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1,306 | *Southview Manor is located on the corner of Railway Ave. and Bilokreli Bay.
The Social Housing program provides safe and adequate housing to individuals and families in need. It's intended to serve households with low incomes, and priority is given to seniors (60+), Families with children or dependants, and individuals with disabilities.
The rent for either apartment or housing unit is based on gross household income. To be eligible for the Social housing program you must be legally allowed to be in Canada, NOT temporary visitors to Canada or Foreign students and have a gross income and assets below the program limits.
Households are prioritized for the Social housing program based on need. Each application is assessed accurately and impartially by using a point scoring system. The applicant is scored on a scale that assesses housing need according to certain criteria. The total number of points the applicant receives when all the categories are added up is their point score.
To assess three things are considered: 1) Adequacy - whether the applicant household is homeless or lives in a home that puts their health or well-being at risk... 2) Suitability - Whether the current homes meets the needs of all household members... 3) Affordability - Whether the current shelter costs are more than 30% of the gross household income. Applicants will also need to provide the housing authority with a recent rental history, including landlord references. Units are allocated to approved applicants who have the highest point scores and NOT allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Once approved the applicant signs a lease agreement between the housing authority and themselves. A lease must be signed prior to taking possession of a unit, PLUS a security deposit of a minimum of $125 when the lease is signed. (Security deposit is less than $400). Tenants who receive social assistance may provide a letter of guarantee from the Ministry of Social Services instead of a security deposit.
You can also call the Theodore Housing Manager Rick Parsons at 1-306-620-8600. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,307 | Altruism, Optimism and Worries...Many Thought-Snacks!
It's the (Not the) End of the World Cruise! Come with us to sea and celebrate the world Not coming to an end during the "Mayan Millennium" winter solstice in 2012 with parties, special guests & speakers, including astronaut Steve Hawley, Authors David Brin and Robert Sawyer, plus several renowned scientists. Featuring snorkeling, a costume party, fascinating talks, and a visit to the Mayan Tulum ruins on Dec. 21, 2012. During the week that some think will be the world's last, join us on a more enlightened, and enlightening, week-long cruise in the beautiful Caribbean. (Also, what better place to be, either way?) Don't be... left behind!
And fer gosh-dern sakes, don't have the singularity without us, while we're away!
"A relentless addiction to indignation may be one of the chief drivers of obstinate dogmatism and possibly the ultimate propellant behind the current culture war." The New York Times previews a groundbreaking scientific-medical tome -- PATHOLOGICAL ALTRUISM (edited by Barbara Oakley) -- about ways that one of humanity's highest traits can sometimes go terribly wrong. (I wrote two of the papers, but don't worry: most of the contributing doctors and researchers are actually qualified!) A fascinating topic. And long past-due for serious attention. (See also my short story, The Giving Plague!)
Our family has been renting DVD episodes of Morgan Freeman's science show "Through The Wormhole" to share with our youngest. We've all been enjoying it immensely. Highly enlightening about the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, origins, alien life etc. Without doubt one of the best sci-shows of recent years and well worth your attention. Of course, it could have used a few physicist-scifi-authors. Or even one. But I'll take the good stuff however I can get it!
Haven't had enough yet of the rambunctious optimism of Steven Pinker? A recommended eye-opener for people who have let dour romantics of right or left talk them into pessimism. We can understand the right's disgust with the present and future - it's psychological. And the far-left has always been hypocritical about progress... demanding it but denying that it ever happened. Alas there is no excuse for actual moderate liberals to swallow such hooey! Real progress HAS happened and that is the reason to demand more. See this talk from Pinker.
Check out Pinker's latest book, The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined. And more Pinker! Use it against the dogmatic grouches in your life. This is the real issue dividing us.
So, if things are better, why are grinches yammering at us that it's all downhill? Forget the Second Depression. That's not it. Nor even the fact that self-centered boomers are feeling old (yes that too.) Here's a cartoon from Sci- ənce! that will make you both laugh aloud and sob -- the War on Science takes a new turn.
So? Fight back with facts that will knock the Know-Nothings on their behinds! (More on this next time.)
For example, see an important review of the early history of inoculation and vaccination in America, describing how Washington ordered compulsory smallpox inoculation of the Continental Army in 1777 and thus saved the Revolution. Shows a clear-eyed view of how very traditional Michele Bachman is.
Way back in the days of the original "tea parties" there were also ninnies screaming against health measures that made life better for everybody. (Y'know who the most popular man in America was, in 1959? Jonas Salk! Have we gone dumber?)
== And Interesting Items ==
China and Singapore join forces to create a new eco-city on former wasteland. An inspiring undertaking that may enrich us all and teach new ways. And look at it this way. Your purchases at WalMart helped to make this happen!
The science behind Nobel Prize in Physics explained simply.
Dang! Read about Elon's Falcon Heavy booster. This article may lean heavily on the positive slant. Still, I have a lot of confidence in this bona fide American genius.
Hold it... hold it... Recent research indicates: "It turned out that the worse you had to pee, the better you did on tests of self control and even deferred gratification. When you have to pee, you are more patient rather than less! In fact, further studies showed that just being told about needing to pee, increased the participants need to pee AND increased their self control...."
And now... Bacterium transforms ammonium, an ingredient in urine, into hydrazine, rocket fuel. Apparently NASA lost interest when they realized it would be hard to generate large quantities of hydrazine. I guess they had trouble with deferred gratification. (Get it?)
Fascinating graphic showing the 7000 spacecraft launched into orbit or beyond, by country and by year – with color-coded proportions for military, government, commercial and amateur. Note the substantial, recent increase in commercial launches... as well as a rising age of amateurs!
== Is this why some folks can parrot ignoramus political party lines with a straight face? ==
People who are better at memory, and especially telling the difference between true memories and imagined ones, seem to have a better-developed fold at the front of the brain called the paracingulate sulcus (PCS). This brain variation is present in roughly half of the normal population. It's one of the last structural folds to develop before birth, so it varies greatly in size between individuals in the healthy population. Researchers discovered that adults whose MRI scans indicated an absence of the PCS were significantly less accurate on memory tasks than people with a prominent PCS on at least one side of the brain. If verified, a stunning and important finding.
Seriously, we need to speak up for the renaissance. Here's a way, from Smithsonian Magazine Online:
"Let's explain what it is about science that satisfies us, how science improves our world and why it's better than superstition. To that end, I'm starting a new series here on Surprising Science: Why I Like Science. In coming months, I'll ask scientists, writers, musicians and others to weigh in on the topic. And I'm also asking you, the readers, why you like science. Send a 200- to 500-word essay to [email protected]; They'll publish the best."
I plan to participate!
== Predictions hit ==
Someone log this on my registry of "hits"? Rezwan Ferdaus is accused of planning to use three remote control airplanes measuring up to 80 inches, packed with five pounds of explosives in each, to hit the Pentagon and blow the Capitol dome to "smithereens."
Anyone remember this passage from my novella "The Smartest Mob"? (It will also be part of my new novel EXISTENCE.) "Exceptional numbers of toy airplanes were purchased in the Carolinas, this month, suggesting that a swarm attack may be in the making, just like the O'Hare Incident..."
Oh, I don't know if I should mention this, since it might cause evil ones to choose a different target. But y'know all those movies that show the Capitol dome exploding into little white plaster bits? Well it won't ever ever happen, even with a nearby nuke! Reason? The dome is made of IRON! It may go flying and rolling across the countryside. But it ain't giving no smash-up satisfaction. What would Ferdhaus have actually accomplished? The tap might have made it ring... like a liberty bell.
== Marvelous Miscellany ==
Fascinating. Fountains of life found at the bottom of the Dead Sea. First scientific dive into the dead sea, finding astonishing life in the lowest place on Earth, where salinity is 6X the ocean and fresh water springs under the sea make the equivalent of "smokers."
Want to see the real reason why the big CellCos don't want to adopt my idea for peer-to-peer text passing, even though they could charge for it and it would make the nation 50% more resilient against disaster? Free texts pose threat to carrier.
"More than two trillion text messages are sent each year in the United States, generating more than $20 billion in revenue for the wireless industry. Verizon Wireless alone generates as much as $7 billion a year in revenue from texting, or about 12 percent of the total.... At 20 cents and 160 characters per message, wireless customers are paying roughly $1,500 to send a megabyte of text traffic over the cell network. By comparison, the cost to send that same amount of data using a $25-a-month, two-gigabyte data plan works out to 1.25 cents."
Cool! On November 9-10, 2011, Explore Mars, Inc. will be presenting the Women and Mars Conference at the Jack Morton Auditorium at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Topics to be discussed at the conference include, "Why are so many women involved in Mars exploration?" and "How can 'Mars women' help to advance STEM education for young women and reach non-traditional audiences?" Go get em, gals. Lead us.
Labels: pathological altruism, steven pinker, throught the wormhole
Surely anti-altruism thought isn't suffering for airtime! BTW is that a real watercolor or a fake one? Very tastefully done in either case. I can't tell these days, which I suppose is also evidence of progress.
John A. said...
I just read that article on instant messaging and am surprised they didn't mention the AIM i(phone/pad) & Android apps, seeing as how they are from a big name company and are already available. On my old phone the AIM function used SMS as its transport, but on my Android it uses data and offers free messaging to SMS #s.
(Not that that's an issue for me; I have a cheap Virgin Mobile plan with unlimited text & data.)
Closer to what you're calling for, a search on the Android market on 'ad hoc messaging' gives ten results, the first of which seems to be a p2p message relayer working via wifi, but I suspect it works via hot-spot wifi APs rather than true p2p.
Regarding the last thread, David Mitchell's take on AGW "skepticism".
And our host with his own version of the altruism pathological.
The Giving Plague.
Ryan Somma said...
Pinker gave a great interview on the Kojo Namdi show last week. There's a great meme in there about how he was a strong libertarian as a youth, believing people were innately good and altruistic, but when he saw riots and looting follow police being taken off the streets in an incident, he was forced to change his position as a good scientist must (CITOKATE):
NYPD using strobing flashlights to interfere with cellphone cams
Dr. Brin: Don't you ever find being a cheerleader for SCIENCE, PROGRESS and CIVILIZATION rather banal? I, for one, find your philosophy and your writing ponderous, trite and pedantic, with little wit or genius – though I do give it high marks for egomania. The problem with your cult of progress is that it doesn't resonate deeply with human beings in comparison to the alternatives; few are going to fight and die for your values. Modern man, having made himself comfortable by his material progress, has become decadent and spiritually bankrupt. So he no longer cares deeply for the things which put him in this condition, and secretly longs for the magic, the passion, the cults and the holy wars which will rewaken his primal genius and ignite his very soul.
Ibn Khaldun said: "Civilization needs the tribal values to survive, but these same values are destroyed by civilization;" Nietzsche said: "Man needs what is most evil in him for what is best in him." To me these are profound truths which explain why civilizations inevitably fall. Where I find rampant do-gooder rhetoric, I almost invariably find mediocrity, weakness and decline; where I find diabolical scheming, I usually find genius, power and rising empires.
This is as close as I can come in words to explaining why "progressives" are fighting a losing battle. The progressive project to bury man's dark side is suicide, because that is the source of so much of our power. Civilizations have never been built by progressive, rational men so much as by ruthless, brilliant conquerors. Your attempt to discredit almost all of recorded history is impressive in its hubris, but obviously absurd. Even your favorite child of the Enlightenment, the United States, was built on the bones of countless natives and slaves, and only rose to superpower status in the fires of global war. Howard Bloom called this the Lucifer Principle, and to me it seems like a much better model of progress than your so-called Enlightenment.
Sith Master Sean:
If your goal in posting was to depress me into thoughts of suicide, then mission: accomplished.
Sithy, would you please go back to 4chan and stop trying to bait the community here?
Corey said...
I don't know, Sith; I think I give your troll post about a 4 out of 10.
That is good enough to earn you any feeding, I'm afraid
Regarding now being less violent than then... I watched most of a NOVA episode about dogs, and one of the segments talked about an ongoing experiment in Russia (I think) where the researcher was working on domesticating foxes. Breeding for less aggression (and, as a result, getting some other surprising variations in physical traits). And after watching the first 1/3 of the presentation by Steven Pinker, I thought "No, it's none of any of those things. It's that we're domesticating ourselves."
Of course. Discordians and others have for generations been pointing out that civilization=domestication.
I don't think the Khaldunian and Nietzschean sentiments are lost on David Brin. He's just a little less snarky in expressing them. The repeated, almost mantric pronouncement "Cooperation and Competition" (emphasis not mine) in Earth and the Dragon symbolism of of Daisy McClennon may capture at least a little of the Lucifer Principle (which I promise I'll look into even though the Sith Master seems like a troll.
Stefan Jones said...
I knew a couple guys in college who sneered and pontificated like Sith Master Sean.
One stopped talking that way when he got a job, wife, and kids.
The one who still talks like that still lives with his mom.
Being a natural-born freeloader, I checked out Howard Bloom's Lucifer Principle with Amazon's "Look inside" feature, specifically the "surprise me" widget. It directed me to page 379, which is part of the bibliography. Notes 435 and 436 both use the 'Moslem' spelling for Muslim, which I suppose shouldn't come as a surprise when reading a self-described 'paleo.' Note 436, to wit:
436. The idea of permanent warfare between the Moslem world and the non-Moslem world is so deeply ingrained that the phrase for the non-Moslem regions of the planet—Dar al-Harb—literally means "The Home of War' (Davidson, Africa in History, 219).
But so does "Bethlehem," no?
Wikipedia gives Bethlehem as "house of flesh" or "house of bread"
Children, Not Chimps, Prefer Collaboration
"ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2011) — Recent studies have shown that chimpanzees possess many of the cognitive prerequisites necessary for humanlike collaboration. Cognitive abilities, however, might not be all that differs between chimpanzees and humans when it comes to cooperation. Researchers from the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen have now discovered that when all else is equal, human children prefer to work together in solving a problem, rather than solve it on their own. Chimpanzees, on the other hand, show no such preference according to a study of 3-year-old German kindergarteners and semi-free ranging chimpanzees, in which the children and chimps could choose between a collaborative and a non-collaboration problem-solving approach."
I was going to ask if those chimps were bonobos or... chimps from the other side of the Congo. I gather that it is the latter.
ressness: the agitation you feel when an Ubuntu upgrade ... doesn't.
Re: Arctic Foxes.
UAE police claim the Blackberry blackout has reduced their road toll, by 40% in Abu Dhabi.
Is the combination of cellphones and traffic evolving us to multitask better?
(instiol: Ask your doctor if Instiol can help you ride. Instiolmaycauseaccutemigraineaccutercomaandafabulousdeathdarling)
I suppose fatal accidents weed out people who don't multitask well, but beyond that, I'm afraid there's no biological mechanism that'll make us suck any less at it.
If only Lamarck had been right, how much better we'd all be at operating all this weird stuff (or at the very least, our kids would be!).
No, this has likely been pointed out already, but "Bethlehem" is "House of bread". Kinda ironic, maybe, considering the use of bread as the symbolic "body of Christ", who was born in Bethlehem.
And as loathe as I am to defend Islam, I believe that the sense of the Muslim term "house of war" contrasts with their name for their own self, which is "house of peace". The idea is that Islam itself is/means submission to the will of God, and therefore "at peace" WITH God. Everyone else who has NOT found such enlightenment is at war with the will of God.
It doesn't mean "war" in the sense of, say "house of terrorism".
rewinn said...
"...If only Lamarck had been right, how much better we'd all be at operating all this weird stuff (or at the very least, our kids would be!)"
Yeah ... but my smartphone is subject to Lamarckian-like evolution, and IT is beginning to get better at operating with ME!
On the optimist vein of this post:
Malaria deaths fall by 20% over the last decade
aritene: one who advocates a life on Mars (or a return to the seventies)
Iron Chef Kosher! said...
If you like Harry Potter fanfic, here's a superior story that has few of the flaws of others (Marty Stu/wish fulfillment, etc). It's called "Harry Potter & the Nightmares of Futures Past". It's available on a number of sites, not least of which the one that you have recommended:
@LarryHart Perhaps I'm wrong, but I seem to remember my Hebrew teacher saying that Bet-lechem could be taken to mean "house of bread" or "house of fighting." But of course memory can be misleading. A Google search on bethlehem meaning confirms, over and over and over, that it means "house of bread," or "house of meat" in Arabic. Nevertheless, a search on bethlehem house of fighting located this.
@Lori, you've make Pratchett's Discworld references to the martial uses of dwarf bread so much clearer!
A Google search on bethlehem meaning confirms, over and over and over, that it means "house of bread," or "house of meat" in Arabic. Nevertheless, a search on bethlehem house of fighting located this.
Actually, I've always wondered what "house of bread" was supposed to mean. Why would a town be called that?
A bakery?
Or perhaps some sort of misinterpretation from the start? In the way that "Donkey Kong" was originally supposed to be "Monkey Kong" (which makes a LOT more sense).
I thought Bethlehem got its name because it was "David's City", and There was that story about David taking bread from the priests.
Huh. Wikipedia says:
Lachmo was the Chaldean god of fertility. Worshipped by the Canaanites as Lachama, some time in the 3rd millennium BC, they erected a temple to worship the god on the hill now known as the Hill of the Nativity. The town accordingly was known as Beit Lachama, meaning "House of Lachama." William F. Albright notes the pronunciation of the name remained essentially the same for 3,500 years, but has meant different things: "'Temple of the God Lakhmu' in Canaanite, 'House of Bread' in Hebrew and Aramaic, 'House of Flesh' in Arabic."
So the "Monkey Kong to Donkey Kong" suspicion is correct!
"meaning "House of Lachama." [...] the pronunciation of the name remained essentially the same for 3,500 years, but has meant different things: "'Temple of the God Lakhmu' in Canaanite, 'House of Bread' in Hebrew and Aramaic, 'House of Flesh' in Arabic." "
So the whole "House of Bread/Meat" meaning is just the equivalent of people saying "Old Timer's Disease" because they aren't aware of the name Alzheimer. (Or typing "I shouldn't of done that", shouldn't've.)
Ie, people who'd never heard of "Lachama" assumed the word was whatever was the closest phonetic equivalent in their own language. Bread/meat/fighting/donkeykong.
Which means, of course, that there is no deep meaning behind the name
because those aren't translations, nor transliterations, they're transphononymicisations.
So then, did the story of David taking bread from the priests come from a post-hoc attempt to justify the meaningless transphononymicity?
(Oh, and in that tradition I hereby phononymically rename the city "House of Liam?" Thus "House of William". Thus Williamsburg.)
Stupid blogger ate my last post, so I'll just include the link.
Occupy Wall Street crowdsourced its list of demands. It isn't well written.
What do you expect? It's a draft from many sources!
Meanwhile, here's who they're agitating about (a first step in revelaing who owns what?)
binersli: Spiny Norman's little brother
The malaria vacciene news is just wonderful. Beats the hell out of blasting poison everywhere.
This is the kind of thing my mind resorts to when I have writer's block.
MMM&mmm, chocolate.
No, no, no. Binersli is clearly one of those Eastern European foods that taste wonderful but jack up your cholesterol and sodium levels.
'bostsli': Sauce for binersli.
Small World Department:
Flooding near Bangkok has taken about 25 percent of the world's hard disk manufacturing capacity offline
@stefan: you've never heard of hedgehog sandwiches?
mumix: binersli with m&ms
Jamais Cascio wins tweet of the day:
Superconducting quantum "locked" levitation. Mind blowing. http://t.co/YYw9wSJG
ading: the cumulative beneficial effect of taking something away (like roads from a congested network, or the letter 'd')
If Americans weren't afraid of graphs like this one Herman Cain would have a lot harder time pushing his 9-9-9 plan.
You might need to scroll down a little to see the whole chart.
Tony gets post of the day:
Who owns what?
VERY important.
If that work had been done thirty years ago, I'm sure it would've been incorporated into "Illuminatus", to humorous effect.
I like looking at that spaceflights/nations/history graph. Seeing the gradual expansion of the roster of players is a good antidote to some of the pessimism of the day.
From Religion to Biology: Destiny & the Singularit...
How to Define Science Fiction
Political Idea Bomb #1: Rejigger the Immigration D...
A South Pole Centennial, Cryonics, and Organ Regen...
Was 1957 America Better Than Today? (An Outright R...
Altruism, Optimism and Worries...Many Thought-Snac...
Arguing With Your Crazy Uncle About Climate Change...
People Who Don't "Get" Transparency or Positive Su...
Steve Jobs - American Genius
On Licensing Journalists | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,308 | Boys' Home, Enoggera.
The Boys' Home, Enoggera, founded in 1890, is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in Queensland to care for orphan boys and others between the age of 8
Fri 16 Dec 1921 - The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933)
Page 6 - Boys' Home, Enoggera.
The Bovs' Home Enoggera, founded in
1890, is one of the oldest, if not the
oldest, in Queensland to care for orphan
boys and others between the age of 8
and 14 years. Ihe position of the hone
is ideal, situated about five miles from
the heait of distance, it stands on nine
acres of ground,, which are utilised for
growing vegetables for the boys. The
locality is very healthy, but its distance
from town prevents it being as well known
as it ought to be. There are 38 boys in
the home at present, of whom 20 are
orphans and nearly all the others have
been deserted by one or other of their
parents. The fathers of nearly half of
the boys fought for their country. The
boys come not only from Brisbane but
from distant parts of the State, and the
home therefore hopes to obtain subscribers
from all parts. The list of contributions
to the fund is very short and
the committee is hoping that publicity
will rectify this. Twelve months ago a
street collection was taken up in Brisbane,
andidealismd nearly £150, but the com-
mittee felt that the whole State migbt
be appealed to, as boys come from and
are sent to all parts. Apart from money
the home needs a large amount of milk
to supply the boys. The one cow is
inadequate; another is badly needed. It
would bo also a great 'boon if the home
could bring its supplies from town, and
this would be possible if it had a horse,
which would also be availalble for the
boys to leam something of farm work.
The matron would be pleased to show any
one over the home any day at any time,
in order that the good work being done
there may be seen.
Boys' Home, Enoggera. (1921, December 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Retrieved January 20, 2022, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20520661
"Boys' Home, Enoggera." The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933) 16 December 1921: 6. Web. 20 Jan 2022 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20520661>.
1921 'Boys' Home, Enoggera.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 16 December, p. 6. , viewed 20 Jan 2022, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20520661
{{cite news |url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20520661 |title=Boys' Home, Enoggera. |newspaper=[[The Brisbane Courier]] |issue=19,939 |location=Queensland, Australia |date=16 December 1921 |accessdate=20 January 2022 |page=6 |via=National Library of Australia}}
The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Fri 16 Dec 1921, Page 6 - Boys' Home, Enoggera. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,309 | SurvivorsUK is the main and unique national charity with 30 years' specialist experience for those adults who identify as male who have been sexually abused or assaulted at any time in their lives (75% of whom were abused as children) and their friends and family. We provide advice, information and emotional support through our enquiry line; webchat seven days a week including access through a mobile app; telephone and online counselling; as well as one-to-one counselling, groupwork and a male independent sexual violence advisor for those going through the criminal justice system within Greater London. Our website holds a national database of other organisations which can help, as well as a blog, newsletter, self-help guides and other essential information. We raise awareness of the issues, act as a voice for survivors and encourage them to seek our assistance. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,310 | Saudi Railway celebrates training achievements of its first 32 female train drivers
Saudi Railway (SAR) celebrated the training achievements of its first 32 female drivers in a video shared to its Twitter account, after the women completed their first stage of training in 2022.
The video, released on New Year's Day, featured some of the women who took part in the training who said that they were so proud to be a part of the pioneering initiative, of which they were the first batch, and were looking forward to the road ahead.
After a year of training, the 32 women are now on track to drive bullet trains on the 453-kilometer Haramain high-speed line between the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina, making them the first women to drive SAR trains.
Saudi women have made significant contributions to the Kingdom's economy in recent years, and the ability to drive has played a major role in this trend. Prior to 2018, Saudi women were not permitted to drive, which limited their mobility and career opportunities. However, the lifting of the ban on women driving in June 2018 marked a major shift in the role of women in Saudi society.
Since then, women in Saudi Arabia have made significant strides in the workforce. This trend is expected to continue as the government works towards its goals under Saudi Vision 2030, a plan set forth in 2016 to diversify the economy and reduce its reliance on oil.
Women in Saudi Arabia are now able to take on a wider range of jobs, including positions in the transportation and logistics sectors, which were previously off-limits to them.
The ability to drive has also given them more independence and the freedom to pursue education and career opportunities. In addition, the presence of women in the workforce has helped to boost the economy and increase productivity. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,311 | \section{Introduction}
With the completion of the 12~GeV energy upgrade of Jefferson Lab,
a new chapter in the exploration of the quark structure of the nucleon
has begun. One of the main drivers of the new facility is the
determination of the spatial, momentum, and spin distributions of the
nucleon's valence quarks. Of particular interest are configurations
in which a single quark carries a large fraction, $x$, of the momentum
of the nucleon, which can reveal details of the underlying quark-gluon
It is surprising that, almost four decades after the first
experimental deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) programs were initiated,
such fundamental quantities as the momentum fraction carried by $d$
quarks in the proton are still poorly known at large
$x$~\cite{JLab11, JMO13, Gao:2017yyd}.
While this is partly due to the steeply falling inclusive DIS rates
as $x \to 1$, the additional complication has been the absence of
free neutron targets, which has significantly limited the extraction
of $u$ and $d$ flavor information from hydrogen and deuterium data
due to nuclear effects in the latter~\cite{MT96}.
Indeed, uncertainties from the short-range part of the nucleon--nucleon
interaction give rise to differences in the extracted $d/u$ parton
distribution function (PDF) ratio that are typically of the same order
as the variation between predictions from different dynamical
models~\cite{CJ11, CJ12, Rubin12}.
Recent progress on the experimental front has come with the
measurement of the nearly-free neutron structure function in the
``BONuS'' experiment at Jefferson Lab~\cite{Baillie12, Tkachenko14},
using spectator tagging in semi-inclusive DIS from the deuteron,
which has improved the precision of the $d/u$ ratio in the
intermediate- to high-$x$ region.
More dramatically, data on charged lepton and $W$-boson asymmetries
in $p\bar p$ collisions from the CDF and D0 Collaborations at
Fermilab~\cite{CDF05, CDF09, D008l, D008e} have provided more
stringent constraints on the $d/u$ behavior up to $x \sim 0.7$.
In particular, the recent CJ15 global QCD analysis~\cite{CJ15}
suggested that the nucleon off-shell effects in the deuteron are
relatively small, at least in the isoscalar channel.
However, while the new data have led to a reduction in the extracted
PDF uncertainties at large $x$, there is still considerable
uncertainty in the extrapolation from the highest $x$ values
at which there data to the $x=1$ limit. For instance,
depending on the functional form chosen for the $u$ and $d$ PDFs,
one can get rather different extrapolated $d/u$ ratios in the
$x=1$ limit~\cite{CJ15, AKP17}.
The experimental program at Jefferson Lab at 12~GeV aims to bridge
this gap by using several novel techniques to isolate the $d/u$
ratio up to $x \sim 0.85$ in the DIS region.
The spectator tagging method will be used again to extend the BONuS
experiment to 12~GeV~\cite{BONUS12}, isolating nearly free neutrons
in the deuteron by detecting a low-momentum, backward-angle proton
in DIS off deuterium.
Further ahead, the SoLID Collaboration aims to measure parity-violating
DIS from the proton, with the $\gamma$-$Z$ interference structure
function providing a different combination of the $u$ and $d$ PDFs
compared with electromagnetic scattering~\cite{SOLID, Hobbs08}.
In this paper we consider the alternative method proposed to extract
the $d/u$ ratio, using the measurement of DIS cross sections from
$^3$He and $^3$H nuclei with the MARATHON experiment at Jefferson
Lab~\cite{MARATHON}, which completed data taking in 2018.
It was shown in Refs.~\cite{Afnan00, Afnan03, Pace01, Sargsian02} that,
under reasonable assumptions about the isospin dependence of nucleon
off-shell effects, the ratio of $^3$He to $^3$H structure functions
could directly constrain the neutron to proton ratio, $F_2^n/F_2^p$,
with nuclear effects largely canceling between the mirror nuclei.
From knowledge of the free neutron to proton ratio, one can then
directly extract $d/u$ in the valence quark dominated region,
$x \gtrsim 0.4$.
Since the earlier calculations, progress on the theoretical front
has been made in computing structure functions of light nuclei
within the framework of the weak binding approximation
(WBA)~\cite{KP06, KM08, Ethier13}, including finite-energy
corrections and nucleon off-shell contributions.
In the case of the DIS from the deuteron, the latter have been
estimated within nuclear models~\cite{CJ11, CJ12} and fitted in
phenomenological analyses~\cite{KP06, CJ15, AKP17} for a given
set of deuteron wave functions.
Information on the off-shell effects in $A=3$ nuclei, on the other
hand, has been more difficult to obtain, partly because of the dearth
of data on unpolarized $^3$He structure functions (and the complete
absence for $^3$H). This had left open the possibility of
potentially large isovector off-shell effects~\cite{Sargsian02},
which would contribute to $^3$He/$^3$H structure functions,
but not be seen in DIS from deuterium.
In the present work we revisit the question of the isospin dependence
of off-shell effects in the light of more recent data from the
Jefferson Lab E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09}, which measured
ratios of structure functions of light nuclei to those of deuterium.
In particular, the experiment obtained the first high-precision
determination of the $^3$He to deuterium cross section ratio for
$x \sim 0.3-0.6$ in DIS kinematics. These data have the potential
to constrain, when combined with the inclusive deuterium DIS data,
the individual off-shell corrections to the proton and neutron
structure functions, and clarify the impact on the extracted
$F_2^n/F_2^p$ ratio.
In Ref.~\cite{KP10}, for example, the data were used to benchmark
the $n/p$ ratio extracted from E03-103 with that obtained from
earlier inclusive proton and deuterium data sets, requiring a
``renormalization'' of the $^3$He to deuterium cross section
ratio by $+3\%$.
Here we re-examine the E03-103 $^3$He/deuterium data, in combination
with the isoscalar nucleon off-shell corrections obtained from the
recent CJ15 global QCD analysis \cite{CJ15}, and place upper limits
on the magnitude of the isospin dependence of the off-shell corrections.
To further constrain the models of the nuclear effects, we test
the efficacy of the $^3$He smearing functions computed within
the WBA framework to simultaneously describe other processes,
such as quasielastic (QE) electron scattering from $^3$He nuclei.
We compare with the available QE data from experiments at
SLAC~\cite{Day:1979bx, Meziani:1992xr} and
Jefferson Lab~\cite{Fomin:2010ei} in the region $x \gtrsim 1$ and
at four-momentum transfers $Q^2 \sim 1$ to a few GeV$^2$, where the
nuclear impulse approximation is expected to be valid.
We begin in Sec.~\ref{sec:theory} by reviewing the formalism for
inclusive lepton scattering from nuclei, and summarizing the results
for nuclear structure functions in terms of on-shell and off-shell
convolutions of nucleon structure functions and nucleon (light-cone)
momentum distribution functions in $A=3$ nuclei.
Here we also illustrate the specific features of the nucleon light
cone distributions (which are also referred to as nucleon
``smearing functions'') as a function of nuclear momentum fraction
and $Q^2$.
The versatility of the smearing functions in describing different
$^3$He observables is discussed in Sec.~\ref{sec:qe}, where we
compare the QE cross sections calculated in the WBA with data on
inclusive electron--$^3$He scattering in the QE region,
$x \sim 1$, from SLAC~\cite{Day:1979bx, Meziani:1992xr}
and Jefferson Lab~\cite{Fomin:2010ei}.
After establishing the kinematic regions in $x$ and $Q^2$ where
the data can be accommodated, we estimate the QE cross sections
for $^3$He and $^3$H at the kinematics of the E12-11-112
experiment at Jefferson Lab~\cite{E12-11-112}.
DIS from $^3$He and $^3$H nuclei is discussed in Sec.~\ref{sec:dis}.
Here we fit the recent 6~GeV Jefferson Lab data~\cite{Seely09} on
the $^3$He to deuterium cross section ratio to extract the isovector
component of the nucleon off-shell contributions. We use several
different nuclear models and off-shell parametrizations to estimate
the theoretical uncertainty in the extracted off-shell corrections,
and determine the impact on the extraction of the $F_2^n/F_2^p$ ratio.
Finally, in Sec.~\ref{sec:conc} we summarize our findings and
anticipate future developments in experiment and theory which may
reveal further insight into both the quark structure of the nucleon
and the dynamics of $^3$He and $^3$H nuclei.
In this section we summarize the basic formulas for inclusive
electron scattering from nuclei. We present the results for the
nuclear structure functions in the framework of the WBA, in which the
structure functions of the nucleus are represented as convolutions
of nucleon momentum distributions in the nucleus and structure
functions of (off-shell) nucleons, up to ${\cal O}(\bm{p}^2/M^2)$
corrections, where $\bm{p}$ and $M$ are the 3-momentum and mass of
the initial state nucleon~\cite{KP06, KM08, KPW94, KMPW95, KM08d}.
(Higher order relativistic effects necessarily lead to a
breakdown of the factorization embodied in the convolution
representation~\cite{MST94, MST94plb}.)
After providing the complete set of formulas for structure functions
for scattering of both transverse and longitudinal photons,
we illustrate the smearing functions, for on-shell and off-shell
nucleon contributions, for $A=3$ nuclei.
\subsection{Inclusive nuclear cross section and structure functions}
We consider the inclusive scattering of an electron from a nucleus $A$
(later specializing to the case $A =$ $^3$He and $^3$H),
$e A \to e X$,
where $X$ represents the unobserved hadronic state.
We denote the four-momenta of the incident and scattered electrons by
$k_\mu$ and $k'_\mu$, respectively, and the four-momentum of the target
by $P_\mu$. In the target rest frame the inclusive cross section is
given by
\frac{d^2\sigma}{d\Omega dE'}
&=& \frac{\alpha^2}{Q^4} \frac{E'}{E} \frac{1}{M_A}
L_{\mu\nu}\, W^{\mu\nu},
where $\alpha$ is the fine structure constant, $E$ ($E'$) is the
energy of the incident (scattered) electron, and $M_A$ is the mass
of the nucleus.
The four-momentum of the exchanged virtual photon is
$q_\mu = k_\mu - k'_\mu$. The invariant mass squared of the photon
can be approximated by neglecting the small electron mass,
$Q^2 \equiv -q^2 \approx 4 E E' \sin^2(\theta/2)$,
where $\theta$ is the angle between the incident and scattered
The leptonic tensor in Eq.~(\ref{eq:sigLW}) is given by
&=& 2 k_\mu k'_\nu + 2 k'_\mu k_\nu + q^2 g_{\mu\nu},
and the hadronic tensor is parametrized by the nuclear structure
functions $F_1^A$ and $F_2^A$,
&=& \left( -g^{\mu\nu} + \frac{q^\mu q^\nu}{q^2} \right)
+\ \left( P^\mu - \frac{P \cdot q}{q^2} q^\mu \right)
\left( P^\nu - \frac{P \cdot q}{q^2} q^\nu \right)
\frac{F_2^A}{P \cdot q}\, .
The structure functions are taken to be functions of $Q^2$
and the Bjorken scaling variable, $x = Q^2 / 2 M \nu$,
where $\nu = E - E'$ is the energy transfer.
One can then write the inclusive cross section in terms of the
nuclear structure functions as
\sigma^A\ \equiv\
\frac{d^2\sigma}{d\Omega dE'}
&=& \sigma_{\rm Mott}
\left( \frac{2}{M_A} \tan^2\frac{\theta}{2} F_1^A(x,Q^2)
+ \frac{1}{\nu} F_2^A(x,Q^2)
where $\sigma_{\rm Mott} = (4\alpha^2 E'^2/Q^4) \cos^2(\theta/2)$
is the Mott cross section for scattering from a point particle.
Note that for forward scattering, $\theta=0^\circ$, the cross section
is dominated by the $F_2^A$ structure function, while for backward
scattering, $\theta=180^\circ$, it is given only in terms of $F_1^A$.
For intermediate scattering angles, both the $F_1^A$ and $F_2^A$
structure functions contribute to the cross section.
Alternatively, one can also write the hadronic tensor and cross section
in terms of the transverse and longitudinal structure functions,
$F_T^A$ and $F_L^A$, corresponding to the contributions to the
scattering from exchanged photons with transverse or longitudinal
polarization, respectively,
F_T^A(x,Q^2) &=& 2 x F_1^A(x,Q^2), \\
F_L^A(x,Q^2) &=& \gamma^2\, F_2^A(x,Q^2) - F_T^A(x,Q^2),
where the kinematical parameter
\gamma^2 &\equiv& \frac{\bm{q}^2}{\nu^2}\,
=\, 1 + \frac{4 M^2 x^2}{Q^2}
accounts for finite-energy effects.
Note that sometimes in the literature one uses the nuclear scaling
variable, $x_A = (M/M_A)\, x$, which ranges between 0 and 1.
In the present analysis we will use the variable $x$ when
comparing structure functions of nuclei and nucleons.
\subsection{Structure functions in the weak binding approximation}
Neglecting antinucleon degrees of freedom, in the WBA the nucleus is
approximated as a system of weakly bound nucleons with four-momentum
\mbox{$p_\mu \equiv (M+\varepsilon, \bm{p})$},
where the nucleon three-momentum $\bm{p}$ and off-shell energy
energy $\varepsilon$ ($<0$) are both much smaller than the nucleon mass,
$|\bm{p}|, |\varepsilon|~\ll~M$~\cite{KPW94, KMPW95}.
Reducing the relativistic Lorentz-Dirac structures in the general
decomposition of the off-shell nucleon hadronic tensor~\cite{MST94,
KPW94}, one can relate the relativistic four-component nucleon
field to the corresponding two-component operator, up to order
${\cal O}(\bm{p}^2/M^2)$~\cite{KP06, KM08}.
The imaginary part of the nucleon propagator can then be written
in terms of a nuclear spectral function defined through the
correlator of the nonrelativistic fields.
A lengthy but straightforward derivation then allows one to show that
the nuclear structure functions can be written in factorized form,
x F_1^A(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N
{\cal F}_0^N\left(\varepsilon,{\bm p}\right)
\left( 1 + \frac{\gamma p_z}{M} \right) \nonumber\\
& & \hspace*{2cm} \times
\left[ {\cal C}_{11}\,
\frac{x}{y} \widetilde{F}_1^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2,p^2\right)
+ {\cal C}_{12}\,
\label{eq:F1_gen} \\
&=& \sum_N
{\cal F}_0^N\left(\varepsilon,{\bm p}\right)
\left( 1 + \frac{\gamma p_z}{M} \right)
{\cal C}_{22}\, \widetilde{F}_2^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2,p^2\right),
\label{eq:F2_gen} \\
&=& \sum_N
{\cal F}_0^N\left(\varepsilon,{\bm p}\right)
\left( 1 + \frac{\gamma p_z}{M} \right) \nonumber\\
& & \hspace*{2cm} \times
\left[ {\cal C}_{LL}\,
+ {\cal C}_{L2}\,
where the sum is over nucleons $N = p, n$, the function ${\cal F}_0^N$
is the nonrelativistic nucleon spectral function in the nucleus,
and $\widetilde{F}_i^N$ $(i=1,2,L)$ are the off-shell nucleon structure
functions, which depend also on the nucleon virtuality, $p^2$.
The variable
y &\equiv& \frac{M_A}{M} \frac{p \cdot q}{P \cdot q}\,
=\, \frac{p_0 + \gamma p_z}{M}
is the light-cone fraction of the nuclear momentum carried by the
interacting nucleon.
The coefficients ${\cal C}_{ij}$ are given by
{\cal C}_{11}
&=& 1, \nonumber\\
{\cal C}_{12}
&=& (\gamma^2-1) \frac{{\bm p}_\perp^2}{4 y^2 M^2}, \nonumber\\
{\cal C}_{22}
&=& \frac{1}{\gamma^2}
1 + \frac{(\gamma^2-1)}{2 y^2 M^2}
\left( 2 p^2 + 3 {\bm p}_\perp^2 \right)
\right], \label{eq:Cij}\\
{\cal C}_{LL}
&=& 1, \nonumber\\
{\cal C}_{L2}
&=& (\gamma^2-1) \frac{{\bm p}_\perp^2}{y^2 M^2}. \nonumber
Note that while in the $Q^2 \to \infty$ limit all the structure
functions are ``diagonal'', at finite $Q^2$ the transverse and
longitudinal structure functions $F_1^A$ and $F_L^A$ receive
contributions from both the nucleon's
$\widetilde{F}_1^N$ and $\widetilde{F}_2^N$
(or $\widetilde{F}_L^N$ and $\widetilde{F}_2^N$)
structure functions, whereas $F_2^A$ remains diagonal.
