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+W is not confused or ambiguous. He does not follow his ideas to their logical conclusion, but he follows them far enough to effectively deny all authority to the Church of Christ on earth. He doesn't admit to himself that he believes that indefectibility has been refuted, but I can't see how he could come to any other conclusion from his premises. Appeals to supplied jurisdiction have no purchase on him. He knows that supplied jurisdiction assumes that the power to bind and loose exists in the first place. His analysis would seem to deny that it does exist. He does not rule out that God might restore it, but he seems pretty clear that it doesn't exist now. So it is not surprising that he is accused of being an ecclesiological Protestant, because that is what he is. For him, unless and until God decrees otherwise, the next stop after you or me or +Williamson is God. The Church therefore is just the invisible body of those who have the Faith. He will not shoulder authority because there is no authority to shoulder. It has been destroyed by the conciliar revolution, taken temporary shelter with the FSSPX, and now is gone entirely. He avoids the Protestant sneaking authority back in because he thinks the world is going to end in 60 years, give or take. He will not serve anyone but God, because there is nobody but God to serve; and he'll live out his life dodging the fact that his theories destroy the Church in order to save it. If you're not concerned to be a Catholic, it all works together pretty well. This is about right, in my observation. I think that from what you correctly point out, it is becoming harder for the sectarians to maintain that Bp. Williamson is not a Sedevacantist. This is precisely the opposite of the true interpretation. Williamson's problem is that he doesn't believe in sound ecclesiology. He is still Protestant in his ecclesiology. I doubt he would even dispute this if he were presented with it. Sedevacantists are Roman to our bones. Our Roman ecclesiology is the reason for our sedevacantism. We conclude that the See is Vacant precisely because if it isn't, then the Church has defected. Sedeplenists with a generally Roman ecclesiology argue that we are mistaken in assigning the cause of the evils of Vatican II formally to the conciliar popes. That is, they argue that the conciliar popes are somehow not responsible for those evils. In this way both theories attempt to remain Roman. But Williamson's theology is totally different. He cheerfully admits that Rome is responsible, and he vehemently rejects the idea that he will ever be a sedevacantist. MacFarland is therefore right - Williamson believes that "indefectibility has been refuted."
La psychologie topologique est une méthode de psychologie, également appelée champ psychologique. D'après Kurt Lewin, il s'agit de l'organisation et de la configuration des significations que les choses, les êtres, les situations ont pour chaque individu. Branche de la psychologie
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Wartime waistlines: Win obesity battle 'by enforcing WWII rationing' 23 Feb 2015 - 06:30AM | By Tommy Wilson Rationing your food intake like in 'wartime' is the best way to stay healthy and avoid cardiovascular disease, according to a Manchester nutritionist expert. Numerous media sources recently rubbished guidelines from the 1980's that told millions of people to avoid saturated fat – such as butter and cheese – which could potentially set a dangerous precedent. Haleh Moravej, senior lecturer in nutritional sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University, believes that eating in moderation is the best way to avoid health problems such as cardiovascular disease. She told MM: "Rationing is the way forward! "Look at the olden times - the time when Britain was the healthiest. We didn't have an obesity issue during world war two when people were rationing. "People were having butter and cakes, but in moderation." It is currently recommended that 30% of your overall energy intake should be fat – with no specific guideline on the amount of saturated fats. The nutritionist felt that the media had failed to grasp this important point. "At the moment we don't have any research saying the recommended levels of saturated fat," she said. "There are no guidelines, and the media have misunderstood what this paper is. We should be very careful before we start having unlimited amounts of butter and cream and lard. "The current recommendation is a match-boxed size of butter per day. If you're having more than that for breakfast - it's not healthy. You also shouldn't eat more than one takeaway per week." The nutritionist believes that health guidelines should be reviewed every 20 years, and that new guidance could be released in the near future. She added: "I think in the next five years we will see new guidelines and maybe better understanding of what fat does to our body. "For 20 years they've been saying, fat is bad for us. Now we're saying it's the carbohydrate and we should cut that out because it's the sugar and refined sugars that are bad for us. "One of the reasons why fat is in the spotlight, is because it's the only macronutrient that doesn't affect insulin levels. With carbohydrates, it affects your insulin. "We should take a step back and look at the quality of our food, have less processed food and have a balanced diet rather than having one or the other in excessive amounts." Image courtesy of John Gargan, with thanks. Hawksmoor steak-out: MM sink their teeth into Manchester's latest m-eatery Eating your veggies just wont cut it as Manchester University study reveals failure to curb child obesity No smoking, drinking… or chocolate? Manchester researchers to see if sugar in pregnancy affects child's obesity Learning to be healthy: How leaving school early could be detrimental to your health Meat-eaters 19% more likely to die of heart disease than vegetarians: PETA hit home message to Mancunians rationing tommy wilson Tommy Anthony Wilson Debate: Are jihadi grooming victims being overlooked?
Le Butcherettes Announce Headline Shows struggle/STRUGGLE EP OUT NOW TOURING WITH THE FLAMING LIPS Le Butcherettes have already spent most of 2018 on the road, with an extensive European tour and a run of dates in May with Hot Snakes. They also recently announced a tour with The Flaming Lips in August, a performance on July 14 at Taste of Chicago. Today, the band are thrilled to announce a series of headlining dates with stops in St. Louis, Toronto, Brooklyn, Nashville and Dallas. Tickets on sale now. Visit lebutcherettesofficial.com/ for more information. Le Butcherettes is Teri Gender Bender (right), vocals/guitar/piano, Alejandra Robles Luna, drums, Rikardo Rodriguez-Lopez, guitars/synth, and Marfred Rodriguez-Lopez, bass. (Photo credit: Lindsey Byrnes) ALL HEADLINE DATES IN BOLD 7/14- Taste of Chicago - Chicago, IL 8/15 - St. Louis, MO - Fubar 8/16 - Fort Wayne, IN - Clyde Theater^ 8/17 - Cleveland, OH - Agora Theater^ 8/18 - Toronto, ON - Velvet Underground 8/20 - Montreal, QC - M Telus^ 8/21 - Portland, ME - State Theater^ 8/22 - Providence, RI - The Strand Ballroom^ 8/23 - Brooklyn, NY - Knitting Factory 8/24- Pittsburgh, PA - Stage AE, Indoors^ 8/26 - Louisville, KY - Iroquois Amphitheater^ 8/28 - Nashville, TN - Mercy Lounge 8/29 - Dallas, TX - Club Dada ^ w/ Flaming Lips Stream: RiseRecords.lnk.to/LeButcherettes Le Butcherettes recently announced their signing to Rise Records, shared a new single "spider/WAVES" followed by the release of "struggle/STRUGGLE (bi)," which is now available as a three song EP, accompanied by two other versions of the song that are exclusive to the release struggle/STRUGGLE EP, produced by legendary Talking Heads member Jerry Harrison and mixed by Chris Common, is available now on all streaming sites and a limited run of Flexi Discs that will be sold exclusively at the band's shows and online at riserecords.com. Tracklist - Le Butcherettes - "struggle/STRUGGLE" struggle/STRUGGLE (bi) struggle/STRUGGLE (/MEN) struggle/STRUGGLE (TAL) Read Teri Gender Bender's descriptions of all three versions of the song below. "The struggle is never ending. As a latina woman, the constant battle within a steaming pool of perverted wagging tongues becomes a part of life which on a sadly angled upside only makes for thicker skin... yet none of those struggles can compare to the internal fight of self-versus m/other, m/other versus your world. struggle/STRUGGLE (bi) -"The other" was trying to get inside to damage me. Since I wouldn't open the door, it would then begin to bang and bang and continue to bang on the outer walls while yelling outside at the top of it's lungs that no one would ever love and respect me because I am a "stupid evil girl". It's hard to not let "the other's" words poison you especially when "the other" is a big part of your supposed existence and the very reason why you even breathe. This take has an eeriness that magnifies the dark & moody moment of when I felt like a little child walking between the destruction of life and death. (It's also very special to me because Marcel AKA Eureka The Butcher wrote the music of the song, which is a first for Le Butcherettes catalouge). struggle/STRUGGLE (/MEN)- It is the twin of the song that explore's the light and the positivity to a dark and miserable existence with an urge of finding a climatic breath. This is the "what if I had opened the door and "the other" and "the self" suddenly embraced in forgiveness" take. Fun fact: The acoustic guitar from Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense is played in this recording by Jerry Harrison. (It's also very special to me because Jerry wrote the music to this version of the song on the spot, which is a second for Le Butcherettes' history). struggle/STRUGGLE (TAL) - The triplet runt of the song that was born deformed with all its divine eccentricities; the take on this came from exhaling in all the fumes of father dear's ashes and spitting them back out with a rancid clown-like spite, watching the phlegm slide down the wall as the "other" pounds on it from the other side. The intentions coming from a nightmare that induces sleep paralysis while feeling your body fall without ever landing, inside the mind of a frantic Alice In Wonderland... Teresa in Mother'sland. " Tags: Music, music news
Intendentur kallas i de flesta arméer traditionellt den verksamhet, som ägnar sig åt förvaltningen och hushållningen vid förbanden. Den centrala intendenturverksamheten utövas vanligen av en enhet inom Försvarsministeriet, och dessutom finns intendenturenheter vid alla truppavdelningar av viss storlek. Traditionell intendentur i svenska armén I svenska armén förstås traditionellt som intendenturärenden alla sådana ärenden, som har att göra med truppernas materiel och underhåll, medan alla ekonomiska ärenden traditionellt räknades till kassaväsendet. Högsta ledningen av intendenturärendena utövades av Arméförvaltningens intendentsdepartement, som ledes av en generalintendent, och som arbetar på en utrustningsbyrå, en underhållsbyrå och en civilbyrå, som bemannades av anställda tjänstemän inom Intendenturkåren och av Arméförvaltningens civila personal. Närmast lägre myndighet var arméfördelningschefen, som hade en fördelningsintendent till stöd för att handlägga ärenden i intendenturavdelningen vid arméfördelningsstaben. Vid regementena slutligen handlades intendenturärendena av regementschefen med biträde av en regementsintendent, som på samma gång hade eget ansvar för kassaärendena. Vid en armé i fält stod intendenturen under högsta ledning av en generalintendent, som med stöd av erforderligt antal intendenturtjänstemän tog hand om arméns förplägnad samt kassa- och redovisningsväsendet m. m.. Denne stod omedelbart under högste befälhavaren. Vid varje underlydande högre stab fanns i allmänhet en särskild intendentur under en intendenturtjänsteman i närmaste överensstämmelse med förhållandena i fredstid. Se även Intendenturkåren Intendenturtrupperna Marinintendenturkåren Källor Truppslag Ugglan
This beautifully handcrafted double toggle enamel switch plate of blue hydrangeas is functional as well as stunning. Ground glass was applied to the metal backing to form the artistic image on this plate. The switch plate cover was then put into a kiln and fired at 1200-1300 degrees Fahrenheit. The glass melted, fused to the backing, and acquired a fine, glossy finish. This switch plate may be cleaned with soap and water as needed. It is perfect to dress up the switches on your wall with a touch of art and style.
So me people with cholangiocarcinoma are unable to be cured because their tumor is either inoperable or has spread. These patients can develop blockages of the bile ducts or intestines causing jaundice, severe itching, nausea and/or vomiting. Palliative surgery or endoscopic procedures may be able to provide relief of symptoms. We will be discussing the role of biliary bypass and stenting for bile duct blockages as well the role of surgery and stenting for intestinal blockages. Dr. Scott Celinski is a surgical oncologist who specializes in treating complex cancers of the liver and pancreas. He currently serves as the Director of the Pancreatic Cancer Research and Treatment Center at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. His earned his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and performed his residency in General Surgery at George Washington University. He completed fellowships in Surgical Oncology and Hepatobiliary Surgery (at the University of Pittsburgh) and Critical Care (at George Washington University). When not at the hospital, Dr. Celinski enjoys beekeeping, gardening, and spending time with his wife and daughter. Can you explain the criteria for patients getting bypass surgery for nausea and vomiting caused by the tumor? Doe it just depend on where you are being seen for treatment? There is probably some institutional dependence. Also, would be if the nausea and vomiting related to a blockage from the tumor or is it a secondary effect of the tumor, which is very different for the treatment. If there is an actual physical blockage where the stomach feeds into the intestine, there are really two options for getting things to go through that. One would be an endoscopic stent which tends to work really well as a short term option. In patients who are living longer, then a surgical bypass tends to be better. Are distal and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma the same? Yes, for this discussion they are essentially the same. The treatment may be a little bit different in as far as an extrahepatic bile duct resection but for just the bypass, they are very similar. Regarding transplant, I have heard that only patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma can be transplanted. Are there facilities where distal and intrahepatic patients can be transplanted? No, not that I am aware of. Initially back when livers were much more available for patients who needed livers, transplant was used much more for cholangiocarcinoma, but the results were uniformly dismal. It wasn't until the Mayo protocol came out that for unresectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma. It's a very select group that are eligible for transplant that get extensive treatment before transplant to make sure their cancer is not behaving aggressively and is all going to be taken out so it's really just the hilar cholangiocarcinoma and even in that it is a select group of the smaller tumors that have no evidence of any spread.
Sunday, July 8, 2018 Category: 3D Architectures, Solar Oasis: Where Deserts Can Sustain Life. Here is a Solar Oasis: Where Deserts Can Sustain Life. The designer of this architectural design called Solar Oasis believes that all parts of the Earth's surface has the necessary elements that are necessary to sustain life, and even our planet also has huge amounts of energy that can never be exhausted. Solar Oasis project is based on this principle in which the designer aims to create an oasis in the arid and lifeless Namib Desert in Namibia, which is too hot and dry to support life. This advanced technology solar Oasis that make using the local environment to create in your physical being in an oasis that can sustain human life, plants and animals. This proposal shows how amazing that modern technology can be used to handle the most adverse situations into something useful by making the most feared places uninhabitable, a refuge for life! In this Solar oasis was added technology in which air humidity is pushed through a cooling manifold enormous. The Namib desert drought is caused by the fact that the air to hold water that comes from the Atlantic Ocean can not be in the desert mountains along the edges of deserts and deflect air push below. Therefore, the moisture never reaches the desert of what is practically uninhabitable because water is the only requirement for the sustainability of plants and animals. However, the Solar Oasis would change the situation, with the humidity inside the oasis of an island green protected area. This island is the water that would be capable of supporting plant life and exotic wildlife of Namibia. The condensate produced by the outside air would be enough to sustain life in the otherwise dry desert. The Solar Oasis is also used to make new discoveries in the field of agriculture and clean energy production. This would make mini-island cooperation between peoples of different cultures and harmony.The Solar Oasis would be a great example for the world to find new places for people to live overcrowding and overpopulation are only a limited area of ​​the Earth. Now people may think that living in the deserts that extend over a large country and reduce the burden on cities. In fact, it would be a great way to convert the driest places in the most succulent and green! There are 2 high resolution images again to check, so do not miss to see Awesome images all in Solar Oasis: Where Deserts Can Sustain Life article galleries for your next inspiration by clicking the thumbnail below. Disclaimer: ArchitectureHolic.COM consists of a compilation of public information available on the internet. The Solar Oasis: Where Deserts Can Sustain Life pictures on this site are collected from multiple source in internet. We are NOT affiliated with the publisher of this part, and we take no responsibility for material inside this part. For more information about the Copyright, please take a minute to read our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notification Guidelines and Disclaimer at the top of this site.
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TCM Lianhua Qingwen Granted First International Approval for |Sep 4| 6 min read SHIJIAZHUANG, China, Sept. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Yiling Pharmaceutical (SHE: 002603) on Friday issued a notice that it had received a certificate of drug registration granted by the Pharmaceutical and Herbal Medicine Registration and Control Administration of Kuwait that certified its drug - Lianhua Qingwen Capsules - as a herbal medicine to be registered in Kuwait. As the notice indicated, Lianhua Qingwen Capsules was approved to be registered as a drug to "treat symptoms such as fever, cough, debilitation, sore muscles, nasal obstruction, a runny nose, headaches, a dry and sore throat, shortness of breath, and a red tongue caused by viral diseases such as seasonal influenza, influenza, H1N1, SARS, and mild and moderate cases of COVID-19, with the efficacy of lung clearing and detoxication." It's the first time that Lianhua Qingwen has been granted permission in countries other than China to treat symptoms caused by mild and moderate cases of COVID-19. Lianhua Qingwen is the leading product of Yiling Pharmaceutical. Since the initial outbreak of COVID-19, it's been recommended in the Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Version 4/5/6/7/8) released by China's national authorities and in the diagnosis and treatment protocols in over 20 provinces in the country. In April 2020, China's National Medical Products Administration approved new indications displayed by "mild and moderate cases of COVID-19" to be added to what had previously been approved to be the indications requiring Lianhua Qingwen capsules/granules. It's been widely used in hospitals designated for taking in and treating COVID-19 patients during the outbreak in China. The results of a prospective, randomized, controlled, and multi-center clinical study on treating COVID-19 with the TCM Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, which Academicians Zhong Nanshan, Li Lanjuan, and Zhang Boli and other experts worked on together with over 20 hospitals, were published in Phytomedicine, the journal with a high impact factor in the field of international herbal medicine. It's found in the study in terms of clinical use that Lianhua Qingwen proved to be both safe and effective in treating COVID-19 in conjunction with conventional therapy as it could significantly relieve clinical symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, debilitation, and cough, greatly improve pulmonary lesions, shorten the duration of symptoms, and increase the clinical recovery rate. As of now, Lianhua Qingwen has been allowed access to the markets in 15 countries and regions, including Brazil, Romania, Singapore, and the Philippines. View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tcm-lianhua-qingwen-granted-first-international-approval-for-covid-19-treatment-301124374.html SOURCE Yiling Pharmaceutical
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Largest Solar Flare Since 2017 Spotted on the Sun At 3:24 a.m. EST on May 29, 2020, the Solar Dynamics Observatory, operated by our partners at NASA, captured the largest solar flare, or eruption of radiation on the surface of the sun, since October 2017. The flare can be seen on the upper left side of the sun's horizon. The moment the flare occurred was also seen via the Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) instrument onboard NOAA's GOES-East satellite. The flare seen via the SUVI instrument onboard the GOES-East satellite. The sun is a pretty turbulent place, and its massive, complex magnetic field causes giant solar eruptions such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections. This field is large enough to encapsulate space far past the edge of the planets and helps protect the planets within it from harmful cosmic particles, similar to how the Earth's magnetic field protects it from much of the sun's radiation. We can see manifestations of the magnetic field in the form of sunspots, which are cooler, dark areas on the sun's surface which mark regions where magnetism is the strongest. Solar flares are most often associated with these regions. Flares are classified according to their strength and range: B, C, M, and X are ordered from smallest to largest, with each letter representing a ten-fold increase in energy output. This particular flare was a relatively small M-class flare. Although X-class flares are the most dangerous, with the potential to damage satellites, communication systems, ground-based technologies, and power grids, M-class flares can cause brief radio blackouts at the poles and minor radiation storms that can potentially harm astronauts beyond the planet's atmosphere. This is why it's important for scientists to constantly monitor the sun's activity for changes. The sun's solar cycle spans roughly 11 years, and when the sun reaches its maximum activity, these flares become larger and more frequent, which increases the chances that one may affect the Earth. Although it's difficult at this point to say if the sun's activity is beginning to ramp up, scientists will continue to watch the sun closely over the next several months to see what happens next. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite studies the solar atmosphere so that we can better understand how the sun influences the Earth and near-Earth space. The GOES-East geostationary satellite, also known as GOES-16, keeps watch over most of North America, including the continental United States and Mexico, as well as Central and South America, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west coast of Africa. The satellite also contains the Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) telescope that monitors the sun in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength range.
Langkildegård er en gammel gård, som nævnes første gang i 1497. Gården ligger i Lunde Sogn, Sunds Herred, Svendborg Amt, Svendborg Kommune. Hovedbygningen er opført i 1844. Hovedbygningen dannede i 2013-2015 ramme om optagelserne til DR's dramaserie,"Arvingerne". Langkildegård Gods er på 142 hektar. Ejere af Langkildegård (1497-1781) Forskellige ejere (1781-1827) Hans Hansen Langkilde (1827-1870) Henrik Hansen Langkilde (1870) Kirsten Henriksdatter Langkilde gift Lauesen (1870-1882) Hans Lauesen (1882-1929) Hans Henriksen Langkilde (1929-1980) Hans Hansen Langkilde Lauesen (1980) Jørgen Mex-Jørgensen Kilder J. P. Trap: Danmark 5.udgave, Kraks Landbrug. Herregårde i Svendborg Kommune Herregårde i Svendborg Amt
Win four tickets to Monster Truck Chaos in Victoria next weekend (CONTEST) Seanna Wainman Image: Darren Steabner That's right, this family-friendly monstrous event is returning to Victoria next weekend! Titled Monster Truck Chaos, the show will feature the nation's most competitive monster trucks as they invade Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre for two straight days on January 25th and 26th, 2020. These 10,000-pound, car-crushing giants will compete in racing and freestyle action, and if that wasn't enough of a reason to buy a ticket, the event also features freestyle motocross. Top riders will perform ridiculous tricks like cliffhangers, double seat grabs, superman seat grabs and the backflip. Fans who buy the Pit Party Pass will also be able to meet the trucks, aptly named Rock Star, Identity Theft, California Kid, Spitfire and Skeletor. And don't forget – you could even have the chance to ride in a REAL Monster Truck too! Tickets range in price from $15.50 to $29.50 and are available online. A post shared by Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre (@sofmcvic) CONTEST CLOSED ** Congratulations to the winner Bryan D. For a chance to WIN four tickets to Monster Truck Chaos at Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre, complete one or more of the following: LIKE Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre on Facebook and leave a comment below telling us once you have. (1 entry) FOLLOW Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre on Instagram and leave a comment below telling us once you have. (1 entry) TWEET the following on Twitter: (1 entry)Win 4 tickets to see @SOFMC's Monster Truck Chaos via @victoriabuzzes RT to enter! #victoriabuzz Contest entries will be accepted from time and date of publishing until 11:59 p.m. PST on January 24th, 2020. One winner will be chosen at random and contacted through the platform they enter within 24 hours of the contest closing. Good luck! Monster Truck Chaos Saturday, January 25, 2020, Pit Party at 5 p.m., show at 6 p.m. Sunday, January 26, 2020, Pit Party at 12 p.m., show at 1 p.m. Where: Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre, 1925 Blanshard Street Tickets: $15.50 to $29.50 and are available online. Stay in the loop! Get Victoria Buzz news, events and more directly to your inbox. Every day. Previous articleWeather alerts issued for most of Vancouver Island due to approaching Pacific storm Next articleNew BC Ferries hybrid ships arrive in Victoria tomorrow https://www.victoriabuzz.com Online Editor / Writer for Victoria Buzz. Have a story idea? I'd love to hear from you! Email me at [email protected] Win a $100 gift card to Hillside Centre and kick off 2021 in style (CONTEST) 13 Victoria businesses, over $3000 in prizes, one massive giveaway: here's how you could win it (CONTEST) 8 ways to celebrate New Year's Eve safely in Victoria 20 places to get your Christmas tree chipped in and around Victoria Victoria HarbourCats to kick off 2021 with 'Fill the RV' food drive on New Year's Day Langford Santa Run routes announced for Christmas Eve Pfizer production delays are expected to have a short term impact on vaccine distribution.
Joan loves selling real estate in the Palmetto State because of its awesome quality of life and Southern-style hospitality. A South Carolina native, Joan gains her sense of community through personal relationships by connecting with her neighbors, local business owners and civic organizations through service opportunities. She began her real estate career with Keller Williams Columbia where she discovered her enthusiasm for working with buyers. She joined The Olivia Cooley Group to garner this enthusiasm as a Buyer Specialist. Joan has personally relocated multiple times, navigating both sides of a real estate transaction as a buyer or seller. She understands first-hand the challenges families face when relocating. Quality schools and family-life are a top priority. Joan's knowledge allows for accurate assessment of buyer's needs, which is essential in delivering a positive outcome and home-buying experience. Joan and her husband live on the Chapin-side of Lake Murray with her two teen-aged children, who attend Spring Hill High School. She is a graduate of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a degree in Human Services and a concentration in Communications. She has spent over two decades fostering client relations and corporate brands as a marketing and public relations professional.
Robert De Niro [denyrou] (* 17. srpna 1943 New York) je americký herec. Za postavu Vita Corleoneho ve filmu Kmotr II (roli, kterou před ním hrál Marlon Brando) a za ztvárnění boxerské hvězdy La Motty ve filmu Zuřící býk režiséra Martina Scorseseho získal ocenění Americké filmové akademie Oscar. Do rolí drsných mužů byl obsazován i v dalších úspěšných filmech (Angel Heart, Taxikář, Neúplatní, Mafiáni, Mys hrůzy, Casino). Do češtiny jej nejčastěji dabují Jaromír Meduna a Petr Pospíchal. Filmografie (výběr) 1970 – Ahoj, mami! 1975 – Kmotr II (Oscar za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli) 1976 – Taxikář 1978 – Lovec jelenů (nominace na Oscara – nejlepší herec) 1981 – Zuřící býk (Oscar za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon v hlavní roli) 1984 – Zamilovat se 1984 – Tenkrát v Americe 1986 – Mise 1987 – Neúplatní 1988 – Půlnoční běh 1990 – Mafiáni 1990 – Čas probuzení 1991 – Mys hrůzy 1993 – Vzteklej pes a Glorie 1994 – Frankenstein 1994 – Příběh z Bronxu 1995 – Casino 1997 – Vrtěti psem 1997 – Jackie Brownová 1997 – Země policajtů 1998 – Fanatik 1998 – Ronin 1999 – Přeber si to 2000 – Fotr je lotr 2001 – 15 minut 2001 – Hodina pravdy 2002 – Showtime 2002 – Přeber si to znovu 2004 – Příběh žraloka 2004 – Jeho fotr, to je lotr! 2006 – Kauza CIA 2007 – Hvězdný prach 2009 – Všichni jsou v pohodě 2010 – Fotři jsou lotři 2011 – Elitní zabijáci 2011 – Všemocný 2011 – Šťastný Nový rok 2011 – Věk na lásku 2012 – V tátově stínu 2012 – Terapie láskou 2012 – Freelancers 2012 – Červená světla 2013 – Criminal Justice (seriál) 2013 – Frajeři ve Vegas 2013 – Mafiánovi 2013 – Sezóna zabíjení 2013 – Špinavý trik 2013 – Velká svatba 2013 – Zpátky do ringu 2015 – Joy 2015 – Stážista 2015 – Bus 657 2016 – Děda je lotr 2019 – Joker 2019 – Irčan 2020 – Děda, postrach rodiny 2022 – Amsterdam Externí odkazy Američtí herci Američtí režiséři Držitelé Oscara za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon v hlavní roli Držitelé Oscara za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli Držitelé ceny Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon (drama) Držitelé ceny Křišťálový glóbus Nositelé Prezidentské medaile svobody Držitelé ceny BAFTA Britannia Award Členové Demokratické strany (USA) Narození v roce 1943 Narození 17. srpna Narození v New Yorku Žijící lidé Muži
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When should puppies have their shots? Can the canine rabies vaccine cause rabies in dogs? Original Question: I worry that the owners may have him vaccinated in a few days and I feel it's too soon. I would rather have it done when he's more ready. I know the rabies vaccine is mandatory, but the local vet here said the 3-year vaccine has been found to cause rabies so I'm going to just go with the 1-year. What else will he require? - Lynne Hi Lynne, The rabies vaccine is an inactivated or killed vaccine and that means that there is no risk of it causing rabies to develop as a result of vaccination. That's not to say that there's not a risk of serious side effects with vaccines, however, these are rare and the development of full-blown rabies is not one of these side effects. I strongly suggest that you do your own research and review the evidence and guidelines put forth by the CVMA (Canadian Veterinary Medical Association) or AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) on vaccination of puppies so that you can make the most informed decision for your pup. I recommend you read these guidelines and go with the protocol you're most happy with that also complies with your local legislation and in some cases that will be a yearly rabies vaccine. The need for other vaccines really depends on the disease risk in your area and the lifestyle your puppy will be leading. Core vaccines are ones that every dog would need and they generally include parvovirus, distemper and infectious hepatitis as well as rabies of course if that's in your area that I encourage you to speak to your veterinarian about. The initial vaccine course typically starts at 6 to 8 weeks of age and it finishes then at about 16 weeks of age. We then move on to lifestyle or more regional specific vaccines for example, leptospirosis, kennel cough, and Lyme disease to name a few. Your vet will be able to advise you on the local risks and lifestyle of your dog and therefore the need for these additional vaccines. Dr. Alex Avery The rabies vaccine is an inactivated vaccine meaning there is no risk of it causing rabies to develop as a result of vaccination. That's not to say that there's not a risk of serious side effects with vaccines, however, these are rare and the development of full-blown rabies is not one of these side effects. Dr. Alex Avery, BVSc
Talk is Jericho Recap w/ Roman Reigns – Dealing with Fan Criticism, WrestleMania Match vs. Lesnar, Squaring off with Undertaker, More! By Brad Tuck On Mar 31, 2017 Jericho welcomes Roman Reigns to the show. Jericho remembers cutting a promo recently where he referred to The Usos as his 'Back of the bus Brothers'. He got some heat for that because some fans interpreted that as a racial slur. In reality, he was simply referencing the fact that they sit in the back of WWE's bus when they're travelling from town to town. Reigns remembers Jericho cutting that promo and he informs that they call the back of the bus the 'Yoko-isle' because Yokozuna was so big that he needed to sit in the back of the bus since that was the only spot where he could fit. Jericho says that there's a different vibe in the WWE locker room today than there was in the 2000s. It's not like they weren't having fun back then, but it's an altogether different feeling backstage these days. Everyone legitimately seems to be enjoying the experience, and it's such a relaxing and fun environment. From what Reigns has heard, the WWE locker room had a 'competitive hate' vibe years ago. These days it's more of a 'competitive love' vibe. Reigns informs that he has a great relationship with Dean Ambrose, but he admits that you really have to get to know him before you can really understand him. He says he clicked with Ambrose right from the start, but it took a little longer to develop the same type of relationship with Seth Rollins. He informs that he gets along well with Rollins now, and he's happy about that. Confirmed: Jim Ross Signs New WWE Deal Seth Rollins Provides Update on His Illness
With gifts to wrap, stockings to hang, and Christmas cookies to bake, tabletop decor for your holiday meal can easily be overlooked. But you don't need to buy a bunch of supplies or expensive flowers to make a beautiful holiday table. Collect bits of nature, reuse garden supplies and delve into the candy drawer to find odds and ends to decorate. These three Christmas centerpiece projects are made from supplies you might already have and won't take up any of the time you need to play Secret Santa, orchestrate Christmas caroling and go jingle bell rocking. I do accept as true with all the ideas you've offered for your post. They are very convincing and will certainly work. Nonetheless, the posts are very brief for beginners. May just you please extend them a bit from subsequent time? Thanks for the post.
