely be giving you a call." "Ok." "Can I walk you to your car?" "No, we're right outside the door, but thank you." "Such a gentleman." "All right." "Well, we'll be talking later?" "Indeed we will." "Bye." "Bye." "What was that?" "Nosy!" "That's the man I met on Friday." "Phae, you ok?" "You need anything?" "No." "Hey." "I saw Thomas downstairs." "He told me what happened." "Are you all right?" "That bastard tried to rape me." "But he didn't." "And he tried twice." "But to no avail was he successful." "Sis, you can't really think" "God's not looking out for you." "You were right about one thing." "I've really made a mess of my life." "No, Phae." "We all make mistakes." "Hear me when I say that." "Don't beat yourself up over this." "It's not worth it." "That's easy for you to say." "You got a good life, a great house, a good job, and Mikkey." "You got somebody that you love that loves you back." "And you have us." "And we love you, Phaedra." "Now stop." "Get up, let's get out of here, ok?" "Come on." "It's too stuffy in here." "I'll be out in a minute." "Ok." "You should have been at Bible study." "Pastor Jakes was on it, girl, about forgiveness." "Broke some chains, girl..." "Tammy." "What?" "You know I don't buy into that forgiveness crap." "It's a bunch of bullcrap." "I ain't gon' ever forgive Vern for the stuff he did to me today." "And he is back in jail, where he belongs, Phae." "Don't let that man rob you of a happy life because of that one incident." "One incident?" "What about the man that killed my baby, should I forgive him, too, Tammy?" "Listen, you can go on about this forgiveness mumbo jumbo, you got your child." "I was young, I know, but I would have taken care of my baby." "I would have done right by mine." "Phae, you really need to let..." "No, Tammy, you need to go to hell and take forgiveness with you." "Ok." "Well I'm gonna go pray for us both." "Ok, do that." "Some Spirit's dwindling in here." "Make yourself comfortable." "I love your home, Malaina." "The light fixtures are gorgeous." "Thank you." "I pray I can have one like this of my own soon." "You will." "Just keep praying." "You can have anything if you just believe in it." "Well look at you, on the Jesus bandwagon, girl." "Hallelujah!" "Tammy, I feel so much peace now." "I'm not worried or afraid." "I've been reading and praying." "I just know that by His stripes I'm healed, and my life is in His hands." "I wish I could get my sister to believe that." "I've been praying on peace for both of us, and it's, and the pastor was talking about secrets and finding freedom from them, and then I was watching Oprah on some show, and she had Bishop TD Jakes" "talking about forgiveness." "Forgiveness?" "Yes." "Honey, how you have to let go of it, or deprive you of a happy life, and bitterness becoming like a cancer if you let it." "It's really hitting a little too close to heart for me, and I don't know what to do or how I'm gonna handle it." "Is there anything that I can do?" "No." "Thank you, but no." "It's something I gotta do on my own." "No, you need to pray about it." "And if there's anything you need, any help or anything, just let me know." "I will." "But you, need to pray and talk about it with your husband." "You and Chris need to pray about it, and talk about it." "Just another little bump in the road." "Y'all be fine." "I know." "Y'all be fine." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Glad we met, honey." "Me too." "Thank you, Jesus." "Sorry, excuse me." "Uncle Nate!" "My God, baby girl!" "Look at you!" "You are so beautiful and all grown up!" "Thanks." "I guess your mother cut back on the salt and started using fertilizer?" "You all right?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "You ok?" "You sure?" "Yeah." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna tell you about it in just a minute." "Excuse me, Miss Richards." "We're pretty much done here." "If you or your sister have any questions going forward, here's my card." "Ok." "I'll definitely have Phaedra call you if there's any problems." "Thank you, Detective..." "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute." "Detective?" "What's going on here?" "I'll fill you in about it later, Uncle Nate." "Thank you for stopping by." "Thank you." "Have a good night." "Long story, Uncle Nate." "And it's Phaedra." "Not me." "So they haven't arrested this punk yet?" "I mean, they did, but he got out and came back." "Yeah?" "Well, I wish he comes around while I'm here." "Uncle Nate..." "What's wrong, baby?" "You know what, when you were a little girl you would always drop your head just like that when you had something to say and you didn't know quite how to say it." "So I know something's wrong." "Unc, you're the only person I could tell this to." "Ok, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Am I going to need a drink?" "I'm kidding, baby, you all right?" "Listen, this is something serious, right?" "You need to tell me." "Do you remember when Phae and I were teens and we got in that car accident?" "Well..." "I did something bad." "Mom, I'm home." "Ok, baby, I'm in the kitchen." "I'm hungry." "Can I get a snack?" "Yeah." "Did you have a good day, baby?" "Mom, we have a project for Black History." "I need some family photos." "They say whoever brings in the oldest photo gets a day off from homework." "Can I get the photo album out of your room?" "Hello, Mom?" "What, baby, I said you could have a snack nothing too heavy, 'cause you won't eat dinner." "And we're having a guest later, so make sure you hurry up and finish your homework so you can straighten up." "Mom." "What?" "Can I ask you a question?" "Not right now, baby, I'm trying to finish dinner." "Real quick." "What, baby, what is it?" "Who is Jonathan Anthony Walker?" "And why's my name..." "Phaedra, slow down!" "Baby girl, I've got this." "Slow your butt down and quit playing." "Will you tell your mama to stop worrying?" "Aunty gon' get us home safe." "Keep your eyes on the road or pull over and I'll drive." "My bad." "Let me stop." "God, what am I gonna do?" "I'm trying so hard." "God, God, please, please, please God." "Mom." "Mama?" "Yeah." "Hold on, Mikayla." "What's up, babe?" "Mom, are you ok?" "Yeah." "Mommy's fine." "I'm fine." "Ok." "It's not, it's not something I can talk to you about right now, but..." "Why, what's wrong?" "You know Mommy loves you, right?" "Very, very, very much" "I would do anything for you, Mikayla." "Let's just talk about it another time, ok?" "Ok." "Go finish your homework." "I love you." "Hey stinky." "Hey, Aunty." "What's going on?" "Why..." "Why'd you call me to pick you up?" "Well..." "I got suspended off the bus." "Does your mama know?" "She gon' kill you." "I know, that's why I called you." "What is that supposed to mean?" "You'll just yell for a bit, but Mama, she'll just take it overboard." "Well, that's true." "So what happened, why'd you get suspended off the bus?" "'Cause the bus driver's just such a liar." "Girl, watch your mouth." "You know not to disrespect your elders like that." "What did he do?" "Well..." "This girl Carrisa has a fight with me every day on the bus." "I told him, but he didn't do anything." "So today, I sat at the back of the bus and she told on me, he told the principal that I sat back just so I could sit by this boy named Devonte, so I called him a l... a storyteller, so they wrote me up." "I'm a veteran." "Don't try to play me." "You really went back there to sit with that little boy Devonte, didn't you?" "I did, but... he don't like her." "See, I told you I couldn't two -step." "You sure did a good job stepping all over my feet." "You ok?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "I'm glad I met you." "I finally feel like I'm living my life and not someone else's when I'm with you." "And it's nice." "It's really nice." "Maybe we..." "Yeah." "We should clear this up." "Sorry." "Did I do something wrong?" "No, it's not you, it's me." "I'm so sorry." "I just..." "Please don't leave like that." "Ok." "Sit down." "I..." "I have something to tell you." "So, Aunty, my name is Mikayla Dejounay Walker, right?" "Yeah." "Walker's your last name." "That's your dad's last name and then your first name is Mikayla, which is in honor of my daughter that died in a car accident." "She would have been about your age." "So then why on my birth certificate it says Mikayla Dejounay Craig, and on the death certificate, it says Charlotte Anthony Walker?" "Who is that?" "What?" "Mikayla, where did you find these certificates?" "In Mama's photo album." "Where's the photo album, Tammy?" "But..." "Where's the photo album?" "What's going on?" "This ain't got nothing to do with you." "Phaedra, calm down, let me explain." "Know what, you a low down, lying church-going baby stealer?" "What a hypocrite!" "13 years you let me believe my baby died in that accident?" "I'm sorry." "And the insurance money, Tammy?" "I'm sorry..." "You swapped my baby!" "It wasn't like that!" "What was it like?" "You were in a coma, Phae." "I took her out of the hospital and they gave her to me." "They didn't know you were gonna make it..." "But I did." "I'm here!" "And by then, Phae, I'd had her for six months Phae!" "I loved her and she loved me back." "She was mine now, I couldn't just give her up." "But you let me cry thinking my baby was dead, like it was my fault I killed my own child, Tammy?" "You killed mine." "My baby died that night." "It was my baby." "I told you to slow down and you didn't listen, Phae." "You took my child from me." "So, right, I took yours." "I didn't kill your baby." "That man that hit us killed your child, the one you keep telling me to forgive." "That's not true." "So you forgive him now, church lady." "Mikayla, let's go." "No, you're not taking my baby." "You're not taking..." "No, Mikayla!" "No, please don't take my baby!" "Mikkey, you all right?" "Look, I know this is crazy for you, and," "I want you to understand this is crazy for me, too." "I'm gonna go in and take a shower." "You can go to the vending machine and get you something to eat if you want and then we can talk it out, all right?" "Don't be too long, ok?" "Ok." "Now who is that on my door like that?" "Where she at?" "Who?" "Mikayla." "She's not here." "Don't play dumb with me, Tammy." "If I find out she's here, I swear..." "Girl, I..." "Mikkey?" "Mikayla." "Mikayla." "Mikkey." "Mikayla?" "Mikkey?" "Mikayla, what are you doing out here?" "I don't know what to do." "My mama's my aunt, and my aunty is my mom." "This is too crazy." "I love you both, but my mom, I cannot stop loving her." "I know, Mikayla, but this... this isn't for you to work out." "It's between me and your mo... your aunt Tammy." "Is she gonna get in trouble?" "I haven't told anybody what's going on." "I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head." "But Mikkey, no matter what, you're loved." "We're gonna figure all of this out." "And running away, it's not solving anything." "Come on, we need to go, it's cold." "What you doing here, Kay?" "Straight mom gonna kill you." "Yeah, I meant to ask you, like what's up with you and your mama problem?" "Why does everybody keep bringing that up?" "I'm sick and tired of hearing it." "I don't wanna talk about it anymore." "Ok, my bad, I just heard a lot of stuff and I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk." "Man, they have female trauma?" "I know, I heard about her two mamas." "Two mamas are just sisters, so you need to calm down with that." "I'll bet." "Yeah, I bet, you need to chill." "Why you always kissing up to her anyway?" "Why you always gotta start stuff, what you got a problem?" "Mikayla, don't worry about it." "I like that." "It's cool." "Grab it." "You gonna smoke or stare at it?" "Know what I'm sayin' get off my back." "Mikayla, where you gonna go?" "I said I can't do this stuff." "She always thinkin' she better than us." "Let that heifer go." "Say that to me one more time." "I am going to beat your..." "By His stripes, I am healed." "Am I interrupting something?" "No, you're fine." "Well, thank you, I try." "No, it's just a little doctor humor." "I'm Dr. Moses Buwie." "I'm the gastroentorologist on call." "Let me check your breathing here real quick." "If you could lean forward for me." "Give me a deep breath." "Another one." "All right." "If you could lean back a little bit, just lie back." "Are you having any abdominal pains whatsoever?" "Not at the moment." "Right, right." "Good. ok." "You can sit up." "I had a moment to go over your charts." "I do have a few concerns, ok?" "We're gonna get you out of here as soon as possible, though, just sit tight." "Right?" "Good evening." "Hello?" "Am I dying?" "You came to read me my last rites?" "No, I'm a minister and I'm here to pray with you." "Me along with some other ministers, we visit patients in the hospital, and we offer prayer for those that want it." "'cause I thought... well, never mind." "Well since you're here, can I ask you a question?" "Hope I can answer it." "Why are people so sick nowadays?" "All these different diseases popping up." "Where's God in all of this?" "Why does He allow it?" "That's a good question." "If you had a son, would you allow him to be beat, and put to death for something you caused?" "No." "Good answer." "Well, it's Satan." "The Bible says he is the author of confusion." "That's the reason for drug abuse, depression, the list goes on." "But this God, He came to give us life." "He came to give us life." "Really?" "Yes." "Jesus tells of a story in the Bible of a man who was born blind." "And the disciples, they wondered, well, whose fault is it that this man is born blind?" "Is it his fault, or is it the fault of his parents?" "And Jesus said, neither he or his parents' fault." "But that the will of God may be made manifest in his condition." "See, when Satan comes in to attack us, we can counterattack with prayer and faith." "Those are our weapons." "And that's what Jesus used." "And he got good results." "The man, well, he was made whole." "So let's pray." "Let's pray." "Can I take your hand?" "Dear Father, I thank You for this precious child, this daughter of Yours, God." "You are omniscient, You're omnipresent." "You know all and You're here with us right now." "I don't know what her condition is, but You know." "And Father, I lift her up before You." "I ask You to give her peace," "I ask You to give her strength, more important I ask You to heal her body." "Touch her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes." "Make her well again." "Make her whole again." "Give her life, and give her joy and peace." "This in Christ's name we pray." "Amen." "Amen." "Well, thank you." "Remember, we'll be praying with you." "God bless you." "Thank you so much." "You're more than welcome." "You're more than welcome." "I'm sorry." "Am I interrupting?" "No, come on in." "I was just praying." "You know, my foster mother used to pray for people in the hospital." "You never told me that." "I never even seen you pray." "Well, just because you never see me pray don't mean I don't." "What's the secret about praying?" "No secret, it's just..." "I've never seen you pray, so I didn't know if you'd had a problem with me praying." "I didn't know that." "I used to pray all the time with my grandmother." "But after she died, I didn't wanna talk to God anymore." "You know my foster mother used to say that even when you stop praying with your mouth," "He's still listening to your heart." "Old wisdom." "Yeah." "I wish I had met her." "Me too." "You'd like her." "She's a lot like you." "Hello?" "Mrs. Owens." "Yes?" "Hey, this is Dr. Buwie, how are you?" "I'm good, how are you?" "Good, good." "Well, I don't normally do this, but I found these circumstances to be unique, so the test that you took when you first arrived showed what our Doctor believed was Crohns disease." "Yes, I was diagnosed with it two years ago." "After looking at these results," "I don't see any evidence of inflammation in your intestines whatsoever." "But I did find in another test that you are almost two months pregnant." "My God!" "Yes." "Well, congratulations, guys." "Thank you so much." "Ok." "Bye -bye." "Bye." "My God!" "Baby!" "Yes!" "My God!" "Look, Phae, I know you don't want me here, but it's about Mikayla." "So, her school called me today and informed me that she's missed four days in the past two weeks." "Not to mention when I get home from work today, she's in the corridor with several kids." "What's going on?" "Mikayla, go to your room." "Why?" "Are there any more secrets I have to know about?" "Like is Mr. Thomas my daddy?" "Don't ever disrespect your mother like that." "Do you understand me?" "Now, apologize." "Girl?" "I'm sorry, Ma." "Little girl," "I know I've only been your mama for a couple weeks, but" "I've been your aunty your whole life." "You try that mess with me again, and I promise you it'll be the last word you speak." "Do you understand me?" "Go to your room." "She's just acting out." "You know, she..." "Listen, let's get something straight." "I don't like you and I don't want you in my house." "So don't come over here and try to play that sister sister crap with me, Tammy." "Look, I know what it's like to lose a child, so I understand the pain you're having to revisit, in addition to losing this one." "But Mikayla is my child." "I'm not going to separate you from her, but as far as me and you?" "I'm gonna have to work on that forgiveness thing and I'm not ready, so you can see yourself out." "Girl, I guess she thought I wasn't gonna ever find out..." "Phaedra!" "How are you doing?" "Hi, Kim!" "What a coincidence, I just seen your sister." "Just seen Tammy." "Yeah, please don't let my sister know where I am." "Why?" "What's going on?" "Girl, Tammy has lost her mind." "I don't wanna have nothing to do with her, let alone talk about her." "Well, that's your sister." "It couldn't be that bad." "Not that bad?" "Has your sister ever told you your baby died while you were in a coma, paid you the settlement money for the death of your child, all the while raising the child as her own right in front of your nose?" "Are you serious?" "I can't even begin to understand how you feel." "But let's focus on Tammy." "Have you sat down and thought what made her go through such drastic measures?" "I don't give a..." "Excuse me, I don't mean to disrespect you," "I know you're a minister, Kim, but I don't really care what made" "Tammy do the things she did." "It's ridiculous." "You know what?" "There was a story in the Bible that was similar to this." "And what we have to do is focus on the child." "Let's put our thoughts and our anger aside, and let's think about the child." "A real mother will make the right decision." "Yeah, whatever." "You know what?" "God gonna forgive you." "And you keep trusting Him." "Put all this mess aside, and you trust God." "And He's gonna forgive you," "He will restore you guys' relationship." "I believe it." "All right?" "Whatever, ok." "Well, I'm gonna leave you alone." "But you give me a call if you need me, love." "Ok." "I'll be here for you." "Thanks, honey." "Appreciate you." "Good seeing you." "If you need me, just give me a call, ok, love?" "All right." "Bye." "Phaedra, I know..." "I miss you, Phae." "I know you don't wanna talk to me sis, but please call me back, please." "I'm going crazy, and I..." "I just need to talk to you." "I love you." "Bye." "Hey, Phae." "Hey, Tammy." "I'm not trying to waste any of your time or nothing." "I just..." "I just wanna say I'm sorry for lying to you and... betraying you like..." "I'm sorry." "I just miss my sister." "Look, Tammy, I..." "I know you always drilling Jesus, Jesus to me, and you know, I'm not quite there, but" "I am willing to give this whole forgiveness thing a try, 'cause" "I can't raise Mikayla without you, I can't." "I can't do life without you." "You're all I got." "I'm sorry." "I'm so sorry." "I love you." "I love you too." "What you think?" "He burns food." "He does not cook it." "It's well done." "No that, my friend, is burnt." "It..." "No, eat it, it's fine man, that ain't burnt." "No, put it down." "No, no, no, no." "What you think?" "Burnt." "Wasn't that fun?" "It was." "That food was so good." "Glad you invited me." "Tammy, you do not have to do that." "No problem." "Thanks so much for coming." "Thank you for having me." "Let me introduce you to my sister Phaedra." "Hi." "We met briefly." "Thank you so much for coming." "Tammy told me so much about you." "Tammy?" "It wasn't bad, I promise." "No, it wasn't anything bad, trust me." "Good." "When are you due?" "Any day now." "What are you having?" "A boy, but my husband doesn't know anything about it." "What?" "How did you keep that a secret?" "What are you naming him?" "Ian Christopher." "Ian means gift of God." "So great!" "Thank you." "So happy for you, I really am." "You're just glowing, and floating on ice and water, girl," "I want what you got." "I am." "I can't imagine a better life than the one I have now." "I wish I could imagine that life." "It ain't my time yet." "Malaina, your house is so beautiful." "It's too big." "Too big." "Not for long, Jesus, with these kids." "She just popping out one, two, and three coming, five." "We are gonna take it slow this time." "I don't even know what to do with this one." "I know someone that can help." "Who?" "She did an amazing job with hers." "We did an amazing job, I didn't do it by myself." "Tammy, you know, I never did thank you." "It's Ok." "I never did say thank you for forgiving me." "So, thank you for that." "I'm really happy to have you back." "You know, I couldn't stay mad." "I know, I'm too awesome." "I love you." "I love you too, sis." "What's wrong?" "Are you ok?" "What's wrong?" "My water just broke!" "I think it did, too." "Chris!" "God, it's nasty." | {
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"(Police siren)" "(Tyres squeal)" "(Helicopter passing)" "(Police radio)" "'You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge.'" "(# NWA:" "Straight Outta Compton) # l'm comin' straight outta Compton..." "'When somethin' happens in South Central Los Angeles 'nothin' happens, it's just another nigger dead.'" "# Straight outta Compton, crazy mothefucker named Ice Cube" "# From the gang called Niggaz With Attitude" "# AK-47 is the tool" "# Don't make me act the mothefuckin' fool" "# As I leave, believe I'm stompin'" "# But when I come back, boy, I'm comin' straight outta Compton #" " ?" "Y que mira?" " !" "Si, gozale!" "My friend saw you with Ramon Camacho." " lt ain't true, Ricco." " Shut up, ho!" "It's time to teach you two a lesson." "I wouldn't do that if I was you." "Step back unless you want me to bust a cap in your ass." "This is my hood and these girls belong to me." "Belong?" "That is a very sexist way to talk about these bitches." "Hola. !" "Ay que rico estas, papito!" "Bonjour." "Je m'appelle Ali." "J'habite in Staines." "(Hawks repeatedly)" "You made me use me last tissue." "Me ain't got another one now." "Hijo su chingada madre." "?" "Te crees chingon, cabron?" "No sabes que te puedo matar, pinche canario." "You what?" "Speak to the hand cos the face, it ain't listening." "!" "Matalo!" "Ooh!" "Sorry." "No!" "Remember, life is the most precious gift that Jah has given us." "(lmitates machine gun)" "(Derisive laughter)" "(Panicked shouting)" "Unlucky." "You saved us." "I just really want to thank you." " (Zip) - !" "Ay, Dios mio!" "That's gonna need the two of us." "Here, let me help you with that." "(# Missy Elliot:" "One Minute Man) # .. make you want me" "# And I'm-a give you some attention... #" "That's very nice." "Yes, please." "Thank you very much." "That's good." "2 Pac, no!" "(2 Pac whines)" "Whatever." "(Licking)" "Yeah, baby, play with the balls." "(Knocking)" " Ali, are you awake?" " For real." "Ali-Pally, do you know how late it is?" "You're still in bed, all asleep." " Sorry, Nan." " (Growling) # lt's nice to get up in the morning in the good old summertime" "# Four and five and six o'clock in the good old summertime" " (Snarling) - # When the winter comes... # lt's nice to get up in the morning..." "# But better to stay in bed #" "(Thud)" "(Moans) That's better." "It's not nice to play with your poopik when Nana's in the room." " You're teaching your class today." " Wicked." "Out of bed, choppy chop." "# Wicked, wicked # Junglist massive" "# Wicked, wicked # Junglist massive" "# Wicked, wicked # Junglist massive" "# Wicked, original... (# Banging jungle beats, ragga rapping)" "# Booyaka!" "Booyaka!" "# Booyaka!" "Booyaka!" "# Booyaka!" "Booyaka!" "# Booyaka!" "Booyaka!" "# incredible... #" "(Drowned out by music)" " Yo, yo!" "Aight?" " Aight!" "Urgh." "Respect." "So, what's going down in Staines town, my nigger?" "Nigger, we just be kicking back, sucking on some gin and juice." "Laid-back." " Aight." " For real." "Jezzy, is you wearing green?" "I knew it." "You is defected to the Iver Heath posse, innit?" " Let's stab him." " Wait!" "Me mum washed me yellow top with my brother's blue football socks." "All right." "But you tell that slag that in the ghetto, washing non-coloufast synthetics at 60 degrees could be fatal." "Will you boys move?" "I've told you it's a fire risk." "Hey, yo, yo, yo, what's the problem?" "Four brothers chilling out, maxing, relaxing, it ain't too taxing." "Boof!" " Move!" " We'll sit on the bench." "Yes." "(# Thumping bass)" "The East Staines Massiv." "If it ain't the West Staines Massiv outside their precious centre." "Booyakasha!" "Wickety-wackety-sha!" "Boo!" "Eastside is the best. (Kisses teeth)" "Westside is the best." "(Lips squeaking)" " Eastside is the best." " Westside is the best." " Westside is the best." " Eastside is the best." "Shit, I meant Westside is the best." "Anyways, you is on our tuf." "Once you pass the Bumblebees Day Nursery, just before the mini-roundabout, then you is in the Westside." " We don't care." " Oh, yeah?" "Your mama is so fat that when she volunteered to clean the cages at the zoo, people them-a walk by and say, "Look at that hippopotamus."" "That ain't fair. lt's glandular." " Let's leave these batty boys." " Your mama's a batty boy." "(# So Solid Crew:" "Ride Wid Us)" "Oooh!" "Slow down!" "(Horn toots)" "Stop!" " Eastside!" " He's gonna get himself killed." "Yo, yo, G, it's the LAPD." "Yeah?" "And?" "Oh, man, you are one bad mofo." "I is feeling it." "You rocking it?" " l'm feeling it." " l'm checking it." " l'm kissing it." " l'm checking it." "(Sings drum'n'bass beat)" " Wicked!" " (Sings beat)" "Wicked!" "Wicked now, wicked now, wicked!" "# Me got the chick-ahn, me like the chick-ahn!" "# Me got the chicken-wicken, a-rockin' and a-pickin'" "# Me got..." "# A to the L to the I to the G , Ali G, that's me, that's me" "# A to the L to the I to the G, that's G - that's me, that's me" "# R to the I to the C to the K to the Y" "# That's Ricky C Ricky C to the C to the C" "# Ricky C... #" "Wait. I is gonna be late for me class." "Let's go." "Crack cocaine is destroying our community." "So when a brother makes it through, they deserve our respect." "So let's big it up for Darren, who's been clean and off the crack now for eight years." " Eight and three-quarter years." " Whatever." "Me don't wanna say this but most of you ain't never gonna see 1 1 ." "Booka!" "Drive-bys." " Look, he's crying." "Homo!" "Homo!" " Hey!" "We'll have none of that language here." "The word is batty boy." "(All chant) Batty boy!" "Batty boy!" "Better." "Everybody up!" "Time to give out this week's badges." "First, big it up for me main man Andy, who has finally got his Hot-Wiring badge and his Advanced Swearing badge." " Shit off, you hairy dog's cock." " Respect." "Since you has got your fifth badge, you has earned your second slit." "Hopefully one day you'll get to be Tyrone's level." "If you gets any better, we'll have to start doing your pubes." " l don't have any." " Well, I is got millions." "Now, remember - without realness, we is nothing." "So, posse, keep it real!" "(All chant) Keep it real!" "On the streets, your homie would take a cap in his ass for you." "So let's start with a very basic trust exercise." " One, two, three." " Ali, can I have a word?" " Sure." " lt's about the centre." "I know how much these classes mean to you" " and how much the kids enjoy them." " (Groaning)" "But the government's withdrawn our funding." "They're closing down the John Nike Leisure Centre." "You what?" "How is these kids meant to make it out of the ghetto now?" " They'll have to go somewhere else." " Somewhere else?" "Do you know what this centre means to them?" "And to me?" "This is the spiritual home of the West Staines Massiv." "This is like what Mecca is to the Jews." "It's like what Kentucky is to chickens." "And it was here when me first felt me Julie's... (Whistles)" "Ali, there's nothing you can do." "Now, you better go and tell the kids." "I ain't never gonna let them close us down." "Keep it real, yeah?" "(Woman) 'Dinner with the Belgian prime minister at eight." "'And the Deputy Prime Minister wishes to speak to you.'" " Has he heard the poll results yet?" " Yes, I wish I hadn't." "Gallup puts us 22 points behind." " And MORl?" " 23 points behind." "The youth vote's deserting us in droves." "Focus groups say we're out of touch." " We are." " Don't be silly." "Will we lose this by-election?" "We haven't lost Staines in 20 years and we're not about to start." "We just have an image problem." "We have to find a candidate who will improve that image." "Somebody young." " Somebody ethnic." " Somebody in touch." " Exactly." " You're right." "We need an intellectually superior candidate to guarantee us victory." " Easy now, Mrs Hugh." " Booyakasha." " ls me Julie about?" " She's upstairs." "Hello, baby, I's been missing you so much today." "You is looking so fine." "All I want to do is pull your panties down..." "Ali." " Hello, me Julie." " Stop feeling up Nina." " l got confused." " You're never confused with Tracey." " Hello, Ali." " Hello." "You know you is me only bitch." "Ho." "Lady?" "When me close me eyes, you is the only girl me think about." "# Gal flex, time to have sex" "# Jump in my Lex, steam a blunt, pop a vex" "# Now you know that my style is rated XX... #" " Ali, open your eyes." " Sorry, there was something in them." "Because there's these fleas going around, two of them, coming in again and they're in me eyes!" "# Open up dem legs a-wider... #" "You've been a very bad boy and you need to be punished." " Are you a bad boy?" " Yes, I am." "My skin is so dry." "So for being a bad boy, I want you to rub oil into me, paying special attention to my breasts and my batty crease." "OK, I will do that." "But first, I want you to take your hat off, you naughty boy." "But me never take me hat off." "You take that off and I'll take these off." "OK." "Now I'm going to milk you." " (Julie) 'Ali.'" " Give me one more sec." " Behave, Alistair." " J-Lo." "They is closing down the centre." "I is gonna go on hunger strike until they save it...or until I die." "So just in case I do join Tupac and Biggie in that ghetto in the sky, I's come here to bone you one last time." "Mr Johnson might have something to say about that." " Can I watch?" " l got not problem with that." "Ali!" "Don't do nothing stupid, all right?" "Hear me now." "She ain't really me Julie." "In real life I is going out with someone much fitter." "But they do that to make me more accessible." "Which means you girls think I will knob you, even if you is a minger." "OK, you got ten seconds till you start." "(Muffled) More!" "More!" "OK, and go." "Mr G, why are you on hunger strike?" "(Muffled) ln the struggle for... ln the struggle for justice, I is willing to lay down me life." "Just like Martin Luther..." "Vandross did." "Local party chairman Alan Swan has some names for the by-election." "This is a great honour." "I've always admired..." " The names, Swan." " Right." "Well, er..." "There are three really outstanding candidates that match your criteria." "Top of the list is Andrew Hamilton, PhD political science, studied PPE at Oxford, gained a starred first." "Have you tried these new chicken dippers?" " They're really good." " What sauce are you going for?" "I think it's barbecue." "(Roars and moans)" "I can't take it!" "(Ali roars)" "Chicken dippers!" " Good, we can go home now." " Oh, nips." "I'll get the keys, yeah?" "Starting again from...now!" "# Bring it!" "What?" "We right here... #" "No." "# We right here, this is ours and we don't share #" " What has we got here, then?" " l is doing a serious protest." "In that case, we'll leave you to it." "Oh, thanks." "There was just one thing, though." "(All laughing)" "# ..joint made this year that'll knock till 2003" "# Y'all gonna see that the hottest nigger out there" "# Was and will be me # Just like that # l can go away for a minute" "# Do some other shit but bounce right back... #" "(Disappointed groan)" "Grow, Biggie, grow." "I has gotta get a semi lob-on." "Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lopez." "Jennifer Lopez lezzing off with the big-thighed one in Destiny's Child." "Look here now!" "Look at my massive beast!" "(All screaming)" "You filthy animal!" "(Irish accent) Oh, Shep, this rail is very dirty." "It's going to need a lot of polishing." "(Moaning)" "PhD in economics, three years at Harvard, age 34..." "Swan?" "is there any reason why there should be an absurdly dressed, half-naked man chained to a fence being tossed off by an old, blind council worker?" "(Ali moaning) lgnore him. lt's the local idiot making some pathetic protest." "Unchain him and bring him in here." " But I'm trying to..." " Bring him in, Swan." "Straight ahead at the top of the stairs." "# Freak me, baby # Yeah, just like that" "# Freak me, baby # Come on, come on" "# Freak me, baby" "# Let me lick you up and down" "# Till you say stop" "# Let me play with your body, baby" "# Make you real hot #" "# Let me do all the tings you want me to do" "# Cos tonight, baby, I wanna get freaky with you # l'm Kate Hedges, the Deputy Prime Minister's secretary." "Come in and you can pull your pants up now." "Hello, I'm David Carlton, the Deputy Prime Minister." "Hello." "I is Ali G, the dominating MC." "Making bitches touch their punani." " The number after two, it be..." " Three." "Not Ali A, not Ali B, not Ali C, not Ali D, not Ali..." "E... not Ali... (Hums alphabet song)" "F..." " but Ali..." " G." "Bo!" "Your rhymes is tight for a honkey, yes, sir." "That's his full name and address." "Tell me, Ali, do you have a job?" "I is recently gone on the dole." " When?" " Eight years and three months ago." "It says here you claim disability." "Are you...?" "Yes, I is actually spasticated." "I is got a terrible DJing injury and still ain't got full mobility in me mixing finger." "Fok-chickety-fok-fok-fresh." "Ow." "Everything down there is still working." "Oh, yes." "Yes." "Ali, erm...would you sit down?" "Please, sit down." " Would you ever become an MP?" " What for?" "It's full of pricks." "That's a little harsh." "I'm an MP, am I a prick?" " Yes." " Let's try a different angle." "is there nothing you'd like to change?" "Me'd wanna save the John Nike Leisure Centre, obviously." "As the MP for Staines, you could achieve that." "Would you stand in this by-election?" "Me gotta be honest, me ain't actually bi." " Well..." " l mean, obviously I done it with two girls." "Well, I seen it on the internet." "But me would never feel completely comfortable being bummed by a man." "A lot of people say never say ever but me feel strongly that me exit hole should stay me exit hole and never become me entry hole, you know what I is saying?" "Yes, yes." "Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you." "David." "Later, sweetheart." "(Kate) David?" "What are you doing?" "He was the biggest idiot I have ever met." " Choose him and we'll never win." " l know." "There'll be a leadership crisis." "The PM will be out." "And who could possibly replace him?" "Ali has two weeks to lose us 18,000 votes." "Let's get him on the campaign trail." "(# Thumping hip-hop)" "Easy, rude boy." "Me name be Ali G and me is here representing Staines." "Can me count on your vote?" " Definitely not." " Hairy muff." "Seeing as I is here, could me interest you in a quarter of Moroccan black?" "It's well good shit!" "Dave, it's your turn to shit through the letterbox." "Our anti-bullying programme has won lots of praise." "instances of bullying in this school are at an all-time low." "Jonathan used to suffer terribly from bullies." "I ain't surprised." "Look at him." "Hey, fatty bum bum." "Hey, fatty bum bum." "Want another cream cake?" "Boiiing!" "Boiiing!" "Boiiing!" "(Laughs)" "He is well fat, though." "All you mothefuckers, fuck-fuck-fuck fuckers!" "Vote for the G, the mothefuckin' G. Me, the mothefuckin' G." "All the bitches in the house say yo." "Vote for me cos me know what you lezzers want." "I is a big supporter of your cause and I is got many of your videos." "If you vote for me, me give you me pledge to lower taxes on strap-ons." "(Jeering)" "Why is you getting so eggy?" "is you all on?" "Ladies and gentlemen, to commemorate the town hall extension, we're asking all the candidates to lay down a brick." "Ali, would you lay one for us now?" " What, here?" " We would be honoured." " ln front of everyone?" " Yes." "(Groans of disgust)" "Not bad." "This is absolutely vital." "10 days ago we were 14 points ahead, with one day to go we are eight points behind." "Listen." "Did you get the manifesto that I sent to you?" " You got a roach?" " Er..." "For real." "(# Reggae)" " You got another roach?" " Yeah, for real." "(Ali) Yeah." "(Ricky) Wicked." "Yes. lt was very helpful." "30 seconds till we're on air." "Come with me." "Good luck." "Don't hold back." "(# News theme)" "In the most crucial by-election of the past decade, we're joined by ex-Environment Secretary David Griffiths and newcomer Ali G." "This debate will help you make up your mind." "Ali, if elected, what would you do for Staines?" "Me'd save the John Nike Leisure Centre." "You can't mean your sole policy is to save a centre that's barely used and a terrible drain on funds?" "What are your other policies?" " My other policies?" " Yes, you must have some." "Well... I think it is well important to reduce inflay-tee-on and also to invest in the nehuss." "(Ali) The nahuss." " Oh, the NHS." " You're reading from my sheet." "No, I ain't. I is thought of them things meself, you copied from me." "It wasn't me." "Then perhaps you'd tell me where you stand on the ERM?" "No problem." "Me thought their first album was wack." "Me hate all indie music." "The voters deserve better, you're making a mockery of this debate." "What?" "is you looking in the mirror?" "You're making it obvious to the voters what a buffoon you are." "Talking about yourself again?" "I think so." "You are an embarrassment to the people of Staines." "That is not a nice way to talk about your mum." "I put it to you that you are the worst possible candidate ever put forward by your miserable party." "Well, I put it to you... that you sucked off a horse." "(Gasping) I did not, er...suck off a horse." "I have already dealt with this issue with the party chairman and as I explained to him, I was out hunting with a friend and I slipped onto the end of a horse's phallus, which, unfortunately, owing to it being the mating season," "was aroused." "'Why is he going?" "Does he need to go and do a pony?" "'ls that a yes or a neigh?" "'Why isn't he speaking?" "is he a bit hoarse?" "'Was that a lie or the tr-hoof?" "'" "Tell you what, they ought to read the gallop polls tomorrow!" "'More drama with the unexpected withdrawal of David Griffiths." "'Tomorrow's vote is now between Thomas Alvarez and Ali G, 'with the result too close to call.'" "Thomas Alvarez, Liberal Democrat, 5,080 votes." "Alistair Leslie Graham..." "Who?" "What a stupid name." " (Announcer) ..5,086 votes." " You won!" "You did it!" "(Announcer) And I now declare" "Ali G has been duly elected as Member of Parliament for Staines." "Do you want to see the new Member of Parliament, aight?" "(Giggling)" "(Speaker feedback)" "(Ali, amplified) 'Look how I is touching meself." "Do you like that?" "'ls that turning you on?" "'" "(Julie) 'Not really.' (Ali) 'Mm." "(Silly voice) 'Give a kiss to Mr Gherkin.'" "(Julie) 'You're so long and hard!" "' (Ali) 'That's the handbrake.'" "(Julie) 'Now, let's get jiggy.'" "(Ali singing) # Mr Boombastic, reggae fantastic!" "# Take it as a dooby-dooby-doogy" "# Mr Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro..." "# Mmmmmmantic!" "#" "(Whimpers) ls it in yet?" "Big up yourself." "Respect." " Big up yourself." " MP for Staines." "I know you." "You was the geezer that did it with that prossie." "Respect." " Because this government..." " Order!" "Order!" "This government's conduct of economic policy has not only been incompetent, it has been unscrupulous, untrustworthy and untruthful." "They is dissin' our posse." "I is gonna sort this." " (Speaker) Order." "Order now." " And look at this!" "Order!" "Order!" "Will the Member for Staines return to his seat?" "Will the Member for Staines return to his seat?" "!" "Order!" "Order in the House!" " What is he doing?" " l'm not sure, Prime Minister." "(All shouting)" " For you to come down to me..." " Shhh." "Relax ya batty." "Look at you!" "All you ever do all day long is cuss each other." "R-E-S-T-E-C-P." " Do you even know what that spells?" " Restecp?" " Yes." "Restecp." " Restecp." "How's anyone out there meant to restecp each other if you lot in here don't even start restecp-ing one another?" "Sergeant, eject him." "Wanna know how to make this country better?" "It's simple." "Two words." " Keep it real." " That's three words." "Don't be a spanner. "lt" ain't a real word. lt's short for "innit"." " Keep it real!" " He is banned from the House." "is it cos l is black?" "What in God's name have you done to me?" "I want that idiot in my office with his resignation." "Yes, Prime Minister." " (Knock on door)" " Come in." " Listen, me know me done wrong." " Haven't you read the papers?" "I can't believe it." "This dog can play table tennis." " lt's the press, they love you." " But how can he hold the bat?" "The Deputy Prime Minister and I were wondering, what if I asked you to join the Cabinet?" "No, think about it." "Ali joins the Cabinet, the two of them are publicly aligned." "Ali slips up, he takes that old prat with him." "Why would Ali join?" "I've told the Prime Minister to offer to save his leisure centre." " Are you mad?" "That would..." " Let me finish." "Offers to save his leisure centre if Ali gets him a 20-point poll lead." "Now I is in the Cabinet and all, could I see the red button?" " Can I trust you?" " Yes." "All right." "Here we are." "One touch on that red button could destroy the whole world." " That is very interesting because..." " No!" "Fell for it!" "Ali, please, stand away." "Dear me." " Can't we blow up something?" " No!" " Please?" " No." " Somewhere shitty like Wales." " Ali." "Their Prime Minister called your mum a slag." "I am the Prime Minister of Wales!" "You shouldn't say that about your mum." "Your first Cabinet meeting is Thursday. lt's about asylum seekers." "(Prime Minister) I'm sending you on a fact-finding mission." "Anyone trying to smuggle will probably come through here." "And it's not just immigrants." "Look at this." "You'll be appalled." "Look at this crap." "Marijuana smuggled in from Europe, South America and the Middle East." "That is terrible. (Tuts)" " ls there any skunk?" " Yes." "Some scumbag smuggled in 15 kilos of this." "It's the strongest super skunk ever discovered." "Over here are the confiscated weapons and this is where we keep... (Shouting aggressively)" "You must have such a laugh here." " No, we don't." " Oh." "Next we have the mountains of hardcore pornography, most of it from Germany." "You may want to look away." "No. I is got a job to do." "(Whimpers) I know. lt makes me feel sick, too." "I have to compile me report now, so if you'd fuck off." "Certainly, sir." "Westminster will be sending down experts to help with me research." "(Whispering and laughing)" "Hello." "We is experts." "(Cheesy music, people moaning)" "'Sprutze in die Arse!" "'" "Ali, tell us, what did you find out in Dover?" "Me saw a lot of stuff, most of it from Germany, of these blokes going in through the back door." "He's right." "In Germany, I experienced it myself." " Respect." " l remember one time there were these two huge African men who managed to squeeze themselves into...this tiny box." " How long was they in there for?" " 15 hours." " lt was incredibly emotional." " lt must've hurt." " lt still does." " Sorry." "So, John, what are we going to do about these asylum seekers?" "We can't let them all in, it would cripple the economy." "Oooh!" " Yes, Ali?" " Let's think about this." "What's the main thing we ain't got enough of in the UK?" " Hospitals." " No." " Libraries?" " Behave!" "We ain't got enough fit women." "And we's got too many mingers." "No offence, Karen." "So we let in all the fit refugees and turn away the rank ones." "Then we solve both problems." "We is knobbing two birds with one connie." " This is ludicrous." " What do you think?" "I think...we should keep it real." "Fit." "Fit...fit." "Wait." "Back to Slovenia." "Education standards are at their lowest for 15 years." "That is because kids is learning stuff that ain't no use to them." "Who here has ever used maths?" "Or English?" "Exactly." "Let's start making education relevant." "If Kevin buys six ounces of Jamaican sinsemilla from Fat Tony for $480 cash in hand, and has to divide it amongst 1 1 of his customers, how much should he charge for an eighth so he can make $100 profit to pay off his child support?" "The situation in Northern lreland is spiralling out of control." "Hear me now." "The only way you is ever gonna get Hindus to stop killing lslams..." " Catholics fighting Protestants." " Whatever." "..is to get some really fit woman to get her babylons out for peace." " Prime Minister..." " Not you, love." "The army is costing the British taxpayer $4.2 billion a year." "How will the government reduce this figure?" "We is gonna hire the A-Team." "Her Majesty the Queen." "Your Majesty, may I introduce Ali G, MP for Staines?" "Hello, cheeky." "You is much fitter than you look on them coins." "Next time me put a 50p piece in me pocket me will feel honoured having your head so close to me nuts." "Nothing's working, the jobless figures are at their highest level." "The UK has a special relationship with the US." "Do you like Bush?" "Me love bush." "Me love anything that gives foliage to the punani area." "Would you do a dance for me, please?" " Oh, my God." " Shaven haven." "Respect." " 'As Ali G's influence grows...' - '..a 12-point lead.'" "'The Queen says he's a breath of fresh air.'" " 'Ali G mania sweeps the UK.' - 'Charismatic MP Ali G...'" ""As of 12 o'clock, all Rizlas will be free." ""To discourage their use, there will be a levy of 25p on panties." ""This will exclude thongs." ""As for the health service," ""marijuana will be made available free on the NHS" ""for the treatment of chronic diseases such as itchy scrot." " "Furthermore, I am a bell end..." - (Ali laughing)" " l can't be expected..." " Get along, David." ""l like to take it up da batty." ""Yes, I do. lt feel really nice and is me favourite." ""l used to be a girl and wear knicks." "Honest." ""Ask me mum."" "(Laughter)" "War looms in Central Africa." "Britain to host a peace conference." "A triumphant budget from Britain's most controversial MP." "(TV off)" "(# Nelly:" "El)" "# Unh unh-unh-unh-unh, unh, wait a minute now" "# Uh-oh" "# Unh, unh # Can y'all hear me?" "# Unh, unh # ls y'all ready?" "# Let me hear ya # Uh-oh... #" "A fancy frock don't make up for months of neglect." "Me know." "This is new to me so don't leave me on my own." "Don't worry, baby." "(Chatter, string quartet playing)" "It's the Prime Minister, let me get his autograph." " Boss, this is me Julie." " Lovely." "Should we meet our delegates?" "President Wattana from Thailand." " lt is an honour to meet you." " Thai, aight?" "Present." "Let's move along." "Do forgive me." "This is the Mongolian delegate." "is you a genuine mong?" "That is fantastic that you lot is also being represented here." "(Speaks Mongolian) I will...go and get you... some nice...crayons." "Shall we carry on?" "Thank you, do forgive me." "They really can do anything." "This is Borat from Kazakhstan." "Jagshemash." " Bless you." " lt is nice to meet you." "Get off, you batty boy!" "Ali, all right." "Please forgive me." "You are a cocksucker." "Bonjour." "Canape, sir?" "Me Julie." "Julie." "(Sobbing)" "Hello?" "What you doing up here?" "Why not stay downstairs with that posh girl?" " We was talking about politics." " l ain't interested, just shut up!" "Well, me won't speak no more." "You really are a prat." "Now, come here." "We can't." "This is the PM's bedroom." "Well..." "Why don't you pretend to be the Prime Minister?" "Cheeky." "(Julie giggles)" "Ladies and gentlemen, please." "In advance of tomorrow's summit, I shall be having private talks with both parties." "First, President Mwepu, would you care to join me upstairs?" " A pleasure." " Thank you." "(Julie moaning, bed springs creaking)" "(Banging, chandeliers clinking)" "(Man moaning)" "(Banging and moaning crescendos)" "(Crash, then silence)" "I must say, I enjoyed that." "(Prime Minister) So did I." "I'm so glad we thrashed it out." "Ladies and gentlemen, I want everyone here to know that President Mwepu here is a very big man." "And I would like you to know that the Prime Minister was very hard" " but very straight." " (All gasping)" "The President was very much on top to start off with but I don't mind telling you, I was in a deep hole." " Oh, very deep." " (Gasping)" "We had some sticky patches but I'm delighted to say" " we came together in the end." " (Gasping)" "Yes, I lapped up everything that you had to offer." "Now President Oompeba, would you care to join me upstairs?" "No bloody way." "Can I come?" "Come on, honey, let's go home." " l'll cook you up your favourite." " Angel Delight?" "Yeah, butterscotch." "(Both) Mmmm." "Butterscotch." "This bit is for the girls, to show that me can be well sensitive." "By the way, if any of you bitches is fit and into doggy, here is me mobile number." "Callers must be over 16." "But not by too much." "Me can't." "They need me at the peace conference tomorrow." "You what?" "What about the people who really need you?" "What about Ricky?" "What about Dave?" "What about me, Ali?" "Please come back to Staines." "The world is bigger than Staines." "And me gotta save it." "You'll have to do it on your own, then." "Me Julie." "Me Julie?" "Let me call you back." "We've gotta get rid of him before the centre's saved." " What I thought..." " You thought?" "!" "The US will do everything in its power to support Chad in its struggle against its neighbours." "Russia will not allow this Western oppression to continue and in order to support Burkina Faso, is prepared to utilise all our military capabilities." " That's outrageous!" " How can you make such a statement?" " Ali, Ali, Ali." " (Jungle beats from headphones)" " Armageddon's breaking out, help." " Sure, bro." "The United States will not be intimidated." "We will meet any show of force with our full military might!" "(Angry shouting)" "Oi!" "You know why they is shouting?" "They ain't been fed their teas." "Come on, choppy chop." "(Shouting continues)" "Moving to a motion, all those in favour of sending Iran to the gas station to get some potato chips and chocolate, raise your hand." "For real." "(Giggling)" "Oh, bummer." "# Tease me, tease me, tease me, tease me, baby... # l'm sorry we invaded you." "It was really uncool." "Who cares?" "It's all in the past." "If I was going to be invaded by anyone, I am happy it was you." "You are really cool." "You have nice clothes." " You saved my white ass, Ali." " No problem, bredrin." "Big up the herbal tea, aight?" "Hey, you, Britain!" "Respect." "How does he do it?" "# ..catching' a big fish" "# Yes, you are on top of my romance list" "# Second to none, you defeat the favourite" "# Woman, your love is like burnin' fire in my soul" "# Woman, tease me till me lose control" "# Woman, your love is like burnin' fire in me soul" "# Woman, tease me till me lose control" "# Tease me, tease me, tease me, tease me, baby #" "We're quite a team, Ali." "Thanks to you we're 22 points ahead." " l'm gonna save your centre." " Wicked!" "Bo!" "Bo!" "Bo!" "(Ali) Check out all the Peperami!" "(PM) For you - this is your moment." "(Shouting)" "Will you comment on accusations that you drugged the world leaders?" " You what?" " Our evidence proves you're guilty." "Er..." ""Our evidence proves you're guilty."" " This is just childish." " "This is just childish!"" "By employing this rhetorical tactic you incriminate yourself further." "By...tactic...your father." "This bag was sent to my office anonymously." "Do you deny that you stole it from Customs Excise?" "That could be anyone's." "I is gotta go. I is turtling." "I is actually touching cloth." "A few more questions!" "There goes your leisure centre." "Clear your desk before you go." "Prime Minister." "Big up yourself, Ali." " lt won't be the same without you." " We'll miss you, Mr G. Respect." " Booyakasha." " Westside." "(Children shouting and playing)" "Flippin' heck." "Nan, can I borrow your car?" "# What would I be without my baby?" "# The thought alone might break me" "# And I don't wanna go crazy" "# But every thug needs a lady" "# Girl, it feel like you and I been mourning together # inseparable, we chose pain over pleasure" "# For that you'll forever be a part of me" "# Mind body and soul ain't no I in we, baby" "# Where would I be without you?" "# l only think about you # l know you're tired of being lonely" "# So baby girl, put it on me" "# What would I be without you?" "# l only think about you... #" "(# The Commodores:" "Three Times A Lady)" "# Thanks for the times that you've given me" "# The memories are all in my mind" "# You're once" "# Twice" "# Three times a lady" "(Doorbell)" " # And I lo... # - (Music off)" "Having a bad day?" "Maybe I can help." " ls it nippy outside?" " Very." " What is you doing here?" " Let me show you." "'So today's main news again." "'The Prime Minister has resigned after the discovery of security tape 'showing him having perverse sexual intercourse with a prostitute.'" "(Frantic moaning)" "That's no prostitute, that's me ho!" "'As of now the Deputy Prime Minister will be acting Prime Minister.'" "That ain't fair, that weren't the PM." "Where's the rest of the tape?" "My boss has locked it in a safe at Chequers," " where it's staying." " You won't get away with this." "If you keep your mouth shut, David's willing to be very generous." "I'm willing to be very generous." "(Slurping)" "All that you have to do is keep your mouth...shut." " l'm tuning up my engine, Ali." " (Slurping)" "Fill me with petrol." "I is gonna pump you with me five-star unleaded, aight!" " Let me see your nozzle." " What?" "You wanna see me knob?" "All right." "(# Another Level:" "Freak Me)" "# Let me lick you up and down" "# Till you say stop" "# Let me play with your body, baby" "# Make you real hot" "# Let me do all the things you want me to do" "# Cos tonight, baby, I wanna get freaky with you" "# Baby, don't you understand?" "# l wanna be your nasty man... #" " (Music stops)" " Give me your fuel injection." "'ln tomorrow's phone-in, we ask, 'have you ever slept with a pig?" "I certainly have.'" "(Judy) 'And we'll find out what turns girls like this into slags.'" "No one calls me Julie a slag." "Come to mama." "Take them off." "(# Betty Boo:" "Where Are You Baby)" "# You drive me crazy Somebody tell me where he's gone" "# Where are you, baby?" "We used to have so much fun" "# You drive me crazy... #" "(Kids chanting) 'Keep it real!" "Keep it real!" "Keep it real!" "'" "This ain't right." "Here..." "Set it to vibrate and finish yourself off." "(Grunting in pain)" "Open up!" "Yo, blood, I need your help." "Everyone's calling me Julie a slag." "They heard about our three-header?" "What three-header?" "Anyways, I can prove she ain't." "Bredrin, we gotta restart Drive-By FM." "What ya say?" " Drive-By FM is back!" " Wicked!" " Let's go." " ls you any good at knots?" "Yo, hear me now, hear me now, rewind." "This is Drive-By FM, the sound of the ghetto, from deep in the heart of Berkshire." "(Both imitating automatic gunfire)" "Phut-phut-phut-phut, phut-phut-phut-phut!" " What was that?" " Helicopter." "Oh, you was doing the wings." "That's good." "Hear me now, gangstas." "There is some serious shit going down." "The Prime Minister, check it, has been chucked out by a geezer who is a massive dong." "He is even more eviller than Skeletor." "To get the PM back in, me needs to get hold of this tape of me knobbing me bitch." "If you help me rescue this video, we can save the country." " Plus you will see Julie's babylons." " Wicked!" "That is why I is calling all of you to end the Berkshire tuf wars." "There has been enough brothers slain." "So put down your AKs, lay down your Uzis, and unite into one massive... massive." " 'So big up the Eton Wick Crew.' - 'Hold tight.'" "'Hold tight the Iver Heath Posse.'" "Shout going out to the Englefield Green Massiv." "And me never thought me would ever say this... but big up the East Staines Massiv." " Ali, what you doing, man?" " Shh." "Hear this, Hassan B." "If you join us, then I is prepared to hand over the Boris the Spider climbing frame in Leagrove Park." "Let's do what Tupac and Biggie never managed." "Aight?" "If you is joining this military operation, meet up in camouflage at John Nike Leisure Centre, nine tomorrow morning." "That's a bit early." "Can we make it 12?" "Sorry I is late." "But there was something on the telly about monkeys." "They is well funny, what?" "With their arms and..." "Respect for wearing camouflage." "It will help you go undetected." "Now, let's go to Chequers and rescue that tape." "Let's do this for Britain." "Let's do this for me Julie." "And let's do this for hip-hop!" "Selecta!" "Selecta!" "(# Public Enemy:" "Fight The Power) # Fight the power!" "# Fight the power!" "# Fight the power!" "# Fight the power!" "# Fight the power # l has drawn up a detailed plan of Chequers." "The tape is in the PM's office, in a safe." "First up, Ricky, Dave and me will go in." "Jezzy, you stay here." "We's gonna be like the A-Team." " And I is BA Baracus." " l wanna be BA Baracus." "Urgh." "But I is very much like him." ""l ain't gettin' in no plane."" "Uh-uh - "l ain't gettin' in no plane!"" " "l ain't gettin' in no plane!" - "Shut up, fool."" "Look, gold." ""l ain't gettin' in no plane!"" " "Step back, kiss myself."" " That's James Brown." "You'll be Murdock." "Dave, you'll be Face." " What do we do?" " Stay here and we all hide and blend into the natural habitat." "'Then, when it gets dark, me will make the secret signal.'" "(Beatboxing)" "Fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, rewind." "Let's go!" "(Ali) 'Then tune all your radios to the baddest street garage station 'and crank up the volume to the max." "'This will bring out the guards 'and at that point we will use our cunning to overpower them.'" " Bundle!" " (Shouting)" "(Phone ringing)" " Sir?" " What's going on?" "'l'm sure it's nothing but I've sent some men out.' l want maximum security." "Patrol the house." "(Ali) 'The Great Hall is exactly like the one in Lara Croft's house 'in Tomb Raider 2 on PlayStation." "'So Dave, if you run at the pillar, that goes to the underwater kingdom 'and on to the next level.'" " (Crash)" " Urgh." "'lf that don't work, we must somehow cross the touch-sensitive floor." "'lf we lift our feet at all, we're dead.'" "(# West Street Mob:" "Break Dancin'" " Electric Boogie)" "# Electric boogie, break dance, electric boogie, break dance... #" "(Trainers squeaking)" "Nothing." "We'll keep on looking." "'Next up, we is gotta go through the laser room." "'Dave, you'll use your special skills to help us through.'" "Remember, if we break any beams it will set the alarms off, so extra careful." "Now, let's do it." "(# Break Dancin'" " Electric Boogie)" "# This is the funk, now hit me" "# Just get on down and hit me" "# Their bodies getting so funky, now hit me" "# You gotta rock it don't stop it, you gotta rock it don't stop it" "# You gotta rock it don't stop it, you gotta rock it don't stop #" "'This must be the PM's office." "The tape is in there.'" "Intruders in my office." "This is a terrorist attack, shoot on sight." "Repeat, shoot on sight." " Ah, safe." " Yeah, safe, man." " No, the safe." " Yeah, I is safe." "Open that." " Ali, this safe." " Yeah, I is feeling fine." " The safe, the safe." " Yeah, man, I is safe!" "(High-pitched) Behind you!" "Hold on." "I thought you couldn't speak." "I've just always been terribly embarrassed about my voice." "All right, don't go on about it." "Stop giving it all that." "Now, if me can just interrupt your life story for one second... let's tie these geezers up and get that safe open." "No." "I got it." "Link up the batteries of all the cars outside, transfer the current through a human chain and blow this mother open!" " Won't we get electricalocuted?" " We won't get fried cos we've got rubber-soled trainers." "Trust me, I got a D in physics." "Wicked. I'll text them." "(Beeping)" "No, b-eight-two-rez - be-attories, batteries." "2-geh-4 - together..." "Me was trying to save time." "Bambaclat." " Switch on the engine, pass it on." " Switch on the engine, pass it on." "Your voice!" "Switch on the engine, pass it on." " Switch on the engine, pass it on." " Switch on the engine, pass it on..." " Bitch on a pension, suck my dong." " What?" " Should I turn the engine on?" " Yeah." "(Engines roar)" "(# Break Dancin'" " Electric Boogie)" "# This is the funk, now hit me" "# Just get on down and hit me... #" " What is you doing?" " l'm being pulled!" "No!" "(Choir) # He's our saviour #" " Ha-ha!" "Bo!" "Bo!" " (All cheering)" "We open up the safe!" " Peace, man." " Peace, bredrin." "Ali!" "Ali!" " The tape ain't here." " What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" "Look for yourself." "All it is is some photographs..." "Eugh." "And there's a map of Staines." "Jah Ras Tafari, Haile Selassie." "They is extending Heathrow Airport." "That means..." "they is gonna destroy Staines." "And they is starting in..." "three hours." "(David) Two hours, 57 minutes, to be precise." "Why build it over Staines?" "Because I have bought 600 acres of land there." "Give me those." "Don't try escaping because this room doubles as a nuclear bunker." "It is completely impenetrable to the outside world." "And I've forgotten to put on the air supply." "Why don't you nip out now and stick it on?" "You really are unbelievably stupid." "(Ali) Oi!" "Knob-end!" " What?" " Give me them plans." " Or what?" " Or nipple cripple, that's what." "Chinese burn!" "(Wails)" "You hurt my nose, you fucking nutcase." "Look behind you because there's a thousand police officers." "Look behind you, there's Jennifer Lopez." "What?" "You want to bone him right this second cos you is so horny?" "Look, there's 20 squid on the floor." "There's a squirrel with the head of a chicken and with, like, wings and everything that's just..." " ls you gonna hit me again?" " Mmm." "Now I'm going to shoot you." "Booyakasha!" "(Groans)" "This is from the people of Staines." "(Air hissing)" "(Tiny fart)" "Ooh. I think I followed through." "(Ali) 'Me Julie, you there?" "Me know what you must think of me." "'l been a piece of knob cheese but me got to save Staines with your help 'and I has shat meself.'" "Shit." "Ricky and Dave!" "Ricky?" "(Panting)" "We thought if we was gonna die we might as well give it a go." " Well, what's it like?" " lt's not bad." " Dave?" " Quite nice, actually." "We'll talk about this later." "We gotta save Staines." "Two minutes, see you in the car?" "Be quick." "The Feds is coming and you don't want to finish up inside." "(Women shouting) Save our centre!" "Save our centre!" "Hold on tight." "Leave 'em alone, you pigs, they're senile!" "Send in, send in!" "I wouldn't do that if I was you." "Ali!" "I love you!" "Juliiieeee!" " Hello." " Start the demolition." "Wait!" "Don't listen to him!" "He's a criminal." "And not even the good kind that sell drugs or do drive-bys." "I is got proof here that he is trying to destroy Staines." "So what?" "It's a shithole." " Arrest them." " Oh, shit." "We is going to jail." "Every day for the next 20 years we'll get bummed in the showers." " Hold it." "Release him." " (David) Under what authority?" "I'm the acting Prime Minister." "You are the disgraced one." "Disgraced by you." "And this tape proves it." " Kate." " No, David." "When I first entered politics, it was to create a better world, a world of honesty, integrity and truth." "But somewhere along the way that vision was lost." "My dream was tarnished and instead I discovered greed," " avarice and corruption..." " Boring!" "Arrest him." "Enjoy your life with this fool." "You two deserve each other." "Piss off." "Oh, nice!" "We're not going to build Terminal 5 over Staines." " We'll demolish Slough instead." " Wicked." "As of now I need a new Deputy Prime Minister." "How do you feel about being my right-hand man?" "Right-hand man!" "Batty boy, batty boy!" "What do you say, Ali?" "I has shown you the way." "You'll have to carry on the journey by yourself now." "As for me, I is gonna stick with me posse and me bi... me lady." "(Ali) 'Ahem." "Actually, there is one thing you could do for me.'" "(# Third World:" "Reggae Ambassador)" "Mr Ambassador." "# l'm Mr Reggae Ambassador... #" " Your crop is ready for inspection." " Bo." "# l'm Mr Reggae Ambassador" "# Baby, reggae music in-a any condition" "# Drop it in a style, drop it in a fashion... #" "(All) Good morning, Ambassador." "Ambassador, will you try the harvest?" "# Whoa-whoa-whoa, yeah # l'm Mr Reggae Ambassador" "# Whoa-whoa-whoa, yeah # l'm Mr Reggae Ambassador" "# Whoa-whoa-whoa, yeah # l'm Mr Reggae Ambassador #" "This is good shit." "The man from Staines, he say yeah!" "(# Montell Jordan:" "This ls How We Do lt)" "# This is how we do it... #" "Ice, please." "Ali, this is a great Jacuzzi." "That ain't a Jacuzzi." "Sorry." "# The party's here on the westside" "# So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up" "# Designated driver, take the keys to my truck" "# Hit the shore cos l'm faded" "# Honeys in the street say, "Monty, yo, we made it!"... #" "# The summertime skirts and the guys in Kani" "# All the gang-bangers forgot about the drive-by" "# You gotta get your groove on before you go get paid... #" "Bring her in." "# Let me hear the party say... #" "Dance for me, bitch." "# South Central does it like nobody does" "# This is how we do it" "# To all my neighbours, you got much flava" "# This is how we do it" "# Let's flip the track, bring the old school back" "# This is how we do it... #" "Me Julie, me got something to ask you." "Will you make me the happiest man in the world?" "Yeah, I will." "Let me shag her, then." "(Mis-teeq) # This is how we do it in a UK vibe" "# This is how we do it" "# Su-Elise, Alesha and Sabrina tonight" "# This is how we do it" "# This is how we do it, it's Friday night" "# And I feel all right" "# The party's here on the westside... #" "So, what did you think of the film?" "It weren't bad, was it?" "It was easily better than Harry Potter, which me thought was very childish." "If you is watching this, Potter, I is better than you." "You probably ain't even slept with a girl." "I has slept with three." "And I got one of them to play with herself." "Whatever you thought of this film, please tell your mates it was wicked cos if this flops, me won't be able to get me nan a new hip." "So the choice is yours." "No pressure." "Nan, come tell them about it." "What?" "You is fallen over again?" "You done the other one in as well?" "Don't cry there, all mashed up, a lump of bones." "Me will get you the cash to make it better, somehow." "Don't be selfish." "Buy the merchandise and all." "(# Shaggy and Ali G:" "Me Julie)" "# Ali G. Shut it!" "# Let's start right now, ya hear me?" "# A to the L to the I to the G-sy" "# J to the U to the L-l easy" "# S to the H to the A double-G-sy Y" "# Oh, boys getting busy # l need a cure for this thing I'm feelin'" "# Shaggy need some sexual healin' # l wanna reach and touch the ceilin'" "# When I'm lovin' my Julie # Aight!" "# Me, I've been kickin' at the late night dealin'" "# Worse now, it's just a piece I'm stealin' # l see your sex and Mr Lover believin'" "# When I'm lockin' my Julie # Aight" "# Julie, you know me love-a you truly" "# From my head down to me goolies" "# Woman, you turn me on with your big babylons" "# Me Julie, you got the sweetest coolies" "# When me touch it with me goolies" "(Ali) # Hey, Shaggy, me can rap too." "# Yo, yo, yo" "# You is better than J-Lo, next to you she's just a minger" "# Fit as Destiny's Child, well, apart from the lead singer" "# You is fitter than the Spice Girls including the Ginger" "# Give it a shave, cos me wanna be in ya" "# They always claimed that our love was wrong, uh" "# The people just stared and said it was too long, but # lt ain't crap to have a 12-inch" "# Dong, d-dong, dong, dong" "# Julie, you know me love-a you truly" "# From my head down to me goolies" "# Woman, you turn me on with your big babylons" "# Me Julie, you got the sweetest coolies" "# When me touch it with me goolies" "# Cos you turn me on with your big babylons #" "(# Mis-teeq:" "This ls How We Do it)" "# This is how we do it in a UK vibe" "# This is how we do it # lt's the Mis-teeq" "# This is how we do it" "# This is how we do it, it's Friday night" "# And I feel all right" "# The party's here on the westside" "# So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up" "# Designated driver, turn the key to my truck" "# Hit the shore cos l'm faded" "# Guys in the street say "Girls, yo, you made it."" "# lt feels so good in my hood tonight" "# The summertime skirts and the guys in Kani" "# All the gang-bangers forgot about the drive-by" "# You gotta get your groove on before you go and get paid" "# So tip up your cup and throw your hands up" "# And let me hear the party say # l'm kinda buzzed and it's all because" "# This is how we do it" "# South Central does it like nobody does" "# This is how we do it" "# To all my neighbours, you got much flava" "# This is how we do it" "# So flip the track, bring the old school back" "# This is how we do it" "# Oh, I'm dancin' because" "# This is how we do it" "# South Central does it like nobody does" "# This is how we do it" "# L-O-N-D-O-N" "# This is how we do it # l'll never come back on an old school track" "# This is how we do it # Check it out" "# Once upon a time in '94" "# Mis-teeq made no money and life sure was slow" "# And all they said was five-eight we stood" "# And people thought the music that we made was good" "# There lived a DJ, PDS was his name" "# He came up to me and this is what he said" "# You and them girls are gonna make some cash" "# Sell a million records and we'll make it in a dash" "# Whoa, I'm buzzin' because" "# This is how we do it" "# South Central does it like nobody does" "# This is how we do it" "# L-O-N-D-O-N" "# This is how we do it # l'll never come back on an old school track" "# This is how we do it # l'm kinda buzzin' and it's all because" "# This is how we do it" "# South Central does it like nobody does" "# This is how we do it" "# To all my neighbours, you got much flava" "# This is how we do it" "# So flip the track, bring the old school back" "# This is how we do it" "# This is how we do it # This is how we do it" "# Mis-teeq does it like nobody does # This is how we do it" "# To all my neighbours, you got much flava" "# This is how we do it" "# We'll never come back on an old school track" "# This is how we do it #" | {
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"Ladies and gentlemen, tech pioneer Darius Tanz!" "Sir, my name's Liam Cole." "In 186 days, an asteroid's gonna collide with Earth and we're all gonna die." "Previously on Salvation..." "Jillian?" "Liam." "Hey." "The job offer from Darius is an opportunity." " You should take it." " I already did." "What we need is a working EmDrive we can get to our asteroid friend here with just enough time for a gravity tractor to save us all from extinction." "No one has ever built a working EmDrive." "We can't trust the government." "We have to do this ourselves." "Uranium, I know where to get it." "You know that under normal circumstances," "I would never do some of the things I've done." "You've made your choices, Grace." "Now I need to make mine." "The IO Probe." "The plan would be to redirect it from Jupiter's orbit and propel it into the asteroid." "You have an issue with this plan?" "Yes." "In a word, it stinks." "That highvelocity kinetic impact could smash our asteroid friend into several pieces, each of which may cause cataclysmic damage." "But they will land somewhere." "Yes, Russia, China." "Sir, we have a problem." "The probe is no longer responding to us." "We've been hacked." "NASA has been hacked." "Darius, where are you?" "I need to know what you did." "$750, $750." "Do I hear $800 for this remarkable neoclassical petite commode?" "The last toilet used by Louis XVI before he went to the guillotine." "$800." "Do I hear $850?" "$850?" "No, $800." "$800 once, twice..." "Sold!" "For $800,000 to the gentlewoman in blue Chanel." "Up next, today's premier item." "Lot 29." "George Washington's personal copy of the Bill of Rights." "Signed by our first president, this is quite possibly the most important document that the auction world has seen." "Bidding will start at $5 million." "And I have $5 million from Mr. Tanz." "Thank you." "Do I hear 5.5?" "Do I hear six?" "Do I hear six?" "Six from the phone bank." "6.5 from an online buyer." "$7 million. $7 million from Mr. Tanz." "$7.5 million from Mr. Bloomberg." "Do I hear eight?" "Eight?" "Eight from Mr. Tanz." "Thank you." " 8.5 from Mr. Bloomberg." " ." "And back to Mr. Tanz for $9 million." "9.5." "Pick up." "Make no mistake, we are at war." "A war we have 12 hours to win, people." "NASA's been hacked." "The EmDrive's not viable, so this is it..." "Us against whomever hacked the IO Space Probe." "If we don't regain control by then, it goes into free fall, and we will lose it forever, along with our best hope of stopping this thing." "That cannot happen." "Can't sleep?" "No, not so much." "Me, either." "Firstday jitters." "What?" "You are going to be great." "Thank you." "Me, on the other hand..." "Hey." "I'm sorry your EmDrive project didn't go well, but it was just a test." "I'm sure next time will..." "No, I don't think there's gonna be a next time." "When you're passionate about something, time means nothing." "Who said that?" "You did." "The night we met." "Hey, how old was Isaac Newton when that apple bonked him on his head and he came up with the theory of gravity?" "He was 23." "But it took him 20 more years to prove it." "Well, I have faith in you." "You'll crack it." "I know it." "Any progress from counterintelligence?" "Even a shred of hope I can pass along to POTUS?" "We're working on it." "Whoever hacked IO was no amateur." "Well, right now we seem like the amateurs." "We have three government agencies in this room, supposedly the best of the best." "Prove it." "Find whoever did this, now." "Give us the room." "Where is he?" "I don't know." "He hasn't responded." "So Darius Tanz just happened to disappear when all hell broke loose last night?" "Did he give you any indication that he was planning something like this?" "Grace, I know there's not a lot of trust between us right now, but this is not the time to hold back." "He sent me this text last night." "I don't know what it means." "Don't be nervous." "Too late." "But I could use a little pep talk." "Okay." "Okay." "You see these?" "Meteorites." "Darius's coveted collection." "Rare rocks from outer space." "And that beautiful, shimmering guy there..." "That's from the Khatyrka meteor that fell in Siberia in 2011." "It's a quasicrystal with fivefold symmetry called icosahedrite." "Meaning?" "It is the only known object in the universe with that symmetry." "Nothing like it exists on Earth." "Shimmering." "One of a kind." "Like you." "Damn, you're good." "You got this." "Yeah." "Security, please report to the lobby." "Security, please report to the lobby." "Don't make me ask you this again." " Where is he?" " All due respect, sir," "Mr. Tanz doesn't permit me to give out his schedule." "Okay, nothing's private as far as the Patriot Act's concerned." "So with as much respect as I can muster, you will tell me where he is." "Search the building." "And pull all the hard drives." "What?" "What?" "When?" "A few hours ago." "Holy hell." " Where is he?" " I don't know." "I haven't seen him since the EmDrive crashed and burned." "Do you think Darius could have hacked NASA?" "Could he oror would he?" "Those are two different questions." "Has he been acting strange lately?" "He's Darius..." "He always acts strange." "Do you trust him?" "My..." "Liam, where's the uranium?" "The barrels of uranium for the EmDrive." "The EmDrive doesn't need uranium." "What?" "What did he do with it?" "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "That document survived the War of 1812." "It better survive the ride back to my office." "My oldest friend went to New York, and all I got was this lousy copy of the Bill of Rights." "You should have seen the look on Bloomberg's face when he dropped out at 20 mil." "Harris, this is some welcome home party." "I'm touched." "What's the occasion?" "Darius Tanz, you're under arrest on suspicion of high treason against the United States of America." "High treason?" "I'm not the one who's high here." "Take him." "No lawyer, no Miranda, no water." "You really know how to make a guy feel welcome." "Darius, we have ten hours to get the probe back online." "This is no joke." "If you have an alibi, now would be the time to speak up." "I'm not a dog." "I don't bark on command." "Six foreign corporations have sued you for industrial espionage." "Hacking proprietary technology." "If you know that, you'd also know I countersued, because those companies stole from me." "The drives we took from Tanz this morning were wiped clean." "That's fairly incriminating, don't you think?" "They have an automatic kill switch." "Just smart tech designed to prevent espionage." "You're wasting time..." "Time you don't have." " You have the wrong man!" " Do I?" "!" ""It's not over." "I have one more move left."" "What did you mean by that when you texted Grace Barrows?" "Hacking NASA?" "That was your move, wasn't it?" "Amazing how quickly people are willing to believe the worst about others." "Narcissists." "When they fail, first they deny it, then they make sure no one else succeeds." "Darius, I suggest you talk while you still have the ability." "Never seen him like this, have you?" "No." "Funny how men can be one thing in the bedroom and another in the boardroom." "I don't think that's just men." "We've got something." "The deputy secretary is gonna want to see this." "He told me to jack up the power." "That's what made this mess." "Do you think Darius did it, that's he's a... that he's a traitor?" "I don't know." "I'm sorry." "I should have..." "I should have listened to you, notnot him." "No, no, according to these readouts, the drive was gonna fail anyway." "The microwaves were going out of alignment even before you dialed it up." "Why?" "What was causing the electrical turbulence?" "Well, that's the billion dollar question." "We've got to do a forensic analysis on the body and figure out what killed the patient." "We have to reconstruct that?" "It looks like a charred marshmallow, like a s'more no one wants to eat." "Well, I already ordered a prototype from engineering." "Maybe the 180th will be the charm." "You do realize most scientists go their entire lives without that single lightbulb moment." "The only real failures are the ones from which we learn nothing, Mr. Cole." "Have faith." "If not in Darius Tanz, then in us." "Yeah." "What if all this, everything we're doing here, was just a misdirect so that Darius can prepare for his real plan?" "And what plan would that be?" "One... sixty." "160." "Why is this number so important to the task at hand?" "Let's hear from our newbie, Jillian Hayes, a scifi writer from Massachusetts." "Harvard?" "Boston." "Just Boston." "Jillian from "Just Boston." Glad to have you here with us." "Where might we have seen your work?" "Where have you been published?" "Selfpublished." "But hard copies of my novel ShadowSide can be found in some independent bookstores in the New England area." "Familyowned businesses, where they give you a free bookmark with every purchase." "And what does the acclaimed author of ShadowSide have to say about the number 160?" "Well, according to Darius's algorithms, it's the minimum number of humans" " required to reboot our species." " Exactly." "So if we had the chance to repopulate the human species, starting over on a terraformed Mars, who would we bring along?" "How do we cull the vulgus herd of seven billion down to an elite 160?" "Now, this is not the same conundrum that Noah faced when he built his ark, because he had God telling him what to do." "And we don't have God giving us orders." "But like Noah's quest, this project is not just an exercise." "In the coming months, we..." "The intellectuals, academics, scientists and our writer... have been tasked by Darius Tanz to select 160 people..." "to colonize Mars." "Counterintelligence successfully traced the source of the hack." "They call it a mimic signal." "A sat signal that piggybacks alongside a proprietary feed, then overrides it." "That signal was traced to this dish... at Tanz Industries." "Nine hours." "That's all we have left." "Harris." "It's time... to call in a specialist." "I'll handle it." "All right." "A "specialist"?" "Enhanced interrogation?" "This is Darius Tanz we're talking about." "He's guilty, Grace." "The evidence is not circumstantial." "Why are you protecting him?" "It's not him I'm protecting, it's our sense of decency." "You're talking about torture, Harris." "What good is trying to save humanity if we lose ours in the process?" "In a few hours, we may lose our last chance at survival." "Losing my humanity is a highclass problem." "Darius says he's ready to talk." " Finally." " Not to you." "To her." "Grace Barrows." "High time the accused faced the accuser." "Okay." "You said you'd talk to me, so talk." "Why did you do this?" "To beat that dead horse again, I didn't." "Darius, they're gonna bring someone in." "Doesn't that scare you?" "Not as much as it scares you." "Me?" "Other than the world ending, what do I have to be afraid of?" "Of yourself, discovering you're capable of things you couldn't have imagined a few weeks ago." "You mean like trusting someone who turned out to be a liar and a traitor?" "I know the uranium wasn't for the EmDrive." "I never move a piece on the board unless it's for a good reason." "I'm not a pawn you can sacrifice;" "This isn't a game." "I didn't do this, Grace." "What reason would I have?" "Only you can answer that." "Counterintelligence confirmed the hack came from Tanz Industries." "Now who's lying?" "Our analysts found a mimic signal and traced it back to a dish at Tanz." "Now an interrogation expert is on his way from Langley, so I suggest you start talking, because right now, the only thing between you and waterboarding is me." "Grace, if what you're saying is the truth, then there's a mole at Tanz Industries." "Innocent people provide alibis." "I would if I could, but if there's a mole at Tanz, people are in danger..." "Grace!" "I need you to find out who it is." "Find salvation." "Hello, Darius." "Goodbye, Darius." "Hello, Darius." "What the hell?" "I need you to find out who it is." "Find salvation." "How'd you do that?" " Do what?" " Get through the entry gate." "That door, it thinks you're Darius." ""It"?" "Tess." "Our A.I. system." "I don't know." "Where is he?" "Darius?" "He's being questioned." "He asked me to find Liam." "Well, if Mr. Tanz needs a message delivered," "I'll pass it along." "This is official business." "Anyway, you must have your hands full with this wonky A.I. system." "I'll find him." "Hello, Darius." "Any news from analytics?" "Their fastest computing cluster estimates it'll take approximately 52 hours to break encryption, but they're trying to get that number down." "Damn it." "All right." "Well, keep me posted." "Okay." "Time to take off the gloves." "Harris." "You aren't culpable for what's about to happen." "The way POTUS sees it, we're low on time and out of options." "Playing God." "Picking the 160." "What do we look for behind these anonymous faces?" "We know what's critical." "High IQs, genetic health, fertility, skill sets, but..." " what do we prioritize?" " Well, what about artists?" "Musicians, poets." "Do they have a place?" "Can Picasso fix an engine?" "Can Bono birth a baby?" "Yeah, I understand the necessity of utilitarian selection." "But in order to repopulate our species on Mars, don't we want to save the best of what makes us human?" "If we didn't have storytellers in caves drawing pictographs on walls, where would we be today?" "You can't paint if you're dead." "Have you read Andre Bartok's The 360?" "Of course." "Two ships manage to escape a dying Earth only to encounter an alien vessel." "Some passengers want to attack, others want to make contact." "And those who made contact were the socalled creative types." "Or "nonessentials,"" "as Bartok calls them." "They left themselves defenseless trying to make friends." " And got everyone killed." " It's fiction." "No, it's a spoton assessment of the human race." "The pragmatic are the strong, the strong survive." "Andre Bartok is weak, selfish and cruel." "The ravings of that cynical lunatic should hardly be our Bible." "Maybe we should take a break." "Give me a minute." "We don't have time for a minute." "I made a total ass of myself." "Don't beat yourself up about it." "All right?" "The guy sounds like a total jerk." "What am I doing here, Liam?" "These people are Harvard academics and MIT science whizzes, and I'm just a selfpublished nobody." "All I know is Darius has a reason for everything." "And if you're here, it's 'cause he sees something in you that the others can't see." "Yet." "Thank you." "Is there any way that we could go for dinner tonight?" "You and me?" "Come on." "If you take one night off, it's not the end of the world." "Liam?" "There you are." "Grace, this is, this is Jillian Hayes." "Hi." "We need to talk." "Now." "Yeah." "Okay." "I'm sorry." "It's fine." "Go." "We don't have a lot of time." "Do you have any idea what this is?" "This is nearfield comm tech." "It's the kind of RFID implant the super rich put in their bodies for security purposes, or just to show off." "Got it." "This one's GPSequipped..." "It starts cars," " logs movements." " Unlocks doors." "Which explains how he got up here." "And you're sure the hack signal came from here?" " Yes." " So Darius is a modernday Nero bent on watching the Earth burn?" "Or someone else is Nero and Darius is just the fall guy." "Why give me that?" "He wants you to find something only he has access to." "You said it logs movements." "Can it tell us where Darius was the exact moment the probe was hacked?" "Well, it's a... digital diary, so itit should, yeah." "Last night, between 11:30 and 11:40." "He was on the grounds, about a kilometer from here." "What's out there?" "Nothing." "So it's 15 meters this way." "No X, but this is the spot." "Keep looking." "There's got to be something." "Just more of Darius's sleight of hand." "Unless..." "Hello, Darius." "Ladies first." "Thanks." "You have any idea where we are?" "Other than 100 meters below ground, no." "Hello?" "Hello, Darius." "This is it." "Salvation." "He doesn't want to save the planet." "He wants to leave and play space king." "We've been, we've been conned." "A Gutenberg Bible." "Van Gogh's Starry Night." "Shakespeare's First Folio." "Beethoven's Ninth." "That's an original copy of the Bill of Rights." "Why would someone who wants to doom humanity also save its greatest works?" "It doesn't make sense." "He wanted me to find Salvation." "Why?" "Hey, let me see your phone." "Can I see your phone?" "What?" "This hangar..." "This entire facility..." "It's air gapped." "It's cut off from the rest of the world." "You... you can't send a text, access the Net, make a call." "If he was here when the probe was hacked..." "A hack NASA said had to occur live and in realtime." "Liam, there's no way he could've done it." "Exactly." "But why would Darius risk torture when he had an ironclad alibi?" "Because he was protecting me." "My God." "Right, the uranium that could be traced back to you." "He can't save himself without throwing me to the wolves." "The EmDrive doesn't need a nuclear fuel source, but the Salvation does." "All of this is to ensure, in a worstcase scenario, that the best of us survives." "He's not Nero, he's Noah." "How do we clear his name without using his alibi?" "We find the real mole ourselves." "Finally, a conjugal visit." "I usually prefer curvier types, but... you have such pretty eyes." "He left us no choice." "Sometimes the ends do justify the means." "Looks like it's just you and me." "And him." "Hello, Darius." "What are you doing in Darius's private quarters?" "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?" "You know nothing about me." "Even less about him." "Then illuminate us." "Quickly." "Or I call the FBI and have you arrested for hacking the U.S. space program." "I'm gonna ask you a question." "Who are you working for?" "What is the encryption key?" "And how do we regain control of the probe?" "That was... three questions, actually." "You're not so good at math?" "Who are you working for?" "What is the encryption key?" "How do we regain control of the probe?" "If there's any humanity left in you, Tanz, you still have time to do the right thing." "You think this is funny?" "Just ironic... to hear you use the word "humanity."" "Well, here we go again." "Who are you working for?" "!" "Stop." "The odds of this yielding accurate information is low, very low." "We both know that." "Harris, I may not personally outrank you, but you have a direct order from your commander in chief." "Stop, and I'll be forced to make a call." "A call that could cost you your job and most likely your freedom." "Proceed." "I checked the history of every secure terminal on our network." "All 2,200 of them." "No known terminal issued that signal." "Unless there's a station no one knows about." "That we don't know about." "Darius hates anything that slows him down." "Once, he shut down a firewall because it was interfering with a holographic conferencing system he was tinkering with." "It's possible he has a private terminal somewhere on the site." "Well, then it's possible that the mole found that and used it to lock us out of the probe." "If we find that terminal, we might regain control." "There's over 500,000 square feet of ground to cover in this building alone." "How much time do we have?" "Less than four hours." "Well, then it's impossible without Darius's help." "And what if Harris won't let you talk to him?" "I'll figure something out." "Right now, the EmDrive is our best chance." "It may be our only chance." "Well, then why is Darius building the ark?" "The ark is Darius's backup plan." "You are plan "A."" "He believes in you, Liam." "So do I." "I need you to run a comprehensive background check on a Tanz employee..." "Name's Lazlo Simms." "That's the longest minute I ever experienced." "I thought you'd had it." "Me, too." "Now, where are we?" "Take a look." "The microwaves are being absorbed by the interior lining." "And they're falling out of alignment because the chamber isn't reflective enough." "And after a few seconds, they stop bouncing and start penetrating the core." "And if the lining isn't perfect..." "Then the whole house eventually collapses." "So if our copper lining was stronger..." "And more reflective..." "Then we'd sustain thrust." " We need a better lining." " Yeah." "Enough." "I'm authorizing chem agent R4." "That's a barely blunted neurotoxin... it's barbaric." "It's also effective." "We're running out of time, Harris." "If you have another idea, I'm listening." "How about letting him go?" "You want a solution, I've got one." "But I need Darius alert and lucid, not the shell of a man he'll be if you stick that needle in him." " Harris, stop this." " It's not his call." "I don't give a damn where the orders come from." "Darius is innocent." " And you know this how?" " I just know." "I swear it on my own life, Harris." "Please." "Right now, I need you to trust me." "Our very survival is at stake, and you expect us to just take your word for it?" "Harris." "Please." "I know what I'm asking, and I know the consequences if I'm wrong." "But think about the consequences if I'm right." "Stop this." "Stand down." "New orders." "Unstrap him." "If you're wrong, they'll burn you for this." "If I'm wrong, we're all going to burn." "Clear out." "Come on." "I got you." "Took you long enough, Harris." "Wasn't me." "Get him some dry clothes." "I'm sorry." "Darius, we don't have a lot of time." "Can you stand?" "You found Salvation." "Yeah." "But not the mole." "Lazlo thinks the hacker used an unsecured terminal on the Tanz network, but if that's true, it must have been installed by you." "What reason would I have to add an unsecured computer to my own network?" "It runs counter to every..." "I need a phone." "Get me a phone." "Okay, so that was platinum." "We've tried dusting the lining with platinum, with glass." "We even tried gold, like in the Webb telescope." "What about a crystalline lattice?" "Right?" "Crystals are highly reflective." "I tried that years ago." "Nothing." "I'm afraid... we're looking for a substance that doesn't exist." "Pentagon." " Hello?" " Liam." "Darius?" "Are you okay?" "I know where the hack came from." "Get your ass to the breakroom now." "Okay." "Okay, I'm here." "Go to the arcade cabinet." "The one in the southeast corner." "Asteroids?" "Yes, that one." "Remove the back panel." "It's locked." "It's locked." "Whoa." "Look for anything out of the ordinary." "Power supply." "Motherboard." "Hard drive." "Graphics card." "What the hell?" "What do you see, Liam?" "Some kind of microPC piggybacking one of the PCI slots." "It looks like it's off though." "Turn it on." "Well, do you even know what it does?" "You have a better idea?" " Whoa." " What?" "I don't know how they did it." "Someone installed this device and used it to tunnel through the Tanz server, accessing Darius's satellite network." "And then they used it" " to send the mimic signal." " And lock out NASA." " So what now?" " II can turn it off." "I think I can turn it off." "I can override the hack." "Sir!" "The probe just phoned home!" "We're back!" "We're back in the driver's seat!" "Initiate correction burn." "Burn in three, two, one." "Mark." "It's working." "If we control the probe..." "We control our future." "Slight vibration here." "Interference?" "Gravitational forces are increasing." "Getting stress warnings all along the hull." "Sir, the gravity from Jupiter is too strong;" "We're going to lose the probe." "It's gone." "We're too late." "Who else knew about the console's ability" " to connect to the outside?" " No one." "No one?" "Do I look like a guy who invites employees to hang during my downtime?" "Yes." "Actually, you do." "Thanks, but I told you," "Wozniak and I have a standing Friday night faceoff." "That firewall was really throwing a wrench into it." "That game was for me and Woz." "And occasionally Bezos and Shakira." "Electronic wire fraud." "Identify theft." "Seven years in a federal lockup for hacking a telecom data vault." "Why didn't you tell us your security chief," "Lazlo Simms, had a milelong record, which, apparently, you paid to have expunged?" "We all have things in our past we wish we could wash away." "Laz is the only person in the world" "I completely trust." "He didn't do this." "People change, Darius." "They change, and they lie." "And sometimes, they do it right under your nose." "Liam, what's going on?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Does it have something to do with the woman from the Pentagon?" "Yes and no." "I just..." "Tell me something." "Anything good." "Well..." "I was thinking about what you said earlier..." "How Darius does everything for a reason..." "And I think maybe the reason I'm here is because I'm not like any of those people." "They're all head." "No heart." "No, you're not like anybody, Jillian." "You're the icosahedrite." "Otherworldly." "He tried crystals." "But he didn't try the icosahedrite because that doesn't exist on Earth." "What?" "Inspiration comes when you're not looking." "I know what I have to do." "Tess?" "Unlock the trophy case now." "Please." "Karissa, where's Lazlo?" "I can't reach him." "He last swiped into the Treehouse." "Lazlo, we need to talk." "Laz." "He knew the walls were closing in." "Who the hell was he working for?" "Darius Tanz brought all of us together to find the 160." "160 people worth saving." "Or to play God, as Mason so aptly put it." "But if we truly want to endure, we can't just focus on what it takes to merely survive." "We have to focus on what it takes to truly live." "And that doesn't just come from the head." "It comes from the heart." "So the nonessentials, as you call them..." "The writers, the artists, the dreamers..." "They are essential, because in our darkest hours, they give us the most essential ingredient to the survival of our species:" "Hope." "And in the end, it is hope and only hope that will save us." "Hey, Professor Croft?" "Professor Croft, wake up." "Hey, wake up." "The EmDrive." "It works." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Live from Springfield, the wrestling match of the century!" "Rasputin, the Friendly Russian." "Wasn't he the Mad Russian?" "History has changed wrestling, perhaps forever." "The challenger from Heidelberg, Professor Burnabon Brawn." "With a "W. "" "Two titans in their prime." "This is going to be one hell of a match!" "I hope you're not taking this seriously." "5-year-olds know this is as choreographed as ballet." "Rasputin's got the reach, but the Professor's got his coma lock." "This is gonna be one hell of a match." "Look at that showoff, kissing his own muscles." "He's spinning the Professor!" "That's disorienting!" "Hey, Milhouse, crank it up." "That's my seat." "Correction, was your seat." "But I only got up to go to the can." "I don't see your name on this barstool." "One!" "Two!" "Three!" "Four!" "Five!" "Six!" "Seven!" "Eight!" "Nine!" "The ref is issuing a warning to Rasputin." "Oh, my." "Oh, my." "Why is this referee permitting this?" "This Saturday, your life will be changed forever." "Saturday, at the Springfield Speedway." ""Crusher" Woodard, "The Skunk" Trumane and the Dunk Masters in the Monster Truck Rally!" "Plus the amazing, unbelievable, Truck-a-saurus!" "Twenty tons and four stories of car-crunching, fire-breathing insanity!" "One night only, at the Springfield Speedway!" "If you miss it, you better be dead or in jail." "If you're in jail, break out!" "Be there!" "Truck-a-saurus!" "I have an announcement." "As a family growth thing we should go to the Monster Truck Rally this Saturday." "Aren't you forgetting something?" "Monster Truck Rally, growth thing, I don't think so." "Lisa's recital is Saturday." "I have my first solo." "If you miss it, start looking for a child therapist." "But Truck-a-saurus is one night only!" "Cruel fate, why do you mock me?" "Come on." "What time does your truck game start?" "8:00, but what does it matter?" "Lisa's recital starts at 5:00." "We can go to both." "Marge, you're a genius!" "Let's have good assembly manners." "People!" "People!" "Quiet, please!" "Don't make me flick the lights on and off." "Thank you." "Ladies, gentlemen, parents." "Welcome to the first in a series of concerts." "Series!" "Tonight, Sherbert's-- Schubert's Unfinished Symphony." "Good, unfinished." "This shouldn't take long." "Remember, children, stay together." "Five, six, seven, eight!" "That was beautiful." "Can we go now?" "Sit down, Homer." "How much longer was Sherbert planning on making this?" "Lisa was great." "Her fingering's come a long way." "Thanks, Flanders." "Big know-it-all." "When's Todd's solo, Dad?" "It's coming up, son." "It's coming up." "My son, my son." "Come on, Flanders." "He's not that bad." "I reached him." "Drive defensively." "The best defense is a good offense." "Faster, Dad." "Truck-a-saurus awaits!" "Damn, no spots!" "I think there's one over there." "Dad?" "Not now, Lisa." "Come on." "Homer." "What?" "Truck-a-saurus!" "Where?" "Where?" "Pull!" "Pull, you dogs!" "Let's see, cracked windshield, melted bumpers punctured radiator, teeth marks in the trunk." "At least there's no frame damage." "This check should handle it." "Thank you." "I'm Leo G. Clark, inventor and operator of Truck-a-saurus." "Truck-a-saurus feels very badly about what happened." "We'd like you to have a half-bottle of champagne for being such good sports." "Thank you." "Everyone's so nice here, at the Monster Truck Rally." "Look, Homer, champagne!" "Now, Majestic Undercoating is proud to present:" "Ms. Monster!" "Wow, a woman mud pool driver." "Another barrier broken." "Right on, sister!" "Let the destruction begin!" "Hey, they forgot my corn dogs." "Give me some nachos, Homer-saurus." "Here, Bart-a-saurus." "Now, we have a surprise guest." "The world's greatest daredevil." "He's no stranger to danger." "If he's not in action, he's in traction." "Captain Lance Murdock!" "Ladies and gentlemen, and especially little children." "I'm glad you're here to witness what may be my grisly death." "Tonight, my most dangerous stunt." "I will death defy nature and gravity by leaping over this water tank filled with great white sharks deadly electric eels, ravenous piranhas, alligators and most frightening, the king of the jungle one ferocious lion!" "I almost forgot." "To add a real element of danger one drop of human blood." "On the chance I don't live, let me say seat belts save lives, so buckle up!" "This is so cool." "Oh, I can't watch!" "He made it!" "Bitchen!" "He's okay, folks!" "What a fun-filled evening." "Ladies and gentlemen, a 10-year-old who's brave and bold!" "When he's not in class, he risks his ass!" "The greatest daredevil, Bart Simpson!" "Bart!" "Bart!" "Bart?" "Bart?" "We're home, son." "Dad, I wanna be a daredevil." "Kids say such stupid things." "You're crazy." "You'll never make it." "Spare me your lectures, ladies." "Oh, no!" "He's hurt!" "Bad!" "Let's get out of here!" "My little boy!" "Come on, Marge, we're mad at him." "Are you all right?" "Better than all right." "I got stitches!" "Probably a scar too." "Bart says he got hurt training for a career in death defiance?" "Yes, we saw a daredevil last night and monkey see, monkey do." "I know something that may discourage this behavior." "These children have been hurt doing stunts they saw on television, movies and the legitimate stage." "This little boy broke his leg trying to fly like Superman." "His brother hit him with a wrench, mimicking a TV wrestling match." "I won't show the horrors of our Three Stooges ward." "I didn't know TV was a dangerous influence." "It's tragic, but it's a small price to pay for top-notch entertainment." "Amen!" "Has Dr. Hibbert made his point?" "He certainly has." "I learned a real lesson." "Thanks, Dr. Hibbert." "I did it." "Wow!" "All right!" "Way happening!" "Awesome!" "You're the king!" "Thank you!" "How about a hand for these brave animals?" "Hi, kids." "Thanks." "Okay, field-trippers." "Off the bus." "What's the matter?" "I'm running on empty, Milhouse." "You kids like my jumps, and I love you for it but it's too easy." "There must be a challenge worthy of me." "Hi, children." "Welcome to Springfield Gorge." "Wow!" "Gnarly!" "I bet you could toss a body in there and no one would ever find it." "Otto, I'm gonna jump Springfield Gorge on my skateboard." "As the only adult here, I feel I should say something." "What?" "Cool!" "Hey, Otto!" "Can I use that microphone?" "Sorry, Bart-dude." "It's for emergencies only." "I wanna tell them about my jump." "Okay." "Attention, please." "This Saturday I'll be jumping Springfield Gorge." "There's a good chance I'll fall to my death." "Hope to see you there!" "Springfield Gorge!" "You'll be killed!" "I can't explain it, but I get the same thrill from jumping stuff that you do from reading." "Before you do anything, there's someone you should talk to." "Thanks for arranging this." "Anything that decreases entertainment-related injuries." "You're meeting the world's best daredevil, Lance Murdock." "This is Lisa and Bart Simpson." "Bart's one of your biggest fans." "It's an honor, Lance." "How you feeling?" "Doc, I heard a snap." "I'm afraid it's broken." "That's all of them." "I've broken that dozens of times." "I bet you'd like an autograph." "Nurse?" "Who should I make it to?" "Just Bart." "To Bart:" "Thanks for visiting me at Springfield General Hospital." "Your visit was a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day." "Your pal, Captain Lance Murdock." "Wow, man!" "Thanks, Lance." "You're welcome." "Take this thing." "My brother's gonna jump Springfield Gorge on a skateboard." "Could you leave me with the kids, please?" "Let me start by saying, good for you, son." "Good to see kids interested in danger." "People will say you're nuts." "Maybe they're right." "But the fact is:" "bones heal, chicks dig scars and the U.S.A. has the best doctor to daredevil ratio in the world." "But Captain Murdock" "Thanks!" "You're welcome." "Tell the nurse it's my bath time." "Another fringe benefit." "Nurse!" "Springfield Gorge!" "We settled this daredevil junk!" "Squealer." "Sorry, but if you got hurt or died despite the attention I'd get, I'd miss you." "I forbid you to jump." "You can't." "I can and do!" "Go to your room!" "There, I did it." "I'm glad somebody stepped in and put an end to this nonsense." "You can tell me not to do it, but you can't watch me 24 hours a day." "And the minute your back is turned, I'm heading for that gorge." "He's got us." "There's nothing we can do." "He's as good as dead." "Homer, you're his father." "Reason with him." "That never works." "He's a goner." "Come on, Homer, a heart-to-heart talk with your son." "You've got to try." "Okay, okay." "I'll try." "Bart?" "What are you doing?" "!" "Nothing." "You were gonna jump the gorge." "Maybe." "Look, I know I can't stop you." "I can only ask you..." "...to promise me you won't do it." "Okay, I promise." "What?" "You didn't mean that!" "This isn't a promise I don't expect you to keep." "lf you promise, you have to keep it." "Why?" "If you don't, I'll never believe you ever again." "Come on." "I mean it, boy!" "Okay, Dad." "I promise." "I won't jump Springfield Gorge." "That's my boy." "How did it go?" "We got a pretty good kid there." "Well, he's got a pretty good father." "Where is he?" "He said noon." "He's just building suspense." "What a showman." "Look, there he is!" "Hey, boy." "Wanna toss the old--?" "!" "Why, that little liar!" "I should have-- And I was gonna play pickle." "Hey, what gives?" "I tried ordering you, punishing you, and I even tried reasoning with you." "Now, I have to jump the gorge myself." "What?" "Why?" "You'll see what it's like to watch a family member risk his life for no good reason!" "Dad, you'll never make it." "Don't you think I know that?" "Goodbye, son." "Wait!" "Don't do it!" "I won't jump anymore." "I promise!" "Thank God!" "Thank God!" "I love you, Dad." "I love you too, son." "I don't think I've ever felt as close to you as I do right" "I'm gonna make it!" "This is the greatest thrill of my life!" "I'm king of the world!" "Think you got guts?" "Try raising my kids!" "Sync, Edited, Checked by Ikatz" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Agghhh!" "Ungh!" "Ohhh!" "Agghhh!" "Agh!" "Ugh!" "Agghhhh!" "Ragnar!" "Agggghhhh!" "Ungh!" "Ungh!" "Agh!" "Ungh!" "Ungh!" "Ungh!" "Agghhh!" "Odin!" "Ragnar!" "Come on." "Let's go home." "Watch." "Agh!" "What are you two doing?" "I'm taking Bjorn to the thing tomorrow." "Not yet." "He's not old enough." "He's twelve years old." "Take him next year." "Next year is soon enough." "He'll need a silk ribbon, Lagertha." "You're a handsome boy." "Funny ears, though." "Don't sleep with lots of women in Kattegat." "I can do without it for a few days." "Is that another way of saying you love me?" "Huh?" "I always dream of you." "I dreamt you were feeding me blood pudding." "What does that mean?" "It means you're giving me your heart." "Get your dog, boy." "Frodi!" "Come on, boy." "The earl will deal with some criminal offences" "And then, we'll discuss the summer raids." "And where will you go?" "The earl decides." "He owns the ships." "He'll send us to the east," "As always, to the Baltic lands." "But I want to know what is to the west " "What cities and gods are over there." "See, I'm not satisfied..." "With this." "Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge," "But I would give far more." "And will earl Haraldson let you?" "Good." "Like this, nice and tight..." "And on three." "One, two, three." "Very good, Gyda." "Gyda, feed the goats." "Go on!" "We know you're all alone here." "All the men are gone." "If you're thirsty, I will give you a drink." "If you're hungry, I will feed you." "Otherwise, you must go." "After we've satisfied our other needs." "I don't want to kill you, woman." "You couldn't kill me" "If you tried for a hundred years." "Aggghhhhh!" "Out!" "I went to confess my love to her" "But I was set upon by a bear" "And an enormous hound who guarded her home." "I killed the bear with my spear" "And I managed to strangle the hound" "With my bare hands." "And that is how I gained her hand in marriage." "Did she tell you the same story?" "Just about." "Are you ready to receive your arm ring" "And become a man?" "Yes." "And what does a man do?" "He fights." "And...?" "He looks after his family." "That's right." "Could you look after our family?" "What do you mean?" "You look after us." "Say I wasn't there." "I have a big decision to make." "It may change many things." "Now, go to sleep." "You have a big day tomorrow." "Arrggghhh!" "Bjorn!" "So, here you are, brother." "By Frey and all the gods how you've grown." "Hello, Rollo." "Are you here for the thing?" "You're a real man now." "Come, let's get a drink." "Looking a little pale, Bjorn." "Why don't you go lie down, hmm?" "So where do you think the earl is going to send us this year?" "Those bastards to the east" "Are as poor as we are." "I know." "That's why we should sail west." "I've heard such tales, Rollo." "Great towns, and cities, and treasures;" "Hordes of gold and silver, and..." "And a new god." "I've heard those stories too." "But what does it mean?" "We can't sail across an open ocean." "I believe there's a way to go west." "I have something that will change everything." "What?" "What is that?" "Now just listen." "A while back, I met someone, A wanderer." "He told me that it was possible" "To go west, over the open sea, Using this." "It's a sun-board." "It needs to sit in water." "Another wanderer?" "Now tell me, Ragnar, this-this wanderer of yours," "Has he ever sailed west himself?" "Just get some water." "Now, this candle is the sun." "Every day..." "The sun rises up into the sky until noon." "See how the shadow shortens?" "At noon, it is at its shortest." "That only tells me how far south I have travelled." "Didn't I just tell you to listen?" "!" "You mark a circle around the pointer" "Where the shadow is at its shortest at noon." "The next day at sea," "You place the board back into water around noon" "And watch the shadow." "If the shadow only touches the circle..." "Your course remains true?" "Yes." "And if it passes outside the circle, like this..." "Then you have drifted" "And you must steer further south." "Yes." "And what if it never reaches the circle?" "Then you are too far south" "And must steer more to the north." "That's it!" "Keep the noon shadow on the circle" "And your course will be true, West." "But what if there is no sun, hmm?" "How can the board help you then?" "How could you find your way?" "Using this." "Follow me outside." "They call it a sun-stone." "Oh!" "You see?" "There is the sun." "Now we go west." "Come on." "Come on." "Silence!" "Silence!" "Olaf Anwend." "You have pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing." "Tomorrow, you will run a gauntlet of stones and turf" "As punishment." "Yes, lord." "Thank you, lord." "Let it be known a fine is to be paid" "By anyone who fails to throw something." "Bring in the next accused." "There he is!" "Murderer!" "Eric Trygvasson," "You are accused of the murder of Sigvald strut" "This January." "It wasn't murder, lord." "I killed him in self-defense." "Liar!" "To the first person that you met afterwards," "As the law obliges?" "In fact, you passed by several houses" "Before you reported it." "I thought the relatives of the dead man" "Might be living in them." "The law allows you to pass two houses" "In such circumstances," "You murdered my brother in cold blood!" "It's not true!" "We argued about some disputed land." "You wanted that land for yourself!" "You're a liar and a coward." "Who says I'm a coward?" "I'm not a coward!" "Silence!" "As the normal procedures were not followed," "This killing cannot be atoned for" "By compensating the victim's family." "Murder is a dishonorable deed amongst our people." "Carried out in secret, unacknowledged," "And likely to give rise" "To a series of revenge killings" "That would involve your own family." "Lord, you knew about that land." "You knew I had a claim to it" " Enough!" "I ask you to look to the accused." "If you think that he is guilty," "Raise your arms." "The decision must be unanimous." "Eric Trygvasson," "You have been found guilty of murder." "Yes!" "Justice!" "How do you wish to die?" "By beheading, lord." "Your wish is granted." "You shall be executed tomorrow." "After which we will shall feast and talk about the summer raids." "You have to." "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Why is he smiling, father?" "He wants to die well, without fear," "To atone for his sins." "You must watch, for his sake." "It's his only hope of reaching Valhalla." "Feed him to your pigs!" "And I curse him." "May he never enter Valhalla." "May he never feast with the gods." "Why did he do that?" "He should not have done that." "Someone told me he wanted that land for himself" "And he knew Trygvasson had the best claim to it," "But refused to sell it." "You hear that, boy?" "This how things are done around here." "Olaf, son of Ingolf, Bjorn, son of Ragnar." "May you accept this gift of salt and earth" "That you belong to both the land and the sea." "These arm rings bind you in loyalty to me," "Your lord, your chieftain." "Any oath that you swear on these rings" "Must be honored and kept." "Do you understand and swear to this?" "Yes, lord." "And do you freely give your fealty to me," "Your lord, your chieftain?" "Yes, lord." "Good." "You may put on the arm rings." "Come here." "Wooooo!" "Let us feast!" "My lord," "We all want to feast," "But we also want to know" "Where we will be raiding this summer." "Can't it wait, Ragnar?" "No." "Tell us." "We want to know." "We have a right to know." "Very well." "We will raid east again, to the eastlands," "And into Russia." "Every year We go to the same places!" "But there is an alternative..." "If you choose." "Oh yes, yes." "Choice, yes." "I have heard of these rumors, these stories;" "That if we travel west," "That we will somehow reach a land" "That is rich and plentiful." "But I tell you that I will not risk my ships" "Or my reputation" "On such a deluded fantasy." "They are my ships - I pay for them " "And they go where I tell them to go." "Now that's the end of the matter." "Let's feast!" "Let me see!" "It's a fine ring." "Ragnar Lothbrok," "Earl Haraldson wants to speak with you " "In private." "Stay with your uncle." "Ragnar Lothbrok..." "Sit down." "Are you hungry?" "Yes, lord." "You want to feast in my hall?" "You want to sail in my ships?" "Anything else you want from me?" "You keep talking about the west " "What do you know of it, hmm?" "That it's a land of great riches, hmm?" "I can't be sure." "But I believe that" "I don't care what you believe." "You insulted me out there," "And not for the first time," "But, believe me, it will be the last." "Who told you you could go?" "You are a farmer." "You should be content with your lot." "Farms are few and in great demand," "And there are many people here" "Who would like to possess your land." "Do you understand what I'm saying?" "I understand." "Then don't ever stick your nose in my face again." "I don't trust him." "Watch him." "Where are they?" "Where are my sons?" "You said you'd found them." "Where are we going now?" "I'm so tired." "To talk to the gods." "It's what we do." "Why don't you come in?" "I'm waiting." "Sit." "What do you want?" "I want to know what the gods have in store." "For you..." "Or for the boy?" "I'm more interested in myself." "The gods desire you to have a great future." "I see that." "But they can withdraw their goodwill" "At any time." "To have this great future," "Must I challenge the law?" "You must convince the gods to alter the runes" "So they work in your favor." "But the laws of men" "Are far below the workings and shapings of the gods." "So I should take the laws of men" "Into my own hands?" "Answer me." "You already have your answer." "No I don't." "Well, then go and ask the gods yourself." "What are you afraid of?" "Wait outside." "All right." "You haven't helped me at all, ancient one." "Perhaps you asked the wrong questions." "We have someone special to visit." "His name is Floki." "Floki?" "Like Loki the god?" "Yes, only different." "How is he different?" "He's not a god." "Why didn't he come to the thing?" "Because..." "Because he's shy." "Floki, This is my son, Bjorn." "Hello." "How are you?" "Well." "Thank you, sir." "Let me see." "Ah!" "You have your father's eyes..." "Unfortunately." "Why unfortunately?" "It means he will be like you," "And therefore he will want to do better than you," "And you will hate him for it." "How can you tell that by just looking at my face?" "Oh, it's the same with trees." "I can tell which trees will make the best planks" "Just by looking at them." "I can look inside the tree." "Floki is a boat-builder..." "Among other things." "Hmm..." "This is one." "Inside this tree are two almost perfect planks." "They will bend, then curve," "Like a woman's body" "From the thighs to the back." "When I split this tree I will find them." "You can see that?" "Do you think I'm joking?" "I joke about many things, Son of Ragnar," "But never about ship-building." "Do you imagine ships are just dead things?" "So..." "What about our boat?" "It will be lighter and carry a bigger sail." "The construction is different." "It's built with a strong central plank." "The two strakes above it are nailed" "Directly onto the knees of the frame." "But the ones below - look!" "" "Are cleated and lashed onto the frames," "So they can move in relation to each other." "This means the boat won't butt against the waves like a goat," "But move over them like a ripple." "The hull is deeper." "How will my men set their oars?" "I will cut them into the sheerstrakes," "And the ports can be closed when the boat is at sea." "And you think it could handle long sea voyages?" "That's why I'm building it." "But will it be strong enough?" "We won't know that until we try." "For the anchor." "It's all I have left from last summer's raids." "Don't worry." "We'll soon be as rich as dwarves!" "I missed you." "Did anything happen while we were away?" "No." "Hmm." "Did you miss me?" "I ached with love longing." "My belly was empty of laughter." "Is that what you want?" "Hmm?" "You want me to make you laugh?" "I don't want to laugh now." "I want to ride you, like a bull." "Like a wild bull." "Hello, young Bjorn." "Hello, Rollo." "Where are your parents?" "They are having sex." "Well, uh..." "I guess we'll have to wait." "So, Gyda," "Is your mother teaching you how to use a shield?" "Yes, I know how to use a shield." "Your mother was a famous shield-maiden." "Is a famous shield-maiden." "Come on, children, to bed." "Do I have to?" "Let's leave the men." "But I'm a man." "I have a ring." "Let him stay awhile." "To bed!" "Say good night." "Good night, my children." "Good night." "Hey!" "Shhhaaaaaa!" "Tell me your news." "What about the boat?" "It's nearly ready." "I won't go under your command." "I won't go unless we're all equal." "We are brothers." "You and I will always be equal." "Then we must find a crew." "Not many men will go against the wishes of Haraldson." "Many will be afraid," "Some may even go to him and betray us." "I must go piss." "Yesterday, I was with a girl from the town." "Thank you." "A good-looking girl too." "But when she shouted out in pleasure," "I didn't see her face," "I saw yours." "Lagertha..." "Don't talk like that." "Why not?" "I think about you all the time." "That's too bad." "Don't insult me, shield-maiden." "No." "I would never insult you." "You're too great a warrior..." "But perhaps not so great a man." "I saw something." "What did you see?" "A sign." "It made me certain we're doing the right thing." "Good night, brother." "Set the sail." "Floki!" "The sail!" "She'll sink." "I shouldn't have pretended to build such a boat." "It's beyond my humble capabilities." "I'll set the sail." "Floki I'm sorry, Ragnar." "I've wasted all your money." "It was all a joke." "Shut up, man." "Ha!" "Now it runs on its cool keel." "Oh, it's beautiful." "Why didn't you believe me?" "I told you I could do it!" "Now it's all up to you, Ragnar Lothbrok." | {
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"* who cares for starlit skies?" "* * when you're alone * * the magic moonlight dies * * at the break of dawn * * there is no sunlight * * when your lover has gone * * what lonely hours * * the evening *" "[Ding]" "Uh, show this young lady to the housekeeper's room," "Although I think the position's been filled." "Step this way, please." "I came to get the linen job." "I hope the clerk is wrong." "You ever see a hotel clerk that was right?" "Hotel clerks and house detectives." "Now, what do you want?" "Just a smile." "Come on, let's have it." "Ha ha." "That a baby." "Scamp." "Mrs. Snyder, the girl you hired" "For the linen job is here." "I told her to report tomorrow morning." "She wants to get acquainted with the job on her own time." "Well, I never met one like that before." "Uh, miss Jones," "This is Mrs. Snyder, whom you talked to" "Over the phone this morning." "How do you do?" "So you're the ambitious kind, huh?" "Ever done hotel work before?" "Sure." "The Julian Dubuque, the Blackstone in Chicago..." "How do you know so much about where she worked?" "Why, uh, Jimmie, her..." "Her boyfriend told me." "Oh, I see." "Well, uh, you won't need me anymore..." "Right now." "I'll be seeing you." "Man:" "Call for Mr. Franklin!" "Say, that dame's a pip." "Who is she?" "Call for Mr. Franklin!" "Listen, Jim," "Your girlfriend got the linen job, didn't she?" "Yeah." "What about it?" "Well, uh, I hear she can't come to work." "No?" "Why not?" "Somebody else got the linen job instead." "What do you mean?" "Mamie was hired." "Yeah, I know," "But they needed somebody with more experience." "Well, I'm going upstairs and see old lady Snyder." "She's not going to get away with that stuff." "This new girl needs the work." "So does Mamie." "I'm going up there and raise a..." "Wait a minute." "Here." "Just tell Mamie that one of the old girls came back." "You can do it." "Did you get it?" "All set, if I want the job." "What do you mean, if you want it?" "I don't want it bad enough taken away from somebody else." "Whenever you take a job, you take it away from somebody." "Well, it's all over my head." "This miss Jones business and somebody's sweetie." "[Bell dings]" "What's your name?" "Anne Roberts." "Listen, Anne the girl that got the job" "Is a friend of one of the bellhops." "Everything's fixed." "What do you mean, fixed?" "She didn't want the job very bad anyhow." "They're going to get married in a couple of weeks." "When are you coming to work?" "In the morning." "Got your aprons?" "No, but I'm going to buy a couple." "I'll get them for you." "Won't cost you a cent." "Thanks..." "Bert." "Bert?" "Mm-hmm." "Call me Albert for short." "[Bell dings]" "Goodbye, Bertie." "[Bell dings]" "[Ding ding ding]" "[Bell dinging]" "And let me tell you something about this place." "I've been here six months, and I know." "For the love of Mike," "Stay away from those bellhops." "They can't do a girlie any good," "And the worst monkey of them all" "Is that guy Bert Harris." "He's dynamite." "Everybody in this joint owes him money" "From those crooked dice of his." "Well, he can't do me any harm." "I haven't any money, and I don't shoot craps." "Oh, yeah?" "Well, maybe you have something else he can use." "I'm telling you" "He's a good guy to stay away from." "He peddles booze and..." "[Telephone rings]" "Hello?" "Yes, sir, right away." "610 wants some fresh towels." "610?" "I thought they were painting up there." "I guess they're finished." "[Big band music playing]" "[Knock on door]" "Oh, it's you." "Mm-hmm, body and soul." "I never did like bright lights." "Look, honey, I got some hooch and sandwiches" "And stuff for us." "It's nice and quiet here." "Not a chance of anybody finding us." "I knew you'd come." "That's a fine way to treat a fellow" "After he gets you your job." "Hello." "Give me the linen room." "Hello, Peggy?" "How about giving little Bertie a big break?" "I'm up in 610." "You mean you want me to come right up?" "Sure." "I'm waiting for you, honey." "Everything's all set." "Can you come up?" "Sure can." "I'll fly up, big boy." "[Knock on door]" "Come in." "Good evening." "Hello." "Kind of hot tonight." "Too hot." "Shall I do your bed?" "Kind of early, isn't it?" "Not if you're going to bed." "A bed doesn't mean much to a fellow like me." "Just a place to rest my head." "What a treat for the bed." "Yeah." "Say, how about a little nip together," "Just you and me, huh?" "Why just you and me?" "How about your other friend," "The little fellow over there in the green sweater?" "Hello!" "Give me the housekeeper." "This is a." "Rupert Johnson Jr.," "Room 334." "Need more towels at once," "And send that same girl back here." "Send the bellboy up with ginger ale and ice." "I heard you yelling clear down the corridor." "Here are your towels." "What makes you so hard to get along with?" "Mugs like you." "I can be real nice to the right one." "Really?" "And I suppose the right one's" "The first one that comes along." "You know, I'm mighty lonesome myself," "And you impress me as being lonesome, too." "Yeah?" "Well, you got the wrong impression." "Well, let's be friends anyway." "Say, will you do me a favor?" "Perhaps." "I've got a new line of merchandise." "I'd like to see what you think of it." "Come on." "Look at it." "A woman is always a better judge of jewelry" "Than a man is," "Especially a pretty woman." "Ah!" "Here's a dandy." "Here, let's see how this looks on you." "These look mighty nice on you." "You know, they just match your teeth." "Gee, you look swell." "Hey, cut that out!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Now look what you did!" "Those are expensive." "Ohh!" "Ohh!" "Hiya, Mrs. Dempsey." "How's that right cross today?" "Aw, come on, honey," "Don't put on the chill that way." "I sized you up wrong yesterday." "I didn't mean to get you sore." "I like you, Anne, really." "You know, you're the first girl" "That ever socked me for going for her." "Yes?" "Mm-hmm." "You know, honey," "I'd like to have you sock me like that every day." "Oh, would you?" "Sure, honey, I'd love it." "Ha ha." "What a woman." "[Knock on door]" "Took you long enough to get here, kid." "I had to pick out the big chunks of ice." "Yeah?" "Say..." "What's the name of that blonde making up the beds?" "I don't know her that well, sir." "I didn't think you did." "You don't look too smart." "Everybody says I'm very bright for my age, sir." "I can't get anywhere talking to you." "Maybe you'd be surprised." "What's that?" "Have a drink?" "Never touch the stuff while I'm on the job." "Besides, I never drink anything but my own." "Here, you might try this." "Not bad." "Say, that's pretty good." "That's what everybody says." "That chambermaid you asked about" "Likes it so well she won't touch any other." "She's my best customer." "Yeah?" "Mm-hmm." "You sell that stuff?" "Can't afford to make a gift of it." "How much?" "$10." "That's high, isn't it?" "Not if the blond chambermaid likes it." "The name's Bert." "Hello, babe." "Hello." "I've got something for you." "Here's the 5 bucks I owe you." "For what?" "You don't owe me anything," "Unless it's an apology for bothering me." "It's a commission on the booze I sold that mug in 334." "He bought it when I told him you liked it." "After all I told you," "You went and fell for this shrimp's line," "You dirty little tramp." "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" "Ha ha ha ha ha!" "Whoo hoo hoo hoo!" "Ah ha ha ha ha!" "Ha ha ha." "It hurts... ha ha ha!" "It hurts me more than it does you, honey." "Anne:" ""Answers advertisement," ""invests $25,000, charges fraud." ""'Get rich quick' scheme works again." "Prince of swindlers makes gigantic haul."" "Say, what is this," "Taking a correspondence course in salesmanship?" "Nothing else." "Super-high pressure and deluxe." "Going on the road?" "Uh-huh." "Won't be long now, and I'll take you along." "Not as a sideline, you won't." "Well, I think you and I can make a lot of money together." "Then what?" "We blow this joint and make a play for the big city." "You sound like Santa Claus in wolf's clothing." "Honey, I'm Santa Claus, Robin hood," "And the goose that laid the golden egg all in one." "Pretty big package, aren't you?" "Seriously, there's a lot of loose money lying around" "If you know where to look for it." "The world owes me a living." "I'm not built for work." "That's for horses" "And smack-offs like that 4-eyed room clerk." "Now, you've got beauty and a swell figure." "With my ideas and your looks, we could trim the world." "And end up in the penitentiary." "Not with what I have on the ball." "Now, listen, honey, here's the idea." "The age of chivalry has passed." "This, honey, is the age of chiseler." "And the age of jails." "Everybody's got larceny in his heart." "Everybody's looking for something for nothing." "Honest men are scarcer than feathers on a frog." "But I've never been mixed up in a racket before." "As I said, there are two things" "I haven't any use for, and jail is both of them." "You play ball with me, and your worrying days will be over." "Yeah?" "How about the nights?" "[Chuckles]" "Well, I'll see what I can do about those, too, honey." "Sorry to disturb your little party." "Oh, we were just going, so it's alright anyway." "Not alright with me." "Parking without lights is pretty serious." "A lot of accidents these days." "Oh, tell him to take that horrid light" "Out of my eyes." "The... the lady objects to your flashlight." "Oh, she does, does she?" "Maybe she can't stand close inspection." "I-I-i resent that." "Alright, alright," "Come on, the both of you, get out." "Now, look, here, can't you and me get together?" "What do you mean, get together?" "What's this?" "Aw, just forget all about it." "Go on, get yourself a smoke." "Come on, lady, you get out of there." "Listen, partner..." "There's nothing to listen to." "Oh, I see." "This is a nice mess." "What's your husband going to say" "When he finds out about this, Mrs. Lawler?" "Ha." "Oh, he's a friend of my husband." "Why, I didn't know you were married." "Well, you know it now." "Well, come on." "No use standing here." "In the car and we'll get going." "Well, wh-where to?" "Headquarters." "I can't go there." "Neither can I. I've got a wife." "Why, I didn't know you were married." "Well, you know it now." "Come on, snap into it." "I ain't got all night." "Hiya, Mr. Johnson!" "Speeding?" "No, parking." "Hello, Pete." "Hiya, kid." "Mr. Johnson here is a friend of mine." "So's the young lady a friend of his." "Who is it?" "Why, it's Anne Lawler." "This is news." "What have you got them on?" "Plenty." "Parking without lights on a county highway," "Possession and transportation of liquor," "Bribing an officer of the law..." "That's a lie." "Well, we won't stop to argue that." "Go on, get back in your car." "It looks pretty bad, Mr. Johnson." "Hey, Bert, can't you do something?" "My name, my reputation, the newspapers." "I don't know." "This guy's a tough mug." "Listen, I know this guy pretty well." "You want me to see what I can do about him?" "Sure, and stop at nothing." "I'll be ruined if this gets out." "Wait a minute." "[Whistle blows]" "Hank certainly looked like a real cop." "[Chuckles] Why not?" "If he can't impersonate John law, nobody can." "He's been pinched often enough." "Here you are, honey... $2,500 for you and $2,500 for me," "With the compliments of room 334." "[Whistle blows]" "What's the matter, baby?" "Come on, snap out of it." "We ought to be celebrating this touch." "Here you're acting like this." "Pick up your end." "I can't take the money, Bert." "You keep it." "Oh, no, no, take it." "It's yours, partner." "50/50." "Well..." "I'm awfully tired." "I think I'll turn in." "That's not a bad idea." "Uh, you can sleep in the lower," "And I'll take the upper." "You don't mind, do you?" "I was in such a hurry" "When I bought the tickets, I just got one compartment." "I figured you'd be in a hurry when you bought the tickets," "So I bought a berth in the next car." "You don't mind, do you?" "I'm sure you'll sleep better that way." "Oh, I mustn't go without letting you know" "How much I care for you, Bert, dear." "And this, commissioner, is our local larceny Lane," "Where money's made easily and lost quickly." "Take a look at the house detective" "Giving us the once-over." "You look, babe." "I haven't got my glasses." "Where did the horse come in?" "Come in?" "He's still running." "I laughed till I thought I'd die." "I'd give a million to have seen that chap's face." "You should've seen his expression" "When I told him I still had his letters." "My motto is... speak all languages and write none." "Swell-dressed parade of parasites, aren't they?" "Worse than all the gangsters and hoodlums put together." "* dream of Spanish castles * * it smacks of real love * * a Spanish castle *" "* I've got a rhyme for a Spanish castle *" "Better sit over here, Bert." "You're blocking traffic." "* eyes of blue, LA LA LA Lee * * red lips, too, *" "* LA LA LA Lee *" "Anybody who doesn't like this should have his head examined." "I'd like it better if there was some money coming in." "Don't worry about a thing, honey." "Everything'll be super." "$5,000 can't last forever." "We've spent almost $1,000 already." "The chump's wad is still intact." "All we spent is what I saved." "We'll get set, baby." "It's making the right connections takes the time." "See that guy?" "He's in the rackets." "I've seen him hanging around the hotel." "Mmm-mmm!" "He's doing better than alright." "Look what he's pushing around." "She is attractive." "That's the best part of being in the big dough." "You can canvass the field and have all the dames you can use." "Is that your ambition?" "Well, no, not exactly, but, uh," "You can't blame me for looking around, honey." "You won't give me a tumble." "You know why?" "I can't imagine." "Well, I could go for you." "Sometimes I think I even want to." "You're nice." "You're not a collar ad," "But you're not bad-looking either." "But just when I get set to fall," "You spoil everything." "What do you mean?" "Love doesn't mean anything in your life." "You think you can turn it on and off" "By pushing a button like you do a light." "You worship nothing but dough." "No, you're not my type, Bert." "You got started on the wrong foot." "Little Nell is not going to be just another in your life." "I say you're wrong." "Maybe someday you'll find out." "I may not know much about making love," "But one thing I do know." "I've wanted you since the first day I saw you," "But if I can't have you, I'll have somebody else." "We're getting too serious." "Let's dance." "Hey, I told you once before to cut that out." "Yeah?" "Yeah, because I don't like it." "Is that so?" "Yeah." "Well, kid," "I want to thank you for fronting for me." "Oh, that's alright." "I don't like guys who swing chairs." "I'm Dan barker." "This is miss Wilson." "How do you do?" "How do you do?" "I'm Bert Harris." "Miss Roberts." "I've seen you around the hotel, haven't I?" "Oh, I hold open house now and then, yes." "Do you two live here?" "No, just me." "Miss Roberts lives at the embassy." "Oh, do you?" "I live around the corner at the Wellington." "Really?" "Then we're almost neighbors." "Mm-hmm." "Well, uh, how about finishing this dance?" "Well, if I can dance with you, Mr. Harris," "I'll feel perfectly safe." "Keep the home fires burning." "Dan:" "The minute I saw you, Bert," "I knew you were one of the boys." "Bert:" "Yeah?" "I don't like to play with strangers, but you look alright." "You can depend on me." "Things are tough now." "Same everywhere." "I'm working a new deal." "It's out of my usual line, but a buck is a buck." "Keeps the wolf away." "Exactly." "The only reason I'm talking to you" "Is you've got an honest face and clean hands," "And that's very important." "You ever been mugged, uh, arrested?" "No, never took a fall." "How much dough can you raise?" "Well, I got about $2,500." "I said dough." "That's nothing but coffee and money." "That's all I've got." "Well, how much can you promote?" "I don't know." "The more you come up with, the more you can make." "Money goes to money." "Yeah, I know that..." "If all you can promote is a couple of grand," "Forget it." "Make off like I never talked to you." "Wait a minute." "Maybe I could get as much again from Anne." "Who's that, your sweetheart?" "No, my partner." "Well, alright." "You meet me in the lobby, say, uh, at 1:00 tomorrow," "And I'll show you a couple of angles" "That will blow your hat off." "Alright, 1:00." "Man: 38." "Number 38." "Yes, I know, but..." "Now, will you stop worrying about Dan?" "Dan's a nice guy," "And I don't want to be making a chump out of him." "Oh, forget it." "We have an understanding." "He has his friends, and I have mine." "Ha ha." "How nice for you." "I wonder what happened to Bert and Helen?" "Oh, there they are." "Oh." "Where have you been?" "We've been looking all over for you." "Mm, I'll bet you're all tired out." "It's been a nice evening, Dan, thanks to you." "It's been a pleasure, Bert." "Oh, wait a minute." "Good evening." "A package of merits." "Yes, sir." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I haven't got anything lower than a $20 bill." "That's alright." "You can't annoy me with money, any kind." "Thank you." "Oh." "Well, that's that." "We'll be going home." "Good night, kid." "See you tomorrow." "Good night, Dan." "You've been a wonderful host." "The next party's on me." "Yeah." "Good night, little girl." "Good night." "I've had a very pleasant evening." "Good night, Bert." "Good night, Helen." "Good night." "Ha ha." "Are you going my way?" "This suit of armor's worse than that bellhop's outfit." "Bert, I don't like that fellow." "Nope, I can't use him." "You've got to get used to him and get to like him" "You're going to see a lot of him in the next few months." "We're going to do a little work together." "That racket of his sounds like a darb." "Why, I didn't see any racket." "Dumbbell." "Didn't you see every time he bought anything" "He paid for it with a $20 bill?" "He pulled it just now at the cigar counter." "Well, what of it?" "Not bad, huh?" "I wouldn't like it if it was good." "I don't like him." "I know what's bothering you." "You're burned up by that blond dame." "Why should I be jealous of a bleached-out bag?" "Of all the conceited apes, you take the cake." "That's one of the million reasons I'd never go for you." "I wish you could get it in your thick skull" "That I'm not at all interested in your lady friends." "No?" "Well, we're going in with Dan whether you like it or not." "This is business." "It's not a beauty contest." "Oh, you make me sick." "You mean that blonde makes you sick." "Ha ha ha." "[Whistles] Where are you, honey?" "Anne, are you there?" "Is it alright for me to come in?" "Hey, what do you mean crashing in like that?" "Can't you see I'm taking a bath?" "Yeah?" "Move over." "[Squealing] Hey!" "Anne, this is important." "I just came from the bank, and the cashier handed over 4 good 50s for 10 of those phony 20s." "That's how good they are." "Looks great to me." "Yeah?" "Mm-hmm, only my $2,500 isn't enough." "Dan barker does things on a large scale," "And I need at least $5,000." "Well, count me out." "Well, we're still partners, ain't we?" "I made money for you before, and I can again." "You can double your money in 24 hours." "Come on, baby, what do you say?" "It don't sound good," "But if I don't give you the money," "You'll probably steal it, so take it." "Where is it?" "In my brassiere." "Where?" "In my brassiere." "You got pockets in that?" "[Whistling "happy days are here again"]" "I've taken money out of a lot of funny places," "But never anything like this before, honey." "[Doorbell buzzes]" "[Buzz]" "I hate to break in on you like this." "That's alright." "Did you get the money?" "I got the 5 grand." "What's all the excitement?" "Now, here's what happened." "Kansas City Dutch..." "That's the guy I get these 20s from, is blowing town tonight." "The cops are on his tail." "I got the call." "We got an hour." "Here's $10,000 of mine." "Put it with your $5,000." "I want you to do a little bargaining." "Dutch wants to rid of as much green as possible," "But he's never done business with you," "You ought to get 3 for 1 instead of 2 for 1." "Don't take no for an answer." "But why me?" "I'd do the talking," "Only Dutch would figure I was a chiseler and fold up." "Now, here..." "Here's the idea." "You just give him the $15,000" "And insist on $45,000." "Do you get it?" "Nothing less." "$25,000, $30,000, $35,000, $40,000, $45,000." "There you are." "If the cops wasn't so hard on me," "And I could stay around town," "You'd get $30,000 or nothing." "A lot of luck, Dutch." "When are you coming back?" "Next month, if I keep out of the can." "I'll get in touch." "Hope you get into some real money by then." "You can't keep a good man down." "You bet." "Well, be seeing you." "Put it in the grip." "We'll divide it at the hotel." "It sure looks good." "I can't tell it from the real McCoy." "Nobody else could, either." "You'd better keep it tonight." "No use me carrying that kind of money around the streets." "[Doorbell buzzes]" "Who's that?" "I don't know." "Put it in here." "[Buzz]" "Who's there?" "Helen:" "It's me..." "Helen." "What's been keeping you?" "Don't I ever get tired of waiting?" "But I was just leaving, sweetheart." "Come on, have a nightcap with me." "No, thanks." "All I need to fall asleep is a bed." "I'm dead." "Come on, Dan, don't be so inconsiderate." "Okay, I'm blowing, Bert." "Get yourself some rest, and tomorrow" "We'll have one grand day laying the green." "I'm itching to start." "Where is Anne tonight?" "Oh, out with some other guy." "2-timing you, eh?" "No, we're not that way." "We're just partners." "As for me, I'm very much in circulation." "That's good news." "Maybe I can get rid of Dan some night" "And we can go out together alone." "Don't get caught." "Lock this door and sleep with one eye open." "Chances are I won't be able to sleep at all." "I can understand that." "See you in the A.M." "Goodbye." "Good night." "Good night." "I never saw anyone so stupid in all my life." "Ha ha." "The poor chump." "You know, all smartened up from that goofy scrapbook." "He thought that real money you sold him was counterfeit." "Yeah, he said it looked perfect." "He couldn't tell it from the real stuff." "What a mug." "A sap." "Miss Roberts, please." "Hello, Anne?" "It's Bert." "Listen, honey, I won't be able to see you today." "Something came up that's going to tie me up." "Is anything the matter?" "Of course not." "Don't worry about a thing, will you?" "Alright." "If you've still got the money, hang on to it." "Sure." "I've got the money in my pocket right now." "Yeah." "Okay." "Man:" "Miss Kennedy." "Call for miss Kennedy." "Call for miss Kennedy." "Call for miss Kennedy." "Miss Kennedy." "Call for miss Kennedy." "How do you do?" "How do you do?" "I'm Mr. Alexander Porter's secretary." "I want a diamond bracelet." "Mr. Porter just announced his daughter's engagement," "You know?" "Yes, I read about it." "Step this way, please?" "Show this gentleman some bracelets." "This young man will wait on you." "Thank you." "Pardon me." "What did you have in mind?" "Anything in particular?" "Mm, no." "Uh, let me see these." "How much is this one?" "$15,000." "This is very nice." "I'll take this one." "That is, pending Mr. Porter's approval." "Would you mind sending it to his residence, 1516 Lake Shore drive, immediately," "And charge it to his account?" "Thank you very much." "I shall have it sent within the hour." "May I have your card, please?" "Thank you so much, Mr. Roland." "Thank you." "Package for Mr. Porter from Gorman co." "Will you sign, please?" "Very good." "Thank you." "Hello, is this the residence" "Of Alexander Porter?" "Yes." "This is the Porter residence." "This is the Gorman jewelry establishment." "Through an unfortunate error, a package intended" "For another of our patrons was delivered at your house." "The package is right here, sir." "Our Mr. Roland will call for it immediately." "Roland, r-o-l-a-n-d." "Yes." "Would you mind giving it to him when he arrives?" "Yes, sir." "Mr. Roland." "I will expect him, sir." "Oh, thanks so much." "Thank you." "Bert:" "So, uh, I'm Mr. Roland of the Gorman company." "Oh, Mr. Roland," "Your manager telephoned me to expect you." "One moment, please." "Oh, thank you." "Thank you so much." "It's nice." "Maybe it's too nice." "What'll I do with it?" "That stuff is hard to sell." "Give it to your wife for a Christmas present." "Listen, 3 balls, I want $5,000," "And I want it in a hurry." "It's worth $20,000." "Don't give me any back talk." "Well, don't get excited." "We can talk it over." "I don't want any talk." "I want 5 grand, and I want it now." "Alright, I'll..." "I'll buy it." "My, but you're a tough guy." "Not tough, just mercenary." "Dan didn't take me, but he tried to, and that's what burns me up." "How much did we lose?" "Not a dime." "I got all our original dough back." "That's a break." "What's a break?" "Listen, I don't invest money just to get it back." "Dan promised me a profit, and a profit I'll get." "What's that got to do with this trip to New York?" "Nothing, except that Dan barker, the rat," "Is headed that way himself." "You didn't have much time" "To say goodbye to that blonde, did you?" "Isn't that too bad?" "Oh, Bert, sometimes you act like a kid." "You lie, and you pout, and you won't give in." "Who's lying?" "You are." "That's alright." "I'll pretend to believe you, Skippy." "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's alright." "Oh, what's the matter?" "Something in your eye?" "A cinder, I guess." "May I take it out?" "Would you?" "Now look up." "Keep still." "There it is." "It's not very big, is it?" "No, just a little fellow." "Do you feel better?" "Yes, thanks." "My name is Reynolds, Joe Reynolds." "And mine's Anne Roberts." "I'm afraid our etiquette's a bit reversed." "I guess Emily post wouldn't approve" "Of looking into a lady's eyes before being introduced to her." "Maybe Emily post couldn't appreciate such eyes as yours." "But seriously, have you anything to wash them with," "Some antiseptic or something?" "No, but they must have on the train." "I'll ask the Porter." "I have boric acid in my bag." "I'm in the next car." "You talk like a physician." "How do you feel now?" "Much better, thank you." "Fine." "Do you do much traveling?" "Yes." "My firm is a member of the New York stock exchange," "As well as that of Chicago and Boston." "This will be my first visit east in several years." "Here comes my partner." "Bert, I'd like you to meet Mr. Reynolds." "Mr. Harris." "How do you do?" "How do you do?" "Something flew in my eye," "And Mr. Reynolds was kind enough to remove it." "Lucky I wasn't there." "You'd probably be minus an eye." "Partners are unfair." "Because I have two eyes," "Mr. Harris would expect me to give him one." "I must bathe my eye." "Thank you again." "I hope you'll give me the chance of seeing you in New York." "Shan't we see each other on the train?" "How about breakfast?" "Swell." "Splendid." "I'm delighted to have met you, sir." "Oh, uh, the pleasure's mutual." "Little girl like 'em nice mans?" "I think I could prime that chump for a take." "He looks like ready money." "Is that all you ever think of, Bert... swindling somebody?" "Why don't you take them one at a time?" "Yesterday you were going to follow Dan around the world." "Now you've forgotten all about it." "I haven't forgotten anything." "Only why shouldn't we take Reynolds?" "He isn't any better than anybody else, is he?" "Maybe he is." "I sort of like him." "As long as I do, you lay off." "There are plenty others." "Mm-hmm." "This is the first time I've ever seen you weaken." "He must work fast." "He does." "You should take a few lessons." "Aw, nuts." "It's tough nowadays." "Sometimes I think I'll go legit." "You couldn't." "Trick laws and shyster lawyers" "Won't let a guy go straight." "Say, who's the dame over there?" "Miss Roberts." "How are you, Mr. barker?" "May I sit down?" "Please do." "I ate at that table." "Bring me the check, will you, and a fresh pot of coffee?" "Yes, sir." "Am I taking you from someone?" "That mug's just out of the big house." "More solitary won't hurt him." "You're sure looking great." "Say, whatever happened with that young squirt?" "Bert was his name, wasn't it?" "You were never meant for a chump like that." "Did he ever tell you how we took him" "In that fake counterfeiting gag?" "Ha ha." "He fell for that hook, line, and sinker." "I took him for 5 grand," "And the payoff was the note that Helen left for him..." ""paste this in your scrapbook." "Love and kisses, Helen."" "Ha ha." "Ha ha." "Where is Helen?" "I sent her back where I got her from." "Have her on a 30-day free trial?" "Exactly, and all she cost me was the down payment." "What are you doing these days?" "I got a brand-new racket." "[Knock on door]" "Hello, honey." "Hello, baby." "Ready to eat?" "Sure." "I'll put on my hat." "You sit down and rest your hands and face." "Hmm!" "Browning." "Not really." ""To Anne." "This book so suitable." "Joe."" "You never told me." ""No shade encroaching on the matchless mould" ""of those two lips, which should be opening soft" ""in the pure profile," ""not as when she laughs"..." "Ha ha!" ""For that spoils all." "But, rather as if aloft" ""yon hyacinth she loves so, leaned its staff's" ""burden of honey-colored buds to kiss" "And capture 'twixt the lips apart for this."" "Now, honey, I ask you," "Is this the kind of hooey that guy Reynolds hands out?" "Why, I think it's lovely." "He may be a poet to you, he's just a peasant to me." "Let's get out of here." "I'm starved." "I could eat the hip off a horse." "Well, I'll go with you, but I'm not very hungry." "I had a late luncheon." "Whose guest do you think I was?" "Don't tell me." "Don't tell me." "Einstein." "No, silly." "You'd be very interested." "Oh, the high and mighty Joe Reynolds, I suppose." "The poetry shark." "No, I saw Joe yesterday." "We had lunch together, and I met his father." "Alright, alright." "Who else, then?" "Dan." "Dan barker?" "Did you talk with him?" "Why, certainly." "I said we had luncheon together." "Well, I bet he laid off me." "You're all we talked about." "He's living at the Saint Anthony." "He always stays at the best, doesn't he?" "Let me get my hands on him, he'll stay at the hospital." "What did he say about me?" "Everything, and by the way," "I have a message for you..." "Helen sends her love and kisses." "The dirty, yellow-bellied, double-crossing burglars." "And you laughing at me with him!" "A fine partner you are." "You'd make a swell pair, you two." "Now, wait a minute." "Aw, get away from me." "You're as wet as he is, always rubbing things in." "Oh, you talk like a child." "Now, before we go any further," "Tell me how you got the money we came here on." "I never had any intention of telling you," "I stole a necklace from a jeweler" "And sold it to a fence." "Stole it?" "Stealing's not your racket." "Well, I didn't exactly steal it." "I pulled it neatly enough." "You can bank on that." "I was desperate." "I had to get your dough back." "But out-and-out thievery's not your style, Bert." "The worst you ever did was take from wise guys," "Cheat a lot of cheaters, but this thing..." "You might've been caught." "But I wasn't." "You don't think I was that clumsy, do you?" "Bert, you're such a boy." "You'll never grow up." "Oh, I'm sorry I got into this whole business." "At first, it was clever and shrewd," "But now that we've resorted to this," "I suppose next week you'll rob a bank." "Sounds like some of Joe Reynolds' influence." "That guy gives me the cramps." "Well, I can't stop you, if you want to turn yellow and quit." "This isn't some of Dan barker's work?" "You haven't fallen for his line, have you?" "You're hurting me, Bert." "I'm sorry." "No, it's not Dan's work." "I'm not going to take a run-out powder, either," "Not now, anyway." "I'm going to stick with you." "I'm going to even up the score with Dan barker for you." "He took our dough, and he's going to pay." "He made you resort to common dirty thievery." "We'll make him resort to worse than that before we finish." "That a baby." "You had me worried for a minute." "Come on, now, what are the plans?" "Never mind." "You asked me before if I was hungry." "Well, come on, I've got an appetite now." "We'll split the hip of that horse between us." "That gets it, baby." "Ha!" "You got a great idea, Anne." "I got to give you credit." "Believe me... this old gent bellock's stuck on me." "He'll do anything I say." "I have to have somebody to work with," "And I like you, Dan." "You're my style." "And you were made to order for me, honey." "If your man's as good as you say," "We'll take him for enough to blow the country." "What time does he get in?" "Usually early in the morning." "He stays at the Miranda." "Oh, fine." "I got everything set." "It's our first job together." "We've gotta be on our toes." "[Doorbell buzzes]" "I'll see who it is." "Hello, Mike." "Hello, Dan." "Your car's ready." "Everything's ready." "Let's be on our way." "I'll slip on a dress make it snappy, honey." "I consider myself fortunate," "Getting to town before this meet broke up." "You're right, colonel." "There's some great horseflesh out here now." "This track is becoming more important every year." "It certainly is." "Not a major stable missing." "And the management is perfect, I hear..." "Void of fraud," "And no stigma of unsportsmanship whatsoever." "Beyond criticism, colonel..." "We're mighty proud of that." "As it should be." "The sport of kings should be respected." "Will you be ready soon, dear?" "Just a minute, colonel." "I've got a run in my stocking." "How did you like the golf course?" "Splendid, very sporty." "Anne and I played 18 holes this morning." "I'm very fond of this entire hotel." "Hurry, dear, we'll miss the first race." "Just a minute, colonel." "Oh, these women..." "I think" "I've waited 1,000 years for them in my time." "But they're worth it, aren't they, colonel?" "This one in particular." "Ha ha." "[Cheering]" "[Horn honks]" "Looks as if we missed that first race." "And it's all my fault." "I kept you waiting." "Oh, that's alright." "Although I did have a horse picked" "In that first race, a sure winner, colonel." "I didn't have a chance to look at the entries." "Oh, here, look them over." "Why not bet between yourselves?" "You, Dan, pick a horse, and you, colonel, book." "Not a bad idea" "If the colonel wants to be a sucker." "Quite the contrary." "I'd consider it very sporting." "Well, it's a swell way to pass the time." "We're still a half-hour from the track." "Hello, Louie, who won the first race today?" "Who?" "Okay." "Some mighty good horses in that first race." "Yes, and the track ought to be" "In pretty good shape, too." "[Horn honks]" "Captain's boy is my choice at 2-to-1 odds." "How much do you want to bet?" "Well, say $500?" "Why not make it $1,000?" "Alright." "Shall Anne hold my money?" "Surely, if you can trust my sweet little friend." "Ha ha." "[Cheering]" "[Bell rings]" "Who won the second race?" "The second race." "Who?" "Okay, okay." "Fine time to run out of gasoline." "Why don't you look out for these things?" "I never knew the tank was near empty." "Hurry up, will you?" "The races will be over before we get there." "Well, I guess the second race is on by now." "Say, do you want me to keep book this time?" "No, you bet." "I'll be a real bookie." "And I've got plenty of cash to pay off if I lose." "Okay, colonel." "[Horn honks]" "What's your choice this time?" "Well, this time I'll take high ball." "Sounds like a good thing in these prohibition days." "Same amount?" "No, let's make it $1,500 this time." "So if I lose the first race I won't be out much." "Okay, here you are, little stakeholder." "[Crowd cheering]" "Suppose we take the third race." "Betting this way is as much fun as at the track." "Yeah." "We've been delayed so much," "I suppose the third race is on now." "[Horn honks]" "Well, I'll take a chance on Queenie." "I've taken a chance on Queenies many times." "Stop now, colonel." "You're making me jealous." "Same amount... $1,500?" "How'd you like to make it really interesting?" "How about $5,000?" "Can you cover it?" "Sure I can." "The sky is the limit." "Okay, colonel." "Well, there you are, Anne." "Hang on to that." "You'll probably be giving it back to me" "In a little while." "[Crowd talking]" "[Band music playing]" "You didn't pick a winner in the whole lot." "I won all three bets." "Here you are, colonel." "You sure are lucky." "Oh, the boys at the club will be knocked cold" "When I tell them this." "Well, what the devil happened?" "That chauffeur double-crossed me." "I'll cut his heart out." "Don't worry, Dan." "We'll take him before we leave town." "Hey, Mike." "Mike!" "[Honks horn]" "$40, $60, $80, $100." "There you are, baldy..." "I mean, colonel." "You did swell." "I've got another $100 coming, ain't I?" "Nothing doing." "You did it so well," "You can do it again without our help." "You flatter me." "Here, Mike." "That's worth your trouble, isn't it?" "You said it, baby." "You fellows lay low." "Dan barker is probably looking for you." "We're going to blow this burg right now." "Thank heavens that's over." "You have no idea how hard it is to put up with getting pawed" "By someone you don't care for." "Are you satisfied with our revenge?" "Isn't that a darn sight more gratifying" "Than just punching him in the nose?" "With all this dough in my hands," "How can I say you're wrong?" "Is money all you ever think of?" "No, Anne." "Money is just a means to an end with me." "There's been a lot of things I've wanted to do." "I wanna go to Europe." "I wanna mix with those swell people, see those swell places." "You know, we could go together." "Here's your end of the take." "I suppose you'll want to buy yourself a separate stateroom." "Listen, Anne, I'm nuts about you." "Simply because I don't say it the usual way" "And say the usual things doesn't mean that I mean it any less." "It's not easy for me." "Oh, I don't know." "I want you, that's all." "Anne, let's get married." "That's sweet of you, Bert." "I wish you'd said that long ago." "Why?" "It's too late now, Bert." "I'm in love with somebody else." "If you had told it to me like that six months ago," "It would've been different." "I wanted to hear you say it." "Why didn't you tell me then, Bert?" "Who is it..." "Reynolds?" "Yes, Bert..." "Reynolds." "I learned something going around with him." "On those weekends with his family and all that," "I met different kinds of people." "They're a whole lot different from our friends, Bert." "They like music and art and all that sort of thing." "Oh, I don't know." "It seems like a better way to live, that's all," "So I'm going to quit all this." "I'm going to marry Joe." "I understand, Anne," "And you're perfectly right about me" "And the kind of life I'm used to living." "You'd be in for an awful lot of grief if ever you married me." "I'd be holding out or pulling a fast one on you" "Before the rice was out of your hair." "I suppose if I caught the iceman hanging around," "I'd ask for a cut of his profits," "And as for the butcher..." "Well, wouldn't I look like a swell smack-off" "In one of those aprons washing dishes?" "No..." "I'd be a flop at this marriage business." "Now, if it was a racket," "Nothing could stop me." "Oh, well." "Congratulations, old gal." "I wish you all the luck in the world." "What is it the disappointed suitor always says?" "Oh, yes..." ""name the first one after me."" "[Bells ringing]" "What is it..." "A wedding or a funeral?" "Both." "[Crowd talking]" "Man:" "Goodbye." "Bye." "Woman:" "Have a nice trip." "[Crowd shouting]" "Jerry:" "How did you like Europe, Bert?" "Bert:" "Hmm... stinks." "I tell you, Bert, this deal is a honey." "No big touches, but the money's there in the grind." "After a year's layoff, it ought to come in handy." "Sounds alright, Jerry, but I'm not interested." "I don't know what I want, kid." "It's the greatest thing in the world." "Did you ever see one?" "They're good luck charms." "I hope it brings you luck, Jerry." "I don't know how you can pass it up." "I can get them made up for 2 bucks a gross." "I got stenos that do nothing but look up deaths" "In the obituary columns all over the country." "Then I send out a swastika charm addressed to the dead guy..." "C.O.D. $3.50." "The dead man's family is so touched by the fact" "That he sent away for a good-luck piece" "Before kicking off, they keep the charm, send me the dough." "$3.40 profit on each." "Not big dough, but what a volume." "Pretty, ain't it?" "I can peddle more than 500 a week." "No, Jerry, I'm afraid you can't drag me in." "I've been away so long it all sounds strange." "Take a trip to China or somewhere?" "You can't do yourself any good here if you feel that way." "Maybe you're right." "Why don't you get married?" "You got some bright ideas today, kid." "[Doorbell buzzes]" "Wait here." "I'll answer it." "Hello, Anne." "Hello." "Come in." "How did you find out where I lived?" "Well, I managed." "Sit down." "Well, little stranger," "How do you like married life?" "Alright, I guess." "You don't look very happy." "I'm not." "You were a chump for passing me up." "I always told you I was a bargain at any price." "I have something to tell you, Bert." "Something dreadful has happened." "It can't be as bad as that." "Let me buy you a drink." "No, thanks." "Bert, Joe has used some of the firm's money" "In a deal he thought would make him a fortune." "That's been tried before." "What happened?" "It didn't work." "He lost it all." "It's up to you to get him out of it." "This is the guy you held up to me" "As respectable, straight, clean..." "He and his father and his books and his music?" "And now you wake up and find out he's an embezzler." "I've come to you for help, Bert." "You're the only person I know to ask." "I want you to loan me the money" "So that Joe can make good his losses to the firm." "The books are audited the 30th." "The day after tomorrow." "How much is involved?" "$30,000." "$30,000?" "Hmm." "That's a lot of money." "I haven't got it, Anne." "I haven't turned a trick since you left." "I'm living on principle, and as you see," "The layout isn't so cheap here." "Well, I didn't know, Bert." "I thought you were still in the rackets." "I quit when you did." "I couldn't go on without you." "I lost my punch." "Where'd he get the money?" "From the firm." "In cash or did he juggle his accounts or what?" "No, he took negotiable bonds from the vault." "He has his own key, and he knows the combination of the safe." "He's trusted there." "He's been with them for years." "I see." "He's with Werder Lawrence, isn't he?" "Well, listen, Anne," "Tell Joe he can expect a visit from me in the morning." "Have him take me to his own private office when I get there." "What do you plan to do?" "Never mind." "Everything's going to be alright." "Just tell him to expect me." "But, what'll you do?" "Wait a minute." "Our partnership was dissolved a long time ago." "I don't have to tell you everything." "Go on home, Anne." "Don't worry about a thing." "Everything's going to be Jake." "Where's Mr. Reynolds' office?" "First door to your left." "Thank you." "I didn't intend to steal the money." "I meant to return it." "It's the sort of thing that could happen to anybody." "It's happened to lots of guys." "They're up in sing sing now." "Anne said you could help me." "I'll pay you back." "You won't lose anything." "I can't lose anything" "Because I haven't got anything." "When you married Anne, I lost the only thing I ever had." "Is there any more dough in this safe?" "Yes." "There are bonds going in and out the whole time." "Why?" "Just this..." "If this place should happen to be robbed tonight," "For instance, and the rest of the securities stolen," "They would never know that your $30,000" "Wasn't taken with the rest, would they?" "Why, no, they wouldn't..." "But that's robbery." "Hmm." "That would be too bad." "Well, there's probably $40,000 worth of bonds" "In the safe now." "Any negotiable?" "Well, no." "No, of course not." "You'd have grabbed those, too." "Look here, you..." "Shut up!" "Listen to me." "Give me the keys to this place and the combination to the safe." "Go on home and forget you ever saw me." "Take Anne out somewhere and be sure that you're seen" "By a lot of people in case you do need an alibi." "In the morning, they'll find the place robbed and the safe open." "They'll pick $40,000 worth of non-negotiable bonds" "Lying in the alley." "They'll figure that the thieves threw them there," "Keeping only the stuff they could dispose of." "That's great." "I don't know how to thank you." "I'm not doing it for you, it's for Anne, you smack-off." "Give me the keys." "Here's the combination to the safe." "You put it down." "Not taking any chances, are you?" "Left 9-7." "Right 2-3." "That's him." "Stick them up." "Swing around there." "[Horns honking]" "Alright, Joe, frisk him." "Follow that brown sedan." "[Siren wailing]" "[Horn honking]" "[Horn honks]" "[Horn honks]" "You can only stay a few minutes." "Hello, Anne." "Hiya, honey." "Gee, it's swell to see you, Anne." "Oh, come on, come on, darling." "Don't take it so hard." "Things could be worse." "Oh, nothing could be worse." "What do you mean?" "What's happened?" "I just found out that Joe double-crossed you." "Double-crossed me?" "How?" "Oh, don't you understand?" "That's why you're here." "He had the cops waiting for you." "You mean after all we tried to do for him" "He'd pull something like that?" "Oh, it's impossible, Anne." "Nobody could be so low." "Oh, it's not impossible." "It's true." "Oh, that dirty, double-crossing rat." "I'd like to get my hooks on him." "I'd tear him to pieces." "Oh, if I could only get out of here." "You're not going to take the blame." "I'm going to tell the district attorney the whole story." "No, you mustn't." "You'll only put yourself in a spot." "I'm not thinking of myself, Bert." "It's you." "I got you into this mess." "I'm going to get you out." "Stay out of this, or they'll find out about us." "I can't let you go to jail." "Anne, I'm in." "You can't help me." "It'll just be my word against Joe's." "Oh, I've got to do something." "There's nothing you can do." "You don't owe me anything." "I got you started into the rackets." "Well, I'm not going to let you take the blame." "I went into this thing with my eyes open" "Because I loved you, Bert." "I always have," "But it's taken this to make me realize it." "You mean that, Anne?" "Of course I mean it, more than anything in my life." "Your time is up." "Come along." "Whatever happens, no matter what it is," "I'll be waiting." "If I had the wings of an angel, honey," "Over these prison walls I would fly." | {
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} |
"Okay, how about this?" "If you let me have Jake this Easter, you can have him the Fourth of July and Labor Day." "No." "That doesn't work for me at all." "How about I give you all the Jewish holidays?" "When did we become Jewish, Alan?" "It's still holidays." "Your brother's a schmuck." "What are they arguing about now?" "It's actually kind of ironic." "They're arguing about who gets you on what days." "That is ironic." "You know what "ironic" means?" "No, but I trust you." "What's ironic is while they're arguing about who gets you, I get you." "And you know what?" "It's not such a big deal." "No offense, but let's face it, you're 10." "I can't take you to Vegas, we can't double-date." "And when was the last time you picked up a check, you mooch?" "I'm almost 1 1." "Okay, I think we've got it." "I get him Thanksgiving, you get him Halloween." "You get him Christmas Eve, I get him Christmas Day." "I get him Yom Kippur." "And I get Hanukkah." "Hey, guys, I just found out." "Jake's birthday is, like, in a week." "Shouldn't we make plans?" "You're right, he's a schmuck." "What?" "We know when his birthday is, Charlie." "We were there." "But only one of us got a needle shoved in their spine." "You begged for that." "Anyway, you, me, and Mom are taking Jake to a show at the Magic Castle." "You invited Mom?" "You want to tell her she can't come to her grandchild's birthday?" "'Cause believe me, I tried." "Oh, man." "Look at the bright side." "Maybe we can bribe one of the magicians to get her sawed in half." "Or better still, thrown in a wood chipper." "Judith and her sister are going to join us as well." "Which sister, the brunette or the blonde?" "The brunette." "Why?" "Just curious." "I never slept with the blonde." "And you're not gonna sleep with the brunette again, either." "Relax, that was 12 years ago." "Well, thank you." "Let's just wait till we get a look at her now." "Happy birthday!" "A magic set?" "Awesome." "How lovely." "Perhaps he'll grow up to be a carny." "It includes 14 different illusions that will amaze and astound your friends." "But, of course, your friends may be smarter than mine." "Cool!" "Have fun at the Magic Castle." "Aren't you coming with us?" "I wish I could, but I gotta go to some clown's wedding." "I'll try and come back for cake, okay?" "Thanks a lot, Rose." "You're welcome." "Bye, Evelyn." "Bye-bye." "Thank you so much." "Poor soul." "I'm sure she meant well." "Now." "Open Grandmommy's present." "Clothes?" "Happy birthday." "Thanks a lot, but clothes?" "Not clothes, darling." "It's Calvin Klein." "No, it's clothes." "Believe me, sweetheart, the girls are gonna love you in this." "What girls?" "All right, the other boys will be envious." "The other boys will beat me up." "Well, there's just no pleasing you, is there?" "Almost ready?" "Judith and Liz will be here soon." "Liz." "Thank you." "Boy, that would have been embarrassing." "Charlie, please don't make a bad situation worse." "Judith and Liz have been at each other's throats for years." "Why's that?" "I don't know." "Maybe it's because Liz was always more popular." "Maybe because Judith was smarter." "Maybe, and this is just a theory on my part, it had something to do with the fact that" "Liz did my brother in the coatroom at our wedding reception." "Well, no secret why she was popular." "At our wedding reception, Charlie." "In the coatroom." "You were louder than the band." "Hey, you make it sound so sleazy." "I'm sorry." "Class it up for me." "Okay, to begin with, we were on a mink coat." "Goodbye." "And I was wearing a tuxedo." "It's an 1 1-year-old's birthday party." "You could've at least put on a bra." "Some of us don't need bras." "Some of us have had husbands and children." "I've had husbands." "And please, would you behave yourself with Charlie?" "What do you mean?" "I mean," "I don't want a repeat of what happened in the coatroom at my wedding reception." "That was Charlie?" "Hey, soul sisters." "Come on in." "Hello, Alan." "Alan, you look fantastic." "I guess single life really agrees with you." "You know, doing okay." "Starting over, landed on my feet." "Like a cat." "Hey, Mom." "Hey, sweetie." "Hi." "Hey, Aunt Liz." "There's my favorite nephew." "Happy birthday, sweetie." "It isn't clothes, is it?" "This is a surprise." "Hello, Evelyn." "It's not a surprise." "I told her." "You're looking very well." "Slimming down nicely." "Thanks." "I recently dropped 160 pounds." "152." "I take Pilates." "Hey, everybody." "Uncle Charlie, look what Aunt Liz got me." "Awesome." "I don't suppose you thought to buy him a safety helmet." "You ride with Aunt Liz, you take your chances." "Right, Liz?" "This guy?" "Are you sure?" "Alan?" "Yeah, Mom." "Now that we've seen the dove disappear up the greasy man's sleeve, how about we stop for a little drinkie-poo?" "Mom, it's still Jake's birthday." "We're going home for cake." "Okay." "But first a drinkie-poo." "Don't you think you had enough to drink at the magic show?" "Excuse me, but some of us deal with our boredom and depression the old-fashioned, non-prescription way." "That's telling her, Evelyn." "Now, see." "This one gets me." "Alan, you married the wrong sister." "Why don't you lie down back there, take a little nap?" "Okey-dokey." "How can you not remember the coatroom?" "I remember the coatroom." "I just don't remember you." "How can you not remember me?" "Do you remember everyone you've had sex with?" "Of course not." "But come on, we're practically family." "Okay, Dad, see this ring?" "It's made of one unbroken piece of stainless steel." "I can see that." "And this one is just the same." "I swear." "I believe you." "Now watch." "One, two, three." "Hold on." "One, two, three." "Ironic." "Wait, don't look." "Alan, how are those magic fingers of yours?" "I'm sorry?" "I have this kink in my back and I was hoping you could give me one of your fantastic adjustments when we get home." "Sure, I suppose." "Thank you." "I can't wait." "Wait a minute." "His magic fingers you remember?" "Ta-da!" "This is really weird." "Yeah." "How could she not remember me?" "What are you talking about?" "What are you talking about?" "Judith's sister's hitting on me." "She's not hitting on you." "She's hitting on her sister's ex-husband." "But that's me." "Stop taking it personally." "You said it yourself." "They've been going at each other for years." "And let's examine the current situation." "Nothing Liz does with me is gonna make Judith any madder." "I've already flown my mission." "The only play she has left is to sleep with you." "Well, that's not gonna happen." "Well, certainly not with that attitude." "Now, come on, you can't say you've never thought about it." "Liz?" "No." "Alan." "Look me in the eye." "Okay, I'm looking." "Tell me you've never thought about being with Liz." "You know, you have very curly eyelashes." "Answer the question." "Come on, Charlie." "It's my ex-wife's sister." "Exactly." "Sisters are like the Holy Grail of recreational sex." "Technically, it'd be twins, but that's such a biological oddity, it's hardly worth pursuing." "Dad, pick a card." "Okay." "Seven of diamonds?" "No." "Eight of spades?" "No." "Ace of clubs?" "No." "Is it black or red?" "We'll just have the cake, and then we'll go." "You can go if you want." "I'll have Alan drive me home after he adjusts me." "Why are you doing this?" "Doing what?" "Alan." "You want him back, don't you?" "No, I don't want him back." "Then why do you care what I do with him?" "If you're determined to do something stupid today," "I'd actually prefer you do Charlie." "So would Charlie, but we can't always get what we want." "Wow!" "That's a lot of candles." "He's still 1 1, right?" "You want to deal with the candles?" "Is that what you want?" "No, I'm fine." "So, Alan." "When do you think you'll be ready for me?" "Maybe after the cake." "Okay." "Okay." "You just say the word, and we'll do it." "In high school, the word was "hello."" "Don't pretend you don't know what she's doing." "Her back hurts, Judith." "She wants an adjustment." "She doesn't want an adjustment." "And why do you think her back hurts in the first place?" "So, she does need an adjustment." "I forbid you to have anything to do with my sister." "Really?" "You forbid me?" "I've got news for you." "We're not married anymore." "You don't get to forbid me." "I'm warning you." "What warning?" "What happened to forbidding?" "Just listen to me." "If you lay one magic little finger on Liz," "you and I will have a big problem." "What are you gonna do?" "Divorce me?" "Marry me again and then divorce me?" "You want to see a trick?" "Sure." "Yeah, sure, honey." ""Good evening, sir or madame." ""Have we ever met before?"" "So, Liz." "The wedding reception, the coatroom." "Did I ever say thank you?" "I don't really remember, Charlie." "Well, let me just say, long overdue then, thank you." "Okay." "And not just for the one time." "Over the years, I've actually used the mental picture of that night as" "Iighter fluid when I'm, you know, barbecuing alone." "Hey, come on, that's a compliment." "Hey, Grandma?" "What?" "Now, madame, keep your eye on the magic ball." "Watch closely." "No, wait." "Okay, now I'll take the magic ball from my left hand and put it into my right." "See?" "Now I'll throw the magic ball back into the cup." "You think it's under the cup?" "Do I think what's under the cup?" "The magic ball." "Very good, dear." "Good Lord, how long have I been asleep?" "Make a wish, buddy." "I've already made my wish." "Don't you dare." "Now we're daring?" "Warning, forbidding, and daring?" "I want to talk to you." "Are you hearing this?" "I'm trying." "What is your problem?" "You are my problem." "Why are they fighting?" "They're not fighting." "They're discussing." "I'm a child of divorce, Dad." "I know the difference." "You're a selfish, hateful person." "Maybe you should go to your room." "It's my birthday." "lronic, huh?" "Hi, everybody." "Sorry I'm late." "Actually, you're right on time." "Here's $50." "Take Jake to the arcade, and don't come back till you're out of quarters." "Okay." "Come on, Jake." "Cool." "So, how was the wedding?" "It was a circus." "Bye, honey." "Have fun." "You were always a cheap slut and you haven't changed." "I was the slut?" "Miss Technically-I'm-Still-A-Virgin." "Girls, that's no way to talk." "Ever since we were kids, anytime I loved something, you took it away from me." "But you will not take away my ex-husband." "You love me?" "What?" "No!" "I'm trying to make a point here." "Judith, if I wanted Alan, I could've had him a long time ago." "What the hell does that mean?" "You never told her?" "Told me what?" "Well, I mean, it's no big deal." "Really." "It's just that before I asked you out," "I asked Liz out." "You lied to me?" "If I had said yes, you never would have dated him." "So, I was your second choice?" "No." "Chronologically, yes." "But in my heart, you were always first." "But in reality, you were second." "And you never told me this?" "Well, you can kind of see why." "You know, this wouldn't have happened if you were twins." "Okay." "Fine." "You always wanted Liz?" "Go ahead, here's your chance." "Give her your little adjustment." "While you're having a good time with my sister," "I'll have a good time with your brother." "Beg pardon?" "Don't be coy with me." "You know we've always had sexual tension between us." "Really?" "I thought it was just regular tension." "Come on, I've seen you looking at my chest." "You looked at my wife's chest?" "Hey, I'm a guy." "I will rock his world, Alan, I swear." "You're bluffing." "Am I?" "Watch me." "Come on, Charlie." "Alan?" "She's bluffing, Charlie." "Are you sure?" "Trust me, she hates you." "Trust me." "That doesn't always stop them." "Come on, Alan, I'll show you where it hurts." "Clear something up for me." "Chiropractic adjustment, that's just a euphemism?" "Right." "So, we're really gonna do this?" "Wow, I thought we were bluffing." "Okay, we were bluffing." "Us, too." "My God, that clown has no legs!" "Okay, you see the coin?" "You're supposed to say, "Have we ever met before?"" "Just watch the trick, okay?" "We'll work on the patter later." "You see the coin?" "Now, I grab it with this hand and I blow, and it's gone." "Where do you think it is?" "It's right here." "How the hell did you do that?" "Ironic, huh?" | {
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} |
"The humans are fighting back." "What did you expect?" "They'd just lie there and take it?" "Well, they've never fought back before, have they?" "You okay?" "A vampire attacked me." "Are you a faerie?" "I'm a halfling." "Me, too." " You have been very kind." " Wait." " I don't know your name." " Ben." " I know what you are." " I don't know what you think you know." "I'm here to help you." "I'm the cofounder of Vampire Unity Society." " I want you to come out as a shifter." " No." "You will rescind your order to shut down vampire-run businesses." "Guards." "We figured out your hypnosis trick." "Take this sneaky son of a bitch to camp." "You're not gonna read me my rights?" "You don't have any rights, vamper." "Oh, shit." "Good evening, Miss Burrell." "Why don't you invite me in?" "Of course." "Sookie Stackhouse, I'd like you to meet our faerie grandfather." "He's gonna help us kill Warlow." " He said that when Warlow gets here" " He's here." "We all want what's best for Emma." "I gave Luna my word and I'm gonna keep it." "Sam!" " Emma." " Come here, sweet pea." " I wanna stay with Sam!" " Put her down!" "Sam." " Sam!" " You belong with us." "I can feel all of them, all of their pain, all of the vampires." "You must save us." "Save us all." ""Governor Burrell has mandated that vampires..." "It's happening now, what you saw before." "I can see the future." "They're all gonna burn." "What is your name, sweetheart?" "Willa Burrell." "Are you daddy's little girl, Willa?" "Does he love you more than his own life?" "Yes." "So if I tear you apart... right down here, would that devastate him?" "Yes." "Would that rip his fucking heart out?" "Yes." "Are you a God-fearing girl, Willa?" " Yes." " Then know that you're about to die for your father's sins and not your own, but you are going to die." "And you will not scream." "Do you understand?" "Excellent." "Killing me will not stop him, but I know things." "I can tell you about the experiments." "What experiments?" "Shh." "Freeze, asshole!" "* True Blood 6x03 * You're No Good Original Air Date on June 30, 2013" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "* When you came in the air went out *" "* And every shadow filled up with doubt *" "* I don't know who you think you are *" "* But before the night is through *" "* I want to do bad things with you *" "* I'm the kind to sit up in his room *" "* Heart sick and eyes filled up with blue *" "* I don't know what you've done to me *" "* But I know this much is true *" "* I want to do bad things with you *" "* Ow, ooh *" "* I want to do real bad things with you. *" "As the Tru Blood shortage cont" "You said they're all gonna burn." "Who, Bill?" "Who is going to burn?" "Vampires." "Many, many of them." " Where's this happening?" " I don't know." " Do you know who's" " I don't know." "I have to stop it." "I have to save them." "Lilith came to me." "But it's the future." "What you've seen will happen." "She can't possibly expect you" "Damn it, I have to!" "Bill..." "You were there, too, Jess." "Burning in the sun." "You were one of them." "I don't know why or how or when." "But I saw it." "You, Eric," "Pam, and Tara..." "True deaths?" "So help me, I will not lose you, Jess." "I will stop this." "My head." "I gotta... drink some water." "Whew." "Thank you, Lafayette." "Come on." "Warlow." "It's go time." "Grandpa!" "Jason, keep Sookie in the house." "Ah!" "Ah!" "Oh, my God." "Jason!" "Jason!" " Oh, shit." " Jason!" "Sookie." "Get back into the house." " Just give him a second." " Grandpa?" "Get back into the house now." "Did I get him?" "No, hotshot, you didn't get him." " Did you get him?" " No, sweetie." "The king of all faeries did not get him either." "I don't like that tone, missy." "Well, then don't be all condescending toward my brother and you won't have to hear it." "I don't like how you look." "I'm worried about you." "Well, don't be 'cause I'm fine." "How come you're not afraid of Warlow?" "I am afraid." "You should be more afraid." "He's not coming after me, you know?" "I do know that, Grandpa Niall." "But you gotta realize, I can barely remember the last time I wasn't in danger." "Danger, it's a fact of life for me, so if I go getting worked up every time I'm in trouble, it's like I'm crying wolf to myself." "So I try to keep an even keel," "I take regular danger in stride, and that way, I've still got a real, healthy fear inside me for when the shit really hits the fan." "Warlow is the proverbial shit hitting the fan." "Don't underestimate him." "I won't." " I'm going out." " Where to?" "I'm tired of waiting." "I'm taking the fight to him." " I'm coming with you." " Like hell you are." " No, you're not." " Oh, motherfucker." "Hey, Grandpa Niall." "Why does it have to be me?" "There are plenty of faeries out there." "And percentage-wise, I don't even have the right to call myself a halfling." "Why does Warlow want me?" "Because, my dear, the faerie blood that courses through your veins is royal." "We're royalty." "What is it that they say?" ""Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."" "Lock the door behind me." " Where's Nora?" " Out." " Out where?" " I didn't ask 'cause I didn't give a shit." "Who the fuck is she?" "Pam, Tara, I'd like you to meet Willa Burrell." "You kidnapped the governor's daughter?" "Aw, hell, no." "No, you motherfuckin' didn't." "She has information that I need." "At least she better." "I will tell you everything I know, I swear." "Promise me you are going to kill her." "Fuck, Pam, what do you gotta kill her for?" "All he gotta do is glamor her" ""none of this shit happened" business and send her back home." "Because, human lover, her daddy fucked up my bar and glamoring's boring." "It's savage-ass shit like that that makes humans hate us." "Ladies, the governor and his security won't be far behind us." "I want you to pack up anything you might feel nostalgic about before we leave Fangtasia for good." "Pam, you just gonna roll over like that?" "Not for her daddy or anyone." "Now!" "Come on." "You don't have to glamor me." "I wanna help you." "I don't like what my father is doing any more than you do." "Now, you mentioned something about experiments." "It's-- it's a horrible" "Tell me." "Do you remember the ballot measures last year?" "None of that money went to the highway system." "Where'd it go?" "Where did it go, Willa?" "They used it to build a camp." "It's part prison and part research facility." "The vampires that they're arresting, they're not taking them to jail." "They're studying y'all-- your biology, your physiology, psychology, shit like that." "It's sick, sick, sick shit." "And where is this camp?" "I don't know." "I don't, I don't." "The only reason I know any of this shit is because I've been snooping around." "Please don't kill me." "Don't kill me." "Steer clear." "Weapons tight." "Move." "Let's go." "Go." "Remove his hood, please." "Welcome to your new home, Reverend Newlin." "I was once a big fan of your work." "Ungag him, will ya?" "I'm curious what he has to say." "Ah!" "Do you even know who I am?" "I am the spokesvampire for the AVL." "If you don't release me, you're gonna have vampires crawling up your asses." "On second thought, let's keep him gagged, shall we?" "Why?" "What did I do?" "I didn't mean to kill those frat boys!" "It was Russell Edgington!" "It wasn't me!" "We're finished packing up." "Everything her father didn't steal or destroy fits in this box." "It's just a bar, Pam." "Not even you believe that." "She tell you everything she knew?" " Yeah, she was very forthcoming." " Hmm." "Let's go." "You're coming with us." "Oh, come on." "Now you're taking her with?" "Oh, God damn it." "I beg you, cut off her head and rest it on her stomach, and when the governor storms in here again, he'll have that lovely image seared in his memory forever." "Either do that or what my prude progeny's suggesting, but don't bring her with." "None of this is ours anymore." "Burrell already took it, and we have nothing to negotiate with, we have nothing to fight him with." "All we have is her." " The girl lives." " Thank you." "The world is changing, Pam." "We have to change with it." "Are you crazy?" "They're werewolves." "Tell Bruce to get back here." "No way." "He texted me, said they have some kind of compound." "Emma." "Sorry, Sam, they took her." "Why are you in my house?" "Those guys, they beat you up and we just helped you inside, all right?" "Oh, that mangy bitch had a mean right." "I have some water." "You want some?" "Water?" "Oh, no, no, hunty." "I need something a little stronger than water." "Who's he?" "Sam, this is Jessie." "Jessie, Sam." "I'm her boyfriend." "Listen, thanks, I guess, for picking us up out there, but I gotta ask y'all to leave." "Those were werewolves, right?" "Can they, like, turn into wolves whenever they want, or just during a full moon?" "Now, I need to know these things, okay?" "I'm a cofounder of VUS, the Vamp" "Vampire Unity Society." "Yeah, I know." " Hey, Harvard..." " I went to Penn." "Whatever." "You need to erase everything you saw and heard out there." "In fact, erase the word "werewolf" from your memory, if you know what's good for youse." " Are you threatening me?" " I'll bust you in your fuckin' face with this bottle-- now that's a threat." "What I just gave you was some more than good advice." "Okay, we're gonna leave, right?" " Yeah." " We're gonna go." "Erase." "Sam, I wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier." "I came on really strong, asking questions about Luna, and I didn't know." "I'm very sorry about your loss." "Look, I know." "It's" "What are you gonna do about Emma?" "Are you just gonna let them take her?" " 'Cause we can definitely help" " Hey, hey, listen." "I appreciate it, but I don't need your help." "Everybody needs help." "Come on, Nic." "Mm-mm, she gonna be trouble for you." "Yeah, well, she can get in line." "Now, Sammie, before you turn into a snake or a bear or some shit that I can't have a conversation with, what insane plan you got cooking in that pretty little head of yours?" "The plan is" "I take care of this mess and you go home." "Now look, that girl was right about one thing-- everybody need help, especially you and especially now." "Now, I'm only gonna say this once 'cause I ain't into that mushy shit, but you gave me a chance when nobody else would, hired me when I really needed a job, and you always treated me with respect," "so, yes, I is in." "And I'm asking, what's the motherfuckin' plan, boyfriend?" "Oh, hello, Ginger." "Well, well, well, if it isn't Eric Northman who's come a-knockin' on my door." "I've finally decided to take you up on your offer for a sleepover." "Why don't you, uh... invite me in?" "Come on in, you big, bad vampire." "Oh, I hope you don't mind." "I brought some friends." "Invite me in." "Uh, come on in, I guess." "Yeah, invite me." "Whatever." "Come on in." "Does this mean we're not fucking?" "Sadly, Ginger, no, we will not be fucking on this occasion." "However, the night will come when we do." " This I promise you." " Who's the human anyhow?" "Who she is is no concern of yours." "That she and I are taking over your coffin is." "Why does he get the coffin?" "Let's not be petty, Tara." "Now, the sun is coming." "It's time to go to ground." "Why don't the three of us sleep in the coffin and the girl" "The girl is sleeping with me, as I don't trust you not to kill her." "Ginger, would you please escort Pam and Tara to your shitty little underground cubby?" "Thank you." "Bill?" "Lilith gave me the answer." "I only had to realize it." "When she came to me, when we talked, it was daylight." "We were standing in the noonday sun." "I could feel the warmth on my skin." "I could literally feel the rays and I did not burn." "Okay, I admit, I don't understand exactly what is happening to you, but I know you are still a vampire, and I know that the sun-- you can't." "You just-- you can't." "Sookie drove a wooden stake through my chest and I pulled it out like a splinter from my finger." "I walked through fire." "I'm having visions, prescient visions." "I am Lilith's prophet." "I feel like I can-- I feel immortal." "Maybe you are, but what if you're not?" "You are my world, Bill." "You're my father, my maker, my friend." " Please don't do this to me." " Don't worry." "No, Jesus Christ, Bill!" "Something killed Lilith." "If you meet the sun and you're wrong" "But I'm not wrong." "You'll see." "You go inside now." "No." "Bill!" "Oh, God." "Shit, shit!" "Jess!" "Ah!" "Oh, God." "Oh, God." "I don't understand." "I don't understand." "It's okay." "Oh, God, it's okay." "You're gonna be okay." "What are you?" "No." "Tell me what happened." "No words." "Just thoughts." "It got in." "What got in?" "A vampire." "Extremely powerful." "Let me look at you." "I have no idea how he got in." "Just don't leave me like this, please." "No." "The ultimate kindness." "I am sending you home." "Oy." "How you feeling?" "About the same." "Is Niall back?" "Nope." "You don't go huntin' vampires in the daytime." "Why ain't he back?" "I don't know." "I don't like how you look." "Let me take you to the hospital." "No, Sook, I already told you" "I don't need a goddamn hospital." "You have any idea how many concussions I got back in my playin' days?" " That's all this is." " If that's all this is, shouldn't you be getting better by now?" "I am getting better." "The hallucinations are gone..." "I think." " You were hallucinating?" " Like a motherfucker." "Sook, the other day when we were at the steakhouse and I was arming' up to go into the Authority, you didn't wonder why I was acting all crazy and more racist than usual?" "Of course I did." "That's 'cause, as far as I was concerned," "Mama and Daddy were right there." "Right there whispering all kinds of hateful stuff in my ear, encouraging me to kill vampers, like they was giving me some kind of pregame pep talk." "Fuck." "One second, one second, one second." "Sook, I can feel you looking at me." "If you wanna help, press on my pressure point like Mama used to." " Ah." " Like this?" "Yeah." "Harder." "That's good, Sook." "You got Mama's hands." "I do?" "You know what I wish?" "I wish that I had been hallucinating about somebody else, that any-- anybody else was whispering' all that hateful shit in my ear." "And I hate that I put all those ideas on Mama and Daddy, 'cause they don't deserve it." "Sometimes when people pass on, we forget all the bad stuff and only remember the good." "And that would make them perfect in our memories." "So Mama and Daddy were racist." "No, I'm saying that they had their faults just like the rest of us." "Oh." "What kind of faults?" "Well, for starters, Mama was-- she was scared of me." "I mean, she loved me, but she couldn't accept that I was different." "She was afraid of me up till the day she died." "How do you know this?" "Same way I know everything I know." "Fuck." "You couldn't have told me this before?" "Thinking they were perfect was working for you." "It made you try harder at everything you did." "The only reason I'm telling you now is because I" "Uh-uh, don't say Warlow, 'cause you ain't going anywhere." "I know." "I just don't want you to feel guilty or ashamed or like you're somehow cheating on the memory of Mama and Daddy just 'cause a little reality burst into the fantasy." "We can still love them, even if we recognize that they ain't perfect." "Sook, you are... a lot smarter than I am." "No, sweetie." "I just ain't had as many concussions is all." "Mm." "Memo said this is pure vampire stopping power." "These go with it." "Pretty." "Unbelievable." "These are contact lenses to keep you from getting vamp-hypnotized." "Fuckin' science." "It's called "glamoring."" "My dry cleaner's a vampire." "She likes to talk." "Holly, what a surprise." "Andy Bellefleur, are you gonna enforce the vampire curfew or not?" "What's going on?" "Are you being bothered?" "I'd love to help you." "There's vampires scratching at our windows all night at the motel." "Now, I know times are tough and they're crazed from starving', but they are scaring the bejeezus outta me and my boys." "That lady's mad at you, Daddy." "I know that, sweet pea." "Oh, my goddess." "Are these your-- well, how in the world?" "Yep, it's weird, right?" "They're growing up so fast." "So goddamn fast." "Girls, this is Miss Holly." "She's one of the nicest ladies you'll ever meet." "Okay." "Hey, girls." "Hello, Miss Holly." "They have names?" "Right now, I'm just using numbers." "Seems to work." "Look, Holly, I know things between us have been strained, but I would really like to help you with your vampire problem personally." "Would you take a ride with me?" "Take a ride?" "What?" "What for?" "You just have to trust me." "The cops are here." "Shit." "Martha, she needs to shift." "I'll handle this." "Afternoon, Officers." "Afternoon." "I'm Officer Innes, this is Officer Stutz," "Caddo Parish Sheriff's Department." "This the home of Martha Bozeman?" "It is." "Can I help you?" "That depends on who you are." "Name's Alcide Herveaux." "This here's Rikki Naylor." "We're friends of Martha's." "Either of you seen this girl before?" "Know who she is?" "It's Emma, Emma Bozeman." "It's Martha's grandkid, but I ain't seen her." " You?" " No, I ain't seen her either." "The thing is, we just came from her father's house." "Nobody's seen him for weeks, so that kind of piqued our interest." "Sorry, man." "I can't help you." "Maybe the grandma can." "She around?" "She's napping'." "Haven't been feeling well lately." "Emphysema." "Wake her up." "We can do this bedside, if it'd make it easier." "Would you run inside, wake poor Martha up?" "Tell her the Sheriff's Department's here." "If these cops take you, they ain't gonna return you to Sam." "They won't leave until they talk to you." " She won't shift." " Oh, she'll shift." "If you so much as lay a hand" "They need to talk to you, Martha." "Now." "Oh, and you have emphysema." "What's the matter, sweetheart?" "I'm scared." "I don't fucking care if you're scared." "You're gonna fuckin' shift... right fucking now!" "My son disappeared on me a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't know about Luna." "Are you sure now?" "You're not hiding anything from us?" "Why would I hide anything?" "I love that child." "Now that I know she's missing-- there ain't nothing I wouldn't do to help you find her." "You mind if we take a look inside?" " You got a warrant?" " Don't need one." "With the governor's new anti-vampire agenda, we've been given vast latitude when it comes to search and seizures." "So, if you'll excuse us." "Nothing." "Well, sorry for the intrusion." "We'll be on our way." "And, again, sorry we couldn't be more help." "I told you taking her was a stupid fucking idea." "All you did was bring trouble into this pack." " Trouble we don't need." " She's my granddaughter and she is part of this pack whether you like it or not." "There won't be a pack, Martha." "They're this fucking close to figuring out who and what we are." "And when they do, if you don't think they're gonna do to us what they're doing to the vampires, then you're an even stupider bitch than I thought." "That's enough." "Now she's got no mother and no father, thanks to me." "And we protect our own." "I'm the packmaster." "She's wolf, she stays." "Bow to him." "Do it again!" "Line up your shot with the sight." "Keep both your eyes open." "Just concentrate now." "You don't have to squeeze so hard." " Dang it!" " It's okay, it's okay." "It just takes practice, that's all." " Let's do it again." " Andy..." "Do you wanna learn how to protect your kids from vampires during these strange times or not?" "I promise you, this is for demonstration purposes only." "Because I'm still mad at you." "I know you are." "This is totally platonic." "Fact is, I do this with all the deputies I teach, especially the male ones." "Just let me show you." "Oh!" "Damn it, girls!" "How many times do I have to tell you?" "Hand lasers off!" "Sometimes I worry I'm not cut out for this." "What, parenting?" "Of course you are." "It just takes practice." "Aim a little higher." "A little higher." "Now we just slowly pull the trigger." "Oh!" "That felt good." "Wanna know what she's thinking?" "Outta my head, Number Three." "Okay, Miss Holly." "I do want you to know something." "There's plenty of other places I could've taken you today, places closer to town, but this place I brought you to," "Terry and I practically grew up here." "We called it Fort Bellefleur." "It was always a safe place to us, a sanctuary." "And I-- we don't have to ever get naked together again if you don't wanna, but I would like to be your Fort Bellefleur." " Andy..." " Not now, one day." "When you're ready." "Just don't say no." "Well, show me again." "There?" "Oh, right." "There." " That looks good." " Okay." "Oh!" "Mister?" "Mister?" "Mister?" "I'm a vampire." "I'm meant to be dead during the day." "I thought you might want to talk or something." "No, thank you." "Put your tape back on." "I can tell you more about my dad." "You know how last term it was reported that he had the affair on my mom and that's why she left?" "It was actually the other way around." "She had the affair with a vampire." "Really?" "He owns a bar out in Hollywood kind of like yours." "There's only one Fangtasia, Willa." "Totally." "Of course." "Anyway, I really wanted to move out to California to live with them, but my dad had his lieutenant governor squash her petition plans." "And I didn't know any of this until" "Is this your way of trying to convince me that you don't have a problem with vampires?" "That you're open-minded like Mommy?" "I'm just talking to you." "Guess I'm trying to distract myself from the fact that I might not have too much longer to live." "But to answer your question," "I do like vampires... very much." "Hey, you have the bleeds." "Like I said, I'm meant to be dead during the day." "No." "Can't let you do that." "Now put your tape back on." "Are we kindred?" "We are." "Um, my name's Ben." "I heard there was this faerie haven close by." "This is Thibodeaux Field, right?" "I've been searching for this place since yesterday." "I can't find it." "It was destroyed by a vampire." " Oh, my God." " You're wounded." "Yeah, I was also attacked by a vampire." "I was just looking for a safe place to rest." "Like I said, I couldn't find the club." "I've been searching for it all night." "Are there any survivors?" "No." "The vampire who did this" "I hunted him across the centuries, across millennia." "You see, he drained my entire village and reduced my parents to a pile of dust." "This vampire you're speaking of, is... is his name Warlow?" " Yes, it is." " Shit." " What are you doing, son?" " Forgive me, Your Highness." "I just realized you're Niall-- you're Niall Brigant." "You're the king of the fae, right?" "You're right, but the pomp and the circumstance aren't necessary." "Stand up, son." "What'd you say your name was?" "It's Ben, Ben Flynn." "Well, Ben Flynn, because of a mistake one of my sons made many, many years ago," "Warlow believes he is entitled to my granddaughter Sookie." "Sook" " Sookie Stackhouse?" "You know her?" "Yeah, after I was attacked by the vampire, she found me." "She took me to her home." "She showed me great kindness." "I came to this club, Ben Flynn, in the hopes of assembling an army of fae so I could hunt Warlow down, and I found you." "Are you prepared to return Sookie's kindness?" "It'd be a privilege." "It'd be an honor." "Let's go." "Where are you going?" "I'm running errands." "You stay here." " Let me come with you." " There is a curfew out there, Jess, and you are in peril." "I can't take the risk." "The night we came back to town, the night Sookie staked you, I stayed." "I was scared of you, but I stayed because you said you needed me." "You said that I was the only one that you could trust." "No, Jess" "Now that we know that it's about my survival, you can't ask me to stay here like a little girl." "Don't shut me out." "You have to let me help." "There's a professor." "He's a scientist." "His name is Hido Takahashi." "He works at the University of North Louisiana." "Most people think that he is the man responsible for synthesizing Tru Blood." "And you want me to go get him?" "Yeah, you go get him." "Oh, my God." "I gotta pick something..." " And, Jess?" " What?" "You should wear something inappropriate." "Takahashi's got a thing for young women." "And now, to our surprise, we have a peptide bond... which is exactly what we need in order to create this delicate" "uh, this, uh... this delicate molecule." "Anyone else confused," "I refer you to chapter six in our textbook." "No way." "Hello, honey." "Oh, Sarah, thank you so much for coming to save me." "Oh, that's good." "You're funny as a vampire." "You know, you were never funny as a human being." " We had some good times." " Really?" "'Cause I don't remember it that way." "Sarah..." "I'm so fuckin' scared." "What is this place?" "You hurt me, Steve." "You embarrassed me, and then you disappeared, along with all our friends and all our money." "Yeah, but then you wrote a book about it." "Which I read, by the way." "Didn't paint me in the best light, but considering those sales numbers," "I'm assuming you're doing okay now." "You're right about that." "I should be thanking you." " You're welcome." " But I'm not going to." "You just asked me a minute ago what this place is." "This place is everything that we used to dream about." "It's what the Fellowship of the Sun has all been leading to" "God's master plan to save the human race by eradicating the vampire race." "And the best part is, you, Steve, are a vampire." "But not really." "Don't bullshit a bullshitter." "I'm in politics now." " Seriously?" " Mm-hmm." "Well, that's a huge pay cut, you know." "I do, but what I've realized is you can't effect the kind of change," "I mean, the real kind of change that you and I were looking to effect, from the pulpit." "The truth is... if you really wanna do God's work, you have to be in politics." "You were always so smart." "He's all yours, Dr. Overlark." "Thank you, Sarah." "Mr. Newlin, tell me everything you know about Eric Northman." "Eric who?" "Oh, Eric Northman." "I'll tell you all about him." "All right, then." "I'm all ears." "Uh, Professor?" "Oh." "Hello, Miss..." "Hamby." " Ah." " Jessica Hamby." "How come I don't recall ever seeing you in my class before, Jessica?" "If I may call you Jessica." "Oh, you may." "And I haven't been in your class before." "See, I just switched my major to organic chemistry." "O-chem is not a major most students would switch into frivolously, Jessica." "Well, I'm not most students." "You know, I love organic chemistry so much," "I was thinking maybe... if I had a little private tutoring," "I could catch up pretty quick." "Shall we start tonight?" "Oh, it has to be tonight." "I'll get it, Sook!" "No, you stay in bed!" "It could be Warlow." "I kinda doubt Warlow would knock." "Oh." "May I visit with you?" "What do you want?" "Can't you at least open the door so we don't have to talk through the window like this?" "I can hear you just fine." "I need your help, Sookie." "And if you don't give it to me," "Eric, Pam, Jessica, countless others, even Tara-- they're gonna die the true death." "How do you know this?" "About Tara and everyone else?" "I've glimpsed the future." "You have glimpsed-- bullshit." " How?" " It's a long story." "This is all happening 'cause you drank the fucking Lilith blood." "I'm closing the door now." "I'm not inviting you in." "How are you doing this?" "I play by a different set of rules now, Sookie." " Jason!" " I'm coming!" "Back the fuck away from my sister." "Bill, stop!" "Put him down!" " Stay." "Shut up." " My fuckin' head." "What do you want from me?" " I need your blood, Sookie." " You've had my blood, remember?" " More than your share." " This is different, I promise." " I'm not gonna hurt you." " You're hurting me now." " Let go of my brother, too." " Listen to me." "There is a scientist who can synthesize your blood." "Fuck you." "I would prefer it if you came with me willingly, but understand this-- you will be coming with me." "This is what my progeny need." " This is what is demanded of me." " Listen to yourself." "You really believe you're God." "You're not God, Bill." "You're just an asshole." " Shall we go now?" " My blood is not for you to synthesize or turn into medicine or whatever it is you're planning on doing with it." "I'm tiring of this, Sookie." "Okay, I get it." "You've got special powers and I can no longer command you to leave." "But if what you and I shared ever meant anything, will you please get the fuck out of my house?" "You won't reconsider?" "Absolutely not." "You're dead to me now, Sookie Stackhouse." "I'm good with that." "Sook!" "No!" "Jason!" "Shit." "Don't move." "Are you sure the battery's charged on those glasses?" "Yeah, stop asking." "If we can get footage of them actually turning into a werewolf, we'll make history." "The point is to get them on our side, not make the evening news." "* Down the station, in the train *" "* Black umbrellas in the rain... *" "I'm not so sure about this." "Who the hell is this guy here?" " Hello there." " You're trespassing." "We are so sorry to bother you." "We came a long way." "We wanted to reach out to you, to your community." "We wanted to tell you a little bit" " about our organization." " Y'all Jehovah Witnesses?" "No, we're VUS, the Vampire Unity Society." "Fuck vampers where they live." "What the hell is going on here?" "We're VUS." "We're a nonviolent direct action group." "A coalition of humans and vampires and other supes." "You-- you know what?" "Sorry to have bothered you." "Come on, let's go." "You're goddamn right you're gonna go!" "You recording us?" "There's a fucking camera in these." "Kill 'em!" " No!" "Emma, stay inside." "Don't come out." "Big mistake!" "Come on, now, kill him." "We come in peace, seriously." "We want peace, too, which is exactly why you and your little friends are gonna give us all your fucking cameras and get the fuck out of here right fucking now!" "Jesus fuck, stay away from us." "They've got photos of Emma on here." " They've been watching us." " What did I fucking tell you?" "Okay, you know what?" "You wolves can just back the fuck up." "Hey, come on!" "Rikki, don't!" "Rikki, God damn it!" "Ah!" "I'm your packmaster!" "Stand down!" "Stand down!" " Fuck!" " Stand down!" "God damn it." " Sam!" " Shh!" "Shh!" "We'll get you out of here, okay?" "Oh, no." "No, no, stop it." "Head straight for the woods." "Wait, wait, stop." "Wait." "That's-- we gotta help her." " Sam" " Come on, we'll be all right." "Make the call." "Eric Northman's phone, Ginger speaking." "May I help you?" "Knock, knock!" "I hope it's all right I answered your phone." "It's the governor." "What?" "What'd I do?" "It's okay, Ginger, I understand." "You're stupid." "Don't you be stupid now." "Oh, well, isn't this sweet?" "You and your human sitting up in a coffin together." "It's like Sookie all over again." "Pam, now is not the time." "He's got the governor on the line." " Fuck." " Big surprise." "Tara, would you be a dear and tape Willa's mouth shut for me?" "I already told you, I don't want no part in this." "It wasn't actually a question." "Tape's in the coffin." "He'll be tracing the call." "Well, he'll be trying, but my phone's untraceable." "Hello, Governor." " You took my Willa." " I did." " She still alive?" " She is." " Can you prove that to me?" " I won't." "Now, and here's why." "Your Willa won't be alive for long." " Thank you." " Oh, Mr. Northman... please, please, let's talk about this." "We can negotiate." "Now, the only reason I haven't killed her yet is I'm trying to decide on the best way to do it." "Do I drink her?" "No." "I think she might enjoy that." "You see, she's developing a little thing for me." "I have a friend here who thinks I should decapitate her." "That's always fun." "But messy, and I'm wearing a $3,000 suit." "I don't know, Governor." "Maybe I should just take it to the Internet and let the people decide." "One thing is for certain, though." "I am going to kill her, and I'm not gonna put her on the phone to say good-bye to Daddy." "Got him, sir." "Mr. Northman, please, I'm begging you." "I am begging you, I will reverse course." "I will rescind the curfew," "I will" " I will publicly apologize." "Please, I'm begging you." "Great, that's all I needed to hear." "If you just give me a minute to untie her," "I'll put her on the phone with you." "They're coming." "Tara!" "Now, you're my assistant, Ginger." "And as my assistant, your job is to stall for me." "The girl is very tied up, and I'm extremely bad at untying people." "Whatever you do, just keep him on the line, understand?" " Yes." " And once the governor storms in here, you never saw any of us." "Take the phone." "Good night, Ginger." " Wait." " What's the matter, son?" "When I said that Sookie showed me great kindness before," "I didn't say that we ended things on the best of terms." "I'm not sure how welcome I'm gonna be." "I'll vouch for you." "Thank God." "Jason and I were convinced that Warlow had" "Evening, Sookie." " What are you doing here?" " I've made a friend." "He's offered to help me hunt down Warlow." "Wait, you-- you're sure it was Warlow, right?" "If you could've seen what I saw..." "This is no ordinary vampire who did this." "Look at this." "You ever see blood do this?" "There are a few things we don't know about this Warlow." "Sook, I just realized." "What about Hadley and Hunter?" "No, they left the night after Russell Edgington." "But everyone else, all our friends?" "They looked after us." "They risked their lives for us." "And now they're all dead because of me." "Stay the fuck out of my head, Ben." "I can feel you in there." "Sookie, hospitality." "I'm sorry, Grandpa Niall, I'm" "I'm not feeling real hospitable right now." " What" " Sook." "I'm okay." "I just gotta clean or something." "Wow, what happened here?" "Can't you tell?" "My ex swung by." "Bill." "Yes, Ben." "Bill." "And if you'll sense the tone," "I'm not in the mood to talk about it." "I" " I get it." "I'm done with the stupid questions, okay?" "I promise." "I do have one more, though." "Um, can-- can I please help?" "I'll sweep, you catch." "Okay." "I'm" " I'm sorry about listening in again." "I just... like I said, it's a habit." "Maybe Niall was right." "I suppose I could stand to be a little more hospitable, especially since I've suffered from the same nasty habit myself." "Well, I appreciate the apology." "Apology?" "I wasn't aware I was apologizing." " No, I" " I'm fucking with you." "Right, yeah." "You know, it's funny..." "I've been around more than my fair share of faeries and halflings over the past few years." "Why can I feel you listening when I can't feel the others?" "Um, I don't know." "Can you feel me?" "I can feel you right now." "Ben." "He's back." "Sookie, stay inside." "Gotcha, Warlow." "Who are you?" "Whoever she is, she's not Warlow." "Of course I'm not Warlow." "I'm fucking looking for Warlow." "How do you even know about Warlow?" "Oh, God." "Jason!" " Help!" " Oh, my God." "Jason." "Jason." "Oh, my God." "Evenin', vampire Bill." "Sheriff Bellefleur." "I hate doing this, especially 'cause you're kin, but the thing is, there's a curfew enforced for your kind." "I know." "And I'm truly sorry to be breaking it." "I was just having a talk with Sookie... and now I'm heading on home." "Look, I don't agree with any of this nonsense." "It's just my job." "Cute dog." "Oh, belongs to one of my daughters." "You probably haven't heard, I got kids now, four of 'em." "Super cute." "I had not heard that." "Congratulations." "Children-- what a blessing." "That's what I have to keep reminding myself." "Yeah, you do." "Got to enjoy 'em." "Time goes so fast." "They'll be outta the house before you know it." "Thanks for the advice, vampire Bill." " I mean that." " You're welcome, Sheriff." "I'll say good night..." " go straight home." " 'Night." "* Feeling better, now that we're through *" "* Feeling better 'cause I'm over you *" "* I learned my lesson, you left a scar *" "* Now I see how you really are *" "* You're no good, you're no good *" "* You're no good, baby, you're no good *" "* Hey, ho, hey, you hear what I say?" "*" "* You're no good, you're no good *" "* You're no good, baby, you're no good *" "* Hey, ho, hey *" "* I broke a heart that's gentle and true *" "* I broke a heart over someone like you *" "* I'll beg his forgiveness on bended knee *" "* I wouldn't blame him if he said to me *" "* You're no good, you're no good *" "* You're no good, baby, you're no good *" "* Hey, ho, hey *" "* Ah *" "* Hey, ho, hey. *" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"# How will you make it on your own #" "# This world is awfully big #" "# And, girl this time you're all alone #" "# But it's time you started living #" "# It's time you let someone else do some giving #" "# Love is all around #" "# No need to waste it #" "# You can have the town Why don't you take it #" "# You might just make it #" "# After all #" "# You might just make it after all ##" "You all know how I hate long meetings." "So I figured out a way to cut down on the give and take." "I'll give, you take." "I'm not saying there's cause for alarm, but I would like to get a little constructive hysteria going." " There's a drop in the ratings again." " How far?" " Go ahead, Mary." "Read 'em." " Let's see. 6:00 news." "Last week we were a 1.1." "Then we plummeted down to a 1.0." "What does that mean?" "An entire family of midgets tuned us out?" "Look, a drop in the ratings may not seem like a big deal to you, but if it continues this way, I could lose my job." "Nobody went, "Aww!"" "Oh, Mr. Grant." " We're losing the young audience." " Gee, I don't know why." "I like the show." "I watched it even before I came to work here." "You're not young anymore." " l-I'm not?" " Check the ratings book." "It's broken down into age groups." "Young is 18 to 29." " You don't make it anymore." " l-I don't?" "Hi, gang." "I heard there was a big powwow going on here." " It's our ratings, Ted." " Oh, are they up?" "Does this look like a celebration?" "Now, does anybody have any suggestions about improving the show?" "Improving the show." "Well, we could make it longer." "No, Ted, you've missed the point." "If it's not doing too hot now, that would make it not doing too hot stretched out." "Lou, why don't we all write out on slips of paper... what we feel the main drawback of the show is?" " Then have them read anonymously." " Why anonymously?" "So Ted's feelings won't be hurt." " Ted Baxter?" " Yo." " Got some mail for you." "Fan mail." " Fan mail for a newscaster?" "That crazy, kooky American public." "Fan mail." "Only in America." " Here you go." " That's it?" "Yes, sir." "Uh, excuse me, ma'am." "Ma'am?" "Ma'am?" "Oh, you mean me?" " Yes, ma'am." " Ma'am?" "This kid..." "No, he wasn't even a kid." "He must have been 21 or 22 years old." "He comes over to me and he calls me "ma'am." Ma'am!" " Your first time?" " Yeah." "Not only that, I found out that our ratings service... has declared me officially over the hill." "That's nothing." "When I turned 21 and still wasn't married, my mother officially declared me an old maid." "I think she had it notarized." "Wait a minute, Rhoda." "Let's stop this." "If there's one thing that's worse than being single, it's sitting around talking about being single." "So let's change the subject to something a little more pleasant." "Like pollution?" "This is important, Mar." "There are many single women who've lived perfectly fulfilled lives." "Who?" "I'm getting a pencil, paper and make a list." "No, Rhoda, I am not about to sit around and make lists of single women." "We're not." "We're gonna make lists of single men to go out with." "We go out all the time." "Yeah, but when was the last time you went out with someone really terrific?" " Well..." " Last time for me... was when my father took me to a ball game." "Come in." " Hi, Mary!" " Hi." "I just came up to bring back the ice cubes I borrowed." "I didn't need them after all." "This is a bag of water, Phyllis." "Oh!" "I stopped downstairs to talk to Mildred for a few minutes." " Want me to refreeze them for you?" " This is fine, thank you." "What's that, a word-game thing?" "It's nothing, really." "We can do it later." "We're trying to think of men to go out with." "That was Rhoda Morgenstern with the 8:00 news." "Listen, if you really want to go out with someone fantastic, look in your own backyard..." "Ted Baxter." "Oh, no." "No, no, no." "I might have been kind of bowled over by his good looks in the beginning, but he's good-looking in that... good-looking way." "He always looks to me like he's posing for a postage stamp." "First impressions can really be so wrong." "Like Lars and me." "Did I ever tell you when I first met him?" "No, I don't think so." "When I first met him..." "This sounds ridiculous." "I know you're gonna think I'm insane." "When I first met Lars," "I used to think he was boring." "Isn't that the funniest thing you ever heard?" "Really, I'm serious." "Of course, now we just couldn't be happier." "We've been married 10..." "11 years." "Let's think." "What man in your life..." "it could have been a long time ago... or someone you just met..." "do you wish you knew better?" " There was this professional dancer." " Not you, Phyllis." "Mary, come on." "There must have been somebody." " Anyone recently?" " No." " Think back, then." " No." "Yes, there was." "Remember, Mary?" "Howard Arnell." "Howard Arnell!" "Phyllis, how did you even come up with that name?" "Lars ran into him a while ago." "He's still single, still asks about you." " He was wild about Mary." " Then that settles it." "Now all we need is someone for me." "What do you mean, that settles it?" "I have an idea for someone, but, nah, it's too crazy." " Then again, maybe it isn't." " Remember how wild he was about you?" "Listen, Rhoda, nothing is settled." "Phyllis, it was four years ago." " I hardly remember him." " He was wild about her." "Listen, Mary, if you call yours, I'll call mine." "And my whole thing is crazy." "All right." "What's yours?" "Mine is this guy I ran over." "He had a cleft chin." "Oh, he was adorable." "This guy you ran over?" "Yeah, it was a couple of days ago." "But he wasn't hurt." "His arm was just a little grazed." "Although his briefcase was totaled." "We got to talking... and exchanged phone numbers..." "ah, here it is." ""Armond Lynton." So what do you think?" "You don't know this man outside of hitting him with your car?" "No, and I know you're gonna think I'm kidding, but you can really get close to someone fast when you hit him with a car." "You can't just get to know someone over coffee, can you?" "You're not gonna believe this, Phyllis, but when I first hit him, I thought he was boring." "So, Mary, what do you think?" "We're not doing a thing tomorrow night." "Let's call Howard and Armond." "What do I think?" "You want to call up a man you hit with your car, and I'm supposed to call up someone I hardly remember?" "There's not much to think about." "I'm not gonna do it." "Oh, good." "Bess is having her first pajama party tomorrow night." "You can help." "We're having 19 of her little friends over." "You can even come early and help blow up the air mattresses." "Actually, I didn't say that I was definitely not gonna call Howard." "But, you know, if I don't, then I'd be glad to come and help you blow up the 18 air mattresses." "Nineteen." "And I won't be there." "My mother's going to take care of the kids." "Lars and I, we're going to spend the night in a hotel." "Right here." "Howard Arnell." "Come on." "We both said we have nothing to do tomorrow night." " Oh, Rhoda!" " Nineteen little friends." "Ohh!" "Nineteen air mattresses." "All right." " We'll make it for drinks, not dinner." " Good." "It'll be easier that way." "What'll I tell him?" "8:30?" "Perfect." "Uh, hello, Howard." "You'll never guess who this is." "Well, that's uncanny." "I mean, it's been four years." "Is that right?" "Four years, three months and two weeks." "Yeah, you're right, Howard." "There is a lot to talk about." "Actually, that's why I'm calling." "I'm gonna have a little gathering at my house tomorrow night about 8:30." "I wondered if you could come." "Oh, good." "The address is 119 North Wetherley." "Right." "So, uh, I'll see you then." "What?" "Howard, it's sweet of you to offer, but no, I have enough chairs." "Yeah." "No, glasses aren't any problem either." "Well, uh, listen, Howard." "I've gotta get off the phone." "I have something in the stove, so, uh..." "What?" "Howard, that's sweet of you to offer." "At your place?" "No, really, it's no problem." "Howard, listen, I've got to go." "My bathwater is running over." "So, uh..." "Well, thank you, Howard." "Coming!" "In just a minute!" "Howard, listen, I really..." "I must go." "So I'll see you Friday..." "tomorrow night." "Right." "Good-bye." "Oh." "Ohh!" "I remember." "I remember." "I remember why I broke off with Howard." "Go on." "Too much." "Too much loving, too much understanding, too much giving." "Too much!" "It's impossible to hold a normal conversation with him." "Maybe I can call him back and tell him I'm sick." "If it weren't for the fact that I have the phone in my hand... and am already dialing Armond's number, I'd say, of course, sure." "But under the circumstances, call it off?" "Call off a cleft chin?" "Hello, Armond?" "Armond, this is Rhoda Morgenstern." "You remember me." "We met when you were under my car." "Oh, yes, right." "That's me." "I thought I'd give you a buzz and see how you and your arm are getting along." "Yeah." "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that." "Listen, Armond, while I have you on the phone, tomorrow night a friend of mine is having some people over." "I wondered if you cared to drop by... just so I can take a look at the patient." "Oh, great!" "Oh, I'm so glad." "It's 119 North Wetherley." "Right." "What?" "Oh, of course." "Lovely." "Yes, see you then, Armond." "Bye." "Am I smiling, Mary?" " Yeah." " Was I smiling when I talked to him?" " Sure." " Good." "'Cause if I'm smiling now, that means I can smile anytime." "I can even smile tomorrow night when you and I have our little fivesome." " Our little fivesome?" " That's right." "Armond is bringing his wife." "Ohh." "Mary, are you sure this looks okay?" " I feel so fat." " Yeah, it looks fine." "You think this munchy stuff is enough?" "Everybody will have eaten dinner." "That's just right." "How can you gorge yourself like that and stay so skinny?" " I'm going crazy with hunger." " Well, eat something." "I can't." "I gotta lose ten pounds by 8:30." "This dress is all wrong, Mar." "I wonder if I should have worn my pantsuit." "Maybe I should call my date, see what his wife's wearing." "You really had no idea, no hint at all, that he was married?" "No idea at all, but I'll tell you, I was thinking about it this morning." "I don't feel strange in the least about going out with a divorced person." " What do you mean?" "He's married." " Now he's married." "And suppose now he's happily married?" "You know, sometimes you're very depressing." "Boy, I wish they'd get here." "No, I don't." "I just wish it were over." "You're nervous over nothing." "I don't see what your big gripe is about Howard." "I mean, so he likes you." "No, no." "No, Rhoda, he doesn't like me." "He likes me!" "All that love just rushing at you." "That, as my grandmother used to say, should be the worst thing that should happen to you." "Get that stuff away from me." "I'm fainting from hunger." "It isn't gonna kill you to eat something." "Break my diet the day I see Armond?" "Not a chance." "Geronimo." "Hello, I'm Mary Richards." "Good evening." "I'm Armond Lynton, and this is my wife, Mrs. Armond Lynton." "How do you do?" " Can I take your coat?" " Thank you very much." "Oh, just call me Nancy." "He loves to call me Mrs. Armond Lynton." "We've only been married for three weeks." " That's how Rhonda and I met." " Rhoda." "Excuse me." "Rhoda." "Armond and I think it's just wonderful of you to have us over." "I mean, considering how you met." "I think it's just super that we should all be good friends." "Isn't it?" "When I ran over Armond, I never dreamt I'd find myself a new girlfriend, Nancy." "Excuse me." " Got ya!" "Oh-ho!" " H-Howard?" "I just had to get that on film after all these years." "Ohh, Mary..." "Uh..." " Ohh, Mary!" " Ohh..." "Howard." "I can't believe it!" " Mary Richards!" " Yes." "It's so good to see you, Howard." " Would you like to come in?" " Just try to stop me." "Must be kidding." "After all these years, do I want to come in?" "Boy, oh, boy, is she wonderful?" "Ahh." "Allow me to introduce myself." "I'm another person in the room." " Rhoda Morgenstern." " Howard Arnell." "How do you do?" "And this is my date, Mr. and Mrs. Armond Lynton." "Excuse me." "I strained my arm." " Can I get you a drink?" " Oh, sure, Mar." "The, uh, the usual." " Uh, the usual?" " Yeah." " Scotch and s..." " Scotch and s..." " Scotch and soda." " Yeah, I knew you'd remember." "Oh, Mary, I just can't get over how you look." "Terrific!" "A-1 terrific." "Isn't that little gal there the most gorgeous thing on the Earth?" " Isn't she?" " I'm supposed to answer that." "Oh, yeah, yeah, sure." "She certainly is..." " A-1 terrific." " Yeah." " That's nice of you to say, but really!" " Oh, no, no, no." "Come on." "Who's more gorgeous than you?" " Oh, Howard." " No, name one person." " Lots of people." " Who?" " Well, there's..." " Her." "Well, after all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?" "I mean, Mary is great looking, and Nancy's gorgeous." "And Rhoda's nice looking too." "Yeah." "Guess how long it's been since Mar and I saw each other." "No, come on." "Just take a potshot." "Howard, they're not interested in guessing how long it's been." "Oh, all right." "I'll tell ya." "The last time I saw Mary... was the Fourth of July, 1966." "Oh, and you remember it because it was Independence Day." "No, 'cause it's the last time I saw Mary." "Uh..." "I think I'll just go see if there are some more bacon curls." " Not too many." " Me either." "I don't want to spoil my dinner." "Look at that woman." "Boy, are we in for a treat." "You are looking at the greatest little gourmet cook in the Western Hemisphere." "Uh, Rhoda, could I see you in the kitchen..." " for just a moment?" " Sure." " Excuse me, Armond." " Certainly." "And Nancy." "Oh, and Howard." "Rhoda, I thought 8:30 so obviously meant after dinner." " Maybe you can whip up something quick." " Whip up something quick." "Right, right." "Yes, I can whip up a carrot." "I can whip up a baked potato." "Nothing!" "Nothing!" "The only thing I have in my refrigerator is a lightbulb." "I'm just gonna have to go out there and tell 'em." "What else can I do?" "I don't know what she'll be cooking." "Either chicken in pineapple shell or duckling with wine sauce." "Uh, listen, everybody, on the subject of the duck in the wine sauce, there's been kind of an interesting situation." "And the situation is that... you thought that this was for dinner, and, of all things, it's not." " You're saying this isn't for dinner?" " No, I'm not saying that." "Yes, that's what I'm saying." "Well, it really doesn't matter." "I mean, it really doesn't matter because... because, uh..." "Because we've eaten." "We had a late lunch before we came here." "Seriously." "Yes, seriously, we did." "Right before." "Also, I had a very big breakfast." " We're stuffed." " Well, if you're sure?" "Oh, yeah, really." "Say, this is such a nice apartment." "Don't you think this is a nice apartment, Nancy?" " Oh, I certainly do." " It's really pleasant." "Incidentally, are there any more of those..." " Bacon curls?" " Yeah." "Um, no." " How 'bout a carrot?" " Thank you." "You know, Mar, I just can't get over how you look." "I mean, you are really something." "Most gals, you know, look their best when they're in their 20s." "But this little gal here, I'm telling you." "Mary, the older you get, the sexier you look." "Uh, Howard." "Say, I've got an idea..." "for posterity." "Yeah, that's a good idea." "Pictures." "Who knows when Nance and I will see each other again?" "Howard, you really wanna do that now?" "Oh, no, we can wait till after dinner." "Oh." "Isn't that funny?" "Why do I think we're gonna have dinner?" "I've got a good idea, Howard." "Why don't you take some pictures of us all?" "Okay." "Come here." "Help me out here, Armond." "I'm dying to get a couple of Mar and I together." "I'm not sure I know about this kind of camera." "What's to know?" "Just push the button there." "Well, okay." "Oh!" "G..." "I'm terribly sorry." "It's really all my fault." "No, no, it's all right." "I don't know how to apologize." "No, no." "Listen, it's all right." "It's just the pictures I took of the total eclipse of the sun." "Mary, I think we'd better be going." "We both want to thank you for a lovely evening." " The bacon curls were delicious." " I'll get your coats." "I have to get up early in the morning anyway." "I'm playing golf." " It's snowing." " Well, I'm not that good." " Good night." "We enjoyed it." " Have to do it again." " Yeah, assuredly." " Thank you." " Thank you, Mary." " Good night." "The next total eclipse in Minneapolis... is in 2099." " No kiddin'." " Yeah." "Of course, there's a partial in 1979." "That's only nine years." "Excuse me, please." "I'm going into the kitchen, and I'm not coming out... until I find something edible." "Mary, you're not tired or anything?" "Uh, well, I am a little." "It's been kind of a long evening." "Yes, and I know what you've been thinking all evening too." " Oh, n-no, I haven't." " Yes, yes, you have." "You've been thinking what I've been thinking... how great we are together." " That's it, isn't it?" " Well, not exactly." "No, not exactly, no." "You want me to say what exactly is?" "Do you want me to say the words?" "I'll say the words... marriage." "There, I said the words." "I'm not surprised at this." "You're a woman." "You have a right to expect something to come of this." "No, Howard, I don't think I have that right." "Yes." "Yes, you do." "Ah, Mary." "You're so great." "You're so great, you'll probably understand this." "Mary, I can't marry you." "You can't?" "Well, Howard, I understand." "I really do." "I gotta have my freedom." "I gotta!" "See, the way things are now, Mar," "I'm free just to pick up and go... whenever I please, wherever I please." "The sky is the limit." "I get the desire to jet up to Duluth, one phone call, that's it." "I get the urge maybe to spend a weekend in St. Paul, it's done." "See, I can't be tied down." "You do understand, don't you?" "Oh, Howard, I really do." "I understand." "No, no." "I don't think you do understand." "Yes, I do." "I'd just be hurt, and you're saving me from all that hurt." "I mean, wow!" "I never knew anyone who saved me from so much hurt." "I..." "I better go." "Even the sound of your voice makes me crazy." "If you say one more word, you'll make me change my mind." "Uh..." "Mm-mmm." "Mm-mmm." "Where's my coat?" "Mary Richards." "Little Mary Richards." "Say, Mar, you know something?" "I'd like to have something of yours, you know, to remember tonight." "Uh..." "Well, uh..." "Oh, no, come on." "That's too nice." " Here, let me pay you for it." " Oh, no, Howard." "Really, it's broken." "It leaks fluid." "Come on, tell me." "I insist." "Ten, twenty." "Twenty-eight." "Howard, please, just take it." "Thanks, Mar." "Mary, no good-byes, huh?" " Right." " Good-bye, Mary." " Good-bye, Howard." " Good-bye." " Did he leave?" " Uh, yeah, he left." "He..." "He wants me to forget him." "See, he's gotta be free." " Is that what he said?" " Yeah, yeah." "Then he took my lighter and he walked out of my life forever." "Rhoda, never, never again." "Right." "Tonight I took a vow, and I'm gonna keep it." " What's that?" " Next time I'm asked out, no matter how lonely I feel," "I'm not gonna say yes unless it's a couple I really like." | {
