Unnamed: 0
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8231\n\n### Instruction:\nItem 967337 (Premix Veghel, factory 014) is linked in DHC to bag item code (B25).\r\n\r\nPlease relink to bulk item code.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'But this is linked correctrly. Please", "Comment 4: verify!image-2023-01-03-07-53-44-091.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'Ok. Looks like someone did it in the meantime.Thank you.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8230\n\n### Instruction:\nDzień dobry, \r\n\r\nproszę o informację dotyczącą poniższego zagadnienia:\r\n\r\n"Czy\xa0Optima posiada funkcję, dzięki której będziemy mogły sprawdzić przedawnienia urlopów wypoczynkowych?\r\n\r\nPozdrawiam\r\nPaulina Świątczak"\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'In system there is a standard printout where you can check how many leave days left on particular day. PLease tell us if it is sufficient solution for you?!image-2023-01-02-16-31-26-700.png!!image-2023-01-02-16-33-31-538.png!\'", "Comment 2: \'Dzień dobry", \'Comment 3: poniżej informacja od Pauliny: "Dziękuję za informację o zestawieniu\', \'Comment 4: ale to jeszcze nie jest to.Mamy pracownika\', \'Comment 5: któremu przedawnił się urlop\', \'Comment 6: poniżej screen.Chodziło mi bardziej o to\', \'Comment 7: by system pilnował tego okresu\', \'Comment 8: w momencie przedawnienia urlopu wypoczynkowego stworzył np. wiersz zaznaczony innym kolorem pod danym limitem urlopowym. By to było widoczne w limitach."!obraz!\\\'\', "Comment 9: \'Czy miałoby to działać w poniższy sposób:Zgodnie z art. 161 Kodeksu pracy pracodawca jest obowiązany udzielić pracownikowi urlopu w tym roku kalendarzowym", \'Comment 10: w którym pracownik uzyskał do niego prawo. Urlop niewykorzystany do końca roku staje się urlopem zaległym\', "Comment 11: którego należy udzielić pracownikowi najpóźniej do 30 września następnego roku kalendarzowego (art. 168 Kodeksu pracy).Czy w jakiś inny? Jaki?\'", "Comment 12: \'Czy miałoby to działać w poniższy sposób:Zgodnie z art. 161 Kodeksu pracy pracodawca jest obowiązany udzielić pracownikowi urlopu w tym roku kalendarzowym", \'Comment 13: w którym pracownik uzyskał do niego prawo. Urlop niewykorzystany do końca roku staje się urlopem zaległym\', "Comment 14: którego należy udzielić pracownikowi najpóźniej do 30 września następnego roku kalendarzowego (art. 168 Kodeksu pracy).Czy w jakiś inny? Jaki?\'", "Comment 15: \'czy zgłoszenie będzie kontynuowane?\'", "Comment 16: \'Informacja od zglaszajacegoTaki komunikat może pokazywać się w momencie wejścia w limity u danego pracownika.System powinien wyświetlić informację „Przekroczono limit!” a pod spodem komunikat z poniższej wiadomości.Tak to widzę. \'", "Comment 17: \'Tak ale po jakich parametrach system ma traktować urlop jako przekroczony?Czy miałoby to działać w poniższy sposób:Zgodnie z art. 161 Kodeksu pracy pracodawca jest obowiązany udzielić pracownikowi urlopu w tym roku kalendarzowym", \'Comment 18: w którym pracownik uzyskał do niego prawo. Urlop niewykorzystany do końca roku staje się urlopem zaległym\', "Comment 19: którego należy udzielić pracownikowi najpóźniej do 30 września następnego roku kalendarzowego (art. 168 Kodeksu pracy).Czy w jakiś inny? Jaki?\'", "Comment 20: \'Any news ?? Paulina Swiatczak send to You mail with information\'", "Comment 21: \'Yes I already send her additional questions. \'", "Comment 22: \'From: Świątczak Paulina <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday", \'Comment 23: February 23\', \'Comment 24: 2023 10:19 AMTo: Monika Biśta <[email protected]>Subject: RE: Przedawnienie urlopuPani Moniko,Możemy to zrobić na oknie informacji bieżących. Pozdrawiam,Paulina Świątczakspecjalista ds. administracji płac \\\\t+48 532 519 [email protected] www.deheus.pl W tytułach wiadomości stosuję regułę ARDI: A – proszę o akcję\', \'Comment 25: działanie; R – proszę o recenzję\', \'Comment 26: reakcję; D – proszę o decyzję; I – informuję \\\\tDe Heus Sp. z o. o. ul. Lotnicza 21B 99–100 Łęczyca tel.: 24 721 04 00 fax: 24 721 04 04REGON: 011917655 NIP: 526-13-06-893 wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 22 141 000.00 zł nr KRS: 0000060991 Sąd Rejonowy dla Łodzi-Śródmieścia w Łodzi XX Wydział KRSTreść tej informacji może być poufna\', \'Comment 27: w związku z czym powinna trafić bezpośrednio do rąk adresata. Jakiekolwiek jej ujawnianie\', \'Comment 28: rozpowszechnianie\', "Comment 29: bądź kopiowanie jest zabronione.\'", "Comment 30: \'From: Monika Biśta Sent: Tuesday", \'Comment 31: February 28\', \'Comment 32: 2023 2:56 PMTo: Świątczak Paulina <[email protected]>Subject: RE: Przedawnienie urlopuDzień dobry\', \'Comment 33: Niestety nie udało się skorzystać z Informacji Bieżących. Dodałam to w formie raportu z poziomu listy pracowników. Dałam sortowanie od tych którym pozostaje najwięcej z zeszłego roku. Proszę o informację czy jest ok czy coś do zmiany. Pozdrawiam / Best regards,Monika Biśta mobile: +48 538 212 162tel.: +48 32 35 12 721e-mail: [email protected] Kotrak S.A.Parczewskiego 2540-582 KatowicePoland tel./phone: (+48 32) 35 12 700www.kotrak.comCertified ISO 9001:2015Sąd Rejonowy / District Court Katowice-Wschód w Katowicach Wydział VIII Gospodarczy KRS\', \'Comment 34: nr KRS: 0000704357NIP: 954-24-96-628 Regon: 277683949Kapitał zakładowy / Share capital: 1.052.700,00 zł\', \'Comment 35: opłacony w całości / paid in fullLokalizacje / Locations: Kraków\', \'Comment 36: Łódź\', \'Comment 37: Warszawa\', \'Comment 38: Opole\', \'Comment 39: Bielsko-Biała\', \'Comment 40: Gdańsk\', "Comment 41: London\'", "Comment 42: \'ThanksTask to close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8229\n\n### Instruction:\nItem 967337 (Premix Veghel, factory 014) is linked in DHC to bag item code (B25).\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Please relink to bulk item code\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-1!\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 5: "poprzedni baseitemid=\\\'6A0F95CF-0CD6-450C-81D5-B2C98AF65A8A\\\'"\', "Comment 6: \'Please verify linking was fix.But now you need to send agaian recipes the old one will not work properly!image-2023-01-02-16-56-04-218.png!\'", "Comment 7: \'Seem to be oke!image-2!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8228\n\n### Instruction:\nWM-84/01/23/VP is not processed in DHC and so it is not processed in the ERP. How can I check the reason for it being not processed and how to fix it? This will prevent lot reports from failing, but I can;t see anything in the logging so it\'s unclear how to fix\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'2023-01-02 19:44:53,992 [15] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.Documents.WarehouseMovements.CdnXL2016WarehouseMovementReleaseRepository [(null)] - Error occurred - document was not deletedError of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.XLApiException has been thrown (XLZamknijDokument:3).API Name - XLZamknijDokumentAPI Result - 3ERRORS:|Cannot find document header. (ZamknijDokument-3) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2016ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.CloseDocument(XLExternalOrderTransaction document", \'Comment 4: DocumentStatus status) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\ExternalOrderTransactions\\\\\\\\CdnXL2016ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.cs:line 527 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.Documents.WarehouseMovements.CdnXL2016WarehouseMovementReleaseRepository.CloseDocument(XLWarehouseMovementRelease header\', \'Comment 5: DocumentStatus status) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\WarehouseMovements\\\\\\\\CdnXL2016WarehouseMovementReleaseRepository.cs:line 131 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.Documents.WarehouseMovements.CdnXL2016WarehouseMovementReleaseRepository.CreateDocumentWithElements(XLWarehouseMovementRelease warehouseMovementRelease\', "Comment 6: Boolean confirmDoc) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\WarehouseMovements\\\\\\\\CdnXL2016WarehouseMovementReleaseRepository.cs:line 512023-01-02 19:44:53,992 [15] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback staeted2023-01-02 19:44:53,992 [15] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback finished2023-01-02 19:44:53,992 [15] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL rollback error - possibly no transactionError of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2016.XLApiException has been thrown (XLTransakcja - Rollback:-1).API Name - XLTransakcja - RollbackAPI Result - -1\'", "Comment 7: \'Po odlokowaniu dokumentu komunikat o braku stanu\'", \'Comment 8: "select * from cdn.tranag where TrN_gidnumer=2868328select cdn.nazwaobiektu (trn_gidtyp,trn_gidnumer,1,2) from cdn.tranag where trn_gidnumer=2868328select FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[WarehouseMovementElements] where WarehouseMovementId=\\\'A5AFDAE6-3115-4D39-9BD9-5E4647232157\\\'"\', "Comment 9: \'deliveryid=312DCA91-5148-45FB-A3AD-78A9FD851D41\'", "Comment 10: \'At fisrt there some ir+ document that was blocked/ invalid in ERPXLAfter fixing that there was error about missing quantity for item 21079", "Comment 11: it was because this wm was linked to some old delievery that was already released.!image-2023-01-03-17-54-56-136.png!I removed that linkin and then generated the documents.!image-2023-01-03-17-55-27-661.png!\'", \'Comment 12: "Thanks\', \'Comment 13: but as you can see there are more WM\\\'s not generated: So what I\\\'m looking for is some kind of work instruction so that we can correct those that fail. Is that available?"\', \'Comment 14: "update [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[WarehouseMovementElements] set deliveryid=nullwhere WarehouseMovementId in (\\\'5A11C86C-B36E-4D22-9558-B92CEB64331D\\\'\', \'Comment 15: \\\'99100D53-C8A8-4951-8546-0E43A2D0A819\\\')"\', "Comment 16: \'Hello,In this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process.You mentioned only 1 number.I found other 2 WM from this year and both were related for that same delivery. : 80/01 and 81/02I remove information about delivery idAbout where and how to check the error:use generate after choosing the WMthen if no documents were created check the ERPintegrator log file!image-2023-01-09-08-34-26-698.png!If in log for the moment when you choose generate you have informration about missing quantity verify in erp xl if quantity for that Item in the same warehouse.If there is not enough recources so you need to create and fixed that from ERPXL ( erp xl users know how to do that)If there is enough recources like in case of item21079the problem is that delivery was executed by other document like in ERPXL there is this document IR - 148/11/2022( this document was not generated by erp int)About missing information visable from DHC application to add that please create a GDC task.\'", "Comment 17: \'Please close this ticket", "Comment 18: thanks for your help\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8227\n\n### Instruction:\nWszystkie silosy poniżej 10 tyś. Oznaczone kolorem zielonym do zmiany (zakładka pozostałe gatunki-k.aktywni + Drób-k.aktywni).\r\n\r\nProśba o przekazanie do Moniki Biśty.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^SILOSY GP 09.09.2022.xlsx] _(606 kB)_\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes . This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'My bad", "Comment 4: we can set it even as P3.\'", "Comment 5: \'Data has been corrected. PLease verify and give us feedback\'", "Comment 6: \'Thanks", "Comment 7: task to close.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8226\n\n### Instruction:\nthe material was at stock in Moerdijk and is / has been loaded for Ukraine the last months, even today.\r\n\r\nPlease create full sor’s so invoicing can take place.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-1!\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2023-01-02-15-24-52-682.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'Twr_GIDNumer=2208\'", "Comment 6: \'!virtu.PNG|thumbnail! !source_warehouse.PNG|thumbnail!\'", \'Comment 7: "According to message there is not enough stock for item XS00102.Stock are for warehouse Virtu but the order ( so -110/08/2022) has as source order set warehouse \\\'ex\\\'In this situoation please create warehouse movements from Virtu to EX\', \'Comment 8: for that item then check if the stock is in correct magazine and try again to genarate the SOR.!image-2023-01-02-16-32-34-615.png!!virtu.PNG!"\', "Comment 9: \'May we close the task?\'", "Comment 10: \'Not yet\'", "Comment 11: \'How can we help", "Comment 12: is any information unclear?\'", "Comment 13: \'tu nie zrobili nic na towarze", \'Comment 14: zadnego przesuniecia\', "Comment 15: nic,\'", "Comment 16: \'It was on stock. Even in the allocation list and is used in SO and should be booked out off stock.Can you do this?The warehouse can not be changed. Should be done by intake?\'", \'Comment 17: "[^wmrmanual.pdf]About It was on stock.But today and when you tried to create a sor it is not on right warehouse,That\\\'s whyyou got a mesage with information about missing stock and I send you the screenshoot and explanation.I also verify it again 20.01.2023\', \'Comment 18: if anyone did something with stock for that item on that WAREHOUSE.Today I checked again this stock lagain ,Go to accounting and look for items list and open details for that item!image-2023-01-30-15-14-06-174.png!As you can see there no stock for WAREHOUSE named EX.So please create the WMR documents\', \'Comment 19: I can see that documents like that where created before by ERPXL users.Like this one:!image-2023-01-30-15-38-29-435.png!I also add manual in english how to add WMR+ and WMR- documents\', \'Comment 20: !image-2023-01-30-15-38-29-435!"\', "Comment 21: \'I am wauiting off responce off the requester\'", "Comment 22: \'May we close the task?\'", "Comment 23: \'close the ticket\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8225\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon,\r\n\r\nPlease, would you so kind to create an openingsbalance for item: 303895-Z20 with a quantity of 3000 kg for plant Andel (pallets)\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Dear Gerard,Please", "Comment 3: verify.Regards!image-2023-01-02-13-59-11-288.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'Dear Aleksandra,Thanks", "Comment 5: please close this ticket.Kind regards,Gerard\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8224\n\n### Instruction:\nClosed accounting period - needs to be opened again. \r\nThe accounting period was closed by mistake. \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Zgłoszone telefonicznie\'", "Comment 2: \'The issue has been done and closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8223\n\n### Instruction:\nVT-1903/12/22 is not arriving in DHC: After resending I see it in the logs but it seems not to be processed and so it is not send back to Milas, can you check?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'I can see that VT and DHCPlease check?!image-2023-01-02-13-43-57-545.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'what was wrong then? or did I miss it somehow?\'", "Comment 4: \'Hard to say", "Comment 5: from what I can see it has Create Date :2022-12-30 11:06:49.477Is the notification closed at this point?\'", "Comment 6: \'Please close this ticket\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8222\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease can you cancel WD-3296/12/22 from this warehouse order? It blocks closing the warehouse order. This is a known DHP issue that occurs when a user selects a pallet and after that clicks on dismiss instead of save.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi Thomas,Please", "Comment 4: try now.Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'Thanks! you can close the ticket\'", "Comment 6: \'Thank you\'", "Comment 7: \'Hello", "Comment 8: this incident is related to this request GDC-588.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DAP-13109\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8221\n\n### Instruction:\nDOC-ID 81567\xa0(SI000044457) is duplicated on Financial Statement\r\n\r\nRound ID 30498\r\n\r\nFinancial Statement ID 81559\r\n\r\n\xa0\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-2023-01-02-11-25-19-060!\'", "Comment 2: \'Do sprawdzenia selecty na FS i na Rundzie.Wygląda na to", \'Comment 3: że na Rundzie jest ok\', "Comment 4: a na FS jest zduplikowane i jest niepoprawnie.\'", \'Comment 5: "I looked into Relation Table and I don\\\'t see that type of relation\', "Comment 6: so I have a question about how we should handle it.[https://app.box.com/file/1002580990454?s=kf5ux29gz5g5k2ykm5a6fz47a75n7741]In relation table we have Sales Invoices with Regular type for Round Category = Expeneses which are generated from Purchase Invoice - column \'J\' in Excel file. Until now we didn\'t differs that SI Regular for Expenses was generated from other document or no", \'Comment 7: so that kind of SI (not generated from PI\', "Comment 8: not like scenario in \'J\' column) were visible on the Round and Financial statement (however we have some inconsistency between Round and Financial statement).Should that kind of Sales Invoices be visible on Round", \'Comment 9: Financial Statement\', \'Comment 10: Saldo to Pay and treated also like Sales Invoices in column \\\'J\\\' in excel file?Maybe we should also update Relation Table file if that kind of Sales Invoices like ID 81567(SI000044457) should be collected?!image-2023-01-02-15-09-15-489.png!"\', "Comment 11: \'It is a similar situation as column Z", \'Comment 12: but instead of Feed it is in the category Expenses\', "Comment 13: You indeed may add this relation to the table.However it should indeed never appear twice on the FS whatever the underlyning relation is.\'", "Comment 14: \'Do dodania w tabeli relacji kolumna z obsługą faktury takiej jak w przykładzie", \'Comment 15: w selectach trzeba rozróżniać czy SI Regular Expenses jest generowany z innego dokumentu czy nie. Selecty powinny mieć wykluczające się warunki\', "Comment 16: aby 2 selecty nie zbierały tej samej faktury.\'", "Comment 17: \'[[email protected]],uzupełniłem selecty", "Comment 18: dla wartości SI Regular Expenses generowany z innego dokumentu.Dokładnie w miejscach na bazie prod oraz test:Financial Statement - zmienione;KR_Printout_FS_TotalExpenses - zmienione;KR_CalculateSaldo2Pay - zmienione;KR_FinancialStatementSaldo - zmienione.\'", \'Comment 19: "We\\\'ve modified conditions for displaying invoices on Expeneses section.I\\\'ve added also relation in Relation Table document - column \\\'P\\\' - SI Regular Expenses.[[email protected]]could you provide descritption for this scenario in relation table - [https://app.box.com/file/1002580990454?s=kf5ux29gz5g5k2ykm5a6fz47a75n7741]It has been changed on test and production environment.!image-2023-02-07-15-20-15-456.png!Please verify that everything is correct and confirm if we can close the task.Regards"\', "Comment 20: \'Done\'", "Comment 21: \'[[email protected]]could you confirm that we can close the task or you need to verify it?\'", "Comment 22: \'You can close it.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8220\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe are trying to confirm the Stocktaking Location STK-4/1/23 in Warehouse orders list, however the system shows an error message.\r\nCould you please help us?\r\nWe are under full inventory routine, waiting for it\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'", "Comment 3: \'Dla dokumentu STK-4/1/23 Communication Errors -> WMS", "Comment 4: dla modułu stock brak błędów!image-2023-01-02-11-44-10-672.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'!image-2023-01-02-11-58-08-602.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'Hi,Should barcode87-W000R6 be on stock?Regards\'", \'Comment 7: "I\\\'m not finding this UL in DHPSo you can remove it from stock"\', "Comment 8: \'!image-2023-01-02-12-12-48-693.png!\'", "Comment 9: \'Please", "Comment 10: try to confirm now and let me know.Regards\'", \'Comment 11: "Same error :\\\'("\', "Comment 12: \'!image-2023-01-02-13-28-20-524.png!\'", "Comment 13: \'Please", "Comment 14: try now\'", \'Comment 15: "{code:java}update [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StocktakingElements] set IsCancelled = 1 where id = \\\'6F53857F-49A7-4BBB-9009-70DEEE88A2F3\\\' and No = 71{code}{code:java}update dbo.StocktakingSubElements set IsCancelled = 1 where id = \\\'6F53857F-49A7-4BBB-9009-70DEEE88A2F3\\\' and StockUnitId = \\\'D8FAD292-28E9-4B65-A1DA-40D089F44768\\\'{code}"\', "Comment 16: \'Same error {:(}\'", "Comment 17: \'{code:java}2023-01-02 10:07:42 (35fe9e01-5719-4f64-a86b-b693c6405b4a/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/22420/255) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[SetStocktakingProcessableCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Stocktaking.Commands.SetStocktakingProcessableCommand) methodMicrosoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint \\\\\'PK_StocktakingElements\\\\\'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object \\\\\'dbo.StocktakingElements\\\\\'. The duplicate key value is (6f53857f-49a7-4bbb-9009-70deee88a2f3", "Comment 18: 1).Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint \\\\\'PK_StocktakingSubElements\\\\\'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object \\\\\'dbo.StocktakingSubElements\\\\\'. The duplicate key value is (6f53857f-49a7-4bbb-9009-70deee88a2f3", \'Comment 19: 1\', \'Comment 20: 1).The statement has been terminated.The statement has been terminated. at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception\', \'Comment 21: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 22: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 23: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 24: Boolean asyncClose) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 25: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 26: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 27: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 28: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 29: Boolean& dataReady) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 30: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 31: String resetOptionsString\', \'Comment 32: Boolean isInternal\', \'Comment 33: Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption\', \'Comment 34: Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 35: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 36: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 37: Boolean isAsync\', \'Comment 38: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 39: Task& task\', \'Comment 40: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 41: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 42: SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 43: Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 44: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 45: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 46: TaskCompletionSource`1 completion\', \'Comment 47: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 48: Task& task\', \'Comment 49: Boolean& usedCache\', \'Comment 50: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 51: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 52: String method) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion\', \'Comment 53: Boolean sendToPipe\', \'Comment 54: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 55: Boolean& usedCache\', \'Comment 56: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 57: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 58: String methodName) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(RelationalCommandParameterObject parameterObject) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.RelationalDatabaseFacadeExtensions.ExecuteSqlRaw(DatabaseFacade databaseFacade\', \'Comment 59: String sql\', \'Comment 60: IEnumerable`1 parameters) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.EF.Stocktaking.StocktakingRepositoryExtensions.CreateStocktakingElements(DbContext context\', \'Comment 61: Guid stocktakingId\', \'Comment 62: Nullable`1 correlationId\', \'Comment 63: Boolean splitInventoryElementPerInternalSerialNumber) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.EF\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\StocktakingRepositoryExtensions.cs:line 118 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.EF.Stocktaking.Repositories.StocktakingEfRepository.CreateStocktakingElements(Guid stocktakingId\', \'Comment 64: Nullable`1 correlationId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.EF\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\Repositories\\\\\\\\StocktakingEfRepository.cs:line 45 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Persistance.Stocktaking.Repositories.StocktakingRepository.CreateStocktakingElements(AggregateId stocktakingId\', \'Comment 65: Nullable`1 correlationId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Persistance\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\Repositories\\\\\\\\StocktakingRepository.cs:line 56 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.StocktakingService.SetStocktakingProcessable(AggregateId stocktakingId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\StocktakingService.cs:line 118 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.CommandHandlers.SetStocktakingProcessableCommandHandler.Handle(SetStocktakingProcessableCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\SetStocktakingProcessableCommandHandler.cs:line 26 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)ClientConnectionId:ab80d56e-caf7-486a-b541-2f07ae1ee1b2Error Number:2627,State:1,Class:142023-01-02 10:07:42 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/22420/4) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/Stocktaking/setStocktakingProcessable" responded 500 in 37.7491 ms{code}\\\'\', "Comment 66: \'Please", "Comment 67: check now :)\'", "Comment 68: \'Same error :(I tried to use the incognito window because of clean cache", "Comment 69: but the error is the same!image-1!\'", \'Comment 70: \\\'w WMS leci teraz taki błąd:{code:java}2023-01-02 10:34:23 (/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/22672/171) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/unitLoadsList" responded 500 in 187.0303 ms2023-01-02 10:34:25 (/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/22672/216) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/unitLoadsList" responded 500 in 76.1009 ms2023-01-02 10:34:26 (/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/22672/171) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/unitLoadsList" responded 500 in 71.7163 ms2023-01-02 10:35:20 (b4d6d089-1c96-49df-97be-1a309d8ad52e/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/22672/162) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[RegisterLocationStocktakingCommand](Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.WarehouseStocktaking.RegisterLocationStocktakingCommand) methodKotrak.Extensions.Validation.Abstractions.ValidationException: Validation failed: -- Warehouse stocktaking should be in processable status -- Warehouse stocktaking should be in progress ---> Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.WarehouseStocktaking.WarehouseStocktakingInvalidOperationException: Validation failed: -- WarehouseStocktakingShouldBeProcessableMessage -- WarehouseStocktakingShouldBeInProgressMessage at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Domain.WarehouseStocktaking.WarehouseStocktaking.StartRealization() in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking.cs:line 78 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Domain.WarehouseStocktaking.Services.StocktakingDomainService.RegisterLocationStocktaking(WarehouseOrder warehouseOrder\', \'Comment 71: WarehouseStocktaking warehouseStocktaking\', \'Comment 72: UnitLoad unitLoad\', \'Comment 73: Quantity quantity) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\StocktakingDomainService.cs:line 169 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Domain.WarehouseStocktaking.Services.StocktakingDomainService.RegisterLocationStocktakingWithMovement(RegisterLocationStocktakingWithMovementDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\StocktakingDomainService.cs:line 122 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.WarehouseStocktakingService.RegisterLocationStocktakingWithMovement(AggregateId locationId\', \'Comment 74: UnitLoad unitLoad\', \'Comment 75: Quantity quantity\', \'Comment 76: WarehouseStocktaking warehouseStocktaking\', \'Comment 77: WarehouseOrder warehouseOrder) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktakingService.cs:line 330 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.WarehouseStocktakingService.RegisterLocationStocktaking(AggregateId warehouseStocktakingId\', \'Comment 78: AggregateId locationId\', \'Comment 79: AggregateId unitLoadId\', "Comment 80: Quantity quantity) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktakingService.cs:line 114 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.Handlers.RegisterLocationStocktakingCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterLocationStocktakingCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\RegisterLocationStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 32 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation){code}\'", "Comment 81: \'!image-2023-01-02-15-01-53-402.png!\'", \'Comment 82: "I tried to cancel this STK \', \'Comment 83: remove the UL you informed and open a new STK-LOHowever\', "Comment 84: system doesn\'t allowWhat do you think about this? Cancel this STK", \'Comment 85: we remove this UL you informed an dopen new STK?"\', \'Comment 86: "Maicon\', \'Comment 87: we are investigating with dev this issue\', \'Comment 88: I\\\'ll let you know as soon as possible"\', "Comment 89: \'Do you have any error while cancelling STK?\'", \'Comment 90: "I tried to cancel\', \'Comment 91: the DHP showed *Contact system admin* message.Now I try to do it again and there\\\'s no option!image-2!"\', "Comment 92: \'Maicon,I have closed without realisation this STK. Please", "Comment 93: try to create a new one and let us knowRegards\'", \'Comment 94: "{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnits] where id = \\\'d8fad292-28e9-4b65-a1da-40d089f44768\\\' or UnitLoadId = \\\'6293ec84-ebf4-4673-8daa-d0c8bb9e70ab\\\' 6293ec84-ebf4-4673-8daa-d0c8bb9e70ab{code}{code:java}SELECT su.QuantityOnHandValue\', \'Comment 95: su.ReservedQuantityValue\', \'Comment 96: su.LogisticStatus,su.ReservationSourceDocumentNumbers,ul.Barcode,su.Id FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] ul inner join [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.StockUnits su on ul.id=su.UnitLoadId where ul.barcode in( \\\'87-W000R6\\\' ) SELECT QuantityOnhand,Quantity,* FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnits] where barcode in( \\\'87-W000R6\\\' ) select * from dbo.StockUnits sinner join dbo.StockUnitReservations sr on sr.Id = s.Idwhere s.Barcode = \\\'87-W000R6\\\'{code}{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Stocktakings] where id = \\\'0e7f9dfa-29ad-429a-b027-c2ef81ce909b\\\' or Document =\\\'STK-4/1/23\\\'{code}{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/ SELECT TOP (1000) [Id] ,[No] ,[ItemId] ,[SerialNumber] ,[ExpiryDate] ,[QuantityBefore] ,[QuantityBeforeUnit] ,[CorrelationId] ,[QuantityAfter] ,[QuantityAfterUnit] ,[IsCancelled] ,[InternalSerialNumber] FROM update [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StocktakingElements] set Iscancelled = 0 where id = \\\'6F53857F-49A7-4BBB-9009-70DEEE88A2F3\\\' and No = 71 or id = \\\'6f53857f-49a7-4bbb-9009-70deee88a2f3\\\' A4018A7F-5DDC-468E-90A5-DA5AD769A4D2{code}{code:java}--select * delete from dbo.StocktakingSubElements where id = \\\'6F53857F-49A7-4BBB-9009-70DEEE88A2F3\\\' and StockUnitId = \\\'D8FAD292-28E9-4B65-A1DA-40D089F44768\\\'{code}"\', "Comment 97: \'Hi AleksandraNew STK-11/1/23 was created and confirmed.Thank you very muchYou can close this task\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8246\', \'DAP-13153\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8219\n\n### Instruction:\nProszę o sprawdzenie co się stało z numeracją VT? Przeskoczyła na starą, część VT jest/była z zeszłego roku, ale otrzymaliśmy w piątek potwierdzenie od Was, że nie musimy ich zamykać, mogą zostać, numeracja i VT i WZ miała iść poprawnie. Przy poprawie pamiętajcie o tym, że samochody cały czas wjeżdżają i wyjeżdżają, zamkniętych VT już nie poprawiajcie\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \' !