22 Nov AxiomSL Introduces New Taxonomy for Cayman Islands Quarterly Prudential Return (CIQPR) Reporting Requirements Posted at 05:00h in Press Release - AMERICAS, Press Releases by axiomsldevel NEW YORK, November 22nd, 2016 – AxiomSL, the leader in risk data management and regulatory reporting for financial services, has released a new taxonomy solution for reporting and submitting the CIQPR to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA). Originally passed by CIMA in 2009, the CIQPR is filed on a quarterly basis and requires banks to produce approximately 30 reports of varying complexity, including complete financial statements, and a range of credit, operational and market risk schedules necessary to calculate their capital adequacy requirements. In order to complete the CIQPR, banks operating in Cayman have to complete risk data sourcing and aggregation processes from multiple systems, but in the past, banks have had the choice of delivering the data to regulators either via XBRL templates or within manually-submitted, traditional Excel files. AxiomSL developed a more sophisticated, XBRL-based taxonomy after CIMA recently announced that Cayman banks will be required to make submissions via a new reporting portal, known as the Regulatory Enhanced Electronic Forms Submission, or REEFS. The new portal is designed, in part, to encourage all firms to transition to XBRL and is set to become required for banks next year, leading both local and internationally domiciled institutions to reconsider their data management strategy today, even as on-the-ground operational resources for many of them remain limited. The new solution will process all CIQPR reconciliations, enable banks to perform greater drill-down into underlying CIQPR calculations, and provides options to produce customized reports for internal use. It is designed to interface with the new REEFS portal, while also retaining users' traditional Excel view. "CIMA is a leading regulator among offshore jurisdictions, and the new CIQPR REEFS platform is in line with the push for greater transparency into Cayman-domiciled holdings and, as a result, requirements for more granular data," says Alex Tsigutkin, AxiomSL CEO. "We are already working with a number of global institutions to tackle their upcoming REEFS transition for CIQPR, and expect that many banks will adopt a similar strategy in modernizing their CIPQR taxonomy and approach in the coming year." About AxiomSL: AxiomSL is the leading global provider of regulatory reporting, data and risk management solutions for financial services firms, including banks, broker dealers, asset managers and insurance companies. Its unique enterprise data management (EDM) platform delivers data lineage, risk aggregation, analytics, workflow automation, validation and audit functionality. The AxiomSL platform for change seamlessly integrates clients' source data from disparate systems and geographical locations without forcing data conversion. It enriches and validates the data, and runs it through risk and regulatory calculations to produce both internal and external reports. The platform supports disclosures in multiple formats, including XBRL. The unparalleled transparency offered by the high-performance platform gives users the ability to drill down on their data to any level of granularity. AxiomSL's platform supports compliance with a wide range of global and local regulations, including the Dodd-Frank Act – CCAR, Basel III capital and liquidity requirements, IFRS 9/CECL, FATCA/CRS, EMIR, FDSF, BCBS 239, Solvency II, AIFMD, central bank disclosures, and both market and credit risk management requirements. The enterprise-wide approach offered by AxiomSL enables clients to leverage their existing data and risk management infrastructure, and reduces implementation costs, time to market and complexity. AxiomSL was awarded The Asian Banker's 2016 'Best Compliance Risk Technology Implementation of the Year' as well as 'Best Implementation at a Sell-side Firm' in the 2016 Sell-side Technology Awards. It was voted 'Best Reporting System Provider' in the 2015 Waters Rankings and was highlighted as a 'Category Leader' by Chartis Research in its 2015 Sell-side Risk Management Technology report. The company's work has also been recognized through a number of other accolades, including success in the 'Best Reporting Initiative' category of the American Financial Technology Awards and in the 'Customer Satisfaction' section of the Chartis RiskTech100 rankings. www.axiomsl.com Francine Gittins AxiomSL Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 212 248 4188 x142
Announcement Delivery times to Europe & Germany: 2-3 days. USA: 5-7 days. Worldwide: 7-10 days. Please ask for specific destinations/ cities. All dispatch by Priority Mail! Delivery times to Europe & Germany: 2-3 days. USA: 5-7 days. Worldwide: 7-10 days. Great scarf for men and women. I've bought several now as gifts. I have been searching for more traditional and unique winter accessories. Your faux fur cowl fit the bill perfectly. It is distinct, well-crafted, animal cruelty free, and tactually pleasing. I thank you for making my purchase such an easy and pleasurable experience as well as making my winter much more fashionable. My friend was very very happy with this scarf. Thanks so much for making it such an easy overseas transaction!
WORLD / ASIA-PACIFIC S.Korea's foreign ministry disgraced over use of NHK's Dokdo islets footage By Agencies Published: Oct 28, 2013 04:35 PM Updated: Oct 28, 2013 04:53 PM South Korea's Foreign Ministry disgraced itself with the unauthorized usage of NHK's video footage showing the Dokdo islets, known as Takeshima in Japan, in its promotional video to counter Japan's territorial claims over the disputed islets. Seoul's Foreign Ministry deleted the 12-minute promotional video on its website and YouTube only after Japanese broadcaster NHK said that the video inserted clips, without permission, from a 2011 drama series produced by NHK, according to local media reports. The video was first posted online on October 14. "Korea's foreign ministry has taken easygoing and incompetent responses, especially, to the issue of Dokdo islets," Rep. Hong Ji- man, spokesman of the ruling Saenuri Party, told reporters at the National Assembly's headquarters on Monday. Hong said that the unauthorized use was a disgrace to the country, while representing the ministry's amateurism, as it came amid mounting tensions with Japan over the rocky outcroppings. The ministry reportedly said that the promotional video, which around 66 million won ($62,000) was spent to produce, was outsourced by a private production company, saying that revision will be made rapidly by another company. Japan's foreign ministry posted an 87-second-long video on the YouTube in mid-October, renewing its sovereignty claims over the islets, located around 90 km southeast of South Korea's Ulleung Island. The video claimed that Japan set up its dominium on the islets in the 17th century and it was reconfirmed in 1905. South Korea has maintained a small police detachment since 1954 to the islets.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Thursday sharply criticized Britain's handling of negotiations over leaving the European Union, saying the talks have been bungled and that the debate was dividing the country. Trump, who holds himself up as a master deal-maker, said he had given Prime Minister Theresa May his ideas on how she could negotiate a successful deal for leaving the 28-member group of nations. But "she didn't listen to that and that's fine. I mean she's got to do what she's got to do," he said at the White House as he welcomed Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar for an early St. Patrick's Day celebration. It is easy to mock this political neophyte and her misguided economic proposals that would bankrupt the United States in attempting to achieve net-zero emissions. Instead, we should take seriously the danger that socialist ideas pose and consider how to counter them. Disturbingly, at a time when communism and socialism should be totally discredited, socialism is enjoying a renaissance of respectability in the United States and there has not been a plain-spoken, coherent critique. Ideas drive policy. Already, previously moderate U.S. politicians are vying to offer quasi-socialist solutions. The press' power brings with it an obligation to highlight the seductive dangers of socialism — exemplified by the failures in the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela. Unfortunately, the press is merrily covering Ocasio-Cortez and her cohorts instead of making clear the superiority of capitalism. I am not part of the chattering class but, based on my experience working with family businesses, I shall suggest a source of capitalism's success and a way for the press to foster an appreciation of capitalism at a time of popular backlash against Silicon Valley billionaires. Consider the innovative New York City "Billion Oyster Project's" restaurant shell-collection program. Restaurants provide free oyster shells — thereby saving themselves carting expenses — for oysters that are used to create reefs to save the city's eroding harbor. Think of the more mundane examples of mutual benefit created by companies that finance student expenses in order to develop a pipeline of trained workers. Also, even if the intentions of "accidental heroes" are usually not heroic, many of their character traits may be considered heroic. They exhibit at least two of the virtues Aristotle described in his Nicomachean Ethics — courage and appropriate ambition. Anyone who has struggled to make a payroll knows it requires great personal risk and determination. The public, especially millennials, would benefit from the celebration of these virtues. The Aristotelian virtues that are latent in capitalism — courage and appropriate ambition — foster a spirit significantly more benevolent than socialism. The freedom to be individualistic unleashes creativity that is both personally fulfilling and productive for society. Capitalism, though flawed, promotes human dignity and democracy. Our society, especially the youth, needs to understand that profit motivation is mutually beneficial. My heartfelt plea to the press is: Use your power wisely and responsibly. Promote appreciation of capitalism by covering the "accidental heroes" of private business. Our society needs you. Sheon Karol is a managing director and member of the management committee of The DAK Group, a boutique investment bank. He is the recipient of the Atlas Award for "Boutique Investment Banker of the Year (2018). He wrote this for InsideSources.com. Waste is inevitable when products are designed to be used and then thrown away. Clyde Eiríkur Hull, professor of management at Rochester Institute of Technology, offers an alternative: a circular economy in which products are used, then recycled and remanufactured into new products. Major U.S. companies, including GM, Caterpillar and Staples, are saving money through recycling and remanufacturing. But Hull says this could be greatly scaled up if the federal government required products to be designed with future reuse in mind and taxed goods that did not comply. "In an entirely circular economy, the U.S. would most likely still import stuff from abroad, such as steel from China. But that steel would wind up being reused in American factories, employing tax-paying American workers to manufacture new goods," he writes. China's waste ban has created a glut in the U.S. and sent prices for scrap materials plunging. O'Neill identifies a number of steps to boost plastic recycling in the United States. They include better consumer education about sorting and disposal; less reliance on single-stream collection, which mixes plastics with other materials; more investment in scrap processing facilities; and steps to manage specific plastic products that are hard to recycle, such as 3D printer waste. Conventional plastics are derived from fossil fuel, but they can also be made from renewable biological compounds that break down more easily, such as plant sugars. A key challenge with these products is making items that are strong enough to hold up during use but still biodegradable. "A straw and cup that disintegrate halfway through your road trip are not much use at all," observes Michigan State University biochemist Danny Ducat, whose lab is using photosynthetic bacteria to synthesize bioplastic feedstocks. Bioplastics also require investments at the end of their life cycles, Ducat notes. Like other plant-based materials, such as food scraps, they will only degrade readily in composting facilities, where microbes break them down in the presence of oxygen. Buried in landfills, they will persist for decades or centuries, much like conventional plastics. They also are likely to persist if they end up in other cold places with little oxygen, such as the Arctic or deep ocean waters. "This means that any breakthroughs in materials science need to be coupled with sustainable methods for bioplastic production and a well-oiled system to direct bioplastic goods into composting facilities," Ducat writes. Paper-based packaging is an alternative to plastic, especially for food products. Recycling is much more developed for metals than it is for plastics. In the United States, about 65 percent of old steel products and 40 to 65 percent of discarded aluminum products are recycled. But Daniel Cooper, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan, asserts that more could be done. As Cooper explains, the United States exports or throws away a lot of cheap scrap metal, and imports expensive new metal. "As an already industrialized country, the U.S. needs little new metal to meet domestic demand," he points out. More federal support for metals recycling, he asserts, could slash new steel and aluminum imports. In addition to saving the money and resources that go into producing new metals, such a policy would cost Americans much less than the tariffs President Donald Trump has imposed on imported steel and aluminum. Is burning trash instead of recycling it such a bad thing? Bucknell University economist Thomas Kinnaman thinks it's worth a new look. As Kinnaman acknowledges, waste incineration is much less popular in the United States than in other regions, including Japan and western Europe. Early U.S. waste combustion plants generated high levels of air pollutants, including hazardous substances such as dioxins, and often were sited in low-income and minority communities. But new incinerators burn waste more thoroughly and trap pollutants more effectively. "As a result, dioxin emissions from incinerators with modern abatement technologies are currently near zero. Modern incinerators also include processes to generate electricity, heat water for district heating services, recycle the metals found in the ashes and build tiles from the remaining slag," Kinnaman states. Incineration still has clear disadvantages. It's more expensive than landfilling, and Kinnaman sees some evidence that once countries burn more than 40 percent of their waste, it starts to replace recycling. Nonetheless, he contends, expanding its use in the United States – which currently burns less than 13 percent of its solid waste – could be more socially responsible than shipping plastic scrap to developing countries that are ill-equipped to dispose of it. Editor's note: This is a roundup of previously published stories.
Mr. Ramakrishnan is a lawyer of over 20 years standing practicing in Madras (now Chennai), South India. He specialises in corporate law and arbitration. He has a degree in commerce from the University of Madras, a degree in law from the University of Bangalore, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) University of Law, Hyderabad. He has contributed to 'Ramaiya's Commentaries on the Companies Act'. He has also edited books on the Madras High Court Rules. He has contributed articles on corporate law and taxation to many law magazines. India is situated in South Asia. It is a democratic republic. The striking features of India are of course its large population (in excess of 1 billion), its diversity in religion and culture (almost all the major world religions are found here), and its absolute commitment to democracy. Historically India was a collection of kingdoms and empires constantly at war with each other. The ancient empire of King Ashoka (a Buddhist) and the later Mughal Empire united a substantial portion of the nation. However modern India took shape with the conquest of the nation by the British. This conquest started in the late 17h century. The British ruled India till 1947 when India became an independent nation. As a consequence of over a century of British rule, a substantial portion of Indian law and Indian legal institutions are based on British law, British legal system and the English language. During the ancient times the Indian sub-continent was inhabited predominantly by Hindus. The legal system took its colour from the Hindu religious and social practices. The Hindu society was characterised by the caste system and the joint family system. The 4 castes in the order of importance were (1) Brahmins or the priests (2) the Kshatriyas or the warriors (3) the Vaisyas or the merchants and (4) the Sudras or the workers. Castes apparently originated from an individual's occupation and mobility between the castes was not unknown. In the later years casts became rigid and inter-caste mobility was not permitted. The Hindu joint family was originally a family of Hindus related by blood living together sharing common food shelter and properties. The family rather than the individual was the social unit in ancient India. The family (not the individual) owned properties. The Hindu family was patriarchal in nature. The eldest male was the head of the family and enjoyed considerable powers over the rest of the family. His position was akin to the pater familas under the Roman law. The law applied was on the basis of ancient religious texts and authoritative commentaries on these texts. The kings under advice of his ministers and learned Brahmins administered the law. The king also appointed judges to administer the law. Law at the village level was administered by a village panchayat consisting of 5 or more members. The system of professional lawyers appearing for the litigants appears to be unknown. The Muslim invasions of India began around the 11th century AD. Gradually vast portions of India came under the Muslim rule. Muslim law and Muslim judicial institutions were established in India. The fountainhead of justice was the Sultan or the Mughal emperor. He established a hierarchy of courts in the districts and in provinces. Appeals lay from one court to the other and ultimately to the Sultan or the emperor. The Panchayats continued in the villages administering Hindu law. As the courts were presided over by Muslim judges, the law administered was the Shairat or the Muslim Law. The British came into India as traders in the 17th century AD and gradually conquered the entire sub-continent. They established their own set of courts and judges. The law administered by them was the English law as extended to India. However in matters of personal law, the British applied the Hindu law or the Muslim law depending on the religion of the subject. Assessors initially assisted the judges in matters of personal law but these assessors were later dispensed, as the judges became more knowledgeable in personal laws. Even today different personal laws govern Hindus and Muslim. A substantial portion of the Hindu law has been codified by the Indian Parliament after independence. The Muslim law is as yet uncodified. Courts apply Muslim law based on authoritative commentaries and on precedents. The Indian Constitution was framed by the Constituent Assembly and came into effect from 26th November 1949 (Preamble and Article 394). The Indian Constitution was in part modeled on the Government of India Act 1935 (an Act passed by the British Parliament) and the Constitutions of other nations such as the Irish Constitution. The Indian Constitution in turn served as a model for many nations, which became independent subsequently. A text of the Constitution can be found online. The Constitution is divided into Parts and further into Chapters and Articles. The Constitution provides for a quasi-federal nation consisting of a Union of States (Article 1). It provides for separate executives and legislatives for the Union and for each of the States and demarcates the powers of each. However the residual power is with the Union. Under certain circumstances, the Union can (and has) dissolved the executive and legislatives of the States. The judiciary is however unitary in structure although administered separately by the Union and the States. There are no separate Federal and State Courts. The Constitution itself can be amended by a special majority of the union legislature. Amendments to the provisions of the Constitution dealing with the States require the consent of the legislatures of at least half of the States (Article 368). The Constitution can be amended fairly extensively but the amendments cannot violate the basic features of the Constitution such as the independence of the judiciary, the sovereign democratic and republican structure of the nation, the rule of law and free and fair elections. The President of India heads the Union Executive. The President is the nominal head of the State. The real power lies with the Union Council of Ministers (the cabinet) headed by the Prime Minister. India follows the Westminster form of Government with an elected President instead of a hereditary monarch (Articles 52 & 53). The President is elected for a period of 5 years by an electoral college consisting of the members of the Union and State legislatures (Articles 55 & 56). A President can be re-elected any number of terms (Article 54). A Vice-President is elected for a period of 5 years by the members of the Union Legislature. The President can be impeached for violation of the Constitution (Article 61). The Vice-President can be removed by a mere resolution passed by both the Houses of the Union legislature (Articles 63-67). The Prime Minister is the most powerful person in India. He is the head of the Council of Ministers. The President is normally bound to act on the advice of the Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the political party commanding a majority in the House of the People. During the recent past, the Prime Minister has been the leader of a coalition of political parties which together command a majority in the House of the People. The Union Government is divided into a number of ministries each headed by a minister and further into departments with a larger number of Indian administrative officers and subordinate employees. See http://goidirectory.nic.in for a directory of the government websites. Also see www.indiamap.com. The Union legislature (the Parliament) is bicameral in nature, again on the Westminster model. There is an Upper House called the Council of States or the Rajya Sabha and a Lower House called the House of People or Lok Sabha. The Council of States, as its name indicates, is largely comprised of representatives of the States elected by the members of the legislatures of the States. It is a permanent House with one-third of its members retiring every second year. The Vice-President is the Chairman of the Council of States. The House of the People consists of members chosen by direct election by the citizens of India. The House of the People, unless sooner dissolved, continues for a term of five years. The Legislative power of Union Legislature extends to all matters mentioned in the Union list and in the Concurrent list of the seventh schedule to the Constitution but does not extend to any of the matters mentioned in the State list of the seventh schedule. The Union Legislature has the residuary legislative powers. The division of legislative power between the Union and the States is an important feature of the Constitution. Legislative enactments of either the Union or the States are often challenged on the ground that the enactments are beyond the legislative competence of the Union or the States. The higher judiciary then decides on the legislative competence. The Constitutional structure of the State is by and large similar to that of the Union. The executive power of each State is vested in the Governor of the State. The Governor of each State is appointed by the President on the advice of the Union Council of Ministers. The Governor is appointed for a term of five years but holds office during the pleasure of the President and can be removed any time. The Governor acts on the advice of the State Council of ministers headed by the State Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is normally the leader of the political party commanding a majority in the Lower House or the only House of the State Legislature. The legislature of most States consists of only one House (the Legislative Assembly) whose members are directly elected by Indian citizens resident in that State. The Legislative Assembly is elected for a period of 5 years unless dissolved earlier. The legislative power of the State Legislative extends to all matters mentioned in the State List and in the Concurrent List of the seventh schedule to the Constitution. The legislative power of the State Legislative extends only to the territory of that State. A few States which have two Houses have a Legislative Council in addition to the Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Council is a permanent body elected by specified electorates comprising members of the Legislative Assembly, University graduates, members of Municipalities and other local bodies. The Legislative Assembly is empowered to abolish the Legislative Council. The Union Judiciary consists of the Supreme Court of India. The Supreme Court is the ultimate court of appeals for the nation. It hears appeals from the High Courts and acts as a court of review over subordinate tribunals. The Supreme Court exercises original jurisdiction in disputes between the Union and the States or between the States inter-se. The Supreme Court can also issue writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, and certiorari and quo warranto for the enforcement of fundamental rights. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and such number of puisne judges as the Union Legislative may legislate. The President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India appoints the judges of the Supreme Court. The senior-most puisne judge is normally appointed the Chief Justice of India. A judge of the Supreme Court holds office until he attains the age of 65 years. He could be removed earlier by impeachment by both the Houses of Parliament. The State Judiciary consists of a High Court for each State and subordinate courts. Each High Court consists of a Chief Justice and a number of puisne judges. The President appoints a High Court judge after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, the Governor of the State and the Chief Justice of that State. A High Court judge holds office till he attains the age of 62 years. A High Court judge can be impeached in the same manner as a Supreme Court judge. The High Court hears appeals from the subordinate courts and tribunals. It also acts as a court of revision for the subordinate courts and tribunals. The High Court has powers to issue writs of habeas corpus, certiorari and others. Some High Courts also exercise original jurisdiction in civil matters and admiralty jurisdiction. The language of the Supreme Court and the High Court is English, although the national language Hindi is rapidly gaining ground. Subordinate courts are divided into criminal and civil courts. The civil courts consist of Munsif courts and courts of Subordinate Judges. Appeals normally lie from these courts to the District Court and then to the High Court. A litigant is normally entitled to two appeals-a first appeal both on facts and law and a second appeal on law alone. The criminal courts consist of Magistrates of first or second class and the Courts of Session. Appeals from the Magistrates' courts lie to the Court of Session and then to the High Court. Specialised tribunals are established such as the Income tax Appellate Tribunal, the Company Law Board, the Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal, the Consumer Forums, the Central and State Administrative Tribunals, the Debt Recovery Tribunal Lok Adalaths (Peoples' Courts), Mahila Courts (Women's Courts), Fast Track Courts, Special Courts/Designated Courts under various enactments. All these tribunals are under the superintendence of the High Court within whose territorial jurisdiction they function. Although the Parliament has powers to impeach a judge of the Supreme Court or the High Court, this is a power which is very difficult to exercise in practice. Not a single judge has been removed by the Parliament in more than 50 years of independence. Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court have enormous freedom from political and other interference during their tenure. However inroads are being sought to be made (and resisted by the Judiciary) through lack of transparency and giving importance to political and sectarian considerations in the appointment of judges. Fundamental duties were added to the Constitution in 1977. Among these are duties to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem, to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture, to protect and improve the national environment including forests lakes, rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creations and to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity. The Constitution has served the nation well for more than five decades and has survived onslaughts to destroy many of its features. The Government of India (the Union Government) has recently constituted a committed headed by a retired Chief Justice of India to examine the working of the Constitution and suggest amendments. The final report of the committee can be found online. Basu-Shorter Constitution of India 13th edition 2001. Wadhwa publication. This book gives a commentary on the Constitution article by article. This is an organisation headed to suggest legal reforms. The Law Commission periodically submits reports to the Union executive suggesting legal reforms. The Union executive is however not bound to act on the suggestions. The Election Commission of India is headed by the Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners. The sole responsibility of the Election Commissioner is to periodically conduct elections to the State and Union legislatures as well as the Presidential elections. It has to ensure a free and fair polling in all these elections. The Election Commissioners are given financial and operation autonomy to ensure the conduct of free elections. The Reserve Bank of India is the apex bank in India. It manages monetary operations control over foreign exchange and control over commercial banks and financial institutions. The Securities and Exchange Board of India is the apex body dealing with trading of securities. It regulates the stock exchanges, public issue of securities and other intermediaries in the securities market. Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries and other persons with prescribed qualification are allowed to appear before the most of the Tribunals. Some Tribunals like the Family Courts expressly bar lawyers from appearing except with the permission of the tribunal. The primary source of law is in the enactments passed by the Parliament or the State Legislatures. In addition to these the President and the Governor have limited powers to issue ordinances when the Parliament or the State Legislature are not in session. These ordinances lapse six weeks from the re-assembly of the Parliament or the State Legislature. These laws are later published in the Official Gazette (The Gazette of India or the State Gazette) Most enactments delegate powers to the executive to make rules and regulations for the purposes of the Acts. These rules and regulations are periodically laid before the legislature (Union or State as the case may be). This subordinate legislation is another source of law. An important secondary source of law is the judgments of the Supreme Court High Court and some of the specialised Tribunals. The judgments of these institutions not only decide legal and factual issues in dispute between the parties but in the process interpret/declare the law. This interpretation/declaration law - the ratio decedendi is a binding precedent. The Constitution provides that the law declared by the Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within India. The ratio decidendi as well as the orbita dicta of the Supreme Court constitute binding precedents to be followed by all the other courts and tribunals. The Supreme Court is not bound by its own decisions. However decisions of a larger bench of the Supreme Court are binding on benches of equal or lesser strength. The Supreme Court has used its powers to venture into judicial activism going far beyond the traditional view that courts should only interpret the law and not make new law. Judgments of the Supreme Court on public interest litigation, protection of the environment and protection against arbitrary State action can be viewed more as judicial legislation and not as mere interpretation of the law. The judgments of a State High Court are binding on itself and on all subordinate courts and tribunals in the State. However a numerically larger bench of the High Court can overrule a decision of a numerically smaller bench. Judgments of a High Court are not binding on another High Court or on courts subordinate to another High Court, but are of great persuasive value. Judgments of specialised tribunals are binding on itself but not on the courts or other tribunals. Occasionally larger benches of a tribunal are constituted to reconsider the correctness of the decisions of smaller benches. The Privy Council in London was the highest appellate body for India prior to independence. Judgments of the Privy Council rendered prior to independence are binding precedents unless overruled by the Supreme Court. Decisions of all other foreign courts are only of persuasive value. In view of the prodigious output of the Supreme Court during the past fifty years, the role of judgments of foreign courts has declined considerably. These judgments are normally cited in the Supreme Courts and in the High Courts only in the absence of Indian judgments on the point involved. Foreign judgments are seldom cited before the subordinate courts. Books and commentaries on Indian law are only of persuasive value but are frequently cited in the courts. Considering the underlying foundation of English Law and English legal principles, standard books on English law are frequently used and cited in the courts. Commentaries from other jurisdictions are seldom used. Law of Arbitration and Conciliation by R.S. Bachawat - (4th Ed) 2005 Wadhwa & Company Nagpur. Civil Procedure Code - The All India Reporter Commentaries. Guide to the Companies Act by A. Ramaiya - Publishers Wadhwa and Company. (16th Ed.) 2004. Indian Conveyancer - Mogha Eastern Law House Conveyancing -De Souza's - Eastern Law House. Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts by Pollock and Mulla- Butterworths India. Indian Penal Code - Ratanlal- Wadhwa & Company Nagpur. Hindu law - Mulla - Butterworths India. Hindu law and usage - Maine Bharat Law House. Income tax- Kanga and N.M.Tripathi Private Limited Income tax - Chaturvedi and Prithisara - Wadhwa & Company Nagpur. Principles of Mohammedan Law- Mulla- 1990 N.M.Tripathi Private Limited. Outlines of Mohammedan Law- Faizi- Oxford University Press. Transfer of Property Act by Mulla -Buttersworth India. Law of Torts -Ratanlal Wadhwa & Company Nagpur. The National Law School of India University is one of the premier schools of law in India. A list of universities offering law is found at http://goidirectory.nic.in/education.htm. A law degree is normally a five-year course taken after 12 years of school or a three year course taken after a bachelor's degree.