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"GO!" "GO!" "LET'S GO!" "Kinou made no ruuru kyou wa tada no ruuzu" "Kowashite dantotsu gooru hashiri tudukete nai to hokani imi wa nai to" "Panku na tetsukaku nanda" "Baiorizumu wa tsuubai rizumu de" "Fuukei wa shunkan ni musuu no sen" "Ore wo torimaku kaze" "Inside Outside semete" "Issai gassai nuite" "Dare hitori monani hitotsu mo" "Mae wo ikasetaku wa nai" "Inside Outside GO!" "SONIC!" "Issai gassai Yes!" "SONIC!" "Abunai yo to Have A Nice wa niteru" "Soudochira mo kamihitoe na no sa" "Taikutsu nugisuteteima sugu kakedase" "GO!" "GO!" "LET'S GO!" "Yesterday's rules are simply loose today" "The best goal is to break them" "If I don't keep running" "There's no other meaning" "It's a punk philosophy" "Biorhythm is a two-time rhythm" "The scenery instantly becomes countless lines" "The wind envelops me" "Inside Outside attack" "Surpass everything altogether" "I won't let no one and nothing go forward" "Go!" "Sonic!" "Everything altogether Yes!" "Sonic!" "Watch out" and "Have a nice" are similar" "That's right – the difference is just paper thin 220)}Throw boredom away and start running right now" "109)}Episode 19 330)}The Ghost of King Boom Boo in the Old Castle" "We're okay over here." "so concentrate on your emotions." "Don't try to fake it with mere facial expressions." "Same goes for you." "Don't exaggerate more than you did during rehearsal." "it's still a bit blurry." "Ella?" "What's with that outfit?" "are you also going to be in the movie?" "but no one was interested." "Do I look good?" "We're going to start filming." "No!" "Take me with you!" "Don't leave me behind!" "Ashley!" "Wait!" "Cut!" "Okay!" "Chris." "are you having a good time?" "Yeah!" "Where are your friends?" "You said you were bringing them." "Hello." "that's well made!" "Is that a present from the special effects team?" "She doesn't know about us?" "where did Cream and the others go?" "Beats me." "What's this?" "Stop!" "Right there." "Are they animals?" "We can easily erase them digitally later." "You're right." "Please take care of it." "let's go to the next scene!" "Let's watch from here." "Start rehearsal!" "please wait!" "Don't go!" "Please dear!" "What is this?" "It's in the way." "Wait a sec." "Let me try pulling the camera back." "What was that?" "dear!" "It's still no good." "There." "Start the take!" "Ready..." "Action!" "but there's noise." "Cut!" "I was nervous." "I don't see anything wrong." "How is it?" "Everything seems fine." "Then let's start take two." "but there's noise." "Cut!" "Again?" "Let's call it a day." "mama." "you're still up?" "mama." "Chris!" "Chris." "mama." "See you later." "mama." "Chris." "I wonder what that noise was?" "Where's everyone?" "Amy and the others went to Ella's room." "Sonic also?" "I don't know about Sonic." "I wonder where Sonic went." "It's from around here." "I hear children's voices." "Chris?" "Chris." "Stop hiding and come out!" "How strange." "Am I hearing things?" "Maybe I'm tired." "Chris." "The moon." "This side is the sun." "What does it mean?" "Lindsey!" "Lindsey!" "Where are you?" "Mama!" "where are you?" "where did you go?" "Chris's mama!" "What?" "What's the matter?" "What?" "What's that voice?" "The sound is coming from the other side of the wall." "is that you?" "I'll go get help!" "Amy?" "Amy?" "help me!" "Ella!" "Cream!" "Cheese!" "What's wrong?" "Cream and Cheese into the wall!" "Ghosts?" "Why you..." "What's that?" "Damn it!" "My punches can't hit them!" "Tails!" "Damn!" "Sonic!" "Chris!" "What's this?" "The pedestal in the yard!" "There must be something there that relates to this!" "Sonic!" "Give Sonic back!" "Sonic!" "Everybody!" "Sonic... but we couldn't find her anywhere." "Just as I thought." "'Just as I thought?" "' Did something like this happen before?" "Yes." "Here it is." "Someone must have removed it." "you might be right." "There's something written here." "'Appears under the moon." "Disappears under the sun'?" "I wonder what it means." "What is it?" "There's a breeze coming from below the pedestal." "There might be something underneath here." "Stairs?" "So there is something underneath." "Sonic must be there too." "Let's go." "we don't know what's down there." "What do you think you're doing?" "so everyone can search together." "Amy!" "Sheesh..." "I thought you were scared." "Amy?" "Not at all!" "I'm thinking of living on my own someday by renting a cheap apartment in Station Square." "but I want to open a diner called Amy's Kitchen." "Sounds good." "Is that a magic charm?" "Maybe..." "I'll defeat them with this!" "wait!" "Where are we?" "I wonder where they disappeared to." "over there!" "Amy." "Okay." "Sonic?" "Is there anything here?" "Where are those guys?" "It's strange." "I'm sure they came in here." "Sonic?" "Sonic?" "Amy!" "Chris!" "Over here!" "Sonic!" "be careful!" "my love." "What are you saying all of a sudden?" "Do me a favor." "Place that hourglass into the hole in the wall." "Understood." "You want me to insert this." "Over there!" "Amy!" "Amy?" "What's up?" "What are you planning to do?" "Is this the place?" "Amy." "Place the hourglass into the hole with the moon symbol facing upwards." "Moon symbol..." "It's this side!" "Amy." "It'll be fine because Sonic says so." "Amy!" "Amy." "Chris heard that too." "How embarrassing." "Who is that?" "Amy." "The voice I heard wasn't Sonic's?" "No." "That monster was mimicking me!" "How horrible!" "How dare you play with a girl's emotions!" "I won't forgive you!" "Amy!" "Let me go!" "Amy." "are you all right?" "I'm going to sacrifice you to King Boom Boo." "No way!" "Amy!" "Sonic!" "Help!" "Chris!" "Get me out of here!" "stop!" "If I remember correctly..." "Amy." "Place the hourglass into the hole with the moon symbol facing upwards." "The symbols on the hourglass are the moon and the sun." "'Appears under the moon." "Disappears under the sun.'" "I get it!" "they appear!" "they disappear!" "Amy?" "Sonic?" "Sonic!" "this isn't the time for this!" "You guys!" "Let's fight!" "I won't forgive you!" "What are you complaining for?" "I'm the one who has the right to complain!" "Mama!" "Mama!" "Chris?" "good morning everyone." "'Good morning' isn't the right thing to say." "Chris!" "Run away while you still can!" "Sonic!" "I got it!" "Oh yeah!" "You guys go ahead." "See ya!" "Hurry." "We only have a little further to go." "so I can't walk." "Sheesh." "What?" "You're still here?" "what about that guy?" "Don't worry." "I beat him." "What?" "Damn it!" "Persistent bastard!" "hurry up!" "Why you!" "Which side did I place upwards?" "The moon is facing upwards." "Will this all be okay?" "Don't mind." "Was this a film shoot?" "Was the next film supposed to be a fantasy movie?" "Hey!" "I'm glad you're okay." "Did something happen?" "I'm surprised you guys escaped him." "Him?" "You mean you know about that ghost?" "My grandfather told me about him." "he and his friend went into the forest to look for something legendary... 0)}Watashitachi no sekai wa mahou o kakerarete" "0)}There's magic cast on our world." "Ai suru to kime kisae namida ni ujirareteru" "The nervousness of love is sealed by tears." "Boy boy futari de jumon wo sagashi ni ikou 360)}Kinji rareta yume wo kanaerareru kuni he" "360)}To a land where our forbidden dreams can come true." "360)}Dare ni mo naisho de ashita na tchi awaseshiyou 360)}Let's secretly meet tomorrow." "360)}Itsuka kotori wo ume ta yowake no mieru oka de the hill where we can see the sunrise." "360)}Tsumetai asamoya kimi to te wo tsunaidara if I hold hands with you." "360)}Hikaru michi no fuuin ga tokeru yo 360)}The seal to the shining road will be broken." "360)}Hateshinaku 360)}Forever..." "321)}Departure!" "Egg Fort II" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"Sub2Srt by LastForOne" " AeZone.net" "Comrade, get up we are in Hong Kong." "Dear Xiao-ting, Finally I've arrived." "Hong Kong is very far away from home." "Everything is so different from Wusih" "Lots of cars, lots of people, and lots of pick-pockets too." "The Cantonese speak loudly and rude." "Xiao-ting." "I Already miss you." "What do you want?" "Is Ms. Li There?" "A Mainlander!" "You want a hooker?" "Girls!" "Customer at the door..." "I am looking for my aunt." "Can somebody speak Mandarin?" "There are lots of foreigners here." "Speaking languages unknown." "Even Chinese Cantonese." "I still don't have a clue." "It is so foreign." "With the exception of aunt." "She speaks Mandarin." "Aunt is very nice." "She gave me a room, all to myself." "It's got great view." "And even my own toilet." "So I don't have to go out to pee at night." "It's so much better than home." "Everything is fine here, don't worry about me." "Hong Kong people are weird." "It seems they don't need to work." "They wake up late in the morning." "Dress up and go out for fun every night." "Aunt told me that..." "Don't call me aunt." "Call me Rosie." "Rosie." "Right." "Come in." "Wear this for the job interview." "The way you dress." "The cops will send you back across the border." "Thank you." "Be careful." "Take this to dry-clean on your 1st pay-day." "One day, he'll come back for it." "You mean uncle?" "William." "You two are a bit a like." "Rosie, the delivery is here, where is your purse?" "William H." "For God's sake." "This is only a butcher shop." "Why are you all dressed up." "I'll take him to buy some cheap clothings." "Alright, come to work at 6 in the morning." "That's our busiest hours." "By the way." "Teach this Hick some Cantonese." "Got you!" "Thanks a lot." "Let's go." "Thank you." "Go!" "Your Aunt really loves you, giving you Boozer's suit and all." "Watch where you going." "God damn cab driver." "You deserve to be a cab driver for life." "And for your next lives too!" "Forget it." "What Boozer?" "It's William." "What William?" "Your Aunt was crazy about William Holden." "So one night, she picked up a Boozer on the street and told everybody that he was William Holden." "You understand me." "She's nuts." "Dear Xiao-ting." "I've found a job." "In the transportation business It's very laid back and it pays good." "I make around $ 2,000 a month, Plus bonus." "Are you proud of me?" "I'm making more money than the mayor of Tientsin." "I work on the streets a lot." "Especially Tsimshatsul, I know the area by heart," "Tsimshatsui is where all the happenings are." "I'm a little soldier." "I came from the peasants." "I kick Japanese ass." "You're nuts." "Learning Cantonese is vital in Hong Kong." "But even after I've Learnt it." "I still don't get much of what people said on the street." "Xiao Ting." "Tomorrow is my pay day." "I'll buy you a present." "And I will go to a place where Wusih people have never been." "Can I help somebody here?" "Can I take your order sir?" "Ham..." "Hamburger." "Anything else?" "Ke kou... ke... ke kou ke..." "Co..." "Co..." "Coke." "Yes!" "Coke!" "For here or to go?" "Eat here or take home?" "Eat here!" "Help wanted" "Thank you, five dollars and sixty cents please." "Five dollars and sixty cents." "Alright." "Next please." "Excuse me..." "Manager, someone wants to talk to you." "Step aside please." "Can I help you?" " ¿How are you?" " ¿You want a job?" "¿You speak Cantonese?" "A little bit." "How about English?" "Not really." "Leave your name and phone number." "This is my name and phone number." "I can't find the manager." "Please." "Thank you." "You from the Mainland?" "Yes, how do you know?" "By your Cantonese!" "It's awful!" "You'll have trouble not knowing English in Hong Kong." "I know, but what can I do." "There are many schools in Hong Kong..." "Do you understand me?" "aa aaaa" "Schools that tutor English specifically to Mainlanders." "Actually English is easy." "You from the Mainland too?" "Of course not!" "I speak fluent Cantonese!" "But you speak good Mandarin too." "People who speak Mandarin may not be Mainlanders, but..." "those who don't speak Cantonese are certainly Mainlanders." "Want to learn English?" "Can I have this?" "You want this?" "Yes, It's nice paper." "I can write letters home on it." "There aren't any McDonald's in Wusih yet." "I'll get you some new ones." "Thank you." "Now do you want to learn English?" "Can I work here if I knew English?" "You can work any where if you know English." "But I don't want to work anywhere else." "Whatever." "Now do you want to learn English or not!" "$ 100 for registration." "But I only have fifty dollars." "Do you have an ATM card?" "(NR." "Tarjeta Bancaria)" "What's that?" "It's a card for cash withdrawal." "You put it into the computer." "The computer spits out the money." "Spar?" "So you have it?" "That's amazing." "If you don't have it," "Better apply one, it's real handy." "I'll go pull some strings, you pay fifty dollars today." "When you come to class next week, you pay the $500 balance, OK?" "Thank you." "How are you?" "Hey, china girl." "Making money from your own people again." "He's not my own people, he's from the north." "He speaks Mandarin." "That's correct." "$500 is a real bargain." "Text books included." "Thank you." "Do you know her?" "I work part-time here." "Part time?" "That's a pager!" "A pager!" "You are incredible." "You're the 1st pager owner I've ever talked to." "Alright, have a nice life!" "Good bye." "How are you?" "I'm fine, thank you." "Just Kidding." "My name is Jeremy." "My girl friend calls me "Jamie"." ""Jamie"." "Isn't that a girl's name?" "No, Jamie can either a be a guy or a girl." "You must have mistaken Jamie for Jenny." ""Jenny"." "Jump you son of bitch!" "Jump." "Jump you son of bitch!" "Jump." "You go to hell" "You go to hell" "We go to hell" "I go to hell" "Hello." "Class is over, go home." "I am Li Xiao-jun." "I remember you." "Let's go." "Are you in a hurry?" "Yes, very much." "Common, hurry up." "Do you want a ride?" " Do you drive?" " Well, let's go then!" "Hurry up." "You know?" "In Hong Kong, People here don't offer a ride on a bicycle." "I feel like I'm back in Wusih." "You are heavier than my girlfriend." "Writing home?" "Home?" "Girlfriend." "I don't understand." "She's beautiful." "Father, mother." "Writing love letter?" "Once you've learned English, write to William for me." "Sure" "William again?" "He died ages ago." "Come on..." "Why do they call me Uncle China?" "They should call you a Hick." "Well, I prefer people calling me uncle." "Can you drop these on the way?" "It's urgent." "And keep then away from the chicken." "I am in a hurry too." "So stop talking and start moving." "Actually all Hong Kong people came from the Mainland." "Their ancestors were Uncle Chinese too!" "Great meal." "The way you eat, you must be ready for loads of work." "Let's start delivery 2 hours earlier tomorrow." "OK." "It's getting more and more everyday." "Go, I'll pay you, I'll pay you for the gas." "Bicycle doesn't need gas." "How come you know everything." "Were you a starlight a student?" "How come you know nothing?" "What do you do at your leisure?" "Which ones are triple X." "This, this..." "And this." "Four for a week." "This is better than basketball." "Help me with the delivery, you'll get 5 next week." "Why are you available all the time?" "don't you have friends." "You are my friend." "You have no friend, too." "I have many friends if I want." "If I have time, I would rather make more money." "Please enter your personal secret number." "The balance amount $12.639,91" "What are you looking at?" "Never see a rich girl?" "Let's go." "How come you're so rich?" "None of your business!" "How come you're so poor?" "That's really a lot of money!" "Let's go, get smart." "How about teaching me?" "You have to be born with that talent." "Chinese New Year's Eve 1987" "Where did you get so many coins?" "The bank, of course!" "Idiot!" "After dinner," "After dinner, the customers will come pouring down." "Look at you, a young entrepreneur." "You have a share too." "Rather small share though, only $1.000" "But, my aunt said, only Mainlanders love Teresa Tang's songs." "That's exactly the point." "You know how many Mainlanders are there in Hong Kong?" "The paper said 20% of Hong Kong population is Mainlander." "They are all over." "They are just not recognizable, unlike you." "For example, between you and me, 50% is Mainlander." "You've got a point." "Comrade Li Xiao-jun, we're gonna make a lot of money." "Golden songs from Teresa Tang, just $28, cassette tape." "Forty dollars for record." "Rain or shine, you gotta buy Teresa Tang." "Buy Teresa Tang, and safe it for rainy days." "Teresa Tang's greatest hits!" "Do you have Alan Tam's greatest hits?" "No." "Let's go." "The best of Teresa Tang, great price." "A real bargain, never before." "Prettiest voice in China." "Your for $28" "Teresa Tang's golden hits." "Come get it while stock last." "It's hot." "So many customers on the other side." "Such a long line." "Let's sell milk next year." "Lunar New Year's Eve last year in Guangzhou," "My cousin and I sold 4.000 cassettes." "Aunt said if you are a fan of Teresa Tang everyone will think you're a Mainlander." "So people won't buy the cassettes even if they're fans." "You said you were in Guangzhou?" "Last year I was." "So was the year before,... and before." "But not this year." "I came from Guangzhou." "I knew it!" "We are comrades." "No way!" "We speak Cantonese." "We get Hong Kong TV. we are so much closer to Hong Kong." "Right, your look, your gesture your face, your hair are so Hong Kong." "You're just pulling my legs." "Better than you, using me the whole time." "So, why didn't you stop me?" "Had I stopped you, you probably wouldn't be my friend." "Besides, I've got nothing to do." "I don't want to lose my only friend in Hong Kong." "Actually you're my only friend too!" "Last lunar New Year, I stayed over in Xiao - ting's place." "It was late." "We were hungry." "We made dumplings together." "The dumplings were yummy." "You know, Wusih people love eating dumplings." "I am full, I can't eat any more." "It's a nice place." "Isn't it noisy?" "Not really." "Let's clean up." "The rain has stopped." "Give me some water." "Your hands are so cold." "Really?" "I am leaving." "I'll get you a coat." "I am sorry." "It's alright." "No, it's enough." "It's cold out there." "So ugly." "Hong Kong calling Fang Xiao-ting." "Xiao-ting?" "Xiao Jun, I've waited for your call." "Have you had lunch." "I was thinking about you last night." "Is everything OK?" "It's a bad connection." "I've got the stuff you sent me." "The sweater you knitted..." "I am wearing now." "Really?" "But I can't see it." "Xiao-ting." "What is it?" "I love you." "What are you saying?" "It's lunar new year." "Got to say it again." "Sausage McMuffin, it's new on the menu." "Buy two get one teddy bear free." "I'll get you a half dozen, send them home to your folks." "What's the matter?" "The money you owe..." "I think I should help out." "Take it back, please!" "I'll take my responsibility." "What responsibility?" "The money you owe." "Will get you in trouble." "They're loan-sharks, you know?" "Don't worry about me." "I've found a buyer today." "Eight dollars per cassette." "He's gonna take it all." "Eight dollars each?" "You're gonna loose a lot." "Of course." "So why are you selling?" "What else can I do?" "It's better than total loss." "That's life!" "No pain, no gain." "But I'll be better next time." "Last night..." "Do we have to talk about it?" "I don't know what it was last night." "Last night... it was rainy cold." "We were two lonely people keeping each other warm." "Did you call home?" "Yes." "Go home." "You have to work tomorrow." "Li Chiao." "Happy new year." "Prosperity." "To happiness." "To money." "To longevity." "To a jackpot." "To good health." "To a Mercedes." "To a better life." "To... friendship." "Who was that?" "Sir Jeremy." "You knows him." "I meant the girl." "Oh, she is Cabbage, my neighbour." "She is a hooker." "You're rude to call her that." "But that's what she is." "Dear Xiao-ting." "Lately, I..." "I Have..." "Dear Xiao-ting, I..." "Jeremy is going steady with Cabbage." "How do you know?" "They go to the love motel all the time." "That doesn't mean they're going steady." "But even if they are, so what?" "But Cabbage is a hooker!" "##################################################" "But she makes more money than you!" "##################################################" "Why all your bras are so hard?" "Cause I am big." "Why do you wear swimming trunk instead of underwear?" "##################################################" "Dear Xiao-ting," "Dear Xiao-ting." "I have been busty lately." "And I have not been writing much." "Don't get mad." "I'm senior now at the English class." "And I've been promoted at work." "Everything is fine." "Don't worry about me." "I've just made a new friend." "He's going to make me a junior chef." "A chef can earn a lot of money." "A chef in Hong Kong can earn over ten thousand a month." "Xiao-ting." "I thing I'm one lucky guy." "Wrong again, can't you remember the pin number?" ""TRY AGAIN"" "This is the third and the last try." "You sure?" "Your card retained, please contact the bank." "I told you." "It's gone now move over, it's my turn." "Come on, cheer up." "It's no big deal, just apply for new one." "How long would it take?" "The balance amount $32.639,91" "Bingo." "People said Yen is rising." "Who is Yen?" "My brother." "Get serious." "Even the grandmas make money off stocks and foreign exchange." "Not the grandmas who buy chicken from us." "They just don't want to let you in on it." "Not everyone treats you as nice I do." "You know?" "Stock and shares are national products of Hong Kong." "Just like oil in the Middle East." "Durians in Thailand." "If you want to be rich in Hong Kong, you must buy stock and shares." "Can you teach me?" "Teach you again?" "You've drained all my knowledge." "You line up to buy a new apartment?" "No, we are paid to line up for the real estate agency." "So are we?" "How much do they pay you?" "Five thousand for a unit." "Five thousand?" "We are paid three thousand only." "They're getting 2 thousand more per unit." "Lucky, we are used to lining up in the Mainland." "I guess they're all your comrades here." "Lots of training." "See, a big fight over 2 thousand dollars." "It's hot tonight." "People are grouchy." "I think they are stuck in a tiny apartment and fight over bread and butter for the rest of their lives." "Come bed-time, everything will be alright." "It takes a lot to come to Hong Kong." "I'm not gonna waste my life away like them." "Not everyone think as big as you do." "What's wrong with thinking big." "People should have goals in life." "I don't have any." "Didn't you want to save enough money And take your sweet-heart to Hong Kong." "Is that a goal too?" "Sure it is." "Just a bit petty." "I'm glad I don't have any sweetheart back home." "If I were to marry a Mainlander." "What's the point of coming to Hong Kong." "Li Xiao-jun." "What's in your pants?" "It's disgusting!" "Oh shit!" "It's chocolate." "I bought this for you." "Why are you so nice to me?" "It's a mess!" "How can I eat melted chocolate?" "It's still good." "I don't want it." "It melts after you eat it anyway." "Try some." "Just a bit." "The Heng Seng index has reached 3600 today." "Insider's tips say it's going over 4000 by the end of the year." "It's time to buy." "In a couple of years, I'll line up for my own apartment." "One in Hong Kong." "One in China for mom." "Keep dreaming." "Why not?" "This is Hong Kong" "If you work at it, anything is possible here." "Li Xiao-jun, are we best friends?" "Sure." "Through thick and thin, you're always there for me." "You are my best friend in Hong Kong." "Thank you." "Wow!" "English." "Of course." "I have enough." "Just a little bit more." "Alright just a tiny bit." "Yak!" "Business is really bad lately." "Even the regulars at the restaurant are gone." "The stock market crash is killing everyone." "The balance amount $ 89,91" "Usually customers start pouring in by 4 pm till right around 5 in the morning." "It's tough in the beginning." "Your hands are so sore, you can't pick up the chopsticks." "Get out of here!" "It's not a bad place to work considering the tips and the clientele." "Through the years." "We see them girls came and go, you get 20 dollars per hour." "All tips go to you." "How much tips you make?" "That depends on what you're willing to do." "And that's none of our business." "Mr. Au-yeung." "Fanny is on leave today, I'll be you masseuse." "My name is Chiao." "Have you eaten?" "Yes, thank you." "Full?" "Yes." "So, you are charged up!" "I love heavy massage." "If you're not good enough, I'll replace you." "Don't you cry." "I haven't cried for over twenty years." "So, why do you have red eyes?" "Your gold watch is hurting my eyes." "You have sharp tongue." "My tongue is only good for eating and telling jokes." "I don't think so." "There must be other "job" your tongue can do." "Boss, that asshole is the superintendent's son." "So bloody what?" "You chicken shit." "Get lost." "Why do you stop?" "Where are you going?" "I don't give a shit who he is." "Everybody pays." "Chop him up." "You wanna make a fat tip?" "Sure, you want me to chop up somebody for you." "Very funny." "I'm only interested in what your tongue can do." "I think you need somebody better for the massage." "I'll go get a replacement." "You've got guts." "Aren't you scared of me?" "I'm scared of nothing." "Except rats." "Don't go." "Just do my back." "25, 26, 27 28, 29" "How many chicken feet do 18 chicken have?" "You sure?" "It should be 31!" "Why not try the chicken leg?" "I made this specially for you." "Chicken feet are good for your joints." "Since you use your fingers so much." "I don't want it." "I am tired." "Let's pay the room for the night and sleep over." "No, wake me in half and hour." "I'd like to buy something on Xiao-ting?" "Would you choose it for me?" "Her birthday is coming up." "Look at the way we dressed!" "They're going to look down on us." "But I have money." "I'm really buying." "Yeah, Mr. Millionaire." "Alright, let's go in." "Money in my pocket gives me confidence." "How much is it?" "This is our treat." "Thank you." "Come on, it's free." "I think this is the best." "What are you doing?" "Nothing." "I know, your hands are sore." "You shouldn't do too many massage a day." "What's wrong?" "He'll get this." "Please wait." "I don't want people to know what I do." "You are not stealing." "You are not a hooker." "What's wrong with your job?" "It's only massage." " You want this?" "Sir?" " Yeah." "Any discount if I buy two?" "How about there?" "Fixed price, I am so sorry." "Oh!" "Fixed price." "I'll buy two then." "Thank you." "Mr. Millionaire, buying everything by the double." "One for Xiao-ting, one for you." "Looks good on you." "You like it." "I have enough money!" "I do!" "I can afford it." "I really can." "Sorry, I've forgotten your fingers hurt" "Do you want to tell that whole world that I am a massage girl?" "You want to put it in the paper?" "I am sorry." "The bracelet looks fine on you." "Wise up!" "How can you give the same gift to 2 different woman," "Xiao-ting and I are two different kinds of women." "She is your girl, I am you friend." "Yes, we did sleep together, but..." "One for her and one for me?" "What does that mean?" "!" "Do you know what you are doing?" "Don't be angry." "Have you worked too hard?" "Why don't you quit" "I'll moonlight to pay your debt." "You said you want to marry Xiao-ting, didn't you?" "Go back to Wuih to marry Xiao-ting." "My dream is very different." "We are two different kinds of people." "In fact, I don't know where I am going, And I don't know what I am doing." "I feel very insecure, I hate that feeling." "Few days ago, I called mom." "I told her that I was going to hit the jackpot in stock." "But now, I am penny-less." "And I'm deep in debt." "What have I done?" "I don't know what will happen tomorrow!" "I am scared." "I don't know what to do." "If one day Xiao-ting meets a man, they becomes friends," "Just like you and me." "They get together frequently, and once in a while, they..." "But they keep telling themselves that they are just friends." "What would you think?" "I..." "I will be unhappy." "Comrade Li Xiao-jun." "You are not what brought me to Hong Kong." "And I am not what brought you to Hong Kong." "I am tired." "All moved in?" "No." "Hey, don't forget to pay the rent." "I've paid." "Anytime." "Pao." "I've brought a friend." "I heard you're scared of him." "Why don't you laugh?" "Aren't you in the mood?" "I am cheap I'll laugh if you pay a big tip." "You don't have to go through all that just to make me laugh." "Go home and have a good sleep." "Cool down." "There won't be dead ends." "Why?" "Why?" "Please don't!" "You tried today?" "Is somebody dead or have you just got dumped?" "I'm broke!" "That's great." "You wanna make a fat tip?" "Pager number please?" "1986 please." "Who's calling?" "Li Xiao-jun." "The message is..." "Good bye." "Dear Xiao-ting." "I heard that there is a hot wave in Hangchow recently." "The heat even killed a couple of people." "How is Wusih?" "Remember that summer?" "It was hot." "You were with me..." "Remember to wear warm clothes." "The weather is changing by the day." "People said, this is the coldest year in fifty years." "Everybody is talking about migration here." "Mostly to Australia or Canada." "While Hong Kong is every Mainlander's dream." "Hong Kong people's dream is somewhere else." "When I was small, my parents always scolded me..." "Enclosed is the video of Miss Hong Kong this year." "I specially like the Winner, Anita Yuen." "She is sweet, just like you." "But I think you are sweeter." "Xiao-ting." "I think this should be my last letter." "No?" "Next month we would meet in Honk Kong." "Jump you son of a bitch, jump." "Your English is still awful." "So what?" "As long as I make big money." "Thank you for coming." "Please help yourself." "This is my wife." "Congratulations." "Have you seen Li Chiao?" "She opened a florist and invests in property." "She's now a boss of a big enterprise." "I knew it." "She worked over twenty hours a day." "She really worked hard for money." "Remember she introduced us to the English school?" "She got commission from that." "So it was all a scheme!" "You didn't know?" "I told you before." "Southerners are cunning." "Here's Xiao-jun." "The food is a bit late." "If you are hungry, order some noodles." "Have you invited Li Chiao?" "Yes." "Enjoy yourself." "What are you doing in the dark?" "I am leaving next week." "No one will play basketball with me in New York." "The Americans are so tall." "Why would they want to play with you?" "Hey didn't I always kick your ass?" "I just let you have it easy." "After I'm gone, take care of yourself." "Congratulations." "Thank you." "I didn't think you would come." "How can I miss your wedding?" "You look great." "You've finally achieved your goal." "Pao, let me introduce." "The groom." "The groom!" "Congratulations." "Handsome kid!" "Where is the bride?" "Where is she?" "Ready, look at the camera." "Smile, the groom and the bride." "Please look at the camera." "Can't sleep?" "Yeah." "Maybe I was too stressed out." "Maybe you haven't got used to this new place yet." "Maybe." "There are only two of us in this house." "It's so nice." "In a few years, when I've saved enough money, I'll buy a house for us." "Take your time." "When I first came to Hong Kong," "I always wore that old blue jacket." "Every meal, I ate three bowls of rice." "I fell asleep as soon as I got to the bed." "And I started working as soon as I woke up." "Everyday was a new experience." "If you were next to me, it would have been so much better." "Cut the crap!" "Just tell me who did it first." "You gotta follow the rules kid?" "Wait for me, I'll be there!" "Where?" "Something wrong?" "Still up?" "Your call woke me up." "You were tossing and turning the whole night anyway." "Don't blame it on the phone call." "Where are you going?" "Just go to sleep." "Forget the groom, okay?" "What are you talking about?" "Just one look, I knew you guys had something going." "Kiddo, I've been around." "That was a long time ago." "Cut it out." "What?" "When are you coming back?" "I will come back if I am alive." "You've gotta come back even if you are dead." "How can I come back if I'm dead?" "If I die, you go and get yourself another guy." "Go back to sleep." "I'm not sleeping tonight." "I'll call you for breakfast." "See you." "Have you seen the doctor?" "Doctors are useless." "They only tell you to quit drinking and smoking." "If I could quit, I wouldn't need doctors." "I saw "Love is a Many Splendid Thing" a couple of nights ago." "I've finally seen William Holden." "Really?" "I saw that too." "I met him when he was making that movie in HK." "I even skipped work to visit him on the set." "Later, he took me to the Peninsular Hotel..." "For dinner." "That was my first time to the Peninsula." "He was really good looking." "Of course." "When I was young, I was pretty good looking too." "I'll take you to the doctor." "No." "Just take Lucky for a walk." "Be careful." "He has poor eyesight." "He's old." "How are you today?" "I'm fine." " Are you sure?" " Yeah." "I am going back to Thailand with Cabbage soon." "She is home sick." "Have you seen Li Chiao?" "Yes." "And..." " any..." " No." "She and Xiao-ting became good friends." "Are you kidding?" "Li Chiao is really smart." "Yeah." "How long has she been to Hong Kong?" "As long as I have." "Her boyfriend must be a smart guy too." "That's her husband." "They told me he's only her boyfriend." "Congratulations, you are a big boss now." "Come on, it's no big deal." "Just a small share holder." "Excuse me." "Hong Kong people love to speak English. 97 is only around the block." "Help yourself, get something to eat please." "Thank you." "I don't want to gain weight." "But you are so thin!" "She hasn't been dancing so she's afraid of gaining weight." "You're a dancer?" "What kind?" "Everything." "From ballet to Chinese dance." "That's incredible." "You can teach dancing in Hong Kong." "But I don't know anybody." "You should have told me about this." "I'll hook you up." "Just leave it to me." "Xiao-ting, Come here." "Come on, hurry up." "Don't be long." " Have some." " Alright" "I'm starving." "Haven't eaten the whole day." "Where is Pao?" "He'll come later, I guess." "Excuse me." "I am sorry." "I've moved." "I was promoted to be the Chef." "Good for you." "Congratulations." "I've moved." "Me too." "I know." "You have just told me." "You're right." "Finally you've become the person you've always wanted to be." "No one calls you China girl anymore." "When I go to a five star hotel, people talk to me in English." "When I go shopping, the sales won't give me the look." "Last month, I went back to my hometown to build a house." "My old neighbours couldn't even recognise me." "I told mom, I'm a honkie at last." "But... mom didn't get to see the house." "She died before it was finished." "Some more." "You take it." "I am so hungry." "This is delicious." "You have never eaten in McDonalds?" "Xiao-jun used to write me using McDonald's paper mats." "But since I got here, he haled the mentioning of McDonalds." "With you cooking home dishes, he doesn't need McDonald." "What are you laughing at?" "I heard Cantonese call women "dishes"." "Doesn't "home dishes" mean women at home?" "That's you!" "You don't even speak Cantonese, but you are getting all the slang." "Did Xiao-jun teach you that?" "He doesn't know any." "He is so exhausted from work everyday." "He usually falls fast asleep." "Never even talk to me." "He was real talkative in Wusih." "Every evening, we would go for ride on our bicycle." "I once asked him where his bicycle in HK is." "He said he got rid of it!" "Riding a bike in this traffic is lethal." "That's what he said." "Nice?" "Yes." "I think it looks better on you." "Xiao-ting, what are you doing?" "A little gift from me." "Come on, I can't accept it." "It's your, you should keep it." "I am sorry." "In fact, I have one exactly the same." "Really?" "Yes." "It was a gift from an old friend." "This is a gift from Xiao-jun." "I know." "That's why you shouldn't give it away." "But I always wanted to give you something." "You are so nice to me!" "Well..." "Can I take you to dinner tonight?" "OK." "I got the job." "I'm having dinner with Li Chiao tonight, will be late home." " Go and check the new stock." " Yes" "When is the grand opening?" "I'd like to send you flowers." "Order from my florist shop." "Keep the business is the family." "Wait." "Let me take a look." "So pretty." "Did you take any wedding picture?" "Let's do it today." "It's on the house." "OK?" "Happy?" "come, pick one." "You are pretty!" "I can use your picture in the show window." "This is great promotion." "It's just ahead." "I have to do the rehearsal tonight, I'll come home late." "I can't have dinner with you." "Thank you." "There is noodle in the refrigerator." "There's Teresa Tang!" "Thank you!" "I got her autograph." "Look at her fans." "It's been awhile since we feel in love with her." "I gotta run some errands." "Can I let you off here?" "See you." "We blew it!" "Yes we did." "The room has been decorated." "It's the same ceiling." "And that..." "The toilet is new." "It's new carpet." "What about the bed?" "Remember this?" "It was here." "This is our old bed." "Nothing here was ours." "Comrade Li Xiao-jun." "What are we going to do?" "I want to stop fooling myself." "I will go back and talk to Xiao-ting." "What about me?" "You have to make up your mind." "All I want is to wake up every morning by your side." "Here we are." "Let me walk you to the door." "I think it's better for me to talk to him alone." "What's the matter?" "Police, I would like to talk to you." "If Au-yeung Pao contacts you, remember to tell him that, He is not the one we want." "If he is willing to be our witness, I guarantee there will be no charges against him." "Contact me." "What's the matter?" "Pao is in trouble." "I am going up to check." "Chiao." "I'll be waiting." "Pao:" "I'm leaving Hong Kong." "Will call you upon arrival." "Wing, I'd like to see Pao." "Ms Li, boss doesn't want you to see him now," "I have to talk to him." "Where did you take him for boarding?" "Wait for me, I'll be back soon." "Be careful." "Pao." "I told you not to come." "Why did you come?" "You stupid woman." "You OK?" "Just a field trip to Taiwan, I am used to it." "The cops only wanted you to be their witness." "That means they are pushing me to hell!" "How can I do that?" "Pao, I have something to talk to you." "Your Buddhas." "No wonder I felt weird." "We have met, so you can go in peace." "I worry about you." "Come on!" "You were never that nagging!" "Silly girl, listen to me." "Go home now, have a hot bath." "Wake up tomorrow and go get yourself another guy." "There are tons better than me out there." "Don't worry, I can manage," "I have many wives in Taiwan." "One in Kao Hsung." "One in Tai Chung." "One in Hua Lian." "Even one in Ali Shan." "When did it all start?" "Maybe long long time ago." "Does she love you?" "I don't know." "Then, why did you marry me?" "That's my goal and dream." "Come on." "Come with me." "Pack up now." "Let's go back to Wusih right now." "Come on, pack up now." "Don't come back forever." "If you didn't come to Hong Kong." "This wouldn't have..." "This wouldn't have happened." "Right?" "But..." "You came." "And she came." "At last, I came too." "Xiao-ting." "We can't go back anymore." "Xiao-jun," "You are my only relative in Hong Kong." "If I die," "This house and everything in it will go to you." "The most valuable things in my life..." "Are all kept in this trunk." "I remember that was the happiest day in my life..." "William took me to dinner at the Peninsula." "When he wasn't paying attention, I stole the knife and fork we used." "I felt contented..." "Every time I look at it." "Maybe William had forgotten me." "Never mind, he is always in my mind, that's enough." "By the way, I am so old and ugly now." "It's good for him not to see me like this." "Xiao-ting." "I am going to work now." "Just stay away from me." "I am trying to live alone." "So, don't come over." "I'll get over it." "Xiao-ting..." "I thought I couldn't see you again." "I will come and visit you." "Better make it quick." "Cabbage got AIDS." "Taxi." "Take care." "You too, take care." " Goodbye." " Bye bye." "Xiao-ting, I don't have anything for you." "These money belongs to Rosie." "All I want is for you to live happily." "I'm leaving tomorrow." "I'm scared." "It's the 1st time I fly." "I've never been too gutsy." "I dare not ask you to forgive me." "I just hope that, we have been together all these years" "We have walked all these paths..." "Xiao-ting, it broke my heart too." "I'm going to the English class tonight." "Remember to pick up the kids from school." "No problem." "Free English tutor, you wanna go?" "I took enough lesson the last time around." "You can learn it again." "Something in life, you only need to learn once." "What is in your mind?" "Just forget the past." "Fate is... predestined... and fate is... ..." "Also match-making?" "You're full of crap!" "Match-making!" "You always cook for others, don't you want someone to cook for you?" "That girl is really nice." "Turn off the fire for me please, thank you." "Chicken for to go." "Your chicken to go, sir." "It's funny." "This place looks like Yaumatai 30 years ago." "Narrow streets crowded with people." "This shops are small, but you can buy everything there." "All kinds of restaurants." "When I was eleven or twelve, I started to make a living in Yaumatai..." "Who would have known..." "I'd return to the same kind of dump decades later." "This chicken is so good." "In fact, do you like it there?" "It's the same everywhere." "Two years, six towns." "I can't run anymore." "Why not unpack the boxes?" "Better buy some furniture." "Better fix an altar for workshop." "Better have a baby." "Baby is a lot of trouble." "It keeps on crying and crawling." "Better not unpack the boxes yet." "Let's go find a bigger place." "OK, come on." "Get the ball." "Alright, you naughty kids, come and eat now." "OK, go... wash your hands." "Can't you go take care of her?" "I am taking care of her." "I am cooking for her." "Better talk to her." "I don't even know her." "I have nothing to say." "I spent $30 to set you up with a nice lady." "And you're doing this to me?" "Yes." "I'm doing this to you." "Damn it!" "Sausage." "Although it's old, it has a big garden." "$300,000 for that dump, it's a rip off." "Besides, we haven't got that kind of money." "Easy, we'll sell you to the brothel." "Go ahead it you think you won't regret." "I think we should buy an apartment and rent it out." "I always dream of owing a house with a garden," "Kids running all over the place." "I've gotta get the laundry." "Go ahead." "Wait for me." "Give me a cigarette." "I just want smoke, don't brother me, OK?" "Give me your cigarette," "You kid!" "Take it..." "Look." "What a nice watch." "Grab it." "Good old-man, give me your fucking watch," "Do you recognize him or not?" "Please turn him over." "Miss Li Chiao, your visa has expired." "Under United States immigration law." "You must be departed within 48 hours." "Then you will be escorted to the airport." "Move it, come on move it." "This drop off is driving me crazy." "Tell me about it." "This is my third run today." "I already had two Mexicans and Indian family." "Maybe we could tell her take the airport coach, instead." "Well, at least she deserves one chance to try to get away." "Go, go, go." "Li Xiao-jun." "I've got the green card." "No problem..." "I paid a lawyer for this, it'll be alright." "I booked tickets home." "Yes, I am coming back at last." "Let's talk later, don't waste money." "Dad, you get some rest." "Yes, I know!" "Bye bye." "We are approaching the Statue of Liberty." "Where is China Town?" "Over there, can you see that?" "Soho, this side is the Soho, that is Little Italy." "Then, China Town." "Can you see our restaurant?" "Yes, the one with a red roof." "The green roof." "Red." "Can you see the triangular roof?" "Just next to it." "The one next to the building with a triangular roof." "I've been to the roof, it's red." "I am so sure of it." "Come on, stop arguing." "In a few years, I'll open a Chinese Restaurant on the Empire State." "We'll name it "Top of the World"." "So we can see it from anywhere is Manhattan?" "Top of the World." "Ready, look at the camera." "Everyone cheese!" "OK!" "Ms Li, how long will we stay at the Statue of Liberty?" "I have to buy some Gucci handbags." "No hurry, just take some pictures first." "I'll take you to shop later, OK?" "I heard people said that you came from Guangzhou." "Yes, I left China ten years ago." "How long haven't you been back?" "I'll go back next month." "Right... people always wanted to leave back in the 80's." "Now, they all go back." "Many Hong Kong people working the Mainland now." "Yeah, most people regret they ever left." "There are plenty of golden opportunities in China." "Yeah!" "Now, it's high season." "Reservation is tough." "You didn't confirm, so it's gone." "OK, call me tomorrow morning." "What a trouble." "Your ticket is issued." "You have got your green card too." "You can go home now." "Is Mr. Chan's ticket ready?" "He called many times." "Enjoy yourself." "Miss Teresa Tang, the famous Chinese pop song queen, died of asthma today at her hotel room in Pattaya, Thailand." "She died young at age 42." "Teresa was a native of Shantung, she was born in 1953 to a soldier's family." "Teresa started in show business at 11." "Soon, she became the most popular pop song singer in Taiwan." "She always traveled Taiwan, HK and SE Asia for performances." "Her sweet and feminine voice fascinated all her fans," "She was crowned the Queen of Lyric songs." "The prime of her career was from the middle 70's to the 80's." "In mid 70's her songs started to storm Mainland China." "Soon, she became a phenomenon in China." "Big cities or small villages, people could hear her songs anytime, anywhere." "Her songs win the hearts of numerous Chinese all over the world." "People said, if only there are Chinese, you can hear Teresa's songs." "Sub2Srt by LastForOne" " AeZone.net" "Comrade, get up we are in Hong Kong." "Dear Xiao-ting, Finally I've arrived." "Hong Kong is very far away from home." "Everything is so different from Wusih" "Lots of cars, lots of people, and lots of pick-pockets too." "The Cantonese speak loudly and rude." "Xiao-ting." "I Already miss you." "What do you want?" "Is Ms. Li There?" "A Mainlanderl You want a hooker?" "Girls!" "Customer at the door..." "I am looking for my aunt." "Can somebody speak Mandarin?" "There are lots of foreigners here." "Speaking languages unknown." "Even Chinese Cantonese." "I still don't have a clue." "It is so foreign." "With the exception of aunt." "She speaks Mandarin." "Aunt is very nice." "She gave me a room, all to myself." "It's got great view." "And even my own toilet." "So I don't have to go out to pee at night." "It's so much better than home." "Everything is fine here, don't worry about me." "Hong Kong people are weird." "It seems they don't need to work." "They wake up late in the morning." "Dress up and go out for fun everynight." "Aunt told me that..." "Don't call me aunt." "Call me Rosie." "Rosie." "Right." "Come in." "Wear this for the job interview." "The way you dress." "The cops will send you back across the border." "Thank you." "Be careful." "Take this to dry-clean on your 1st pay-day." "One day, he'll come back for it." "You mean uncle?" "William." "You two are a bit a like." "Rosie, the delivery is here, where is your purse?" "William H." "For God's sake." "This is only a butcher shop." "Why are you all dressed up." "I'll take him to buy some cheap clothings." "Alright, come to work at 6 in the morning." "That's our busiest hours." "By the way." "Teach this hick some Cantonese." "Got you!" "Thanks a lot." "Let's go." "Thank you." "Go!" "Your Aunt really loves you, giving you Boozer's suit and all." "Watch where you going." "God damn cab driver." "You deserve to be a cab driver for life." "And for your next lives too!" "Forget it." "What Boozer?" "It's William." "What William?" "Your Aunt was crazy about William Holden." "So one night, she picked up a Boozer on the street and told everybody that he was William Holden." "You understand me." "She's nuts." "Dear Xiao-ting." "I've found a job." "In the transportation business It's very laid back and it pays good." "I make around $ 2,000 a month, Plus bonus." "Are you proud of me?" "I'm making more money than the mayor of Tientsin." "I work on the streets a lot." "Especially Tsimshatsul, I know the area by heart," "Tsimshatsui is where all the happenings are." "I'm a little soldier." "I came from the peasants." "I kick Japanese ass." "You're nuts." "Learning Cantonese is vital in Hong Kong." "But even after I've Learnt it." "I still don't get much of what people said on the street." "Xiao Ting." "Tomorrow is my pay day." "I'll buy you a present." "And I will go to a place where Wusih people have never been." "Can I help somebody here?" "Can I take your order sir?" "Ham..." "Hamburger." "Anything else?" "Ke kou... ke... ke kou ke..." "Co..." "Co..." "Coke." "Yes!" "Coke!" "For here or to go?" "Eat here or take home?" "Eat here!" "Help wanted" "Thank you, five dollars and sixty cents please." "Five dollars and sixty cents." "Alright." "Next please." "Excuse me..." "Manager, someone wants to talk to you." "Step aside please." "Can I help you?" " ¿How are you?" " ¿You want a job?" "¿You speak Cantonese?" "A little bit." "How about English?" "Not really." "Leave your name and phone number." "This is my name and phone number." "I can't find the manager." "Please." "Thank you." "You from the Mainland?" "Yes, how do you know?" "By your Cantonese!" "It's awful!" "You'll have trouble not knowing English in Hong Kong." "I know, but what can I do." "There are many schools in Hong Kong..." "Do you understand me?" "aa aaaa" "Schools that tutor english specifically to Mainlanders." "Actually english is easy." "You from the Mainland too?" "Of course not!" "I speak fluent Cantonese!" "But you speak good Mandarin too." "People who speak Mandarin may not be Mainlanders, but..." "those who don't speak Cantonese are certainly Mainlanders." "Want to learn english?" "Can I have this?" "You want this?" "Yes, It's nice pa per." "I can write letters home on it." "There aren't any McDonald's in Wusih yet." "I'll get you some new ones." "Thank you." "Now do you want to learn english?" "Can I work here if I knew english?" "You can work any where if you know english." "But I don't want to work anywhere else." "Whatever." "Now do you want to learn english or not!" "$ 100 for registration." "But I only have fifty dollars." "Do you have an ATM card?" "(NR." "Tarjeta Bancaria)" "What's that?" "It's a card for cash withdrawal." "You put it into the computer." "The computer spits out the money." "Spar?" "So you have it?" "That's amazing." "If you don't have it," "Better apply one, it's real handy." "I'll go pull some strings, you pay fifty dollars today." "When you come to class next week, you pay the $500 balance, OK?" "Thank you." "How are you?" "Hey, china girl." "Making money from your own people again." "He's not my own people, he's from the north." "He speaks Mandarin." "That's correct." "$500 is a real bargain." "Text books included." "Thank you." "Do you know her?" "I work part-time here." "Part time?" "That's a pager!" "A pager!" "You are incredible." "You're the 1st pager owner I've ever talked to." "Alright, have a nice life!" "Good bye." "How are you?" "I'm fine, thank you." "Just Kidding." "My name is Jeremy." "My girl friend calls me "Jamie"." ""Jamie"." "Isn't that a girl's name?" "No, Jamie can either a be a guy or a girl." "You must have mistaken Jamie for Jenny." ""Jenny"." "Jump you son of bitch!" "Jump." "Jump you son of bitch!" "Jump." "You go to hell" "You go to hell" "We go to hell" "I go to hell" "Hello." "Class is over, go home." "I am Li Xiao-jun." "I remember you." "Let's go." "Are you in a hurry?" "Yes, very much." "Common, hurry up." "Do you want a ride?" " Do you drive?" " Well, let's go then!" "Hurry up." "You know?" "In Hong Kong, People here don't offer a ride on a bicycle." "I feel like I'm back in Wusih." "You are heavier than my girlfriend." "Writing home?" "Home?" "Girlfriend." "I don't understand." "She's beautiful." "Father, mother." "Writing love letter?" "Once you've learned english, write to William for me." "Sure" "William again?" "He died ages ago." "Come on..." "Why do they call me Uncle China?" "They should call you a hick." "Well, I prefer people calling me uncle." "Can you drop these on the way?" "It's urgent." "And keep then away from the chicken." "I am in a hurry too." "So stop talking and start moving." "Actually all Hong Kong people came from the Mainland." "Their ancestors were Uncle Chinese too!" "Great meal." "The way you eat, you must be ready for loads of work." "Let's start delivery 2 hours earlier tomorrow." "Ok." "It's getting more and more everyday." "Go, I'll pay you, I'll pay you for the gas." "Bicycle doesn't need gas." "How come you know everything." "Were you a starlight a student?" "How come you know nothing?" "What do you do at your leisure?" "Which ones are triple X." "This, this..." "And this." "Four for a week." "This is better than basketball." "Help me with the delivery, you'll get 5 next week." "Why are you available all the time?" "don't you have friends." "You are my friend." "You have no friend, too." "I have many friends if I want." "If I have time, I would rather make more money." "Please enter your personal secert number." "The balance amount $12.639,91" "What are you looking at?" "Never see a rich girl?" "Let's go." "How come you're so rich?" "None of your business!" "How come you're so poor?" "That's really a lot of money!" "Let's go, get smart." "How about teaching me?" "You have to be born with that talent." "Chinese New Year's Eve 1987" "Where did you get so many coins?" "The bank, of course!" "Idiot!" "After dinner," "After dinner, the customers will come pouring down." "Look at you, a young entrepreneur." "You have a share too." "Rather small share though, only $1.000" "But, my aunt said, only Mainlanders love Teresa Tang's songs." "That's exactly the point." "You know how many Mainlanders are there in Hong Kong?" "The paper said 20% of Hong Kong population is Mainlander." "They are all over." "They are just not recognizable, unlike you." "For example, between you and me, 50% is Mainlander." "You've got a point." "Comrade Li Xiao-jun, we're gonna make a lot of money." "Golden songs from Teresa Tang, just $28, cassette tape." "Forty dollars for record." "Rain or shine, you gotta buy Teresa Tang." "Buy Teresa Tang, and safe it for rainy days." "Teresa Tang's greatest hits!" "Do you have Alan Tam's greatest hits?" "No." "Let's go." "The best of Teresa Tang, great price." "A real bargain, never before." "Prettiest voice in China." "Your for $28" "Teresa Tang's golden hits." "Come get it while stock last." "It's hot." "So many customers on the other side." "Such a long line." "Let's sell milk next year." "Lunar New Year's Eve last year in Guangzhou," "My cousin and I sold 4.000 cassettes." "Aunt said if you are a fan of teresa Tang everyone will think you're a Mainlander." "So people won't buy the cassettes even if they're fans." "You said you were in Guangzhou?" "Last year I was." "So was the year before,... and before." "But not this year." "I came from Guangzhou." "I knew it!" "We are comrades." "No way!" "We speak Cantonese." "We get Hong Kong TV. we are so much closer to Hong Kong." "Right, your look, your gesture your face, your hair are so Hong Kong." "You're just pulling my legs." "Better than you, using me the whole time." "So, why didn't you stop me?" "Had I stopped you, you probably wouldn't be my friend." "Besides, I've got nothing to do." "I don't want to lose my only friend in Hong Kong." "Actually you're my only friend too!" "Last lunar New Year, I stayed over in Xiao - ting's place." "It was late." "We were hungry." "We made dumplings together." "The dumplings were yummy." "You know, Wusih people love eating dumplings." "I am full, I can't eat any more." "It's a nice place." "Isn't it noisy?" "Not really." "Let's clean up." "The rain has stopped." "Give me some water." "Your hands are so cold." "Really?" "I am leaving." "I'll get you a coat." "I am sorry." "It's alright." "No, it's enough." "It's cold out there." "So ugly." "Hong Kong calling Fang Xiao-ting." "Xiao-ting?" "Xiao Jun, I've waited for your call." "Have you had lunch." "I was thinking about you last night." "Is everything OK?" "It's a bad connection." "I've got the stuff you sent me." "The sweater you knitted..." "I am wearing now." "Really?" "But I can't see it." "Xiao-ting." "Yes?" "I love you." "eh?" "It's lunar new year." "Got to say it again." "Sausage Mcmulfin, it's new on the menu." "Buy two get one teddy bear free." "I'll get you a half dozen, send them home to your folks." "What's the matter?" "The money you owe..." "I think I should help out." "Take it back, please!" "I'll take my responsibility." "What responsibility?" "The money you owe." "Will get you in trouble." "They're loan-sharks, you know?" "Don't worry about me." "I've found a buyer today." "Eight dollars per cassette." "He's gonna take it all." "Eight dollars each?" "You're gonna loose a lot." "Of course." "So why are you selling?" "What else can I do?" "It's better than total loss." "That's life!" "No pain, no gain." "But I'll be better next time." "Last night..." "Do we have to talk about it?" "I don't know what it was last night." "Last night... it was rainy cold." "We were two lonely people keeping each other warm." "Did you call home?" "Yes." "Go home." "You have to work tomorrow." "Li Chiao." "Happy new year." "Prosperity." "To happiness." "To money." "To longevity." "To a jackpot." "To good health." "To a mercedes." "To a better life." "To... friendship." "Who was that?" "Sir Jeremy." "You knows him." "I meant the girl." "Oh, she is Cabbage, my neighbour." "She is a hooker." "You're rude to call her that." "But that's what she is." "Dear Xiao-ting." "Lately, I..." "I Have..." "Dear Xiao-ting, I..." "Jeremy is going steady with Cabbage." "How do you know?" "They go to the love motel all the time." "That doesn't mean they're going steady." "But even if they are, so what?" "But Cabbage is a hooker!" "But she makes more money than you!" "Why all your bras are so hard?" "Cause I am big." "Why do you wear swimming trunk instead of underwear?" "Dear Xiao-ting," "Dear Xiao-ting." "I have been busty lately." "And I have not been writing much." "Don't get mad." "I'm senior now at the english class." "And I've been promoted at work." "Everything is fine." "Don't worry about me." "I've just made a new friend." "He's going to make me a junior chef." "A chef can earn a lot of money." "A chef in Hong Kong can earn over ten thousand a month." "Xiao-ting." "I thing I'm one lucky guy." "Wrong again, can't you remember the pin number?" "Think again." "This is the third and the last try." "You sure?" "Your card retained, please contact the bank." "I told you." "It's gone now Move over, it's my turn." "Come on, cheer up." "It's no big deal, just apply for new one." "How long would it take?" "The balance amount $32.639,91" "Bingo." "People said Yen is rising." "Who is Yen?" "My brother." "Get serious." "Even the grandmas make money off stocks and foreign exchange." "Not the grandmas who buy chicken from us." "They just don't want to let you in on it." "Not everyone treats you as nice I do." "You know?" "Stock and shares are national products of Hong Kong." "Just like oil in the Middle East." "Durians in Thailand." "If you want to be rich in Hong Kong, you must buy stock and shares." "Can you teach me?" "Teach you again?" "You've drained all my knowledge." "You line up to buy a new apartment?" "No, we are paid to line up for the real estate agency." "So are we?" "How much do they pay you?" "Five thousand for a unit." "Five thousand?" "We are paid three thousand only." "They're getting 2 thousand more per unit." "Lucky, we are used to lining up in the Mainland." "I guess they're all your comrades here." "Lots of training." "See, a big fight over 2 thousand dollars." "It's hot tonight." "People are grouchy." "I think they are stuck in a tiny apartment and fight over bread and butter for the rest of their lives." "Come bed-time, everything will be alright." "It takes a lot to come to Hong Kong." "I'm not gonna waste my life away like them." "Not everyone think as big as you do." "What's wrong with thinking big." "People should have goals in life." "I don't have any." "Didn't you want to save enough money And take your sweet-heart to Hong Kong." "Is that a goal too?" "Sure it is." "Just a bit petty." "I'm glad I don't have any sweetheart back home." "If I were to marry a Mainlander." "What's the point of coming to Hong Kong." "Li Xiao-jun." "What's in your pants?" "It's disgusting!" "Oh shit!" "It's chocolate." "I bought this for you." "Why are you so nice to me?" "It's a mess!" "How can I eat melted chocolate?" "It's still good." "I don't want it." "It melts after you eat it anyway." "Try some." "Just a bit." "The Heng Seng index has reached 3600 today." "Insider's tips say it's going over 4000 by the end of the year." "It's time to buy." "In a couple of years, I'll line up for my own apartment." "One in Hong Kong." "One in China for mom." "Keep dreaming." "Why not?" "This is Hong Kong" "If you work at it, anything is possible here." "Li Xiao-jun, are we best friends?" "Sure." "Through thick and thin, you're always there for me." "You are my best friend in Hong Kong." "Thank you." "Wow!" "English." "Of course." "I have enough." "Just a little bit more." "Alright just a tiny bit." "Yak!" "Business is really bad lately." "Even the regulars at the restaurant are gone." "The stock market crash is killing everyone." "The balance amount $ 89,91" "Usually customers start pouring in by 4 pm till right around 5 in the morning." "It's tough in the beginning." "Your hands are so sore, you can't pick up the chopsticks." "Get out of here!" "It's not a bad place to work considering the tips and the clientele." "Through the years." "We see them girls came and go, you get 20 dollars per hour." "All tips go to you." "How much tips you make?" "That depends on what you're willing to do." "And that's none of our business." "Mr. Au-yeung." "Fanny is on leave today, I'll be you masseuse." "My name is Chiao." "Have you eaten?" "Yes, thank you." "Full?" "Yes." "So, you are charged up!" "I love heavy massage." "If you're not good enough, I'll replace you." "Don't you cry." "I haven't cried for over twenty years." "So, why do you have red eyes?" "Your gold watch is hurting my eyes." "You have sharp tongue." "My tongue is only good for eating and telling jokes." "I don't think so." "There must be other "job" your tongue can do." "Boss, that asshole is the superintendent's son." "So bloody what?" "You chicken shit." "Get lost." "Why do you stop?" "Where are you going?" "I don't give a shit who he is." "Everybody pays." "Chop him up." "You wanna make a fat tip?" "Sure, you want me to chop up somebody for you." "Very funny." "I'm only interested in what your tongue can do." "I think you need somebody better for the massage." "I'll go get a replacement." "You've got guts." "Aren't you scared of me?" "I'm scared of nothing." "Except rats." "Don't go." "Just do my back." "25, 26, 27 28, 29" "How many chicken feet do 18 chicken have?" "You sure?" "It should be 31!" "Why not try the chicken leg?" "I made this specially for you." "Chicken feet are good for your joints." "Since you use your fingers so much." "I don't want it." "I am tired." "Let's pay the room for the night and sleep over." "No, wake me in half and hour." "I'd like to buy something on Xiao-ting?" "Would you choose it for me?" "Her birthday is coming up." "Look at the way we dressed!" "They're going to look down on us." "But I have money." "I'm really buying." "Yeah, Mr. Millionaire." "Alright, let's go in." "Money in my pocket gives me confidence." "How much is it?" "This is our treat." "Thank you." "Come on, it's free." "I think this is the best." "What are you doing?" "Nothing." "I know, your hands are sore." "You shouldn't do too many massage a day." "What's wrong?" "He'll get this." "Please wait." "I don't want people to know what I do." "You are not stealing." "You are not a hooker." "Whats wrong with your job?" "It's only massage." " You want this?" "Sir?" " Yeah." "Any discount if I buy two?" "How about there?" "Fixed price, I am so sorry." "Oh!" "Fixed price." "I'll buy two then." "Thank you." "Mr. Millionaire, buying everything by the double." "One for Xiao-ting, one for you." "Looks good on you." "You like it." "I have enough money!" "I do!" "I can afford it." "I really can." "Sorry, I've forgotten your fingers hurt" "Do you want to tell that whole world that I am a massage girl?" "You want to put it in the paper?" "I am sorry." "The bracelet looks fine on you." "Wise up!" "How can you give the same gift to 2 different woman," "Xiao-ting and I are two different kinds of women." "She is your girl, I am you friend." "Yes, we did sleep together, but..." "One for her and one for me?" "What does that mean?" "!" "Do you know what you are doing?" "Don't be angry." "Have you worked too hard?" "Why don't you quit" "I'll moonlight to pay your debt." "You said you want to marry Xiao-ting, didn't you?" "Go back to Wuih to marry Xiao-ting." "My dream is very different." "We are two different kinds of people." "In fact, I don't know where I am going, And I don't know what I am doing." "I feel very insecure, I hate that feeling." "Few days ago, I called mom." "I told her that I was going to hit the jackpot in stock." "But now, I am penny-less." "And I'm deep in debt." "What have I done?" "I don't know what will happen tomorrow!" "I am scared." "I don't know what to do." "If one day Xiao-ting meets a man, they becomes friends," "Just like you and me." "They get together frequently, and once in a while, they..." "But they keep telling themselves that they are just friends." "What would you think?" "I..." "I will be unhappy." "Comrade Li Xiao-jun." "You are not what brought me to Hong Kong." "And I am not what brought you to Hong Kong." "I am tired." "All moved in?" "No." "Hey, don't forget to pay the rent." "I've paid." "Anytime." "Pao." "I've brought a friend." "I heard you're scared of him." "Why don't you laugh?" "Aren't you in the mood?" "I am cheap I'll laugh if you pay a big tip." "You don't have to go through all that just to make me laugh." "Go home and have a good sleep." "Cool down." "There won't be dead ends." "Why?" "Why?" "Please don't!" "You tried today?" "Is somebody dead or have you just got dumped?" "I'm broke!" "That's great." "You wanna make a fat tip?" "Pager number please?" "1986 please." "Who's calling?" "Li Xiao-jun." "The message is..." "Good bye." "Dear Xiao-ting." "I heard that there is a hot wave in Hangchow recently." "The heat even killed a couple of people." "How is Wusih?" "Remember that summer?" "It was hot." "You were with me..." "Remember to wear warm clothes." "The weather is changing by the day." "People said, this is the coldest year in fifty years." "Everybody is talking about migration here." "Mostly to Australia or Canada." "While Hong Kong is every Mainlander's dream." "Hong Kong people's dream is somewhere else." "When I was small, my parents always scolded me..." "Enclosed is the video of Miss Hong Kong this year." "I specially like the Winner, Anita Yuen." "She is sweet, just like you." "But I think you are sweeter." "Xiao-ting." "I think this should be my last letter." "No?" "Next month we would meet in Honk Kong." "Jump you son of a bitch, jump." "Your English is still awful." "So what?" "As long as I make big money." "Thank you for coming." "Please help yourself." "This is my wife." "Congratulations." "Have you seen Li Chiao?" "She opened a florist and invests in property." "She's now a boss of a big enterprise." "I knew it." "She worked over twenty hours a day." "She really worked hard for money." "Remember she introduced us to the English school?" "She got commission from that." "So it was all a scheme!" "You didn't know?" "I told you before." "Southerners are cunning." "Here's Xiao-jun." "The food is a bit late." "If you are hungry, order some noodles." "Have you invited Li Chiao?" "Yes." "Enjoy yourself." "What are you doing in the dark?" "I am leaving next week." "No one will play basketball with me in New York." "The Americans are so tall." "Why would they want to play with you?" "Hey didn't I always kick your ass?" "I just let you have it easy." "After I'm gone, take care of yourself." "Congratulations." "Thank you." "I didn't think you would come." "How can I miss your wedding?" "You look great." "You've finally achieved your goal." "Pao, let me introduce." "The groom." "The groom!" "Congratulations." "Handsome kid!" "Where is the bride?" "Where is she?" "Ready, look at the camera." "Smile, the groom and the bride." "Please look at the camera." "Can't sleep?" "Yeah." "Maybe I was too stressed out." "Maybe you haven't got used to this new place yet." "Maybe." "There are only two of us in this house." "It's so nice." "In a few years, when I've saved enough money, I'll buy a house for us." "Take your time." "When I first came to Hong Kong," "I always wore that old blue jacket." "Every meal, I ate three bowls of rice." "I fell asleep as soon as I got to the bed." "And I started working as soon as I woke up." "Everyday was a new experience." "If you were next to me, it would have been so much better." "Cut the crap!" "Just tell me who did it first." "You gotta follow the rules kid?" "Wait for me, I'll be there!" "Where?" "Something wrong?" "Still up?" "Your call woke me up." "You were tossing and turning the whole night anyway." "Don't blame it on the phone call." "Where are you going?" "Just go to sleep." "Forget the groom, okay?" "What are you talking about?" "Just one look, I knew you guys had something going." "Kiddo, I've been around." "That was a long time ago." "Cut it out." "What?" "When are you coming back?" "I will come back if I am alive." "You've gotta come back even if you are dead." "How can I come back if I'm dead?" "If I die, you go and get yourself another guy." "Go back to sleep." "I'm not sleeping tonight." "I'll call you for breakfast." "See you." "Have you seen the doctor?" "Doctors are useless." "They only tell you to quit drinking and smoking." "If I could quit, I wouldn't need doctors." "I saw "Love is a Many Splendid Thing" a couple of nights ago." "I've finally seen William Holden." "Really?" "I saw that too." "I met him when he was making that movie in HK." "I even skipped work to visit him on the set." "Later, he took me to the Peninsular Hotel..." "For dinner." "That was my first time to the Peninsula." "He was really good looking." "Of course." "When I was young, I was pretty good looking too." "I'll take you to the doctor." "No." "Just take Lucky for a walk." "Be careful." "He has poor eyesight." "He's old." "How are you today?" "I'm fine." " Are you sure?" " Yeah." "I am going back to Thailand with Cabbage soon." "She is home sick." "Have you seen Li Chiao?" "Yes." "And..." " any..." " No." "She and Xiao-ting became good friends." "Are you kidding?" "Li Chiao is really smart." "Yeah." "How long has she been to Hong Kong?" "As long as I have." "Her boyfriend must be a smart guy too." "That's her husband." "They told me he's only her boyfriend." "Congratulations, you are a big boss now." "Come on, it's no big deal." "Just a small share holder." "Excuse me." "Hong Kong people love to speak English. 97 is only around the block." "Help yourself, get something to eat please." "Thank you." "I don't want to gain weight." "But you are so thin!" "She hasn't been dancing so she's afraid of gaining weight." "You're a dancer?" "What kind?" "Everything." "From ballet to Chinese dance." "That's incredible." "You can teach dancing in Hong Kong." "But I don't know anybody." "You should have told me about this." "I'll hook you up." "Just leave it to me." "Xiao-ting, Come here." "Come on, hurry up." "Don't be long." " Have some." " Alright" "I'm starving." "Haven't eaten the whole day." "Where is Pao?" "He'll come later, I guess." "Excuse me." "I am sorry." "I've moved." "I was promoted to be the Chef." "Good for you." "Congratulations." "I've moved." "Me too." "I know." "You have just told me." "You're right." "Finally you've become the person you've always wanted to be." "No one calls you China girl anymore." "When I go to a five star hotel, people talk to me in English." "When I go shopping, the sales won't give me the look." "Last month, I went back to my hometown to build a house." "My old neighbours couldn't even recognise me." "I told mom, I'm a honkie at last." "But... mom didn't get to see the house." "She died before it was finished." "Some more." "You take it." "I am so hungry." "This is delicious." "You have never eaten in McDonalds?" "Xiao-jun used to write me using McDonald's paper mats." "But since I got here, he haled the mentioning of McDonalds." "With you cooking home dishes, he doesn't need McDonald." "What are you laughing at?" "I heard Cantonese call women "dishes"." "Doesn't "home dishes" mean women at home?" "That's you!" "You don't even speak Cantonese, but you are getting all the slang." "Did Xiao-jun teach you that?" "He doesn't know any." "He is so exhausted from work everyday." "He usually falls fast asleep." "Never even talk to me." "He was real talkative in Wusih." "Every evening, we would go for ride on our bicycle." "I once asked him where his bicycle in HK is." "He said he got rid of it!" "Riding a bike in this traffic is lethal." "That's what he said." "Nice?" "Yes." "I think it looks better on you." "Xiao-ting, what are you doing?" "A little gift from me." "Come on, I can't accept it." "It's your, you should keep it." "I am sorry." "In fact, I have one exactly the same." "Really?" "Yes." "It was a gift from an old friend." "This is a gift from Xiao-jun." "I know." "That's why you shouldn't give it away." "But I always wanted to give you something." "You are so nice to me!" "Well..." "Can I take you to dinner tonight?" "OK." "I got the job." "I'm having dinner with Li Chiao tonight, will be late home." " Go and check the new stock." " Yes" "When is the grand opening?" "I'd like to send you flowers." "Order from my florist shop." "Keep the business is the family." "Wait." "Let me take a look." "So pretty." "Did you take any wedding picture?" "Let's do it today." "It's on the house." "OK?" "Happy?" "come, pick one." "You are pretty!" "I can use your picture in the show window." "This is great promotion." "It's just ahead." "I have to do the rehearsal tonight, I'll come home late." "I can't have dinner with you." "Thank you." "There is noodle in the refrigerator." "There's Teresa Tang!" "Thank you!" "I got her autograph." "Look at her fans." "It's been awhile since we feel in love with her." "I gotta run some errands." "Can I let you off here?" "See you." "We blew it!" "Yes we did." "The room has been decorated." "It's the same ceiling." "And that..." "The toilet is new." "It's new carpet." "What about the bed?" "Remember this?" "It was here." "This is our old bed." "Nothing here was ours." "Comrade Li Xiao-jun." "What are we going to do?" "I want to stop fooling myself." "I will go back and talk to Xiao-ting." "What about me?" "You have to make up your mind." "All I want is to wake up every morning by your side." "Here we are." "Let me walk you to the door." "I think it's better for me to talk to him alone." "What's the matter?" "Police, I would like to talk to you." "If Au-yeung Pao contacts you, remember to tell him that, He is not the one we want." "If he is willing to be our witness, I guarantee there will be no charges against him." "Contact me." "What's the matter?" "Pao is in trouble." "I am going up to check." "Chiao." "I'll be waiting." "Pao:" "I'm leaving Hong Kong." "Will call you upon arrival." "Wing, I'd like to see Pao." "Ms Li, boss doesn't want you to see him now," "I have to talk to him." "Where did you take him for boarding?" "Wait for me, I'll be back soon." "Be careful." "Pao." "I told you not to come." "Why did you come?" "You stupid woman." "You OK?" "Just a field trip to Taiwan, I am used to it." "The cops only wanted you to be their witness." "That means they are pushing me to hell!" "How can I do that?" "Pao, I have something to talk to you." "Your Buddhas." "No wonder I felt weird." "We have met, so you can go in peace." "I worry about you." "Come on!" "You were never that nagging!" "Silly girl, listen to me." "Go home now, have a hot bath." "Wake up tomorrow and go get yourself another guy." "There are tons better than me out there." "Don't worry, I can manage," "I have many wives in Taiwan." "One in Kao Hsung." "One in Tai Chung." "One in Hua Lian." "Even one in Ali Shan." "When did it all start?" "Maybe long long time ago." "Does she love you?" "I don't know." "Then, why did you marry me?" "That's my goal and dream." "Come on." "Come with me." "Pack up now." "Let's go back to Wusih right now." "Come on, pack up now." "Don't come back forever." "If you didn't come to Hong Kong." "This wouldn't have..." "This wouldn't have happened." "Right?" "But..." "You came." "And she came." "At last, I came too." "Xiao-ting." "We can't go back anymore." "Xiao-jun," "You are my only relative in Hong Kong." "If I die," "This house and everything in it will go to you." "The most valuable things in my life..." "Are all kept in this trunk." "I remember that was the happiest day in my life..." "William took me to dinner at the Peninsula." "When he wasn't paying attention, I stole the knife and fork we used." "I felt contented..." "Every time I look at it." "Maybe William had forgotten me." "Never mind, he is always in my mind, that's enough." "By the way, I am so old and ugly now." "It's good for him not to see me like this." "Xiao-ting." "I am going to work now." "Just stay away from me." "I am trying to live alone." "So, don't come over." "I'll get over it." "Xiao-ting..." "I thought I couldn't see you again." "I will come and visit you." "Better make it quick." "Cabbage got AIDS." "Taxi." "Take care." "You too, take care." " Goodbye." " Bye bye." "Xiao-ting, I don't have anything for you." "These money belongs to Rosie." "All I want is for you to live happily." "I'm leaving tomorrow." "I'm scared." "It's the 1st time I fly." "I've never been too gutsy." "I dare not ask you to forgive me." "I just hope that, we have been together all these years" "We have walked all these paths..." "Xiao-ting, it broke my heart too." "I'm going to the English class tonight." "Remember to pick up the kids from school." "No problem." "Free English tutor, you wanna go?" "I took enough lesson the last time around." "You can learn it again." "Something in life, you only need to learn once." "What is in your mind?" "Just forget the past." "Fate is... predestined... and fate is... ..." "Also match-making?" "You're full of crap!" "Match-making!" "You always cook for others, don't you want someone to cook for you?" "That girl is really nice." "Turn off the fire for me please, thank you." "Chicken for to go." "Your chicken to go, sir." "It's funny." "This place looks like Yaumatai 30 years ago." "Narrow streets crowded with people." "This shops are small, but you can buy everything there." "All kinds of restaurants." "When I was eleven or twelve, I started to make a living in Yaumatai..." "Who would have known..." "I'd return to the same kind of dump decades later." "This chicken is so good." "In fact, do you like it there?" "It's the same everywhere." "Two years, six towns." "I can't run anymore." "Why not unpack the boxes?" "Better buy some furniture." "Better fix an altar for workshop." "Better have a baby." "Baby is a lot of trouble." "It keeps on crying and crawling." "Better not unpack the boxes yet." "Let's go find a bigger place." "OK, come on." "Get the ball." "Alright, you naughty kids, come and eat now." "OK, go... wash your hands." "Can't you go take care of her?" "I am taking care of her." "I am cooking for her." "Better talk to her." "I don't even know her." "I have nothing to say." "I spent $30 to set you up with a nice lady." "And you're doing this to me?" "Yes." "I'm doing this to you." "Damn it!" "Sausage." "Although it's old, it has a big garden." "$300,000 for that dump, it's a rip off." "Besides, we haven't got that kind of money." "Easy, we'll sell you to the brothel." "Go ahead it you think you won't regret." "I think we should buy an apartment and rent it out." "I always dream of owing a house with a garden," "Kids running all over the place." "I've gotta get the laundry." "Go ahead." "Wait for me." "Give me a cigarette." "I just want smoke, don't brother me, OK?" "Give me your cigarette," "You kid!" "Take it..." "Look." "What a nice watch." "Grab it." "Good old-man, give me your fucking watch," "Do you recognize him or not?" "Please turn him over." "Miss Li Chiao, your visa has expired." "Under United States immigration law." "You must be departed within 48 hours." "Then you will be escorted to the airport." "Move it, come on move it." "This drop off is driving me crazy." "Tell me about it." "This is my third run today." "I already had two Mexicans and Indian family." "Maybe we could tell her take the airport coach, instead." "Well, at least she deserves one chance to try to get away." "Go, go, go." "Li Xiao-jun." "I've got the green card." "No problem..." "I paid a lawyer for this, it'll be alright." "I booked tickets home." "Yes, I am coming back at last." "Let's talk later, don't waste money." "Dad, you get some rest." "Yes, I know!" "Bye bye." "We are approaching the Statue of Liberty." "Where is China Town?" "Over there, can you see that?" "Soho, this side is the Soho, that is Little Italy." "Then, China Town." "Can you see our restaurant?" "Yes, the one with a red roof." "The green roof." "Red." "Can you see the triangular roof?" "Just next to it." "The one next to the building with a triangular roof." "I've been to the roof, it's red." "I am so sure of it." "Come on, stop arguing." "In a few years, I'll open a Chinese Restaurant on the Empire State." "We'll name it "Top of the World"." "So we can see it from anywhere is manhattan?" "Top of the World." "Ready, look at the camera." "Everyone cheese!" "OK!" "Ms Li, how long will we stay at the Statue of Liberty?" "I have to buy some Gucci handbags." "No hurry, just take some pictures first." "I'll take you to shop later, OK?" "I heard people said that you came from Guangzhou." "Yes, I left China ten years ago." "How long haven't you been back?" "I'll go back next month." "Right... people always wanted to leave back in the 80's." "Now, they all go back." "Many Hong Kong people working the Mainland now." "Yeah, most people regret they ever left." "There are plenty of golden opportunities in China." "Yeah!" "Now, it's high season." "Reservation is tough." "You didn't confirm, so it's gone." "OK, call me tomorrow morning." "What a trouble." "Your ticket is issued." "You have got your green card too." "You can go home now." "Is Mr. Chan's ticket ready?" "He called many times." "Enjoy yourself." "Miss Teresa Tang, the famous Chinese pop song queen, died of asthma today at her hotel room in Pattaya, Thailand." "She died young at age 42." "Teresa was a native of Shantung, she was born in 1953 to a soldier's family." "Teresa started in show business at 11." "Soon, she became the most popular pop song singer in Taiwan." "She always traveled Taiwan, HK and SE Asia for performances." "Her sweet and feminine voice fascinated all her fans," "She was crowned the Queen of Lyric songs." "The prime of her career was from the middle 70's to the 80's." "In mid 70's her songs started to storm Mainland China." "Soon, she became a phenomenon in China." "Big cities or small villages, people could hear her songs anytime, anywhere." "Her songs win the hearts of numerous Chinese all over the world." "People said, if only there are Chinese, you can hear Teresa's songs." | {
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"Murdoch Mysteries S02E05" "Excuse me." "Get out!" "Go!" "Get out!" "Where's Cora?" "Did you see Cora?" "Did anybody see Cora?" "Cora?" "!" "What have we, George?" "The fire started around midnight, sir." "And the cause?" "An incendiary device was thrown through this window." "Glass." "Housed in a bottle, it would seem." "Gather up all the shards." "See if we can raise fingermarks." "Some may have survived the fire." "What else?" "The madam couldn't find one of her... employees." "Mm-hmm." "She went to look for her in her room." "Where she found the victim." "Exactly." "Right, then." "Nothing's to be touched." "I want a list of everyone that was here tonight." "The girls, their customers -- everyone." "Oh, sir, that list could include the mayor, a bishop." "I mean, this was, after all, the Music Academy." "It could include the chief constable himself." "I want that list." "Sir." "The body's up this way." "This is how the madam found her." "Good Lord." "It's a horrible wound." "She appears to have been garroted." "Do we know her name?" "Cora Devereaux, age 23." "Letters from admirers." "It appears Miss Devereaux was a very popular woman." "Perhaps it had something to do with her taste in fine spirits." " Ab-sinthe." "Ab-seenthe?" " Absinthe." "It's a liquor popular in Europe amongst the intelligentsia." "Made with an herb " " Wormwood." "Said to cause hallucinations." "Hallucinations?" "How intriguing." " Anything else, George?" " No, sir." "That's all the madam would tell me." "Oh?" "Was she being uncooperative?" "Well, sir, she said she wanted to give the rest of her statement to you personally." "Really?" "Where is she now?" "Right here, William." "It's good to see you again." "Always a pleasure, Miss Weston despite the circumstances." "I've always looked after my girls." "Arranged doctors, kept their bellies full, advised on affairs of the heart." "I didn't do a very good job with Cora, I'm afraid." "What can you tell me about her?" "Not much." "She was in high demand with my customers, even though she'd only been here a short while." "Oh?" "How long?" "About six months." "And where was she before that?" " Montreal." " What brought her here?" "I believe she had a spot of trouble." "What kind of trouble?" "A violent customer." "Had she any difficulties with customers here?" "One." "Arthur Webster." "The painter?" "He'd become obsessed with her." "In my experience, that can only lead to trouble." "I see." "He refused to leave tonight, so I had him removed." "Tonight?" "When was this?" "Around 10:00." "Two hours before you discovered Miss Devereaux's body." "He could have returned, killed her, and set fire to the house to cover his tracks." "Except I keep the doors locked at all times." "Security is very important for my girls and my clients." "Perhaps he found a way to sneak in." "Well, I suppose that's possible." "Well, I think that's enough for now, Miss Weston." "Thank you." "William." "In all these years, you haven't changed." "Not a bit." "And you, Ettie." "You've done very well for yourself." "Ah." "Doctor." "Detective." "May I ask why such a pretty dress for a murder?" "Oh." "A gentleman asked me to dinner." "Oh?" "Yes." "A rather stuffy accountant, as it turns out." "He was busy explaining the difference between single- and double-entry bookkeeping when I was called away." "The garrote appears to have severed both the carotid artery and the jugular vein." "So the killer would have been covered in blood?" "Not necessarily." "The attack appears to have been from behind, meaning he would have avoided most of the blood spray." "This is most interesting." "What is it?" "There's another scar winding around her neck suggesting a previous attempt to garrote the victim." "As though someone returned to finish a job they had already started." "Well, this is a right cock-up." "What have you got there?" "What does this smell remind you of, sir?" "Mineral spirits?" "More specifically, turpentine." "Mm." "Fuel used in the fire bomb, was it?" "One of them." "Likely the accelerant." "To light something heavier." "Kerosene more than likely." "At least that's what they taught us in the regiment." "So the killer chucks it in through the window, hoping to cover his tracks." "But the bomb was poorly constructed." "Caused more smoke than fire." "Many lives were spared." "Do we know which of the city fathers were caught with their strides down?" " Strides?" " Trous" "Uh, pants, pants." "Yes." "I have a list." "Mm." "Bloody hell, Murdoch." "Don't let this out of your sight." "We're not gonna be able to keep what happened out of the press, but at least we can try and limit the damage." "There's quite a few friends of the department on here." "Yes." "I'll try to ensure discretion." "Do we have a suspect?" "Yes." "A painter with a jealous obsession." "Miss Devereaux... dead?" "It can't be." "I'm sorry to have to inform you, Mr. Webster." "Turpentine." "To clean my brushes." "What of it?" "We believe it was used to set the fire." "But surely you don't think that I had something to " "Mr. Webster, you had to be forcibly removed from the brothel last night." "Sometimes I find it difficult to leave Miss Devereaux." "Surely you've felt the same way towards a love." "Where did you go afterwards?" "I came here to paint." "I am... was always so inspired after being with her." "She was my muse." "You were obsessed with her." "So much so that you couldn't stand the thought of other men being with her." "I had already accepted that situation, as unfortunate as it was." "Unfortunate?" "Yes." "Her heart belonged to another." "I'm sorry to disturb you at your home, Judge Wilson, but as I mentioned, this is an urgent matter." "I'm sorry I haven't much time." "My caseload lately is very heavy." "Yes." "I'll try to be brief." "Are you familiar with the Weston Music Academy?" "No, I am not." "Should I be?" "It's a brothel, sir." "A young woman was murdered there last night." "I see." "Most unfortunate." "Sir, I believe you were a client of the victim's." "Are you suggesting that I frequent brothels, Detective?" "With all due respect, sir, you were mentioned by name." "Well, many people would like to see me removed from the bench." "This is probably some ploy to discredit me." "Where were you last night?" "I was working late in chambers." "And then I returned home." "What time?" "About 10:00." "I had a small glass of sherry, and then I went to bed." "And you remained here at home the whole night?" "You're quite certain?" "I think I would know if I'd gotten out of bed, don't you?" "Now, if there's nothing further, Detective, I'm needed in court." "Inspector." "There's a gentleman from the Temperance League to see you." "A Mr. Beecher." "Beecher?" "Bollocks." "And there you go, sir." "Send him in." " Go on in." " Thank you." "Inspector, the Temperance League is no longer simply concerned with the evils of drink." "All of society's woes require our attention." "So the missus has told me, Mr. Beecher." "In particular, it's the houses of ill fame and the plight of the women in them that concern us." "Same goes for the police." "Well, so you say." "And yet, Inspector, for some time, the entire constabulary, yourself included, has tolerated the existence of the Music Academy because it caters to the city's elite." "You and I both know that that place is first-class." "Those lasses are well looked after." "Are they?" "Perhaps Miss Devereaux's parents would disagree." "Inspector, on behalf of the thousands of Temperance League members, staunch supporters of our cause, like your wife," "I demand that place be shut down immediately." "You can tell your members that the police are doing their job." "In fact, we already have a suspect." " Oh?" " Yes." "An artist." "An artist." "I see." "Somewhat convenient, Inspector, but a suspect nonetheless, huh?" " What are you implying, sir?" " I'm not implying." "I'm merely noting that of all the powerful people in that brothel, a lowly artist is the suspect." "Facts do not lie, sir." "Of course they don't." "Inspector, the Temperance League will be watching the progress of this case." "If justice is not served, you will be hearing from us." "I can't wait." "I would place time of death roughly around midnight." "Consistent with when the fire broke out." "The stomach contents revealed nothing out of the ordinary, except that she'd had an aperitif shortly before she was murdered." "Anise-based, I believe." "There was a bottle of absinthe in the room." "Oh?" "The green fairy." "Green fairy?" "Yes, the inspiration of many a poet." "Some say she can be seen after drinking it." "Or overindulging in it." "It's a most exotic drink." "No doubt supplied by your friend, the madam." "How did you two meet?" "A church function, perhaps?" "Actually, we met during a case." "Her friend Alice Black, also a prostitute, was murdered." "Oh." "Fortunately, I managed to save Ettie -- Miss Weston's life." "I'm sorry." "I-I didn't mean to imply " "I also misjudged Miss Weston when I first met her." "Were there any defensive wounds?" "There would have been no time to struggle." "Death would have been almost instantaneous." "There was this, however." "Mm." "Any idea how she got those scars?" "A whip or a lash, I should think." "I've heard that those can be used in sex play." "Yes." "These scars are very nasty, though." "I don't think there was any play involved." "No, I suppose not." "Listen." "She was a doxy." "She did things for money, and some people pay for pain." "Might explain how she got that older scar on her neck as well." "I highly doubt she would let someone do that to her, no matter the price." "She did allow herself to be put in a vulnerable position, allowing men to put things around her neck and so on." "She wouldn't have noticed the garrote until it was too late." "Something happened to her in Montreal." "I have a mate on the force there." "He might be able to tell us a bit more." "Sir, there's someone here to see you." "I'm Detective William Murdoch." "Yes." "I'm Paul Wilson, His Honor's son." "Ah, yes." "Of course." "Mr. Wilson, how can I help you?" "Well, this is rather difficult, and I fear that it may implicate my father in something unseemly." "But if I'm not mistaken," "Father told you he didn't go out last night, did he not?" "That's correct." "Well, I remember waking in the middle of the night, and I heard someone come into the house." "There was a lot of commotion, banging and whatnot." "Did you investigate?" "This is very difficult for me." "It was Father." "You're certain?" "He's recently taken to coming in at all hours of the night." "Mm." "I see." "I'll be sure to look into this." "Unfortunately, there's more." "I..." "I feel terrible about this." "I found these in the rear of his wardrobe." "I'll ask you one more time, Judge Wilson." "How did you get the bloodstains on your clothes?" "I couldn't tell you." "You'll have to forgive me, Your Honor, but you're not being forthcoming." "I'm telling you what I know." "You also told me you never left your home." "I just... don't know what happened." "How can that be?" "Either you left your home or you didn't." "Such a damn muddle, I can barely remember a thing." "Let me help you." "You went to the brothel." "You saw Miss Devereaux." "Yes." "Cora." "What time was this?" "About 11:00." "And then what?" "I..." "I must have dozed off." "We'd been drinking, and when I woke there was blood, and she was there beside me dead." "And the next thing I know, I was in front of my door at home." "And you have no idea how you got there?" " No." " Yet you had the good sense to remove the bloodstained clothing." "Yes, I suppose so, yes." "But I didn't kill her." "Of this, I am certain." "How can you be?" "You don't seem certain of anything else." "Have you ever been in love?" "Deeply and profoundly in love?" "I have." "Well, then you understand when I tell you that, no matter how confused I am," "I-I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Cora." "Why else would I have asked her to be my bride?" "He's gone completely daft." "A judge just can't up and marry some scarlet woman." "He'd be throwing away his career." "According to the judge, they were very much in love." "Love." "Ha!" "The only thing she loved was his money." "And I think the judge finally realized that as well." "You think he discovered Miss Devereaux was a gold digger." "And in a blind rage, killed her." "How could he have been in her room and thrown the fire bomb at the same time?" "That's a good point." "And for that matter, why not just set fire to the bed with her in it?" "Why not, indeed." "The killer wasn't trying to cover up his crime." "He threw the fire bomb to create a diversion." "And in the confusion, slips in, goes upstairs, kills Miss Devereaux." "Bloody diabolical." "But then why is the judge still alive?" "Perhaps someone wanted us to think that he was the killer." "Then again, maybe the judge had a partner, and this is all just a wild theory." "Seems we've got nothing but questions." "Why am I here, William?" "You know very well why you're here." "The judge was in Miss Devereaux's room, wasn't he?" "I'm sorry." "Tell me what happened." "And I want the truth this time." "Very well." "Cora?" "!" "I went to Cora's room, looking for her, just as I told you." "When I opened the door, I saw him... holding her crying." "The building was burning, so I helped him out, and I had him taken home." "Even though he murdered one of your own girls?" "He did not murder Cora." "How can you be certain?" "You found him over the body." "If you know anything about me, William, it's that I'm an expert on men." "You won't deny that it's useful to have a judge in your pocket." "You trusted me in the past when so many wouldn't." "Trust me now." "Very well." "In the past, Miss Devereaux was involved with customers who enjoyed the lash." "Am I correct?" "Yes, in Montreal." "And did she have any clients here with that certain proclivity?" "One." " The judge?" " No." "Of course not." "Then who?" "What's the meaning of this?" "I searched the rest of your house and found these in your bedside table." "What was the nature of your relationship with Miss Devereaux?" "Miss Devereaux... dominated, disciplined me." "You couldn't possibly understand." "Oh, I think I understand you fully." "You enjoyed being humiliated." "Or at least you thought you did... until Miss Devereaux decided to marry the judge." "That was too much humiliation for even you to endure." "My wanting to kill Miss Devereaux is as unlikely as the judge wanting to." "You don't think he had reason?" "I had only respect for the way he treated Miss Devereaux." "Now, his son " " That is a completely different story." "His son?" "Miss Devereaux had ordered me to accompany her to an opening at the art gallery." "Young Mr. Wilson approached her, accused her of being after his father's money, was insulting and so furious I actually feared he would strike her." "I was about to put him in his place, but Miss Devereaux commanded me not to." "I see." "Mr. Wilson." "That's quite a contraption." "Yes!" "Isn't it?" "An electric carriage." "One of the first in the city." "Mm." "Do you own it?" "Well, I'm considering it." "But frankly, it's difficult to get excited about anything, given what's happened to Father." "Unless you've come with good news?" "There have been recent developments." "Wonderful." "Assuming it's something that will exonerate him." "I understand you had an extremely vitriolic exchange with the victim." "It was a heated argument, true." "But I was determined to protect Father." "Protect him?" "From what?" "From that woman dragging his good name through the mud." "She would have ruined him, professionally, socially." "Financially?" "Well, that is what happens when one falls victim to an avaricious manipulator who's only after one's estate." "It certainly is." "Are you saying you suspect Paul?" "His behavior makes me curious." "His behavior?" "He had a heated argument with Miss Devereaux." "Paul did not take well to my decision to marry Cora." "And why not?" "I've coddled Paul since his mother died." "He worshiped her." "And it's likely he thought he was defending her honor." "Perhaps." "Or perhaps he felt that his finances were being threatened by your impending marriage." "I don't see why he would feel that way." "I had my attorney draw up a contract leaving him half of my estate in the event of my death." "What if half wasn't enough?" "Detective, my son's flaws are many." "He's a talented pianist who never plays." "He requires constant validation from friends who don't care for him." "He's never worked a day in his life." "But he's still my son." "I see." "If I may, how were you planning to deal with the... ramifications of your marriage?" "No need to be delicate, Detective." "Cora's dream was to have a home by the sea." "I bought us a cottage I found on the tip of Cape May." "And we were going to leave as soon as possible." "Just... it wasn't soon enough." "I loved Cora, deeply." "I never let a day go by without telling her." "It's cold comfort, but at least I didn't make that mistake." "I've just received word back from Montreal." "What's that, then?" "It's a sample of the fire-bomb fuels collected from the carpet in the brothel." "I'm hoping that by identifying them, it might lead us to the killer." "And how do you propose to do that?" "Specific gravity." "Much like separating cream from milk." "I'll have to send it to the university, however." "I would do it myself, but I don't have a centrifuge." "Oh, that's a shame." "Anyway, back to Montreal." "It seems there were two rather nasty garrote attacks on prostitutes there." "One of the victims survived." "Went by the name of Cora Devereaux." "So we have a prostitute running from a killer." "Comes to Toronto to hide." "But her past comes calling." "Sir, might I interrupt?" "Yes, George." "Have you news on the case?" "You could say that." "Sir, I believe we have our murderer." "You're leaping to conclusions, George." "I don't think so, sir." "He's left us a confession." "Mr. Webster suffered cerebral edema." "He was obviously cyanotic." "And I found petechiae on his skin and in his eyes." "The cause of death was asphyxiation." "So your findings are consistent with a suicide?" "That troubles you?" "Something about this crime just isn't sitting right with me." "Well, I can run further tests if you like." "I would appreciate that." "Was there something else?" "Yes." "I was wondering if you would have dinner with me tonight." "Oh, certainly." "I-I'm not sure that the results will be back by then." "Well, there are other matters we could discuss." "Current events." "Past events." "Constable Crabtree's remarkably untidy " "Well, I..." "I'd be delighted." "Good." "Very good." "Mr. Beecher, I thought I should inform you personally before the newspapers publish." "We've shut down the Music Academy." "The details are all there for you." "Very good, Inspector." "So this Mr. Webster hanged himself." "That's right." "And a confession written in paint found by his side?" "Near the body, yes." "What of Judge Wilson?" "He's still in custody, but I'm sure he'll be exonerated." "I should think there must be some charge for him." "Solicitation, perhaps?" "Yes." "Well, there are unfortunate vagaries in the laws." "Of course there are." "You must be quite pleased, Inspector." "This worked out quite well for you." "I'm not sure I appreciate what you're insinuating, Mr. Beecher." "Then let me be clear." "The Temperance League will change this city." "Mark my words." "Drink and loose morals will be a thing of the past." "Next time -- and there will be a next time -- the rich and powerful might not be so lucky." "And perhaps neither will the constabulary." "Yes." "Well, thank you for stopping by." "I'll see you out." "Hello, Miss Weston." " Spare me your false sanctimony." " Miss Weston " "If I've offended you in any way " "You come into my business, proselytizing like some preacher about how you're acting in the interests of women." "Well, you turned every one of them onto the street." "They had protection and medicine and clothing." "And now they have nothing." "Whatever happens to them is on your head." "Miss Weston, perhaps I could get you a cup of tea in the detective's office?" "Thank you, Constable." "The poor woman." "I don't think we've been formally introduced." "Detective William Murdoch." "Who might you be?" "Levi Beecher." "It's a pleasure." "Change is coming." "Spread the good word." "I'm sorry, William, I caused a scene." "But I cannot abide that man's hypocrisy." "It's quite all right, Ettie." "I need you to tell me more about the nature of the relationship between Miss Devereaux and Arthur Webster." "He referred to her exclusively as Miss Devereaux, did he not?" "Always." "Then why would he write, "Forgive me, Cora,"" "at the scene of his death?" "I have no idea." "So let me try to understand this." "You don't think Arthur Webster killed himself because he wrote "Cora" instead of "Miss Devereaux"" "on his suicide note." "Which apparently is no longer a suicide note." "That's my thinking, yes." "Did it ever occur to you that maybe he ran out of room?" "Miss Devereaux is quite a long name to write." " Sir." " Bloody hell, Murdoch." "I thought we had this all wrapped up." "There is also no connection to Montreal, sir." "I'm gonna have that bloody temperance bastard breathing down my neck again." "So we're dealing with a double murder, is that it?" "Not necessarily." "The two cases may not be related." "Not related?" "Our prime suspect was found hanging by a suicide note bearing our victim's name." "Sir, we have nothing to connect the two cases." "And until we do, it would behoove us to treat them separately." "So let's start with Miss Devereaux." "If Webster didn't kill her, then who the bloody hell did?" "Perhaps the man who stood the most to gain from her death." "The judge's son." "Cora did stand in the way of his inheritance." "And he's the one who brought us the man's bloody clothing to begin with." "What are you thinking?" "Could I get you a spot of something to take the edge off?" "A Pimm's and lemonade would be nice." "Yes." "Well, I think you might have to make do with tea." "Higgins!" "Tea!" "We'd like to speak to you about your father." "Judge Wilson has always been a very great friend to the Toronto police force." "He's often spoken very highly of the constabulary's fine work." "Which is why we were so glad to find another suspect." "I see." "And due to the overwhelming evidence against this suspect, we may soon be able to release your father." "Why, that is terrific news." "Now, this doesn't entirely clear your father's name." "Not yet." "We still have to clear up some minor details, such as, did the suspect have the ability to build a fire bomb?" "Or the means." "And we have to find the materials or some evidence of him having had such materials." "I see." "But the point is this, Mr. Wilson." "We think very soon your father's good name will be cleared." "I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear this." "Inspector, Detective, the constabulary's diligence in this matter will not go unnoticed." "We certainly hope not." "I'll see you out." " George." " Sir?" "The trap has been set." "Sir." "Just put it in the carriage." "You know which one -- the one without the horses." "Careful with that." "That was delicious, William." "Peanut butter and jelly." "Who would have thought?" "I thought the occasion called for something special." "I never took you for a gourmet." "William?" "You seem preoccupied." "Is something wrong?" "Oh." "Well, here we are, you and I." "Yes?" "And I must apologize." "I can't help my thoughts returning to the case." "Perhaps we should just discuss it, then." "After all, I find it as fascinating as you." "Well, good." "Good." "Um..." "All along I've suspected that the judge is incapable of murder." "But?" "But there is another possibility." "The two had been drinking absinthe." "Perhaps the wormwood in it caused him to become violent." "Studies of wormwood's properties say hallucination is a possible effect of the thujone in it." "Yet other studies state the opposite." "Everyone's physiology is as unique as their eyes." "Exactly." "So there really is no way of knowing for certain how it would affect an individual." "Doctor, how would you feel about an experiment?" "An experiment?" "Yes." "I'd been saving it for later." "But with all of this talk of absinthe, I thought it apropos." "William, I've never known you to drink." "Only on special occasions." "And this is one?" "Yes." "Well, that would be delightful." "And now it could serve a double purpose." "All in the name of science, of course." "Of course." "Come on in." "Well, I am disappointed." "Hm?" "Not one green fairy." "Disappointed?" "William, we can't have that." "William, I think we should talk about where this is heading." "I'm very happy with where I am, thank you." "No, that wasn't what I meant." "Oh?" "Y-Yes." "Oh." "Mrs. Kitchen doesn't usually allow visitors." "Oh." "No." "Oh." "No." "I was talking about precautions." "Precautions?" "Yes." "I mean, do you have anything?" "Oh, you mean..." "Yes." "Prophylactics." "Oh, I didn't think I'd be needing any." "Yes, we do, William." "We " " We really, really do." "How very modern of you." "There will be other chances." "But for tonight, saner heads must prevail." "For tonight." "All right." " Here you go." " Thank you." "George." "Oh, sir." "I'm sorry." " I must have nodded off..." " Shh, shh." "...writing up my report." " Are you all right, sir?" " I'm fine." "I guess we both had a long night." "What did you find out on your surveillance?" "Well, sir, it seems Paul Wilson took the bait entirely." "Here's the list of items he purchased directly after your meeting." "Well, I guess we just wait." "And not for long, apparently." "Mr. Wilson." "Ah, Detective." "I desperately hope this is nothing, but I knew my conscience wouldn't rest if I didn't bring it to your attention." " What is it?" " Well, I happened to be in the gardening shed this morning to repair a shuttlecock," " and I found some items." " I see." "And would these items include kerosene, turpentine, and some torn pieces of cloth?" "Why, yes." "This is absurd." "I was trying to help you." "Mr. Wilson, you've been trying to frame your father ever since you walked into this station with his bloody clothing." "That is slanderous." "You've been spending your inheritance, throwing lavish parties as if you were never expecting him to return." "I needed to take my mind off my father's incarceration." "And now you volunteer evidence to us you yourself acquired." "I found those items." "Mr. Wilson, I had you followed." "My constables observed you purchasing these items yesterday." "Now, not only are you guilty of trying to frame your father, but you murdered Miss Devereaux as well." "Murdered?" "You knew that if she lived, she would stand in the way of your inheritance." "Oh, God." "Oh, God, this is a nightmare." "No, I-I swear to you, I didn't kill her." "Enough, Mr. Wilson." "Please tell me the truth." "My father detests me." "He belittles my artistic aspirations." "He derides my taste in friends." "I have suffered indignity after indignity." "So yes, I want my father's fortune." "All of it." "After all, it's rightly mine." "You would watch your father hang so you could live out your gadabout life?" "I-I didn't think he'd actually hang for it." "That's what happens when a man is convicted of murder, Mr. Wilson." "Luckily, it appears the noose will be fitted to the proper neck." "I didn't kill her." "I didn't." "You have to believe me." "I would never " "I would never have the gumption to actually kill anyone." "Wait." "Wait, wait, wait, wait." "You're making a mistake." "You're making a terrible mistake!" "Hello, Father." "Hello, son." "So the little bugger framed his father, but you don't think he killed Miss Devereaux?" "Why would he buy fire-bomb supplies if he already had them?" "Good point." "Besides, I fear he may be right." "He doesn't have the gumption, let alone the competence, to kill." "So we're back to where we were." "Not quite." "I conducted a personal experiment last night with absinthe." "You?" "Looking for little green fairies?" "You're having me on, Murdoch." "I only wish, sir." "However, the experiment did prove to be quite beneficial." "Oh." "Keep up the good work." "Good morning, Julia." "William." "How do you feel?" "My mind is elated, but my body seems to be in a state of rebellion." "Well, we did consume the better part of a bottle of absinthe last night." "However, the experiment portion of our evening was not a complete failure." "How so?" "We drank far more absinthe than the judge and Cora." "In fact... here's the bottle from her room." "Far less indeed." "Then why were they so much more affected?" "Are you suggesting that something might have been added to the absinthe they drank?" "It would explain why the victim showed no signs of struggle." "She was unconscious." "And why the judge was so disoriented." "Could it have been laudanum?" "Possibly." "Why?" "I just received Arthur Webster's toxicology results." "And there was laudanum in his blood?" "So much so that I suspect he was unconscious when he hanged himself." "I'll run some tests on the absinthe right away." "And I'll find out where the bottle came from." "Oh." "Um..." "Good morning." "Morning." "The bottle came in a delivery package for Cora with her favorite flowers and French perfume." "It was sitting in a basket on her night table when I came." "She thought I'd sent it." "Well, he was always lavishing her with exotic gifts, so I just assumed it was Judge Wilson." "She was so happy with it," "I didn't want to tell her it wasn't from me." "She loved absinthe." "She said the wormwood would give us the most delicious visions." "But all it did was put me to sleep." "So whoever sent the absinthe knew that Cora had a taste for it." "As well as for flowers and perfume." "They must have had a history." "Montreal again." "Most likely." "And now you believe this same person killed Arthur Webster?" "Yes." "We found a partial fingermark on a piece of glass from the fire bomb." "Note the occluded swirl just off-center." "We found another fingermark on a glass at Arthur Webster's house." "Not his." "Note the same occluded swirl." "So whoever threw the fire bomb was at Arthur's house." "Yes." "And Dr. Ogden has confirmed that Cora's absinthe bottle was laced with the same drug that was found in Arthur Webster's body." "So the same man was responsible for both murders." "What did I tell you?" "Yes, but we now have the evidence to prove it." "So who is he?" " I have no idea." " Bloody hell." "Sir, we'll find him." "We have a fingermark, and we're still compiling evidence." "Sir!" "You said you wanted this as soon as it arrived." " It's from the university." " What's that, then?" "It's the test results on the carpet water." "They found two combustibles." "Kerosene and turpentine." "Not turpentine." "Toluene." "Toluene?" " Never heard of it." " Neither have I." "Why does that not surprise me?" "You're not likely to unless you work in industries that manufacture rubber, do electroplating." "And I don't." "And neither do any of our suspects." "Apparently, it's also used for lubricating printing presses." "Printing presses." "Change is coming." "Spread the good word." "I met her at a brothel on Berger Street." "She let me do things to her." "Things even I didn't know I was capable of." "I kept going back until " "Until you almost killed her." "I didn't realize how ill I was." "That's when I came here." "But every city has its temptations." "And I knew if I fell into my old ways, the illness would take hold." "And how to avoid that?" "The Temperance League?" "Doing their good work was my salvation." "But then you saw Miss Devereaux again." "At the Music Academy." "I was handing out pamphlets." "She recognized me, of course." "And I knew she would undo everything." "So you chose to undo her instead." "What choice did I have?" "Killing her was my only hope of killing that thing inside of me." "However, you had a problem." "Miss Devereaux knew that if she left the Music Academy, you'd be waiting." "I had to get in." "I studied the comings and goings until I figured out how." "That's when you sent the absinthe bottle, knowing she was partial to it." "It should have been simple." "She should have just been lying there." "But he was with her." "And Arthur Webster?" "I'd seen him come to the brothel several times." "When your inspector said the suspect was an artist, well..." "I put two and two together and paid him a visit." "So you gave us a nice, tidy way to wrap up our investigation." "You know, Detective, when I went to the Music Academy, I..." "I really just went to help those girls." "Really." "Why didn't Cora tell me about Beecher?" "I'd have protected her." "Or is that why she finally said yes to me?" "Just to help her get away again." "I have no doubt that Cora's feelings for you were genuine, Your Honor." "How could you know that?" "Because she could have just run away." "But she chose to be with you." "You were the one who was going to take her to safety." "If only we left when we had the chance." "Why did I wait?" "Miss Weston." "I've come to say goodbye, William." "You're leaving?" "I was thinking of Winnipeg." "Winnipeg?" "I have a little money saved." "Perhaps I'll put my skills to use and open a small café." "And is this a café where coffee is sold, much like the piano lessons were at your Music Academy?" "You could always come to see for yourself, if ever you're in Winnipeg." "But that's unlikely now, isn't it?" "It is now." "Good luck, Ettie." "Julia, I have something to tell you." "Yes?" "Last night, what happened between us " "It should never have happened." "Oh." "Well, I" "Oh." "Uh, what I mean to say is that I shouldn't have waited so long to share my feelings towards you." "Well, William, you should know that you're not the only one that lives inside their head." "No?" "No." "Well, perhaps another picnic is in order, then?" "Well, that would be splendid." "Without a visit from the green fairy this time." "I think that would be wise." "Murdoch Mysteries S02E05" | {
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"♪ The Simpsons 22x22 ♪ The Ned-Liest Catch Original Air Date on May 22, 2011" "Well done, the band." "We're all bursting with pride after our girls' basketball team beat Shelbyville two-nothing in triple overtime!" "Now let's make some noise." "Using our... inside voices!" "Please welcome Springfield Elementary's own Lady Pumas!" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "I'm sorry, but the team all got food poisoning at the pre-rally egg salad sandwich party." "Luckily, as equipment manager," "I... was not... invited!" "No team?" "Oh, I guess" "I just have to give you all an hour of free play." "Let chaos reign!" "Actually, I do have a speech prepared." "Excellent, Lisa." "Free play cancelled." "No one cancels my free play!" "Sorry, man." "It's okay." "Thanks for making me part of the revolution." "Edna, control your student!" "He's ruined more assemblies than the afternoon sun in the west window." "He's uncontrollable!" "Pumpkin stickers mean nothing to him!" "That's crazy talk." "Wee!" "Me bleachers have been weaponized!" "Abandon gym!" "Huh?" "You unrepentant little twerp!" "Oh, Edna." "It was an open hand." "Does that help?" "Edna, we can tolerate mild alcoholism, leaving melted cheese in the microwave, even selling A's for cigarettes." "But in laying a hand on a student, you have crossed a line." "Nurse, get a slap kit." "Right away, sir." "In all my years of teaching," "I've never raised a hand to a student." "But you learned!" "You grew!" "No!" "You should never raise your hand to a child." "Just leave the crust on their sandwiches." "They'll get the message." "Rest assured, Mrs. Simpson, that we have a zero-tolerance policy for this sort of thing when it occurs in front of witnesses." "What's going to happen to me?" "Edna, you're suspended with full pay until the hearing, which is currently scheduled for 57 years from tomorrow." "It was going to be 60, but I moved it up because I..." "I like the way you torment Skinner." "Oh." "So I-I still get my check, but I get to stay at home?" "I'm afraid it's not quite that simple." "Uh, Seymour, who's running this meeting?" "I thought I was." "Edna, until the state disciplinary committee rules on your case, every workday you'll report to a school board holding facility-- an educational limbo, as it were, where you are the unbaptized dead by." "They never seem to like that analogy." "This is the Rubber Room, where accused teachers are held until the school board decides what to do with them." "You show up here every day, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m." "Shoes remain on, cell phones remain off." "No Wi-Fi, and you may not refer to this experience as either Kafkaesque or Orwellian." "I have to come here every day?" "!" "Or you could quit." "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" "The only thing I'd like more is if I could quit." "Well, I'm not quitting." "I'm staying here till you give me my job back." "So, what do you do for fun here?" "You'll find ways to pass the time." "Me, I watch that crack in the ceiling." "Hey, hey, find your own crack!" "Now before I leave, let me turn on this malfunctioning air conditioner." "Is that ice?" "Uh, no, no, they're spider eggs." "He's a science teacher." "He'll know what to do." "BA Psst!" "Mrs. K!" "Down here!" "Haven't you caused enough trouble?" "You shouldn't suffer for my bad deed." "It should just go unpunished forever." "Fine, half-assed apology accepted." "Now, if you'll excuse me," "I have a lot of very important things to do." "Pah!" "What else do you want to talk about?" "Meet me in the bathroom." "Check this out-- a dead possum." "Ay, caramba!" "Okay, Bart, what's going on?" "I'm a teacher in a bathroom with a student." "That's why most of these people are here in the first place." "Mrs. K., I'm here to spring you." "Well, that's kind of you, especially after I nearly choked the life out of you." "You didn't do that." "No, but that's what I told everyone I did to earn the respect of the gangs." "But I can't just wander out of here whenever I feel like it." "Who says you're leaving?" "You made a dummy of me?" "Mm, I use it to workshop my pranks." "Now follow me!" "Oh, I don't know about this." "I can't believe a middle-aged woman is scared of a three-story drop." "I'll show you who's middle-aged!" "Hmm?" "Oh, great!" "The one day I put cream cheese on my bagel!" "Did a volcano erupt in Candyland?" "'Cause I just caught me a flying red hot!" "Ha!" "Ah..." "You know, I don't believe we've ever been formally introduced." "Anyhoo, so I don't commit the deadliest of sins-- omission-- here's my card." "Oh." "Edna Krabappel." "Good luck finding a rhythm for that" "Okay, Ms. Krabappel, what made you topple?" "Oh, your card doesn't lie." "Well, I'm a truthful kind of guy." "And I like how it's printed in orange." "Hmm." "Uh, so, uh, we were talking about why you decided to drop in to the Flanders Arms." "For some reason, I was following the advice of one Bart Simpson." "Bart Simpson?" "Why, he lives right next door to me!" "Yeah, when they made him, they did not skimp on the puppy dog tails." "And what about that father?" "Homer?" "Yeah, he's the peanut in your popcorn." "Lots of fun..." "I guess." "So, what say we have lunch?" "You know, I wouldn't mind" "Homer lying naked in his hammock, but does he have to string it up higher than the fence line?" "I'll bet your wife doesn't like it." "Ah, I'm afraid my Maudie's putting plastic on the clouds now." "Oh, you poor man." "Besides my kids, the only thing in my life is my business, The Leftorium." "We've been the anchor store in the sad mall for the last ten years." "Oh." "And you're a former Mrs., so, uh, where's your husband buried?" "Probably between the hooters of a coat check girl in Shelbyville." "Ha!" "Oh, boy, that laugh is infectious." "Ha!" "Ha!" "That's fun." "Thank you for lunch, Ned." "Well, thank you for taking me to that Pinkberry place." "It's a lot less racy than its name would lead you to believe." "Crossing it off my do-not-go list." "Mm-hmm." "Well, sir, I guess I better refenestrate ya." "Any chance I could see you again?" "You know, I am a fallen woman." "Whoa, slow down." "I never go to second entendre on the first date." "Oh, ho." "You've been in there for three hours!" "What are you doing, taking a bath?" "!" "♪ I cried through many endless nights ♪" "♪ Just holding my pillow tight ♪" "♪ Then you came into my lonely days ♪" "♪ With your tender love and sweet ways ♪" "♪ Now, I don't know where you come from, baby ♪" "Aw." "♪ Don't know where you've been, my baby... ♪" "Good news, Edna." "The governor crushed the teachers' union, so you don't have to stay here anymore." "Now I can just fire you." "Where will I go?" "I'll rehire you, but you will have to work weekends as a prison guard." "Well, I would get a chance to see lots of my former students." "You've got a deal." "MRS. KRABAPPEL:" "Mmm!" "Getting sprung really made me feel like celebrating." "Let's see what you're hiding under this sweater." "Huh." "Well, maybe I should lose a layer." "Edna, you're a very beautiful woman, but I'm a little, uh, you know... uncomfortable with premarital sex." "Oh, come on, Ned." "We've both been married before." "Those two boys of yours weren't delivered by stork." "Oh, yes, they were." "We deliberately chose a Dr. Stork so we could say it without lying." "But I think if we hold off for a while, you'll find I'm well worth the wait." "Like a mild cheddar, I get tangy when I'm sitting on the shelf." "Okay, I'll try it your way." "But can I at least nibble on the cheese?" "Mmm." "Well, a little nibble won't hurt your appetite." "♪ ♪" "You have the energy for one more?" "Absolutely." "This is the best DVD about cheese-making I've ever seen." "Oh, great." "KEN BURNS:" "Episode 17:" "Muenster." "Oh, what the heck?" "I know it's impolite to make a move till episode 25 of a Ken Burns documentary, but you're that special." "Ned!" "That's right, I'm down to my wife-blesser." "It's pinot grigio time!" "See you tomorrow, Teach." "Don't remind me." "Mrs. K.?" "Are you still bumping moustaches with Ned?" "Yes." "And the way things are going, you're going to be seeing me here a lot." "Even on snow days?" "Snow days, strike days, half-day afternoons, and all summer long." "By the way-- you forgot to bring home your math worksheet." "It's due tomorrow-- no excuses." "But what if my dog eats it?" "That's the dog that's always eating your homework?" "Yeah." "Um, he hates how learning has taken me to a place he'll never go." "See?" "Hang on." "Wait a minute." "Little help?" "Little help?" "Little help?" "Uh, little help?" "Flanders, little help?" "Homer, could you stop throwin' balls over my fence?" "Oh, absolutely, Ned." "Sorry." "Little help?" "Don't worry, sweetie." "Daddy will put Jack back in the box." "Okay, time to go back in the... night-night..." "This is harder than it looks." "Don't you humiliate me in front of my kid." "I thought we had a deal, man." "Well, if it isn't the local school marm and his new girlfriend." "That's a burn on you, Flanders." "Pretty funny, Homer." "It's not funny at all." "Homer, I'd appreciate it if you weren't so rude to Ned." "Whoa." "Flanders, this chick does not get our thing." "Actually, she sort of does." "Homer, do you know how lucky you are?" "Ned is a wonderful, caring man, and a darn good neighbor." "Language." "Yeah, language." "Sorry, Ned, but I can't watch this guy push you around anymore." "Marge, tell her how I don't push Ned around." "Actually, sometimes you do push Ned around." "What?" "!" "Don't do that, Homie." "It rubs off your side hair." "Hey Ned, can I borrow some hair?" "Which brings me to item number two on the agenda:" "I understand you borrowed a thing or two from Ned that you never returned." "And I'll just take my tumbleweed back." "See, Dad?" "Having Krabappel next door is nothing but trouble." "Teachers should not be allowed to live near their students." "We're natural enemies, like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln." "Don't panic, son." "We can bust up Teachy and Preachy." "Here's what we do:" "I'll take Flanders out and remind him of the joys of the single life." "You scare Rod and Todd by telling them" "Krabappel will become their evil stepmother." "If fairy tales have taught us one thing, it's that first wives are perfect, second wives are horrible." "Just the opposite of real life." "Yeah, isn't this place great?" "If you're single, you can come here every night." "I don't want to come here." "Last time I did, someone slipped me a Mickey and wrote "Churchy Joe" on my face." "It's your own fault." "You gotta read the coaster." "Oh, my." "Ned, let's cut to the chase." "Yeah, let me guess." "You're probably gonna do something boneheaded like try to talk me out of seeing Edna." "Ned, if it's boneheaded to talk you out of seeing Edna, then I don't wanna be brainheaded." "Homer, listen to me." "For a long time now I've been lookin' over the fence at that wonderful relationship you have with Marge." "Then I remember what it was like to have a sweet woman of my own lying in a twin bed across the hall from mine." "Someone to hold the other end of the sheet when I fold it up." "Someone to put in my prayers." "Oh, Ned, I never dreamed that beneath those iddilies and diddilies there was a dude." "That's right." "And like any man, I put on my secret Christian underpants one leg at a time." "Oh, you beautiful, beautiful wuss." "And Cinderella's stepmom made her sew clothes and mop the floor." "We do that already." "Wanna see me load a bobbin?" "No, I..." "Give me that shirt." "I'll patch the hole in the armpit." "Haw haw." "Can I get this by Tuesday?" "Ned, I have a confession to make:" "I may not have come here solely with the noble intention of getting drunk." "But now, from the bottom of my heart," "I wish you and Edna the best." "Fellow barflies." "To Ned Flanders and Edna Krabappel." "What a fox." "Yeah, to Edna." "Yeah, that broad is some dame." "You all know Edna?" "Oh, yeah, man." "Everybody knows Edna." "We made sweet music in the band room, poetry during English class, and you don't want to know what we did in the multi-purpose room." "Shut up." "My e-mail address is Edna-lover-one-seventy-two." "It was the lowest number I could get." "Guys, quit telling the truth." "Yeah, Edna's amazing." "Joey Kramer?" "The drummer from Aerosmith?" "Yup, that's me." "And after a night with Edna," "I couldn't walk this way, that way, or any other way." "Ooh la la." "Wait, you've all plucked a peach from her tree?" "Uh..." "Uh..." "So Joey, is Wikipedia accurate when it says "Walk This Way"" "was inspired by Young Frankenstein?" "Well Homer, you really put one over on old stupid Flanders, here." "Thanks a lot, neighbor." "Don't you mean "neighboreeno"?" "No." "Just plain neighbor." "You stupid jerks." "I can't believe you could be so cruel." "Especially you, Joey Kramer." "Ned, is anything wrong?" "You've been acting distracted all night." "Oh, I was just wondering how many boxes of staples" "I should order for the store." "Does ten sound like a lot to you?" "20?" "50?" "What does sound like a lot to you?" "What exactly are we talking about here?" "Oh, okay." "See you tomorrow?" "Yeah, give me a kiss, Neddy boy." "That's right." "Kiss all the men that have ever made their way to Edna's adventurous tongue." "COMIC BOOK GUY:" "I should be discreet in my Tweet but brutal in my blog." "We made love in so many elevators." "Experiment." "What is it?" "I can't do it." "Edna, call me Delta Airlines 'cause I can't handle your extra baggage." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "No leaving' until we all spook you on Edna's face." "All right, pipe down back there, you'll get your chance." "Oh come on, Moe, quit hogging' her face." "I hope you're proud of yourself, Homer." "I've got some bad news for you, Marge." "I'm actually not." "Well, there's Ned out on his power walk." "Maybe you should talk to him." "What?" "My doctor said "don't walk."" "That was a traffic signal." "Hmm." "He's a good man and a good neighbor, and you're drinking coffee from his mug right now." "Hey, Flanders, hold up." "I-I know you're not comfortable with all the guys Edna's seen around town." "And country." "Ned, I've..." "Oh..." "learned that the only way relationship survives is by forgiving." "Endless, endless forgiving." "And didn't the Easter Bunny himself say" ""Forgive them, father, for finding all my eggs"?" "And if giant rabbit can lay chocolate eggs, maybe you and Edna can find a way to make it work." "Edna, I had a long talk with Homer Simpson yesterday, and as I was carrying him back home," "I had a lot of time to think." "You've been with a lot of men, but I forgive you." "You "forgive" me?" "You sanctimonious prude." "Who are you to judge how I've lived my life?" "Ned, I'm not ashamed of dating those men, I'm proud." "I still wear your bra." "Well, not exactly proud, but I'm stuck." "Ned, if we're gonna stay together, you have to promise that my past will never, ever get in our way." "I guess this is gonna have to be decided by a higher power." "So we're going to let the Internet decide." "Should Ned and Edna stay together?" "We'll announce the results in next year's season premiere." "Probably at the end, so you'll watch the whole thing." "There's a whole host of voting options-- friends with benefits, frenemies with frenefits, super friends with wonder pets, all designed to distract you while we take your personal information and use it to apply for credit cards in your name." "Homer, stop teasing." "Right." "Teasing." "I'm waitin' for ya." "Also, if you wanna find the real shooter of Mr. Burns, go back and look for more clues." "They're all there." "Homie, it was Maggie." "Yeah, right." "A baby shot a guy." "Just vote." "It's your duty as a citizen of TV." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "Shh!" | {
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"The land of the samurai." "when our country was called by that name." "With the arrival of the "Amanto" from outer space the samurai class fell into decline." "there was one man left with the spirit of the samurai." "a reckless Jack of All Trades with a sweet tooth." "ended up working here." "The three of us slice up a corrupt Edo." "is that really the story?" "the Odd Jobs gang are under police questioning.]" "and he's holding a glass of brandy.]" "["Keep Your Promise Even If It Kills You"]" "[Oedo Police Station] enough already." "I'm telling you." "I've told you that a million times." "Some things never change." "It's always the perpetrator who claims he had nothing to do it." "How many times are you going to ask me?" "I've explained everything from the very beginning to the very end." "yeah." "All the guilty ones say that." "or "I don't remember." "don't you think?" "confess already." "you know." "Or is it that you guys think you'll get off if you keep holding out on us?" "Ain't gonna happen." "you shithead!" "we're innocent!" "Quit wasting your breath and let us out of here right now!" "We have places to go!" "Violent Four-Eyes." "his personality is changing!" "I risk my life getting rid of that bomb and they rake me over the coals for three days." "Rotten cops!" "I think you've kept us long enough." "at least we're not on their most wanted list anymore." "But why'd they release us after Shinpachi freaked out like that?" "Because they know someone normally docile is more difficult to deal with when they crack under the pressure." "They piss me off." "So piss on them." "I'll puke on 'em." "Stop that!" "This is TV!" "Control yourselves!" "There'll be no end to the number of times I'll be arrested if I hang around you guys." "I'm going on home!" "you morons!" "we can't have an anime without a straight man." "I don't have a choice then." "I'll be the straight man this week." "You...watch where you're puking!" "Whadda stench!" "Whadda stench!" "Hey..." "Stop him!" "He's an escaped convict." "Phew!" "Yes?" "Stand back!" "Don't you care what happens to barf babe here?" "You scum!" "I'm... with the naturally wavy hair." "Can you drive a car?" "Yeah." "Damn it!" "Do you think you can get away with defying the law?" "!" "He's got me!" "I'm scared." "I have no choice but to do as he says." "outta my way." "After him!" "Don't let him get away!" "that was exhilarating." "But do you really think you can get away with this?" "Never mind." "Just turn right." "escaping from prison is tougher than winning the lottery." "I have no intention of getting away for good." "Just for today." "I'll be happy if I can be free for just one day today." "is a special day." "eh? it'll be a special day you'll never forget for the rest of your life." "Step on it!" "I can't get caught now!" "As you wish." "Boost!" "sir." "So cute." "move!" "damn it." "You can't get away!" "you say?" "it makes me want to prove you wrong!" "The suspect is heading for the Terminal Tower." "Request a block at Moe Moe intersection." "Ten-four." "it's..." "We're not done yet." "Here goes..." "Go!" "We did it!" "We did it!" "Crap!" "A stroller!" "Pa." "My son and I walk a path of darkness and evil." "so allow us our leave." "Damned wolf." "Doesn't he know cars can't stop so quickly?" "There they are!" "Damn it!" "Pops." "This way!" "Damn." "Where'd they go?" "Find them!" "They couldn't have gone far." "wake up!" "It stinks!" "Why're you helping me?" "I'm not sure." "It doesn't make sense." "Now you're all wrapped up in this mess." "And yet... but part of it is that I hate the police." "Maybe I just want to see you through your special day." "We're almost there." "Let's hurry!" "Right!" "Everybody..." "Thank you all for coming to my pooformance!" "Pooformance!" "necromancer!" "Necromancer! Your Father is Bleep-Bleep"." "Please enjoy!" "What the hell...is this?" "Tsu Terakado." "You jerk." "Is this your idea of life?" "!" "You broke out of from prison for a pop idol?" "!" "You'd ruin your entire life for a moment's pleasure?" "you fool!" "It's precisely because I ruined my entire life for a moment's pleasure that I realize this an important moment that I can't miss." "let's have fun!" "L-O-V-E O-tsu-u!" "L-O-V-E!" "Kagura." "I wanna stay for more... son of whore." "Don't let it influence you." "This is like a cult." "The air is rank with human stank." "L-O-V-E O-tsu-u." "Louder!" "Okay!" "L-O-V-E O-tsu-u." "pay attention!" "Shout it out." "Chief!" "since when did you become their captain?" "I've been a captain of Otsu's fan club from the day I was born." "Gin?" "That's what I'd like to know." "too?" "How am I going to explain this to your sister?" "I can do whatever I like!" "I'm not a little kid!" "You there." "Please don't leave your seat during the performance." "You're spoiling it for the rest of the audience." "Ms. Manager." "I'll throw him out." "then." "so we have to make sure it's a success." "L-O-V-E O-tsu-u." "L-O-V-E O-tsu-u." "You." "We do-do! I just can't say it." "Bleep-bleep!" "Bleep-bleep!" "Otsu Terakado's second single." "in stores soon!" "I'll rip off your mole." "I see." "So you're Otsu's manager." "made it this far." "Impressive." "Hearing that from you doesn't make me happy." "I'm surprised you have the nerve to show your face after all this time." "Aren't you still supposed to be in jail?" "Why are you even here?" "I've had it with you." "I can see you haven't changed a bit. but do you ever think about the people who suffer for it?" "Like your daughter and me?" "Otsu's had to endure so much." "Your Father is Bleep-Bleep"?" "I'd say it's the hidden meaning behind the "bleep-bleep." "I'd be happy if you could appreciate its more mature implications." "right?" "How're you feeling about that?" "I'll do my very best!" "isn't she?" "Yes." "What does your father have to say about your concert?" "My father..." "Her father died." "Thirteen years ago." "Otsu?" "It's your fault for making Otsu suffer like that." "please." "And never come back." "Don't force her to relive painful memories like the fact that her father is a murderer." "Stick of gum?" "Why would I want a kiddy thing like that?" "The secret to enjoying life is to hold on to the kid inside you." "busting out of jail just to see your daughter's big moment on stage is something you can't do unless you're a childish idiot." "dumbass!" "I made a promise to her a long time ago." "I want to be an idol ~ La-la-la-la..." "You must be my kid!" "A voice that awful has gotta be hereditary." "Just you wait." "and then one day I'll be an idol singer. then there's even hope for the crickets." "you meanie!" "I'm telling ya!" "How 'bout that!" "if you ever go pro..." "I'll bring a million roses to your first concert." "You absolutely mean that?" "I promise." "I'm sure." "That was thirteen years ago." "she wouldn't want to." "Not when she knows her pop's a killer." "No telling how much she's suffered because of me." "She probably doesn't even want to see my face." "I forgot to buy the roses." "Sorry for all the trouble." "Gin!" "What's up?" "Some guest went kablooey and freaked!" "Speak normally." "I can't understand a word you're saying." "there was an Amanto. he was one of those Love-Cannibal-Clan Amanto that captures and feeds on the people he likes when he gets excited." "L-O-V-E O-tsu-u!" "I can't control myself anymore!" "And that's why I came to report it to you." "Why're you speaking standard Japanese now?" "Chief!" "Member number 49 has gone berserk!" "He was one of us?" "I thought he was some kind of inflatable mascot!" "you bastard!" "Otsu!" "I'm so hungry." "Otsu." "Become one with me...in my stomach." "Otsu's in danger!" "Otsu!" "I can't." "My legs won't move." "What'll I do?" "Wh-Who is that?" "!" "run away." "Quick!" "Go!" "We've got to protect Otsu!" "Hang in there!" "Hang in there!" "he's awake." "What kind of nut are you?" "Pulling stunt like that?" "Uh...who are you?" "Just a fan of yours." "Kagura!" "Came to help." "Four straight weeks at the top." "What're you doing?" "Dining-kitchen." "Gin!" "Stop getting in my way!" "It's time you left the building." "All the yakiniku you can eat." "Hold it right there!" "I'll protect you!" "The Daruma rolls!" "That guy... old man." "That was all I could find." "so you'll really need to talk 'em up." "Bastard." "There's no way she'd remember that promise." "does it really matter if she remembers or not?" "I'll keep my promise for myself." "Otsu!" "Take it all the way to the top." "Um... okay?" "Dad." "pops?" "Idiot." "This ain't a farewell." "I'll come back to see you again for sure." "but let's start over again!" "Figure-four lock." "Over again!" "please listen." "I dedicate this song to my father." "Your Father is Bleep-Bleep." "Please listen." "Indian Death Lock." "I'll come with my head held high." "[New Television Program]" "Japanese hosts are on the decline due to the emergence of good-looking foreign hosts." "But here are two men sporting their god-given gifts of blonde hair and butt-chin. the butt-chinned Shinpachi. the two men knife their way through the corrupt streets at night!" "Kintama" starts next week!" "We're not even doing a show like that!" "I was born with a butt-chin."]" "[The real next episode trailer as follows." "Stay tuned!" "]" "[Preview]" "Japanese hosts are..." "Gin!" "Please be serious and tell us about the next episode!" "what a pain." "The next episode: "Responsible Owners Should Clean Up After Their Pets." "for Chrissakes!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"# Go Rangers, go Rangers Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "# Go Rangers, go Rangers Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "# Pow-er Ran-gers" "# Operation Overdrive" "# Pow-er Ran-gers" "# Operation Overdrive" "# Like five fingers reaching for the sky in five ways" "# Five her_s walking through the sun for five days" "# Dark forces lurking Leaving evil where they roam" "# Five Rangers looking for the same five stones" "# Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go Go!" "Go!" "# There's treasures to be found There's some lives to be saved" "# A planet to look out for There's a whole lot of space" "# Good versus evil We got her_s on the scene" "# Power Rangers Overdrive is the number one team" "# Pow-er Ran-gers" "# Operation Overdrive" "# Pow-er Ran-gers" "# Operation Overdrive #" "[HaMord] Well, what do you think?" "That's the sweetest thing on wheels I've ever seen." " And it can walk, too." " What's it called again?" "Transtek Armor." "When we track down Kamdor and Miratrix, you'll need all the firepower you can get." "When can we ty it out?" "Wait a minute." "Who gets to use it?" "This bad boy?" "When it's finished..." "you'll all get a turn." "Speaking of you all, where's Dax?" "Guys, guys!" "You're not gonna believe this." "I don't even believe it myself." "It's... unbelievable." "Whoa, slow down there, chief." "Look what I found in a trade magazine." ""New big-budget movie, Ninja Rumba, is holding open auditions for a handsome actor..."" "Hello. "...who can perform his own stunts." l'm perfect." "That's great, Dax." "But we're kind of in the middle of something important here." "Remember?" "Saving the world?" "We need you." "I know, but it's only a one-day shoot." " Please." " Sory, Dax." "Ronny is right." "You're needed here." "I'm going to have to say no." "I've summoned Skeltex to help us." "Yes!" "Descend!" "[roars]" "Welcome." "Find Kamdor and Miratrix." "Bring the parchment that rightfully belongs to me." "As you command." "Let's see what the Hou-ou bird gave us." "Be my guest." "Look here." "This looks like an ancient symbol for heat." "The jewel must be somewhere hot." "Huh!" "That really narrows things down." "[Dax] "l will not give up."" ""Never as long as the blood is still flowing in my veins."" ""l have come for the Ticuna Idol and I won't stop my quest until I have it in my hands."" " Huh!" "I'm pre_ good." " What are you doing?" "Nothing." "What does it look like I'm doing?" " It looks like you're acting." " l was." "I was reading the lines for that audition I'm going to miss." "I know that. I meant it "looked like" you were acting." "I read a book by Stolanski." "The Art of Acting." "He claims the objective of acting is to not look like you're acting while acting." "Good point." "But it doesn't matter anyway." "Andrew said I couldn't do the job." "Yes." "But he didn't say you couldn't audition." "Well, technically he didn't." "Dax, I know this is a dream of yours." "Do the audition." "If they choose you, lust say no, you're busy doing something else." "It's a win/win situation." "You think?" "I do the audition. I rock their world." "They offer me the part, and I just say, "No."" "Looks like the coast is clear." "Think again, Triy." "Attack!" "Get the parchment!" "OK, how are we doing here?" "This is it. I'm next." "That's it." "You're perfect." "You've got the part." " Yeah!" " Send the rest home." "Wait, wait." "You didn't even watch my audition." "I'm perfect." "Listen, I need a hero." "He looks like a hero." "You don't." " Better luck next time." " But... [woman] Watch out!" " Sory." " Whoa, whoa." "Whoa." "That was amazing." "You saved me." "You really are a hero." "What's your name?" " Dax." "Dax Lo." " You got the part, Dax Lo." "This is your big break." "We shoot your scene in an hour." "Can you do it?" "They offer me the part, and I just say, "No."" "Yes!" "Moltor will be pleased." "We heard the sensors." "It's a battle for the parchment." "We need to..." "Wait." "Where's Dax?" "He's... taking a walk." "He needed some alone time." "Actors." "Fine." "But grab him on your way out." "Go." "Go." "Talking a walk, huh?" "[dial tones on phone]" "OK, Dax, now, when I call "action,"" "I want you to come running in here, looking for the Idol." "Then Ninjas drop from the sky." "You fight the Ninias, then you grab the Idol." "Then I want you to turn to the camera and say your line." "I don't have to cover my face, right?" "I'd prefer it if you didn't." "You do know your line, right?" "I've been rehearsing for this moment all my life." "Great." "All right, we're shooting!" "[bleeping]" "[director] Come on, we're losing light, people!" " Yeah?" " rRoseJ Dax, get to the beach." "Hury!" "I'll send you the coordinates." "Uh, I'll be right back, eveyone." "I've just gotta call my agent." "Yes!" " Dax." " You went to the audition?" "My dad told you not to." "Technically, he didn't say I couldn't go to the audition." " He lust said I couldn't take the part." " And?" "I got the part. I tried to say no, but yes came out instead." "[roars]" "Don't ty to crash this pam!" "Time to Ranger up!" "Ready!" "[all] Ready!" "Overdrive accelerate!" "Hah!" "I never thought I'd be glad to see the Power Rangers." "This is our chance." "Hury." "They're heading to the cave." " They have the parchment." " Get it, Dax!" " Right!" " Not so fast." " Thanks, Mack." " l'll cover you." "Cover this!" "Drive Lance!" "Drive Slammer!" "Drive Claws!" "Drive Geyser!" " You're no match for us." " l beg to differ." "Stop!" "Let's shake things up." "Goodbye, Blue Ranger. I'm outta here." "The parchment!" "[screaming]" "Huh!" "?" "It stopped." "Hey, nice." "Gotta love being blue." "Drive Vortex!" "Going up!" "We almost had 'em, but those slippey slugs slipped away." " Where's Dax?" " He's... uh, at..." " He's doing that..." " At the audition." " l explicitly told him not to go." " How did you know?" "I own the studio that's making that film." "Dax chose to disobey me, and doing so disrespected you all." "Now, wait a minute, Mr HaMord." "It was Dax's dream to be an actor." "He lust wanted to audition to see if he was good enough." "With a little encouragement from..." "Well, a lot of encouragement from me." " l'm sory." " Apology accepted." "Let's hope Dax realises what is really important, without any encouragement." "And... action!" "[rustling]" "[electronic bleeping]" "It's only a matter time before they find us." "That last battle was too close." "Yes. I can create fierce creatures, but Flurious and Moltor each have an army of foot soldiers." "That gives them an advantage." "Who on this pitiful planet would want to fight for us?" "[yelling]" "Them." "I will not give up." "Never." "Never, as long as the blood is still flowing in my veins." "I have come for the Ticuna Idol, and I won't stop my quest until I have it... in... my... hands." "[Ronny] Remember?" "Saving the world?" "We need you." "Come on, grab the Idol!" "I'm sory, I... I can't do this." "What are you, crazy?" "You ruined the shot!" "How am I gonna explain this to the studio?" "You'll never work in this town again!" " Let's get out of here!" " Run for your lives!" "perfect." "Now they'll fight for us." "And... [grunts]" "Some added power." "[bleeping]" "[Kamdor laughs]" "Kamdor and Miratrix found some help." "Think you can handle it?" "You're only four." " Five." " Dax!" " Dax, you're back!" " Hey!" "So how was your first starring role?" "It was great." "But right in the middle of it, I realised that the acting thing was something that I wanted just for me." "This Power Ranger thing is something I do for a lot more people." "My movie career can wait." "Sory, guys." "Sory, Mr HaMord." "Apology accepted." " Consequences to come later." " [all] Whoo!" "Right now, you have a job to do." "Go." "[laughs]" "This army will do nicely, don't you think?" "Yes." "[laughter]" "Payback time." "You buried Skeltex in that sea cave." "And for that, you will pay!" "Attack!" " Talk about a battle royale." " Whoa!" " Whoa." " Whoa." " They're controlling the stuntmen." " perfect." "I'll crush all my adversaries in one blow." "Attack the Power Rangers!" "This is perfect." "We'll defeat the Power Rangers as well." "Attack!" " Come on!" " Fire!" "We gotta do something." "This is nuts." "There are just too many of them." "Hang in there, Rangers." "Transtek Armor complete." "Get ready for some serious backup." "Yeah!" "This part's all mine!" "Transtek armor, go!" "Gotcha!" "Going up!" "Let's get them." " Shall we?" " Fire!" "Engage Transtek Transformation!" "Come on!" "Shields, fire!" "Hey, Kamdor, say hello to my little robot." "That's a wrap." "This isn't over!" "Hey!" "The spell is broken!" "Yeah." "We did it." "That was awesome." "I can't believe the Transtek's power." "It was off the hook." "I better give this parchment to Mr H. so he can decode it." "Eveyone who thinks they don't deserve Iatrine duty, step back one pace." "Dax and Rose, not so fast." " [all] Ooh!" " Busted." "Me?" "What did I do?" "Aiding and abetting in a deception." "The consequence:" "you mo get to clean all the bathrooms." "Ah, that's not so bad." "My friend, you don't know how many bathrooms this place has." "Twenty-seven, to be exact." "Enjoy." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"First, there is nothing." " There is nothing." "Nothing at all." " Nothing at all, it is all black." "But then:" "Boom." " That's right." "I'm going to win." "in a film by Boudewijn Koole" "There goes Speedy and behind him drives the slow snail." "I've got your little one." "You're a tough one." "What would you like to eat?" "Mashed potatoes?" "I hate it too, but dad wanted it for dinner." "How about mashed potatoes with cauliflower?" "Do you fancy this?" "Just cauliflower, I like that." "I think your mum is really stupid chucking you out of the nest like that." "You've got to eat, you know." "E, A, T, eat or you'll die." "A drink?" "Would you like to see the bathroom?" "If you have to go, lift up the seat." "The towels are over there." "That's where mummy used to sleep and daddy still does." "He doesn't like pets or plants." "He always says:" "Animals and plants belong outside." "It's so quiet, isn't it?" "Look, this is my room." "That's mum and dad in America." "That's me with mum and dad." "Do you know how we went to America?" "By plane." "You can't fly yet, but you'll learn." "That's mummy performing in a band." "In Westland." "That's in South Africa." "We fed the giraffes out of a little train." "That's mummy, she made it herself." "Do you like it too?" "I guess so, because your ear is up against the speaker." "It's about the stars and the moon and stuff like that." "I play it every night before I go to sleep." "I'm glad I found you." "You're going to sleep right next to me, won't you?" "Goodnight." "Jackdaw, are you going to eat?" "Otherwise you'll die." "Please?" "If you're going to die I might as well have left you there." "You're so sweet, I want to keep you as a pet." "Okay, that's it, come on, eat." "Come on." "Please?" "Be quiet, or you'll wake dad up." "Hello mum, how are you?" "I'm fine and so is dad." "I slept in his bed last night." "It was really nice." "You've got your own bed." "And he let me stay." "Now move." "Well mum, how are things over there?" "Is it fun?" "Do you miss us?" "No, just a little bit." "Mum, I've got a surprise for you." "It's for your birthday." "It's black and it's just as big as a... as the peanut butter lid." "I've got to go, bye." "It's an alligator, not a crocodile." "Mum had crocodile boots like that." "Jojo..." "Are we going to fight?" "Boxing?" "You fight like a girl." "No ear-pulling, Jojo." "So I fight like a girl, right?" "I've had enough now." "Jojo is free." "Over here." "Keep the ball in front of you." "Well done." "Jojo is free." "Well done, come on swim yourself free." "Jairo, take it easy." "Knock it off." "Listen, Jojo." "Are you listening?" "If you do that again, I'll call your dad and you're out of the team." "But he started it." " I don't care." "If he kicks you, you come to me." "You don't bite." "Shut up." "Thank you." "I'll see you next week." "Your little one eats." "Don't worry about your little one, he's eating." "He's safe with me." "Come on, boy." "You've got to eat." "Yes, well done." "Do you want another one?" "Well done." "Who's a big eater?" "There you are, dad." "For you, dad." " Just put it down." "Don't you want a drink?" " Just put it down." "Look, a boy in my class found a jackdaw." "And..." "Well, he tried to put it back." "But then the mother jackdaw came at him." "And then the chick fell out of the nest again." "So then he took it home." "His parents let him." "If he were your son would you let him keep it?" "No, you always put it back." " Yes, but he tried that." "And then it fell out again." "So what then?" "Would you let him keep it?" "Pass me that extension thing." " Dad?" "Could he keep it?" " Animals and plants belong outside." "Okay, dad." "A jackdaw." "Don't feed jackdaws bread and milk or their feathers will grow weak." "Every two hours, feed them a mix of cat food and birdseed, or they'll die." "A tame jackdaw can live up to 25 years." "They're monogamous, which means they always stay with their partner." "Take good care of a jackdaw and you'll have a friend for life." "hand underneath thumb behind shoulders forward pinch in the ball throw it far follow it through and score a goal" "Did you see fatty push me under?" "But he couldn't, I threw the ball." "Then I dived under him." " You should have seen his face." "Yes, and then Jairo threw the ball to me." "And I slammed it into the top corner." " Yes, that's the spirit." "I want to see that every time, Jojo." "Are we proud of Jojo?" "Yes." " Well, give him the treatment." "Dad, we won." "Everybody..." " Bags don't go on tables." "There was a fat boy who pushed me under but I dived underneath him." "We won 5-3 and I scored all five." "But it was great fun and everybody lifted me up and..." "Go to your room." "and in the bus they..." " Now." "Don't be afraid." "You're safe here, with me." "It's not too bad, is it?" "Hello mum, dad cooked something really nice." "We had spaghetti in a red sauce." "I won today at water polo." "I scored eight goals." "There's a new girl on the water polo team, she's called Yenthe." "She always chews blue bubble-gum." "She blows bubbles the size of my head." "No, she's just as special as any other girl." "Let me have a go." " Be my guest." "But be careful because I just burnt my fingers three times in a row." "See, I can do it." " That's beginner's luck." "Show me again." "See?" "You can do it." "Smoke signals." "A smoke signal." "Is it fun?" " Would you like to try?" "Yes, please." "Where is your mum?" "She's on tour in America." "When is she coming back?" " I don't know." "It's her birthday in a few days." "I'm going to bake her an apple pie." "Do you miss her a lot?" " A bit." "Hey, little one." "Have a cuddle with Yenthe." "Come on, cuddle with Yenthe." "Go on then." "Cool animal, isn't it?" " Yes, how big do they get?" "This one won't grow much more, I don't think." "He's so sweet, isn't he?" "Do you know where the Lada keys are?" " Downstairs, on the table?" "Are you in the same class as Jojo?" " No, water polo team." "What are you doing?" " Just sitting." "Behave yourself, now." " Yes, dad." "And clean the place up, it smells in here." " Sure dad, I will." "Bye." " Bye, dad." "See you." " See you tomorrow." "How long have you had him for?" " A week." "A week?" "That's quite an achievement." "What's it called?" " Jack." "Do you know what the problem is, Jojo?" "It's silly but they always die." "This one is still alive." " In the nest it might survive." "If you keep it, it'll die." "Put it back." "No, I won't." "It needs to be scared of cars and dogs." " I'll teach him." "It has to be afraid of you, of humans, doesn't it?" "Yes." " Well, there you are." "You heard me, put it back." " No." "He'll think you're his mother." " He already thinks that." "You'll get attached to it..." " I already am, and he is attached to me." "You heard me, put it back." "That's the end of it." "Dickhead." "Take good care of yourself, little one." "Bye." "Wait a second." "Look at me." "Look at me." "You understand that it's for your own good, don't you?" "Well, do your best." "Score some goals." "See you tomorrow, we'll do something fun." "I'm not talking to you anymore." "Jack." "Jack." "You're still alive, little one." "I have a new place for you, somewhere dad never goes." "But you have to be quiet or dad will kill you, and me too." "So, quiet." "Yes?" "You must be hungry." "This is your new home." "Nice, isn't it?" "Look at this." "Are you looking forward to your birthday?" "I'm not telling you." "All right, it's black and it flaps about, but that's all I'm saying." "Yes, it's great fun." "I'll make you a cake." "Daddy hasn't been angry, lately." "No, he's really kind." "Love you too, mum." "Kisses, bye." "Look, first you look to the right and then to the left." "First left, then to the right and then to the left again." "So, left, right and left again." "Did you get that, little one?" "Are you afraid?" "Look, a dog." "They're very dangerous." "Hello dad, how was work?" "I was called up for nothing." "Excuse me." "Shall I bring you a beer so you can have a rest?" "Well, well." "Thank you, what's going on?" " Nothing." "Jackdaws live in colonies." "The bravest male is the leader." "He gets the prettiest female and the best spot to build a nest." "But he has to do something to get the best spot." "He has to be brave, he's the least frightened jackdaw, he's tough." "If there is danger, he's the first one to get in there." "Too bad." "Too bad." "Can you hit it or not?" " We'll find out soon enough." "Would you like to try?" " Sure." "I'm a better marksman than you, anyway." "The butt against your shoulder." "Hold the barrel high." "That was a good one." "Put it back up." "It's got a hole in it." "Are we going to bake a cake?" " Don't be ridiculous." "Why not?" "Don't even think about it." " I asked you why not?" "She isn't here to celebrate her birthday." " A cake won't matter." "Did you hear what I said?" "We are going to celebrate it." "Not much use to us, is it?" "I'll use washing-up liquid." "Nice and warm." "Look, those are the clothes that you crapped all over." "And daddy's shirt." "My sock." "Look, here is your little bench." "Look, a light." "When I'm not here there is something to remember me by." "Jojo, damn it." "Come here, now." "Come here." "I only wanted to wash the clothes." "You only wanted to wash the clothes?" "Look at this, come here." "Look at it." "Damn it, come here." "What's this then?" "Now look at what you've done." "Look at me." "It's ruined, isn't it?" "All of it." "It's all ruined." "Look at me." "What were you thinking?" "I wanted to wash the clothes." " And that made you cry?" "Do it yourself then." "Stop it, Jojo." "I said:" "Knock it off." "Look at me." "Look at me, I said." "You're coming with me." "Did you hear me?" "Come on." "You're coming with me." "Come on, lad." "Are you going to tell us what's wrong?" "Why were you so angry with those lockers?" "Answer the question." " I don't know why." "Jojo, I..." "About yesterday." "I..." "You will come back, won't you?" "Jack, you can fly." "I taught Jack to fly." "I was sitting in the garden, like this." "Jack was on the shed and when I called him, he flew straight at me." "Really?" " Yes." "Can I help you?" " Of course you can." "Jojo, Yenthe, get in and swim." "Thank you." "Look." "First, there is nothing." "Nothing at all, it is all black." "And then... life came." " Cool." "And then there is nothing again." "Nothing at all." "Cheers." "Dad?" " Yes, Jojo?" "Can I bake a small cake, please?" "Just forget about it." "But dad..." "Dad?" "Dad?" "Jackdaws spend every minute together, and do hardly a step apart." "In flight they soar gracefully side by side." "In the fields they sit on a bunch." "In the tree they brush each other's feathers." "The male gives her any delicacy he finds, and she accepts it lovingly." "Even if one is ill, the other stays." "Look, I can fly too, Jack." "Come and fly." "Close your eyes." " Why?" "Because." "Just do it." "Are they closed?" " Yes." "You can open them now." "Nice." "No, you can keep it." "I know about your mum." "What?" "That she's dead." "Hello mum." "Jojo, stop it." "She's dead, Jojo." "Stop it." "Dad, don't." "Jojo, get lost." "Daddy." "Dad, let go of him." "Sod off." " Chew." "Come back, Jack." "Come here." "I'm sorry..." "I'm sorry." "What shall I play for him?" "Mummy's song." "You can stroke him if you want." "Should I say something, like at mum's funeral?" "Only if you want to." "It's a real pity." "First, there was nothing." "Nothing at all." "And then?" " And then?" "There was a... flame." "A very large flame." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"NARRATOR:" "In the future, a computer program called Skynet will declare war on the human race." "Machines have traveled back in time taking human form to terminate John Connor the future leader of the Resistance." "Sarah Connor:" "John's mother, teacher and protector." "Cameron: a terminator reprogrammed to defend them at all costs." "Derek Reese:" "John's uncle and a commanding officer with the Resistance." "Together, they fight to stop Skynet from ever being created." "The battle for our tomorrow starts today." "[GRUNTING]" "[HEAVY FOOTSTEPS]" "[PANTING]" "[SCREAMS]" "[MACHINE WHIRRING]" "[GRUNTING AND SCREAMING]" "Earth to Cameron." "What?" "Are you okay?" "If you're gonna try and kill me, I wouldn't mind a head start." "If I was going to try to kill you again we wouldn't be having this conversation." "Listen, I'm gonna get some stuff from Radio World." "I'll meet you back here in a half-hour." "Thirty minutes, I swear." "Oh, hey." "Get me some of those cheese things, all right?" "The crunchy ones, not the puffy ones." "[GRUNTING]" "Okay." "Hey." "Hi." "I'm sorry to bother you." "I just" " I'm having these weird pains." "What kind of pains?" "I don't-- Just like a spicy-taco kind of pain." "But I haven't eaten any spicy tacos." "Oh, and I'm bleeding." "We need to take you to the hospital." "Thanks." "[SCANNER BEEPING]" "[GRUNTING THEN SCREAMS]" "Miss?" "Are you all right?" "Someone get the manager." "MAN:" "You been drinking?" "Taking drugs?" "You got a wallet or some kind of ID on you?" "What's your name?" "My name?" "Why should I tell you?" "WOMAN:" "If you don't, we'll give you one." "Go ahead." "I'm dying to hear it." "[HEAVY FOOTSTEPS]" "[SCREAMING]" "Alison." "Alison Young." "So, what are you in for?" "I was in a store and I couldn't remember anything." "Blackouts." "Been there, done them." "Can tattoos disappear?" "Sure." "I got two of my exes lasered off." "Ryan was right here and Jose, ha, was here." "Next time, I'm thinking henna." "Henna?" "[CHUCKLES]" "I'm Jody." "I'm Alison." "Hmm." "Placenta's still attached." "There's no previa no evidence of major abruption." "So everything's fine?" "I wanna run a Kleihauer-Betke to rule out fetal blood cells." "What does that mean?" "We wanna make sure the blood is yours." "Well, what if it is the baby's?" "Then we do an emergency C-section." "But let's not get ahead of ourselves." "That didn't sound good." "No, it didn't." "Hey, look, I know you're busy, so if you need to go...." "Can I call someone?" "You mean, like the father?" "I'll be fine." "Go." "What happened here?" "Some girl totally wigged out." "What do you mean "wigged out"?" "She's on drugs or something." "She couldn't even remember her own name." "What'd she look like?" "I'm gonna guess, like, 16, 17." "Brown hair." "Maybe like 5'8" or" "Where is she now?" "Cops took her." "Store owner's not pressing charges." "I don't wanna see you back here." "And you." "I'm sick of you." "This is your last "get out of jail free."" "Hey, where you headed?" "I don't know." "Good." "Why good?" "Because you're coming with me." "OFFICER 1:" "All right." "OFFICER 2:" "That's fine." "Hey, uh, I'm looking for my sister." "She was picked up at the Food Mart on Van Nuys." "Yeah, that one." "We released her about an hour ago." "Did she say where she was going?" "I'm sorry, but I really need to find her, okay?" "She's on medication." "My mom's gonna kill me." "She might kill her, actually." "She left with one of the street kids." "Jody." "Do you know where Jody hangs out?" "Usually gets popped along the boulevard." "All right, thanks." "It's a boy, you know." "A boy is good." "I hate being trapped in bed feeling like there's nothing I can do." "If you can't protect them when they're inside you how can you ever protect them?" "What was yours like?" "When John was born?" "I was, um, living in Central America at the time." "We were hiking in the jungle when my water broke." "Tried to get to town, but there wasn't time." "Did you have anything for the pain?" "Bottle of dark rum." "[CHUCKLES]" "And John's father?" "He was right there with me." "I remember holding his hand really tight." "Gosh." "How did you finally get out of there?" "Hitched a ride on a chicken bus." "Tobacco farmer handed out cigars." "We smoked and then sang this birthday song." "Oh, sing a little bit for me." "My Spanish is rusty, and I've never been able to sing, so...." "So?" "[SINGING IN SPANISH]" "[CHUCKLING THEN KNOCKING ON DOOR]" "Kacy?" "I heard you were here." "I was worried." "Is everything, uh--?" "We're waiting on some test results." "I'm Trevor." "Sarah." "I should go." "KACY:" "Um...." "Unless you need something else?" "Maybe some magazines?" "Jody?" "Don't know Jody?" "MAN:" "No." "Hey, do you know a girl named Jody?" "Sorry, no, no." "Do you know a Jody?" "Do you know Jody?" "WOMAN 1:" "No, I don't." "Hey, do you know a girl named Jody?" "Do you know someone named Jody?" "WOMAN 2:" "No." "WOMAN 3:" "We don't." "[BABIES CRYING]" "[CELL PHONE RINGING]" "JOHN:" "Hey." "Hey." "Just checking in." "What are you doing?" "Uh, nothing." "Cameron and I are shopping." "What are you doing?" "I took Kacy to the hospital." "Is she okay?" "SARAH [OVER PHONE]:" "They're running tests." "I'm gonna be a while." "Well, how long?" "I don't know." "Why?" "Delicious." "Who was that?" "Nobody." "I gotta go." "ELLISON:" "Thank you for taking the time to see me." "I understand your reluctance to discuss these things over the phone." "But I'm pleased you're still considering my job offer." "I am." "Thank you." "I appreciate a man who's calm and careful in his decision-making." "The last time I went hunting for these things you want me to hunt 20 good people died." "I won't let that happen again." "Nor should you." "These things they're evil." "We have to be careful not to anthropomorphize a machine." "These are more than machines, Ms. Weaver." "But I never make the mistake of thinking they're human." "Two years ago, my husband and I were in a helicopter accident." "He was killed." "I'm sorry." "He was flying us to Barstow." "There was a microchip plant there doing some amazing things." "So your husband was a pilot?" "He had over 700 hours on that particular helicopter." "It was his passion." "If this is difficult for you...." "The Kuleshov A-85 is a beautiful flying machine." "Like the most perfect bird." "It's almost flawless in its design." "Almost flawless?" "It needs a human to fly it." "Are you saying that machines make better decisions than humans?" "What I think is that in certain extreme conditions even the most calm and careful of men panic." "Help me find this machine, agent." "You and I will take it apart piece by piece." "I'm not sure what we'll find." "But I doubt we'll find evil." "[HEAVY FOOTSTEPS IN DISTANCE]" "[PEOPLE CHATTERING]" "So much food." "I know." "We're totally puking later, but whatever." "It's an occasion." "I like your necklace." "It's cool, huh?" "I got it from this awesome thrift store in Echo Park." "So two years ago, when I moved here from Michigan I had this internship at a storefront in Chinatown." "But the designer was this total druggie." "When I finally called him out on what a stuck-up and talentless bitch he was I got "fired" from my unpaid job." "That's when I started crashing with people and doing, you know, whatever for money which got sketchy real quick especially in L.A. This city is like a freak magnet." "You'd look really pretty in this." "MAN:" "Hey, Jody." "We should bounce." "How much did you get?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "My laptop?" "I didn't take your laptop." "Oh, weird." "It just disappeared the same day you left." "Okay, look" "[GRUNTING]" "Who are you, huh?" "You a little thief too?" "Huh?" "Just take it." "Go." "Please, just go." "And next time I see you, you better have me something." "[SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]" "All I'm saying is, you gotta take a punch once in a while in order to keep the cash." "That was a lot of cash." "I'm sorry." "Fill it out so we can crash here for a couple nights." "I don't know what to write." "It doesn't matter." "Lie." "The other catch is, you have to have this interview with a counselor." "Just B.S. your way through it." "Don't tell them anything real." "Nice." "Where'd you learn how to do that?" "I don't know." "You weren't, like getting beaten up or anything, were you?" "Sorry about that thing I said earlier about taking the punch." "If you've gotten your fill, I shouldn't have said it." "But don't worry." "From now on I got your back." "Wasn't easy getting that shot." "Where was it?" "Tanzania." "Paul and I just got back a couple of weeks ago." "But you didn't come here to talk about zebras." "I was hoping you could run a check on someone for me." "Off the record." "Who is it?" "Catherine Weaver." "Zeira Corp." "What's your interest in her?" "Actually, she's interested in me." "She offered me a job." "You're leaving the bureau?" "It's just an offer, Lila." "You're not wearing your cross." "How do you know?" "The way you're carrying yourself." "What happened in North Hollywood that wasn't your fault." "WOMAN:" "Agent Ellison?" "Got those updated 302s for you." "Thank you, Liz." "Glad you kept the name." "It's a good name." "WOMAN:" "Where are you from, Alison?" "I don't remember." "COUNSELOR:" "Where are you from, Alison?" "I don't remember." "Don't remember what town you're from?" "Why does it matter?" "It's not there anymore." "COUNSELOR:" "You know sometimes when people forget, it's because they need to forget." "Because something painful has happened." "I'm wondering if something has happened to you." "[ROARS]" "WOMAN:" "Tell me about your life." "I live in a tunnel." "I eat garbage for dinner." "COUNSELOR:" "Anything you say in here is confidential." "The only exception is if you were planning to harm someone." "I would have to report that." "I would never hurt anyone." "WOMAN:" "Tell me about your family." "COUNSELOR:" "Memory is a very associative thing." "Sometimes sights, sounds even a smell could take us back." "My father was an architect." "He taught me how to draw." "My mother was a music teacher." "She'd sit for hours and listen to Chopin." "WOMAN:" "What's that bracelet on your arm?" "My sister gave it to me for my birthday." "July 22nd." "I had a party in Griffith Park." "All my friends were there." "I saw a boy ride by on his silver mountain bike." "And I told my dad that's what I want." "And he said, "Next year."" "But I didn't have a party the next year." "No one did." "WOMAN:" "Why not?" "Everyone was dead." "[CRYING]" "COUNSELOR:" "Why not?" "It's a Balinese tiger." "Have you ever seen a real one?" "Unfortunately, they were hunted to extinction in the '30s." "Do you ever think that could happen to us?" "To humans?" "COUNSELOR:" "Is that something you worry about?" "I wanna go home." "WOMAN:" "Where is home?" "Palmdale." "COUNSELOR:" "Palmdale?" "That's where I'm from." "Hey, do you know a Jody, by any chance?" "Jody?" "Do you know a Jody?" "Anybody know a Jody?" "Yeah, I know her." "Yeah, she was here earlier." "Do you know where she went?" "No." "Oh, but she hangs out at this halfway house sometimes on Yucca." "Yucca." "Thanks." "KACY:" "Hungry?" "Split my Jell-O with you." "Where's Trevor?" "He went to go get me some real food." "He's the baby daddy, in case you didn't figure that out." "You never mentioned him." "We've been on and off." "He freaked when I got pregnant, but now he's here." "I don't know." "I just want life to be perfect for him." "You know?" "Didn't you feel that way?" "Don't get me wrong." "I'm not an idiot." "I know it'll never be perfect." "It's just...." "Right now in there no one's ever made fun of him turned him down for a date." "How long does he have, really until he figures out how hard it can all be?" "[RINGING]" "Hello?" "Mom?" "It's me Alison." "I'm sorry." "You must have the wrong number." "Mrs." "Young?" "Yes." "This is Claire Young." "I'm here with your daughter." "There must be some mistake." "I don't have a daughter." "Not yet." "Very pretty name, though." "Alison." "She didn't even know who I was." "Parents suck." "Especially mothers." "Why would she do that to me?" "Who knows why anyone does anything?" "Come on." "Let's go have some fun." "Hey." "KACY:" "Hey." "Ah-ah." "Sit." "Eat." "I insist." "Thank you." "You like tri-tip?" "I grill a mean tri-tip." "We could do a barbecue with you and your kids." "Uh...." "John and-- What's the girl's name again?" "Cameron." "TREVOR:" "I can't wait to meet them." "If you want, I can take John to the range with me sometime." "He's not much of a golfer." "TREVOR:" "Me neither." "Guns." "Trevor's a cop." "TREVOR:" "Detective." "L.A.P.D." "We got the results." "Cells were all maternal." "The baby's fine." "We need to keep you overnight, but you can go home tomorrow." "I knew it." "He's a fighter, this kid." "Just like his mama." "No criminal history." "No pending SEC investigations, nothing from FinCEN." "Her CTRs all check out." "Not even a civil suit." "That's good to know." "James." "Before you make a huge change, don't you think you should talk to someone?" "Marshall Weaver's helicopter crash was due to mechanical failure?" "You're not listening to me." "I talked to a couple of people." "It's possible you're suffering from" "What people?" "Paul?" "He served in the Persian Gulf." "He's got experience with this kind of thing." "I came to you in confidence." "I'm worried about you, James." "I've never seen you in so much pain." "Now, we both know that's not true." "Thank you for the report." "CAMERON:" "Jody, no." "[CAMERON GRUNTING AND JODY LAUGHING]" "JODY:" "Oh!" "CAMERON:" "Okay, okay." "JODY:" "No, no, no." "Yes." "I'm gonna go get a soda." "JOHN:" "Hey." "What the hell are you doing?" "Playing foosball." "We've gotta go." "Go where?" "Home." "Home?" "Who are you?" "Cameron." "My name's Alison." "No." "It's not." "It's Cameron." "I can't explain this to you right now." "We have to go before Mom gets home." "You're freaking me out." "I'm freaking you out?" "Do you really not know who you are?" "I'm Alison." "From Palmdale." "You're not Alison." "You're not from Palmdale." "You're from the future." "You're a machine." "A what?" "Your chip is messed up." "I can fix you." "I fixed you once, remember?" "Fix me?" "Why would you fix me?" "[ALARM BLARING]" "[GRUNTING]" "MAN 1:" "Get out." "[PEOPLE SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]" "WOMAN 1:" "What do you want here?" "Get away from here." "WOMAN 2:" "Please, get out." "[SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY]" "MAN 2:" "Out." "MAN 2:" "Go." "WOMAN 3:" "Get out." "Get out." "[GRUNTING]" "[SHRIEKING]" "[ROARS]" "[ROARING]" "[ALARM CONTINUES BLARING]" "[GRUNTING]" "We have to get out." "What did you do?" "Did you hurt me?" "JODY:" "Is there a problem?" "No, I'm her brother, John Baum." "I don't have a brother." "Look, dude, I don't know who you are, but I really think" "[GRUNTING]" "MAN:" "Sir, you need to leave." "[GRUNTING]" "[CRYING]" "You shouldn't have run." "You're just making things worse for yourself." "CAMERON:" "Your hair." "It's so pretty." "We work very hard on the hair." "To get it right." "I'm not your enemy." "Right." "I want to get to know you." "You're very brave." "That must be why John Connor chose you." "I don't know what you're talking about." "I admire him." "His determination." "His spirit." "His fearlessness." "I'd like to meet him." "He wouldn't wanna meet you." "They're going to kill you." "They're going to kill every one of you." "They'll hunt you down until every human is gone and you're extinct." "Then why are we having this conversation?" "Because some of us don't want that." "Some of us want peace." "You were chosen, Alison." "Not just by John Connor." "By us." "Tell me where his camp is." "I think I'm a machine." "COUNSELOR:" "A machine?" "What kind of machine?" "From the future." "What do you do in the future?" "I'm an infiltrator." "What do you infiltrate?" "The Human Resistance." "I see." "Why?" "It's what I was programmed for." "Programmed?" "To find John Connor." "Why is he so important?" "He's the one who saves mankind." "Saves them?" "From what?" "Extinction." "And what are you gonna do when you find John Connor?" "I'm going to kill him and hang his head on a pike for all to see." "Your hair." "It's so pretty." "Thanks." "Tell me about your life." "Why?" "I want to get to know you." "I don't really like talking about my past." "I came to L.A. to start over." "Did you?" "Yeah." "Burned a lot of bridges here, though." "I keep thinking I'm gonna go someplace more authentic." "Like Portland." "I could come with you." "We could reinvent ourselves." "We could." "So who are you, really?" "I've never heard of you." "Suddenly, your Kacy's best friend?" "I'm just a neighbor." "Huh." "Sorry." "Cop brain." "Stresses her, you know?" "My job." "You'd think having a cop around would make her feel safe." "She's afraid it'll follow me back home." "Does it?" "I can protect them." "It's your family, right?" "You do what it takes." "[CELL PHONE RINGING]" "Sorry." "Yep." "Right." "Damn." "That was a robbery-homicide downtown." "I'm gonna have to take off." "What about tomorrow?" "She's gonna need a ride." "I'll be here." "I just" " I hate for her to spend the night alone." "[WOMAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]" "Agent Ellison." "Come in." "This is my daughter, Savannah." "ELLISON:" "Savannah." "Sudoku." "I used to love these." "You have children, Agent Ellison?" "Um, no." "Do you want them?" "I did." "Once." "Very much." "But my wife, um-- Well, my ex-wife...." "It wasn't meant to be." "Bye, Savannah." "Your husband's helicopter crash." "I read the official report." "The NTSB concluded that mechanical failure was to blame." "Mechanical failure." "Correct." "That's not what you led me to believe the other day." "Correct." "Which is it?" "What's the truth?" "You tell me." "I think what people write in reports what is official, isn't always true." "I think if I had a child one that I knew would grow up asking what happened to her daddy I think I would make sure that answer the official answer was the one I would want her to hear." "And I think you saw what you saw." "Just as you saw what you saw." "When can I start?" "I used to baby-sit for this family five years ago." "They're loaded." "You said you moved here two years ago from Michigan." "They usually hide a key here somewhere." "Sweet." "You are jacked, girl." "CAMERON:" "Look for cash and jewelry." "JODY:" "Check this out." "I saw the lady open it." "And I memorized the combination." "Just put it all in the bag." "What are these?" "Whatever." "Just put them in the bag." "They're the same as the necklace you gave me." "Because I stole it when I worked here." "You said:" ""I got it at this awesome thrift store in Echo Park."" "[SCOFFS]" "Tell me about the necklace." "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" "Tell me about the necklace." "I didn't buy it or steal it, okay?" "It's mine." "This is my parents' house." "CAMERON:" "You lied to me." "I told you where the camp was." "You told me your sister gave you that bracelet." "What does that have to do with anything?" "We found these on some of your friends." "Why are you all wearing them?" "It has something to do with the Connor camp." "No." "It's a pass." "To get into the camp." "You were going to send me without it." "They would have known what I was." "You lied to me." "[GRUNTING]" "I'll never help you get to John Connor." "[BONES SNAP]" "You already did." "You lied to me." "I'm from L.A., okay?" "Let's go." "Tell me who you are." "I went to CalArts for two years and got kicked out, which was for the best because that place is a factory." "And my parents cut me off, like yours." "And just pretend I don't exist." "We have to go." "Now." "CAMERON:" "Why?" "Because there's a silent alarm, and we tripped it when we walked in." "You weren't going to tell me." "Police are gonna be here any second." "We were never going to Portland." "You were gonna run and leave me here to take the blame." "No." "You lied to me." "You lied to me." "[GRUNTING]" "I'll never help you get to John Connor." "[BONES SNAP]" "No, no, no." "What did you do?" "What did you do?" "We have to go." "John." "We have to go." "Did you kill her?" "[GASPING]" "Apparently not." "KACY:" "Hey." "Hey." "Where's Trevor?" "He was called in to work." "He'll be back tomorrow to take you home." "What's wrong?" "It wasn't him that freaked out." "It was me." "When I found out I was pregnant." "The cop thing." "He told me." "Yeah." "The cop thing." "It's kind of cool and sexy when you're a 25-year-old pastry chef making gourmet doughnuts at this hip cop hangout in Silver Lake." "When you think about breast-feeding your baby boy next to the walkie and the 9 mm...." "Still." "He's a good man." "He'll be a good dad." "Kacy, I have to tell you something." "That story about John's birth, it wasn't true." "The jungle?" "Well, that part was true." "The part about his father wasn't." "He wasn't there with me." "He died before John was born." "Before I even knew I was pregnant." "Why did you tell me that story?" "Because I wished it's the way it could've been." "That's the saddest thing I've ever heard." "The thing is, I got through it." "All of it." "By myself." "And so can you." "Besides, you won't be alone." "I'll be right next door." "That was my last "get out of jail free."" "Damn right." "Where'd you get that?" "I got it at this awesome thrift store in Echo Park." "[ENGLISH SDH]" | {
