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The Seagoing Cowboys is a very inspiring program. Not only do you get to help people in need but you also get to visit extraordinary and unique places. These places will open your eyes and inspire you to do many more charity programs. Seagoing Cowboys is a program that take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Caring for these animals will keep you busy and sure that you are using your time wisely. This is a great opportunity to get to see other animals and meet so many people in need and touch their hearts. They will make you aware of others countries needs. When you join this progran you are sure to make new friends. This trip would not only be working. You still get to have free time and hang out and play games with your friends. They would have you ride upon a ship and give enough hay and oats for the animals. The animals would have to be groomed and brushed every day. They would have to be properly fed and taken care of. Besides helping people you get the joy of traveling over sea, meeting new people, and cite seeing in foreign countries. For example you would maybe get to see or visit in Venice, Italy, or maybe even Greece. There are many different advantages and opporunities in this kind of trip. When you get to help these people, you will feel a rush of joy and bring them hapiness. This is a great opportunity. There many benefits and hapiness.
The facial action coding system i think that it is really cool it can identify emotions of students or anyone that wants to use it they can just to see what the system would say. So say one day you want to see what emotions your face describes you as and you think that your face describes you as happy but you could be suprised becasue the facial action coding system could say that your face has these emotions and you didn't even know if you had those emotions. But also that just shows you waht kind of technology that we have evolved to since the very first computer came out to now to where the system can scan your face and it can tell you the emotions that your face has in that certain picture. In my opinnion i think that the Facial action coding system is really cool i think that it can help people figure out some of there emotions and it helps them see what ever it is that they want to know. But to use this technology for students i don't think it's a good idea because if the student is having a bad day and they go to school and they get there pictures taking then it runs through the system and it shows like sad or something then the teacher might ask ehy they are sad or anything like that but the student might not want to share what happened but the teache knows the student is sad so the teacher will want to try and help but maybe the student just doesn't want any help. Also a student could be lying when they get there emotions like they could be smiling but they really aren't happy or something along that it can really revale something that the student doesn't want to get out. In all of this i think that if a student wants this then they can have the option to do so but the students who don't want this they don't have to do this it's only if they want to do it or are willing to volunteer. The facial action coding system is really cool technology and it is new so there is probably a lot of people all excited for it just to give it a try or on how it works and all of that. But in all honesty they should not bring it into schools because students will have there own emotions and if they want to share they will but there are some students that will not want to share with others so this could make them really uncomfortable if they don't want to do this. But with this technology it will continue to evolve into better and better stuff but some of it students might not like at all.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about the idea that venus is worth studying despite the dangers on the planet. venus is the seconed planet from the son making it close to earth. Acording to the author venus was often referred to as earth twins acording to the text it states "Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". The author also states that venus has proved to be very challenging place to examine up close. For many reason like "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxid". Even more challenging reasons is clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere and temperatures over 800 degrees fahrengeit. Are just some of the reasons that it would be hard to explor venus. The author mainly just states the reasons its hard to vistit venus and the author really doesnt state why it would be worthy to go and study venus. Except for samples of rocks and gases. Inconclusion it wouldnt be that worthy to visit venus its just to risky and a waste of time instead we could study other planets like mars. Which we already know alot about.
Driverless Cars pose many possitives and negatives. Between saftey, saving gas, and overall practicallity there are many benitfits to this new form or transportation. Driverless cars are the future of transportation and will do many great things for the comunity and the people driving them. Driverless cars are the future. People are attracted to the idea of getting in a car and having it take you somewhere without ever touching the wheel. The cars pose many possitves for our society today. For example, driverless cars use almost half the gas that the average car uses today. This can solve many world problems like global warming and keep the demand for gas low which will keep the gas prices low. Another possitive is saftey. If computer drove every car people would be much safer than they are today. Computers are smater and more consitante than humans. This is why computers and robots have taken many peoples jobs, because they do it better. If the computers are well made then they will never make mistakes, therefore decreasing the ammout of crashes. BMW has made the car safer by providing in car entertainment on a heads up display that doesnt work if the driver is texting or on there cell phone, once again making the car safer. However for some people the concept of driverless cars is scary. For driverless cars to become a part of peoples everyday lives than many things will have to change. First many states will have to allow people and companies to test thier cars in their states. The cars will never be made if they cant be tested and profected in different states. Also there are mant question with the laws behind whos fault it is if a driverless cars technology fails and someone is injured, the driver or the manufacturer? These questions will be answered with time and once every car is a self driving car then that question will be irellivent. Driverless cars are the future for the automobiel industry. They provide a safer more fuel efficent mode of traspertation that will benfit america and its citizens.
