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SEQ153-A: It took time to be 100 percent confident in this. It was very, very hard. I will tell you straight. With Jewish people, it is very, very hard to be a leader. Every one of our Jewish people were a leader himself. They knew a lot you know. They are not dummies. Everyone of them, and to be a leader by Jews, you really have to have guts and you have to have patience and you have to have — I don't know what — to be a leader, but this is no jokes. This is I tell you at this — what's the Ben-Gurion?’ said it was, “I am a president of million presidents.” And that was very, very hard for Jewish people this. But there was a necessity. I have the upper hand because I spoke fluent Polish. When I came to a farm or 6 Group (Yiddish) 7 David Ben-Gurion something I had — I had to speak because most of them spoke Yiddish and the language was difficult. Only Szengut was the guy what — but he looked so Jewish and so Yiddish he couldn't, he couldn't represent us you know. It was — we had to push him a little bit on the side. Now, we established our presence in the neighborhood, but we felt we couldn't stay too long in the neighborhood. They told us not to stay, and we didn't. We felt — because we exhausted — I came twice — three times to the same farmer. He didn't have what to eat himself to watch this, and we had to go farther. Then I decided to go with the group of 10 people to find out — because they were talking about other groups on the other side of the Bug. We were — there was — when you see the map, there was a, a — this river, Wieprz, is the name — Wieprz and the next was the Bug. The Bug was the border from Poland and Russia already later. But we were between the Wieprz and the Bug later. In the beginning, we were on the other side of the Wieprz. We had to cross. And we crossed over the Wieprz and we knew that between the Wieprz and Bug 1s a group — 1s groups, partisans there that we heard about. You know they told us, the farmers. There was no telephones, but we heard that. We had connections all the time. This Genek, his connections was saving us always. We knew when the Germans going out from Lublin with a expedition of something, we knew about it. They told us. The farmers, one told the other and they told us. We had the connections. We had this. And only with connections we could live through. We were laughing already there when I was going sometimes in the night. I laughed and said what group 1s going again that meetings to get a connection then. I felt that is the way to be because when you are a group, you live by yourself, and you don't know — no telephones, nothing. You don't know what's going to come next, and they were spying. You have to have this. You have to know what your neighbor's doing. You have to know what's going on, and you have to know the other groups. You have to know what's in the, what's going on in the country or in Russia. We knew about politics. We knew everything was in the front. This in the front. This we knew everything what's going on. I was reading papers. I was seeing everything clearly. Otherwise, we couldn't live. It was impossible. Of course, a lot of groups were — a lot of Jews run away, and they didn't have the organization. They didn't have the connections and they disappeared. They disappeared. The Pollacks killed them themselves or somehow the Germans — they told the Germans. They disappeared. Disappeared group by group disappeared. And I went through this Wieprz. There was a whole story how we went through that. And we came over on the other side, and I was so tired. Unbelievably tired. And I was sorry that I brought them people on the other side because we were walking two days and two nights. We didn't know where we are going. Completely! We were — like I say, I didn't have the connection. I didn't have the people around me. The neighborhood there I knew already. I knew where I'm going. And here I didn't know nothing. And we walked over to a farm, and we woke up a woman there and she start screaming and crying, "Please don't do this.” I said, "Don't worry. We will not do nothing to you. Just let us in.” She said, "No, I can't because I have a child 1s sick. Very sick. He had typhus or something and you will catch it too. Don't go in.” Said, "Okay, we will go in the barn.” We went in the barn. We were dead. We were so tired of walking. I think it will start snowing or something later and there was a real night, I felt half, half dying. And I lay down in the, the barn and all our people. We always kept one men to watch and all of a sudden maybe it was day already. I wake up and I see nobody's watching. Nobody! I woke up, and I was a very sleeper — I, I could hear everything always when sleep. I don't know why. This was nature or something. I could hear everything. Whatever happened in sleep always, I could hear it. Then I walked over — I woked up, I went over to the door to the barn and I see, all of a sudden, I see Germans, Polish uniforms, the police, and farmers and the whole posse but still forming, still going. And I woke up my people very fast. And we walked out with the front and shooting at them. They were not still organized. They were still starting something then, and we start shooting at them. And walked around the barn, and we start running away. Because they were an army there. Who knows how many? I didn't know. And we start running, running and we — I see very bad. There's no trees, nothing. We are only a few houses there, and it is a field. They have a good field for us to shoot us when we running. They can shoot everybody. And little by little we start moving away, moving away and all of a sudden, I see one guy fall beside and then I see another one fall. They were not dead. Just one was shot in the foot, and one was somewhere else shot and he said, "Please take my rifle. I am dead. They will kill me anyway.” I said, "I don't need your rifle. I have mine.” I couldn't do nothing. Then all of a sudden I feel a shot. It was my finger here. I have still the finger here like this, shot here right here. I squeezed my hand. I see blood. Yes, I took out, I don't know, a handkerchief or something. I put it on. I didn't make a big deal of it. I was walking, walking. All of a sudden I feel a shot in my foot, in my leg. Yeah, right here. Through. And I cannot walk no more. I cannot walk. I was trying you know. Szengut right behind me, and he start pulling me. He said, "You have to walk.” In the meantime, the rest of the people — we were about 10 or 12 — start moving. You know, they cannot wait for me. They see this one 1s laying, another is laying, and he, he didn't leave me alone. He starts pulling me, and I start walking and walking. I see I still can walk. The bone wasn't touched. And this was luck. It was just the meat here that was shot here. And I could walk. It was bleeding a little bit, but I still walked. And we run over to a house there and we told the farmer, "Fast put on a horse and wagon,’ Szengut said, “and we will put on — I will put you down on this on the wagon and we will start running away with this.” Then all of a sudden I see the Germans right by the border there when I was, I was there. They came out. And one starts talking Polish to me. And he says in Polish, "You're a Jew, bastard?" or something, this. And he aimed with a rifle this, and he didn't, I don't know, he didn't hit me. I got up and Szengut grabbed me and left the horse with the wagon, and I start screaming with my people. I start screaming with my people, they rest, "Stop and start shooting back. Start shooting back because otherwise nobody will live.” And I remember like today this one of them guys, it was Andrejew. He was the first one. He turned around, took out the rifle, he was aiming at the Germans. The Germans stopped. They stopped. Right away they fell through the floor. And when he took out a few of our people. There was a Finkel there was a few four or five. They took out the rifles and they start shooting back. When they stopped the Germans, I had time to with Szengut to run away to come over and we went over to a woods somewhere there around not far, and the Germans stopped a little bit behind and they had three of our people and I think they, they killed there because I know — don't know what happened to them again. And between them was this Majdanek, this guy what run away from Majdanek. He was killed there right away in this skirmish. And I run away to the woods. In the meantime, Szengut and another one, Finkel, they both went back to look. Maybe they can help somebody to — they came to a farmhouse and they opened the door there, and when they opened the door Germans was sitting there. A whole bunch of them was sitting there, and they were singing or eating something. You know they, they had that trophy. They took away — I think they took away some money from these three guys too. They had maybe a few — I don't know what kind money. And Finkel closed the door and Szengut had hand grenade and they threw in there the hand grenade into this, and they don't know what happened there. Then they run away, and they found me. I was still waiting. And we took a farmer, stopped with a horse and wagon on this — put me on this and they sat down and I was with Szengut and another one and they had another — they stopped other farmers when they — on the way and we start moving. And on the way I asked the farmer, "Maybe you will take me home because I am shot and I cannot — my finger start bothering me very much, more than the foot.” I said, "I cannot walk and I cannot, I cannot function.” He said, "You have to be helped.” I said, "Oh no, my wife is sick and there's a — I'm afraid, but I will bring you over. I have a farm and I have a man what works for me, and he will keep you. He will keep you there.” I said, "Alright, whatever he wanted to do.” And he brought me over to another farmer and the farmer was very nice to me. They, they took a Band-Aid and they, they took some water. I don't know what kind of water. They washed it and they cleaned it very, very nice. They, they helped