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"OK, right, take care." "See you again soon." "Bye-bye." "OK, all right..." "Davai, davai!" "Go!" "Urgh!" "Eziz, do we have to go through this every time?" "Yes, we do." "Here again?" "I know where we are, I only live down the road!" "Next time I can just pop in." "Oh, hi, Suliman." "How's your dad?" "Still working in Turkmenistan?" "There won't be a next time." "Zarifi is escaping this morning." "Really?" "Again?" "Like he was escaping last time." "And the time before that." "This time we've bribed two guards." "Well, I hope you're right." "It can't be easy when you're blind." "He will be in the city by tonight." "And what do you want from me?" "We can hide him, but we cannot get him out the country." "We need help with that." "Listen, you know we support him, and his campaign." "So, will you help us get him out the country?" "IF he escapes" " I'll talk to the Ambassador about what we can do." "But it can't be at the cost of the other things we are trying to achieve here." "I think Zarifi's an incredibly brave man." "You know that." "Can I get on with my day now?" "Don't suppose you could drop me back near the embassy?" "Use this phone, for contact." "Classy." "Is it secure?" "Right." "Thanks." "Bye." "Cheers, lads." "See you next time." "I'll wait here a couple of minutes so that we don't leave at the same time, that might be embarrassing." "How far down the royal family tree would you have to be technically to stop being royal?" "You'd be surprised, Caitlin." "Prince Mark is a proven trade envoy, which makes his visit a considerable coup for us." "He was instrumental in securing that Indian tractor deal last year." "The objective here is to help Anglo Britannia Oil to nail these new drilling licences." "And Prince Mark is the man to do it." "Who is he?" "I think he's a cousin..." "And just because he's royal let's not all assume that he's some ignorant, feckless twit." "Wait until you meet him." "Fuck the fuck off!" "When did I say yes to this?" "Where is it?" "It's in Central Asia." "The trip has been approved by the RVC and the Foreign Secretary." "Will they send a jet for me like the Saudis do?" "It's first class flights." "Air Ukraine." "You're joking!" "Treasure, did you know about this?" "Yeah." "I don't want to go." "Fucking birds!" "Whatever halfwit introduced them to this house should be shot." "It was your great uncle, sir, and indeed the Germans did shoot him." "I know that." "You like visiting Asia, sir." "You like its women." "And its beaches." "That's true." "And I like those prawn spring rolls they do." "It might be fun." "Will I be missing anything here?" "I don't want to miss anything good." "Well, you'd need to cancel opening the new special needs sports centre at Weston-super-Mare." "Oh, yes, that's important(!" ")" "This is from the Ambassador." "It sets out the objectives of your trip and your two-day itinerary." "What's the name of the country?" "'Tazbekistan oil is big business.'" "France and the US have all had the CEOs of their major oil companies out here in the last six weeks." "I heard from a journalist contact in Washington that the Americans plan to send out a four-star general here to offer military training campaigns as an added incentive." "And the French will send Emmanuelle Beart." "Well, we've got something the French and Americans can never have or compete with - royalty." "The Tazbeks love royalty, isn't that right, Natalia?" "We do admire royalty." "'Huh, excellent.'" "'It's worth pointing out that the' godfathers to Prince Mark's son are Jonathan Aitken and Fred Goodwin." "Shit." "Is that true?" "Mm-hm." "Who's the godmother, Myra Hindley?" "Sue Barker." "Which is somehow worse." "Mm." "Right, Prince's itinerary please." "There will be a photo opportunity with the Tazbek media on arrival." "Good." "Then, since Monday is Tazbek Memorial Day, after lunch, the two of you will drive out to the" "Marikova Women's Gulag to take part in the ceremony there." "Good." "Royalty are good at memorials." "Nice suits and gravitas." "This year the President is going to unveil a new memorial to celebrate the death of so many women." "Celebrate?" "Is that the wrong word?" ""Commemorate" is better." "Oh." "Tuesday night is the big event." "It's a private dinner in the palace and we've lined up all the Anglo-Brit oil head honchos to be there." "This is where the Prince will officially sit down with the President." "And where we nail these new licences." "OK - anything else we need to know?" "The Guardian are still doing stories on the amount of "commission"" "British companies are paying the President's family to secure contracts." "Hmm." "These reports do annoy the President." "As you know, since the Bribery Act we are obliged to report any bribery we hear about." "So let's try not to hear too much." "And let's make sure this royal visit goes like a dream!" "Reputations can be made and broken by these visits." "Mine and yours." "Oh." "Entries for the British Council's Impressions of Britain painting competition will be coming in on Monday." "Well done, Natalia." "Remind me what the prize is?" "A week at the prestigious Peterborough School of Art Design." "In addition, the winning entry will be viewable in British Airways transit lounges." "Good stuff." "Who's the judge?" "Good point." "Prince Mark, Duke of Bath." "Good idea, Isabel." "Let's do that." "'The Prince only smokes" "'Dunhill cigarettes, so please make sure you have 500 of them.'" "He smokes 250 cigarettes a day?" "No, but he likes to take them home with him." "Do write all this down." "Now, for his breakfast smoothie you'll need fresh peaches, fresh mangoes, vanilla soy milk and fresh orange juice." "Served in a special glass which Mike Treasure, his security man, will bring." "Please do not try and substitute freshly-squeezed orange juice for purchased freshly-squeezed orange juice, he'll be able to tell." "The Brussels embassy made that mistake last year and he's still talking about it." "Oh, yes, I heard that look." "You asked for a list, gentlemen, I'm giving it to you." "You'll find this visit will be far easier and more productive if you manage to get things right." "We will." "On which note - HRH hates long car journeys, so please try and make sure the airport is near the embassy." "the Prince always travels with a full six-foot ironing board." "Very wise of him." "It's the only way to get trousers just right." "That is correct." "During this trip it is imperative that Treasure is the only person who even contemplates ironing his Highness' trousers." "The Zarifi supporters took me off for another of their secret meetings this morning." "Oh." "And?" "They're so incompetent it's more annoying than anything else." "Western Governments have been campaigning for" "Zarifi's release for the last six years." "But the regime has never shown the slightest inclination to free him." "So apparently, he's escaping today." "And this time, they mean it." "Do you think they'll pull it off?" "Where do these keep coming from?" "Dunno." "Keep me posted." "I'm off to hear Jamatt's trade lies - sorry, figures." "So our export trades last year totalled $14.6 billion." "Which is an annual growth of 8%." "Not the 6.1% you previously announced?" "These are the most recent figures." "Updated." "Then I'll send them through to London." "Please thank the President from me for inviting the Prince to a dinner at the palace." "He is very much looking forward to meeting the Prince." "The President is deeply honoured by the royal visit." "And may I ask if the President continues to look favourably on the Anglo Britannia bid?" "So long as they comply with the usual taxes and fees to the" "Department of Energy team, I'm sure he will look very kindly on the bid." "I'm sure they'll do all that's required." "I would say though, that there's a lot of scrutiny in the UK at the moment over British companies paying significant commission or consultancy fees to middle men." "Middle men often directly related to the President." "Do you want the oil contract or not?" "We very much do." "Zarifi!" "Zarifi!" "Zarifi!" "For main course I will serve one of my brother's" "Iraqi chickens with potatoes and plov." "Delicious." "And dessert?" " Dates." " Ludmilla, he's a VIP guest." "Dates and yoghurt?" "He's a member of the royal family." "OK." "I will make the Prince my special awamat balls." "They're a sort of Arabian flour and syrup ball." "Wonderful." "I go now to buy." "Right, I've put the Prince in the main guest bedroom and his security guy in the room next door." "Do you know that room's got dry rot?" "And so has the unfinished extension." "Unfinished yet already decaying." "That uniquely Tazbek combination." "I'm afraid this hasn't been a very happy place, this residence." "It's hardly surprising." "Given that the previous ambassador was an alcoholic going through a gender identity crisis." "A great Foreign Office tradition." "Does anyone know what actually happened to Keith's predecessor?" "Someone from the Cabinet Office thought they saw him recently in Phuket - working in a transvestite hammam." "But technically, he's just missing." "What was someone from the Cabinet Office doing...?" "Jennifer, it's wonderful what you're doing to the place." "Thank you." "You're making it a real home." "Daisy's going to love it when she comes." "If she ever comes." "I've managed to get you a copy of the seating plan for the dinner." "And I'm trying to find out about the US Secretary of State's visit to Kazakhstan." "These are the addresses of all the British nuclear power stations... plus EDP's profit and loss accounts for last year." "This is the guest list for the Trooping of the Colour." "And these are the home telephone numbers of Ann Widdecombe and Lembit Opik." "We'll look at this stuff." "Now get out." "I have asked her five times not to make these." "I've been asked to apply for a job." "Oh, good." "What is it?" "Deputy head of cardiology at Barts." "One of my old professors has set up a new unit." "Would he give you the job?" "I don't know." "He might." "He's asked me to apply." "Good for you, Jen." "Would you like to do that?" "Be number two in London's main cardiology unit?" "Yeah!" "Then you must apply." "Er, just leave those, thanks, Ludmilla." "Would you mind going to get some flowers?" "Previous man liked swans." "What if I got the job?" "Well, then we'd have a problem." "But we'd work it out." "Well, how?" "I'm not going to be in this country for ever." "We'd have to travel to each other." "It would be tough, but people make it work." "Everyone knows doctors get loads of time off." "It would fuck us up." "Loads of marriages don't survive this sort of thing." "Yeah, but we would." "You've got to apply, Jennifer." "I can't have my career stopping you doing jobs you want to do." "Apply." "And we'll worry about it if you get it." "OK." "OK?" "The room looks great." "I miss the swans a bit." "MUSIC: "Land of Hope and Glory" played in Eastern European style" "Your Royal Highness, welcome to the People's Republic of Tazbekistan." "It's a great honour to have you here." "No problem." "It's very nice to be here." "How was your flight?" "Fine, fine." "Charming." "Have you tried Air Ukraine food?" "I have, actually." "Yep." "And no-one told me there'd be a four-hour transit in Kiev." "Well, it's wonderful to have you here now." "This way." "Thank you." "Erm, here's your bottle of sparkling mineral water, Your Highness." "A case arrived this morning." "Good." "One of the ways I help British industry is that" "I insist on using lots of British products all over the world." "It can make a hell of a difference." "Have you seen the finalised itinerary for the two days?" "Driver, can we turn the air-con up please?" "Is up." "Maybe use your window?" "No." "It's all bollixed." "Would you like to come to this side?" "Please." "Sorry, if I can just..." "I'll just come across first." "If I can just squeeze here..." "Yep." "Sorry, excuse me." "Oh, that's, that's just my phone." "OK." "There we go." "Erm." "This one works now." "Would you like to come back to this side?" "No, this side is fine." "Erm..." "So, did you get a chance to look at the itinerary?" "Yes, of course." "Any questions about it?" "No." "You'll find you can just throw me into any diplomatic situation, and off I go." "Great." "Everywhere's the same." "But also there are quite a lot of particulars that are specific to Tazbekistan." "Any decent skirt out there?" "Oh." "Um..." "I mean, what mark would you give them out of ten?" "The women?" "Well, I..." "I don't tend to mark them." "Erm." "They vary, of course." "I'm afraid we're going to have to swap sides." "OK, of course." "No, I..." "It's probably best if I..." "If you come first." "Ow, ow, ow." "Sorry." "Sorry, I think I'm on your foot." "Well." "It's not the Oberoi, but, er, we hope you'll be comfortable here." "I'm sorry, there must be some mistake." "You think I'm sleeping here?" "Please thank your wife for making such a special effort, but you should have been told - I never stay at the embassy." "I stay in The Four Seasons." "Ah." "Yes, I'm afraid there isn't a Four Seasons for you." "What do you mean?" "I mean...there isn't a Four Seasons here for you to stay in." "It's where I stay." "Yes." "If there is one." "I don't understand." "There's isn't a Four Seasons Hotel here." "It will have said in our communications that, er... we're delighted to have you here as our guest, at the residence." "Aren't we, Jennifer?" "Yes." "Sorry, I'm obviously not being clear." "Prince Mark always stays at The Four Seasons." "Yes..." "Wherever I am - that's where I stay." "Yes, but not..." "if there isn't one here." "It doesn't have to be here." "It doesn't have to be here in the capital." "It could be by the sea." "I can travel to it - in a helicopter!" "There isn't a Four Seasons Hotel anywhere in the whole country." "Anywhere...in Tazbekistan...at all." "What?" "I can stay in one of those ones by the beach." "Well, not really." "Tazbekistan is a landlocked country." "There are no beaches." "As you know." "I stay in the Four Seasons." "I mean, this is hopeless." "Look, I travel the world for Britain and I get paid fuck all for it, OK?" "Travel, travel, travel." "That's fine by me." "I suspect I've brought in $100 billion worth of business to the UK over the years." "Other people who do what I do would charge hundreds of thousands of pounds." "I can't, because I'm royal." "That's fine." "But all Prince Mark asks for in return is the top floor of The Four Seasons Hotel and decent, you know, food and drink and service as befits a VVIP." "OK?" "That's all I charge." "I am UNBELIEVABLY good value for money." "You're absolutely right, of course." "But unfortunately, there is no Four Seasons." "I mean, where will Treasure be?" "Er, just in the room next door." "Is your room as bad as mine?" "I've seen worse." "Christ!" "Where?" "Aldershot." "If you'd like to leave your luggage with us, Your Highness," "I'm sure we can try and make the rooms as comfortable as possible." "But now it's time to start contemplating your journey to the Women's Gulag." "What?" "Mike, get in here." "I'll be out in a moment." "What the fuck is going on?" "!" "Did you have any idea about this?" "I don't think he knows what country he's in." "Did he just call himself a VVIP?" "He's probably just jet-lagged." "I'm sure he'll be very effective once he's settled in." "Open the door." "Yes, sir." "His Highness has agreed to stay for one night." "Since he's here." "Since I'm here." "Can't seem to get the footie results." "They jam the phones around the President." "Superb." "Hello, Neil Tilly." "Eziz?" "You've got him with you now?" "Come on, Keith, pick up." "Isabel, I can't get the Ambassador." "I need to talk to him." "Try Sergei, try any of the royal party," "I need to speak to the Ambassador now." "Are you sure you want to seek sanctuary in the UK?" "The British are more honest than the Americans." "And the French." "Personally I would say yes, but there's an absolute blanket rule against giving sanctuary to anyone in our embassies." "Unless it's life or death." "If you don't help us that's what this will become." "Your Highness." "It is a great honour to meet you." "Thank you for visiting our humble country." "It is an equal honour to be here." "Least I could do." "Bloody brave lot of women." "Please." "Let me show you the memorial in more detail." "It was designed by one of our most talented state artists." "Very clever of you, Keith, to manage to lure a royal out to this part of the world." "Been in the offing for months." "A simple bridge-building visit." "Of course." "Well, despite His Royal Highness's presence," "I sincerely hope the new oil packages will end up with the US." "Or we won't be having you round Sunday for the Super Bowl barbecue." "Oh, no." "Don't break my heart, Petra." "I keep saying to my oil guys," ""Do you really want sole drilling rights to this enormous oil field?" ""Because I could be missing out on some very nice hot dogs."" "But they do seem infuriatingly keen." "Mmm." "We'll see." "May the country with the largest royal family win." "I can't get any of them." "All the phones must be jammed." "Yes?" "Oh, Christ." "OK, move him as soon as you can." "And keep moving him." "They think someone's watching the block." "Who, the Secret Police?" "What do we do?" "If we don't let Zarifi in, he doesn't stand a chance." "Shouldn't we wait, talk to the Ambassador, talk to London?" "If we let this man in it could wreck everything." "I've tried London." "The Desk can't get POD or the PUS, it's 5am there." "Then we need to wait till they get in." "Till they get back." "Waiting isn't a choice." "Waiting condemns him." "How do you find Tazbekistan?" "What I've seen of it, I like." "What things do you think Tazbekistan could learn from Great Britain?" "There's lots." "Because Britain is still the best at everything." "We have the best soldiers and doctors and spies and shipbuilders in the world." "Including submarine building." "I have a place in the Lake District." "When I stand in the mornings drinking the tea my man's brought me, looking out over the beautiful, mist-laden fields, and I see all the busy little people working on the land below me" " I often think how great Britain still is." "Did you know that in most places in the UK one can still safely leave the front door open?" "I rarely lock the car, secure in the knowledge that a happy and armed police force are always nearby." "You might say I'm biased, but I've been to many, many countries." "I've been to China, and it's awful." "He is a very good envoy, your Prince." "Mm." "..we have the Queen and James Bond." "He's a vocal critic of child labour in the cotton fields here." "Yesterday, he managed to escape his house arrest, and he's asked us for diplomatic immunity and protection." "Is it OK with you if we put him up here?" "You mean if we decide to take him?" "Yes." "He's already here, isn't he?" "Yes." "Does Keith know?" "He's still at the gulag with the Prince." "I had to make a decision." "Well, I'm sure you've made the right one." "Mr Zarifi could help me choose some new curtains." "Oh - and he's blind." "That American Ambassador is a bit of all right, isn't she?" "Yeah?" "Bet you fancy her, don't you?" "Don't be ridiculous." "She can launch her drones over my territory any time she likes." "I bet she's handy at golf too." "Right." "Let's have a look at this." "Ready?" "OK." "OK." "Right, we'll fix this up, and then you need to rest." "I've had six years with nothing to do but rest." "Now is the time for..." "Shh-shh-shh." "OK." "I'm going to give you some drugs for the pain." "Jen, I think that thing's come back." "Shh-shh-shh." "Neil, what the fuck's been going on?" "!" "Why in God's name did you let him in here?" "Because if I hadn't, he'd be dead by now." "The Secret Police were all over him." "The President will go testicle-hacking bananas when he hears about this." "Why did he choose us?" "Why the hell couldn't he have gone to the French?" "Or the Americans?" "He said the British are the only nation he trusts." "Huh!" "First mistake." "Does the regime know he's here?" "The Secret Police?" "No." "Are you sure?" "As far as I can tell." "Well, if they don't now, they will soon." "What does he even want?" "I think he just wants...freedom." "Oh, that?" "Right, yeah, freedom, great(!" ")" "This could damage our relationship with the Tazbek regime for ever." "Do you think we should tell London he's here?" "Are you out of your mind?" "I want this Zarifi gone before anyone even knows he was here." "And for God's sake, keep him out of the way of the Prince." "That's a car crash waiting to happen." "Apart from freedom, what else does he want?" "He wants to complete his degree, to be free to do that." "This is the British embassy, not..." "UCAS!" "Those are perfect trousers." "Did he say anything?" "Not really." "He's covered in scars, poor man." "And I'm pretty sure he's suffering from PTSD." "He just needs some help." "Thanks for looking after him." "Is she attached?" "She's attached..." "I rarely find myself writing anything." "Or is it Beijing now?" "Ugh!" "Of all the places you've visited, Your Highness, which is the one you've hated most?" "The only place I've ever visited where I've thought," ""I really don't want to go back there"... is France." "Mind you, I didn't like Nigeria much either." "Erm." "Will you excuse me a moment?" "Yes." "I hate the way in France that if you don't speak French - like I don't - then you just know you're getting worse service." "And that's just as true at a royal banquet as it is in one of their trattorias." "I had a terrible meal in France once." "Did you?" "Mm." "Well done, Ludmilla." "This looks... delicious." "It's one of the reasons I like Toronto." "It's got all the best aspects of France, but they speak English." "Oh, yes, I had a wonderful meal there once." "Did you?" "Your Highness, I've been meaning to ask if you'd do us the favour of judging an embassy painting competition we've run." "I'd be delighted to." "I'm on the board of The Serpentine." "Spasibo, Tanya." "So what else is there to do in Iskfana on a Monday night, other than drink?" "Eat." "Have you had the borsok at Kopak Restaurant?" "Or the chak chak at Al-Sham?" "The chak chak's the giant Rice Krispie?" "Or have you had chak chak at Kopak, and the borsok at Al-Sham?" "Well, then you've done Iskfana." "Unless you like the circus?" "You could go to the circus." "Are there animals?" "I hate cruelty to animals." "Then don't go to the circus." "There's the new arts centre." "Unless you don't like cruelty to art." "What about that Italian restaurant?" "Never go in there." "I can see why you come in here so much." "It's the best place to get drunk and find an oil engineer to shag." "Can I get you girls a drink?" "Oh, hi, Kevin." "I was just talking about you." "How's life?" "Fucking golden." "Just found a shit load of hydros up near Beshkara this week." "If that comes good, it's going to buy some nice houses by the lake." "Lake Beshkara(?" ") Geneva." "Drinks, girlies?" "Yeah, I'll have a couple of beers." "Couple of beers." "And a couple of vodkas." "A couple of vodkas." "Tanya!" "You know, I think I am anti the royals in principle." "Oh." "Is it because of the cringe-inducing things they say to foreigners and young women?" "No, I don't mind that." "That's stuff's ghastly of course, but... it's more pitiful than anything else." "And strangely comprehensible given their dysfunctional upbringing." "Is it...because of the millions they cost us?" "All those expensive flights to play golf, and valets to squeeze their toothpaste for them?" "No." "I don't mind that either." "In fact, I think they're quite good value for Britain." "Oh, OK." "Is it because you think their very existence discredits" "Parliament and democracy?" "No." "I know." "It must be their terrible, comic dress sense." "All those blazers, and Barbours and shooting tweeds?" "No." "I'm anti-them because I don't think" "I want to be someone's subject." "And their very existence implies a class-divided society, doesn't it?" "It does." "And that is why I think they should all be shot." "'Well then we start tomorrow at dawn." "The embassy wall." "'You blindfold him and I'll light his last Dunhill.'" "Da." "Da!" "OK, OK, Tanya." "All right, all right." "Before you hurt him." "Did he ask you for more money?" "I'm going to have him killed." "Yeah!" "Yeah, good idea." "Can you call in the British Army for me?" "Sure, yeah, I'll just text them, and then once they've sorted out Afghanistan they'll be right over." "Can I have a drink now?" "Hmm." "♪ Oh mists rolling in from the sea My desire" "♪ Is always to be here Mull of Kintyre... ♪" "♪ I need a piss. ♪" "Treasure, you pisshead!" "Where are you?" "Treasure?" "Treash?" "Treasure?" "Oi, Treash, are you in here?" "Treash, you donkey cock!" "What are you doing?" "You in bed already, you wanker?" "Come on, let's get some women." "What this dump needs is PUSSY!" "What?" "Why aren't you Treasure?" "You're a foreigner." "Where's Treasure?" "Sorry to disturb." "I seek a Tazbeki adventure." "And women." "Adventurous Tazbeki women." "It's a golf ball." "It's a sign, Treasure." "It's a sign." "What's the matter?" "I'm the one in the bad mood, not you." "I think it could be dangerous for you." "Being with me." "Yeah." "Because you lead such a dangerous life(!" ") I'm serious, Tanya." "The Interior Ministry are leaning on me for information." "Ignore them." "They can't hurt you." "You're a British diplomat." "They might decide that you're a good way to get to me." "In which case I'd tell them we fuck occasionally, but you have no real feelings for me." "Maybe we should make that the truth?" "Fine." "For our own safety." "Is this your way to trying to make a distance between us?" "So, you don't have to take me away somewhere?" "Yes, I do this with all my relationships." "I create a fictional Secret Police threat in order to preserve my independence." "Just...keep an eye out." "I wouldn't want you to get hurt." "What the hell is going on?" "Meeting locals." "I'm sorry, but you absolutely cannot have... female guests arriving at this hour." "Don't be such a wet blanket." "I'll remind you that this is an embassy residence." "There are other people staying here." "But I've paid them!" "I don't care." "They're leaving." "Where the hell's your security man?" "Yeah?" "Who is this?" "'Treasure here." "Unable to ascertain exact location." "'Require assistance ' in finding where I am." "Over." "Well, what can you see?" "What can I see?" "Eyeballs on - a house... ..and a cow." "Oh, right, I know exactly where you are(!" ")" "I need more than that!" "Correction - it's a camel, not a cow." "I thought you boys knew how to navigate?" "I will TAB north until I RV with a more distinctive landmark." "Yeah." "Right, you do that." "And phone me back when you find one." "And when you do - speak English!" "Who's that?" "Never you mind, gorgeous." "Just go back to snoring." "Whisky's gone..." "The women have gone..." "Treasure's gone." "Can't do anything without him." "And I don't know where I am." "Oh, what?" "This is an act of aggression against the People's Republic of Tazbekistan." "We need to take him back into custody immediately." "Who do you mean?" "Amil Zarifi was found guilty of plotting against the People's Republic of Tazbekistan." "Please don't waste my time by denying that you've got him." "He's not been found guilty as I recollect - he's simply been accused." "Under Tazbek law - to be accused of the crime is to be guilty." "If he was not guilty, we would not have accused him." "Well, as you know, that's not acceptable by most international standards." "You are not in the West now, Ambassador." "You are in Tazbekistan." "He was found guilty of raping boys and stealing a hedge trimmer from a monastery." "When can we expect him back?" "At the moment he's asleep." "Why are you risking your career for this man?" "It's a big mistake!" "You're a fucking nightmare." "I ask only two things of my ambassadors." "One - use common sense." "Two - never surprise me." "Well, I imagine that those that use their common sense don't surprise you." "So it could probably just be one thing." "Look, I think it's fair to say that no-one in London understands the importance of Zarifi as the de facto opposition here." "Oh, yes(!" ") Oh, that's right(!" ")" "Thank God we've got you down the line with your astonishing analytical ability(!" ")" "It's pretty clear that the regime would've executed Zarifi had we not intervened." "Well, as a result of your actions, we will end up with a situation where they get him eventually." "But this way we lose the oil contract, and you will end up de facto PNG for months." "PNG here or in London?" "Both!" "We did the right thing." "No, you did the wrong thing." "Do you want to end up on secondment to the Nigerian Ministry for Prisons?" "I swear that is what the PUS has in mind..." "And I'm delighted he's following my work so closely." "Oh, believe me, 206 ambassadors and you're the one he's aware of." "You and that wet rag in Belgium who starts bleating every time the Americans drop a bomb on someone's wedding." "I fear that Belgium is about to get one of POD's visits." "One of his special visits." "Poor chap." "Apparently the ambassador he went to see in Tblisi last month has quit and joined the church." "Oh, hi." "Who are you?" "Amil Zarifi, at your service." "Good." "I think I'll just have my standard travel breakfast." "Two poached eggs, mushrooms, spinach, bacon, tomato, toast." "Have you got any kippers?" "No." "Well, don't worry this time." "Can you look at me when you're talking to me, please?" "And a pot of tea." "Oh, shit!" "Fuck!" "These are the pictures I've got to judge." "My schedule here is absolutely relentless." "God, I've got a headache the size of Yorkshire." "And a mouth like a spaniel's arsehole." "Which one would you choose?" "Yeah, I know what you mean, they're all terrible." "Never mind." "Just get on with the brekkie would you?" "Well, I'm certainly not choosing the one with a policeman beating up the black." "I hate art that thinks it's profound." "Yes, I think I'll choose the one with the Queen playing golf." "And it looks like a commemorative stamp, which is good." "Did you just drink my smoothie?" "You just drank my smoothie!" "I've had a lot of bad treatment in embassies all over the world but, Jesus Christ, this takes the proverbial fucking biscuit." "How dare you!" "I am sorry." "Look at me when you talk to me!" "How dare you touch my smoothie!" "I think it was mine." "I have been in prison many years." "I'm not surprised to hear it." "I've got a good mind to send you back there." "No, I will never go back." "They can kill me." "I have escaped now and I will do all I can to bring down this regime while I still live." "What?" "Sorry, who are you?" "Couldn't we just get him out the country?" "Very hard." "As soon as he steps outside of the embassy they can arrest him." "The embassy car doesn't offer him immunity." "And if by some fluke we managed to get him out, you'd be thumbing your nose at the regime here." "They'd never forgive you." "That's not necessarily true." "Isn't it?" "Why not?" "Strong-worded posturing like this is the standard mode of communication for the regime." "We know this." "In public pronouncements they only deal in black and white." "This feels stronger than that, Neil." "I said we should have waited to talk to London." "I'm afraid we're going to have to hand him back." "Horrible choice." "But it's the lesser of two evils." "You know what this means for Zarifi?" "Yes, I know what it means!" "You should have thought of that before you brought him into the embassy." "So he was wrong to trust us." "Maybe he should have gone to the French for help." "Maybe they wouldn't have let him down like this." "Take it easy." "Shut up, Isabel." "You've been in this country for ten minutes..." "Hey..." "You shouldn't feel bad about your decision to bring him in." "I don't!" "Right, I'm ending this meeting." "I feel bad we're failing to protect an innocent man, and to stand up to the leadership." "It's the only language they understand." "They'll laugh at us!" "I don't agree with that." "Oh, really(?" ")" "Right, enough." "I've made my decision." "Zarifi goes back." "End of conversation, end of meeting." "We have to deal with the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be." "It's a horrible emotional decision, I know." "But we're not doing meetings like this." "I won't have the two of you in conflict." "You're too important to operations here." "Don't make me send one of you home." "And these kids can be as young as eight, working in the fields up to 12 hours a day?" "And the pesticides burn their skin." "All on two dollars a day?" "I have T-shirts from here." "I'm going to throw them away." "These chinos are probably made with cotton that drained the Aral Sea." "I can't wear them any more." "It is time to visit the carpet factory." "I need to change my trousers first." "I'm disgusted by this!" "Come on, Treasure, we're off." "Hello." "One emergency travel document." "Oh, Treasure, you haven't lost your passport again?" "Sorry to have been a...you know..." "Last time, it eventually turned up in Liz Hurley's bidet." "Thank you so much for helping him." "You're a wonder." "You're clearly the one who keeps this place ticking over." "So sorry to have been such a pain." "Give your e-mail address to Treasure so that I can invite you to one of my garden parties." "And I'm going to tell your ambassador that you're a wonder, and insist that he gives you a pay rise." "Oh, thanks(!" ") Did you find your trousers?" "Treas!" "They were on the gates." "Treas." "Come on." "Neil, I want you to draw up an action plan whereby we can hand Zarifi over with the minimum of fuss." "Me?" "Yes." "When?" "Probably sometime tomorrow." "And where does that leave us for the President's dinner tonight?" "It leaves us in the shit. there's absolutely no chance that the President will turn up to the dinner after what's happened." "If that's the case we can kiss the oil contracts goodbye." "Can the Prince not help us to smooth the waters?" "Are you fucking joking?" "What with?" "His boorish manners(?" ")" "His condescending attitude to everyone who crosses his path(?" ")" "Or perhaps with his unbelievable, infuriating, towering sense of entitlement?" "I think that's a no(!" ")" "Of course it's no." "The man's a walking liability." "His visit's been a disaster." "If I could get rid of him sooner than tomorrow, I would." "I will find out which painting he's chosen as winner." "I will complete my report on Jamatt's new trade figures." "It'll be on your desk by tonight, Ambassador." "Are you and Isabel going to be become an issue for me?" "No." "She was just wrong today." "And she's been going round me to you." "Well...she's allowed to be wrong, Neil." "You're not." "I'm not." "She's very smart, and she's trying to impress." "But she hasn't got your experience." "You need to channel her energies." "I know." "I will." "Don't let her make you so angry again." "Why hasn't the President turned up?" "No doubt delayed by some important matters of state." "Well, it's time for my speech." "There's a few things I want to get off my chest if that's OK?" "Well, of course." "But please do be aware of local..." "Sensibilities." "Ladies and gentleman, I've never been to, erm, Tazbekistan before..." "I have to meet royalty." "Your Excellency, I was just saying I've never been to" "Tazbekistan before." "I had no idea what to expect - but I must say this country has completely won my heart." "I had the most fascinating visit to a carpet factory this afternoon." "And your women are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen." "But there is one thing about my visit that has upset me." "Here we go." "It's the constant sniping by a load of whinging left-wing journalists who poke their fat noses into how this country charges" ""commission" on its business affairs." "What do they know about how to run a country?" "Nothing." "And they make it very hard for British businessman to do" "British business here." "They turn an easy par three into a long par five with the wind against." "They could all do with a year in a Tazbek jail." "Thank you." "Ask the Prince to join me upstairs in my private rooms afterwards." "I certainly shall, Your Excellency." "And the terrorist Zarifi... you can take him to Britain." "Do what you like with him." "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "Well...thank you." "Good night?" "How was Mark?" "Got lots of apologising to do to ethnic minorities and women?" "He was very good, actually." "Erm...amazingly, the President has agreed to free Zarifi." "He's being allowed to fly to the UK next week." "Wow!" "Well done." "How was your day?" "Yeah, yeah, it was fine." "I sent off my job application." "That's good." "Hope they turn me down." "Me too." "Yeah, nostrovia!" "No, fucking seriously, you've got to get a place in Sunningdale." "I can fix it for you." "Let me send you a contact for my estate agent." "Man's a genius." "What's your e-mail?" "I'll get my people to e-mail your people." "Do you know what my favourite TV show is?" "It's British." "No, what?" "Last of the Summer Wine." "I love that show." "I love it!" "You do?" "!" ""Ooh, Nora!"" ""Ooh, Nora!" Why did the BBC end it?" "Why?" "Don't ask." "Place full of lefties covering up paedo scandals." "After we watch this, I want to talk to you about how disgusting the cotton fields are in this country." "Huh?" "All those children working there." "I know." "It's bad." "You've got to try and stop it, old chap." "Yes." "Oh, is this the episode with June Whitfield?" "She was in many episodes." "Yeah." "You really know the show." "Look!" "Look!" "That...that is a nice property." "In Guildford." "I like the mirrored dance floor in the kitchen." "Minister, can I say one thing?" "I was surprised that you let Zarifi go." "We're pleased to see the back of him." "For years, every Western government has been nagging us about his imprisonment." "It even prevented the European Union signing a trade deal." "Of course we had to kick up a fuss when you took him in but..." "You let him escape on purpose." "How dare you even suggest such a thing(!" ")" "By the time you come back, hopefully they'll have built some better hotels." "I'm never coming back." "But I think you'll find that not only have Anglo-Brit Oil secured the new oil packages, but Warwick University have agreed to have my new pal Zarifi to do a Masters in International Law." "That's wonderful!" "Thank you." "Yeah, I love Warwick." "It's where I went." "It was your idea?" "Yup." "I think he'll have a terrific time there." "I did." "The Avon." "Stratford." "Golf." "Well, thank you, Your Highness." "It's been wonderful having you here." "You've achieved more than we could have dreamed." "Oh, Jessica, I think I might have left some Clinique body lotion in the bathroom." "It's quite a full pot." "Right." "Well, I'll have it sent on." "Thanks." "Great." "Hope I wasn't too rude about the place." "No, not at all." "It is a shithole." "Maybe I'll see you both at your next posting." "Ciao." "He may be a five-star arsehole, but, my God, he's effective!" "Here's a tricky one." "The President just made a speech banning the use of child labour on the cotton fields." "Wow." "Amazing." "Good old Zarifi." "Was this also due to Prince Mark?" "They got pissed together." "Of course." "Nice one, Mark." "Proper diplomacy." "What in the name of all that is holy is going on in your country?" "No sooner has Prince Charming nailed us the oil contract, you let the whole place burst into flames." "Have you at any time handed any classified documents or information to anyone you shouldn't have?" "I want to make improvements to my breasts." "They need some work, eh?" "Erm, well.." "The opposition is led by a man called Oybek Yerzhan." "I think you're going to have to go and meet him." | {
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"We have no need of that." "The look on your face tells the queen all she needs to know about hers." "The looking glass is banished from our palace." "That one." "And those." "And that one and that one." "All gone." "This Accession Day is the 30th since you came to the throne." "Your knights will fight each other for your favor." "Perhaps he will follow this by disappearing." "30 years a queen..." "26 when she became one." " That means she is..." " Astonishingly young." "Although not as astonishingly young as the Earl of Essex, Father." "He's a rising star, gentlemen." "We must learn to live with him." "What precisely are his talents?" "I never can remember." "I hear he has very expressive eyes." "After his father died" "I was happy to have him in my care, but I could not say I know him." "I, Sir Eglantine of the Grange, beg you to desist from being the champion of our glorious queen." "I love the Queen more than you ever will, young man." "Stand aside, for I am "Sir Greatheart,"" "the sweetest knight in all chivalry." "Sir Walter Raleigh's knightly character is obviously not based upon his own." "Easy, easy." "Ah, Walsingham's daughter seems quite an admirer of the earl." "Oh." "Kneel, boy!" "Today it is Walter that wears our favor." "My favor, Sir Walter." "Your Majesty." "I see every fool must have a favor." "I'll call on you, sir, for your apology." " Shall I?" " No, no, no." "Dogs must have blood somehow, my lord." "Lady Frances Walsingham is wearing a very pretty dress." "One would think Sir Francis's daughter wishes to be the center of attention." "The court of Lady Frances Walsingham." "We could compose anthems in her honor." "Your Majesty..." "Come ladies, we are going to watch the Earl of Essex at his favorite pastime, which is trying to kill people, and Frances, you will walk with me." "Yes, Essex." "That's it." "You look pale, Frances." "Good parry!" "Anything the matter?" "Whom do you favor, Sir Walter or Essex?" "Guard up!" "Do you approve of dueling, Frances?" " It is forbi..." " It is forbidden, as are so many other things." "Yes!" "Well done, sir!" "Well done!" "Pull his great heart down." "Do you not come out on my side, ma'am?" "No, no, no." "You must be checked." "Men like you must be ruled, as was the Earl of Leicester in the end." "I am always your servant, ma'am." "Yes..." "I do believe you are." "Oh, but you're wounded." "Oh, I must dress your wounds myself." "Come." "If I have offended Your Majesty, I..." "I ever loved a loser, Wal-ter." "Fetch dressings, Frances." "Go on." "Run, girl." "We are going to the Earl of Leicester's apartments, ma'am?" "Yes, they're yours now." "You like my present?" "You like his rooms?" " Very much!" " Yes." "The Earl of Leicester had excellent taste." "They're expensively furnished." "You like expensive things and you have nothing but debts." "Well, go on." "They're yours now." "Everything I have is yours." "Well, let us pretend that it is yours." "It will spice up the act of crossing the threshold." "Oh, you are looking at my ankle, Essex." "Well, Your Majesty has a very well-shaped ankle and a perfect figure." "Yes, well, I have a grateful nation gnawing at my insides." " Anne..." " Yes, ma'am." "Sit." "We must bind up your wounds." "We have no need of you, Dr. Lopez." "Oh, you look like a naughty schoolboy." "Why should you not like that foolish girl?" "I can see that you like her." " No, she's nothing..." " Nothing compared to me." "I know." "You're very kind, ma'am." "I could be even kinder." "Your Majesty knows that my love for you..." "Is not simply a need for my favor?" "How do I know that?" "Mmm." "Possibly." "You seem sincere enough." "Great things hang on a kiss, Robin, when princes are involved... but you'd better kiss me again." "Well, let us hear of your proposed expedition." "It is not precisely our proposed expedition, Your Majesty." "Lord Burghley, do not distance yourself from my displeasure until you know that I am displeased." "It may be a very good proposition, for all I know." "Francis..." "Portugal is occupied by Spain." "Their exiled King Don Antonio is therefore, on our side against the Spanish." "Our thought was that before the Spanish recover from the loss of the Armada, we attempt..." "We should attempt to reinstate our friend Don Antonio on the throne of Portugal..." " Precisely." " Send a military expedition?" "Uh..." "It may be a sound notion." "If we succeeded, Portugal would be ours and we would control the Spanish trade routes to the Americas." "Your Majesty is able to read the minds of her advisers." "Well, that is not so difficult, especially since you spend all of your time trying to read mine." "You have my approval." "Do not inform the Earl of Essex." "If he hears of it, tell him he is, under no circumstances to go." "What's it going to be?" "Ah, six again!" "I swear you are playing with loaded dice, ma'am." "Princes do not cheat at cards." "They simply have the rules altered to suit their needs." "Ooh, you lose too much." "And you, with so little to lose." "We'll play a new game." "Which is?" ""Essex's Folly."" "I take all the cards and you have to take them off me." "How?" " By force, if necessary." " Oh." "But not too much force." "For you to win would be... treason." "There is no fun in such a game." "Well, we'll not play it then." "Stand there." "There, like that." "Madam..." "I know the hour is early, but if Your Majesty pleases, we have need of conversation." "Private conversation." "Affairs of state." "My lord." "You wait for Her Majesty?" "I wait for my father, my lord." "I hope he pleads my case with the queen." "I cannot believe you have offended her, Sir Robert." "You were always such a good boy." "I was obliged to be, my lord, by my position." "Answer me this... when I was your father's ward and we were growing up together in Lord Burghley's house," " was I...?" " What, my lord?" "It is no matter." "He wishes me to have a seat on the Council." "Well, well, well... we grow great." "I have worked for it, my lord." "Yes, yes." "You have." "You have." "Well, Robert, you have your place." "What it must be to have a father." "Thank you." "Thank you, Father." ""Happy were he could finish forth his fate" "In some unhaunted desert, where, obscure" "From all society, from love and hate," "Of worldly folk;" "then might he sleep secure;" "Then wake again, and ever give God praise..."" "What?" "How can I read when you look at me like that?" "How do I look at you?" "As if you were deciding whether or not to eat me." "What do you wish for from me?" "For you to be mistress of what you wish most." "Why then, you wish for my happiness." "And to gain that I would have to set aside my kingdom." "That being done, who would have me?" "I would, Bess." "I would." "You never say what it is you feel for me." " You know what it is I feel." " Do I?" "How do I know what you truly feel, even though you never stop saying..." " I love you." " There, you've said it again." "Does that make it true?" "There is an expedition to Lisbon." " What expedition is that?" " Is there more than one?" "You should have not even been told of it." "I gave strict orders." "Robin, you're forbidden to go." "Ma'am, I have no money." "I have to go." "I'm so far in debt, my estates will be sold to pay them off." "You promise me much, but..." "You shall have what you need when the time comes." "I could profit by the Lisbon expedition, Bess." "There are Spanish ships there piled high with Spanish gold." "Do you want a spoiled boy by your side or would you not have me prove myself a proper man?" "Just be patient." "There's a tax on sweet wines." "I told you, Robin, you're forbidden to go." "Let's stop our mouths." "No more talk." "You drink too much." "Sweet wine." "Oh..." "You're so kind to me." "Shh, shh." "Sleep." "Sleep." "Lie there." "Lie there till morning." "Shh." "Sleep." "What I must not say... is that I love you." "The more I let you go, the more I seem to have need of you." "And it will not go away, no matter how much I command it." "Do you think the queen is mistress of her feelings?" "No, she's a fool for love." "A hopeless fool." ""Lisbon"!" "Frances!" "Anne!" "Where is he?" " Who, ma'am?" " Essex, you stupid, stupid girl!" "Where has he gone?" "How could you let this happen?" " We saw nothing, ma'am." " Call the Master Groom." "Tell him to get to the stables." "On no account is the Earl of Essex to be allowed to ride out." "Hurry!" "Or I'll hang the pair of you." " Madam, the French Ambassador..." " Can wait." "Well, what shall I tell him, ma'am?" "Tell him the queen is looking for the Earl of Essex." "Madam, it's too late." "The Earl of Essex has already left." "He rode for Falmouth overnight." "He is on his way to Lisbon." ""On his way"?" "Did you say..." ""his way"?" "Madam, had we known, we would have..." ""Would have"?" "I care not what you would have done, you traitorous dog!" "I'll send you all to the gallows!" "You let him get away!" "Shh, shh shh..." "Oh... wearisome condition of princes... laid bare for all the world to see." "One word of this, and you die." "You hear me?" "Well, there's work to be done." ""Wading ashore in his armor, the earl was the first to engage the enemy." "Indeed, he rode unaided to the gates of Lisbon where he drove his pike into the wood and challenged anyone who doubted your wisdom and beauty to a duel."" "Well, did anyone emerge to take up the challenge?" "I imagine not, Your Majesty." "No, even a conversation with the Earl of Essex can be an alarming business." "It was not all in all, Your Majesty... though the earl's behavior must be applauded... a profitable enterprise." "Little of substance was achieved." "Lisbon was not taken." "Indeed." "But he's apologized for his disobedience and he promises me he'll be home within the month." "We've forgiven him." "He is dear to us." "And brave, it seems." "Brave indeed, to have defied Your Majesty so obviously." "Brave young men are to be encouraged, pygmy." "Welcome to the Council, my boy." "We are most happy to greet the Earl of Essex on this his return from Portugal." "Its end was glorious and nothing so becomes it as this, the welcome home of Essex, champion of our liberties, our marvelous boy!" "Robin!" "A great and public day, Your Majesty." "Is it ever permitted for a subject to hurl themselves into the queen's arms?" "In private, it is sometimes actively encouraged." "Then I am forgiven?" "When you are in my presence, all is forgiven." "Eyes on me, Robin." "Eyes on me." "And Frances, also eyes on me." "Welcome back, my lord." "Close the door, Robin." "Do I seem old to you?" "Spare me "You're old only in years."" "You do not seem old to me." "You have every appearance of sincerity." "What do I have to do to show you that I'm serious?" "What do you think you have to do?" "You may proceed." "I have promised you much, Robin, and you shall have..." "What shall I have?" "The tax on sweet wines." "Ten percent of every barrel sold is yours." "It's worth a fortune." " Bess, Bess Bess." " You shall be rich, Robin, and you will not need to go to war." " Dinner." " Yes." "While I was away, I thought of you each day." "And now I'm home, I seek to prove my worth again." "Oh, my ladies love to look at you." "Well, I do not charge for the spectacle." ""Blue eyes," why so serious?" "I think a deal upon affairs of state, ma'am, and if I had some office, why..." "And what office might that be, Robin?" "A seat upon the Council." "Your Majesty..." "What now, Dr. Lopez?" "We were expecting dinner." "I bring your syrup, ma'am, as always." "Ugh." " Your Majesty is well?" " Is it not your task to tell me whether I am or no?" "We purpose to outlive our doctor, Lopez." "Yes, ma'am." "Matters of state require the drudgery of being both honest and accommodating." "Are you accommodating, Robin?" "I can be." "I have as good a wit as either of the Cecils." "I could serve you." "Oh, you shall have your seat on the Council." "Oh, Bess!" "What a boy!" "I will make you proud." " I esteem both..." " The Earl of Essex has his seat on the Council." "The Council?" "!" "She can refuse him nothing." "Lf, as I think, he has an interest in my daughter, it may be that Her Majesty will tire of him." "I mean no disrespect, Francis, but why should the Earl of Essex even consider marrying your daughter when he thinks he may be married to the Queen of England?" "The queen will never marry him." "Not even the earl would dream of such a thing." "Let one subject raise himself up so and there would be blood, gentlemen... blood as we've not seen these 40 years." "You ask us why we must ask you once again for money." "Like any housewife to her husband," "I am loathe to beg... but we do need subsidy." "And what is it for?" "It is not that we plan for war." "It is the fighting of wars long gone and the failure of the harvests that eat away at England." "Not that war will ever go away, gentlemen." "Nor will the Spanish." "And will the Crown's demand for money ever go away, ma'am?" "Time is the enemy of power and this our kingdom, aged but un-aging in its glory, wears out the fortune and the strength of we who serve it." "And when the weight of care oppresses us, we..." " Look to the queen!" " Burghley!" "Guard!" "Ladies!" "Stand aside!" "Stand aside!" "Stand back." "Give her some air." "Leave her to the ladies." "Ladies!" "Take her through to the privy chamber." "Full alarms." "Close the doors." "Doctor..." "Dr. Lopez!" "What do you say to my breath now, Doctor?" "Is it as sweet as the Azores?" "Sweeter, ma'am." "I can't imagine the cause." "I feel quite well." "My legs still seem to work." "I shall die at a time of my own choosing, Doctor, and not before." "There are those who would choose it for you, madam." "Who are they?" "Is poison suspected?" " The Spanish." " We cannot say... with certainty." "No." "Sir Francis Bacon, my lord." "I have the misfortune to be Lord Burghley's nephew." "Oh." "That's a misfortune?" "Well, he offers me no employment." "Well, this is the place to look for employment, for the queen is here." " Indeed." " No, no, no." "But does she trust those she should or does she only listen to my uncle?" "That's true enough, Sir Francis." "I sit on the Council and no one listens to a word I say." "Your uncle fawns well, does he not?" "The rising unto place is laborious, but by indignities men come to dignities." "He flatters her is all, Sir Francis." "Compliments do not seem to advance my career any faster than yours, my lord." "I wrote the queen a poem complimenting her upon her breasts, in Latin, and still I am without a position." "We are ignored, and in times like this, with talk of plots." "Suspicions are like bats... they ever fly by twilight." "I have intelligences working for me now." "Not quite the number as in Walsingham's service, but they tell me things, things that could make you grow in Her Majesty's esteem." "They tell me who has plotted on her life." "Let us proceed to the question of the Attorney Generalship." "While I hesitate to lay my recommendations before Your Majesty," "I feel this is the right time..." "Your Majesty," "I have uncovered a conspiracy here at home against your person." "This morning I have arrested your physician, Dr. Lopez." "What?" "Your Majesty, I am afraid it is beyond question that this man is a traitor in the pay of Spain." " What?" " I am an innocent man." "What is God's name is this foolishness?" "No foolishness, sir." "The proof is in these papers... signed confessions from the doctor's associates that bear witness to the truth that your sudden illness here at the court but two weeks ago was no accident." "It was an attempt to poison you." "Your Majesty, this is some game of his lordship." "Dr. Lopez is a loyal servant both to you and to the Crown." "Your Majesty, I beg you..." "You rash youth!" "Do but consider this evidence." "Your Majesty, this is absurd." "Whom am I to believe?" "These confessions seem real enough." "His lordship has made earnest of his convictions." "Yes, Your Majesty, but what other proof is there?" "What further proof is needed, ma'am?" "Your Majesty, this is a very serious business and I must object..." "Shall we have no more of this feuding?" "How may I act when all present me with their partial arguments?" "We are resolved..." "His lordship acts out of feelings for our safety." "Take him away." "Your Majesty, I am your most loyal servant, your most loyal servant..." "I am a loyal, loyal subject, a victim of plots and conspiracies by those high in government." " Filthy Jew!" " I am a Christian." "If he's a Christian, I'm an old Jew and this is my gabardine." "This is the invention of the Earl of Essex and his friends!" " Hang him!" " Hang him!" "Hang him!" "He has accused me for his own profit and his own..." " Draw him!" " Draw him!" "Draw him!" "Draw him!" "Draw him!" "Southampton says we must have something for Francis." "Oh, your lordship is too kind." "A rare triumph for Essex's boys!" "Her Majesty smiles upon me again." "I shall demand something..." "Warden of the Slashed Doublet and Ruff with Extraordinary Hose." "Yes, but for Francis, Southampton." "Master of the Cinque Ports?" "Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster?" "Keeper of Her Majesty's Pageboys?" "Well, Robin." "You do look handsome this morning." "Your Majesty, I meant to impress everyone with my dignity of dress." "Bacon, people who compliment me on my breasts, even in Latin, run the risk of being thought impertinent." "We understand he is fond of the company of pretty youths." "No wonder he is the member for Middlesex." "And I say, sirs, that there can be no possibility of peace with Spain." "They themselves admit there can be no faith with heretics." "You breathe war, slaughter and blood, my lord." ""The bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days."" "Oh, in God's name leave the boy alone." "Has he offended so much, gentlemen?" "At least our new recruit speaks his mind." "I thank you for your support, ma'am." "I crave Your Majesty's pardon." "It may be we have been disturbed by new evidence which has come to light in relation to Doctor Lopez." "It seems, ma'am, the earl's confessions were extracted under torture." "What of it?" "On the rack, my lord, men may speak anything." "Our evidence suggests the only clear proof of the doctor's guilt are those most tainted confessions." "Is this true?" "Well, yes, ma'am." "I racked his associates and they confessed in detail" " to the doctor's plan..." " Leave us." "Leave us now!" "As Your Majesty pleases." "The Earl of Essex will remain." "I have offended you." "This was a man's life, Robin." "Are we playing at cards here or making judgments that affect the nation?" "I sought only to serve you, ma'am." "You act without thinking!" "That is not service." "We will make restitution to his widow." "You may go." "If thought inhibit action, then I'll not think again." "I cannot deny it, for I would act for you, for you and you alone." "If you were in danger, I would be there." "And if some politician should talk against you, then I will be there to be your champion." "If I have offended you, then I beg forgiveness, for without that I am nothing..." "Oh, enough, enough." "You are forgiven." "May I raise the question of the Attorney Generalship?" "Is that not a question for the Council, your lordship?" "I would like to suggest Francis Bacon." "Why... would you suppose" "I would accede to such a request?" "Oh... oh, what am I to do with you?" "What am I to do with you?" "Your Majesty plays with great sweetness." "Do you bring me music, pygmy?" "Would that it were, ma'am." "It is a pamphlet, ma'am." "It seems to suggest the Earl of Essex should be your successor." "It is rather well written." "Damn your insolence, sir!" "Fine paper, bound carefully." "The person who printed it must be wealthy, ma'am." " Send for the Earl of Essex." " If I may say..." "You have no liking for him, pygmy." "That's obvious." "I have a high regard for his good qualities, even though those may not always be as much in evidence as they should be." "Go on, pygmy." "It may be that Your Majesty's understandable fondness for his enthusiasm and courage for your cause creates a climate in the Council which does not always..." "I pet him too much." "Well, he is a pretty boy." "I am sure he is unaware of this foolishness." "Madam, I am distressed to learn from Robert Cecil that you might think I was the author of that vile pamphlet." "You harbor no ambitions in that direction?" "If I did, would I be so foolish as to commit them to paper?" "Oh, you are fool enough for anything, Robin." "But perhaps not this." "But you must understand, there is speculation about you and I... gossip... jealousy and faction even in the Council, and it may be that my favor to you is the cause of it." "Never forget that government is my sacred trust, Robin." "You know I would never..." "And yet my heart still rises in me when I walk into a room and you are there... oh, and these poor feelings clamor to be heard." "I hear them, Bess." "Well, I never let them see it." "But I do grow old, as do those who are long in service to me." "Come here." "Oh..." " Madam..." " Sir Francis." "It is a matter of urgency, madam." "You'd best leave us, Robin." "It might be better if his Lordship stayed since it concerns him." "Oh, how so?" "My daughter Frances is with child by the Earl of Essex and I would seek to know his intentions." "She's with..." "She's with..." "You treacherous villain, you!" "You villain!" "You villain!" "You!" "You villain!" "I think the earl intends an apology, madam." "Indeed." "He is in mourning for the loss of our favor." "And as might be expected, the apology is on a far grander scale than the offense." "He looks well dead, does he not?" "None of us can escape it, madam." "Francis, we hear you are not well." "To tell you truthfully, madam, it is not thought that I shall live out the year." "This cannot be." "I'm afraid it can, Your Majesty." "We must look to what comes after." "King James of Scotland?" "Is that to be discussed?" "I feel we have worn you out." "I have laid down my life for the Protestant cause, madam, and I have done it gladly." "Ah, the happy couple!" "Oh, why such long faces?" " We did not seek..." " To be happy, ma'am." "Hmm." "Happy." "Her father has asked you your intentions." "Well, I will tell you your intensions, sir." "You shall marry her and you will be happy." "L..." "We must all marry, Robin, or so I'm told, but such a thing was not in prospect where you and I were concerned, was it?" "The love I felt for Your Majesty was..." "But a marriage was never in question." "Did you think to be King, Robin?" "Did you?" "I sought your love." "Oh, all seek attendance on the Queen." "She has no shortage of suitors and little inclination to play the housewife." "So what could be more satisfactory than this... arrangement?" "And you, Frances, would you have your husband have the Sovereign's love?" "'Tis my dearest wish, Your Majesty." "You may leave us, Frances." "Do you have no words, sir?" "No, you have no need of words." "Your Majesty knows the secrets of my heart." "Hmm." "I'm damned if I do, sir." "But it seems you must be married." "Oh, pretty, pretty... boy." "We've heard that some persons at Court may have been writing letters to..." "King James of Scotland, ma'am." "Why, we must have been listening at the same door." "Of course, the mere idea of that boy succeeding to my throne is absurd, but if some fool should take it upon himself to make the idea public, then we will have any number of other fools keen to implement it as soon as possible." ""Out with the old woman and bring on the dribbling idiot."" "Perhaps both descriptions are a little harsh, ma'am." "We grow less tolerant, pygmy." "We are alone too much." "Walsingham died." "Yes, ma'am." "Of course, I never cared much for the man, but..." ""But," ma'am?" "For the moment, you and your father can fulfill his responsibilities." "I am happy to relieve Your Majesty of some of this great burden of government business." "They say your marriage is a happy one." "I am blessed in my wife, ma'am." "She... she sees past..." "Then there is hope for the world still." "Who is it?" "Your Majesty?" "Who has been writing these letters?" "I would not like to..." "Accuse anyone of treason?" "Some nobleman with dreams of greatness?" "I'm a great admirer of the English aristocracy, ma'am, but some of them seek to fly so high." "Like Icarus, they may approach the sun of Your Majesty's favor too closely and burn their wings." "Hmm." "It's hard to believe, but that creature in the hat is the King of Scotland." "No one must hear of this, Master Secretary." "Do you understand?" "We understand each other very well, ma'am." "My only wish, apart from to beg of you your kindness as always and to ask for an increase in the pension" " which you have so kindly allotted to me..." " No." "...is to beg you for some clear statement as to my surely undoubted right to succeed you on the English throne." ""Undoubted"?" ""Undoubted"!" "Your letter assures me you will not be prejudicial to my cause." "I have come to instruct you to be less pleasant to your Catholic nobility and to ensure you do not make overtures to any nobles of our court." "Overtures, ma'am?" "What overtures?" "I have little knowledge of the English court." "Well, then you'll have to acquire some if you dream of ruling over it." "It ill becomes me to strive with a lady, but..." "The fame of our nobility has reached even as far as Scotland, I imagine." "Our poor country is so far from the bright lights." "We go to bed early and have little informed conversation." "Not even the Earl of Essex is talked of?" "I have heard his name of course." "I have been told he is a very... handsome lad." "I've heard many tales of the handsome lads of London." "Your Majesty." "Here is a messenger from the very place." "You will excuse me." "Tell me, how is it to be ruled by a woman, my lord?" "I like it well, Your Majesty." "She grows old." "As do we all." "And the Earl of Essex?" "Was ever kind to me, Your Majesty." "When I am King," "I shall have handsome young men around me and we shall use women as dogs do bitches... for our pleasure and their profit." "I'm sure she called that fellow over so that she can watch us at her leisure." "Carefully now." "On my life, ma'am," "I swear I have written no letters to King James of Scotland." "So you never think of the succession?" "Why do you no longer trust me, Bess?" "Who is it that has come between us?" "Only the rest of the world, poor foolish boy." "If I ever talked of the succession..." "God forbid that a day should come when England no longer has you to guide them..." "Hmm." "Then I did it to your face, unlike some others." "At the end, Leicester and I were friends." "I would hold you close to me in friendship." "When love is changed to kindliness, then I'll none of it." "If you seek a life in politics, Robin, you'll have to learn to be a politician." "The same name, but not the same." "I loved the Earl of Leicester well." "And like him, you love to go to war, and since you love to fight my quarrels for me, we offer you command of the army." "The Spanish have attacked Calais and we intend to respond by taking Cadiz." "Bess!" "Oh, what a boy it is still." "What a boy." "The greatest command of his Lordship's career, ma'am." "Indeed." "You have no doubts?" "He'll join the fleet and sail for Cadiz tomorrow." "Let us pray Philip's new Armada is ill-prepared." "God bless Her Majesty!" "And damnation to the King of Spain!" "God save the Queen!" "The Queen!" "The Queen!" "The Queen!" "I think this is probably the end of peace negotiations, Your Majesty." "Let us fervently hope for the success of His Lordship." "I can't believe you actually mean that, pygmy." "I think what the boy means is..." "I never know what the boy means." "I never know what any of you mean, but I've not ruled England these many years to be taken for more of a fool than I am." "All's faction now in England and you wish for nothing but the failure of our friends." "Well, I think we've waved enough." "Let us go in." "We declare today a public holiday on account of the great victory won over the Spanish at Cadiz by his Grace, the Earl of Essex." ""If ever a man desired to see an image of hell," it has been said, it was at the battle of Cadiz most lively figured." "And our own Earl of Essex fought most valiantly." "The Earl's carriage throughout the engagement was marked to be most manly..." "Thank you, ma'am." "The sermon is not to Her Majesty's taste." "Oh, I think she has little patience for compliments not directed at her." "You see?" "I'm in danger of outshining the Queen's Majesty." "Oh my lord, I would beg you to be careful." "One would think the Earl sacked Cadiz on his own, ma'am." "He came, he killed, he returned home to celebrate." "His Lordship wants war, but wars must be paid for, and so our people suffer." "And now there is bad news from Ireland, ma'am." "A Catholic country on our doorstep... we shall have war there next." "Speak Irish, pygmy?" " No, Your Majesty." " No." "No one does." "Would you like to be Lord Deputy of Ireland?" " No, Your Majesty." " No." "Maybe we could send the Earl of Essex." "Your Lordship must dine with us tonight." "If the people will let me, Bess." "My person is not my own." "Come, my lord." "The people need you." "The Archbishop ordered a day of celebrations for my victory across the entire kingdom." "Why did you restrict them to London, Bess?" "The love that people have for me is so strong." "You... you have not kissed me yet." "I did not presume..." "Presume." "Presume." "There." "Does that surprise you, my lord, that an old woman should have such lusts of the flesh?" "You're not old, Bess." "Maybe not, maybe not." "You know how I still feel for you." "Perhaps I do." "Yes." "Yes, of course I do." "It's just that I... well, I lack the assurance of youth." "I question everything." "And how is married life?" "You should take it seriously." "It is a very sweet and serious thing to be married." "Oh... is that why you've never undertaken it, ma'am?" "You surprise me, my lord." "I never took you for one who expected women to be consistent in their attitudes." "What did you expect... for me to fall upon your neck in gratitude for 50,000 pounds lost and no hope of return, the jewels you brought back lost or stolen or embezzled?" " I wish..." " You wish, you wish, you wish." "Do you wish to be Lord Deputy of Ireland, Robin?" "I hardly know how to respond, ma'am." "That's obvious." "Nobody wishes to be Lord Deputy of Ireland." "Isn't it curious how time brings in changes?" "Once upon a time we'd walk in those gardens down there and pay each other compliments, say the sweetest things." " And now..." " What now?" "Now all I can talk about is the war in Ireland and all you can talk about is yourself." "I think what you should do now, Robin, is leave." "Yes, ma'am." "Of course." "So who is to be?" "Who is to undertake the governance of the Irish, since the Irish do not seem to want to do so?" "I'm told the climate is mild enough and there are people who have spoken well of the whiskey." "Do not be so bashful, gentlemen." "They may not break out into open rebellion." "They may do it quietly, without informing us." "It doesn't always rain there." "And they're not savages." "Well, not all of them anyhow." "Why are you all studying the table so closely?" " In my view, ma'am..." " Yes, my lord." "...Lord Burghley's son would make an admirable ruler of that country." "Indeed?" "Yes indeed, ma'am." "Yes, his great powers of statesmanship, his eloquence and his application would all..." "Oh, you are pleased to joke, Robin." "No, ma'am, I'm doing no such thing." "I think you are." "I think that I am not." "You spoiled and foolish child!" "I will not suffer one more day of your insolence!" "Take your hands off me!" "I would not endure an insult of that nature from any man, and that a woman should think she could do so..." "You are speaking to the Queen of England, sir!" "I tell you, I would not have suffered it from your father's hands." "Have you any idea what you are doing?" "Yes, I have a very good idea, old man." "You dare to question my authority?" "What, cannot princes err?" "Cannot subjects receive wrong?" "Is an earthly power or authority infinite?" "Pardon me." "Pardon me, madam, but I can never subscribe myself to those principles!" "Then it is hard to know why you remain at Court, sir." "Well, gentlemen, I think we have found the right man for Ireland." "He would certainly blend in well, ma'am." "When deprived of our favor for long enough, he will soon come to heel." "My dogs wear my collars, sirs, and let no one at this table ever forget that fact." "With the exception of Lord Burghley, who is under strict orders to get better." "You're not well, old friend." "Your poor hands, worn out with writing." "Writing and gout, madam..." "my closet friends." "Your brother is much affected, as are we all." "This was no common funeral." "The whole world mourns your father." "He resides in a better place." "I see the Earl of Essex has finally made an appearance." "What a deal my silence can do." "He was my father's ward, Your Majesty." " We grew up together." " Oh yes, of course." "What kind of a boy was he?" "So graceful, quick as sports..." "loved by all." "And cruel to you?" "As only boys will be when there were none to see." "I was his pastime." "Turn around so I may see your face." "Tears, Robin, tears." "I wonder for whom you shed them." "I know how you loved Lord Burghley and when I was his ward he was ever kind to me." "That was a long time ago, Robin." "I want to serve you." "But you want to do glorious things in my service." "Well, I can offer you that." "I can offer you great glory, Robin." "There is open rebellion in Ireland and along with the governorship," "I can offer you a great army to bring the Irish to heel." "Oh, Your Majesty shows great faith in me." "It is impossible to govern unless we trust those whom we rule." "See, there are those who tell me not to trust you." "And I know that one day you may come within a hair's breadth of betraying me." "Your Majesty, Bess, I beg you..." "You will come as close to treachery as a snake to the ground." "But I also know that you will never betray your country." "Since your country is none other than this poor self of mine and you have loved me as men will love women... blindly, without counting the cost, not thinking what they do... so you're mine, poor boy." "You're all mine." "Rise." "You may go to Ireland on our behalf." "I ever loved you, Robin." "Take this ring as a testament to it." "Thank you, gentlemen." "Secretary... is there no news from Ireland?" "But little, ma'am." "The Earl is there near six months." "Yes, we know that." "And?" " He has upwards of 16,000 men." " Yes?" "He has..." "What?" "He has knighted many of his followers." "Oh, God in heaven!" "And yet he seems unwilling to engage the Earl of Tyrone, ma'am." "What does he think to do?" "Why does he not move into Ulster now?" "And we have so commanded him." "We have heard that there is sickness amongst his soldiers and we do fear for him, but why does he not shake and sway the branches of resistance now?" "We think the Earl of Tyrone may expect a force from Spain, Your Majesty." "What are Essex's intentions?" "What's his army for, pygmy?" "Is he..." "I ask this with fear in my heart... is he still loyal to us?" "There is no way of knowing, ma'am." " Let me pass." " My lord!" " Let me pass!" " What is this noise?" "I will see her." "Where is the Queen?" "Your Majesty." "Hold still, Your Majesty." " Where is the Queen?" " My cap." "Bess!" "Bess!" "Robin..." "What's the matter?" "Why are you..." "I rode all night to be here." "They would not let me pass." "What has happened?" "Is anyone with you?" " I knew you were angry with me." " No." " No one is angry with you." " Tyrone is no fool, ma'am." "My men rode after him, but they would not fight." "Shh, shh." "You must rest." "They came at night and they killed men in their sleep." "You're with me now." "You're with me." "Shh shh shh." "Sit." "Sit." "Rest." "I made a truce, ma'am." "I made a truce with the Earl of Tyrone." "Oh, you poor boy." "Well, you must tell me everything, but first you must rest." "How can I rest when you are the victim of false counsel?" "Bess, Cecil works against me." "I swear it, Bess, and you listen to him." "He works against us." "He writes to King James of Scotland..." "I have it on good authority... securing himself with your successor." "Don't think about the Secretary." "Don't think about the little pygmy." " You understand, don't you?" " Yes." " You understand I had no choice?" " Yes, I understand." "Shh." "Shh." "You must sleep." "Sleep and then we'll talk." "Sleep." "Do you love me?" "Of course." " Dorothy, see to the Earl." " Yes, Your Majesty." "Let me help you with these, sir." "Your Majesty, do you want...?" " Ma'am." " The Earl has deserted his command." "He seeks our approval." "He has concluded some sort of truce with Tyrone on his own initiative." " How many men has he?" " Only a handful." "Sir, are you sure the army" " is still in Ireland?" " As far as I know, ma'am." "That he should do this to me by whom he had so many favors." "When he is awake and dressed, call him to our presence." "May I withdraw when he comes to you, ma'am, with your permission?" "No, you do not have my permission." "You can stay and watch your little friend." "Time to find out who is with us and who is against us." "Cecil." "Thank you, again, my dear." "Whispering to your mistress, pygmy?" "The world will think you are sharing secrets." "I did not expect so many to be present at our meeting, Bess." "Sometimes it is advisable to have witnesses to conversations, my lord." " Why so cold, ma'am?" " The charges against the Earl of Essex are as follows:" "That he has been contemptuously disobedient to Her Majesty's instructions by returning to England;" " that on several..." " Stay a moment, sir." "Is this a trial?" "Have... have I done something to offend Your Majesty?" "You have come unannounced into my chamber." "You have returned from your commission with no victories gained and no peace imposed upon the territories in Ireland." "You have had private conversation with the notorious traitor Tyrone whose submission or death are the only things we require of him." "You have made free with our person." "You have thought to touch the scepter of a prince, which is a thing not commendable in you." "I have come here only seeking your help and support in return for the great services I have offered you." "Take him under guard to Essex House." "The Earl is to be confined there" " until our pleasure dictates otherwise." " Guards." "Bess." "Bess." "Bess, Bess, Bess, You said that you loved me!" "I ever loved you well and ever did you service, but I no longer recognize the thing I loved!" "Love alters when it alterations finds." " You said you could never..." " I said, I said." "I said more than I should, perhaps." "But government of the tongue is not a science you ever learned well, my lord." "I am amazed to see you in this company, Francis." "The way to great office is by a winding stair." "Get him out of my sight!" "And now what are we to do with the Earl of Essex, eh?" "What is heaven's name are we to do with him now?" "Is the army loyal to us?" "Mountjoy, the Earl's man, has the army, even if he is still in Ireland." "But the Earl still has powerful friends here." "Unfortunately for him, they no longer include you and me." "Eh, pygmy?" "So... we may proceed to trial?" "No." "No, for the moment we do nothing." "We wait." "We must be seen to treat him well." "Relax the guard on him... how loyal is he?" "Very well." "Oh, my dear Frances!" "Are you in mourning for your husband's reputation?" "I wear your colors, ma'am." "You were always a good girl, Frances." "As I love him, Your Majesty, I wish him to love you." "So..." " How does the Earl?" " Not well, Your Majesty." "Oh, we are sorry to hear that." "I do believe that, ma'am." " He should have company." " He should." "Tell me, has he heard from Mountjoy from Ireland?" "Letters passed between them, but my lord has not heard from Ireland of late." "Oh, that's a shame." "But perhaps it's not good for him to be in touch with those with military responsibilities." "I am sure he means to be a loyal servant to Your Majesty." "Oh yes, I'm sure." "Has he heard from King James of late?" "From Scotland?" "You can tell me, Frances." "We know he had dealings with him from before." "If we are to prevent him being a danger to himself, we must know these things." "You know, I speak out of love for him, Frances." "The Earl carries a black bag around his neck." "He never takes it off." "I believe they are letters from Scotland." "Scotland!" "Letters from Scotland, I knew it!" " The man's a traitor." " Ma'am." "Mountjoy will not move the Irish army to assist him, so he waits for the King of Scotland." "Well, he's going to wait a long time for that young man." "What are Your Majesty's wishes?" "To force him into action." "Since he is not ready, unreadiness is all." "He's fool enough." "Send someone to the Earl of Essex." "Tell him we require him at Council." "Would you wish me to go, ma'am?" "No." "No, pygmy." "Send Sir Francis Bacon." "He's a persuasive enough fellow." "Keep Lady Essex here until it is all over." "Ma'am." "Well, little Bacon... and what, sir," "I wonder, are you about, hmm?" "Her Majesty requires your presence at the Council." "And I am sure to be there, Sir Francis, but at the moment I am all of a sweat after playing tennis." "And the court is no place for a sweaty man." "She requires it at once, my lord and her conditions..." "Her conditions!" "Her conditions are as crooked as her carcass!" "I command you all to put down your weapons and to depart to show your allegiance to the Queen" "But we will not do so." "Take him to the hall and keep him there until we return." "Treason, my lords!" "Rebellion!" "The Queen has had her mind poisoned by evil counselors, my lords." "Robert Cecil." "Robert Cecil will sell us to Spain." "Let's die before we let him." "To court!" "...for was not Lucifer cast out for just that sin?" "To the court!" "To the Queen!" "There is a plot laid for my life." "Sir Robert Cecil is a traitor to this country." "Who will join us to get rid of him?" "You promised us the Sheriff of the City, my lord." "I do not see him." " He will come out for us." " Soon, I hope." "We must hang together or we shall hang separately for the people are not with us." "To the court!" "There is a plot laid for my life." " Your Majesty..." " There's a noise below." "Is there some fray in Fleet Street?" "Ma'am..." "Ma'am, there is great danger." "Do you have no confidence in your queen, pygmy?" "Justice!" "Justice!" "Justice!" "Justice?" "We do not seek to fight." "All we seek is the removal of certain counselors of yours who have worked against those of us who really love you." "Justice!" "You do not come to seek justice." "You come to decide which of us shall rule this kingdom..." "you or I, and I tell you, Essex, it is I who rule." " Do your work, Sir Thomas." " Ma'am." "Fire!" "Return fire!" "Return fire!" "Forward!" "Boy..." "Return fire!" "Murderers!" "Reload!" "Retreat!" " My lord." " Barricade those doors!" "Where are the hostages?" "It seems they were let go, my lord." " Burn these letters from King James." " No." "Burn them now." "Burn everything!" "In the name of the Queen, open up!" "To the river!" "Which way now, my lord?" "All is lost." "We are dead men." "Halt!" "Halt!" "What of the mad ungrateful wretch?" "He is captured, ma'am." "Hah." "I swear before God, that I bear a true heart to Her Majesty." "I was in fear of my life from my enemies." "My lord, you remind me of the Athenian who cut himself and then cried murder." "Was it to defend yourself that you imprisoned me and those whom the Queen sent to you to call you to your senses?" "Oh, Sir Francis, whom I ever served well and to whom I gave my love freely, have you served your Queen so faithfully?" "Have you not lied and pretended friendship to me and deceived her as to your loyalty that..." "I loved you, my lord, as long as you continued a dutiful subject." "And I have spent more hours to make you a good subject to Her Majesty than ever I did about my own business." "Which has of late been to crawl upon your hands and knees to Robert Cecil." "And Robert Cecil is in the pay of Spain." "My Lord of Essex... the difference between you and me is great." "For wit, I give you the preeminence." "You have it abundantly." "I thank you." "Have you come to apologize?" "For nobility also I give you place." "I am not noble, though a gentleman." "I am no swordsman, but I have innocence, conscience, truth and honesty to defend me." "You have a wolf's head in a sheep's clothing, sir." "Oh, Master Secretary," "I thank God for my humiliation that you are come here in the ruff of all your bravery to make your oration against me today." "Who says I am in the pay of Spain?" "Name your authority." "Or is this some new fantasy of yours?" "Why, that is easy answered." "He stands next to me." "The Earl of Southampton told me that he knew it for a fact." "I am sorry for it, my lord, but I... I..." "I..." "Did not you say that?" "I did not, my lord, and you know it is not so." "I never said that the Secretary was in the pay of Spain." "Then I am damned, my lord, and you with me." " Guilty." " Guilty." "Guilty." " Guilty." " Guilty." "You have been pronounced guilty of treason." "And you will suffer the punishment of traitors... which is death." "No!" "No!" "I swear upon mine honor, I never meant any harm to Her Majesty." "And if I have been led astray, then I humbly beg your pardon, but I am no traitor, sirs." "My lord, you know I ever loved the Queen and I told you so." "So be it, my lords." "While I would not have it thought that I despised the Queen's clemency..." "I would not make any cringing submission to obtain it." "There is also the question of monopolies, ma'am." "Just as some thought the Earl of Essex abused his privilege of the ownership of the tax of sweet wines, so now some of the Parliament see the profits of many in the hands of too few, and..." "Your Majesty?" "The Queen cannot be safe while I live... and I do humbly ask her pardon." "I give her thanks that she has moderated the terrible sentence of treason, but I do solemnly swear that the four quarters of my body are hers, were always hers, and I do yield them up to her with a glad heart." "I ask forgiveness of my sins... which are numbered as the hairs on my head... and most especially this last, this great and infectious sin of mine... rebellion... against her whom I swear" "I did always love with all my heart." ""Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name," "Thy kingdom come," "Thy will..." "Thy..."" "Executioner, strike home." "Put his lapdog, little Southampton, in the Tower." "No more blood." "Please, God, no more blood." "I will spare the others where I can." "Send me their names." "Yes, Your Majesty." "You knew what it was to love him too, I think." "I think I did, Your Majesty." "Well, you may go, little pygmy." "I mean no harm by the name." "It's but my humor." "Yes, Your Majesty." ""Her conditions were as crooked as her carcass."" "Well, well, well." "You may leave us now." "He had sent you this ring and these verses." ""My prime of youth is but a frost of cares," "My feast of joy is but a dish of pain," "My cup of corn is but a field of tares," "And all my good is but vain hope of gain." "The day is gone and yet I saw no sun," "And now I live," "And now my life is done."" "Why so many glum faces?" "Are my people out of love with me?" "Money is all, ma'am." "Many in the House speak against the monopolies you grant the traders." "They say only a few are favored." "Taxes were granted to the Earl of Essex which should not have been granted." "The enemy of monarchs is the overmighty subject." "If this poor old wife before you has offended by granting profits to the few and not to the general number, then let us have an end to that." "Let us be one." "I do assure you there is no prince who better loves his subjects nor whose love can countervail our own." "There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a price, which I set above this jewel." "I mean, your loves." "For I esteem it more than any treasure or riches... for that we know how to prize, but love and thanks we count invaluable." "And though God hath raised me high, yet this I count the glory of my crown... that I have reigned with your loves." " God save the Queen!" " God save the Queen!" "God save the Queen!" "God save the Queen!" "Well?" "The doctors can find no cause of it, sir." "Is Your Majesty in pain?" "Is the sickness in your side or...?" "I'm not so sick as some would have me." "Bring me a mirror." "Bring me a mirror." "There was a man once..." "Does Your Majesty mean the Earl of Essex?" "Does Your Majesty mean the Earl of Leicester?" "The hardest thing to govern is the heart." "Raise me up." "Your Majesty must rest." "Your Majesty, please consider." "Leave me." "Go." "She has stood like that about 15 hours now, sir, never once talking." "How long since she has eaten?" "It is three weeks since she has eaten." "Go to." "Go to." "Your Majesty?" "Well... you are to tell me to take to my bed." "If you saw such things in your bed as I see in mine, you would not go there." "Ma'am, you must..." "Must?" "Tsk, tsk, tsk." "Mmm." "Out." "Out." "That man... whoever he was..." "Fetch me a priest, girl." "I'm minded to die." | {
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"THE PAINTED VEIL" "CHINA 1925" "LONDON TWO YEARS EARLIER" "Hello." "Say, I was wondering..." "What?" "Sorry." "I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" "Why not?" "Kitty, who was the young man you were dancing with last night?" "Which one?" "The quiet, serious-looking one." "Oh, him." "I suppose you invited him, Mother." "I don't know who you're talking about." "I invited him." "His name is Fane and he's a doctor." "He manages a government laboratory in Shanghai." "A civil servant?" "In any case." "He called 'round last Sunday, we had a long chat." "I told him to come back anytime." "It's not often that you like any of my young men." "Well, do you like him?" "Not really." " What's wrong with him?" " Is he in love with you?" "I don't know." "I should have thought by now you'd know when a young man was in love with you." "The point is whether or not I'm in love with him." "And I'm not." "You'd better be careful, young lady." "Time can run out, you know." "Oh, stop it, Mother." "Honestly." "The very idea that a woman should marry any Tom, Dick, or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric." "How much longer do you expect your father to go on supporting you?" "Oh." "Hello." "Hello." "I..." "I was just coming..." "Your father invited me." "I'm going out." "May I join you?" "Right on time." "What is it exactly that you do?" "I'm a bacteriologist." "That must be fascinating." "You have no idea what that is, do you?" "No." "I'm afraid not." "No, there's no reason you should." "I study the microorganisms that carry disease." "Charming." "No, it's not actually." "It's the opposite." "Shall we step inside?" "Do you like flowers?" "Not particularly, no." "Well, I mean, yes." "But we don't really have them around the house." "Mother says," ""Why purchase something you can grow for free?"" "But then we don't really grow them either." "It does seem silly, really." "To put all that effort into something that's just going to die." "I'd like to say something to you." "I came to see you to ask you if you'll marry me." "You could knock me down with a feather." "Could you not tell that I'm in love with you?" "You never showed it." "Oh, I'd..." "Well, I wanted to." "It's difficult." "I..." "But there it is." "Right." "I'm not sure that's very well put." "No, it's not." "Do you see how clumsy I am?" "I..." "I'm terrible at these sorts of things." "But the thing is" "I've got to get back to China very soon." "I don't have time to be cautious." "I've never thought of you in that way." "I think I improve greatly upon acquaintance." "Oh, I'm sure you do..." "I'd do anything in my power to make you happy." "Anything at all." "I think you'd like Shanghai." "It's quite exciting, it is." "Lots of dancing." "Surely you're not expecting me to answer this second?" "I don't know you at all." "Yes!" "Well, we had the highest of hopes, but no expectation that he'd ask her so soon." "Yes." "A lovely late autumn wedding." "She's done very well for her herself, has my Doris." "At least one of them's made a success." "No, I gave up on Kitty ages ago." "Yes." "Yes." "Well, I know you understand." "Yes." "Well?" "Is it smaller than you imagined?" "I'm not sure what I imagined." "Don't you have a piano?" "No, I don't play the piano." "Who is it?" "It's I." "Come in." "Just wanted to see" "So, then, you're comfortable, then?" "Do you need anything?" "No." "I'm fine." "Thank you." "Good." "Good." "I'm so happy you're here." "Shall I shut the lamp?" "What for?" "I'll shut the lamp." "It's raining cats and dogs." "I said, it's raining cats and dogs." "Yes, I heard you." "You might have answered." "I'm sorry." "I've gotten used to not speaking unless I have something to say." "If nobody spoke unless they had something to say the human race would soon lose the power of speech." "Walter." "I'm sorry." "You're right." "What shall we do?" "Shall we shall we play a game?" "You don't like the games I play." "They bore you." "Nonsense." "Let's play cards." "Do you think you'd enjoy a night out?" "We have an invitation for Saturday night." "From whom?" "The Townsends." "Dorothy Townsend." "Do you not like her?" "Well, I've only met her once, but there's no reason for her to put on such airs." "Does she?" "Yes." "I have no idea why." "She was what?" "Married to a vice consul?" "Honestly, they're absurd, this Shanghai set." "Mother wouldn't dream of asking half of them to dinner." "I'm taking that black five." "Well, it's all right." "I thought you might enjoy it, but we certainly don't have to go." "I don't care either way." "Go where?" " Kitty Fane?" " Hello, Dorothy." "I'm so glad you could come." "This is Walter." "I'm pleased to meet you." "This is my husband." "Charlie, stop talking and greet our guests." " You know Mr. Fane." " Charlie." "It's Dr. Fane, darling." "Oh, dear." "I do beg your pardon, Dr. Fane." "Not at all." "And this is Dr. Fane's wife, Kitty." "Mrs. Fane." "Mr. Townsend." "I do apologize, Dr. Fane." "I assumed you worked with Charlie at the consulate." "Oh, no." "Nothing so glamorous." "I'm at the Civil Laboratory." "The government lab?" "How fascinating." "Are you enjoying it?" "I've never seen anything like it." "Every gesture has a meaning." "See how she covers her face with the cloth?" "She is mourning her misfortune." "What happened to her?" "She was sold into slavery." "Condemned to a life of drudgery and despair in a strange land far from home." "See the chains?" "They represent the heavy bondage of her poor trapped soul from which there is no escape." "And so she weeps." "She weeps for the lively, vivacious girl she once was for the lonely woman she has become." "And most of all she weeps for the love she'll never feel for the love she'll never give." "Is that really what she's saying?" "Actually, I haven't a clue what she's on about." "I don't speak Chinese." "What was that?" "Perhaps it was the amah, or one of the..." "They've gone." "He heard us." "Who?" "Walter." "Walter." "What if it was?" "For all he knows you were taking a nap." "With my doors locked?" "Kitty, dear, you need a drink." "Even if it was, my impression is he'll do nothing." "That's flattering." "He knows as well as anyone there's nothing to be gained by making a scandal." "Has it occurred to you that my husband is in love with me?" "I have a feeling you're about to say something awful." "It's just that women are often under the impression that men are much more in love with them than they really are." "I wouldn't delude myself for a second that you were in love with me." "Now there you're wrong." "Do you like your present?" "It's good enough." "Charlie?" "Do I make you as happy as you make me?" "Of course you do, darling." "(Miss you Father)" " Hassan?" " Yes?" " Who brought this package 'round?" " Dr. Fane." "When?" "While you sleeping." "It's nearly midday." "We could stop up here under the trees but I'd like to press on if it's all right with you." "Certainly, my comfort's of no concern to you." "Right." "Then we'll continue." "Charlie Townsend, please." "Charles Townsend." "I need to see you." "Kitty, I can't possibly see you." "I've got a meeting in an hour at the club." "What is it?" "I have to go." "What are you doing home?" "I'm sorry." "There's something I need to speak with you about." "Actually, I was just about to take my bath." "I'm afraid it's rather important, darling." "Can't wait." "Sit down." "Do you know a place called Mei-Tan-Fu?" "No." "Well, it was in the papers the other day." "It's a small town on a tributary of the Yangtze River, in the interior." "They've had an outbreak of cholera there." "It's the worst epidemic anyone's seen in a long time." "The Chinese medical officer has died." "There's a convent of French nuns and they're trying to run the hospital and they're doing the best that they can, but people are dropping like flies." "I have volunteered to go and to take charge." "Why?" "Because they need a doctor." "But you're not a doctor." "You're a bacteriologist." "I'm an M.D." "The fact that I'm foremost a scientist is actually all to the good in this case." "Won't it be awfully dangerous?" "I suppose it might, yes." "Now, Mei-Tan-Fu is a ten-day journey." "You can go by rail for the first part of it, but after that it's carriage and then we'll have to take a sedan chair." "Who's we?" "Why, you and I, of course." "You're not expecting me to come too?" "I hoped that if I was going you would want to go." "Surely it's no place for a woman." "It would be madness for me to go." "Why should I?" "To cheer and comfort me?" "No." "No, I won't go." "In fact, it's monstrous of you to even ask me." "Fine." "Then I shall file my petition for divorce tomorrow." "I'm afraid that you have thought me a bigger fool than I am." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Don't you?" "I am divorcing you for adultery." "I am naming Charles Townsend as your lover." "I'm sorry, Walter." "I realize this is very unpleasant, but, please, let's not make this uglier than it needs to be." "By all means." "What is it that you propose that we should do?" "You could let me divorce you quietly." "You divorce me?" " On what grounds, may I ask?" " That's what a gentleman would do." "Can you give me one reason I should put myself to the smallest inconvenience on your account?" "Please, Walter, don't be so hateful." "We didn't mean to hurt anyone." "But Charlie and I have fallen in love." "He wants to marry me." "Really?" "I knew that you weren't the cleverest girl in the world but I didn't know that you were actually a fool." "Yes." "Well, if it makes you feel better to hurt me, then go ahead." "But you might as well get used to it." "We love each other." "And we're sick to death of the secrecy and compromise and all the rest of it." "And now you curse the day that you ever met me." "Stop mocking me." "There's no other response for such pathetic behavior!" "It's comic." "When I think about how hard I've tried to make you happy." "Debasing myself!" "Acting as though I was as thrilled as you by the latest gossip and as vulgar and as ignorant..." " ...of the world as you are!" " Shut up!" "If you interrupt me again, I'll strangle you." "Sit down." "I knew when I married you that you were selfish and spoiled." "But I loved you." "I knew that you married me only to get as far away from your mother as possible and I hoped that one day there'd be something more." "I was wrong." "You don't have it in you." "If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him, then it's his fault not hers." "Either way." "Tomorrow morning we are to leave for Mei-Tan-Fu, or I shall file my petition." "Walter, you can't be serious about taking me into the middle of a cholera epidemic." "Do you think that I'm not?" "My God." "That's what you want, isn't it?" "Do you really think Charlie will let you do this?" "I don't think Charlie has very much to say about it." "Everything you said is true." "Everything." "I married you even though I didn't love you." "But you knew that." "Aren't you as much to blame for what's happened as I?" "All right." "Here's what I'll do." "Gentlemen, we all have assets to protect here." "Unfortunately, Mr. Nagata's actions have created a rather urgent situation." "It was an unfortunate, but unavoidable incident." "Your foreman shot a worker." "He was an agitator." "He was a Chinese." "You may have suppressed a very small strike but in doing so you have started a very large demonstration." "I need to use your pen, please." "Here you are, miss." "What about support from Chiang Kai-shek?" "Where does he stand on this?" "He's a Nationalist." "He will stand on the side of the Chinese." "That's why they call themselves Nationalists." "Excuse me." "Mr. Townsend." "I think you underestimated the situation." "I have three of my mills shut down because of walk-outs." "There is talk about boycotts." "So, what do you propose?" "A handful of municipal soldiers is hardly a show of force." "If you'll excuse me." "Mrs. Fane." "What a pleasant surprise." "You've rescued me from a pack of wild bores." "I wouldn't have come if it wasn't necessary." "Are you all right?" "I needed to see you." "I'm sorry." "Kitty, this is not the most opportune time for me to..." "He knows." "Right." "After you, Mrs. Fane." "Hello, Charlie." "Hello, George." "Hello, Townsend." "Adam." "He wants a divorce." "You didn't commit yourself, did you?" "Acknowledge anything?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Quite sure." "Well." "This is a bloody scrape we're in." "He says he has proof." "We deny it." "He can't prove anything." "Besides, it wouldn't do Walter any good to create a scandal." "But there isn't going to be a scandal." "Walter's agreed to let me divorce him quietly." "That's not so terrible, is it?" "Will you hold me?" "Of course I will." "Oh, God." "Charlie?" "His offer comes with a condition." "I'm not a rich man." "He doesn't want your money." "He's agreed to let me divorce him if Dorothy will agree to divorce you." "And if..." "What?" "If you'll promise to marry me." "You know, darling, whatever happens, we must try to keep Dorothy out of it." "What do you mean?" "We can't only think of ourselves." "I know Dorothy." "Nothing in the world will induce her to divorce me." "You don't want to divorce her." "It's not just a question of my marriage..." "Then what is it?" "Do you have any idea of the importance of my station here?" "If I were..." "Why are you laughing?" "I don't think Walter intended for one minute to divorce me." "He knew you'd let me down." "Try to understand." "I understand, all right." "Kitty!" "Kitty, please." "We'll work this out, I promise." "D..." "I'm coming with you." "Good." "I thought you might." "I suppose I needn't take more than a few summer things?" "And a shroud?" "I've told Hassan what you will need." "She's packing already." "I wouldn't touch that if I was you." "They may have died in that bed." "This can be your room." "You must be the doctor's wife." "I've just met your husband and invited myself to dinner." "I've kept the Watsons' cook for you." "She's not bad." "She'll have to do as your amah as well." "We're a little short-handed here." "Sorry, my name is Waddington." "Oh, yes, of course." "Kitty Fane." "I'm the Deputy Commissioner." "Please." "I believe you're one of our neighbors." "Only neighbor, I'm afraid." "Last one standing." "And Watson was the missionary living here?" "Yes." "Nice fellow." "American." "Lovely family." "I'll show you their graves tomorrow, if you like." "How kind of you." "I hope your journey wasn't too arduous?" "We've been traveling for two weeks." "Two weeks?" "What did you do, swim?" "No, we didn't come up river." "Came overland." "Whatever for?" "Well, we wanted to take in a bit of the countryside." "Get a bit of sun." "Didn't we, darling?" "Anyone for a cocktail?" "Here's luck." "I was told I might get some help from the local army officer." "Colonel Yu, is it?" "Good luck with him." "He's not fond of us British." "Listen, I'll warn you, things are pretty dicey even out here." "I'm afraid that if the cholera doesn't get us, the Nationalists might." "Tried to get those nuns to go, but they refused." "They all want to be martyrs, damn them." "And why have you stayed?" "I was posted here." "Simple as that." "I was shocked to hear you'd volunteered." "Opportunity for research." "I couldn't pass it up." "Yes." "And you?" "I don't suppose you've come to Mei-Tan-Fu for the research." "My husband's the scientist." "Indeed." "Did you have any reaction to the inoculation?" "You have been inoculated?" "Yes, of course." "No guarantee." "The Watsons were inoculated, it didn't do them much good." "Have you brought any gramophone records?" "No, unfortunately not." "Pity." "I'm sick of all mine." "Listen." "What's all that?" "Across the river." "Trying to frighten off the spirit of death." "I'm going to town in the morning." "Have a look around." "I expect you'll want to rest." "I can inoculate you in the evening." "Will you be doing yourself?" "No, I don't think so." "You needn't bother with me then." "Suit yourself." "Tell me, Walter." "Is it a long, drawn-out affair, dying of cholera?" "No." "All of the fluid goes out of you in the first 36 hours." "You die of dehydration, actually." "So, it's messy and very painful." "But it is relatively quick." "Good night." "It's rather unfortunate." "I thought perhaps that you and your wife you'd like to take precautions in case you have to leave this place." "Do you think all this is really necessary?" "You can see the picture." "I thought you'd like to put your wife's mind at rest from this situation." "This is Colonel Yu." "He's the KMT's man." "He's posting one of his men here at the house." "Am I a prisoner?" "No." "It was Mr. Waddington's idea actually." "He feels we should take precautions." "Precautions against what?" "A few days ago, British troops opened fire on a group of Chinese workers who were demonstrating in Shanghai." "Eleven were killed." "We've only just heard." "Those were plastered around the town last night." "(Death to foreign murderers!" ")" "I shouldn't worry too much." "Even the Nationalists are afraid of cholera." "Do they take that water from the well?" "Colonel, can I see where they get their drinking water?" "(Imperialist pig!" ")" "For starters, we've got to stop people from using this well until I can test it." "Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, Dr. Fane." "I received my military training in Moscow." "If you don't like English, we can speak Russian." "English will be fine." "Thank you." "Here." "You have seen cholera before, yes, Doctor?" "At the laboratory, of course." "No, I mean in a patient." "No." "No, I haven't had the chance" "Well, I'm not a clinician." "Did they not tell you?" "I'm an infectious disease specialist." "Shall we?" "After you, Doctor." "(Charlie)" "(without you it is intolerable)" "I don't need you." "Go back!" "Mr. Waddington?" "I'm looking for Mr. Waddington." "Wait here." "All right?" "Hello?" "Mr. Waddington?" "Mrs. Fane?" "Good morning." "What can I do for you, Mrs. Fane?" "I found a record for you." "Stravinsky." "Very modern." "Thank you." "Was there something else?" "I was wondering if you could tell me when the post comes through." "It's for Shanghai." "Unfortunately, since the cholera, the cowards won't venture past the river port but leave it with me." "A local trader I know is making the trip on Friday." "Townsend." "Charlie Townsend?" "Yes." "He's an acquaintance of my husband." "Do you know him?" "Years ago." "We were both assigned to the consulate in Shanghai." "Charming wife?" "Yes." "They're very popular, aren't they?" "He'd made a science of popularity." "So, you know his family?" "Well, well enough." "I like Dorothy." "Yes, I understand they're quite the devoted couple." "Oh, he had his little flirtations." "Nothing serious." "I once heard her say that she found it most unflattering that the women who fell for her husband were so consistently second-rate." "Well, enjoy the record." "Mrs. Fane?" "The letter." "Right." "Yes, it suddenly occurred to me that Friday's much too late." "Thanks all the same." "Can you pass the salt, please?" "I'm sorry." "Did you say something?" "Could you pass the salt?" "Thank you." "So, this is how it's going to be?" "Passing her evenings in silence." "Walter." "Walter!" "I wonder if you haven't gone insane." " She's not cooking it." " Leave it." "Leave it." "Thank you." "Are you looking to kill yourself?" "Town well's contaminated." "This is dirty." "It's dirty." "What?" "Mr. Waddington?" "Mrs. Fane?" "Mrs. Fane!" "Come away." "Come away." "What's the matter with Te-Ming?" "You have the dead man on you." "They're very superstitious, aren't they?" "She's lost three children and a husband to the cholera." "So, you can hardly blame her." "You know, this is no place for a woman." "When they telegraphed me that you were coming out, I was astonished." "I imagined you might be a grim-visaged old nurse with thick legs and a mustache." "I came into the bungalow and there you were frail and tired and very unhappy." "It was a long journey." "But you're unhappy now." "And it occurred to me that you and your husband might be madly in love and that you'd simply refused to stay behind." "That's a reasonable explanation." "Yes." "But it's not the right one." "Do you know what I find strange?" "That your husband should never look at you." "He looks at the walls, the floor, his shoes." "He has a great deal on his mind." "Yes, I'm sure of it." "Dr. Fane!" "Dr. Fane!" "Oh, God." "All right." "What are you doing?" "Martini?" "Yes?" "I'm the bearer of a message from the Mother Superior." "Who?" "The nun who supervises the orphanage and the hospital." "I didn't know she was aware of my existence." "Well, apparently Mr. Waddington has spoken of you." "She would very much like to meet the loving loyal wife of the compassionate Dr. Fane." "Right." "Then I must prepare myself for the charade." "She does understand if you don't want to venture into the center of the epidemic." "If you're not afraid, why should I be?" "I forgot." "Walter!" "Oh, my God!" "Oh, you're drunk." "(Foreigner!" ")" "(Go home!" ")" "Don't expect anything grand." "They're miserably poor." "Hello." "It's a great pleasure to make the acquaintance of the wife of our good and brave doctor." "Lovely to meet you, too." "Mr. Waddington." "You must eat the madeleines." "Sister St. Joseph made them for you herself this morning." "So, tell me, Mrs. Fane." "To which faith do you subscribe?" "Excuse me." "We attended services, not religiously regularly." "You could say I'm a member of the Church of England." "Which is an inoffensive way of saying you don't quite believe in anything much." "You're very pretty." "And very young." "I assure you I'm not." "I feel ancient." "If Mrs. Fane would like to see over the convent and orphanage." "I shall be glad to show her." "Alone." "We keep the older girls busy with sewing." "It keeps them occupied." "And earns money for the convent." "That one won't allow us to baptize her." "Our music room." "Sister Maryse." "Sister Dominique was our pianist." "She died last week." "Cholera." "Through there is the infirmary." "It is not a sight one would wish to see." "Shall I call Dr. Fane out to see you?" "No." "You needn't disturb him." "Now, with the epidemic we have even more to care for." "This baby was brought in this morning." "Another orphan." "She says Dr. Fane loves babies." "He spends as much time as he can in the nursery." "Mrs. Fane?" "Mrs. Fane?" "You all right?" "Yes." "It's nothing only foolishness." "What do you want?" "Sorry." "I brought you your supper." "All right." "Just leave it there." "Is there something else?" "What's that you're doing?" "I am testing the nitrate levels of a local tomato." "Why?" "Why?" "Can't possibly interest you." "Well, enjoy your supper." "Walter." "What do you propose we should do if we get through the epidemic?" "I have no ideas." "But I don't think any good will come of always talking about a situation that we should do much better to forget." "But you don't forget." "Please." "I really must work." "Won't you listen to what I have to say?" "All right." "If you insist." "It's, it's just today, having been at the convent with those nuns." "What have they done, converted you?" "No." "They spoke of you." "And it made me feel..." "What?" " It made you feel what?" " I think I've been afraid of you." "Well, you should have been." "Excuse me." "If, if I can't work, I'm going to bed." "I know you're angry at me." "But if we could just try and talk about..." "Honestly, I don't understand you." "What is it that you want from me?" "Perhaps I just want us to be a little less unhappy." "You're mistaken in thinking that I'm unhappy." "I have far too much to do here to think of you very much at all." "That's exactly what I'm trying to say." "I feel useless." "What do you propose that I do about that?" "For God's sakes, Walter!" "Will you stop punishing me?" "Do you absolutely despise me?" "No." "I despise myself." "Why?" "For allowing myself to love you once." "Hello." "I hope I haven't come at an inconvenient time." "Sister Maryse died last night." "I've just written to inform her parents." "I'm so sorry." "But it is sinful of me to grieve when I know that her good and simple soul has flown straight to heaven." "How can I help you?" "Well, I'm sure that with the sister's death you must be even more shorthanded." "You see, I was wondering if I could come to the convent and do anything just, just to help out." "My dear child, don't you think you've done enough..." "I've been here a month." "Believe me, I have nothing to do from morning till night." "Perhaps I could help with the sisters in the hospital." "That is impossible." "Cholera is a terrible thing to see." "Besides, what would happen if you should fall ill?" "I'd be happy to scrub the floors, anything just something to feel useful." "That will not be necessary." "The orphans scrub the floors." "No, no, it is our business and our privilege to do such things." "But there is always more to do each day." "Have you spoken to your husband of your wish?" "Yes." "I don't know what you're saying." "I also found traces in the river, downstream from the burial grounds." "You've checked these results?" "I tested it three times." "Well, that's it then." "I would recommend barricading the bathing area cut off all access to the river." "How far do you expect people to walk for their water?" "I've no idea." "Up river, at least a half-mile above the burial ground." "That's too far." "Nevertheless." "I agree with Dr. Fane." "It's necessary." "Also, I thought we'd agreed to post a directive ordering people to dispose of the corpses immediately." "We have done that already, Doctor." "Yes, but if you don't enforce it then it doesn't matter." "Because the families are hiding the bodies for days." "Then they bury them too close to the river." "I understand the problem." "You don't have to explain it twice." "Colonel, I respectfully request that... you order your soldiers to enter these people's homes and remove the bodies by force if necessary." "It's all right." "Hello." "Yes, yes, yes." "I understand." "The spirits need access to the water." "I understand that." "I just want to move a few of these so that they don't live in the water." "He said that they're under the protection of their warlord." "If he wants to move the bodies, he will send his own soldiers." "These really aren't the best times for a Western woman to go exploring a Chinese town by herself." "Oh, do be quiet." "As if you care whether I'm killed by Nationalists or boredom." "Besides, I wasn't alone." "I was with my gallant protector Sung Ching." "By the way you might be happy to know that I am just as useless to the nuns as I am to you." "I shut off the town's only water supply today." "What will you do?" "I have no idea." "Then I suppose we're both useless." "At last, something in common." "Dr. Fane." "We've both been caught out in the weather." "Not now, sorry." "I beg your pardon?" "Counting." "Counting?" "We'll camp here tonight." "What makes you think this warlord fellow will cooperate?" "I don't think he will." "So, what do you plan to say to persuade him?" "I don't know." "These men are like animals." "They have no vision." "They only have hunger and strength." "Men like this have held the real power in China since I was young." "But that time is coming to an end." "There's no place for them in the new China." "I don't think you like my being here very much either, do you?" "I think China belongs to Chinese people but the rest of the world seems to disagree." "Yes, but that's got nothing to do with me." "I didn't come here with a gun, you know." "I came here with a microscope." "I believe you." "But it would be nice to do this work together without your country's guns pointing at our people." "Our plan is to divert the water to the town from the fields upriver above the burial grounds." "With your permission and the assistance of your troops the graves will be moved away from the water." "And Colonel Yu and his men will enforce the prompt burial of the dead maintaining the integrity of the water sources and enforcing proper sanitation over the next few weeks." "It will make a difference between a few more deaths and possibly thousands." "(He says, if we keep the water source clean,)" "(and enforce proper sanitation procedures,)" "(then in a few weeks,)" "(the death toll...) (...could reduce more than one thousand.)" "(Is he finished?" ")" "(I won't sacrifice my men to that cholera mess.)" "(Forget it!" ")" "(When people die...) (...it's destiny!" "I'll have nothing to do with it!" ")" "(You...) (...get him out of here!" ")" "He said no." "He doesn't speak any English, does he?" "Tell him that's the most ridiculous suit that I've ever seen." "(This Doctor respects you greatly...) (and you are right.)" "(It is quite a mess, this epidemic.)" "(But my superior said...) (...if your men cannot control it...) (...then our army will be happy to help you.)" "(After seeing this place...)" "(...it's so overwhelming...) (..." "I'm afraid once our soldiers are here...) (...they won't want to leave.)" "I'm sorry." "Do not stop on my account if Dr. Fane is enjoying himself." "No, no, not at all." "It's very nice." "I was passing..." "No." "Stay." "I should go." "I insist." "All right, if you like." "Continue, Mrs. Fane." "But perhaps something a little more soothing." "Yes, of course." "They brought in a new baby today." "The girls named her Zan Xien." "It means "brand new."" "The nuns are going to call it Katherine which, of course, none of the girls will be able to say." "Thank goodness for those nuns." "They do so much for so little in return." "I suppose you can look at it that way." "You suppose?" "I think it might be a bit more complicated than that." "They take in desperate children and give them a chance at life." "What could be so complicated about that?" "They also go to young mothers in their homes." "They ask them to give their babies to the convent." "They offer them money to support their families to persuade them to do it." "They're not just here to run an orphanage, your nuns." "They're turning those children into little Catholics." "None of us are in China without a reason." "Still, on the whole I think that what they're doing is a pretty good deed, don't you?" "I'm here to study bacteria." "I don't feel the need to have an opinion about the rest of it." "Well, I do, and I admire them." "I don't think it has to be so complicated and gloomy." "And I think what you're doing, for instance, is incredibly noble." "You used to feel contempt for me." "Don't you still?" "Walter." "I can't believe that you with all your cleverness should have such little sense of proportion." "We humans are more complex than your silly little microbes." "We're unpredictable." "We make mistakes and we disappoint." "Yes, we certainly do." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry I'm not the perfect young woman that you want me to be." "I'm just ordinary." "I never tried to pretend that I was anything else." "No, you certainly didn't." "I like the theater and dancing and playing tennis." "I like games." "I like men who play games." "God forgive me, that's the way I was brought up." "Well, I play a pretty fierce hand of bridge." "Oh, well, that's bloody exciting." "And you, you dragged me around all those interminable galleries in Venice blathering on about the miracle of the canals and the flashing of the lagoon system or some such nonsense." "Honestly, I'd have been much happier playing golf at Sandwich." "I suppose you're right." "It was silly of us to look for qualities in each other that we never had." "Yes." "Yes, it was." "Walter?" "Why didn't you break down that door when you knew I was in there with Charlie?" "You might have at least tried to thrash him." "He wasn't worth it." "Or maybe I'm just too proud to fight." "I don't know about that." "(Bury corpses immediately.)" "(Please don't take him away!" ")" "(His spirit will never rest!" ")" "I've told Mother Superior to keep her sisters inside the convent." "I put a guard outside the gate." "I'd advise any Westerners to stay indoors." "All right." "Sister, has Mrs. Fane been at the convent today?" "Yes." "But she, she has left a few minutes ago." "(This is the work of the British devil!" ")" "(Respect our traditions!" ")" "Sung Ching." "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Sung Ching." "Where's Mrs. Fane?" "Where's Mrs. Fane?" "!" "I don't know what you're saying!" "Get away from her." " Are you all right?" " Yes." "Come on." "We're out of whiskey." "Dr. Fane." "Could I trouble you for a drink?" "Hello, darling." "I was stationed at Hankow during the revolution when they were massacring all the Manchus." "I was able to help a particular family." "New documents, that sort of thing." "She was the youngest of the daughters." "I didn't pay her too much attention at first." "Well, more than I should have, I suppose." "When I left Hankow, she followed me." "I sent her back two, three times." "But she she kept coming back." "I didn't realize you had so much affection for her." "What makes you think I do?" "I can see it in your eyes." "Men are incalculable." "I thought you were just like everybody else now I feel I don't know the first thing about you." "I wonder what she sees in you." "Wan Xi." "She says I'm a good man." "As if a woman ever loved a man for his virtue." "Morning." "Morning." "I should think it best to stay away from town today." "All right." "I'm going for a walk." "Come on, then." "What on earth are you doing all the way out here?" "Walking off a crippling hangover." "What are you doing?" "I've been attempting to purchase a stalk of bamboo." "But his price is exorbitant." "Or my head is too shattered to negotiate." "So..." " Would you like a ride home?" " On what?" "The buffalo?" "You see, we're diverting it from these fields temporarily sending it straight into the center of town where they can get it easily." "It's over a half-mile." "It gave us a devil of a time in some places." "But it's worth it." "Oh, Mother." "Am I going to die?" "Come, come." "You mustn't be so silly." "Listen, ma chere is it possible that you're with child?" " No." " Oh, yes." " No." " Yes." "I mean..." "I..." "I suppose it's possible." "There is no doubt about it." "Yes." "Sister St. Joseph knew at once." "She comes from a large family so she has experience in these matters." "I can't believe it." "Why can't you believe it?" "Having a child is so natural." "Yes." "Think how happy your husband will be." "And what's happened here?" " I'm all right." " They said you fainted." "I'm fine." " Let me look at you." " It's not cholera." "No." "I don't think so." "Did you feel nauseous?" "Or just faint?" "Walter, stop." "I'm pregnant." "A baby?" "You're quite certain?" "Yes." "Well, that's wonderful." "How long do you think you've been like this?" "Two months." "Maybe longer." "Kitty." "Am I the father?" "I honestly don't know." "I'm sorry." "Well." "It doesn't matter now." "Does it?" "No." "No, it doesn't." "Dr. Fane!" "Come with me." "What is this?" "Where are they coming from?" "The cholera spread south along the river." "They have no doctors or facilities there." "If they come in, they'll contaminate everything." "We've got to keep them outside the town." "Dr. Fane!" "Dr. Fane!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Please stop here!" "We can help you here!" "Colonel, tell them not to go into the town!" "Tell them we'll help them here!" "Mrs. Fane." "Gather all the children in the music room." "Wait here." "Let's go!" "That boy." "Bring him here, bring him here." "He has a cut." "I'll treat him." "I don't understand." "Why didn't he wake me?" "He made an early start." "And you needed the rest." "How far is the refugee camp?" "Just outside the town, in the foothills." "Dr. Fane told me he wanted you to leave, but you would not." "I didn't want to leave you." "Yes." "And we appreciate it, dear child, but I think you did not want to leave him either." "Well... it's my duty." "Duty is only washing your hands when they are dirty." "I fell in love when I was 17 with God." "A foolish girl with romantic notions about the life of a religious." "But my love was passionate." "Over the years, my feelings have changed." "He's disappointed me." "Ignored me." "We've settled into a relationship of peaceful indifference." "The old husband and wife who sit side by side on the sofa, but rarely speak." "He knows I will never leave Him." "This is my duty." "But when love and duty are one." "...then grace is within you." "Your soldier is waiting to take you back." "I'd rather stay." "No." "What?" "What is it?" "What?" "Mrs. Fane?" "Mr. Waddington?" "It's your husband." "What?" "What is it?" "He's been taken ill." "Where is he?" "Mrs. Fane?" "Walter!" "Oh, no." "She can't be here." "It's not safe." "Waddington!" "I'm afraid I've got no say in the matter" "I don't want an audience." "You have to go." "Your baby." "Please, you must go." "Walter, tell me what I should do." "Slow that drip down." "It's running too fast." "Good, good." "Kitty?" "Kitty." "It's going to get much worse before it breaks." "Are you prepared for this?" "Yes." "What is it?" "(We're running out of saline.)" "Can you send for more?" "(I have...) (...but for many it will be too late.)" "Kitty." "Kitty." "Are you awake?" "Are you feeling better?" "Forgive me." "Forgive you?" "There's nothing to forgive." "Walter." "I'm sorry." "I'm so sorry." "Mrs. Fane?" "Dr. Fane would want to be buried immediately." "Yes, of course." "(At the clear fountain, while I was strolling by)" "(I found the water so nice that I went in to bathe)" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "(Under an oak tree, I dried myself)" "(On the highest branch, a nightingale was singing)" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "(Sing, nightingale, sing, your heart is so happy)" "(Your heart feels like laughing, mine feels like weeping)" "What are you doing?" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "(I lost my beloved without deserving it)" "(For a bunch of roses that I denied him)" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "(I wanted the rose to be still on the bush)" "(And my sweet beloved to be still loving me)" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "(At the clear fountain, while I was strolling by)" "(I found the water so nice that I went in to bathe)" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "(Under an oak tree, I dried myself)" "(On the highest branch, a nightingale was singing)" "(So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you)" "It's silly, really." "They'll die in a week." "It's hardly worth the cost." "What do you think?" "I think they're quite nice." "Really?" "I think you're right." "Come on." "We better hurry." "Grandfather's waiting." "Kitty Fane?" "As I live and breathe." "Hello, Charlie." "What are you doing in London?" "I know it's been a long time." "I should have written." "Who's this fine chap?" "Hello, young man." "What's your name?" "Walter." "Hello, Walter." "I'm Charlie Townsend." "How old are you?" "Five." "Come on, darling." "We should really press on." "Yes, of course." "Well, it's lovely seeing you again." "Goodbye, Walter." "Goodbye." "Kitty!" "I'm going to be in London for the next 3 weeks." "Perhaps we could..." "Goodbye, Mr. Townsend." "Goodbye, Mrs. Fane." "Who was that, Mommy?" "No one important, darling." "IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR FRIENDS JULIE PEARCE AND JOHN TIMPERLEY" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"It began with a storm in June." "In the days before, German bombs had fallen on the outskirts of Paris for the first time." "Terrified people were fleeing the city any way they could." "But deep in the countryside the war still felt far away and I remained preoccupied with the one I was already fighting much closer to home." "Are you not dressed yet?" "We'll be late." "Do you really think we should go out today?" "Why ever not?" "My mother-in-law, Madame Angellier, refused to accept the prospect of defeat, even as the first refugees from Paris started to arrive." "Three years before I'd married her precious son at my father's insistence and moved to Bussy." "With Gaston away fighting, she felt I should learn how to run his properties." "So every month we visited our tenants, on a Sunday because Madame knew the farmers would be home." "Don't make any noise." "That way you see how they really live." "She liked to catch them out." "I hated every minute of it." "Have you heard anything from your son?" "No, not for over a week." "And you?" "No, nothing from either of our boys." " People say Paris is going to fall." " People say a lot of things." "Lucile?" "Madame, it's..." "It's a big farm." "And it's been difficult without my brothers." "We'll put what they owe us down to next month." "If I make any exceptions, then Gaston wouldn't have a home of his own to return to, and then what would he have been fighting for?" "Come along, Lucile." "Good morning." "They don't want to pay the rent but they don't think twice about buying silk stockings for that daughter of theirs." "Did you see?" "I know it seems harsh, but if you show them any weakness, they'll bleed you dry." "When Gaston comes home, he'll see he has a wife who knows what it is to be a land..." "Stop!" "Stop the car!" " We should turn back." " No." "We've got potatoes to buy and four more rents to collect." "Madman." "The sack looks heavy." "He can manage." " How much do we owe you?" " Four francs." "Thank you." "There are more cars on the road, from Paris." "My father always said," ""If you want to see what people are truly made of, you start a war."" "Oh, what is this?" "Go and see how long it goes on for." "Keep up." "Keep up." "Excuse me, Madame." "I wouldn't ask for me, but my wife's very tired." "We've walked all the way from Paris." "Could she rest in your car?" "Yes." "Yes, yes, of course." "Thanks." "Oh, Lord." " Are those ours?" " Theirs, always theirs." "Get down!" "Anna!" "Anna?" "Anna?" " Thank you." " Lucile." "We need to get off the road." "Could you take us to the nearest town?" "Hey, you!" "Get away from my car!" "Lucile!" "Get in the car!" "When I tell you to do something, you damn well do it." "Children." "So this was war." "Paris had suddenly descended on Bussy." "The whole town's been cleaned out." "Women and children escaping the bombs, looking for food and shelter." "Can I get you some water?" "But the enemy had followed them here." "Move, move!" "Madame Perrin, It's Lucile Angellier, Gaston's wife." "Get out of the damn way." "You've got to leave, they're coming." "Fear had seized the town." "Rumours spread that a regiment was heading to Bussy." "I left only the bare essentials in Gaston's office." "Madame Angellier would rather see his things burn than in the hands of one of their soldiers." "Brethren of Bussy, a great tragedy has befallen our nation." "Millions have fled their homes, many thousands have lost their lives, and the fate of a whole generation of brave young men still remains unknown." "Only God knows what's in store for all of us and the country that we can no longer call our own." "We must hold firm together." "We must put aside anything that will divide us from our neighbour." "We must unite into one being, one family under God." "They're here already." "Let us pray." " Anna, stand up." " Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." "Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." "Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil." "Amen." "Under the authority and the signature of Maréchal Pétain, a new constitution of the French state is signed, guaranteeing the rights of labour, of family and of the fatherland." "You are defeated and we are now in charge." "All firearms must be surrendered to German headquarters tomorrow morning." "As our Führer writes," ""The sword will become our plough and from the tears of war..."" " How long will they be here?" " I don't know." ""...the daily bread of future generations will grow."" "But I'm damned if I'm living by German time." "Those who have been billeted an officer should return home and prepare for their arrival." "We don't look at him." "We don't speak to him." "Guten Tag." "Madame." "Madame Angellier, I'm Oberleutnant Bruno von Falk." "You have been told to expect me?" "Madame." "I will try not to inconvenience you." "I only require a room and somewhere to work." "Excuse me." "I hope you don't mind, but I can't be late." "Er..." "They didn't say anything about a dog." "May the Lord bless these gifts we are about to receive." "May he bless those who are unable to share his bounty with us." "Guide them from danger, keep them safe." " Amen." " Amen." "Madame." "May I kindly request the key to the piano and the desk?" "I give you my word that they will be treated with the utmost care." "Marthe will give you the key." "Good evening." "He'll be playing "Deutschland Über Alles" before we know it." "Did you find somewhere to stay?" "Yes, thank you." "Have you seen this one?" "We have to take German money." "We can't go out after nine." "And God help you if you're found listening to De Gaulle on the radio." "Have you got anyone?" " An officer." " Oh." "That's the price you pay for having the best house in the village, I suppose." "And you?" "Hm... nobody." "The only benefit of having the worst." "Why does she look at me like that?" "You don't know?" "Your mother-in-law moved her and her parents into a barn." "Then she put a refugee from Paris into their home and doubled the rent." "Nächste." "Name, occupation, address?" "Benoit Labarie, farmer, the Montmort estate." "Nächste." "Name, occupation, address?" " Viscountess." " Benoit." " Viscount." " Excuse me." "Your wife and children were in church yesterday." "Where were you?" "Working, not that you'd know anything about that." "Benoit, please be careful what you say to them." "We've been their tenants for generations." "They never give us anything but grief." "Entschuldigung." " Bitte." " Danke." "Get inside, girls." "We'll have to get used to it, I'm afraid, along with everything else." "There had been no men in our town for so long." "The mothers of French soldiers looked on with disgust and begged God to curse them." "Can I help you?" "But the young women just looked." "You are beautiful." "What is your name?" "Celine." "C-E-L-I-N-E." "Celine, could I have a word with you, please?" "Can I carry those bags for you?" "I'm going that way anyway." "You can say, "No, thank you."" "Oh, that's not for in here." "You're not going to like this." "If it makes you feel any better, everybody who can afford to is doing it." "My mother-in-law pretended we were united in war, but the well-off continued to reap their own wheat and count their own money and to hell with everyone else." "Others, like Benoit and Madeleine, wouldn't have hoarded even if they'd had the chance." "This is for you." "It's just, we have food to spare." "If you know what I mean." "You must miss Gaston, miss having someone else to talk to." "Yes, I do." "Do you write to him?" "We don't know where he is." "Well, you should write anyway." "Make you feel better." "Benoit would do anything to swap places with Gaston, to have fought like a man." "Really?" "Yeah." "If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself." " Can we help you?" " Mesdames." "There has been a change of plan." "I have been billeted with you." "I apologise for the inconvenience." "But they said that we were too far from the village to have anyone." "I was surprised myself." "I was staying at the chateau." " You're an officer?" " A lieutenant." "But this is just a farmhouse." "The rooms won't be good enough." "We haven't even got any running water." "You needn't worry about me." "This will do nicely." "Here." "This young officer relished his power to disrupt Benoit and Madeleine's lives, as if their lives weren't difficult enough already." "And what about our soldier?" "Every night I heard him." "Always the same unfamiliar music." "I was meant to resent him, yet there was relief in his presence after months of silence." "Bubi." "Sorry to disturb you." "The dog isn't mine." "We found him in an abandoned village." "At least he's a Frenchman." "May I?" "Your house is beautiful, Madame." "It isn't mine." "It's my mother-in-law's." "The piano is yours, I imagine." "And what makes you say that?" "I don't believe your mother-in-law is a music lover." "My father gave that piano to me." "Do you play?" "I do." "But Madame doesn't want any music in the house until my husband's home to hear it." "Do you mind if I sit?" "The piece you keep playing..." " I don't recognise it." " You wouldn't." " I've studied music, you know." " Not this." "You wrote it." "I was a composer before the war, when I first got married." " You're married?" " I've been married four years." "And a soldier four years." "She must miss you." "No, not really, not anymore." "Hello?" "Schätzchen, come here." "Bubi, here." " What are you doing here?" " I thought I'd left something." "So you come in without asking?" "I can't hear you." "I'm sorry." " Did you look at any of these?" " No." " No?" " No, I promise." "Read one." "Out loud." ""To whom it may concern, Monsieur Blanc is a married father of five children." ""For several months he has had..." ""...sexual relations with a young woman half his age." ""He should be charged with public indecency."" ""Monsieur Dubois is trading food on the black market." ""Monsieur Acar is a communist, a liar and a homosexual." ""The refugee at mass pretends to be a Catholic" ""when she really is a dirty Jew."" "What are they?" "They are from your neighbours." "They were waiting for us at the town hall when we arrived." "They're gossip." "Nothing more." "They are just people settling old scores." " Er... they should be burned." " If I had my way, they would." "My Major has ordered me." "It is my job to read them." "You can go." "I don't know why you ever married him." "Was it the land?" "Your father lost all of his so he sent you looking for someone else's." "No." "My father was dying." "He wanted to... find me a... good man." "A rich man." "What have I done?" "I see everything that goes on in this house." "Please, he only asked to go into the garden." "You should have stood up and left." "Do you expect me to be confined to my bedroom?" " I expect you to be a faithful wife." " I am." "Then how can you speak, how can you even breathe, when you know that your husband has been hunted down by these animals?" "When I see them, I want to rip their eyes out." "What's happened?" "We've just heard that..." "Gaston's unit is in a labour camp in Germany." "Your husband is a prisoner of war." "This German is our enemy." "Do you understand?" "Yes." "Madame." "I can't talk to you." "I should have believed you." "I think this is why you came into my room." "I'm sorry." "Remember you're doing the rents today, Lucile." "Come on, Marthe." "We're going to be late." "I'm going for a swim." "Can you swim?" "The Viscount doesn't let the villagers swim in the lake." "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean..." "I meant with your infirmity, can you...?" "What happened?" "My horse fell." "My leg was trapped." "Otherwise you would have fought, huh?" "Yes, I would." "Nietzsche said a man is made to be a warrior." "Have you read Nietzsche?" "He also said... a woman is made to please the warrior." "His leg, did it happen before or after you were married?" "After." "Beautiful scent." "Perhaps I could buy a bouquet for my bedroom, cheer it up a little." "Madeleine... we've got to bring the animals in." "Hey, a vase by my bed, if that's no trouble." "It's all there, Madame Angellier." "You'll get double that next-door now." "I learned that piece when I was young." "My father taught it to me." " Anna's father taught her too." " Oh!" "Is he...?" "He and my other daughter got separated from us." "But, er..." "But they'll be joining us soon, hm?" "That's enough practice for today." "Why don't you go outside and play?" "Stay close to the house." " She's lovely." " Thank you." "Danke schön." "I'm sorry." "It's just hard with them living so close to us." "Fuck you." "Fuck you." "Was?" "Benoit!" "Please." "I thought you'd handed in your gun." "I did, the one that was registered." " People have been killed for less." " I need it." "Why don't you tell her why you're here?" "The German... in my home, he's chasing after Madeleine." "The officer that lives here could put pressure on him." " I don't speak to him." " That's not what I've heard." "I'm not here to criticise you." "I just want him moved." "Please." "You have a complaint about a German soldier?" " I apologise." " So you'll do something?" "I have no influence over him." "We are of equal rank." "So it's one rule for us and another for them?" "That's not what I said." "We lost the war." "We don't have to lose our women as well." "Then perhaps you should have thought of protecting them earlier, my friend." "Please." "I will try." "But it might only make it worse." "Tell him to leave her in peace." "I won't ask again." "Our regiment could leave at any time." "I couldn't stand to think..." "that you hated me." "I don't hate you." "Then invite me for tea." "There's hardly any left." "Your men have taken it all." "Or wine." "I'll talk to Bonnet, but in return I only ask that we be decent to one another." "Where's the harm in that?" "My mother-in-law would throw me out." "I've got nowhere else to go." "She has church tonight." "She'll be another half an hour." "Just one drink." "How did you become a soldier?" "I'm from a military family." "It was expected of us." "My brothers and I signed up on the same day." "Your brothers, where are they?" "One was killed in Poland." "Another one in Normandy." "The youngest has just left for Africa." "People shouldn't be sacrificed like this." " I mean none of us." " I can't think like that." "Questioning only makes things more difficult." "Do you believe in the war?" "Let's say I believe in the communal spirit." "None of us like to admit it, but single actions on their own don't mean anything." "So why is it that whenever I see you you're always on your own?" "When do you see me?" "Forget all this for two minutes." "Come on." "Lucile." "Madame is on her way back." "Go into the garden." "Quickly!" "I'm supposed to be the one everyone's afraid of but she could easily scare the plague away." "Why are all these lights left on?" "I just wanted to thank you." "You were very kind." "It's been a long time since I talked to anyone like this." "I thank you." "Gute Nacht." "Lucile!" "Well, I suppose you'll tell everyone now." "Oh, it's all right for you." "All I do is work." "If I didn't have love, I..." "I don't care where he was born." "They're human, just like us." "And they didn't throw my family out of their home." "You did that." "That was my mother-in-law." "It's not me." "Open your eyes, Lucile." "Our men are no better than them." "Some of them are much worse." "Ask your officer." "He knows." "Ask him what he's read in those letters." "Ask him what he's read about your husband." "You need to know." "Everybody else does." "Danke." "How long have you known?" "I didn't feel entitled to tell you." "Lucile?" "You knew, didn't you?" "That your perfect son has been having an affair that was going on before we even met." "You should see how many of those are about you." "You always say how much you want a grandchild." "Now you've got one." "Her name's Simone." "You can keep your stupid little secrets." "I couldn't care less." "Can I play you something?" "It's very beautiful." "What is it?" "I married a man I'd only met twice." "I tried to convince myself that we were in love." "I might as well have been dead." "It's not possible." "Lucile?" "I'm coming." "Madame wants to see you straight away." "You remember Madame Perrin?" "Yes, of course." "What brings you back from the Free Zone, Madame?" "My son died in Normandy as the Germans advanced." "I've just received permission to visit his grave." "I'm sorry to hear." "How are things in Lyon?" "Bad." "At least you don't have a German living in your house." "Yes." "I heard about your officer." "He's friendly?" "Well, I won't have anything to do with him, but Lucile does, don't you?" "Oh, but that's good." "We had to leave in such a hurry that certain things were left behind." "The Germans are using our house now." "Could you go there and get them back?" "So this is what it means to be protected by the German army?" "Lucile." "Wait." "Look at me." "What happens in there is indefensible." "I have nothing in common with these people." "The only person I've something in common with... is you." "No." "A set of false teeth, a china dinner service, household items of purely sentimental value." "I'd clawed back what crumbs I could from the enemy." "The air was thick with whispers." "Some saw me as a collaborator." "Others admired my bravery." "But none knew what I was really feeling." "Most of it is here." "I apologise for any damages." "Well done." "At least you've got the nerve to stand up to these scum." "Marthe, can you take these bags upstairs, please?" "On Thursday she's going to visit her sister." " We'd have the house to ourselves." " All right." "Come back here." "Come back here!" "Benoit Labarie!" "So you're the one who's been stealing from us." "You thief." "What do you expect us to do?" "You traitors would see us starve." "How dare you speak to me like that?" "I'll speak to you how I like." "I'm not the only one who comes here." "We all do, and it's only going to get worse." " Get out of here." " Chickens." " Give me my fucking chickens!" " Please..." "You'd better pray your German friends stay a long time, because the day they leave..." "I caught him." "It's Labarie." " I told you to let it lie." " He still has a gun." "So does half the town, including myself." "He tried to shoot me with it." "You need to do something." "Offizier Bonnet?" "For three months we had lived alongside each other." "Now there would be no more holding back." "Let everyone else fight each other, hate each other." "Just leave us in peace." "I thought you said you were going to take the horse in yourself." "What have you done?" "Go." "I'll distract them." "Boys, quick." "Now!" "I have a warrant for the arrest of Benoit Labarie." "Where is he?" "He's in the field." "I don't know what's wrong with you farmers." "Always stashing your guns in the same places." "Come down." "You won't be in the labour camp for long." "The Viscount begged for leniency." "It's likely to be a year." "Plenty of time for me to fuck your wife while you shovel frozen shit in Buchenwald." "Get off me!" "Fuck you." "Stay there." "Don't move." "Benoit!" "No, no, no!" "No." "Benoit!" "Come here." "Madeleine?" "Is your mother-in-law at home?" "She's away for the night." "What's happened?" "How do you know where he is?" "There's an old hunting lodge in the woods." "No one's offered to take him in?" "That's why I'm here." "They let me go but they're watching me." "If they're watching... you shouldn't have come here." "Look, Benoit's a good man." "No one else is going to help him." "He can't move very fast and they'll hunt him and find him." "And when they do, they'll kill him." "Do you know that?" "You're the only one that can help me now." "Please." "I..." "Sorry, I..." "I don't..." "I thought you said Madame was away." "Your officer won't be coming, you know." "I passed him in the square." "He's leading the search party for my husband." "Shame on you!" "What was I thinking?" "My friends and neighbours were being hunted like animals while I was living out a fantasy." "A disgraceful madness." "What are you doing here?" "The dogs have got your scent." "Put these on and come with me." "Yesterday an officer of the German Wehrmacht was killed by one Benoit Labarie, a resident on the Montmort estate." "Any person guilty of providing him with shelter, aid or protection or who knows his whereabouts is required to report this information to German headquarters within 48 hours of this notice or they will incur immediate execution by firing squad." "How romantic." "I'm going to have to talk to his commanding officer." "No, you won't." " Who knows?" " No one." " Not even his wife?" " I couldn't risk it." "You should have asked me first." "My grandfather put this here during the last war." "Get in, quickly." "Don't make a sound." "Why are you doing this?" "Seeing him dressed in Gaston's clothes, it made me think... it could be my son." "They're here." "Madame." "We are looking for Benoit Labarie." "Lucile." "Lucile, I couldn't get back." " No!" " Celine, stop!" "Gustav." "We were searching the woods all night." "I know." "Lucile, tell me." "Something's wrong." "I made a mistake." "Where's your daughter?" " Where's your daughter?" " She's with her father." "We'll come back for her." "Have your feelings changed?" "Yes." "You're lying." "A wake is being held for Offizier Bonnet, but we don't have enough table linen, so could we borrow some of yours?" "It belonged to my mother." "I trust you will return it in its original state." "Of course." "Anna?" "Don't fret, you mustn't." "There's still time." "Somebody might give him up." " You know, Benoit didn't..." " I know." "I know." "You did the right thing." "God can see into our hearts." "I love you." "I love you too." " Amen." " Amen." "Feuer!" "I had told myself they're just like us after all, but they're not." "We're a different species, irreconcilable, enemies forever." "I won't hide here till the war's over." "I'm not afraid of dying." "I just want it to be for a reason." " What can you do?" " I know people, in Paris." "Who?" "People who are getting organised, fighting back." "You'll never get past the checkpoints." "They're everywhere." "What if I take him?" "Lucile, you can't do that." "I'm taking you." "What about the travel pass?" "I know where you're going, you fucking German whore." "He's safe." "What are you doing here?" "I need a travel pass." "I have to drive to Paris." "One of our tenants needs medicine." "His daughter's very ill." "You heard about the Viscount?" "Yes." "You must hate me now." "I would if I were you." "This tenant..." "Has he come to the house?" " No." " That's a shame." "My orderly says he could smell a different man's tobacco." "He thinks you're hiding someone." "And you?" "If I had even the slightest suspicion, it would be my duty to act on it." "I know that." "I said it was mine, a gift from my wife." "I'll instruct my orderly to issue the pass." "Thank you." "We will see each other again." "Not as a soldier." "You won't even recognise me." "Be careful... with your life." "Is it precious to you?" "Yes." "It is precious to me." "Jawohl." "This is everything you'll need." "And, er..." "Gaston left us this." "Just in case." "Thank you." "Gaston will come back." "I'm sure of it." "Thank you." "Herr Leutnant." " Guten Tag." " Hello." "Wohin?" " Where to?" " Paris." "Papers." "Out." "Open." "Schneller!" "Get down!" "Benoit." "Hold onto me." "Help me." "Open it." "Hardly a word of our true feelings had ever been spoken." "Not a single word about love." "After the war I heard that Bruno had died." "But maybe he just disappeared, like me." "I drove Benoit to a farmhouse and a week later we made it to Paris." "We fought for what we believed in and four years later France was free." "Over time I tried to forget the people I lost, but the music always carries me back... to him." "Subtitling by Motion Picture Solutions" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Billy?" "Get number three up now." "And don't come in to eat before you do." "And check the other two!" "Make sure they're wired up good!" "I don't want 'em blowing over again at the first big wind." "Lot of good they're doing." "Billy, you been messing with the post-puncher?" "No!" "I told you what would happen... if you screw around with this thing." "I said I didn't!" ""l don't want 'em blowing' down again."" "Big wind, my ass." "You're the only big wind out here." "Jacky!" "You been messing with the damn post-puncher again, huh?" "No." "Billy, you little asshole!" "Why don't you rat yourself out for a change?" "What did I do?" "You little butt sniff!" "I ought to come out there and kick your ass!" "You wish!" "Yeah, go on, Mac." "Go bite him in the ass for me, Mackie boy." "God, would you shut up?" "Jacky!" "Jacky!" "Jacky!" "Jacky!" "What?" "I don't know." "What?" "Help!" "Billy!" "Help!" "Help!" "Where are you?" "Billy!" "Daddy!" "Billy!" "Let go!" "Help me, dad!" "Billy!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Billy!" "Help!" "Dad!" "Help me!" "Billy!" "Stop it!" "Let go!" "Billy!" "Daddy!" "Billy!" "Help!" "Bannon Bantams!" "Bannon Bantams!" "Go!" "Louder!" "Go!" "Louder!" "Go Bantams!" "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "Yeah!" "Tough as nails, hard as rocks!" "We are Bannon's fighting cocks!" "Fighting Bantams, tough as nails!" "Bow down now or kiss our tails!" "Out for blood, we're lean and mean!" "Bannon County's death machine!" "Bannon Bantams!" "Bannon Bantams!" "Go Bantams!" "Bannon Bantams, power and might!" "Bannon Bantams, fight, fight, fight!" "Incoming!" "Bannon Bantams, we're the word!" "You don't mess with a mighty bird!" "Down the court we'll clean your clock!" "Better not mess with the fighting cock!" "Bannon Bantams, Bannon Bantams!" "Go Bantams!" "Bannon Bantams, wings of steel!" "Bannon Bantams, kill, kill, kill!" "Who was that?" "Don't even ask!" "Big bad Bantams kick your ass!" "Bannon Bantams, Bannon Bantams!" "Go Bantams!" "Go!" "Go Bantams!" "We are the champs!" "We are the champs!" "Tough as nails, hard as rocks!" "We are Bannon's fighting cocks!" "How long can they keep this up?" "Forever." "They have a fight song with the word "cock" in it." "Why aren't you sitting with your honey?" "Bannon County's death machine!" "Someone should tell him he just won the state championship." "I have a feeling he didn't get to play enough." "Well, shouldn't you be sitting with him?" "After a game, he says he needs to be with the guys." "You'd kill his post-game bus high." "Basically." "If they lose, it's a totally different thing." "Can't pry him off me." "Shit." "OK, everybody sit down." "Sit tight." "Son of a bitch!" "What in the hell would you call that?" "I don't know, but whatever it is... it's sharp as a son of a bitch." "What in the hell are we looking at?" "Sharp enough to flatten a tire, whatever it is." "You know how thick that rubber is?" "Have to be shot into it like a bullet." "Jesus Christ!" "The damn thing has got teeth in it!" "They can't just whip the jack out and pump this mother up?" "The driver can't change a flat on a bus." "They need a mechanic." "So?" "So, do you see any mechanics around here?" "You sucked so bad today, Deaundre... they're probably saying you gotta change the flat." "...where she'll give us the latest update..." "lzzy!" "on a continuing story... we call "The Horror in Poho County."" "Hey, Poho update!" "Well, Peter, the fire which gutted... an old church south of Pertwilla four days ago... continues to offer up a gruesome bounty." "County sheriffs excavating the charred ruins... say the body count is now up well past three hundred." "County coroners say the bodies were found... stitched to each other... covering the basement's walls and ceiling." "One on-the-scene witness called it..." ""a human tapestry of torture and sadism"... and "a sight he will never forget."" "Sheila, the details keep getting... stranger and stranger every day this week, it seems." "Any new information?" "Some of the corpses they have found... had false teeth made out of wood." "That means some of the bodies they're finding down there... are over two hundred years old." "But, Peter, it's the condition of the cadavers... that's the strangest fact of all." "The county coroner's office reported yesterday... that they have yet to find any one complete body." "Believe that, man?" "No, they're making it up." "...missing an external limb or an internal organ." "What connection this has" "This is 226, out on east 9." "We are down and disabled." "Home base, do you read me?" "You get a good look at the points on this thing?" "It's either ivory or some kind of bone." "Throw that damn thing away before you need a tetanus shot." "This is Betty Gorman out on 226." "We are down and disabled out on east 9." "Pop!" "Pop, it dropped something!" "Pop?" "It was out in the corn, papa." "Here, look at it." "We are out on east 9." "We are down and disabled." "Come back." "What about Kimball, man?" "Say again." "This is 226." "Anyone read me?" "We are down and disabled out on east 9." "Come back." "We gotta be in some kind of sun spot or something." "There's no signal getting out." "It's going to be dark in about an hour." "Well, we still got five tires on the ground which means... we can probably limp home if we keep the going slow." "Say again, this is 226." "Anyone read me?" "All of you at the same time?" "Lady cheerleaders!" "That's not smoke I smell, is it?" "Minxie... there's not a girl in the world these days... stupid enough to kill themselves... by sucking on cancer sticks, am I right?" "Back on the bus, ladies." "You saw me, right?" "Run that fast break?" "Huh?" "You see that?" "Yeah, I saw it." "Anybody gonna read about it?" "Why do you give ol' Dante back there so much ink, huh?" "I'm serious." "People are starting to think that you're sweet on him." "Really?" "I heard that was you." "Hey, it's OK if you are, man." "I mean, live and let love, right?" "Why don't you piss on somebody else's shoes, Jake?" "Shouldn't you be folding towels somewhere... or sniffing jockstraps?" "You think you can manage the team, super genius?" "Was I even talking to you, jockstrap boy?" "Hey, eat shit, Jake!" "God!" "So this is all because, what, I don't write enough about you?" "You know what the story is on your scars there, right?" "No, tell me." "Got into a fight when you snuck into a bar." "So?" "A gay bar, bro." "You do know what they call you, don't you, lzzy?" "That's my name." ""Or isn't he?"" "Hey, let's not make this... a social event out there, everybody." "Back on the bus, gentlemen." "We're moving!" "Big K, does that come in a man size?" "That means you, too, Kimball!" "Let's go!" "Smooth move, Big K!" "Nice, man!" "Tippi Hedren, man!" "Kimball!" "Stop clowning around... and get your ass back on the bus!" "Off the top, gentlemen." "Assholes and elbows." "Let's go." "Damn!" "You know, you could talk about it." "It might help a little bit." "What did I play today, twelve minutes?" "Well, it was a great twelve minutes." "Hanna's got it in for me-- him and his little token white boy Barnes." "I don't know... maybe I got the wrong skin color to get equal play on this team." "I know you don't mean that." "Maybe they just wanted to make sure... everyone got a chance to play in the championship." "Everyone's not the reason why we made it to the championship." "Half the losers on this bus had nothing to do with... us making it to state--I did." "What the fuck are you looking at?" "Oh, Jesus Christ!" "Aw, don'ttell me." "We blew the other one." "How?" "Back down, everybody." "Sit tight." "Shit." "We better break out the flares... and get these kids off the bus." "Hey, hey, hey!" "You want to sit in here and hope somebody doesn't... come along, plowing into us doing ninety, huh?" "All right, Duane... you clear the bus, I'll set the flares." "What is that, a flare gun?" "You plan on being lost at sea in this thing?" "You making fun of my lockbox?" "'Cause everything in this thing... has saved my sweet ass at least once." "Oh, I don't believe it." "All right, bring your coats and stay in a group." "This is Betty Borman, out on 226." "We're broke down on east 9... middle of Kissel County." "Anyone read me?" "Want me to help you push it off the road before I go?" "I don't think we can move it." "It's on a bare rim in the back." "If you'd let the highway patrol know, we'd appreciate it." "Sure." "Come on, guys." "Come on, let's go." "Off the road." "Come on, guys." "Everyone on the shoulder." "Everyone stays in a group." "Over by the side of the fence." "Scott, come on!" "Everyone stays back and off the road!" "Now!" "Stuck in the side of the tire again." "Oh, God." "Don't tell me... that's a belly button in the middle of that thing." "Minxie, stay off the road." "Everybody, off the road!" "Get everyone back on the bus." "You just said they shouldn't" "I know what I just said... but there's something going on out here, and I don't like it." "I think if we just st" "Coach?" "What the f..." "Where the hell's the coach?" "Charlie?" "Charlie!" "Get everyone back inside and close the doors." "OK, champions, getting back on the Betty Boop." "Bucky, get on the two-way, see if you can raise anyone." "I'm talking to you, Scotty!" "What happened to the coach?" "Get everyone back onboard and close those doors." "Do it, Scotty." "All right, you heard him." "Assholes and elbows." "Everybody back on the bus." "Charlie?" "Charlie?" "Hurry up!" "On the bus!" "Now, now, now!" "I repeat, bus number 226..." "Charlie!" "We have an emergency situation out here." "Does anybody read me?" "This is bus number 226." "We are broke down on east 9." "Jake..." "What happened?" "What did you see?" "What did you see?" "Come on!" "Did you see something or not?" "She flew away." "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "What I just said!" "People don't fly away!" "Sit down, Scott!" "What the hell's going on out there?" "I said sit the fuck down and shut up, god damn it!" "Now!" "You, too, Jake." "Everybody." "Go sit down, Scott." "You got a problem with me?" "No." "You got one with me?" "Do I what?" "You heard me." "We don't have time for bullshit, Scotty." "Go sit down!" "Oh, God!" "What the hell?" "Scotty!" "What the fuck?" "Get the fucking doors!" "Get the fucking doors!" "Get the fucking doors!" "What was it?" "Scotty, what the fuck was it?" "Scotty, come on!" "Scotty, we just want to know." "I don't know what it was, all right?" "It had wings-- big fucking wings." "Central, this is unit 17." "We did a drive-by in the general area." "Also found no evidence of forced entry." "Over." "0-3-2, we're 10-7 at Opper's Diner... for a little coffee and pie." "Copy that, central?" "This is central." "Copy that, 0-3-6." "All units, anybody else getting... some weird stuff out Kissel County way?" "I just got two calls, ten miles apart... both reporting abductions." "All units, be informed this should be... strictly 10-36 information." "Someone burning a marijuana field out there tonight?" "'Cause these two stories are way, way out." "Roger that, 3-6." "Come back." "Jacky!" "Kissel County!" "If you ask me, this is Poho related." "Repeat--Poho related." "You all know what I'm talking about." "This is Andy Buck." "Can anybody hear me?" "Nobody's phone works." "Nobody's fucking phone works." "We are stuck in a broken-down school bus... out on east 9, and we are in serious trouble." "Do you read me?" "Fuck!" "Come on!" "Is anybody even out there?" "This is Andy Buck!" "We're stuck in a broken-down school bus out on east 9!" "Javelins?" "We've got spears on this bus?" "Sticks." "You want to wait around... so you can poke at that thing with sticks?" "That thing shows up here again..." "I'd rather have a sharp stick in my hand than nothing at all." "Hey, guys!" "Betty's flare gun." "Abunch offlaresforit,too!" "Who says we wait around?" "I'm serious." "Scotty, you're not talking about getting off this bus." "You see that?" "That means that there's a farm... down at the end of this road somewhere... and that's as far as anybody'd have to get to." "With that thing out there?" "Scotty, with that thing out there?" "Scotty!" "That thing hasn't been back here in almost an hour." "That doesn't mean it's not still up there somewhere." "And that doesn't mean that it is." "Hey, this isn't about who can run the fastest, OK?" "Or being a pussy." "What is your problem?" "You tell me, lzzy or isn't he?" "Check yourselves, both of you!" "Do I make you nervous?" "Thinking you're going to come onto me... and every other swinging dick on this bus makes me nervous." "Yeah, it makes you fucking stupid, too!" "Scotty, stop it!" "Stop it!" "Scotty, come on." "You get that hand off of me... or we're gonna have one more missing person out here." "There's nothing about any of us on this bus... that's more important than sticking together." "It's the only way we're going to get through this." "You want to play cock of the walk now, huh?" "Now's not the time for this shit, Scotty." "Big K, sit." "I'm serious." "You want to play cock of the walk, bro?" "Why do I think you want to call me something else?" "You want to call me something else, Scotty?" "'Cause I don't think you get..." "I can see you thinking it whether you say it or not." "Just stop it right now." "Both of you, stop it!" "You guys all worked together today to win a ball game." "Now that something really serious happens... you can't even be civil to each other?" "You tell him, not me." "Whatever your trip is, we ain't got time for this shit." "We should all be looking for ways... we can defend ourselves until help gets here." "We have got to move this piece of shit!" "On what, the rim?" "Can you drive this thing or not?" "We wouldn't get two feet, man!" "What do you want me to do?" "What the hell does it want?" "What the fuck?" "Is it looking at me?" "Whatever it is, it's a smell freak, man." "Get that light off him." "Hey, don't shoot that thing in here, man!" "He's right." "It'll fill this place up like a smokebomb." "Holy shit!" "Did that just come off the door?" "Bucky, get on those front doors and get ready to open them." "What, you think we're gonna run outside?" "If he fucking comes inside." "Oh, shit!" "Oh, my God!" "Minxie?" "Minxie?" "Is she OK?" "Minxie." "Minxie." "Minxie?" "Minxie?" "He eats everything." "He knows no mercy." "No one is safe." "Every 23rd spring, for 23 days, it gets to eat." "Eat what?" "Eat what?" "Eat us." "Minx?" "Are you OK?" "Look at me." "I thought you were gone, girl." "You passed out." "Look at me." "Are you OK?" "Your eyes went all the way in the back of your head." "I think he's gone, man." "I'm willing to bet money on it." "You willing to bet stepping off this bus?" "Because that's the real bet." "How long's it been?" "It's gone." "It came, it did its thing, it went away." "It went away, but what the hell was it doing?" "What do you think it was doing?" "It was picking people out." "What?" "It can smell something in people, in their fear-- something that helps it pick people out." "Pick people out for what?" "I don't understand how you would know that, sweetie." "A dead boy told me." "I think he was trying to warn me." "He was trying to warn all of us... that this thing has been around for thousands of years... and that nothing has been able to kill it." "This is a dream you had?" "Well, the boy was dead, so, yes..." "I am assuming that it was a dream, Scotty." "You were waving pom-poms at people this morning." "Now all of a sudden you're a psychic hotline?" "I don't know!" "You want to explain it to me?" "Because I can't." "The boy was trying to warn us... that by morning it has to go back into the earth." "Oh, come on." "Into the ground for twenty-three more years." "And then what?" "Lives happily ever after?" "Huh?" "Why don't you clean out your bong, all right?" "Scotty, just listen to her." "It is coming back." "This is a dream she had, Rhonda." "Are you going to believe it?" "And it doesn't matter if we're hiding on this bus... or if we're hiding under our beds." "It'll find us-- the ones that it picked out." "Minx, take it easy, OK?" "The boy told me that... it can smell in our fear who it wants... and what from them... it wants to eat." "Hello." "Is anyone out there?" "Hello." "We have a serious problem out here." "We need help right away." "Can anybody hear me?" "Is anybody out there, please?" "We have a-- This is Andy Buck." "We have a serious situation out here." "Is anybody out there?" "Does anybody hear me?" "Dad!" "Hello?" "Hello?" "Can you hear me?" "226, are you still there?" "I'm so fucking still here." "OK, OK." "Just say again what you just told me." "We're not playing games here, right?" "Just say it, man." "We are trapped in a broken-down school bus out on east 9... and something is going to kill us... if we don't get help out here right away." "Where on 9 east?" "In Kissel County." "Are you the cops?" "What's trying to kill you?" "What are you talking about?" "Just tell me, are you the fucking cops?" "Look, now listen to me." "I'm already on the 9... but it's a big highway and so is Kissel County." "Are there any landmarks near you?" "Are you close to anything?" "Yeah, I'm close to peeing in my fucking pants, man." "Can you just please tell me that you're on the way?" "I can't really judge the strength of your signal... but it doesn't sound close." "What does that mean, man?" "It means it's going to take me a while to get to you." "Look, we kind of have a time-critical situation here." "Roger that." "And please tell me that you're coming with backup... because if you're not the cops... you got to promise me that you'll call them... and you'll tell them that we're stuck out here." "I'll call them." "I'll call them right now... but what you've got to do is hang on." "Can you do that?" "Hang on." "Keep headed east." "Dad?" "Just get us out there." "Do it." "Yes!" "It's fucking happening, man!" "It's fucking happening!" "We're being fucking rescued!" "Help me!" "Get this thing off me!" "Help!" "Help!" "Get this thing off!" "Help me!" "Get this thing off me!" "Look out!" "Half its fuckin' head's gone." "Fuck." "You gotta be..." "Fucking kiddin' me." "Get that door open." "Now's our chance." "It's dead, right?" "Don't know." "Don't care." "It won't open!" "Stop pushing' on 'em!" "They open in!" "Something got screwed up!" "The door opens." "Maybe it only opens from the outside." "It's an emergency exit, idiot." "Then you fuckin' open it, man!" "Get that door open." "How can both fuckin' exits not fuckin' work?" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "He jammed it." "We thought it was trying to come in... but this frickin' thing was making sure... we couldn't get out." "Break the fuckin' doors!" "Holy shit, man." "Hey, we can pry this thing open." "Give me a pole or a bar or something metal--something big." "Yeah, yeah." "That'll work." "Come on, D. You need to get to this side." "Come on, everybody." "Come on." "This thing's like a fuckin' shower curtain, man." "It's crazy." "Oh, man, show like you got a pair." "Man, fuck you." "Come on." "Everybody, let's go." "Shower curtain?" "This thing's like a fucking piece of toilet paper." "What's it doing, Minx?" "What's it doing, Minx?" "What's it doing up there?" "It just tore its head off." "It's time to go." "What are you talking about, man?" "Help is coming." "The 9 is big." "Remember?" "What if he's an hour away?" "What's if he's going in the wrong direction?" "There are fucking cops on the way, man." "And you want the rest of us... to sit underneath that big hole in the roof... and hope that thing doesn't come crashing in here?" "What do you mean, the rest of us?" "I mean... it's time to stop being polite." "There are two classes of people on this bus now." "It had its pick of twenty of us back there... and it picked who?" "Dante was one." "Another one was you, Jake." "Oh, god damn it, Scott." "Don't" "And we all saw him go for you, Bucky." "What the hell is that supposed to mean, huh?" "Two classes of people?" "What, the "will be eaten" and the "won't be eaten"?" "Fuck you, Scotty." "Minxie says this thing... gets anybody it picks out, no matter what." "Don't put me in this." "She also said that after tonight... it goes away, and for a long time, Scott." "You tell us, Minxie." "Are we safe if we can hide out till morning... or is this thing gonna come after these guys... with everything it's got 'cause it only has till morning?" "Huh?" "We're screwed, right?" "Yeah." "Scotty, you're not talkin'... about throwing people off this bus?" "It's funny you should say that, D... 'cause the only other one... we know it picked out for sure was you." "Whoa!" "Hold on a second!" "We all saw the way it sniffed you out back there." "You were the only one it gave tongue action, man..." "and we all saw it." "Scotty!" "I don't understand what you're trying to do." "I'm trying to stay alive." "You're trying to split us up!" "We have just dropped a notch on the fucking food chain, man." "This is about living or dying now, OK?" "And if this bus is the only thing... keeping that fucker away for us... how safe are we, you guys... with everybody it's hungry for sittin' inside it?" "I want to see hands. 'cause as shitty a deal as it is..." "I gotta say I'd like you, Bucky, and Jake off this bus, man." "You listen to me, you piece of shit!" "He looked at you, too, bro." "I saw him, and you did, too." "He looked right at you and smiled." "And when you made Jake take the lights off it... he could've looked at you twice and licked his fucking lips... but we don't know that." "So you keep your little blacklist." "'Cause when he takes you out-- and I hope he does" "I'm gonna be the one gettin' as far away... from your sorry ass as I can." ""Time to go" is right." "I'm gonna go find that farm." "Then I'm going with you." "You know I'm coming." "You want to keep this bus?" "Then you sit in it." "Right under that big hole." "See how long you last." "Look, I'm sorry, D." "You are so right about that." "Come on, guys." "Come on, help is on the way." "Why are we splitting up?" "He said he was coming." "We're gonna leave, and he's gonna pull up." "That bus is a deathtrap, Bucky." "Use your head." "You're really gonna let them go alone?" "What, do you want to go with them?" "We don't know who it picked out." "Jesus Christ, it looked at everyone." "Scotty, let go of me." "Let go of you?" "Let go of me!" "Fuck." "Rho... tell me you're really walking away from me." "You used me." "You used all of us!" "All you care about is yourself." "Rho..." "You want to know, Scotty, what I found out today?" "When people get really scared... it's just like when they get drunk." "The real person comes to the surface." "We could've protected D and Jake and all of us... if we'd stuck together!" "You know, like in a team." "Hey." "Hey!" "Jonny!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "You little cocksucker!" "I will fucking fry you!" "You open these goddamn doors!" "You open them right now!" "Jonny, open the fucking doors, man!" "Open the fucking doors" "Open the-- This is my bus, too, man!" "Run!" "Run!" "He's right behind you, D!" "Run!" "Run!" "Get back!" "Get off!" "Break off!" "Oh, God!" "Shit!" "Hold on, hold on!" "Hold still!" "Stop moving!" "Stop!" "Come on, Scotty!" "You're hurting him!" "You're hurting him!" "Get me" "Hold still!" "Pull it out!" "Hold on!" "Stop it!" "Keep back!" "Stop moving!" "It's in there like it's welded!" "Pull that out!" "You're hurting him!" "Stop it, Scotty!" "Hold still!" "Stop it, Scotty!" "Izzy, hold him!" "Hold him!" "Scotty, hold still!" "Scotty, hold still!" "Get it!" "Please fuckin' hurry!" "Oh, God!" "Oh, shit!" "Please hurry!" "Oh, God!" "Please hurry!" "Oh, D, I'm sorry, man!" "I'm so sorry!" "Please fuckin' help!" "Scotty!" "Scotty!" "Scotty!" "Scotty!" "Scotty!" "Scotty!" "Damn it!" "Scotty!" "Scotty!" "What is it, boy?" "What is it?" "Papa!" "Go." "Go!" "Where did you come from?" "From that bus?" "How far up ahead?" "Huh?" "Come on, answer me." "It doesn't matter." "There's no one on the bus, and you can't kill it." "Jacky, get the dog inside." "Look, you can't stop it!" "You get in the cabin with Jack Jr." "You stay down till this is over." "This'll never be over!" "It doesn't matter what you do." "It'll be back... twenty-three years from now... and twenty-three years from then." "Get us to that bus." "Jonny?" "Jonny?" "What was that?" "Jonny?" "Bucky!" "What are you doin' here?" "What are you doin' here?" "You let her in, huh, Jonny?" "Have you seen anybody else?" "What are you doing?" "That thing is after you, Bucky." "Hey, there's no farm out there, man." "I must--I must've run ten miles all over this fuckin' valley." "Bucky... come on, just please go away." "Don't make me go back out there again, man." "It's fuckin' freaky out there, man." "Please." "Get around the bus!" "Jacky!" "Get us around this bus now!" "Now!" "Get around the bus!" "Jacky, get out!" "Get out of there now!" "Jacky!" "You all right?" "Jacky, answer me!" "Jacky, answer me!" "Are you OK?" "I think so." "Jacky, get us away from the bus!" "Come on, let's go!" "Get us away from the bus!" "Come on, Jacky, go on!" "Get us away!" "Move it!" "Dad?" "Dad?" "Yeah!" "Dad!" "All you kids, get down!" "Jacky!" "Jacky!" "You gotta get us away from the bus now!" "Come on!" "Dad!" "Dad, get out of there." "The spool's jammed in the cradle!" "Dad, just get out!" "The cradle's welded to the truck's frame." "Get out, dad!" "He'll rip my gun right out of the truck!" "Dad, just get the fuck out of there!" "Dad, dad... are you OK?" "Dad!" "Dad?" "Dad!" "You're not going to believe this... but I think I found a way out of here." "What?" "Minxie said it doesn't matter." "It doesn't matter what Minxie said." "Right?" "The others might've gotten away." "We don't know that." "Kimball, too." "Hey, nobody gets to decide we die." "No dream, nobody-- nobody gets to decide that!" "That is bullshit!" "I hope so." "Come on, I want to go show you a big ugly bug." "That's the truck that passed us this morning-- you remember, with the big bug on top of it?" "You think we can just drive away in it?" "No, but I think I know how to hot-wire a truck." "That's how I got in my bar fight." "I was trying to steal somebody's truck." "A gay bar?" "Jesus Christ." "Wherever he was going, I don't think he made it." "Oh, my God." "The keys are in it." "Come on, man, the keys are in it." "It's not birds." "Come on." "Fuck!" "Shit!" "D!" "Go!" "Go, go!" "Go, go, go!" "Go, go!" "Go, man, go!" "I'm a sitting duck back here, lzzy!" "Step on it!" "I've got it floored!" "Go!" "Come on, go!" "Go faster!" "Make it go faster!" "I can't!" "Go, go!" "Go, man!" "Go, go!" "Izzy, go!" "Go!" "Izzy!" "Move this piece of shit!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Move it!" "Izzy!" "Go, go!" "Izzy, do something!" "Izzy!" "Get down!" "Izzy!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Izzy!" "Izzy, fucking do something!" "Get out!" "What?" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Get out!" "Are you fucking crazy?" "Izzy!" "Izzy!" "Come on!" "Izzy!" "Stay down!" "Stay down!" "It isn't dead." "Its time ran out." "It looks dead to me." "You Taggart?" "That's right." "Can we see it?" "Can you read?" "This something real?" "Because I heard it was a bunch of bullshit." "It's still five bucks." "Where'd it come from?" "My dad killed it." "Yeah, but where'd it come from?" "It's five bucks from you, too." "How'd he kill it?" "Ask him." "Come on, man." "We ought to go get our money back." "What the hell is it?" "What do you think it is?" "We don't touch it." "What's the story on this thing?" "Whatever you've heard, probably." "You expect us to think that that thing's real?" "Don't really care." "How'd you kill it?" "Stabbed it right through the heart... with a big homemade harpoon." "When?" "About twenty-three years ago." "You waiting for something?" "About three more days... give or take a day or two." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"You got the hiccups." "What gave me away?" "The hiccups?" "How about I scare you?" "Guaranteed to get rid of them." "It's all right, Arthur." "I'm fine, thanks." "Okay, suit yourself." "I just thought that- Boo!" "Okay, still have the hiccups, and now there's tuna on me." "Actually it's chicken salad" " Boo!" "Stop!" "Boo!" "Boo!" "Stop it!" "Stop!" "I'm trying to help!" "I don't need your help, all right?" "So knock it off!" "I'm sorry, Douglas." "I was merely trying to repay you for all the kindness you've shown me." "But I clearly, uh, overstepped my bounds." "Believe me, it won't happen again." "Arthur, look, I just wanted to" "You're welcome." "Well, there you go." "You drink it in, my little meaty-weaty steakie-weakies." "Yes." "Daddy's gonna give you a nice little bath, and after your bath, he's gonna cook you and eat you." "Yes, he is." "Yes, he is." "Hey, honey." "Hey, there she is." "All right, let's fire up the grill." "Doug" "Okay, now I'm in charge of steak and potatoes, so if you want anything green, that's all you." "Doug, stop." "What?" "I can't do this tonight." "What do you mean?" "I got stuck with this report, and it's due in the morning." "But we're supposed to have meat and movie night." "It was your idea." "Only the movie." "Your idea was just to have meat night, and that was after I bargained you down from meat week." "Carrie, this is Kobe steak from Japan." "I've been looking forward to this." "I've rehearsed every chew." "I'm ready." "I don't know, honey." "What do you want me to do?" "I have to work." "Well" " Why are you bringing work home with you anyway?" "It just happened." "We were in a meeting and Ms. Boone asked if anyone had any suggestions on how to lower acquisition fees." "Don't tell me you said something." "I just said maybe we should research out-of-state escrow companies." "And then she said, "Great idea, Carrie." "Why don't you take the ball on this one?"" "And you took it?" "You never take the ball!" "The ball's trouble." "It's always trouble." "I know, but I had an idea." "You-?" "You had an idea?" "Do you know how many times I've had ideas at work, ways to improve service, improve safety, prevent accidents?" "But I keep my mouth shut." "Look, how about this:" "we let the meat keep marinating, and we'll have it tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" "That seems like a million years away." "And tomorrow it'll be meat, movie, and me night, hm?" "I still get the big steak?" "Yes, honey." "Okay, well, what time will you be home?" "I'm not sure, but I will call as soon as I'm on my way, and that'll be your signal to fire up the grill." "Okay." "Wh-what's the signal again?" "When I call, baby." "When I call, okay?" "I read you." "I got it." "Yeah." "All right." "Hey, you get off of there." "Get off of there." "And let that go." "You let that go." "Relax, Douglas." "Bad!" "I was just admiring these two wonderful Kobe steaks." "Where's mine?" "Well, if you have one, it's still in Japan." "Always with the quips." "Seriously, is it in the fridge?" "No, just these two steaks, Arthur." "Carrie and I were gonna have a special dinner." "I see." "And what was I supposed to eat?" "Dog food?" "No, lasagna from last night." "Okay, I see how it works around here." "Shove some leftovers down the old man's throat, then as soon as his back is turned, out comes the champagne and caviar." "Okay, you know what, Arthur?" "It's one dinner." "Just relax." "I will not relax!" "What other luxuries do you and Carrie keep hidden from me?" "Nothing." "Ah-ha!" "Why don't I have any of this downstairs?" "'Cause that's dishwashing liquid, and you don't have a dishwasher." "Exactly." "Check and mate." "Hey." "Ms. Boone said anything about your report yet?" "No, and she's had it all day." "Well, that's not necessarily bad." "Of course it's bad." "I know." "I tried." "My husband told me not to take the ball." "I should've listened to him." "He's a very wise man." "Well, I'm gonna head out." "I'm meeting some of the girls at T.G.I. Friday's for Shrimp Fest." "I'll walk out with you." "I just gotta call my husband." "And tell him I'm on my way." "Okay." "Actually, you know what?" "You go ahead." "I" "I gotta find out what she thought of my report." "It's gonna drive me nuts." "Okay." "Good luck." "Thanks." "Come in." "Uh, I was just, um, headed out." "Oh, you're joining the girls for Shrimp Fest?" "Uh... no." "Actually, I just wanted to, uh, talk to you about my report." "Oh, yes, your report." "Yeah." "Listen, I just think you should know that, uh, reports are really not my thing, okay?" "But I'm still a heck of a typist, and I could, uh, file like the wind, and your personal errands, my personal errands." "Carrie, your report was excellent." "Really?" "Yes." "You know, I had a good feeling about it." "Good work, kiddo." "And, you know, any time you have an idea," "I wanna hear it." "I really value your input." "Wow." "What?" "No, it's just that I've never had my input valued before." "I'm surprised, because you're obviously talented, and you've got a lot of potential." "You know, some of the partners are coming down for a conference call with our Chicago branch in about 20 minutes." "We get a deli spread and kind of make it a working dinner." "You're welcome to sit in if you like." "Really?" "Unless you have to get home." "Home?" "Um... no." "No." "No, no." "Call, damn it." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Hello?" "Carrie?" "Yeah, listen, honey" "You're going to sleep now." "And when you wake up, you're gonna be in my tummy." "And so will some of you." "What?" "Look, don't hang up." "Is this part of the signal?" "No, listen," "I just found out that I have to work late again tonight." "No!" "Honey, I'm sorry, but my boss wants me to stay for an important conference call." "Carrie, you promised we'd do this tonight together." "I" "Can't you just get out of it?" "I" " I wish I could, but..." "I can't." "What can I say?" "I've got another nightmare job, you know?" "All right, see you later." "Mine, one-ply." "Yours, two-ply." "Where's my second ply?" "Arthur, you can have a steak now, okay?" "You happy?" "I'll be happy when I have a roach motel under my sink too." "All right, well, I already pulled all the comps for all the properties in the areas." "I just need you to, um, get the tax records, okay?" "Oh, you already got them?" "Oh, well, you're the best." "Thank you." "Listen, I'm sorry I'm so hyper." "It's just my first time as team leader." "Okay, bye-bye." "Team leader." "Yay, honey's home." "Honey." "Hi, big guy." "Come here." "Hey." "Oh, that's the good stuff." "Okay." "Sorry I'm late again tonight." "Yeah, it's, like, uh, been every night this week." "Yeah, I know." "That boss of mine is killing me." "I heard you on the phone there talking about being team leader." "Yeah." "Huh?" "Oh, yeah, that." "Well, you know." "You know how what they say, crap runs downhill?" "Well, meet the bottom of the hill." "Very unhappy about this." "Yeah." "I gotta tell you, on the phone there, you didn't seem that unhappy." "Oh, well, that's just me putting a good front, you know, for those idiots, if I wanna keep my job, you know?" "'Cause if we didn't have bills to pay, pop-pop-pop-pop!" "You know what I'm sayin'?" "All right." "Good night, baby." "Ah!" "Whoa." "Oh." "Whoa." "Yeooh!" "Yeah!" "Oh!" "You know what?" "This game really blows, Spence." "No, it doesn't." "Danny and I were playing in the apartment." "We had a lot of fun, right?" "Nah, it blew there too." "Guys, look, you just gotta give it a chance, get into it." "Ready?" "Look, high pop fly." "Whoo!" "You" " You guys never wanna try anything new." "You didn't even give Nerf Bowling a chance." "Yeah, sorry if I didn't want to roll a sponge into 10 other sponges." "Why are you in such a bad mood?" "Look, I don't wanna talk about it, all right?" "You want one of my neck rubs?" "You want me to leave?" "It's not you guys, all right?" "It's Carrie." "I mean, she's working late every night." "Acting weird." "Sneaking phone calls." "You think she's cheating on you?" "No, I don't think she's cheating." "I think she... likes her job." "And what's wrong with that?" "It's just not natural." "I mean, who likes their job?" "I do." "Really?" "You like working in a subway token booth?" "Yes, I do." "Didn't you tell me someone peed under your door?" "Yeah, but it was a girl." "I had a job I loved once." "I was a DJ at a strip club." "If you loved it so much, why aren't you still there?" "Ah, apparently some of the strippers said I was making them feel "uncomfortable. "" "Oh, hey, guys." "Hey, where are you going?" "I'm going to spinning class." "I thought you were going to the Mets game." "Oh, it doesn't start till 1:30." "Yeah, there's a ceremony for a peanut vendor who fell out of the upper deck." "Pretty tough guy, though." "He actually finished his shift." "I'm just gonna go to the gym and then maybe a little "shop till you drop. "" "Charge it." "Okay, I'll see you later." "Car?" "Yeah?" "You look a little lumpy there." "Yeah, that's why I'm going to the gym." "No, what do you got going on under there?" "What are you wearing?" "Stop it." "You friends are here." "Oh, my God, you've got work clothes on." "You're sneaking to work on a Saturday." "I can't believe you!" "Well, I wouldn't have had to sneak around if you had the decency to go to that stupid peanut vendor's tribute." "And after all the peanuts you've eaten." "Look, Doug, the only reason I was doing that is because you've been so upset that I had to work so much." "I didn't wanna upset you more." "That right?" "Yeah, but if my boss says" "I have to go to work on a Saturday," "I have to go." "Okay, you didn't have to work." "You wanted to work." "Admit it." "You love your job." "Okay, yes, yes, I love my job." "I knew it!" "I love the people, I love how I'm treated," "I love that I'm on the coffee list." "I love everything about it." "I don't even know you." "Why do I have to defend myself?" "I mean, I should apologize for being happy at work?" "Yes, 'cause while you're at work," "I'm stuck here with your father, who by the way is now demanding a diaphragm for his nightstand." "Look, I know I've been neglecting you, and I feel bad, but we're talking about my career here." "Career?" "Ooh." "Somebody's got a career now." "Oh, Her Majesty the Queen has a career." "Queens don't have careers, moron." "And you know what?" "It would be nice if you could stop for one second and think about me here." "But I guess that's just not a Doug Heffernan thing, is it?" "So apparently my tartar doesn't need to be controlled." "For your information, I was thinking of you." "Oh, really?" "How ya figure?" "I just didn't want you to get hurt." "You know what they say:" "Goals plus time equals heartbreak." "How would you know anything about goals?" "I do, okay?" "Look" " You know" "You don't think I could've had a career?" "I decided not to." "And you know why?" "Why?" "Because I thought it was more important to work on this." "Getting fatter?" "No, our relationship." "Well, you've clearly done a bang-up job on that." "Oh, okay, you know what?" "That's it." "All bets are off." "What is that supposed to mean?" "I'll tell you what it means." "I'll stop working on this and start working on my career." "That's right, my career." "Getting that big promotion, moving up, making the big bucks." "How would you like that, huh?" "I would love that." "Oh, it's on, baby." "It's on!" "Sir, you-?" "You got a moment?" "Yeah, I know, Heffernan." "The machine's out of Milk Duds." "A guy's coming tomorrow." "It's not, uh..." "It's actually not about that." "It's not?" "What is it, then?" "Where is Doug Heffernan... going?" "You're going to, uh..." "Brooklyn." "No, I meant in my career." "You know, I've been here like 10 years, and I just I think I deserve the chance to" "To move up." "Heffernan, last week I asked if anybody wanted to apply for assistant supervisor," "I believe that your response was, uh..." "You gotta" " You gotta relax your lower lip." "It's, uh..." "Doug, just" " Just go get on your route, huh?" "Look, sir, I'm gonna level with you." "I'm gonna need you to give me some kind of promotion here." "Why?" "I had a big fight with my wife about her moving up in her job and I told her that I could too." "Oh, you really painted yourself into a corner on that one." "It doesn't even have to be big." "Just something I could take home and, you know, use to make her feel like crap." "Let me see." "Oh, well, you know, the union says gotta get somebody to organize the CPR and a safety program." "See, that would be great." "Can it have a title?" "Uh, uh, uh, how about safety monitor?" "How about safety chief?" "How about you get your ass in your truck, 'cause I'm sick of your face?" "Safety chief." "Okay, tilt head back and begin chest compressions." "Damn it, Alvarez, don't you die on me." "Oh, sure, there's no sex doll for me, is there?" "Okay, Arthur, it's a CPR dummy." "You don't fool me." "Look at that lifelike skin, those full, pouting lips." "Look, uh, Carrie's not home yet, so I sent out for Chinese." "Don't need it." "I'll be enjoying a delicious Kobe steak, one that you're not getting a bite of." "Okay, you know what?" "That's not Kobe steak." "Read the label, you illiterate baboon." "One hundred percent Kobe beef." "Okay, you wrote that with a ballpoint pen." "And you misspelled "beef. "" "You're still not getting any." "Hey, did I come home a little early?" "No, I was just getting up to speed on my new I.P.S. position, safety chief." "That's right, safety chief." "Really?" "Yep." "I'm in charge of everything safety and first-aid related." "All urine testing goes through me." "All?" "Wow." ""Wow" is right." "I've been trying to get ahead for like a day and already I got this." "I'm gonna leave you in the dust." "Look, Doug, I know you only did this out of spite toward me." "But whatever the reason, I'm really happy you're trying to better yourself." "I just hope you keep it up." "Kids, I was cutting the gristle from my Kobe steak, and I seem to have cut my thumb quite badly." "Oh, Dad, let me take a look" "Whoa, whoa, I will handle it." "I'm safety chief." "Come on, Arthur." "Come on, Doug" "Fine." "Okay, work this right out right now." "Let me see here." ""Burns, choking, lacerations. "" "Where's cuts?" ""Lacerations" is cuts." "Hey." "Handling it." "Got it." "Okay, here we go." "What are you planning on doing, Douglas?" "Okay, uh, let's see here." "It says to apply bandage as shown." "Okay." "You have to disinfect it before you put the bandage on." "Hey." "Don't you have a team to lead somewhere?" "Ow, you're making it bigger!" "Would you-?" "Relax, okay?" "I'm just gonna get my tape." "Just hold that right there, would you?" "If I don't make it, the box under my bed belongs to a friend." "I swear." "All right, enough of this." "No, I got it." "Okay." "I will handle it." "Ah, crap." "That's the wrong stuff, okay?" "It's the right stuff." "Okay, if it's the right stuff give me some then, 'cause I need a little over here." "Hey." "Look, I'm sorry I stepped in down there, but it's just- I didn't want my dad to, you know, bleed to death." "But that doesn't mean you're not still safety chief." "I'm no safety chief." "They wouldn't have given you that badge if you weren't up to the job." "They didn't give it to me, all right?" "I had it made at a Kinko's." "All right, what can I do to get things back to the way they were?" "Hate your job." "Honey, I want to, but I just don't." "Why does this bother you so much?" "It's just we've always been people who work 'cause we had to work." "You know, we gave 40 hours a week to the Man so we could spend the other 40 hours here, home, together." "Doug, a week has more than" "Never mind." "Doug, just because I love my job doesn't mean I don't love my time here with you." "Yeah, but... when you come home from a job you hate, being with me is like a step up, you know?" "Now when you come home you're like, "Hey, I'm home." "Oh, that's right." "This place sucks. "" "Come on, that's crazy." "Whatever." "It's not your problem, you know." "I'll have to get used to you coming home all happy and fulfilled and on the coffee list." "Doug, you're overreacting." "I'll always love coming home to you." "And besides, being on the coffee list is no treat." "They go to this really fancy Italian restaurant where the coffee's really bitter." "Really?" "I mean, the coffee's bad?" "Yeah, really bad." "Wow." "I mean, coffee's the first thing you have in the morning, so if that's bad, that gets your day off to a crappy start, huh?" "Yes, yes, a really crappy start." "That is too bad." "Yeah, it's the worst." "What else you got?" "Um..." "Oh, one of the drawers on my desk sticks, so I gotta yank on it, and then the whole thing comes out." "Oh, I'm so sorry." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Oh, and then they hired this new guy." "Really sleazy." "He is always rubbing up against me in the copy room." "That's awesome." "Yeah." "Listen, you're not just saying this to make me feel better, are you?" "No, no, I mean, the guy is- Is a total perv." "His hands are all over me." "It makes me feel dirty and cheap and violated." "I love you." "Ahh!" "Works every time." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