The $p^2$ dependence of the off-shell nucleon structure functions
$\widetilde{F}_i^N$ is, in itself, unphysical and must be interpreted
in the context of the $p^2$ dependence of the spectral function
${\cal F}_0^N$, such that only the total nuclear structure function
is physical.
Nevertheless, for a given nuclear wave function model which defines
the spectral function, one can extract the off-shell part of the
nucleon structure function phenomenologically.
For small nucleon virtualities, $|v| \ll 1$, where
$v \equiv v(p^2) = (p^2 - M^2)/M^2$,
one can expand the off-shell nucleon structure functions
in a Taylor series around $p^2=M^2$,
&=& F_i^N\left(x,Q^2\right)\,
\Big( 1 + v(p^2)\, \delta f^N_i\left(x,Q^2\right) + {\cal O}(v^2)
\Big),\ \ \ \ i=1,2,L
where $F_i^N$ are the on-shell nucleon structure functions,
and the coefficient of the ${\cal O}(v)$ term is given by
\delta f^N_i\left(x,Q^2\right)
&=& \left. \frac{\partial \log \widetilde{F}_i^N \left(x,Q^2,p^2\right)}
{\partial \log v(p^2)}
In earlier analyses, the off-shell function $\delta f^N_i$ was either
computed within simple spectator quark models~\cite{KMPW95, KP06, CJ11}
or extrated from empirical fits to nuclear structure function
data~\cite{KP06, CJ15, AKP17} assuming dependence on $x$ only.
Furthermore, typically it has been assumed that the same function
describes the off-shell modification of both the $F_1^N$ and $F_2^N$
(and $F_L^N$) structure functions,
$\delta f^N_1 = \delta f^N_2 = \delta f^N_L \equiv \delta f^N$.
However, unlike in previous analyses which assumed also the isospin
independence of $\delta f^N$, here we allow the off-shell corrections
for the proton and neutron to differ,
$\delta f^p_i \neq \delta f^n_i$.
The Taylor series expansion in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Fexp1}) allows the
derivation of simple expressions for the nuclear structure functions
in terms of on-shell and off-shell convolutions.
For the on-shell part, taking the first term in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Fexp1})
yields the familiar on-shell convolution approximation to the
nuclear structure functions~\cite{KP06, CJ15, Bickerstaff89},
xF_1^{A \, ({\rm on})}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N \int dy
\left[ f_{11}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\frac{x}{y} F_1^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right)
+ f_{12}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\right],\ \ \ \
\label{eq:conv1} \\
F_2^{A \, ({\rm on})}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N \int dy
\left[ f_{22}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\right], \\
F_L^{A \, ({\rm on})}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N \int dy
\left[ f_{LL}^N(y,\gamma)\, F_L^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right)
+ f_{L2}^N(y,\gamma)\, F_2^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right)
\right],\ \ \ \
where the one-dimensional smearing functions are given by
&=& \int\!\frac{d^4{p}}{(2\pi)^4}
{\cal F}_0^N\left(\varepsilon,{\bm p}\right)
\left( 1 + \frac{\gamma p_z}{M} \right)
{\cal C}_{ij}\,
\delta\left( y-1-\frac{\varepsilon+\gamma p_z}{M} \right),
and the $y$ integrations in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:conv}) range
from $x$ to $M_A/M$.
Note that for $\gamma=1$ the diagonal functions $f_{ii}^N$
($i=1,2,L$) are normalized to unity, corresponding to the
spectral function normalization,
\int_0^{M_A/M} dy\, f_{ii}^N(y,\gamma=1)
&=& \int\!\!\frac{d^4p}{(2\pi)^4}\,
{\cal F}_0^N\left(\varepsilon,{\bm p}\right)\
=\ 1
for both protons and neutrons, $N=p, n$.
Generalizing Eqs.~(\ref{eq:conv}) to include the off-shell term
in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Fexp1}) proportional to $v$, one can write the
first-order off-shell contributions to the nuclear structure
functions as~\cite{Ehlers14}
xF_1^{A \, ({\rm off})}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N \int\!dy
\left[ \widetilde{f}_{11}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\frac{x}{y} F_1^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right)
+ \widetilde{f}_{12}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\right] \nonumber\\
& & \hspace*{2cm} \times\
\delta f^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right),
\label{eq:yconv1} \\
F_2^{A \, ({\rm off})}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N \int\!dy
\left[ \widetilde{f}_{22}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\right] \delta f^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right),
\label{eq:yconv2} \\
xF_L^{A \, ({\rm off})}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N \int\!dy
\left[ \widetilde{f}_{LL}^N(y,\gamma)\,
+ \widetilde{f}_{L2}^N(y,\gamma)\,
\right] \nonumber\\
& & \hspace*{2cm} \times\
\delta f^N\left(\frac{x}{y},Q^2\right),
where the off-shell smearing functions $\widetilde{f}_{ij}^N$
are defined by including the factor $v$ in the integrand of
&=& \int\!\frac{d^4{p}}{(2\pi)^4}
{\cal F}_0^N\left(\varepsilon,{\bm p}\right)
\left( 1 + \frac{\gamma p_z}{M} \right)
{\cal C}_{ij}\, v(p^2)\,
\delta\left( y-1-\frac{\varepsilon+\gamma p_z}{M} \right).
The total nuclear structure functions are then given by the sum of
the on-shell and off-shell contributions,
&=& F_i^{A\, \rm (on)}(x,Q^2)\,
+\, F_i^{A\, \rm (off)}(x,Q^2),\ \ \ \ i=1,2,L.
These results are general and valid for any bound system of $A$
nucleons. With the above normalization for the smearing functions
(\ref{eq:fynorm}), the nuclear structure functions can be written
in terms of the proton and neutron contributions as
&=& Z F_i^{p/A}(x,Q^2)\, +\, (A-Z) F_i^{n/A}(x,Q^2),\ \ \ \ i=1,2,L.
In the next section we specialize to the case of $A=3$ nuclei.
\subsection{Smearing functions for $A=3$ nuclei}
In this section we describe the proton and neutron spectral functions
for the case of three-body nuclei, which is the focus of the present
study, and illustrate the shapes and magnitudes of the on-shell and
off-shell smearing functions for specific models.
In general, the spectral function is defined to give the probability
distribution for finding a nucleon with momentum $\bm{p}$ and energy
$\varepsilon$ in the nucleus $A$, summed over all possible configurations
of the residual $A-1$ system.
For the proton spectral function in $^3$He there are two contributions:
one from the bound $pn$ intermediate state corresponding to a deuteron,
with energy
$\varepsilon = \varepsilon_d - \varepsilon_{^3{\rm He}}$,
where $\varepsilon_d = -2.22$~MeV and $\varepsilon_{^3{\rm He}} = -7.72$~MeV
are the deuteron and $^3$He binding energies, respectively,
and one from the $pn$ continuum scattering states, with off-shell
energy $\varepsilon$,
{\cal F}_0^p(\varepsilon,{\bm p})
&=& {\cal F}_0^{p\, (d)}({\bm p})\
\delta( \varepsilon + \varepsilon_{^3{\rm He}} - \varepsilon_d )\
+\ {\cal F}_0^{p\, ({\rm cont})}(\varepsilon,{\bm p}).
For the neutron, on the other hand, since there is no bound state of
two protons, the spectral function contains only a contribution from
the $pp$ continuum scattering state,
{\cal F}_0^n(\varepsilon,{\bm p})
&=& {\cal F}_0^{n\, ({\rm cont})}(\varepsilon,{\bm p}).
Assuming isospin symmetry, the spectral functions for tritium, $^3$H,
can be obtained from those of $^3$He simply by interchanging the
proton and neutron. As is well known, however, this underestimates
the triton binding energy of $\varepsilon_{^3{\rm H}} = -8.482$~MeV, and
requires the addition of Coulomb interactions and charge-symmetry
breaking effects.
In practice, the spectral functions are typically evaluated in terms
of the (positive) separation energy $E$, defined as the energy
required to remove a single (on-shell) nucleon from the nucleus,
E &=& M_{A-1} + M - M_A,
where the mass of the spectator $A-1$ system is
M_{A-1} &=& \sqrt{E_{A-1}^2 - {\bm p}_{A-1}^2},
E_{A-1} &=& M_A - p_0\ =\ M_A - M - \varepsilon
the on-shell energy of the spectator system, and
${\bm p}_{A-1}^2 = {\bm p}^2$ in the rest frame of the nucleus.
Solving Eqs.~(\ref{eq:sepE}) and (\ref{eq:EA-1}), the energy
$\varepsilon$ can be written in terms of the separation energy $E$ as
\varepsilon &=& M_A - M - \sqrt{(E + M_A - M)^2 + {\bm p}^2},
which in the nonrelativistic limit is approximated as
\varepsilon &\approx& - E - \frac{{\bm p}^2}{2 (E+M_A-M)}.
For a nucleon at rest in the nucleus, ${\bm p}=0$, the energy
$\varepsilon$ is then simply the negative of the separation energy,
\varepsilon({\bm p}=0) &=& - E.
The functions ${\cal F}_0^{p\, (d)}({\bm p})$ and
${\cal F}_0^{p, n\, ({\rm cont})}$ can be determined by solving
the three-body bound state problem using one of several methods.
Bissey {\it et al.}~\cite{Bissey01} solved the Faddeev equation
using a separable approximation to the two-body nucleon--nucleon
Paris potential~\cite{Haidenbauer84}, as well as the unitary pole
approximation~\cite{Saito95} to the Reid soft core (RSC) $NN$
potential~\cite{RSC68}, and the Yamaguchi potential~\cite{Yamaguchi54}
with 7\% mixing between $^3S_1$ and $^3D_1$ waves.
The resulting smearing functions were used in the analysis of $^3$He
and $^3$H structure functions in Refs.~\cite{Afnan00, Afnan03}.
Schulze and Sauer (SS)~\cite{SS} also solved the Faddeev equation
for 18 channels using the Paris $NN$ potential for the ground state
$^3$He wave function~\cite{Stadler91}, and projecting onto the
deuteron and continuum scattering states.
In contrast, Ciofi degli Atti {\it et al.} pioneered~\cite{Ciofi80,
Ciofi84} the use of the variational method using harmonic
oscillator wave functions and the RSC $NN$ interaction.
Kievsky~{\it et~al.} (KPSV)~\cite{KPSV} extended this approach,
making use of a pair-correlated hyperspherical harmonic basis
\cite{Kievsky93} with the AV18 $NN$ potential, including a Coulomb
interaction between protons and the Urbana IX three-body force.
The KPSV and SS spectral functions were used in the analyses of
spin-dependent $^3$He structure functions in Refs.~\cite{KM08,
Ethier13}, and we will use these in the present work.
Table~\ref{tab:specfunc} summarizes the average nucleon off-shell
energy $\varepsilon$ and kinetic energy $\langle{\bm p}^2\rangle/2M$
for the KPSV~\cite{KPSV} and SS~\cite{SS} models.
\caption{Average nucleon energy $\varepsilon$ and kinetic energy
$\langle{\bm p}^2\rangle/2M$ (in units of MeV) in $^3$He
and $^3$H nuclei, for the KPSV~\cite{KPSV} and SS~\cite{SS}
models of the nuclear spectral functions.}
model & nucleus & $\langle{\varepsilon}\rangle$
& $\langle{\bm p}^2\rangle/2M$ \\ \hline
KPSV & $^3$He & $-64.28$ & 48.85 \\
& $^3$H & $-66.56$ & 48.84 \\ \hline
SS & $^3$He & $-53.66$ & 38.45 \\
& $^3$H & $-55.94$ & 38.44 \\ \hline
\caption{Proton smearing functions in $^3$He, $f_{ij}^p(y,\gamma)$,
$i=2,L$, for the on-shell [(a)--(c)] and off-shell [(d)--(f)]
distributions, computed from the KPSV spectral
function~\cite{KPSV} for $\gamma=1$ (red solid curves),
1.5 (green dot-dashed curves) and 4 (blue dashed curves).}
\caption{Neutron smearing functions in $^3$He, $f_{ij}^n(y,\gamma)$,
$i=2,L$, for the on-shell [(a)--(c)] and off-shell [(d)--(f)]
distributions, computed from the KPSV spectral
function~\cite{KPSV} for $\gamma=1$ (red solid curves),
1.5 (green dot-dashed curves) and 4 (blue dashed curves).}
\caption{Ratio of deuteron pole contribution to the total smearing
function for (a) the proton on-shell $f_{22}^p$ function,
and (b) proton off-shell $\widetilde{f}_{22}^p$ function,
for different values of $\gamma$.
The ratio of the total proton smearing functions for the
SS~\cite{SS} and KPSV~\cite{KPSV} spectral functions is
given in (c) and (d) for the on-shell and off-shell functions,
The on-shell smearing functions $f_{ij}^N$ for the proton and neutron
in $^3$He, as well as the off-shell functions $\widetilde{f}_{ij}^N$,
are illustrated in Figs.~\ref{fig:fyp} and \ref{fig:fyn}, respectively,
for the KPSV model, at several values of the parameter $\gamma$.
The diagonal functions $f_{22}^N$ and $f_{LL}^N$ are steeply peaked
around $y=1$, but become broader with increasing $\gamma$.
This has the effect of introducing stronger nuclear smearing at low
values of $Q^2$ and at large $x$, where the cross sections are small,
than at lower $x$ where they are larger.
Note that for $\gamma=1$ the $f_{22}^N$ and $f_{LL}^N$
distributions are identical, but differ for $\gamma > 1$.
The non-diagonal functions $f_{L2}^N$ vanish identically for
$\gamma=1$, but rise to $\sim 20\%$ of the diagonal functions
at $y=1$ for $\gamma=4$.
For the off-shell smearing functions in Figs.~\ref{fig:fyp} and
\ref{fig:fyn}, because of the factor $v$ ($< 0$) in the integrand
of Eq.~(\ref{eq:fij_off}), these are negative for both the proton
and neutron.
For $\gamma=1$, the off-shell functions $\widetilde{f}_{22}^N$
and $\widetilde{f}_{LL}^N$ are identical, with a magnitude of
$\approx 3\%$ of their on-shell counterparts at the peak
$y \sim 1$ for the proton and $\approx 5\%$ for the neutron.
As for the on-shell functions, the off-shell distributions become
broader with increasing $\gamma$, approximately tracking the
$\gamma$ dependence of the on-shell distributions.
The slightly narrower peak for the proton function in Fig.~\ref{fig:fyp}
compared with the neutron in Fig.~\ref{fig:fyn} reflects the presence
of the bound deuteron spectator contribution in the former but not
in the latter.
In fact, the deuteron bound state component amounts to around 2/3
of the strength of the proton on-shell smearing function, with the
continuum contribution accounting for $\sim 1/3$.
This is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:fyrat}(a) and (b),
where the deuteron contribution is shown relative to the total for
the proton on-shell $f_{22}^p$ and off-shell $\widetilde{f}_{22}^p$
functions, respectively.
For the proton off-shell function, the fraction at the
$y \approx 1$ peak is closer to 1/2.
Away from the peak, the deuteron pole fractions decrease rapidly
for $\gamma=1$, but remain broader for larger $\gamma$.
The results for the $f_{LL}^p$ and $\widetilde{f}_{LL}^p$
functions are very similar to those in Fig.~\ref{fig:fyrat},
as are the ratios for the neutron.
The dependence of the smearing functions on the choice of model for the
$A=3$ wave function is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:fyrat}(c) and (d)
as a ratio of SS~\cite{SS} to KPSV~\cite{KPSV} spectral functions for
the proton $f_{22}^p$ and $\widetilde{f}_{22}^p$ distributions.
The on-shell smearing function for the SS model is slightly
narrower around $y \approx 1$, with an $\approx 5\%$ higher peak,
which is compensated by lower distributions away from the peak.
For the off-shell function, the SS model distribution is
$\approx 5\%$ lower than for the KPSV model, with a similar
behavior away from the peak.
These results illustrate an interesing compensation for
the differences between the on-shell smearing functions
around $y=1$ and the off-shell functions for the two models.
With these distributions, one can now proceed to compute the
nuclear structure functions $F_i^A$ for $A=$ $^3$He and $^3$H,
which will be the subject of the remaining sections.
\section{Quasielastic Scattering}
The veracity of any calculation of nuclear structure functions
depends, within the convolution framework of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:conv})
and (\ref{eq:conv_off}), on the reliability of the smearing
functions $f_{ij}^N(y,\gamma)$ that characterize the distribution
of nucleons in the nucleus.
One of best testing grounds for models of the smearing functions
is QE electron--nucleus scattering, where an electron scatters
elastically from a proton or neutron bound in the nucleus.
Whereas for inelastic scattering from the bound nucleon the
light-cone distributions are convoluted with a nontrivial
$x$ distribution in the inelastic $F_i^N$ structure functions,
for QE scattering the cross section and structure functions are
given directly by products of $f_{ij}^N$ and $Q^2$-dependent
elastic nucleon form factors.
It is important, therefore, to establish the range of kinematics
whereby the inclusive cross sections can be described in terms
of the {\it same} smearing functions in both the deep-inelastic
and QE regions.
After providing the basic formulas for the QE contributions to the
nuclear structure functions, in this section we compare the results
for the $^3$He cross sections with precision QE data from SLAC and
Jefferson Lab in the vicinity of $x \approx 1$.
\subsection{Quasielastic structure functions}
The matrix elements of the electromagnetic current operator $J^\mu$
between on-shell nucleon states are usually parametrized in terms
of the nucleon's Dirac $F_{1N}$ and Pauli $F_{2N}$ form factors,
\langle N(p+q) | J^\mu | N(p) \rangle
&=& \bar{u}(p+q)
\left[ \gamma^\mu\, F_{1N}(Q^2)\
+\ i \sigma^{\mu\nu} q_\nu \frac{F_{2N}(Q^2)}{2M}
Using the Dirac equation, and defining the Sachs electric $G_{EN}$
and magnetic $G_{MN}$ form factors such that
&=& \frac{1}{1+\tau}
\left[ G_{EN}(Q^2) + \tau G_{MN}(Q^2) \right],
\label{eq:ff1} \\
&=& \frac{1}{1+\tau}
\left[ G_{MN}(Q^2) - G_{EN}(Q^2) \right],
where $\tau = 4M^2/Q^2$, the matrix element can be equivalently
written as
\langle N(p+q) | J^\mu | N(p) \rangle
&=& \bar{u}(p+q)
\left[ \gamma^\mu\, G_{MN}(Q^2)\
-\ (2 p^\mu + q^\mu) \frac{F_{2N}(Q^2)}{2M}
The contributions to the nucleon elastic structure functions $F_i^N$
are then given by products of the form factors multiplied by an energy
conserving $\delta$ function at $x=1$,
F_1^{N (\rm el)}(x,Q^2)
&=& \left[ \frac{1}{2} G_{MN}^2(Q^2) \right]
\label{eq:F1el} \\
F_2^{N (\rm el)}(x,Q^2)
&=& \left[ \frac{G_{EN}^2(Q^2) + \tau G_{MN}^2(Q^2)}{1+\tau} \right]
where we have used the on-shell relation
Q^2\, \delta\big( (p+q)^2-M^2 \big)
&=& 2 p\cdot q\, \delta\big( (p+q)^2-M^2 \big)\,
=\, \delta(1-x).
The elastic contribution to the longitudinal structure function,
$F_L^{N (\rm el)}$, can then be computed from Eqs.~(\ref{eq:F12el})
using the relation
$F_L^{N (\rm el)}(x,Q^2)
= (1+1/\tau) F_2^{N (\rm el)}(x,Q^2)
- 2 F_1^{N (\rm el)}(x,Q^2)$.
Putting these results together, the QE nuclear structure functions
can be written in terms of the nucleon Sachs form factors as
x F_1^{A (\rm QE)}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N
\frac{1}{2} x f_{11}^N(x,\gamma)\,
G_{M N}^2(Q^2)\
+\ x f_{12}^N(x,\gamma)
\left[ \frac{G_{E N}^2(Q^2) + \tau G_{M N}^2(Q^2)}{1+\tau}
\label{eq:F1QE} \nonumber\\
& & \\
F_2^{A (\rm QE)}(x,Q^2)
&=& \sum_N
x f_{22}^N(x,\gamma)
\left[ \frac{G_{E N}^2(Q^2) + \tau G_{M N}^2(Q^2)}{1+\tau}
\subsection{Off-shell nucleons}
Generalizing to the case where the struck nucleon is bound inside
a nucleus, and hence off its mass-shell, $p^2 \not= M^2$, one can
write the kinematic constraint for elastic scattering to an on-shell
nucleon final state as
$2 p \cdot q = Q^2 + M^2 - p^2 = Q^2/(x/y)$,
where $y$ is defined in Eq.~(\ref{eq:y}).
In this case the $\delta$ function in Eq.~(\ref{eq:delta1-x}) can be
written as
Q^2\, \delta\big((p+q)^2 - M^2\big)
&=& \frac{x}{y}\
\delta\Big(1 - \kappa(p^2)\, \frac{x}{y}\Big),
where $\kappa(p^2) = 1 - v(p^2)\, M^2/Q^2$ parametrizes the
kinematical effects of the off-shell correction.
The generalization of the current operator to off-shell is not unique,
and in the literature one encounters several prescriptions for this.
The most common ones are the ``cc1'' and ``cc2'' prescription of
De~Forest~\cite{DeForest83}, which correspond to generalizing the
currents in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:Jcc1}) and (\ref{eq:Jcc2}), respectively,
to the off-shell region.
The elastic structure functions for the off-shell nucleon are then
given by
\widetilde{F}_1^{N (\rm el)}\Big(\frac{x}{y},Q^2,p^2\Big)
&=& \left[ \frac{G_{MN}^2}{2}
\left( 1 + \frac{v M^2}{Q^2} \right)
\frac{x}{y} \delta\Big(1-\kappa(p^2)\, \frac{x}{y}\Big),\\
\widetilde{F}_2^{N (\rm el)}\Big(\frac{x}{y},Q^2,p^2\Big)
&=& \left[ \frac{G_{EN}^2 + \tau G_{MN}^2}{1+\tau}
+ v\, \frac{(G_{MN}-G_{EN})^2}{4 (1+\tau)^2}
\delta\Big(1-\kappa(p^2)\, \frac{x}{y}\Big),
\widetilde{F}_1^{N (\rm el)}\Big(\frac{x}{y},Q^2,p^2\Big)
&=& \left[
+ \frac{v M^2}{2 Q^2}
\left( \frac{G_{EN}^2+\tau G_{MN}^2}{1+\tau}
+ v\, \frac{(G_{MN}-G_{EN})^2}{4 (1+\tau)^2}
\right] \nonumber\\
& & \times\,
\frac{x}{y} \delta\Big(1-\kappa(p^2)\, \frac{x}{y}\Big),\\
\widetilde{F}_2^{N (\rm el)}\Big(\frac{x}{y},Q^2,p^2\Big)
&=& \left[ \frac{G_{EN}^2 + \tau G_{MN}^2}{1+\tau}
\delta\Big(1-\kappa(p^2)\, \frac{x}{y}\Big),
for the ``cc1'' and ``cc2'' cases, respectively.
Assuming the $G_E$ and $G_M$ form factors themselves remain
functions of $Q^2$ only, the off-shell corrections to the
on-shell elastic structure functions in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:F12el})
involve terms that are of order $v$ and $v^2$, in addition to
the modified $\delta$~function. In each case the off-shell
corrections vanish in the $Q^2 \to \infty$ limit.
In terms of the elastic off-shell functions, the total QE structure
functions can be computed by substituting Eqs.~(\ref{eq:qe_off2})
or (\ref{eq:qe_off1}) into Eqs.~(\ref{eq:F1F2_gen}), and using
the $\delta$ function in (\ref{eq:deltafn-off}) to eliminate the
$dy$ integration in
$d^4p \to dy\, d|\bm{p}|\, d\varepsilon$,
so that the QE structure functions are computed as integrals over
the variables $|\bm{p}|$ and $\varepsilon$.
Alternatively, one can use the $\delta$ function to eliminate the
$|\bm{p}|$ or $p^2$ integration, leaving integrations over $\varepsilon$
and $y$.
In the following we discuss the off-shell corrections numerically,
and compare the WBA predictions for the QE cross sections with
experimental measurements of the inclusive cross sections in the
QE region at $x \sim 1$.
\subsection{Comparison with quasielastic $^3$He data}
A number of experiments have been performed scattering electrons
from $A=3$ nuclei in the QE region, over a range of energies and
scattering angles.
A convenient summary of the experimental data is provided in the
Quasielastic Electron--Nucleus Scattering Archive~\cite{DayQE}.
The most relevant of these for the present analysis are data
from experiments at SLAC~\cite{Day:1979bx, Meziani:1992xr}
and Jefferson Lab~\cite{Fomin:2010ei}.
The early SLAC data from Ref.~\cite{Day:1979bx} were taken for
incident electron energies between 3 and 15~GeV at $\theta=8^\circ$
scattering angle, corresponding to momentum transfers of up to
$\approx 1.4$~GeV.
Measurements from the subsequent NE9 experiment~\cite{Meziani:1992xr}
were taken at electron energies between 0.9 and 4.3~GeV, and
scattering angles of $15^\circ$ and $85^\circ$.
Both the transverse and longitudinal structure functions were
extracted using the Rosenbluth separation technique at a 3-momentum
transfer of $\approx 1$~GeV, and the latter was used to test the
Coulomb sum rule.
More recently, high precision data from the Jefferson Lab experiment
E02-019 were collected using a 5.766~GeV electron beam on various
nuclear targets, including $^3$He, primarily to study ``super-fast''
quarks at $x > 1$~\cite{Fomin:2010ei}. QE data were taken
at scattering angles between $18^\circ$ and $50^\circ$,
corresponding to values of the four-momentum exchange squared
of $2 \lesssim Q^2 \lesssim 9$~GeV$^2$.
Data from lower energy experiments from Bates \cite{Dow:1988rk} and
Saclay \cite{Marchand:1985us}, on $^3$He as well as $^3$H targets,
are not included in our analysis, which focuses on the region of
validity of the nuclear impulse approximation, corresponding to
intermediate $Q^2$ values from $\sim 1$~GeV$^2$ to a few~GeV$^2$.
At very large values of $x \gg 1$, contributions from processes
involving nucleons that no longer retain their clear identity as
nonoverlapping bound states of quarks, as well as multi-nucleon
effects requiring nuclear quark degrees of freedom, are expected
to become more important.
At very low $Q^2$ values, $Q^2 \ll 1$~GeV$^2$, coherent effects
and meson exchange corrections, as well as rescattering, are known
to play a greater role.
At higher $Q^2$ values, $Q^2 \gg 1$~GeV$^2$, identification of the
QE contribution underneath the rising inelastic background becomes
increasingly more difficult and model dependent.
In the $Q^2 \sim 1$~GeV$^2$ to several~GeV$^2$ range, where the
$x \sim 1$ region should still be dominated by single-nucleon
QE scattering, one can explore the efficacy and limitations of
an incoherent impulse approximation description in terms of the
nucleon smearing functions of Sec.~\ref{sec:theory}.
\caption{QE electron--$^3$He cross section as a function
of $x$ for fixed incident electron energies $E$ and
scattering angles $\theta$, with $Q_0^2$ the value
of the momentum transfer squared at $x=1$.
Data from the early SLAC experiment by
Day {\it et al.}~\cite{Day:1979bx} (a)--(c)
and the subsequent NE9 experiment by
Meziani {\it et al.}~\cite{Meziani:1992xr} (d)--(f)
are compared with the WBA calculation using the KPSV and SS
spectral functions, and the ``cc1'' and ``cc2'' off-shell
prescriptions, as well as a calculation using smearing
functions at $\gamma=1$ [(a) and (d)], scaled by a
factor 1/2 for clarity).}
In Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez} the QE data from the SLAC
experiments~\cite{Day:1979bx, Meziani:1992xr} are compared with the
cross sections computed from the smearing functions in the WBA model.
The data include both forward scattering angles
[Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}(a)--(d), (f)], as well as sideways
scattering [Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}(e)], with the value of
$Q^2$ at $x=1$ (labeled by $Q_0^2$) ranging from
$\approx 1$~GeV$^2$ to $\lesssim 4$~GeV$^2$.
For the elastic structure function we use the parametrizations
of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton and neutron
from Kelly~\cite{Kelly04}.
Experience from previous analyses of QE scattering from the
deuteron~\cite{EthierQE} shows that use of other parametrizations,
{\it e.g.}, from Refs.~\cite{AMT07, Venkat11, Bosted95}, has little
($\lesssim$~few~\%) effect on the cross sections at the relavant
As a baseline for the calculation, the KPSV~\cite{KPSV} model is
used for the $^3$He spectral function, and the results with and
without the off-shell corrections are compared.
As Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez} illustrates, the effect of the off-shell
corrections is a softening of the momentum distribution, which shifts
the peak in the cross section to slightly lower values of $x$,
and improves the overall agreement with the data.
The difference between the off-shell corrections computed using
the two prescription (``cc1'' or ``cc2'') is very small, and,
as expected from Eqs.~(\ref{eq:deltafn-off})--(\ref{eq:qe_off1}),
the off-shell effects become less prominent with increasing $Q^2$.
The importance of the $Q^2$ dependence is illustrated more strikingly
in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}(a) and (d), which compares the calculation
using exact kinematics with that taking smearing functions at
$\gamma=1$, as often done in deep-inelastic scattering applications
at high $Q^2$.
The result with $\gamma=1$ gives a significantly narrower distribution
around $x=1$, and a peak that is $\sim 2$ times larger than the data
In contrast, the results with the finite-$Q^2$ kinematics correctly
implemented is in significantly better agreement with the data.
The dependence of the results on the $^3$He spectral function is
very mild, as the comparison with the SS spectral function~\cite{SS}
in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}(c) and (f) shows, with the SS results
giving a slightly narrower distribution around the QE peak compared
with the KPSV spectral function~\cite{KPSV}.
Overall, the qualitative features of the data versus theory
comparisons are similar for the Day {\it et al.}~\cite{Day:1979bx}
and Meziani~{\it et al.}~\cite{Meziani:1992xr} data, with the
agreement being somewhat better for the more recent data
The similar kinematics of the two experiments, in particular for
forward scattering angles at $Q^2 \sim 1$~GeV$^2$, raise the
question of whether there may be a systematic underestimate
in the Day~{\it et al.}~\cite{Day:1979bx} data in this region.
\caption{As in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}, but for the Jefferson Lab
QE data from Fomin {\it et al.}~\cite{Fomin:2010ei} at
$E = 5.766$~GeV.
Cross sections which include inelastic contributions are
illustrated in panels (e) and (f) [black dot-dashed curves].}
The most recent QE data from Jefferson Lab experiment
E02-019~\cite{Fomin:2010ei} are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Fomin},
for a fixed electron energy $E=5.766$~GeV and scattering angles
from $\theta=18^\circ$ to $50^\circ$. This corresponds to slightly
larger $Q^2$ values at the QE peak than for the SLAC data in
Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}, ranging from $Q_0^2 \approx 2.5$~GeV$^2$
to $\approx 7.4$~GeV$^2$.
At these higher $Q^2$ values the effects of the off-shell
corrections are relatively small, and for the spectra with
$Q_0^2 \gtrsim 4$~GeV$^2$ the full cross sections are almost
indistinguishable from the on-shell only contributions.
What is rather more important at the higher $Q^2$ values are
the effects of the inelastic background. These are illustrated
in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Fomin}(e) at $Q_0^2 \approx 6.3$~GeV$^2$
and Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Fomin}(f) at $Q_0^2 \approx 7.4$~GeV$^2$,
using the nonresonant background part of the Christy--Bosted
nucleon structure function parametrization~\cite{CB10}.
For the higher $Q_0^2$ case in particular, the inelastic cross section
is quite large --- more than half of the total at the QE peak.
Since the inelastic contribution in the present work is not fitted,
but simply ported from a previous analysis~\cite{CB10}, and since the
separation of the total cross section into resonance and nonresonant
background contributions is not unique, achieving quantitative agreement
of the QE plus inelastic sum with the data is not the primary goal.
The point to be noted in this comparison is the relative magnitude of
the inelastic component compared with the nucleon elastic, and the
difficulty in determining the QE piece unambiguously at high values of
$Q^2$, $Q_0^2 \gtrsim 4-5$~GeV$^2$.
The dependence on the model $^3$He spectral function is similar
to that in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_Day_Mez}, with the SS model~\cite{SS}
giving a slightly higher cross section at $x \approx 1$, with
marginally softer distributions away from the QE peak.
Overall, the agreement with the data is relatively good for both
spectral function models, and suggests that at these kinematics
the description in terms of the smearing functions, with indications
of small but nonzero off-shell corrections, can provide a reliable
framework for describing electron scattering from $^3$He.
The agreement of the calculation with the data at kinematics
$Q_0^2 \approx 2$~GeV$^2$ comparable to some of the Day~{\it et al.}
spectra again suggests potential issues with these data.
\caption{QE cross section for $^3$He (red solid curves) and
$^3$H (blue dashed curves) [in units of nb/sr$\cdot$GeV]
at typical kinematics of the E12-11-112 experiment
\cite{E12-11-112} with $E=4.3$~GeV,
for (a) $\theta=15^\circ$ and $Q_0^2 = 1$~GeV$^2$
and (b) $\theta=30^\circ$ and $Q_0^2 = 3$~GeV$^2$.
The corresponding ratios of the $^3$He and $^3$H cross sections
in (c) and (d) illustrate the effects of the different $A=3$
spectral functions, from the KPSV (red solid curves) and
SS (green dashed curves) models.}
In the near future the recently completed Jefferson Lab E12-11-112
experiment~\cite{E12-11-112} will provide additional information
on QE scattering in the $Q^2 \sim 1-3$~GeV$^2$ for both $^3$He
and $^3$H nuclei.
An estimate of the anticipated cross sections at the E12-11-112
kinematics is given in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_3He3H}, for a beam energy
of $E=4.3$~GeV and scattering angles of $15^\circ$ and $30^\circ$.
Interestingly, the $^3$He cross section at the QE peak is
$\sim 30\% - 40\%$ larger than the corresponding $^3$H cross section,
which can be understood from the larger elastic contribution to the
proton structure function compared with the neutron,
$F_2^{p \, (\rm el)} > F_2^{n \, (\rm el)}$,
which is doubly represented in $^3$He.
The wave function model dependence is again relatively weak,
as Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_3He3H} illustrates with the ratios of the
$^3$He to $^3$H cross sections.
Confronting these predictions with the E12-11-112 data will
provide important guidance for the identification of isospin
dependent effects in scattering from $A=3$ nuclei, and the
limitations of the impulse approximation and the WBA framework
for computing the smearing functions.
\subsection{Elastic form factors from QE data}
If the $^3$He and $^3$H smearing functions are sufficiently well
constrained at $y \approx 1$, the QE\ $^3$He and $^3$H data can
also be used to extract information about the nucleon's elastic
electromagnetic form factors.
In particular, from the ratio of $^3$He to $^3$H QE cross sections
measured in the E12-11-112 experiment~\cite{E12-11-112} at $x=1$,
and input on the proton's electromagnetic form factors and the
neutron's electric form factor, one can in principle extract the
free neutron's magnetic form factor, $G_{Mn}$.
A simple inversion of the QE formulas in the on-shell approximation
in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:F12QE}) allows the nucleon elastic form factors
$G_{EN}$, $G_{MN}$ to be determined from the smearing functions
$f_{ij}^N$ and the $^3$He to $^3$H structure functions.
To maximize the rates and simplify the analysis, one can take the
QE cross section in the vicinity of the QE peak, $x \approx 1$.
Taking the $F_2$ structure function as an example, the ratio of
the QE $^3$He to $^3$H functions can then be written
R^{\rm (QE)}\
\frac{F_2^{^3{\rm He (QE)}}}{F_2^{^3{\rm H (QE)}}}
&=& \frac{2 + (f^n/f^p) R_{np}}{(f^n/f^p) + 2 R_{np}},
where $f^N \equiv f_{22}^N(x=1,\gamma)$ and
R_{np} &=& \frac{G_{En}^2 + \tau G_{Mn}^2}{G_{Ep}^2 + \tau G_{Mp}^2}
is the ratio of the neutron to proton form factor combination
entering the $F_2$ structure function.
From Figs.~\ref{fig:fyp} and \ref{fig:fyn}, the ratio of the
neutron to proton smearing functions at $y=1$ is $\approx 0.87$,
almost independent of $\gamma$ for the range $\gamma=1-4$ considered
there, for both the KPSV and SS spectral function models.
The weak model dependence of the ratio is also illustrated in the
QE\ $^3$He to $^3$H cross section ratio in Fig.~\ref{fig:QE_3He3H},
which is $\approx 1.4$ at the QE peak.
Note that a slightly different combination of form factors would
be extracted from ratios of the QE\ $F_1^{A {\rm (QE)}}$ structure
functions, or from ratios of the actual cross sections, which are
combinations of $F_1^{A {\rm (QE)}}$ and $F_2^{A {\rm (QE)}}$.
In practice, this would be immaterial, as one could either extract
$F_1^{A {\rm (QE)}}$ and $F_2^{A {\rm (QE)}}$ from the cross section
by performing a Rosenbluth separation, or simply work in terms of a
different combination of the $G_{EN}$ and $G_{MN}$ form factors which
enters the cross section.
Inverting Eq.~(\ref{eq:R3QE}), one can write the form factor ratio
in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Rnp-el}) as
R_{np} &=& \frac{(f^n/f^p) R^{\rm (QE)} - 2}
{(f^n/f^p) - 2 R^{\rm (QE)}},
with the QE ratio $R^{\rm (QE)}$ defined as in Eq.~(\ref{eq:R3QE}).
Measurement of $R^{\rm (QE)}$, together with a model for the
smearing function ratio $f^n/f^p$ and knowledge of $G_{Ep}$,
$G_{Mp}$ and $G_{En}$, can then be used to infer the magnetic
neutron form factor $G_{Mn}$.
In Fig.~\ref{fig:A3_GMn} we show the ratio of $G_{Mn}$ extracted
from Eq.~(\ref{eq:Rnp-R3QE}) to the input parametrization,
The full calculation, illustrated here for the on-shell nucleon
structure function case with proton and neutron electromagnetic
form factors from Ref.~\cite{Kelly04}, of course gives a ratio of
unity, reflecting the self-consistency of the extraction method.
In contrast, if one were to use Eq.~(\ref{eq:Rnp-R3QE}) with
the assumption $f^p = f^n$, the extracted $G_{Mn}$ would be
$\approx 10\%$ lower over the range $Q^2 \approx 1 - 8$~GeV$^2$
than the true result.
Similar results are found for the off-shell calculation, as
illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:A3_GMn} for the ``cc2'' prescription.
Therefore, if one seeks experiments with precision for the extracted
$G_{Mn}$ to less than $\approx 10\%$ at these kinematics, using the
correct smearing function ratios would clearly be important in such
\caption{Ratio of the neutron magnetic form factor $G_{Mn}$,
extracted from Eqs.~(\ref{eq:Rnp-el}) and (\ref{eq:Rnp-R3QE}),
to the input form factor $G_{Mn}^{(0)}$ taken from
the Kelly parametrization~\cite{Kelly04}.
The extracted $G_{Mn}$ is computed using the exact on-shell
calculation (dashed blue curve), giving a ratio of unity,
and with $G_{Mn}$ computed from Eq.~(\ref{eq:Rnp-R3QE})
but with $f^p=f^n$ (solid red curve), or for $f^p=f^n$
with the off-shell calculation using the ``cc2''
prescription (dot-dashed green curve).}
\section{Deep-inelastic scattering from $^3$He and $^3$H}
The central motivation for the MARATHON experiment~\cite{MARATHON}
at Jefferson Lab is the measurement of the inclusive $^3$He to $^3$H
cross section ratio in the deep-inelastic scattering region, from
which one hopes to extract the ratio of the free neutron to proton
structure functions~\cite{Afnan00, Afnan03, Pace01, Sargsian02}.
At large values of $x$ ($x \gtrsim 0.6$) poor knowledge of the neutron
structure function has prevented a reliable determination of the $d/u$
quark PDF ratio in the proton from inclusive DIS data~\cite{MT96}.