me out. It took almost a half a day, something, I was there sitting. All of a sudden, shooting again. I was with Szengut, and another Piasecki was another guy. We were there in the partition there. The rest of the group was in another house. Start shooting in the house. Like a thunder. Shoot directly in the house. And the farmer showed me the way out in the back and me and Piasecki. I got up and I said, "Where is Henryk?” I said, "Where is Finkel?” And I start looking back and I don't see him. And the farmer said, "You cannot wait a second. Run. Run.” And from the back of the farm it was already start to be a little darkish and I run away with Piasecki, this guy. We run away both of us. And with my wounded foot then I had to walk a whole night. I was walking in the woods. Walking, walking, walking. It was day almost. I went over. I had no, no choice already. I didn't know what to do myself. I walked over to a farmer. “You should help me something or give me a piece of bread or something.” And I came over to the farm. The farmer boy standing there came out and said, "God, what are you doing here?" He said, "The Germans were here last night here. And they killed one of your people," he said. And I figure out that that was Szengut. “One of you people was killed. And they took off even his boots they took off because he wore new boots. He said, "They took off his boots and they took him away. And you are here! How does it happen?" I walked a whole night in the woods and I came back to the same spot. You know in the night, you don't know where you're going and there's a woods. You don't know it that way. I came back to this house. Then in the day time, what I found out, the Germans are still there. They said, "No. No. They went away. But they still come back or whatever.” They said, “They knew that the partisans here, the group 1s here.” I said, "I have no choice. In the daytime with this Piasecki, we were both of us we start moving back from where I came. I came back and I came over to the Wieprz, to the river. There's a big river and you stay here a night. Cannot walk. Then all of a sudden came in a bunch, a bunch of Polish kids from school. They went there and they start screaming, "Jew. Jew.” I was so disgusted. At least I had something in my hand like glass. I will throw this as a bomb I said, “if you don't go away, if you don't stop this screaming. “They shut up and then came in a man. I don't know, it looked like a school teacher. He was dressed up nice. He said, "What happened? You are — you have a problem here?" I said —I said, "Yes. I want to go through the Wieprz.” I said, "How can I go?" He said, "Don't worry. I will show you where.” He brought me over to a small house there, and there 1t was a guy with his — he had this — a boat, a small boat, and he was bringing over people on other side. That was his — he said, "You have money?" Said, "No, I don't have no money, but I have a lighter.” I remember a very nice lighter. I had it from Kaganowicz, I forgot to tell the story. Kaganowicz was killed. And I took away a watch and some lighter and I think he had some money, and I took it away from him, and I had it with me. And this lighter I took out. "Show me it works.” I showed him it works. "Okay.” For this lighter, he took me over on the other side with Piasecki. We came over to the other side. The other side I knew already where farmers are and this I came over and I see a light, some a farmer. I see a light. I say I was afraid. You know this? I start looking near this and I came over and see the rest of my people are there. And they went — the Wieprz, then they came back to this farmer. They knew also the farmer from before because we knew when we left. We met and they said, "Oh, you still alive. Somebody said that you are killed.” They didn't know. Szengut was killed because they said somebody was wounded and he was killed. They knew already. Oh, they was so happy that I am alive, that — and I went back with this group. I remained maybe a day or something like a whole day without them too. They went for food or something and I was staying with them. It was also very, very bad. I was feeling very bad, but they left me and they went. But they came for me, and we went together. We went back to the place that we knew before. And they came over to a place where there was a bunker where I told them bunkers, and this Tolka had a bunker there before, before with his Markuszow people and Jegier and all those people. And I came over. There's nobody there. They disappeared. And all of a sudden came over a —a father and daughter. Said, "No, Tolka is no more here. He's somewhere else. They built another bunker because he was afraid to stay here. He built for 40 people, he built a bunker somewhere else. I said, "Can I meet him.” The guy said, "Wait, maybe he has to come in here. Tolka has to come in here.” I said, "Alright.” And it didn't take long. This Tolka came over with Nam— with somebody else. They said, "Look. Look here, I am wounded,” and they said, "I haven't got where to take you. It's full there." "It's 40 people," he said, "We have no food there. It's impossible that we should take you. No.” What can I do? Then I remind myself I met a guy, Drop was his name, like a farmer, a Pollack, what was nice to us. And I went back to him. I came back to him and he was, he was so fond of me. He start kissing me. He was so, so happy to see me, and he saw me in this condition and he kept me maybe a few weeks, a few weeks and all 10 of our people were there. Ten — two or three was killed — about nine people. We were there in his home by this Drop. He went to a drug store. He bought for me some, something to cover with and he helped me a lot. This finger gave me a lot of trouble. I got gangrene in this finger, and the whole hand was so we will have to cut this hand, but I had a very strong constitution and I felt good or whatever and it helped and it went away, but I have this till today. It's crooked. I can do nothing about it. I don't want to do nothing. The foot didn't gave me too much trouble. It was a time until it healed and I could walk and I was staying there. till February 14, 1943, I was by farm — Drop’s farm. | [
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SEQ161-A: We didn't think about then about women or not women. It was very, very hard for a man and if a woman, it was almost impossible, but if a woman would come along, we would not send her away. | [] | RG-50.030.0087_trs_en.jsonl | -2,096,949,890 | -1,282,902,096 | [
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SEQ162-Q: That was our way. But after a time, we had this experience and a woman came along. Still we didn't take her with us, but she was near us. She went — whenever we went, she was walking with us all night, and then when we stayed in a place so we had to do something. They were staying in another place. There was a woman with three men. Where they came? They came from Warsaw, she and another one. Her name was, her name was Hanka. Her friend was Halpern, the name Halpern. They both jumped from a train what went from Warsaw to Treblinka. After the Warsaw, they had the, the fight there. They run. They caught them, and they were bringing them to Treblinka. They jumped out through the train. And when they came from the train, the farmers told them that we are out. She just jumped out — this luck — she jumped on the spot but where we were. But after a few days, it was just some time when we knew we had a big job with a lot of people there. Came in some Polish — a group of Polish people were there, and they and us went for a big train, and we stopped the train and we burned down ammunition and oil and gas and — and we took away a few Germans there. And we were not used to shoot people there but there was some of them, officers from the Polish group said, "What are you waiting, you Jews? You are afraid to kill?" They killed right away the Germans there. But we little by little we got used to this blood, but still it wasn't my, my genes to kill people. I, I couldn't do it, but I want to talk to you now about helping them. When I met this Hanka, she was completely out. She was hungry and barefoot. It was unbelievable. One thing she has, she has a big hat. She covered her hair that they shouldn't see that she is a girl. She was afraid because girls was a problem. They didn't want that, so she put on a hat and covered her hair. She had short hair, covered. And she was in a blouse something, very, very bad shape. and I started talking to her. She told me the story about Warsaw ghetto. I didn't know what happened there. That's why I say through communication we find out what's going on, we found out what, what's going on, and happened she was her family or something from this leader Anielewicz”*, and she knew what's going on there. She told us the whole story how the fight was going on. A lot of people run away, and they are looking for partisans to fight, to go somewhere. And I kept her around me. She was officially like my girl, you know, because I took care of her and I watched her, but she couldn't be with us to do some work *8 Mordechai Anielewicz or to live together in the quarters. They lived separately. And walking around there, I came to a farmer and there's like a small child three, four years, a girl, laying there dirty. She had — full of rats, she was — terrible situation she looked. And I took — I told — I said, "Who is this child.” He doesn't know, the farmer. He doesn't know. He found her on the street. I figured right away, it's a Jewish girl. And I cleaned her up and I brushed her and I stayed already and they special for her and I told the farmer, in no two ways, "This girl has to live and this girl you will feed and you will watch her.” He said, "I am afraid the other farmers will tell on me.” I said, "Good.” I went out. The whole village was not too big. It was a small one. And I knocked on the doors and the windows at night and I said, "Listen, there will be in two weeks a young girl coming to you to live with you. You keep her. And this girl, if something will happen to her, you will all be burned down.” "You remember we burned down a place, I said to them. That will happen to you people.” "No. No. I will take care of it.” Thank God, they took care of this kid. It did live through the war. She's today a teacher in Israel in the high school and I met her there when I was on 81, I met her, and she's healthy. She's married, and she has a nice family and I was very, very happy. She was happy to see me too. And she, she thanked me very well for this. | [