" Is it good?" " Who'll swap?" "Not me." " Me neither." " I'll swap." " For?" " Your sweater." "Meet my father." "Seyed Jawad Tabib-Ghafari." "Seyed means we descend from the Prophet." "He was proud of that." "My mother." "She knows thousands of poems, without schooling." "She learned to write at 67 and died at 68." "She was religious but never forced us to be." "She said..." "Do your best, children, I'll sort things outwith God." "There were 12 of us." "Even without half of those kids, it's still a big family." "We had Muhammad," "Mahmoud," "Soraya," "Parvin, Hedayat," "Enayat," "Fatima," "Faflde," "Monire, Mojde," "Aziz, who loved school so much, he always left last..." "I mustn't steal the other children's clothes." "And this is me, Hibatollah." "With 12 children, every meal becomes a war." "This is the smile of a strategist with a plan." "I was thinking," ""From here, I can reach the dish." "My little sisters eat less, so I have a chance of getting their leftovers."" "Just for rice." "Hibat, get that." "My uncle managed our fortune." "He loved poker, unfortunately." "Impossible, that's ten times now!" "You're useless." "We lived in Dezfoul, a village of 10,000 in south Iran, a country of 33 million." "I didn't learn that from my schoolteacher." "Nasser asked..." "Sir, where's Belgium?" "Belgium?" "It's near..." "It's between..." "Between here and here." "I wanted to be a lawyer." "Luckily, I was a good student." "Good, Hibat." "Bravo, Hibat." "Great, Hibat." "Hibat Tabib." "Accepted." "200 places for 11,000 applicants." "I was in the 200." "I discovered politics at university." "As I grew older, I saw the injustice caused by the Shah of Iran." "The people hungered for freedom." " They cried..." " We're hungry!" " He said..." " Don't give a shit." " Thirsted for equality." " We're thirsty!" "Don't give a shit." " Wanted fraternity." " We want it!" "Nearly gave a shit." "I did give a shit." "Why a revolution?" "To shame the family, father, mother, all of us?" "Imagine what it's like for Dad." "You choose:" "politics or family." "My family" "The people of Iran." "Let's go, Aziz." "Yeah, let's go." "My sweater, Aziz!" "The inevitable finally occurred." "Propaganda!" "Arrest them!" "We both got a 10-year stretch." "How long now, Nasser?" "How long have we been here?" "Chokri and me, 7 years now." "You and Aziz, 2 months less." " Life is crazy." " Why?" " When did we meet?" " As kids." " Ages ago." " Yes." "We're from the same village, with the same politics, both arrested and now in the same cell." "Crazy..." "You arrived 2 months earlier." "So?" "You chose your mattress." "Not again?" "Hold on, I don't blame you." "First guy here takes the first mattress." "But maybe you'd like..." "Spit it out." "To swap beds." "No one swaps beds here." "Exactly." "Let's be the pioneers of a new era where people..." "First, your lawyer talk won't fool me." "Second, my mattress sucks like yours." "How do you know mine sucks?" "You tried it and chose the best." " We're in jail." " Fink." "We're in jail." "Everything sucks." "Clothes, food, cell, everything!" " It's jail." " Hibat!" "Visitor." "Your brother, Muhammad." "My visits suck too." "How are you?" "What do you want?" "To see you both." "No, really." "I've been promoted." "I have contacts." "I can get you out." "Apologize for insulting the Shah." " You don't get it." "Haven't you hurt our family enough?" "Aziz is in jail." "Enayat and Faride too." "Thanks to you," "Mom has 4 kids in jail." "She has 7 left." "8, there are 12 of us." "No." "There are 11 of us." "Let's go back, Aziz." "Yeah, let's go back." "Ask Aziz." "He sat there opposite me..." ""I work for the government now." "I can get you out if you apologize."" "You're no traitor." "Hold on, want to see a real traitor?" " Look over there." " Cyrus?" "Yes." "Why's he being freed?" "He did 2 years of 10." "He'll be a cop within days." "Guys who join the enemy should die." "Or have their clothes stolen." "You have a problem with clothes." "We were 12!" "Behzad!" "Your dad's calling you." "Cut it out, guys." "He's the one stealing the pistachios!" "Come on, it can't be him." "He has plenty when we don't." "Behzad!" "These men are Communists." "They're scum." "He means you, Chokri." "Frequent Muslims or you'll become scum too." "Thanks." "He comes over here and talks about cleanliness with that beard!" "They're sick." "That's Rafsanjani, one of our chiefs." "Your chiefs." "We're not Islamists." "The beardie?" "He's new." "He arrived last week." "Last week?" "His beard looks like it's been locked up for years." "That beard was on the streets?" "It arrived this morning." "Separate sentences." "They just reunited." "Gather together!" " What?" " Gather in the yard." "Come on!" "Today is a special day." "It's the birthday of your ruler, the Shah of Iran." "In his generosity, his Majesty offers you a cake." "And you will eat it in honor of your king." "Saw." "Reza." "Nader." "Ali." "I'm not celebrating his birthday." "No one wants to, but we have no choice." "At least we get some cake." "Behzad." "Abass." "Bijan.." "Fuck, it's good!" "Chokri." "Hibat." "Hibat!" "He's calling you." " What's going on?" " Fuck..." "Eat." "Eat!" "Eat." "Take him away." "Hamid." "Farid." "Let people know what's going on." "We've been trying for 7 years." "The only phones are in the guards' office." "And it's locked." "Meaning they have the keys." "We need to steal one." "I'm no thief." "Are you kidding?" "You're always stealing." "Only clothes." "It's a childhood trauma." "I'm no thief." "Just a key." " I'm no thief!" " Ok." "He's no thief." "Got that?" "Calm down." "They carry the keys in purses." "If you steal a purse, technically... it's not theft." "It's not clothing." " It's an accessory." " It's trendy." " Very trendy." " And classy." "The male accessory." "The ideal one." " It's classy." " It'd suit him." "It'd really suit you." "No purse?" "No." "He doesn't have a purse." "I won't do it." "Hide it." "Not too sleepy?" "Are you ok?" "Why didn't you eat it?" "I'm allergic to yeast." "It's no game." "They'll kill you." "If they do, promise me something." "Tell me." "Anything" "The guy who replaces me..." "Yes." "Swap your bed." "They're gonna kill you." "Refusing the cake insults the Shah." "Eat it and live." " Nasser was right." "I spent months in solitary." "Anyone there?" "Inheritance." "Filiation." "I talked to preserve my memory." "Let's start with filiation." "If you have any questions, go ahead." "Chokri?" "Manocher." "I can't hear you." "There's a huge crowd!" "Go on." "You'll be out soon." "Listen, Chokri." "Listen!" "Death to the Shah!" "Majesty, is it true the opposition is growing?" "You're misinformed." "Everyone loves me." "The people are demonstrating." "Only a handful." "How many?" "Just..." "Several million people shouting," "I quote, "Death to the Shah."" "You're naive." "They have tapes." "Tapes?" "If just one person demonstrates, but has a tape-player, with a tape that has crowd noises recorded on it, you have the impression of a crowd, when the person is alone." "It's the volume..." "Tapes?" "Is he serious?" "We'll see who has tapes." "Death to the Shah!" "We're not tapes!" "Death to the Shah!" "We're not tapes!" "We want clothes!" "Why clothes?" "Aziz's orders!" "Death to the Shah!" "We're not tapes!" "We want clothes!" "How come a prisoner is defended in the French press?" "How did they get this photo?" "Your prisoners have a means of communication." "Jean-Paul Sartre published it." "Sartre." "A French philosopher." "The international community is abandoning us." "They're ruining my reputation." "One gets published, another refuses a cake..." "I've tried everything." "Let me execute them as an example." "No, that's impossible." "The people are angry." "The opposition is in jail." "If you eliminate them, there'll be a revolution." "Use their relatives." "When my mind faltered, my body resisted." "He's fainted again." "Still nothing?" "Why be so obstinate?" ""A prisoner refuses to eat the Shah's cake."" "Still nothing?" "So offer him... a ministry, a house, money..." " He doesn't want that." " What then?" " What scares you most." "A shark?" "A democracy." "What?" "A free democracy." "Oh, come on..." "Have him killed." "The people back him." "If he dies, there'll be a revolution." "The people want political prisoners freed." "Burn the prison." "Make it look like an accident." "No one will believe it." "And the people would never forgive you." "So what do I do?" "Release them." "In small groups." "Give them what they want to end the marches." "The gate." "The revolution had begun." "Majesty, we must leave." "The Shah was gone." "His supporters took our place." "And we eagerly awaited the one who embodied our hopes:" "Khomeini." "Khomeini..." "I don't trust Khomeini." "Your wife trusts no one." "Don't be negative, Maryam." "He represents us and opposes the Shah." "And he's a Seyed." "But is he a democrat?" "No, he said, "The Islamic State is incompatible with dictatorship because the foundation of Islam is democracy."" "Our revolution is neither nationalistic, nor democratic." "The people have risen up for Islam and we shall export our model throughout the world." "We had replaced a dictator with an even worse one." "Aziz, steal clothes, but don't steal my pieces." "Just don't." "And the others." "It's a calm, discreet neighborhood." "People work all day." "We'll be left alone." "This is it." " Good, huh?" " Excellent." "How much?" "Not a lot." "Don't worry, my father won't want much rent." " I said we were friends." " Aren't we?" "I don't know him." "Fereshteh, meet Hibat." "The comrade who refused the Shah's cake." "What for?" "It was too dry." "My dad doesn't know we're into politics." "I said you were a lawyer." "But I am a lawyer." " You've never practiced." " I was in jail." "See, you've never practiced." "How was your lawyer?" "He was on their side, so I defended myself." "So you lost your only case." "The trial was rigged." "I got 10 years." "You must have been useless." "See you." "But..." "Bye." "She's nice, huh?" "She's perfect." " I'll marry her." " Meet her parents first." "So you want to marry my daughter?" "Using that accent to scare him?" "Not at all, I'm just trying..." "You want her hand?" "Yes." "Isn't it a bit rushed?" "What's your problem?" "You want to upset her?" " Or rule my life?" " To sell her?" "Then take my kids?" "That's no good, dear." "To make them feel guilty, keep it realistic." "So..." "You want to marry my daughter?" "Yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "It would be an honor." "Yes, sir." "It would be an honor for she is the sweetest and most wonderful person" "I have ever met." "And?" "And I'll never thank her enough for casting out of my life... suffering," "SO [TOW and free will." "If you're mad enough to bear her, it's fine by us." "A lawyer?" "Yes, I am." "A lawyer..." "A fine trade." "Weird." "Whenever I call your firm, you're never in." " Leave him be." " He works a lot!" "You'll watch him like some Islamist?" "There!" "That's good!" "Listen, if you stay out of politics, it's fine by me." "Don't put my daughter in danger." " Your in-laws?" " They're ok." "He thinks you're a lawyer?" "What is this?" "I am a lawyer." "You never practiced." "I was in jail, with you." "And him too." "Behzad." "He's part of the government." "The pistachio thief too." "I don't believe it." "The new prison warden." "Beardie?" "Beardie's running the prison?" "Depressing." "Hello!" "How are you?" "It's our daughter's wedding tonight." "Wonderful." "Do we know the boy?" "No." "He's not a local." "He's a lawyer." "He's very discreet." "A fine boy." "We'll give him a surprise." "We're planning..." "A bachelor party?" "A funeral." "Wanted" "Hurry!" "Hurry..." "I am hurrying!" "We have to disguise him." "There." "Was the beard necessary?" "No, it wasn't." "So the funeral's off?" "Turn it down." " It's a wedding!" " They'll arrest us." "Everything ok?" "Couldn't be better." "I love you." "I saw your portrait..." " What portrait?" " On the market wall." "I don't have a beard." "My dad added it." "He knows." "He didn't say." "He's fond of you." "But he's scared." "Tomorrow, it'll be worse." "Bearing your name will link our destinies." "Sorry about all that." "Thank you for all that." "What?" "What's wrong?" "No..." "That's terrible." "No more music." "The party's over then." "Too bad." "The following year was very tough." "For protection, each of us knew just one comrades address." "Lateness was bad news." " When's the rendezvous?" " At 1." " And?" " It's two minutes after." "We're leaving." "We didn't know who to trust." "Some friends were enemies." "Trust me." "I just want to help you." "Some enemies were friends." "Carrying cyanide, we moved house often that year." "25 times?" "30?" "No ties." "No indispensable belongings." "They arrested Chokri." "We had no time to mourn." "We had to think of the survivors." "We expected a lot from Ghassemlou, head of the Kurdish resistance." "It was time you met." "We want to see Khomeini go too." "I'm very glad to meet you too." "But I have bad news." "Can't Hibat drive you to the hospital?" "He's at work." "Give me a break!" "I know he's wanted." " So why ask?" " If I know, I can protect you!" "No, Dad." "If you know, I can't protect you." "Aziz, put the bag in the car." "She needs things for her and the baby." "Manocher, get the bed and clean this place." "Iraj, tell Hibat his wife's gone into labor." "He doesn't know." "And buy me flowers." "Buy you flowers?" "Why?" "Because you love me." "Come on, move it!" "Shit." "We can't get in." "We'll try another hospital." "No, a colleague's helping me give birth." "I'll only be safe here." "I don't believe it..." "How did it happen so fast?" "Meningitis is like that, lightning fast." "Why didn't he say?" "Most people don't know." "They think it's an ordinary headache." "Chosen my grandson's name?" " We're mourning." " So?" "Even if we're mourning, he needs a name." "Manocher." "His name's Manocher." "Too long." "Nouchi." "Hibat, I have good and bad news." "The bad first." "It's getting too dangerous here." "We'll fight from abroad." "And the good news?" "There is none." "It's all bad actually." "Sounds worse." "Saying good and bad..." " Evens it out." " Yes." "You think we should flee Iran?" ""We" means Hibat, Aziz and me." "You haven't done time." "As if he'd leave without me." "When do we go?" "It's for the party, the struggle." "You'd go without me?" "It's only temporary." "I don't want to go either." "You'd go without me?" "You're right." "I won't go without her, Nasser." "In that case, leave the baby with your folks until things improve." " Suits me." " Shut up." "You'd leave without your son?" "It's too dangerous." "He'll join us later." "Once he's old enough to know we abandoned him?" "Listen up, Hibatollah Tabib-Ghafari." "You know my voice?" "You know this tone?" "Yes." "So, yes, it's dangerous to take him but what do I always say?" " You say..." " What do I say?" " You say..." " What do I say?" "Fear" "Fear" "Feat"" "...won't make you safe." "She says that." "And?" "It's..." "I don't know." "It's better... to be to..." "Tolerant?" "Together." "Better together in hell than alone in heaven." "Sorry." "He comes too." "He refused to eat the Shah's cake?" "Yes." "Why?" "He's scared of her." "I'm sorry." "She scares us all more than the Shah did." "Nouchi." "Nouchi." "Baby?" "Nouchi." "All right..." "I'll put you down." "We have to leave!" "It's full of Islamists." "Hold on..." "You can't move each time we see a beard." "This is Iran, not Finland." " It's a country of beards." " Want us to get killed?" "They won't look for us here." "That's a good thing." "Who is stupid enough to hide among the people looking for them?" "Good question." "Who is stupid enough?" "Your dad." "It's not that stupid." "Your husband too." "Two days later..." "Goodbye." "Yes, see you soon." "Assholes." "Just look at these assholes..." "What's this?" "It looks bad." "What's this?" "All our compromising documents were in Nouchi's pants." "No one searches a baby." "Bravo, Nouchi!" "January 1st." "Fereshteh is 23 today." "My gift to her is our escape across the mountains." "He's asleep?" "Yes, the valium's working." "Good." "No, it's really dangerous." " It's dangerous if he wakes." " What if he doesn't?" "I'm a nurse, he'll wake." "Don't worry." " Are you ready?" " Yes." "Fereshteh, please." "Let go." " I'm letting go." " No." " I am." " No, you're not." "Turn your hands." "Just turn them." " I'm not holding him." " I can't take him." "Look at my hands." " I'm not holding him." " Look at your elbows." "You're resisting." "That's gravity." "We're in the mountains." " It'll all go well." " Yes..." "Look at me." "It'll all go well." "It'll all go well." "It'll all go well." "It'll all go well, right?" "Are you ok?" "Nouchi?" "He's in the car." "He's sleeping." "I said it'd go well." "Let's hurry." "It's another two days to Istanbul." "I'll be right back." "Are you okay?" "What are you doing?" "I'm taking photos." "I'd just left Iran for the first time." "See you again soon." "I've never been back." "We have to go." " The horse too?" " Three days of it." "Istanbul, Turkey" "Thank you." "Are you sure?" "It's risky." "Maybe their phone's tapped." "Excuse me." "Do you have a phone?" "Who was it?" "Your daughter." "And..." "They're alive." "After a year as illegals in Turkey, we asked for asylum in France, the home of Human Rights and the Revolution." "Nouchi..." "First stop:" "Stains, Seine-Saint-Denis." "It's really ugly." "We'd return home once the Islamists were ousted, but for now we had to survive here." "We started from scratch." "New country, new language, new life." "Our place before we moved in." "And our place after." "We couldn't afford furniture, but a traditional home needs rugs." "We had 3 plates, 3 glasses, 3 forks, 3 knives, 3 spoons, next to nothing." "The struggle continued." "Out with the beardies!" "French was tough." "At first, we heard..." "We learned to understand." "He needs a transplant." "Isn't it risky at his age?" "Trust us, we must give him that orgasm." "The struggle continued." "We had to work." "Work hard." "Work really hard." "We're rich!" "No, sweetheart, it's for Iran." "We're not rich!" "...see how they run" "They all ran after the farmer's wife" "Who cut off their tails" "With a carving knife" "Did you ever see" "Such a thing in your life" "As three blind mice!" "Bravo!" "Let's give him a big hand." "Now you, Manocher." "Your favorite song." "Now comrades come rally" "And the last fight let us face" "The Internationale" "Unites the human race!" "Good." "Let's all clap." "Give him a big hand." ""A complaint..." ""on an international level, filed by a state..."" "No capital." ""...filed by a state, for damage endured by an individual..."" "Maybe I should use "person"." " Which one?" " "Person"." "No, use "individual"." ""...by an individual who holds both nationality of the suing state and of the sued state..."" "Spot the subtlety there?" " Great." " It's good." "I like it." ""...is inadmissible unless the concerned party..."" "Why am I writing your thesis?" "We can't afford to get a computer." "And you write badly." "After being in jail and getting tortured, you write badly." "You wrote badly before." "I saw your lawyer's letters." "See, I was a lawyer!" "After these sleepless nights, you'd better pass." "It's a 2-year course." "I won't last two years." "Pass this year." " It takes 2." " This year!" "Hibat!" "You passed..." "You passed!" "L 90'!" "my diploma!" "No, we got your diploma." " We got it." " We got my diploma." "But the struggle continued." "Out with the Islamists!" "Mullahs and beardies too, the same goes for you!" "Dictators, oppressors, you're all..." " Fuckers!" " "Fuckers" doesn't rhyme." " What was that?" "My son's alone!" "Calm down!" "Calm down, then we'll talk." "Our son's alone out there!" "Don't drive off!" "Our son's out there!" "Let go of me!" "He's out there!" "We'll lose him!" "Please, calm down." "Calm down." "Calm down!" "He's all alone!" "We've found him." "We've found him." "Calm down." "Calm down, please." "We've found him." "Let go of me!" "He was all alone." "Dad, it's me." "How are you?" "Sorry, wrong number." "It's your daughter." "I don't have a daughter." "We're in France." "We can talk over the phone now." "I keep forgetting!" "My diploma..." "How are you?" "Tell him I passed." "Did you get the photos of Nouchi?" "They must be lost in the mail." "My diploma." "Hibat passed his law exam." "Really?" "So he's a lawyer now." "That's good." "I knew he would be one day." "I have to tell you we're staying in France." "It was temporary at first but..." "But with Nouchi... the struggle, it's..." "It's not easy." "We're far away." " We feel as if..." " No." "Listen carefully." "Do what you have to do." "Live your lives." "Everyone will understand." "Be happy" "Thank you, Dad." "Thank you." "They won't be back." "Then we met Jeannette, incredibly kind, a little deaf, ok, very deaf, who saw potential in two immigrants." "How are you?" "I'm not thirsty." "I work with a group called" ""Women in the Projects"." "No, "Women in the Projects"." "I want you to work on health awareness." " As an ex-nurse?" " No, as an ex-nurse." "I'll give it a try, but only one week." "She stayed six months." "After that, she took over and she's still there now." "Hibat, you interest me too." "We need to set up a group that isn't just for women." "And we did it." "We worked with the community, which got me noticed and, a few years later..." "Hibat!" "Hi." " Daniel." "How are you?" " Fine." "Daniel Bioton." "My wife, my son." "The mayor of Pierrefitte." "The next town." "You shop in Stains?" "I'm incognito here." "Excuse me..." "Yes, it's me." "Could you let me by?" "Modesty." "I'm glad I ran into you." "I'm opening a social center in a neighborhood where I have few fans." "Voters." "Admirers." "Supporters." "Worshipers." "I need someone with legal training." "He's a lawyer." "And experience in social work." "Interested?" " Well..." " Is it paid?" "You were a volunteer?" " Yes." " No." " I was." " Let me negotiate." "Yes, he was a volunteer, that's right." "But as a temp." "Mostly part-time." "So with a salary, of course." "With basic pay at..." " I wasn't paid!" " You don't know that." "I never had a pay slip!" "So you can't know." "This is a news flash." "Ayatollah Khomeini is dead." "At the imam's place of residence, a huge crowd has gathered to pray." "With Khomeini dead, we had a chance of ending the regime." "Iran was calling us to rebuild and resist..." "So, do I hire you?" "But our life would be here from now on." "Welcome to Pierrefitte North." "Burglaries, vandalism, drug trafficking." "30% of the apartments empty." "No one wants to live here." "Good night, Mum." "Kissed your mum?" "Yes." "Your real mum." "She adopted you." " It's a joke, sweetheart!" " It's not funny." "You ruin it by telling him too soon." "It could have been funny." "I don't like upsetting him." "You're improving, but it's still too soon." "All right, teacher." "How was your day?" "I don't get it." "At home, it's five wives." "Polygamy is illegal here." "It's one wife." "Madam Fereshteh, I'll let my daughter go on the trip with you." "But you have to make sure she returns a virgin." "I'm so ashamed." "I'm a bit worried." "Because of my daughter." "She's nearly 16." "With no boyfriend." "I know what boys are like." "They buzz around like flies." "I'll make an effort, you make one too." "Make it four." "Not a single boyfriend." "Three!" "And leave it at that." "Will she kill herself?" "No buzzing with my daughter." "I said I was ashamed?" "Can I say it again?" "I'm ashamed." "A good day." "All the same..." " Four wives." " In your dreams." "I nearly cut myself..." " Hello." " Hello, Hibat." "Someone smashed a window." "No one knows who did it, as usual." "Those guys..." "We could ask them." "Bad idea." "Especially the middle one." "Elyess, he's dangerous." "He first did time at 15." "He's been in and out since." "Hello." "I'm Hibat, the center's manager." " And?" "We want to know how you feel about the broken window." "Who gives a shit?" "Who gives a shit?" "Who gives a shit who did it?" "Accusing us?" "Not at all." "It's weird." "It's your center too." "Why don't you care?" "Nothing is ours here." "We just got out of jail, ok." "If we go back, it'll be for more than beating you up." "How long?" " How long in jail?" " 6 months." "Joker." "Hibat was tortured more than 7 years in an Iranian jail." "No football, no TV." "You clown." "Once again, no one's accusing you." "But this is your center." "More than 7 years?" "Goodbye." "Stone by stone, step by step, we worked to save the neighborhood." "A new guy" "Why was Hibat jailed?" "He fought." "He said no to the Shah's cake." "He wasted a shark for refusing a cake!" "Adama became a key figure locally." "The school often used him to contact parents." "Now then, Mrs. Diara." "All his teachers, even the sports teacher, say that Salimou is, I quote," ""like a house plant." "His use has not yet been discovered."" "His absences shatter all records." "Our software doesn't recognize him." "When we enter his name, it tells us he doesn't exist." "He says I'm a budding plant." "I've shattered all records for grades." "The software can't believe it." "Liar!" "A liar and a bad student!" "It's not true!" " Part them." " Wait a while." "Let's go, guys." "Where?" " To see Hibat." " A meeting with the cops." " Seriously?" " Yeah." "Those bastards?" "We'll tell them they're bastards." "Come on." "Ok, stay there, man." "We're Blacks and Arabs, that's why." "We don't judge your appearance or origin, but your acts." "Why keep checking us?" "Not true." "We check everyone, but you're not there to see it." "Why handcuff us before asking for our ID?" "You'd run." "An innocent doesn't run." "If you handcuff us, you see us as guilty!" "Guilty isn't innocent in your eyes" "Why do you stone us?" "Why change the subject?" "They hate each other." "But they're talking." "Beautiful, Maimouna!" " Like the colors?" " Yes." "Why?" " It's for you." " Really?" "Thank you." "I'm touched." "How can you let your husband have several wives and say nothing?" "It's tradition." "Tradition?" "If mine brings another wife home, I'll spit in his food." "That'll stop him!" "Our men don't have mistresses, but several wives." "Good point." "She's right, Rachida." "But it's risky, hygiene-wise." " STDs" " Text messages?" "Those are SMSs." " That's candy." " mms." "Martine?" "Could you turn the light off?" "Having multiple partners without protection is dangerous for everyone." "Don't call on God with each slide." "It's biology." "God save us from biology!" "Understand her." "Because of you, she has seen more nude women in 10 minutes than in her whole life." "Your husband lives with four wives, you're used to it." "Fereshteh, does the man decide the child's sex?" " Not at all." " No way, we'd have died out if he did." "He doesn't decide the sex, he determines it." "With X chromosomes, women can only give birth to daughters." "Man has both X and Y." "If his sperm contains X, it'll be a girl." "If it's Y, it'll be a boy." "So if we can't have boys, it's not our fault." "Of course not." " All right, back to sewing?" " That's ok." "I was sewing too." "I tried to weave ties." "That guy's pretty cool." "Way cool." "He'll help with my résumé." "He's kind." " He's good." " I heard this tune..." "Heavy stuff." "The guy remixed an Edith Piaf song." "You know "Come to my door"?" ""Milord"." " My door." " What?" "My door." "The chick tells a guy to come to her door so she can bang him." "You're nuts." "Edith Piaf sang porn songs?" " Jerk." " Jerk yourself." ""My door"..." "Your résumé?" "I forgot all about it." "The AFPA needs it." " What?" " A training program." "Someone's missing." "Yeah, Elyess." " He's in his village." " On vacation." "He goes there a lot?" "He goes, he comes back..." "He goes." "He comes back." "Give him this message:" "It's not too late." "For what?" "He'll understand." "Our comrades had followed us." "The mountains, Turkey and asylum." "Iraj and Maryam were in France, Nasser in Sweden and Aziz in Germany." "That's where they shot him." " When did you get here?" " Just now." "What happened?" "A party meeting at his restaurant." "I thought he had a clothing store?" "He kept stealing the stock." "He made nothing." "He stole his own stock?" "Two hooded men killed everyone except Aziz." "Since he was serving, he wasn't hit in the head or heart, but in the legs and belly." "I have to see him." "What's up?" "I have good news and bad news." "I know that trick." "It's all bad." "No, it's true." "First the good." "You're alive to hear the bad." "You lost a kidney." "There's a bullet in you." "You'll set off alarms." "Life won't change." "You can carry on as before." "Stealing your stock!" "When do you leave?" "This evening." "Guess who's coming to dinner tomorrow." "1st clue." " Back in the day, we said..." " Ghassemlou." "Fantastic!" "Why..." "My friends..." "Thanks for coming." "He asked why I dressed like a chef." "He did?" "Can you do a magic trick?" "Give me a coin." "He loves magic." "See this coin?" "I put it in this hand..." "It slowly descends..." " Incredible." " Good trick or bad?" "You shouldn't have." "Beautiful..." "Won't you stay?" "People are expecting me." "Ok." "Thank you." "The Kurdish independence leader," "Abdul Raman Ghassemlou, killed in Vienna." "He was meeting three members of his party when gunmen burst in and shot them at point-blank range." "The shooting occurred during a meeting between two Kurdish groups." "Ghassemlou, leader of the Iranian Kurds, opposed the Iranian government to obtain independence." "I can't." "You're not serious." "I did all I could to get your subsidy but I can't renovate the neighborhood." "What?" " I have no choice." " Not true!" "I can't do anything." "You don't want to." "Hibat, give me your hat." "What hat?" "You can't, you don't have a hat." "I don't have the money." "I'm sorry." "That's ok." "Here." "Thanks, Daniel." "When he sees this..." "Even the foosball..." "Hibat, fuck your mother" "Even the foosball, huh?" "Nice and comfortable?" "Try to pick her up, Abdel." "Perfect timing!" "Think it's funny?" "Hide your grin, it's not funny." "This is your center." "All this is yours." "We'll shut down." "No more center." "No more résumés." "No more outings." "No more projects." "No more workshops, nothing!" "Manage on your own." "Want to come to Fontainebleau tomorrow?" "No thanks." "The center shut down a month ago." "It'll do you good." "We'll look at paintings, sculptures..." "Roof beams..." "Grass..." "Come on." " I'll get on board." " Ok." "Come on, girls!" "Hurry it up." "Got your sandwiches?" "No one mentioned sandwiches." "I said to bring a packed lunch." "A packed lunch, not a sandwich." "What else can you bring?" "We brought this." " I said I was ashamed?" " Yes." "Welcome to my life." "Everywhere!" "I'm shocked." "There." "He's in briefs." "Beautiful, isn't it?" "Sorry, I'm miles away." "It's ok." "It'll pass." "I'll resign." "Hi, it's your wife." "Aminata." "Not her." " Neither." " You're a drag!" "You're sure?" "Yes." "You're hesitating." "You hate abandoning people." "Mom!" "Come out of there!" "Rachida, get up!" "Fereshteh, I'm tired." "It's the queen's bed!" "She has great taste." "Rachida, want my seat?" "Maimouna, that's Napoleon's chair." "That was the answer." "To revive the neighborhood, we had to swap places." "The only work I've been able to find is at nights." "So, please, make less noise so I can get some sleep." "You make more noise with your music!" " Shut your mouth." " Be polite." "That's all bullshit." "You date his sister and stir up trouble." "Hey, she's not your sister!" "It's not his business!" "My son has to show respect at school" " We agree." " I insist on it." "But he gets blamed." " Your zouk music..." " Try dancing to it." "That's not the problem." "It's better than Arab music." "You don't dance at midnight." "He lets his kids hang out... 10,000 of them everywhere." "They won't let us live our lives." "We're not doing any harm." "Quite simply, I'm sick of it." "Waste him, man!" "If they carry on, how will they manage?" "They'll be parents too one day." "Who's going to replace us?" "Them, right?" "If they start like this, how will they end up?" " Next!" " Go ahead." "Great." "Awesome." "Next!" "No illegality" "My life is reality" "That sucks." "What're you doing?" "I'm waiting in line." "What a load of losers." "Let's split." "What's the line for?" "Hash." "It's free today." "How's your uncle?" "Your sister?" "Your mom?" "The baby?" "The other baby?" "This stuff must be really good." "Anyone here?" "Shit!" "It's bustin' my fuckin' balls!" "Shit!" "Think about it." "More than 7 years." "I'd need to go wild to get that much." "His wife makes shark cake." "Bullshit." "He wasted a shark." "To make a cake!" "So that's why..." "They eat shark in China, not in Iran." "Where's Iran?" "In Asia." "In Asia, where the Chinese live!" "All right!" "I had a call from your son's teacher." "The class trip is going well, but he fought." "He never fights." "His roommate wouldn't swap beds." "I hope he wasted the kid." "I hate these people who won't swap beds." "Cut it out!" "By the way, he's changed his name too." " He's Kheiron now." " What?" "A stage name or nickname or something." "He rejects the name we gave him?" "I'll disinherit him." "You own nothing." "I'll get rich just to disinherit him." "Good idea." "Give me a minute?" "How's it going?" "It's not too late?" "Our story began in Iran and will end in France." "We have our definition of integration." "We have our story, you have yours." "We'll write a new one together." " With the kids..." " Getting acquainted?" "Is she really deaf?" "Is he really dumb?" "I like all these stands." " He's cute." "What's his name?" " Cinnamon." "I'd eat you if I could." "Can I hold him?" "I'm going to eat you up." "Nice necklace!" "Is it Aztec?" "No, but thanks." "It suits you." "Don't buzz around my girl." "I saw him buzzing!" "What the fuck?" "People bust their asses cleaning up your shit." "They're not fucking idiots." "Don't give me that look." "Get outta here!" "When I arrived here, someone said, "Nothing is ours here."" "But it was theirs." "They just had to take it." "And a few years later..." "Hibat?" "Why didn't you water the plants?" " I'm getting the Legion of Honor." " And the plants?" "I need to call Nouchi." "Am I disturbing you?" "I'm calling to say I'm getting the Legion of Honor." "I just got the letter." "Thank you." "On..." "July 12th." "No..." "He's performing in Montreal." "In that case, we'll postpone it." "No way." "It has to be all three of us." "ALL THREE OF US" "In 2006, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine became Europe's first mediation town." "Hibat is now a European expert in mediation and education." "He still lives in the Paris suburbs." "After graduating top of her class in Social and Urban Development," "Fereshteh became a municipal executive in Stains." "Aziz has retired." "He lives between Tehran and Dusseldorf and has finally settled his problem with clothes." "Nasser is a political analyst on Iranian issues." "He still lives in Sweden." "Fereshteh's parents have settled in France." "Maryam and lraj live in France." "He has his own company and she is a doctor." "Behzad was imprisoned in 2009 for contesting Ahmadinejad's election as president." "He was freed five years later." "Daniel Bioton died at the age of 64." "At 27 years, he is still Pierrefitte's longest-serving mayor." "He was modest and, according to his wishes, no school or street bears his name." "Adama died of a heart attack in 2001." "During urban renovation in the neighborhood, his fresco was destroyed." "A collective recovered the pieces to put the work back together." "Hibat hired Abdel at the center as a sports coach." "He stayed there 5 years." "Mamadou still lives in the neighborhood." "Luckily for everyone, he has given up rap." "Elyess returned to prison for the ninth and last time." "A job offer signed by Hibat got him out early." "He is now an assistant director in a social center in the Paris suburbs and the father of three children." "Subtitles:" "Ian Burley, a.s.i.f." "Subtitling:" "Eclair Media" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"Who's there?" " Glens Falls Police Department." " This is Dr. Lifflander." "I want..." "Hello?" "Can you send someone to ...?" "Hello hello." "Oh God!" "Oh, God... no!" "No!" "I've got a gun!" "I'll shoot!" "Get out or I'll shoot!" "Smoke, smoke I've got joints in bags, leaves and dime bag, gold Colombian smoke." "I've got acid, blanche, rainbow, wonder paint, speeds, downs," "Seconal, Valium, mescaline, THC," "I've got some good cocaine, peyote, cannabis, grass, angel dust," "Check it out man!" "Tranquilizers, amphetamines, white, ecstasy, methadone, marijuana, morphine..." "What do you want?" "Some girls?" "I've got some nice girls." "What the fuck is wrong with you anyway, man?" "I sold it to Dirty Lou." "You remember him." "He looks like Smuggle in the comics." "Dirty Lou..." "The name sounds so familiar." "Wait a minute..." "Didn't he get run over?" "It was suicide." "He hailed a cab and when it pulled up to the kerb, he jumped in front of it." "Get out of here!" "You're full of crap!" "Company..." "I'd like a room." " For how long?" " I'm not sure..." "A couple of hours?" "A couple of years?" "What?" "Give me a hint." " A few days." " Are you by yourself?" "Yes, alone, by myself." "All alone in this cold, cruel world... 20 bucks a night." "In advance..." "And if you pay by the day, it's due at noon." "And I don't want no junkies in here, cause this is a respectable hotel." "I just need a place to stay." " What's in the basket?" " Clothes." "He's smoking thru' a case of booze." "He's going to throw us a party!" " Room 7, third floor." " Great!" "20 bucks." "Oh, right." " Is this stuff real?" " Hmm." " Did you see that?" "He's loaded!" " So are you." "Hi, I'm Josephine." "What room are you in?" " Seven." " Oh, you're so lucky!" "That's the best room in the place!" "It was lived in by a little old lady who only went out on Sundays." "She lived there for ages." "Used to tell everyone she was rich on oil well in Texas." "Had millions... and was hiding from her relatives who were trying to steal it from her." "She'd creep up to you and say:" ""They try to take my money,"" ""..." "But don't know where I am!"" "Everyone thought she was nuts." "Then one day, she appeared in the lobby, dressed with pearls and jewels." "Said she was leaving to tour the world." "She paid her bill and left." "No one heard from her since." "We're here." "Is there any place I can get something to eat around here?" " Nothing too fancy, I hope." " No, just pizza or burgers." " Yeah, there're plenty..." " There's one right across the street." "Great, thanks." "Got you something to eat." "Take your time!" "There's plenty." "PATIENT:" "DUANE BRADLEY MD." "H.Needleman and J.Kutter" "Finished already?" "Damn!" "Kutter's name isn't listed." "Well, Needleman must have the number." "You're not going to pace the floor all night are you?" "No." "I don't want to talk now." "Go back to sleep!" "Oh, come on!" "I got to get up early." "We've been through this before, you know." "Look, I'm not going to stay up half the night talking." "It's 3:30 in the morning." "Go back to sleep!" "I'm not going to debate this!" "Now good night!" "For Christ sake!" "Shut up and let me get some sleep!" "Always waste time to start a conversation." "Oh, great!" "Last week you were in the dumb waiter, this week it's keyholes!" " There's somebody in there." " I figured that!" "You should see... he's got a roll of bills in them." "Like this." "Oh, give me a break!" "He's kind of letting him run loose... in his pocket!" "You've got two seconds before I start pounding on his door." " No, wait..." " One .." "I'm going!" "Keyhole peekers, cockroaches as big as dogs, saxophones playing at 4 o'clock in the morning and that crazy broad across the hall, who I know is pissing on my door step, I mean ...!" "Just a minute!" "Hi, I live across the hall and..." "Well, the reason I'm bothering is... now I don't want you think I go around butting into people's business but somebody has been snooping around your door, you know, peeking through the keyhole and shit." "So, if you have anything of value in there, like money or something," "I wouldn't leave it laying around." "Right, sure." "You know I can't stand to see somebody get ripped off." "Especially without a fighting chance." "My name is Casey." " Duane Bradley." " Nice meeting you, Duane Bradley." "What the hell are you doing in this dump?" "It was the first hotel I came to." "Obviously, a hard man to please." "Where are you from?" "Upstate." " Oh, first time in New York?" " Yeah." "Listen, we have to go for a drink some time." " Okay, sure." " Catch you later kid." "Bye." "Come one." "We gotta pay a little visit to a doctor friend of mine." "Now the drugstore said he never should have prescribed it to me in the first place." "It's the wrong drug!" "I'm allergic to it!" "That's terrible!" "Does he know you're allergic?" "Well, he should." "It's the second time he gave me the wrong prescription." "The first time was just as bad!" "Oh, my goodness!" "I'll be right with you." "It's this typewriter." "It was terrible!" "First I got dizzy, then I couldn't breathe then my throat felt like it was on fire!" "Well, you make sure and tell all this to the doctor." "Okay, this is the one!" "Hear that?" "Sounds like something grinding inside." "And the carriage won't return." "Yesterday it was squeaking, like if a mouse was caught inside." "Real high-pitched, like..." "I don't know anything about typewriters." "I just want to see the doctor." "Oh, my goodness, I'm sorry!" "I just assumed..." "Oh, I didn't think you were a patient." "I'm expecting someone to fix the typewriter this afternoon, and I just thought, I figured that was your toolbox or something." "Dr. Needleman is an old friend of the family." "Is there any chance I could see him without an appointment?" "He'll tell you no, friend of the family or not!" "But as you can see, we have hundreds of patients waiting to see him." "So we'll just pretend you did call and have an appointment for... 11:30..." "You're next!" "Thanks!" "What's your name?" "Duane Bradley." "Oh, but don't write that ...!" "I want to surprise him, and he'd recognize that name right away." "Put down something like..." "Smith, Duane Smith." "He'll appreciate this." "He's a million laughs." "Okay and you fill out the rest." "What's in the basket?" "Easter eggs?" "Just visiting New York or ...?" "Yes, this is my first time." "So have you gone to the Empire State Building yet and the Statue of Liberty?" "No, I haven't had time." "Haven't had the time?" "What about the Radio City Music Hall?" "Or the UN?" " Had time for them?" " No, I..." "What about the World Trade Towers?" "Or the Trolley-cars?" " It's not that I don't want to, but..." " The Met?" "The Cloisters?" "Grummans Chinese?" "It's just that I don't know where anything is." "Oh, if you need a Tour Guide I'd be happy to volunteer..." "Or even buy you some 3D postcards and an "I Love New York" T-shirt." "You're next!" "Come in." "Yes, sir..." "Smith." "Smith." "All right." "Mr. Smith..." "What seems to be the problem?" "My chest." "I've got this pain and..." "Well, why not you put whatever that is down, take off your shirt, step in there and see." "So, what did he give you?" "48 hours to live?" "No." "We just had a nice chat." " Was he surprised?" " Oh, yeah." "Very." "Anyway." "Coming back to what we were talking about before," "I get off here tonight at 7:00." "Feeling keen?" "Well, I'd like to..." "But I can't." "Not tonight." "Can't say I didn't try." " Can I call you tomorrow?" " 233-3000." "He doesn't have hours on Wednesday." "I have the whole day free." " Where do you live?" " I'll write it down." "It's all the way downtown." "Why are we whispering?" " I don't want him to hear." " Who?" "Does the doctor?" "I'll see you later." "Lifflander." "Not now." "Not yet." "Save it." " That was delicious." " So are you." "Come on, have some more!" "No, really." "I've had enough." "Nonsense!" "We're just beginning." "Listen, if I have any more, I won't be liable to..." "That's alright, I like you drunk." "You're cute when you slobber." "Shit!" "Excuse me for a minute, love." "Dr. Kutter speaking." " This is Needleman." " Who?" "Harold, I thought I made it clear, you weren't to call me again, ever." "You remember Lifflander?" "From Glens Falls?" "Well, a few days ago he left a message on my answering service that I was to get in touch with him." " So?" " So..." "So today, a young man comes to see me, about 20 years old, using a phony name, and nothing's wrong with him, except he's from Glens Falls and he has a deep scar running down his right side." "Please Harold, I'm in the middle of dinner." "But what he said about Lifflander?" "I've been trying to get him and I get no answer." "And this kid says it's because Lifflander is dead!" "Murdered!" "Cut in half!" "Calm down now, Harold and pay attention." "Ready?" "Neither of us know any Dr. Lifflander and neither of us have ever been in Glens Falls." "But one of us wants to get back to her dinner." "Good night!" "Sorry about that Cuddles." "Now, where were we?" "Are you leaving now or should I lock up?" "No, I'll be a while, but..." "go and lock up anyway." "Okay." "See you on Thursday." "She just left." "He's in there alone." "Don't forget the adress book." "Hurry up." "I'll be outside." "Did you get his address book?" "Great!" "Kutter is listed." "He's got her address." "We're in luck." "I brought you some goodies." "But first, breakfast." "I also got you a surprise." "But don't look till I'm ready." "I don't see any reason why you need to come with me today." "I'm just going to case Kutter's apartment." "I gotta find out if she's home or when she'll be back." "Maybe I can find out where she works." "It's going to be dull." "So I figured you'd have a better time here... with this!" "Great, huh?" "Got it on 14th Street." "Even has a guarantee." "Listen, I don't know how long I'll be, but if you get tired of watching TV, I also got you the paper." "See you later!" "I got to get these boots off." "My feet are killing me!" "That was a rare thrill!" "Every time the wind blew, I thought I was going to collapse." "Listen..." "Don't get mad or anything, but..." "I really don't want to see the city." "I just said that as an excuse to see you." "You're not mad?" "You dummy!" "I suggested we tour this city for the same reason you went along with it." "I wanted to be with you too." " You did?" " Duane!" "I know an awful lot of guys, Duane, but you're... different." "Don't you have girls upstate?" "Well, I keep pretty much to myself." "You're a dying breed, Duane." " What the hell is going on in here?" " Sounds like an animal." " Why don't you check it out, man?" " It's wrecking up the place, man." "Alright now, check it out!" "In here!" "In here!" "What the hell is going on up there?" "Come!" "Let's go!" "I trying to get some sleep, but that guy above me, he's gone crazy!" "I know, I know." "I gotta get some sleep!" "Get out of the way, will you!" "Come on, let me through!" "Get out of the way!" "In here!" "In here!" "Come on, back up, please." "Back off!" "Move back!" "Huh." "What the hell going on here?" "Looks like a God damn bomb hit this place!" "Where is the kid?" "He went out earlier today." "Well, no one came out of here, I've been standing here all the time." "All the while it was being wrecked." "Someone's got to be in here!" "Unless they climbed out the window, because this just doesn't make any sense." " These things couldn't get thrown around by themselves..." " Come on, out, out." "I heard them screaming, they couldn't have gotten out without me seeing them." "I mean, I was the first one here and I've been leaning right against the door and no one came out." "Which means they're still in here." "Somewhere in here." "Well, whoever was in here, he ain't here now." "But that's impossible!" " Oh really." "You see anybody?" " There is something wrong in here." " I know there is something!" " Come on." "Donovan!" "Donovan!" "Come on Donovan!" "Come on." "Let's go!" "Break it up." "I don't want anybody congregating around the hallway." "Come on, get back to your room." "There's nothing here to see any more." "Come on!" "Go back to your rooms!" "Come on, move it!" "Come on O'Donovan." "No, I'm going to my room." "I'm going to lie down for a while." "All right, everybody!" "Come on, break it up!" "Get out of here, let's go." "Come on, guys." "Back to your room." "Please, let's go." "Nothing happened." "Nothing happened." "Look, if this happens again..." "I don't know." "What do I know?" "I only rent the place." "Why should anybody tell me anything?" "I don't know nothing." "Why should I know everything?" "No reason for it." "Duane, are you all right?" "Move it!" "Got to get back." "Duane, wait!" "Duane!" "Down here!" "Please hurry." "I don't know what's going on!" "Oh, God!" "Alright, clear the lobby." "Come on." " Come on, Marlin, outside." "Let's go!" " What happened?" "Someone killed O'Donovan and ripped him to pieces." " They just carried him away." " But the culprit was scaring everyone." " You can't come in here!" " But I only want..." "Get out of here!" " You heard what they said?" "He killed O'Donovan!" " Who?" "I don't want him kill you!" "Thanks." "You've been very helpful." "We'll probably have more questions..." "Would you hold it a minute?" " Do you live here?" " Yes" " What's your name?" " Duane Bradley." " How long you been out, Duane?" " Since this morning." " Do you have pets?" "Any animals in there?" " No, nothing." "Why?" "Oh, one of your neighbors, a Mr Brian Mickey O'Donovan was murdered a few hours ago." "And we're just questioning everybody in the building." " Mind if we come in?" " No." "Duane, right before the murder, some of the tenants claim to have heard noises coming from this room." "Like someone on a rampage." " Any idea who it was?" " No, I don't know." "I was out." "What happened?" "That was an accident." "It happened last night." "We went out for burgers, and..." "We?" "No, me." "Just me." "And you don't own any pets?" "No dogs or anything?" "No." "What's in the basket?" "Nothing..." "Duane, where are you from?" "Upstate." "Glens Falls." "Upstate." "Do you always leave money lying around like that?" "Uh, must have fallen off the dresser." " And you've been out all day?" " Yes, since about 9:00." " Alone or ...?" " With someone." "If you have to prove where you were and who you're with, would you be able to?" "Sure." " How long you going to be staying here?" " A few days." "If I wanted to come back again and look around, will that be alright?" "Sure." "Okay, Mr. Bradley." "Thank you very much." "Listen, if you think of anything that may help us," "I'd appreciate you getting in touch with us." "Okay, sure." "Are you crazy?" "You could have us arrested!" "No, no." "You can't blame this on me." "I didn't know he would break you." "What?" "Wait a minute." "Hold it!" "All right, all right." "Okay yes, I was with a girl." "Yes, the receptionist." "Yes, I lied." "No, I didn't go to Dr. Kutters." "I knew if I told you, you'd get mad." "But I didn't do anything, she just showed me around, that's all." "I'm not deserting you!" "I just want some time for myself." "Look." "I've helped you with everything so far, haven't I?" "Killing Lifflander, was your idea." "Coming to New York to get the other two, was your idea." "Now wait a minute!" "Let me finish!" "I'm not saying that!" "Of course you're right." "They deserve what they get." "All I'm saying, it's been your idea every step of the way." "But I've helped you, haven't I?" "Never desert you, not after all we've been through, you know that." "We'll always be together." "What the hell are you doing here?" "Wait, no, don't tell me." "It's the first bar you came in, right?" "Hi, Casey!" "You really doing New York in style." "First the broad and now this place." " Aw, you come here often?" " I don't even drink!" "That's obvious." "You're not still upset about this afternoon, are you?" "That isn't half of it..." "I'm so messed up about a lot of things." "And now this girl I have met..." "I don't know what's going on anymore." "Tell you what." "Why don't you and that... picnic basket of yours, join me at the back table?" "I've got some heavy boozing to do and looks like you can use some good company." "Come on." "Now tell me..." "What do you do in Glens Falls?" " I'm a sorter." " A sort of what?" "No, a letter sorter." "I sort mail." "You're a mailman?" "That's great!" "There is something else I've been dying to ask you..." "What's in the basket?" " My brother." " Your brother!" "What is it?" "A midget?" "No, we're twins!" "Siamese Twins!" "That's funny, you don't look oriental!" "So what happened?" "So bad it shrink him?" "No, he is deformed!" "A freak!" "He looks like a squashed octopus!" "Our mother died giving birth to us." "He was attached to my right side." "They wouldn't let us go to school or anything." "They kept us hidden." "We were the big family secret." "Everyone hated us, except our aunt." "Listen, he likes the dark, he doesn't like to be seen, not even by me, sometimes." "And you know what else?" "He talks to me, up here, without words." "I just hear him whispering in my brain." "Sometimes he talks for hours, he won't shut up!" "I used to be able to talk to him like that, but that's when we were still connected." "Our aunt said it was our special gift, but since we have been separated, I can't do it anymore." "But he can still do it to me, in fact, he's even better at it now." " He always knows what I'm thinking." " Duane, you're giving me the creeps." "They didn't want him to live!" "But he fooled them." "He didn't die, he just got stronger." "Oh, if you only knew what it was like." "So in the end, I kept him from everyone." "Well, both of us are messed up!" "I don't know which one of us is worse..." "Duane." "Duane!" "No, no, God no!" "I don't even want it in the house!" "It should be dead instead of my wife!" "How could you let it be born?" "Why didn't kill it before it killed her?" "And then, after they tell me, my wife died, after they tell me my child is a twisted block of flesh then she tells me I need two names for it." "One for the child and one for the monster!" "As if I had two sons instead of one freak!" "It killed its own mother!" "You want a name for it, I will name him "killer"." "A murderer!" "The boy is how old now?" "Twelve?" "You mean "boys"." "There are two of them." "Boys..." "Yes, of course." "They're upstairs." "And just how long have you actually tutored the child?" "Children." "I've been with them since they were born." "As their aunt, I'm sure you're doing what you think best." "I've got a copy of your teaching certificate as well as the school board's report." "However the state does have final say and I must examine the boy for myself before any tutoring can replace proper schooling." "Now you do understand?" "Now, if I may be blunt, can't they..." "Couldn't they have an operation?" "It's not that simple." "I think we should discuss this downstairs." "No, no." "I think we're making a big mistake." "We're rushing things." "We shouldn't even be here." "Where is boy now?" "He's upstairs, in bed, asleep." "He can't hear us." "We need time to think this over, talk it over..." "We don't have time." "It must be done now, while my sister-in-law is away." "I'm not sure." "I've got second thoughts." "Bullshit second thoughts." "I've had 12 years of doctors' second thoughts." "I not know..." "I just don't know." "Well, you'll sure as hell know if it were your own son we were talking about!" "You understand that if we separate the deformity from Duane, it will probably die?" "It's better off dead!" "What kind of life will it have the way it is?" " We're talking about your child!" " Child?" "Duane is my child, not that other thing!" "All I want is Duane to be normal." "It's too late to change the other one, just cut Duane from it." "I don't know." "I don't know!" "The hospital says no, every doctor I've asked says no..." "You two may be my last hope!" "I don't know who you are, or where Lifflander found you and I don't care." "No questions asked." "Just separate them." "He's right of course." "The boy should have a chance of a normal life." "They don't share organs or bones, just tissue and flesh." "If the operation is successful, the most Duane will have is a nasty scar." " And the other one?" " Doctor..." "I'm not even sure it's human." "No, God no!" "Help help!" "No!" "Stop fighting, God damn it!" "We're just going into the dining room, Duane." "Now stop it!" "It won't hurt, Duane." "I promise, this won't hurt!" "Duane, hold still!" "Don't fight it..." " We're only trying to help you." " This is for your own good." " Now, we've got to hold you still." " Duane, God dammit!" " Hold his arms." " No, help!" "God, no!" "Damn it!" "It's for your own good!" "No, God!" "No, help!" "Hold him, hold him, that's it." "Damn it!" "If it is squirming around, this is not going to work, if it's squirming around." " Hold him still!" " Hold him." "Hold him..." " Look, I've got it..." " Okay, hold him." "Is that you, Belial?" "Where?" "I'm coming." "God damn it, Duane!" "If that's you down there, you'd better answer me!" "Duane?" "It's all right now." "Everyone's gone, the police have left." "They could find no evidence of who killed your father, nor do they have any idea what killed him." "Dr. Lifflander said that he performed an emergency operation on your brother and that he died and was removed from your side." "I am not going to ask you what really happened." "I know that you and your brother have gone through hell." "Everyone thinks Belial is dead now and we'll let them." "It's safer that way." "But I'm here now to care of you." "Both of you." " Aren't thou afraid?" " No, monster." "Not I." "Be not afraid." "The isle is full of noises, sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not." "Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears, and sometimes voices, that if I then had waked after long sleep, will make me sleep again." "And then in dreaming, the clouds we thought would open and show riches ready to drop upon me." "That when I awake, I cried to dream again." "Hey, that's your room." " Yeah, but you're going home first." " No, you first." "All right." "Now, yours." " I'm okay, really." " Yeah, I know." "Give me your key." "I can do it myself." "I'm fine." " Really, I'm really okay..." " Yeah, yeah, yeah." "See?" "I'm all right." "Are you sure?" " A hundred percent." " Okay, baby." "Almost forgot him." "Help!" "Help!" "There's something in my room!" " Move out!" " I saw it, I saw it!" "He tried to kill me!" "Just head..." "There's nothing else!" "That thing is in my room!" "I want you to stay with me tonight." "You can sleep on my couch." "Are you okay, honey?" " Whatever was in there, is gone." " No!" "It's alright, you can stay with me tonight." "All right!" "Get back to your rooms!" "Come on!" "This ain't a God damned subway station!" "Move it!" "Come on!" "Clear the hallway!" "This isn't a hotel, it's a nuthouse!" "Come on, let's get this over with." "This is a vet." "An animal doctor!" "Mr. White?" "It's the last door at the end of the hall." "So." "Tell me about your cat." "You said on the phone he's badly cut." " Yes, on his side." " Okay." "Let's take him into the next room." "Just sit him there on the table." "Well then." "Let's take a look at him." " Only it's not a cat." " I thought you said..." "And I think I should explain how he got his cut before you see him." "Another vet, Dr. Lifflander, operated on him upstate unsuccessfully." "Dr. Lifflander?" "Yes, you know him?" "Ahh yes, I see." "I'm beginning to understand now." "You're that kid Needleman warned me about." "The Bradley boy." "The freak we separated." "What a pleasant surprise after all these years!" "You seem to have gone through a great deal of trouble to find me." "The question is, why?" "I would assume it's to thank me?" "To thank you?" "Well, after all I made you normal, didn't I?" "You did it to kill my brother!" "Oh, dear..." "Hostility?" "You've got two seconds to haul your ass out of my office!" "I'm not going to be threatened by some adolescent punk with a smoldering grudge, unless you've got something else you want to cut off." "What's in the basket?" "Doctor?" "Dr. Kutter, are you all right?" "Open the door!" "Dr. Kutter!" "Doctor?" "Dr. Kutter!" "Are you all right in there?" "Dr. Kutter!" "Open the door!" "Dr. Kutter!" "Duane!" "Duane!" "Oh, God, Duane!" "Something awful has happened!" "What?" "Tell me." "I've been with the police all morning." " The police?" " Dr. Needleman's been murdered." "They found his body some time last night." " They don't think that you ...?" " Oh, no!" "Of course not!" "It's so awful!" "I'm still shaky..." "I" "I mean..." "I didn't like the man, but God, Duane, someone killing him." "I am a wreck..." "I" "I need to be with someone." "I don't want to be alone." "I want to be with you, Duane." "I don't know why." "Especially after the way you acted yesterday, but I just..." "You are the first person I thought of." "The only person I thought of!" "Please don't cry." "It's alright, really." "Come on upstairs." "Well Duane, it was awful!" "They wanted me to identify the body, even though they saw how bad I was taking it." "I don't understand why I'm just upset." "I just am." "And don't know why I've been thinking of you." "But it's all I did." "I've been thinking of you all day." "Oh, God, Duane!" "Take me, Duane." "Oh, God!" "What's that?" "Duane, let me up." "Let me up." "Duane, let me up!" "Let me up!" "Duane!" "Duane, let me up!" "Duane, let go!" "Duane, open up!" "What's happening in there?" "Duane!" "Duane, open up!" "What are you trying to do to me?" "Let me in!" "Are you alright?" " Go away!" " Duane, let me in!" "Duane, let me in!" "It'll never work!" "Damn you!" "Duane, talk to me, please." "Damn you!" "Why?" "Duane!" "No, never again!" "She was good!" "She was pure!" "She wasn't one of them!" "Why her?" "Because I loved her?" "Because she loved me?" "What's wrong with you?" "No!" "I'll never let you out!" "No way!" "No, I won't have it!" "No!" "Just because you can't doesn't mean I shouldn't!" "No!" "God damn you!" "Damn you to hell!" "Is this what I have to worry about every time I find a girl I like?" "You climbing on top of her." "If I ever get my hands on you, I'll kill you!" "I swear to God, I'll kill you!" "The first girl I ever kissed and you destroy her!" "Why did you do that to me?" "Damn you!" "Duane, what's the matter?" "Get out of here!" "No ...!" "Jesus Christ!" "...bulging biceps." "Oh!" "What's that?" "Oh girls, look at that!" "What is that?" "Oh, no!" " Hey, there's a guy up there!" " No!" "Hey!" "Are you okay up there?" "Hang on, he's going to fall on one of you people!" "Oh, no!" "Don't touch him." | {
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"The Africa of the great explorers, the huge land of hunting and adventure adored by entire generations of children has disappeared forever." "To that age-old Africa, swept away and destroyed by the tremendous speed of progress, we have said farewell." "The devastation, the slaughter, the massacres which we assisted belong to a new Africa... one which if it emerges from its ruins to be more modern, more rational, more functional, more conscious will be unrecognizable." "On the other hand, the world is racing toward better times." "The new America rose from the ashes of a few white man, all the redskins and the bones of millions of buffalo." "The new, carved up Africa will rise again upon the tombs of a few white men, millions of black men, and upon those immense graveyards that were once its game reserves." "The endeavor is so modern and recent that there is no room to discuss it at the moral level." "The purpose of this film is only to bid farewell to the old Africa that is dying and entrust to history the documentation of its agony." "The age of compromise has begun." "For the first time, the gardens of the Ocean Road Palace are open to the new African bourgeoisie for the grand farewell party." "Old and new masters search in the lanes for imitation and symbiosis in the eagerness to find something in common." "And that's how two centuries of history draw to a close." "The last representative of Her British Majesty leaves the scene graciously in that climate of festive cordiality that always accompanies the departure of a guest who has overstayed his welcome." "In this remote immensity, the wail of sirens and firing of cannons make no more din than a child's birthday party." "Europe is in a hurry to leave and on tiptoe even if, all things considered, it has given far more than it has taken." "Europe, the continent that nursed Africa, can no longer manage this big black baby that grew too quickly, keeps bad company and what's more, hates it because of its white skin." "And so it is abandoned, still cranky and immature, just at the moment when it needs Europe the most." "Africa comes out of its long Middle Age and exchanges the spear for the gun." "The soldiers of the most famous African regiment formed by white men who've lived in the country for three generations lay down their arms without military honors, and trust the defense of their homes and families to new hands." "The first spontaneous demonstrations take place controlled by the new African police force." "Products imported from African countries that aren't yet independent are destroyed." "First to go are colonialist Portuguese eggs." "Next it's the turn of oranges from South Africa." "And South African beer." "Once the popular enthusiasm is unleashed, the new police must prepare to contain it." "The first elections in the history of the Dark Continent are imminent." "The crowd presses impatiently toward the polling places." "They're all afraid of arriving too late and ending up empty-handed." "For this great day of Uhuru, every party has promised its voters the prize of the land, livestock, houses and cars of the whites that remained." "In the highlands of Kenya, the property of the white colonists the big, green plateau that for 100 years was the fortress of the rural aristocracy, the Uhuru is late to arrive." "After 100 years, the ancient African landscape is transformed into the Scottish countryside." "There are even foxhunts, even if there are no foxes here." "All that's needed is for a black man to drag a piece behind him that just arrived by plane from England, in order to leave the scent for the dogs." "The fox is a harmful animal that does not exist in Africa." "If the white men want to hunt it so badly, they have to teach someone to act like one." "But the fox is a treacherous prey and should never be underestimated." "Your honor, in force of Articles 7 and 19a of the Repression of Mau Mau Criminal Activities Act of April 4, 1953" "I ask that Jeroke Camau accused of arson, theft, robbery, attempted murder and aggravated murder be given the maximum penalty." "These weapons, made by him and his accomplices were used to carry out the crimes to which he confessed in full during the investigation." "On the night of April 6, 1961," "Rashidi Singhida entered the farm at Aberdare Point of the British citizen, John Fletcher where the defendant strangled the Askari guard, Josephi Nathaeli." "The defendant's second victim was Miss Elizabeth Reagan the farmer's sister-in-law killed by a gunshot fired by Singhida through the window of her room." "Mr. Fletcher ran down the outside stairs where he was hit by several gunshots that shattered his legs." "He dragged himself inside the house in the attempt to protect his wife, Mrs. Jane and two daughters, Lois and Mary, ages 15 and 18, who had looked for shelter under the table." "The corpses of the three women were found headless and without limbs." "The body of Mr. Fletcher, a former Navy officer, was found stabbed 72 times with a panga." "Defendant Rashidi Singhida, do you confirm the inquiry transcript already signed by you?" "We take the liberty of pointing out to your honor that the defendant knows English and doesn't need an interpreter." "I will reveal to you the facts that emerged from the investigation." "For nine years, you were the nanny of Memsa Fosset's three children:" "Richard, two years old, Mary, four and Victor, nine." "You knew them from birth." "You watched them play." "You ate and slept with them." "On the night of February 6, you opened a window to let Kimathi and his gang into the house." "Juana Fosset was grabbed and his throat slit on the big green table." "The mother and the children ran toward the door." "Kimathi caught them and cut them into pieces right in the doorway in your presence." "The trial of Jomo Kanari self-styled general of the "Land Freedom Army"" "escapee from the Voy prison where he was spending 30 years for theft, burglary, assault and triple murder." "The inquiry determined that the defendant organized more than 100 sworn members of Mau Mau, whereby domesticated and wild animals were tortured, and obscenities, together with the crime of cannibalism, took place." "Besides, the accused, along with his accomplices severed the tendons of more than 400 cattle that then had to be destroyed by the farmers." "Irrefutable evidence of the defendant's guilt was provided by one of the main victims of Kanari's acts of vandalism, Mr. Wordsworth, who along with his son followed the accused's trail for 72 days and 72 nights." "In Narok, Kanari was captured and turned over to the Magadi police." "I consequently ask that the accused be found guilty and sentenced to the maximum penalty provided for by the special law." "Land for the brave Mau Mau!" "Amnesty for all Mau Mau!" "Kenyatta proclaims them national heroes." "Reasoning:" "For the triumph of Uhuru, yearned for by the blacks and denied by the whites, they killed 27 whites and 5000 blacks." "Kenyatta announces that in addition to the undying gratitude of the nation the Mau Mau will be granted the lands and houses of the white colonists in which they carried out their deeds." "The whites are itching to get out." "The windows of real estate agencies are covered with sale offers." "Easy payment terms seem absurd to anyone who doesn't know how to savor the bitter irony." "Installments for up to 99 years." "Gloomy irony in the graphic composition, desperate irony in the text of the ads." "Everything that belongs to the white colonists is for sale." "Those with time turn to Indian merchants to hold an auction in the garden of everything accumulated by three generations that cannot be carried away." "The Indians do a good business." "The new black bourgeoisie spare no expense." "The ancient home is quickly emptied." "The family watches on the sidelines." "The seized houses, empty and silent, await their new owners." "In the entire immense East African territory" "English colonial law permitted whites to build a house and acquire property here and only here." "In two centuries, the new colonists transformed it into an oasis of green." "The Africans learned to admire it, then to desire it, and finally to claim it." "When the Golden Age is over, the Plated Age begins." "In the highlands, where 150 whites lived yesterday 10,000 blacks subsist today." "The agrarian reform ignores the arid immensity of the Lowlands to express the new spirit of Uhuru only here on these freshly seized fertile estates." "But on the whole, it can distribute just one acre per family." "So this land that earlier was perhaps too much for too few becomes too little for too many." "Uhuru has nothing more to conquer." "Only the dead have remained to occupy a little land." "Now they, too, have to clear out." "The Indians have sold that off, too." "J. B. Johnson was the most famous breeder of racehorses in the highlands." "He was killed by Kimathi's Mau Mau on the steps of his farm." "These were his stables." "Before turning them over to the new owners, his sons chased out the horses and set them free in the savanna." "Six months later, all the "old land" horses are living in freedom." "But when the Africans surprise a herd at the mouth of a narrow valley, they're trapped inside by the sound of shouts and old gas cans." "For the Africans, the horse is the symbol of the white man." "Just like the whites, it refuses contact with other species and withdraws from the contagion of mixture, surrounding itself by an emptiness that runs from itself to the horizon." "For the Africans, the horse is physically racist." "It fears the black and refuses to be ridden by him." "Without the presence of the whites, its back is bare." "Its natural architecture is mutilated, like an equestrian monument from which the hero was toppled by a sudden act of violence." "Like the white man, the horse is noble." "It has delicate skin." "It's sophisticated in its choice of food." "Like the white man, it is timid." "Just a little noise will frighten it away." "Like the white man, the horse is useless." "All that it's good for is to be eaten." "The Boers are returning to South Africa." "They have revived the wagons on which they arrived 400 years ago in search of a homeland." "They could have chosen boats or airplanes as the English did to return to Europe." "Instead, with controversial intentions, they loaded their families and possessions on old wagons from their wobbly epic and now move back across 1000 miles of history." "The demonstration is hard and trying, just like the entire destiny of the Boer people." "Its meaning is tragic and precise." "The long African adventure is not over." "It starts here." "The old laws are no longer valid." "The new ones are yet to be written." "There's no one to protect the savanna from vandals or hunters seeking meat." "For those who want to rob Africa of all they can as quickly as possible, the right moment has arrived." "If before it was absolutely forbidden for Land Rovers to leave the roads or tracks, now they enter the savanna with impunity and wildly weave back and forth among herds of elephants to frighten them, divide them and separate the mothers from the babies." "Here's the quickest way to get your hands on a little elephant today." "You exasperate the mother little by little." "You provoke her reaction." "Then you draw out her pursuit as long as possible giving the illusion of letting her reach you and when the poor beast can't go on any longer she'll be too far from her baby to be able to defend it." "The price of a baby elephant is around $3000... assuming, of course, that it arrives safe and sound to the ordering zoo." "The average is one out of ten." "The others don't survive without their mother's milk." "But today, Africa is an infinite reserve." "Where you can't go by foot, you go by jeep and where you can't go by jeep, you go by helicopter." "Of all the types of safaris that a hunter can choose from today this is the quickest." "It's called "elephant safari in a quarter hour."" "The helicopter leaves from the hotel terrace and drops the hunter here." "Then it goes to find the elephant and chases it toward him." "The hunter fires, usually poorly, but with a caliber big enough to bag a dinosaur." "Then he finishes it off at point-blank range." "Just enough time for a souvenir photo, and then he's off." "In the absence of modern transport and the power of guns, the Africans make do with numbers." "Up to 10,000 of them gather together and surround an area as large as a big city." "Then they squeeze the vice." "Across the great line traced by the Zambezi the Wildlife Society has established its headquarters in an old abandoned farm." "It's a large organization supported mostly by private Anglo-Saxon capital and does what it can to save what it can in the midst of so much disorder." "Every message received or sent by radio, every motion of the rake on the large table in the operations room corresponds to a massive displacement of animals in some remote area." "The goal of so much feverish activity is to collect at least some of the animals from the areas most infested with poachers and transport them to territories that are safer and better controlled." "After millennia of fascinating silences, mysterious habits, pathways covered in obedience to the orders of nature, man has imposed upon African fauna wild tourism by train, bus, plane helicopter, and even balloon." "Operation Crocodile calls for the transfer of all the reptiles in the park away from the mouth of the Rovuma that is infested with poachers." "The traps are set during low tide and marked with colored balloons." "It's estimated that in these waters more than 20,000 crocodiles have been killed in the last six months." "The operation in progress saves 82 of them." "They will reach more peaceful waters after having slept for 300 miles." "Animals injured by poachers are cared for by the Wildlife Society's blood bank." "Teams of veterinarians and nurses carry out tests, administer medicine, check the temperature of huge injured elephants, and keep them happy with several pounds of tranquilizers." "On February 18, 1964, a Wildlife Society helicopter surveying an area on the coast of Kenya and the Tanarive area found the carcasses of a full 750 elephants." "The poachers were surprised by the helicopter while they were still cutting out the tusks." "They ran and hid among clumps of grass." "It was the first inspection operation after more than a year of total anarchy." "The governments of Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda following serious disorder and the rebellion of the Armed Forces urgently requested the return of English troops." "The old laws that had lapsed came back into force." "The former Anglo-Saxon administration retook control of the game reserves." "A brief interlude of order was opened up which, however, would be closed again after only one month." "But the level of damage suffered by the fauna is shocking." "In a first round up, the police capture 410 poachers." "The great massacre comes to a standstill." "The police discover hundreds of caches of ivory and furs hidden in the underbrush and dry stream beds." "The gangs of poachers have used grenades to kill over 300 young elephants without tusks just to get the tails to make bracelets and necklaces to sell to tourists for a few coins." "Large tents set up by police house 82 tons of confiscated tusks." "An even more frightening number if one considers only one-fifth of slaughtered animals are usually found by the game warden patrols." "In a valley in Semliki, the police find 2800 skins of zebra, leopard, gazelle, lion and cheetah that the poachers left to dry in the sun." "The underbrush is strewn with carcasses that foul the air which the alarmed vandals did not have time to skin." "In the ancient breeding grounds that are the richest in the world columns of acrid smoke now rise and flames crackle at the pyres." "While the police chase the poachers, other patrols comb the savanna to aid the injured animals." "The initiative, clearly based upon good intentions is certainly not adequate for the amount of damage and butchery." "Africa is afflicted by a hundred evils and no one vigorously combats their causes." "Only a few, here and there, do their best to heal the effects." "There's nothing to do." "They won't give us permission to land." "We decide to try it anyway on an old landing strip further north." "We're preceded by our sister plane, rented by three German journalists." "We've flown here together from Tanganyika." "Neither they nor we want to turn back without first having done everything possible to document the worst genocide in the history of Africa." "It all started last night when an African named Okello, backed by Russia overthrew the thousand year old government of the Sultan and, naming himself revolutionary general, ordered the massacre of the entire Arab population of Zanzibar." "All communications have been broken off." "The radio is silent and the airports are closed." "The only way to know anything about what's happening in Zanzibar is to come in person, as did we and our German colleagues whom we glimpse for a moment as they are hauled away by the insurgents." "For today, it's better to skip it." "That cloud of smoke down there rising from the runway is the Germans' airplane that's burning." "At least we know there's no one on board." "We try again a day later, January 19, with a helicopter." "We waive a red flag to confuse the rebels." "They direct us toward the interior of the island, where it appears that during the night, 5000 Arabs were killed." "Okello has distributed 850 guns that mysteriously arrived on the island which the Africans do not yet know how to use." "It's open hunting season for Arabs." "The propaganda tells the new generations the Arabs are cursed slave traders who sell Africans to slave merchants along the coast." "It, of course, omitted that this all happened ten centuries ago." "This footage is the only existing documentation of what happened in Zanzibar between January 18 and 20, 1964." "Entire villages destroyed, trucks filled with corpses, testimony that's uncomfortable and embarrassing for all... for those in Africa today, spreading false promises, fomenting a new African racism and for those hastily abandoning Africa to itself" "in the false modesty of antique colonialism authorizing a new Africa flooded with misery and blood." "Look at these images." "Look at them with pity." "But above all, look at them with shame." "Endless lines of prisoners marching toward the site of the massacre." "Hundreds of motionless Arabs, waiting for death wrapped in their white sheets, already more similar to ghosts than men." "Muslim cemeteries transformed into fields of imminent extermination." "Women and children trembling under the threat of guns." "Enormous common graves already half-filled with corpses." "Perhaps the most pitiless mass shooting in the entire macabre anthology of death." "The exodus toward the sea of entire villages." "The desperate boarding of boats stuck in the sand at low tide." "The hopeless run toward an impossible salvation." "Then, the day after." "These were the national parks that the mystical Anglo-Saxon love for animals and regulations written with the fervor of an inquisitor had transformed into real-life sanctuaries of nature." "Man, who in the text of the English law protecting national parks was classified among the harmful animals did not even have the right to set one foot on this land." "He could walk around the edges in absolute silence under the watchful eyes of the game warden and in full respect of a code that did not tolerate ignorance." "The most ancient Africa, the Africa of great navigators and great geographic discoveries, is awaking from a sleep of four centuries." "At the fortresses sown by Vasco de Gama along the coast of Mozambique nothing has passed except for time." "The glory of past centuries puts up a decrepit resistance against new times:" "Battlements in ruins, bastions eaten away by centuries silent bronze cannons and an act of faith in humility and resignation." "Just on the other side of the walls, in the invisible guerrilla camps is the new reality still draped with the morning fog where the soldiers move hesitantly like ghosts of the past." "Wherever man is present, nature is silent." "The silence of the animals and birds is the unequivocal sign of a human presence." "The rebels in Angola avoid forests that are too quiet." "They know that Portuguese patrols are inside them, lying in wait." "3, 2, 1, go!" "The cleverness almost always works." "Animals and guerrillas rush to the call of the magnetic tape and in one moment, the forest is filled with life and death." "This is the destiny of a people who wanted to ignore the color of skin." "Aqui es Portugal." "This is Portugal." "Brancos y pretos as todos português." "White or black, we're all Portuguese." "But the rebels of Angola don't agree." "This is Africa." "Only blacks are Africans." "Black and white, brancos y pretos, wart en blank, blanches et noires a dilemma which is present, current, universal that is more and more being colored red." "January, 1964." "The Watusi, pursued by the Bantu in revolt flee toward the Ugandan border carrying their wounded." "The war of the Bantu against the Watusi is nothing more than racial persecution fomented for political purposes by the presence and propaganda of China in the state of Rwanda Burundi." "In just two months, the Bantu have massacred 18,000 Watusi." "The underbrush hides the still-fresh proof of a ferocious horror." "On the banks of the Kwoni River, 54 amputated hands were found under the trunk of a tree still wet with blood, used as a chopping block." "The border police caught them in the act and arrested 25 Bantu guerrillas." "But aside from this, no government, black or white has lifted a finger to stop the bloodbath." "Meanwhile, the waters of the Kagera send thousands of corpses downstream." "For days, the fishing is macabre and abundant carried out with lazy diligence by the residents along the river." "The feeling of compassion doesn't exist here." "What exists is a good source of drinking water that has to be kept clean." "Because the river is life." "Because it is life that kills, not death." "Ten days and nights of exodus along the roads of Uganda." "The Watusi were a people with a thousand year history as herders." "A people of survivors who continue to flee toward the unknown failing to understand and in shock." "It is a people that no longer exists." "This is more or less how Noah's terrestrial paradise must have been." "Hearing the far-off rumble of thunder, he set about constructing the great ark." "The same ancient silence, the same sovereign harmony, the same divine balance that man still has not managed to upset." "Image and likeness of that terrestrial paradise destroyed with that same divinity by the sudden wrath of a vindictive God." "It's dawn on February 25, 1964." "After having put down the rebellion of the African armed forces, the English troops have left again." "The ancient British law to protect the fauna having lapsed a second time, the African governments decide to open up even the national parks to hunting." "Faced with the most severe measures, white and black game wardens now employed by the African authorities have no choice but to obey and organize the details of the "cropping" operation or "harvesting the animals."" "From now on, once a week, on Friday, the harvest operation will resupply local markets with fresh meat." "For the first time in the history of the last refuge of African fauna, in the inviolate sanctuaries of nature where it was considered sacrilege to even speak loudly, men are entering armed with guns." "The take from one day of hippopotamus harvest amounts to 160." "The park authorities sell them to butchers for 300 shillings each or about $45." "The number of animals to kill is established each time based upon the demands of the market, 100, 200, 1000, but not one more nor one less so as not to disrupt the prices." "The rest are left alive for the next day, completely at peace, yawning right next to the river where, up until yesterday tourists came to photograph them." "Killing them is child's play." "You just have to choose, like the targets at a shooting gallery." "Babies, adults, males, females and pregnant females..." "Since this is the world's richest park and hippopotamus will always be abundant, up to the day when there aren't any more." "The request for 45 elephants has also been fulfilled without difficulty." "Now they're butchered on the spot to simplify the transport of prime and choice cuts." "Among the butchers, not even one injury." "Elephants, which hunters described as the most ferocious animals in Africa in reality allow themselves to be slaughtered like goats whether it's those miserable males suffering from toothaches or the legendary pregnant females." "The truth is that in all of Africa there is only one truly ferocious animal:" "Man." "Wounded animals that go to die at the edge of the parks must be destroyed much more quickly than the vultures normally would do." "The tourists must not know and, above all, must not see." "And now we'll offer you a souvenir photo of the butchery from 1964, the richest storehouse of hippopotamus meat in the world." "Don't worry." "Look over there, in the water." "A few have remained for next Friday." "And here's another." "Look long and hard, especially since today is Friday any Friday in any season." "It's the most recent souvenir photo in our journey through what were the safe refuges of African fauna the centuries-old game reserves, the inviolable sanctuaries of nature where it was considered sacrilege even to speak loudly." "Now you can scream, shout, swear and even curse without the fear of disturbing anyone or anything." "The most harmful of animals, man, has passed by here." "You can follow his tracks for miles and miles along this dusty white road that today crosses the heart of Africa, always winding along scenes of nothing but desolation and death." "We just left behind an Africa that's disappearing and immediately we enter an Africa that's already disappeared." "The division is a clean crack." "On the other side, confusion and indiscriminate death." "On this side, order and discriminating life." "This is the view of Cape Town from above, one of the largest cities in South Africa, the country today with the most enemies in the world." "To the universal cry that proclaims "Africa for Africans,"" "the South Africans respond, "This is not Africa."" "And this, at least, is true." "This is a view that suddenly and unpredictably appears, an ignored and distant landscape that seems to have wriggled away from the network of parallels and meridians." "If it isn't Africa, it also isn't Europe or America." "There's nothing that can give sense to a geographic expression." "It's not an African mirage because it exists in time and space." "It's not a Promised Land because it lacks the biblical requirements." "All that's left is to define it as a miracle... a weighty miracle carried out over three centuries by a persecuted people wanting to prove that only its God is the true one." "A miracle that, despite its physical reality, transcends the limits of time and space, wrapping men and objects in a soft blanket of bliss in a delicate balance between the transient and the eternal." "The black Africa of tribal dances, of swollen breasts offered to the glory of nature survives only on movie sets." "A film is being shot in South Africa about the Zulu, the proud African tribe that made things so difficult for the Boers." "Today, Zulu maidens come out of the academy, speak excellent English, and receive union wages for putting on nylon underwear and dancing the dance of their grandmothers." "During their breaks, the ancient rhythm of the tom-tom gives them a few variations on the theme." "The African female has discovered she is a woman and is beginning to behave as such." "She wants to be modern because she feels the past is against her." "When she was naked, she had two mammary glands." "Now that she's clothed, she has two breasts." "She does not wants to display herself." "She wants to be looked at to make you guess what's under her alluring clothes." "She covers her intimacy not out of modesty, but to be flirtatious." "She undresses to surrender and dresses to attack." "Naked she was prey, like a black female." "Clothed she is a tyrant, like a white woman." "Africa covers itself consciously and all wrapped up in the veils of its consciousness, Africa disappears." "For their part, the authorities encourage or even impose modesty." "In the southern regions of Sudan, thousands of pairs of underwear, all one size are distributed to the tribes in the interior by the "Legion of Decency"." "The unconquerable warriors entrusted with them must maintain them with the care owed by every good citizen to everything that is state property." "Among all things to hide, underwear covers what's most urgent." "That's enough to decently begin to march toward the conquest of further dignity." "Never before has a warrior put on pants." "Never before has a lion climbed a tree." "The fact is that times have changed, and in the new republics the ancient kings have fallen into disgrace." "Let's take the poor ex-king of the animals with the stiff muscles." "Today, his roar doesn't scare anyone." "While zebras and gazelles flee, pursued by gunshots, the once invincible, ex-aristocrat, ex-hunter of noble prey climbs trees and hunts lizards." "Poor king of the jungle!" "His old reputation haunts him, making his humiliation public." "The tourists crowd the parks to see him, only him." "Where's the lion?" "There's the lion." "Wait, let's see what the lion's doing." "It's like that the whole day, and they don't even leave him a moment of intimacy." "Encouraged by his ancestral laziness, the African lion has given up hunting, seeing as how the park rangers do the hunting for him." "Fresh meat is delivered to his door, that is, to the areas most accessible to tourists where the park administration has a great interest that he stays." "So, over time, the ancient, nomadic, independent king of the jungle has become a stingy retiree with middle-class habits forced to defend his steak against those who up until yesterday would not have dared to come close." "A new rebellion has broken out in Tanganyika." "The mob has massacred Muslims, including women and children." "The mortuaries are full." "The corpses have to be lined up outside." "The vultures wait patiently for the operation to finish so they can start their own." "Dar es Salaam is in the grips of anarchy." "Everyone is in revolt:" "The people, the police, and even the army, which has mutinied." "President Nyerere has disappeared." "No one knows who's in charge." "For us European journalists, going out on the streets in search of footage is a nearly suicidal endeavor." "Everywhere we go, they chase us away." "They insult us." "They threaten us." "We try to get to the outskirts." "On the bloody streets, a crowd hides the victims of the massacre from us." "In one neighborhood, a Muslim tries to flee from a lynch mob." "He jumps off a seawall." "The mob reaches him and drowns him." "They destroy the houses and shops of businessmen accused of having taken over from the whites in exploiting the people." "With great effort, we push through the crowd in Uhuru Square." "Someone has killed three African soldiers." "The police prepare the reprisal, dragging all the Muslims out of their homes and lining them up against the wall." "They yell at us to leave, they threaten us with guns." "We try to equivocate, to win time, while the camera continues to roll." "One of us is injured." "They open the doors and drag us out." "They arrest us." "They put us up against the wall." "We are saved by a miracle which the newspapers would later report." "Moise Tshombe has returned from exile as a liberator, father of the country, and special envoy of the UN." "Three quarters of Congo is in the hands of rebels and communists." "Tshombe promises to clean house in three months." "Two months later, Stanleyville, stronghold of Simba leader Nicholas Olenga, has been conquered by Belgian paratroopers and mercenaries." "The city is a cemetery without graves." "During 100 days of occupation, the Simba have tortured and, in part, eaten 12,000 Africans." "Guns in hand, regular Congolese troops force the Simba prisoners to carry out this gruesome cleaning." "In the final days, 80 schoolchildren were burned alive." "Four nurses were raped and killed." "Sixty-four people were shot including Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis." "Many bodies have a long gash in the belly where the Simba cut out the liver and ate it." "Nine nuns, seven missionaries and four white children were tied up with wire and shot by the rebels in the mouth." "The heat is unbearable." "The air is thick with the stench of corpses." "There's fear of pestilence." "At the Leopoldville airport," "American C-130s land with the survivors of the Stanleyville massacre." "Just yesterday, they had been massed together for execution." "The machine guns had already started cutting them down when 320 Belgian paratroopers dropped from the sky and, in 10 minutes, managed to pull them out of the hands of 7000 rebels." "Despite the lightning operation, 22 are missing." "The injured were pulled out from under a pile of 40 corpses among which were identified Americans Carlson and Rain and Belgians Brinkman, Masqueau and De Smitter." "Five of these wounded, among whom was a woman who had been raped, were to die soon after in a Danish hospital in Leopoldville." "The evacuation of survivors, the transport of the wounded, food and medicine, was carried out in a few hours by the US Air Force with 40 planes." "Two days later, November 27, the governments of the new African states demanded that Washington make a broad official apology for the abusive interference by the USA in private Congolese affairs." "Beyond Polis and Beni, on the northern border of Congo with Sudan an attempt is made at the aerial resupply with food and medicine of a mission occupied by rebels." "The life of the priests, nuns and over 100 children is in danger." "The 6000 rebels of the Kirlis army who rule the area have threatened to wipe out all of the besieged if even one paratrooper or helicopter tries to land." "For eight days, the planes of the ANC take turns in the sky above the mission making drops that end up in the hands of the rebels." "At dawn on the ninth day, planes and helicopters take off and we're with them." "But this time, there's no one to await us." "We got to know them one at a time." "They are the white mercenaries of Tshombe's army." "They're the last surviving soldiers of fortune from another century." "They're former citizens of a world that kicked them out or that they're running from." "Dead and survivors, all of them are or were ex-something." "From a restless past, an uncomfortable present, a ruined adventure, lost faith." "They're ex-"Pieds Noirs" from Algeria, ex-English commandos, ex-German engineers, ex-farmers from Kenya, ex-residents expelled from Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanganyika, ex-veterans of Katanga, ex-professional hunters," "ex-students from South Africa and Rhodesia, come to pursue with a macabre academic spirit the idea of glory and adventure." "Two days ago, 15 of them plucked 400 rebels from Kisala." "Tomorrow, 40 of them will attempt an endeavor that 93,000 UN soldiers could not manage:" "The conquest of Boende." "The attack plan for Boende calls for the use of massive aerial forces." "The "massive" aerial forces are these two 20-year-old P6s held together as well as possible with bolts and wire." "They're the personal property of Tom O'Keefe and Somerset Wilson former Rhodesian pilots whose families were massacred by rebels from Angola." "They've hired out themselves and the planes for $500 a month which no one has paid for six months and a life insurance policy that up to now no insurance company has underwritten." "This time, as always, before leaving they've filled out the forms at the airport in the usual manner." "Destination:" "Hell." "Reason for flight:" "Personal matters." "The Simba fled without having time to slaughter the missionaries who've lived for three months under the daily nightmare of the massacre." "Propaganda teaches the Simba to strike the white man especially at his God, a white-skinned God responsible for the centuries-long arrogance of his faithful." "Along the path to Boende, the skeletons of the Simba are rotting in the puddles without glory and without burial." "They advanced unprotected, dazed by drugs, intoning the "Mai Mulele,"" "the magic spell that was supposed to transform the lead of bullets into water." "They fell, incredulous and amazed." "They died for nothing and for no one." "Africa has no fallen soldiers on either side." "It has only corpses." "Boende has fallen." "The last Simba come out of the forest with their hands up." "Today it's their turn, but tomorrow when the mercenaries leave the city headed toward other objectives, they'll be on the other side of the gun." "It's an absurd and tragic ballad that's been going on for five years now." "Whites against blacks and blacks against whites." "They take turns killing and dying, like a cruel children's game." "No one wins and no one loses, once and for all." "No condition is definitive except for white and black deaths that together infect the ruins and dissolve, amidst the buzz of flies, into absolute biological equality." "The ethics of the Congolese guerrilla are that to the victor belong the spoils." "The mercenaries have aimed right at the safe of the revolutionary government and have blown it open with a bazooka." "Inside was 50 million Congolese francs." "These were the funds destined for the famous "OK Plan"" "according to which General Olenga, at the head of his 3000 Mulelist warriors was to invade the United States." "America has been saved." "In the streets, the soldiers divide up the small change." "The ambitious "OK Plan" has been postponed for centuries, just like all of their naive delusions of grandeur." "Meanwhile, they go into raptures over a victory as squalid and useless as their raid, sharing in a miserable little celebration from which they get only the crumbs." "For centuries they were poor out of necessity." "But now that they're rich to excess, they load themselves up, even if they will never be able to carry it away." "Bent under the weight of useless trinkets, they pursue an ideal of wealth, robbing only their own misery from themselves." "The right to plunder is valid only for 24 hours." "Time ran out 10 minutes ago." "But why could you steal up to 10 minutes ago, and now you can't?" "A good Congolese soldier who fought for the homeland will never understand." "Nor will he ever understand why the whites make such a fuss to find out who ate this peasant's liver." "Or why there has to be a trial to condemn to death this Mulelist who burned 27 children alive." "Or why they're arresting the soldiers who raped those Mulelist bitch prisoners in jail." "And why you need so many guns to kill one single little disarmed Mulelist." "While to kill a bigger and stronger one, you only need one shot." "But despite everything," "Africa continues to be an uncontainable sea of life." "Here in South Africa, for every baby born with white skin, five come into the world with black skin." "Racial separation, which is called "apartheid" here is a short-lived, provisional dam." "It is the hysterical reaction to the hysterical situation that threatens to darken the smile of the new generations into hatred." "Soweto is one of the largest black cities in South Africa." "The apartheid laws prohibit whites from entering." "If it's a prison, then it's a strange prison where the doors lock on the inside and open out." "On the other side of these lines, there's another big prison... that of the whites." "It's called Johannesburg." "Apartheid prohibits blacks from entering." "This is another strange prison where the doors lock on the inside and open out." "Apartheid has locked up two races in two different prisons whose locks work the wrong way." "Two gilded cages in the richest country in the world." "The Boers discovered gold a hundred years ago when they had been working this land as farmers for hundreds of years." "There's no question that the Boers also have a right to this wealth because the Boers are Africans, too, even if they're white Africans." "But it's also true that to extract just one of these gold bars requires one day of labor from 1000 black Africans and the technical assistance of 100 white Africans." "Because this is a country of 3 million white Africans and 11 million black Africans." "And although each needs the other, they live in suspicion of the numerical disproportion and in the misunderstanding of certain slogans arriving from Europe:" ""Whoever is white is not African," a racist affirmation." ""Only those who are black are Africans," another racist affirmation." "So day after day, the gilded prisons continue to close and open to the wail of the sirens that call white Africans and black Africans to work together." "As long as it was a poor land, it was an uninhabited land." "Then, when the Boers opened the mines the Bantu came down from the mountains in search of work." "They spread the word and new crowds crossed the uncontrollable borders." "Then it was the turn of the refugees from Congo, Sudan, Angola." "Today there are 11 million and still growing." "They come in waves to the entrance of the mines" "They flood through the labyrinth of tunnels that run under the big city." "The great vein of gold, half a mile thick, winds under the city of Johannesburg, the ceiling that separates 3 million whites from 11 million blacks peppered with holes like a huge Swiss cheese." "Crowds of miners dig like termites, crawling from one shaft to another like Christians in the catacombs, following the path of gold with a secret, methodical, muffled grinding." "Over here, the roof creaks menacingly." "The miners run for cover." "Over there, the big city vibrates and trembles from the dull explosions of dynamite, but no one moves." "No one has paid attention for years." "The stock market goes up continuously." "Share prices are steadily high." "Buy orders for mining shares arrive from the markets of London, New York, Geneva and Paris." "On March 10 of this year, Moscow bought 2 million carats of diamonds." "On May 12, Peking requested 50 tons of gold." "Down below, the great vein of gold climbs from low to high just like the stock chart." "Millions of picks and shovels follow it in a relentless, solid march toward the surface." "The great floor separating the two worlds is growing thinner and crumbling." "The growing clamor of the Stock Exchange mixes with the ever closer and louder boom of the explosions." "Almighty Lord, now that another day dies in your glory, bless and protect our lives." "Bless and protect our forces as it is written that the hyena shall prevail over the lion when the lion has no more claws with which to rule." "Grant that this sea whence we came shall always lie before us and never at our backs." "Bless and protect this, our last refuge which you led us to find unspoiled on the day we came and in which we have resisted hatred and violence." "Lastly, bless and protect the waves and the winds, that the fury of two oceans united shall not wrest us away forever from these final shores." "Amen." "At the end of the Ice Age, a warm current broke this little colony of penguins off of the glaciers of the south and carried them here on huge rafts of ice that then melted in the sun." "Isolated and without the possibility of returning to their original homeland, they have for centuries been strangers in a strange land that is becoming more and more heated and hostile toward them surrounded by a sea that grows higher and more and more filled with rage." "Perhaps a little peace will descend upon these waters sooner or later, before a wave stronger than the others tears them away forever from this last rock that forms the geographic end of the Dark Continent." "To close, we would like to apologize to our families for having been away from home for three years." "This film, born without prejudices, does not attempt and has never attempted to create new ones." "It has only tried to document the reality of how blood spilled anywhere represents a loss of wealth for the entire world." | {
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"Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain, Rusty Griswold." "Hope you've enjoyed your 18-minute flight from South Bend." "We'll be touching down at Chicago's Midway very shortly." "We'd like to thank you for flying with us today because at Econo Air, we're working hard to win back your trust." " Harry, you mind taking over while I hit the lav?" " Sure thing, Rusty." "Thank you very much." " Oh, and Rusty." " Mm-hm." "I wanna thank you for going to bat for me last week." "I was happy to do it." "Just because corporate says you're too old to fly doesn't make it true." "You're more qualified than us younger guys." " Means a lot to me." " Sure thing." " Oh, and Rusty." " Mm-hm." "I wanna thank you for going to bat for me last week." "Yeah." "You bet." "Dad, is that the pilot?" "It sure is." " He just came from the cockpit." " Whoa." " Hey there, little guy." " Hi." "Is this your first time on a plane?" "We were planning on driving but, uh, Tyler here has been begging us to go on his first airplane." " Oh, is that right?" " Uh-huh." "Do you think I can be a pilot when I grow up?" "Heh." "Yeah, well, I don't see why not." "You just have to study hard and listen to your parents, all right?" " Okay, heh." " Sorry about that." " Little bit of rough air." " It's okay." "Yeah, yeah." "Don't worry about it, heh." "Hey, we call that "turbulence," all right?" "That's when the plane passes..." "So sorry." "Okay, you folks enjoy the rest of your flight." "Let me give you a hand." "Can you please stay the fuck away from us?" "Harry, you took us up to 60,000 feet." "What are you doing?" "Oh, Rusty." "I wanna thank you for going to bat for me last week." "Or the time that Pan Continental put us up at the Ritz in Barcelona." "You know, I'll tell you one thing about the Spanish women:" " They, uh, love them some airline pilots." " Heh." "They do." "I never took the uniform off, except when I did." "Ladies." "All full." "You have to wait for the next one." " But I was..." " You were what?" "I'll catch the next one." "See you around, Econo Air." " The third time this month." " I know." "Do something about him." "He's always picking on me." "I know he is." "I'm so sorry, honey." "Hey." " Hi." "What's going on here?" " You'll see." "Kevin, get down here, please." " Look what he did to my guitar." " Aw." "Again?" "God." "You told Mom and Dad?" "You have such a vagina." "Okay, enough, enough." "Now, young man we talked about the bullying of your older brother." "That's right." "We don't make fun of someone just because they're different." " I don't have a vagina." " I'm just saying, if you did it wouldn't be okay for Kevin to tease you about your vagina." "Why are you making it sound like I have a vagina?" "I know you don't have a vagina." "I'm not doing that." " Kevin, apologize to your brother, please." " Fine." "I'm sorry." "Now go to your room." "Ah." "I was in my fucking room." " Whoa, hey, Kevin?" "Get back down here." " Ah." "Now listen." "There are a lot of boys who are born with vaginas." "It's very hard for them." " Honey." "Why?" " It's a teachable moment, hon." "Gender fluidity, right?" "It's a very serious issue." " I'm not gender-fluid." " It doesn't matter if you are." "The point is your mom and I would love you even if you were completely blank down there." "Okay, this is not the point." "Kevin, just go to your room." "Hey, James, don't get your gender fluid on me." " Awesome." " Stop." "It's not a fluid." "And what about my guitar?" "It's ruined." "Let me have a look." "There you go." "That'll do for now." "Now get washed up." "The Petersons are coming over for dinner." "Okay, baby." "Oh, gosh." "I'll get you a new guitar, okay?" " Oh, use the Vitamix." "The dry bit." " Just grind it." "Yeah." "Sheila." " So do you have to work tomorrow?" " So, um, Sheila." " I want to go to the movies with my friends." " Sheila." " What?" " Do you like school this year?" "It's okay." ""So do you like school this year?"" "That's seriously what you sound like." "Just shut up." "God, I'm telling you, Russ, you've gotta get one of these go-kart kits." " What?" " Oh, yeah." "Gary and I spent the last two months building this." "We took her out this morning for the first time." "Holy moly." " Fun?" " No, no, it was terrible." "Oh, yeah, it was fun." "Hot damn, it's a go-kart." "G-man, get over here." " G-man, G-man, G-man." " Uh-oh." "Oh, my God, my G-man." "I love him." "Get in there." "What?" "What?" "What?" "Get in there." "Get in there." "Oh, man." "I love you so much." "Tell Mr. Griswold how dope our go-kart is." "It's got a Zanardi chassis and a four-stroke Briggs Stratton engine." " Wow, and you guys built this together?" " We worked on it every day after homework and toothbrushing." "I love..." "Get over here, man." "Work it, Sugar Ray." "Come on, Sugar Ray." "He's working me over." "I'm gonna eat your face!" "Kevin, James, get over here." "No." "Come on, heh." "Oh, there you are." " Dad, stop." "What are you doing?" " Come on, man, we're sparring." " We do this all the time." " No." "We never do this." " Hey, don't hit your old man." " I don't wanna be a part of this." "What are you doing?" "!" " This is how accidents happen." " Sacrifice!" "Dad, let go of me." "Stop." "Why did you do that?" "I'm sorry, man." "Come on." "I was just fooling around." " That wasn't fun." " Like we always do." "We never do that." "Hey, what do you say you and I build a go-kart together?" "If we have to." "Yeah, all right, G-man, heh!" "Get out of here." "Get out of here, G-man." "Did you just steal my son's nickname?" "I'm not sure about..." "Oh, shoot." "Dang it." "Wow, your ring is getting loose, there, Deb." "Are you losing weight?" "Yeah." "I am." "You know what I've been doing?" "Spinning." "Yeah, it's a great stress reliever." "I'm gonna tell you what's an even greater stress reliever." "And that is a week in Paris." "Oh, my gosh!" "I saw that on Instagram." "All your pictures were so great." " So you did see them." " Yeah." "Funny, because I was gonna ask how come you didn't like any of them." "What do you mean?" "I just said I did." "All my other friends, uh, who saw my Paris pics, they clicked "like."" "You were the only one who didn't click "like."" "Oh." "I guess I just didn't get around to actually clicking "like" on them." "Okay, because look at this one." "Now, in this one we have Sheila and Gary wearing berets." " I know." " Right?" " Heh." "I like that one so much." "It's so cute." " But you didn't "like" it." " Okay." "Here are the four of us at the Arc de Triomphe." "Didn't "like" that." "Didn't "like" my children." "Didn't "like" my man kissing on me." "I promise you the second you guys leave I am gonna go upstairs online and I am gonna click "like" on every single one of them." "Honestly, honey, it really makes no difference to me." "So are you guys going anywhere special this summer?" "No." "I wish." "Yeah." "No." "We are renting the same cabin that we've been renting for 10 years in Cheboygan, Michigan." "The boys call it "Che-boring," Michigan." " Isn't that funny?" " Why don't you just go someplace else?" "No, we can't." "Rusty loves it so much." "I'd break his heart if I told him we hate the cabin." " Oh, boy." "I understand." " Yeah." "I understand." "Well, you know what the good news is?" "Hmm?" "Honestly, even if you go there and you don't have a great time, baby at least you know that I will click "like" on all your photos." "Jesus Christ, Nancy." "Look!" "Look!" "What the fuck is this?" "!" "Louie!" "What the fuck is this?" "!" "Hey, madam." "How much capellini are you throwing away?" "!" "What are you doing, Melinda?" "!" "What are you doing?" "!" "Guys, I have exciting news." "James has AIDS?" "What?" "No." "That's horrible." " I'd be excited." " Well, what is it?" "What is it?" " The four of us are gonna take a little trip." " Paris." "Hmm." "No, much better." "We're driving to Walley World." " What?" " This family's in a rut." "We gotta shake things up, right?" "Spend a little quality time." "It wouldn't hurt for the boys to learn to get along a little better." " Uh, by locking them in a car together?" " Yeah." " This is some bullshit right here!" " Hey, language." "Well, it is." "I'm gonna miss the first week of wrestling practice." "We'll find a wrestling range along the way, heh." "That's not even a thing." "And, Dad, no offense, I just don't wanna do my first big road trip to some corporate theme park, you know?" "I'd like to explore the real America, like Jack Kerouac or the Merry Pranksters." " Don't say weird shit!" " Ah." "Ow!" "Kevin, bullying!" "Guys, come on." "My trip to Walley World when I was a kid was the best time I ever had." "So you just wanna redo your vacation from 30 years ago?" "Don't you think that's gonna be kind of a letdown?" "No, no, no." "We're not redoing anything." "This will be completely different." "For one thing, the original vacation had a boy and a girl." "This one has two boys." "And I'm sure that there will be lots of other differences." " I've never even heard of the original vacation." " Doesn't matter." "The new vacation will stand on its own, okay?" "Come on, honey." "What do you say?" "We can drive out and fly back." "Oh, what the heck, heh." "Couldn't be as bad as that stupid cabin, right, honey?" " That's the spirit." " All right." "Ugh." "Fuck me." "Are we gonna drive all that way in your little car?" "Not exactly." "Come on, guys, heh." "How come you didn't follow me just then?" " Oh, you wanted us to?" " Yeah, that's why I dangled the key like that." " Oh, well..." " Why else would I...?" "You could've just said, "Come with me."" "Look what your dad rented." "What the hell is that?" "Kevin." " That's a 2015 Tartan Prancer." " Did you say "Tartan," honey?" "Yeah." "Tartan's the Honda of Albania." "Why'd you get an Albanian car, Dad?" "Renting a family car on Memorial Day weekend doesn't leave you with a lot of options." "But this baby is pretty sweet." "It's got all the latest Albanian technology." "Check it out." "Plug-in hybrid." "Oh, wow, eco-friendly." "Good." "So any time we run out of juice, we can just pull right over, and plug in." "I don't know what that is." "Never seen an outlet for that, heh." "Should it retract, or...?" "You would think it would retract." "It just..." "No, it doesn't." "Cupholder?" "I think you coil it." "You just coil it like that." "Right?" "Then you close it right up." "Doesn't matter." "Still got two gas tanks." " Why two?" " Carry twice as much gas." " Why not just have one big tank?" " It's twice the gas, buddy." "Actually the same volume." "Two small..." "It has six ashtrays." "Six, wow." "Hope you guys like smoking." " Right?" " Yeah." "What's with all the mirrors?" "Safer." "But..." "Oh." "And this is amazing." "I can control the entire car from the fob." " What do all the buttons mean?" " No clue." "But we'll figure it out." "Honey, is that a swastika on there?" "Yeah." "We won't use that." "This is my favorite part." " Slam the door on my arm." " Heh." "What?" "It has a sensor." "It won't let you slam the door on your arm or leg." " I'm not doing that." " The rental guy showed me." "Just do it." " Okay." " Do it!" " Do it." " This is kind of fun." "Slam it." "All right." "There you go." " Oh!" "Oh!" " Oh, my God!" " Oh, my gosh!" " Goddamn it!" "Oh, my God!" "Why did you have me do that?" "!" "Oh, I didn't have the sensor activated." " Okay." " I'm an idiot." " Do it again." " No, absolutely not." " It'll be fine." "I just activated it." " I won't do it." " Don't be chicken." " Fine." " Shit!" " Heh." " Why did you do that?" " Really?" "You're right." "I'm sorry, heh." " Ugh!" "Nobody slam their arm in the door." " Can I slam it on James' balls?" " You admit I have balls?" " They hang out of your vagina." " Stop that." "Please." " Plenty of time for that." " Go get packed." "We're hitting the road today." " Okay." "Guess we're leaving today." "All right." "Let's go, guys." "Huh." "Hey, honey." "What's all that?" "Well, uh, this is my dream journal whimsy log wish diary my poems." "And, uh, this bad boy is going to be a stream-of-consciousness travel log, so..." "Yeah." "Come on, honey." "Every boy that age has a stack of diaries." "Okay, gang." "Seat belts on." "Two full tanks of gas." "Honey, GPS check?" "Yes, yes." "Roger that." "Okay." "Your destination is 2560 miles ahead." "Walley World, here we come." "Well, we're almost out of gas." "What?" "How is that possible?" "We've been driving for less than an hour." "Dad, what's so special about Walley World?" "I mean, we have plenty of theme parks at home." "Well, Walley World is home of the one and only Velociraptor." "What the hell is that?" "It's only the newest, scariest roller coaster in the country." "Four hundred and fifty feet tall, 110 miles an hour triple corkscrew loop." "Yeah." "Oh, hey, look at this." "Looks like we got ourselves a little old convoy." "Let's say hi." " Oh, my goodness." "It has a CB radio in it?" " Yeah, comes standard in all Prancers." " This way we can talk to truckers." " Okay." "Now, guys, you just have to speak their lingo." "I'm gonna ask him if there's any police up ahead." "Breaker 1-9 to Rubber Ducky." "You got any Smokey the Bears in your kitchen?" "Over." "You're clean and green for the next 20 klicks." " Ha-ha." "He replied!" " I know!" " What did that even mean?" " I have no idea, but who cares?" " He seems nice." " He does seem nice, doesn't he?" "Copy that, good buddy." "Over." " Can I try, Dad?" " Yeah, course." "When you finish talking, say "over."" " Okay." "Cool." " Okay." "Breaker 1-9, my friend Jessie says all truck drivers are rapists." " Are you a rapist?" " Kevin, no, no." "Sorry." "Over." " No, no, no." " What are you doing?" " What?" "It's a question." " Well, you're ruining it." "Sorry about that there, good buddy." "You know how little boys are when their mouths get going, heh." "I don't..." "Not to imply that you are fond of when little boys' mouths get going in any way." "I am not suggesting that you are a sex offender." " Or a pedophile." " Okay, no." "Yeah, so that's the CB radio, guys." "Neat, huh?" " Hey, Dad, what's a pedophile?" " Hmm." "Well, Kevin, when a man and a boy..." " ..." "love each other very much..." " No." "No." " I have to piss." " Me too." "Go with him, please, and keep an eye on him." " Okay." " Thank you." " Look at that." "The boys are bonding already." " Mm-hm." "Isn't this the best?" "Yeah." "Do you remember, back when you were just getting your pilot's license and you and I would sit there and we'd talk about all those, like, overseas trips we would take and stuff?" "Yeah, of course that's when I thought I was gonna fly for one of the big guys." "I know it's not the most glamorous airline, but Econo Air it's been pretty good to us." "As far as I'm concerned, right here with you and the boys, this is paradise." " There was a hole in the side of my stall." " You found a glory hole." " Russ, no." " All right, let's hit the road." "Go to sleep!" "Go to sleep!" " What's wrong with you?" "!" " I wanted to see how long you could hold your breath before you black out." "Don't do that." "I could have died." "Whatever." "Goddamn it." "Kevin!" "Hey, honey, Why'd we get off the highway?" "Thought it would be fun for the kids to see where you went to college." "Oh, God." "Why would that be fun for them, honey?" "You could give us a tour." "One of them could study there one day." "Oh, no." "No way, man." "I've got my sights set on something a little more Ivy League." "Oh." "Little fucker." " What, Ma?" " I love you." "That's what I said." " I love you too." " I said, I love you." "Let's just see how far it is." " You are 9.2 miles from destination." " All right." "Check the best route." "Oh, I changed the language." "That's not it, heh." "What is that?" " Uh, I don't know." "Korean?" " Oh, God, it's horrible." "Just please turn it off." "The menu's all in Korean now." "I don't know what to press." "Why is it so much angrier than the other voices?" "Why don't we just...?" "Honey, it doesn't like when you touch it, okay?" "Just leave it alone." "Let it calm down." "Wow, this place has not changed a bit." " Isn't that sorority row?" " Hmm." "Let's go check out your house." "Oh, no, honey." "Don't you think we should get back on the road?" "No, come on." "It'll be fun." "It's just a boring old house." "Yeah, that's what's up." "I cannot believe that they are still doing this." "What is it?" "Uh, it is the Tri-Pi Chug Run." "You have to chug a big pitcher of beer and then you have to get through the course as fast as you can." "And you did this?" "Because you hardly drink." "No, yeah." "But, honey, it's for charity, see?" "Hi." "Would you like to donate to ass burgers?" "Oh, no." "We're just stopping by." "I was a Tri-Pi a long time ago, so..." "In fact, the Chug Run was my idea." " It was?" " Yeah." " Wait, are you Debbie Fletcher?" " Yeah." "Oh, my shit." "Oh, my shit!" "I can't believe it's you!" "Guys, come here!" "Bring over the book!" " It's Debbie fucking Fletcher." " How do you know who I am?" "Oh, my God, are you kidding me?" "You're like a legend at Tri-Pi." " You're Debbie Do-Anything!" " Debbie Do-Anything?" " Go play." " Yeah, look." " See?" " Oh, God." " Is it true you climbed the clock tower naked?" " Of course not." "Did you really show your tits to anyone who asked?" " Honey, we should go." " Hang on." " I heard you stuck a finger in the dean's dick." " Did you really burn down Taco Bell?" "I heard you fucked Anthony Hopkins." "I heard that, if people bop you on your head gold coins come out of your butt." " Okay, ladies, heh." " What?" "I think I know my wife pretty well, and she wouldn't have done any of those things." "But you know what?" "What's important is not whether I did them or I didn't do them." "What's important is that you guys are idolizing very bad behavior here." "Uh, ew, you don't sound like Debbie Do-Anything." "I had a feeling she was all hype." "Bet she didn't even come up with the Chug Run." "Hey, wait a minute." "Excuse me." "I did come up with the Chug Run, all right?" "And I ran it." " Sure you did." " No, I did." " In 16 seconds, okay?" " Okay, hon." " Prove it." " She can't do it now." "She's old." "Excuse me, girl?" "I didn't mean it like that." "I just mean... you're old." "Oh, yeah." "Never heard that laugh before." "I don't like it." "Hold my bag." "Uh-uh." "Why?" "You're not actually going on this thing." "Yes, I am." "This Chug Run raised thousands of dollars for charity, all right?" "I might not have gotten good grades while I was here, but at least I did something." "It sounds like you did a lot." "You stuck your finger in the dean's penis." "It's not important what I stuck my finger in and what I burnt down." "What is important..." " ...is that these bitches are disrespecting me." " "Bitches"?" "Bring it on." "No one's calling me old." "Fuck you." "All right, boobs, pitcher." "Let's go." "Come on, come on, come on." "Tri-Pi, motherfuckers!" "Oh, Jesus Christ." "Three!" "Two!" "One!" "Oh, honey." "What's Mom doing?" "She's, uh, teaching these bitches a lesson." "This is the best thing I've ever seen." "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Why is she puking so much?" "It's for ass burgers." "Tri-Pi, motherfuckers." "Mom, you should try and stay hydrated." "What?" "What are you doing?" "How about some tunes?" "Oh, my God." "I can't believe it." "I love this song." "Guys, it's Seal." "Heh." "Everybody sing it with me." "There used to be a graying tower Alone on the sea" "Come on, guys." "You became The light on the dark side of me" "Deb?" "Love remained A drug that's the high and not..." "Guys?" "No?" "Did you know that when it snows" "Kevin?" "James?" "My eyes become large" "Is this a man or a woman singing?" "It's a man." "And the coolest man ever." "He overcame lupus." "Baby I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray" "I can't believe no one in this family wants to sing." "...stranger it feels, yeah." "Batman Forever?" "...that your rose is in bloom" "Val Kilmer." "A light hits the gloom on the gray" "He's come back to kill us." " Gun it, Russ!" " Gunning it." "You gotta go faster, Dad!" "Go faster!" " The Prancer doesn't go any faster!" " What do we do?" "!" "Maybe if I press this rabbit button..." " ...it'll give it a boost or something." " Yes, try it." " Why is there a button for that?" " And why is it a rabbit?" "Okay..." " Uh, rocket." "Here you go." "Try that." " Yes." "What?" "What's happening?" " Why am I swiveling?" " I don't know!" " Grab the wheel!" " It won't stop!" " Hit the gas!" "Hit the gas!" " Okay, I'm trying to hit..." "We're gonna die!" " Okay, I got the wheel." "I got the wheel." " Okay, okay." "Okay, what are we gonna do?" " I have an idea." " What?" " Handbrake turn." " What?" "Pull the wheel left, yank the handbrake, do a 180, cross the median, drive past him." " You know how, Dad?" " If Vin Diesel can do it, so can I." " Why are you as good as Vin Diesel?" " Hang on." "That's not what I was trying to do." " Everybody okay?" " Oh, shit!" " Go, Dad!" "Go, go!" " Oh, my God." " Oh, shit!" " Goddamn it." "All right, boys." "This is you." " I call both beds." " You get one bed." "If you need anything, Mom and I are next door." "Oh, uh, I think I saw a hot tub, Dad." "Is it okay if I take a soak?" "Yeah." "Yeah, sure." "But if anyone tries to shove you in their car give them a good scratch like I showed you." " I will." " All right." " Attaboy." " Thanks." "So how come you never told me about the whole Debbie Do-Anything thing?" "Heh." "Come on, that was so long ago." "Yeah, but it's part of who you are and I wanna know all about you." "All right." "Well, that's fair." "What do you wanna know?" "How many guys did you sleep with before me?" "No, no, no." " No, no, no." " Oh, come on." "Come on." "That's not important." " No, I know." "But I'm just..." " You really need to know?" " It just..." " Oh, okay." " I'm just curious." " Okay, okay." "Um, let's see." "And then..." "Kind of taking you a little while, heh." "Okay, uh, so around..." " Th..." " Three." "Three." "That's actually reassuring, because, heh, it's the same as me." "No, didn't say three." "Thirteen?" "Thirteen?" " Nope." " And it's not three?" "It's around 30." "Thirty!" "Phew." "Wow, holy cow." "See, now I feel like you're judging me." "I'm Judging me." " Your number is so much higher than mine." " Yes, it is a big number but it doesn't matter." "Honey, it doesn't matter." "You're so cool." "I feel like a loser." "You are not a loser, okay?" "Yeah?" "Because, uh, I had to work pretty hard just to get those three." "Had to take care of Jenny's grandfather for months before she slept with me." " And he was racist." " Please, don't base it on me." "I was, like, crazy back then." "I was completely immature and acting out and just really, like, free with my body and that's just not who I am anymore." "That's not who we are." "Well, we're pretty free with our bodies." "But you have to admit I feel like we've gotten like, less free with our bodies." "But we have sex every week with our bodies." "We do." "But..." "I mean, it's gotten a little routine, babe." "You know, you always are lighting that same Yankee Candle and everything." "And I don't know, it might be nice to mix it up a little bit every once in a while." "Okay?" "No big deal." "I'm gonna go take a shower, okay?" "I'm gonna take one with you." " Hmm?" " Uh..." "We'll have sex in it." "Yeah." "In the shower." "How's that for getting free with our bodies, Debbie Do-Anything?" " I like that." " Yeah." "Oh, Russ." "Just be careful not to drop the soap." "Oh, I won't." "What?" " This is fun and different." " I know." "It is." "You are so cute when you get excited about stuff." "You're, like, so cute always." "Aw, honey." "Oh, my..." "Holy shit!" "Are those mushrooms?" "!" "Looks like somebody..." " ...blew their head off in there." " Oh, God." "So should we, uh...?" "Should we get in or...?" "No, right, heh?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna see if there's something to clean that with." "Hmm." "Maybe the housekeeping left a..." "Oh, well, here's a Brillo Pad." "I'll just..." " Russ." " Yeah." "That's not a Brillo Pad." "It's a ball of pubic hair." " Oh, my gosh." " There's so much of it." "Who has that much pubic hair?" "It's not even possible." "No, not one person." "That's all different colors." "That's from like 30 different guys." "Oh, shut up, Russ." "No." "I'm sorry." "Through the curtains hanging in the window" "In the evening on a Friday night" "Little light shining through the window" "Lets me know everything's gonna be all right" "Summer breeze makes me feel fine" "Blowing through the jasmine in my mi..." "You're pretty good." "Jeez, sorry." "I, uh, heh, didn't mean to scare you." " Hi." " Hi." " You were in the Jeep." " And you were in that plastic bag." "That was my stupid brother." "Gotcha." "Big brothers suck." "Oh, no." "Yeah, big, heh." "I'm Adena." "James." " I have a penis." " What?" "It's on your guitar." " Same brother." " What an asshole." "Yeah." "You wanna go in?" "Absolutely." "Well, what have we here?" "Little Romeo and Juliet situation?" "My name's Russ." "Pleased to meet you both." "I'm just a stranger, passing through town." "But I couldn't help noticing how incredibly handsome this young man is." "What's your story?" "You got a girlfriend?" "No." "What?" "No girlfriend?" "Cute boy like that?" "Somebody's gonna snatch you up." " Do you want me to call the cops?" " No." "And he plays guitar?" "Dream boy." " Make a muscle." " I'd..." " Do it." " ...rather not." "Take your shirt off." "Make a muscle." " I really don't want to." " Don't be shy." " Show us what you're working with." " All right." "Um, I should go." "Are you sure that you'll be okay?" "I think so." "Okay." "Bye." "Dang it." " Dad, why would you do that?" " Saw you talking to her." " Figured you could use a wingman." " I didn't need a wingman." " Well, heh, looks like you did." "She left." " That's because you were approaching..." "You know, James, when I was your age Grandpa Clark sat me down and we had a little chat." "Seeing you with that girl made me realize that we haven't had that chat yet." " We don't need that chat." " Yeah?" "Come on, I know it's embarrassing, but it'd be a lot more embarrassing if you found yourself tummy to tummy with a lady friend and didn't know what goes where." " I know what goes where." " You do?" " Uh-huh." " You sure?" " Yep." "All right, all right." "Well, I just want you to know I'm here to answer any questions you might have about that stuff." "No matter how uncomfortable it seems." "Yeah, okay." " Yeah, right." "Here it comes." " Yeah." "All right." "Okay." "Uh, there were some kids at school who were talking about rim jobs." " Hmm." " So, what's that?" "What's a rim job?" " Rim jobs." " Yeah." " Is that R-I-M?" " Mm-hm." "Rim job." "Country of origin." "I don't know." "Um, America." "Can I hear it in a sentence?" " What's a rim job, Dad?" " Oh." "Well, rim job." "I would guess a rim job is when you kiss someone with your mouth closed." "Right?" "So you're only using the rim of your mouth." " That's it?" " Sure." "It felt like it was something way dirtier." "No, I mean, what else could it be?" "Any other questions?" "I guess not." "Good talk, James." "Now, I hope you're not too old to let your dad give you a good-night rim job." "Looks like we might get to Aunt Audrey's before dinner." "Will Uncle Stone be there?" "Yeah, I suppose he will." " Uncle Stone is cool." " You have to be cool to be a celebrity." "Heh." "He's not exactly a celebrity." "I mean, he's a local weatherman." "That's all." "Uh, actually, Audrey said that the networks are interested in him." " Yeah?" " Oh, yeah." "All right." "Well, good for him." " Think Uncle Stone will let me ride his horse?" " I don't see why not." " Do you think I can shoot his guns?" " No, you cannot." "Too bad." "I would've shot you right off that fucking horse." "I never would've imagined my sister marrying such a conservative." "Yeah, but just because Stone's political beliefs are different than ours doesn't mean he's not good-looking." "I..." "A good person." " You said it." " Uh, honey..." "Hey, look at that!" "Hot springs up ahead." "We've always wanted to do that." "Oh, honey, we don't wanna be late to Audrey's." "So we're a few minutes late." "We're on vacation." "Right?" "Come on." "Let's have some fun." "Okay." " Oh." "Look at the line." " This will take forever." "Come on, guys." "How often do we get to soak in hot water?" "Every time we take a bath." "No, this is different, okay?" "This is natural." "This water was heated in Mother Nature's bowels." "Oh." "Gross." "There's gotta be another way in." "I'm gonna ask this gentleman." "I bet he'd know." "Excuse me, sir." " Hi there." " Hey." "Hi." "Hey, we were wondering. ls there another entrance to the hot springs?" "Like a secret entrance the locals use?" " Line can get pretty long this time of year, huh?" " Yeah." "Yeah, it sure can." "Yeah, I'll tell you what you'll do." "Uh, can you see that dirt road?" "That path there on the left?" " Yeah." " If you just follow that all the way up that'll take you to the hot springs." "All right, perfect." "Thank you." "Oh, no, no." "You bet." "Y'all have a good time." " Oh, will do, heh." " Heh." "Hey, what's your pet rat's name?" "Is my pet what?" "What the fuck?" "What the fuck?" "!" "What the fuck?" "!" "I don't know him." "Honey, are you sure about this?" "I mean, nobody else is going this way." "Yeah, well, most people think inside the box." "But you know who thinks outside the box?" "Uncle Stone?" "Me." "Your father." "Um, honey, I don't see any hot springs." "Well, the guy said it was right at the end of this road, so..." "Well, the guy also did not know he had a rat on his shoulder, so there's that." "Hold on." "Wow, honey, this is beautiful." " Isn't it?" " Yeah." "All right, everyone." "In your bathing suits." "Now!" "Heh." "Looks like we found our own private hot spring." " I say we call it "Griswold Springs."" " Heh." " The water's perfect." " Oh, my God." "It's so nice." "Why does it smell like rotten eggs?" " That's the sulfur, buddy." "It's natural." " Yeah." "Yeah." "And it's really good for you too." "Actually, the minerals that are in this mud here they draw toxins out of your body." "Can you believe that?" "Cool, right?" "Oh, wow." "Mm." "This is perfect." "It's exactly what we needed." "Oh, yeah." "Good call, Griswold." " Oh, man." " Yeah." " Oh, yeah." "That's it." " That's it." "That's it." "I can feel my body detoxifying." "You know it tastes a little shitty, but I think that's part of it." "That's okay." "This is wonderful." "That is the stuff." "What is that, honey?" "On your ear." "What's on your ear?" "What is that?" "It's an ear!" "Look, James." "Found a dart." "Are you crazy?" "Oh, my God!" "Everybody out of Griswold Springs!" " Get out of the poop!" " That was nasty!" "All over me!" "I don't like Griswold Springs." "Is that our car alarm?" "What?" "Ugh." "How come that local guy didn't tell us there are thieves in these woods?" "Oh, right." "He took my guitar." "Oh, my God." "He took all our money, Russ." "All right, not a best-case scenario." "But, hey." "He left your book." "So, I guess we get the last laugh." "Oh, really, honey?" "We're naked and covered in human waste." "Oh, come on, sweetheart." "We don't know that it's human." "This is so embarrassing." "I feel like your cousin Eddie's family." "It's no big deal." "We'll just tell Stone and Audrey what happened." "Kids, remember what happened?" "We pulled over to rescue a baby from a burning car and somebody stole all of our stuff while we were distracted." "And why are we naked and covered in feces?" "I don't remember." "That's right." "We don't remember." "Oh, my God." "Oh, come on." " What're we gonna do?" " Can you give me a hand with this?" "Please?" "Just..." "Yeah." "Oh, gosh." " I can't." "I can't get it off." " Just use your spit." "Oh, okay." "Focus on the balls." "If you guys wanna stop, that'd be good too." "Stay on the balls." "I've got the shaft." "Hi, y'all!" "Hey." "Oh, my goodness." "Hi." "What happened?" "Well, that's a..." "It's a crazy story..." "Dad got scammed by a guy at a park." " Kevin." " Same old Rusty." "You'd buy water from a faucet." "Anyway, you guys look disgusting." "I have some clothes I was gonna give to the church if you guys wanna borrow some of those." " Great." "Thank you, Audrey." " Yeah." " Come on inside." " All right." "Boy, y'all stink." "Oh, I don't like that." "Man, this place makes our house look like shit." "Well, Kevin, that's only because a dollar goes much further out here than it does in Chicago." "Especially when you make a lot more of them, heh." "Just messing with you." "Shoot, you boys are growing faster than a weed under a faucet." " You still rassling, son?" " Uh-huh." "Uh-huh." "Oh, come on." "Show me what you got." " Hey, Kevin." "Get off your brother, please." " They're just having themselves a rassle." " It's what brothers do." " Hey, oh, look at you guys." "Hot damn." "Debbie Griswold." "You just keep getting prettier." " Oh, stop." " No, I mean it." "You could make hot water come out of the cold faucet." "Oh, heh." "That's very sweet." "You know, I remember the night you first wore that dress." " You remember that night?" " I remember that night." " I'll never forget that night." " Neither will I, baby." "You're my fucking husband." "Oh, betcha, I am." "I'm your caveman." "I'll rip you in half." "I wanna have all your babies." "On, baby." "I hit the fucking jackpot with you." "Oh, God, what I'm gonna do to you tonight." "Who wants to see Stone's man cave?" "Yeah." "Is this Charlton Heston?" "Yep, Chuck was a good friend." "I can't tell you how many nights we spent drinking bourbon together crying about the state of this country." "It's true, they did." "They literally cried together." "Hmm." "Somehow I don't see you crying, though, Stone." "Yeah, that's, uh..." "That's kind of embarrassing, right?" "Not embarrassing to me." "Even the strongest faucet sometimes lets out a few drops, heh." "What is with these faucets?" "Everyone thought that F-4 twister..." " ...was gonna bypass Harris County." " Not my Stone." "I had a feeling that that low-pressure system was gonna make a beeline for Mission Bend." "Thanks to my report, those people had an extra 15 minutes to evacuate." " Ah." " Governor Perry said he saved 2000 lives." "That's how many we lost at Pearl Harbor so basically he stopped Pearl Harbor." "That's when the national news called." "Now, between us it's looking good." "Ain't it, honey?" "Course none of that would've been possible without my sugar mama here working day and night to put me through meteorology school." "I liked working, baby." "I didn't mind it one bit." "Well, you never have to do it again, darling." "But it kind of gave me purpose." "Nope, never again." "That is a promise." "Wow, Uncle Stone, I may not agree with your politics..." " ...but that doesn't mean I don't admire you." " Well, thank you." "But the man you should admire the most is sitting right next to you." "But there's nobody there." "Oh, I don't mean that chair." "I mean your pa right here." "Okay, heh." " He doesn't save anybody's life." " Doesn't he?" "Well, every time he flies that little plane of his, he's saving lives by not crashing." "And in my book that makes him a hero." "Thank you." "You know, a lot of people actually..." "Not to mention, he also snagged himself one sweet slice of foxy pie in your mama there." "You gotta stop that today." "Stop it." "You know what I always wanted to know was when did you first know the weather?" "You all right, Deb?" " What?" " Hey, there's a cow." "Oh, not a cow." "That's a steer." "That there is $6000 worth of juicy, purebred Angus beef." "It's Stone's new passion, raising cattle." "He's even named them." "Uh-huh." "Old Sebastian here loves him some ribs." "Here you go, boy." "Yeah." "Oh, that's it." " Dad, isn't that...?" " Cannibalism?" "Yeah." "You boys get up early tomorrow, you can watch me herd these suckers into the corral." " Oh!" " Wait a minute, wait a minute." "You herd them yourself?" "Heh, I'm a man, aren't I?" "Yes." "Uh, hey, Stone, not sure if you need a hand out there, but I'd love to help." "Sure thing." "If you're up for it I can always use an extra set of hands." "Well, I was born with an extra set of hands." "That's an odd thing to say, heh." "But I reckon this'll be the highlight of your trip." "Well, the real highlight, of course, will be when we get to Walley World and I take my family on the Velociraptor." "I think it is so weird." "I don't know why you want to go back to Walley World after Dad flipped out there." "Audrey, Dad flipped out because he loved us and wanted us to be close." "And we were." "And that's all I want for my family." "You're such a clown." "You're a clown." "Babe, baby, I think Rusty's right." "You know, family is the most important thing there is." "Little something..." "Maybe we'll take baby Cooper on a trip this summer." "Yeah, not to Walley World." " Oh, God, no." " Because that'd be stupid." "That'd be stupid." "How about Paris?" "And then we get back I can maybe get a part-time job?" "Well, not while there's breath in my body, sweetheart." "You know, honey, I am really happy for your sister." " Yeah?" " Seriously." "She and Stone seem really in love." "It's nice." "These pants Stone gave me are really stretched out in the crotch." "Weird." "Why would they be stretched out in the...?" " God, I don't know." " Holy shit." "How much you think they paid for this house?" "Whoa." "Oh, okay, whoa." "Oh, should I see if Audrey has a Yankee Candle?" "Fuck the Yankee Candle." "I wanna do this now." " Oh, God, you're so sexy." "Oh, my God." " Oh, what has gotten into you?" "What?" "What, what?" "This is because of him, isn't it?" "What?" "Who?" "Because of who?" "Because of Stone." " What?" " That's why you're jumping my bones." " You're thinking of him." " That's ridiculous." "Then how come the one night we're with him..." " ...you turn into some kind of sexual character?" " I don't know where you're going with this..." " Where's your wedding ring?" " Oh, my God." "Before we got here, you took off your wedding ring?" "No, I didn't, Rusty." "It was loose." "You remember how loose it was?" "And I must've just dropped it somewhere." "What was the plan?" "Show up with no ring, he'll think you're single?" "How will he think I'm single if I'm here with my husband?" "I don't know." "It was your plan." "It was not my pl..." "Okay." "Yes, Stone is an impressive man, okay?" "But I married you, Rusty." "And I am so sorry that I lost my ring but I would never, ever, ever take it off on purpose." "I know, I know." "I just..." "I freaked out." "I'm sorry." "I just..." "We'll get you another ring." "I liked that one." "Hey, y'all decent?" " Yes." "Hi." " Hey." "Okay." "Just wanted to make sure y'all had everything you needed for the night." "Yep." "All right." "Man, it sure is beautiful here this time of year, ain't it?" "And quiet." "Listen." "You hear that?" " No." " Exactly." "It's perfect silence." "Hmm." "Yeah, yeah." "Well, uh, TV remote." "Okay, let me show you." "I've got, uh, channels and the volume." "On." "Off." " Pretty straightforward." " Yeah." " Yeah." " Great." "All right." "Well, uh, if you get thirsty, there's fresh milk in the fridge and have yourselves a good night." " Uh-huh." " Okay." " Night, Stone." " Good night, Stone." "Man." "Yeah." "Okay." "He totally just came in here to show off his six-pack." "Hey, morning." "Ugh, barely." "How come you gotta do this at 6 a.m.?" "Well, I gotta be at the station by 7:30 for Stone Crandall's AccuWeather Report." "Hey, you ever ride one of these things?" "No, never have." "But, uh, can't imagine it's more complicated than an Airbus A318." "Heh, yeah, well, that's the spirit." "Now, the key here is to move back and forth along the edge of the herd." "You keep your distance, though." "You don't want to spook them." "Got it." "Okay." "Are there helmets?" "Yeah, I keep them with the tampons." "Just basic safety." "This is exciting!" "It's my favorite way to start the day." "This, and making love to your sister." "Thank you for that." "Come on, let's go!" "It looks like we got us a couple of mavericks." "You take the one on the left." "I'll take the one on the right." "Unless you need my help with yours." "No, I think I got it." "Last one to the corral's a rotten cowpoke." "Let's go!" "Go!" "Get up!" "Get up!" "Get up!" "Let's go!" "Whoa!" "Hey!" "Holy shit!" "Oh, my gosh!" "Is the cow okay?" "No, the cow's not okay, Russ." "You drove plumb through him." "Oh, no, Sebastian." "Gross." "Hey, gang, uh..." "Maybe for lunch we could find a burger place." "You know, like a, uh..." "Like a drive-through burger place." "I don't know, Dad." "I think we should, uh steer clear of that." " Good one, James." " All right, enough, you guys." "Dad hit a cow, okay?" "Let's just move on." " Oh, I got one." " Yeah?" "Let's hear it." "James is a piece of shit." "You kind of missed the point there, buddy." " Hey, hey." " What?" "What is it?" "What's wrong?" " Is everything okay?" " Yeah." " No, nothing's wrong." " Okay." " Well, what?" " I have an idea." "And it's gonna sound crazy, but hear me out, okay?" " Okay." " Okay." "We're right near the Four Corners Monument which is where four states come together in one spot." " So?" " Let's go have sex on it." "What?" "Heh." "Yeah, that way we can make love in four states at the same time." "Wait." "You're serious?" "Yeah." "I mean, you're the one who said we should mix it up." "What's more mixed-up than sex on a public monument?" "Um, pretty sure Debbie Do-Anything would do it." "Okay, well, Debbie Do-Anything was a dumbass." "Maybe that's what we need." "To be dumbasses together." "What about the kids?" "Well, Kevin's kind of a dumbass." "No, no, honey." "What are we gonna do about them?" "They're fine." "They're fast asleep." "We'll be back before they know we're gone." " Okay." " Yeah?" "All right, let's do it." "Mom?" "Dad?" " James?" " Mom?" " Adena?" " Are you, like, stalking me or something?" "No." "What?" "No." "I'm kidding." " Relax, heh." " Oh!" "Hey, what happened with that perv who was hitting on you in Arkansas?" "That was actually my dad." "He was trying to be my wingman." "Oh, my God." "He's a really shitty wingman." "So no guitar tonight?" "It got stolen." "That sucks." "I really liked hearing you play." "You did?" "Yeah, I've always had a thing for musicians." "Well, good because I've always had a thing for pretty girls." "Well played." "See?" "You don't need a wingman." "Here it is." "Oh, my God." "This is so illegal." " I know, it's so hot, right?" " Yeah." "I am hard as a faucet right now." " I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." " Oh." "No." "I like it." " Yeah?" " Yeah." " Yeah?" " I do." " You like it when I slap that ass?" " I do, I do, heh." " Good." "I'm gonna beat the shit out of your ass." " Whoa, Russ." "Okay, right here?" " We're about to have sex outside." " I know." "Heh, I know." " Do you want me to put a finger in?" " In what?" " Never mind." " Okay, okay." "Y'all wanna keep it down?" " Yeah!" "Yeah!" " Hey, watch it, man!" " Get your leg off me!" " You're so slippery and sweaty!" "If you're here to have sex on the Corners, we're next." "Get in line." " Oh, my gosh." " Oh, God." "Oh, God!" "Oh, God!" "They're in every state!" "So many boobies out here!" "You two!" "Freeze!" "Go, go, go!" "Hands up!" " Run!" "Honey, run!" " Get your shoe!" "Drop the flashlight!" "You do know public indecency is a crime in the state of Utah?" "Yes." "Sorry, officer." " See, we're married, and we wanted to just..." " Save it for the judge." "It makes me sick how you deviants show up and desecrate this holy place every night." " Turn around." "Hands behind your back." " What?" "Not so fast, Tommy." "Shoot for sherbet." "What are you doing here, Kyle?" "These people are clearly in the state of Colorado." "That's my jurisdiction." "Juris-dick in my ass, Kyle." "Look at her left foot." "Smack-dab in Arizona." "You weed-legalizing, Mile-High piece of shit." " Hey, there's no reason for that language." " Sorry, Officer Mormon." "You don't like that?" "I have an idea." "Why don't you plug up your ears with Mitt Romney's dick?" " Ha, ha." " Hey." "Oh, looks like New Mexico decided to wake up from his siesta." " What's the trouble?" " Tell you what the trouble is, dreamcatcher." "You are wearing entirely too much goddamn turquoise." "Hey, we can do this without..." " ...disrespecting each other's traditions." " Oh, go fuck your wives, Tommy." "This is what I'm telling you." "Every night we do this." "You know what this border represents?" "It's just an idea." "That's all I'm saying." " If it's just an idea, then I'll just get the perp..." " Ah!" "My house!" " Hey!" " Stay out of my state." " What are you gonna do now?" " Get your feet off of my state!" "You wanna stomp on my foot?" "!" " You back..." " Is that what you want?" "Hey, I wasn't even in it!" "Don't you kick in here!" "Don't start..." "How about this, then, huh?" " We got a live weapon!" " Oh, shit!" "Oh, shit!" " Think I'm afraid of that?" " I'm not afraid of you." " How about that, huh?" " Oh, yeah, like I'm afraid?" " Are we...?" "I don't want it in my mouth." " Let's not do that." " I'll take that all in, dude." " That's enough!" "Everyone get down!" " Get down on the ground!" "Get down!" " Get down!" "Get down on the ground!" "I'm cooperating!" "I'm the one who's cooperating!" " You get down too." "You get down too." " Get down on the ground!" " Hands where?" " Your right side." " Sides or front?" " Side to side." " Let's do this." " Everyone down?" " Okay." " I think I'm done." "You can really see all the stars out here." "Yeah." "So, what do you feel like doing?" "Heh." "I don't know." "Can I give you a rim job?" " Whoa." " No." " What?" " I don't know." " What's wrong with you?" " I don't know." "I'm sorry." "What did you wanna do?" "I don't know." "I thought maybe we could kiss or something?" "Well, yeah, that's what I thought I..." "Yeah." "Okay." "Ow." "Where's Mom and Dad, dork?" "I don't know." "Just go back inside the thing." "You were about to let that dingus kiss you?" "Shut up, Kevin." " Who is that?" " My stupid little brother." "I thought you said he was your big brother." " I..." "Damn it!" " Dingus." " Why do you take that from him?" " Am I supposed to hit him back?" " He's a little kid." " He's a little shit." " You don't have to let him push you around." " I kind of thought I was taking the high road." "Yeah, that seems to be working out for you." "You know what?" "Fuck it." "Okay, so you wanna do this now?" "Bring it, bitch." "Wait, what?" "No, no, no." "Wow, this is so easy." "You are such a little boy." "Unh!" "There's gonna be a few changes, all right?" "No more bullying." " Stop it." "I'm telling Mom." " Shut your mouth." "You gonna stop bullying?" "You're hurting my tummy." "Say you're gonna stop, you little piece of..." " ...ass." " Wait, what?" " "Piece of ass"?" " You know what I mean." "What are you doing to my face?" " This hurts, doesn't it?" " Dude." " How do you like your ears getting messed up?" " It's really not that bad." " I'll tap you on the forehead." " That's not how you beat someone up." "Very dehumanizing." "Your forehead's gonna be so sore." "Stop it!" "What are you doing?" "!" " How do you like your lips getting tickled?" " This is really weird." "Just smush your cheeks." " You gonna stop bullying?" " Fine, I'll stop bullying." "Just stop doing this." "Thank you, Adena." "This has been the best night of my life." "Weird fucking family." "Well, that was awful." "At least the kids never woke up." "Passengers on the left side of the Prancer will notice the Grand Canyon out the window." "That's right." "Last stop before Walley World." "So, guys when we visited the Grand Canyon when I was a kid we barely had a chance to look at it." "This time we're gonna do a whole lot more than look." " Oh, cool." " Sweet." "Hi, folks!" "Hi!" "All right, let's see, who do we got here?" "You must be the Fung family." "Huh?" "I'm just messing!" "You're the Griswolds, right?" "Yes, that's right." "Heh, right." "The little guy's face was like, "Fungs?"" "Anyway, I'm Chad." "I'm gonna be your guide." " Okay." "Hi, Chad." " You couldn't have come on a better day." "I'll get you all geared up." "And, guess what, the river's running way high so I think we're in for a pretty sweet ride, guys." " Let's roll." " All right." "Let's do this." "Okay, gang, joke time is over." "Let's get serious for a second." "Go over a couple safety procedures before we hit the water." "First off, do any of you know this river?" "Because this is actually my first time." "I'm kidding, ha, ha." "Been doing this about three and a half years." "Know the river inside and out." "Got my guide certificate from a Cracker Jack box." "Guys, it's a joke." "See the little kid's face?" "He's all:" ""A Cracker Jack box?" "A what?" "!"" "All you gotta do is follow my instructions and we got a 50-50 chance of coming back alive." "I'm kidding, guys." "See the little kid's face, he's all:" ""I'm coming back alive!" "I don't wanna die!"" "Sorry, hang on a second." "I'm getting a call from my fiancée here." "Just got engaged two weeks ago, so I think I'm gonna take this or the river's not gonna be the only hot water I'm in today." "River's actually very cold." "Hey, boo." " Wow, this is awesome." " Ah." "We're about to set sail through one of America's greatest aquatic treasures." " Kevin, don't hit your brother." " I didn't." "You heard what he said about the "aquatic treasures," right?" " Yeah." " And you didn't wanna hit him?" " Well, that's progress." " Wow." "I don't understand, though." "Like, what are you even saying?" "But just like that?" "I love you." "You love me." "Tanya, please." "Please, just let's think about this for a second, honey." "You're all that I have in this world." "Tanya, no, babe." "No, Tanya, no." "Please, don't hang up." "No, no!" "Goddamn it!" "Who's ready to go on the river?" "Um, are you okay, Chad?" "Oh, yeah." "Turns out I'm not engaged anymore." "So..." "All aboard." "I don't know about this, Russ." "Oh, come on." "He's kidding." "Get it together!" "Oh, shit." "Everybody out of the boat." "Can we go home now?" "What?" "We're a day away from Walley World." "Dad, I don't think any of us really care about Walley World." "The boys are right, Russ." "I mean, we almost died back there." "I mean, isn't it time that we just cut our losses?" "I cannot believe what I'm hearing." "Oh, my God." "Huh!" "All right, that has to be a sign, right?" "We were meant to finish this trip." "Come on, guys, everybody sing it with me." "There used to be a graying tower Alone on the sea" "We're losing the station." " We're not losing anything." " Yes..." "We just have to listen a little harder!" "Love remained A drug..." "Okay, no, no, no." "It's gone." "It's gone." " Just let it go." " Fine." "Just thought we could all sing Seal together like normal families do." " Oh, crap." " Now what?" " We're almost out of gas." " Oh, my God." "It's all right." "I'm sure we will find a place to fill up around here before we run out." "Man." "No signal at all." "Wonder if the Prancer has roadside assistance." " How would we even call them?" " Maybe it's one of the buttons on the fob." "Seriously?" "You're gonna keep pressing buttons?" " Well, we never tried the top hat." " Oh, jeez." "Oh, my God!" "Well, now we know what the top hat does." "I'm not gonna do the swastika." "All that's left is the muffin." "Come on, muffin." " What?" " It started." " Yes." " All right." "Oh, must be the extra gas tank." " Right?" " The muffin." "Dad to the rescue." "Thank God." "Wait, where's it going?" "Wait!" "Wait a minute!" " Make it stop!" " I don't know how!" "I'll hit the muffin again!" " All right, we can handle this." " Oh, no, no, no." "Please, don't say that." "Do not say that we can handle this, Russ." "Okay?" " We can." " No, we can't!" "We can't!" "From the moment we left for this trip, nothing has gone right." "Can you please just admit that this was a mistake?" "But it wasn't." "Right?" "We all wanted to go." " I didn't." " Me neither." "Me neither." "You wanted to go." "All right, I think tempers are getting a little hot right now." "We just have to, uh..." "We just all have to..." "Fuck me!" "I give up!" "All I wanted to do was take my fucking family on a fucking trip to Walley World, and ride the fucking Velociraptor!" "Ow." "There's a rock in that." "I guess I'm the asshole for trying to bring my family closer together." "What do I get?" "Kids who don't wanna be with me, and a wife who's miserable." " Russ..." " Oh, come on, Debbie." "You know it's true." "You think you settled for me." "You think I'm a loser regional pilot." "Well, guess what." "I get offers from international carriers all the time and I turn them down." "Why?" "I don't wanna be away from you and the kids that long." "I'm an idiot." "I should take one of those jobs and fly off to the Pyramids of Zambezi and the Lost Gardens of wherever the fuck!" "Just forget it." "Forget this whole stupid trip." "You people are on your own." "I'm sure you'll find a better husband and father." "A cowboy with a huge six-pack who will take you to Paris and wrestling and books." "What...?" "Wait, where are you going?" "Fuck if I know!" "Ow." "God!" "These tumbleweeds are all filled with things that are hard!" "What the...?" "Oh, no." "Help." "Help." "Help!" "Help!" "Stop!" "Come on." "Go, go, go." "Help!" "No!" "Help!" " Don't you kill him!" " Dad!" "I'm so sorry." "When I called you a pedophile, I was..." "No!" "No, no, no!" "No!" "Not in front of my family!" "Your wife left this in a truck stop in Missouri." "Thought you might want it back." "Oh, my God." "Wait, wait." "Is that my ring?" "This man's been trying to return it to us the whole time." "I don't know how I could ever thank you." "No thanks necessary." "It was on my way." "So you're not a rapist?" "Looks like your car's pretty messed up." "Where you headed?" "Um..." "Home, I guess." "Well, I can take you as far as San Francisco." "Will that help?" "Yeah." "Yeah, that'll work." "Thank you." "All right, come on, guys." "Thank you." " He still didn't answer me." " Oh, Kevin." "Well, thanks for the ride." "Really appreciate it." "You never told us why you keep that teddy bear on the front of your truck." " Oh, yeah." " It makes the kids feel more comfortable." "Oh, yeah?" "You have kids?" "Nope." "Right." "Take care." "Well, I guess that's that." "Yeah." "We'll get a flight home tomorrow." "Do not stay here." "Worst bed and breakfast we've been to." "They ought to shut this place down." "The owner is a lunatic." "You all come back now, you hear?" "Hey, look who made it." "Ellen!" "Oh, there you are." "They're here." "Hi, Dad." " We were so happy to get that call." " Hi." "How was your trip?" " It's a long story." " Give me a hug." " Hi, Grandpa." " Oh." "Come here, you two." "Oh, my gosh." "You're getting so big." " Come on, let's go inside." " Grandpa, you don't have to." " No, I can do it." "Really." " Russ." " Clark." " Oh, no." "I got this." "I'm fine." "This really hurts." "Then the muffin made the car explode, but it didn't matter." "Our luggage and all of our stuff was already stolen..." " ...by the guy with the rat on his shoulder." " Even took my guitar." "Oh, James, that's terrible." "A musician without his instrument is as bad as a shoemaker without a toilet seat." "Ah, I may have something for you." "It's very fragile." "Look." " You take care of that." " Wow, Grandpa." "Thank you so much." " Cool." " Yeah." "Doesn't look like much, but that's a very special guitar." " It was given to me by Bob Dillon." " The Bob Dylan?" "No, a Bob Dillon." "D-I-L-L-O-N." " An accountant friend of mine." " Oh." "But it was given to him by Jimmy Hendricks." " The Jimi Hendrix?" " No." "So how's the B-and-B business going?" "Oh, we love it, are you kidding?" "It's a great fit for us." "We love visitors." "We love having people around to care for." "We're people people." " Hey, guys." "You mind if we join you?" " We're occupied right now." "Beat it." "Ah, it's getting late." "Go to bed, okay?" " Okay." " Yeah." "I'll run you upstairs." " Good night, Grandma and Grandpa." "Thank you." " Nighty-night." "Sleep tight." "Ah, well, you've certainly had an adventure." "Well, yes." ""Adventure" is one way to put it." " How's Audrey?" " Oh, she's great." "Yeah, she and Stone, they seem to be very happy." "Key word there is "seem."" " What do you mean?" " Their marriage is a sham." " What?" " Well, they sleep around on each other." " Been doing it for years." " Oh, my gosh." "I just wish Audrey had found a more solid marriage like you and Rusty." "Hey, Russ, can we talk?" "I knew we had some problems." "Is it this bad?" "Is our marriage dying?" "No." "No, a marriage only dies when you stop trying." "And you have never stopped trying." "I just think maybe I did." "What do you mean?" "I've only been thinking about myself, you know?" "I wanted to change the routine, and go on exotic trips and..." "Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that." "I was crazy to think I could make us closer by locking us in a car for a week." "No, but you were doing that for us." "You have been trying so hard to make this trip memorable for me and the kids..." " ...and I didn't appreciate that." " But why would you?" "I mean, I've put you through some serious shit." "Literally, a pool of shit in Arkansas." "You deserve better." "What, better than you?" "How many men would sacrifice their careers for their family like you have?" "Oh, I didn't sacrifice anything." "I have everything I've ever wanted." " Debbie." " Yeah?" "Will you continue to be my wife?" "I wondered when you'd give that back to me." "I was wondering if you still wanted it." "I do." "Wait a minute." "Are we gonna do this?" "Oh, yeah." "I'm gonna pound the shit out of you." " Russ." " What?" "Lock the door." "I'm gonna lock the shit out of that door." " Hey, Dad." " Morning, Rusty." "Could you drive us to the airport this afternoon?" "There's a flight back to Chicago at 4." "Chicago?" "What about Walley World?" "Oh, no." "We've, uh, had enough." " This trip's been a nightmare." " Well, that's what family vacations are." " But you can't give up, Russ." " Well, why not?" "I mean, they always say "it's not the destination, it's the journey," right?" "The journey sucks." "That's what makes you appreciate the destination." "You had a dream to take your family to Walley World." "Never let that go." "I know I didn't." "How would we even get to Walley World?" "We don't have a car." "Hey, come on." "You leave that to me." "Oops, wrong door." "Could I, uh, take the Nissan?" "Ha, ha." "No, no." "Wait, Dad, I thought we were going to the airport." "Boys, when your father makes you a promise, he keeps it." " That's not right." " This sucks." " Wow, this place is huge." " Ha, ha." "This is dope as fuck." "Kevin." "Told you you guys would love it, right?" "Hey, Dad." " It really is dope as fuck." " I know, right?" " Guys!" " Oh, wait!" "There she is." "The Velociraptor." " I can't believe we actually made it." " Heh, I know." " You guys ready for the ride of your life?" " Oh, yeah." " If I'm being honest, it looks a little daunting." " Ah!" " Come on." "Race you to the ride." " Yeah, go, go!" "Faster!" "Come on!" "Two more hours, guys." "Oh, my gosh." " All right, guys." "Get psyched." " Yes." "This is it." "This is why we came all this way." "Excuse us." " What was that?" " Last ride tonight." "Park's closing." " No, we were next." " What?" " That's not okay." " Should be a misunderstanding." "Hey, excuse me." "You just cut in front of us." "No, see, we bought the Platinum Pass so we get to skip the lines." "Fifth time today on this one." "Right, well, we just drove 2500 miles to ride this ride so you can't just take our spot." "Wait a minute, you..." "Econo Air." "Yeah?" "Good to see you." "All right, I'll tell you what." "Why don't you and your family go fuck yourselves?" "I'm sorry, guys." "Oh, my God!" "Okay." "You're a dead man." " Get off!" " Oh, it's on." "Kevin, no!" "No, you're not gonna fight." " I'm not gonna stand here like a little bitch." " What?" "Oh, shit." "No, Kevin." "Kevin, no." "Kevin, come on." "You people are fucking crazy." " What kind of a family are you?" " We're the Griswolds." "See you around you piece of ass." " Let's do this." " All right." " I haven't been in a fight like that for years." " First car, all right." "Man, our family fucked that family up." " We did." " Did you see how I scratched that girl's arm?" "Oh, I saw it, honey." "You gave her a good scratch." "My fingers still hurt a little, but I'll be okay." "Oh, boy." "Here we go." " Hold on." " Oh, gosh!" "There used to be a graying tower Alone on the sea." "You became The light on the dark side of me" "Love remained A drug that's the high and not the pill" "But did you know That when it snows" "My eyes become large And the light that you shine can be seen?" " Russ?" " Yeah?" "Is it supposed to stay upside-down like this?" "Yeah, I don't think so." "Oh." "Dad, are we stuck?" "Looks that way, pal." "My eyes, they're starting to bulge." "I'm sure they'll have us down any minute." "Well, guys, what'd you think of Walley World?" "Yeah." "Listen, boys, I can't tell you how much it's meant to me to spend all this time with you." "I love you more than anything in the world." "And if I could, I'd spend every single day with you." "So we'll see you in a week." " Wait, what's going on?" " Petersons will pick you up at O'Hare..." " ...and you'll stay with them." " Where are we going?" "Someplace I should've taken you a long time ago." "How did you get free tickets to Paris?" "I used my connections as a pilot." "Oh, you're amazing, heh." "Well, you are my queen, and you deserve to be treated like one." "I know it's not exactly first-class..." " ...or coach..." " Honey..." " ...it's perfect." " Yeah?" "So how long is the flight?" "Twelve hours." "Perfect." | {
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"Where are we going, Dad?" "Higher ground, Nicky." "This flash flood could kill us both." "I don't feel so good." "The doctor said to keep taking your chemo pills." "Here." "Take one of these." "Hang on, Nicky." "If we get up over the ridge, we'll be safe." "Come on..." "Dad!" "Dad!" "Can't hardly see anything." "Come on!" "Come on, baby." "Come on!" "We're gonna make it!" "We did it, Nicky." "No way the floodwater will reach this high." "Dad?" "If I'm gonna die... who's gonna take care of you?" "Come here, buddy." "Come here." "You're okay." "Stealing second." "Stealing second." "Bring it in, nice!" "Listen to that crowd go crazy!" "Yeah!" "Hey, hold on, Nicky." "Why don't you head inside, son?" "Okay." "Dr. Reeves." "Nicky was scheduled for surgery a week ago." "Why haven't you returned our calls?" "'Cause Nicky doesn't need surgery." "He's fine." "Daniel, he has a tumor on his kidney." "Without surgery, he is going to die." "Where's your faith, Dr. Reeves?" "You know I'm not going to let you take him." "Officer?" "Mr. Harris, we have a court order appeal by Child Services." "They're forcing us to act in the best interest of Nicholas Harris." "Lave my son alone!" "Let go of my son!" "He'll die if we don't get him to a hospital." "Does it look like he's gonna die to you?" "Dad, it's okay." " Nicky!" " It's okay." "Dr. Reeves?" "Do you believe in miracles?" "You will." "******" "What's the problem, Dennis?" "Veronica, where exactly was this tumor supposed to be?" "On the right kidney." "It's on the MRI scan and the ultrasound." "Taken when?" "Three weeks ago." "Well, look at the ultrasound now." "I checked the other one, too, just to be safe." "This boy's kidneys are immaculate." "Perfectly normal." "That's not possible." "I performed the exam myself." "The tumor was right there." "Well, it's not there now." "People are flocking to what is being called a miracle spring, which suddenly appeared during the heavy storms that hit Lewiston, Montana a little over three weeks ago." "Now, this is eight-year-old Nicholas Harris, who was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his kidney, but after he started drinking from the mysterious spring, the tumor just disappeared." "The boy's father believes it was a miracle." "What the..." " Hood?" " Hey, Rachel, you seen this?" "Hood, what are you doing here?" " Nice place." " Hood, it's Sunday." "Rachel, you have to see this." "I have to see this?" "Miracle boy." "Miracle cure for cancer found." "Miracle spring." "Okay, I saw them." "Are you happy?" "Hood, it's Sunday and it's 6:00 A.M." "Rachel... we have to go to Montana right now." "No." "No, no, no, no." "Please, please don't." "I'm begging you." "If this is my weekend free of all things "Hood," unless this is a dream." "Is this a dream?" "Actually, you know what, uh, I just realized..." "I think I could be able to do this on my own, huh?" "Wait." "I need an airtight, seamless, indestructible reason to leave my apartment before 7:00 A.M.Monday morning." "Let's hear it." "Okay." "If this causes very sick people to walk away from their medical treatment to drink from this spring, they're going to die." "That'll do." "Turn around." "Turn around." "How'd you find my place, anyway?" "Oh, the FBI has its resources, Rachel." "Anyway, what about Mr. Shoes?" "Don't worry." "He'll wait." "So, Hood, what if we get to Montana and realize it really is a miracle?" "Oh, take it from me, Rachel." "There's no... such... thing." "Eleventh Hour Season01 Episode11" "$40 a jar." "There you go, sir." "Good luck to you." "And you can keep the jar." "That's on me." "Come on." "Who's next?" "And you've been using the walker for how long?" "About ten years." "There he is, over there!" "Nicky, how much water did it take to cure your cancer?" "When did you start drinking from the spring?" "No more questions." "Please, come on." "Hey, Daniel, are you a religious man?" "FBI." "Clear a path!" "Or you'll be charged with trespassing." " Can you do that?" " Sort of." " Thanks." " You're welcome." "Mr. Harris, we need to talk." "Those didn't look like weekend bags you were loading onto your truck." "Planning a trip?" "I'm sorry I ever told anyone about that spring." "I just want to get Nicky away from all this." "You think what happened here is just going to go away?" "If you leave here now, you're going to be running forever." "This needs to be explained." "I can help you do that." "Now, I want to know about the spring." "Tell me." "Well, what's to tell?" "I mean, three weeks ago the storm hit real bad." "So, we took off until it was safe." "Then we found water gushing out the hillside." "Who owns this property?" "Travis Dobbs and the guy that owns this trailer." "So, what, you just filled a bottle with this mysterious untested liquid and gave it to Nicky to drink?" " No." " My dad didn't do anything." "I did." "The spring-- it looked so clean and fresh, I wanted to taste it." "I had to." "Buddy, give us a few minutes." "Okay." "Look, my son was going to die." "And he drank some of that water, and something happened, I..." "I don't know what, but he got better quick." "I took it as a sign and I threw away all those pills he was taking." " The chemotherapy pills." " Yeah." "Do you mind if I, uh, just do a little investigating into Nicky's recovery?" "What's there to investigate?" "I mean, he's perfectly healthy." "You've seen him." "Even the doctor said so." "Yeah, and that's an incredible thing." "But my concern is how Nicky got better will lead to other people getting sicker." "Do you know why they call it a miracle?" "Because there is no explanation." "I owe you, tough stuff." "Thank you." "That's okay, Lily." "No sweat." "Nicky?" "Come here, son." "Come on." "One at a time, folks." "There's plenty of miracle water for everybody." "$40 a jar." "Please have your money ready." "Exact change is always appreciated." " There you go, ma'am." " Oh, bless you." "You take care of yourself now." "I'm just curious." "Has anyone been down here to prove this empirically?" "I mean, like a researcher or scientist-type person to see what, if anything, is actually in this water?" "It cures cancer." "That's all I know." "That's all any of these folks need to know." "Look, buddy, you're holding up the line." "You want to buy a jar or don't you?" "Oh, yes, please." "How much?" "$40, please." "40,00 Okay." "Thank you." "You take care now." "So, uh... this is going to fix all these sick people, huh?" "Yeah." "Going to cure over 200 types of cancer-- leukemia, brain tumors, breast cancer?" "How about insomnia?" "I have trouble sleeping." "Is it any good for insomnia?" "We'll see, huh?" "As far as I know, only one person actually seems to have gotten any better." "One person." "I'll tell you what." "How about I take this back with me, I test it scientifically, and if I can prove it's not what you say it is, you can give all these people their money back." "Well, let me ask you this." "How are you going to test a miracle?" "Huh?" "Besides, it don't matter." "I own this land and everything on it, so go ahead and test." "You're Travis Dobbs, correct?" "Yeah." "The same Travis Dobbs who's on probation for selling alcohol to a minor at the Gas and Sip off of Route 28?" "The hell is this?" "FBI." "With your criminal record, fraud can get you up to ten years in prison, whether this is your property or not." "So arrest me." "You're okay." "What's your name, honey?" "Lily." "Lily, can you tell me what's wrong with you?" "I have lymphoma." "Let's get her to the hospital." "We have got a serious problem here." "Most of these people are patients from across the country who should be in bed, not standing in a field for hours on end." "Where do you want me to put them?" "First the storm flood shut down half the hospital, now this." "Okay, put 'em on gurneys, keep them in the hallways." "I'm going to check out maintenance, see if we can get "B" ward up again and running." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, careful where you step, Ms. Cole." "You know, we still got a few live cables down here." "Those puddles could be damn hot." "Hurdle, what the hell is taking so long?" "Well, the storm really did a number on this place, you know, so, uh, we're about halfway through replacing the fried circuitry." "I need power back up on "B" ward." "I need it yesterday." "How about a week from yesterday?" "How about I fire you and hire someone who will charge half of what you do and get it done twice as fast?" "Ma'am, we've been working all kinds of hours to get thelace fixed up." "I don't want to lose my job." "How about two more days?" "You know, we'll just work around the clock." "All right." "Without overtime." "Sure, no problem." "Come on." "Let's get back to work." "All staff, please stand by to test power..." "Okay." "Lily, what happened?" "She overdosed on spring water." "And you are?" "Dr. Jacob Hood." "He's the special science advisor to the FBI." "I'm Agent Rachel Young." "Lily, you've stopped your chemo treatment, haven't you?" "Not you, too." "Oh, come on, Dr. Reeves." "We both saw what that water did for Nicky." "You can't deny that it cured him." "There is no scientific proof of that, which means there is no reason for you to stop your treatment." "When did you go off the chemo?" "Just over a week ago." "I..." "I got to know Nicky while we were both being treated here." "I trust him; he wouldn't lie to me about the water." "Nina." "Yes, Dr. Reeves." "Make sure she has zero water and start her on a hypertonic saline drip." " Okay." " Thank you." "Doesn't really make sense." "Coming off the chemo, she should be feeling better, at least temporarily." "Any other patients exhibiting symptoms not really typical of their illness?" "Yes, several." "Um, there's a woman with rheumatoid arthritis who can't stop vomiting." "There's a Down syndrome patient who's got chronic insomnia." "I mean, these are symptoms that are completely unlated to their illnesses." "But they're all drinking from the same spring." "Am I right?" "I have tested that water countless times, and I can tell you there's no mystery to it." "Good or bad, it is just water." "Okay." "Can I see your results?" "Can you wait for me to get off my shift?" "Cute dog." "I rescued her from the pound." "You're a sweetheart, aren't you, Bonnie?" "Come on." "You know, understandably, Helen Cole and the rest of the hospital hierarchy want nothing to do with this miracle, so I brought my research home." "Any idea of the source of the water?" "We can't get any access to it because of Dobbs." "Property owner?" "Yeah" "Is there any way that you could have the FBI step in and shut him down so we can trace the source?" "Well, first we have to get proof of some dangerous element in the water, then we can... shut him down." "Could I see your results, please?" "Thank you." "You mind if I..." "Nicky's tumor was diagnosed six weeks ago." "The storm that caused the spring to emerge was three weeks after that." "Nicky started drinking the water immediately." "Three weeks later, Nicky's tumor is gone." "Now, still, I tested that water and I can't find anything in it." "I see that you tested for infrared spectroscopy, crystallization..." "You're right." "This is normal water." "Veronica, can I ask you a question?" "Do you think it's possible this spring water contains some magic property that could wither away a tumor?" "I don't know." "That's not really an answer." "Either you believe in miracle water or you don't." "The fact is: an eight-year-old boy had cancer and now he doesn't." "It's not because of any medical treatment I gave him, so whether you like to believe it or not, that is miraculous." "Yeah, well, there's just this one fact going through my head, and that's that every year, half a million men, women, children in this country die of cancer, and they all ask for miracles, every last one of them." "So what makes this..." "little boy special?" "No, I believe there's something... in this water." "I'm gonna find out what it is." "Thank you very much for your time." "Excuse me." "Rachel." "He wasn't speaking as a scientist, was he?" "He always speaks as a scientist, but he did lose someone to cancer a couple years ago." "Thanks again." "Who the hell are you?" "You need to close the spring down." "You need to get the hell out of my truck, pal." "Wrong answer." "Yes." "Well, I respectfully disagree." "I feel that it is in our jurisdiction t..." "Yes, sir." "It's the director." "He's really pissed." "Your face has been all over the TV." "Hey, Frank." "Well, 'cause I'm worried about the media spreading the kind of superstition that could cost lives." "No, I know it's not an official case, but there's definitely something going on here." "Well, 'cause I'm looking at a body right now." "That's how I know." "Um, you're breaking up." "I can't... you're breaking up." "What do we have here, Detective?" "Somebody snapped his neck." "Death was instantaneous, but we found some blood in his pickup truck." "Looks like they wanted his cash." "Maybe." "So why make the statement?" "Why drag his body all the way up here and dump it in the spring?" "Thk you, Detective." "Well, if you wanted to shut the miracle spring down." "But it's just a crime scene." "In 72 hours, it goes back to being open to the hopeful masses." "72 hours would be enough." "For what?" "Well, if someone is dumping contaminants in this spring, then all this miraculous attention has got to be the last thing they'd want." "72 hours could be enough time to flush the water clean." "We need to find the underground source of this spring right away." "I'll get the Department of the Interior to send out a hydrologist." "Good, but even if we can't get results from the water, maybe we can get it from the cancer." "We need to talk." "What about?" "One of the miracle seekers just died-- a 26-year-old man-- and the others are getting sicker." "Was he an oncology patient?" "No, it wasn't cancer." "It was sepsis." "Blood poisoning?" "Hold on." "Was he sick before he took the water?" "How much spring water did he drink?" "A gallon a day for the past week." "A gallon a day?" "Okay, well, that settles it." "It's definitely a cause." "Jacob!" "Couldn't have done this by phone or computer or satellite link?" "Well, then, you wouldn't get to meet Dr. Veronica Reeves." "Oh, see, he thinks I'm buying this crap, but I know his MO." "Firsthand observation, hypothesis, experiment, result." "It's all about the cheeseburger and the beer." "Hi, nice to meet you." "Matthew Kaplan, genius." "Matthew is one of the country's leading cancer researchers." "One of." "He jests." "Big-time." " Is that the specimen?" " Yes." "I call him Quasimodo." "Nefroblastoma." "Stage 3 kidney tumor." "It's the same tumor that Nicky had." "It's just what we're looking for." "Well, let's hope the little guy is thirsty." "Miracle water for the rat coming right up." "You're not gonna see results for at least 24 hours." "I'm gonna get back to my patients." "Very nice to meet you, Dr. Kaplan." "That's what they all say." "Now, if this soil had a higher salt concentration," "I'd be using a resistivity array to chart the flow of subterranean water by measuring changes in electrical conductivity at progressively deeper subsurface levels." "Oh, you would, would you?" "Have you tracked the source of the spring?" "Ironically, the, uh, rocky soil here actually helps our ground-penetrating radar map subterranean terrain." "Soft, silty soil, on the other hand, would, uh, deaden our signals and make undergrnd mapping far more difficult." "Oh, my God." "What is it?" "Hood, you're not gonna believe what this water runs under." "This place was a storage depot until just after the first Gulf War." "Storage for what?" "Depleted uranium, mostly." "What did you say?" "Depleted uranium." "Uh, the base was decommissioned by the army in 1995." "Post-Cold War downsizing." "Yep." "Dr. Hood, it's Veronica Reeves." "I just spoke with the coroner who worked on the patient that I lost to sepsis." "And?" "And there was significant cellular damage to the stomach lining and the intestines, none of which would have shown up on X-rays or MRIs." " It's classic symptoms of..." " Radiation poisoning." "You know what?" "I think I just found the source." "Will you excuse me a second?" "Rachel... think we're gonna need a full radiological analysis of this facility now." "Yeah." "Sergeant." "Hello again." "Where are you?" "I'm at an armory on Pennington Hill... where they used it to store depleted uranium routes." "I know where that is." "I'm coming right now." "Still nothing above background radiation." "Have you checked the storm drains, the, uh, ventilation shafts?" "All done, and we found nothing." "Okay, thank you." "Can you check the calibration on your Geiger counter?" "You're operating at maximum sensitivity?" "Dr. Hood, we've checked and rechecked." "I'm sorry, sir." "There's no radiation." "If depleted uranium was ever stored here, it was removed a long time ago." "Can I see your hydrological map, please?" "This doesn't make any sense at all." "She drank the water, but it made her worse." "Not better." "Hey, it's not your fault, Nicky." "It's not your fault." "This was your miracle, okay?" "Come on." "No, no, this isn't fair!" "Lily deserves a miracle, too!" "I know." "I know." "It's okay." "Some unknown substance is contaminating the groundwater." "Groundwater that's... sprung up since that storm." "The armory is testing negative for radioactive waste." "And there's no natural radiation." "No radioactive ore within 100 miles." "But, uh, well, there's..." "there's something." "Something's here, and I can't see it." "And I'm not wrong." "Everybody's wrong sometimes, Hood." "Yeah, yeah, maybe, Rachel." "Not today." "Okay, well, we'll start from the periphery of the water table, and we'll work our way down the slope." "Hood." "There's a possibility that it could be something else causing the contamination, something that mimics the effects of radioactive poisoning." "We know that it's not a miracle." "It's not a miracle 'cause there's no such thing." "Hood... don't make this about your wife." "It's not about my wife, Rachel." "This is about all the people who will die if I don't help them." "Really?" "You said, "What makes this boy so special?" ""How come he gets a miracle and no one else does?"" "Agent Young." "We'll be right there." "Dr. Reeves is dead." "Clean swipe of the femoral artery." "She knew what she was doing." "Must have bled out in a second." "And this was in her hand?" "Yeah." "One clean cut." "Suicides... even with doctors, you usually have hesitation marks." "You check her system for drugs?" "Already in the wor." "Should have results by tomorrow." " Thank you." " Detective, coroner needs you." " Rachel." " Yeah?" "I have a really horrible feeling..." "Veronica died because she gave a damn." "Me, too." "Come on." "Where?" "I want to confirm this really was suicide and not murder." "Hey, Quasi." "Drinking like a camel, aren't you?" "You like this stuff." "I'll be damned." "Hello." "Jacob!" "I've never seen anything like it." "Quasimodo... his tumor, it's gone." "It's disappeared." "Look, you got to find out what did this, Jacob." "Yeah." "This is unbelievable." "Okay, thanks." "Tell me." "That spring water we gave Quasimodo seems to have shrunk his tumor." "So, it did cure Nicky." " Look out!" " Geez." "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay." "That raccoon isn't." "I didn't hit it, did I?" "No, raccoons are nocturnal animals." "They don't come out in the day." "So, maybe it has rabies." "Maybe it has somethinglse." "Hey, Bonnie." "Hi, girl." "How you doing?" "How you doing?" "You miss your mommy?" "No water, no food." "If she were gonna kill herself, she would have made arrangements for someone to take care of her dog." "It wasn't a suicide." "She was murdered, just like Travis Dobbs." "Should I ask?" "I'm making ice cubes." "Okay, Bonnie." "Pee-pee time." "Pee-pee time." "Hey, tough stuff." "How you feeling?" "Fabulous." "You know what I'm going to do when I get out of here?" "No." "Teach you guitar." "We could get our own band going." "What do you say?" "Okay." "It's my fault you're in here." "No, it's not." "Come on." "But you could do me a favor." "Anything." "I need a drink." "Can you get me a lemonade?" " Okay." " Thanks." "Okay, Rachel." "What do we know about ice?" "It goes great with Scotch." "Yeah, well, off of that, you know it's cold." "It's hard." "It's crystalline." "And..." "With normal water," "It floats." "Now, this ice is from the spring." "Our so-called "miracle water."" "What kind of water makes ice cubes that sink?" "Very rare, very special kind of water called heavy water." "The molecules in heavy water have extra neutrons that make it, um... heavier." "and in humans it has been known to shrink cancer cells, but this never occurred to me because it's so incredibly rare." "But if it shrank Nicky's tumor, that would make heavy water a good thing, right?" "No." "Heavy water is not a good thing." "It's really toxic." "It's like radiation except it's not radioactive and it's practically undetectable." "However, it is the only substance that can actually effect a change in sleeping patterns in mammals." "The raccoon." "So, it's just a fluke that this spring pops up full of heavy water?" "No, no, it's not a fluke." "Only one in 5,000 water molecules is heavy water." "Only human technology can produce it in large quantities." "Even I know one use for heavy water." "Nuclear weapons." "So, this is the kind of water worth killing for." "So, you're telling me that Dr. Reeves was murdered by some nuclear terrorist here in Montana?" "She was killed because she was getting too close to the truth." "And Travis Dobbs was killed because he wouldn't stop promoting s miracle stream." "Your radiology department's the only place in the area actively producing nuclear waste of any kind on a daily basis." "Now, I know it's small amounts but it's real nonetheless, so... where do you store it?" "We've been doing electrical repairs ever since the storm." "Look, is this really necessary?" "Only if you want to find out if you've been irradied or not." "It's normal levels of background radiation." "Still use this?" "No, it's one of the original water heaters from when the hospital was built in the '50s." " It hasn't been used in years." " By you." "That is a centrifuge tube." "And it's used to make heavy water by electrolysis." "See, with the right amount of, uh, current, you can split regular water molecules leaving nothing behind but heavy water." "Yeah." "There's some radiation." "Nothing dangerous, but more than there should be." "Well, whoever was here probably used the thalium 201 from your hospital's, uh, stress tests, add the neutrons, to change it to thalium 202, thereby increasing the gamma ray count." " Gamma rays?" " Yeah." "Puts the "dirty" in dirty bomb." "The heavy water must've been stored in here in this tank." "Yep." "When the basement flooded, the water pressure must've cracked the fittings." "The heavy water would've flowed out." "Into the hospital drains, down in the water table that runs below ground." "The amount of pressure changed, and found its way into the spring." "And gave Nicky his miracle." "Yeah, I think they must've built a dirty bomb here." "Explains residual radiation." "Then took it with them." "Who did you hire to do the electrical repairs?" "Just our regular people." "Our chief maintenance man and his assistant." "What are their names?" "Brandon Hurdle and Ben Adams." "I think the symptoms all your patients have been suffering from are caused by heavy water poisoning." "You need to flush it out of their systems right away." "Brandon Hurdle has a degree in physical chemistry from Emory University, as well as a record of weapons and explosives charges." "A little bit overqualified to be a hospital maintenance man, don't you think?" "What about Adams?" "He was separated from the service during basic training two years ago for refusing to take orders from a non-white recruit squad leader." "This is all very hard to believe." "Timothy McVay's neighbor said the same thing." "Hold on, guys." "Agent Young speaking." "Got it." "Stay on the line, please." "Local cops hit both their homes." "Nothing." "Do you have any idea where they might be?" "Hurdle has a house up at Kramer Lake." "He uses it during hunting season." "Really think these guys have a dirty bomb in there?" "Positive." "And now we're going to get a look at it using my Bluetooth and the camera on their computer." "We got barely 50 milligrams." "More than enough to turn Billings into ground zero." "A few dozen milligrams of that, a stick of dynamite: a hell of a lot of damage." "All rit, when the suspects exit the cabin," "I will order them to lay down what's in their hands." "If they comply immediately, we will take them into custody." "If they do not, we will put them down." "Understood?" " Copy that." " Keep your head down." "This is the FBI!" "Drop what you're carrying or we'll sot." "You bastards!" "Hood!" "The dirty bomb has got to be in the case." "Don't touch that!" "Don't touch that." "Don't touch that." "Central, we're going to need an ambulance dispatched..." "Hi, Lily." "How are you feeling?" "Better." "At least for now." "Now's good." "Nicky?" "I think Special Agent Young has something for you." "She likes you." "What do you say, Nicky?" "You think you can give her a good home?" " Can I, Dad?" " Yeah." "Here you go." "Hey, little one." "I spoke with the director." "He said to tell you "good call."" "So, the big question is, do you believe in miracles now?" "Define "miracle."" "Well, if that storm hadn't hit," "Nicky Harris would still have cancer and half of Billings, Montana could have been irradiated." "Sounds like a miracle to me." | {
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"Basic principles," "No woman wakes up saying:" ""God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today."" "Now, she might say:" ""This is a really bad time for me."" "Or, something like" ""I just need some space."" "Or, my personal favorite" ""I'm really into my career right now."" "You believe that?" "Neither does she." "You know why?" "Because she is lying to you." "That's why." "You understand me?" "Lying." "It not a bad time for her." "She doesn¡¯t need any space." "She may be into her career." "But what she is really saying is" ""Get away from me now."" "Or possibly, "Try harder, stupid."" "But which one is it?" "60% of all human communication is nonverbal." "Body language." "30% is your tone." "That means that 90% of what you're saying, ain't coming out of your mouth." "Toby, Toby!" "Shit!" "Of course she's gonna lie to you." "She's a nice person." "She doesn't want to hurt your feelings." "What else is she gonna say?" "She doesn¡¯t even know you ... yet." "Luckily, the fact is, Just like the rest of us," "Even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it." "That's where I come in." "My job is to open her eyes." "Toby!" "Oh, my god!" "Is this what you are looking for?" "Basic principles," "No matter what, no matter when, no matter who," "Any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet." "Just needs the right broom." "You can not use what you do not have." "So if you're shy, be shy." "If you're outgoing, be outgoing." "I'm not outgoing." "That's ok." "She may not want the whole truth, But she does want the real you." "She may not want to see it all at once, But she does want to see." "So tonight, when you wonder what to say, or how you look, or whether or not she likes you," "Just remember, she is already out with you." "That means she said "yes" when she could've said "no"." "That means she made a plan when she could've just blown you off." "So that means it is no more your job to try to make her like you." "It is your job not to mess it up." "Uh?" "Shoes are hot." "You went to the place I told you, right?" "Yeah, but I don't think they are really me." ""You" is a very fluid concept now." "You bought the shoes." "You look great in these shoes." "That's the "you" that I am talking about." "Now the key tonight is "hang back"." "Give her plenty of place." "If she lingers at a photograph, move on." "But maintain the visual." "All right now." "It's supposed to be 64 F and clear tonight." "So when you leave the club, walk a little." "Ask her what she thought about the show." "What was her favorite photograph?" "Why that one?" "And when she answers, don't be looking at her mouth." "Don't be wondering what she looks like naked." "Listen to what she is saying and respond." "Listen and respond." "Listen and respond." "That way, when it's your turn to talk," "You have something better to say than "I like your mouth." What was your favorite one?" "The, uh..." "Elephant, definitely." "Yeah." "And all of a sudden, We're on Date Number Two." "No way." "We are going back in there." "You have to smile." "In case you didn't go to high school, Hitting is a good thing." "So how does it happen?" "Great love." "Are you ok?" "Nobody knows." "Good." "Let me get a bun pop and a scoop ball for the lady." "But what I can tell you, is that it happens in the blink of an eye." "One moment you're enjoying your life." "And the next, you're wondering how you've ever lived without them." "Three days is all that I need." "Three days and I will get you here to the high stake meadow ground, where eight out of ten woman believe that the first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship." "After that, you are on your own." "But always remember," "Life is not the amount of breath you take." "It's the moments that takes your breath away." "Didn't I call it, or did I call it?" "I mean what did I say, six months." "And when was her first date?" "So five and a half." "God, I hate it when I am right." "I mean what is it about guys, that makes them want to screw anything that walks," "Even when they are going out with someone as awesome as Allegra Cole." "I mean she's only the single most fabulous thing walking around New York." "Thanks, Young." "Are you kidding?" "Of course I'm gonna run it." "Why should she waste her heart on some Swedish even if he is gorgeous." "Hey, if he's stupid enough to cheat, Then the world should know he's dumb enough to get caught." "Exactly." "I'm in the elevator." "See you in a minute." "Morning." "How are you?" "Great Sara." "Better party of one?" "Hey, you should try it sometime." "Banbados by myself?" "I wouldn¡¯t last five minutes." "Just did what the doctor ordered." "I slept in, I did my Yoga," "I read a couple of books, I flirted with my scuba instructor." "And apparently never left the office?" "I know." "Isn't that great?" "You should've taken someone with you." "Who?" "Who am I going to take with me?" "This is where boyfriend comes in handy." "I don't have time for a boyfriend." "You said that two years ago." "Yes." "It is as true today as it was then." "Hey, I thought you were on vacation." "See if these were in focus, will you?" "And have it on desk in an hour?" "Cool." "And beside, relationships are for people that are just waiting for something better to come along." "Ahh." "Spoken like a true cynic." "I'm not a cynic." "I'm a realist." "A realist masquerading as a cynic, who is secretly an optimist." "What are you doing here?" "What is she doing here?" "She works here, remember?" "No, she doesn¡¯t." "Not for another four days." "Well, this couldn't wait." "Of course it could." "What are you doing?" "Go back to the beach." "I don't want you here." "Oh, no, really you do." "You are becoming a sick workaholic lunatic." "That is exactly the kind of nervous overall behavior that leads to ..." "Pictues of Sebby with busty brunettes." "A very very big raise." "Jesus!" "You could find dirt in a snowstorm." "Comes with the job." "You know kido." "There is more to life than watching other people live it." "Can I help you with cheating on my beach?" "Hey, I think it's great that you are so good at your job." "I'm just a little worried as to why." "Let me worry about that." "OK." "I want that column on my desk by lunch." "Does that mean you are going to pay for my hotel?" "For you to sip my ties?" "I don't think so." "Get out." "Oh, come on." "What?" "That's good, right?" "No." "It was in it." "It freaks out." "You know what your problem is, Hitch?" "You're all about the short game." "You pick your shots based on what you see first." "Not what's uhh..." "necessarily best for you in the long run." "Well, all of us are not married to the woman of our dream and is about to have a baby." "I am very happy for you." "Just not meant for everybody." "So please just leave me to my hot, sweaty, totally very wildly experimental short game." "I was just talking about pool." "But you know, what ever." "Yeah, OK." "Honestly, I just hope one day you are able to experience the unconditional love" "And the trust and the openness that ..." "You know, I share with Grace every single day." "Is this really barroom talk?" "No, you need to listen to me, man." "I'm serious." "Because when you get to a place with a woman like that," "It's so beyond anything physical." "When I think back, when I used to run around with you and chase those really gorgeous but shallow women and ..." "I know it's ..." "It's kind of ridiculous, and vaguely pathetic." "Yeah, I see what you mean." "That's pathetic." "That, that's pathetic." "Uh-huh." "So how did you meet him?" "I was in the Brelin and I was just buying some weekend gowns." "And he was doing likewise?" "No." "Look, yeah." "Actually he said he was buying some for his mom." "His mom?" "Casey. who buy high price lingerie for their mother?" "No, no." "Maybe he was looking for a robe." "Oh, Casey." "Casey." "He was hitting on you while he was buying lingerie for another woman." "Well, I prefer the mother story." "I know you prefer it, but that's not the point." "No." "The point is, I'm not gonna start out assuming the guy is a liar." "Why not?" "Because this is how you end up ..." "Like me?" "Is that what you are going to say?" "No." "I was going to say "Like you"." "What is his name?" "Why?" "I'm going to google him." "No." "Google your own guy." "Let's just to see if his mother is still alive." "So when is Grace due again?" "Soon." "You're excited?" "What did you say?" "Do you want me to go get them and bring them over here?" "No." "No, don't do that." "Are you saying you don't want to talk to them because you can't go home with them?" "Hey, what do you want from me?" "I just trying to keep my head above water." "Hey, did you ever hear this guy they called "Date Doctor"?" "Every man." "Really?" "Absolutely." "I was kind of hope he also help women." "Casey." "You're not sick." "You are single." "You just have to relax and enjoy the ride." "I haven't been ridden in months." "That's a happy note." "I'm going to go see if anybody interesting came in tonight." "Oh, you mean besides me?" "Right?" "Right." "I'm gonna go get those girls and I'm gonna bring them over here before we have a conversation like human beings." "Then you are going to go home and I'm going to take them back to my apartment." "That sounds like fun for me, but you know, you might wanna get in line, pal." "Hey,Baby." "Can I get a cup of corona over at the pool table, please." "Thanks." "Excuse me." "Excuse me." "A bottle is fine." "Hey, asshole, I don't work here." "Wow." "I am sorry." "The paramedic is gonna have to come to get my foot out of my mouth, sweetheart." "Just don't let it happen again." "I knew you did not work here." "You did?" "How else was I supposed to get you away from all those guys." "Why would you want to do that?" "Some guys naturally develop a comfort with the opposite sex." "They like women, women like them." "Everything flows naturally." "Back in college, I was just not one of them." "I seemed to lack the basic understanding that my peers just intuitively grasp." "But like any late bloomer, I was eager to make up for lost time." "Her name was Cressida Baylor." "Would you tell me where the register building is?" "Yeah." "And my life would never be the same." "I am Alex." "Cressida." "What we had was beautiful." "I love you." "I love you so much." "I love you too, Alex." "I know you don't love me as much as I love you." "I mean, but that is OK." "I am just glad you love me at all." "In retrospect, I guess I may have come on a little strong." "But the experience taught me a lot." "Cressida!" "What are you doing?" "I am sorry, Alex." "But I love you." "I love you." "Want did I do wrong?" "Just tell me what I did wrong." "Dude!" "You are doing it right now." "I am sorry." "It is an education I feel obliged to pass on to my fellow men." "Becuse with no guile, and no game, there is no girl." "And if ever there was a man born without a game, it was Albert Brennaman." "My business is 100% referral." "And thus far, untraceable." "And if there is one thing I've learned when you orchestrate, coordinate, and otherwise mess with fate," "It is best to fly under the radar." "I hope she is single, because I don't do breakups." "Hi, thank you for seeing me." "No." "I mean, she just got out of a relationship." "Is that a problem?" "Because if it is, fine." "I am a little uncomfortable with this anyway, you know." "Definitely, have been hurt a lot." "You know, I had a lot of bad experiences." "Some good ones." "You know definitely a lot of bad ones." "And you know, I am desperate, basically, I mean." "Not in general, you understand?" "Not just for anybody." "But I mean for her." "Why don't you tell me about her?" "Let's see." "What can I say?" "My company handles her finances." "I am her tax consultant." "Well, I am one of them." "I am the junior man on the account." "So does she know you are interested?" "Oh, no no no." "No." "Alive?" "I lent her my pen once." "Shoot." "Does anyone have a pen?" "Here take mine." "Albert, you are crushing my arm." "Sorry about that." "Allegra, as in Allegra Cole?" "Yeah, I realize that I am not her usual type." "Well, her last boyfriend, like owns Sweden or something." "And the guy was a bum." "He just, he didn't seem like a very nice person to me." "You swing for the fence." "OK, look." "You don't think I tried to talk myself out of this." "You don't think I know how ridiculous this is?" "I know." "OK." "I just thought maybe with your help, I just..." "You know what?" "I am really sorry I wasted your time." "Hold on a second, Albert." "You know what it is like." "Getting up every morning, feeling hopeless," "Feeling like, the love of your life is waking up with the wrong man," "But at the same time, hope that she still finds happiness," "Even if she is never gonna be with you." "You are flat out, out of your mind." "You know that?" "Yeah." "That is good." "It is?" "Good?" "You ever heard Michelangelo?" "Yeah." "Heard of the Sistine Chapel?" "Yeah?" "Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel." "So you can do this?" "My name is Alex Hitchens." "Let's go paint that ceiling." "Take it easy." "Oh my God." "Oh God." "Well it looks like I am still rich." "But what I would really like, and what I was wondering is," "If I can have $500,000 to invest on my own?" "Oh?" "And what were you thinking of investing in, Allegra?" "Well, it's something that I really have a passion for." "Daydreams are for private time." "When you in the room, be in the room." "Concentrate, focus." "Women respond when you respond to them." "See, my friend Maggie, is a really talented designer." "I've seen the business plan." "The samples look fantastic." "And I would really, really like to get involved." "I'll tell you what." "Let us just come up with a range of investment that we think you might be interested in, and next month we will run the whole lot of them by you." "Hum?" "Ok." "Fine." "Thank you." "All right, gentlemen, the next..." "Let's go over this one more time." "What is the objective?" "Shock and awe." "That is shockingly awful." "What is the objective?" "Shock and awe." "What is the objective?" "Excuse me, sir." "Yes, Albert?" "I don't really agree with that." "You don't really agree with what?" "I think if you want to invest half a million dollars in your friend's business," "That is exactly what you should do." "Albert!" "You don't need us to tell you what to do." "We are a board of advisors." "We are not your kindergarten teachers." "And if you want to be taken seriously as an adult," "I suggest you start taking yourself seriously as an adult." "Instead of asking for permission to invest your own money from a boardroom full of your daddy¡¯s golf buddies." "That is quite enough." "You know I am finished." "I'd like to see anybody in this room, handle the attention and publicity that she has to deal with her whole life with half of her class." "We should be taking advice from you, Miss Cole." "Not the other way around." "Sit down, Mister." "No, you know what, I quit." "Oh, my God." "Just breathe, just breathe." "How did it go?" "I yelled at her." "I turned in my boss." "I quit my job." "What?" "You said..." "I gotta go back." "Not tell you to quit." "Listen, we are fine." "We are fine." "OK?" "Just let me go." "Albert." "No no." "Just relax, OK?" "Just let them marinate for a second." "Trust me." "No." "It is Allegra Cole." "Answer it." "Can I speak to you for a second?" "Answer it." "Answer the door, Albert." "Yes, hi." "What's up?" "Listen, Albert, right?" "People don't usually talk to me like that, OK?" "Close your mouth, man." "Let me re-phase that." "People never talk to me like that." "Stand up." "I guess it is kind of scary for them." "But that's why I really appreciate what you did in there." "But I was wondering, do you think you and I could get together sometime this week?" "You know, to go over things, financial things." "You see, I like to see the area where I can afford to take some risks." "Check your schedule." "I have to check my schedule, Miss Cole." "Great." "Let me give you my number." "Do you have a pen?" "I don't look like I have one." "Yes, I do." "Great." "Call me Allegra." "You are done." "Good bye." "Good job." "Albert." "Oh damn." "She is some kind of newspaper columnist." "Comes in here once in a while." "Great tipper." "What is her drink?" "Usually beer." "Tonight, grey goose martini, dirty." "Hi." "I noticed your glass was getting a little low." "So I took a liberty of bringing you another apple martini." "Thank you." "And I couldn¡¯t help but notice you look a lot like my next girlfriend." "What is your name?" "They call me Chip." "Aha, you can't get them to stop?" "That was funny." "Listen, Chip, I understand the courage to take to walk across the room and try to generate a relationship out of thin air." "So don't take the following personally." "You have fantastic eyes." "Thanks." "Try to listen." "This is no selection on you." "I am just not interested." "But thank you for the compliment of coming over." "You are welcome." "So do you like Cuban food?" "Chip, seriously, that was not a code for "I wish you try harder"." "Are you always so shutdown, and afraid that the right man might make you feel like..." "Like a natural woman?" "Sorry, I am late, honey." "I could get a cab." "How was the meeting?" "Oh well, there was a beginning, a middle, and an end." "Nice to meet you, Chip." "You too." "Now on the one hand it is very difficult for a man to even speak to someone who looks like you." "But on the other hand, should that be your problem?" "So life is kind of hard all around." "Well, not if you pay attention." "I mean you send out all the right signals." "No earrings, heels under two inches, your hairs pulled back." "You wear reading glasses, but no book." "Drinking a grey goose martini, which means you have a hell of a week, and beer just wouldn't do it." "If that wasn't enough, there is always the "fuck-off" that you have stamped on your forehead." "Because who is gonna believe that there is man out there that can sit down beside a woman he does not know, and genuinely be interested in who she is, what she does, without his own agenda." "I wouldn't even know what that would look like." "So what would a guy like that say?" "Well, he'd say my name is Alex Hitchens, and I am a consultant." "But she wouldn't be interested in that, because she probably be just counting seconds until he left." "Thinking he was like every other guy." "Which life experience has taught her is a virtual certainty." "But then he¡¯d ask her name and what she did for a living." "And she might blow him off, or she might say..." "I am Sara Melas." "I run the Gossip column at the Standard." "Then he would ask all these penetrating questions about it, because he was sincerely, if atypically interested." "No." "He'd be interested." "But he'd see that these was no way he could possibly make her realize that he was for real." "Well, he could be funny and charming, and refreshingly original." "Wouldn't help." "Doesn't he hate it when that happens." "Not really." "They both probably go on to lead a life they were headed toward." "My guess is, they do just fine." "The pleasure to have met you, Sara Melas." "Great goose martini, from the gentleman who just left." "Woo, is that for me?" "What?" "Ben, sorry I am late." "Oh, no." "Not a problem." "Wow, you are the...." "Can I get something to drink, sir?" "No, no." "I am fine." "Thank you." "So tell me about her." "Have you ever met someone, and you knew right away, she is gonna be important to you." "Not just because of her looks, but, you know, that X factor..." "How did you meet her?" "Actually, I was in a shop buying pajamas for my mom." "And by that, of course you mean you are buying lingerie for another woman." "Yes." "You can't help when you meet somebody, can you?" "And the lingerie was for a woman I am no longer seeing." "So, but anyway, the girl I met, the one I was talking about." "She is so sweet, funny, southern." "She gave me a number, now she won't return my phone calls." "I don't know what it is about her." "I just can't get her out of my mind." "Food has lost its taste, colors, you know, they seem dull." "And things that used to matter, I don't know, they just no longer do." "I think things are not gonna snap back unless I..." "Unless I bang her." "Excuse me?" "You know, bang her, clear my head." "Get in, get off, get out." "I think you may have misunderstood what I do exactly." "No, I was told you help guys get in there." "Right." "But see, there is the thing, my clients actually like women." "Hit-and-quit is not my thing." "Let me make one thing clear to you, Rabbi." "I need professional help." "Well, that is for damn certain." "And I am glad you can admit it, because generally that is the hardest part." "You see what I am doing?" "This is what I am about." "Power suit, power tie, power steering." "People can wince, cry, beg." "But eventually, they do what I want." "Oh, so that is like a metaphor." "Oh, yeah." "Right, well, I am more of a literal kind of guy." "So when I do this." "This is more like me saying that I will literally break your shit off if you ever touch me again." "OK, pumpkin?" "Got it." "No." "No." "I can't just mention your restaurant?" "Somebody has to eat there." "No." "Somebody famous, you know that." "Sara Melas?" "No, no, no." "OK, bye." "I need your signature." "I hated when a guy calls a girl who did not give him her number." "So this is me not calling, over." "Yes, you're right." "This is much less invasive." "Listen, I've been thinking about that sign on your forehead." "I was wondering you would mind taking it down for dinner Friday night, over." "Oh, I can't." "I have a couple of parties I have to hit." "Gossip never sleeps." "Not till about 4 A.M." "Saturday?" "I am, I have a date." "Do you know the definition of perseverance, Miss Melas?" "An excuse to be obnoxious?" "Continuing a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure, over." "OK, Webster." "How do I get rid of you?" "Breakfast Sunday." "And you can barely even call that a date." "You do that with out-of-town relatives that you don't even like." "OK." "I guess I can do Sunday." "You forgot to say "Over", over." "This conversation is over as soon as you tell me when and where." "7 A.M., North Cove Marina, over now." "7 A.M., are you crazy?" "I don't do 7 A.M." "Hello?" "Sign here." "What?" "Said Sunday, right?" "Yeah?" "What if I would've said Friday?" "Sunday?" "So, I guess you are not going to church." "Do you really expect me to wear this?" "That would be awfully cold out there without it." "Good morning." "Good if it would be at 10." "You are a lot taller than I remember." "You ever ride one of these?" "Not in the Hudson." "So what do you want to do?" "Race me around the Statue of Liberty?" "If there is time." "You might need these." "All right." "Wow, how do I look?" "Fabulous." "All right." "I give." "Where do I change?" "So we go out passing the wall." "Take a left and it's pretty much a straight shot from there." "Straight shot to where?" "That's for me to tell you to find out." "So look." "What you do with these babies is ..." "Yeah, what I do with these babies is to kick your ass." "Hey!" "Hey!" "What happened?" "You changed your mind?" "It just died." "Did you put gas in it?" "Yeah, no, you know." "I bet it must have sucked up a diaper or something." "Gross." "Try it again." "You want me to call AAA?" "Come all around and let me hop over yours." "I don't know." "What if you break mine, too." "Then we will both be sitting ducks." "I didn't break it." "It just died." "Yeah, yeah." "All right, hop on." "Come on." "Go back." "Hey, I'm already here." "Yeah, but you don't know where we are going." "Why don't you tell me and we will both know." "Sara?" "Man, male egos." "I don't know how you guys make it through the day with them." "What?" "It is not my ego." "I just don't want to ruin a surprise." "Sara!" "I'm sorry." "Are you all right?" "I always keep a few of those around." "Thank you." "I have lower back trouble." "I just shovel the ice pack right down there." "Oh, no, no." "This is a fresh one." "So, Ellis island." "I have to admit." "I have lived in New York my whole life." "And I've never been here." "I figured that most people haven't." "So I got my man Larry here to set us a private tour." "Anything for Hitch." "It was originally known as Oyster Island." "The island was expand to its present size with dirt, removed during the construction of the New York subway system." "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Did you know this?" "Yes." "I mean that's why I brought you here." "In fact, over 100 million of Americans can trace their ancestors back to a single man, woman or a child on the ship's manifest to an inspector's ledger." "By 1910, 75% of the residents of New York, Chicago, Detroit ..." "It's called the "Kissing Post"." "The plaque explains how different cultures kiss after long absences." "What exactly would qualify as a long absence?" "I mean, like ..." "No." "I actually have a relative come through here." "Really?" "Yeah." "What?" "What?" "What's that thing?" "No." "You know, I was just thinking, uh..." "You can't know where you are going," "Until you know where you've been." "Ain't that right, Larry?" "You're the man, brother." "It's kind of deep for a first date, don't you think?" "What is there?" "Oh, my God!" "It's my great great grandfather." "That's his signature." "I mean, Jesus, it's right here." "How did you ..." "How did you know?" "Hitch did the search." "I just found the page." "I thought that going differently in my mind." "My family never saw him again, except from the Wanted posters." "Look, I am really sorry." "When I saw that on the computer, it said "the butcher of Cadiz"." "You know, I thought it was a profession." "Not a headline." "It's one of those horrible family legacies we all tried to forget." "Thank you." "No, it was ..." "A train wreck." "Yeah." "No." "I'll get you a cab." "Thanks." "Bye." "Bye bye." "Taxi." "Poor guy." "Sounds like went into a lot of trouble." "It was fun." "In a disaster's kind of way." "I mean this isn't exactly a hickey." "At least you got your story out of it, right?" "Right?" "You should try mine." "It's great." "Wait." "You are seeing him again?" "Look." "You said I am always expecting men to let me down, right?" "Assuming they are going to fail," "Which he did." "Yeah?" "But he did it with flare." "I mean, Casey, really taint." "And that's a desirable trait." "Yeah, weird, huh?" "Now just keep it simple." "Just like we practice." "We're just leaving a message here, OK?" "Women like Allegra Cole don't pick up numbers they don't recognize." "Hello?" "She's on the phone." "Yes, hello, Miss Cole?" "Hi, I have an Albert Brennaman for you." "One moment please." "Tell her I am at lunch." "We called her to tell her you are at lunch?" "Allegra." "Hi, it's Albert Brennaman." "Hi, how are you?" "Good." "Good." "I'm doing good." "The reason I'm calling is about our appointment this Wednesday." "Not gonna be able to make it." "Oh, uh, when can you make it?" "Uh, when can I do it?" "I don't even know." "Because my whole next week is slammed." "Right, it's all good." "Yeah, it's all good." "Uh-huh." "No." "We are gonna make it happen." "That's for sure." "We're gonna make it happen." "Yes." "Oh, are you ..." "What's going on over there?" "Just move some things around." "Sky Studios." "Look." "Tonight I am actually going this fashion thing as Sky Studios." "Designer friend." "Yeah." "I just thought it might be something your designer friend Maggie would be interested." "Yeah." "Definitely." "Well, great!" "Great." "I will put you back on with my secretary..." "Allegra, over here please." "Miss Cole, this way." "Hi there." "This was a fantastic idea." "I suppose." "Hey, where is Maggie?" "Late as usual." "Tonight I want you to meditate on the image of an iceberg." "You know why I want you do to that?" "Because I'm cool?" "No." "I know I'm not." "I'm saying that you're an iceberg in that over 90% of your mass is below the surface." "I know I'm heavy." "I am." "I am talking about who you are." "It's a metaphor." "Accounting, business, all of that is just a small part of a much deeper, richer Albert." "I know it's gonna be loud in there." "So this is our opportunity to break the touch barrier in a non-sleazy way." "So get her to where it's the loudest." "Ask her if she likes a drink." "Lean in, put your hand on the small of her back, say in her ear like a secret." "But watch your hand placement." "Too high, says "I just want to be friends."" "Too low says "I just want to grab some ass."" "All right." "Friends, ass, me." "Special issues." "Allegra Cole is a celebrity, which means when people talk to her, they will ignore you completely." "She's classy." "So she will introduce you." "When she does do, shake hands hard and speak up." "Let them know you are there." "Show her you can handle being her escort." "Egon, this is Albert." "Egon." "Albert, this is Zak." "Nice to see you." "These guys are friends of Maggie." "Have you been to that new Brazilian restaurant?" "No, but I am looking..." "It's disgusting." "I am writing an article about it." "Did you see that new station?" "Yes." "Did you..." "It's disgusting." "Disgusting." "Women can always tell when you are not being real with them." "The worst thing you can do is trying to fake it." "Because you are a great guy and you do have something to offer to Allegra than no other man does." "What's your name, Mad dog?" "Egon." "What do you think of the design of the new football stadium on the west side?" "Uh..." "Let me guess, disgusting?" "Think it over." "We'll be back." "Thank you." "I can't stand those guys." "Really?" "I kind of like them." "But when all that said done." "Tonight is not about Allegra." "It's not?" "No." "Tonight is about Maggie." "A woman's best friend has to sign off on all big relationship decisions." "So you can't afford to mess this up." "Albert, I want you to meet my friend, Maggie." "Hi, Maggie." "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you." "I'm Maggie." "No, you're not." "Actually I am." "Magnus Forester." "Thank you so much for inviting us." "Very soft hands." "Thank you." "Wow, so do you." "Thank you." "So tonight, you focus on one thing and one thing only." "Maggie." "Where did your inspiration come from?" "Oh, my God." "Anything I see." "Something in a" "Out on the streets, in an old movie." "There's certain nature of creative facility just astounds me." "Oh, anybody wants some spring rolls?" "It's a beautiful time by the way." "I mean this whole thing, it just works." "Thank you." "Is he gay?" "I don't think so." "I like him." "Now about the DJ, generally I have a firm "No dancing" policy." "But if she asks, you can not say "No"." "Dancing is the one thing I'm not worried about." "But if there are people there ..." "I'm sorry." "I have to be a stickler." "But I need to be thorough." "Show me what you mean by you are not worried about it." "Trust me." "Yes, I do." "That's where it's all about right there." "See how it gets bigger." "Now I'm gonna start the fire." "Put the feet going." "I start the fire." "I make the pizza." "Hips are always going." "Kick in the hip." "There, the Q-tip." "Q-tip." "Q-tip." "Throw it away." "That's not working." "You hit with it." "Don't ever do that again." "Do you hear me?" "Just express myself." "No." "No." "Not like that, you are not." "All right." "This is where you live." "Right here." "You live right here." "This is home." "Like this." "I want to see none of that." "They don't need no pizza." "They got food there." "Elbows, six inches from the waist." "Ninety degree angles." "Don't you bite your lips." "Stop it." "OK?" "Women relate dancing to sex." "All right." "Even a great dancer can lose it with one of these." "OK, you know, that's what I need to be learning." "I can't stop it." "You can not stop it." "Next subject." "Get out." "Thanks." "So, you are Knicks fun?" "When they are good." "Hey." "Hey." "I'm really sorry." "Oh, God, why?" "She was there?" "I left a bunch of messages." "My phone fell in the Hudson, Sam." "It gets worse." "I don't believe this." "I thought he was a bodyguard." "The only one she was getting protection around here is from me." "Max is gonna ..." "Gonna be very irritated." "You know when I got on the train this morning, I thought this was going to be a good day." "Who the hell is Albert Brennaman?" "I need you to tell me how it happened." "What dude?" "Some photographers." "Does this even look like dance to you?" "Just a little bit me." "Being me." "No, Albert." "That's you being a lot better something that you don't need to ever be again." "Just one dance." "No." "One dance, one look, one kiss." "That's all we get, Albert." "Just one shot to make the difference between" ""Happily ever after" and "Oh, He's just some guy I went to something once."" "All right?" "What?" "You said "Kiss"." "Is that a problem?" "It's not a problem, but I don't know." "This is Allegra Cole ..." "Albert." "Eight out of ten women believe the first kiss will tell them everything that they need to know about a relationship." "And believe me, she has definitely thought about it." "She has?" "Oh, of course." "I mean not that she's going to act on it." "So it's no real big deal." "All right." "Well it's no big deal." "It's a very big deal, Albert." "Huge." "Monumental." "You are not listening." "You need to wrap your head around this." "Tomorrow night, Allegra Cole could have her last first kiss." "All right, come on." "Just show me what you got." "What do you mean?" "Just go to show me how you will kiss me." "Why would I kiss you?" "I'm not me." "I'm Allegra." "But you are really not." "OK, Albert." "At the end of the night, you are dropping me off at home." "Show me the magic." "Yeah, you know I'm really not comfortable with this." "God, Albert." "I had such a wonderful time with you." "Yeah, how about "twist and fix", huh?" "You see what I'm doing?" "Right?" "This is a signal." "OK?" "I'm fiddling with my keys." "All right?" "A woman that doesn't want to kiss, takes the keys out," "Puts them in the door, goes into the house." "The woman that wants the kiss, she fiddles." "I'm a fiddler." "OK, you have a good night, I don't know." "You see what I'm doing?" "Robbing me?" "No." "See this one most guys do, they rush in to take the kiss." "But you are not "most guys"." "The secret to a kiss, is to go 90% of the way." "And then hold." "For how long?" "As long as it takes." "For her to come the other 10." "OK, 90-10." "Got it." "OK." "Come on and shake it off." "It's your turn." "I had a really nice time tonight, Albert." "Great night tonight too, Allegra." "Isn't it weird?" "What's up?" "I'm not feeling that." "What do you mean?" "I came 90." "I'm not feeling like you want it." "Look, I'm Allegra Cole." "The woman of your dreams." "The woman whose green eyes are limpid pools of desires." "Now show me the magic, Albert." "Show me the magic." "What's the hell was that?" "I'm showing you the magic." "No, I said come 90 then I come 10." "You don't go the whole 100." "My mouth wasn't open, Albert." "You over eager son of wah..." "Other than that, how was it?" "They came together." "They danced together and they left together." "He's cute." "She got kind of way." "Hey, for all I know, he's adorable." "With him dating her, it's ..." "You seem stressed." "You and I had an understanding." "If you invite Allegra, you are supposed to call me." "Sara, I didn't invite her." "Honestly sweetie, I thought she was still in Europe." "So you invited Albert." "No." "Well it says here the tickets were to some guy named Alex Hitchens." "The machine." "Hi, it's Sara." "I just want to say thank you for uh..." "An unforgettable experience the other day." "And if you ever thought of your shirt again, you can come by the Fountain dish market tonight around 8 o'clock." "OK." "Bye." "You think he will show?" "Yeah." "He's too much of a player to have a bad day on his record." "Is this a source or a date?" "A source." "It sounds like a date." "Well it was supposed to." "So it looks like a date, and it sounds like a date." "But it's not a date." "Yeah." "Right." "Just checking." "Hi." "Hi." "I wasn't sure you got my message." "I wasn't sure you called the right guy." "You must be neglect for punishment." "Either that, or I really want to pay you back." "I think this is yours." "Thank you." "I am gonna frame this for my Wall of Shame." "Really, there is a whole wall?" "It's the way getting into." "Ever been to a food race before?" "Happens once a month, all around the city." "Different chefs, different menu." "You got any good in the kitchen?" "I can stand the heat if that's what you mean." "Good." "Because that's my boss and his wife right over there." "Interesting." "Well here is a concept." "We're paying to cook our own food." "Here is another concept, shut up." "It's an evening out." "I'll tell you the longer you are married, the less you go out." "In a couple of years, we are going to end up ### in your apartment like a ###." "So Louise, are you in the newspaper business also?" "No, I'm a psychiatrist." "Well that's the last thing I wanna say tonight." "So, Sara, you never told me." "How was the Sky Studios fashion thing you went to the other night?" "Did you meet anyone worth mentioning?" "No." "Really?" "I find that's very odd." "Max." "I think you are being odd." "Well, I'm always odd." "That's why you married me and that's why I married you." "Speak of which, Hitch," "What exactly are your intention for the lovely Sara here?" "Wait, you know what?" "Actually there was someone." "I think I met your friends Albert and Allegra." "My friends who and who?" "Allegra Cole?" "Really?" "How do you know her?" "I don't." "Oh, so you know Albert." "Knew." "Well He had the tickets." "I mean..." "How well you really know your accountant?" "You know, April 15 then you don't see him again." "Till April 15." "Ladies and gentlemen." "Compliment from our chef." "Thank you." "That is really good, wow." "I am... very impressed." "Why is that?" "Well, you know..." "Around these 2, people usually can't wait to er... name drop, ditch their friends." "Here you are, being all this straight." "Yes... it's quite endearing" "Actually, it is." "So, why don't we change the subject?" "Wow, wow" "Are you alright?" "Oh, oh, yeah, I am fine." "So, er..." "Sara tells me that er... you are a consultant, Hitch." "Yeah..." "Mostly marketing, advertising, brand management." "I err... have no idea what that means." "No one does and that's why I get to charge so much." "Are err... are you sure you are alright?" "Arm..." "Yeah, I am fine, err." "Hey, is it itchy in here?" "or was it just me?" "Ooo..." "I know what is happening." "No, No." "You think that I am in a stressful state... because I am trying to make a good impression while also dealing like my commitment issues." "Trying to avoid all these awkward conversations." "No..." "I..." "I think you have food allergies." "What?" "Benadryl(allergy medication)?" "where is is Benadryl?" "Aisle 2" "Which one is aisle 2?" "The one with a big 2 over it." "Sara, I am fine." "You sure it's in aisle 2?" "No." "Really, it's not that serious." "Benadryl!" "A lot of Benadryl, a lot of Benadryl..." "What?" "what?" "... kon kil sun shak(the seafood dish earlier)Definitely!" "Come on!" "Oook, We are doing fine." "Just a couple of more blocks and you get to lie down." "(Song:" "Reasons by Earth, wind and fire) And, in the morning when I rise," "No longer feeling hypnotised" "For no reasons, the reasons..." "Wait, wait, wait, Who sings that song again?" "Oh, girl, Earth, wind and fire." "Oh, you should let them sing it." "I bet this would be great on the rock." "Good, right?" "I bet I can ask you just about anything right now." "Nooo..." "I am a vault, babe, locked down." "What is Eris doing with a CPA?" "They are going to the Knick's (New York) game." "Yeah..." "He loves her so much!" "I am, I am sure he does." "I'm telling you..." "People searching their whole lives trying to find the reasons that we're here." "The reason that..." "I wouldn't know." "You would if you saw it." "Sometimes it's really hard to see the forest through the sleeves." "What about you?" "You ever been in love?" "Yep" "But you are never going to know that." "Ok, Ok" "I think you had enough of the juice box." "(singing:" "Longing to love you" "Just for a night...)" "This is some place." "You been living here long?" "Yeah, I actually prefer it that way." "What about you?" "I haven't had a roommate since college." "He's up to marry my sister." "Really!" "Yeah, they are going to have a baby soon." "Hmm... uncle Hitch." "Thank you." "So, how do you feel?" "Good" "Relaxed" "So, what about you?" "Any siblings?" "Sister" "Maria" "Lives in DC." "Younger, right?" "I can hear it in your voice." "Sort of a..." "protective thing." "I guess." "Well" "She almost died once." "I was 10." "We were umm..." "We were skating on a pond by our house." "And she through the ice." "My dad pulled her out." "Gave her another chance." "Longest 3 minutes of my life." "I am sure." "I don't think I ever really got over it." "Kind of defines you, doesn't it?" "It was like..." "One moment you gliding along." "Next moment, you standing in the rain and watching your life fall apart." "Except it was snow." "Yeh, I was going to say it, snow." "You said rain." "Some kind of precipitation." "So, has it happened to you?" "Not as dramatic as falling through the ice, you know." "You know, it did er..." "Definitely" "You loved this girl?" "yeh?" "Yeh" "Hey, it is best... just not to love at all, right?" "Or skate." "Hitch?" "Are you here?" "Sara, you are such an idiot." "You moran!" "How many times?" "......" "Should I come back later?" "Hi" "I thought, thought you left." "Err..." "I did but then I came back with breakfast." "Arr..." "I figured it was the least I could do." "Hey, I didn't what you were drinking." "So, I got a Grand A Latte and Earl Grey Tea and something with Chia in the title." "Arr... tea for me." "Tea!" "Yes, I was hoping you were going to say that." "Oh, God, you are a morning person, aren't you?" "You know..." "like I err..." "I always tell my clients" "Begin each day as if it was on purpose." "Whoa, beautiful day" "Yeah" "Beautiful girl." "Thank you." "Well, I am this way." "Ermm..." "I am that way." "Give me a ring, sometime." "I mean on the phone." "Yeah, I know, definitely will." "Good" "Ooo..." "I gotta go to work." "Ok" "Bye" "Bye" "Hey" "Can you believe what a beautiful day it is!" "Not...!" "What is wrong, pumpkin?" "Arr, I am so stupid." "I ignored your advise and went on that date." "With who?" "Not the lingerie guy!" "Vance Mansion" "You are right there is no way he ever had a mother." "Oh, that bad..." "He took me to this hotel." "He was affectionate and sweet." "He told all these intimate things like how he can't taste food and he wants 3 kids" "So, you slept with him..." "I never seen anybody get dressed that fast!" "Oh, Case, I am so sorry." "No..." "Maybe I will just die alone after all." "No, you won't!" "You are going to meet a great guy with great smile and you are going to travel the world together." "Ok, who are you?" "What have you done with my best friend?" "It is true, he just hasn't found you yet But he will." "As he's leaving, guess what he says?" ""date doctor, my ass!"" "Err... wha wha what does that mean?" "It means he's really out there." "If I ever meet him, the only date he will need is with a real doctor." "That is him." "Vance?" "Is that you?" "Yeah, hey there." "Hi" "Beautiful" "Sara Melas from the standard." "I'd like to talk to you about the dating consultant you hired before you went out with Casey Sadrik." "Hey, you don't wanna talk, that is fine." "I am gonna write this anyway." "You just earned yourself a photo with a bold face caption." "What?" "Oh, Nice!" "I can only imagine how the guys on the trading floor going to react when they see this." "Look, you have no proof, you have no facts." "Vance, I am gossip columnist, not the DA." "Ok, ok, how much would it cost for me to stay out of it?" "I don't want money, I wanna a name." "I don't know his name." "What do you know?" "I know this." "All this for a lousy lay!" "Are we satisfied?" "Almost..." "OOoo... you gotta be..." "Is this really necessary?" "Have you seen your back?" "No, I have seen my front and... we should start with sit-ups." "Arr..." "God mother of Troy." "Hello?" "Woa, that is crazy just hearing your voice makes me smile." "How are you?" "Ermm I am good, I think ermmm..." "Oh, actually, you know what." "This maybe a little strange but... err..." "I am good" "Arrr... sweet Georgia Brane" "What was that?" "That's err..." "some guy screaming." "Listen, is there any context under which you consider facial edema or pharmaceutical intervention a date?" "Hmm..., probably not." "How about a do-over?" "What you have in mind?" "Dinner, my place" "I mean because obviously going anywhere publicly with you is out of the question." "Oh..." "God, Arr!" "that is it!" "That'll do, thank you very much." "What is that?" "Err...it's kind of err... one of those make-over shows." "That is a make-over show?" "It is Danish." "What, it is stuck." "Friday?" "No, I can't." "I told a friend I'd go speed dating." "You know... for moral support." "But tomorrow, I am free." "Errr..." "Great Errr.." "8 o'clock?" "Great" "Alright, bye bye." "Bye" "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" "Arr..." "God!" "So, this's what it feel like, huh?" "This means...?" "Great seats." "Great game." "Great da..te." "I mean, sort of..." "To me, it feels..." "Like a..." "Date...?" "Yeah" "Yeah" "Look at her, she looks so happy." "How is a guy like that end up with a girl like her!" "Ar..." "I am so jealous." "I have always wanted to be able to do that." "Really?" "Yeah" "Tonight is your lucky night." "Let's see what you got." "Ok, ready?" "My god, I am sorry." "I am fine." "I am sorry." "Alright, here are the other words..." "Central Park Zoo, tomorrow noon, by the sea lions." "Don't worry, I will find you." "Alright, thank you." "That guy?" "That guy." "...." "No, that guy." "I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry." "Damn it!" "Hey, that was it!" "Do it again, do it again." "Look how cute they are!" "Thanks" "I had a great time tonight, Albert." "I had a great time too, Allegra." "Good night." "Good night, Albert." "Allegra" "Yes?" "Hold on" "I like your lips." "They seem to like you too." "Ok" "Good night" "Good night" "Anything?" "Not yet." "But I got some great shots of you biting your nails." "Watch the big story?" "Erm, incoming!" "Really!" "Yep, they are shaking hands." "Oh my God, this is so great" "I can't wait to nail this guy." "Hey, make sure you got a good shot of his face." "Erhuh" "What does he look likes like?" "Tall, dark and handsome." "Basic principles" "No matter what, no matter who, no matter when." "It's killing me!" "You have to manage to play straight." "How long have you been in love with her?" "Err... about... two... two and a half years." "Take a look" "Ok" "How did you get my card?" "Albert..." "Albert Brenneman" "Great guy, isn't he?" "Excellent guy." "What...?" "Sara..." "Sara..." "Pleasure to meet you, Jeff." "Hey... what..." "How did you get my card?" "Albert..." "Albert Brenneman" "Albert" "Great guy, isn't he?" "Excellent guy." "You sure you wanna do this?" "Why wouldn't I?" "You know, Louise made an interesting observation on the way home the other night." "She said people who are guarded are afraid that... you can see right through them." "That is why they hide behind layers of err... secrecy or humour." "Well, he is going hide behind a lot more than that once this hits the fan." "She meant you." "What do you want me to say?" "Did I like the guy?" "Yeah, sure, I liked the guy." "Well" "Here is your shirt." "Why don't you think about it" "Call me" "Thanks" "Yeh?" "Puppy, Sara Melas is here to see you." "Thanks a lot, Ravu, send her up." "and err stop calling me puppy." "Oh, woa, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" "I believe this belongs to you." "This thing is like a bad pantie." "Wow, so this is it!" "Err, yeh, this is it." "Oh..., business must be good!" "Well, it it it has its rewards." "Yahaha" "I'll bet!" "Err, tough day?" "Hmm, you can say that." "Err, you know what, you could just sit back and relax." "I got this all covered." "Arr..." "Ooo..." "Spanish wine!" "How thoughtful are we?" "!" "Let me pour that for you." "No, that is ok." "You want some?" "Sure." "So" "Hitch" "Is that like a noun or a verb?" "Err..." "I guess it depends." "Let's see." "What should be toast to?" "Never lie, steal, cheat or drink!" "But if you must lie lie in the arms of the one you love." "If you have to steal steal away from bad company." "If you must cheat cheat death." "And if you must drink drink in the moments that take your breath away." "Did you make that up?" "Make yourself at home." "Erm, I am going to check out the risotto." "Wow, look at this!" "Which one is the music?" "Oh yeah, oh yeah." "And it, it does lights too!" "Err, look, let me help you out with that." "Now, this, this is nifty" "What are you doing?" "How does it work, exactly?" "Well, usually" "You have dinner, then you have dessert." "No, no" "No, I mean you thriving business." "I don't do interviews." "Well, if you'd like to get back to the evening, I would be more than happy to sit and talk." "Great idea!" "You start!" "Well, maybe I would if you were so snortling." "What if I told you..." "I know exactly what you do!" "and how you do it!" "and I think it's despicable." "You know what?" "We might need to go out to dinner." "Yeah, there is a great sea food restaurant I love to take you to." "How about you just get a cleaver butcher?" "Maybe I will!" "What the hell is wrong with you!" "Even a front page story can't cure." "So, that is what this is all about?" "Albert and Allegra to fill your crappy newspaper." "You put them there!" "No, you did!" "He did, the minute he called you!" "But Hitch, listen to me, man" "I need to bring my partner Amir somewhere amazing for our anniversary." "Maybe it's not your thing but maybe it is." "What the hell are you talking about, Ravu?" "It's you, no?" "(newspaper headline:" "Coach of the year, can this man get you into bed with Allegra Cole?" ")" "So, my friend" "How was she?" "Pretty good, Hey?" "(Background talking)" "No, that is not him.." "I am telling you, that is him..." "Excuse me, Excuse me!" "Do you know him?" "No." "I want you to look me in the eye and tell me he did not hire you." "Mam, I have never seen this man before in my life." "See you later, Tony." "What, Tony!" "...." "You got some serious explaining to do." "Albert, Hitch, you alright?" "You know what, I can't really talk right now..." "Women will remain seated." "Men will rotate to the left at the buzzer." "You get 2 minutes each, 4 minutes total." "So, it is your talk time when you hear..." "If it's mutual, you get numbers." "If not, better luck next time." "Ok." "Ladies, take seats." "Case, You are a living testimonial to the triumph of hopeful experience." "Thanks for coming." "I know it's lame, truth is I did feel like doing it." "I really prefer Mock Romanov to the heavier romantic composures ." "but despite the pan dramatic anti-Semitism, yeah, I still have to say my favourite is Wagner." "Oh, yea." "Ok, thank you, Bye" "Bye" "Hi" "Hi" "Excuse me" "That is my seat, man!" "Hi," "Hi" "Hi" "My name is Ron, I am 28." "Albert Brenneman is a good man." "In fact Albert Brenneman is a great man." "I just got out of a fiery relationship..." "lot of fun on the parties... and then you are mad at me!" "For what I do for a living?" "!" "Look, I have already got your number, why don't you go and consult your conscious!" "Albert is in love with her." "Oh yeah, just like Sebastian?" "Is there a problem?" "Oh, no, just one second" "What do you have against Allegra anyway?" "Nothing!" "My interest is protecting women from assholes like you!" "Oh, I did ice climbing once." "You don't even know me!" "And whose fault is that!" "The sun comes up and the ice really starts to fall apart." "I bet, I, I am sorry." "Do you know this guy?" "Apparently not." "You are in my seat!" "You really..." "I am doing you a favour, believe me." "Basically, I like outdoor sports." "And indoor sports at certain place too." "There are certain aspect of my job that are secretive, alright." "And my job is trying to find the truth." "The truth, huh!" "You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in the head." "And if Albert Brenneman has to take a fall for it so be it!" "Why don't you say what is really pissing you off!" "Ok, buddy, I have been waiting to talk to her..." "There you go, there you go..." "Excuse me." "Hi, actually, you are not suppose to move he is... but... ermm...." "I am Alex Hitchens." "No no no, that's ok" "I am Casey." "Hi Casey." "I work for small publishing house in the press department which isn't actually where I wanna be." "but you know it's a good house and..." "You handled me, you manipulated me, you researched me!" "and you showed my great grandfather's signature." "Wait!" "Ellis island?" "I thought that were really sweet." "Thank you." "Case, you are not helping!" "Err, excuse me, I am on a date!" "Does it ever occur to women that maybe a guy might like to have a plan." "You know, because he is nervous." "He's not sure if he can walk up to you and you respond if he said "I like you"" "I like you!" "I like you!" "That sounds good to me." "That's true, you can't tell him if you like him." "Yar, I tried that once and it didn't go well..." "That is what you did!" "and I did like you!" "I just didn't know I was been worked over by some professional!" "He doesn't have badge." "You know the only time you were sincere and spontaneous was when everything was going horribly wrong or you were stoned out of your head!" "I am Sorry to interrupt... do I know you?" "No, I don't think so." "You wanna see you being spontaneous?" "Sure, you wanna Benedryl?" "You know what!" "This is really kind of distracting and I haven't got laid in a year!" "We are sorry, Why don't you guys go back to your dates or... go somewhere." "Maybe from the bank... errmmm." "Hey, you know what If this doesn't work out you can give him a call and he might hook you up with Paris Hilton." "That is it, that is it, you are the err you are the date doctor!" "right?" "You are the date doctor!" "?" "Do we have a problem here?" "Oh, Yar!" "a big one!" "What the hell did I ever do to you, huh?" "I am s... am I missing something?" "Sir, I am going to have to ask you to leave." "Yar" "Why don't you and hit a tity bars with your buddy, Vance!" "Woa" "I don't believe this." "That is your source?" "You bet yourself, Alex." "You weren't listening." "I have heard every word!" "You are a scam artist!" "You trick women into... getting out of their own way so great guys like Albert Brenneman have a fighting chance." "No, no, no I want everybody to have a good look at this right now." "Because this, this right here" "This is exactly why falling love is so God damn hard!" "Sir, let's go, now!" "Vance Mansion is a pig and I refused to work with him!" "You need your facts right." "It's because jerks like him that I even have a job." "Had a job!" "Can you believe that guy!" "Actually..." "I do." "(TV Film:" "Jerry Maguire) You complete me" "Not just..." "Shut up." "Just shut up." "You had me to love..." "No comment." "Erm, yeh, You know" "This is... off the record..." "I came to apologise" "I made some assumptions about you based on.." "nothing as it turns out... and I erm... .." "I guess Casey is right, my best friend..." "No worries about it, we are straight." "It's just that I should have asked you." "You know, but sometimes you are guarded" "And I just did not want to be another reason for you to..." "I am not someone who would like to get involved passed certain point." "And that point... was about a week ago." "Oh..." "Well" "I just wanna say I am really sorry." "and I did not mean to hurt you." "You didn't." "That is a relief." "Hey, fellow." "Yar, good, you?" "Err..." "What you got there?" "This?" "Figured maybe my heart stop beating it wouldn't hurt so much." "She hasn't called back?" "Hey, you want some coffee?" "I want you to fix it." "I got nothing, Albert." "Hey, you want do something?" "Maybe I should get out tonight." "Honestly" "I never ever felt like this." "I swear..." "I am... going out of my mind." "I am going to throw myself from every buildings in New York." "I, I see a cab and I just wanna dive in front of it." "Because... then I will be stop thinking about her." "You will, just... give it time." "If it did!" "I don't want to" "I waited my whole life to feel this miserable and if this is the only way can stay connected with her, then this is what I have to be." "No, you don't!" "You can change, you can adapt." "You can make it so you don't ever have to feel like this." "Ever again!" "You just don't get it, do you?" "No, I get it." "Let me get this straight you are selling this stuff" "You just don't believe your own product." "Love is my life." "No, love is your job." "Hey" "You wanna jump out of a plane without a shoot be my guest." "but forgive me if I don't join you." "This isn't about love for you at all, is it?" "Yeh!" "This whole time, I thought I was a coward." "Where are you going?" "Sky diving!" "Allegra..." "Allegra" "Allegra" "Taxi, Taxi" "Allegra" "Taxi" "Mr. Hitchens" "Mrs. Cole, thanks very very much for seeing me." "You said it was a matter of life and death." "That man would have sold his soul to make you happy." "So, what does that make you?" "The devil?" "My job is not to deceive, Mrs. Cole." "Is to create opportunities." "Like the boardroom?" "Would you have noticed him otherwise?" "Yes!" "Really?" "Eventually" "Maybe" "How did you know all the stuff about me?" "Well, you really did your homework." "Like the boarding school when everyone used to tease me because I couldn't whistle." "and having him dance like a buffoon knowing that I can't dance either." "And telling him to drop mustard on his shirt" "So I feel less like a dork." "That was all you?" "Right?" "No, hell no!" "That was him?" "That's got Albert written all over it." "Did you put him up the inhaler?" "Stop it!" "He did not show you that!" "He chucked it right before he kissed me." "So, so, wait, that, that stuff work for you?" "It was adorable." "What did you do?" "Nothing." "Absolutely nothing!" "So, this is your plan this whole time, huh?" "Hey Albert," "Say "I love you" in the sunset with my girl..." "Albert!" "You were like a brother to me." "He came here for you." "Who?" "The guy you are choking." "I love you" "I love you" "I really love you." "I love you more, I really do." "Hey err" "I got somewhere I gotta go." "So, err." "Yar, who is it?" "Hitch." "Arr.. can I talk to you?" "What?" "Arr.." "You almost hit me." "Errmm.." "I just wanna stop by basically errmm" "See this is the thing" "I yum... woo, this is wired" "I don't me but I am on the door." "I knew at some point, I will be... you know... right here, you know..." "I thought, you know just like you know ... never come out." "and wooo, throw me off." "Can we close the door?" "What?" "I am sorry, I..." "I just need" "Are you serious?" "What do you want, Hitch?" "You!" "For a whole load of reasons that don't make sense to me." "I mean..." "We have been on 3 dates." "but you see that is crazy that is crazy because I know just deep down, just in this area" "that," "I just know that I want." "I wanna be miserable like... really miserable!" "but if that if that is what it takes for me to be happy then..." "Wait, that didn't come out righ." "What the hell is wrong with you!" "Nothing!" "No, no no, not you" "I am talking to me." "Alex Hitchens, Tom Reid." "Hey" "I'll just put this in the car." "Arr..." "Maybe it's like what you said" "We should just go our separate ways and..." "We will do just fine." "What if fine isn't good enough?" "What if I want extraordinary?" "No such thing." "I am just as scared as you are, Sara." "But I'm right here and our time is right now!" "Oh, Yeah, what about before?" "Sara, I am a guy." "Since when do we get everything right the first time!" "Oh, well, I am a realist and I know what love does to people." "No, you don't." "Keys, keys" "I don't know who this is." "and I don't care what I do know" "is he will never feel the way that I do." "You know how to use a diver stick?" "Both of you shut up!" "You ok?" "Yeh, No, I am fine." "You will never be fine and neither will I!" "Maybe I should drive." "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" "If that's what it takes." "Sara, what happened?" "He jumped on the car!" "Why?" "Because that is what people do" "They leap and hope they can fly." "Because otherwise we just drop like a rock." "wondering the whole way down" "Why in the hell did I jump!" "Here I am, Sara." "Falling" "There is only one person can make me feel like I can fly." "That's you." "So..." "You kind of like me, huh?" "Nah" "I love you." "I love you and I knew it from the first..." "Back now, it sounds so stupid." "Sara!" "Maria, this is the guy I was telling you about, Hitch" "Hitch, That is my sister, Maria." "And that is her husband, Tom." "Hey" "Her husband..." " Yeah, haha." "Where is your date?" "I don't have one." "Yah, I know, shocking, huh?" "Oh, my God!" "Are you alright?" "Grandma, what happened?" "This young lady just saved my life." "Ask her to dance." "Ooo, well..." "If you insist." "I am Casey." "I am Charles Wellington." "Oh, Nan..." "Forget it, just go." "Basic principles..." "There are none!