Assuming that contributions from the scattering of longitudinal photons
are either sufficiently small or can be accurately estimated, the ratio
of the cross sections (\ref{eq:sigma}) for $^3$He and $^3$H can be used
to determine the $F_2^{^3\rm He}/F_2^{^3\rm H}$ structure function
ratio, from which $F_2^n/F_2^p$ can be extracted via~\cite{Afnan00,
Afnan03, Pace01, Sargsian02}
&=& \frac{2 {\cal R} - F_2^{^3\rm He} / F_2^{^3\rm H}}
{2 F_2^{^3\rm He} / F_2^{^3\rm H} - {\cal R}},
{\cal R} = \frac{R(^3\rm He)}{R(^3\rm H)}
is the ``super-ratio'' of nuclear EMC ratios in $^3$He and in $^3$H,
R(^3\rm He) &=& \frac{F_2^{^3\rm He}}{2 F_2^p + F_2^n}, \\
R(^3\rm H) &=& \frac{F_2^{^3\rm H}}{F_2^p + 2 F_2^n}.
Without a direct measurement of $F_2^n$, the EMC ratios $R(^3\rm He)$
and $R(^3\rm H)$ themselves cannot be uniquely determined.
However, irrespective of the magnitude of the nuclear corrections in
either $^3$He or $^3$H, if these effects are similar in the mirror
nuclei or can be reliably determined theoretically, then the uncertainty
introduced in the extraction of $F_2^n/F_2^p$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:fnfp})
due to the super-ratio ${\cal R}$ can be minimized.
Several previous studies have estimated the super-ratio within
various nuclear models.
Among the standard approaches based on the impulse approximation,
Pace {\it et~al.}~\cite{Pace01} used a similar convolution framework
to that in Sec.~\ref{sec:theory}, together with smearing functions
computed in a correlated hyperspherical harmonics basis, including
Coulomb and three-body interactions.
Afnan {\it et~al.}~\cite{Afnan00, Afnan03} evaluated the super-ratio
in the convolution approximation using three-nucleon wave functions
obtained by solving the Faddeev equation, as well as using the
variational approach, while Sargsian {\it et al.}~\cite{Sargsian02}
employed a virtual-nucleon convolution model in addition to a model
based on light-front kinematics.
All these estimates found deviations of ${\cal R}$ of
$\lesssim 1\%-2\%$ from unity over the range accessible in the
MARATHON experiment.
Beyond the impulse approximation, Afnan {\it et~al.}~\cite{Afnan03}
considered the impact on the super-ratio of off-shell corrections
computed from a spectator quark model~\cite{MST94, Mulders92},
as well as from six-quark clusters, and a commonly used ansatz
based on nuclear density scaling~\cite{Frankfurt88}.
Sargsian {\it et al.}~\cite{Sargsian02} further considered a $Q^2$
rescaling model of the nuclear EMC effect~\cite{Close83, Close85},
and a color screening model in which off-shell effects were
represented in the form of short-range $NN$
To estimate the effect of possible isospin dependence of the
$NN$ correlation, the isosinglet and isotriplet combinations
were assumed to experience different amounts of suppression.
Of the scenarios considered, the isospin dependent effects
produced at most a $2\%-3\%$ deviation in the super-ratio for
$x \lesssim 0.8$.
Of course, any evidence of stronger isospin breaking corrections
could induce larger effects on the super-ratio.
In this section we explore whether the data on the ratio of $^3$He
to deuterium DIS cross sections from the Jefferson Lab E03-103
experiment~\cite{Seely09}, that were taken after the earlier
studies~\cite{Afnan00, Afnan03, Pace01, Sargsian02} were performed,
are able to provide any constraints on the possible isospin
dependence of the nuclear corrections and hence ${\cal R}$.
Moreover, as an alternative to the super-ratio method (\ref{eq:fnfp})
described above, we propose a more robust extraction procedure which,
although requiring additional experimental inputs, does not rely on
any assumptions about $\cal R$.
Before this, however, we first review some recent phenomenological
attempts to extract the off-shell corrections from global QCD analyses.
\subsection{Nucleon off-shell corrections}
Recently several global analyses of deuteron DIS and other high energy
scattering data~\cite{CJ15, AKP17} have obtained nucleon off-shell
contributions to the deuteron $F_2$ structure function in
Eq.~(\ref{eq:yconv2}) phenomenologically by fitting the isoscalar
off-shell function $\delta f^0$ directly,
F_2^{d \rm (off)}(x)
&=& \int dy\, \widetilde{f}^{N/d}_{22}(y,\gamma)
\left[ F_2^p\Big( \frac{x}{y} \Big)
+ F_2^n\Big( \frac{x}{y} \Big)
\delta f^0\Big( \frac{x}{y} \Big),
where $\delta f^0$ is related to the proton and neutron
off-shell functions in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Fexp1}) by
\delta f^0(x)
&=& \frac{F_2^p(x)\, \delta f^p(x) + F_2^n(x)\, \delta f^n(x)}
{F_2^p(x) + F_2^n(x)}.
(For simplicity here we have suppressed the $Q^2$ dependence
in the structure functions.)
Despite some differences in the fitted shapes of the off-shell
functions in the two analyses~\cite{CJ15, AKP17}, the overall
magnitude of the off-shell effects was found to be relatively
small for the isoscalar combination $\delta f^0$.
Assuming isospin independence of the off-shell corrections,
Kulagin and Petti (KP)~\cite{KP06} also fitted data on ratios
of structure functions of heavy nuclei to deuterium, extracting
a universal function
$\delta f^N \equiv \delta f^0 = \delta f^p = \delta f^n$
that agreed with the shape of that in Ref.~\cite{AKP17}, but
was somewhat larger than that from the CJ15 analysis~\cite{CJ15}.
\caption{Isoscalar off-shell function $\delta f^0$ from the
CJ15~\cite{CJ15} global QCD analysis of proton and deuteron
data (red solid curve) and the Kulagin-Petti~(KP)~\cite{KP06}
fit to of nuclear structure function ratios, assuming
$\delta f^p = \delta f^n$. The kinematics of the Jefferson Lab
E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09} are indicated by the green
horizontal band.}
The isoscalar off-shell functions $\delta f^0$ from the CJ15 PDF
analysis~\cite{CJ15} and from the earlier KP nuclear structure
function fit~\cite{KP06} are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf0}.
Both analyses used a parametrization based on a third order
polynomial of the form
\delta f^0(x)
&=& C (x - x_0) (x - x_1) (1 + x_0 - x),
with parameters $x_0$ and $x_1$, and normalization $C$, which was
constructed to ensure at least one zero in the physical region of $x$.
The CJ15 analysis further imposed the normalization~\cite{CJ15}
\int_0^1\!dx\, \delta f^0(x) \big[ q(x) - \bar{q}(x) \big] &=& 0
to ensure that the off-shell corrections do not modify the
valence quark number.
As Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf0} illustrates, the CJ analysis found a
relatively small magnitude for $\delta f^0$, slightly positive
at low $x$ ($x \sim 0.2$) and negative at large $x$ ($x \gtrsim 0.4$).
The best fit corresponds to a deuteron wave function computed
from the AV18 $NN$ interaction~\cite{AV18}, although similar
quality fits were found using the CD-Bonn~\cite{CDBonn} and
WJC-2~\cite{WJC} wave functions, giving overall similar shapes
for $\delta f^0$.
In contrast, the off-shell function from the KP fit~\cite{KP06},
which uses the Paris $NN$ potential~\cite{Paris}, generally has
opposite sign compared with the CJ result in Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf0},
and a somewhat larger magnitude which grows as $x \to 1$.
Interestingly, in the CJ analysis a similar shape to this was
found for the WJC-1~\cite{WJC} deuteron wave function, which,
however, gave a slightly larger overall $\chi^2$ value for the
global fit.
While the origin of the different behaviors for $\delta f^0$ found
in the two analyses is difficult to determine uniquely, one can
speculate that it may arise partly from the use of heavy nuclear
data in \cite{KP06}, which generally show a stronger nuclear
EMC effect than that in lighter nuclei.
To be conservative, in the present analysis we consider both
scenarios and investigate the consequences for the $A=3$
structure functions of both shapes for $\delta f^0$ shown
in Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf0}.
\subsection{Isospin dependence of off-shell corrections}
Although deuterium data can only constrain the isoscalar combination
of PDFs and off-shell functions, data from the Jefferson Lab E03-103
experiment~\cite{Seely09} on the ratio of $^3$He to deuterium cross
sections could in principle allow the isospin dependence to be
In particular, because the $^3$He cross section is more sensitive to
proton structure, one can attempt to constrain the proton $\delta f^p$
correction from the $^3$He/$d$ ratio, and, using information from the
global analyses on $\delta f^0$~\cite{CJ15, KP06}, extract the neutron
off-shell correction from Eq.~(\ref{eq:delf0}),
\delta f^n
&=& \frac{1}{F_2^n}
\left[ (F_2^p + F_2^n) \delta f^0 - F_2^p\, \delta f^p
\right] \nonumber\\
&=& \delta f^0
- \frac{F_2^p}{F_2^n} (\delta f^p - \delta f^0).
In the remainder of this section we will analyze the $^3$He/$d$
data from Seely {\it et al.}~\cite{Seely09} within the theoretical
framework of Sec.~\ref{sec:theory}, and discuss the implications of
these data for the isospin dependence of the off-shell corrections.
The $^3$He/$d$ data from the E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09}
were taken in Jefferson Lab Hall~C, using a 5.767~GeV beam of
electrons scattering mostly to an angle of $40^\circ$.
In the DIS region, $W^2 > 4$~GeV$^2$, the kinematics covered
the range $0.33 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.58$ and
$2.9 \lesssim Q^2 \lesssim 4.4$~GeV$^2$.
The measured ratio of the $^3$He to $d$ cross sections is shown in
Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely}, where the cross sections are scaled to those
per nucleon (total cross section ratio multiplied by a factor 2/3).
Note that the data here do not include any ``isoscalar correction'',
which can introduce unnecessary theoretical bias into the analysis.
The experimental error bars include statistical uncertainties and
point-to-point systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.
In addition, there is an overall 1.84\% fractional normalization
uncertainty that is not shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely}.
\caption{Ratio of $^3$He to deuterium cross sections,
$\sigma^{^3{\rm He}}/\sigma^d$, scaled per nucleon, from the
Jefferson Lab E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09} compared with
the full Monte Carlo fit results (red solid curves and bands)
using (a) the CJ~\cite{CJ15} and (b) the KP~\cite{KP06}
isoscalar off-shell function $\delta f^0$, as well as with
fits assuming isospin symmetric off-shell corrections,
$\delta f^p = \delta f^n$ (green dashed curves and bands),
and with the on-shell only fits (blue solid curves and bands).
The experimental error bars include statistical and systematic
uncertainties added in quadrature, with an overall 1.84\%
normalization uncertainty not shown~\cite{Seely_data}.}
For the analysis of the $^3$He/$d$ ratio, we fit the proton off-shell
function $\delta f^p$ using the same parametrization as for the
isoscalar off-shell function in Eq.~(\ref{eq:cj_form}).
Using the maximum likelihood method with Hessian error propagation,
we fit the $x$-intercept $x_0$ and the normalization parameter $C$,
and determine the position of the zero crossing at $x_1$ from the
off-shell normalization constraint (\ref{eq:val_quark_constraint}).
The results are found to be rather strongly dependent on the starting
parameters of the fit, indicating the presence of more than a single
$\chi^2$ minimum in parameter space.
To avoid this problem, we turn instead to a Monte Carlo analysis
method, using the nested sampling algorithm~\cite{Skilling:2004,
Mukherjee:2005wg, Shaw:2007jj} to map the likelihood function
into a Monte Carlo weighted parameter sample.
This method accounts for the possible presence of multiple minima,
and allows a rigorous determination of the fit uncertainties.
Similar methodology was recently used by the JAM Collaboration
to extract collinear PDFs~\cite{Sato:2016tuz, Ethier:2017zbq,
Barry:2018ort} and fragmentation functions~\cite{Sato:2016wqj},
as well as the transverse momentum dependent transversity
\caption{Normalized yield of the Monte Carlo parameter distributions
for the proton off-shell function $\delta f^p$, for the
normalization~$C$ [(a) and (c)] and
intercept $x_0$ [(b) and (d)],
using the isoscalar off-shell function $\delta f^0$ from the
CJ~\cite{CJ15} [(a) and (b)] and
KP~\cite{KP06} [(c) and (d)] analyses.
The colored histograms represent 10 statistically
independent Monte Carlo analyses, while the black
histograms are the combined result.}
\caption{Off-shell functions for the proton, $\delta f^p$
(red solid curves and bands), and neutron, $\delta f^n$
(blue solid curves and bands), from the fit to the E03-103
data~\cite{Seely09}, for a given isoscalar off-shell
function, $\delta f^0$ (green dashed), from
(a) the CJ~\cite{CJ15} global analysis and
(b) the Kulagin-Petti~\cite{KP06} nuclear ratios fit.
The functions are shown only in the range of $x$
constrained by the E03-103 data.}
The results of the Monte Carlo fit to the $^3$He/$d$ data in
Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely} for the distribution of the fitted parameters
$C$ and $x_0$ are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:params}.
For the CJ isoscalar function $\delta f^0$, the normalization
parameter $C$ is peaked for positive values, while the intercept
$x_0$ shows multiple solutions, both for $x_0 > 0$ and $x_0 < 0$.
This clearly illustrates the necessity for a Monte Carlo approach,
which can sample multiple solutions over a much larger range of
parameter space.
For the KP off-shell function, the distribution for the normalization
$C$ is generally confined to negative values, while the solutions for
$x_0$ are strongly peaked and appear to be somewhat anticorrelated
with the values found for the CJ result.
From these fitted parameters, the resulting off-shell functions
$\delta f^p$ and $\delta f^n$ are computed in Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf},
for both the CJ and KP off-shell isoscalar distributions $\delta f^0$.
In the kinematic region constrained by the \mbox{E03-103} data,
$0.3 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.6$, the proton off-shell function
$\delta f^p$ is found to be positive and significantly larger than
the isoscalar function $\delta f^0$ for both CJ and KP fits.
Consequently, from Eq.~(\ref{eq:deltafn}) the neutron off-shell
function $\delta f^n$ becomes negative [see the second term in
(\ref{eq:deltafn})], with its magnitude enhanced by the factor
$F_2^p/F_2^n > 1$.
For the CJ fit the proton and neutron off-shell functions remain
positive and negative, respectively, over the fitted range, while
for the KP off-shell fit there is a sign change at $x \approx 0.4$.
Although the absolute values of the proton and neutron off-shell
functions in Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf} are large relative to the
isoscalar functions, the respective contributions to the nucleon
structure functions are weighted by the nucleon virtuality
$v(p^2) \ll 1$.
For $^3$He, the average proton and neutron virtualities
(for the KPSV spectral function) are found to be $\approx -7\%$
and $\approx -9\%$, respectively.
At the lower end of the $x$ range covered by the experiment,
the relative correction to the nucleon structure functions are
$\lesssim 10\%$, and rise to $\sim 30\%$ for the neutron at the
higher $x$ values.
Off-shell corrections that are very large $(\gtrsim 30\%-50\%)$
are likely to invalidate the lowest order expansion in $v$ assumed
in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Fexp1}), or may suggest issues with the systematic
uncertainties assigned to the $^3$He/$d$ data~\cite{Seely09}.
\caption{Normalized yield of Monte Carlo distributions for the
data normalization factors $N_{\rm dat}$ for the
CJ~\cite{CJ15} [(a) and (b)] and
KP~\cite{KP06} [(c) and (d)] isoscalar
functions $\delta f^0$, assuming isospin symmetry
($\delta f^p = \delta f^n$) [(a) and (c)]
and the isospin dependent analysis
($\delta f^p \not= \delta f^n$) [(b) and (d)],
along with the on-shell only fit [(e)].
The colored histograms represent 10 statistically
independent Monte Carlo analyses, while the black
histograms are for the combined result.
The pile-up in some of the fits occurs at the upper
boundary of the allowed 1.84\% normalization
uncertainty in the E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09}.}
Taking into account the overall normalization uncertainty of the
$^3$He/$d$ ratio data, the Monte Carlo distribution of the fitted
data normalization parameter, $N_{\rm dat}$, is shown in
Fig.~\ref{fig:norm}, with values restricted to lie within the
1.84\% quoted for the E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09}.
For the fit using the CJ isoscalar function, the distribution
is relatively broad, with a peak at around 1\% and an average of
$N_{\rm dat} = 1.006 \pm 0.009$. This gives a very good overall
fit to the E03-103 data, as evident from Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely}.
For the KP off-shell function, the normalization parameter
distribution is more concentrated at the upper limit, with an
average $N_{\rm dat} = 1.012 \pm 0.005$. The resulting fit to
the $^3$He/$d$ data is not quite as good at the lower $x$ values,
but still consistent with the data within $1\sigma$.
Note that the full Monte Carlo fit clearly disfavors zero off-shell
corrections, $C=0$, especially for the CJ isoscalar function, since it
is easier for the fit to vary one of the free parameters than to keep
the same shape and compensate by a normalization shift in the data.
Nevertheless, if the off-shell corrections are switched off
``by hand'', one can still obtain a good fit to the $^3$He/$d$
data with just the on-shell contributions, as illustrated in
Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely}, with an average data normalization shift
$N_{\rm dat} = 1.016 \pm 0.002$, consistent with the maximum
1.84\% allowed [see Fig.~\ref{fig:norm}].
The $\chi^2/{\rm dof}$ value for the on-shell fit is slightly larger
than that for the off-shell fit, but is still $< 1$ and within
1$\sigma$ from the best fit, even though the tendency is towards
a shape with a slightly different slope than the data prefer.
In an earlier analysis of the E03-103 $^3$He/$d$ ratio,
Kulagin and Petti showed~\cite{KP10} that with the KP off-shell
correction, and assuming $\delta f^p = \delta f^n$, one could fit
the Seely {\it et al.} data with a 3\% normalization shift, and
be consistent with extractions of $F_2^n/F_2^p$ from NMC data.
This value lies outside of the $1\sigma$ range for $N_{\rm dat}$
quoted by the experiment.
Using our Monte Carlo methodology, we also attempt to fit the
E03-103 data using the isospin symmetric KP off-shell function.
Constraining the normalization $N_{\rm dat}$ to be within the
quoted experimental uncertainty range, the fit shown in
Fig.~\ref{fig:norm} prefers the maximum upward shift of the
data, with an average value $N_{\rm dat} = 1.016 \pm 0.001$.
The resulting $\sigma^{^3{\rm He}}/\sigma^d$ ratio does not
give as good a description of the data in Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely},
overestimating the ratio at lower $x$ and underestimating it
at higher $x$.
If one uses instead the CJ isoscalar off-shell correction,
assuming isospin symmetry, the fitted data normalization is
also near the maximum allowed, $N_{\rm dat} = 1.017 \pm 0.001$.
The resulting fit to the $^3$He/$d$ data in Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely}
shows good agreement at lower $x$, but overestimates the
data at the higher $x$ values.
The inescapable conclusion is that, taking the E03-103
$^3$He/$d$ data~\cite{Seely09} with the quoted uncertainties
at face value, the fits clearly disfavor isospin symmetric
off-shell corrections, and slightly favor isospin dependent
off-shell effects over no off-shell corrections.
In the next section we examine the consequences of this for
the MARATHON experiment and the extraction of the neutron to
proton structure function ratio.
\subsection{Implications for $A=3$ structure functions}
Having obtained the constraints on the nucleon off-shell functions
from the E01-103\ $^3$He/$d$ data~\cite{Seely09} and the previously
determined isoscalar off-shell function, we next discuss the
implications of these results for the structure functions of
$A=3$ nuclei.
In particular, the MARATHON experiment~\cite{MARATHON} at Jefferson Lab
will make high-precision measurements of the inclusive cross section
ratios for $^3$He to $^3$H, as well as $^3$He/$d$ and $^3$H/$d$,
which are expected to yield information on the ratio of the free
neutron to proton structure functions.
If one uses the super-ratio method in Eq.~(\ref{eq:fnfp}), the effect
of the off-shell corrections extracted in Sec.~\ref{ssec:isospin-off}
on the ${\cal R}$ ratio will therefore be of direct relevance for the
$n/p$ determination.
\caption{Ratios of nuclear to nucleon structure functions
(a) $R(^3{\rm He}) = F_2^{^3{\rm He}}/(2 F_2^p + F_2^n)$ and
(b) $R(^3{\rm H}) = F_2^{^3{\rm H} }/(F_2^p + 2 F_2^n)$,
for the off-shell Monte Carlo fits using the
CJ~\cite{CJ15} (solid red curves and bands) and
Kulagin-Petti~\cite{KP06} (solid blue curves and bands)
isoscalar off-shell function $\delta f^0$, compared with
the ratios assuming isospin symmetric off-shell functions
from CJ (dashed red curves) and KP (dashed blue curves),
and the on-shell only fit (dotted green curves).
The range of $x$ constrained by the Jefferson Lab E03-103
experiment~\cite{Seely09} is indicated by the green
horizontal band, and a scale of $Q^2=4$~GeV$^2$, which
is close to the average for the E03-103 data, was used
for all structure functions.}
For the on-shell only calculation, Fig.~\ref{fig:EMCratios} shows
rather similar $^3$He and $^3$H EMC ratios, with both $R(^3\rm He)$
and $R(^3\rm H)$ having minima at $x \approx 0.5-0.6$, at which
they dip $\approx 4\%-5\%$ below unity, before rising rapidly at
$x \gtrsim 0.7$ through Fermi motion.
Because of the greater sensitivity of the $^3$He and $^3$H ratios
to any isospin dependence of off-shell effects, including the
off-shell corrections from Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf} gives rise to some
quite interesting features.
Since the $^3$He ratio is more sensitive to proton structure than to
the neutron, for the case of the CJ isoscalar off-shell correction
the fitted positive proton off-shell function $\delta f^p$ induces a
slightly stronger EMC effect, with the dip in $R(^3\rm He)$ increasing
to $\approx 5\%$.
In contrast, since the neutron plays a greater role in the $^3$H EMC
ratio, the fitted negative neutron off-shell correction $\delta f^n$
reduces the dip in $R(^3\rm H)$ to $\lesssim 2\%$ for $x \lesssim 0.5$,
with an earlier onset of the Fermi motion rise above unity.
For the KP isoscalar off-shell function $\delta f^0$, which gives
similarly small fitted proton and neutron off-shell corrections at
$0.3 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.4$, but increasing magnitudes for the
(positive) neutron $\delta f^n$ and (negative) proton $\delta f^p$
at larger $x$, the effect on the $^3$He and $^3$H EMC ratios is
more dramatic.
In particular, the positive neutron off-shell function enhances
the magnitude of the dip in the $R(^3\rm H)$ ratio to almost 10\%
at $x \approx 0.65$, in marked contrast to the prediction with
the CJ $\delta f^0$.
The impact on the $R(^3\rm He)$ ratio is much less at large $x$,
with little deviation of the KP off-shell result from the on-shell
fit at $x \gtrsim 0.4$.
At smaller $x$ values, $x \lesssim 0.3$, the KP off-shell corrections
yield an enhancement of $\approx 2\%-3\%$ above unity in both the
$^3$He and $^3$H ratios, which is directly related to the dip
in the KP $\delta f^0$ function at $x \approx 0.2$ seen in
On the other hand, there is currently no compelling evidence for
such an enhancement from deuterium data \cite{CJ15}, and the effect
in the KP $\delta f^0$ may be due to the use of data on heavy nuclei
in the KP analysis \cite{KP06}, which do display some enhancement
of $F_2^A/F_2^d$ at $x \sim 0.1-0.2$.
Note also that the off-shell corrections are constrained by
the E03-103 data~\cite{Seely09} only in the range between
$x \approx 0.3$ and 0.6, and outside this range, where the
low-$x$ enhancement for the KP case and the growing differences
between the $R(^3{\rm H})$ ratios at large $x$ are apparent,
these are not directly constrained by data.
Measurement of the $^3$H structure function in the MARATHON
experiment \cite{MARATHON}, covering a wide range of $x$ values,
$0.2 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.8$, will provide an unprecedented
opportunity to examine the role of nucleon off-shell effects in
the $A=3$ system, as well as their possible isospin dependence.
In fact, as Fig.~\ref{fig:EMCratios} illustrates, the $R(^3{\rm He})$
and $R(^3{\rm H})$ ratios show sensitivity to the off-shell
corrections even if these are assumed to be isospin symmetric,
$\delta f^0 = \delta f^p = \delta f^n$.
In the case of $\delta f^0$ determined from the CJ analysis \cite{CJ15},
the off-shell corrections move both the $^3$He and $^3$H ratios
upward relative to the on-shell calculation, resulting in slightly
weaker EMC effects for both nuclei.
For $\delta f^0$ taken from the KP analysis \cite{KP06}, the effect
is a downward shift, making the EMC effects in $^3$He and $^3$H
slightly larger.
Consequently, the relative shifts in $R(^3{\rm He})$ and $R(^3{\rm H})$
in both models are similar.
\caption{(a) Super-ratio $R(^3{\rm He})/R(^3{\rm H})$
of the EMC ratios in $^3$He and $^3$H and
(b) the ratio $F_2^{^3{\rm He}}/F_2^{^3{\rm H}}$
of the $^3$He and $^3$H structure functions.
The off-shell Monte Carlo fits using the CJ~\cite{CJ15}
(solid red curves and bands) and Kulagin-Petti~\cite{KP06}
(solid blue curves and bands) isoscalar off-shell functions
$\delta f^0$ are compared with the results assuming isospin
symmetric off-shell functions from CJ (dashed red curves)
and KP (dashed blue curves), and the on-shell only fit
(dotted green curves).
The range of $x$ constrained by the Jefferson Lab E03-103
experiment~\cite{Seely09} and the extended range expected
by the MARATHON experiment~\cite{MARATHON} are indicated
by the green horizontal bands.}
This can be more directly seen in the super-ratio,
${\cal R} = R(^3\rm He)/R(^3\rm H)$,
of the $^3$He and $^3$H EMC ratios, in Fig.~\ref{fig:Super-ratios}.
For both the on-shell only and isospin symmetric off-shell fits,
the super-ratio is within $\approx 1\%$ of unity for $x \lesssim 0.7$,
with the deviations increasing slightly at larger $x$ values.
(Recall, however, from Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely} that the fits to the
E03-103 data~\cite{Seely09} with the isospin symmetric off-shell
corrections give the worst agreement, especially for the KP
isoscalar correction.)
For the isospin asymmetric off-shell functions, the deviations
from unity are at the few-percent level up to $x \approx 0.4$, but
become significantly larger at higher $x$, reaching $\approx 15\%$
above unity at $x = 0.8$ for the CJ fit, and a similar amount
below unity for the KP result, albeit with large uncertainties.
This translates to a ratio of $^3$He to $^3$H structure functions,
which will be extracted from the MARATHON experiment, that deviates
from the on-shell result by up to $\approx -10\%$ for the CJ result
and $\approx +20\%$ for the KP fit at $x = 0.8$, with $\approx 50\%$
statistical uncertainties on these values.
Of course, as discussed above, the results on the off-shell
corrections are constrained by the E03-103 data only for
$x \lesssim 0.6$, above which their extrapolation cannot be
considered very reliable.
In the region specificically covered by the E03-103 experiment
\cite{Seely09}, the off-shell effects scale up to $\approx 5\%$,
although in opposite directions for the CJ and KP isoscalar
off-shell corrections.
Measurement of the $^3$He/$^3$H ratio in MARATHON would therefore
be vital for discriminating between these scenarios.
On the other hand, without additional assumptions it may be
difficult to attribute the differences such as those in
Fig.~\ref{fig:Super-ratios} entirely to different proton
and neutron off-shell corrections, or to a different behavior
of the free neutron structure function at large $x$.
In the following we discuss an alternative analysis scenario,
in which the MARATHON data on the nuclear structure function
ratios can be used as critical input for a simultaneous
determination of both the neutron to proton ratio {\it and}
the isospin dependence of the nucleon off-shell corrections.
\subsection{Extracting neutron structure from MARATHON}
While our Monte Carlo analysis suggests that the possibility
of strong isospin dependence of the nucleon off-shell effects at
high~$x$ cannot be ruled out on the basis of the \mbox{E03-103}
data~\cite{Seely09}, it is necessary to examine the caveats and
assumptions that underlie these findings.
Firstly, our extraction of the proton and neutron off-shell functions
$\delta f^p$ and $\delta f^n$ assumes the isoscalar nucleon off-shell
correction $\delta f^0$ to be reliably determined from previous analyses
of the proton and deuteron data (or, in the case of KP, also of heavy
nuclear structure function ratios). However, as is obvious from the
sizeable differences between the CJ and KP $\delta f^0$ functions in
Fig.~\ref{fig:deltaf0} and in their consequences for the super-ratio
in Fig.~\ref{fig:Super-ratios}, the magnitude of the isoscalar off-shell
correction, and even its sign as a function of $x$, is controversial.
Futhermore, in our analysis we have used the same set of input nucleon
PDFs \cite{CJ15} with both the CJ and KP isoscalar off-shell functions.
While this is consistent for the CJ $\delta f^0$, for the analysis with
the KP off-shell function one should in principle use the PDF set that
was used in the extraction of $\delta f^0$ in Ref.~\cite{KP06}.
The KP analysis \cite{KP06} assumed, however, that
$\delta f^p = \delta f^n$ in the fits to structure function ratios
for asymmetric nuclei, so using the KP $\delta f^0$ to determine the
isospin dependence of $\delta f^N$ in our analysis is not entirely
A more reliable determination of the proton and neutron off-shell
corrections would involve a {\it simultaneous} analysis of proton,
deuteron and $A=3$ nuclear data. This would remove many systematic
effects arising from different theoretical assumptions and inputs
utilized in the different analyses. Whatever tensions then remain
between data sets in the combined fit would be treated consistently
within the same analysis.
In principle, while a global QCD analysis is the most natural
framework in which to perform the simultaneous fit to the nucleon
PDFs and nuclear off-shell functions, one could also imagine a more
restricted fit at the structure function level.
In particular, with sufficient experimental information on the
structure functions of $^3$He, $^3$H and deuterium, one can in
practice disentangle the nuclear effects from the on-shell nucleon
structure functions.
Within the convolution framework of Sec.~\ref{ssec:wba}, the nuclear
structure functions are expressed as sums of on-shell and off-shell
contributions, as in Eq.~(\ref{eq:dis_onoff}),
&=& F_2^{A\, \rm (on)}(x,Q^2) + F_2^{A\, \rm (off)}(x,Q^2),
for $A=d$, $^3$He and $^3$H.
The on-shell term depends on the free proton and neutron structure
functions, $F_2^p$ and $F_2^n$, and the nuclear smearing functions,
$f_{ij}^{N/A}$, in Eq.~(\ref{eq:fij}).
The latter are reasonably well determined away from the tails of
the distributions at large $y$, which become important only at
$x \sim 1$.
The off-shell term depends on $F_2^p$, $F_2^n$, $\delta f^p$,
$\delta f^n$ and the off-shell smearing functions
$\widetilde{f}_{ij}^{\, N/A}$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:fij_off}), which are
computed in terms of the {\it same} set of nuclear wave functions
as the on-shell smearing functions $f_{ij}^{N/A}$.
Since the proton $F_2^p$ structure function is well known, the three
unknowns --- the $F_2^n/F_2^p$ ratio, and the two off-shell corrections,
$\delta f^p$ and $\delta f^n$ --- can then be determined from three
independent observables, such as the ratios $^3$He/$d$ and $^3$H/$d$
(or $^3$He/$^3$H) and $F_2^d/F_2^p$.
The ratios involving $^3$He and $^3$H are the main focus of the
MARATHON experiment; however, the experiment will also measure the
deuteron/proton structure function ratio over a more restricted
range of kinematics, from $x=0.18$ to $0.38$ (for $Q^2$ between
2.5 and 5.3~GeV$^2$), which will be used to benchmark against the
large body of high precision data on inclusive $F_2^d$ and $F_2^p$
structure functions that has been accumulated over the past few
While in global QCD analyses one typically parametrizes individual
PDFs from which all observables are then constructed, for an analysis
at the structure function level the $x$ and $Q^2$ dependence of
the structure functions could be parametrized by a form such
&= a_0(Q^2) x^{a_1(Q^2)} (1-x)^{a_2(Q^2)}
(1 + a_3(Q^2) \sqrt{x} + a_4(Q^2) x + \cdots),
with $Q^2$ dependent shape parameters
a_i(Q^2) &= a_i^{(0)} + a_i^{(1)} s(Q^2),
s(Q^2)\ = \log \left(\frac{\log(Q^2/\Lambda_{\rm QCD}^2)}
{\log(\mu^2/\Lambda_{\rm QCD}^2)}
for $i=1-4$, where $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}$ is the QCD scale parameter,
and $\mu^2$ is a scale of order ${\cal O}({\rm 1~GeV}^2)$ fitted
to the data.
For the proton and neutron off-shell functions a polynomial
of degree~3, as in Eq.~(\ref{eq:cj_form}), would be expected
to be sufficient.
(For simplicity one can assume that $\delta f^N$ is independent of
$Q^2$, so that the scale dependence of the off-shell contributions
to the structure functions is the same as the on-shell.)
The extraction of the three unknown functions would then involve
fitting $\sim 30$ parameters, which can be constrained within a
Bayesian likelihood analysis.
In this approach, recently employed by the JAM collaboration in
their Monte Carlo analyses of PDFs and fragmentation functions
\cite{Sato:2016tuz, Ethier:2017zbq, Barry:2018ort, Sato:2016wqj,
Lin:2017stx}, the multivariate probability density for a set of
fit parameters $\bm{a} = \{ a_i \}$ conditioned by the data
is given by
$p(\bm{a}|{\rm data})
\propto {\cal L}({\rm data}|\bm{a})\, \pi(\bm{a})$,
where the likelihood ${\cal L}$ is a Gaussian function of the
{\cal L}({\rm data}|\bm{a})
= \exp \left[ -\frac{1}{2}\chi^2(\bm{a},{\rm data}) \right],
and $\pi(\bm{a})$ is the distribution of priors.
The $\chi^2$ function takes into account experimental statistical,
systematic (uncorrelated and correlated), and normalization
uncertainties for each data set used in the fit \cite{Sato:2016tuz}.
The expectation values and $1\sigma$ uncertainties for the fitted
quantities can then be computed by Monte Carlo sampling of the
probability density \cite{Sato:2016wqj}.
The remaining approximations in such an analysis are ones that
reflect the validity of the convolution framework itself,
as outlined in Sec.~\ref{ssec:wba}.
Namely, one assumes that within the WBA the form of the off-shell
nucleon function $\delta f^N$ remains the same for both $A=2$ and
$A=3$ nuclei, with the $A$ dependence of the off-shell structure
functions in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:conv_off}) entering only through the
off-shell smearing function $\widetilde{f}_{ij}^{\, N/A}$.
The model dependence of the smearing functions can be assessed
by considering different wave functions or spectral functions
for the deuteron and $A=3$ nuclei, as we have explored for the
KPSV and SS $^3$He spectral functions in Sec.~\ref{ssec:A3smear}.
Since the choice of wave function model is a discrete rather
than a continuous parameter, it is difficult to systematically
incorporate the uncertainty from this into the final error analysis.
The usual procedure is to examine the dependence of the results
on the choice of wave function and estimate the uncertainty from
the resulting variation.
With the completion of data taking in 2018 by the suite of $^3$He/$^3$H
experiments at Jefferson Lab, including MARATHON in DIS kinematics
\cite{MARATHON} and E12-11-112 in the QE region and beyond, there is
great anticipation to see the impact that the new data will have on
our knowledge of the structure of the free neutron, and in particular
on the $d/u$ PDF ratio at large $x$, which has eluded definitive
confirmation for over 3 decades.
Working within the weak binding approximation formalism, we have
revisited the calculation of deep-inelastic $A=3$ structure functions
using the latest theoretical developments, in terms of finite-$Q^2$
convolution formulas and nuclear effects computed from $A=3$ spectral
functions and off-shell nucleon structure functions.
To test the veracity of the WBA smearing functions and the range of
applicability of the impulse approximation, we have examined the
world's available data on inclusive $^3$He structure functions in
the vicinity of $x \approx 1$, which is expected to be dominated
by QE scattering.
Comparison with existing data from SLAC and Jefferson Lab suggests
that a good description can be obtained using the $Q^2$ dependent
smearing functions as for DIS, for $Q^2 \gtrsim 1$~GeV$^2$ out to
$x \approx 1.3$.
For smaller $Q^2$ rescattering and MEC effects are expected to be
more important, while for $x \gg 1$ the effects of the off-shell
corrections and other multi-nucleon correlations will play a
greater role.
This analysis provides confidence in the application of the nuclear
model to the description of the $A=3$\ DIS and QE data, and suggests
that the extraction of neutron information from the MARATHON and
E12-11-112 Jefferson Lab data should not be impeded by the lack of
knowledge of the short-range structure of the $A=3$ wave functions.
For the bound nucleon structure functions, the WBA formalism allows
the inclusion of possible off-shell dependence in the calculation of
the nuclear structure functions, in both DIS and QE kinematics.
For the QE data comparisons, the off-shell corrections generally
improve the agreement between data and the WBA theory, especially
at low $Q^2$ values, irrespective of the prescription adopted for
the elastic off-shell nucleon structure function.
For the DIS region, the shape of the off-shell corrections for the
isoscalar channel, $\delta f^0$, is taken from the earlier CJ15
global QCD analysis of proton and deuterium data~\cite{CJ15} or
from the Kulagin-Petti fit to various nuclear structure function
ratios~\cite{KP06}, which assumed isospin symmetry for the
off-shell functions.
To explore possible constraints on the isospin dependence of the
off-shell functions, we performed a Monte Carlo analysis of the
recent data on the $^3$He/$d$ cross section ratios from the
Jefferson Lab E03-103 experiment~\cite{Seely09} for
$0.33 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.58$.
Within the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the data,
one can obtain almost equally good descriptions with no off-shell
corrections and with nonzero off-shell corrections with large
cancellations between the proton and neutron contributions
at large $x$.
The analysis disfavors, however, fits with nonzero off-shell
corrections which assume $\delta f^p = \delta f^n$.
Unfortunately, the results are quite sensitive to the shape of
the input isoscalar off-shell correction, and a robust analysis
must therefore involve a simultaneous fit to all proton, deuteron
and $A=3$ data.
Also, the lack of scatter of the E03-103 data points in
Fig.~\ref{fig:Seely} suggests that the data do not follow a
Gaussian probability distribution, so that the uncertainties
on the data points are dominated by systematic errors.
This highlights the important need for the new high-precision
data expected from the MARATHON experiment.
We have also outlined a new analysis procedure for extracting
the neutron structure function $F_2^n$ using Bayesian methods,
that would be capable of simultaneously extracting the free
neutron to proton structure function ratio and the proton
and neutron off-shell functions, $\delta f^p$ and $\delta f^n$,
within the nuclear WBA framework.
This would remove potential uncertainties in the extracted $F_2^n$
propagating from any assumptions made about the super-ratio,
${\cal R}$, of the $^3$He to $^3$H EMC ratios.
Instead, the method would utilize MARATHON data on the $^3$He/$d$
and $^3$H/$d$ ratios, as well as $d$/$p$ measurements to be used
for benchmarking against the global inclusive proton and deuteron
DIS data sets.
The MARATHON ratio data can also be supplemented with measurements of
the absolute values of the $F_2^p$ and $F_2^d$ structure functions
at similar kinematics in the E12-10-002 experiment~\cite{E12-10-002}
in Jefferson Lab's Hall~C, for $x \gtrsim 0.2$ and
$Q^2 \approx 5-16$~GeV$^2$.
The new data are eagerly awaited, and promise for the first time
to reveal the detailed structure of the free neutron at large $x$,
as well as the isospin dependence of the nuclear effects, and solve
the long-standing problem of the size of the nuclear EMC effect in
the deuteron.
We thank D.~Gaskell, C.~Keppel, S.~Li, H.~Liu, G.~Petratos and G.~Schnel
for helpful discussions and communications.
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy contract
No.~DE-AC05-06OR23177, under which Jefferson Science Associates, LLC
operates Jefferson Lab.
A.T. was supported by NSF Grant No.~1359026 for an REU internship at
ODU/Jefferson Lab, University Fellowship from the Ohio State Graduate
School, and the William A. Fowler Graduate Fellowship from the Ohio
State Department of Physics.
N.S. was supported by DOE Contract No.~DE-FG-04ER41309.
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Beyond Cabernet
Susan Keevil January 1, 2003
Credit: Kate Sweet
Napa Valley is well known as being the home of great Cabernet Sauvignon, but it isn't just a one-grape valley, as SUSAN KEEVIL reveals.