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SEQ166-A: Through this Kaminski, everything goes there. We had a — name by the name: Mietek Moczar, he came to us. He looked a little bit like you. Tall and yes, handsome man. He was, he was in a uniform for a major in the Polish army. Eloquent. The man could speak nice and also he came to us to pep us up, to talk to us, and he was a few weeks with us. Maybe two weeks, he was working with us. He took part in our actions, whatever that’s supposed to be done. And he was very close with me. Somehow we got friendly, and we kept this friendship until he died now. Later, he died in Poland. And there was another one with the name “Bolek Alef,” Bolkowiak’’. He was after the war a general in Poland. He stayed in Poland. This man was also from Warsaw. He was in action in Warsaw, in the ghetto and he ran away from the ghetto and he came to the woods. But he was like an activist. He went, he didn't stay in one place. He was going from one group to the other, from one place to the other Polish groups and other groups. Whatever it was group he was talking to as a speaker, a good one, and he was a — I think he was a lawyer for the war too. Bolek Alef, he’s now — he died also two years ago in Poland. And they were all — others they came to us. You say, “Who?” The people, they had the connections through 2° Gustaw “Bolek Alef’ Bolkowiak this Genek, he was arranging this and they came. They knew where we are, and in the night we were in this and this village. We met, and this one thing when Moczar — when he came, we ordered the whole village — a few villages together, and he spoke to them. And he spoke to them, he made a political — told them, "Listen. Those partisans, they are fighters. They are Jews. They are doing their job and we are working together and help them and work with them.” It was very, very important for us because, you know, we were not alone. That's what I said all the time. We were with an organization. We worked with them. And this helped. All the time came in, there was a Polish group there what they were fighting as partisans but they were home more. When they are needed, they came out. When we did something — there's a train or something, they came with us and they helped us. Was a Franek — was a guy, Przybyszowka was a village. It was a very important group because they helped us a lot. And they had some connections with Russia, too, and Moczar had a connection with Russia. And an order came that we should go away from this. | [
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SEQ176-A: Yeah. Then the order came we should go the other side. And when we came to the Wieprz, then they divided us. Jegier with a group, and my group was divided Jegier went away with — some parachutes came down. Some Russian groups came down and he had to bring him over to some — kind of place. He was to stay with them. And I went over to the other side of the Wieprz, between Wieprz and Bug. There were other groups there, and we have to unite because we cannot stay there. First of all, the terrain — the place where we were, were very antisemitic. They, they were known. We lived there from day to day because we had pistols, we had rifles. When we came to a farmer, he couldn't say nothing because he was afraid of us. But we didn't have the work with them you know. You couldn't work with them. The other side were, were the White Russians. They — I don't know — somehow they were better to us and they were nicer people. And then they helped us and they told us to go there on the other side. And on the way, there a very big fight by the Wieprz, by crossing the Wieprz. The Germans were there and waiting for us >? Jan Leon Hipolit Kozietulski and we almost didn't make it to Wieprz. They, they, they made a ring around us, and they were shooting and somehow someway we run through this one guy helped us with a boat, from our people other side and no one was killed. Nobody. And we came out on the other side, and the other side, they were shoot — the Pollacks, the A.K. were shooting on us. They didn't know who this was, was all mixed up there. And the Germans pinned down a group of very, very important men from Russia that came to Janowski>’, he was a writer from a main paper in Poland after the war. And they pinned them down. They couldn't — they couldn't move. They couldn't walk through the Wieprz, they couldn't. They stayed on the other side. We went through again. Then again an order came back say, "Go and rescue him.” We went back. About four, or five people, was Bleichman, Finkel, and other Zelazny. We went back and we took a boat, some wires, something — I don't remember exactly what it was. We brought over the whole group — 20 people. We brought those whole — oh, he said this Janowski came from Russia. He was a big shot from there already. And he said, "You will get medals for this. You, you did a job like.” He was wounded, too. We was carrying on our hands. I remember, Zelazny, he was very strong man, we carried with his hands. We carried him over. And we came to another place, another group, and after a few days, we met Chiel Grynszpan**. Chiel Grynszpan had a group already from 40, 50 people there. And then people were from the neighborhood people. He himself was a soldier. He was a — whatever it is — cavalry men, on horses. He always liked to be on a horse and he felt good with this. And he, he was a very plain man, a good man, and a good soldier. He had a discipline with them people. We needed it because nobody knew how to keep a rifle, nothing. He was the only one there that knew something. There was another one later on. But he — he managed. He was there immediately. When we came down, he was happy. They really loved us, because we became soldiers. We became some kind of a army and together right away, we started on trains. This is how highways, trains, communications lines cut and we together. Big train, but river and it was a bridge. Thunder. We broke down the whole bridge, you know. It was on the border, the train. And the same time I was with another group, maybe a hundred people. There was children and women and all kinds of this there, and I found there. And I had to carry them too. And on the way, like I say, we were the first one always to go. I walked straight on a German with a rifle. And I walked them into the rifle. Imagine how that — how I felt. I stand still like a, like a dummy. I didn't know what to do. And all my people — was maybe a 100 of them — all disappeared. In a second, I didn't see nobody. Myself I stand on the highway. | [
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SEQ196-A: Then we were maybe a week maybe. Somehow we couldn't get nobody. The line of communication was very, very bad. It was times that the Germans were all over. Wherever we moved, the Germans were there. And we had to stay still, to wait, to go later. He was, was with, with his people, and I was with my people there. And I, I had women and children and everybody. This wasn't the regular group. It was just a put together. Just for one day suddenly. ‘Cause — I will tell you how it happened. We had the children with us, and we start dragging them around and the Pollacks start screaming at us, "The Germans will look for them," and you have to do something. I didn't want to kill them. I had pity special on this one what gave me the rifle. I, I didn't feel like killing him. Till today, I am sorry because the man was decent you know. He, he was a soldier and he gave me the rifle and didn't nothing. He could shoot me like nothing. He was in — he saw me and he gave it, and I didn't know. And we kept him maybe a week or two until we met with Chiel back again and there's another group come over there, Russians and all this, and we made a meeting with three or four officers. And we talked it over and said, "They have to be killed. What they doing with us, they caught — they catch us? They — not only they kill us, but they torture us. They cut pieces from us.” In fact, they cut one of my people. They caught once. They cut pieces from him. They put to a tree and they cut — with a knife they cut pieces from him. Lapides(ph) was his name. And that's what they were doing with the partisans when they catch them. And they said, "What shall we do with them?” I said, “Maybe you should wait.” I wanted — and there was already headquarters there. We had in one place headquarters already from Moczar there, and one with Zymierski there and all the big shots were there sitting — Bolek Alef and Zemsta*® came also, the guy. And I said, "Maybe we should.” And they said, "No, we will not drag them out. We don't know how to get there. It's very hard now to go and communicate.” 3° Major Aleksander ““Zemsta” Skotnicki But that time week or two, we got to — to the headquarters. We came there. First thing I reported to him — to Moczar, that I caught three Germans and I had all the documents from there. I took away all the documents. I had their names and everything. Then one of the Polish guys was, was something. I don't know what it was mad at me, jealous or what it is because he didn't want to give a rifle, something from there that we took away. And he went over to, to Moczar and he told them that we killed innocent people, three guys, Germans. And Moczar said to me, "What do you mean you killed three Germans? You have no right to kill nobody.” And he start screaming at me and all this, and I had already —I was a officer already. I took off my — I was a lieutenant — he took off. He said, "you're dismissed,” and all this. And in a day after Chiel came back and all this, he start talking and he said, "I have everything what I wanted to know.” He gave me go back. He said to me not to do it no more because they have to have some kind of an army. It's not — you cannot do whatever you want. | [