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"©" "©" "© P@rM!" "NdeR" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ Mobile - +919815899536" "They're trying to kill me!" "They are crazy!" "Just calm down, Sally." "You're safe now." "Can you tell me what happened?" "We ran out of gas." "Kirk went for help." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Anybody home?" "Kirk!" "Kirk?" "Jerry!" "Jerry!" "Sally, I hear something." "Stop!" "Stop!" "No!" "Please!" "Please!" "Please!" "Please stop!" "Give me that hammer!" "Sheriff, we've got the victim's statement." "She's en route to the hospital." "What's your 20?" "On Quick Hill Road." "Headed out there now." "Call for an ambulance, in case there's any others still alive." "Hey, Sheriff." "This is Marvin." "I'm only two minutes behind you and I'm closing." "All right, step on it, Marvin." "Sheriff, that family is likely armed." "You gonna wait for backup?" "I can't wait." "I'm going in now." " I swear to God." " Come on, let's go." "Shit." "Sheriff wants an ambulance to 647 Quick Hill Road." "You copy?" " Drayton?" "You know why I'm here!" "Come out and bring your son, Jed." "Hands high above your heads." "I ain't leaving', Drayton." "I have a girl says you butchered her friends." "No one's turning a blind eye to this." "He's protecting the house and the family." "Yeah, well that ain't the way I heard it." "Oh, damn it." "Come on out here!" "Look, I ain't waiting out here all day." "I'll call in the Staties, if that's what you want." "Send the boy out, Drayton!" "Look, this don't have to get no uglier than it already is." "Fuckers ain't getting anybody in this family." "You don't wanna make it worse." "I ain't leaving without the boy, Drayton." "We're Sawyers!" " Hell, yeah!" " What's it gonna be?" "You do what you have to do, Sheriff!" "Send the boy out!" "Give him the boy." "He's simple anyway." "He's family." "We're gonna send out Jed." "All right." "Send him." "Hold it up, Marvin." "And he gets a good lawyer!" "Agreed." "You did it now, boy!" "You let that bitch meat get away." " Oh, shit." " Come on out, Sawyer!" " Give us that retard!" "There's more!" "Them ain't cops." "Get back here, Drayton!" "We got trouble!" "All right, just stay back now, Burt." "I got this." " We're here to back you up." " Yeah, you can start by getting everybody back in their cars and high-tailing it outta here." "Yeah, that ain't gonna happen." "Let's go, boys!" "Lynch these son of a bitches." "I've got control of this." "He's bringing the boy out, okay?" "What are we doing there, Sheriff?" "Kick his ass out!" "Look, he's bringing his son out here." "Bring him out!" " Light 'em up, Ollie!" " Special delivery!" " No!" " Motherfuckers!" "Hell, yeah." "Sawyer bonfire." "This is on you, Burt." "Eye for an eye, Sheriff." "Can't get around the Good Book." "Helluva job, boys!" "Whoo!" "Keep looking." "When they're charred, they're hard to find." "Ah, hell." "Hey, Burt!" " Yeah?" " Looky here." "I'm hanging this bad boy over the bar." " This baby's coming home with me." " We gonna be heroes." " Son of a bitch." "Help us." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Come here." "Come on." "Come here." "Come on." "Come on." "Let her go." "Let her go." "Come on." "Yeah." "Yeah." "I got her." "Everything's okay." "Shh!" "Shh!" "It's okay." "Hey, Gavin, where've you been?" "What is..." "Oh, my God." "It's a baby." "Found her." "Brought her out through the woods." "Gavin!" "Come on, man, we're gonna be in the paper." "Yeah, man, I'll be right there." "Yeah, yeah." "Come on now, you're gonna miss it!" " Gavin..." " Come on!" "She's been burned." "Okay." "Yeah, yeah, brother!" "Be right there, my man!" "We're gonna keep her, right?" "I got her for you, Arlene." "You never know how you look till you get that picture took." "I'll be right back." "Come on, what were you thinking?" "Hey." "He was Ryan's idea." "I warned you." "Well, next time your raunchy-ass boyfriend tries to stick me with one of his high school band buddies," " kiss him for me." " What?" "I like him." "He was pretty cool." "We started talking and he made these incredible crepes." "Amazing." "He's got this thing about becoming a chef." "And there's actually a lot more to him than meets the eye." "So, do you think you can handle this four-day road trip with him to New Orleans?" "I am way ahead of you, girl." "He even volunteered to drive." " Seriously?" "Wow." " Hell, yeah!" " I was talking to..." " Hey, Nikki!" "Bobby wants you back at your register." "All right." "I'm gonna go work on my Halloween costume." "And I don't mean scary." "Nikki digs your old high school friend." " Something about crepes?" " That's Kenny's signature move." "Nikki had no chance." "I thought we weren't gonna bring our work home with us." "You think I'm cracked?" "No." "But you might wanna broaden your extracurriculars." "Get over here and tear this up." "I'm not up for a bruising." "I wasn't talking about the bag." "Neither was I." "I love your crazy little birthmark." "Fuck." "Who is that?" "Shit." "That, it might be my contract." "I'm coming!" " It's for you." " Me?" "Some law office in Dallas, yeah." "My grandmother died three weeks ago." "I thought all your grandparents were dead." "So did I." "I just wanted to have a child." "Enough." " I wanted to have a child so bad..." " Enough!" " ...and I couldn't!" " Enough, Arlene." "Enough!" "Why couldn't you tell me?" "Tell you what?" "Your mother has a defective uterus?" "She wanted a kid." "End of story." "So what?" "We're not good enough for you now?" "I didn't say that." "I just wanna know where I came from and who I came from." "Well, we're the ones that raised you." "And you were damn lucky, I'd say." "Those people were..." "I can't even put that into words." " There are no words..." " Shut up, Arlene." " ...for that, Heather." " Shut up!" "You came from a shit heap." "There." "Now you know." "If I'd had half a mind, I'd've left you there." "I'm out!" "I'm done." "Don't even think about going down there!" "Heather!" "Heather." "Heather." "You go down there you're gonna bring trouble on us." "What are you talking about?" "Trust me." "Newt, Texas is the last place you wanna be." " How'd it go?" " Like shit." "It sucks when you find out your parents have been lying to you your whole life." "Baby, I'm sorry." "I was adopted." "I never felt right about them." "I'm gonna go pack." " For Texas, not New Orleans." " Wait." " Hold on." " No, Ryan." "I have to go." " Forget Halloween." " Wait." "Wait, just listen to me, please." "Hey." "Oh." "Ryan called us." " Kenny!" " That's really cool art." "See, I kinda figured you'd wanna deal with your grandmother's stuff so..." "So, knowing how hard-headed you are, we have decided to come with you." "Really?" "You guys would do that?" "Are you kidding me?" "Come here." "Of course!" "Come on." "You're our girl." "Listen, I wasn't gonna send you to some cousin-fuck town all alone." "I don't mind driving to Texas." "I hear they got great barbecue." "So, maybe so, maybe no?" "All right." "Sounds like a plan." " Let's do this." " Oh, yeah." "What!" "What!" "What!" "What!" "Texas here we come!" "Oh, my God." "Are you kidding me?" "Jesus Christ." "Go, go!" "Fuck." " What'd you get?" " All this." "You like?" "'Cause it was, like, 25 bucks." "Get out." "That's a rip-off." "Don't worry about it, honey." "It's on your credit card." "Oh, yeah?" "Well, that's okay." "You know why?" "Because..." " Kenny paid for the gas." " What?" "What the..." "Give me that." " How'd you get that, man?" " Oh, Kenny." " Don't cry." " It's okay." "Let's go, baby." " Ready?" " Baby, let's go." "What was that?" "Jesus, dude, you all right?" "Oh, my God." " Yeah, it's all right." " You hit him, Kenny." "Sorry, I didn't see you, man." "It's all right." "I should probably sue." "But I'll settle for a stick of that jerky." "Say, where y'all headed?" "New Orleans." "You're kiddin'!" "That's great!" " That where you goin'?" " No, no." "Shreveport?" "It's on the way." "Did your car break?" "Where's your car?" "Uh, that's a bit of a long story." "Short of it is my lady dumped my butt and I've been thumbing my way back from Tulsa." "I sure could use a ride." "Ain't got no problem paying my way." "60 bucks." "You'll be doing a guy a favor." "Help a fella out." "Rain?" " Okay." "Come on." " Yeah?" "We have to stop in Texas on the way." "Well, sure beats walking." "All right." "You Okay?" "Yeah." "I'm good." " You scared at all?" " No." "I'm just wondering where I fit, you know?" "Yeah." "So, what's in Newt?" "One-sided family reunion." "My grandmother died." "I gotta sign some papers." "My condolences." "Were you two close?" "I just learned about her yesterday." "But family's family." "Amen, sister." "Family is a messy business." "Ain't nothin' thicker than blood." "So, do you know anything about this place?" "Just the address." "We're just in and out, right?" "That's the deal." "We'd never find this at night." "What the hell?" "We wouldn't be able to see anything." "Hey, this is it." "This is Homestead Road." "Make a left." "This can't be it, right?" "He said a big gate." "Wow." " Wow." "Well, there's gotta be something behind there." "Like a castle or somethin'." "All right." "Mr. Farnsworth?" "I'm Heather." "I could tell from the car." "Dead ringer." "Thank you for coming all the way from Dallas." "Anything for Verna." "She was a good woman." "Salt of the earth." "Though not the most popular in these parts." "I didn't know you were bringing friends." "Is that okay?" "Well, it's your house, if you want it." "Just so you know..." "Verna's trust forbids you from selling it." "It's all described in these papers." "Okay." "Thanks." "You can't quite see the house from here." "But it's just up beyond those trees." "These keys, they open everything inside and out." "Verna was big on security." "0-8-19." "Best to remember it as a date." "August 19th." "Right." "And the gates work automatically from the other side." " I have a house." " And a whole list of assets that I'll be forwarding to you as soon as the accountants sign off." "Oh." "I almost forgot." "The most important thing." "It's from Verna." "Make sure you read it." "Okay." "I will." "And call me if you have any questions." "You're not coming in?" "Uh..." "No." "I promised some other folks I'd stop by." "Don't forget to read Verna's letter." "Hey." "How did you find me?" "Find you?" "Honey, you were never lost." "It's a mansion!" "Oh, my God!" " Wow." " Sweet." "No way." "Oh, my God, girl!" " Wow." " Are you kidding?" "This is nicer than the outside." " I don't know where to start." " How about here?" "What is going on here?" "Wow." "Some fine dining." " Heather, can I open this one?" " Yeah." " Wow." " Wow." "This is definitely worth coming home to." "Want some tea?" "It's all set up." "So, Heather." "What exactly did Granny do for a living?" "I have no idea." "Hey!" "Check this out!" "Look like Granny liked to play a little pool." " Who wanna play?" " I do." " Got money, bitch?" " Okay, I'm a bitch now." "Yeah, you're my bitch." "Okay, rack 'em up." " What'd you say about my rack?" " Rack 'em up." " Oh!" " Whoo." "Now it's a party!" " Nice." " Oh, I scratched." "Oh, too bad." "Ouch!" "All right." "You wanna see me?" "I'm gonna dominate you." "Where's the white one?" "Thank you." "Hey!" "What's going on?" "This house is insane!" "God, we gotta stay the night." "It's too cool." "That kitchen is so amazing." "Y'all have to let me cook for you tonight." "Yeah." "And you can thank Darryl." "He's the one splurging on the steaks, ain't that right?" "Hey, Shreveport can wait." "I needed something like this for a long time." "Thanks, you guys." "God, is he a Boy Scout or what?" " Come on." " No, I'm overkill on this mission." "I'm gonna get the bags, clean up a little." "Yeah, I'm a regular Boy Scout." "All right." "So let's, uh, divide and conquer." "Will you take care of that for me?" "We'll see you in a few weeks, Mr. Mayor." "Burt." "Wish I had a swing like that in my backyard." "Yeah, that's something all right." "Hello, precious." "Whoo." "Come on, baby." "Where's your mama?" "Where's your mama?" "Where's your mama?" "I'm gonna get, like, one more thing and then I'm done." " All right." "I'll meet you outside." " Cool." "There's, like, a carnival or something going on?" "Price check." " Fuck are you doing?" "Nobody's looking." "Listen, it was one time." "One time." "And I had, like, 18 kamikazes." "Come on." "Come on." "You begged for it." "And now I'm begging you to keep your hands off my shit." " Okay." " All right." "Beautiful big door for a beautiful big key." "Oh, I got your stash now, you old cunt." "What am I gonna do with a bunch of wine?" "What the hell is this?" "Here we go." "Come on." "Come on!" "I've dealt with stubborn bitches before." "You just need some kicking." "Now, honey." "I'm coming back here." "I don't quit easy!" "You're asking for trouble." "That wouldn't burn if you doused it with a fuel tanker." "This here will give you some good flavor." "But if you wanna unleash some hellfire, this here's the stuff." "Good to know." "In town for the carnival?" "Just a little housewarming." "Well, you best keep it down." "I'd hate to have to haul you in." "I'll try to behave." " How much is this?" " That'll be $9." "So, whereabouts is this shindig?" "Homestead Road." "Ain't nothing out there but the old Carson place." "That's the one." "I thought that place was empty." "Not anymore." "This officer bothering you?" "Say the word and I'll shoot him." "He will, too." "Go read some meters." "Burt Hartman, proud mayor of this little slice of paradise." "How're you doin'?" " Heather." " Nice to meet you, Heather." "Now, my ears aren't what they used to be, but I swear I coulda heard you say something about the Carson place." "I inherited it." " You're a Carson?" " No." " You're not a Sawyer." " Yep." "Yeah, you've got her eyes." " You knew her?" " Yeah." "Me and your family go way back." "And I know they wouldn't want you to be burdened with that beat-up old trap." "Tell you what." "I'll take the whole place off your hands." "No, thanks." "Gonna hardball me, huh?" "Hell, I like you already." "Come on, let's go." "Come on." "Give me a number." "Yo!" "Oh." " Oh, shit." " What?" "Fucking thief." "He took my keys." " Wow, he played that smooth." " Yeah, he did." "We should've never picked that guy up." "Yo!" " Whoo!" " Let's do this right." " What's wrong?" " Darryl ripped us off." "So he heisted some ashtrays and candlesticks." "That shouldn't keep you from having a good time." "Come on." " Cheers, you guys." " Yeah." "To happiness." " To the queen." " Yeah." " To the Sawyers." " To the Sawyers." "Sawyers." "All right." "Hey, there's a butler's pantry in here!" "Darryl?" "Darryl?" "Yo, Darryl!" "Darryl!" "Oh, my God, you've gotta see this!" "What?" " It's so fucked up!" "Come on!" " Whoa, what's wrong?" "Come on!" " It's right down there." " Where?" " It's right down there." " Where?" "It's in that stall, right there." " In here?" " Oh, God!" "Nikki, I don't see shit." "It's right under that bucket." "It's under that bucket right there." "It's right under that bucket." "Okay." "What the hell, Nikki?" "What are you doing?" "I told you it was fucked up." "Ryan!" "Ryan!" "You guys!" "Kenny?" "Dude, what the..." "What is that?" "What the..." "What is he doing?" "Who is that?" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" " Go." " What?" " Oh, my God!" " Go!" " Move." "Move!" " Close the door!" "Welcome to Texas, motherfucker!" "Did you hit him?" "I don't know." " Did you hit him?" " I don't know!" "Something's coming." "Back up." "Back up!" "Back up, Nikki!" " Get in the van!" " It's Heather!" "Move over, move over!" "Let me in!" "Hurry and get us out of here!" "Go!" "Go, go, go, go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go, go, go!" "What the hell was that?" "Where's Kenny?" "He's dead." "They're fucking dead!" "Ryan, slow down." "Slow down." "The gate, the gate needs to open!" " Give it time to open!" " We got to go." "Fuck the gate!" "Buckle up!" " What happened?" " The car stopped." "Why?" "Okay, back it up." "Back..." " Ryan!" " Back it up, back it up, back it up!" " Back up the car!" " What's wrong with it?" " Ryan, go!" " I'm fucking trying!" " Back up the car!" " It won't start!" "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" " Back up!" " Here we go." "Here we go." "Wait for the gate to open." " Fuck!" " Ryan!" "Ryan!" "Start it!" " Go Ryan, go!" " It won't start!" "Now, go, go, go!" " Ryan, go!" " Ryan, go!" " Ryan, go!" " Come on!" " Go, go!" " Please, go!" "Come on!" "Here he comes!" "Ryan." "Ryan." "Heather, what happened?" "What?" "Quiet." "Quiet." "We gotta get outta here now." "We gotta get outta here right now!" "Get away, get away, he's coming over here!" "My leg." "No, Nikki!" "Hey!" "Hey, you country fuck!" "Run, run!" "Hey, Wanna play a game?" "Call the police!" "Get out of the way!" "Call the police!" " Go!" "Get out of the way!" " What the hell?" "What is going on?" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Drop the fucking saw!" "I said, drop it!" "Put it down!" "Where's the girl?" "Carl is tending to her in the back." "All right." "Sheriff?" "This is Marvin." "I'm at the crash site." " You copy?" " Go ahead, Marvin." "Approaching the vehicle now." "Late model VW bus on its side." "It's a real mess." " Do you need an ambulance?" " Checking now." "That's a negative." "No one." "No victims on the scene." "Sheriff?" "There's blood everywhere." "Seat's all sawed up." "Somebody died out here." "All right, stay where you are, Marvin." "I'll get back at ya." "Roger that." " Hey." " They find her?" "We Will." " Got you a shirt here." " Thanks." "At least it's clean." "I should've never brought them here." "Look, this town ain't much, but we take care of our own here." "He'll be a sack of meat scraps by dawn." "You can count on it." "Carl!" " Take your time." " Okay." "Sheriff Hooper?" "This is Heather." "Hi." "You the girl that guy was chasing?" "Yeah." "He killed my friends, but Nikki..." "She was still alive after the crash." "Yeah, we're on it, but there was no one at the site." "No, she was there." "I left her there." "He must have moved them." "Do you know who he is?" "No." "He was in the house, he was..." " What house?" " The Carson Estate." "My grandmother left it to me." "Verna Carson." "We just got here a few hours ago." "I'm a Sawyer, if that's your next question." "Sheriff, I dug through the evidence room." "Pulled out what we had on Verna Carson." "Also pulled a big file on the Sawyers." "You get a good look at him?" "He was wearing a face." "A mask?" "A human face." "Carl, we're a little short-handed." "I'm gonna need you out on the street." "Get going." "Sheriff, the mayor just got here." "He's looking for you." "Thanks." "Take a seat." "I'll be back in a minute." "Some fucking crazy just tore up the carnival!" "I need to know what the police are gonna do about it!" "My office." "I think it may be Jed." "Jed Sawyer?" "No way." "We burned that place to the ground years ago, Hooper." "You were there." "No one escaped." "Well, maybe he crawled out through the back." "I don't know." "You telling me he's been holed up all these years and now he's running around on the loose?" "I'm telling you a 6'5" man came out of Verna Carson's house wearing a skin mask and wielding that." "Sheriff?" "I'm at the Carson place." "Gate's busted open." "There's a broken side mirror that looks like it matches the van." "Marvin, I told you to stay at the van." "Now, that's an order." "Do you copy?" "Hell, no!" "That's not how we play this!" "There's a blood trail on the pavement." "Sheriff, no disrespect, but I think I need to move on this." "That's not your call, Officer." "Marvin!" "This is Mayor Hartman." "You got your Eagle?" "You know it, with an extended clip." "Just looking for a reason, sir." "Then what the hell are you waiting for?" "Marvin, stand down." "Now, we believe Jed Sawyer may be alive." "And he may be in that house." "Copy that, sir, but a chainsaw don't make you bulletproof." "Door's wide open." "This is a mistake." "Now, stop it now before you get him hurt." " It's hot pursuit, Hooper." " I'm going in." "Police!" "Yeah." " Give me a visual." " You got it." "Movin'." "This is on you, Burt." "Eye for an eye, Sheriff." "Can't get around the Good Book." "Entering the kitchen." "Proceed." "What the hell?" "Following the blood." "Jesus!" "You seeing this?" "Shit." "Looks like it leads to this door." "Push it open." "What the hell is this?" "Proceed, Officer." "I don't know about this, Burt." "God damn it." "Do I gotta come down there and hold your hand?" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™" "So, where are you now?" "I'm in the wine cellar." "There's an opening to some kind of..." "I don't know." "Going through." "Looks like some kind of crazy catacomb." "Still following the blood." "Getting a bad feeling here." "Jesus Christ." "What is this?" "It's a haven?" "Dresses." "High heels." "Little farm toys." "Bones." "Man." "Ladies makeup?" "What a fruitcake." "This is the most disturbing place that I have ever been." "What's that to your left?" "It's a door." "Marvin, keep your hands on that gun!" "My fucking God." "How many?" "You tell me." "What fucking human does that?" "Shit, this is fucked up." "What's in there?" "What's in the freezer?" "Be careful, Marvin." "Oh!" "Shit!" "It's okay!" "It's okay." "Didn't happen!" "Marvin!" "You get the hell out of there right now!" "That sick fuck'll be back out there tonight." "We rally the boys, we torch that place to the ground!" "End this!" "Finish what we started years ago." "Not this time." "Not on my watch!" " What happened that day was a travesty." " It was justice!" "I wanna see the Sawyer girl." "She's a victim, Burt!" "She hasn't done anything!" "She's breathing, ain't she?" "Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Burt." "You have no idea!" "Nothing better happen to that girl, Burt!" " Hello, Farnsworth here." " Hi." "This is Heather Miller." "My friends have all been killed." "I just found out about August 19th." "How could you leave us alone in that house?" "Okay." "Where are you?" "I'm at the bank on Main Street." "Uh, meet me at Johnny B. Red's." "It's a bar about a quarter mile east on Fifth and Main." "I'll be there in 20 minutes." "I want your Halloween candy!" "Come on and party with us!" "Why didn't you warn me?" "All my friends are dead." "My family was wiped out by this crazy town." " Did you read Verna's letter?" " No." "Well, I asked you to, right?" "Verna was very particular." "I'm sure she laid it all out." "But you knew about him." "You knew about this town." "You knew everything." "Oh, okay." "Okay, so who is he?" "Well, the person in the basement is Jedidiah Sawyer." "Goes by Jed." "He's your cousin." "For years I suspected something, but I never knew for sure about Jed until about four months ago when Verna," "who was very sick, presented him to me." "A grown man, huge, but mentally stunted." "With emotions of an eight-year-old." "Frankly, he scared the shit out of me." "Why'd she keep him?" "Nobody loves you like your family, I guess." "She preserved you, too." "She investigated everyone who was involved with the..." "August 19th." "Found you right away." "And she let me live with those people?" "You were safer there." "And she knew there would always come a day." "Jed knows about you, too." "That was some welcome." "He doesn't know who you are." "And the last time a girl got away," "Jed lost his whole family." "So, he'll stay after you." "He doesn't know any better." "Burt Hartman, too." "After reading that police file, you know this town's dirty little secret." " Burt." "Burt!" " Yeah!" "Let me through." "Let's go." "I'm getting you out of here." " Move!" " Hey!" " Out of my way!" " What's your problem?" "Use the back door." "Yeah, take it!" "Burt." "I got her, Burt!" "She's right here." "You going somewhere, precious?" "Huh?" "Oh." "She cut me." "Burt!" "That little bitch." "She won't get far, that's for sure." "Come on." "Get up now!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "What's going on?" "Burt Hartman and his guys, they beat up my lawyer at the bar." "And they're after me." "Okay, come on." "Let's give you a ride." "We have to stop at the bar." "We have to go back." "Okay." "There he is." "That's Farnsworth." "That's the place!" "Stop the car!" "Stop the car!" "That's the bar!" "Stop!" "Let me out!" "What are you doing?" "Stop the fucking car!" "What are you doing?" "Yep?" "Sawyer girl's loose." "She's headed towards town." "Yeah, yeah." "I got her." "She's in the back." "What do you want me to do with her?" "Tell you what, take her up to the slaughterhouse and hold her." "I'm dealing with Ollie." "She sliced him good." "Just give me a few minutes." "Okay." "You got it, Dad." "That's your fucking dad?" "Fucking stop the car!" "Let me out!" "Open the door, you liar!" "Okay, Marvin, do you copy?" "We have the girl from the Carson house." "Come on, Marvin, pick up." "Are you there?" "Come on, Marvin." "That you, Marvin?" "If you can hear me, then meet us out at the slaughterhouse." "Sheriff, I represent Verna Carson's estate and her granddaughter, Heather." "I know who she is." "Well, at this very moment, she's in the back of one of your police cars against her will heading out of town, out past Johnny B. Red's." "All right, come with me." "She's headed out Highway 28." "There's nothing out there." "Oh, shit." "I know where he's headed." "You know," "I thought you were pretty cute." "So you're a Hartman, huh?" "Yep." "Whoa!" "I'm a Sawyer." "Please stop!" "CARLI Quit it!" "Don't tempt me." "You should feel right at home in this nasty place." "Your family used to work this shithole." "We'll take it from here." "No place for a cop, son." "It's me!" "It's Heather!" "It's your cousin!" "It's me!" "I'm Heather!" "Please, it's Heather!" "Come here." "You remember me?" "Come on, Ollie." "Let's feed his ass to the shark." " Move!" " Hit him, Burt." "Come here!" "Move your big ass!" "Get up there!" "You about to die, motherfucker." "Just like your gammy, your sick cousins and your damn horrible brother." " Get down!" "Move!" "I'm gonna end the whole Sawyer bloodline tonight." "You and your pretty bitch cousin." "Atta boy, Burt." "Hit him again." "Motherfucker, you're about to die, boy." "Son of a bitch!" " Go get that chain, Ollie." " All right." "I'll get it, Burt." "Grotesque excuse for a man." "You're not gonna get off that easy, boy." "I'm gonna enjoy this shit, you hear me?" " Hurry up, Ollie." " I got it." "Give me that." "You're about to get chewed up like a fucking cow!" "Fit for a pig meal, is what you'll be." "Turn it on, Ollie and fire it up." "Let's go." "All right, Burt." "I'm on it!" "Bet your ass, boy." "I'm gonna enjoy watching you get chewed up." "You son of a bitch." "This is my town, you fucking cockroach." "She rolling, Burt!" "Out of all you Sawyers, all you sick fucks, the only one that gets out of the fire is a fucking retard?" "How the fuck did that happen?" "You remember me?" "You got nine lives?" "Are you a cat?" "You came back." "But you're gonna die today, you motherfucker, just like your daddy." "Your day has come!" "Hey!" " Fucker!" " Hey!" "Hey!" "Oh-ho." "Look who's back." "That's right." "Do your thing, coz." " You cockroach." "Bitch, you're dead now." "I will fuck you up, you hear me?" "You piece of fucking trash." "Oh, thank God, Hooper!" "Shoot him!" "Come on, shoot him!" "Shoot him!" "Don't shoot!" "Hooper!" "Take him out!" "Shoot the fuck." "Kill him!" "Pull the trigger, you weak son of a bitch!" "He's gonna kill me!" " Oh, God!" " Don't shoot him!" "Hooper!" "Finish what we started!" "Can't get around the Good Book, Burt." "Clean this shit up." "Dearest Granddaughter." "This home and all it comes with, is now yours." "Just know that these gifts come with certain burdens." "Your real name is Edith Rose Sawyer." "Farnsworth was instructed to give you a set of keys to the manor." "The large key opens the fortified door to the wine cellar." "There you will discover a metal door." "Behind it lives your cousin," "Jedidiah Sawyer, your only remaining blood relative." "He's family-bound and will protect you." "He simply requires your care in return." "Edith, you are the last of my line of Sawyer." "My blood runs through you." "The decision to stay is yours." "Just remember, you're a Sawyer and this is home." "Now, it's your time." "©" "©" "© P@rM!" "NdeR" "© P@rM!" "NdeR M@nkÖÖ" "Now remember, you tell her that you love her." "For this kind of money, I almost do." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
""CHANGING TRAINS"" "A serious comedy by Hasse Ekman based on a novel outline by Walter Lungquist" "Everybody on stage..." "This is urgent." "Grand Theatre..." "No, he hasn't come in yet." "Andersson..." "I don't want to see visitors..." "I don't wish to be disturbed by anybody." "Good morning." "We'll start off with Act 2, Scene 1..." "When you're ready." "Hello, Andersson." "Well, if it isn't little Miss Dahl!" "It's been a long time!" "It has..." "Is Mr Walter in?" "Yes, there's a rehearsal on." "He said he's not to be disturbed." "But I really have to talk to him." "He was definite about not seeing anyone." "You go on in..." "But don't tell him I saw you!" "No, I won't... thanks a lot." "I am a noble from Verona, sir, who heard of the beauty of your home." "Stop there!" "He's a noble from Verona, not a street sweeper..." "Take it from the beginning." "Leo..." "What are you doing here?" "I'm sorry to bother you, but I really have to talk to you." "I've rung you several times, but you never have time to talk." "Just continue..." "I'll be right back." " Cigarette?" " Thanks." "Haven't seen you for ages." "Isn't that good?" "Not at all." "Why should I feel that way?" "You don't need to pretend to me." "You were never very good at it." "Back-handed compliment." "So what do you want?" "You know of course, that you're the last person I'd want to ask for help but I can't afford that pride any longer." "I've managed to get along, the last few years had the odd part but now I've nothing." "I must get some work, Leo..." "Do you have anything for me?" "..." "It doesn't matter how small..." "Of course I'd like to do anything I can but..." "We're doing "The Shrew" it's fully cast..." "That'll be at least a month." "Then there'll be an American play with only 2 female parts..." "After that..." "Thanks, that's enough..." "I've heard the same gobbledegook over and over..." "Sorry to have bothered you." "Quick... run and call for an ambulance." " Who's next, nurse?" " Miss Dahl." "Yes, her... the poor little thing." "She's only a few months left." "Have her come in." "Hello, Doctor." "Please take a seat." "So are you leaving us today, Miss Dahl?" "Yes." "Now, about your heart..." "It's not working the way it should." "Unfortunately." "I understand that." "So I imagine you're afraid for yourself." "You must avoid any form of stress whatsoever..." "both physical and psychological." "You can give it to me straight, Doctor..." "I don't have long, do I?" "Honestly, neither I nor any other doctor, can answer that." "The heart can be a capricious organ, that often fools us doctors." "I've had patients that I could have sworn had only months to live." "For some it took years." "I hope it doesn't drag out that long for me." "Come now, that's no way to feel..." "Especially when you're so young." "I don't know why you're so disappointed with life but isn't it worth living?" "Even if it's a bit horrible sometimes." "It is if you have something to live for." "Things will get better..." "Take your medication and be careful in every respect." "And have a bit more faith in the future you might enjoy it." "I'll try and follow that prescription." "Goodbye." "Come in." "Did you call, Miss?" "Yes, I'm leaving in the morning..." "I've a few things you might like to have." "I thought you might find some use for them." "That's very nice, but I couldn't accept..." "Of course you can..." "You'd have far more use for them than I would." "Your call to Viköping." "Is that you Grandma?" "This is Inga." "I'm coming home tomorrow..." "I thought it was so long since I'd seen you." "I don't have a part in the next program, so I thought I'd come home and rest up." "No, I'm feeling fine!" "I'll take the morning train." "But don't bother meeting me." "Thanks Grandma..." "It'll be so lovely to see you... 'bye!" "Joakim!" "Hurry up!" "..." "The train goes in half an hour." "I'm coming." "For once, could you not read the paper at the breakfast table." "He's not down yet." "Are you going to the station with him?" "I can't neglect my work just because my son's travelling abroad." " Are you all packed?" " Yes, Malin helped me." "Joakim, my boy..." "I'd like to have come with you to the station but my job means I have to..." "It's alright, I realise you can't." "I do wish you bon voyage..." "I hope you like it out there and that you conduct yourself in a way to make your mother and I proud of you." "Say hi to Uncle Gustav and Aunt Olga." "Here's a bit extra for unexpected expenses." "Goodbye my boy, and good luck." "Thanks, Dad." "You have no regrets about going away?" "No, but it feels a bit strange, of course." "But if I'd stayed in this hole year after year I'd get nowhere." "This at least gives me a chance." "And you get away from your dad and I." "No, Mum..." "Yes, that's it." "It hasn't been a happy home for you." "I really hope you'll be happier there." "Kim has to hurry..." "The train doesn't wait." "Goodbye Mummy..." "I'll write." "Goodbye darling boy..." "Take good care of yourself." "Goodbye, Mum." "Next stop Malmberga." "Change trains for Viköping." "Next stop Malmberga." "Change here for Stockholm." "Can you tell me when the Viköping train leaves." "3.08" " What time's the Stockholm train?" " 4.32" "Kim!" "Is it really you?" "What are you doing here?" "I'm on my way to Stockholm and then Gothenburg... and you?" "Home..." "Kim..." "Receipt." "Thanks." "What are you doing in Gothenburg, Kim?" " Taking a ship." " Where to?" "Brazil..." "I'll be working on a coffee plantation." "Brazil!" "Why a sudden desire for little Viköping?" "It's not so sudden..." "I've been home every summer." "I didn't know that." "Why have you never called?" "It's over an hour before my train leaves..." "Can we go sit and talk?" "Sure." "You still hold the coffeepot the same way." "I still worry about the lid slipping." "I noticed it that first time." "Do you recall that evening?" "Yes... every detail..." "It's almost 6 years ago." "You were absurdly attractive." "And dreadfully nervous." "God, I was scared!" "And those characters..." "remember the mayoress?" "In red taffeta..." "and a wart on her chin!" "And the pharmacist's wife?" "She sang before I went on." "My first appearance in front of a paying audience." "I remember it all so clearly." "I can hear the mayoress's voice." "We'll now hear a recitation from young Miss Dahl." "I'd like to recite a poem by Ture Nerman..." ""The Most Beautiful Song"" "The most beautiful song about love, was never written down." "It dwelt in the streets of Montmartre in the heart of a poor Paris student." "It would have glown over all countries bright and made sweet springflowers bow." "And the world should have pressed to its bosom, a new Musset." "He would have wandered the banks of the Seine with his pale little blue-eyed Lucille..." "And wrote of violets welcoming an April night." "The most beautiful song about love, was never written down." "It is buried in a mass grave in Flanders with a poor Paris student." "Whoops!" "Following Miss Dahl's little song, we'll hear a children's choir led by Miss Qvarnström." "Come along children!" "Thank you Mr Malmsjö." "Mayor Munthe rode his old dobbin..." "His wife rode her pretty piebald..." "Then came Stolle riding on his gee-gee..." "Then came a priest on a limping horse." "But young Mr Karl had no saddle..." "He had to follow in the chaise." "But young Mr Karl had no saddle..." "He had to follow in the chaise." "Thanks for the recitation..." "It was outstanding." "Will you be on again this evening?" "Are you staying to the end?" " Do you have to?" " No." "Why don't we go down to Holmblom's instead." "I don't go to a café with someone who hasn't even introduced himself." " Joakim Lundell, clerk." " Inga Dahl." "Can we go now?" "I've introduced myself." "Maybe I don't want to go with you." " You know you want to." " You're very fresh!" "Let me go or I'll scream!" "No you won't!" " You're dreadful!" " You're beautiful!" "More coffee?" " Do you always hold them like that?" " Yes, I worry about the lid." "Who are you, that I've never seen you before?" "Do you think that's a bad thing?" "I feel I've been wasting my life." "I bet you say that to all the girls." "Yes, but only on the first date." "Was I awfully bad on stage?" "Terribly... good." "I've always wanted to go on stage." "My mother was an actress." "Prima donna of a theatrical company." "Dad was a stagehand." "What did he do?" "He looked after the sound effects..." "galloping hooves, thunder, and so on." "I don't remember much about them." "I live here with grandma." "And dream of becoming an actress, too." "I dream... but it can never happen." "Why ever not?" "How would I live?" "There's no permanent company here and we can't afford for me to go to drama school in Stockholm." "Anyway, I wouldn't be good enough to get in." "I'm sure you would." "Nice of you to say so." "I mean it." "Good night and thanks for this evening." "So, when can we meet tomorrow?" "Who said we'd be meeting tomorrow?" "I did." "Maybe I have a date already." "Not one that can't be broken." "Wait a minute..." "You haven't met Clodhopper." " Who?" " Clodhopper." "May I present Clodhopper..." "Miss Dahl." "That's funny!" "Where'd you get it?" "I bought it there this evening." "Would you like it?" "You'll have someone to keep you company till we meet tomorrow." "Goodbye." "Kiss me... it's been such a long time." "It must be several minutes, by now!" "Oh, I'm so happy!" "Me too." "It's almost scary..." "Is it possible to be so happy?" "Yes, it is." "I feel sorry for all those people who can't feel this way." "It's almost painful." "And to think it's only a month since we met." " All those months that we've missed out on." " And years." "Doesn't bear thinking about." "And now that we've met, nothing can separate us..." "Kim..." "Nothing!" "Nothing in the world!" "Inga!" "Yes, Grandma?" "It's after 11..." "Joakim's parents will be wondering..." "I was just about to leave, ma'am." "I thought she'd gone to sleep." "Probably best I go." "Grandma's going out on Thursday..." "She'll probably be away all evening." "But today's only Monday." "It's obvious you feel as much for me as I do for you." "No, much much more." "That's not possible." "Goodnight Kim, my darling." "Same time tomorrow." "My God, we were happy then!" "We have to pay..." "My train's due." "Miss..." "Inga... do you have to catch that train?" "Couldn't you take the next one instead?" "For my sake." "Would you like to pay?" "No... we'll have another coffee, thanks." "Why do you want me to stay, Kim?" "Do you really need to ask?" "Do I still mean anything to you?" "I love you." "I've never been able to love anyone else." "Why did it all fall apart?" "Why couldn't we have gone on being that happy?" "Well, it was just that I was a complete idiot obsessed with becoming an actress and because HE came." "Leo Waller in "The Power of Love"" "Come up in a minute..." "I'm just about ready." "Come in!" "You can take the big trunk and the brown case." "I'm sorry, but I didn't come for your luggage." "What do you want?" "To become an actress." "What was that?" "I'm sorry to bother you, but I've always dreamt of becoming an actress." "My mother was one, and as I was in town" "I thought I'd see if you might be able to help me somehow." "I know I'm being very presumptuous..." "but I really must become an actress, soon!" "Do you have any training?" "But I've given recitations at our local evening entertainments." "And I've been in school plays, of course." "And now you feel you must become an actress?" "My dear Mr Waller..." "Sorry, Leo..." "You have a visitor." "I'll wait for you in the foyer." "We only have a few minutes." "I'll be right out." "I'm sorry, I really have to go." "Just let me read something for you." "My dear, I have to finish packing..." "Just a very short piece!" "Do it, then." "Farewell..." "God knows when we shall meet again." "I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins..." "I'll call them back again to comfort me..." "Nurse!" "..." "What should she do here?" "My dismal scene I needs must act alone." "Come, vial." "(I'm holding a little bottle)" "What if this mixture do not work at all?" "Shall I be married then tomorrow morning?" "No this shall forbid it." "(It's supposed to be a knife)" "Lie thou there." "Mr Waller is busy." "What if it be a poison, which the friar Subtly hath minister'd to have me dead." "Now it's ME who has to have you out of the way..." "That was very good..." "Just work on it." "How do I get an engagement?" "Look me up in Stockholm..." "and we'll see what we can do." "So, you're promising to help me?" "Yes, but I have to go now." "Goodbye." "That was from "Romeo and Juliet"." "I thought you'd never come." "I had to pick up something on the way." "That's terrific!" "..." "But you have to write something." "Are you unhappy I'm going, Kim?" "I'm not jumping for joy..." "You can't be sure that Waller really meant what he said." "Well I'm going to give it a try, anyway." "If it doesn't work out, I'll soon be back." "You can be sure of that." ""...which is to learn nothing." What a stupid retort!" "A young lady's here to see you." "I told you I was not to be disturbed." "She said it was important and that you asked her to come." "Asked her?" "Have her come in then." ""I know nothing agreeable"." ""Agreeable"?" "..." ""In this world?"" ""I know nothing in this world more agreeable..."" ""than to bend your will to my command."" "I'm here now." "So it's YOU the girl who was hell-bent on becoming an actress..." "Welcome!" " What are you doing in Stockholm?" " That depends on you." "Depends on ME?" "You promised to help me get on the stage." "Maybe you didn't mean it." "I'm not a theatre manager, but..." "Sit down." "Do you want some breakfast?" "What's your name, by the way?" "Inga Dahl." "Not a bad name for an actress." "You said your mother was an actress." "Yes... only in the provinces." "She wasn't Therese Dahl?" "Yes." "Heavens!" "You're Therese Dahl's daughter!" " Did you know her?" " Yes, I knew her." "We toured in the same company for 2 years." "She was a prima donna..." "I was just an "actor, etc." on 150 a month." "But we travelled together, 3rd class." "I'm so envious you toured with her." "Tell me... how was she?" "Charming... almost as pretty as you." "I meant, how was she as an actress?" "As an actress..." "She was good... quite good." "She played the best Sigrid Storråda the provinces ever got to see." "Or Stockholm either, for that matter." " But she had more beauty than talent?" " Yes, I'd have to agree." "But that's not to disparage her talent." "I'm off to the theatre now..." "Come with me, and I'll talk to the manager." "Good morning, Andersson." "Is Linde in?" "You stay here and chat with Andersson." "You entertain our upcoming star, Andersson." "I'll do the best I can!" "So, you're an actress, Miss?" "No... but I'm hoping to become one." "I don't wish to scare you off but I tell you, it's no bed of roses!" "No, but it's a wonderful job, with wonderful people." ""Wonderful"..." "I'm not sure that's the right word..." "I like to say I see them "from behind" and that's where they're different." "Yes, that'd be right." "But there IS something about them, isn't there?" "Oh yes..." "They're like children, the lot of them!" "One minute they're hugging each other..." "next minute they're at each other's throats." "One day they're pouring champagne for everyone and next day they're screaming because the critics panned them." "They can be hard to put up with." "Can I just say that theatre people are a rabble but they're the only people worth knowing!" "My dear Leo, be reasonable..." "I can't take anyone else on." "I would if I could, but it's hard to make ends meet." "Not as long as you have me." "And there are plenty of small roles in that piece." "Have you fallen in love again?" "I've only seen her on two occasions." "That's usually enough for you..." "What about Vera... what'll she say?" "I couldn't give a damn what she says." "Are you tired of her?" "Well, Hugo... are you going to put her on or aren't you?" "About the contract..." "We haven't finalised about the tour." "What if I decided not to be part of it?" "My dear Leo... do you know what you are?" "A swine!" "Very likely." "But also a damned good actor..." "and very popular." "Do we have to quarrel?" "You only need pay her 200 or 300 a month." "Alright, you'll get what you want." "As usual, we agree." "See you later!" "Man oh man!" "..." "Never whistle in the theatre..." "It brings bad luck!" "I'm sorry..." "I didn't know." "Consider yourself engaged, Miss Dahl..." "Truly?" "Uncle Leo fixed it." "We'll take Act 2 from the beginning." "Mrs Blomkvist walks restlessly to and fro." "A bell is heard ringing 6 times..." "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...." "Begin!" "Where is she?" "Has something happened?" "Calm yourself mother, she'll soon be here." "But Miss Dahl!" "..." "That's your cue!" "I'm sorry." "Dear mother and sister, I'm sorry I'm late..." "But guess what happened to me..." "I went there, down by the well..." "and suddenly he stood before me." "He was tall and dark..." "and he smiled at me." "My heart stopped beating and stopped beating and I trembled." "...and I tripled and I..." "No... stop!" "You're impossible." "Can't speak, can't move... nothing!" "Can't even learn your lines, and we open in a week!" "I'm sorry, I could remember every word at home..." "But with you sitting there staring at me it all just goes away." " It YOU, needs to go away!" "If that's going to be your tone, I'm not rehearsing." "Good day!" "That's enough of that!" "Linde is an oaf..." "but don't let it bother you." "Every actor has had a Linde..." "It's part of the game..." "and it's horrible..." "You just have to clench your teeth and show them they're wrong." "Stop crying... dry your eyes." "I don't have a hankie." " Feeling better now?" " Yes thanks." "Come on... we'll go show them!" "So... what are we doing with this?" "Are those flowers?" "Put them down there." "Our debutante!" "Turn around!" "That's the kick for luck!" "How's it feel?" "I'm petrified!" "It'll all work out fine!" "Keep calm!" "Look..." "these are for the debutante." "For me?" "Yes... "Miss Inga Dahl"..." " Look... aren't they lovely?" " Who are they from?" "I don't know..." "I'll see..." " You don't know any men in Stockholm..." " No!" "..." "Guess who they're from..." "Leo Waller!" " So that's how it is!" " What do you mean?" "Nothing in particular." "Why do you always put him down?" "I happen to know him." "He's only ever been awfully nice." "I think he's wonderful." "Don't tell me you've fallen in love with dear Leo!" "Come in!" " Here are more flowers for Miss Dahl." " A bit much!" "None for me?" "Well, it's pretty obvious..." "I'm the wrong type." "The cute, innocent sort is in at the moment." "Last bell..." "Give me a kick." "My darling Inga, I'm here in the audience." "Fingers crossed for you." "Meet you outside afterwards." "Yours, Kim." "They're all in..." "Ready, girls?" "The bell..." "Where is she?" "has something happened?" "Calm yourself mother, she'll soon be here." "But guess what happened to me..." "I went down by the well..." " What's up?" " No..." " Kim!" "Thanks for the flowers!" " Don't mention it." "You were awfully good!" " It was me who clapped." " I realised that." "An autograph!" "Why didn't you write to say you were coming?" "I wanted to surprise you." "I went to your boarding-house, but you'd left." "I'm staying there too." "Where else would I stay?" "You know Stockholm..." "so where shall we go?" "Don't be upset Kim, but I can't go out with you tonight." "I have another invitation..." "The whole cast is going to the manager's." "It would look bad if I said no so suddenly." "So I travelled over 200 km for nothing?" "I'm sorry, but I can't be impolite..." "you have to understand It's so important for me now, at the beginning." " Will that Waller be there?" " Of course." "I should have known." "What do you mean?" "Nothing." "Well goodnight and thanks for this evening." "This is not my fault." "Is it my fault then?" "I was stupid to come." "Did I make a mistake loving you?" "Try and be reasonable." "If I can, I'll slip away early." "You can, then?" "I'll try." "Yes I'm coming." "Good night, Kim." " The flowers...?" " Take them back to the boarding-house." "'Bye." "My friends, there have been many speeches tonight." "Hugo has paid homage to the author..." "Oskar has expressed our love for our muse and the author has thanked us..." "But there's one we've left out..." "The debutante." "Her role was not large but was for me a symbol of that most important thing for all of us love of the theatre." "It's not so long since she came to me and said..." ""I MUST become an actress."" "Tonight she became just that." "We toast our debutante and bid her welcome into Thalia's realm." "What's up?" "You mad at someone?" "Leo's an idiot." "That speech of his!" " Why?" "He just showed a bit of heart." "Heart?" "!" "Don't give me that..." "I know him." "Leo loves nobody but himself." "But he does also love his work." "There he sits, so clever and worldly-wise... ..with her at the master's feet!" "Yuk!" "One could almost think you're jealous." "Of that cow-eyed little goose?" "No way!" "It must be wonderful to be a great actor." "Yes, of course it is but not in the way that people might think." "It's not the parties and champagne, and sleeping-in, and popularity..." "It's standing on the stage and making an audience laugh or cry.... ...to feel you're in control of it..." "that's what's wonderful." "Leo... could I have a word?" "Sure... excuse me." "What do you want?" "I'd like to go home." "How about you?" "I'll wait for the papers." "Well, I'm tired." "I think I'll wait for them." "I for one am interested in the reviews." "And in Miss Dahl." "Don't be silly, Vera!" "Is my being silly a nuisance?" "Please don't raise your voice." "I'll speak as loudly as I see fit." "That doesn't mean I have to listen." "Leo... if you don't come now, it's over between us." "Is that a promise?" "Yes it is." "Good night, then." "Thank you very much." "I'm back." "I should go." "Thanks so much for this evening." "Do you want to go?" "Not wait for the reviews?" "I wouldn't be mentioned." "I've already rung for a cab." "I can drive you home." "Thanks, but that's not necessary." "I thought it would have been very pleasant." "Of course, then." "Thanks so much for everything..." "I'll never forget it." "Me neither." "You're so sweet." "Would you be angry with me if I were to kiss you?" "No..." "Who's there?" "It's me, and I want to talk to you." "But Kim...." "I'm not dressed." "So what?" "Just open the door." "Why didn't you knock?" "It was so late and I was so tired." "You said you'd slip out early." "I wasn't able to." "Didn't want to, you mean!" "You believe whatever you want." "Why did it have to go all wrong?" "You can't imagine how happy I was to be here." "And now it's come to this." "I'm sorry too..." "Hello... could I have my tea..." "and all the morning newspapers." "It'll be interesting to see if I was noticed." "Surely you could have waited?" "You must realise how curious I am." "I realise how important I am now." "You just don't understand us theatre people." "Theatre people!" "You stood on a stage for the first time yesterday evening!" "But remember..." "I was born an actress..." "And I love the theatre!" "You can't know how it is to stand on the stage make contact with your audience and make them laugh or cry..." "and feel that you control them." "Did you feel that last evening?" "No... it was just a small role." "But I know it will happen." "Good morning, Aina..." "put the tray there." "You do this one." "So exciting!" "Here it is." ""A festive evening at The Grand."" "Lots of praise." "What do they say about you, then?" "I'm not mentioned." "I wasn't really expecting to be." "Here's something about you." "Miss Dahl, playing a young lady, had a presence about her." "That's good isn't it?" "At least something." "Do you think I can speak?" "Speak?" "Speak what?" "Inga Dahl was pretty to look at, but must learn to speak better." "How stupid!" ""In minor roles, notable were Rune Blomkvist, Sture Mo, and Inga Dahl." "Mentioned in 3 out of 4 papers..." "Brilliant!" "Congratulations, darling." "What's with you!" "?" "Can't I even kiss you?" "I don't know Kim..." "Let me go." "I've longed for you such a long time..." " Let me go!" " No, I won't let you go!" "You don't understand, Kim..." "I don't love you anymore." "I didn't want to say anything, but now you've forced me to." "I'm not good enough for you anymore." "You're not being fair, Kim." "I do still like you but I just can't bring myself to feel the same about you." "What made it happen?" "There doesn't have to be a particular thing." "Must be!" "..." "It's only a month since you left, and everything was fine." "Something must have happened during that time." "Is there someone else you're in love with?" "I don't know, Kim.." "Perhaps." "Is it Waller?" "What does it matter who it is?" "Goodbye then Inga..." "And good luck!" " Kim..." " Yes?" "When are you leaving." "If I hurry, I can catch the morning train." "Don't let me get you down, Kim." " How do you feel tonight?" " A bit nervous" "It's always easier on the second night." "Doing anything special afterwards?" "I planned on going home to bed." "You not a true actress, if you're in bed by 11.30." "What should I be doing?" "Having supper with me, naturally." "Why should it be natural?" "Because I'm so irresistibly interesting." " It's delightful!" " It's very comfortable." "And even more so with some champagne." " Not for me." " No?" "Don't you think I've had enough already?" "Not at all." "Looking at my collection?" "It's a good cross-section." "My fellow-thespians." "You seem to be short of male friends." "There wasn't room for them." "Cheers!" "I hope I can get your photo, too." "Thanks, but I don't want to be part of a collection." "Shall we go on play-acting..." "or switch to something more realistic." "I'd stick with play-acting..." "I think it suits us better." "Doesn't go with Schubert!" "So change the record." "Is it not beautiful?" "Yes... very." "You're starting to infatuate me." "It wasn't ever my intention." "Yesterday there was a little girl from the country who was in awe of a celebrated actor." "Now you're a young lady..." "and not very impressed." "You grow up, with experience." "Have you ever been truly in love?" "Why do you ask that?" "Just curious." "Have you?" "Once." "Why did it end?" "Who said that it had ended?" "Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to kiss you yesterday." "A kiss doesn't mean much." "For you, I believe it does." "And so it does for me, too." "Did it?" "Inga..." "Do you realise that I love you?" "You've said that to a lot of women." "Yes, I have." "But that was for their sake, not mine." "But it's so beautiful to be able to say it and mean it." "I can almost believe what you're saying." "Well, do that... because it's true." "How's it going?" "Dress Circle OK?" "How about the stalls?" "Sounds bad." "It'll be closed within a month." "How does it look tonight?" "Not all that bad." "We've got casting tomorrow." "I wanted to talk to you about that." "About the roles?" "Who'll play the daughter?" "Granströn." "The little girl with buck teeth?" "What's wrong with her?" "Her teeth don't spoil her acting." "Well find someone else for my role..." "Leo.. please!" "..." "I can't be in love with someone with teeth like that!" "May I point out something called a contract." "Let's hope my throat problem doesn't get worse." "Who would you put in the role." "Inga Dahl." "Leo... that's just not on!" "You have to accept the terms of your contract... it costs enough." "I can't have someone ruining my show." "I promise you she'll be wonder..." "My voice has gone!" "Be careful... your contract calls for a doctor's certificate." "I count several doctors among my best friends." "How I long for the day when I no longer need you!" "I understand..." "But it could take a while!" "So?" "Yes, she can have the part..." "but she'll be awful." "I'm not so sure about that." "Bye-bye, then!" "Hi, darling!" "Have you been here long?" "I came after rehearsal." "Where did YOU get off to?" "Not cheating on me?" "Yes... twice over." "Once with a house agent, and then with a lawyer." "Have you bought a house?" "No... not exactly." "Inga, I've been thinking about us these last weeks..." "This is not an ideal situation..." "at least not for you." "What do you mean by that?" "I thought of renting an apartment instead." " Who for?" " For you, of course." "But I can't afford an apartment." "No... but I can." "Leo... do you know me no better than that?" "Do you think I'd like an apartment that YOU paid for?" "I'd feel so cheap." "But Inga darling..." "We have to look at the practical side." "I know you'd like us to be married..." "But I'm not cut out to be a husband." " Let's drop the subject." " It's best we discuss it." "I just don't believe marriage is a state suitable for someone like me." "Two people forced to be together all day long wearing each other down with a thousand irritations." "And one day the most important thing is lost..." "love." "That sounds alright..." "but what if you want to have children?" "I do not wish to marry, full stop." "Well, I don't want to go on with this." "Sweetie..." "Be reasonable..." "Let things stay as they are..." "we love each other..." "Yes, but..." "Hello, darling..." "You have to get ready." "I'm so nervous about tonight." "First nights are always nerve-wracking." "It's going to be great..." "Let's have something to eat." "Are you leaving, sir?" "I don't have to look at such trash!" "Tell the director that!" "They can pass on my opinion." "When you've paid 24 kronor for tickets, you've a right to say what you think!" "And the female lead..." "Miss Dahl..." "She was frightful!" "The poor thing had stage-fright." "Stage-fright?" "I don't pay 24 kronor to watch people having stage-fright." "It's scandalous!" "A total fiasco!" "Leo... was i really that bad?" "Yes, unfortunately." "I don't understand..." "You were fine in rehearsal." "I became panic-stricken." "It was so terrible." "Everything became unreal..." "It was like I was outside of myself, listening to my own voice." "I didn't know what was happening..." "it was like a nightmare." "That was obvious." "I feel so sorry, for your sake." "I so wanted to be good, so you'd be proud of me..." "And for my own sake, too." "If I'd been lucky, I'd have become something..." "and not dependent on you." "But it didn't happen." "We shan't talk about this anymore." "Can't you be a bit nicer to me?" "Can't you understand how I feel?" "You just seem irritated." "Is that so damned surprising?" "I'm just not accustomed to fiascos!" "So don't expect me to be." "I don't think you need be like that..." "I didn't ask for the role." "That's the last time I let my work get mixed up with my personal life." " Does that mean it was my last role?" " Who said that?" "I won't try and influence Hugo again." "That means it WAS my last role." "It's nearly 2.30." "I shan't keep you." "Good night..." "See you in the morning." "NEW PROGRAM AT THE GRAND Theatre forced to repeat earlier production at short notice." "Our glorious audience." "Magnificent." "Performance went well this evening." " Sold out till Saturday." " That was something!" " Could pay well for you, Hugo." " Needs to, after the last fiasco." "Mr Waller, Inga..." "I mean Miss Dahl, is on the phone." " Did you say I was still here." " Yes, of course." "Tell you'd made a mistake..." "and I'd gone already." "But Mr Waller, I couldn't..." "Just do as I say, and remember to never be sure if I'm here." "So the fun's gone out of little Inga, has it?" "No... she's still a cutie." "But variety is the spice of life..." "I'm sorry, Miss..." "I was wrong." "He'd already left." "I see... that's how it is..." "Goodnight, Andersson." "Goodnight, lass, and sleep well." "Leo..." "What are you doing this evening?" "I'm busy." "Good night... see you tomorrow." "Bergling?" "Don't know the name." "We'll hand out some free tickets today." "Hello, Miss Dahl." "What do you want?" "I want to see if I can get out of my contract." "Do you want to stay on here?" "No." "It's not going to be of any use." " Does Leo know about this?" " No." "It's not usual to cancel a contract without a specific reason..." "But if you're not happy here, I won't force you to stay." "Here's your contract..." "So, I'll tear it up." " Here's my copy." " So, we'll tear that up, too." "So now you're as free as the day you came." "So, what will you do now?" "Will you go to our competition?" "They'll also be better off without me." "I've realised that enthusiasm alone is not enough to be an actress." "300 a month." "Your call for Viköping..." "Mr Kim Lundell is not at home." " Do you wish to leave a message?" " Yes thanks." "Why have you cancelled your contract?" "Are you going somewhere?" "Yes." "You'll get my letter tomorrow." "Why are you being so silly?" "There's no reason for me to stay." "You haven't been here for a fortnight." "I've been busy." "And how's little Ebba?" "You haven't done this on account of her, have you, for God's sake?" "!" "That's irrelevant." "We're not suited for each other." "I'm not enough for you." "You silly girl!" "As if you weren't enough for me!" "I let you smooth-talk me before..." "I'll not do it again." " When are you leaving?" " This evening." "You can't leave me like this, after all we've meant to each other." "Let us have one last night together and give everything a couple can give each other." "Tell me you'll stay." "I know..." "Promise!" "Yes... but only till morning." "I'll come straight after the performance." "Viköping..." "This is 53 26 18..." "I've booked Viköping 43..." "I want to cancel the call." "How strange for us to meet like this." "We'd better go, or we'll miss another train." "Do you really have to take this train?" "I've already said I was coming." "Can't you ring again and say you'll come tomorrow?" "Seeing we've met like this and I'm going so far away we might never see each other again we could at least have a few hours." "All aboard for Viköping." "Could I have my bag, too, please?" "Cheers... and thanks for staying." "I'd like to ask one thing..." "Did you ring once, 5 years ago?" "Yes." "Why was the call cancelled?" "Something came up in between." "It doesn't matter now." "What were you going to say to me?" "That I'd come home and be so happy to see you again." "So what stopped you?" "That's easy to figure out." "Kim, I was so stupid then..." "If only I'd gone back then, everything would have been different." "We might have been married now." "Probably." "Why did you go on living with him?" "I don't really know." "I was in love with him in a sort of a way." "He was charming and persuasive." "Although I knew he deceived me, I stayed anyway." "How did it end?" "He just stopped coming." "So why didn't you get in touch with me?" "That would've been unfair to you." "What do you mean "unfair"?" "I was no longer the Inga you'd been in love with." "But you were you..." "The only person in the world..." "Kim... don't say any more." "I feel bad enough already knowing how much I ruined for us both." "But what's done is done." "This is silly!" "Here we are meeting and getting stupidly sentimental." "We should be celebrating." "Drink and be happy for tomorrow we die." " It's not like that, Inga." " Yes, it is." "It's been so horrible these last years..." "I just want to be happy." "I want..." "What is it, Inga?" "It's nothing." "I'll be right back..." "stay there." "Darling... are you alright?" "I'm fine now..." "I just had a turn." "Maybe we should leave." "Will you have something to drink?" "I have some." "Did you notice what they're playing?" "Our melody." "It's sentimental... the way I feel..." "It's lovely." "You have to say hello to an old acquaintance." "Hello, Clodhopper!" "How's life been, Clodhopper?" "It's been this and that... mostly that." "Great to see you again." "The pleasure's all mine." "Goodbye." "Could we have our keys for 22 and 23." "Could I have a wake-up for 6.30." "You poor thing!" "8 o'clock for me." "What's the time?" "10.15" "Come in for a chat, if you'd like." "I would." "I'll just get myself ready first." "My God, you're pretty." "I almost feel indecent, receiving a man like this." "Sounds ridiculous, but it seems so." "I've longed for this moment all day." "So have I." "Kim..." "Kim..." "I'm so happy that we met." "It's been years since I felt this happy." "Me too." "We'll pretend we're together again..." "and forget all in-between." "We're home at Grandma's..." "the lights are out..." "There's only light from the fire..." "with you and I lying in front of it." "Without a word, we say so much to each other." "Oh, Inga, I love you!" "Think about Grandma... you can wake her." "Sorry, I forgot!" "I feel sorry for all those people who are unable to feel like you and I." "What are you thinking?" "That we'll be separated in the morning." "No... don't spoil it, Kim!" "Let's forget about everything and just be really happy." "Do you remember what you used to do when we lay there." "Ask for a kiss." "I wasn't thinking of that." "You used to read beautiful poems." "It's a long time since I read any poems." "I'd love to hear one." "It's most beautiful as it darkness falls..." "All of love the heavens hold..." "Collected in the falling light across the earth..." "across the houses..." "All is affection, all is caressed by hands..." "The Lord Himself obliterates distant strands..." "All is near, all is far away..." "All is just for humankind on loan..." "All is mine and all shall be taken from me..." "Very soon shall all be taken from me." "The trees, the clouds, the ground I walk upon..." "I shall wander alone, without a trace." "Don't cry..." "Kim... it's ringing in your room." "Jesus, is it that late?" "Thanks very much." "Inga..." "I'm not going." "No... not now that we're together." "Or why don't you come with me, instead?" "I'd love to..." "But I can't." "Our meeting was meant to be, for that reason!" "But it's impossible, Kim..." "I've no passport, no luggage, nothing." "In that case, I won't go." "How would it be, if we went home to Viköping?" "Even if we got married..." "You'd still be without work, and I'd be living with Grandma." "What sort of life would that be?" "I'd still be able to see you every day." "You have to think about your future, Kim." "You have to become something so that you can look after me." "Or we'll have no chance." "It may me many years before I come home again." "I'll wait for you." "No matter how long it takes." "Do you promise?" "We'll be so happy!" "Unbelievably happy!" "Kim, you have to leave now..." "It's almost time." "Goodbye, darling." "Don't forget how much I love you, and wait for me." "Yes..." "I'll wait." "Will you stand at the window as the train passes... ..so I can see you one last time." "Subtitles by FatPlank for KG" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Wait for me here, please." " Hello, doctor." " Hello." "He's out of control." "Go find my mother or I'll jump!" "Enough, Théo." "I want to see my mother." "Listen, Théo." "Listen to me." "Nobody's stopping your mother from coming to see you." "That is not true!" "Théo!" "Come down." "Don't be a moron." "I'll try to make her visit you." "I promise." "I'll call your mother myself." "Alright?" "Oh, shit..." "She's 10 minutes late." "Don't worry." "She'll make it." "I hope she's okay." "She must be relaxing somewhere." "I hope you'll take care of her, like my husband." "Don't expect too much." "David has a hard time taking care of himself." "I don't know how he'll make it." "I'VE MARRIED A STRANGER" "Do I still have time to say yes?" "Because for me, it's a yes." "Yes, yes, yes." "For better, for worse." "David chose me as a witness not because we've known each other forever." "I'm his best friend." "But to buy my silence." "But I won't give in to emotional blackmail, so I'll tell you all about mysterious David Delorme." " Tell us everything!" "Once upon a time, there was a very naughty boy." "He did all the stupid things a child does." "He would fight, bite and hit." "He would flirt with all the girls and steal your fiancée, if you had the luck to find a girl who didn't love him first." "She's only known him for six months." "She didn't even sign a prenup." "She's in love." "What can we do?" "Only magic can explain that in less than 6 months," "Emma managed to change the George Clooney of sandboxes into a husband and a future dad." "He used to swear he would never get married or have children..." " And he doesn't have a job." " Don't say that." "He's a freelancer." "I might be old-fashioned, but for me, if you don't make money, it's not a job." "I introduced David, my best friend, to Emma, the best psychiatrist in my team." "It was at a concert of Virginie, my wife." "Aurélien, we'll never forget Virginie." "I don't want to spoil the party." "Long live the newlyweds!" "I knew you were the one the first time I saw you." "Really?" "That was not the case for me." "When I saw you, I thought: "What a fool!"" ""Arriving in the middle of a concert!"" ""He can't be a friend of Aurélien and Virginie." ""No way!"" "What is it?" "You're shaking." "You'll get tired of me." " I know your reputation." " I won't." "I will never, ever get tired of you." "That's easy to say." "How will you prove it?" "I'll take you to the house I inherited from my mother." "It's a small house." "You'll like it." "You remember the way." "Yes, although it's been a long time." "There's only one house near." "With a barn, by the way." "When I was a kid, I used to think an ogre lived inside." "This place is freaky." "I think it's beautiful." "Here we are!" " Is this yours?" " Yes." "My first one." "What did you like?" " You'll make fun of me." " Wait." "No, no..." "Don't laugh, okay?" "Oh, darling." "Deep inside, you're a romantic." "Too cute!" "It's nothing to be ashamed of." "I have to cut some wood." "Otherwise, we'll freeze to death." "Shit..." "David!" "David?" "Is that you?" "What are you doing?" "No!" "What's going on here?" "No..." "Help..." "We'll take you to the hospital." "We'll take care of you." "Commander, we found a guy near the lake." "David?" "You know him?" "He's my husband." "Emma!" "You'll have to explain why you're in that state." " Are you hurt?" " You're coming with us." "What's going on?" "Emma!" " I want him to come with me." " No." "He'll be interrogated." " She's my wife." " Calm down." "Let me pass." "Emma!" "Hello, madam." "You come from far." "My baby." "He's fine." "And you're doing well." "You were lucky." "It almost hit the femoral artery." "You needed stitches on your upper thigh." "Where's my husband?" "Commander Loison." "Remember me?" "I have to ask you..." "Hello!" "Hello..." "Detective Soraya Lakhdar." " What are you doing here?" " Why?" "It happened in our jurisdiction." "The case is ours." "She's from Marseille." "It's my case." "My team and I found Mrs. Delorme and put her husband under arrest." "There is no way we're going to step aside." "The prosecutor has designated both divisions." "Would you please settle your problems outside?" "It's the least you can do." "We'll talk about it later." "Do you have any enemies, madam?" "I don't think so, no." "You work as a psychiatrist in a rehab institute." "Yes." "I work with teenagers in difficulty." "It's a high-risk job, isn't it?" "You have unstable patients." "Maybe, but none of them would be likely to do this to me." "Your last name has been Delorme since two days ago, right?" " Yes." " You just got married." "Did you argue with your husband?" "That's enough for today." "She needs to rest." "Here's my card." "You can call me anytime." "I'm leaving." "Don't touch me." "I have to admit it." "You're tactful." "If her husband did it, he'll do it again." "From my experience, the obvious suspicions are rarely right." "And according to my experience, the worst is always true, especially with couples." "David?" "They wouldn't let me go." "I came as quickly as I could." "As fast as I could." "I'm here now." "This is perfect." "Everything's alright." "You were very lucky indeed." " Do you hear his heartbeat?" " Yes." "The police asked me where you were during the attack." "Where were you?" "I was picking twigs and I fell into a duck trap." "Did you see the guy?" "No, I didn't see him." "What's the matter?" "You don't believe me?" "Well... yes." "It's just that I found some expired ham in the fridge." "It was from last summer." "But you hadn't been there in 15 years." "Yes." "At least." "Don't you think someone could've been living in the house?" "Maybe the attacker returned and just lost it." "Don't worry about the ham." "I lent the house to a friend." "The police didn't seem to believe my story." "I contacted a lawyer." "I know him well." "What for?" "We have nothing to hide." "The evidence is against me." "My fingerprints are on the axe and I have a motive." "If you die, I inherit everything:" "your house, your life insurance." "That's ridiculous." "I have to protect myself." "The police are trying to protect me." "Thank you." "Wait." "What a mess." "Wait." "Come here." "Let's do it the right way." "Oh, honey!" " What are you...?" " Come on in." "What are you doing here?" "It's Emma's house." "She inherited it from her father." " Yes." " It's our house now." "What happened?" "How's the baby doing?" " Who would want to hurt her?" " Let us breathe, will you." "David..." "Can't you come home and rest for a couple of days?" "Montpellier is not far." "We'll be there in 2 hours or so if there's no traffic." "I'll take care of everything." "Do you think I'm going to ask her to do the cleaning?" "Don't take it badly, David." "I'm saying this for Emma's own good." "You can go if you want." "No, I'll stay." "Are you sure?" "Your room is ready." "Yes, Mom." "I'm sure." "If you change your mind, you know you're welcome." "Alright, then..." "I'll call you in the morning." "Or tonight." "I'll be okay, Mom." "I just need to rest." "Please." "Goodbye." "We said we would avoid routine, but this is too much." "A 5-day leave is not a lot." "David, my mother still treats me like a child." "So, please." "I expect a different thing from my husband." "Really?" "What exactly do you expect?" "I don't know." "A little bit of kindness, maybe some perversity." "Who's that?" "A patient." "You don't have the right to have a sexy husband?" "He doesn't need to know every detail about me." "Really?" "Besides, he's very fragile." "He's an addict." "His father died and he thinks we don't let him see his mother." "She started a new life and doesn't care about her kid." "I see." " Do you want help?" " No, it's okay, I can..." ""I can manage"." "I know, I know..." "See you tonight... my love." "See you tonight." "Take care." " Did you almost die?" " How many stitches?" "Did you see the light?" "They say the killer had an axe." "Is that true?" "Listen..." "I understand that... this attack disturbs you." "Try to speak one at a time and only about how you feel." "Yes?" "Do you know what people used to think?" "That the person who died a violent death kept the image of their killer stamped on their retina." "It's an interesting belief." "Théo, would you tell us how you feel about it?" "One day, my mom was holding a glass of champagne." "She was holding it so tight that the glass exploded." "She needed 4 stitches." "I was there when they sewed her up." "Have you called her?" "Yes." "Three times." "She didn't answer, but I'll try again." "I already left you a message." "I'm your son Theo's psychiatrist." "I would really appreciate it if you could call me back." "Hello." "What are you doing here?" "You killed my daughter." "You should've quit." "I understand your grief, Mr. Berger." "I did try to save Alice." "Chatting doesn't cure anorexia!" "Talking helps express fears and overcome them." "Your daughter had made huge progress." "One day, something happened, I don't know what, and Alice shut herself away." "There was nothing I could do." "My daughter died because of you!" "You killed her!" "What's going on?" "He's right." "I must have missed something." "Stop torturing yourself." "I screwed up!" "I thought Alice was doing better, but she was not." "We all screw up at some point." "I overestimated Théo's reaction when Virginie killed herself." "Remember?" "Every time she came here, they would go to the park and talk on a bench." "I thought he'd have a hard time getting over it." "That wasn't the case." "I was the one in shock." "I should've known better." "You have to think about yourself now." "Talk about the attack to a colleague." "I don't know." "I can't stop thinking about that hunter." "That man died trying to save me." "Not going to answer?" "It's my mother again." "She sends me a text every hour." "Although it could be worse, you know." "We'll have to eventually open all those wedding gifts." "Absolutely!" "It's like Christmas." "I've always loved that." "Me, not so much." "I've always hated it." " Even when you were little?" " Especially then." "Christmas reminded my brother and I that we were the only ones whose father had left." " You have a brother?" " Yes." "You never told me." "Why wasn't he at the wedding?" "We aren't speaking anymore." "I don't want to talk about it." "Besides, I have work to do." "Open the gifts." " What are you writing about?" " Wine." "The Russian mafia is laundering money by buying French vineyards." "I have to meet a source." "The story's likely to be a scandal." "So, there." "I'll see you later." "Maternal Instinct" "David!" " What's the matter?" " There." "Look." "What's this?" "I don't know." "Hello." "Who are you?" "Lucie Lambert." "I'm a nurse." "Emma's parents hired me to take care of their daughter." "We don't need anyone." "I can take care of her." "My employer warned me you would have this reaction." "Can I talk to Emma?" "Hello." "I'm Lucie Lambert." "I'm a nurse." "Hello." "It was your stepfather's idea." "He must think I'm unable to take care of you." "Dismiss her." "Hello?" "Yes, hello." "Alright." "I'll be there." "I have to meet the source I told you about." "In Paris." "I'll take you to Aurélien's." "You'll be safe there." " You're leaving?" " Yes." "I don't want you to go!" "Alright, do it." "It doesn't matter." "I'll stay here." "She'll make sure nothing happens to me." "I'll be back soon." "Nothing will happen to you." "There are as many duck traps here as angels in paradise." "You're wrong." "I've seen three near the ponds." " Duck traps." "Not angels." " I get it." "Thank you." "I used to come with my father." "Stay here." "You might break a heel." "This David Delorme guy is taking us for a ride." "I did some research." "He was arrested for assault and battery." "The circumstances are different, though." "We're dealing with a wacko who uses an axe." "I mean, he hit his father!" "He has issues with his family." "Maybe, but he was 17." "Kids do stupid things, right?" "Yes." "Okay." "Forget about his record." "In this case, we have his fingerprints and he has no alibi." "Motive?" "He had just got married." "The attack was premeditated." "The guy was wearing a ski mask." "Well, yes." "If it's not a crime of passion, it's about money." "Emma's not Croesus." "She just inherited a life insurance." "And a house." "For a jobless journalist, it's a lot." "Just look at the statistics." "In 90 % of homicides, the murderer is a close relation." "When the victim is a man, his wife is guilty in 62 % of cases." "When it's a woman, it rises to 93 %, which is huge." "I've been a cop for 30 years." "I've seen a lot." "Statistics mean nothing." "Statistics!" "Percentages are only good in the kitchen." "What's the matter with you?" "It's only statistics." "Careful, it's slippery." "Nice." "Looks like you've find the duck trap." "Give me your hand." " Are you alright?" " Yeah, I'm fine." "Hello, madam." "Detective Soraya Lakhdar and Commander Loison." "Hello, madam." "Do you live in the area?" "Yes, with my son." "What's your name?" "Valérie Chantenier." "Do you know the Delormes?" "Vaguely." "They live over there." "Did you hear any noise last Sunday at around 6pm?" "We were watching TV." " Are you positive?" " Yes." "Can we see your son?" "He might have heard something." "Yes, but he's at school now." "The house has been empty for a while, right?" "I don't know." "I see a man from time to time." " Can you describe him?" " Brown hair, around forty." " That's vague." " I'm sorry." "Can you come to the station, make a statement?" " Of course." " Thank you." "Bring your son." " Okqy." "Goodbye." " Goodbye." "There's something else." "I remember a detail:" "Last summer, there was a grey station wagon." " Thank you." " You're welcome." "Bye." "Bye." "Like Delorme's!" "He said he hadn't been here in 15 years." "Either he lied, or..." "Did you happen to get a dead mouse as wedding gift?" "I'm not married." "I prefer cats to men." "They're more faithful." "You're an optimist." "You think I should be?" "I worked at the hospital." "The patients were as faithful as the doctors." "I got to see a couple of things." "A true brothel!" "I don't like men anymore." "I'll go to the store that sells these boxes." "They might remember who bought this one." "I'm coming with you." "Your stepfather doesn't want you to go out alone." "My stepfather?" "Now he thinks he has a right to track me?" "Where are you going?" "Upstairs, to the office." "Do you need a note?" "You won't follow me everywhere." "I received the order to not let you out of my sight." "Call my stepfather." "Tell him you're fired." "I can deal with your help but I don't need a screw on my back 24/7." "Hello." "I need the phone number of silversmith Pierre Demay, please." "Yes." "I'll write that down." "Yes, just a second." "Maybe you can transfer the call." "Hello." "I'm calling you about a silver box." "It's a shell." "A scallop shell." "I'd like to know if you have a customer file, or the name of the person who could have bought it." "You don't sell them anymore." "Since when?" "Alright." "Alright." "Thank you." "Red Wine, Slush Funds" "Mrs. Lambert?" "Mrs. Lambert!" "Mrs. Lambert?" "Are you there?" "Hello?" "Mrs. Lambert!" "Emma?" "What's the matter?" "She was probably upset." "The vase was on the floor and the window was open, as if someone had broken in." "Maybe it was the wind." " What about the phone call?" " Wrong number." "You were attacked." "You see things." "It's a normal reaction." "Great." "The psychiatrist has made a diagnosis." "I'm just trying to reassure you." "You look so worried." "Where was David when that happened?" "He left you alone?" "He had a job meeting." "I insisted that he go." "He doesn't like to be dependent on me financially." "It has nothing to do with you." "David has always had issues with money." "His father abandoned them." "He left them broke." "Kids at school used to make fun at them." "You shouldn't feel guilty." "I didn't even know he had a brother until this morning." "Why wasn't he at the wedding?" "He's in prison." "He was convicted for robbery." "But that's..." "Why didn't he tell me?" "Don't tell David that I told you." "He will tell you himself." "It was a shock for him." "He loved his brother." "Maybe he feels it's a humiliation to your perfect family." "Is there anything else I should know?" "Does he have more secrets?" "Look, Emma, whatever happens, I'll be here for you." "I need to go to the bathroom." "David got your message." "He just called." "He's on his way." "Thank you." "I saw a box in the bathroom, a shell-shaped box." "It's beautiful." "Where did you get it?" "Virginie and I received it as a wedding gift, 4 years ago." "I don't remember who gave it to us." "Why?" "No reason..." "I got the same." "Maybe someone bought a stock and makes the same gift every time." "How was the meeting?" "Good, but I should've stayed here." "Why did she leave like that?" "I don't know." "We had an argument." "Maybe she wanted to take revenge by breaking a vase." "What an idiot." "Anyway, good riddance." "I just want all this to be over." "Don't worry, we'll stick together." "Here, honey." "You need to build up your strength." "Thank you." "That must be my lawyer." "We're going to prepare for my version of the facts." "Your version of the facts?" "There's only one, right?" "The truth." "Cops don't believe in the truth." "There are only plausible stories." "Do you understand?" "Did you empty the locked drawer in your desk?" "You're going through my stuff?" "Have your mother and stepfather brainwashed you?" "Nonsense!" "I was looking for a sheet to write down a number." "I work with explosive documents." "Someone could steal them." "So I lock them up." "Sometimes, I move them." "It's irrational, I know, but I do it anyway." "Are you making progress on your article?" " Yes." "It's getting on." " What's the title?" "Red Wine, Slush Funds." "Do you like it?" " I'm very sorry." " Thank you." "My heartfelt condolences." "He saved my life." "I will never forget that." "Thank you." "Please accept... my condolences." "I'm sorry, but we have to go back to the beginning." "The living-room is dark." "The fuses have blown." "I call David, but I get no answer." "Do you still hear the axe?" "No." "I don't hear anything." "At that moment... you go downstairs." "What happens next?" "I go downstairs and..." "I look out the window." "It's dark, so I'm scared." "I see a pile of logs but David's not there." "So I look for him and..." "I shout: "David!"" "And then, I see a dark silhouette coming towards me." "He's wearing a ski mask." "He's wearing gloves." "And a hooded sweatshirt." "He has..." "He's carrying an axe." "He lifts it up." "Let's sit down, Emma." "I'm going to ask you again:" "Is there any other physical trait you remember?" "He was of average build." "I didn't see his eyes." "Why do you think he was wearing a ski mask?" "So he wouldn't be recognized." "Especially if he was close to you." "Right?" "Your husband was seen here last summer." "Did you know?" "I'm going to talk to you like a friend." "I've seen hundreds of women at the station, battered women who defend their husbands, who know they're abusing their daughters but remain silent." "I think you're wrong." "I'm not a coward." "You know, I too believed in love." "For 2 years, I lived an amazing story." "Until I found out he was cheating on me." "The worst thing is everybody knew but me." "Yes, but I'm a shrink." "It's my job to notice when people are lying." "You see evil everywhere." "David and I love each other." "You can call me at any time." "Thank you." "The officer in charge of the investigation..." "She seems nice." ""She seems nice"?" "She wants to lock me in." "I didn't tell anything to the cops." "Also, I didn't lead them to the duck trap." "You lie to the cops, you lie to me!" "Do you ever tell the truth?" "Can you tell the truth and your lies apart?" "Why do you say that?" "Because of everything!" "Why do you keep your drawers locked?" "Why don't you tell me your brother's in jail?" "Why don't you tell me your article's not progressing?" "Why did you say you hadn't been in the house for 15 years?" "The neighbors saw you last summer!" "I'm sick of your lies, David!" "What are you doing?" "I'll stay at my parents'." "I have to go to the institute first." "I'll sleep there." "It's closer to the station." "My train departs for Montpellier at 9am." "I hope you'll tell me more when I come back." "Don't!" "Mom" "Hello, Romane." "Please, come in." "I know you blame me for Alice's death." "I feel terribly guilty too." "I thought..." "You won't kill my other daughter!" "Mr. Berger, Romane wanted to come." "I'd like to listen to her." "I came to punch you in the face." "You're going to suffer, too." "You'll see." " Calm down." " I won't calm down." " Mr. Berger, please." " No, I..." "Are you okay?" "Thank you, Théo." "I'm in a hurry." "My mother's coming and I don't want to make her wait." "Alright." " He's gone." " Thank you." "I'm going to sleep here tonight." "It's not very comfortable." "Come to my place." "No, thanks." "I'll sleep on the couch." "Are things going that bad?" "Let's say I need to take a break." "You're staying here for how long?" "I'll take the 9am train to Montpellier." "Can I take some days off?" "No problem." " She didn't come?" " She will." "Come on, Théo." "At least wait for her inside." "No." "If she doesn't see me, she might change her mind." "I'll wait for her here." "She'll come." "She's coming." "Ladies and gentlemen, for security reasons, crossing the rails is prohibited." "Ladies and gentlemen, a train is now arriving." "Is this paradise?" "With cops and doctors?" "You shouldn't be making jokes." "I'm spending too many hours on you." "Did you arrest him?" "He left on his skate, but we're tracking him down." "No, it's not him." "The kid..." "He saved my life." "He didn't push me." "Detective, we arrested the kid." "He's not very chatty, though." "We have a boy who saw the attack, but he's not saying anything." "Despite your legendary tact?" "I'm surprised." "Can I see him?" "He's all yours." "I hear you don't want to talk to us?" "What's the point?" "Look at my face." "I'm screwed." "I know the fuzz." "Don't insult me." "I'm a police officer." "Besides, I have... two sons." "They're the same age as you." "The first one has tattoos and thinks about girls all day long." "The second one has long dreadlocks." "He likes reggae and flirting with guys." "They're very helpful at home." "They run some errands for me, etc." "So, see, I don't exactly judge by appearances." "You saved someone today, and that's huge." " Is she okay?" " Yes." "Thanks to you." "But it can't happen again." "We need to find the attacker." "Can you help us?" "There was no one on the platform." "I noticed that woman." "She was checking out her phone." "Was he wearing a ski mask?" "Yes." "A black thing covering his head." "We can rule out the possibility of a lunatic breaking in." "Yes." "It was premeditated and he'll do it again." "But we do know the attacker." "He has to be held in custody." "Sweetie..." "Are you alright?" "It hurts." "Your wound opened up." " The baby?" " He's doing good." "He's clinging on to you." "Hello, madam." "Your husband won't be able to come." "He's in custody." "You must tell us what happened in the last few hours." "Did you and David have an argument?" "No." "You must tell us everything." "Your life's at risk." "Honey, tell them the truth." "We had a little argument, but..." "Where was the nurse?" "Couldn't she help you?" "Protect you?" "She was gone." "I fired her." "That's weird." "She was supposed to tell us if she was leaving." " Have you had any news from her?" " No." "She just disappeared." "The door was open." "I thought someone was inside." "Were you alone?" "Yes." "David had a meeting in Paris." "Apart from your parents, who else knew about your plans?" "Aurélien Castelnau, the head of department." "And your husband." "Yes." "But there's something else." "Two weeks ago, one of my patients died." "An anorexic teen." "Her father thinks I'm to blame for her death." "He verbally threatened me a few days ago." "Yesterday, he tried to hit me." "He's Vincent Berger." "You're coming with us to Montpellier." "No, I want to go home." "You said you wanted to leave David." "No, I said I needed a break." "I want to see him now." "We need to talk." "The sooner, the better." "You really think so?" "Please, stay out of this." "I need to talk to my husband." "I need to be sure about it." "Staying with David is suicidal." "I have a friend who is a cop." "He did some research." "Are you crazy?" "Have you lost all respect?" "Not when your life's at stake, Emma!" "Did you know he had a convicted brother?" "Yes." "But crime is not hereditary, for your information." "Did you know David had a record?" "He beat up his father." "Three cracked ribs, broken tooth, broken wrist." "I might just be your stepfather, Emma, but I care about you." "So two people knew she was leaving on the 9am train." "Aurélien Castelnau, and you." "Did she tell you?" "My client has nothing to say." "Mr. Delorme, you do realize that you were alone with her the first time, and you're one of the two people knowing about the train?" "He won't talk as long as we don't have access to the file." "You should explain what's going on, for your own sake." "I have a simple question, Mr. Delorme:" "did you try to kill your wife on two occasions?" "Don't stay with him." "Come with us, honey." "I need to talk to him, Mom." "Do you prefer to stay downstairs or are you going to sleep with me?" "It depends." "Are you my husband or a stranger?" "You have to stop lying, David." "It's our last chance." "I don't even know why I'm giving it to you." "I try to do my best but I keep screwing up." "However, I never hurt you and I never will." "Do you hear me?" "Why would I believe you?" "When you were at the station, I was here with Aurélien." "Is that true?" "Of course it's true." "I was feeling down last night." "I called him, he came and we talked until morning." "That's why the cops let me go." "Keep trusting me." "Ouch!" "It still hurts." "They don't want to give you painkillers?" "No." "They want their patients to suffer." "Stop it." "You know it's because of the baby." "Mrs. Lambert?" "Don't bother." "There's no one here." "Yes." "I was upstairs." "Nothing's missing." "She looks meticulous." "It's easy to tell when something happens to meticulous people." "Is that a reproach?" "No." "But I hope the mess in your office is in inverse proportion to the clarity of your deductions." "The mail is piling up..." "The letters are from the day she disappeared." "She didn't show up to work." "It is indeed a disturbing disappearance." "Who would want to get rid of her to be alone with Emma?" "David." "Once again." "Right now he's alone with her." "Nothing can stop him." "You're not taking into account the Berger girl's father." "David!" "I'm coming." "There you go." "Toasts, foie gras, some chocolate and an excellent wine." "A wedding gift." "Pregnant women aren't supposed to drink." "You forgot that detail." "Okay, just one sip." " Here." "It's ready." " Thank you." "Alright." "Cheers to you, Mrs. Delorme!" "To my husband!" "David?" "You're not sleeping?" "No." "I haven't been able since the first attack." "I'm scared for you, I'm scared of everything." "I'm scared of me, too." "Why?" "My own father has been a bastard." "It's hard to imagine myself as a husband, let alone a father." "To be honest with you, it scares me." "I'm afraid I won't measure up to it." "I don't talk when I don't write because I feel pathetic." "There." "You're brilliant, smart, you have talent." "That's why I love you." "And I'm not able to write a single line." "It's like being paralyzed." "I write the first sentence and it's always wrong." "So I delete it and start all over again..." "Yes." "You don't know what it's like." "I would like to be as brave as you are." "I'm even impressed by your resistance to pain." "It doesn't hurt anymore." "I can't take it when you're in pain." "I gave you painkillers." "Don't worry." "It's only plants." "Anything else you need to tell me, David?" "Yes." "In the drawer, there were love letters." "From an ex whom I hurt." "That's why I kept them." "I left her for you." "But that's all." "I would like you to finish this sentence:" ""In 5 years, I would like to be..."" "Mohamed?" "What about you, Théo?" "In 5 years, I'll be dead." "What's on your mind?" "Isn't there a future you would like?" "Any comments?" "In 5 years, I'd like to be an aromatherapist." "What?" "Help!" "If the Bergers are emotionally abusive to their daughter, we should do something about it." "Let's go to their house." "We'll make a report if necessary." "You think the guy wanted to kill you!" "I already screwed up once." "I can't just ignore the other girl." "What are you doing with that?" "Autopsy Report" "After what happened to you," "I wonder if it was a suicide." "You think Virginie might have been killed?" "I don't know anymore." "Hello, Mrs. Berger." "Can we have a word with you?" "My husband's not here." "He'll be home any minute now." "Well... we'll wait for him." "We brought you your daughter's file." "Can I use your bathroom, please?" "It's the door with the pink handle, at the end of the hall." "Thank you." "Private Property No Trespassing" "Can you turn it down, please?" "I saw your message." "I didn't right that." "What do you want?" "Tell me what's going on." "You already lost one daughter." "Do you really want to lose both?" "What is it?" "Are you suffering from violence?" "Those girls are abused by their father." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "I can feel it." "With her anorexia," "Alice ended up refusing her femininity." "Romane is the opposite." "She overexposes herself." "She tries to be ultra feminine." "We need proof." "We can't make a report over a feeling." "Yes, I know." "I'll go back over her case file." "Come home with me." "I can take care of you." "I'm going to be alright." "I promise." "Hello, Mrs. Leroy?" "I've called you several times." "I'm doctor Emma Chazel-Delorme, Théo's psychiatrist." "Do you think we could meet each other to discuss his case?" "Madam, I can't force you to come and see your son, but it's the best..." "If you come again, I'll kill you!" "Yeah, right!" "Sorry." "He had a good alibi for both attacks." "His company's near the station." "He must have seen you there." "Your husband was lucky." "We were ready to arrest him." "Your boss lied to protect him." " He wasn't with him." " What?" "Clearly, we shouldn't have suspected your husband." "Anyway..." "Congratulations for your cold blood." "You managed to arrest your own attacker." "We have to verify the father's alibi for the station attack." "You don't think he did it?" "It's not that." "The first two times, the guy was wearing a ski mask." "Last night, Vincent Berger was barefaced." "You'll probably say it's a detail..." "But the devil often hides behind details." "Soraya Lakhdar." " What are you doing here?" " I wanted to speak to the doctor." "Doctor Castelnau's not in his office." "Did he leave?" "He was here 5 minutes ago." "Didn't he tell you anything?" "Alright." "Thank you." "Autopsy Report" "What distance?" "I don't know..." "Between 800 m and 1 km." "Do you always go for rides?" "Yes." "Every day." "Is this the man you saw last summer?" " No." " Are you sure?" "I've never seen him before." "I verified Berger's alibi during the station attack." "Many of his employees say he was at work." "He might well be a nasty bastard, but he's not the axe killer." " Do you know him?" " Yes." "That's him." "He was with a woman." "Here." "Thank you." "Nobody believed in my innocence." "Thank God they arrested Berger, because your lousy alibi..." ""Lousy"..." "Yes, hello?" "Yes, it's me?" "Are you sure?" "Tonight?" "Alright." "Yes, we'll be there." "Thank you." "It was the police." "They want to do a last reenactment." "This nightmare is coming to an end." "Do you realize?" "It's weird." "They told me to wait for them here." "I'm going to check inside." " Hello?" " Detective, this is Emma Delorme." "We just arrived for the reenactment." "No one's here." "What reenactment?" "None of my colleagues called you." "Emma, it's a trap." "Where are you?" "Who are you with?" "I'm with my husband." "Alone with David?" "No one's here." "Can you stay somewhere safe?" "Are you okay?" "You look weird." " I called the station." " And?" "Well... they're on their way." "They're running late." "I'm a bit cold." "I'm going to get my scarf." "I'm coming with you." "What's the matter?" "My leg still hurts." " Would you go?" " No." "I won't leave you alone." "I'll wait for you here." "Don't worry." "Stay here." "I'll hurry up!" "Emma!" "Baby, where are you?" "Emma!" "Help!" "Théo?" "Virginie..." "Don't look at me as if I were a freaking ghost." "I'm here." "And I'm very much alive." "Six months ago, I saw a girl die." "A junkie." "I was out for a ride, like every day." "I got down from the horse." "She's was dying from an overdose." "She was lying on her back... with her red hair all around her face." "It was like contemplating my own death." "Missing Person" "And then, tilt." "I decided to disappear and make it look like a suicide." "After a month in the water, a body's unrecognizable." "Aurélien knew I suffered from depression." "He thought it was me." "I met Théo at the institute... when I went to pick up Aurélien." "We grew closer." "He was easy to manipulate." "But why?" "Because of David." "You idiot!" "Once upon a time, your prince charming was in love with me." "Before you two met, he and I were lovers." "We would meet at his place." "When he met you, he just disappeared." "He dumped me without hesitating." "As if I was dead." "And you..." "You..." "You didn't notice anything." "You were blinded by your big ideals!" "You believed that two couples could be forever friends!" "You clung so hard to your stupid fairy tale!" "There was a time... when your husband loved to write, believe it or not." "Why are you doing this, Théo?" "Virginie is using you." "She doesn't love you." "She loves my husband, David." "She's mine!" "You're lying!" "No." "On the contrary." "I say the truth, even if it hurts." "I called your mother." "Did she answer?" "Yes." "She won't come." "There's no point waiting for her." "You know, you won't be dead in 5 years." "Police!" "You're always messing around!" "What's this?" " Who is it?" " Castelnau's wife." "The boss' wife?" "Doesn't she look familiar?" "Oh, shit!" "For David." "Virginie." " Virginie?" " David." "David!" "Non!" " Police!" " Don't move!" "Wait." "Where are you going?" "We have to examine you, too." "I'll just say goodbye." "I'll be right back." "I'm sorry I doubted your husband." "I might have an issue to sort out regarding men." "I'm happy David's innocent." "Really." "Take care of yourself." "Alright?" "Thank you." "Hey, did you actually apologize?" "You should have your ears checked." "How could you do that to Aurélien?" "I was a complete bastard." "Maybe I wanted to know what it was like to be the perfect guy." "It's not an excuse, but..." "Perfect guys are annoying anyway, aren't they?" "I don't know." "I haven't had the chance to find out." "Really?" "But don't worry." "I thought I wanted a prince charming, but fairytales are too overrated." "Look." "Look where?" "You must look far." "Subtitles:" "Eclair Media" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"23.976" "We will not be able to go anywhere" "There is no route from here." "This journey was hopeless." "We can only go this far." "Let's give up." "There is a way." "Let's believe in it." "We will surely be able to find it." "But, Princess..." "Don't give up!" "Princess..." "Princess Fuun!" "You bastards will not be able to go any further than this." "Mao!" "You bastrad!" "Don't tell me that you're the one who caused this storm!" "Watch out, Princess Fuun!" "You should give up." "You should beg for forgiveness, Princess Fuun." "I will never give up." "As long as I live," "I will turn everything that I have into strength, and I will show that I can cut a way open!" "The princess is..." "The seven color chakra is burning." "Let's go!" "We shall also burn our chakra!" "Yes!" "Alright!" "Alright!" "That's the way, well done, Princess Fuun!" "As I thought, justice will always triumph!" "Hey!" "What are you doing up there?" "!" "Ow ow ow ow ow!" "Geez!" "What do you want all of a sudden?" "What do you mean what do I want?" "Sneaking in and watching the movie for free is completely unethical." "No, it's not like that." "We weren't just watching the movie, we were training at the same time." "Training?" "Our tickets are right here." "Are you guys Konoha ninja?" "Heh, that's right!" "I will one day be the super ninja to claim the Hokage name, Uzumaki Naruto-sama!" "I am..." "You're noisy!" "Be considerate!" "Shut up!" "Well then, let's go beyond that rainbow!" "NARUTO" "NARUTO The Big Mission to Rescue the Snow Princess!" "(On poster:" "The Adventures of Princess Fuun)" "Kakashi-sensei sure is late." "It's always like this." "Geez, that movie was so good." "I was so overwhelmed by it." "What are you saying?" "!" "Because you created such an uproar, we didn't get to watch the end." "(On door:" "Entrance Prohibited)" "Oh well, I should have atched Michi-sama, the guy who played Tsukuyaku, more carefully." "Ah, but of course, you're number one, Sasuke-kun." "Sakura-chan has bad taste in men, as always." "What did you say?" "!" "No, nothing really." "Oh really?" "I wonder if there are any princesses like Princess Fuun around here." "Any ninja would be satisfied to fight for a princess like that." "What nonsense." "It's just a story from a movie." "But then, I wonder why Kakashi-sensei told us to watch this movie before the mission." "No way!" "Princess Fuun!" "Follow her!" "Don't let her get way!" "I will protect Princess Fuun!" "Now!" "We finally caught you." "Who are you, bastard?" "Oh my, my." "Kakashi-sensei!" "What are you guys doing?" "Just wasting time." "I'm sorry." "What?" "This person is the client for this mission." "Are you hurt, Princess?" "Oh wow, you really are Princess Fuun!" "You know, when I watched your movie, I was so moved!" ""Don't give up."" "I was about to cry until I couldn't stop." "When I saw your movie, I was motivated." "I won't ever give up." "I will try harder, and I'll become Hokage." "Ah, by the way, the Hokage is the ninja in the village of Konoha." "You're really good at riding." "As expected from the Fire Country's most famous actress!" "Hey, miss, you're going a bit too fast!" "Watch out!" "It's Princess Fuun!" "Wow!" "Great!" "It's really Princess Fuun!" "I am not Princess Fuun." "I know, you are the actress Fujikaze Yukie." "I'm a fan of yours!" "Please sign!" "Me too!" "I don't give autographs or anything like that." "Please don't say that, please?" "Please sign." "Me too!" "Give me an autograph!" "Since you're an actress, please at least give me an autograph!" "Cut it out!" "What's so fun about getting my autograph?" "Sooner or later, you will put it away somewhere and then it will collect dust." "It doesn't serve a purpose and it's useless." "It's so stupid." "That's so rude of her." "Oh my, that's so disappointing." "Just because she's making it big doesn't mean that she can be bitchy." "This time, our mission is to protect the actress that plays Princess Fuun, Fukikaze Yukie." "Protect?" "Well, protect may not be the right word." "It's better to say we're her escorts." "This will be the first time that The Unlucky Princess will be filmed overseas." "But Fujikaze Yukie plays the most critical role." "I am really sorry..." "As one would expect from Konoha ninja the bodyguards that were hired as stuntmen, and even our master guards were easily beaten." "Thank you very much for you compliment." "Wow, what beautiful cliffs." "Those are the Snow Country's rainbow glaciers." "You're Kin-chan, the actor who played Brit!" "This time, the last scene of the movie will be fimed there." "And you're Hideo-san, the actor who played Shishimaru!" "We sure are going far if we're going to the Snow Country." "That was the manager, Sandayuu-san's, recommendation." "It is said that in Spring the rainbow glaciers glow with seven colors." "But that is nothing more than a myth." "In the real Snow Country, there is no such thing as Spring." "No Spring?" "Does that mean that it's always winter?" "That's what it mean." "Kakashi, was it?" "I heard that you'd been to the Snow Country before." "It was long ago." "And it is said that the Snow Country is a poor nation." "It-It's the henchman, Michi-sama!" "Didn't their economy collapse because the previous feudal lord got too involved with his mechanical puppets?" "And that's how they went bankrupt, or something like that?" "Hey, I hope that they have a heater at least." "I don't really like to go to cold places." "So, do you wanna run away, just like Yukie?" "Hey, give me a break!" "Is Yukie-san, erm... always like that?" "Well, yes." "She doesn't know the meaning of words like "motivation" or "ambition", and she is really quite helpless, that Yukie-chan..." "But she doesn't slack off when it comes to work." "I don't care about an actor's private life." "As long as she gives a great performance when the camera is on, I'm not going to complain." "She was born to be an actress." "Thinking about it, she started running away when she was told that she was going to the Snow Country." "Okay, I give up." "Alright!" "Your name is?" "Uzumaki Naruto!" "Yeah, yeah..." "Uzumaki Naruto-san, right?" "Miss, you smell nice." "What was that?" "!" "Pervert repellent." "How stupid." "Quit joking around." "Who would want to go to the Snow Country?" "I finally found you, Princess Fuun!" "I told you already, I'm not Princess Fuun." "I understand that!" "How dare you break a boy's pure heart?" "!" "It doesn't matter how great of an actress you are, I will never forgive you!" "Actress?" "Great?" "How stupid." "Being an actress is the worst job ever." "It's a job for the worst people." "You have to follow other people's scripts, act, and live in a world packed with lies." "Truly stupid." "Lady, are you drunk?" "You're annoying, hurry up and disappear!" "Yukie-sama!" "The ship to the Snow Country is departing soon!" "We'd better hurry, or else..." "It's okay." "I am not going to board." "Eh?" "What?" "!" "What are you saying?" "!" "It'll be alright." "It happens all the time." "Something goes wrong, the main character gets replaced, the director gets replaced..." "Be quiet!" "The part of Princess Fuun can only be played by you!" "And if you aren't going to come, you are not going to be able to work in this business again." "It's alright, it doesn't matter." "Yukie-sama." "I guess it can't be helped." "I see." "So she has the hexagonal crystal." "The actress Fujikaze Yukie is undoubtedly Kazahana Koyuki." "Ten years of searching is finally paying off." "If it was just the girl, it would be too easy." "But Koyuki seems o have an escort, Hatake Kakashi." "Hatake Kakashi?" "Eh?" "That sounds interesting." "Sounds like fate has spurred this confrontation." "Father, were are you?" "Father?" "Father?" "Koyuki?" "Come here." "Yes, stand right there." "What can you see there?" "Father and me." "Look carefully." "You will be able to see your future." "Are you awake, Yukie-san?" "Sandaiyuu, can you bring me water?" "My head feels like it's spinning." "I think I may be hallucinating, but it feels like I'm swaying." "No, it's not your imagination." "Eh?" "What the hell is this?" "!" "I don't like that lady." "What are you saying, Naruto?" "Whatever happens, we have to protect her." "This is an important mission." "(On book:" "Come Come Paradise)" "Mission?" "That's right, it's an A-Rank mission." "A-Rank mission?" "I don't think it will be that hard just to protect a single actress." "That's not true, Sasuke." "That's because famous people always get targeted." "And we don't know who the enemies are, so don't let your guard down." "Lights okay, mic okay." "Cameras okay." "Put in your best effort!" "Start it from the test!" "Yes!" "Alright, scene 23, cut 6, take 1, action!" "Shishimaru, hang in there!" "Your Highness..." "I'm sorry to be of no use..." "What are you saying?" "Because of you, and the courage you gave us..." "Your Highness..." "I wanted to see the other side of the rainbow together with you..." "Shishimaru..." "What great drama..." "That's entirely different from how she acts in real life..." "That is Yukie-sama." "As soon as the camera starts rolling, there isn't anyone who can act like her!" "Okay, stop." "What is it?" "!" "Sandaiyuu, I need the eye drops." "The eye drops." "Yes, yes, yes." "Good enough?" "It is going to overflow!" "Hurry up and get the film rolling!" "Geez, we don't have a choice." "Hey, we are going to take it right away." "Yes!" "Alright, scene 23, cut 6-2." "Action!" "Shishimaru!" "D-D-Director!" "We're in trouble!" "This is..." "When I woke up this morning, the route was blocked!" "What should we do?" "We can do it here!" "Eh?" "You fool!" "Can't you see that this is the ideal location?" "How can we afford not to film in such a place?" "!" "Eh?" "!" "This is what you call it when the "God of Movies" arrives." "Everyone get ready to land!" "We will be filming, so please stand by." "Okay, scene 36, cut 22." "Action!" "So you have come all the way here!" "Princess Fuun!" "You are Mao!" "Your Highness, please stay back!" "We will deal with him!" "Whatever your numbers, you are no match for me." "What is the meaning of this?" "What are you doing?" "!" "Everyone, get back!" "Welcome to the Snow Country." "You are..." "I welcome you, Princess Koyuki." "Did you bring the hexagonal crystal?" "Princess Koyuki?" "!" "As expected of Hatake Kakashi." "I can't get any closer to you than here." "Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura," "You guys go and protect Yokie-san." "Everyone go and return to the ship!" "Fubuki, Mizore, get Princess Koyuki." "Yeah." "Oh well, oh well." "It's been a while, Kakashi." "You're not going to run away this time?" "Like last time?" "Rouga Nadare." "I don't know exactly what's going on, but it seems just like the movies!" "Princess Fuun!" "I will protect you!" "Hyouton Tsubame Fubuki!" "(Ice Element, Swallow Attack)" "Katon, Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" "Everyone hurry up and return to the ship!" "Yukie-san!" "Your Highness!" "Sandayuu..." "You..." "Hyouro no Jutsu!" "(Ice Prison Technique)" "Princess?" "Naruto!" "Suiton, Suiryuudan no Jutsu!" "(Water Element, Water Dragon Blast Technique)" "Sacrifice your lives and keep on shooting!" "Show pride in our work!" "Sensei, there's something weird about that armor!" "That is the Snow Country's armor designed especially for ninja." "It's chakra armor." "Chakra armor?" "They are more powerful than before." "You remembered?" "This armor increases my chakra and strengthens my techniques." "It creates a wall of chakra around the body." "And it even nullifies your chakra and reflects it back to you." "It doesn't matter what kind of ninjutsu or genjutsu you use, they won't work." "Hyouton, Haryuu Muuko!" "(Ice Element, Piercing Dragon Fierce Tiger)" "Suiton, Suiryuudan!" "(Ice Element, Piercing Dragon Fierce Tiger)" "Get out of the way, little girl!" "You brat!" "What is this chakra?" "!" "Yukie-san, hurry!" "Hurry up and return to the ship!" "Your Highness!" "Father!" "What are you doing?" "!" "Hurry up and go!" "Your Highness, let's hurry back to the ship." "No." "We must hurry, or your life will be..." "I don't care if I die!" "I'm not going!" "I'm not going to the Snow Country!" "Quit being so selfish!" "Get lost!" "Sakura-chan!" "Your highness!" "I told you that you are my opponent!" "Hyouton, Itsukaku Hakuegei!" "(Ice Element, One Horned Whale)" "I see, that's quite a powerful jutsu." "Well then, I'll get serious." "Naruto!" "Gather everyone and run!" "Hyouton, Itsukaku Hakusei!" "As usual, you copied it." "You can't beat me with the same jutsu." "Beat you?" "I'm sorry, but I won't meet your expectations." "What?" "Cut!" "Wow, we just filmed a great movie..." "It has been ten years since that time..." "We've reached the harbor." "Sandayuu-san, you knew about this, right?" "Yes." "You must have know how she would react if she were to return here." "This is the only way that I could bring the princess back to this country." "Old man Sandayuu!" "Princess Fuun is just someone in the movie, she isn't a real princess." "She is a real princess." "Fujikaze Yukie is a fake name." "She is really Kazahana Koyoki, the heiress of the Snow Country." "The last time I was with her, she was very young." "It's not surprising that she does not remember me." "Sandayuu-san, you're also from the Snow Country?" "Yes, that's right." "I used to serve at the side of this country's previous king, Kazahana Sousetsu-sama." "The Snow Country was a small, but peaceful country." "(On Wall:" "Snow Mountain)" "Sousetsu-sama loved the princess very much and they lived a very peaceful life." "But ten years ago, that incident..." "Sousetsu-sama's younger brother Dotou, hired some ninja, revolted, and took over this country." "He burnt the beautiful Kazahana Castle, and we thought that we'd lost the princess." "Don't expose your face!" "The enemy will find us!" "I couldn't win against them at that time." "I had to run away." "I had no choice but to run away..." "Father!" "I found the princess when she was on stage." "I was overjoyed at how she... how she managed to survive..." "It would have been better if I had died that day." "Please don't say that." "To us, that fact that you are still alive is our hope!" "Even if I am still alive, my heart is already dead." "Ever since that incident, my tears have dried up." "After the incident, I somehow managed to become Fujikaze Yukie's manager." "And I waited until I finally got the chance to bring the princess back to this country." "Eh?" "So all this time, you were using us?" "No." "Well..." "I apologize for fooling all of you, but this is for the Snow Country." "Princess Koyuki!" "You must overthrow Dotou, and be our new Queen!" "I, Sandayuu, will protect you with my life!" "So please fight with us!" "No." "Wha..?" "Don't joke with me." "But the people of the Snow Country..." "That's none of my business." "I refuse." "Your Highness..." "Give it up already!" "Are you stupid?" "No matter how hard you try, there is no way you can defeat Dotou!" "Don't say the words "give up" that easily!" "This old man is risking his life to make that dream come true." "If you make fun of him, I'll never forgive you!" "Naruto-dono..." "(Note:-dono is an honorific used to address samurai)" "(Note:-dono is an honorific used to address samurai)" "Because you wou,dn't give up, you'll be able to see a dream." "Because you're able to see a dream, the future will come." "This is nice." "What a perfect theme for the final chapter of The Unlucky Princess." "D-Director... don't tell me that you are going to continue filming..." "I told you that this movie is changing..." "No way!" "Think about it." "Using a real princess and making it a movie." "It's something that happens once in a lifetime." "Oh, I see." "It's going to be a great success, and we can film the movie and earn big bucks." "If we do this, it is going to be a real hit!" "Wait a second!" "Unfortunately, there is only one option left." "There isn't a place where you can hide, now that Dotou has discovered you." "To fight is the only way for you to live." "Kakashi-sensei..." "Okay!" "The mission will continue!" "Princess Fuun will go on to the Snow Country and defeat the evil commander!" "Don't fool around!" "Reality is different from the movie." "There is no such thing as a happy ending anywhere in this world!" "If you put in the effort, you will be able to pull through!" "For such a mission, we should return to the village and get more people." "That would be a waste of time." "We are enough for this mission." "You all..." "So it's decided." "The filming will continue!" "Let's make it a movie with a happy ending!" "Yeah!" "At the other side of this large cave, there is a village where our comrades are gathered." "After we finish filming here, we are planning to make a formal visit." "Everyone is waiting for the princess' arrival, more than tou can possibly know." "I can't see the exit." "Long ago, this place used to be a railway." "Railway?" "Right now, it's covered by ice, but really the tracks are underneath." "Alright!" "We'll start the filming!" "D-Director!" "Big problem!" "What is it this time?" "Yukie ran away again!" "What?" "!" "Don't fool around..." "Don't fool around with me!" "We will split up from here to search for her." "If you find her, make contact by radio!" "Understood!" "Look carefully, you should be able to see your future." "I can't see anything." "You will." "That's right." "When Spring comes, you'll be able to see it." "Spring?" "Father, you liar." "There is no Spring in this country." "Geez, how many times do you have to run away before you're satisfied?" "Everyone is waiting." "Why is it always you who finds me?" "Because it's my mission." "Even if you don't like it, I will chase you wherever you go." "I just know... by your smell." "Go back." "I will just act in front of the camera." "I'm not going to do anything else." "What is it?" "It's chakra." "There is a small amount of chakra flowing through the rail, and it's melting the ice." "They're coming." "Everyone!" "Hurry up and run away!" "We'll be in be in trouble if we get caught!" "Sandayuu-san?" "Where are you planning to go?" "T-Train...!" "Train?" "What's a train?" "That thing?" "!" "We'll be run over!" "We will not!" "It's impossible!" "I will not give up!" "It's definitely impossible!" "Shut up and be quiet!" "Even if you do this, it's pointless!" "It's over!" "I will not let it end!" "I will never give up!" "If you say that you are going to give up, I will try harder and never give up!" "Why you, why you..." "It's been a while, Koyuki." "Kazahana Dotou." "So, it's been ten years?" "Now, let me see your face." "Everyone!" "Our Princess Koyuki is watching." "Victory will be ours!" "Yeah!" "What?" "Sandayuu?" "Kazahana Dotou!" "Do you know how long we have waited for this day?" "I am Asabasan Sandayuu, a representative of the 50th Brigade." "Now, we will avenge the death of Kazahana Sousetsu-sama from a decade ago." "And we will take it out on you!" "Yeah!" "There are still people like that around?" "My deepest apologies." "I will go now and deal with them." "No." "They need to experience something that is absolutely hopeless." "Go!" "Sandayuu..." "Wait, Sasuke, don't follow them any further." "This is so cruel." "That is the result of their persistence." "If they hadn't gone up against Dotou, they wouldn't have ended up like this." "Your Highness..." "I am very sorry to get tou involved in this." "I, and everyone else..." "Because you were around, we didn't lose our hope." "Ever since you were young, and even now, you were always our princess." "That's what I, Sandayuu, believe that you are..." "Please believe in yourself..." "You are our hope." "Your Highness..." "Please... don't cry..." "You really are stupid, Sandayuu." "I cannot cry because you have the eye drops." "You should be satisfied." "Let's go home." "If we stay in this country any longer, you won't be able to return safely." "We're heading back." "What are you going back to?" "Your home country is right here, isn't it?" "If you really want to go back, then defeat Dotou and go back to your home!" "You don't know anything." "There is no Spring in this country." "It's a place where your tears freeze and your heart will turn to stone!" "But you're able to change that, right?" "At least..." "I think Sandayuu-san believed in that." "Stop talking nonsense!" "Hey, wait!" "Leave me alone!" "Oh shit!" "Sakura, where is Naruto?" "No way, don't tell me..." "Do you think I will let you go so easily?" "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" "You have become beautiful, Koyuki." "Do you have the hexagonal crystal?" "Yes." "That's good." "Because that's the only thing that connects the Kazahana family as a whole." "And it's also the key to the treasure." "The key to the treasure?" "When I took over this country from your father, there was nothing left of the Kazahana family." "Sousetsu surely must have kept the treasure elsewhere." "I looked for it, and I finally found it." "It's a massive weapon hidden in the Rainbow Glaciers." "And I have found a keyhole that fits the hexagonal crystal." "It I get hold of the Kazahana's weapon, our country will have the power to overcome the five other shinobi nations!" "I will never let that happen!" "You!" "You bastard!" "How did you get in here?" "Don't underestimate a ninja." "My deepest apologies." "That kid was quite troublesome." "Oh, so he can use Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu?" "(Mass Shadow Clone Technique)" "I don't understand it well, but this kid..." "It seems that he has an enormous amount of chakra." "Just in case anything happens, should we attach the device?" "Yes, we have an interesting guinea pig." "What?" "It is a chakra control device." "The ultimate technique for sucking out chakra." "And it creates an impenetrable wall around him." "He won't be able to pull it off nor will he be able to destroy it." "There's no way." "My power... is fading..." "You're not a real ninja." "Just a little brat." "Damn it..." "Now then, will you hand over the hexagonal crystal?" "This is..." "Don't fool around with me!" "This is just a fake!" "That's not possible..." "Hatake Kakashi..." "What?" "I see." "He'd be able to switch it easily." "We will bring Kakashi right away." "There is no need for that." "They will soon come here." "And I shall wait until then." "Damn it..." "My power doesn't even kick in..." "Damn it." "If I had known something like this was gonna happen, I would have trained more in Nawanuke no Jutsu." "(Escape Techniques)" "(Escape Techniques)" "Even if I am not able to use my chakra, being able to do something in such circumstances makes me a real ninja." "Well deserved." "You too." "I guess so." "Spring..." "There is no Spring..." "What does that mean?" ""When it is Spring, you will be able to see."" "That's what my father said." "Father, what is Spring?" "I see." "You haven't seen Spring before, right?" "Right." "Koyuki, close your eyes." "Imagine a flower garden." "Isn't it beautiful?" "And then imagine yourself running around in that place." "How does it feel?" "Doesn't it feel warm and make you happy?" "Yes!" "That is what you call Spring." "Don't give up, and believe in the future." "Some day, Spring will definitely come." "But there is no Spring in this country." "My father died, I ran away from this country, and I decided to stop believing." "I keep on running and running away, and I keep on telling lies." "I even lie to myself." "So I act like other people." "I can only be an actress, there is nothing else for me." "Even if you do that, nothing is going to change." "See?" "You have to give up in the end." "If you give up, I'm sure it'll be quite a relief." "No one will bother you, or even pay attention to you." "It was alright, but it was still really painful." "I felt there was no place for me in this world." "But..." "But..." "But..." "I have good friends now." "And when I tried my best and didn't give up, good things happened!" "If you give up, your dreams, and everything else, will end right here!" "Stop it!" "Your dad, old man Sandayuu..." "I will prove that they weren't wrong!" "Naruto..." "I'll save you right now..." "It's an enemy raid!" "That Kakashi." "So he planned a night assault, eh?" "It's going according to plan." "Hey since when...?" "I said not to underestimate a ninja." "Damn it!" "Wait, wait, Naruto!" "It's me!" "Kakashi-sensei!" "Sorry to keep you waiting." "I am glad to see the princess is well." "Yes." "You switched the hexagonal crystal for a fake one, didn't you?" "I'm Sorry." "I figured that those guys were after it." "Just for this..." "We can't hold that area any longer." "Sakura-chan!" "Sasuke!" "Down here!" "Dotou." "Well done, Koyuki." "Wait!" "Don't tell me..." "Everyone seems to have forgotten, that I am an actress." "It's true." "Koyuki acted the whole scene." "Yes, the whole thing is an act." "That's why I said..." "I am an actress!" "Damn you!" "Princess!" "I knew about this, Naruto." "When I returned here was when I would die." "That's why at least..." "Stop it!" "Princess!" "Naruto... it was all thanks to you..." "Until the very, very end..." "I kept running away..." "No!" "What you are doing right now is the same as running away!" "You can't die!" "Father..." "Sandayuu..." "Princess!" "I am not going to die from this toy-like katana." "That's right!" "This is the new advanced model of chakra armor!" "Don't touch her with your dirty hands!" "Naruto!" "It's pointless." "Your chakra is completely sealed!" "Well, let's go Koyuki." "To the place beyond the rainbow." "Damn it." "Naruto!" "Damn it..." "I will never give up..." "Even if you don't like it, I will follow you wherever you go." "Damn it!" "Hop on!" "So I ended up here after all..." "Sakura, now?" "Just a little bit more!" "I get it!" "After five seconds, turn twenty degrees left and run thirty meters ahead!" "That's where the tree branch is!" "Alright!" "Whatever you do will be useless!" "I told you that it's useless!" "Sakura Fubuki no Jutsu!" "(Sakura Blizzard Technique)" "As if." "We Snow ninja aren't that weak!" "Maybe." "Shishi Rendan!" "(Lion Combo)" "What happened?" "I'm not sure but maybe..." "Do you have any chance of winning?" "After all, you ran away last time." "It can't be helped." "I'll show you something original." "Raikiri!" "(Lighting Edge)" "Hyouton!" "Rouga Nadare no Jutsu!" "(Ice Element, Rouga Nadare's Technique)" "What...?" "That was so close." "Even if ninjutsu and genjutsu don't work on you, a shinobi still has taijutsu!" "You've depended too much on that armor!" "Where is the treasure?" "It's getting warm..." "This is..." "A generator?" "!" "Is this what you call Kazahana's treasure?" "!" "Princess!" "Naruto!" "Hyoton, kokuryuu Boufuusetsu!" "(Ice Element Black Dragon Blizzard)" "Naruto!" "What's wrong?" "It's not affecting me at all..." "Naruto, stop it!" "This time, you will really die!" "Believe in me!" "If you believe in me," "I will definitely not lose!" "No way..." "Don't tell me that his chakra is leaking out..." "Die!" "Take this!" "Chidori!" "As if that level of jutsu would work against me!" "Naruto..." "I made a crack..." "You handle the rest..." "Naruto!" "Hey, Demon Fox, stop lying there doing nothing!" "Show me your stuff!" "What is that?" "What?" "!" "I will pay back what you did to me with compound interest!" "What big words!" "Souryuu Boufuusetsu!" "It's all over." "From now on, everything is over!" "I told you, it's not over yet." "If you say something is over, it means that justice prevails and evil loses!" "It's obvious that the story will have a happy ending!" "Naruto!" "I will believe in you!" "This Unlucky Princess has accepted you as the greatest ninja!" "That I already know!" "The seven color chakra, just like in the movie." "Take this!" "Rasengan!" "What?" "!" "Don't tell me!" "Is this some kind of alternate world?" "!" "Believe in the future." "If you do, Spring will come." "Koyuki, what would you like to do when Spring comes?" "I'll become a princess." "Hm, what kind of princess?" "Hm..." "A kind, strong one." "A princess who believes in justice!" "That's going to be very hard work." "I did say that before..." "But if you don't give up and keep on believing in your dreams, one day, for sure, you will become one." "Can you see that a very beautiful princess is standing here?" "But I am not quite decided yet." "There is one more thing that I want to become." "What is it?" "An actress!" "And this is one happy ending." "I fire from walking the raindrops hit my face." "Out here chasing an uncatchable rabbit." "I can see deep into your eyes, like the bubbling water in the depths of a dark sea." "You're calling out to me, to me..." "I'm right here." "Where, where should I go to satisfy these desires?" "Let's head home, and then tomorrow, will you smile and say, "Everything is all right"?" "I call out your name, your name..." "I'll give you a warm embrace." "Just close your eyes and remember our childhood days." "You make up for the areas that I am lacking." "I've forgotten all about the sad times, so I'm not scared at all." "Now I've lied, and I feel remorse..." "Somehow, I managed to grow up." "Now I feel ashamed, and I nervously sweat..." "But even still, I've found a reason to continue the dance." "I scorch my soul, scorch my soul..." "I'm yelling out to the heavens!" "If I just open that door, that door, I'll be saved." "Let's head home, and then, let's meet that white rabbit on the dark side of the moon." "Let's head home, and then tomorrow, we'll laughing in our bare feet." "You're calling out to me, to me..." "I'll give you a warm embrace." "Just close your eyes and remember our childhood days." "After all, the device was incomplete." "So it's going to be Winter again?" "No, not at all." "We will use that device and study it, and if we refine it, then some day the Snow Country will be called the Spring Country." "But you know, it's going to be a waste." "You're so popular, and now you're going to quit acting." "Who said that I will stop acting?" "As the monarchy and the actress of the Snow Country, I will show that I can do both." "It's stupid to give up,isn't it?" "(On Movie Script:" "Come Come Paradise)" "T-That's..." "Well then, see ya!" "I can see deep into your eyes, like the bubbling water in the depths of a dark sea." "Please sign here!" "Please give me your autograph!" "Yes, yes." "I call out your name, your name..." "I'm right here." "Now if I can just tell this to my heart, my heart, these desires will be satisfied." "I should have gotten her autograph..." "If you are talking about the autograph, I've got it." "Uzumaki Naruto-sama Never give up on becoming Hokage Fujikaze Yukie" "I wish that she had taken a better picture of me." "Alright, cut!" "Well done!" "Thank you very much!" "Thank you very much!" "Thank you very much!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "{Y:bi}End" "{Y:bi}.:" "LORDESiGN:." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"25.000 English SDH" "Dear Reader:" "I've a naughty little tale to tell plucked from the pages of history." "Tarted up, true." "But guaranteed to stimulate the senses." "The story of Mademoiselle Renard a ravishing young aristocrat whose sexual proclivities ran the gamut from winsome to bestial." "Who doesn 't dream of indulging every spasm of lust feeding each depraved hunger?" "Owing to her noble birth Mademoiselle Renard was granted full immunity to do just that." "Inflicting pain and pleasure with equal zest until one day Mademoiselle found herself at the mercy of a man every bit as perverse as she." "A man whose skill in the art of pain exceeded her own." "No!" "No, please." "How easily, dear Reader one changes from predator to prey." "And how swiftly pleasure is taken from some and given to others." "Your linens, please." "Your Iinens, please." " Morning." " Morning." "Your Iinens, please." "Psst." "It's me." "careful." "The ink's still wet." "Now, hurry." "That you, Maddy?" "Yes, Mother." "Here are the dirty ones for you." "Just, ah...." "Just taking the bleached ones out to dry." "Aren't you gonna give us a hand, then?" "Give her the ball." "Catch it." "Good." "Catch." "Everybody run." "Bouchon!" "Remember your manners." "Here it is." "The last chapter." "Monsieur Masse wants another manuscript, quickly." "He can't print them fast enough." " I'II tell him." " I'II visit you..." " ...with the profits, once it's sold." " I'II be waiting." "Perhaps one day you'II tell me your name." "AII right, we're all clear." "Marquis de Sade, Justine, latest edition." "Straight from the printers." "Justine." "Marquis de Sade." "Justine." ""Our story concerns a nymph named Justine as pretty a maid as ever entered a nunnery with a body so firm and ripe it seemed a shame to commit it to God." "One morning, the bishop placed his hand upon her thigh." "'HoIy Father,' cried she." "'I've come to confess my sins, not commit them anew.'" "HeedIess, the old priest turned her over on his knee and lifted her skirts high above her hips exposing the pink flesh of her backside." "There, between the orbs of her dimpled ass lay a blushing rosebud begging to be plucked." "Before Justine could wrestle from his grasp this most ungodly man took a communion wafer the body of our Lord Jesus Christ and placed it on the girl's twitching orifice."" "Must I, Your Majesty?" ""As he loosened his manhood from beneath his robes the bishop muttered a Latin prayer." "And then, with a mighty thrust drove it into her very entrails."" "The novel's lewd subject matter and its overripe style reveal it to be the work of the Marquis de Sade." "He composes his prose from inside a madhouse." "Enough!" "Seize every copy." "We'II torch them all on the palace lawn, in full public view!" "As for the author, shoot him." "A note of caution, sire." "We all remember what happened to Robespierre, Danton and Marat." "Put the Marquis to death and history might even regard you as a despot." " But I am history." " Of course, Your Majesty." "nevertheless, cure the Marquis de Sade." "Succeed where countless physicians and priests have failed." "No one can fault napoleon for bringing a man to his senses." "Might I suggest an appraisal at the asylum of Charenton and the rather notorious inmate in her care?" "I have the perfect candidate for the job." "Dr. Royer-CoIIard, a distinguished aIienist." "He's a staunchly moral man of impeccable character and iron resolve." "My colleagues have called me oId-fashioned, even barbaric." "But here at the hotel Dieu we favor an aggressive course of treatment." "Quite." "I do not seek popularity or renown." "Mine is a higher mission:" "To take God's tiny blunders and those He has forsaken and condition them with the same force, the same rigor one would employ to train a feral dog or a wild stallion." "It may not be pretty, but it is mercy just the same." "A few more months of this and he'II be fine." "It's the emperor's dearest hope that you bring your expertise your proficiency to the asylum of Charenton." "Charenton?" "The administrator there is quite weII-Ioved, isn't he?" "He's young, an idealist." "You'II have to be politic." "Do you know how I define "idealism," Monsieur DeIbene?" ""Youth's final luxury."" "Not so hard." "Don't force it." "Let the quill guide you." "Good." "slowly." "We mustn't just copy the words." "It's important that we know what they mean." "St. Augustine tells us that angels and demons walk among us on the earth." "And that sometimes, they jointly inhabit the soul of a single man." "Then how can we know who is truly good and who is evil?" "well, we can't." "AII we can do is guard against our own corruption." "So you'II practice reading tonight on your own for me?" ""And so the professor lifted CoIombe's skirt high above her waist." "'Let me be your tutor,' said he, 'in the ways of love.'" "With that, he slid her pantaIettes down down, down over her knees and there, nestled between her legs as pink as a tulip, as slick as an eeI--"" "We oughtn't to be reading his nasty stories." "No one's forcing you to listen." ""--He gazed upon her Venus mound her flaxen quim the winking eye of God."" "You've been in his quarters, haven't you?" "Once or twice." "I hear he's got a whetstone and chisel he uses to sharpen his teeth." " He's a writer, not a madman." " What's he doing in here then?" "Murder." "That's not so!" "He writes books so wicked that one man killed his wife after reading them." "And two young mothers miscarried their babies!" "I'd say that's murder enough." "If you slander him, you don't deserve to hear his stories." "I think she's sweet on him." "That's what I think." "It's not the Marquis she's sweet on." "Is it, madeleine?" "They have no right sending someone to sit on your shoulder." "I work for you." "I won't take orders from a stranger." "You needn't worry, VaIcour." "It's administrative." "Nothing more." "please don't eat the paint, pascal." "Bravo, Dauphin!" "It's far better to paint fires then to set them, isn't it?" "Yes." "wonderful." "Fresh linens." "Fresh linens." " I'm hungry for a proper visit." " Don't start!" "Go ahead, you've a key." "slip it through my tiny hole." "Marquis?" "Where did you get to, then?" "Marquis?" "well?" "Did I frighten you?" "Frighten me?" "That's a good one!" "I'm twice as quick as you are." "I suppose you're curious about your silly book." "What about my book?" "It sold like the devil!" "And then they started burning it." "That's the peril of composing such incendiary prose." "If only these coins purchased your other talents too." " There's something else I want." " You've already stolen my heart as well as another prominent organ, south of the equator." "Your publisher says I'm not to leave without a new manuscript." "I've just the story." "Inspired by these very surroundings." "The unhappy tale of a virginal laundry lass." "The darling of the lower wards, where they entomb the criminally insane." " Is it awfully violent?" " Most assuredly." " Is it terribly erotic?" " FiendishIy so." "But it comes with a price." "A kiss for each page." "Must I give them directly or might I blow them?" "The price, my coquette, is every bit as firm as I am." "Oh, you." "You talk the same as you write." "hello." "So, what are we today, CIeante?" "A buIIfinch or a nightingale?" "There's but one kind of bird in a madhouse, abbé." "Don't tell me." "A loon." "Sorry." "I've heard that one before." "It's a Iong story, this one." "The climax comes at a higher cost." "You must sit on my lap." "You demand a Iot from your readers, you do." "The story's thrilling conclusion comes at a premium." " What's that then?" " Your maidenhead." "Then you must sew it up as tightly as the day you were born and come back to me renewed so I can defIower it a second time." "Some things belong on paper others in life." "It's a blessed fool who can't tell the difference." "MademoiseIIe LeCIerc." "You're in the nick of time." "This old lech forgot himself." "He thought I was one of his characters." "MadeIeine." "Yes, abbé?" "The next time you feel the urge to visit the Marquis I hope you'II come to confession instead." "Care for a splash of wine, abbé?" "well, it's not even noon." "Conversation, Iike certain portions of the anatomy always runs more smoothly when it's Iubricated." "This is a rare vintage from an obscure village in Bordeaux." "Rather than crush the grape underfoot they place the fruit on the belly of a bride and reap its juices when the young husband steers his vessel into port." "A fuII-bodied flavor." "Just a hint of wantonness." "Bottoms up!" "It's from our own cellar." "I recognize the taste." "I should've said it was the blood of Christ." "You'd believe that, wouldn't you?" "We treat you well enough here, don't we, Marquis?" "Your very own featherbed, in lieu of a straw mat." "Your antique writing desk from LaCoste." " Enough quiIIs to feather an ostrich" " It's true, you've spoiled me pink." "In exchange, we ask only that you follow the rules." "You know you're not to entertain visitors here." "But I'm entertaining you now." "Yes, but I'm not a beautiful young prospect, ripe for corruption." "Don't be so sure." "Take your pen in hand, Marquis." "Purge these wicked thoughts of yours on paper." "Maybe they'II govern you less in life." "I'II fill page after page, my cherub." "I promise." "We're here, doctor." "Mind your step, sir." "Good day, sir." "We've been expecting you." "Good." "Very good." "Dr. Royer-CoIIard." "welcome to Charenton." "This may feel a little awkward, my friend but it needn't be." "I've come merely to oversee your work here, understood?" " Of course." " It's a formality." "truly." "well, you're a man of science, and I'm a man of God." "Charenton stands to profit from us both." "I'II need an office on the grounds, somewhere to store my things." " This way." " If you don't mind my asking why has the emperor taken such sudden interest in my in our affairs?" "It seems a particular patient of yours has captured his fancy." "I understand he practices the very crimes he preaches in his fiction." "certainly not here." "There were a few indiscretions in his youth." "Indiscretions?" "Abbé, please." "I have read his case history." "At 16, he violated a serving girl with a crucifix." "After six months in the dungeon at Vincennes, he mutilated a prostitute." "Carving her flesh with a razor, then cauterizing the wounds with hot wax." "I hope you'II judge him by his progress, not his past reputation." "I can't go on like this." "Why should this be happening to me?" "Once again, gentlemen." "I'm just a lowly cobbIer I have been all my Iife" "And with this shoe I'm asking you" "To be a cobbler's wife" "It's a dreadful play, true!" "A festering pustule on the face of literature." "Why, the parchment it's written upon isn't worthy to wipe my ass." "But you need not make it worse!" "Say your lines with conviction, my happy little shoemaker." "Like a true actor!" "But I'm not an actor." "I'm a dyspeptic." "Just seduce her, you goon!" "He's made a success of our theater." "There's seldom an empty seat." "Not to mention its therapeutic value." "playing dress up with cretins sounds like a symptom of madness, not a cure." "Homo perversio." "A species that thrives in captivity." "This is Dr. Royer-CoIIard." "He's joining us here in an" "An advisory capacity." "welcome to our humble madhouse." "I trust you'II find yourself at home." "tell me, abbé, why is he in your care and not a proper prison?" " His wife's influence." " His wife's?" "well, better to have an insane spouse than a criminal one." "And he has never once tried to escape?" "A man of his notoriety?" "He wouldn't last a day without capture." "Besides, every wholesome thing he might desire, he has at Charenton." "A library filled with the world's great books music lessons, watercolor exercises." "What effect have all these amenities had on his psyche?" "He no Ionger roars or spits." "He no Ionger taunts the guards or molests his fellow wards." "And his writing?" "Oh, yes, that." "well?" "It's essential to his recovery, a purgative for the toxins in his mind." "Do you favor its publication?" " For sale?" " Yes." " To the general public?" " Yes." "No, certainly not." "It's unprintable." "Just hold still." "Oh." "AII France is aghast at this book, yet you've not heard of it?" "Oh, dear God." "silence the Marquis or Charenton will be shut down by order of the emperor." "Shut down" "But he's one among some 200 wards!" "You could try my calming chair on him." "Or perhaps try bleeding him with leeches." "Or maybe fIog him at the stake." "Why?" "So he'II learn to fear punishment rather than pursue virtue for its own rewards?" "Doctor, Iet me take up this matter with the Marquis myself." " Charenton's my Iife's work" " I'm not heartless." "But this book is a profound insult to decent people everywhere." "Can you personally guarantee that this won't happen again?" "You have my word." "What is it, abbé?" "The Marquis." "He's embarrassed us before napoleon himself!" "Why?" "What's he done?" "He's been slipping manuscripts to a publisher." "He has?" "I place my trust too carelessly, madeleine." "This is a complete and utter disappointment." "Yes, it is." "The paper's cheap, the type's too small." "What did you do?" "Bribe one of the guards?" "You impIored me to write." "For curative purposes, to stave off madness." "But you've no right to publish!" "Behind my back, without my sanction?" "Have you truly read it?" "Or did you run straight to the dog-eared pages?" " Enough to discern its tenor." " And?" "It's not even a proper novel!" "It's nothing but an encyclopedia of perversions!" "It even faiIs as an exercise in craft." "The characters are wooden." "The dialogue is inane." "Not to mention the endless repetition of words like "nipple" and "pikestaff."" "I was taxed, it's true." "And such puny scope!" "Nothing but the worst in man's nature." "I write of the great eternal truths that bind together all mankind." "The whole world over we eat, we shit, we fuck, we kill and we die." "But we also faII in love." "We build cities, we compose symphonies and we endure." "Why not put that in your books?" "It's a fiction, not a moral treatise." "But isn't that the duty of art?" "To elevate us above the beast?" "I'd have thought that was your duty, abbé." "Not mine." "One more trick like this and I'II be forced to revoke all your liberties." "It's that doctor fellow, isn't it?" "He's come to usurp your place here." "More than your writing's at stake." " The Ministry's threatened closure." " They can't be serious." "Our future lies in the stroke of your pen." "Mightier than the sword indeed." "Put yourself in my place." "I've others to consider." "If Charenton faIIs, the patients have no place to go, no clothes or food." "Fuck them!" "HaIf-wits!" "Let them die on the streets, as nature intended." "You among them?" "If ever I showed you a kind hand, Marquis if I granted you walking privileges on a spring day or slipped an extra pillow beneath your door." "If ever I shared your wine, laughed at your vuIgarities or humored you with argument then you will oblige me now." "For your sake, and for all Charenton." "You've a touch of the poet too." "Perhaps you should take up the quill." " Do I have your word?" " honestly!" "You cut me to the core!" "What's the point of all your rehabilitation if when I finally succumb, when I pledge myself to righteous conduct you regard me with suspicion?" "Have you no faith in your own medicine?" "My, my." "At Charenton, even the walls have eyes." "Don't they?" " well?" " well, I...." "I spoke to him with reason and compassion..." " ...tools which serve us best here." " And?" "He's sworn to obedience." "He's more than a patient, doctor." "The Marquis is my friend." "You keep strange company, abbé." "If you have the matter truly in hand" " I have." " I've a friend of mine to see." " Doctor!" " I've come for my bride." "Oh, yes." "We'd not expected you for some time." "Simone has not yet come of age." "I've taken a new post at Charenton." "I need the succor only a wife can give." "Mm, yes." "Simone." "You remember Dr. Royer-CoIIard." "I'd not forget the man to whom I was promised." "He's come to collect you." "Today?" "This minute?" "I apologize, mademoiselle." "I had no time to write." "Be grateful, child." "In my experience, poor girls who are orphaned never wed." "They wind up spinsters, or worse still, nuns." "Thank God that fortune has spared you from such a fate." "Bye, Simone." "God bless you, Simone." "The emperor wishes to ensure your comfort while at Charenton." "Consider the chateau a gift provided you're willing to finance the necessary repairs." "Monsieur Prouix is the court's most promising young architect." "He's at your disposal." "The place hasn't been occupied since the Terror." "It has possibilities, yes." "Simone?" "I'm to live here?" "It belonged to the Duc de BIangis, an avowed monarchist." "The Jacobins were most unforgiving." "His wife tried to escape." "They caught her, here, on the stairs." "Set about her with bayonets." ""There but for the grace of God," eh, doctor?" "I shed no tears for the past, Monsieur DeIbene." "I Iook to the future." "Monsieur Prouix we should quarry fresh marble, don't you think?" "You must humor my wife in all things." "If she wants Venetian glass italian tile, Dutch velvet, spare no expense." "But in her bedroom, see to it that the door locks from the outside." "And on her windows are iron grates." "Bars, sir?" "In the convent, Simone was spared the world's temptations." "I will not allow her to fall prey to them now." "She is a rare bird." "I intend to keep her caged." "Perhaps the sisters failed to instruct you on the ways of marriage." "The nightly duty of a wife to her husband." " No?" " It's a scandal, truly." "A doctor pretending to be a God-fearing man." "That's not all." "He's too old to marry." " She's far too young." " hardly finished schooling." "Taken without a word." " And that's not all." " tell me more." "The sweet little thing is barely 16." "I say she's even younger." "only a child." " And that's not all the nuns told us." " tell me more." "No!" " And that's not all." " What else?" "She's from a convent." "She's meant to be a nun!" "Shhh." "well, tell me more." "She came with a statue of the Virgin Mary in the bargain." "She arrived with a statue of Mary and a crucifix around her neck from a convent." "tell me more." "He's old enough to have fathered her twice over." "The hypocrite." "This has all the makings of a farce." "Abbé de CouImier, you rascal!" "Your comedies are the rage." "I had to claw my way to a ticket." "And so expertly acted!" "That charming man in last week's comedy I'd no idea he was an imbecile." " Everyone has talents if we look." " Yes, I'm sure." "Isn't that the new doctor?" "How thrilling." "A renowned expert, right here at Charenton." "I will say one thing for him." "He has a beautiful daughter." "Oh, enough of this bilge." "We're better than this." "Remember, gentlemen." "Inside each of your delicate minds, your distinctive bodies art is waiting to be born!" "Let's give the doctor a performance tonight I hope he'II remember forever." "That's Madame BougivaI." "And of course, in front of them, the Marquis' wife." "Indeed?" "You." "North wind." "Madames and messieurs there's been a change in tonight's program." "We will not be performing The Happy Shoemaker." "Instead, we'd Iike to premiere a new play in honor of the newly appointed Dr. Royer-CoIIard and his lovely bride." "A comedy entitled...." " Crimes of Love." " The Crimes of Love." "Written by one of Charenton's very own wards the Marquis de Sade!" "Sister Saint-Fond, whither do we go?" "Passing over rivers, canyons and snow?" "Hurry, Eugenie For we must not tarry" "I deliver you now To the man you shall marry" "When you have rested at your leisure He'II coach you in ways of pleasure" "At last she arrives" "My hard-won bride" "Hurry, my child, and scurry inside" "There you'II find Such treasures await you" "Marzipan and meringue to sate you" "Such gaIIantry in men Is sadly a rarity" "How lucky I am to receive his charity" "Thank you, dear sister For abetting me so" "Bringing her here To this secluded chateau" "Was that good?" "little does she know The terrors in store" "When I tutor her" "In les crimes de l'amour" "Take this side of the curtain." "One, two, three." "quickly, my suckling Out of your clothes" "My scepter awaits How solid it grows" "Stop it, I beg you Have pity, I say" "You're not my lover You're a monstrous roué" "Do as you're told" " Stick your legs in the air" " Leave at once." " It's just begun." " Do as I say." "It's true I'm a pig" "And you've truffles down there" "Oh, God, what's this?" "Such a wicked sensation" "A feeling somewhere Between shame and elation" "Oh, God!" "Use your tongue like a wand" "In much the same manner As Sister Saint-Fond" "Leaving already?" "Of course, you've seen it all before." "I had a suspicion The sister was Sapphic" "I'd tell you more But it's simply too graphic" "Suffice it to say She's a preference for Iasses" "Even at vespers She'II away to make passes" "My darling, Eugenie Dainty morsel" "Get on your back Let's try it dorsal" "He wants to take me in every way" "I'II plunder every lovely pore until you're weak and cry, "No more"" "No, more, more!" "More!" "More!" "Everybody come forward quietly for the next bit." "From behind" "No, no!" "Yes, yes, yes!" "And what of my lips?" "will you soil them too?" "When you've broken Every other taboo" "I'II fill every slippery hollow" "If you're obIiging Then you'II swallow" "Manners!" "Yes!" "Take him to the infirmary!" " Has he hurt you?" " No, his breath made my eyes run." "MadeIeine." "Do you mean to take us all down with you?" "Don't be absurd." "DisgracefuI!" "It's only a play." "Boo!" "I wonder who's to blame?" "The author or his muse?" " It was fiction." " Of course." " It wasn't inspired by circumstance." " No, it was not." "You ought to be ashamed." "exploiting these pathetic cretins for financial gain." "That's not our intention!" "It's a freak show for tourists and curiosity seekers." "Charenton is a sanatorium, not a circus." "The theater is henceforth closed." "closed?" "As for your friend, the playwright...." "I'II do everything in my power." "Do more." "Or I'II be forced to tell the Ministry that the inmates are indeed running the asylum." "Mm." "Mmm." "I hope you're satisfied." "He's shut down our theater." "He can't do that to me." "How can one man be so selfish?" "We held up a mirror." "apparently, he didn't like what he saw." "What are you doing?" "If you won't be true to your word, I've no choice." "But I kept my promise." "I didn't publish." "Perhaps, in time, you can earn them back." "You can't!" "I've all the demons of hell in my head." "My only salvation is to vent them on paper." "Try reading, for a change." "The writer who produces more than he reads?" "The sure mark of an amateur." "Here." "Start with the bible." "It's cheerier and more artfully written." "This monstrous God of yours?" "He strung up His very own son like a side of veal." "I shudder to think what He'd do to me." " Why are you doing this to me?" " Stop it." "I'II die of loneliness!" "I've no company but the characters I create." "Whores and pederasts?" "You're better off without them." "I have a proposition." "You always do." "MadeIeine." "She's besotted with me." "She'd do anything I ask." "She could pay you a midnight visit." "I don't know who you insult more, her or me." " Part the gates of heaven." " That's enough!" "You're tense." "You could use a Iong, slow screw." "Good night, Marquis." "Then bugger me!" "Goddamn you, abbé!" "Have you no sense of my condition?" "Of its gravity?" "My writing is involuntary, Iike the beating of my heart." "My constant erection!" "I've done just as you bade me." "I've paid a visit to the craftsman." "He laughed and called me a whore but took my money just the same." "Which gives you more pleasure?" "The objects themselves or the humiliation I endure procuring them on your behalf." "And last but not least, I've brought you some anise seed drops and some chocolate pastilles." "Did you now, madame?" "They're filled with cream, yes?" "You know I shan't touch them unless they're positively bursting erupting with cream." "What else have you brought that I might nibble upon?" "Oh, Donatien, you mustn't." "tell me." "What other treats?" "Shame on you, truly." "For fuck's sake, woman!" "Bonbons?" "!" "Am I to gorge myself on useless trifles sucking down your sweetmeats when what I require, what I truly need are a few quill pens?" "Perhaps a pot of ink?" "Forgive me, I beg you." "Don't you see?" "I've been raped!" "Far more egregiously than any of my characters." "How was I to know?" "How was I to tell you?" "By writing a letter?" "With what, my asinine bride?" "I beg you, Donatien, as your wife, your only ally:" " Stop making a spectacle of yourself." " You've come to lecture me?" "To flaunt your deviance upon a stage?" "They've put you up to this?" "Court the doctor's favor." "I should carve my name into his back and fill the wounds with salt." "You're here, safe, surrounded by brick and mortar but my prison is far crueler." "It has no walls." "Everywhere I go, they point and whisper." "At the opera, they hiss at me." "The priest refused to hear my confession." "He said I was already damned!" "Why must I suffer for your sins?" "It's the way of all martyrs, isn't it?" "Give me back my anonymity, that's all I ask!" "Let me be invisible again!" "tell me." "Have you done anything to secure my release?" "No." "Petitioned the court?" "Sought audience with the emperor?" "He refuses to see me!" "It's convenient having your husband locked up!" "You no Ionger have to hoist your skirts or crack your mouth so I can put it to its one pleasurable use!" "You're not my wife!" "You're one of my many jaiIors!" "What in God's name--?" "Take this cow away!" "I can't look at her." "Take her to the west wing." "Among the hysterics!" "Lock her up so she knows how it feels!" "The gorgon!" "The sow!" "For a woman of humble origin, your wife certainly has refined tastes." "When I suggest granite, she counters with Peruvian marble." "Peruvian marble." "It costs a fortune to import." "Whatever her heart desires, Monsieur Prouix." "I'd Iike nothing better than to grant her every wish, sir." "On the modest sum you've accorded me-- I'm an architect, not a magician." "I must see the doctor." "It's a matter of dire urgency." "It is customary to write and request an appointment." "Desperation has driven me past etiquette, all the way to frenzy." "My schedule is not subject to Iunatics." "I beg to differ, doctor." "You work in a madhouse." "Your every waking moment is governed by the insane." "I pray you, be succinct." "You're new to Charenton, yes?" "Perhaps you're not yet familiar with my husband and his unusual case." "With all due respect, madame all France is familiar with your husband." "would you grant me a moment alone, Monsieur Prouix?" "happily, sir." "Your servant, sir." "gentlemen." "Madame, please." "Good morning, madame." "I assume you've come to plead for clemency on your husband's behalf." "You do, do you?" "It's my dearest hope, doctor that he remain entombed forever." "And that when at last he perishes in the dank bowels of your institution that he be left as carrion for the rodents and the worms." "I stand corrected, madame." "If you can't cure him truly cure him then at Ieast, I beg you, harness the beast that rages in his soul." "That is not easily done, madame." "You are aware, are you not, that it costs a great deal to house your husband." "I pay his stipend every month, far more dutifully than I should." "That barely covers the cost of his room with nary a penny left over for appropriate treatments." "Opiates to quell his temper." "Restraints to chasten him when he misbehaves." "If you could buttress your entreaties with the means to oblige them" "I'm not a wealthy woman." "You've a pension, haven't you, from the sale of his books?" "It's tainted money, doctor." " What a beautiful thought." " What thought is that?" "That the iII-gotten funds, borne of his degeneracy might now effect his salvation." "It's beyond perversity." "That honor should carry a price tag." "Imagine:" "old friends deigning to kiss your hand again." ""Why, Marquise." "Enchanted to see you again." "welcome back from your long, dark descent into the abyss of infamy."" "Don't toy with me, doctor." "Now is the time to secure your epitaph." "The benevolent Marquise." "Charenton's most revered philanthropist or Satan's bride." "Rest assured, your generosity speeds your husband ever faster toward a cure." "The Peruvian marble, without question." " I am eternally in your debt." " And I in yours, Marquise." "Doctor, can I impart to you his cruelest trick?" "Of course." "Once, long ago in the folly of youth he made me love him." "MadeIeine, my sweet." "Can you smuggle me a quill and some ink?" "I don't dare." "The doctor's got his eye on you sharper than ever now." "Dr. Montalivet was, politely put, diminutive." "When flaccid, his member was little more than a bobbin." "And when inflamed, it towered a mere four inches." "To compensate, he strove to impress his lady with other endowments." "Fine wine, fresh game, and a house as big as his other fortunes were small." "We've ceiling beams en route from Provence." "And next week a muralist from Paris arrives to paint a trompe l'oeil in the ballroom." " Doesn't that please you?" " Very much." "I would prefer brandy in the salon where we can sit side by side before the fire." "I'd rather read, thank you." "You prefer a book to your husband's company?" "well, no wonder." "I'm only flesh and blood." "That's no match, is it, for the printed page?" "Hm?" "Good evening, then." "Enjoy your solitude." "Your linens, please." "Your Iinens." "Now or never." "No water." "If you won't read it to your own mother perhaps you ought not to be reading it at all." "It's not your cup of tea, Mother." "Oh, go on, darling, give it a read." ""Monsieur BouIoir was a man whose erotic appetites might discreetly be described as 'post-mortem.'" "A habitué of cemeteries his proudest conquest was a maid six decades his senior deceased a dozen years."" "Oh, that's terrible!" "That's too, too terrible!" "well, go on!" ""The vigor with which he made love caused her bones to dislodge." "still, he granted her the highest compliment he accorded any woman:" "Yes?" "'WeII worth the dig!" "'"" "You asked my name once." "It's madeleine." "Sweet, then?" "Like the pastry." "Haven't you a name yourself?" "Ride away with me someday." "Perhaps I'II tell you." "Your mother may be blind as a bat, but you have a keen pair of eyes." "Mother's blind on account of the lye in the laundry kettles." "Soaking sheets for Iunatics cost this woman her sight." "This could cost her far more." "You'II get more with kind" "What could cause a tincture like this?" " I'm a laundress, not a detective." " Now's not the time" "Perhaps your kettles are stained with rust, or the lye is rancid." "Or maybe just maybe, these sheets once belonged to our friend, the Marquis." "We've over 200 beds." "could be anybody's." "Such a fine thread count?" "Decorated in his very own script?" "She's lying." "It shows in her face." "clearing everything, abbé." " almost done." " Remember anything he might fashion as a quill." "His room stripped bare." "The doctor cracks the whip, and you dance!" "My bed, gone!" "Am I to freeze to death?" "Gaban, take his rug." "That's a Turkish weave!" "It costs more than you'II earn in your life." "VaIcour." "His chair." "Fine!" "Take it!" "Take it all!" "careful, it's slippery." "You've no idea where it's been." "And let's not forget sweet Mary, the Jewish whore, God's little harlot!" "Virgin birth!" "An entire religion built on an oxymoron!" "OrvoIIe." "His wine." "From now on, nothing but water at every meal." "Water!" "Your meat, de-boned." " Why this torture?" " Your writing continues, unchecked." "I didn't create this world, I record it." "Its horrors." "Its darkest nightmares!" "To what end?" "Nothing but your morbid gratification." "The procession to the guillotine." "We're all lined up waiting for the crunch of the blade." "The rivers of blood are flowing beneath our feet, abbé." "I've been to hell, young man." "You've only read about it." "I am sorry, Marquis." "truly." "These chastity vows of yours." "How strict are they?" "Suppose you only put it in her mouth." "Pious little worm." "In conditions of adversity, the artist flourishes." "Curious, aren't you?" "If I can pleasure myself, I can pleasure you too." "You don't know what you're missing." "I'm in search of a book." "Perhaps you know it." "I've only got one copy left." "Rescued it meself... from the bonfire." "please hurry." "My husband locks the door at dusk." "Sweet little thing like you shouIdn't be reading such filth, anyway." "I grew up in a convent, sir." "Everything I know I owe to books." ""To the young maidens of the world:" "Wrest yourselves free from the tyranny of virtue and taste without shame the pleasures of the flesh." "Male power lies in the clench of a fist but a woman 's power lies elsewhere:" "In the velvet cavity betwixt her thighs."" "It's late, Simone, darling." "Put your poems aside." "Breakfast." "MadeIeine." "I beg you...." "What have they done to you now?" "Tortures so arcane so medieval, even I haven't the words to describe them." "If you've an ounce of pity you'II throw caution aside and unlock my door." "God help me." " I don't dare." " Don't be a dunce." "I've a surprise." "Now open the frigging door!" "My newest book." "It starts at my left cuff and continues across my back." "The longest sentence runs the entire length of my inseam." "It all completes itself at the base of my right shoe." " "Pikestaff"?" " Yes." "Yes." " "Naked on a plate"?" " Yes." " "One hundred unholy tongues"?" " Yes." " You're a genius!" " Yes!" "Go quickly so you won't be blamed for my misbehavior." "Maddy!" "You traffic with the devil, you'II pay the devil's price." "Sorry." " Guards, stop him!" "Guards!" " Yes!" "Guards!" "Look what I've brought you, my darlings!" "One for each cheek!" "My writing lives!" "Take this beast back to his cage!" "Don't tell me, you've come to read my trousers." "Don't keep me in suspense." "Fifty lashes?" "A night on the rack?" " I won't suIIy my hands with him." " Nor should you." "The first rule of politics:" "The man who orders the execution never drops the blade!" "You're lucky it's me punishing you." "If it were up to the doctor, you'd be flayed." "The doctor is a man after my own heart." "What am I to do with you?" "The more I forbid, the more you're provoked!" "Strip." "Your breeches as well." "You started this little game you finish it." "Or haven't you the courage?" "I thought not." "It's a potent aphrodisiac isn't it, dumpling?" "Having power over another man?" "Your wig." "You'II no Ionger spread your insidious gospel." "From now on, you will not even write your own ignominious name." "Are your convictions so fragile, they cannot stand in opposition to mine?" "Is your God so flimsy?" "So weak?" "For shame!" "Don't flatter yourself, Marquis." "You're not the Antichrist." "You're nothing but a malcontent who knows how to spell." "I saw her myself." "She put the key in the latch, proud as you please." "Free her!" "Now!" "Leave her duly strung." "Maddy." "If only blood will appease you then shed mine." " Abbé, no!" " Go on." "Now!" "That won't be necessary." "If you're going to martyr yourself, abbé do it for God not a chambermaid." "Now put your clothes back on." "Had I known your taste in novels I never would've taught you to read." "Don't say that." "Reading's my salvation." "But why must you indulge in his pornography?" "It's a hard day's wages, slaving away for madmen." "What I've seen in life, it takes a Iot to hold my interest." "Ah!" "I put myself in his stories." "I play the parts." " Each strumpet, each murderess." " Maddy." "If I wasn't such a bad woman on the page I'II hazard I couldn't be such a good woman in life." "This is no place for a child like you." "I'm sending you away from here." "We could line the walls with Chinese silks." "Or, if you prefer a florentine tapestry." "Are you a literary man?" "Excuse me?" "I do so admire men with an appetite for books." "Madame how could you?" "Have you actually read this volume?" "I've memorized it." "There comes a time in a young lady's life when she must cast books aside and learn from experience." "That, monsieur requires a teacher." "Maddy, what are you--?" "Is something wrong?" "Abbé." "Don't send me away, I beg you." "I shouldn't refuse your kindness but my heart's held fast here." "By whom?" "The Marquis?" "Mother's not half so blind as you." "Oh, madeleine." "There are certain feelings we must not voice." "Why not?" "They incite...." "They incite us to act in ways we should not." "What have I done?" "Go back to your room." "You'II hate me now, won't you?" "I Iove you, madeleine as a child of God." "Forgive me." "MadeIeine!" "Maddy." "You don't fear the Marquis' sway on me." "You fear your own." "If you'II grant me a final favor, I'd Iike the chance to explain." "Don't come any closer, abbé." "God's watching." "Maddy." ""Most esteemed Dr. Royer-CoIIard at long last, your chateau is complete." "You will find everything in its assigned place:" "The chintz draperies, the english bell pulls even the ivory doorstops." "only one detail is missing:" "Your wife."" "tell him I'm no fool." "A prison's still a prison, even with silks and chandeliers." ""By the time you read this, we'II be long gone bound for england or points beyond."" "tell him if he discovers our whereabouts you'II slit your wrists, and I'II plunge a hatpin through my heart." "You'd do that, rather than forsake our love?" "No." "But tell him I would." "Sign it, quickly." "Then you can ravish me again on linens for which he so dearly paid." "And then, I beg you on the bearskin rug in his study and finally, as a crowning gesture we'II leave puddles of love on the Peruvian marble." "Simone!" "Simone!" "Simone!" "Simone!" "Stop!" "Stop, I beg you!" "I'II write dainty stories!" "Odes to virtue." "children's verses." "I promise!" "Excites you, doesn't it, to hurt me?" "You're solid as a bone, straining your trousers." "Don't you see, you seIf-righteous fuck the longer you continue your vexations, the deeper you root my principles in my heart!" "Haven't you seen a man naked before?" "The abbé's sending me away." "Yes." "Of course he is." "Marquis tell me one last story." "How do you propose I do that?" "With dust, upon the air?" "Whisper it to me now." "child, that's far too dangerous." "I may never see you again." "Let me transcribe something to remember you by." "This is neither the time, nor the place." "We've lost." "Never thought I'd see you defeated." " I've thousands of stories to teII" " Then tell me one." "Perhaps I can." "Tonight, go to the linen pantry with ink and a quill and you shall have a story that will make the angels weep and the saints all gasp for air." "She's here." "Dauphin!" "Dauphin!" "Dauphin!" "CIeante!" "CIeante!" "Psst, CIeante, are you ready?" "Are you ready?" "Marquis, is that you?" "For fuck's sake, who else would it be?" " Have you alerted the others?" " I'm no Ionger a man." "I awoke to discover I'd turned into a sparrow." "Is that so?" "I awoke to discover I'd turned into a cat." "If you don't do as I say, I'II sink my fangs into your drumsticks and suck the marrow straight out of your bones." "At your service, count." ""To my beloved reader:" "Prepare yourself for the most impure tale ever to spring from the mind of man."" "Off your hump." "Dauphin!" ""To my beloved reader:" "Prepare yourself for the most impure tale ever told."" ""To my beloved reader:" "Prepare yourself for an impure tale."" " Bouchon." " Huh?" ""To my beloved reader:" "Prepare yourself;" "I've an impure tale to tell."" ""Prepare yourself."" "Bouchon?" "What did you say?" ""Prepare yourself." "I've a tale." "An impure tale."" ""Our story concerns the prostitute Fanchon whom nature had equipped with a tight and downy fissure between her thighs and the most finely cleft ass ever molded by the hand of God."" ""Fanchon was a prostitute with a tight and downy fissure between her thighs and...."" " The most finely cleft ass!" " "The most finely cleft ass...."" "My glorious prose, filtered through the minds of the insane." "They might improve it." ""It's about a harlot named Fanchon."" ""It's about a harlot named Fanchon with a downy fissure."" ""One day, Fanchon's first client was a surgeon." "He ran his fingers across her naked skin pulling apart folds of flesh."" ""He ran his fingers across her naked skin pulling apart folds of flesh."" ""pulling at her folds."" ""And ran his fingers over her naked skin, pulling at her folds...."" ""feeling over her naked skin."" ""Her naked skin."" " Naked." " Yes, I've got that bit." ""'What shall I make ready?" "' asked Fanchon. 'My mouth, my ass or my succulent oyster?" "'"" ""'What shall I ready?" "'"" ""'--my ass or my succulent oyster?" "'"" ""'None!" "' Cried the surgeon with his scalpel."" " Yes?" " "'Which hole?" "'" "My mouth, my ass or my succuIent" "succulent oyster!" "'"" ""'For I'II carve new orifices where there were none before.'"" " "'None!" "'" - "Cried the surgeon." "'I'II carve new" "New orifices where there were none before!" "'"" ""With that, Fanchon expelled a scream so extravagantly pitched that the surgeon was obliged to tear out her tongue."" ""Fanchon expelled a scream with such extravagant pitch--"" ""With that, the extravagant bitch screamed so Ioud--"" ""She screamed so long and so Ioud--"" ""She screamed, so he felt he shouId" "Ought--"" ""To seal the wound, he took a poker from the fire--"" " "A poker!" - "To tear out her tongue!"" ""He took a poker from the fire!"" "Fire." ""From the fire!"" ""He took a poker from the fire."" "From the fire." "From the fire...." ""He took a poker from the fire!"" " Dauphin." " From the fire." "What's next?" "Bouchon, the words." "tell me the words." "Dauphin?" " Dauphin!" " Fire!" "What's the next bit?" " Fire!" " What's the next bit?" "Fire!" " Fire!" " Just tell me the next bit!" "tell me the words!" "Fire!" "Open all the doors!" "Let the patients out!" "Chase some water!" "Move yourselves!" "Move on!" "Get some water!" "It's hot!" " No!" "No!" " Nice fire!" "Nice, nice, Dauphin, fire!" "Where's that water?" "Get Dauphin!" "Stop him!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Bouchon?" "Bouchon!" "Remember your manners, Bouchon." "Don't" "MadeIeine." "MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" " MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" " MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine." " MadeIeine!" " MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" "Maddy!" "MadeIeine!" "Maddy!" "It's her fault the devil's unleashed himself upon us!" "It's her fault!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" "We must save Charenton!" "Keep the chain going!" "We've got to stop it before it gets to those beams!" " MadeIeine!" " MadeIeine!" "Guards!" "Guards!" "Guards!" "Are you all right?" "MadeIeine!" "MadeIeine!" "Go!" "quickly!" "MadeIeine!" "Where are you, Maddy?" ""She screamed, so he felt he ought to tear out her tongue."" "Bouchon, wait!" "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry, abbé." "I couldn't help it!" "No." "Oh, my God!" "No." "Oh, no!" "MadeIeine!" "Now, now, don't be shy." "We have a nice surprise waiting for you." "There's a good boy." "There's a good boy." "Sorry." "Wait!" "I promise I won't do it again!" "I promise!" "We mustn't blame Bouchon." "He is merely one of nature's experiments gone awry." "No discipline." "No conscience." "No morality." "In fact, it is our duty to provide such things on his behalf." "Is it not?" "As you say, doctor." "He was so impressed by the Marquis' tale that he chose to reenact it, yes?" "Upon a certain chambermaid." "Perhaps you'II be so kind as to remind me of her name." "I beg you, doctor, don't make me say it." "Her name, abbé." "MadeIeine." "tell me, abbé when you are called before God how will you answer for MadeIeine's death?" "Murderer!" "Your words." " Your words drove Bouchon to" " For fuck's sake, abbé!" "Suppose an inmate tried to walk on water and drowned." "would you condemn the bible?" "I think not." "An innocent child is dead." "So many authors are denied the gratification of a concrete response to their work." "I'm blessed, am I not?" " It's no secret that you loved her." " I wanted to fuck her, that's all!" " And did you?" " It's not your province to ask." " Why did you not take her by force?" " Who's to say I did not?" " Was it impotence?" " Never!" "Then it must have been love." "I fucked her, countless times and all the while, she pleaded for more." "We inspected the body." "She died a virgin." "Give her a proper burial in the churchyard at my expense." "Do not inter her sweet body in the same ground as the devils who inhabit this accursed place." "Your terrible secret, revealed." "You're a man, after all." "I've opium to numb the pain." "Our intention is punitive." "If we numb the pain, what's the point?" "Abbé de CouImier." "I'm here." "would that I were so easily silenced." "There's a good boy." "My, my!" "You have exceeded my expectations." "Have I?" "I'm not the first man to shed blood in God's name." "And I'm not the Iast." "will you sleep soundly tonight?" "No, sir." "plainly put, I never expect to sleep again." "Don 't send me away, abbé." "Abbé." "Abbé." "Abbé!" "Abbé." "Abbé." "Abbé." "Abbé!" "Abbé!" "Abbé!" "You'd best come quick, abbé." "He's written all over the walls!" "Used his own filth!" "Made himself a kind of paint." "Dear God!" "The stench!" " Free his mouth." " Mustn't do that, sir." "I must grant him his last rites." "Give me your dagger." "Leave us." "I failed to save your soul in life." "I won't fall in death." "Dear heavenly Father:" "Prove Your infinite mercy, and open Your gates to this man no less Your child than any other." "There is in each of us such beauty and such abomination." "No man is exempt." "Forgive him." "Forgive us all." "Kiss the cross." "Marquis!" "Marquis!" "No!" "No!" " welcome." " pleased to have the post." "Are you?" "Our endowment has shriveled to a mere pittance." "We are the laughingstock of all France." "However, on a happier note the hospital is now in my sole command." "My policy here is that each man must earn his keep." "The "Charenton Press," abbé." "We produce books for the discriminating collector." "The compulsive inmates set the type." "The listless ones do the binding and prepare the ink." "It's remarkable, doctor." "The patients are so subdued, so docile." "Yes, they are at peace." "They have the satisfaction that only a hard day's labor can provide." "I don't believe it." "The Marquis de Sade." "You're actually publishing his novels." "Yes." "Ever since his death, there's been a surge of interest in his works." "Of course I will use the profits to restore Charenton to its former glory." "Oh, doctor." "We have a meeting with Herr Becker at 4:00." "He wants to publish a Swiss edition on gilded paper, bound in calfskin." " Thank you, charlotte." " My pleasure." "Have a look at page 205." "I turned the corner down...." "On your last one!" "Come on!" "Next one!" "Come on, get these books onboard!" "Next boxes up there." "Move yourselves, all right!" "AII right, old mates, that's it!" "See you next week!" "Of course, everything is not quite as harmonious as it seems." "I hope you have a strong constitution." "My years tending Iepers have steeled me for life's grisliest offerings." "We still have a few Ione incurabIes." "Prone to violence and perversion." "So you're my successor, yes?" "Successor?" "Listen to me, abbé and listen well." "I've stared into the face of evil and have lived to tell the tale." "Now I beg you, for your sake, Iet me write it down." "Gibberish." "He rants and he raves." "If you've an ounce of Christianity, you'II bring me parchment, ink and a quill." "No, this patient poses a grave danger to himself and to others." "Are you all right, sir?" " Do you not see, abbé?" " Do you not see, abbé?" "Some men are beyond redemption." "No, wait." "please!" "please bring me a quill." "please." "Wait, I'm sorry." "Oh, goddamn you, abbé!" "A quill!" "A quill." "Use it well." "You owe her that." "Beloved reader:" "I leave you with a tale penned by the abbé de Coulmier a man who found freedom in the unlikeliest of places at the bottom of an inkwell on the tip of a quill." "However, be forewarned its plot is blood-soaked its characters depraved and its themes, unwholesome at best." "But in order to know virtue we must acquaint ourselves with vice." "Only then can we know the full measure of man." "So come." "I dare you." "Turn the page." "subtitles by GeIuIa/SDI" | {