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 4: \'Grodzisk to samo!image-1!\'", "Comment 5: \'The question was only about the date when WZ to XL documents would be generated.If VTs are closed after the new year", "Comment 6: the numbering will be wrong.\'", "Comment 7: \'24 - Spytkowice:Change for VT 20543/1/2023 to VT 48/1/2023Change for VT 20502/12/2023 to VT 20502/12/2022.\'", "Comment 8: \'!image-2!\'", "Comment 9: \'tylko Spytkowice i Grodzisk do poprawy są\'", "Comment 10: \'GrodziskChange for VT 25180/12/2023 to VT 25180/12/2022\'", "Comment 11: \'list of changes", "Comment 12: can we change to p2 for changes in dhc and xl?[^DGS-8219.xlsx]\'", "Comment 13: \' [^DGS-8219.xlsx] \'", "Comment 14: \'task to be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8218\n\n### Instruction:\nWe got reported no trips are arriving in DHP Utrecht. For example trip id 00955305\r\n\r\nAdditionally, intakes are also not coming through.\r\n\r\nPlease check, thanks!\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: \\\'{code:java}2023-01-02 00:00:52 (/Plant.DHC.Integration/DHVD01AP183/3840/14) [Error] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query - An exception occurred while iterating over the results of a query for context type \\\\\\\'"Plant.Integration.DhcService.EF.IdentityMapping.IdentityMappingContext"\\\\\\\'."""Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider\', "Comment 3: error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (53): The network path was not found.{code} !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 4: \'There was a database connection error in the log:A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider", "Comment 5: error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL ServerAfter restarting the application pool DHPintergratonDHCdata passed to the plant.\'", "Comment 6: \'Thanks for solving. Any idea why this happened?\'", "Comment 7: \'looks like database connection problems - network problem.But it should be verified if they were any.\'", "Comment 8: \'Issue related with DGS-8236 - this task has been closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8236\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8217\n\n### Instruction:\nI tried to create an opening balance for Sneek, but it hangs on the status \'processing\' Can you check and make sure it is executed? \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'", \'Comment 2: "Sorry\', "Comment 3: never mind: It\'s executed now", \'Comment 4: took some time"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8216\n\n### Instruction:\nFinancial Statement ID 78050\r\n\r\nAfter clicking a button, the system displays an error below\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Odtworzone na IBIP_DH_TEST na tym samym dokumencie o ID = 78050", \'Comment 4: w procedurzeKR_calculatetechresults wyliczamy parametr@Hakdermatitus (pobierane są tu po przecinku wartości z podlinkowanych do tej rundy dokumentów SR). W tym przypadku jest ich 18 i wartość\', "Comment 5: która ma być zaktualizowana w poluDoc_ShortStringColumn1 (128 znaków) na FS jest większa i ma długość 134 znaki.\'", \'Comment 6: "Hi,Issue with this documents is related to calculating field \\\'Hakdermatitus\\\'.In\\\'Hakdermatitus\\\' is calculated field from connected Slaughtery Reports. So there are 18 Slaughery Reports for this Financial statement and system try to join values and insert in field\\\'Hakdermatitus\\\' on Financial Statement\', "Comment 7: it should be like \'9,60 %", \'Comment 8: 0,00 %\', "Comment 9: ...\'But field\'Hakdermatitus\' on Financial Statement is too short (128 characters) while in this case is 134 characters.So", \'Comment 10: solution could one of these below depends how it is useful: * change field Hakdermatitus for longer field in database and move old values to this field\', \'Comment 11: * change field Hakdermatitus to dynamic text (data will not be saved in database but only displaying on Financial statement dynamically from SR values)\', \'Comment 12: * add a column to list of Slaughtery reports on Financial statement with \\\'Hakdermatitus\\\' value.Please let us know how we should handle this.Technical result on FS:!image-2023-01-03-09-33-13-881.png!Field on slaughtery Report:!image-2023-01-03-09-35-04-835.png!Field on FS when there are a lot o SR\\\'s:!image-2023-01-03-09-45-41-962.png!"\', \'Comment 13: "Please go for your third solution. You mean to create a table with all SR\\\'s and their scores?"\', \'Comment 14: "The table already exists on Financial statement\', \'Comment 15: so I mean that we could add only new column \\\'Hakdermatitus\\\' to this table and then user will see information in table instead on field at the document.Maybe column \\\'Hakdermatitus\\\' can replace column \\\'Ras\\\' if it\\\'s not used (I\\\'m not sure that is needed) or we can add it as a new column?!image-2023-01-03-11-42-37-074.png!"\', "Comment 16: \'You can indeed add a new column.Ras is sometimes needed", "Comment 17: so just add a new column.\'", "Comment 18: \'Dodanie kolumny dla listy SR dla MAS NL i MAS BE. Zakomentowanie w procedurach TechnicalResults wypełnianie pola. Usunięcie kontrolki z formularza. Zmiany wykonane na bazie testowej IBIP_DH_TEST.\'", "Comment 19: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 20: all changes have been done on test environment. You can feel free to test it.\'", "Comment 21: \'Ready for UAT tests\'", "Comment 22: \'Great", "Comment 23: this works good.\'", "Comment 24: \'Functionality moved on production environment.You can feel free to test it.Best regards,Grzegorz\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8215\n\n### Instruction:\nMitch: Could you please plan to change this in Intense? If you have any questions please let me know. The sector would like to implement this before the end of January. Do you think that is possible?\r\n\r\nAfter your response I will add a task in JIRA.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^New format printout Financial Statement-1.msg] _(512 kB)_\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Tutaj trzeba się upewnić", \'Comment 4: czy zmiany będą dotyczyć również Belgii\', "Comment 5: bo Steffen na bieżąco zgłasza prośby o modyfikacje i je implementujemy. W tej chwili wydruki w MAS BE wyglądają inaczej niż w pozostałych sektorach.\'", "Comment 6: \'Do zmiany wydruki dla MAS NL i MAS BE: * Financial Statement (do omówienia niejasne zmiany) * Saldo to pay (nie dostaliśmy jeszcze wzoru)\'", "Comment 7: \'[^Nieuw koppeloverzicht 20-12-2022_comments.xlsx]\'", "Comment 8: \'Do wykonania wydruki do MAS NL i MAS BE dla Financial Statement (na tą chwilę nie są potrzebne zmiany w wydrukach Saldo to Pay).Celem wydruku jest m. in. to", \'Comment 9: żeby dane były skompresowane do 1 strony (jeśli to możliwe w zależności od ilości danych)\', \'Comment 10: dlatego część informacji jest zgrupowana\', \'Comment 11: a niektóre sekcje pominięte/ujęte inaczej.Tworzymy nowy wydruk\', \'Comment 12: który będzie podpięty jako dodatkowy wydruk do wyboru przez użytkownika. Stare wydruki zostawiamy bez zmian.W wydruku dla MAS BE uwzględniamy te zmiany\', \'Comment 13: które są tutaj + to co jest w tasku https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8075W pliku dodane komentarze do niektórych pól\', "Comment 14: wydruk omówiony z Mitchem.[^Nieuw koppeloverzicht 20-12-2022_comments.xlsx]FS w MAS NL - ID 72604\'", "Comment 15: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 16: dodano wydruk Financial Statement 2 (MAS) na bazie testowej. Do przetestowania przez klienta.\'", \'Comment 17: "Printout \\\'Financial Statement 2\\\' is ready now in MAS NL on UAT environment\', \'Comment 18: so it\\\'s possible to test it.!image-2023-01-12-14-43-55-417.png!"\', "Comment 19: \'Czeka na sprawdzenie przez DH we wtorek 17.01.2023. Po akceptacji wydruku w MAS NL", "Comment 20: będzie można przystąpić do stworzenia wydruku dla MAS BE.\'", "Comment 21: \'wzór starego wydruku używanego przez Coppens[^3860_huna_v2206.pdf]\'", \'Comment 22: "Wysłane do klienta zmiany ze spotkania:Adjustments for printout after meeting: # Printout should be in portrait orientation # If it\\\'s possible printout should be by default open with option \\\'Fit for 1 page\\\' (option available on printout preview) # All columns with numbers shoul be align to right # Field \\\'Tot hokoppervlak\\\' - to verify # Header of the report should be on each page (if there will be more than 1 page) # Percentage values in column \\\'Aandeel totaal (%)\\\' # Fields from sectionTechnische gegevens should have 3 decimal places (after comma) ## daggroei: ## doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen: ## voederconversie netto: ## vc-1500g netto: # Additional subtotal row forVoerverbruik (sectionVoerleveringen) # Only partly moved feed from round should be displayed on printout. Feed moved with whole delivery shouldn\\\'t be presented on printout for this round. # Voerverbruik -> \\\'Begin voorraad\\\' should be divided for 2 rows: ## Begin voorraad voer: ## Begin voorraad tarwe: (only item group = \\\'Raw materials\\\') # Voerverbruik -> \\\'Eind voorraad\\\' should be divided for 2 rows: ## Begin voorraad voer: ## Begin voorraad tarwe:(only item group = \\\'Raw materials\\\') # All values should be presented with positive numbers: ## \\\'Voerverbruik\\\' section -> Eind voorraad voer: ## \\\'Aflevergegevens slachterij\\\' section ### Aantal ### Gewicht (netto) ### Kg afkeur ### Aantal afkeur ### Bedrag Excl. BTW ### Gemiddeld gewicht ### Prijs excl. BTW # Calculation changes from \\\'Technische gegevens\\\' section for field: ## doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen: (please send us calculation for this field) # Labels from section \\\'Technische gegevens\\\' shouldn\\\'t be bolded. Only label for section should be bolded."\', \'Comment 23: "Uwagi do wydruku po spotkaniu z klientem[^FS_2_new.xlsx]Punkty do zmiany w Excelu + excel od klienta z dodatkowymi wytycznymi co do sekcji technical result (dodany także do pliku[^FS_2_new.xlsx]|Remarks from meeting to adjust:||1.|Fields which should have values with whole numbers : \\\'Tot hokoppervlak\\\'\', "Comment 24: \'Aantal\'", "Comment 25: \'Gewicht\'", "Comment 26: \'Kg afkeur\'", "Comment 27: \'Aantal afkeur\'", "Comment 28: \'Aandeel totaal (%)\'||2.|Fields which should have € sing before number: \'Prijs excl. BTW\',||3.|Tarw (row 27) - value in column \'Bedrag excl. BTW\' to verify||4.|Tarwe instead of Tarwe/stro - to fix in Milas||5.|Label \'Eind voorraad:\' - to remove||6.|Begin voorraad voer:\' and \'Begin voorraad tarwe:\' - should be \'eindvoorr\' instead of \'begin\'||7.|Gemidel gewicht - should be 3 digits after comma", \'Comment 29: label should be in one line instead of two\', \'Comment 30: other fields also in one line||8.|Bedrag excl. BTW\\\' - should be filled for begin and end in section \\\'Voerverbruik\\\'||9.|Aflevergegevens slachterij\\\' section - if \\\'Referentie\\\' and \\\'Datum\\\' is the same in more than 1 row it should be sum of rows and show in 1 row. Ascending dates - oldest dates first||10.|Financial statement document - to rename field \\\'Feed profit\\\' -> \\\'Feed profit per broiler\\\'||11.|Financial statement document- to add field \\\'Feed profit\\\' (\\\'Voerwinst\\\' on printout) - calculation= (total value first loaders + total value all loaders) - total value feed - total value DOC\\\'s||12.|To remove - \\\'percentage mais\\\'|"\', "Comment 31: \'Mamy część danych do wyliczeń technical results:[^Technical results formulas financial statement.xlsx]\'", \'Comment 32: "Tutaj komentarze do niektórych pól z Tech results: * Voerwinst - tutaj będzie potrzebna zmiana wyliczeń w technical results na dokumencie FS * Tarwe (%) - pobieramy złe pole - \\\'Percentage corn\\\' zamiast \\\'Percentage wheat\\\'Czekamy jeszcze na wyliczenia dla pól: * Doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen (g/d) * Hakdermatitis (%) * Score voetzoollaesies[^Technical results formulas financial statement_DŚ.xlsx]Bazowym dokumentem jest FS o ID 79562 z IBIP_DH_TESTDo sprawdzenia move feed na tym dokumencie - nie przeniosły się wartości kwotowe na minus - tylko waga.Wcześniej nie było widać sekcji eindvoorr voer - nie było to przesunięte przez feed sale\', \'Comment 33: a fakturą.Na wydruku do dodania kolumna \\\'Uitv\\\'z checkboxem za kolumną \\\'Referentie\\\'!image-2023-01-30-09-34-58-663.png!"\', \'Comment 34: "Hi Mitch,Few questions about FS printout: * \\\'Voerleveringen\\\' - on screen there are my reamarks about presenting these values and calculations. Please verify these remarks. * Column with \\\'price\\\' for subtotals section \\\'Voerverbruik\\\' !image-2023-01-30-12-58-31-017.png! * Technical results for document in Intense - Feed profit calculationShould we change procedure for calculations of: ** Total value of first loader ** Total value of all loaderNow values are summed from invoices with Item = \\\'SLAC\\\' minus Item = \\\'AFKK\\\'When we change calculations on: sum from invoices with all Items (except item = \\\'AFKK\\\'\', "Comment 35: should we do it like that with AFKK?) minus Item = \'AFKK\' the values for this example (FS-M/0219", \'Comment 36: ID= 79562 on IBIP_DH_TEST) will be like these: *** Total value of first loader =136224.50 *** Total value of all loader =80922.40 **** *Sum =217146.90* *** Average price delivered broilers per kg - this value will also change because it based on these 2 above!image-2023-01-30-13-22-25-746.png!After confirming these change withFeed profit calculation\', \'Comment 37: I will create a separate task to adjust these changes."\', \'Comment 38: "Confirmed in conversation with Mitch: * {quote}\\\'Voerleveringen\\\' - on screen there are my reamarks about presenting these values and calculations. Please verify these remarks{quote}Confirmed - it\\\'s ok{quote}Column with \\\'price\\\' for subtotals section \\\'Voerverbruik\\\'{quote}Confirmed - it\\\'s not needed on printout!image-2023-01-30-14-31-14-976.png!Now printout should be like example from Coppens (we also provide value for Beginvorr voer (now it\\\'s on feed sals with mark that it\\\'s moved from other round\', \'Comment 39: we deleted invoice for this value\', \'Comment 40: it was before provided by invoice)Plese verify printout.Now we only need to adjust tech results field and we\\\'re waiting for calculation formula: * Doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen (g/d)For adjustments in technical results I\\\'ve created a taskhttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8428"\', "Comment 41: \'Hi Damian,I have got additional feedback. Here it is:- Remove product number from feed name (now there is a number after the product name)- Always show starting stock and ending stock on the printout (wheat and feed", \'Comment 42: also if 0) + price and amount- Note VC calculation\', \'Comment 43: this is now done with subtotal not with ultimate total value of the feed (including end stock)- Column text "gemiddeld gewicht" for slaughter data\', \'Comment 44: d falls on the next line. Please put it on the same line.- Average age two decimal places- For technical data: “Gewicht (g)” please make it (kg)”. Multiply value to kg (x 1.000) and remove text "grams" behind the value. - Groei (g/d) 2 decimal places- Doorgroei na uitladen 2 decimals- Uitval. Please change the . for a ,- Hakdermatitis 2 decimals- Kg per m2 2 decimals- At the very bottom right of the page: De Heus Voeders B.V. (in front of the date and time)\\\'\', "Comment 45: \'Przesłany plik z ostatnimi wyliczeniami do technical results[^Technical results formulas financial statement-1.xlsx]\'", "Comment 46: \'{quote}I have got additional feedback. Here it is: - Remove product number from feed name (now there is a number after the product name) - Always show starting stock and ending stock on the printout (wheat and feed", \'Comment 47: also if 0) + price and amount - Note VC calculation\', \'Comment 48: this is now done with subtotal not with ultimate total value of the feed (including end stock) - Column text "gemiddeld gewicht" for slaughter data\', \'Comment 49: d falls on the next line. Please put it on the same line. - Average age two decimal places - For technical data: “Gewicht (g)” please make it (kg)”. Multiply value to kg (x 1.000) and remove text "grams" behind the value. - Groei (g/d) 2 decimal places - Doorgroei na uitladen 2 decimals - Uitval. Please change the . for a \', \'Comment 50: - Hakdermatitis 2 decimals - Kg per m2 2 decimals - At the very bottom right of the page: De Heus Voeders B.V. (in front of the date and time){quote}All of this remarks above are adjusted right now. We have only question about this point: * {quote}Note VC calculation\', "Comment 51: this is now done with subtotal not with ultimate total value of the feed (including end stock){quote}what does it mean? calculations on printout are the same like on old printout for Coppens - 1,544Regarding the calculation of \\\\\'Doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen (g/d)\\\\\'Is this formula good? at first we take first loaders", \'Comment 52: then we substract all loaders?(1000 x ((A"/"C")-("B"/D"))/("F"-"E")!image-2023-02-01-12-10-11-489.png!In our example in Intense value is calculater right now with minus sign and in these case we don\\\\\\\'t show value on printout.Calculated value is-90.4442 right now.Should we show the value even if it\\\\\\\'s negative value? With what sign? negative or positive always?!image-2023-02-01-12-13-34-225.png!\\\'\', \'Comment 53: \\\'what does it mean? calculations on printout are the same like on old printout for Coppens - 1,544. --> Without the minus? That\\\\\\\'s good. Although you change the value of the lines on the feed deliveries (you did not substract the endstock anymore) this should not change the calculations. Regarding the calculation of \\\\\\\'Doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen (g/d)\\\\\\\'It should be the other way around. First we all loaders and than substract first loaders:(1000 x ((B"/"D")("A"/C"))/("F""E")In our example in Intense value is calculater right now with minus sign and in these case we don\\\\\\\'t show value on printout.The calculated value I get is 97,52Should we show the value even if it\\\\\\\'s negative value? With what sign? negative or positive always? --> No it can never be a negative value. That means the animals are shrunk.\\\'\', \'Comment 54: "[[email protected]]zmieniłem formułę dla\\\'Doorgroei na 1e keer uitladen (g/d)\\\' w procedurze"\', "Comment 55: \'Formula has been changed and now we get proper value on printout.We also verified Feed profit value from example on IBIP_DH_TEST and there were bad data for Feed sale line (positive instead of negative) - [https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8428]Now printout should looks good", "Comment 56: please verify and confirm that values are correct.\'", "Comment 57: \'!image-2023-02-02-15-26-28-382.png!\'", "Comment 58: \'Doogroei g/d is still 2 decimals", "Comment 59: should be 0.Also why is the second line in the slaughtery marked as Uitl? That should not be the case.\'", \'Comment 60: \\\'{quote}The number after "Ronde:" is not correct. This is the FS number. It should be the "Round number".!image-2023-02-03-09-17-35-925.png!{quote}!image-2023-02-03-09-18-25-289.png!This is related to FS printout.\\\'\', "Comment 61: \'[[email protected]] zrobione ;)\'", "Comment 62: \'[[email protected]],all adjustements have been done on test environment. The printout has been moved to production environment.You can feel free to test it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'", "Comment 63: \'Do sprawdzenia!image-2023-02-04-11-06-24-566.png!\'", "Comment 64: \'Feed profit calculations[^Feed_profit_calculations.xlsx]\'", \'Comment 65: "* {quote}Feed profit per chick should be (second metric): 50,917.35/67263 = 0,7569{quote} * {quote}Suggestions where things might go wrong: o Divide by number of chicks delivered (not number of day-old chicks set up) o Total amount excluding VAT feed (140972.01) not subtotal (141312.39){quote}Could you please verify attachment [^Feed_profit_calculations.xlsx]and indicate how we should calculate these fields:There are calculations for 2 fields which are on \\\'Tech Results\\\' tab on FS document. * Feed profit per broiler * Feed profit!image-2023-02-06-15-14-49-034.png!This is also related to renaming and adding new field and changing \\\'Feed profit\\\' calculations (now after renaming it\\\'s field - \\\'Feed profit per broiler\\\') and changing calculations[https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8053]!image-2023-02-06-15-19-12-728.png! * {quote}Heel dermatitis 2,00 not 2.00 (dot --> comma){quote} * {quote}Gewicht (kg) : 174620 / 67263 = 2,596 (not 2,600){quote}It\\\'s adjusted and looks good!image-2023-02-06-15-20-24-454.png!"\', "Comment 66: \'Do zmiany wyliczanie Feed profit per broiler w procedurzeKR_calculatetechresults jak w pliku od Mitcha[^Feed_profit_calculations_MB.xlsx]\'", \'Comment 67: "Technical results calculations on Financial statement document has been changed for field \\\'Feed profit per broiler\\\'.*Feed profit* = (ABS(@AmountFL) + ABS(@AmountAL)) - ABS(@AmountOfFeed) - ABS(@AmountDOCNet)) - old calculations - OK*Feed profit per broiler* = Feed profit/(@NumberOfBroilersFL + @NumberOfBroilersAL) - new calculations - OKOld calculations for Feed profit per broiler - changed and not actual(ABS(@TotalSLAC) - ABS(@AmountDOCNet) - ABS(@TotalIncludeFeedProfitItems) - ABS(@AmountOfFeed)) /(@NumberOfBroilersFL + @NumberOfBroilersAL) Now on printout is different value for \\\'Voerwinst per kuiken\\\' and it\\\'s calculated in a new way.!image-2023-02-07-14-10-54-481.png!"\', "Comment 68: \'Do zmiany procedura KR_calculatetechresults_MASBE z wyliczaniem Feed profit i Feed profit per broiler - w MAS NL dodane zostało nowe pole", "Comment 69: a dla starego została zmieniona nazwa jak na screenie. Podobnie do zrobienia w MAS BE.!image-2023-02-06-15-19-12-728.png!\'", "Comment 70: \'Potwierdzone przez Richarda", \'Comment 71: że wydruk zaakceptowany i można przystąpić do tworzenia wydruku FS dla MAS BE. Potwierdzone także\', "Comment 72: że Feed profit powinno być zmienione analogicznie w MAS BE jak w MAS NL\'", "Comment 73: \'Financial statement printout for MAS BE sector is ready to verify on test environment (IBIP_DH_TEST)\'", "Comment 74: \'Do przerzucenia także na prod wydruk FS dla sektora MAS BE\'", "Comment 75: \'Financial statement printout for MAS BE sector is ready to verify on prod environment (IBIP_DH)!https://attachments.office.net/owa/damian.swistek%40kotrak.com/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AAMkADY2ZTAxMzM3LTE0YjctNGI0Ni1hYjIxLWE3MDFjOTVkNmExNwBGAAAAAAA%2FcPjpt4lNRZFonusrO6C9BwA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAAAAAAEJAAA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAAS37XAYAAABEgAQAHbHPL6Ir1ZKpUWQ1nbF0BY%3D&thumbnailType=2&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkQ4OThGN0RDMjk2ODQ1MDk1RUUwREZGQ0MzODBBOTM5NjUwNDNFNjQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiIySmozM0Nsb1JRbGU0Tl84dzRDcE9XVUVQbVEifQ.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.dtba9dp33xG_er7jRDburybMA50q_i_jZx-F2Af5ZrK9lV692WczTAGdMtwpYNY9bfc58gzlyBTP198DS3le5kDM_s5HHGDd8Yjwp9p9JNU97IPAzYdIbwHJayT5ph3mwswd6EmoJxbB22n6B1dG-FNHr69n_6nC4SReAnlvIJ0gvE7iHQWYDKmeoIDztevaxgAmifgkflzrzZfXAfIV8wIr3TiCUN1qPKz2P9VeJwxpdcrjIETOmfg0GB890vipgkdmVU8nJEn2jF5z4Hm1tRqRJeGEDfe5wx_cTcgUjjmhSNcK-rxV_jwAlbNdfoOPZdQoRY6pYJzTOWRl5Q1R0A&X-OWA-CANARY=fnSOvPkW0UiUcKfpcNKnteBUxV6LCtsYvCupXfc1ldHUij-gCjpTAlQN0TzqLNx33AukEKgJByo.&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20230127001.12&animation=true!\'", "Comment 76: \'!image-2023-02-13-13-36-26-940.png!\'", "Comment 77: \'To change on FS printout in MAS NL and MAS BE:!image-2023-02-13-13-37-34-741.png!\'", "Comment 78: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 79: [[email protected]],I made changes in prod and test environment.You can feel free to test it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'", \'Comment 80: "Zmiany z maila do implementacji najpierw na test\', "Comment 81: a później po weryfikacji na prod.[^RE_ Financial Statement printout_ Begin and End stock.eml]Do dodania na Feed sale checkboxy \'BV\' i \'EV\'", \'Comment 82: które będą weryfikowane przy wydruku i w zależności od ich ustawienia będą pokazywane w odpowiedniej sekcji na wydruku FS."\', "Comment 83: \'Changes to implement for Feed sale lines and handling lines on FS printout.!image-2023-02-14-15-34-49-788.png! \'", "Comment 84: \'[[email protected]],I added new columns in Feed Sale elements: BV", \'Comment 85: EV and made changes on printouts for sectors: MAS NL and MAS BE. If you dont see it on view\', \'Comment 86: you can add it (right click on header of column -> column chooser). You can feel free to test printouts on test environment.Best regards\', "Comment 87: Grzegorz\'", "Comment 88: \'This works fine", "Comment 89: can be deployed to PROD.\'", "Comment 90: \'[[email protected]],the modification has been deployed to PROD. You can feel free to test it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'", \'Comment 91: \\\'Remarks from Mitch:!image-2023-03-01-14-02-07-821.png! # Should be an average of the totals above in this case of 45.955,70 divided by 100.997 # Should be an average of the Eindvoorraad voer and Eindvoorr voorraad tarwe in this case of 45.518,99 divided by 99.873 (please note that "Eindvoorr voorraad tarwe" should be renamed into "Eindvoorraad tarwe") # Should be the average\', \'Comment 92: the 1 is not correct. Correct calculation is 98/2,575\', \'Comment 93: so the total "Kg afkeur" divided by "Gemiddeld gewicht" # Should be the total SUM of the values above\', "Comment 94: there could be multiple lines in this section.You can directly develop this in PROD.\'", \'Comment 95: "[[email protected]],we\\\'ve done all modification. You can feel free to test it on prod Intense environment.Best regards,Grzegorz"\', \'Comment 96: "[[email protected]]We know why there is a difference between values on Technical Results - field \\\'Average weight in gram\\\' and \\\'Gemiddet gewicht\\\' field on new FS printout (summary line \\\'Total\\\' for section Slaughtery) - based onFS-M/0634 document. * For technical results when value is taken value from Slaughtery report directly (Net Weight) - as we discussed it\\\'s correct. * For printout weight is taken from invoices and we include only lines with item = \\\'SLAC\\\'\', \'Comment 97: then weight for line with item \\\'VOER\\\' is not included in this calculation.*Should this be changed and item = \\\'VOER\\\' should be included in calculations*(we\\\'ve checked that this item on invoices is generated from SR and values are taken from field \\\'Food discount in kg\\\'). If this item is only using for this purposes we can include also weight from this item to calculations and in this case it will be correct value (as on technical results on FS document).FSFS-M/0634 (ID 102037) * Technical results on FS!image-2023-03-02-10-39-11-996.png! * FS new printout!image-2023-03-02-10-41-36-465.png!SR/5198!image-2023-03-02-10-42-41-317.png!PI from SR!image-2023-03-02-10-48-16-912.png!"\', "Comment 98: \'Yes", \'Comment 99: VOER should be included. That makes in the "Net weight". Indeed it is related to the Food discount.\\\'\', \'Comment 100: "[[email protected]],we\\\'ve made changes in procedure for new FS printouts in MAS NL and MAS BE included VOER calculations.You can feel free to test it in test and prod environment.Best regards,Grzegorz"\', "Comment 101: \'Hi", \'Comment 102: regarding the sequence of lines we have another one. It must be sorted on full date\', "Comment 103: not only on the first number:!image!\'", \'Comment 104: "For the \\\'Opzetgegevens\\\' we would like to move the columns from \\\'Aantal\\\' to \\\'Bedrag excl. BTW\\\' to the left so that they are aligned with the columns for \\\'Voerverbruik\\\'. The most right column will remain empty then. !image-1!"\', \'Comment 105: "Additional requirement for printout and technical results:{quote}Another thing we totally forgot in our requirements\', \'Comment 106: we need to exclude BTWF from all of the PDF\\\'s and the technical result calculations like voerwinst (=feedprofit):!image-2023-03-06-08-45-08-767.png!Are you able to exclude the code BTWF (it is about financed VAT and has nothing to do with profits).It must be excluded on the printout because we are not looking at the values including VAT (because BTWF is still in the totals). And we should make it excluding VAT.{quote}"\', \'Comment 107: \\\'1. In the field "Ras" on the category "Opzetgegevens" we would like to see the item name of the respective DOC item code. Now it is the manually adjusted description which is some times too long.2. Could we add a field on the customer card (below "Loan customer No.) which we call "Name Abbreviation"? In this field the user can manually set the abbreviation. We would like to display this field on the "Referentie" in the Aflevergegevens slachterij. Now we are dealing with very long names that can\\\\\\\'t be placed on one line.3. We would like to add two empty columns to the \\\\\\\'Technische gegevens". The labels and the value we would like to see closer together.4. Please delete the word "BTW" from all labels5. Please delete the word "afkeur" in "Aantal afkeur".6. Please change "gemiddeld gewicht" into "Gem. gewicht".7. Please change "Begin voorraad voer:" in "Beginvoorraad voer:" and "Begin voorraad tarwe:" in "Beginvoorraad tarwe:"8. Could you move everything one line down?The goal of many of these changes is to get all information on just one line instead of 2 lines. Please note: there are still other tasks that should be handled in this topic. \\\'\', "Comment 108: \'[[email protected]]All adjustments from last 4 comments have been implemented on test environment.After confirmation that is good on test environment we can move it also to production environment.\'", "Comment 109: \'Just 1 thing", \'Comment 110: see comment 6 below. You can move all to PROD.1. In the field "Ras" on the category "Opzetgegevens" we would like to see the item name of the respective DOC item code. Now it is the manually adjusted description which is some times too long. DONE2. Could we add a field on the customer card (below "Loan customer No.) which we call "Name Abbreviation"? In this field the user can manually set the abbreviation. We would like to display this field on the "Referentie" in the Aflevergegevens slachterij. Now we are dealing with very long names that can\\\\\\\'t be placed on one line. DONE3. We would like to add two empty columns to the \\\\\\\'Technische gegevens". The labels and the value we would like to see closer together. DONE4. Please delete the word "BTW" from all labels. DONE5. Please delete the word "afkeur" in "Aantal afkeur". DONE6. Please change "gemiddeld gewicht" into "Gem. gewicht". --> Please change to "Gem. gew." just to make it shorter.7. Please change "Begin voorraad voer:" in "Beginvoorraad voer:" and "Begin voorraad tarwe:" in "Beginvoorraad tarwe:" DONE8. Could you move everything one line down? DONEFor the \\\\\\\'Opzetgegevens\\\\\\\' we would like to move the columns from \\\\\\\'Aantal\\\\\\\' to \\\\\\\'Bedrag excl. BTW\\\\\\\' to the left so that they are aligned with the columns for \\\\\\\'Voerverbruik\\\\\\\'. The most right column will remain empty then. DONE\\\'\', "Comment 111: \'[[email protected]],the printouts have been moved into prod Intense environment.You can feel free to test it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'", \'Comment 112: \\\'This is still not correct on PROD:* Please change "Begin voorraad voer:" in "Beginvoorraad voer:" and "Begin voorraad tarwe:" in "Beginvoorraad tarwe:"Next to this the department would like to use the new field "Name Abbreviation" in de Broederij (translated: Hatchery) section on the PDF as well. When this field is filled we should not mention the complete name of the corresponding hatchery but this abbreviation. !image-2!