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SEQ202-A: We had a lot of fights with Germans. We were shooting to them and they shot at them. I don't know if they were killed. I assumed that they were killed also. When they were shooting the rifle the bullet goes to, to them like they go to us. And they were all going from us open, they were not afraid Jews, they're not afraid. They go. And they were shooting back. I'm sure they were killed, but directly to shoot. You had only three guys when you shot — went into a train, but we didn't shot. The Pollacks shot them. But it's different. It was our group that shot them, and then three were shot directly from us. We had later on more, but this was till then. And we — I told you straight, us Jews we had once affect, we had a guy what was a Pollack and he was with us, and he denounced us. He was with us, fighting with us, going with us and he had a chance. He just disappeared for a few minutes and he told somebody. He had contact where we were going and what we are doing. And we, we found out very fast that he's doing this. When we find out that, the man cannot live with us. Then who will kill him? Nobody wants to kill him. And they came the Polish guys what I told you, they helped us out they were kids. They were kids, that one Franek, he said, “Here, you shoot the man like this.” And he took out a pistol and he shot him. We didn't have the guts to shoot somehow. I was a military man, but still directly to shoot in a fight it's different. Directly to shoot wasn’t to easy. Okay now, we went in a, in a village. The name was Bojki, and in Bojki we were staying two and a half months, in one spot. And there we formed a real army. We formed groups. You know we made groups, small ones. Every one group had a leader and we made a military establishment. And people were going out, out just to big farms we went out. We collected cows and food, swine, whatever it is, whatever we needed for food, and we brought it over, and we had a base. We was staying there. The Germans knew that we are there. The Pollacks knew we are there. Nobody bothered us. We are staying there. We went out every night, for trains or whatever you had to do. We walked away from there. And they were not doing nothing. In fact, they had on the woods — we were — not too far was woods — was a sign, "Here Partisans," and they shouldn't go in — individual Germans, or something like that. | [
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SEQ212-A: Rockets. And we hear artillery. We can hear airplanes too. And almost every few days the Russians came down to us and threw down ammunition, rifles, people. They came in — one group came in 70 people. We called them “skoczki*’.” That means they jump — jumpers. They came in 70 people. Most of them were Jews, officers, trained in Russia or somewhere, and they came to us. And women came over and now the story about ladies, women. Hanka was the only one women what I knew that she is around like this. And I didn't know. When I came to Chiel, I find there a whole group of people, old, young, children. There were a few hundred hidden in a wood, in a very, very strange pieces of land there. It was water and you couldn't get there. No German, nobody could get there. And they pushed them there on this land, and they put them there. And then they were bring to them food, something once in awhile. Not too much. They were hungry. And when I came, she said to me, "This is people what I know. They are almost from my villages there. I know most of them people." Pollacks came over to me and they said they will kill all of them if they wouldn't stop grabbing the chickens and the food in the night. And they didn't have what to eat, and they ran out in the night. They were going to the farmer. And the farmers were ours, because we were standing — they knew us. We had a base, and they came to Chiel and they told him — they said they will kill all the children 38 Lorry mounted multiple rocket launcher (Russian) ° Jumpers (Polish) and women. Then he call over, ““Mietek,” he said, “I cannot go to them people because we have to do something. To kill somebody there or to do something.” He said, "Otherwise, they will kill all of us too. Not only them, but they will— Farmers you cannot stop because they are our bread and butter. We have to work with them.” Then I went there with three people. I remember Rabinowitz(ph), from Warsaw, guy on horse, otherwise, you couldn't walk through there, water was there. You know, the horses went through everything. And I came to the place. I came to the place. I couldn't believe it. When I remind myself, I want to cry now. It was my job. People naked, half naked. Ladies! Men! Children! Everybody, they had some kind of covers they had. They made. They built. Not on the ground. On top. And they were cooking, making food, something for the family.. When I saw this group, I couldn't —I couldn't believe. I see people. It's like from the old times. You see in the — from the history books. You see people like this. And in between I looked down and I see a woman. She looks like my mother. Imagine! And here I came in this in to kill them. I have to kill somebody or I have to do something. I see my mother there. I went over to her and I talked to her and I said, "Where you come from?" And I talked to others. And then I put them together, and lined up and I said, "Listen people. You want to live. You have to behave. You have to do something else. You cannot just go to the farmers, rob them. Wait for us. Organize something. There should be some organization because otherwise, they will — you will perish and we will perish altogether. And they told me that a few youngsters there what were really no good. They were robbing. I said, "You three will come with me.” They, they had some mothers there. They had two sisters, and they thought I'm going to kill them. And that was the, the, the order to kill them. And I said, "Oh no, I will not kill nobody here. They depend on me absolutely. I'm not killing nobody.” After going through a thing like this, and I took them away and I brought them over to the group, them three and they were very, very good soldiers there. One is still today my best friend. Whenever he sees me, he doesn't know what to do with me. All three left with me and they are — they were with me. But the group — the women, it was at a time the Pollacks still didn't give up. They have to be feeded. I said, “This is no good. We have to take them away.” And we brought the whole group, little by little, not in one shot, into the group, into the village there nobody should know. Not even the headquarters didn't know, nobody didn't know. And we brought over — and every group — we had maybe a 100, 120 people there, and every group we took in one or two women and they were cooking for us because we were standing in one place. They were cooking, they were washing. We had shirts to wash or something. Then the women start working for us and they were doing group — some of them were very brave, and they said, "What do you mean washing this? We want to have a rifle too.” And have a Dora and another one there, Roska, and this, and they, they picked up rifles. They put on rifles and they went out to work with us, the women you know, after a time that everything calmed down. | [
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SEQ214-A: They did — were very, very, very good because they have a group had to — then they had — they had to behave. You know they were soldiers. Everybody was a soldier. Hanka had the worse time she had than everybody else. She came from Warsaw. She came — she was a very, very delicate women — she was from a good home. She had maids home, and she didn't know what to do with herself. Others were from farms, from villages. They, they, they coped. They knew how to cook. They knew how to do something for us, and some of them baked for us. We had a good time. But she, she was lost. Completely lost! She couldn't — she was — it was so dirty here. She, she couldn't — she didn't keep herself good. I had a very, very hard time with her really to keep her alive and to keep her around there. Also, she was very small and beautiful. She was a beautiful women, with dark hair. She was very, very nice. I liked her very much, and she liked me. But I couldn't even come near her. She was so — I knew she was dirty, and after a time she was assigned to watch for a guy what was wounded in a fight. She, she went away from me, and she was staying with this guy until the war ended. I didn't see her no more. But before we divided two the groups divided to. What happened. When Rola Zymierski came First of May, and told us that near — the front is near. He said, "You have to disappear from this terrain, from this land. We have to go deeper and fight other Germans, deeper, deeper to the Weichsel to go deeper into the country, to the west. The Bug was east, and we have to go to the west. Then I remember I went, “Chiel,” I said, “Listen, what shall we do?" I was afraid of these Pollacks there on the other side. They were not too friendly to us, and here we had no freedom. We were staying in one place for so many months. We knew the people already, and they knew us. We lived. Then I said, "Maybe we shouldn't go.” And Chiel said the same thing, "I know the people here, they knew me.” They know Chiel. Big shot he came with his horse. They all — they, they respect. And he liked to drink, he liked women. He was a good leader, you know, a real one, a partisan. I was more the intelligent type you know. It was — when they needed something, they came to me, and I have — I took care of everything. But he was a soldier. And I said, "We will not go.” And I went over to Rola Zymierski and I said, "You're going away, and this piece of land stays empty. Nobody from, from the partisans, nobody will be here. Let us be the guard. When the Russian