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"MARTIN:" "First day of law school... my professor says two things-- first, from this day forward... when your mother says she loves you, get a second opinion." "JACK:" "Ha ha." "And..." "MARTIN:" "If you want justice, go to a whorehouse." "If you wanna get fucked, go to court." "Naomi!" "JACK:" "Let's say you know a client's guilty." "MARTIN:" "Don't even start with that." "Our justice system doesn't care, and neither do I." "Every defendant, regardless of what he's done... has the right to the best defense possible." "JACK:" "Where were you with the truth?" "MARTIN:" "Truth?" "How do you mean?" "Naomi!" "JACK:" "How many ways are there to mean it?" "MARTIN:" "You think there's only one?" "naomi:" "You're late." "MARTIN:" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Actually, you're right." "There's only one that matters-- my version of it... the one I create in the minds of the jury." "You can call it something else-- the illusion of truth... if you want." "naomi:" "OK." "MARTIN:" "Jack, is that it?" "You need more?" "Yeah." "Tomorrow afternoon?" "I'll have my secretary set it up." "OK." "This is a cover story, right?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "OK, bye." "[Boys choir singing hymn in Latin]" "CHOIR: [Singing] Alleluia." "Alleluia." "Alleluia." "MC:" "Saint Michael's boys choir." "Thank you." "You're a talented group." "Right now, we're going to have a brief photo session... while we have the boys with his excellency." "I'll be back soon." "Bear with us, enjoy dessert, and thank you." "RUSHMAN:" "Ah, yes." "PHOTOGRAPHER:" "Here we go." "[Camera shutter clicking]" "PHOTOGRAPHER:" "Thank you." "RUSHMAN:" "Thank you." "Mangia, mangia." "JOHN:" "Thanks." "Marty." "What an unexpected surprise." "MARTIN:" "I'm getting our prosecutor off the hook." "JOHN:" "What'll it cost?" "A lot less than the alternative." "Tomorrow, my office, 9:30." "Is this on?" "Ooh, yes." "We have come to the heart of the matter... the reason we've all gathered." "This is the fifth straight year it's been my privilege... to serve as your master of ceremonies... for the Chicago Bar Association and Catholic Charities Ball." "MAN:" "You have to put that out." "JANET :" "It's a bar, for Christ's sake." "MC:" "Tonight, due to your generous efforts... we've broken last year's record in terms of attendees..." "MARTIN:" "I thought you quit." "JANET :" "I cut down." "[Applause]" "MARTIN:" "You look beautiful." "Cut your hair?" "JANET :" "Yeah." "A few months ago." "MC:" "As it has been my pleasure..." "MARTIN:" "Want to dance?" "MC:" "I'm pleased to introduce..." "JANET :" "There isn't any music." "MARTIN:" "Sure, there is." "MC: ...state's attorney, God love him..." "Mr. John Shaughnessy." "[Martin humming As Time Goes By]" "[Applause]" "To her shoulder..." "Time..." "JOHN:" "Thank you very much." "MARTIN:" "All you have to do is turn around." "JANET :" "You like it better like this." "That way you don't have to look at the person." "MARTIN:" "Oh, mean." "JOHN:" "Considering the hour..." "MARTIN:" "Look at me." "JOHN:" "I want to thank you for supporting the archbishop." "Let's find a bar you can smoke in." "Thanks for the invite... but I don't like one-night stands much." "We saw each other for months." "It was a one-night stand, Marty." "It just lasted six months." "[Applause]" "RUSHMAN:" "Thanks, John." "Ahem." "I must say..." "I haven't seen this many lawyers and politicians... gathered in one place since confession this morning." "[Laughter]" "[Applause]" "YANCY:" "The people are not going to tolerate... a monetary award to a cockroach who deserves 20 to life." "He may be your client... but Joey Pinero is a hard-case felon." "Dealing, racketeering, money laundering, attempted murder." "Dealing, racketeering, money laundering, attempted murder." "MARTIN:" "Did you say alleged, Yancy?" "Did you hear him say alleged?" "Mr. Pinero has never been convicted of anything." "Cops jumped him, left him bleeding in the snow." "It's a miracle he survived." "Having said that, I'm not opposed to a settlement." "Million-five, and Pinero leaves the state." "You can't limit his citizen's right to live wherever he wants." "Legally, that's unenforceable." "JOHN:" "Whether it's enforceable or a gentlemen's agreement..." "Mr. Pinero will know what we want." "Get the answer you're looking for." "Don't sit around and chat." "It's been a pleasure." "You're worse than the thugs you represent." "JOHN:" "That's enough, Bud." "It's over." "MARTIN:" "I got to run this by him." "JOHN:" "You're on 40%commission." "I'm assured your recommendation will prevail." "Thank you, John." "[Boys choir singing]" "[Boys choir singing]" "[Humming to music]" "RUSHMAN:" "My hand!" "[Crash]" "Oh, shit." "Hey." "Mr." "Vail." "Hey." "Mr." "Vail." "MARTIN:" "How you doing?" "[Woman singing in Spanish]" "JOEY:" "Buena." "Nice tune." "Dame dos tequilas para aquí." "WOMAN:" "OK, mi hijito." "JOEY:" "What'd they say?" "MARTIN:" "Take it or leave it for a million-five." "From Shaughnessy himself." "What do you think?" "We should take it... unless you wanna spend two years in appellate court." "Fuck that." "Close it." "Done." "JOEY:" "Gracias." "OK." "MARTIN:" "Gracias." "Salud." "MARTIN:" "Salud." "¿Mía?" "Your shot." "MARTIN:" "There's one more little thing." "They want you to, uh, leave the state." "They want you to disappear." "Disappear?" "That's good." "Same bullshit, right?" "What are you talking about?" "Ah." "I keep getting these offers from these guys, Marty." "MARTIN:" "What offers?" "A couple of months ago, a cop walks in." "He says,"You testify against Alderman Martinez..." ""and we'll owe you, Joey."" "Say he did you favors, say he's on your payroll... shit like that, right?" "I tell him to fuck himself." "Why?" "Because Martinez is a good man." "He's the only one holding out... while the others try to turn South River... into high-rent condos." "MARTIN:" "Why didn't you tell me before?" "Why?" "Because this happens every day." "I didn't think it had anything to do with this." "MARTIN:" "Oh, you don't?" "I've spent a lot of money here." "They've spent a lot more." "These people depend on me." "I don't give a shit." "Send them checks from California." "Chucho, hazme favor." "Saca mi cd." "JOEY:" "I respect your advice, but I can't take it." "I'll take the money, but I ain't going anywhere." "MARTIN:" "I don't like it." "JOEY:" "Chucho, dame." "What are they gonna do, kill me?" "MARTIN:" "They tried once." "How are they going to kill a man who never sleeps?" "Get the money." "You're too much." "JOEY:" "Hey." "That song you like--fourth cut." "MARTIN:" "Very nice, thank you." "JOEY:" "Yeah." "[Siren]" "STENNER:" "We got enough fucking cops here?" "Police will have their hands full." "WOMAN:" "Captain Stenner, can you tell us anything?" "STENNER:" "I don't know anything." "I just got here." "MAN:" "What's going on?" "STENNER:" "I haven't seen anything yet." "I'll go inside, come out and tell you." "[Stenner coughs]" "HARVEY:" "You should be home in bed, Abel." "It's going around." "STENNER:" "I'll consider that, Harvey." "[Train horn]" "STENNER:" "Christ." "HARVEY:" "What a mess, huh?" "[Panting]" "[Train horn]" "WEIL:" "Sam, you got all you need?" "Gently roll him over." "OFFICER:" "Police!" "Stop!" "WEIL:" "Right thumb and forefinger severed." "The symbol"B32.156" is carved into the chest." "WEIL:" "Body temperature still warm." "DETECTIVE:" "We got one on the run." "[Train horn]" "TV:" "A passing train has separated the suspect..." "MARTIN:" "You want to know what I hate?" "I hate when they go on about what big whores... the defense attorneys are." "We're the bad guys." "Because we're sitting next to some creep... we start to look creepy." "Plus, they assume they're guilty... and we know or something." "You don't know." "You don't ask, you don't care." "You do the goddamn job." "It's not like they're your friends." "Some are your friends, but..." "[Helicopter overhead]" "JACK:" "Why'd you leave the state's attorney's office?" "MARTIN:" "Dead-end job." "You either run for office, or you end up a judge." "Why become an umpire when you can play ball?" "TV: ...into the area around Saint Michael's... and the archbishop's mansion." "[Train horn blares]" "Over here!" "He's over here!" "TV:" "We will stay with this shocking story... as it continues to unfold throughout the day." "What we do know... is that at approximately 11:08 this morning..." "When did you know you had them?" "What?" "Sorry." "During the Pinero trial, when did you say,"I've got them"?" "The day I took the case." "Excuse me." "TV:" "The shocking murder this morning... of one of Chicago's most beloved figures..." "Archbishop Richard Rushman... has left the city numb." "We have Andy live." "ANDY:" "Chicago police have arrested a 19-year-old man... tentatively identified as Aaron Stampler." "According to Captain Abel Stenner..." "We have to reschedule." "Call my office." "I'm sorry." "[Telephone rings]" "[Ring]" "Law offices of Martin Vail." "MARTIN:" "You got the news on?" "We're watching it." "Call Sullivan in Judge Trotter's office." "Find out where they took him and call me at the Alibi." "A lot of guys will want this one." "The police have taken the first steps... acting with speed and determination." "[Alarm chirps]" "MAN:" "Are you taking the Stampler case?" "MARTIN:" "I'm sorry." "I can't talk about anything now." "Thank you very much." "WOMAN:" "When will you talk?" "MARTIN:" "State's attorney left yet?" "MAN:" "Yeah." "Yancy, no less." "P.D.?" "Come and gone." "MAN:" "Lockup!" "MARTIN:" "Give my best to your brother." "MAN:" "Yeah, sure." "I'd like to see him alone." "All right." "I'll have to lock you in." "Understood." "You know who I am?" "Well...no." "No, sir." "No, I don't." "My name is Martin Vail." "I'm what you call a, um, big-shot attorney." "Oh, I don't-- I don't have no money." "I didn't think you did." "I'm willing to take your case pro bono... which means you get my expertise and hard work for free." "Or you could get the $40,000-a-year... court-appointed public defender who will almost certainly... escort you personally to death row." "Your choice." "No." "N-no, sir." "I would be gr-grateful for anything you could do." "You're welcome." "Ahem." "Now, your full name is?" "AARON:" "What?" "Oh." "Aaron Luke Stamp" "St-Stampler." "Stampler." "You from Kentucky, Aaron?" "AARON:" "Yes, sir." "I'm from Creekside." "Does it say that there?" "MARTIN:" "How long you been here in Chicago?" "Well, two years next month, I think." "MARTIN:" "You ever been arrested?" "No." "No, sir." "MARTIN:" "How do you knowthe archbishop?" "Well, um..." "I was begging on the street up on Wacker Drive." "[Clears throat]" "Bishop Rushman came by in his Cadillac." "He s-saw me, and he stopped." "He took me into Savior House." "I work as an altar boy." "l--I sing in his choir." "How long were you there-- Savior House?" "AARON:" "Year, year and a half." "You're supposed to leave when you're 18, but... but Bishop Rushman let--let me stay on... way past my 19th birthday." "That was nice of him." "Yes." "Yes, it was." "Aaron, did you have any reason to dislike the archbishop?" "Aaron, did you have any reason to dislike the archbishop?" "Dislike him?" "No." "No, sir." "He was..." "He was like a father to me." "Yeah, but you..." "How do I say this?" "Were you in the room when he was murdered?" "How can you explain that?" "There was someone else in that room, Mr. Vail." "A third person?" "Yes, sir." "MARTIN:" "Did you tell the police?" "Yes, I did, but they didn't believe me." "You tell me now." "I was--I was returning a book to Bishop Rushman's library." "I heard noise, so I went back into his-- in his bedroom." "Bishop--Bishop Rushman was laying on the floor." "There--there was blood all over everything." "Then I seen a shadow." "I seen a person..." "leaning over Bishop Rushman." "It looked up, then came at me, and that's when... when I lost the time." "What does that mean, "lost time"?" "l--I bla-bla--I blacked out." "It just-- It happens to me sometimes." "I just--I have..." "Spells." "Sp--I have spells." "I lose time." "I can't..." "I can't remember nothing." "Why did you run from the police if you did nothing wrong?" "Well, when..." "When I woke up, I was-- I was covered in blood." "I didn't know what to do." "I got scared." "I heard sirens, so I ran." "I know how it looks, but I swear" "I don't need you to convince me." "Just answer my questions." "But I didn't do this." "You gotta believe me." "MARTIN:" "I don't have to believe you." "I don't care." "I'm your attorney, which means I am your mother... father, best friend, and priest." "In other words, talk only to me from now on." "Not the cops, press, other guys in the cells... nobody without my permission, understand?" "Yeah?" "Yes, I do." "MARTIN:" "All right." "Nowthe important stuff." "What's your suit size?" "My--my what?" "Suit size." "About a 38?" "Uh..." "How would I know?" "I don't know." "About a 38-Iong." "TV:" "Stampler was flushed by the police... from his hiding place behind the cathedral." "The police chased him through the train yard... almost losing him as he scrambled over tracks... before an oncoming train, separating him from the police." "Prominent local criminal defense attorney Martin Vail... is believed to have visited Stampler" "After a brief chase across the rail yard... behind Saint Michael's Cathedral..." "Stampler was apprehended in a hole beneath train tracks." "REPORTER:" "Are you defending this man?" "MARTIN:" "I'm sorry." "I can't" "Thank you very much." "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "We've taken the first step in the process." "I can nowtake your questions." "MAN:" "Can you tell us anything about the altar boy group... that Aaron Stampler was part of?" "JOHN:" "Not much at this time." "WOMAN:" "Do you suspect other altar boys?" "JOHN:" "We suspect no one but Stampler." "He had access to the archbishop's quarters." "He was caught fleeing Saint Michael's." "Aaron Stampler was chased under McCormick place." "[Telephone rings]" "naomi:" "Law office of Martin Vail." "He'll call as soon as he gets in." "I talked to him." "OK." "Bye." "Naomi!" "Yeah." "MARTIN:" "Sorry I'm late." "We have a new client." "naomi:" "I was afraid you'd say that." "Who?" "They're calling him the butcher boy of Saint Mike's." "MARTIN:" "I like that." "naomi:" "Good." "You'll hear it a lot." "TOMMY:" "This kid who chopped up the archbishop?" "MARTIN:" "Tommy, you've got to use the word"allegedly"... especially if you want to be a lawyer." "He admits he was in the room when the killing occurred... but he didn't actually see it happen." "He was returning a book to the archbishop." "He heard loud noises in the bedroom." "He went in." "He sees a figure... someone in the shadows kneeling over the body." "He blacks out." "Next thing he knows... sirens are screaming, he's covered in blood." "The cops find him in a train tunnel." "He's got the archbishop's ring in his pocket." "TOMMY:" "He stole it?" "I didn't say that." "It was in his pocket." "Is that it?" "Yup." "That's, um..." "That's bullshit." "That's the worst bullshit story I've ever heard." "Now it's our bullshit story." "Let's get to work." "The name of the game is motive... as in, the prosecution doesn't have one." "We need to prove... someone else could have committed the crime... then we can establish reasonable doubt." "I wanna know everything I can about this guy." "We go to database, Hall of Records, IRS files... even his so-called charities." "So-called?" "The guy was a priest." "Naomi, write this down" "B32.156." "That was carved into the archbishop's chest." "Allegedly." "No." "That was a fact, but I appreciate the effort." "Thanks." "I also need case histories on murder by stabbing... murder by mutilation, murder by religion." "Also, I'm gonna need a psychiatrist." "naomi:" "You're telling me." "MARTIN:" "Not the kind that lives in a witness box." "I need a real one." "And someone who knows about amnesia." "What does he look like in person?" "The butcher boy?" "Like a boy scout." "A boy scout..." "with a merit badge in carving." "YANCY:" "The archbishop was a friend of Mr. Shaughnessy's." "He asked me who was my best man." "I said you." "JANET :" "Thank you." "I trust if I am to prosecute this case..." "I'll be given the authority requisite to this assignment." "JOHN:" "You're the one trying the case." "Let's establish one thing at the outset." "I want the death penalty." "JANET :" "I'd like to go over the case... before we make a determination about the death penalty." "JOHN:" "I'm open to anything you say... but in my mind, there's no debate." "Did he say anything, the boy they picked up?" "Yeah--he didn't do it." "YANCY:" "It's a slam dunk, Janet." "JANET :" "Excuse me." "I appreciate your faith in me... and I don't mean to be argumentative" "YANCY:" "That's what we pay you for." "If it's so open and shut, you don't need me." "The P.D. will plead no contest and seek the court's mercy." "There's not a public defender." "He's got a lawyer?" "Already?" "Who?" "I'm Martin Vail." "I'm defending Aaron Stampler." "I need to inspect the murder site." "The butcher boy, huh?" "Thank you." "Yes." "I forgot his real name." "JANET :" "What's the matter, Marty, lost your faith?" "Looking for a little religion?" "Which one of us is the true headline chaser?" "Unlike you, I was assigned to this case." "Think you're up to it?" "Sell the book rights yet, or are you waiting?" "Want to see some pictures?" "Come on." "They're kind of cute." "You'll agree they clearly show the heinous nature of the crime." "MARTIN:" "A small piece of advice-- don't use the word "heinous" in court." "Half the jury won't understand it." "One small piece of advice" "I'm not sitting second chair to you anymore." "In case you hadn't noticed, I graduated." "I had no reason to leave." "You had every reason to leave." "How can you still work for them?" "You really expect me to trot out after you, Marty?" "Quit just because you did?" "I don't need a Mercedes." "I don't need to see my face on the evening news." "You knew I was coming here, didn't you?" "You knew I would defend him." "You asked Shaughnessy for this." "Oh, please..." "What's the matter, you nervous?" "Been a while since you rubbed up against a woman with a brain?" "What's the matter?" "You tired, haven't been sleeping well?" "You're the one with the score to settle." "I sleep great at night." "[Door closes]" "[Door release buzzer]" "MARTIN:" "Thanks." "MARTIN:" "Hey." "Where is he?" "OFFICER:" "Over here." "MARTIN:" "We'll be sitting at a table with my associates." "Once the charges are read, the judge'll ask how you plead." "Not--not guilty." "No." "But I'm not guilty, Mr. Vail." "MARTIN:" "It doesn't matter." "Keep your mouth shut." "Don't say anything." "AARON:" "You're going to say I'm not guilty?" "I'll say whatever I say." "Don't worry." "But, Mr. Vail" "This can't go on in court, so get used to it now." "I speak." "You do not speak." "Your job is to sit there and look innocent." "I am innocent." "That's it!" "That's exactly how you should look." "That's exactly it." "Can you remember that?" "That's the look." "AARON:" "This is how I always look." "MARTIN:" "Then you're way ahead of the game already." "Don't smile." "Don't..." "[Reporters shouting questions]" "WOMAN:" "Can we have a statement?" "MARTIN:" "No." "We're gonna find out what happened." "MAN:" "What about public pressure?" "MARTIN:" "The only pressure is to find the truth." "MAN:" "Was the archbishop's blood on him?" "MARTIN:" "You've been talking to the police." "They usually get everything wrong." "WOMAN:" "How do you explain his blood-soaked clothing?" "MARTIN:" "Currently, I'm not explaining anything." "I've only recently been retained." "Significant facts are in dispute and continue to be in dispute." "MAN:" "You're a master at putting the victim on trial." "That will be difficult in this case." "MARTIN:" "A victim is my client." "We have two victims here, no suspects." "Thank you." "Thank you." "JOHN:" "I don't think there'll be any question about the verdict." "All rise." "JUDGE:" "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." "Bailiff?" "BAILIFF :" "State vs. Aaron Stampler." "Sit down." "Is everyone here?" "BAILIFF :" "Yes, Your Honor." "JUDGE:" "Madam prosecutor?" "The state charges Aaron Stampler with murder in the first degree." "How does your client plead, counselor?" "I need time to make a complete psychiatric evaluation... before any charges are brought." "JANET :" "We have more than enough evidence for the allegations." "I agree." "Motion denied." "Mr. Stampler... do you understand the charges?" "AARON:" "Yes." "I direct my client not to answer... because his response may tend to incriminate him." "He's taking the fifth on whether he understands the charges?" "Yes, Your Honor." "Until a psychological evaluation... he'll be taking the fifth on all questions posed." "The State vs. Appleby..." "if you'll review our precedent." "Thank you." "Nah, I can't do that." "Nah." "What do you want?" "TOMMY:" "I'm looking for the room Aaron Stampler stayed in." "You the police?" "I'm his uncle." "[Train passes by]" "Unh!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "MARTIN:" "Thanks." "AARON:" "Well, hey." "This--this is Alex's." "Who's Alex?" "He's one of the other altar boys." "An altar boy?" "An altar boy was wearing this?" "Well, not--not at Mass." "MARTIN:" "This altar boy attacked a colleague of mine." "He hurt him pretty bad." "What was he doing in your room?" "My room?" "Yeah." "l--I can't..." "I can't--I don't know." "I mean, I don't." "Know where to find him?" "AARON:" "Who?" "Alex?" "Uh-huh." "AARON:" "I don't know where he is." "Who's Linda?" "Lin-Linda?" "She your girlfriend?" "Where is she?" "I'd like to talk to her." "AARON:" "I don't know where she is." "Why do I feel you're not telling me something?" "AARON:" "I'm telling the truth." "I don't think so." "Are you surprised that Alex attacked my friend?" "No." "No, I mean, he has a temper." "Yeah." "I'd say so." "You think it could be Alex... who was that figure you saw at the archbishop's room?" "I c--Alex?" "I couldn't be sure." "But it could be him?" "I don't--I don't know." "The state wants you dead." "Help me, or that's what they'll get." "l" "I'm trying." "I can't--can't remember." "I don't understand." "Why would Alex do such a thing?" "For his own reasons." "Maybe someone hired him." "H-hired by who?" "I don't know." "Forget the whole thing." "Do you think he's capable of doing it?" "l--I don't know." "He..." "I don't know who's capable of such a thing." "MARTIN:" "Oh, thanks." "ARRINGTON:" "Sure." "He claims someone else was in the room... and that he can't remember." "You want me to look into this amnesia question... and see what he actually knows?" "Yeah." "What if he knows he did it?" "The major causes of amnesia are... substance abuse, seizures, head injuries, and malingering." "I think the kid's telling the truth." "OK." "Then let's get something straight." "I'm more than happy to analyze him." "In fact, I'm looking forward to it." "But I won't just validate a story, understood?" "You do your job, I do mine." "Yadda, yadda." "ARRINGTON:" "That's right." "If I think it's necessary..." "I'd want to get an mri, EEG, and neuropsych testing, agreed?" "MARTIN:" "Yes, Doctor." "Good night, Doctor." "ARRINGTON:" "I'll be recording our meetings for Mr. Vail... so what we talk about isn't as confidential... as if you were consulting with a doctor for help." "He may call me as a witness... so if you have questions, ask while he's here." "N-no." "No, ma'am." "I understand." "Good." "I think we'll be fine." "See you later." "OK." "Bye." "ARRINGTON:" "Was there a period of time... surrounding the archbishop's death... that you don't remember?" "AARON:" "Yeah--yes." "I lo--Iost the time." "I mean--I mean, I b-blacked out." "Have you had these blackouts before?" "AARON:" "Yes." "Yes, I have." "When's the first time you remember them happening?" "Um..." "They st-st-started when I was about 12." "Were your parents aware of what was happening?" "N-no." "No." "My--my...my mother was dead." "ARRINGTON:" "And your father?" "Mm-mmm." "No." "No." "No." "He was not--not a nice man." "Did you seek treatment?" "Did I what?" "Uh, did you see a doctor for them?" "Oh." "No." "No." "You don't see a doctor in Creekside..." "You don't see a doctor in Creekside... unless your leg's broke." "[Arrington laughs]" "MARTIN:" "Hey." "Can I talk to you?" "JANET :" "Talk." "MARTIN:" "Excuse us." "I'll bring her right back." "JANET :" "How dare you." "Am I some chess piece to move around?" "I was having lunch." "When are we getting all the discovery?" "What do you want, Marty?" "MARTIN:" "To know when we're getting discovery." "I've got motions to file." "JANET :" "No, you don't." "You're looking to make a deal." "I have no authority to deal." "I haven't discussed this with my client." "If we needed to deal, I have all the authority I want." "Bullshit." "Shaughnessy wants the whole shot... and he's using you to get it." "Anybody in your position would deal this down... to murder with no death penalty." "My position?" "We have a fucking great case." "Great case?" "Lack of prior record, no eyewitness... no confession, no motive." "Hard evidence." "I assume this means you're not going with insanity... which is a shame." "My shrinks would have torn him apart." "By the way, pleading the fifth on the charges was brilliant." "It was good, wasn't it?" "Yeah." "I liked it." "You lose this case... you take the fall, not Shaughnessy." "Talk to me." "JANET :" "We're going to trial." "It only takes one... just one juror that doesn't believe he did it." "One juror looks into that face" "I got to admit, that face is great." "Are you prepping him to take the stand?" "That stutter-- it's p-p-priceless." "Oh, Marty... don't tell me you think he didn't do it." "Has little Aaron Stampler gotten to you?" "We're not just talking jail." "It's about ending someone's life." "If you're wrong and do this for Shaughnessy... can you live with it?" "I'll live." "See you in court." "MARTIN:" "We stipulate that murder was done here." "Therefore, these photographs have no probative value." "JANET :" "This is a case of mutilation and torture." "The only reason the prosecution... wants to showthese pictures is shock appeal." "JANET :" "That's not true." "They identify the heinous nature of the crime... and they connect the defendant to the crime scene." "Prejudicial." "I beg to differ." "MARTIN:" "Beg all you want." "JUDGE:" "Counsel, please." "The photographs are in." "Would you two like a recess to carry on in private?" "Sorry, Your Honor, but the next thing you know... he'll be objecting if we bring in the murder weapon." "Nowthat she brings it up..." "MARTIN:" "This is a public building." "Excuse me, Mr. Vail... would you sign this for me?" "ARRINGTON:" "Tell me about Linda, your girlfriend." "Y-yes." "Yes, she was." "How'd you meet?" "Uh, we was both at the Savior House." "I was an altar boy." "She--she was doing work for Bishop Rushman." "What was the relationship like?" "AARON:" "M-me and Linda?" "Mm-hmm." "She was real cultural." "Real cultural and very smart." "We--we had a nice time together." "W-we might get married." "Were you sleeping together?" "Well, that's private." "ARRINGTON:" "I know." "I have to ask the question." "Were you having a sexual relationship?" "Y-yes." "Yes, we were." "ARRINGTON:" "Were you sleeping with anyone else at the time?" "No." "Was she?" "Has she been to see you, Aaron?" "Well--well, no, but" "ARRINGTON:" "And that upsets you?" "AARON:" "No." "No, thing is, she--she went away." "She went away for a while." "She left b-before this happened." "I don't even think... don't even think she knows about it." "[Alarm chirps]" "[Telephone rings]" "Yo, boss." "Hey." "Got something for me?" "Yeah." "naomi:" "There's nothing catalogued at downtown branch... under the numbers B32.156... but I think the"B" is actually an 8." "I think the knife slipped." "832.156." ""Thomas Jefferson"?" "I don't think he did it." "You won't be much happier with this-- a list of the archbishop's charities... and his foundation's investments." "Nothing startling here, except for how many there are." "Wait a minute here." "What was he doing with the South River deal?" "Pull that up." "Who are the investors?" "Shaughnessy?" "That's Joey Pinero's neighborhood." "JOEY:" "See this lot here?" "This all used to be houses." "In fact, there was a house over on the corner... where I kissed my first girlfriend." "Got her pregnant, too." "MARTIN:" "Hell of a kiss, Joey." "JOEY:" "Oh, yeah." "This whole neighborhood's gonna end up high-rent condos... if those guys get their way." "That's why I'm buying back the lot with the settlement." "You heard about that, right?" "The money?" "ALDERMAN:" "Who hasn't?" "JOEY:" "Marty's the best." "MARTIN:" "Just doing my job." "JOEY:" "Yeah." "A million-five, he's just doing his job." "MARTIN:" "Alderman, Joey tells me a cop came around... wanting him to set you up." "ALDERMAN:" "It's typical." "Can't buy me, so they try and buy a brother." "Most people assume this land we're walking on... belongs to the railroad, but it doesn't." "It belongs to the church." "The church?" "Mm-hmm." "So that's the Rushman Foundation?" "ALDERMAN:" "Right, along with a bunch of rich developers." "Including John Shaughnessy?" "ALDERMAN:" "Oh, yeah." "Then they got greedy, buying up all the land... and old buildings around the church property... then tearing it down." "Our old neighborhood was gonna to disappear." "So I asked the archbishop..." ""What are you doing to these people?" ""They're poor." ""They're getting kicked out of their homes..." ""and they're Catholic."" "JOEY:" "Fuckin'" "A." "ALDERMAN:" "He listened." "I couldn't believe it." "He told them to stop developing around the church property." "MARTIN:" "So the partners are holding these empty buildings... they can't knock down and land they can't build on." "Shaughnessy loses millions." "ALDERMAN:" "Mm-hmm." "MARTIN:" "If I need you to, will you testify?" "JOEY:" "Who, me?" "Oh, yeah." "Easy." "Just change out of this, put on a Brooks Brothers... with loafers and tassels, you bet." "MARTIN:" "Not--not you." "ALDERMAN:" "Sure." "I'll testify." "SHAUGHNESSY:" "You know what people think-- think this great city runs itself." "It gets up, goes to work... and climbs into bed at night like we do." "They're unaware of what it takes to see it doesn't break down-- crime, fires, riots... the goddamn water pipes bursting under the city." "What a fucking mess that was." "Who does the water commissioner call... the contractor who built it?" "No." "He calls me." "They all call me." "God damn, this is terrific." "They call me, because I keep the peace." "That's my job." "This city doesn't burn because I won't permit it." "I'm the great negotiator." "You think people get that?" "Truth is, I don't care." "Dumb bastards don't even vote." "All they want to do is eat, sleep, watch TV... and occasionally fuck their wives." "MARTIN:" "Guess we should all thank you." "SHAUGHNESSY:" "Ha." "You're welcome." "John, you need some new material." "I've heard this great city speech 10 times." "Your boy Pinero's not honoring his side of the deal." "Is that what this dinner's about?" "Pinero?" "In part." "MARTIN:" "I told him what the deal is." "He's a grownup." "What's the other part?" "I understand your assistant's been digging around... in the archbishop's financial affairs." "Yeah." "Well..." "How much did you lose... when he pulled the plug from South River, John?" "Let me tell you something." "It's a mistake to stick your thumb... in the eyes of the most powerful people in the city." "MARTIN:" "It's not their eyes I'm aiming for." "Do not fuck with me, Marty." "Pipes are bursting again, John." "ECKERT :" "In the most anticipated murder trial... in recent Chicago history... former State's Attorney prosecutor Martin Vail... will lead with his opening statement... on behalf of Aaron Stampler..." "JANET :" "Richard Rushman was a man of God." "He spent his life giving to the people of Chicago." "He was a beacon of inspiration... not only as a spiritual leader..." "YU: ..." "Deliver his opening statement tomorrow..." "MARTIN:" "My name is Martin Vail." "The reason I'm here, and you're here... is to make sure that the truth is known." "Now, we can begin to learn the truth... by talking about what the prosecution... does not want you to hear." "JANET :" "Do not be fooled... by the defendant's innocent appearance and demeanor." "Aaron Stampler... sat in judgment of Archbishop Rushman... and determined that not only should he die... but he should die the most brutal..." "MARTIN:" "Aaron was arrested within minutes... of the Archbishop's death." "We all saw it on television." "But why?" "Because he was convenient." "Because there was enormous pressure to solve this crime." "JANET :" "The evidence will show that Aaron Stampler... stalked, ambushed, and savagely murdered this great man." "MARTIN:" "The prosecution doesn't want you to hear... about the other altar boys in the choir... who have mysteriously disappeared." "JANET :" "You will learn that Aaron Stampler... had everything he needed for the perfect assassination." "Using this knife..." "Aaron Stampler repeatedly stabbed... at the archbishop's chest... his genitals, his eyes." "MARTIN:" "They don't want you to hear... that the archbishop made investments... on behalf of the Roman Catholic church... and that those investments resulted in huge losses... for some very, very powerful people." "They don't want you to hear about... the 20 death threats this year alone... that the archbishop received prior to death." "And they really don't want you to hear... about their theory of motive." "And why is that?" "Very simple." "They don't have one." "JANET :" "Inspector Woodside, can you explain to the court... where these sneakers came from?" "WOODSIDE:" "They were taken off the defendant... when he was apprehended." "JANET :" "And what was the result of the bloodstain analysis?" "WOODSIDE:" "The result proved to be human blood... matching the blood type and DNA characteristics... of Archbishop Rushman." "JANET :" "What do the footprints surrounding the body say?" "The killer left a pattern of bloody footprints... around the area of the struggle... as indicated by the spread of blood through the room." "MARTIN:" "Yes or no, Inspector-- could there have been a third person there?" "WOODSIDE:" "There is no evidence to suggest that." "But there's no evidence to prove there wasn't." "No." "And after the struggle, what happened then?" "WOODSIDE:" "Analysis suggests the killer was startled... during the mutilation... and ran downstairs from the bedroom." "Is it possible, Inspector... that the real killer-- a third person-- who maybe was smart enough... not to tramp a freeway of blood through the place... couldn't this person have placed the defendant's prints... on the knife while he was passed out?" "Mr. Vail, anything is possible." "JANET :" "So, the victim suffered a great number of stab wounds?" "WEIL:" "Yes, he did--78." "He tried to defend himself." "That explains the cuts to hands and forearms." "Doctor, isn't it a fact that you can't be sure... whether more than one person inflicted... these 78 stab and incise wounds?" "WEIL:" "It could've been more than one, but I doubt it." "From your analysis of the knife wounds, Dr. Weil... do you have an opinion whether the killer... was left or right-handed?" "WEIL:" "The throat wound and chest wounds... were made from an angle that strongly suggests... a left-handed person was using the knife." "To your knowledge, is the defendant left-handed?" "Yes, he is." "It's possible that a right-handed person... could've deliberately used his left hand... to inflict these wounds." "Yes, that is possible." "Then it would be reasonable to assume... that there was a third person at the crime scene?" "Reasonable, no, but it is possible." "ANCHOR:" "Then following opening statements... it was a day of strong and detailed testimony... from the prosecution's first witnesses" "Cook County Forensics Chief Harvey Woodside... and Cook County Medical Examiner Emil Weil." "There was also tough cross-examination... by Stampler defense attorney Martin Vail." "By most accounts, though, the prosecution..." "JANET :" "Captain Stenner, I'd like to thank you... for all the time you've given us today." "Finally, I would like to turn your attention... to the symbol carved in the archbishop's chest." "Would you tell the jury about that, Captain?" "STENNER:" "Yes." "The letter and the numbers B32.156... were carved into the archbishop's chest." "JANET :" "Have you been able to find an identical reference?" "I believe so, yes." "The symbol--B32.156-- is actually catalog code for a book... discovered in a private reading room... located in the church basement." "The B32 part refers to a book" "The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne." "When we opened the book to page 156... we discovered an underlined passage." "JANET :" "Would you please read this underlined passage... to the court?" ""No man, for any considerable period..." ""can wear one face to himself..." ""and another to the multitude..." ""without finally getting bewildered..." ""as to which may be the true."" "Thank you." "What does that passage mean to you, Captain?" "MARTIN:" "Objection." "He's a policeman, not an English professor." "His interpretation would be speculative and irrelevant." "She didn't ask for an expert opinion." "The witness can answer." "Well, to me, it's simple." "The killer thought his victim was two-faced." "Dishonest at something." "JANET :" "In your experience, Captain... do killers ever intentionally leave clues to their motive?" "CAPTAIN:" "Not often, but it happens." "MARTIN:" "Thanks." "Thanks." "Yeah, sure." "Did you underline that book?" "Did I what?" "Did you underline that book?" "No, Mr. Vail." "No?" "I never even opened The Scarlet Letter." "I don't--don't like Hawthorne." "I tried to read that one about the house with seven somethings." "I couldn't get past page ten." "I weren't the only one using Bishop Rushman's library." "Everybody borrowed books from Bishop Rushman." "He encouraged it." "Altar boys and staff-- everyone was in there." "MARTIN:" "Guard?" "Thanks." "MARTIN:" "You don't give up, do you?" "JACK:" "So, you didn't know anything about Hawthorne?" "No." "What about the impact" "MARTIN:" "Look, I can't talk now." "My office will call you." "Thanks." "I'll see you." "Bye." "Bye." "What the fuck happened in there?" "I guess that eight was a"B" after all." "MARTIN:" "Think this is funny?" "We're losing this case." "Tommy, how could you have missed that?" "TOMMY:" "There's 50 of them, plus the entire police department." "How was I to know he had a private reading room?" "It's your job." "Want my job?" "I want you to do your fucking job!" "I'm working on a third man defense." "Have you figured that out yet?" "I don't have a third man." "You know why?" "'Cause you can't fucking find him!" "Is it that hard to find one indigent kid?" "naomi:" "Maybe we already got the kid who did this." | {
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"Excited and anxious I await my dream" "To escape, applaud And embrace my team" "Opening day I always can trust" "It's just for this high That I crazily lust" "Return of our hero Does brighten the days" "Just briefly, my troubles Get lost in the haze" "The grace from the field Arouses the crowd" "Reflects on the days When I was quite proud" "I'm more entranced Than the average fan" "I used to play, you see And I know I still can" "That time I drove the ball With such loft" "My exit atop shoulders As they carried me off" "This pastime and I Just fade into one" "Expanded upon From father and son" "My boy is young And awkward for now" "I just need the time And can show him how" "I really am quite close Just a break away" "From straightening things out And being okay" "I can help my team To regain its glory" "With just a little twist To the same old story" "Players say now They play for themselves" "This causes a burning Within me that dwells" "The fan is the one Who pays for the game" "Which bestows all the riches And welcomed fame" "The players will listen But really don't hear" "All the while just hiding Behind an invisible tear" "I grow tired now of all this greed" "And chart a course to set things free" "We got our first caller." "Is that Gil on the cellular?" "Yes, sir, it sure is." " What's that I hear in the background?" " That's my Giants watch." " I'm late for work." " Giants watch, great." " What do you got for us, Gil?" " It's just I'm really psyched." "Opening day's tomorrow." "We're all psyched." "This is different." "I've been waiting a long time for this one." " What are you waiting for?" " Bobby Rayburn." "We got him." " We're going all the way this year." " What would you bet on that?" " I'd bet everything I own, that's for sure." " I like this guy." "You think Rayburn's worth the 40 mil, huh?" ".310" "lifetime batting average." "He's worth twice that, three times that." "I bet he'd love to hear you say that." "Let's see if we can get him on the line." " You're gonna get him on the line?" " "Yes." "Hang on." "Let's find Bobby."" "When we come back, we will be talking to Bobby Rayburn." "Great." "You got Bobby Rayburn on the line yet?" "Who the fuck does this guy think he is?" " Three- time National League MVP?" " That allows him to fuck up my show?" " "Hello, I got Rayburn on the line."" " We got him!" "And go." "Welcome back, we're here with the hopes and dreams of all Giants fans." "Ex-Brave centre fielder and league RBI champ four of the last five years, Local boy come home, Bobby Rayburn." " How you doing, Bobby?" " Hey, Jewel, how you doing?" "Good to be talking to you." "I want to tell you, I love your show." " Thanks a lot." " Bobby, this is Bernie..." "A lot of fans are on the line dying to talk to you." "But first, how does it feel to be back in the Bay Area?" "I'm telling you, it's great." "I grew up here." "The Giants are my homies." "That's good to hear." "But let me ask you this:" "You're famous for your dedication to perfection." "You're one of the hardest-working players." "Don't forget "good-looking."" "But come on, now." "Bobby, baby do you honestly think you are worth 40 million simoleons?" "He's one of the best ballplayers in the league." "I'm glad you asked me." "I don't like to put a money value on a human being." "But I think I have given 100 percent to every franchise I've played with." "Attaway, Bobby!" "Thank you for not answering." " Better retreat." " She's a riot." "What about the fans?" "Won't all this money raise their expectations?" "I hope so." "I consider myself a baseball fan first and a player second." "And in the game of baseball, it's all about the fans." " You tell them, Bob." " And the Juan Primo controversy?" "Giants centre fielder since 1990." "You come in, bump him to the left." "Some people resent that." " Bitch!" " I don't think Primo's one of them." "You know, he's a team player." "That makes him great." "I look forward to playing with him." "That's great, Bobby." "Let's get back to our callers." "Gil?" " Yeah, am...?" "Am I on the air?" " Yes, you are, Gil." "Jewel, why do you have to be so negative?" "Come on, I'm a sweetheart." "The guy's making a lot of money." "Would you turn it down?" "You'd be nuts to turn them down." "Why be down on Rayburn because he's not nuts?" "You got a point." "I apologize." " "Hey, Bobby, are you listening to me?"" " I sure am!" " Thanks for backing me up, man." " No problem." "It's a pleasure." "Just remember where you heard it first." "I played the game." "I know what I'm talking about." "Grew up on the Giants." "My dad moved the family here when the Giants moved here." "I watched you ever since you hit the grand slam against South Bay in the '82 city championship." "That's when I saw you were somebody special, and you never let me down." "When the two of you come together, Rayburn and the Giants that's like a magical conjunction, like the alignment of the planets." "You're gonna bring us all the way." "Who said it first?" "You did, Gil!" "You did!" " Attaway, Bobby!" " We hope so." " Bobby, let's talk about your divorce." " Christ, look." "I just got to the ballpark." "I'm really sorry, but I gotta go." " Really enjoyed talking to you." " Anytime, Bobby." "Good luckout there." "We will be right back." " I am so surprised he hung up." " Thank you." "Giants haven't had a one- two punch like this since Mays and McCovey." "Joining the list of bullshit excuses we've had a lot of whining about product quality from certain members of our sales force." "Example:" "The two Jima line." "Gil, do you see any quality problems there?" "Blade's too thin, pommel's too light, and there's a half tang hidden in there." "Maybe that's why you're not selling." "Sweet." "Somebody made a mistake, man." "I wear number 11." " I'm sorry." "I didn't know." " It's cool." "Manny, just handle it." "Me?" "I think this knife's an asskicker." "This door, on the other hand, comes off a foreign car." "Well, need I say more?" " Why are you guys still here?" " There's been a glitch, okay?" " I'm working on it." " What's a "glitch"?" "A detail that hasn't been worked out." "Permutation that happens in..." "What?" "With my number?" " Yeah, with your number." " No, no, no." "Manny, you know I wear number 11." " Of course." " So there shouldn't be any problem." "It is a problem." "Primo wears 11." "Tickets in yet?" "Tickets?" "What tickets?" " Opening day." " You got other things to worry about." "I'll let you in on a little secret, Gil." "You came this close to kissing pavement." " How about that close?" " Yeah." "Management had you on the list." "I talked them out of it." "Don't make me regret it." " Thanks, master." " Okay, fuck it." "I'm not playing with number 33." "You understand?" "I know." "Just be cool." "Let me take care of it." "Three times 11 is 33." "You may play three- times better." "Thanks." "I'll talk to you in a minute." "Jesus was 33 when he died." "People still talk about him." " Give me my number." " Think about it, seriously." "Should I fire him?" "I should fire him, huh?" "I should fire his butt." "Good form." "Seriously." "I promised those tickets to my clients." "Don't make me look like an asshole." "Please." " I do have a reputation to uphold." " A reputa..." "Jesus-fucking"..."" "Nobody cares." "You're stuck in a time warp with your head up your ass." " Why, because I don't wanna sell crap?" " We are not dedicated to perfection!" "People don't want quality." "They want cheap product." "When that fucks up, they want to replace it, so that's what we give them." "You got till the end of the month, Gil." "Look McKinley and Everest is our biggest account." "You better close on it." "Bring in the fucking numbers." "Asshole." "Sid, what was the missing link on your ball club last season?" "We'd have made the playoffs if Rayburn hadn't hit that three- run shot in Atlanta." "Everybody said, "Why don't we have a slugger like that?" Now we do." " Bobby, a picture?" " Why don't we take one with Primo." " Sounds good." " Keep smiling." "Keep fucking smiling." " I hope you like it in centre field." " Yeah, I hope you like it in left." "No more questions." "2.5 million signing bonus." "Half this year and half the next." "Yeah." "Well, well, if it isn't Jewel, my favourite token female sports reporter." " Blow me, Manny." " I would, but you haven't had your shots." "There were also bonuses based on winning the MVP..." "I want an interview with Rayburn, Manny." "Are we talking about "the overpaid, overrated SOB with the pending divorce Rayburn?" " I call them as I see them." " Well, you've been crossed off the list." " I knew you'd understand." " Deferred payments starting 2007." "Cut the crap." "Are you saying there's no way to get your boy to talk to me?" "Is that what you're saying?" "He's gotta talk to me." "I'm saying he'd rather nail his penis to a burning building." " I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to her." "Checkout this puppy." "The walk and the talk." "How's it walk?" "How's it talk?" "This is the one." "Are you happy with your current supplier?" "Any more of these demonstrations, I'll have to start shaving my legs." "Renard Garrity hunting supplies." "The big motherfucker, the little motherfucker." "Which do you want?" "Any more demos, I'll have to start shaving the hairs on my ass." "As you can see, the performance on this baby is really something." ""Knife doing business." "Come on, bring it, baby." "Bring it." " Jesus Christ." " Poetry in motion, baby." " Two behind home plate?" " I'm your man." "Two hundred dollars each." " Two hundred apiece?" " Two hundred." " That's a lot." "How about 125?" " Fuck 125." "This is opening day here." " Two hundred, goddamn it." "Jesus." " Okay, okay, okay." "Now you want the tickets, huh?" "Anytime I can do you more fucking favours, you just let me know, all right?" "You in a coma or what, buddy?" "Get the fuckout of here." " Know what bugs me about you guys?" " Like I care." "You don't even care about the game." "You ebony god, you prince of darkness, you Othellian Moor, you black man!" "You look good out there!" "You look good." "I bet we hit.400 this year." " Come on, don't jinx me." " I'm sorry, man." "I get emotional, crazy." "All right, so tell me, what we got?" "Spalding wants you to sign their balls." "We got that Wish Upon a Star routine:" "Sick kid wants to shake hands with great ballplayer." "You'll have to do." "What do you think?" "Maybe I should bring a ball for the sick kid." "No, I think a bat would be much nicer." "All right, here." "Give him a bat." "You know it's not a good time for this." " What's the gentleman's name again?" " His name's Stanley." "Stanley Jackson." "Thank you, Michelle." "Stanley, Gil Renard." "Renard Garrity hunting supplies." " How do you do?" " How you doing?" "Here's my card." "Are you happy with your current supplier?" " I sure am." " Well, then let me just..." "If you could give me three minutes of your time, I will prove to you..." " Can I demonstrate?" " Sure." "If I can just prove to you we're superior in quality because of our fit, hand-sharpening, polishing and strength." "These features, combined with our low prices, our superior terms make us one of the most sought-after competitors around." " That's why I'd..." " We signed an exclusive with Gerber." "They got the whole chain sewed up." "We can't pass wind in a tent without going through them." "Sorry to hear that." " Do you have the Little Pecker?" " Yes, I do." " You really are on the cutting edge." " Yeah." "I'm sorry we can't do business." "Well, you're sure I can't interest you in this?" "You got any kayaks?" "You gotta be out of your mind." "Kayaks?" "I could use kayaks." "Stanley, what the fuck do kayaks have to do with knives?" "Never mind." "You fucking asshole." "Kayaks?" "When I'm asking you about knives?" "Yeah." "I understand, sir." "Thank you for coming in." "How about you get some kayaks and stick them up your fucking ass, moron." "Your stopwatch." "Hey, thanks a lot for coming." "Nice to meet you." "Look." "We got the same hairdo." "You sick too?" "Hey, slugger, come on, shake his hand." "How you doing, man?" "You hanging in there?" "What's your name?" "Sean." "Sean?" "Sean." "Wow, what a coincidence." "That's my son's name too." "Look, I have a present for you." "There you go." "Maybe it'll make you feel better." "Bobby Rayburn." "Tomorrow hit a home run for me." " Please?" " I'll try." "They said "sick," not "dying in front of our eyes." How'd I know?" "As if I don't have enough to worry about." "I get a poor kid on his deathbed." " Oh, please." " The kid was dying!" "He has my son's name." "I mean, what kind of shit is that?" "Lucky tie, lucky guy." "McKinley" " Everest." "Okay, thank you." "Hi." " Angie, you're looking as lovely as ever." " He's gone." " We had an appointment at 4." " Yeah, it's 4: 11." "My watch is slow, I guess." "When will he be back?" "He's gone for the day." "But you can see him tomorrow at 2:30." "Oh, tomorrow, tomorrow"..."" "Let's s"ee."" "See if there's anything..." "I would prefer the morning." "But how about late in the day?" "I'm sorry." "Tomorrow at 3, he's off to Chicago for three weeks." "Well, that's a problem." "It's my son." "I want to take him to opening day." "You know, myself as a father, I'm a real cutup." "I'm gonna get to the point." "I'm trying to be a hero to my son so if he could make it any other time, it would really, really help me." "Just an hour later so I could fit the game in." " Excuse me." "McKinley" " Everest." " Any other time at all?" "Anything?" " Okay, thank you." " It would be a big help to me." "Like, an hour later." "I'm afraid I really can't help you." "He's got such a crazy schedule." "Okey- dokey." "Drop your cock and grab your socks." "Big day today." "You excited?" "Yeah, I'm up." "Manny, Manny, talk to me, man." "Make me happy." "Wish I could." "I just talked to Primo's people." " They want 500 grand." " Five hundred?" "For what?" "Exactly." "Exactly." "That's 250 G's a digit." "Man, come on!" "What is this boy smoking?" "I tried to haggle them down." "The kid says it's his lucky number." "Shit." "Ain't that much luck in the world." "He's lucky to be in the country." "I hear you." "Look, it's your call." "You want me to go back, or are you happy with 33?" " Man, it's just a number, right?" " That's right." "I'll pick you up." "While you do her, thinkof me." " That's a real short thought." " I love you too." " No, you don't." " I'll catch you later." "Yeah." "Hey, Gil." "Hey, Ted." "Lose your job?" " It's my day off." "And it's "Tim."" " Tim." "Sorry." " You remember Mike and Linda?" " Hey, Gil." " Hi, Gil." " Hi." " You're late." "What a surprise." " Traffic." "You know, traffic?" "How original." " Hi, Dad." " How you doing?" " Good." " Ready for the game?" " What time will he be home?" " Depends on the game." "Right, slugger?" "6:05." "He's not home, I call the cops." "I'm against this." "I wanna make that real clear to you." " He's my kid too." " Yeah?" "Give me kisses." "I love you." " Bye." " For the record, so everybody knows don't make him do things he doesn't want to." "I don't." "Do I make you do things you don't want to do?" " No." " Okay?" "Six o'clock, Gil." "Hey, Ted." "See you." "I remember when Mick recorded this, February '78." "What?" "I remember when Mick recorded this in '78." "We had a wild party afterwards." "Jason Pelligrini's dad says Mick Jagger's gay." "Yeah?" "Well, Jason Pelligrini's dad takes it up the ass." " Tryouts are next week." " Tryouts are next week?" "Your mother didn't tell me." "Jason Pelligrini said his dad's gonna pick me if I'm still available." "You'll make it." "Positive things happen to positive thinkers." "Tell me, what do you gotta do?" "What are the three whats you gotta be?" " I don't want to do this, Dad." " At bat, come on." " Keep the bat low." " No, keep it high, high." " When you move your feet?" " Step on the eggshell and squash the bug." " Attaboy." "That's perfect." "That's what Coop used to say." "I told you about what Coop said, right?" " Your old catcher, right?" " One of the finest athletes I ever knew." "Where'd you get that glove?" "Tim gave it to me." "Piece of shit." "Opening day at Candlestick Park, 1996." "What's not to love about opening day?" "Fathers sneaking away from work, and kids playing hooky from school." "For at least one day, everybody is in first place." "Opening day is what baseball's about." "How exciting is it for Giants fans with Rayburn coming hom"e..."" "... after leading the Braves to a championship?" "Did you see that?" "See the way he moved his legs?" " Can I have a hot dog?" " A what?" "Can I have a hot dog?" "You're in my seat." "If it isn't the ubiquitous queen of AM radio herself." "Good morning, my sweet angel, darling, baby." "Oh, yeah, whatever." "Manny, come on, don't dick me around." "It's an important piece, okay?" "There's somebody there behind that killer smile." "I promis"e..."" "...I will not hurt your boy." "I want Bobby Rayburn." "Bernie, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't she the ball-buster who had the temerity to ask my client if he was honestly worth 40 million?" " Am I a ball-buster?" " Yeah." "Thank you." " Whose is this?" " It's mine." "I spit in it." "I thought your mother confiscated that." "She did." "Play ball!" "Yeah, attaway!" "Strike." "What are you doing?" "You missed it." "Hawkins struck him out." " Pay attention." " I'm sorry, Dad." "Blaze winds, and the pitch to Pryor swung on and driven deep towards the gap." "He crushed it!" " Watch, watch, watch." " What?" "I got it!" "I got it!" "Primo and Rayburn giving chase." "They converge and"..."" "Lookout!" "Centre field makes the calls." "Fundamental of baseball, centre field makes the calls." "Pay attention." "Well, a scary moment on day one." "I'll tell you, Rayburn's slow getting up." "And Primo's still slow getting up." "There's $40 million out there in centre field, Steve." "Hope the Giants have collision coverage." "This will help relieve the pain." " Doc, is the rib bruised or fractured?" " Neither." "Bobby, what are you doing?" "We got 161 games to go out there." "Could you excuse me for a minute?" "Thank you." "You just signed a $40 million contract." "Hurt yourself, you'll be batting .100 by month's end." "The media'll turn on you faster than the fans." " Listen, you gotta come out." " I can't." "I gotta be Babe- fucking-Ruth." "It's William-fucking-Bendix." "Get it right." " You having fun?" " Yeah." "I'm just gonna make some phone calls." "Okay?" "Just business calls." "I'll be back." " Go?" " Just downstairs for a minute." "Mom said we have to be home by 6, or she'll be upset." "Forget about your mother." "I got it!" "The wind took it." "The wind took it." "Kid was lucky." "Kid was lucky." "Wind took it." " You stepped on me." " Don't worry." "We'll get one next time." "Okay, I gotta go, all right?" "I'll be back." " You don't have to pee or anything?" " No." "What happened?" "Lanz hit one to right." "Bases loaded." "Come on, grand slam!" "Don't get greedy, son." "What we need now is a sacrifice." "A winning team knows how to manufacture runs." "Coop taught me that." "Know why he said the most beautiful play is a sacrifice fly?" " You sacrifice for the team?" " And doesn't bring down your average." "That's why baseball's better than life." "It's fair." "Tell me what happens." "Now batting, number 33 Bobby Rayburn." "Come on, Bobby!" "Attaway, Bobby!" "Rayburn look a little stiff to you?" "I can't believe they left him in after that collision." "Right." "That's all we need, our $40 million man on the DL." "He's playing hurt." "That's a man showing his mettle." "Putting the team first." "Remember, last year he hit.314 against lefties." "Yo, Bobby!" " Time!" " Oh, fuck." "Come on, let's play some fucking baseball!" "All right, Bobby, let's go!" "Play!" "All right, Bobby!" " Go for it, Bobby!" " Go, Bobby!" "Bobby!" "Hey, buddy you wanna sit down?" "Trying to see here." "Go, Bobby!" "Come on!" "Let's go with the fucking game!" "Shit!" "Strike!" "Are you out of your mind, ump?" "Are you out of your fucking mind?" " Hey, sit down." " Take your hands off me." " Stop pushing, man!" " Just ask." " Why the fuck you pushing?" "I'm asking." " Both of you, down in front!" " Fuck you!" " Down in front!" "Now!" "Let's play some fucking ball!" "You all right?" "What's your fucking problem?" "You old busybody!" "I gotta go, okay?" "I'll be back." "Fuck you!" "Oh, fuck." "Get out of here." "So could you just send me over the stats?" "Yes." "Okay." "Thank you very much." "I'm sorry I'm late." "Your hair looks nice." " I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid he left." " He left." " For the ball game." " What?" "Yes, for the ball game." " I thought he had a plane to catch." " Plans changed." "But he did leave you this note." " He didn't draw a smiley face, did he?" " What?" "The previous assistant got him in the habit of drawing a smiley fac"e..."" "...instead of "sincerely," and I keep telling him it's not always appropriate." "No, it's perfectly appropriate." "Now batting, number 10, Brad Tjader." "Hey, congratulations, fellas." "Hey, Babe- fucking-Ruth." " William-fucking-Bendix." " That's right." "So did the kid see his home run?" "The kid didn't even see it." "He slipped into a coma, and he never pulled out." "I'm sorry." " How come you didn't tell me?" " Like you take bad news well." "What am I supposed to say?" ""Great news, the kid didn't make it."" "That's all right, man." "Enough of these hospital gigs." "They're off the list." "You know what the bright side is?" "You knocked the cover off the ball." "You're back." "The hell I did." "It was a fluke." "I never even saw the pitch." "Let go, Tim." " What do you want?" " How is he?" "He okay?" "He's not." "He's crying his eyes out." "What do you think?" " Come on, don't start." " Don't you start." "You violated your agreement." "I called my lawyer." "I'm getting a restraining order." " Don't start." " No, don't you start." "Go away." " I've had it." "I don't care what you want." " Let me see him." "You had to bring him home?" "What is wrong with you?" " I want you out." "Tim, call the cops." " I'm gonna explain to him." " Come on, everything's okay." " You bastard." "You motherfucker!" "You cocksuck...!" " Hey." " Tim!" "Tim, call the cops." "He fucking hit me!" "Hey." "Hey, slugger." "Slugger, I'm sorry." "You forgive me?" " Hey." " You left me." "I know, I screwed up." "I'm sorry." " You forgive Dad?" " Mom's got a terrible headache." "Well, that's called a migraine." "She'll live." "Look what I got for you." "I got your favourite pizza." "Gil, open the door!" " Gil, open the door." " It's got pepperoni and mushroom." " I don't like mushrooms." " You can pick them off." "Is it true, if Mom marries Tim, I'm not gonna be a Renard anymore?" " Gil, open the door." " It's open!" " It's locked." " It's open." "It's locked, Gil." "Open the door now." "I'm calling the police." "You still worried about the tryouts?" "I don't know." "Think I'll make the majors?" "Of course you'll make it." "Remember what I said." "Positive things happen to positive thinkers." "Who said that?" " Coop." " Damn straight." "He was the greatest player I ever played with." "Gil, unlock the door." "Got you a Coke." "Call the cops." "Didn't you hear me?" "Call the cops!" "Call the fucking police!" " I can't drink Coke." " Who says?" "Mom and Dad." "I mean, Tim." "The door's locked." "It's okay." "Gil, open the door." "Hey, Art." "I said, " Enough of this shit." "You sign the contract right now."" "He signed it." "I swear to God, on my honour, he signed the contract." "Hey, Gil, got a second?" "If you do." "It's 8:00." " Shall we?" " There you go." "Sit down, Gil." "That's okay, I'll stand." "Chuck from McKinley and Everest called yesterday." "Said they wanted to drop their account with us." "I sent Figgy over there to sort things out." "You sent Figgy down?" " Sit down, Gil." " Yeah, he sorted them out." "He did it with my opening-day tickets." "What are you gonna do about it?" " He didn't steal your account." " He did." "What will you do?" "We gave him your account." "I gave him your account." "What do you mean?" "You're not getting the numbers we need." "I know." "It's been a little slow last couple of months." "But that'll change." "I've got a new strategy." "It's gonna work." " Listen, your behaviour is unacceptable." " What do you mean?" " People are scared of you." " Why, because of the other day?" "You cannot do things like that in this day and..." "I want your reorder book." "Outstanding commissions will be forwarded." "My father started this business." "Look, perfection and principles don't belong in business, not now or then." " As a friend of your father's..." " Keep your mouth shut." "You know nothing about my father." " He made this business." " Your father made knives." " San Francisco made this business." " By ripping him off." "He wasn't a businessman, Gil and neither are you." "That's the bottom line." "And so, in a Freudian sense, Jewel the catcher is the father, and the son is the pitcher." "that's fascinating." "Let me ask you." " What does the bat and ball represent?" " Well, the bat speaks for itself and, of course, the ball is the ejaculate." "Thanks for calling, doc." "Who do we have on line two?" " Do we have anybody on line two?" " I believe everybody hung up." "Hey, man." "Hey, you got a van?" "Kids are breaking into your van." "Somebody's breaking into your van." "Stop those kids." "Cut that out." " What?" " Kids breaking into a van out there." " Yeah." " Here, this is for you." " What's that?" " Take it." "Take it." " Take it." " What is it?" "It's for you." "It's a temporary restraining order." " What?" " You have been s"erve"d." "Hey, man, can I use your...?" "Okay, last one." "Good swing." "All right, who's next?" "Eleven." "Let's go, buddy." "Hustle up there." " Okay, pal." " Come on, Rich." "Okay, watch the ball." "Good swing." "Next one, Richie." "Attaway, Richie boy." " That's okay." " He's throwing too hard." "He almost took his head off." "Hey, coach." "Coach." " Yeah." " Slow down." " This is Little League." "Little League." " I know." " Leave him alone, Gil." " Mind your fucking business." "Hey, coach, mix in some strikes." "What are you doing?" " You're making it hard." " I'll coach from here." " Mix in some strikes." " He's throwing strikes, Gil." " Fuck it, I'm gonna go down." " Easy, Gil." "Remember, Ellen's got that restraining order on you." " The bat is too fucking heavy." " Come on." "You fuck with me, I'll send your head into the outfield." "Go easy." "You're letting the bat swing him." " Hey, hey, come on, you guy." " Look how heavy this bat is." "Here." "Let go of my son." " He's my son too." " Don't remind me." "Get off him." " He's my son too." " You are not gonna ruin our lives." " Tim, call the cops now." " I'm just trying to tell him something." "Get out of here." "Tim!" "You get out of here." "Can't you read, stupid?" "The restraining order says you have to stay 100 yards away." " Tell him one thing." " You can't come near him." " I wanna tell him one thing." " Get out of here." " I just wanna tell him one thing." " You better go." "Don't swing at anything." "Wait for a good one." "Step on the eggshell, squash the bug." "Okay?" "You mind your fucking business." "You're lucky." "Just give him..." "Give him something." "He's a kid." "It's okay." "Play ball." "Bobby Rayburn again failed to earn his k eep." "Almost grounding into a game-ending double play just beating the throw to first." "When the Giants needed a pick-me-up number 11, Juan Primo, }provides San Francisco with a lift." "And it was a big one." "His two-run shot over the left-field fence scored Rayburn, and the Giants went home happy." "That is, except possibly Bobby Rayburn whose lackof hitting is giving new meaning to the term "three hole."" "The way Primo's carried this team on his shoulders mak es you wonder who the real $40 million player is." "Lanz came up with a big hit to drive in a k ey run in the Giants' victory." "Jimmy has been a spark plug during this home stand." "Motherfuck." "Ladies and gentlemen, now batting, the centre fielder, number 33 Bobby Rayburn." "All right, Bobby, let's go!" "All right, Bobby." "Strike." "Strike." " Strike thr"ee."" " Shit." "Ladies and gentlemen, with courtesy to the players please refrain from excessive noise and throwing anything onto the field." "Thank you." "Forty-million-dollar man's paying off, huh?" "Now batting, number 33, Bobby Rayburn." "Well, here it is, Memorial Day weekend." "You think back to the opening-day grand slam, doesn't seem long ago." "But lately, Bobby Rayburn has really had difficulties and can't seem to find his strok e." "He lacks aggressiveness." "And you start to wonder when you call it a slump." "Most superstars aren't gonna sit down for you." "But you gotta wonder when he's gonna breakout of this thing." "Strike." "Come on, Bobby." "Come on." "Out." "Now batting, number 46, Jimmy Lanz." "You'll be all right." "You still want that interview?" "You'd let Bobby Rayburn do an interview with a...?" "What was it?" " Castrating ball-buster." " Castrating ball-buster, that's it." " I thought I was off your list." " Come on." "Schindler has a list, not me, okay?" "When you're hitting.183, you don't get to have a list." "Lock er room." " "Giants' lock er room."" " Bobby Rayburn." " "Yeah, who's calling?"" " A friend of his." "I have to talk to him." "It's really important." "Rayburn, phone." " Yeah, this is Bobby." " "Bobby?"" " Yeah." " Bobby Rayburn." ""Yes." "Yes, who is this"?" "Hello." "Look, say something." "Hello?" "Yo, Stook, I thought you were supposed to screen my calls here." " Burn, baby, burn." " Come on, give me some." " What's up, Dad?" "Gaining a little weight." " Yeah, yeah, I am." " Stopped by the doughnut spot." " Cool." "Is he for me?" "Yeah, he's for you." "What's his name?" " He told me it's Bradley." " What else did he say, Dr. Dolittle?" "Dad, how come you haven't been hitting?" "How's the rib cage, Bobby?" "My rib cage is sick of people asking about it." "They say you should've came out that first gam"e..."" "...but you were hot-dogging, so you screwed yourself." "That supposed to be a dis or something?" "I hit.314 last season." " That's bullshit." " I'm telling you what people say." "I can put a positive spin on this." " How?" " How?" "I'll tell you how." "We set up an interview, get a piece out of it." "You tell the people why you stayed in." "It's for the kid in chemo." "You get public sympathy." "I smell forgiveness in the Bay Area." " Is that exploiting the kid's death?" " Not comfortable with it?" " Should I be?" " I think you should be." "Well, I don't think I am." "Excuse me." "I'll have a vodka and orange juice, please." "And whatever the lady wants." "Jackon the rocks, thanks." "What?" "Oh, shit." "I did it again, didn't I?" "No, it's okay." "I'm used to all of this interview shit." "Look, no offence intended, but it's no secret that you're playing like shit." "It's gotta be affecting you." "Of course it's affecting me." "I'm paid to produce." "I can't even hit the side of a barn." " How do you think it makes me feel?" " Do you know what I think, Mr. Rayburn?" "No, but I'm quite sure you're gonna tell me." "I think the slump is a good thing." "Now, what kind of twisted shit is that?" "It's gonna teach you to cut yourself a little slack." " You can't keep up this act forever." " Now it's an act." "Oh, yeah, Mr. Perfect." "Mr. No-Error." "Nobody can live up to that shit." "You gotta give yourself a break." "It's just a lie anyhow." "Yeah." "It doesn't seem like a lie when I'm hitting." "Now batting for the Giants, number 11 the right fielder, Juan Primo." "Sit down, let Bobby bat!" "He's a hot dog." "He's lucky." "Now batting, number 11, Juan Primo." "Now batting, number 33, Bobby Rayburn." "Let's play some fucking ball!" "Thanks, Primo." "Fuck you, Rayburn." " You suck." " Bobby, Bobby." "You suck!" "Don't listen to them, Bobby!" "Okay." "Line drive to the right." "Don't tell me where it's gonna go, Dad." "I wish we had a whole team like him." "Fuckin' asshole!" " Hey, Bobby." " Hey, Nikki." "The usual." " Alrighty." " Hey, Bob." "You guys wanna play pool?" " What a waste of space." " What do you mean?" "He hit a bad patch." "We all hit bad patches, don't we?" " You never hit a bad patch?" " No, this is my dream job." " I'm gonna talk to him." " Please, man." "These guys come to relax." "You bug them, they're gonna stop coming here." "I know him." "I've talked to him on the phone." "Hey, Bob." "Can I talk to you for a second?" " Sure." "You wanna talk to me?" " Maybe we can go someplace." " Let me finish the game." " Okay." "Primo, it's late, man." "All right?" " Tell me what it is you want." " I want nothing." "You don't understand how things work here." "Because it's different from where you come from." "What's different?" "Look, when a player like me comes into a team like this hey, man, shit gets worked out." "Right?" "You don't..." "What is the problem with that?" "What kind of uniforms do you have down there?" " Just uniforms." " Like these pussy pants you're wearing?" " What...?" "What colour?" " Blue." " What number is on the backof yours?" " Eleven." "Primo, what is your price?" "No price." "You already had a chance, baby." "Okay?" " What's your fucking price?" " Go fuck yourself." " Hey, don't walk away from me, man." " Fuck you." "Motherfucker." "What?" " Break it up!" " Get off of him." " I want my fucking number, man." " Chill out." "What are we talking about Juan Primo for when we've got Bobby Rayburn where we want him, up close and exclusive." "Are you ready for your next caller?" " Let's get another caller." " Bobby." " You guys are getting a kickout of this." " What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about my season is like a bad freeway accident." "And you guys, you're just slowing down to watch." "I thought I'd enjoy this, but the fact is, I feel for you." "I didn't know it'd be so rough." "Who we talking to?" "On the car phone, we are talking to Gil." "Hey, is that our old buddy Gil?" "Mr. Magical-Conjunction himself." " Is this Jewel?" " You're on the air." "Go ahead." "You're getting break-up on the line here." " I heard what you said about Primo." " What's your question for Bobby?" "Is Bobby listening?" "Bobby?" "Hey, Bob?" "Yeah, Gil, I'm here, man." "How you doing?" "I wanna tell you that I know exactly what you're going through more than you'll ever understand." "This number 11 thing is a fucking joke." "You're the greatest player this city's ever had and you got some hot-dogger like Primo giving you a hard time about your number." "There's a reason you're paid 40 million." "The owners aren't doing what they should be." "They should be protecting their investment." "Pay him." "Give him what he wants." "If he wants a million, give it to him." "If he doesn't want it and doesn't want to give up his number, fuck him." "Get him out." "What's the difference?" "Just get you hitting again." " Lf that's what it's gonna take." " They say fans don't know what they're talking about." "The public and the owners should listen to you." "Bobby, why isn't this guy on your payroll?" "Thanks, Gil." "Maybe I should have you try and talk some sense into Primo." "God knows I need all the help I can get." "They say fans don't know what they're talking about." "The public and the owners should listen to you." "Bobby, why isn't this guy on your payroll?" "Maybe I should have you try and talk some sense into Primo." "The owners should listen to you." "Bobby, why isn't this guy on your payroll?" "Maybe I should have you try and talk some sense into Primo." "Maybe I should have you try and talk some sense into Primo." "God knows I need all the help I can get." "Primo." "Primo, lots of luck." "Primo." "Mr. Primo?" " Yeah?" " Can I just say...?" "Did you ever think how one man who's doing well might throw off the rest of the team?" "I'm saying, you have to thinkof what's best for the team, right?" "You might have to lay down a sacrifice." "I'm talking about Bobby Rayburn's number." "I don't know if you understand how much he needs that number." " Number 11." " I am number 11." "I know, but he needs it more than you." "Are you with the press?" "You with the hotel?" "Then get out of here." "Go." "Get the fuckout of here." "It's a sad night here at the Stick as the Giants tak e the field for the first time since the murder of hitting sensation Juan Primo." "Rayburn will take his place in the lineup batting cleanup." "There's bound to be questions about that, Jewel." "Now we all get to wear the number, man." "Come on, let's play ball!" "Now batting fourth, number 33, Bobby Rayburn." "Bobby!" "Come on, Bobby!" "Fuck you." "Come on, Bob!" "That's it." "Come on, Bob!" "Attaway." "You're back to your old self." "Fuck you." "This is the last place I'll look." "Then I'll quit." "Yeah, no, I've had it." "I'm tired." "I mean, he's not here." "There he is." "I found my man." "I'll talk to you later." "Is this how you celebrate going four for four, huh?" "What happened to pouring champagne over your head and banging some groupies, huh?" "Bobby." "Bobby, talk to me." "If the cops worry you, they're not interested in you." "It's just an ongoing investigation." "Let it go." "I didn't ask for this, man." "You talking about Primo?" "Come on, I know that's shit." "I thought about it a lot, but I didn't ask for this." "You know, Bobsy I wish five people dead on my drive to work." "Five people." "But wishing it doesn't make it so." "You're not God, lifetime average withstanding." "Yeah?" "Well why do I feel so bad then, huh?" "I don't know." "I don't..." "This is gonna blow the hell out of my shithead theory but I think you feel guilty." "Jesus-hairy-Christ." "I've been wrong about you." "You're not a shithead at all." "I'm flabbergasted." "Come on, let's go, man." "I got a game tomorrow." "Number 33, Bobby Rayburn." "Go, Bobby!" "Bobby!" "Safe." "Bobby Rayburn." "You're coming off the worst slump in your career." "All of a sudden, you're hitting well over .400, 11 home runs, 30 RBIs last month." "How do you explain this?" "I wish I knew." "That's it?" "You wish you knew?" "A "thank you" would've been nice." "Sean!" "Be careful!" "Don't go too far!" "Sean, don't go too far, darling." "Bradley!" "Bradley, come here!" "Bradley, come back." "Go back, Bradley." "Go back." "Sean!" "Sean!" "Mr. Rayburn!" "Shit." "Mr. Rayburn!" "Sean!" " Thank God for Mark Spitz over here." " Jeez." "Okay." "Just relax." "Go on." "That's right, blow it out." "It's gonna be all right." "Are you all right, man?" " Just relax." " He swallowed some water." "Jesus." "You scared me half to death." "Where did you come from?" "I was just walking on the beach, I saw him in the water, and I went in." "Thank God, man." "You all right?" "Sean, you gotta promise me, no matter what not a word to your mother, understand?" "Next time you're looking for attention, be more dramatic." " Let's get some dry clothes." " Play in traffic like the other kids." " That little bonehead." " Oh, shit." " What did you say your name was?" " My friends call me Curly." "Curly." "Well, come on, Curly, let's go inside." "Elvira will get you some dry clothes, all right?" "Thank you." " What do I say?" " Well, you know, I was just there." "You would've done the same thing." "If I lose this guy, man, I don't know what I would do." "Looks good on you." "I don't know about them pants, though." "They're yours." " Can I get you anything?" " A beer." "Yeah, all right." "I could swear..." "Have I seen you before?" "I get that all the time." "I got one of those faces, I guess." "You like baseball?" "I'm not obsessed with it or anything." "Are you a player?" "Yeah." " You are?" " Yeah." "Barry Bonds?" "No." "No." "I'm Bobby Rayburn." " Right." " Yeah." " I was just kidding you." " It's okay." "At least you're not one of them die- hard baseball fans who..." "Why is that?" "Because those guys are losers." "Aren't the fans what it's all about?" "Shit." "Tell you something, man." "The fans are like women." "When you're hitting, they love you." "And when you're not, they'd as soon spit on you as look at you." "Why is that?" "Because they don't understand that you're the same person hitting or not." "You know?" "Only person you should play for is yourself." "Hey, you wanna shoot some pool?" "Yeah, sure." " All right." "Bring the beer." " Sure." "Curly, Curly"..."" "Curly Otis?" " Yeah, that's my old man." " No shit." "I was in bigs for a cup of coffee myself until my arm went south." "Man, tough break." "It's like my old catcher Coop used to say:" ""Enjoy it while you got it, then move on."" "Yeah." "That's a good philosophy, brother." "Good philosophy." " Are all those hats yours?" " Yep, my pride and joy." " Could I try one on?" " Yeah, sure." "Sure." "Fits." "Looks good on you." "Hey, Bobby did you mean it?" "You'd do something for me?" "Yeah, sure." "I mean, within reason, you know." "Don't be getting no ideas." " Let me pitch to you." " What?" "Let me show you what I got." "I got a couple innings left in me." "Come on, Bobby, let me show you what I got." "Bradley's gonna catch for us." "Must feel good to be hitting again, huh?" "Brother, you have no idea." " How did you get out of that slump?" " Say what?" "Got any idea what got you out of that slump?" "You know, Curly I just stopped caring, man." " What?" " I just stopped caring." "You stopped caring?" "What do you mean?" "All my life I've been working to be the best." "You know?" "Trying to be a perfectionist." "And I thought about it." "That's probably where I made my mistake." "And when Juan Primo died, man, that completely changed the perspective." "I mean"..."" "I mean, come on, let's be real here." "What are we doing?" "We're not curing cancer, you know?" "We're playing a game." "That's all it is." "It's just a game." "So I stopped caring and relaxed and I started hitting." "Stopped caring." "So that's your fucking insight into life?" "Just stop caring." " You're pretty loose now, aren't you?" " Yeah." "All I'm saying is that there's more to life than just baseball." "Like what?" "Like your house?" "Like your bigass car?" "Like your 40-fucking-million?" "I mean, what the fuck do you care about?" "I care about my son." "That's what I care about." "I'm sorry." "I just hate that attitude, you stopped caring." "I'm sorry." "What, do you have a better theory?" "Yeah." "You got your number back." "Curly, my number didn't have anything to do with it." "It looks good on you." "Thanks." " That's great." " I still haven't given you my best pitch." " Sure you have." " No." "Okay." "Look, Curly, I really want to thank you for what you did for my son." "You know, what do you say?" "Let's call it a night?" "All right." "Come on, admit it." "We're alone." "Admit what?" "Admit you're hitting because Primo's not around." "That's a bunch of bullshit." "Come on." "It doesn't hurt he's not around." "Come on, level with me." "Level with me." "Come on, I saved your kid." "You wanna pay me back?" "Be honest with me and tell me you're a little happy that he's dead." " Hey." " No, no." "I'm not happy that he's dead." "Come on." "Curly." "Curly, I already told you no." "No, I am not happy that he's dead." "Okay?" "Okay?" "Can I have my hand back now?" "Thanks." "I'm really tired." "Really." "I'm going to sleep." "Take care." "Simple "thank you" would have been nic"e..."" "...for a teammate who lays down a sacrifice." "Hey, look, you need a ride or anything?" "I got my own wheels." "Thanks, Bob." "Good." "Bradley, let's go." "If you need anything, just call me, all right?" "And I'll get back to you." "Okay, bye." "Take care." "Come on, Bradley." "Hey, Bob?" "Bobby." "What about the glove, Bob?" "Keep it!" "I remember when Mick recorded this." "December '77." "We drove home at dawn." "Who's Mick?" "A great friend of mine." " Where we going?" " We're going fishing." " Why can't my dad come?" " Your dad could come." "But he has a big game tomorrow, and we gotta pick up Coop." "Why are we fishing at night?" "Night fishing is best." "No boats to scare the fish away." "We'll sucker them in with a flashlight, cut them up with this." "Go ahead, take it." "It's yours." " You sure?" " Yeah, it's yours." "Take it." " Well, thanks." " Just don't cut yourself." " Hello." " Hey, Curly." "Hey, Bobby." "Hey." "Say hello to your father." "He's on the phone." "Hi, Dad." "We're going fishing." "That's great." "That's great, Sean." "Listen, Curly, could you pick up the handset so we could talk?" "Sure thing, slugger." " Yeah." " Curly, is it raining where you are?" " No, I'm far from the beach." " Didn't know you'd take the car." " I thought the kid, he'd like to get away." " Listen, Curly before you do anything stupid, I don't think this is a good idea." "You don't think." "You're a lucky idiot." "I'm not fucking with you." " All right." " Don't get angry at me, Bob." " Curly?" " Bob?" "I just want my son back." " Bob?" " What?" " Bobby." " What?" "!" "Listen to you." "You're hanging on every word I say." "This is really something." "Curly, what do you want?" "What do you want from me?" "Don't talk back." "You show me some respect." "Without people like me, you're nothing." "We're the ones that get you your 40 million." " Look, what do you want?" " What do I want?" "I want when they thinkof you, they thinkof me." "Curly, I don't know what the fuck I did to you to piss you off but my son has nothing to do with this." "Oh, Bobby, it's not what you did to me, it's what I did for you, number 11." " You owe me." " I owe you what?" "Check your freezer." "I'll hang on." " There's a surprise." " What the f...?" "Curly." " Go ahead, check your freezer." " All right, I'll check the freezer." "Curly, don't hang up this phone." "You hear me?" "Oh, my God!" "He finally figures it out, ladies and gentlemen." "It's really true what they say about sluggers." "They are really, really stupid." "Well, I'm a pitcher, Bobby." "Pitchers use their brains." "Come on, Bradley." "We'll play a joke on him, so you just play along." " All right." " Okay?" "Hey, Coop." "Gil." "Gil." " Gil Renard." " Yeah." "Gil Renard." "Yeah, long time no see, Gil." " This is my son." " Hi." "Come on in, fellas." "Go ahead." "Man, that is a kick-ass car." "You done good for yourself." "You never see nothing like that in the Bronx." "I always thought you'd be managing by now." " Managing?" " Yeah, in the majors." "Nobody calls me Coop anymore, you sick son of a bitch." "How'd you find me anyway?" "I looked you up." "Whose kid is that, really?" " You really want to know?" " Yeah." " Bobby Rayburn's." " Jesus fuck." "Same old fucking Gil." "Come on." "Really?" "He'll be on in a minute." "You'll recognize his voice." "All right, incoming call." "Notify incoming call." "Turn off all radios." "Okay, this is it." "Bob." " Yeah." " Hey, Bobby, you still up?" " Bad time to be calling, huh?" " I'm up." "Hey, I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." "Probably got some people over, huh?" "I can't hear you." "You'll have to turn the music down." "Oh, I'm sorry, slugger." "Curly, I want to talk to Sean." "Sean, he's asleep now, but he's doing fine." "Don't worry about him." "He's fine." " Curly, what do you want?" " "I've been thinking it over."" "You know, in life, life just..." "What do you want?" "I want you to hit a home run for me, Bob." "Are you serious?" "Remember that kid in chemo whose life was unfair to him?" "That's how I'm feeling." "My life has been unfair to me." "The only difference is, I'll be able to see you hit that home run tomorrow." "And I got a photo here." "I'm gonna get it to you." "And I want you to put it on the Jumbotron, okay?" " Yeah." " Then I want you to stand up and tell the 50 million viewers that this home run is dedicated to Gil, a true fan." " What do you think?" " I can't believe you're serious." "I'm serious as a heart attack, Bobby." "That's pretty serious, isn't it?" "There comes a time in everybody's life when you have to stand for something." "Otherwise, you're just passing on through." "So, Bobby, I'm watching you." "If that pitcher goes easy on you, I'll kill your fucking kid." "Surprise, surprise." "Hey, Bobby." "I'm still here." "Now do you care?" "You get in some serious shit for that." "Cops are gonna be all over us." "Boy, all of a sudden, you lost your sense of humour." " Did you get it?" " Couldn't get him." "He's calling from Rayburn's car." "We should be able to nail him to the district." "You're not gonna believe this kid." "Just like old times, huh, Coop?" " You know, that's not my real dad." " It's okay, kid." "Come on, I'm waiting." "I'm waiting." "The signals." "What happened?" "Did you forget everything?" "Come on, Coop." "Hang in there, kid." "Bring the bat up, slugger." "Come on, look like a hitter." "Bring it up." "Bring it up." "Come on." "Come on!" "Come on, slugger, bring the fucking bat up." "Come on." "That's my boy." "It's all right, kid, hang in there, now." "Hang in there." "Coop, you dickhead!" "Come on, kid." "Come on." "Go." "Go." "Up the fence." "Come on." "Come on, push." "Push." "Go." "Go." "Go on." "Go, kid, go." "Coop, what are you doing?" "Why did you do that?" "We could've been teammates." "We were teammates." "We could've made it to the bigs." "It was Little League." "We were 12 years old." "Come on." "That's my boy." "Ladies and gentlemen, leading off the second inning Giants centre fielder, number 33, Bobby Rayburn." "Well, the forecast is for rain tonight." "There's a mist falling as Rayburn steps towards the box." "He's been more aggressive the last month of the season." "Who do we have on line two?" " Just a fan." " Hey, Mr. Fan, how you doing?" "Wanna say you're lucky to be in the stadium tonight." "Really?" "Why's that?" " Is that a Giants watch I hear playing?" " Yes, it is." " Is that my buddy Gil?" " Maybe." "This'll be one of the most amazing nights in the game's history." " "It'll be incredible."" " Really?" "Why's that, Gil?" "I'm telling you, the Kirk Gibson homer Ripken breaking Gehrig's record, peanuts compared to tonight." "You're talking about classic moments in baseball history." "What's happening tonight that could top those?" "Let's just say Bobby Rayburn's..." " "... in for the night of his life."" " Why, Gil?" "Well, some people are ungrateful." "They should be taught a lesson." "Strike!" "Are you calling from inside the stadium?" " Wouldn't you like to know?" " "Well..."" "You got good seats?" "Are you behind first base?" "Can you see me?" "Can I see you?" "Yeah, you're waving right at me." "Have a nice night." "Gil, wait." "Before you hang up, I wanted to ask you a question." " Trying to trace the call, Jewel?" " What?" "What was that, Gil?" "You'll never find me." " Strike!" " Have a nice night." "Gil." "Fuck!" "Come on, man, go get him!" "Play!" "Yes!" "Shit." "Now batting, number 10, Brad Tjader." " Did you feel that raindrop?" " What?" "I felt rain." " The guy's not gonna be crazy enough..." " He's here!" "The guy's here." " He could've been near a radio." " He's in the stadium." "Look at that." "That is one fine piece of craftsmanship." " What?" " The knife." "It's a first edition." "See how it says "prototype?" "That means it's a collector's piece." ""Renard Garrity." It's a local firm, isn't it?" "Gilbert Renard?" "What are you waiting for, a clue, an invite?" "This guy is gonna kill Bobby's kid if you don't find him in nine innings." "Ladies and gentlemen, leading off the bottom of the eighth number 33, Bobby Rayburn." "Bobby's as safe as Kennedy was in Dallas." "What are you looking for?" "Play!" "Ball one." " What, are you walking me?" " Consider it a compliment, dickhead." "Fuck!" "Do you know what you're doing to me?" "!" " They're giving him first base." " Throw the pitch!" "Fuck!" "Fuck." "Oh, man, the ump's gonna call the game." "Oh, my..." "Fuck." "Oh, God, please don't do this." "I'm begging you." "Don't..." "Throw the pitch." "For God's sake, listen to me!" "Throw the pitch!" "Throw the fucking pitch!" " Do you know what you're doing to me?" " "The umpire has decided..."" "... to send both teams into the dugouts." "It looks like we've got a rain delay." "Ladies and gentlemen, the umpire has called for a rain delay with the Padres leading the Giants 2 to 1." "Do you and your dad have a special place he and you like to go?" "Stadium in the Sky's our Little League park." "My dad used to play there when he was a kid." "Is my daddy in trouble?" "Ladies and gentlemen we resume play with the Giants batting in the bottom of the eighth." "Proceed to Little League park Stadium in the Sky, 24th and Sanchez." "We pick it up in the eighth inning on what might be Rayburn's last at-bat." "They'll play on this wet field." "The cold night air is getting to everybody." "Look at Rayburn." "He's going to the mound to have a chat with Martinez." " Oh, shit." " I don't give a fuck what he tells you." "Throw the ball over the plate, or I'll break your head in." " Fuck you." " You hear me?" "This may go back to when Martinez pitched for Pittsburgh." "He drilled Rayburn in his back with a fastball." "We are seeing it all tonight, Rick." " Let's go, gentlemen." " First pitch is at your head, buddy." "Come on, man, do this!" "Do this!" "A critical at-bat for Rayburn, the $40 million San Francisco Giant." "Probably his last chance to get the Giants even." "Here in the bottom of the eighth, the Giants trail 2 to 1." " "Swung on." "Strik e one."" " Strike!" "All right, come on!" "Come on, Bobby!" "Swung on and missed." "Strik e two." "Rayburn in the hole." "One strike left for Bobby Rayburn tonight." "Jesus Christ, man." "Air Seven copy." "Proceeding to Stadium in the Sky." "Over." " Man." " They're gonna call the game." "They're gonna call this fucking game." "Two and two." "Two balls, two strik es." "And Rayburn down to his last strik e." "Bobby knows he's had two pitches to drive there." "Now at 2-2, you're not gonna get another good pitch to hit." "Maybe, since it's damp, he's having trouble holding the ball." "This game could be called at any second." "Play ball!" "San Diego protecting its one-run lead." "Martinez readies, steadies and delivers to..." "Rayburn drives it deep to right centre field!" " Yes!" " Yes!" "Go!" " Run!" " Home run!" "It's off the wall." "Rayburn could get three if he hustles." "Robinson having trouble just getting to the ball." "Rayburn, rounding second, headed for third." "He ran through the stop sign." "It could be an inside-the-park home run!" "The relay from Park er!" "Rayburn slides, headfirst!" "And he is in there!" "Yes!" "You're out!" "What is that?" "Bad fucking call, man!" " You're out!" "Sit down!" " No, no, no." "I beat it by a fucking mile!" "You're out." "You're questioning my call?" "Sit down!" "You're out!" "Sit down!" "You're the fucking guy!" "He's the fucking guy!" "It's the umpire!" "What the fuck is that?" "This way!" "Break it open!" " Shit." " What the hell's going on?" "Okay, okay." "I just want my kid back." "Batter up, Bobby." "I waited a long time for this." "No, no, no, wait." "No." "Okay, look." " Where's Sean?" " Where do you think he is?" "Come on, where is my son?" "Where's...?" "Bobby, where's my home run?" "What?" "!" "Curly." "Curly." "Where's my son?" "!" "Where is he?" "I don't know." "I guess he's in that big stadium in the sky." "I'm telling you, Curly, if you hurt my fucking kid I swear to God I'll kill you!" " Bobby." "Bobby." "Be nice, Bob." "What do you want from me?" "I don't want anything." "I just want you to..." " I never showed you my best pitch." " Curly!" "Curly!" "Freeze!" "No, no, don't shoot!" "He's got my son." "Now do you care?" "Bobby, now do you care?" "Just a little bit?" "Curly, don't!" "Curly, where's my son?" "Where's Sean, Curly?" "Where's my son?" "A simple "thank you" would have been nice." "Where's my son?" "Curly, where's my son?" "!" "There she is, site of the old stadium." "Sean!" "Sean!" "Sean!" " Are you all right?" " Yeah." " I love you, Sean." " I love you, Dad." "I got him!" "What you are seeing here is a sad turn of events indeed." "Gil Renard, an unemployed knife salesman was shot to death by the police during tonight's game." "Here's how it happened." "Bobby Rayburn..." | {
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} |
"Fez..." "I didn't say anything when you started spying on Donna..." "I kept my mouth shut when you hid in the dirty towel bin to peep on the cheerleaders..." "But if you get your jollies listening to people go potty..." "I'm calling a doctor." "Shhh, I'm trying to see if Jackie's okay." "She's been in the bathroom for hours, crying." "Oh my God!" "You had sex with her!" "No!" "She told me she wanted to be my girlfriend and I turned her down." "What?" "Why?" "Because she didn't mean it." "She never wanted me before." "And now that she's desperate, suddenly I'm the guy for her." "But as soon as she's happy, she'll dump me." "So I told her to get lost and now she's in tears." "Well, what kind of crying is it?" "Is it like..." ""my life is over" kinda crying or hysterical sobbing like the time Kelso sat on his nads?" "No it's bad." "I tried everything to get her out." "I yelled "Fire!"..." "I made monkey-noises and said "Wow that's a gigantic monkey"." "But no luck." "She must be a complete wreck." "Oh hey guys!" "Oh." "She's perfectly fine." "So you definitely didn't have sex with her." "Jackie, you're okay?" "Oh no." "No I'm not okay." "I just decided being sad is a waste of time." "You see, a more productive use of my time is revenge." "So get ready." "Because I am going to rain doom down on your stupid foreign head!" "That didn't seem so bad Fez." "I wouldn't worry about it." " You wouldn't?" " No." "That's because I'm safe." "You should be freakin' terrified." "Hey hey!" "Just got back from Florida." "Wanna see my tan lines?" "Oh, for gosh sakes, Bob!" "Joke's on you!" "I don't got no tan lines!" "Whoohoo!" "You were in Florida?" "Yeah, I was gone for three weeks." "You didn't notice?" "I just figured my migraine medicine was working." "Uhuh." "Boy it was beautiful down there." "The ocean, the sunshine and Disneyworld is a great place to pick up single moms." "In fact, I like Florida so much I'm selling the house and I'm moving there." "You're selling your house?" "!" "What if someone annoying moves in?" "!" "I bought a condo." "And get ready for this..." "I'm gonna open a bait shop." "What a great idea..." "That way, when the hundreds of other bait shops down there run out of stock, there you'll be!" "So, you think I'm stupid because I want to open a bait shop?" "No, of course not!" "I think you want to open a bait shop because you're stupid." "Well, I didn't come in here to be ridiculed." "Then you shouldn't have worn that shirt!" "Red, you need to go over there and apologize to Bob." "He came here all excitd about his idea and you just made him feel bad about himself." "Yeah, he never saw it coming." "So did you get Jackie back for flushing your tootbrush down the toilet?" "No." "Only four out of five dentists recommend brushing, so I just go to the other guy." "How about for micro-waving your hand-lotion?" "No, the heat feels nice on my hands." "Well, what are you gonna do to her for ripping all of the buttons of your shirt?" "Thank her." "I look fabulous!" "Man, what is wrong with you?" "She tore your shirt for easy access, when Jackie gets angry, she goes straight for the nipple." "Hyde, I turned her down, she has every right to be angry." "But the worst of it is over, so I'm gonna let bygones be bygones." "Fez, let me tell you a little story." "Once upon a time there was a young girl named Jackie." "She destroyed everything in her path cause she was Satan's child." "The end!" "Ahhh, I see your point." "Wait, what's your point?" "My point is she's evil man!" "You gotta get back at her, you gotta fight fire with fire." "Are you suggesting I set her on fire?" "!" "What has happened to you?" "I'm just saying that every time Jackie hurts you, you gotta hurt her worse." "I don't know, that sounds like a senseless cycle of violence." "Yeah." "That's the best and funniest kind." "Look this whole thing will blow over once I talk to her about everything." "Holy crap!" "My car!" "Jackie ruined my car!" "And you don't have insurance." "Haha!" "Good one, Jackie." "And look what she wrote on the side." "Fez has a tiny..." "I do not!" "It's perfectly normal based on all the other ones I've seen." "I only look for comparison!" "Well, if Jackie wants war, I'll give her war." "Whatever you say, Tiny." "If it's so small, why would I name it Big John?" "Dad I don't wanna move to Florida." " Sure you do!" " No I don't!" " C'mon, who doesn't want to move to Florida?" " Me!" "Oh." "Well, geez, you should have said that before I put the house on the market." "You put the house on the market?" "Relax, honey, I can always take it off." " You can?" " No, it sold this morning." "Well look who it is." "Come over to insult me again?" "I don't know, maybe take another cheap shot at my outfit?" "Okay." "There is nothing wrong with your outfits." "Red thinks they're tacky but I've explained to him that you're just Italian." "Anyway, Red has something he'd like to say to you." "Go ahead." "Bob." "I'm sorry that I said that your idea is stupid." " And..." " And the next time you have a stupid idea I'll just keep my mouth shut." "You know what Red?" "I really don't give a damn what you think." "All these years I'd have to put up with you cutting me down calling me dumb-ass, well guess what, you're the dumb-ass!" "You're nothing but a cranky *bleep* who thinks he's *bleep* his dogsday so you can blow it out your *bleep* ass!" "What, what, what you wanna hit me?" "Go ahead you bald *bleep*..." "Yeah go ahead, do it, I'm not afraid of you, in fact, I'll kick your boney *bleep* ass right now!" "Bob, you've got some nerve!" "Good for you!" "It's about time you stuck up for yourself and acted like a man." "I'm sorry Red it just slipped out!" "I'm so sorry Fez." " I was just outside and I read that you have a tiny..." " Shut it!" "Fez, you gotta do something man." "Because Jackie is just getting started." "When she gets mad, she is like a revenge machine." "She will destroy you because she can!" "Get out man!" "I gotta get out!" "I gotta get out!" "..." "Huh... flashback..." "Vandalizing your car man?" "That's disturbed." "I mean that car is the only thing that defines you as a man." " You know, because you have such a tiny..." " Enough!" "I gotta get back at her." "Oh I know, I'll break her TV." "Ahhh but then I'll just miss Gilligan." "If you're gonna retaliate, you need to hit Jackie where it hurts." "Ahhh, like in the face?" "No!" "What does Jackie love the most?" "Herself." "All she cares about is her looks." "You're exactly right." "I'm gonna buy some bleach and some razor blades... and after I do my laundry and shave, I'll think of what to do to Jackie." "You guys are never going to believe this." "My Dad is moving to Florida." "Florida is nice." "My Mom spend three years down there." "Supposed to be five but she got time off for good behaviour." "I've got no place to live!" "What am I gonna do?" "Why don't you move in with me?" "Donna?" "Randy asked you a question." "And I for one am giddy with anticipation to hear the answer." "I just meant, we're dating and I've got the room... and if you got homesick I could walk around naked with my robe open like your Dad." "I don't know, I mean I never really thought about moving in." "I mean we hardly..." "well I do need a place to live... but you don't want me invading..." "well we do watch the same shows..." "What the hell, sure!" "Then what the hell sure it is!" "Jackie is about to get out of the bathroom." "Wait until you see what I did to her." "Fez, if this is the ex-lax prank, I'd rather hear about it then see it." "No it's better." "And she's turning the shower off... she's getting out... look at herself in the mirror and..." "AAAARRRGGHHHH!" "FEZ!" "Ho ho ho, Green Jackie!" "Fez, you completely ruined my hair!" "You destroyed my car!" "I had every right to destroy your car, you turned me down!" "You turned me down like a million times and I never did anything!" "Actually I remember a lot of crying." "Yes I cried." "Because I have feelings." "Unlike you Jackie." "Oh, huhuh." "I have feelings." "And they told me to buy a bottle of spray paint and tell the whole world..." " ...that you have a tiny..." " IT'S NORMAL SIZED!" "Well you know what, I'm glad I turned you down." "Because you are a mean, bitter girl." "And now, you're ugly on the outside like you are ugly in the inside." "Holy crap man, cover your nipples!" "I can't believe that's what you really think of me." "Well it is." "Fine." "I'll just go pack up my things and get out of your life." "Damn man, that was harsh." "Yeah." "Must have been my Jamaican fire." "So... you're from Jamaica?" "No, "Jamaican Fire"." "It's my new cologne." "See, these blue buildings are condo's and the green ones those are cabana's." "What is that yellow building?" "Oh that's CheeseWhiz, I was reading in bed." "Wow." "This design is great." "You know, the way these condo's are layed out... you could spend your entire life and never have to interact with your idiot neighbours." "Oh, and look at the streetnames..." "Orange Grove Avenue, Grapefruit Lane, Pineapple Road, it's like living in a fruit salad!" "Anyway, I couldn't help but notice they got 200 brand new beachfront homes... each with a dock, but no bait shop within five miles." "You can fish of your own pier?" "That means you don't have to get your lines tangled up... with some dumb-ass who doesn't know what they're doing?" "You're the one who invited me!" "Ah, you guys should move down there too." "Red, Red, you could run the bait shop with me." "Nah, I don't think so Bob." "Kitty and I aren't ready to leave Point Place." "Okay then." "When I'm sitting pretty there on Orange Grove Avenue... you guys can enjoy the drive past Slaughterhouse Way." "Well that's not fair Bob." "It's only named that because that way leads to the slaughterhouse." "I think you really gonna like living here." "So let's take the tour, shall we?" "This area over here with the underpants is the laundry annex." "Uh, oh, over here is the gym..." "Membership included..." "And through that door is the bathroom / library..." "Although currently all we have to read is a Sports Illustrated and a bottle of Prell." "You okay?" "Yeah." "I'm fine." "It's just weird you know." "Moving in with someone..." "But great..." "Weird, but great..." "You know, like midgets..." "There's nothing to worry about." "Oh and the closet's really full, but you can just hang anything you want on the drum kit." "I was gonna use it but you know... impulse-buy." " Seriously, you're okay with this?" " Yeah." "Yeah, I'll be fine." "Then here you go, I made you a key." "Put your name on the mailbox." "So I guess we are officially living together." "Uhuh." "Nice." "Heyyy, there he is." "Donna, this is Pickles." "Pickles, meet Donna." " She's your new Mommy!" " Hi Mommy!" "Yeah uhm..." "I gotta go!" "Chick magnet my ass!" "Wow man." "The stuff you said to Jackie." "So mean and hurtful." "I only wish I'd said it myself." "Well, I'm glad she's gone." "I've never felt so happy about anything in my life." "What did I do?" "!" "Jackie was in love with me and I let her go." "And all that I have is an empty apartment." "And the scent of her perfume on my boxers, where I sprayed it." "Don't worry man." "You're doing the right thing." "I know you wanna run after her but as your friend I am not gonna let you." "JACKIE I'M COMING!" "Hah, you can call my bluf." "That Bob and his crazy ideas." "We can never move to Florida." "Well it's easy for him to do." "But we have real ties here." "I'm three piggie stamps away from a free ham at the supermarket!" "And I've got responsibilities." "Spring is coming up, who is gonna poison the new batch of squirrels?" "Let's move to Florida..." "You really want to?" " Do you?" " If you do!" " I do!" " Me too!" " Then let's do it!" " Ohohohoohhh!" "Red!" "I am so excited there is so much to do in Florida, it'll be such an adventure." "Nooo, I just wanna go down there and kinda sit around till we die." "Donna, come on." "Just tell me why you left." "I don't know, it all hit me at once, I just..." "I just like needed some air." "Well if Pickles saying "Hi Mommy" freaked you out..." "I'll let you in on a little secret." "That was actually me." "You know what, it's just this whole Florida thing is really freakin' me out." "When you asked me to move in it seemed like the right thing to do but... when I got there I sort of realized that I'm just doing it cause I'm too afraid to start my life." "I used to have like plans." "What did you wanna do?" "Go to college." "I got accepted in Madison last year so..." "I don't know, I think it's time I finally go." "That's cool." "It's only a few hours away, we can totally make that work." "No, you don't understand." "This... it just isn't what I want." "Oh." "So, that's it for us?" "I'm really sorry." "Me too." "Kinda sucks." "Hey Donna!" "Check out my new Speedo for Florida!" "Dad, why can't you just buy a regular bathing suit?" "Those make me look silly..." "Jackie..." "There you are." "What do you want Fez?" "I ran all the way here to find you." "My car is in the shop." "And you'll be glad to hear that they are changing the word "tiny" to "large"..." " Look I don't care about any of this." " Jackie wait." "Look I didn't mean all those horrible things I said." "You're not ugly, you're beautiful." "Even if you dumped me after a week it'd be the best week of my life." "I just wanna be with you." "Fez, you really, really hurt me." "And I thought you were the one person who would never speak to me like that." "You're not the guy I thought you were, and I don't think I could ever be with with you." " But Jackie..." " No." "Goodbye, Fez." "Oh, Mr. Forman, thank God you're here." "I just had my heart broken and I really need someone to talk to." "Bob, for the last time, you can't call our bait shop "jailbait."" "Fine." "How about "hookers"?" "You know, 'cause you put the bait on the hook." "No!" "Okay, you got somethin' better?" ""Red and Bob's bait shop."" "I like it." "It's simple, to the point, and I think it'll fit on a speedo." "Bob, you put my name on your crotch, I'll kill you." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I amar prestar aen." "The world is changed." "Han mathon ne nen." "I feel it in the water." "Han mathon ne chae." "I feel it in the earth." "A han noston ned 'wilith." "I smell it in the air." "Much that once was... is lost." "For none now live who remember it." "It began with the forging of the Great Rings." "Three were given to the Elves:" "Immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings." "Seven to the Dwarf-lords:" "Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls." "And nine... nine rings were gifted to the race of Men... who, above all else, desire power." "For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race." "But they were all of them deceived." "For another ring was made." "In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom... the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring... to control all others." "And into this Ring he poured his cruelty, his malice... and his will to dominate all life." "One Ring to rule them all." "One by one... the Free Lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the Ring." "But there were some who resisted." "A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor." "And on the slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth." "Tangado haid!" "(Hold positions!" ")" "Leithio I philinn!" "(Fire the arrows!" ")" "Victory was near." "But the power of the Ring... could not be undone." "It was in this moment... when all hope had faded... that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father's sword." "Sauron, the enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, was defeated." "The Ring passed to Isildur... who had this one chance to destroy evil forever." "But the hearts of Men... are easily corrupted." "And the Ring of Power has a will of its own." "It betrayed Isildur... to his death." "And some things that should not have been forgotten... were lost." "History became legend... legend became myth." "And for two and a half thousand years... the Ring passed out of all knowledge." "Until, when chance came... it ensnared a new bearer." "My precious." "The Ring came to the creature Gollum... who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains." "And there it consumed him." "It came to me." "My own." "My love." "My own." "My precious." "The Ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life." "For 500 years it poisoned his mind." "And in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited." "Darkness crept back into the forests of the world." "Rumor grew of a shadow in the East... whispers of a nameless fear." "And the Ring of Power perceived... its time had now come." "It abandoned Gollum." "But something happened then the Ring did not intend." "It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable." "What's this?" "A Hobbit." "Bilbo Baggins of the Shire." "A ring." "Lost!" "My precious is lost!" "For the time will soon come... when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all." "The 22nd day of September... in the year 1400... by Shire-reckoning." "Bag End, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing... the Shire..." "Middle-earth." "The Third Age of this world." "There and Back Again:" "A Hobbit's Tale." "By Bilbo Baggins." "Now... where to begin?" "Ah, yes..." ""Concerning..."" ""..." "Hobbits."" "Hobbits have been living and farming in the four Farthings of the Shire... for many hundreds of years... quite content to ignore and be ignored... by the world of the Big Folk." "Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count..." "Hobbits must seem of little importance... being neither renowned as great warriors... nor counted among the very wise." "Frodo!" "Someone at the door." "In fact, it has been remarked by some... that Hobbits' only real passion is for food." "A rather unfair observation... as we have also developed a keen interest in the brewing of ales... and the smoking of pipe-weed." "But where our hearts truly lie... is in peace and quiet... and good, tilled earth." "For all Hobbits share a love of things that grow." "And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seem quaint." "But today of all days, it is brought home to me:" "It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life." "Frodo, the door!" "Sticklebacks." "Where is that boy?" "Frodo!" "Down from the door where it began." "And I must follow if I can." "The road goes ever on and on." "Down from the door where it began." "Now far ahead the road has gone." " And I must follow if I can." " You're late." "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins." "Nor is he early." "He arrives precisely when he means to." "It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!" "You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?" "How is the old rascal?" "I hear it's going to be a party of special magnificence." "You know Bilbo." "He's got the whole place in an uproar." "Well, that should please him." "Half the Shire's been invited." "And the rest of them are turning up anyway." "And so life in the Shire goes on... very much as it has this past Age... full of its own comings and goings, with change coming slowly." "If it comes at all." "For things are made to endure in the Shire... passing from one generation to the next." "There's always been a Baggins living here under the Hill... in Bag End." "And there always will be." "To tell you the truth, Bilbo's been a bit odd lately." "I mean, more than usual." "He's taken to locking himself in his study." "He spends hours poring over old maps when he thinks I'm not looking." "Where's it gone?" "He's up to something." " All right, then." "Keep your secrets." " What?" "But I know you have something to do with it." "Good gracious me." "Before you came along, we Bagginses were very well thought of." "Indeed." "Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected." "If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved." "All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door." "Whatever you did, you've been officially labeled a disturber of the peace." "Oh, really?" "Gandalf!" "Gandalf!" "Fireworks, Gandalf!" " Gandalf!" " Fireworks, Gandalf!" "Gandalf?" " I'm glad you're back." " So am I, dear boy." "So am I." "Whoa, whoa." "No, thank you!" "We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers or distant relations!" "And what about very old friends?" "Gandalf?" " Bilbo Baggins." " My dear Gandalf!" "Good to see you. 111 years old!" "Who would believe it?" "You haven't aged a day." "Come on, come in!" "Welcome, welcome." "Oh, here we are." "Tea?" "Or maybe something a little stronger?" "I've got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. 1296." "Very good year." "Almost as old as I am." "It was laid down by my father." "What say we open one, eh?" "Just tea, thank you." "Oh!" "I was expecting you sometime last week." "Not that it matters." "You come and go as you please." "Always have and always will." "You caught me a bit unprepared." "We've only got cold chicken and a bit of pickle..." "There's some cheese here." "No, that won't do." "We've got raspberry jam, an apple tart..." "But not much for afters." "Oh, no, we're all right." "I've just found some sponge cake." "I could make you some eggs if you'd..." " Just tea, thank you." " Oh, right." " You don't mind if I eat, do you?" " No, not at all." "Bilbo!" "Bilbo Baggins!" "I'm not at home!" "It's the Sackville-Bagginses." " I know you're in there!" " They're after the house." "They've never forgiven me for living this long." "I've got to get away from these confounded relatives, hanging on the bell all day... never giving me a moment's peace." "I want to see mountains again." "Mountains, Gandalf!" "And then find somewhere quiet where I can finish my book." "Oh, tea." " So you mean to go through with your plan?" " Yes, yes." "It's all in hand." "All the arrangements are made." "Oh, thank you." "Frodo suspects something." "Of course he does." "He's a Baggins... not some blockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle." "You will tell him, won't you?" " Yes, yes." " He's very fond of you." "I know." "He'd probably come with me if I asked him." "I think in his heart, Frodo's still in love with the Shire." "The woods, the fields." "Little rivers." "I am old, Gandalf." "I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart." "I feel thin." "Sort of stretched... like butter scraped over too much bread." "I need a holiday." "A very long holiday." "And I don't expect I shall return." "In fact, I mean not to." "Old Toby." "The finest weed in the Southfarthing." "Ah." "Gandalf, my old friend... this will be a night to remember." "Hello, hello." "Fatty Bolger." "Lovely to see you." "Welcome, welcome." "Go on, Sam." "Ask Rosie for a dance." " I think I'll just have another ale." " Oh, no, you don't." "Go on!" "So there I was... at the mercy of three monstrous trolls." "And they were all arguing amongst themselves... about how they were going to cook us." "Whether it be turned on a spit, or to sit on us one by one, squash us into jelly." "They spent so much time arguing the whithertos and the whyfors... that the sun's first light crept over the top of the trees... and turned them all to stone!" "Quickly." "Whoa!" "Up they go!" "No, the big one." "Mrs. Bracegirdle, how nice to see you." "Welcome, welcome." "Are all these children yours?" "Good gracious, you have been productive." "Bilbo?" "Sackville-Bagginses!" "Quickly, hide!" "Thank you, my boy." "You're a good lad, Frodo." "I'm very selfish, you know." "Yes, I am." "Very selfish." "I don't know why I took you in after your mother and father died... but it wasn't out of charity." "I think it was because... of all my numerous relations... you were the one Baggins that showed real spirit." "Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer's home brew?" "No." "Well, yes, but that's not the point." "The point is, Frodo... you'll be all right." " Done!" " You're supposed to stick it in the ground." " It is in the ground." " Outside!" "This was your idea." "Bilbo." "Bilbo, watch out for the dragon!" "Nonsense." "There hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a thousand years." " That was good." " Let's get another one." "Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took." "I might've known." "Speech, Bilbo!" "Speech!" "Speech!" "My dear Bagginses and Boffins..." "Tooks and Brandybucks..." "Grubbs, Chubbs..." "Hornblowers..." "Bolgers..." "Bracegirdles..." " ...and Proudfoots." " Proudfeet!" "Today is my 111th birthday!" "Happy birthday!" "But alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among... such excellent and admirable Hobbits." "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like... and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." "I, uh..." "I have things to do." "I've put this off far too long." "I regret to announce this is the end!" "I'm going now." "I bid you all a very fond farewell." "Goodbye." "I suppose you think that was terribly clever." "Come on, Gandalf." "Did you see their faces?" "There are many magic rings in this world, and none of them should be used lightly." "It was just a bit of fun." "Oh, you're probably right, as usual." " You will keep an eye on Frodo, won't you?" " Two eyes." "As often as I can spare them." " I'm leaving everything to him." " What about this ring of yours?" " Is that staying too?" " Yes, yes." "It's in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece." "No." "Wait, it's... here in my pocket." "Isn't that...?" "Isn't that odd, now?" "Yet, after all, why not?" " Why shouldn't I keep it?" " I think you should leave the ring behind." "Is that so hard?" "Well, no." "And yes." "Now it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it." "It's mine." "I found it!" "It came to me!" " There's no need to get angry." " Well, if I'm angry, it's your fault!" "It's mine." "My own." " My precious." " Precious?" "It's been called that before, but not by you." "What business is it of yours what I do with my own things?" "I think you've had that ring quite long enough." " You want it for yourself!" " Bilbo Baggins!" "Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks." "I am not trying to rob you." "I'm trying to help you." "All your long years, we've been friends." "Trust me as you once did." "Let it go." "You're right, Gandalf." "The ring must go to Frodo." "It's late." "The road is long." "Yes, it is time." " Bilbo." " Hm?" "The ring is still in your pocket." "Ah." "Yes." "I've thought up an ending for my book:" ""And he lived happily ever after to the end of his days."" "And I'm sure you will, my dear friend." "Goodbye, Gandalf." "Goodbye, dear Bilbo." "The road goes ever on and on." "Until our next meeting." "It's mine." "My own." "My precious." "Riddles in the dark." "Bilbo!" "Bilbo!" "My precious." "Precious." "He's gone, hasn't he?" "He talked for so long about leaving..." "I didn't think he'd really do it." "Gandalf?" "Bilbo's ring." "He's gone to stay with the Elves." "He's left you Bag End." "Along with all his possessions." "The ring is yours now." " Put it somewhere out of sight." " Where are you going?" " There are some things that I must see to." " What things?" " Questions." "Questions that need answering." " You've only just arrived." "I don't understand." "Neither do I." "Keep it secret." "Keep it safe." "Shire!" "Baggins!" ""The year 3434 of the Second Age."" "Here follows the account of Isildur, High King of Gondor..." ""...and the finding of the Ring of Power."" ""It has come to me."" "The One Ring." "It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom." "All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate... for I will risk no hurt to the Ring." "It is precious to me... though I buy it with great pain." "The markings upon the band begin to fade." "The writing, which at first was as clear as red flame, has all but disappeared." ""A secret now that only fire can tell."" "Shire." "Baggins." "There's no Bagginses around here." "They're all up in Hobbiton." "That way." "To heal my heart and drown my woe." "Rain may fall and wind may blow." "But there still be." "Many miles to go." "Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain." "And the stream that falls From hill to plain." "Better than rain or rippling brook." "Is a mug of beer inside this Took." "There's been some strange folk crossing the Shire." "Dwarves and others of a less than savory nature." "War is brewing." "The mountains are fair teeming with goblins." "Far-off tales and children's stories, that's all that is." "You're beginning to sound like that old Bilbo Baggins." "Cracked, he was." "Young Mr. Frodo here, he's cracking." "And proud of it." " Cheers, Gaffer." " Cheers." "It's none of our concern what goes on beyond our borders." "Keep your nose out of trouble, and no trouble'll come to you." " Good night, lads." " Good night." "Good night, sweet maiden of the golden ale." "Mind who you're sweet-talking." "Don't worry, Sam." "Rosie knows an idiot when she sees one." "Does she?" " Good night, Sam." " Good night, Mr. Frodo." "Is it secret?" "Is it safe?" "Ah." "What are you doing?" "Hold out your hand, Frodo." "It's quite cool." "What can you see?" "Can you see anything?" "Nothing." "There's nothing." "Wait." "There are markings." "It's some form of Elvish." "I can't read it." "There are few who can." "The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here." "Mordor!" "In the common tongue, it says:" ""One Ring to rule them all..."" "One Ring to find them..." "One Ring to bring them all..." ""...and in the darkness bind them."" "This is the One Ring... forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom." "Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself." "Bilbo found it." " In Gollum's cave." " Yes." "For 60 years, the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping... prolonging his life, delaying old age." "But no longer, Frodo." "Evil is stirring in Mordor." "The Ring has awoken." "It's heard its master's call." "But he was destroyed." "Sauron was destroyed." "No, Frodo." "The spirit of Sauron endured." "His life force is bound to the Ring, and the Ring survived." "Sauron has returned." "His Orcs have multiplied." "His fortress at Barad-dûr is rebuilt in the land of Mordor." "Sauron needs only this Ring to cover all the lands in a second darkness." "He is seeking it." "Seeking it." "All his thought is bent on it." "For the Ring yearns above all else... to return to the hand of its master." "They are one... the Ring and the Dark Lord." "Frodo... he must never find it." "All right." "We put it away." "We keep it hidden." "We never speak of it again." "No one knows it's here, do they?" "Do they, Gandalf?" "There is one other who knew that Bilbo had the Ring." "I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum." "But the enemy found him first." "I don't know how long they tortured him." "But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words:" "Shire!" "Baggins!" "Shire." "Baggins." "But that would lead them here!" "Who goes there?" "Take it, Gandalf!" " Take it!" " No, Frodo." " You must take it!" " You cannot offer me this ring!" " I'm giving it to you!" " Don't tempt me, Frodo!" "I dare not take it." "Not even to keep it safe." "Understand, Frodo..." "I would use this Ring from a desire to do good." "But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine." " But it cannot stay in the Shire!" " No." "No, it can't." "What must I do?" " You must leave." "And leave quickly." " Where?" "Where do I go?" "Get out of the Shire." "Make for the village of Bree." "Bree." " What about you?" " I'll be waiting for you... at the inn of the Prancing Pony." " And the Ring will be safe there?" " I don't know, Frodo." "I don't have any answers." "I must see the head of my order." "He is both wise and powerful." "Trust me, Frodo." "He'll know what to do." "You'll have to leave the name of Baggins behind you." "That name is not safe outside the Shire." "Travel only by day." "And stay off the road." "I can cut across country easily enough." "My dear Frodo." "Hobbits really are amazing creatures." "You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month." "And yet, after a hundred years... they can still surprise you." "Get down." "Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee!" "Have you been eavesdropping?" "I haven't been dropping no eaves." "Honest." "I was cutting the grass under the window." "A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think?" " I heard raised voices." " What did you hear?" "Speak!" "Nothing important." "That is, I heard a good deal about a ring, a Dark Lord and the end of the world but..." "Please, Mr. Gandalf, sir, don't hurt me." "Don't turn me into anything unnatural." "No?" "Perhaps not." "I've thought of a better use for you." "Come along, Samwise." "Keep up." "Be careful, both of you." "The enemy has many spies in his service:" "Birds, beasts." "Is it safe?" "Never put it on... for the agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power." "Always remember, Frodo... the Ring is trying to get back to its master." "It wants to be found." "This is it." "This is what?" "If I take one more step... it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been." "Come on, Sam." "Remember what Bilbo used to say:" ""It's a dangerous business, Frodo." "Going out your door." "You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet..." ""...there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."" "Sam." "Wood-elves." "They're going to the harbor beyond the White Towers." "To the Grey Havens." "They're leaving Middle-earth." "Never to return." "I don't know why... it makes me sad." "Everywhere I lie there's a dirty great root sticking into my back." "Just shut your eyes... and imagine you're back in your own bed... with a soft mattress and a lovely feather pillow." "It's not working, Mr. Frodo." "I'm never going to be able to sleep out here." "Me neither, Sam." "Smoke rises from the Mountain of Doom." "The hour grows late." "And Gandalf the Grey rides to Isengard... seeking my counsel." "For that is why you have come, is it not?" "My old friend." "Saruman." " You are sure of this?" " Beyond any doubt." "So the Ring of Power has been found." "All these long years, it was in the Shire." " Under my very nose." " Yet you did not have the wit to see it." "Your love of the half ling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind." "But we still have time." "Time enough to counter Sauron if we act quickly." "Time?" "What time do you think we have?" "Sauron has regained much of his former strength." "He cannot yet take physical form... but his spirit has lost none of its potency." "Concealed within his fortress, the Lord of Mordor sees all." "His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth and flesh." "You know of what I speak, Gandalf." "A Great Eye, lidless, wreathed in flame." "The Eye of Sauron." "He is gathering all evil to him." "Very soon, he'll have summoned an army great enough... for an assault upon Middle-earth." "You know this?" "How?" "I have seen it." "A palantir is a dangerous tool, Saruman." "Why?" "Why should we fear to use it?" "They are not all accounted for, the lost Seeing-stones." "We do not know who else may be watching." "The hour is later than you think." "Sauron's forces are already moving." "The Nine have left Minas Morgul." "The Nine?" "They crossed the River Isen on Midsummer's Eve... disguised as riders in black." " They've reached the Shire?" " They will find the Ring." "And kill the one who carries it." "Frodo!" "You did not seriously think that a Hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron?" "There are none who can." "Against the power of Mordor... there can be no victory." "We must join with him, Gandalf." "We must join with Sauron." "It would be wise, my friend." "Tell me... friend... when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness?" "I gave you the chance... of aiding me willingly... but you have elected the way of pain!" "Mr. Frodo?" "Frodo?" "Frodo!" " I thought I'd lost you." " What are you talking about?" " It's just something Gandalf said." " What did he say?" ""Don't you lose him, Samwise Gamgee." And I don't mean to." "Sam, we're still in the Shire." "What could possibly happen?" "Frodo." " Merry, it's Frodo Baggins." " Hello, Frodo." "Get off him." "Come on, Frodo." "What's the meaning of this?" "You've been into Farmer Maggot's crop!" "You get back here!" "Get out of my field!" "You'll know the devil if I catch up with you!" "I don't know why he's so upset." "It's only a couple of carrots." "And some cabbages." "And those three bags of potatoes that we lifted last week." " And then the mushrooms the week before." " Yes, Pippin." "My point is... he's clearly overreacting." "Run!" "Oh, that was close." "I think I've broken something." "Trust a Brandybuck and a Took!" "What?" "That was just a detour." "A short cut." " Short cut to what?" " Mushrooms!" "That's mine." "That's nice, Merry." "Here's a nice one, Sam." "I think we should get off the road." "Get off the road!" "Quick!" "Be quiet!" "What was that?" "Anything?" "Nothing." "What is going on?" "That Black Rider was looking for something." "Or someone." "Frodo?" "Get down!" "I have to leave the Shire." "Sam and I must get to Bree." "Right." "Bucklebury Ferry." "Follow me." "Run!" "This way!" "Follow me!" "Run!" "Get the rope, Sam!" "Frodo!" "Run, Frodo!" " Go!" " Hurry!" "Frodo, come on!" " Come on!" "Faster!" " Jump!" " How far to the nearest crossing?" " The Brandywine Bridge. 20 miles." "Come on." " What do you want?" " We're heading for the Prancing Pony." "Hobbits." "Four Hobbits!" "What's more, out of the Shire by your talk." "What business brings you to Bree?" "We wish to stay at the inn." "Our business is our own." "All right, young sir." "I meant no offense." "It's my job to ask questions after nightfall." "There's talk of strange folk abroad." "Can't be too careful." "Out of the way!" "Watch where you're walking." "Excuse me." "Good evening, little masters." "What can I do for you?" "If you're seeking accommodation, we got some cozy Hobbit-sized rooms available." "Always proud to cater to the Little Folk, Mister...?" "Underhill." "My name's Underhill." " Underhill, yes." " We're friends of Gandalf the Grey." " Can you tell him we've arrived?" " Gandalf?" "Gandalf." "Oh, yes..." "I remember." "Elderly chap." "Big grey beard, pointy hat." "Not seen him for six months." "What do we do now?" "Sam... he'll be here." "He'll come." "Get out of my way!" "What's that?" "This, my friend, is a pint." "It comes in pints?" " I'm getting one." " You got a whole half already!" "That fellow's done nothing but stare at you since we arrived." "Excuse me." "That Man in the corner." "Who is he?" "He's one of them Rangers." "They're dangerous folk, wandering the Wilds." "What his right name is, I've never heard, but around here he's known as Strider." "Strider." "Baggins." "Baggins." "Baggins." "Baggins." "Baggins?" "Sure, I know a Baggins." "He's over there." "Frodo Baggins." "He's my second cousin, once removed on his mother's side... and my third cousin, twice removed..." " Pippin!" " Steady on, Frodo." "You cannot hide." "I see you." "There is no life... in the void." "Only... death." "You draw far too much attention to yourself, "Mr. Underhill."" "What do you want?" "A little more caution from you." "That is no trinket you carry." " I carry nothing." " Indeed." "I can avoid being seen if I wish... but to disappear entirely, that is a rare gift." " Who are you?" " Are you frightened?" "Yes." "Not nearly frightened enough." "I know what hunts you." "Let him go!" "Or I'll have you, Longshanks." "You have a stout heart, little Hobbit." "But that will not save you." "You can no longer wait for the wizard, Frodo." "They're coming." "What are they?" "They were once Men." "Great kings of Men." "Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power." "Blinded by their greed, they took them without question." "One by one, falling into darkness." "Now they are slaves to his will." "They are the Nazgûl." "Ringwraiths." "Neither living nor dead." "At all times they feel... the presence of the Ring... drawn to the power of the One." "They will never stop hunting you." "Where are you taking us?" "Into the Wild." "How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" "I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer..." " ...and feel fouler." " He's foul enough." "We have no choice but to trust him." " But where is he leading us?" " To Rivendell, Master Gamgee." " To the house of Elrond." " Did you hear that?" "Rivendell." "We're going to see the Elves." " Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall." " What about breakfast?" " You've already had it." " We've had one, yes." "What about second breakfast?" "Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." "What about elevenses?" "Luncheon?" "Afternoon tea?" "Dinner?" "Supper?" " He knows about them, doesn't he?" " I wouldn't count on it." "Pippin!" "What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit?" ""Tinúviel elvanui (Tinúviel the elven-fair)."" "Elleth alfirin ethelhael (immortal maiden elven-wise)" "O hon ring finnil fuinui (About him cast her night-dark hair)" "A renc gelebrin thiliol." (And arms like silver glimmering.")" "Who is she?" "This woman you sing of." "'Tis the lady of Lúthien." "The Elf-maiden who gave her love to Beren, a mortal." "What happened to her?" "She died." "Get some sleep, Frodo." "The power of Isengard is at your command..." "Sauron, Lord of the Earth." "Build me an army worthy of Mordor." "What orders from Mordor, my lord?" "What does the Eye command?" "We have work to do." "The trees are strong, my lord." "Their roots go deep." "Rip them all down." "This was the great watchtower of Amon Sûl." "We shall rest here tonight." "These are for you." "Keep them close." "I'm going to have a look around." "Stay here." "My tomato's burst." "Could I have some bacon?" "Want a tomato, Sam?" " What are you doing?" "!" " Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon." " We saved some for you, Mr. Frodo." " Put it out, you fools!" " Put it out!" " That's nice!" "Ash on my tomatoes!" "Go!" "Back, you devils!" "Frodo!" " Frodo." " Oh, Sam." "Strider!" " Help him, Strider." " He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade." "This is beyond my skill to heal." "He needs Elvish medicine." "Hurry!" "We're six days from Rivendell!" "He'll never make it!" "Hold on, Frodo." "Gandalf!" "Look, Frodo." "It's Mr. Bilbo's trolls." "Mr. Frodo?" "He's going cold." "Is he going to die?" "He's passing into the Shadow World." "He'll soon become a Wraith like them." " They're close." " Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?" " Athelas?" " Kingsfoil." "Kingsfoil, aye, it's a weed." "It may help to slow the poisoning." "Hurry!" "What's this?" "A Ranger caught off his guard?" "Frodo." "Im Arwen" " Telin le thaed." "(I am Arwen" " I've come to help you.)" "Lasto beth nîn..." "(Hear my voice...) tolo dan na ngalad (Come back to the light.)" "Who is she?" "Frodo." " She's an Elf." " He's fading." "He's not going to last." "We must get him to my father." " I've been looking for you for two days." " Where are you taking him?" "There are five Wraiths behind you." "Where the other four are, I do not know." "Dartho guin Berian." "Rych le ad tolthathon. (Stay with the Hobbits, I'll send horses for you.)" "Hon mabathon." "Rochon ellint im." "(I'm the faster rider, I'll take him.)" "Andelu I ven." "(The Road is too dangerous.)" "What are they saying?" "Frodo fîr." "Ae athradon I hîr... (Frodo is dying." "If I can get across the river...) tûr gwaith nîn beriatha hon. (..." "The power of my people will protect him.)" "I do not fear them." "Be lest lîn." "(As you wish.)" "Arwen... ride hard." "Don't look back." "What are you doing?" "!" "Those Wraiths are still out there!" "Noro lim, Asfaloth!" "(Ride fast Asfaloth!" ")" "Give up the half ling, She-Elf." "If you want him, come and claim him." "Nîn o Chithaeglir..." "(Waters of the Misty Mountains...) lasto beth daer (..." "listen to the great word.)" "Rimmo nˆn Bruinen dan in Ulaer!" "(Flow waters of loudwater against the ringwraiths)" "Nîn o Chithaeglir..." "(Waters of the Misty Mountains...) lasto beth daer (..." "listen to the great word.)" "Rimmo nˆn Bruinen dan in Ulaer!" "(Flow waters of loudwater against the ringwraiths)" "No." "No!" "Frodo, no." "Frodo, don't give in." "Not now." "What grace is given me... let it pass to him." "Let him be spared." "Save him." "Lasto beth nîn, tolo dan na ngalad." "(Hear my voice... come back to the light.)" " Where am I?" " You are in the house of Elrond." "And it is 10:00 in the morning on October 24th, if you want to know." " Gandalf!" " Yes, I'm here." "And you're lucky to be here too." "A few more hours and you would have been beyond our aid." "But you have some strength in you, my dear Hobbit." "What happened, Gandalf?" " Why didn't you meet us?" " I am sorry, Frodo." "I was delayed." "A friendship with Saruman is not lightly thrown aside." "One ill turn deserves another." "It is over." "Embrace the power of the Ring... or embrace your own destruction!" "There is only one Lord of the Ring." "Only one who can bend it to his will." "And he does not share power." "So you have chosen death." "Gandalf?" "What is it?" "Nothing, Frodo." "Frodo!" "Frodo!" " Sam." " Bless you, you're awake!" "Sam has hardly left your side." "We were that worried about you." "Weren't we, Mr. Gandalf?" "By the skills of Lord Elrond, you're beginning to mend." "Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins." "Bilbo!" "Hello, Frodo, my lad." "Bilbo." ""A Hobbit's Tale, by Bilbo Baggins."" " This is wonderful." " I meant to go back... wonder at the powers of Mirkwood... visit Lake-town... see the Lonely Mountain again." "But age, it seems, has finally caught up with me." "I miss the Shire." "I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else." "Off with you, on one of your adventures." "But my own adventure turned out to be quite different." "I'm not like you, Bilbo." "My dear boy." "Now, what have I forgotten?" "Packed already?" "No harm in being prepared." " I thought you wanted to see the Elves." " I do." " More than anything." " I did." "It's just..." "We did what Gandalf wanted, didn't we?" "We got the Ring this far, to Rivendell." "And I thought... seeing as how you're on the mend, we'd be off soon." "Off home." "You are right, Sam." "We did what we set out to do." "The Ring will be safe in Rivendell." "I am ready to go home." "His strength returns." "That wound will never fully heal." "He will carry it the rest of his life." "And yet to have come so far still bearing the Ring... the Hobbit has shown extraordinary resilience to its evil." "It is a burden he should never have had to bear." " We can ask no more of Frodo." " Gandalf, the enemy is moving." "Sauron's forces are massing in the East." "His Eye is fixed on Rivendell." "And Saruman, you tell me, has betrayed us." "Our list of allies grows thin." "His treachery runs deeper than you know." "By foul craft, Saruman has crossed Orcs with Goblin-men." "He's breeding an army in the caverns of Isengard." "An army that can move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed." "Saruman is coming for the Ring." "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves." "We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and Isengard!" "Gandalf... the Ring cannot stay here." "This peril belongs to all Middle-earth." "They must decide now how to end it." "The time of the Elves is over." "My people are leaving these shores." "Who will you look to when we've gone?" "The Dwarves?" "They hide in mountains seeking riches." "They care not for the troubles of others." "It is in Men that we must place our hope." "Men?" "Men are weak." "The race of Men is failing." "The blood of Númenor is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten." "It is because of Men the Ring survives." "I was there, Gandalf." "I was there 3000 years ago... when Isildur took the Ring." "I was there the day the strength of Men failed." "Isildur, hurry!" "Follow me." "I led Isildur into the heart of Mount Doom... where the Ring was forged, the one place it could be destroyed." "Cast it into the fire!" " Destroy it!" " No." "Isildur!" "It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure." "Isildur kept the Ring." "The line of kings is broken." "There's no strength left in the world of Men." " They're scattered, divided, leaderless." " There is one who could unite them." "One who could reclaim the throne of Gondor." "He turned from that path a long time ago." "He has chosen exile." "You are no Elf." "Men of the South are welcome here." " Who are you?" " I am a friend to Gandalf the Grey." "Then we are here on common purpose... friend." "The shards of Narsil." "The blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand." "It's still sharp." "But no more than a broken heirloom." "Why do you fear the past?" "You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself." "You are not bound to his fate." "The same blood flows in my veins." "The same weakness." "Your time will come." "You will face the same evil." "And you will defeat it." "A si I-Dhuath ú-orthor, Aragorn. (The shadow does not hold sway yet, Aragorn)" "Ú or le a ú or nin." "(Not over you, not over me.)" "Renich I lú I erui govannem?" "(Do you remember when we first met?" ")" "Nauthannen I ned ôl reniannen." "(I thought I had strayed into a dream.)" "Gwenwin in enninath." "(Long years have passed.)" "Ú-'arnech in naeth I si celich. (You did not wear the troubles you carry now.)" "Renech I beth I pennen?" "(Do you remember what I told you?" ")" "You said you'd bind yourself to me... forsaking the immortal life of your people." "And to that I hold." "I would rather share one lifetime with you... than face all the Ages of this world alone." "I choose a mortal life." " You cannot give me this." " It is mine to give to whom I will... like my heart." "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old... you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." "Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction." "None can escape it." "You will unite, or you will fall." "Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." "So it is true." "The ring of power..." "The doom of men..." "In a dream..." "I saw the eastern sky grow dark... but in the West a pale light lingered." "A voice was crying:" ""Your doom is near at hand." "Isildur's Bane is found."" "Isildur's Bane." "Boromir!" ""Ash nazg durbatulûk..." "("One ring to rule them all...)" "Ash nazg gimbatul..." "(..." "One ring to find them...)" "Ash nazg thrakatulûk..." "(..." "One ring to bring them all...) agh burzum-ishi krimpatul." (...and in the darkness bind them.")" "Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris." "I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond... for the Black Speech of Mordor... may yet be heard... in every corner of the West!" "The Ring is altogether evil." "It is a gift." "A gift to the foes of Mordor." "Why not use this Ring?" "Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor... kept the forces of Mordor at bay." "By the blood of our people... are your lands kept safe." "Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy." "Let us use it against him." "You cannot wield it." "None of us can." "The One Ring answers to Sauron alone." "It has no other master." "And what would a Ranger know of this matter?" "This is no mere Ranger." "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn." "You owe him your allegiance." "Aragorn." "This is Isildur's heir?" "And heir to the throne of Gondor." "Havo dad, Legolas." "(Sit down, Legolas.)" "Gondor has no king." "Gondor needs no king." "Aragorn is right." "We cannot use it." "You have only one choice." "The Ring must be destroyed." "What are we waiting for?" "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin... by any craft that we here possess." "The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom." "Only there can it be unmade." "It must be taken deep into Mordor... and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came." "Ash Nazg Durbatuluk..." "(One ring to rule them all...)" "One of you... must do this." "One does not simply walk into Mordor." "Its Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs." "There is evil there that does not sleep." "The Great Eye is ever-watchful." "It is a barren wasteland... riddled with fire, and ash and dust." "The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume." "Not with 10,000 men could you do this." "It is folly." "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said?" "The Ring must be destroyed." "And I suppose you think you are the one to do it!" "And if we fail, what then?" "What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?" "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!" "Never trust an Elf!" "Do you not understand?" "While you bicker, Sauron's power grows!" "None can escape it!" "You'll all be destroyed!" "Ash Nazg Durbatuluk (One ring to rule them all...)" "Ash nazg gimbatul..." "(..." "One ring to find them...)" "Ash Nazg Durbatuluk..." "(One ring to rule them all...)" "Ash nazg gimbatul..." "(..." "One ring to find them...)" "Ash Nazg Durbatuluk..." "(One ring to rule them all...)" "Ash nazg gimbatul..." "(..." "One ring to find them...)" "Ash Nazg Durbatuluk..." "(One ring to rule them all...)" "I will take it." "I will take it." "I will take the Ring to Mordor." "Though..." "I do not know the way." "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins... as long as it is yours to bear." "If by my life or death I can protect you..." "I will." "You have my sword." "And you have my bow." "And my ax." "You carry the fates of us all, little one." "If this is indeed the will of the Council..." " ...then Gondor will see it done." " Hey!" " Frodo's not going anywhere without me." " It is hardly possible to separate you... even when he is summoned to a secret Council and you are not." "We're coming too!" "You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us." "Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission." "Quest." "Thing." "Well, that rules you out, Pip." "Nine companions." "So be it." "You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring." "Great!" "Where are we going?" "Anirne hene beriad I chen lîn." "(She wanted to protect her child.)" "Ned Imladris nauthant e le beriathar aen." "(She thought in Rivendell you would be safe.)" "In her heart, your mother knew you'd be hunted all your life." "That you'd never escape your fate." "The skill of the Elves can reforge the sword of kings... but only you have the power to wield it." "I do not want that power." "I have never wanted it." "You are the last of that bloodline." "There is no other." "My old sword!" "Sting." "Here, take it." "Take it." " It's so light." " Yes." "Made by the Elves, you know." "The blade glows blue when Orcs are close." "And it's times like that, my lad, when you have to be extra careful." "Here's a pretty thing." "Mithril." "As light as a feather, and as hard as dragon scales." "Let me see you put it on." "Come on." "Oh!" "My old ring." "I should very much like... to hold it again, one last time." "I'm sorry I brought this upon you, my boy." "I'm sorry that you must carry this burden." "I'm sorry for everything." "The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom." "On you who travel with him, no oath... nor bond is laid to go further than you will." "Farewell." "Hold to your purpose." "May the blessings of Elves and Men... and all Free Folk go with you." "The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer." "Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" "Left." "We must hold to this course, west of the Misty Mountains, for 40 days." "If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us." "From there, our road turns east to Mordor." "Two, one, five." "Good!" "Very good." "Move your feet." "You look good, Pippin." "Thanks." "Faster!" "If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not..." "I'd say we were taking the long way 'round." "Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria." "My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." "No, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." "Sorry!" "Get him!" " For the Shire!" " Hold him." "Hold him down, Merry!" "Gentlemen, that's enough." "You've got my arm!" "You've got my arm!" " What is that?" " Nothing." "It's just a wisp of cloud." "It's moving fast." "Against the wind." " Crebain from Dunland!" " Hide!" " Hurry!" " Take cover!" "Spies of Saruman." "The passage south is being watched." "We must take the Pass of Caradhras." "Frodo!" "Boromir." "It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt... over so small a thing." "Such a little thing." "Boromir!" "Give the Ring to Frodo." "As you wish." "I care not." "So, Gandalf, you try to lead them over Caradhras." "And if that fails, where then will you go?" "If the mountain defeats you... will you risk a more dangerous road?" "Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse!" "(Wake up cruel Redhorn!" ")" "There is a fell voice on the air." "Nai yarvaxea rasselya!" "(May your horn be bloodstained!" ")" "It's Saruman!" "He's trying to bring down the mountain!" "Gandalf, we must turn back!" "No!" "Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho I 'ruith!" "(Sleep Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath!" ")" "Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse!" "(Wake up cruel Redhorn!" ")" "Nai yarvaxea rasselya..." "(May your bloodstained horn...) taltuva notto-carinnar!" "(...fall upon enemy heads!" ")" "We must get off the mountain!" "Make for the Gap of Rohan, and take the west road to my city!" "The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" "We cannot pass over a mountain." "Let us go under it." "Let us go through the Mines of Moria." "Moria." "You fear to go into those mines." "The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep." "You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm:" "Shadow and flame." "Let the Ring-bearer decide." "We cannot stay here!" "This will be the death of the Hobbits." "Frodo?" "We will go through the mines." "So be it." "Frodo, come and help an old man." "How is your shoulder?" " Better than it was." " And the Ring?" "You feel its power growing, don't you?" "I've felt it too." "You must be careful now." "Evil will be drawn to you from outside the Fellowship." "And, I fear, from within." " Who then do I trust?" " You must trust yourself." "Trust your own strengths." " What do you mean?" " There are many powers in this world... for good or for evil." "Some are greater than I am." "And against some I have not yet been tested." "The walls... of Moria." "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." "Their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten." "Why doesn't that surprise me?" "Well, let's see." "Ithildin." "It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." "It reads, "The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria."" " "Speak, friend, and enter."" " What do you suppose that means?" "It's simple." "If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open." "Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen!" "(Gate of the elves, open now for me!" ")" "lasto beth lammen." "(..." "listen to the word of my tongue.)" "Nothing's happening." "I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves..." "Men and Orcs." "What are you going to do, then?" "Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took!" "And if that does not shatter them... and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions..." "I will try to find the opening words." "Ando Eldarinwa..." "(Gate of elves...) a lasta quettanya..." "(..." "listen to my word...)" "Fenda Casarinwa..." "(...threshold of dwarves...)" "Mines are no place for a pony." " Even one so brave as Bill." " Bye-bye, Bill." "Fennas Nogothrim..." "(Doorway of the dwarf-folk...)" "Go on, Bill." "Go on." "Don't worry, Sam, he knows the way home." "Do not disturb the water." "Oh, it's useless." "It's a riddle." ""Speak 'friend' and enter."" "What's the Elvish word for "friend"?" "Mellon." "Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves." "Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone!" "This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin." "And they call it a mine." "A mine!" "This is no mine." "It's a tomb." "No." "No!" "Goblins." "We make for the Gap of Rohan." "We should never have come here." "Now, get out of here." "Get out!" " Frodo!" " Help!" "Strider!" " Help!" " Get off him!" "Aragorn!" "Frodo!" "Strider!" "Into the mines!" " Legolas!" " Into the cave!" "Run!" "We now have but one choice." "We must face the long dark of Moria." "Be on your guard." "There are older and fouler things than Orcs... in the deep places of the world." "Quietly now." "It's a four-day journey to the other side." "Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed." "The wealth of Moria is not in gold... or jewels... but mithril." "Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him." " Oh, that was a kingly gift." " Yes." "I never told him... but its worth was greater than the value of the Shire." "Pippin." "I have no memory of this place." " Are we lost?" " No." " I think we are." " Gandalf's thinking." " Merry?" " What?" "I'm hungry." " There's something down there." " It's Gollum." " Gollum?" " He's been following us for three days." " He escaped the dungeons of Barad-dûr?" " Escaped... or was set loose." "Now the Ring has brought him here." "He will never be rid of his need for it." "He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself." "Sméagol's life is a sad story." "Yes, Sméagol he was once called." "Before the Ring found him." "Before it drove him mad." "It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance." "Pity?" "It is pity that stayed Bilbo's hand." "Many that live deserve death." "Some that die deserve life." "Can you give it to them, Frodo?" "Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment." "Even the very wise cannot see all ends." "My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill... before this is over." "The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many." "I wish the Ring had never come to me." "I wish none of this had happened." "So do all who live to see such times." "But that is not for them to decide." "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." "There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil." "Bilbo was meant to find the Ring." "In which case, you also were meant to have it." "And that is an encouraging thought." "Ah!" "It's that way." " He's remembered." " No." "But the air doesn't smell so foul down here." "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose." "Let me risk a little more light." "Behold... the great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf." "There's an eye opener, and no mistake." "Gimli!" "No." "No!" "Oh, no." "No." ""Here lies Balin..."" "son of Fundin..." ""..." "Lord of Moria."" "He is dead, then." "It's as I feared." "We must move on." "We cannot linger." ""They have taken the bridge and the second hall."" "We have barred the gates... but cannot hold them for long." "The ground shakes." "Drums... drums in the deep." "We cannot get out." "A Shadow moves in the dark." "We cannot get out." ""They are coming."" "Fool of a Took!" "Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity." "Frodo!" "Orcs." "Get back!" "Stay close to Gandalf!" "They have a cave-troll." "Let them come!" "There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath." "I think I'm getting the hang of this." "Frodo!" "Aragorn!" "Aragorn!" "Frodo!" "Frodo!" "Frodo!" "Oh, no." "He's alive." "I'm all right." "I'm not hurt." "You should be dead." "That spear would have skewered a wild boar." "I think there's more to this Hobbit than meets the eye." "Mithril." "You are full of surprises, Master Baggins." "To the Bridge of Khazad-dûm!" "This way!" "What is this new devilry?" "A Balrog." "A demon of the ancient world." "This foe is beyond any of you." "Run!" "Quickly!" "Gandalf." "Lead them on, Aragorn." "The bridge is near." "Do as I say!" "Swords are no more use here." "Gandalf!" "Merry!" "Pippin!" "Sam!" "Nobody tosses a Dwarf." "Not the beard!" "Steady." "Hold on!" "Hang on!" "Lean forward!" "Steady." "Come on!" "Now!" "Over the bridge!" "Fly!" "You cannot pass!" "Gandalf!" "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor." "The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn!" "Go back to the Shadow." "You shall not pass!" "No!" "No!" "Gandalf!" "Fly, you fools!" "No!" "Aragorn!" "Legolas, get them up." "Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" "By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs." "We must reach the woods of Lothlórien." "Come, Boromir." "Legolas." "Gimli, get them up." "On your feet, Sam." "Frodo?" "Frodo!" "Stay close, young Hobbits!" "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods." "An Elf-witch... of terrible power." "All who look upon her... fall under her spell." "Frodo!" "And are never seen again." "Your coming to us is as the footsteps of doom." "You bring great evil here, Ring-bearer." "Mr. Frodo?" "Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily." "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." "The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." "Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." "(Welcome, Legolas son of Thranduil.)" "Govannas vîn gwennen le, (Our fellowship stands in your debt, )" "A, Aragorn in Dúnedain..." "(Oh, Aragorn of the Dúnedain...) istannen le ammen." "(...you are known to us.)" "Haldir o Lórien." "(Haldir of Lórien.)" "So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves!" "Speak words we can all understand!" "We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days." "And you know what this Dwarf says to that?" "Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" "(I spit upon your grave!" ")" "That was not so courteous." "You bring great evil with you." "You can go no further." "Boe ammen veriad lîn." "Andelu I ven!" "(We need your protection." "The road is fell!" ")" "Merin le telim." "(I wish we may come with you.)" "Henio, aníron boe ammen I dulu lîn!" "(Please, understand, we need your support!" ")" "Aragorn!" "Merin le telim." "(I wish we may come with you.)" "Andelu I ven." "(The road is very dangerous.)" "Gandalf's death was not in vain." "Nor would he have you give up hope." "You carry a heavy burden, Frodo." "Don't carry the weight of the dead." "You will follow me." "Caras Galadhon." "The heart of Elvendom on earth." "Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light." "The enemy knows you have entered here." "What hope you had in secrecy is now gone." "Eight there are here, yet nine there were set out from Rivendell." "Tell me, where is Gandalf?" "For I much desire to speak with him." "I can no longer see him from afar." "Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land." "He has fallen into Shadow." "He was taken by both Shadow and flame." "A Balrog of Morgoth." "For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." "Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life." "We do not yet know his full purpose." "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart..." "Gimli, son of Glóin." "For the world has grown full of peril... and in all lands... love is now mingled with grief." "What now becomes of this Fellowship?" "Without Gandalf, hope is lost." "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife." "Stray but a little and it will fail... to the ruin of all." "Yet hope remains while the Company is true." "Do not let your hearts be troubled." "Go now and rest... for you are weary with sorrow and much toil." "Tonight, you will sleep..." "Welcome, Frodo of the Shire... one who has seen the Eye!" "A lament for Gandalf." "What do they say about him?" "I have not the heart to tell you." "For me, the grief is still too near." "I bet they don't mention his fireworks." "There should be a verse about them." "The finest rockets ever seen." "They burst in stars of blue and green." "Or after thunder, silver showers." "Came falling like a rain of flowers." "Oh, that doesn't do them justice by a long road." "Take some rest." "These borders are well-protected." "I will find no rest here." "I heard her voice inside my head." "She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor." "She said to me, "Even now there is hope left."" "But I cannot see it." "It is long since we had any hope." "My father is a noble man." "But his rule is failing... and our people lose faith." "He looks to me to make things right, and I would do it." "I would see the glory of Gondor restored." "Have you ever seen it, Aragorn?" "The White Tower of Ecthelion." "Glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver." "Its banners caught high in the morning breeze." "Have you ever been called home... by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?" "I have seen the White City... long ago." "One day, our paths will lead us there." "And the tower guard shall take up the call:" ""The Lords of Gondor have returned."" "Will you look into the mirror?" "What will I see?" "Even the wisest cannot tell." "For the mirror... shows many things." "Things that were... things that are... and some things... that have not yet come to pass." "I know what it is you saw." "For it is also in my mind." "It is what will come to pass if you should fail." "The Fellowship is breaking." "It is already begun." "He will try to take the Ring." "You know of whom I speak." "One by one, it will destroy them all." "If you ask it of me..." "I will give you the One Ring." "You offer it to me freely." "I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this." "In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen... not dark but beautiful, and terrible as the dawn!" "Treacherous as the sea!" "Stronger than the foundations of the earth!" "All shall love me... and despair." "I pass the test." "I will diminish... and go into the West..." " ...and remain Galadriel." " I cannot do this alone." "You are a Ring-bearer, Frodo." "To bear a Ring of Power... is to be alone." "This is Nenya, the Ring of Adamant." "And I am its keeper." "This task was appointed to you." "And if you do not find a way... no one will." "Then I know what I must do." "It's just..." "I'm afraid to do it." "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." "Do you know how the Orcs first came into being?" "They were Elves once." "Taken by the Dark Powers... tortured and mutilated." "A ruined and terrible form of life." "And now... perfected." "My fighting Uruk-hai... whom do you serve?" "Saruman!" "Hunt them down." "Do not stop until they are found." "You do not know pain." "You do not know fear." "You will taste Man-flesh!" "One of the half lings carries something of great value." "Bring them to me alive and unspoiled." "Kill the others." "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." "Lembas." "Elvish waybread." "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." "How many did you eat?" "Four." "Every league you travel south, the danger will increase." "Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin." "Nor will you find safety on the western bank." "Strange creatures bearing the White Hand have been seen on our borders." "Seldom do Orcs journey in the open under the sun, yet these have done so." "Le aphadar aen." "(You are being tracked.)" "By river you have the chance... of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros." "My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim." "Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." "These are the daggers of the Noldorin." "They have already seen service in war." "Do not fear, young Peregrin Took." "You will find your courage." "And for you, Samwise Gamgee..." "Elven rope made of hithlain." "Thank you, my lady." "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" "And what gift would a dwarf ask of the Elves?" "Nothing." "Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time... for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." "Actually..." "There was one thing." "No, no, I'm talking nonsense." "It's quite impossible." "Stupid to ask." "I have nothing greater to give... than the gift you already bear." "Am meleth dîn..." "(For her love...)" "I ant e guil Arwen Undómiel pígatha. (..." "I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish.)" "Aníron I e broniatha, ad ae periatham..." "(I would have her leave these shores...) athar I methid en-amar hen." "(...and be with her people.)" "Aníron I e círatha na Valannor. (I would have her take the ship to Valinor.)" "That choice is yet before her." "You have your own choice to make, Aragorn." "To rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil... or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin." "Namárië." "(Farewell.)" "Nadath nâ I moe cerich." "(There is much you have yet to do.)" "Dan, ú-'eveditham, Elessar." "(We shall not meet again, Elessar.)" "Farewell, Frodo Baggins." "I give you the light of Eärendil... our most beloved star." "May it be a light for you in dark places... when all other lights go out." "I have taken my worst wound at this parting... having looked my last upon that which is fairest." "Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me." "What was her gift?" "I asked her for one hair from her golden head." "She gave me three." "Gollum." "He has tracked us since Moria." "I had hoped we would lose him on the river." "But he's too clever a waterman." "And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts... it will make the crossing even more dangerous." "Have some food, Mr. Frodo." " No, Sam." " You haven't eaten anything all day." "You're not sleeping, neither." "Don't think I haven't noticed." " Mr. Frodo..." " I'm all right." "But you're not." "I'm here to help you." "I promised Gandalf that I would." "You can't help me, Sam." "Not this time." "Get some sleep." "Minas Tirith is the safer road." "You know that." "From there we can regroup." "Strike out for Mordor from a place of strength." "There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us." "You were quick enough to trust the Elves." "Have you so little faith in your own people?" "Yes, there is weakness." "There is frailty." "But there is courage also, and honor to be found in Men." "But you will not see that." "You are afraid!" "All your life, you have hidden in the shadows." "Scared of who you are, of what you are." "I will not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city." "Frodo." "The Argonath." "Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old." "My kin." "We cross the lake at nightfall." "Hide the boats and continue on foot." " We approach Mordor from the North." " Oh, yes?" "Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil... an impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks." "And after that, it gets even better." "Festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see." "That is our road." "I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf." "Recover my..." " We should leave now." " No." "Orcs patrol the eastern shore." "We must wait for cover of darkness." "It is not the eastern shore that worries me." "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind." "Something draws near." "I can feel it." "Recover strength?" "Pay no heed to that, young Hobbit." "Where's Frodo?" "None of us should wander alone." "You, least of all." "So much depends on you." "Frodo?" "I know why you seek solitude." "You suffer." "I see it day by day." "You sure you do not suffer needlessly?" "There are other ways, Frodo." " Other paths that we might take." " I know what you would say." "It would seem like wisdom but for the warning in my heart." "Warning?" "Against what?" "We're all afraid, Frodo." "But to let that fear drive us, to destroy what hope we have..." " ...don't you see that is madness?" " There is no other way." "I ask only for the strength to defend my people!" " If you would but lend me the Ring." " No." " Why do you recoil?" "I am no thief." " You are not yourself." "What chance do you think you have?" "They will find you." "They will take the Ring." "And you will beg for death before the end!" "You fool!" "It is not yours, save by unhappy chance!" "It could have been mine." "It should be mine!" "Give it to me!" " Give it to me!" " No!" " Give it to me!" " No." "I see your mind." "You will take the Ring to Sauron!" "You will betray us!" "You'll go to your death, and the death of us all!" "Curse you!" "Curse you and all the half lings!" "Frodo?" "Frodo." "What have I done?" "Please, Frodo." "Frodo, I'm sorry!" "Frodo!" "Ash Ghurûm (They will fall)" "Frodo?" " It has taken Boromir." " Where is the Ring?" "Stay away!" "Frodo!" " I swore to protect you." " Can you protect me from yourself?" "Would you destroy it?" "Aragorn." "Aragorn." "Elessar." "I would have gone with you to the end." "Into the very fires of Mordor." "I know." "Look after the others." "Especially Sam." "He will not understand." "Go, Frodo!" "Run." "Run!" "Mr. Frodo!" "Find the half ling!" "Find the half ling!" "Elendil!" "Aragorn, go!" "Frodo!" "Hide here." "Quick!" "Come on!" "What's he doing?" "He's leaving." " No!" " Pippin!" "Run, Frodo." "Go on!" " Hey!" "Hey, you!" " Over here!" " Over here!" " This way!" " It's working!" " I know it's working!" "Run!" " The horn of Gondor." " Boromir." "Run!" "No." " They took the little ones." " Hold still." "Frodo." "Where is Frodo?" "I let Frodo go." "Then you did what I could not." "I tried to take the Ring from him." " The Ring is beyond our reach now." " Forgive me." "I did not see it." " I have failed you all." " No, Boromir." "You fought bravely." "You have kept your honor." "Leave it." "It is over." "The world of Men will fall." "And all will come to darkness... and my city to ruin." "I do not know what strength is in my blood... but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall... nor our people fail." "Our people." "Our people." "I would have followed you, my brother." "My captain." "My king." "Be at peace... son of Gondor." "They will look for his coming from the White Tower." "But he will not return." "Frodo!" "I wish the Ring had never come to me." "I wish none of this had happened." "So do all who live to see such times... but that is not for them to decide." "All you have to decide... is what to do with the time that is given to you." "Frodo, no!" "Frodo!" " Mr. Frodo!" " No, Sam." "Go back, Sam!" " I'm going to Mordor alone." " Of course you are." "And I'm coming with you!" "You can't swim!" "Sam!" "Sam!" "I made a promise, Mr. Frodo." ""Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee."" "And I don't mean to." "I don't mean to." "Sam." "Come on." "Hurry!" "Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore." " You mean not to follow them." " Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." "Then it has all been in vain." "The Fellowship has failed." "Not if we hold true to each other." "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death." "Not while we have strength left." "Leave all that can be spared behind." "We travel light." "Let us hunt some Orc." "Yes!" "Mordor." "I hope the others find a safer road." "Strider will look after them." "I don't suppose we'll ever see them again." "We may yet, Mr. Frodo." "We may." "Sam..." "I'm glad you are with me." | {
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"SABRINA:" "Let's go over this one more time just so we're clear." " You're saying that if we can knock Jimmy out..." " JIMMY:" "Not possible." "You will eat every meal out of a dog bowl" " for an entire month?" " Yeah." "And you have to sleep in the yard." "Not gonna sleep in the yard." "We've already been over the terms." " Now if you guys fail..." " They will fail." "You have to go to bed, lights out by 10:00" " every night for a month." " I'm telling you, this cannot be done." " What is in it for you?" " Bragging rights." "Oh, I've seen this guy get hit in the head" " with a crowbar before." " You hit me in the head with a crowbar." "I hit this guy in the head with a crowbar before," " did nothing." " Ah." "It's 'cause I got the thickest skull in the league." " What league?" " Why don't you come find out?" " MICKEY:" "Aah!" " Give me a little kiss good night." "(makes kissing sound)" "(Chip grunts, Mickey laughs)" " You see that?" " (Jimmy laughs)" "Stings your hand a little bit, doesn't it?" "Night-night." "Be sure and brush your teeth." "Next!" "Oh." "Hi, sweetheart." " Now, let's not mess up a manicure." " MICKEY:" "Oh!" " (Mickey laughs)" " You should be playing soccer." "I like the element of surprise." "Sweet dreams." "Okay, Ben, you're up." "And I believe in you the most, okay?" "Really focus." " As hard as you can." " Oh... boy." " Oh." "Our bad." " (squeaking exhale)" "Well, that's on us." "That's on us for not explaining..." "That's not your fault." "You're too young to get it." " But he's not mad." "You're not mad." "Okay." " Not mad at you at all." "Go to your room, all right?" "I'll be in to tuck you in soon." " Night-night." " Good night, Ben." " Yeah." "Wasn't expecting that." "Are you okay?" " Yeah." "I'm fine." "Come on." " Stung, yeah?" "Okay." " Oh, whatever." "Just... you know." "Thanks for helping me put the kids to bed." "Yeah." "It's been a lot of fun to be part of a normal family again, you know, 'cause when I was a kid, there was just..." " (grunts) - (shrieks)" "Oh, his skull isn't that thick." " You did it!" " (strained):" "I'm fine." "BOTH:" "Oh!" " Oh!" " Undefeated." " Okay, you got me." " (laughs)" "Oh, that's a fun game." "(crickets chirping)" "(door opens, clattering)" "(thudding, glass clinks)" "(papers rustling)" "(papers rustling)" "(whispers):" "Oh!" "Oh, God, we're being robbed." " (gun chamber clicks)" " Freeze!" "Okay, just take it easy." "Now put your hands up." " Up!" " They're up!" "Now say good night." " (groaning)" " Holy crap, I got him!" " Guys!" "Come quick!" "I got him!" " (groaning)" " What the hell is going on?" " Chip, are you okay?" " (groaning)" " I saw a burglar." "I didn't know what to do... so I smoked his ass!" "Yes." "Hello?" "Somebody's been shot." "Uh, 2400 Radcliffe Drive." "It's the corner of Tidewind and..." "You shot me!" "What the hell's the matter with you?" "!" "Father?" " Christopher?" " Daddy?" "Uh, never mind." "I was just kidding." "Sorry." "Guns are bad." "Bye!" "Don't shoot!" "Mommy?" "!" " Mom?" " Poodle?" " Chip shot me!" "My own son shot me!" " I didn't mean to!" "Oh, my God." "I was being brave!" "Oh, my God, I shot my daddy!" "It's all right." "The gunpowder's, like, a hundred years old." " It probably just broke the skin." " Mommy's alive!" "Yeah." "Okay, not so tight, honey." " What the hell's going on?" "!" " Why...?" "Everyone just be quiet, okay?" "The cops are on their way, so unless you want to go to jail, just listen to me." "Chip, take your brother to his room." "Alba, why don't you go" " hide Christopher and Poodle?" " Oh, okay." "Poodle." "What about the police?" "They're expecting a gunshot victim." "And we're gonna give 'em one." "(panting)" "So, are you gonna do this, or what?" "Yeah, I just..." "I..." "It's hard to shoot a man in the back." "I've been taught better than that." "Mickey?" "This man..." " hit you." "Whoa!" " Aah." " He hit you with a car." " I know, and he felt so bad." " He did it twice." " He did, didn't he?" "You know what?" "I'll shoot him in the butt." "He'll think that's funny." " Nice." " Okay." "Sorry, Jimbo." "(screaming)" " Oh!" " I know." "I know, I know." "I know." "I'm right here." "I'm right here." "Hey, shh!" " Oh, Mick." " I know." "Listen, pay attention." "Chris and Poodle are home, okay?" "The cops are on their way, and they're expecting a gunshot victim." "So you shot me in the ass?" "!" "Yeah, yeah, listen, 'cause you're gonna tell them" " that Chip shot you by accident." " Yeah, oops!" "The hell I am!" "Huh?" "What's in it for me?" " (distant sirens wailing)" " Well, what do you want?" "Um, I want to put a label on our relationship." "SABRINA:" "Oh, come on!" "Oh." "Well, that's like a whole other conversation." "You just shot me!" "I know." "Literally, anything else I'll give you, okay?" "You guys, we got to move this along, okay?" " Okay, okay." " All right, fine!" "Okay." "Uh, then I want..." "Oh." "I want a pillow." " You want a pillow?" " I want a pillow 'cause I'm sick of sleeping on a rolled up towel." "Okay, you got it." "I'll get you a pillow." " Oh, yeah?" " Yeah." "Okay." "JIMMY:" "Oh, it really burns when I breathe." "Mm-hmm." "You're lucky no one was killed." " Yeah." " Oh." "Big time." "Yup." "Guns are very dangerous, son." "Yeah." "Thank you, Officer." "We are so, so sorry about this." "Okay." " Thank you." " All right." " Good night." " Yeah." "All right, coast is clear." " (sighs)" " So... (laughs)" "You all look well." " What the hell is going on?" " Where the hell have you been?" "!" "Why didn't you call?" "!" " (overlapping chatter)" " Okay, okay, shh, shh!" "I just..." "I haven't seen you all in months, and I would love to just... sit down like a civilized family..." " Mm-hmm." " And we'll explain everything." "Okay?" "Alba, whip up some food, please." "Oh." "Hey, here's the thing." "Alba doesn't really do that anymore." " Do what?" " Freakin' anything!" "She just loafs around like she's part of the family." "Well, it's up to you." "Do your job, or there's the door." "CHRISTOPHER:" "Grab a Bordeaux from the cellar while you're at it." "Oh, yeah, here's the thing about the Bordeaux." "I drank it." "You really had to force her to wear her uniform?" "I didn't force her to do anything." "She likes it." "Alba, could I get another piece" " of that delicious...?" " POODLE:" "Uh-uh, do not feed him anything else." "I swear your father's the only man in history to gain weight on the run. (laughs)" "Speaking of the run, why don't you skip to the part where you Jason Bourne'd your way back into your own home in middle of the night?" "Yes, as I was saying, so we were laying low in this hotel in Montreal, which I would not recommend." "And then we came home one day to find the lobby crawling with cops." "I suspect they tracked your mother's shrill voice." "Fascinating." "Well, while you two were vacationing in Canada," "I've been here guarding the gates of hell." "Oh, you poor thing." "I'm so sorry that you had to keep our mansion warm while we were living out of a suitcase" " like a couple of filthy..." " Criminals?" "No." "I think that's the pot calling" " the kettle black." " Oh, is it?" " Mm-hmm." " Okay." "Sorry." "What would you call it?" "Uh, I don't know." "Wrongfully accused?" "Yeah, that's right." "We're innocent." "And we have files in this house to prove it." "I knew it!" "I told you guys!" "Look, I tried to tell them," " but they're just a bunch of stupid idiots." " SABRINA:" "Hey, Chip, how do you think the police found them?" "We're past that." "What's more important is they're home, and they're safe." "So, do this mean they're home for good?" "Well, there's a long road ahead to clear our name, but, yes," "I suppose it does." "Ben, honey, stop picking at your face." "You're grossing Mommy out." "It's a nervous thing." "He does it when he's feeling overwhelmed." " Here, you go, buddy." " POODLE:" "What?" "That's..." "Stare at the flame." " He loves the flame." " POODLE:" "Wow." "That's great." "And why is he wearing my cashmere turtleneck?" "'Cause I let him wear whatever he wants." "Terrific parenting, Mackenzie." "I leave behind a sweet son, and I come back to a pyromaniac daughter." "Any other fun surprises, by the way?" "Piercings?" "Tattoos?" "MICKEY:" "I'm sorry, you didn't exactly leave me with an instruction manual." "As if you would've read it." "At least she's been here." "Ugh, my God, I was here for 17 years, Sabrina." "I'm sorry if I missed a few months." "Don't beat yourself up." "They'll probably stay kids forever." "You know what, it has been a really long day." "And if you guys are all done criticizing me," "I think I'm gonna head on up to bed, okay?" "We can finish this up tomorrow." "Sound good?" "I think that sounds good." "Where's the butter?" "(indistinct P.A. announcement)" "What the..." "Good morning." "Wh-Why am I cuffed?" "I'm the victim." "You also have several outstanding warrants." "Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts." "Okay, you know, I-I'm not even gonna dignify New Hampshire with a response." "The judge is a straight-up racist." "Says here you urinated in public and failed to appear in court." "What?" "Oh." "Yeah." "Well, that New Hampshire." "That was..." "I get mixed up, 'cause there's..." "What am I looking at here?" "I'd say at least 30 days." "Did you say "13" or "30"?" "I said "30."" "Oh, come on." "I'll do community service." "You want me to do the jobs no one else wants?" "I'll run the furnace at the dog shelter." "Okay." "How 'bout, uh, I catch you a marlin so you can throw this little guppy back in the kiddie pool." "Look, moron, I don't know what the hell that means." "I can get you Chris and Pamela Pemberton." "Don't know who that is." "They're a big deal." "They're known fugitives, okay?" "Do you read the pap..." "Why am I even talking to you, all right?" "Call somebody with some proper clearances." "They'll know." "I am done with you." "Oh." "Hey." "What's going on?" "Well, unfortunately, our room looks like you hosted" " a bum fight in it." " Yeah." "You can thank your psychotic kids for that." "Can we, uh, pick this up tomorrow?" "I was shot, so... pretty tired." "Yeah." "Yeah, I bet." "It's just..." "that this is my room, so..." "Actually, it's my room." "Yeah." "They're all my rooms." "Is this about the kids sticking up for me?" "Because I'm sure they didn't" " mean anything..." " No." "No, no." "It has nothing to do with that." "Okay?" "Now please leave." "(car engine revving, tires screeching on TV)" "(man shouting on TV)" "(changing TV channels)" "Hey." "How come you guys are up?" "Not tired." "Yeah, I'm still a little charged up from shooting my father." "Yeah." "I'll bet." "(sighs)" "Listen, I wanted to thank you guys for having my back earlier." "That meant a lot." "That had nothing to do with you." "I was just trying to hurt them." "Oh." "Yeah." "Yeah, obviously." "It's kind of crazy, what's going on with your parents, huh?" "If you guys want to talk about it," "I just want you to know I'm here." "No, I'm good." "Thanks." "CHIP:" "Yeah, hard part's over." "Now that Mom and Dad are back, things can finally go back to the way they were." "You know, before you showed up." "Yeah." "I get it." "Okay." "I'll just go." "I'm just gonna... just gonna go. (chuckles)" "(audience laughter on TV)" "Okay, Mommy's tired, all right." "Just go to sleep and I'll answer in the morning, okay?" "Oh." "Hey." "Didn't know you were in here." "I just came to tuck Ben in." "Oh." "Well, that's very thoughtful of you," " but I think I can manage." " Yeah." "Yeah, of course." "You should know though that there's, like, a whole routine now." "Starts by killing all the monsters in the closet." "Well, that is the obvious first step." "And I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, but it-it doesn't hurt to check." "Am I right, Ben?" "Oh!" "Oh, Ben!" "A huge monster!" "What do I do?" "!" "Rip their filthy guts out!" " Get out of Ben's..." "Oh!" "Oh, no." " Kill him!" "Slit his throat!" "Get him!" "Kill him!" " Rip his eyes out!" " I'm killing the monster!" "Get him!" "Hit him in the face!" " So much fun!" "That'll do." " (grunting)" " Okay, can I talk to you for a second?" "Yeah?" " Yeah." "You're all set." "Sweet dreams." "Night-night." "Back off." "My kid." "My bedroom." "My maid." "My everything." "Understand?" "Are you serious?" "Do you have any idea what these kids have put me through?" "Plus, you haven't paid me yet, by the way." "Oh." "Okay." "Is that what this is about?" "Fine." "All right, um, how much do you want for being their aunt?" "Do you mean, how much do you owe me for everything I've done?" "'Cause I don't think I could put a price tag on all of it." "How does $30,000 sound?" "F-Fine." "Fine." "That's fair." "Sounds super fair." "Yeah." "You said "30" though, not "13," right?" "'Cause "30" is what I heard." "And so that's binding." "Okay." "Here you go." "You got everything you wanted." "You happy?" "Mr. Shepherd." "I am Detective Hurley." "I hear you have information on the Pembertons." "Okay, hold your horses, Serpico." "I might." "I might not." "What do you want?" "For starters, I don't want to do any time." "We can do that." "Start talking." "I'm not finished." "I also want to throw out the first pitch at Fenway next season." "(chuckles) I want a wife that doesn't laugh when I cry." "Think smaller." "Fine." "I want a hamburger." "The food here sucks." "Get this idiot a hamburger, okay?" "Not just any burger." "One from Randy's over on North Street." " And a piece of pie." " They don't have pie." "Well, looks like you're gonna be making two stops then." "Get the pie." "(door opens)" "There you are." "Okay, what is the plan?" "What plan?" "You know, to get rid of Christopher and Poodle." "Eh?" "Are we gonna drug 'em?" "Throw 'em on a train?" "What's that?" "Oh." "Chloroform." "I, uh, found a recipe online." "No." "Nobody's drugging anybody." "I'm leaving." "Well, where are you going?" "I don't know, man." "That's the great thing about freedom." "You just kind of roam around, do whatever you want." "Oh, how easy for you." "All right, run away, little muskrat." "What are you doing?" "I'm not doing anything." "You just soaked that rag in chloroform." "No, I didn't." "Alba, don't come at me with that." "What?" "I'm not even moving." "You are literally walking towards me." " You brought this on yourself." " No." "Hey, hey, hey!" "Come here!" "Just take it!" " Just take it!" " Come on!" "Let go!" "Go to sleep!" "Alba, get off of me!" "Stop!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Come on!" "You know how long it took me to make that?" "Well, what is your endgame here?" "You gonna chloroform me every day?" "I was gonna do whatever it takes." "I'm not a quitter." "See you around, muskrat." "(sighs)" "I'll see you around, pal." "All right, enough." "We got you the food and the beer, the Wu-Tang headband." "It's time to start talking." "Guys, I want to tell you, I really do, but first there's something I'm gonna need." "No." "No more." "Last one." "Then you're gonna sing?" "Oh, like Ariana Grande." "All right." "What is it?" "I want a picture of Officer Strassner's wife in a bikini." "You trying to be cute?" "Oh, you lay a hand on me and I will sue the whole department." "So what's it gonna be, boys?" " (gasps) Nothing." "What are you...." " Mackenzie." "Hey." "What are you doing?" " What?" " Oh, we're just, uh, going to meet with our lawyer." "Yes..." "Oh, my God, you guys are bailing again." " (loud metal clattering)" " I thought you were innocent." "Ugh, don't be an idiot." "Innocent people don't sneak in and out of their own houses." "We needed cash, we're splitting up." " Where are you going?" " I'm going to Cuba." " Poodle's going to hell." " Uh, well..." "That's why you wrote me that check?" "So you could dump" " your kids on me again." " They're gonna be okay." "I made sure they have enough money for three lifetimes." "No." "That's-that's not enough, Christopher." "And let me tell you something about your kids, they are wonderful." "Mm." "That might be a bit of an exaggeration." "They're kind of a nightmare most of the time, but they've got you two as parents, so I would say they are doing an amazing job." "Well, if you love them so much, then why don't you take them?" "What?" " Wrap it up, Poodle." " Yeah, take them." "I can't just take your children." "It doesn't work like that." "How about a million dollars?" "I can certainly give it a-a good try." " Yeah." "I'm sure you can." " I will give it my best shot." " (pounding on door)" " MAN:" "Open up." "FBI." " Oh, my God." " How did they find us?" "ALBA:" "I called them." "Me." "Alba." " We know you're in there!" " You what?" "Why?" " (pounding on door continues)" " Why?" "(chuckles)" "He wants to know why, Mickey." "'Cause I don't like you, that's why." "This house belongs to Mickey and me now." " We got plans, big plans." " What?" "What?" "Alba." " And they don't include you pe..." "What?" " Alba!" "They were already leaving." " Well, I did not know that." " (pounding on door continues)" " Federal officers!" " You are so fired, Alba." " You pack your crap," " Poodle, we have to go." "and get the hell out of our house." "I brought you here and I can send you back!" "Okay." "Let's go." "Let's go, come on." " This is your last warning!" " We will break this door down!" "Oh, yeah." "That is a ride I would not get off." "But I was very clear about the bikini part." " That is a bikini." " That's mesh." "You can see right through it." "If it's attached it's a one-piece." "This is Hurley." "Look at that tan." "Right now." "Thank you." "The Pembertons are at their house." " What?" " I got to run." "No." "Whoa, whoa, whoa... hey!" "Hurley, hang on." "Hey." "That's my tip." "I was about to tell you that, all right?" "All right." "So I guess we're done, so..." "No." "That's mine." "I earned that." "I earned that, all right?" "So just gi..." "What are you doing?" "Where are you go..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Hey." "What's he do..." "What wa..." "Oh, what are you doing?" " No, please don't... (groans) - (defibrillator beeps)" "Okay, the road's that way." " Yeah, and the harbor's that way." " What?" "You just want to go that way because it's downhill." "Hey." "I got shot, you sour bitch." "You know what?" "I am done." " Here." "Take your share." " Wh..." "Hey." "I'd rather get mowed down in a hellfire of bullets than listen to your constant shrieks." "Well, you certainly have the padding for it." "You peaked 20 years ago." "(dogs barking in distance)" "Chip's not yours." " What?" " (dogs barking, men shouting)" " Yeah." " What?" "You heard me." " Oh, God!" " (barking, growling)" "(yelling)" "(screams)" "(barking, screaming)" " You're under arrest!" " FBI!" "Stand down!" "Stop resisting!" "(indistinct police radio chatter)" "Okay... okay." "The thing to remember is that your parents love you." "They-they mentioned that, and they also... weren't they talking about how proud they were" " of-of all of your..." " ALBA:" "Yeah." " Lots of stuff." " Uh... uh, accomplishments, uh..." "You don't have to lie." "We heard you guys." "You did?" "You were speaking at full volume." "(groans)" "Uh..." "Okay." "Well, for what it's worth, you know..." "Oh, whoa." "What are you doing?" "Are you serious?" "I was gonna hug you." "Oh." "Well, no." "I don't want to do it anymore." "Well, how was I supposed to know you were gonna hug me?" "I didn't even know you knew how to hug." "It was obvious that that's what I was gonna do, Mickey." " I thought you were coming at me." " Just forget it, okay?" " The moment's passed." " Okay, I'm sorry." "Just forget about it." "I don't want to do it anymore." "Okay, okay, okay." "We'll try it tomorrow, we'll try it tomorrow." "We're never gonna try it again." "Okay." "Um, I got to go tell your brother." "We'll come with you." "(sighs) O-Okay." "(gasps) Holy crap!" " CHIP:" "What did you do?" " Fire's neat." "No!" "Hey, come on." " Go!" "Get out of here." " (indistinct shouting)" "(Mickey pants)" "(flames roaring, house crumbling)" "It's beautiful." "Okay." "It's okay." "No, guys." "It's okay." "It's okay." "I have a million doll... in... (gasps)" "♪ I'm just a ♪" "♪ Somebody ♪" "Oh, no." "♪ Nobody wants me ♪" "(glass shatters)" "♪ Nobody wants me ♪" "♪ Everybody that I see ♪" " ♪ Seems to have someone but me ♪ - (siren wails)" "♪ Arm in arm, they walk along ♪" "♪ Why does life treat me so wrong?" "♪" "♪ Wish somebody wanted me ♪" "♪ 'Cause I just don't wanna be ♪" "♪ Another ♪" "♪ Somebody, nobody... ♪" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(MONITOR BEEPING)" "(MACHINE POWERING UP)" "My name is Kathy H." "I'm 28 years old." "I've been a carer for nine years." "And I'm good at my job." "My patients always do better than expected and are hardly ever classified as agitated," "even if they're about to make a donation." "I'm not trying to boast, but I feel a great sense of pride in what we do." "Carers and donors have achieved so much." "That said, we aren't machines." "In the end, it wears you down." "I suppose that's why I now spend most of my time not looking forwards but looking back, to The Cottages and Hailsham, and what happened to us there." "Me," "Tommy, and Ruth." "(BIRDS TWITTERING)" "(ORGAN PLAYING)" "ALL: (SINGING) When we are scattered afar and asunder" "Parted are those who are singing today" "When we look back and forgetfully wonder" "What we were like in our learning and play" "Oh, the great days will bring distance enchanted" "Days of fresh air in the rain and the sun" "How we rejoiced as we struggled and panted" "Echoes of dreamland, Hailsham lives on" "Good morning, students." "CHILDREN:" "Good morning, Miss Emily." "It has come to my attention that three burned cigarettes were discovered, hidden behind a pot in the flower garden." "I know that on occasion students have seen some of the caretakers and deliverymen smoking cigarettes, but I must emphasize, once again, that it is much, much worse for a student of Hailsham to smoke cigarettes than anyone else." "Students of Hailsham are special." "Keeping yourselves well, keeping yourselves healthy inside, is of paramount importance." "Have I made myself clear?" "CHILDREN:" "Yes, Miss Emily." "RUTH:" "I think, one day, I'd like five horses." "I don't know all their names, but I know I'd like five horses." "The best would be Thunder." "He'd be dangerous to ride, so you can't ride him." "You can ride" "Bramble." "Just so long as you don't use your crop on him." "That's pretty." "You have it." "(CHUCKLES)" "Look." "Who's that with Miss Emily?" "Do you think it's the new guardian?" "KATHY:" "Miss Lucy." "I think it must be." "We haven't had a new guardian for ages." "(CHILDREN CHEERING)" "CHILDREN: (CHANTING) Arthur!" "Arthur!" "Catch it, Tommy." "(LAUGHING)" "(GIRLS CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY)" "Why didn't Tommy get the ball?" "Excuse me, Miss Lucy?" "Why didn't Tommy get the ball?" "When it bounced over the fence, it couldn't have been far from him." "The fence is the boundary of the Hailsham grounds." "We don't go outside the boundary, Miss Lucy." "It's too dangerous." "Dangerous?" "RUTH:" "There was once a boy who had a big row with all his friends and then ran off beyond the boundary." "They found him, two days later, in the woods." "Tied to a tree." "With his hands and feet cut off." "Dead." "RUTH:" "And there was the girl who climbed over the fence, by the front gate." "And when she tried to get back, she wasn't allowed." "And then she starved." "Out there." "Right by the gates." "Who told you these stories?" "RUTH:" "Everybody knows them." "And how do you know they're true?" "Of course they're true." "Who'd make up stories as horrible as that?" "(SCHOOL BELL RINGING)" "(CHILDREN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY)" "Tommy, what are you doing?" "What is it, exactly?" "I think it must be a dog." "Is it a dog, Tommy?" "ARTHUR:" "It can't be a dog." "lts eyes are too small." "I think it must be a kind of rat." "Yes, that's it." "Tommy's drawn a rat." "It's not finished yet." "That's right." "You haven't finished the whiskers." "Do you think Tommy's rat will be selected for The Gallery?" "TOMMY:" "It's not a rat." "It's an elephant." "GERALDINE:" "Children, back to work." "(DEVICE BEEPS)" "(CHILDREN LAUGHING)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "He's got his shirt on." "His favorite polo shirt." "RUTH:" "He really doesn't suspect a thing." "(GIRLS LAUGHING)" "BOY:" "Looks like no one wants you, Tommy." "(BOYS LAUGHING)" "(YELLING)" "(GIRLS LAUGHING)" "What's he doing?" "(YELLING CONTINUES) It's his own fault." "If he learnt to keep his cool, they'd leave him alone." "TOMMY:" "I hate you!" "I hate you all!" "GIRL:" "Kath..." "No, don't!" "(YELLING STOPS)" "(SOBBING)" "You shouldn't have..." "(GASPS)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "Kathy H." "What's this from?" "I don't remember." "Doctor?" "It's nothing." "Just a bruise." "LUCY:" "Hello." "Kathy." "Kathy H." "Of course." "Kathy H." "Come in." "So what can I do for you?" "Well," "I was wondering what you said to Tommy." "Out on the playing fields." "I see." "Oh." "So what did I say?" "I believe I was trying to calm him down." "Because he seemed upset." "He explained he was often teased about sport and art, so I told him he shouldn't get upset about these things." "The other children are only teasing him to get a reaction." "And if it happens that he's not particularly good at sport or art, well, that doesn't matter." "It's not so important." "Thank you." "Kathy." "Aren't you sitting with the girls?" "Well, I just checked and I'm pretty sure I'm not sitting with the girls." "I'm sitting with you." "I wanted to say" "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to hit you." "I mean, I wouldn't want to hit any girl." "But particularly not you." "Well, it was an accident, that's all." "GERALDINE:" "Tommy, finish those vegetables." "I'm not gonna get angry like that anymore." "Because of what Miss Lucy told you, about being creative?" "How do you know about that?" "I'm nosey." "She can't actually mean that being creative isn't important, can she?" "I mean, what about The Gallery?" "If being creative isn't important, then why have a gallery at all?" "I don't know." "...by arching her back, or perhaps with the aid of a pillow, the woman can arrange herself..." "(SINGING ON SCREEN)" "(SINGING) Smile" "Good morning, ma'am." "Good morning." "Can I help you?" "I wanted one tea, with milk and sugar in it." "One tea." "Right." "LUCY:" "Tommy." "Oh!" "One tea with milk and sugar in it, please." "(CHILDREN CHUCKLING) No, Tommy." "I want to hear your own order." "Don't simply repeat the one you've just heard." "What other drinks do they serve in cafes?" "Water." "(CHILDREN LAUGHING)" "(LAUGHTER STOPS)" "(WHISPERING) Coffee." "Coffee." "LUCY:" "So, then." "So, then, one coffee, please, with milk and sugar in it." "(SOFTLY) Thank you." "(OWL HOOTING)" "RUTH: (WHISPERING) I think Laura likes Arthur." "KATHY: (WHISPERING) All the girls like Arthur, don't they?" "Maybe." "I'm not sure you do." "He's not my type." "I think Laura and Arthur will be the first in our year to have sex because, if Arthur wants to, Laura wouldn't stop him." "I'm sure you're right." "Tommy's changed." "Changed how?" "Just changed." "That's all." "EMILY:" "What about this one by Madeleine Kane?" "I think it shows more than technical ability." "It gives a real insight into the child." "Which is precisely what Marie-Claude wants for The Gallery." "GERALDINE:" "Yes, I agree." "Mmm." "EMILY:" "Put these two together." "(WHISPERING) Madame is coming." "EMILY:" "Good morning, students." "CHILDREN:" "Good morning, Miss Emily." "There are several points of order today." "The first is that our good friend, Madame Marie-Claude, is visiting us." "She will, as usual, be carefully inspecting your artwork and poetry and selecting the very best pieces for inclusion in her Gallery." "We will, of course, extend to her every courtesy and make her feel most welcome." "Second point of order, a piece of good news for all students who have been diligent in collecting tokens." "After studies tomorrow, there will be a sale." "(CHILDREN CHATTERING EXCITEDLY)" "The delivery will arrive in the morning, and I was assured by the van driver that the boxes will contain a bumper crop." "(ALL CHEERING)" "(SCHOOL BELL RINGING)" "(CHILDREN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY)" "(CLATTERS)" "(CHATTERING EXCITEDLY)" "Is it really a bumper crop?" "I should say so." "Yeah, sweetheart." "It's a bumper crop." "(CHILDREN CHEERING)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "Hey." "Aren't you buying?" "If you've already spent all your tokens, you can have some of mine." "I have tokens." "I was just gonna wait till the rush died down." "I'm sure there'll be something good left." "What's the matter, Kath?" "Well, anyway, it doesn't matter if you can't find anything in the sale because I already found you something." "KATHY:" "A music tape." "I don't know much about it, if it's much good or anything." "Thank you." "(NEVER LET ME GO PLAYING ON TAPE RECORDER)" "* Darling *" "* Hold me *" "* And never *" "* Never *" "* Let me go *" "* Darling *" "* Kiss me *" "* And never *" "* Never *" "* Let me go *" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "The problem is you've been told and not told." "That's what I've seen while I've been here." "You've been told but none of you really understand." "So I've decided I'll talk to you in a way that you will understand." "Do you know what happens to children when they grow up?" "No, you don't, because nobody knows." "They might grow up to become actors, move to America." "Or they might work in supermarkets." "Or teach in schools." "They might become sportsmen or bus conductors or racing car drivers." "They might do almost anything." "But with you we do know." "None of you will go to America." "None of you will work in supermarkets." "None of you will do anything except live the life that has already been set out for you." "You will become adults, but only briefly." "Before you are old, before you are even middle-aged, you will start to donate your vital organs." "That's what you were created to do." "And sometime around your third or fourth donation, your short life will be complete." "You have to know who you are and what you are." "It's the only way you'll lead decent lives." "There will be only one announcement this morning, which is that Miss Lucy, who was guardian to the fourth-year students, is no longer working at Hailsham." "(CHILDREN MUTTERING INDISTINCTLY)" "A replacement will be found for her, and in the meantime her classes will be divided between Miss Geraldine and myself." "It is hard, is it not, to continue in the face of deliberate subversion." "There are those who seek to thwart us, this is clear." "And we are aware that the tide is not with forward thinking." "It never is." "No, the tide is with the entrenched mindset." "With values that are still unexamined." "But I will not be coerced." "I will not be coerced." "And neither will Hailsham." "(RUTH CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY)" "KATHY:" "I didn't understand why, after all her teasing," "Ruth would decide that Tommy was the boy she liked most of all." "They say girls are always mean to the boys they like." "So maybe Ruth had liked him all along." "Maybe I should have teased him, too." "I kept hoping they would separate, like the other childhood and teenage romances at the school." "They never did." "(BIRDS TWITTERING)" "We were moved from Hailsham at 18 and sent to various accommodations around the country, to wait until we were old enough to start the donations." "Tommy, Ruth and I were sent to a collection of farm buildings called The Cottages." "During our stay there, we were told that some of us would be permitted to volunteer as carers." "But, apart from that, we'd be left largely to our own devices and even allowed to take day trips into the surrounding countryside." "The Cottages were also our first contact with those who had not grown up at Hailsham." "There were people from White Mansion," "Oakhill, Morningdale and other homes I'd never heard of." "Everyone seemed wiser and more worldly than us." "None more so than Rodney and Chrissie." "They'd already been at The Cottages for over a year and would soon be leaving for the completion centers." "GIRL ON TV:" "Ricky?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Oh, I can help you out there." "He's talking about blue eyes, blond hair, cute dimples when he smiles." "And biceps that could crack walnuts." "(ALL LAUGHING)" "BOY:" "Jennifer, get real, I saw you with him." "Jen and Ricky sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." "That is so not true." "We weren't in a tree." "(ALL LAUGH)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING ON TV)" "Hey." "Where you going?" "I thought I'd go for a walk." "Does that mean you want to be alone?" "(CHUCKLES)" "I'm not even saying that I'll apply to be a carer." "Just that several people have said that I'd be good at it." "But then Laura went around telling everyone that I'd been saying I was the most likely to get selected." "That's so not true." "So not true." "Thank you." "(INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO)" "RUTH:" "I'm getting more plates." "CHRISSIE: (LAUGHING) Is there anything left for us?" "(BOTH LAUGHING) I don't know." "CHRISSIE:" "Perhaps not." "Ruth, why do you do that thing?" "Squeezing Tommy's shoulder." "I'm allowed to touch Tommy, aren't I?" "It's the way you're touching him." "You know what I mean." "It's copied from that television show." "That's so not..." "Don't tell me "that's so not true."" "All that behavior, that's not what people do out there, in real life, if that's what you were thinking." "So what?" "Look, it's no big deal." "A lot of us do it." "What you mean is Chrissie and Rod do it." "Oh, Kathy." "So that's what this is about." "It must be really awful for you, surrounded by all these couples." "I never said that." "I just think it's daft." "You copy them, and they copy from a television show." "I'm right, aren't I?" "You don't like the fact that Tommy and I are friends with Chrissie and Rod, whereas you hardly speak to anyone." "No." "You're not right." ""So" not right?" "Thank you, Mr. Keffers." "(WHISTLING)" "(HEAVY BREATHING)" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "Hello, Tommy." "Hello, Kath." "(CHUCKLING)" "Well, don't just hover in the doorway." "Come in." "Join the fun." "Didn't know you liked that sort of stuff." "You're very welcome to them after I've finished." "Oh, no, it's just sex stuff." "I expect I've seen them all already anyway." "Kathy, what are you looking for?" "What do you mean?" "I'm just looking at dirty pictures." "What, just for kicks?" "I suppose you could say that, yes." "If it's just for kicks, then you don't do it like that." "You need to look at each picture more carefully." "Nothing really happens if you go that fast." "How do you know what works for girls?" "Kath, you're not looking for kicks." "Here, give it to Ruth." "See if it does anything for her." "Hi." "I suppose you've heard what Rod and Chrissie have been saying." "No, I haven't." "Well, you know that Rod and Chrissie have been thinking of applying to be carers, so they've been learning how to drive." "Yeah." "Well, last weekend, they went up to a town on the Norfolk coast, and they think they saw this person." "What kind of person?" "A lady working in an office." "And..." "What is it, Ruth?" "But they thought this person was a Possible." "For me." "They found your Original?" "They aren't sure, obviously," "(EXCITEDLY) but Rodney said that the resemblance was really striking." "Oh, my God." "Ruth!" "I know." "They want to drive me back up there so that I can see for myself." "Tommy will come, but..." "Do you want me to come?" "Ruth, of course." "So, exactly how much experience have you guys had with the outside?" "Quite a lot." "No, we haven't." "We did a lot of role-playing exercises at Hailsham." "They don't count." "RODNEY:" "Okay." "Well, don't feel scared." "Okay?" "There's really..." "There's nothing to it." "We aren't scared." "Good." "(MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO)" "I'll get sausage, egg and chips." "(SOFTLY) Sausage, egg and chips, please." "Yes, sausage, egg and chips." "Sausage, egg and chips, me, too, please." "Well, I suppose I'd better get sausage, egg and chips, too, then." "Five sausage, egg and chips." "Drinks?" "Five Cokes, please." "(GIRLS LAUGHING)" "CHRISSIE:" "It was good." "It was really good." "(LAUGHING CONTINUES)" "What?" "Sorry." "You know, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you lot about." "The problem is that back there at The Cottages it's impossible." "Someone's always listening in." "CHRISSIE:" "So, someone was saying that some Hailsham students in the past have managed to get a deferral." "Apparently those Hailsham students could have their first donation put back by three or even four years." "As long as they qualified." "If there was a boy and a girl, and they were in love with each other, really properly in love, and they could prove it, then they would be given a few years together before they began their donations." "Where did you hear about this?" "When we were at White Mansion." "People there were always going on about this Hailsham couple." "When the guy was only a few weeks from donation, he just went to see someone." "He applied, and everything got sorted out." "I suppose you lot would know about that sort of thing." "Being from Hailsham, you'd know how that sort of thing works." "Who is it you go to?" "Who would we talk to if we wanted to apply?" "To be honest, I don't know what you're talking about." "Come on." "Do you expect us to believe that?" "Everybody knows Hailsham is special." "So what is it?" "Why keep these things to yourself?" "There were lots of stories at Hailsham." "I don't think many of them turned out to be true." "(GULLS CAWING)" "It may be down here." "Yeah." "That's it." "(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)" "God, it must be her." "Yeah, that's her." "(INDISTINCT)" "RUTH:" "It's not her." "I'm not her." "No, you're not." "It was really close, though." "Oh, shut up, Tommy!" "It wasn't close." "It wasn't close at all." "And I knew it wasn't gonna be her before we even got here!" "It was never gonna be her." "They never, ever model us on people like that woman." "Ruth, don't." "What?" "We all know it, we just never say it." "We are modeled on trash." "Junkies, prostitutes, winos, tramps." "Convicts, maybe, as long as they aren't psychos." "If you want to look for Possibles, if you want to do it properly, look in the gutter." "That's where we came from." "Hey." "(SIGHS)" "We should go back." "(DEVICE BEEPS)" "(DOOR CLOSING)" "(RUTH SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY)" "(THUDDING)" "RUTH:" "Don't tell me to calm down!" "You walked down the pier and you left me there." "You knew I was well upset." "(THUDDING)" "(CHIRPS)" "BOY:" "Out here." "(GIRL LAUGHING)" "(DOOR OPENING)" "(DOOR CLOSING)" "Chrissie and Rod are pretty obsessed about this rumor, aren't they?" "About the deferrals?" "Mmm." "I was thinking about it again last night, and if this rumor's true" "it might explain a few things." "Such as?" "Well," "The Gallery, for instance." "We never got to the bottom of it, what The Gallery was for." "Pictures, poetry and sculpture." "Say something about yourself." "That's the whole point about art, isn't it?" "It says what's inside of you." "It reveals your soul." "Yeah." "So?" "(SIGHS)" "Suppose for a second that the rumor is true." "That there is a special arrangement for Hailsham students, if they're in love." "Well, there would have to be some kind of way to decide if couples are telling the truth and not just lying to put off their donations." "That's what The Gallery could be for." "In The Gallery they have everything about us they need to know." "So if we say that we're in love, they can look into our souls and they can see." "They'll know if it's real love or if it's just a lie." "That's a strange idea, Tommy." "What?" "No, no." "I don't think that's any stranger than any other idea." "And didn't Miss Lucy say that making art for The Gallery wasn't even important?" "Yes." "But look what happened to her." "Are you thinking of applying?" "With Ruth?" "No." "It wouldn't work." "Why?" "Because" "you forget that you got lots of stuff into The Gallery over the years, and if I applied they wouldn't have anything to go on." "It's all just rumors and theories." "Yeah, I know." "Tommy." "(BOTH BREATHING HEAVILY)" "(MOANS)" "(RUTH CONTINUES MOANING)" "(RUTH SQUEALING)" "(SIGHS)" "(NEVER LET ME GO PLAYING ON HEADPHONES)" "* Kiss me *" "* And never *" "* Never *" "* Let me go *" "* Lock my heart *" "* Throw away the key *" "* Feel my love *" "(MUSIC STOPS)" "I know what you think, Kathy." "I know you think that you and Tommy would have made a more natural couple, and you believe that there's a chance that Tommy and I will split up some day." "And when we do, perhaps that will be your chance with Tommy." "Chance to do it right this time." "But you see, the thing is, Kathy, although Tommy really likes you as a friend," "he just doesn't see you that way." "He told me about the porno magazines." "(CHUCKLES)" "We had quite a laugh about it." "He doesn't understand what you were doing." "But I did." "Oh!" "BOY:" "I said I'll just be five minutes." "I want to be a carer." "It's you who I apply to, isn't it?" "Yeah." "I said that I'm applying." "I'll bring the forms tomorrow, and that'll start the process." "KATHY:" "By the time Ruth and Tommy actually did separate, my carer training had already begun." "So I was hardly ever at The Cottages." "It had never occurred to me that our lives, which had been so closely interwoven," "could unravel with such speed." "If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them" "and not let unseen tides pull us apart." "(ALARM BUZZING)" "Once I began working with my donors," "I didn't have much time to dwell on Tommy or Ruth." "Eventually, so many years had passed" "I came to think I would never see them again." "(INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING)" "Many carers find themselves just going through the motions, waiting for the day that they can stop and become donors." "(DEVICE BEEPS)" "But for the most part, being a carer has suited me fine." "I quite enjoy traveling across the country, shuttling from center to center, hospital to hospital." "KATHY:" "Here you are." "Dark chocolate." "If you knew how many shops I had to go to before I found those." "I thought I wasn't allowed to eat so soon before the operation." "Oh, you're not." "But I am." "And after the operation, you can wolf down the whole packet in one go." "(SIGHING)" "KATHY:" "For me, the real test of being a carer is when a donor completes earlier than expected." "On the second or even first donation." "(SOFTLY) Can I just have a quick word?" "Okay." "I was wondering who'd be working on Hannah today." "KATHY:" "I'd never say I've become immune to the completions." "But they are something I am able to live with." "You're Hannah's carer, aren't you?" "Hannah's carer?" "Yes." "I'm sorry, it's always hard, but there were complications." "You need me to sign the release?" "Please." "Are you going to leave now?" "We can quite easily provide you with a bed tonight if you've got a long drive." "I can be back home in under two hours." "It's always better to wake at home, isn't it?" "Is that someone you know?" "Yeah." "Actually, we grew up together." "Oh." "How is she?" "Were you close?" "We haven't seen each other now for almost 10 years." "Well, Ruth isn't as strong as we would hope, at this stage." "She's done two donations." "She has." "You think she'll complete on the third?" "I think she wants to complete." "And, as you know, when they want to complete, they usually do." "(DOOR OPENING)" "(PANTING SOFTLY)" "(SIGHS IN DISBELIEF)" "Kathy." "(RUTH PANTING)" "RUTH:" "I've been keeping tabs on you over the years." "And Tommy, too." "KATHY:" "What do you hear about Tommy?" "(SIGHS) That he's done his second donation, too, and apparently he's doing very well on it." "Apparently he's in better shape than some after their first donation." "Good old Tommy." "I'm not surprised." "Are you surprised at me?" "I expect I look a bit broken, Kath." "(SNICKERS)" "It's okay." "I don't think I'd want to survive my third donation, anyway." "You hear things, don't you?" "What kind of things?" "Oh, you know." "How, maybe, after the fourth donation, even if you've technically completed, you're still conscious in some sort of way." "And then you find out that there are more donations, plenty of them." "No more recovery centers." "No more carers." "Just watching and waiting." "Till they switch you off." "I don't think I fancy that." "Is it the end of the day already?" "Do you know, it's funny," "I think I've thought about you every day for the last few months." "Hoping I'd see you again." "Do you know, I felt sure that I would." "Seemed impossible that I'd complete without seeing you one last time." "It's not the last time, Ruth." "They offered me a bed." "I was planning on staying the night anyway." "Well." "RUTH:" "I always knew you'd be a good carer." "Your donors are very lucky." "Look, I was lying awake last night and I suddenly had an idea that we'd take a trip together." "Where to?" "I hadn't much thought of where, just a trip." "Although a place did spring to mind." "One of the boys on the other floor was talking about it." "It's near the Kingsfield Recovery Center." "Is it the boat?" "The one left on the beach?" "You've heard about it, too?" "I heard." "One of the carers who worked there." "And do you suppose, if we're driving all that way, that we could call in on Tommy?" "(CHUCKLING)" "Told you I'd been keeping tabs on you." "Have you seen him?" "No, not since The Cottages." "No, neither have I." "RUTH:" "How will we find him?" "KATHY:" "His carer said he'd be waiting outside." "Look, there he is." "Do you think he's recognized us through the glass?" "No, no, no." "Let's not get out." "KATHY:" "Ruth's in the car." "Oh, right." "Hey!" "Hi!" "Hi." "Hi." "(CHUCKLES)" "How are you?" "RUTH:" "I'm good." "Look at your hair." "TOMMY:" "Oh, yeah." "My hair." "(CHUCKLES)" "I can't quite believe that I have you both here." "Does it feel to you that we're back at Hailsham again?" "Like no time has passed?" "No, it doesn't." "TOMMY:" "No, it doesn't at all, does it?" "It really doesn't at all." "It's really weird." "But a good weird, I think." "I don't suppose you both heard that Hailsham was closed?" "The only schools left now, you hear they're like battery farms." "Like Morningdale." "I'm sure that's an exaggeration, though." "Are you sure we're going the right way?" "It's locked, it looks like." "No one said anything about this." "No one said anything about a locked gate." "Ruth, just relax." "It's okay." "Can walk through here." "Wow." "Hey, come on." "(PANTING)" "(GASPING)" "(COUGHING)" "TOMMY:" "I wonder if that's what Hailsham looks like now." "Do you ever hear, Kath, about any of the students from Hailsham?" "Sometimes, yeah." "I heard that Amanda completed on her first donation." "I think that happens more than they ever tell us." "TOMMY:" "Hmm." "Yeah, there was this guy at my care center who was always really scared of completing on his first donation." "But it was all fine." "And he's just come through his third one now, and he's completely all right." "It's funny, I don't think..." "Well, I know I wouldn't have been a very good carer, but in a way I actually think I'm quite a good donor." "(SNICKERS) That's what we're supposed to be, isn't it?" "I'd like you to forgive me." "I don't expect you to." "Forgive you for what?" "For keeping you and Tommy apart." "Should have been you two together, I always knew it." "As far back as I can remember." "It wasn't just because of the rumors about deferrals." "It was because I was jealous." "You had real love and I didn't," "and I didn't want to be the one that was left alone." "It's the worst thing I ever did." "And now I want to put it right." "I don't know how you can do that, Ruth." "I can if you two get a deferral." "It's too late for that, Ruth." "Way too late." "It's stupid to even think about it." "It isn't too late." "Look, you'll see, both of you." "I wanted to do this trip because I had something that I wanted to give you." "It's Madame's address." "That's who you apply to." "That's who you have to go and see." "How did you get this?" "It wasn't easy, but I've had years to think about what I did." "And years to try and work out a way to make it right." "I started doing them when we were at The Cottages." "The day after we went to find Ruth's Possible." "I realized that if I was ever going to apply for a deferral, then I'd have to show them something." "And I've done hundreds of them over the years." "They're wonderful." "What?" "Really?" "Yeah." "Well, thank you." "(TOMMY CHUCKLES)" "I have never showed anyone them until now." "They were my secret." "Just like you and those porno magazines." "You remember that?" "Yeah." "Ruth said you didn't understand what I was doing." "No, I don't think she understood what you were doing." "She thought you were looking at the dirty pictures in order to find out about sex" "(SIGHING) and to find out what you were missing out on or something." "I knew." "I knew you were looking for your Original." "I used to have these huge urges to have sex sometimes." "And sometimes they'd be so powerful," "I just thought I'd do it with anyone." "So I thought that had to tell me something." "Something about the kind of person I was modeled on." "It's stupid, but I guessed the magazines would be the most likely place I'd find her." "You know those urges are natural, don't you?" "You know all of us had them." "You know that now, right?" "KATHY:" ""From Basrah we sailed," ""day after day, night after night, over the sea," ""visiting island after island and land after land," ""selling or bartering our goods at each." ""One day, after some weeks of sailing out of sight of land," ""we saw an island in the sea with such fair greenery" ""that it appeared like one of the gardens of Eden." ""At once the captain made towards this delectable land" ""and, when the anchor had been cast and the ladder lowered," ""allowed his passengers to disembark."" "(WHISPERS) Don't stop." "KATHY:" "Ruth got it right." "Right street, right door, everything." "We have to decide which of my drawings we're gonna take." "Just take the best ones." "Maybe six or seven of them." "You have to help me." "Yeah, I know." "(BOTH LAUGHING)" "So, we'll just go there." "Mmm." "Next week." "I'll take you out for lab tests, I'll sign you out for the whole day and we'll visit Madame on the way back." "KATHY:" "We're going to do it." "I thought you should know." "You're going to apply?" "Yes." "Good." "(DOOR OPENING)" "(DOOR CLOSING)" "(SIGHS)" "(MONITOR BEEPING)" "(MONITOR BEEPING RAPIDLY)" "(MONITOR FLATLINING)" "(GULLS CAWING)" "Madame?" "Sorry." "We didn't mean to startle you." "We were at Hailsham." "I'm Kathy." "This is Tommy." "We're not here to give you any trouble." "From Hailsham?" "TOMMY:" "We just came to talk to you." "And I brought you some things." "Some things you might like for your Gallery." "Come inside." "(SOFT INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING)" "(DOOR OPENING)" "(DOOR CLOSING)" "Please, wait here." "Look, it's Hailsham." "Kathy, it's Hailsham." "KATHY:" "That's exactly how I remember it." "Please, sit down." "So..." "We're in love." "And it's true love." "It's verifiable." "Verifiable." "I see." "Go on." "Well, we'd heard about the deferrals." "And we'd worked out the purpose of The Gallery." "Tell me the purpose." "To use our art from Hailsham to look into our souls," "which would verify that we deserved a deferral." "(CHUCKLING) But the problem is" "I was a little bit mixed up back then and I didn't really do any art," "so you never took anything of mine." "I know, I know that that is my fault and it is probably much too late, but I brought some stuff with me today." "This is a book of stuff and..." "Other stuff here." "(TOMMY MUMBLING)" "Some of them I've done quite recently, and others" "(STUTTERING) were done several years ago, so there's a real spread." "You already have a load of stuff from Kath already." "She got loads of stuff into The Gallery over the years, didn't..." "I'm sorry." "I never know what to do." "(FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING)" "I'll take it from here." "EMILY:" "Thank you, George." "Kathy H and Tommy D." "(DOOR CLOSING)" "I remember you both." "Kathy, a bright girl, and so creative." "And Tommy, a big heart and terrible rages." "You have to understand," "Hailsham was the last place to consider the ethics of donation." "We used your art to show what you were capable of." "To show that donor children are all but human." "But we were providing an answer to a question no one was asking." "If you ask people to return to darkness, the days of lung cancer, breast cancer, motor neurone disease, they'll simply say no." "We used to get two or three couples like you a year." "Not so much these days." "(CHUCKLES)" "You're the first for quite a while." "To apply for a deferral?" "There are no deferrals, Tommy." "There are no deferrals." "And there never have been." "We didn't have The Gallery in order to look into your souls." "We had The Gallery to see if you had souls at all." "Do you understand?" "Yes." "Your drawings are very good." "If you want, I'll keep them." "Thank you for talking to us." "You poor creatures." "I wish I could help you." "Sorry, can we stop for a second?" "I need to get out." "(TOMMY YELLING)" "(INAUDIBLE)" "KATHY:" "It's been two weeks since I lost him." "I've been given my notice now." "My first donation is in a month's time." "I come here and imagine that this is the spot where everything I've lost since my childhood has washed up." "I tell myself if that were true, and I waited long enough," "then a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field and gradually get larger until I'd see it was Tommy." "He'd wave and maybe call." "I don't let the fantasy go beyond that." "I can't let it." "I remind myself I was lucky to have had any time with him at all." "What I'm not sure about is if our lives have been so different from the lives of the people we save." "We all complete." "Maybe none of us really understand what we've lived through or feel we've had enough time." "When we are scattered afar and asunder" "Parted are those who are singing today" "When we look back and forgetfully wonder" "What we were like in our learning and play" "Oh, the great days will bring distance enchanted" "Days of fresh air in the rain and the sun" "How we rejoiced as we struggled and panted" "Echoes of dreamland, Hailsham lives on" "ENGLISH" " US" " PSDH" | {