\\\'\', \'Comment 113: \\\'{quote}This is still not correct on PROD: * Please change "Begin voorraad voer:" in "Beginvoorraad voer:" and "Begin voorraad tarwe:" in "Beginvoorraad tarwe:"Next to this the department would like to use the new field "Name Abbreviation" in de Broederij (translated: Hatchery) section on the PDF as well. When this field is filled we should not mention the complete name of the corresponding hatchery but this abbreviation.!image-2!{quote}This remarks have been adjusted on Prod environment.\\\'\', \'Comment 114: \\\'{quote}This is still not correct on PROD: * Please change "Begin voorraad voer:" in "Beginvoorraad voer:" and "Begin voorraad tarwe:" in "Beginvoorraad tarwe:"Next to this the department would like to use the new field "Name Abbreviation" in de Broederij (translated: Hatchery) section on the PDF as well. When this field is filled we should not mention the complete name of the corresponding hatchery but this abbreviation.!image-2!{quote}Do wgrania też powyższe zmiany na TEST.\\\'\', "Comment 115: \'[[email protected]],zmiany również wgrane na TEST :).\'", "Comment 116: \'To change:{quote}We need to change something on the new financial statement.{quote}{quote}On the old printout you can clearly see the unit price of 1.23.Hovewer on the new overview the unit prices are a bit lower. This is because the “Bedrag excl.” is divided by the “Kg afkeur””. However", "Comment 117: this amount also includes all disapproves (AFKK/Afkeur).The calculation of the prices must be the “Bedrag excl.” divided by the (“Gewicht”-“Kg afkeur” so that the unit price is € 1.23.!image-2023-03-29-13-33-00-150.png!!image-2023-03-29-13-33-20-938.png!{quote}!image-2023-03-29-13-33-00-150! !image-2023-03-29-13-33-20-938!\'", \'Comment 118: \\\'[[email protected]],parametr "Gem.gew" jest liczony wg.:!image-2023-03-31-14-47-29-323.png!Zmienione to zostało na życzenie klienta.\\\'\', "Comment 119: \'[[email protected]],the modification added to the Financial Statement prints (MAS NL and MAS BE) in TEST Intense environment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'", "Comment 120: \'[[email protected]],zmieniłem to wyliczenie i aktualnie wyliczamy to tak:!image-2023-03-31-14-59-24-318.png!Zmiana wprowadzona na test", "Comment 121: czekamy na info od klienta.\'", \'Comment 122: \\\'The "Gem. gew." is calculated wrong. This shouldn\\\\\\\'t have changed. !image-3!\\\'\', \'Comment 123: \\\'Also the "Prijs excl." is not calculated correct.\\\'\', \'Comment 124: \\\'I have the feeling that what is now presented in the column "Gem. gew." should have been in the column "Prijs excl."\\\'\', "Comment 125: \'The change have been made on Test environment in MAS NL and MAS BE sectors.Please verify values of these 3 columns also when AFKH will be booked on some invoices.Now calculations looks like that: * Kg afkeur - weight of AFKK and also AFKH items are included - there are sum of these weigt from invoices. * Gem. gew. - Gewicht/Aantal", "Comment 126: in this case (35380/18700) = 1,892 * Prijs excl. - Bedrag excl. / Gewicht - Kg afkeur = 25664,3 € / 35380 - 15000 = 1,26 €!image-2023-04-07-12-58-20-393.png!Calculations of average weights have been also changed in task:https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8732\'", "Comment 127: \'Zmienione na bazie testowej:!image-2023-04-07-12-58-20-393.png! * Kg afkeur - proceduryKR_Printout_FS2_Slaughtery iKR_Printout_FS2_Slaughtery_MAS_BE - dodana obsługa itemu AFKH!image-2023-04-07-13-20-19-089.png! * Gem. gew. -zmienione na wydruku!image-2023-04-07-13-20-34-469.png! * Prijs excl. - zmienione na wydruku!image-2023-04-07-13-18-20-314.png!\'", \'Comment 128: "After confirmation during today\\\'s call changes have been moved to production environmnent for MAS NL and MAS BE sectors."\', "Comment 129: \'Can be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8053\', \'DGS-8428\', \'DGS-8325\', \'DGS-8067\', \'DGS-8641\', \'DGS-8732\', \'DGS-8714\', \'DGS-8877\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8214\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nPlease, could you create an openingsbalance for item: 080017-Z25 with quantity of 17500 kg and for item: 303902-Z20 with a quantity of 1000 kg.\r\nBoth for the plant Andel.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-2023-01-02-10-10-00-311.png!!image-2023-01-02-10-10-16-732.png!!image-2023-01-02-10-10-00-311! !image-2023-01-02-10-10-16-732!\'", "Comment 3: \'Dear Gerard,Opening Balance for item 303902-Z20 has been created:!image-2023-01-02-10-16-07-127.png!Please", "Comment 4: let us know if item080017-Z25 should be bulk or pallet.Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi Aleksandra,for item: 080017-Z25 is pallet.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 6: \'Opening balance for item080017-Z25 has been created.Regards!image-2023-01-02-11-20-56-140.png!\'", "Comment 7: \'Hello Aleksandra,Thanks!.Please", "Comment 8: close this ticket.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 9: \'Thank you.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8213\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, \r\n\r\n On 2023, business would like to start with opening balance on clean DB. So, we do attach "DHF_MM". Application is able to do Sale Order, IR+ document. While generate SOR, we do receive error for "WR-" generation. Error message in attached. Please check. \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Can you specify which database it is from the list of databases? !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 4: \' !screenshot-2! \'", "Comment 5: \'This is in Food Sector. IP of Database is And highlighted database is new one.!image-3!\'", "Comment 6: \'Hi", "Comment 7: We are not able to access to Application anymore. Please check!image-4!\'", "Comment 8: \'please check I connected this database one more time.\'", "Comment 9: \'please verify how it works now\'", "Comment 10: \'Most of Items are works now. Still attached items has issue. Please kindly check[^DHF_MM_Code_Issue_230103.xlsx] _(9 kB)_\'", "Comment 11: \'Regarding the sent list", "Comment 12: which document has an error when generating?Please give an example.\'", "Comment 13: \'When we generate WR- document from SOR and WR- document cannot confirm for those codes. Please reference attached as example. !image-5!\'", "Comment 14: \'RCA will be needed", \'Comment 15: the stocks have been corrected\', \'Comment 16: but there may be new cases\', "Comment 17: the problematic ones are:883486100031883486100033883486100043883486100045883486100050883486200047883486200064883486500010883486900072883486500022. Please confirm to create RCA.\'", "Comment 18: \'!image-2023-01-04-10-28-41-140.png!\'", \'Comment 19: "The operation of creating a new database and how it was made on your side was incorrect.Creating a new database from a copy and deleting data from the database is a mistake.The database has lost data integrity\', "Comment 20: such operation is not allowed.It\'s not reversible for such operations and you also don\'t have a list of operations.- a new database should be done with information about the requirements for the newly created one.- the database has lost data integrity", \'Comment 21: gives the result below with the number of errors(please look at the number of errors and it\\\'s still in progress): !screenshot-3! - as a result of such an operation the manufacturer\\\'s support will not be provided when it comes to XL.A GDC should be created."\', "Comment 22: \'Hi", "Comment 23: I see the issue. You can close to this ticket. I will raise GDC when I need it later. Thank you for your support.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8212\n\n### Instruction:\nDears,\r\n\r\ni am trying to upload the attached file for new stock taking and i am getting the attached error.\r\n\r\nplease help as this we can\'t continue productuin, intake, and dispatch before new balances is in DHP.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^DHP 3.0 - stocktaking Dec.xlsx] _(16 kB)_!image!\'", \'Comment 2: "Dears,i found an issue in item code 20\', \'Comment 3: i changed it\\\'s unit of measue to kg then balanced was upoloaded but can\\\'t be regisetred.i got new error as attached!!image-1!"\', "Comment 4: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'Dears,i think the error is just making the user confused!you can close this issue as balaces was uploaded succesfully.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8211\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have problem to delete the current inventory INV-338/2022, when we try to delete, system shows an error message.\r\nWe can\'t have any document opened to do the full inventory.\r\nCould you please delete this document?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello", "Comment 3: We kindly inform you that wecurrentlyare processing another Priority1 task. underDGS-8210We will revert to processing your task as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Please verify", "Comment 5: now it should be ok.\'", \'Comment 6: "Hi ŁukaszNow it\\\'s OK! You can close this task.Thank you very much"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8210\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have problem to close production SUR1461-P-MD, 0871201222006. System not allow to add reservations and not allow to close production too. The tab resources already have lot number for ingredients, looks like production closed with wrong status.\r\nCould you check why we have this error and fix it?\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'z Loga{code:java}2022-12-30 15:09:55 (189e8e3a-6d92-4756-89f8-dbb1b0acca30/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/24192/181) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[CreateProductionLotCommand](Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.ProductionLots.Commands.CreateProductionLotCommand) methodSystem.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request).) ---> Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass14_0`2.<<BuildCancellableTaskFuncForMethod>b__0>d.MoveNext() in /_/Refit/RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 313 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.ApiServices.StockEngine.StockEngineApi.ConfirmProductionLot(AggregateId productionLotId", \'Comment 4: IEnumerable`1 settlementBasicData) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\ApiServices\\\\\\\\StockEngine\\\\\\\\StockEngineApi.cs:line 178 at Castle.Proxies.Invocations.IStockEngineApi_ConfirmProductionLot.InvokeMethodOnTarget() at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.ApiReferenceExceptionInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Castle.Proxies.IStockEngineApiProxy.ConfirmProductionLot(AggregateId productionLotId\', \'Comment 5: IEnumerable`1 settlementBasicData) at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Domain.ProductionLots.ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.ConfirmProductionLotWithStockEngineApiCall(ProductionLot productionLot\', \'Comment 6: ConfirmProductionLotActionData data\', \'Comment 7: Func`3 stockEngineApiCall) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.cs:line 122 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Domain.ProductionLots.ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.ConfirmProductionLot(ProductionLot productionLot\', \'Comment 8: ConfirmProductionLotActionData data) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.cs:line 68 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.ProductionLotService.CreateProductionLot(CreateProductionLotActionData data) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ProductionLotService.cs:line 187 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.CommandHandlers.CreateProductionLotCommandHandler.Handle(CreateProductionLotCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\CreateProductionLotCommandHandler.cs:line 51 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)2022-12-30 15:09:55 (/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/24192/181) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/productionLot/create" responded 500 in 1116.1225 ms{code}\\\'\', \'Comment 9: "Host{code:java}022-12-30 15:04:16 (1d749a6a-4578-4479-a4ca-f90e61604607/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/24192/217) [Warning] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query - Compiling a query which loads related collections for more than one collection navigation\', "Comment 10: either via \'Include\' or through projection", "Comment 11: but no \'QuerySplittingBehavior\' has been configured. By default", "Comment 12: Entity Framework will use \'QuerySplittingBehavior.SingleQuery\'", "Comment 13: which can potentially result in slow query performance. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2134277 for more information. To identify the query that\'s triggering this warning call \'ConfigureWarnings(w => w.Throw(RelationalEventId.MultipleCollectionIncludeWarning))\'.2022-12-30 15:04:16 (1d749a6a-4578-4479-a4ca-f90e61604607/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/24192/217) [Warning] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query - Compiling a query which loads related collections for more than one collection navigation", "Comment 14: either via \'Include\' or through projection", "Comment 15: but no \'QuerySplittingBehavior\' has been configured. By default", "Comment 16: Entity Framework will use \'QuerySplittingBehavior.SingleQuery\'", "Comment 17: which can potentially result in slow query performance. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2134277 for more information. To identify the query that\'s triggering this warning call \'ConfigureWarnings(w => w.Throw(RelationalEventId.MultipleCollectionIncludeWarning))\'.2022-12-30 15:04:16 (1d749a6a-4578-4479-a4ca-f90e61604607/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/24192/217) [Warning] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query - Compiling a query which loads related collections for more than one collection navigation", "Comment 18: either via \'Include\' or through projection", "Comment 19: but no \'QuerySplittingBehavior\' has been configured. By default", "Comment 20: Entity Framework will use \'QuerySplittingBehavior.SingleQuery\'", \'Comment 21: which can potentially result in slow query performance. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2134277 for more information. To identify the query that\\\'s triggering this warning call \\\'ConfigureWarnings(w => w.Throw(RelationalEventId.MultipleCollectionIncludeWarning))\\\'.{code}"\', "Comment 22: \'!image-2022-12-30-19-24-25-193.png!\'", "Comment 23: \'!image-2022-12-30-19-25-49-744.png!\'", "Comment 24: \'!image-2022-12-30-19-30-37-868.png!\'", "Comment 25: \'DearPriscyla,What status should be correct?Regards\'", \'Comment 26: "Aleksandra,I don\\\'t know what happened with this production\', \'Comment 27: do you know?Should be possible confirm production (editing the reservations) or with confirmed.Please confirm production if is better. Thank you"\', "Comment 28: \'Would it be possible to cancel this PLR and create a new one?Regards\'", "Comment 29: \'No", "Comment 30: we already created all documents with this lot number and loaded in VT.\'", "Comment 31: \'Aleksandra,could you confirm the production?\'", "Comment 32: \'Hi Priscyla,The operation of system was in line with the assumptions.. In this one case", \'Comment 33: we changed the configuration of DHP. Production settlement basing on "Mixed" (standard - "By delivery").!image-2022-12-30-22-06-52-598.png!After the change\', \'Comment 34: the production was confirmed. If we need to change the configuration permanently\', "Comment 35: please let me know.!image-2022-12-30-22-06-35-709.png!Please verify and please give us a feedback.!image-2022-12-30-22-06-52-598!\'", \'Comment 36: "Hi ŁukaszWe can\\\'t change to Mixed. There\\\'s an internal quality rule that demands to be *By Delivery* as it is now.Thank you!You can close this task"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8475\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8209\n\n### Instruction:\nwe have problem with reservation for item GLN2217-S25, barcode 88-W0FB4D, we don\'t have any document opened but we have reservation for the item. \r\n It\'s urgent because we have full inventory on monday. Could you please fix this item reservation?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2022-12-30-15-20-44-196.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi,Reservation has been corrected.Please", "Comment 5: verify.Regards\'", "Comment 6: \'[^dgs-8209.xlsx]\'", "Comment 7: \'[^dgs-8209.xlsx]\'", \'Comment 8: "Hello,I checked and now it\\\'s correct. You can close this task.thank you."]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8208\n\n### Instruction:\nplease check why did system asigne the old serial number, truck was loaded only one delivery 0211301222017 \r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Kolejny przykład błędnie przypisanej serii", "Comment 4: powinna być 0211030123031!image-1!\'", "Comment 5: \'{code:java}SELECT TOP (1000) [Del_SerialNumber],[Del_Id],* FROM [DHP_Grodzisk].[dbo].[Delivery] where Del_Id in( select vte_vtdid FROM [DHP_Grodzisk].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElement] where VtE_VtHId=196250) select vte_vtdid,VtE_Series,* FROM [DHP_Grodzisk].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElement] where VtE_VtHId=196250 select * FROM [DHP_Grodzisk].[dbo].[VehicleTicketHeader] where VtH_Id = 196250{code} !screenshot-1! !screenshot-2! \'", "Comment 6: \'Hello.You can see in the log that changes were made: !screenshot-3! !screenshot-4! it looks like the operator changed the field from the DHP level - can you contact the operator? Were such changes made?Regards.\'", "Comment 7: \'yes", \'Comment 8: operators do some changes on VT items\', "Comment 9: they correct serial numbers and deliveries to the correct ones after the truck is already loaded and leaves the factory\'", "Comment 10: \'Can we get information before the changes?to my phone 538 212 172 for example.\'", "Comment 11: \'the screens below are before the changes\'", "Comment 12: \'According to the change log the delivery number 0211301222017 was added as the first,0211291022014 was as the second.The old serial number - what do you mean? Thanks.\'", "Comment 13: \'1. old series - 02112910220142. According to the change log the delivery number 0211301222017 was added as the first", "Comment 14: 0211291022014 was as the second - by whom?\'", "Comment 15: \'you can check the change logs by date as below([dbo].[VehicleTicketElementLog]) !screenshot-5! !screenshot-6! \'", "Comment 16: \'yes", "Comment 17: but the uses are NULL!image-2!\'", "Comment 18: \'klient przekazał że zmiana przez operatora odpada :P\'", "Comment 19: \'[[email protected]],Są dwa sposoby automatycznego uzupełniania numeru serii na podstawie informacji z produkcji:# na podstawie komunikatu z PCS jaki konkretny numer serii procedura FinishTransfer parametr @predictedLotNumber# jeżeli @predictedLotNumber jest pusty to informacja na temat numerów seryjnych pobierana jest z tabeli VehicleTicketElementRelease czyli to co zostało wyliczone na podstawie FIFO w oparciu o stany magazynowe silosów na ekspedycji - jeżeli numery seryjne są błędne może to wynika z błędnych stanów magazynowych na tych zbiornikach. Informacje o serial rozdzielone są przecinkiem (procedura: FinishTransfer).Jeżeli chcą analizować dlaczego to trzeba każdy przypadek z osobna przeanalizować. Proces jest czasochłonny i dość skomplikowany.\'", "Comment 20: \'Mam takie !screenshot-7! Przykład - select * FROM [DHP_Grodzisk].[dbo].[VehicleTicketHeader] where VtH_Id = 196250Skąd dostawa z X. !image-2023-01-10-08-13-36-745!\'", "Comment 21: \'The analysis will be performed by the developers only because of the complexity of completing the series field. Each case must be analyzed separately. The valuation of a single case analysis is 3-4 hours (currently 1.5 hours are logged in).Please accept and provide an example VT for analysis or can it be the one discussed earlier(VtH_Id = 196250)?\'", "Comment 22: \'yes", "Comment 23: it can be\'", "Comment 24: \'jest akceptacja - czy do Ciebie", "Comment 25: albo Tomka?\'", "Comment 26: \'[[email protected]] do Tomka Nojka przypisz. Na razie przepnę na Ciebie jak Tomek wróci bo jest na urlopie to z nim pogadaj proszę.\'", "Comment 27: \'any news?\'", "Comment 28: \'Dla VT-25282/12/22 PCS zarejestrował o godzinie 11:39 załadunek 23 460 kg z dwóch zbiorników: * 13 600 kg ze zbiornika ekspedycyjnego nr 820 * 9 860 kg ze zbiornika ekspedycyjnego nr 814Dla zbiornika 820 po ostatnim czyszczeniu PCS zarejestrował transfer 14 000 kg z produkcji 0211301222017 (zaznaczono kolorem niebieskim).Numer seryjny tej produkcji został wpisany do serii elementu VT prawidłowo.Dla zbiornika 814 po ostatnim czyszczeniu nie zarejestrowano żadnego transferu z produkcji", \'Comment 29: więc system nie wiedział jaką produkcję rozliczyć dla wydania luzu.W takiej sytuacji system szuka ostatniej produkcji\', \'Comment 30: która była na tym zbiorniku i dotyczy tej samej paszy\', \'Comment 31: która jest na elemencie VT.Dla analizowanego przypadku ostatnią produkcją na zbiorniku 814 z ArticleId = 27714 był lot 0211291022014 (zaznaczono kolorem czerwonym).Taki też numer seryjny został wpisany na elemencie VT.Transfer produkcji 0211301222017 do zbiornika 814 został zarejestrowany przez PCS o 11:55\', \'Comment 32: czyli 16 minut po zarejestrowaniu załadunku na samochód (zaznaczono kolorem zielonym).Gdyby został zarejestrowany wcześniej\', "Comment 33: wydanie luzu na VT zostałoby rozliczone prawidłowo.!image-2023-01-24-15-53-30-599.png!\'", "Comment 34: \'[[email protected]] wielkie dzięki!\'", "Comment 35: \'Tomek wszystko jasne", \'Comment 36: ten przykład chyba nie był najlepszym\', \'Comment 37: rzeczywiście powinno być tak jak piszesz. Zerknij może lepiej na VT 1510/01/23. Tutaj system przypisał produkcję z września\', "Comment 38: która na dodatek zasypana była na inny zbiornik!image-3!!image-4!!image-5!\'", "Comment 39: \'Hi Ewelina", "Comment 40: we need 3h for analysis next example - please confirm.\'", "Comment 41: \'ok", \'Comment 42: but we will see where was a problem. I can add that 3h is too much\', \'Comment 43: we have many similar examples no registered\', "Comment 44: if we start to register each example we will pay much may. We will see the result of these analisies and decide what later \'", "Comment 45: \'jest potwierdzenie na kolejny przypadek.\'", "Comment 46: \'[[email protected]]W przypadkuVT-1510/01/23 transfer lotu0211230123023 z produkcji do zbiornika ekspedycyjnego855 (zaznaczono kolorem niebieskim) został zarejestrowany półtorej godziny po rozpoczęciu załadunku na samochód (zaznaczono kolorem zielonym). Zgodnie z informacjami z PCS zbiornik 855 był pusty w momencie załadunku (brak transferów z produkcji po ostatnim czyszczeniu zbiornika - zaznaczono kolorem czerwonym)", \'Comment 47: więc system nie wiedział który lot zarejestrować na elemencie VT. Ponieważ na zbiorniku ekspedycyjnym 855 nigdy nie było paszyDD0A2H00K-L00\', \'Comment 48: to system wybrał losowy lot (może po FIFO na stanie magazynowym\', "Comment 49: nie jestem pewien).!image-2023-01-25-13-16-36-440.png!\'", "Comment 50: \'[[email protected]] [[email protected]]Przygotowałem [skrypt|https://kotrak-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/tomasz_nojek/EfNWQUyPrwpElel6vhVkRFMB4iRH9cXWXMg8NAroulKOzg?e=HNGxWr]", \'Comment 51: który przyspieszy analizę kolejnych VT - mniej więcej 30 min na VT. Może nie obsługuje wszystkich możliwości\', \'Comment 52: ale dla zdecydowanej większości przypadków wystarczy.Wywołanie procedury na bazie Exchange:{code:java}SELECT *FROM dbo.BulkDispatchCheck(1510\', "Comment 53: 2023)ORDER BY Id;{code}\'", "Comment 54: \'właśnie potrzebujemy odpowiedzi na to Twoje kluczowe pytanie:) raczej nie FIFO po stanie magazynowym", \'Comment 55: bo były tylko w ogóle dwie produkcje i nie było na stanie\', \'Comment 56: tylko przypisał do ostatniego lotu w ogóle\', \'Comment 57: nie ważne\', \'Comment 58: że na stanie nie było. Możesz nam to potwierdzić? A co w przypadku takiej sytuacji\', \'Comment 59: gdyby to była pierwsza produkcja\', \'Comment 60: załadunek w trakcie produkcji i komunikaty z PCS o zasypach na silos z jakiegoś powodu przyszły z opóźnieniem\', "Comment 61: co wtedy system przypisze? nie ma nic w historii tego towaru \'", "Comment 62: \'wiedziałam", \'Comment 63: że kto jak kto ale Tomek nie potrzebuje 3h\', "Comment 64: 1h była enough:)\'", "Comment 65: \'{code:java}if (@delId is null)begin set @delId = (select top 1 Del_Id from dbo.Delivery where Del_ArtId = @artId and Del_PlhId is not null order by Del_Id)end{code}Jeżeli na danym zbiorniku ekspedycyjnym nigdy nie było tego towaru", \'Comment 66: to system bierze pierwszą (najstarszą w systemie) dostawę dla tego towaru\', \'Comment 67: która pochodzi z produkcji. Gdyby to była pierwsza produkcja na ten towar (czyli jedyna w systemie)\', \'Comment 68: to system wybrałby właśnie ją. Jeżeli w systemie nie byłoby żadnej dostawy dla tego towaru\', "Comment 69: to poleciałby błąd i załadunek nie zostałby zarejestrowany.\'", "Comment 70: \'dzięki Tomek", "Comment 71: clear:) task do zamknięcia\'", "Comment 72: \'[[DHP 2.X] Serie na VT", \'Comment 73: pobieranie dostaw dla realizacji VT\', \'Comment 74: seria\', "Comment 75: serial number.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Polska/Baza%20wiedzy/DHP.one#%5bDHP%202.X%5d%20Serie%20na%20VT,%20pobieranie%20dostaw%20dla&section-id=\\\\\\\\{F3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{48D92B44-27F3-4D3B-8D4F-22E9B7C48076}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FPolska%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FDHP.one%7CF3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9%2F%5BDHP%202.X%5D%20Serie%20na%20VT%2C%20pobieranie%20dostaw%20dla%7C48D92B44-27F3-4D3B-8D4F-22E9B7C48076%2F%29])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8279\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8207\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon,\r\n\r\nplease would you create an openingsbalance for item: 505020-Z20 with a quantity of 100 kg en for item: 303040-Z20 a quantity of 500 kg. Both for plant Andel.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hi,Opening balances have been created.Regards!image-2023-01-02-07-26-47-162.png!!image-2023-01-02-07-28-58-588.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'Good morning Aleksandra,Happy New Year !!Thanks for yor support.Kind regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 4: \'Aleksandra,You may close this ticket.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you for your information.All the best in New Year!Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8206\n\n### Instruction:\nTheo reported some Feed Sale lines are missing in Intense (enclosed prnscreen). Damian prepared a list of deleted feed sale lines (request during Kotrak\'s visit at DH).\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'[^Deleted_FeedSale_positions.xlsx]\'", "Comment 3: \'[^Feed Sales Lines Updated- Duplicated Lines Deleted.msg]\'", "Comment 4: \'Waiting for feedback from DH\'", "Comment 5: \'16.12.2022 wysłane przez Tomka także zestawienie Deleted_FeedSale_positions z usuniętymi liniami feed sale\'", "Comment 6: \'Confirmed that can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8205\n\n### Instruction:\nHello, \r\n\r\nplease link the attached lots to the relevant job orders \r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'hello", "Comment 4: please link 0705291222003 as well!image-1!\'", "Comment 5: \'Hello Thabile,PLRs are linked to JO. Please", "Comment 6: verify.Regards\'", "Comment 7: \'Hello,Can we close this task?Regards\'", "Comment 8: \'Hello", "Comment 9: please can you link this one as well !image-2!\'", "Comment 10: \'Hello,Documents are linked. Please", "Comment 11: verify.!image-2023-01-03-10-10-56-831.png|width=1163,height=225!Regards\'", "Comment 12: \'Hello", "Comment 13: all documents are linked thank you. \']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8204\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\nWe can not create Version 0 sub x in DHC.\r\nPlease kindly help check because we have to change bag for missing stock\r\ntask should be P1\r\nWe have 3 codes same issue:\r\nRD151-B10\r\nRD152-B10\r\nRD153-B10\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,there is already such additional technology.!image-2022-12-30-08-19-52-487.png!We can change the Technology Code to create another subversion.Please confirm.\'", \'Comment 4: "hi,That\\\'s problem. we need create Sub 1 but they not allow us to do that"\', "Comment 5: \'hi,I know how to do it", "Comment 6: please close the ticket\'", "Comment 7: \'[Additional Technology Can not create Version|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Wietnam/Baza%20wiedzy.one#Additional%20Technology%20Can%20not%20create%20Version&section-id=\\\\\\\\{2B12CDB9-0ACA-4E3F-B40E-E88F97AD3C58}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{510A4A06-A670-4CFB-B12E-6C3DFA1DBCE9}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FWietnam%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C2B12CDB9-0ACA-4E3F-B40E-E88F97AD3C58%2FAdditional%20Technology%20Can%20not%20create%20Version%7C510A4A06-A670-4CFB-B12E-6C3DFA1DBCE9%2F%29])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8203\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have some documents in Warehouse Orders with execution pending, but the VTs were already closed.\r\n\r\nCould you please close the Warehouse orders?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'close these documents are urgent because on monday we have full inventory and the barcodes are reserved yet.\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'VT są z IX a eventy od X !screenshot-1! !screenshot-2! \'", "Comment 5: \'Please check and send a feedback ", "Comment 6: all documents should be now in correct status.\'", "Comment 7: \'Hello Piotr,I checked and now is correct. You can close this task. Thank you.\'", "Comment 8: \'[[DHP 3.0]Incorrect WO status|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/RPA/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5dIncorrect%20WO%20status&section-id=\\\\\\\\{A2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{325B9921-0AB5-4E36-A871-095DF356E2F1}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FRPA%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7CA2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5DIncorrect%20WO%20status%7C325B9921-0AB5-4E36-A871-095DF356E2F1%2F%29])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8202\n\n### Instruction:\nWe need to cancel some production, was not produced and we cancelled in PCS, but it\'s not possible cancel in DHP because the status is finished.\r\nWe need to have these productions cancelled till tomorrow, because on monday we have full inventory (Yearly). Lot number attached.\r\n\r\nCould you please cancel the production in DHP?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'{code:java}08710111220090871271022001087125102202208712712220120871291222002{code}\'", \'Comment 4: "PLR\\\'s have been canceled."\', "Comment 5: \'Hello Piotr,I checked and now they are correct. You can close this task. Thank you.\'", "Comment 6: \'[[DHP 3.0] anulowanie PLR|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20anulowanie%20PLR&section-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{C767319F-E126-406E-9C0F-3F94070E64EC}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20anulowanie%20PLR%7CC767319F-E126-406E-9C0F-3F94070E64EC%2F%29])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8201\n\n### Instruction:\nWe need to cancel production 0851291122001, was not produced and we cancelled in PCS, but it\'s not possible cancel in DHP because the status is finished.\r\n\r\nCould you please cancel the production in DHP?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'We need to have this production cancelled till tomorrow", "Comment 2: because on monday we have full inventory (Yearly)\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'PLR has been canceled.