« on: Sunday, 31 July, 2022 @ 04:17:58 » Kef fire risk 31/07/22: High Sun 31/07 32°/22° 27 km/h 03% Sunny, winds possible Tue 02/08 31°/23° 16 km/h 17% Sunny Wed 03/08 32°/23° 17 km/h 07% Sunny Thu 04/08 32°/23° 18 km/h 05% Sunny Fri 05/08 32°/23° 20 km/h 05% Sunny Sat 06/08 32°/24° 20 km/h 05% Sunny Sun 07/08 32°/23° 19 km/h 03% Sunny « Reply #1 on: Sunday, 31 July, 2022 @ 04:22:30 » Body of an approx. 29 y-o Turkish male recovered from the sea midday yesterday at Lampi, Kos, after swimming from the Turkish mainland opposite. Dead loggerhead discovered yesterday in the sea off Myrodatos beach, Abdera. A yacht with six foreign nationals on board had to be towed into Argostoli port yesterday evening after suffering mechanical failure two nautical miles west of Platias Ammos beach. No injuries known. £10 fine for an NHS no-show, says Rishi Sunak Tory leadership hopeful vows to act after 15m GP appointments go to waste Rishi Sunak would introduce a £10 fine for missed GP and hospital appointments as part of a "transformative" shake-up of the NHS, the former chancellor has said. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/07/30/10-fines-nhs-no-shows-says-rishi-sunak/ Prince Charles's charitable foundation received £1m donation from Bin Laden family Prince Charles was facing further questions about his charity's donations on Saturday after it emerged that his foundation accepted £1m from the family of Osama bin Laden. Charles allegedly secured the money from Bakr bin Laden and his brother Shafiq, both members of one of the wealthiest families in Saudia Arabia, according to a report in The Sunday Times. However, Clarence House said that the donation was accepted by the Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund and not Charles. Both Bakr and Shafiq are half-brothers of the founder of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, through their late father, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden. Their father was a Yemeni-born billionaire who made his money through construction. Before his death in 1967, he had 54 children with at least 11 wives. The bin Laden family disavowed Osama, the mastermind behind the September 11 attacks, decades ago. There is no suggestion that either Bakr or Shafiq bin Laden or any other mentioned family members have sponsored or been involved in acts of terrorism. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/prince-charles-charity-donation-bin-laden-family-b2134805.html Ancient Greece Was a Debauched Disney Trip for Romans There were guidebooks with reviews, an ancient version of rental cars, luxury island hopping, and plenty of gimmicks. The ancient Romans were just like us! Ages before modern tourists flocked to Greece to enjoy its sun, sea, antiquities, and adventure, people of the Roman Empire descended on Greece for the same reasons. Antony and Cleopatra headed for a romantic island tryst on Samos; the emperor Tiberius preferred Rhodes. Some Romans attended the famous philosophy schools and drenched themselves in Greek history; others came for the Olympic Games; still others were attracted by the sensational—a chance to gawk at the egg hatched by Leda after her affair with Zeus in the guise of a swan, to dip a toe in the spring where Helen had bathed, or to gasp as professional divers jumped off the notorious "Lover's Leap" of Leucadia, a 200-foot promontory where Sappho was said to have ended her life. And they all lugged home souvenirs: terracotta statuettes, trinkets, pots of Hymettian honey, silk scarves from Cos, gnarled walking sticks from Sparta, copies of racy Milesian love stories, and entire temple columns and thousands of statues. Greek hospitality was renowned long before the Roman sightseers arrived... https://www.thedailybeast.com/ancient-greece-was-a-debauched-disney-trip-for-romans Long-ish article, quite interesting, might even be some truth in it... Body of a 63 y-o local Greek male recovered yesterday afternoon from the sea off Imeros beach, Nea Rodonis. Call to manage Britain's water now or risk needing emergency bottle supplies Warning follows driest July in over 100 years Ministers must introduce a national hosepipe ban and mandatory water metering to tackle the looming threat of drought following the driest July in over 100 years, infrastructure experts have warned. The National Infrastructure Committee (NIC), a government agency, has said water needs to start being managed better across the whole UK. If it isn't, they said, the country could face a future of queueing for emergency bottled supplies "from the back of lorries". https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/manage-water-emergency-bottle-supplies-b2134976.html Body of a 38 y-o local male underwater fisherman missing since yesterday was recovered this morning from the sea off Ermioni. Nadine Dorries's 'disturbing' tweets on Sunak condemned by Tory MPs Culture secretary's post portraying Sunak wielding knife at Boris Johnson denounced in light of MPs' murders Conservative MPs have condemned "divisive, disingenuous and disturbing" interventions against Rishi Sunak by the culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, including a tweet showing Sunak wielding a knife at Boris Johnson. Other Conservative ministers condemned comments by Dorries, a supporter of Liz Truss, about Sunak's dress sense – comparing his Savile Row suit to Truss' earrings from Claire's. One suggested it was deeply provocative for her to tweet the image of Sunak stabbing Johnson, in a parody of Julius Caesar, given two MPs have recently been murdered. The culture secretary, one of Johnson's closest allies, retweeted an image depicting him as Julius Caesar about to be stabbed by a knife-wielding Sunak, a parody of his resignation that brought down the prime minister. Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Dorries said... "travelled along a path of treachery, and in doing so is unlikely to win the hearts and minds of Conservative party members because, above all else, they value loyalty and decency." https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/31/nadine-dorries-disturbing-tweets-on-rishi-sunak-condemned-by-tory-mps Just in case anyone's as clueless as Dorries let me explain it: the Conservative party elected, and supported, a leader known to be a liar and serial shagger. He's neither loyal nor decent. So let's skip the Minitrue fantasies. « Reply #10 on: Sunday, 31 July, 2022 @ 15:53:23 » Two minute BBC video report: "I adopt wobbly cats" 1 Like disco69 likes this. High risk of bush fire on Kef again tomorrow, according to civilprotection.gr Elgin Marbles could be returned to Greece under new 'Parthenon partnership' British Museum executive calls for a deal with Greece to establish greater 'cultural exchange' and to 'change the temperature of the debate' The British Museum has not said it will hand the sculptures back, with Mr Williams arguing they are an "absolutely integral part" of the collection. However, he said that all sides need to "find a way forward around cultural exchange of a level, intensity and dynamism which has not been conceived hitherto". https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/31/elgin-marbles-could-returned-greece-new-parthenon-partnership/ Body of a 71 y-o Greek male recovered this morning from the beach at Xylokastro, Corinthian gulf. Body of a 51 y-o Greek male recovered midday today from the sea at Agia Marina Grammatikou, Attica. Dead loggerhead discovered earlier today in the sea at Kavouropetras, Aegina. Man, 22, charged with murder of nine-year-old girl in Lincolnshire Lincolnshire police said in a statement: "We have this evening charged 22-year-old Deividas Skebas with the murder of nine-year-old Lilia Valutyte." Lithuanian national Skebas, 22, of Thorold Street, Boston, is due to appear at Lincoln magistrates' court on Monday, the statement added. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jul/31/man-22-charged-with-after-death-of-nine-year-old-girl World's most useless guard dog lies down next to drug gang in police raid This is the moment a drug gang's guard dog flops down beside its owners and gives itself up to police during a bust. Footage shows cops arresting the three men yesterday on a ranch in Hortolandia, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The officers seized 1,176 bricks containing 1.1 tonnes of cannabis from the property. A police video of the raid shows the three suspects lying face-down on the floor with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Clearly their massive Rottweiler decided the gig was up too and decided it'd be best to be compliant with officers. https://metro.co.uk/2022/07/29/brazil-crime-worst-guard-dog-lies-down-next-to-drug-gang-in-raid-17091959/ Brief video clip in link « Reply #16 on: Monday, 01 August, 2022 @ 00:06:30 » Another road traffic accident, this time when a car left the road in Poriarata earlier this evening. Driver taken to Argostoli hospital.
In Oregon the weather still isn't summer like yet. The laziness that hits, has arrived however and I just haven't been in a complex recipe mood. Soup is the ultimate lazy cook dish. I used up leftover veggies but you can include anything you'd like. Heat the Olive Oil over medium high heat. Toss in the Onion, Carrot and Celery and saute for about 10 minutes. Stir in the Broccoli, Mushrooms, Bay Leaves, Thyme, Salt and Pepper and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Add the Stock and bring to a boil. Taste for seasoning and add additional Salt or Pepper. Reduce the heat and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 10 more minutes. Add the Egg Noodles, and cook for about 12 minutes, or until the noodles are tender. Serve with a baguette or toasted cheese sandwich. It's cooled down to the upper 90s here, in other words soup weather! Great recipe.
Big news! Announcing lifecycle automations and optimized A/B testing, part one of our upcoming Loyalty 3.0 release. Want a sneak peek? Sign up for updates. David Birzon, CEO at Snooze, an A.M. Eatery About the Guest David Birzon is CEO of Snooze, an A.M. Eatery, one of the largest and most popular breakfast restaurants in the country. Under David's leadership, Snooze has grown to now operating over 35 restaurants across five states, with over 2,100 employees. Prior to joining Snooze in 2012, David spent 23 years with Paradise Bakery. Paradise Bakery was bought by Panera in 2006. David Birzon, Chief Executive Officer at Snooze, an A.M. Eatery opens up about how no uniforms, giving 1% back to the community and allowing employees to "let their freak flag fly" helps attract and retain top talent. Zach Goldstein: From fake meat and robot chefs, to ghost kitchens and delivery drones, the restaurant industry is rapidly evolving. Welcome to Food Fighters, bringing you interviews with the leading industry trailblazers. I'm your host, Zach Goldstein. Welcome back to Food Fighters. I'm your host, Zach Goldstein, and I'm here today with David Birzon, Chief Executive Officer of Snooze, an A.M. Eatery, one of the largest and most popular breakfast restaurants in the country. Prior to joining Snooze in 2012, David spent 23 years at Paradise Bakery, including four years at Panera after Paradise was bought. David, welcome to the Food Fighters podcast. David Birzon: Your history is one that makes you a almost lifelong food fighter, and that is really awesome and unique in the restaurant industry. And now you're doing something completely different in many ways in building this brand, at Snooze and expanding nationwide. Let's talk about some of the things that make Snooze unique and what's so exciting to you about that? Yeah. I mean, Snooze is unlike anything I've ever seen before. The first time I laid eyes on the initial brand my first thought was, this is so clever. No one's done anything different with breakfast in this country for 30 years. I mean truly a new vision of what breakfast is and can be. And being in the industry, it's hard to find white space, meaning a space where a business can really grow and own something by themselves where there's very little competition. And that was really exciting to me. As well as just the really unique really unparalleled culture that we have that stands out amongst our peers and in the industry. That's great. And Snooze is, has been focused on culinary excellence and responsible sourcing in the breakfast segment. You do some things that are really unique in creating an upbeat hospitality driven environment. And that's led to pretty rapid growth. Tell us about that growth and what's to come. And, and maybe some of those things that are in the Snooze DNA that are very important to the brand. Sure. The growth part is, is fun. When you have a great brand, that gives you license to grow. When each restaurant that you open is successful, that gives you license to grow. Snooze is, has really invented this idea of better breakfast. I mean, when you think about it breakfast has not changed in a long time, as I said earlier. And we've really been able to take this idea of chef-driven restaurants, which have gained a tremendous popularity over the years and really put that into, into a chain format or as we like to call it, we hate the "chain" word, we like to use "collection of restaurants" or a collection of 40 restaurants today. And we are growing at, at a, at a quick pace. And you know, our goal is to really bring what we do into the communities that we serve. And part of that service really stems from our sustainability and our community endeavors. We're a 1% company, meaning we give 1% of sales back into the local communities in which we operate, which is really exciting and, and a big part of our internal culture. And we also responsibly source the majority of our food that comes through the door. So 95% of our food is responsibly sourced. Our goal is to get to a hundred, a 100%. You know, what that means to us is first and foremost, is it crave-able? Does it respect animals? No antibiotics, no confinement, no added hormones. Does it respect humans? There's nothing on our 86'd ingredient list that's bad for people. We visit every vendor and farm that we work with and make sure that they follow guidelines we trust. And what that does is really create this strong internal culture. And if you want to create a great brand, it starts with your own people. If your own people can't be loyal to what you're doing and really deeply believe in what you're doing you know, you have to win their hearts and minds before you can win one single guest's heart and mind. And you know, it's funny, I'll go speak at orientations for our staff, for new restaurants and I'll ask people, why did you choose to come to work for Snooze? And their first answer is usually because you believe in what we believe. That's powerful. And it's powerful because such a large portion of your staff, the people that work at Snooze are indeed millennials and such a large portion of the customers that love Snooze come from that millennial population and they care about the food they're eating, um being fresh and natural and organic and locally sourced. You've leaned into that heavily clearly. And so are you thinking specifically about certain demographics as you build your brand? Are there things that you're doing to, to appeal to millennials in, in the Snooze customer experience and in the Snooze worker population as well? Uh I would say without question, um not so much with our sustainability and our community pieces. You know, we really just have a belief that we want to create a better world. And as you mentioned, I spent 23 years at Paradise Bakery and Panera Bread. And after leaving I was incredibly proud of my accomplishments. But I also questioned, did I really have a big impact on anything beyond the people I worked with and, and serving, you know, great meals? So I really wanted my second act to do something better for the world. And we asked ourselves that question, you know, can a restaurant business change the world? And we believe we can. It's small right now. It's one community at a time. But that being said, our brand is geared towards millennials. It's very experiential. It's got this great environment. The music is really energetic, so, you know, it is millennial forward. It is. Millennials love the energy, they love experiences, they love spending on experiences. And the most unique thing about our brand is we have a full bar, not just mimosas and bloody Marys, but a full bar starting at 6:30 in the morning. And it really creates a lot of energy and a lot of vibe. Yeah. It's exciting. And it also creates a a nice packed environment of the people waiting to get into Snooze. There's, there's an energy about people ready to sit down and, and have their, have their meal. And so that's a lot of fun. When you think about the unique customer experience, you talk about experiential and being a dining experience, you actually have empowered your staff, every single one of them to make decisions about how to create great guest experiences. And this is something that that's really unique because often the word loyalty gets turned into uh rote rewards. You think of loyalty as, 'can we deliver a great experience to our guests'? Tell us about some of those things that are unique in the Snooze DNA and how your servers act on on that responsibility. Sure. It starts at the very beginning. When we hire someone, we spend a lot of time just talking about hospitality and what does that mean? And we're really looking when we're, when we're hiring people, we're looking for people that have a, a true desire to serve. And I think that that is, is something that's often left out of the decision making process is in order to be in hospitality, you ha you cannot mind serving others. You have to really enjoy it and that's where you get your energy from. The second thing that we do that really opens that piece up is we really allow them to be to be themselves. So we celebrate individuality. And I've always thought it funny that most restaurant businesses or most businesses anywhere, they, the first thing they do is say that they're hiring you for your great personality. And then the next thing they do is they tell you to put on these khaki pants, this polo shirt and this name tag. So we don't have any uniforms at Snooze. We really are our, our employee handbook basically says, wear a clean Snooze t-shirt, have good hygiene, and let your freak flag fly. Be yourself and really let your personality come out in that guest experience. And then this is a celebration of people. So we give our servers the ability to… Our servers are actually required to give away at least three meals uh or pancakes, or, we call them "pickles", meaning you're, you're giving someone a little treat throughout their shift and, and we will call them on it if they don't because we're really wanting them to take care of our guests. And, and trying to train them to look for opportunities to go above and beyond and take care of our guests. That is so unique. Both the ability, the encouragement of staff to be themselves and then to double down in actual practices that are, that are unique: dress the way that's appropriate to you, act the way that's appropriate to you, obviously with the guest in mind and even treat guests to at your own discretion. I mean, that's, that feels risky to a lot of brands. They feel… They are scared to do something like that. And you lean into it. Is that, is that always been in the DNA of Snooze or it's something that you feel like has been built over time? It's absolutely been a part of our DNA and we we actually look at it as a competitive mode. You know, when you're a successful concept and you've got waits seven days a week at, at as we do in most of our restaurants, the competition comes out pretty fiercely. And – look, we have no question, people could hire a great chef and knock off our food. People could hire a great architect and knock off our ambiance. But it's really, you know, I always say the best restaurants, the ones that really make it and that are enduring are the ones that find that kind of magic combination of food, ambiance, and people. And I don't think many brands out there are willing to take the risk on the people that we do. And we get great people. People appreciate I mean, again, I'll ask our employees, 'how many people have ever worked at a place where there was no uniform rule?' and no one raises their hand. And I said, 'how many people came to Snooze because of our beliefs?' and they all raise their hand. And in today's environment, where competition for employees and great people is like I've never seen it before in, in my almost 30 years in this industry, uh you've got to be able to hire great people. If you can't hire great people in this industry, you will never be great. That's how it translates. Q&A with the restaurant industry's leading disruptors. This is Food Fighters, the podcast. Restaurants have have in many ways kind of they've been scared of being too day part heavy. And so a lot of restaurants try to diversify when they get their traffic. Snooze leans in heavily to 'we are in an A.M. Eatery' and it's reflected in your hours and it's obviously reflected in your menu. And you are doing brisk traffic during that period. But what are some of the challenges of being a narrower daypart business? And, and how do you turn those challenges into, into your strengths? I think the challenges are fairly self evident is that the question that gets asked to me, you know, so often is, is 'how do you sleep at night when you know that you're paying rent 24 hours a day, yet you're only using the space for eight hours a day?'. And you know, there's a lot of fixed costs associated with restaurants and, and usually everyone's trying to do anything they can to offset those. I think the benefits where what, what's really worked well for us is we are one day part and we're open from 6:30 to 2:30, so, obviously we're open during lunch hours, but we really only have a breakfast and brunch menu. We don't do sandwiches, we don't do soups, we don't do salads like you see at many other breakfast places and that allows us to be great at what we do. And I always tell people, I think there's one restaurant brand in the world that does all three day parts successfully and that's probably McDonald's. Truly. They do business at breakfast, lunch and dinner. And I think we have built up this great credibility and trust about what it is we do so well and that people understand the hours that we're open. And it also, secondly, provides this great quality of life for managers. This is a difficult industry. Anyone that's looking to come into our industry generally has to accept the fact that not only are they going to be working weekends, but they're going to be working late nights. And again, that's our hiring proposition is, you know, we've been able to get people from great restaurant brands come to work for Snooze because of the quality of life. And that that proposition and great people allows us to be a great business. Do you think anyone is is looking at doing breakfast for dinner? Is that a thing that we're going to see more of? I mean, people love your food, they love the experience. Do you find opportunities to expand the breakfast menu to other day parts or it's just simply too hard? No, I don't think it's diff– I don't think it's, it's, it's difficult. And I do agree with your premise. I think what's, what's so unique about this world today, especially millennials, I mean, I'll walk into a Snooze, any one of our restaurants on a Tuesday or Wednesday at 11:00 AM and we're packed. We might even be on a wait and I'm just wondering like, don't people work anymore? Don't people have jobs? And the world… It's true. The world is truly changed and, and people work different hours. Traditional jobs are only part of the story today. People work from home, people work at coffee shops, people work at restaurants. We see people on their laptops working in our restaurants. So I absolutely believe that there's opportunity for dinner. I mean the world just like the world you know, has become a much smaller place via the internet. I believe that the world has also become 24 hours. People really work, eat, different things. So without question, there's great opportunity there. One of the other changes that's happening and certainly there is clear demand for people eating breakfast food but that gets delivered to them. And, and so you kind of saw the growth of your off-premise business happen fairly organically. It's not something you initially leaned into. But now you're starting to see it pickup. What, what was that experience? When did you realize, huh, there is actually a meaningful amount of demand for Snooze food off premise? And how did you start thinking about how to navigate that? Yeah, that's a great and it's actually a great followup to your previous question because I believe that breakfast for dinner really will manifest itself through delivery more than any other way that we approach it. And look, our, our industry has just gone through a ton of change as you know, I, I probably probably the last big change in our industry was the advent of quick casual in the, in the late nineties and early two thousands. And aside from this, I think delivery has been just a huge disruptor in, in a, in a positive way. And I really struggled with delivery when it first became a thing. But every time I started to think about it as convenience it, it really resonated with me. So delivery, didn't like the idea of, breakfast food travels terrible, but when you put it in the, in terms of convenience and being able to serve the guests in a way that benefits them it made a lot of sense. And that business, you know, we did notice it because people started ordering our food. And we actually had a belief that breakfast isn't gonna really work for delivery. The food travels not well. But guests give us a lot of slack on that piece because it's crave-able and it's what they want. And we also thought that, you know, delivery is about convenience and that getting breakfast delivered in the morning to your home isn't necessarily a convenient thing. But sure enough our beliefs really don't matter. It's what the guest ultimately does and how they spend their money and how they spend their time. And we actually just saw this business start to grow more and more and more and realized like, Hey, we've never even approached this. We've never built an infrastructure around it. We've never really put any systems or tools around it. So we think there's great opportunity there as much as as we didn't believe in it to start. It was, it was actually before you even actively partnered with any of the delivery companies, the orders just started showing up. Right? They were getting called in I guess early on. Yup. Yup. That was the initial, that was your initial foray into delivery is they were going around the system, if you will. No question. I mean the delivery companies, if you don't partner with them and you're still a brand that people crave,uthey're still going to call and place orders and people are still going to try and use that third party for delivery. And look, I think it's a, I think it's a great thing. And at the end of the day, not to sound too cliche,uyou know, we'd rather,ujoin them than try to beat them and you know, and another way we say it in an off color way, is we say, you know, we'd rather have them,uinside our tent pissing out than outside our tent pissing in. Like we really, it behooves us to work with these companies, not fight them, because they're here to stay. And I think it took me a long time to get my arms around that fact. But convenience is here to stay. And I think we've now firmly entered a new world of,uof restaurants. The digitization of restaurants as, as I often call it, and the fact that people want be able to order… It's not just the convenience of delivery, it's actually, as we talk about millennials and the next generations after them ordering from their phone or their computer is familiar to them, that's how they buy a lot of things, right? It's the Amazon-ification of of the world. And this is something that, that Panera leaned heavily into in, in building their own off premise platform and even their own delivery drivers. And yet even they have adopted partnerships with some of the third parties. And so it feels like [inaudible] you got to play both sides of that tent. In reality at this point. There is no question. The guests are demanding it. And that's why Panera started to, to go that direction. And it's one thing to say, 'Hey, this is how we would rather have it be', but ultimately the guests are going to get what they want or they're not going to get your product at all. Right. Right. So a lot of your stores have fairly sizable footprints and they're in prime real estate. I would imagine and the, the, that there's a build out there and so there's, there's an investment in the real estate and yet the delivery you know, has a pretty considerable cost. So how are you thinking about the future that involves ghost kitchens or virtual restaurants and and what does, what kind of change might that mean if you see off premise, a pretty meaningful growing portion of your business? Yes. I mean, we've absolutely looked at ghost kitchens. I think the problem for our business is, and it's not a problem, it's a problem everyone wishes they had, is that we are busy pretty much from 6:30 to 2:30. So we don't have a lot of excess capacity. That being said I think some of the technology that's coming along right now really allows us as operators to to, to really flow, or external orders coming in for delivery. We can pace them through the kitchen, we can pace how those orders come in, we can pace how those orders go out. But Del…, You know, goes kitchens are really the solution for specific areas of town where we have very busy restaurants and can't take additional orders to really serve that demand. And then as you alluded to earlier in the podcast we close at 2:30 and I really think that, that ultimately I see a lot of traction for us there, being able to actually keep these restaurants not open to the public, but keep on a small staff where we're able to meet delivery demands and stay open till nine, 10 o'clock at night. I'll wrap up on this note that for an industry that has seen some steady growth but at times challenges in traffic, breakfast has, as a day part been driving upwards of 50% of that industry-wide growth. And Snooze has been a key player in driving daypart traffic in restaurants. And so as you continue to grow, what other changes do you expect industry-wide? Are more brands that operate in the dinner or lunch segment going to lean heavily into breakfast? Do you think you'll see more breakfast-only competition? What's the evolution of, of your day part now that you've proven it can be so successful? I think you just answered that question to some extent. You know, we, we're, we're an old, fairly staid industry and anytime there's a new opportunity, it's kind of like a gold rush. So everybody starts to look at it. In our South Austin location, when we first opened there three years ago, I mean we were the only place within two miles doing breakfast or brunch and now we probably have six direct competitors that have opened into that space. Everybody is looking to fill that space. And it's a lot of opportunity. And I think to your point as well, restaurants that are lunch and dinner only are opening their doors earlier and trying to take advantage of the opportunity that we've created. And that's why our goal is continually to be the best at what we do, to own the markets that we go into and to continue to scale nationally and really be the dominant player in the breakfast category. Well, you're doing quite a job at that so far. And so congrats on all of your growth and, and Snooze, an A.M. Eatery is expanding across the country. And so for those that haven't been, now's your time and you may even get a free pancake while you're there. If you, if you have a server and you get lucky. David, thanks so much for your time. This was really fantastic and it's exciting to watch what you're doing with Snooze. And look forward to tracking the evolution of your growing brand. Great. It was fun. Thank you Zach. Bu-Bye. You've been listening to Food Fighters with me, Zach Goldstein. To subscribe to the podcast or to learn more about our featured guests, visit Thanx.com/food-fighters. That's "Thanx" spelled "T H A N X.com/food-fighters". This podcast is a production of Thanx, the leading CRM and digital engagement solution for restaurants. Until next time, keep fighting food fighters. Load full transcript... Get on the show Are you interested in being our next guest, or know someone who is? Contact us and let us know. 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Fresh suit against EC's rejection of birth certificate for voter registration Date: Jun - 12 - 2020 , 17:25 BY: Enoch Darfah Frimpong A native of Breman-Kokoso in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District of the Central Region, Mark Takyi-Banson has initiated a fresh challenge at the Supreme Court in relation to the Electoral Commission's (EC) intention to use the Ghana Card and the Ghanaian passport as the only identification documents for the upcoming mass voters' registration exercise. In his writ filed against the EC and the Attorney-General (A-G) at the Supreme Court on Friday, June 12, 2020, Mr Takyi-Banson is seeking an order directed at the EC to include a birth certificate and the existing voters' ID card as evidence of identification in the upcoming mass voter registration exercise. Represented by Cosmas Mweyang Anpengnuo of Bayong Law Consult in Kokomlemle, Accra as his counsel, the plaintiff filed the writ on Friday, June 12, 2020. He also wants the Supreme Court to order the EC to include under Regulation 1 (3) of the Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.I. 126), the existing voter identification card issued by the EC as evidence of identification. Mr Takyi-Banson in his writ is also seeking a declaration that upon a true and proper interpretation of Article 45(a) of the 1992 Constitution, the EC's constitutional and statutory mandate to compile the register of voters for the conduct and supervision of all public elections and referenda is spent saving only the power reserved in the Commission to revise and expand the register at such periods as may be determined by law. He wants the Supreme Court to declare that the EC's decision to compile a new register of voters is inconsistent with and a violation of Article 45(a) of the 1992 Constitution. He also wants the Supreme Court to further declare that Regulation 1 (3) of the Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.I. 126) is inconsistent with and violates the provisions of Article 42 and 45 (e( of the 1992 Constitution to the extent that it excludes Birth Certificates issued to Ghanaians as a mode of identification and/or establishing qualification to be registered in the register of voters and also excludes the existing Voter Identification Card as a mode of identification and/or establishing qualification to be registered in the register of voters. Any other order or orders as the court may deem fit is also part of the reliefs he is seeking. Supreme Court rules on NDC, EC case June 23 NDC abandons relief challenging EC's decision to conduct new mass registration exercise NDC sues EC over plans to reject old voter ID cards for new registration Writer's email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Follow @enochfrimpong Follow @Graphicgh topstories, trending
Pets at Home has reported a strong start to its financial year, supported by a number of new online initiatives that have boosted its overall retail performance. The pet care retailer said its new 'easy repeat' service, which allows customers to choose around 350 online products for automatic repeat delivery and have them delivered to home or for click & collect at a specified regular time, is growing momentum. It said it is beating online competitors on price with these ranges, too. In its first quarter results statement, the company said is overall price gap to online retailers has halved in the past 18 months, while omnichannel revenue for the period jumped by 47.3% year on year to £19.1 million. Covering the 16 weeks to 20 July, the trading period generated group revenue growth of 8.1% to £277.4 million – £245 million from retail, which includes online sales, and £32.4 million from its veterinary business. Pets at Home group CEO Peter Pritchard commented: "There are so many initiatives that are working: great promotions and more lower prices, capitalising on the hot weather with our biggest ever summer and cooling product range, the launch of our easy repeat online delivery service, and an excellent 'Best Start in Life' puppy healthplan campaign in vet practices. As part of the retailer's ongoing investment appraisal of new stores, it has decided not to open two stores for which lease arrangements had been committed at a cost of around £1.6 million, which the company said will be absorbed within first-half underlying profit. Although such a move is indicative of the unpredictable retail environment, Pets at Home said its full-year profit and cashflow outlook remains in line with expectations and previous guidance. Like Starbucks, which reported a positive trading figures last week, Pets at Home has a successful loyalty scheme. VIP scheme customer frequency and spend is up, with the number of VIPs who purchased products and a service increasing by around 16% year-on-year in Q1. Pritchard is not resting on his laurels, though, and said the hard work will continue, particularly in terms of making the most from its growing vet services business. He added: "I believe we need a sharpening of focus to become a business that will continue to win over the long term, where it is essential that we maximise our assets and data as an integrated pet care business and reinvigorating the customer experience in-store becomes key. Pets at Home announces the appointment its first chief information officer.