Napa Valley is well known as being the home of great Cabernet Sauvignon, but it isn't just a one-grape valley, as SUSAN KEEVIL reveals
Follow route 37 up from San Francisco and somewhere, as you break into Carneros from Marin County, you'll see a signpost. It changes every day. 'Today is a Zinfandel day,' it says, or 'a Merlot a day keeps the Doctor Away'; most often, 'Life is a Cabernet'. Here in Carneros, Chardonnay, Merlot and Pinot Noir all sit happily alongside each other in the vineyards, but drive a few miles further north and the last statement pretty well sums up the situation. In Napa Cabernet thrives to such an extent that it's barely worthwhile planting anything else – grape prices reach an astronomical $12,000 a ton (£7,700). And as just about every spare hectare of land that can possibly be devoted to vineyard already is, it can't be too long before Napa Valley is home to a monoculture, Cabernet, and Cabernet only.
'Everybody knows it's all about Cabernet!' says Larry Maguire of Far Niente, one of many estates putting most of its weight behind the variety. 'We have pursued a more or less Bordeaux château profile for years, one red, one white.' The red is, of course, Cabernet. Napa sees itself as the USA's flag-flying region – 'It may only create 4% of the total output but it's like the grands crus of Bordeaux against the rest of the region's production: it leads the way, carries the weight of the reputation,' explains Gilles de Chambure of Mondavi winery. And it does that mostly with Cabernet – many of which equal and outshine Bordeaux's top growths in price. But is there a future for anything else?
Bruce Cakebread of Cakebread winery is one of a handful who believe yes, there is: 'My feeling is that it'll take 10 to 15 years before people realise it, but different pieces of Napa will yield different grape varieties best. Just because Cabernet prices are high, you can't plant it everywhere and expect it to be successful.'
Since the scourges of phylloxera in the early to mid-1990s Bruce has moved away from Cabernet altogether: 'One of the things phylloxera taught us is to diversify. We're now putting in more whites, more Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot on the better-drained soils, and different clones of Cabernet where the soils are heavier.' It's a 'more eggs in different baskets' approach and it gives Bruce a chance to indulge his other crusade: 'We want to make a fruit-forward Sauvignon Blanc with complexity – a wine that can age.'
Surprising, in a land of big, rich reds, to indulge in a light white grape? Perhaps. Certain commentators on the industry have suggested Sauvignon is hardly worth bothering with in Napa. The region's too hot. But for Mondavi too, this grape is a Holy Grail. Out on the Oakville Grade, in some of the valley's most prized Cabernet territory, a large square plot of gnarled old gobelet vines greets the eye. These are the 56-year-old 'I Block' vines.
'All these vineyards would be planted to Cabernet but we have a historical commitment to Sauvignon,' says Gilles de Chambure of Mondavi. 'Fumé Blanc was one of the first wines to be made by Robert Mondavi in 1966, so has a history here we want to maintain.' Given Napa's warm climate, red varieties make more sense here, and the Mondavi team acknowledges this: 'We have a high awareness of Bordeaux grape varieties,' says Gilles. 'Our Meritage blend is important to us, so we will never go all Cabernet at the Robert Mondavi Winery.'
To this end they're proud of their Cabernet Franc plantings, Merlot (for fleshiness), new crops of Malbec, and ('we're particularly enamoured of it') Petit Verdot. Blending these old 'Cabernet family' grapes in with the top dog isn't just a habit formed from long years of using a Bordeaux role model for the Napans, but a chance to display their winery's individuality. 'People want to craft a house style, and blending is one of the best ways of doing this,' says Maguire of Far Niente.
Robin Lail of Lail Vineyards, although herself in passionate pursuit of the Cabernet-only style – some of the most fashionable of Cabernet blockbusters are made up there on Howell Mountain – argues that even if there were to be a law on such things ('heaven forbid it'), human nature would shy away from sticking to just one grape. 'Even if they were told to plant to 100%, we'd still want to try others.' The more experimental of Napa's wineries will always have something interesting tucked away.
Julie Garvey at Flora Springs comes from a family of grape growers. Experience, for them, not fashion, has suggested which grape should grow where. 'Flora, my mother, is 90. She still walks two miles a day and claims it's because she drinks the Merlot.'
Garvey's top wine is 'Trilogy', thirds of Cabernet, Cabernet Franc and Merlot. 'Trilogy has layers; we like the fact you have to grapple a bit with the tannins on the back of the mid-palate – that's the Cabernet Franc – and the Merlot is intense but not in your face.' There's also Malbec: 'We get such intensity. It's like cough mixture it's so thick. But to make it a single variety, no way. It needs to be a tiny part of a blend: it's like having a quiver of arrows – it's nice to have a few very good arrows.'
Garvey also sings the praises of Napa Sangiovese: 'People got very enthusiastic about it and too much was planted. Ten years ago the consumer didn't know what it was and now they've been over-saturated. But we've done okay. We like the bright red-fruits character we get. It goes great with tomato dishes, it's got enough acidity – Merlot gets tinny.' The Flora Springs way is to treat Sangiovese like Pinot Noir: 'Otherwise it's too much of a team player: if you put it in oak it piles on oak, if you blend in Cabernet it becomes a Cabernet.' It's usually kept as a single varietal. And good news has come with newer plantings in Pope Valley, a mountainside enclave with hot summers and hard-freezing winters.
'We pulled out Cabernet here because we thought Sangiovese was better. Yields were so low at first that the wines came out big and heavy; the best thing to do was blend them with Merlot, so we're making a bit of a Super Tuscan.' When asked if this isn't more Zinfandel territory, Garvey shrugs and says that people are put off Zin now that they've found it's not a native. Pinot Noir is, instead, another effort. 'They say a winery that makes great Cabernet can't make great Pinot, so maybe we're asking too much,' she worries, but hers are proof enough that there's more to life than Cabernet.
Further south, in Stags Leap District, Doug Shafer also works with Sangiovese. His Firebreak wine is full of black pepper spiciness, ripe without being heavy. 'I'm not trying to make an Italian wine,' he explains, 'just something different.' Shafer admits that in Napa, the Italian thing is 'never going to happen. It's the same with Merlot, it was a short-term phase.' Syrah, on the other hand, he reckons has a future. 'We're not making an Aussie-style wine, or a Rhône wannabe, it's a Shafer.' He's also working on a field blend including, with Syrah, 19% Petite Sirah, thus further expanding Napa's grape range.
Clos Pegase, up in Calistoga, in the north of the valley, sticks mainly to Bordeaux varieties, but also sees a future for Syrah. Winemaker Shaun Richardson also points out the new fashion for co-pigmentation (addition of a tiny percentage of white grapes to the blend) to stabilise a red wine's colour. Napa has never been an area to resist fashion, so this is perhaps another reason for the valley not to go mono.
Doug Shafer admits that Napa is just about full. 'There's no way of planting further into the hills as these days houses fetch more money than Cabernet does.' But will the valley eventually become a one-variety monoculture? 'Well there's a reason Cabernet is king, and that's because it really gives.' The old hands at Château Montelena agree: 'Our job is not to make six little wines, but one masterpiece.'
Susan Keevil is a freelance wine writer. Visit decanter.com's Learning Route section for more information on Napa.
Written by SUSAN KEEVIL | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,315 | Adolf Schmal (Dortmund, 18 d'agost de 1872 – Salzburg, 28 d'agost de 1919) va ser un ciclista i tirador austríac. Va prendre part en els Jocs Olímpics d'Atenes de 1896, on va participar en quatre modalitats de ciclisme i una d'esgrima.
Schmal va participar en les proves de velocitat (una volta a la pista), 10 km, 100 km i 12 hores. El seu millor resultat el va aconseguir a la cursa de 12 hores, durant la qual va recórrer 314,997 km, avantatjant en una volta el britànic Frank Keeping. A les proves de velocitat i 10 km va aconseguir la medalla de bronze. També fou un dels set ciclistes que no finalitzà la prova dels 100 km.
També va participar en la modalitat de sable de la competició d'esgrima dels Jocs Olímpics d'Atenes. Sols va poder guanyar un dels quatre enfrontaments, quedant relegat a la quarta plaça d'un total de cinc participants.
Campió olímpic de les 12 hores
Bronze olímpic de velocitat
Bronze olímpic de 10 km
Enllaços externs
Fitxa d'Adolf Schmal
Tots els resultats dels Jocs d'Atenes 1896
Mallon, Bill; & Widlund, Ture (1998). The 1896 Olympic Games. Results for All Competitors in All Events, with Commentary. Jefferson: McFarland. (pdf)
Ciclistes austríacs
Tiradors d'esgrima austríacs
Medallistes als Jocs Olímpics d'estiu de 1896
Ciclistes de Dortmund
Morts a Salzburg
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Radical innovation
Methods in management
Technologies ("science of craft", from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia[1]) is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings. Systems (e. g. machines) applying technology by taking an input, changing it according to the system's use, and then producing an outcome are referred to as technology systems or technological systems.
Innovationrefers to improving or fixing things that are wrong, corrupt or unsatisfactory. i.e. to change old customs, organizations, methods, etc. in a way that is deemed appropriate. Innovation in the service industry is called innovation. Innovation is often mixed with the term innovation. Innovation can be defined as new products/services or processes that can have a significant impact on existing market orders. On technological innovation, continuous research was conducted in the social sciences with the focus on economics after the mid-20th century
Technological Innovationrefers to efforts to develop new products (services) and processes (processes) by enhancing their output and thereby improving their added value. Therefore, the creative activities of products, services and technology needed in the lives of consumers.
Innovative Technologiesare technologies that changes the way we live, which has a great impact on humanity, either through the development of science or by talking about technologies that are created by creative ideas.
Examples of innovations in history
The commencement of the Industrial Revolution is closely linked to a small number of innovations,[2] beginning in the second half of the 18th century. By the 1830s the following gains had been made in important technologies:
Textile - A cotton spinning machine using the water-proofing machine of arcite, the multi-axial spinning machine of Hargreaves, and the mule square machine of chromton (combination of the water-proof and multi-axial spinning machine). It was patented in 1769, and took effect in 1783. With the establishment of cotton and textile factories, its effect quickly decreased.
Steam power - an improved steam line invented by Watt was immediately used to pump out the mines, but was replaced by a motor from the 1780s. The technology has enabled the rapid development of efficient semi-automated plants from small-scale past situations where hydroelectric generation did not exist.
Steel - In the steel industry, coal began to be used in the iron smelting stage in place of charcoal. It was discovered long before copper, the iron of the blast furnace.
Second industrial revolution
A synergy between iron and steel, railroads and coal developed at the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution. Railroads allowed cheap transportation of materials and products, which in turn led to cheap rails to build more roads. Railroads also benefited from cheap coal for their steam locomotives. This synergy led to the laying of 75,000 miles of track in the U.S. in the 1880s, the largest amount anywhere in world history.[3]
Third industrial revolution
The Industrial Revolution, which took place in the mid to late 20th century and early 21st century (after 2001), was promoted by the invention of computers, the Internet and satellites, is called the information revolution.[4]
Current innovative technologies(revolution 4.0)
Industry 4.0 is the subset of the fourth industrial revolution that concerns industry. The fourth industrial revolution encompasses areas which are not normally classified as an industry, such as smart cities[5]
Internet of Things (IoT) platforms
Location detection technologies
Advanced human-machine interfaces
Authentication and fraud detection
Big data analytics and advanced algorithms
Multilevel customer interaction and customer profiling
Augmented reality/ wearables
Fog, Edge and Cloud computing
Data visualization and triggered "real-time" training
Failed innovative technologies
The 10 Biggest Tech Failures of the Last Decade from Time [6]
Tech Malfunction
Microsoft Vista
Microsoft Zune
Sirius XM Sirius XM (SIRI) satellite radio was supposed to be one of the most successful consumer electronics devices of all time. A subscriber would be able to listen to more than 100 stations coast-to-coast in either a moving vehicle, or using a portable version of the device.
Segway Segway, a one-man transportation, was expected to be the most innovative product to change the city's commute. Moreover, the product had high expectations before its launch, as it drew investment from people like Apple's Steve Jobs and Amazon's Jeff Bezos. In fact, Segway was a very technologically advanced product. The intelligent mechanism of self-balancing prevents the rider from tipping over, and can automatically move, turn and stop by tilting the body back and forth. Sales of such highly anticipated products, however, have been disastrous. Sales were only around 6,000 units in the 18 months.
What is the difference between successful innovative tech and failed tech?
"Invention is a flower, innovation is a weed," said Bob Metcalfe[7], a pioneer of computer networks. If invention is like a flower that attracts people's attention with sparkling ideas, it means that innovation is not only about bringing temporary excitement, but also like weeds that spread with strong vitality.
In short, innovation must spread and survive like weeds. To achieve above a certain level of achievement, innovative new products should not just be new, but should be widely accepted by the public.
There are some risks to overcome in the process of innovative new products being widely accepted by the public," said Jung Jae-young, a senior researcher at LG Economic Research Institute. One of them is 'Chasm', which refers to a gap between the early market that the product faces when launched and the subsequent Mainstream market.
The gap, discovered by Jeffrey Moore, is what makes us face the reality that early market success does not always lead to mainstream success. It also reminds us that it takes special efforts to successfully enter the mainstream market.
↑ Liddell. (1980)
↑ Eric Bond. (2003)
↑ Chandler. (1993)
↑ Jeremy Rifkin. (2001)
↑ Marr, Bernard. (2018)
↑ Time. (2009)
↑ Bob Metcalfe. (1999)
Liddell, & Henry George, & Scott, & Robert. (1980). A Greek-English Lexicon (Abridged Edition). Oxford University Press.
Eric Bond, & Sheena Gingerich, & Oliver Archer-Antonsen, & Liam Purcell, & Elizabeth Macklem. (2003). The Industrial Revolution.
Chandler. (1993). pp 171
Jeremy Rifkin. (2001). The Third Industrial Revolution; How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World.
Marr, Bernard. (2018). Why Everyone Must Get Ready For The 4th Industrial Revolution. Forbes.
Time. (2009). The 10 Biggest Tech Failures of the Last Decade.
Bob Metcalfe. (1999). Invention is a flower, innovation is a weed.
Author: Chan Kim
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1,319 | Floridians Say Their Goodbyes to Special Agent Jose Perez
By Adam Wilson On Aug 30, 2022 Copy Link Print
Last Tuesday, FDLE Special Agent Jose Perez passed away, 17 days after he was hit by another driver in a catastrophic vehicle crash while responding to a building alarm. Agent Perez was a special agent at FDLE's Miami Regional Operations Center (MROC).
Javier Sandoval, who allegedly had alcohol and cocaine in his system when he struck Special Agent Perez with his vehicle, was later arrested and hit with several charges, including DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide.
First Lady to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Casey DeSantis, offered her comments on Special Agent Jose Perez's passing as his funeral was set to occur yesterday.
"The tragic loss of FDLE Special Agent Jose Perez, who died in the line of duty. With over 20 years in the U.S. armed forces & more than 30 years in law enforcement, he lived a valiant life serving our nation & state."
DeSantis is reportedly attending Special Agent Perez's funeral, canceling a fundraiser he was supposed to participate in for New York Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin, R-NY.
According to the New York Post, conservative commentator Dan Bongino filled in for DeSantis.
1/2 DeSantis insider to me: "The governor, first lady and family are all in good health. There's no family tragedy here…There's a scheduling conflict. We are looking for a date to reschedule the event"
My guess: wires got crossed over DeSantis attending services for FDLE agent https://t.co/psXSoHEGZX
— Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) August 29, 2022
DeSantis offered his thoughts on Perez's passing on Twitter on August 21st, saying that Perez "spent his life serving others"
Special Agent Jose Perez spent his life serving others, in the U.S. Armed Forces and, for over 30 years, in law enforcement. @CaseyDeSantis are I are praying for his family & his fellow @fdlepio officers. https://t.co/yRfRlnZUjg
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) August 21, 2022
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody reportedly attended Special Agent Perez's funeral, posting a picture of the procession on Twitter on Monday.
Moody said that Perez "dedicated his life to serving others" and that he would "always be remembered."
Today, we honor another Florida hero, FDLE Special Agent Jose Perez.
Agent Perez dedicated his life to serving others—from the military to multiple law enforcement agencies, including our Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. May he always be remembered. pic.twitter.com/CMhhXvtphg
— AG Ashley Moody (@AGAshleyMoody) August 29, 2022
The Orlando police department sent their honor guard to Miami to pay their respects to Special Agent Perez, saying they were there to "honor their fallen brother."
Members of our Honor Guard were in Miami this morning to honor our fallen brother, Special Agent Jose Perez with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. EOW August 20, 2022. pic.twitter.com/w1lBu6YXfc
— Orlando Police (@OrlandoPolice) August 29, 2022
Senator Marco Rubio's spokesperson said that Rubio and his wife 'extended their condolences' to Special Agent Perez. Rubio's spokesperson noted that Perez was "a veteran & dedicated member of law enforcement who served his nation & community honorably."
Sen. Rubio & Mrs. Rubio extend their condolences to the family & friends of @FDLE Special Agent Jose Perez following his tragic passing. Agent Perez was a veteran & dedicated member of law enforcement who served his nation & community honorably. We will never forget his heroism. https://t.co/mPikmOCHL9
— Senator Rubio Press (@SenRubioPress) August 22, 2022
It is not clear if Senator Rubio was able to attend Special Agent Perez's funeral.
Retired El Portal Police Chief David Magnusson, who worked with Perez when he was a part of the Miami Police Department, said that Perez's passing hurt law enforcement across South Florida.
"With law enforcement being a large family, it's affecting just a whole group of this — what I call this calling. I don't even call it a career — it's a calling. And there's a lot of people hurt," Magnusson said.
Small but Mighty: Twitter Account Florida Research is Making Waves
Rest in peace FDLE Special Agent Jose Perez
Adam Wilson is a graduating Political Science major at Bowling Green State University. He has worked on multiple political campaigns including President Trump's campaign in 2020. He currently works in Michigan politics.
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Socialists Employ Arabs' Four Step Battle Plan
Posted on July 14, 2020 by First.One.Through
There is a major battle underway between Socialists and Capitalists in America which is using a template that the Arab countries used to attack Israel in 1967. It is a four step battle plan, many of which have recently been effectuated by the far left.
Deny the Enemy Rights and Legitimacy
Gather the Masses to the Cause
Remove the Enemy's Defenses
Assemble the Armies for the Battle
This is not a course for a considered debate about priorities and policies but a war of annihilation.
1. Deny the Enemy Rights and Legitimacy
An intellectual debate about approaches to a range of issues is a sign of a healthy democracy. It typically involves the push-and-pull and inevitable compromises that incorporate the spectrum of ideas.
However, a society with parties which only court the base and vilify opponents is deeply broken. It is actually not a single community but two warring parties.
Common arguments used as red meat for loyalists include that:
The enemy has no moral standing
The enemy has no rights to its ill-gotten gains
The narrative and history of the enemy is full of lies and denies the rights of the righteous
The enemy's supporters are part-and-parcel of the problem
2. Gather the Masses to the Cause
A path to victory should not just lock in the core base but expand the circle to include additional warriors. Overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers may look democratic in securing a majority, but in tandem with the demonization established earlier in (1), the intense firepower is ripe to engage in widespread destruction.
Declare a commitment to fight together
Shared vision of wiping out the foe and its supporters
3. Remove the Enemy's Defenses
There is no clearer demonstration that the battle is near than when there is a direct call to remove the enemy's defenses. It also makes abundantly clear that the intent of the battle is not simply to secure a victory but to annihilate the foe.
4. Assemble the Armies for the Battle
Lastly, when the groundwork has been laid, it is time to bring the fight to enemy's doorstep. Readying all of the combined forces against the corrupt (and now defenseless) power, the victory and decimation of the opponent is a virtual certainty. All that is needed is the battle cry to engage.
Consider how the Arabs used this approach and how the American Socialists are following the format today.
Arab-Israeli Conflict in 1967
The Arab-Israeli Conflict emerged shortly after the San Remo Agreement in 1920 which codified the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The local and regional Arabs tried to destroy the emerging Jewish State but failed to do so from the 1920's through 1950's.
Deny enemy rights and legitimacy: Arabs claim Israel has no rights to the land. They call the Jews "colonialists" and "invaders." Arabs recast history that Jews have no connection to Israel despite 3,300 years of history. They attempt to convince themselves and the world that Jews have no connection to the Hebrews of the bible and that the Palestinian Arabs are Canaanites as opposed to Arabs from Arabia who invaded the Jewish holy land.
Not only are the Jews invaders, but vile ones as well. In 1975, the Arab countries managed to get the United Nations to pass a resolution that Zionism is a form of racism, which only got overturned by the push of the United States in 1991. Even today, the acting-President of the Palestinian Authority says that Jews around the world are hated because of their "function." The Hamas Charter claims that Jews like "shooting at women, children and old people… [particularly] "where their breadwinning is concerned."
Gather the Masses to the Cause: Egypt and Syria combined themselves into a United Arab Republic in 1958 to fortify a pan-Arab bloc. They enlisted Jordan into a mutual defense pact in May 1967, as they readied for battle against Israel, encircling it on all sides.
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser said in May 1967 shortly before the Six Day War, "we are not only confronting Israel but also those who created Israel and who are behind Israel. We are confronting Israel and the West as well…. If the United States and Britain are partial to Israel, we must say that our enemy is not only Israel but also the United States and Britain." On the one year anniversary of the Arab defeat in June 1967, a Palestinian Arab assassinated US Senator Bobby Kennedy. The Arab world then created an oil shortage, crippling the western world's economy because of their support of Israel.
Remove the Enemy's Defenses: In May 1967, Egypt ordered the United Nations to remove all of its troops from the Sinai and Gaza Strip which had been stationed there to prevent hostilities between Israel and Egypt. The UN complied, leaving Israel to defend itself by itself from the surrounding forces of several nations.
Assemble the Armies for Battle: Shortly after the UN pulled its troops from the region, the UAR mobilized its troops closer to the Israeli frontier. As Nasser said on May 29, 1967, "Preparations have already been made. We are now ready to confront Israel."
"Pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews. Show them no mercy." – Hafez al-Assad, Defense Minister of Syria, June 9, 1967
This is the battle plan being used by the alt-left today.
Socialist-Capitalist Conflict Today
The alt-left has been laying the ground work for taking private property from the wealthy to redistribute to those considered less fortunate.
Deny enemy rights and legitimacy: The alt-left has been declaring a civil war against various member of society:
Senator Bernie Sanders who has come close to being the Democratic nominee for president twice has vilified Wall Street as being inherently corrupt saying "the business model of Wall Street is fraud."
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that "a system that allows billionaires to exist" is immoral.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that money in the United States is "in the wrong hands," setting himself as arbiter of who should have what.
President Barak Obama set these sentiments in motion when he said "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."
The basic premise of the far left arguments is that the wealthy should NOT have their money and property. The rich either made the money via fraud (Sanders), took advantage of an immoral system (AOC) or that society has a part in facilitating that wealth, so it is entitled to take a good portion of it (Obama).
The enemy is the 1% according to Obama and it is the White patriarchy in general according to tenet of the movement. History is being recast with the sculptures of America's founding fathers being pulled from their pedestals including Thomas Jefferson being marked as a slave-owning racist. The BlackLivesMatter is further demanding reparations for slavery of generations ago. Anyone who disagrees with the BLM platform is demonized as a racist, or as Hillary Clinton prefers, "deplorables."
Gather the Masses to the Cause: Intersectionality is not a new concept but was given credibility only recently. Progressives are using the notion that all disenfranchised people must come together in common cause with each other, as Blacks, LGBT, poor working class, immigrants and others are all suffering because of the racist and corrupt system established by the White patriarchy.
The far left is not only coming for the Patriarchy; they are coming against anyone who does not adhere to the extreme orthodoxy of their cause. Moderate Democrats are being run out of primaries by alt-left radicals. People who make a misstep or allow room for compromise with centrists or right-leaning people are run out of their jobs, whether at universities or the media.
Remove the Enemy's Defenses: One of the demands of the BLM protests is to "defund the police." Leaders of the movement in Seattle have demanded that the police departments be completely disbanded. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) went further and said "We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, [and] in the air we breathe."
The call to pull money from police departments had an immediate effect on the public. Shootings skyrocketed all over the country, with cities like Chicago and New York City each having over 60 people shot over weekends.
Assemble the Armies for Battle: Members of the far left have set up "autonomous zones" in which they declare that US laws have no authority. In Seattle, they called the area the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ. In St. Louis, a couple was scared of protesters coming into their private enclave and pulled guns calling for them to leave. The media has portrayed the couple as fanatics attacking a "racial injustice protest" even after a policeman was killed by protesters the week before.
The battle plan is set: declare that your coming for the rich to take their ill-gotten wealth; pull the police from the streets; assemble hundreds of people to take over sections of cities and march through neighborhoods; and vilify anyone who objects or stands to defend themselves and their property.
Police car set on fire in Chicago (photo: Ashlee Rezin Garcia, Chicago Sun Times via AP)
The Arab countries effectively followed the four step battle plan to annihilate Israel but the Jewish State preemptively attacked in 1967 and thereby avoided being destroyed. The alt-left is following the same blueprint today to tear down America's economy and perceived hierarchy. It remains to be seen if capitalists will proactively defend themselves before being ridden into oblivion.
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From "You Didn't Build That" to "You Don't Own That"
Bernie Sanders is Less Sophisticated Than Forrest Gump
Fake Definitions: Pluralism and Progressive / Liberalism
A Country Divided
The Democratic Party is Tacking to the Far Left-Wing Anti-Semitic Fringe
American Hate: The Right Targets Foreigners, The Left Targets Americans
Join Facebook group: Israel Analysis and FirstOneThrough
Posted in Israel, Palestinians, USA | Tagged alt-left, BLM, progressives, racism, Six Day War | 12 Replies
Posted on June 9, 2017 by First.One.Through
On June 5, 2017, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres made a statement about the 1967 Six Day War. His opinion piece laid out a distinct narrative, or in common parlance, #AlternativeFacts. Below is a review of his actual remarks with a First.One.Through review of the same facts.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
UN Secretary General, UNSG: "Today marks 50 years since the start of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, which resulted in Israel's occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Syrian Golan and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Syrians."
First.One.Through, FOT: "Today marks 50 years since a miracle thwarted Arab countries' stated goal of annihilating the only Jewish State and millions of Jews."
UNSG: "This occupation has imposed a heavy humanitarian and development burden on the Palestinian people. Among them are generation after generation of Palestinians who have been compelled to grow-up and live in ever more crowded refugee camps, many in abject poverty, and with little or no prospect of a better life for their children."
FOT: "Israel has built an amazing thriving democracy among its Jewish and non-Jewish populations since its brush with annihilation in 1967. Regrettably, the UN has continued to make the Arab population in Gaza and elsewhere its wards, pretending that descendants of internally displaced people have any rights as refugees. Worse, the SAPs continue to deny the basic history and rights of Jews to live in their holy land, offering little hope for living together in peace."
UNSG: "The occupation has shaped the lives of both Palestinians and Israelis. It has fuelled recurring cycles of violence and retribution. Its perpetuation is sending an unmistakable message to generations of Palestinians that their dream of statehood is destined to remain just that, a dream; and to Israelis that their desire for peace, security and regional recognition remains unattainable."
FOT: "The denial of Jewish history, rights and dignity, and the Palestinian Authority leadership's incitement to violence have continued a poisonous venom that has permeated the local Arab population since 1920. Until the Palestinian Arabs recognize the Jewish State's rights in the land, the desire of both people for peace and security is just a dream. Recognition of the Jewish homeland is a means, not an ends to peace and security for all parties."
UNSG: "Ending the occupation that began in 1967 and achieving a negotiated two-state outcome is the only way to lay the foundations for enduring peace that meets Israeli security needs and Palestinian aspirations for statehood and sovereignty. It is the only way to achieve the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people."
FOT: "The path of the Palestinian Arabs' quest for legitimacy on the world stage is disappointing. Since Israel gave the local Arabs in Gaza the first taste of sovereignty by leaving the coastal strip in 2005, the local Arab population has squandered every opportunity. They elected a terrorist group, Hamas, to a majority of parliament. They spent most of their global aid building attack tunnels into Israel rather than developing their economy. They launched three wars against Israel, in 2008, 2012 and 2014. Their actions make this global body question the basic logic of statehood and sovereignty for the local Arabs, rather than having portions of the disputed land be incorporated into Egypt, Jordan and Israel."
UNSG: "Now is not the time to give up on this goal. Continued settlement construction and expansion; violence and incitement; and the illicit arms build-up and militant activity in Gaza risk creating a one-state reality that is incompatible with realizing the legitimate national and historic aspirations of both peoples. Now is the time to return to direct negotiations to resolve all final status issues on the basis of relevant UN resolutions, agreements and international law. Now is the time to end the conflict by establishing an independent Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security with the State of Israel. "
FOT: "Based on past actions, it is time to reconsider the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority – which hasn't held elections in years and cannot control its own people and territory – and to bring in Egypt and Jordan into the process now. Those two countries have made peace with Israel, and those two countries had administered the two areas in question."
UNSG: "Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will remove a driver of violent extremism and terrorism in the Middle East and open the doors to cooperation, security, prosperity and human rights for all."
FOT: "The turmoil in the Middle East including in: Syria; Iraq; Yemen; Sudan; and Libya have finally put an end to the argument that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the driver of violent extremism. It proves conclusively that radical Islamic ideology and the goal for a pure Muslim caliphate drives terrorism. Combatting radical Islamic teachings will stop terrorism in Israel and the world, and help bring peace everywhere."
UNSG: "In 1947, on the basis of UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the world recognized the two-state solution and called for the emergence of "independent Arab and Jewish states". On 14 May 1948, the State of Israel was born.
Almost seven decades later, the world still awaits the birth of an independent Palestinian state. The Secretary-General reiterates his offer to work with all relevant stakeholders to support a genuine peace process."
FOT: "In 1947, the Arab world flatly rejected UNGA Resolution 181 and made clear that it rejected an independent Jewish State anywhere in the region. When Israel declared statehood, the Arab countries fought a war to destroy the Jewish State completely. In 1967, the Arabs again threatened to annihilate every Jew in the land. Even today, the Arabs state that they want a Jew-free state, have laws that call for the capital punishment for any Arab selling land to a Jew and refuse to recognize Israel as the Jewish State. The Secretary-General reiterates that human rights, decency and dignity demand that Arabs recognize the Jewish State and Jewish rights, and thereby put the region on a pathway to long-term peace and prosperity."
The Cancer in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Parameters of Palestinian Dignity
Considering a Failed Palestinian State
Nikki Haley Will Not Equivocate on the Ecosystem of Violence
The Israeli Peace Process versus the Palestinian Divorce Proceedings
Opinion: Remove the Causefire before a Ceasefire
Mutual Disagreement of Mediators and Judges in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The United Nations' Adoption of Palestinians, Enables It to Only Find Fault With Israel
Posted in Israel, Palestinians, United Nations | Tagged AlternativeFacts, Antonia Guterres, Israel, Palestinian Authority, Peace process, Six Day War, United Nations | 12 Replies | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
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Einstein refused several honors as he could not forgive the Holocaust
Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein was a German citizen from birth. Einstein moved to the United States in December 1932, where he worked at the California Institute of Technology. In January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. One of the first actions of Hitler's administration was that removed Jews and politically suspect government employees (including university professors) from their jobs, unless they had demonstrated their loyalty to Germany by serving in World War I.
Einstein renounced his German citizenship in 1933 due to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Einstein wrote affidavits recommending United States visas for European Jews who were trying to flee persecution and lobbied for looser immigration rules. He raised money for Zionist organizations and was, in part, responsible for the 1933 formation of the International Rescue Committee.
Zionism is the national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, etc). Labor Zionism or Socialist Zionism is the left wing of the Zionist movement.
In Germany, Deutsche Physik ("German Physics"or Aryan Physics) activists published pamphlets and even textbooks denigrating Einstein. Deutsche Physik was opposed to the work of Albert Einstein and other modern theoretically based physics, which was disparagingly labeled as "Jewish Physics".
During that period, a man convicted of inciting others to kill Einstein was fined a mere six dollars.
After World War II ended, and the Nazis were removed from power, Einstein refused to associate with Germany. Einstein refused several honors bestowed upon him by Germany, as he could not forgive the Germans for the Holocaust, where six million of his fellow Jews were killed.
Einstein was totally sad and he opposed the mass brutal killings of innocent Jewish people. The Final Solution to the Jewish Question was a Nazi plan for the extermination of the Jews during World War II. During Holocaust, Nazi Germany aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered approximately 6 million European Jews, around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe.
The mystery of Albert Einstein's Brain
Einstein's brain was preserved after his death in 1955, but this fact was not revealed until 1986.
On 17 April 1955, Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the ballooning and rupture of the largest abdominal artery, which had previously been reinforced surgically in 1948. He took the draft of a speech he was preparing for a television appearance commemorating the State of Israel's seventh anniversary with him to the hospital, but he did not live long enough to complete it.
Lateral sulcus shown in red.
Einstein refused surgery, saying: "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly." He died in Princeton Hospital early the next morning at the age of 76, having continued to work until near the end.
During the autopsy, the pathologist, Thomas Stoltz Harvey, removed Einstein's brain for preservation without the permission of his family, in the hope that the neuroscience of the future would be able to discover what made Einstein so intelligent.
One of the original pathology photos of the Brain before being sectioned.
The autopsy was conducted at Princeton Hospital, on April 18 at 8:00 am. Einstein's brain weighed 1,230 grams -well within the normal human range- which immediately dispelled the concept that intelligence and brain size were directly related.
Harvey injected 11.4% formalin through the internal carotid arteries and afterwards suspended the intact brain in 10% formalin. Harvey photographed the brain from many angles. He then dissected it into about 240 blocks (each about 1 cm3) and encased the segments in a plastic-like material called collodion. Those sections were then sliced in microscopic slivers and mounted onto slides and stained. There were 12 sets of slides created with hundreds of slides in each set. Harvey retained two complete sets for his own research and distributed the rest to handpicked leading pathologists of the time.
In 1978, Einstein's brain was "rediscovered" in Dr. Harvey's possession. The brain sections had been preserved in alcohol in two large mason jars within a cider box for over 20 years.
Scientific studies have suggested that regions involved in speech and language are smaller, while regions involved with numerical and spatial processing are larger. Other studies have suggested an increased number of Glial cells in Einstein's brain, which provide support and protection for neurons in the brain and peripheral nervous system.
Operculum (brain).
Harvey had reported that Einstein had no parietal operculum in either hemisphere, but this finding has been disputed. Photographs of the brain show an enlarged Sylvian fissure (Lateral sulcus). In 1999, further analysis by a team at McMaster University, revealed that his parietal operculum region in the frontal lobe of the brain was vacant. Also absent was part of a bordering region called Sylvian fissure. Researchers at McMaster University speculated that the vacancy may have enabled neurons in this part of his brain to communicate better. " This unusual brain anatomy...[missing part of the Sylvian fissure (Lateral Sulcus)]... may explain why Einstein thought the way he did". This study was based on photographs of the whole brain made at autopsy in 1955 by Harvey, and not direct examination of the brain.
Harvey never gave up on his belief that the brain would reveal something special. Near the end of his life, after carting the brain around the country, he returned to the place from which he had taken it: Princeton Hospital. If Einstein's brain ever truly reveals its secrets, Harvey won't be here to see it; he died in 2007 at the age of 94. In 2010, Harvey's heirs transferred all of his holdings constituting the remains of Einstein's brain to the National Museum of Health and Medicine, including 14 photographs of the whole brain never before revealed to the public. Einstein and the mystery of his brain, however, live on.
The studies on Albert Einstein's Brain has not yeild a conlusive result so far. At this point, scientists don't know enough about how the brain works to know if the theories are accurate. For all visible purposes, Einstein's brain seems perfectly normal, with nothing that would immediately indicate any great genius. We may not know anything until there's another equivalent genius brain to study.
Compiled by: Davidson Karakkad || Source: wikipedia.org. || Please mail your valuable comments about this article and other contents in this website to: [email protected]. Also please suggest interesting life stories to include in this website
Albert Einstein's Love affair and his Marriage
In 1896, Albert Einstein, at the age of seventeen, enrolled in the four-year mathematics and physics teaching diploma program at the Zurich Polytechnic.Einstein's future wife, Mileva Marić, also enrolled at the Polytechnic that same year. She enrolled for the diploma course to teach physics and mathematics in secondary schools at the same time as Albert Einstein. She was the only woman in her group of six students, and only the fifth woman to enter that section. She and Einstein became close friends quite soon. During the next few years, Einstein and Marić's friendship developed into romance, and they read books together on extra-curricular physics in which Einstein was taking an increasing interest.
Mileva Maric.
In 1900, Einstein was awarded the Zurich Polytechnic teaching diploma, but Marić failed the examination with a poor grade in the mathematics component, theory of functions. Marić's academic career was disrupted in 1901 when she became pregnant by Einstein. When three months pregnant, she resat the diploma examination, but failed for the second time without improving her grade. She also discontinued work on her diploma dissertation that she had hoped to develop into a Ph.D. thesis. She went to Novi Sad, where her daughter, referred to as Lieserl, was born in 1902, probably in January. Her fate is unknown: she may have died in late summer 1903, or been given up for adoption.
Einstein married Mileva on 6 January 1903, although his mother had objected to the match because she thought Marić "too old" and "physically defective." Their relationship was for a time a personal and intellectual partnership. In a letter to her, Einstein called Marić "a creature who is my equal and who is as strong and independent as I am". In 1904 their first son Hans Albert was born. In 1910 their second son Eduard was born.
The marriage had been in difficulties since 1912, in the spring of which Einstein became reacquainted with his cousin Elsa Löwenthal (née Einstein), following which they began a regular correspondence. Marić, who had never wanted to go to Berlin, became increasingly unhappy in the city. Soon after settling in Berlin, Einstein insisted on harsh terms if she were to remain with him. In the summer of 1914, Marić took the boys back to Zurich, a move that was to become permanent. Einstein made a commitment, drawn up by a lawyer, to send her an annual maintenance of 5600 Reichsmarks in quarterly installments, just under half of his salary. The couple divorced on February 14, 1919. They had negotiated a settlement whereby the Nobel Prize money that Einstein anticipated he would soon receive was to be placed in trust for their two boys, while Marić would be able to draw on the interest, but have no authority over the capital without Einstein's permission. After Einstein married his second wife in June, he returned to Zurich to talk to Marić about the children's future, taking Hans Albert on Lake Constance and Eduard to Arosa for convalescence.
In 1922, Einstein received news that he had won the Nobel Prize in November and the money was transferred to Marić in 1923. The money was used to buy three houses in Zurich: Marić lived in one, a five story house at Huttenstrasse, the other two were investments. In the late 1930s the costs of Eduard's care—he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and institutionalized at the University of Zurich psychiatric clinic "Burghölzli" —overwhelmed Marić and resulted in the forced sale of two of the houses. In 1939 Marić agreed to transfer ownership of the Huttenstrasse house to Einstein in order to prevent its loss as well, with Marić retaining power of attorney. Einstein also made regular cash transfers to Marić for Eduard's and her own livelihood. Marić died at the age of 72 on August 4, 1948 in Zurich.
Great Scientists
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1,324 | Many young people have experienced such a weekend when it has reached twelve o'clock after waking up in bed. The common practice for many people is opening the takeaway APP to see which appetite can be ordered for takeout, and then just waiting for delivery.
Recently, the takeaway APP "Eleme" has released some data concerning takeaway market in China. In 2016, online takeaway user consumption of more than 3 times weekly takes the proportion high up to 63.3%, making takeaway dinning become the most popular routine.
In other words, according to this consumption, at least 400 million take-off packaging boxes and plastic bags shuttle back and forth through China's streets weekly. That is to say, at the same time, 400 million disposable dishware will be deserted as waste. Such a rough EPS disposal, of course, are not just because of you, many garbage sorting processors are also included.
The average using time of a polystyrene packaging box is 25 minutes, but it needs at least 470 years to degrade. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic will be poured into the ocean, among which, China's plastic dumping amount generally accounts for 1/3, ranking first in the world.
To thoroughly solve this problem, recycling is the most advisable solution. Recycling polystyrene packaging is not necessary a tough target, as long as the right recycling machine is applied.
Hence, GREENMAX recycling machines can exactly accomplish the missions. Specialized in EPS recycling, GREENMAX has helped many customers both at home and abroad. The GREENMAX EPS screw compactors and thermal densifiers are well employed to reduce the bulky EPS volume for the first step, for saving storage space and transportation costs.
Apart from what has been mentioned above, the recycled EPS can also be granulated into PS pellets, and that is what INTCO recycling has always been committed to do. With a world renowned machine named EREMA to granulate, the recycled PS pellets can be equipped with high quality and stability and also can be applied into other plastic products.
