9 values
/// \file /// \brief Draws Each Obstacle in RViz using MarkerArrays /// /// PARAMETERS: /// PUBLISHES: /// SUBSCRIBES: /// FUNCTIONS: #include <ros/ros.h> #include <math.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <mini_ros/spot.hpp> #include <mini_ros/teleop.hpp> #include "mini_ros/MiniCmd.h" #include "std_msgs/Bool.h" #include "std_srvs/Empty.h" #include "mini_ros/JoyButtons.h" #include <functional> // To use std::bind int main(int argc, char** argv) /// The Main Function /// { ROS_INFO("STARTING NODE: Teleoperation"); // Vars double frequency = 60; int linear_x = 4; int linear_y = 3; int linear_z = 1; int angular = 0; int sw = 0; int es = 1; int RB = 5; int LB = 2; int RT = 5; int LT = 4; int UD = 7; int LR = 6; double l_scale = 1.0; double a_scale = 1.0; double B_scale = 1.0; double debounce_thresh = 0.15; // sec ros::init(argc, argv, "teleop_node"); // register the node on ROS ros::NodeHandle nh; // get a handle to ROS ros::NodeHandle nh_("~"); // get a handle to ROS // Parameters nh_.getParam("frequency", frequency); nh_.getParam("axis_linear_x", linear_x); nh_.getParam("axis_linear_y", linear_y); nh_.getParam("axis_linear_z", linear_z); nh_.getParam("axis_angular", angular); nh_.getParam("scale_linear", l_scale); nh_.getParam("scale_angular", a_scale); nh_.getParam("scale_bumper", B_scale); nh_.getParam("button_switch", sw); nh_.getParam("button_estop", es); nh_.getParam("rb", RB); nh_.getParam("lb", LB); nh_.getParam("rt", RT); nh_.getParam("lt", LT); nh_.getParam("updown", UD); nh_.getParam("leftright", LR); nh_.getParam("debounce_thresh", debounce_thresh); tele::Teleop teleop = tele::Teleop(linear_x, linear_y, linear_z, angular, l_scale, a_scale, LB, RB, B_scale, LT, RT, UD, LR, sw, es); // Init Switch Movement Server ros::ServiceClient switch_movement_client = nh.serviceClient<std_srvs::Empty>("switch_movement"); ros::service::waitForService("switch_movement", -1); // Init ESTOP Publisher ros::Publisher estop_pub = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("estop", 1); // Init Command Publisher ros::Publisher vel_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("teleop", 1); // Init Joy Button Publisher ros::Publisher jb_pub = nh.advertise<mini_ros::JoyButtons>("joybuttons", 1); // Init Subscriber (also handles pub) // TODO: Figure out how to use std::bind properly // ros::Subscriber joy_sub = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Joy>("joy", 1, std::bind(&tele::Teleop::joyCallback, std::placeholders::_1, vel_pub), &teleop); ros::Subscriber joy_sub = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Joy>("joy", 1, &tele::Teleop::joyCallback, &teleop); ros::Rate rate(frequency); // Record time for debouncing buttons ros::Time current_time = ros::Time::now(); ros::Time last_time = ros::Time::now(); // Main While while (ros::ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); current_time = ros::Time::now(); std_msgs::Bool estop; = teleop.return_estop(); if ( and current_time.toSec() - last_time.toSec() >= debounce_thresh) { ROS_INFO("SENDING E-STOP COMMAND!"); last_time = ros::Time::now(); } else if (!teleop.return_trigger()) { // Send Twist vel_pub.publish(teleop.return_twist()); = 0; } else if (current_time.toSec() - last_time.toSec() >= debounce_thresh) { // Call Switch Service std_srvs::Empty e;; = 0; last_time = ros::Time::now(); } // pub buttons jb_pub.publish(teleop.return_buttons()); estop_pub.publish(estop); rate.sleep(); } return 0; }
#include "mini_ros/teleop.hpp" namespace tele { Teleop::Teleop(const int & linear_x, const int & linear_y, const int & linear_z, const int & angular, const double & l_scale, const double & a_scale, const int & LB, const int & RB, const int & B_scale, const int & LT, const int & RT, const int & UD, const int & LR, const int & sw, const int & es) { // step length or pitch linear_x_ = linear_x; // lateral fraction or roll linear_y_ = linear_y; // height linear_z_ = linear_z; // yaw rate or yaw angular_ = angular; // scale linear axis (usually just 1) l_scale_ = l_scale; // scale angular axis (usually just 1) a_scale_ = a_scale; // for incrementing and decrementing step velocity // Bottom Bumpers RB_ = RB; LB_ = LB; // scale Bottom Trigger axis (usually just 1) B_scale_ = B_scale; // Top Bumpers RT_ = RT; LT_ = LT; // Switch between Stepping and Viewing sw_ = sw; // E-STOP es_ = es; // Arrow PAd UD_ = UD; LR_ = LR; switch_trigger = false; ESTOP = false; updown = 0; leftright = 0; left_bump = false; right_bump = false; } void Teleop::joyCallback(const sensor_msgs::Joy::ConstPtr& joy) { twist.linear.x = l_scale_*joy->axes[linear_x_]; twist.linear.y = l_scale_*joy->axes[linear_y_]; // NOTE: used to control robot height twist.linear.z = -l_scale_*joy->axes[linear_z_]; twist.angular.z = a_scale_*joy->axes[angular_]; // NOTE: bottom bumpers used for changing step velocity twist.angular.x = B_scale_*joy->axes[RB_]; twist.angular.y = B_scale_*joy->axes[LB_]; // Switch Trigger: Button A switch_trigger = joy->buttons[sw_]; // ESTOP: Button B ESTOP = joy->buttons[es_]; // Arrow Pad updown = joy->axes[UD_]; leftright = -joy->axes[LR_]; // Top Bumpers left_bump = joy->buttons[LT_]; right_bump = joy->buttons[RT_]; } geometry_msgs::Twist Teleop::return_twist() { return twist; } bool Teleop::return_trigger() { return switch_trigger; } bool Teleop::return_estop() { return ESTOP; } mini_ros::JoyButtons Teleop::return_buttons() { mini_ros::JoyButtons jb; jb.updown = updown; jb.leftright = leftright; jb.left_bump = left_bump; jb.right_bump = right_bump; return jb; } }
#include "mini_ros/spot.hpp" namespace spot { // Spot Constructor Spot::Spot() { cmd.x_velocity = 0.0; cmd.y_velocity = 0.0; cmd.rate = 0.0; cmd.roll = 0.0; cmd.pitch = 0.0; cmd.yaw = 0.0; cmd.z = 0.0; cmd.motion = Stop; cmd.movement = Viewing; } void Spot::update_command(const double & vx, const double & vy, const double & z, const double & w, const double & wx, const double & wy) { // If Command is nearly zero, just give zero if (almost_equal(vx, 0.0) and almost_equal(vy, 0.0) and almost_equal(z, 0.0) and almost_equal(w, 0.0)) { cmd.motion = Stop; cmd.x_velocity = 0.0; cmd.y_velocity = 0.0; cmd.rate = 0.0; cmd.roll = 0.0; cmd.pitch = 0.0; cmd.yaw = 0.0; cmd.z = 0.0; cmd.faster = 0.0; cmd.slower = 0.0; } else { cmd.motion = Go; if (cmd.movement == Stepping) { // Stepping Mode, use commands as vx, vy, rate, Z cmd.x_velocity = vx; cmd.y_velocity = vy; cmd.rate = w; cmd.z = z; cmd.roll = 0.0; cmd.pitch = 0.0; cmd.yaw = 0.0; // change clearance height from +- 0-2 * scaling cmd.faster = 1.0 - wx; cmd.slower = -(1.0 - wy); } else { // Viewing Mode, use commands as RPY, Z cmd.x_velocity = 0.0; cmd.y_velocity = 0.0; cmd.rate = 0.0; cmd.roll = vy; cmd.pitch = vx; cmd.yaw = w; cmd.z = z; cmd.faster = 0.0; cmd.slower = 0.0; } } } void Spot::switch_movement() { if (!almost_equal(cmd.x_velocity, 0.0) and !almost_equal(cmd.y_velocity, 0.0) and !almost_equal(cmd.rate, 0.0)) { ROS_WARN("MAKE SURE BOTH LINEAR [%.2f, %.2f] AND ANGULAR VELOCITY [%.2f] ARE AT 0.0 BEFORE SWITCHING!", cmd.x_velocity, cmd.y_velocity, cmd.rate); ROS_WARN("STOPPING ROBOT..."); cmd.motion = Stop; cmd.x_velocity = 0.0; cmd.y_velocity = 0.0; cmd.rate = 0.0; cmd.roll = 0.0; cmd.pitch = 0.0; cmd.yaw = 0.0; cmd.z = 0.0; cmd.faster = 0.0; cmd.slower = 0.0; } else { cmd.x_velocity = 0.0; cmd.y_velocity = 0.0; cmd.rate = 0.0; cmd.roll = 0.0; cmd.pitch = 0.0; cmd.yaw = 0.0; cmd.z = 0.0; cmd.faster = 0.0; cmd.slower = 0.0; if (cmd.movement == Viewing) { ROS_INFO("SWITCHING TO STEPPING MOTION, COMMANDS NOW MAPPED TO VX|VY|W|Z."); cmd.movement = Stepping; cmd.motion = Stop; } else { ROS_INFO("SWITCHING TO VIEWING MOTION, COMMANDS NOW MAPPED TO R|P|Y|Z."); cmd.movement = Viewing; cmd.motion = Stop; } } } SpotCommand Spot::return_command() { return cmd; } }
#ifndef TELEOP_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP #define TELEOP_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP /// \file /// \brief Teleoperation Library that converts Joystick commands to motion #include <vector> #include <ros/ros.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> #include <sensor_msgs/Joy.h> #include "mini_ros/JoyButtons.h" namespace tele { // \brief Teleop class responsible for convertick Joystick commands into linear and angular velocity class Teleop { public: // \brief Teleop constructor that defines the axes used for control and sets their scaling factor // \param linear_x: joystick axis assigned to linear velocity (x) // \param linear_y: joystick axis assigned to linear velocity (y) // \param linear_z: joystick axis assigned to robot height [overloading] // \param angular: joystick axis assigned to angular velocity // \param l_scale: scaling factor for linear velocity // \param a_scale: scaling factor for angular velocity // \param LB: left bottom bumper axis // \param RB: right bottom bumper axis // \param B_scale: scaling factor for bottom bumpers // \param LT: left top bumper button // \param RT: right top bumper button // \param UD: up/down key on arrow pad // \param LR: left/right key on arrow pad // \param sw: button for switch_trigger // \param es: button for ESTOP Teleop(const int & linear_x, const int & linear_y, const int & linear_z, const int & angular, const double & l_scale, const double & a_scale, const int & LB, const int & RB, const int & B_scale, const int & LT, const int & RT, const int & UD, const int & LR, const int & sw, const int & es); // \brief Takes a Joy messages and converts it to linear and angular velocity (Twist) // \param joy: sensor_msgs describing Joystick inputs void joyCallback(const sensor_msgs::Joy::ConstPtr& joy); // \brief returns the most recently commanded Twist // \returns: Twist geometry_msgs::Twist return_twist(); // \brief returns a boolean indicating whether the movement switch trigger has been pressed // \returns: switch_trigger(bool) bool return_trigger(); // \brief returns whether the E-STOP has been pressed // \returns: ESTOP(bool) bool return_estop(); /// \brief returns other joystick buttons triggers, arrow pad etc) mini_ros::JoyButtons return_buttons(); private: // AXES ON JOYSTICK int linear_x_ = 0; int linear_y_ = 0; int linear_z_ = 0; int angular_= 0; int RB_ = 0; int LB_ = 0; // BUTTONS ON JOYSTICK int sw_ = 0; int es_ = 0; int RT_ = 0; int LT_ = 0; int UD_ = 0; int LR_ = 0; // AXIS SCALES double l_scale_, a_scale_, B_scale_; // TWIST geometry_msgs::Twist twist; // TRIGGERS bool switch_trigger = false; bool ESTOP = false; int updown = 0; int leftright = 0; bool left_bump = false; bool right_bump = false; }; } #endif
#ifndef SPOT_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP #define SPOT_INCLUDE_GUARD_HPP /// \file /// \brief Spots library which contains control functionality for Spot Mini Mini. #include <vector> #include <ros/ros.h> namespace spot { /// \brief approximately compare two floating-point numbers using /// an absolute comparison /// \param d1 - a number to compare /// \param d2 - a second number to compare /// \param epsilon - absolute threshold required for equality /// \return true if abs(d1 - d2) < epsilon /// Note: the fabs function in <cmath> (c++ equivalent of math.h) will /// be useful here // constexpr are all define in .hpp // constexpr allows fcn to be run at compile time and interface with // static_assert tests. // Note high default epsilon since using controller constexpr bool almost_equal(double d1, double d2, double epsilon=1.0e-1) { if (fabs(d1 - d2) < epsilon) { return true; } else { return false; } } enum Motion {Go, Stop}; enum Movement {Stepping, Viewing}; // \brief Struct to store the commanded type of motion, velocity and rate struct SpotCommand { Motion motion = Stop; Movement movement = Viewing; double x_velocity = 0.0; double y_velocity = 0.0; double rate = 0.0; double roll = 0.0; double pitch = 0.0; double yaw = 0.0; double z = 0.0; double faster = 0.0; double slower = 0.0; }; // \brief Spot class responsible for high-level motion commands class Spot { public: // \brief Constructor for Spot class Spot(); // \brief updates the type and velocity of motion to be commanded to the Spot // \param vx: linear velocity (x) // \param vy: linear velocity (y) // \param z: robot height // \param w: angular velocity // \param wx: step height increase // \param wy: step height decrease void update_command(const double & vx, const double & vy, const double & z, const double & w, const double & wx, const double & wy); // \brief changes the commanded motion from Forward/Backward to Left/Right or vice-versa void switch_movement(); // \brief returns the Spot's current command (Motion, v,w) for external use // \returns SpotCommand SpotCommand return_command(); private: SpotCommand cmd; }; } #endif
# AGENT PARAMS - SCALING and FILTERING # Clearance Height and Penetration Depth CD_SCALE: 0.05 # Step Length and Velocity SLV_SCALE: 0.05 # Residuals RESIDUALS_SCALE: 0.015 # Body Height Modulation Z_SCALE: 0.035 # Exponential Filter Amplitude alpha: 0.7 # Added this to avoid filtering residuals # -1 for all actions_to_filter: 14
spot: joint_states_controller: type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController publish_rate: 50 joint_group_position_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController joints: - motor_front_left_hip - motor_front_left_upper_leg - motor_front_left_lower_leg - motor_front_right_hip - motor_front_right_upper_leg - motor_front_right_lower_leg - motor_back_left_hip - motor_back_left_upper_leg - motor_back_left_lower_leg - motor_back_right_hip - motor_back_right_upper_leg - motor_back_right_lower_leg gains: motor_front_left_hip : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_front_left_upper_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_front_left_lower_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_front_right_hip : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_front_right_upper_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_front_right_lower_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_back_left_hip : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_back_left_upper_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_back_left_lower_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_back_right_hip : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_back_right_upper_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} motor_back_right_lower_leg : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20}
# Right Joystick (Push U/D L/R) STEPLENGTH_SCALE: 0.05 # Left Joystick (Push U/D) Z_SCALE_CTRL: 0.15 # Right Joystick (Push U/D L/R) | Left Joystick (Push L/R) RPY_SCALE: 0.785 # Lower Bumpers (Step Velocity [Left Lowers | Right Raises]) SV_SCALE: 0.05 # Arrow Pad (U/D for Clearance Height | L/R for Penetration Depth) CHPD_SCALE: 0.0005 # Left Joystick (L/R) YAW_SCALE: 1.25
# MEASURE # COM to Shoulder shoulder_length: 0.055 # Shoulder to Elbow elbow_length: 0.10652 # Elbow to Wrist wrist_length: 0.145 # Forward Hip Separation hip_x: 0.23 # Lateral Hip Separation hip_y: 0.075 # ADJUSTABLE # Stance Length foot_x: 0.23 # Stance Width foot_y: 0.185 # Stance Height height: 0.20 # Adjust for balanced walk com_offset: 0.0 # Time Step dt: 0.001 # Swing Period (lower is faster) Tswing: 0.2 SwingPeriod_LIMITS: [0.1, 0.3] # Step Velocity (Using very low value as my main form of speed control is swing period) BaseStepVelocity: 0.001 # Foot Clearance Height BaseClearanceHeight: 0.035 ClearanceHeight_LIMITS: [0.0, 0.04] # Foot Penetration Depth BasePenetrationDepth: 0.003 PenetrationDepth_LIMITS: [0.0, 0.02]
""" CODE BASED ON EXAMPLE FROM: @misc{coumans2017pybullet, title={Pybullet, a python module for physics simulation in robotics, games and machine learning}, author={Coumans, Erwin and Bai, Yunfei}, url={}, year={2017}, } Example: """ import collections import copy import math import re import numpy as np from . import motor from spotmicro.util import pybullet_data print(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) from spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics import SpotModel import spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra as LA INIT_POSITION = [0, 0, 0.25] INIT_RACK_POSITION = [0, 0, 1] # NOTE: URDF IS FACING THE WRONG WAY # TEMP FIX INIT_ORIENTATION = [0, 0, 0, 1] OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE = 2.45 OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME = 1.0 # -math.pi / 5 INIT_LEG_POS = -0.658319 # math.pi / 3 INIT_FOOT_POS = 1.0472 OLD_LEG_POSITION = ["front_left", "front_right", "rear_left", "rear_right"] OLD_MOTOR_NAMES = [ "motor_front_left_shoulder", "motor_front_left_leg", "foot_motor_front_left", "motor_front_right_shoulder", "motor_front_right_leg", "foot_motor_front_right", "motor_rear_left_shoulder", "motor_rear_left_leg", "foot_motor_rear_left", "motor_rear_right_shoulder", "motor_rear_right_leg", "foot_motor_rear_right" ] OLD_MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME = {} for name in OLD_MOTOR_NAMES: if "shoulder" in name: OLD_MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[name] = [-1.04, 1.04] elif "leg" in name: OLD_MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[name] = [-2.59, 1.571] elif "foot" in name: OLD_MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[name] = [-1.571, 2.9] OLD_FOOT_NAMES = [ "front_left_toe", "front_right_toe", "rear_left_toe", "rear_right_toe" ] LEG_POSITION = ["front_left", "front_right", "back_left", "back_right"] MOTOR_NAMES = [ "motor_front_left_hip", "motor_front_left_upper_leg", "motor_front_left_lower_leg", "motor_front_right_hip", "motor_front_right_upper_leg", "motor_front_right_lower_leg", "motor_back_left_hip", "motor_back_left_upper_leg", "motor_back_left_lower_leg", "motor_back_right_hip", "motor_back_right_upper_leg", "motor_back_right_lower_leg" ] MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME = {} for name in MOTOR_NAMES: if "hip" in name: MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[name] = [-1.04, 1.04] elif "upper_leg" in name: MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[name] = [-1.571, 2.59] elif "lower_leg" in name: MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[name] = [-2.9, 1.671] FOOT_NAMES = [ "front_left_leg_foot", "front_right_leg_foot", "back_left_leg_foot", "back_right_leg_foot" ] _CHASSIS_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"chassis\D*") _MOTOR_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"motor\D*") _FOOT_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"foot\D*") SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) TWO_PI = 2 * math.pi def MapToMinusPiToPi(angles): """Maps a list of angles to [-pi, pi]. Args: angles: A list of angles in rad. Returns: A list of angle mapped to [-pi, pi]. """ mapped_angles = copy.deepcopy(angles) for i in range(len(angles)): mapped_angles[i] = math.fmod(angles[i], TWO_PI) if mapped_angles[i] >= math.pi: mapped_angles[i] -= TWO_PI elif mapped_angles[i] < -math.pi: mapped_angles[i] += TWO_PI return mapped_angles class Spot(object): """The spot class that simulates a quadruped robot. """ INIT_POSES = { 'stand': np.array([ 0.15192765, 0.7552236, -1.5104472, -0.15192765, 0.7552236, -1.5104472, 0.15192765, 0.7552236, -1.5104472, -0.15192765, 0.7552236, -1.5104472 ]), 'liedown': np.array([-0.4, -1.5, 6, 0.4, -1.5, 6, -0.4, -1.5, 6, 0.4, -1.5, 6]), 'zero': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), } def __init__(self, pybullet_client, urdf_root=pybullet_data.getDataPath(), time_step=0.01, action_repeat=1, self_collision_enabled=False, motor_velocity_limit=9.7, pd_control_enabled=False, accurate_motor_model_enabled=False, remove_default_joint_damping=False, max_force=100.0, motor_kp=1.0, motor_kd=0.02, pd_latency=0.0, control_latency=0.0, observation_noise_stdev=SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV, torque_control_enabled=False, motor_overheat_protection=False, on_rack=False, kd_for_pd_controllers=0.3, pose_id='stand', np_random=np.random, contacts=True): """Constructs a spot and reset it to the initial states. Args: pybullet_client: The instance of BulletClient to manage different simulations. urdf_root: The path to the urdf folder. time_step: The time step of the simulation. action_repeat: The number of ApplyAction() for each control step. self_collision_enabled: Whether to enable self collision. motor_velocity_limit: The upper limit of the motor velocity. pd_control_enabled: Whether to use PD control for the motors. accurate_motor_model_enabled: Whether to use the accurate DC motor model. remove_default_joint_damping: Whether to remove the default joint damping. motor_kp: proportional gain for the accurate motor model. motor_kd: derivative gain for the accurate motor model. pd_latency: The latency of the observations (in seconds) used to calculate PD control. On the real hardware, it is the latency between the microcontroller and the motor controller. control_latency: The latency of the observations (in second) used to calculate action. On the real hardware, it is the latency from the motor controller, the microcontroller to the host (Nvidia TX2). observation_noise_stdev: The standard deviation of a Gaussian noise model for the sensor. It should be an array for separate sensors in the following order [motor_angle, motor_velocity, motor_torque, base_roll_pitch_yaw, base_angular_velocity] torque_control_enabled: Whether to use the torque control, if set to False, pose control will be used. motor_overheat_protection: Whether to shutdown the motor that has exerted large torque (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE) for an extended amount of time (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME). See ApplyAction() in for more details. on_rack: Whether to place the spot on rack. This is only used to debug the walking gait. In this mode, the spot's base is hanged midair so that its walking gait is clearer to visualize. """ # SPOT MODEL = SpotModel() # Whether to include contact sensing self.contacts = contacts # Control Inputs self.StepLength = 0.0 self.StepVelocity = 0.0 self.LateralFraction = 0.0 self.YawRate = 0.0 # Leg Phases self.LegPhases = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # used to calculate minitaur acceleration self.init_leg = INIT_LEG_POS self.init_foot = INIT_FOOT_POS self.prev_ang_twist = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.prev_lin_twist = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.prev_lin_acc = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.num_motors = 12 self.num_legs = int(self.num_motors / 3) self._pybullet_client = pybullet_client self._action_repeat = action_repeat self._urdf_root = urdf_root self._self_collision_enabled = self_collision_enabled self._motor_velocity_limit = motor_velocity_limit self._pd_control_enabled = pd_control_enabled self._motor_direction = np.ones(self.num_motors) self._observed_motor_torques = np.zeros(self.num_motors) self._applied_motor_torques = np.zeros(self.num_motors) self._max_force = max_force self._pd_latency = pd_latency self._control_latency = control_latency self._observation_noise_stdev = observation_noise_stdev self._accurate_motor_model_enabled = accurate_motor_model_enabled self._remove_default_joint_damping = remove_default_joint_damping self._observation_history = collections.deque(maxlen=100) self._control_observation = [] self._chassis_link_ids = [-1] self._leg_link_ids = [] self._motor_link_ids = [] self._foot_link_ids = [] self._torque_control_enabled = torque_control_enabled self._motor_overheat_protection = motor_overheat_protection self._on_rack = on_rack self._pose_id = pose_id self.np_random = np_random if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._kp = motor_kp self._kd = motor_kd self._motor_model = motor.MotorModel( torque_control_enabled=self._torque_control_enabled, kp=self._kp, kd=self._kd) elif self._pd_control_enabled: self._kp = 8 self._kd = kd_for_pd_controllers else: self._kp = 1 self._kd = 1 self.time_step = time_step self._step_counter = 0 # reset_time=-1.0 means skipping the reset motion. # See Reset for more details. self.Reset(reset_time=-1) self.init_on_rack_position = INIT_RACK_POSITION self.init_position = INIT_POSITION self.initial_pose = self.INIT_POSES[pose_id] def _RecordMassInfoFromURDF(self): self._base_mass_urdf = [] for chassis_id in self._chassis_link_ids: self._base_mass_urdf.append( self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, chassis_id)[0]) self._leg_masses_urdf = [] for leg_id in self._leg_link_ids: self._leg_masses_urdf.append( self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, leg_id)[0]) for motor_id in self._motor_link_ids: self._leg_masses_urdf.append( self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, motor_id)[0]) def GetBaseMassFromURDF(self): """Get the mass of the base from the URDF file.""" return self._base_mass_urdf def SetBaseMass(self, base_mass): for i in range(len(self._chassis_link_ids)): self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, self._chassis_link_ids[i], mass=base_mass[i]) def _RecordInertiaInfoFromURDF(self): """Record the inertia of each body from URDF file.""" self._link_urdf = [] num_bodies = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped) for body_id in range(-1, num_bodies): # -1 is for the base link. inertia = self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo( self.quadruped, body_id)[2] self._link_urdf.append(inertia) # We need to use id+1 to index self._link_urdf because it has the base # (index = -1) at the first element. self._base_inertia_urdf = [ self._link_urdf[chassis_id + 1] for chassis_id in self._chassis_link_ids ] self._leg_inertia_urdf = [ self._link_urdf[leg_id + 1] for leg_id in self._leg_link_ids ] self._leg_inertia_urdf.extend([ self._link_urdf[motor_id + 1] for motor_id in self._motor_link_ids ]) def _BuildJointNameToIdDict(self): num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped) self._joint_name_to_id = {} for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i) self._joint_name_to_id[joint_info[1].decode( "UTF-8")] = joint_info[0] def _BuildMotorIdList(self): self._motor_id_list = [ self._joint_name_to_id[motor_name] for motor_name in MOTOR_NAMES ] def _BuildFootIdList(self): self._foot_id_list = [ self._joint_name_to_id[foot_name] for foot_name in FOOT_NAMES ] print(self._foot_id_list) def _BuildUrdfIds(self): """Build the link Ids from its name in the URDF file.""" c = [] m = [] f = [] lg = [] num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped) self._chassis_link_ids = [-1] # the self._leg_link_ids include both the upper and lower links of the leg. self._leg_link_ids = [] self._motor_link_ids = [] self._foot_link_ids = [] for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i) joint_name = joint_info[1].decode("UTF-8") joint_id = self._joint_name_to_id[joint_name] if _CHASSIS_NAME_PATTERN.match(joint_name): c.append(joint_name) self._chassis_link_ids.append(joint_id) elif _MOTOR_NAME_PATTERN.match(joint_name): m.append(joint_name) self._motor_link_ids.append(joint_id) elif _FOOT_NAME_PATTERN.match(joint_name): f.append(joint_name) self._foot_link_ids.append(joint_id) else: lg.append(joint_name) self._leg_link_ids.append(joint_id) self._leg_link_ids.extend(self._foot_link_ids) self._chassis_link_ids.sort() self._motor_link_ids.sort() self._foot_link_ids.sort() self._leg_link_ids.sort() def Reset(self, reload_urdf=True, default_motor_angles=None, reset_time=3.0): """Reset the spot to its initial states. Args: reload_urdf: Whether to reload the urdf file. If not, Reset() just place the spot back to its starting position. default_motor_angles: The default motor angles. If it is None, spot will hold a default pose for 100 steps. In torque control mode, the phase of holding the default pose is skipped. reset_time: The duration (in seconds) to hold the default motor angles. If reset_time <= 0 or in torque control mode, the phase of holding the default pose is skipped. """ if self._on_rack: init_position = INIT_RACK_POSITION else: init_position = INIT_POSITION if reload_urdf: if self._self_collision_enabled: self.quadruped = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF( pybullet_data.getDataPath() + "/assets/urdf/spot.urdf", init_position, useFixedBase=self._on_rack, flags=self._pybullet_client.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_PARENT) else: self.quadruped = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF( pybullet_data.getDataPath() + "/assets/urdf/spot.urdf", init_position, INIT_ORIENTATION, useFixedBase=self._on_rack) self._BuildJointNameToIdDict() self._BuildUrdfIds() if self._remove_default_joint_damping: self._RemoveDefaultJointDamping() self._BuildMotorIdList() self._BuildFootIdList() self._RecordMassInfoFromURDF() self._RecordInertiaInfoFromURDF() self.ResetPose(add_constraint=True) else: self._pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self.quadruped, init_position, INIT_ORIENTATION) self._pybullet_client.resetBaseVelocity(self.quadruped, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) # self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, -1, lateralFriction=0.8) self.ResetPose(add_constraint=False) self._overheat_counter = np.zeros(self.num_motors) self._motor_enabled_list = [True] * self.num_motors self._step_counter = 0 # Perform reset motion within reset_duration if in position control mode. # Nothing is performed if in torque control mode for now. self._observation_history.clear() if reset_time > 0.0 and default_motor_angles is not None: self.RealisticObservation() for _ in range(100): self.ApplyAction(self.initial_pose) self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation() self.RealisticObservation() num_steps_to_reset = int(reset_time / self.time_step) for _ in range(num_steps_to_reset): self.ApplyAction(default_motor_angles) self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation() self.RealisticObservation() self.RealisticObservation() # Set Foot Friction self.SetFootFriction() def _RemoveDefaultJointDamping(self): num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped) for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i) self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(joint_info[0], -1, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0) def _SetMotorTorqueById(self, motor_id, torque): self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=motor_id, controlMode=self._pybullet_client.TORQUE_CONTROL, force=torque) def _SetDesiredMotorAngleById(self, motor_id, desired_angle): if self._pd_control_enabled or self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=motor_id, controlMode=self._pybullet_client.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=desired_angle, positionGain=self._kp, velocityGain=self._kd, force=self._max_force) # Pybullet has a 'perfect' joint controller with its default p,d else: self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=motor_id, controlMode=self._pybullet_client.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=desired_angle) def _SetDesiredMotorAngleByName(self, motor_name, desired_angle): self._SetDesiredMotorAngleById(self._joint_name_to_id[motor_name], desired_angle) def ResetPose(self, add_constraint): """Reset the pose of the spot. Args: add_constraint: Whether to add a constraint at the joints of two feet. """ for i in range(self.num_legs): self._ResetPoseForLeg(i, add_constraint) def _ResetPoseForLeg(self, leg_id, add_constraint): """Reset the initial pose for the leg. Args: leg_id: It should be 0, 1, 2, or 3, which represents the leg at front_left, back_left, front_right and back_right. add_constraint: Whether to add a constraint at the joints of two feet. """ knee_friction_force = 0 pi = math.pi leg_position = LEG_POSITION[leg_id] self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "_hip"], self.INIT_POSES[self._pose_id][3 * leg_id], targetVelocity=0) self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "_upper_leg"], self.INIT_POSES[self._pose_id][3 * leg_id + 1], targetVelocity=0) self._pybullet_client.resetJointState( self.quadruped, self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "_lower_leg"], self.INIT_POSES[self._pose_id][3 * leg_id + 2], targetVelocity=0) if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled: # Disable the default motor in pybullet. self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "_hip"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "_upper_leg"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "_lower_leg"]), controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=knee_friction_force) def GetBasePosition(self): """Get the position of spot's base. Returns: The position of spot's base. """ position, _ = (self._pybullet_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.quadruped)) return position def GetBaseOrientation(self): """Get the orientation of spot's base, represented as quaternion. Returns: The orientation of spot's base. """ _, orientation = (self._pybullet_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.quadruped)) return orientation def GetBaseRollPitchYaw(self): """Get the rate of orientation change of the spot's base in euler angle. Returns: rate of (roll, pitch, yaw) change of the spot's base. """ vel = self._pybullet_client.getBaseVelocity(self.quadruped) return np.asarray([vel[1][0], vel[1][1], vel[1][2]]) def GetBaseRollPitchYawRate(self): """Get the rate of orientation change of the spot's base in euler angle. This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency. Returns: rate of (roll, pitch, yaw) change of the spot's base polluted by noise and latency. """ return self._AddSensorNoise( np.array(self._control_observation[3 * self.num_motors + 4:3 * self.num_motors + 7]), self._observation_noise_stdev[4]) def GetBaseTwist(self): """Get the Twist of minitaur's base. Returns: The Twist of the minitaur's base. """ return self._pybullet_client.getBaseVelocity(self.quadruped) def GetActionDimension(self): """Get the length of the action list. Returns: The length of the action list. """ return self.num_motors def GetObservationUpperBound(self): """Get the upper bound of the observation. Returns: The upper bound of an observation. See GetObservation() for the details of each element of an observation. NOTE: Changed just like GetObservation() """ upper_bound = np.array([0.0] * self.GetObservationDimension()) # roll, pitch upper_bound[0:2] = 2.0 * np.pi # acc, rate in x,y,z upper_bound[2:8] = np.inf # Leg Phases upper_bound[8:12] = 2.0 # Contacts if self.contacts: upper_bound[12:] = 1.0 return upper_bound def GetObservationLowerBound(self): """Get the lower bound of the observation.""" return -self.GetObservationUpperBound() def GetObservationDimension(self): """Get the length of the observation list. Returns: The length of the observation list. """ return len(self.GetObservation()) def GetObservation(self): """Get the observations of minitaur. It includes the angles, velocities, torques and the orientation of the base. Returns: The observation list. observation[0:8] are motor angles. observation[8:16] are motor velocities, observation[16:24] are motor torques. observation[24:28] is the orientation of the base, in quaternion form. NOTE: DIVERGES FROM STOCK MINITAUR ENV. WILL LEAVE ORIGINAL COMMENTED For my purpose, the observation space includes Roll and Pitch, as well as acceleration and gyroscopic rate along the x,y,z axes. All of this information can be collected from an onboard IMU. The reward function will contain a hidden velocity reward (fwd, bwd) which cannot be measured and so is not included. For spinning, the gyroscopic z rate will be used as the (explicit) velocity reward. This version operates without motor torques, angles and velocities. Erwin Coumans' paper suggests a sparse observation space leads to higher reward # NOTE: use True version for perfect data, or other for realistic data """ observation = [] # GETTING TWIST IN BODY FRAME pos = self.GetBasePosition() orn = self.GetBaseOrientation() roll, pitch, yaw = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion( [orn[0], orn[1], orn[2], orn[3]]) # rpy = LA.RPY(roll, pitch, yaw) # R, _ = LA.TransToRp(rpy) # T_wb = LA.RpToTrans(R, np.array([pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]])) # T_bw = LA.TransInv(T_wb) # Adj_Tbw = LA.Adjoint(T_bw) # Get Linear and Angular Twist in WORLD FRAME lin_twist, ang_twist = self.GetBaseTwist() lin_twist = np.array([lin_twist[0], lin_twist[1], lin_twist[2]]) ang_twist = np.array([ang_twist[0], ang_twist[1], ang_twist[2]]) # Vw = np.concatenate((ang_twist, lin_twist)) # Vb =, Vw) # roll, pitch, _ = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion( # [orn[0], orn[1], orn[2], orn[3]]) # # Get linear accelerations # lin_twist = -Vb[3:] # ang_twist = Vb[:3] lin_acc = lin_twist - self.prev_lin_twist if lin_acc.all() == 0.0: lin_acc = self.prev_lin_acc self.prev_lin_acc = lin_acc # print("LIN TWIST: ", lin_twist) self.prev_lin_twist = lin_twist self.prev_ang_twist = ang_twist # Get Contacts CONTACT = list(self._pybullet_client.getContactPoints(self.quadruped)) FLC = 0 FRC = 0 BLC = 0 BRC = 0 if len(CONTACT) > 0: for i in range(len(CONTACT)): Contact_Link_Index = CONTACT[i][3] if Contact_Link_Index == self._foot_id_list[0]: FLC = 1 # print("FL CONTACT") if Contact_Link_Index == self._foot_id_list[1]: FRC = 1 # print("FR CONTACT") if Contact_Link_Index == self._foot_id_list[2]: BLC = 1 # print("BL CONTACT") if Contact_Link_Index == self._foot_id_list[3]: BRC = 1 # print("BR CONTACT") # order: roll, pitch, gyro(x,y,z), acc(x, y, z) observation.append(roll) observation.append(pitch) observation.extend(list(ang_twist)) observation.extend(list(lin_acc)) # Control Input # observation.append(self.StepLength) # observation.append(self.StepVelocity) # observation.append(self.LateralFraction) # observation.append(self.YawRate) observation.extend(self.LegPhases) if self.contacts: observation.append(FLC) observation.append(FRC) observation.append(BLC) observation.append(BRC) # print("CONTACTS: {} {} {} {}".format(FLC, FRC, BLC, BRC)) return observation def GetControlInput(self, controller): """ Store Control Input as Observation """ _, _, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, _, _ = controller.return_bezier_params( ) self.StepLength = StepLength self.StepVelocity = StepVelocity self.LateralFraction = LateralFraction self.YawRate = YawRate def GetLegPhases(self, TrajectoryGenerator): """ Leg phases according to TG from 0->2 0->1: Stance 1->2 Swing """ self.LegPhases = TrajectoryGenerator.Phases def GetExternalObservations(self, TrajectoryGenerator, controller): """ Augment State Space """ self.GetControlInput(controller) self.GetLegPhases(TrajectoryGenerator) def ConvertFromLegModel(self, action): # TODO joint_angles = action return joint_angles def ApplyMotorLimits(self, joint_angles): eps = 0.001 for i in range(len(joint_angles)): LIM = MOTOR_LIMITS_BY_NAME[MOTOR_NAMES[i]] joint_angles[i] = np.clip(joint_angles[i], LIM[0] + eps, LIM[1] - eps) return joint_angles def ApplyAction(self, motor_commands): """Set the desired motor angles to the motors of the minitaur. The desired motor angles are clipped based on the maximum allowed velocity. If the pd_control_enabled is True, a torque is calculated according to the difference between current and desired joint angle, as well as the joint velocity. This torque is exerted to the motor. For more information about PD control, please refer to: Args: motor_commands: The eight desired motor angles. """ # FIRST, APPLY MOTOR LIMITS: motor_commands = self.ApplyMotorLimits(motor_commands) if self._motor_velocity_limit < np.inf: current_motor_angle = self.GetMotorAngles() motor_commands_max = (current_motor_angle + self.time_step * self._motor_velocity_limit) motor_commands_min = (current_motor_angle - self.time_step * self._motor_velocity_limit) motor_commands = np.clip(motor_commands, motor_commands_min, motor_commands_max) if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled: q = self.GetMotorAngles() qdot = self.GetMotorVelocities() if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: actual_torque, observed_torque = self._motor_model.convert_to_torque( motor_commands, q, qdot) if self._motor_overheat_protection: for i in range(self.num_motors): if abs(actual_torque[i]) > OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE: self._overheat_counter[i] += 1 else: self._overheat_counter[i] = 0 if (self._overheat_counter[i] > OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME / self.time_step): self._motor_enabled_list[i] = False # The torque is already in the observation space because we use # GetMotorAngles and GetMotorVelocities. self._observed_motor_torques = observed_torque # Transform into the motor space when applying the torque. self._applied_motor_torque = np.multiply( actual_torque, self._motor_direction) for motor_id, motor_torque, motor_enabled in zip( self._motor_id_list, self._applied_motor_torque, self._motor_enabled_list): if motor_enabled: self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, motor_torque) else: self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, 0) else: torque_commands = -self._kp * ( q - motor_commands) - self._kd * qdot # The torque is already in the observation space because we use # GetMotorAngles and GetMotorVelocities. self._observed_motor_torques = torque_commands # Transform into the motor space when applying the torque. self._applied_motor_torques = np.multiply( self._observed_motor_torques, self._motor_direction) for motor_id, motor_torque in zip(self._motor_id_list, self._applied_motor_torques): self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, motor_torque) else: motor_commands_with_direction = np.multiply( motor_commands, self._motor_direction) for motor_id, motor_command_with_direction in zip( self._motor_id_list, motor_commands_with_direction): self._SetDesiredMotorAngleById(motor_id, motor_command_with_direction) def Step(self, action): for _ in range(self._action_repeat): self.ApplyAction(action) self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation() self.RealisticObservation() self._step_counter += 1 def GetTimeSinceReset(self): return self._step_counter * self.time_step def GetMotorAngles(self): """Gets the eight motor angles at the current moment, mapped to [-pi, pi]. Returns: Motor angles, mapped to [-pi, pi]. """ motor_angles = [ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[0] for motor_id in self._motor_id_list ] motor_angles = np.multiply(motor_angles, self._motor_direction) return MapToMinusPiToPi(motor_angles) def GetMotorVelocities(self): """Get the velocity of all eight motors. Returns: Velocities of all eight motors. """ motor_velocities = [ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[1] for motor_id in self._motor_id_list ] motor_velocities = np.multiply(motor_velocities, self._motor_direction) return motor_velocities def GetMotorTorques(self): """Get the amount of torque the motors are exerting. Returns: Motor torques of all eight motors. """ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled: return self._observed_motor_torques else: motor_torques = [ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[3] for motor_id in self._motor_id_list ] motor_torques = np.multiply(motor_torques, self._motor_direction) return motor_torques def GetBaseMassesFromURDF(self): """Get the mass of the base from the URDF file.""" return self._base_mass_urdf def GetBaseInertiasFromURDF(self): """Get the inertia of the base from the URDF file.""" return self._base_inertia_urdf def GetLegMassesFromURDF(self): """Get the mass of the legs from the URDF file.""" return self._leg_masses_urdf def GetLegInertiasFromURDF(self): """Get the inertia of the legs from the URDF file.""" return self._leg_inertia_urdf def SetBaseMasses(self, base_mass): """Set the mass of spot's base. Args: base_mass: A list of masses of each body link in CHASIS_LINK_IDS. The length of this list should be the same as the length of CHASIS_LINK_IDS. Raises: ValueError: It is raised when the length of base_mass is not the same as the length of self._chassis_link_ids. """ if len(base_mass) != len(self._chassis_link_ids): raise ValueError( "The length of base_mass {} and self._chassis_link_ids {} are not " "the same.".format(len(base_mass), len(self._chassis_link_ids))) for chassis_id, chassis_mass in zip(self._chassis_link_ids, base_mass): self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, chassis_id, mass=chassis_mass) def SetLegMasses(self, leg_masses): """Set the mass of the legs. Args: leg_masses: The leg and motor masses for all the leg links and motors. Raises: ValueError: It is raised when the length of masses is not equal to number of links + motors. """ if len(leg_masses) != len(self._leg_link_ids) + len( self._motor_link_ids): raise ValueError("The number of values passed to SetLegMasses are " "different than number of leg links and motors.") for leg_id, leg_mass in zip(self._leg_link_ids, leg_masses): self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, leg_id, mass=leg_mass) motor_masses = leg_masses[len(self._leg_link_ids):] for link_id, motor_mass in zip(self._motor_link_ids, motor_masses): self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, link_id, mass=motor_mass) def SetBaseInertias(self, base_inertias): """Set the inertias of spot's base. Args: base_inertias: A list of inertias of each body link in CHASIS_LINK_IDS. The length of this list should be the same as the length of CHASIS_LINK_IDS. Raises: ValueError: It is raised when the length of base_inertias is not the same as the length of self._chassis_link_ids and base_inertias contains negative values. """ if len(base_inertias) != len(self._chassis_link_ids): raise ValueError( "The length of base_inertias {} and self._chassis_link_ids {} are " "not the same.".format(len(base_inertias), len(self._chassis_link_ids))) for chassis_id, chassis_inertia in zip(self._chassis_link_ids, base_inertias): for inertia_value in chassis_inertia: if (np.asarray(inertia_value) < 0).any(): raise ValueError( "Values in inertia matrix should be non-negative.") self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics( self.quadruped, chassis_id, localInertiaDiagonal=chassis_inertia) def SetLegInertias(self, leg_inertias): """Set the inertias of the legs. Args: leg_inertias: The leg and motor inertias for all the leg links and motors. Raises: ValueError: It is raised when the length of inertias is not equal to the number of links + motors or leg_inertias contains negative values. """ if len(leg_inertias) != len(self._leg_link_ids) + len( self._motor_link_ids): raise ValueError("The number of values passed to SetLegMasses are " "different than number of leg links and motors.") for leg_id, leg_inertia in zip(self._leg_link_ids, leg_inertias): for inertia_value in leg_inertias: if (np.asarray(inertia_value) < 0).any(): raise ValueError( "Values in inertia matrix should be non-negative.") self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics( self.quadruped, leg_id, localInertiaDiagonal=leg_inertia) motor_inertias = leg_inertias[len(self._leg_link_ids):] for link_id, motor_inertia in zip(self._motor_link_ids, motor_inertias): for inertia_value in motor_inertias: if (np.asarray(inertia_value) < 0).any(): raise ValueError( "Values in inertia matrix should be non-negative.") self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics( self.quadruped, link_id, localInertiaDiagonal=motor_inertia) def SetFootFriction(self, foot_friction=100.0): """Set the lateral friction of the feet. Args: foot_friction: The lateral friction coefficient of the foot. This value is shared by all four feet. """ for link_id in self._foot_link_ids: self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, link_id, lateralFriction=foot_friction) # TODO(b/73748980): Add more API's to set other contact parameters. def SetFootRestitution(self, link_id, foot_restitution=1.0): """Set the coefficient of restitution at the feet. Args: foot_restitution: The coefficient of restitution (bounciness) of the feet. This value is shared by all four feet. """ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(self.quadruped, link_id, restitution=foot_restitution) def SetJointFriction(self, joint_frictions): for knee_joint_id, friction in zip(self._foot_link_ids, joint_frictions): self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2( bodyIndex=self.quadruped, jointIndex=knee_joint_id, controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=friction) def GetNumKneeJoints(self): return len(self._foot_link_ids) def SetBatteryVoltage(self, voltage): if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_voltage(voltage) def SetMotorViscousDamping(self, viscous_damping): if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_viscous_damping(viscous_damping) def RealisticObservation(self): """Receive the observation from sensors. This function is called once per step. The observations are only updated when this function is called. """ self._observation_history.appendleft(self.GetObservation()) self._control_observation = self._GetDelayedObservation( self._control_latency) self._control_observation = self._AddSensorNoise( self._control_observation, self._observation_noise_stdev) return self._control_observation def _GetDelayedObservation(self, latency): """Get observation that is delayed by the amount specified in latency. Args: latency: The latency (in seconds) of the delayed observation. Returns: observation: The observation which was actually latency seconds ago. """ if latency <= 0 or len(self._observation_history) == 1: observation = self._observation_history[0] else: n_steps_ago = int(latency / self.time_step) if n_steps_ago + 1 >= len(self._observation_history): return self._observation_history[-1] remaining_latency = latency - n_steps_ago * self.time_step blend_alpha = remaining_latency / self.time_step observation = ( (1.0 - blend_alpha) * np.array(self._observation_history[n_steps_ago]) + blend_alpha * np.array(self._observation_history[n_steps_ago + 1])) return observation def _GetPDObservation(self): pd_delayed_observation = self._GetDelayedObservation(self._pd_latency) q = pd_delayed_observation[0:self.num_motors] qdot = pd_delayed_observation[self.num_motors:2 * self.num_motors] return (np.array(q), np.array(qdot)) def _AddSensorNoise(self, observation, noise_stdev): # if self._observation_noise_stdev > 0: # observation += (self.np_random.normal(scale=noise_stdev, # size=observation.shape) * # self.GetObservationUpperBound()) return observation def SetControlLatency(self, latency): """Set the latency of the control loop. It measures the duration between sending an action from Nvidia TX2 and receiving the observation from microcontroller. Args: latency: The latency (in seconds) of the control loop. """ self._control_latency = latency def GetControlLatency(self): """Get the control latency. Returns: The latency (in seconds) between when the motor command is sent and when the sensor measurements are reported back to the controller. """ return self._control_latency def SetMotorGains(self, kp, kd): """Set the gains of all motors. These gains are PD gains for motor positional control. kp is the proportional gain and kd is the derivative gain. Args: kp: proportional gain of the motors. kd: derivative gain of the motors. """ self._kp = kp self._kd = kd if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_motor_gains(kp, kd) def GetMotorGains(self): """Get the gains of the motor. Returns: The proportional gain. The derivative gain. """ return self._kp, self._kd def SetMotorStrengthRatio(self, ratio): """Set the strength of all motors relative to the default value. Args: ratio: The relative strength. A scalar range from 0.0 to 1.0. """ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_strength_ratios([ratio] * self.num_motors) def SetMotorStrengthRatios(self, ratios): """Set the strength of each motor relative to the default value. Args: ratios: The relative strength. A numpy array ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. """ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._motor_model.set_strength_ratios(ratios) def SetTimeSteps(self, action_repeat, simulation_step): """Set the time steps of the control and simulation. Args: action_repeat: The number of simulation steps that the same action is repeated. simulation_step: The simulation time step. """ self.time_step = simulation_step self._action_repeat = action_repeat @property def chassis_link_ids(self): return self._chassis_link_ids