Driving cars can be a danger to humans, but also a threat to the Earth. The usage of cars has plummented since recent topics of smog, and safety. Using a car to get from point A to point B is getting out of hand and unnecissary. Limiting car usage can help save money, it can also help prevent smog or other pollution, and can make humans live a healthier life style. By limiting car usage, you are changing your life style for the better. Less car usage can play a major role in the way you live your life. One big part of your life it could change is financial issues. Without a car you wouldnt have to spend thousands of dollars on an overpriced vehical. Also you could save money from not having to buy overly priced gas, or having to fix any car issues, such as an oil leak. In the passage, Paris bans driving due to smog , the author states," Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters." Without all of your money going down the drain, you could spend your money in a more helpful way. With the money that you don't have to spend with car trouble, someone could by a gym membership, or they could go and renovate their house the way that they have always wanted. Without spending loads of money on a car, gas, and car problems, you could spend your money on more important things such as paying of loans. Less car usage could also help the envirnment dramtically. Because of the ussage of cars the envinment has been hugely effected. Since the envirnment has been greatly affected, so has the people. Smog has been becoming a result of the pollution that cars cause. In the passage, Paris bans driving due to smog, they state,"Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while excepltions were made for plug-in cars." Not only is pollution affecting the envirnment, but it is also affecting the way that we live our lives, and the way that we make our livings. Without the use of cars income will increse rather than decrease. Also the smog is creating a hazard to everyone who has to work, or go to school. Without the use of cars there will be no more smog, or hazardess envinments to worry about. Besides money, and pollution, there are other important reasons why less car usage would be ideal. A main point of less car usage would be for health. The world has grown to be lazy, and as a result obesity is becoming a huge issue. Walking to work, or to school can not only help the envirnment, but also help your immune system, and weight loss. Instead of walking, another great form of exercise that will help the envirnment is riding your bike. Using these tips there will be less obesity, and less pollution, and grrenhouse gas in the world. Even though that driving has decreased 23% in the last 8 years, it is our duty to insure that the world will once again be a safe envirnment for everyone to live in. To insure a safe envirnment, the usage of cars must decrease. If the usage of cars does not decrease our money will. Money won't be the only problem though, obesity, and also smog will increase. To help save the Earth humans must cut back on using their cars. The results will be life changing. 
Dear State Senator, Perhaps you may know about the 'electoral college'. In my point of view, I would keep the electoral college because it's better and the process has been the same in decades. So why change it? The Electoral College is better because it's more fair. In the story, What Is the Electoral College?, it tells how the voting for president and vice president works." one for each memeber in the house of representatives plus for your senators" Meaning the state votings plus the the number of members in the Congressional delegation. Also in the the story, What Is the Electoral College?, it states " Each candidate running for President in your state his or her own group electors"...... "but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are". In other words, canadiates that are running for President have their own people to elect them but the state laws say that candidates are suppose to be elected by their responsibilities. Even though other say " the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational" I think it is fair for how they process the Electoral College because it let's the candidate that you or that your state is voting have the opportunity to make some changes in the world. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME.
When u vote for a president u are voting for the electors at the same time. There saying if u lived in texas and if u voted and 38 votes whent to John Kerry. the best argument that they had against the electoral college is called the disaster factor. In the 1960's the people in Louisiana the people were trying to stop the popular votes go to John F. Kennedy. In Wyoming there were 500,000 voters and 55 representatives from California whr represents 35 Million voters. In 1968 a shift if just 41,971 votes would be deadlocked the election and later in 1976a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawii had voted diffrent and they were a few swing votes away from a catastrophe. when u vote for the president u are voting for the slate of the electors. in 2000 when Bush and Gore were getting voted for the seprem court had to pick who was president of the united states. When president Obama whent up there he got 61.7% of the electoral vote and 51.3% of the popular votes. People in 2012 thought that a single cote may decide an election.  