Aja Gabel Blue Sun Yellow Sky Jamie Jo Hoang Blue Sun, Yellow Sky: An Interview with Jamie Jo Hoang June 29, 2015, by Inprint Staff We are always thrilled when former students of Inprint Writers Workshops write us with the news that they've finished a book that they started in one of our classes. Jamie Jo Hoang is one such young writer, and her self-published book Blue Sun, Yellow Sky, is about an artist who develops a condition which will rapidly lead to blindness, and her journey to accept her condition. The book is available locally at Brazos Bookstore. Inprint asked Jamie Jo to tell us more about herself and her writing. Inprint: Please tell us how you got your start in creative writing. Jamie Jo Hoang (JH): For most of my life I have been a listener. I listened to the stories my grandmother told while she chewed tobacco on the front stoop of our small apartment building in Orange County. I listened to the stories my parents told of their escape during the Vietnam War. And I heard the stories of others come to life in books I found at the local library when I was kid. Then during my freshman year of college at UCLA, I applied for admission to the School of Film and Television, and it was there that I really learned the craft of creative writing. I continued taking writing classes after college and Blue Sun, Yellow Sky began in an Inprint class taught by Aja Gabel. That Inprint class is also where I met two of my best friends (a.k.a. my creative writing soundboards) Shawn and Ellen. Continue reading → Arte Público Press Blue Willow Bookshop BookExpo America Consuelo Duroc-Danner Houston Jewish Book Festival Houston Public Library Javits Convention Center Marilyn Jones Trinity University Press On the road with Inprint Like physicians, Jehovah's Witnesses, and fans of anime, those in the literary world have their own conventions—that is, annual conference where those in the field share new ideas. (Here, I do not mean "convention" as in a distinct protocol of behavior, although that argument can, of course, be made….). AWP is the bad boy of literary conventions, where thousands upon thousands of creative writers descend upon a hip city, ostensibly to attend professional development panels and hawk their books. In reality, carousing, quaffing, cavorting, capering, and kvelling are top priorities on the itinerary. BEA (BookExpo America) is AWP's sophisticated, practical cousin. From a creative writer's perspective, this conference has a 401K and knowledge about fine wines. It's less about hysterical events in a writer's life that result in a book, and more about packaging and marketing that book once it's written—the business and politics of publishing. As a creative writer entrenched in the former convention, I spoke with Rich Levy, Inprint's Executive Director, about his recent travels to BEA in New York, to see how the other half (of the book world) lives. Erika: Why does Inprint visit BEA? BEA gives us the opportunity to connect personally with publicists at major publishing houses. Rich: BookExpo America is the publishing industry's national trade show, which primarily serves independent book sellers, always held in May. Although we are somewhat fish out of water there, BEA gives us the opportunity to connect personally with publicists at major publishing houses. We meet with them (1) to tell them about the Inprint Margarett Root Continue reading → by Caroline Leech Bright Sky Press Germs! Rubber Tree Press The Word Burglar Houston novelist brings coal-mining to life in Whisper Hollow June 10, 2015, by Caroline Leech "I've loved to write my whole life," says Houston author Chris Cander, whose novel Whisper Hollow was published this spring by Other Press to critical acclaim. "It's always been a passion for me." A former fire-fighter, Chris was also a competitive bodybuilder and model before she brought her literary calling to the fore. Now, however, she knows she made the right choice. "I can legitimately say that I am doing exactly what I want to be doing and I passionately love the way I get to spend my days. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to say that, I know, but now I really am doing my favorite thing." The publication of Whisper Hollow did not, however, happen overnight. "It took a very long time to get this story to this point. I wrote it, and then I rewrote it, I think, four times from beginning to end. It's four hundred pages long, and there are at least that many other pages that will never be read because they were rewritten and filed away somewhere." Continue reading → Gwendolyn Zepeda Monsters Zombies and Addicts Gwendolyn Zepeda's Monsters, Zombies and Addicts June 5, 2015, by Allyn West To be honest, before I started reading Gwendolyn Zepeda's new collection, Monsters, Zombies and Addicts (Arte Público Press, 84 pages, 2015), released near the end of her two-year tenure as the first Houston Poet Laureate, I worried that the poems would be boosterish. Part of the gig, I knew, is to represent the city. Would every poem mention a bayou? Would she have been contractually obliged to champion the merits of the Downtown Living Initiative? Thankfully, the collection doesn't show the strain of feeling that burden of representation. There are alligator gar. And freeways — and bayous. But you don't learn much about Houston. Instead, you learn a lot about the kind of person, the kind of poet, that the city wanted to choose to represent it: sometimes chatty, sometimes vulgar, sometimes sentimental, and always funny, smart, honest, and tough. You learn a lot about the kind of person, the kind of poet, that the city wanted to choose to represent it: sometimes chatty, sometimes vulgar, sometimes sentimental, and always funny, smart, honest, and tough. Zepeda is best at homing in on the strange pleasure or pleasant strangeness in her everyday life. These poems are anecdotal, observational. Often, they begin the way the story a friend wants to tell you would: "A woman who worked in our building killed herself this morning." And: "You say I flirt too much." And: "The other day I was working on a story." Continue reading → by Sara Balabanlilar Houston Poetry Fest Robert Clark Poet Kenan Ince featured at First Friday on June 5th June 2, 2015, by Sara Balabanlilar For more than fifteen years, Inprint has been proud to serve as host to First Friday. First Friday is the oldest poetry reading series in Houston, held on the first Friday of every month since 1975. The series is coordinated by Robert Clark and features a wide range of local and regional poets. Each evening begins at 8:30 pm with a reading by the featured poet, followed by an open mike. Clark and many involved in First Friday also help organize the annual Houston Poetry Fest, which takes place every October at the University of Houston Downtown. On June 5, First Friday will feature Kenan Ince, a Houston writer to be reckoned with. A Dallas native, Kenan is currently a PhD student in Math at Rice University. Well-known in local writing circles, Kenan has given many readings around the city, was a juror at Houston Poetry Fest, and has been published in Word Riot, The Hartskill Review, and HeART Online. Inprint blogger Sara Balabanlilar says she has encountered Kenan's work in two very different Houston venues—the now defunct East Side Social Center (a beloved punk and DIY venue with the curated remains of Sedition Books' collection) and Rice Gallery, in a night of poetry that responded to the current gallery installation. Both readings left an impression on Sara: "The audiences of the two spaces were entirely different, but Kenan handled both with ease. During both readings, Kenan drew listeners into a series of beautifully imagined thought experiments that rendered them silent. His poetry is activist, certainly, but also with an amount of nostalgia that offsets a sense of political cliche. His metaphors are beautiful, extended forays into experiences that are entirely different from our daily Houston lives." Continue reading →
1780 April 10 (Monday). Deacon Wood came to acquaint me that there was at his House an Indian in Gentleman's Habit, who was a Scholar and Preacher from Dartmouth Coll. I sent for him — he came — his name was Daniel Simon. The Brigham Scholars were well acquainted with him. His Credentials were (besides his Diploma and his name in the Catalogue) his recommendation by the President, Trustees and Tutors, License for preaching by Rev. Grafton — Presbytery — a Letter from president Wheelock to Rev. Mr. John Sargent of Stockbridge, and a Certificat from the Selectmen of Stockbridge. I also examined him myself. The Deacon urged he might preach in the afternoon and he would take care to notifie the people. Mr. Simon was not forward, but would not deny. I could not refuse. He dined here. At 3 p.m. a Congregation was gathered. He preached on 1 Pet. 2.7 "To them who believe, he is precious." It was a serious and Methodical Discourse, and delivered decently. I hope it was useful and profitable. A number of Scholars, who were acquainted with Mr. Simons, came in at eve to see him and he lodged here. N.B. The people made a Collection and presented him the Sum of one hundred and twenty-four Dollars. One Ebenezer Crosby came here to let himself and lodged here. N.B. Dr. Hall going to Boston calls here.
Showing posts with the label Westport NY Review: DIVE RIGHT IN: DEPOT THEATRE'S "THE BIKINIS" IS A SWIMMINGLY GOOD TIME! The Bikinis at Depot Theatre, Westport, NY What: Created and Written by Ray Roderick and James Hindman, the musical "The Bikinis" joins together an all girl band from the 60s that are reunited over a vote to either save or sell the Sandy Shores Mobile Home (Beach Resort). Upbeat songs from the 60s through the 80s move the story from under the boardwalk through various events in the lives of the band members. Where : Depot Theatre, 6705 Main Street, Westport, New York 12993, 518-962-4449, Ticket price: $29/adult, $27/senior/student, group discounts are available. When: Westport NY: July 17,18,20,24,25 at 8 pm and July 19,23,26 at 5 pm. (WESTPORT) Rain or shine, a fun beach romp this year is at the Depot Theatre 's production of "The Bikinis," showing through July 26 th . This musical treat transports the audience to the sandy shore with over 25 songs performed by an all-girl 60s beach band reunited to perform at a Florida beach resort, 20 years after breaking up. FREE Family Movie at the Whallonsburg Grange ESSEX – The Champlain Valley Film Series will present the children's movie Wallace & Gromit in Three Amazing Adventures this Sunday, March 15 at 2:00 p.m. at the Whallonsburg Grange Hall. The movie will be the final one in their winter series of free family films. Winner of two Academy Awards, this film tells the story of Wallace, an inventor whose gadgets do not always go as planned, and his ever-faithful friend Gromit. The film is free, and is made possible by Stewart's Holiday Match. Refreshments will be available for purchase. The Whallonsburg Grange Hall is located at 1610 NYS Route 22 at Whallons Bay Road, five miles south of the Essex ferry. The Whallonsburg Grange Hall serves as a community gathering space for eastern Essex County, hosting musical and theatrical performances, lectures, forums, and workshops, as well as hall rentals for private events. For more information about this event or the Hall, please contact Stephanie Beneng, office
Siete qui > Andate alla pagina iniziale > Attività > Scheda informativa sul parere Scheda informativa sul parere Agenda per le competenze per l'Europa per la competitività sostenibile, l'equità sociale e la resilienza BGCSDADEELENESETFIFRHRHUITLTLVMTNLPLPTROSKSLSV Rapporteur: BORBOLY Csaba Commission: SEDEC advocates for the recognition of and respect for the crucial role local and regional authorities (LRAs), and Member States, play in the EU's main policies, and also in the realm of skills, as owners of the relevant infrastructure, as beneficiaries of EU Funds and of national and regional support, and also as the main gateways to local and regional communities. At the same time, regrets the lack of recognition of this role in the current European Commission Communications; underlines the need to inform employees in energy-intensive sectors about the challenges and opportunities caused by the digital and green transitions and accompany them accordingly; welcomes with interest the launch of the European Pact promoting joint action to maximise the impact of investment in upgrading existing skills (upskilling) and training in new skills (reskilling). Local and regional authorities must be part of this Pact, working together and making a clear commitment to training for everyone of working age throughout the European Union; suggests that regional territorial strategies and Green-Deal-related pacts should refer to the skills policy and investments that the region needs. There is also a need for a better understanding of regional skills-related needs and opportunities, analysed for each sector concerned, emphasising low carbon technologies and sustainability, but in particular car manufacturing, construction, building services, the design and creative industries, pharmaceutics, ITC and the food sector; highlights that, in most Member States, LRAs play a major role in funding education and developing skills-related policies. The Commission should take steps to build direct links with LRAs interested in fast-tracking of EU funds in the form of pilot projects, the formulation of local and regional strategies and action plans, and increased financing for new initiatives, so that actions can be carried out, even if there are no partnership agreements in the medium turn; notes that, during the current pandemic, most education systems have responded quickly and flexibly to new challenges, and some Member States have rapidly accelerated the digitalisation of education. While there are real success stories in the regions, the Committee of the Regions suggests focusing on: a. equal access to the new forms of education and training for all, with a special focus on the most vulnerable children and adolescents, b. removing obstacles in the area of the language, including the language rights of ethnic minorities and the language rights of deaf people, as well as people with hard of hearing using sign language, c. ensuring that the new initiatives and forms of education have had a positive impact on access to education and training for all, reducing the digital divide and accessibility deficit, so that all people have full access to collaborative tools, regardless of where they are, d. promoting digital connectivity, particularly in areas with low population density, including technology and educational materials and tools that facilitates access to digital education; points out that the European Commission's Guidance to Member States Recovery and Resilience Plans of 17 September 2020, under NextGenerationEU, includes "Reskill and upskill" as one of its flagship initiatives together with the adaptation of education systems to support digital skills and vocational education and training at all ages, which entails a new financial perspective for the Member States, and thus for regional and local authorities; notes that LRAs are facing new challenges, in particular with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many new initiatives emerge also every day, as a reply to these challenges. The digitalisation of education and local business are the most prominent examples. The Commission should analyse whether it can set up a European platform with a selection of best practices, which would be accessible to LRAs and which would support the development of adaptation and resilience strategies and action plans, inspiring new local and regional initiatives. Any such initiative would be welcomed and supported by the Committee of the Regions and its members; highlights that vocational and technological education both need practice and are mostly connected to places and educational facilities, much more so than digital, language and other soft skills. We should start identifying best practices in some regions that can inspire new initiatives in other regions; 10. asks the Commission to revise the approach set out in the communication and take into account the major role LRAs play in supporting and developing skills-related infrastructure in most Member States, because local and regional authorities hold key responsibilities for education and training policy and play an important role in youth and employment policies; 11. underscores that times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupt education and training systems and are often followed by a period of high unemployment rates and economic uncertainty. At the same time, in addition to changes in the labour market from the green and digital transitions, low-qualified adults need urgent support to enter or remain in the labour market . In this regard, the proposed initiatives for skills and vocational education and training (VET) are very much needed in order to ensure the implementation of the 1st principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights on the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning; 12. looks forward to the upcoming endorsement of the "Osnabrück Declaration" by the EU education ministers with a view to modernising European VET and deepening cross-border cooperation within a European Education Area , and as a means to strengthen the voluntary nature of the recommendation. Underlines to this effect that local and regional authorities must be fully involved in the design and implementation of national strategies regarding adult learning policies; 13. underlines, in light of the COVID-19 crisis, the need to improve digital training solutions and distance learning including for VET and to improve tracking of VET graduates when appropriate, without creating unnecessary administrative burdens. Further points to the need to boost VET's attractiveness and to ensure coherence and synergies between the VET sector and the general education system. Moreover, the CoR calls for a review of the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships in order to ensure high quality, diversified and tailor-made apprenticeships: further underlines the importance of equal access and the right to training for all employees; 14. notes that the situation varies widely across the EU, and that this is one of the main challenges when designing and implementing new standards and practices for education and training. These regional disparities are created by the skills gap and mismatch in the EU and are likely to be widened if local and regional policies are not well designed and not financed accordingly. Therefore, the Committee of the Regions reiterates its demand for a more regional focus when assessing progress on the implementation of the new Skills Agenda and VET policy; 15. holds the opinion that any policy intervention must be in keeping with the regional context, and that a "one-size-fits-all" approach does not work. In local and regional-level policy, solutions must be adapted accordingly; 16. points out that the issue of socially excluded or vulnerable people's access to high-quality education and training needs to be addressed, to ensure that there are no barriers to equal access in any of the Member States; One of the main CoR political priorities for 2020-2025102 is the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, especially as an instrument for the socio-economic recovery of the EU. The Skills Agenda is one of the three headline areas of the European Pillar Action Plan. This includes up- and reskilling, which is strategic for social recovery and job creation. In order to respond to the EC agenda on skills, the CoR adopted an opinion on the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience 103. Following this the CoR and the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) have agreed that the European Skills Agenda will be a priority under the Joint Action Plan with Commissioner Schmit. The joint note of the CoR and DG EMPL sets out the relevant areas for intensified collaboration and the main instruments, which includes the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) which is focused on the role of regions and cities in providing high-quality apprenticeships in different sectors. The CoR has co-organised three online roadmap events104 and a high-level conference105 in 2021 with DG EMPL-EAfA which undoubtedly indicate that regions and cities can act as catalysts for apprenticeships within the local and regional environment. DG EMPL and the renewed EAfA clearly recognise the pivotal role of local and regional authorities in the European Skills Agenda. One of the renewed EAfA priorities for 2021, and also for 2022, published in its Action Plans and planned activities, is "Mobilising local and regional authorities as catalysts for apprenticeships within the local business environment."106 In the 2022 Action Plan, DG EMPL-EAfA clearly acknowledges the fruitful cooperation that took place with the CoR in 2021, through the implementation of the joint DG EMPL CoR action plan on the Skills Agenda and the important role the CoR is playing in this field and wishes to continue the collaboration in 2022.107 It is evident that the above-mentioned events provide opportunities to move this collaboration to the next level. Another example is the participation of the new Cities Network for Apprenticeships108 in the joint EAfA/CoR webinars. The CoR and EAfA will further work together in 2022 and update their joint DG EMPL-CoR action plan on skills accordingly. The CoR and DG EMPL, along with DG GROW, have also agreed to jointly promote the Pact for Skills initiative as a way for the regions to build partnerships with industry and training providers on upskilling and reskilling of the local population and an online workshop was co-organised during the European Week of Cities and Regions entitled What can regions and cities do for up- and reskilling with the Pact for Skills? The CoR will follow up on the implementation of the European Skills Agenda in 2022. The CoR, though its SEDEC commission, is willing to adopt an opinion on how upskilling and reskilling can foster social recovery and job creation from the local and regional perspective. This opinion would be a follow-up to the previous related CoR opinions on the matter, such as the European Skills Agenda and The implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights from a local and regional perspective, incorporating lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. It would also showcase the CoR's strong support for the implementation of the EPSR and EASE (Effective Active Support to Employment). - advocates for the recognition of the crucial role local and regional authorities (LRAs), and Member States, play in the EU's main policies, and also in the realm of skills, as owners of the relevant infrastructure, as beneficiaries of EU Funds and of national and regional support, and also as the main gateways to local and regional communities; - suggests that regional territorial strategies and Green-Deal-related pacts should refer to the skills policy and investments that the region needs; - highlights that the Commission should take steps to build direct links with LRAs interested in fast-tracking of EU funds in the form of pilot projects; - notes that the Commission should analyse whether it can set up a European platform with a selection of best practices, which would be accessible to LRAs and which would support the development of adaptation and resilience strategies and action plans, inspiring new local and regional initiatives; - notes that regional disparities are created by the skills gap and mismatch in the EU and are likely to be widened if local and regional policies are not well designed and not financed accordingly; - holds the opinion that any policy intervention must be in keeping with the regional context, and that a "one-size-fits-all" approach does not work. Participation of Rapporteur Csaba Borboly in the Conference "Russian Aggression against Ukraine: Educational Dilemmas" Participation of Rapporteur Csaba Borboly in the conference "Russian Aggression against Ukraine: Educational Dilemmas" organised by the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. Following Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, one of the Czech Presidency's main priorities is to protect Ukrainian children and ensure their access to education. With this in mind and against the background of the European Year of Youth 2022, addressing key issues and dilemmas relevant to several decisive steps in the process – ranging from the reception stage of Ukrainian pupils and students all the way to longer-term measures – are crucial in tackling this challenge. The online conference ensured a timely exchange of views about the lessons learned from the first months of integration of Ukrainian refugees into the national education systems, as well as focusing on concrete initiatives undertaken by Member States in this context.
Search - D.I. :: Team Goon D.I. Team Goon Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock, Metal Track Listings (9) - Disc #1 Rock and Roll, Pt. 2 - D.I., Glitter, Gary Nuclear Funeral - D.I., Royer, Casey The Saint - D.I., Agnew, Rikk Richard Hung Himself - D.I., Royer, Casey Guns - D.I., Agnew, Rikk Venus De Milo - D.I., Royer, Casey Reagan Der Furhrer - D.I., Roberts, Steve [1] Purgatory - D.I., Roberts, Steve [1] Uncontrollable Urge - D.I., Baugh, M. Mothers Reissue of this classic release from the SoCal Punks. Team Goon includes the original five songs from the band's debut EP including 'Richard Hung Himself', along with three bonus tracks, all defining the signature O.C. sou... more »nd ans political commentary of the time. « less All Artists: D.I. Title: Team Goon Label: Triple X Records Styles: Hardcore & Punk, American Alternative UPCs: 021075100228, 021075100211, 021075100242, 614254001210 Reissue of this classic release from the SoCal Punks. Team Goon includes the original five songs from the band's debut EP including 'Richard Hung Himself', along with three bonus tracks, all defining the signature O.C. sound ans political commentary of the time. Some miscellaneous info about DI and this record D. K. Malone | earth | 07/20/2004 "D.I. was formed by Casey Royer circa 1982. Royer was most well known as the drummer in the Adolescents. (Note: Check out the photo on the cover of the Adolescents' Welcome to Reality EP. Look very closely at the bible Casey is holding.) Prior to that he also drummed for the Detours (along w/ Rikk Agnew) and Social Distortion (along w/ Frank Agnew.) The name originally stood for Drug Ideology, but before long Royer was saying it stood for all kinds of things: Drunk Idiot, Dead Indians, Doggy Intercourse, Dumb Idea and my personal favorite... Direct Injoyment. [sic] The first D.I. record was a 12" 5 song EP (featuring the cover art seen on this CD) released by Revenge Records in the summer of 1983. The tracks were Richard Hung Himself, Guns, Venus De Milo, Reagan Der Fuhrer, and Purgatory. (4-8 on this CD) The line up was Casey on vocals, Fred Tacone on bass, Tim Maag on guitar, and Derek O'Brien on drums. Contrary to popular belief, D.I. was never an "Agnew bros. project", they simply ended up in the band eventually because of their relationship w/ Casey. In 1985 their second record was released, a full length LP titled Ancient Artifacts. Though they had a new line up (Rikk and three members of Almost 21: Alfie Agnew on guitar, John 'Bosco' Calabro on bass, John Knight on drums,) a few of the songs on the album were recorded by the original EP line up, which is probably the reason for the title. The remaining tracks on this CD were recorded circa 1987 by the 2nd line up, hence the different style and sound; the original EP was quasi-goth punk, while the 2nd line up material had more of the generic "So Cal hardcore" sound. I've always liked the original line up's material the most. D. K. Malone | 11/30/2001 "DI, probably the best punk band ever to come out of California, are often overlooked and underrated in favor of more popular and somewhat inferior bands such as the Descendents and Black Flag. This, their debut album, is probably their best, along with their second album Ancient Artifacts. This one contains the classic tracks Nuclear Funeral, Richard Hung Himself, and Guns. The reasons for the band's greatness are former Adolescents Casey Royer and Rikk Agnew, probably the best punk guitarist in southern California at the time. Casey Royer himself was probably the best vocalist, even though he used to play drums in the Adolescents. DI had the greatest longevity of any punk band of their generation, as far as having a good, steady sound. They released this album in 1983, Ancient Artifacts in 1985, Horse Bites Dog Cries in 1985, What Good is Grief to a God in 1987, Tragedy Again in 1989, and Live at a Dive in 1992. All of these albums are classics. The band didn't start to really decline until their next album in 1995, State of Shock, which featured a totally new line-up and a completely different sound. Casey Royer was the only original member left. But all their other stuff is great, so if you're just getting into them get this one first, then get the rest in order. You won't be disappointed." The Black and Tan of punk eps S. Koropeckyj | The Bright Side of the Moon | 07/10/2006 "Most punk records sound the same all the way through. Some of the songs are better and some of them are worse, but the basic sound is pretty much the same with the exception of a few tracks. Team Goon breaks the norms. Some of the tracks are dark, almost gothic and creepy, while the other tracks are straight to the point simple punk rock. With that being said it is all good and it is all unified under the name of D.I. This ep, however, seems to be a relic of a different time. A time when you could without even a modicum of subtlety ask why the world's leaders are such liars. A time when you could just accuse Reagan of being "our fuhrur" and so on. With that being said, none of these simplistic unsubtle traits are bad, in fact they are preferable to most music. Yet, what D.I manages to do in their mixed and unsubtle musical onslaught is make each and every song catchy. They manage to take their guitar and with each power chord imbed a line from a song in your head. Certainly this catchy trait owes to the simplicity and repetitiveness of the lyrics, but hey how many bands are out there that fail to even get that one rudimentary point down. In short, D.I is one of the catchiest bands that I have ever heard and listening to one of their records, whether it be short like this one or longer like Horse Bites Dog, each song becomes a listening experience and the entire record is something you have to follow and not zone out. The songs grab you and keep you there rather than let you drift off and set your mind to other matters."
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WebThe acts of the th United States Congress includes all Acts of Congress and ratified treaties by the th United States Congress, which lasted from January 3, to January 3, Acts include public and private laws, which are enacted after being passed by Congress and signed by the www.psychiatry-therapy.ru, however, the President vetoes a bill, it can . BREVARD PRISON FOR JITS - Back In The Day Brevard County Government Job Openings and Employment Applications the best qualified candidate will be contacted by a Personnel Officer. WebNov 07, · Little's killing three decades ago had become a cold case. Then Townson was transferred to Tomoka Correctional Institution near Daytona Beach where in he asked to speak to Daytona Beach Police. 42 Corrections Jobs in Melbourne, Florida, United States · Team Leader · Team Leader · Corrections LPN · Armed Security/Badging Officer - Health First Safety, Full. Jan, 27 - Academy Sponsorship - Corrections Deputy Trainee - Job Class Description Description Competitive candidates are encouraged to apply for a. WebMar 17, · The Naples Daily News. NAPLES, Fla. -- The Hendry Correctional Institution will close its doors for good at the end of June as part of a prison consolidation plan to save the state more than $30 million annually, the Florida Department of Corrections announced Tuesday. The Hendry prison, which was built in on the . Work is completed in an office environment within the confines of a Jail facility. Employees may come into contact with inmates during the course of the. WebJul 31, · Brevard Correctional Institution accepts visitors to the facility though it must happen in the presence of prison warders. Visiting days to the Brevard Correctional Institution are Saturdays and Sundays from AM – PM. No minor will be allowed into the Brevard Correctional Institution without a parent or legal guardian. 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WebAug 30, · Facility Name. Brevard Correctional Institution. Facility Type. State Prison. Address. Camp Road, Cocoa, FL, Phone. Capacity. WebWellpath Pompano Beach, FL (Northwest Pompano area) Full-time. 8 hour shift. Easily apply on Indeed. Our Correctional Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse (LPN/LVN) is responsible for assisting in the delivery of patient care through the nursing. Posted. Posted 8 days ago. View all 2 available locations. WebMay 25, · The Brevard Correctional Institution is situated in Brevard County, Florida. The Brevard Correctional Institution can house up to offenders. The Brevard Correctional Institution is a minimum and medium-security state facility. The inmates housed in the Brevard Correctional Institution will typically have the option to . Sheriff's Office recruiting representatives will be available to assist with questions regarding current openings and the employment process. as well as. WebComplaint Form. The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of (28 CFR Part ) allows you to file an inmate grievance as a third party if you believe that an inmate is the victim of sexual abuse. Work. Charleston Southern University and The Citadel. Experiences. Present Classification Specialist I and II, Brevard Correctional Institution. The Florida Department of Corrections has facilities statewide, including 43 major institutions, 33 work camps, 15 Annexes, 20 work release centers and. Brevard County Sheriffs Office Corrections Deputy (Certified) jobs in Camp HIRING BONUS: Correctional Officer applicants who are certified in the. Florida Correctional facilities are divided into major institutions, work camps, work release on 04/20/, her 56 th birthday, by the Brevard County.
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We are proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and an affirmative action employer. All job decisions at USF are made without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion or belief, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. The University of South Florida The University of South Florida (USF) is a high-impact, global research university dedicated to student success serving Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota-Manatee campuses. USF is situated in the vibrant and diverse Tampa Bay region, with campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota-Manatee. Together, our campuses serve more than 50,000 students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, specialist and professional degrees. For more information about the Tampa area, visit our Library HR page" https://lib.usf.edu/human-resources/all-about-tampa/ The University of South Florida Libraries, Tampa campus seeks a Quantitative Social Sciences Librarian to serve the areas of Psychology, Sociology, Criminology, and Community and Behavioral Studies in the Research & Instruction department on the Tampa campus. The incumbent will demonstrate understanding of the research processes, tools, and methodologies associated with a range of social and behavioral sciences in order to provide advanced research assistance and increase faculty research impact and visibility. The Quantitative Social Sciences Librarian will participate in the library's information literacy instruction initiatives and support high impact practices in associated courses and university initiatives. The selected candidate will be a creative and forward- thinking colleague with strong interpersonal skills to expand partnerships across library departments and with colleagues across campuses. The Quantitative Social Sciences Librarian supports the USF Libraries mission to "inspire research, creativity, and learning by connecting the USF community to relevant and high-quality information." The University Libraries values diversity of thought, perspective, experience, and people and is actively committed to a culture of inclusion and respect. This position reports to the Director for Research & Instruction at the USF Tampa Campus Library and is a member of the Library Faculty. Actively engage with faculty, researchers, and students to understand their research and instruction needs, build collaborations, and promote library services Support faculty and student access and use of large data sets and big data repositories Collaborate with USF Libraries Research & Instruction colleagues located on the three USF campuses on various departmental initiatives such as assessment, outreach, and library instruction Commit to fostering an equitable and inclusive workplace, and work effectively with a diverse faculty, staff, and student population Develop a focused program of high-quality research and creative accomplishments required for promotion Actively participate and demonstrate leadership in professional responsibilities that serve the USF Libraries, University, profession, and community To be successful in this position, candidates will need: Instruction and presentation skills Interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills Commitment to excellent public services and improving the library user experience. Familiarity with quantitative research methods and analysis Familiarity with big data repositories and knowledge of associated metadata Ability to work independently and in a team environment Initiative, flexibility, and ability to work creatively An ALA accredited Master's Degree in Library and Information Science. Demonstrated experience with information literacy instruction. Undergraduate degree in psychology, sociology, criminology or a related field. Familiarity with access to and use of raw data and big data sets. Demonstrated capacity for scholarly publications and presentations. Must meet university criteria for appointment to the rank of Associate Librarian. Experience providing social or behavioral sciences research support or advanced study in psychology, sociology, criminology or a related field. Experience with one or more quantitative analysis tools such as SAS, SPSS, Excel, or R, and a willingness to stay current. Demonstrated ability to collaborate and build partnerships across the library and university. This position is subject to a Level 1 criminal background check. Job Opening Number: 29282 Posting End Date: 01/28/2022 Apply online at [email protected] and searching for Job #29282, completing the required information and attaching your cover letter and resume. Please include your experience as it relates to the qualifications stated above. YOUR COVER LETTER AND RESUME, PLUS ANY OTHER REQUESTED MATERIAL, MUST BE IN ONE ATTACHMENT. Only online applications are accepted for this position. Click here for additional tutorial information. USF is an equal opportunity, equal access academic institution that embraces diversity in the workplace. The University of South Florida does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sexual harassment. Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment), in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator. Reports may be made at any time either online or directly to the University's Title IX Coordinator. Campus map and location overview: USF - Tampa Campus About USF The University of South Florida is a high-impact global research university dedicated to student success. Over the past 10 years, no other public university in the country has risen faster in U.S. News and World Report's national university rankings than USF. Serving more than 50,000 students on campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota-Manatee, USF is designated as a Preeminent State Research University by the Florida Board of Governors, placing it in the most elite category among the state's 12 public universities. USF is a member of the American Athletic Conference. Working at USF With more than 16,000 employees at USF, the University of South Florida is one of the largest employers in the Tampa Bay region. At USF you will find opportunities to excel in a rich academic environment that fosters the development and advancement of our employees. We believe in creating a talented, engaged and driven workforce through on-going development and career opportunities. We also offer a first class benefit package that includes medical, dental and life insurance plans, retirement plan options, tuition program and generous leave programs and more. To learn more about working at USF please visit: Work Here. Learn Here. Grow Here.
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Evonik combines circular plastics activities into a single programme Karen Laird Streamlining its approach to a more circular economy for plastics, chemical giant Evonik has now brought its circular plastics activities together into a single, global programme. These efforts include Evonik's additives and technologies to boost the efficiency of mechanical and chemical recycling processes, as well as the increased use of sustainable raw materials from circular sources in its own production processes. In all cases, the goal is to replace fossil-based resources wherever possible, avoid waste, and minimise emissions of carbon dioxide. According to the company, its global circular plastics program will generate additional sales of more than €350 million a year by 2030. "We have the innovative capability to create new materials cycles with fewer fossil-based feedstocks and more circular ones. We intend to utilise that potential," said Harald Schwager, deputy chairman of Evonik's executive board, who is responsible for innovation. One of the ways the company will do so is by improving the efficiency and quality of mechanical recycling processes. While currently over 350 million metric tons of plastics are produced worldwide every year, only a small fraction is recycled. Evonik has developed customised surfactants, for example, enabling labels to be removed quickly without leaving residues. Its defoamers and dewatering agents simplify washing processes and save energy and time in subsequent drying. The company is also working to develop an odour-reducing solution that could increase the amount of high-quality re-usable recyclate obtained by about 5 percent. Evonik has said that by 2025, it would have the capacity to produce enough for about 400,000 metric tons of recyclable plastics. "We are working closely with partners along the entire polymer value chain to make this happen," said Lauren Kjeldsen, who is responsible for Evonik's global circular plastics program. "Innovations are the key to success." Chemical recycling is another focus. Evonik is currently developing a process to facilitate recycling of heavily contaminated PET waste. Using a process called methanolysis, post-consumer PET plastic waste can be depolymerised into monomeric feedstock, which can be utilised as a building block to produce polymer materials with the same quality as the original polymer. Next to recycling via a depolymerisation route, the company is also looking at pyrolosis-based technologies. It produces additives, catalysts, and membranes, that serve to raise the efficiancy of these processes. Advanced recycling based on pyrolysis yields pyrolysis oils and synthesis gases that can be used as raw materials for the production of plastics.