front come near, we will go come — we will go back. But in the meantime, we will need 100 people here just to cover your retreat when you go back to them.” He said, "It's a idea. Stay.”” And we remained here, and I remained there with 100 people we remained on the site of the Wieprz — between the Wieprz and the Bug. And they went — the Wieprz, they went through, and they went to the terrain where I was before. Garbow, Lubartow, and other towns there. It didn't take too long. The Pollacks, the A.K., they came over to me, and he said, "You want to live. You want to live the group — a group nice there. You have to belong to us. You have to get with us together and work together. You cannot be on your own because everybody left — not you, not the Russians, not the Pollacks, everybody already. Only here you are, you are group. You have to belong to us.” I said, "Oh, oh, this is, this is death.” Meantime — the same time Baranovskiy *° a general from Russia came down with airplanes, and the whole group of real army. I'm telling you soldiers one by one. They were really equipped. Everything too. And this Baranovskiy we found out through channels he's a Jew too, but he didn't give it up. He didn't. He never said that he's a Jew. And after a few days, we said, “What do we have to do the A.K.?” We said, “We will go over to Baranovskiy and want to meet him. They say he came over on the terrain there.” And we went to help him and how he can help us. We came over to him. He had a wife with him, and he had a pirate, a pirate, that’s a pir— that is a big bird, and he had caviar and he took us in like a — and it was something else. We were dressed military dressed, very nice — I think was good looking then — and he start talking to me right way in Russia because I understood Russia, the Polish Russia. And he said, "What you, what you have to go by yourselves?” He proposed us until I— we didn't even say nothing. He said, "Come to me. Come to us. We will form one group. We have a few hundred people and you be there. I see you are soldiers. You are in that group. You come to us.” And that's what we were waiting for. And we came, the whole group came to Baranovskiy. And when we came to Baranovskiy, he took us in, he divided with us right away. “No more Jews,” he said. “You cannot be Jews. By a group you have to be separate. Every group, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, whatever it is. You cannot be Jews by themselves. This is our policy. And this is it. You can do that otherwise. Whatever you want, you have to be divided.” In the meantime, he made me — and he made a group in Russian — Russian kept separate, and he made from Polish people, A.L. he called them. The are Armia Ludowa. He made a group, and I was — he made me the leader. From Pollacks and from Jews and I was the leader of them. Not Chiel, Chiel stayed. Then one night he calls me, Chiel, he calls out, "Listen you two. I want you to leave. I am sending you to Moscow, you two.” I said, "What do you mean? we'll leave the people," I said. "Never mind, you two. I have very important papers. I have to send them over.” “How you will do?” “I make a conference from all officers, Russian, Polish, anyone, and when I will say I have a mission and I need volunteers. Then you two get up fast because you knew already what to do. You get up, you two. When you are up that's it. I have to send you two.” And we came to the meeting and sat and meantime at the meeting, there came a guy from Warsaw ghetto. He run away. He was a politician. He was — I think he was a communist, something like that. He was the political figure there. He said, "I'm going, too, at this meeting.” He goes to the meeting too. And he knows about us that have to get up and we're together and we sit three of us together and all of sudden, this General Baranovskiy says, "I have to send out some people with papers and all this. Who volunteers?" Well, he gets up the first, Rubinstein*! he and Chiel after him, and I remained. Only two. And I remained there. | [
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SEQ17-A: This is in 1941. And only the same time these bombs was falling and, of course, the Lithuanians were so happy to see the Germans coming, they're sabotaging the Russian Army tanks, putting on fire and burning 6 the tire and shooting on them. And all of sudden their own rifles and putting on the Lithuania uniform and really taking advantage of the situation and start right away with the Jews, of course, but we didn't have enough- it was too fast. We left. They day they started throwing the bombs, my father took the horse and wagon and we was going to get out of there. And we are running the streets with the Russian Army and we were going to Latvia. A lot of people in this area. You can go to Latvia and then to Minsk, and then from Minsk to White Russia, but we didn't make the journey so far. We just took that horse and wagon. We have involved with the Russian Army and then, of course, the Germans were bombing the streets and we were going through the hole. I say the Holocaust, dead people right away from the first time, and my mother, in fact, was shot, slit. The bomb cut in her leg we were running in this way. We were going in the same direction as the Russian army. There was always fires and dead people on the streets and a lot of them couldn't make it. You know, the soldiers and a lot of people riding the horses didn't make it. We kept on going and then, of course, we came to the border of Latvia. We came in at Minsk. There was a lot of Latvian people there, but we hear right away from the Gentile people that something going on, terrible things going on against the Jews, even in Minsk. But we were lucky and we were still going in the car with the Russians, the army. But the army was really practically 99 percent in a chaos, didn't know what they are doing. One was running right and one was running left, and then I remember one thing, that we were running, going with the wagon and two Jewish guys came over and said you have to give us a ride. My father said, Look, I got a little tiny horse. We have four people. We won't make it. They took out a revolver and they point it at my father. They said, look, you are going to sit down and we are going with you. Also because we can’t walk. They might look a little Communist inclined, I don't know. Maybe they are soldiers, and then we are running like this. Not running, driving and driving and driving and then, all of a sudden we had an attack with machine guns and I felt -- I was in the wagon with my mother and my brother and my father was driving the horse and the two men, and then all of a sudden we hear a something. We hear a scream and one of them says, Oy, Oy. We look and then he laying, fall back and a bullet went right in the man part, in this -- right in his, in the part, the men part, and it went in this -- excuse the expression -- right in where it aches for the men. He could feel the bullet. He could touch it. The other man said, don't do nothing. Drive faster the horse. Drive the horse, and then we were already in Latvia, and then we stopped and they are still with us two days, and then this man stopped some other people and, of course, speak fluent Russian and they made us stop for a day, like a half a day and they said we should go closer to the water. And they took him out of the wagon and they said to us, they thanked us for the ride and giving them the ride and we left them right by the water. And I said, how can you leave them by the water? And he said, I made arrangements to the other side because the other side of the river, the Russian Army was a little bit more organized. It could start to fight back. It made like a zone to fight back, and we left them there. My father didn't want to leave the man. After all, he didn't know him and now the man is wounded, and they kept on saying -- I was a boy and I could see that it was his part and there was a bullet, and the other man was going to take it out and my father said, don't do it. You'll kill him. And anyway we left him by the edge of the water and we started going farther. We are already -- my father and my brother and my mother alone, and my father kept the tallis, you know, the tallis what you 9 wear, and he keep it on the wagon with him, and this he took with him. We are going there and then nobody to talk, but luckily my father was fluent in Latvian, is different, similar but different. My mother didn't speak Latvia, and I, of course, didn't and my brother didn't. Then he hear some from -- somebody told us that we are Jewish. You are one of them. The Germans were not even there yet. We didn't know what was going on. And go there, make a left and a right there. And there was a farm and there was a Jew. Maybe he can give you directions. Anyway, we came over there. He had a farm and two sons and all kinds of animals there, chickens and cows and pigs, and all this. And there was a little town and the whole people looked like they like them over there because he was a very nice man. And my father said to him, what should we do? And he said, I am in the same boat like you are. The war was going on. We didn't know how long it was going to go. So stay with us for a while. And we stay for two or three days, and then on the other side of the farm was close to the water, maybe a quarter of a mile. And my father said to him, maybe we could go over to the other side. But we couldn't. He wanted to go over. The reason -- I skipped a little bit. The reason we came to this 10 place, he wanted to go to Latvia. The Russian go over to Latvia. There was bridge and the Russian Army exploded the bridge because -- then the tanks and the army. Their own people. There was a lot of Jewish, and on the bridge, we were lucky not to make the time on the bridge. If we were on the bridge we would be exploded too. Right before our eyes we saw the bridge collapsing and there was a lot of Russian people running around in their underpants, really. With their rifles and they couldn't even walk. They got on the other side. We remained on our side and the people on