The challenges of exploring Venus can be worthly pursuit but dangers can be presented. One postive example of Venus is called the evening star is one the brightest ponits of light in the night sky making it simple for even an amater stragazer to spot. The reason we explore or visit other plants its because the human curioity will likely lead us to many other discovers. A not so postive example is just imagine living on Venus and not having electronics lets put an eample just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. Second Venus is called the earth twins. why do you ask? Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closet in distance too. Earth and Venus and Mars are other planetary neighbor who they orbit the sun at different speeds. The difference in speed from earth to venus is that sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to venus is close to earth. A negavtive reason Venus has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 perecent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Another challange is that that the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atomshere. The conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Thrid reason Venus has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our planet ,even though Mercury is closer to our sun. The dangers ir presents is the high pressure and heat,venus geology and weather present additionl impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting. A reason why humanity is exploring venus because it once have been earth like planet in our planet. A long time ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. This shows the dangers Venus has and the if it worthly to discovered.
The Electoral College is a system that should no longer be used because it is based on an outdated system from the first years of our country's independence.  It would be much more beneficial to use the popular vote as the final vote.  One reason is that one canidate can get more votes, but still lose the election! Another is that many states never get to see the potential president speak, as to make their descion.  Lastly voting would be easier to count and to understand for citizens and those who work the election. In 2000, the electoral college failed to properly represent our country's people.  More people voted for Al Gore, but Bush still won the election.  In the states where Bush did win, it made the people who voted for Al Gore insignificant and their votes would never again be considered.  Even if in every state a paticular canidate won by one vote, that person would still get every electoral vote, because they won the state, this is mostly an issue in large states.  This is unfair to the losing canidate because their voters never really got a chance.  If it was a popular vote, voting would be much more direct and easier to understand.  Citizens might even be unaware that they aren't really voting for the president, they are voting for their electoral college representative.  With popular vote, there would be no more confusion, and no more worrying about comparing the two voting methods. Another reason is that some states may never get a chance to see their potential president speak.  Potential presidents tend to go speak in swing states, or states that may vote either for them or for their opponent, since it is based on the states vote not the individual people.  When a president goes to speak in a swing state they are convincing people that it will be a better choice to vote for them, not the other canidate.  If somebody lived in Rhode Island, for example, they would never get the chance to see their potential president speak, therefore they would have to make their descion based on television speeches, newspaper articles, etc. Also states that tend to vote one way or another often do not get visited because there is no point in trying to convince a state to vote for you that is definitley already going to vote you, to vote for you, and vice versa.  Swing states with high populations are really the only states that are visited.  It is no promise that the potential president will go to every state or even every region, but they will more likely than not visit different states than they would have before.  If popular vote decided who would become president, it likely would no longer be true for presidents to only visit swing states. Last, the entire election process would be much more simplistic.  There would be a whole group of people who no longer would have to be a part of the process, and the less people, the less mistakes.  Also each state could still add up their votes, then add all the state's votes together and voila, the president has been chosen, by the people.  There would be no more arguments as to who really won the election, as in popular vote versus electoral college.  Also there would be much less of a chance for a tie, the more numbers the less each number is worth.  Overall, the electoral college adds unecessary complications to a potentially simple system. The popular voting system would still be difficult to take care of, but much better than the previous system, the despised electoral college.  Throughout the years we have seen twice where our course of history could have been radically changed, with a different president.  The popular vote system would increase the power of the people, allow more people to see the president speak, and get rid of unecessary complications and confusion of the electoral college.
Luke should not be a sea going cowboy.This is why in paragraph 2 he said when he went over seas world war ll was begining, if he was caught by any air troopers they would have bombed the boat he was on and it would have sinked into that deep blue ocean. For example when he was on the boat he had an hourly role call acording to the story he fell and cracked his ribs if the metal pole did'nt stop him he would have went over board and eaten by a shark but he was fine he had to take a break for a couple of days. Why he should'nt go over seas to be a sea going cowboy is that you can get hurt a lot and get sea sick but the most important thing is that if he keeps up what he is doing he will get really hurt do his job any more. In paragrah4 when he was discharged he had made nine trips across the world acording to the paragraph.