Whether you're a busy mom, single and searching, beauty-obsessed, or just into products that work, meet Glossier. A beauty brand that suits the lifestyle of real women. Now isn't it about time? To celebrate we invited a group of our featured Real Moms to Saks Fifth Avenue at Sherway Gardens, where they received treatments courtesy of Tata Harper and noshed on yummies from Pusateri's. Plus Joanna Track (the digital mastermind behind sweetspot.ca and now, thebullet.ca) doled out words of wisdom for career-loving moms. Read on for her life-changing tips and a chance to win this gift pack from Tata Harper. Every year I research sunscreens (especially new ones), read customer reviews, quiz all my beauty peeps about which ones they love, and then head out to the store after I've made my final choices (there's never just one, but more on that later). While some may blame it on my beauty editor background, the truth is it's because a few years ago my dad died of skin cancer, a disease that could have been prevented.
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Gardsjøen may refer to several lakes in Norway: Gardsjøen (Grue), a lake in Grue municipality in Innlandet county Store Gardsjøen, a lake in Tynset municipality in Innlandet county Gardsjøen (Sør-Varanger), a lake in Sør-Varanger municipality in Finnmark county See also Nedre Gärdsjö, a locality situated in Rättvik Municipality in Dalarna County, Sweden
Welcome to the Coquet and Coast Forum. We are here to host your discussions on local history, genealogy, current events, tourist information, etc. Our region:- We cover the area of Northumberland adjacent to the 'two bays', Alnmouth and Druridge, and inland to Rothbury, i.e. a geographical triangle; Alnmouth - Rothbury - Widdrington. If you have any ideas as to how you think this site should develop, please sign up and post your thoughts in the general topics forum. This forum is owned and managed from Amble, Northumberland. Most users ever online was 217, 12-01-2018 at 10:49 PM.
By Rich Hopkins #226 [The following manuscript was written in 1965 by Rich Hopkins APA No. 226. When this was written, Rich was president–he is still active in the association. Keep in mind that the following piece was written only seven years after APA was formed. Some of the activities of APA listed towards the end of the history are no longer included among our activities–but new ones have been added.] It's hard to say just who hobby printers are, for the diversified membership of the few organizations catering to them clearly indicates there is no stereotype. This is true, possibly, because there are so many different areas of interest within the hobby. Some persons enjoy the mechanical aspects such as the operation of presses or the composition of type forms. Others are collectors—collectors of antique type fonts, of antique presses and equipment, and collectors of old specimen books and ephemera on printing history. Still others enjoy the hobby because of its artistic aspects, for the hobby allows them to work in designing and composing their own specimens with tools provided by great letter artists, both past and present. The hobby does have its rewards, however, many of which are brought by working with others interested in the hobby and members of groups set up to foster the hobby like the Amalgamated Printers' Association. What starts out to be a hobby with youngsters often ends up as their profession. For example, co-founder of APA, Michael O'Connor of Hastings, Minn., notes when he began, he didn't even have a press. "During the trial years of starting the (his Millview) Press up, I received much assistance from APA members. "This interest in the hobby was certainly 'the main factor' which prompted me to go into the printing trade." He continues by saying, "Certainly seeing many of the finer examples in APA bundles made me more aware of the 'finer' points of printing. . . and I can assure you that this was a tremendous help to me in school and even now in the trade." Mike was very young when he became interested in printing. Others have had professions in fields other than printing for years before becoming interested in it as a hobby. Such is the case with Bruce Towne of Jamaica, Iowa, who runs the towns grocery store. "I had always wanted to paint or draw," he says, "But I had no particular talent along these lines except perhaps that I could 'see' the picture in my mind's eye. I found the perfect outlet for myself in the pursuit of printing." Another view on the hobby comes from Philip Metzger of Prairie Village, Kan., whose profession is in personnel management. "I find that printing has become a way of life for me to which I devote practically all my waking hours beyond those not needed for making a living. Consequently, I have become a much more relaxed individual than I used to be. For me, it has been a thoroughly satisfactory experience." Professional printers pursue the hobby because it often offers more freedom of design, no deadlines, and simply because they often don't get to pursue their real printing interests as professionals. Others pursue the hobby because of the individualistic nature of the hobby. . . because of the satisfaction gained by producing something rather than merely collecting or trading. . . because of the relaxing solitude their personal shops offer. . . because of the opportunity for creative expression . . . and for numerous other reasons. Despite the fact that persons often pursue the hobby because of its individualistic and "loner" nature, and despite the fact that there are so many areas of interest within the hobby, many printers find pleasure in joining together in a common all-inclusive organization. Similar Interests Everybody, even if he professes to be a hermit, likes company. And because the Amalgamated Printers' Assoc. often gives him that company, it's thriving as an organization of individuals who, for the most part, like to "hide out" in their basement printeries. The organization thrives because it gives these persons excellent opportunity to meet others of similar interests through monthly bundle exchanges and personal correspondence. This does not mean all APA members want the company of all other members; they often do not have the same interests. The hobbyist who gets a big kick out of printing calling cards and stationery for himself and friends, using limited equipment, might not have much in common with the fellow who works meticulously with special-cast fonts to achieve what he hopes will be "perfection" in a limited edition he's working on. But each of these persons finds persons of similar interests within the organization. With them, he develops warm acquaintances which bring help on printing problems and assistance in choosing materials and equipment when purchases are made. Such acquaintances bring a steady flow of correspondence between APA members. One advises another on how to lay out a book in the planning. Another advises on pinmarks of antique types. Still another tells where to find small cuts for printing business cards. The common ground is printing itself. Regardless of what is being printed, essentially the same steps are taken. And because of this, interplay develops among all members. The card printer may know the only supplier of chases for his press, which is just like that of the limited edition printer. They work together in finding accessories for their presses. All find friendly, plain-talk assistance which just isn't available in the professional world. One hobbyist was interested in identifying a type face he has purchased in a "deal." He ran a specimen in the APA bundle and learned not only the name, but the manufacturer, the dates of manufacture, and who else in the country had fonts. Another was interested in building a series of sizes in a face no longer manufactured. What appeared hopeless was found not to be. He not only found fonts in three other sizes, roman and italic, but was able to purchase them at reasonable prices. That's the Amalgamated in a nutshell. It offers an outlet for exchange between hobbyists about their hobby. And its monthly bundles provide a means of exchanging specimens to show how work is progressing at the basement press. Through seeing specimens in the bundles, persons get ideas, they get inspiration, and they become further engrossed in their hobby. Thus, they find they are getting even greater joy from their spare time hobby printing ventures. The APA Has Changed Since 1958 The Amalgamated Printers' Assoc. today is nothing like what it was intended to be when founded in 1958. In fact, its founding was an experiment more than anything else. Founding came at the hands of two teenagers. They were cousins: Michael J. O'Connor, 15, and Roger V. Ralphe, 16, both of Hastings, Minn. During a get-together in May 1958, they jointly decided to start their own organization—an organization for amateur journalists similar to the United Amateur Press Association of America, to which they both belonged. They were interested in writing, and printing. Neither had type or a printing press. Mutual agreement between the two set up the official founding date as July 1, 1958. Similarly, Mike was declared president and Roger, secretary-treasurer. They scanned the thesaurus for a name—a synonym for "United." Quickly coming across "Amalgamated," they chose it and began writing fellow amateur journalists to enlist their membership. Youth predominated as others were enlisted and made officers. When the five-man board had been filled and a vice president selected, all but one were under 25 years of age. In August 1958, the group had six members and $8.80 in the treasury. By the end of the month, membership had grown to 14, although the group had little to "sell" other than its young founders' enthusiasm. A new member that month was Frederick B. MacMahon, of Rockville, Conn., a weekly newspaper editor who also was deeply interested in printing as a hobby. He immediately wrote President O'Connor noting the need for an organization solely for hobby printers, and suggested that APA would have a real reason for existing if it directed itself toward such individuals. MacMahon was willing to back this suggestion with hard work and was soon appointed recruiting chairman. He immediately began active campaigning to enlist fellow printer-acquaintances across the country. His desires were known by those he recruited, and thus, he gained support for his drive to make APA a printers group. The two founders soon came into agreement with Mac's idea of a printing group, but were not readily equipped for the idea. Having no letterpress equipment, they expressed their ideas in mimeographed journals. Reflecting on one of the early bundles, one member noted, "I was quite disgusted with the Amalgamated. It didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason. The bundle contained nothing but trash (and mimeoed at that), yet they were writing about a printing group." The organization maintained its appearance as an amateur journalism group, showing much activity "for the sake of the organization." Such offices as historian, activity manager, and recruiting chairman were active. But in October, an amendment to the Rules was proposed. It eventually made APA exclusively for hobby printers. The amendment was voted in, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of many who had joined as amateur journalists, including some officers. Harsh words were spoken, but this segment soon departed, leaving the organization to the printers. Some, however, like founder Mike O'Connor, became more interested in the printing hobby and started their own shops both to support the young organization and to embark on a new and fascinating hobby. The stage was set at election time in 1959. MacMahon was elected chairman of the board of directors, with Dwight Agner, Frank M. Cushing, Willard Northrop and Philip L. Metzger as fellow board members along with President O'Connor. Lengthy discussions via letters ensued wherein the board searched unendingly for answers to questions regarding the future direction of the organization. Personal opinions traversed the country in two, three, and four-paged letters among board members. Concern was shown for the influx of printers of widely varied tastes. Some, it was feared, were no more than calling card printers interested in making money. The directors had not envisioned this type of member, but they were willing to accept their membership to build the organization. Chairman MacMahon searched for ideas, opinions and answers on problems such as this from both Board members and other members at large. He believed strongly in the organization and went to exhaustive lengths to help the "cause," as shown by this excerpt from a letter on May 1959: "A few moments to spare, so I thought I'd write a few letters. Have been setting and printing literature for APA all day and am now a bit tired. So here I sit pounding away with my one finger system and getting out a bit of mail." John E. Arnold, a very active member until his death in 1963, fairly well summed up the Board's hoped-for goal. In June 1960, he said, "The hobby printers we want are those who are anxious to improve their skills in appreciating and producing examples of 'fine' printing craftsmanship." In the same "round robin" letter with various members' as Mac's correspondence was known, Ward Ritchie concurred by saying "Printing is as much of an art form as painting or sculpture, and those who print for pleasure should be the ones who give us the masterpieces." But the Board was wise in realizing, as Arnold noted, that "these skills are not developed overnight." They wanted to keep the door opened for the developing printer—the person who had picked printing up as a hobby, didn't know much about it, but was eager to learn and improve. "The fact that some of the newer hobbyists do some commercial printing to augment their equipment is something that we all have done at one time or another. If this is done solely for plant expansion and not from a purely commercial stand point, I don't feel that it lowers their status as a hobby or amateur printer. On the other hand, if the work is for strictly commercial purposes and for pecuniary gain, they are no longer hobbyists or amateur," noted Frank Cushing. "However, there are people who work by day as commercial printers and by night have their hobby presses at home where they can print to suit their own fancy and experiment. These are hobby printers and should be encouraged," he continued. Encouragement to excel became the Board's big effort. Arnold began a campaign to get members to exercise their abilities by sponsoring several contests in designing specimens. A Merit Awards Panel was set up whereby members could obtain criticism and assistance in their hobby work. A cut loan department was set up. Efforts were made to get all members to print up specimen books to show all their shops' capabilities. Even a library was established to make literature available to members. The pendulum had swung completely away from the amateur journalism organization originally envisioned. APA had come into its own as a hobby printing group with a membership of over 100 persons. But it had developed too quickly. The whole membership was not aware of the Board's fond hopes for APA. Many members found themselves in the "developmental" stages, not able to produce quality specimens and were discouraged by overly enthusiastic decrees from officers such as one issued in 1961 by MacMahon himself against "little scraps of paper" in the bundles. The forward momentum of the organization was hampered somewhat in 1960 when the monthly bundle failed to appear regularly for a short period and regular publication of the official organ stopped. MacMahon had been elected president and soon appointed John Boulette as new mailer. Then, in 1961, Mac, the "father" of APA, was slowed greatly by a serious heart attack. Arnold's contests foundered and many other projects went astray. With Secretary treasurer Dwight Agner and Board Member Mike O'Connor both taxed with the strain of going to school full-time, the organization found itself strapped of the forceful leadership typical of earlier years. Yet the bundles continued to build and remained interesting. The organization grew despite the lack of "pushing" officers. It continued because of a basic desire on the part of most members simply "to print." In 1962, still weakened but recovering from his attack, MacMahon resumed Board chairmanship, with Luke D. Cory as the new president. What had been witnessed during his illness was studied, and thus, a new chapter was opened for the organization with the presentation of a new set of Rules in 1963. The feeling was that maybe the organization should be made flexible—that the president and the Board should have the freedom to observe the organization as a whole and provide for demands as they were realized instead of a rigid set of rules demanding "so many offices," "so many activities," and "so many requirements" on the membership. Today, [written in 1965] the Amalgamated has returned to the level of activity and enthusiasm which was typical in 1961, and promises to become an even more active organization with membership now closed at the 150 limit. But now, it is not a top-heavy situation. Rather, it is a two-way proposition wherein officers are attempting to feel out the membership and offer them what they want. Thus, organization activity is increasing with member activity. Still less than 10 years old, APA is a child among organizations. It has developed, by hook and crook, into a strong organization based on an active membership, and is slowly finding itself as an organization for all hobby printers. Founders did not foresee APA as it is today. Nor did those who worked so hard to bring about its development. APA has become an all-encompassing organization simply because that is what its members have made it into. And that is why they cherish their membership in the organization. It's a healthy union, for more-experienced printers have the opportunity to pass on their experience and skill to less-skilled printers. All get the joy of viewing and studying each others work. And most frequently, bundle specimens show that hobbyists are doing the best they can with the resourses they have at their disposal. APA is still in its formative years, but already has come a long way toward providing both a useful outlet and helpful assistance to its many members across the globe. Rewards Of Membership By joining the Association, your most highly valued reward will be the monthly bundle. Therein will be included specimens of hobby work from you and your fellow members, inserted as it is received by the mailer As a member, you receive all official publications of the organization, such as this booklet, the membership roster, and all official reports. You also are entitled to run for any elected office and to vote during bi-annual elections. Above all, as the Rules plainly point out, your membership challenges you to practice your hobby and let your work be seen in the bundles. The organization encourages participation at least on a quarterly basis. Your Membership Number When your membership application is accepted by the secretary treasurer, you are assigned a membership number. This number helps you identify your work (you don't have to ruin a design by squeezing your name and address in. An easy reference of all members by their numbers is available for all in the APA Manual. Such numbers also are welcomed by newcomers for they help identify members as to their relative length of membership in the organization. The Association Logotype As a member, you are entitled to use the APA logotype. Designed by a professional art studio, it was prepared in matrix form and cast in the 36-point size for APA by American Type Founders. You may purchase the typecuts at 50¢ each from the secretary-treasurer. APA Tie Tack/Lapel Pin Also as a means of identifying yourself at Association gatherings and elsewhere, an attractive gold and green APA lapel pin is available. The pin, designed after the APA logo type, is available at $2.50 from the secretary-treasurer. Wayzgoose, The Summer Gathering Generally, APA members know each other only through the bundles or by personal correspondence. But they do get an opportunity to meet each other and develop closer acquaintances. The occasion is the APA Waysgoose, where members gather from all over the country for a good old-fashioned picnic and reunion. Wayzgoose is a term derived from the old-time days in printing when all gathered late in summer for one "final fling" before returning to working by candlelight as winter darkness settled in. Held during mid-summer these gatherings are un-official and relaxed. Frequently, gatherings carry late into the night, the topic always being printing. Such opportunity to meet and talk with others of similar hobby interests is a rewarding experience. Those who have attended look forward to the meetings with great anticipation. Theory of Government APA is considered a loose confederation of hobbyists. Its chief interest is the bundle as a rallying point for all members. Thus, few officers are considered necessary, and a simple set of Rules is maintained so to give officers latitude in running the organization and to limit the need for extensive bickering over minute points in the Rules. The president is left open to select any special officers felt necessary. The Rules call for only a six-member Board of Directors including the president, vice-president, secretary treasurer and three at-large members. A mailer is also required as an elected officer. All but two elected officers are chosen in bi-annual elections. The three board members are elected on staggered six year terms, one being elected each two years. The Mainstay—The Bundle The APA bundle is the mainstay of the organization. It is prepared for mailing on or before the first of each month by the mailing manager. To assure being included in a bundles you should plan your work to arrive at the mailing manager's address by the 25th of the preceding month. Always send at least 160 copies of your work. This allows extras for inclusion in sample bundles, occasionally sent to prospective members and persons on the waiting list. Bundles usually sent in 6×9 envelopes, are mailed fourth class. This expense is paid in full by the organization; you pay no mailing fee. Your only responsibility is to pay the postage on your package of specimens when you send it to the mailer. This is done usually via parcel post. However, depending on the nature of your specimens, you may qualify for a cheaper "educational material" rate. Some also use UPS. What's acceptable? The first requirement is that the piece be something you have produced. If at all possible, you should identify it as being your production, either by imprinting your name or your APA number. No restrictions are placed on subject matter, except that it conform to the usual standards of good taste. It should not be vulgar, blue, off-color or libelous. Keep in mind that APA members range in age from teenagers to 90-year-olds, are both male and female, and are of widely varied racial and religious backgrounds. Your work may preach or promulgate a special or particular point of view, but should not point the finger of accusation or blame toward any other individual or group of individuals APA Merit Awards Panel To encourage and stimulate members to improve their standard of craftsmanship, three members of the Association with recognized superior accomplishment and craftsmanship are selected by the president (with Board approval) to sit as judges on the organization's Merit Awards Panel. Members applying to the panel for judging are awarded apprentice, journeyman, craftsman, or master craftsman ratings. The panel gives constructive remarks about specimens submitted, made in relation to the equipment used, so to help the member improve his work in the future Entries are voluntary, but must be accompanied by a 50¢ handling fee. Six specimens must be submitted, mailed with an application to the Merit Awards Panel chairman. Entries are judged solely on their printing merit—a visiting card receives the same consideration as a book. This way, owners of limited equipment will be on a par with those with larger shops. Entrants must certify that specimens submitted are their own un-aided productions. Judging is based on inking, spacing, impression, design, and suitability The Association's Manual The APA Manual was initiated to give some standard arrangement for all members to store pertinent information about the organization and the hobby. Starting your Manual is simple—get a 5.5″x8.5″ three-ring binder and insert this Handbook. The Handbook completes Chapters 2 and 3. A chapter arrangement is set up to provide for organized reference to both Association activities and the printing hobby. Overall objective of the project is an eventual gathering of printed pages from various members into an easy reference on all aspects of the hobby. Write to the Manual coordinator for pages which give the table of contents and guidelines for printing pages for the Manual. All members are urged to participate in the project by writing and printing up sheets telling of their procedures and short cuts in hobby printing—from homemade type cases to press wash-up. Special Group Projects Special printing projects come up or are suggested from time to time. If you are a new member, one of the first jobs you should print is a "prop" card, giving the name of your press, your name and address, date of press founding, plus any other details you care to include, such as your APA number and your pressmark. Such cards vary in size, but generally are 3×5. The Annual Association Calendar The APA Calendar is one of the better-known activities in the organization. Each year, a coordinator is appointed. Members volunteer to print up a cover and pages for each month. The combined effort is an attractive, hobby-printed calendar distributed through the APA bundles each November. This again is another excellent way for a member to be active in the organization. You may volunteer by writing the calendar coordinator. Printing Competition From time to time, contests for printing design are also held. In such contests, a subject is chosen, such as the 23rd Psalm, and members are urged to design and print their own specimens of the subject. Designs are judged and usually awards are given those producing the better designs. These contests are initiated either by the organization or by individual members willing to put up a prize. If you are interested in any of the activities mentioned in this chapter, or interested in the government of the Association, you are urged to write to the coordinator involved, or to the president, for additional information. Either the president or the secretary-treasurer can supply the names of all coordinators involved.
I thought it was only fair that if the lads were going to get to see lassies in their mini kilts then the lassies should get to see the lads in theirs, kilts that is, not mini kilts!! Unless there are some strange men out there who like to wear mini kilts!! Enjoy the photos & if you have any more, send them in. If you would like any of these photo's removed please get in touch. How many bodies do you see? Never wore that in Star Wars!! God knows what they're looking at!!
UK - +44 (0) 20 3871 8666 AU - +61 (0) 2 8311 4096 MY - +60 (0) 3 3099 2504 Closest to City Center Luton Student Accommodation Common Social Room Communal Games Room On-Site Cinema Room 50+ Weeks COVID-19 Cancellation Policy No Visa No Pay No Place No Pay Student Accommodation in Luton 5 Accommodation Options Fitzroy and Wenlock Courts 6 mins by public transport, 10 mins walk to Central Luton From£130per week 10 mins walk to Central Luton Opto Village 6 mins walk to Central Luton Luton Town is among the largest towns in Bedfordshire, located in the south-east of England. It is also considered a borough and a unitary authority area of the county. Luton's population is about 200,000, making it one of the UK's most populated towns that don't have city status. It is a popular student destination since it offers a wide range of student residences ranging between shared and private student flats. The town has a great location right by the picturesque River Lea, from which its name is derived, just 30 miles northwest of London. Sports fans can follow the town's famous football team Luton FC, who have repeatedly been at the top of the English league, winning the cup in 1988. They have been playing at Kenilworth Road stadium, Luton Town Stadium, since 1905. Many tourists visit Luton, England, every year to attend the Luton Carnival, Europe's biggest one-day festival, produced by the UK Centre for Carnival Arts. The carnival takes place in May, where you can attend the parade, sample the delicious food stalls, or shop artistic crafts. Luton is home to the University of Bedfordshire, which is perfectly situated in the centre of town. The esteemed university has a history that goes all the way back to 1882 and officially gained university status in 1992. It has four main campuses, two of which are located in Bedfordshire and two in Buckinghamshire. It was internationally recognized by the Research Assessment Exercise in 2008 among the top universities in the areas of Communication, Cultural, and Media Studies; English Language and Literature; and Social Work Policy and Administration. Approximately, around 14,000 students attend the university in Luton with 4,500 being international students. Luton is considered a great place to live as an international student with many famous student attractions that you can enjoy. Shopping in Luton is to die for, with many department stores available as well as a variety of excellent dining options to explore. The nightlife in town is a good thing about living in Luton too. There are lots of entertainment venues, such as the Luton Library Theatre, and it holds multiple sports events throughout the year. The town is known for its beautiful parks, where you can enjoy a refreshing walk every now and then. Wardown Park boasts an interesting history you can discover on a quiet weekend. You could visit the Whipsnade Tree Cathedral if you're looking to witness breathtaking architecture. London Luton Airport is located just 1.5 miles east of town, allowing residents quick and easy access to fly to most places in the UK and many International destinations hassle-free. A train ride from Luton to London is about 30 minutes. You could easily visit other cities near Luton, such as Reading, Leicester, Coventry, and Birmingham. There are many transportation links in Luton for your daily travels.
Oldest human cremation in the Near East unearthed By Laura Geggel 9,000 years ago, a young adult was cremated in a pit of flowers. The Beisamoun pyre fields, where the cremated burial was discovered, during the crepuscular hours. (Image credit: © Mission Beisamoun) The oldest known person to be intentionally cremated in the Near East took their last breath about 9,000 years ago, and their body went up in flames shortly thereafter, a new study finds. The body wasn't simply thrown in a fire, however; whoever arranged the funeral pyre did so with care, archaeologists found by sifting through the body's burnt remains. It appears that the deceased was placed in a seated position, with their knees bent to their chest in a kiln-like pit. Then, a fire was ignited next to or under the deceased. Until now, the earliest known cremation in the Near East dated to the sixth millennium B.C. Meanwhile, the oldest known human cremation in the world — the so-called "Mungo Lady," whose burned remains were found near Lake Mungo in New South Wales, Australia in 1969 — is much older, dating to about 40,000 years ago, according to a 2003 study in the journal Nature (opens in new tab). Related: Top 10 weird ways we deal with the dead Researchers discovered the extraordinary burial in 2013, while excavating the Neolithic (the last age of the Stone Age) village of Beisamoun, in the Upper Jordan Valley of northern Israel. The burial pit contained 355 bone fragments, many of which were scorched, said study lead researcher Fanny Bocquentin, an archaeo-anthropologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The cremated individual was a young adult, but their sex and height remain a mystery (the remaining bones were too damaged to tell, Bocquentin said). Even so, an analysis of the bones revealed that this person had survived a ghastly injury; the researchers found a 0.5-inch-long (1.2 centimeters) flint projectile point embedded in the left shoulder bone — an injury that likely tore the muscle and likely caused "severe pain but not necessarily impaired function," the researchers wrote in the study. The bone had started to heal, indicating that the individual survived the injury for at least several weeks or months, but then "died of something else, we don't know what," Bocquentin told Live Science. Radiocarbon dating of the fibula (the lower leg bone) revealed that the person lived sometime between 7031 B.C. and 6700 B.C., during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic C culture. That means the deceased lived amongst early farmers who had domesticated certain cereals and animals, but who hadn't yet figured out how to create pottery. (That technology emerged in the South Levant, the southern land east of the Mediterranean, in the sixth millennium B.C., Bocquentin said.) A sampling of the bones found in the cremation pit, after they were cleaned and pieced together. (Image credit: Bocquentin et al. PLOS One. (2020) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>) The ancient village of Beisamoun (red star) is located in what is now Israel. (Image credit: Bocquentin et al. PLOS One. (2020) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>; (ground map: M. Sauvage, Copyright CNRS)) These photos were taken of the bones in the cremation pit. They include (a) a segment of the ribs and vertebrae, (b) a piece of the right pelvis, and (c) four toe bones. (Image credit: Bocquentin et al. PLOS One. (2020) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>) The researchers found the individual's bones in this arrangement in the burial pit. (Image credit: Bocquentin et al. PLOS One. (2020) <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>) (Image credit: © Mission Beisamoun) A kiln-like grave The U-shaped grave itself is small, just 32 inches in diameter and 24 inches deep (80 by 60 cm). It was lined with reddish mud plaster that these Neolithic people used to make bricks for their houses. So, it appears that the burial pit was designed to function as a kiln, the researchers wrote in the study. Once the "kiln" was complete, the deceased's body was placed in a seated position in the grave, with their upper body leaning against the southern wall. It's possible that the body was placed on a pallet above the pyre, Bocquentin noted, as the bottom of the pit doesn't show signs of burning, likely because the fire wasn't very hot at its base. The walls of the grave, however, were scorched, which makes sense because the fire would have been hotter higher up, where there was more oxygen to fuel it, the researchers wrote in the study. After the fire started, it appears that the upper body fell forward and rotated. Related: Photos: 5,000-Year-Old Neolithic Figurine As bone burns, its chemical composition changes. To determine how hot the fire was, the researchers used Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a technique that directs infrared radiation at a sample — in this case, several bone fragments and a tooth from the grave — to detect unique molecular fingerprints. These fingerprints revealed that the person's body had been heated to temperatures reaching at least 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit (700 degrees Celsius), the researchers found. That's on par with modern cremation incinerators, which are typically preheated to about 1,100 F (593 C) before a body is placed inside, according to HowStuffWorks. Wrapped in a shroud? The researchers also found high levels of plants known as sedges, "water-loving rushes that have spongy stems and are commonly used for basketry and matting," the researchers wrote in the study. Perhaps, the cremated individual was wrapped in a shroud of sedges, the team said. This practice has been identified as far back as the Natufian period (13,050 B.C. to 7,550 B.C. in the Levant) and is also seen in other Neolithic burials in the Levant, the researchers wrote. Related: The science of death: 10 tales from the crypt and beyond In addition, the researchers found 776 fragments of animal remains in the cremation pit, which could have been used as fuel for the fire or grave offerings; they also may have been refuse in the village's dirt that just happened to become part of the grave. They identified 84 of the animal remains as belonging to: cattle, goats, gazelles, pigs, birds of prey and fish, the researchers said. Elżbieta Jaskulska, a bioarchaeologist at the University of Warsaw in Poland, who specializes in cremated remains, and was not involved in the study, praised the researchers for their "comprehensiveness," saying the paper could serve as an example for bioarchaeological analyses of other ancient cremations. As this discovery is "mostly a case study," more research is needed to illustrate "differences and similarities within the sites, cultures, regions and chronological periods," Jaskulska told Live Science in an email. "That will bring more understanding of what was happening in the past societies, the question at the core of every archaeological study." Related: In Photos: Intricately Carved Stone Balls Puzzle Archaeologists Grave changes So far, the researchers have unearthed 33 other ancient burials — including 18 adults, three youngsters and 12 infants — in Beisamoun dating to before and during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic C culture. There are many types of burials, including single and double graves, primary burials and even secondary burials, five of which contain "secondary" cremations of individuals whose remains were dried first and burnt later. The pyre-pit is the only known burial from the site that holds a corpse that was cremated while it was still "fresh," according to chemical analyses done by the researchers. —Photos: Ancient pottery once held olive oil —Photos: Israel's largest Neolithic excavation —In photos: Cremated Buddha remains and Buddha statues The pyre-pit cremation was likely a faster way to process the dead compared with the formerly lengthy burial practices of people in the South Levant. "Here they are really reducing the time of the funerary customs," Bocquentin said. Just 200 to 300 years after this particular burial, ancient people living in the South Levant no longer buried the dead inside or near villages, making it a challenge for archaeologists to find their remains. "We have very few graves from the six millenium [B.C.] in the South Levant," Bocquentin noted. Perhaps this happened because the living decided to invest less time in the dead, she said. The study was done in conjunction with the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Israel Antiquities Authority. It was published online today (Aug. 12) in the journal PLOS One. Laura Geggel Laura is the archaeology/history and Life's Little Mysteries editor at Live Science. She also reports on general science, including archaeology and paleontology. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Scholastic, Popular Science and Spectrum, a site on autism research. She has won multiple awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association for her reporting at a weekly newspaper near Seattle. Laura holds a bachelor's degree in English literature and psychology from Washington University in St. Louis and a master's degree in science writing from NYU.