\'", "Comment 5: \'[[DHP 3.0] anulowanie PLR|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20anulowanie%20PLR&section-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{C767319F-E126-406E-9C0F-3F94070E64EC}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20anulowanie%20PLR%7CC767319F-E126-406E-9C0F-3F94070E64EC%2F%29])\'", "Comment 6: \'Hello Piotr,I checked and now is correct. Thank you.\'", "Comment 7: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8200\n\n### Instruction:\nA few weeks ago I asked to delete some rounds, while the next round was on a new contract, bet the next round was already opened on the new round. The rounds were deleted, but the round number didn\'t change. So at the moment of creation, round 1 on the new contract had number 3 and round 2 on the old contract had number 2. As this one was deleted, round 1 on the new contract should become round 2 in total. This is the case for the following rounds:\r\nB004922/0235/0001 (ID 79108): round number 3 --> 2 \r\nB003437/0224/0001 (ID 74838): round number 4 --> 3\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Documents numbers are updated\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8199\n\n### Instruction:\nMatching invoice and payment gives warning\r\n\r\nAftherwards there are problems with age analysis.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'HiThese documents cannot be matched because they differ in currency", "Comment 4: some of them are entered in EUR and some in USD. !screenshot-1! !screenshot-2! !screenshot-3! !screenshot-4! I could reset the USD value on each of these documents and settle them. The value on account USD31-00909 will be zero.orI could enter AN documents with the same currencies and rates for each of these entries and match them.Best Regards,Beata\'", "Comment 5: \'Requester is checking\'", "Comment 6: \'Is it possible for the user to do it by himself?!image-1!\'", "Comment 7: \'[^Clearings.docx]\'", "Comment 8: \'I am attaching a short instruction on how to settle these documents. [^Clearings.docx] Please", \'Comment 9: check this\', "Comment 10: and give me some feedback if it is understandable?\'", "Comment 11: \'I have asked the user if it is oke.Waiting for an answer\'", "Comment 12: \'Can be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8198\n\n### Instruction:\nThis VTs listed didn`t reached to DHC but they are closed on DHP and processed. \r\n \r\n+ missing VTs \r\n26-Dec-2022 (VTs 1182-1242) \r\n27-Dec-2022 (VTs 1243-1270) \r\n28-Dec (VTs 1346-1363)\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\' Hey Dear We were about to send annual and monthly financial report but this incident is holding us Back ; {color:#172B4D}This VTs listed didn`t reached to DHC but they are closed on DHP and processed.{color} {color:#172B4D}+ missing VTs 26-Dec-2022 (VTs 1182-1242) 27-Dec-2022 (VTs 1243-1270) 28-Dec (VTs 1346-1363){color} Thanks in advance for accepting to help us !\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2022-12-29-15-04-59-681.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2022-12-29-15-08-06-169.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'!image-2022-12-29-15-10-36-852.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'!image-2022-12-29-15-16-05-288.png!\'", \'Comment 7: \\\'Z Integration też leciał timeout{code:java}2022-12-29 10:48:15 (29382dc5-8a05-4683-86b0-ae9a945d56b5/Plant.DHC.Integration/ETDB04/13920/9) [Error] Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.InboundIntercontextErrorHandler - Error during handling message of type "Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.DomainEvents.VehicleTicketReleasedForIntakeEvent"\', \'Comment 8: retry no 0Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.Interfaces.ConnectionBrokenException: Internal server error ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Internal server error at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation\', \'Comment 9: ProxyRpc& rpc) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action\', \'Comment 10: Boolean oneway\', \'Comment 11: ProxyOperationRuntime operation\', \'Comment 12: Object[] ins\', \'Comment 13: Object[] outs\', \'Comment 14: TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(MethodCall methodCall\', \'Comment 15: ProxyOperationRuntime operation) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(MethodInfo targetMethod\', \'Comment 16: Object[] args)--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Reflection.DispatchProxyGenerator.Invoke(Object[] args) at generatedProxy_1.PushDraftVehicleTicket(Package`1 ) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication.BasePushService`1.PushPackage(IDhcService dhcService\', \'Comment 17: Package`1 package) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication\\\\\\\\BasePushService.cs:line 28 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication.BasePushService`1.PushPackage(IDhcService dhcService\', \'Comment 18: Package`1 package) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication\\\\\\\\BasePushService.cs:line 36 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication.BasePushService`1.CallService(IDhcService dhcService\', \'Comment 19: Package`1 package) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication\\\\\\\\BasePushService.cs:line 60 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.PushDataFilter`1.Process(PackageIntegrationState input) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\PushDataFilter.cs:line 28 at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterBase`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterBase`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Excecute(T input) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler`1.Handle(TEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseInboundMessageHandler.cs:line 33 at Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.IntercontextInboundHandler`2.Handle(InternalStorageDto message)2022-12-29 10:55:39 (0a9b51a6-9088-4cd1-8c13-8112b9071651/Plant.DHC.Integration/ETDB04/13920/9) [Error] Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler - DraftVehicleTicketIntakePipelineExecutor execution errorKotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.Interfaces.ConnectionBrokenException: Internal server error ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Internal server error at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation\', \'Comment 20: ProxyRpc& rpc) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action\', \'Comment 21: Boolean oneway\', \'Comment 22: ProxyOperationRuntime operation\', \'Comment 23: Object[] ins\', \'Comment 24: Object[] outs\', \'Comment 25: TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(MethodCall methodCall\', \'Comment 26: ProxyOperationRuntime operation) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(MethodInfo targetMethod\', \'Comment 27: Object[] args)--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Reflection.DispatchProxyGenerator.Invoke(Object[] args) at generatedProxy_1.PushDraftVehicleTicket(Package`1 ) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication.BasePushService`1.PushPackage(IDhcService dhcService\', \'Comment 28: Package`1 package) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication\\\\\\\\BasePushService.cs:line 28 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication.BasePushService`1.PushPackage(IDhcService dhcService\', \'Comment 29: Package`1 package) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication\\\\\\\\BasePushService.cs:line 36 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication.BasePushService`1.CallService(IDhcService dhcService\', "Comment 30: Package`1 package) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Communication\\\\\\\\BasePushService.cs:line 60 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.PushDataFilter`1.Process(PackageIntegrationState input) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\PushDataFilter.cs:line 28 at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterBase`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterBase`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Excecute(T input) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler`1.Handle(TEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseInboundMessageHandler.cs:line 332{code}\'", "Comment 31: \'Brak errorow dla vt", "Comment 32: logi textowe tez puste!image-2022-12-29-16-28-22-125.png!\'", "Comment 33: \'Naglowki wskazanych VT (prawie 100 VT", \'Comment 34: sa w DHC i Service\', "Comment 35: natomiast nie przeszly elementy!image-2022-12-29-16-29-41-955.png!\'", "Comment 36: \'jeszcze z modułu VC z wczoraj{code:java}2022-12-28 19:47:00 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/ETDB04/9872/4) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.CleanEventsTask - Problem with data cleaning task executionSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (258): The wait operation timed out at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception", \'Comment 37: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 38: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 39: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 40: Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSniError(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 41: UInt32 error) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSniSyncOverAsync() at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryReadNetworkPacket() at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryPrepareBuffer() at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryReadByte(Byte& value) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 42: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 43: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 44: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 45: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 46: Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 47: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 48: String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 49: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 50: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 51: Boolean async\', \'Comment 52: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 53: Task& task\', \'Comment 54: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 55: SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 56: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 57: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 58: TaskCompletionSource`1 completion\', \'Comment 59: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 60: Task& task\', \'Comment 61: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 62: String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion\', \'Comment 63: Boolean sendToPipe\', \'Comment 64: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 65: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 66: String methodName) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Internal.RelationalCommand.Execute(IRelationalConnection connection\', \'Comment 67: DbCommandMethod executeMethod\', \'Comment 68: IReadOnlyDictionary`2 parameterValues) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Internal.RelationalCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(IRelationalConnection connection\', \'Comment 69: IReadOnlyDictionary`2 parameterValues) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.RelationalDatabaseFacadeExtensions.ExecuteSqlCommand(DatabaseFacade databaseFacade\', \'Comment 70: RawSqlString sql\', "Comment 71: IEnumerable`1 parameters) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.EF.EventRepository.GenericEventRepositoryEf`2.CleanData(TimeSpan removeOlderThen) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.CleanEventsTask.<ExecuteAsync>b__9_0()ClientConnectionId:dc8a9430-46b6-44e7-aa8c-881cd0a74da2Error Number:-2,State:0,Class:11{code}\'", \'Comment 72: "Errors DHC{code:java}Error mapping types.Mapping types:VehicleTicketDispatchClosedEvent -> VehicleTicketPlant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.DomainEvents.VehicleTicketDispatchClosedEvent -> Evolution.DHCService.Contracts.VehicleTicketType Map configuration:VehicleTicketDispatchClosedEvent -> VehicleTicketPlant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.DomainEvents.VehicleTicketDispatchClosedEvent -> Evolution.DHCService.Contracts.VehicleTicketProperty:Elements -> Error mapping types.Mapping types:IEnumerable`1 -> IEnumerable`1System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.DomainEvents.VehicleTicketPackedDispatchElementChangedEvent\', \'Comment 73: Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions\', \'Comment 74: Version=\', \'Comment 75: Culture=neutral\', \'Comment 76: PublicKeyToken=null]] -> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[Evolution.DHCService.Contracts.VehicleTicketElement\', \'Comment 77: Evolution.DHCService.Core\', \'Comment 78: Version=\', \'Comment 79: Culture=neutral\', "Comment 80: PublicKeyToken=null]] -> Error mapping types.Mapping types:VehicleTicketPackedDispatchElementChangedEvent -> VehicleTicketElementPlant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.DomainEvents.VehicleTicketPackedDispatchElementChangedEvent -> Evolution.DHCService.Contracts.VehicleTicketElementType Map configuration:VehicleTicketPackedDispatchElementChangedEvent -> VehicleTicketElementPlant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.DomainEvents.VehicleTicketPackedDispatchElementChangedEvent -> Evolution.DHCService.Contracts.VehicleTicketElementProperty:Id -> The instance of entity type \'VehicleTicketElementIdentityEntity\' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {\'PlantId\'", "Comment 81: \'PlantIdNo\'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities", \'Comment 82: ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using \\\'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging\\\' to see the conflicting key values.{code}"\', "Comment 83: \'Hi,We have analised your issue. We need to resend them all again via rabbit. It is very time consuming and we may finish it tomorrow. Are any of those vts more important than the others?Regards\'", \'Comment 84: "{code:java}SELECT distinct v.DocumentNumber FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] v left join [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on v.id=ve.vehicleticketid where v.CreateDate>\\\'2022-12-24 00:00\\\'--DocumentNumber like \\\'%1242%\\\' and v.Status in(1,2) and ve.VehicleTicketId is null{code}"\', "Comment 85: \'Dla 1190 tylko intakeclosed event!image-2022-12-29-18-10-47-111.png!\'", "Comment 86: \'Hi,The good news is that all VTs should be in DHC now. We need to investigate only VT-1190.Regards\'", "Comment 87: \'Is the status correct?!image-2022-12-29-19-49-37-643.png!Regards\'", "Comment 88: \'Dear Now all the VTs are back in DHC and I personally checked them all one by one . Thanks very much again for the service . Problem solved ! Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8197\n\n### Instruction:\nCześć\r\n\r\nChce zaktualizować strukturę podległościową, tj. przepiąć centrum podległościowe pracownika na pion drobiu i pojawia się komunikat (poniżej screen, który uniemożliwia zapisanie). Dodam, że pracownik (Białas Szymon) ma umowę na czas nieokreślony.\r\n\r\nNa innym pracowniku jest ok.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Wioletta fix it by herself", "Comment 4: please close the task.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8196\n\n### Instruction:\nAn additional technology VE303436 was created on 12 December for derived item 303436. Code to produce is 303641.\r\nIn DHP the version 0 recipe shows 303436 as ingredient. As a result. incorrect itemcode was sent to PCS and additional Lot reports are generated by DHP for 303436 that consumes 303436...\r\nPlease check why the incorrect RM /correct recipe in DHP so that it has 303641 as an ingredient. It is also ok if you remove the additional technology VE303436 in DHC, then I will create a new one.\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "Hi Bob,I have analised this case. Removing / deleting additional technology requires deleteing all PLRs that have already used this item / technology. In Plant there are approimately 100 PLR. Fortunately\', "Comment 4: I don\'t see any PLR related in DHC.Do you agree for removing all those PLRs and update the stock and dliveries?Please", \'Comment 5: let me know.Regards"\', \'Comment 6: "{color:#000000}Hi Aleksandra,{color} {color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000}Yes\', "Comment 7: it is ok to remove PLR\'s for this additional technology", \'Comment 8: because FP produced and RM consumed is the same. Most of them I already confirmed with quantity 0.1 / no RM consumption\', \'Comment 9: but there will be a number of tem in status Created. I think it is correct that notne of them were sent to DHC.{color} {color:#000000}All of these Lot reports may be removed if needed. As far as I can see now\', \'Comment 10: it will not impact FP/RM usage.{color} {color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:black}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:black}Best regards | Met vriendelijke groeten,{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:black} Bob Kennedy{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:black}Informatie analist{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color} |{color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000}{color}De Heus Voeders{color:#000000} <[http://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color}{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}|{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} * De Heus Voeders B.V.*{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} Postbus 396 6710 BJ Ede{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} Rubensstraat 1756717 VE Ede *M* 06 - 53 224 931 KvK 14626985{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:black} {color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} _ Op dit e-mailbericht en eventuele bijlage(n) is de disclaimer van toepassing_{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} _ gepubliceerd op de website van_{color} [{color:#006FB7} _De Heus Voeders_{color}|http://www.de-heus.nl/maildisclaimer]{color:#006FB7} _._{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| |{color:#000000}{color}{color:black}{color} [email protected]{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| |{color:#000000}{color}{color:black}{color} [email protected]{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| {color:#000000}{color} ---- {color:#000000} *From:* Aleksandra Przybyłek (Jira) <[email protected]> *Sent:* Friday\', \'Comment 11: December 30\', \'Comment 12: 2022 3:11 PM *To:* Kennedy\', \'Comment 13: Bob <[email protected]> *Subject:* DGS-8196 Recipe for derived item in DHP different then additional technology in DHC{color} |{color:#ffffff} CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.{color} |"\', "Comment 14: \'Additional Technology has been removed. Please", "Comment 15: verify.I will check logs and db if I can find any infrmation due to this mismatch.Regards\'", "Comment 16: \'Thank you. Lot reports for incorrect additional technology are now indeed removed. This ticket can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8195\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\n\r\nIs it possible to change category on 3 doc\'s?\r\nIt was posted on Calves, but should be in Slaughtery.\r\nID\'s 79221 / 79222 / 79223\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'The Round category has been adjusted as requested.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8194\n\n### Instruction:\nPróbowano wystawić FV z CDN jedna WZ-783/12/22/D kwota brutto i netto widnieje 0 a jak się wejdzie w nią widnieją kwoty.\r\n\r\nFV nie wyszła na fiskalu, ponieważ jest wartość brutto błędna.\r\n\r\nProśba o rozwiązanie problemu\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'--update cdn.tranag --set trn_nettor=33038.8", "Comment 3: trn_vatr=2643.1--where TrN_GIDNumer in (12617933)\'", "Comment 4: \'Please verify.\'", "Comment 5: \'Podczas fiskalizacji pojawil sie taki blad :!image!\'", "Comment 6: \'Please try again if the problem still occurs", "Comment 7: are you able to cancell this SOR and created again?\'", "Comment 8: \'This error is still when i try print\'", "Comment 9: \'Did you cancell this WZ and erpint create the new one and there is still this error?\'", "Comment 10: \'Task to close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8193\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nPlease, create an openingsbalance for item: 0473 on plant Maasbracht. Quantity 500 kg.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Opening balance for item 0473 has been created.\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello Piotr,Thanks for support on this.You may close this ticketRegards,Gerard\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8192\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nPlease, could you help me.\r\nI think there is a synchronisation problem between these applications.\r\n\r\nI \'am waiting for a recipe on plant Ravenstein, recipe 167259.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Item is missing in DHC: !screenshot-1! so and linking !screenshot-2! Can you check please ?\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello Piotr,Okay!Thanks for support. Problem is solved.You may close this ticketRegards,Gerard\'", "Comment 4: \'Thank you for confirmation,Regards.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8191\n\n### Instruction:\nWyskoczył komunikat barcode cannot by null or empty nr 6150032\r\n\r\nProszę o szybką pomoc\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello", "Comment 2: We kindly inform you that wecurrentlyare processing another Priority1 task.DGS-8189We will revert to processing your task as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Please check should be ok now?\'", \'Comment 4: "It\\\'s Ok "]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8190\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nCould you have a look at this error please?\r\nCan you resolve the problem and tell me the reason of this?\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!Knipsel2.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'does the problem persist?Does the problem only affect a specific VT?\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello Aleksandra,only at this VT.\'", \'Comment 5: \\\'2022-12-29 07:57:04 (e1bd1aa8-d8cc-4c1c-84b5-dd01c6f782f9/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP179/6320/196) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ "scheme": "http"\', \'Comment 6: "host": { "Value": "dhvd01ap179:82"\', \'Comment 7: "HasValue": true\', \'Comment 8: "Host": "dhvd01ap179"\', \'Comment 9: "Port": 82 }\', \'Comment 10: "path": "/api/VehicleTicket/releaseDispatch"\', \'Comment 11: "queryString": []\', \'Comment 12: "requestBody": "\\\\\\\\{\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"d5f57e8f-7e86-4fea-9fad-054a70a469f4\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"date\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"2022-12-29T06:57:05.725Z\\\\\\\\"}"}.System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.[[DHP 3.0] VT procesowanie System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20VT%20procesowanie%20System.InvalidOperationException%20Nullable%20object&section-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{AA5B5141-139E-4A0C-A66A-37DAE9560CF5}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20VT%20procesowanie%20System.InvalidOperationException%3A%20Nullable%20object%7CAA5B5141-139E-4A0C-A66A-37DAE9560CF5%2F%29])\\\'\', "Comment 13: \'Please check?\'", \'Comment 14: "I\\\'am waiting for feedback"\', \'Comment 15: "Hi Aleksandra,This issue was only for this VT.Further analyse on our side is done. This was a accident. For this time it\\\'s an accident. If it happens again than we have to investigate.Please close this ticket.Regards,Gerard"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8189\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nWe try to close this VT and get this this error.\r\nCould you help us to resolve this please, and tell me the reason of this error?\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!Knipsel.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,Please verify", "Comment 4: we had no problem with closing VT-477/11/12We closed from the DHP applicationRegards\'", "Comment 5: \'Goodmorning Adrian,I asked for confirmation at our side. And waiting for it.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 6: \'Hello Adrian,VT is okay. Please close this serviceticket.Thanks for support on it.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 7: \'This ticket/VT should be treated as an incident,the next time an error occurs an RCA will be created.Regards.\'", "Comment 8: \'Hello Piotr,Okay!Regards.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8188\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nPlease, could you create an openingsbalance for item 0458 on plant Ravenstein. Quantity is 15950 kg.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Openings balance for item 0458 has been created.\'", "Comment 3: \'Goodmorning Piotr,thanks for your support on this. You may close this ticket.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 4: \'Good morning.Thank you for confirmation.Regards.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8187\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have some ULs with differing reservations between Stock and WMS engine.\r\n\r\n{quote}\r\n85-OB00NK\r\n85-OB00NI\r\n{quote}\r\n\r\nCould you fix that please?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "{code:java}SELECT su.QuantityOnHandValue\', \'Comment 3: su.ReservedQuantityValue\', \'Comment 4: su.LogisticStatus,su.ReservationSourceDocumentNumbers,ul.Barcode,su.Id FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] ul inner join [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.StockUnits su on ul.id=su.UnitLoadId where ul.barcode in( \\\'85-OB00NK\\\',\\\'85-OB00NI\\\' ) SELECT QuantityOnhand,Quantity,* FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnits] where barcode in( \\\'85-OB00NK\\\',\\\'85-OB00NI\\\' )SELECT *FROM DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain.dbo.ProductionLots Pleft JOIN DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain.dbo.StockUnitReservations R ON P.Id = R.SourceDocumentIdWHERE P.lotnumber=\\\'0855131022009\\\'ORDER BY P.StartDate DESC;{code}!image-2022-12-29-11-05-50-650!"\', "Comment 5: \' !screenshot-1! \'", \'Comment 6: "It\\\'s already released,please confirm that the stock module has the correct data and the wms needs to be corrected."\', \'Comment 7: "Hi PiotrI\\\'m still finding it on WMS engine!image!"\', \'Comment 8: "Hello\', \'Comment 9: I just wanted to confirm but i see it\\\'s fine now.I changed the status to released.!image-2022-12-30-08-57-14-181.png!"\', \'Comment 10: "Hi PiotrNow it\\\'s OK. Thank you very much.You can close this task"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8186\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have this WO(IP)-27/12/22\r\nThe PLR 0856031222001 were canceled but the user wrongly registered the 3 ULs of it.\r\nWe are trying to close the WO(IP) without realization, but DHP shows an error message: *Error! Invalid intake status to close warehouse order without realization*\r\n\r\nWhen I try to remove the registered UL from _Intake from production processing_ screen, there\'s this error message: *Error! Warehouse intake should be in progress*\r\n\r\nCould you please clear the registered ULs and Close this WO(IP) without realization?\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\'", "Comment 4: \'https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DAP-11559\'", "Comment 5: \'!executed.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 6: \'In the case given", \'Comment 7: there is a WI document in an executed state\', \'Comment 8: from what we can see the WOPI document was reopened.!image-2022-12-29-10-23-41-425.png!After reopen you mayonly add some ULs\', "Comment 9: but you cannot delete those that have already been registered.To reduce the states in this situation create Stockaging.Is this information sufficient?\'", "Comment 10: \'HIWe made the STK of ULs from lot number 0856031222001.However the WO(IP) still with status = *Processable* and also one delivery in Stock engine with SU with 1 kg with status = *InProgress*.Could you please fix that?Thank you!image-2!\'", "Comment 11: \'!image-2022-12-30-10-37-49-378.png!\'", "Comment 12: \'deliveryid?id=bd050587-30cf-42a6-a460-6c215a44e7eb\'", "Comment 13: \'!staplr.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 14: \'The PRL is in status created - please confim it!staplr.PNG!When you create a PLR", \'Comment 15: you create a bulk SU\', \'Comment 16: which in this case was 3001kg. They registered 3 pallets of 1000kg on the WO(IP)\', "Comment 17: so there was 1kg left on the bulky SU- that correct.After you confirm this PLr this 1kg will be on stock and you will be able to make a stockaging.For WOPI you may only set status to complete\'", \'Comment 18: "HiPlease revisit the initial description of this task:bq. The PLR 0856031222001 were *canceled* but the user *wrongly* registered the 3 ULs of it.This PLR was created\', "Comment 19: but canceled because we didn\'t need it anymore. However", "Comment 20: the user has mistakenly registered the ULs of this PLR.We\'ll not use this PLR; there was no RM consumption. We\'ll not use this ULs; these registered ULs were were discarded in the trash can.When we open the Production Reports screen this PLR is not being displayed. I don\'t know why DHP has this _Created_ status even after we canceled this PLR.So", "Comment 21: once again: *Could you please clear the registered ULs and Close this WO(IP) without realization?*If this isn\'t possible", \'Comment 22: could you please change the status of the WO(IP) to _Canceled_ or _Finished_ or anything else to clear it from the WO List screen?Thank you very much"\', "Comment 23: \'Hod did user cancelled it if that have still created status?Did you change something in db ?We fixed the status for PRL for cancel and set wopi for executed.I add also description in case there will be some problems in futureLet me know if we may close the task.!image-2022-12-30-14-43-43-846.png!!image-2022-12-30-14-43-43-846!\'", \'Comment 24: "update [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[WarehouseOrderElements] set status=50 where id=\\\'ef95ed65-108b-493e-8881-ac09421c9532\\\'update [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[WarehouseOrders] set status =50 \', \'Comment 25: Description=\\\' changed due dgs-8186\\\' where id=\\\'ef95ed65-108b-493e-8881-ac09421c9532\\\'"\', \'Comment 26: "Hi AgnieszkaWe used the functionality ti cancel the PLR. We are not authorized to make changes in DB.Now it\\\'s OK. You can close this task.Thank you very much!image-3!"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DAP-13138\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8185\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have this *88-W0F57Q* Unit load.\r\nWhen verifying the WMS engine, we have 750kg on Quantity On Hand value and no Reservations for this UL.\r\nHowever, looking to Stock engine, this UL have 0kg on Quantity On Hand value and a WM document on Reservation for this UL.\r\n\r\nChecking with the plant, the right information is in WMS engine. Could you please fix that?\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Barcode*88-W0F57Q*is fixed", "Comment 4: please verify.Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'W WMS prawidłowo:!image-2022-12-28-20-15-37-415.png!!image-2022-12-28-20-15-37-415!\'", \'Comment 6: "HiI confirm that it\\\'s fixed! Thank you!Is there anything that I can do myself for a future case like this?You can close this taskThank you very much"\', "Comment 7: \'Thank you. As I mentioned in DGS-8184", "Comment 8: dev are working on permament fix.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8087\', \'DGS-8168\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8184\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have a recurring problem, same from DGS-8087.