the other side, there was still the army holding the gun. But a couple days on the farm with this man I said to my father, let me see what was going on. And we took the little boat. We really wanted to go over. He said, I can't take anyone right now. I was going in the nighttime. I was not there and my father, said oh, my God, what is going on there? They are fighting with the Germans and and the Jewish and he found out. And they couldn't make it back on the other side, but he came back with this man from the farm. And he came back and said, look, he said, it is bad. I am taking my horse and wagon and I am going. He had some people that came to him and said, ride it out from the 11 people. And we are left completely alone, and this was like in evening and I said to my father -- and my father's name was Heim(ph) -- and he shake hands with him. I got my family and you have yours. I have to go my way. I can't take you where I'm going. We go where we can and then, of course, we made the journey to go back because we couldn't go to the other side. We were trying to go back from where we came. That's why I said the little horse was like a dog. We didn't know where to go and my father said to him, go horse. He didn't know where to go and he was afraid to ask for directions, things like this. And luckily like I said in the beginning, my father speaks Latvia, and we starting to move back in one little town and , the small towns. And all of a sudden we hear from the people, the Gentile people, the Germans are moving slowly. And then all of a sudden we see a German truck with soldiers and oh, my father said, we are already under the Germans. We caught from the Germans. We are going. My father was smart and took that horse and took some mud and smeared up the horse and made the wagon look like farmers and look not like Jewish people, because he hide the tallis that he had. We are going there and people are greeting us. People thought we are going from one , from one little 12 town to another little town. We are going back to where we go back to from there we went to . We saw where we came to before we go with the Russians and we saw the bombs. We didn't see the city. It was really wiped out. It was bombed. We didn't want to go but still some buildings were still remaining there, and then all of a sudden we come in on the highways where the German Army with this music with this big truck of ___ and tanks. And we are five going farther than them. We are going farther and they are going backwards. And they kept on saying in German , things like this. We knew how to speak German too and, of course, my father knew we are all right. But of course, my father knew more, but the Jewish and German is very similar. But in this experience we are going down to a house, a bag to grab it and saw it on the ground and it exploded. It was like a bomb. They didn't know if we are Jewish or not, but they didn't care. They were soldiers but when we came in to this town -- and we are still in and someone from the windows up from the top, what are you doing? Someone will recognize us. We are not Latvia. There was a Russian man that said to my father, this Russian. It is now six o'clock. Nobody is allowed to be on the street. Move off to 13 the side because they are going to destroy you. My father understand stood Russian too and we moved over, right where we could in the corner, and the night came and wagons and the machine guns and the airplanes and the bomb. And German Army is so powerful, and this was in the morning. We saw people start moving. We saw civilian people also. Then we start going again with our horse. The journey to go back to Lithuania. And my father stopped and asked an old lady. Why didn't you have the directions? Are you not from here? And he said, no, to her. No, we're not from here, and she said oh, my God. Don't tell them that you are Jewish they. Are killing all the Jews and killing all the Jews. It's in this little town and this little town. And my father, of course, explained to us, he said to us, go and don't ask nobody. If you are going to ask a question, where you are going, you will not be. Keep on going. I can give you good directions and you go over the highways. And we have to go where the army was. Don't ask for directions. My father didn't want to ask for corrections, and he put in the tallis for good luck and they were driving by us. He put in the tallis, you know, for good luck and driving by ourself. And all of sudden we see soldier and already the Partisans 14 and the Latvia people, they put in their uniform and they're running and the flowers they got for the Germans, and the womens get all kind of and they -- and then Partisans with rifles and knives came over to us, first with bicycle and come off the street because my father was making sort of like, sort of like . You should be too much with the hiding because the army is going there. They stopped us and they said to him, where are you going? to my father, and my father said to him, oh, I know you. Because he spoke the language and they were drunk, really drunk and bloody, full blood like , you know. My father said to him, I know your father. Do you know? he said. He said, I have a little farm -- they were so drunk they didn't know what was going on. And they asked my father, did you see any Jews? Jews? I saw so many Jews not too far, half a kilometer. Full of Jews. People with a lot of fences, sitting and telling a story. Oh, for this one, let's drink. In Lithuania, oh, this one let's, drink and, you know, opened up a bottle of some vodka. And my father was drinking and said to my brother and myself and to my mother, keep on moving, move, move, and he said keep on moving, to my brother, who was a little older. And my brother took the horse and started moving, and made 15 him to drink. And he drink a little bit. He had to take a sip and he said to them, take them . Keep on moving. Move away from the wagon we were maybe -- keep it moving so my brother was a little older and he took the horse and he keeps moving. They made him to drink a little bit, a sip, what it took, and he said to them, take them. My father says, keep moving with the wagon. We were maybe two or three foot away from him and then my father start running to him and he said oh, thank God. I get rid of them. Then we keep on going farther and we came into a little town. It was called -- this was already before we came, we passed the border because there were no border because the Germans already took over everything. They opened up all the borders. It was not Latvia. No one was guiding there. We came into the border there. Of course, we saw what was going on. We was scared. We saw dead people right and left, right and left. Jewish people and the Russian people were laying, slaughtered like so many pigs. First time I saw dead people and was the first time for me and of course, you see dead people more and more and more. We came to a little town called Milkinmeer(ph). It was not bombed. It was a nice little town. In fact, my uncle came from there. 16 There was . There was a house full. We went riding for -- like I say, the horse was and my father didn't want to ask for directions, and we came over there. We looked like farmers. He made it so we didn't, monotonous and tired and things like this. We came into this little town and we came to a big house that was maybe four are or five stories, and the Partisans were standing with rifles, and there were only Jews. They put them all in this house and screams and one of them from the window recognized when we went by, and someone screamed in, you are Jewish move away, move away, and we looked up and , but luckily they didn't stop us. We going farther. It took us another day and a half and two days before we came to the Slobodka. Someone was arriving there. This was after the bombs because we came a little later. It was raining in the streets and it was mostly red, like they killed animals. It was from people. We didn't see too many because they pulled me away. And whatever. It was really -- you could see blood in the streets instead of water. When we came we came to our street. We were leaving. The horse was like a dog. This horse brought us by the door. When we leaving there was a house. There was a house, four-story house and there 17 was a gate like a door. You opened up and our house was in the back. The back was nice. There was a garden. My father was renting. This man was a he had a drug store. He built his house. It was a modern house and we lived in the back of the house, and before he was living on the property, not ours but there was a garden and took kind of some land and build a big house in front of this, in front the street, and we came to this to go into the gates. It was locked up. We couldn't go in. My father tried to open it up. It was locked. The people came to the window and we recognized they were neighbors. Why did you come here? You know. My father said I just came from traveling back from Latvia. How can you do this? Nobody's on the street. It's empty. Everybody is dead. Somebody came down and let us in the gate they close it right up and started telling us these stories. And all the neighbors, this street and this street. You could see to the window our street. This particular area they didn't make it here, they don't come here. They are still afraid they are going to come here. The house was empty. The house was still there. Nobody touched the house and of course, we run back to the house and the next we stayed overnight in our house. And all of sudden we hear 18 loudspeakers in this area and the streets were running full with Germans, you know, because when we came in it was so quiet. And there was loudspeakers and this where they are making the ___ but my father was, of course, a little see what was going on. See if my mother's brother was there. He run away and escaped. They went to Russia. My father was going. I had my grandfather there and he was going to see his mother and father but he was still there, safe in the . It was next day they killed all the people in Latvia. You