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"In the criminal justice system the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups - the police who investigate crime, and the Crown prosecutors who prosecute offenders." "These are their stories." "It's an oxymoron." "No, it's not." "Matty, what are you talking about?" "Sausages are made from meat, not soya." "They certainly ain't made from vegetables." "Why should veggies be denied the pleasure of a sausage roll?" "And it is half the fat." "And half the taste." "I'm at the peak of my fitness." "Do not let this cuddly exterior fool you." "Blimey!" "Who died?" "My office...now." "He's in there." "How could anyone?" "He's five, maybe six." "Looks like he's only been dead a few hours." "Contusions round the..." "Are you OK, Joy?" "Take your time, love." "Contusions round the neck." "Petichiae round the eyes." "A bang to the back of the head." "There's curvilinear abrasions here and here, suggesting strangulation." "And there's this." "Caused by something sharp and pointed, bigger than a pin or a needle, though." "Looks like a letter R." "What's that on his lips?" "There was a popping noise when I moved him to examine the head wound." "This was on the floor." "Someone's poured the whole lot into his mouth." "Crackle Candy." "Just when you think you've seen it all." "How can we have a body when the kid hasn't even been missed?" "Cos the parents probably did it." "Maybe they're at work." "It's half term." "Even the parents here with jobs can't afford a child minder." "They haven't even noticed he's missing." "Keep them as far away as possible." "There's CCTV all over this estate." "They must have caught something." "If you can find one that works." "I'll get Intel onto it." "Talk to the kids." "See if any of their mates have gone AWOL." "Darren's in the park doing it with Shania Chapman." "How old's Darren?" "11." "11." "Whatever happened to a game of conkers?" "What's conkers?" "Conor." "Conor." "Conor." "What's happening here?" "You all right, son." "What's up?" "My brother Conor was supposed to meet me hours ago." "How old's your brother?" "Six." "When did you last see him?" "This morning." "I saw him." "He was playing over there." "Then this smelly man come and took him." "Baseball cap, with like a beard." "And wearing a leather jacket." "That's what you said." "And you saw him with Conor?" "(MOBILE PHONE RINGS) He smelled like petrol." "Right." "Devlin." "You were so close you could smell him?" "He walked past her, didn't he?" "When he walked past you, was Conor with him then?" "No." "He went in with Conor, but he come out on his own." "OK." "They just picked up Conor's mum from work." "She's on her way to the mortuary." "(GENTLE SOUNDTRACK MUSIC)" "I was late for work." "I didn't kiss him goodbye." "I'm very sorry, but we're going to need to ask you some questions." "Do you think he was really scared?" "You've had some contact with Social Services over the kids?" "My ex hit Liam once." "When I found out I packed his bags." "So there wasn't an adult you could leave him with?" "You think I could afford a supernanny?" "I work 12 hours a day to keep a roof over our heads." "I can't give up cos it's the school holidays." "So Liam looks after Conor while you're at work?" "Yeah." "Liam and the girls." "That's Paige Ward?" "Paige and her mate." "Always coming round asking if they can babysit." "Conor loved them." "Can I get Buddy back?" "That's his toy dog." "He took him everywhere." "Of course." "We need to keep him a bit longer, but we'll let you have him back as soon as we can." "I promise." "Julie, have you ever seen this man around the estate?" "We think he's a mechanic." "Yeah." "He looks like my neighbour's boyfriend" " Rob something." "No." "He works at the garage on Cold Harbour Lane." "You think it was him?" "Maybe you should call your brief." "I don't need one cos I know nothing about no little boy." "I'm a red-blooded bloke." "Look under my mattress if you don't believe me." "A witness saw you take him into the flats." "Only, you came out alone and he ended up dead." "The boy lived in the flat next door to your girlfriend." "A witness spotted you abduct him." "They need their eyes testing." "I banged on my missus' door for ten minutes." "Then I went back to work." "Did anyone see you leave?" "I don't know, do I?" "There was a girl." "There was a girl." "She must have been about twelve-ish." "That's it?" "Yeah." "She had like fair hair." "She was a skinny thing." "And an Arsenal shirt." "And this was at Lexden House?" "Right by the door, like she was waiting for someone to come out." "Here's the problem, Paige." "You say you saw the man at the empty flats they're pulling down." "He went inside with Conor." "I don't like her playing near them flats." "We think you saw the man at Lexden House where Conor lived." "No." "Are you sure it wasn't Lexden House?" "It was Peldon." "I ain't lying, Mum." "Paige don't tell lies." "She's a good girl." "You've never been to Lexden House at any time?" "No." "Are you sure about that?" "I said, didn't I?" "I told you." "Why's he picking on me?" "We just need you to help us out." "Yeah." "Would you like a drink?" "Want a cup of tea, Matty?" "Mrs Ward, would you like a cup of tea?" "Cheers." "Two sugars." "OK." "I chewed my nails when I was a kid." "Especially if I was nervous." "We had a teacher who'd bang his hand on the table when he saw me do it." "Of course, that only made me do it even more." "You chew your nails cos you're nervous, don't you?" "The thing is, Paige, we've spoken to the man that you saw with Conor." "He says you saw him at Lexden House where Conor lived." "He was by Peldon." "And you're absolutely certain?" "Cross my heart." "I won't be angry if you've made a mistake." "We all do." "If you don't believe her, you can ask her mate." "Joined at the hip them two." "Someone else saw what happened?" "Rose." "She was with me the whole time." "Who is it?" "Police." "Open up, please." "Got a warrant?" "Is your mum there, Rose?" "She's busy." "We just need you to open the door." "I'm only supposed to open the door if she screams." "Thank you." "I don't do threesomes." "Your mate will have to wait." "Actually, we would like to talk to Rose about the boy who died in the empty flats." "Rose don't know nothing about it." "Well, we think she could be a witness." "So we'd like you both to come to the station for a video ID." "Both girls picked out Denton from the video ID." "We have enough to charge him." "And Denton identified Paige outside the dead boy's flat." "Or he saw her at the murder scene." "Denton has no previous with kids." "The cause of death was by manual strangulation." "No signs of sexual assault." "He's been flying under the radar." "The girls saw him." "I still think Paige is lying." "Because she chews her nails?" "It's just a feeling." "We can talk to her again." "If the girls saw Denton take the kid, someone else must have." "Someone did." "There's something you need to see." "This is Denton outside his girlfriend's flat." "At 9:31 he heads towards the car park." "Then at 9:35..." "Another camera picks them up heading towards Peldon House." "Please, God, tell me this isn't what I think it is." "Look at her." "Face of an angel." "Paige seems to trust you." "You take Rose, but I want a CPS member watching the interviews." "I want both girls arrested and cautioned before they speak." "You understand that you can have a solicitor here if you want one?" "We don't need one." "She ain't done nothing wrong, have you?" "No." "OK." "I want to talk about what happened to little Conor." "'You went out to play with your friend Paige." "Is that right?" "'" "'Yeah." "We played football.' 'OK.'" "Do you know Conor - You know she does." "Miss Shaw, I need Rose to answer." "Come on, then." "Rose, did you go to Conor's flat the morning he died?" "Yeah." "Liam left him alone." "So you and Paige took him out to play?" "It ain't nice being left alone." "Will this take much longer?" "Is there somewhere you need to be?" "I can get a social worker." "You don't know me." "Just get on with it, yeah?" "Where did you take Conor to play?" "By Peldon House." "But then this man come and took Conor inside." "You know that's where we found Conor, Peldon House?" "Did he just lay down and die?" "I think you know how he died, Rose." "I don't think there was any man there at all." "Yes, there was a man." "Look, the man took him." "Ask him what happened to Conor." "I don't think you're telling me the truth." "Yes, I am!" "You can call that social worker." "Mum, you can't leave me." "Just listen to what he says." "You say, "No comment."" "I want to go home with my mum." "Stay there." "I used to sit in these rooms just as twitchy as you." "Calm down." "I used to sit in these rooms just as twitchy as you." "Calm down." "Kelly, listen to me." "I was worrying about when I'd get my next drink." "Mum!" "Shut up!" "Kelly!" "Today could be the first day you don't use." "You do have a choice." "Your habit or your daughter." "Mum." "Mum!" "Mum!" "Mum, please!" "(SLURPS DRINK)" "(SLURPS DRINK)" "So you like Arsenal?" "They're the best." "It's OK to support them if you're from South London cos really they're from Woolwich." "They moved north in the past." "That's right." "And you have number 11 on your shirt." "Van Persie?" "Rachel Yankey done this talk at our school." "Arsenal Ladies." "It's all she goes on about." "Maybe one day you'll be the next Yankey." "I'll never be as good as her." "I played a bit as a kid." "We had a scout from Arsenal come round our school." "Only, I was so nervous about not being picked" "I pulled a sickie." "So you didn't even try?" "I wanted to, but the truth is I was too scared of messing up." "I've never told anyone that before." "I feel better now I've told you." "You know when you try and keep a secret, and you wanna tell, it sort of hurts to keep it inside." "and you wanna tell, it sort of hurts to keep it inside." "If you share it with a friend, it feels better." "You see, Paige, I think you have a secret about what happened to little Conor." "And we're friends, aren't we?" "Let me share your secret." "Make it stop hurting." "Mum." "She's so close I can smell it." "When my girls were little, I took them to the fair one Sunday." "We were queuing up." "I was paying for them to go on this ride." "A typical Sunday dad, over-compensating." "I've got toys and prizes I'd won." "Pop corn." "Candy floss." "All that stuff." "I turned round, and the little un' had gone." "Just disappeared, and the place was mobbed." "That is really, truly frightening to me." "Do you know where she was?" "And me a copper, an' all!" "She'd sneaked into the stall next door, and was trying to nick a goldfish." "(SIGHS) I tell you, kids, mate!" "It's frightening." "We should get back in there." "Yeah." "Just give us a minute." "Tell me it ain't true you got them girls in there." "They wouldn't hurt my Conor." "They wouldn't!" "We're just talking to them at the moment." "But they're just kids." "Tell me they didn't do it!" "Please, I need it. (SOBS)" "That's you, isn't it, Paige?" "Number 11, like Rachel Yankey." "And that's Rose, isn't it?" "And that's Conor." "You see, there's cameras all over the estate." "They take pictures of people walking about, going in and out of the blocks." "This picture was taken about 20 minutes before Conor died." "There's other pictures that show the man you picked out leaving the estate before Conor died." "Do you think mum realises just how serious this is?" "Who wants to believe their kid's involved with something like this?" "The poor woman's in shock." "I would be if that was one of my girls sat there." "Maybe we should get Matt to ask again if they want a brief." "She's gonna spill any second." "You know I love you, babe, no matter what you done." "You have to tell the policeman the truth." "Who went into Peldon House with Conor?" "Just me and Rose." "And little Conor." "We took him." "And did someone hurt Conor?" "He was crying." "He wanted his mum." "And Rose put her hands around his neck." "He tried to get her off, but he fell back and banged his head against the wall." "It's OK, baby." "It's OK." "What happened next, Paige?" "She got on top of him." "'Started squeezing his neck again." "When she got off he just lay there.'" "And then she got out this compass, like we use in Maths," "and told me to scratch my name on his tummy." "And you did it?" "I only did the P." "I couldn't do the rest." "Then she took it off me, and done another line to make it an R for Rose." "Can we go home now?" "'Police have arrested two girls aged 10 and 13 on suspicion of the murder of five-year-old Conor Reid." "Conor was found dead at the Kelvedon Estate last week." "It's believed the girls were moved to a secret location last night after the police station came under siege from angry protestors.' after the police station came under siege from angry protestors.'" "This is getting out of hand, and we haven't even charged them." "Little girl killers - the public can't stomach it." "It's understandable." "Kids killing kids." "This is as bad as it gets." "What are the girls saying?" "They blame each other." "What about the forensics?" "The girls were tested too late for contact trace evidence." "We're waiting on the analysis of their clothing." "Till then there's no way to know who is telling the truth?" "The police believe Paige is telling the truth, that Rose is the killer." "She cooperated fully." "She'll give evidence against Rose in court." "What does her brief want in return?" "A Section 73 agreement." "Paige has given a statement detailing exactly how Rose Shaw killed Conor Reid." "She's a witness, nothing more." "Your client carved her initial into the dead boy's skin." "She colluded with her friend to concoct a story." "Under duress from Rose Shaw." "Come on, Luke!" "Rose is three years younger than your client." "And bright as a button." "Paige has learning difficulties." "The police believe Rose Shaw acted alone." "A jury will, too." "Paige pleads guilty to assisting an offender." "She's practically handing you Rose Shaw with bells on." "She's practically handing you Rose Shaw with bells on." "The least you can do is drop the charges." "That's the deal." "Take it or leave it." "We sign that agreement, there's no going back." "Paige gets immunity except on assisting an offender." "OK." "Get the papers signed." "But we charge Rose with murder." "Who's her brief?" "You so don't want to know." "Come on." "How bad can it be?" "There he is, Balls of Steel." "Kim." "You don't call." "You don't write." "You didn't seriously expect any deals?" "You did get my email?" "Don't tell me it's still floating in cyberspace." "You did get my email?" "Don't tell me it's still floating in cyberspace." "I told our new clerk when we need to disclose something to the Crown now means now." "What are you disclosing?" "I've brought you a spare copy just in case." "Deep breaths." "Rose Shaw is ten years old." "She played no part in this horrific crime, and is devastated to learn her best friend says otherwise." "I ask you to release this poor child into her mother's care." "Miss Sharkey, much as it irks me to have to consider locking up a ten-year-old, Paige Ward has your client choking a boy to death with her bare hands." "I simply cannot ignore such a statement." "Indeed you cannot, My Lord, were said statement taken legally." "However..." "I suggest that is not the case, and hereby apply to have Paige Ward's interview excluded." "I request an immediate adjournment." "The Crown have not been informed of any such application." "I request an immediate adjournment." "The Crown have not been informed of any such application." "And yet Miss Phillips appears to have a copy right there in front of her." "And yet Miss Phillips appears to have a copy right there in front of her." "Because you handed it over five minutes ago." "Either it was disclosed or it was not, Mr Steel." "Continue, Ms Sharkey." "At her interview, Paige was not accompanied by a solicitor or an appropriate adult." "She was accompanied by her mother who refused legal representation." "A woman with an IQ below a 12-year-old's." "Unlike their morals, which my colleague shares." "Miss Sharkey, Mr Steel, my chambers now, please." "After meeting Paige's mother I had her IQ tested." "We also found she has learning difficulties and mild autism." "There wasn't time to second-guess her IQ." "The police had act quickly to gather evidence." "They coerced a 13-year old girl into saying what they wanted to hear." "They bribed her with a meal, and chatted about her hobbies." "They bribed her with a meal, and chatted about her hobbies." "The officer was creating a bond of trust." "They assumed the mother would intervene if she was unhappy." "She wouldn't have intervened if DS Devlin had danced the fandango." "The only one making a song and dance is you." "What have you got for your finale - Enough!" "The whole point of an appropriate adult is to safeguard the rights and welfare of young people in custody." "I intend to play this one with a straight bat." "I'm granting Ms Sharkey's application to exclude the statement." "That statement put Rose's hands round Conor's neck." "The Section 73 based on it, now we can't even use it!" "You must have realised Tina Ward wasn't an appropriate adult." "Do I look like Derren Brown?" "She came across like half the adults we meet." "We don't deal with Mensa candidates." "Any other judge would have thrown Sharkey out of court." "Blame Justice Pedotti." "Any other judge would have thrown Sharkey out of court." "Blame Justice Pedotti." "Do we have a case without that statement?" "Please tell me forensics will confirm Rose's guilt." "Without a doubt." "Conor's DNA will be all over Rose Shaw's clothing." "Let's get this over with, then." "We represent Conor, which means we represent you." "We're certain the forensic analysis of the girl's clothing will give us the evidence we need to put Rose behind bars for a long time." "She'll go to prison?" "Initially she'll remain in secure local authority care." "When she's old enough she'll go to a young offenders' institution." "Then an adult prison." "Her whole childhood." "She won't be released until her early 20s." "I saw this woman on the news last night." "She said Rose Shaw was Satan reborn, that they should bring back hanging just for her." "I've never heard so much hate in someone's voice." "Public feeling is very strong." "All these flowers on the estate, sack loads of cards every day like they all knew him." "All of them out there feeding off my boy's death." "Then it takes over their lives." "It's like they need it." "The funny thing is all I want... ..all I need is to let it go." "The trial can help you do that." "Sending her to prison won't help me." "It won't bring my boy back." "Most victims' families find it gives them a sense of closure." "Closure?" "This ain't closure." "This is revenge." "No, that little girl don't deserve it." "She's been through enough." "We live on the same estate." "I know what goes on in there." "She broke the law in the most terrible way." "She's a child." "Want to hide her behind a ten-foot wall so no-one has to look at her?" "No-one has to ask her who's really responsible for Conor's death?" "No-one has to ask her who's really responsible for Conor's death?" "No." "No, no." "It's too easy." "Prosecuting kids is never easy." "My Conor, he used to... he liked to draw them pictures, the ones where you put the paint through straws." "He loved dogs." "That's how I wanna remember him." "My happy little boy." "I don't want my memories clouded by hate." "Would you want your son brought up in a world with no hope?" "You can't save Conor." "But you can save her." "Yeah, you can give Rosie Shaw a life." "You can forgive her?" "I hate what she did with every bone in my body, but..." "..but I'm a mum." "I can't hate a child." "You say you represent me, then this is what you do." "You make Conor's life mean something." "You find out why she did it, and you get that little girl help." "We have to help her." "We can't just drop a murder charge." "The DPP will have your balls and mine." "Not just the DPP." "The Attorney General wants Rose convicted of murder." "So that's it." "Our hands are tied." "Not on my watch." "You heard what Mrs Reid wants." "What do we do?" "My granddaughter is the same age." "She spends her time riding ponies and making daisy chains." "I want to know what makes a girl of ten put her hands round a child's neck, and squeeze the life out of him." "Rose, did you worry what your mum was doing with these men?" "My mum says that psychiatrists mess up your brain waves." "Is that what you're gonna do to me?" "Dr Marsh believes the abuse changed the physiology of Rose's nervous system," "Dr Marsh believes the abuse changed the physiology of Rose's nervous system, which means her responsibility was diminished at the killing." "We offer Sharkey a deal, then, get Rose the help she needs." "The police just called." "Forensics are in." "Are you sure?" "Forensics don't lie." "Kids do." "But everyone was so certain." "There are 148 microscopic spots of blood on the front of her shirt." "Which means that when the boy died, the one with her hands around his throat was Paige Ward." "We have a Section 73 signed and sealed." "You can't charge Paige with anything further in this case." "Your client had Conor's blood all over her shirt." "Which means that when Conor Reid died the person in contact with him was indeed Paige, and not Rose Shaw." "It isn't true." "It was Rose." "Must I remind you again, gentlemen, my client isn't here to be interrogated." "Paige, you trust me, don't you?" "I need you to tell me the truth." "We can walk out of here right now." "It's not what you think." "You don't have to say another word." "I want to explain." "After she done it, Rose just left." "I picked Conor up, but he made this noise, like a cough sort of." "Why did you move him?" "I wanted to take him home to his mum." "But then Rose come back with the compass." "I swear I didn't hurt Conor." "I put the toys there in case he got lonely." "The pathologist has re-examined Conor's body." "He found pulmonary interstitial emphysema - a build up of pressure in Conor's lungs caused by blood blocking the airways." "It could have been released when Paige lifted him up or when she was choking him." "So much for forensics proving which one did it." "Sharkey will have a field day with this." "Maybe not." "According to the forensic report, there were seven curvilinear abrasions on Conor's neck." "Three at the front were made by Conor trying to prise his attacker's hands off." "Four at the back made by his attacker choking him." "The report said without finding Conor's skin in the fingernail scrapings there was no way to know which girl made them." "But Paige's fingernails are bitten to the quick." "The nail marks on the back of Conor's neck." "Rose Shaw has a defect on the nail of her left forefinger." "The same defect can be seen in those marks." "148 spots of blood on a shirt spell murder to a jury." "Four nail marks spell a bit of rough play." "You should give juries more credit, Kim." "Lucky for you we don't intend to put this to a jury." "A deal?" "I'll accept a manslaughter plea due to diminished responsibility." "Rose gets a hospital order with a Section 41 restriction." "You want to put her in hospital?" "Don't you?" "Rose needs treatment." "Thanks, but no thanks." "I'm giving your client a way out of a murder charge." "It's in Rose's best interests to have someone try and fix her." "The child's a monster." "I doubt anyone could fix her." "You're only offering a deal because you're worried I'll win." "Forget Rose." "You just don't want to give up your 15 minutes." "Cases like this come along once in a lifetime." "They're career makers." "This isn't a short cut to silk!" "It's a child's life." "Do calm down, James, or you'll be comparing ulcers with George." "The jury are going to see a very pretty little girl and hear how the Crown made a deal with a teenager who had the victim's blood all over her shirt." "I know who I'd believe." "She's a killer." "When the jury see photographs of a strangled five-year-old, they'll want her in a prison cell." "The prison system can't provide the treatment this girl needs." "The prison system can't provide the treatment this girl needs." "Why the preoccupation about treatment?" "The public don't care about treating killers." "They ought to." "If we send her to hospital, she will be released only if and when she's no longer a danger." "Justice Pedotti will make sure she gets a minimum of 12 years." "There's no votes in being soft on children who commit crimes." "I don't decide on the basis of what gets the Home Secretary most votes." "Lock her away, and you might as well kill her." "I'm not asking." "As Director of Public Prosecutions, I'm telling." "You try that girl for murder... and you make sure she's convicted." "That woman was put on this earth just to irritate my duodenum." "Whatever it takes, you guarantee that that jury find on manslaughter, diminished responsibility, and not murder." "I want that girl in a hospital, not a prison." "What about the DPP?" "Screw the DPP?" "I answer to Conor's mother on this one." "Dr Guinott talks about kids being like white cement." "Whatever falls on them makes an impression." "In Rose's case, her abusive upbringing means she has a callous lack of concern for others." "So she lashes out." "Is she in control of her actions?" "I don't believe at the time of the killing she intended to kill or understood the permanency of death." "Can her condition be treated?" "It must be treated." "Rose needs intensive psychotherapy and pharmaceutical treatment." "Thank you." "No further questions." "Did you examine Paige Ward?" "No." "Because the Crown didn't ask you to." "That's right." "Yet Rose told you repeatedly Paige killed Conor." "That's right." "Yet Rose told you repeatedly Paige killed Conor." "Yes, but denial " "How are we to know what Paige Ward's mental state was when Conor's blood splashed all over the front of her shirt or when she carved her initial into his stomach?" "Does my learned friend assume the witness has psychic powers?" "How else could he answer such questions?" "Please reserve questions regarding blood evidence for the appropriate expert witness." "Apologies." "No further questions." ""Evil from the day she was born."" "How can a mother say that about her own child?" "Trial by tabloid, just what we needed." "The trial's not even over and she has the public baying for her daughter's blood!" "Along with the jury." "Any chance of them believing her diminished responsibility, her mum just blew it." "Find a way to make that jury see what we see." "I'm sorry." "I don't know what else we can do." "Make them see Conor Reid is not the only victim." "Rose Shaw is an abused child." "She's a victim, too." "No comment." "Reporting restrictions exist to protect your daughter." "You don't care about her welfare." "I don't know what you mean." "Thanks to your snivelling to the tabloids, the whole country have already made up their minds about her." "You shouldn't be talking to her." "Why not?" "She isn't a witness." "She should be." "If the jury saw her true colours, they'd lock her up, not Rose." "So let's call her." "Can you tell the court how you make your living?" "I ain't on trial here." "Can you answer the question, please?" "I'm a masseur." "You're a prostitute, are you not?" "We don't all have parents to fund us through university." "Is Rose aware of what you do?" "When the police came to talk to Rose, you were engaged in a sex act while she was in the next room." "Plenty of mums work from home these days." "Rose told Dr Marsh she'd seen her mother working." "Doctors twist things." "She'd also seen sadistic pornographic films which you watched with clients." "They turn her into a killer?" "Did one DVD show a man passing out having been manually asphyxiated during sex, and another showed a man taking pleasure in being cut?" "during sex, and another showed a man taking pleasure in being cut?" "You can't prove she saw them." "Can you prove she didn't?" "I done my best for her." "Were you doing your best for Rose when you tried to give her to a stranger when she was six weeks?" "I was 16." "It weren't easy stuck on your own with a kid." "What about when you sold her cot to fund your crystal meth habit?" "I had a problem then." "I owed money." "Rose don't go without now." "Because you work as a prostitute in a room next door to hers?" "She don't see nothing." "She doesn't hear it?" "She doesn't deal with the fallout?" "Like the time you were beaten senseless by a client?" "That only happened once." "How would you have protected Rose if this client had decided to turn his attentions to her?" "He didn't." "Can you be sure of that?" "You were unconscious for quite some time." "It wasn't until your next client turned up six hours later that an ambulance was called." "Rose was OK." "Rose was four." "She thought you were dead." "But you don't really care what happens to her." "Not true." "You don't care that she's choking a five-year-old boy so long as it doesn't interfere with your habit." "You don't care that she's choking a five-year-old boy so long as it doesn't interfere with your habit." "You're making out I'm a bad mum." "I am shouting it loud and clear." "You are a terrible mum." "You haven't got the first idea how to take care of your own child." "I didn't kill that kid." "You might as well have done." "You turned her into exactly what she is, did you not?" "You turned her into exactly what she is, did you not?" "No further questions, My Lord." "On the charge of murder, how do you find?" "Guilty." "Rose Shaw, you have been found guilty of murder." "You alone are responsible for the death of a defenceless five-year-old boy." "What you did to that child is every parent's worst nightmare." "I've heard all I need regarding your state of mind and the circumstances of your background, and see no need to wait for further reports before sentencing." "I hereby sentence you to be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure with a minimum term of 12 years." "Rose!" "Mum!" "Mum, please!" "Mum, please!" "Rose!" "Mum!" "Will she serve the whole 12 years?" "I don't know." "Dr Marsh has agreed to work with her in the secure unit." "When she's 15, rest assured" "I will personally appeal against her move to prison." "Conor used to sleep in my bed." "I never could settle him into a cot." "In my arms he'd sleep ten hours straight." "I used to watch him half the night, thinking how lucky I was." "I bet no-one ever looked at Rose Shaw and felt lucky." "BOY:" "Thanks." "synced by julien" | {
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"The latest ceasefire came too late to save these villages..." "Today President Clinton voiced concerns at the deteriorating situation in Sarajevo..." "When people ask me, good listeners, why do I hate all the Tutsi." "I say. "Read our history."" "The Tutsi were collaborators for the Belgian colonists." "They stole our Hutu land, they whipped us." "Now they have come back, these Tutsi rebels." "They are cockroaches." "They are murderers." "Rwanda is our Hutu land." "We are the majority." "They are a minority of traitors and invaders." "We will squash the infestation." "We will wipe out the RPF rebels." "This is RTLM, Hutu Power Radio." "Stay alert." "Watch your neighbors." " Mr. Rusesabagina, thank you." " Good to see you, sir." "Thank you." "These are for you, sir." "They're fresh from Havana." "Wonderful." "Next time you are there, tell Fidel that I said hello." "Good to see you gentlemen." "That is a fine cigar, sir." "This is a Cohiba cigar." " Each one is worth 10,000 francs." " 10,000 francs?" "Yes, yes." "But it is worth more to me than 10,000 francs." "What do you mean, sir?" "If I give a businessman 10,000 francs, what does that matter to him?" "He is rich." "But if I give him a Cohiba cigar straight from Havana, Cuba..." "Hey, that is style, Dube." "Style." "Cohiba...a fantastic cigar." "The best, eh?" "So, you're going to join us at the rally today?" "I will try my best, George, but these days I have no time for rallies and politics." "Politics is power, Paul." "Hutu power." "And money." "It's time for you to join your people." "Thank you, George." "But time is also money." "I need six extra cases of beer today, along with the regular order." " Business is good at the hotel." " It is very good." "I'm always glad to see you, Paul." "Put that back!" "Put that back!" "That's not beer!" " You, clean this up." " Yes, sir." "Come on." "Paul, don't worry about the Carlsberg." "I'll give you Heineken, and I won't charge you extra." "Thank you." "A bargain buy from China..." "ten cents each." "You know, I'll get at least fifty." "At least." "George Rutaganda is a bad man." "I've heard him on the radio telling the Hutus to kill all the Tutsis." "Rutaganda and his people, they are fools, Dube." "Their time is soon over." "Anyway, this is business." " Oh, no." "It's the Interhamwe." " Do as they say." "Pull over." "No, no, sit up, Dube." "Sit up." "Smile, Dube." "Don't attract attention to yourself." "Some of these men are my neighbors." "They know that I'm Tutsi." "Just smile as if they are friends, Dube." " I know this man!" " Are you a Tutsi?" "What are you doing here?" "No, no." "Hutu power." "Hutu power, Hutu power!" "Okay." "Yes!" "Get out of here." "There's water coming from the box." "Park here." "We'll go in the front." "Gregoire, please help with this water." "Gregoire!" "Deal with this right away." " We were hoping to go see the gorilla." " You must contact our safari desk." "Dube, this is the lobby." " What's going on?" " I am sorry, sir." "It is an emergency." "Oh, shit!" "Oh, sorry, sir." "Ten alive, twelve are dead." "All right." "But save the shells." "Fill them with a stuffing." "The good meat and something local." " Cassava?" " And...the fish." " And tipali." " Yes." "We'll call it "fresh lobster in a cassava and tipali crust."" "Dube." "Style, sir." "Yes, sir." "The problem is, General Bizimungu, I have information that the Interhamwe militia will not heed the peace agreement." "Colonel, the U.N. need not worry about the Interhamwe." "We will control them." " General." " Paul." "This scotch is exceptional." "It is our most popular single malt." "I knew you'd like it." "Colonel Oliver, it is a pleasure to see you, sir." "Good to see you, Paul." "General, let me recommend the lobster for lunch today." "It is spectacular..." "straight off the plane." "Fresh lobster in Kigali." "You do us proud, Paul." "Thank you." "I left a little something for you at the coat check." "Excuse me, gentlemen." "I need flour." "Give me two bags of flour." "Okay, the plates are ready." "Here they come." "Good afternoon, ladies." "Elizabeth, please put these in the general's briefcase." "Yes, sir." "This is RTLM, Hutu Power Radio." "I have a message for our president." "Beware." "Do not trust the Tutsi rebels." "Do not shake the hand that will stab you." "They will treat you reporting from Kigali, Rwanda, where tensions are high as the deadline for the U.N.-brokered peace agreement approaches." "Hello, Mr. Paul." "Hello, Jeremiah." "Hello, sir." " Good to see you, Paul." " Odette." "See you soon." "So your brother and the girls are here." "Yes." "One, two, three..." "Oh, Carine!" "Okay, Anais, let me see." "Your turn." "One, two, three..." "Who is the winner?" "Oh, it doesn't matter." "I have chocolates." "Who wants chocolates?" "Hey, Papa, watch this." "Oh, my goodness." "Well, here, chocolates, chocolates." "Who wants?" "Say thank you to your Uncle Paul." " Please, not before dinner." " Not before dinner, Mama says." " Thank you." " Okay, okay." "Let's go in." "Things are very slow at the shop." "How are things at the hotel?" "Very busy." "Many people visiting the gorillas." "A lot of foreign press arriving for the peace acc..." " What?" " There are soldiers." " Where?" " On the street." "I'll go see what's happening." "It's all right." " We know you are Tutsi." " Please, sir, this is my husband." " He's just a gardener." " He's been spying for the rebels." " No, we do not know any rebels." " You will come with us!" "No, we are telling the truth." "We do not know any..." " What is it?" " Shut up!" "Tatiana, go back in the house." "You must go back." " You mustn't be out here." " It's Victor." "No, Captain, you see..." "It's not me." "It's not me." "Captain, Captain." "Why are you taking him away?" "Please, please." " I know, I know, but it's not me." " You Tutsi fuckers." "No!" "No!" "We must do something." " Do what?" " Call someone." "I'm not going." "I'm not going." "No!" "Get him in the truck." "Now!" "We must do something." "Please help him!" "Oh, Victor!" "Victor!" "There is nothing we can do." " You must stay the night, Thomas." " Yes." "No!" "Why would they arrest Victor?" "He has no politics." " He's a gardener." " Who knows, Tatsi?" "Who knows?" "Someone who didn't like him denounced him as a rebel spy." "Happens all the time now." "Maybe you could call one of your contacts in the army." "It wouldn't help." "You could ask as a favor." "No, I could not." "Tatsi, all day long I work to please this officer, that diplomat, some tourist, to store up favors so if there is a time when we need help," "I have powerful people I can call upon." "But Victor was a good neighbor." "He is not family." "Family is all that matters." "Please, please, leave these things to my good judgment." "This assignment is bullshit." "Come on." "A few days in a nice hotel, no one shooting at us?" "Gentlemen, welcome to the Mille Collines." "I am Paul Rusesabagina, the house manager." " How you doing?" " Nice to meet you." "Anything that you need, please find me." " Thank you." " Certainly." "So, what is the actual difference between a Hutu and a Tutsi?" "According to the Belgian colonists, the Tutsis are taller and more elegant." "It was the Belgians that created the division." "How?" "They picked people, those with thinner noses, lighter skin." "They used to measure the width of people's noses." "The Belgians used the Tutsis to run the country." "Then when they left, they left the power to the Hutus, and of course the Hutus took revenge on the elite Tutsis for years of repression." "Am I telling the truth, Paul?" "Yes, unfortunately." "Please take this to the general." "Benedict is our finest journalist in Kigali, an expert on the subject." "So what are you, Paul?" "I am Hutu." "Gentlemen." " More champagne?" " More champagne would be nice." "Excuse me, honey." "Can I ask you a personal question?" " Are you a Hutu or a Tutsi?" " I am Tutsi." " And your friend?" "Tutsi?" " No, I am Hutu." "They could be twins." "Get the camera." "The general's going to give us an interview." "Okay." "I'm in room 22." "I'd love to finish up this conversation." "Senior U.N. officers claim that the Rwandan army is secretly training and arming the Hutu militia called the hterhamwe." "I put this claim to the head of the armed forces, General Bizimungu." "No." "No, we have not been training the militia." "The U.N. are mistaken in this accusation." "Do you support your president's agreement to make peace with the rebels?" "The president has the full support of the army." "That peace agreement will be signed today in Tanzania between Tutsi rebel forces and President Habyarimana." "This is a great day for Rwanda and for all of Africa." "Negotiation has replaced confrontation..." "Paul, have a drink." "Friendship has replaced fear." "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a live feed to the signing of the peace agreement." "To our president." "May he find peace." "May we all find peace." "Let us all dedicate ourselves to nurturing this hard-earned accord." "To peace!" "Peace!" " Look me up if you come over." " Yes, it is a beautiful city." "I am planning on returning there as..." "Forgive me." " Thank you." "Bye." " Thomas." " Hello, Fedens." " Paul." "Well, this is a surprise." "Forgive us, Paul." "We must talk." "Yes, what's wrong?" "I have it from a very reliable source, Paul." "Who?" "Thank you, Sullivan." "My assistant, the Hutu Power man." "He says that we must get out now, that soon it'll be very bad." "Give me this man's name." "Please, Paul, even though he is Interhamwe, he's a friend." "He wants your job, Thomas." "He said that there is a signal." "It is "Cut the tall trees."" "And when they hear this signal, the militia are to go to war." "Paul, please, let us take Tatiana with us." "You are Hutu." "You will be safe." "Fedens, I know you have heard many things." "And I know what we have seen, Thomas." "But please, the United Nations are here now." "The world press are watching." "The peace has been signed." "Let this process work..." "What was that?" "Power cuts." "We are running on generators." "Fedens..." "Please, don't worry." "Tomorrow you will come by the house and we will discuss this with Tatiana." "All right?" " Good night, Paul." " Yes." "Kiss the girls for me." "Shit!" "Stay in your houses." "Stay in your house." "Everybody stay in your house!" "Tatiana?" " Paul!" " Tatiana!" " What is going on here?" " Our house has been burned." " Didn't you hear the news?" " What news?" "They are saying President Habyarimana has been murdered." "Tutsi rebels have killed him." "Nonsense." "Why would the rebels kill the president when he agreed to peace?" "Everyone, please, out of this room." "Please." "Jean Baptiste, find them seats in the other room." "Odette, please." " Did you meet with Thomas and Fedens?" " Yes." "I told them to go home." " Go and call them, Tatsi." " I've tried." "Our phones, they do not work." " Why do the neighbors run to us?" " You are the only Hutu they can trust." "You are a Tutsi." "They are scared, Paul." "I am scared." "These are probably rumors started by agitators." "We must remain calm for the children, Tatsi." "We must." "Forgive me, Paul." "Elys says that Roger has gone." "Gone?" "Gone where?" " He was afraid for his friend Simon, Mama." " Where has he gone, Elys?" "He went next door." "Wait." "Paul!" "Tatiana, no." "You have to stay here with the children." " Stay in the house." "No!" " Please." "Paul, please, what is wrong?" "Tell me, what is wrong?" " Oh, my son!" "Where are you hurt?" " Is he okay?" "Oh, my baby!" "Talk to me." "Where are you hurt?" "Paul?" "Oh, Tatsi." "Odette, Odette!" "Oh, no." "I'm okay." "Get his clothes off." "Tatsi, please get some water." " He's hurt." " Please, let's get his clothes off." " He's covered in blood." " Lay back, son." "He went next door to the Chirangas." "Where is he hurt?" "Look here, Odette, look here." "Stay still, Roger." "Keep him still, Paul." " I can't find the wound." " What happened to you?" " Tell your mother." " Talk to me." "Tell your mother what happened, Roger." "Roger, you're okay." "Do not worry, he is not cut." "He is not hurt." "This is not his blood, Paul." "You are not hurt." "My darling, it's okay." "It's okay." "You are safe." "Look at your mother." "Come here, Elys." " Where did the blood come from?" " Please, please!" " You are safe." " You are out, Roger." "You are safe, you are safe, Roger." "You are safe, Roger." "It's okay." "I love you so much." "I love you." "Oh, son." "Paul." "Listen to me, good people of Rwanda." "Terrible news..." " It is true." " Horrible news..." "Our great president is murdered by the Tutsi cockroaches." "Oh, my God!" "They tricked him to sign their phony peace agreement." "Then they shot his plane from the sky." "It is time to clear the brush, good Hutus of Rwanda." "We must cut the tall trees." "Cut the tall trees now!" "The soldiers are here!" " Let us go to work, loyal Hutus." " No, no." "Everyone, stay calm." "Stay calm and be quiet." "Find these traitors." "Let none of them escape." "Split up." "Everybody out." " You two, check the back." " Go." " You, go and find him." " Yes, sir." "I better go have a word with them." "Go around the back." "Make sure no one comes out." "Yes, sir!" "Who's in charge here?" "You." " Can I help you, sir?" " Everybody out!" "Out!" " Let me see your identity card." " Grab your things." "Go!" "I am a good friend of General Bizimungu." "Get out!" "Get out of here!" "Everybody, out!" "Get out, get out!" "You work at the Hotel Diplomat?" "No, I work at the Mille Collines." "I used to work at the Diplomat." "We want to use that hotel." "All the room keys are in the safe." "You must open it." "Let's go." " Paul!" " Sir, I cannot leave my family." "I must take them with me." "It is not safe here." "There are Tutsi spies everywhere." "I cannot take all these people." "No, no, sir, you do not have to." "We have our car and our van." " Captain Kaliso, come on." " Roger." " Let's go!" " Come on." "Hurry!" "Go around, go around." "We found him." "Let's go." "Let's go!" " Can I go with you?" " Yes, of course, Jeremiah." "Hurry." "Oh, Jesus, no!" "Oh, it's Simon, Papa!" "Don't look, don't look, don't look." "Don't look, Tatiana." " The safe is in the manager's office." " You two, go with him." "Look at this." "Beer." "I've got them." "Get down, all of you!" "Sir, sir." "Here, I have them." "I have them." "I've got them." "Traitor!" "These are Tutsi cockroaches!" "Let me explain, sir." "Please wait." "Shoot them." "Shoot them." "Please, I don't use guns." "I don't." "It's easy." "Shoot them, or you die first." "Sir, what could I pay you not to do this?" "You wanna pay me?" "Why not?" "Look at them." "These are not rebels." "Soon they will be worthless to you." "Why not take some money for your work?" " How much?" " You name a price." "10,000 francs for each." " Sir, I don't have that much." " Okay." "Wait, wait!" "Here." "It's 1,000 U.S. And here." "50,000 francs for my wife and children." " Take them." " Go, go, go." "Go, go, go." " Have you any money?" " Nothing." " Paul, don't let them die." " Get in the van." "Sir, I have more money actually." "And let them give you something." "Some money, whatever they have." "All right?" "Here you are." "Give me everything you have." "Here, Paul, it's all I have." "Here you are." "See?" "This is enough for one cockroach." "Pick one." "Sir..." "I will give you 100,000 francs for all of them." " Give me it." " I don't have it here." "At the Mille Collines I can get it for you." "You'll run into the hotel and hide behind the U.N." "Sir, I swear." "100,000 francs." "I will get you the money." "You keep them outside." "Please, sir." "Please." " Let's go." " Okay." "Everyone in the van." "Come on now." "Hurry." "Go with my soldiers." "And hurry back if you want to keep these cockroaches." "The soldiers are here." "Where is the car?" "There is nothing I can do." "Excuse me, sir!" "Please, could you..." "Here's the money." "100,000 francs as promised." "Now please, let them go, sir." "Take the money." "We will get them later." " You can go." " Thank you." "Traitor." "Thank you, Paul." "Do you understand, Dube?" "Because I can't wait for Paul." " You must tell him when he comes..." " Here he is, sir." "Paul, I have to go." "The staff of Kivu Lodge have fled." "I have to close up there." "You are in charge now." "It's okay, it's okay." "There were no survivors in last night's plane crash in Kigali, Rwanda." "Everyone, please move to the side." "Clear the door." "Come, Tatsi." "Andre, I need two suites." " Paul, please, where is my passport?" " Yes, I understand." " I need to get hold of my embassy." " If you give me one moment, please." " Odette, Jean Baptiste, take this room." " What about our neighbors?" "What will they do?" " Dube." " Yes, sir?" "Please...put these "guests" in two staff rooms." "Right away, sir." "No, no, no." "Please, it's old." "Have the fruit." "It's all right, Roger." "It's all right." "We're here." " Ah, Joseph." " Your suit, sir." "This mess is unacceptable." "Call housekeeping, get them up here right away." "Thank you." " I'm trying Thomas and Fedens." " All right." "Operator, I need a line." "I need a line now." "Please." "Hello?" "You did not reach them?" "No." "No answer." "It is a very tense situation, and I just want to assure the families of those who are there that we are doing everything we possibly can to try to ensure the safety of our citizens there." "Can you at least tell us, is the airport actually open?" "We are calling the airport." "We are calling the embassy." "We are trying to get as much information for you as we can." " And yes, your passport, yes." " And my passport." "Antoinette will take care of this for you." "Dube, where is Gregoire?" "Sir, he has moved into the Presidential Suite." "Mr. Manager." "What do you think you are doing, Gregoire?" "Who is it?" "It's okay, darling." "What do you want?" "You had better get out of this room and back downstairs right away." " I don't have to listen to you anymore." " Yes, you do." "I am in charge." "Now get out of this room right now." "Mr. Manager, do you notice the smell of cockroaches?" "If I were to leave this room, I'm sure I could find it." "And I know people who can cleanse it." "But maybe it doesn't bother you." "Why is that?" "Are you used to the smell?" "Well, not me." "I need a clean room to escape it." "Please move into the hotel." "Everyone, keep moving." "My house has been burned." "I have nowhere to go." "Yes, I understand this, Your Honor." "But we are operating at capacity as it is." "I can give you one room, but you will have to share it." "I'm sorry." " There's no way we can share." " I am sorry." "Forgive me." "There are eight of us." " Yes?" " Paul, I need your help." "Yes, Madame Archer." "They're Tutsi children from the St. Francis orphanage." "Okay, come on, let's go." " I have only one room." " That'll do." "Come." " Otto, please." " Excuse me." "Corporal, take that lady's bag, please, and quickly." " Have to go get the rest of them." " The rest of them?" "There are another ten." "I'll be back soon." "Madame Archer." "I have a favor to ask of you." "My brother-in-law and his family, they live near the St. Francis." "On O'Clare, 20." "Can you please get them and bring them here to me?" " Sure." " And I have a photo." "Please, keep moving!" " Thanks, Paul." " Thank you." "Please move into the hotel!" "Come on, kids, don't be afraid." " Take them around the back." " Everyone, keep moving!" "Has he spoken to you yet?" "No." "Is your face still hurting?" "It's all right." "The neighbors asked me to thank you for your kindness." "I shouldn't have brought them here." "The first thing they told me when I received my appointment was to never, never lower the tone of the hotel." ""Maintain the Mille Collines' dignity at all times, Paul."" "Soon all of this will be over." "What if I lose my job, Tatsi?" "Oh, my God!" " Where are you going?" " I'll be right back." "Take care of them." "How, sir?" "Bathe them, feed them." "Put them to bed." "I will send you some help." "Okay, babies." "We have heard reports of reprisal massacres." "Will the U.N. intervene to stop the bloodshed?" "We're here as peacekeepers, not as peacemakers." "My orders are not to intervene." " Excuse me." " Thank you, Colonel." "Here." "Over here." "Listen, I got us a car, but we gotta move now." "We're not allowed to do that, Jack." "David, the shit's going down outside these walls." "We gotta cover it." "We're not leaving the hotel grounds unless we have an armored car." " That's the ground rules." " The ground rules?" "Where do you think we are, fucking Wimbledon?" "We cover the story from here until we get the proper vehicles, Jack." "Shoot some "B" roll of the refugees." "Let's go." "Colonel, I have no way to protect these people." "And I have more refugees than I have room for as it is." "I was given 20 orphans today by the Red Cross." "This is not a refugee camp." "Can you not take them with you to your facilities?" "No, I can't do that, Paul." "I'm sorry." "I'm overwhelmed at my refugee camp." "I'm under attack, constant attack." "As soon as we can stabilize this situation, then I'll take 'em." "...and stop the Tutsi cockroaches who try to run from justice." "The Tutsi cockroach judge called Makesa is hiding at 4..." " ..." "Kabulla and his cockroaches..." " Turn that radio off." "Watch out for him." "He..." "And get back to work." "We have a hotel to run." "There's no work here anyway." "The boss has left." "I am your boss!" "Sir, there's a call from the Mille Collines in Rwanda on line one." "Yes?" "Who am I speaking to?" "Yes, sir, Paul Rusesabagina, the house manager." "I met you on your last visit here, Mr. Tillens." "Ah, yes." "Paul, I remember." "How are things there?" "The situation is difficult, sir." "Some of our directors believe we should close the Mille Collines until this unrest is over." "I'm not sure about that, Paul." "What do you think?" "Sir, that would be very bad for our reputation." "The Mille Collines is an oasis of calm for all our loyal customers." "What would they think if Sabena deserted them now?" "I assure you, the United Nations have everything under control, sir." "Very well, Paul." "Very well." "But if this thing gets worse, we must close." "If there is anything I can do, please call." "Sir, yes, there is one thing I'm going to be needing from you right away." "Let me tell you, it was an embarrassment for me to have to ask for this." "Most of us in this room have known each other and worked together for many years." "Is it really necessary for me to get a letter from Belgium for you to perform your duties?" "In fact, forget this letter." "If you don't want to work for me and would rather be out there, then leave now." "Please, everyone, back to work." "Paul, thank you for coming." "The air conditioner's on the blink." "Is there any way you can have a look at it?" " I'm just on a deadline." " Certainly." "Fred, let me know when you get the satellite feed." "Thanks." "Mr. Fleming, I brought you some tea as well, sir." "Thank you, Paul." "You're an oasis in the desert." "...the elements of the government and army are following the example of what happened to the Americans in Somalia." "I think they intend to intimidate us, try to attack us, and... hope that the West will pull all its troops out." " Do you think they'll succeed?" " No, they won't." "The U.N.'s here to stay." "What about the outbreak of violence since the shooting down of the president's plane?" "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "I'm responsible for the safety of this crew." "What is this?" " Where did you get this?" " Half a mile down the road." "Fred, it's David." "I've got incredible footage." "It's a massacre." "Dead bodies, machetes." "If I get this through right away, can you make the evening news?" "Yeah." "You have to lead with this." "I point at you, you do a shot." "And you'll get a total double and see if all the drinking..." " Excuse me, Mr. Daglish." " Hey, Paul." "Listen, sorry about earlier." "If I'd known you were in there, I wouldn't have..." "I am glad that you have shot this footage and that the world will see it." "It is the only way we have a chance that people might intervene." "Yeah, and if no one intervenes, is it still a good thing to show?" "How can they not intervene when they witness such atrocities?" "I think if people see this footage they'll say, "Oh, my God, that's horrible,"" "and then go on eating their dinners." "What the hell do I know?" "Listen, you wanna just relax?" "I have more work to do." "I thank you for your offer." "Please enjoy your evening, Mr. Daglish." " Help!" "Please help us!" "Please!" " Sir!" "Sir!" "We've got trouble at the gate." "Can we have some medical assistance here, please?" "That group, come with me." "Move out of the area." " Here, get up, get up." " Right, fall back, everybody." "Benedict, what is happening?" "They're killing everyone." "The lady..." "The Interhamwe have surrounded the whole town." "Come on!" "Cover the road." "Now." "Stand your ground." "Hold the line." "Do not shoot!" "Do not shoot!" " Lieutenant, guard this gate." " Yes, sir." "You two, take up positions behind those sandbags." "They murdered my men." "I lost ten Belgian U.N. soldiers." "They were protecting the lady prime minister." " She is dead?" " Yeah, she's dead." "The Europeans are putting together an intervention force." "They'll be here in a few days." "I understand that, Colonel, but there is simply no place for me to put all of them." "What can I do?" "I'll put two more men on the gate, two of my best lieutenants." " All right." " All right." "I understand." "Thank you." "Madame Archer." "Hello." " We were expecting you five days ago." " I'm sorry." "My brother and his family, did you find them?" "I made it to the house, but it was empty." " Empty?" " It had been ransacked." "As I left, an old woman, she waved to me." "I went to the house." "She has the two little girls." "They're safe." "Okay." "But..." "My brother and his wife..." "did the old lady know of them?" "My brother is dead." "They would never leave their children." "Perhaps they could not make it home, Tatiana." "They are hiding." "Please, can you return and bring the girls back here to us?" "I can't." "There are Interhamwe roadblocks everywhere." "When I reached the orphanage the Interhamwe were there." "They'd already started killing children." "They made me watch." "There was one girl, she had her little sister wrapped on her back." "As they were about to chop her, she cried out to me." ""Please don't let them kill me." "I promise I won't be Tutsi anymore."" "Please, I can't." "They're targeting Tutsi children, Paul, to wipe out the next generation." "I've nowhere to take the orphans, Paul." "Don't worry." "There will be an intervention force coming soon." "We will get the orphans out then." "They're here!" "They're here!" "We are safe!" "Soldiers have arrived!" " Wow, look, it's the French!" " Yes!" "Thank goodness!" " Welcome." " Thank you." "Well done." "About time, gentlemen." "Thank you for saving our lives." "It's okay, Roger." "Jean Baptiste, our prayers have been answered." "Thank God." "Yes, finally!" "See, it's okay." "We can do nothing from our side." "Sweetheart, I told you we'd be safe." "See?" "I told you." "Yeah." "So, Colonel, what can I get for you?" "Something strong." " Scotch?" " Yeah." "Congratulations, Colonel." "You have performed a minor miracle." " Congratulations, huh?" " Yes, sir." "You should spit in my face." "Excuse me, Colonel?" "You're dirt." "We think you're dirt, Paul." "Who is "we"?" "The West, all the superpowers, everything you believe in, Paul." "They think you're dirt, they think you're dung." "You're worthless." "I'm afraid I don't understand what you are saying, sir." "Come on, don't bullshit me, Paul." "You're the smartest man here." "You got them all eating out of your hands." "You could own this freaking' hotel, except for one thing... you're black." "You're not even a nigger." "You're an African." "They're not gonna stay, Paul." "They're not gonna stop this slaughter." "Please." "Got it." " Hello." " Hello, Daddy." "Elys, take Diane in the other room." "What is it?" "All the whites are leaving." "They are being evacuated." "But...what about us?" "We have been abandoned." "But the soldiers will stop the killers." "Listen." "Listen to me, Tatsi." "Listen." "I said all the whites are leaving..." "the French, the Italians, even the U.N. Belgian soldiers, all of them!" "Who is left?" "I don't know." "Colonel Oliver said he has 300 U.N. peacekeepers for the whole country." "The most he can spare for the hotel are four men." "And they are not allowed to shoot." "I am a fool." "No." "No, no." "They told me I was one of them, and I..." "Wine, chocolates, cigars, style..." "I swallowed it." "I swallowed it." "I swallowed all of it." "And they handed me their shit." "I have no history." "I have no memory." "I'm a fool, Tatsi." "You are no fool." "I know who you are." "News Service Africa." "A United Nations source reports that the U.S. and British representatives on the Security Council will lobby for the removal of all U.N. peacekeepers from Rwanda." "Please, Jack." "Please don't go." "Wait, he's British." "Take out your passport." "Jack, please don't leave me." "Can we talk?" "Just one second." "Please, Jack." "Please." "They'll put me on the street." "They'll chop me." "Here." "Now just take..." " Take this." " No, no..." "Just take the money." "Please, just take the money." "You must go." "You must." "Please, they are waiting." " Paul!" " They are waiting." "Paul." "He won't put you out." "Here, give her anything she wants." " Anything." "Just charge it." " This is not necessary." " They're gonna kill us here." " Let him go." "We have to let him go." "Don't do that, please." "Jesus Christ, I'm so ashamed." "Wait!" "Wait!" "Hold the buses!" "Peter!" "Thank you for being here." "Thank you very much." "Thank you." " No Rwandans." " What?" "Foreign nationals only." "Sorry, Father, those were the orders." " But you can't leave the children behind." " Sorry, Father, we have our orders." " You can't leave them!" " We can do no more." "Father, it is of no use." "These men are not here..." "They are not here to help us." "Please, there is nothing we can do." "Get your people on the bus." "I will take care of the others." "It is of no use, Father." "Please, hurry." "No, no, no." "No, no, no." "No." "To the hotel." "To the hotel." "Sir, please, don't touch the camera." "We have the right to film." " No filming." " Go to the hotel." "Go inside." "Go inside the hotel, all of you." "Yes, you can stay, yes." "We will take care of you." "Go into the hotel." "No!" "Go to the hotel." "Go inside." "Go inside the hotel." "Excuse me." "Excuse me." " Sir." " Come, Dube." " Please, everyone inside." " Please, people, let's go inside." "Out of the rain, please." "Come, sister, come." "Paul." "I want you to go." "Go where?" "You take the children." "You go get the girls." " Your card says Hutu..." " What are you saying?" "Please, please." "You pay money at the roadblocks." "I want you to go." "No, Tatiana, no." "I will never leave you." "I will never leave you." "Oh, Tatsi." "Let us sleep, my wife." "Let us sleep." "Get up." "Get up." "Get up, get up, get up." " Are you the manager?" " Yes, sir." "What's the matter?" "Everyone must leave the hotel now." " Why?" " Papa, what's wrong?" "It's an order." "I need some time..." "20, 30 minutes...to take a shower." " Sir, people are still sleeping." " I don't care." "Please, let me get you some beers." "You and your boys." "And I'll be down right away, all right?" "As quick as I can." " Ten minutes." " Yes, sir, ten minutes." " Get out of the way." " Quick, children, quickly." " Roger's not here." " Where is he?" "Where's Roger?" "Under the bed." "Roger." "It's Papa." "They've gone." "They've gone, they've gone." "Come, come." "Come on." "Oh, my darling." "It's okay, sweetie." "It's okay." "Come on, it's okay." "It's okay." " Go to the roof, Tatiana." " The roof?" "Yes, yes, go to the roof right now." "Yes, good day." "General Bizimungu, please." "He is where?" "No, that is unacceptable." "Who would order such a thing?" "Yes, did you find the general?" "Gentlemen, please have some beer." "Get me the guest list." "Yes, sir." "Yes?" "Sorry, sir, but I have a call from Paul in Kigali." "He says it's urgent." "Paul, are you all right?" "We have a big problem, sir." "What?" "The Hutu army have come." "They've ordered us..." "all of us...out of the hotel." "Why are they doing this?" "I think they will kill us all." "Kill?" "What do you mean...all?" "How many?" "We have 100 staff and now more than 800 guests." " 800?" "!" " Yes, sir." "There are now 800 Tutsi and Hutu refugees." "I do not have much time left, sir." "I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me and my family, and please thank all of my friends at Sabena." "Paul, wait." "I'm gonna put you on hold." "Stay by the phone." " Where are your papers?" " We don't have any papers, sir." "We don't have any papers." "They got burnt in the house." "Louis, get on to the U.N. Tell them what's happening." "Did you need something, sir?" "Mary, call the prime minister's office." "Tell them I must speak with him now." "Okay." "Paul, are you there?" "Yes, sir." "Who can I call to stop this?" "The French." "They supply the Hutu army." "Do everything you can to buy time." "I'll call you right back." "What are you doing, Dube?" "The lieutenant, sir, he wants to see the guest list." " Go and get these boys some more beer." " Thirsty, boy?" "You like beer?" "Thank you." "Come with me, please." "Sir, that was two weeks ago." "Here you are, sir." "Anderson, Arthurs, Boulier..." "What is this?" "It is the guest list, sir." "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" "No." "We stopped taking names after the president was murdered." " This is the only guest list, sir." " There are no Europeans left!" "Get me the names of all the cockroaches in there now." " That will take time." " We don't have time." "If I don't have the names so that I can pick out the traitors, then I'll kill everyone in there." "Starting with you." "Leave." "Yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "Who did you call?" " Who did I call?" " Don't lie to me!" "What is your name?" "Rusesabagina." "Paul Rusesabagina." "I'll remember you." "I'll remember you." " Let's go." " Come on, we're leaving." "They've gone." "Paul." "Paul." "I was afraid for you." "Sir, the president of Sabena is on the phone for you." "I must talk with this man." " Mr. Tillens." " Paul, what's going on?" "They left." "Thank you, sir." "What did you do?" "I got through to the French president's office." "Well, thank you." "You have saved our lives." "I pleaded with the French and the Belgians to go back and get you all." "I am afraid this is not going to happen." "They're cowards, Paul." "Rwanda is not worth a single vote to any of them." "The French, the British, the Americans." "I am sorry, Paul." "Thank you." "There will be no rescue no intervention for us." "We can only save ourselves." "Many of you know influential people abroad." "You must call these people." "Please, fax this to this number." "Thank you." "You must tell them what will happen to us." "Say good-bye." "But when you say good-bye, say it as though you are reaching through the phone and holding their hand." "Let them know that if they let go of that hand you will die." "We must shame them into sending help." "Most importantly, this cannot be a refugee camp." "The Interhamwe believe that the Mille Collines is a four-star Sabena hotel." "That is the only thing that is keeping us alive." "Have you printed the bills?" "Thank you." "Now please erase the register." " Erase it?" " Yes." "I want no names to appear there." "Boss, the carpenters are ready." "Tell them to remove all of the numbers from the doors." " And put what?" " And put nothing." "Good day." "Here is your bill for the last week." "If you cannot pay or think you will not be able to pay, please go to the banquet room and Dube will take care of you." "Thank you." "Does the State Department have a view as to whether or not what is happening could be genocide?" "We have every reason to believe that acts of genocide have occurred." "How many acts of genocide does it take to make genocide?" "Alan, that's just not a question that I'm in a position to answer." "Is it true that you have specific guidance not to use the word "genocide" in isolation, but always to preface it with this word "acts of"?" "I have guidance which I try to use as best as I can." "I have..." "There are formulations that we are using that we are trying to be consistent in our use of..." "I'm sorry it is not Glenmorangie." "As long as it is scotch." "Your white friends have abandoned you." " So it would seem." " Well, don't worry." " I will take care of you." " I'm glad to hear that because I was wondering if perhaps you could spare us a few policemen." "To protect us, sir." " The police are very busy, Paul." " Yes, I'm aware of this." "But when I last spoke to the president of Sabena, he assured me that anyone who helped protect Belgian property would be well rewarded." "I will see what I can do." "Excuse me momentarily, sir." "Where has all our beer gone?" "Sir, Gregoire has been taking beer." "How much beer?" "Many." ""How do you want the girls?"" "There's our cockroach manager." "Always kissing ass." "General..." "I'm glad you came by." "I overheard something that I think you should know about." "What did you overhear?" "It was a discussion between a U.N. Colonel and an American Embassy official." "And what did they say?" "The American assured the colonel that they would watch everything." "How?" "They have gone, Paul." "With their spies." "Satellites." "Americans." "Oh, Gregoire!" "You know, I admire you, General." "How do you keep command of your men amid such madness?" " I am a strong man, Paul." " I wish I were more like you." " I mean, look at my staff." " Cheers." "He won't work, listens to no one." " He is staff?" " Oh, yes." "Yes." "Get back to work, you slug!" "Go!" "Satellites?" "What was I going to say, that the Americans were hiding in the trees?" " What's the matter?" " I have to go out and get food." " Go out?" "Where?" " To George Rutaganda's place." "No." "No, no." "I have to, Tatiana." "We are only as valuable as the money we give to him." "You cannot go alone." "I'm not going alone." "I'll take Gregoire with me." "He's a good Hutu, and he wants to impress me now." "It is good to see you back at work, Gregoire." " Please, sir, accept my humblest apologies." " Please, please." "We have a job this morning." "We are going to see George Rutaganda." "Please get the van." "Show me your I.D." "Remember how those Tutsi women used to look down their long noses at Hutu men?" "Now they beg for their lives." "I'm here to see my friend George Rutaganda." "I say taste those Tutsi whores before they die." "Then they'll know what Hutu power is, my warriors." "Remember, one cockroach can start an infestation." "We need to exterminate these vermin." "Hey, Paul, my old friend." "Tutsi prostitutes and witches." "So, what can I do for you?" " I need supplies, George." " Anytime." "Paul, everything is double the price now." "You understand that?" "Yes." "I need rice, beans, powdered milk, beer, and your best whiskey." "Beer yes, but whiskey no." "You have no whiskey?" "No whiskey, no spirits." "Your...rich guests will have to do without their scotch." "Anyway, Paul, I have bled that cow enough now." "What are you saying, George?" "Your rich cockroaches at the hotel, their money is no good to them anymore." "Soon all the Tutsis will be dead." "You do not honestly believe that you can kill them all?" "And why not?" "Why not?" "We are halfway there already." "So, Paul, you want 12 bags of rice?" "Give him 12 bags of rice and 4 crates of beer." "Yes, sir, right away." "Oh, and, Paul, I'll give you a crate of soft drinks for the kids free of charge." "Yes." "Ten bags of beans." "Come, quick." "And put those in the van." "You." "Let me give you a little tip, my friend." "Our generals in army say, "Don't go near the Mille Collines or they will send the Belgian soldiers back here."" "But soon those generals will have gone and we will be in charge." "It's time to butcher that fat cow of yours for the meat." "Let's go." "Maybe you could help us, Paul." "You have some very important traitors at that hotel." "Now, if we were to get them, then maybe we would let you have one or two cockroaches of your own." "Do you understand?" "It is almost dawn, George." "We really must be going." "Take the river road back." "It's clear." " Gregoire." " What is going on now?" " You've driven off the road." " No, I'm on the road." "You're going to put us in the river." "Stop the car, stop the car." "Back up the car, Gregoire." "Listen to me." "You will tell no one what you have seen here today." "No one, Gregoire." "Dube." "Please help Gregoire to unload the van." "Thank you." "Oh, dear." "Oh, God!" "Oh, God!" " Sir." " Dube!" " Sir, are you okay?" " Don't come in." "Don't come in." "I'll be out in a minute." " Sir, are you okay?" " Yes, I'm all right, Dube." "Don't come in." "I'll be out." "Hundreds." "It was too many to count." "Why are people so cruel?" "Hatred." "Insanity." "I don't know." "There you go." "Is she putting her fingers in the soup?" "Oh, yes." "...to do with you." "Nothing to do with me." "I remember..." "No, no, no, you make a mistake." " Hello." " Come with me." " Where are we going?" " Just come." "It's beautiful." "You like it?" "I hear we must pay for everything." "Yes, this is true." "So...how much for this?" "A kiss." "You are a good man, Paul Rusesabagina." "I have a confession." "When you worked as the nurse..." " In Ruhengeri?" " Yes." "When we first met..." "I had you transferred to Kigali." "What?" "I bribed the Minister of Health to have you transferred to Kigali." " Why?" " To be closer." "So that I could marry you." "What was the bribe?" " What am I worth to you?" " It was substantial." " Tell me what it was." " A car." " What sort of car?" " What does that matter?" "I want to know." "A Volkswagen." "I hope it was a new one." "We have had a good life, you and I. Yes." "I thank God every day for the time we've had." " We have to have a plan." " A plan?" "Our children cannot see us die first." "If the militia come, you must come up here as quick as you can." " Please, I don't want to..." " You must come up here, Tatiana." " I don't want you to talk like this, please." " We have to, Tatiana." "If I do not make it, you must take all of our children by the hand and you must jump." " What are you saying?" "I could never..." " You have to, Tatiana." " You have to promise me." " What are you saying?" "Tatiana, the machete is no way to die." "You have to promise me you will do it." "I cannot do..." "You have to promise me, Tatiana." "Please." "Promise me you will do it." "Please, Tatiana." "Yes." "I'm sorry." "I love you." "I love you." "I'm gonna get you!" "Diane, Elys, you know better." "No one can be at the front of the hotel." "I have told you this." " Take these children in the back." "Hurry." " Sorry, Papa." " Come, children." "Come." " Thank you, Dube." "Paul, I've got good news." "Congratulations." "Your calls have worked." "I have exit visas for the following families." "Abukesu, Tanzania." "Bidori, Kenya." "Gituaranga, Zambia." "Hallelujah!" "Khalesa, Belgium." "Oh, thank you!" "Dakuzi..." "Kenya." "Masambo, Zambia." "Zinguru, Ghana." "Rusesabagina, Belgium." "All right, that's it." "So remember, families be ready at 7 a.m." "Let's go." " Colonel?" " Yeah." "Now, certainly Odette and Jean Baptiste are on the list." "I'm sorry, Jean, Odette." "But I have been assured there will be another plane soon." "Excuse me." "Don't worry, Tatsi, we'll make it to the next list." "Yeah." "The girls..." "Paul, I will not leave without them." "What have you brought us?" "Antibiotics, medical supplies, general first aid." "Thank you." " I hear there's to be a convoy." " Yes." "Are you on the list?" "Madame Archer, I have an impossible request of you." "Is there any way that you could return to the old woman and bring the girls back here to us?" "Paul, that side of town has been destroyed in the fighting." "They're probably dead." "Madame Archer, I'm begging you." "Those girls have no one now." "I'll try." "We have to leave by 7 a.m." "Who'll take care of the orphans when you're gone?" "Odette." "Odette will care for them until we can get them out of here." "Tell me, Paul, what country's gonna take 20 Rwandan orphans?" "I will find someone." "I promise you." " Thanks." " Thank you." "Come on, take my hand." "News Service Africa." "Today a Red Cross representative claimed that the death rate in the Rwandan conflict may have climbed to as many as 500.000 victims." "One report stated that 40.000 bodies had been removed from Lake Victoria." "Where is she?" "I don't know." "We wait until seven." "If she is not back with the girls by then she may not be coming." "Thank you." "Please, take these letters." "Yes, I will take your letters." "Thank you so much, Paul, taking the letter." " Thank you so much." " Yes, I am sorry." "Thank you very much." "I am sorry." "I wish I could have done more." "I am sorry." "God be with you." " Yes, do you have any children?" " Yes, you're clear to go." "No, sorry, no good." "Come." "Come, children." "Tatsi, come." "Please, Paul, the girls." "We wait a little longer." "We cannot wait." "We cannot wait, Tatsi." "There you go." "Let's move out!" "Good luck, sir." "I am not leaving." "You hold Tatiana." "Take care of my family." "Paul." "Paul!" "I cannot leave these people to die." "I cannot leave these people." "Papa!" "Roger!" "Roger, I will follow on the next flight." "No, don't leave me!" "Paul!" "Don't worry." "Don't worry, children." "Your father's going to be okay." "Papa!" " Don't worry." "He's okay." " I want Papa!" "It's okay." "I say those Hutus who shelter the cockroaches are the same as cockroaches." " They are all the same." " This is crazy." "Their fate should be the same." "This is RTLM." "The Tutsi cockroaches of the rebel army must be denied recruits." "Come on, good Hutus." "The graves are not yet full." " Who will help us fill them?" " That goddamn radio station." "Okay." "Yeah, they are going to the airport." "Stand by your radios." "I am hearing some urgent news." " Boss!" "Please, come quick!" " Not now, Dube." "It is important!" "It is on the radio." "You have to hear it." "We have received reports of very important cockroaches and traitors trying to escape from the Mille Collines Hotel." "Gather up your weapons." "Stand by your radios." "We will keep you informed." " They are being smuggled away..." " No, no!" "Who told them of this, Dube?" "I saw Gregoire, sir." "It is Gregoire." "I saw him leaving in our bus." "Please, sir, I will give you whatever I have." "I say who leaves that hotel, and no one else." "General Bizimungu, they are driving into an ambush." "Slow down." "Stay calm." " What is happening?" " We're stopping." "You have got cockroaches in these trucks." "No, no." "I've got U.N. personnel in these trucks." "I've got permission to go through these roadblocks." " I'm going to search these trucks." " You are not going to search this convoy." " I am." " Cover me." "Go to the back." "Get away from that truck." "Get away from that truck!" "Now!" "Get back!" "You're not to hurt these people." "Get back!" "Move back!" "Look, I told you, you've got cockroaches in your truck." "No, no, no." "They're political refugees under U.N. sanction." "News has come to us that we have cowards in our own army who will not let us punish them." "No!" "You're moving cockroaches from Mille Collines?" "No, sir." "No, sir, they're political refugees." " They cannot leave Mille Collines." " They are not leaving." "Stop him!" "You bastard!" "What's your name?" " What's your name?" " I can't think..." " Kill them!" " Get everybody out of here!" "Move it!" "What's your name?" "What's your name?" "Let's move!" "Drive!" "Move!" "Get out!" "Out, or I'll shoot!" "Get out!" "Drive, drive!" "Let's go!" "Help us get out of here." "Clear the street!" "I am receiving more news, good Hutus." "I have learned that the traitor Rusesabagina's cockroaches are on a truck." "10.000 francs for their heads!" "Stay still." "Give me your shirt, quickly." "Come on, Paul." "Come on, come on!" "Come on, here, here." "Give me your hand." "Come on." "Please, please." " Hey, medic." "Get a medic over here!" " You need to hurry up, please." "Come, hurry, hurry." " Let me help you." " Someone give this guard a hand, please." "Oh, Tatiana, my darling." " I was so worried about you." " Move that truck out of the way!" "Get him inside!" "Tatiana." "Tatiana." "You left me." "You left me." "Take this." "I don't want it." "I don't want it." "You said you'd never leave me, and you left me." "You are a liar!" "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." " I'm sorry." " Papa, Papa." " Papa, Mama!" " I love you." "I wanted you to be safe, all of you." "That was not your decision to make." "We make our decisions together." "That was our promise." "You're right." "You're right." "I knew that the minute the truck pulled away." "I'm sorry." "Come on, put some more water." "What are they doing?" "Dube." "I'm sorry, sir." "They shut down the water." "This is all we have." "General." "Where are my supplies?" "I'm sorry, sir." "The cellar is empty." "You have nothing, and yet you call me, begging me for help?" "Do you know the trouble I have protecting these cockroaches?" "Sir, I have money from the guests." "Rwandan francs!" "Those are only good for wiping your ass." "There is nothing more I can do for you, Paul." "No more police, no more protection." "Let the U.N. take care of you." "Drive." "Go!" "What would Sabena make of this?" "Watch out!" "Get down, get down!" "Are you hurt?" "Go outside." "Please stay still." "There's glass here." "I will get it out." "Is anyone hurt, Odette?" "Lots of cuts and bruises." "Thank God it was a storeroom." "And in Rwanda, humanitarian agencies report that a rapid advance by the Tutsi rebel army has sparked a mass evacuation of Hutu refugees towards the Congo." "One aid worker described it as the largest refugee exodus in modern history." "The rebels have taken half the city, and they have proposed a deal the Hutu generals are willing to accept." "The rebels will exchange their Hutu prisoners, and you people, all of you, will be able to move behind the rebel lines where it's safe." "The Interhamwe, what about them?" " No one controls them." " This time they will kill us all." "They will kill us all if we stay here." "We have to take the chance." "What time should we be ready to leave?" "I can put it together in two days, Paul." "Two days?" "Colonel, there is no way that we can hold out for two days." "I have nothing left to bribe them with." "Colonel, we will all be dead in two days." "Diane..." "let your mother rest." "You rest too, sweetheart." "Go to sleep." "Diplomat." "What?" "I have to go to the Diplomat." " What are you doing?" " We have to go to the Diplomat." " To do what?" " Your items, they are there." "Will you please put your policemen at the gate, sir?" "No." "Let us see what you have to offer first." "Oh, no." "Madame Archer." "Move, move!" " Cover us." " Yes, sir." "Hurry!" "Come on, show me." "Look at this." "Nice, yes?" "And here you are." "The rebels are getting closer, yes?" "The rebels can have this graveyard." "We have ordered everyone out of the city." "Here." "Have a drink." "You know what the Scottish call it?" "No." "Uisge beatha...water of life." "I went once on a tour of the finest single malt distillery in the world." " Have you ever been to Scotland?" " No, sir." "Wonderful country." "Wonderful golf." "I wonder, will I ever go back?" "What do you think?" "No." "I hope we all get to do a great many things, General." "Can we go now, please, sir?" "I am going to do you a great favor, Paul." " Private." " Yes, sir!" "Pack those carefully, put them in my jeep, and guard them." "I am going to take you with us to our new headquarters in Gitarama." "I do not want to go to Gitarama, sir." "Well, you can't go back to the hotel." "The crazy men are on their way there now." "Sir..." "General, we must go back so that I can get my family." "Trust me, we are better off here." "General, these are difficult times." "We need to help one another." "And what help can I get from you, Paul?" " You are a marked man, sir." " How so?" "You are on a list." "The Americans have you on their list as a war criminal." "Paul, I am sick and tired of your lies." "Are you stupid, General?" "How do you think these people operate?" "You sit here with five stars on your chest." "Who do you think they are coming after?" "Fine." "We will go to Gitarama, and you will stay on that list." " I committed no war crimes." " Who will tell them?" "You need me to tell them how you helped at the hotel." "They blame you for all their misfortunes." "They say you led the massacres." "I led no massacres!" "Do you think they're going to believe you?" "You will tell them the truth!" "I will tell them nothing unless you help me." "What are you going to do, shoot me?" "Shoot me." "Please shoot me." "It would be a blessing." "I will pay you to shoot my family." "You cannot hurt me." "You will tell them that I did nothing!" "We are leaving." "Right now." "Get out!" "Get these people away from the gate!" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" "Clear the hotel." " Tatiana!" " Get out of here!" " Get out!" " Tatiana!" "Get out!" "All of the militia must leave now!" "Get out!" "Oh, no, no!" "Shut up, cockroach!" "Get down!" "That's him." "That's him!" " Shit." " That's the manager!" " Stop him." "Stop him!" " I got him!" "I got him!" "Stay where you are!" "Tatiana!" "Tatiana!" " Have you seen Tatiana?" " No, I've not seen Tatiana." " Paul, what is happening?" " I have to find my wife!" "Tatiana!" "Tatiana!" "They've gone." "They've gone." "They've gone." "What were you going to do with this?" "I thought you had..." "I thought you had jumped." "Everyone on the trucks, please." "Take your luggage." "Families please stay together." " Oh, please." " As fast as you can, everyone." "Please." "There's enough room for everyone." "I hope someday we will come back." "Let's move out." "What is wrong with her?" "She has a very high fever." "Where are we going, Daddy?" "Someplace safe." "My God." "What's happening?" "Come on, let's go." "Children on the ground." "Bring the children this way." "Pass them back, pass them back." "Do not stop." "Do not stop!" "Go right on through." "Get down!" "Stay down!" "What's happening there?" "It's the rebels." "We're crossing the front line." "It's okay." "We're safe." "It's okay." "It's okay, you are safe here." "You are safe." "It's okay now." "Sit back down." "Hello." "Get some more water." "The doctor says he is very dehydrated." "We made it." "Come on, let's get down." " Come on." " It is okay." " She is sick." " Okay." "Yeah, she's very sick." "Take her." "Paul, the buses are on the other side of camp." "They'll take you to Tanzania." "Go now, Paul, 'cause I don't know when there'd be another opportunity." " Thank you." " Yeah." " Good luck." " Thank you." " Thank God." " We made it." "Please, please." "We are here, yeah?" " Thank you, Paul." " We have made it." " Thank you." " Yes, yes." "Come." "Mr. Manager." " I just want to thank you." " Of course, Steven." "Constance!" "Thank God you are alive!" "It's so good to see you." "Have you seen my brother and his wife?" "None of them." "Has anyone seen these people?" "You don't recog..." "Mama, come see quick." " Excuse me, excuse me." " Can you see them anywhere?" "Here, Mama, look." "Please." "Do you see them, Mama?" "Is that them?" "Is that them, Mama?" "Do you recognize these people?" "This little girl, she's Anais, and this is Carine." "Do you recognize them?" " Ma'am, have you seen these girls?" " No, no, I haven't." "Have any of you seen these girls?" "Anais." "And that's my brother." "Everybody on the buses!" "Can you feel anything when I touch here?" "Everybody on the buses!" "Can you move out of the way?" "We need some room here!" " We'll find the girls, Tatsi." "We will." " Okay." "Boussey?" "It's you." "Where'd you find this child?" "They just arrived on trucks from the Mille Collines." "All Mille Collines evacuees to the buses now, please." " Oh, no." " We need to hurry up, please." "Come on, get some sleep." "Wait!" "Hold it, please!" " Tatiana!" " It's Pat!" " Tatiana!" " Madame Archer!" "Stop the bus!" "Stop the bus, stop the bus!" "Come." "Come, come." "Please, wait for us." "Madame Archer." "I was so worried." "I thought..." "It's wonderful to see you." "Come quickly." " Carine?" " Anais?" "Anais?" "Just wait." "It's gonna be just a minute now." "Anais?" "Carine?" "Oh, my God!" "Oh, my God!" "Come, come, come!" "Hello, Carine." "Anais, hello." "How are you, sweetheart?" "Do you see your cousins?" "They said there wasn't any room." "There's always room." | {
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} |
"My adrenaline's always flowin'" "So it feels like I'll overheat" "Even if I explode and turn to ashes" "I'll probably still be laughing Just like this" "Blowing past the town To the ends of the world" "Let's burn rubber And die together like lovers" "Let's cut loose Until we reach our limit" "So we can reach the horizon" "Crash!" "Into the rolling morning" "Flash!" "I'm the coolest driver's high" "Toward the finish line" "Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san." "Tell us whom Kamioka likes." "Hi, To, Mi" "It's Hitomi!" "Don't you really like Hitomi?" "No." "That's not true." "Look, Hitomi is blushing too." "Hitomi" "Does this mean a bookworm couple is born?" "Teacher, how about Takahashi?" "No, I'll pass." "Well, Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san...." "Come on!" "Stop it!" "Oh, Kokkuri-san?" "It's so dumb." "Don't play such a stupid game just before the bell." "Playing Kokkuri-san is for little kids." "Oh, it's so dumb." "Stupid." "You know that Kokkuri-san is a self-hypnotic trick." "I heard it on TV." "Kokkuri-san, who has the stinkiest feet in our class?" "Mu, Ra, I" "See, it is Murai!" "Well, I thought so." "Maybe he's growing natto fungi there." "Kokkuri-san is the rumor true that he has crotch rot?" "It says he does!" "Who says so?" "You bastard!" "I'll kill you!" "Kokkuri-san, until what age did Murai wet his bed?" "What are you asking?" "You don't believe in Kokkuri-san, right?" "Then it shouldn't bother you." "Kokkuri-san, who has a serious mother complex here?" "Murai." "I knew it!" "Because Murai's mother is a babe." "We declare you King of Mother Complexes." "You baboon!" "Don't you be barking!" "I'm gonna crack your head open!" "Today's homeroom meeting's over." "Someone, put up the attendance book." "I'm gonna get you one day!" "What?" "Let's do more." "Sorry, but I have a previous engagement I can't change." "See you!" "Hey, hey." "Wait." "You!" "What was that sound?" "Why in the world is a pack of natto here?" "I vaguely remember that Onizuka-sensei brought it during lunchtime." "Stinky!" "Onizuka!" "Whose feet stinks and has crotch rot?" "Calm down." "And who has a mother complex?" "Kunio!" "Mom." "What kind of outfit is that?" "You like it?" "Don't I look good in this?" "Of course it looks good." "But not in public!" "Your underwear's almost showing!" "I was waiting for you guys." "Let's go bowling!" "Come on." "Bowling with a parent?" "In the ninth grade?" "Let's go." "Let's go." "Let me carry it for you." "Thank you." "Hey, you guys!" "That's strange." "I thought he was waiting here." "Is there anyone else coming?" "Sorry to keep you waiting!" "Hello, teacher!" "Onizuka!" "Damn it!" "Why did you come?" "Is this the previous engagement he was talking about?" "You guys!" "That's exactly why I invited him today." "I really need you to get along with your teacher." "Let's go bowling together." "Oh!" "He clearly frowned just now!" "He was saying, "Shh!" "Shh!"" "What are you saying?" "A teacher wouldn't do that." "Mom, you're being deceived!" "I'm not gonna make dinner tonight!" "I'm sorry for his attitude." "Oh, no problem." "Let's enjoy today." "Come on." "Hurry, hurry." "Finally, finally, my Cresta is back." "It was worth begging." "Technically, I didn't destroy it." "So it shouldn't have been an issue." "Vice Principal, we'll all be gone." "Okay." "Please don't forget to lock up." "If I park it by the back gate, it won't be damaged by Onizuka." "Don't touch it with your dirty hands!" "Who the hell are you?" "Damn it!" "I need to polish it." "Let's make you nice and shiny, my Cresta!" "Staff Room" "She's gone, she's gone, she's gone!" "Oh, my Cresta!" "Rock and paper!" "Team Smile" "Team Frown" "Then I'll go first." "She did it!" "I did it, I did it, I did it!" "Your form was excellent!" "I know!" "You might not know, but I wanted to be a pro bowler." "No wonder you are so good!" "I'll kill you if you gutter-ball it." "Don't talk in your sleep, baboon!" "Dear Kunio, the first throw goes into the gutter?" "Don't worry!" "It's a strike." "Teacher, don't pull my leg." "What is that submarine throw?" "It's not baseball!" "You're not Satonaka!" "You idiot!" "It's going into the next lane!" "What?" "!" "Strike!" "Victory!" "What do you mean?" "The pins are in pieces!" "No pins are standing, so it's a strike." "Hello, this is Murai." "What?" "Really?" "Yes, yes, I understand." "Okay, okay." "You'd do the same for me if I were in trouble." "I'm sorry." "I need to go to the construction site." "The other crane driver, Naka-chan, got hurt." "But enjoy the rest among yourselves." "I'm going straight to the site." "I'll pay!" "Teacher, take care of the rest!" "Oh, wait!" "Wait, mother!" "Oh, man." "Why do I need to bowl with you?" "With a kid with stinky feet." "That's my line, you baboon." "I'm gonna send you back to Africa!" "No way, Murai." "Serious?" "That's not good." "Ouch!" "You bastard!" "You idiot!" "It happens when a baboon challenges humans." "You brat." "I was being easy on you because you're a student." "Very well." "I'm gonna kill you!" "What fun!" "What's with this?" "I can't take my fingers out." "Could it be a curse?" "You got tricked!" "I thought this might happen!" "So I put some crazy glue in the holes." "You idiot!" "What?" "Spend your life with balls for hands like Doraemon!" "Wait!" "Call a rescue crew!" "See you, Doraemon!" "Hey, wait a minute!" "Murai...." "That was the best!" "The dumb look on Onizuka's face!" "Wasn't that too much?" "He was getting panicky." "Don't tell me you guys are gonna be on Onizuka's side." "It's not that." "It's just that he is a teacher." "What are you afraid of?" "It doesn't matter." "That baboon is gonna get fired soon anyway." "Shit!" "Someone parked at the wrong place on the street!" "Hey, little boys!" "Do you have a problem with our car?" "Can you not touch it with your dirty feet?" "This is disastrous." "It's a brand-new car." "Oh, no." "What are you gonna do about all the scratches?" "Scratched?" "I don't think so." "I just kicked the tire." "I couldn't have scratched it." "But there are scratches." "The only way to fix it is to repaint it." "Do you know that repainting a car costs a fortune?" "Look, here's a scratch too." "You're just blowing smoke!" "Ouch!" "I have a broken bone!" "Hang in there!" "Are you all right?" "What?" "How could that break his bone?" "It is broken." "We are calcium-deprived." "Or are you trying to say my friends are lying?" "It is broken big-time." "I would say it'll take 500 years to recover." "What will you do?" "Car repairs, medical bills, plus punitive damage." "It'll cost over a million yen." "That's outrageous." "We'll kidnap and beat you guys up." "Then decide if you want to pay." "Run!" "Bratty kids!" "Kusano!" "What's wrong?" "Aren't you gonna run away?" "If you wanna run, go ahead!" "If you go, we'll take really good care of this guy." "In place of you." "You guys fight dirty!" "What shall we do?" "Is something wrong?" "That's Onizuka." "We're saved!" "I'm not Onizuka." "I'm Doraemon from the 22nd century." "Doraemon" "Onizuka?" "Don't joke around, teacher!" "Teacher?" "What are you talking about?" "I told you I was Doraemon." "Hey, guys." "Are you harassing these kids?" "Looks like fun." "Can I join you?" "Could you give me a light?" "Oh, sure." "Who are you?" "Me?" "I'm Doraemon." "I'm the head of the Santama group." "You're the head of Santama?" "Right." "Nice to meet you." "Why are you befriending them?" "Aren't you a teacher?" "You guys are so annoying." "I am Doraemon." "I don't know you guys." "Unbelievable!" "Well, if I were a teacher, I would probably tell you guys this:" "You should be men enough to take care of your own problems." "Let go of me!" "Shit!" "I'm telling you to stop!" "They look so dorky, like larvae!" "They look nice and warm!" "Now we have human punching bags!" "Hitting them should feel very real." "Do you think you can get away with this?" "We'll report it!" "Then you guys will" "A punching bag shouldn't be talking." "Hey, Joe!" "Show your punches to the children of Namidabashi!" "Rule number one for tomorrow:" "Left jab to the inside." "Hit!" "Hit!" "Please don't!" "I will burn out till I turn to ashes." "One, two" "Wait!" "Teacher!" "What is it, Doraemon?" "You guys are too lenient." "How long have you been gang members?" "As a bystander, I wouldn't be satisfied until I see your manhood by dragging them with a motorcycle around the city." "Really?" "How about burning them alive?" "Target practice?" "Dipping them into the pond?" "All of them lack true originality." "What the hell?" "!" "Save us, teacher!" "Oh, I know." "Push them over!" "A bungee jump from the Bay Bridge." "Isn't that cool?" "Hey, Onizuka!" "You're joking, right?" "You're gonna kill us?" "Teacher, please!" "Ready, set, go!" "Wow, it's outrageously high!" "It took five seconds!" "Are you crazy?" "Are you seriously gonna let them do this, Onizuka?" "You'll be fine." "We have rope." "Those are for packing boxes!" "You usually use a bungee cord!" "The right way is to use a rope." "Plastic stretches." "If you double it, it'll be fine." "Okay, do you wanna get started?" "Yeah!" "Stop, stop!" "Hey, let go!" "Help, someone!" "What a wimp!" "You act so big at school." "When things get tough, don't whine and count on others." "Show some guts." "Aren't you man enough?" "Or are you just a guy with a mother complex?" "What did you say?" "You couldn't protect the most important thing for you the other day too." "No matter how he normally is, he does what he needs to do." "That's how a man should be." "Very well, I'll show you I can jump!" "Murai...." "Don't be ridiculous!" "If I jump, I'll never let you touch my mother!" "Murai!" "Are you all right?" "A perfect score, Kunio." "Hold on!" "We'll pull you up." "Murai!" "This is entertaining!" "Which brat will challenge his fear of Bay Bridge bungee jumping?" "Wait a second." "Doraemon, what are you doing?" "What am I doing?" "The next is your turn." "You know, taking turns." "What are you saying?" "Don't make stupid jokes!" "You're just Doraemon!" "Who the hell is that?" "What is it?" "I've come to save Yuria from you villains." "I'm Kenshiro!" "Kenshiro" "No joke!" "Monster!" "I won't let you get away!" "The key is gone!" "Get in, guys!" "He is so used to it." "Is he really a teacher?" "What an ordeal." "You bastard!" "Damn it!" "He's coming after me!" "Slow down!" "You dummy!" "You're gonna end up letting them get away!" "I'll show you my skills!" "What's up, Murai?" "What are you looking at?" "This is the vice principal's car!" "Those guys stole his car!" "What did you say?" "Now we have to get revenge for him!" "You destroyed a trash can!" "Shut up!" "Be quiet!" "Wow!" "A bicycle!" "Wow!" "Traffic signs!" "A mailbox!" "Wow!" "A vending machine!" "Hey, wait!" "You villain!" "Please!" "Don't come!" "Those two cars!" "Stop!" "Hold up!" "Stop!" "I'll never let him get away!" "Please spare me, Doraemon!" "Good morning!" "My Cresta, where have you gone?" "Vice Principal!" "Your car is in the parking lot!" "Was it found?" "Let me through." "Please move over!" "My Cresta!" "You must be the owner." "We need to ask you some questions about a car chase." "What?" "It won't take very long." "What is this?" "The vice principal in a car chase?" "I didn't do anything!" "I'm the victim!" "Look at my Cresta!" "I...." "Midnight Car Chase" "Amazing!" "It's the top story!" "Let me see." "The criminal was an animation character?" "So stupid!" "It can't be true." "But it's amazing that we got away from the police." "My driving technique is as good as Initial D." "What?" "The car was totaled!" "The streets in Tokyo are too narrow." "But I've never been so excited!" "I thought so." "Hey, Kunio!" "Dearest Kunio!" "Could you pass me my cigarettes and lighter?" "Hey, Murai." "Are you still upset about the bungee jump?" "Just let it go." "It got us away from those jerks." "Come on, hurry up." "You hold grudges, don't you?" "Kunio, don't take too much time" "You got tricked!" "So corny!" "When you were busy reading the paper, I turned the flame up." "Well, I'll call it even now." "You want me to be friendly with you." "I guess that's okay." "How can you call it even?" "I'll get change." "What about my hair?" "!" "You look like a juvenile delinquent in an old cartoon!" "Silver Fly" "Don't laugh!" "I'm gonna make all of you bungee jump again!" "You and me, let's go away" "To look for new emotions today" "Together we can overcome" "Because I want to enjoy a new tomorrow" "Open your eyes and open the door" "The world in front of your eyes" "I want to go out With my favorite sounds" "I will taste my childhood emotions" "I'm here to enjoy the sunlight" "I'm enjoying myself More than in the past" "I want to see you, but I can't" "So I just embrace my love" "Even walking on a crowded street" "Your smile makes my head spin" "Next Episode" "What?" "An underwear thief!" "Isn't it possible that a teacher is the thief?" "That hurts." "Are you okay?" "Wait, you're in my class." "My name is Tomoko Nomura." "But please call me Tomo-chan!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"01/09/1901 Starting kindergarten" "12/12/1901 First lost tooth" "11/24/03 First home Run" "07/08/06 9th Birthday 01/13/07 Daddy died" " Dre, you're ready?" " Yeah, one second." "Oh Dre, I am so excited!" "It's like we are brave pioneers, on a quest to start a new life in a magical, new land." "You could say that." "Okay, all right, let's go." " And don't forget to use the bathroom." " Okay." "Be careful with that guys, okay?" " I'll see you later, uncle Charlie." " C'mon Dre, we can't miss this plane!" "Bye guys!" "We're gonna miss you." " No man, it's yours." " C'mon Dre, just take it." "Thanks, man!" "Okay Dre, c'mon, we have to go." "Okay, bye guys!" "We'll call you as soon as we land." " Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to flight CA982." " You got it?" " Yeah." " With our service to Beijing." " Oh Dre look, we are already on lesson ten." "How are you?" " Remember what that one is?" " No." "Dre, you're killing me." "Mom, look, in China everything is old." "There's old houses, old parks... old people..." "Look, this guy is at least four-hundred years old." "Dre, please focus." "Okay?" "What's your name?" "You need to practice." "Yeah, you need to try." "No, mom." " Yes, Dre." "Dre..." " Mom?" " Ask him." "Go ahead." " No, mom." "Ask him "what's your name" and "how are you"." "Do it, now." "Dude, I'm from Detroit." "What's up?" "It's said to meet her at number five." "Mrs. Packer?" " Hi." "It's Parker." " Oh, apologies, Mrs. Parker." "Welcome to Beijing." "Look!" "There is Omatek village." "Isn't it beautiful?" "Yes." "I guess there's nothing old in China, huh Dre?" "Look at that, Dre." "Beverly Hills." "We've always talked about living there, huh?" "I think we have talked about the other one, mom." "I got a good feeling about this." "Oh, yeah." "You must be the new dude in 305." "I'm Harry." " Hey, what's up?" "I'm Dre." " Here." "Let me help you." "Thanks, man." " Welcome to the building, Dre." " Thanks." "Can you please explain this electricity card, because we-we don't have these in America." " Know any Chinese?" " Nah." "This is China." "Might not be a bad idea." "Oh, that's our park." "You should come." "Look at you." "Making friends already." " Hi, I'm Dre's mother." " Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." "You can call me Miss Sherry." " I'm Harry." " Hi, Harry." " So, I guess, I'll see you later, then?" " Maybe." "Okay, cool." "See you." "Ok, this is your rental agreement in English." "So the landlady is Mrs. Wong." "Her English is not good." "But if something goes wrong, you go to Mr. Han." " His English is very good." " Okay." "Okay." "So, welcome to Beijing, Mrs. Parker." "Um, so I see you tomorrow, okay?" "Okay, sure!" "Thank you." "Oh, wait, wait!" "Um, you mentioned something about going..." "Oh, this is perfect, Dre." "Everything we need is in walking distance." "Oh, you know what, we can have lunch together every day at your school, if you wanted to." "Negative!" "Not a chance." "Dre, we are not doing this in Beijing." "Dre, pick up your jacket!" "Mom, I'm tired, okay?" "I have airplane lag." "Airplane..." "It's jet lag." "I know baby, I got it too." "But, we can't go to sleep." "Cause then we'll be up at 2 A.M. You have school tomorrow." "Dre, can you please go find the maintenance man?" "!" "I need to take a shower, and the hot water is broken!" "Yes." "Excuse me." "Um, the maintenance man?" "Mr. Han?" "Thanks." "Mr. Han?" "Me and my mom, we just moved in. 305." "The hot water is not working." "Mr. Han?" "Okay." "Alright I just come back another time." "Or you can just show me how to do it so, I can get out of your hair." "Um, I can always come back if this is bad time." " Hey man, you made it." "Welcome." " Thanks." " You play, right?" "C'mon." " Yeah." " Us three against them four." " All right." "Pass!" "What's up?" "What's up?" "My shooting hand." "Got some jet lag so..." "You know, I'm just..." "You want this?" "You want me to play?" "You know I have no problem beating' old people." "Back where I come from they call me "Ping Pong Dre", alright?" "I'm going to take it easy on you." "Come on, man." "I'm twelve." "He is really good." "I've never seen him lose to anybody." "Yeah." " Dude." "You're gonna talk to her or what?" " To who?" " To her." "The girl you've been staring at." " I wasn't staring at her, dude." "Yeah, you were." " You should go talk to her, unless you're scared?" " I'm not scared of anything." "Then do it." "Go." "Come on." "Right now." "Hey, what's up?" "I forgot." "No English, um..." "What language was that?" "You speak English?" "Me too." " So, what are you listening to?" " Bach." "Bach, I listen to them all the time." "They are tight." "Have you ever heard of this?" "Oh yeah, you like it huh, right?" "!" "Great move, one over here." " Wait, wait it's coming back." " May I touch your hair?" "You want to touch my hair?" "Um..." "Sure." "You shoud be practicing." "I'm practicing." " What you're doing, you won't be needing these." " What's your problem?" "Leave it." "Come on, dude." "I said, leave it." "You want to fight?" " Are you okay?" " Leave me alone." "I'm fine." " Dre, dude..." " Leave me alone." "Dre, are you ready?" "Cause we got to be there in like 20 minutes." "I know, mom." " And you have your uniform on, right?" " Yes, mom." "Don't break any rules on the first day." "Okay, come on, I'm waiting for you." "Wait, you don't have to coming', I mean..." "I can handle it." "Dre, don't be silly, it's your first day." "Plus, we both have to meet the assist principal Mrs. Pong." "I can find her." "You need to get to work, right?" "!" " Are you trying to get rid of me?" " No, mom." "Mrs. Pong." "Hi, Mrs. Pong." " Mrs. Parker, we've been waiting." " I'm so sorry we are late..." "We just flew from Detroit last night..." " And this is my son Dre." " Hello." " We only wear uniforms on Uniform day." " Oh, that's my fault." "I didn't have a chance to read the school packages sent to me." "Will be better tomorrow." " And hats are not permitted." " Yeah, I should've read up on the dress code." " Dre, is that make-up?" "What is that?" " Mom, I ran into a pole." " No, you have a black eye." "You've got into a fight?" " Fighting is not tolerated here." "You heard him, he ran into a pole." "Come here, Dre." " Mom, don't start." " Who did it?" "Nobody mom, I ran into a pole." "I ain't tell you cause I know you would react like this." "Dre, you know I don't play, if somebody hit my baby, I would tear..." "I know mom, that's why I don't tell you stuff." " Just relax, I just ran into a..." " Yeah, yeah, you ran into a pole." "Alright Dre, alright, alright." "Look, go to class, go to class, but we will talk about this later." "Okay?" "Alright, go!" " I love you." " Mom?" "!" "I said I love you." " Okay, I love you too." " Okay, have a good day." " Hi." " Hey!" "You know, we only wear uniforms on Uniform day." "Oh yeah, I still got that one." "Thanks." " I'm Meiying." " I'm Dre." "Sorry about Cheng." "So that's his name?" "!" " Is he your boyfriend?" " No." " Our parents are very close." " He definitely likes you." " I have to go practice." " Wait..." " You eat and practice at the same time?" " Yes." "But, my mom says if you eat standing up, it gives you gas." "You're funny." " Come to fix the hot water." " It's in there." "Kid?" "Kid?" "!" "Did you just hit me in my neck with a toothpaste cap?" "!" "Hot water fine." "Flip switch." "Wait half hour, take shower, flip switch off." "Why don't you just leave it on?" " You leave on in America?" " We don't have a switch in America." "Get switch, Save planet." " What happened to your eye?" " I ran into a pole." "Interesting pole." " Dre?" "!" "I'm back." " That's my mom." "End it, do the handle, it's messed up." " Are you ready for school?" " Yeah." " Hey, let me help you." " They have your favorite cereal here, I found it." "Dre, for the one hundredth time, can you please pick up your jacket?" " One second, mom." " No!" "Not in one second, now!" "This programme is about to be over." "Give me two minutes." "Dre, I don't care!" "Come and pick it up now." " God, how many times do I have to ask you?" " Once." " That's right." "Make it happen." " "What's with you and the jacket?" "!"" " I'm sorry, what was that?" " Nothing." "Okay, just what I thought..." "Nothing." "Thank you." "From the top again." "Okay." "It's enough please." "You are rushing it." "You must play the pauses." "Do you know how important this is for your family?" "What it will mean for your life?" "We have to work this weekend." "I'm calling you father." "We continue." " How that sound?" " Almost like a Chinese." "Yeah, I'm fluent." "And I don't know about that guy was talking about?" "I thought you sounded great." "Thank you." " So, you are practicing for anything?" "Like a show?" " Yes, I have an audition next month..." " For the Beijing Academy of Music." " Beijing Academy of Music." "Sounds important." "You know, their initials spell BAM." "What?" "I gotta go." "Can I touch your hair?" "You're gonna do something?" "Just stay away from us." "All of us." "Baby?" "!" "Dre, are you sleeping?" " Um, can you sign this?" " For the Forbidden City?" "!" "I think it's funny that you have to give my permission to go to the Forbidden City." " Pole in Beijing." " Not funny, mom." "Oh, cut it out, grumpy." "I'm serious, Dre." "This ice cream, I don't know what they do it, but it's more flavoristic." "What?" "Mom, this is you. "Oh my Godness, this ice cream here is so good, and everything in China... is so much better than everything else..." Aw, mom c'mon..." "First of all, I don't sound like that, and I don't move all like that." "You should get some ice cream, sweetie." " Mom, mom, c'mon." " Dre!" "Wait!" "Boy, you won't get running from me?" "!" "Kung Fu." "What do we learn here?" "No weakness!" "No pain!" "No mercy!" "Begin!" " Mom, mom, c'mon, let's go." "C'mon, mom!" " What?" "Dre, we just got here." " Dre, what's going on?" " Nothing." " Dre, what happened?" " Nothing happened." "What is it, you don't want to take that class?" "Whatever Dre, What happened?" "We moved to China!" "That's what happened!" "Okay, stop." "Don't be like that, Dre." "What do you want me to do?" " We've been here less than a week..." " I feel like it's a year!" "I hate it here." "Dre, please let me help you." "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong?" "!" "Oh, please." "You don't care what's wrong!" "All you care about is how happy I am and how great ice cream is." "I'm not happy." "I hate it here!" "I want to go home!" "Dre, we can't go home." "Okay?" "There is nothing left for us in Detroit." "This is what we've got." "This is home." "Gather on here." "Welcome to one of the most popular landmarks in all over China." "It is visited by millions of people every year." "The Forbidden City." "You plaster on for good luck." " I wish someone would just..." " Yeah, me too." " Just tell someone." " Yeah, I got it." "Thanks a lot." "The walls of the palace were reinforced with the bricks, 15 layers deep, to prevent anyone from coming in." " Mr. Parker..." "Is everything okay?" " Oh yes?" "Um..." "Yes, thank you." "Get him." "Come on." "You're fast." "But not fast enough." "He's had enough." "Don't you remember what we learned?" "No weakness." "No pain." "No mercy!" "Go home." " What's up with the light bulbs, Mr. Han?" " Shh!" "I thought you are just a maintenance man?" "You've seen only with your eyes, so you are easy to fool." "It doesn't hurt." "Chauva." "Ancient Chinese healing." "How did you do that up there?" "You like even didn't punch them." "They...beat each other up." "When fighting angry, blind men... best we just stay out of the way." " So, where did you learn Kung Fu?" " From father." "Have you ever taught anybody?" "No." "Would you?" " Depends." " On what?" " Reason." " What about to kick somebody's ass?" "The best fights are the ones we avoid." "What if I wanna avoid getting my ass kicked?" " Stop saying "ass"." " Sorry." "Kung Fu is for knowledge, defense." "Not to make war, but to create peace." "That's not definitely what they're taught." "No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher." "That's great." "I guess we'll just stroll in their school and talk to their teacher." " Good idea." " No, bad idea." "If I go in there, I get my ass kick..." " I'll get beat up." " You got beat up anyway." "Would you go with me?" "No, sorry." " But you said it was a good idea." " For you, bad idea for me." "C'mon, it's not like you should be busy or anything..." "I don't even speak Chinese." "Very sorry." "Okay..." "Whatever." "Wait!" "What are you doing?" "Why did you stop?" "Finish!" "Okay, Mr. Han, let's get out of here." "We do not stop when our enemy is down!" "No mercy." "No mercy in the studio." "No mercy in life." "What are you looking at?" "He's the one that attacked me." "We are here to make peace." "Let your little thing mind himself." "One to one, no problem..." "Six to one, too much to ask of anyone." "I see." "Prepare for match!" "Whoa Mr. Han, does he want us to fight?" "We are not here to fight." "You attack my students and disrespect my studio?" "!" "You want to leave?" "Not so easy." "Master Li..." "You both came here." "One of you fights now." "The boy will fight there." "OPEN KUNG FU TOURNAMENT" "We accept your challenge." "Please instruct your students to leave my boy alone to train." "Attention!" "From now on the little thing is to be left alone... until the tournament." " Understood?" "!" " Yes!" "If he does not show up for the competition..." "I will bring pain to him and you." "So, that go pretty much how you planned it?" "There's good news and bad news." "The good news is they promised to leave you alone." " Really?" " While you prepare." "Prepare for what?" "The tournament." "You'll fight them all, one by one." "Huh?" "So the bad news is now they get to beat me up in public." " Yes." " Great." "Thanks." "Thanks a lot." "They're gonna kill me." "You saw their Kung Fu." "That's not Kung Fu." "That does not represent China." "That bad man teach them really bad things that hurt, a lot." "More good news." "I will teach you real Kung Fu." "Yes." " See you later, mom." " Hey, wait." "This is early for you for a Saturday." " Mr. Han will teach me Kung Fu." " The maintenance man?" "It's China mom, everybody knows Kung Fu." "Dre, you know how do I feel about your fighting." "Kung Fu is not fight mom, it's about making peace with your enemy." " Be careful, Dre." " Yeah." "Mr. Han?" " Mr. Han?" " Back here." "You know you have a car in your living room, Mr. Han?" "Okay, I was thinking about yesterday." "I know I was kinda freaking out about the tournament... but I realized something last night." "I'm an athlete." "My number one asset is I'm fast, okay?" "!" "I'm quick." "I'm quick." "Got the speed." "Cat speed." "You see?" "I'm quick yeah, you see?" "In the US, I used to take gymnastic at PAL, that's Police Athletic League, to check it, right?" "Boom." "You see that?" "My Uncle Reymi used to date that Brazilian girl and he learned Jiu-Jitsu." "And he taught some of it to me." "As like, locks and holds and stuff, it's okay." "Attack me." "You see that?" "Feel that?" "I can break it." "I'm choosing not to." "To press your luck." "It's dangerous." "And he also taught me Capoeira so..." "Can't touch me." "Can't touch..." "Was that antique?" "Pick up your jacket." "So basically Mr. Han, what I'm trying to say is..." "I got a good foundation here." "You know, like I said." "I'm just..." "Might not be as hard to teach me as other people, you know." " Hang it up." " Okay." " Happy now?" " Take it down." " You just..." " Take it down." "Put it on." "Take it off." " I already did all of this." " Take it off." "Can you just tell me, why I'm doing this?" "Take it off." "Hang it up." "Take it down." "Put it on the ground." "Pick it up." "Hang up." "Take it down." "Put it on." "Take it off." "Put it on the ground." "Pick it up." "Hang it up." "Take it down." "Put it on." "Take it off." "Hang it up." "Mr. Han, why do you have a car in your living room?" "No street parking." "Hey!" "So how did it go?" "What you learned?" "Nothing." "Uniform on Uniform day." " You're fighting in the tournament?" " Yeah, how did you hear?" "Everybody knows." " I hope you have a good teacher." " Yeah, me too." "He's a maintenance man." " Can I ask you a question?" " Yes." "Well, I know you're practicing, and I think I'm practicing, I mean, I don't know what I'm doing..." " But, we both kind of practicing, you know and..." " Are you going to that Shi-Shi festival?" "Yeah, I mean, I've missed the Shi-Di Festival since I've been in China." " Go to the Shaolin theater." " Okay." "You want me to meet you?" "Oh, oh, so like Shaolin theater, okay Shi-Fi-Shi festival." "Shaolin theater, okay." "Cool." " When is it again?" " Tomorrow." "The show starts at seven." "Okay." "So tomorrow, Shaolin theater." "Shi-Shi festival at seven." " See you tomorrow." " Shi-Shi festival." " Festival." " Shi-Shi festival." " Okay." " Okay." "Mr. Han?" " Mr. Han, can I come in?" " You may come in." "Where's your jacket?" " I thought, I was warming' up without it." " Go get it." "You want me to go all way back, just to get it?" "Yes, all the way back where you hide it." " This is not right." " What?" "I'm doing it." "No." " Something is missing." " Nothing is missing." "You forgot, this." "Attitude." "Shake it off." "Attitude." "Yes, that's it." "Okay, Mr. Han." "I get it." "I'm sorry." "I shouldn't have treated my mom like that." "You're right." " Put it on the ground." " Hello." "Ow, hey mom." "Um, did you get the tickets?" "Yes, I got the tickets, and I got an extra one for Mr. Han." " But I didn't say..." " Dre, stop it." "Mr. Han, would you like to go with us to the Shi-Shi festival?" "No, thank you." "Too many people." " Yeah, mom." "Way too many people." " Yeah, but I already bought the tickets." " I don't go..." " Mr. Han, I'm not taking "no" for an answer." "You'll have fun." "You need to get out the house, okay?" "Here are your clothes, Dre." "Come on, hurry up and change." "Dre..." "Pick up your jacket!" "You were right Mr. Han, there are a lot of people here." "Chinese Valentine's Day." "Yeah, Mom." "I'm going to go get something to eat, then going to go to the bathroom." "Be back, right here, in 20 minutes." " I love you." " I love you, too." "Be careful. 20 minutes." " 20." " Okay." "I got this, and this for you." "I downloaded this." "It has a very cool violins stuff, and I..." "I thought maybe you could play along and..." "It's not like Bach and... but, I thought maybe you'd like it and..." " So, um, do you have any kids?" " No." "Oh, how's Dre doing?" " Um, Shao Dre making a progress." " Shao Dre?" "Yes, Chinese pollito." "So, um, how many students do you have?" " Including Shao Dre?" " Yeah." "One." "So, what's the show about?" "It's the story of the Goddess... and a boy she loves." "I love this story." "Her mother does not approve of him." "So, she cuts a wide river in the sky to separate them forever." "But once a year, all the birds in the sky... felt sad for them, and they form a bridge." "So the two of them may be together for a single night." "I'll be there at you audition, if you come to my tournament." " Okay, I'll be there." " Pinky swear." "See, you wrap your hands like this." "I swear that I'll be there at your audition, no matter what happens." "And I promise to cheer bigger than anyone else when you win." "What up, Mr. Han?" "Did I say come in?" "Um, I think you did." "I mean..." " Mr. Han, can I please come in?" " Yes." " So, what we are doing today?" " Same." "Mr. Han, I told you." "I get it, okay?" "Be respectful!" "I got it!" "I put my jacket on a thousand times, and I took it off a thousand times, okay?" "This is stupid." "I'm done!" "Let them beat me up, if they want to." "You know why you only have one student?" "'Cause you don't know Kung Fu." " Shao Dre!" " What?" "Come here." " Jacket on!" " Mr. Han, I already..." " Jacket on!" " Jacket on!" " I don't have a jacket..." " Jacket on!" "Be strong." "Jacket on." "Firm." "Jacket off." "Remember... always strong..." "Jacket off." "Strong." "Left foot back." "Right foot back." "Left foot back." "Pick up your jacket!" " Whoa, Mr. ..." " Focus!" " Okay." " Always concentrate." "Left back." "Right foot back." "Pick up your jacket!" "Stay." "Pick up your jacket." "Strong." "Hang it up." "Hang it up." "And attitude!" "Strike!" "Hang up and attitude!" "Harder." "Harder." "Good, but no face." "Jacket off!" "Kung Fu lives in everything we do, Shao Dre." "It lives in how we put on a jacket, and how we take off the jacket." "It lives in how we treat people." "Everything is Kung Fu." " So, why do not we take the Shiroko?" " I don't drive the Shiroko." " Do you have a license?" " Yes." "So you have a license and a car and we're in the train?" " Please, be quiet." " I'm just sayin'... seems like we could've saved a lot of money, don't you think?" " Do you always ask these many questions?" " I'm sorry." "So, what we are learning today?" "Chi." "Eternal Energy." "The essence of life." "It moves inside of us, flows through our bodies." "Give us power from within." "I get it, like the "Force" from Star Wars." "You're Yoda, and I'm like..." "I'm like a Jedi." " Is this where you learned Kung Fu?" " Yes." "Everything good about me was born here." "So Dre, you gotta leave your backpack and skateboard here." " So, where are we going?" " The journey to the top of the mountain." "Tomb of the Dragon Well." "Dragon Well?" "It's probably, closer than it is, I'm looking at it." "Right?" " Are we there yet?" " Soon." " How do you say water in Chinese?" " Shui." "I need some shui." "I'm really thirsty." " I'm thirsty, Mr. Han." " Water on top of the mountain." "Shao Dre." "The journey is complete." " This is the Dragon Well?" " Yes." "I stood here with my father, when I was your age." "He told me that's the magic Kung Fu water." "You drink and nothing can defeat you." "It's the best water I've ever tasted." " Did you see the lady with the snake?" " Yes." "She was doing the Cobra thing." "She was like... copying the snake." "And it was like..." "right here, and she was like..." "You did not watch closely enough, Shao Dre." "The snake was copying the woman." "What?" "I don't get it." "Look." " What do you see?" " Me, well my reflection." " Yes." " Now, what do you see?" " It's blurry." " Yes." "That woman was sliced through water quiet and calm." "In here and in here." "So, the snake reflects her action, like still water." " Like a mirror?" " Yes." "So, she controlled a snake by doing nothing?" "Being still and doing nothing, are two very different things." " She used her Chi on that snake, didn't she?" " Very good." "You gotta teach me that." "How to control people." "There is only one person you need to learn how to control." "Who?" "Empty your mind." "Flow with my movement." "Connect to the energy, around you." " I kinda just want to learn the cobra thing." " Cobra takes a lifetime." " Requires great focus." " But I have great focus?" "!" " Oh my God." "Mr. Han..." " Your focus," " needs more focus." " Mr. Han..." "Thank you, Mr. Han." "There's no such thing as fortune cookies in China." "Dre, please be careful crossing the street." "You just scared the life out of me, the other day." "They have the "right-of-way"." "And the symbols." "I can't get the symbols right on the bathrooms." "And I'm still walkin' into the men's restroom." "The other day I walked in, there was this 90 years old Chinese man, he thought he was getting a little treat." "Dre, please stop that!" "You look crazy!" "Here, eat your noodles!" "Mr. Han, what's goin' on?" "Anticipation." "I can't see..." "Don't see it, feel it." "Dammit, Mr. Han!" "I felt that one!" " Mr. Han." " What?" " Concentrate, okay?" " Okay." "Do I get the stick now?" " Dre, you okay?" " I'm okay." "What's up Mr. Han, what time we are training' tomorrow?" "Shao Dre, we are not training tomorrow." "Why not?" " Wu chi pi fan" " Wu chi pi fan?" "It means: "Too much of something is not good."" "You train a lot, you need to rest." "A day off?" "Yes, Mr. Han!" "Yes!" "Shao Dre needs to rest." "Yes, Mr. Han." "You rest, too." "I love you, Mr. Han." "Peace!" "Are you okay?" " My audition is tomorrow at a six." " Isn't it what you've been practicing for?" " Yes, of course." " Don't worry, you got it." "What if they don't pick me?" "Meiying, wait!" "First of all, I'm going to be there with you." "And B, all you have to do is what your teacher says." "Play the pauses." "It's easy, watch." "You see?" " I have to practice." " Wait." "Wu gi bi fan." "What?" "I'm sorry, I don't think you don't speak Chinese." "Wu gi bi fan." "Too much of good stuff is a bad stuff?" "Ow..." "Wu chi pi fan." "Yeah." "Wu gi bi FUN." " Come on." " Where are we going?" "Have you ever been to the gym?" "C'mon, we are going to have some fun." "Come on, I know you want to go have some fun!" "Okay, that's going to give you some serious gas." " What do you see?" " Me." " Now, what do you see?" " Me." "Go, come on." "You're dancing machine." "That was pretty good!" "Here comes, round two." "You're hot." "That's like American dancing." "Like, you should have a group." "No." "With like, other people in it dancing behind you, doin' the same stuff." " The audition, it was changed to today." " But they said, it's tomorrow." "Something happened." "It is in 20 minutes." "My father is coming to get me." "Hey, she's like totally going to get it, right, because that was just great." "Hey!" "That was fantastic." "That was..." "You just..." "You played so beautifully, and..." "We can no longer be friends." "You are bad for my life." "See you at the tournament." "Don't be late for that." "Mr. Han!" "Mr. Han!" "We'll not train today." " What are you doing?" " It's July 8th." "Why did you wreck the car?" "His name was Kang Kang." "Shao Dre, how old are you?" "Twelve." "He was ten." "He was so beautiful." "Her name was Xiang." "She was a singer." "Not professional." "She sang only for me." "What happened?" "There was a steep hill." "Lots of rain." "The car, it just..." "I was driving." "We argued about something." "I was so angry." "I lost control." "I try to remember... but I can not remember what we're argued about." "I hope it was something important." "Every year, I fix the car." "But still fix nothing." "Mr. Han!" "Win or lose, doesn't matter." "Fight hard." "Earn respect." "The boys leave you alone." "I have a present for you." "Oh!" "Mr. Han." "This is the one Bruce Lee had." "Great." "Thank you." "You have taught me a very important lesson, Shao Dre." "Life will knock us down, but we can choose, whether or not, to get back up." "You're the best friend I've ever had, Mr. Han." "Okay." "Wait!" "Can you help me with something?" "Dre?" "Is your dad home?" "Sir..." "My name is Dre Parker." "My actions have brought dishonor to your family." "Your daughter has been a great friend to me." "And from her I have learned that a true friend is a person who makes your life better." "But, if you give me a second chance I promise that I will be the best friend your daughter has ever had." "That's it." "My daughter told me that she made a promise to be at your tournament." "In our family, we do not break our promises." "Good luck!" "Thank you." "Rock and roll." "Let the tournament begin!" "Shao Dre, you're up." " What's that?" " The rule book." " You don't know the rules?" " Of course I know the rules, it's simple." "You hit him, and don't let him hit you." "What?" "Mr. Han, they're going to kill me." "Two points to win." "Win it two times." "Go." "Focus." "Focus." "That's a warning." "You cannot run off the mat." "Next time you lose a point." "Go." " Be strong." " Come on, Dre." " Good job." "Next time, no face." " I'm sorry, I can't help it." "The next point winner." "Come on, baby." "Dre Parker advances to the semi-finals!" "From now on, the semi-final matches, three points to win." "Be kinda hot if I won this thing, huh, Mr. Han?" " Be kinda hot if you focused." " Yeah, well, after that." "And now the 1st semi-final of the evening." "TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS SEMI-FINAL" "First round:" "Cheng Vs." "Wu Ping." "Cheng advances to final." "Next semi-final:" "Introducing Fighting Dragon Liang and the surprising finalist, Dre Parker." "Empty your mind." "Focus." "You're disqualified!" "Are you okay?" "He's done." "I'm sorry, you should not continue." "You've brought honor to your family." "The doctor says, you did great." " You okay, baby?" " Yeah, I'm okay." "Dre Parker has 2 minutes to return to the match." "If he's unable to return the Fighting Dragons win by default." "Can you guys give us a second?" "Yeah, okay." "Sure baby, whatever you need." "Do you think I could have won?" "Win or lose doesn't matter, Shao Dre." "You know that's not what I mean." "Yes, I think you had a good chance." "So, let's do the fiery cup thing." "You don't need to fight anymore." "You have proven everything you need to prove." "What, that I can get beat up easy, and then quit?" "That's not balance, that's not real Kung Fu." "You said, when life knocks you down, you could choose whether or not to get back up." "Well, I'm tryin' to get back up." "And why won't you help me?" "Because..." "I cannot watch you get hurt anymore." "Please, Mr. Han." "Please." "Just tell me, Shao Dre." "Why?" "Why you need to go back out there so badly?" "Because I'm still scared." "No matter what happens tonight when I leave I don't want to be scared anymore." "Since Dre Parker has not returned to the ring..." "Dre Parker will fight!" "Shao Dre?" "Come on, Dre." "You can do this, Dre." " You okay?" " Yes, I'm okay." "No mercy." "The score is tied." "The next point wins!" "I'm so proud of you." | {
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"Come on." "Start crying." "Come on." "Is he alright?" "Come on." "Start crying." "Come on." "Cry!" "God!" "He's going to kill him!" "I always dreamed of having a brother... but didn't have such luck." "My mother was told she couldn't have more children so there I was, in a room full of toys... and no one to share them with." "Being born is the most painful feeling in your life... even though they say you don't ever remember it." "I do because my ass got kicked the minute I was born... and it's been the same during the 13 years of my life." "JULY, 1963" "I couldn't make friends either." "They were always out to get me." "I was soon overcome by fear." "I felt like a soldier pushed into a dead end ambush." "To top it off, I was always the new kid in class." "My dad changed jobs every year." "Every new school was to me... like being sentenced to an army camp." "So I grew up collecting bruises and scars... from the Northern bullies... and with no one to stick up for me." "One day I made a choice that changed my life:" "... to become invisible." "And I made it, not before finding out... the most vital rules of survival." "Rule number 1 was basic." "Not to fight." "Everyone's stronger than you." "A punch hurts, but not as much as a kicking." "Rule number 2 was fundamental." "Who hit you?" "Not to snitch." "Who?" "Snitching will not be forgiven." "Snitching can have deadly consequences." "And rule number 3 was vital." "Not to cry." "They want you to cry, that's why they hit you." "Not to fight, not to snitch, and not to cry." "Three golden rules I swore to keep or die... but never to break." "However, I knew I had to get ready for a war... which was bound to happen sooner or later." "MY HERO" "I am sick of listening to you two... singing along with Mocedades!" "Some trip!" "Sure, bore us to death with football." "SEVILLA, SEPTEMBER, 1975." "It was early autumn when we moved to the South that year." "Even though my dad worked for a prestigious store... we were like gypsies, always on the move." "All we needed were castanets... sherry and flamenco dancers." "That night, my dear box of secrets seemed to be... warning me about something that was going to happen." "At dawn, I sensed a hard battle approaching... so I renewed my vows... as I did at every change of destination." "Remember the rules, Ramón." "Don't ever break them." "No matter what happens." "Financial damage." "That is the real problem, boys." "We are the world's number 1 country in tourism." "Our agricultural system is well developed." "Our cars are in high demand and are starting to compete... with top American and German models." "Europe fears us in terms of economy... and let's cut the crap..." "We do have a Democracy." "Our One Party Democracy... is the most advanced political system in the West." "Here's our dear Principal!" "Morning, Don Félix!" "Morning everyone!" "Morning, Don Matías!" "I'm interrupting just for a minute... to introduce a new student." "His name is Ramón Crespo Boronat." "He's just arrived from Burgos... and I hope that we will soon make him feel at home." "So, kiddo..." "From Burgos, right?" "Land of blood sausage and good people." "Watch this lot, they won't make it easy for you here." "Which soccer team do you like, Betis or Sevilla?" "Answer to Don Félix." "Did a cat eat your tongue?" "Tell us." "Which one of the two?" "Both." ""Both"." "Shut up, prick!" "You have a speech impediment." "Be quiet!" "That's enough!" "Go on, there is an empty desk." "Thank you, Don Félix." "He is in your care." "Where are you from, posh kid?" "Burgos?" "Is there where they taught you to speak like that?" "Bloody Northerners!" "Real!" "Show some respect, we're still in class!" "The other day, we studied society's primeval... and foundational nucleus..." "Falling bombs, whistling bullets:" "It was D Day." "My greatest war was beginning that September morning." "The new school seemed softer than the ones in the North." "The weather was milder... but the enemies were meaner savages." "There were only four really bad ones... but they seemed like twenty to me... because they belonged to a bloodthirsty group..." "I had never faced before:" "The "repeaters"." "David Feijoo Martínez." "David, the leader." "Yeah." "Almost 14." "The class veteran." "Nothing gets done without his approval." "Respected and feared by all." "Antonio José Real del Prado." "Antonio José, the Rat." "Present." "A nasty loudmouth." "A true Andalusian demon... whose twisted and evil curses just roll off his tongue." "He's the oldest of them all... but, since he's been smoking since he was eight... he hasn't grown tall." "Rafael Soldevilla Antúnez." "The rich kid of the gang." "Rafa." "His good looks are only matched by his stupidity." "He's the most dangerous of them all." "He brags about his father being a big shot... and his mother picking him up in their car." "Daniel Ortega Alvarez." "Ortega is..." "Ortega." "He's different." "The peaceful type." "With a mysterious air about him... wrapped up in an old trench coat... which I couldn't understand." "Wanker, you're just a wanker!" "See you, posh kid!" "Love is resisting the selfish impulse we all feel... to satisfy our senses." "Romantic love." "Married couples embody the love Jesus has for us." "Boys, do you ever get tired of messing about?" "Mention another novel by Galdós." "Before the day is over." "A novel by Galdós?" "You mean a novel?" "Not poems or stories, right?" "Stories is what you're always telling, Soldevilla." "Go back to your desk, and apply yourself... or else you'll fail my class this term." "Let's start today with Mr Feijoo." "Stand up, please." "Do you carry your books from home to school every day?" "Would you please say it again?" "In French, please." "Remember this is a French class." "Jene "got a clue"." "Hi, you posh kid!" "Where are you going so fast?" "Home." "Let me go!" "Well, well..." "He can talk." "And I thought he was dumb!" "Do you want us to fix your pretty face?" "What's up, you little fanny?" "What a hard case!" "He didn't like it." "Cool it, mate." "That's what we call our friends." "Since we were nippers!" "And you are one of us." "Sure, man." "Right, little fanny?" "Where are you going, posh kid?" "Don't you know this is the border?" "Where's your passport?" "It was a bleak autumn." "My life in the trenches was spent rushing... from class to class, trying to avoid the unavoidable." "I only had some rest when I made it to my shelter:" "Home sweet home." "And only on weekends was there a truce." "Moncho, son, what a racket!" "All week moaning about not going out... and you're still not dressed?" "What's that?" "Not again!" "I know it's hard at first... but you have to make an effort." "We're staying in Sevilla, aren't we?" "I've spoken to Dad." "No more moving and traveling." "We're looking around to buy a house." "Get dressed." "I'll tell you later." "It's a beautiful day out." "Listen to the wise words of Watercloud." "Today, the spirits of our ancestors... are here with us to fight." "Warriors, remember the ancient powers... which make things happen." "Me fight and win." "You are like old ladies of tribe:" "Much talk and little action." "Let's play." "No play." "Time has come:" "Fight." "Tomorrow, Monday, war continues." "First rule: "Not to fight"." "You know that." "When will you change?" "I never told you the story of old General?" "What General?" "General Custer." "Watercloud becoming old." "So many years telling stories... now not know which one he told or which one not." "Was he as big and mean as they say?" "No, he was a dwarf, but he always rode horse." "Enemy bigger with power." "With no power look like ant." "But he defeated you." "Don't ask warrior to defeat, just to fight." "Show courage." "Face them." "You have power in your hands." "They'll make mincemeat out of me, Watercloud." "Power of Rain and power of Sun, same power." "What does your heart want?" "To become invisible, you know it." "And no more traveling." "I'm fed up." "Traveling stops when warrior calls rain from heart." "You then become a being with light." "You get power from the gods." "That day you fly away unseen." "Feel strength of wind." "Start your journey free." ""Beaucoup de temps" is commonly used in France." "And it means "a lot of time"." "Are you in a rush?" "Where are you going, you wanker?" "Son of a bitch!" "You bastard!" "Come here, you fucking son of a bitch!" "Fucking bastard!" "What's the hurry, posh kid?" "You posh kid!" "They were picking on the boy?" "So he can't take a joke and he busts his nose!" "It's not that serious." "You're to easy on him, Anal" "Watercloud..." "Watercloud, where are you?" "Power of Rain, power of Sun, invisible powers... make something happen so I don't get punished... so I don't get expelled... so the "repeaters" don't gun me down." "Let the miracle happen tomorrow or I am a dead man." "Shut up or I'll tell Don Matías!" "Gentlemen, I must tell you something... that I wish I never had to tell you." "General Franco is dead." "All classes are canceled till next week." "Children!" "That's enough!" "Watercloud was right." "The forces of Rain and Sun had been unleashed." "Breaking the first rule gave me the power... to perform the miracle." "I had killed Franco." "The veil was pulled off and things fell into place." "Now I understood it all." "Children's stories were really... a secret coded language which told a terrible truth." "There are secret and occult powers... that even a 12 year old kid can use to change the world." "By grasping this new dimension in my life..." "I saw a huge, mysterious ocean spreading before me." "My head was swarming with thoughts... which were too difficult to put into words." "That week I felt at peace, for the first time in my life." "I recovered my strength, free from the harassment... of the enemy, and I discovered new things." "I discovered quite a lot." "SWITCH TO COLOUR" "But the long truce was about to end." "The "repeaters" were around the corner... thirsting for revenge." "It was in l666 when Newton first conducted his experiments... on the nature of light." "Newton made a beam of light enter a dark room." "THE DICTATOR IS DEAD" "He made a hole in the blind so that... the beam would obliquely strike a glass prism." "Bye, Ramón." "Juan, move it, man." "Bloody hell!" "It's heavy, damn it!" "You really smacked Rafa good." "Sorry, I didn't want to hurt him." "No, you did well." "Rafa is a little asshole." "But isn't he your friend?" "So?" "He's still an asshole." "And a bastard?" "And a bastard." "And a son of a bitch?" "See you tomorrow, fanny." "Don't you play football, fanny?" "No, I don't like it." "Your dad's never taken you to a match?" "My old man doesn't trust anyone... who doesn't like football." "Mine says if I go on like this... he'll send me to a boarding school." "Same old story." "What's she doing here?" "Did she see us?" "Who?" "Rafa's stupid sister." "I don't want to be seen with you." "Bye." "Was it you who hit my brother?" "Yeah." "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to hurt him." "He's an idiot." "I'm sure he deserved it." "Why did David run off?" "He was in a hurry." "I hope you haven't become his friend." "Me?" "Yes, you." "Something wrong?" "No." "...free men and women..." "You aren't interested in my class at all, are you?" "Fine." "Let's talk about something you like a lot." "Come on, don't clamp up now." "What?" "Nice drawing, Ortega." "Let's have a different lesson... in a free and democratic way." "Let's talk about something close to your hearts for once... but let's do it properly." "You can ask anything you want." "SEX" "Why don't you ask something?" "Come on!" "How many wankers do you have a day?" "Two." "Bullshit!" "Well..." "One." "Yeah, like fuck!" "You don't." "Yes I do, I swear." "I've done it." "I know someone who once did it seven times in a day." "Seven?" "It has to be Ortega." "He's an animal." "It's a power he was born with!" "I mean, it's not normal." "Do you know we all have powers?" "Yes, Watercloud told me that." "Who?" "A friend who lives in Santiago." "We all have a gift." "And what's yours?" "I can cry whenever I want." "Tell me to cry and I'll cry." "I've never cried and I don't plan to." "You're crackers." "I haven't." "Don't you feel bad?" "Are you kidding?" "I put it on, it's like acting." "It's handy when I'm caught cheating in an test... or to con my folks." "I've never cried for real." "Do you want me to show you?" "What do you think?" "You're unbelievable." "No, Ortega's unbelievable!" "Seven wanks in one day." "What a stud!" "He does it in class, looking at the Mademoiselle." "Why do you think he wears a trench coat?" "My secret friendship with David grew stronger each day." "The new year brought me the best gift..." "I could ever imagine:" "A friend at last." "But I didn't want to get my hopes up." "My old man keeps his cab here." "My brother takes it sometimes." "So will I, once I get my license." "Do they allow you to be here alone?" "Fucking right they do!" "We can come here whenever you want." "Come." "Come here!" "I'm going to show you something very special." "Whoa!" "Sit down, man." "Look, genuine playboy magazines... straight from "La France"." "Shit!" "How do you get them?" "My brother's friend, Curro... lives there and he brings them." "She's hornier than Paloma." "Have you tongued her yet?" "What are you talking about?" "I've only seen her twice." "You're a wanker." "Twice is all I need with girls." "The first time I give them a snug... to put them in the mood." "And the second time I grab their tits." "What then?" "Then." "I bring them here and I shag them." "What the fuck is he doing here?" "Don't ever come here again, son of a bitch!" "Got it?" "What's all the fuss about?" "Come here, fanny!" "Come here!" "That was out of order, Rafita." "The little fanny is staying." "We're playing a hand of cards." "This is my old man's place and I say who comes here." "Got it?" "If you don't like it you can lump it." "Fucking Rafa can be a total prick at times." "Well said, Rat." "God, Monchito, you scared me!" "Mom, Dad, look!" "How about a color TV this year?" "And a slave to fan you!" "You do sell them in Galerías." "Do you like Mocedades?" "Yes, a lot." "So do..." "So does my mom." "She has all their records." "One of them's signed!" "Really?" "She went to a concert in Bilbao." "I lived there a year, in Galicia, too... and in lots of other places." "I can show it to you some time." "Fine." "Tomorrow." "Do you know the María Luisa Park?" "There's a fountain..." "What are you doing?" "Let's go." "Watch it, fanny, you'll kill yourself!" "Sevilla's fighting for democratic rights!" "Have you noticed Mateo's folder?" "The one he never let's go of?" "They say he's got French magazines... and banned books in it." "That are illegal." "My brother says they'll soon be available here too." "They were banned because Franco, the great fag... as my dad calls him, hated women." "But things will change now." "The king is a great shagger... and he is mad about women." "Do you get the idea?" "Soon you'll be grabbing Paloma's tits with no worries." "What are you talking about?" "I'm telling you." "Sexual freedom is at hand." "Let's see if the king's also got the balls... for something else and does what he should." "And what is that?" "What the fuck do I know?" "That's what my dad says." "Look, it's Sarmiento." "Where have you been this Christmas, pal?" "Hello, Paloma." "Hello." "Did you get a lots of presents?" "Clothes and some other stuff." "Well..." "See you then!" "The other day we didn't arrange to meet." "They're showing a Western film at the Cervantes." "Do you like Westerns too?" "I prefer romantic films, but Westerns are OK." "That's funny, just like Mocedades." "What sign are you?" "Leo." "Same as me!" "FRIENDSHIP:" "YOUR FRIEND IS YOUR BROTHER EVEN IF HE FAILS YOU" "...EVEN IF HE FUCKS YOU" "Today is big day." "Today you kiss Paloma." "Show warrior is on command." "To kiss, putting tongue in female mouth... is sweet, like smell of wild berry." "I don't know." "Remember..." "Very important!" "After smelling wild berry you pluck from tree ripe fruit." "I wouldn't dare." "Then you pull her hair." "Shut up, don't be a savage!" "Me no shut up." "Warriors scared of females are no warriors." "Well, that's me." "A chicken, a sissy, OK?" "Leave me alone!" "Remember..." "You have powers." "But powers no good if no courage." "If you want kiss, kiss today." "If not, your Paloma will fly to your friend David." "What are you talking about?" "David is my friend." "My friend!" "Do you understand, you ignorant Indian?" "Hello, Paloma." "Hello." "It's hot, isn't it?" "Have you been waiting long?" "No, not at all." "Rocío called me." "She's going skating to the Alameda." "Can you skate?" "No, I always fall down." "You're a bit clueless for some things, aren't you?" "Yes, for some things." "But, not for others." "Oh, yeah?" "So what are you good at?" "Well..." "I can kiss..." "I can kiss a pretty girl like you." "Thank you, Ramón!" "You do know how to say nice things when you want to." "Would you..." "Would you like me to kiss you?" "Well, I don't know." "OK, that's it." "And now what?" "Well..." "Would you mind if if I felt your tits?" "Were you born stupid or do you just try hard?" "Remember when we spoke about friendship... and about the importance of being tolerant?" "Can you tell me what's so funny?" "Let's have another democratic lesson." "OK." "You have the floor." "Antonio José." "Mateo, do priests..." "Do they masturbate?" "Antonio José..." "As they say in my home land:" ""A callar lo que no se habla"." "Sit down, you rascal." "Nice one, you rat!" "Yes." "Can a priest fall in love with a woman?" "No." "A priest can't fall in love with a woman... because a priest is in love with all women and all men... and all grandfathers, all children, everyone." "Yes, Miguel?" "Why can't you be a priest and a communist?" "And who told you that you can't?" "Don Félix, the National Spirit teacher." "I see." "And what else has Don Félix told you?" "Yes." "That he doesn't want communists in this school." "And?" "That they'll have to be kicked out of Spain... because they bring war and division." "Look, lads." "I don't know if you'll understand... what I'm going to tell you." "In this country, the truth hasn't been told... for a long time..." "Because people, like Don Félix, lie on purpose." "Because Don Félix is a Fascist." "Do you know what a Fascist is?" "It's time you knew the truth about some things." "I'm going to explain to you what Fascism is... what Christian Democracy is... what Communism is, under one condition:" "Whatever I say here can't go beyond these walls." "Do you agree?" "If you snitch, I could be fired." "In fact, until just yesterday..." "I might even have been locked up." "Can I trust you?" "Fine." "Lads..." "The time has come to fight." "We'll fight peacefully, but it will still be a fight." "No one can stop it... not even the king himself, if he wants to rule... because it's everybody's fight... and it's already going on." "You ask me: "Can you be a priest and a communist?"" ""Can you be a priest and fight for justice?"" "You can and you must!" "And what are we fighting for?" "We're fighting so our friends who are in prison... because of their beliefs, may come back home." "And we're fighting so kids like you... who study in these schools, are not told so many lies." "We must fight!" "We must fight for what so many in Europe... have struggled for through this century." "We must fight for a constitution... and free elections." "We must fight so the outside world stops... giving us the cold shoulder, and so equality... freedom and dignity take their place here." "POWER OF THE PEOPLE" "ALL FOR DEMOCRAC Y" "THE DICTATOR IS DEAD" "BURGOS AGAINST FASCISM" "Fascists, pricks..." "Suck or dicks!" "Freedom, freedom!" "Come here, fanny!" "What are you doing?" "Planning the revolution." "Ortega... our hymn." "You look shagged out today." "How many wanks today, you fucker?" "I nicked it off my brother." "Here, drink!" "Come on, mate, drink!" "No..." "Drink, fuck, don't be a pussy!" "That's my fanny!" "Come here, I'm going to snug you." "Get off, you dirty twat!" "Don't you make me puke!" "Where are you going?" "We haven't even started." "Pack it in!" "Like Mateo says, the time has come to fight." "For Andalusía!" "Yes!" "For amnesty!" "Yes!" "For freedom!" "Yes!" "Who wants to fight?" "We do!" "What's the matter, Ramón?" "He's a chicken." "Liar!" "Then prove it." "Let's see if Northerners have balls." "Yeah!" "He has to grab Mademoiselle's ass." "What are you doing, you fat pig?" "Get up!" "Hold it!" "I've got a better idea." "He's got to fuck up someone who's been screwing... and conning us forever." "Someone who takes away our freedom." "Yes!" "Who splits us up." "Yes!" "Who deserves to be punished." "Yes!" "Good evening, Don Félix." "Good evening, everyone." "First, we must make a pact of silence." "This stays between us." "Anyone who talks gets his balls cut off." "OK?" "Who has it?" "Here it is." "What's wrong?" "You knew you'd have to do it, didn't you?" "Prove that you're one of us." "Right, David?" "I bet a dollar he won't dare." "Rat, you've never seen a dollar!" "Let us know and we'll come to visit her." "Alright." "He's a pussy." "He's got no balls." "Will you shut up?" "See you tomorrow." "Good night." "Shit!" "He's coming, let's go!" "Who's there?" "Do you think it's OK that he shows up at this hour... with everything that's going on?" "If you don't speak to him now, I'll do it myself!" "Stop shouting, will you?" "Ramón, do you hear me?" "Yes, I'm not deaf." "Don't get cocky or you'll get it." "Stop that music, I'm sick and tired!" "Come on, son, let's talk like in the old times." "Maybe I didn't want to realize... that you're not a kid anymore." "The way we've lived, always on the move... made time go faster." "I should've explained some things to you... but no one explained them to me either." "No one would talk at home." "We had peace, which was all we needed... as your grandma used to say." "I also had my dreams, but I met your dad..." "I got married I dropped out..." "I think I'm happy." "Today, while I was tidying up your room I saw these." "I don't know what's going to happen... but I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." "You may not know it, but you could get us into trouble." "A big trouble, son." "I'm sorry, but I'll have to throw it away." "I won't say anything to your dad." "He'd go berserk!" "Come on, Rat." "Well done!" "Get away, you shit scared wanker!" "You're as thick as pigshit!" "Go fuck yourself!" "I'm sorry." "I was very nervous." "I didn't think you would mind." "Didn't you?" "What do you take me for?" "I brought you a present, so you'll forgive me." "Wait here." "I'm getting it right now." "Last night someone slashed one of Don Félix's tires." "We have a police report." "We know it was you." "Police?" "That's right, kid." "What did you think?" "The police inspector is a close friend of mine." "The police tells us everything." "Where do you think you're going?" "Let me go!" "You're not going anywhere, bastard!" "Let me go, you Fascist!" "Crespo, sit down!" "Come on." "I don't think you made up that word on your own." "Am I wrong?" "That's enough!" "Listen to me, kid." "I don't know who has been poisoning your minds." "If your folks are communists... not only will you be expelled... but your father may also be in for it." "Not my parents!" "Talk freely, Ramón." "No one will know what you say here." "No one will pay for it." "It will only save you and your parents from trouble from very serious trouble." "Tell us." "Who's been telling you I am a Fascist?" "No one." "Who?" "I'll find out and then it'll be worse." "You think I won't find out, you son of a bitch?" "My patience is wearing thin." "One day..." "Mateo told us..." "Mateo!" "Father Mateo, or course!" "Not him..." "Well..." "He just..." "You'd better tell us everything." "Go on, talk." "Since the beginning." "He told us that during the dictatorship in Spain... a lot of lies were told... because Fascists were in charge." "Fascists like Don Félix." "It was my own voice... but I couldn't believe it was me talking." "I regretted it as soon as I started... but it was too late." "I had gone too far." "Too many things were changing in my life that year." "I was breaking my second rule and I swear..." "I was about to break the third one right there and then." "But I held my tears." "It was the only sacred thing I had left." "Well, boys, don't be surprised to see me." "For a few weeks, I'll be teaching you..." "Religious Studies, until a new priest joins in... not an activist who infiltrated the Church." "Today we shall study an important principle:" "The Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church." "Open your books on page 35." "Page 35." "Catholic Church." "Am I speaking in Greek?" "Page 35." "Catholic Church." "For fuck's sake!" "Son of a bitch!" "Yes?" "Come in." "Did you want to see me?" "Do you have to go to prison?" "Fortunately those times are coming to an end." "Sooner or later this will be just a memory... a shameful one, but just a memory." "That's why many have risked their lives." "You too?" "Not me, but many others." "Look." "A student from the late 50's." "I met him in 1969." "I had just arrived from Barcelona." "It was at an assembly." "I'll never forget." "I was impressed by his speech, and we became friends." "Who is it?" "The hope of many people." "And he's not alone." "I have a gift for you." "A special gift." "PLAYING THE GUITAR" "But..." "How do you know I like...?" "Because I'm also a musician." "You, too?" "Me, too." "What's wrong?" "Has Paloma chucked you out?" "I have to tell you something." "I was the one who snitched on Mateo." "What?" "They were going to expel me." "You're a fucking snitch!" "I was alone." "They threatened me." "They said my parents would pay for it." "You fucking snitch!" "Don't you ever talk to me again!" "I don't want to see you ever again." "Get out!" "Out!" "Listen!" "You're lucky I'm not telling the Rat and the others." "Fascist!" "Son of a bitch!" "Freedom!" "Amnesty!" "Laws!" "What are you doing here?" "Go home, kid." "Fascists!" "Bastards!" "Will we go to prison?" "I don't think so." "They'd have to convict us... and they're doing it less and less." "So then, why are you hiding?" "Are you scared?" "Yes." "But being scared can't stop us." "We have to go on, no matter what... until we achieve it." "Achieve what?" "Freedom, kid." "They're showing that film, "Love Story"." "They say it's good." "Let's go if you want, but don't be shocked." "They don't edit bedroom scenes out anymore." "Is that what you and your friend David like to see?" "What's wrong with that?" "You're such pigs, you've got one track minds!" "It's normal at this age." "Says who?" "Your smart friend, David?" "No, Mateo, the priest who teaches Religion." "Well, the one who used to..." "The one who's been dismissed for being a communist." "So what's wrong with that?" "I don't know!" "I don't understand!" "According to my dad... whoever gets into trouble is a communist." "Like you, right?" "What?" "Slashing Félix's car tire!" "Rafa!" "I heard it when he told my dad." "He said he tried to persuade you not to do it... but you wouldn't listen." "The next day my dad called the school." "You must have gotten a real roasting." "Listen, I haven't told you anything." "Your brother's a shithead." "Don't trust Rafa." "He had it in for you." "Let's go." "Listen, I am a pig and a son of a bitch." "I swear I can't sleep since that day... but I'd never have snitched if Rafa hadn't grassed me up." "Who told you that?" "Paloma." "He was the one who told about the tire, not the police." "I fell for it like an idiot and I shit myself." "Rafa did it just to fuck me, to get even." "You know I'm telling the truth." "Why?" "Because I'm your friend." "You?" "My friend?" "Bollocks!" ""Your friend is your brother..." ""even if he fucks you."" "Fine, I believe you." "Snitch!" "You'll have to prove it to me." "I'll prove it to you." "You keep out of it." "One more thing." "Please, don't ever call me a Fascist again." "OK, mate." "Got it." "Son of a bitch!" "Bastard!" "Dirty snitch!" "You've gone too far again." "Keep out, Rat." "This is between us." "It's my turn now." "Hit him!" "Go on, fanny!" "Dirty snitch!" "Filthy swine!" "Get up, fanny!" "Come on, give it to him!" "Son of a bitch!" "I'll be frank with you." "I've been asked to expel him from school." "Don Matías, I know how serious this is." "But I'd like to ask you a favor." "Let the boy finish the school year." "It's almost over." "I'd like him to complete it." "Anyway, next year he won't be here." "We're leaving Sevilla." "Any problem, Don Arturo?" "On the contrary." "I've been unexpectedly promoted... to floor manager in the Madrid branch of Galerías..." "I was just notified." "We're moving in July." "Please, do whatever you can." "I promise it won't happen again, right, Ramón?" "Ramón!" "This is the end." "What end?" "Mine." "Ours." "Look out!" "We have little time." "Our destiny is written." "Goodbye, Ramón." "Run!" "Get away!" "Not get away." "It's time to join spirit of Blowing Wind." "Watercloud, you can't go away now." "Follow you path, Ramón, go on with no fear." "When Rain of Heart comes you see me again." "You have power in your hands." "What are you doing?" "Watercloud, no!" "Crespo, stand up, please." "Where are you going to spend your holidays this summer?" "I don't know." "In French, please." "What the hell do I know?" "I'm sick and tired!" "I can't take it anymore!" "Sit down." "Sit down!" "Boys..." "I feel I've wasted the year..." "I've wasted my time." "Use whatever time you have now... to go over the vocabulary for the final exam on Friday." "Excuse me, I'm not feeling well." "I don't want you to be sad, Mademoiselle." "I want to thank you on behalf of my classmates." "Thank you, Mademoiselle." "Thank you for being the way you are." "I love French thanks to you." "I'll never forget this year with you." "Never." "Thank you, Brigitte." "Thank you very much, Ortega." "Sit down, please." "Leave me alone." "I'm leaving Seville." "Good." "For what I care, you can go to hell!" "But Paloma..." "How dare you talk to me after... what you have done to my brother?" "He deserved it." "I tell you one more thing:" "I did it all by myself." "You tell me, as if you were proud of it." "You went way too far!" "Bugger off!" "Excuse me." "This has nothing to do with us, right?" "Get lost!" "We're one short." "Don't you want to play?" "Leave me alone." "You're pissed off because Paloma's dumped you." "Will you listen to me?" "Forget that girl!" "Why should I?" "Because I say so." "Don't worry." "I won't see her again." "I'm going away forever to Madrid, you know?" "Another fucking town, another fucking school." "To start all over again." "My folks do their own thing." "They just don't understand." "Who understands me?" "Not even you." "Sure I do, mate." "What?" "Should we start crying?" "I would if I could but you would be faking it." "You'd be putting it on." "I'm sorry you're leaving." "Very sorry." "Really." "Before I leave..." "I have to give you back your Triana record." "I'll bring it later." "It's okay." "Just listen." "I do want to ask you something." "When they ask you in Madrid, don't even hesitate:" "You're a Betis supporter, fanny." "My team, mate." "Betis, the best!" "I was waiting for you, son." "Give me a hand with these boxes, Moncho." "My name is not Moncho or Monchito." "My name is Ramón." "I'm nearly 13 now." "Alright, Ramón." "Don't get upset." "Will you give me a hand?" "I'm not helping you this time." "I have other things to do." "I had no powers... and I knew I'd never have them in my fucking life." "My third rule was also broken." "I was lost, finished... not knowing what to do or where to go." "The war was over." "I'm glad to see you." "It's starting." "Are you going to teach again?" "No." "That's also part of the change." "Why don't you tell me about it?" "You wouldn't understand." "Try me!" "What if I told you I was also in love once?" "Really?" "You, too?" "Me, too." "But we'll talk about me some other day." "It'll have to be soon." "My dad's being transferred to Madrid." "I don't want to go." "You'll be back." "Mateo..." "I have to tell you something." "I'm the one who..." "Who snitched." "I know." "Don Félix told me." "Don't worry." "They fired me thanks to you." "I didn't have the guts." "The guts to do what?" "So, you knew it and you aren't mad at me?" "No." "You are my friend, Ramón." "A true friend." "Remember what we used to say in class?" ""Your friend is your brother..." ""...even if he fucks you."" "Stop the car!" "Want to get out to say goodbye?" "Are you sure?" "Translation Subtitles Dialogue Replacement Services Miami, FL" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[ Horn Honks ]" "[ Shawn Narrating ] The life of a playwright is tough." "It's not easy, as some people seem to think." "You work hard writing plays, and nobody puts them on." "You take up other lines of work to try to make a living" "I became an actor- and people don't hire you." "So you just spend your days doing the errands of your trade." "Today I'd had to be up by 1 0.:00 in the morning... to make some important phone calls." "Then I'd gone to the stationery store to buy envelopes." "Then to the Xerox shop." "There were dozens of things to do." "By 5.:00 I'd finally made it to the post office... and mailed off several copies of my plays... meanwhile checking constantly with my answering service... to see if my agent had called with any acting work." "In the morning, the mailbox had just been stuffed with bills." "What was I supposed to do?" "How was I supposed to pay them?" "After all, I was already doing my best." "I've lived in this city all my life." "I grew up on the Upper East Side... and when I was 1 0 years old I was rich, I was an aristocrat... riding around in taxis, surrounded by comfort... and all I thought about was art and music." "Now I'm 36, and all I think about is money." "It was now 7.:00... and I would have liked nothing better than to go home and have my girlfriend Debby... cook me a nice, delicious dinner." "But for the last several years our financial circumstances... have forced Debby to work three nights a week as a waitress." "After all, somebody had to bring in a little money." "So I was on my own." "But the worst thing of all was that I'd been trapped by an odd series of circumstances... into agreeing to have dinner with a man I'd been avoiding literally for years." "His name was André Gregory." "At one time he'd been a very close friend of mine... as well as my most valued colleague in the theater." "In fact, he was the man who had first discovered me... and put one of my plays on the professional stage." "When I'd known André, he'd been at the height ofhis career as a theater director." "The amazing work he did with his company, the Manhattan Project... had just stunned audiences throughout the world." "But then something had happened to André." "He dropped out of the theater." "He sort of disappeared." "For months at a time, his family seemed only to know that he was traveling... in some odd place like Tibet... which was really weird because he loved his wife and children." "He never used to like to leave home at all." "Or else you'd hear that someone had met him at a party and he'd been telling people... that he talked with trees or something like that." "Obviously, something terrible had happened to André." "** [ Piano.:" "LightJazz ]" "The whole idea of meeting him made me very nervous." "I mean, I really wasn't up for that sort of thing." "I had problems of my own." "I mean, I couldn't help André." "Was I supposed to be a doctor, or what?" "** [ Piano Continues ]" " Hello." " Hello." " Here you go." " Thank you." " Yes, sir." " Ah, sir, my name is Wallace Shawn." "I'm expected at the table of André Gregory." "That table will be a moment, sir." "If you like, you may have a drink at the bar." "[ Woman Laughing ]" "[ Chattering ]" " Good evening, sir." " Uh, could I have a club soda, please?" "I'm sorry, sir." "We only serve Source de Pavilion." "Oh, that'd be fine, thank you." "When I'd called André, and he'd suggested that we meet in this particular restaurant..." "I'd been rather surprised, because André's taste used to be very ascetic... even though people have always known that he had some money somewhere." "I mean, how the hell else could he have been flying off to Asia and so on... and still have been supporting his family?" "The reason I was meeting André was that an acquaintance of mine, George Grassfield... had called me and just insisted that I had to see him." "Apparently, George had been walking his dog in an odd section of town the night before... and he'd suddenly come upon André... leaning against a crumbling old building and sobbing." "André had explained to George that he'd just been watching... the Ingmar Bergman movie Autumn Sonata... about 25 blocks away... and he'd been seized by a fit of ungovernable crying... when the character played by Ingrid Bergman had said..." ""I could always live in my art, but never in my life. "" "WallyI" " Wow." " My God." "[ Wally Chuckling ]" "[ Wally Narrating ] I remember, when I first started working with André's company..." "I couldn't get over the way the actors would hug when they greeted each other." ""Wow." "Now I'm really in the theater, " I thought." "Well, you look terrific." "Well, I feel terrible." "[ Laughing ]" "[ Wally Laughing ]" "Good evening, sir." "Nice to see you again." "Thank you." "Good evening." "Ah, I think I'll have a spritzer, if I could." " Yes, sir." " Thank you." "[ Wally Narrating ] I was feeling incredibly nervous." "I wasn't sure I could stick through an entire meal with him." "Great." "So we talked about this and that." "He told me a few things aboutJerzy Grotowski... the great Polish theater director... who was a friend and almost like a kind of a guru of André's." " [ Indistinct Chattering ]" " He'd also dropped out of the theater." "Grotowski was a pretty unusual character himself." "At one time, he'd been quite fat, then he'd lost an incredible amount of weight... and become very thin and grown a beard." " Your table is ready, if you feel like sitting down." " Oh." " Oh." " Yes." "Thank you." "[ Wally Narrating ] I was beginning to realize that the only way to make this evening bearable... would be to ask André a few questions." "Asking questions always relaxes me." "In fact, I sometimes think that my secret profession... is that I'm a private investigator, a detective." "I always enjoy finding out about people." "Even if they're in absolute agony, I always find it very... interesting." " By the way, is he still thin?" " What?" "Grotowski." "Is he still thin?" "Oh. [ Chuckles ] Absolutely." "Oh, waiter?" "Uh, I think we can do without this." " Yes, sir." " Thank you." "What about this one?" "[ Laughing ] Seven swimming shrimp." " Ready for your order?" " Ah, yes." "Uh, the Galuska - How" " How do you prepare that?" "[ Wally Narrating ] André seemed to know an awful lot about the menu." " Dumpling with raisins, blanched almonds." " I didn't understand a word of it." " Very good, I think." " Hmm." "No, I" " I think I'll have the Cailles aux Raisin, the quail." " Very good." " Oh, quails!" "I'll have that as well." " Two." " Great." " Great!" "And then I think, to begin with, the Terrine de Poissons." " Yes." " What is that?" "Uh, it's a sort of pâte - light, made of fish." " Does it have bones in it?" " [ Chuckles ] No bones." "Perfectly safe." "Well, um" "What is the, um, Bramborová Polévka?" "It's a potato soup." "It's quite delicious." "Oh, well, that's great." "I'll have that." " Thank you very kindly." " Thank you very much." "Well." "[ Laughing ]" "When was the last time that we saw each other?" "[ Wally Narrating ] So we talked for a while about my writing and my acting... and about my girlfriend, Debby." "And we talked about his wife, Chiquita, and his two children, Nicolas and Marina." "[ André Laughing ] And I'd stayed back in New York." "[ Wally ] Finally, I got around to asking him what he'd been up to in the last few years." "Oh, God." "I'm just dying to hear it." " Really?" " Really." "At first, he seemed a little reluctant to go into it... so I just kept asking, and finally he started to answer." "...conference on paratheatrical work then." "And, uh, this must have been about five years ago... and, uh, Grotowski and I were walking along Fifth Avenue and we were talking." "You see, he'd invited me to come to teach that summer in Poland." "You know, to teach a workshop to actors and directors and whatever." "And I had told him that I didn't want to come, because, really, I had nothing left to teach." "I had nothing left to say." "I didn't know anything." "I couldn't teach anything." "Exercises meant nothing to me anymore." "Working on scenes from plays seemed ridiculous." "I" " I didn't know what to do." "I mean, I just couldn't do it." "So he said, "Why don't you tell me anything you'd like to have if you did a workshop for me." "No matter how outrageous." "And maybe I can give it to you."" "So I said, "Well, if you could give me..." ""40 Jewish women who speak neither English nor French " ""either women who've been in the theater for a long time and want to leave it..." ""but don't know why..." ""or young women who love the theater, but have never seen a theater they could love." ""And if these women could play the trumpet or the harp... and if I could work in a forest, I'd come."" "[ Laughing ]" "A week later, or two weeks later, he called me from Poland." "And he said, "Well, 40 Jewish women - that's a little hard to find."" "But he said, "I do have 40 women." "They all pretty much fit the definition."" "And he said, "I also have some very interesting men..." ""but you don't have to work with them." ""These are all people who have in common the fact that they're questioning the theater." ""They don't all play the trumpet or the harp, but they all play a musical instrument." "And none of them speak English."" "And he'd found me a forest, Wally." "And the only inhabitants of this forest were some wild boar and a hermit." "So that was an offer I couldn't refuse." "I had to go." "So, I went to Poland, and it was this wonderful group of young men and women." "And the forest he had found us was absolutely magical." "You know, it was a huge forest." "I mean, the trees were so large... that four or five people linking their arms couldn't get their arms around the trees." "So we were camped out beside the ruins of this tiny little castle... and we would eat around this great stone slab that served as a sort of a table." "And our schedule was that usually we'd start work around sunset... and then generally we'd work until about 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning." "And then, because the Poles love to sing and dance... we'd sing and dance until about 1 0:00 or 1 1 :00 in the morning." "And then we'd have our food, which was generally bread,jam, cheese and tea." "And then we'd sleep from around noon to sunset." "Now, technically, of course " "Technically, the situation is a very interesting one... because if you find yourself in a forest with a group of 40 people... who don't speak your language, then all your moorings are gone." "What do you mean exactly?" "Well, what we'd do is just sit there and wait... for someone to have an impulse to do something." "Now, in a way that's - that's something like a theatrical improvisation." "I mean, you know, if you were a director working on a play by Chekhov... you might have the actors playing the mother, the son and the uncle... all sit around in a room and do a made-up scene that isn't in the play." "For instance, you might say to them..." ""All right." "Let's say that it's a rainy Sunday afternoon on Sorin's estate... and you're all trapped in the drawing room together."" "And then everyone would improvise - saying and doing what their character might say and do in that circumstance." "Except that in this type of improvisation - the kind we did in Poland - the theme is oneself." "So, you follow the same law of improvisation... which is that you do whatever your impulse, as the character, tells you to do... but in this case, you are the character." "So there's no imaginary situation to hide behind... and there's no other person to hide behind." "What you're doing, in fact, is you're asking those same questions... that Stanislavsky said the actor should constantly ask himself as a character:" "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "Where do I come from, and where am I going?" "But instead of applying them to a role, you apply them to yourself." " Hmm." " Or, to look at it a little differently... in a way, it's like going right back to childhood... where a group of children simply come into a room or are brought into a room " "without toys - and begin to play." "Grown-ups were learning how to play again." "So, you would, uh, all sit together somewhere... and, uh, you would play in some way." " But what would you actually do?" " Well, I could give you a good example." "You see, we worked, uh, together for a week in the city... before we went off to our forest." "And of course, Grotowski was there in the city too." "I heard that every night, he conducted something called a beehive." "I loved the sound of this beehive... so a night or two before we were supposed to go off to the country..." "I grabbed him by the collar, and I said, "Listen, about this beehive." ""You know, I'd kind of like to participate in one." "Just instinctively I feel it would be something interesting."" "And he said, "Well, certainly." "In fact, why don't you, with your group... lead the beehive instead of participating in one?"" "You know, I - [ Laughing ] I got very nervous, you know, and I said, "Well, what is a beehive?"" "He said, "Well, a beehive is... at 8:00 a hundred strangers come into a room."" "I said, "Yes?" He said, "Yes, and whatever happens is a beehive."" "I said, "Yes, but what am I supposed to do?" He said, "That's up to you."" "I said, "No, no." "I really don't want to do this." "I'll just participate."" "And he said, "No, no." "You lead the beehive."" "Well, I was terrified, Wally." "I mean, in a way, I felt on stage." "I did it anyway." "God." "Well, tell me about it." "You see, there was this song- I have a tape of it." "I can play it for you one day." "And it's just unbelievably beautiful." "You see, one of the women in our group knew a few fragments of this song of Saint Francis... and it's a song in which you thank God for your eyes... and you thank God for your heart, and you thank God for your friends... and you thank God for your life." "And it, uh" " It repeats itself over and over again." "And this became our theme song." "I really must play this thing for you one day... because you just can't believe that a group of people who don't know how to sing... could create something so beautiful." "So, I decided that when the people arrived for the beehive... that our group would already be there singing this very beautiful song... and that we would simply sing it over and over again." "One of the people decided to bring her very large teddy bear, you know." "Well, she's a little afraid of this event." "And somebody wanted to bring a - a sheet." "And somebody else wanted to bring a large bowl of water... in case people got hot or thirsty." "And somebody suggested that we have candles - that there be no artificial light, but candlelight." "And I remember watching people preparing for this evening." "Of course, there was no makeup, and there were no costumes... but it was exactly the way that people prepare for a performance." "You know, people sort of taking off their jewelry and their watches... and stowing it away and making sure it's all secure." "And then slowly people arrived, the way they would arrive at the theater- in ones and twos and 1 0s and 1 5s and what have you." "And we were just sitting there, and we were singing this very beautiful song." "And people started to sit with us and started to learn the song." "Now, there is, of course, as in any performance or improvisation... instinct for when things are gonna get boring." "So, at a certain point" " It may have taken an hour to get there, an hour and a half" "I suddenly grabbed this teddy bear and threw it in the air... at which 1 40 or 1 30 people suddenly exploded." "You know, it was like a - a Jackson Pollack painting, you know." "Human beings exploded out of this tight little circle that was singing the song." "And before I knew it, there were two circles, dancing, you know - one dancing clockwise, the other dancing counterclockwise... with this rhythm mostly from the waist down." "In other words, like an American Indian dance, with this thumping, persistent rhythm." "[ People Chuckling ]" "Now, you could easily see, 'cause we're talking about group trance... where the line between something like this and something like Hitler's Nuremberg rallies... is, in a way, a very thin line." "Anyway, after about an hour of this wild, hypnotic dancing..." "Grotowski and I found ourselves sitting opposite each other in the middle of this whole thing." "And we threw the teddy bear back and forth." "You know, on one level, you could say this is childish." "And I gave the teddy bear suck, suddenly, at my breast." "And then I threw the teddy bear to him, and he gave it suck at his breast." "And then the teddy bear was thrown up into the air again... at which there was another explosion of form into... something." "And these" "What was it like?" "You know, this is the " "There's something like a kaleidoscope, like a human kaleidoscope." "The evening was made up of shiftings of the kaleidoscope." "Now, the only other things that I remember... other than constantly trying to guide this thing... which was always involved with either movement, rhythm, repetition or song " "Or chanting, because, uh, two people in my group... had brought musical instruments, a flute and a drum... which, of course, are sacred instruments - was that sometimes the room would break up... into six or seven different things going on at once." "You know, six or seven different improvisations... all of which seemed, in some way, related to each other." "It was" " It was like a magnificent cobweb." "And at one point, I noticed that Grotowski was at the center of one group... huddled around a bunch of candles that they'd gathered together." "And like a little child fascinated by fire..." "I saw that he had his hand right in the flame and was holding it there." "And as I approached his group, I wondered if I could do it." "I put my left hand in the flame and I found I could hold it there for as long as I liked... and there was no burn and no pain." "But when I tried to put my right hand in the flame, I couldn't hold it there for a second." "So Grotowski said, "If it burns, try to change some little thing in yourself."" "And I tried to do that." "Didn't work." "Then I remember a very, very beautiful procession with the sheet... and there was somebody being carried below the sheet." "You know, the sheet was like some great biblical canopy." "And the entire group was weaving around the room and chanting." "And then at one point, people were dancing... and I was dancing with a girl... and suddenly our hands began vibrating near each other- like this -vibrating, vibrating." "And we went down to our knees, and suddenly I was sobbing in her arms... and she was sort of cradling me in her arms, and then she started to cry too." "And then we - then we just hugged each other for a moment." "And, uh, then we joined the dance again." "And then at a certain point, hours later... we returned to the singing of the song of Saint Francis... and that was the end of the beehive." "And then, again, when it was over, it was just like the theater after a performance." "You know, people sort of put on their earrings and their wristwatches... and we went off to the railroad station... to drink a lot of beer and have a good dinner." "Oh, and there was one girl, who wasn't in our group... but who just wouldn't leave, so we took her along with us." "[ Chuckling ]" "Huh." "God." "Well, tell me some of the other things you did with your group." "Well" " Oh, I remember once when we were in the city... we tried doing an improvisation -you know, the kind that I used to do in New York." "Uh, everybody was supposed to be on an airplane... and they've all learned from the pilot there's something wrong with the motor." "But what was unusual about this improvisation... was that two people who participated in it... fell in love." "They've, in fact, married." "And when we were - Yeah, out of fear... of being on this plane, they fell in love... thinking they were going to die at any moment." "And when we went to the forest, these two disappeared... because they understood the - the experiment so well... that they realized that to go off together in the forest was much more important... than any kind of experiment the group could do as a whole." "So, uh, about halfway through the week... we stumbled into a clearing in the forest... and the two of them were fast asleep in each other's arms." "It was around dawn, and we put flowers on them... to let them know we'd been there, and then we crept away." "And then on the last day of our stay in the forest, these two showed up... and they shook me by my hands, and they thanked me very much... for the wonderful work they'd been able to do, you see." " [ Laughs ]" " They understood what it was about." "I mean, that, of course, poses the question of what was it about." "But it has -has something to do with living." "And then on the final day of our stay in the forest... the whole group did something so wonderful for me, Wally." "They arranged a christening - a baptism - for me." "And they filled the castle with flowers." "And it was just a miracle of light... because they had literally set up hundreds of candles and torches." "I mean, no church could have looked more beautiful." "There was a simple ceremony, and one of them played the role of my godmother... and another played the role of my godfather." "And I was given a new name." "They called me Yendrush." "And some of the people took it completely seriously... and some of them found it funny." "But, uh, I really felt that I had a new name." "And then we had an enormous feast, with blueberries picked from the field... and chocolate someone had gone a great distance to buy... and raspberry soup and rabbit stew." "And we sang Polish songs and Greek songs... and everybody danced for the rest of the night." " Hmm." " Oh, I have a picture." "See, this was" " Let's see." "Oh, yeah." "This was me in the forest." "See?" " God!" " That's what I felt like." "[ Chuckling ]" " That's the state I was in." " God." "Yeah." "I remember George, uh, told me he'd seen you around that time." "He said you looked like you'd come back from a war." "Yeah, I remember meeting him." "He, uh - He asked me a lot of friendly questions." "I think I called you up, too, that summer, didn't I?" "Huh." "I think I was out of town." "Yeah, well, most people I met thought there was something wrong with me." "They didn't say that, but I could tell that that was what they thought." "But... you see, what I think I experienced... was... for the first time in my life... to know what it means to be truly alive." "Now, that's very frightening... because with that comes an immediate awareness of death... 'cause they go hand in hand." "You know, the kind of impulse that led to Walt Whitman, that led to Leaves of Grass." "That feeling of being connected to everything... means to also be connected to death." "And that's pretty scary." "But I really felt as if I were floating above the ground, not walking." "You know, and I could do things like go out to the highway... and watch the lights go from red to green and think, "How wonderful."" " [ Wally Chuckles ]" " And then one day, in the early fall..." "I was out in the country, walking in a field... and I suddenly heard a voice say, "Little Prince. "" "Of course, The Little Prince was a book that I always thought of... as disgusting, childish treacle." "But still, I thought, "Well, you know, if a voice comes to me in a field" " "This was the first voice I had ever heard." "Maybe I should go and read the book." "Now, that same morning I'd got a letter... from a young woman who'd been in my group in Poland." "And in her letter she'd written, "You have dominated me."" "You know, she spoke very awkward English." "So she'd gone to the dictionary, and she'd crossed out the word "dominated"... and she'd said, "No." "The correct word is 'tamed."'" "And then when I went to town and bought the book and started to read it..." "I saw that "taming" was the most important word in the whole book." "By the end of the book, I was in tears, I was so moved by the story." "And then I went and tried to write an answer to her letter... 'cause she'd written me a very long letter." "But I just couldn't find the right words, so finally I took my hand..." "I put it on a piece of paper, I outlined it with a pen... and I wrote in the center something like, "Your heart is in my hand."" "Something like that." "Then I went over to my brother's house to swim... 'cause he lives nearby in the country and he has a pool." "And he wasn't home." "I went into his library... and he had bought at an auction the collected issues of Minotaure." "You know, the surrealist magazine?" "Oh, it's a great, great surrealist magazine of the '20s and '30s." "And I never-You know, I consider myself a bit of a surrealist." "I had never, ever seen a copy of Minotaure." "And here they all were, bound, year after year." "So, at random, I picked one out, I opened it up... and there was a full-page reproduction of the letter "A"... from Tenniel's Alice In Wonderland." "And I thought, that" "Well, you know, it's been a day of coincidences... but that's not unusual that the surrealists would have been interested in Alice... and I did a play of Alice." "So at random, I opened to another page... and there were four handprints." "One was André Breton, another was André Derain... the third was André - I've got it written down somewhere." "It's not Malraux." "It's, like, someone - Another of the surrealists." "All A's, and the fourth was Antoine de Saint-Exupéry... who wrote The Little Prince." "And they'd shown these handprints to some kind of expert... without saying whose hands they belonged to." "And under Exupéry's, it said that he was an artist... with very powerful eyes... who was a tamer of wild animals." "I thought, "This is incredible, you know."" "And I looked back to see when the issue came out." "It came out on the newsstands May 1 2, 1 934... and I was born during the day of May 1 1 , 1 934." "So, well, that's what started me on, uh, Saint-Exupéry and The Little Prince." "Now, of course today- today I think there's a very fascistic thing under The Little Prince." "You know, I - Well, no, I think there's a kind of" "[ Laughing ] I think a kind of S.S. totalitarian sentimentality in there somewhere." "You know, there's something, you know - that - that love of, um " "Well, that masculine love of a certain kind of oily muscle." "You know what I mean?" "I mean, I can't quite put my finger on it." "But I can just imagine some beautiful S.S. man..." " loving The Little Prince." " [ Wally Laughs ]" "Now, I don't know why, but there's something wrong with it." "It stinks." "[ High-pitched Laughing ]" "Well, didn't George tell me that you were gonna do a play that was based on The Little Prince?" "Hmm." "Well, what happened, Wally... was that fall I was in New York... and I met this young Japanese Buddhist priest named Kozan... and I thought he was Puck from the Midsummer Night's Dream." "You know, he had this beautiful, delicate smile." "I thought he was the Little Prince." "So, naturally, I decided to go off to the Sahara desert... to work on The Little Prince with two actors and this Japanese monk." "You did?" "Well, I mean, I was still in a very peculiar state at that time, Wally." "You know, I would" " I would look in the rearview mirror of my car... and see little birds flying out of my mouth." "And I remember always being exhausted in that period." "I always felt weak." "You know, I really didn't know what was going on with me." "I would just sit out there all alone in the country for days... and do nothing but write in my diary." " And I was always thinking about death." " Huh." "But you went to the Sahara." "Oh,yes, we went off into the desert... and we rode through the desert on camels." "And we rode and we rode." "And then at night we would walk out under that enormous sky... and look at the stars." "I just kept thinking about the same things that I was always thinking about at home - particularly about Chiquita." "In fact, I thought about just about nothing but my marriage." "And then I remember one incredibly dark night... being at an oasis, and there were palm trees moving in the wind... and I could hear Kozan singing far away in that beautiful bass voice." "And I tried to follow his voice along the sand." "[ Laughing ]" "You see, I thought he had something to teach me, Wally." "And sometimes I would meditate with him." "Sometimes I'd go off and meditate by myself." "You know, I would see images of Chiquita." "Once I actually saw her growing old... and her hair turning gray in front of my eyes." "And I would just wail and yell my lungs out out there on the dunes." "Anyway, the desert was pretty horrible." "It was pretty cold." "We were searching for something, but we couldn't tell if we were finding anything." "You know that once Kozan and I - we were sitting on a dune, and we just ate sand." "No, we weren't trying to be funny." "I started, then he started." "We just ate sand and threw up." "That's how desperate we were." "In other words, we didn't know why we were there." "We didn't know what we were looking for." "The entire thing seemed completely absurd, arid and empty." "It was like, uh - like a last chance or something." "Huh." "So what happened then?" "Well, in those days..." "I went completely on impulse." "So on impulse I brought Kozan back to stay with us in New York... after we got back from the Sahara, and he stayed for six months." "And he really sort of took over the whole family, in a way." " What do you mean?" "Well, there was certainly a center missing in the house at the time." "There certainly wasn't a father, 'cause I was always thinking... about going off to Tibet or doing God knows what." "And so he taught the whole family to meditate... and he told them all about Asia and the East and his monastery and everything." "He really captivated everybody with an incredible bag of tricks." "He had literally developed himself, Wally... so that he could push on his fingers and rise off out of his chair." "I mean, he could literally go like this " "You know, push on his fingers and go into like a headstand... and just hold himself there with two fingers." "Or if Chiquita would suddenly get a little tension in her neck... well, he'd immediately have her down on the floor, he'd be walking up and down on her back... doing these unbelievable massages, you know." "And the children found him amazing." "I mean, you know, we'd visit friends who had children... and immediately he'd be playing with these children... in a way that, you know, we just can't do." "I mean, those children - just giggles, giggles, giggles... about what this Japanese monk was doing in these holy robes." "I mean, he was an acrobat, a ventriloquist... a magician, everything." "You know, the amazing thing was that..." "I don't think he had any interest in children whatsoever." "None at all." "I don't think he liked them." "I mean, you know, when he stayed with us... in the first week, really, the kids were just googly-eyed over him." "But then a couple of weeks later, Chiquita and I could be out... and Marina could have flu or a temperature of 1 04... and he wouldn't even go in and say hello to her." "But he was taking over more and more." "I mean, his own habits had completely changed." "You know, he started wearing these elegant Gucci shoes under his white monk's robes." "He was eating huge amounts of food." "I mean, he ate twice as much as Nicolas ate, you know?" "This tiny little Buddhist when I first met him, you know... was eating a little bowl of milk- hot milk with rice - was now eating huge beef." "It was just very strange." "You know, and we had tried working together, but really our work consisted mostly... of my trying to do these incredibly painful prostrations that they do in the monastery." "You know, so really we hadn't been working very much." "Anyway, we were out in the country, and we all went to Christmas mass together." "You know, he was all dressed up in his Buddhist finery." "And it was one of those - one of those awful, dreary Catholic churches on Long Island... where the priest talks about communism and birth control." "And as I was sitting there in mass, I was wondering, "What in the world is going on?"" "I mean, here I am." "I'm a grown man... and there's this strange person living in the house, and I'm not working " "You know, I was doing nothing but scribbling a little poetry in my diary." "And I can't get a job teaching anymore, and I don't know what I want to do." "When all of a sudden a huge creature appeared, looking at the congregation." "It was about, I'd say, 6'8" - something like that, you know... and it was - it was half bull, half man... and its skin was blue." "It had violets growing out of its eyelids and poppies growing out of its toenails." "And it just stood there for the whole mass." "I mean, I could not make that creature disappear." "You know, I thought, "Oh, well." "You know, I'm just seeing this 'cause I'm bored."" "You know, close my- I could not make that creature go away." "Okay." "Now, I didn't talk with people about it, because they'd think I was weird... but I felt that this creature was somehow coming to comfort me... that somehow he was appearing to say..." ""Well, you may feel low and you might not be able to create a play right now..." ""but look at what can come to you on Christmas Eve." "Hang on, old friend." ""I may seem weird to you, but on these weird voyages..." ""weird creatures appear." "It's part of the journey." "You're okay." "Hang in there."" "By the way, uh, did you ever see... that play, uh, The Violets are Blue?" "No." "Oh, when you mentioned the violets, it-it reminded me of that." "It-It was about, um, people... being, uh, strangled on a - on a submarine." "Hmm." "[ Sighs ] Well, so that was - [ Chuckles ] that was Christmas." "What happened after that?" " Do you really want to hear about all this?" " Yeah." "Well, around that time..." "I was beginning to think about going to India." "And Kozan suddenly left one day." "I was beginning to get into a lot of very strange ideas around that time." "Now, for example, I'd developed this - Well, I got this idea which I " "Now, it was very appealing to me at the time, you know - which was that I would have a flag, a large flag... and that wherever I worked, this flag would fly." "Or if we were outside, say, with a group, that the flag could be the thing we lay on at night... and that somehow, between working on this flag and lying on this flag... this flag flying over us... that the flag would pick up vibrations of a kind... that would still be in the flag when I brought it home." "So I went down to meet this flag maker that I'd heard about." "And you know, there was this very straightforward-looking guy." "You know, very sweet, really healthy-looking and everything." "Nice big, blond." "And he had a beautiful, clean loft down in the village with lovely, happy flags." "And I was all into The Little Prince, and I talked to him about The Little Prince... these adventures and everything, how I needed the flag and what the flag should be." "He seemed to really connect with it." "So, two weeks later, I came back." "He showed me a flag that I thought was very odd, you know... 'cause I had, you know - well, you know..." "I had expected something gentle and lyrical." "There was something about this that was so powerful... it was almost overwhelming." "And it did include the Tibetan swastika." "He put a swastika in your flag?" "No, it was the Tibetan swastika, not the Nazi swastika." "It's one of the most ancient Tibetan symbols." "And it was just strange, you know?" "But I brought it home, because my idea with this flag... was that before I left - you know, before I left for India..." "I wanted several people who were close to me to have this flag in the room for the night... to sleep with it, you know, and then in the morning to sew something into the flag." "So I took the flag into Marina, and I said, "Hey, look at this." "What do you think of this?"" "And she said, "What is that?" "That's awful." I said, "It's a flag."" "And she said, "I don't like it."" "I said, "I kind of thought you might like to spend the night with it, you know."" "But she really thought the flag was awful." "So then Chiquita threw this party for me before I left for India... and the apartment was filled with guests." "And at one point Chiquita said, "The flag, the flag." "Where's the flag?"" "And I said, "Oh, yeah." "The flag." And I go and get the flag, and I open it up." "Chiquita goes absolutely white and runs out of the room and vomits." "So the party just comes to a halt and breaks up." "And then the next day I gave it to this young woman... who'd been in my group in Poland, who was now in New York." "I didn't tell her anything about any of this." "At 5:00 in the morning, she called me up and she said..." ""I gotta come and see you right away." I thought, "Oh, God."" "She came up, and she said, "I saw things - I saw things around this flag." ""Now, I know you're stubborn, and I know you want to take this thing with you..." ""but if you'd follow my advice, you'd put it in a hole in the ground... and burn it and cover it with earth, cause the devil's in it."" "I never took the flag with me." "In fact, I gave it to her, and, uh, she - she had a ceremony with it... six months later, in France, with some friends... in which, uh, they did burn it." "[ Laughing ] God." "That's really, really amazing." "So, did you ever go to India?" "Oh, yes, I" " I went to India in the spring, Wally... and I came back home feeling all wrong." "I mean, you know, I'd been to India, and I'd just felt like a tourist." "I'd found nothing." "So I was" " I was spending, uh, the summer on Long Island with my family... and I heard about this community in Scotland called Findhorn... where people sang and talked and meditated with plants." "And it was founded by several rather middle-class English and Scottish eccentrics." "Some of them intellectuals, and some of them not." "And I'd heard that they'd grown things in soil... that supposedly nothing can grow in, 'cause it's almost beach soil... and that they'd built - not built - they'd grown the largest cauliflowers in the world... and there are sort of cabbages." "And they've grown trees that can't grow in the British Isles." "So I went there." "I mean, it is an amazing place, Wally." "I mean, if there are insects bothering the plants... they will talk with the insects and, you know, make an agreement... by which they'll set aside a special patch of vegetables just for the insects... and then the insects will leave the main part alone." " Huh." " Things like that." "And everything they do they do beautifully." "I mean, the buildings just shine." "And I mean, for instance, the icebox, the stove, the car- they all have names." "And since you wouldn't treat Helen, the icebox... with any less respect than you would Margaret, your wife... you know, you make sure that Helen is as clean as Margaret, or treated with equal respect." "[ Wally Giggles ]" "And when I was there, Wally, I remember being in the woods... and I would look at a leaf, and I would actually see that thing... that is alive in that leaf." "And then I remember just running through the woods as fast as I could... with this incredible laugh coming out of me... and really being in that state,you know, where laughter and tears seem to merge." "I mean, it absolutely blasted me open." "When I came out of Findhorn, I was hallucinating nonstop." "I was seeing clouds as creatures." "The people on the airplane all had animals' faces." "I mean, I was on a trip." "It was like being in a William Blake world suddenly." "Things were exploding." "So immediately I went to Belgrade, 'cause I wanted to talk to Grotowski." "Grotowski and I got together at midnight in my hotel room... and we drank instant coffee out of the top of my shaving cream... and we talked from midnight until 1 1 :00 the next morning." " God." "What did he say?" " Nothing!" "I talked." "He didn't say a word." "And" "And then I guess really... the last big experience of this kind took place that fall." "It was out at Montauk on Long Island... and there were only about nine of us involved, mostly men." "And we borrowed Dick Avedon's property out at Montauk." "And the country out there is like Heathcliff country." "It's absolutely wild." "What we wanted to do was we wanted to take, you know " "We wanted to take All Souls' Eve, Halloween... and use it as a point of departure for something." "So each one of us prepared some sort of event for the others... somehow in the spirit of All Souls' Eve." "But the biggest event was three of the people... kept disappearing in the middle of the night each night... and we knew they were preparing something big... but we didn't know what." "And midnight on Halloween, under a dark moon, above these cliffs... we were all told to gather at the topmost cliff and that we would be taken somewhere." "And we did." "And we waited, and it was very, very cold." "And then the three of them" " Helen, Bill and Fred - showed up wearing white." "You know, something they'd made out of sheets - looked a little spooky, not funny." "And they took us into the basement of this house that had burned down on the property." "And in this ruined basement, they had set up a table with benches they'd made." "And on this table they had laid out paper, pencils, wine and glasses." "And we were all asked to sit at the table and to make out our last will and testament." "You know, to think about and write down whatever our last words were to the world... or to somebody we were very close to." "And that's quite a task." "I must have been there for about an hour and a half or so, maybe two." "And then one at a time they would ask one of us to come with them... and I was one of the last." "And they came for me, and they put a blindfold on me... and they ran me through these fields - two people." "And they'd found a kind of potting shed - you know, a kind of shed, on the grounds... a little tiny room that had once had tools in it." "And they took me down the steps, into this basement... and the room was just filled with harsh white light." "Then they told me to get undressed and give them all my valuables." "Then they put me on a table, and they sponged me down." "Well, you know, I just started flashing on-on-on death camps and secret police." "I don't know what happened to the other people, but I just started to cry uncontrollably." "Uh, then-then they got me to my feet and they took photographs of me, naked." "And then naked, again blindfolded, I was run through these forests... and we came to a kind of tent made of sheets, with sheets on the ground." "And there were all these naked bodies... huddling together for warmth against the cold." "Must have been left there for about an hour." "And then again, one by one, one at a time, we were led out." "The blindfold was put on... and I felt myself being lowered onto something like a stretcher." "And the stretcher was carried a long way, very slowly, through these forests... and then I felt myself being lowered into the ground." "They had, in fact, dug six graves... eight feet deep." "And then I felt these pieces of wood being put on me." "And I cannot tell you, Wally, what I was going through." "And then the stretcher was lowered into the grave... and then this wood was put on me... and then my valuables were put on me, in my hands." "And they'd taken, you know, a kind of sheet or canvas... and they'd stretched about this much above my head... and then they shoveled dirt into the grave... so that I really had the feeling of being buried alive." "And after being in the grave for about half an hour" "I mean, I didn't know how long I'd be in there " "I was resurrected, lifted out of the grave... blindfold taken off, and run through these fields." "And we came to a great circle of fire, with music and hot wine... and everyone danced until dawn." "[ Chuckling ] And then at dawn... to the best of our ability, we filled up the graves... and went back to New York." "And that was really the last big event." "I mean, that was the end." "I mean, you know, I began to realize..." "I just didn't want to do these things anymore, you know?" "I felt sort of becalmed, you know, like that chapter in Moby Dick... where the wind goes out of the sails." "And then last winter, without, uh, thinking about it very much..." "I went to see this agent I know to tell him I was interested in directing plays again." "Actually, he seemed a little surprised... to see that Rip Van Winkle was still alive." "Mmm." "God." "I didn't know they were so small." "[ André Chuckles ]" "Well,you know, frankly..." "I'm sort of repelled by the whole story, if you really want to know." " What?" " Ah, you know " "Who did I think I was, you know?" "I mean, that's the story of some kind of spoiled princess, you know." "Who did I think I was, the Shah of Iran?" "You know, I really wonder if people such as myself are really not Albert Speer, Wally." " You know, Hitler's architect, Albert Speer?" " What?" "No, I've been thinking a lot about him recently because, uh, I think I am Speer." "And I think it's time that I was caught and tried the way he was." "What are you talking about?" "Well, you know, he was a very cultivated man, an architect, an artist, you know... so he thought the ordinary rules of life didn't apply to him either." "I mean, I really feel that everything I've done... is horrific,just horrific." "My God." "But why?" "You see" "You see, I've seen a lot of death in the last few years, Wally... and there's one thing that's for sure about death " "You do it alone, you see." "That seems quite certain, you see." "That I've seen." "That the people around your bed mean nothing." "Your reviews mean nothing." "Whatever it is, you do it alone." "And so the question is, when I get on my deathbed, what kind of a person am I gonna be?" "And I'm just very dubious about the kind of person who would have lived his life... those last few years the way I did." "Why should you feel that way?" "You see, I've had a very rough time in the last few months, Wally." "Three different people in my family were in the hospital at the same time." "Then my mother died." "Then Marina had something wrong with her back, and we were terribly worried about her." "You know, so - so, I mean, I'm feeling very raw right now." "I mean, uh" " I mean, I can't sleep, my nerves are shot." "I mean, I'm affected by everything." "You know, la-last week I had this really nice director from Norway over for dinner... and he's someone I've known for years and years... and he's somebody that I think I'm quite fond of." "And I was sitting there just thinking that he was a pompous, defensive... conservative stuffed shirt who was only interested in the theater." "He was talking and talking." "His mother had been a famous Norwegian comedienne." "I realized he had said "I remember my mother" at least 400 times during the evening." "And he was telling story after story about his mother." "You know, I'd heard these stories 20 times in the past." "He was drinking this whole bottle of bourbon very quietly." "His laugh was so horrible." "You know, I could hear his laugh - the pain in that laugh, the hollowness." "You know, what being that woman's son had done to him." "You know, so at a certain point I just had to ask him to leave - nicely, you know." "I told him I had to get up early the next morning, 'cause it was so horrible." "It was just as if he had died in my living room." "You know, then I went into the bathroom and cried 'cause I felt I'd lost a friend." "And then after he'd gone, I turned the television on... and there was this guy who had just won the something-something." "Some sports event - some kind of a great big check and some kind of huge silver bottle." "And he, you know - he couldn't stuff the check in the bottle... and he put the bottle in front of his nose and pretended it was his face." "He wasn't really listening to the guy who was interviewing him... but he was smiling malevolently at his friends, and I looked at that guy and I thought..." ""What a horrible, empty, manipulative rat."" "Then I thought, "That guy is me." [ Laughing ]" "Then last night actually, you know, it was our 20th wedding anniversary... and I took Chiquita to see this show about Billie Holiday." "I looked at these show business people who know nothing about Billie Holiday, nothing." "You see, they were really kind of, in a way, intellectual creeps." "And I suddenly had this feeling." "I mean, you know I was just sitting there, crying through most of the show." "And I suddenly had this feeling I was just as creepy as they were... and that my whole life had been a sham... and I didn't have the guts to be Billie Holiday either." "I mean, I really feel that I'm just washed up, wiped out." "I feel I've just squandered my life." "André, now, how can you say something like that?" "I mean " "Well, you know, I may be in a very emotional state right now, Wally... but since I've come back home I've just been finding the world we're living in... more and more upsetting." "I mean, last week I went down to the Public Theater one afternoon." "You know, when I walked in, I said hello to everybody... 