""" CODE BASED ON EXAMPLE FROM: @misc{coumans2017pybullet, title={Pybullet, a python module for physics simulation in robotics, games and machine learning}, author={Coumans, Erwin and Bai, Yunfei}, url={}, year={2017}, } Example: """ import math import time import gym import numpy as np import pybullet import pybullet_data from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding from pkg_resources import parse_version from spotmicro import spot import pybullet_utils.bullet_client as bullet_client from gym.envs.registration import register from spotmicro.heightfield import HeightField from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper import spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra as LA from spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer import SpotEnvRandomizer NUM_SUBSTEPS = 5 NUM_MOTORS = 12 MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX = 0 MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX = MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX = MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS BASE_ORIENTATION_OBSERVATION_INDEX = MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS ACTION_EPS = 0.01 OBSERVATION_EPS = 0.01 RENDER_HEIGHT = 720 RENDER_WIDTH = 960 SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV = spot.SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV DEFAULT_URDF_VERSION = "default" NUM_SIMULATION_ITERATION_STEPS = 1000 spot_URDF_VERSION_MAP = {DEFAULT_URDF_VERSION: spot.Spot} # Register as OpenAI Gym Environment register( id="SpotMicroEnv-v0", entry_point='spotmicro.spot_gym_env:spotGymEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, ) def convert_to_list(obj): try: iter(obj) return obj except TypeError: return [obj] class spotGymEnv(gym.Env): """The gym environment for spot. It simulates the locomotion of spot, a quadruped robot. The state space include the angles, velocities and torques for all the motors and the action space is the desired motor angle for each motor. The reward function is based on how far spot walks in 1000 steps and penalizes the energy expenditure. """ metadata = { "render.modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "video.frames_per_second": 50 } def __init__(self, distance_weight=1.0, rotation_weight=1.0, energy_weight=0.0005, shake_weight=0.005, drift_weight=2.0, rp_weight=0.1, rate_weight=0.1, urdf_root=pybullet_data.getDataPath(), urdf_version=None, distance_limit=float("inf"), observation_noise_stdev=SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV, self_collision_enabled=True, motor_velocity_limit=np.inf, pd_control_enabled=False, leg_model_enabled=False, accurate_motor_model_enabled=False, remove_default_joint_damping=False, motor_kp=2.0, motor_kd=0.03, control_latency=0.0, pd_latency=0.0, torque_control_enabled=False, motor_overheat_protection=False, hard_reset=False, on_rack=False, render=True, num_steps_to_log=1000, action_repeat=1, control_time_step=None, env_randomizer=SpotEnvRandomizer(), forward_reward_cap=float("inf"), reflection=True, log_path=None, desired_velocity=0.5, desired_rate=0.0, lateral=False, draw_foot_path=False, height_field=False, height_field_iters=2, AutoStepper=False, contacts=True): """Initialize the spot gym environment. Args: urdf_root: The path to the urdf data folder. urdf_version: [DEFAULT_URDF_VERSION] are allowable versions. If None, DEFAULT_URDF_VERSION is used. distance_weight: The weight of the distance term in the reward. energy_weight: The weight of the energy term in the reward. shake_weight: The weight of the vertical shakiness term in the reward. drift_weight: The weight of the sideways drift term in the reward. distance_limit: The maximum distance to terminate the episode. observation_noise_stdev: The standard deviation of observation noise. self_collision_enabled: Whether to enable self collision in the sim. motor_velocity_limit: The velocity limit of each motor. pd_control_enabled: Whether to use PD controller for each motor. leg_model_enabled: Whether to use a leg motor to reparameterize the action space. accurate_motor_model_enabled: Whether to use the accurate DC motor model. remove_default_joint_damping: Whether to remove the default joint damping. motor_kp: proportional gain for the accurate motor model. motor_kd: derivative gain for the accurate motor model. control_latency: It is the delay in the controller between when an observation is made at some point, and when that reading is reported back to the Neural Network. pd_latency: latency of the PD controller loop. PD calculates PWM based on the motor angle and velocity. The latency measures the time between when the motor angle and velocity are observed on the microcontroller and when the true state happens on the motor. It is typically (0.001- 0.002s). torque_control_enabled: Whether to use the torque control, if set to False, pose control will be used. motor_overheat_protection: Whether to shutdown the motor that has exerted large torque (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE) for an extended amount of time (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME). See ApplyAction() in for more details. hard_reset: Whether to wipe the simulation and load everything when reset is called. If set to false, reset just place spot back to start position and set its pose to initial configuration. on_rack: Whether to place spot on rack. This is only used to debug the walking gait. In this mode, spot's base is hanged midair so that its walking gait is clearer to visualize. render: Whether to render the simulation. num_steps_to_log: The max number of control steps in one episode that will be logged. If the number of steps is more than num_steps_to_log, the environment will still be running, but only first num_steps_to_log will be recorded in logging. action_repeat: The number of simulation steps before actions are applied. control_time_step: The time step between two successive control signals. env_randomizer: An instance (or a list) of EnvRandomizer(s). An EnvRandomizer may randomize the physical property of spot, change the terrrain during reset(), or add perturbation forces during step(). forward_reward_cap: The maximum value that forward reward is capped at. Disabled (Inf) by default. log_path: The path to write out logs. For the details of logging, refer to spot_logging.proto. Raises: ValueError: If the urdf_version is not supported. """ # Sense Contacts self.contacts = contacts # Enable Auto Stepper State Machine self.AutoStepper = AutoStepper # Enable Rough Terrain or Not self.height_field = height_field self.draw_foot_path = draw_foot_path # DRAWING FEET PATH self.prev_feet_path = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) # CONTROL METRICS self.desired_velocity = desired_velocity self.desired_rate = desired_rate self.lateral = lateral # Set up logging. self._log_path = log_path # @TODO fix logging # NUM ITERS self._time_step = 0.01 self._action_repeat = action_repeat self._num_bullet_solver_iterations = 300 self.logging = None if pd_control_enabled or accurate_motor_model_enabled: self._time_step /= NUM_SUBSTEPS self._num_bullet_solver_iterations /= NUM_SUBSTEPS self._action_repeat *= NUM_SUBSTEPS # PD control needs smaller time step for stability. if control_time_step is not None: self.control_time_step = control_time_step else: # Get Control Timestep self.control_time_step = self._time_step * self._action_repeat # TODO: Fix the value of self._num_bullet_solver_iterations. self._num_bullet_solver_iterations = int( NUM_SIMULATION_ITERATION_STEPS / self._action_repeat) # URDF self._urdf_root = urdf_root self._self_collision_enabled = self_collision_enabled self._motor_velocity_limit = motor_velocity_limit self._observation = [] self._true_observation = [] self._objectives = [] self._objective_weights = [ distance_weight, energy_weight, drift_weight, shake_weight ] self._env_step_counter = 0 self._num_steps_to_log = num_steps_to_log self._is_render = render self._last_base_position = [0, 0, 0] self._last_base_orientation = [0, 0, 0, 1] self._distance_weight = distance_weight self._rotation_weight = rotation_weight self._energy_weight = energy_weight self._drift_weight = drift_weight self._shake_weight = shake_weight self._rp_weight = rp_weight self._rate_weight = rate_weight self._distance_limit = distance_limit self._observation_noise_stdev = observation_noise_stdev self._action_bound = 1 self._pd_control_enabled = pd_control_enabled self._leg_model_enabled = leg_model_enabled self._accurate_motor_model_enabled = accurate_motor_model_enabled self._remove_default_joint_damping = remove_default_joint_damping self._motor_kp = motor_kp self._motor_kd = motor_kd self._torque_control_enabled = torque_control_enabled self._motor_overheat_protection = motor_overheat_protection self._on_rack = on_rack self._cam_dist = 1.0 self._cam_yaw = 0 self._cam_pitch = -30 self._forward_reward_cap = forward_reward_cap self._hard_reset = True self._last_frame_time = 0.0 self._control_latency = control_latency self._pd_latency = pd_latency self._urdf_version = urdf_version self._ground_id = None self._reflection = reflection self._env_randomizer = env_randomizer # @TODO fix logging self._episode_proto = None if self._is_render: self._pybullet_client = bullet_client.BulletClient( connection_mode=pybullet.GUI) else: self._pybullet_client = bullet_client.BulletClient() if self._urdf_version is None: self._urdf_version = DEFAULT_URDF_VERSION self._pybullet_client.setPhysicsEngineParameter(enableConeFriction=0) self.seed() # Only update after HF has been generated self.height_field = False self.reset() observation_high = ( + OBSERVATION_EPS) observation_low = ( - OBSERVATION_EPS) action_dim = NUM_MOTORS action_high = np.array([self._action_bound] * action_dim) self.action_space = spaces.Box(-action_high, action_high) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(observation_low, observation_high) self.viewer = None self._hard_reset = hard_reset # This assignment need to be after reset() self.goal_reached = False # Generate HeightField or not self.height_field = height_field self.hf = HeightField() if self.height_field: # Do 3x for extra roughness for i in range(height_field_iters): self.hf._generate_field(self) def set_env_randomizer(self, env_randomizer): self._env_randomizer = env_randomizer def configure(self, args): self._args = args def reset(self, initial_motor_angles=None, reset_duration=1.0, desired_velocity=None, desired_rate=None): # Use Autostepper if self.AutoStepper: self.StateMachine = BezierStepper(dt=self._time_step) # Shuffle order of states self.StateMachine.reshuffle() self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0) if self._hard_reset: self._pybullet_client.resetSimulation() self._pybullet_client.setPhysicsEngineParameter( numSolverIterations=int(self._num_bullet_solver_iterations)) self._pybullet_client.setTimeStep(self._time_step) self._ground_id = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF("%s/plane.urdf" % self._urdf_root) if self._reflection: self._pybullet_client.changeVisualShape( self._ground_id, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 0.8]) self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_PLANAR_REFLECTION, self._ground_id) self._pybullet_client.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) acc_motor = self._accurate_motor_model_enabled motor_protect = self._motor_overheat_protection if self._urdf_version not in spot_URDF_VERSION_MAP: raise ValueError("%s is not a supported urdf_version." % self._urdf_version) else: = (spot_URDF_VERSION_MAP[self._urdf_version]( pybullet_client=self._pybullet_client, action_repeat=self._action_repeat, urdf_root=self._urdf_root, time_step=self._time_step, self_collision_enabled=self._self_collision_enabled, motor_velocity_limit=self._motor_velocity_limit, pd_control_enabled=self._pd_control_enabled, accurate_motor_model_enabled=acc_motor, remove_default_joint_damping=self. _remove_default_joint_damping, motor_kp=self._motor_kp, motor_kd=self._motor_kd, control_latency=self._control_latency, pd_latency=self._pd_latency, observation_noise_stdev=self._observation_noise_stdev, torque_control_enabled=self._torque_control_enabled, motor_overheat_protection=motor_protect, on_rack=self._on_rack, np_random=self.np_random, contacts=self.contacts)), default_motor_angles=initial_motor_angles, reset_time=reset_duration) if self._env_randomizer is not None: self._env_randomizer.randomize_env(self) # Also update heightfield if wr are wholly randomizing if self.height_field: self.hf.UpdateHeightField() if desired_velocity is not None: self.desired_velocity = desired_velocity if desired_rate is not None: self.desired_rate = desired_rate self._pybullet_client.setPhysicsEngineParameter(enableConeFriction=0) self._env_step_counter = 0 self._last_base_position = [0, 0, 0] self._last_base_orientation = [0, 0, 0, 1] self._objectives = [] self._pybullet_client.resetDebugVisualizerCamera( self._cam_dist, self._cam_yaw, self._cam_pitch, [0, 0, 0]) self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1) return self._get_observation() def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def _transform_action_to_motor_command(self, action): if self._leg_model_enabled: for i, action_component in enumerate(action): if not (-self._action_bound - ACTION_EPS <= action_component <= self._action_bound + ACTION_EPS): raise ValueError("{}th action {} out of bounds.".format( i, action_component)) action = return action def step(self, action): """Step forward the simulation, given the action. Args: action: A list of desired motor angles for eight motors. Returns: observations: The angles, velocities and torques of all motors. reward: The reward for the current state-action pair. done: Whether the episode has ended. info: A dictionary that stores diagnostic information. Raises: ValueError: The action dimension is not the same as the number of motors. ValueError: The magnitude of actions is out of bounds. """ self._last_base_position = self._last_base_orientation = # print("ACTION:") # print(action) if self._is_render: # Sleep, otherwise the computation takes less time than real time, # which will make the visualization like a fast-forward video. time_spent = time.time() - self._last_frame_time self._last_frame_time = time.time() time_to_sleep = self.control_time_step - time_spent if time_to_sleep > 0: time.sleep(time_to_sleep) base_pos = # Keep the previous orientation of the camera set by the user. [yaw, pitch, dist] = self._pybullet_client.getDebugVisualizerCamera()[8:11] self._pybullet_client.resetDebugVisualizerCamera( dist, yaw, pitch, base_pos) action = self._transform_action_to_motor_command(action) reward = self._reward() done = self._termination() self._env_step_counter += 1 # DRAW FOOT PATH if self.draw_foot_path: self.DrawFootPath() return np.array(self._get_observation()), reward, done, {} def render(self, mode="rgb_array", close=False): if mode != "rgb_array": return np.array([]) base_pos = view_matrix = self._pybullet_client.computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll( cameraTargetPosition=base_pos, distance=self._cam_dist, yaw=self._cam_yaw, pitch=self._cam_pitch, roll=0, upAxisIndex=2) proj_matrix = self._pybullet_client.computeProjectionMatrixFOV( fov=60, aspect=float(RENDER_WIDTH) / RENDER_HEIGHT, nearVal=0.1, farVal=100.0) (_, _, px, _, _) = self._pybullet_client.getCameraImage( width=RENDER_WIDTH, height=RENDER_HEIGHT, renderer=self._pybullet_client.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL, viewMatrix=view_matrix, projectionMatrix=proj_matrix) rgb_array = np.array(px) rgb_array = rgb_array[:, :, :3] return rgb_array def DrawFootPath(self): # Get Foot Positions FL = self._pybullet_client.getLinkState(,[0])[0] FR = self._pybullet_client.getLinkState(,[1])[0] BL = self._pybullet_client.getLinkState(,[2])[0] BR = self._pybullet_client.getLinkState(,[3])[0] lifetime = 3.0 # sec self._pybullet_client.addUserDebugLine(self.prev_feet_path[0], FL, [1, 0, 0], lifeTime=lifetime) self._pybullet_client.addUserDebugLine(self.prev_feet_path[1], FR, [0, 1, 0], lifeTime=lifetime) self._pybullet_client.addUserDebugLine(self.prev_feet_path[2], BL, [0, 0, 1], lifeTime=lifetime) self._pybullet_client.addUserDebugLine(self.prev_feet_path[3], BR, [1, 1, 0], lifeTime=lifetime) self.prev_feet_path[0] = FL self.prev_feet_path[1] = FR self.prev_feet_path[2] = BL self.prev_feet_path[3] = BR def get_spot_motor_angles(self): """Get the spot's motor angles. Returns: A numpy array of motor angles. """ return np.array( self._observation[MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX: MOTOR_ANGLE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS]) def get_spot_motor_velocities(self): """Get the spot's motor velocities. Returns: A numpy array of motor velocities. """ return np.array( self._observation[MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX: MOTOR_VELOCITY_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS]) def get_spot_motor_torques(self): """Get the spot's motor torques. Returns: A numpy array of motor torques. """ return np.array( self._observation[MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX: MOTOR_TORQUE_OBSERVATION_INDEX + NUM_MOTORS]) def get_spot_base_orientation(self): """Get the spot's base orientation, represented by a quaternion. Returns: A numpy array of spot's orientation. """ return np.array(self._observation[BASE_ORIENTATION_OBSERVATION_INDEX:]) def is_fallen(self): """Decide whether spot has fallen. If the up directions between the base and the world is larger (the dot product is smaller than 0.85) or the base is very low on the ground (the height is smaller than 0.13 meter), spot is considered fallen. Returns: Boolean value that indicates whether spot has fallen. """ orientation = rot_mat = self._pybullet_client.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orientation) local_up = rot_mat[6:] pos = # or pos[2] < 0.13 return ([0, 0, 1]), np.asarray(local_up)) < 0.55) def _termination(self): position = distance = math.sqrt(position[0]**2 + position[1]**2) return self.is_fallen() or distance > self._distance_limit def _reward(self): """ NOTE: reward now consists of: roll, pitch at desired 0 acc (y,z) = 0 FORWARD-BACKWARD: rate(x,y,z) = 0 --> HIDDEN REWARD: x(+-) velocity reference, not incl. in obs SPIN: acc(x) = 0, rate(x,y) = 0, rate (z) = rate reference Also include drift, energy vanilla rewards """ current_base_position = # get observation obs = self._get_observation() # forward_reward = current_base_position[0] - self._last_base_position[0] # # POSITIVE FOR FORWARD, NEGATIVE FOR BACKWARD | NOTE: HIDDEN # GETTING TWIST IN BODY FRAME pos = orn = roll, pitch, yaw = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion( [orn[0], orn[1], orn[2], orn[3]]) rpy = LA.RPY(roll, pitch, yaw) R, _ = LA.TransToRp(rpy) T_wb = LA.RpToTrans(R, np.array([pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]])) T_bw = LA.TransInv(T_wb) Adj_Tbw = LA.Adjoint(T_bw) Vw = np.concatenate( (, Vb =, Vw) # New Twist in Body Frame # POSITIVE FOR FORWARD, NEGATIVE FOR BACKWARD | NOTE: HIDDEN fwd_speed = -Vb[3] # vx lat_speed = -Vb[4] # vy # fwd_speed =[0] # lat_speed =[1] # print("FORWARD SPEED: {} \t STATE SPEED: {}".format( # fwd_speed, self.desired_velocity)) # self.desired_velocity = 0.4 # Modification for lateral/fwd rewards reward_max = 1.0 # FORWARD if not self.lateral: # f(x)=-(x-desired))^(2)*((1/desired)^2)+1 # to make sure that at 0vel there is 0 reawrd. # also squishes allowable tolerance forward_reward = reward_max * np.exp( -(fwd_speed - self.desired_velocity)**2 / (0.1)) # LATERAL else: forward_reward = reward_max * np.exp( -(lat_speed - self.desired_velocity)**2 / (0.1)) yaw_rate = obs[4] rot_reward = reward_max * np.exp(-(yaw_rate - self.desired_rate)**2 / (0.1)) # Make sure that for forward-policy there is the appropriate rotation penalty if self.desired_velocity != 0: self._rotation_weight = self._rate_weight rot_reward = -abs(obs[4]) elif self.desired_rate != 0: forward_reward = 0.0 # penalty for nonzero roll, pitch rp_reward = -(abs(obs[0]) + abs(obs[1])) # print("ROLL: {} \t PITCH: {}".format(obs[0], obs[1])) # penalty for nonzero acc(z) shake_reward = -abs(obs[4]) # penalty for nonzero rate (x,y,z) rate_reward = -(abs(obs[2]) + abs(obs[3])) # drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[1] - # self._last_base_position[1]) # this penalizes absolute error, and does not penalize correction # NOTE: for side-side, drift reward becomes in x instead drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[1]) # If Lateral, change drift reward if self.lateral: drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position[0]) # shake_reward = -abs(current_base_position[2] - # self._last_base_position[2]) self._last_base_position = current_base_position energy_reward = -np.abs(, * self._time_step reward = (self._distance_weight * forward_reward + self._rotation_weight * rot_reward + self._energy_weight * energy_reward + self._drift_weight * drift_reward + self._shake_weight * shake_reward + self._rp_weight * rp_reward + self._rate_weight * rate_reward) self._objectives.append( [forward_reward, energy_reward, drift_reward, shake_reward]) # print("REWARD: ", reward) return reward def get_objectives(self): return self._objectives @property def objective_weights(self): """Accessor for the weights for all the objectives. Returns: List of floating points that corresponds to weights for the objectives in the order that objectives are stored. """ return self._objective_weights def _get_observation(self): """Get observation of this environment, including noise and latency. spot class maintains a history of true observations. Based on the latency, this function will find the observation at the right time, interpolate if necessary. Then Gaussian noise is added to this observation based on self.observation_noise_stdev. Returns: The noisy observation with latency. """ self._observation = return self._observation def _get_realistic_observation(self): """Get the observations of this environment. It includes the angles, velocities, torques and the orientation of the base. Returns: The observation list. observation[0:8] are motor angles. observation[8:16] are motor velocities, observation[16:24] are motor torques. observation[24:28] is the orientation of the base, in quaternion form. """ self._observation = return self._observation if parse_version(gym.__version__) < parse_version('0.9.6'): _render = render _reset = reset _seed = seed _step = step def set_time_step(self, control_step, simulation_step=0.001): """Sets the time step of the environment. Args: control_step: The time period (in seconds) between two adjacent control actions are applied. simulation_step: The simulation time step in PyBullet. By default, the simulation step is 0.001s, which is a good trade-off between simulation speed and accuracy. Raises: ValueError: If the control step is smaller than the simulation step. """ if control_step < simulation_step: raise ValueError( "Control step should be larger than or equal to simulation step." ) self.control_time_step = control_step self._time_step = simulation_step self._action_repeat = int(round(control_step / simulation_step)) self._num_bullet_solver_iterations = (NUM_SIMULATION_ITERATION_STEPS / self._action_repeat) self._pybullet_client.setPhysicsEngineParameter( numSolverIterations=self._num_bullet_solver_iterations) self._pybullet_client.setTimeStep(self._time_step), simulation_step=self._time_step) @property def pybullet_client(self): return self._pybullet_client @property def ground_id(self): return self._ground_id @ground_id.setter def ground_id(self, new_ground_id): self._ground_id = new_ground_id @property def env_step_counter(self): return self._env_step_counter
""" CODE BASED ON EXAMPLE FROM: @misc{coumans2017pybullet, title={Pybullet, a python module for physics simulation in robotics, games and machine learning}, author={Coumans, Erwin and Bai, Yunfei}, url={}, year={2017}, } Example: """ import numpy as np from . import env_randomizer_base # Relative range. spot_BASE_MASS_ERROR_RANGE = (-0.2, 0.2) # 0.2 means 20% spot_LEG_MASS_ERROR_RANGE = (-0.2, 0.2) # 0.2 means 20% # Absolute range. BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE = (7.0, 8.4) # Unit: Volt MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE = (0, 0.01) # Unit: N*m*s/rad (torque/angular vel) spot_LEG_FRICTION = (0.8, 1.5) # Unit: dimensionless class SpotEnvRandomizer(env_randomizer_base.EnvRandomizerBase): """A randomizer that change the spot_gym_env during every reset.""" def __init__(self, spot_base_mass_err_range=spot_BASE_MASS_ERROR_RANGE, spot_leg_mass_err_range=spot_LEG_MASS_ERROR_RANGE, battery_voltage_range=BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE, motor_viscous_damping_range=MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE): self._spot_base_mass_err_range = spot_base_mass_err_range self._spot_leg_mass_err_range = spot_leg_mass_err_range self._battery_voltage_range = battery_voltage_range self._motor_viscous_damping_range = motor_viscous_damping_range np.random.seed(0) def randomize_env(self, env): self._randomize_spot( def _randomize_spot(self, spot): """Randomize various physical properties of spot. It randomizes the mass/inertia of the base, mass/inertia of the legs, friction coefficient of the feet, the battery voltage and the motor damping at each reset() of the environment. Args: spot: the spot instance in spot_gym_env environment. """ base_mass = spot.GetBaseMassFromURDF() # print("BM: ", base_mass) randomized_base_mass = np.random.uniform( np.array([base_mass]) * (1.0 + self._spot_base_mass_err_range[0]), np.array([base_mass]) * (1.0 + self._spot_base_mass_err_range[1])) spot.SetBaseMass(randomized_base_mass[0]) leg_masses = spot.GetLegMassesFromURDF() leg_masses_lower_bound = np.array(leg_masses) * ( 1.0 + self._spot_leg_mass_err_range[0]) leg_masses_upper_bound = np.array(leg_masses) * ( 1.0 + self._spot_leg_mass_err_range[1]) randomized_leg_masses = [ np.random.uniform(leg_masses_lower_bound[i], leg_masses_upper_bound[i]) for i in range(len(leg_masses)) ] spot.SetLegMasses(randomized_leg_masses) randomized_battery_voltage = np.random.uniform( BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE[0], BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RANGE[1]) spot.SetBatteryVoltage(randomized_battery_voltage) randomized_motor_damping = np.random.uniform( MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE[0], MOTOR_VISCOUS_DAMPING_RANGE[1]) spot.SetMotorViscousDamping(randomized_motor_damping) randomized_foot_friction = np.random.uniform(spot_LEG_FRICTION[0], spot_LEG_FRICTION[1]) spot.SetFootFriction(randomized_foot_friction)
""" CODE BASED ON EXAMPLE FROM: @misc{coumans2017pybullet, title={Pybullet, a python module for physics simulation in robotics, games and machine learning}, author={Coumans, Erwin and Bai, Yunfei}, url={}, year={2017}, } Example: """ import pybullet as p import pybullet_data as pd import math import time textureId = -1 useProgrammatic = 0 useTerrainFromPNG = 1 useDeepLocoCSV = 2 updateHeightfield = False heightfieldSource = useProgrammatic numHeightfieldRows = 256 numHeightfieldColumns = 256 import random random.seed(10) class HeightField(): def __init__(self): self.hf_id = 0 self.terrainShape = 0 self.heightfieldData = [0] * numHeightfieldRows * numHeightfieldColumns def _generate_field(self, env, heightPerturbationRange=0.08): env.pybullet_client.setAdditionalSearchPath(pd.getDataPath()) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0) heightPerturbationRange = heightPerturbationRange if heightfieldSource == useProgrammatic: for j in range(int(numHeightfieldColumns / 2)): for i in range(int(numHeightfieldRows / 2)): height = random.uniform(0, heightPerturbationRange) self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.07, .07, 1.6], heightfieldTextureScaling=(numHeightfieldRows - 1) / 2, heightfieldData=self.heightfieldData, numHeightfieldRows=numHeightfieldRows, numHeightfieldColumns=numHeightfieldColumns) terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0.0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) env.pybullet_client.changeDynamics(terrain, -1, lateralFriction=1.0) if heightfieldSource == useDeepLocoCSV: terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.5, .5, 2.5], fileName="heightmaps/ground0.txt", heightfieldTextureScaling=128) terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) env.pybullet_client.changeDynamics(terrain, -1, lateralFriction=1.0) if heightfieldSource == useTerrainFromPNG: terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.05, .05, 1.8], fileName="heightmaps/wm_height_out.png") textureId = env.pybullet_client.loadTexture( "heightmaps/gimp_overlay_out.png") terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, textureUniqueId=textureId) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0, 0, 1]) env.pybullet_client.changeDynamics(terrain, -1, lateralFriction=1.0) self.hf_id = terrainShape self.terrainShape = terrainShape print("TERRAIN SHAPE: {}".format(terrainShape)) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 1]) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1) def UpdateHeightField(self, heightPerturbationRange=0.08): if heightfieldSource == useProgrammatic: for j in range(int(numHeightfieldColumns / 2)): for i in range(int(numHeightfieldRows / 2)): height = random.uniform( 0, heightPerturbationRange) # +math.sin(time.time()) self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height #GEOM_CONCAVE_INTERNAL_EDGE may help avoid getting stuck at an internal (shared) edge of the triangle/heightfield. #GEOM_CONCAVE_INTERNAL_EDGE is a bit slower to build though. #flags = p.GEOM_CONCAVE_INTERNAL_EDGE flags = 0 self.terrainShape = p.createCollisionShape( shapeType=p.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, flags=flags, meshScale=[.05, .05, 1], heightfieldTextureScaling=(numHeightfieldRows - 1) / 2, heightfieldData=self.heightfieldData, numHeightfieldRows=numHeightfieldRows, numHeightfieldColumns=numHeightfieldColumns, replaceHeightfieldIndex=self.terrainShape)
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from spotmicro.Kinematics.LegKinematics import LegIK from spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra import RpToTrans, TransToRp, TransInv, RPY, TransformVector from collections import OrderedDict class SpotModel: def __init__(self, shoulder_length=0.055, elbow_length=0.10652, wrist_length=0.145, hip_x=0.23, hip_y=0.075, foot_x=0.23, foot_y=0.185, height=0.20, com_offset=0.016, shoulder_lim=[-0.548, 0.548], elbow_lim=[-2.17, 0.97], wrist_lim=[-0.1, 2.59]): """ Spot Micro Kinematics """ # COM offset in x direction self.com_offset = com_offset # Leg Parameters self.shoulder_length = shoulder_length self.elbow_length = elbow_length self.wrist_length = wrist_length # Leg Vector desired_positions # Distance Between Hips # Length self.hip_x = hip_x # Width self.hip_y = hip_y # Distance Between Feet # Length self.foot_x = foot_x # Width self.foot_y = foot_y # Body Height self.height = height # Joint Parameters self.shoulder_lim = shoulder_lim self.elbow_lim = elbow_lim self.wrist_lim = wrist_lim # Dictionary to store Leg IK Solvers self.Legs = OrderedDict() self.Legs["FL"] = LegIK("LEFT", self.shoulder_length, self.elbow_length, self.wrist_length, self.shoulder_lim, self.elbow_lim, self.wrist_lim) self.Legs["FR"] = LegIK("RIGHT", self.shoulder_length, self.elbow_length, self.wrist_length, self.shoulder_lim, self.elbow_lim, self.wrist_lim) self.Legs["BL"] = LegIK("LEFT", self.shoulder_length, self.elbow_length, self.wrist_length, self.shoulder_lim, self.elbow_lim, self.wrist_lim) self.Legs["BR"] = LegIK("RIGHT", self.shoulder_length, self.elbow_length, self.wrist_length, self.shoulder_lim, self.elbow_lim, self.wrist_lim) # Dictionary to store Hip and Foot Transforms # Transform of Hip relative to world frame # With Body Centroid also in world frame Rwb = np.eye(3) self.WorldToHip = OrderedDict() self.ph_FL = np.array([self.hip_x / 2.0, self.hip_y / 2.0, 0]) self.WorldToHip["FL"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.ph_FL) self.ph_FR = np.array([self.hip_x / 2.0, -self.hip_y / 2.0, 0]) self.WorldToHip["FR"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.ph_FR) self.ph_BL = np.array([-self.hip_x / 2.0, self.hip_y / 2.0, 0]) self.WorldToHip["BL"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.ph_BL) self.ph_BR = np.array([-self.hip_x / 2.0, -self.hip_y / 2.0, 0]) self.WorldToHip["BR"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.ph_BR) # Transform of Foot relative to world frame # With Body Centroid also in world frame self.WorldToFoot = OrderedDict() self.pf_FL = np.array( [self.foot_x / 2.0, self.foot_y / 2.0, -self.height]) self.WorldToFoot["FL"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.pf_FL) self.pf_FR = np.array( [self.foot_x / 2.0, -self.foot_y / 2.0, -self.height]) self.WorldToFoot["FR"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.pf_FR) self.pf_BL = np.array( [-self.foot_x / 2.0, self.foot_y / 2.0, -self.height]) self.WorldToFoot["BL"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.pf_BL) self.pf_BR = np.array( [-self.foot_x / 2.0, -self.foot_y / 2.0, -self.height]) self.WorldToFoot["BR"] = RpToTrans(Rwb, self.pf_BR) def HipToFoot(self, orn, pos, T_bf): """ Converts a desired position and orientation wrt Spot's home position, with a desired body-to-foot Transform into a body-to-hip Transform, which is used to extract and return the Hip To Foot Vector. :param orn: A 3x1 np.array([]) with Spot's Roll, Pitch, Yaw angles :param pos: A 3x1 np.array([]) with Spot's X, Y, Z coordinates :param T_bf: Dictionary of desired body-to-foot Transforms. :return: Hip To Foot Vector for each of Spot's Legs. """ # Following steps in attached document: SpotBodyIK. # TODO: LINK DOC # Only get Rot component Rb, _ = TransToRp(RPY(orn[0], orn[1], orn[2])) pb = pos T_wb = RpToTrans(Rb, pb) # Dictionary to store vectors HipToFoot_List = OrderedDict() for i, (key, T_wh) in enumerate(self.WorldToHip.items()): # ORDER: FL, FR, FR, BL, BR # Extract vector component _, p_bf = TransToRp(T_bf[key]) # Step 1, get T_bh for each leg T_bh =, T_wh) # Step 2, get T_hf for each leg # VECTOR ADDITION METHOD _, p_bh = TransToRp(T_bh) p_hf0 = p_bf - p_bh # TRANSFORM METHOD T_hf =, T_bf[key]) _, p_hf1 = TransToRp(T_hf) # They should yield the same result if p_hf1.all() != p_hf0.all(): print("NOT EQUAL") p_hf = p_hf1 HipToFoot_List[key] = p_hf return HipToFoot_List def IK(self, orn, pos, T_bf): """ Uses HipToFoot() to convert a desired position and orientation wrt Spot's home position into a Hip To Foot Vector, which is fed into the LegIK solver. Finally, the resultant joint angles are returned from the LegIK solver for each leg. :param orn: A 3x1 np.array([]) with Spot's Roll, Pitch, Yaw angles :param pos: A 3x1 np.array([]) with Spot's X, Y, Z coordinates :param T_bf: Dictionary of desired body-to-foot Transforms. :return: Joint angles for each of Spot's joints. """ # Following steps in attached document: SpotBodyIK. # TODO: LINK DOC # Modify x by com offset pos[0] += self.com_offset # 4 legs, 3 joints per leg joint_angles = np.zeros((4, 3)) # print("T_bf: {}".format(T_bf)) # Steps 1 and 2 of pipeline here HipToFoot = self.HipToFoot(orn, pos, T_bf) for i, (key, p_hf) in enumerate(HipToFoot.items()): # ORDER: FL, FR, FR, BL, BR # print("LEG: {} \t HipToFoot: {}".format(key, p_hf)) # Step 3, compute joint angles from T_hf for each leg joint_angles[i, :] = self.Legs[key].solve(p_hf) # print("-----------------------------") return joint_angles
#!/usr/bin/env python # import numpy as np class LegIK(): def __init__(self, legtype="RIGHT", shoulder_length=0.04, elbow_length=0.1, wrist_length=0.125, hip_lim=[-0.548, 0.548], shoulder_lim=[-2.17, 0.97], leg_lim=[-0.1, 2.59]): self.legtype = legtype self.shoulder_length = shoulder_length self.elbow_length = elbow_length self.wrist_length = wrist_length self.hip_lim = hip_lim self.shoulder_lim = shoulder_lim self.leg_lim = leg_lim def get_domain(self, x, y, z): """ Calculates the leg's Domain and caps it in case of a breach :param x,y,z: hip-to-foot distances in each dimension :return: Leg Domain D """ D = (y**2 + (-z)**2 - self.shoulder_length**2 + (-x)**2 - self.elbow_length**2 - self.wrist_length**2) / ( 2 * self.wrist_length * self.elbow_length) if D > 1 or D < -1: # DOMAIN BREACHED # print("---------DOMAIN BREACH---------") D = np.clip(D, -1.0, 1.0) return D else: return D def solve(self, xyz_coord): """ Generic Leg Inverse Kinematics Solver :param xyz_coord: hip-to-foot distances in each dimension :return: Joint Angles required for desired position """ x = xyz_coord[0] y = xyz_coord[1] z = xyz_coord[2] D = self.get_domain(x, y, z) if self.legtype == "RIGHT": return self.RightIK(x, y, z, D) else: return self.LeftIK(x, y, z, D) def RightIK(self, x, y, z, D): """ Right Leg Inverse Kinematics Solver :param x,y,z: hip-to-foot distances in each dimension :param D: leg domain :return: Joint Angles required for desired position """ wrist_angle = np.arctan2(-np.sqrt(1 - D**2), D) sqrt_component = y**2 + (-z)**2 - self.shoulder_length**2 if sqrt_component < 0.0: # print("NEGATIVE SQRT") sqrt_component = 0.0 shoulder_angle = -np.arctan2(z, y) - np.arctan2( np.sqrt(sqrt_component), -self.shoulder_length) elbow_angle = np.arctan2(-x, np.sqrt(sqrt_component)) - np.arctan2( self.wrist_length * np.sin(wrist_angle), self.elbow_length + self.wrist_length * np.cos(wrist_angle)) joint_angles = np.array([-shoulder_angle, elbow_angle, wrist_angle]) return joint_angles def LeftIK(self, x, y, z, D): """ Left Leg Inverse Kinematics Solver :param x,y,z: hip-to-foot distances in each dimension :param D: leg domain :return: Joint Angles required for desired position """ wrist_angle = np.arctan2(-np.sqrt(1 - D**2), D) sqrt_component = y**2 + (-z)**2 - self.shoulder_length**2 if sqrt_component < 0.0: print("NEGATIVE SQRT") sqrt_component = 0.0 shoulder_angle = -np.arctan2(z, y) - np.arctan2( np.sqrt(sqrt_component), self.shoulder_length) elbow_angle = np.arctan2(-x, np.sqrt(sqrt_component)) - np.arctan2( self.wrist_length * np.sin(wrist_angle), self.elbow_length + self.wrist_length * np.cos(wrist_angle)) joint_angles = np.array([-shoulder_angle, elbow_angle, wrist_angle]) return joint_angles
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np # NOTE: Code snippets from Modern Robotics at Northwestern University: # See def RpToTrans(R, p): """ Converts a rotation matrix and a position vector into homogeneous transformation matrix :param R: A 3x3 rotation matrix :param p: A 3-vector :return: A homogeneous transformation matrix corresponding to the inputs Example Input: R = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]) p = np.array([1, 2, 5]) Output: np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) """ return np.r_[np.c_[R, p], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]] def TransToRp(T): """ Converts a homogeneous transformation matrix into a rotation matrix and position vector :param T: A homogeneous transformation matrix :return R: The corresponding rotation matrix, :return p: The corresponding position vector. Example Input: T = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) Output: (np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]), np.array([0, 0, 3])) """ T = np.array(T) return T[0:3, 0:3], T[0:3, 3] def TransInv(T): """ Inverts a homogeneous transformation matrix :param T: A homogeneous transformation matrix :return: The inverse of T Uses the structure of transformation matrices to avoid taking a matrix inverse, for efficiency. Example input: T = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) Output: np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -3], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) """ R, p = TransToRp(T) Rt = np.array(R).T return np.r_[np.c_[Rt,, p)], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]] def Adjoint(T): """ Computes the adjoint representation of a homogeneous transformation matrix :param T: A homogeneous transformation matrix :return: The 6x6 adjoint representation [AdT] of T Example Input: T = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) Output: np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]) """ R, p = TransToRp(T) return np.r_[np.c_[R, np.zeros((3, 3))], np.c_[, R), R]] def VecToso3(omg): """ Converts a 3-vector to an so(3) representation :param omg: A 3-vector :return: The skew symmetric representation of omg Example Input: omg = np.array([1, 2, 3]) Output: np.array([[ 0, -3, 2], [ 3, 0, -1], [-2, 1, 0]]) """ return np.array([[0, -omg[2], omg[1]], [omg[2], 0, -omg[0]], [-omg[1], omg[0], 0]]) def RPY(roll, pitch, yaw): """ Creates a Roll, Pitch, Yaw Transformation Matrix :param roll: roll component of matrix :param pitch: pitch component of matrix :param yaw: yaw component of matrix :return: The transformation matrix Example Input: roll = 0.0 pitch = 0.0 yaw = 0.0 Output: np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) """ Roll = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(roll), -np.sin(roll), 0], [0, np.sin(roll), np.cos(roll), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) Pitch = np.array([[np.cos(pitch), 0, np.sin(pitch), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-np.sin(pitch), 0, np.cos(pitch), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) Yaw = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw), 0, 0], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return np.matmul(np.matmul(Roll, Pitch), Yaw) def RotateTranslate(rotation, position): """ Creates a Transformation Matrix from a Rotation, THEN, a Translation :param rotation: pure rotation matrix :param translation: pure translation matrix :return: The transformation matrix """ trans = np.eye(4) trans[0, 3] = position[0] trans[1, 3] = position[1] trans[2, 3] = position[2] return, trans) def TransformVector(xyz_coord, rotation, translation): """ Transforms a vector by a specified Rotation THEN Translation Matrix :param xyz_coord: the vector to transform :param rotation: pure rotation matrix :param translation: pure translation matrix :return: The transformed vector """ xyz_vec = np.append(xyz_coord, 1.0) Transformed =, translation), xyz_vec) return Transformed[:3]
#!/usr/bin/env python import pybullet as pb import time import numpy as np import sys class GUI: def __init__(self, quadruped): time.sleep(0.5) self.cyaw = 0 self.cpitch = -7 self.cdist = 0.66 self.xId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("x", -0.10, 0.10, 0.) self.yId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("y", -0.10, 0.10, 0.) self.zId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("z", -0.055, 0.17, 0.) self.rollId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("roll", -np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, 0.) self.pitchId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("pitch", -np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, 0.) self.yawId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("yaw", -np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, 0.) self.StepLengthID = pb.addUserDebugParameter("Step Length", -0.1, 0.1, 0.0) self.YawRateId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("Yaw Rate", -2.0, 2.0, 0.) self.LateralFractionId = pb.addUserDebugParameter( "Lateral Fraction", -np.pi / 2.0, np.pi / 2.0, 0.) self.StepVelocityId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("Step Velocity", 0.001, 3., 0.001) self.SwingPeriodId = pb.addUserDebugParameter("Swing Period", 0.1, 0.4, 0.2) self.ClearanceHeightId = pb.addUserDebugParameter( "Clearance Height", 0.0, 0.1, 0.045) self.PenetrationDepthId = pb.addUserDebugParameter( "Penetration Depth", 0.0, 0.05, 0.003) self.quadruped = quadruped def UserInput(self): quadruped_pos, _ = pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.quadruped) pb.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(cameraDistance=self.cdist, cameraYaw=self.cyaw, cameraPitch=self.cpitch, cameraTargetPosition=quadruped_pos) keys = pb.getKeyboardEvents() # Keys to change camera if keys.get(100): # D self.cyaw += 1 if keys.get(97): # A self.cyaw -= 1 if keys.get(99): # C self.cpitch += 1 if keys.get(102): # F self.cpitch -= 1 if keys.get(122): # Z self.cdist += .01 if keys.get(120): # X self.cdist -= .01 if keys.get(27): # ESC pb.disconnect() sys.exit() # Read Robot Transform from GUI pos = np.array([ pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.xId), pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.yId), pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.zId) ]) orn = np.array([ pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.rollId), pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.pitchId), pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.yawId) ]) StepLength = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.StepLengthID) YawRate = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.YawRateId) LateralFraction = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.LateralFractionId) StepVelocity = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.StepVelocityId) ClearanceHeight = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.ClearanceHeightId) PenetrationDepth = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.PenetrationDepthId) SwingPeriod = pb.readUserDebugParameter(self.SwingPeriodId) return pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction, YawRate, StepVelocity, ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth, SwingPeriod
STATIC_ACTIONS_MAP = { 'gallop': ('rex_gym/policies/galloping/balanced', 'model.ckpt-20000000'), 'walk': ('rex_gym/policies/walking/alternating_legs', 'model.ckpt-16000000'), 'standup': ('rex_gym/policies/standup', 'model.ckpt-10000000') } DYNAMIC_ACTIONS_MAP = { 'turn': ('rex_gym/policies/turn', 'model.ckpt-16000000') } ACTIONS_TO_ENV_NAMES = { 'gallop': 'RexReactiveEnv', 'walk': 'RexWalkEnv', 'turn': 'RexTurnEnv', 'standup': 'RexStandupEnv' }
"""A wrapper for pybullet to manage different clients.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import functools import inspect import pybullet class BulletClient(object): """A wrapper for pybullet to manage different clients.""" def __init__(self, connection_mode=None): """Creates a Bullet client and connects to a simulation. Args: connection_mode: `None` connects to an existing simulation or, if fails, creates a new headless simulation, `pybullet.GUI` creates a new simulation with a GUI, `pybullet.DIRECT` creates a headless simulation, `pybullet.SHARED_MEMORY` connects to an existing simulation. """ self._shapes = {} if connection_mode is None: self._client = pybullet.connect(pybullet.SHARED_MEMORY) if self._client >= 0: return else: connection_mode = pybullet.DIRECT self._client = pybullet.connect(connection_mode) def __del__(self): """Clean up connection if not already done.""" try: pybullet.disconnect(physicsClientId=self._client) except pybullet.error: pass def __getattr__(self, name): """Inject the client id into Bullet functions.""" attribute = getattr(pybullet, name) if inspect.isbuiltin(attribute): if name not in [ "invertTransform", "multiplyTransforms", "getMatrixFromQuaternion", "getEulerFromQuaternion", "computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll", "computeProjectionMatrixFOV", "getQuaternionFromEuler", ]: # A temporary hack for now. attribute = functools.partial(attribute, physicsClientId=self._client) return attribute
import os def getDataPath(): resdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) return resdir