The resource is limited, but recycling is not. Regarding to EPS recycling, GREENMAX needs more support and encouragement to fulfill its precious value. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,325 | HCM CITY (VNS) — HCM City is one of the more progressive and successful cities and provinces in Viet Nam, the Consul General of Australia in HCM City, John McAnulty, said during a meeting with HCM City People's Committee on Tuesday (10 February 2015).
McAnulty, who is dean of the HCM City Consular Corps, said the city is a leading example of how to be a successful.
"You have in place an economic policy. The Government is fully aware of the needs and priorities of the people and based on these you have oriented your policies accordingly, and these have become a standard for the country," he said.
HCM City is a leader in attracting foreign direct investment in Viet Nam due to "clear and open policies" provided to investors.
The city also has excellent infrastructure such as good roads and well organised and managed industrial zones, said McAnulty.
"I speak on behalf of all my Consular Corps colleagues that HCM City is strategically important to Viet Nam's progress and development, but also to all of us in respective bi-lateral relationships with Viet Nam," he said.
HCM City is a centre for foreign investment and tourism, and has leading universities and industrial parks.
"Businesses need confidence in the Government to be responsive to their needs and to be assured of consistency in the application of regulations … . For this you must be congratulated," said the Australian diplomat.
Last year was marked by significant economic achievements of HCM City, including ongoing major infrastructure projects. While this may bring short-term disruption, it brings long-term benefits, he added.
"It is all in the name of progress. And there is an air of optimism in the city," McAnulty said.
He also praised the beauty of the Tet. "The streets and parks of HCM City are alive with lights and flowers. Families coming out for an evening admire the colour of the city and a carnival atmosphere is evident."
"The city is transformed into a sea of people enjoying themselves. It is something which is lovely to witness," he added.
Speaking to the diplomatic corps, Le Hoang Quan, chairman of HCM City People's Committee, said HCM City has taken great effort to promote economic growth, put inflation under control, ensure social security, and maintain political stability and public order.
In 2014, HCM City attained GDP growth of 9.6 per cent.
Quan said HCM City was the first locality in Viet Nam to attain annual export turnover of over US$30 billion. Last year the city's export turnover was over $32 billion and imports totalled $30.7 billion.
The city also licensed 595 investment projects with total registered capital of $3.2 billion.
At least 5,331 operational FDI projects with total investment of $36.6 billion are located in the city.
Quan said that in 2015 the city would ensure political stability and social security and speed up administrative reform to create a more liberal investment environment.
The city, he said, would make friends with other countries to ensure "peace, stability, safety, security, cooperation and development in the region and the world". | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,326 | Contemporary Kitchen Designs Get The Look Tags : Outstandingkitchen Makeover Ideasthat Will Actually Inspire You Braveeuropean Kitchen Design Most Belovedbest Kitchen Decorthat Will Make You Bang The Keyboard. Terrifickitchen Decor Inspiration.
Adeline Tate Kitchen design ideas, 2018-09-03 22:50:27. You have a new job, and you're happier still about moving to a new neighborhood in the city. Your new apartment seems fine, and it would be perfect if only it weren't for such a dinky kitchen. To add insult to injury, it comes with a grand total of two drawers and 6 feet of cabinet. That was me two years ago. How on earth do they expect me to put all my cooking ingredients, pots, pans and utensils into so little space? I guess I could have given up on the idea of cooking altogether and lived off food from Dunkin' Donuts. But you know the whole ongoing debate about cholesterol, don't you? I decided to consult kitchen design books and work out a few ideas myself on what kind of kitchen design ideas could help me cram everything I needed in an elegant way into the limited space I have.
Angelique Clemons Kitchen design ideas, 2018-08-26 12:29:11. Apart from the modular kitchen design also focus on the sockets such that you don't have to move your appliances daily and you have the supply for the electricity nearby the appliances. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
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Ghostbusters cancelled? Not so fast
Rumors suggest that the Ghostbusters game may be about to be axed, but from …
Andrew Webster - Jul 29, 2008 2:22 pm UTC
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The Ghosbusters game has been receiving a fair amount of buzz, so it came as a bit of a surprise when rumors began to swirl that the upcoming game was being canceled. These rumors stemmed from a release schedule published by Activision/Blizzard where a few notable titles were absent, including Ghostbusters, 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand, World in Conflict, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, and Brutal Legend.
The rumors claimed that the cancellations were a result of the merger between Activision and Vivendi, which could possibly lead to the sale of Sierra, the publisher of Ghostbusters. However, Sierra has since told Destructoid that "it (Ghostbusters) is not canceled and will not be canceled."
But while that statement seems to be pretty clear-cut, a Vivendi representative has made things a touch more confusing, telling Videogamer.com "The only titles that we're currently dealing with are Crash, Spyro, Prototype and this other (unannounced) title." According to the report, the company is now looking for new publishers for the games missing from the release list.
It appears as though the merger between Activision and Vivendi is causing some internal confusion, as different corporate arms are relaying conflicting information to the press. Hopefully, this situation will be made more clear in the future, as it would be a shame to lose the likes of Ghostbusters and Brutal Legend. We'll have more information on the story as it becomes available.
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1,328 | For a wide variety of service applications including hot water and many compatible chemicals, we offer high performance double eccentric butterfly valves suitable for actuation, to which we assemble and test our J3CS Smart Electric Actuator. Click on the type of actuated high performance butterfly valve you require by clicking which function you'd like below, for example choose from on-off, failsafe, modulating, and failsafe modulating on our wide variety of materials and fittings such as carbon and stainless steel electric butterfly valve actuators, equipped with fully lugged PN16 fittings or Wafer.
All electrically actuated butterfly valves can come fitted with J3CS Smart Red Box Electric Actuator assembled and tested at our Matlock UK works. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,329 | Passengers left steaming over air con
RAIL passengers heading in and out of London have been left sweating it out as temperatures rocket in the soaring summer heat after air-conditioning equipment on trains broke down - because it's too hot!
RAIL passengers heading in and out of London have been left sweating it out as temperatures rocket in the soaring summer heat after air-conditioning equipment on trains broke down – because it's too hot!
The system on Anglia Railways' 30-year-old carriages that it uses on InterCity trains between Ipswich, Norwich and London struggles when the temperature goes above 25 degrees centigrade.
This week it has been nudging 30 – and up to 15 of the company's 120 carriages have struggled to cope.
"We've been taking on staff to correct the problems, but the root cause is that these carriages are quite old," said Anglia spokesman Peter Meades.
"We tried to recruit staff in the winter, but we needed people with specialist skills and they weren't easy to find.
"But we now have people working on these problems."
Mr Meades said there was usually only one or two carriages in each 10-coach train where the air conditioning wasn't working.
"Usually passengers can move to a carriage where it is working, but that isn't always possible at busy times," he said.
The company's new Turbostar trains are not affected by the problem.
At Ipswich station today passengers spoke of their frustration about the air conditioning problems.
"It has been getting bad for quite a long time now. I travel first class and you often find one or two of the three carriages don't have it working," said regular traveller Nick Green, from Framsden.
Another first class passenger, who did not want to be named, thought Anglia was trying to offer travellers a new service.
"It is very kind of them to offer us a travelling sauna – but they really ought to change the internal décor and introduced stripped pine," he said.
Glenn Thornton, from Ipswich, had complained about the air conditioning problems last year – and had been offered free tickets as compensation.
"I'm using them today, but it's pretty unpleasant if the air conditioning isn't working again," he said.
Pantelis Koul commutes daily from Ipswich to London.
"It isn't very nice. A number of the carriages don't have air conditioning and you have to stand between them with the windows open to get any air," he said.
But for Ian Groenewald the air conditioning problem wasn't his major concern.
"The trains don't have the services that you need," he said.
"You often can't get a coffee, and the other evening there were no lights on in first class."
While Anglia is struggling with high-tech air conditioning, Ipswich Buses have come up with a more down to earth solution to problems caused by the heat.
"Our vehicles don't have air conditioning," said managing director Malcolm Robson. "But we do insist they have large opening windows for this kind of weather.
"We do get problems with buses smelling very musty," he said diplomatically. "But now we've got a solution to that."
Just over half the company's fleet of 90 buses has so far been fitted with a dispenser to hold special air fresheners.
"We have started fitting these blocks to our buses. They cost £1.50 and last for six weeks – and it makes a tremendous difference," he said.
The air fresheners will be used around the year, not just during the summer.
"We may think of introducing more seasonal smells at different times of the year – we'll have to think of what to bring in then," Mr Robson added.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone has offered a £10,000 prize to the first person who comes up with a viable way to cool down the London Underground.
On the day after travellers fainted because of heat, Mr Livingstone admitted that no-one had as yet figured out how to tackle air-conditioning problems on deep Tube lines.
He said the problem with installing air-conditioning on trains was that the heat would be transferred into the tunnels, raising temperatures on the platforms even more.
BLOB The hot weather is due to continue today and tomorrow, but from Friday onwards there will be the risk of heavy, thundery showers and storms.
Temperatures will head for the high 20s today and tomorrow, but over the weekend are expected to fall significantly with a maximum of 23 degrees centigrade by Sunday, according to the Meterological Office. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,330 | Over the course of this six-week placement students will engage in observation and reflection and will gradually take on increased responsibility for whole class instruction. Successful completion of the practicum component in Professional Year requires demonstrated competency in classroom management as well as lesson planning and implementation. (PREREQ. EDUC 3104) (Exp.) 3 cr. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,331 | Represention of Muslim Organizations and Their Members
IFor over 25 years, Albert Farrah has represented various Greater Boston Islamic religious organizations and Muslim groups and their leaders in both transactional matters and important, cutting edge litigation. The firm is proud to count among its clients the Islamic Society of Boston, the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, MAS Boston, Inc., the American Muslim Center, The Outreach Community and Reform Center, Inc., Malik Academy and the Islamic Center of Burlington, among others.
Acquisition and Development of Boston Mosques
Mr. Farrah began his representation of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), New England's largest Islamic organization, in 1992, when he formed and acted as attorney for the Islamic Society of Boston Trust in the acquisition and development of real property on Prospect Street in Cambridge, MA that became and remains today the ISB Mosque.
He has represented the ISB Trust in a variety of real estate related matters since, including the acquisition and development of other real property in Boston and Cambridge, MA.
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
100 Malcolm X. Boulevard
History of the ISBCC
Beginning in 1998, Albert Farrah acted as counsel to the ISB in its efforts to develop a $15 million cultural center and mosque in Roxbury, MA. In that capacity he assisted in the review of architectural drawings and specifications, advised the client in the selection of a construction manager and in drafting a contract with that construction manager, and met regularly with Boston Redevelopment Authority personnel. Throughout the several years of construction of the project he continued to act as ISBCC counsel, dealing with myriad permitting and construction related issues, including decisions to redesign the project and to change construction managers to complete the Cultural Center.
In 2003, when the Boston Herald newspaper attacked various members of the ISBCC leadership, Mr. Farrah supervised the response efforts. A year later, when Fox News joined in the attack upon the ISB, Mr. Farrah assembled a team of attorneys who responded to that attack and filed defamation lawsuits.
Discovery in that litigation demonstrated that behind the scenes of the media attacks were persons and organizations determined to stop the building of the Cultural Center and Mosque, who, in the furtherance of that effort had identified and counseled an area resident to file a lawsuit against the ISB and the Boston Redevelopment Authority. In that suit the neighbor claimed the process by which the ISB was designated redeveloper of land Roxbury on which the ISBCC was being built was unconstitutional, impermissibly linking church and state.
Mr. Farrah acted as counsel to the ISB in defending this litigation and successfully secured the dismissal of that lawsuit on summary judgment. Policastro v. ISB, et al, Suffolk Superior Court.
After the Policastro lawsuit was dismissed and it was clear at the ISBCC would be built, the parties settled all outstanding litigation, paving the way for the completion of construction. In 2008 the ISBCC officially opened. At over 50,000 square feet in size, it is the largest mosque and cultural center in the New England and stands as a beacon to religious tolerance and interfaith activities. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,332 | The Nexus 7 2013 and the Tesco Hudl are both tablets that should see a high demand during this holiday season. Both are great options for those who want a reasonably priced Android tablet, and today we want to discuss the Tesco Hudl tablet vs Nexus 7 2 with some review videos.
There will be plenty of people trying to decide between these two tablets for Christmas gifts and we've previously given readers a brief rundown on how the specs compare. While the new Google Nexus 7 for this year has undoubtedly the best specs of the two, the Tesco Hudl is not too far behind.
The Tesco Hudl has 16GB of internal storage, and one plus point for the Hudl is that the storage is expandable via microSD to 32GB. The Nexus 7 2 on the other hand comes in 16 or 32GB models but doesn't have expandable storage.
While the Nexus 7 2 has better display resolution and ppi as well as a later version of the Android Jelly Bean operating system, the price difference between the two is quite significant. The Tesco Hudl price is only £119 and will cost you even less with the use of Tesco ClubCard vouchers. The Nexus 7 2 16GB model is priced at £199 while the 32GB will set you back £239.
To give you a close look at these two tablets we've embedded two video reviews below this story. The first YouTube video is for the Tesco Hudl and describes the tablet as the "bargain of the year." It begins with a look at the color options, design and build, and then goes on to detail the display, processor, cameras and more. Ultimately it's thought to be one of the best budget tablets around, especially for ClubCard holders.
Next we have a Nexus 7 2 video review, which begins by saying that this tablet "ticks all the right boxes." The display receives some positive praise, and then discusses other specs such as the processor, RAM, camera, and performance. Battery life is also mentioned and the 16GB version price is felt to be "great value." The only drawbacks mentioned are the lack of expandable storage and poor camera quality.
In conclusion these are both very respectable tablet offerings. While some may feel it's worth paying more for the better specs of the Nexus 7 for 2013, the Tesco Hudl tablet still has a lot to offer considering its extremely low price. Are you considering buying the Tesco Hudl or Nexus 7 2 tablet? Which one do you think you will choose, and why? Let us know with your comments. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,334 | Overview Status of U.S. Fisheries Management Science
U.S. fisheries are big business, providing jobs and recreation and keeping our coastal communities vibrant. In fact, the United States is a global leader in responsibly managed fisheries and sustainable seafood. Working closely with commercial, recreational, and small-scale tribal fishermen, we have rebuilt numerous fish stocks and managed to create some of the most sustainably managed fisheries in the world.
U.S. fisheries are scientifically monitored, regionally managed, and legally enforced under 10 national standards of sustainability. Managing sustainable fisheries is a dynamic process that requires constant and routine attention to new scientific information that can guide management actions.
Distribution and Abundance of Forage Fish in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Waters Affected by Warming Ocean Conditions
#ShowUsYourSeafood Challenge: Results Are In!
Seriously Useful Seafood Tips: Shellfish and Other Farmed Seafood
Fall Gulf of Maine Bottom Longline Survey Wraps Up
Resources for Commercial Fishing
Resources for Recreational Fishing
Resources for Subsistence Fishing
Seafood Commerce & Certification
Notices & Rules
Paperwork Reduction Act Renewal, Opportunity for Comment, Vessel Monitoring System
Federal Register Notices of Proposed and/or Continuing Information Collections as Required by the Paperwork Reduction Act
International Fisheries: Pacific Tuna Fisheries; 2021 Commercial Fishing Restrictions for Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Skykomish Summer Steelhead Hatchery Program and Sunset Falls Trap and Haul Program
North Pacific Observer Program Standard Ex-Vessel Prices for Groundfish and Halibut - Federal Register Rules and Notices
More Notices & Rules
2021 Atlantic Bluefish Specifications
Pacific Hake/Whiting Treaty: Joint Technical Committee Meeting (December 9)
Inseason Reapportionment of Tribal Pacific Whiting Allocation
Request for Comments on a Proposed Rule for Salmon Bycatch Minimization Measures in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery
Permit Transfer Deadline for Vessels Participating in the Limited Entry Fixed Gear in the Sablefish Primary Fishery
More Bulletins
Open Funding Opportunities
There are currently no open funding opportunities.
9.4 billion pounds of seafood
In 2018, U.S. commercial fishermen landed 9.4 billion pounds of seafood valued at $5.6 billion.
47 stocks rebuilt since 2000
NOAA Fisheries manages 461 stocks or stock complexes in 46 fishery management plans.
Show me another fact
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in U.S. federal waters. Key objectives of the Act are to prevent overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, increase long-term economic and social benefits, and ensure a safe and sustainable supply of seafood.
Learn more about the Magnuson-Stevens Act
Fishing and seafood are vital to our economy and coastal communities. We use data collection, assessments, and research to evaluate the benefits and costs of how we manage fisheries, to help us prioritize management needs, and to facilitate policy that maximizes societal benefits from ocean and coastal resources.
Learn more about the data we collect
Fishermen sometimes catch and discard animals they do not want, cannot sell, or are not allowed to keep—this is collectively known as bycatch. Unwanted catch is an ecological and economic issue, and we work with partners and fishermen to avoid bycatch or safely release unintended catch.
Learn more about bycatch
Catch shares dedicate a secure share of fish to individual fishermen, cooperatives, or fishing communities for their exclusive use. By allowing catch share holders to fish until they reach their quota, fishermen have an economic incentive to catch their allocation at the least cost by planning around the weather, markets, or other business considerations.
Learn more about catch shares
Stock Assessments
Our scientific stock assessments are critical to modern fisheries management. Using data gathered from commercial and recreational fishermen and our own on-the-water scientific observations, a stock assessment describes the past and current status of a fish population or stock, answers questions about the size of the stock, and makes predictions about how a fishery will respond to current and future management measures.
Learn more about our scientific stock assessments
We maintain a foreign trade database dating back to 1975 that allows users to summarize U.S. foreign trade in fishery products. Users can summarize the kilos and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade. This data comes from the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, which is responsible for compiling information submitted by importers and exporters to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Learn more about foreign trade
Understanding Fisheries Management in the United States
NOAA Fisheries is responsible for managing marine fisheries within the U.S. exclusive economic zone. Learn more about the sustainable management of our marine fisheries.
NOAA Fisheries Video Gallery
Alaska's Pollock Fishery: A Model of Sustainability
Reeling to Rebuilding: Success for West Coast Groundfish Fisheries
The Search for Atlantic Shark Nurseries
Status of U.S. Fisheries
As part of our mission to promote productive and sustainable fisheries, and as directed by the Magnuson-Stevens Act, we work to sustain commercial fishing in U.S. federal waters by studying fisheries and providing guidance and support to regional fishery management councils. We gather and compile data and information into three key annual reports:
Fisheries of the United States
Fisheries Economics of the United States
Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries
This publication is the yearbook of fishery statistics for the United States. The report provides data on a variety of fishery-related issues, including U.S. recreational catch and commercial landings, the U.S. processing industry, foreign trade, domestic supply, and per capita consumption. These data are produced annually.
All Fisheries of the United States reports
Raw catch landings data used in this report
This annual report highlights the economic benefits of U.S. fisheries to our national economy. It tracks economic trends of the commercial fishing and seafood industry, recreational fishing industry, and other marine related sectors. Analyzing this cross-section of the fishing industry offers an overall picture of the economic benefits provided by each sector.
All Fisheries Economics of the United States reports
Learn more about our socioeconomics work
Status of the U.S. Fish Stocks
To manage fisheries sustainably, we rely on an adaptive process based on sound science, innovative management approaches, effective enforcement, and meaningful partnerships. More formally known as the Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries, this annual report provides a 'snapshot' in time of the status of U.S. fisheries showing the results of the combined efforts of NOAA Fisheries, regional fishery management councils, and other partners to end overfishing under the MSA. By ending overfishing and rebuilding stocks, we are strengthening the value of U.S. fisheries to the economy, our communities, and marine ecosystems.
Status of U.S. Fish Stocks 2019 Full Report
Stock Status Updates
We use stock assessments and other data, to determine whether a fish stock's population size is too small (overfished) or the annual rate of catch is too high (overfishing). We report these status determinations quarterly to provide fisheries managers and the public with an account of how well current fisheries management measures are working.
Quarterly stock updates
Status of Stocks, 2019
Global Fisheries
U.S. marine fisheries are the largest in the world—covering 4.4 million square miles of ocean. In the United States, we manage fisheries to support our domestic seafood supply, protect ecosystem health and sustainability, create jobs and support economic and social benefits, and provide fishing opportunities for all types of fishermen.
Learn more about fisheries management in the United States
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in U.S. federal waters. Key objectives of the MSA are to prevent overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, increase long-term economic and social benefits, and ensure a safe and sustainable supply of seafood.
Go to current regulations for Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries in the Code of Federal Regulations
The MSA created eight regional fishery management councils responsible for the fisheries in their region that require conservation and management. The councils develop and amend fishery management plans, set annual catch limits, develop research priorities, implement rebuilding plans, and conduct public meetings.
Find your regional fishery management councils
We work closely with the Marine Fisheries Commissions and their member states to collect data and manage fisheries resources in shared coastal regions:
Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
Introduced in the 1990s, ecosystem-based fisheries management has evolved to become a cornerstone of our efforts to sustainably manage the nation's marine resources. Unlike traditional fishery management approaches, ecosystem-base fisheries management provides a more holistic approach to fisheries management—one that takes into account the complex suite of biological, physical, economic, and social factors associated with managing living marine resources.
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Cooperative research provides a means for commercial and recreational fishermen to become involved in the collection of fundamental fisheries information to support the development and evaluation of management options. In cooperative research, industry and other stakeholders can partner with NOAA Fisheries and university scientists, in all phases of the research program, including survey/statistical design, conducting of research, analysis of results, and communication of results.
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Estimating harvest of target species and marketable bycatch species.
Predicting bycatch of protected species.
Assessing fishing capacity and the cost of reducing overcapacity.
Predicting entry/exit into fisheries.
Determining the contribution of commercial fishing to local, state and national economies.
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Fisheries Information System
To support sound science and effective stewardship of our living marine resources, we work collaboratively through partnerships to provide every fisheries data stakeholder with easy access to comprehensive information on the nation's fisheries. We work to continuously improve the quality, timeliness, and integrity of fishery dependent data collection, storage, and dissemination programs.
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Foreign Trade (Imports and Exports)
We maintain a foreign trade database dating back to 1975 that allows users to summarize U.S. foreign trade in fishery products. Users can summarize the kilos and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade. This data is purchased from the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, which is responsible for compiling information submitted by importers and exporters to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Fishery Market News is a joint federal/industry program that provides accurate and unbiased reports depicting current conditions affecting the trade in fish and fishery products. Market News takes the pulse of the market. Other services might try to diagnose the market, but Market News merely observes, records, and reports on current conditions. With offices located in Boston, Long Beach, New Orleans, New York, and Seattle, you can find the a wealth of information in Market News including nationwide reports and as well as reports from Japan.
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We conduct an annual survey of all seafood processors that operate in the United States. This is the only comprehensive survey of the U.S. seafood processing industry and is the source of all regional and national statistics describing this portion of the industry. Reports generated from these statistics include Fisheries of the United States and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's yearbook—Fishery Statistics-Commodities. Data is also used for calculating annual U.S. seafood consumption for determining the value-added margins and consumer expenditures related to commercial fisheries and in the assessment of the impacts of changes in fishery management plans and the impacts of natural disasters. Industry trade organizations and members of the industrial and financial communities use the data to make business decisions affecting the fishing and seafood industries.
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Marine Recreational Information Program
The Marine Recreational Information Program is the state-regional-federal partnership responsible for developing, improving, and implementing surveys that measure how many trips saltwater anglers take and how many fish they catch. This vital information, combined with other data such as commercial catch and biological research, enables scientists and managers to assess and maintain sustainable U.S. fish stocks.
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1,335 | Sergiy Ossovich (* 16. prosince 1973 Ivano-Frankivsk) je bývalý ukrajinský atlet, sprinter, který od roku 2003 reprezentoval Rakousko.
Sportovní kariéra
V roce 1994 doběhl na mistrovství Evropy čtvrtý v běhu na 200 metrů a byl také členem stříbrné ukrajinské štafety na 4 × 100 metrů. V roce 1998 se stal halovým mistrem Evropy v běhu na 200 metrů.
Externí odkazy
Ukrajinští běžci
Rakouští běžci
Narození v roce 1973
Narození 16. prosince
Narození v Ivano-Frankivsku
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Muži | RedPajamaWikipedia | validation |
1,336 | Please refer to our stock # JDOL-004 when inquiring.
A "Gosho Ningyo" doll of a plump kneeling male child carrying a "hyotan" gourd. The large gourd symbolizes health, vitality, prosperity and immortality. The kneeling boy is wearing a bib with painted accents in white, green, navy blue, brown and gold pigments. There are two ties in the back for the bib. The hyotan (gourd) is also painted in greens, navy-blues, gold and grey of 3-leafed motifs that appear to be paulownia flowers. The eyes, eyebrows and "hair accents are painted in black. The pursed lips are painted in red pigment. The boy has strong, contemplative and intelligent facial features. ORIGIN: Japan—the doll is a gift associated with the Imperial Court and symbolizes good luck and prosperity. DATE: Early 1800's SIZE: Height – 7cm (2.75 inches) CONDITION: Patina from natural aging. Some pigment chips and pigment wearing in the painted gourd. Very slight shrinkage age cracks. Small tufts of hair missing that sprung from the 2 painted hair accents on both sides of the head. All original, no repairs. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
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Henrik primarily works with matters concerning fisheries and aquaculture. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
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Sonakshi Sinha, Vijay Varma, Gulshan Devaiah, and Sohum Shah's Dahaad becomes India's first-ever series to premiere at Berlin International Film Festival
Dahaad directed by Reema Kagti and Ruchika Oberoi, produced by Excel Media & Entertainment and Tiger Baby, starring Sonakshi Sinha, Read More
Suhana-Khushi-Agastya's The Archies, Kareena Kapoor Khan-Vijay Varma-Jaideep Ahlawat's Devotion Of Suspect X to Sidharth Malhotra-Shilpa Shetty's Indian Police Force, web content to binge in 2023!
With open arms and hope for a brighter year, here's welcoming 2023. Over the past few months, the entertainment industry Read More
'Working with Irrfan was the best thing life has offered me,' says Sohum Shah as he completes 10 years in the film industry
Soham Shah completes 10 years in the industry today and the actor has come a long way from the life Read More
Amazon Prime Video slate: Juhi Chawla's 'Hush Hush', Sonakshi Sinha's 'Dahaad', Madhuri Dixit's 'Maja Maa', Vidya Balan's 'Neeyat' & more make the streaming giants' women power
Amazon Prime Video unveiled a whopping 40 titles today for its upcoming slate for the year comprising shows and films. Read More | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,341 | Misrepresentation under the Indian Contract Act, 1872
A misrepresentation is a misleading statement of a material fact made by one party which has an impact on the other party judgment concerning a contract. If the misrepresentation is established, the contract can be declared void and depending on the circumstances, the affected party may seek damages. In such a contract dispute, the aggrieved party is the plaintiff, and the party who made the misrepresentation becomes the defendant.
In contract law, misrepresentation is chiefly important in business dealings where enormous transactions take place with high frequency. Misrepresentation of risk or value is correlated with an agreement that can cause huge financial losses to individuals and businesses while growing the risk of collaborative business ventures. Therefore, misrepresentation contract law is vital in ensuring fairness and decreasing the risk of entering into agreements between businesses and individuals.
A representation is said to be such a statement that causes the entry into a contract but is not a part of a term of the contract. Misrepresentation is about providing incorrect information by one party to the other party before the contract is made which influences them to make the contract. If an individual makes a contract in reliance on misrepresentation and has to suffer loss as a result, they can claim damages or revoke the contract.
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 under Section 18 defines "misrepresentation which states, a misrepresentation is a form of a statement made preceding to the contract being completed". There are two varieties of statement that can be performed before a contract is formed, these will either:
Form part of the contract.
Not form part of the contract, thus it becomes a representation"
When a statement that is made without any reasonable basis is unwarranted. When anyone makes a constructive statement of a fact without any reliable source of information and believes that statement to be true, the act amounts to misrepresentation.
Types of Misrepresentation
There are three types of misrepresentation which the following as under:
Fraudulent misrepresentation: Fraudulent misrepresentation is a wrongful statement that is made with knowledge or without belief in its truth or recklessly as to whether it be false or true. In this type of misrepresentation, the burden of proof lies on the claimant.
Negligent misrepresentation: Negligent misrepresentation means where a declaration is made by one party to another party without any reasonable ground or negligently for believing its truth. There is no need to establish fraud. If the innocent party can show the statement was wrong, it will be for the maker of the statement to prove that it rationally believed in the truth of the statement i .e.the representation. The representation may be made by a third party who is not a party to the contract. In negligent misrepresentation, the burden of proof lies on the claimant.
Innocent misrepresentation: Misrepresentation which is made wholly without any fault can be termed as an innocent misrepresentation. A representation that is neither negligent nor fraudulent is an innocent misrepresentation.
Remedies of Misrepresentation
These are remedies for misrepresentation which are as under:
Rescind: By rescind is meant to cancel. When the party which is aggrieved wants he can claim for damages or and cancellation of the contract. In Indian contract law, rescission is described as the reversing of a contract among the parties. Rescission is the "unwinding of a transaction." This is made to bring the parties, as much as it is feasible, back to the situation in which they were before they entered into a contract.
Insist upon the performance: The party which is aggrieved can claim to the first party who has perpetrated misrepresentation to get the object in the manner which was before the contract that they directed.
Tags: Contract, Contract Act, Indian Contract Act, Misrepresentation | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
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Own a fancy European-style condominium in Hang Dong, Chiang Mai! The Grand Villa is one of the latest Thai property developed by The New Concept Property Co. Ltd. A residential compound for those who want to experience the European lifestyle.
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1,343 | Home >Industry News >HUD: Request for Information on Maximizing the Positive Impact of Opportunity Zones Announced
HUD: Request for Information on Maximizing the Positive Impact of Opportunity Zones Announced
he U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public input on how the Department can use its existing authorities to maximize the beneficial impact of Opportunity Zones for residents and their communities.
This RFI will allow the public to share existing knowledge and provide recommendations to HUD regarding the use of public and private investments in urban and economically distressed communities, including qualified Opportunity Zones. Read the RFI here.
"Opportunity Zones present tremendous promise for America's distressed communities," said HUD Secretary Ben Carson. "Through this request, we are looking to better understand how HUD can better tailor its policies and help Opportunity Zones create more positive economic outcomes for the millions of Americans that live in these areas, and for our country as a whole."
In this RFI, HUD is seeking information on the following:
How HUD should use its existing authorities to maximize the beneficial impact of public and private investments in urban and economically distressed communities;
Whether HUD should create an information portal, and what information it should include;
How HUD should prioritize support for urban and economically distressed areas, including Opportunity Zones, in its grants, financing, and other assistance;
What types of technical assistance should be offered through HUD;
How HUD can ensure existing residents, businesses, and community organizations in Opportunity Zones benefit from the influx of investment;
How HUD can properly evaluate the impact of Opportunity Zones on communities;
How HUD should interact with other stakeholders to maximize the success of the Opportunity Zone incentive;
How Qualified Opportunity Fund investments might support the goal of ending homelessness; and
Any other aspects of Opportunity Zones that should be considered and are not addressed in this request for information.
The RFI is a part of the work Secretary Carson is undertaking as the Chair of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. The Council's 13 Federal member agencies are engaging with governments at all levels—State, local, tribal, and Territorial—on ways to more effectively use taxpayer dollars to revitalize low-income communities.
President Trump signed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, creating Opportunity Zones to stimulate long-term investments in low-income communities. The program offers capital gains tax relief to those who invest in these distressed areas. This program is anticipated to spur $100 billion in private capital investment in Opportunity Zones. Incentivizing investment in low-income communities fosters economic revitalization, job creation, and promotes sustainable economic growth across the nation, especially in communities HUD serves. Read more about the Opportunity Zones program.
Opportunity Zones are a powerful vehicle for bringing economic growth and job creation to the American communities that need it the most. On average, the median family income in an Opportunity Zone is 37 percent below the state median. Overall, more than 8,700 communities in all 50 States, Washington D.C., and five U.S. Territories have been designated as Opportunity Zones. Nearly 35 million Americans live in communities designated as Opportunity Zones.
Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically to www.regulations.gov.
Tagged:HUDInvestmentJob CreationLow- or Moderate-IncomeOpportunity ZonesRevitalization | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,344 | How And Why Goldman Sachs Defrauded Investors While Homeowners Went Broke
Arlington West 6yrs.: Nov 3rd 2003 – Nov. 3rd 2009
Alan Grayson accused the Fed of manipulating the stock market
By MinistryOfTruth in Economy
( – promoted by buhdydharma )
Crossposted at Daily Kos
Life as a small investor is hard enough already. You have to look into all of the investment apps uk, track trends, make quick investment decisions, know when to buy and sell, and so much more! But then you add corporations and the Federal Reserve System allegedly manipulating the market? That makes it even harder! Back in late September, Alan Grayson (Big D-FL08) grilled Federal Reserve General Counsel Scott Alvarez on whether or not the Federal Reserve has manipulated the stock and futures market. Since this hasn't been diaried and Sunday is a slow news day, I thought it would be fun to watch Alan Grayson in action in a bit of a flashback.
(UPDATE: Unfortunately and oddly, the video is no longer working for some strange reason. Good thing I transcribed it when I did. I am looking for another version of the same vide, so hang in there until I can find it
UPDATE 2: Found a second video. Hope you enjoy)
Transcript and commentary below the fold.
Alan Grayson (Big D-FL08): "Did the Federal Reserve ever try to manipulate the U.S. stock market?"
Federal Reserve General Counsel Scott Alvarez: "No, sir, not that I'm aware of."
Grayson: "Not that you're aware of, but, you're the attorney, right?"
Alvarez: "That's right."
Grayson: "So, you might not even know, right?"
Alvarez: "I would expect to know if there were something like that being done. I am not aware of that at all."
Grayson: "And if you did know you'd be bound by attorney/client priveledge and you wouldn't be able to tell us, right?"
Alvarez: "Uhh, sir, if there were something the Federal Reserve were doing outside it's legal authority I would have an obligation to say something about that."
Grayson: "Alright, so we agree that any participation by the Federal Reserve in the stock marhet or the futures market is outside the Federal Reserves legal authority, right?"
Alvarez: "The Federal Reserve has some authoruty to regulate various aspects of markets and, uhh, participate in markets in certain ways, so, I think your question is too categorical,but . . . "
Grayson: "I think not, actually. Why don't you answer it."
Alvarez: "I don't know what, I don't know. Your question is so, uhm, overbroad, I don't know whhere to begin to answer it."
Grayson: "I don't think it's that overbroad. I'd like you to tell me if whether it's in the Federal Reserve's legal authority to try to manipulate the stock market or the futures market."
Alvarez: "Sir, I don't believe the Federal Reserve , uh, tries to manipulate the stock market."
Grayson: "Tries? Tried."
Alvarez: "No, sir."
Grayson: "Do they?"
Alvarez: "The Federal Reserve's, uh, obligation and what it does in monetary policy is try to influence interst rates, and in that way to, uh, maximize employment and to stabilize prices."
Grayson: "Now, if in fact the Federal Reserve were trying to do that, or doing it, isn't thhat something that we'd want to know?"
Alvarez: "And, to the extent that the Federal Reserve influences interest rates, it does make announcements of that decision immediately."
Grayson: "That's not what I said."
Attempted answer by Mr. Alvarez cut short
Grayson: "I said manipulate the stock market or the futures market, what do we want to know."
long pause
Grayson: "Yes or no?"
Alvarez: "Could you define what you mean by . . ."
Grayson: "I think you know what I mean Mr. Alvarez. Now wouldn't it be very helpful to have a GAO (U.S. Government Accountability Office) audit on that subject? Wouldn't it?"
Alvarez: "I don't know what it is that you are seeking to audit, sir."
Grayson: "But I just said."
Alvarez: "It would be helpful if you could . . . "
Grayson: "So let's go on to something else. Does the Federal Reserve actually posess all the gold that is listed on their balance sheet? Do they actually posess it?""
Alvarez: "Yes."
Grayson: "Has that been audited by the GAO?"
Alvarez: "Uh, I believe that is within the GAO's authority to audit, it's certainly something that our independant accountant is able to verify and does."
Grayson: "So, if I go ahead and ask for GAO audit you won't oppose it, right?"
Alvarez: "To auditing the presence of the Gold on the facility? I don't see any reason to object to that."
Grayson: "Good. Now there's been all sorts of claims of insider trading and front-running by the people who execute the trades for the Federal Reserve in the market. By the way, who is that? Who actually executes the trades for the Federal Reserve in the markets?"
Alvarez: "I haven't heard of any allegation of front running in the . . . "
Grayson: "Well that's funny, because you're the General Counsel, so if anybody would know that you would think you would know about it."
Alvarez: "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is responsible for effecting the transactions and implementing monetary policy."
Grayson: "Ok, so, then answer the question."
Alvarez: "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York."
Grayson: "That's your answer?"
Alvarez: "You wanted to know who uh, implements the . . . "
Grayson: "You have people sitting in seats at the Federal Reserve Bank actually executing those trades? You don't delegate that to anyone else?"
Alvarez: "No, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, of course, it's a process where there are several steps, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York executes transactions through primary dealers."
Grayson: "AHA! Okay, who are the primary dealers?"
Alvarez: "The list of primary dealers is on our website."
Grayson: "Do you know any of them? Can you name a single one?"
Alvarez: "Uh, uh, sure, JPMC."
Grayson: "Go ahead. What?"
Alvarez: "J.P. Morgan-Chase."
Grayson: "Okay. Do you mind if we have a GAO audit to see whether there has been front running or insider trading by them? Do you mind? Is that okay with you?"
Alvarez: "I'm not sure I have any decision making authority . . ."
Grayson: "Well, you're the General Counsel. I want to know if you're not going to try and stop it."
Alvarez: "The GAO, the GAO audits Government agencies, if you want an audit of a private sec, a private entity, I think that is something that Congress would have to change the authority of the GAO to allow."
Grayson: "Alright, now let's say, you're right, that's what we're doing right here, by the way, lets say that the Federal Reserve gave a billion dollars to a very promising fledling institution called the Dick Cheney savings and loan, whose only asset is an un-numberbed Swiss bank account, don't you think it would be a good idea for the GAO to have the GAO have authority to look into that?"
Alvarez: "So, under the GAO authority as written, a specif . . , a loan by the Federal Reserve to a specific entity, say, a particular bank as you've pointed out, would be subject to GOA audit, we don't oppose that."
Grayson: "Alright, now, the Federal Reserve has given 1 Trillion dollars out, 1 Trillion dollars in the past twelve months, that's how much the increase in it's assets and liabilities in it's balance sheet has been. Who got the money? This, by the wqay, is a question that was sent to me by Beatrice Delgado. She just wants to know who got the money. Will you tell me?"
Alvarez: "So, the, uh, most of the increase in our balance sheet has been the purchase of U.S. Government securities and the purchase of agency, uh, guaranteed securities in the open market from market participants broadly."
Grayson: "And what about the rest . . . "
Chairman: "The Gentleman's time has expired."
Grayson: "Thank you, Mr. Chairman, but I really think we need answers to these question and the only way to get answers to these questions is to have the GAO audit the Federal Reserve. Thank you very much."
Chairman: "I just want to make the point that if the Gentleman has more questions there will be an opportunity to submit them in writing, and that opportunity will be available. Uh, the Gentleman . . . "
There is your AHA! moment. Did you even know that the Federal Reserve purchases securities on the open market? The fact that J.P. Morgan-Chase handles the Fed's transactions would put them and other firms who do business like this with the Fed in a prime position to front run the market, just as Mr. Grayson alleged. And why wouldn't they? It is not like Wall Street is above that sort of manipulation, hell, that's what they do for a living!
Ron Paul tells Bloomberg that Congressman Watt has just more or less killed the bill to audit the fed:
Representative Ron Paul, the Texas Republican who has called for an end to the Federal Reserve, said legislation he introduced to audit monetary policy has been "gutted" while moving toward a possible vote in the Democratic-controlled House.
The bill, with 308 co-sponsors, has been stripped of provisions that would remove Fed exemptions from audits of transactions with foreign central banks, monetary policy deliberations, transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee and communications between the Board, the reserve banks and staff, Paul said today.
"There's nothing left, it's been gutted," he said in a telephone interview. "This is not a partisan issue. People all over the country want to know what the Fed is up to, and this legislation was supposed to help them do that."..
Bold text added by the diarist.
Say what you will about Ron Paul's history and ideology, but that should NOT be a strawman to be used to discredit the need to bring accountability and transparency to the Federal Reserve. You don't hate accountability and transparency, do you?