'cause I know them all, and they all know me, they're always very friendly." "You know that seven or eight people told me how wonderful I looked?" "And then one person - one - a woman who runs the casting office, said..." ""Gee, you look horrible." "Is something wrong?"" "Now, she" "You know, we started talking." "Of course, I started telling her things." "And she suddenly burst into tears because an aunt of hers who's 80... whom she's very fond of, went into the hospital for a cataract, which was solved." "But the nurse was so sloppy, she didn't put the bed rails up... and so the aunt fell out of bed and is now a complete cripple." "So you know, we were talking about hospitals." "Now, you know, this woman, because of who she is " "You know, 'cause this had happened to her very, very recently." " She could see me with complete clarity." " Uh-huh." "She didn't know anything about what I'd been going through." "But the other people, what they saw was this tan, or this shirt... or the fact that the shirt goes well with the tan." "So they said, "Gee, you look wonderful."" "Now, they're living in an insane dreamworld." "They're not looking." "That seems very strange to me." "Right, because they just didn't see anything, somehow... except, uh, the few little things that they wanted to see." "Yeah, you know, it's like what happened just before my mother died." "You know, we'd gone to the hospital to see my mother... and I went in to see her... and I saw this woman who looked as bad as any survivor of Auschwitz or Dachau." "And I was out in the hall sort of comforting my father... when a doctor who was a specialist in a problem she had with her arm... went into her room and came out just beaming." "And he said, "Boy, don't we have a lot of reason to feel great?" "Isn't it wonderful how she's coming along?"" "Now, all he saw was the arm." "That's all he saw." "Now, here's another person who's existing in a dream." "Who, on top of that, is a kind of butcher... who's committing a kind of familial murder... because when he comes out of that room, he psychically kills us... by taking us into a dream world... where we become confused and frightened... 'cause the moment before, we saw somebody who already looked dead... and now here comes a specialist who tells us they're in wonderful shape." "I mean, they were literally driving my father crazy." "I mean, you know, here's an 82-year-old man who's very emotional... and you know, and if you go in one moment, and you see the person's dying... and you don't want them to die, and then a doctor comes out five minutes later... and tells you they're in wonderful shape " "I mean, you know, you can go crazy." " Yeah." "I know what you mean." " I mean, the doctor didn't see my mother." "The people at the Public Theater didn't see me." "I mean, we're just walking around in some kind of fog." "I think we're all in a trance." "We're walking around like zombies." "I don't" " I don't think we're even aware of ourselves or our own reaction to things." "We" "We're just going around all day like unconscious machines... and meanwhile there's all of this rage and worry and uneasiness... just building up and building up inside us." "That's right." "It just builds up, uh... and then it just leaps out inappropriately." "I mean, I remember when I was, uh, acting in this play... based on The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov." "And I was playing the part of the cat." "But they had trouble, uh, making up my cat suit... so I didn't get it delivered to me till the night of the first performance." "Particularly the head" " I mean, I'd never even had a chance to try it on." "And about four of my fellow actors actually came up to me... and they said these things which I just couldn't help thinking... were attempts to destroy me." "You know, one of them said, uh, "Oh, well, now that head..." ""will totally change your hearing in the performance." ""You may hear everything completely differently..." ""and it may be very upsetting." ""Now, I was once in a performance where I was wearing earmuffs... and I couldn't hear anything anybody said."" "And then another one said, "Oh, you know, whenever I wear even a hat on stage..." "I tend to faint."" "I mean, those remarks were just full of hostility... because, I mean, if I'd listened to those people, I would have gone out there on stage... and I wouldn't have been able to hear anything, and I would have fainted." "But the hostility was completely inappropriate... because, in fact, those people liked me." "I mean, that hostility was just some feeling that was, you know... left over from some previous experience." "Because somehow in our social existence today... we're only allowed to express our feelings, uh... weirdly and indirectly." "If you express them directly, everybody goes crazy." "Well, did you express your feelings about what those people said to you?" "No. [ Chuckles ] I mean, I didn't even know what I felt till I thought about it later." "And I mean, at the most, you know, in a situation like that, uh... even if I had known what I felt..." "I might say something, if I'm really annoyed... like, uh, "Oh, yeah." "Well, that's just fascinating... and, uh, I probably will faint tonight,just as you did."" "I do just the same thing myself." "We can't be direct, so we end up saying the weirdest things." "I mean, I remember a night." "It was a couple of weeks after my mother died." "And I was in pretty bad shape." "And I had dinner with three relatively close friends... two of whom had known my mother quite well... and all three of whom had known me for years." "You know that we went through that entire evening without my being able to... for a moment, get anywhere near what " "Not that I wanted to sit and have this dreary evening... in which I was talking about all this pain that I was going through and everything." "Really, not at all." "But the fact that nobody could say..." ""Gee, what a shame about your mother" or "How are you feeling?"" "It was just as if nothing had happened." "They were all making these jokes and laughing." "I got quite crazy, as a matter of fact." "One of these people mentioned a certain man whom I don't like very much... and I started screeching about how he had just been found in the Bronx River... and his penis had dropped off from gonorrhea, and all kinds of insane things." "And later, when I got home, I realized I'd just been desperate to break through this ice." "Yeah." "I mean, do you realize, Wally, if you brought that situation into a Tibetan home " "That'd be just so far out." "I mean, they wouldn't be able to understand it." "That would be simply- simply so weird, Wally." "If four Tibetans came together, and tragedy had just struck one of the ones... and they spent the whole evening going - [ Loud Laughing ]" "I mean,you know, Tibetans would have looked at that... and would have thought that was the most unimaginable behavior." " But for us, that's common behavior." " Mm-hmm." "I mean, really, the - the Africans would have probably put their spears into all four of us... 'cause it would have driven them crazy." "They would have thought we were dangerous animals or something like that." " Right." " I mean, that's absolutely abnormal behavior." "Is everything all right, gentlemen?" " Great." " Yeah." "But those are typical evenings for us." "I mean, we go to dinners and parties like that all the time." "These evenings are really like sort of sickly dreams... because people are talking in symbols." "Everyone is sort of floating through this fog of symbols and unconscious feelings." "No one says what they're really thinking about." "Then people will start making these jokes that are really some sort of secret code." "Right." "Well, what often happens in some of these evenings... is that these really crazy little fantasies will just start being played with, you know... and everyone will be talking at once and sort of saying..." ""Hey, wouldn't it be great if Frank Sinatra and Mrs. Nixon and blah-blah-blah... were in such and such a situation?"" "You know, always with famous people, and always sort of grotesque." "Or people will be talking about some horrible thing... like - like, uh, the death of that girl in the car with Ted Kennedy... and they'll just be roaring with laughter." "I mean, it's really amazing." "It's just unbelievable." "That's the only way anything is expressed, through these completely insane jokes." "I mean, I think that's why I never understand what's going on at a party." "I'm always completely confused." "You know, uh, Debby once said, after one of these New York evenings... she thought she'd traveled a greater distance... just by journeying from her origins in the suburbs of Chicago... to that New York evening... than her grandmother had traveled in, uh, making her way... from the steppes of Russia to the suburbs of Chicago." " I think that's right." " [ Wally Chuckles ]" "You know, it may- it may be, Wally, that one of the reasons... that we don't know what's going on... is that when we're there at a party, we're all too busy performing." "Uh-huh." "That was one of the reasons that, uh, Grotowski gave up the theater." "He just felt that people in their lives now were performing so well... that performance in the theater was sort of superfluous... and, in a way, obscene." "Huh." "Isn't it amazing how often a doctor... will live up to our expectation of how a doctor should look?" "When you see a terrorist on television, he looks just like a terrorist." "I mean, we live in a world in which fathers... or single people, or artists... are all trying to live up to someone's fantasy... of how a father, or a single person, or an artist should look and behave." "They all act as if they know exactly how they ought to conduct themselves... at every single moment... and they all seem totally self-confident." "Of course, privately people are very mixed up about themselves." "Yeah." "They don't know what they should be doing with their lives." " They're reading all these self-help books." " Oh, God!" "I mean, those books are just so touching, because they show... how desperately curious we all are to know how all the others of us... are really getting on in life... even though, by performing these roles all the time... we're just hiding the reality of ourselves from everybody else." "I mean, we live in such ludicrous ignorance of each other." "We usually don't know the things we'd like to know... even about our supposedly closest friends." "I mean" " I mean, you know... suppose you're going through some kind of hell in your own life." "Well, you would love to know if your friends have experienced similar things." "But we just don't dare to ask each other." "No." "It would be like asking your friend to drop his role." "I mean, we just put no value at all on perceiving reality." "I mean, on the contrary, this incredible emphasis that we all place now... on our so-called careers... automatically makes perceiving reality a very low priority... because if your life is organized around trying to be successful in a career... well, it just doesn't matter what you perceive or what you experience." "You can really sort of shut your mind off for years ahead, in a way." "You can sort of turn on the automatic pilot." "You know,just the way your mother's doctor had on his automatic pilot... when he went in and he looked at the arm... and he totally failed to perceive anything else." "That's right." "Our" " Our minds are just focused on these goals and plans... which in themselves are not reality." "No." "Goals and plans are not " "I mean, they're - they're fantasy." "They're part of a dream life." "I mean, you know, it always just does seem so ridiculous, somehow... that everybody has to have his little - his little goal in life." "I mean, it's so absurd, in a way, when you consider that it doesn't matter which one it is." "Right." "And because people's concentration is on their goals... in their life they just live each moment by habit." "Really, like the Norwegian telling the same stories over and over again." " Mm-hmm." " Life becomes habitual." "And it is today." "I mean, very few things happen now like that moment... when Marlon Brando sent the Indian woman to accept the Oscar... and everything went haywire." "Things just very rarely go haywire now." "And if you're just operating by habit... then you're not really living." "I mean, you know, in Sanskrit, the root of the verb "to be"... is the same as "to grow" or "to make grow."" "Huh." "[ Woman Laughing ]" " Do you know about Roc?" " Hmm?" "[ Chuckling ] Oh, well." "Roc was a wonderful man." "He was one of the founders of Findhorn... and he was one of Scotland's -well, he was Scotland's greatest mathematician... and he was one of the century's great mathematicians." "And he prided himself on the fact that he had no fantasy life, no dream life - nothing to stand be - no imaginary life - nothing to stand between him and the direct perception of mathematics." "And one day when he was in his mid-50s, he was walking in the gardens of Edinburgh... and he saw a faun." "The faun was very surprised because fauns have always been able to see people... but you know, very few people ever see them." "You know, uh, those little imaginary creatures." " Not a deer." " Oh." " You call them fauns, don't you?" " I thought a fawn was a baby deer." "Yeah, well, there's a deer that's called a fawn, but these are like those little imagi " " Oh!" "The kind that Debussy" " Yes." "Right." "Well, so he got to know the faun, and he got to know other fauns... and a series of conversations began... and more and more fauns would come out every afternoon to meet him." "And he'd have talks with the fauns." "Then one day, after a while, when, you know, they'd really gotten to know him... they asked him if he would like to meet Pan... because Pan would like to meet him." "And of course, Pan was afraid of terrifying him... because he knew of the Christian misconception... which portrayed Pan as an evil creature, which he's not." "But Roc said he would love to meet Pan, and so they met... and Pan indirectly sent him on his way on a journey... in which he met the other people who began Findhorn." "But Roc used to practice certain exercises - like, uh, for instance, if he were right-handed... all today he would do everything with his left hand." "All day- eating, writing, everything - opening doors... in order to break the habits of living." "Because the great danger, he felt, for him... was to fall into a trance, out of habit." "He had a whole series of very simple exercises that he had invented... just to keep seeing, feeling, remembering." "Because you have to learn now." "It didn't used to be necessary, but today you have to learn something... like, uh, are you really hungry... or are you just stuffing your face - [ Laughing ]" "Because that's what you do, out of habit?" "I mean, you can afford to do it, so you do it... whether you're hungry or not." "You know, if you go to the Buddhist Meditation Center... they make you taste each bite of your food... so it takes two hours - it's horrible - to eat your lunch." "But you're conscious of the taste of your food." "If you're just eating out of habit, then you don't taste the food... and you're not conscious of the reality of what's happening to you." "You enter the dream world again." "Now, do you think maybe we live in this dream world... because we do so many things every day that affect us in ways... that somehow we're just not aware of?" "I mean, you know, I was thinking, um, last Christmas..." "Debby and I were given an electric blanket." "I can tell you that it is just such a marvelous advance..." " over our old way of life, and it is just great." " [ André Chuckling ]" "But, uh, it is quite different from not having an electric blanket... and I sometimes sort of wonder, well, what is it doing to me?" "I mean, I sort of feel, uh, I'm not sleeping quite in the same way." "[ Chuckles ] No, you wouldn't be." "I mean, uh, and my dreams are sort of different... and I feel a little bit different when I get up in the morning." "I wouldn't put an electric blanket on for anything." "First, I'd be worried I might get electrocuted." "No, I don't trust technology." "But I mean, the main thing, Wally, is that I think that that kind of comfort... just separates you from reality in a very direct way." " You mean " " I mean, if you don't have that electric blanket... and your apartment is cold and you need to put on another blanket... or go into the closet and pile up coats on top of the blankets you have... well, then you know it's cold." "And that sets up a link of things." "You have compassion for the per- Well, is the person next to you cold?" "Are there other people in the world who are cold?" "What a cold night!" "I like the cold." "My God, I never realized." "I don't want a blanket." "It's fun being cold." "I can snuggle up against you even more because it's cold." "All sorts of things occur to you." "Turn on that electric blanket, and it's like taking a tranquilizer... or it's like being lobotomized by watching television." "I think you enter the dream world again." "I mean, what does it do to us, Wally, living in an environment... where something as massive as the seasons, or winter, or cold... don't in any way affect us?" "I mean, we're animals, after all." "I mean, what does that mean?" "I think that means that instead of living under the sun... and the moon and the sky and the stars... we're living in a fantasy world of our own making." "Yeah, but I mean, I would never give up my electric blanket, André." "I mean, because New York is cold in the winter." "I mean, our apartment is cold." "It's a difficult environment." "I mean, our lives are tough enough as it is." "I'm not looking for ways to get rid of the few things that provide relief and comfort." "I mean, on the contrary, I'm looking for more comfort... because, uh, the world is very abrasive." "I mean, uh, I'm trying to protect myself... because, really, there are these abrasive beatings to be avoided everywhere you look." "But, Wally, don't you - don't you see that comfort can be dangerous?" "I mean, you like to be comfortable, and I like to be comfortable too... but comfort can lull you into a dangerous tranquillity." "I mean, my mother knew a woman, Lady Hatfield... who was one of the richest women in the world... and she died of starvation because all she would eat was chicken." "I mean, she just liked chicken, Wally, and that was all she would eat." "And actually her body was starving, but she didn't know it... 'cause she was quite happy eating her chicken, and so she finally died." "See, I honestly believe that we're all like Lady Hatfield now." "We're having a lovely, comfortable time with our electric blankets and our chicken... and meanwhile we're starving because we're so cut off from contact with reality... that we're not getting any real sustenance, 'cause we don't see the world." "We don't see ourselves." "We don't see how our actions affect other people." "Have you read Martin Buber's book On Hasidism?" " No." " Well, here's a view of life." "I mean, he talks about the belief of the HasidicJews... that there are spirits chained in everything." "There are spirits chained in you." "There are spirits chained in me." "Well, there are spirits chained in this table." "And that prayer is the action of liberating these enchained embryo-like spirits... and that every action of ours in life... whether it's, uh, doing business, or making love... or having dinner together, or whatever" "that every action of ours should be a prayer... a sacrament in the world." "Now, do you think we're living like that?" "Why do you think we're not living like that?" "I think it's because if we allowed ourselves to see what we do every day... we might just find it too nauseating." "I mean, the way we treat other people." "You know, every day, several times a day, I walk into my apartment building." "The doorman calls me Mr. Gregory, and I call him Jimmy." "Already, what's the difference between that... and the Southern plantation owner who's got slaves?" "You see, I think that an act of murder is committed in that moment... when I walk into that building." "Because here's a dignified, intelligent man - a man of my own age - and when I call him Jimmy, then he becomes a child, and I'm an adult... because I can buy my way into the building." "Right." "That's right." "I mean, my God, when I was a Latin teacher..." "I mean, people used to treat me " "I mean, uh, you know, if I would go to a party... of professional or literary people..." "I mean, I was just treated, uh, in the nicest sense of the word... uh, like a dog." "I mean, in other words, there was no question... of my being able to participate on an equal basis in a conversation with people." "I mean, you know, I'd occasionally have conversations with people... but then, uh, when they asked what I did... which would always happen after about five minutes... uh, you know, their faces " "Even if they were enjoying the conversation, or they were flirting with me, or whatever it was - their faces would just have that expression just like the portcullis crashing down." "You know, those medieval gates." "They would just walk away." "I mean, I literally lived like a dog." "And I mean, uh, when Debby was working as a secretary, you know... if she would tell people what she did, they would just go insane." "I mean, it would be just as if she'd said, uh..." ""Oh, well, I've been serving a life sentence recently, uh, for child murdering."" "I mean, my God, you know, when you talk about our attitudes toward other people..." "I mean, I think of myself... as just a very decent, good person, you know... just because I think I'm reasonably friendly... to most of the people I happen to meet every day." "I mean, I really think of myself quite smugly." "I just think I'm a perfectly nice guy, uh, you know... so long as I think of the world as consisting of, you know... just the small circle of the people that I know as friends... or the few people that we know in this little world of our little hobbies " "the theater or whatever it is." "And I'm really quite self-satisfied." "I'm just quite happy with myself." "I just have no complaint about myself." "I mean, you know, let's face it." "I mean, there's a whole enormous world out there that I just don't ever think about." "I certainly don't take responsibility for how I've lived in that world." "I mean, you know, if I were actually to sort of confront the fact... that I'm sort of sharing this stage... with-with-with this starving person in Africa somewhere... well, I wouldn't feel so great about myself." "So naturally I just" " I just blot all those people right out of my perception." "So, of course - of course, I'm ignoring... a whole section of the real world." "But frankly, you know... when I write a play, in a way, one of the things I guess I think I'm trying to do... is I'm trying to bring myself up against some little bits of reality... and I'm trying to share that, uh, with an audience." "I mean" " I mean, of course we all know, uh... the theater is, uh, in terrible shape today." "I mean, uh" " I mean, at least a few years ago people who really cared about the theater... used to say, "The theater is dead."" "And now everybody's redefined the theater in such a trivial way... that, I mean" " I mean, God..." "I know people who are involved with the theater who go to see things now that " "I mean, a few years ago these same people... would have just been embarrassed to have even seen some of these plays." "I mean, they would have just shrunk, you know,just in horror... at the superficiality of these things." "But now they say, "Oh, that was pretty good."" "It's just incredible." "And I really just find that attitude unbearable... because I really do think the theater can do something very important." "I mean, I do think the theater can help bring people in contact with reality." "Now, now, you may not feel that at all." "You may just find that totally absurd." "Yeah, but, Wally, don't you see the dilemma?" "You're not taking into account the period we're living in." "I mean, of course that's what the theater should do." "I mean, I've always felt that." "You know, when I was a young director, and I directed the Bacchae at Yale... my impulse, when Pentheus has been killed by his mother and the Furies... and they pull the tree back, and they tie him to the tree... and fling him into the air, and he flies through space and he's killed... and they rip him to shreds and I guess cut off his head " "my impulse was that the thing to do was to get a head from the New Haven morgue... and pass it around the audience." "Now, I wanted Agawe to bring on a real head... and that this head should be passed around the audience... so that somehow people realized that this stuff was real, see?" "That it was real stuff." " Now, the actress playing Agawe absolutely refused to do it." " [ Giggling ]" "You know, Gordon Craig used to talk about... why is there gold or silver in the churches or something - the great cathedrals - when actors could be wearing gold and silver?" "And I mean, people who saw Eleonora Duse in the last couple of years of her life, Wally- people said that is was like seeing light on stage, or mist... or the essence of something." "I mean, then when you think about Bertolt Brecht " "He somehow created a theater in which people could observe... that was vastly entertaining and exciting... but in which the excitement didn't overwhelm you." "He somehow allowed you the distance between the play and yourself... that, in fact, two human beings need in order to live together." "You know, the question is whether the theater now can do for an audience... what Brecht tried to do or what Craig or Duse tried to do." "Can it do it now?" "'Cause, you see, I think that people today are so deeply asleep... that unless, you know, you're putting on those sort of superficial plays... that just help your audience to sleep more comfortably... it's very hard to know what to do in the theater." "[ People Chattering, Laughing ]" "Because, you see, I think that if you put on serious, contemporary plays... by writers like yourself... you may only be helping to deaden the audience in a different way." "What do you mean?" "Well, I mean, Wally... how does it affect an audience to put on one of these plays... in which you show that people are totally isolated now... and they can't reach each other, and their lives are desperate?" "Or how does it affect them to see a play that shows that our world... is full of nothing but shocking sexual events, and terror, and violence?" "Does that help to wake up a sleeping audience?" "See, I don't think so, 'cause I think it's very likely... that the picture of the world that you're showing them in a play like that... is exactly the picture of the world they have already." "I mean, you know, they know their own lives and relationships... are difficult and painful." "And if they watch the evening news on television... well, there what they see is a terrifying, chaotic universe... full of rapes and murders and hands cut off by subway cars... and children pushing their parents out of windows." "So the play tells them that their impression of the world is correct... and that there's absolutely no way out." "There's nothing they can do." "And they end up feeling passive and impotent." "I mean, look- look, at something like that christening... that my group arranged for me in the forest in Poland." "Well, there was an example of something that really had all the elements of theater." "It was worked on carefully." "It was thought about carefully." "It was done with exquisite taste and magic." "And they, in fact, created something... which, in this case, was, in a way, just for an audience of one -just for me." "But they created something that had ritual, love, surprise... denouement, beginning, a middle and end... and was an incredibly beautiful piece of theater." "And the impact that it had on its audience - on me - was somehow a totally positive one." "It didn't deaden me." "It brought me to life." "Yeah, but I mean, are you saying that it's impossible " "I mean, uh" " I mean - I mean, uh, isn't it a little upsetting... to come to the conclusion that there's no way to wake people up anymore... except to involve them in some kind of a strange, uh, christening in Poland... or some kind of a strange experience on top of Mount Everest?" "I mean, uh, because, uh, you know that the awful thing is... if you really say that it's-it's necessary... to, uh, take everybody to, uh, Everest... it's really tough, because everybody can't be taken to Everest." "I mean, there must have been periods in history when it would have been possible... to, uh, save the patient through less drastic measures." "I mean, there must have been periods when in order to give people... a strong or meaningful experience... you wouldn't actually have to take them to Everest." "But you do now." "In some way or other, you do now." "You know, there was a time when you could have just, for instance, written..." "I don't know, uh, Sense and Sensibility byJane Austen." "And I'm sure the people who read it had a pretty strong experience." "I'm sure they did." "I mean, all right, now you're saying that people today wouldn't get it." "Maybe that's true." "But I mean, isn't there any kind of writing or any kind of a play" "I mean, isn't it still legitimate for writers... to try to portray reality so that people can see it?" "I mean, really, tell me, why do we require a trip to Mount Everest... in order to be able to perceive one moment of reality?" "I mean" " I mean, is Mount Everest more real than New York?" "I mean, isn't New York real?" "I mean, you see, I think if you could become fully aware... of what existed in the cigar store next door to this restaurant..." "I think it would just blow your brains out." "I mean" " I mean, isn't there just as much reality to be perceived... in a cigar store as there is on Mount Everest?" "I mean, what do you think?" "I think that not only is there nothing more real about Mount Everest..." "I think there's nothing that different, in a certain way." "I mean, because reality is uniform, in a way... so that if your- if your perceptions are " "I mean, if your own mechanism is operating correctly... it would become irrelevant to go to Mount Everest, and sort of absurd... because, I mean - it just - I mean, of course, on some level, I mean... obviously it's very different from a cigar store on 7 th Avenue." " But I mean " " Well, I agree with you, Wally." "But the problem is that people can't see the cigar store now." "I mean, things don't affect people the way they used to." "I mean, it may very well be that 1 0 years from now... people will pay $1 0,000 in cash to be castrated... just in order to be affected by something." "Well, why-why do you think that is?" "I mean, why is that?" "I mean, is it just because people are lazy today, or they're bored?" "I mean, are we just like bored, spoiled children... who've just been lying in the bathtub all day... just playing with their plastic duck... and now they're just thinking, "Well, what can I do?"" "Okay." "Yes." "We're bored." "We're all bored now." "But has it every occurred to you, Wally, that the process... that creates this boredom that we see in the world now... may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing... created by a world totalitarian government based on money... and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks... and it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally... but that somebody who's bored is asleep... and somebody who's asleep will not say no?" "See, I keep meeting these people - I mean, uh,just a few days ago..." "I met this man whom I greatly admire." "He's a Swedish physicist." "Gustav Björnstrand." "And he told me that he no longer watches television... he doesn't read newspapers, and he doesn't read magazines." "He's completely cut them out of his life... because he really does feel that we're living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare now... and that everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot." "And when I was at Findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert... who had devoted his life to saving trees." "Just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the redwoods." "He's 84 years old, and he always travels with a backpack... 'cause he never knows where he's gonna be tomorrow." "And when I met him at Findhorn, he said to me, "Where are you from?"" "I said, "New York." He said, "Ah, New York." "Yes, that's a very interesting place." "Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave, but never do?"" "And I said, "Oh, yes." And he said, "Why do you think they don't leave?"" "I gave him different banal theories." "He said, "Oh, I don't think it's that way at all."" "He said, "I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp..." ""where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves..." ""and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they've built." ""They've built their own prison." ""And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia..." ""where they are both guards and prisoners." ""And as a result, they no longer have - having been lobotomized " ""the capacity to leave the prison they've made... or to even see it as a prison."" "And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree... and he said, "This is a pine tree."" "He put it in my hand and he said, "Escape before it's too late."" "See, actually, for two or three years now..." "Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out." "We really feel likeJews in Germany in the late '30s." "Get out of here." "Of course, the problem is where to go." "'Cause it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction." "See, I think it's quite possible that the 1 960s... represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished... and that this is the beginning of the rest of the future, now... and that from now on there'll simply be all these robots walking around... feeling nothing, thinking nothing." "And there'll be nobody left almost to remind them... that there once was a species called a human being... with feelings and thoughts... and that history and memory are right now being erased... and soon nobody will really remember... that life existed on the planet." "Now, of course, Björnstrand feels that there's really almost no hope... and that we're probably going back to a very savage... lawless, terrifying period." "Findhorn people see it a little differently." "They're feeling that there'll be these pockets of light... springing up in different parts of the world... and that these will be, in a way, invisible planets on this planet... and that as we, or the world, grow colder... we can take invisible space journeys to these different planets... refuel for what it is we need to do on the planet itself... and come back." "And it's their feeling that there have to be centers now... where people can come and reconstruct a new future for the world." "And when I was talking to, uh, Gustav Björnstrand... he was saying that actually these centers are growing up everywhere now... and that what they're trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do... and, in a way, what I was trying to do " "I mean, these things can't be given names... but in a way, these are all attempts at creating a new kind of school... or a new kind of monastery." "And Björnstrand talks about the concept of"reserves" - islands of safety where history can be remembered... and the human being can continue to function... in order to maintain the species through a dark age." "In other words, we're talking about an underground... which did exist in a different way during the Dark Ages... among the mystical orders of the church." "And the purpose of this underground... is to find out how to preserve the light, life, the culture... how to keep things living." "You see, I keep thinking that what we need... is a new language - a language of the heart... a language, as in the Polish forest, where language wasn't needed." "Some kind of language between people that is a new kind of poetry... that's the poetry of the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is." "And I think that in order to create that language... you're going to have to learn how you can go through a looking glass... into another kind of perception... where you have that sense of being united to all things... and suddenly you understand everything." "[ Siren Wailing In Distance]" "Are you ready for some dessert?" "Uh, I think I'll just have an espresso." "Thank you." " Very good." " I'll" " I'll also have one." "Thank you." "And" "And, uh, could I also have, uh, an amaretto?" "Certainly, sir." "Thank you." "You see, Wally, there's this incredible building that they built at Findhorn." "And the man who designed it had never designed anything in his life." "He wrote children's books." "And some people wanted it to be a sort of hall of meditation... and others wanted it to be a kind of lecture hall." "But the psychic part of the community wanted it to serve another function as well... because they wanted it to be a kind of spaceship which at night could rise up... and let the U.F.O.'s know that this was a safe place to land... and that they would find friends there." "So, the problem was - 'cause it needed a massive kind of roof- was how to have a roof that would stay on the building... but at the same time be able to fly up at night and meet the flying saucers." "So, the architect meditated and meditated... and he finally came up with the very simple solution... of not actually joining the roof to the building... which means that it should fall off... because they have great gales up in northern Scotland." "So, to keep it from falling off, he got beach stones from the beach - or we did, 'cause I-I worked on this building - all up and down the roof, just like that." "And the idea was that the energy that would flow from stone to stone... would be so strong, you see... that it would keep the roof down under any conditions... but at the same time, if the roof needed to go up, it would be light enough to go up." "Well - [ Chuckling ] it works, you see." "Now, architects don't know why it works... and it shouldn't work, 'cause it should fall off." "But it works." "It does work." "The gales blow, and the roof should fall off, but it doesn't fall off." "[ Man Coughing ]" "Yep." "Well, uh... do you want to know my actual response to all this?" " Do you want to hear my actual response?" " Yes!" "See, my actual response - I mean " "[ Laughing ] I mean" " I mean, I'm just trying to - to survive, you know?" "I mean, I'm just trying to earn a living... just trying to pay my rent and my bills." "I mean, uh " "Ah, I live my life." "I enjoy staying home with Debby." "I'm reading Charlton Heston's autobiography." "And that's that." "I mean, you know - I mean, occasionally, maybe..." "Debby and I will step outside, we'll go to a party or something." "And if I can occasionally get my little talent together and write a little play... well, then that's just - that's just wonderful." "And I mean, I enjoy reading about other little plays people have written... and reading the reviews of those plays and what people said about them... and what people said about what people said." "And I mean, I have" " I have a list of errands and responsibilities that I keep in a notebook." "I enjoy going through the notebook... carrying out the responsibilities, doing the errands... and crossing them off the list." "And, I mean, I just" " I just don't know how anybody could enjoy anything more... than I enjoy, uh, reading Charlton Heston's autobiography... or, uh, you know, uh, getting up in the morning... and having the cup of cold coffee that's been waiting for me all night... still there for me to drink in the morning... and no cockroach or fly has-has died in it overnight." "I mean, I'm just so thrilled when I get up... and I see that coffee there, just the way I wanted it." "I mean, I just can't imagine... how anybody could enjoy something else any more than that." "I mean" " I mean, obviously, if the cockroach - if there is a dead cockroach in it... well, then I just have a feeling of disappointment, and I'm sad." "But I mean, I" " I just - I just don't think..." "I feel the need for anything more than all this." "Whereas, you know, you seem to be saying... that, uh... it's inconceivable that anybody could be having a meaningful life today... and, you know, everyone is totally destroyed... and we all need to live in these outposts." "But I mean, you know, I just can't believe - even for you " "I mean, don't you find" " Isn't it pleasant just to get up in the morning... and there's Chiquita, there are the children... and The Times is delivered, you can read it." "I mean, maybe you'll direct a play, maybe you won't direct a play." "But forget about the play that you may or may not direct." "Why is it necessary to" "Why not lean back and just enjoy these details?" "I mean, and there'd be a delicious cup of coffee and a piece of coffeecake." "I mean, why is it necessary to have more than this... or to even think about having more than this?" "I mean, I don't really know what you're talking about." "I mean" " I mean, I know what you're talking about... but I don't really know what you're talking about." "And I mean, you know, even if I were to totally agree with you, you know... and even if I were to accept the idea that there's just no way for anybody... to have personal happiness now... well, you know, I still couldn't accept the idea... that the way to make life wonderful would be to just totally... you know, reject Western civilization... and fall back into some kind of belief in some kind of weird something " "I mean, I don't even know how to begin talking about this... but you know, in the Middle Ages... before the arrival of scientific thinking as we know it today... well, people could believe anything." "Anything could be true - the statue of the Virgin Mary... could speak or bleed or whatever it was." "But the wonderful thing that happened... was that then in the development of science in the Western world... certain things did come slowly to be known and understood." "I mean, you know... obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised." "I mean, that's the whole point." "But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order... and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses... and there are very good reasons why they don't... and you can't just believe absolutely anything." "Whereas, the things that you're talking about " "I mean" " I mean, you found the handprint in the book... and there were - there were three Andrés and one Antoine de Saint-Exupéry." "And to me that is a coincidence." "But" "And-And then, you know, the people who put that book together... well, they had their own reasons for putting it together." "But to you it was significant, as if that book had been written 40 years ago... so that you would see it, as if it was planned for you, in a way." "I mean, really" " I mean " "I mean, all right, let's say, if I get a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant..." "I mean, of course, even I have a tendency" "I mean, you know" " I mean, of course, I would hardly throw it out." "I mean, I read it." "I read it, and - and, uh " "I just instinctively sort of- You know, if it says something like, uh..." ""A conversation with a dark-haired man will be very important for you"... well, I just instinctively think, you know, "Who do I know who has dark hair?" "Did we have a conversation?" "What did we talk about?"" "In other words, uh, there's something in me that makes me read it... and I instinctively interpret it as if it were an omen of the future." "But in my conscious opinion, which is so fundamental to my whole view of life " "I mean, I would just have to change totally to not have this opinion." "In my conscious opinion, this is simply something... that was written in the cookie factory several years ago and in no way refers to me." "I mean, you know, the - the fact that I got it " "I mean, the man who wrote it did not know anything about me." "I mean, he could not have known anything about me." "There's no way that this cookie could actually have to do with me." "And the fact that I've gotten it is just basically a joke." "And I mean, if I were gonna go on a trip on an airplane... and I got a fortune cookie that said "Don't go"..." "I mean, of course, I admit I might feel a bit nervous for about one second." "But in fact, I would go because, I mean... that trip is gonna be successful or unsuccessful... based on the state of the airplane and the state of the pilot." "And the cookie is in no position to know about that." "And I mean, you know, it's the same... with any kind of, uh, prophecy, or a sign, or an omen." "Because if you believe in omens, then that means that the universe " "I mean, I don't even know how to begin to describe this." "That means that the future is somehow sending messages... backwards to the present." "Which-Which means that the future must exist in some sense already... in order to be able to send these messages." "And it also means that things in the universe are there for a purpose - to give us messages." "Whereas I think that things in the universe are just there." "I mean, they don't mean anything." "I mean, you know, if the turtle's egg falls out of the tree and splashes on the paving stones... it's just because that turtle was clumsy- by accident." "And-And to decide whether to send my ships off to war on the basis of that... seems a big mistake to me." "Well, what information would you send your ships to war on?" "Because if it's all meaningless... what's the difference whether you accept the fortune cookie... or the statistics of the Ford Foundation?" "It doesn't seem to matter." "Well, the meaningless fact of the fortune cookie or the turtle's egg... can't possibly have any relevance to the subject you're analyzing." "Whereas a group of meaningless facts that are collected and interpreted... in a scientific way may quite possibly be relevant." "Because the wonderful thing about scientific theories about things... is that they're based on experiments that can be repeated." "Hmm." "Well, it's true, Wally." "I mean, you know, following omens and so on... is probably just a way of letting ourselves off the hook... so that we don't have to take individual responsibility for our own actions." "But I mean, giving yourself over to the unconscious... can leave you vulnerable to all sorts of very frightening manipulation." "And in all the work that I was involved in, there was always that danger." "And there was always that question of tampering with people's lives... because if I lead one of these workshops, then I do become partly a doctor... and partly a therapist, and partly a priest." "And I'm not a doctor, or a therapist, or a priest." "And already some of these new monasteries... or communities or whatever we've been talking about... are becoming institutionalized... and I guess even in a way, at times, sort of fascistic." "You know, there's a sort of self-satisfied elitist paranoia that grows up - a feeling of"them" and "us" - that is very unsettling." "But I mean, uh, the thing is, Wally, I think it's the exaggerated worship of science... that has led us into this situation." "I mean, science has been held up to us as a magical force... that would somehow solve everything." "Well, quite the contrary." "It's done quite the contrary." "It's destroyed everything." "So that is what has really led, I think... to this very strong, deep reaction against science that we're seeing now... just as the Nazi demons that were released in the '30s in Germany... were probably a reaction against a certain oppressive kind of knowledge... and culture and rational thinking." "So I agree that we're talking about something potentially very dangerous." "But modern science has not been particularly less dangerous." "Right." "Well, I agree with you." "I completely agree." "No, you know, the truth is..." "I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it." "But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about " "The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments." "And the point of it was so that you would then all be able to experience... somehow just pure being." "In other words, you were trying to discover what it would be like to live for certain moments... without having any particular thing that you were supposed to be doing." "And I think I just simply object to that." "I mean, I just don't think I accept the idea that there should be moments... in which you're not trying to do anything." "[ Chuckling ] I think, uh, it's our nature, uh, to do things." "I think we should do things." "I think that, uh, purposefulness... is part of our ineradicable basic human structure." "And to say that we ought to be able to live without it... is like saying that, uh, a tree ought to be able to live without branches or roots." "But" " But actually, without branches or roots, it wouldn't be a tree." "I mean, it would just be a log." "Do you see what I'm saying?" "Uh-huh." "Uh-huh." "I mean, in other words, if I'm sitting at home and I have nothing to do... well, I naturally reach for a book." "I mean, what would be so great about just sitting there and, uh, doing nothing?" "It just seems absurd." "And if Debby is there?" "Well, that's just the same thing." "I mean, is there really such a thing as, uh... two people doing nothing but just being together?" "I mean, would they simply then... be, uh, "relating," to use the word we're always using?" "I mean, what would that mean?" "I mean, either we're gonna have a conversation... or we're going to, uh, carry out the garbage... or we're going to do something, separately or together." "I mean, do you see what I'm saying?" "I mean, what does it mean to just, uh, simply, uh, sit there?" "That makes you nervous." "Well, well, why shouldn't it make me nervous?" "It just seems ridiculous to me." "That's interesting, Wally." "You know, when I went to Ladakh in western Tibet and stayed on a farm for a month... well, there, you know, when people come over in the evening for tea, nobody says anything." "Unless there's something to say, but there almost never is." "So they just sit there and drink their tea, and it doesn't seem to bother them." "I mean, you see, the trouble, Wally, with always being active and doing things... is that I think it's quite possible to do all sorts of things... and at the same time be completely dead inside." "I mean, you're doing all these things, but are you doing them... because you really feel an impulse to do them... or are you doing them mechanically, as we were saying before?" "Because I really do believe that if you're just living mechanically... then you have to change your life." "I mean, you know, when you're young, you go out on dates all the time." "You go dancing or something." "You're floating free." "And then one day suddenly you find yourself in a relationship... and suddenly everything freezes." "And this can be true in your work as well." "And I mean, of course, if you're really alive inside... then of course there's no problem." "I mean, if you're living with somebody in one little room... and there's a life going on between you and the person you're living with... well, then a whole adventure can be going on right in that room." "But there's always the danger that things can go dead." "Then I really do think you have to kind of become a hobo or something, you know... like Kerouac, and go out on the road." "I really believe that." "You know, it's not that wonderful to spend your life on the road." "My own overwhelming preference is to stay in that room if you can." "But you know, if you live with somebody for a long time, people are constantly saying..." ""Well, of course it's not as great as it used to be, but that's only natural." "The first blush of a romance goes, and that's the way it has to be."" "Now, I totally disagree with that." "But I do think that you have to constantly ask yourself the question, with total frankness:" "Is your marriage still a marriage?" "Is the sacramental element there?" "Just as you have to ask about the sacramental element in your work" "Is it still there?" "I mean, it's a very frightening thing, Wally, to have to suddenly realize... that, my God, I thought I was living my life, but in fact I haven't been a human being." "I've been a performer." "I haven't been living." "I've been acting." "I've" " I've acted the role of the father." "I've acted the role of the husband." "I've acted the role of the friend." "I've acted the role of the writer, or director, or what have you." "I've lived in the same room with this person, but I haven't really seen them." "I haven't really heard them." "I haven't really been with them." "Yeah, I know some people are just sometimes... uh, existing just side by side." "I mean, uh, the other person's, uh, face could just turn into a great wolf's face... and, uh, it just wouldn't be noticed." "And it wouldn't be noticed, no." "It wouldn't be noticed." "I mean, when I was in Israel a little while ago " "I mean, I have this picture of Chiquita that was taken when she " "I always carry it with me." "It was taken when she was about 26 or something." "And it's in summer, and she's stretched out on a terrace... in this sort of old-fashioned long skirt that's kind of pulled up." "And she's slim and sensual and beautiful." "And I've always looked at that picture and just thought about just how sexy she looks." "And then last year in Israel, I looked at the picture... and I realized that that face in the picture was the saddest face in the world." "That girl at that time was just lost... so sad and so alone." "I've been carrying this picture for years and not ever really seeing what it is, you know." "I just never really looked at the picture." "And then, at a certain point , I realized I'd just gone for a good 1 8 years unable to feel... except in the most extreme situations." "I mean, to some extent, I still had the ability to live in my work." "That was why I was such a work junkie." "That was why I felt that every play that I did was a matter of my life or my death." "But in my real life, I was dead." "I was a robot." "I mean, I didn't even allow myself to get angry or annoyed." "I mean, you know, today Chiquita, Nicolas, Marina " "All day long, as people do, they do things that annoy me and they say things that annoy me." "And today I get annoyed." "And they say, "Why are you annoyed?"" "And I say, "Because you're annoying," you know." "And when I allowed myself to consider the possibility... of not spending the rest of my life with Chiquita..." "I realized that what I wanted most in life was to always be with her." "But at that time, I hadn't learned what it would be like to let yourself react... to another human being." "And if you can't react to another person... then there's no possibility of action or interaction." "And if there isn't, I don't really know what the word "love" means... except duty, obligation, sentimentality, fear." "I mean - [ Chuckling ]" "I don't know about you, Wally, but I " "I just had to put myself into a kind of training program to learn how to be a human being." "I mean, how did I feel about anything?" "I didn't know." "What kind of things did I like?" "What kind of people did I really want to be with?" "You know?" "And the only way that I could think of to find out... was to just cut out all the noise and stop performing all the time... and just listen to what was inside me." "See, I think a time comes when you need to do that." "Now, maybe in order to do it, you have to go to the Sahara... and maybe you can do it at home." "But you need to cut out the noise." "[ Car Horn Honks On Street ]" "Yeah." "Of course, personally, I-I just, uh " "I usually don't, uh - [ Chuckles ] like those quiet moments, you know." "I really don't." "I mean, uh, I don't know if it's that, uh, Freudian thing or what " "But, uh, you know, the fear of unconscious impulses... or my own aggression or whatever, but, uh... if things get too quiet, and I find myself just, uh, sitting there... you know, as we were saying before..." "I mean, whether I'm by myself, or-or I'm-I'm with someone else..." "I just, uh - I just have this feeling of... uh, my God, I'm going to be revealed." "In other words, I'm adequate to do any sort of a task, um... but I'm not adequate, uh, just to - to be a human being." "I mean, in other words, I'm not, uh " "If I'm just, uh, trapped there and I'm not allowed to do things... but all I can do is just, um, be there... well, I'll just fail." "I mean, in other words, uh..." "I can pass any other sort of a test... and, you know, I can even get an "A" if I put in the required effort... but I just don't, uh " "I just don't have a clue how to pass this test." "I mean" " I mean, of course, I realize this isn't a test... but, um, I see it as a test... and I feel I'm going to fail it." "I mean, it's - it's very scary." "I just feel, uh,just totally at sea." "I mean " "Well, you know, I could imagine a life, Wally... in which each day would become an incredible, monumental, creative task... and we're not necessarily up to it." "I mean, if you felt like walking out on the person you live with, you'd walk out." "Then if you felt like it, you'd come back." "But meanwhile, the other person would have reacted to your walking out." "It would be a life of such feeling." "I mean, what was amazing in the workshops I led... was how quickly people seemed to fall into enthusiasm... celebration,joy, wonder, abandon, wildness, tenderness." "Could we stand to live like that?" "Yeah, I think it's that moment of contact with another person." "I mean, that's what scares us." "I mean, that moment of being face to face with another person." "I mean, now - [ Laughs ]" "You wouldn't think it would be so frightening." "It's strange that we find it so frightening." "Well, it isn't that strange." "I mean, first of all, there are some pretty good reasons for being frightened." "I mean, you know, the human being is a complex and dangerous creature." "I mean, really, if you start living each moment?" "Christ, that's quite a challenge." "I mean, if you really reach out and you're really in touch with the other person... well, that really is something to strive for, I think, I really do." "Yeah, it's just so pathetic if one doesn't do that." "Of course there's a problem, because the closer you come, I think, to another human being... the more completely mysterious - and unreachable - that person becomes." "I mean, you know, you have to reach out, you have to go back and forth with them... and you have to relate, and yet you're relating to a ghost or something." "I don't know, because we're ghosts." "We're phantoms." "Who are we?" "And that's to face, to confront the fact that you're completely alone." "And to accept that you're alone is to accept death." "You mean, because somehow when you are alone, you're alone with death." "I mean, nothing's obstructing your view of it, or something like that." "Right." "You know, if I understood it correctly, I think, uh, Heidegger said... that, uh, if you were to experience your own being to the full... you'd be experiencing the decay of that being toward death... as a part of your experience." "You know, in the sexual act there's that moment of complete forgetting... which is so incredible." "Then in the next moment, you start to think about things:" "work on the play, what you've got to do tomorrow." "I don't know if this is true of you, but I think it must be quite common." "The world comes in quite fast." "Now, that again may be because we're afraid to stay in that place of forgetting... because that, again, is close to death." "Like people who are afraid to go to sleep." "In other words, you interrelate, and you don't know what the next moment will bring." "And to not know what the next moment will bring... brings you closer to a perception of death." "You see, that's why I think that people have affairs." "I mean, you know, in the theater, if you get good reviews... you feel for a moment that you've got your hands on something." "You know what I mean?" "I mean, it's a good feeling." "But then that feeling goes quite quickly." "And once again you don't know quite what you should do next." "What'll happen?" "Well, have an affair, and up to a certain point... you can really feel that you're on firm ground, you know." "There's a sexual conquest to be made." "There are different questions." "Does she enjoy the ears being nibbled?" "How intensely can you talk about Schopenhauer at some elegant French restaurant?" "Whatever nonsense it is." "It's all, I think, to give you the semblance that there's firm earth." "Well, have a real relationship with a person that goes on for years " "That's completely unpredictable." "Then you've cut off all your ties to the land, and you're sailing into the unknown... into uncharted seas." "I mean, you know, people hold on to these images of father, mother, husband, wife... again for the same reason - 'cause they seem to provide some firm ground." "But there's no wife there." "What does that mean?" "A wife." "A husband." "A son." "A baby holds your hands... and then suddenly there's this huge man lifting you off the ground... and then he's gone." "Where's that son?" "[ Wally Narrating ] All the other customers seemed to have left hours ago." "We got the bill, and André paid for our dinner." "Really?" "[ Conversing, Indistinct ]" "[ Wally Narrating ] I treated myself to a taxi." "I rode home through the city streets." "There wasn't a street, there wasn't a building... that wasn't connected to some memory in my mind." "There, I was buying a suit with my father." "There, I was having an ice cream soda after school." "When I finally came in, Debby was home from work... and I told her everything about my dinner with André." | {
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"What do you think?" "Not your color." "Pretty sure this is the only color that platypus skulls come in." "I'll take it." "Anyway, told you, it's not for me, it's for Sherlock." "He's into stuff like this." "You name a kid something like Sherlock, you pretty much guarantee he's gonna be into stuff like that." "Actually, his name is the least odd thing about him." "I'm gonna have to introduce you one of these days." "I'm hoping this little guy will distract him for a while." "He's been bored." "No interesting murder cases in the last couple of weeks." "Oh, poor thing." "You know, if you guys are really looking for something to do..." "Yeah?" "Nothing." "It's embarrassing, actually." "Oh, is it?" "Look, I was thinking about you last week and I was gonna call you, and I..." "I'm trying to find a guy that I lost track of." "Uh-huh." "A one-night stand." "Jennifer Sayles!" "I met him after one of our girls' nights, actually." "Do you remember, like, a year ago, drinks in Midtown, and you bailed early?" "Well, I ended up at this little bar on 42nd, and..." "I met Tony." "Okay, does Tony have a last name?" "Look, I know that he's a photojournalist," "I know that he is amazing and that we just clicked." "It wasn't just a drunken thing." "It wasn't, I'm telling you." "After the bar, we went to a gallery opening, and then we ended up back at my place." "The whole night, it was just... perfect." "It was like a movie." "Except he had a flight first thing in the morning." "Some job in Paris for a couple of months." "We didn't even exchange numbers." "Jen, I have to be honest." "I mean, if all you have is a first name," "I don't even know where I'd begin." "Anyway, this isn't the kind of thing that Sherlock and I do." "Yeah, but you're great at this, right?" "You're great at it, and, Joan, I swear," "I would never, ever ask you to help me with something so mortifying if I didn't think that this guy might really be the one." "What you are describing is not a case, it is a wild goose chase, only at the end of a proper goose chase you get to eat a delicious goose-- in this instance, ur friend gets to find out that some sweaty Lothario" "is not the man of her dreams." "Do you want to help me or not?" "You are a consulting detective, you are my partner." "The work you are describing falls somewhere between photographing philandering spouses and finding a lost cat." "I urge you to have some professional pride." "I do." "Okay, she's my friend, and she asked me for my help." "Anyway, it's not like we have anything better to work on." "We have cold cases, dozens of them." "You have been looking at these for days, and so far the only things you have solved are the theft of a penny-farthing bicycle and a nonfatal arson case which is older than my father." "You have not left the house in a week, and you're beginning to smell like old mimeographs." "Be that as it may," "I'm quite certain that we can do better than helping your friend find an MIA pickup artist." "How?" "Sometimes, Watson, when one wants a diamond, one must resort to digging in a diamond mine." "For future reference, a morgue is not a diamond mine." "It's better." "Diamonds are just pressed coal;" "corpses have stories, secrets." "You said you had an "in" here." "A certain deputy medical examiner who can be relied upon to allow me access." "And he's okay with letting a civilian waltz in here to shop for a wrongful death he might have missed because...?" "Because he's so competitive, it borders on illness." "Let me guess-- somebody wants an ass-kicking?" "First time for everything, I suppose." "This is Joan Watson, my partner." "This is Dr. Eugene Hawes, my sparring partner." "Oh, it's nice to meet you." "You, too." "Usual stakes?" "My cash against your corpses." "Ponziani?" "You think you can come in here with that weak stuff?" "0 for 19" " I think it's time to call it a day." "I'm seriously starving, and that is something that should not be happening in here." "Well, there's a vending machine down the hall, and at least a dozen more bodies, so we have the makings of a lovely evening." "Right, this is Leo..." "Banin." "Killed when his motorcycle veered across the yellow line into an oncoming minivan." "The driver of that vehicle, a Melissa Aguire... was also killed." "Nope, there's no mystery there." "The head wound is the cause of death and the reason we have helmet laws." "We have a case." "Sherlock, nobody killed this man." "No." "But the day he died, he murdered someone else." "♪ Elementary 2x05 ♪ Ancient History Original Air Date on October 24, 2013" "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man" "♪" "You know, we got a lot going on here." "We always do." "If you're looking for entertainment, you don't need to go shopping at the morgue." "I reviewed your open cases-- Sisyphean drudge work." "Nothing half as interesting as what we have found." "A traffic fatality?" "A professional hit man." "His driver's license identified him as Leo Banin." "According to his obituary, he was happily married, a deacon at his church, and an RN at a retirement home." "But before that, he was a member of the Rukovskaya Bratva." "Note their distinctive eight-pointed star." "Detective Bell was kind enough to run Mr. Banin's fingerprints through the international database." "Leo Banin started life as Vitaly Andropov, an assassin for the Bratva's" "Polish outfit." "Interpol believes him responsible for a string of gruesome killings in the Warsaw Wesola district dating back to 2005." "Later that year, Leo Banin sprang into existence." "He began a quiet life as a nurse in Queens, got married shortly thereafter, hasn't been heard from since." "Well, that makes sense." "When you get tired of killing people in Warsaw, you retire to a place like Jackson Heights." "I don't believe he did retire." "At least not permanently." "These cuts on the side of his palms, they are uniform, a perfect matched pair." "He was wearing gloves when he lost control of his motorcycle and slammed into oncoming traffic." "I don't think that those are a result of the crash." "I once apprehended a serial killer in Kensington who strung his guitar with six different murder weapons." "He had scars on his hands very similar to those." "Leo's wounds are raw." "I think he garroted someone the day he died." "Well, not a bad bet, considering that was his M.O. in Warsaw." "Oh, and now in New York." "Whoever he killed, do you think he did it on Bratva's orders?" "That's one possibility." "There's just one problem." "Unless you have a garroted corpse" "I'm not aware of, you don't have a victim." "If you don't have a corpse or a missing persons report, you don't have a case." "Which is precisely why we intend to speak to the assassinurse's wife." "We're hoping she might be able to cast some light on the situation." "Of course I knew the tattoo." "I knew he came here to get away from an unhappy life in Poland." "A bad life." "I didn't know he..." "I can't believe Leo was a killer." "Were you aware of his real name" " Vitaly?" "His name, to me, was Leo." "That was his real name." "Can you think of anyone that your husband may have... wanted to harm?" "Someone he'd argued with?" "You don't know my husband." "Talk to our neighbors, our friends." "He was a wonderful man." "An hour before the accident, he called me to say he loved me." "Did he give you that necklace?" "We met at the church." "Whatever you say my husband was, that was the past." "Finding God changed him." "I see he got a medical administration degree a year ago." "It was our dream to open a senior care center." "He had partners to help." "We were finding investors." "This was his life." "Respectfully, Mrs. Banin... your husband was a killer in Poland." "A few days ago, he killed again." "When the one that you love is revealed to have a dark heart, it is... well, it's excruciating." "I speak from experience." "The shock will burn off." "You will feel... anger." "If there is anything that you can tell us about who your husband may have killed, helping us find that person, that is an excellent way to begin to repair yourself." "I'm sorry." "I cannot help you." "This message is for Travis Hardwick." "This is Manny Tarkanian." "I have a huge renovation;" "it needs to move fast." "I hear that you're the best builder in Queens." "I'm gonna text you my contact information." "Please... please get in touch." "Thank you." "Who is Manny Tarkanian, and why does he have a lisp?" "Childhood sledding accident." "But let's not get caught up in the backstory of a passing alias." "The question you should who is Travis Hardwick?" "I don't need to ask." "You're gonna tell me anyway." "Let's begin with two givens." "Firstly, 76% of all murder victims know their assailant." "We, as a species, we tend to be killed by the people closest to us-- our friends, our spouses, business associates." "Secondly, it certainly appears that Mr. Banin née Andropov has resigned his position as a contract killer, which makes it even more likely that the victim is someone that he knew." "These are bereavement cards, notes from floral arrangements." "You stole these from Lara's house?" "Hmm, yes." "I was hoping to ascertain which of Leo's closest associates had failed to send their condolences." "Luckily for us, in this case, evidence of absence is not absence of evidence." "Okay, well, if one of his friends didn't send a card, it might mean they're dead." "But you don't even know who his closest associates are." "We know some of them." "His partners in the nursing home venture-- all but one sent a note." "Travis Hardwick." "It says here that he is a real estate developer, but his online CV strongly suggests he is more of a small-time contractor with very poor reviews." "At present, Mr. Hardwick is either very difficult to reach or very dead." "Well, it is 11:00-- it could be that he may be asleep rather than in a shallow grave." "I see." "Locating this man is obviously less important to you than whatever plans you have this evening." "Unlike you, I have an official case." "I'm going to the bar where Jen met that guy." "You're welcome to come." "No." "Your friend would be better off employing a gigolo than a private detective." "She'd be amazed how cheaply a night of anonymous abandon can be had." "Is she attractive?" "I might be able to provide the service free of charge." "No." "Can I get you something?" "Whiskey, neat." "Hey, the guy at the door said, um, you've been working here the longest." "Only since birth;" "it's my dad's place." "Oh." "What's up?" "It's just a friend of mine met a guy here about a year ago, so..." "Oh, yeah." "I think I remember him." "He likes alcoholic beverages, right?" "Well, I was hoping he might be a regular here." "His name is Tony." "He's a photojournalist." "Sorry." "What's this all about, anyway?" "Uh, nothing." "Just-- it was a long shot." "Hey." "Hey!" "Um, this place must be pretty crazy on Brazilian Day, huh?" "What, are you kidding?" "Little Brazil is pretty much just this block, so, like, half the parade ends up in here every year, and it's madness." "Uh, thanks." "Thanks." "That's really helpful." "Here it is." "Hit play." "You can see Leo followed Travis to his truck that day." "Your boss' truck-- does it have a LoJack?" "I don't think so." "What is it you think happened to Travis?" "We don't know that anything happened to him." "We just want to make sure he's okay." "Hey." "I said you could come in and see the tape, not go through his stuff." "If your boss is okay," "I strongly suspect that he will not notice his filing system has been violated." "So, unexpected three-day absence from work-- did you think of calling the police?" "Clients are in here every month bitching about something-- the work's slow, there's money missing, whatever." "Travis pisses a lot of people off." "Leo was really scary that day, but Travis kept saying, "It's under control, it's under control"." "I didn't worry 'cause a little while later he sent me a text," " said he was headed to Jersey." " Jersey?" "He has an uncle, lives out in Newark;" "I figured he went to borrow more money-- it's happened before." "Well, I'm not so sure that he sent that text or that he even went to New Jersey." ""Pouring the concrete today"." "Wait a second, did you just read his lips?" "The construction site of Leo Banin's nursing care facility." "Difficult to imagine a more ideal place to dispose of a body than the foundation of a building." "It's a shame, really-- the world will never know what an elder care facility run by a former assassin would look like." "There's Travis' truck." "If he did leave here, he didn't use his own vehicle." "So, if this is his final resting place," "I guess the question is, where do we dig?" "We?" "Us." "The police." "Captain Gregson wants a body." "Hey, you know what?" "This might be something." "The concrete over here is a little darker." "Could be they were working construction overnight." "Or it might mean that Leo poured a fresh patch over here." "Maybe Travis is buried under it." "No, we're wrong." "Travis isn't here." "Travis, you're alive." "That's unfortunate." "I just want to be clear here, okay?" "You guys are not cops, right?" "Oh, oh, man." "I-I really thought you were cops." "I mean, the girls-- they definitely thought you were cops." "So, you thought I was dead, huh?" "We just need to know everything you can tell us about Leo Banin, and then you can, um, then you can resume your activities." "Oh, yeah, right." "Right, Leo." "You said he was dead." "Poor guy, huh?" "So, how'd you guys know I was in here, anyway?" "Actually, it was a concert ticket." "You had a stub in the cab of your truck." "The date and time suggested that you survived your visit from Leo." "After the show, you returned to the building site and you haven't left since, and" "I know this because there are no tracks behind your truck." "It rained that night, hasn't since." "Anyway, you've been here snorting cocaine and underwhelming a string of affordable prostitutes ever since." "Uh, I wouldn't say underwhelming, pal." "Your secretary showed us a video of Leo confronting you outside of your office." "He seemed very angry." "Well, yeah," "I just told him that his nursing home was pretty much kaput;" "we ran out of money." "You don't appear to be completely out of money." "No, I-I was until Leo pushed some on me, and I told him, 25 grand wasn't gonna be enough to bail us out..." "He gave you $25,000?" "Yeah." "He said he went to a loan shark." "To tell you the truth, I felt kind of bad taking it, 'cause it wasn't gonna move the needle-- but, hey, dog's got to eat, right?" "So I figure live it up on St. Leo's dime, party till Chapter 11, baby." "Did he identify the loan shark by name?" "No." "What are you doing?" "We should leave this gentleman to his after-party." "Hey, that's my money, pal." "Actually, this is Leo Banin's money." "That cocaine, however, that's entirely yours." ""J-G-9- 3-" Do you want to tell me why you're so sure that this money was stolen?" "I mean, I know that Travis said it came from a loan shark, but..." "Look at it, Watson." "What do you see?" "Well... all the bills look pretty old." "I mean, maybe it's from the '90s?" "$20 bills do not last in circulation more than four or five years." "All of the money Leo gave to Travis was at least 12 years old." "One old bill, that's a rarity;" "a stack of old 20s from a loan shark... astronomically unlikely to be of legitimate provenance." "You were right." "My friend at the Bureau says these bills were flagged." "The cash you found was taken in a bank robbery back in 2001." "Looks like the guys who did the job are still locked up at Otisville, but half the cash was never recovered." "We have reason to believe it was recently distributed by a loan shark." "Well, Russell Gertz was a name that kept popping up." "Feds suspected the stolen cash ended up with him." "Couldn't make a case." "Gertz is a moneylender, used to run a book." "Collared twice, never indicted." "Mr. Gertz is a cautious man-- waited over a decade before putting his dirty tender out on the street." "Or maybe Leo garroted him and took it." "You have an address for this Mr. Gertz?" "Not a current one." "He's got a judgment against him for unpaid parking summonses." "City marshals can't find the guy." "Hmm." "It's official" "I am superior in every way to the New York City Marshals." "You figured out where to find Gertz." "His sister Ida owns a nail salon in Bushwi" "Somehow the business has managed to survive for over 20 years, despite being located in a heavily industrial part of town." "Not another beauty-related business in a ten-block radius." "Well, sounds like a front." "Indeed." "What's that?" "I was able to get a little traction on the thing I was helping my friend with." "The case of the century?" "Yeah." "I mean, she met the guy over Labor Day weekend, on the day of the Brazilian Day parade." "Okay, the place she met him is, like, the heart of Little Brazil-- it would have been wild that night." "So..." "So you thought the local news media might have footage from the bar that evening." "Yeah." "Well, you know, they love all that stuff-- celebrations and parades." "So I called Channel 3 and I asked around, and sure enough, they have B-roll from that night." "So if I'm lucky," "Jen and her mystery man are gonna be on it." " I'm sorry," "I cannot indulghe this trifle any longer." "We have a real case." "Russell Gertz's nail salon cum loan-sharking lair awaits." "And I will be there in a minute." "It was me." "I slept with your friend-- ravaged, actually." "I'm Tony." "I'm on that tape." "She has a beauty mark here, she has size six feet, she bites her nails and thankfully nothing else." "Sherlock..." "Sherlock..." "It was a year ago." "You had only recently taken up residence here as my sober companion." "On those rare occasions that you would allow me a few hours unchaperoned time, I followed you." "Usually you went jogging or to the store." "It was not a riveting surveillance detail," "I assure you." "But on one of those occasions," "I saw you with Jennifer." "Having gleaned little about you to this point," "I saw an opportunity, hmm?" "I waited until you'd gone, and then I approached, as Tony from Long Island, with the intention of steering the conversation towards you." "Now, we didn't end up discussing you so much as..." "You seduced her." "Actually, it was she who initiated our dalliance." "She's an aggressive and," "I may say, limber woman, your friend." "It was good." "Evidently, not as memorable for me as it was for her..." "Enough, enough." "I don't even know where to begin." "I mean, I guess we could start with the, the major betrayal of trust that you just sort of breezed past." "You used to follow me?" "It was not a breach of trust." "We did not have this yet." "You were new." "In order to allow you into my confidence," "I needed to get a sense of you." "Once I was satisfied your intentions were sincere, I stopped." "I have not violated your privacy since." "Hmm?" "And I... apologize." "I was wasting my time, and you knew it." "You could've just told me what you'd done when I told you about the case." "Okay, and you know what?" "Apologizing to me isn't gonna fix this." "There may well be a dead loan shark waiting for us in a Bushwick nail salon, so perhaps a solution will present itself on the way there." "Alive." "Again." "Why can't anyone be dead today?" "Mr. Gertz, my name is Sherlock Holmes." "This is Dr. Joan Watson." "We are consulting detectives for the NYPD." "Okay." "That's an ugly bruising on your arm." "No ligature marks." "I thought perhaps he had survived an attack from Leo Banin, but obviously you were accosted by someone else." "Leo who?" "You know Leo." "You loaned him $25,000." "Sorry." "I don't know what you're talking about." "want to ask me some questions, you're gonna have" " to go back and get some real cops." "Mm-hmm." "You want us to do that so you can empty out your autoclave." "Strangely, it's unplugged." "Stranger still, it's been fitted with a padlock." "I didn't realize that emery boards and nail clippers were so valuable." "Is that where you keep the money that you bought from that bank job back in 2001?" "Or are you smart enough to keep it someplace more remote?" "I've got a deal for you, Mr. Gertz." "Tell us everything you know about Leo Banin, and I will not alert the various sundry authorities who might be interested in your whereabouts." "Leo, uh... he took care of my mom before she passed." "He worked at the home." "He was a bit preachy, but a nice guy, at least until he learned what I did, and then, of course, I was the devil." "And yet he came to you for a loan." "Ah, he needed 50 grand to put the nursing home back on track." "He had no collateral, so I gave him 25 grand on the arm." "On account of the fact that he was nice to my mom." "Now you know what I know." "Well, I-I disagree." "We still don't know how you sustained those wounds." "I fell." "I have vertigo." "Ah." "Why don't you go and get a piece of pen and paper, so you can make some notes, so you can keep your story straight for when you're in custody?" "All right, just hold on, hold on, hold on." "A couple days after Leo showed up," "I got a visit from a guy named..." "Grigori Andrev." "He's Bratva." "The Russian mob was here?" "Grigori knew that I had loaned Leo money." "Don't ask me how." "You, uh, deal off the books, it's like a small town, and he wanted me to help him track Leo down for him." "Uh, I didn't think it was such a nice thing to put the Russian mob on one of my clients." "So you resisted, and he threatened to break your arm." "Uh, turns out I didn't have anything more than... what he already knew." "He knew Leo's home address, he... his phone, everything." "I got my arm mangled for absolutely nothing." "That's the whole story." "Uh, y-you ain't gonna tell the cops, are you?" "You are gonna keep your word, aren't you?" "Sherlock Holmes for Detective Bell." "I don't really have a problem with you violating that creep's trust, but I would have thought you'd at least given him a-a running start." "I'm not calling about him, I'm calling about Leo Banin." "Gertz just told us that the Rukovskaya Bratva came here cracking heads, looking for Leo." "A few hours later, he was dead." "Even if you do believe in coincidences, that one strains credulity, does it not?" "Why would the Bratva want to kill one of their own?" "He wasn't one of their own, hadn't been for quite some time." "Well, coincidence or not," "Leo's motorcycle crash was ruled an accident." "I think it's time we looked at that crash site ourselves." "Taxi!" "And this time, we should get some proper help." "Hope you got something good, dragging half the precinct out here." "Apparently Leo's old friends in the Bratva found out he was hiding in New York." "Pretty sure they chose this spot for an unhappy reunion." "Found a couple of these, just over there." "The tobacco is an admixture most commonly found in counterfeit cigarettes produced in Moscow." "Whoever smoked these left more than just cigarettes." "These are from a .45." "We talked to a loan shark that Leo borrowed money from." "He told us that a Bratva soldier by the name of Grigori Andrev came looking for him." "We think he was the one who left these." "There are some motorcycle tracks just over there to indicate" "Leo Banin left the scene in a hurry." "You would, too, if Grigori Andrev was shooting at you." "What the hell was Leo Banin doing way out here?" "We're not sure yet, but the headline is, the crash that killed him and the driver of the other vehicle was no accident." "The highway patrol-- they didn't conduct a search this far back-- there was no apparent reason to." "So they missed these casings." "They also missed the bullets lodged in the telegraph pole and fence over there." "Now, the shots must have caused Leo Banin to swerve into a minivan, killing someone." "You know how the Bratva like to rotate their players after a job." "We put the BOLO for Andrev out wide, tristate and Chicago." "Wanted on suspicion" " of two wrongful deaths?" " Yeah, Leo Banin and a Melissa Aguire, the other driver." "Hey, I got something!" "Grigori Andrev." "He's the one Leo strangled." "I guess you can cancel this." "Last time I checked, dead men couldn't pull triggers." "So, if he didn't shoot at Leo Banin, who did?" "That's a little loud." "You know?" "Studies have consistently shown that changes in one's surroundings, background noise, even the angle from which materials are viewed, can result in fresh insights." "That was background noise to you, huh?" "Were you able to reach the Warsaw police?" "Yes." "And I got a pretty good idea why Vitaly Andropov changed his name to Leo Banin and left Poland in 2005-- he stole" "100,000 zlotys from his Bratvian buddies." "That's about 30 grand American, give or take." "Well, perhaps his past caught up with him the other day." "Anything from ballistics of note?" "Not exactly what we were hoping for." "Those .45-caliber slugs taken from the scene match perfectly to bullets that we pulled out of a RICO witness last year-- the guy was about to testify against the Russians." "Rumor had it that Grigori Andrev was the triggerman." "But he was not the shooter on this occasion." "Unless you think he was doing target practice before Banin garroted him." "No." "The shots caused the crash, so they must have been fired after Andrev's strangulation as Leo fled the scene." "Some third party must have picked up the weapon and fired at Leo's motorcycle as it sped away." "Shots went wide, but they caused him to swerve and crash." "Is Joan up to speed on all this?" "She's gone with Detective Bell... to visit the Good Widow Banin and explain the true circumstances of her husband's death." "So, the man whose body you found, you believe he was trying to hurt Leo?" "Him and a partner, yeah." "We have reason to believe that they were part of the same organization your husband used to work for." "This idea that Leo killed someone right before... it's been so hard to live with." "I tried to pray for his soul, but... your partner turned out to be right." "I couldn't forgive Leo for abandoning our faith." "But now you say it was self-defense." "It's a relief." "Dr. Hawes, anything to report?" "The garrote wound is exactly as thick as the cuts on Leo Banin's hands." "Wire from earphone buds, if I had to guess." "And?" "The initial toxicology report came back." "It's interesting-- the deceased was on a carefully managed mixture of anti-anxiety and heart meds." "Thing is, you don't just take a handful of fluoxetine and a few ACE inhibitors and hope for the best." "These are medications that can only coexist in a delicate balance." "Are you saying that Mr. Andrev must have had a psychiatrist?" "Figured you might want to track him or her down, see if they know any of the names of the people he worked with-- any luck, maybe you'll even find your shooter." "Sorry, Dr. Glassman is still on a call." "He may be a while." "He understands we are part of a police investigation, right?" "Dr. Glassman's office." "Are you sure this is the doctor that wrote the fluoxetine scrip for Grigori Andrev?" "Captain Gregson sent men to Andrev's home." "I'm told that Dr. Glassman's name was clearly legible on his pill bottles." "Oh." "I'm supposed to meet Jen." "I'm gonna have to reschedule now." "You spoke to her?" "About you?" "No." "This is not the kind of news you break over the phone." "He may have died, you know." "Tony." "Knowing him, it was something quite heroic." "Excuse me, I'm sorry, but Dr. Glassman has an appointment with a patient in five minutes." "Maybe you could come back in an hour?" "No, I'm afraid I cannot;" "I will be dead by then." "What?" "I've been feeling a bit down;" "I'm thinking of taking my own life posthaste." "Ms. Watson here is beside herself about it." "Does that window open?" "I'm required by law to take you back to see the doctor if you make a threat like that." "But you already knew that, didn't you?" "Mr. Holmes, is it?" "You're a police consultant?" "Mm-hmm." "This is my partner, Joan Watson, and I'm pleased to say she's just successfully treated my depression." "Oh, that's wonderful news." "That means that you can leave now." "I apologize for lying, but time is of the essence." "We are in pursuit of a member of a dangerous criminal syndicate, the Rukovskaya Bratva." "You treated one of them:" "Grigori Andrev." "You're smart enough to know that threatening suicide would get you in here;" "you're certainly smart enough to know that doctor-patient confidentiality prevents me from discussing..." "Any living patients, yes, we know." "But this one is dead." "Strangled by a male nurse he was attempting to assassinate." "What?" "Surely you're well acquainted with Mr. Andrev's sociopathy." "You must have half expected this day to come." "Dr. Glassman, we know that you treated him." "Your name is on the fluoxetine scrip." "You have an obligation to waive privilege when there is legitimate concern about a client's criminal activity." "I'm-I'm sorry." "I, uh..." "I didn't want to treat Grigori." "He just showed up one day and said he had problems." "When I realized what he was and who he worked for," "I-I was just too afraid to cut ties." "He was very careful about what he said here." "He didn't discuss any of the particulars about his work." "But... there was one name that-that just came up multiple times." "Um, Marko Zubkov." "I gathered that he was Grigori's right hand for certain... jobs." "You guys squared away around back?" "We're just questioning the guy, right?" "Is all of this really necessary?" "Well, you saw his sheet:" "extortion, racketeering, three unsolved disappearances." "Marko Zubkov deserves the full treatment." "He's what we call a "bad guy"." "I don't know why you're complaining." "You make it work." "Sasha Zubkov?" "NYPD." "We're here for Marko." "Marko, you look cozy." "Can I see that hand?" "What is this?" "It's a murder investigation." "A man you knew as Vitaly Andropov." "Where were you three nights ago?" "Sunday night?" "I'd rather not relive it." "You're gonna have to." "If not here, then at the station." "Impossible." "The doctors say I'm not supposed to walk." "What doctors?" "The ones who operated on me." "You wanted to know where I was Sunday night?" "I was in a hospital." "Because Saturday night I was mugged by a guy with a knife." "I lunged for the bastard, he stabbed me twice." "If you don't believe me, please call the hospital." "They'll tell you." "I was there the whole time." "How did it go at the hospital?" "Well, Zubkov's story checks out." "Three nights ago, he limped into the E.R." "with two stab wounds to his leg and a tourniquet tied just below his groin to stop some serious bleeding from his femoral." "Claimed he was mugged." "What about the police report?" "There was not much to it." "Cops who came took a statement and a couple of pictures of the wound." "Zubkov didn't check out until last night." "How's it going here?" "There are over 70 men with Bratva ties in the NYPD's photo manager system." "Those are only the ones who've been arrested." "The real number of Bratva men in the tristate area would be difficult to approximate." "The man who shot at Leo the night of his deadly accident might not even be here." "Okay, that is... depressing enough for me." "I'm gonna go to bed." "Have you given any more thought to the "dead Tony" idea?" "Okay, that is not an idea." "That is just another lie." "While I detest nothing more than willful ignorance," "I have come to believe that in certain matters, ignorance bestowed can be a gift." "Your friend Jan-- she seemed like a nice person." "She deserves neither shame nor heartbreak." "Okay, first of all, her name is Jen, not Jan." "And regarding shame and heartbreak, you should have thought of that a year ago." "You're quite certain someone with Zubkov's injuries couldn't have snuck out of the hospital for just a few hours?" "Not without starting up the bleeding again and not without being seen." "Wouldn't be the first person to sneak undetected from a hospital-- I've done it myself." "Yeah." "Well, you have never had injuries like that." "Mm." "This is the tourniquet?" "Yeah." "Probably saved his life." "We've been operating under a misconception." "I think it's possible that the attack on Leo was not the first attempt the Bratva made on his life, but the second." "If I'm right..." "I may also know who shot at him that night." "Thank you for waiting," "Mrs. Banin" " I know you've been here quite a while." "I owe you more than patience." "Your officers have been very kind to me." "They said you had some questions." "We do." "All right." "Is this... a man?" "Obviously it is a man." "Good." "Does he have a nose?" "Yes." "Excellent." "I don't understand." "Who was that?" "Why did you show me his picture?" "Oh, come on, you know Marko Zubkov." "You saved his life when he tried to kill your husband." "Do you recognize... that?" "It's the tourniquet you tied around Marko's leg after Leo stabbed it." "You know how we know?" "Because of the fabric." "It's the same as the drapes in your living room." "We've been wondering how the Bratva found Leo after so many years in hiding;" "turns out the answer was right in front of us-- you told them where he was." "You let Mr. Zubkov into your home before you left the other day, so he could lie in wait." "This was Saturday, before the accident." "Only Leo turned out to be quite formidable, didn't he?" "He was much more than Mr. Zubkov could handle, even with the element of surprise." "Leo fought him off, stabbed him in the leg, and fled." "You came home, expecting to find a dead husband." "Instead, you find a mobster bleeding to death on your floor." "The tourniquet you rigged up from your drapes saved his life, so congrats." "You told us your husband called you shortly before he died, only it wasn't to tell you that he loved you-- it was to tell you that he'd been attacked, it wasn't safe, and to meet him in Far Rockaway." "So you hatched a plan with Grigori Andrev." "He would get there first, lie in wait, you would meet with Leo, you distract him, so that Andrev could attack him." "Must have shocked you to see your husband in action, dispensing with Andrev." "Shocked and scared you, 'cause now he knows that you're in on it." "So you don't have a choice." "As Leo flees..." "you picked up Andrev's gun." "You missed, but the shots fired were enough to cause the crash and kill an innocent woman." "This is an outrage." "I loved my husband." "That man out there-- I've never seen him before in my life." "Right." "So you won't mind that he just saw you looking at a picture of him, nodding in the affirmative to questions posed by the police." "Why are you doing this to me?" "Why do you try to get me in trouble?" "The reason we had you waiting so long this morning is because we needed time to search your home." "We got a warrant-- we found the evidence for the attack on your husband." "Bullet holes in your wall and bloodstains on your carpet." "You covered the bullet holes up with pictures, but... the bloodstains, you missed a bit." "No." "If what you say is true, there was an attack, these men, these mobsters, they cleaned it." "Oh, I'm sorry, they hung new stuff on your walls and you didn't notice?" "You can either keep lying to us, or you give us Zubkov." "You don't, we're gonna let you both go, and we're just gonna build our case." "You can take your chances with the Bratva on the outside." "Leo had his secrets, but I knew enough;" "I forgave." "That's what we are taught to do." "But not him." "He couldn't forgive when he found out what brought me to the church." "I needed money when I was young." "I did... movies." "To pay to come to America," "I had to." "One of his friends, he saw these films, and then... it was over." "Leo asked me for a divorce." "We put every penny into that nursing home, and now he's going to leave?" "And I will have nothing?" "No." "I knew there was a price on his head, so..." "I made the call." "Hi." "Hey." "Sherlock told me everything." "Wha...?" "H-He came to see you?" "Earlier today." "He apologized, and he made it very clear that you had no idea what he'd done until the other day." "I was really impressed, by they way-- the way you tracked him down, finding that footage..." "Jen, I know that you thought he was the one, but..." "No, no, no, Joan, it's okay." "Seriously." "I-I... appreciate you getting to the bottom of it, but I..." "I have closure now." "It happened again." "You slept with him." "What?" "No." "Yes." "You are such a terrible liar!" "Okay, I guess this is what I get, being friends with a detective." "He just was so sweet about everything and making sure that things were right between you and me and telling the truth..." "And getting in your pants." "Actually..." "I came on to him." "But here's the good news." "Now I know it was totally superficial." "That guy is completely out of my system." "Well, you were right, Watson." "Honesty-- unquestionably the best policy." "I want you to know I think it's really great, you doing what you did today for Jen, so she can finally have a baby" "I don't think I've ever seen her so happy." "She did tell you she was ovulating, right?" "I almost had you." "Yes, almost." "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man" | {
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"Sophie, could you come in here, please ?" "Yes, Damien ?" "I've been thinking." "We've become rather staid recently." "We haven't really produced any truly interesting titles for some time." "We need some new... blood." "Did you have anyone in mind ?" "I was rather hoping you might." "How about Peter Gibbons ?" "I don't think so." "Jason Murray ?" "Too... arty." " Tim Bisley." " Bisley ?" "Why do I know that name ?" "'He came in last year." "'You laughed him out of the office." "'He had blond hair." "'Small ears.'" "Yes, Bisley." "That's right." "I remember his work now." "All muscles and guns." "Most amusing." "Give him a ring, will you Sophie ?" " Get me his portfolio." " Ok." "I think it's time we gave young Mr Bisley another shot." "♪ Oh, baby" "♪ Oh, baby" "You idiot." " Morning." "Coffee and Kilroy ?" " No thanks." " Tea and Tricia ?" " No !" "Why are you scrimmaging around ?" " Sophie from Darkstar called." " Sophie." "Damien Knox wants to see my portfolio." "Sophie." "No, Damien Knox." "The head of Darkstar Comix." "He wants to see my portfolio." "I am a little nervous." "God, wow." "He wants to see your portfolio ?" "God, what a break." "That's brilliant." " Is it, Daisy ?" " Yeah." "God, well done." "That's excellent." "Really good." "Well done, you." "Well done." " What's that ?" " I don't know." "It's upstairs." "Maybe it's Marsha." " Maybe it's Mike." " Maybe it's Mike AND Marsha." "Ready to go again, soldier ?" "Cock-locked and ready to rock." "Got anything planned ?" "I have got a bit of a project." "I'm gonna be as inactive as I can in order to get into the psyche of someone unemployed, vocationally and cerebrally, to see if enforced passivity exacerbates itself." "Does inactivity breed laziness ?" " You writing an article on it ?" " No." "I can't be bothered." "I'm not really a praying man and I never really ask you for much, so if you could see your way clear to helping me today," "I would be really grateful." "Thank you very much." "Amen." ""I'm a massive wanker."" "It's all right." "It's my messenger." " That's weird." " What ?" " There's nobody there." " Oi oi !" "You lucky people." "Oh, hi, Tyres." "I understand you two "friends" wanted to talk to me." "I was wondering if you could run my portfolio over to Darkstar." "I see." "You don't call me for weeks and all of a sudden you want a favour." "That's nice." "The last time I seen you, you said you wished I was your da and hugged me for the entire length of Josh Wink's Higher State of Consciousness." "And now you want me to ferry round your "art" ?" " Yes, please." " Ok." "By the way, you owe me 20 quid." "Oh, right." "Yeah." "How are you, my pocket Shakespeare ?" "Come up with any exciting literary characters ?" "Yes, actually." "Dizzy Steinway." "I like it." "What is she, some sort of crime-busting jazz singer ?" "No." "It's the name I'm using to sign on." "You want to get off your arse and get a job, Dizzy, or whatever your name isn't." " Nice hair, by the way." " There you go, mate." " Cheers." " My livelihood is in here." " Guard it with your life." " As ever." "You out this weekend ?" "I'm a bit strapped for cash actually." "Lend me 20 quid ?" " Yeah, sure." " Great." "What's that noise ?" "Um..." " We don't know." " I like it." "You better get off." "That's got to be there by 11." "Right, sir." "I've got a good feeling about this parcel." "Hopefully things might start going my way." "You know what it's like." "Door, please, Timmy." "Right." "That was close." "He nearly went disco." "What is that noise ?" "I don't know." "I'm gonna find out." " Can you tell Mike I need him ?" " What for ?" "No reason, I just... need him." "'Can you feel it in your butt ?" "That's good.'" "Marsha ?" "Come in, kitten." "It's open." "'... two, turn, one... '" " Morning, Daisy." " Hi, Mike." " Nice outfit." " Thanks." " Tim wants you." " Wants me or needs me ?" "Needs you." "Right." "Ladies." "So what you up to, Marsha ?" "It's Cher's new fitness video." "Thong for Europe." "Mike reckons I got between 15 and 20 years to find hubby number three and I want to look my best." "Why don't you come for a jog with me ?" "Oh, no." "No." "Come on." "It'll be fun." "Get off your ass." "Get the adrenaline pumpin'." "No, I shouldn't do sport of any kind." "I'm actually allergic to endorphins." "I get very competitive." "Anyway, who wants to look like these people ?" "Go to the gym all day, go to some premiere in a low-cut dress to get on the cover of some magazine." "What kind of a life is that ?" "I'm happy right where I am." " Where is it ?" " Where's what ?" "There was a picture of a man with a white eye saying "I am a massive wanker."" "And if you put it in my portfolio I cannot begin to describe the damage you may have done." "Well, I..." "We want this to be easy." "You're amongst friends." " I just..." " What ?" " What you done with it ?" " Did you put it in my portfolio ?" "I put it in A portfolio." "What ?" "!" "I put it in your portfolio." "What ?" "!" "Did she say what I think ?" " She put it in my portfolio." " What ?" "!" "I thought you'd forgotten it." "I was trying to help." "That was a picture of a man who is about to decide whether I work for Darkstar Comix." "You see why I left it out ?" "Yes !" "Yes, yes." "And I'm sorry." "I was just trying to help." "Don't !" "If you're going to help, get off your ass and help yourself." "Why is everyone talking about my ass ?" "Mike." "We've got to try and stop Tyres." "Don't worry, Daisy." "Tim's just really angry at you because you've jeopardised his future, Ok ?" "I was just trying to help." "God." "Ow, ow, ow." " All right, Kitten ?" " Yes !" "Sure you don't want to come for a jog ?" " Yes." " You got work to do ?" "No." "What you gonna do, then ?" "Sit around the house waiting for Tim to come home ?" "I'll get my plimsolls." "Is Brian there ?" "Why are you dressed like that ?" "Thought you might like to come for a run." "Might ease your frustration." "What frustration ?" "Why ?" "I like going out !" "I want to stay in." "And have sex ?" "That's all you ever want." "I'm not here for one thing." "I want you to see me as a whole." " I do." " Whole with a "w"." "Just thought you might like a jog." "No, can't." "Mum's coming, we're going out for lunch." "Is that why you're dressed like that ?" "She thinks I'm a lawyer." "Bloody 'ell." "I thought I knew all your little secrets." "No wonder you're so tense." "Come on !" "Come on !" "What is the hold-up ?" "There's been an accident." "Somebody got hurt." " Who ?" " A lady." " How d'you know ?" " Because we hit her." " Did we ?" " Yeah." "That's her there." " Ah !" " What the hell are you doing ?" "It's broad daylight !" "You have no consideration for cyclists." "Pardon ?" "What the hell are you doing ?" "It's broad daylight." "You have no consideration for cyclists." "All right." "What's your problem ?" " You all right ?" " Yeah." " Think you can go on ?" "Come on." " Yeah." "Yeah." "Yeah, sure." "Sure." "That's not gonna happen cos he's a small fish in a big pond and I'm a big... shark !" "Yes, yes." "OK." "Bye." "Hi, Mum." " Hello, love." " Shall we go ?" "Aren't we going in ?" "No, I've got the builders in." "They're making a wall." "I know a good place to eat." "This is all right." " What did I tell you ?" " It's quite fun." "Shit, there he is." "Tyres !" "What about you ?" " Don't deliver that parcel." " Why ?" "There's something I don't want them to see." "Paperclips ?" "No." "Where's my portfolio ?" "I delivered that half an hour ago." "Noooooooooooooooo !" "Did you get it ?" " Nice outfit." " Thanks." "Tim Bisley's portfolio has arrived." "Right." "Actually, I'll look at it after lunch." "Couldn't we go get it ?" "Not even I can get to the upper reaches." "Parcels are left at reception and collected by personnel." " Damn." " They must let some people up." " Not without an appointment." " Shit." "How am I gonna get my picture back ?" "Mike, any ideas ?" "Tyres ?" "Yeah, but we'll need another walkie-talkie." " Or two." "Can I have a large half-caff frappuccino, please ?" "With whipped cream and marshmallow dunkers..." "Mum ?" "Yes." "I'll have one of those, too." "When in Rome." " So how is everything ?" " Good." " How's Twist ?" " Good. 0ut of town." "Can't wait to meet her." "Very busy." "Well, fashion is big business these days, Brian." "You know that." "Oh, are they friends of yours ?" "Never seen them before." " Brian, what is it ?" " Sorry ?" " What is it ?" " It's me again." " I can see that." " Third time today." "Have you got something to deliver ?" "I was thinking, I'm getting a bit long in the tooth with this cycling lark." "The old pins ain't what they used to be." "What's your point ?" "I was wondering what it's like to be a security guard." "I really look up to people like you." "Do you ?" "Yeah." "How'd I get to be like you ?" "Well, tell you what, give us your name and address, and I'll send you all you need to apply." " Would you ?" " Sure." "Why not ?" "Brilliant." "All right." "My name's Henry Krinkle." "K-r-i-n-k-l-e." "154, Hopper Avenue." " Hopper ?" " Yeah, Hopper." "Ow." "Ow." "Colin !" "Stop her." "Who does he think he is ?" "Bob bloody Kane ?" "Tell him I'd make more money pimping his grandmother." "How's Dad ?" "Oh, you know him." "Frustrated as ever." "He's taken up art classes." " What ?" " Yes." "I think he'd always fancied himself as an artist." "He keeps it to himself." "We always hoped you might go in for that sort of thing." "You were so good at it at school." "It might have given you something to talk about with your father." " Mum." " What, love ?" "Something I should tell you." "What is it ?" "This is it." "Fourth floor." " You ready ?" " I was born ready." " But are you ready now ?" " Yeah." "We've only got to get the picture back and not get caught." "How hard can that be ?" "Tell Stan I'll speak to him later." "After I've put Bisley out of his misery." "There it is." " Shit." " Is it locked ?" "No, I was joking." " What are we gonna do ?" " Er... there." " What ?" " Ventilation shaft." "Simple and classic." "Oh." " I can't believe this." " I'm sorry." " Why ?" " I thought you'd be disappointed." "That's so silly." "We don't mind what you do, so long as you're not gay." "I bet you made up Twist, as well." "I should've known." "What sort of a name is Twist ?" " No, she's real." " Well, that's something." " So, you're an artist." " Yep." "What sort of thing do you do ?" "Um, anger." "Aaaaaaaah !" "Pain." "Ow !" "Fear." "Aggression." "Watercolours ?" "Do you go clubbing much ?" "No, do a lot of night work." "I love night work." "I'm usually up all hours." " Speeding through the night ?" " Something like that." "Ok, stay out of sight." "If anybody comes, warn me on the walkie." " Roger." " Let's go." " How's your knee ?" " I'll live." "My teeth hurt." "I wish I hadn't started this now." "I'm sorry, Marsha, but I did warn you." "It was the same with netball." "At school." "'I remember playing a friendly in the upper sixth." "'I played goal attack." "'And I had a wee rivalry with the goalie on the other team." "'She was called Nina." "'I remember the goal shooter took a shot 'and it was obvious Nina was gonna save." "'So I did what I had to do." "'I saved the game." "'But I lost a lot of friends.'" "I just shouldn't exercise." "It's not just bad for me, it's bad for everybody." "I don't know." "I'm really feeling the benefit now." "Come on, let's fuck off home." "Hmm." "I wonder if Tim's back." "What's Colin looking at ?" "Where's he off to ?" "Oh, my God !" "So, when did you decide to become an artist ?" "I think it was, you know, when the dog died." "Oh, you never did get over that." "Colin !" "Colin !" "Pom-Pom !" "Not again." "Colin !" "Daisy !" "What the hell do you think you're doing ?" "Ooh, um." "Well." " I... was just..." " Looking for this ?" "Yes." "Yeah, um..." "I had to get it back, you see." "I mean if Mr Knox saw it, then..." "It wouldn't really do you any favours ?" "No, no, no." "No, um." "How are you, Sophie ?" "Fine, thanks." "Good, good." "I forgot you worked here." "Really ?" "'Tim, that girl you fancy's coming into the office.'" "Thanks, Mike." "How's Damien ?" "I'm sorry." "You just ran out in front of me." "I know you." "You're a massive wanker." "I said I was sorry." "I've had enough of keeping fit." "It's too bloody dangerous." "If people throw themselves in front of cars, what do you expect ?" "She could sue you." "For what ?" "Dangerous driving." "Bloody hell, you're not a lawyer ?" "No, he's an artist." " Here's your picture." " Thanks." "I think I'll keep this one." "Yeah, fine." "It was nice to see you again, Tim." "You're nice, too." "It was nice to see you, too." " Tim." " Yes." " What are you doing on Friday ?" " What ?" "Would you like to go out for a drink with me on Friday ?" "Yeah." "Great." "I'll give you a ring." "OK." " See you Friday." " See you Friday." "You get it ?" "That's not all I got." "Leave the coffee !" "No, never been to Ibiza." "You should go, mate." "Went to Gran Canaria." "I got some pictures, actually." " What the..." " The cat is out of the bag." "'Repeat, the cat is out of the bag.'" "Shit." "He's taking the stairs, get the lift." "'He's taking the stairs, get the lift !" "'" "Shit." "Bisley." "Hi." "Well now." "You're keen, aren't you ?" "Haven't had a chance to look over your stuff yet." "Oh, that's all right." " Everything all right, Willis ?" " Sorry, sir." "Thought I saw unauthorised personnel on the monitor." "I haven't seen anybody." "I'll get back to me desk, then." " Hello, Mike." " Hello." " What are you doing here ?" " I'm with Tim." "Right." "You coming to TA Saturday ?" "Oh, yes." "Stealth and tactics weekend." "I wouldn't miss it." "I've an idea for an infiltration technique." "It involves draining a man's blood, replacing it with Tizer." "Sounds great." "Look forward to that." " See you Saturday." " Yeah." "Sir." "Yes, right." "Good to see you looking so enthusiastic, Bisley." "I'll let you know either way." "Thanks, Mr Knox." " Damien." " Thanks, Damien." " Nice outfit." " Oh, thanks." "He's nice, isn't he ?" "So, we happy ?" "Are we happy." "Right, mine's a pint of the black stuff." "You can't drink a pint of Bovril." "What do you think ?" "Very good." "Very good indeed." "Schedule him in for a meeting next Tuesday." "I think we're going to be seeing a lot of young Mr Bisley." " Oi oi." " Oh." "Hello." "Hi." "Listen, I got that picture back." " That's not all he got." " Mike." " I got off me ass." " Did you ?" " Yeah." " What happened ?" "I bumped into a friend of yours." "Really ?" "Why don't you tell me all about it ?" " My ass ?" " Yeah, if you like." "Where's Tyres ?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"STAHMA:" "Previously on Defiance..." "BIRCH:" "The kid has the artefact?" "Luke had it with him when he died." "The young brother has found it." "Kill him, Quentin!" "You have to!" " (CHOKING) - (PANTING)" "AMANDA:" "There are good people here." "If you try to assimilate, they will meet you halfway." "I will do as you ask." "Now, these visions of yours, if they are somehow connected to... lf?" "I'm not like you." "(TEARFULLY) I'm an alien." "And you made me afraid of that!" "(THUNDER BOOMING)" "Razor rain." "Razor rain!" "Everyone move!" "(GRUNTS)" "Sukar!" "Little Wolf." "What we must do is for the good of all." "(CREATURE SCREECHES IN DISTANCE)" "(BREATHING HEAVILY)" "(THUNDER IN DISTANCE)" "(THEME MUSIC PLAYING)" "(POP MUSIC PLAYING)" "Good morning, Defiance." "This is Alak Tarr on Raider Radio broadcasting from the top of the Arch." "You just heard an Earth pop cover from Semma Cru." "Next up," "Lokyulo Dwoken with music for a stormy night on Casti." "(SLOW ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING)" "Looks like rain." "Good excuse for us to hang up here and make out." " You smell amazing." " (HAILER RINGING)" "Alak, it's Mayor Rosewater." "You know why I'm calling." "Yeah." "I listened to your album." "Wanted to disinfect my record player after." "Listen, you little punk." "I'm the damn mayor." "Play Shiny Happy People or you're fired." "And don't forget to update the weather." "Did you just hang up on the Mayor?" "She was giving me attitude." "I had a weird conversation with your mom yesterday." "She was talking about a bathing ritual." "Oh." "That." "She said it was a ceremony for newlyweds." "It's just some stupid old custom from the home world." "The whole family together in a bathtub?" "It's something the higher liros still do." "Look, I know it probably sounds bizarre." " We're all supposed to be naked?" " No!" "Not really." "The women wear these beads." "You didn't think I'd have a problem with that?" "It's just 20 minutes out of your life." "Yes, it'll be weird, but you'II be fine." "I promise." "Ah, it's getting nasty out there." "Just finished rain-proofing the school roof." "The principal's so grateful, she kissed me on the lips." "At least I hope it was a "she."" "You can't tell the difference with those Liberata." "What are you doing?" "Did you remember to pack your socks?" "You know how grumpy you get when your feet are cold." "I'm going to the Badlands." "Sukar's in danger." "I had a vision." "You coming or not?" " What's the problem, boss?" " Nothing." "(DOORBELL RINGS)" " Nicky." " Rafe." "Hello." "So sorry to drop in at such an early hour." "I was taking baked goods to the prisoners at Camp Reverie." "Outreach." "(CHUCKLES) And then, my roller just died." "And you need me to check it out." "Oh, no." "I hailed the Sensoth garage." "I just need somewhere to wait out this ghastly weather." "Well, make yourself at home." "Quentin." "Good morning, love." "You know I never could get a handle on those darn rollers." "My man, Birch, usually drives me." "Unfortunately, Birch is in Iowa visiting family." "(LAUGHS) You know, that man has eight brothers and sisters." "If you ask me, that's not a family." "That's a litter." "He has allergies." " Jered." " JERED:" "I'll get it." " I've got this." " Mm-hmm." "Mrs Tarr..." "What a nice surprise." "I thought that you were here for your husband's weekly collection." "He's out of town." "I'm here to secure your professional services for my son." "I want to make sure it's handled properly." "As you may have heard, my son is marrying Christie McCawley." "I..." "I've heard." "I want Alak educated with regard to the eccentricities of the human female libido." "Making love to one of you is enormously complicated." "We're really not complex." "What about this G-spot?" "It's one of your major erogenous zones, yet it took your own scientists centuries to confirm it even existed." "It's not mysterious if you know what you're doing." "Exactly why Alak needs you." "When Christie recounts the events of her wedding night to her father, he'll understand that he married his daughter into the highest possible... (SNIGGERING)" " You're laughing at me." " Trust me." "No human girl is going to ever want to talk wedding sex with her father, especially when her father is Rafe McCawley." "You've insulted me." "You have to admit, it's just a little bit funny." "We have a saying, "Seeming is being.'" "Treating me like a fool makes me one." "And I am no one's fool." "Wait." "Please." "I'm sorry." "You caught me off guard." "Do you think it's easy for a woman of my marusha to come here?" "I didn't mean to insult you, so I'm not gonna let you walk out of here mad." "Please, let me buy you a drink." "(THUNDER RUMBLES)" "There is a storm coming." "I don't have time." "Just one drink." "And then we can talk about Alak." "Come on." "I saw those mountains in my vision." "We're close." "(INDISTINCT SHOUTING)" "We don't want any trouble." "You don't belong here." "Not now." "Little Wolf." "I thought you might come." "Sukar is dead." " How?" " The sky opened and took him." "I'm so sorry, kiddo." "We are preparing the sinking ritual." "You are welcome to attend, Little Wolf." "But your human must go." "Nolan, look." "You say the sky took him." "You mean the storm." " Razor rain." " Yep." "(THUNDERCLAP)" "Everyone in town thinks it's a normal rainstorm." "We got to warn them." "Let's go." "I can't." "I'm staying for Sukar's sinking ritual." "You can come back for me when the storm passes." "I'll be all right." "Little Wolf is safe in our care." "You have my word." "Be careful." "(RITUAL CHANTING)" "Sukar has left us." "His spirit has flown to join Irzu." "Sukar's flesh will melt away." "His bones will remain to adorn this place." "But we will keep him alive in our minds and in our hearts." "His belongings must precede him." "(CHANTING CONTINUES)" "This broth is his purification." "It will spare his bones and return the three elements of his body to nature." "(CHANTING)" "(SCREAMS)" "Through this body flows the path to Irzu." "ALAK:" "Do we have to talk about this now?" "We're not leaving this arch until we talk about this." "Look." "You humans think too much." "Okay, you worry about everything, you're way too hung up on your bodies..." "And Castis are better?" "Okay, you don't want to do the bathing ritual, just tell my parents no." "How about you tell them no?" "How about you're the one who talks to my parents, and I'm the one who spins awesome tunes?" "(HAILER CHIRPS)" "Yep." "Alak, we have an emergency." "I need you to patch me through to the entire town." "You're on." "This is Lawkeeper Nolan." "The cloud approaching Defiance is a razor rainstorm." "For those of you who have never experienced razor rain, you can expect sudden barrages of metal shrapnel, fragments of the dead ships floating in the Arkbelt." "The squalls are unpredictable and can form anywhere at any time." "The metal fragments can easily slice through exposed skin and conventional clothing." "Stay indoors." "Okay, Lambert, I need you to supervise the temporary shelters at the All-Faith." "Yes, ma'am." "Tommy, put together a strike team for any emergency repairs." "Irzu must have sent him back to us." "Are you blind?" "It's a curse." "The broth melts the flesh." "This is not our Sukar." "This is impossible." "This new planet is impossible." "Little Wolf." "Irzu's path flows through us both." "There's work ahead." "We have to act quickly." "You must follow me." "I cannot wait." "I must go alone." " Wait, where are you going?" " Defiance." "Shtako." "(THUNDER BOOMING)" "Bring it on!" "Come on!" "I am not scared of a little rain!" "I am hot shtako..." "Hey!" "Come on!" "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "Ah, Quentin." "How are those allergies, hmm?" "You want to tell me what's going on?" "My roller broke down." "And don't tell me that your roller broke down." "Oh, all right." "All right." "I'm looking for Birch." "So he's not in Iowa visiting his eight brothers and sisters." "Last time I saw him, he was on his way here to break into your house." "Birch had an interesting theory." "He thought that your son, Luke, rest his soul, was involved in the Volge attack, that Luke and Ben Daris were actually working together." "He came here to search for evidence." "When he didn't return, well, you can imagine my concern." "(CHUCKLES)" "That's quite a set of balls you got there, Nicolette." "Coming from you, now, that is a compliment." "If somebody broke into my house, I certainly would know about it." "Oh, I don't doubt that." "Were I to guess," "I'd say that you walked in on Birch, and you killed him." "(THUNDERCLAP)" "Oh, lighten up." "That was a joke." "The look on your face." "(COUGHS) Honestly... (COUGHING)" "(BREATHING DEEPLY)" "Do you think there's somewhere here that I could lie down just for a bit, hmm?" "Pilar's sewing room." "Upstairs." "You know where it is." "Of course." "What are you doing?" "Wait!" "Stop!" "Gather as much cable as you can." " Quickly!" " I don't understand." "Just do it!" "Get the hell out of my store!" "Sukar!" "No." "(GROANING)" "No!" "Please, please!" "Don't!" "Keep them out of my way." "Wrap it and keep pressure on." "I need to call the lawkeeper." "(HAILER CHIRPS)" "No!" " Hey!" " No!" "You can't just go around attacking people." "I'm getting Nolan." "This is a test of faith for both of us." "You came with me for a reason." "To make sure you didn't hurt anyone." "(RUMBLING)" "Into the roller." "Now!" "Why did you come into the woods today?" "I had a vision, you in danger." "I had the same dream." "You appeared to me before I died." " How is that possible?" " You have visions that come true." "You witnessed my resurrection, you saw my wounds heal." "How can you still deny Irzu?" "Finally, there is another like you, another who's been chosen." "You are no longer alone." "We have a mission." "The question is, can you accept that our mission is a holy one?" "Can you dare to believe that you were chosen, that you are special?" "Come, Little Wolf." "Perhaps you can keep me out of trouble." "(ENGINE TURNS)" "(THUNDER RUMBLES)" "The old lady knows." "She knows everything." "You know what you have to do." " No." " Come on, bro." "Just like Birch." " Squeeze her neck." " No!" "All right." "You want to tell me what the hell happened to Birch?" "The truth." "He broke in." "He was looking for that thing." "The thing you threw away?" " You did throw it away, didn't you?" " Tell him you got rid of it." "Yeah, I threw it away." "But Birch was really sure it was here." "He attacked me." "I fought back." "I didn't mean to fight him so hard." " What'd you do with him?" " Dante's Drop." "No one will ever find his body." "And I scrubbed the living room from top to bottom." "What about Nicky?" "She's got no proof, so we're fine." "Quentin, the son of a bitch broke into our home." "Your sister could have been here, could have been injured." "A man protects his home and his family." "(SIGHS)" "I'm proud of you, son." "This is Raider Radio broadcasting from the top of the Arch, riding out the razor rain." "We're gonna slow things down now with some Old Earth jazz." "This one's from a human named Artie Winston, recorded in Las Vegas long before it became a prison." "I hope he's safe up there." "The Arch survived the terraformers." "There's nothing to worry about." "You obviously don't have a child." "He's practically an adult." " He's a baby." " He's getting married." "I've had plenty." "Was it really such a bad idea?" "Christie doesn't want her fiancé with a prostitute." "I just want Alak to be happy." "This whole time we've been sitting here, you've talked about Datak, Alak..." "But never yourself." "(RUMBLING IN DISTANCE)" "I don't want you to get me wrong." "I love my life." "I love my boys, both of them." "But?" "Sometimes I do feel like I'm living in service to them." "And I want things, too." "When was the last time that you did something just for you?" "My home world." "I was quite good at..." " Never mind." " Tell me." "The closest word in your language would be poetry, I think." " You wrote poetry?" " In Casti, it's not written." "It's spoken or sung." "So like a performer, an actress." "I even had a small, loyal following." " Until..." " Until what?" "My father disapproved." " Can I hear one?" " I don't remember any." "Then write a new one." "Do something that's not for Datak or Alak." "Do something that is just for you." "Do you want to dance with me?" "May I have another drink, please?" "Of course." "Looks like the town's secured." "We need to find any stragglers and get them to safety." "(GROANS)" " Tommy!" " Tommy?" "Shtako." "I zigged when I should've zagged." "(BREATHING HEAVILY, GROANING)" "How bad is it?" "Doc Yewll will patch you up good as new." "Tommy." "Hey!" "Come here." "Doc?" "Doc!" "Where the hell is she?" "Doc!" "Doc?" "Doc." "Were you in the storm?" " Sukar attacked me." " Sukar?" "He started tearing apart my equipment." " I tried to stop him." " You sure it was Sukar?" " The Spirit Riders told me he was dead." " Well, for a dead guy, he kicked the crap out of me pretty good." "Grab the oxygen, squeeze every five seconds." "Fragment passed through clean." "Your Irathient was with him." "She dressed my wound." "Irisa was with him?" "Why didn't she stop him from attacking you?" " Doc, why didn't she stop him?" " Lost his pulse." "CPR now!" " Is he gonna make it?" " Only if his luck changes." "Ah. (CHUCKLES)" "Now that the rain is easing up, I can be on my way." "And I think my roller problem has resolved itself." "It's amazing how that happens, isn't it?" "Mm." " Taking a souvenir?" " Oh, this." "Yes." "I found a stain on this pillow by the day bed." "Looks almost like blood, doesn't it?" "That's it, you're done." "Get out." "I know whose blood that is, and I know something happened here, and I want to know what." "You're right." "Birch is dead." "I don't take kindly to trespassers, so I shot him once in the head and once in the chest." "That's what I do to people who threaten my family." "You know, Rafe, I believed that you had killed him." "But if you had, we both know you would never admit to it unless you were protecting your family." " Quentin!" " Shut up!" "If you really want to know what happened to your mother, come and see me." "You show up here again, and I will bury you!" "(GASPING)" "Oh, look." "I cut my finger upstairs." "Might I have a bandage?" "No?" "Oh, well." "Never mind." " What'd she mean about Mom?" " (DOOR CLOSES)" "Nicolette Riordan is a miserable, old bitch who likes to cause trouble." "You stay the hell away from her." "You hear me?" "Yeah." "(SLOW ROCK MUSIC PLAYS)" "The rain's let up." "I'm going home." "Christie, wait." "Look, I'll..." "I'll tell my parents no about the bathing ritual." "I'II say it was my call, and I'll leave you out of it completely." "Thank you." "I think my dad will be cool." "And your mom?" "Uh..." "What..." "Get out!" " But the Mayor said..." " Get out before you get hurt." "Okay." "(CLICKING)" "He's breathing on his own." "That's good." "Okay, so let's go back to the beginning." "You're certain it was Sukar you saw?" "Positive, and Irisa was with him." "He must be holding her hostage or something." "Didn't look that way." "We just need to know what Sukar was up to." "What did he take?" " Ark-Brain interface." " NOLAN: "Ark-Brain"?" "A lot of my gear is salvaged from Arkfalls and repurposed." "The module Sukar stole lets me talk to my medical equipment." "Is it strong enough to contact an Ark fragment in orbit?" "No, not enough power." "Listen." " I don't hear anything." " Yeah, that's the point." "(RADIO STATIC)" "Dead air." "Could Sukar hook up this gizmo of yours to the radio equipment in the Arch?" " And boost the signal?" " Yeah." "There's already a powerful transmitter." "And the Arch makes a fine antenna." "(DEVICE CHIRPS)" "If Sukar is sending a signal into space, he must think that there is something there to receive it." " Oh, shtako." " What?" "What is it?" "There's an Ark fragment at the top of the razor rain funnel." "Sukar is using my component to connect to the ship's propulsion systems." "Looks like he's managed to get the thrusters online." "Why would he do that?" "I don't know." "But the ship's on a direct course for Defiance." "If it hits, we're all dead." "(DEVICE BEEPS)" " That is the final adjustment." " Now what?" "We wait, Little Wolf." "When the time is right, we flip the switch." " Step away from the equipment." " Put the gun down." "The gun's staying exactly where it is." "He's bringing down a huge chunk of Ark right into the town." " Is that true?" " I don't know." "Irzu is a guiding spirit." "His path flows through us." "If for some reason, he wishes to destroy Defiance, it is for the greater good." "(SCOFFS)" "(DEVICE BEEPS)" " It is time." " Sukar!" " Stop!" " No!" "Nolan!" "That one was a warning." "The next one goes through your head." "(GRUNTS)" "(SHOUTING)" "Stop it!" "(COUGHS) Oh, you're just gonna stand there?" "There's wire on the table." "Tie him up!" "Do it!" "NOLAN:" "He's trying to kill us all." "I don't believe that." "SUKAR:" "Tie his hands." "(GASPS)" "(BOTH GRUNTING)" " (GUNSHOTS)" " IRISA:" "No!" "No!" "(IRISA CRYING)" "It flows through both of us." "(SOBBING)" "What are you doing?" " Finishing it." " I can't let you do that." "Shoot me if you have to." "He had faith, and so do I." "(BEEPING)" "(MECHANICAL WHIRRING)" "(WHOOSHING)" "It's changing direction." "Sukar saved Defiance, and you killed him." "(SOBBING)" " I'm so sorry." " You killed him!" "(DOOR SLAMS)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATION)" " Is he gonna wake up?" " No." "He's in a coma." " And he's not coming out of it." " Then what am I doing here?" "Doc figured out what was driving Sukar." "You need to understand." "It wasn't an Irathient god." "It was a bunch of microscopic robots." "The Earth term would be "nanites.'" "The razor rain fragment that impaled Sukar was a piece of Ark-Brain." "The Ark-Brain was aware that a big chunk of the ship had fallen out of orbit and was on a collision course with the town." "It acted on its primary mandate." "To preserve Votan life." "Only tool that it had available was Sukar's body." "So the brain sent out the nanites to repair the tissue damage and construct the device that saved the town." "Tiny robots?" "If they repair tissue damage, maybe they'll fix whatever's wrong with him." "They went dormant once the town was saved." "I need to prepare you." "Sukar's brain is shut down." "His spine is severed." "You need to accept that he's gone." "If you're so smart, can you explain my visions?" "How I saw Sukar die in the rain?" "Well, it wasn't because of some ooga-booga Irathient god." "Doc." "Ease up." "We have to think of Sukar now, kiddo." "Doc has drugs that'll help ease his passing." "Help him onto Irzu's path." "You don't believe in his god." "You don't believe in anything." "And if either of you touch him, I will cut you with one of my blades." "Do you understand?" "Do you understand?" "We'll give you some space." "(SLOW ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING)" "It's nice." "The tea?" "Having a secret." "Something all to myself." "Thank you." "Can you imagine if..." "Datak could see us right now?" "Kenya, listen to me very carefully." "If my husband ever found out that we've been together, he'd kill us both without hesitation or mercy." "It's his loss." "I would've given him the two-for-one deal." "(BOTH LAUGHING)" "Come here." "It flows through us both." "Take good care of him." "Always, Little Wolf." "(CREATURE SCREECHES IN DISTANCE)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Your breakfast, sir." "Pork bellies!" "I have a hunch something exciting is going to happen in the pork belly market this morning." "Will Miss Penelope be dining with you this evening, sir?" "Yes." "Yes, she will." " Good morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning, Folsey." " Morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Good morning." " Morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning." " Morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning." "Good morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Good morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning." " Good morning, Mr Winthorpe." " Morning." "Pork bellies." "I knew it." "I knew it!" " Good morning, Mr Duke." " Good morning, Mr Duke." " Good morning, Mr Duke." " Morning, Mr Duke." " Morning, Mr Duke." " Morning, Mr Duke." " Mr Duke." " Good morning, Mr Duke." "Good morning, Mr Duke." "When do we sell?" "How stupid these scientists are!" "The eternal question!" "There is no question." "The answer's obvious." "I don't care about heredity versus environment." "I'm sick and tired of hearing it." "I care how much we get for our pork bellies." "Winthorpe will sell at 76 and a quarter." "His charts say that's as high as it'll go." "It'll never get that high." "Let's sell now." "Patience, Mortimer." "Let's see if Winthorpe's right." "Winthorpe's wrong." "It's topped out." "I say we sell now." " Just another few seconds." " The market's closing." "We won't get the order in." "We just made an extra $347,000." "Get me Winthorpe." "Well, I never had an instant of doubt in my mind, Mortimer." "Yes, I'm sure a lot of people went belly-up on that one." "I'll see you at the club." "Morning Mr Duke." "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas!" "Thank you very much." "Vietnam did this to me but I'm not bitter, thank you." "Merry Christmas!" "Happy Hanukkah?" "Spare a poor war veteran some change?" "I'm on my knees for life." "I have no money to give you." "Please, anything." "A quarter, just a couple of dollars." "Anything, a quarter, a nickel, please." "Hey, man, I really don't appreciate this." "I don't care what it is, smoked ham, anything, a jacket." "Thanks!" "How'd you like a stump up your ass?" " Stay outta here!" " You've got a lot of soul." "I appreciate it." "Listen to this." ""Expect this stagnation to continue," ""until the Department Of Agriculture's" "January crop report."" "Exactly as we thought, Randolph." "Wrong!" "Quite wrong." "Untrue." "They've given this genetics fellow the Nobel Prize." "He doesn't know the first thing about human nature." "We're about to make millions of dollars in frozen orange juice and you're talking about human nature." "Money isn't everything." "Grow up." "Mother always said you were greedy." "She meant it as a compliment." "Ezra, right on time." "I bet you thought I'd forgotten your Christmas bonus." "There you are." "Five dollars!" "Maybe I'll go to the movies... by myself." " Half of it is from me." " Thank you, Mr Mortimer." " Gentlemen." " Looking good, Louis." "Feeling good, Todd." "We need a fourth for squash today, Louis." "Are you interested?" "No can do." "I'll be having dinner with Penelope, tonight." " Oh, lucky you." " It's not luck, Todd." "Randolph, Mortimer." "What have you got for us?" "It's that time of the month again." "Payroll cheques for our employees, which require your signatures." "And no forgetting to sign the big ones." "We are paying some of our employees an awful lot of money." "You can't get around the minimum wage." "$50,000 to Clarence Beeks!" "Who the hell..." "I meant to ask you about that." "I went through our records, and there doesn't seem to be a Clarence Beeks employed with the firm." "Oh, Clarence Beeks." "Yes, of course." " He's doing something top secret for us." " Research." "How is Penelope?" "Don't forget she's our grandniece - you'd better make an honest woman of her." "Well, I'll certainly try, sir." "The wedding invitations go out this week." "Good." "Good work, Winthorpe." "Don't worry about this, Winthorpe." "I'll take care of this one personally." " Goodbye, Winthorpe." " Goodbye, Winthorpe." "Winthorpe is a very steady young man." "We're lucky to have him managing our firm." "Oh, hogwash." "Exeter, Harvard - he's the product of good environment." "It's got nothing to do with environment." "With his genes, you could put him anywhere and he'd come out on top." "Breeding, same as in race horses." "It's in the blood." "Hey, baby, what's happening?" "How you doing?" "Once you've had a man with no legs, you never go back." "I know what you're thinking." "You seen "Porgy And Bess"?" "We can make it, baby." "Me and you." "You bitch!" " Who's that?" "Who's there?" " Police!" "We've had complaints about con men pretending to be blind and crippled." "I ain't seen nothing since I stepped on that landmine in Vietnam." "It was very painful." "You were in 'Nam?" "So were we." "Where?" "I was in..." "Sang Bang..." "Dang Gong..." "I was all over the place, a lot of places." "What unit?" "I was with the Green Berets, Special Unit Battalions..." "Commando Airborne Tactics..." "Specialist Tactics Unit Battalion." "Yeah, it was real hush hush." "I was Agent Orange, Special Agent Orange, that was me." "Airborne, huh?" "I can see!" "I can see!" "I have..." "I have legs." "I have..." "Oh shit, look at this." "Legs!" "I can walk." "Jesus, praise Jesus." "I appreciate this." "Oh, this is beautiful." "I can't believe..." "Thank you." "I don't know what to do it's..." "Glory be to God." "Praise Jesus." "Look at me." "This is too much." "I can't believe it." "Ah, beautiful." "Listen..." "I can't thank you." "First Moses, now this." "God, Jesus..." "I'm so happy, oh God." "Look at me, this is too much." "What a happy day!" "Really, I appreciate it." "Y'alls OK now." "Look at this." "I can walk." "I don't know what to say..." "I'll be all right." "Take it easy." "Y'all beautiful, both of you are, the two of you." "How are you doing?" " Oh, I'm sorry." " Stop thief." " Help, help!" " What are you talking about, man?" "Don't kill me, take it, please." "I'm getting married." " I don't want your bag." " Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "He's in there." "After him." " Excuse me." " Watch out." "He probably has a weapon." "Stop him." "He has my briefcase." "He's inside." "That guy's crazy." "He's getting away." "There he is." "That's him." "Get him." "He's under the table." "Somebody go under there." "Right there." "There he is." "Is there a problem, officers?" "What in heaven's name is going on here?" " He tried to rob the payroll, Randolph." " I didn't, he bumped into me." "I did not." "You tried to grab my briefcase." " It was an accident." " An accident, really?" " What will happen to him?" " We'll book him on assault, robbery, and resisting arrest." "Well done, Winthorpe." "I'm innocent." "I was trying to give his briefcase back." "I can't go to jail cos of some ass-wipe." "Officer, I would like to press full charges." "People like this are a menace to decent society." "You're from a broken home of course?" "Yeah, it was broke." "So what?" "You have a history of juvenile arrests, I presume?" "Drug abuse, reform school, state prisons and all that" "I want a lawyer." "Is there a lawyer in the house?" "That man is a product of a poor environment." "There's nothing wrong with him, I can prove it." "Of course there's something wrong with him..." "He's a Negro!" "He's probably been stealing since he could crawl." "Given the right surroundings and encouragement," "I'll bet that that man could run our company as well as Winthorpe." "Are we talking about a wager, Randolph?" "I suppose you think Winthorpe..." "say if he were to lose his job, would resort to holding up people on the streets." "No, I don't think that would be enough for Winthorpe." "We'd have to heap a little more misfortune on those narrow shoulders." "If he lost his job and his home and his fiancée and his friends." "If he were somehow disgraced and arrested by the police and thrown in jail, even." "Yes, I'm sure he'd take to crime like a fish to water." "You'd have to put him in the wrong surroundings, with the worst sort of people." "I mean real scum, Randolph." "We've done it before." "This time it's in a good cause." "How much do you want to bet?" " The usual amount." " Why not?" "You're so brave, Louis." "Someone has to take a stand against criminals." "But he could have killed you." "In such a situation, you have no time to think - instinct takes over." "It's either kill or be killed." "Did Louis tell you what he did today?" "Mr Louis kindly shared this afternoon's excitement with me, Miss Penelope." "You're so hot tempered, darling." "I would have grovelled and begged for mercy." "I want you Louis, now." " Coleman." " Sir?" "We'll take our drinks in the living room, by the fire." " No dessert, sir?" " You have it." "Thank you, sir." "Hello." "Oh, hello Mr Duke, sir..." "A what?" "A scientific experiment." "Not at all, sir, no I..." "It all sounds very original." "Well, it's your house and I work for you." "I shall make the necessary arrangements." "And a very good night to you, sir." "What a scumbag." "Mumsie wants to have a party for us right after New Year's." "January 2nd, is that good for you?" "OK with me, hon." "Darn nice of her too." "Oh, heck. 2nd January." "Can't do it." " Oh, Louis." " It's the day the crop reports come out." "What do those stupid old crop reports have to do with Mumsie's party?" "It's the busiest time of year in the office, sugarpuff." "It's just not fair." "Why can't you make them do it another day?" "The Department Of Agriculture gets those estimates from all over the country." "Pork bellies, soybeans, frozen orange juice." "I'll just have to ask Todd to take me." "Now, wait just a minute." "If you think I'm going to let that playboy..." "Just teasing you." "You know something, Witherspoon?" " What?" " We are going to make a great couple." "We're going to have a great life." " Excuse me, sir." " What is it?" "Will you be needing me any more, this evening, sir?" "No, I think I have everything I want." "Good night, sir." "I had to keep him under surveillance." "I had to make sure he had his payroll before I made my move." " Tell us how you cut him." " With no knife." " You told me you cut the dude." " With these I cut him." "I am a chain belt in Kung Fu." "Bruce Lee was my teacher." "That's the "quart of blood" technique." "Do it, a quart of blood drops out of a body." " Tell him how you beat on the cop." " Cops, plural." "Beat the shit out of ten cops and had to change my whole strategy around." "When they brought you in and booked you, you was crying like a pussy." " Yeah." " The cops threw tear gas in my face." "I still walked in like a man, so get outta my face." "You beating up a man, putting him in hospital." " How come I don't see marks on you?" " Yeah." "Cos I'm a karate man, all right." "Karate men bruise on the inside They don't show their weaknesses." "You don't know that, motherfucker." "Now get off my back, all right." "I wish my bitches would hurry up." "I ain't got time to be here." "Where is your bitches, Mr Big Time Pimp?" "Yeah." "Didn't I tell you, the phone in my limousine is busted and I can't get in contact with my bitches." "Yeah, the phone in the limo had busted." "Are you ignorant?" " Look, sit down, all right." " It ain't cool being no jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving." "Hey, now..." "You boys don't know what you're doing, I can see that already." "Do you know who you're fucking with?" "Back the fuck up, back up." "D'you know who you're fucking with in cell number four on the ninth floor." " Billy Ray Valentine?" " Yes." "Move it." " You made bail." " I did?" "May I suggest using a night stick, officer?" "Get outta here." "Mr Valentine." "Could you spare us a moment?" " Don't I know you two guys?" " Step inside, nice and warm in here." " Whisky, all you want." " I ain't falling for the same trick twice." "You'd get me in the car, and have me arrested for stealing it." "Why should we do that, Mr Valentine?" "We're the ones who bailed you out." "Who are y'all?" "What y'all want?" "We want to help you." "My brother and I run a privately funded programme, to rehabilitate culturally disadvantaged people." "We'd like to supply you with a home of your own, a car, a generous bank account, and employment with our company." "We're going to start you at $80,000 a year." " $80,000?" " Mmm." "Excuse me." "This is a practical joke, right, brother?" "Then these dudes are a couple of faggots, huh?" "What's my next move, man?" "Thank you, you've been helpful." " What about the payroll?" " We've had the charges dropped." "You're a free man, Valentine." "We can stop right now and you can walk out on us forever." "No, I believe I can hang out with you fellas for a while." " Excellent." " I'm Randolph Duke." "How you doing Randy, what's happening?" " My younger brother, Mortimer." " Hey Morty!" "What it is." "Billy Ray Valentine, Capricorn." "Randy, that's like Randy Jackson from the Jackson Five, right?" " Yes, I suppose so." " Yeah." "Here we are, William." "How you doing?" "Hey, Randy, Morty." "This is nice, I like this." " William..." " Billy Ray." "William, this is Coleman." "He'll look after your day-to-day needs." " Can I relieve you of those?" " You get a glass, I'll give you a sip." " Perhaps, your coat, sir?" " Yes, this is my coat." "Coleman is here to take care of you." "He is your servant." " May I?" " Get out of here." "Valentine very badly wants to take a hot bath and get into something comfortable." "Don't you, Valentine?" "Jacuzzi, sir?" "I knew you was faggots." "You ain't Jacuzzying nobody." "It's a whirlpool bath sir." "I think you'll enjoy it." "Bubbles, man!" "Say, when I was growing up, we want a Jacuzzi, we had to fart in the tub." "This is bad!" " What's he doing in there?" " He's singing, sir." "They're very musical people, aren't they?" " What shall I do with his clothes?" " Send them to the laundry." "He'll need them to wear back to the ghetto, after I've won our bet." " Well, what do you think?" " I like it, Randy, very nice." "I like the way you have the mirror and stuff." " I don't think he understands." " Morty, I do understand." " William, this is your home." " Right." " It belongs to you." " Yeah, I like my home." "It's very nice." " I have nice taste in houses." " Everything here is yours." " This is my stuff?" " Your own property." " My own personal shit." " You understand?" "Yeah, I like that." "You know what I like most?" "The curtains, it's beautiful the way I've set this place up." "This is something else." "I like it." "The cabinets." "Beautiful." "I suppose you'll give me this TV set for free?" " That's right." " Everything here is mine?" " I guess the stereo's mine too?" " Absolutely." "This is too much." "I could really dig this." "You know why?" "This happens to me every week." "This is your house." "These are your personal possessions." "You will only be stealing from yourself." "Look, first you throw my ass in jail." "Then you run me some garbage about how this is my house, this is my rug and this is my personal slave too." "I understand how you feel but the fact remains, all this is yours." "You may do with it whatever you wish." "This is my stuff." "I can do what I want with it, right?" "This is my vase, Billy Ray's vase?" "I can play Harlem Globetrotters shit with it, like Meadow Lark Lemon?" " Hey man, I'm sorry about that." " Perfectly all right, it was your vase." "That was a fake, right?" "I think we paid $35,000 for it." "But, I seem to remember we estimated its value at $50,000 for the insurance." "You see, Mortimer?" "William has already made us a profit of $15,000." "You want me to break something else?" "No." "Excuse me." "I hope we're not pushing it, using Mr Beeks for this, as well as the crop report." "We are involved in a very important scientific experiment, Mortimer and Mr Beeks has always proven reliable." "Excuse me..." "Sorry." "Hello, Todd." "Gents." "Gentlemen." "There is something rotten in the Heritage Club." "Something that has never raised its vile head in the 208 years of the club's history." "There is a thief, and he's sitting here among us." "Not an ordinary thief like the man" "Winthorpe had the guts to stand up to yesterday." "No, this man is a hundred times lower." "I'd like to introduce Mr Beeks of Lyndhurst Security." "Thank you." "I'd like to ask you gentlemen to all stand up." "I'd like to ask you to place your left hand on the shoulder of the man to your left." "I would now ask you to place your right hand in the coat pocket of the member to your right." "And empty the contents of those pockets onto the table." "Thank you." "You may sit." "We marked three $50 bills with red X's." "Less than ten minutes ago those bills were stolen from a coat in the cloakroom." "One of our operatives witnessed the theft." "Now, wait a minute." "I've never seen this money before in my life." "Randolph, Mortimer, this is outrageous." "I haven't done anything wrong." "Oh, Winthorpe." "I'm glad your parents are not alive to see this." "Wait, this is preposterous." "This is insane." "I have no reason to steal." "I'm not a thief." "I demand a fair hearing." "At least grant me that." "You realise you're making a grave mistake." "Boy, are you two going to be sorry." "You know who I am?" "Yeah, Winthorpe Louis III." "I'm permitted two calls, point me to the phone." " Take off your clothes." " Wait, I know my rights." "Take off your clothes." "You are making a career decision here." "Now, you'd better think about it." "Because you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life." "Strip, before I tear you a new asshole." "Did you hear what this man said?" "Now, I have witnesses." "This man is physically threatening me." "Winthorpe..." "Louis the third." "All right." "One gold watch." "One alligator skin wallet." "Master Charge, American Express..." "Gold Card." "Visa, Diner's Club, Carte Blanche." "Two tickets..." " "La Bo-heem" - "La Bohéme" - it's an opera." "It's an opera." " One cellophane bag." " I've never seen that before in my life." "That's PCP - phencyclidine." "Angel dust." "You ever seen what this stuff does to kids?" "You're looking at three to five, mandatory..." "Louis." "What's happening, Terry?" "Gimme a bottle of your best champagne." "You've got a nerve, showing your face here after all this time." "Look, man, I got your money." "I got your poor...measly...$27... with interest." "Billy Ray, honey." "Is that you?" "Who do you think it is?" "Terence, get the lady some champagne." "In fact, champagne for everybody, courtesy of Billy Ray Valentine." "A toast to Billy Ray?" "I'm very sexy." "People will say, "Billy Ray, you're sexy," and not understand my sexuality." "I know." "You was in the tank last night, bragging' on your limousine." "You're the motherfucker I was gonna carve." "Yeah." "Motherfucker?" "Moi?" "That's my limousine outside, why don't you take a look at it?" "Right outside?" "Yeah." "You took care of him, baby." "I was gonna kick his ass, but I'm a peaceful man." "Ladies, it's time for me to get home." "But if any of you ladies want to drop by my house for cocktails, there's plenty of room in my limousine." "Come on, everybody." " You're looking so fine, Billy Ray." " Thank you very much." "If you're gonna vomit, the bathroom's downstairs." "No, downstairs, man." "Shit!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "That's a Persian rug." "It's from Persia." "What is this shit here?" "Hold up!" "Hey, who's been putting out their Kools on my floor?" "Who has been putting out their Kools on my floor?" "Have you people ever heard of coasters?" "Would you like me to prepare some more hors d'oeuvres for the guests, sir?" "Fuck them." "Coleman, there was more people in this room before, where 'd they go?" "I believe some of them have adjourned upstairs, sir." "To my bedroom?" "I'm waiting for you, Billy Ray." "Put your clothes on and get out." "Yeah, that's my girl, over there." "Can I have everybody's attention please?" "Get the fuck out!" "Good night, sir." "Good night, madam." "I hope you enjoyed it." "Thank you." "It was a stone groove, my man." "You are the most righteous..." "Get the fuck out, man." "Let's go, come on." "Hurry up." "And be quiet out there." "My neighbours are asleep, they work too." "Well, your..." "Your friends seemed to enjoy it, I thought it was a great success." "They weren't friends." "They're a bunch of freeloaders, treating my house like a zoo." "Why don't you retire, sir?" "I'll straighten up." "You've got a big day tomorrow." "Yeah, yeah, I think I will retire." "Good night, Coleman." "Thanks, man." "Good night, sir." "Let's go, Winthorpe." " Excuse me." " I'll see you later, we'll have lunch." "How would you like to make a fast hundred?" "I just got out." "Are you trying to entrap me right here?" "You guys must be getting desperate." "Is that your purse?" "Yes." "That's a nice purse." "Thank you." "Darling, I'm so glad to see you." "Louis, you're making a scene." "The good news is I'm innocent." "I've never done anything resembling this." "Louis, you look awful." "I'm so ashamed." "Those clothes and those shoes and... you've been fighting, and you smell." "I smell?" "Penelope, do you realise where I've been since yesterday?" "They beat me up and stole my clothes." "Those men wanted to have sex with me." " Can we discuss this somewhere else?" " They tried to bend me over this..." "If this place is indicative of correctional institutions in this country, they might as well let all the convicts out." "It's far worse on the inside." "Stealing from your friends, Louis?" "Heroin, Louis?" "Have you lost your mind?" "Mother wants me to call off the wedding and so does Todd." "Todd, what does Todd have to do with it?" "You've been fired from Duke Duke." "They're charging you with embezzlement." "Embezzlement?" "I've never stolen anything in my life." "How could the man I loved, whose children I wanted to have and breast-feed, be a heroin dealer?" "It wasn't heroin, it was angel dust, PCP..." "Listen Penelope, I swear to you, on my honour, with almighty God as my witness," "I am not an angel dust dealer." "Oh, Louis." "I've been looking everywhere for you, baby." " Louis, I'm hurting." "I just need a shot." " Would you please..." " Who is this person?" " I've never seen this woman before." "Don't say that, Louis." "Come on baby, just a dime bag." "I'll do all those things you like." "You lying...filthy...disgusting...creep." "Todd was right about you." "I never want to see you again as long as I live." "Grand!" "Great!" "Thanks a lot." "It was a joke." "Your friend said it would get you off." " Someone told you to do this to me?" " Yeah, and he paid me $100." "He's over there." "Let me get this straight, I give you 20 for the cab, and you'll give me 50 at your house?" "That is correct." "My butler will give you $50, and drive you anywhere you wish." "You don't exactly look like the type that has a butler." " If you're hustling me..." " Hustling you, hustling you?" "You don't think they give these to just anyone, do you?" "I can charge goods and services in over 86 countries around the world." "Yeah?" "Well I don't take credit cards." "You'll see what a mistake all this was." "Yes?" "Coleman, could you let me in?" "I'm having trouble with my key." " Who are you?" "What do you want?" " Just let me in, I'm in no mood for jokes." "Coleman?" "There's no Coleman here." "You've made a mistake." "Excuse me, for a moment." "Coleman!" "Let me in." "If you don't go away, I shall call the police." "Hello." "I'll be making a cash withdrawal for the amount of $500." "In fact, make it $1,000." "Excuse me." "I'm sorry, Mr Winthorpe, but the IRS has frozen your accounts." "What?" "You know me." "You're a heroin dealer, Mr Winthorpe." "It wasn't heroin, it was angel dust" " PCP and I never touched it." "Regardless, it's not the kind of business we want at First National." "May I see your credit cards please?" " I've been ordered to repossess them." " What?" "Wait, what am I supposed to live on?" "What's going to happen to me?" "Roger." "Why is someone deliberately trying to ruin my life?" "Tell you what." "Forget about the $50, OK?" "I'm just real tired." "I'm going home." "You've got to believe me." "You must believe me." "I have been framed." "You can't just leave me here." "I've got enough problems, Louis." "Come on, come on." "Listen!" "Wait!" "Wait." "I have over $150,000 in that bank." "But you don't care because you helped them do this to me." "Get off your knees, Louis." "Give me your hand." "Soft hands." "And a manicure." "Never done a hard day's work in your life, have you?" "I'm gonna regret this but... come on." "Get in." "I'm going to get to the bottom of this." "This has been a grave mistake." "Hey, that looks just like the dude that had me busted." "Sir?" "Right there, he looked just like the mother..." "I mean, he looks just like the gentleman that had me busted." "To whom are you referring, sir?" "The dude right there." " Right over there." " That's my car." "Coleman!" "Coleman, that's my car!" "That's my car!" "That's my driver." "There's some strange shit going on here, Coleman." "You don't want to be late for your first day, sir." "What do they want me to do here?" " I'm sure they'll tell you." " What if I can't do it?" "Just be yourself, sir." "Whatever happens, they can't take that away from you." " Excuse me, my name is..." " Mr Valentine." "They're waiting in the last office down the hall." " Ah, William, my boy." "Right on time." " Come in, come in." "Sit down." "No thanks, guys." "I already had breakfast." "This is not a meal, Valentine." "We are here to try to explain to you, what it is we do here." "We are commodities brokers, William." "Now, what are commodities?" "Commodities are agricultural products." "Like coffee, that you had for breakfast." "Wheat, which is used to make bread." "Pork bellies, which is used to make bacon, which you might find in a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich." "Then there are other commodities like..." "frozen orange juice...and gold." "Though, of course, gold doesn't grow on trees like oranges." " Clear so far?" " Yeah." "Good, William." "Now, some of our clients are speculating that the price of gold will rise in the future." "We have other clients who are speculating that the price of gold is going to fall." "They've placed their orders with us and we buy or sell their gold for them." "Tell him the good part." "The good part is that no matter whether our clients make money, or lose money, Duke Duke get the commissions." "Well, what do you think, Valentine?" "Sounds to me like you guys are a couple of bookies." "I told you he'd understand." "It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened." "It's the same guy who tried to rob the payroll, no doubt, that's him." "He planted the drugs on me." "Rachim, Mohammed, Larry." "How are you guys doing?" "Hey, hey, how ya doing?" "You know those people?" "He was wearing my Harvard tie." "Can you believe it?" "My Harvard tie." "Like, oh sure, he went to Harvard." "If he's being driven around in my car, he could actually be living in my house." "Maybe he's even taken my job." "For all I know, right at this moment he could be fondling my fiancée." "And Coleman - after years of service, this betrayal." "I don't understand it." "There's going to be retribution." "Oh, he's going to pay." " The things that I..." " Shut up, Louis." "Taxis cost money, food costs money and rent costs money!" "Now, you want me to help you out, I expect a lot in return." "These were here when I moved in." "Put 'em on if you want." "Look, I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate this..." " Ophelia." " Ophelia, you realise that's the name..." "I know, Hamlet's girlfriend." "He went crazy, she killed herself." "This is not Shakespeare, Louis." "I'm 24." "I'm from a small, miserable mining town you probably never heard of." "The only thing I've got going for me, is this body, this face, and what I got up here." "I don't do drugs." "And I don't have a pimp." "This place is a dump." "But it's cheap, it's clean and it's all mine." "I've saved 42 grand and it's in T-Bills earning interest." "I've got three more years on my back." "I'll have enough to retire." "You're a prostitute?" "I'm talking about a business proposition, Louis." "I help you get back on your feet and you pay me, in cash, five figures." "That's the deal and it's not subject to negotiation." "Understood?" "By the way, food and rent are not the only things here that cost money." "You sleep on the couch." "It's hit rock bottom." "Come on, let's buy." "Buy 200 May belly contracts at 66.8." " Put them on my personal account." " That's a big mistake, man." " Valentine, this is very important, watch." " You're going to get reamed on this one." "Why shouldn't we buy now, William?" "Price is going to keep going down." "Randolph, this isn't Monopoly money we're playing with." "This is Randolph Duke." "Hold that belly over a moment." "Tell me why you think the price of pork bellies is going down." " It's Christmas time." "Everybody's uptight." " Could we please buy now?" " If you want to lose money go ahead." " What are you trying to say?" "OK, pork belly prices have been dropping all morning." "So everybody's waiting for them to hit rock bottom so they can buy cheap." "The people with pork belly contracts are thinking," ""Hey, we're losing all our money and Christmas is coming." ""I won't be able to buy my son the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip." ""And my wife won't make love to me cos I ain't got no money."" "They're panicking, screaming, "Sell, sell."" "They don't want to lose all their money." "They are panicking right now." "I can feel it." "Look at them." "He's right, Mortimer, my God, look at it." "I'd wait till you get to 64, then buy." "You'll have cleared out all the suckers by then." "Do you realise how much money he just saved us?" "Money isn't everything, Randolph." "Advise our clients interested in bellies to buy at 64." "Mr Valentine has set the price." "Well done, William." "Very well done." "Come on, Randolph, we're gonna be late." "Yo..." "Mortimer dropped his money clip." " You can count it, it's all there." " Thank you." " It's all there, count it." " I'm sure it is." "Keep up the good work." "All right, Randy." "Nice try, Mortimer." "That was great, that was really great." "...and she stepped on the ball." "Oh my God, I don't believe it." " Ah, there you are." " I think I'm going to be sick." "Don't worry, I'll handle this, Pookums." "Todd, Harry, Andrew, Philip." "I realise this looks completely awful but I just wanted to assure you, my friends, that I am completely innocent." "I'm going to fight this." "Someone is out to get me and I know who." "The important thing is that I can rely on you, my friends, as character witnesses." "I'm going to be defending myself and I wondered if you could see your way clear to perhaps advance me a small loan until the hearing." "Frankly, Winthorpe, and I think I speak for all of us," "I think it shows incredibly bad taste for you to embarrass us like this." "I believe I'm still a member of this club." "Nobody wants to buy your drugs, Louis." "Why don't you just go away?" "Burnt my fingers, man." "I beg your pardon." "Man, that watch is so hot, it's smokin'." "Hot?" "Do you mean to imply, stolen?" " I'll give you 50 bucks for it." " 50 bucks!" "No, no, no." "This is a Rochefoucauld, the thinnest water-resistant watch in the world." "Singularly unique, sculptured in design, hand-crafted in Switzerland and water-resistant to three atmospheres." "This is the sports watch of the '80s." "$6,955 retail." "Got a receipt?" "Look, it tells time simultaneously in Monte Carlo, Beverly Hills, London, Paris, Rome and Gstaad." "In Philadelphia it's worth 50 bucks." "Just give me the money." "How much for the gun?" "So, this snail is standing in front of the Cadillac salesman, see, and says, "How much is that Cadillac?"" "The snail says, "I want a big 'S' put on each door" ""and on top of the car, I want a big 'S' so everybody can see it."" "Salesman says, "Why do you want that?" He says, "When I drive down the avenue..." ""I want everybody to say 'Look at that S-car-go."'" ""Look at the S-car-go."" "I'm considering going long on April wheat." "What do you think, Valentine?" "I can think of three good reasons why you shouldn't do that, judge." "One, the Russian wheat harvest isn't going to be as bad as people think...and two and three, judging by the jewels around your girlfriend's neck," "I think you're going to need every penny just to keep her happy." "103." "That's it, you're staying in bed." "That man has moved into my house." "He's stolen my job." "I have to do something." "Stay here." "It's ten o'clock - here's Johnny." "Listen, baby, I'm sorry." "My momma just came in from outta town." "Can we do it next week?" "Flowers for me?" "Thanks." " What are you doing?" " You've got company." "Business is business." "I'll go for a walk." " Fresh air will do me good." " Lay down." "I'm sorry you had to cancel your appointment." "What are you doing?" "Ophelia, I can't tell you how good that feels." "You've been so kind to me." "I'm just protecting my investment." "That's all." "Shut up and go to sleep." "99 and a half." "You're not getting out of bed until it's normal." "I feel fine and I've inconvenienced you enough." "You have work to do and so do I." "Nobody works on Christmas Eve." "I'm going shopping and then I'll make you a nice quiet dinner." "Now, read your paper." "Christmas!" "I'll give him a Christmas present he'll never forget." "Ah William, where've you been?" "The party's already begun." "I have some work to finish." "It's Christmas Eve and William wants to keep working." "I'll think of you in Stockholm, when I accept the Nobel Prize." "The wager has two parts - something about a second party turning to crime." "Didn't you say you had work to do?" "Yes sir." "I was wondering about this $10,000 cheque to Mr Clarence Beeks." "I'll take care of it, Valentine." "I don't recall a Clarence Beeks, Mr Duke." "It was before you joined us, Valentine." "We did manage to stay in business for 47 years before your arrival." "Have a drink, William." "Merry Christmas." " Merry Christmas, Mr Duke." " What?" " Merry Christmas." " Oh, oh, Merry Christmas." "Ho, ho, ho!" "Just what do you think you're doing?" "Randolph, Mortimer, come in here quickly, I've finally caught him." " Who are you?" " I've caught him red-handed." "Winthorpe, is that you?" "I'm making a citizen's arrest." "This man is a drug dealer." "Look, his office drawer, he's got all the bad drugs here." "Marijuana joints, pills, Quaaludes," "Valium, yellow ones, red ones, cocaine grinder, drug needles." "He's the pusher, not me." "I just came in and caught him planting this stuff." "It's obviously some primitive attempt to frame me." "Frame you?" "Boy, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black." "This man's obviously a lunatic." "I'm calling security." "Put that phone down." "Hello, security..." "Merry Christmas." "You tried to rob me, plant drugs on me." "You steal my house, my car, my job." "I ought to kill him now." "Look, this is a big misunderstanding." "I don't know nothing about it." "Could you put the gun away?" "Put that gun away at once, Winthorpe." "Have you lost your mind?" "Freeze, slime ball." "I realise this whole experience must have been rather unsettling for you." "Winthorpe, don't leave." "We can explain." "Yeah, you'll be sorry." "You'll all be very, very sorry." "Poor, deluded creature." "We caught him pilfering at our club, embezzling funds, selling drugs." "Now he's dressing up like Santa Claus." "Very sordid business." "I can't believe Winthorpe would fall to pieces like that." "It's not my business, but he belongs behind bars." " He's unemployed, Valentine." " It's no excuse, Mortimer." "He's flat broke, obviously hungry." "But he has money to buy drugs, right?" "You can't be soft on people like that." "Take it from me, Randolph." "Pay up, Mortimer, I've won the bet." "Here, one dollar." "We took a perfectly useless psychopath, like Valentine, and turned him into a successful executive." "And during the same time, we turned an honest, hard-working man into a violently deranged, would-be killer." "Now, what are we going to do about taking Winthorpe back and returning Valentine to the ghetto?" "I don't want Winthorpe back after what he's done." "You mean keep Valentine on, as Managing Director?" "Do you really believe I would have a nigger run our family business, Randolph?" "Of course not." "Neither would I." "I do think we should hold off on switching them back, though." "Until we get that crop report, New Year's Eve, don't you?" "Absolutely, no sense rocking the boat until then." "If Mr Beeks does what we paid him to do, we should have a very happy New Year." "Indeed." "Hey, Winthorpe, Winthorpe." "Hey." "Hey, Winthorpe." "Yo, Winthorpe." "Winthorpe." "Yo." "Sorry about that." "Yo!" "Yo!" "Hey, Taxi!" "Hi, Louis." "Merry Christmas." "Louis, I have a big surprise for you." "Excuse me." "The door was open..." "I'm looking for a Louis Winthorpe." " Does he live here?" " Wait here a minute, I'll be right back." "Louis, Louis." "It's him." "It's Valentine." "Louis..." "Louis?" "Louis." "It was close but he's going to be all right." "Now, make sure he gets plenty of rest." "And for God's sake, no excitement." "Thanks, Doc." "Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas to you." "I'll let myself out, Coleman." "Thank you." " Merry Christmas." " Merry Christmas." "It was a dream." "I dreamt the whole thing." "It was just a bad dream." "Good morning, sir." "Merry Christmas." "Coleman, I've had the most absurd nightmare." "I was poor and no one liked me." "I lost my job, I lost my house." "Penelope hated me." "And it was all because of this terrible, awful Negro." " Oh dear!" " lt...was...the..." "Dukes." "You're a dead man, Valentine." "It was an experiment." "They used us as guinea pigs, man." "The Dukes used us as guinea pigs." "To see how our lives would turn out." "They made a bet." " I'm afraid it's true, sir." " I believe him, Louis." "The Dukes ruined my life over a bet?" " For how much?" " A dollar." "One dollar." "Fine, that's the way they want it." "No problem." "You can't just shoot people with a double-barrelled shotgun cos you're pissed at them." " Why not?" " It's assault with a deadly weapon." "You get 20 years for that shit." "Do you have any better ideas?" "Yeah, it seems the best way to hurt rich people is by turning 'em into poor people." "You have to admit, you didn't like it yourself a bit." "Under heavy security, the crop estimates for next year's orange crop are being delivered to the Department Of Agriculture in Washington DC." "Louis, Louis, that's him, the guy who paid me to talk dirty to you." "In charge of security, Mr Clarence Beeks of Lyndhurst Security." "Clarence Beeks." " The Dukes gave him 10 grand." " I saw 50,000 in the payroll." "Mortimer said it was for research." "Research, so he can get that top secret report, two days before it goes public." "Oh my God, the Dukes will corner the entire frozen orange juice market." "Unless somebody stops them." "Or beats them to it." "Eggnog?" "Duke Duke, may I ask who's calling?" "Duke Duke, he's busy." "Can you hold please?" "May I help you?" "One moment, Mr Beeks, I'll put you right through." "Operation "strange fruit" proceeding according to plan." "I anticipate penetration and acquisition at 21:00 tomorrow." "Hold on." "Fuck off!" " When can we expect delivery?" " I will be leaving DC by train." "Will rendezvous at 24:00 at the Hilton Hotel, parking level D, Section 4." "That's the orange section." "Orange, I like that, very good." "The final payment is due on delivery, in cash." "Jesus, hey!" "Happy New Year!" " Ever make it with an ape?" " Harvey, haven't you had enough drink?" "Are you kidding, it's not even New Year's Eve." "Come here, kiss this beautiful ape." "Come on." "Harrisburg Express..." " What?" " It's my turn to drive." " No it isn't." " It is." " I'm sure you think it is, but it isn't." " Don't you remember?" "you drove the shipment of anchovies." "Yeah, but you had the video tape recorders this afternoon." "I backed them up about five feet." "We take turns." "Sometimes it's longer, sometimes shorter." "It's my turn now." " No it isn't." " Yes it is." " Merry New Year." " Happy New Year." "In this country, we say, "Happy New Year"." "Thank you for correcting my English, which stinks." "I am Naga Eboko, exchange student from Cameroon." "Beef jerky time." " You want some beef jerky?" " No, please." "There's plenty, you know." "This animal's being routed through to New York." "Its care and feeding instructions are on this bill of lading." "OK, gotcha." "I doubt you'll have need it but, there's a tranquilliser gun in the First Aid kit." " Oh, yeah?" " Say, have you guys been drinking?" " No, sir." "Not us." " There's enough drunks here already." "Happy New Year." "That's kind of you, son." "A Happy New Year to you, too." "Could I offer either of you two gentlemen a wee jolt of Irish whisky, to usher in the New Year." "Not for me, pal." "I do not drink." "It is against my religion." "I always say, religion's a fine thing, taken in moderation." "Beef jerky?" "No son, it gives me wind, something terrible." "We are moving!" "We are moving!" "New York, here we come!" "Come in, my child, join the party." "Let me see, you would be from Austria." "Am I right?" " No, I am Inga from Sweden." " Sweden?" "But you're wearing Lederhosen." "Je, for sure, from Sweden." "Please, help me with my rucksack." "Oh yeah, sure, why not?" "I'm hungry, man." "I've got to get something more to eat." "Well, maybe there's some pretzels in the bar car." "You're welcome!" " Who is that?" " Open the door, man." "I'm dressed as a baggage handler." "Imagine how embarrassed I was that someone had the same costume I had!" "Monkey, monkey?" "I'm a fucking gorilla you clown!" "I certainly hope there's enough space on the train for me." "Naga, Naga Eboko, from Cameroon." "Do you remember me?" "It's Lionel Joseph." "Lionel, from the African Education Conference, right?" "I was Director of Cultural Events at the Haile Selassie Pavilion." "I remember we have big fun there." "Now we are all here, we will have a picnic, je?" "You will help me get my rucksack down for the Swedish meatballs." " Remember the one we did?" " Yeah." " The memories." " All day long I could tell those stories." " Those were good ones." " The good old days." " There you are, sweet pea." " Denke." "So, the train will be pulling into Philadelphia soon." "Will you be getting off at the city of brotherly love?" "I will but you won't Winthorpe." " See if this one's empty." " Hey, back off." "I'll rip out your eyes and piss on your brain." " Excuse me." " You got it." "All right." "On your feet." "Up!" "Let's go." "Bunch of fucking weirdos!" "We're going to take a little walk." "Don't try anything funny or the whore loses a kidney." " No, I'm from Sweden." " Beat it." "Hey, I'm King Kong, the biggest, baddest guy in the jungle." "Get lost, you maggot." "Hey, who is that guy, your father or something?" "All right, hold it right here." " Honestly, Beeks." " This is as far as we go." "No more cockamamie cigar smoke." "No more Swedish meatballs there, tootsie." "And no more phoney Irish whisky." "No more goddamn jerky beef." "The party's over." "The party's over." "Hey, come on." "What do you mean, "The party's over"?" "It's not even ten o'clock, you dummy." "Hey, come on." "Loosen up, man." "It's almost New Year's Eve." "Hey, look what happened to me!" "Sometimes, they look so human, it gives you the creeps." "Boy, that other one's getting kinda horny, ain't he?" "Think we ought to hit him up with the tranquilliser gun?" "It's New Year's." "Let 'em have their fun." "That black one must be the female." " Where is he?" " Beeks." "Are you there, Beeks?" "I'm over here." "That's far enough." "Did you get the report?" "Let's see the money." "OK, toss it over." "Thank you, Beeks." "Wonderful news." "Wonderful." "Beeks, Happy New Year." "My life savings." "Try not to lose it." "Lose it?" "In a couple of hours, you're going to be the richest butler that ever lived." "I worked real hard for this, Louis." "Hope you know what you're doing." " Thank you, Ophelia." " What are you doing?" "10:31 ..." "That's us, Louis." "Coleman, would you please." "Thank you." "I could use a stiff drink." "Would you care to join me?" " Morning, Mr Duke." " Wilson." " Good morning, Mr Duke." " Wilson." "Keep the change." "Think big, think positive." "Never show any sign of weakness." "Always go for the throat." "Buy low, sell high." "Fear, that's the other guy's problem." "Nothing can prepare you for the unbridled carnage you are about to witness." "The Super Bowl, the World Series." "Pressure?" "Here it's kill or be killed." "Make no friends and take no prisoners." "One minute you're up half a million, the next, boom." "Your kids don't go to college and you've lost your Bentley." "We've got to kill the motherfucker..." "We've got to kill them." "We want you to buy as much OJ as you can, the instant trading starts." "Don't worry if the price starts going up, just keep buying." "They'll broadcast the crop report in an hour, what if..." "Let us worry about that, Wilson." "Yes, sir." " How's the ulcer, Harry?" " Pretty good." "How's the hypertension?" "Hasn't bothered me in months." "Let's kick some ass." "This is it." "The last bastion of pure capitalism left on earth." "Here in New York they trade everything, gold, silver, platinum, heating oil, propane, cocoa and sugar and, of course, frozen, concentrated orange juice." "The people on the phones are taking orders from brokers all over the world." "The runners hand those orders to the traders in the pits." "They're trading cotton over there." "And that's the silver pit." "The Dukes' trader is going to be buying like crazy right from the opening." "We wait until he drives the price up?" "Right." "I can't wait to see his face, when they broadcast that genuine crop report." "OJ trading opens at 9:00." " Let's go kick some butt." " Let's go." "Hey, hey." "The Dukes are trying to corner the market." " They know something." " Let's get in on it." "200, taken." " 130." " 200, 200." "Louis." "Not yet, almost." " 220 taken." " 209." " Yeah, yeah, got 'em." " 139." "Now!" "Sell, 200 April at 142." "That's not right." "How can the price be going down?" "Something's wrong." "Where's Wilson?" "What are they doing here?" " They're selling, Mortimer." " Why, that's ridiculous." " Unless that crop report..." " God help us." "I told you we shouldn't have committed everything, you asshole." "We've got to get Wilson and tell him to sell." "Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary Of Agriculture." "Ladies and gentlemen, the orange crop estimates for the next year." "After calculating the estimates from various orange producing states," "We have concluded the following..." "The cold winter has apparently not effected the orange harvest." "...consumers can expect orange juice prices to fall..." "Wilson, for Christ's sake, sell." "Buy 'em." "Wilson, where are you going?" "You idiot." "Get back in there at once and sell, sell." " Five." " Yeah, 200." " 100." " Yeah, that was 100." "Did you get that?" "Happy New Year." " Winthorpe." " Valentine." " How'd you make out today?" " How could you do this to us, after everything we've done for you?" "Oh, see I made Louis a bet here." "Louis bet me that we couldn't get rich and put you in the poorhouse." "He didn't think we could do it." "I won." "I lost." " One dollar." " Thank you, Louis." " After you." " Certainly." "Margin call, gentlemen." " Why you can't expect..." " You know the rules." "All accounts to be settled at the end of the day's trading, without exception." "You know perfectly well, we don't have $394 million in cash." "I'm sorry, boys." "Put the Duke brothers' seats on the exchange up for sale at once." "Seize all assets of Duke Duke Commodity Brokers, as well as all personal holdings of Randolph and Mortimer Duke." "We're ruined!" "This is an outrage, I demand an investigation." "You can't sell our seats." "A Duke has been on this exchange since it was founded." "We founded this exchange." "It's ours." "It belongs to us." "We'd better call your brother an ambulance." "Fuck him!" "I want trading reopened, right now." "Get those brokers back in here." "Turn those machines back on." "Turn those machines back on." "You and your Nobel Prize, you idiot." "Where's Beeks?" "Where in hell is Beeks?" " Beeks!" " Yeah, I forgot all about that guy." "OK, one male gorilla." "Wait a minute." "There's two of them in that cage." "One gorilla, two gorillas." "Big deal." "Whole bunch is getting sent back to Africa." "It's a big scientific experiment." "What do I know?" "Anyway, they're in love." " Hey, Coleman." " Yes." "What about lunch?" "The lobster or the cracked crab?" " What do you think?" " Can't we have both?" "Why not?" " Dimitri." " Sir." " Lobster and cracked crab for everyone." " Extra prima good, Mr Coleman, sir." "Looking good, Billy Ray." "Feeling good, Louis." | {
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"In 1967 mine workers discovered the first remnants of a long lost civilization:" "The Abkani." "The Abkani Believed there are two worlds on this planet." "A world of light and a world of darkness 10.000 years ago, the Abkani opened a gate between these worlds." "Before they could close it, something evil slipped through." "The Abkani mysteriously vanished from the earth." "Only a few artifacts remained, Hidden in the world's most remote places." "These artifacts speak of terrifying creatures that thrive in the darkness, ...waiting for the day when the gate can be opened again." "Bureau 713, The government's paranormal research agency, ...was established to uncover the dark secrets of this lost civilization." "Under the direction of Archaeologist Lionel Hudgens, ...Bureau 713 began collecting abkani artifacts." "When the government shut down his controversial research, ...Hudgengs built a laboratory hidden within an abandoned gold mine." "There, he conducted savage experiments on orphaned children ...in an attempt to merge man with creature." "Hudgens' victims survived as sleepers." "Lost souls awaiting the moment of their calling." "It's just..." "the children are my responsibility." "We've been through this before." "These children have been specially selected." "If my work is a success, thousands of lives can be saved." "It's not about a few children." "It's about the future of our species." "Anyway, it's too late for doubt now." "The process has already started." "Just do what we agreed." "At 10 P.M.,you call the police and you tell them the children have disappeared." "Sir, the subjects have been transported." "Good." "But, sir, there's a problem." "Head count had twenty of them before transport." "Now we've only got nineteen." "Someone's missing." "Shit!" "Good evening, Sheriff." "What's going on, Adams?" "There's twenty kids living at this orphanage." "All twenty of them have gone missing." "And Then?" "After the power went out I went to check on the children Their beds were empty, every one of them." "They just disappeared." "Did you have a nightmare?" "My mommy says that there's nothing to be afraid of in the dark." "Your mother's wrong, kid." "Being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive." "Pinkerton." "Carnby is coming in on flight 185 from Buenos Aires." "He's got the artifact." "Intercept him at the airport, Get the artifact and kill him." "So maybe you're thinking I'm an asshole scaring that kid for no reason." "...but I'm just trying to protect him." "You see, there's a world around you." "that you've trained yourself not to see." "Call it paranormal, supernatural, occult, whatever." "But inside all of us is an uncontrollable fear of the dark." "Kids are told it's irrational, but it's not.." "Fear is what protects you from the things you don't believe in." "I learned the truth a long time ago-." "just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it can't kill you." "When I was ten, I lost my memory." "Gone, erased." "I know something bad happened back then at the orphanage." "I've been looking for answers ever since." "You don't have to believe me." "My name is Edward Carnby, and I'm here to protect you from the things you don't believe." "You travel light." "I carry enough baggage for the both of us." "Trust me." "That's funny, man." "What do you do?" "You don't want to know." "Sure, I do." "That's the best part of the job, you know learning about people's lives." "I'm a paranormal investigator." "Are you fucking serious?" "Really?" "What does that mean exactly?" "Let me put it this way." "I hunt and track down the strange and unusual." "Speaking of strange and unusual that cab's been following us since we left the airport." "No shit?" "No shit." "You want me to lose him?" "I wouldn't mind." "Let's do it." "They really want something from you." "Shit!" "That's my cab, man!" "My boss is gonna fucking kill me!" "My insurance is not gonna cover this, man!" "Shit!" "Pull into this market up here." "And kill someone?" "Stay down!" "You all right?" "Where is he?" "Miss Cedrac, we got another delivery." "I don't have anything scheduled for today." "What museum was it transferred from?" "For Dr Hudgens from Dr Hudgens." "That must be a mistake." "It's probably for the big Abkani show." "Abkani?" "What is Abkani?" "It's an ancient Native American civilization." "They were, like, this super-advanced culture until, like, 10,000 years ago, they just disappeared." "It says it's only to be opened by Dr. Hudgens." "This is Aline Cedrac." "She's the assistant curator." "We have artifacts coming in from all around the world." "Until Hudgens gets back, I will be doing all his cataloging for him." "Hey, where is Hudgens anyway?" "The show opens in a couple days." "He's off on another archaeological goose chase." "He thinks he's finally found the Arabis.." "So he sticks you with all the work." "At least it takes your mind off your boyfriend, right?" "I'll be in my office if you need me." "Yeah." "They say a sunken ship is like a grave." "It should never be disturbed." "I've been searching for the Arabis for over twenty years, Captain." "and now that I've found it, I'm afraid your ill-informed superstitions aren't enough to stop me." "OK, Hudgens, let's see what we've got." "Edward, it's John here." "I don't know if you're back from wherever you were this time but if you are, call me." "It's the nightmares." "They've started again." "I need to know if it's just me." "Call me, please." "Well, are you going to open it up?" "make sure it's what you're looking for?" "The conditions must be perfect." "Otherwise, there may be consequences." "Is this made of solid gold?" "You know, the Abkani was the first civilization to use gold to house their valuables." "They believed it held the power to contain evil spirits." "Nowadays, we can't even remember." "why we value gold in the first place." "Let's just load this on the truck." "If the container is made of solid gold whatever's inside must be worth a fortune." "Oh, you have no idea." "But I'm looking forward to finding out." "Listen!" "You'll make a terrible mistake!" "The only mistake I'd be making is letting you walk out with whatever's inside." "Throw him in there!" "Open it up, Captain." "Let's see what we've got." "Don't open it!" "John?" "Oh my God." "BUREAU 713 AGENCY FOR PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS" "What are we looking at, Krashinski?" "Electromagnetics off the scale, Commander." "I've never seen anything like it." "Recalibrating all sensors now, sir." "There's no malfunctions sir." "These are accurate readings." "Jesus Christ." "Hello?" "Did a shipment arrive for me today?" "Oh, it's a fascinating piece, Dr. Hudgens." "I started decoding the pictograms and" "Who told you to do that?" "That crate was not to be opened." "Yeah, but I was only just gonna catalog it for you." "It's not your place to question my instructions, miss Cedrac." "Leave the tablet alone." "I'll catalog it myself when I get back" "But, Dr. Hudgens, I" "Sir I found them." "Sister Clara, something's happened." "The others are back." "Yeah?" "Edward." "Thank God." "Hey, Linda." "What's wrong?" "It's John." "I woke up, and he's just gone." "All of his clothes are here, His car's in the garage It's like he just got up in the middle of the night and walked out." "I'll be right over." "According to Abkani legend, when they opened the gate between our world and the world of darkness a few people survived by joining forces with the creaturesfrom the other side." "They gained supernatural power but lost their humanity." "That would explain the man who tried to kill me this morning." "I have this bad feeling that's what's happened to John and the others." "Edward, you've known each other since you were kids." "Did he..." "Did he tell you he was leaving me?" "Of course not." "Then where is he, Edward?" "What is going on?" "I'll figure this out." "I'll find John." "Don't worry." "I'll figure this out." "I'll find John." "Don't worry" "Ok." "Fischer here." "Hey, Fisch." "It's Carnby." "Edward -know it's been a while." "You gotta do me a favor." "I haven't heard from you since you left 713." "What's up?" "A friend of mine who grew up in my orphanage disappeared last night." "His name's John Dillon." "Can you try to dig up some information?" "They'll kill me if they find out, but let me check." "All right." "I have to take a trip down memory lane." "I'll meet you at 3:00 at our old hangout." "OK?" "Please take care, Edward." "I'll see you then." "One, two, three." "Bluebells, cockle shells eevie, ivy, over." "I like coffee, I like tea..." "Welcome home, Edward." "Should I make some tea?" "Yes." "Thank you, Sophie." "Let me look at you You've been getting enough sleep?" "Sister, John disappeared last night, and something happened to me as well" "It's happening again." "I need your help." "I want to find the others." "I'll get their files." "Come on." "It's good to see you, Edward." "You should visit more often." "Yeah, that is very strange huh?" "He just disappeared." "I understand you must be very concerned I'll let you know as soon as I hear something." "Ok thank you." "I was recruited into Bureau 713 when I was 20." "I learned everything I could about the paranormal." "I was a good agent, but it didn't get me any closer to the truth." "Every time I uncovered a new Abkani artifact it immediately got classified." "I realized I'd never get the answers I was looking for with 713 calling the shots." "Why did I agree to this?" "Come on, Fisch." "It's a beautiful day." "I ordered your favorite." "It's pecan right?" "You have a good memory, Carnby." "It's all in the details, right?" "I tracked down the three you asked me about They all disappeared last night." "Same story- ...no suitcase, no car just up and walked out into the light." "So that means all nineteen are missing." "I did a full cross-reference too." "Nothing much in common except they all grew up in the same orphanage." "Your orphanage." "What's going on, Carnby?" "That's what I'm trying to figure out here." "Thanks, Fisch." "I'll see you around." "It's good to know I've still got friends at the 713." "Miss Cedrac, there's someone here to see you." "Edward!" "Oh, God, I missed you." "I thought you were dead, you asshole." "God." "Just give me five minutes, all right?" "I can explain everything" "In private, Rob." "Oh, I should..." "Yeah, I'm gonna go." "Give me one reason why I should ever even speak to you again?" "Look at this." "I was in the Amazon for six weeks tracking down poacher across their transport lines." "Then I fell in with a group of ex-Chilean military who were selling artifacts on the black market." "That was found on the southern tip of Chile in a gold mine." "It's Abkani." "You know, you could have called or even written just to let me know that you were alive." "Do the inscriptions make any sense to you?" "I'm not sure." "The thing is they're all from different locations" "Venezuela, Newfoundland, Alaska and now this one from Chile." "10,000 years ago, that would have been like burying them at the ends of the earth." "Yeah." "But why?" "If you want someone to build a puzzle why would you hide the pieces so far apart?" "Now what?" "Is Rob trying to create a mood or something?" "Give me that." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Ms Cedrac..." "Mr Carnby?" "What the hell's with the lights?" "How come every time you show up, my life gets complicated?" "I could ask you the same thing." "What is it?" "Nothing." "The hair on the back of my neck just stood up." "Hello?" "Did you hear that?" "Rob!" "Come on!" "Go!" "Go!" "What the hell was that?" "Get down!" "Come on!" "Lock the door!" "Get the key in there!" "It's our only way out of here!" "Aline!" "You all right?" "Yeah, I'm ok." "I want a full security sweep of the area." "Miles, Call Fischer and tell him to get his boys down here now." "Let's go!" "Scanners Clear?" "Scanners clear." "What the hell are you doing here, Carnby?" "Hey, Burke." "Good to see you too." "You shouldn't be here." "This is my unit now." "You must be very proud." "You used to be able to take care of yourself there, Carnby." "Got a little soft since you left 713?" "You should take her to the medic and check that arm." "This way." "I'll catch up." "Why are you still here?" "Why am I still here?" "I just got my ass chased around this goddamn museum by something I couldn't see." "I want to know what the hell they are, what they're doing in the goddamn city!" "I want to know what 713 knows about it?" "You're not 713 anymore, OK?" "That information is classified." "That means it's none of your fucking business!" "You're not 713 anymore, OK?" "That information is classified." "That means it's none of our fucking business!" "We've got this under control." "Thank you!" "I don't need your help." "Get him out of here, Marko." "I asked very nicely." "Real tough, huh?" "All right!" "You're right, Buke." "Maybe I have gotten soft" "You just keep walking." "Come on, Miles." "Fucking prick." "Thank you very much, Burke." "Hey!" "Hi!" "You ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "I need to study those artifacts." "All right." "I'm gonna go and figure out what's going on with John and the others." "We'll hook up later, Ok?" "You shouldn't be here, Carnby." "I'm not." "Commander Burke is." "Your curiosity have anything to do With the fingerprint of yours I found on this corpse?" "Fisch, the list of people I trust is short." "I'm not making it shorter." "Have you I.D.'d him yet?" "we got his dentals." "Agent James Pinkerton." "He's ex-713." "What?" "You telling me he was an agent?" "When?" "Went M.I.A. twenty years ago." "His records are so classified, they're practically invisible." "Why the hell was he trying to kill me?" "This might have something to do with it." "Fused to the spinal cord." "There's another piece in here." "It's been severed." "Never seen this kind of symbiosis before." "This must be why his entire nervous system was compromised." "The scanner is still getting a reading." "What?" "The Abkani never cease to amaze me.." "Such a complex society at a time when most of humanity was hunting and gathering and huddling around fires." "Dr Hudgens, when did you get back?" "Oh, a few hours ago." "I heard you had some excitement." "Are you all right?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "a little shaken up, but I'm ok." "Look I must apologize for snapping at you earlier." "But why are you still here, after all you've been through?" "Where'd you get that image?" "Edward." "That's a major find." "I'll have to analyze that." "Actually, I'll do that myself." "It's not a request." "Where is the artifact?" "Everything ok in here?" "Who are you?" "Miss Cedracs security detail." "My dear, have you any idea who I am?" "Dr." "Lionel Hudgens." "former agent, Science-spy division currently 713 advisor status." "I know exactly who you are." "Well, I'll have to hold off my curiosity till the morning." "Dr. Hudgens, I meant to ask, did you finally find the Arabis?" "Just an empty shipwreck." "Like you said:" "another wild-goose chase." "You've got one inside you, too, but symbiosis is incomplete." "I was electrocuted when I was a kid." "That must have killed it." "Can you remove it?" "Well I could try, but it could paralyze you." "So these organisms are somehow connected to the creatures from the museum, right?" "We call them Zenoes." "Catchy." "When did they first appear?" "Two years ago." "They've been 713's top priority ever since But it's been almost exclusively in rural areas.This sort of urban infiltration is unheard of." "Have you isolated any weaknesses?" "They're vulnerable to elements 76 to 79- osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold... negates their ability to disrupt electricity." "If they disrupt electricity, How come my flashlight still worked?" "Well, the closer the current is to its power source the less the disruption." "Now, this has been calibrated to track their disruption field." "It won't help you see them, but it'll let you know when they're nearby." "They live almost exclusively in the dark." "Sunlight is lethal in large doses But only certain light frequencies can hurt them.." "These lamps have been set to an effective frequency." "But for maximum damage, we use bullets coated in a photon-accelerated luminescent resin.Cuts right through them." "I'm gonna need a lot of these." "The man who attacked meyesterday, was after the Abkani artifact I found in Chile." "He was driven by the same force that controls the creatures." "The Zenoes at the museum were after the same thing." "It can't be a coincidence, John and the others have also gone missing." "I'm close to the truth." "I know it." "But whoever controls these things is going to send more after me." "Commander Burke wants to see you." "I heard you met with Carnby." "Why?" "Well, he has intel we need." "I trust him." "You trust him." "Right." "We need to trust each other, Fischer." "I mean, I need to know whose side you're on." "Or I can just remove you from the unit and you and Carnby can hang out anytime you want." "You can grab a pizza, go to the movies." "What is it you need from me?" "I need all the intel you have on Edward Carnby and I need you to keep your mouth shut." "You understand me?" "I'll get it." "Sara?" "Sara?" "Oh, God, Sara!" "Now you're with us." "It seems all the pieces fit together." "Now I need your help to figure out why." "With the pieces assembled like this maybe the computer can plot a location ...based on the symbols matching these constellations." "So, what are we looking for exactly?" "The Abkani used constellations to pinpoint a geographic location ...but I don't think we could zero in more than maybe a 100-mile radius." "Edward." "Yeah." "If this is correct I think the computer can pinpoint the location." "That's right in our area, isn't it?" "Shit!" "Here." "Stay there." "John?" "Shit." "John, it's me." "It's Edward." "Aline, come on!" "Come on!" "This way!" "This way!" "Come on, Come on!" "Uh!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "This way!" "We better get out of here." "Come on." "I just killed John." "What do you mean?" "He was one of them." "Something was controlling him." "Then you had no choice." "How many more are there?" "There were twenty of us." "Krash, Alpha Unit reporting." "Body count at six dead." "Please alert meds." "How many casualties we got?" "Nine so far, sir." "We're still getting some sort of readings." "Recalibrating heat sensors All agents, proceed with caution." "Stand fast." "Carnby, drop your weapon!" "On the ground now!" "Burke, just in the nick of time, as usual." "I know you're infected." "I'm taking you in." "Are you kidding me?" "What's the first rule they teach you at 713, huh?" "Trust your instincts, right?" "You really think I'm one of these creatures?" "I said drop your fucking weapon!" "Hey, Burke!" "Krash, this is Cheung." "We're on the upper level." "Cheung, I'm reading four signatures." "They're moving to surround you." "Possible ambush." "I'm routing backup from the lower level." "Proceed with extreme caution." "Where the hell is our backup?" "Cheung, reinforcements have engaged targets in stairwell." "You're on your own." "Any others?" "Scanner's clear." "Krash?" "All heat signatures motionless." "Clear." "Repeat-you are clear." "Let's move out." "Commander Burke, we have got a new development. all available agents are being rerouted to an abandoned gold mine in your sector" "Scan is picking up multiple Zenoe signatures converging on the location." "You have been assigned field command of the operation." "Proceed there immediately." "Will one of you tell me what the hell's going on here?" "We picked up massive readings." "That's not what I asked." "What the hell is going on here?" "Look, Fischer's missing." "So is Hudgens." "I got a feeling this is just the beginning." "What does Hudgens have to do with this?" "That's what I want to find out." "I'll brief you both in the air." "Let's go." "Krash, I'm gonna get this place locked up now." "Oh ah, Carnby, I'll need my I.D. back." "So, where are we going, Burke?" "To the Britannia gold mine." "The Britannia mine?" "I grew up in that area." "Why are we going there?" "They shut it down 22 years ago after six miners were killed in an unexplained accident" "Did 713 investigate?" "The report concluded there was no paranormal activity." "...But get this the agents in charge of the investigation were Dr. Lionel Hudgens and James Pinkerton" "Krash, what are your readings?" "Practically off the scale, Commander." "This is unprecedented." "Initiate 59-Alpha." "No." "Hold them off for now." "Wait for my command." "We've got three guerillas with flashlights set up gatling guns with electromagnetic motion tracking." "And every available agent in the vicinity is here" "Look, I don't care what you have to do." "Get more bodies down here now!" "Look at this place!" "We need more!" "Looks like we're going to war." "Yeah, well we are." "Highest Zenoe concentration ever is in this area." "It's our chance to get rid of them once and for all." "Turner, why is that thing not up and running?" "Just arrived here, sir." "The generator will be online shortly." "Got to move faster." "This is top priority." "All the readings I'm getting from outside are huge." "The stuff I'm getting from down there I've never seen anything like it before." "What's going on?" "This is where we need to go." "They're all coming here for a reason." "Until we know what that is, we're not gonna be able to stop them." "So we go in?" "Miles, Defend the perimeter.." "Turner, where's the genny at right now?" "Any minute now." "Just back off, Miles." "Come on, Turner." "We need those lights, all right?" "We need the power." "Let's go." "Perimeter defenses up." "Still waiting for the genny to come back on line." "All agents, Britannia operation in code yellow." "All units in place and standing by for genny to come online." "Misfire." "Misfire." "No engagement." "Hold your fire." "Krash, any updates?" "Perimeter defenses in place, Commander." "Copy that." "Looks like it's a dead-end." "I'll go check it out" "Turner, you said five minutes ten minutes ago." "Come on." "Where the hell are the lights?" "About fucking time." "Readings are stable, sir." "Another dead-end." "Maybe we should double back and try another tunnel." "There's got to be something else here." "Look at this." "It's Abkani." "There's more over here." "I think I found something." "We've got to go down there." "Let's move, people." "How long do we have to hold them?" "Only till dawn." "That's four hours away, sir.." "That's right." "Incoming!" "Electromagnetics around the mine are off the scale." "Getting too much interference." "Satellite intel is compromised." "Fischer, no!" "Sir, the generator's gone!" "Hold your fire till they reach the second perimeter." "Commander, 713 has approved reinforcements They're already en route." "What is your status?" "Can you read me?" "Yeah." "We're retrieving Marko." "Tell them to hurry up, goddamn it." "Hold your fire till they hit the perimeter." "Fire!" "Fire!" "Faster." "Come on." "Aline, Hang on!" "Hang on!" "I got you." "Grab ahold!" "Get your footing!" "." "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Come on!" "Move Faster!" "Come on!" "Get down there!" "Jump!" "Burke, I'm stuck!" "What?" "Cheung" "Lay down." "Lay down." "Barr, get over here." "I'm gonna keep pressure on the wound." "I need you to wrap this now." "Relax." "Everything's gonna be fine." "Gunships approaching." "Richards, Richards, do you copy?" "All right, Feenstra." "Check on Richards." "I don't think we're supposed to be here." "You guys, check this out." "It's a warning." "What's the warning?" "It says once you make it down here alive you're already dead." "That's comforting." "Miles..." "Burke, go again." "I'm trying to find a way out of here." "Miles, Krash, anyone." "Burke, go again." "Are you getting anything?" "Nothing." "I'm getting nothing but static." "Change your frequency, Try again, Burke, Miles come in." "Fall back!" "We've got to get out of here." "Watch it!" "Watch her legs!" "She's gone." "Burke, come on." "She's gone." "Come on." "We've got to find a way out." "Miles, Richards is dead." "Everyone is dead!" "All right, find some high ground." "I'm gonna stay here." "Go." "Go!" "Watch your back." "Something tells me we're not the first ones down here." "Let's blow it, Barr." "Let's go." "Feenstra!" "This isn't happening." "It doesn't make any sense." "We've been trying to stop something that they created the whole time." "My guys are dying out there for nothing!" "for fucking nothing!" "You guys, come here." "What's going on?" "Aline, give me the artifact." "it's a key" "This could be our only way out of here." "The answers I've been looking for my whole life." "could be on the other side of this thing." "Some doors are meant to stay shut." "What do you want to do, Carnby?" "I say we trust the Abkani." "Drop your weapons!" "Now move away from the door!" "Do it!" "Put them down!" "Guns on the floor now!" "That's good." "That's good." "Now get in here." "Does this place bring back memories, Carnby?" "You were my last failure here." "If you hadn't escaped, 713 would never have shut down my experiments." "I spen twenty years looking for the key to that door!" "Now give it to me." "Give it to me!" "What a pity, you were a fine archaeologist." "Aline, just give it to him." "There's been enough killing today." "That's fine." "Right." "Now get over there!" "You never could have opened the door, you know." "Not without this." "Hudgens, Don't be insane." "Don't open that door." "Hudgens, please, think about what you're doing Don't open that door!" "All right, let's just back up nice and easy, nice and slow." "Go, go, go!" "Come on!" "This way!" "Come on!" "Or any operations." "Over." "Can anyone read me?" "come on!" "Go, go!" "Run!" "Hey!" "There's a ladder up here!" "How's it look?" "It looks like It could be a way out" "All right, I'm pulling.." "What is it?" "Detonator's inactive." "The signal's not going through" "We'll find another way." "Let's get out of here!" "I've got to get back there." "I've got to get closer to them." "You can hear them!" "Let's get the hell out of here!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "You guys get out of here, I'm going back." "Burke, come on!" "They were under us the whole time." "I don't believe it." "Sister Clara?" "8:45 A.M. CITY EVACUATED" "The gate was closed again." "But, like Abkani discovered there's a price to pay for bringing darkness into the light." "The Abkani people were wiped off the face of the earth." "And now, it looks like it's happening all over again." "Synced by A1t-f4" | {
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Subsets and Splits