\r\n\r\nSome items/Unit load are with wrong reservation. The productions are closed but they are still reserving some unit loads.\r\n\r\nProduction of Lot Number:\r\n0871261222004\r\n0871221222008\r\n\r\nCould you check why reservation was not done when productions were closed, check if we have more productions with the same error and fix it?\r\n\r\nIt\'s urgent because system not allow to move or make inventory for unit load with reservation.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Could you please provide me with barcodes that causes the issue in PLRs:08712612220040871221222008?Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Root cause analysis is under:DGS-8168\'", "Comment 4: \'HiYou can find attached the ULs for each PLRs.About RCA 8168. Do I need to register this DGS 8184 in there or there is any other thing that I should do about ti?Thank you[^ULs from 0871261222004.xlsx] _(6 kB)_[^ULs from 0871221222008.xlsx] _(7 kB)_\'", "Comment 5: \'I have linked those tickets", \'Comment 6: however now I can unblock the process. Under RCA task\', "Comment 7: analysis is taken and permament solution is worked on.\'", "Comment 8: \'{code:java}SELECT *FROM DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain.dbo.ProductionLots PJOIN DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain.dbo.StockUnitReservations R ON P.Id = R.SourceDocumentIdWHERE P.ProductionLotStatus = 4ORDER BY P.StartDate DESC;{code}W Toledo są takie dwa:08712612220040871221222008\'", \'Comment 9: "Data has been corrected for Toledo and this two PLR\\\'s 08712612220040871221222008and as Aleksandra mentioned RCA is already created DGS-8168"\', \'Comment 10: "Hi PiotrNow it\\\'s OK.You can close this taskThank you very much"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8087\', \'DGS-8168\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8183\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nCould you please update asap the translation files for 8.3 release version on the following plants?\r\nItaberaí\r\nApucarana\r\nToledo\r\nGuararapes\r\n\r\nAs far as I know, the source is BRT-1011 and BRT-1012\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hi Maicon,Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Dear [[email protected]]* TO Prod was updated 15.12.2022 and currently on Mobile you have the latest translations ** We can update today Web translations file only* AP", \'Comment 3: IT\', \'Comment 4: GU - we need to update file for translations for Web + we need to update Mobile app - that is why the best way will be update the version 8.3 to the lates version (Web+Mobile)* Do you want to update 8.3 to the latest on Prod: AP\', \'Comment 5: IT\', \'Comment 6: GU?** if yes\', "Comment 7: we can plan the update for tomorrow morning.\'", "Comment 8: \'Dear [[email protected]]** TO Prod: Thank you for mobile update! You can update the web today** AP IT GU: You can update it to the latest version + translations + mobile tomorrow in your morningThank you very much\'", "Comment 9: \'HelloAll DHPs are up to date.Thank you very muchYou can close this task\'", "Comment 10: \'Dear [[email protected]]this task was related to the update of DHP3.0.That is why it was realized on DIM project.As we have discussed on Teams", \'Comment 11: estimation for this update: *3hours* for: AP\', \'Comment 12: IT\', "Comment 13: GU.Thanks \'", "Comment 14: \'Dear [[email protected]]OK!Thank you very much\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8182\n\n### Instruction:\nHej\r\n\r\nNie przechodzą trasy z dhc do hdp, serwisy restartowane, kolejki nie widzę.\r\nNp 12967/22/S, 12935/22/S, 12914/22/S, 7479/22/I.\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'All routes passed. Did you do anything?\'", "Comment 3: \'No", \'Comment 4: just verified the issue. Regarding12967/22/S\', \'Comment 5: I cannot see it under the database nor in DHC. Was the number correct?Also\', \'Comment 6: when ticket raised\', "Comment 7: route12935/22/S has already been in DHP.Regards\'", "Comment 8: \'Can we close this task", "Comment 9: btw? :)\'", "Comment 10: \'12957 btw...so dhc had a long delay...to close", "Comment 11: thanks.\'", "Comment 12: \'Thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8181\n\n### Instruction:\nI made an elements to sales invoice en I get an error, \r\nI get the sales invoices but the numbers are not in de PI-RLM/2022/2150\r\n(SI-RLM/2022/3612......2852)\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^Map3.pdf] _(225 kB)_\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello Anja,Could you describe when this errors ocurred (page 1 of attachment) or this errors are not related with this topic?I see on the page 2 of attachment and in Intense that Sales invoices have been generated properly but are not linked to the source Purchase Invoice", "Comment 4: right?Are there any errors when you created Sales Invoices from Purchase invoices?\'", "Comment 5: \'{color:black}Errors came when i create de SI on the tab of ‘Elements to Sales Invoice’{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}These SI have to link at PI-RLM/2022/2150{color} !image001!{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} !image008!{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Anja{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Verdam,{color} | {color:#000001}MedewerkerContractadministratie{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image002!{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} M:{color}{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001}0641399917{color}{color:#000001} <tel:06%2041%20399%20917>{color} | |{color:#000001} T:0318675564{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image003! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image006! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | |{color:black}{color} !image007.jpg|thumbnail!{color:black}{color} | *Van:* Damian Świstek (Jira) <[email protected]> *Verzonden:* donderdag 29 december 2022 12:35 *Aan:* Verdam", "Comment 6: Anja <[email protected]> *Onderwerp:* DGS-8181 error - sales invoice numbers | *{color:white} *CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.*{color}* | \'", "Comment 7: \'Now it should be ok", \'Comment 8: there are linked documents on Purchase Invoices.\\\\r\\\\rWe cannot repeat this error on test environment.\\\\r\\\\rIf there will be another situation like this\', "Comment 9: please create a task.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8180\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon,\r\n\r\nwould you so kind to delete the user: loodssneek on plant: Sneek\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Dear Gerard,Could you please provie me with the first name and last name of the userloodssneek ? I cannot see this login neither in Sneek nor in DHC.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2022-12-28-15-51-14-375.png!!image-2022-12-28-15-51-50-074.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'Dear Aleksandra,the first name is: Loods and the second name is: SneekRegards\'", \'Comment 5: "But this user has status: inactve\', \'Comment 6: isn\\\'t it fine?Regards!image-2022-12-28-16-40-40-245.png!"\', "Comment 7: \'Goodmorning Aleksandra,Yes", \'Comment 8: that is correct!Forget the deletion of this account\', "Comment 9: but please change the password for me to: Heus2022!and I wil activate this account later to on.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 10: \'Good afternoon Gerard,The password has been changed as requested.Regards\'", "Comment 11: \'Good afternoon Aleksandra,Thanks for support on this.You may close this ticketKind regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 12: \'Thank you.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8179\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon,\r\n\r\nPlease, could you help me? See also image.\r\n\r\nI am unable to book out this sales order.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image001!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Can you be more specific what exactly cannot be done on this order?\'", \'Comment 4: "Dear Piotr,i asked my collegue for more detailinformation. I\\\'am waiting.Regards"\', \'Comment 5: "Hello Piotr,hereby more detailinormation about this Salesorder.The problem is that the button to create a full SOR is grey\', \'Comment 6: so my collegue can\\\'t create a full SOR for this order.Could you help us?Regards,Gerard!Knipsel3!"\', "Comment 7: \'This SO is from allocation:SourceDocumentNumber\\\\tPONumberPORI-77/08/2022/VIMP\\\\tPO-17/08/2022/INTand system allows only creation SOR from POR documents that where done manually by user.This one was created by ERPintegrator.\'", \'Comment 8: "{code:java}SELECT [AllocationId],* FROM [CDNXL_DHNL_PROD].[Kotrak].[ZamElemExtensions] where GidNumer=22411 select * FROM [CDNXL_DHNL_PROD].[Kotrak].[Allocations] where id=\\\'29211\\\'{code}"\', \'Comment 9: "Good afternoon,my collegue doesn\\\'t understand your explanation. Could you give us more clearly information\', \'Comment 10: so that he understood what he has todo?Kind regards,Gerard "\', "Comment 11: \'This order can only be used for VT(SOR will be generated from VT automatically) or generated from the XL directly not the GUI(DH CDN).\'", "Comment 12: \'Hello", "Comment 13: do you have any update for our last comment?Thank you and regards.\'", \'Comment 14: "Goodmorning Piotr,yesterday I asked my collegue. I\\\'am waiting for a feedback from him. But last week a lot of people are not at the Office (holidays). So\', \'Comment 15: if feedback is available you got an answer related to this issue from me. Please\', \'Comment 16: do not close this one.Regards,Gerard "\', "Comment 17: \'Good morning", "Comment 18: thanks for the reply - so we wait :)Regards.\'", "Comment 19: \'Hello", "Comment 20: do you have any update for this ticket?Thank you and regards.\'", "Comment 21: \'Hello,We are closing this task as we haven’treceivedany replyfromyouforalong time. If the issueappearsagain", "Comment 22: please raise another task.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8178\n\n### Instruction:\n101662 has an active round, but I can\'t select.\r\nID 80984\r\nI will write an e-mail with screenshots\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello ChristineThe customer selected in the invoice is Customer Other. There is no relation like this in the relation table. We never use Customer Other in NAS.If we have a sales invoice", "Comment 3: we always deal with either Customer Farmer or Customer Slaughtery/Cattle Trader\'", \'Comment 4: "Hello Christine\', \'Comment 5: You can try now to change it. Please let me know if this resolves the problem.RegardsEwa From: Jong\', \'Comment 6: Christine de <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday\', \'Comment 7: December 29\', \'Comment 8: 2022 8:36 AMTo: Ewa Mucha <[email protected]>; JIRA <[email protected]>Subject: RE: DGS-8178 Not able to select a round numberGoodmorning,How can I change the BP_Category?It is greyIf I understand correctly I have to change this to Slaughtery/Cattle traderMetvriendelijkegroet,\\\\u200b\\\\u200bChristinede\\\\t\\\\tJongMedewerkerContractadministratie[1]\\\\tDEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.Postbus3966710BJEde\\\\u200b\\\\tRubensstraat1756717VEEde\\\\u200b\\\\tT:0318675567KvK14626985Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassinggepubliceerdopdewebsitevan[2]DeHeusVoeders.[3]\\\\t[4]\\\\t[5]\\\\t[6]Van: Jong\', \'Comment 9: Christine deVerzonden: woensdag 28 december 2022 15:14Aan: Ewa Mucha <[7][email protected]>; [8][email protected]: FW: DGS-8178 Not able to select a round numberHi Ewa,Why were we able to make postings? Please see my e-mail 14:06 with below screenshot.Metvriendelijkegroet,\\\\u200b\\\\u200bChristinede\\\\t\\\\tJongMedewerkerContractadministratie[9]\\\\tDEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.Postbus3966710BJEde\\\\u200b\\\\tRubensstraat1756717VEEde\\\\u200b\\\\tT:0318675567KvK14626985Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassinggepubliceerdopdewebsitevan[10]DeHeusVoeders.[11]\\\\t[12]\\\\t[13]\\\\t[14]Van: Ewa Mucha (Jira) <[15][email protected]>Verzonden: woensdag 28 december 2022 14:18Aan: Jong\', \'Comment 10: Christine de <[16][email protected]>Onderwerp: DGS-8178 Not able to select a round numberCAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.—-—-—-— Reply above this line. Ewa Mucha commented:Hello ChristineThe customer selected in the invoice is Customer Other. There is no relation like this in the relation table. We never use Customer Other in NAS.If we have a sales invoice\', "Comment 11: we always deal with either Customer Farmer or Customer Slaughtery/Cattle Trader[17]View request ·[18]Turn off this request\'s notifications This is shared with Christine de Jong", \'Comment 12: Tomasz Kozioł\', \'Comment 13: Ewa Mucha\', \'Comment 14: and Mitch van Bovene. KOTRAK\', \'Comment 15: powered by [19]Jira Service Desk\', \'Comment 16: sent you this message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] https://www.de-heus.nl/[2] https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid[3] https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders[4] https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders[5] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ[6] https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/[7] mailto:[email protected][8] mailto:[email protected][9] https://www.de-heus.nl/[10] https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid[11] https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders[12] https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders[13] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ[14] https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/[15] mailto:[email protected][16] mailto:[email protected][17] https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelpdesk.kotrak.com%2Fservicedesk%2Fcustomer%2Fportal%2F56%2FDGS-8178%3Fsda_source%3Dnotification-email&data=05%7C01%7CCJong%40deheus.com%7C05c47bc662644931fd4508dae8d5f60b%7C1004261bdfb74f37830f7438cb8a1b69%7C1%7C0%7C638078302907040392%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=mBR8zr%2B7dK8p1MV5GOh%2FHNEFvwPo1JY2kkMMD2jpTEo%3D&reserved=0[18] https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelpdesk.kotrak.com%2Fservicedesk%2Fcustomer%2Fportal%2F56%2FDGS-8178%2Funsubscribe%3Fjwt%3DeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJxc2giOiI1N2E1OWZhN2Y0MmUyNmRlZmZkNDk0ZDNkMThkMjNiMDc5NmE2NTI4ZWJhNzkzZmM3ZTU3OTM4N2RhY2RlNGZjIiwiaXNzIjoic2VydmljZWRlc2stand0LXRva2VuLWlzc3VlciIsImNvbnRleHQiOnsidXNlciI6IkpJUkFVU0VSMzQwMTkiLCJpc3N1ZSI6IkRHUy04MTc4In0sImV4cCI6MTY3NDY1MjY0NiwiaWF0IjoxNjcyMjMzNDQ2fQ.G7GkQSALwjpo2w6qa5mZRmHf5gDVX8VECHZYi_zktyQ&data=05%7C01%7CCJong%40deheus.com%7C05c47bc662644931fd4508dae8d5f60b%7C1004261bdfb74f37830f7438cb8a1b69%7C1%7C0%7C638078302907196631%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=0aiEK0VOInnPeH%2BxsEo1WxoMvYQFccx0x04dYUf9Ew8%3D&reserved=0[19] https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atlassian.com%2Fsoftware%2Fjira%2Fservice-desk%2Fpowered-by%3Futm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dservice-desk_email-notification_server%26utm_campaign%3Dservice-desk_email-notification_server&data=05%7C01%7CCJong%40deheus.com%7C05c47bc662644931fd4508dae8d5f60b%7C1004261bdfb74f37830f7438cb8a1b69%7C1%7C0%7C638078302907196631%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=NenXnEq84pZKtMKHTvWUqgfvoILFf%2BWxaRyCuYynerY%3D&reserved=0"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8177\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have a problem with DHC x DHP Orders integration with Foreigh document numbers:\r\nOVE-071931\r\nOVE-071909\r\n\r\nThey were integrated from ERP to DHC with success, however they weren\'t integrated from DHC to DHP because the OrderElements wasn\'t liked yet.\r\nWhen items were linked, DHC didn\'t tried to resend to DHP.\r\nThis is happening a lot, but we never have time to analyze it.\r\nCould you please check why DHC is not resending blocked orders to DHP after the link process?\r\nAnd then, please, after finding the root cause of the problem, send this Orders because factory needs to plan the production.\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[[email protected]]zamówienia z oryginalnego taska", \'Comment 2: przeszły dopiero po tym jak ponownie wysłali je ze swojego erp jednak Brazyli twierdzi \', \'Comment 3: że po linkowaniu\', \'Comment 4: zamówienie powinny same się resendować - tutaj to nie zadziałało.Tak to pamięta Brazylia:"As far as I remember\', \'Comment 5: Przemysław Przybyszewski informed that this resend after linking is a DHC functionality. However\', \'Comment 6: as I described in this DGS\', \'Comment 7: this is not working. And I don\\\\\\\'t know where is the log description about why it didn\\\\\\\'t work."Da radę zweryfikować czy to się faktycznie ma ponownie samo wysyłać- zaciągac i cos nie zadziałało\', "Comment 8: czy jednak sami powinni to ponownie wysłać?\'", "Comment 9: \'powinno się samo wysyłać. potrzebujemy przykład na którym mogli byśmy to przeanalizować (taki gdzie jeszcze nie zdążyli wysłać ponownie itema) być moze w wersji którą mieli był jakiś babol", "Comment 10: jeśli wystąpi w DHC które mają obecnie to niech poinformują.\'", "Comment 11: \'Could you provide new example of similar situation?From what we know the current DHC version this problem should not occur.,\'", \'Comment 12: "Hi Agnieszka I\\\'ll start monitoring this case with this new 62.0 version for the next 2 weeks.I\\\'ll let you know.Thank you"\', "Comment 13: \'Did you verify it", "Comment 14: may we close the task?\'", \'Comment 15: "Hi AgnieszkaWe didn\\\'t have new cases\', \'Comment 16: but there is some issue with DHCountry to DHCService engines. Because ERP send the information to DHC\', \'Comment 17: DHC returns a success message to ERP\', \'Comment 18: we can find the Order in DHCountry app\', \'Comment 19: but it doesn\\\'t send to DHP.We had DGS-8776 about Orders integrationAlso DGS-8820 with some situation about DHC to DHP integration of RecipesI thing we should leave this RCA open and investigate further. What do you propose?Thank you"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8159\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8176\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon,\r\n\r\nplease, would you so kind to make an openingbalance for item: 080240-Z15 plant: Sneek. Quantity 500.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,Opening balance has been created for item. Please", "Comment 3: verify.Regards!image-2022-12-28-14-55-49-489.png!!image-2022-12-28-14-55-49-489!\'", "Comment 4: \'Dear Aleksandra,thanks for your support. You may close this ticket.Regards,Gerard\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8175\n\n### Instruction:\nWitam\r\nPodczas proby zamkniecia VT-19065/12/22 pojawia sie komunikat ajak w załączniku\r\nNie mozna usunac tez ani anulowac elementu.\r\nJeden z elementów dopisany jest dwukrotnie do komory 8 \r\nProsze o szybkie rozwiazanie - kierowca na wadze\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'can i get phone number to factory?\'", "Comment 4: \'728906880\'", "Comment 5: \'Vt was closed", "Comment 6: I had a profiler started for this error but it failed to repeat.Were there any changes made on your side in the meantime?Thanks.\'", "Comment 7: \'Nie po mojej stronie nic nie było robione. User zamknął VT czy Ty od bazy ??\'", "Comment 8: \'The operator closed VT", "Comment 9: I closed the load from the application to cause an error.\'", "Comment 10: \'Task to close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8174\n\n### Instruction:\nHi Theo and Ewa,\r\n \r\nFor this round a lot of things went wrong in moving feed. Forth and back between the different rounds.\r\n \r\nAre we able to send all feed invoices (see the invoices in the attachment that are not red) again from Milas to Intense? I think we need to clear the feed and also some specials that are booked in expenses in Intense first. I am not sure what the right order of things and approach is, that is why I am mailing the both of you.\r\n \r\nRegards,\r\n \r\nMitch\r\n \r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-2022-12-28-11-59-33-975.png!\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-2022-12-28-11-59-52-955.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'skonsultowae z Damianem 22.12: robimy na spokojnie.trzeba by jeszcze S2P usuwać", \'Comment 4: potem linie z Feed sale\', \'Comment 5: czyli powyłączać blokady\', "Comment 6: żebyśmy to mogli zrobić i wyrzucić wszystkie te linie z Feed sale.\'", "Comment 7: \'This will be handled after Damian finalizes a change request related to S2P[[email protected]]FYI\'", "Comment 8: \'What is the current status?\'", "Comment 9: \'Do sprawdzenia które dokumenty można usunąć.\'", "Comment 10: \'[^InvoicesToDelete_FS_09012023-1.xlsx]\'", "Comment 11: \'[[email protected]]", \'Comment 12: I send the list of all this documents related to other objects in Intense. Lines with value "NULL" in column ExportedToMilas can be delete but other lines can\\\\\\\'t\', "Comment 13: because they have been exported to Milas.[^InvoicesToDelete_FS_09012023-1.xlsx]\'", "Comment 14: \'{color:black}Ha Grzegorz,{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}It’s already solved yet. No futher action needed. Thanks!{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Rick{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Reimerink{color} | {color:#000001}SpecialistOpfokenVermeerdering{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image001!{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} M:{color}{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001}0622854366{color}{color:#000001} <tel:06%2022%20854%20366>{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image002! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image003! <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | *Van:* Grzegorz Materla (Jira) <[email protected]> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 10 januari 2023 08:39 *Aan:* Reimerink", "Comment 15: Rick <[email protected]> *Onderwerp:* DGS-8174 RE: Jacobs Migielsen feed sale leeghalen | *{color:white} *CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.*{color}* | !image006.gif!\'", \'Comment 16: "Hi [[email protected]],thank you for information. So\', \'Comment 17: I\\\'m closing task.Have a nice day.Best regards,Grzegorz"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8173\n\n### Instruction:\nIn the migration from the eggs to 21-09-2022 is the Item CALA taken as a debet, this should have been credit.\r\nRound: 00651A/0006/0001\r\nCan you help?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello Bert", "Comment 2: could you please indicate which invoices should be adjusted?What exactly has to be changed?!image-2022-12-28-12-35-39-442.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'All invoices with the code CALA now have positive gross values while the calculation is -1 x price. These should all have negative gross values.Could you change all of these? \'", "Comment 4: \'do wyrzucenia do Excela wartości faktur z CALA jak było i jak będzie i do wysłania do potwierdzenia klientowi.\'", \'Comment 5: "[[email protected]]\', \'Comment 6: could you please confirm the lines from Excel\', \'Comment 7: which need\\\'s to change for negative gross values?[^CALA_LAS_ItemsForAdjustements.xlsx]"\', "Comment 8: \'Could you mail me the file? I cannot open it somehow.\'", "Comment 9: \'Hi", "Comment 10: it is about row 2 till 48. The totals should be with a minus.\'", "Comment 11: \'Hi [[email protected]],At the begining I thought that we only need to change positive to negative sign for values. But I look into Eggs list and I see that before we display values the view data have math operation NetValue * (-1)", \'Comment 12: VatValue * (-1) and GrossValue * (-1). So\', "Comment 13: we need to change only the view of Eggs list or we should to update the values to positive on row for lines from Excel file?\'", "Comment 14: \'Hi", \'Comment 15: you can see in the Excel that the new postings (from after 1-10-2022) are all with a positive unit\', "Comment 16: a positive price and a negative net and gross value.All posings before 1-10-2022 should have the exact same format. Could you change these in that way? \'", \'Comment 17: "Hi [[email protected]],The view for Eggs list is good right now? I\\\'m asking becasue one thing is display on list but the other thing are values on documents. The lines on Eggs list have negative price and positive net and gross values\', \'Comment 18: because the invoice lines like price have positive and net and gross have negative values. For sure\', \'Comment 19: are you want to update net and gross invoice values from negative to positive values?If you dont understand what I am talking about\', \'Comment 20: we can call to each other on MS Teams."\', "Comment 21: \'YES", "Comment 22: I think it is correct right now.\'", \'Comment 23: "[[email protected]]\', \'Comment 24: I\\\'ve made changes on lines from Excel file so you can feel free to test."\', "Comment 25: \'Confirmed that can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8172\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have an issue with a lot report produced as 15TN and confirmed as 30TN! Which have affected the finished product cost in ERP.\r\n\r\nAlthough the configurations allow 5% tolerance, the system have accepted this tolerance which is 100% higher.\r\n\r\nPCS Lot ID number= 202211230034\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: " !screenshot-1! !screenshot-2! Dosed jest ~15ton !screenshot-3! b10b0429-ede7-47f8-b275-b108ef7a1a90{code:java}SELECT [Created] ,[Event] ,[EventType] ,[UserName] ,[CorrelationId] FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'b10b0429-ede7-47f8-b275-b108ef7a1a90\\\' and EventType like \\\'%ProductionLotQuantity%\\\' order by Created{code} !screenshot-4! zmiana przez operatora m.gamal"\', "Comment 4: \'na teście też tak można wyklikać.\'", "Comment 5: \'This field is not related with tolerance.Tolerance is related with this two columns !screenshot-5! and here there are no such differences.If a change to this is required please create a GDC.\'", "Comment 6: \'All information was provided in the last comment.This ticket has been closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8171\n\n### Instruction:\n0692231222053 no reservations are assigned please assist in sending the PLR details to the stock module. \r\n\r\nalso kindly share details on how information is resent.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Checked message for create PLR in Stock module !screenshot-1! In this case PrO is missing PRO-626/12/22 !screenshot-2! And order element (missing order in stock module) !screenshot-3! Missing data for Business Partner related with Order. !screenshot-4! Error for BPartner !screenshot-5! And address was missing !screenshot-6! *Messages resent from DHP application:*Address for BusinessPartnerOrderProductionOrderPLR finally(ProductionLotCreated and rest of messages for this plr).\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello", \'Comment 5: thank you\', "Comment 6: task can be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8292\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8170\n\n### Instruction:\nDokument MMW-181/10/22/Y został odksiegowany przez pracownika ksiegowosci. Dane na dokumncie zostaly poprawione i przy probie ponownego zaksiegowania pojawia sie komunikat jak w załączniku\r\nProsba o rozwiazanie problemu\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Kolejne dokumenty z tym problemem - MMW-455/10/22/Y ", "Comment 3: MMP-258/10/22/Ł\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'{code:java} FROM [CDNXL_DEHEUS].[CDN].[TraNag] where (TrN_GIDTyp=1603 AND TrN_GIDFirma=246785 AND TrN_GIDNumer=12310450) select * from cdn.TraSElem where TrS_GIDNumer=12310450 select Dst_KosztUstalono,* from cdn.Dostawy where Dst_GIDNumer in(2699216,2699216,2699216,2699461){code} !screenshot-1! {code:java} FROM [CDNXL_DEHEUS].[CDN].[TraNag] where TrN_GIDTyp=1603 AND TrN_GIDNumer>12310450 and trn_kosztustalono=0{code}\'", "Comment 6: \'On the documents was only deleted journal entry or something more has been done?\'", "Comment 7: \'Jedynie była przeprowadzona naprawa naglówka a nastepnie proba zaksiegowania!image-1!\'", \'Comment 8: "!image-2022-12-30-15-51-20-833.png!{code:java}USE [CDNXL_DEHEUS]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[DH_SP_NaprawNaglowekLista] Script Date: 2022-12-30 15:48:41 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DH_SP_NaprawNaglowekLista] (@SQLFiltr varchar(1024))AS--exec DH_SP_NaprawNaglowekLista \\\'(TrN_TrNTyp=6) AND TrN_RokMiesiac=201903\\\'BEGIN\\\\tSET NOCOUNT ON\\\\tdeclare @tabP table (gidtyp int\', "Comment 9: gidnumer int)\\\\tdeclare @sql nvarchar(max)--,@sf nvarchar(1024)\\\\t--select @sf = \'(TrN_TrNTyp=6) AND TrN_RokMiesiac=201810\'\\\\tselect @sql = N\'select trn_gidtyp,trn_gidnumer from cdn.tranag where \'+@SQLFiltr+\' and trn_gidtyp in (1603,1604,1616,1617)\'\\\\tinsert into @tabP\\\\texec sp_executesql @sql\\\\tDeclare @Wynik bit", \'Comment 10: @GidNumer int\', \'Comment 11: @GidTyp smallint\\\\tset @Wynik = 0\\\\t\\\\t--//\\\\t--select distinct gidtyp from @tabP\\\\t--select * from cdn.tranag where (TrN_TrNTyp=6) AND TrN_RokMiesiac=201903\\\\tif (select count(distinct gidtyp) from @tabP) = 1\\\\tbegin\\\\t\\\\tIF (select distinct gidtyp from @tabP) IN (1604,1617) -- MMP\', \'Comment 12: PW\\\\t\\\\tBEGIN\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tupdate n\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tset TrN_NettoP = TrS_KosztKsiegowy\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tFrom CDN.TraNag n inner join\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t(Select SUM(CDN.TraSElem.TrS_KosztKsiegowy) as TrS_KosztKsiegowy\', \'Comment 13: TrS_GidNumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tFrom CDN.TraSelem where TrS_gidTyp IN (1604\', \'Comment 14: 1617)\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tGroup By TrS_GidNumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t) e on TrN_GidNumer = TrS_GidNumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tjoin @tabP on TrN_GidNumer = gidnumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\twhere TrN_NettoP <> TrS_KosztKsiegowy\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tset @Wynik = 1\\\\t\\\\tEND\\\\t\\\\tELSE IF (select distinct gidtyp from @tabP) IN (1603\', \'Comment 15: 1616) -- MMW\', \'Comment 16: RW\\\\t\\\\tBEGIN\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tupdate n\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tset TrN_NettoR = TrS_KosztKsiegowy\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tFrom CDN.TraNag n inner join\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t(Select SUM(CDN.TraSElem.TrS_KosztKsiegowy) as TrS_KosztKsiegowy\', \'Comment 17: TrS_GidNumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tFrom CDN.TraSelem where TrS_gidTyp IN (1603\', \'Comment 18: 1616)\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tGroup By TrS_GidNumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t) e on TrN_GidNumer = TrS_GidNumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tjoin @tabP on TrN_GidNumer = gidnumer\\\\t\\\\t\\\\twhere TrN_NettoR <> TrS_KosztKsiegowy\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tset @Wynik = 1\\\\t\\\\tEND end\\\\tupdate e set \\\\t\\\\tTre_KosztKsiegowy = TrS_KosztKsiegowy,\\\\t\\\\tTre_KosztRzeczywisty = TrS_KosztRzeczywisty\', \'Comment 19: \\\\t\\\\ttre_wartoscporabacie = TrS_KosztKsiegowy\', \'Comment 20: \\\\t\\\\tTre_ksiegowanetto = TrS_KosztKsiegowy\', \'Comment 21: \\\\t\\\\tTrE_Rzeczywistanetto = TrS_KosztKsiegowy,\\\\t\\\\tTrE_KsiegowaBrutto = TrS_KosztKsiegowy\\\\tFrom CDN.TraElem e inner join\\\\t(Select SUM(CDN.TraSElem.TrS_KosztKsiegowy) as TrS_KosztKsiegowy\', \'Comment 22: \\\\t\\\\t\\\\tSUM(CDN.TraSElem.TrS_KosztRzeczywisty) as TrS_KosztRzeczywisty\', \'Comment 23: \\\\t\\\\t\\\\tTrS_GidNumer\', \'Comment 24: TrS_GidLp\\\\t\\\\tFrom CDN.TraSelem where TrS_gidTyp in (1603,1604\', \'Comment 25: 1616\', \'Comment 26: 1617)\\\\t\\\\tGroup By TrS_GidNumer\', \'Comment 27: TrS_GidLp\\\\t) s on TrE_GidNumer = Trs_GidNumer and TrE_GidLp = TrS_GidLp\\\\twhere \\\\t(\\\\t\\\\tTre_KosztKsiegowy <> TrS_KosztKsiegowy \\\\t\\\\tor Tre_KosztRzeczywisty <> TrS_KosztRzeczywisty \\\\t\\\\tor TRE_ksiegowanetto <> TrS_KosztKsiegowy\\\\t) \\\\tand exists(select * from cdn.Tranag join @tabP on TrN_GidNumer = gidnumer where trn_gidtyp = tre_gidtyp and trn_gidnumer = tre_gidnumer)\\\\t IF @Wynik = 1 BEGIN\\\\t\\\\tSelect 1 as Lp\', "Comment 28: \'Dokumenty został zmodyfikowane\' END ELSE BEGIn\\\\t\\\\tSelect 1 as Lp", \'Comment 29: \\\'Dokumenty nie został zmodyfikowane.