""" Open Loop Controller for Spot Micro. Takes GUI params or uses default """ import numpy as np from random import shuffle import copy # Ensuring totally random seed every step! np.random.seed() FB = 0 LAT = 1 ROT = 2 COMBI = 3 FWD = 0 ALL = 1 class BezierStepper(): def __init__(self, pos=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), orn=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), StepLength=0.04, LateralFraction=0.0, YawRate=0.0, StepVelocity=0.001, ClearanceHeight=0.045, PenetrationDepth=0.003, episode_length=5000, dt=0.01, num_shuffles=2, mode=FWD): self.pos = pos self.orn = orn self.desired_StepLength = StepLength self.StepLength = StepLength self.StepLength_LIMITS = [-0.05, 0.05] self.LateralFraction = LateralFraction self.LateralFraction_LIMITS = [-np.pi / 2.0, np.pi / 2.0] self.YawRate = YawRate self.YawRate_LIMITS = [-1.0, 1.0] self.StepVelocity = StepVelocity self.StepVelocity_LIMITS = [0.1, 1.5] self.ClearanceHeight = ClearanceHeight self.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS = [0.0, 0.04] self.PenetrationDepth = PenetrationDepth self.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS = [0.0, 0.02] self.mode = mode self.dt = dt # Keep track of state machine self.time = 0 # Decide how long to stay in each phase based on maxtime self.max_time = episode_length """ States 1: FWD/BWD 2: Lat 3: Rot 4: Combined """ self.order = [FB, LAT, ROT, COMBI] # Shuffles list in place so the order of states is unpredictable # NOTE: increment num_shuffles by episode num (cap at 10 # and reset or someting) for some forced randomness for _ in range(num_shuffles): shuffle(self.order) # Forward/Backward always needs to be first! self.reshuffle() # Current State self.current_state = self.order[0] # Divide by number of states (see RL_SM()) self.time_per_episode = int(self.max_time / len(self.order)) def ramp_up(self): if self.StepLength < self.desired_StepLength: self.StepLength += self.desired_StepLength * self.dt def reshuffle(self): self.time = 0 # Make sure FWD/BWD is always first state FB_index = self.order.index(FB) if FB_index != 0: what_was_in_zero = self.order[0] self.order[0] = FB self.order[FB_index] = what_was_in_zero def which_state(self): # Ensuring totally random seed every step! np.random.seed() if self.time > self.max_time: # Combined self.current_state = COMBI self.time = 0 else: index = int(self.time / self.time_per_episode) if index > len(self.order) - 1: index = len(self.order) - 1 self.current_state = self.order[index] def StateMachine(self): """ State Machined used for training robust RL on top of OL gait. STATES: Forward/Backward: All Default Values. Can have slow changes to StepLength(+-) and Velocity Lateral: As above (fwd or bwd random) with added random slow changing LateralFraction param Rotating: As above except with YawRate Combined: ALL changeable values may change! StepLength StepVelocity LateralFraction YawRate NOTE: the RL is solely responsible for modulating Clearance Height and Penetration Depth """ if self.mode is ALL: self.which_state() if self.current_state == FB: # print("FORWARD/BACKWARD") self.FB() elif self.current_state == LAT: # print("LATERAL") self.LAT() elif self.current_state == ROT: # print("ROTATION") self.ROT() elif self.current_state == COMBI: # print("COMBINED") self.COMBI() return self.return_bezier_params() def return_bezier_params(self): # First, Clip Everything self.StepLength = np.clip(self.StepLength, self.StepLength_LIMITS[0], self.StepLength_LIMITS[1]) self.StepVelocity = np.clip(self.StepVelocity, self.StepVelocity_LIMITS[0], self.StepVelocity_LIMITS[1]) self.LateralFraction = np.clip(self.LateralFraction, self.LateralFraction_LIMITS[0], self.LateralFraction_LIMITS[1]) self.YawRate = np.clip(self.YawRate, self.YawRate_LIMITS[0], self.YawRate_LIMITS[1]) self.ClearanceHeight = np.clip(self.ClearanceHeight, self.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[0], self.ClearanceHeight_LIMITS[1]) self.PenetrationDepth = np.clip(self.PenetrationDepth, self.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[0], self.PenetrationDepth_LIMITS[1]) # Then, return # FIRST COPY TO AVOID OVERWRITING pos = copy.deepcopy(self.pos) orn = copy.deepcopy(self.orn) StepLength = copy.deepcopy(self.StepLength) LateralFraction = copy.deepcopy(self.LateralFraction) YawRate = copy.deepcopy(self.YawRate) StepVelocity = copy.deepcopy(self.StepVelocity) ClearanceHeight = copy.deepcopy(self.ClearanceHeight) PenetrationDepth = copy.deepcopy(self.PenetrationDepth) return pos, orn, StepLength, LateralFraction,\ YawRate, StepVelocity,\ ClearanceHeight, PenetrationDepth def FB(self): """ Here, we can modulate StepLength and StepVelocity """ # The maximum update amount for these element StepLength_DELTA = self.dt * (self.StepLength_LIMITS[1] - self.StepLength_LIMITS[0]) / (6.0) StepVelocity_DELTA = self.dt * (self.StepVelocity_LIMITS[1] - self.StepVelocity_LIMITS[0]) / (2.0) # Add either positive or negative or zero delta for each # NOTE: 'High' is open bracket ) so the max is 1 if self.StepLength < -self.StepLength_LIMITS[0] / 2.0: StepLength_DIRECTION = np.random.randint(-1, 3, 1)[0] elif self.StepLength > self.StepLength_LIMITS[1] / 2.0: StepLength_DIRECTION = np.random.randint(-2, 2, 1)[0] else: StepLength_DIRECTION = np.random.randint(-1, 2, 1)[0] StepVelocity_DIRECTION = np.random.randint(-1, 2, 1)[0] # Now, modify modifiable params AND CLIP self.StepLength += StepLength_DIRECTION * StepLength_DELTA self.StepLength = np.clip(self.StepLength, self.StepLength_LIMITS[0], self.StepLength_LIMITS[1]) self.StepVelocity += StepVelocity_DIRECTION * StepVelocity_DELTA self.StepVelocity = np.clip(self.StepVelocity, self.StepVelocity_LIMITS[0], self.StepVelocity_LIMITS[1]) def LAT(self): """ Here, we can modulate StepLength and LateralFraction """ # The maximum update amount for these element LateralFraction_DELTA = self.dt * (self.LateralFraction_LIMITS[1] - self.LateralFraction_LIMITS[0]) / ( 2.0) # Add either positive or negative or zero delta for each # NOTE: 'High' is open bracket ) so the max is 1 LateralFraction_DIRECTION = np.random.randint(-1, 2, 1)[0] # Now, modify modifiable params AND CLIP self.LateralFraction += LateralFraction_DIRECTION * LateralFraction_DELTA self.LateralFraction = np.clip(self.LateralFraction, self.LateralFraction_LIMITS[0], self.LateralFraction_LIMITS[1]) def ROT(self): """ Here, we can modulate StepLength and YawRate """ # The maximum update amount for these element # no dt since YawRate is already mult by dt YawRate_DELTA = (self.YawRate_LIMITS[1] - self.YawRate_LIMITS[0]) / (2.0) # Add either positive or negative or zero delta for each # NOTE: 'High' is open bracket ) so the max is 1 YawRate_DIRECTION = np.random.randint(-1, 2, 1)[0] # Now, modify modifiable params AND CLIP self.YawRate += YawRate_DIRECTION * YawRate_DELTA self.YawRate = np.clip(self.YawRate, self.YawRate_LIMITS[0], self.YawRate_LIMITS[1]) def COMBI(self): """ Here, we can modify all the parameters """ self.FB() self.LAT() self.ROT()
""" This file implements the gym environment of SpotMicro with Bezier Curve. """ import math import time import gym import numpy as np import pybullet import pybullet_data from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding from pkg_resources import parse_version from spotmicro import spot import pybullet_utils.bullet_client as bullet_client from gym.envs.registration import register from spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL import BezierStepper from spotmicro.spot_gym_env import spotGymEnv import spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra as LA from spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer import SpotEnvRandomizer SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV = spot.SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV # Register as OpenAI Gym Environment register( id="SpotMicroEnv-v1", entry_point='spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env:spotBezierEnv', max_episode_steps=1000, ) class spotBezierEnv(spotGymEnv): """The gym environment for spot. It simulates the locomotion of spot, a quadruped robot. The state space include the angles, velocities and torques for all the motors and the action space is the desired motor angle for each motor. The reward function is based on how far spot walks in 1000 steps and penalizes the energy expenditure. """ metadata = { "render.modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "video.frames_per_second": 50 } def __init__(self, distance_weight=1.0, rotation_weight=0.0, energy_weight=0.000, shake_weight=0.00, drift_weight=0.0, rp_weight=10.0, rate_weight=.03, urdf_root=pybullet_data.getDataPath(), urdf_version=None, distance_limit=float("inf"), observation_noise_stdev=SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV, self_collision_enabled=True, motor_velocity_limit=np.inf, pd_control_enabled=False, leg_model_enabled=False, accurate_motor_model_enabled=False, remove_default_joint_damping=False, motor_kp=2.0, motor_kd=0.03, control_latency=0.0, pd_latency=0.0, torque_control_enabled=False, motor_overheat_protection=False, hard_reset=False, on_rack=False, render=True, num_steps_to_log=1000, action_repeat=1, control_time_step=None, env_randomizer=SpotEnvRandomizer(), forward_reward_cap=float("inf"), reflection=True, log_path=None, desired_velocity=0.5, desired_rate=0.0, lateral=False, draw_foot_path=False, height_field=False, AutoStepper=True, action_dim=14, contacts=True): super(spotBezierEnv, self).__init__( distance_weight=distance_weight, rotation_weight=rotation_weight, energy_weight=energy_weight, shake_weight=shake_weight, drift_weight=drift_weight, rp_weight=rp_weight, rate_weight=rate_weight, urdf_root=urdf_root, urdf_version=urdf_version, distance_limit=distance_limit, observation_noise_stdev=observation_noise_stdev, self_collision_enabled=self_collision_enabled, motor_velocity_limit=motor_velocity_limit, pd_control_enabled=pd_control_enabled, leg_model_enabled=leg_model_enabled, accurate_motor_model_enabled=accurate_motor_model_enabled, remove_default_joint_damping=remove_default_joint_damping, motor_kp=motor_kp, motor_kd=motor_kd, control_latency=control_latency, pd_latency=pd_latency, torque_control_enabled=torque_control_enabled, motor_overheat_protection=motor_overheat_protection, hard_reset=hard_reset, on_rack=on_rack, render=render, num_steps_to_log=num_steps_to_log, action_repeat=action_repeat, control_time_step=control_time_step, env_randomizer=env_randomizer, forward_reward_cap=forward_reward_cap, reflection=reflection, log_path=log_path, desired_velocity=desired_velocity, desired_rate=desired_rate, lateral=lateral, draw_foot_path=draw_foot_path, height_field=height_field, AutoStepper=AutoStepper, contacts=contacts) # Residuals + Clearance Height + Penetration Depth action_high = np.array([self._action_bound] * action_dim) self.action_space = spaces.Box(-action_high, action_high) print("Action SPACE: {}".format(self.action_space)) self.prev_pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.yaw = 0.0 def pass_joint_angles(self, ja): """ For executing joint angles """ self.ja = ja def step(self, action): """Step forward the simulation, given the action. Args: action: A list of desired motor angles for eight motors. smach: the bezier state machine containing simulated random controll inputs Returns: observations: The angles, velocities and torques of all motors. reward: The reward for the current state-action pair. done: Whether the episode has ended. info: A dictionary that stores diagnostic information. Raises: ValueError: The action dimension is not the same as the number of motors. ValueError: The magnitude of actions is out of bounds. """ # Discard all but joint angles action = self.ja self._last_base_position = self._last_base_orientation = # print("ACTION:") # print(action) if self._is_render: # Sleep, otherwise the computation takes less time than real time, # which will make the visualization like a fast-forward video. time_spent = time.time() - self._last_frame_time self._last_frame_time = time.time() time_to_sleep = self.control_time_step - time_spent if time_to_sleep > 0: time.sleep(time_to_sleep) base_pos = # Keep the previous orientation of the camera set by the user. [yaw, pitch, dist] = self._pybullet_client.getDebugVisualizerCamera()[8:11] self._pybullet_client.resetDebugVisualizerCamera( dist, yaw, pitch, base_pos) action = self._transform_action_to_motor_command(action) # NOTE: SMACH is passed to the reward method reward = self._reward() done = self._termination() self._env_step_counter += 1 # DRAW FOOT PATH if self.draw_foot_path: self.DrawFootPath() return np.array(self._get_observation()), reward, done, {} def return_state(self): return np.array(self._get_observation()) def return_yaw(self): return self.yaw def _reward(self): # get observation obs = self._get_observation() orn = # Return StepVelocity with the sign of StepLength DesiredVelicty = math.copysign( / 4.0, fwd_speed =[0] # vx lat_speed =[1] # vy # DEBUG lt, at = # ONLY WORKS FOR MOVING PURELY FORWARD pos = forward_reward = pos[0] - self.prev_pos[0] # yaw_rate = obs[4] rot_reward = 0.0 roll, pitch, yaw = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion( [orn[0], orn[1], orn[2], orn[3]]) # if yaw < 0.0: # yaw += np.pi # else: # yaw -= np.pi # For auto correct self.yaw = yaw # penalty for nonzero PITCH and YAW(hidden) ONLY # NOTE: Added Yaw mult rp_reward = -(abs(obs[0]) + abs(obs[1])) # print("YAW: {}".format(yaw)) # print("RP RWD: {:.2f}".format(rp_reward)) # print("ROLL: {} \t PITCH: {}".format(obs[0], obs[1])) # penalty for nonzero acc(z) - UNRELIABLE ON IMU shake_reward = 0 # penalty for nonzero rate (x,y,z) rate_reward = -(abs(obs[2]) + abs(obs[3])) # print("RATES: {}".format(obs[2:5])) drift_reward = -abs(pos[1]) energy_reward = -np.abs(, * self._time_step reward = (self._distance_weight * forward_reward + self._rotation_weight * rot_reward + self._energy_weight * energy_reward + self._drift_weight * drift_reward + self._shake_weight * shake_reward + self._rp_weight * rp_reward + self._rate_weight * rate_reward) self._objectives.append( [forward_reward, energy_reward, drift_reward, shake_reward]) # print("REWARD: ", reward) # NOTE: return yaw for automatic correction (not part of RL) return reward
import numpy as np from spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra import TransToRp import copy STANCE = 0 SWING = 1 # Bezier Curves from: # Rotation Logic from: class BezierGait(): def __init__(self, dSref=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5], dt=0.01, Tswing=0.2): # Phase Lag Per Leg: FL, FR, BL, BR # Reference Leg is FL, always 0 self.dSref = dSref self.Prev_fxyz = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Number of control points is n + 1 = 11 + 1 = 12 self.NumControlPoints = 11 # Timestep self.dt = dt # Total Elapsed Time self.time = 0.0 # Touchdown Time self.TD_time = 0.0 # Time Since Last Touchdown self.time_since_last_TD = 0.0 # Trajectory Mode self.StanceSwing = SWING # Swing Phase value [0, 1] of Reference Foot self.SwRef = 0.0 self.Stref = 0.0 # Whether Reference Foot has Touched Down self.TD = False # Stance Time self.Tswing = Tswing # Reference Leg self.ref_idx = 0 # Store all leg phases self.Phases = self.dSref def reset(self): """Resets the parameters of the Bezier Gait Generator """ self.Prev_fxyz = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Total Elapsed Time self.time = 0.0 # Touchdown Time self.TD_time = 0.0 # Time Since Last Touchdown self.time_since_last_TD = 0.0 # Trajectory Mode self.StanceSwing = SWING # Swing Phase value [0, 1] of Reference Foot self.SwRef = 0.0 self.Stref = 0.0 # Whether Reference Foot has Touched Down self.TD = False def GetPhase(self, index, Tstance, Tswing): """Retrieves the phase of an individual leg. NOTE modification from original paper: if ti < -Tswing: ti += Tstride This is to avoid a phase discontinuity if the user selects a Step Length and Velocity combination that causes Tstance > Tswing. :param index: the leg's index, used to identify the required phase lag :param Tstance: the current user-specified stance period :param Tswing: the swing period (constant, class member) :return: Leg Phase, and StanceSwing (bool) to indicate whether leg is in stance or swing mode """ StanceSwing = STANCE Sw_phase = 0.0 Tstride = Tstance + Tswing ti = self.Get_ti(index, Tstride) # NOTE: PAPER WAS MISSING THIS LOGIC!! if ti < -Tswing: ti += Tstride # STANCE if ti >= 0.0 and ti <= Tstance: StanceSwing = STANCE if Tstance == 0.0: Stnphase = 0.0 else: Stnphase = ti / float(Tstance) if index == self.ref_idx: # print("STANCE REF: {}".format(Stnphase)) self.StanceSwing = StanceSwing return Stnphase, StanceSwing # SWING elif ti >= -Tswing and ti < 0.0: StanceSwing = SWING Sw_phase = (ti + Tswing) / Tswing elif ti > Tstance and ti <= Tstride: StanceSwing = SWING Sw_phase = (ti - Tstance) / Tswing # Touchdown at End of Swing if Sw_phase >= 1.0: Sw_phase = 1.0 if index == self.ref_idx: # print("SWING REF: {}".format(Sw_phase)) self.StanceSwing = StanceSwing self.SwRef = Sw_phase # REF Touchdown at End of Swing if self.SwRef >= 0.999: self.TD = True # else: # self.TD = False return Sw_phase, StanceSwing def Get_ti(self, index, Tstride): """Retrieves the time index for the individual leg :param index: the leg's index, used to identify the required phase lag :param Tstride: the total leg movement period (Tstance + Tswing) :return: the leg's time index """ # NOTE: for some reason python's having numerical issues w this # setting to 0 for ref leg by force if index == self.ref_idx: self.dSref[index] = 0.0 return self.time_since_last_TD - self.dSref[index] * Tstride def Increment(self, dt, Tstride): """Increments the Bezier gait generator's internal clock (self.time) :param dt: the time step phase lag :param Tstride: the total leg movement period (Tstance + Tswing) :return: the leg's time index """ self.CheckTouchDown() self.time_since_last_TD = self.time - self.TD_time if self.time_since_last_TD > Tstride: self.time_since_last_TD = Tstride elif self.time_since_last_TD < 0.0: self.time_since_last_TD = 0.0 # print("T STRIDE: {}".format(Tstride)) # Increment Time at the end in case TD just happened # So that we get time_since_last_TD = 0.0 self.time += dt # If Tstride = Tswing, Tstance = 0 # RESET ALL if Tstride < self.Tswing + dt: self.time = 0.0 self.time_since_last_TD = 0.0 self.TD_time = 0.0 self.SwRef = 0.0 def CheckTouchDown(self): """Checks whether a reference leg touchdown has occured, and whether this warrants resetting the touchdown time """ if self.SwRef >= 0.9 and self.TD: self.TD_time = self.time self.TD = False self.SwRef = 0.0 def BernSteinPoly(self, t, k, point): """Calculate the point on the Berinstein Polynomial based on phase (0->1), point number (0-11), and the value of the control point itself :param t: phase :param k: point number :param point: point value :return: Value through Bezier Curve """ return point * self.Binomial(k) * np.power(t, k) * np.power( 1 - t, self.NumControlPoints - k) def Binomial(self, k): """Solves the binomial theorem given a Bezier point number relative to the total number of Bezier points. :param k: Bezier point number :returns: Binomial solution """ return np.math.factorial(self.NumControlPoints) / ( np.math.factorial(k) * np.math.factorial(self.NumControlPoints - k)) def BezierSwing(self, phase, L, LateralFraction, clearance_height=0.04): """Calculates the step coordinates for the Bezier (swing) period :param phase: current trajectory phase :param L: step length :param LateralFraction: determines how lateral the movement is :param clearance_height: foot clearance height during swing phase :returns: X,Y,Z Foot Coordinates relative to unmodified body """ # Polar Leg Coords X_POLAR = np.cos(LateralFraction) Y_POLAR = np.sin(LateralFraction) # Bezier Curve Points (12 pts) # NOTE: L is HALF of STEP LENGTH # Forward Component STEP = np.array([ -L, # Ctrl Point 0, half of stride len -L * 1.4, # Ctrl Point 1 diff btwn 1 and 0 = x Lift vel -L * 1.5, # Ctrl Pts 2, 3, 4 are overlapped for -L * 1.5, # Direction change after -L * 1.5, # Follow Through 0.0, # Change acceleration during Protraction 0.0, # So we include three 0.0, # Overlapped Ctrl Pts: 5, 6, 7 L * 1.5, # Changing direction for swing-leg retraction L * 1.5, # requires double overlapped Ctrl Pts: 8, 9 L * 1.4, # Swing Leg Retraction Velocity = Ctrl 11 - 10 L ]) # Account for lateral movements by multiplying with polar coord. # LateralFraction switches leg movements from X over to Y+ or Y- # As it tends away from zero X = STEP * X_POLAR # Account for lateral movements by multiplying with polar coord. # LateralFraction switches leg movements from X over to Y+ or Y- # As it tends away from zero Y = STEP * Y_POLAR # Vertical Component Z = np.array([ 0.0, # Double Overlapped Ctrl Pts for zero Lift 0.0, # Veloicty wrt hip (Pts 0 and 1) clearance_height * 0.9, # Triple overlapped control for change in clearance_height * 0.9, # Force direction during transition from clearance_height * 0.9, # follow-through to protraction (2, 3, 4) clearance_height * 0.9, # Double Overlapped Ctrl Pts for Traj clearance_height * 0.9, # Dirctn Change during Protraction (5, 6) clearance_height * 1.1, # Maximum Clearance at mid Traj, Pt 7 clearance_height * 1.1, # Smooth Transition from Protraction clearance_height * 1.1, # To Retraction, Two Ctrl Pts (8, 9) 0.0, # Double Overlap Ctrl Pts for 0 Touchdown 0.0, # Veloicty wrt hip (Pts 10 and 11) ]) stepX = 0. stepY = 0. stepZ = 0. # Bernstein Polynomial sum over control points for i in range(len(X)): stepX += self.BernSteinPoly(phase, i, X[i]) stepY += self.BernSteinPoly(phase, i, Y[i]) stepZ += self.BernSteinPoly(phase, i, Z[i]) return stepX, stepY, stepZ def SineStance(self, phase, L, LateralFraction, penetration_depth=0.00): """Calculates the step coordinates for the Sinusoidal stance period :param phase: current trajectory phase :param L: step length :param LateralFraction: determines how lateral the movement is :param penetration_depth: foot penetration depth during stance phase :returns: X,Y,Z Foot Coordinates relative to unmodified body """ X_POLAR = np.cos(LateralFraction) Y_POLAR = np.sin(LateralFraction) # moves from +L to -L step = L * (1.0 - 2.0 * phase) stepX = step * X_POLAR stepY = step * Y_POLAR if L != 0.0: stepZ = -penetration_depth * np.cos( (np.pi * (stepX + stepY)) / (2.0 * L)) else: stepZ = 0.0 return stepX, stepY, stepZ def YawCircle(self, T_bf, index): """ Calculates the required rotation of the trajectory plane for yaw motion :param T_bf: default body-to-foot Vector :param index: the foot index in the container :returns: phi_arc, the plane rotation angle required for yaw motion """ # Foot Magnitude depending on leg type DefaultBodyToFoot_Magnitude = np.sqrt(T_bf[0]**2 + T_bf[1]**2) # Rotation Angle depending on leg type DefaultBodyToFoot_Direction = np.arctan2(T_bf[1], T_bf[0]) # Previous leg coordinates relative to default coordinates g_xyz = self.Prev_fxyz[index] - np.array([T_bf[0], T_bf[1], T_bf[2]]) # Modulate Magnitude to keep tracing circle g_mag = np.sqrt((g_xyz[0])**2 + (g_xyz[1])**2) th_mod = np.arctan2(g_mag, DefaultBodyToFoot_Magnitude) # Angle Traced by Foot for Rotation # FR and BL if index == 1 or index == 2: phi_arc = np.pi / 2.0 + DefaultBodyToFoot_Direction + th_mod # FL and BR else: phi_arc = np.pi / 2.0 - DefaultBodyToFoot_Direction + th_mod # print("INDEX {}: \t Angle: {}".format( # index, np.degrees(DefaultBodyToFoot_Direction))) return phi_arc def SwingStep(self, phase, L, LateralFraction, YawRate, clearance_height, T_bf, key, index): """Calculates the step coordinates for the Bezier (swing) period using a combination of forward and rotational step coordinates initially decomposed from user input of L, LateralFraction and YawRate :param phase: current trajectory phase :param L: step length :param LateralFraction: determines how lateral the movement is :param YawRate: the desired body yaw rate :param clearance_height: foot clearance height during swing phase :param T_bf: default body-to-foot Vector :param key: indicates which foot is being processed :param index: the foot index in the container :returns: Foot Coordinates relative to unmodified body """ # Yaw foot angle for tangent-to-circle motion phi_arc = self.YawCircle(T_bf, index) # Get Foot Coordinates for Forward Motion X_delta_lin, Y_delta_lin, Z_delta_lin = self.BezierSwing( phase, L, LateralFraction, clearance_height) X_delta_rot, Y_delta_rot, Z_delta_rot = self.BezierSwing( phase, YawRate, phi_arc, clearance_height) coord = np.array([ X_delta_lin + X_delta_rot, Y_delta_lin + Y_delta_rot, Z_delta_lin + Z_delta_rot ]) self.Prev_fxyz[index] = coord return coord def StanceStep(self, phase, L, LateralFraction, YawRate, penetration_depth, T_bf, key, index): """Calculates the step coordinates for the Sine (stance) period using a combination of forward and rotational step coordinates initially decomposed from user input of L, LateralFraction and YawRate :param phase: current trajectory phase :param L: step length :param LateralFraction: determines how lateral the movement is :param YawRate: the desired body yaw rate :param penetration_depth: foot penetration depth during stance phase :param T_bf: default body-to-foot Vector :param key: indicates which foot is being processed :param index: the foot index in the container :returns: Foot Coordinates relative to unmodified body """ # Yaw foot angle for tangent-to-circle motion phi_arc = self.YawCircle(T_bf, index) # Get Foot Coordinates for Forward Motion X_delta_lin, Y_delta_lin, Z_delta_lin = self.SineStance( phase, L, LateralFraction, penetration_depth) X_delta_rot, Y_delta_rot, Z_delta_rot = self.SineStance( phase, YawRate, phi_arc, penetration_depth) coord = np.array([ X_delta_lin + X_delta_rot, Y_delta_lin + Y_delta_rot, Z_delta_lin + Z_delta_rot ]) self.Prev_fxyz[index] = coord return coord def GetFootStep(self, L, LateralFraction, YawRate, clearance_height, penetration_depth, Tstance, T_bf, index, key): """Calculates the step coordinates in either the Bezier or Sine portion of the trajectory depending on the retrieved phase :param phase: current trajectory phase :param L: step length :param LateralFraction: determines how lateral the movement is :param YawRate: the desired body yaw rate :param clearance_height: foot clearance height during swing phase :param penetration_depth: foot penetration depth during stance phase :param Tstance: the current user-specified stance period :param T_bf: default body-to-foot Vector :param index: the foot index in the container :param key: indicates which foot is being processed :returns: Foot Coordinates relative to unmodified body """ phase, StanceSwing = self.GetPhase(index, Tstance, self.Tswing) if StanceSwing == SWING: stored_phase = phase + 1.0 else: stored_phase = phase # Just for keeping track self.Phases[index] = stored_phase # print("LEG: {} \t PHASE: {}".format(index, stored_phase)) if StanceSwing == STANCE: return self.StanceStep(phase, L, LateralFraction, YawRate, penetration_depth, T_bf, key, index) elif StanceSwing == SWING: return self.SwingStep(phase, L, LateralFraction, YawRate, clearance_height, T_bf, key, index) def GenerateTrajectory(self, L, LateralFraction, YawRate, vel, T_bf_, T_bf_curr, clearance_height=0.06, penetration_depth=0.01, contacts=[0, 0, 0, 0], dt=None): """Calculates the step coordinates for each foot :param L: step length :param LateralFraction: determines how lateral the movement is :param YawRate: the desired body yaw rate :param vel: the desired step velocity :param clearance_height: foot clearance height during swing phase :param penetration_depth: foot penetration depth during stance phase :param contacts: array containing 1 for contact and 0 otherwise :param dt: the time step :returns: Foot Coordinates relative to unmodified body """ # First, get Tstance from desired speed and stride length # NOTE: L is HALF of stride length if vel != 0.0: Tstance = 2.0 * abs(L) / abs(vel) else: Tstance = 0.0 L = 0.0 self.TD = False self.time = 0.0 self.time_since_last_TD = 0.0 # Then, get time since last Touchdown and increment time counter if dt is None: dt = self.dt YawRate *= dt # Catch infeasible timesteps if Tstance < dt: Tstance = 0.0 L = 0.0 self.TD = False self.time = 0.0 self.time_since_last_TD = 0.0 YawRate = 0.0 # NOTE: MUCH MORE STABLE WITH THIS elif Tstance > 1.3 * self.Tswing: Tstance = 1.3 * self.Tswing # Check contacts if contacts[0] == 1 and Tstance > dt: self.TD = True self.Increment(dt, Tstance + self.Tswing) T_bf = copy.deepcopy(T_bf_) for i, (key, Tbf_in) in enumerate(T_bf_.items()): # TODO: MAKE THIS MORE ELEGANT if key == "FL": self.ref_idx = i self.dSref[i] = 0.0 if key == "FR": self.dSref[i] = 0.5 if key == "BL": self.dSref[i] = 0.5 if key == "BR": self.dSref[i] = 0.0 _, p_bf = TransToRp(Tbf_in) if Tstance > 0.0: step_coord = self.GetFootStep(L, LateralFraction, YawRate, clearance_height, penetration_depth, Tstance, p_bf, i, key) else: step_coord = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) T_bf[key][0, 3] = Tbf_in[0, 3] + step_coord[0] T_bf[key][1, 3] = Tbf_in[1, 3] + step_coord[1] T_bf[key][2, 3] = Tbf_in[2, 3] + step_coord[2] return T_bf
site_name: Spot Mini Mini nav: - Home: index.rst - Simulation: simulation.rst - Reinforcement Learning: rl.rst theme: readthedocs
## Reinforcement Learning Environment We now have a [Reinforcement Learning Environment]( which uses Pybullet and OpenAI Gym! It contains a variety of optional terrains, which can be activated using **heightfield=True** in the environment class constructor. If you try to launch the vanilla gait on fairly difficult terrain, Spot will fall very quickly: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_rough_falls.gif) By training an Augmented Random Search agent, this can be overcome: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_rough_ARS.gif) If you are new to RL, I recommend you try a simpler example. Notice that if we choose non-ideal parameters for the generated gait, the robot drifts over time with a forward command: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_drift.gif) You should try to train a policy which outputs a yaw command to eliminate the robot's drift, like this: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_no_drift.gif) You can choose a PNG-generated terrain: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_png_terrain.png) Or, for more control, you can choose a programmatically generated heightfield: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_prog_terrain.png) Notice that when the simulation resets, the terrain changes. What you cannot see is that the robot's link masses and frictions also change under the hood for added training robustness: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot_random_terrain.gif) ### Quickstart Reinforcement Learning ``` pip3 install numpy pip3 install pybullet pip3 install gym cd spot_bullet/src ./ ``` **Optional Arguments** ``` -h, --help show this help message and exit -hf, --HeightField Use HeightField -r, --DebugRack Put Spot on an Elevated Rack -p, --DebugPath Draw Spot's Foot Path -a, --AgentNum Agent Number To Load ```
## Simulation This section contains information on the most up-to-date simulation solutions. ### Quickstart PyBullet I have deployed a 12-point Bezier Curve gait to make Spot walk: ![PyBullet](../spot_bullet/media/spot-mini-mini.gif) This example can be found in this [repository]( You can optionally use a Game Pad: ``` pip3 install numpy pip3 install pybullet pip3 install gym cd spot_bullet/src ./ ``` **Optional Arguments** ``` -h, --help show this help message and exit -hf, --HeightField Use HeightField -r, --DebugRack Put Spot on an Elevated Rack -p, --DebugPath Draw Spot's Foot Path -ay, --AutoYaw Automatically Adjust Spot's Yaw ``` If you decide to use a controller, you can achieve some fairly fluid motions! Changing Step Length: ![PyBullet](../mini_ros/media/steplen_mod.gif) Yaw in Place: ![PyBullet](../mini_ros/media/yaw_in_place.gif) ### Kinematics In this [repository](, there is a working IK solver for both Spot's legs and its body: ![IK](../spot_bullet/media/spot_rpy.gif)
Welcome to Spot Mini Mini's documentation! ========================================== Here is the documentation for the Spot Mini Mini Environment! Navigate to `SpotMicro <>`_ for an overview of all my classes and methods, or visit `The Spot Micro AI Website <>`_ for a quick tutorial! .. image:: ../spot_bullet/media/spot_rough_ARS.gif :width: 500px :align: center .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: source/modules simulation rl Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`
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spotmicro.util package ====================== Subpackages ----------- .. toctree:: spotmicro.util.pybullet_data Submodules ---------- spotmicro.util.action\_mapper module ------------------------------------ .. automodule:: spotmicro.util.action_mapper :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.util.bullet\_client module ------------------------------------ .. automodule:: spotmicro.util.bullet_client :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.util.gui module ------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.util.gui :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.util :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
spotmicro package ================= Subpackages ----------- .. toctree:: spotmicro.GaitGenerator spotmicro.GymEnvs spotmicro.Kinematics spotmicro.OpenLoopSM spotmicro.util Submodules ---------- spotmicro.env\_randomizer\_base module -------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.env_randomizer_base :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.heightfield module ---------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.heightfield :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.motor module ---------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.motor :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: module --------------------- .. automodule:: :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:\_env\_randomizer module -------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.spot_env_randomizer :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:\_gym\_env module ------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.spot_gym_env :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
spotmicro.GaitGenerator package =============================== Submodules ---------- spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier module ------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Bezier :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Raibert module -------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.GaitGenerator.Raibert :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.GaitGenerator :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
main ==== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 spotmicro
spotmicro.util.pybullet\_data package ===================================== Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.util.pybullet_data :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
spotmicro.GymEnvs package ========================= Submodules ----------\_bezier\_env module ------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: spotmicro.GymEnvs.spot_bezier_env :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.GymEnvs :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
spotmicro.Kinematics package ============================ Submodules ---------- spotmicro.Kinematics.LegKinematics module ----------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.Kinematics.LegKinematics :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra module -------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.Kinematics.LieAlgebra :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics module ------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: spotmicro.Kinematics.SpotKinematics :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.Kinematics :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
spotmicro.OpenLoopSM package ============================ Submodules ---------- spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL module ---------------------------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.OpenLoopSM.SpotOL :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: spotmicro.OpenLoopSM :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
# spotmicro_description A minimal and revamped version of [SpotMicroAI]( description file pulled from its [Gitlab]( repository. The meshes' path have been modified so the models can be located using its package name. ## Quick Start You can view the model by running: roslaunch spotmicro_description view_urdf.launch ## Testing You can modify the Xacro description and see the changes in the UDF file with this command: rosrun xacro xacro spotmicroai.urdf.xacro > spotmicroai.urdf
Stochastic Robotics Lab
# Stochlite Description files
# ANYmal C Robot Description (URDF) ## Overview This package contains a simplified robot description (URDF) of the [ANYmal C robot]( developed by [ANYbotics]( The extended ANYmal C robot description, simulation, and control software is available exclusively to members of the [ANYmal Research community]( For more information and membership applications, contact [email protected]. **Author & Maintainer: Linus Isler, [ANYbotics](** [![ANYmal C Robot Description](doc/anymal_c_rviz.png)](doc/anymal_c_rviz.png) ## License This software is released under a [BSD 3-Clause license](LICENSE). ## Usage Load the ANYmal description to the ROS parameter server: roslaunch anymal_c_simple_description load.launch To visualize and debug the robot description, start the standalone visualization (note that you have to provide the following additional dependencies: `joint_state_publisher`, `robot_state_publisher`, `rviz`): roslaunch anymal_c_simple_description standalone.launch ### Launch files * **`load.launch`:** Loads the URDF to the parameter server. Meant to be included in higher level launch files. * **`standalone.launch`:** A standalone launch file that starts RViz and a joint state publisher to debug the description.
# ANYmal B Robot Description (URDF) ## Overview This package contains a simplified robot description (URDF) of the [ANYmal B anymalal robot]( developed by [ANYbotics]( The extended ANYmal B robot description, simulation, and control software is available exclusively to members of the [ANYmal Research community]( For more information and membership applications, contact [email protected]. **Author & Maintainer: Linus Isler, [ANYbotics](** [![ANYmal B Robot Description](doc/anymal_b_rviz.png)](doc/anymal_b_rviz.png) ## License This software is released under a [BSD 3-Clause license](LICENSE). ## Publications If you use this work in an academic context, please cite the following publications: > M. Hutter, C. Gehring, A. Lauber, F. Gunther, C. D. Bellicoso, V. Tsounis, P. Fankhauser, R. Diethelm, S. Bachmann, M. Bloesch, H. Kolvenbach, M. Bjelonic, L. Isler and K. Meyer > **"ANYmal - toward legged robots for harsh environments“**, > in Advanced Robotics, 31.17, 2017. ([DOI]( @article{anymal2017, title={ANYmal-toward legged robots for harsh environments}, author={Hutter, Marco and Gehring, Christian and Lauber, Andreas and Gunther, Fabian and Bellicoso, Carmine Dario and Tsounis, Vassilios and Fankhauser, P{\'e}ter and Diethelm, Remo and Bachmann, Samuel and Bl{\"o}sch, Michael and Kolvenbach, Hendrik and Bjelonic, Marko and Isler, Linus and Meyer, Konrad}, journal={Advanced Robotics}, volume={31}, number={17}, pages={918--931}, year={2017}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis} } > ANYbotics, > **"ANYmal – Autonomous Legged Robot“**, > []( (accessed: 01.01.2019) @misc{anymal, author = {ANYbotics}, title = {{ANYmal - Autonomous Legged Robot}}, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed: 2019-01-01} } ## Usage Load the ANYmal description to the ROS parameter server: roslaunch anymal_b_simple_description load.launch To visualize and debug the robot description, start the standalone visualization (note that you have to provide the following additional dependencies: `joint_state_publisher`, `robot_state_publisher`, `rviz`): roslaunch anymal_b_simple_description standalone.launch ### Launch files * **`load.launch`:** Loads the URDF to the parameter server. Meant to be included in higher level launch files. * **`standalone.launch`:** A standalone launch file that starts RViz and a joint state publisher to debug the description.
# mini-cheetah-gazebo-urdf An urdf description file of a quadruped robot modeled on mini cheetah. With this you can import the robot into the gazebo environment to realize the control of the robot. Ubuntu 16.04(ROS Kinetic) gazebo 8.6 Step: cd <your_ws>/src git clone cd .. catkin_make source devel/setup.bash 1.If you want to browse the robot model roslaunch yobo_gazebo demo.launch 2.You can ues the teleop to control the robot This model was used in champ and achieved good results. the champ program if you use champ_setup_assistant: you should choose the yobotics.urdf
#! /usr/bin/env python ''' Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Juan Miguel Jimeno All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import rospy from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Quaternion from yobotics_msgs.msg import Pose import tf class SimPose: def __init__(self): rospy.Subscriber("odom/ground_truth", Odometry, self.odometry_callback) self.sim_pose_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/yobotics/gazebo/pose", Pose, queue_size=50) def odometry_callback(self, data): sim_pose_msg = Pose() sim_pose_msg.roll = data.pose.pose.orientation.x sim_pose_msg.pitch = data.pose.pose.orientation.y sim_pose_msg.yaw = data.pose.pose.orientation.z self.sim_pose_publisher.publish(sim_pose_msg) if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("yobotics_gazebo_sim_pose", anonymous = True) odom = SimPose() rospy.spin()
#! /usr/bin/env python ''' Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Juan Miguel Jimeno All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import rospy from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Quaternion import tf class Odom: def __init__(self): rospy.Subscriber("odom/raw", Odometry, self.odometry_callback) self.odom_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() def odometry_callback(self, data): self.current_linear_speed_x = data.twist.twist.linear.x self.current_angular_speed_z = data.twist.twist.angular.z current_time = odom_quat = ( data.pose.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.pose.orientation.y, data.pose.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.pose.orientation.w ) self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform( (data.pose.pose.position.x, data.pose.pose.position.y, 0), odom_quat, current_time, "base_footprint", "odom" ) if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("yobotics_gazebo_odometry_transform", anonymous = True) odom = Odom() rospy.spin()
#! /usr/bin/env python ''' Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Juan Miguel Jimeno All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' import rospy from yobotics_msgs.msg import Contacts from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Quaternion, Pose, Twist, Vector3 import tf from tf import TransformListener from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion, quaternion_from_euler from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry import math class yoboticsOdometry: def __init__(self): rospy.Subscriber("/yobotics/gazebo/contacts", Contacts, self.contacts_callback) self.odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher("odom/raw", Odometry, queue_size=50) self.odom_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() = TransformListener() self.foot_links = [ "lf_foot_link", "rf_foot_link", "lh_foot_link", "rh_foot_link" ] self.nominal_foot_positions = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] self.prev_foot_positions = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] self.prev_theta = [0,0,0,0] self.prev_stance_angles = [0,0,0,0] self.prev_time = 0 self.pos_x = 0 self.pos_y = 0 self.theta = 0 self.publish_odom_tf(0,0,0,0) rospy.sleep(1) for i in range(4): self.nominal_foot_positions[i] = self.get_foot_position(i) self.prev_foot_positions[i] = self.nominal_foot_positions[i] self.prev_theta[i] = math.atan2(self.prev_foot_positions[i][1], self.prev_foot_positions[i][0]) def publish_odom(self, x, y, z, theta, vx, vy, vth): current_time = odom = Odometry() odom.header.stamp = current_time odom.header.frame_id = "odom" odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta) odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(x, y, z), Quaternion(*odom_quat)) odom.child_frame_id = "base_footprint" odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(vx, vy, 0), Vector3(0, 0, vth)) # publish the message self.odom_publisher.publish(odom) def publish_odom_tf(self, x, y, z, theta): current_time = odom_quat = quaternion_from_euler (0, 0, theta) self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform( (x, y, z), odom_quat, current_time, "base_footprint", "odom" ) def get_foot_position(self, leg_id): if"base_link" and self.foot_links[leg_id]) : t ="base_link", self.foot_links[leg_id]) position, quaternion ="base_link", self.foot_links[leg_id], t) return position else: return 0, 0, 0 def contacts_callback(self, data): self.leg_contact_states = data.contacts def is_almost_equal(self, a, b, max_rel_diff): diff = abs(a - b) a = abs(a) b = abs(b) largest = 0 if b > a: largest = b else: larget = a if diff <= (largest * max_rel_diff): return True return False def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): leg_contact_states = self.leg_contact_states current_foot_position = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] stance_angles = [0, 0, 0, 0] current_theta = [0, 0, 0, 0] delta_theta = 0 in_xy = False total_contact = sum(leg_contact_states) x_sum = 0 y_sum = 0 theta_sum = 0 for i in range(4): current_foot_position[i] = self.get_foot_position(i) for i in range(4): current_theta[i] = math.atan2(current_foot_position[i][1], current_foot_position[i][0]) from_nominal_x = self.nominal_foot_positions[i][0] - current_foot_position[i][0] from_nominal_y = self.nominal_foot_positions[i][1] - current_foot_position[i][1] stance_angles[i] = math.atan2(from_nominal_y, from_nominal_x) # print stance_angles #check if it's moving in the x or y axis if self.is_almost_equal(stance_angles[i], abs(1.5708), 0.001) or self.is_almost_equal(stance_angles[i], abs(3.1416), 0.001): in_xy = True if current_foot_position[i] != None and leg_contact_states[i] == True and total_contact == 2: delta_x = (self.prev_foot_positions[i][0] - current_foot_position[i][0]) / 2 delta_y = (self.prev_foot_positions[i][1] - current_foot_position[i][1]) / 2 x = delta_x * math.cos(self.theta) - delta_y * math.sin(self.theta) y = delta_x * math.sin(self.theta) + delta_y * math.cos(self.theta) x_sum += delta_x y_sum += delta_y self.pos_x += x self.pos_y += y if not in_xy: delta_theta = self.prev_theta[i] - current_theta[i] theta_sum += delta_theta self.theta += delta_theta / 2 now = dt = now - self.prev_time vx = x_sum / dt vy = y_sum / dt vth = theta_sum / dt self.publish_odom(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, 0, self.theta, vx, vy, vth) # self.publish_odom_tf(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, 0, self.theta) self.prev_foot_positions = current_foot_position self.prev_theta = current_theta self.prev_stance_angles = stance_angles self.prev_time = now rospy.sleep(0.01) if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("yobotics_gazebo_odometry", anonymous = True) odom = yoboticsOdometry()
"": joint_states_controller: type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController publish_rate: 30 joint_group_position_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController joints: - FL_hip_joint - FL_thigh_joint - FL_calf_joint - FR_hip_joint - FR_thigh_joint - FR_calf_joint - RL_hip_joint - RL_thigh_joint - RL_calf_joint - RR_hip_joint - RR_thigh_joint - RR_calf_joint gains: FL_hip_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} FL_thigh_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} FL_calf_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} FR_hip_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} FR_thigh_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} FR_calf_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} RL_hip_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} RL_thigh_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} RL_calf_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} RR_hip_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} RR_thigh_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20} RR_calf_joint : {p: 180, d: 0.9, i: 20}
#!/usr/bin/env python #credits to: from __future__ import print_function import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('yobotics_teleop') import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from yobotics_msgs.msg import Pose import sys, select, termios, tty import numpy as np class Teleop: def __init__(self): self.velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size = 1) self.pose_publisher = rospy.Publisher('cmd_pose', Pose, queue_size = 1) self.joy_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, self.joy_callback) self.speed = rospy.get_param("~speed", 0.3) self.turn = rospy.get_param("~turn", 1.0) self.msg = """ Reading from the keyboard and Publishing to Twist! --------------------------- Moving around: u i o j k l m , . For Holonomic mode (strafing), hold down the shift key: --------------------------- U I O J K L M < > t : up (+z) b : down (-z) anything else : stop q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10% w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10% e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10% CTRL-C to quit """ self.velocityBindings = { 'i':(1,0,0,0), 'o':(1,0,0,-1), 'j':(0,0,0,1), 'l':(0,0,0,-1), 'u':(1,0,0,1), ',':(-1,0,0,0), '.':(-1,0,0,1), 'm':(-1,0,0,-1), 'O':(1,-1,0,0), 'I':(1,0,0,0), 'J':(0,1,0,0), 'L':(0,-1,0,0), 'U':(1,1,0,0), '<':(-1,0,0,0), '>':(-1,-1,0,0), 'M':(-1,1,0,0), 'v':(0,0,1,0), 'n':(0,0,-1,0), } self.poseBindings = { 'f':(-1,0,0,0), 'h':(1,0,0,0), 't':(0,1,0,0), 'b':(0,-1,0,0), 'r':(0,0,1,0), 'y':(0,0,-1,0), } self.speedBindings={ 'q':(1.1,1.1), 'z':(.9,.9), 'w':(1.1,1), 'x':(.9,1), 'e':(1,1.1), 'c':(1,.9), } self.poll_keys() def joy_callback(self, data): twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = data.axes[7] * self.speed twist.linear.y = data.buttons[4] * data.axes[6] * self.speed twist.linear.z = 0 twist.angular.x = 0 twist.angular.y = 0 twist.angular.z = (not data.buttons[4]) * data.axes[6] * self.turn self.velocity_publisher.publish(twist) body_pose = Pose() body_pose.x = 0 body_pose.y = 0 body_pose.roll = (not data.buttons[5]) *-data.axes[3] * 0.349066 body_pose.pitch = data.axes[4] * 0.261799 body_pose.yaw = data.buttons[5] * data.axes[3] * 0.436332 if data.axes[5] < 0: body_pose.z =[5], 0, -1.0, 1, 0.00001) else: body_pose.z = 1.0 self.pose_publisher.publish(body_pose) def poll_keys(self): self.settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 th = 0 roll = 0 pitch = 0 yaw = 0 status = 0 cmd_attempts = 0 try: print(self.msg) print(self.vels( self.speed, self.turn)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): key = self.getKey() if key in self.velocityBindings.keys(): x = self.velocityBindings[key][0] y = self.velocityBindings[key][1] z = self.velocityBindings[key][2] th = self.velocityBindings[key][3] if cmd_attempts > 1: twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = x *self.speed twist.linear.y = y * self.speed twist.linear.z = z * self.speed twist.angular.x = 0 twist.angular.y = 0 twist.angular.z = th * self.turn self.velocity_publisher.publish(twist) cmd_attempts += 1 elif key in self.poseBindings.keys(): #TODO: changes these values as rosparam roll += 0.0174533 * self.poseBindings[key][0] pitch += 0.0174533 * self.poseBindings[key][1] yaw += 0.0174533 * self.poseBindings[key][2] roll = np.clip(roll, -0.523599, 0.523599) pitch = np.clip(pitch, -0.349066, 0.349066) yaw = np.clip(yaw, -0.436332, 0.436332) if cmd_attempts > 1: body_pose = Pose() body_pose.x = 0 body_pose.y = 0 body_pose.z = 0 body_pose.roll = roll body_pose.pitch = pitch body_pose.yaw = yaw self.pose_publisher.publish(body_pose) cmd_attempts += 1 elif key in self.speedBindings.keys(): self.speed = self.speed * self.speedBindings[key][0] self.turn = self.turn * self.speedBindings[key][1] print(self.vels(self.speed, self.turn)) if (status == 14): print(self.msg) status = (status + 1) % 15 else: cmd_attempts = 0 if (key == '\x03'): break except Exception as e: print(e) finally: twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = 0 twist.linear.y = 0 twist.linear.z = 0 twist.angular.x = 0 twist.angular.y = 0 twist.angular.z = 0 self.velocity_publisher.publish(twist) termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.settings) def getKey(self): tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) rlist, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1) if rlist: key = else: key = '' termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.settings) return key def vels(self, speed, turn): return "currently:\tspeed %s\tturn %s " % (speed,turn) def map(self, x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max): return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node('yobotics_teleop') teleop = Teleop()
# yobotics_teleop yobotics Quadruped Robot's teleoperation node. This is a forked version of [teleop_twist_keyboard]( The software has been modified to control the robot's whole-body pose (roll, pitch, yaw).