The festival celebrates the Chippewa Valley, so events are held at various locations including the new Pablo Center at the Confluence, Chippewa Valley area libraries, a local hotel, a downtown area church, the University Wisconsin–Eau Claire, the University of Wisconsin–Stout, and the Chippewa Valley Museum. Check our events page for details on each event. What type of authors do you host? Every type imaginable! From fiction to non-fiction, mystery to poetry, we try to provide a wealth of subjects. This year we have a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, poets, non-fiction about bees, another about the impact of fracking, a story about Hmong culture, mystery writers, and more. See our author page for more information. Do you need to read the books before attending the events? Absolutely not. If you're motivated enough to read one, or two, or ten of the festival books ahead of time, great, but you will enjoy the discussion and stories behind the books with no prior knowledge. In fact, attending these events is a great way to find your next read. Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase a copy of a book after hearing an author. We will have copies of the authors' book(s) at every event. Most events are open to the public, require no ticket, and are FREE! The only exceptions are the Kevin Young and Caroline Fraser author events and the Tessa Fontaine and Mai Neng Moua events that include dining. Specific details regarding reservations and ticket prices can be found under each individual event at www.cvbookfest.org/schedule. Do I need to know anything to register for the workshops? Our writing workshops are for aspiring writers, so please don't let that hold you back! We want all Chippewa Valley writers to feel welcome and comfortable. The workshops are free but require registration. My child is interested in the writers' events, where is information on that? Information on the Young Writers Workshops can be found here and FAQs and the entry form for the Young Writers Showcase can be found here. We don't call anything a competition, as we want all young authors to feel important. Certain works are chosen to be read and that event occurs during the Sunday of the festival week. Do I need to RSVP to the author events? Only the meal events, the Caroline Fraser event at Pablo Center, and the Kevin Young University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire Forum event require tickets. Also, the Young Writers Workshops require pre-registration. No registration is required for free author events. We want you to attend as many events as interest you. For a full listing of the festival events, click here. The entire schedule will be online by mid-summer, click here for the 2018 festival line up. I want to submit as an author, where can I do that? Author deadlines are the previous December for the following year. We are taking author submissions now for the 2019 festival, click here for that page. May I bring children to the events? Most events are family-friendly, but carefully read each program description. Some events cover subjects that children may not grasp, or may find challenging. How do you fund the authors? The community supports this festival along with grants and a huge amount of help from area businesses. If you are interested in making a contribution, please click here to support the festival.
Playstation 4 Reviews D-G Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin Publisher: Bandai Namco (2015) Rating: Teen (blood, violence, mild language, partial nudity) Role-playing Game May contain dragons Extreme Difficulty Graveyards Supports multiple players Cooperative Play Extreme disappointment Review contributed by DaHeckIzDat of the RPG Crew and edited by the VGC. Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (SotFS) is essentially the Dark Souls 2 "Game of the Year" Edition. SotFS bundles all of the extra content created after the original release with impressive upgraded graphics to boot. For those not familiar, Dark Souls 2 is a tough-as-nails action-RPG with real-time combat. There are no throwaway enemies; all have the potential to be deadly if you're not careful. New additions include the titular Scholar of the First Sin who serves as an alternate final boss. There's also an alternate ending and three new areas to explore. Brume Tower features soaring towers with massive chains acting as bridges between them. Eleum Loyce is a beautiful frozen castle and Shulva is an underground series of Mayan-like pyramids. I had fun fighting my way through these, but it's important to note that they are ridiculously difficult even by Dark Souls standards. Even places you've already seen are worth revisiting for the updated graphics. Drangleic Castle looks freaking stunning! But despite all the extra features this isn't the definitive Dark Souls 2 experience you might expect. Instead of just adding new content the developers decided to tinker with stage designs with varying degrees of success. Enemies have been redistributed and sometimes replaced with recycled bosses. The Dragon Aerie location is much more tolerable now that you're not being swarmed by enemies. Heide's Tower of Flame and Black Gulch on the other hand are so loaded with enemies that can poison you or knock you off cliffs that they're no longer fun. I know Dark Souls is supposed to be hard, but it has to be fair too! It seems the developers simply changed things for the sake of changing them. Dark Soul fans might appreciate the new content but newcomers would be better served sticking with the original. © Copyright 2017 The Video Game Critic. Find Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Dark Souls 2 (Guest Review) (Playstation 3), Dark Souls 3 (Guest Review) (Playstation 4), Dragonstomper (Atari 2600), Bloodborne (Alternate Review) (Guest Review) (Playstation 4), Mystic Castle (Intellivision) Rating: Mature (blood and violence) Role-playing Game May contain dragons Extreme Difficulty Graveyards Cooperative Play Seasonal winter fun After a somewhat lackluster reception for Dark Souls 2 it's good to see that FromSoftware brought their "A" game for the trilogy's grand finale. Not much has changed but Dark Souls 3 (DS3) is about as close to perfection as one could hope for. Set centuries after the first game, you are a warrior seeking out the Lords of Cinder in an effort to delay the onset of a shadowy apocalypse. Like every Souls game the story is deep but not overwrought. Suffice to say there's a bunch of really big dudes scattered across the world and it's your job to find and kill them. DS3 is a real-time combat RPG where every attack, dodge, and block is governed by a stamina meter. Playing defensively is the best course of action, so you'll spend over half the game with your shield raised. DS3 is every bit as difficult as its predecessors but if you take your time and learn the enemy's attack patterns victory will be yours. Souls collected from each defeated enemy let you level up. You lose these souls when you die but have one chance to retrieve them before they're gone forever. There's a class for every play style including knights, wizards, and thieves, but leveling up wisely can net you the skills of multiple classes. The stage layout is an interesting blend of the first two games, being maze-like as in Dark Souls 1 yet mostly separated as in Dark Souls 2. The locations have never looked better as you travel from snowy cities to poisonous swamps to mountain-top castles with breathtaking views. Veterans may even notice a few locations and characters from the first game. But it's the bosses that really steal the show. Not only are they visually stunning but each has a distinctive fighting style that forces you to adapt to their tactics. There are giants riding each others' backs, armored psychopaths who crawl on all fours, and even mobs of enemies you can get to turn on each other. Some boss encounters tested my patience but most of them had me glued to the TV for hours on end. Dark Souls 3's unflinching difficulty may scare off new players but for longtime fans this is the perfect send off for a stellar, beloved franchise. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic. Find Dark Souls 3 on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (Guest Review) (Playstation 4), Demon's Souls (Guest Review) (Playstation 3), Dark Souls (Guest Review) (Playstation 3), Bloodborne (Alternate Review) (Guest Review) (Playstation 4) Publisher: Red Hook Studios (2016) Role-playing Game Extreme Difficulty Graveyards Violence and gore Scary Download Only Let me begin by stating the presentation of Darkest Dungeon (DD) is second to none. Every character model is hand-drawn in a gothic storybook style, making it feel like you're playing an Edgar Allen Poe story. The dungeons are appropriately creepy with atmosphere thick enough to cut with a knife. I especially like the deep-voiced narrator who describes everything in gruesome detail. There's a lot to like about this rogue-like RPG, so it's a shame they had to ruin it! You play the descendant of a deceased nobleman who bequeathed his castle to you with the stipulation you destroy the monsters lurking in its dungeons. You begin by building a party of four quirky heroes. Once outfitted you'll guide the party through randomly-generated dungeons with simple goals like exploring every room or defeating all enemies. The element of stress is a major factor, and while novel it's where DD falls apart. In addition to your party's health you now have stress meters to worry about. Being injured in battle, exploring in the dark, or even playing the game for too long stresses out your party, potentially driving them insane. You can cure them back in town, but it's expensive and just a temporary measure until they venture out and go crazy again. Coming from a guy who gave Dark Souls 3 an A+, trust me when I say Darkest Dungeon is just too freaking hard! If designed to make you feel helpless and in-over-your-head, they nailed it! Unlike the skills-based Dark Souls, the inherent randomness of DD's turn-based combat means you're always at the mercy of the computer. Plan and strategize all you want, none of it will matter if the game decides you're not going to win. And you will lose a lot. Since death is permanent, losing your favorite hero and having to grind up a new one is time-consuming and demoralizing. I do admire the attention to detail and respect the developers for not pandering to the casual market. At the end of the day however it feels like the game is actively preventing you from having fun. Few will have the patience and determination to see it all the way through Darkest Dungeon, and many will be miserable. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic. Find Darkest Dungeon on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Bloodborne (Alternate Review) (Guest Review) (Playstation 4), Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (Guest Review) (Playstation 4), Fatal Labyrinth (Guest Review) (Genesis), Venture (Colecovision), Dark Souls 3 (Guest Review) (Playstation 4) Publisher: Koei Tecmo (2019) Rating: Mature 17+ (language, sexual themes, violence) Hottie Alert Bad language Joystick recommended With most new 3D fighters focused on online play it's refreshing to play Dead or Alive 6. This throwback delivers crisp arcade fun with bright graphics and quick, satisfying matches. The Dead or Alive series has traditionally been known for its scantily-clad ladies using their heaving bosoms to show men how physics works. Who says science is boring? Koei doesn't play up that angle too much this time. Oh sure you still have perfect beauties like Kasumi and Hitomi, but this time they are actually wearing clothes. Heck, Marie Rose is wearing bloomers for Pete's sake! The game's tutorial is a good use of three minutes. The button scheme takes some getting used to, and I'm still not exactly sure what square does. The attack buttons are highly responsive and it's cool how you can tap R1 to unleash a devastating barrage. DOA6 is an offensive-minded fighter. Matches tend to be short but they have a nice ebb-and-flow. In the tradition of the series there's plenty of combos, counters, and yes, juggles. Devastating moves unfold in slow-motion, but instead of blood there's just a lot of sparks. I love how battles seamlessly transition from one environment to the next. Cinematic cut-scenes add excitement, like when a kraken grabs a fighter off the deck of a burning pirate ship! The uptempo music is first-rate, striking a 1990's guitar vibe. There are plenty of offline modes to select from but none quite hit the spot for me. The disjointed story mode has a million branching storylines and constant load screens. Can't I just pick one storyline and play that out? The Quest mode is mission-based, laying out several goals per stage to earn rewards. It's not very hard and if you struggle to pull off a move the game refers to you to the proper tutorial. The arcade mode is my usual go-to but offers little sense of progression. Most arcade modes culminate with a boss and ending, but this is just a series of random matches. High scores are saved for each skill level at least. Overall Dead or Alive 6 delivers visceral fighting action but lacks the cohesive structure to hold it all together. © Copyright 2019 The Video Game Critic. Find Dead or Alive 6 on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Dead or Alive 5 (Xbox 360), Bloody Roar 2 (Playstation), Dead or Alive (Playstation), Dead or Alive 2 (Dreamcast), King of Fighters 95 (CD) (Neo Geo) Publisher: Activision (2015) Rating: Mature 17+ (blood and gore, intense violence, mature humor, sexual content, strong language) Bad language Violence and gore Good humor Hidden gem Hottie Alert Based on a film Adult Subject Matter May cause pain It may be hard to believe, but this video game is as outrageous as the movie. Deadpool is action-packed, irreverently funny, and loaded with surprises. It's also lewd, profane, and spectacularly violent. You've been warned! The polished graphics convey the look of an interactive comic book. You begin in Deadpool's filthy apartment where you may witness a few gross-out moments. The action begins in a sewer before making your way up into an office building, dispatching goons that pour out of the woodwork. Deadpool effortlessly slices and dices enemies while darting all over the place. Not only can he teleport through enemies, but he can slice through them in the process. The third-person shooting provides a nice change of pace, and I love the way Deadpool blindly fires over his shoulders while running away from an enemy. The gore is satisfying but the cookie-cutter enemies and hack-n-slash mayhem gets repetitive. In tight areas the camera struggles to keep up, but don't stop pounding those buttons! The boss encounters can be hell on the wrist. But just when you start to lose interest some bizarre twist or rip-roaring action sequence occurs, putting a big smile on your face. Ryan Reynolds doesn't perform the voice acting but that doesn't blunt the impact of the wicked humor and non-stop zingers. "If that hit you in the chest, I'm sorry - I was aiming for your crotch!" "Could we seriously not afford better bad guys?" "A power-down switch? Clearly a video game!" The writing is consistently clever and often self-referential. Deadpool doesn't just break the fourth wall; he demolishes it. Surprises come early and often, including one area that plays like an 8-bit Zelda stage! Other Marvel characters make appearances, and in one scene you actually get to bitch-slap Wolverine! It's amazing that Marvel gave the green light to some of this stuff. Deadpool is one seriously ballsy game. It may be an average brawler at heart, but there's something to be said for its unbridled enthusiasm. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic. Find Deadpool on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Lollipop Chainsaw (Xbox 360), Die Hard Trilogy (Playstation), Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Genesis), House of the Dead 2 (Dreamcast), Castlevania (Nintendo 64) Publisher: Codemasters (2017) Long load times Great music I tend to enjoy offroad racers for their exotic locations and challenging weather conditions. Dirt 4 however feels like one long grind. After installation I was told "you must log into your Playstation account" which is false. Don't you hate it when games try to coerce you into going online? Dirt 4 doesn't offer many surprises and that's part of the problem. The rally circuit is a series of mind-numbing time trials through point-to-point stages. The countryside courses are super curvy so you'll need to use finesse with the accelerator, brake, and handbrake. The controls are excellent but the tracks aren't much fun to drive. Long and featureless, they seem computer-generated. The roads are extremely narrow and it seems like you're always on a ridge. Fail to make a clean turn and you end up in a ravine. It's not the end of the world though because the game resets you back on the track. Weather conditions like fog add challenge but the shade effects have too much contrast, making it hard to see the road in sunny conditions. Your female wingman guides you through the course with rapid-fire instructions: "Left five 250 dip right right don't cut turn hairpin left bump 60 caution crest left two right six don't cut caution". The problem is, I can't stand her voice and there's no option to change it! The engine sounds are so full of static I had to check to see if there was something wrong with my surround sound system. The musical soundtrack kicks ass, so why can't I just listen to that instead? Dirt 4 is supposed to adjust the difficulty based on your skill, but I found myself having to crank it way up on my own. My main goal was to reach the snow stages, which took forever. And while racing on roads lined with two feet of snow in Sweden is sweet, I'm not convinced it was worth the effort. Other modes let you race other cars on tracks but the courses are confusing and I got tired of racing around the same ones over and over. Whenever I completed a race in this game I was just glad it was over. There's no split-screen mode because Codemasters doesn't have the technology. My friends Eric and Brad were pretty psyched about this game but quickly lost interest. Dirt 4 may just be the most overrated game I've played on my PS4. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic. Find Dirt 4 on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Pro Rally 2002 (GameCube), Test Drive V-Rally (Dreamcast), Powerboat Racing (Playstation), Dirt 2 (Xbox 360), Sega Rally Revo (Xbox 360) Distracted Driver Publisher: Forged Monix (2018) Download Only Budget title Hidden gem Chicks Dig This Better when drinking Fake review It's tempting to dismiss this game as a joke, but once you play Distracted Driver you'll admit this is pretty clever. In the old days of commuting you kept your hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, and listened to the radio. But today's drivers are forced to deal with a myriad of pressing matters. Phone calls. Texts. Emails. Facebook posts. Selfies. Hot beverages. You may even need to catch a electronic critter! On top of everything, there's constant anxiety about the possibility of killing people and stuff like that. Who needs it? This is what Distracted Driver is all about. This little slice-of-life title puts your meddle to the test, bombarding you with every distraction you can think of. Quick-time events let you make life-or-death decisions on the fly. Do you stay in your lane or answer that text with a witty retort? Oh sure you could steer clear of that old lady, but what if you're in the middle of taking the perfect selfie? And as always, keep an eye out for cops who want to take away all your fun. Fortunately you can hold R2 to hold your cell phone low to your lap. No one can tell you're using your phone! Getting to work safely and racking up enough Facebook "likes" is a delicate balancing act, and there are times when a pedestrian might just need to "take one for the team". If there's a problem with Distracted Driver, it's that the game might just be a little too real! © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic. Find Distracted Driver on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Lock N Chase (Atari 2600), Bump n Jump (Colecovision), Life is Strange: Complete Season (Playstation 4), Road Rash (Sega CD), Night Driver (Atari 2600) Grade: C- Publisher: Sony (2017) Extreme disappointment Long load times Back in the day my friends and I enjoyed Hot Shots Golf (PS1, 1998) and its many sequels. It was fast-paced, easy-to-play, and featured simple but lush anime graphics. Everybody's Golf was supposed to be its spiritual successor so I had high hopes. The feel-good intro video gets the game off on the right foot with its colorful visuals and toe-tapping theme song. Then the game forces you to perform the tedious steps involved with setting up a profile and creating a character. Why can't I skip this?? Adding insult to injury, I couldn't figure out how not to make my character look like a chubby 10-year old brat! The main game is divided into online and offline modes, which is a fair system. The opening 9-hole round is extremely forgiving thanks to extra-large holes and a little tornado over top which sucks in anything close. The controls are outstanding and the camera offers some breathtaking angles of your ball in flight. I felt like I was playing Hot Shots again and loving it. Still, for a game that holds your hand so much I'm surprised it fails to explain key concepts like power boosts and the ability to apply draw and fade. After playing the same course over and over again I was asking myself where the [expletive] are the other courses? Only by scouring the internet did I learn it was necessary to defeat three challengers just to unlock a second course! A second challenger was nowhere to be found and I don't know how much time I wasted running around the island talking to everybody to no avail. It drives me crazy when a developer nails the core gameplay yet can't put together a decent progression system. This isn't rocket science, people. Other irritations include endless prompts before each round, most of it pointless dialog. The user interface is cluttered with tiny icons and extraneous indicators. And after each round it takes forever to page through all the useless "rewards". I finally unlocked a second course and guess what - it looks just like the first one! Everybody's Golf is what happens when a game is well programmed but designed by committee. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic. Find Everybody's Golf on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (PSP), Hot Shots Golf (Playstation), Carnival Games Mini Golf (Wii), Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii), Mario Golf World Tour (Nintendo 3DS) Publisher: Gun Media (2017) Rating: Mature (blood and gore, intense violence, strong language, suggestive themes) Halloween themes Violence and gore Bad language Best at night Download Only Based on a film May cause drowsiness Bugs and glitches I didn't exactly get off on the right foot with Friday the 13th: The Game. I normally keep my PS4 offline, which is fine because Friday the 13th has an offline mode. The problem is, you need to go online to download the offline mode. And oh yeah - in order to play the offline mode you still need to log in! Has there ever been a more fully-connected "offline" mode? You play the role of Jason Voorheers, the masked serial killer with a penchant for butchering teenagers at lakeside campgrounds. You view the action from a behind-the-back perspective while methodically trudging through wooded, rain-soaked environments. Camp counselors flee in terror but sometimes fight back with weapons like firecrackers (which freak Jason out). These people are hard to catch, always ducking out of windows and sometimes repeatedly walking in and out of doors (the AI could be better). There's no run button but you do possess special powers like the ability to stalk unseen, teleport between locations, and even zip across the ground like a ghost - a ghost that gets caught up on every damn log and rock in his path! The concept holds great promise but it becomes tiresome to methodically search each bed, closet, and tent for kids. Find one hiding and you're treated to a gory fatality which is fun to watch the first time. The combat is clumsy. The camera makes it hard to tell what's going on and your wild swings are always clanking off a nearby railing or door frame. One thing Friday the 13th does have going for it is atmosphere. The eerie campgrounds have an ominous vibe, especially during a thunderstorm. The house interiors on the other hand look a bit too clean and cookie-cutter. Suspense builds as the two-minute warning kicks in and the dramatic orchestrated score reaches new heights. Judging from my skittish cats I can say with confidence that the audio is the strongest aspect of the game, especially when the ghostly voice of Jason's mother kicks in. "That's my boy! They deserved to die!" While fun to toy around with, it doesn't take long before Friday the 13th: The Game starts to feel like a chore. You may have better luck playing real people online, but please don't fall for this joke of an "offline" mode. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic. Find Friday the 13th The Game on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Friday the 13th (NES), Friday the 13th (Commodore 64), Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (Playstation 2), Mansion of Hidden Souls (Sega CD), Twisted Metal (Playstation) Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved Publisher: Sierra (2016) Cooperative Play Great music Rising from the Ashes Budget title I loved the original Geometry Wars but the idea of taking it to the third dimension was fraught with fear and trepidation. Too many great 2D franchises have been ruined by a forced polygon makeover. Fortunately, Dimensions does it right. At its core Geometry Wars is a turbocharged version of Asteroids (Atari 2600, 1982). Its simple gameplay is appealing as you blast vibrant, colorful shapes to a bass-bumping, pulse-pounding musical score. The club-like atmosphere makes you want to crank up the stereo and have an alcoholic drink. The dual-thumbstick controls let you unleash rapidfire shots in one direction while moving in another. The basic 2D gameplay remains the same but instead of a flat playing field each stage offers a new warped surface. There are curved planes, rounded cubes, globes, and even giant plls. Dimensions does for Geometry Wars what Tempest (Arcade, 1981) did for early arcade shooters. A few stages even have cordoned off areas reminiscent of Omega Race (Colecovision, 1982). Geometry Wars Dimensions dazzles with its fast action, vibrant colors, and satisfying fireworks. Each shape behaves in a particular way, and I like how those green boxes nervously dart away from you when you aim at them. It looks funny to see a bunch of them huddled in a corner. You can tell where enemies are about to materialize by a faint color in the background, but the visuals are so chaotic you'll regularly fall victim to unseen hits. The adventure mode offers a challenging progression of unique stages including boss encounters. Special abilities and drones add a layer of strategy but I think the level of complexity has reached its tipping point. In fact, the more complicated stages tend to be the least fun and the coop modes are just overwhelming. There are plenty of modes to choose from but frankly I prefer the old classic modes. I'm glad the game records offline high scores because I have no interest in the online leaderboards. It's just a shame my friends can't pass around the controller and enter initials for high scores. The good news is, that's about the only thing missing from Geometry Wars 3. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic. Find Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Geometry Wars Galaxies (Wii), Tempest 4000 (Playstation 4), Tempest X3 (Playstation), Tempest 2000 (Jaguar), Rebooteroids (Jaguar) Rating: Mature (blood and gore, intense violence, strong language) I hate when a series reverts to its original name instead of using a number or subtitle. I mean, this franchise has had a lot of sequels and the original God of War (PS2, 2005) really isn't that old! That said, the formula was wearing thin so a change was needed. Kratos is now older, sporting a beard and heavier frame. He's accompanied by his young son who tags along for all the puzzles, battles, and not-so-treacherous platform action. The kid is not nearly as annoying as you would expect. He adds a teamwork element, and more importantly keeps you headed in the right direction. God of War is probably the best looking game I've seen. The eye candy is pretty much off the charts with awe-inspiring scenery, realistic characters models, and imaginative creature designs. The craggy lines that make up Kratos' perpetual scowl look amazing. The environments are heavily constrained however so the exploration feels scripted. At times God of War wants to be a movie, subjecting the player to drawn-out dramatic scenes. But my biggest issue is the new close, over-the-shoulder view. It works fine for throwing your axe, and I like how additional damage is inflicted when you call the axe back. The melee action however is bewildering. Kratos effectively blocks half the screen which is a problem when you're facing quick enemies or scouring for health. If not for the kid's warnings you wouldn't know when you're about to be struck from behind. These issues are laid bare in an early fight sequence against a scrawny guy called "the stranger". This endless, exhausting battle is ludicrous even by God of War standards, with both men bashing each other's heads continuously. The game does get better, thankfully. The various kingdoms have a divine, otherworldly quality, but they all start to look the same after a while. You'll battled hard-to-hit creatures including witches, trolls, and flying dark elves. Most enemies require very specific techniques to harm, which is frustrating. Still, the brutal finishing moves are always satisfying. Most puzzles involve throwing the axe at targets, and the ones that are timed suck. The new skill tree and upgrade system are terribly overengineered. How many people were on the committee that designed these? Like its hero, the new God of War is rigid, stilted, and humorless. The high production values are undeniable but I miss the unbridled joy of the original trilogy. © Copyright 2019 The Video Game Critic. Find God of War on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: God of War (Playstation 2), God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP), God of War 3 (Playstation 3), God of War 2 (Playstation 2), Devil May Cry 4 (Xbox 360) Oh dear. This was one of those early PS4 releases most gamers didn't notice, and they were the lucky ones. I tried to review Godzilla over a year ago, and the fact I couldn't even bang out a review speaks volumes. It's a slow, plodding affair where you take the giant, lumbering lizard through branching stages of urban destruction. The controls are so clunky you need to hold R1 or L1 just to turn. Trudging through city streets is unsatisfying thanks to bad physics and a lazy damage system. When you swing your tail at a building it will pass clear through it as the building flashes white. Repeat three times and the boxy structure collapses. Not very satisfying. Many stages involve destroying power generators around the city while dealing with one or more rival creatures. These monsters span the history of the Godzilla franchise, reprising the caterpillar, porcupine, Mothra, and "Space Godzilla" among others. If the developers were going for the "man in rubber suit" look of the old films, they nailed it. The monsters look totally fake with no sense of scale or mass. The one-on-one battles are tedious back-and-forth affairs with hits that appear to have zero impact. It's like a PS2 game with high definition graphics. Since you move like a snail and can't block, combat is just a war of attrition. Swing your tail a few times, unleash your breath, rinse and repeat. As you advance through the campaign Godzilla is supposed to "grow" and become more powerful but I didn't really notice. Between missions the game spews tons of unnecessary text dialog from a reporter and some politician. You won't be able to skip that fast enough. Longtime Godzilla fans may enjoy facing old creatures resurrected from the archives, but please don't expect much in the way of excitement. © Copyright 2017 The Video Game Critic. Find Godzilla on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Godzilla (CD) (Turbografx-16), Godzilla Destroy All Monsters (GameCube), Godzilla (NES), Spiderman The Movie (Game Boy Advance), War of the Monsters (Playstation 2) Guilty Gear Xrd Sign Publisher: Aksys (2014) Rating: Teen (blood, language, suggestive themes, use of tobacco, violence) Bad language Hottie Alert May cause pain Fine Literature Award This franchise has gained a cult following since the debut of Guilty Gear (PS1, 1998). Most modern one-on-one fighters use 3D models but Guilty Gear Xrd looks more like an anime cartoon! Its lushly illustrated 2D visuals are reminiscent of the old Street Fighter games. Likewise the glossy, full-color manual is a welcome throwback to the old school. Sol Badguy is the primary character and he still holds the title of "worst name ever." Axl Low is an Axel Rose clone and Potemkin is a lumbering behemoth. May is a cute girl dragging an anchor and I-No is a sexy guitar-witch with a striking resemblance to Katy Perry. On the darker side, Faust is a lanky freak with a bag over his head and Bedman is a comatose guy in a mechanical bed that fights for him. The basic controls are simple enough that most gamers can dive in without knowing all the subtle nuances. The battles are utter chaos but highly entertaining. Your senses will be assaulted by all the shape-changing and teleportation attacks. Faust can materialize a large door and slam it in your face. How do you defend something like that? The backgrounds convey post-apocalyptic landscapes, but the excessive detail makes them looked cluttered and unsightly. I don't even know what I'm looking at. I dislike how the life meters drain progressively slower. You think you have your opponent on the ropes, yet it takes forever to finish him off! I enjoyed fighting against my friends, but the profile system practically ruins the experience by requiring everyone to "sign in" (ugh). I was glad to see a bunch of offline modes but they proved disappointing. The mission and challenge modes are beyond tedious and the story mode is one endless cut-scene. The MOM mode lets you work through branching stages while earning medals and equipping various abilities. It would be great if it weren't so damned complicated! Only one high score is saved in arcade mode, and only when you beat it. Would a top-10 screen with initials have been too much to ask for?! Extensive stats are recorded for online play but few for offline. You can earn credits to unlock features but the substantial stuff (like a new character) is crazy expensive. Guilty Gear Xrd Sign has the sights and sounds to draw you in but lacks the hooks to keep you there. © Copyright 2015 The Video Game Critic. Find Guilty Gear Xrd Sign on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Guilty Gear (Playstation), Guilty Gear X2 Reload (Xbox), Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (Wii), Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Playstation 2), Guilty Gear Advance (Game Boy Advance) Rating: Teen (lyrics) The original Guitar Hero (PS2, 2005) rocked my world a decade ago, but after a bad case of sequelitis the franchise fizzled out along with its twin sister, Rock Band. Now the next generation Guitar Hero has emerged with some fresh ideas. Guitar Hero Live makes use of actual video of a crowd to convey the feeling of being on stage in front of a live audience. I haven't seen real footage used like this since the days of the Sega CD and 3DO! It's fun to watch the crowd react to your performance, cheering when you play well and throwing stuff when you falter. The camera also pans the stage, and the reactions of your pissed-off bandmates are priceless. The backdrops behind the audience (superimposed by computer no doubt) look magnificent, featuring amusement parks, suspension bridges, and city skylines. Another innovation is the guitar controller itself, which is great. Instead of goofy Fisher Price buttons you have three pairs of buttons that blend into the guitar neck. You hold these in like frets of a real guitar, allowing you to play chords as well as notes. Once you get past the learning curve the game is a lot of fun. Playing certain sequences of notes in a row earns you "Hero Power" which can whip the crowd into a frenzy. You initiate the power by pressing a new button located near your palm, but I found it so awkward I just turn the guitar vertical instead. There are two basic modes which are really poorly named: Live (offline) and TV (online). Offline you play short sets (three or four songs) at various venues. Once unlocked you can play the songs individually for score. Compared to previous Guitar Hero titles, the track list is weak. I don't even recognize most of these tunes! Highlights include Demons (Imagine Dragons), R U Mine (Arctic Monkeys), Won't Get Fooled Again (The Who), Paint It Black (Rolling Stones), and my personal favorite My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Fallout Boy). The fact that tracks by Katy Perry and Eminem were included is testament to the sorry state of rock and roll today. The online mode offers a continuous stream of random songs. Earning (or buying) points lets you play songs of your choice, and wouldn't you know it - the best songs are online! You'll find classics like More Than a Feeling (Boston), Limelight (Rush), Cult of Personality (Living Colour) and so many others. What a racket! Guitar Hero Live is a solid game, but the music should really be a selling point and not a bone of contention. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic. Find Guitar Hero Live on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, Forums If you like this game, try: Guitar Hero 5 (Xbox 360), Guitar Hero (Playstation 2), Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80s (Playstation 2), Rock Band 2 (Xbox 360), Guitar Hero 2 (Playstation 2) Select new range: [Previous] [A-C] D-G [H-L] [M] [N-R] [S] [T-Z] [Next] [Playstation 4 index] [Back to Top] Screen shots courtesy of IGN.com, Game Zone, YouTube, MobyGames.com, US Gamer, Operation Sports, Video Chums, FMV World, Playstation.Blog, EuroGamer.net, GameSpew.com, Playstation.com