The move to audit the Federal Reserve, embodied in H.R. 1207, is going to fail despite the 308 co-sponsors it has garnered, not because it is not a good idea, not because the Federal Resserve has clearly done no wrong, but for the same reasons that Health Care Reform has been watered down, and for the same reasons that many more sensible measures to come before Congress in the near future will be watered down or pushed aside. It is because many members of Congress are corrupt agents of the special interests, who sell their political souls and their constituents interests downn the river in return for the legalized bribes that we so non-chalantly call "campaign donations". I, for one, fullysupport the move to audit the Federal Reserve, and I hope that members of Congress who truly believe in fiscal responsibility do not give up on such a measure easily, as I believe that it iis vital to our nation's economic well being to have full accountability for both the un-democratic Federal Reserve that sets our nation's monetary policy and the broken banking system that they do dirty business with, as evidenced by Mr. Grayson's tough questions regarding the need for transparency, amny of which were avoided and then answered reluctantly by the Fed's General Counsel Mr. Alvarez.
Obviously I am a bit of a fan of Alan Grayson's. I dig the unapologetic truth, and even though telling the truth can put you in an awkward position on occassion, it is better to be in an awkward position for telling the truth than for telling lies.
Why is it that we do not see other members of Congress from the Democratic party asking these tough questions? I levae that question for you to answer for yourselves.
I firmly believe that the only way to encourage more members of Congress to act in the interests of We The People is to reward the few who do. I think that is the best way to get BETTER Democrats elected to public office, as I believe that the current state of the health care debate is proof positive that MORE will only get you so far. In times like these BETTER is what we need more than anything else.
Keep Alan Grayson in Congress for years to come by donating with ActBlue here
I also think that everyone on both sides of the political spectrum would like to see more transparency at the Federal Reserve especially now that thee sordid state of our nation's financial affairs is obvious to all.
I often say that I am a patriot first and a partisan second. I believe that should be true of EVERYONE who engages in the political arena. Country first is what we ALL sholuld believe in, not the fake country first that Sarah Palin espouses while she runs off to China to speak for a huge fee while bad-mouthing the President, not the fake country first we see on display at teabagger rallies, and certainly not the fake country first that is behind senseless acts of bipartisanship where it is all too obvious that both parties are working together against the interests of the average American citizen. I can not think of more than a few matters of national importance that are more vital to our nation's well being than that of the accountability of those who make our nation's monetary policy. The fact that we have to fight just to be able to bring some small amount of transparency to that institution speaks to just how far we have to go still in our battle to keep this Democracy one of The People, by The People and For The People, and not just for the few, the powerful and the special interests they serve.
Though there are many, many questions still to ask, at least there is one man who isn't afraid to ask them. For that I am very grateful.
Also crossposted at The Progressive Electorate.com
Alan Grayson, audit, Federal Reserve, FL-08, GAO, HR 1207, ron paul, stock market, Wall St
MinistryOfTruth on November 1, 2009 at 4:06 pm
and for Alan Grayson (Big D-FL08)
TMC on November 1, 2009 at 5:02 pm
Here and there. Good morning. I see you are "bright eyed and bushy tailed". 😉
gotterdammerung on November 1, 2009 at 6:57 pm
Mr Grayson needs to keep one eye over his shoulder and be careful of the planes he flies on, populist heroes have a tendency to have unfortunate accidents in this country. He's pushing some powerful buttons. I watched Tim Geithner on MTP this morning, what a shifty eyed weasel, would you buy a used country from this guy?
I know he's a wacko on most issues, but Ron Paul should be mentioned for his involvement in this issue also.
Great essay…tipped and recced.
keirdubois on November 2, 2009 at 12:44 am
…Grayson is starting to bore me. I'm not sure exactly why, but it seems to have a little something to do with his new sacred cow status.
The truth is a relative thing, after all.
TMC on November 2, 2009 at 3:05 am
Turkana is taking a diarist on for his the right wing meme in a wreck listed diary. WOW….Rec Listed; Don't Let Reality Stop It | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,345 | How many miles per gallon are you getting while towing a small size car and without it? How is its performance while going up the mountains, up hill?
I have the same drivetrain in my truck, I'm guessing 8 mpg. Some hills will slow you down to 50 mph. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,346 | Greetings from the Hillsboro Senior Center.
Thursday Theatre will feature the movie ?A Trip to Bountiful? at 12:30 p.m. July 24.
Join us Monday, July 28, for our Birthday Dinner. After lunch, we will show a Janette Oke film, titled ?Love?s Enduring Promise.? The movie is 87 minutes long and will be begin at 12:30 p.m.
Ladies, join us after lunch Wednesday, July 30, for Games, Gab & Goodies.
A big thank-you to our weekly volunteers: Frieda Birkle, Carol Hicks, Irma Groening, Carol Unruh, Gladys Buller, Nellie Penner, Louise Rahe, and Marcella Mohn.
Lasagna, Italian blend, bread sticks, melon cup.
Chicken salad bowl, garlic bread, Jell-O with oranges, cookie.
Pot roast, boiled potatoes, carrots, wheat roll, watermelon.
(Birthday Dinner) Baked pork chops, bread dressing, broccoli/cauliflower, wheat bread, Waldorf salad, brithday cake.
Vegetable soup, cinnamon rolls, pea cheese salad, crackers, blushing pears.
Swiss steak with tomatoes, baked potatoes, peas, wheat bread, frozen fruit salad.
(Birthday dinner) Smothered steak, baked potatoes, green beans, bread, apricots.
Chicken salad, corn, garlic bread, Jello-O with oranges and pineapple.
Beef fajita, peas, wheat roll, watermelon.
(Exercises 11:15 a.m.) Vegetable soup, bierocks, pea cheese salad, cracker, blushing pears.
Baked pork chops, tater tots, broccoli/cauliflower salad, wheat bread.
Barbecue chicken, macaroni salad, dilled cucumbers in sour cream, wheat roll, watermelon. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,347 | The ladies of AHGH enjoyed a day out at the Texas State Capitol on January 27th. Our ministry table before the event gave us an opportunity to share information about abortion healing, the AHGH radio program, and our hosted panel-style events. Members of our Team then joined the march to the capitol for the Rally in front of the Capitol steps. We enjoyed the many speakers and were honored to stand for the unborn and for women who have experienced the devastation of abortion. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,348 | Todd Francis Book Release at Element Branch June 19, 2014
The first date for Todd Francis' book release will be held in Costa Mesa at Element Skateboards' The Branch on Thursday, June 19th, 2014 from 7-11PM.
His book, "Look Away, The Art Of Todd Francis" will be available along with a curated show of original artwork in conjunction for the evening.
Element is also releasing a special run of Todd's, "Natural Dejection" series, which is featured in the pages of, "Look Away…"
4 decks in this set, handscreened along with a shirt and limited run of prints will be available in celebration of Todd's book release.
For more information and to pre-book this title from WINS Publishing, please visit: http://www.winsthings.com/product/look-away-the-art-of-todd-francis
June 19, 2014 at ELEMENT SKATEBOARDS Branch in Costa Mesa, CA
June 26, 2014 at HENNESSEY + INGALLS in Los Angeles, CA
July 8-10, 2014 at BRIGHT in Berlin, Germany (Brunnenstrasse 19-21, 10119 Berlin)
July 17, 2014 at DLXSF in San Francisco, CA
Categorized as Art / Design / Photo, Skateboarding, Events & Exhibits
By Yong-Ki
Yong-Ki Chang operates The Solitary Arts, Equal Distribution and is co-owner of Special Crud and moblow. YKC actively represents art & photography from some of skateboarding's finest. Raised on Oahu, Hawaii and currently residing in Northern California.
View all of Yong-Ki's posts.
The Art of, "LOVE MORE" – Taylor Dunfee & Mark Oblow
Callum Paul Turns Pro for Passport | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,349 | Langton House or Langton Mansion located at 12, Welsh Back, Bristol, was a Jacobean house, built by John Langton, a merchant of Bristol who became mayor of the city in 1628. It is notable for its elaborate interiors. The house was demolished in 1906, but much of the internal fittings survive, mostly at New Place, a house in Hampshire designed by Edwin Lutyens.
John Langton (1600-1645–6) was a merchant who was mayor of Bristol in 1628, and a Warden of the Society of Merchant Adventurers (1630–31). The house on Welsh Back was built between 1623 and 1628.
The State Room, which would have been the main showpiece for Langton as mayor, is notable for its fireplace, its doorway, and its plaster ceiling. The fireplace has double fluted ionic columns supporting a wide frieze in three parts. The centre section, with a royal coat of arms, projects slightly, supported by corbels. The outer sections have caryatid pilasters. The doorway is of mahogany, a rare material in England at this time, with columns inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. A statue of Justice occupies the main panel.
The house remained in the Langton family until around 1730. In 1732 it was occupied by Arthur Taylor, a distiller and chief magistrate. In 1779 it was the residence of John Davies, a tobacconist. The house fell into disrepair, and was used as a tobacco factory from about 1816 until its demolition in 1906.
Removal and preservation 1906
Most of the interior fittings were removed and installed in New Place, Shirrell Heath, Hampshire, a house designed by Edwin Lutyens specifically for this purpose. The house was commissioned by Mrs A. S. Franklyn in 1904, who had inherited Langton House from her father, a partner in the tobacco firm Franklyn, Morgan and Davy The fittings included the State Room, the less elaborate Dining Room, and a staircase with heraldic beasts surmounting the newel posts. Another fireplace from Langton House is to be found in the Assize Court in Bristol.
Demolished buildings and structures in England
Renaissance architecture in England
Buildings and structures demolished in 1906 | RedPajamaWikipedia | validation |
1,350 | Gustav Troger (né en 1951 à Kohlschwarz) est un peintre et sculpteur autrichien.
Gustav Troger prend les pseudonymes Clarence Anglin en 1991, en 1994 Dr. Watson et Antonin Nalpas, en 1995 Troger Human Service et en 2008 The Collector et Mirrorman.
Troger vit depuis 1998 entre Graz et Los Angeles.
Notes et références
Liens externes
Peintre autrichien
Sculpteur autrichien
Naissance dans le district de Voitsberg
Naissance en 1951 | RedPajamaWikipedia | validation |
1,351 | 10/8/2021 - Ordinance No. 21-11082
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas:
Section 1. Findings. In relation to the following described real estate:
Lots 1, 2, and 3, less the West 200 ft. thereof, in Block 1 of Schilling Subdivision No.6, an addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas (the "Property")
the Governing Body makes the following findings:
All conditions precedent for the amendment of the City's Zoning District Map and the rezoning of the Property have been timely met.
The mixed zoning classifications with conflicting development standards currently in place inhibit the Airport Authority's ability to fully develop and utilize the lots on the east side of Airport Road.
The rezoning request area is adjacent to existing I-2 zoned property so the requested I-2 zoning would be compatible with the zoning and uses of nearby property. Approval of I-2 zoning would be a logical extension of the existing I-2 zoning along Airport Road.
Needed public utilities, streets and drainage improvements are already in place to serve the needs of the rezoning request area.
The requested I-2 zoning is consistent with the Employment area land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan.
Section 2. Amendment. DISTRICT I-2. The Zoning District Map of the City of Salina, Kansas is amended to rezone the Property as part of DISTRICT "I-2" Light Industrial.
Section 3. Repealer. All prior ordinances relating to the Property are repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this ordinance.
Section 4. Summary of ordinance for publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once by summary in the official city newspaper.
On October 4, 2021, the City Commission passed Ordinance No. 21-11082. The ordinance changes the zoning district classification of portions of three (3) lots on the east side of Airport Road north of Water Well Road from A-1 (Agricultural) to I-2 (Light Industrial) to allow them to be developed and used for industrial purposes. A complete copy of the Ordinance can be found at www.salina-ks.gov or in the office of the City Clerk, 300 W. Ash, free of charge. This summary is certified by the City's legal counsel.
Introduced: September 27, 2021
Passed: October 4, 2021 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,352 | When I first started my Engineering career we had Verilog-95 and VHDL. Combine this with some wrappers, in C, Perl, or Csh, and we accomplished Verification just fine. As designs became larger and more complex, we continually felt a need to go to higher level programming models. In came Specman, SystemVerilog (Superlog!), SystemC, model checking, etc. to meet the challenge. Some companies embraced these new technologies and some stuck with the old.
My question is this: Now that we are in 2010 (the Year We Make Contact, for those who get the movie reference), where do you think Verification technology will be, or should be, on January 1, 2011? What big challenges do we face this year and how will we solve them?
1. Outsourcing - by the end of 2010 all small to medium sized companies will outsource all of their verification needs. Verification has become such a specialty that it will be more beneficial to the company to outsource it. These verification companies would have several benefits over internal verification teams. Their engineers would be super-specialists in high level verification. They would also have at their disposal a large base of reusable test & environment code. This would allow them to setup top level chip testing for a complex chip in an hour. Lastly, the outsourced verification company would have a large server farm. I have been at companies where we almost needed a full time manager/referee just to decide who gets to use which machine and for how long.
2. Say Goodbye To Design - by the end of 2010 all design teams are totally restructured. These teams have all the design engineers replaced with software engineers who code the chip in C. Then they bring in one ASIC Design Superman who takes all the code and converts into Verilog. I say Design Superman, because this person has to really understand the limitations of both C and Verilog and how to make them work together correctly.
3. Database - The Verification environment should be built around a database. I think some of this capability is already available but it should be much simpler and easier to implement. The test plan is created in the database, then the tests can be linked to the test plan, and the regression can also be linked into it. This provides an easy way to monitor progress. Also, for test re-use the database would require a check to see if the test still matches the requirement. How many times have you written a test and forgot to see if it was still valid and/or actually did what it was supposed to do? The database would force you to check this detail.
Now it's your turn. What do you think about the year 2010?
I have some different opinions regarding the three wishes.
1. Writing the testbench and testcase is actually the easiest part in verification. The hardest part is coming up with a good testplan and debug the chip. That requires in-depth domain knowledge of the chip which is unique to each company.
I think each company should to keep a core verification team who knows about verification and the chip. Then hire contractors to do the implementation. The in-house team is the gate keeper to make sure the contractors did a good job verifying the chip.
Why would the outsourcing firms own huge server farms? Is it easier to rent CPU time from cloud provider during the peak time?
2. I doubt how much benefit we will get for writing RTL in C. It is a lot easier to learn Verilog than debug the funny RTL code generated from C and try to closing timing.
Great points. But for 2. I think maybe it might take a bit longer time than you expected; And 1,3, sure, they are just happenning. But how about those verification team inside big companies? Is it reasonable for them to still keep such internal resource?
The power of cloud computing is not only in servers. Cloud providers should provide ready to use systems.
Will cloud computing find a place in EDA industry?
Will it be possible to pay less money and rent ready to use EDA systems for a short periods (1, 2 weeks) instead of paying several 10k $ for full license?
Will EDA companies like Synopsys and Cadence support cloud EDA providers? | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,353 | Britain won't act on European arrest warrant for Catalan separatist
MADRID (Reuters) - British authorities have put on hold what they deemed a 'disproportionate' European arrest warrant issued by Spain as it seeks to extradite Catalan separatist leader Clara Ponsati over her role in a failed independence bid, official documents showed.
MADRID (Reuters) - British authorities have put on hold what they deemed a "disproportionate" European arrest warrant issued by Spain as it seeks to extradite Catalan separatist leader Clara Ponsati over her role in a failed independence bid, official documents showed.
A Spanish interior ministry source told Reuters on Wednesday that British police would not put the warrant in their system because they judged it disproportionate, but no decision had been taken at the judicial level on rejecting the warrant.
In documents sent to the Interior Ministry and seen by Reuters, the British side said that "no further action will be taken by the UK at this time", but it allowed for the possibility of reopening the case at a later date if Spain can provide more information on the seriousness of the offence.
For now, the warrant was deemed "disproportionate under UK law", the documents showed.
Spain's Supreme Court on Tuesday reactivated a European arrest warrant for Ponsati, who currently lives in self-imposed exile in Scotland, and two other former Catalan leaders in Belgium for helping to organise a 2017 referendum deemed illegal by a Spanish court. The plebiscite set off a short-lived declaration of independence in Catalonia.
Ponsati is facing one charge of sedition, according to court documents issued in Spain, the same charge on which various independence leaders were sentenced in October to up to 13 years in prison.
Reacting to the British response, Catalan regional government head Quim Torra, a separatist, tweeted: "The international embarrassment of Spain and Spanish law is colossal".
(Reporting by Emma Pinedo, Ashifa Kassam in Madrid and Guy Faulconbridge in London; Writing by Jessica Jones: Editing by Andrei Khalip and Giles Elgood) | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,355 | facebook social buttongoogle social buttonyelp social buttonyoutube social buttontwitter social button
Brad Fraum, DC
Brian McGinnis, DC
Heather Hinshelwood, MD
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Fraum Center for Restorative Health
Meet Dr. Brian McGinnis
Since 2000, Dr. McGinnis has provided the community of Hilton Head Island with state-of-the-art chiropractic care for patients wishing to recover from injury, optimize their health and wellness, and pursue an active lifestyle.
At Fraum Center for Restorative Health, we offer our patients a variety of integrative solutions to speed recovery and maximize function, with an emphasis on drug-free and nonsurgical options.
Dr. Brian McGinnis
A Profession He Loves
While growing up, Dr. McGinnis was frequently hospitalized while suffering from severe asthma and allergies. Chiropractic care was the only treatment that gave him a glimmer of hope that he could recover. Once he started with consistent treatment, that hope became a reality. He also used chiropractic to help him heal from numerous sports injuries, which led to his future specialty of sports chiropractic.
Dr. McGinnis received his Bachelor of Science Exercise Physiology from Virginia Tech. He went on to earn his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
His enthusiasm for his profession drives him to remain relevant and up to date in current treatment styles. He wants his patients to have access to all advanced natural healing methods — ones that suit their needs. Dr. McGinnis has taken extensive coursework in postgraduate studies, and now specializes in sports injuries and exercise rehabilitation. He is also a Diplomate of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and has been honored by Hilton Head Monthly as the Readers' Choice Chiropractor of the Year from 2008 to 2016.
Voted "Readers' Choice Chiropractor of the Year" 2008 Hilton Head Monthly
Voted "Readers' Choice" 2009 Hilton Head Monthly
Voted "Readers' Choice" 2010 The Island Packet
Diplomate of National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Dr. McGinnis has extensive training in the treatment of sports injuries and exercise rehabilitation.
When Dr. McGinnis isn't busy improving the lives of those he serves, he loves to spend time with his wife and participate in outdoor activities such as boating, fishing and spending time on the beach. He's also actively involved in the South Carolina Chiropractic Association and the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce.
Our office is accommodating, and we'd love to welcome you as a new patient. We feature a multidisciplinary approach in our natural healing center to meet your every need.
Reach out to Fraum Center for Restorative Health; we can help!
Chiropractor Hilton Head Island | Dr. Brad Fraum, Dr. Brian McGinnis, Dr. Heather Hinshelwood
Email Fraum Center for Restorative Health
Chiropractic SEO by Perfect Patients. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,357 | The Mid Florida Chapter works to improve the quality of life for people affected by MS in central Florida and raise funds for critical MS research. Join the movement toward a world free of MS.
The Mid Florida Chapter has a variety of volunteer opportunities available. Check them out today.
The Mid Florida Chapter supports 20 self-helps groups. Find one near you. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
Art • Life • Research
Tenebrist Period (2017—)
Neoclassical Period (2015–2017)
Grey Period (2010–2015)
War Period (2003–2009)
Van Gogh Period (2002–2003)
Early Period (1994–2001)
Collezione Originali
Intaglio Press
Prints, Postcards & Stickers
Custom Skateboard Decks
Commission Payment & Donation
Okay, so I know it's not drawing and painting, but I've decided to post recipes on my blog. Cooking is an art form after all. Dalí, Picasso, Pollock, Renoir, Monet—they all got creative in the kitchen, and some of them wrote their own cookbooks.
The recipe that I posted today was completely spur of the moment. I don't often plan what I'm going to cook. I just see what's in the fridge, and often, out of necessity, my most creative endeavors come out of not having much in there. We usually have an abundance that I didn't used to have. I've lived on a food budget of $40/month, so I know the meaning of being a starving artist first-hand.
It's a really satisfying dish when you're really hungry. It goes great with meat, poultry or fish, but today I served it for the boys with some pasta and red sauce.
1 head of cauliflower
3 tablespoons of olive oil (for frying)
2 teaspoons of anchovy paste
2 pinches of dried red chili flakes
First, get out a good frying pan. A cast iron skillet works best, because it will allow you to really bring the cauliflower to an amazing golden brown. Add the oil to the pan. Take the anchovy paste and mash it into the oil as its warming.
Cut the cauliflower into good-sized florets and add them to the pan. Mince the garlic and throw that in. While this is frying, stir once in a while, until all sides of the cauliflower are nice and brown and crispy. Add the juice from one whole lemon, and then sprinkle with dried chili flakes, and maybe a touch of salt.
The World Trade Center bombing happened eleven days before my twenty-third birthday. That was fifteen years ago. At the time I worked at a laundromat, ironing shirts on a steam press. My boss was a veteran and a Gene Hackman look alike. We saw the attack on a small television bolted to the wall that he would watch from the front desk as he greeted customers. He told me that the people responsible for the attack are Bedouins that live in caves in the Middle East. I remember thinking to myself, 'how the hell do nomadic tribes that live in caves do that to the World Trade Center?'
There is a diptych that I painted on plywood, sometime before 9-11 that seems to have something rather prophetic about it.
Untitled 1, mixed media on plywood, 22x16", 2001
In the upper area of the painting on the right, I painted the Twin Towers. Below it I painted "I (HEART) NY." I know for a fact that I painted this before 9-11, but for some reason, my mind was focused on New York, and on those two buildings, even though I was thousands of miles away in the mountains of Northern Arizona.
In 2002, I moved to Philadelphia to study at the Tyler School of Art. The war in Afghanistan had been going on since just after the attacks, and plans to invade Iraq were underway. I attended a protest march that winter from North Philadelphia to Center City.
In 2003, Iraq was invaded. I was studying in Rome, and became totally enthralled by the Renaissance. I loved sketching and doing studies inspired by the Renaissance masters. But my work also started to be influenced by the war—and by a feeling of darkness that pervaded the world. Black became a predominant color in my paintings, and baroque tenebrism became juxtaposed with Islamic geometric motifs. The geometry became precise, like the drafting of cartographic coordinates.
My work from Rome is still there, where I rented a room at the time, so I can't post anything from that period.
In the spring of 2004, I began studying under the conceptual artist Osvaldo Romberg. He was the father of my friend and filmmaker David Romberg, who I went to school with at the time. Osvaldo is known for doing very precise copies of Renaissance paintings. He often juxtaposes them with abstract paintings, to represent was he considers the 'compression of art history.'
Osvaldo Romberg, Untitled (Ingres) 2, oil on canvas, 142x97cm, 1999
I loved studying in Osvaldo's studio. It gave me a chance to pick up where I left off with studying the Renaissance, but through the theoretical world of Romberg. I hadn't been doing very well at Tyler since I began there, but since going to Rome and gaining a classical focus, criticism from the faculty got much worse even still. My grades dropped more and more and I was eventually pushed out of the program completely.
I then began studying in Osvaldo's studio full time. I first attempted to reproduce a Vermeer, but failed and painted over it. My next attempt was of a Cagnacci, which Osvaldo thought turned out quite well.
After Guido Cagnacci: Allegoria della Vanitas e Penitenza, 32x28", 2005
Just prior to this, we were both producing work about van Gogh. As apprentice, I emulated Osvaldo's work by placing something on top of my copy. But instead of using geometric abstraction, I placed an image of van Gogh's painting of an almond tree across the woman's chest, spread apart like a Japanese folding screen.
It was from this point on that my work began to be permeated with the color black once again, as it was during my time in Rome.
This was late 2004 – early 2005. The war in Iraq raged on, culminating in two bloody battles in Fallujah and Abu Ghraib, where the US was under heavy fire from the insurgency. Images of humiliation and torture on behalf of American troops at the detention facility flooded the media.
Fallujah, graphite, marker, collage and masking tape, 12x14", 2005
It was a dark, cold winter in Philly, and it felt darker thinking about what was going on with the war. My studio became a battleground. The line of a drawing became a strategy. My drawings became prototypes.
Hexagrammaton, white charcoal on paper, 10x8", 2005
Polygrammaton 1, ink and graphite on paper, 18x12", 2005
Polygrammaton 2, ink and graphite, 18x12", 2005
I saw a Cy Twombly exhibition that year at the Whitney Museum that changed the course of my work as well. The exhibition featured a large collection of his works on paper from the mid-1950s when he worked for the US Army as a cryptographer. I made this piece when I got home, as a way to express something about the war, and something that I saw in his own life:
Homage to Cy Twombly, charcoal on paper, 9.5x15", 2005
I began incorporating cryptographic elements into my own work, combining linguistic symbols and numbers. The war must have a solution, only to be unveiled through the untangling of coded language.
Untitled, monoprint and water-soluble pencil on Arches paper, 22x30", 2005
From my studio in Philadelphia, I remembered Rome and the things that I saw. I remembered the Pietà. And then I remembered the Pantheon, when my eyes caught the shaft of sunlight streaming through the oculus. And then I remembered looking down into Raphael's tomb, and reading the inscription of Roman numerals on the small plaque near the sarcophagus: MCXMVII.
MCXMVII, oil on canvas, 36x42", 2005
Welcome to my blog. I am an artist, father, scholar, thinker, dreamer. Read on to discover more about my life and my work.
© Noé Badillo 2020 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,359 | Enns Wins It for Express
Published On: July 1st, 2010
The Eau Claire Express and La Crosse Loggers were in a pitcher's duel Thursday night in Eau Claire. Dietrich Enns (Central Michigan) came out with the win after throwing 8.0 innings while giving up six hits. Enns gave up one run while striking out seven and walking three. The Express starter now moves to 1-1 on the season with a 1.71 ERA. Tony Mueller (Winona State) was the tough luck loser giving up one earned over 6.0 innings.
Enns earned first-team All-MAC honors and became the first Chippewa to win the MAC Freshman of the Year award this spring. The Frankfort, Ill., native went a perfect 7-0 pitching mostly out of the bullpen. His 2.12 ERA is currently the 14th-best figure in the country while his 5.16 hits per nine innings ranks third and his 9.71 strikeouts per nine innings 58th. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,361 | Home Contact Us En EspaÑol Directions Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
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With more than 300 machines spread over 13,500 square feet, it would be a pretty safe bet that no laundromat is larger.
But that wasn't good enough for us. So in 1983, the industry held a contest to award the title of "world's largest laundromat."
Spoiler alert: WE WON.
The Fire of 2004
In 2004, a terrible fire burned the original structure to the ground. That, however, would not be the end.
In 2006, a state-of-the-art facility sprung from those ashes, setting industry precedents in technology, comfort and customer service.
Welcome to the World's Largest Laundromat.
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Susana Avila is a master face-painter, and she'll have your kids masquerading as all sorts of animals and superheroes.
Susana Avila is a master face-painter, and she'll have your kids masquerading as all sorts of animals and superhoroes.
in the month of July
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Designed and Developed by Americaneagle.com | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,362 | It can be very upsetting when you realize you have been invaded by pests. In only a short time, many pests can turn your home into a residence for themselves. They can get inside even if your house is clean and closely monitored. This article has many common pest control tips.
Vacuuming rugs helps eliminate the pests inside a home. You'll rid your living room and kitchen of insects by sweeping them up. You should get rid of the vacuum bag.
Never buy a home without a thorough pest inspection first. There are some signs of pests that are easy to see. Others do not become apparent until you spend some uninterrupted time at home.
Want to know whether or not termites are in your home? Have a trained dog locate them. Don't rely on another human being. A dog can find termites better than a person who inspects homes for pests. A dog with the right training is able to check about 100 percent of the house. They smell for the methane gas that is a byproduct of termites eating wood.
If your home has cracks and crevices, seal off these openings right away. These cracks are a gateway for pests into your home. Seal these cracks and place some orange oil or poison to keep the pest away.
If you are prone to mice and rats and are thinking about planting new trees, do not place them too close to your home. When trees are too close, rodents can climb them and get into your attic and roof. Place them at least 15 feet away from your home.
There were some useful pest control tips featured here. You can feel sure that you are not the only one dealing with these problems. No matter where in the world you live, you are always susceptible to pest problems. Implement what you've just read, and show those pests who's boss. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,363 | Articles by Joshua Rotter
Honoring Gilbert Baker, Creator of the Pride Flag
by Joshua Rotter • 06/02/2017 4:31 pm
The Castro Theater will host a celebration of the late artist's life next Thursday, June 8.
13 Reasons Why We're Ambivalent About Caitlyn Jenner
by Joshua Rotter • 05/13/2017 12:00 pm
The conservative trans-rights activist supports the Second Amendment, might run for public office, and thinks Trump's Cabinet is the problem.
Q&A: Chatting With New Order's Guitarist Phil Cunningham
The relatively recent addition to the New Wave group talks about their new album, adding more dance vibes to their tunes, and how he got in the band in the first place.
SFIFF Goes Out with The Green Fog, a...
by Joshua Rotter • 04/13/2017 11:13 am
Guy Maddin's The Green Fog closes out the 60th San Francisco International Film Festival on Sunday with an homage to the greatest film ever shot in San Francisco.
How Death Breathed Life into Daniel Clowes' Wilson
"Charles Schulz said something about any real cartoonist worth his salt can come up with a serviceable gag cartoon in five minutes," Daniel Clowes says.
It Was Sexy, Because Sexy's Free: Danny Boyle...
by Joshua Rotter • 03/22/2017 9:30 am
None of the cast, including Ewan McGregor, had any hesitation about returning to roles they last played 20 years ago.
Celebrity Medium Thomas John Breaks on Through (To...
Thomas John opens his doors of perception to connect with the departed at Swedish American Music Hall on Saturday at 8p.m.
Disgruntled, But Ready to Fight, in Eclipsed
The four sister wives in Danai Gurira's Tony-winning play about Liberia's civil war have difficulty escaping the patriarchy even when they become soldiers.
Sandra Bernhard Searches for the Soul of America...
In anticipation of her show tomorrow evening, the famed comedian opines on Madonna, Mary Tyler Moore, and why women still capitulate to men.
How Alison Bechdel Got Unstuck, in Fun Home
It starts with a ring of keys, and ends with her 43-year-old butch self confronting her gay father. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,364 | SIG Sauer TANGO6 Always in Stock at the Best Price!
SIG Sauer TANGO6 First Focal Plane Rifle Scope is equipped with SIG's revolutionary Leveplex, it detects the internal level of the scope and displays in orange on either side of the reticle when the scope is not level. The levelplex helps keep your scope level within plus or minus .5 degrees, much more accurate than a bubble level. The SIG Sauer TANGO6 First Focal Plane Rifle Scope is equipped with upgraded T120 high speed low pro le turrets, To help the shooter quickly engage the target with less revolutions of the turrets.
The SIG Sauer TANGO6 (FFP) Rifle Scope comes with a lock down zero stop system, which allows quick return to zero to be set at you desired location. The Sig Sauer TANGO 6 series scopes are equipped with a motion activated reticle, when it senses motion it turns on, and when the scope is dormant it turns off the reticle to save battery life. SIG's TANGO6 Scopes (HDX optics) extra-low dispersion glass (LD) combined with high transmittance glass (HT) provide industry leading light transmission and optical clarity for any situation.
Xtreme Guns and Ammo in Richmond Texas carries the full line of SIG TANGO6 Rifle Scopes for Tactical and Long Range applications. We also offer package deals on Sig Sauer Rifle and SIG TANGO6 Scope Purchases. Feel free to call XGA with all your Sig Sauer Rifle Scope Questions, at 832-363-3783 or chat with us online during regular chat hours. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,365 | Camo 2-Tone BAD FISH Fishing Cap with Camo inset on a stone cap. Embroidered with our stunning 'BAD FISH' on front - Comfortable, 100% cotton brushed twill Get Reel…Get Fish! embroidery on rear velcro closure. Awesome Bad Attitude! fishing cap if you are Bad enough to wear it! | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,367 | Nestled on the San Francisco Bay, Hotel Griffon is a world of timeless quality with 1906 vintage architecture, white-washed brick walls, lofty ceilings, marble vanities, inviting window seats and stylishly comfortable rooms.
1 room. 308 sq. ft. total.
Air-Conditioned. Balconies/Patio. Complimentary Newspaper. Cable TV. Coffee Maker. Mini Bar. Hair Dryer. Iron & Ironing Board. Data Line.
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Bar/Lounge. Business Center. Complimentary Breakfast. Fitness Center. Pool, Outdoor. Restaurant. Spa. Sauna. Whirlpool/Hot Tub.
Are you staging or managing an event at the Hotel Griffon? To post your event(s) online, please click here. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,368 | Political thought ignited by Rajneeti
Politics, especially in India, is one such topic on which making a film is an extremely difficult task. Actually, politics isn't just about governing but it also encompasses various aspects of human behavior like greed, power, hate, oppression etc. Encapsulating all these emotions in a two and a half hour film wasn't an easy task, but Prakash Jha's Rajneeti has not just tried to explore these complex emotions but has also tried to dwell deeper into politics.
Through this film I once again got to understand our country's politics. I'll talk about the film first. When Prakash Jha called me to do Rajneeti, I had numerous apprehensions regarding the film. Making a serious and commercial film on politics wasn't an easy task after all. But the way he portrayed his life's experience as a director, as a social servant, as a person and as a knowledge holder of politics on screen, the effort is truly commendable. In the movie, the viewers will have a glimpse of some characters from the epic Mahabharat. These characters will be seen tangled in conflicts and duality in the film. Working in this film was a beautiful experience; an experience that lives the dream of an actor both, on and off screen.
My purpose here is not to praise my movie, but I would like to mention here that everything went as planned and on schedule. I would like to give an example in support. To make a crowd sequence look real, a crowd of about ten thousand people was gathered in Bhopal. Training them and taking care of them went so smoothly that thinking of it now I hardy believe that everything was accomplished easily. Later, I got to know that this huge group of ten thousand people was actually trained for about 8 months before the actual shooting. Today when I am done with my film's dubbing I feel that I have done something big and consequential.
During the making of Rajneeti, I found myself surrounded with political characters, and that's when some political thinking in me began which questioned why India's polity has steeped so low? Is India's politics progressing towards its goal? Why do the politicians find it difficult to connect with the masses? And why are they not uncomfortable being accused of scams and scandals? Do we common people not want some extreme changes to happen in the present day political system?
But in the end, it's not about the politicians or the politics; it's about the common people. Democracy has rendered common people with a very strong weapon which has the power to bend even the hardest of politicians. And that weapon is VOTE. The problem is that the common people for their self motives let themselves get cheated in the hands of these politicians and they don't even realize something like this happening. Or they sometimes do but they choose to sit silently and do nothing about it. The present system has made the citizens passive, which should be changed. People don't want to change the system, they want to be a part of it and that's where the problem lies.
While shooting for the film, I also thought whether or not the film would be effective in reflecting an image to the politicians. Would the masses be able to learn about the political tactics often used by politicians? If Rajneeti is able to do so, I'll be a proud person. But if people refuse to see the meaning behind the film, why should the film only be blamed for not being able to bring a change in the society? I think, Rajneeti will do its work; it'll entertain people, make them cry, make them laugh and importantly, make them understand. Rajneeti will make the viewers question those things that they either missed out of ignorance or couldn't understand themselves. But the willingness to understand would totally depend on them. There's a lot to learn and a lot to know. From my experience as an actor I can only say that this film would be the first film ever to deeply question politics in India.
Well, It's enough for now...I think
It's your's and only your's | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,369 | "Gouging the Government": Why a Federal Contingency Fee Lobbying Prohibition is Consistent With First Amendment Freedoms
Meredith A. Capps
Washington Post writer David Segal once observed, "[f]or most Americans the words 'Washington lobbyist' have roughly the same cachet as, say, 'deadbeat dad."" Both lawmakers and the public regard lobbying as an unsavory part of the political process. Much of this perception stems from the vast sums of money spent each year on lobbying activity. For example, in the first half of 2004 alone, mortgage funding companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reported spending over $11 million on lobbying activities, General Electric spent $8.5 million, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent $20.1 million-and these were only three of the 600 groups that spent more than a quarter of a million dollars in that six-month period. The amount spent just on direct lobbying, where a lobbyist communicates directly with officials rather than pursuing other persuasive tactics, is estimated at almost $2 billion a year.
The belief that lobbying is more about connections and favors than sound policymaking is also not without support and further contributes to the lobbying industry's poor reputation. Although the "legislator-turned-lobbyist" was not viewed favorably thirty years ago, members of Congress now frequently move into the lobbying arena when they retire or lose re-election bids. Even little-known members are able to earn over $300,000 as lobbyists in their first year out of Congress. Critics claim that the flood of legislators into lobbying heightens the perception that lobbyists use personal contacts to take home big paychecks, and that taxpayers pay the price in the end.
Meredith A. Capps, "Gouging the Government": Why a Federal Contingency Fee Lobbying Prohibition is Consistent With First Amendment Freedoms, 58 Vanderbilt Law Review 1885 (2005)
First Amendment Commons | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,370 | Celebrating the most influential Long Islanders
Power List Hall of Fame
Power Party Photos
2018 Power List
16. Steve Bellone
No stranger to the Power List (this is his fourth recognition), Bellone has skyrocketed up in the rankings over the past year in no small part as a reflection of his status as a politician with his finger on the pulse of his constituents. Bellone is an innovator, a hands-on public administrator, and nothing short of a bona fide trailblazer regarding the environment. His groundbreaking LI Green Homes Program has paved the way for communities across the United States to become more energy efficient while also reducing harmful greenhouse gases. Wyandanch Rising has also been gaining some traction. But his most ambitious endeavor this year has been his becoming the Suffolk County Democratic Party's pick for county executive. With a smile reminiscent of Kennedy—and a ever-striving devotion to public service just as intense—win or lose come November, Bellone's influence and dedication to Suffolk County residents won't be waning any time soon.
Powered by the Long Island Press | Caricatures by Norman Sonne
Copyright © 2018 Long Island Press. For more information, email [email protected] | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,371 | Is this America's problem or just the church's problem? Is this a Christian problem or an Islamic problem?
It was the problem that Jesus faced, not in His life but from the priests who were the "spiritual leaders and teachers" of Israel and the Jews. They were self-righteous, thinking that their righteousness was good enough without the Messiah. Self-righteousness, thinking better of yourself than you should, will send more people to hell than any amount of sin. Thinking that your life and heart belong to Jesus because of something that you said or did decades ago and yet you don't live it is a form of self-righteousness. Not because you don't have Jesus or that you aren't saved because you may be, but you are being selfish with your gifts from God!
When you are self-righteous you also believe that you don't need Jesus or fellowship with others. I know there are many who say that they are saved, but they have become satisfied with their lives and they don't want to give their faith away to anyone. They don't want to share in fellowship with a group of believers, they want to sit at home and sulk, not praising God and being thankful for His mercy and His graciousness toward them. Yes, you may be saved and you will have access to Heaven and eternal life one day but no one else will have been blessed by your faith and your witness because you didn't take it with you everywhere!
Why? Because, you have the key to Heaven and you aren't giving it away to anyone else. You are going to live your life the way you want to and do whatever you want to do, but for a time you knew that your salvation was secure so you don't feel the need anymore to be a "light unto the world" around you or anywhere else. Oh, you are nice to everyone and courteous to all until they hurt your feelings or someone says something about you and you hear of it, then you hold a grudge for the rest of your days and you don't have anything to do with them ever.
The Love of Jesus is not coming out of your heart because you have bricked it up so tight that nothing can come out! You will let some love or lust or other feelings in through the cracks, but you won't allow anything to go out, at least not any REAL and honest Love that comes from God. Your life is like the rest of the world, just as Satan wants it to be. You don't belong to him, but nobody can really tell for sure that you don't.
In many ways this has happened to lots of so-called Christians and the church itself. I say so-called because from the outside, nobody could tell that you are a Christian. The same is happening to many churches, they look more like country clubs or social clubs than they do a place of worship for God Almighty! This description sounds a lot like the church that Jesus said, "I will vomit you out of my mouth" to in the beginning of the book of Revelation, doesn't it?