\\\' END\\\\t\\\\tSET NOCOUNT offEND{code}"\', "Comment 30: \'{code:java} select trn_kosztustalono,* FROM [CDNXL_DEHEUS].[CDN].[TraNag] where TrN_GIDTyp in(1603,1604) AND trn_kosztustalono=0{code}KROdznaczKosztDokumentu\'", "Comment 31: \'It was a column for tranag (trn_kosztustalono should be =1) on the document but deleted journal entry not change that.\'", "Comment 32: \'Task to close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8169\n\n### Instruction:\nFind attached the error johnson dhp\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: ["Helllo \', \'Comment 2: I don\\\'t see the attachment.What is the problem? Is it blocking the operation of the application ?Regards"\', "Comment 3: \'{color:#212121}This is the error{color} ----!20221228_082301.jpg|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2022-12-28-16-06-15-425.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'Baza wporzo", "Comment 6: a nie potrafię się do planta zalogować!image-2022-12-28-16-08-30-617.png!!image-2022-12-28-16-09-11-205.png!\'", \'Comment 7: \\\'{code:java}2022-12-28 14:58:11 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/11000/8) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Application. ReplyText "Connection close forced"{code}{code:java}2022-12-28 14:57:46 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/11000/1) [Warning] Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Repositories.EphemeralXmlRepository - Using an in-memory repository. Keys will not be persisted to storage.2022-12-28 14:57:46 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/11000/1) [Warning] Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager - Neither user profile nor HKLM registry available. Using an ephemeral key repository. Protected data will be unavailable when application exits.2022-12-28 14:57:46 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/11000/1) [Warning] Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager - No XML encryptor configured. Key {c647e576-05d2-4e87-9bca-807cedfe3d45} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form.2022-12-28 14:58:14 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/16028/1) [Warning] Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Repositories.EphemeralXmlRepository - Using an in-memory repository. Keys will not be persisted to storage.2022-12-28 14:58:14 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/16028/1) [Warning] Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager - Neither user profile nor HKLM registry available. Using an ephemeral key repository. Protected data will be unavailable when application exits.2022-12-28 14:58:14 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/GHAPP04/16028/1) [Warning] Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager - No XML encryptor configured. Key {85bae519-fb29-43dd-806d-2d23d27e4618} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form.{code}\\\'\', "Comment 8: \'Please", "Comment 9: verify now. I have restarted applicationRegards\'", "Comment 10: \'it is working", "Comment 11: thanks\'", "Comment 12: \'please close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8168\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have problem with some items/Unit load with wrong reservation. The productions are closed but they still are reserving some unit load. \r\n\r\nExample production 0881031122029, 0881031122030 and 0881031122038\r\n\r\nCould you check why reservation was not done when productions were closed, check if we have more productions with the same error and fix it?\r\n\r\nIt\'s urgent because system not allow to move or make inventory for unit load with reservation.\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[[email protected]]", "Comment 2: [[email protected]]* pierwszy update w AP do wersji 8.3 był zrobiony 02.12.2022* ostatni update w AP do wersji 8.3 był zrobiony 11.01.2023\'", "Comment 3: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 4: Maiconfix for it was done to the release 8.5\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi [[email protected]]Thank you very much\'", "Comment 6: \'We need to wait for an update to 8.5After that we can check if we have some data to be verified yet.\'", "Comment 7: \'Ok", "Comment 8: we are waiting update in all units. Thank you.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8087\', \'DGS-8102\', \'DAP-13157\', \'DGS-8184\', \'DGS-8185\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8167\n\n### Instruction:\nCan you change all the feed from 806514/0004/0001 to 00651A/0006/0001\r\n\r\nThankx\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello BertCould you please confirm the lines from the Excel must be moved from Feed Sale 806514/0004/0001 to 00651A/0006/0001?[^feed sale 80651400040001-1.xls]\'", "Comment 3: \'Yes", "Comment 4: I confirm.\'", "Comment 5: \'[[email protected]]\'", "Comment 6: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 7: I did it for all lines of Feed Sale. You can feel free to test it.\'", "Comment 8: \'OK!\'", "Comment 9: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 10: everything is ok? Can we close the task?\'", "Comment 11: \'Yes\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8166\n\n### Instruction:\nCan you set ID 80567 back to entry?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[[email protected]]", "Comment 2: this document is in your Inbox now. Could you check and send me feedback?\'", "Comment 3: \'I close this task!image-2022-12-30-09-52-49-445.png!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8165\n\n### Instruction:\nI can not reverse SR ID 53785, can you check this? \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Grzesiu", \'Comment 4: sprawdzisz jaka jest dostępność akcji "Reverse Slaughtery Report" i czemu tutaj jest ona niedostępna? ID 53785\\\'\', "Comment 5: \'Runda nie jest aktywna", "Comment 6: a to jest waurnek mozliwosci skorzystania z Reversa ;)\'", "Comment 7: \'[[email protected]]", "Comment 8: Round document linked with this Slaughtery Report is not in Active status. In this case the Reverse SR is not avaliable.\'", "Comment 9: \'Dirco", \'Comment 10: was S2P SP-M/0090 settled in MILAS? If NO\', "Comment 11: would you like us to reopen a Round 001291/0009/0001 and its Feed Sale?\'", "Comment 12: \'[[email protected]]could we close the task?\'", "Comment 13: \'[[email protected]]could you confim?\'", "Comment 14: \'Dirco has been on sick leave since that day. I will check if it is correct.\'", "Comment 15: \'Can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8164\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nWould you so kind to create an opening balance for item 1106 on plant Andel. Quantity is 500.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard Geerts\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Opening balance has been created: !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 3: \'[[DHP 3.0] Dodanie zasobu dla towaru gdzie ma zerowy stan,nowy towar.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Holandia%20Premix%20i%20AS400/Baz%20wiedzy%20z%20AS400.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20Dodanie%20zasobu%20dla%20towaru%20gdzie%20ma&section-id=\\\\\\\\{9BB564BA-0B58-4580-B9E0-F3CF9D6D80A7}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{D1C537B5-AE6F-4968-90A4-A0999AF8CCF5}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FHolandia%20Premix%20i%20AS400%2FBaz%20wiedzy%20z%20AS400.one%7C9BB564BA-0B58-4580-B9E0-F3CF9D6D80A7%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20Dodanie%20zasobu%20dla%20towaru%20gdzie%20ma%7CD1C537B5-AE6F-4968-90A4-A0999AF8CCF5%2F%29])\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello Piotr,thanks for your support.You may close this ticket.Kind regards,Gerard\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8163\n\n### Instruction:\nGood morning,\r\n\r\nWe have a problem with article 0694.\r\n\r\nErrors:\r\nRecipeImport, product of ID 26470 and code \'702082.NL\', ingredient of ID 72193 for article \'0694\' - Could not link item \'0694\' to BestMix item \'0694\' (ID 72193) because it is already linked to BestMix item \'00694\' (ID 5694).\r\n\r\nWould you be so kind as to link Bestmix item 0694 with Erp item 0694?\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard Geerts\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,What should be the linked code?Is it correctly linked?I see two codes in the notification00694", "Comment 3: 0694Which is the correct code ?!image-2022-12-27-10-48-57-055.png!!image-2022-12-27-10-49-31-412.png!Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello Adrian,Raw material codes have 4 digits", "Comment 5: so 0694 is the correct one.Kind regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 6: \'Is the problem with importing the DHH recipe or writing it in DHC?\'", "Comment 7: \'Writing it in DHC\'", "Comment 8: \'Hi Gerard,Could you please let me know for what item recipe is missing? Was it sent from DHH?Regards\'", \'Comment 9: "Goodmorning Aleksandra,Maybe this information will help you to investigate the problem? Item that formulation tried to send is 702082Error message they received (I think in Dhh):Recipe imported from file: \\\'R-08-702082-0001.xml\\\' Errors:RecipeImport\', "Comment 10: product of ID 26470 and code \'702082.NL\'", \'Comment 11: ingredient of ID 72193 for article \\\'0694\\\' - Could not link item \\\'0694\\\' to BestMix item \\\'0694\\\' (ID 72193) because it is already linked to BestMix item \\\'00694\\\' (ID 5694).Kind regards,Gerard"\', "Comment 12: \'!bestmix code_dhh.PNG|thumbnail! !bestmix code_dhh-1.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 13: \'!linkin0694.PNG|thumbnail! !bestimx codes_dhc.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 14: \'The error is during import from bestmix to DHHolding not DHC.I changed it in task ?!image-2022-12-28-08-09-06-323.png|width=779,height=145!The error indicates errors in the XML file. Is it possible to verify them by Bestmix users ? Did they used a correct bestmix code ?Because according to the error there should be a bestmix code \\\\\'0694\\\\\' but in DHH and DHC there is only bestmix code started with double \\\\\'00\\\\\'- \\\\\'00694\\\\\' and that bestmix code has been linked with base item \\\\\'0694\\\\\'.In DHH!image-2022-12-28-08-14-24-313.png!In DHC:!linkin0694.PNG!Base Item in DHC can not be set as the Base Item for more then 1 bestmix code.There is no possibility to linked 0694 bestmix code with item 0694 because bestmix code 0694 was not created nor in DHH nor send to DHC.Is it possible that in this situation there was a mistake", \'Comment 15: a "typo" when creating the XML file?Please verify first of all whether you used the correct bestmix code - 0694 - or whether it should have been 00694. If it turns out that bestmix code 0694 should have been created and linked to baseitem 0694 in DHC\', "Comment 16: please let me know.The bestmix item should also be added by import via bestmix user to DHH.\'", "Comment 17: \'I also checked in DHH database that the external id72193 is for item with bestmixcode6000694 this item is not mapped.!image-2022-12-28-08-46-00-035.png!This code is not in the DHC.\'", "Comment 18: \'Good afternoon Agnieska,I asked the Bestmix-user to check this. After a response from him/her I will inform you.Regards,Gerard\'", "Comment 19: \'Hi,Waiting for your feedback then.Regards\'", "Comment 20: \'Hello,Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes . This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.Regards\'", "Comment 21: \'Hello,is okayRegards\'", "Comment 22: \'Thank you for your information. Can we close this task?Regards\'", \'Comment 23: "I mean it\\\'s ok\', \'Comment 24: we can lower or you got the info from DHH that it is okay now.Regards"\', \'Comment 25: "Goodmorning Aleksandra,I\\\'am waiting for feedback from our Bestmix user.After that you got an answer from me\', \'Comment 26: if we can close this ticket.RegardsGerard"\', "Comment 27: \'Goodmorning Aleksandra,please", "Comment 28: delete this link (0694 - 00694).Regards,Gerard\'", \'Comment 29: "is it about linking in DHC?Are you aware that after linking :- all objects that contain the 0694 commodity etc. will not be transferred to DHP?Do you want to link as baseitem 0684 with bstmix code 0694? If so\', \'Comment 30: have you verified the codes you are sending on the basis of the information we sent you?Does the bestmix code \\\'0694\\\' exist in DHH and you send it to dhc ( or will send it)?"\', "Comment 31: \'Dear Agnieszka,I needed feedback to get an answer for you.Please", "Comment 32: delete de link on DHH 0694 - 00694.Reagards,Gerard\'", "Comment 33: \'Please provide a screenshoot from{color:#de350b}*DHH*{color:#172b4d}where will be visible a place you need to be changed.{color}{color}{color:#de350b}{color:#172b4d}Linkin item is typical funcionality in {color:#00875a}*DHC.*{color}{color}{color}\'", "Comment 34: \'Dear Agnieszka,This it what i saw in DHH.Regards,Gerard!image!\'", "Comment 35: \'[[DHH] Item relink|#%5bDHH%5d%20Item%20relink&section-id=\\\\\\\\{5ED4D707-EBBC-46B1-96F0-D5469A4C1D69}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{2096B3FD-1DE0-4D7F-ACE2-8A534B75C6FC}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FHolandia%20Holding%20-%20Centrala%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C5ED4D707-EBBC-46B1-96F0-D5469A4C1D69%2F%5BDHH%5D%20Item%20relink%7C2096B3FD-1DE0-4D7F-ACE2-8A534B75C6FC%2F%29]),[[DHH/DHC] Itemy nie przechodzą do AS400|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Holandia%20Holding%20-%20Centrala/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHH/DHC%5d%20Itemy%20nie%20przechodz%C4%85%20do%20AS400&section-id=\\\\\\\\{5ED4D707-EBBC-46B1-96F0-D5469A4C1D69}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{3D17ABC1-0EC3-49F6-AB5E-A41A33A2AABB}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FHolandia%20Holding%20-%20Centrala%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C5ED4D707-EBBC-46B1-96F0-D5469A4C1D69%2F%5BDHH%5C%2FDHC%5D%20Itemy%20nie%20przechodz%C4%85%20do%20AS400%7C3D17ABC1-0EC3-49F6-AB5E-A41A33A2AABB%2F%29])\'", "Comment 36: \'Please contact your Global Nutrion branch. The employees of this division have access to remove linking of this product from the dhh holding application.!image-2022-12-30-15-16-27-948.png!\'", "Comment 37: \'Dear Agnieszka,this issue is solved by our Nutrition Department.Thanks for support on this", "Comment 38: please close this ticketKind regards,Gerard\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8162\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have problem to print dummy label in all units with DHP 3.0. The labels are always duplicating, we already checked the printers, but still have problem.\r\n\r\nCould you please check why they are duplicating?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: \\\'Please give us more details related to this issue.Did duplicated labels are generated on one computer or on multiple machines.Did this happen all each time You are trying to generate dummy label.Did generated labels got the same barcode. Please provide us an example of such barcode. Please provide us with scan of duplicated labels.How printers are configured. Are set to print one label or to create multiple copies of printout.Exacly how do you set parameter "Select number of pallet to print" while printing dummy label.!image-2022-12-27-09-03-26-843.png!I\\\\\\\'ve checked label definition and there is no issue with it. Definition is ready to generate one set of prepared dummy labels.If there are multiple labels to print\', "Comment 4: they will always be print it in two columns.\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi Bartłomiej*Did duplicated labels are generated on one computer or on multiple machines.*bq. There\\\\\'s no pattern on it. No matter the computer", \'Comment 6: the printer is duplicating the labels*Did this happen all each time You are trying to generate dummy label.*bq. Yes! No matter the quantity\', \'Comment 7: 10 or 100 or 1000 new dummy label\', \'Comment 8: the printer reprint the queue of dummy labels*Did generated labels got the same barcode. Please provide us an example of such barcode. Please provide us with scan of duplicated labels.*bq. I requested the scan of these duplicated labels to the factory*How printers are configured. Are set to print one label or to create multiple copies of printout.*bq. The printer is the ZDesigner ZT230-300dpi ZPL. We don\\\\\\\'t have option to create multiple copies of printout*Exacly how do you set parameter "Select number of pallet to print" while printing dummy label.*bq. We type the number we want\', \'Comment 9: for example: 100\', "Comment 10: then we click in the blue button *PRINT*!image-1!\'", "Comment 11: \'Hi Maicon,Do we have scans of duplicated labels? Those scans can tell us a lot in terms of how printer behave.\'", "Comment 12: \'Jako", \'Comment 13: że w wersji DHP 3.0 mamy ten sam mechanizm przeniesiony z DHP 2.7\', \'Comment 14: a pamiętam jedynie\', "Comment 15: że podobne zgłoszenia były również z DHPL na początku implementacji w 2013-2014 roku. Później były robione jakieś zmiany aby temu zapobiegać ale szczegóły może będzie pamiętał Przemek Przybyszewski. Generalnie jeśli wysyłamy listę kodów do drukarki to prawdopodobnie sama drukarka z tego co pamiętam dublowała te etykiety. Nie mamy pełnej kontroli wydruku z drukarki i odpowiedzi na błędy ewentualne.\'", "Comment 16: \'Hi BartłomiejHere goes the scans.Thank you!DuplicatedDummyLabel!!DuplicatedDummyLabel_edited!\'", "Comment 17: \'!image-2022-12-30-09-44-30-758.png!\'", "Comment 18: \'kopiowane są całe sekcje co wskazuje na wadliwe działanie drukarki... drukarka wyrzuca 2 kopie labelek generowanych w pakiecie po 10 sztuk.w bazie w tabeli[DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.DummyLabels te kody są tylko 1 raz\'", \'Comment 19: \\\'Hi Maicon,Can You send me an printer configuration as well?Especially how reprint mode option is set.Also please let me know if You can recreate this issue "on demand". Please let me know what steps are needed to recreate this issue.\\\'\', \'Comment 20: "Hi BartłomiejI don\\\'t think the printer has this configuration. I searched but didn\\\'t find it.About the steps to recreate this issue\', \'Comment 21: we just open the _Unit loads_ screen in WMS engine\', \'Comment 22: click in the *Print dummy label* button and then the printer starts printing.??FYI: We use this same printer to other applications like STARLIMS\', \'Comment 23: and there\\\'s no such issue with these applications. Only when we send from DHP 3.0 dummy labels??!image-2!!image-3!!image-4!!image-5!!image-6!!image-7!"\', "Comment 24: \'According to printer manual those are the steps you should do to print this configuration!image-2022-12-30-13-39-20-333.png!!image-2022-12-30-13-39-32-518.png!!image-2022-12-30-13-39-45-073.png!\'", \'Comment 25: "Hi Maicon,I renew my request for printer configuration information.Especially how reprint mode option is set.I\\\'ve send you description how it is described in manual."\', "Comment 26: \'Hi BartłomiejUnfortunatelly the printer configuration is in portuguese", "Comment 27: but I checked the *reprint mode option* and is DISABLED as you can see in the screenshot.What is the next step?!image-8![^printer settings zt230.pdf] _(36 kB)_\'", "Comment 28: \'Dane w bazie danych wyglądają prawidłowo. Definicja wydruku również wygląda prawidłowo.Konfiguracja zebry wydaje się poprawna.Wygląda na problem ze sporadyczna duplikacją wysyłanych na drukarkę wydruków...\'", "Comment 29: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\'", "Comment 30: \'HiHere is the printers docs from spoolThank you[^PRINTERSpool.zip] _(17 kB)_\'", \'Comment 31: \\\'{"parameters":[{"name":"businessUnitId","value":"886b344a-1a75-4b04-8c67-5c5410642429"},{"name":"Barcode","value":"85-W02506"}],"printoutId":"55b75d01-9add-4cbd-b294-3a702ade9d98","copies":1}\\\'\', "Comment 32: \'[[email protected]],Znaleźliśmy błąd w aplikacji. Fix będzie zaimplementowany w wersji 8.5.Procedowany jest w tasku: DAP-13204\'", "Comment 33: \'Hello,We have found application bug. The fix ill be implemented in version 8.5.Please", "Comment 34: let us know if we can close this task.Regards\'", "Comment 35: \'Hi AleksandraYou can close this taskThank you very much\'", "Comment 36: \'Thank you.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DAP-13204\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8161\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, \r\n\r\nWe would like to add new database on CDN XL and we try it from CDN MGR. \r\nAfter we click "Create Database", application is hang. Sometimes, it will appear after 2 hour waiting. Sometime, totally not appear in 3 or 4 hours. \r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello Clara", "Comment 4: Please run CDN MGR as Administrator!image-2022-12-27-07-07-21-041.png|width=529,height=236!Please choose the option Connect Data Base.Select the environment base on SQL.I understand you want to add an existing base ? Regards.\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi", \'Comment 6: You are right\', "Comment 7: we would like to add existing base. I do follow as per your suggestion.Application is not response any. I do wait about 30 minutes. And freeze as attached. !image!\'", "Comment 8: \'Hello,Please tell me where location", \'Comment 9: this base is in server ??CDNMGR application is on a server\', \'Comment 10: terminal\', "Comment 11: workstation?Regards\'", "Comment 12: \'Hi", \'Comment 13: This is Food Business. And CDN XL version is 2020.1) Production Server => Test Server => application is on Terminal Server.Regards\', "Comment 14: Clara\'", "Comment 15: \'Hi", \'Comment 16: Clara\', "Comment 17: please open application CDN XLSystem - Key !image-2022-12-27-10-56-00-010.png!Enter your license key hereCDNMGR application should work correctly Please check\'", \'Comment 18: \\\'I do try 2 days in Test Environment. Once I click "Klucz" (highlighted one)\', \'Comment 19: application is hanged. "No response" at all. \\\'\', "Comment 20: \'zmiana z nazwy na adres !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 21: \'After the chat on teams", "Comment 22: please check how the connection of databases and translations looks like in XL.Regards.\'", "Comment 23: \'Now is working well. ThanksYou can close the this ticket. \']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8160\n\n### Instruction:\nBrak mozliwości odpiecia awizacji z VT\r\nVT-18854/12/22\r\nWytwornia Podkonice\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Chodzi o wytwornie Podkonice ( w tasku omyłkowo wybrany Janowiec )\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Please verify.\'", "Comment 5: \'Thanks. Task to closeWhere was a problem ??\'", \'Comment 6: "Item \\\'SILOS BAG\\\' had Packingform=4 for which the disconnect option is not displayed.I changed back to Packingform=2 for the VT element."\', "Comment 7: \'[[DHP] Brak możliwości odpięcia awizacji z VT / odpinanie awizacji|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Polska/Baza%20wiedzy/DHP.one#%5bDHP%5d%20Brak%20mo%C5%BCliwo%C5%9Bci%20odpi%C4%99cia%20awizacji%20z%20VT%20/%20odpinanie&section-id=\\\\\\\\{F3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{B055159F-C936-4779-B1BC-FE1E946260F9}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FPolska%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FDHP.one%7CF3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9%2F%5BDHP%5D%20Brak%20mo%C5%BCliwo%C5%9Bci%20odpi%C4%99cia%20awizacji%20z%20VT%20%5C%2F%20odpinanie%7CB055159F-C936-4779-B1BC-FE1E946260F9%2F%29])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8159\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have a problem with DHC x DHP Orders integration with Foreigh document numbers:\r\nOVE-071931\r\nOVE-071909\r\n\r\nThey were integrated from ERP to DHC with success, however they weren\'t integrated from DHC to DHP because the OrderElements wasn\'t liked yet.\r\nWhen items were linked, DHC didn\'t tried to resend to DHP.\r\nThis is happening a lot, but we never have time to analyze it.\r\nCould you please check why DHC is not resending blocked orders to DHP after the link process?\r\nAnd then, please, after finding the root cause of the problem, send this Orders because factory needs to plan the production.\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "{quote}SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[Orders] where ForeignDocumentNumber in (\\\'OVE-071931\\\',\\\'OVE-071909\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].[Orders] where ForeignDocumentNumber in (\\\'OVE-071931\\\',\\\'OVE-071909\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[OrderElements] where OrderId in (\\\'6C87646B-94BB-432C-86A4-2E7A661FB15F\\\',\\\'CA8D93F4-F52C-4B34-BA03-7DDCACA1A56C\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].[OrderElements] where OrderId in (\\\'6C87646B-94BB-432C-86A4-2E7A661FB15F\\\',\\\'CA8D93F4-F52C-4B34-BA03-7DDCACA1A56C\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Items where id in (\\\'C87923B7-BD1D-46D1-9B88-0FD5BF96E7D6\\\',\\\'DBC571BF-6860-4260-A709-577233D8D28E\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].Items where id in (\\\'C87923B7-BD1D-46D1-9B88-0FD5BF96E7D6\\\',\\\'DBC571BF-6860-4260-A709-577233D8D28E\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].dhhItems where id in (\\\'E3BD4A01-45C2-400C-B5AE-465FAFB9D073\\\',\\\'C83D7CB2-449A-407F-8481-1B2D2F4B31E0\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].DhhItems where id in (\\\'E3BD4A01-45C2-400C-B5AE-465FAFB9D073\\\',\\\'C83D7CB2-449A-407F-8481-1B2D2F4B31E0\\\')select * from Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].OrderExportInfoes where entityid in (\\\'6C87646B-94BB-432C-86A4-2E7A661FB15F\\\',\\\'CA8D93F4-F52C-4B34-BA03-7DDCACA1A56C\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Recipes where id in (\\\'FF3675A0-D86C-4546-9B6F-9B4F0CDA2FEF\\\',\\\'C2DE340B-607C-43E8-906B-6A2CC09B33D6\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].Recipes where id in (\\\'FF3675A0-D86C-4546-9B6F-9B4F0CDA2FEF\\\',\\\'C2DE340B-607C-43E8-906B-6A2CC09B33D6\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].ProductionRecipes where id in (\\\'926E0EDF-6581-441A-9D8D-1F0AC6BDC7D7\\\',\\\'1C8B8692-049F-4FBA-9311-622722B5A678\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].ProductionRecipes where id in (\\\'926E0EDF-6581-441A-9D8D-1F0AC6BDC7D7\\\',\\\'1C8B8692-049F-4FBA-9311-622722B5A678\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Technologies where ItemId in (\\\'C87923B7-BD1D-46D1-9B88-0FD5BF96E7D6\\\',\\\'DBC571BF-6860-4260-A709-577233D8D28E\\\')SELECT * FROM Evolution_DHCService.[dbo].Technologies where ItemId in (\\\'C87923B7-BD1D-46D1-9B88-0FD5BF96E7D6\\\',\\\'DBC571BF-6860-4260-A709-577233D8D28E\\\'){quote}Brak wpisów po stronieEvolution_DHCService w tabelach:Orders\', \'Comment 3: OrderElements,ProductionRecipes orazTechnologiesBrak wpisów wEvolution_DHCService.[dbo].OrderExportInfoesPróby wywołania resynchronizacji spełzły na niczym"\', "Comment 4: \'HiDo we have any news about this issue?Thank you\'", \'Comment 5: "I found one more Sales Order that didn\\\'t integrate:OVE-071921"\', "Comment 6: \'Could you please resend all 3 order again to dhc from your erp?\'", \'Comment 7: "Hi AgnieszkaI just resend and it worked.However I need to know why this happened and keeps happening.This is not the first time and this is really complicated because the factory doesn\\\'t receive the Order in DHP\', \'Comment 8: so they do not plan the production\', \'Comment 9: when the customer arrives to get load the product is not ready.We are over and over having such problem\', \'Comment 10: so we need this fixed or at least\', \'Comment 11: an alert message for someone acts when the order get blocked for unlinking product.Thank you"\', "Comment 12: \'Hello,Yes when the order is already in DHC Country and some item is not linked", "Comment 13: after linkin it correctly it should be resend. This is the best way to update everything related to that item and order.In this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process.If You need to make some changes - like error messages -please create a GDC task.May we close the task?\'", \'Comment 14: "Hi AgnieszkaI\\\'m sorry! I don\\\'t if I was clear\', "Comment 15: but I need you to investigate why this *after linkin it correctly it should be resend* didn\'t happened.As far as I remember", \'Comment 16: [[email protected]] informed that this resend after linking is a DHC functionality. However\', \'Comment 17: as I described in this DGS\', \'Comment 18: this is not working. And I don\\\'t know where is the log description about why it didn\\\'t work.Could you please investigate it?Thank you"\', "Comment 19: \'I raised RCA task to inestigate this issueDGS-8177.May we close this task andIn this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process.So may we close this one and procceed analisys in RCa task?\'", "Comment 20: \'Thank you for this RCA.You can close this task.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8177\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8158\n\n### Instruction:\nHi Damian,\r\n\r\nWe come to the conclusion that registration bookings on one side don\'t come on the round. \r\nThe thing we talked about was ID80291.\r\n\r\nThanks very much for your help.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "Z rozmowy z Christine i Richardem wynika\', \'Comment 3: że powinniśmy dodać w NAS\', \'Comment 4: gdzie jest to najpilniejsze obsługę faktur typu Registered\', "Comment 5: które są \'Booked on one side\' i powinno to być dodane dla wszystkich kategorii (Calves", \'Comment 6: Expenses\', \'Comment 7: Slaughtery\', \'Comment 8: Feed). Niedawno dodawaliśmy już obsługę takiej relację do NAS dla kategorii Slaughtery https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8047Na Rundzie i FS pokazujemy tylko faktury\', \'Comment 9: które są wygenerowane z innych i dlatego nie są widoczne te\', \'Comment 10: które są stworzone z ręki w Intense bez dokumentu wiodącego.Z tego co zrozumiałem to faktury takie tworzone są po to\', \'Comment 11: aby skorygować błędne dane\', \'Comment 12: prawdopodobnie z migracji.Do analizy wewnętrznej z [[email protected]] i ewentualnie do ustalenia czy powinniśmy to także przewidzieć w innych sektorach."\', "Comment 13: \'Dodanie relacji wiąże się ze zmianami na: * listach umieszczonych na zakładkach rundy oraz tekstami dynamicznymi * listach na zakładkach Financial Statement (general", \'Comment 14: details) * saldo Financial Statement * wydruk FS * jeśli relacja dotyczy MAS NL albo BE\', "Comment 15: to do sprawdzenia Technical ResultsPodczas dodania nowej relacji należy określić strony faktury: * jeśli PI to jaki typ customer w polu Supplier * jeśli SI to jaki typ customer w polu Customer * w przypadku każdej faktury jak sparametryzowany item dla każdej relacji\'", "Comment 16: \'We need more details to handle this request:1.Customer details in PI/SI2. Item detailsThe new relations have to be added to the relation table", "Comment 17: after that we can start working on that.\'", "Comment 18: \'Hi Ewa", \'Comment 19: # I don’t want to correct the PI\', \'Comment 20: cause the supplier was already paid. So no correction on {color:black}PI-RLN/2022/0487 ID58237{color} {color:black}SI-RTN/2022/0183 ID58249 was already credited with CSI-N/2022/0044 ID80287{color}{color:black}{color} !image007!{color:black}{color}{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} # {color:black} It is on category calves.{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}Only we need to be able to create a booking on one side on all categories. Registration sales as well as purchases.