<package format="2"> <name>dream_walker</name> <version>1.0.0</version> <description> <p>URDF Description package for dream_walker</p> <p>This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files for dream_walker robot</p> </description> <author>SHOMA</author> <maintainer email="[email protected]" /> <license>BSD</license> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> <depend>roslaunch</depend> <depend>robot_state_publisher</depend> <depend>rviz</depend> <depend>joint_state_publisher</depend> <depend>gazebo</depend> <export> <architecture_independent /> </export> </package>
# DreamWalker Project ***Develop a quadruped robot like Spot Mini*** ![image3]( "DreanWalker") # DEMO **gazebo** ![Screenshot from 2020-04-21 23-02-17]( "gazebo") **Rviz** ![Screenshot from 2020-04-21 22-57-04]( "Rviz") # Features This robot will be developed using a BLDC actuator optimized for a quadruped robot. Gait control is performed using general kinematics control, and stability is guaranteed by dynamics control. At this stage, the simulation environment is ready. # Environment OS:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS CPU:Intel® Core™ i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz × 8 GPU:Intel® Iris(R) Plus Graphics (Ice Lake 8x8 GT2) ROS:Melodic # Usage ```bash source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash (source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh) cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make roslaunch dream_walker gazebo.launch roslaunch dream_walker display.launch model:=dream_walker.urdf ``` # Note **Change Fixed Frame of Global Options from map to dummy. (Default is map)** ![Screenshot from 2020-04-21 22-58-47]( "note")   # Author * Shoma Uehara * TRUST SMITH & COMPANY * [email protected] ![Screenshot from 2020-04-21 22-58-47]( Change Fixed Frame of Global Options from map to dummy. (Default is map) # Author * Shoma Uehara * TRUST SMITH & COMPANY * [email protected] # License "dream_walker" is under [MIT license](
controller_joint_names: ['', 'A1_joint', 'A2_joint', 'A3_joint', 'B1_joint', 'B2_joint', 'B3_joint', 'C1_joint', 'C2_joint', 'C3_joint', 'D1_joint', 'D2_joint', 'D3_joint', ]
Has robots from Ghost Robotics: vision60 spirit minitaur
# kodlab_gazebo ROS package for the simulation of robotic platforms using Gazebo Maintainer: Vasileios Vasilopoulos (<[email protected]>) ## General notes 1. This ROS package can be used in conjunction with the Ghost Robotics SDK artifacts, which are independently distributed by Ghost Robotics. 2. At this point, there is no open source Vision60 control example in the SDK, but once released the following procedure should be identical. For now, you can just launch the Vision60 simulation as explained below. 3. The simulation depends a lot on friction parameters. These parameters can be configured in the URDF xacro files ([minitaur_gazebo.urdf.xacro](minitaur_description/urdf/minitaur_gazebo.urdf.xacro), [vision60_gazebo.urdf.xacro](vision60_description/urdf/vision60_gazebo.urdf.xacro) and [spirit_gazebo.urdf.xacro](spirit_description/urdf/spirit_gazebo.urdf.xacro)). ## Running the simulation 1. For the package to work properly, make sure you have installed the following packages: ``` $ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-controller-manager ros-melodic-joint-state-controller ros-melodic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-melodic-gazebo-ros-control ros-melodic-effort-controllers python-catkin-tools ``` 2. For some illustrations, we also use the package [3DGEMS]( Download all the subfolders mentioned on the package website and put them in a separate folder. 3. Copy the package to your ROS workspace folder ``` $ cp -r <artifacts_location>/thirdparty/kodlab_gazebo <catkin_ws_location>/src ``` 4. The following line needs to be added in `~/.bashrc` to allow for proper Gazebo model detection ``` export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}:<catkin_ws_location>/src/kodlab_gazebo/minitaur_description/sdf:<catkin_ws_location>/src/kodlab_gazebo/minitaur_description:<catkin_ws_location>/src/kodlab_gazebo/vision60_description:<catkin_ws_location>/src/kodlab_gazebo/spirit_description ``` 5. Also, the following line needs to be added in `~/.bashrc` to allow for proper use of [3DGEMS]( ``` export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}:<3dgems_models_location>/decoration:<3dgems_models_location>/earthquake:<3dgems_models_location>/electronics:<3dgems_models_location>/food:<3dgems_models_location>/furniture:<3dgems_models_location>/kitchen:<3dgems_models_location>/miscellaneous:<3dgems_models_location>/shapes:<3dgems_models_location>/stationery:<3dgems_models_location>/tools ``` 6. Configure [](gazebo_scripts/worlds/ (or any other [world](gazebo_scripts/worlds) file) to include anything you want to show up in your simulation. In this file, you can also configure `max_step_size` and `real_time_update_rate` for the simulation. Usually a `max_step_size` of 0.0005 works for Minitaur. Vision needs a smaller value for contact forces (0.00005 should be enough). Currently, `real_time_update_rate` is configured to 2000Hz. 7. Build all the packages ``` $ cd <catkin_ws_location> $ catkin build ``` 8. To launch the simulation, build the package and run: ``` $ roslaunch gazebo_scripts minitaur_gazebo.launch ``` for standalone Minitaur, or ``` $ roslaunch gazebo_scripts minitaur_sensor_gazebo.launch ``` for Minitaur equipped with a sensor head, or ``` $ roslaunch gazebo_scripts vision60_gazebo.launch ``` for Vision60, or ``` $ roslaunch gazebo_scripts spirit_gazebo.launch ``` for Spirit. 9. (Optional) If you want to control the robot using the Ghost SDK, compile and run the corresponding Ghost Robotics SDK script. For this, please use the [Makefile example](extras/Makefile) provided here (the format might change in the future). The simulation exposes 3 ROS topics for control: `/behaviorId`, `/behaviorMode` and `/twist`, and several others for checking the robot state: `/<robot_name>/state/imu`, `/<robot_name>/state/batteryState`, `/<robot_name>/state/behaviorId`, `/<robot_name>/state/behaviorMode`, `/<robot_name>/state/joint`, `/<robot_name>/state/pose`. As an example following the Ghost Robotics SDK FirstHop example for Minitaur, the overall process should look like that: ``` $ mv <artifacts_location>/examples/FirstHop/Makefile <artifacts_location>/examples/FirstHop/Makefile.bk $ cp <artifacts_location>/thirdparty/kodlab_gazebo/extras/Makefile <artifacts_location>/examples/FirstHop/Makefile $ cd <artifacts_location>/examples/FirstHop $ make $ ./FirstHop_MINITAUR_E ``` ## Converting Minitaur's URDF to SDF The most important requirement to setup the simulation is to properly convert the Minitaur's URDF file to an SDF file. We have a URDF xacro file ([minitaur_gazebo.urdf.xacro](minitaur_description/urdf/minitaur_gazebo.urdf.xacro)) in the [urdf folder](minitaur_description/urdf) and properly converted URDF and SDF files (see [minitaur_constrained.sdf](minitaur_description/sdf/minitaur_constrained/minitaur_constrained.sdf)). If you need to modify any of the above, please run the following commands to convert the xacro file to URDF ```bash $ python minitaur_gazebo.urdf.xacro > minitaur_gazebo.urdf ``` and subsequently to SDF using ```bash $ gz sdf -p minitaur_gazebo.urdf > minitaur_gazebo.sdf ``` However, you also need to do the following after the conversion: 1. Make sure to add the lines below to the end of the SDF file (before the model termination). These lines realize the 5-bar mechanism constraint for each leg (hence the name `constrained`). ``` <joint name='constraint_back_left' type='revolute'> <parent>lower_leg_back_leftL_link</parent> <child>lower_leg_back_leftR_link</child> <pose frame=''>0 0 0.19 0 -0 0</pose> <axis> <xyz>0 1 0</xyz> <use_parent_model_frame>0</use_parent_model_frame> <limit> <lower>-1.79769e+308</lower> <upper>1.79769e+308</upper> <effort>-1</effort> <velocity>-1</velocity> </limit> <dynamics> <spring_reference>0</spring_reference> <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness> <damping>0</damping> </dynamics> </axis> <physics> <ode> <limit> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </limit> <suspension> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </suspension> </ode> </physics> </joint> <joint name='constraint_back_right' type='revolute'> <parent>lower_leg_back_rightR_link</parent> <child>lower_leg_back_rightL_link</child> <pose frame=''>0 0 0.19 0 -0 0</pose> <axis> <xyz>-0 -1 -0</xyz> <use_parent_model_frame>0</use_parent_model_frame> <limit> <lower>-1.79769e+308</lower> <upper>1.79769e+308</upper> <effort>-1</effort> <velocity>-1</velocity> </limit> <dynamics> <spring_reference>0</spring_reference> <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness> <damping>0</damping> </dynamics> </axis> <physics> <ode> <limit> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </limit> <suspension> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </suspension> </ode> </physics> </joint> <joint name='constraint_front_left' type='revolute'> <parent>lower_leg_front_leftL_link</parent> <child>lower_leg_front_leftR_link</child> <pose frame=''>0 0 0.19 0 -0 0</pose> <axis> <xyz>0 1 0</xyz> <use_parent_model_frame>0</use_parent_model_frame> <limit> <lower>-1.79769e+308</lower> <upper>1.79769e+308</upper> <effort>-1</effort> <velocity>-1</velocity> </limit> <dynamics> <spring_reference>0</spring_reference> <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness> <damping>0</damping> </dynamics> </axis> <physics> <ode> <limit> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </limit> <suspension> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </suspension> </ode> </physics> </joint> <joint name='constraint_front_right' type='revolute'> <parent>lower_leg_front_rightR_link</parent> <child>lower_leg_front_rightL_link</child> <pose frame=''>0 0 0.19 0 -0 0</pose> <axis> <xyz>-0 -1 -0</xyz> <use_parent_model_frame>0</use_parent_model_frame> <limit> <lower>-1.79769e+308</lower> <upper>1.79769e+308</upper> <effort>-1</effort> <velocity>-1</velocity> </limit> <dynamics> <spring_reference>0</spring_reference> <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness> <damping>0</damping> </dynamics> </axis> <physics> <ode> <limit> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </limit> <suspension> <cfm>0</cfm> <erp>0.2</erp> </suspension> </ode> </physics> </joint> ``` 2. For each leg, rename all the toe collision descriptions to match the corresponding toe (e.g., for the front left leg, rename `lower_leg_front_leftL_link_fixed_joint_lump__toe0_collision_1` to `toe0_collision`), and also add the following lines immediately below this collision tag (change `0` to match each toe): ``` <sensor name="toe0_contact" type="contact"> <plugin name="toe0_plugin" filename=""/> <contact> <collision>toe0_collision</collision> </contact> </sensor> ``` 3. To help Minitaur with turning, you need to make joints '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14' and '15' universal, to match the following format example. Make sure that the sign of 1 in `<xyz>` for both axes is positive for joints '9', '11', '13' and '15' (and with limits -2.091 and 1.049) and negative for '8', '10', '12' and '14' (and with limits -1.049 and 2.091). ``` <joint name='9' type='universal'> <child>lower_leg_front_leftR_link</child> <parent>motor_front_leftR_link</parent> <axis> <xyz>-0 1 -0</xyz> <limit> <lower>-2.091</lower> <upper>1.049</upper> </limit> <dynamics> <spring_reference>0</spring_reference> <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness> </dynamics> <use_parent_model_frame>1</use_parent_model_frame> </axis> <axis2> <xyz>1 0 0</xyz> <limit> <lower>-0.02</lower> <upper>0.02</upper> </limit> <dynamics> <spring_reference>0</spring_reference> <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness> </dynamics> <use_parent_model_frame>1</use_parent_model_frame> </axis2> </joint> ``` 4. Make sure to move the SDF file to the [minitaur_constrained folder](minitaur_description/sdf/minitaur_constrained) and rename it from `minitaur_gazebo.sdf` to `minitaur_constrained.sdf`. 5. Rename the model name in [minitaur_constrained.sdf](minitaur_description/sdf/minitaur_constrained/minitaur_constrained.sdf) to `minitaur_constrained`. Do the same thing for the namespace in ``. ## Minitaur with sensor head We have included an SDF file describing Minitaur equipped with a sensor head on top (see [minitaur_sensor.sdf](minitaur_description/sdf/minitaur_sensor/minitaur_sensor.sdf)). If you modify any of the xacro files describing Minitaur or want to generate this SDF file on your own, follow the steps above to generate [minitaur_constrained.sdf](minitaur_description/sdf/minitaur_constrained/minitaur_constrained.sdf) first. Then: 1. Copy the SDF file to the [minitaur_sensor folder](minitaur_description/sdf/minitaur_sensor) and rename it from `minitaur_constrained.sdf` to `minitaur_sensor.sdf`. 2. To add the sensor head, include the following lines at the end of the SDF file (before the model termination): ``` <include> <uri>model://sensor_head</uri> <pose>0 0 0.04 0 0 0</pose> </include> <joint name="sensor_head_joint" type="fixed"> <child>sensor_head::base</child> <parent>base_chassis_link_dummy</parent> </joint> ``` The sensor head description is included in [sensor_head.sdf](minitaur_description/sdf/sensor_head/sensor_head.sdf) and you are free to modify it as needed. **NOTE**: For the LIDAR you can set the sensor type to either `gpu_ray` or `ray` depending on whether GPU acceleration is available or not. The corresponding plugin filenames to use are `` and ``. ## Converting Vision60's URDF to SDF This process is more straightforward and we have already included properly converted URDF and SDF files. We have a URDF xacro file ([vision60_gazebo.urdf.xacro](vision60_description/urdf/vision60_gazebo.urdf.xacro)) in the urdf folder that can be converted to URDF with ```bash $ python vision60_gazebo.urdf.xacro > vision60_gazebo.urdf ``` and subsequently to SDF using ```bash $ gz sdf -p vision60_gazebo.urdf > ../sdf/vision60.sdf ``` After the conversion: 1. For each leg, rename all the toe collision descriptions to match the corresponding toe (use `toe0_collision`, `toe1_collision` as in the Minitaur SDF), and also add the following lines immediately below this collision tag (change `0` to match each toe): ``` <sensor name="toe0_contact" type="contact"> <plugin name="toe0_plugin" filename=""/> <contact> <collision>toe0_collision</collision> </contact> </sensor> ``` 2. Make sure to move the SDF file to the [vision60 SDF folder](vision60_description/sdf) and rename it to vision60.sdf. ## Converting Spirit's URDF to SDF We have a URDF xacro file ([spirit_gazebo.urdf.xacro](spirit_description/urdf/spirit_gazebo.urdf.xacro)) in the urdf folder that can be converted to URDF with ```bash $ python spirit_gazebo.urdf.xacro > spirit_gazebo.urdf ``` and subsequently to SDF using ```bash $ gz sdf -p spirit_gazebo.urdf > ../sdf/spirit.sdf ``` After the conversion: 1. For each leg, rename all the toe collision descriptions to match the corresponding toe (use `toe0_collision`, `toe1_collision` as in the Minitaur SDF), and also add the following lines immediately below this collision tag (change `0` to match each toe): ``` <sensor name="toe0_contact" type="contact"> <plugin name="toe0_plugin" filename=""/> <contact> <collision>toe0_collision</collision> </contact> </sensor> ``` 2. Make sure to move the SDF file to the [spirit SDF folder](spirit_description/sdf) and rename it to spirit.sdf. ## Other Except for the robots, we also include other useful descriptions of objects for autonomous tasks. ### AprilTags We have included the Gazebo model descriptions of some members of the 36h11 [AprilTag]( family. Make sure to add the descriptions to your `GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH` by adding the following line to your `~/.bashrc` file: ``` export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:<catkin_ws_location>/src/kodlab_gazebo/other/apriltags_description ``` If you want to generate your own descriptions, you can download pre-generated tags [here]( Those tags (`.png` images) are quite small, so you might need to enlarge them (we suggest [gimp]( - make sure to scale the images with `None` as the interpolation method). The package we used for the automated SDF model generation can be found [here]( The size of the generated tags (including the white margin) was set to 85mm. The dimension ratio between the tag's black square and the outside box (that includes the white margin) is approximately 0.8; this can be used to appropriately scale your tags.
/** MIT License (modified) Copyright (c) 2018 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Authors: Vasileios Vasilopoulos <[email protected]> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this **file** (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <map> #include <string> #include "odom_publisher.h" // Model callback void modelCallback(const gazebo_msgs::LinkStates::ConstPtr& msg) { int des_index = 0; // Determine the index of the robot from all the models included if (robot_name == "minitaur") { for (int j=0 ; j<msg->name.size() ; j++) { if (msg->name[j] == "minitaur_constrained::base_chassis_link_dummy") { des_index = j; } } } else if (robot_name == "vision60") { for (int j=0 ; j<msg->name.size() ; j++) { if (msg->name[j] == "vision60::body") { des_index = j; } } } // Find orientation and position of robot in the global frame tf::Quaternion robot_to_global_orientation_quaternion = tf::Quaternion(msg->pose[des_index].orientation.x, msg->pose[des_index].orientation.y, msg->pose[des_index].orientation.z, msg->pose[des_index].orientation.w); tf::Matrix3x3 robot_to_global_orientation = tf::Matrix3x3(robot_to_global_orientation_quaternion); tf::Vector3 robot_to_global_position = tf::Vector3(msg->pose[des_index].position.x, msg->pose[des_index].position.y, msg->pose[des_index].position.z); // Find robot pose in the global frame tf::Pose robot_to_global = tf::Pose(robot_to_global_orientation, robot_to_global_position); // Find orientation and position of child in the robot frame tf::Matrix3x3 child_to_robot_orientation; child_to_robot_orientation.setRPY(child_frame_roll, child_frame_pitch, child_frame_yaw); tf::Vector3 child_to_robot_position = tf::Vector3(child_frame_x, child_frame_y, child_frame_z); // Find child pose in the robot frame tf::Pose child_to_robot = tf::Pose(child_to_robot_orientation, child_to_robot_position); // Store the first pose of the odom frame in the global Gazebo frame - Runs only once if (flag_first) { odom_to_global = robot_to_global * child_to_robot; odom_to_global_pos = odom_to_global.getOrigin(); odom_to_global_rot = odom_to_global.getRotation(); flag_first = false; } // Find pose of child frame in odom frame tf::Pose child_to_odom = odom_to_global.inverse()*robot_to_global*child_to_robot; // Initialize Odometry message nav_msgs::Odometry msg_odometry; // Populate odometry message header msg_odometry.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg_odometry.header.frame_id = odom_frame; // Populate odometry message msg_odometry.child_frame_id = child_frame; msg_odometry.pose.pose.position.x = child_to_odom.getOrigin().getX(); msg_odometry.pose.pose.position.y = child_to_odom.getOrigin().getY(); msg_odometry.pose.pose.position.z = child_to_odom.getOrigin().getZ(); msg_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.x = child_to_odom.getRotation().getX(); msg_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.y = child_to_odom.getRotation().getY(); msg_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.z = child_to_odom.getRotation().getZ(); msg_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.w = child_to_odom.getRotation().getW(); // Get angular twist tf::Vector3 vector_angular(msg->twist[des_index].angular.x, msg->twist[des_index].angular.y, msg->twist[des_index].angular.z); tf::Vector3 rotated_vector_angular = tf::quatRotate(((robot_to_global*child_to_robot).inverse()).getRotation(), vector_angular); msg_odometry.twist.twist.angular.x = rotated_vector_angular.getX(); msg_odometry.twist.twist.angular.y = rotated_vector_angular.getY(); msg_odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = rotated_vector_angular.getZ(); // Get linear twist tf::Vector3 vector_linear(msg->twist[des_index].linear.x, msg->twist[des_index].linear.y, msg->twist[des_index].linear.z); tf::Vector3 rotated_vector_linear = tf::quatRotate(((robot_to_global*child_to_robot).inverse()).getRotation(), vector_linear); msg_odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = rotated_vector_linear.getX(); msg_odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = rotated_vector_linear.getY(); msg_odometry.twist.twist.linear.z = rotated_vector_linear.getZ(); // Publish odometry odomPub.publish(msg_odometry); // Publish tf transform static tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(child_to_odom.getOrigin().getX(), child_to_odom.getOrigin().getY(), child_to_odom.getOrigin().getZ())); transform.setRotation(child_to_odom.getRotation()); br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), odom_frame, child_frame)); return; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Initialize ROS if necessary if (!ros::isInitialized()) { ros::init(argc, argv, "odom_publisher", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler); } // Initialize node rosNode.reset(new ros::NodeHandle("odom_publisher")); // Get parameters ros::param::get("~robot_name", robot_name); ros::param::get("~child_frame", child_frame); ros::param::get("~odom_frame", odom_frame); ros::param::get("~child_frame_x", child_frame_x); ros::param::get("~child_frame_y", child_frame_y); ros::param::get("~child_frame_z", child_frame_z); ros::param::get("~child_frame_roll", child_frame_roll); ros::param::get("~child_frame_pitch", child_frame_pitch); ros::param::get("~child_frame_yaw", child_frame_yaw); // Initialize subscriber modelSub = rosNode->subscribe("/gazebo/link_states", 1, &modelCallback); // Initialize publisher odomPub = rosNode->advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("/robot_odom", 1); while (ros::ok()) { // Set ROS rate ros::Rate r(60); // Spin once ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } return 0; }
/** MIT License (modified) Copyright (c) 2018 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Authors: Vasileios Vasilopoulos <[email protected]> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this **file** (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // ROS includes #include <ros/ros.h> #include <sensor_msgs/Joy.h> #include <rosgraph_msgs/Clock.h> #include <gazebo_msgs/LinkStates.h> #include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h> #include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h> // ROS node handle std::unique_ptr<ros::NodeHandle> rosNode; // Declare callbacks void modelCallback(const gazebo_msgs::LinkStates::ConstPtr& msg); // Declare ROS subscribers and publishers ros::Subscriber modelSub; ros::Publisher odomPub; // Declare ROS parameters std::string robot_name; std::string child_frame; std::string odom_frame; double child_frame_x; double child_frame_y; double child_frame_z; double child_frame_roll; double child_frame_pitch; double child_frame_yaw; // Declare global variables bool flag_first = true; tf::Pose odom_to_global; tf::Vector3 odom_to_global_pos; tf::Quaternion odom_to_global_rot;
/* MIT License (modified) Copyright (c) 2018 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Authors: Vasileios Vasilopoulos <[email protected]> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this **file** (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "ContactPlugin.hh" using namespace gazebo; GZ_REGISTER_SENSOR_PLUGIN(ContactPlugin) ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ContactPlugin::ContactPlugin() : SensorPlugin() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ContactPlugin::~ContactPlugin() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContactPlugin::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _sensor, sdf::ElementPtr /*_sdf*/) { // Get the parent sensor. this->parentSensor = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::ContactSensor>(_sensor); // Make sure the parent sensor is valid. if (!this->parentSensor) { gzerr << "ContactPlugin requires a ContactSensor.\n"; return; } // Connect to the sensor update event. this->updateConnection = this->parentSensor->ConnectUpdated( std::bind(&ContactPlugin::OnUpdate, this)); // Make sure the parent sensor is active. this->parentSensor->SetActive(true); // Initialize ROS if necessary if (!ros::isInitialized()) { int argc = 0; char **argv = NULL; ros::init(argc, argv, "ContactPublisher",ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler); } // Initialize node this->rosNode.reset(new ros::NodeHandle("ContactPublisher")); // Initialize Publishers this->toe0_publisher = this->rosNode->advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("/gazebo/toe0_forces", 1, true); this->toe1_publisher = this->rosNode->advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("/gazebo/toe1_forces", 1, true); this->toe2_publisher = this->rosNode->advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("/gazebo/toe2_forces", 1, true); this->toe3_publisher = this->rosNode->advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("/gazebo/toe3_forces", 1, true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContactPlugin::OnUpdate() { // Get all the contacts. msgs::Contacts contacts; contacts = this->parentSensor->Contacts(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contacts.contact_size(); ++i) { std::string str =; std::string toe0_string = "toe0_collision"; std::string toe1_string = "toe1_collision"; std::string toe2_string = "toe2_collision"; std::string toe3_string = "toe3_collision"; std::size_t found_toe0 = str.find(toe0_string); std::size_t found_toe1 = str.find(toe1_string); std::size_t found_toe2 = str.find(toe2_string); std::size_t found_toe3 = str.find(toe3_string); if (found_toe0 != std::string::npos) { geometry_msgs::Vector3 toe0_msg; toe0_msg.x = 0.; toe0_msg.y = 0.; toe0_msg.z = 0.; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; ++j) { toe0_msg.x -=; toe0_msg.y -=; toe0_msg.z -=; } this->toe0_publisher.publish(toe0_msg); } if (found_toe1 != std::string::npos) { geometry_msgs::Vector3 toe1_msg; toe1_msg.x = 0.; toe1_msg.y = 0.; toe1_msg.z = 0.; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; ++j) { toe1_msg.x -=; toe1_msg.y -=; toe1_msg.z -=; } this->toe1_publisher.publish(toe1_msg); } if (found_toe2 != std::string::npos) { geometry_msgs::Vector3 toe2_msg; toe2_msg.x = 0.; toe2_msg.y = 0.; toe2_msg.z = 0.; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; ++j) { toe2_msg.x -=; toe2_msg.y -=; toe2_msg.z -=; } this->toe2_publisher.publish(toe2_msg); } if (found_toe3 != std::string::npos) { geometry_msgs::Vector3 toe3_msg; toe3_msg.x = 0.; toe3_msg.y = 0.; toe3_msg.z = 0.; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; ++j) { toe3_msg.x -=; toe3_msg.y -=; toe3_msg.z -=; } this->toe3_publisher.publish(toe3_msg); } } }
# MIT License (modified) # Copyright (c) 2020 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania # Authors: # Vasileios Vasilopoulos <[email protected]> # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this **file** (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. spirit: # Publish all joint states ----------------------------------- joint_state_controller: type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController publish_rate: 2000 # Position Controllers --------------------------------------- joint0_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "0" joint1_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "1" joint2_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "2" joint3_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "3" joint4_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "4" joint5_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "5" joint6_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "6" joint7_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "7" joint8_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "8" joint9_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "9" joint10_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "10" joint11_effort_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController joint: "11"
#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2013, Willow Garage, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2014, Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. # nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior # written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Author: Stuart Glaser # Maintainer: William Woodall <[email protected]> from __future__ import print_function import getopt import glob import os import re import string import sys import xml from xml.dom.minidom import parse try: _basestr = basestring except NameError: _basestr = str # Dictionary of subtitution args substitution_args_context = {} class XacroException(Exception): pass def isnumber(x): return hasattr(x, '__int__') # Better pretty printing of xml # Taken from def fixed_writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): # indent = current indentation # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels # newl = newline string writer.write(indent + "<" + self.tagName) attrs = self._get_attributes() a_names = list(attrs.keys()) a_names.sort() for a_name in a_names: writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name) xml.dom.minidom._write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value) writer.write("\"") if self.childNodes: if len(self.childNodes) == 1 \ and self.childNodes[0].nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE: writer.write(">") self.childNodes[0].writexml(writer, "", "", "") writer.write("</%s>%s" % (self.tagName, newl)) return writer.write(">%s" % (newl)) for node in self.childNodes: # skip whitespace-only text nodes if node.nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE and \ not continue node.writexml(writer, indent + addindent, addindent, newl) writer.write("%s</%s>%s" % (indent, self.tagName, newl)) else: writer.write("/>%s" % (newl)) # replace minidom's function with ours xml.dom.minidom.Element.writexml = fixed_writexml class Table: def __init__(self, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.table = {} def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.table: return self.table[key] elif self.parent: return self.parent[key] else: raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.table[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): return \ key in self.table or \ (self.parent and key in self.parent) class QuickLexer(object): def __init__(self, **res): self.str = "" = None self.res = [] for k, v in res.items(): self.__setattr__(k, len(self.res)) self.res.append(v) def lex(self, str): self.str = str = None def peek(self): return def next(self): result = = None for i in range(len(self.res)): m = re.match(self.res[i], self.str) if m: = (i, self.str = self.str[m.end():] break return result def first_child_element(elt): c = elt.firstChild while c: if c.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return c c = c.nextSibling return None def next_sibling_element(elt): c = elt.nextSibling while c: if c.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return c c = c.nextSibling return None # Pre-order traversal of the elements def next_element(elt): child = first_child_element(elt) if child: return child while elt and elt.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: next = next_sibling_element(elt) if next: return next elt = elt.parentNode return None # Pre-order traversal of all the nodes def next_node(node): if node.firstChild: return node.firstChild while node: if node.nextSibling: return node.nextSibling node = node.parentNode return None def child_nodes(elt): c = elt.firstChild while c: yield c c = c.nextSibling all_includes = [] # Deprecated message for <include> tags that don't have <xacro:include> prepended: deprecated_include_msg = """DEPRECATED IN HYDRO: The <include> tag should be prepended with 'xacro' if that is the intended use of it, such as <xacro:include ...>. Use the following script to fix incorrect xacro includes: sed -i 's/<include/<xacro:include/g' `find . -iname *.xacro`""" include_no_matches_msg = """Include tag filename spec \"{}\" matched no files.""" ## @throws XacroException if a parsing error occurs with an included document def process_includes(doc, base_dir): namespaces = {} previous = doc.documentElement elt = next_element(previous) while elt: # Xacro should not use plain 'include' tags but only namespaced ones. Causes conflicts with # other XML elements including Gazebo's <gazebo> extensions is_include = False if elt.tagName == 'xacro:include' or elt.tagName == 'include': is_include = True # Temporary fix for ROS Hydro and the xacro include scope problem if elt.tagName == 'include': # check if there is any element within the <include> tag. mostly we are concerned # with Gazebo's <uri> element, but it could be anything. also, make sure the child # nodes aren't just a single Text node, which is still considered a deprecated # instance if elt.childNodes and not (len(elt.childNodes) == 1 and elt.childNodes[0].nodeType == elt.TEXT_NODE): # this is not intended to be a xacro element, so we can ignore it is_include = False else: # throw a deprecated warning print(deprecated_include_msg, file=sys.stderr) # Process current element depending on previous conditions if is_include: filename_spec = eval_text(elt.getAttribute('filename'), {}) if not os.path.isabs(filename_spec): filename_spec = os.path.join(base_dir, filename_spec) if'[*[?]+', filename_spec): # Globbing behaviour filenames = sorted(glob.glob(filename_spec)) if len(filenames) == 0: print(include_no_matches_msg.format(filename_spec), file=sys.stderr) else: # Default behaviour filenames = [filename_spec] for filename in filenames: global all_includes all_includes.append(filename) try: with open(filename) as f: try: included = parse(f) except Exception as e: raise XacroException( "included file \"%s\" generated an error during XML parsing: %s" % (filename, str(e))) except IOError as e: raise XacroException("included file \"%s\" could not be opened: %s" % (filename, str(e))) # Replaces the include tag with the elements of the included file for c in child_nodes(included.documentElement): elt.parentNode.insertBefore(c.cloneNode(deep=True), elt) # Grabs all the declared namespaces of the included document for name, value in included.documentElement.attributes.items(): if name.startswith('xmlns:'): namespaces[name] = value elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt) elt = None else: previous = elt elt = next_element(previous) # Makes sure the final document declares all the namespaces of the included documents. for k, v in namespaces.items(): doc.documentElement.setAttribute(k, v) # Returns a dictionary: { macro_name => macro_xml_block } def grab_macros(doc): macros = {} previous = doc.documentElement elt = next_element(previous) while elt: if elt.tagName == 'macro' or elt.tagName == 'xacro:macro': name = elt.getAttribute('name') macros[name] = elt macros['xacro:' + name] = elt elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt) elt = None else: previous = elt elt = next_element(previous) return macros # Returns a Table of the properties def grab_properties(doc): table = Table() previous = doc.documentElement elt = next_element(previous) while elt: if elt.tagName == 'property' or elt.tagName == 'xacro:property': name = elt.getAttribute('name') value = None if elt.hasAttribute('value'): value = elt.getAttribute('value') else: name = '**' + name value = elt # debug bad = string.whitespace + "${}" has_bad = False for b in bad: if b in name: has_bad = True break if has_bad: sys.stderr.write('Property names may not have whitespace, ' + '"{", "}", or "$" : "' + name + '"') else: table[name] = value elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt) elt = None else: previous = elt elt = next_element(previous) return table def eat_ignore(lex): while lex.peek() and lex.peek()[0] == lex.IGNORE: def eval_lit(lex, symbols): eat_ignore(lex) if lex.peek()[0] == lex.NUMBER: return float([1]) if lex.peek()[0] == lex.SYMBOL: try: key =[1] value = symbols[key] except KeyError as ex: raise XacroException("Property wasn't defined: %s" % str(ex)) if not (isnumber(value) or isinstance(value, _basestr)): if value is None: raise XacroException("Property %s recursively used" % key) raise XacroException("WTF2") try: return int(value) except: try: return float(value) except: # prevent infinite recursion symbols[key] = None result = eval_text(value, symbols) # restore old entry symbols[key] = value return result raise XacroException("Bad literal") def eval_factor(lex, symbols): eat_ignore(lex) neg = 1 if lex.peek()[1] == '-': neg = -1 if lex.peek()[0] in [lex.NUMBER, lex.SYMBOL]: return neg * eval_lit(lex, symbols) if lex.peek()[0] == lex.LPAREN: eat_ignore(lex) result = eval_expr(lex, symbols) eat_ignore(lex) if[0] != lex.RPAREN: raise XacroException("Unmatched left paren") eat_ignore(lex) return neg * result raise XacroException("Misplaced operator") def eval_term(lex, symbols): eat_ignore(lex) result = 0 if lex.peek()[0] in [lex.NUMBER, lex.SYMBOL, lex.LPAREN] \ or lex.peek()[1] == '-': result = eval_factor(lex, symbols) eat_ignore(lex) while lex.peek() and lex.peek()[1] in ['*', '/']: op =[1] n = eval_factor(lex, symbols) if op == '*': result = float(result) * float(n) elif op == '/': result = float(result) / float(n) else: raise XacroException("WTF") eat_ignore(lex) return result def eval_expr(lex, symbols): eat_ignore(lex) op = None if lex.peek()[0] == lex.OP: op =[1] if not op in ['+', '-']: raise XacroException("Invalid operation. Must be '+' or '-'") result = eval_term(lex, symbols) if op == '-': result = -float(result) eat_ignore(lex) while lex.peek() and lex.peek()[1] in ['+', '-']: op =[1] n = eval_term(lex, symbols) if op == '+': result = float(result) + float(n) if op == '-': result = float(result) - float(n) eat_ignore(lex) return result def eval_text(text, symbols): def handle_expr(s): lex = QuickLexer(IGNORE=r"\s+", NUMBER=r"(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?", SYMBOL=r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*", OP=r"[\+\-\*/^]", LPAREN=r"\(", RPAREN=r"\)") lex.lex(s) return eval_expr(lex, symbols) def handle_extension(s): return ("$(%s)" % s) results = [] lex = QuickLexer(DOLLAR_DOLLAR_BRACE=r"\$\$+\{", EXPR=r"\$\{[^\}]*\}", EXTENSION=r"\$\([^\)]*\)", TEXT=r"([^\$]|\$[^{(]|\$$)+") lex.lex(text) while lex.peek(): if lex.peek()[0] == lex.EXPR: results.append(handle_expr([1][2:-1])) elif lex.peek()[0] == lex.EXTENSION: results.append(handle_extension([1][2:-1])) elif lex.peek()[0] == lex.TEXT: results.append([1]) elif lex.peek()[0] == lex.DOLLAR_DOLLAR_BRACE: results.append([1][1:]) return ''.join(map(str, results)) # Expands macros, replaces properties, and evaluates expressions def eval_all(root, macros, symbols): # Evaluates the attributes for the root node for at in root.attributes.items(): result = eval_text(at[1], symbols) root.setAttribute(at[0], result) previous = root node = next_node(previous) while node: if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if node.tagName in macros: body = macros[node.tagName].cloneNode(deep=True) params = body.getAttribute('params').split() # Parse default values for any parameters defaultmap = {} for param in params[:]: splitParam = param.split(':=') if len(splitParam) == 2: defaultmap[splitParam[0]] = splitParam[1] params.remove(param) params.append(splitParam[0]) elif len(splitParam) != 1: raise XacroException("Invalid parameter definition") # Expands the macro scoped = Table(symbols) for name, value in node.attributes.items(): if not name in params: raise XacroException("Invalid parameter \"%s\" while expanding macro \"%s\"" % (str(name), str(node.tagName))) params.remove(name) scoped[name] = eval_text(value, symbols) # Pulls out the block arguments, in order cloned = node.cloneNode(deep=True) eval_all(cloned, macros, symbols) block = cloned.firstChild for param in params[:]: if param[0] == '*': while block and block.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: block = block.nextSibling if not block: raise XacroException("Not enough blocks while evaluating macro %s" % str(node.tagName)) params.remove(param) scoped[param] = block block = block.nextSibling # Try to load defaults for any remaining non-block parameters for param in params[:]: if param[0] != '*' and param in defaultmap: scoped[param] = defaultmap[param] params.remove(param) if params: raise XacroException("Parameters [%s] were not set for macro %s" % (",".join(params), str(node.tagName))) eval_all(body, macros, scoped) # Replaces the macro node with the expansion for e in list(child_nodes(body)): # Ew node.parentNode.insertBefore(e, node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node) node = None elif node.tagName == 'arg' or node.tagName == 'xacro:arg': name = node.getAttribute('name') if not name: raise XacroException("Argument name missing") default = node.getAttribute('default') if default and name not in substitution_args_context['arg']: substitution_args_context['arg'][name] = default node.parentNode.removeChild(node) node = None elif node.tagName == 'insert_block' or node.tagName == 'xacro:insert_block': name = node.getAttribute('name') if ("**" + name) in symbols: # Multi-block block = symbols['**' + name] for e in list(child_nodes(block)): node.parentNode.insertBefore(e.cloneNode(deep=True), node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node) elif ("*" + name) in symbols: # Single block block = symbols['*' + name] node.parentNode.insertBefore(block.cloneNode(deep=True), node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node) else: raise XacroException("Block \"%s\" was never declared" % name) node = None elif node.tagName in ['if', 'xacro:if', 'unless', 'xacro:unless']: value = eval_text(node.getAttribute('value'), symbols) try: if value == 'true': keep = True elif value == 'false': keep = False else: keep = float(value) except ValueError: raise XacroException("Xacro conditional evaluated to \"%s\". Acceptable evaluations are one of [\"1\",\"true\",\"0\",\"false\"]" % value) if node.tagName in ['unless', 'xacro:unless']: keep = not keep if keep: for e in list(child_nodes(node)): node.parentNode.insertBefore(e.cloneNode(deep=True), node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node) else: # Evals the attributes for at in node.attributes.items(): result = eval_text(at[1], symbols) node.setAttribute(at[0], result) previous = node elif node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE: = eval_text(, symbols) previous = node else: previous = node node = next_node(previous) return macros # Expands everything except includes def eval_self_contained(doc): macros = grab_macros(doc) symbols = grab_properties(doc) eval_all(doc.documentElement, macros, symbols) def print_usage(exit_code=0): print("Usage: %s [-o <output>] <input>" % '') print(" %s --deps Prints dependencies" % '') print(" %s --includes Only evalutes includes" % '') sys.exit(exit_code) def set_substitution_args_context(context={}): substitution_args_context['arg'] = context def open_output(output_filename): if output_filename is None: return sys.stdout else: return open(output_filename, 'w') def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:", ['deps', 'includes']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(str(err)) print_usage(2) just_deps = False just_includes = False output_filename = None for o, a in opts: if o == '-h': print_usage(0) elif o == '-o': output_filename = a elif o == '--deps': just_deps = True elif o == '--includes': just_includes = True if len(args) < 1: print("No input given") print_usage(2) # Process substitution args # set_substitution_args_context(load_mappings(sys.argv)) set_substitution_args_context((sys.argv)) f = open(args[0]) doc = None try: doc = parse(f) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: sys.stderr.write("Expat parsing error. Check that:\n") sys.stderr.write(" - Your XML is correctly formed\n") sys.stderr.write(" - You have the xacro xmlns declaration: " + "xmlns:xacro=\"\"\n") sys.stderr.write("\n") raise finally: f.close() process_includes(doc, os.path.dirname(args[0])) if just_deps: for inc in all_includes: sys.stdout.write(inc + " ") sys.stdout.write("\n") elif just_includes: doc.writexml(open_output(output_filename)) print() else: eval_self_contained(doc) banner = [xml.dom.minidom.Comment(c) for c in [" %s " % ('=' * 83), " | This document was autogenerated by xacro from %-30s | " % args[0], " | EDITING THIS FILE BY HAND IS NOT RECOMMENDED %-30s | " % "", " %s " % ('=' * 83)]] first = doc.firstChild for comment in banner: doc.insertBefore(comment, first) open_output(output_filename).write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Spot ROS Driver ![CP Spot](cp_spot.jpg) ## Prerequisites You should be using ROS noetic. ROS melodic can also be used but may require modifications to build correctly. You must install the Boston Dynamics SDK on any machine that will run the driver. ``` pip3 install bosdyn-client bosdyn-mission bosdyn-api bosdyn-core ``` ## Quick start ### Installing the packages Go to the source directory of your ROS workspace and clone this repository with ```bash git clone [email protected]:heuristicus/spot_ros.git ``` Then, initialise the submodule for the wrapper we use to interact with the Boston Dynamics SDK ```bash cd spot_ros git submodule init git submodule update ``` Then, install the python package containing the wrapper ```bash pip3 install -e spot_wrapper ``` Build the ROS packages ```bash catkin build spot_driver spot_viz ``` Finally, remember to source your workspace. ### Connecting to the robot To test functionality, it's easiest to connect to the robot via wifi. For actual operation it is recommended to connect to the robot directly through payload ports for higher bandwidth. Connect to the robot's wifi network, usually found at SSID `spot-BD-xxxxxxxx`. The password for the network is found in the robot's battery compartment. Once connected, verify that you can ping the robot with `ping`. Start a roscore on your machine with `roscore`. Run the driver with the username and password for the robot, again found in the battery compartment ```bash roslaunch spot_driver driver.launch username:=user password:=[your-password] hostname:= ``` You can then view and control the robot from the rviz interface by running ```bash roslaunch spot_viz view_robot.launch ``` ## Documentation More detailed documentation can be found [here]( # MoveIt simulation of Spot's arm Can be found [here](
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package spot_description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forthcoming ----------- 1.0.0 (2023-04-07) ------------------ * update maintainer * adressed layout review comments * moved urdf * updated urdf to include arm * add correct joint for front rail, should be directly between first screws. Rear rail is based on that * remove inorder flag * Use the velodyne_description package for the actual sensor mesh, use the cage as a separate entity. Add an accessories.launch file to automatically bring up the velodyne if needed * Include the license file in the individual ROS packages * Added optional pack and standard velodyne mount * fix joint limits typo * add install instructions * Added base_link (rep-0105) * Updated URDF to include mount points, and deps for install * Made the driver not automatically claim a body lease and e stop. Allows you to monitor without having control. Disconnect doesn't exit very gracefully. Need to wait on sitting success * Added SPOT_URDF_EXTRAS environment variable for extending the robot * Initial commit * Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Dave Niewinski, Juan Miguel Jimeno, Mario Gini, Michal Staniaszek, Wolf Vollprecht, maubrunn
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package spot_msgs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forthcoming ----------- 1.0.0 (2023-04-07) ------------------ * update maintainer * add actionserver for docking/undocking * updates after testing picking and placing on real spot - added some useful arguments to msg definitions * updates from testing on real robot * implemented grasp service * changed to fix sized arrays * changed hand pose msg * service for getting dock state * Create HandPose.srv * Update CMakeLists.txt * New msg for arm force trajectory * Update CMakeLists.txt * add posed_stand service which can be used to pose the body This also adds a check to the async_idle which prevents the idle stand command from activating while there is a command which has a non-None id. This should prevent commands from getting interrupted by that stand * add terrain state to foot state, publish tf of foot position rt body * Advanced motion tab, obstacle and terrain params added to driver and panel Move more advanced motion settings into the adv. motion tab to not clutter the basic motion. The settings there (ground friction, gait, swing height, grated surface mode) are I suspect relatively rarely used. Obstacle params message added, which allows the settings for the obstacle avoidance to be published from the driver. These are as usual empty by default since the SDK does not provide details. Currently the only modification allowed is to the obstacle padding. Terrain params message added, which allows setting of the ground friction and grated surfaces mode. Terrain and obstacle params are in the mobility params message published by the driver. Rviz panel allows interaction with the terrain and obstacle params. Comboboxes are now initialised by using a map generated from the constants in the ros messages, to try and make sure the ordering is correct. The map is also useful for constants which are non-consecutive like in the locomotion, for some reason the 9th value is unused but the 10th is. * velocity and body controls are in different tabs, add swing height and gait control add checks to ensure only valid values for locomotion and swing height are sent to the mobility params * allow velocity limits to be set in the driver launch and load them on start Also updats the mobility params message to store the velocity limits If the limits change, the rviz panel is updated with the latest values * Service to open the gripper at a given angle * Added messages for the arm * add Dock.srv * add spot dock and undock service * use int8 instead of uint8, we want to have negative rotations too * add actionserver to set body pose * can require trajectory commands to reach goal precisely Add precise_positioning field to the trajectory goal. Setting to true will make the wrapper consider only STATUS_AT_GOAL status to mean that the robot is at the goal. Setting to false will replicate previous behaviour where STATUS_NEAR_GOAL also means that the robot is at the goal. Vary feedback messages from the driver depending on whether the precise positioning field was set. * Include the license file in the individual ROS packages * Add service call to set maximum velocity, use synchro trajectory command The service call receives a twist message and sets the mobility params vel_lim max_vel to the linear x and y, and angular z values in the message. This velocity limit affects anything that moves the robot around, such as the trajectory command and velocity command. The service call adds a srv to spot_msgs Output exception string when power_on command fails Fix minor typo in behavior_fault function name Populate state_description in the estop state message Minor cosmetic changes to srv imports and some comments for readability * Add trajectory command interface (`#25 <>`_) * [spot_driver] add trajectory_cmd() method to spot_wrapper * [spot_driver] rename _last_motion_command to _last_trajectory_command * [spot_driver] rename _last_motion_command_time to _last_velocity_command_time * [spot_driver] fix trajectory_cmd * [spot_driver] fix options of trajectory_cmd() * [spot_msgs] add Trajectory.srv * [spot_driver] add trajectory service server * [spot_ros] add frame_id checking to trajectory_cmd * [spot_driver] fix bugs * [spot_driver] fix bugs in trajectory_cmd * convert trajectory command to an actionserver * [spot_ros] fix merge commit * [spot_driver] allow STATUS_NEAR_GOAL to be recognized as at_goal * [spot_driver] add handling for 0 duration Co-authored-by: Michal Staniaszek <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> * Added service for clearing behavior faults (`#34 <>`_) * [spot_msgs] add descriptions to SetLocomotion.srv * [spot_msgs] remove unused field of mobility params message * [spot_msgs] add MobilityParams.msg * [spot_msgs] fix type error of SetLocomotion.srv * [spot_msgs] add SetLocomotion.srv * support graphnav navigate-to * Properly implemented checking the status of commands. Added a feedback message * Fixed all the little mistakes from the last commit * Added messages for the remainder of the robot status * Added messages and brought metrics and leases into ros * Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Dave Niewinski, Esther, Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Michal Staniaszek, Michel Heinemann, Naoto Tsukamoto, SpotCOREAI, maubrunn, nfilliol
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package spot_viz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forthcoming ----------- 1.0.0 (2023-04-07) ------------------ * docking, self-right and roll over buttons start disabled * update maintainer * connect up buttons, fix undock call, fix dock actionserver name * add buttons for docking, self-right, and roll over * body tab now sets posed stand * update rviz config panel arrangement, estop states now shown in panel The release estop button is now only enabled if the software estop is on * correct ordering of ui component setup, must be before subscribers * sit and stand button state depends on whether the robot is powered or not * tab shown on startup should be basic motion tab, minor fixes * sit, stand and self right disabled when motion disabled, ui has button for allow motion The stop button in the ui will now call the locked stop. Stop button is disabled and has its text changed when motion is not allowed * Advanced motion tab, obstacle and terrain params added to driver and panel Move more advanced motion settings into the adv. motion tab to not clutter the basic motion. The settings there (ground friction, gait, swing height, grated surface mode) are I suspect relatively rarely used. Obstacle params message added, which allows the settings for the obstacle avoidance to be published from the driver. These are as usual empty by default since the SDK does not provide details. Currently the only modification allowed is to the obstacle padding. Terrain params message added, which allows setting of the ground friction and grated surfaces mode. Terrain and obstacle params are in the mobility params message published by the driver. Rviz panel allows interaction with the terrain and obstacle params. Comboboxes are now initialised by using a map generated from the constants in the ros messages, to try and make sure the ordering is correct. The map is also useful for constants which are non-consecutive like in the locomotion, for some reason the 9th value is unused but the 10th is. * velocity and body controls are in different tabs, add swing height and gait control add checks to ensure only valid values for locomotion and swing height are sent to the mobility params * panel now looks at battery and power state and displays information * allow velocity limits to be set in the driver launch and load them on start Also updats the mobility params message to store the velocity limits If the limits change, the rviz panel is updated with the latest values * enable estop buttons only when we have the lease, release button state is dependent on estop state * add stop action button to rviz panel, clearer estop button names * add estop buttons to spot panel * add topic go_to_pose which can be used to move the robot with the trajectory command * adjust velocity limit and body height range, explicitly specify upper and lower limits for labels Trying to adjust body height, the limit appears to be something around 0.15 or so. I think this might be because we are not using the stance command, but the body control params for mobility * rename max_velocity to velocity_limit, now also limits velocity when moving backwards * Only update the state of the buttons based on the lease feedback; if we successfully get/release a lease, disable that button only and wait for the subscriber to enable whatever's needed. This prevents a possible issue where the UI flashes * Squashed commit of the following: commit 0cc926539660598bf7ef2a8407d51a3583ca29c9 Author: Chris Iverach-Brereton <[email protected]> Date: Fri Aug 13 11:49:21 2021 -0400 Change the default camera to use gpe as the fixed frame; the keeps the robot visible on-screen at all times; using odom the robot can appear off-screen too easily commit 667e26f63ad9df414c4bd7f02eea57d03e2785d3 Author: Chris Iverach-Brereton <[email protected]> Date: Fri Aug 13 11:45:16 2021 -0400 Add a subscriber to the spot panel to monitor the lease status, correctly setting the button states if we call the service e.g. before launching rviz * Simple rviz panel for interaction with spot Can use the panel to claim and release the lease, power on and off, sit down and stand up, and set the body pose. To add, go to panels>add new panel and select SpotControlPanel in spot_viz * can set maximum velocity in the rviz panel * Simple rviz panel for interaction with spot Can use the panel to claim and release the lease, power on and off, sit down and stand up, and set the body pose. To add, go to panels>add new panel and select SpotControlPanel in spot_viz * Include the license file in the individual ROS packages * add install instructions * Updated PC topics * Lots of little fixes. Body positioning logic is broken * removed unnecessary interactive marker * Basic motion. Lots to clean up * Got depth images working * Initial commit * Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Dave Niewinski, Michal Staniaszek, Wolf Vollprecht