When electing the president of the United States, you must vote in favor of the president you want. However, instead of coming down to popular vote, the system uses the Electrolar College to decide. The Electroral Vote works in that the people of a certain states votes for their candidate and the majority of people who vote for a certain president give their votes to a slate of voters. What this means is that the popular vote within a state wins the electoral votes of the electors who then vote for the president. Many people dislike this system including myself. I disaprove of this system because it limits representation, permits the disintrest of voters, and reduces a candidates intrest in a state. One major problem with the Electoral College voting system is that it limits representation of the people. The Electoral COllege votes work so that the population of a state directly effects the amount of votes that states recieves. For example, Wyoming only has about 500,000 voters so it only recieves one electoral college vote. Because there is only one vote for wyoming, the 500,000 voters do not have acurate representation in a vote that has a total of 270 electoral votes. There have also been times in which a president has won the piopular vote but lost the Electoral College vote. This was seen in the 2000 vote of Bush versus Gore when Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the electoral vote. One might claim that because the amount of electoral votes for a state is based of the population, it is fair. However, I believe that the popular vote is more fair because it expresses the opinion of the majority. In some states, there is a large majority of people running for a single party. This can be observed primarily in Texas where an overwhelming majority of voters are Republican. Therefore, the Republican president wins Texas almost every election period. This can be frustrating for Democrats who live in Texas because they know that their vote does not matter causing them to lose interest in voting in the first place. This is not fair for those people nor is it particularly good to express as an American trait. As stated before, the larger the population of a states, the more Electoral College votes that state gets. This leads to a small group of "big states" that have such a large amount of votes, they are the target for candidates to try to persuade to vote for them. On the opposite side of the spectrum, most of the other 50 states have a smaller amount of votes and are less of an objective for candidates to acquire. In many states throughout an election preiod (the period in which candidates move to diferent states giving speeches) the candidates never make an appearance in their state at all. This is observed in the 2000 election in which seventeen states did not have the candidate make an appearance at all. This also can lower interest in voting for the president. The Electoral college voting system is not fair in the way the present system works. The system does not show proper representation of the people, does not promote interest in voting, and causes a candidate to ignore the states in which do not have a large amount of electoral votes. Moving to popular vote will fix all of these problems and will improve the way we vote for our president.
The Electoral College should be abolished. It is "unfair, outdated, and irrational". It just makes so much more sense to go with the popular vote from everyone. Even Bob Dole agreed to this and said "Abolish the Electoral College!" Most people just despise it anyways, let's just get rid of it already. Let's face it, if you have a vote, it would go to the slate of electors who in turn, vote for the president. The worst thing about it is that sometimes they can't even control their own vote. What use is that? It doesn't make sense if they can't even control something that they have such as a vote. Also some voters get confused and don't know what to vote for though. Instead, they can vote for the wrong candidate. This is why we should get rid of the Electoral College. It's just so unfair to other voters that they can't have their way because the others get confused. This can let to political disasters and events that will make people riot over a mistake that they made. They need to learn that the Electoral College needs to go. First off, the founding fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. It was was founded all the way back then, it must surley be outdated and we should really try to go by our modern intelligent ways now. They believed the "winner takes all" system that just doesn't make sense anymore if you can just vote on your own and when the President wins, it will just be the popular vote from overall everyone. Secondly, the people in Congress are well educated indeed, but do we really need their seperate votes? Can we just skip that? We are already getting the "popular vote of qualified citizens" (which is good). All these electors are just so unneccesary when it comes down to it. I understand only a few people still want the Elelctoral College in place, but in all honesty, it is only what they have been taught and they think it is the right thing. There are "538" electors in the Electoral College and they need a mojority of "270" electoral votes. This seems far too complicated just for voting on a President. All we need is the popular vote. There has even been a case in the 2000's that is called "Disaster Factor". Americans are even lucky that this event isn't the most that can potentially happen with the Electoral College in place. We should avoid this political disaster at all costs! In the end,  we should all finally understand that the Electoral College is outdated, unfair, and irrational. It was made long, long ago and we have a better way to vote other than dealing with the mess of electors getting confused and the people in Congress dealing with it all together. Just go by the popular vote from the people and we would be good to go. Better modern than old fashioned, right?