were safe from the it was next door they killed all the people. My grandmother, they hide her under the bed and they didn't find her. It was a little house, you know, they look and nobody was there. They didn't kill them this time but they get them anyway. They had loudspeakers in the area. We could hear it. It was in the area of the ghetto, but they took from all the Jews, and people start coming in the next day. My father go downtown to find out and I go with him. And the horses was so tired and couldn't go. We tried to give it a little bit water and it was walking. Was hard. Maybe going to take the horse and go we drive about ten blocks still Slobodka. We saw the -- we saw the little spitting on the Jew and doing -- all 19 the Germans, already the soldiers. It was not organized yet . All of a sudden we saw this, these uniforms. They are talking, the Gestapo and the Nazi, and so the people start coming from downtown. In our area there was no gates or wire or nothing and my father was driving and he wanted to see my grandfather. The problem we wanted to see if the uncle was down in the city we. Drive for several blocks. We look where the used to be. I had no window. They cut off the head from the robber and put it right in the window, and my father see, and myself too and my brother was going with me too because my mother was in the house and my father said, I'm not going. Father can see what was going on and we went back to our home. It was not taking too long. It was about three, four days. All of a sudden the Germans were the army against the Jews. They pull everybody from all the towns and all over and and they come in with trucks and big machines. And they bringing the wires and, you know, they came up with loudspeakers, everything, everybody has to go out and help building the gates and the wiring. And they went out and told them where to go. They got my brother and my father but not me. Our house was about 500 foot away from the next street 1t was . 20 There was the fire. Already it was a street, a main highway. It was like a connection they made. This was a big they made from the other side there was Jews too. They made wires between two streets and they made the bricks over to go where we shouldn't be. We have to build the ghetto ourself and then, of course, they get so organized. They came in with, like I say, the Germans. The Germans alone didn't have a part in the brutality because the and the Poles and the Latvia and have -- everybody was helping the Germans to kill the Jews. Like I saying, they were killing already but somehow we made it through the things. And of course, they putting everybody on the wires in this area and then they say five kilometers or ten kilometers and couldn't see on the map. I couldn't decipher it. Then they put in all the people from the sides and put the gates, they told us it was going to be a couple weeks before the ghetto was created. But I already had experience in Poland. Look like it. They, right away, they took the young people for work and my uncle, rest in peace, he was one, the first one. And he was taken right away from the ghetto, and the second they came in with trucks and wagons and made a liquidation. Young children and old people. They have a special area where they are 21 going to leave and, of course, they came in to my grandfather and grandmother and they put them right away on the truck, and some other people. And in fact, I was running to see my grandfather and when I get there, the Germans coming in and open up the wires in this area. They didn't go around. They came in and closed up again. When I see this area closing up with the rifle and the soldiers and the knives, then I turn back. I was afraid because I knew not to go there because I was born there. There was a Slobodka the Jewish people they were going to be . This was still in the ghetto this time but I knew not to go away, to go through there. It was like a little corridor between the two buildings. But when I say they closing the up the area with my grandmother and grandfather, I didn't go back there luckily. If not, I would be catched by them and not even here. Then they started taking out people. We didn't know where and then, of course, they took them right away to Nitenfort(ph) and they killed them. I'm talking this was tons of people. I couldn't give a number, and this was going on for a little while. And right away the Germans came in with and the Jewish people to make you going to there and you going to this, and they are started getting organized. I 22 would say three or four weeks this got already a , you know, Jews come and they got people. They are putting the star of and they making people in charge. You do this and you do this. And people from the other parts, Latvia and never had enough food -- got involved in this, start taking out people already from the ghetto right away from work. The people going to work on the airport or the they call this. It was before the Russian, but the Germans took it over and they took people for labor. And I myself was supposed to go too, but somehow I had a chance to stay back. More and more we get tougher and tougher. Every day was they put the people in our house and what we have? Kitchen and dining room and living room, a bedroom, everything was in a long straight. If you go to the kitchen, you go to the dining room -- it was a long house. I couldn't compare the house like they have here. It was a nice but in this house we are living four people, but they put in 15 people. They put in people if my whatever we had. This was already in the ghetto. Then they started taking out. By this time the make the Auschwitz. They start taking out people they had more room to release the prisoners. They came in and said there were too many people in your 23 house. It was going on like this for a little, a house we have plenty of room for them. It was going for a little while like this and then we are going to work. And I point out this thing that happened to me in the ghetto. In the beginning we had a cow and horse and when the ghetto start, there was a sign right away. Everything you possess you have to give it away. Of course, we had a horse andI had __I have the . I left them. When I went when I left, when we were running away. The were still there and I thought maybe ten or fifteen . There came a family from the ghetto. They run away from friends. They used to get it was not kosher, whatever. It was the -- they took the took the Germans you going to cook them and eat them. I said I didn't know what to do with the __. They took the horse. We had to give the horse. My father hide it in the place where the horse was staying, and a couple weeks these loudspeakers come and everything you possess and everything you have from the living thing, even a chicken, even a fork, everything that alive you were not allowed to have. My father had to give the horse to the Germans. We get shot if they catch us with it. One night I go with my father and there was a lot of places where 24 they had, farmer people used to come rest, and then there was a few places like this. There was a police there, I remember, when we had to take the police over there and there was German, the ghetto and everybody had cows and animal and things. I will tell you about a cow. They left a few cows in the ghetto for the milking. My father had to give up the horse. It was such a kind horse. He used to eat from the your hand. He was like a dog really, not a horse. The horse was so frightened that he start kick and had kicked up the German he almost kill him. He almost knocked down the German. He grabbed the gun against the horse, you know, and he grabbed the gun against my father and, did you tell him to do this? And my father said, I can talk to the horse. He touched the horse and looked him in the mouth and he said, this is a good horse. We ask to use it. Of course, they took it away and kick my father as a thank you and kick him away because my father was going to . It was on our street. This was the horse and when the ghetto start, they leave a few cows in the ghetto for the . This was supposed to be. They were nice in the beginning. Then one of the Jews -- the police came to our house and said you are going to feed the cow. We take the cow from the house, from this house, 25 whatever -- was in the cows was standing, pull the cows out, not to far to the ; I went to the cow and he run away and I was so hurt. I felt the cow was -- I was laying down underneath the cow when a Partisan who looked at the cow and saw the milk is getting bigger, and he looked underneath the cow and maybe thought I was going to drink or something, and it was a little angry, the Partisan. The was not too far away and he shoot at me. The cow got scared and the cow jumped away, kicked me. I started running into the ghetto and I was chasing the cow, and the cow run until I grabbed the cow and pulled her and back put it back where the cow belonged. It was the the first few days. It was then, when the ghetto was going. On I went a few times to work. You also go to work and then they block the ghetto altogether, and they -- and they made a big action. And this is the thing, that thing make this was a small ghetto from a big ghetto, and they -- I think they, before they got liquidated we had experience with what they are doing. I will tell you about this too, then I will tell you about the action. When they liquidated they took most of the people from the small ghetto and taking them to the Nitenfort(ph) taking them to the Nitenfort(ph), but before they did it 26 there was a hospital in this small ghetto. It was run by Jewish doctor and all kind of people that were capable to run a hospital. It was a regular hospital before. When our house was not too far away from the gates where they make, and then across the street there was a another ghetto and you can see in the back of our house a few blocks away, not in blocks. There was a then. Over there was you can see they built a study for Jewish learning and farther away from the hospital I -- like I say, our house was not so tall but the house in front was four or five stories. They closed up the small ghetto altogether. The military and the soldiers and the Germans and the Partisans were there. When I went up in the roof -- I was young when we were living -- there was a little window to look out. I saw what was going on. They were kicking people and punching them around and putting them in the sections. And when I say from far away, I saw them coming around the fire, and two or five wagons around the building, and then the Germans. And they put a store on the building. They take the kerosene and gasoline and they put this building on fire, and they are jumping, live people. I'm sure four, five hundred people in the building, maybe more. When they bring down the hospital, they were laughing. 