<library path="lib/libspot_viz"> <class name="spot_viz/SpotControlPanel" type="spot_viz::ControlPanel" base_class_type="rviz::Panel"> <description> A panel for controlling the Boston Dynamics Spot robot with the Clearpath driver </description> </class> </library>
#ifndef SPOT_CONTROL_PANEL_H #define SPOT_CONTROL_PANEL_H #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN # include <ros/ros.h> # include <rviz/panel.h> #endif #include <map> #include <QPushButton> #include <QLabel> #include <QDoubleSpinBox> #include <QComboBox> #include <std_msgs/Bool.h> #include <spot_msgs/EStopStateArray.h> #include <spot_msgs/MobilityParams.h> #include <spot_msgs/TerrainParams.h> #include <spot_msgs/SetSwingHeight.h> #include <spot_msgs/LeaseArray.h> #include <spot_msgs/SetLocomotion.h> #include <spot_msgs/BatteryStateArray.h> #include <spot_msgs/PowerState.h> namespace spot_viz { class ControlPanel : public rviz::Panel { Q_OBJECT public: ControlPanel(QWidget *parent=0); virtual void save(rviz::Config config) const; virtual void load(const rviz::Config &config); private Q_SLOTS: void sit(); void stand(); void claimLease(); void releaseLease(); void powerOn(); void powerOff(); void sendBodyPose(); void sendNeutralBodyPose(); void setMaxVel(); void gentleStop(); void hardStop(); void releaseStop(); void stop(); void setGait(); void setSwingHeight(); void setTerrainParams(); void setObstacleParams(); void allowMotion(); void rollOverRight(); void rollOverLeft(); void selfRight(); void dock(); void undock(); private: // These maps allow us to set up the comboboxes for selections in the order // of the enum, and ensure that the correct value is sent when the user wants to set it // We can also use them to ensure that non-consecutive values are also correctly handled const std::map<uint, std::string> gaitMap = { {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_TROT, "Trot"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_SPEED_SELECT_TROT, "Speed sel trot"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_CRAWL, "Crawl"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_AMBLE, "Amble"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_SPEED_SELECT_AMBLE, "Speed sel amble"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_AUTO, "Auto"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_JOG, "Jog"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_HOP, "Hop"}, {spot_msgs::SetLocomotion::Request::HINT_SPEED_SELECT_CRAWL, "Speed sel crawl"} }; const std::map<uint, std::string> swingHeightMap = { {spot_msgs::SetSwingHeight::Request::SWING_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"}, {spot_msgs::SetSwingHeight::Request::SWING_HEIGHT_LOW, "Low"}, {spot_msgs::SetSwingHeight::Request::SWING_HEIGHT_MEDIUM, "Medium"}, {spot_msgs::SetSwingHeight::Request::SWING_HEIGHT_HIGH, "High"} }; const std::map<uint, std::string> gratedSurfacesMap = { {spot_msgs::TerrainParams::GRATED_SURFACES_MODE_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"}, {spot_msgs::TerrainParams::GRATED_SURFACES_MODE_OFF, "Off"}, {spot_msgs::TerrainParams::GRATED_SURFACES_MODE_ON, "On"}, {spot_msgs::TerrainParams::GRATED_SURFACES_MODE_AUTO, "Auto"} }; void setupComboBoxes(); void setupStopButtons(); void setupSpinBoxes(); void setControlButtons(); void toggleBodyPoseButtons(); bool callTriggerService(ros::ServiceClient service, std::string serviceName); template <typename T> bool callCustomTriggerService(ros::ServiceClient service, std::string serviceName, T serviceRequest); void updateLabelTextWithLimit(QLabel* label, double limit_lower, double limit_upper); void leaseCallback(const spot_msgs::LeaseArray::ConstPtr &leases); void estopCallback(const spot_msgs::EStopStateArray::ConstPtr &estops); void mobilityParamsCallback(const spot_msgs::MobilityParams::ConstPtr &params); void batteryCallback(const spot_msgs::BatteryStateArray::ConstPtr &battery); void powerCallback(const spot_msgs::PowerState::ConstPtr &power); void motionAllowedCallback(const std_msgs::Bool &motion_allowed); ros::NodeHandle nh_; ros::ServiceClient sitService_; ros::ServiceClient standService_; ros::ServiceClient claimLeaseService_; ros::ServiceClient releaseLeaseService_; ros::ServiceClient powerOnService_; ros::ServiceClient powerOffService_; ros::ServiceClient maxVelocityService_; ros::ServiceClient hardStopService_; ros::ServiceClient gentleStopService_; ros::ServiceClient releaseStopService_; ros::ServiceClient stopService_; ros::ServiceClient gaitService_; ros::ServiceClient swingHeightService_; ros::ServiceClient terrainParamsService_; ros::ServiceClient obstacleParamsService_; ros::ServiceClient allowMotionService_; ros::ServiceClient bodyPoseService_; ros::ServiceClient dockService_; ros::ServiceClient undockService_; ros::ServiceClient selfRightService_; ros::ServiceClient rollOverLeftService_; ros::ServiceClient rollOverRightService_; ros::Subscriber leaseSub_; ros::Subscriber estopSub_; ros::Subscriber mobilityParamsSub_; ros::Subscriber batterySub_; ros::Subscriber powerSub_; ros::Subscriber motionAllowedSub_; QPushButton* claimLeaseButton; QPushButton* releaseLeaseButton; QPushButton* powerOnButton; QPushButton* powerOffButton; QPushButton* setBodyPoseButton; QPushButton* setBodyNeutralButton; QPushButton* sitButton; QPushButton* standButton; QPushButton* setMaxVelButton; QPushButton* hardStopButton; QPushButton* gentleStopButton; QPushButton* releaseStopButton; QPushButton* stopButton; QPushButton* setGaitButton; QPushButton* setSwingHeightButton; QPushButton* setObstaclePaddingButton; QPushButton* setGratedSurfacesButton; QPushButton* setFrictionButton; QPushButton* allowMotionButton; QPushButton* dockButton; QPushButton* undockButton; QPushButton* selfRightButton; QPushButton* rollOverLeftButton; QPushButton* rollOverRightButton; QLabel* linearXLabel; QLabel* linearYLabel; QLabel* angularZLabel; QLabel* statusLabel; QLabel* bodyHeightLabel; QLabel* rollLabel; QLabel* pitchLabel; QLabel* yawLabel; QLabel* estimatedRuntimeLabel; QLabel* batteryStateLabel; QLabel* motorStateLabel; QLabel* batteryTempLabel; QLabel* estopLabel; QComboBox* gaitComboBox; QComboBox* swingHeightComboBox; QComboBox* gratedSurfacesComboBox; QSpinBox* dockFiducialSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* linearXSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* linearYSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* angularZSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* bodyHeightSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* rollSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* pitchSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* yawSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* frictionSpin; QDoubleSpinBox* obstaclePaddingSpin; spot_msgs::MobilityParams _lastMobilityParams; bool haveLease; bool isEStopped; bool motionAllowed; }; } // end namespace spot_viz #endif // SPOT_CONTROL_PANEL_H
#include "spot_panel.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <QFile> #include <QUiLoader> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <ros/package.h> #include <std_srvs/Trigger.h> #include <std_srvs/SetBool.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> #include <QDoubleValidator> #include <QStandardItemModel> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h> #include <spot_msgs/SetVelocity.h> #include <spot_msgs/LeaseArray.h> #include <spot_msgs/EStopState.h> #include <spot_msgs/SetObstacleParams.h> #include <spot_msgs/SetTerrainParams.h> #include <spot_msgs/PosedStand.h> #include <spot_msgs/Dock.h> #include <string.h> namespace spot_viz { ControlPanel::ControlPanel(QWidget *parent) { std::string packagePath = ros::package::getPath("spot_viz") + "/resource/spot_control.ui"; ROS_INFO("Getting ui file from package path %s", packagePath.c_str()); QFile file(packagePath.c_str());; QUiLoader loader; QWidget* ui = loader.load(&file, parent); file.close(); QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); this->setLayout(topLayout); topLayout->addWidget(ui); haveLease = false; motionAllowed = false; sitService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/sit"); standService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/stand"); claimLeaseService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/claim"); releaseLeaseService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/release"); powerOnService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/power_on"); powerOffService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("spot/power_off"); maxVelocityService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::SetVelocity>("/spot/velocity_limit"); hardStopService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/estop/hard"); gentleStopService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/estop/gentle"); releaseStopService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/estop/release"); stopService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/stop"); gaitService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::SetLocomotion>("/spot/locomotion_mode"); swingHeightService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::SetSwingHeight>("/spot/swing_height"); terrainParamsService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::SetTerrainParams>("/spot/terrain_params"); obstacleParamsService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::SetObstacleParams>("/spot/obstacle_params"); allowMotionService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::SetBool>("/spot/allow_motion"); bodyPoseService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::PosedStand>("/spot/posed_stand"); dockService_ = nh_.serviceClient<spot_msgs::Dock>("/spot/dock"); undockService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/undock"); selfRightService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/self_right"); rollOverRightService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/roll_over_right"); rollOverLeftService_ = nh_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Trigger>("/spot/roll_over_left"); claimLeaseButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("claimLeaseButton"); releaseLeaseButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("releaseLeaseButton"); powerOnButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("powerOnButton"); powerOffButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("powerOffButton"); standButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("standButton"); sitButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("sitButton"); setBodyPoseButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setBodyPoseButton"); setBodyNeutralButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setBodyNeutralButton"); setMaxVelButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setMaxVelButton"); setGaitButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setGaitButton"); setSwingHeightButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setSwingHeightButton"); setObstaclePaddingButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setObstaclePaddingButton"); setGratedSurfacesButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setGratedSurfacesButton"); setFrictionButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("setFrictionButton"); allowMotionButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("allowMotionButton"); dockButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("dockButton"); undockButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("undockButton"); selfRightButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("selfRightButton"); rollOverLeftButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("rollOverLeftButton"); rollOverRightButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("rollOverRightButton"); statusLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("statusLabel"); estimatedRuntimeLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("estimatedRuntimeLabel"); batteryStateLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("batteryStateLabel"); motorStateLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("motorStateLabel"); batteryTempLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("batteryTempLabel"); estopLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("estopLabel"); gaitComboBox = this->findChild<QComboBox*>("gaitComboBox"); swingHeightComboBox = this->findChild<QComboBox*>("swingHeightComboBox"); gratedSurfacesComboBox = this->findChild<QComboBox*>("gratedSurfacesComboBox"); obstaclePaddingSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("obstaclePaddingSpin"); frictionSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("frictionSpin"); dockFiducialSpin = this->findChild<QSpinBox*>("dockFiducialSpin"); setupComboBoxes(); setupStopButtons(); setupSpinBoxes(); // Subscribe to things after everything is set up to avoid crashes when things aren't initialised leaseSub_ = nh_.subscribe("/spot/status/leases", 1, &ControlPanel::leaseCallback, this); estopSub_ = nh_.subscribe("/spot/status/estop", 1, &ControlPanel::estopCallback, this); mobilityParamsSub_ = nh_.subscribe("/spot/status/mobility_params", 1, &ControlPanel::mobilityParamsCallback, this); batterySub_ = nh_.subscribe("/spot/status/battery_states", 1, &ControlPanel::batteryCallback, this); powerSub_ = nh_.subscribe("/spot/status/power_state", 1, &ControlPanel::powerCallback, this); motionAllowedSub_ = nh_.subscribe("/spot/status/motion_allowed", 1, &ControlPanel::motionAllowedCallback, this); connect(claimLeaseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(claimLease())); connect(releaseLeaseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(releaseLease())); connect(powerOnButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(powerOn())); connect(powerOffButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(powerOff())); connect(sitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sit())); connect(standButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stand())); connect(setBodyPoseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendBodyPose())); connect(setBodyNeutralButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendNeutralBodyPose())); connect(setMaxVelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setMaxVel())); connect(releaseStopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(releaseStop())); connect(hardStopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(hardStop())); connect(gentleStopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(gentleStop())); connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stop())); connect(setGaitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setGait())); connect(setSwingHeightButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setSwingHeight())); connect(setObstaclePaddingButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setObstacleParams())); connect(setGratedSurfacesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setTerrainParams())); connect(setFrictionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setTerrainParams())); connect(allowMotionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(allowMotion())); connect(dockButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(dock())); connect(undockButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(undock())); connect(selfRightButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selfRight())); connect(rollOverLeftButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rollOverLeft())); connect(rollOverRightButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rollOverRight())); } void ControlPanel::setupStopButtons() { stopButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("stopButton"); QPalette pal = stopButton->palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, QColor(255, 165, 0)); stopButton->setAutoFillBackground(true); stopButton->setPalette(pal); stopButton->update(); gentleStopButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("gentleStopButton"); pal = gentleStopButton->palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, QColor(255, 0, 255)); gentleStopButton->setAutoFillBackground(true); gentleStopButton->setPalette(pal); gentleStopButton->update(); hardStopButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("hardStopButton"); hardStopButton->setText(QString::fromUtf8("\u26A0 Kill Motors")); pal = hardStopButton->palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, QColor(255, 0, 0)); hardStopButton->setAutoFillBackground(true); hardStopButton->setPalette(pal); hardStopButton->update(); releaseStopButton = this->findChild<QPushButton*>("releaseStopButton"); pal = releaseStopButton->palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, QColor(0, 255, 0)); releaseStopButton->setAutoFillBackground(true); releaseStopButton->setPalette(pal); releaseStopButton->update(); } void ControlPanel::setupComboBoxes() { // Iterate over the map for this combobox and add items. By default items in the // map are in ascending order by key for (const auto& item : gaitMap) { gaitComboBox->addItem(QString(item.second.c_str())); } // Disable the unknown entry in the combobox so that it cannot be selected and sent to the service QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(gaitComboBox->model()); QStandardItem* item = model->item(0); item->setFlags(item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled); for (const auto& item : swingHeightMap) { swingHeightComboBox->addItem(QString(item.second.c_str())); } model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(swingHeightComboBox->model()); item = model->item(0); item->setFlags(item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled); for (const auto& item : gratedSurfacesMap) { gratedSurfacesComboBox->addItem(QString(item.second.c_str())); } model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(gratedSurfacesComboBox->model()); item = model->item(0); item->setFlags(item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled); } void ControlPanel::setupSpinBoxes() { double linearVelocityLimit = 2; linearXSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("linearXSpin"); linearXLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("linearXLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(linearXLabel, 0, linearVelocityLimit); linearXSpin->setMaximum(linearVelocityLimit); linearXSpin->setMinimum(0); linearYSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("linearYSpin"); linearYLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("linearYLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(linearYLabel, 0, linearVelocityLimit); linearYSpin->setMaximum(linearVelocityLimit); linearYSpin->setMinimum(0); angularZSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("angularZSpin"); angularZLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("angularZLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(angularZLabel, 0, linearVelocityLimit); angularZSpin->setMaximum(linearVelocityLimit); angularZSpin->setMinimum(0); double bodyHeightLimit = 0.15; bodyHeightSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("bodyHeightSpin"); bodyHeightLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("bodyHeightLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(bodyHeightLabel, -bodyHeightLimit, bodyHeightLimit); bodyHeightSpin->setMaximum(bodyHeightLimit); bodyHeightSpin->setMinimum(-bodyHeightLimit); double rollLimit = 20; rollSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("rollSpin"); rollLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("rollLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(rollLabel, -rollLimit, rollLimit); rollSpin->setMaximum(rollLimit); rollSpin->setMinimum(-rollLimit); double pitchLimit = 30; pitchSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("pitchSpin"); pitchLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("pitchLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(pitchLabel, -pitchLimit, pitchLimit); pitchSpin->setMaximum(pitchLimit); pitchSpin->setMinimum(-pitchLimit); double yawLimit = 30; yawSpin = this->findChild<QDoubleSpinBox*>("yawSpin"); yawLabel = this->findChild<QLabel*>("yawLabel"); updateLabelTextWithLimit(yawLabel, -yawLimit, yawLimit); yawSpin->setMaximum(yawLimit); yawSpin->setMinimum(-yawLimit); } void ControlPanel::updateLabelTextWithLimit(QLabel* label, double limit_lower, double limit_upper) { int precision = 1; // Kind of hacky but default to_string returns 6 digit precision which is unnecessary std::string limit_lower_value = std::to_string(limit_lower).substr(0, std::to_string(limit_lower).find(".") + precision + 1); std::string limit_upper_value = std::to_string(limit_upper).substr(0, std::to_string(limit_upper).find(".") + precision + 1); std::string limit_range = " [" + limit_lower_value + ", " + limit_upper_value + "]"; std::string current_text = label->text().toStdString(); label->setText(QString((current_text + limit_range).c_str())); } void ControlPanel::setControlButtons() { claimLeaseButton->setEnabled(!haveLease); releaseLeaseButton->setEnabled(haveLease); powerOnButton->setEnabled(haveLease); powerOffButton->setEnabled(haveLease); sitButton->setEnabled(haveLease); standButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setBodyPoseButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setBodyNeutralButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setMaxVelButton->setEnabled(haveLease); releaseStopButton->setEnabled(haveLease && isEStopped); hardStopButton->setEnabled(haveLease); gentleStopButton->setEnabled(haveLease); stopButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setGaitButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setSwingHeightButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setObstaclePaddingButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setFrictionButton->setEnabled(haveLease); setGratedSurfacesButton->setEnabled(haveLease); allowMotionButton->setEnabled(haveLease); dockButton->setEnabled(haveLease); undockButton->setEnabled(haveLease); selfRightButton->setEnabled(haveLease); rollOverLeftButton->setEnabled(haveLease); rollOverRightButton->setEnabled(haveLease); } /** * @brief Call a ros std_msgs/Trigger service * * Modifies the status label text depending on the result * * @param service Service to call * @param serviceName Name of the service to use in labels * @return true if successfully called * @return false otherwise */ bool ControlPanel::callTriggerService(ros::ServiceClient service, std::string serviceName) { std_srvs::Trigger req; return callCustomTriggerService(service, serviceName, req); } template <typename T> /** * @brief Call an arbitrary service which has a response type of bool, str * * Modifies the status label text depending on the result * * @param service Service to call * @param serviceName Name of the service to use in labels * @param serviceRequest Request to make to the service * @return true if successfully called * @return false otherwise */ bool ControlPanel::callCustomTriggerService(ros::ServiceClient service, std::string serviceName, T serviceRequest) { std::string labelText = "Calling " + serviceName + " service"; statusLabel->setText(QString(labelText.c_str())); if ( { if (serviceRequest.response.success) { labelText = "Successfully called " + serviceName + " service"; statusLabel->setText(QString(labelText.c_str())); return true; } else { labelText = serviceName + " service failed: " + serviceRequest.response.message; statusLabel->setText(QString(labelText.c_str())); return false; } } else { labelText = "Failed to call " + serviceName + " service" + serviceRequest.response.message; statusLabel->setText(QString(labelText.c_str())); return false; } } /** * @brief Check held leases and enable or disable buttons accordingly * * check to see if the body is already owned by the ROS node * the resource will be "body" and the lease_owner.client_name will begin with "ros_spot" * if the claim exists, treat this as a successful click of the Claim button * if the claim does not exist, treat this as a click of the Release button * * @param leases */ void ControlPanel::leaseCallback(const spot_msgs::LeaseArray::ConstPtr &leases) { bool msg_has_lease = false; for (int i=leases->resources.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { const spot_msgs::LeaseResource &resource = leases->resources[i]; bool right_resource ="body") == 0; bool owned_by_ros =, 8, "ros_spot") == 0; if (right_resource && owned_by_ros) { msg_has_lease = true; } } if (msg_has_lease != haveLease) { haveLease = msg_has_lease; setControlButtons(); } } /** * @brief Check estop state and disable control buttons if estopped * * @param estops */ void ControlPanel::estopCallback(const spot_msgs::EStopStateArray::ConstPtr &estops) { bool softwareEstopped = false; bool estopped = false; std::string estopString("E-stops:"); for (const auto& estop : estops->estop_states) { // Can't release hardware estops from the sdk bool stopped = false; if (estop.state == spot_msgs::EStopState::STATE_ESTOPPED) { if (estop.type == spot_msgs::EStopState::TYPE_SOFTWARE) { softwareEstopped = true; } stopped = true; } std::string stoppedStr(stopped ? "On" : "Off"); if ( == "hardware_estop") { estopString += " hardware: " + stoppedStr; } else if ( == "payload_estop") { estopString += " payload: " + stoppedStr; } else if ( == "software_estop") { estopString += " software: " + stoppedStr; } else { estopString += " " + + ": " + stoppedStr; } } estopLabel->setText(QString(estopString.c_str())); if (softwareEstopped != isEStopped) { isEStopped = softwareEstopped; setControlButtons(); } } void ControlPanel::mobilityParamsCallback(const spot_msgs::MobilityParams::ConstPtr &params) { if (*params == _lastMobilityParams) { // If we don't check this, the user will never be able to modify values since they will constantly reset return; } linearXSpin->setValue(params->velocity_limit.linear.x); linearYSpin->setValue(params->velocity_limit.linear.y); angularZSpin->setValue(params->velocity_limit.angular.z); // Set the combo box values depending on whether there is a nonzero value coming from the params. If there isn't, // set the value based on what it is when using the controller if (params->locomotion_hint > 0) { gaitComboBox->setCurrentIndex(gaitComboBox->findText(>locomotion_hint).c_str())); } else { gaitComboBox->setCurrentIndex(gaitComboBox->findText(; } if (params->swing_height > 0) { swingHeightComboBox->setCurrentIndex(swingHeightComboBox->findText(>swing_height).c_str())); } else { swingHeightComboBox->setCurrentIndex(swingHeightComboBox->findText(; } if (params->terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode > 0) { gratedSurfacesComboBox->setCurrentIndex(gratedSurfacesComboBox->findText(>terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode).c_str())); } else { gratedSurfacesComboBox->setCurrentIndex(gratedSurfacesComboBox->findText(; } _lastMobilityParams = *params; } void ControlPanel::batteryCallback(const spot_msgs::BatteryStateArray::ConstPtr &battery) { spot_msgs::BatteryState battState = battery->battery_states[0]; std::string estRuntime = "Estimated runtime: " + std::to_string(battState.estimated_runtime.sec/60) + " min"; estimatedRuntimeLabel->setText(QString(estRuntime.c_str())); auto temps = battState.temperatures; if (!temps.empty()) { auto minmax = std::minmax_element(temps.begin(), temps.end()); float total = std::accumulate(temps.begin(), temps.end(), 0); // Don't care about float values here int tempMin = *minmax.first; int tempMax = *minmax.second; int tempAvg = total / temps.size(); std::string battTemp = "Battery temp: min " + std::to_string(tempMin) + ", max " + std::to_string(tempMax) + ", avg " + std::to_string(tempAvg); batteryTempLabel->setText(QString(battTemp.c_str())); } else { batteryTempLabel->setText(QString("Battery temp: No battery")); } std::string status; switch (battState.status) { case spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_UNKNOWN: status = "Unknown"; break; case spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_MISSING: status = "Missing"; break; case spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_CHARGING: status = "Charging"; break; case spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_DISCHARGING: status = "Discharging"; break; case spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_BOOTING: status = "Booting"; break; default: status = "Invalid"; break; } std::string battStatusStr; if (battState.status == spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_CHARGING || battState.status == spot_msgs::BatteryState::STATUS_DISCHARGING) { // TODO: use std::format in c++20 rather than this nastiness std::stringstream stream; stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << battState.charge_percentage; std::string pct = stream.str() + "%"; stream.str(""); stream.clear(); stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << battState.voltage; std::string volt = stream.str() + "V"; stream.str(""); stream.clear(); stream << battState.current; std::string amp = stream.str() + "A"; battStatusStr = "Battery state: " + status + ", " + pct + ", " + volt + ", " + amp; } else { battStatusStr = "Battery state: " + status; } batteryStateLabel->setText(QString(battStatusStr.c_str())); } void ControlPanel::powerCallback(const spot_msgs::PowerState::ConstPtr &power) { std::string state; switch (power->motor_power_state) { case spot_msgs::PowerState::STATE_POWERING_ON: state = "Powering on"; powerOnButton->setEnabled(false); break; case spot_msgs::PowerState::STATE_POWERING_OFF: state = "Powering off"; powerOffButton->setEnabled(false); sitButton->setEnabled(false); standButton->setEnabled(false); break; case spot_msgs::PowerState::STATE_ON: state = "On"; powerOnButton->setEnabled(false); powerOffButton->setEnabled(true); sitButton->setEnabled(true); standButton->setEnabled(true); break; case spot_msgs::PowerState::STATE_OFF: state = "Off"; powerOnButton->setEnabled(true && haveLease); powerOffButton->setEnabled(false); sitButton->setEnabled(false); standButton->setEnabled(false); break; case spot_msgs::PowerState::STATE_ERROR: state = "Error"; break; case spot_msgs::PowerState::STATE_UNKNOWN: state = "Unknown"; break; default: "Invalid"; } std::string motorState = "Motor state: " + state; motorStateLabel->setText(QString(motorState.c_str())); } void ControlPanel::motionAllowedCallback(const std_msgs::Bool &motion_allowed) { motionAllowed =; if (! { stopButton->setText("Motion is disallowed"); stopButton->setEnabled(false); allowMotionButton->setText("Allow motion"); } else { stopButton->setText("Stop"); if (haveLease) { stopButton->setEnabled(true); } allowMotionButton->setText("Disallow motion"); } } void ControlPanel::sit() { callTriggerService(sitService_, "sit"); } void ControlPanel::stand() { callTriggerService(standService_, "stand"); } void ControlPanel::powerOn() { callTriggerService(powerOnService_, "power on"); } void ControlPanel::powerOff() { callTriggerService(powerOffService_, "power off"); } void ControlPanel::claimLease() { if (callTriggerService(claimLeaseService_, "claim lease")) claimLeaseButton->setEnabled(false); } void ControlPanel::releaseLease() { if (callTriggerService(releaseLeaseService_, "release lease")) releaseLeaseButton->setEnabled(false); } void ControlPanel::stop() { callTriggerService(stopService_, "stop"); } void ControlPanel::allowMotion() { std_srvs::SetBool req; = !motionAllowed; callCustomTriggerService(allowMotionService_, "set motion allowed", req); } void ControlPanel::hardStop() { callTriggerService(hardStopService_, "hard stop"); } void ControlPanel::gentleStop() { callTriggerService(gentleStopService_, "gentle stop"); } void ControlPanel::releaseStop() { callTriggerService(releaseStopService_, "release stop"); } void ControlPanel::setMaxVel() { spot_msgs::SetVelocity req; req.request.velocity_limit.angular.z = angularZSpin->value(); req.request.velocity_limit.linear.x = linearXSpin->value(); req.request.velocity_limit.linear.y = linearYSpin->value(); callCustomTriggerService(maxVelocityService_, "set velocity limits", req); } void ControlPanel::sendBodyPose() { ROS_INFO("Sending body pose"); spot_msgs::PosedStand req; req.request.body_height = bodyHeightSpin->value(); req.request.body_yaw = yawSpin->value(); req.request.body_pitch = pitchSpin->value(); req.request.body_roll = rollSpin->value(); callCustomTriggerService(bodyPoseService_, "set body pose", req); } void ControlPanel::sendNeutralBodyPose() { ROS_INFO("Sending body neutral pose"); spot_msgs::PosedStand req; callCustomTriggerService(bodyPoseService_, "set body pose", req); } /** * @brief Get the message constant integer that corresponds to the currently selected combobox item * * @param comboBox Combobox whose selection should be checked * @param comboBoxMap Mapping from message constants to text in the combobox * @return int > 0 indicating the map constant, or -1 if it couldn't be found */ int comboBoxSelectionToMessageConstantInt(QComboBox* comboBox, const std::map<uint, std::string>& comboBoxMap) { std::string selectionText = comboBox->currentText().toStdString(); for (const auto& item : comboBoxMap) { if (selectionText == item.second) { return item.first; } } return -1; } void ControlPanel::setGait() { spot_msgs::SetLocomotion req; req.request.locomotion_mode = comboBoxSelectionToMessageConstantInt(gaitComboBox, gaitMap); callCustomTriggerService(gaitService_, "set gait", req); } void ControlPanel::setSwingHeight() { spot_msgs::SetSwingHeight req; req.request.swing_height = comboBoxSelectionToMessageConstantInt(swingHeightComboBox, swingHeightMap); callCustomTriggerService(swingHeightService_, "set swing height", req); } void ControlPanel::setTerrainParams() { spot_msgs::SetTerrainParams req; req.request.terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode = comboBoxSelectionToMessageConstantInt(gratedSurfacesComboBox, gratedSurfacesMap); req.request.terrain_params.ground_mu_hint = frictionSpin->value(); callCustomTriggerService(terrainParamsService_, "set terrain params", req); } void ControlPanel::setObstacleParams() { spot_msgs::SetObstacleParams req; req.request.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding = obstaclePaddingSpin->value(); callCustomTriggerService(obstacleParamsService_, "set obstacle params", req); } void ControlPanel::undock() { callTriggerService(undockService_, "undock"); } void ControlPanel::dock() { spot_msgs::Dock req; req.request.dock_id = dockFiducialSpin->value(); callCustomTriggerService(dockService_, "dock", req); } void ControlPanel::selfRight() { callTriggerService(selfRightService_, "self right"); } void ControlPanel::rollOverLeft() { callTriggerService(rollOverLeftService_, "roll over left"); } void ControlPanel::rollOverRight() { callTriggerService(rollOverRightService_, "roll over left"); } void ControlPanel::save(rviz::Config config) const { rviz::Panel::save(config); } // Load all configuration data for this panel from the given Config object. void ControlPanel::load(const rviz::Config &config) { rviz::Panel::load(config); } } // end namespace spot_viz #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h> PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(spot_viz::ControlPanel, rviz::Panel) // END_TUTORIAL
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package spot_driver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forthcoming ----------- 1.0.0 (2023-04-07) ------------------ * add python-transforms3d-pip to package xml * add odometry topic which outputs twist in correct frame, fixes `#95 <>`_ * subscriber check now polls also depth/info topics * fix tf repeated message spam when publishing tfs at high frequency * increase velocity command timeout to 0.6 seconds probably fixes `#96 <>`_ * complete revision of the documentation mostly up to date with the current driver state * fix incorrect actionserver in use for in motion body pose * update maintainer * robots without arms do not require manipulation client * black formatting * connect up buttons, fix undock call, fix dock actionserver name * fix last docking command assignment, reset last stand command on dock. Fixes `#110 <>`_ * add actionserver for docking/undocking * Fix spam when point cloud client is not initialised because there is no EAP * changed rospy to logging.Logger dependency * removed arm controller trial * changed to correct tasks list * changed list name * changed lookup name * changed lookup definiton * only add tasks when needed * updates after testing picking and placing on real spot - added some useful arguments to msg definitions * starting to implement controller action server for moveit support * implemented grasp service * apply black formatting and add black check on PRs and pushes * only add hand camera task if arm * corrected index * added warn messages for out of range * reviewed limits for spot arm * changed gripper_open_angle to take degrees * adressed layout review comments * changed to fix sized arrays * changed hand pose msg * fixed indentation and removed walk to pixel method * add RollOver functions * include fix for failing service call * driver start process loops where it can fail due to the robot still booting. More messages about what it is doing. * posed stand actionserver sleeps a bit before returning to allow the motion to complete * implemented helper function for DockState message * use correct action and service fields, set actionserver result * add an actionserver for stand commands * Driver config file can be passed as an arg to driver launch * ROS loop rate can be set in params to allow higher publication frequencies * Wrapper method to walk to object * Subscriber to walk to object in picture ROS_NAMESPACE=spot rosrun my_grasping Then click on pixel to walk to * service for getting dock state * print error messages when the estop keepalive has errors, initialise keepalive to none in init * autonomy is not allowed if the robot is on shore power, cmd_vel counts as autonomy * Created service for gripper pose * Added method to send location to gripper * rename old body_pose topic to try and reflect what it actually does * Methods: body to follow arm, arm force trajectory * Services for body follow arm, force trajectory arm * add posed_stand service which can be used to pose the body This also adds a check to the async_idle which prevents the idle stand command from activating while there is a command which has a non-None id. This should prevent commands from getting interrupted by that stand * Updated the way to ensure power on & spot standing * add terrain state to foot state, publish tf of foot position rt body * Method added to check Spot is powered on and standing New method: check_arm_power_and_stand * Removed Estop check before arm moves * Change method name Changed method's name from "make_robot_command" to "make_arm_trajectory_command" for clarity * Removed unnecessary code for testing Powering off robot after moving the arm was removed; removed unnecessay sleep when moving the arm * Added carry option for arm and hand images Hand images from EricVoll * Added hand image rate * tab shown on startup should be basic motion tab, minor fixes * allowed to move check has arg which specifies if autonomy enabled should be checked * sit, stand and self right disabled when motion disabled, ui has button for allow motion The stop button in the ui will now call the locked stop. Stop button is disabled and has its text changed when motion is not allowed * add locked_stop service which interrupts current motion and disallows further motion Publisher for the state of allow motion * Advanced motion tab, obstacle and terrain params added to driver and panel Move more advanced motion settings into the adv. motion tab to not clutter the basic motion. The settings there (ground friction, gait, swing height, grated surface mode) are I suspect relatively rarely used. Obstacle params message added, which allows the settings for the obstacle avoidance to be published from the driver. These are as usual empty by default since the SDK does not provide details. Currently the only modification allowed is to the obstacle padding. Terrain params message added, which allows setting of the ground friction and grated surfaces mode. Terrain and obstacle params are in the mobility params message published by the driver. Rviz panel allows interaction with the terrain and obstacle params. Comboboxes are now initialised by using a map generated from the constants in the ros messages, to try and make sure the ordering is correct. The map is also useful for constants which are non-consecutive like in the locomotion, for some reason the 9th value is unused but the 10th is. * velocity and body controls are in different tabs, add swing height and gait control add checks to ensure only valid values for locomotion and swing height are sent to the mobility params * additional layer of control over whether motion is allowed, which can be changed while the driver is running * reject velocity limits in the range 0 < lim < 0.15 as there can be issues with the trajectory command * allow velocity limits to be set in the driver launch and load them on start Also updats the mobility params message to store the velocity limits If the limits change, the rviz panel is updated with the latest values * initialise stop service after actionservers that it calls to prevent crashes if called during startup * add a flag to explicitly enable autonomous functions * add ros param to set the estop timeout, wrapper takes it as an arg * track when the trajectory command returns status unknown, and try to resend the command once * tolist() -> tobytes() * not build client if no point_cloud services are available * fix data type float32 -> uint8 * add lidar topic publisher, tf broadcaster * ros helpers with PointCloud * publish pointcloud from VLP16 * Service for gripper open at an angle * Wrapper updated to open gripper at a given angle * Implemented Close/open gripper services * Added open & close gripper services * Added stow, unstow, and control joints of the arm commands. * add spot dock and undock service * add ros param to set the estop timeout, wrapper takes it as an arg * calling the stop service now preempts actionservers if they are active * no longer reject trajectory poses which are not in body frame, just transform them * add topic go_to_pose which can be used to move the robot with the trajectory command * rename max_velocity to velocity_limit, now also limits velocity when moving backwards * add actionserver to set body pose * Add an additional envar to disable auto-launching the Velodyne as this _could\_ cause network issues * Fix a mismatched tag * Add the teleop_joy dependency * Use the velodyne_description package for the actual sensor mesh, use the cage as a separate entity. Add an accessories.launch file to automatically bring up the velodyne if needed * Add the bluetooth_teleop node, default config file. * Simple rviz panel for interaction with spot Can use the panel to claim and release the lease, power on and off, sit down and stand up, and set the body pose. To add, go to panels>add new panel and select SpotControlPanel in spot_viz * can require trajectory commands to reach goal precisely Add precise_positioning field to the trajectory goal. Setting to true will make the wrapper consider only STATUS_AT_GOAL status to mean that the robot is at the goal. Setting to false will replicate previous behaviour where STATUS_NEAR_GOAL also means that the robot is at the goal. Vary feedback messages from the driver depending on whether the precise positioning field was set. * Include the license file in the individual ROS packages * Add service call to set maximum velocity, use synchro trajectory command The service call receives a twist message and sets the mobility params vel_lim max_vel to the linear x and y, and angular z values in the message. This velocity limit affects anything that moves the robot around, such as the trajectory command and velocity command. The service call adds a srv to spot_msgs Output exception string when power_on command fails Fix minor typo in behavior_fault function name Populate state_description in the estop state message Minor cosmetic changes to srv imports and some comments for readability * Updated E-Stop to use keepalive client rather than the endpoint. Fixes a bug where the E-Stop would release immeaditly after being triggered (`#38 <>`_) Co-authored-by: marble-spot <[email protected]> * Add trajectory command interface (`#25 <>`_) * [spot_driver] add trajectory_cmd() method to spot_wrapper * [spot_driver] rename _last_motion_command to _last_trajectory_command * [spot_driver] rename _last_motion_command_time to _last_velocity_command_time * [spot_driver] fix trajectory_cmd * [spot_driver] fix options of trajectory_cmd() * [spot_msgs] add Trajectory.srv * [spot_driver] add trajectory service server * [spot_ros] add frame_id checking to trajectory_cmd * [spot_driver] fix bugs * [spot_driver] fix bugs in trajectory_cmd * convert trajectory command to an actionserver * [spot_ros] fix merge commit * [spot_driver] allow STATUS_NEAR_GOAL to be recognized as at_goal * [spot_driver] add handling for 0 duration Co-authored-by: Michal Staniaszek <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> * Added service for clearing behavior faults (`#34 <>`_) * Create runtime static transform broadcaster for camera transforms (`#31 <>`_) The transforms between the body and camera frames are static and will not change. This change checks the transform for static frames once when an image with the required data is received. It then stores the transform to be published by a static transform publisher. Previously when the robot was moved quickly there would be a lag between the camera frames updating and the actual position of the robot. With static transforms the cameras are always in the correct position relative to the body. * Package structure more in line with ROS recommendation for python, works on noetic (`#32 <>`_) * install graph_nav_util with catkin_install_python * fix usage of Image.Format to be consistent with other usages Using Image.Format.FORMAT_RAW causes an AttributeError: AttributeError: 'EnumTypeWrapper' object has no attribute 'FORMAT_RAW' The usage here was inconsistent with usages in other files. * fix python package structure to work on noetic * fix shebang line in spot_ros, explicitly specify use of python3 * Updated command feedback protos and expanded twist mux * Fix image format and include graph_nav_util in install (`#29 <>`_) * install graph_nav_util with catkin_install_python * fix usage of Image.Format to be consistent with other usages Using Image.Format.FORMAT_RAW causes an AttributeError: AttributeError: 'EnumTypeWrapper' object has no attribute 'FORMAT_RAW' The usage here was inconsistent with usages in other files. * changed to use ros logging instead of print (`#14 <>`_) * [spot_driver] change print() to ros logging * [spot_driver] use ros logger instead of print() * Updated some deprecated functions * [spot_driver] bugfix for walking-mode * [spot_driver] add mobility params publisher * [spot_driver] fix locomotion_mode service * [spot_driver] add locomotion_mode service * [spot_driver] add stair_mode service to spot_ros * [spot_driver] add get_mobility_params method and change set_mobility_params method * fix for version v2.2.1, skip waypint\_ instead of waypoint * support graphnav navigate-to * add missing assignment to w field of quaternion * Changed cmd_vel queue size to 1 from infinite to prevent controller lag * Minor workaround for invalid timestamps * [spot_driver] changed the names of odometry frames to default * [spot_driver] changed default odom to kinematic odometry * [spot_driver] add exception handlings to AsyncIdle class * Publish /odom * [spot_driver] add rosparams to determine a parent odometry frame * [spot_driver] delete commented lines and redundant variables * Publish /vision tf as the parent of /body tf * [spot_driver] add python3-rospkg-modules dependency * Use 16UC1 instead of mono16 for depth image encoding * add twist_mux, interactive_marker_twist_server dependency * Removed token as of api 2.0 * Moved resetting and claiming estop out of spot ros startup * add install instructions * Updated URDF to include mount points, and deps for install * Incorporating clock skew between spot and ROS machine * Initial stab as accomodating skew between systems. Untested * Properly implemented checking the status of commands. Added a feedback message * Made the driver not automatically claim a body lease and e stop. Allows you to monitor without having control. Disconnect doesn't exit very gracefully. Need to wait on sitting success * Not defining a rate or defining a rate of <= 0 will disable a data source * Updated image type selection to use protobuf enums * Disabled auto standing by default. Updated api version numbering * Updated dependencies * Fixed mobility params when switching between movement and stationary * Lots of little fixes. Body positioning logic is broken * Error-checking improved * removed unnecessary interactive marker * Updated the estop setup so it is externally controllable * Mobility parameters implemented. Some stuff still hard-coded * Basic motion. Lots to clean up * Added lots of docstrings * Added services for power, stand, sit, self-right, and stop * Updated doc outline. Still missing updated docstrings * Refactoring to keep all the ros message building separate * Got depth images working * Added rosdoc * Added image streams into ROS * Fixed all the little mistakes from the last commit * Blocked-out remainder of robot state callback. Untested * Added messages and brought metrics and leases into ros * Refactored the ros driver to be cleaner. Added a lot of docstrings. Incomplete * Squashed commit of the following: commit 0424b961e75b0e8f4143424e9fb0121ee5b3c01c Author: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 11 16:36:55 2020 -0400 Updated logging commit afdc5301f2b73f219b51ae3ce7c56e0f036e75a6 Author: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 11 15:00:27 2020 -0400 Added launch and params commit 8c1066108d3cc2955cf49a73a75e3d249a8704d2 Author: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> Date: Fri May 8 15:04:48 2020 -0400 Basic ros support implemented. Outputs joint angles, and odom commit 3f71252b182738234cc54e581cac3b8a54874733 Author: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> Date: Wed May 6 16:46:21 2020 -0400 Basic functionality, just printing in the terminal. commit 505c17e1d4d5a28d14872d81e2f11b60b61135e9 Author: Dave Niewinski <[email protected]> Date: Wed May 6 14:00:42 2020 -0400 Initial pass at data from robot * Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Dave Niewinski, Esther, Harel Biggie, Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Maurice Brunner, Michal Staniaszek, Michel Heinemann, Naoto Tsukamoto, Naoya Yamaguchi, SpotCOREAI, Telios, Wolf Vollprecht, Yoshiki Obinata, harelb, jeremysee2, maubrunn, nfilliol
from setuptools import setup from catkin_pkg.python_setup import generate_distutils_setup d = generate_distutils_setup( packages=["spot_driver"], scripts=["scripts/spot_ros"], package_dir={"": "src"} ) setup(**d)