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Photo: Lianna Hursh A Create the Space performer captivates the audience with her poetry and determination for equality on Thursday. The Girl Code Movement create a safe space for performers to express feelings at open mic night By Lianna Hursh Anti-sexual assault organization, The Girl Code Movement, hosted Create the Space, an open mic night where student performers shared their thoughts about social issues. The Girl Code Movement held their first open mic night called Create the Space on Thursday. In partnership with Syracuse University's Intergroup Dialogue Program, the free event gave student singers, musicians, poets and performers an open platform to express and discuss social issues on the SU campus, particularly relating to race, gender and sexual assault. Public relations senior Claire Jones gazes at a performer's artwork while he shares his original poetry with the audience at Create the Space on Thursday. The event's attendees encompassed the depth of all human emotion. What started as a cheerful celebration quickly transformed into an emotional healing space. People laughed, performers sang, audience members smiled and victims cried. All were safe to speak their minds. Caroline Heres, co-founder of The Girl Code Movement, said the goal of the event was to address social issues in a less conventional way. She thought people should have the opportunity to express themselves and share their stories the way they know best, without feeling pressured into having a conversation. "The biggest goal for me was to create an environment where people were not afraid, and to make sure everyone knows they can do something," Heres said. As a senior women's and gender studies major, Heres said she is extremely grateful for the support The Girl Code Movement has received from SU and its students. She had no idea what the group would become when it started in fall 2014. "It's weird seeing people who I don't know perform or come to the events," Heres said. "Because it's not like they're there because we're friends, it's because people genuinely want to talk about this stuff." Kimberly Brown, broadcast and digital journalism freshman, said she got involved with The Girl Code Movement after seeing the organization's table at a student fair, and since has attended weekly meetings to discuss sexual assault on campus. She said it was the group's founders—Caroline Heres, Jackie Reilly and Julie Gelb— who inspired her to help educate other students about the issue. "The stories that the founders have are really inspiriting," Brown said. "When you read them on The Girl Code website, they make you want to get involved with the cause." Brown said she feels more people need to get involved on campus for the university to see a positive change. She thinks that talking about the issue is only the start of the movement, and that our society needs to redefine masculinity for sexual assaults to stop occurring. And while sexual assault has become a more prevalent topic of conversation, there is still evidence of rape culture on college campuses. "It's not like you're not going to see someone walking down the sidewalk on a Friday night with a girl that's clearly out of it," Brown explained. "But I do think people are understanding more that just because she didn't say, 'no,' that doesn't mean she said, 'yes.'" Arts and sciences sophomore Lyla Rose is a member of Verbal Blend, a spoken-word poetry program that meets weekly on campus. Rose, who shared her poetry with the group at Create The Space, said she is lucky enough to have never experienced sexual assault, but does have friends who feel stuck in abusive relationships. She said getting out of an unhealthy relationship could be a vicious cycle. Rose said the real problem arises when victims lose their support systems. "Friends get tired of hearing about relationship problems, so they push that person away," Rose said. "The relationship then continues because they don't have the strength to break up with them." Rose explained how she wrote her poem specifically for the event to show victims they are not alone. "My whole poem was supposed to be like, 'I'm here. I'm not going to look away or walk away if you tell me that these things happened to you," Rose said. "I'm going to be there for you, no matter what." Rose stressed the importance of offering support to victims of sexual assault, whether the abuse is blatant or subtle. Heres said the community needs to take the next step in creating change. She doesn't believe that talking about sexual assault is enough, and wants the educational needs to become activism. "It can be the little things," Heres said. "When someone makes a rape joke, interrupt. Or when your friend comes to you to talk about it, do it in the right way." She said there is plenty of room to build on the conversation and make a noticeable change for the future. She said she believes rape culture is still engrained in our society, and that it's not just in sororities and fraternities. "It's everywhere," Heres said. [View the story "The Girl Code Movement Strives to Stop Sexual Assault on College Campuses " on Storify] Syracuse Style fashion show entertains crowds at fifth annual event Played in Paris London becoming home Five ways to find a guy for Valentine's Day Create the Space The Girl Code Movement The NewsHouse Fab Melo football Trevor Cooney Carrier Dome SU football John Desko Syracuse Athletics concert Syracuse University Brandon Triche theater Orange Tyler Ennis New York Syracuse Basketball Doug Marrone Westcott Theater Syracuse Orange basketball CNY Shows Hendricks Chapel University Union music Jim Boeheim ACC University Lectures Scoop Jardine Syracuse Football Rick Jackson C.J. 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Home » Uncategorized » Before closing, Pfizer donates paintings to 'U' Before closing, Pfizer donates paintings to 'U' by JACOB SMILOVITZ November 30, 2007 April 20, 2021 Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. has donated 45 paintings to the University of Michigan Health System. The gift comes just months before Pfizer completely closes its Ann Arbor research site. Brian Merlos (COURTESY OF UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM) After the company closes its Ann Arbor research center next year, the paintings will be one of the last vestiges of a relationship between the company and the community. The Museum of Art will play a role in deciding how and where the works are displayed in various University Health System buildings. No timeline has been determined yet as the Museum and Hospital system figure out the best way to "use them as an opportunity to complicate the story" behind the history of the health profession, said James Steward, director of the University's Museum of Art. "This is a gift honoring the history as well as the future of medicine in the state of Michigan," Pfizer spokesman Rick Chambers said. The paintings, created in the 1950s by Birmingham, Mich. artist Robert Thom, depict significant moments in medical history ranging from ancient Egypt to the modern era. Dr. Jonathan Metzl, director of the University's Program in Culture, Health, and Medicine, said the paintings are important historical artifacts because they were part of one of the first mass marketing campaigns for the pharmaceutical industry. Metzl wrote a scholarly paper on the importance of the collection last year. "They were distributed everywhere and were seen as a public service by Parke-Davis," he said. "They are really quite something to see in person." Steward said these paintings were shown to medical students to teach them what doctors did. "To medicine, they're a kind of Norman Rockwell," he said. Parke-Davis & Co., the largest pharmaceutical firm in the country at the time, commissioned the works between 1948 and 1964. The roughly 85 paintings, of which the University now owns approximately half, consist of oil paint on masonite and are as large as 5 feet wide or tall. The complete collection of paintings, which consists of two series – "Great Moments in Medicine" and "Great Moments in Pharmacy" – have what Metzl described as "a kind of cult" following. The works the University Health System were given come from the "Great Moments in Medicine" series. According to Steward, the collection will need to be presented with a certain amount of context in part because the paintings show only white men in the medical profession. "These works are so grounded in the Eisenhower era that you can't just put them up without giving them context," he said. "They show the white man's history of medicine in a way that may be offensive to some people." But Steward was quick to point out that the collection was remarkably influential. The collection came into Pfizer's possession in 2000 when it acquired Warner-Lambert, which itself had acquired the paintings when it took over Parke-Davis & Co. in 1970. In the Warner-Lambert merger, Pfizer also gained ownership of its soon-to-be-closed research facility in Ann Arbor. Steward said it was a kind gesture on Pfizer's part to leave the paintings with the University even though many people within the Ann Arbor community feel conflicted about the company's departure. "It's a nice parting gift from a company that had a prominent place here," Steward said. Speaking at the Detroit Economic Club in 2006, Pfizer's former chairman and CEO Hank McKinnell said he was optimistic about the prospect of growth in the state and in the Ann Arbor area in particular. Then Pfizer announced in January of this year that it would close its Ann Arbor research and development facility by the end of 2008. The facility employed 2,100 people. University officials said at the time that Pfizer, which had contributed about $12 million of the University's roughly $800 million research budget, would not necessarily cut off all research funding when it left Ann Arbor. In an interview yesterday, Chambers wouldn't say whether the company planned to continue funding University research, but said the plant closing would have "no effect" on what has been a "long and fruitful relationship with the University." Here's what you need to know about the UMich vaccine mandate Where to receive your COVID-19 booster shot on campus Sewage spills, Gelman plume & PFAS: A deep dive into Ann Arbor's ongoing water pollution issues
The Chairboys' five-game unbeaten run would do superbly to come through unscathed from successive away games at sides currently unbeaten at home in the league all season, starting with leaders Luton Town on Saturday. Having both been triumphant in their quest for promotion from League 2 last season, the two sides would likely have been content at the start of the campaign to consolidate their position in the third tier, yet the Hatters have stormed to the top of the table and rightly so following an incredible sequence of results over the winter. Unbeaten since October, and showing no ill effects from boss Nathan Jones quitting for Stoke City last month, Town now turn their attentions to repeating their FA Cup triumph over the Wanderers in November, and avoiding a fourth defeat in their last five home encounters with the boys from Bucks, as well as equalling a club record for their unbeaten run in league matches. Gareth Ainsworth has a deep mutual respect with Luton's caretaker boss Mick Harford - a former Wimbledon colleague in the 90s - and knows the size of the challenge lying in wait for his men, who can be buoyed having lost only twice against the current top seven all season. Tickets are now off sale and can no longer be booked. Wanderers sold virtually their full allocation of 772 seats. Home areas are sold out. Luton look to be without injured pair Harry Cornick - who scored in the FA Cup win - and Elliot Lee, who's twice scored a brace in home battles with the Chairboys. Glen Rea, Aaron Connolly and Marek Stech are also sidelined. James Justin is set to make his 100th appearance for the club. Wanderers forward pair Alex Samuel and Adebayo Akinfenwa are injury doubts after collecting knocks against Bradford and Blackpool respectively, with Darius Charles and Yves Ma-Kalambay also both still in the treatment room. Wanderers will be in their regular home shirts but with light blue shorts. Experienced official Andy Davies is in charge of this one; he last officiated a Wycombe game way back in August 2016 - a 2-1 home win over Grimsby. This season he's shown 84 yellow and six red cards in 25 games so far. Take the London bound M40 and then the M25 northbound (clockwise). Exit at Junction 21 then join the M1 motorway (signposted The North). Leave the M1 at Junction 11 and join the A505 towards Luton. Go through one set of traffic lights and at the 1st roundabout, turn right into Chaul End Lane. At the next roundabout turn left into Hatters Way. Whilst continuing down Hatters Way the ground will be seen on your left, although it is not accessible from this road. At the end of Hatters Way turn left and start looking for street parking from here on (the ground will now be on your left). There is no car park at the ground, and there is limited space available in the streets around the ground. If you are early, you can find a space close by, but the street parking fills up quite quickly. There is a multi-storey car park in the town centre. Follow the signs for the Galaxy Centre Leisure Complex. There is another large multi-storey car park at Luton railway station. Thameslink trains operate a very regular service from the capital (St Pancras International, Blackfriars, Farringdon etc.), average journey time is around 35 minutes. Luton station is around a 15-20 min walk from the ground. I have read that there are free buses to / from the ground for away fans. Alternatively, from the Bus Interchange opposite the station, take the "Luton - Dunstable Busway" which stops outside the ground (close to Oak Road stadium entrances). Busway routes A, B, C or F70 to the Clifton Road stop. The ground capacity is 10,356 (all seated). Away fans are housed on one side of the small, covered Oak Road Stand (on the Executive Stand side) at one end of the ground. The entrance to the Oak Stand is unusual. The impression is of queuing to go into someone's house and then through their back garden and into the stand! There are a number of supporting pillars in this stand, which may hinder your view. The leg room is tight – possibly one reason why away fans tend to stand. There is not a great choice of hostelries around the ground. I am told that the Beech Hill Conservative Club on Leagrave Road welcomes both home and away supporters. To find the club, with the away entrance in front of you, turn left and walk down to the bottom of Oak Road. Proceed through the small arcade of shops opposite and you will see the sign for the club between two shops. There is a good fish and chip shop five minutes' walk from the ground. Coming out of the away end onto Oak Road, turn left and head up the hill. Turn left, keeping the ground on your left onto Clifton Road. Follow the road over the bridge and the Chip Shop is on the left. Click here for the Supporter Guide. Watch live on iFollow if you're outside the UK & Ireland, or listen live from 2.55pm. Updates available across social media.
Home Tags Posts tagged with "For-Sale-By-Owner" The Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) is urging the government to adopt Bill 141 "to better protect members of the public in their real estate or mortgage transactions". I'll opine here that as the market evolves into more balanced or buyer-favoured conditions, FSBOs may once again fall further into fringe territory. Why do most fail? Think about the term "private sale"; it's private. As part of an online campaign, CREA is looking for unhappy FSBOs. Or in other words, people in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who had a bad experience while trying to buy or sell their homes without a Realtor. What most home sellers on that path don't know, however, can land them in major litigation and financial loss. DIY property sales companies will barely touch the subject or avoid it entirely.
Our primary goal is to continue the work of this Region in upholding the principles of Tuskegee University and garnering greater Alumni support. Together we can sustain, promote and preserve our great University for generations to come. I am deeply honored and eternally grateful to have this unique and esteemed privilege of serving my second term as the Southeastern Region Director of the Tuskegee National Alumni Association. On behalf of the Association, we extend our sincere greetings to you, the illustrious and distinguished Alumni of the Southeast Region. You are commended for your unselfish and continuous support of our prestigious and historical University. Our primary goal is to continue the great work of this Region in upholding the principles of Tuskegee University and garnering even greater Alumni support. Together we will be able to sustain, promote and preserve our great University for generations to come. You are commended for your unselfish and continuous support of our prestigious and historical University. Again, I extend my personal appreciation to all the distinguished and dedicated Alumni who made this leadership opportunity possible. It is indeed you who make the Southeastern Region the greatest. You'll always be a part of a great historical University. The Association plays an integral role in bringing alumni together in support of students and each other. Joining the alumni association is one of the most meaningful and easiest ways to support Tuskegee University. Scholarships, student-led programs and regional networking events are just a few examples of how membership dues support current and future students. Wherever you are, there are many ways to give back. Find yours today. Join us for the 2019 Southeast Region Conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL, August 1 – 4, 2019. A Biennial vacation destination. Join the Alumni Association to serve, inspire and inform, and support future alumni.Together we can preserve our great University for generations. The first alumni group met in 1885. The organization was formalized as the Tuskegee National Alumni Association in 1964.
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ALBERTO MARTE and JUAN PEREZ, Defendants. KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON, UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE. The United States of America ("the government") requests that the court reconsider its decision denying Defendant Alberto Marte's and Defendant Juan Perez's (hereinafter collectively "Defendants") motion to compel discovery. Specifically, the government clarifies a representation it made at the hearing on Defendants' motion upon which the court relied to deny Defendants' request for discovery of the identity of a person who was identified by a nickname in an application for a court order authorizing a wiretap. By its motion to reconsider, the government asks the court to amend the basis for its denial of that discovery request and to deny the request on other grounds. For the reasons that follow, the court ALLOWS the government's motion for reconsideration and DENIES Defendants' motion to compel discovery of the individual's identification. As a result of Defendant Alberto Marte's alleged involvement with a large-scale narcotics trafficking organization in Springfield, he is charged in a second superseding indictment with one count of conspiring to distribute heroin and to possess heroin with intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846, two counts of aiding and abetting distribution of heroin and possession of heroin with intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841 and 18 U.S.C. § 2, four counts of distribution of heroin and possession of heroin with intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841, one count of conspiring to distribute fentanyl and to possess fentanyl with intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846, and one count of possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924 (Dkt. No. 300). The same indictment charges Marte's co-defendant, Juan Perez, with one count of conspiring to distribute heroin and to possess heroin with intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846 (id.). The indictments were the result of an investigation conducted by the Springfield Resident Office of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration ("DEA"), which included court-authorized interceptions of wire and electronic communications occurring over the cellular telephones of members of the organization. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2520 ("Title III"). After the government responded to Defendants' twenty-one discovery requests on September 26, 2017, Defendant Perez rejoined with a motion to compel production of material in response to five of his original requests (Dkt. Nos. 341, 342). The court allowed Defendant Marte's motion to join Defendant Perez's motion to compel, and the government responded to Defendants' motion (Dkt. Nos. 347, 353). Defendants' motion to compel requested material regarding: (1) a wiretap conducted in the Dominican Republic that intercepted Defendant Marte's communications; (2) the government's funding requests; and (3) the identity of an alleged target of the Title III interceptions. After a hearing on Defendants' motion, and after receiving the government's response to the court's order for additional factual information regarding whether or not the DEA and law enforcement agents in the Dominican Republic were engaged in a joint investigation when Defendant Marte's communications were intercepted, the court denied Defendants' motion to compel (Dkt. No. 424). The government now has requested the court to reconsider its basis for denying Defendants' request for information regarding the identity of an alleged target of the wiretap due to the court's misinterpretation of a statement made by an Assistant United States Attorney ("AUSA") at the hearing on Defendants' motion to compel (Dkt. No. 426). According to the government, its first Title III application indicated that they expected to intercept the communications of an individual identified only as "Flaco" (Dkt. No. 426 at 2 n.1).Defendants requested that the government be compelled to identify Flaco in order to determine whether or not Flaco was also a confidential informant ("CI"). Defendants contended that they needed Flaco's identity to demonstrate that the government's application in support of the Title III order misrepresented the necessity of the wiretap by failing to inform the issuing judge that Flaco was a CI who provided the government with information about the narcotics organization. See United States v. Gordon, 871 F.3d 35, 45 (1st Cir. 2017) (Title III requires "that the government . . . establish necessity as a prerequisite for obtaining a wiretap order."); 18 U.S.C. § 2518(1)(c) (each application for a Title III order must contain "a full and complete statement as to whether or not other investigative procedures have been tried and failed or why they reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried or to be too dangerous"). Defendants further posited that if Flaco was acting as a CI and the wiretap was not necessary, the government's failure to comply with the statute's requirements might be grounds for suppression of the intercepted communications. See 18 U.S.C. § 2518(10)(a) (listing grounds for motions to suppress intercepted communications). In a related contention, Defendants argued that the government's failure to disclose Flaco's status as a CI on the Title III application might constitute a false statement in the warrant application, which could be a basis to seek suppression of evidence under Franks v. Delaware, 438 U.S. 154 (1978). See Gordon, 871 F.3d at 51 ("To obtain a Franks hearing, a defendant must make 'a substantial preliminary showing that a false statement knowingly and intentionally, or with reckless disregard for the truth, was included by the affiant in the warrant affidavit, and [that] the allegedly false statement is necessary to the finding of probable cause.'") (quoting Franks, 438 U.S. at 155-56). The government opposed Defendants' request on the ground that they failed to demonstrate materiality as required by Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(a)(1)(E). Specifically, the government alleged that Defendants' contention -- that the government misrepresented the necessity for the wiretap in the Title III application by failing to fully disclose the use of CIs --was based on speculation. The government further contended that even if Defendants showed materiality, the true identity of Flaco, who the government will not call to testify at trial, is protected by the informer's privilege (Dkt. Nos. 353, 426). During the discussion of Defendants' request for the identification of Flaco at the hearing on Defendants' motion to compel, the court understood the AUSA to state that Flaco was not a CI and denied Defendants' request on the basis of the AUSA's representation as an officer of the court (Dkt. No. 424 at 13-14). The government now clarifies the AUSA's statement by indicating that it will neither confirm nor deny Flaco's status as a CI because to do so could reveal his or her identity (Dkt. No. 426 at 4). Based on this clarification of the AUSA's statement, the court allows the government's request for reconsideration in the interests of justice. See United States v. Roberts, 978 F.2d 17, 21 (1st Cir. 1992) (citing Greene v. Union Mut. Life Ins. Co., 764 F.2d 19, 22-23 (1st Cir. 1985)). Moreover, the court is persuaded by the government's alternate grounds for opposing Defendants' motion to compel disclosure of Flaco's identity. Rule 16(a)(1)(E) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure requires the government to disclose items within its "possession, custody, or control" if a defendant demonstrates that the material he requests will "'enable [him] significantly to alter the quantum of proof in his favor.'" United States v. Goris, 876 F.3d 40, 44-45 (1st Cir. 2017) (quoting United States v. Ross, 511 F.2d 757, 762 (5th Cir. 1975)); Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(a)(1)(E). As discussed earlier, Defendants allege that they need Flaco's true identity to demonstrate that the government's Title III application failed to comply with 18 U.S.C. § 2518(1)(c) because it did not include a "full and complete statement" establishing the necessity for the wiretap. The government responds that its application met the requirement by completely describing the other investigative techniques that it had employed, including the use of CIs, and their shortcomings (Dkt. No. 426 at 10-12). Moreover, the AUSA indicates that the judge who issued the Title III order "was not misled" regarding necessity (Dkt. No. 426 at 7, 11-12). See Genereux v. Raytheon Co., 754 F.3d 51, 58 (1st Cir. 2014) (courts "'consider an express representation by an officer of the court to be a solemn undertaking, binding on the client.'") (quoting CMM Cable Rep., Inc. v. Ocean Coast Props., Inc., 48 F.3d 618, 622 (1st Cir. 1995)). Accordingly, there is no indication, beyond Defendants' speculation, that the government misled the judge who issued the Title III order regarding the necessity for the wiretap. See Goris, 876 F.3d at 45 (speculation is insufficient to satisfy the materiality requirement).
When I read the premise for Alpha House, an original series from Amazon for release strictly on Amazon, I felt like I was kind of familiar with the idea. Four buddies that, due to skyrocketing rental prices, decide to share a house. This sounds like a frat party waiting to happen. With a name like Alpha House, you'd guess to be right on the money, right? WRONG! This is a story about four senators faced with crazy rent prices in Washington D.C., and decide to split the cost. Which, incidentally, is something that actually happens. This is going to be a fast paced political satire featuring four Republicans trying to hang on to their seats through re-election. The acting talents of John Goodman and Clark Johnson will also guarantee some good zingers laced with sexual tension throughout the 11 episode run. There is one other name that is at least in one episode and I hope for more, that name is the amazing Bill Murray. His involvement has made this series a lock for something I have to watch, now. The premiere is set to air on November 15. Written by Garry Trudeau (creator of Doonesbury and writer of Tanner and Tanner, which co-starred Cynthia Nixon) and produced by Trudeau, Elliot Webb and Jonathan Alter. Betas, which has a premiere date of November 22, follows four friends in Silicon Valley planning to strike pay dirt with a new mobile social networking app. Betas is to showcase the acting talent of Joe Dinicol, Karan Soni, Jon Daly, Charlie Saxton and Maya Erskine, with a special appearance by Ed Begley, Jr. This show makes me think of The Big Bang Theory. Most of the actors have had some success on the small screen with bit parts in a dozen tv shows. Both series will have the first three episodes available for free on Amazon Prime Instant Video. After that, one episode of each show will be available for weekly purchase. "We're constantly experimenting and trying new things—and we're eager to hear customers' feedback on this model," said Roy Price, Director of Amazon Studios. Michael Lehmann who directed Heathers, Airheads and several episodes of Dexter and True Blood will take the helm and produce along with Alan Freedland and Alan Cohen and Michael London. This entry was posted on Monday, November 4th, 2013 at 7:12 pm and is filed under News, Television. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
Alibaba's prospectus carries a stark message for investors—it's not about your needs The message is loud and clear. Image: Reuters/Lang Lang Heather Timmons This article has been corrected.* The long run-up to Chinese online commerce giant Alibaba's blockbuster public offering has been punctuated by numerous updates to the company's IPO prospectus filed with US regulators, each revealing more detail than the last. The company's decision to file in New York, rather than Hong Kong, was based on company leaders' desire to retain control of the board of directors. US regulators appear to be pushing Alibaba to spell out, in increasingly specific detail, what exactly this control will mean for investors. In three of the latest filings, the first on July 11, Alibaba has set out a stark warning to potential investors about the motives of the "Alibaba Partnership," a powerful 27-member group also known as Lakeside Partners that will nominate a majority of the company's board of directors. Under the section marked "Risks related to our corporate structure," the prospectus warns investors that "the interests of the Alibaba Partnership may conflict with your interests." The voting rights of the partnership, it says: … will limit your ability to influence corporate matters, including any matters to be determined by our board of directors. The interests of the Alibaba Partnership may not coincide with your interests, and the Alibaba Partnership or its director nominees may make decisions with which you disagree, including decisions on important topics such as compensation, management succession, acquisition strategy and our business and financial strategy. In particular, Alibaba says, the partnership may "focus on the long-term interests of our ecosystem participants at the expense of our short-term financial results." Ecosystem participants are defined in another part of the prospectus as the "buyers, sellers, third-party service providers, strategic alliance partners, and investee companies" involved in Alibaba's online sales platform. By giving the partnership, and an elite committee within it, control of the company's ultimate decision-making body, Alibaba's top management has created a situation that executives at many publicly traded companies will envy. Although the company's IPO could raise more than $20 billion in exchange for shares, managers are making it increasingly clear that they will ignore the pressure from investors for short-term returns that dogs so many other CEOs. This lack of control is unlikely to deter many investors. Alibaba's second-quarter net income nearly tripled, to $2 billion, the company said yesterday, helped in part by a meteoric rise in mobile revenue. Shareholder Yahoo has made it clear it isn't going to part with its Alibaba stake unless forced, despite the Alibaba partnership's ultimate control. As one analyst told Reuters this week, investors are "ready to buy," whether anyone is going to listen to them or not. *An earlier version of this article said that Alibaba's prospectus filed on August 27 was the first to say that the interests of Alibaba's partnership may conflict with investors' interests. A prospectus dated July 11 was the first to state this.
The True Story Behind The Starship Voyages Andrew Fazekas June 7, 2016 3:24 AM EDT As we now celebrate five decades of the much-beloved Star Trek, its fantastical universe has continually made meaningful crossovers between the worlds of science fiction and real science. Since the very first episode aired back in 1966, intergalactic adventures have generally been more faithful to the foundations of science our real universe is built around than any other space-themed TV show. While some concepts like warp drive and transporters may still be relegated to a possible distant future, others such as supernovae, black holes and exoplanets have all been detected and represent the front line of astronomical research. In fact, teams of scientists around the world are hunting for the holy grail in planetary discoveries — finding a twin of Earth somewhere in our Milky Way galaxy — which many experts predict we are only a few years away from. Long before I penned Star Trek -- The Official Guide to Our Universe: The True Science Behind the Starship Voyages, my personal journey connecting the Star Trek universe with our universe began at a young age in the mid-1970s in Montreal, Canada, when I would watch Star Trek reruns religiously on Sunday mornings with my dad. I constantly asked him about the myriad of exotic, cosmic places the Enterprise would encounter. I quickly got hooked, mesmerized by the whole idea of the vastness of space. And so it was in large measure that Star Trek directly led my dad to invest in a small telescope that allowed us to launch our own personal voyage through the cosmos. Many years later, I began compiling a master list of real-life celestial objects that were counterparts to destinations Starfleet has visited over the many series and movies. Many of the galactic destinations that captured my fascination — multiple star systems, alien worlds, supernova explosions, colorful gas clouds — were scientifically valid, so much so that one can step out and view them in the night sky. I became a science news writer in 2000, put down my first outline for the book back in 2006 and finally was able to find the perfect home for it at National Geographic in 2014 for it to be released in conjunction with the 50th anniversary. I was lucky, as National Geographic offered the finest editors, designers and mapmakers one could ever hope for. And folks at CBS generously opened up their Star Trek vaults, offering up some amazing imagery and rarely seen screen shots. I knew right then that I was about to embark on my own personal Trek adventure... where no one has gone before. Countless hours were spent combing though episodes and movies, researching the science, pouring over the massive archives of Star Trek photos, and creating beginner finder star maps. The result of all that hard work? We have created a unique guidebook that for the first time offers a window connecting the two universes that will appeal to not only the fans of Star Trek, but also stargazers, educators, and anyone who has their science geek hidden inside them. My hope is that it will get people to learn about the real science within their favorite episodes and make their own personal voyages through the cosmos by looking up at the night sky. And just like the intrepid crews of Star Trek, I know my own explorations of the universe continue every time I turn my gaze toward the starry night skies. Star Trek -- The Official Guide to Our Universe: The True Science Behind the Starship Voyages is available now. Visit www.amazon.com to order it today. season three 3
The Dutch Government has come under fire over allegations it supported a Syrian terrorist organisation with millions of euros worth of equipment. Investigative journalists from TV show 'Nieuwsuur' and daily newspaper 'Trouw' made the claims after speaking with over 100 Syrian rebels and people involved in the secret programme. They say the Dutch Government donated satellite telephones and Toyota Hilux pickup trucks to Jabhat al-Shamiya, a Sunni Islamist terror group whose name means the "Levant Front". Uniforms, laptops, mattresses, backpacks and cameras were also allegedly sent to Syrian terrorist groups. In total, 25 million EUR (22.2 million GBP) worth of equipment was sent to Syria, according to the expose. Another 21 combat groups in Syria received similar support from the Dutch Government from 2015 until early this year. Jabhat al-Shamiya showed their appreciation for the Dutch gifts in propaganda videos where they showed how they converted the pickup trucks into lethal war machines by mounting them with machine guns. The organisation, which wants to impose sharia law in Syria, is listed as a terrorist organisation by the Dutch public prosecutor's office. However, the liberal-led government of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte reportedly had no qualms aiding the organisation as part of the secret NLA (Non-Lethal Assistance) programme. Ironically, the Dutch public prosecutor's office is currently prosecuting a Dutch man who travelled to Syria to join Jabhat al-Shamiya as a jihadist. In the indictment, Jabhat al-Shamiya is described as "salafist and jihadist" in character as it "strives for the founding of a caliphate". Prosecutors conclude that the group "cannot be classified any differently than a criminal origination with a terrorist objective". According to the research of the journalists, oversight on the aid was completely lacking and Dutch Parliament was insufficiently informed over the extent and nature of the support. Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok and Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Sigrid Kaag last week announced the abrupt end to the programme as they noted the final victory of Syrian President Bashir al-Assad was near. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement it takes the findings of the journalists "very seriously". A Ministry spokesman said: "The messages fortify our conviction that stopping the support was the right decision." In an evaluation sent to Dutch Parliament, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs admits there was too little oversight in the NLA programme. The message is in stark contrast with prior communiques a few months earlier when the Foreign Ministry wrote that the NLA programme made sure "moderate warriors" could better protect themselves against extremists and that "stopping such programmes brings the risk that extremist groups gain strength". Fake news: only supported "moderate groups" pundits predicting a government crisis. Die Alternative, Sebastian Kurz zum neuen ÖVP-Obmann zu wählen, trieb offenbar eine beachtliche Anzahl von Parteitags-Delegierten aufs WC.