27 I could see. I was not far away. When people try to run to the window, they were shooting them. They were falling like a bag, like nothing. We saw this was going on and this was the small hospital. That's the way they liquidated the hospital. Then the big action came from the big ghetto and then, of course, they run around with the loudspeakers. And this time was already the ghetto organized. It was the Jew Police. In fact, my uncle -- he was not a plain person but he looked like a bit, looked German. Here a room for you, going to watch this street. You can watch the street. It should be quiet. People shouldn't stay in groups and talk. He was a quiet man, but thanks to him this life too, in concentration camp. But the way it looked like because of him we went on the good side and my aunt went to the other side. And when they make the big action, they came out with loudspeakers and start saying everybody have to meet in this certain place. It was an empty place in the ghetto. They stage things like this. It was empty, where people used to play football. This was thought nothing but there was no . There was woods and cemetery not too far away, and they put all the people, everybody young and old and not sick, everybody have to be there. And they took out from 28 their houses, carry them out from the beds and, of course, they came back to the houses looked like the people were. There was thousand and thousand of people and they make a selection and they make people -- panicking people. Can't take nothing with you. When people get lost from each other, you can hear them saying mama, papa , you know, the Jewish name. There was a panic and this was early in the morning. It was maybe five o'clock in the morning the day before. It was not light outside. You have to go to this truck. We came to this place where it was standing, couple trucks for the Germans and the Partisans, and there was the Germans standing with the little stick. And everybody have to got to face him, and you right, left, right, left, and the Jewish Police have to take the group, 30 or 40 people, up to this man. There was a few of them and it looked like my uncle, and he run over to us, because he was this time a little room for us and he said follow me, beginning with me, and somehow he thought maybe he could make a move or something. The Germans said we should go to the right side or the left side, I don't know, but we followed my uncle and we went to the right side. We saw the people go to the left. They are treating them more awful then they are 29 treating us. On the right side we saw -- it was looser, the ghetto, more and the left was closer the other side. And he separate into thousand and thousand of people, and they open up the gates and put the people back in the clean ghetto, back where they burned the hospital. It was still there and they moved them in there. And it was deep in the night and everything starts falling to quiet, and they came to the right side and they said you can go if you have the houses where you live. Go back to your homes and we are still in the ghetto and they was pulling on the people in the left side, and stopping the soldiers, the Partisans. And like I say, the Lithuanians were maybe with the Germans and they put them in the other side, and we went back. Of course, in the panic and we missing -- my father is not here with my mother, and my father and my brother were lucky this time and we were pulled back to our home. And like I say, we are not too far away from the smaller ghetto and other people going to houses here. The whole night screaming and panicking and so like in the morning, they opened up in the morning and they put them all in the line and put them in the Nitenfort. There was house, I don't know the number, but it was, you couldn't see from one end to the 30 other, there was so many people. This was small babies and they did everything. This was a big action, they call it. It was big the action. | [
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SEQ19-A: We knew because, because we knew earlier because they killed our grandfather the Nitenfort and you were going out to work and this faction -- so telling us what happened to us. I didn't see good people. There was maybe a few. I didn't see a good German where I was, but I won't go into it, and they took these people and start them marching them to the Nitenfort, and we were still remaining in the ghetto. This was our luck, and in the morning the ghetto was completely empty, the small ghetto, and we could hear in the night the machine guns and the shooting, because the Nitenfort was not really far away from the ghetto. It was just really a couple kilometer up the hill. And sometimes playing, sometimes there I didn't know what was going to happen there, and you could see from the Nitenfort and see Slobodka. It was not so far away. And we could hear the shooting going on and the killing and, of course, nobody came back from there. And sometime we knew what was going on even before they are taking people in the Germany and the Austria and marching them between the two lines, two ghettos. 31 They were killing them over there too, and where were we going. We knew already. This night you don't tell people that they are going be killed. You couldn't make any move. If anybody move, your would lose you're life. And now I was walking down, and I liked to carve. Now, I was walking down, but I always like too carve and make airplanes and things like this. One day in the ghetto time, I was already working on the airport and we were digging ditches and doing some other thing. They had a lot of prisoners. The Russians treat them terrible. Germans, they so do the prisoners was to uS was you were Jews. It was coming to us. That was the way they thought. But even to the Russian military they lost a little bit of faith, are we going to be alive. It was going on and when ditches -- going back to the ghetto -- I was not going to work. I was sitting outside and I was carving a little airplane and all of a sudden the Germans came in. They were free to go in their Jeeps and the Germans stopped. Four Germans walked to me and said to me what are you doing there? I am playing. I am making myself a toy. How do you know to make an airplane? You know, to me and I spoke, I think little and I spoke German in a way too because it was similar, so I told him I always 32 like to play. Do you have more knives? And I said, no, I have this one. No, I have this knife. And he said, you go to the Jeep, and I said, I want to tell my mother. And he kicked me and put me in the Jeep and I thought they were going to kill me, kill me. Downtown in the there isa school. People used to learn there. This was the headquarters for the Germans they put me in a basement and said to me, we aren't going to do nothing to you. We want you to make airplanes for us. I didn't know what they wanted from me. I said, can you tell my parents? One of them okay, I'll tell them. My mother and father thought I was dead. Because my mother and father thought I was dead. They took me out and -- this was going on all the time. I was there maybe a couple of days. I don't know whether it was night or day because it was dark there, but it was light inside. And they bring me all kinds of tools and I made toys. I made a butterfly and an airplane and they keep on saying, keep on doing, keep on doing. I was a couple days and they took from everybody. I had a imagination and I always like to look at the airplanes, and when I was younger I dreamed of becoming pilot. Can you imagine me a pilot? But I had a dream. Who knows, if the war wouldn't be there 33 or something. And I was doing these airplanes for them and I took maybe four or five models. They gave me soft wood. I never worked with this. I tried to get out here and I even so I was doing. A few days went by and they came and said, oh, come on, you know, in German. I think they going to shoot me or something. They take me back to the same German that picked me up and, you know, drop me off at the gate and said go, go. They opened up the gate and it was also the Jewish Police guard, and what happened to you? They took me there and I was making the airplanes. I went in by foot not too far away from the grates where you go in into main gates to go in when you get out from the ghetto. Of course, my mother and my father was working there and they thought I was dead. And then life still was going the same system like it was and the next day I had to go to work. When there in the ghetto a certain time, not all the time in the ghetto, and then all of sudden somebody came to the building. Back of the building had to be open. Didn't have to be closed anymore. Now, the place where we were living, the house was a lot of sacks. My father had the horses there. It was a big area and we wait for the ghetto, to wait for the ghetto. To come there was a beautiful wood and the 34 trees and this area, it was like a place that you can unload some wood and coals there was not room. We did this for a little while. There was a garden. We cleaned up the garden made enough place to put in the roots, and they brought the horses, and they came from the street and they was killing them in the sacks. This was the meat for us to eat in the ghetto. | [
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