import copy import rospy import math import time from std_srvs.srv import Trigger, TriggerResponse, SetBool, SetBoolResponse from std_msgs.msg import Bool from tf2_msgs.msg import TFMessage from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistWithCovarianceStamped, Twist, Pose, PoseStamped from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from import robot_command_pb2 as spot_command_pb2 from bosdyn.api import geometry_pb2, trajectory_pb2 from bosdyn.api.geometry_pb2 import Quaternion, SE2VelocityLimit from bosdyn.client import math_helpers from google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2 import DoubleValue import actionlib import functools import math import bosdyn.geometry import tf2_ros import tf2_geometry_msgs from spot_msgs.msg import Metrics from spot_msgs.msg import LeaseArray, LeaseResource from spot_msgs.msg import FootState, FootStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import EStopState, EStopStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import WiFiState from spot_msgs.msg import PowerState from spot_msgs.msg import BehaviorFault, BehaviorFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import SystemFault, SystemFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import BatteryState, BatteryStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import DockAction, DockGoal, DockResult from spot_msgs.msg import PoseBodyAction, PoseBodyGoal, PoseBodyResult from spot_msgs.msg import Feedback from spot_msgs.msg import MobilityParams, ObstacleParams, TerrainParams from spot_msgs.msg import NavigateToAction, NavigateToResult, NavigateToFeedback from spot_msgs.msg import TrajectoryAction, TrajectoryResult, TrajectoryFeedback from spot_msgs.srv import ListGraph, ListGraphResponse from spot_msgs.srv import SetLocomotion, SetLocomotionResponse from spot_msgs.srv import SetTerrainParams, SetTerrainParamsResponse from spot_msgs.srv import SetObstacleParams, SetObstacleParamsResponse from spot_msgs.srv import ClearBehaviorFault, ClearBehaviorFaultResponse from spot_msgs.srv import SetVelocity, SetVelocityResponse from spot_msgs.srv import Dock, DockResponse, GetDockState, GetDockStateResponse from spot_msgs.srv import PosedStand, PosedStandResponse from spot_msgs.srv import SetSwingHeight, SetSwingHeightResponse from spot_msgs.srv import ( ArmJointMovement, ArmJointMovementResponse, ArmJointMovementRequest, ) from spot_msgs.srv import ( GripperAngleMove, GripperAngleMoveResponse, GripperAngleMoveRequest, ) from spot_msgs.srv import ( ArmForceTrajectory, ArmForceTrajectoryResponse, ArmForceTrajectoryRequest, ) from spot_msgs.srv import HandPose, HandPoseResponse, HandPoseRequest from spot_msgs.srv import Grasp3d, Grasp3dRequest, Grasp3dResponse from .ros_helpers import * from spot_wrapper.wrapper import SpotWrapper import actionlib import logging import threading class RateLimitedCall: """ Wrap a function with this class to limit how frequently it can be called within a loop """ def __init__(self, fn, rate_limit): """ Args: fn: Function to call rate_limit: The function will not be called faster than this rate """ self.fn = fn self.min_time_between_calls = 1.0 / rate_limit self.last_call = 0 def __call__(self): now_sec = time.time() if (now_sec - self.last_call) > self.min_time_between_calls: self.fn() self.last_call = now_sec class SpotROS: """Parent class for using the wrapper. Defines all callbacks and keeps the wrapper alive""" def __init__(self): self.spot_wrapper = None self.last_tf_msg = TFMessage() self.callbacks = {} """Dictionary listing what callback to use for what data task""" self.callbacks["robot_state"] = self.RobotStateCB self.callbacks["metrics"] = self.MetricsCB self.callbacks["lease"] = self.LeaseCB self.callbacks["front_image"] = self.FrontImageCB self.callbacks["side_image"] = self.SideImageCB self.callbacks["rear_image"] = self.RearImageCB self.callbacks["hand_image"] = self.HandImageCB self.callbacks["lidar_points"] = self.PointCloudCB self.active_camera_tasks = [] self.camera_pub_to_async_task_mapping = {} def RobotStateCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new robot state data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ state = self.spot_wrapper.robot_state if state: ## joint states ## joint_state = GetJointStatesFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.joint_state_pub.publish(joint_state) ## TF ## tf_msg = GetTFFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper, self.mode_parent_odom_tf) to_remove = [] if len(tf_msg.transforms) > 0: for transform in tf_msg.transforms: for last_tf in self.last_tf_msg.transforms: if transform == last_tf: to_remove.append(transform) if to_remove: # Do it this way to preserve the original tf message received. If we store the message we have # destroyed then if there are two duplicates in a row we will not remove the second set. deduplicated_tf = copy.deepcopy(tf_msg) for repeat_tf in to_remove: deduplicated_tf.transforms.remove(repeat_tf) publish_tf = deduplicated_tf else: publish_tf = tf_msg self.tf_pub.publish(publish_tf) self.last_tf_msg = tf_msg # Odom Twist # twist_odom_msg = GetOdomTwistFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.odom_twist_pub.publish(twist_odom_msg) # Odom # use_vision = self.mode_parent_odom_tf == "vision" odom_msg = GetOdomFromState( state, self.spot_wrapper, use_vision=use_vision, ) self.odom_pub.publish(odom_msg) odom_corrected_msg = get_corrected_odom(odom_msg) self.odom_corrected_pub.publish(odom_corrected_msg) # Feet # foot_array_msg = GetFeetFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.tf_pub.publish(generate_feet_tf(foot_array_msg)) self.feet_pub.publish(foot_array_msg) # EStop # estop_array_msg = GetEStopStateFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.estop_pub.publish(estop_array_msg) # WIFI # wifi_msg = GetWifiFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.wifi_pub.publish(wifi_msg) # Battery States # battery_states_array_msg = GetBatteryStatesFromState( state, self.spot_wrapper ) self.is_charging = ( battery_states_array_msg.battery_states[0].status == BatteryState.STATUS_CHARGING ) self.battery_pub.publish(battery_states_array_msg) # Power State # power_state_msg = GetPowerStatesFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.power_pub.publish(power_state_msg) # System Faults # system_fault_state_msg = GetSystemFaultsFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.system_faults_pub.publish(system_fault_state_msg) # Behavior Faults # behavior_fault_state_msg = getBehaviorFaultsFromState( state, self.spot_wrapper ) self.behavior_faults_pub.publish(behavior_fault_state_msg) def MetricsCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new metrics data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ metrics = self.spot_wrapper.metrics if metrics: metrics_msg = Metrics() local_time = self.spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(metrics.timestamp) metrics_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) for metric in metrics.metrics: if metric.label == "distance": metrics_msg.distance = metric.float_value if metric.label == "gait cycles": metrics_msg.gait_cycles = metric.int_value if metric.label == "time moving": metrics_msg.time_moving = rospy.Time( metric.duration.seconds, metric.duration.nanos ) if metric.label == "electric power": metrics_msg.electric_power = rospy.Time( metric.duration.seconds, metric.duration.nanos ) self.metrics_pub.publish(metrics_msg) def LeaseCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new lease data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ lease_array_msg = LeaseArray() lease_list = if lease_list: for resource in lease_list: new_resource = LeaseResource() new_resource.resource = resource.resource = = for seq in new_resource.lease_owner.client_name = resource.lease_owner.client_name new_resource.lease_owner.user_name = resource.lease_owner.user_name lease_array_msg.resources.append(new_resource) self.lease_pub.publish(lease_array_msg) def FrontImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new front image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.front_images if data: image_msg0, camera_info_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontleft_image_pub.publish(image_msg0) self.frontleft_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) image_msg1, camera_info_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontright_image_pub.publish(image_msg1) self.frontright_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) image_msg2, camera_info_msg2 = getImageMsg(data[2], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontleft_depth_pub.publish(image_msg2) self.frontleft_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg2) image_msg3, camera_info_msg3 = getImageMsg(data[3], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontright_depth_pub.publish(image_msg3) self.frontright_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg3) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[0]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[1]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[2]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[3]) def SideImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new side image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.side_images if data: image_msg0, camera_info_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.left_image_pub.publish(image_msg0) self.left_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) image_msg1, camera_info_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.right_image_pub.publish(image_msg1) self.right_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) image_msg2, camera_info_msg2 = getImageMsg(data[2], self.spot_wrapper) self.left_depth_pub.publish(image_msg2) self.left_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg2) image_msg3, camera_info_msg3 = getImageMsg(data[3], self.spot_wrapper) self.right_depth_pub.publish(image_msg3) self.right_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg3) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[0]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[1]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[2]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[3]) def RearImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new rear image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.rear_images if data: mage_msg0, camera_info_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.back_image_pub.publish(mage_msg0) self.back_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) mage_msg1, camera_info_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.back_depth_pub.publish(mage_msg1) self.back_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[0]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[1]) def HandImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new hand image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.hand_images if data: mage_msg0, camera_info_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.hand_image_mono_pub.publish(mage_msg0) self.hand_image_mono_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) mage_msg1, camera_info_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.hand_depth_pub.publish(mage_msg1) self.hand_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) image_msg2, camera_info_msg2 = getImageMsg(data[2], self.spot_wrapper) self.hand_image_color_pub.publish(image_msg2) self.hand_image_color_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg2) image_msg3, camera_info_msg3 = getImageMsg(data[3], self.spot_wrapper) self.hand_depth_in_hand_color_pub.publish(image_msg3) self.hand_depth_in_color_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg3) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[0]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[1]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[2]) self.populate_camera_static_transforms(data[3]) def PointCloudCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new point cloud data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.point_clouds if data: point_cloud_msg = GetPointCloudMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.point_cloud_pub.publish(point_cloud_msg) self.populate_lidar_static_transforms(data[0]) def handle_claim(self, req): """ROS service handler for the claim service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.claim() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_release(self, req): """ROS service handler for the release service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.release() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_locked_stop(self, req): """Stop the current motion of the robot and disallow any further motion until the allow motion service is called""" self.allow_motion = False return self.handle_stop(req) def handle_stop(self, req): """ROS service handler for the stop service. Interrupts the currently active motion""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.stop() message = "Spot stop service was called" if self.navigate_as.is_active(): self.navigate_as.set_preempted( NavigateToResult(success=False, message=message) ) if self.trajectory_server.is_active(): self.trajectory_server.set_preempted( TrajectoryResult(success=False, message=message) ) if self.body_pose_as.is_active(): self.body_pose_as.set_preempted( PoseBodyResult(success=False, message=message) ) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_self_right(self, req): """ROS service handler for the self-right service""" if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(autonomous_command=False): return TriggerResponse(False, "Robot motion is not allowed") resp = self.spot_wrapper.self_right() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_sit(self, req): """ROS service handler for the sit service""" if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(autonomous_command=False): return TriggerResponse(False, "Robot motion is not allowed") resp = self.spot_wrapper.sit() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_stand(self, req): """ROS service handler for the stand service""" if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(autonomous_command=False): return TriggerResponse(False, "Robot motion is not allowed") resp = self.spot_wrapper.stand() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_posed_stand(self, req): """ Handle a service call for the posed stand Args: req: PosedStandRequest Returns: PosedStandResponse """ success, message = self._posed_stand( req.body_height, req.body_yaw, req.body_pitch, req.body_roll ) return PosedStandResponse(success, message) def handle_posed_stand_action(self, action): """ Handle a call to the posed stand actionserver If no value is provided, this is equivalent to the basic stand commmand Args: action: PoseBodyGoal """ success, message = self._posed_stand( action.body_height, action.yaw, action.pitch, action.roll ) result = PoseBodyResult(success, message) rospy.sleep(2) # Only return after the body has had a chance to move if success: self.body_pose_as.set_succeeded(result) else: self.body_pose_as.set_aborted(result) def _posed_stand(self, body_height, yaw, pitch, roll): """ Make the robot do a posed stand with specified body height and orientation By empirical observation, the limit on body height is [-0.16, 0.11], and RPY are probably limited to 30 degrees. Roll values are likely affected by the payload configuration as well. If the payload is misconfigured a high roll value could cause it to hit the legs Args: body_height: Height of the body relative to the default height yaw: Yaw to apply (in degrees) pitch: Pitch to apply (in degrees) roll: Roll to apply (in degrees) Returns: """ if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(autonomous_command=False): return False, "Robot motion is not allowed" resp = self.spot_wrapper.stand( body_height=body_height, body_yaw=math.radians(yaw), body_pitch=math.radians(pitch), body_roll=math.radians(roll), ) return resp[0], resp[1] def handle_power_on(self, req): """ROS service handler for the power-on service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.power_on() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_safe_power_off(self, req): """ROS service handler for the safe-power-off service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.safe_power_off() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_estop_hard(self, req): """ROS service handler to hard-eStop the robot. The robot will immediately cut power to the motors""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.assertEStop(True) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_estop_soft(self, req): """ROS service handler to soft-eStop the robot. The robot will try to settle on the ground before cutting power to the motors""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.assertEStop(False) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_estop_disengage(self, req): """ROS service handler to disengage the eStop on the robot.""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.disengageEStop() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_clear_behavior_fault(self, req): """ROS service handler for clearing behavior faults""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.clear_behavior_fault( return ClearBehaviorFaultResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_stair_mode(self, req): """ROS service handler to set a stair mode to the robot.""" try: mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() mobility_params.stair_hint = self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) return SetBoolResponse(True, "Success") except Exception as e: return SetBoolResponse(False, "Error:{}".format(e)) def handle_locomotion_mode(self, req): """ROS service handler to set locomotion mode""" if req.locomotion_mode in [0, 9] or req.locomotion_mode > 10: msg = "Attempted to set locomotion mode to {}, which is an invalid value.".format( req.locomotion_mode ) rospy.logerr(msg) return SetLocomotionResponse(False, msg) try: mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() mobility_params.locomotion_hint = req.locomotion_mode self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) return SetLocomotionResponse(True, "Success") except Exception as e: return SetLocomotionResponse(False, "Error:{}".format(e)) def handle_swing_height(self, req): """ROS service handler to set the step swing height""" if req.swing_height == 0 or req.swing_height > 3: msg = "Attempted to set step swing height to {}, which is an invalid value.".format( req.swing_height ) rospy.logerr(msg) return SetSwingHeightResponse(False, msg) try: mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() mobility_params.swing_height = req.swing_height self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) return SetSwingHeightResponse(True, "Success") except Exception as e: return SetSwingHeightResponse(False, "Error:{}".format(e)) def handle_vel_limit(self, req): """ Handle a velocity_limit service call. Args: req: SetVelocityRequest containing requested velocity limit Returns: SetVelocityResponse """ success, message = self.set_velocity_limits( req.velocity_limit.linear.x, req.velocity_limit.linear.y, req.velocity_limit.angular.z, ) return SetVelocityResponse(success, message) def set_velocity_limits(self, max_linear_x, max_linear_y, max_angular_z): """ Modify the mobility params to have a limit on the robot's velocity during trajectory commands. Velocities sent to cmd_vel ignore these values Passing 0 to any of the values will use spot's internal limits Args: max_linear_x: Maximum forwards/backwards velocity max_linear_y: Maximum lateral velocity max_angular_z: Maximum rotation velocity Returns: (bool, str) boolean indicating whether the call was successful, along with a message """ if any( map(lambda x: 0 < x < 0.15, [max_linear_x, max_linear_y, max_angular_z]) ): return ( False, "Error: One of the values provided to velocity limits was below 0.15. Values in the range (" "0,0.15) can cause unexpected behaviour of the trajectory command.", ) try: mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() mobility_params.vel_limit.CopyFrom( SE2VelocityLimit( max_vel=math_helpers.SE2Velocity( max_linear_x, max_linear_y, max_angular_z ).to_proto(), min_vel=math_helpers.SE2Velocity( -max_linear_x, -max_linear_y, -max_angular_z ).to_proto(), ) ) self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) return True, "Success" except Exception as e: return False, "Error:{}".format(e) def _transform_pose_to_body_frame(self, pose): """ Transform a pose to the body frame Args: pose: PoseStamped to transform Raises: tf2_ros.LookupException if the transform lookup fails Returns: Transformed pose in body frame if given pose is not in the body frame, or the original pose if it is in the body frame """ if pose.header.frame_id == "body": return pose body_to_fixed = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( "body", pose.header.frame_id, rospy.Time() ) pose_in_body = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(pose, body_to_fixed) pose_in_body.header.frame_id = "body" return pose_in_body def robot_allowed_to_move(self, autonomous_command=True): """ Check if the robot is allowed to move. This means checking both that autonomy is enabled, which can only be set when the driver is started, and also that motion is allowed, the state of which can change while the driver is running Args: autonomous_command: If true, indicates that this function should also check if autonomy is enabled Returns: True if the robot is allowed to move, false otherwise """ if not self.allow_motion: rospy.logwarn( "Spot is not currently allowed to move. Use the allow_motion service to allow the robot to " "move." ) autonomy_ok = True if autonomous_command: if not self.autonomy_enabled: rospy.logwarn( "Spot is not allowed to be autonomous because this instance of the driver was started " "with it disabled. Set autonomy_enabled to true in the launch file to enable it." ) autonomy_ok = False if self.is_charging: rospy.logwarn( "Spot cannot be autonomous because it is connected to shore power." ) autonomy_ok = False return self.allow_motion and autonomy_ok def handle_allow_motion(self, req): """ Handle a call to set whether motion is allowed or not When motion is not allowed, any service call or topic which can move the robot will return without doing anything Returns: (bool, str) True if successful, along with a message """ self.allow_motion = rospy.loginfo( "Robot motion is now {}".format( "allowed" if self.allow_motion else "disallowed" ) ) if not self.allow_motion: # Always send a stop command if disallowing motion, in case the robot is moving when it is sent self.spot_wrapper.stop() return True, "Spot motion was {}".format("enabled" if else "disabled") def handle_obstacle_params(self, req): """ Handle a call to set the obstacle params part of mobility params. The previous values are always overwritten. Args: req: Returns: (bool, str) True if successful, along with a message """ mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() obstacle_params = spot_command_pb2.ObstacleParams() # Currently only the obstacle setting that we allow is the padding. The previous value is always overwritten # Clamp to the range [0, 0.5] as on the controller if req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding < 0: rospy.logwarn( "Received padding value of {}, clamping to 0".format( req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding ) ) req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding = 0 if req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding > 0.5: rospy.logwarn( "Received padding value of {}, clamping to 0.5".format( req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding ) ) req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding = 0.5 disable_notallowed = "" if any( [ req.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_obstacle_avoidance, req.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_constraint_avoidance, req.obstacle_params.disable_vision_body_obstacle_avoidance, req.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_obstacle_body_assist, req.obstacle_params.disable_vision_negative_obstacles, ] ): disable_notallowed = " Disabling any of the obstacle avoidance components is not currently allowed." rospy.logerr( "At least one of the disable settings on obstacle params was true." + disable_notallowed ) obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding = ( req.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding ) mobility_params.obstacle_params.CopyFrom(obstacle_params) self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) return True, "Successfully set obstacle params" + disable_notallowed def handle_terrain_params(self, req): """ Handle a call to set the terrain params part of mobility params. The previous values are always overwritten Args: req: Returns: (bool, str) True if successful, along with a message """ mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() # We always overwrite the previous settings of these values. Reject if not within recommended limits (as on # the controller) if 0.2 <= req.terrain_params.ground_mu_hint <= 0.8: # For some reason assignment to ground_mu_hint is not allowed once the terrain params are initialised # Must initialise with the protobuf type DoubleValue for initialisation to work terrain_params = spot_command_pb2.TerrainParams( ground_mu_hint=DoubleValue(value=req.terrain_params.ground_mu_hint) ) else: return ( False, "Failed to set terrain params, ground_mu_hint of {} is not in the range [0.4, 0.8]".format( req.terrain_params.ground_mu_hint ), ) if req.terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode in [1, 2, 3]: terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode = ( req.terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode ) else: return ( False, "Failed to set terrain params, grated_surfaces_mode {} was not one of [1, 2, 3]".format( req.terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode ), ) mobility_params.terrain_params.CopyFrom(terrain_params) self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) return True, "Successfully set terrain params" def trajectory_callback(self, msg): """ Handle a callback from the trajectory topic requesting to go to a location The trajectory will time out after 5 seconds Args: msg: PoseStamped containing desired pose Returns: """ if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(): rospy.logerr( "Trajectory topic received a message but the robot is not allowed to move." ) return try: self._send_trajectory_command( self._transform_pose_to_body_frame(msg), rospy.Duration(5) ) except tf2_ros.LookupException as e: rospy.logerr(str(e)) def handle_trajectory(self, req): """ROS actionserver execution handler to handle receiving a request to move to a location""" if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(): rospy.logerr( "Trajectory service was called but robot is not allowed to move" ) self.trajectory_server.set_aborted( TrajectoryResult(False, "Robot is not allowed to move.") ) return target_pose = req.target_pose if req.target_pose.header.frame_id != "body": rospy.logwarn("Pose given was not in the body frame, will transform") try: target_pose = self._transform_pose_to_body_frame(target_pose) except tf2_ros.LookupException as e: self.trajectory_server.set_aborted( TrajectoryResult(False, "Could not transform pose into body frame") ) return if <= 0: self.trajectory_server.set_aborted( TrajectoryResult(False, "duration must be larger than 0") ) return cmd_duration = rospy.Duration(, resp = self._send_trajectory_command( target_pose, cmd_duration, req.precise_positioning ) def timeout_cb(trajectory_server, _): trajectory_server.publish_feedback( TrajectoryFeedback("Failed to reach goal, timed out") ) trajectory_server.set_aborted( TrajectoryResult(False, "Failed to reach goal, timed out") ) # Abort the actionserver if cmd_duration is exceeded - the driver stops but does not provide feedback to # indicate this so we monitor it ourselves cmd_timeout = rospy.Timer( cmd_duration, functools.partial(timeout_cb, self.trajectory_server), oneshot=True, ) # Sleep to allow some feedback to come through from the trajectory command rospy.sleep(0.25) if self.spot_wrapper._trajectory_status_unknown: rospy.logerr( "Sent trajectory request to spot but received unknown feedback. Resending command. This will " "only be attempted once" ) # If we receive an unknown result from the trajectory, something went wrong internally (not # catastrophically). We need to resend the command, because getting status unknown happens right when # the command is sent. It's unclear right now why this happens resp = self._send_trajectory_command( target_pose, cmd_duration, req.precise_positioning ) cmd_timeout.shutdown() cmd_timeout = rospy.Timer( cmd_duration, functools.partial(timeout_cb, self.trajectory_server), oneshot=True, ) # The trajectory command is non-blocking but we need to keep this function up in order to interrupt if a # preempt is requested and to return success if/when the robot reaches the goal. Also check the is_active to # monitor whether the timeout_cb has already aborted the command rate = rospy.Rate(10) while ( not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.trajectory_server.is_preempt_requested() and not self.spot_wrapper.at_goal and self.trajectory_server.is_active() and not self.spot_wrapper._trajectory_status_unknown ): if self.spot_wrapper.near_goal: if self.spot_wrapper._last_trajectory_command_precise: self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback( TrajectoryFeedback("Near goal, performing final adjustments") ) else: self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback( TrajectoryFeedback("Near goal") ) else: self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback( TrajectoryFeedback("Moving to goal") ) rate.sleep() # If still active after exiting the loop, the command did not time out if self.trajectory_server.is_active(): cmd_timeout.shutdown() if self.trajectory_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback(TrajectoryFeedback("Preempted")) self.trajectory_server.set_preempted() self.spot_wrapper.stop() if self.spot_wrapper.at_goal: self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback( TrajectoryFeedback("Reached goal") ) self.trajectory_server.set_succeeded(TrajectoryResult(resp[0], resp[1])) else: self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback( TrajectoryFeedback("Failed to reach goal") ) self.trajectory_server.set_aborted( TrajectoryResult(False, "Failed to reach goal") ) def handle_roll_over_right(self, req): """Robot sit down and roll on to it its side for easier battery access""" del req resp = self.spot_wrapper.battery_change_pose(1) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_roll_over_left(self, req): """Robot sit down and roll on to it its side for easier battery access""" del req resp = self.spot_wrapper.battery_change_pose(2) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_dock(self, req): """Dock the robot""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.dock(req.dock_id) return DockResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_undock(self, req): """Undock the robot""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.undock() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_dock_action(self, req: DockGoal): if req.undock: resp = self.spot_wrapper.undock() else: resp = self.spot_wrapper.dock(req.dock_id) if resp[0]: self.dock_as.set_succeeded(DockResult(resp[0], resp[1])) else: self.dock_as.set_aborted(DockResult(resp[0], resp[1])) def handle_get_docking_state(self, req): """Get docking state of robot""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.get_docking_state() return GetDockStateResponse(GetDockStatesFromState(resp)) def _send_trajectory_command(self, pose, duration, precise=True): """ Send a trajectory command to the robot Args: pose: Pose the robot should go to. Must be in the body frame duration: After this duration, the command will time out and the robot will stop precise: If true, the robot will position itself precisely at the target pose, otherwise it will end up near (within ~0.5m, rotation optional) the requested location Returns: (bool, str) tuple indicating whether the command was successfully sent, and a message """ if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(): rospy.logerr("send trajectory was called but motion is not allowed.") return if pose.header.frame_id != "body": rospy.logerr("Trajectory command poses must be in the body frame") return return self.spot_wrapper.trajectory_cmd( goal_x=pose.pose.position.x, goal_y=pose.pose.position.y, goal_heading=math_helpers.Quat( w=pose.pose.orientation.w, x=pose.pose.orientation.x, y=pose.pose.orientation.y, z=pose.pose.orientation.z, ).to_yaw(), cmd_duration=duration.to_sec(), precise_position=precise, ) def cmdVelCallback(self, data): """Callback for cmd_vel command""" if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(): rospy.logerr("cmd_vel received a message but motion is not allowed.") return self.spot_wrapper.velocity_cmd(data.linear.x, data.linear.y, data.angular.z) def in_motion_or_idle_pose_cb(self, data): """ Callback for pose to be used while in motion or idling This sets the body control field in the mobility params. This means that the pose will be used while a motion command is executed. Only the pitch is maintained while moving. The roll and yaw will be applied by the idle stand command. """ if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(autonomous_command=False): rospy.logerr("body pose received a message but motion is not allowed.") return self._set_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose(data) def handle_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose(self, goal): """ Handle a goal received from the pose body actionserver Args: goal: PoseBodyGoal containing a pose to apply to the body Returns: """ # We can change the body pose if autonomy is not allowed if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(autonomous_command=False): rospy.logerr("body pose actionserver was called but motion is not allowed.") return # If the body_pose is empty, we use the rpy + height components instead if goal.body_pose == Pose(): # If the rpy+body height are all zero then we set the body to neutral pose if not any( [ goal.roll, goal.pitch, goal.yaw, not math.isclose(goal.body_height, 0, abs_tol=1e-9), ] ): pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1 self._set_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose(pose) else: pose = Pose() # Multiplication order is important to get the correct quaternion orientation_quat = ( math_helpers.Quat.from_yaw(math.radians(goal.yaw)) * math_helpers.Quat.from_pitch(math.radians(goal.pitch)) * math_helpers.Quat.from_roll(math.radians(goal.roll)) ) pose.orientation.x = orientation_quat.x pose.orientation.y = orientation_quat.y pose.orientation.z = orientation_quat.z pose.orientation.w = orientation_quat.w pose.position.z = goal.body_height self._set_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose(pose) else: self._set_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose(goal.body_pose) # Give it some time to move rospy.sleep(2) self.motion_or_idle_body_pose_as.set_succeeded( PoseBodyResult( success=True, message="Successfully applied in-motion pose to body" ) ) def _set_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose(self, pose): """ Set the pose of the body which should be applied while in motion or idle Args: pose: Pose to be applied to the body. Only the body height is taken from the position component Returns: """ q = Quaternion() q.x = pose.orientation.x q.y = pose.orientation.y q.z = pose.orientation.z q.w = pose.orientation.w position = geometry_pb2.Vec3(z=pose.position.z) pose = geometry_pb2.SE3Pose(position=position, rotation=q) point = trajectory_pb2.SE3TrajectoryPoint(pose=pose) traj = trajectory_pb2.SE3Trajectory(points=[point]) body_control = spot_command_pb2.BodyControlParams(base_offset_rt_footprint=traj) mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() mobility_params.body_control.CopyFrom(body_control) self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(mobility_params) def handle_list_graph(self, upload_path): """ROS service handler for listing graph_nav waypoint_ids""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.list_graph(upload_path) return ListGraphResponse(resp) def handle_navigate_to_feedback(self): """Thread function to send navigate_to feedback""" while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.run_navigate_to: localization_state = ( self.spot_wrapper._graph_nav_client.get_localization_state() ) if localization_state.localization.waypoint_id: self.navigate_as.publish_feedback( NavigateToFeedback(localization_state.localization.waypoint_id) ) rospy.Rate(10).sleep() def handle_navigate_to(self, msg): """ROS service handler to run mission of the robot. The robot will replay a mission""" if not self.robot_allowed_to_move(): rospy.logerr("navigate_to was requested but robot is not allowed to move.") self.navigate_as.set_aborted( NavigateToResult(False, "Autonomy is not enabled") ) return # create thread to periodically publish feedback feedback_thraed = threading.Thread( target=self.handle_navigate_to_feedback, args=() ) self.run_navigate_to = True feedback_thraed.start() # run navigate_to resp = self.spot_wrapper.navigate_to( upload_path=msg.upload_path, navigate_to=msg.navigate_to, initial_localization_fiducial=msg.initial_localization_fiducial, initial_localization_waypoint=msg.initial_localization_waypoint, ) self.run_navigate_to = False feedback_thraed.join() # check status if resp[0]: self.navigate_as.set_succeeded(NavigateToResult(resp[0], resp[1])) else: self.navigate_as.set_aborted(NavigateToResult(resp[0], resp[1])) def populate_camera_static_transforms(self, image_data): """Check data received from one of the image tasks and use the transform snapshot to extract the camera frame transforms. This is the transforms from body->frontleft->frontleft_fisheye, for example. These transforms never change, but they may be calibrated slightly differently for each robot so we need to generate the transforms at runtime. Args: image_data: Image protobuf data from the wrapper """ # We exclude the odometry frames from static transforms since they are not static. We can ignore the body # frame because it is a child of odom or vision depending on the mode_parent_odom_tf, and will be published # by the non-static transform publishing that is done by the state callback excluded_frames = [ self.tf_name_vision_odom, self.tf_name_kinematic_odom, "body", ] for frame_name in image_data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map: if frame_name in excluded_frames: continue parent_frame = ( image_data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name ).parent_frame_name ) existing_transforms = [ (transform.header.frame_id, transform.child_frame_id) for transform in self.sensors_static_transforms ] if (parent_frame, frame_name) in existing_transforms: # We already extracted this transform continue transform = ( image_data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name ) ) local_time = self.spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( image_data.shot.acquisition_time ) tf_time = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) static_tf = populateTransformStamped( tf_time, transform.parent_frame_name, frame_name, transform.parent_tform_child, ) self.sensors_static_transforms.append(static_tf) self.sensors_static_transform_broadcaster.sendTransform( self.sensors_static_transforms ) def populate_lidar_static_transforms(self, point_cloud_data): """Check data received from one of the point cloud tasks and use the transform snapshot to extract the lidar frame transforms. This is the transforms from body->sensor, for example. These transforms never change, but they may be calibrated slightly differently for each robot so we need to generate the transforms at runtime. Args: point_cloud_data: PointCloud protobuf data from the wrapper """ # We exclude the odometry frames from static transforms since they are not static. We can ignore the body # frame because it is a child of odom or vision depending on the mode_parent_odom_tf, and will be published # by the non-static transform publishing that is done by the state callback excluded_frames = [ self.tf_name_vision_odom, self.tf_name_kinematic_odom, "body", ] for ( frame_name ) in ( point_cloud_data.point_cloud.source.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map ): if frame_name in excluded_frames: continue parent_frame = point_cloud_data.point_cloud.source.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name ).parent_frame_name existing_transforms = [ (transform.header.frame_id, transform.child_frame_id) for transform in self.sensors_static_transforms ] if (parent_frame, frame_name) in existing_transforms: # We already extracted this transform continue transform = point_cloud_data.point_cloud.source.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name ) local_time = self.spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( point_cloud_data.point_cloud.source.acquisition_time ) tf_time = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) static_tf = populateTransformStamped( tf_time, transform.parent_frame_name, frame_name, transform.parent_tform_child, ) self.sensors_static_transforms.append(static_tf) self.sensors_static_transform_broadcaster.sendTransform( self.sensors_static_transforms ) # Arm functions ################################################## def handle_arm_stow(self, srv_data): """ROS service handler to command the arm to stow, home position""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.arm_stow() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_arm_unstow(self, srv_data): """ROS service handler to command the arm to unstow, joints are all zeros""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.arm_unstow() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_arm_joint_move(self, srv_data: ArmJointMovementRequest): """ROS service handler to send joint movement to the arm to execute""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.arm_joint_move(joint_targets=srv_data.joint_target) return ArmJointMovementResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_force_trajectory(self, srv_data: ArmForceTrajectoryRequest): """ROS service handler to send a force trajectory up or down a vertical force""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.force_trajectory(data=srv_data) return ArmForceTrajectoryResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_gripper_open(self, srv_data): """ROS service handler to open the gripper""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.gripper_open() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_gripper_close(self, srv_data): """ROS service handler to close the gripper""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.gripper_close() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_gripper_angle_open(self, srv_data: GripperAngleMoveRequest): """ROS service handler to open the gripper at an angle""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.gripper_angle_open(gripper_ang=srv_data.gripper_angle) return GripperAngleMoveResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_arm_carry(self, srv_data): """ROS service handler to put arm in carry mode""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.arm_carry() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_hand_pose(self, srv_data: HandPoseRequest): """ROS service to give a position to the gripper""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.hand_pose(data=srv_data) return HandPoseResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_grasp_3d(self, srv_data: Grasp3dRequest): """ROS service to grasp an object by x,y,z coordinates in given frame""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.grasp_3d( frame=srv_data.frame_name, object_rt_frame=srv_data.object_rt_frame, ) return Grasp3dResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) ################################################################## def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Shutting down ROS driver for Spot") self.spot_wrapper.sit() rospy.Rate(0.25).sleep() self.spot_wrapper.disconnect() def publish_mobility_params(self): mobility_params_msg = MobilityParams() try: mobility_params = self.spot_wrapper.get_mobility_params() mobility_params_msg.body_control.position.x = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.position.x ) mobility_params_msg.body_control.position.y = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.position.y ) mobility_params_msg.body_control.position.z = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.position.z ) mobility_params_msg.body_control.orientation.x = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.rotation.x ) mobility_params_msg.body_control.orientation.y = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.rotation.y ) mobility_params_msg.body_control.orientation.z = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.rotation.z ) mobility_params_msg.body_control.orientation.w = ( mobility_params.body_control.base_offset_rt_footprint.points[ 0 ].pose.rotation.w ) mobility_params_msg.locomotion_hint = mobility_params.locomotion_hint mobility_params_msg.stair_hint = mobility_params.stair_hint mobility_params_msg.swing_height = mobility_params.swing_height mobility_params_msg.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding = ( mobility_params.obstacle_params.obstacle_avoidance_padding ) mobility_params_msg.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_obstacle_avoidance = ( mobility_params.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_obstacle_avoidance ) mobility_params_msg.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_constraint_avoidance = ( mobility_params.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_constraint_avoidance ) mobility_params_msg.obstacle_params.disable_vision_body_obstacle_avoidance = ( mobility_params.obstacle_params.disable_vision_body_obstacle_avoidance ) mobility_params_msg.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_obstacle_body_assist = ( mobility_params.obstacle_params.disable_vision_foot_obstacle_body_assist ) mobility_params_msg.obstacle_params.disable_vision_negative_obstacles = ( mobility_params.obstacle_params.disable_vision_negative_obstacles ) if mobility_params.HasField("terrain_params"): if mobility_params.terrain_params.HasField("ground_mu_hint"): mobility_params_msg.terrain_params.ground_mu_hint = ( mobility_params.terrain_params.ground_mu_hint ) # hasfield does not work on grated surfaces mode if hasattr(mobility_params.terrain_params, "grated_surfaces_mode"): mobility_params_msg.terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode = ( mobility_params.terrain_params.grated_surfaces_mode ) # The velocity limit values can be set independently so make sure each of them exists before setting if mobility_params.HasField("vel_limit"): if hasattr(mobility_params.vel_limit.max_vel.linear, "x"): mobility_params_msg.velocity_limit.linear.x = ( mobility_params.vel_limit.max_vel.linear.x ) if hasattr(mobility_params.vel_limit.max_vel.linear, "y"): mobility_params_msg.velocity_limit.linear.y = ( mobility_params.vel_limit.max_vel.linear.y ) if hasattr(mobility_params.vel_limit.max_vel, "angular"): mobility_params_msg.velocity_limit.angular.z = ( mobility_params.vel_limit.max_vel.angular ) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr("Error:{}".format(e)) pass self.mobility_params_pub.publish(mobility_params_msg) def publish_feedback(self): feedback_msg = Feedback() feedback_msg.standing = self.spot_wrapper.is_standing feedback_msg.sitting = self.spot_wrapper.is_sitting feedback_msg.moving = self.spot_wrapper.is_moving id_ = try: feedback_msg.serial_number = id_.serial_number feedback_msg.species = id_.species feedback_msg.version = id_.version feedback_msg.nickname = id_.nickname feedback_msg.computer_serial_number = id_.computer_serial_number except: pass self.feedback_pub.publish(feedback_msg) def publish_allow_motion(self): self.motion_allowed_pub.publish(self.allow_motion) def check_for_subscriber(self): for pub in list(self.camera_pub_to_async_task_mapping.keys()): task_name = self.camera_pub_to_async_task_mapping[pub] if ( task_name not in self.active_camera_tasks and pub.get_num_connections() > 0 ): self.spot_wrapper.update_image_tasks(task_name) self.active_camera_tasks.append(task_name) print( f"Detected subscriber for {task_name} task, adding task to publish" ) def main(self): """Main function for the SpotROS class. Gets config from ROS and initializes the wrapper. Holds lease from wrapper and updates all async tasks at the ROS rate""" rospy.init_node("spot_ros", anonymous=True) self.rates = rospy.get_param("~rates", {}) if "loop_frequency" in self.rates: loop_rate = self.rates["loop_frequency"] else: loop_rate = 50 for param, rate in self.rates.items(): if rate > loop_rate: rospy.logwarn( "{} has a rate of {} specified, which is higher than the loop rate of {}. It will not " "be published at the expected frequency".format( param, rate, loop_rate ) ) rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("~robot_name", "spot") self.username = rospy.get_param("~username", "default_value") self.password = rospy.get_param("~password", "default_value") self.hostname = rospy.get_param("~hostname", "default_value") self.motion_deadzone = rospy.get_param("~deadzone", 0.05) self.start_estop = rospy.get_param("~start_estop", True) self.estop_timeout = rospy.get_param("~estop_timeout", 9.0) self.autonomy_enabled = rospy.get_param("~autonomy_enabled", True) self.allow_motion = rospy.get_param("~allow_motion", True) self.use_take_lease = rospy.get_param("~use_take_lease", False) self.get_lease_on_action = rospy.get_param("~get_lease_on_action", False) self.is_charging = False self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer) self.sensors_static_transform_broadcaster = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() # Static transform broadcaster is super simple and just a latched publisher. Every time we add a new static # transform we must republish all static transforms from this source, otherwise the tree will be incomplete. # We keep a list of all the static transforms we already have so they can be republished, and so we can check # which ones we already have self.sensors_static_transforms = [] # Spot has 2 types of odometries: 'odom' and 'vision' # The former one is kinematic odometry and the second one is a combined odometry of vision and kinematics # These params enables to change which odometry frame is a parent of body frame and to change tf names of each odometry frames. self.mode_parent_odom_tf = rospy.get_param( "~mode_parent_odom_tf", "odom" ) # 'vision' or 'odom' self.tf_name_kinematic_odom = rospy.get_param("~tf_name_kinematic_odom", "odom") self.tf_name_raw_kinematic = "odom" self.tf_name_vision_odom = rospy.get_param("~tf_name_vision_odom", "vision") self.tf_name_raw_vision = "vision" if ( self.mode_parent_odom_tf != self.tf_name_raw_kinematic and self.mode_parent_odom_tf != self.tf_name_raw_vision ): rospy.logerr( "rosparam '~mode_parent_odom_tf' should be 'odom' or 'vision'." ) return self.logger = logging.getLogger("rosout") rospy.loginfo("Starting ROS driver for Spot") self.spot_wrapper = SpotWrapper( username=self.username, password=self.password, hostname=self.hostname, robot_name=self.robot_name, logger=self.logger, start_estop=self.start_estop, estop_timeout=self.estop_timeout, rates=self.rates, callbacks=self.callbacks, use_take_lease=self.use_take_lease, get_lease_on_action=self.get_lease_on_action, ) if not self.spot_wrapper.is_valid: return # Images # self.back_image_pub = rospy.Publisher("camera/back/image", Image, queue_size=10) self.frontleft_image_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/frontleft/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.frontright_image_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/frontright/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.left_image_pub = rospy.Publisher("camera/left/image", Image, queue_size=10) self.right_image_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/right/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_image_mono_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/hand_mono/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_image_color_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/hand_color/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) # Depth # self.back_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher("depth/back/image", Image, queue_size=10) self.frontleft_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontleft/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.frontright_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontright/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.left_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher("depth/left/image", Image, queue_size=10) self.right_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/right/image", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher("depth/hand/image", Image, queue_size=10) self.hand_depth_in_hand_color_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/hand/depth_in_color", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.frontleft_depth_in_visual_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontleft/depth_in_visual", Image, queue_size=10 ) self.frontright_depth_in_visual_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontright/depth_in_visual", Image, queue_size=10 ) # EAP Pointcloud # self.point_cloud_pub = rospy.Publisher( "lidar/points", PointCloud2, queue_size=10 ) # Image Camera Info # self.back_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/back/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.frontleft_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/frontleft/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.frontright_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/frontright/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.left_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/left/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.right_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/right/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_image_mono_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/hand_mono/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_image_color_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/hand_color/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) # Depth Camera Info # self.back_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/back/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.frontleft_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontleft/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.frontright_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontright/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.left_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/left/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.right_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/right/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/hand/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.hand_depth_in_color_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "camera/hand/depth_in_color/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.frontleft_depth_in_visual_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontleft/depth_in_visual/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.frontright_depth_in_visual_info_pub = rospy.Publisher( "depth/frontright/depth_in_visual/camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10 ) self.camera_pub_to_async_task_mapping = { self.frontleft_image_pub: "front_image", self.frontleft_depth_pub: "front_image", self.frontleft_image_info_pub: "front_image", self.frontright_image_pub: "front_image", self.frontright_depth_pub: "front_image", self.frontright_image_info_pub: "front_image", self.back_image_pub: "rear_image", self.back_depth_pub: "rear_image", self.back_image_info_pub: "rear_image", self.right_image_pub: "side_image", self.right_depth_pub: "side_image", self.right_image_info_pub: "side_image", self.left_image_pub: "side_image", self.left_depth_pub: "side_image", self.left_image_info_pub: "side_image", self.hand_image_color_pub: "hand_image", self.hand_image_mono_pub: "hand_image", self.hand_image_mono_info_pub: "hand_image", self.hand_depth_pub: "hand_image", self.hand_depth_in_hand_color_pub: "hand_image", } # Status Publishers # self.joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher( "joint_states", JointState, queue_size=10 ) """Defining a TF publisher manually because of conflicts between Python3 and tf""" self.tf_pub = rospy.Publisher("tf", TFMessage, queue_size=10) self.metrics_pub = rospy.Publisher("status/metrics", Metrics, queue_size=10) self.lease_pub = rospy.Publisher("status/leases", LeaseArray, queue_size=10) self.odom_twist_pub = rospy.Publisher( "odometry/twist", TwistWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=10 ) self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher("odometry", Odometry, queue_size=10) self.odom_corrected_pub = rospy.Publisher( "odometry_corrected", Odometry, queue_size=10 ) self.feet_pub = rospy.Publisher("status/feet", FootStateArray, queue_size=10) self.estop_pub = rospy.Publisher("status/estop", EStopStateArray, queue_size=10) self.wifi_pub = rospy.Publisher("status/wifi", WiFiState, queue_size=10) self.power_pub = rospy.Publisher( "status/power_state", PowerState, queue_size=10 ) self.battery_pub = rospy.Publisher( "status/battery_states", BatteryStateArray, queue_size=10 ) self.behavior_faults_pub = rospy.Publisher( "status/behavior_faults", BehaviorFaultState, queue_size=10 ) self.system_faults_pub = rospy.Publisher( "status/system_faults", SystemFaultState, queue_size=10 ) self.motion_allowed_pub = rospy.Publisher( "status/motion_allowed", Bool, queue_size=10 ) self.feedback_pub = rospy.Publisher("status/feedback", Feedback, queue_size=10) self.mobility_params_pub = rospy.Publisher( "status/mobility_params", MobilityParams, queue_size=10 ) rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmdVelCallback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber( "go_to_pose", PoseStamped, self.trajectory_callback, queue_size=1 ) rospy.Subscriber( "in_motion_or_idle_body_pose", Pose, self.in_motion_or_idle_pose_cb, queue_size=1, ) rospy.Service("claim", Trigger, self.handle_claim) rospy.Service("release", Trigger, self.handle_release) rospy.Service("self_right", Trigger, self.handle_self_right) rospy.Service("sit", Trigger, self.handle_sit) rospy.Service("stand", Trigger, self.handle_stand) rospy.Service("power_on", Trigger, self.handle_power_on) rospy.Service("power_off", Trigger, self.handle_safe_power_off) rospy.Service("estop/hard", Trigger, self.handle_estop_hard) rospy.Service("estop/gentle", Trigger, self.handle_estop_soft) rospy.Service("estop/release", Trigger, self.handle_estop_disengage) rospy.Service("allow_motion", SetBool, self.handle_allow_motion) rospy.Service("stair_mode", SetBool, self.handle_stair_mode) rospy.Service("locomotion_mode", SetLocomotion, self.handle_locomotion_mode) rospy.Service("swing_height", SetSwingHeight, self.handle_swing_height) rospy.Service("velocity_limit", SetVelocity, self.handle_vel_limit) rospy.Service( "clear_behavior_fault", ClearBehaviorFault, self.handle_clear_behavior_fault ) rospy.Service("terrain_params", SetTerrainParams, self.handle_terrain_params) rospy.Service("obstacle_params", SetObstacleParams, self.handle_obstacle_params) rospy.Service("posed_stand", PosedStand, self.handle_posed_stand) rospy.Service("list_graph", ListGraph, self.handle_list_graph) rospy.Service("roll_over_right", Trigger, self.handle_roll_over_right) rospy.Service("roll_over_left", Trigger, self.handle_roll_over_left) # Docking rospy.Service("dock", Dock, self.handle_dock) rospy.Service("undock", Trigger, self.handle_undock) rospy.Service("docking_state", GetDockState, self.handle_get_docking_state) # Arm Services ######################################### rospy.Service("arm_stow", Trigger, self.handle_arm_stow) rospy.Service("arm_unstow", Trigger, self.handle_arm_unstow) rospy.Service("gripper_open", Trigger, self.handle_gripper_open) rospy.Service("gripper_close", Trigger, self.handle_gripper_close) rospy.Service("arm_carry", Trigger, self.handle_arm_carry) rospy.Service( "gripper_angle_open", GripperAngleMove, self.handle_gripper_angle_open ) rospy.Service("arm_joint_move", ArmJointMovement, self.handle_arm_joint_move) rospy.Service( "force_trajectory", ArmForceTrajectory, self.handle_force_trajectory ) rospy.Service("gripper_pose", HandPose, self.handle_hand_pose) rospy.Service("grasp_3d", Grasp3d, self.handle_grasp_3d) ######################################################### self.navigate_as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "navigate_to", NavigateToAction, execute_cb=self.handle_navigate_to, auto_start=False, ) self.navigate_as.start() self.trajectory_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "trajectory", TrajectoryAction, execute_cb=self.handle_trajectory, auto_start=False, ) self.trajectory_server.start() self.motion_or_idle_body_pose_as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "motion_or_idle_body_pose", PoseBodyAction, execute_cb=self.handle_in_motion_or_idle_body_pose, auto_start=False, ) self.motion_or_idle_body_pose_as.start() self.body_pose_as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "body_pose", PoseBodyAction, execute_cb=self.handle_posed_stand_action, auto_start=False, ) self.body_pose_as.start() self.dock_as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "dock", DockAction, execute_cb=self.handle_dock_action, auto_start=False, ) self.dock_as.start() # Stop service calls other services so initialise it after them to prevent crashes which can happen if # the service is immediately called rospy.Service("stop", Trigger, self.handle_stop) rospy.Service("locked_stop", Trigger, self.handle_locked_stop) rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) max_linear_x = rospy.get_param("~max_linear_velocity_x", 0) max_linear_y = rospy.get_param("~max_linear_velocity_y", 0) max_angular_z = rospy.get_param("~max_angular_velocity_z", 0) self.set_velocity_limits(max_linear_x, max_linear_y, max_angular_z) self.auto_claim = rospy.get_param("~auto_claim", False) self.auto_power_on = rospy.get_param("~auto_power_on", False) self.auto_stand = rospy.get_param("~auto_stand", False) if self.auto_claim: self.spot_wrapper.claim() if self.auto_power_on: self.spot_wrapper.power_on() if self.auto_stand: self.spot_wrapper.stand() rate_limited_feedback = RateLimitedCall( self.publish_feedback, self.rates["feedback"] ) rate_limited_mobility_params = RateLimitedCall( self.publish_mobility_params, self.rates["mobility_params"] ) rate_check_for_subscriber = RateLimitedCall( self.check_for_subscriber, self.rates["check_subscribers"] ) rate_limited_motion_allowed = RateLimitedCall(self.publish_allow_motion, 10) rospy.loginfo("Driver started") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.spot_wrapper.updateTasks() rate_limited_feedback() rate_limited_mobility_params() rate_limited_motion_allowed() rate_check_for_subscriber() rate.sleep()