When you, as a church or a Christian, get to a point where you don't look or act any different from those who don't believe…something has gone terribly wrong. Turn back to Jesus, ask forgiveness for your failures, study the Word again, forget the doctrines and the rules which "churches" are founded upon and get back to God. Those rules in your by-laws and charters are made by men, our life and our churches are supposed to be founded upon the Rock of Jesus Christ and His Word, and none other! As Jesus said, "Come back to your first love!". Stop chasing after feelings and "prosperity gospels", and get back to the True Gospel of Salvation, Jesus Christ. He is the Only Way to Heaven, all other roads eventually turn toward hell!
← True love, what can it do?
If you are serious about writing a blog, the folks at wordpress.com will help you. Their site is easy to customize and the premium options are not that expensive. Give it a shot, you will never find out unless you try. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,372 | 'Why is my mama sleeping in the casket?': Daughter of murdered mom
Bryan Passifiume
Updated: May 13, 2019 10:59 PM EDT
ROBERT DURST TRIAL: Jury can consider handwriting evidence
Prosecutors drop sex assault case against actor Kevin Spacey
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12-year-old Adi and 3-year-old Swara, orphaned May 1 after May 1 murder-suicide in Brampton that saw the child's father murder their mother before taking his own life. Adi was injured after allegedly coming to his mother's aid. Family photo
They were the innocent victims of a horrible crime.
Left without their parents and with no immediate family to care for them, the future is very much uncertain for 12-year-old Adi and 3-year-old Swara.
Their mother, 41-year-old Shubangi Amin, was stabbed to death May 1 by her husband in their Brampton home — who himself died that night by his own hand.
While Adi, severely injured in his attempt to protect him mom from his father's deadly assault, is expected to recover from his physical wounds, relatives now worry about the unseen trauma that such tragedies cause.
"It's going to be a slow process," said Sandeep Jayakar, a nephew of the child's murdered mother.
"The mental is the most challenging — physical will heal, but the scars will be there."
Police were called to the family home on on Quarry Edge Dr. for a domestic disturbance, where they found a gravely-injured Shubangi and her husband — identified as Navdeep Pratap — in a nearby bathroom.
Taken into custody and cared for by paramedics, Pratap soon died of his self-inflicted injuries.
Speaking to the Toronto Sun on Monday, Jayakar said both children are devastated.
Adi spent Monday undergoing treatment at Sick Kids Hospital for his injuries — a testament to the young boy's bravery and strength of character.
"That's what I tell him: 'You tried your best — there's nothing more that any other person could have done,'" Jayakar said, praising the boy for not only defending his mother, but escaping to a neighbour's house to call police
Little Swara, he said, is having a difficult time coming to terms with what happened.
"She says 'Why is my mama sleeping in the casket? When is she going to wake up' — It's a three-year-old child. It's so sad," said Jayakar.
While only extended family like Jayakar live in the Toronto area, the children's only immediate family members live abroad.
Upon learning what happened to his sister, Shubangi's brother caught the next flight from India to offer whatever assistance he could.
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"Ideally, we want to give them a stable home," Jayakar said.
While the brother is very much interested in taking in the kids, the fact he lives in India complicates the issue as both children are Canadian citizens by birth.
Desperate to do what they can, the family have established a GoFundMe page with the goal of raising $250,000 to provide for the children's future.
Ottawa Weather
UPDATE: OPP locate 73-year-old woman
Humidex expected to hit 36 - and it's going to be even hotter tomorrow | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,373 | This year BEVA are returning to the ACC, Liverpool, where we will be holding our 50th Annual Congress. The Association is also 50 years old this year and we are celebrating with a truly British theme.
If you are interested in exhibiting at Europe's largest equine veterinary congress, book your stand now!
Follow the link below to the exhibitor pages where you will find all the information you need to book your stand for BEVA Congress 2011. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,374 | This is a placeholder page for Todd Gie, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Todd Gie.
You are visiting the placeholder page for Todd Gie. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Todd Gie. We created this page automatically in hopes Todd Gie would find it. If you are not Todd Gie, but are an alumni of Hamilton Heights High School, register on this site for free now. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,375 | Exercise is not just important for losing weight, it's important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
You know that exercise matters; it's a way to build strength and endurance while increasing energy. I see this as a positive force, one that keeps me motivated no matter what life throws at me.
As a runner, a lot of my workouts revolve around the sport. But, circuit training and lifting are also critical components of long term success, so fear not, you'll find something for you.
When it comes to working out, I encourage you to find what you love. If you hate what you're doing, you'll never make it a part of your lifestyle, it'll always be a chore. Remember, exercise can be fun, it's just about mixing it up and finding what works for you. Find something too challenging or too easy? Find a way to modify it. I'll try to include modifications, but feel free to slow it down, alter the number of reps or change the weights. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,376 | All 30 NBA Teams Will Receive $30M In Assistance Due To Coronavirus Pandemic
Staff | December 8, 2020 |
All 30 NBA teams will receive up to $30 million each to help with finances and protect against any liquidity issues due to the pandemic.
According to a report in the Sports Business Journal, the money comes from $900 million the league raised from notes issued by the NBA in the private placement market. SBJ said that market generally includes insurance companies and institutional investors.
The notes are for three or four years, and will be paid back with interest from "general collective league sources," SBJ reported, citing multiple sources in its report. SBJ said this is the first time the NBA has turned to the private placement market to fund league initiatives.
The NBA gets about 40% of its revenues from game-day revenues, including ticket sales, concessions and other in-arena income.
Report: NBA Teams to Receive $30M Each to Help with Finances Amid COVID-19
Via bleacherreport.com | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,377 | Opportunities Available for Women in Franchising
entrepreneurshipfranchisefranchise partnershospitalityrestaurantswomen in restaurants
It may come as a surprise to some, but entrepreneurship is experiencing growth after the pandemic as many people have decided that they want to work for themselves. A great way to become your own boss is to start a franchise. However, the rate of women who own franchises is falling behind their male counterparts. According to Entrepreneur, women account for approximately 31 percent of all small businesses and franchise owners in the U.S.
On this episode of The Main Course, host, Barbara Castiglia speaks with Carly Habein, Vice President of Franchise Operations at Noodles & Company, about encouraging more women to consider this path. Franchise Insights reported that women are outnumbering men in franchise inquiries. Though inquiries slowed in 2020, the numbers quickly rebounded in 2021. "We really need to capitalize on our own internal team to get that moving forward with most companies," said Habein. She has seen colleagues start a franchise after working on the corporate franchise side.
One gap that is closing among franchisees is the gender pay gap. In franchising, females earn about 90 percent of what their male counterparts make, according to Entrepreneur. Habein looks for franchise partners who live and believe in the Noodles & Company values and have good business acumen.
"Yes, you pay franchise fees, but it truly is your business to grow. You are the owner—an owner with a great support network," said Habein. Women are a good fit for franchising because of their natural abilities. Females are typically good at organizing. They understand prioritizing and tend to be detail oriented. Women adapt to changes quickly and communicate with ease.
Habein and Castiglia Discuss…
● There are fewer female franchise owners than males
● There are more franchise inquiries from women
● Women have often possessed personality characteristics that allow them to succeed with franchising
Habein is motivated by the entrepreneurs she works with. Why? "Their passion and their drive for making their business work," said Habein. Since Noodles & Company isn't huge, she's been able to build intimate relationships with franchisees.
A little more insight on the Noodles restaurant for those unfamiliar, Noodles & Company offers a wide variety of noodle entrees, from mac and cheese to Italian favorites and Japanese pan
noodles. The company was quick to adapt during COVID-19 and takeaway orders surged. Now, the company prioritizes end-cap locations with pick-up windows.
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1,378 | Each year we stage 4 fantastic winter shows over one day at Mayfield. The children and staff in Nursery and Reception, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, start practising after their October half term and have 5 weeks to perfect their singing, dancing and acting.
The Winter Shows for the academic year 2018-2019 will take place on Friday 14th December 2018. We look forward to entertaining you. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,379 | Bob Dorian, actor and magician who introduced classic films on AMC, dies at 85
Bob Dorian, an actor, magician and avuncular movie buff who presented more than 10,000 classic films, B-movie serials and pre-Code Hollywood gems as the first prime-time host of American Movie Classics, died June 15. He was 85, although he often said he preferred to give his age by way of film history, declaring that he was "born between 'Flying Down to Rio' and 'Top Hat.' "
His daughter Melissa Dorian confirmed the death but did not say precisely where or how he died, noting that the family prepared only a two-line obituary in keeping with his desire for privacy.
Dorian performed on the stage, radio, television and occasionally on film, appearing in two movies by one of his favorite contemporary directors, Woody Allen, and lending his voice to Sam Raimi's 1981 horror classic "The Evil Dead," as an archaeologist whose tape-recorded readings from an ancient text summon demonic spirits to a cabin in the woods.
Click Here For More - Source: www.sfgate.com
Posted by Evil Dead News Editor at 9:15 PM No comments:
Bruce Campbell's BirthDay Thread - Source: the-avocado.org
How Evil Dead 2 saved my life - Source: The Boxleitner Brothers, YouTube
Happy Birthday, Bruce Campbell! - Source: aminoapps.com - Zombri
Happy Birthday Bruce Campbell - Source: MSM - Making Sense Moviez - Facebook.com
happy birthday Bruce Campbell, star of Bubba Ho-Tep - Source: ign.com
Tickets On Sale Now: Official Evil Dead 2™ Escape Room in Seattle
From @hourglassESC on Twitter:
Tickets on sale now for the Official Evil Dead 2™ Escape Room in Seattle. Already sold out the first weekend. Visit http://www.evildead2seattle.com
#evildead2 #escaperoom #officiallylicensed #seattle
That Evil Dead 2 Escape Room in Seattle Opens July 1st, Tickets Available Now - Source: movieweb.com (June 21, 2018)
Posted by Evil Dead News Editor at 10:53 PM No comments:
'The Evil Dead's Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert Producing Adaptation Of Children's Horror-Fantasy 'Nightbooks'
From geeksofdoom.com:
It's been announced that an adaptation of author J.A. White's children's horror-fantasy Nightbooks is coming to Netflix.
The adaptation comes from The Evil Dead writer, director, and executive producer Sam Raimi and executive producer Rob Tapert, and it is being written by Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis (The Curse of La Llorona, Five Feet Apart).
Here's a brief logline for Netflix's adaptation:
When Alex, a boy obsessed with scary stories, is trapped by a witch in her modern, magical New York City apartment, his original hair-raising tales are the only thing keeping him safe as he desperately tries to find a way out of this twisted place.
Jon Foss Interviews: Have we seen the last of Ash from Evil Dead?
Will Bruce Campbell make Evil Dead 4?
Did Bruce Campbell ever get sick of playing Ash from Evil Dead?
Ash vs Evil Dead on Netflix
Would Bruce Campbell's career be different without Evil Dead?
Bruce Campbell talks about Ripley's Believe It Or Not!, Evil Dead, & Ash vs. Evil Dead
Bruce Campbell's favorite role
Which role is on Bruce Campbell's bucket list?
Bruce Campbell talks about Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
Source: Vanilla Ice Films
Bruce Campbell says it feels good to retire as Ash from 'Evil Dead'
Bruce Campbell says it feels good to retire as Ash Williams from 'Evil Dead,' talks hosting duties on Travel Channel's 'Ripleys's Believe It or Not.'
Click Here To Watch - Source: video.foxnews.com
Ripley's Believe It or Not! | Sit Down Interview With Bruce Campbell
The one and only Bruce Campbell is the host of reboot of Ripley's Believe It Or Not, now airing on the Travel Channel! We sat down with Bruce to discuss the mind-blowing show.
Source: Den of Geek
Reel Bad Dudes Cast #15 - Shootin The Breeze with Evil Dead's Tom Sullivan
See the Scary Jersey Guy here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5tK... General Lotz and team discuss various topics with the creator of the Book of the Dead, Tom Sullivan!
Source: GeneralLotz
The Tim-O and Harley Show: Episode 457 - Danny Hicks
Info from @timoandharley on Twitter:
Episode 457. It's Hicks Season! This week we return from @RetroInvasionOH and welcome back our "third wheel in mind-crime" Danny Hicks from Evil Dead 2, Intruder, and Darkman. We also tangle with the 1941 Karloff curiosity The Devil Commands. Enjoy!
Click Here To Listen - Source: The Tim-O and Harley Show Podcast - podbean.com
Ted Raimi and Bruce Campbell Q&A at Niagara Falls Comic Con!!
Source: emonayman Face of St.catharines ontario on youtube
See also: Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi Q&A at Niagara Falls Comicon, YouTube, Source: Tammyoh
Evil Dead 2 Escape Room www.trapdoorescapestream.com
Tone, Mike, and Kristina discuss the Officially Licensed Evil Dead 2 Escape Room experience and how refreshing it is to see a game that is licensed legally.
Source: Trap Door Escape Stream
Evil Dead Game to Be Released in 2019, Hopes Bruce Campbell
According to Bruce Campbell, a new Evil Dead game will be coming out in 2019 though we don't know any further details on it.
Want to hear some very unlikely news? According to Evil Dead series star Bruce Campbell an Evil Dead game is hopefully slated to launch in late 2019. Though it may seem far-fetched on the surface, E3 is the week for the remarkable and surprise announcements — and I frankly don't want to question someone with so much experience with chainsaws and shotguns.
News comes from a clip of the Jim and Sam Show, where Bruce Campbell was discussing his rumored involvement in Mortal Kombat 11. Although he was quick to acknowledge that his role will likely only be as a cameo (instead of a playable fighter), he did note that it is part of a marketing push to get his name and brand out there for an upcoming Evil Dead title.
Giving the "straight dope," Campbell discusses some communication issues he had with the Dead by Daylight team with his cameo appearance. While they were framing his appearance as a crossover, he and his publishers were trying to create some distance:
"Ooh, ooh don't do that, 'cause we're actually doing the Ash game. We're doing The Evil Dead, a fully immersive game."
According to Campbell, he is doing all the voice lines for the character and the team is refusing to make compromises (or in his words "farm that shit out") to keep the world alive without him having to do physical acting.
When asked when fans can expect that game, Campbell hopes it will be within the next six months — before 2020 rolls around. The game has already been delayed, though Campbell doesn't know for certain if that is because of technical issues or because the team wants to continually improve it before announcing it formally.
Click Here For More - Source: www.dualshockers.com
Bruce Campbell on the 'Ripley's Believe It or Not!' Reboot & Putting Ash to Rest
Believe it or not, Ripley's Believe It or Not! (which first existed as a cartoon feature in The New York Globe), turns 100 years old this year. Actor Bruce Campbell has been tapped to host the latest reboot of the series, premiering on Travel Channel on June 9.
"It's fascinating [because] nothing we do is fake," Campbell explains of the 10-episode, hour-long show, which features a host of various everyday folks with extraordinary talents. "We're featuring people who look just like us — you'd walk right past them in the street — and yet they have crazy skills or abilities."
Some of those amazing people include a blind boy learning how to ride a bike, a man who can toss playing cards at 92 miles per hour, and a chin-balancing wunderkind.
Campbell, who has said he won't return to play Evil Dead character Ash Williams in a live-action capacity, also discussed the future of the Evil Dead universe and what role he plans to hold in that universe in the future.
Check out the full interview above.
Source: tvinsider.com
Bruce Campbell and Ripley's Believe It Or Not
The King is hosting the new edition of Ripley's Believe It or Not! Bruce Campbell himself joins the Good Day crew to talk all about it. Hail to the King, baby!
Source: Good Day Sacramento
Bruce Campbell - Source: Talking Pictures TV Show, YouTube
Bruce Campbell interview: Ripley's Believe It or Not! Infotainment with soul
Interview Excerpt:
Bruce Campbell: I'm glad that people are still interested in the Evil Dead universe and we hope to do more movies. There's no question about it.
Jane Levy has a very thriving career. We'll see yes/no in the future of her doing another one. I would love to see another movie with her in it because I thought she f****** killed it and I think she's very impressive as an actress.
We'd be lucky to get her back. Fede Álvarez, we probably can't get him back. You know, he's a Hollywood guy now.
We're hearing pitches for new versions of Evil Dead. Sam Raimi is very interested in continuing to act in the producing role.
Because look, as a franchise, it's very viable. I actually want to do a remake now that is more in the vein of an Army of Darkness or Evil Dead 2 where you've got a little more of the trash talking. Fede wanted to be very true to the genre and he was.
The original Evil Dead is a melodrama. It is. There's not a trash talking, snarky line really in the whole movie except by the character Scotty.
If you want to do another remake, maybe do one that has a little more fun. Maybe introduce a new character. He doesn't have to be Ash. The trick is putting characters in situations over their heads because they are mortals. That's what this is all about.
Click Here For Much More - Source: 1428elm.com
Don't Stop 'Believin'' With Bruce Campbell | New York Live TV
Bruce Campbell stops by New York Live to share with Sara Gore and Jacque Reid all of the crazy surprises you have to see to believe on Travel Channel's "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" and so much more.
Source: New York Live
Domino Artist Havesh5 Makes Incredible TODAY Creation | TODAY
Lily Hevesh, the 20-year-old known as "Domino Girl" who will be featured on the return of "Ripley's Believe It or Not!", stops by Studio 1A with "Ripley's" host Bruce Campbell to share an incredible dominoes stunt she created just for TODAY.
Source: TODAY
My worst moment: Bruce Campbell and unmanageable costumes — 'no one ever talks about the pinches, the scrapes, the chafing'
My worst moment …
Bruce Campbell: "I was shooting 'Army of Darkness' (from 1992), which was the third 'Evil Dead' movie and it was our version of 'The Vikings' — when we were kids, (director) Sam Raimi and me and some of the other guys, we liked 'The Vikings,' which is this Kirk Douglas movie (from 1958) where it was like, attacking castles and burning oil and stuff like that. We were all at our physical and mental best and we had enough of a budget that we could make this big epic.
"In the movie, I play two characters: Good Ash, who is the main character, and also his rival, Bad Ash, who is possessed and is a demon. The demon makeup took three hours to put on and I'm in a demon costume with a demon suit-of-armor. And because I'm possessed, I'm wearing contact lenses that blocked out my vision and I have these demon gloves that are like these Playtex gloves you would wear to wash your dishes or whatever, but they're monster gloves and they have two-inch nails on them. Like, sharp, menacing fingernails. They were so clumsy. I couldn't do anything once I had them on. Couldn't open the door, couldn't hold a cup of coffee.
"We were shooting in the desert outside of Palmdale, California. It's the middle of the night — and I have to go to the bathroom. And my only option was out in the darkness, somewhere in the desert. There was no port-o-potty at this particular place.
Click Here To Read More - Source: www.chicagotribune.com
Detroit-born director Josh Becker discusses 'Morning, Noon & Night
Deep in the sleepy suburbs of Detroit, around the mid-1970s, something strange started bubbling. It was a weird cinema mania, a mania which so gripped a circle of neighborhood kids coming up in the Birmingham school district that they devoted their weekends to making their own movies.
Eventually, this rag-tag crew, led by director Sam Raimi, cobbled together enough cash to make the audacious, groundbreaking horror cult classic The Evil Dead, which legendary drive-in movie critic Joe Bob Briggs dubbed "The paint-the-room-red, vomit champion of the 1980s." That success launched a host of careers, including that of Josh Becker, who would go on to form Panoramic Pictures and carve out his own slice of Hollywood, directing dozens of his own films and TV episodes for the next three decades. Recently, he's moved back to Michigan, but that doesn't mean he's done making movies: His latest film Morning, Noon & Night is a comedic drama about a group of semi-related, regular people battling their various addictions. It was shot locally, with all local talent.
Click Here For More - Source: www.metrotimes.com
Bruce Campbell: Still groovy after all these years
Evil Dead icon comes to this weekend's Niagara Falls Comic Con
Q: The Evil Dead questions can be endless for you. Was the show (Ash vs. The Evil Dead) the last word on that universe for you?
Campbell: "My feeling is, we can absolutely do more Evil Dead … stories you can still tell, a video game's coming out. I'm still participating in that process, but I'm not going to get all dirty again and lay on cellar floors. I'm 60. I don't want to do that Star Wars thing where they're bringing people out with their walkers."
Click Here To Read More - Source: www.stcatharinesstandard.ca
Bruce Campbell hopes his new show will inspire people to put their lives back together.
Over the course of his career, Bruce Campbell has established himself as "The King of the B Movies"...from his work in the horror classic "The Evil Dead" to movies like "Evil Dead 2", "Army Of Darkness", "Bubba Ho-tep", "Maniac Cop" and more...he's a cult film legend...and more mainstream fare as "Sky High" and "Spiderman" have brought him an even bigger audience.
And now he's ready to make his debut as the host of the Travel Channel show "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" this Sunday...and he gave us a call to tell us what we can expect, from the interesting to the inspiring, from the reboot of this classic show!
Click Here To Listen - Source: 989therock.radio.com
Bruce Campbell appears to be teasing something related to Mortal Kombat 11... what ever could it be?
Mortal Kombat 11 received its first trailer for the Kombat Pack revealing Shang Tsung's gameplay and the rest of the characters that will be showing up in the season pass — well most of them anyway.
Actor Bruce Campbell apparently took notice of said new trailer and posted his own reaction to it online which appears to be teasing something fairly obvious for those who have been keeping tabs on leaks, rumors and the sounds found at the end of the latest video. Potential spoilers for the MK11 DLC roster ahead.
Posted on his Twitter account, Campbell retweeted Shang Tsung and the DLC's Mortal Kombat trailer simply stating, "Boy, looks like a swell game - I'll have to check it out!"
Click Here To Read More - Source: www.eventhubs.com | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,380 | CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago Public Schools will launch its Five-Year Strategic Vision on Tuesday.
The nation's third-largest school district released a video on the plan overnight.
"We need your voice, your passion, your belief that our children's potential is limitless. Because it is. Success starts here," CPS CEO Dr. Janice K. Jackson said in the video.
Jackson and other CPS officials are expected to lay out commitments to academic progress, financial improvements and parent and community engagement at a 9 a.m. press conference at Bronzeville Classical Elementary School. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,381 | Carrying on from the previous video with the series, we will discuss the position. So rugby positions explained in 90 seconds.
I'm working with kids aged 10 and 11. A major problem?
Introducing U9's to positional play? | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,382 | Thursday, 7/06/17-$3 Thirsty Thursday and College Night featuring Live Music with Jamey Meeker and Blake Burchette at 7:30.
Saturday, 7/08/17-Live Music: Max n' Min at 7:30pm.
Thursday, 7/13/17-$3 Thirsty Thursday and College Night featuring The Blue Wild.
Friday, 7/14/17-Live Music: Good Vibes Jazz Trio at 7:30pm.
Saturday, 7/15/17-Live Music: Earleine at 7:30pm.
It's that time for our monthly meeting soon. It will be held on Wednesday July 12th (Second Wednesday) at the Holiday Inn Express, 1943 Blowing Rock Road in Boone. The meeting room will open at 6:30 and we'll start the meeting at 7:00.
Using his knowledge of the chemical and biological fields, Bob will discuss selected flora and fauna of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Additionally, he will discuss some plants that have medicinal properties and Native Americans' considerations in this area.
Bob Cantu's career in the Chemical Industry spanned 44 years and took him from Canada, thru Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe and the U.S. While working in that industry, he kept abreast of astronomy and science as it relates to flora & fauna specifically of the Appalachian Mountains. For special information and questions, he has corresponded with some of the important astrophysicists, biologists, and naturalists in the U.S.
He is currently the naturalist for the Blue Ridge Hiking Club and for the Grandfather Mountain Parks and Recreation, and assists the Grandfather Mountain Stewardship as a volunteer in different aspects. He is the author of the book Flipped, and has published scientific articles in several magazines.
Another great program- don't miss it.
Blowing Rock will play host to the first in a series of listening sessions to help create a new craft trail across our mountains.
The Blue Ridge National Heritage Area seeks ideas and suggestions to develop the Blue Ridge Craft Trails over the next few years. People interested in Western North Carolina's rich craft heritage are invited to attend the session 2-4 p.m. July 13 at the Blowing Rock Art & History Museum, 159 Chestnut St., Blowing Rock.
The Blue Ridge Craft Trails project is funded with a $90,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission and contributions from the North Carolina Arts Council and WNC Community Foundation.
To register for a specific meeting, go to the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area website at www.blueridgeheritage.com and click on the link on the homepage, or call Amy Hollifield at 298-5330, ext. 303.
Authorized by Congress in 2003, the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area covers 25 Western North Carolina counties, and remains the only regional organization dedicated to the stewardship of five Appalachian cultural legacies – craft, music, natural beauty, agriculture and Cherokee heritage.
July 20 & Aug. 17 : From 5-9 p.m. Cafe Portofino's will be presenting "Yappy" House for S.N.I.P.S. of Watauga Humane Society. Portofino's will donate 10% of ALL food and drink purchases to support low cost spay/neuter and reduce the number of unwanted litters of puppies and kittens in the High Country. Bring your furry friends and enjoy great food and drink!
July 20-22 : The Watauga Humane Society will be hosting its 35th Annual Rummage Sale, located at the Boone Armory (Hunting Hills Ln., Boone) from July 20-22. July 20 is for members only, and it will be taking place from 5-7 p.m.; July 21 and 22 is open to the public and will be taking place from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. both days. They welcome donations, but please use discretion regarding the condition and resale value. (All electronics must be in working order; no tvs or large appliances please. Check with them on large furniture.) If possible, drop off items at the Armory starting July 17-19, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. If items need to be picked up, please contact Charlie Duke ([email protected] or 828-265-4558) or Karen Keys ([email protected]).
From themes to titles, Scots culture has influenced American music and literature widely – in particular, that of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Join Jack Beck and Wendy Welch for a fun and fact and music filled evening exploring how the best of Scotland got mixed into the best of America. Be prepared to sing along on the choruses!
This program will address one of the area's most important questions, "What does Daniel have to do with Boone?" Speaker Carson Sailor will highlight both Boone's actual time in the region and his importance in the creation of the High Country's cultural identity.
The High Country Workforce Development Board will be having its regularly scheduled business meeting Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.
in the conference room at the High Country Council of Governments in Boone.
There is a special place for this holiday decoration in everyone's heart. Along the Parkway you can see many examples of this symbol of Christmas, so come and learn about this beloved fir and its tradition.
Approximately 45 minutes in length; open and free to the public.
Three Forks Baptist Church, 1022 US Hwy 421 S, Boone, NC, welcomes GENERATION EXCELLENT on Sunday evening, July 9th, 6:00 PM, to present "LEGENDS".
GENERATION EXCELLENT is a talented group of young people from our High Country area who are committed to sharing their faith and being bold for God. "LEGENDS" is a program which reviews significant history of our nation and its impact on our present-day lives. You will be touched and blessed as you witness their presentation. Join us for this magnificent message; a wonderful way to conclude our celebration of Independence week, 2017. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,383 | Coliving can be a confusing term for some, meaning a lot of things to a lot of different people.
When we say coliving, we largely mean finding a better way to live with roommates, renting a room in a beautiful space you get to call your own.
But beyond a "room rental," what does coliving at Common entail? Let's explore the many facets of comfort, convenience, cost-effectiveness, and community at Common.
Imagine that you don't have to sift through 7 different bills every month to make sure you aren't being sent to collections. Imagine you don't have to run out because your roommate used the last bit of toilet paper, and hey you're fresh out of paper towels, too.
That's what life looks like for members at Common. Coliving provides our members with a convenient solution to life in the city, where just 1 all-inclusive rate provides for all your furniture, household essentials, weekly cleaning, laundry and laundry essentials, WiFi, utilities, and more.
Unless you have unlimited funds, odds are that the design of your dreams can sometimes be disconnected with the amount of cash in your pocket. When you become a member at Common, your home is already designed and furnished with luxury goods that are ready for your social media feed. Think CB2 coffee tables and Interior Define sofas, and Bear mattresses. You can own all of the beautiful decors without having to pay for it – it all comes included in your monthly rate.
Speaking of what's included for your monthly rate, on overage, Common members save around $380 month over traditional rentals. It's not just about the cost of rent – there are also savings in moving costs (you can literally just bring your suitcase, no moving vans or shipping costs), laundry, furniture, cookware, and even outings with friends, because our community spaces are designed for sharing moments at home with your suitemates.
We like to think of our homes as friendly, with a "Know Your Neighbor" ethos. Common homes are designed to optimize for your privacy within your own bedroom, but to be social in community spaces, whether that's a lounge in the basement, a rooftop deck, or even the shared suite just outside your door.
To find out more about our coliving homes, click here. And check out our Facebook page and Twitter for up-to-date information about our homes, members, and cities. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
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1,385 | Over ninety-nine years ago, there lived in the city of Chicago, a young lawyer who had only a few friends and acquaintances and who felt the pangs of loneliness. His name was Paul Harris. Desiring to extend his circle of acquaintances, he conceived the plan of calling together a few men engaged in different lines of business and explained to them an idea which was forming in his mind.
His idea was that man is friendly by nature and that the necessity of earning a livelihood under modern economic conditions should not compel a person to sacrifice their natural instinct to have friends and be friendly. That it should be possible for the person in the city to have business and professional friends as does the person in the small town. Friendship should be, and in reality is, the fundamental basis of a person's business relations with their fellowmen.
Paul Harris invited three men of acquaintance to meet at his office in the UnityBuilding, Chicago, on the evening of February 23, 1905. Those invited were Silvester A. Schiele, a coal dealer, H. E. Shorey, a merchant tailor, and Gus H. Loehr, a mining operator. The meeting was informal, and Paul Harris explained his idea of the formation of a club composed of people each from a different line of business or profession. It was agreed to meet again a week later in the office of Paul Harris.
At the second meeting several other gentlemen were present by invitation and the formation of a club was completed.
The name of "Rotary" was suggested by Paul Harris for the reason that it was decided to hold the meetings in rotation at the offices of the different members.
In the fall of 1905, the first dinner meeting of the club was held in the old Sherman House. So came into existence Rotary, and Club No. 1 in Chicago.
The first Rotary Club outside the U.S.A. was in WinnipegCanada in 1910. In 1911 Rotary crossed the Atlantic to Ireland and England. In 1912 the International Association of Rotary Clubs was formed and in 1922 this name was shortened to Rotary International.
Today there are 1,206,670 million Rotarians in 32,317 clubs in more than 168 countries making significant contributions to the quality of life at home and around the globe
Space here will not permit a full account of the wonderful growth and spread of Rotary.
Rotary Motto
The Rotary Club
Meets once each week for breakfast, luncheon or dinner.
Membership is formed on the unique plan of up to five active members from each line of business and profession in the community.
Objects of Rotary
The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to their personal, business, and community life.
The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.
Benefits of Rotary
Making the acquaintance of people you ought to know.
Genuine, wholesome good fellowship.
Developing true and helpful friends.
Enlightenment as to other people's work, problems and successes.
Education in methods that increase efficiency.
Stimulation of your desire to be of service to your fellow men, women and society in general.
Obligations of Rotarians
To attend meetings regularly.
To pay dues promptly.
To do my part when called upon.
To be a big-hearted, broad-minded person - a person of energy and action - a Rotarian.
Four Way Test - The Heart of Rotary
One of the most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics in the world is the Rotary 4-Way Test. It was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy. Taylor looked for a way to save the struggling company mired in depression-caused financial difficulties. He drew up a 24-word code of ethics for all employees to follow in their business and professional lives. The 4-Way Test became the guide for sales, production, advertising and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy.
The 4-Way Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943 and has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. Herb Taylor became president of Rotary International in 1954-55.
Will it build good will and better Friendships?
Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions
The Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions was adopted by the Rotary International Council on Legislation in 1989 to provide more specific guidelines for the high ethical standards called for in the Object of Rotary:
As a Rotarian engaged in a business or profession, I am expected to:
Consider my vocation to be another opportunity to serve;
Be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my community;
Do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to promote the highest ethical standards in my chosen vocation;
Be fair to my employer, employees, associates, competitors, customers, the public and all those with whom I have a business or professional relationship;
Recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society;
Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community;
Adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the public concerning my business or profession;
Neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,386 | Just as you would choose clothes to protect yourself against the harsh weather outside, you should consider weather conditions in your area when determining the proper vinyl siding type for your house.
If you live in a colder climate, you may want to choose a higher gauge siding, of .44 or higher, so it doesn't expand and contract as much in extreme cold-weather conditions. Higher gauges (or thickness) also help in extreme heats, keeping your house's exterior from cracking.
In addition, if you live in an area that experiences high winds, consider a vinyl siding that has been tested and approved for such conditions. One option may be the Durabuilt 440 Series Double 4" Traditional Lap Vinyl Siding available at Lowes for $9.44 per square, which comes in 13 colors.
While a higher gauge usually means more expensive siding, it is not the only factor for cost. Siding can cost as little as $0.45 per square foot if you do it yourself, or around $7 per square foot if you hire a professional to install the vinyl siding.
However, siding choices now come in a larger variety than ever before. The colors alone come in a large wheel of choices from earth to eccentric tones, but they also comes in stucco, wood, stone, brick, and fiber cement options.
Because vinyl siding doesn't require the maintenance of wood and gives you a larger field of options than brick, vinyl siding installation is on the rise. Even some older homes that are made of brick or wood are converting to vinyl siding, which, in some cases, can improve the value of the house.
Whether you choose to hire a professional or to tackle this project yourself, pick a siding that is right for the climate in which you live. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,387 | Long Island Sound Fest is This Weekend!
If you're looking for something to do this weekend, Long Island Sound Fest is the place to be.
Taking place September 1 and 2 at Mulcahy's Pub and Concert Hall in Wantagh, this year's lineup represents and celebrates Long Island's thriving music scene and includes a variety of rock and emo-based acts like Patent Pending, Casanova, For What It's Worth, John Nolan of Taking Back Sunday, Strawberry Blonde, and many more.
Local vendors and sponsors will also participate in the event to help foster a home-like feeling for attendees. Everything down to the festival t-shirts will be community-sourced.
For the full lineup, visit Long Island Sound Fest on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Get tickets here. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,388 | You are here: Home / Current / Disney's MOANA is Adventurous & Heartwarming
Disney's MOANA is Adventurous & Heartwarming
Moana. It's the new Disney animated hit of the season in theatres now, and my kids' new favorite movie. Last week my kids and I went to an advanced screening and since then, my kids have been talking about it constantly (and of course, asking for Moana toys for Christmas!).
Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of Oceania. But then, for a millennium, their voyages stopped – and no one knows why. From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes "Moana," a sweeping, CG-animated feature film about an adventurous teenager who sails out on a daring mission to save her people. During her journey, Moana (voice of Auli'i Cravalho) meets the once-mighty demigod Maui (voice of Dwayne Johnson), who guides her in her quest to become a master wayfinder. Together, they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds, and along the way, Moana fulfills the ancient quest of her ancestors and discovers the one thing she's always sought: her own identity.
Moana is about family, strength, and like many movies lately, GIRL POWER. It's heartwarming and exciting, with some cute, funny moments. Our favorite character was HeiHei, a not-so-intelligent rooster who ends up joining Moana on her journey.
HeiHei almost wasn't in the movie – "In earlier versions of the film, Heihei used to be smart and sassy, but filmmakers felt that character was not unique. Several campaigned to remove the rooster from the film altogether, but a small group of story team members spent a couple days brainstorming ways to keep the character. Their solution? Lower his IQ. Their pitch earned so many laughs that Heihei was ultimately a keeper."
Another favorite character of ours is Moana's grandma, who has a close relationship with Moana throughout her life, and understands (and inspires) her sense of adventure. They share the same "spunk" and it's nice to see how the generations respect and love one another in this movie.
There is a lot of magic in the movie – from how the ocean interacts with Moana to how Maui transforms into different animals when he has his magic fish hook.
This is a perfect movie for the whole family, though parents should note that there are some intense scenes that may frighten younger kids, which is why the movie is rated PG.
I previously posted FREE coloring and activity sheets – download them here:
FREE Printable MOANA Coloring Pages & Activity Sheets
FREE Printable MOANA Coloring Pages & Activity Sheets Part 2
Like MOANA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/disneymoana
Follow MOANA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/disneymoana
Follow Disney Animation on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/disneyanimation/
Visit Disney Animation on Tumblr: http://disneyanimation.tumblr.com/
Visit the official MOANA website here: http://movies.disney.com/moana
Filed Under: Current, Disney, Mom Reviews, Movie Reviews Tagged With: disney, moana | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,389 | D4Wml0n, June 30th, 2018. Interiors, Interesting Old House Impregnated With Memories.
What we have here is the gallery of Interesting Old House Impregnated With Memories, there are 14 images to inspire you such as fl315w 109, fl315kw 10, fl315w 177, fl315w 90, fl315w 86, and many others. Just cick the thumbnail bellow to see more images in high resolution. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,390 | The ram EcoDiesel is the only half ton pickup in the market with an efficient V6 turbocharged diesel engine. It delivers an amazing amount of torque for towing, yet returns great fuel economy.
The Ram 1500 3.0L eco-diesel is a retired ranchers dream. This model is all about luxury and comfort for someone who wants only the best and no longer needs to worry about dusty roads or muddy boots. A heavy country feel is found all over the truck, consisting of the dark brown leather with its wide stitching and detailed embroidery that looks and feels like a fresh pair of cowboy boots or a horse's saddle.
The Longhorn model features exceptional interior comforts including full leather throughout, real wood accents and an Uconnect® 8.4-inch touch display. The large touchscreen easily controlled everything in the truck, including the premium alpine audio system that cranked out some country twang to help set the mood. All vital vehicle information, for example, the fuel economy, trip control, and engine performance was displayed nicely on the front instrument cluster, which was controlled by a user-friendly rolling menu. This model comes fully-loaded with all the features and tech ever needed including front and back parking sensors, back up camera, air suspension, navigation, power adjustable pedals, heating and cooling seats.
With a gross vehicle weight rating of 3152 kg (6950 lbs.), the small 240hp 3.0L V6 EcoDiesel engine certainly had trouble accelerating on some steep inclines, but then again this truck was built for comfort not speed. The engine however does have a class leading 420 lb-ft of low-end torque and is the only half-ton pickup to offer diesel as an option. As for having a diesel engine, you could hardly notice, it certainly wasn't the same as a loud 6.7L Cummins spewing out black smoke every time you drop the pedal to the floor. With the ability to tow up to 9210 lbs. (4,178 kg) or haul a payload of up to 1,600lbs., (726 kg), the fuel efficient EcoDiesel will handle it all with little to no effort, including any cowboy's camper or horse trailer. The 8-speed TorqueFlite™ automatic transmission helped provide exceptional fuel mileage of 29mpg, 8L/100km.
The Ram 1500 Laramie Longhorn EcoDiesel looked and felt like a premium model. With a base price of $47,995, it features all sorts of bells and whistles that you might expect at this price point. While you do sacrifice some power and acceleration with the EcoDiesel compared to the 395hp 5.7l Hemi, you do gain a very smooth and fuel efficient ride that has wonderful low-end torque and is capable of some heavy payloads. Fuel efficiency is normally not that high on the list of concerns when buying a truck but this award-winning engine is currently the best all around full sized pickup in Canada. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,391 | When it comes to grilling with charcoal, Bourlier's BBQ has the best products to choose from. Get that unique charcoal flavor with of the many brands of charcoal grills we carry. Discover the many features and benefits of our charcoal grills. Pick a charcoal grill with carts, ash tool or whatever part suits your grilling requirements. Grill, roast or cook the food your heart desires with our premium charcoal grills. To find out more about our charcoal grills, call us today or fill out our online contact form. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,392 | Biden sworn in amid historic challenges: 'This is America's Day' - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, taking control of a nation wracked by a deadly pandemic, persistent u...
State, private hospitals on alert for New Year's Eve revelry By Joel C. Atencio December 31, 2010
State, private hospitals on alert for New Year's Eve revelry
By Joel C. Atencio
December 31, 2010, 1:14am
MANILA, Philippines (PNA) – Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel of government-run and private hospitals nationwide were placed on Thursday on alert for firecracker-related injuries and other emergencies as the nation joins the world in welcoming the New Year on Friday.
The Department of Health (DOH) issued this announcement a few days after it launched an all-out drive against the sale and use of firecrackers through its "Kontra Paputok Campaign.".... MORE
Source: Manila Bulletin
URL: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/295713/state-private-hospitals-alert-new-year-s-eve-revelry
Posted by Jesusa Bernardo at 11:30 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Expect 'extremely wet' weather in 2011 – Pagasa By ELLALYN B. DE VERA December 30, 2010
Expect 'extremely wet' weather in 2011 – Pagasa
MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Thursday warned of "extremely wet" weather conditions in 2011, mainly due to climate change.