To Cite: Afshari D, Moradian N. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following sildenafil administration; a case report, J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2010 ; 14(3):e79481. Background: Sildenafil is a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) which currently used for the treatment of erection dysfunction (ED). Medicine approved by the FDA for treatment of pulmonary hypertension. Although there is no evidence of hypercoagulation states being associated with the use of PDE5 inhibitors, several animal studies suggest that PDE5 inhibitors may cause arterial and venous thrombotic or embolic events. Case report: The patient was a 37 year old man who had suffered sever headache and tonic- clonic generalized seizure. In neurological examination, he had decreased level of consciousness and he had no other positive finding in examination. The patient has been constantly taken 100 mg of Sildenafil once a day without medical supervision over the last month. Brain computerized tomography (CT) showed a small hemorrhage in left frontal lobe with suspicious to cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) lumbar puncture was performed. Increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure suggested the probability of CVST. Brain MRI result confirmed superior sagittal sinus thrombosis. Conclusion: Cerebral venous sinus thromboses need to be considered a potential side effect of Sildenafil administration.
Congress Could Take Back Trump's Power to Wage War. But It Won't. WASHINGTON — Hoping Congress will stop President Trump from stumbling into a war with Iran? Don't hold your breath. Democrats are making a push this week to keep Trump from backing into a war with Iran, including a war powers resolution that would limit his ability to attack the country and a separate measure to… WASHINGTON — Hoping Congress will stop President Trump from stumbling into a war with Iran? Don't hold your breath. Democrats are making a push this week to keep Trump from backing into a war with Iran, including a war powers resolution that would limit his ability to attack the country and a separate measure to strip funding from military efforts. The Democratic-controlled House will vote on a war powers resolution aimed at curtailing Trump's powers in Iran this week, a vote that'll likely sail through the chamber. Sen. Tim Kaine's (D-Va.) push on the Senate side will at least get a vote after Jan.13, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) won't be able to block it. But even if Democrats win over some GOP senators on the measure, the best they can hope for is a moral victory of passing the bill through the Senate before Trump vetoes it. All that effort is almost certain to fall short of actually constraining the president from doing just about whatever he wants abroad — just like every other congressional attempt to rein in the president on foreign affairs since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. "Congress is really afraid of owning these wars, of taking a stand on these military actions," said Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist and former senior adviser to then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). Even in the best of times, Congress has shown a complete inability to exert its constitutional power to declare war. In case you haven't noticed, these aren't exactly the best of times. READ: 3 ways the 2020 election could go very wrong Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) has spent a half-decade on a push to modify the 2001 and 2002 authorizations of military force — the legal justification that presidents of both parties have used as a pretext to launch whatever military actions they see fit throughout the Middle East and Muslim world ever since 9/11. Those authorizations of military force are how President Obama got involved in Libya and committed strikes in Pakistan including the one that killed Osama Bin Laden without ever getting a congressional vote, and how Trump was able to do the same in Syria and Iraq to target ISIS. Kaine is now renewing his efforts following Trump's decision to kill a top-ranking Iranian general. So what's his best-case scenario for his vote? Forcing his colleagues to go on the record. "The idea of another war in the Middle East, a war with Iran, is incredibly unpopular." "Putting everybody on the board — everybody should be on the board about whether they believe in their oath," Kaine told VICE News. "The idea of another war in the Middle East, a war with Iran, is incredibly unpopular." In fact it's paradoxically even harder to corral votes for a resolution limiting Trump's powers now that he's already used them, unlike prior efforts to limit lower profile conflicts. It's a lot harder to stand up to your own party's president than oppose a hypothetical future action. READ: Here's what happens after Trump survives impeachment "Most of the Republicans are responding complimentary of the President, not questioning his legal authority," said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.). "You're for the home team, and you get that loyalty to America, which I understand. But loyalty to America is the proper use of our armed forces." That happened just last year, as Kaine worked with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) and a handful of Republicans to pass a resolution blocking the Trump administration's ongoing support for Saudi Arabia's brutal war in Yemen. Trump vetoed that measure, though the Trump administration did back off some of its military support.
Receivers for Trantec radio microphone transmitters. S5.5 is available in G Band and D Band. The S4.10 is available in Channel 38 (606-614MHx) & Channel 70 and the S4.04 in Channel 70 (863-835MHz). Trantec S4.04 UHF 4 Frequency Radio Microphone UHF wireless receiver.
Томас Питер Одел (; Чичестер, Западни Сасекс, 24. новембар 1990) енглески је кантаутор. Дискографија Студијски албуми -{Long Way Down}- (2013) -{Wrong Crowd}- (2016) -{Jubilee Road}- (2018) -{Monsters}- (2021) -{EP}- издања -{Songs from Another Love}- (2012) -{The Another Love EP}- (2013) -{Spending All My Christmas with You}- (2016) Наступи у Србији Референце Спољашње везе Том Одел на сајту -{Discogs}- Рођени 1990. Енглески кантаутори Енглески певачи Енглески пијанисти Добитници награде Брит Инди поп
XenForo Resource Manager 1.1.6 is a maintenance release for our resource manager add-on. We recommend all customers running XenForo Resource Manager 1.1 upgrade to 1.1.6 to benefit from increased stability. Upload button remains enabled even when it appears to be disabled when adding a resource. Apply rounding to rating averages.
Goodbear @ Pleasance Dome Goodbear turn up the volume in their third sketch hour, Dougal Review by Thomas Hamill | 23 Aug 2019 Goodbear make the most out of their tech, Dougal, to bring some fun audio-visual elements to a series of parodical sketches. It's impressively used early on as they deliver back-to-back cinematically inspired sketches that are heavy on audio cues. Joe Barnes and Henry Perryment have a boyish charm to their style and the juxtaposition between their casual exchanges and the tightly choreographed sketches is an enjoyable way to be thrown into the action. While the audio-visual side of the show is good fun to begin with, its novelty soon wanes. It is used to the same effect more often than not, with dramatic lighting and a soundtrack enhancing what are essentially film parodies. Looking past the production value, the sketches aren't all that satisfying in comedic content. The duo are good actors; Perryment in particular has a great capacity for physical expression similar to the likes of Ryan Stiles, bringing some ridiculous energy to what are otherwise mundane sketches where well-written gags are left on the sidelines. The rough framework of the show also works well enough to set up the hour of wall-to-wall sketches but as the hour goes on the content become increasingly unsatisfying, and at its worst, boring. Goodbear: Dougal, Pleasance Dome (Queen Dome), until 25 Aug, 9.40pm, £12-13
LaMalfa describes 'surreal' scene during Wednesday mob siege of Capitol By Julie R. Johnson [email protected] The atmosphere was surreal, said U.S. Rep Doug LaMalfa, a Richvale Republican, who experienced the Wednesday mob attack on the U.S. Capitol. LaMalfa's 1st Congressional District is made up of northern California counties, including Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama and parts of Glenn, Nevada and Placer counties. He was sworn in for a fifth term on Monday. LaMalfa was in the Capitol as pro-Trump protesters pushed through barriers and past police, leading to the temporary shutdown of the building and pausing Congress' review and certification of Electoral College votes. "We heard violent pounding on the doors and at one point someone shouted, 'shots fired,' and we all hit the floor," he said Wednesday evening. "People inside the House chamber were putting furniture against the inside doors and busting up chairs to use as a weapon just in case." LaMalfa said he wasn't scared as chaos broke out. "Inside, the Capitol police and Secret Service were doing exactly what they are trained to do," he said. "They were focused and doing a good job of getting us all out and into the underground tunnels. I felt immediately that we were going to be fine. They kept saying, 'hussle, hussle, go, go,' as they sequestered us into a different area of safety." LaMalfa described what was taking place outside the building as "intolerable." "I don't care what group it is, or what side they are on, this is way beyond what should take place here," LaMalfa said. "Whether such action is taking place against federal property or private property, this is absolutely intolerable." Once the group of delegates was in the narrow tunnels, moving toward the basement, LaMalfa said, he felt much calmer. "I knew they (the mob) couldn't get to us in there; they couldn't get past the security that was in front of us and behind us." LaMalfa said he stands by his decision to challenge the Electoral College certification until a Congressional investigation is complete. He was among a group of delegates from both houses who had earlier announced they would challenge ballots from some states. "I have been receiving different signals from some of my colleagues because of what has occurred today (Wednesday), but I remain firm. We can't be cowed into not doing our job because a mob showed up, no matter what side that mob says they are on," he said. "We have to get to the bottom of what went on in the five states in question. "If we allow mob action to break down the Congressional process, we no longer have a working government," he concluded. As night fell, Congress reconvened. Electoral College votes were eventually approved, affirming Joe Biden as president-elect. Doug Lamalfa Windy with sunshine. High 72F. Winds NNW at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.. A clear sky. Low 46F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph.
This is the mother's day card I made for my Mom this year. I had made the butterfly a couple of weeks ago because I wanted to try the hatpins for the pretties kit. When the butterfly was done. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it and then all of a sudden, yesterday, it popped into my head that I would use it to make my Mom a card.. the butterfly was embossed using the bigshot texture templates. Then I used my butterfly die cut .Silver paper was used. With the hatpin, I used crystal effects and glued it directly to the butterfly. The base of the card is basic grey and the pattern paper is Walk in the Park. White satin ribbon was used to finish off the look. Now Mom, if you see this first, act surprised when you get the card in the mail. I love your blog! you have such cute ideas. I don't think I have ever seen the butterflies textured, I will definitely have to try this sometime! What a great mothers day card. An awesome card....wish I had been that creative! I bet your Mom loved it.
Zielnowo () is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Luzino, within Wejherowo County, Pomeranian Voivodeship, in northern Poland. It lies approximately north-west of Luzino, west of Wejherowo, and north-west of the regional capital Gdańsk. For details of the history of the region, see History of Pomerania. The village has a population of 64. References Zielnowo
Discover beautiful beaches and stunning coastlines, as well as native forest that tells of kauri logging and gold mining days. Get involved with DOC volunteer activities in the Coromandel region. Get involved with conservation groups working with DOC in the Coromandel. Media releases, stories, events and blog posts about conservation in Coromandel.
Wonderful opportunity! Large commercial lot in prime location at the intersection of Highway 17 Business and Misty Breeze Lane just across the street from Painters Ice Cream. Only one mile to the ocean, this corner lot is in a high traffic area. with 116' feet of road frontage. Perfect for an office building , retail, wholesale or service business, the structure would conform to the building setbacks and regulations to be determined by Horry County planning, zoning and the buyer.
Koski Pierwsze – wieś w Polsce położona w województwie śląskim, w powiecie kłobuckim, w gminie Panki. W latach 1975–1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do województwa częstochowskiego. Zobacz też Koski-Wypychy Przypisy Panki (gmina)
Fuel tax exposes class divide Eugenie Joseph Charismatic French President Emmanuel Macron has made a political faux-pas: his decision to jack up taxes on vehicle fuel as an environmental initiative to reduce auto emissions. The plan has hit a raw nerve with French citizens — at least those outside the chic 6th Arrondissement of Paris — and unleashed a torrent of opposition and public protest nation-wide. Obviously, no tax policy can ever justify public violence and vandalism, as witnessed in recent days (French citizens' opposition to the tax plan has been shamelessly exploited by anarchists). However, peaceful opposition to the tax hike is understandable. As media reports have noted, the crisis has exposed the class divide between the metropolitan and political elites — living in their 'green' bubble — and the rest of the French population who rely on diesel cars to get around. But even more concerning is Macron's apparent ignorance of basic economics. Fuel excise is a regressive tax. This means that it tends to hit the poor disproportionately. As in Australia, many families in France rely on cars if they live in outer suburbia and regional areas. For them, fuel is not an optional extra but an essential purchase. Therefore, their demand for fuel is likely to be price-inelastic: people will not necessarily reduce their purchase of fuel when the price goes up. Instead, families will be forced to cover the hike by cutting their spending elsewhere; such as food and clothing. Hence, raising tax on fuel will hurt the poor but won't necessarily reduce fuel consumption — which defeats the whole point of the policy. And this reflects an even greater problem facing not just France, but other advanced economies including the United States and Canada: the growing tension between 'going green' and avoiding regressive polices that disproportionately impact the poor. We are grappling with the same problems in Australia — we want to reduce our emissions but don't want rising energy costs for families. In a partial back-down, Macron has now agreed to suspend the fuel tax increase but it may not be enough. This latest French revolution should be an economics 101 lesson for President Macron on the fallacy of regressive green policies — and a warning to our own politicians in the Canberra bubble. Republicans will pay for Typhoon Trump Tom Switzer 07 January 2021 | The Australian In nearly 30 years of closely following US politics, I have seen a great many astonishing developments. But never anything remotely like the political typhoon that has swirled… Was Donald Trump 2020's biggest loser? Another year over. And thank god for that! 2020 can get right in the bin. In many respects, the pandemic completely flipped the conventional political script on its… Advice holds: see China as it is, not as it ought to be 29 December 2020 | THE AUSTRALIAN A good mate of mine died this year. He was 90 — four decades my senior — and I think of him a lot and miss him very…
Cerevo, the IoT startup based in Tokyo, will exhibit its prototype for smart snowboard bindings XON SNOW-1 and its latest unveiled product at South by Southwest 2015 Music, Film and Interactive Festival (SXSW) from March 15th. SNOW-1 had received high reputations from media and attendees of CES, and had received Top Tech of CES 2015 award at Sports & Fitness division from US media, Digital Trends. In addition to XON SNOW-1, Cerevo will exhibit a new product. Users can customize to control web services and replace switches to other switches. SXSW will be the first time to unveil this product. Takuma Iwasa, a founder and a CEO of Cerevo, will join the talk session at SXSW interactive to talk about latest topics and news about Japanese IoT startups on March 14th.
Following several years of discussion and a very close vote, Peoria incorporated on June 7, 1954. County supervisors appointed a seven-member town council to serve the inaugural term—four who had been in favor of incorporation (Charles Brice, Manuel Leyva, F. L. Turner, and Roland Pomeroy) and three against (Don Wagoner, O. M. "Mac" Bradshaw, and Carl Hunt). The new council was sworn in and held its first organizational meeting on June 14, selecting schoolteacher Roland Pomeroy to be the city's first mayor. One year later, the residents of Peoria went to the polls to select the town's first elected officials; returning councilmen Hunt, Kosier, Leyva, and Pomeroy were joined by new members Clarence Meeker, Edmund Tang, and Charles K. Vickrey, who became Peoria's second mayor.
Brookland Press Category: Listeo booking At 806 Channing Place NE, Brookland Press is a two-building apartment complex in a former warehouse, that sits just north of Rhode Island Row on the southern edge of the Brookland neighborhood in Washington, DC. Built by Douglas Development, the project includes a modern build-out of an existing industrial building, as well as new construction. One of the two six-story buildings, which Douglas Development christened the Foundry, was originally constructed as a printing factory in the 1920s. This existing 4-story industrial warehouse with a new 2-story addition, was converted to a new 156-unit apartment building with 7 parking spaces provided at the rear of the building. The second building, known as the Forge, is newly built containing 139 residential units and a total of 58 parking spaces in the garage located on the first level of the building. The two buildings are connected by a terminal over Channing Place, that has a walkway and fitness center inside, topped with a pool, and large shared amenity spaces including a yoga studio, a juice bar, and a fitness area. Be the first to review "Brookland Press" Cancel reply
I hope this game will be a good multiplayer. MW2 I like the multiplayer, but the server is very bad. They spoil the interest in the game. Wait BFBC2. Download the beta for now! I want to hear what they are going to do with the dedicated servers, if they don't have one then I won't buy it. Do we want a server or not? Very intresting game. Later im write. It is a collective game. I think it is interesting to MW2. Especially a team game. Hmm, may be kick COD4 server. there is no dedicated server available yet. When it will be available then we can switch it to bf2? I played BFBC2. In the beginning game has seemed uninteresting because it is very unlike on DEADWOOD, COD4 and MW2. But has then played a little more and has understood, it is excellent game. Especially for command struggle. If play 4 or 5 players as a command it is very difficult to struggle. But the main thing, this game allows to play to perfectly not only strong arrows, but also players with other strengths. After all it is necessary to operate tanks and helicopters, to treat players. But at game many technical problems. PB works badly, it is a lot of problems with joining to game. But the manufacturer of game promises to correct a problem. It is a lot of players and servers too. I do not like snipers. They always kill suddenly. I love to push their tank or Hummer. Sometimes ATV. Is only necessary to drop the rear of the enemy. Then the sniper loses its advantage. I like the option Rush. When one side attacks the other defends. I have ordered my copy yesterday. It is very good game. Especially for a command. When I played the first time game was not pleasant to me. Even has regretted about purchase. Now I do not play MW2. It is not so interesting if to compare with BFBC2. Very interesting struggle, a lot of the different weapon. Bullet ballistics. Different specialities of players. It is very convenient to play a command as game is constructed under command game. It is a lot of players, can more than in MW2. PB badly works against cheaters. A drawing weak, because the big maps. There are problems with joining and other technical lacks. But I think soon them will solve. Buy this game, you will not regret. P.S. Especially unusually the weapon works if to compare with MW2 and FEAR combat. It is necessary to get used and all will be good. Buy a separate video card, a powerful and paste it into your computer. I know you have a weak card for this game. A lot of characters, big map. I decided to unlock the last sniper. Because this is not difficult. Medic almost all unblocked, as with this option is very convenient in defense. Now try to unlock the engineer. It is difficult and interesting. But the most universal and convenient weapons in all categories is the first or second. Although it may be only my opinion. I do not even know how to meet the players with a computer game and the ps3. Does anyone have any ideas? This is a ps3 ghetto. Players with the ps3, XBOX and PC can not play together. Now fix the problem with PB. Played yesterday, so each round players are disposed to cheat. In one round of 3 players. A lot of servers without PB. So they can play on other servers and use the cheat code. P.S. I have read in a review that for PS3 and XBOX 24 players on a server are maximum. PC have 32 players. Very intresting game. Whether it is possible to choose to itself a server? Is a server with special options. A lot of servers and players. Need to find a server with strong players and low-ping. We must be ever play team. The game is very good for the team. There is a server, where they play 4 teams of 4 players. I have played when one team had players from one clan. Evidently it was prictice them. i think good Ping of BFBC2 is more important than FEAR..
Really Right Stuff BOEM10 Plate for Olympu... I upgraded to the OM-D E-M10 Mark II, so I had to get a new RRS camera plate. This one, for the original E-M10, is in fantastic condition. Just looking for $20, with free shipping anywhere in the continental US.
Liophis is a former genus of New World colubrid snakes. They have a wide range of nondescript and local names, among these "water snakes", "mapepires", "corals" or "racers". Taxonomy and systematics The status of the genus Liophis on the mainland of South America is highly uncertain, and some authorities assign some species to the genera Dromicus, Erythrolamprus, Leimadophis, Lygophis, and Philodryas. Others consider Dromicus and Leimadophis to be synonyms of Liophis. References Further reading Wagler J (1830). Natürliches System der Amphibien, mit vorangehender Classification des Säugthiere und Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Zoologie. Munich, Stuttgart and Tübingen: J.G. Cotta. vi + 354 pp. + one plate. (Liophis, new genus, pp. 187–188). (in German and Latin). Taxa named by Johann Georg Wagler
Terry Clement Just Damn Funny In vaudeville to be successful you had to play and instrument, sing, dance, tell a joke and take a pie in the face. Mr. Terry Clement would be a hit in any era, he plays guitar, sings, tells jokes, and would take a pie in the face for a laugh. Maybe even dance if you ask nicely. I first met Terry Clement in 2000 when I just started The Comedy Green Room and was looking for interesting unknown acts to add to the website. The first time I saw Terry was at an open mic in Toronto Canada. If Peewee Herman, Andy Kaufman and Sam Kenison had a love child then boom Mr. Clement. In those days Terry's act consisted of original comedy songs, a cow mascot on stage with him, and wrestling figurines, Terry Clement would do anything for a laugh, and most nights the audience was shocked, in awe of him, and enthralled by his act. On one occasion he finished his act by walking on the tables in the front row sat down on a customer's lap and proceeded to eat the customer's dinner. He also got a standing ovation that evening. Mr. Clement was born in Mississauga ON and grew up in Brampton ON. His mother was ill throughout his childhood and his father was crippled by addiction. According to Terry, "I developed a certain kind of "gallows humour" to use both as a defense mechanism and as a weapon when I saw fit. I was a terrible verbal bully in my youth, but I attacked everyone fairly." Humour was a very important part of his life growing up and early on he learned that laughter is the best medicine. Terry states, "humour had a massively positive effect on my Mother's life. She lived twice as long as the doctors gave her, and she always credited us taking the piss out her situation for her longevity." Terry started performing as soon as he could walk and talk. He was cast as "Peter Rabbit" in Kindergarten and continued to perform in school plays through high school. While in high school Terry joined a band and started writing comedy songs while teaching himself guitar. Terry tells us, "I started singing in a band when I was in high school. The only parts of the songs that I wrote were the melodies and lyrics until I actually started patching chords together myself. This led to an incredible amount of song writing, all pop songs and some that would stick with me my entire career. I learned to play by watching people I liked on TV and imitating them and by using a book that showed you how to make chords." When you see Mr. Clement playing the guitar and singing it is very much like watching a rock and roll star. According to Terry, "as a result of being "self-taught" I often make chords that I don't know the name of or use an alien fingering technique... I strum on the neck of my guitar instead of over the hole... I play with the strap low, like a Ramone.... etc." Terry has been performing stand-up comedy for over 20 years and his style is considered to be psychedelic comedy, which is very similar to the first TAPE CASSETTE he released called, "Psycho-coustic Comedy Mayhem" in August 1999. Terry Clements comedy journey seemed to start and end in the same place. According to Terry, "I put little thought into what "kind" of comedy I am doing. This is why I use so many different mediums in what I do. I use drugs to make strange associative leaps in the narrative of whatever I am working on. While I write a lot of what I do sober, I am still convinced that cannabis and alcohol have a profound effect on how I come up with the ideas I do. I guess that after 10 years of being a "comedian" I looked at what I was doing and thought, this is what I do... psychedelic comedy." Like most successful entertainers, Terry's family played a major role in his development as a performer. His late mother and lovely wife were the ones who pushed him into comedy. Enough cannot be said about Terry's wife Cheryl and her belief in his talents. Terry is a glowing husband when it comes to Cheryl's part in his career, 'Cheryl BELIEVES in what I create even when the times come when I don't. If I ever have ANY type of financial success it will be largely if not mostly because of her. She keeps me on track and working, and she is John Lennon and I am her Yoko Ono." The first comedy club Terry Clement worked was Comedywood in Toronto ON which was owned by Hypnotist The Incredible BORIS. According to Boris, "Terry always had the passion and determination. I remember him not having a headshot, so he sent me a polaroid. His comedy could only be compared to an onion - strong and powerful, but as you peel the layers would deliver the laughs, sometimes to the point of tears. His material was carefully planned and would push the boundaries of traditional thinking. He needed a platform, a stage to relay his thoughts and practice his delivery. Next, Terry moved on to the world-famous Yuk Yuk's chain of Comedy Clubs which founded by Mr. Mark Breslin. As Mark states, "I never took a chance on headlining him. Terry, like everyone else, started at the bottom and worked his way up. But the qualities I appreciate in him are the originality, complexity, and fearlessness he brings to his work." Today, Mr. Terry Clement has achieved personal and artistic successes both in Canada and Internationally. Terry has performed at the Cape Town Comedy Festival in South Africa and the Reading Music Festival in England in addition to spots on the Paramount TV show "The World Stands Up" in the UK. He Terry has also been nominated for a Canadian Comedy Award as well as a COCA Comedy Artist of the Year Award. He has toured across Canada and the U.K. performing at comedy clubs, colleges and "alternative' comedy venues. Check out Mr. Terry Clement many projects both in Canada and Internationally, be prepared to be shocked, in awe of him, and enthralled by his act. For more information on Terry Clement visit https://www.terryclement.com/ Mention you found out about Terry Clement on www.thecomedygreenroom.com Bill Davern
Home > Europe > South Europe > Italy > Start City: Paris Ponte Dei Sospiri (9) 1 Day Netherlands Tours 4+ Day Netherlands Tours Amsterdam to Netherlands Paris to Netherlands Ponte Dei Sospiri Tours From Paris,Barcelona Country:Netherlands × Attractions: Ponte Dei Sospiri× Start City:Paris×Barcelona× 5% Off Code:13006 Duration: 21 Starts City: 21-Day France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Luxembourg, and Monaco Tour from Paris Free WiFi Onboard Free Breakfast ☆ Fully immerse yourself in European culture by visiting 12 European countries in three weeks! ☆ In-depth Paris tour includes visiting Palace of Versailles, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Louvre and more! ☆ Journey to the gems of Central Europe - Cologne, Munich, Vienna, Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, and so much more! ☆ See world-renowned landmarks like Vatican City, leaning tower of Pisa, Windmills of Holland, and more! ☆ This tour is conducted by one of our leading local tour operator who is renowned for providing coach holidays across Europe since 1988 and holds a record high on customer satisfaction. As a registered member of Europe's trusted organizations such as ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents), ETOA (European Tour Operators Association) and many other industry recognized associations, this local operator is dedicated to providing and maintaining high service standards on all their tours for their customers from across the globe. 23-Day France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Luxembourg, and Monaco Tour from Paris( With Airport transfer service) ☆ Free breakfast everyday ! ☆ Airport transfer service included ! ☆ Visit 12 European countries in three weeks! ☆ In-depth tour of Paris for two days ☆ Top attractions: Vatican City, Prague Castle, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Windmills of Holland, the Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, and more! 14-Day Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris ☆ Visit the main attractions of eight European countries in two weeks! ☆ Detailed two day tour of Paris visiting main attractions like Louvre Museum and Palace of Versailles! ☆ Check the similar tour with airport transfers:【16-Day】Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris (with Airport Transfers) ☆ This tour is conducted by one of our leading local tour operators who are renowned for delivery of the vary between Europe 1988 and holds a record high on customer satisfaction. As a registered member of Europe's trusted organizations such as ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents ), ETOA (European Tour Operators Association) and many other industry recognized associations, this local operator is dedicated to providing and maintaining high service standards on all their tours for their customers from across the globe. 62Seats Sold 13-Day Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris ☆ Visit seven European countries in two weeks! ☆ Top attractions: Leaning Tower of Pisa, Windmills of Holland, the Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, Monte Carlo, Amsterdam Canals, and more! ☆ Check the similar tour with airport transfers:【15-Day】Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris (with Airport Transfers) 15-Day Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris (with Airport Transfers) ☆ Visit seven European countries in 15 days! ☆ Check the similar tour with local pick-up:【13-Day】Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris 16-Day Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris (with Airport Transfers) ☆ Visit eight European countries in two weeks! ☆ Check the similar tour with local pick-up:【14-Day】Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris 21-Day (Vietnamese Tour Guide) France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Luxembourg, and Monaco Tour from Paris 23-Day France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria Tour from Paris (with Airport transfer service and Vietnamese Tour Guide) 14-Day Best Seller - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, and Luxembourg Tour from Paris (Vietnamese Tour Guide) A B C D E F G H K L M N P R S T V Z Avenue Des Champs Élysées (9) Arco Di Costantino (9) Beethoven Haus (9) Brussels Town Hall (3) Cologne Cathedral (9) Colosseo (9) Cathedral Notre-Dame de Reims (9) Erzsébet Híd (4) Florence Cathedral (9) Fontana Trevi (9) Golden Lane (4) Halászbástya (4) KARL MARX HAUS MUSEUM (9) Leaning Tower (9) L'Hotel des Invalides (9) Le Palais Princier (9) Lion Monument (4) Münster Platz (9) Mount Titlis (4) Matthias Church (4) Piazza San Marco (9) Ponte Vecchio (9) Place De La Concorde (9) Palace Of Versailles (9) Pont Adolphe (9) Place De La Constitution (9) Rhine River (9) Rhine Falls (4) Seine River (9) St Peter's Basilica (9) St Vitus Cathedral (4) Schonbrunn Palace (4) Triumphal Arch (9) Titisee (4) Zaanse Schans Windmill (8) B L P A P