import copy import rospy import tf2_ros import transforms3d from std_msgs.msg import Empty from tf2_msgs.msg import TFMessage from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped, Transform from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2, PointField from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovariance from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistWithCovariance from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistWithCovarianceStamped from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from spot_msgs.msg import Metrics from spot_msgs.msg import LeaseArray, LeaseResource from spot_msgs.msg import FootState, FootStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import EStopState, EStopStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import WiFiState from spot_msgs.msg import PowerState from spot_msgs.msg import BehaviorFault, BehaviorFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import SystemFault, SystemFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import BatteryState, BatteryStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import DockState from bosdyn.api import image_pb2, point_cloud_pb2 from bosdyn.client.math_helpers import SE3Pose from bosdyn.client.frame_helpers import get_odom_tform_body, get_vision_tform_body import numpy as np friendly_joint_names = {} """Dictionary for mapping BD joint names to more friendly names""" friendly_joint_names["fl.hx"] = "front_left_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["fl.hy"] = "front_left_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "front_left_knee" friendly_joint_names["fr.hx"] = "front_right_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["fr.hy"] = "front_right_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "front_right_knee" friendly_joint_names["hl.hx"] = "rear_left_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["hl.hy"] = "rear_left_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "rear_left_knee" friendly_joint_names["hr.hx"] = "rear_right_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["hr.hy"] = "rear_right_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "rear_right_knee" # arm joints friendly_joint_names["arm0.sh0"] = "arm_joint1" friendly_joint_names["arm0.sh1"] = "arm_joint2" friendly_joint_names["arm0.el0"] = "arm_joint3" friendly_joint_names["arm0.el1"] = "arm_joint4" friendly_joint_names["arm0.wr0"] = "arm_joint5" friendly_joint_names["arm0.wr1"] = "arm_joint6" friendly_joint_names["arm0.f1x"] = "arm_gripper" class DefaultCameraInfo(CameraInfo): """Blank class extending CameraInfo ROS topic that defaults most parameters""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.distortion_model = "plumb_bob" self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.K[1] = 0 self.K[3] = 0 self.K[6] = 0 self.K[7] = 0 self.K[8] = 1 self.R[0] = 1 self.R[1] = 0 self.R[2] = 0 self.R[3] = 0 self.R[4] = 1 self.R[5] = 0 self.R[6] = 0 self.R[7] = 0 self.R[8] = 1 self.P[1] = 0 self.P[3] = 0 self.P[4] = 0 self.P[7] = 0 self.P[8] = 0 self.P[9] = 0 self.P[10] = 1 self.P[11] = 0 def populateTransformStamped(time, parent_frame, child_frame, transform): """Populates a TransformStamped message Args: time: The time of the transform parent_frame: The parent frame of the transform child_frame: The child_frame_id of the transform transform: A transform to copy into a StampedTransform object. Should have position (x,y,z) and rotation (x, y,z,w) members Returns: TransformStamped message. Empty if transform does not have position or translation attribute """ if hasattr(transform, "position"): position = transform.position elif hasattr(transform, "translation"): position = transform.translation else: rospy.logerr( "Trying to generate StampedTransform but input transform has neither position nor translation " "attributes" ) return TransformStamped() new_tf = TransformStamped() new_tf.header.stamp = time new_tf.header.frame_id = parent_frame new_tf.child_frame_id = child_frame new_tf.transform.translation.x = position.x new_tf.transform.translation.y = position.y new_tf.transform.translation.z = position.z new_tf.transform.rotation.x = transform.rotation.x new_tf.transform.rotation.y = transform.rotation.y new_tf.transform.rotation.z = transform.rotation.z new_tf.transform.rotation.w = transform.rotation.w return new_tf def getImageMsg(data, spot_wrapper): """Takes the imag and camera data and populates the necessary ROS messages Args: data: Image proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: (tuple): * Image: message of the image captured * CameraInfo: message to define the state and config of the camera that took the image """ image_msg = Image() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) image_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) image_msg.header.frame_id = data.shot.frame_name_image_sensor image_msg.height = data.shot.image.rows image_msg.width = data.shot.image.cols # Color/greyscale formats. # JPEG format if data.shot.image.format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG: image_msg.encoding = "rgb8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 3 * data.shot.image.cols = # Uncompressed. Requires pixel_format. if data.shot.image.format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW: # One byte per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_GREYSCALE_U8: image_msg.encoding = "mono8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = data.shot.image.cols = # Three bytes per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_U8: image_msg.encoding = "rgb8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 3 * data.shot.image.cols = # Four bytes per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_U8: image_msg.encoding = "rgba8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 4 * data.shot.image.cols = # Little-endian uint16 z-distance from camera (mm). if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_U16: image_msg.encoding = "16UC1" image_msg.is_bigendian = False image_msg.step = 2 * data.shot.image.cols = camera_info_msg = DefaultCameraInfo() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) camera_info_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) camera_info_msg.header.frame_id = data.shot.frame_name_image_sensor camera_info_msg.height = data.shot.image.rows camera_info_msg.width = data.shot.image.cols camera_info_msg.K[0] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.x camera_info_msg.K[2] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.x camera_info_msg.K[4] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.y camera_info_msg.K[5] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.y camera_info_msg.P[0] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.x camera_info_msg.P[2] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.x camera_info_msg.P[5] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.y camera_info_msg.P[6] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.y return image_msg, camera_info_msg def GetPointCloudMsg(data, spot_wrapper): """Takes the imag and camera data and populates the necessary ROS messages Args: data: PointCloud proto (PointCloudResponse) spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: PointCloud: message of the point cloud (PointCloud2) """ point_cloud_msg = PointCloud2() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.point_cloud.source.acquisition_time) point_cloud_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) point_cloud_msg.header.frame_id = data.point_cloud.source.frame_name_sensor if data.point_cloud.encoding == point_cloud_pb2.PointCloud.ENCODING_XYZ_32F: point_cloud_msg.height = 1 point_cloud_msg.width = data.point_cloud.num_points point_cloud_msg.fields = [] for i, ax in enumerate(("x", "y", "z")): field = PointField() = ax field.offset = i * 4 field.datatype = PointField.FLOAT32 field.count = 1 point_cloud_msg.fields.append(field) point_cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False point_cloud_np = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8) point_cloud_msg.point_step = 12 # float32 XYZ point_cloud_msg.row_step = point_cloud_msg.width * point_cloud_msg.point_step = point_cloud_np.tobytes() point_cloud_msg.is_dense = True else: rospy.logwarn("Not supported point cloud data type.") return point_cloud_msg def GetJointStatesFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps joint state data from robot state proto to ROS JointState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: JointState message """ joint_state = JointState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp ) joint_state.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) for joint in state.kinematic_state.joint_states: # there is a joint with name arm0.hr0 in the robot state, however this # joint has no data and should not be there, this is why we ignore it if == "arm0.hr0": continue, "ERROR")) joint_state.position.append(joint.position.value) joint_state.velocity.append(joint.velocity.value) joint_state.effort.append(joint.load.value) return joint_state def GetEStopStateFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps eStop state data from robot state proto to ROS EStopArray message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: EStopArray message """ estop_array_msg = EStopStateArray() for estop in state.estop_states: estop_msg = EStopState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(estop.timestamp) estop_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) = estop_msg.type = estop.type estop_msg.state = estop.state estop_msg.state_description = estop.state_description estop_array_msg.estop_states.append(estop_msg) return estop_array_msg def GetFeetFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps foot position state data from robot state proto to ROS FootStateArray message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: FootStateArray message """ foot_array_msg = FootStateArray() for foot in state.foot_state: foot_msg = FootState() foot_msg.foot_position_rt_body.x = foot.foot_position_rt_body.x foot_msg.foot_position_rt_body.y = foot.foot_position_rt_body.y foot_msg.foot_position_rt_body.z = foot.foot_position_rt_body.z = if foot.HasField("terrain"): terrain = foot.terrain foot_msg.terrain.ground_mu_est = terrain.ground_mu_est foot_msg.terrain.frame_name = terrain.frame_name foot_msg.terrain.foot_slip_distance_rt_frame = ( terrain.foot_slip_distance_rt_frame ) foot_msg.terrain.foot_slip_velocity_rt_frame = ( terrain.foot_slip_velocity_rt_frame ) foot_msg.terrain.ground_contact_normal_rt_frame = ( terrain.ground_contact_normal_rt_frame ) foot_msg.terrain.visual_surface_ground_penetration_mean = ( terrain.visual_surface_ground_penetration_mean ) foot_msg.terrain.visual_surface_ground_penetration_std = ( terrain.visual_surface_ground_penetration_std ) foot_array_msg.states.append(foot_msg) return foot_array_msg def GetOdomTwistFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps odometry data from robot state proto to ROS TwistWithCovarianceStamped message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: TwistWithCovarianceStamped message """ twist_odom_msg = TwistWithCovarianceStamped() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp ) twist_odom_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = ( state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.linear.x ) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = ( state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.linear.y ) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = ( state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.linear.z ) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x = ( state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.angular.x ) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y = ( state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.angular.y ) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = ( state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.angular.z ) return twist_odom_msg def get_corrected_odom(base_odometry: Odometry): """ Get odometry from state but correct the twist portion of the message to be in the child frame id rather than the odom/vision frame. indicates the twist in the state is in the odom frame and not the body frame, as is expected by many ROS components. Conversion of Args: base_odometry: Uncorrected odometry message Returns: Odometry with twist in the body frame """ # Note: transforms3d has quaternions in wxyz, not xyzw like ros. # Get the transform from body to odom/vision so we have the inverse transform, which we will use to correct the # twist. We don't actually care about the translation at any point since we're just rotating the twist vectors inverse_rotation = transforms3d.quaternions.quat2mat( transforms3d.quaternions.qinverse( [ base_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.w, base_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.x, base_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.y, base_odometry.pose.pose.orientation.z, ] ) ) # transform the linear twist by rotating the vector according to the rotation from body to odom linear_twist = np.array( [ [base_odometry.twist.twist.linear.x], [base_odometry.twist.twist.linear.y], [base_odometry.twist.twist.linear.z], ] ) corrected_linear = # Do the same for the angular twist angular_twist = np.array( [ [base_odometry.twist.twist.angular.x], [base_odometry.twist.twist.angular.y], [base_odometry.twist.twist.angular.z], ] ) corrected_angular = corrected_odometry = copy.deepcopy(base_odometry) corrected_odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = corrected_linear[0][0] corrected_odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = corrected_linear[1][0] corrected_odometry.twist.twist.linear.z = corrected_linear[2][0] corrected_odometry.twist.twist.angular.x = corrected_angular[0][0] corrected_odometry.twist.twist.angular.y = corrected_angular[1][0] corrected_odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = corrected_angular[2][0] return corrected_odometry def GetOdomFromState(state, spot_wrapper, use_vision=True): """Maps odometry data from robot state proto to ROS Odometry message WARNING: The odometry twist from this message is in the odom frame and not in the body frame. This will likely cause issues. You should use the odometry_corrected topic instead Args: state: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object use_vision: If true, the odometry frame will be vision rather than odom Returns: Odometry message """ odom_msg = Odometry() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp ) odom_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) if use_vision == True: odom_msg.header.frame_id = "vision" tform_body = get_vision_tform_body(state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot) else: odom_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" tform_body = get_odom_tform_body(state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot) odom_msg.child_frame_id = "body" pose_odom_msg = PoseWithCovariance() pose_odom_msg.pose.position.x = tform_body.position.x pose_odom_msg.pose.position.y = tform_body.position.y pose_odom_msg.pose.position.z = tform_body.position.z pose_odom_msg.pose.orientation.x = tform_body.rotation.x pose_odom_msg.pose.orientation.y = tform_body.rotation.y pose_odom_msg.pose.orientation.z = tform_body.rotation.z pose_odom_msg.pose.orientation.w = tform_body.rotation.w odom_msg.pose = pose_odom_msg twist_odom_msg = GetOdomTwistFromState(state, spot_wrapper).twist odom_msg.twist = twist_odom_msg return odom_msg def GetWifiFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps wireless state data from robot state proto to ROS WiFiState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: WiFiState message """ wifi_msg = WiFiState() for comm_state in state.comms_states: if comm_state.HasField("wifi_state"): wifi_msg.current_mode = comm_state.wifi_state.current_mode wifi_msg.essid = comm_state.wifi_state.essid return wifi_msg def generate_feet_tf(foot_states_msg): """ Generate a tf message containing information about foot states Args: foot_states_msg: FootStateArray message containing the foot states from the robot state Returns: tf message with foot states """ foot_ordering = ["front_left", "front_right", "rear_left", "rear_right"] foot_tfs = TFMessage() time_now = for idx, foot_state in enumerate(foot_states_msg.states): foot_transform = Transform() # Rotation of the foot is not given foot_transform.rotation.w = 1 foot_transform.translation.x = foot_state.foot_position_rt_body.x foot_transform.translation.y = foot_state.foot_position_rt_body.y foot_transform.translation.z = foot_state.foot_position_rt_body.z foot_tfs.transforms.append( populateTransformStamped( time_now, "body", foot_ordering[idx] + "_foot", foot_transform ) ) return foot_tfs def GetTFFromState(state, spot_wrapper, inverse_target_frame): """Maps robot link state data from robot state proto to ROS TFMessage message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object inverse_target_frame: A frame name to be inversed to a parent frame. Returns: TFMessage message """ tf_msg = TFMessage() for ( frame_name ) in state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map: if state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name ).parent_frame_name: try: transform = state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name ) local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp ) tf_time = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) if inverse_target_frame == frame_name: geo_tform_inversed = SE3Pose.from_obj( transform.parent_tform_child ).inverse() new_tf = populateTransformStamped( tf_time, frame_name, transform.parent_frame_name, geo_tform_inversed, ) else: new_tf = populateTransformStamped( tf_time, transform.parent_frame_name, frame_name, transform.parent_tform_child, ) tf_msg.transforms.append(new_tf) except Exception as e: spot_wrapper.logger.error("Error: {}".format(e)) return tf_msg def GetBatteryStatesFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps battery state data from robot state proto to ROS BatteryStateArray message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: BatteryStateArray message """ battery_states_array_msg = BatteryStateArray() for battery in state.battery_states: battery_msg = BatteryState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(battery.timestamp) battery_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) battery_msg.identifier = battery.identifier battery_msg.charge_percentage = battery.charge_percentage.value battery_msg.estimated_runtime = rospy.Time( battery.estimated_runtime.seconds, battery.estimated_runtime.nanos ) battery_msg.current = battery.current.value battery_msg.voltage = battery.voltage.value for temp in battery.temperatures: battery_msg.temperatures.append(temp) battery_msg.status = battery.status battery_states_array_msg.battery_states.append(battery_msg) return battery_states_array_msg def GetPowerStatesFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps power state data from robot state proto to ROS PowerState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: PowerState message """ power_state_msg = PowerState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(state.power_state.timestamp) power_state_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) power_state_msg.motor_power_state = state.power_state.motor_power_state power_state_msg.shore_power_state = state.power_state.shore_power_state power_state_msg.locomotion_charge_percentage = ( state.power_state.locomotion_charge_percentage.value ) power_state_msg.locomotion_estimated_runtime = rospy.Time( state.power_state.locomotion_estimated_runtime.seconds, state.power_state.locomotion_estimated_runtime.nanos, ) return power_state_msg def GetDockStatesFromState(state): """Maps dock state data from robot state proto to ROS DockState message Args: state: Robot State proto Returns: DockState message """ dock_state_msg = DockState() dock_state_msg.status = state.status dock_state_msg.dock_type = state.dock_type dock_state_msg.dock_id = state.dock_id dock_state_msg.power_status = state.power_status return dock_state_msg def getBehaviorFaults(behavior_faults, spot_wrapper): """Helper function to strip out behavior faults into a list Args: behavior_faults: List of BehaviorFaults spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: List of BehaviorFault messages """ faults = [] for fault in behavior_faults: new_fault = BehaviorFault() new_fault.behavior_fault_id = fault.behavior_fault_id local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(fault.onset_timestamp) new_fault.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) new_fault.cause = fault.cause new_fault.status = fault.status faults.append(new_fault) return faults def getSystemFaults(system_faults, spot_wrapper): """Helper function to strip out system faults into a list Args: systen_faults: List of SystemFaults spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: List of SystemFault messages """ faults = [] for fault in system_faults: new_fault = SystemFault() = local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(fault.onset_timestamp) new_fault.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) new_fault.duration = rospy.Time(fault.duration.seconds, fault.duration.nanos) new_fault.code = fault.code new_fault.uid = fault.uid new_fault.error_message = fault.error_message for att in fault.attributes: new_fault.attributes.append(att) new_fault.severity = fault.severity faults.append(new_fault) return faults def GetSystemFaultsFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps system fault data from robot state proto to ROS SystemFaultState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: SystemFaultState message """ system_fault_state_msg = SystemFaultState() system_fault_state_msg.faults = getSystemFaults( state.system_fault_state.faults, spot_wrapper ) system_fault_state_msg.historical_faults = getSystemFaults( state.system_fault_state.historical_faults, spot_wrapper ) return system_fault_state_msg def getBehaviorFaultsFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps behavior fault data from robot state proto to ROS BehaviorFaultState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: BehaviorFaultState message """ behavior_fault_state_msg = BehaviorFaultState() behavior_fault_state_msg.faults = getBehaviorFaults( state.behavior_fault_state.faults, spot_wrapper ) return behavior_fault_state_msg
linear_scale: x: 1 y: 1 max_positive_linear_velocity: x: 1 y: 1 max_negative_linear_velocity: x: -1 y: -1
topics: - name : bt_joy topic : bluetooth_teleop/cmd_vel timeout : 0.5 priority: 9 - name : interactive_marker topic : twist_marker_server/cmd_vel timeout : 0.5 priority: 8 - name : external topic : cmd_vel timeout : 0.5 priority: 1 locks: []
# Teleop configuration for PS4 joystick using the x-pad configuration. # Left thumb-stick up/down/left/right for forward/backward/left/right translation # Right thumb-stick left/right for twist # Left shoulder button for enable # Right shoulder button for enable-turbo # # L1 R1 # L2 R2 # _=====_ _=====_ # / _____ \ / _____ \ # +.-'_____'-.------------------------------.-'_____'-.+ # / | | '. S O N Y .' | _ | \ # / ___| /|\ |___ \ / ___| /_\ |___ \ (Y) # / | | | ; ; | _ _ || # | | <--- ---> | | | ||_| (_)|| (X) (B) # | |___ | ___| ; ; |___ ___|| # |\ | \|/ | / _ ____ _ \ | (X) | /| (A) # | \ |_____| .','" "', (_PS_) ,'" "', '. |_____| .' | # | '-.______.-' / \ / \ '-._____.-' | # | | LJ |--------| RJ | | # | /\ / \ /\ | # | / '.___.' '.___.' \ | # | / \ | # \ / \ / # \________/ \_________/ # # ^ x # | # | # y <-----+ Accelerometer axes # \ # \ # > z (out) # # BUTTON Value # L1 4 # L2 6 # R1 5 # R2 7 # A 1 # B 2 # X 0 # Y 3 # # AXIS Value # Left Horiz. 0 # Left Vert. 1 # Right Horiz. 3 # Right Vert. 4 # L2 2 # R2 5 # D-pad Horiz. 9 # D-pad Vert. 10 # Accel x 7 # Accel y 6 # Accel z 8 teleop_twist_joy: axis_linear: x: 1 y: 0 scale_linear: x: 0.4 y: 0.4 scale_linear_turbo: x: 2.0 # TODO: should this be 1.0? y: 2.0 # TODO: should this be 1.0? axis_angular: yaw: 3 scale_angular: yaw: 1.4 # TODO: should this be 1.0? scale_angular_turbo: yaw: 1.4 # TODO: should this be 1.0? enable_button: 4 enable_turbo_button: 5 joy_node: deadzone: 0.1 # TODO: should this be 0.02? autorepeat_rate: 20
rates: # loop_frequency is the frequency of the loop which publishes messages loop_frequency: 50.0 # These are desired frequencies. You should not expect to receive messages at exactly the specified frequency. For # higher frequencies, you will need to modify the loop frequency and the rates below. robot_state: 20.0 metrics: 0.04 lease: 1.0 front_image: 10.0 side_image: 10.0 rear_image: 10.0 point_cloud: 10.0 hand_image: 10.0 feedback: 10.0 mobility_params: 10.0 check_subscribers: 10.0 # If true, automatically claim the lease when the driver starts auto_claim: False # If true, automatically power on when the driver starts (requires auto_claim) auto_power_on: False # If true, automatically stand when the driver starts (requires auto_power_on) auto_stand: False claim: # If true, forcefully take the lease, instead of acquiring it, which can fail if someone else has it use_take_lease: False # If true, try and claim the lease when doing actions if we don't already have it. Also automatically powers on for # stand, rollover and self-right commands get_lease_on_action: False
Basic Driver Usage ================== .. warning:: Before doing anything with the robot, you should read the Boston Dynamics `safety guidelines <>`_. .. note:: Details of how the robot functions can be found in the `Boston Dynamics SDK documentation <>`_. Verify the URDF --------------- To verify that the spot_viz and spot_description packages are sourced properly, you can run .. code:: bash roslaunch spot_viz view_model.launch This will load RVIZ with the robot description visible. It should also show any additions you may have added to the robot's URDF .. image:: images/view_model.png Configure your networking ------------------------- If your ROS machine is attached to a payload port you will need to configure it so that it can connect to spot. See `payload network configuration <>`_ for more details. Running the driver ------------------ .. code:: bash roslaunch spot_driver driver.launch When launching, there are some options you may need to configure for your setup: +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Argument |Default |Description | +======================+===============+===================================================================+ |username |dummyusername |Use this username to authenticate with spot | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |password |dummypassword |Use this password to authenticate with spot | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |hostname | |The IP address at which spot can be found | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |estop_timeout |9.0 |Time allowed before rpc commands will time out. Comms between the | | | |robot and driver are checked at a rate of 1/3 of this time. If | | | |comms are down, a gentle estop will trigger | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |autonomy_enabled |True |If false, some autonomy commands will be disabled for this run of | | | |the driver. This can only be changed on driver restart | | | | | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |max_linear_velocity_x |0 |Limit on linear velocity for moving forwards. 0 is whatever is | | | |specified by BD. | | | | | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |max_linear_velocity_y |0 |Limit on linear velocity for moving sideways. 0 is whatever is | | | |specified by BD. | | | | | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |max_linear_velocity_z |0 |Limit on angular velocity for rotation. 0 is whatever is specified | | | |by BD. | | | | | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |allow_motion |True |If false, the robot starts with all motion disallowed and must have| | | |it enabled by calling a service or pressing a button in rviz | | | | | +----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ View the robot -------------- Once the robot is connected, you should be able to visualize its odometry, joint positions, camera streams, etc. using rviz. To view these streams, run .. code:: bash roslaunch spot_viz view_robot.launch Once RVIZ is loaded, you should see something similar to this. .. image:: images/view_robot.png Taking control of the robot --------------------------- The easiest way to control the robot is through the rviz control panel, which connects to the various ROS services. Many commands which can be executed using a service or topic can also be executed using the panel. To add the panel to rviz go to Panels>Add new panel and the select ``SpotControlPanel`` under ``spot_viz``. It is included by default in the ``view_robot`` launch file. .. image:: images/rviz_panel.png Holding the lease ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A body lease gives the holder the ability to command the spot to make actions in the world. There are two ways to claim a body lease and eStop using this driver. #. Automatically when the driver starts by enabling the ``auto_claim`` variable #. By calling the ``/spot/claim`` service after the driver is started You cannot claim a lease on the robot if something else already has a lease. This is for security and safety reasons. Check the``status/leases`` topic for information on current leases. You can release the lease by calling the ``/spot/release`` service. .. warning:: Releasing the lease while the robot is standing will trigger a gentle estop. Holding a lease automatically establishes an estop connection to the robot. All buttons except the claim lease button on the rviz panel are disabled if the ROS driver does not hold the lease. Emergency stops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The estop connection gives the robot a way to guarantee that the commanding system is maintaining contact with the robot. If this contact is lost, the robot will perform a gentle stop. The gentle and hard estops are calling through to the BD SDK. The gentle stop is at ``/spot/estop/gentle``. It stops all motion of the robot and commands it to sit. This stop does not have to be released. .. warning:: The hard estop immediately cuts power to the motors. The robot may collapse in an uncontrolled manner. The hard estop is at ``/spot/estop/hard`` this will kill power to the motors and must be released before you can send any commands to the robot. To release the estop, call ``/spot/estop/release``. There is an additional service ``/spot/stop`` which is implemented by the driver. This service stops any command that is currently being executed. The ``/spot/locked_stop`` stops the current command and also disallows any further motion of the robot. Motion can be allowed again by calling the ``/spot/allow_motion`` service. The top of the rviz panel has buttons to control the estops as described above, and also displays their status. It also shows whether the robot is allowed to move or not. .. image:: images/rviz_estops.png Enable motor power ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Motor power needs to be enabled once you have a Lease on the body. This can be done in two ways: #. Automatically when the driver starts by enabling the ``auto_power_on`` variable #. By calling the ``/spot/power_on`` service after the driver is started Stand the robot up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the motors are powered, stand the robot up so it is able to move through the world. This can be done in two ways: #. Automatically when the driver starts by enabling the ``auto_stand`` variable #. By calling the ``/spot/stand`` service after the driver is started Controlling the velocity ------------------------ .. warning:: Spot will attempt to avoid any obstacles it detects with its cameras, but no vision or actuation system is perfect. Make sure to only move the robot in a safe area and in a controlled manner. Topic ~~~~~~~~~~ To control Spot, you can send a Twist message to command a velocity. .. code:: bash rostopic pub /spot/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.3" -r 10 That command will have spot rotate on the spot at 0.3 radians/second. Note the -r at the end of the command. That has ROS resend the message over again. If you don't resend the message, the driver will assume a timeout and stop commanding motion of the robot. Controlling the body -------------------- There are two different ways of specifying the pose of the body. Static body pose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The static body pose changes the body position only when the robot is stationary. Any other motion will reset the body to its normal pose. It can adjust the roll, pitch, yaw, and body height. Service ^^^^^^^ The body can be posed by a service call to ``/spot/posed_stand``. If using a pose message, you can control the body height by setting the z component of position. The x and y components of position are ignored. If the pose message is non-zero, any roll/pitch/yaw specification will be ignored. If using the roll/pitch/yaw specification, enter values in degrees, and body height in metres. Body height is based on displacement from the neutral position. If you send an empty message, the body pose will be reset to neutral. Actionserver ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The actionserver ``/spot/body_pose`` can be called to set the body pose. To test this, start an action client with .. code:: bash rosrun actionlib_tools /spot/body_pose You will see a window pop up, and you can specify the body pose with a Pose message, or by specifying roll, pitch and yaw, and a body height. Here is what the axclient window will look like: .. code:: yaml body_pose: position: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 w: 0.0 roll: 0 pitch: 0 yaw: 0 body_height: 0.0 Rviz ^^^^ The static pose can also be controlled in the body tab. .. image:: images/rviz_body_tab.png In-motion body pose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: The in-motion body pose can affect the stability of the robot while walking. It is also possible to specify a pose the robot should hold while it is in motion. This is a more restricted version of the static body pose and cannot achieve the same body heights or rotational changes. While idle, all the parameters specified will be held. The pitch and body height are maintained throughout any walking motion the robot makes. When the robot stops walking, it will return to the pose specified by all parameters. Topic ^^^^^ This pose can be set through the ``/spot/in_motion_or_idle_body_pose`` topic .. code:: bash rostopic pub /spot/in_motion_or_idle_body_pose geometry_msgs/Pose "position: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 w: 1.0" Actionserver ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The actionserver is found at ``/spot/motion_or_idle_body_pose`` and has the same parameters as the static pose. Moving to a pose ---------------- .. warning:: Take into account the Boston Dynamics `safety guidelines <>`_ when moving the robot. The robot will attempt to avoid obstacles but will also walk over any uneven terrain, regardless of what that terrain is made up of. You should operate in a controlled environment. One of the most important commands for easily controlling the robot is the trajectory command. This command allows you to move the robot to a position in space by specifying a pose relative to the robot's current position. You may specify a pose in a different frame than the ``body`` frame and it will be transformed into that frame. ROS Topic ~~~~~~~~~ The ``/spot/go_to_pose`` topic can be used to move the robot by specifying a pose. The following command will move the robot one metre forwards from its current location. .. code:: bash rostopic pub /spot/go_to_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "header: seq: 0 stamp: secs: 0 nsecs: 0 frame_id: 'body' pose: position: x: 1 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 w: 1" Actionserver ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``/spot/trajectory`` actionserver gives you a little more control than the ros topic, and will also give you information about success or failure. .. warning:: If there is an obstacle along the trajectory the robot is trying to move along, it may fail as the trajectory command is different to the command that is used by the controller. In this case, the actionserver will return success despite not actually reaching the requested pose. As of 2021/09/10 the boston dynamics API does not appear to provide feedback which we can use to return failure when this happens. In addition to the pose, you can specify ``duration``, which specifies how long the command can run before timing out. The ``precise_positioning`` variable can be used to request that the robot move more precisely to the specified pose. If set to false, the robot will move to "near" the specified pose. It's not clear what exactly defines being "near" to the pose, but you should not expect to reach the pose precisely. The robot will end up within ~0.5m of the pose, and not make much effort to align to the orientation. You can test the actionserver by using an action client .. code:: bash rosrun actionlib_tools axclient /spot/trajectory And fill in the values as you like. Rviz ~~~~ You can connect the 2d nav goal tool to publish to the ``/spot/go_to_pose`` topic. The default rviz config provided with .. code:: bash roslaunch spot_viz view_robot.launch Already has the tool configured, but you can also do this by right clicking the toolbar, selecting tool properties, then changing the nav goal topic to ``/spot/go_to_pose``. Setting velocity limits ----------------------- You can set a velocity limit in m/s for the motion to poses using the ``/spot/velocity_limit`` service: .. code:: bash rosservice call /spot/velocity_limit "velocity_limit: linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0" Only the x and y components of linear velocity are considered, and the z component of angular. You can adjust the velocity limits on startup by setting the max linear/angular velocity params. You can also set the limits using the rviz panel. .. image:: images/rviz_motion_tab.png Cameras and Depth Clouds ------------------------ Spot is equipped 5 RGB and depth-sensing cameras: 2 on the front, one on each side, and one in the rear. All of these cameras publish at approximately 10Hz. Note that the front cameras are mounted sideways, so they have a narrower horizontal FoV, but a larger vertical one. The camera data likewise rotated anticlockwise by 90 degrees. The ``frontleft`` camera and depth topics are from the camera physically located on the front-left of the robot. This camera is pointed to the robot's right, so the depth cloud will appear in front of the robot's right shoulder: .. image:: images/front-left-depth.png Similarly the ``frontright`` camera and depth topics are from the camera physically located on the front-right of the robot. This camera points to the robot's left, so the depth cloud will appear in front of the robot's left shoulder: .. image:: images/front-right-depth.png The complete list of depth and camera topics is below: +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Topic | Type | Comments | +================================+============================+=======================================================+ | camera/frontleft/camera/image | Image | Data from the front-left camera, which points to the | | | | right. Image is rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise. | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | camera/frontright/camera/image | Image | Data from the front-right camera, which points to the | | | | left. Image is rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise. | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | camera/left/camera/image | Image | | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | camera/right/camera/image | Image | | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | camera/back/camera/image | Image | | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | depth/frontleft/camera/image | Image | Data from the front-left camera, which points to the | | | | right. | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | depth/frontright/camera/image | Image | Data from the front-right camera, which points to the | | | | left. | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | depth/left/camera/image | Image | | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | depth/right/camera/image | Image | | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | depth/back/camera/image | Image | | +--------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ Self righting and roll over --------------------------- .. warning:: Self righting and battery charging may or may not take into account payloads configured on the robot. Test with your configuration before using. The self-right command can be accessed through ``/spot/self_right``. The roll over commands can be accessed through the ``/spot/roll_over_left`` and ``/spot/roll_over_right`` services. You can also access these actions through rviz. .. image:: images/rviz_floor_tab.png Autonomous docking ------------------ .. note:: See Boston Dynamics support for information about `setting up the dock <>`_. If using a Spot Enterprise, you will have access to autonomous docking capabilities. Services ~~~~~~~~ You can trigger undocking with ``/spot/undock``. Docking can be triggered with ``/spot/dock``. You must provide the fiducial ID of the dock the robot should dock at. Actionserver ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Docking can also be performed using a single actionserver at ``/spot/dock``. To undock, the ``undock`` variable should be set to true. Docking is the default action and requires specification of the fiducial ID in the ``dock_id`` variable. Rviz ~~~~ You can also perform docking through the dock tab. .. image:: images/rviz_dock_tab.png Advanced motion control ----------------------- There are other parameters that can be used to specify the behaviour of the robot. These allow for more granular control of specific things. You should read and understand the SDK documentation before using these services to alter any of these parameters. * `/spot/swing_height <>`_ * `/spot/terrain_params <>`_ * `/spot/locomotion_mode <>`_ * `/spot/obstacle_params <>`_ Some of the more advanced motion controls can be accessed through the advanced motion tab. .. image:: images/rviz_adv_motion_tab.png Monitoring ---------- There are various topics which output information about the state of the robot: +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Topic | Type | Description | +========================+============================+=========================================================+ | status/metrics | Metrics | General metrics for the system like distance walked | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/leases | LeaseArray | A list of what leases are held on the system | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | odometry/twist | TwistWithCovarianceStamped | The estimated odometry of the platform | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/feet | FootStateArray | The status and position of each foot | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/estop | EStopStateArray | The status of the eStop system | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/wifi | WiFiState | Status of the wifi system | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/power_state | PowerState | General power information | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/battery_states | BatteryStateArray | Information for the battery and all cells in the system | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/behavior_faults | BehaviorFaultState | A listing of behavior faults in the system | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/system_faults | SystemFaultState | A listing of system faults in the system | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/feedback | Feedback | Feedback from the Spot robot | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | status/mobility_params | MobilityParams | Describes the current state of the mobility parameters | | | | defining the motion behaviour of the robot | +------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ Troubleshooting --------------- These instructions are a minimum subset of instructions to get this driver working and do not contain all necessary debugging steps. Please refer to the `Spot SDK Quickstart <>`_ for more detailed debugging steps.
Driver configuration ==================== There are some basic settings that can be configured to control how the driver runs and at what rate it obtains data. Data that is more important for your applications can be obtained at a higher rate. The default configuration file is located at ``spot_driver/config/spot_ros.yaml`` Rate parameters --------------- These parameters control the rate of various callbacks and loops in the driver. .. note:: These rates are requests and not guarantees. The rate may vary depending on your network configuration and other factors. +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Parameter |Description | +========================+=================================================================================+ |rates/robot_state |The robot's state (include joint angles) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/metrics |The robot's metrics | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/lease |The robot's lease state | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/front_image |The image and depth image from the front camera | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/side_image |The image and depth image from the side cameras | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/loop_frequency |The image and depth image from the rear camera | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/point_cloud |The point cloud from the EAP lidar | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/hand_image |The image and depth image from the arm's hand camera | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/feedback |A feedback message with various information | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/mobility_params |Parameters indicating the robot's mobility state | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |rates/check_subscribers |Check for subscribers on camera topics. Data is not published without subscribers| +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Startup parameters ------------------- There are several parameters which can be used to automatically do certain actions when the driver starts. .. warning:: Having the robot power its motors and stand after the driver connects is a physical action is inherently dangerous. Consider whether you need these settings, and ensure the area is clear before starting the driver. +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Description | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | auto_claim | A boolean to automatically claim the body and e stop when the driver connects | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | auto_power_on | A boolean to automatically power on the robot's motors when the driver connects | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | auto_stand | A boolean to automatically stand the robot after the driver conneccts | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Environment variables --------------------- Some environment variables can modify the behaviour or configuration of the driver. +----------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Variable |Default Value |Description | +============================+===================================+============================================================================+ |SPOT_VELODYNE_HOST | |IP address of the VLP-16 sensor | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_JOY_DEVICE |/dev/input/js0 |The Linux joypad input device used by the joy_teleop node | | | | | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_JOY_CONFIG |spot_control/config/teleop.yaml |Joypad button/axis configuration file for joy_teleop | | | | | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_VELODYNE_AUTOLAUNCH |1 |If 1 and SPOT_VELODYNE is also 1, the VLP16 ROS node will start | | | |automatically | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Computer Setup ============== Building the Driver from Source ------------------------------- The driver is not released to the ROS package servers, so it must be built from source. This requires a source workspace on the ROS PC. You can add it to an existing workspace or follow the instructions below to create a new one. .. code:: bash mkdir -p ~/spot_ws/src Setup the workspace so it knows about your ROS installation .. code:: bash cd ~/spot_ws/src source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash catkin_init_workspace Clone the spot_ros repository into the workspace .. code:: bash cd ~/spot_ws/src git clone Use rosdep to install of the necessary dependencies .. code:: bash cd ~/spot_ws/ rosdep install --from-paths spot_driver spot_msgs spot_viz spot_description --ignore-src -y Once all the necessary packages are installed, build the packages in the workspace .. code:: bash cd ~/spot_ws/ catkin build Source your newly built workspace and the packages inside .. code:: bash source ~/spot_ws/devel/setup.bash Adding to the URDF ------------------ .. warning:: When adding payloads, you should always add them to the robot's configuration through the `admin panel <>`_. Adding only the URDF does not add the payload to spot's built in collision avoidance. The driver supports some configuration of the URDF via environment variables. These can either be manually set in the terminal before starting the driver, or added to $HOME/.bashrc as desired. The table below lists the available variables and their default values: +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable |Default Value |Description | +=====================+===============+=======================================================================================================+ |SPOT_PACK |0 |If 1, enables the Clearpath ROS backpack accessory and adds it to the URDF | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_LIDAR_MOUNT |0 |If 1, adds the Lidar mount to the backpack. Requires SPOT_PACK to be 1 | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_VELODYNE |0 |If 1, adds the a VLP-16 sensor to the lidar mount. Requires SPOT_LIDAR_MOUNT to be 1 | | | | | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_ARM |0 |If 1, adds the Spot arm to the URDF | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_VELODYNE_XYZ |0 0 0 |XYZ offset for the VLP-16 from the backpack lidar mount | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_VELODYNE_RPY |0 0 0 |RPY offset for the VLP-16 from the backpack lidar mount | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SPOT_URDF_EXTRAS |empty.urdf |Optional URDF file to add additional joints and links to the robot | +---------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can add a custom URDF to the robot using the ``SPOT_URDF_EXTRAS`` environment variable, which must be set in the terminal from which the driver is run. This should point to a URDF/xacro file which has an object where the parent is one of the frames on the robot. It might look something like below. .. code:: xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <robot name="spot_frontier" xmlns:xacro=""> <xacro:include filename="$(find my_payload_package)/urdf/my_payload.xacro"/> <xacro:my_payload parent="real_rear_rail"/> </robot> Building for Melodic -------------------- .. note:: If you can, consider using ROS noetic instead, which does not have these build issues. Please note that the Spot SDK uses Python3, which is not officially supported by ROS Melodic. If you encounter an error of this form: .. code:: bash Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/spot_ros/spot_driver/scripts/spot_ros", line 3, in <module> from spot_driver.spot_ros import SpotROS File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/spot_ros/spot_driver/src/spot_driver/", line 19, in <module> import tf2_ros File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tf2_ros/", line 38, in <module> from tf2_py import * File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tf2_py/", line 38, in <module> from ._tf2 import * ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit__tf2) When launching the driver, please follow these steps: 1. ``rm -rf devel/ build/ install/`` -- this will remove any old build artifacts from your workspace 2. ``git clone --branch 0.6.5`` into your ``src`` folder 3. rebuild your workspace with .. code:: bash catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Or if you are using an Nvidia Jetson: .. code:: bash catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ 4. re-run ``source devel/setup.bash`` 5. start the driver with ``roslaunch spot_driver driver.launch``
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Spot ROS User Documentation =========================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 0 :caption: Contents robot_setup ros_setup driver_configuration ros_usage arm_usage
Robot Configuration =========================== To configure the robot, you should consult `Boston Dynamics' support pages <>`_. Robot administration is performed through the `admin console <>`_. Networking ---------------- See the `network setup <>`_ pages for details on network configuration. Using WiFi for ROS communication is not recommended, except for monitoring purposes. The driver can output a lot of data. It is recommended that you connect the Spot to the ROS PC via a payload port. See the `payload developer guide <>`_ for details.