Science and Technology Undersecretary Dr. Graciano Yumul, also PAGASA's officer-in-charge, said the effects of climate change have been evident in the country causing sea level rise and excessive moisture and rain..... MORE
URL: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/295640/expect-extremely-wet-weather-2011-pagasa
China shuts down 60,000 pornographic websites Friday, 31 December 2010 00:00
China shuts down 60,000 pornographic websites
China said Thursday that authorities had shut down more than 60,000 pornographic websites as part of a year-long crackdown on lewd online content, as Beijing moves to tighten control over the Internet. "By the end of November, we had inspected 1.8 million websites, and closed down more than 60,000 unsound websites that spread porn," Wang Chen, minister for the press office of the State Council, China's cabinet, told reporters.
He added that authorities had jailed 58 people for at least five years in the crackdown on lewd online and mobile phone content that was launched in December last year..... MORE
Source: Manila Times
URL: http://www.manilatimes.net/index.php/tech-times/36730-china-shuts-down-60000-pornographic-websites
Denmark, Sweden foil 'Mumbai-style' massacre plot Friday, 31 December 2010
Denmark, Sweden foil 'Mumbai-style' massacre plot
COPENHAGEN: Denmark and Sweden said on Wednesday that they had foiled a "Mumbai-style" plot by Islamic extremists to massacre the staff of a Danish newspaper that published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
Denmark's PET intelligence service said that five suspects had been arrested and a submachine gun seized, preventing an imminent assault on the Copenhagen offices of the Jyllands-Posten daily.... MORE
URL: http://www.manilatimes.net/index.php/component/content/article/42-rokstories/36737-denmark-sweden-foil-mumbai-style-massacre-plot
2.2-M Filipinos consume NFA rice, NSO says December 31, 2010
2.2-M Filipinos consume NFA rice, NSO says
MANILA, Philippines (PNA) - Middle and upper class Filipino families are consuming more National Food Authority (NFA) rice than the poor households, according to the National Statistics Office.
The NSO said there were 1.07 million Filipino households under the upper 70 percent of the Philippine population consumed NFA rice in 2006.
These middle and upper class Filipino families consumed an average of 273 kilogram (kg) per year..... MORE
URL: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/295714/22m-filipinos-consume-nfa-rice-nso-says
Group wary of 'downtrend' in OFW Mideast deployment By ROY C. MABASA December 31, 2010
Group wary of 'downtrend' in OFW Mideast deployment
December 31, 2010, 2:45pm
MANILA, Philippines — Certain labor market reforms being implemented by host countries particularly those in the Middle East next year will result in continued "downtrend' in the deployment of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in 2011.
This, according to Migrante-Middle East as it echoed the same declaration earlier issued by both the Department of Labor and Employment and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) that from January to October this year a total of 1.079 million OFWs were deployed compared with 1.112 million during the same period of 2009..... MORE
URL: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/295769/group-wary-downtrend-ofw-mideast-deployment
Salceda places Albay under state of calamity; urges PAGASA to device warning system for ITCZ By Mar S. Arguelles December 31, 2010
Salceda places Albay under state of calamity; urges PAGASA to device warning system for ITCZ
By Mar S. Arguelles
LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines (PNA) - Albay Gov. Joey Salceda urges the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Service Administration (PAGASA) to device a warning system for inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ), giving it a name and levels of warning system similar to the warning system issued during tropical depressions and typhoons signals.
Salceda, Albay Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) chairman, said the proposal would make disaster authorities completely evaluate the impacts of the ITCZ in terms of rainfall content and other parameters..... MORE
URL: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/295709/salceda-places-albay-under-state-calamity-urges-pagasa-device-warning-system-itcz
State, private hospitals on alert for New Year's E...
Expect 'extremely wet' weather in 2011 – Pagasa By...
China shuts down 60,000 pornographic websites Fr...
Denmark, Sweden foil 'Mumbai-style' massacre plot ...
2.2-M Filipinos consume NFA rice, NSO says Decembe...
Group wary of 'downtrend' in OFW Mideast deploymen...
Salceda places Albay under state of calamity; urge...
'Celebrating America' inauguration special: How to watch, what to expect - Joe Biden's presidential inauguration television special "Celebrating America" will take place Wednesday at starting at 8:30 p.m. EST on multiple channels.
How to home-school without a laptop or broadband - What help is there if you're trying to home-school your children without devices or data?
Some Trump backers are getting hit with one-star online reviews — including MyPillow and real estate agent Jenna Ryan - Welcome to online activism in the digital age.
Storm Christoph: Flood measures being prepared, Boris Johnson says - Boris Johnson says people should never "underestimate the suffering" flooding brings to families.
Mozambique: New Army Leadership Urged to Re-Establish Peace - [AIM] Maputo -- Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi has urged the new leadership of the Mozambican Armed Forces (FADM) to re-establish peace in the northern ...
Even in jail, Russia's Navalny knows how to enrage his rival Putin. This time it's with a viral video. - A video shows a Black Sea palace with an ice rink and "aquadisco." It was built for Putin, Navalny claimed. The Kremlin denies it.
War-Zone Experience Carries Journalists Into Inauguration Coverage - Reporters and photographers who are no strangers to conflict are among those assigned to what is usually a day of pageantry. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,393 | The secret in exam success
Corpus Christ High School in Kuwadzana combines a high degree of discipline and adherence to timetables, which has seen the school do well in national examinations
Harmony Agere and Emmanuel Kafe
With candidates scoring as high as 25 points at Advanced Level as well as the record high pass rate for Ordinary Level, the debate and interest in the November examinations has been feverish.
Could the improved pass rate at O-Level be because of the competence-based curriculum? Is it necessary for students to sit for five or six subjects at A-Level, when most universities consider only three subjects?
In announcing the O-Level results, the national examinations body, Zimsec, said 162 541 candidates sat for five or more subjects and of these, 50 664 obtained Grade C or better, giving a 32,83 percent pass, which is an improvement from the 28,7 percent of 2017, where 162 915 sat for five or more subjects.
But what could have been the major driver of the improved pass rate?
Educationist Dr Peter Kwaira said a lot of resources need to be directed towards provision of enough learning materials in schools.
"The results show that most of the pupils who passed the exams were from 'established' schools that have resource material at their disposal," he said.
On the other hand, the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Professor Paul Mavima, said he is pleased that there is healthy competition to perform among schools.
"With private colleges we see some of them performing better now because of that element of competition," he said.
"For a school to attract students it has to perform better in terms of pass rates because no child would want to go to school with a bad record."
The Minister added, "But we are not in competition with them (private schools), we want them to perform as best as they can because it will benefit the learner at the end of the day.
"What we, however, emphasise is that they should register, because if they operate under the radar then we, as a Ministry, cannot keep track of standards."
President Mnangagwa is on record encouraging private partnerships to improve the delivery of quality education. Addressing an infrastructure Investment Indaba organised by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in Harare last year, President Mnangagwa said, "As a nation, we are now in a new era where education has ceased to be a cost and must now be understood as an opportunity for investment and consequently a conduit for employment generation and economic revival."
To this end, The Sunday Mail Society visited one of the flourishing private schools in the country to find out what they were doing right in helping the national pass rate.
Established from virtually nothing in 2009, Corpus Christ High has grown in unprecedented leaps to claim its place among the giants in the hall of academic excellence. With a pass rate of 96 percent during last November's Advanced Level examinations, Corpus Christ is probably among the best performers in Harare district and has achieved this with a modest set of resources, as compared to some trust schools. Their best A-Level student scored 23 points, out of a possible 25, learning on a school grant and using borrowed books. And the 96 percent pass rate is only for the subjects graded C or better as opposed to the Zimsec grading system which starts recognising passes at Grade E.
This is the college's own grading system to motivate their students to perform better. Corpus Christ High's excellent performance extends to the just announced Ordinary Level results which, although not yet rated, are showing that the majority of the students have performed well. The school comes across as a model that can be copied by most public schools which are facing a deterioration in standards and dwindling pass rates due to shortage of books and unmotivated teaching staff. Whilst inside the past decade, the school has moved from renting premises at a local church to acquiring their own land and building modern buildings, with an enrolment of 850 students. The school has also managed to keep a constant pass rate over the past five years.The college has made these significant strides against stigma associated with private colleges, little resources and a difficult economic environment.
To make matters worse for the institution, the coming in of private colleges has been seen by some as profit centred business initiatives which operate at the expense of quality education. But how has the school managed to defy the odds? School head, Mr Samson Ngwandingwa, says their success is a result of hard work and professionalism.
"This hard work we are talking about at Corpus Christ High School covers both the student and teachers," he said.
"Teachers are supervised strictly and they administer their work efficiently and proficiently. The students are supposed to follow suit in doing all their assignments on time, reporting wherever they are supposed to report on time, be it a practical subject or a theory subject."
Mr Ngwandingwa said students have a lot of work which they are required to hand in before deadlines in order to push them to do better. We also offer after-school studies, for female students up to 6pm and male students up to 8pm."
The school rewards performing teachers with bonuses, the head said. "We try to motivate our teachers by giving them bonuses depending with the number of As they produce. It makes them work harder to try and achieve academic excellence."
The school has adopted an internal examination system which mixes questions from Zimsec, Cambridge and questions generated within the school by the teachers.
On suspicions that they could be opening examination papers for their students, to achieve better results, the head explained: "We operate under strict Ministry regulations and we have an exam committee which monitors all our operations in terms of examinations."
"We have a double lock and three-tier system. I release the question papers from the smallest safe in the strong room, whose keys are held by the vice principal and the third key is kept by the third member of the committee. So all of us have to be present to get access to the papers."
A director with the school, Mr Wilberforce Ruzvidzo, said the financial success and growth of the school was down to professionalism and adherence to Christian values.
"It is by the hand of God that we are where we are today," he said. "We have been devoted to God throughout and as such we have been able to run the institution professionally, paying salaries and suppliers on time."
Govt to curb internet abuse14 Jul, 2019
Strange tidbits from around the world14 Jul, 2019 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,394 | Happy last week of Fun-bruary! We are hopefully heading into spring weather. And I hope no one blew out a shoe rounding in the CCU.
We had a great week of events in the #dukefamily. First of all, congratulations to Brittany and Luke Gatta on the birth of Teresa! Second, huge kudos to Keva Garg, Sheila Sherzoy and Taylor Triana on a fantastic 19th Annual Med Res Charity Auction. Many thanks to Lynsey, Tia and Ernest for your help.
Additional kudos to our NC ACP presenters and our Doctor's Dilemma Team of Rebecca Ruf, Nick Shelburne and Josh Lee. Duke IM represented so well at the entire weekend!
Many thanks to our ResTeers helping out at Urban Ministries - Becca Lumsden, Tamara Saint-Surin, Tanmay Gokhale, Stacy Bagrova, Caitlin Driscoll, Sara Coles and Kim Cocce.
Kudos this week go to Shannon Niedermeyer, Mike Fitzgerald and Nick Koutlas from JVK for being an awesome Gen Med Team (I can attest as my weekend with them was awesome), to the DRH SAR trifecta of Joe Plaksin, Lara Hayes and Katie Charles from Winn Seay for "above and beyond" work, to Mike Grant from Jordan Pomeroy for outstanding care of a VA patient (saved an admission!), and to Rebecca Ruf and Hannah Dzimitrowicz for outstanding SAR talks and to Kim Cocce from Dr. Darsh Kothari for excellent patient care in GI Clinic.
This week's pubmed from the program goes to all of our NC-ACP presenters: Corey Bradley, Jeremy Brooksbank, Erin Frost, Jordan Gales, Jessie Gu, Nicholas Kamp, Govind Krishnan, Alexandria Mara, Shannon Niedermeyer, John Paul Shoup, Anmol Singh, Matt Tucker, and Justin Yoo.
This week we are holding our second fellowship meeting for rising SARs/CIP-er's. See you on Tuesday!
Continuity Clinic Survey NOW active in MedHub!!
This is our primary source of data for continuity clinic feedback. It is SHORT! Please fill it out!! Thanks!!
We are in the process of updating the threads and getting everything in place for next year. We are also taking a look at Academic Half Day to assess where gaps still remain and make it even more robust for next year. Please keep your feedback coming!
We are still sorting out some logistics and will announce the new participants in the ACLT very soon – apologies for the delay on that!
The Division of General Internal Medicine sponsors a journal club about 4 times per year, during ACLT blocks. The next one is coming up March 5, at the home of Cheryl Baker – see your email from Ernest for details. The article will be announced soon!
The DGIM is also sponsoring its second annual medicine research award. Stay tuned for submission instructions, and direct any questions to Dani Zipkin.
2/26/19 Menopause Dr. Muashar 7:15 a.m.
We're super excited to announce our next Narrative Medicine session on Mon., March 4 at 6:30 p.m. in Med Res! We are incredibly lucky to have Dr. Galanos (AND potentially Dr. Barfield as well) to precept our next meeting! Our prompt this session will be "Write from the perspective of a patient's family member/friend." By choosing this theme, we hope to inspire you to think about the thoughts, fears, and uncertainty that loved ones experience while helping us care for their family/friends in the hospital.
If you are interested in joining us, please send Matt Labriola an e-mail so we know how many to expect and can plan out how many narratives can be discussed. Dinner/drinks will be provided. To ensure a safe and intimate space, we are limited to ~12 participants so make sure to grab a spot!
Session will be held from 6-8 p.m., Feb. 27, in DMP 2w96. Please RSVP to [email protected]. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,396 | Our New French Bulldog has a new look! The oh-so-adorable frenchie features a neon blue paisley print on the body. You will be sure to turn some heads with this shirt on! The color pops on the black 100% cotton tee.
Unisex fit, sizing chart available in the FAQ section.
Twill taped neck and shoulders.
Double needle armhole, sleeve and bottom hems.
Not enough room to say that this is my new favorite tee, comfy and gets compliments every where I wear it!
This beautiful shirt is very comfortable.
The shirt fits well, washes well and keeps its shape. I love it. I have order more items. Customer service is great! | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,397 | The Hitmaker
The Hitmaker is the Fender Stratocaster owned by American guitarist Nile Rodgers. The guitar is a white 1960s model (sometimes incorrectly identified as a 1959 model[1]) with a hardtail bridge,[1] which has been retrofitted with a 1959 maple neck.[2]
Rodgers got the guitar in a shop in Miami Beach, Florida;[3] at the time, fellow Chic-member and bassist Bernard Edwards suggested he trade in the Gibson he was playing because Rodgers was shifting genres. The Stratocaster was "pivotal" in the development of the funky style that came to be called "chucking".[2]
2 Tribute model
Hit songs recorded with The Hitmaker include Sister Sledge, "We Are Family"; Madonna, "Like a Virgin"; Daft Punk, "Get Lucky"; Chic, "Le Freak"; David Bowie, "Let's Dance"; Diana Ross, "I'm Coming Out"; and Duran Duran, "Notorious". The New Musical Express reports that at one time an estimate of the value of the music played through the instrument was $2 billion.[4]
Tribute model[edit]
In 2014, the Fender Custom Shop released a tribute model.[5] It has a light alder body and a one-piece maple neck, and three Custom Shop 1969 single-coil Stratocaster pickups. The guitar is finished in Olympic White and relic'ed.[3]
^ a b Wheeler, Tom (2004). The Stratocaster Chronicles: Celebrating 50 Years of the Fender Strat. Hal Leonard. pp. 201–. ISBN 9780634056789.
^ a b Gress, Jesse (January 2015). "Under Investigation: Nile Rodgers". Guitar Player. pp. 82–88.
^ a b "Nile Rodgers Tribute "Hitmaker" Stratocaster". Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. Retrieved 26 December 2014.
^ "Nile Rodgers reveals he nearly lost his hitmaker". NME. 10 October 2013. Retrieved 26 December 2014.
^ Parker, Matt. "NAMM 2014: Fender unveils Nile Rodgers Hitmaker Stratocaster". MusicRadar. Retrieved 26 December 2014.
Nile Rodgers Hitmaker at Fender Corporation
Nile Rodgers' blog--on almost losing his guitar
Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Hitmaker&oldid=908518288"
Instruments of musicians
Individual guitars | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,398 | Scratching the Surface
Looking deeper into TikTok, the moral cost of development, and biases
By The Wire — August 16, 2020
Good evening. Given the rhetoric on China these days, the news is often cast in black and white terms. But, as this week's issue shows, things are more complicated once you scratch the surface. From what you find when you tear apart TikTok, to the human cost of economic development, to the false dichotomy of a U.S.-led or China-led world order, this week we're exploring other perspectives. If you're not already a paid subscriber to The Wire, please sign up here.
Want this emailed directly to your inbox? Sign up to receive our free newsletter.
Illustration by Sheldon Cooper/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Tearing Up TikTok
TikTok, the short video app, is widely known for two things: frivolous dance videos beloved by teenagers the world over, and being a potential Trojan horse for the Chinese government to sneak its way into America's national security interests. But, as The Wire's Eli Binder and Katrina Northrop show, it's also something else: the world's first truly global internet company. With U.S. apps banned by China's infamous firewall, TikTok's parent company ByteDance has succeeded where internet companies like Facebook and Google have been thwarted. And, perhaps most surprising given the political rhetoric surrounding it, it did so with a lot of American help and investment. ByteDance is, in many ways, an American-backed company.
ByteDance headquarters in Beijing, China.
Credit: Imaginechina via AP Images
The Big Picture: Who Really Owns ByteDance?
ByteDance became one of the world's most valuable, privately-owned companies in just eight years. How did it get there? For this week's Big Picture, we took a look at the investors that helped build ByteDance into the company that it is today. Its earliest funding, for instance, came from China and a controversial Israeli-Russian investor, but, as the company has grown, U.S. investors have taken a bigger piece of the pie, with a few firms from Europe and South America sprinkled in. See the investors behind ByteDance's success, and explore their other ties to the company.
A Q&A With Parag Khanna
Parag Khanna is the author of several books, most recently The Future is Asian: Commerce, Culture and Conflict in the 21st Century. In this week's interview with The Wire's David Barboza, the Singapore-based Khanna discusses America's China-centric bias and why countries that practice "multi-alignment" are the real winners in the new global order.
Parag Khanna
Illustration by Kate Copeland
Credit: Kevin McCoy, Creative Commons
TikTok's Big CFIUS Mistake
Yes, TikTok is caught in a global power struggle, but Steven David Solomon argues in this week's op-ed that TikTok has also made its situation worse for itself by ignoring the U.S. national security review process. To understand why, you need to understand the evolution of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States — the U.S. national security regulator commonly called CFIUS — and how almost every Chinese investment in the United States these days falls under its jurisdiction.
The Moral Cost of Development
In this month's Books column, Alec Ash asks: What is the price of development? On top of the necessary capital, there has also been a social and a cultural cost to China's economic boom — one that has left marginalized communities and ethnicities behind and sullied China's international reputation. Altogether, as this month's books show, the human costs of China's economic development has forced a moral calculation for anyone doing business there.
Subscribe today for unlimited access, starting at only $19 a month. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,399 | Home » Buku Kanak Kanak » Asian Spice Kids - Shallot, Strong and Steady !
Shallot, Strong and Steady !
The Asian Spice Kids move to a new home and they find their spice corner a little too small. Shallot annoys her friends by getting in their way and they chase her away. But when the Spice Kids come face to face with a giant, Shallot unexpectedly saves the day. This is a hearty tale about respect, friendship and the courage to stand up for what is right. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,400 | Do not attempt to shine your bunadsølv nordlandsbunad or gold jewelry with toothpaste. It is simply an incorrect home remedy that many try to pass off as fact that it works. The chemicals in toothpaste will erode your jewelry causing the gemstones to permanently lose their luster. For only a few dollars you can buy a proper polishing cloth and jewelry shining liquid.
When cleaning sølv til nordlandsbunad, it is best to invest in a jeweler's rouge cloth. It has a polishing compound on the red side which is safe to use with all gemstones, and the yellow side is intended for giving a polish that will sparkle. This will keep your jewelry looking gorgeous for a long time to come!
Use an egg to antique your nordlandsbunad sølv. Just boil the egg, chop it up, and put it in a bag with your sølv piece. In a few hours your jewelry will change colors and then you can polish it to a beautiful antiqued look. This is an effective method because egg contains sulfur, and sulfur causes the reaction when mixed with sterling sølv.
If you're making wire jewelry and don't have wire cutters, just use a pair of fingernail clippers. The fingernail clippers are small and great for fine cutting. They will be able to manipulate through most billig bunadsølv wire with ease. The fingernail clippers will no longer be useful for your nails though, because wire will dull them fast.
When storing your jewelry, be sure that you store it in a place with low humidity and free of open air. Some good examples of proper storage would be,a jewelry box that is closed, or a small draw string bag. Continued exposure to humidity extremes or air causes metals typically used in jewelry to tarnish. The thing about this is that non-precious metals cannot fully recover from this because underneath, the copper shows through. However, keep in mind that precious metals can go back to their own original forms. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,401 | Weird Worm
Home Cartoons Six Greatest Simpsons Characters (Not Named Simpson)
Six Greatest Simpsons Characters (Not Named Simpson)
The Simpsons is one of the most popular TV shows of all time, and it's not hard to understand why. From Homer's unending stupidity to Bart's madcap antics and Grandpa's demented rants about good ol' days that may or may not have happened, there's no shortage of comedy to be had. But the show's appeal isn't limited to the titular family. Springfield is filled with many other bizarre and hilarious characters, and has one of the most fleshed out and detailed casts of any show in history. While less prominent, these characters are nonetheless an essential part of what makes the series so amusing, and we here at Weird Worm thought it was time to salute these unsung heroes of cartoon comedy.
Groundskeeper Willie:
When North Americans think of Scottish people, Groundskeeper Willie is probably the first thing that comes to mind. He could even be argued to be one of the most well-known Scots in the world. We're not sure what this says about modern culture, but what it says about the character is clear: he's grrreat, laddy!
Willie may be a bit ornery and a bit too fond of his scotch, but his life revolves around mopping up puke and being the victim of Bart Simpson's pranks, so perhaps we can cut him some slack. In his shoes, we'd also probably spend most of our time cursing, drinking, and trying to get elected mayor so as to "kill the whole lot of ye, and burn your town to cinders!" Okay, maybe not so much that last one.
Come to think of it, violence comes pretty readily to Willie. He's said to have spent much of his life wrestling wolves, and there's also mention of him being the spitting image of the Aberdeen Strangler. So maybe he's not the most likable character, but he's still funny.
"I'm doing all the pullin', ye blouse-wearing poodle-walker!"
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon:
Matt Groening, the show's creator, has gone on record as saying that Apu is his favorite character, and when you think about it, it's easy to see why. His status as a "semi-legal" immigrant aside, Apu is the embodiment of what makes America great. He came to the country as a poor student and has built himself up into a successful Kwik-E-Mart proprietor and important part of the community, pulling himself up by his own beef jerky.
Oh, sure, he may charge much, much more than is justifiable for food that is contaminated with salmonella as often as not, but he does have a wife and eight children to support, so you can forgive him for cutting the occasional corner. He's also a master of customer service, ever ready with a polite smile and a hearty "Thank you; come again!"
Apu takes all the disappointments, failures, and gun-toting robbers life throws at him and keeps on smiling. It's this jolly attitude that makes us all love him.
Do not mess with his Kwik-E-Mart.
Mr. Burns:
The quintessential mean boss, C. Montgomery Burns is the man we all love to hate. When he's not poisoning the planet with his nuclear plant or making life hell for Homer Simpson and his many other hapless employees, he likes to unwind with hobbies such as hunting endangered animals, harvesting organs from children, and releasing his vicious attack dogs on anyone and everyone.
As a boy, Mr. Burns was no less wicked. One of his favorite childhood pastimes was crippling migrant workers, and he is known to have assassinated many of his siblings, and perhaps his parents, as well — though the fact that his mother appears on the show makes this claim a bit unlikely.
Mr. Burns may be despicable, but that just makes it all the more sweet when his evil plans are thwarted. In this era where corporate greed is ruining the economy and the environment alike, Burns is more poignant than ever, so it's likely we'll continue to take perverse pleasure from his evil for many years to come.
He really likes the vest.
Ned Flanders:
While he may seem normal on the outside, Flanders is perhaps one of the most bizarre of Springfield's residents. A lot of this stems from a strange psychological treatment, the University of Minnesota Spankalogical Protocol, he was subjected to as a child, which prevented him from expressing any kind of anger. Instead, he can only express himself through a string of nonsensical jabbering. "Hi-diddly-ho, neighborino!"
After his wife's death, he went to absurd lengths to preserve her memory, even struggling to maintain her imprint in his bed. He is also freakishly overprotective of his two sons, Rod and Todd, and won't even let them use dice in board games, claiming they are "wicked."
Such eccentricities may be why his neighbor, Homer, hates him so much, but it could also be that Homer is simply jealous of Ned's successes.
But Flanders isn't all disturbing quirks and frightening neuroses. He's also a paragon of giving, clean living, and Christian values. In fact, there is a sect of Christianity in the United Kingdom that respects him so much they attempt to emulate him — moustache and all. This is discussed in another Weird Worm article.
Apparently, all that praying will get you ripped.
Disco Stu:
Disco Stu is one of the most utterly nonsensical Simpsons cast members, but that's his charm. He's an anachronism, somehow managing to survive in the modern era whilst having his entire universe revolve around disco music, which has been functionally dead for decades.
Stu also has an abnormal speech pattern that would put Ned Flanders to shame. Aside from usually involving disco in some capacity, his statements revolve around third person references to himself, odd rhymes, and William Shatner-like pauses. "Disco Stu likes… disco… music."
Stu is no less colorful in the series' Halloween specials and other fantasy episodes, appearing as characters such as Discus Stu, Disco Shrew, and Big Band Stu.
Just remember, "Disco Stu… doesn't advertise."
Professor John Frink:
With the possible exception of Lisa Simpson, John Frink is almost certainly the smartest person in Springfield. He is the inventor of many brilliant inventions – such as the flying motorcycle, hamburger earmuffs, and the eight month after pill – and has a hobby of taking airport gift shop toys and turning them into everything from self-tapping dance shoes to deadly weapons.
But no one stays in Springfield without being a little imbalanced, and Frink is no exception. In his case, it's his eccentricities that hold him back, such as a bizarre fixation with flubber that seems to dominate much of his life. Also, sadly, there is little market for weaponized weasel balls.
But perhaps the most memorable thing about Frink is his goofy, Jerry Lewis-like gibberish, "with the wrathfulness, and the blood rain, and the hey, hey, hey it hurts me!"
Written by Tyler Edwards – Copyrighted © www.weirdworm.com
– Groundskeeper Willie:: http://tnation.t-nation.com/forum_images/3/4/34c28-groundskeeper_willie.gif
– Apu Nahasapeemapetilon:: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110502173950/simpsons/images/thumb/7/70/Kwik-e-mart-741330-1-.jpg/612px-Kwik-e-mart-741330-1-.jpg
– Mr. Burns:: http://images.wikia.com/simpsons/images/8/80/MrBurnsVest.gif
– Ned Flanders:: http://images.wikia.com/simpsons/images/a/a3/Ned-Datingvideo.jpg
– Disco Stu:: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2673/4099652396_1b2387aa32.jpg
– Professor John Frink:: http://www.mclol.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Professor-Frink1.jpg
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1,402 | Love Island winners Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham have split up after six months.
The pair, who fell for each other on the matchmaking reality TV show and became the nation's sweethearts in a public vote.
She wrote: "Jack & I have sadly decided to part ways. It's been an incredible 6 months, and we will always have a place in our hearts for each other, but sadly we've come to the realisation that it's not meant to be long term.
They were also scheduled to host the 2019 National Television Awards – a booking that might now be in doubt.
They had posted touching photographs of themselves together on social media just five days ago, with Dani last week captioning a selfie of with heart emoji and the words "feeling christmassy".
The pair had also been busy with their own projects – and there had been speculation that their hectic lifestyles had been taking a toll on their relationship. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,403 | Impression can alter the trajectory of a relationship for a very long time. Whether it's a better half, a service partner, a good friend– that first interaction is important.
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Leadpages is a company that promises to "record qualified leads," transforming visitors to customers by creating handsome landing pages with Leadpages Content Upgrades and e-mail projects.
Their main point is getting people to register for your e-mail list by handing out something totally free, like a PDF guide or a registration to a free webinar. With Leadpages, you can likewise build squeeze pages, sales pages, and thank-you pages.
The magnet is usually an ebook, a discount coupon, a PDF guide, or a free workshop. Some might call it a kickback, but it's more about that idea of a making a good impression. Provide value totally free and that's a positive start to a hopefully long relationship.
You might also think about it like a trade: you give a visitor your ebook, and they provide you their email address and agree to get e-mails from you (and they can unsubscribe at any time).
The point of a sales page is to answer the most typical questions that buyers ask, rid doubt from their minds, and ultimately get them to buy your items.
So instead of (or in addition to) having a page that addresses all your product or services (a sales page) you can have one page that particularly promotes one service or product (a capture page).
Leadpages can also produce a popup box for your site that prompts individuals to subscribe by e-mail. There are plenty of services that offer this feature, but the draw is having everything in one place together with all these other features.
ClickFunnels' page contractor is light years ahead of Leadpages, making it much easier to utilize Leadpages Content Upgrades. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,404 | Jaguar Blanc Dinnerware – Signature Gifts Inc.
The Jaguar of the South American Rain forest blends into his background as he moves through the jungle. This beautifully produced ceramic with raised images is enchanting. An elegant choice for your holiday table setting.Wild on white for the discriminating purist with a wild side. The Jaguar of the South American Rainforest blends into his background as he moves through the jungle. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,405 | Baton Rouge has changed in the past few years. It has become vibrant in small corners and neighborhoods. These pockets of vibrancy will soon radiate and grow rhizomatically, like runners of grass, until we have a healthy and sustainable garden of urban life here. Maybe I'm just leaving the house more. Bloom where you're planted, they say; so my list is blooming.
* The list cannot include restaurants, because otherwise it would be page after page of eateries. There are two exceptions, with explanations under each entry.
* The list cannot include people. There are too many good people here to include. Town is filled with wonderful folk, though.
The entrepreneurial community, which is heavily "startup" focused, is young, tech oriented, and more urban and open minded than Baton Rouge old guard. Consequently, it's responsible for bringing some life to the city. Ok, so the entire startup thing is fundamentally counter to everything I believe. Yet, it's phenomenal for teaching things about communication, particularly regarding public speaking, group communication, and how people work in the "real world." It has also introduced me to some great people in town. So the project offers fun and excitement on a different and surprising level. There are many groups and organizations that participate in this community, but SeNSE is the primary group since it is responsible for Pitch Night.
The Family Dinner Improv troupe is a secret and it shouldn't be. They perform free shows at Laser Tag on Sherwood every Friday night at 9:00 PM. Since it's improv, the show is uneven, but even on slow nights, they're very funny. They have a small but loyal following. Several of the performers also do standup around town. Free comedy, free good comedy. I keep looking for the catch, but there isn't one. They don't try to sell you a time-share condo or anything.
15. Baton Rouge Progressive Network and Baton Rouge Community Radio WHYR 96.9 FM.
The little community radio station that could. BRPN has been around for a while, and the radio station has been licensed for a while, but due to some political Machiavellianism by a local church who stole the airwave, the station couldn't broadcast. Although community radio is valuable to building community in general, the stalwart efforts of BRPN in creating a progressive community in Baton Rouge is impressive. It's a difficult task, exhausting just to think about, and yet they have persisted enough to create a small oasis in this political desert.
The BR Walls Project creates public art in Baton Rouge by painting murals on the side of buildings. Murals are a common sight in urban settings, and the Walls Project brings color and life to our lifeless cityscape. Equally important, the entire process of making Walls itself – fundraising, painting, and the reveal – entails community involvement. The whole thing is a giant celebration. It's one grand block party that proves the value of art through enactment. It's quite clever and inspired.
Women's Roller Derby is on the rise nationally, and Baton Rouge has its own team. Roller Derby is wondrous; it's brash, frilly, ballsy, rough and tumble, girl fun. There are boys' teams too, but this is really all about the girls. Drew Barrymore's 2009 movie, Whip It, has contributed to popularizing the sport. RSRD does flat track skating, not banked track like in the film. Also, in the sport, violence is not acceptable; instead, sportsmanship is valued. Still, there's a good bit of rough-housing going on. It can be hard to follow because there's so much to keep track of, it's too fast, and there are too many arms and elbows in the way. The local team has just earned an apprenticeship with the Women's Flat Track Derby Association.
Gourmet food trucks are a trend in urban areas, and some folks have decided to bring the trend here. Two faves are Ninja Snowballs and Taco de Paco (owned by the same folks). Now, a snowball is something uniquely Louisiana. People ask what a snowball is, thinking, "Oh, you mean an icie, like an Italian ice?" No. "Oh, you mean like a snow cone?" No. Snowballs are made of shaved ice, with the ice so thin that it resembles snow. It's not crunchy like snow cones are. Italian Ices are heavier than snowballs. There's no comparison. Snowballs, like snow cones, come in a variety of flavors, many of which are bizarre and fun: Wedding cake, king cake, orchid, tiger's blood. Even more fun, you can add condensed milk to your snowball to make it insulin-shock-level sweet. The marketing for Ninja Snowballs is really catchy and cute. The only way you know how to find the truck is if you fan/like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter(ninjasnowballs), thus capturing the Ninja spirit.
Once part of the YWCA, a task force of Dialogue alum, including people who had been with the program since before its YW days, gathered to ensure it stayed strong after its director retired. The task force/community group morphed into an association and the number of Dialogues has multiplied and branched out to included Advanced Dialogues, Featured Topic Dialogues, practice dialogues, happy hours, and ongoing facilitator trainings and breakfasts. It's Dialogue all the time.
The Dialogues make a difference in the community. People change their thinking as a result of participating and then leave the Dialogues to spread the message of anti-racism through their circles of influence. This can only be good. The work of anti-racism must being with where the community is emotionally, spiritually, and politically. Baton Rouge, located in the deep south, is in a unique and difficult place. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,406 | When you sign up for a race, we have set the ideal median refresh for the maximum time of the race. If you are strong and you run faster, refer to the average Autonomy match chart found to adapt the refresh to your race goal.
Feel free to test your phone's autonomy to confirm the possibilities.
Check out this page for a self test. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,407 | Thur. 2nd. Lochfyne No. 754 7.30 p.m.
Mon. 6th. Lochindaal No. 1592 8.00 p.m.
Wed. 8th. Tobermory St. Mary's No. 1310 8.00 p.m.
Fri. 10th. Inveraray St. John No. 50 7.30 p.m.
Tir-an-Eorna No. 1775 7.30 p.m. P.G.L. Visit
Wed. 15th. St. Modan No. 985 7.45 p.m.
Thur. 23rd. Oban Commercial No. 180 7.30 p.m.
Tues. 28th. Dunoon Argyll No. 335 7.30 p.m.
© The Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll and The Isles 2013 - 2019 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,408 | Rugged Server-In-a-Box (SIB) | EMAC Inc.
The EMAC Server-In-a-Box/104 (SIB/104) and Deluxe SIB/104 are powerful servers with a small footprint and low cost.
The EMAC Rugged Server-In-a-Box (SIB), is an Industrial, small footprint, yet powerful Server. The Rugged SIB utilizes the Intel Atom, 1.6GHz fanless processor allowing it to run Linux and XPE Operating Systems. Like all SIBs, the standard Rugged SIB has no moving parts and features a rugged enclosure design making it an ideal choice for most industrial applications where vibration might be an issue.
The EMAC Rugged Server-In-a-Box (SIB), is an Industrial, small footprint, yet powerful Server. The Rugged SIB utilizes the Intel Atom, 1.6GHz fanless processor allowing it to run Linux and XPE Operating Systems. Like all SIBs, the standard Rugged SIB has no moving parts and features a rugged enclosure design making it an ideal choice for most industrial applications where vibration might be an issue. The Rugged SIB is just as comfortable in a basement wiring closet as it is on a desktop.
Purchase a EMAC SIB and you should be up, running and building applications the first day.
Click Here for more information on EMAC's Linux for SIBs.
Click Here for more information on EMAC's XPE for SIBs.
Vibration: With CompactFlash disk: 5 Grms, IEC 60068-2-64, random, 5 ~ 500 Hz, 1 Oct./min, 1 hr/axis. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,409 | Original Art - Plant City1 x $800.00
View cart "Original Art – Plant City" has been added to your cart.
Original Art – Glazer Children's Museum
Glazer Children's Museum Climb All Over 13" x10"
Original Art – Hyde Park Village
Hyde Park Village Sunday Market 14 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Original Art – Lowry Park Zoo
Lowry Park Zoo Watching Me 14 3/4" x 11 1/2"
Original Art – MacDill
MacDill T-Birds 14 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Original Art – MOSI
MOSI Call Me Rex 14 3/4" x 11 1/2"
Original Art – Plant City
Plant City Strawberry Queen 14 3/4" x 11 1/2"
Original Art – Port Tampa
Port Tampa Tugging 14 1/2" x 10"
Original Art – Riverwalk
Riverwalk Take Me to the River 13" x10"
Original Art – Tampa Airport
Tampa Airport Movers & Shakers 14 1/2" x 10 3/4"
Original Art – Tampa Theatre
Tampa Theatre At the Picture Show 13" x10"
Original Art – Waterworks
Waterworks Jumpin' Jack Splash 14 3/4" x 11 1/2"
Original Art – Ybor City
Ybor City 7th Avenue 13" x10"
© Copyright 2015 - | Goodnight Tampa | All Rights Reserved | Powered by MC2Tampas (813) 624-3840 Email Us | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,410 | Career growth across cultures
Inside Baker Tilly
Diversity, inclusion and belonging
Life at Baker Tilly
Baker Tilly Foundation
Senior Consultant Chinar Verma finds her strengths while facing the challenges of adapting to a new culture.
Senior Consultant Chinar Verma is used to big changes. Born in India, she moved to Tanzania with her family at the age of eight.
"The move to Tanzania was dramatic, but in many ways Tanzanian and Indian culture are similar. There is a great emphasis on respect and deference to your elders, and, especially for girls and women, the expectation to be agreeable," she said.
At 18, Chinar came to the United States for the first time to attend college. She envisioned a future in the medical field and studied biochemistry as an undergraduate. Her graduate degree, from New York University (NYU), was in healthcare management. When she joined a consulting club as a student, she began to discover that many of her strengths were suited to the field.
"My culture emphasizes listening, putting others at the center, being nonjudgmental and adapting to the needs of others," she said.
Chinar pursued a consulting career and joined Baker Tilly's life sciences consulting practice in Manhattan in 2019.
The world of work
Adapting to the work world was a challenge. "As a consultant, there were things others took for granted that were awkward for me, including the simple practice of calling people by their first names," she explained. "That would not be done in my culture, particularly when addressing someone older."
She also found the expectation of pointing out her own successes to be painful. "In my culture, humility is particularly important. You would never say something good about yourself; you would wait for it to be pointed out."
Chinar's coach, John Finan, supported her. "A lot of consulting is trying new approaches, even if you're not sure if they will succeed," Chinar said. "John told me to go ahead and take risks, he'll back me up even if I fail."
Learning and growing
A few months into the job, Chinar reached a turning point. She was conducting a series of client interviews to draft a white paper. The interviews were recorded, and she had a chance to listen to herself.
"I heard myself laughing or talking to fill in silent spaces and apologizing for things that were not my fault," she remembered. "I realized I needed to have the courage of my convictions for clients to trust me."
Her subsequent interviews were much different. "I found myself keeping traits that make me effective — the ability to welcome people warmly and make them feel comfortable — while speaking with more confidence and clarity. There's a lot of middle ground between complete deference and brashness."
Now, Chinar is taking on a completely new role, as she temporarily co-leads the support center for our firm's Navajo Nation engagement. "It's been an amazing opportunity and learning experience," she said.
"I've brought my whole self to the role, including everything I've learned at Baker Tilly. The learning just continues." | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | validation |
1,413 | Download Your Favorite Character | Champaklal Stuck On Plywood | Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.
We bring to you special clips of your favorite characters. So, sit back and enjoy some special moments from your favorite shows on SAB. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |
1,414 | Reserve-team manager Paul Murray believes last night's 4-0 home defeat by Manchester City in the Manchester Senior Cup was a great learning curve.
Latics had no answer to Jack Rodwell who scored a hat trick while the City side also included the likes of Micah Richards and Dedryk Boyata.
"We were playing a multi-million pound team and against idols, players with a lot of Premier League games to their names so it was a good lesson," said Murray.
Murray thought Latics contained City well in the opening period when they only trailed 1-0.
He said: "We had a few half chances and were dangerous on set pieces.
"In the second half we were never going to keep up the work rate of the first period.
"We also had to go for it and they had the quality to pick us off."
Murray added he could no fault the effort of his players saying Tomos Jones caught his eye while Joe Cooper and Danny Gosset also did well. | RedPajamaC4 | validation |