{color} {color:black}If we want to correct a posting.{color} |{color:black} {color} |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Christinede{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Jong{color} | {color:#000001}MedewerkerContractadministratie{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image001!{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} T:0318675567{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image002! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image003! <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | |{color:black}{color} !image006.jpg|thumbnail!{color:black}{color} | *Van:* Ewa Mucha (Jira) <[email protected]> *Verzonden:* donderdag 29 december 2022 14:13 *Aan:* Jong\', "Comment 21: Christine de <[email protected]> *Onderwerp:* DGS-8158 Registered sale booked on one side | *{color:white} *CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.*{color}* | \'", \'Comment 22: "We should have the possibility to link a new invoice to the original source document whenever an invoice has been credited. Can we create a functionality like this?I don\\\'t feel like changing the relationship table is the best solution for this. Because this will imply that we need all one-sided documents to be added to the round overviews as well."\', "Comment 23: \'{color:black}Hello,{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}Short summary of the Intense ticket:{color} {color:black}A purchase invoice was posted on a wrong customer. PI-RLN/2022/0487 was posted on 101685 Schut but should be on 101662 Spijker.{color} {color:black}Because the PI (ID58237) was already posted in MILAS and also paid to the supplier", "Comment 24: I only wanted to correct the registered sale by making a credit of the wrong and a correct registered sale on one side. Problem was this wasn’t visible on the round.{color} {color:black}Wrong (ID58249) / Credit (ID80287){color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}From Mitch I understood that that process is modified now. Process should be making a credit of the wrong document.{color} {color:black}Next step is creation of the good posting from the original document. In this case on the regular PI the button create sales invoice will be open again.{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}I saw that the original Printout OnBase is missing in this CSI. This should not be the case. For audit purposes this should always be linked.{color}{color:black}{color} !image001!{color:black}{color}{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}Thanks for your help and support!{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Christinede{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Jong{color} | {color:#000001}MedewerkerContractadministratie{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}{color:blue}{color}!image002!{color:blue}{color}{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} T:0318675567{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | |{color:blue}{color} !image003!{color:blue}{color} <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | |{color:blue}{color} !image004!{color:blue}{color} <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | |{color:blue}{color} !image005!{color:blue}{color} <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | |{color:blue}{color} !image006!{color:blue}{color} <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | !image001-1!\'", \'Comment 25: \\\'"I saw that the original Printout OnBase is missing in this CSI. This should not be the case. For audit purposes this should always be linked."Do you mean that Printout OnBase link should be always copied from PI to SI (like now it is)\', \'Comment 26: and later if we Credit Sales Invoice it should be copied to Credit Sales Invoice (CSI)?Summarized\', "Comment 27: solution will be if we enable create again SI from PI (we should check that there are SI credited by CSI) and then it should be possible to create again SI and chage Round number and Customer (PI -> SI). Is it right?We should applied this solution to all cases for SI -> PI and PI -> SI.Linked to theDGS-8257\'", "Comment 28: \'{color:black}Hi Damian,{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}Yes this link should be also on the credit. For audit purposes", \'Comment 29: internal as well as external\', \'Comment 30: it is good to see the total flow and linked documents.{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}And in case the flow is modified\', \'Comment 31: so we can create a new document after crediting\', \'Comment 32: this OnBase linked document should also be on the new created document.{color} {color:black}I hope you understand what I mean.{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}In case not\', \'Comment 33: please ask Mitch to clarify{color} {color:black}😊{color}{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Christinede{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Jong{color} | {color:#000001}MedewerkerContractadministratie{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image001!{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} T:0318675567{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image002! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image003! <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | *Van:* Damian Świstek (Jira) <[email protected]> *Verzonden:* maandag 9 januari 2023 11:41 *Aan:* Jong\', "Comment 34: Christine de <[email protected]> *Onderwerp:* DGS-8158 Registered sale booked on one side | *{color:white} *CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.*{color}* | \'", "Comment 35: \'From now", "Comment 36: we are moving the link to onbase to all credit invoices.\'", "Comment 37: \'[[email protected]]do sprawdzenia dokument PI58237", \'Comment 38: z którego wygenerowane jest SI\', \'Comment 39: które zostało skorygowane przez CSINie widzę tam\', "Comment 40: żeby dało się ponownie wystawić SI z tego PI.Powinno być to widoczne wg taskaDGS-8257\'", \'Comment 41: "Hi [[email protected]],Could you check that it works properly right now and it\\\'s sufficient and we can close the task?We\\\'ve added recently possibility to generate invoice from invoice if there exist generated invoices which are credited ([https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8257)]You should be able to do the scenario mentioned before:PI -> SI -> CSIFrom PI you should be able to create again SI with proper data.It should be possible from PI document use action \\\'Create Sales Invoice_(NAS)\\\'!image-2023-02-07-14-42-42-659.png!AlsoPrintout OnBase link will be copied on Credit invoices for new documents.Regards"\', "Comment 42: \'{color:black}Good morning,{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}Perfect this is a good approach.{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Christinede{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Jong{color} | {color:#000001}MedewerkerContractadministratie{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image001!{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} T:0318675567{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image002! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image003! <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | *Van:* Tomasz Zygoń (Jira) <[email protected]> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 7 februari 2023 13:05 *Aan:* Jong", "Comment 43: Christine de <[email protected]> *Onderwerp:* DGS-8158 Registered sale booked on one side | *{color:white} *CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.*{color}* | \'", "Comment 44: \'{color:black}Hi Damian,{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}I don’t know how to test this right now. I don’t have an example to credit.{color} {color:black}You can close the task. If a problem a occurs we’ll contact you.{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Metvriendelijkegroet,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Christinede{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Jong{color} | {color:#000001}MedewerkerContractadministratie{color} | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image001!{color:black} <[https://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSVOEDERSB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} Postbus396 6710BJEde \\\\u200b{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde \\\\u200b{color} | | |{color:#000001} T:0318675567{color} | {color:#000001}KvK14626985{color} _{color:#000001} _Opdite‑mailberichteneventuelebijlage(n)isdedisclaimervantoepassing_ _gepubliceerdopdewebsitevan_ {color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusVoeders+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.de-heus.nl/privacy-beleid]{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image002! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusvoeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image003! <[https://twitter.com/de_heus_voeders]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-heus-voeders-b-v-/]>{color:black}{color} | *Van:* Damian Świstek (Jira) <[email protected]> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 7 februari 2023 14:45 *Aan:* Jong", "Comment 45: Christine de <[email protected]> *Onderwerp:* DGS-8158 Registered sale booked on one side | *{color:white} *CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.*{color}* | !image006!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8257\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8157\n\n### Instruction:\nBoth recipes are in DHC but don\'t arrive in DHP Meppel.\r\nRecipes look fine to me.\r\n\r\nPlease investigate.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'kolejka była na dhcservice !screenshot-1! 119132\\\\t119132.NL140282\\\\t140282.NL140103\\\\t140103.NL140237\\\\t140237.NL\'", "Comment 3: \'Please check DHCService must have processed the messages. A service restart was required.\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi Piotr", \'Comment 5: it worked\', \'Comment 6: the recipes arrived in DHP Meppel.Thanks for the support\', "Comment 7: the ticket can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8156\n\n### Instruction:\nGoodmorning,\r\n\r\nI think that we have got a problem between DHC & DHP. Orders are not available in DHP. Ordrnumber 427 and 428.\r\n\r\nPlease, could you hav e look at it?\r\n\r\nKind regards\r\n\r\nGerard Geerts\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-2022-12-23-11-26-18-959.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'select top 100 * from OrderExportInfoes order by SendDate desc\'", \'Comment 4: \\\'dla 426/12 :System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_dbo.Orders_dbo.Addresses_MainBusinessPartnerAddressId". The conflict occurred in database "Evolution_DHCountry"\', \'Comment 5: table "dbo.Addresses"\', "Comment 6: column \\\\\'Id\\\\\'.The statement has been terminated.\'", \'Comment 7: "select * from OrderExportInfoes where EntityId in (\\\'E70EDE86-7451-4B39-9F5C-814CC66839B1\\\',\\\'4CCEB130-0886-4D7A-8F85-3818E85E4204\\\') – nie ma ich w export inofeoes"\', "Comment 8: \'!image-2022-12-23-11-58-49-329.png!\'", "Comment 9: \'dhc service veghel2022-12-22 22:54:03,344 [6] FATAL Evolution.DHCService.Client.SynchronizationService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\156434433\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSC25-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Client\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Client\\\\\\\\SynchronizationService.cs:51] - System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider", \'Comment 10: error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity\', \'Comment 11: SqlConnectionString connectionOptions\', \'Comment 12: SqlCredential credential\', \'Comment 13: Object providerInfo\', \'Comment 14: String newPassword\', \'Comment 15: SecureString newSecurePassword\', \'Comment 16: Boolean redirectedUserInstance\', \'Comment 17: SqlConnectionString userConnectionOptions\', \'Comment 18: SessionData reconnectSessionData\', \'Comment 19: DbConnectionPool pool\', \'Comment 20: String accessToken\', \'Comment 21: Boolean applyTransientFaultHandling\', \'Comment 22: SqlAuthenticationProviderManager sqlAuthProviderManager) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options\', \'Comment 23: DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey\', \'Comment 24: Object poolGroupProviderInfo\', \'Comment 25: DbConnectionPool pool\', \'Comment 26: DbConnection owningConnection\', \'Comment 27: DbConnectionOptions userOptions) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool pool\', \'Comment 28: DbConnection owningObject\', \'Comment 29: DbConnectionOptions options\', \'Comment 30: DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey\', \'Comment 31: DbConnectionOptions userOptions) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject\', \'Comment 32: DbConnectionOptions userOptions\', \'Comment 33: DbConnectionInternal oldConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject\', \'Comment 34: DbConnectionOptions userOptions\', \'Comment 35: DbConnectionInternal oldConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject\', \'Comment 36: UInt32 waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout\', \'Comment 37: Boolean allowCreate\', \'Comment 38: Boolean onlyOneCheckConnection\', \'Comment 39: DbConnectionOptions userOptions\', \'Comment 40: DbConnectionInternal& connection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject\', \'Comment 41: TaskCompletionSource`1 retry\', \'Comment 42: DbConnectionOptions userOptions\', \'Comment 43: DbConnectionInternal& connection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection\', \'Comment 44: TaskCompletionSource`1 retry\', \'Comment 45: DbConnectionOptions userOptions\', \'Comment 46: DbConnectionInternal oldConnection\', \'Comment 47: DbConnectionInternal& connection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.TryOpenConnectionInternal(DbConnection outerConnection\', \'Comment 48: DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory\', \'Comment 49: TaskCompletionSource`1 retry\', \'Comment 50: DbConnectionOptions userOptions) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.TryOpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection\', \'Comment 51: DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory\', \'Comment 52: TaskCompletionSource`1 retry\', "Comment 53: DbConnectionOptions userOptions) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpenInner(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpen(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()\'", "Comment 54: \'Przy probie restartu :!image-2022-12-23-12-18-46-851.png!\'", "Comment 55: \'Failed to stop service. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider", \'Comment 56: error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity\', \'Comment 57: SqlConnectionString connectionOptions\', "Comment 58: SqlCredential credential\'", "Comment 59: \'ping ok !image-2022-12-23-12-26-20-604.png!\'", "Comment 60: \'!image-2022-12-23-12-27-11-746.png!\'", "Comment 61: \'Hello,Please check should be ok now ", \'Comment 62: could you tell me if there was any works or network issues about 22:54 yestserday.This service SQLBrowser on DB plant server was set as disbaled:!image-2022-12-23-12-55-31-053.png!So other application was not able to communicate with plant database.For now I set it as manual\', \'Comment 63: ( startup type)\', "Comment 64: but verify if that is ok( and change it to automatic f.e.)\'", "Comment 65: \'Hello Agnieska,So far as i know", "Comment 66: yesterdagevening we got our patch window. I will asked our Servicedesk if there is any relation to this.\'", "Comment 67: \'Could you verify if orders are ok in dhp?\'", \'Comment 68: "Hello Agnieszka,yes\', \'Comment 69: orders are received in DHP.I made a request to our servicedesk to check if there were issues on the DB09.But didn\\\'t recieve a response for sofar.For this you may close this ticket and thanks for support on it.Kind regards,Gerard "]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8155\n\n### Instruction:\nWe are finding it difficult to post this particular entry on Cash Register 04.\r\n\r\nWe can not read the error since it is not in English.\r\n\r\nplease help .\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "HelloI don\\\'t have a license to log in to the ERP system\', \'Comment 4: could someone log out?"\', \'Comment 5: "entry is posted.The problem is that the register account changed but it shouldn\\\'t. The new account is EUROACCO-AS124130-03\', \'Comment 6: the old account is E99999999-AS124130-08,generally when we create new accounts we also should create new bank register."\', "Comment 7: \'Thank you", "Comment 8: kindly close ticket\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8154\n\n### Instruction:\nIFi BP_TYPE = CUSTOMER\r\nAND\r\nBP_CATEGORY = FARMER \r\n"Technical Results" = 1\r\nupdate must be done on "Technical Results" field in Customer Card\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'661 Customers/Farmers have been updated\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8153\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, we\'ve a lots of awd in Active status in gui, but it should be Realized (PZ generated to awd).\r\nThe same status in dhc. Any idea why? It must be corrected....\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: ["Są nowe w logu:2022-12-21 12:35:15,845 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GeneratePurchaseOrderReceipt [(null)] - Extension for document started - PZ-457/12/22/D [Firma:246785 - TYP:1489/NUMER:12600421/LP:0] Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.MYShipmentNoticeUpdate.MYShipmentNoticeUpdate 2022-12-21 12:35:15,880 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Interfaces.ExtensionsHelper [(null)] - Shipment Notification processing started for PZ-457/12/22/D 2022-12-21 12:35:15,880 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Interfaces.ExtensionsHelper [(null)] - EXECUTE [Kotrak].[ExecuteShipmentNotificationDHC3] \\\'XL Integrator 1.0\\\',12600421,1489,2608734 2022-12-21 12:35:15,927 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Interfaces.ExtensionsHelper [(null)] - Shipment Notification processing finished for PZ-457/12/22/D 2022-12-21 12:35:15,927 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GeneratePurchaseOrderReceipt [(null)] - Extension for document completed - PZ-457/12/22/D [Firma:246785 - TYP:1489/NUMER:12600421/LP:0] Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.MYShipmentNoticeUpdate.MYShipmentNoticeUpdate 2022-12-21 12:35:15,927 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GeneratePurchaseOrderReceipt [(null)] - Extension for document started - PZ-457/12/22/D [Firma:246785 - TYP:1489/NUMER:12600421/LP:0] Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.PLAdvanceLogger.PLAdvanceLogerExtension 2022-12-21 12:35:15,927 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GeneratePurchaseOrderReceipt [(null)] - Extension for document completed - PZ-457/12/22/D [Firma:246785 - TYP:1489/NUMER:12600421/LP:0] Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.PLAdvanceLogger.PLAdvanceLogerExtension 2022-12-21 12:35:16,005 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2021.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction commited\', \'Comment 2: token ID - d:eJj^@U]1GGL<Q.T2klg=5---0EJ]-- 2022-12-21 12:35:16,005 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction commit started 2022-12-21 12:35:16,005 [73] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction commit finishedJak puściłem ten sam ponownie przeszło: EXECUTE [Kotrak].[ExecuteShipmentNotificationDHC3] \\\'XL Integrator 1.0\\\',12600421,1489,2608734!image-2022-12-23-08-42-37-008.png!!image-2022-12-23-08-42-37-008!"\', "Comment 3: \'aktualna lista: |status|foreignnumber|DocumentStatus|TrN_GIDNumer|TrN_GIDTyp|id||80|AWD-89219/11/22|5|12579497|1490|2602814||80|AWD-90810/11/22|5|12580291|1490|2604418||80|AWD-93228/12/22|5|12596857|1490|2606848||80|AWD-93230/12/22|5|12595453|1490|2606850|\'", "Comment 4: \'|status|foreignnumber|DocumentStatus|TrN_GIDNumer|TrN_GIDTyp|id||80|AWD-95153/12/22|5|12660329|1490|2608794||80|AWD-97112/12/22|5|12655579|1490|2610778|\'", "Comment 5: \'[[email protected]]analiza przyczyn zajmie 8h. Potrzebujemy budżet na realizację.\'", "Comment 6: \'Hello", "Comment 7: the analysis is problematic due to the occurrence of a problem for individual documents.We need 8 hours for the analysis.Please accept costs.Regards.\'", "Comment 8: \'Akceptuję koszt analizy. Co w przypadku błędu aplikacji?\'", "Comment 9: \'mamy akceptację\'", "Comment 10: \'Hej", "Comment 11: nie były poprawnie puszczone skrypty w erpintegratorze. Podegraliśmy skrypt i powinno to pomóc. \'", "Comment 12: \'[[email protected]] to wina klienta? Jak PL sami robią aktualizacje.\'", "Comment 13: \'Hello", \'Comment 14: after analyzing the developers it turned out that the problem was an incorrect update of Erpintegrator.Looks like there were problems with the update?Corrective action has been taken\', "Comment 15: the problem should not occur now.\'", "Comment 16: \'ok", "Comment 17: thanks\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8032\']\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8152\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nIt seems that payment method in NAS is automatically set for settlement.\r\nCan this be changed to PB-AA when posting is an regular purchase?\r\nWe always pay these invoices in NAS. No settlement.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Could you please provide the ID of the invoice?\'", "Comment 3: \'Dodane do listy z podsumowaniem wysłanej do klienta.\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi", "Comment 5: it is already solved. Please remark this as done\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8151\n\n### Instruction:\nHello\r\n\r\nWe have this VT-2574/22 on Toledo plant, and when we try to RELEASE FOR INTAKE, an error message is being displayed.\r\nThis is not the first case in Toledo neither in 8.3 version. We have similar cases in Apucarana and Guararapes.\r\nIn the last time this happened, we deleted the current VT and created new one, however we need to know what is happening.\r\nCould you please fix this one and verify it?\r\nThe truck are waiting and there are some documents already printed and linked to internal process to the supplier. We cannot cancel this VT to create a new one.\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'", \'Comment 3: \\\'{code:java}2022-12-22 08:28:46 (89a3ca3e-fe20-43ee-9386-53a410023c51/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/BR-4-SV-VM0204/23384/228) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ "scheme": "http"\', \'Comment 4: "host": { "Value": "br-4-sv-vm0204:82"\', \'Comment 5: "HasValue": true\', \'Comment 6: "Host": "br-4-sv-vm0204"\', \'Comment 7: "Port": 82 }\', \'Comment 8: "path": "/api/VehicleTicket/releaseIntake"\', \'Comment 9: "queryString": []\', \'Comment 10: "requestBody": "{\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"e70500a8-6cde-404c-a55a-3be11f450b5a\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"date\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"2022-12-22T11:28:38.746Z\\\\\\\\"}"}.System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value. at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.Factories.VehicleTicketDomainEventFactory.CreateVehicleTicketReleasedForIntakeEvent(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Factories\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketDomainEventFactory.cs:line 540 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicket.ReleaseForIntake(DateTime date) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\VehicleTicket.cs:line 527 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.VehicleTickets.Services.VehicleTicketService.ReleaseVehicleTicketIntake(AggregateId vehicleTicketId\', \'Comment 11: DateTime date) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketService.cs:line 197 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.VehicleTickets.CommandHandlers.ReleaseVehicleTicketIntakeCommandHandler.Handle(ReleaseVehicleTicketIntakeCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\ReleaseVehicleTicketIntakeCommandHandler.cs:line 24 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.HistoryGateDecorator.Dispatch[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.VehicleTicketController.ReleaseIntake(ReleaseVehicleTicketIntakeViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketController.cs:line 384 at lambda_method243521(Closure \', \'Comment 12: Object \', \'Comment 13: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 14: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 15: Object controller\', \'Comment 16: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 17: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 18: Object& state\', \'Comment 19: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 20: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 21: Object& state\', \'Comment 22: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeFilterPipelineAsync>g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 23: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 24: State next\', \'Comment 25: Scope scope\', \'Comment 26: Object state\', \'Comment 27: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 28: Task task\', \'Comment 29: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 30: Task task\', \'Comment 31: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.<Invoke>g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 32: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 33: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', "Comment 34: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code}\'", "Comment 35: \'ArrivalDate should be added to this VT - please specify what it should be. I will add it.\'", \'Comment 36: "Hi PiotrCan be the same as Arrival Weighing Date.Do you know why system didn\\\'t stored the ArrivalDate?Thank you"\', "Comment 37: \'please check it first", "Comment 38: thanks.I added the date.\'", "Comment 39: \'Checked: It worked! Thank you\'", "Comment 40: \'[[DHP 3.0] VT procesowanie System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20VT%20procesowanie%20System.InvalidOperationException%20Nullable%20object&section-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{AA5B5141-139E-4A0C-A66A-37DAE9560CF5}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20VT%20procesowanie%20System.InvalidOperationException%3A%20Nullable%20object%7CAA5B5141-139E-4A0C-A66A-37DAE9560CF5%2F%29])\'", "Comment 41: \'In this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process.If there are more we will create RCA - this one should be treated as an incident.\'", "Comment 42: \'Deal!You can close this taskThank you very much\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8150\n\n### Instruction:\nWarehouse order WO(PD)-983/12 for VT-1365/12/22 cannot be closed. Status of VT and WO seems to be ok. User selected stock from warehouse. Issue seems to be that user dismissed the task after selecting a pallet. However, user wishes to complete the dispatch, so that documents can be printed (Bulk is already registered on VT.\r\n\r\nPlease support us to complete this dispatch.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2022-12-22-11-38-57-472.png!!image-2022-12-22-11-39-19-198.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2022-12-22-11-39-36-562.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi,Please", \'Comment 6: check with the user\', "Comment 7: Dispatch is completed now.!image-2022-12-22-12-11-47-487.png!Regards\'", "Comment 8: \'{color:#000000}Thank you. Indeed WO and VT are now completed/closed.{color} {color:#000000}This task can be closed.{color} {color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:black}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:black}Best regards | Met vriendelijke groeten,{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:black} Bob Kennedy{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:black}Informatie analist{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color} |{color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000}{color}De Heus Voeders{color:#000000} <[http://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color}{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}|{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} * De Heus Voeders B.V.*{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} Postbus 396 6710 BJ Ede{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} Rubensstraat 1756717 VE Ede *M* 06 - 53 224 931 KvK 14626985{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:black} {color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} _ Op dit e-mailbericht en eventuele bijlage(n) is de disclaimer van toepassing_{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} _ gepubliceerd op de website van_{color} [{color:#006FB7} _De Heus Voeders_{color}|http://www.de-heus.nl/maildisclaimer]{color:#006FB7} _._{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| |{color:#000000}{color}{color:black}{color} [email protected]{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| |{color:#000000}{color}{color:black}{color} [email protected]{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| {color:#000000}{color} ---- {color:#000000} *From:* Aleksandra Przybyłek (Jira) <[email protected]> *Sent:* Thursday", \'Comment 9: December 22\', \'Comment 10: 2022 12:13 PM *To:* Kennedy\', "Comment 11: Bob <[email protected]> *Subject:* DGS-8150 Warehouse order for dispatch cannot be completed{color} |{color:#ffffff} CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.{color} |\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8149\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nIn sneek we have a lot of old lot reports with status created, due to missing stock at the time. Is it possible to run a script to confirm all those? Because doing it manually takes a lot of time\r\n\r\nThanks in advance\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'W Sneeku są 62 takie. Wystarczy sam update na statusie?!image-2022-12-22-14-18-07-297.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2022-12-23-07-53-53-692.png!!image-2022-12-23-07-54-03-419.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'Ten dało się confirm!image-2022-12-23-12-45-20-530.png!!image-2022-12-23-12-45-55-322.png!!image-2022-12-23-12-45-55-322!\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi Thomas,I have analised your case and also consulted with Dev Team. The possible script would confirm only those Created PLRs which have source documents closed and stock is correct.Please", "Comment 6: let me know if you need any further assistance.Regards\'", "Comment 7: \'Thanks", "Comment 8: ticket can be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8148\n\n### Instruction:\nIn round 003651/0002/0001 there are a lot of bookings on RAAP, most (if not all) of them are coming from the AS/400. In the migration files we made a mistake.\r\n\r\nAlll the quantities and net values should be positive. Also they should be moved from the category Eggs to the category Expenses. Is this possible?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Przygotować liste w Excelu wszystkich pozycji", \'Comment 3: które zachodzą na zakładkę EGGS na rundzie003651/0002/0001 i mają item kodRAAPOznaczyć\', \'Comment 4: która pozycja jest wysłana z MILASA\', \'Comment 5: a która migrowanaNmer faktury\', \'Comment 6: item kod\', \'Comment 7: ilość\', \'Comment 8: waga\', \'Comment 9: cena netto\', \'Comment 10: wartość netto\', \'Comment 11: wartość vat\', "Comment 12: wartość brtto\'", "Comment 13: \'Mitch", "Comment 14: could you please review the attachment?Red - lines in Eggs with some negative valuesthey must be moved to Expensive with all positive values - GreenCould you confirm?[^Analysis.csv]\'", "Comment 15: \'Dodane do listy z podsumowaniem wysłanej do klienta.\'", \'Comment 16: "Yes indeed\', \'Comment 17: (I don\\\'t see colors in your document) all negative lines with RAAP should be positive. Also they must be presented in the category Expenses."