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# Spot ROS Driver ![CP Spot](cp_spot.jpg) ## Documentation Check-out the usage and user documentation [HERE](
import spot_ros import import
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import rospy from std_srvs.srv import Trigger, TriggerResponse from std_msgs.msg import Bool from tf2_msgs.msg import TFMessage from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistWithCovarianceStamped, Twist, Pose from bosdyn.api.geometry_pb2 import Quaternion import bosdyn.geometry from spot_msgs.msg import Metrics from spot_msgs.msg import LeaseArray, LeaseResource from spot_msgs.msg import FootState, FootStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import EStopState, EStopStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import WiFiState from spot_msgs.msg import PowerState from spot_msgs.msg import BehaviorFault, BehaviorFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import SystemFault, SystemFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import BatteryState, BatteryStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import Feedback from ros_helpers import * from spot_wrapper import SpotWrapper import logging class SpotROS(): """Parent class for using the wrapper. Defines all callbacks and keeps the wrapper alive""" def __init__(self): self.spot_wrapper = None self.callbacks = {} """Dictionary listing what callback to use for what data task""" self.callbacks["robot_state"] = self.RobotStateCB self.callbacks["metrics"] = self.MetricsCB self.callbacks["lease"] = self.LeaseCB self.callbacks["front_image"] = self.FrontImageCB self.callbacks["side_image"] = self.SideImageCB self.callbacks["rear_image"] = self.RearImageCB def RobotStateCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new robot state data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ state = self.spot_wrapper.robot_state if state: ## joint states ## joint_state = GetJointStatesFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.joint_state_pub.publish(joint_state) ## TF ## tf_msg = GetTFFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) if len(tf_msg.transforms) > 0: self.tf_pub.publish(tf_msg) # Odom Twist # twist_odom_msg = GetOdomTwistFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.odom_twist_pub.publish(twist_odom_msg) # Feet # foot_array_msg = GetFeetFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.feet_pub.publish(foot_array_msg) # EStop # estop_array_msg = GetEStopStateFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.estop_pub.publish(estop_array_msg) # WIFI # wifi_msg = GetWifiFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.wifi_pub.publish(wifi_msg) # Battery States # battery_states_array_msg = GetBatteryStatesFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.battery_pub.publish(battery_states_array_msg) # Power State # power_state_msg = GetPowerStatesFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.power_pub.publish(power_state_msg) # System Faults # system_fault_state_msg = GetSystemFaultsFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.system_faults_pub.publish(system_fault_state_msg) # Behavior Faults # behavior_fault_state_msg = getBehaviorFaultsFromState(state, self.spot_wrapper) self.behavior_faults_pub.publish(behavior_fault_state_msg) def MetricsCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new metrics data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ metrics = self.spot_wrapper.metrics if metrics: metrics_msg = Metrics() local_time = self.spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(metrics.timestamp) metrics_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) for metric in metrics.metrics: if metric.label == "distance": metrics_msg.distance = metric.float_value if metric.label == "gait cycles": metrics_msg.gait_cycles = metric.int_value if metric.label == "time moving": metrics_msg.time_moving = rospy.Time(metric.duration.seconds, metric.duration.nanos) if metric.label == "electric power": metrics_msg.electric_power = rospy.Time(metric.duration.seconds, metric.duration.nanos) self.metrics_pub.publish(metrics_msg) def LeaseCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new lease data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ lease_array_msg = LeaseArray() lease_list = if lease_list: for resource in lease_list: new_resource = LeaseResource() new_resource.resource = resource.resource = = for seq in new_resource.lease_owner.client_name = resource.lease_owner.client_name new_resource.lease_owner.user_name = resource.lease_owner.user_name lease_array_msg.resources.append(new_resource) self.lease_pub.publish(lease_array_msg) def FrontImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new front image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.front_images if data: image_msg0, camera_info_msg0, camera_tf_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontleft_image_pub.publish(image_msg0) self.frontleft_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg0) image_msg1, camera_info_msg1, camera_tf_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontright_image_pub.publish(image_msg1) self.frontright_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg1) image_msg2, camera_info_msg2, camera_tf_msg2 = getImageMsg(data[2], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontleft_depth_pub.publish(image_msg2) self.frontleft_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg2) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg2) image_msg3, camera_info_msg3, camera_tf_msg3 = getImageMsg(data[3], self.spot_wrapper) self.frontright_depth_pub.publish(image_msg3) self.frontright_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg3) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg3) def SideImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new side image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.side_images if data: image_msg0, camera_info_msg0, camera_tf_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.left_image_pub.publish(image_msg0) self.left_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg0) image_msg1, camera_info_msg1, camera_tf_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.right_image_pub.publish(image_msg1) self.right_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg1) image_msg2, camera_info_msg2, camera_tf_msg2 = getImageMsg(data[2], self.spot_wrapper) self.left_depth_pub.publish(image_msg2) self.left_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg2) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg2) image_msg3, camera_info_msg3, camera_tf_msg3 = getImageMsg(data[3], self.spot_wrapper) self.right_depth_pub.publish(image_msg3) self.right_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg3) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg3) def RearImageCB(self, results): """Callback for when the Spot Wrapper gets new rear image data. Args: results: FutureWrapper object of AsyncPeriodicQuery callback """ data = self.spot_wrapper.rear_images if data: mage_msg0, camera_info_msg0, camera_tf_msg0 = getImageMsg(data[0], self.spot_wrapper) self.back_image_pub.publish(mage_msg0) self.back_image_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg0) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg0) mage_msg1, camera_info_msg1, camera_tf_msg1 = getImageMsg(data[1], self.spot_wrapper) self.back_depth_pub.publish(mage_msg1) self.back_depth_info_pub.publish(camera_info_msg1) self.tf_pub.publish(camera_tf_msg1) def handle_claim(self, req): """ROS service handler for the claim service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.claim() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_release(self, req): """ROS service handler for the release service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.release() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_stop(self, req): """ROS service handler for the stop service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.stop() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_self_right(self, req): """ROS service handler for the self-right service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.self_right() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_sit(self, req): """ROS service handler for the sit service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.sit() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_stand(self, req): """ROS service handler for the stand service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.stand() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_power_on(self, req): """ROS service handler for the power-on service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.power_on() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_safe_power_off(self, req): """ROS service handler for the safe-power-off service""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.safe_power_off() return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_estop_hard(self, req): """ROS service handler to hard-eStop the robot. The robot will immediately cut power to the motors""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.assertEStop(True) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def handle_estop_soft(self, req): """ROS service handler to soft-eStop the robot. The robot will try to settle on the ground before cutting power to the motors""" resp = self.spot_wrapper.assertEStop(False) return TriggerResponse(resp[0], resp[1]) def cmdVelCallback(self, data): """Callback for cmd_vel command""" self.spot_wrapper.velocity_cmd(data.linear.x, data.linear.y, data.angular.z) def bodyPoseCallback(self, data): """Callback for cmd_vel command""" q = Quaternion() q.x = data.orientation.x q.y = data.orientation.y q.z = data.orientation.z q.w = data.orientation.w euler_zxy = q.to_euler_zxy() self.spot_wrapper.set_mobility_params(data.position.z, euler_zxy) def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Shutting down ROS driver for Spot") self.spot_wrapper.sit() rospy.Rate(0.25).sleep() self.spot_wrapper.disconnect() def main(self): """Main function for the SpotROS class. Gets config from ROS and initializes the wrapper. Holds lease from wrapper and updates all async tasks at the ROS rate""" rospy.init_node('spot_ros', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(50) self.rates = rospy.get_param('~rates', {}) self.username = rospy.get_param('~username', 'default_value') self.password = rospy.get_param('~password', 'default_value') self.app_token = rospy.get_param('~app_token', 'default_value') self.hostname = rospy.get_param('~hostname', 'default_value') self.motion_deadzone = rospy.get_param('~deadzone', 0.05) self.logger = logging.getLogger('rosout') rospy.loginfo("Starting ROS driver for Spot") self.spot_wrapper = SpotWrapper(self.username, self.password, self.app_token, self.hostname, self.logger, self.rates, self.callbacks) if self.spot_wrapper.is_valid: # Images # self.back_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/back/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.frontleft_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/frontleft/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.frontright_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/frontright/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.left_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/left/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.right_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/right/image', Image, queue_size=10) # Depth # self.back_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/back/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.frontleft_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/frontleft/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.frontright_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/frontright/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.left_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/left/image', Image, queue_size=10) self.right_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/right/image', Image, queue_size=10) # Image Camera Info # self.back_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/back/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.frontleft_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/frontleft/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.frontright_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/frontright/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.left_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/left/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.right_image_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera/right/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) # Depth Camera Info # self.back_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/back/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.frontleft_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/frontleft/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.frontright_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/frontright/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.left_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/left/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) self.right_depth_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth/right/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) # Status Publishers # self.joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10) """Defining a TF publisher manually because of conflicts between Python3 and tf""" self.tf_pub = rospy.Publisher('tf', TFMessage, queue_size=10) self.metrics_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/metrics', Metrics, queue_size=10) self.lease_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/leases', LeaseArray, queue_size=10) self.odom_twist_pub = rospy.Publisher('odometry/twist', TwistWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=10) self.feet_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/feet', FootStateArray, queue_size=10) self.estop_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/estop', EStopStateArray, queue_size=10) self.wifi_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/wifi', WiFiState, queue_size=10) self.power_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/power_state', PowerState, queue_size=10) self.battery_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/battery_states', BatteryStateArray, queue_size=10) self.behavior_faults_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/behavior_faults', BehaviorFaultState, queue_size=10) self.system_faults_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/system_faults', SystemFaultState, queue_size=10) self.feedback_pub = rospy.Publisher('status/feedback', Feedback, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) rospy.Subscriber('body_pose', Pose, self.bodyPoseCallback) rospy.Service("claim", Trigger, self.handle_claim) rospy.Service("release", Trigger, self.handle_release) rospy.Service("stop", Trigger, self.handle_stop) rospy.Service("self_right", Trigger, self.handle_self_right) rospy.Service("sit", Trigger, self.handle_sit) rospy.Service("stand", Trigger, self.handle_stand) rospy.Service("power_on", Trigger, self.handle_power_on) rospy.Service("power_off", Trigger, self.handle_safe_power_off) rospy.Service("estop/hard", Trigger, self.handle_estop_hard) rospy.Service("estop/gentle", Trigger, self.handle_estop_soft) rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) self.spot_wrapper.resetEStop() self.auto_claim = rospy.get_param('~auto_claim', False) self.auto_power_on = rospy.get_param('~auto_power_on', False) self.auto_stand = rospy.get_param('~auto_stand', False) if self.auto_claim: self.spot_wrapper.claim() if self.auto_power_on: self.spot_wrapper.power_on() if self.auto_stand: self.spot_wrapper.stand() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.spot_wrapper.updateTasks() feedback_msg = Feedback() feedback_msg.standing = self.spot_wrapper.is_standing feedback_msg.sitting = self.spot_wrapper.is_sitting feedback_msg.moving = self.spot_wrapper.is_moving id = try: feedback_msg.serial_number = id.serial_number feedback_msg.species = id.species feedback_msg.version = id.version feedback_msg.nickname = id.nickname feedback_msg.computer_serial_number = id.computer_serial_number except: pass self.feedback_pub.publish(feedback_msg) rate.sleep() if __name__ == "__main__": SR = SpotROS() SR.main()
import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Empty from tf2_msgs.msg import TFMessage from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistWithCovarianceStamped from spot_msgs.msg import Metrics from spot_msgs.msg import LeaseArray, LeaseResource from spot_msgs.msg import FootState, FootStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import EStopState, EStopStateArray from spot_msgs.msg import WiFiState from spot_msgs.msg import PowerState from spot_msgs.msg import BehaviorFault, BehaviorFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import SystemFault, SystemFaultState from spot_msgs.msg import BatteryState, BatteryStateArray from bosdyn.api import image_pb2 friendly_joint_names = {} """Dictionary for mapping BD joint names to more friendly names""" friendly_joint_names["fl.hx"] = "front_left_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["fl.hy"] = "front_left_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "front_left_knee" friendly_joint_names["fr.hx"] = "front_right_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["fr.hy"] = "front_right_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "front_right_knee" friendly_joint_names["hl.hx"] = "rear_left_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["hl.hy"] = "rear_left_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "rear_left_knee" friendly_joint_names["hr.hx"] = "rear_right_hip_x" friendly_joint_names["hr.hy"] = "rear_right_hip_y" friendly_joint_names[""] = "rear_right_knee" class DefaultCameraInfo(CameraInfo): """Blank class extending CameraInfo ROS topic that defaults most parameters""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.distortion_model = "plumb_bob" self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.D.append(0) self.K[1] = 0 self.K[3] = 0 self.K[6] = 0 self.K[7] = 0 self.K[8] = 1 self.R[0] = 1 self.R[1] = 0 self.R[2] = 0 self.R[3] = 0 self.R[4] = 1 self.R[5] = 0 self.R[6] = 0 self.R[7] = 0 self.R[8] = 1 self.P[1] = 0 self.P[3] = 0 self.P[4] = 0 self.P[7] = 0 self.P[8] = 0 self.P[9] = 0 self.P[10] = 1 self.P[11] = 0 def getImageMsg(data, spot_wrapper): """Takes the image, camera, and TF data and populates the necessary ROS messages Args: data: Image proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: (tuple): * Image: message of the image captured * CameraInfo: message to define the state and config of the camera that took the image * TFMessage: with the transforms necessary to locate the image frames """ tf_msg = TFMessage() for frame_name in data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map: if data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get(frame_name).parent_frame_name: transform = data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get(frame_name) new_tf = TransformStamped() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) new_tf.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) new_tf.header.frame_id = transform.parent_frame_name new_tf.child_frame_id = frame_name new_tf.transform.translation.x = transform.parent_tform_child.position.x new_tf.transform.translation.y = transform.parent_tform_child.position.y new_tf.transform.translation.z = transform.parent_tform_child.position.z new_tf.transform.rotation.x = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.x new_tf.transform.rotation.y = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.y new_tf.transform.rotation.z = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.z new_tf.transform.rotation.w = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.w tf_msg.transforms.append(new_tf) image_msg = Image() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) image_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) image_msg.header.frame_id = data.shot.frame_name_image_sensor image_msg.height = data.shot.image.rows image_msg.width = data.shot.image.cols # Color/greyscale formats. # JPEG format if data.shot.image.format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG: image_msg.encoding = "rgb8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 3 * data.shot.image.cols = # Uncompressed. Requires pixel_format. if data.shot.image.format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW: # One byte per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_GREYSCALE_U8: image_msg.encoding = "mono8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = data.shot.image.cols = # Three bytes per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_U8: image_msg.encoding = "rgb8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 3 * data.shot.image.cols = # Four bytes per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_U8: image_msg.encoding = "rgba8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 4 * data.shot.image.cols = # Little-endian uint16 z-distance from camera (mm). if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_U16: image_msg.encoding = "mono16" image_msg.is_bigendian = False image_msg.step = 2 * data.shot.image.cols = camera_info_msg = DefaultCameraInfo() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) camera_info_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) camera_info_msg.header.frame_id = data.shot.frame_name_image_sensor camera_info_msg.height = data.shot.image.rows camera_info_msg.width = data.shot.image.cols camera_info_msg.K[0] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.x camera_info_msg.K[2] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.x camera_info_msg.K[4] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.y camera_info_msg.K[5] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.y camera_info_msg.P[0] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.x camera_info_msg.P[2] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.x camera_info_msg.P[5] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.y camera_info_msg.P[6] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.y return image_msg, camera_info_msg, tf_msg def GetJointStatesFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps joint state data from robot state proto to ROS JointState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: JointState message """ joint_state = JointState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp) joint_state.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) for joint in state.kinematic_state.joint_states:, "ERROR")) joint_state.position.append(joint.position.value) joint_state.velocity.append(joint.velocity.value) joint_state.effort.append(joint.load.value) return joint_state def GetEStopStateFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps eStop state data from robot state proto to ROS EStopArray message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: EStopArray message """ estop_array_msg = EStopStateArray() for estop in state.estop_states: estop_msg = EStopState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(estop.timestamp) estop_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) = estop_msg.type = estop.type estop_msg.state = estop.state estop_array_msg.estop_states.append(estop_msg) return estop_array_msg def GetFeetFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps foot position state data from robot state proto to ROS FootStateArray message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: FootStateArray message """ foot_array_msg = FootStateArray() for foot in state.foot_state: foot_msg = FootState() foot_msg.foot_position_rt_body.x = foot.foot_position_rt_body.x foot_msg.foot_position_rt_body.y = foot.foot_position_rt_body.y foot_msg.foot_position_rt_body.z = foot.foot_position_rt_body.z = foot_array_msg.states.append(foot_msg) return foot_array_msg def GetOdomTwistFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps odometry data from robot state proto to ROS TwistWithCovarianceStamped message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: TwistWithCovarianceStamped message """ twist_odom_msg = TwistWithCovarianceStamped() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp) twist_odom_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.linear.x twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.linear.y twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.linear.z twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x = state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.angular.x twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y = state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.angular.y twist_odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = state.kinematic_state.velocity_of_body_in_odom.angular.z return twist_odom_msg def GetWifiFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps wireless state data from robot state proto to ROS WiFiState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: WiFiState message """ wifi_msg = WiFiState() for comm_state in state.comms_states: if comm_state.HasField('wifi_state'): wifi_msg.current_mode = comm_state.wifi_state.current_mode wifi_msg.essid = comm_state.wifi_state.essid return wifi_msg def GetTFFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps robot link state data from robot state proto to ROS TFMessage message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: TFMessage message """ tf_msg = TFMessage() for frame_name in state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map: if state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get(frame_name).parent_frame_name: transform = state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get(frame_name) new_tf = TransformStamped() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(state.kinematic_state.acquisition_timestamp) new_tf.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) new_tf.header.frame_id = transform.parent_frame_name new_tf.child_frame_id = frame_name new_tf.transform.translation.x = transform.parent_tform_child.position.x new_tf.transform.translation.y = transform.parent_tform_child.position.y new_tf.transform.translation.z = transform.parent_tform_child.position.z new_tf.transform.rotation.x = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.x new_tf.transform.rotation.y = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.y new_tf.transform.rotation.z = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.z new_tf.transform.rotation.w = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.w tf_msg.transforms.append(new_tf) return tf_msg def GetBatteryStatesFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps battery state data from robot state proto to ROS BatteryStateArray message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: BatteryStateArray message """ battery_states_array_msg = BatteryStateArray() for battery in state.battery_states: battery_msg = BatteryState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(battery.timestamp) battery_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) battery_msg.identifier = battery.identifier battery_msg.charge_percentage = battery.charge_percentage.value battery_msg.estimated_runtime = rospy.Time(battery.estimated_runtime.seconds, battery.estimated_runtime.nanos) battery_msg.current = battery.current.value battery_msg.voltage = battery.voltage.value for temp in battery.temperatures: battery_msg.temperatures.append(temp) battery_msg.status = battery.status battery_states_array_msg.battery_states.append(battery_msg) return battery_states_array_msg def GetPowerStatesFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps power state data from robot state proto to ROS PowerState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: PowerState message """ power_state_msg = PowerState() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(state.power_state.timestamp) power_state_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) power_state_msg.motor_power_state = state.power_state.motor_power_state power_state_msg.shore_power_state = state.power_state.shore_power_state power_state_msg.locomotion_charge_percentage = state.power_state.locomotion_charge_percentage.value power_state_msg.locomotion_estimated_runtime = rospy.Time(state.power_state.locomotion_estimated_runtime.seconds, state.power_state.locomotion_estimated_runtime.nanos) return power_state_msg def getBehaviorFaults(behavior_faults, spot_wrapper): """Helper function to strip out behavior faults into a list Args: behavior_faults: List of BehaviorFaults spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: List of BehaviorFault messages """ faults = [] for fault in behavior_faults: new_fault = BehaviorFault() new_fault.behavior_fault_id = fault.behavior_fault_id local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(fault.onset_timestamp) new_fault.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) new_fault.cause = fault.cause new_fault.status = fault.status faults.append(new_fault) return faults def getSystemFaults(system_faults, spot_wrapper): """Helper function to strip out system faults into a list Args: systen_faults: List of SystemFaults spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: List of SystemFault messages """ faults = [] for fault in system_faults: new_fault = SystemFault() = local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(fault.onset_timestamp) new_fault.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) new_fault.duration = rospy.Time(fault.duration.seconds, fault.duration.nanos) new_fault.code = fault.code new_fault.uid = fault.uid new_fault.error_message = fault.error_message for att in fault.attributes: new_fault.attributes.append(att) new_fault.severity = fault.severity faults.append(new_fault) return faults def GetSystemFaultsFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps system fault data from robot state proto to ROS SystemFaultState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: SystemFaultState message """ system_fault_state_msg = SystemFaultState() system_fault_state_msg.faults = getSystemFaults(state.system_fault_state.faults, spot_wrapper) system_fault_state_msg.historical_faults = getSystemFaults(state.system_fault_state.historical_faults, spot_wrapper) return system_fault_state_msg def getBehaviorFaultsFromState(state, spot_wrapper): """Maps behavior fault data from robot state proto to ROS BehaviorFaultState message Args: data: Robot State proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object Returns: BehaviorFaultState message """ behavior_fault_state_msg = BehaviorFaultState() behavior_fault_state_msg.faults = getBehaviorFaults(state.behavior_fault_state.faults, spot_wrapper) return behavior_fault_state_msg
import time from bosdyn.client import create_standard_sdk, ResponseError, RpcError from bosdyn.client.async_tasks import AsyncPeriodicQuery, AsyncTasks from bosdyn.geometry import EulerZXY from bosdyn.client.robot_state import RobotStateClient from bosdyn.client.robot_command import RobotCommandClient, RobotCommandBuilder from bosdyn.client.power import PowerClient from import LeaseClient, LeaseKeepAlive from bosdyn.client.image import ImageClient, build_image_request from bosdyn.api import image_pb2 from bosdyn.client.estop import EstopClient, EstopEndpoint, EstopKeepAlive from bosdyn.client import power import bosdyn.api.robot_state_pb2 as robot_state_proto from bosdyn.api import basic_command_pb2 from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp front_image_sources = ['frontleft_fisheye_image', 'frontright_fisheye_image', 'frontleft_depth', 'frontright_depth'] """List of image sources for front image periodic query""" side_image_sources = ['left_fisheye_image', 'right_fisheye_image', 'left_depth', 'right_depth'] """List of image sources for side image periodic query""" rear_image_sources = ['back_fisheye_image', 'back_depth'] """List of image sources for rear image periodic query""" class AsyncRobotState(AsyncPeriodicQuery): """Class to get robot state at regular intervals. get_robot_state_async query sent to the robot at every tick. Callback registered to defined callback function. Attributes: client: The Client to a service on the robot logger: Logger object rate: Rate (Hz) to trigger the query callback: Callback function to call when the results of the query are available """ def __init__(self, client, logger, rate, callback): super(AsyncRobotState, self).__init__("robot-state", client, logger, period_sec=1.0/max(rate, 1.0)) self._callback = None if rate > 0.0: self._callback = callback def _start_query(self): if self._callback: callback_future = self._client.get_robot_state_async() callback_future.add_done_callback(self._callback) return callback_future class AsyncMetrics(AsyncPeriodicQuery): """Class to get robot metrics at regular intervals. get_robot_metrics_async query sent to the robot at every tick. Callback registered to defined callback function. Attributes: client: The Client to a service on the robot logger: Logger object rate: Rate (Hz) to trigger the query callback: Callback function to call when the results of the query are available """ def __init__(self, client, logger, rate, callback): super(AsyncMetrics, self).__init__("robot-metrics", client, logger, period_sec=1.0/max(rate, 1.0)) self._callback = None if rate > 0.0: self._callback = callback def _start_query(self): if self._callback: callback_future = self._client.get_robot_metrics_async() callback_future.add_done_callback(self._callback) return callback_future class AsyncLease(AsyncPeriodicQuery): """Class to get lease state at regular intervals. list_leases_async query sent to the robot at every tick. Callback registered to defined callback function. Attributes: client: The Client to a service on the robot logger: Logger object rate: Rate (Hz) to trigger the query callback: Callback function to call when the results of the query are available """ def __init__(self, client, logger, rate, callback): super(AsyncLease, self).__init__("lease", client, logger, period_sec=1.0/max(rate, 1.0)) self._callback = None if rate > 0.0: self._callback = callback def _start_query(self): if self._callback: callback_future = self._client.list_leases_async() callback_future.add_done_callback(self._callback) return callback_future class AsyncImageService(AsyncPeriodicQuery): """Class to get images at regular intervals. get_image_from_sources_async query sent to the robot at every tick. Callback registered to defined callback function. Attributes: client: The Client to a service on the robot logger: Logger object rate: Rate (Hz) to trigger the query callback: Callback function to call when the results of the query are available """ def __init__(self, client, logger, rate, callback, image_requests): super(AsyncImageService, self).__init__("robot_image_service", client, logger, period_sec=1.0/max(rate, 1.0)) self._callback = None if rate > 0.0: self._callback = callback self._image_requests = image_requests def _start_query(self): if self._callback: callback_future = self._client.get_image_async(self._image_requests) callback_future.add_done_callback(self._callback) return callback_future class AsyncIdle(AsyncPeriodicQuery): """Class to check if the robot is moving, and if not, command a stand with the set mobility parameters Attributes: client: The Client to a service on the robot logger: Logger object rate: Rate (Hz) to trigger the query spot_wrapper: A handle to the wrapper library """ def __init__(self, client, logger, rate, spot_wrapper): super(AsyncIdle, self).__init__("idle", client, logger, period_sec=1.0/rate) self._spot_wrapper = spot_wrapper def _start_query(self): if self._spot_wrapper._last_stand_command != None: self._spot_wrapper._is_sitting = False response = self._client.robot_command_feedback(self._spot_wrapper._last_stand_command) if ( == basic_command_pb2.StandCommand.Feedback.STATUS_IS_STANDING): self._spot_wrapper._is_standing = True self._spot_wrapper._last_stand_command = None else: self._spot_wrapper._is_standing = False if self._spot_wrapper._last_sit_command != None: self._spot_wrapper._is_standing = False response = self._client.robot_command_feedback(self._spot_wrapper._last_sit_command) if ( == basic_command_pb2.SitCommand.Feedback.STATUS_IS_SITTING): self._spot_wrapper._is_sitting = True self._spot_wrapper._last_sit_command = None else: self._spot_wrapper._is_sitting = False is_moving = False if self._spot_wrapper._last_motion_command_time != None: if time.time() < self._spot_wrapper._last_motion_command_time: is_moving = True else: self._spot_wrapper._last_motion_command_time = None if self._spot_wrapper._last_motion_command != None: response = self._client.robot_command_feedback(self._spot_wrapper._last_motion_command) if ( == basic_command_pb2.SE2TrajectoryCommand.Feedback.STATUS_GOING_TO_GOAL): is_moving = True else: self._spot_wrapper._last_motion_command = None self._spot_wrapper._is_moving = is_moving if self._spot_wrapper.is_standing and not self._spot_wrapper.is_moving: self._spot_wrapper.stand(False) class SpotWrapper(): """Generic wrapper class to encompass release 1.1.4 API features as well as maintaining leases automatically""" def __init__(self, username, password, token, hostname, logger, rates = {}, callbacks = {}): self._username = username self._password = password self._token = token self._hostname = hostname self._logger = logger self._rates = rates self._callbacks = callbacks self._keep_alive = True self._valid = True self._mobility_params = RobotCommandBuilder.mobility_params() self._is_standing = False self._is_sitting = True self._is_moving = False self._last_stand_command = None self._last_sit_command = None self._last_motion_command = None self._last_motion_command_time = None self._front_image_requests = [] for source in front_image_sources: self._front_image_requests.append(build_image_request(source, image_format=image_pb2.Image.Format.FORMAT_RAW)) self._side_image_requests = [] for source in side_image_sources: self._side_image_requests.append(build_image_request(source, image_format=image_pb2.Image.Format.FORMAT_RAW)) self._rear_image_requests = [] for source in rear_image_sources: self._rear_image_requests.append(build_image_request(source, image_format=image_pb2.Image.Format.FORMAT_RAW)) try: self._sdk = create_standard_sdk('ros_spot') except Exception as e: self._logger.error("Error creating SDK object: %s", e) self._valid = False return try: self._sdk.load_app_token(self._token) except Exception as e: self._logger.error("Error loading developer token: %s", e) self._valid = False return self._robot = self._sdk.create_robot(self._hostname) try: self._robot.authenticate(self._username, self._password) self._robot.start_time_sync() except RpcError as err: self._logger.error("Failed to communicate with robot: %s", err) self._valid = False return if self._robot: # Clients try: self._robot_state_client = self._robot.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name) self._robot_command_client = self._robot.ensure_client(RobotCommandClient.default_service_name) self._power_client = self._robot.ensure_client(PowerClient.default_service_name) self._lease_client = self._robot.ensure_client(LeaseClient.default_service_name) self._image_client = self._robot.ensure_client(ImageClient.default_service_name) self._estop_client = self._robot.ensure_client(EstopClient.default_service_name) except Exception as e: self._logger.error("Unable to create client service: %s", e) self._valid = False return # Async Tasks self._async_task_list = [] self._robot_state_task = AsyncRobotState(self._robot_state_client, self._logger, max(0.0, self._rates.get("robot_state", 0.0)), self._callbacks.get("robot_state", lambda:None)) self._robot_metrics_task = AsyncMetrics(self._robot_state_client, self._logger, max(0.0, self._rates.get("metrics", 0.0)), self._callbacks.get("metrics", lambda:None)) self._lease_task = AsyncLease(self._lease_client, self._logger, max(0.0, self._rates.get("lease", 0.0)), self._callbacks.get("lease", lambda:None)) self._front_image_task = AsyncImageService(self._image_client, self._logger, max(0.0, self._rates.get("front_image", 0.0)), self._callbacks.get("front_image", lambda:None), self._front_image_requests) self._side_image_task = AsyncImageService(self._image_client, self._logger, max(0.0, self._rates.get("side_image", 0.0)), self._callbacks.get("side_image", lambda:None), self._side_image_requests) self._rear_image_task = AsyncImageService(self._image_client, self._logger, max(0.0, self._rates.get("rear_image", 0.0)), self._callbacks.get("rear_image", lambda:None), self._rear_image_requests) self._idle_task = AsyncIdle(self._robot_command_client, self._logger, 10.0, self) self._estop_endpoint = EstopEndpoint(self._estop_client, 'ros', 9.0) self._async_tasks = AsyncTasks( [self._robot_state_task, self._robot_metrics_task, self._lease_task, self._front_image_task, self._side_image_task, self._rear_image_task, self._idle_task]) self._robot_id = None self._lease = None @property def is_valid(self): """Return boolean indicating if the wrapper initialized successfully""" return self._valid @property def id(self): """Return robot's ID""" return self._robot_id @property def robot_state(self): """Return latest proto from the _robot_state_task""" return self._robot_state_task.proto @property def metrics(self): """Return latest proto from the _robot_metrics_task""" return self._robot_metrics_task.proto @property def lease(self): """Return latest proto from the _lease_task""" return self._lease_task.proto @property def front_images(self): """Return latest proto from the _front_image_task""" return self._front_image_task.proto @property def side_images(self): """Return latest proto from the _side_image_task""" return self._side_image_task.proto @property def rear_images(self): """Return latest proto from the _rear_image_task""" return self._rear_image_task.proto @property def is_standing(self): """Return boolean of standing state""" return self._is_standing @property def is_sitting(self): """Return boolean of standing state""" return self._is_sitting @property def is_moving(self): """Return boolean of walking state""" return self._is_moving @property def time_skew(self): """Return the time skew between local and spot time""" return self._robot.time_sync.endpoint.clock_skew def robotToLocalTime(self, timestamp): """Takes a timestamp and an estimated skew and return seconds and nano seconds Args: timestamp: google.protobuf.Timestamp Returns: google.protobuf.Timestamp """ rtime = Timestamp() rtime.seconds = timestamp.seconds - self.time_skew.seconds rtime.nanos = timestamp.nanos - self.time_skew.nanos if rtime.nanos < 0: rtime.nanos = rtime.nanos + 1000000000 rtime.seconds = rtime.seconds - 1 return rtime def claim(self): """Get a lease for the robot, a handle on the estop endpoint, and the ID of the robot.""" try: self._robot_id = self._robot.get_id() self.getLease() self.resetEStop() return True, "Success" except (ResponseError, RpcError) as err: self._logger.error("Failed to initialize robot communication: %s", err) return False, str(err) def updateTasks(self): """Loop through all periodic tasks and update their data if needed.""" self._async_tasks.update() def resetEStop(self): """Get keepalive for eStop""" self._estop_endpoint.force_simple_setup() # Set this endpoint as the robot's sole estop. self._estop_keepalive = EstopKeepAlive(self._estop_endpoint) def assertEStop(self, severe=True): """Forces the robot into eStop state. Args: severe: Default True - If true, will cut motor power immediately. If false, will try to settle the robot on the ground first """ try: if severe: self._estop_endpoint.stop() else: self._estop_endpoint.settle_then_cut() return True, "Success" except: return False, "Error" def releaseEStop(self): """Stop eStop keepalive""" if self._estop_keepalive: self._estop_keepalive.stop() self._estop_keepalive = None def getLease(self): """Get a lease for the robot and keep the lease alive automatically.""" self._lease = self._lease_client.acquire() self._lease_keepalive = LeaseKeepAlive(self._lease_client) def releaseLease(self): """Return the lease on the body.""" if self._lease: self._lease_client.return_lease(self._lease) self._lease = None def release(self): """Return the lease on the body and the eStop handle.""" try: self.releaseLease() self.releaseEStop() return True, "Success" except Exception as e: return False, str(e) def disconnect(self): """Release control of robot as gracefully as posssible.""" if self._robot.time_sync: self._robot.time_sync.stop() self.releaseLease() self.releaseEStop() def _robot_command(self, command_proto, end_time_secs=None): """Generic blocking function for sending commands to robots. Args: command_proto: robot_command_pb2 object to send to the robot. Usually made with RobotCommandBuilder end_time_secs: (optional) Time-to-live for the command in seconds """ try: id = self._robot_command_client.robot_command(lease=None, command=command_proto, end_time_secs=end_time_secs) return True, "Success", id except Exception as e: return False, str(e), None def stop(self): """Stop the robot's motion.""" response = self._robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.stop_command()) return response[0], response[1] def self_right(self): """Have the robot self-right itself.""" response = self._robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.selfright_command()) return response[0], response[1] def sit(self): """Stop the robot's motion and sit down if able.""" response = self._robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.sit_command()) self._last_sit_command = response[2] return response[0], response[1] def stand(self, monitor_command=True): """If the e-stop is enabled, and the motor power is enabled, stand the robot up.""" response = self._robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.stand_command(params=self._mobility_params)) if monitor_command: self._last_stand_command = response[2] return response[0], response[1] def safe_power_off(self): """Stop the robot's motion and sit if possible. Once sitting, disable motor power.""" response = self._robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.safe_power_off_command()) return response[0], response[1] def power_on(self): """Enble the motor power if e-stop is enabled.""" try: power.power_on(self._power_client) return True, "Success" except: return False, "Error" def set_mobility_params(self, body_height=0, footprint_R_body=EulerZXY(), locomotion_hint=1, stair_hint=False, external_force_params=None): """Define body, locomotion, and stair parameters. Args: body_height: Body height in meters footprint_R_body: (EulerZXY) – The orientation of the body frame with respect to the footprint frame (gravity aligned framed with yaw computed from the stance feet) locomotion_hint: Locomotion hint stair_hint: Boolean to define stair motion """ self._mobility_params = RobotCommandBuilder.mobility_params(body_height, footprint_R_body, locomotion_hint, stair_hint, external_force_params) def velocity_cmd(self, v_x, v_y, v_rot, cmd_duration=0.1): """Send a velocity motion command to the robot. Args: v_x: Velocity in the X direction in meters v_y: Velocity in the Y direction in meters v_rot: Angular velocity around the Z axis in radians cmd_duration: (optional) Time-to-live for the command in seconds. Default is 125ms (assuming 10Hz command rate). """ end_time=time.time() + cmd_duration self._robot_command(RobotCommandBuilder.velocity_command( v_x=v_x, v_y=v_y, v_rot=v_rot, params=self._mobility_params), end_time_secs=end_time) self._last_motion_command_time = end_time
spot_ros ======== .. automodule:: spot_ros :members: :inherited-members: :private-members: :show-inheritance:
ros_helpers =========== .. automodule:: ros_helpers :members: :inherited-members: :private-members: :show-inheritance:
.. spot_driver documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon May 11 19:33:41 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to spot_driver's documentation! ======================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: ROS Driver spot_ros ros_helpers .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Spot SDK Wrapper spot_wrapper Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`
import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../scripts')) project = 'spot_driver' copyright = '2020, Dave Niewinski' author = 'Dave Niewinski' extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon' ] html_theme = 'clearpath-sphinx-theme' html_theme_path = ["."] html_static_path = ['./clearpath-sphinx-theme/static'] html_sidebars = { '**': ['sidebartoc.html', 'sourcelink.html', 'searchbox.html'] } html_show_sphinx = False html_logo = 'clearpath-sphinx-theme/static/clearpathlogo.png' html_favicon = 'clearpath-sphinx-theme/static/favicon.ico'
topics: - name : bt_joy topic : bluetooth_teleop/cmd_vel timeout : 0.5 priority: 9 - name : interactive_marker topic : twist_marker_server/cmd_vel timeout : 0.5 priority: 8 locks: []
rates: robot_state: 20.0 metrics: 0.04 lease: 1.0 front_image: 10.0 side_image: 10.0 rear_image: 10.0 auto_claim: False auto_power_on: False auto_stand: False
<package format="2"> <name>littledog_description</name> <version>0.0.1</version> <description>LittleDog Description Package</description> <license>BSD-3</license> <author email="[email protected]">Juan Jimeno</author> <maintainer email="[email protected]">Juan Jimeno</maintainer> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> </package>
A ROS compatible URDF version of [LittleDog](
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised [[ASL_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "6252039f98492252f9e47c312c8ffda0e3b9e78d" uuid = "ae81ac8f-d209-56e5-92de-9978fef736f9" version = "0.1.3+0" [[Adapt]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] git-tree-sha1 = "af92965fb30777147966f58acb05da51c5616b5f" uuid = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e" version = "3.3.3" [[ArgTools]] uuid = "0dad84c5-d112-42e6-8d28-ef12dabb789f" [[Artifacts]] uuid = "56f22d72-fd6d-98f1-02f0-08ddc0907c33" [[AssetRegistry]] deps = ["Distributed", "JSON", "Pidfile", "SHA", "Test"] git-tree-sha1 = "b25e88db7944f98789130d7b503276bc34bc098e" uuid = "bf4720bc-e11a-5d0c-854e-bdca1663c893" version = "0.1.0" [[AxisAlgorithms]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Random", "SparseArrays", "WoodburyMatrices"] git-tree-sha1 = "66771c8d21c8ff5e3a93379480a2307ac36863f7" uuid = "13072b0f-2c55-5437-9ae7-d433b7a33950" version = "1.0.1" [[Base64]] uuid = 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name = "DigitRobot" uuid = "223e9ca1-e7df-42fa-ba56-f1a405a9c000" authors = ["Alphonsus Adu-Bredu <[email protected]>"] version = "0.1.0" [deps] Colors = "5ae59095-9a9b-59fe-a467-6f913c188581" CoordinateTransformations = "150eb455-5306-5404-9cee-2592286d6298" GeometryBasics = "5c1252a2-5f33-56bf-86c9-59e7332b4326" Ipopt = "b6b21f68-93f8-5de0-b562-5493be1d77c9" JuMP = "4076af6c-e467-56ae-b986-b466b2749572" MeshCat = "283c5d60-a78f-5afe-a0af-af636b173e11" MeshCatMechanisms = "6ad125db-dd91-5488-b820-c1df6aab299d" Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe" RigidBodyDynamics = "366cf18f-59d5-5db9-a4de-86a9f6786172" Rotations = "6038ab10-8711-5258-84ad-4b1120ba62dc" StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182" [compat] RigidBodyDynamics = "2" StaticArrays = "0.10, 0.11, 0.12" julia = "1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5"
# DigitRobot.jl This package provides URDF, meshes and inverse kinematics solvers for the Agility Robotics Digit Robot. ![](digit.png)
import pybullet as p import time import pybullet_data p.connect(p.GUI) p.setAdditionalSearchPath('..') humanoid = p.loadURDF("urdf/digit_model.urdf",useFixedBase=True) gravId = p.addUserDebugParameter("gravity", -10, 10, 0) jointIds = [] paramIds = [] p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(numSolverIterations=10) p.changeDynamics(humanoid, -1, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0) for j in range(p.getNumJoints(humanoid)): p.changeDynamics(humanoid, j, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0) info = p.getJointInfo(humanoid, j) #print(info) jointName = info[1] jointType = info[2] if (jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC or jointType == p.JOINT_REVOLUTE): jointIds.append(j) paramIds.append(p.addUserDebugParameter(jointName.decode("utf-8"), -4, 4, 0)) p.setRealTimeSimulation(1) while (1): p.setGravity(0, 0, p.readUserDebugParameter(gravId)) for i in range(len(paramIds)): c = paramIds[i] targetPos = p.readUserDebugParameter(c) p.setJointMotorControl2(humanoid, jointIds[i], p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPos, force=5 * 240.) time.sleep(0.01)
## 1. Quick Start You don't need a physical robot to run the following demos. ### 1.1. Walking demo in RVIZ: #### 1.1.1. Run the base driver: roslaunch opendog_config bringup.launch rviz:=true #### 1.1.2. Run the teleop node: roslaunch champ_teleop teleop.launch If you want to use a [joystick]( add joy:=true as an argument. ### 1.2. SLAM demo: #### 1.2.1. Run the Gazebo environment: roslaunch opendog_config gazebo.launch #### 1.2.2. Run gmapping package and move_base: roslaunch opendog_config slam.launch rviz:=true To start mapping: - Click '2D Nav Goal'. - Click and drag at the position you want the robot to go. ![champ]( - Save the map by running: roscd opendog_config/maps rosrun map_server map_saver ### 1.3. Autonomous Navigation: #### 1.3.1. Run the Gazebo environment: roslaunch opendog_config gazebo.launch #### 1.3.2. Run amcl and move_base: roslaunch opendog_config navigate.launch rviz:=true To navigate: - Click '2D Nav Goal'. - Click and drag at the position you want the robot to go. ![champ]( #### 1.4.1 Spawning multiple robots in Gazebo Run Gazebo and default simulation world: roslaunch champ_gazebo spawn_world.launch You can also load your own world file by passing your world's path to 'gazebo_world' argument: roslaunch champ_gazebo spawn_world.launch gazebo_world:=<path_to_world_file> Spawning a robot: roslaunch opendog_config spawn_robot.launch robot_name:=<unique_robot_name> world_init_x:=<x_position> world_init_y:=<y_position> * Every instance of the spawned robot must have a unique robot name to prevent the topics and transforms from clashing. --- :exclamation: *This is not an official product from the robot's company/author.*
image: map.pgm resolution: 0.050000 origin: [-50.000000, -50.000000, 0.000000] negate: 0 occupied_thresh: 0.65 free_thresh: 0.196
#ifndef QUADRUPED_DESCRIPTION_H #define QUADRUPED_DESCRIPTION_H #include <quadruped_base/quadruped_base.h> namespace champ { namespace URDF { void loadFromHeader(champ::QuadrupedBase &base) { base.lf.hip.setOrigin(0.265, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lf.upper_leg.setOrigin(0.0, 0.07, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lf.lower_leg.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lf.foot.setOrigin(0.0, -0.07, -0.23, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rf.hip.setOrigin(0.265, -0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rf.upper_leg.setOrigin(0.0, -0.07, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rf.lower_leg.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rf.foot.setOrigin(0.0, 0.07, -0.23, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lh.hip.setOrigin(-0.16, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lh.upper_leg.setOrigin(0.0, 0.07, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lh.lower_leg.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.lh.foot.setOrigin(0.0, -0.07, -0.23, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rh.hip.setOrigin(-0.16, -0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rh.upper_leg.setOrigin(0.0, -0.07, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rh.lower_leg.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); base.rh.foot.setOrigin(0.0, 0.07, -0.23, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } } } #endif