\', "Comment 18: \'[[email protected]]jakbyś miał pytania", "Comment 19: to daj znać\'", "Comment 20: \'We have changed the data on all documents from the list", "Comment 21: but should we also make these changes on the indicated [^Source documents.csv]for these documents?\'", "Comment 22: \'Can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8147\n\n### Instruction:\nLocation Utrecht reports that VTs for intakes are not send to pcs, and dispatch messages from PCS are not arriving in DHP. Can you please check what\'s going on?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: \\\'Z modułu VC{code:java}2022-12-22 01:02:20 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/13) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 01:07:16 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/185) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 05:01:39 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/252) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 05:38:47 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/222) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 06:15:16 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/17) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 07:00:52 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/180) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 07:01:33 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/128) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 07:02:07 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/248) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 07:03:20 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/145) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 08:32:56 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/227) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"2022-12-22 08:33:39 (/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/37620/181) [Warning] RawRabbit.Channel.ChannelFactory - Connection was shutdown by Library. ReplyText "Unexpected Exception"{code}\\\'\', "Comment 3: \'Thomas,Please check now. It should work now.Has the server been restarted? Or was there any lack of electricity? Rabbit was not running and we also restared application pools.Reagrds\'", \'Comment 4: "I don\\\'t think so. Patch evening is tonight. Can we check and restart Rabbitmq ourselves?"\', "Comment 5: \'Yes", \'Comment 6: it is a Windows service. But after starting Rabbitmq\', \'Comment 7: all application pools need to be restarted. In my opinion\', "Comment 8: it is better to do it on our side.\'", "Comment 9: \'Oke clear", "Comment 10: thanks for your help\'", "Comment 11: \'No problem\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8146\n\n### Instruction:\nWe got the task from Richard to put all invoices on payment method "NB", due to some changes in Milas. Sadly we were too quick and we archived one that was on "Settlement". Can you put PI-RLB/2022/1249 (ID79390) back to entry? Than we can modify this\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Document is again in first owner from intense.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8145\n\n### Instruction:\nAs per conversation between Beata and Nosipho, see accounts that need resolution in attached screenshot.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", \'Comment 2: "HelloRegarding 010-40-10-11367We discussed this on teams but I didn\\\'t get any response.As I know this was the deposit that you paid\', \'Comment 3: the vendor refunded you the deposit \', \'Comment 4: so there has to be PI correction in the system\', "Comment 5: but there isn\'t ", \'Comment 6: so the best way to clear this amount is to create Accounting Note with 010-40-10-11367 DT\', "Comment 7: and you should decide what should be the opposite account .Such a document could be settled with 20/HSBC/223/56Regarding 010-40-10-12039I don\'t know exactly which documents should be cleared on this account.010-40-10-11066The best/easist way is to create Accounting Note: 010-40-10-11066 DT.If you want", \'Comment 8: I can do it first on DEV or Nightly database?"\', "Comment 9: \'Hello,Please see more detailed document.[^Creditors Clean Up - December.docx] _(361 kB)_\'", \'Comment 10: "HelloRegarding accounts:010-15-10-11367010-40-10-11367The bank entry from 2020 was reposted from 010-15 to 010-40\', \'Comment 11: so the Trial balance now does not match with the documents in the clearing window. In this case\', \'Comment 12: we should change the OB as well.I could change account in OB (2021,2022): 010-15-10-11367 to 010-40-10-11367 (on database). Nothing will changed in terms of values on the TSU PROTECTION SERV accounts\', "Comment 13: the value will be just transferred from one account to another account of the same vendor.For me it\'s ok.Of course it could be done in the system by using option: tranfer of opening balance (2021", \'Comment 14: 2022). The system will make Opening Balance Correction."\', "Comment 15: \' !screenshot-1! I will write instruction about how to fix this.\'", "Comment 16: \'Please see updated document.[^Creditors Clean Up - December-1.docx] _(848 kB)_\'", \'Comment 17: "Regarding accounts:010-15-10-11367010-40-10-11367I fixed this on Nightly database as we agreed.At the beginning I had to remove the changes made in 2020\', \'Comment 18: we agreed that the Finance doesn\\\'t allow to change anything in old periods.All changes must be done in 2022After that:I changed period to 2022 and changed date to 2022-12-31Then I made AN document like on the screenshot below and post it. !screenshot-2! Then go to the Clearing windows to clear those entries on 010-15-10-11367 account. !screenshot-3! The value was transferred from 010-15 to 010-40 without changing anything in old period so we don\\\'t have to change OB."\', "Comment 19: \'Regarding 010-40-10-03887 CHEMFIT FINEDocument PI-5414/19/RMP has value 196 417,24when we sum up the posted value", \'Comment 20: we also have 196 417,24Settled value is 196 417\', \'Comment 21: 22unpaid value should be 0,02 \', \'Comment 22: we can just settled those duplicated payments and it should be ok.How to do this:* Go to the Payment Plan\', \'Comment 23: find this payments on the list* open payment by using Loop icon\', \'Comment 24: * uncheck "Dont settle" !screenshot-4! * Then just setlle those duplicated payments\', "Comment 25: you can do it on Payment Plan or in Clearing window !screenshot-5! \'", "Comment 26: \'!image-1!\'", "Comment 27: \'waiting for answer about 010-40-10-03887 CHEMFIT FINE\'", \'Comment 28: "Hello,Finance did not get a chance to check\', \'Comment 29: they\\\'ve been busy with Year End Closure.Can we please try again next week Tuesday?"\', "Comment 30: \'[^Creditors Clean Up - VICTORY MILLING.docx]\'", \'Comment 31: "HelloI\\\'m attaching the short instruction how to clear VICTORY MILLING account. [^Creditors Clean Up - VICTORY MILLING.docx] "\', "Comment 32: \'Hello NosiphoCould you please confirm if we can close this task?Regards\'", "Comment 33: \'You may close the ticket. Thank you for the help.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8144\n\n### Instruction:\nVersion 3 receptura DT218X00S\r\nWygenerowana w DHC, nie ma jej w DHP.\r\nZ poprzednimi wersjami był ten sam problem ze nie przechodziły do DHP, coś je blokuje. \r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'The delay is caused by the amount of messages for the DHC service you have to wait for them to process. !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 3: \' !screenshot-2! \'", "Comment 4: \'Task to close \']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8143\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have some lot reports in DHP that are not finished from PCS. In DHP we try to Finish the Lot report. When we finish the Lot report the produced quantity is set to 0. It is possible to edit the Finished Lot report and fix the produced quantity, but in our case, Lot reports are sent to DHC/Milas in status finished. So, with quantity 0. This results in issues with FP stock in Milas.\r\n\r\nPlease check / inform us how we can keep the correct quantity in the Lot report in case we put a Lot report with status In Progress to Finished.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Please note that the issue occurs in production Dhp’s. The attached example is from Dhp test from my check of the issue. {quote}Op 21 dec. 2022 om 18:35 heeft Adrian Kozak (Jira) <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven: {quote} {quote} \\\\ufeff |{color:#ffffff} CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.{color} |{color:#999999}{color}{color:#999999}{color}{color:#7a869a}{color}{color:#7a869a}{color} {quote}\'", "Comment 4: \'Please let me know what is the reason that the production is not finished from PCS.Is the problem with the PCS provider?\'", "Comment 5: \'{color:#000000}Indeed", \'Comment 6: in some cases the message with last batch = true indication cannot be processed.{color} {color:#000000}PCS sends a separate message (with qty 0,001Kg) and last batch = true flag\', \'Comment 7: to indicate that production is finished{color} {color:#000000}Sometime multiple messages are send in one message. In case of of the messages e.g. does not have correct code or recipeId\', \'Comment 8: then I found that the entire message is not processed.{color} {color:#000000}Because there is high pressure on confirming Lot reports\', \'Comment 9: plant manager tries to finish/confirm these lot reports manually.{color} {color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:black}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:black}Best regards | Met vriendelijke groeten,{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:black} Bob Kennedy{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:black}Informatie analist{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color} |{color:#000000}{color} {color:#000000}{color}De Heus Voeders{color:#000000} <[http://www.de-heus.nl/]>{color}{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}|{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} * De Heus Voeders B.V.*{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} Postbus 396 6710 BJ Ede{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} Rubensstraat 1756717 VE Ede *M* 06 - 53 224 931 KvK 14626985{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:black} {color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} _ Op dit e-mailbericht en eventuele bijlage(n) is de disclaimer van toepassing_{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7} _ gepubliceerd op de website van_{color} [{color:#006FB7} _De Heus Voeders_{color}|http://www.de-heus.nl/maildisclaimer]{color:#006FB7} _._{color}{color:#000000}{color}{color:#006FB7}{color} {color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| |{color:#000000}{color}{color:black}{color} [email protected]{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| |{color:#000000}{color}{color:black}{color} [email protected]{color:black}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000} {color}| {color:#000000}{color} ---- {color:#000000} *From:* Piotr Gaczorek (Jira) <[email protected]> *Sent:* Thursday\', \'Comment 10: December 22\', \'Comment 11: 2022 12:45 PM *To:* Kennedy\', \'Comment 12: Bob <[email protected]> *Subject:* DGS-8143 On closing of Lot report with status In progress in DHP\', "Comment 13: quantity is set to 0{color} |{color:#ffffff} CAUTION: This message originated from outside the organisation. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.{color} |\'", "Comment 14: \'W nawiązaniu do odp klienta", \'Comment 15: czy jest możliwość kończenia produkcji z UI\', "Comment 16: jak PCS ma problem z przesłaniem message?\\\\r\\\\rDzięki.\'", "Comment 17: \'Hej,Po rozmowie z [[email protected]]dowiedziałem sie że nie ma takiego procesu aby w ten sposób zakończyć produkcje. Jedynym rozwiązaniem byłoby skorzystanie z procedury api.FinishProduction\'", "Comment 18: \'There is no such solution available for DHP", \'Comment 19: a change as GDC is required.If we are to make a change on the PLR\', "Comment 20: then only from our side with the PLR list.\'", "Comment 21: \'All information was provided in the last comment.This ticket has been closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8142\n\n### Instruction:\nBrak receptury DT218X00S ( w wersji bazowej oraz wersji L00 ) w DHP\r\nReceptura w DHC zaakceptowana oraz zlinkowana.\r\nReceptura potrzebna dzis do produkcji \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello", "Comment 2: We kindly inform you that wecurrentlyare processing another Priority1 task.We will revert to processing your task as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Aby News ??\'", "Comment 4: \'Poprzednie P1 zostało ponad pół godziny temu zamknięte \'", "Comment 5: \'Both recipes are synchronised to DHP!image-2022-12-21-18-14-00-431.png!Please verify.\'", "Comment 6: \'Na screenie widze ze jest wersja 1 recepturyW DHH widziałem ze NL wysłało tez 2 wersje\'", "Comment 7: \'There is version 2 in DHP as well!image-2022-12-21-18-19-13-049.png!\'", "Comment 8: \'Task to close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8141\n\n### Instruction:\nDzień dobry, \r\nproszę o pomoc w ZPM(S)-5217/12/22 brak elementów składanek VT-25515/12/22. \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Please close task.\'", "Comment 3: \'Analiza problemu nie wykazała jego przyczyny. Prawdopodobnie błędy związane z nieprawidłową realizacją procesu.\'", "Comment 4: \'[[email protected]] wklej te selecty co robiłeś podczas rozmowy.\'", "Comment 5: \'Będzie z tym problem... nie zdążyłem skopiować :(\'", "Comment 6: \'Hello,why this ticket was opened?\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8140\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease change the <payment form Intense> for :\r\n\r\n - all Suppliers where the <Code> starts with LBXXXXX from Bank transfer into \r\n ABN_EUR\r\n- all Customers where the <payment form Intense> from Settlement into NB\r\n\r\nNote: ONLY IN THE MASBE sector.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Update dataaccording to the guidelineschange the <payment form Intense> for : - all Suppliers where the <Code> starts with LBXXXXX from Bank transfer intoABN_EUR - all Customers where the <payment form Intense> from Settlement into NBNote: ONLY IN THE MASBE sector.\'", \'Comment 3: "update customers set Cst_PaymentForm= 1178where Cst_FrmID=5 and Cst_PaymentForm=743 and Cst_IntColumn5=318 and Cst_Name like \\\'LB%\\\'update customers set Cst_PaymentForm=1029where Cst_FrmID=5 and Cst_PaymentForm= 742 and Cst_IntColumn5=317"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8139\n\n### Instruction:\nWhen a customer is set to Inactive it should not appear in any dropdown in Intense. Now this is still the case.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi Mitch", "Comment 4: where do you this customer in the dropdown?\'", "Comment 5: \'Dodano do listy z podsumowaniem wysłanej do klienta.\'", "Comment 6: \'[[email protected]]could you check this?\'", "Comment 7: \'I have asked Christine but still no reply. You can close this task.\'", "Comment 8: \'I close the task.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8138\n\n### Instruction:\nUnable to release VT-318/12/2022/KB\r\nFor PO-660/22/KBG\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "{code:java}2022-12-21 14:23:47,795 [19] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - PurchaseOrderReceipt created: Firma:556290 - TYP:1489/NUMER:4033442/LP:0 POR-2666/22/KBP2022-12-21 14:23:47,811 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - Element creating: Code:2303020 Q:34.0999602022-12-21 14:23:47,811 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - No deliveries found.2022-12-21 14:23:47,811 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - Catalog Price from elem: 2025.0000\', \'Comment 4: exRates: 12022-12-21 14:23:47,811 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - Catalog Price after currency recalc: 2025.0000\', \'Comment 5: exRates: 12022-12-21 14:23:47,998 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.PurchaseOrderReceipts.CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository [(null)] - Error occurred - document Firma:556290 - TYP:1489/NUMER:4033442/LP:0 will be deleted2022-12-21 14:23:47,998 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - PurchaseOrderReceipt closing: Firma:556290 - TYP:1489/NUMER:4033442/LP:0 (-1)2022-12-21 14:23:48,045 [19] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.PurchaseOrderReceipts.CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository [(null)] - Error occurred - document was not deletedError of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.XLApiException has been thrown (XLZamknijDokument:3).API Name - XLZamknijDokumentAPI Result - 3ERRORS:|Cannot find document header. (ZamknijDokument-3) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.CloseDocument(XLExternalOrderTransaction document\', \'Comment 6: DocumentStatus status) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\ExternalOrderTransactions\\\\\\\\CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.cs:line 530 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.PurchaseOrderReceipts.CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.CloseDocument(XLPurchaseOrderReceipt header\', \'Comment 7: DocumentStatus status) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceipts\\\\\\\\CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.cs:line 83 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.PurchaseOrderReceipts.CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.CreatePORWithElements(PurchaseOrderReceipt purchaseOrderReceipt\', \'Comment 8: Boolean confirmDoc) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceipts\\\\\\\\CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.cs:line 312022-12-21 14:23:48,045 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback staeted2022-12-21 14:23:48,045 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback finished2022-12-21 14:23:48,061 [19] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL rollback error - possibly no transactionError of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.XLApiException has been thrown (XLTransakcja - Rollback:-1).API Name - XLTransakcja - RollbackAPI Result - -12022-12-21 14:23:48,061 [19] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction rollbacked\', \'Comment 9: token ID - Z<?L_YfD?aS;[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\jV:/_V]5----YNM--2022-12-21 14:23:48,108 [19] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GeneratePurchaseOrderReceipt [(null)] - Error of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLDodajPozycje:17).API Name - XLDodajPozycjeAPI Result - 17Flags - 12ERRORS:|Missing quantity (failed to retrieve the item or the entire execution was forced). (DodajPozycje-17) - (2303020)Error of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.XLApiException has been thrown (XLDodajPozycje:17).API Name - XLDodajPozycjeAPI Result - 17Flags - 12ERRORS:|Missing quantity (failed to retrieve the item or the entire execution was forced). (DodajPozycje-17) - (2303020) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.AddElement(Int32 XLdocNumber\', \'Comment 10: XLExternalOrderTransactionElement element) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\ExternalOrderTransactions\\\\\\\\CdnXL2019ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.cs:line 332 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.PurchaseOrderReceipts.CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.AddElement(Int32 XLdocNumber\', \'Comment 11: XLPurchaseOrderReceiptElement porElement) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceipts\\\\\\\\CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.cs:line 75 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019.Documents.PurchaseOrderReceipts.CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.CreatePORWithElements(PurchaseOrderReceipt purchaseOrderReceipt\', \'Comment 12: Boolean confirmDoc) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2019\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceipts\\\\\\\\CdnXL2019PurchaseOrderReceiptRepository.cs:line 37 at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GeneratePurchaseOrderReceipt.OnExecute(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket){code}Sprawdziłem z innym intake VT co się zrobił kierunek jest taki sam\', \'Comment 13: powiązanie do zamówienia też\', \'Comment 14: podobnie dla generowania PZ z PO.{code:java} FROM [DHCountry_RSA_PROD].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] where VehicleTicketId in(select id FROM [DHCountry_RSA_PROD].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where DocumentNumber like \\\'314/12/2022/KB\\\' or DocumentNumber like \\\'318/12/2022/KB\\\'){code} !screenshot-1! {code:java} FROM [DHCountry_RSA_PROD].[dbo].[Orders] where id in(\\\'628F60FE-E985-40EA-98BD-78F33AF048EC\\\',\\\'56E5BD34-A6F4-4F38-8D02-BFECA6CECE85\\\'){code} !screenshot-2! "\', "Comment 15: \'Morning. Any progress on this issue? Is there any thing you want me to check or do on our side?\'", "Comment 16: \'You may close the ticket. It seems like the deviation percentage is no longer working on DHC.\'", \'Comment 17: "But it doesn\\\'t work at all or for this order?I see that the quantity on the order has changed."]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8137\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nFrom Iwona\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "!image-2022-12-22-07-30-33-048.png!will take 6 rbg!image-2022-12-22-07-30-54-079.png!will take 3 rbgPricing doesn\\\'t contains tests. (Tests will be running by de heus)Please accept costs."\', "Comment 4: \'!image-1!\'", "Comment 5: \'NA bazie testowej z poziomu ZO została dodana nowa funkcja:!image-2022-12-23-14-27-37-787.png!Należy wybrać pracownika i nacisnąć piorun:!image-2022-12-23-14-28-29-768.png!Proszę o testy i informację zwrotną czy można przenieść na bazę produkcyjną.Druga funkcja w trakcie realizacji\'", "Comment 6: \'hi", "Comment 7: on what database and terminal server did you implement new function?\'", \'Comment 8: "as usual onSQL05-20\\\\\\\\cdnxl_deheusbut as a can see you overwrite this database 28th of december. On wchich database i can maje changes (you don\\\'t have plans to overwrite it)?"\', \'Comment 9: "You can work on the same database. We don\\\'t plan any refresh DB in the near future."\', "Comment 10: \'Is on test database again\'", "Comment 11: \'Iwona tego nie widzi", "Comment 12: ma dzwonić do Ciebie !image-2!\'", "Comment 13: \'trzeba wejść na dokument ZO tak jak pisałam wcześniej. Dałam jej znać!image-2023-01-03-13-45-23-121.png!\'", "Comment 14: \'[XL/946895|https://www.asysta.comarch.pl/ObslugaZgloszen/Zgloszenia/FormularzZgloszenia.aspx?ZglID=tSYog8F%2b6yR2R4ogcziIHw%3d%3d&rfId=20]\'", "Comment 15: \'!image-3!\'", "Comment 16: \'+ nowy filtr po osobie odpowiedzialnej\'", "Comment 17: \'!image-2023-01-10-14-02-17-065.png!\'", "Comment 18: \'Dzień dobry,Hello # Mechanizm do zmiany osoby odpowiedzialnej został przeniesiony na bazę produkcyjnąThe mechanism for changing the responsible person has been transferred to the production base2. Został dodany nowy filtr do analizy osoby odpowiedzialnej na bazie testowej i produkcyjnej. Proszę o weryfikację.There is new filter on production and test database. Please verify.!image-2023-01-11-08-22-50-166.png!3. Na bazie testowej został dodany mechanizm do zmiany MPK. Dostępny spod księgi inwentarzowej -> wydruk -> zmiana MPK. Proszę o testyA mechanism for changing cost centers has been added on a test database. Available from księgi inwentarzowej -> wydruk -> zmiana MPK. Please test!image-2023-01-11-08-21-52-111.png!\'", "Comment 19: \'!image-4!\'", "Comment 20: \'All solutions has been transffered into production database. Can we close this ticket?\'", "Comment 21: \'Yes. Thanks a lot.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8136\n\n### Instruction:\nWe created a SI from PI RLB/2022/1241, but the system automatically makes a registered sale when we use B005059 De Heus Voeders as reference. We need a regular sale, so can you Put SI-RTB/2022/0001 (ID 79282) back to entry?\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Done", "Comment 3: document is in entry staus. !image-2022-12-21-14-10-32-193.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'I close it.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8135\n\n### Instruction:\nBlocking Customer/ Round Number fields in Feed Sales All Sectors\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Planned after new UAT is ready.\'", "Comment 2: \'Done in UAT and Production database for all sectors.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8134\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\n\r\nWe are missing shipping notice L000069384 in DHP. This SN is in DHC though. Can you please check why it isn\'t arriving in DHP?\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "select * from ShippingNotices where ForeignNumber like \\\'%L000069384\\\'select * from ShippingNoticeElements where ShippingNoticeId=\\\'8118F5B6-C1B5-4619-9302-C903F99BF12B\\\'"\', \'Comment 3: \\\'An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. -> The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ShippingNoticeElementOrders_OrderElements_OrderId_OrderNo". The conflict occurred in database "DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain"\', \'Comment 4: table "dbo.OrderElements".The statement has been terminated.\\\'\', "Comment 5: \'select * from OrderIdentityMappings mleft join [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Orders] o on o.id=m.PlantIdwhere LongId in (154137,154310,154228,153547,154760,154310,154848,154137,154848,153509,154361,154310,154137,154310,154310,154848,154190,154137,154228,154848,154310,154228,154190,154310,154361,153547,154190,154671,154848,154753,154310,154137,154848,154310,154228,154089,153974,153509,153974)\'", "Comment 6: \'do vt nie wpadlo zamowieniaSO000031691\'", "Comment 7: \'!image-2022-12-21-10-50-53-874.png!\'", \'Comment 8: \\\'An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. -> The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Orders_ContactDatas_MainBusinessPartnerId_MainBusinessPartnerContactDataId". The conflict occurred in database "DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain"\', \'Comment 9: table "dbo.ContactDatas".The statement has been terminated.\\\'\', "Comment 10: \'baza dhc service adres uzyty na orderze jest [rzypisany do inego kontrahenta!image-2022-12-21-11-48-39-332.png!\'", "Comment 11: \'The reason for the problem is an unsynchronised order SO000031691.There is a discrepancy on this order as you can see on the bass projections the main address of the order belongs to the BP with code 101699 and the main BP on the order is the contractor with code 999902", "Comment 12: in this situation I would like to ask you to change - resend the order or re-send the addresses so that they match and feedback.!image-2022-12-21-13-08-13-301.png!\'", "Comment 13: \'Hi Aleksandra", \'Comment 14: we have done some research. Together with @Tdankers and @Bkennedy\', "Comment 15: but we have sent the correct values. The delivery address of the food is:101699NEDERLANDS PLUIMVEEMUSEUMHessenweg 2 A3771 RB BarneveldCan you change the Business Partner for 101699 to these values?\'", "Comment 16: \'Can it be that it goes wrong because of two adresses in DHC and DHP for code 101699\'", "Comment 17: \'So you wish to change Main Bussiness Partner to 101699 from 999902?!image-2022-12-21-15-02-10-492.png!\'", \'Comment 18: "No\', \'Comment 19: I wish the Main Business Partner to remain 101699. The 999902 is not relevant. But I want the Business Partner\\\'s full address to be:Nederlands PluimveemuseumHessenweg 2 A3771 RB BarneveldThere should not be any relation to 999902. "\', \'Comment 20: "So the main business partner ID in this order needs to be changed to 101699.I can\\\'t do that in the ERP\', \'Comment 21: cause it is already there."\', "Comment 22: \'Hello,after fixing order Main Bussiness Partner", "Comment 23: and resending order I resend also a ASN please check!image-2022-12-22-13-47-58-345.png!\'", "Comment 24: \'Great! Thanks Aleksandra!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8133\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove the additional technology RA967329\r\n\r\nAn incorrect additional technology RA967329 was created (refers to final product 967323 and derived 967323. \r\nTo send the order with correct codes we created additional technology RA967329-1. This one is ok.\r\n\r\nHowever, plant must also receive a new recipe for 967323 because a RM is missing in the plant. This new recipe not send because of the incorrect additional technology\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2022-12-21-09-21-16-470.png!!image-2022-12-21-09-21-16-470!\'", "Comment 4: \'Any update?\'", "Comment 5: \'Yes", \'Comment 6: we are working on it\', "Comment 7: deleteing technology requires a lot of other activities to have process correct.\'", "Comment 8: \'Additional Technology has been removed.The process takes some time as we need to find technology in all possible data bases and also verify if there are any PLRs related to questioned technology.Regards\'", "Comment 9: \'Ok", "Comment 10: thank you. Recipe is now send to PCS. This ticket can be closed.\'", "Comment 11: \'Thank you.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}
{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8132\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you delete B004922/0064/0002 (ID 62046)? We have a new contract created for this customer (B004922/0235/0001, ID 79108), which should be round number 2. I moved all the feed to the first round of the new contract and there is no delivery that should be invoiced so round B004922/0064/0002 (ID 62046) is completely empty now. Also, is there a possibility that we could do this (following a few guidlines maybe) ourselves in the future?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Round and feed sale to be deleted.\'", "Comment 3: \'Done. Round and feed sales have been removed.\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2022-12-21-09-58-54-381.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'The Round and linked Feed Sale have been deleted.Mitch,what do you think about giving users rights to delete rounds?\'", "Comment 6: \'In my opinion Steffen", \'Comment 7: Koen\', "Comment 8: Bessel and Bert should be able to delete rounds. However it is important that the round is empty. If there are bookings on the round they should first be moved to another round before we could delete them.\'", "Comment 9: \'Mitch", "Comment 10: what happens if the round number 2 was sent to MILAS and then deleted in Intense? Will the round number in MILAS be updated with the previous round 1?\'", "Comment 11: \'Dodane do listy z podsumowaniem dla klienta.\'", \'Comment 12: "No\', \'Comment 13: unfortunately when the round is deleted in Intense it won\\\'t automatically update the round overviews in Milas.The user needs to resend the previous round (in this case round 1) again from Milas to Intense.If this is not done and Milas is trying to send the feed sales invoices to Intense it will generate an error report in there because it cannot find the indicated round in Milas."\', "Comment 14: \'Runda 1 AktywnaRunda 2 Aktywna Userzy chca usnac runde numer 2 i powinni to moc zrobic", \'Comment 15: tylko jesli nie ma na Rundzie numer 2 zadnych faktur. Po usunieciu R2 MILAS musialby dostac informacje\', \'Comment 16: ze aktualna runda to R1. Wprzeciwnym wypadku caly czas bedzie wysylac dane na R2\', "Comment 17: ktorej nie ma.Runda 1 ZamknietaRunda 2 Aktywna- czy wtedy usuniecie powinno byc mozliwe? Moim zdaniem nie\'", "Comment 18: \'This is related to another task. Is it solved right now @Damian?\'", \'Comment 19: "Yes\', "Comment 20: exactly.We\'re working on solution in this task", \'Comment 21: then it will be automatically sending last round number of customer if someone delete round.It will be handled in this task https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DHNLC-1230and then we can close both tasks I think if it will be sufficient solution for these cases."\', "Comment 22: \'Can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}