In life there will be things that we question ourselves if soemthing is worth getting , studying etc. The author of "The Challenge Venus" makes his point that studying the planet Venus is very important even though it can be dangerous. In this text the author mestioned thst striving to meet this challenge would bring value not only because of the insight but to gain about this planet.The author also talked about how we should not be scared to travel more out there because we should be happy that we are expanding to meet the doubts that many people have. The author does say how going to go investigate this planet would not be easy at all because there would be things that you could not see clearly. I think the author made it very understanding on how he put the goods and bads about this challenge . I think he makes a good point where he states that its good to go find out about new things even though it could be dangerous. The author states the reason about going out and studying the planet Venus because since the past many people have even question themselves about it being a plante or not. I think that the good thing that the author did was to put the mission and the things that they we be studying . I think that the author's claim is well said and explained .I think that this helped me get a better understanding in why scienctists want to show people thatv Venus is planet . I think that most of the information was wells staited anf went with the opinions and explanation.
Cars have been used and started to rise since World War II. Vehicles have trended to make them fit our life and culture. But there has been so many tragic events taking place because of the use of cars and people debates whether cars should be used or not. It will be a great idea to limit cars because it will protect the environment, cut difficulties while on the road and improve safety and business. Initially, it would be a great option to limit cars because it will protect the environment. Cars are used to make it easier to transport places but it does not help protect the world around. Cars cause damage to the whole atmosphere and can harm many. For instance, in Paris, people are fined for driving because of the smog polluted in the air. According to the passage "Paris bans driving due to smog", Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. The use of driving vehicles can make it difficult to live in the world. Furthermore, limiting the use of cars will be a big advantage to the world because it can cut difficulties while on the road. The less use of cars will lead to better circumstances while on the road. It will be easier for buses or delivery trucks to do their tasks quicker and more efficient. For example, in Bogota, many parks and sports centers have been replaced with smooth sidewalks which cut rush hour situations and traffic. The roads will be wider and more smooth for the environment. Moreover, it would be a great idea to limit the use of cars because it will improve safety and business. Most instances when cars weren't used in different regions of the world, it led to the improvement of businesses but also better safety. In Vauban, having less placement for cars created more safety for customers to go into their desired place. It also has been more accessible and compact to public transportation. Limiting less cars progresses the world all around. In conclusion, it will be a huge advantage to limit the use of cars because it will protect the enviormnent, cut difficulties while on the road, and improve businesses and safety. Using less cars will not only protect ourselves but protect the world that we live in.
The people, the people, the people that's all you ever hear presidents talk about. "I care what's best for the people" or "It's the people's vote", if that's true though then why do we still have the electoral college. The electoral college is a creation of our founding fathers and yes it might have worked then, but times have changed. The electoral college is now just taking away the people's votes, has the 'disaster factor', and because of the electoral college many canditdates only focus on swing states. To start, if it's all about the people then how come our votes don't count. Instead of voting for the president we are voting for who the electors vote for, if they even follow what we say.  Although the exerpt from "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" disagrees with me, in paragraph 18 they give the perfect example to prove my point. In the 2000 election of Gore and Bush, Gore had more popular votes than Bush, but still had fewer electoral votes. In other words the people voted for Gore, but instead we got Bush! So if it's all about the people of this great country then why did we not get our choice of president. Next, the 'disaster facter' is described in source 2 otherwise known as the excerpt from " The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong". In paragraph 11 it talks about how in 1960 the segregationists in the Louisiana Legislature tried, and nearly succeeded, in hand picking electors who they believed would be opposed to Kennedy. So what if next time do they succeed and the vote doesn't go the way the people want. As if that isn't enough reason, also in 1960, Hawaii sent two slates of electors to Congress! Luckily, President Nixon saved the day or that could have been yet enough fiasco the electoral college created. Lastly, when canidates know for sure they don't have a states vote or even that they do have a states vote they tend to not visit those states. In source 3 it says that it makes them a more successful president because they don't only have regional appeal. However, it also makes it so they aren't connecting with every regional only the swing states so what about the states that are for sure to one canidate do they just not get to hear from their future president? The idea of an electoral college is making it so only certain states get to talk to the canidates and that's not fair. In sumamary, why do we need the electoral college if all it does is cause problems. You could say that there's less of a chance of the larger states over powering the ones with less population, but at least then it's in the peoples hand what happen. The electoral college takes away the peoples power, has the disaster factor, and the canidates ignore certain states. All in all the electoral college is causing more problems then we need, let's finally make the election the people's vote.
I'm personally not for the self driving cars because i dont think they would be as safe as what the creators say they are and many things can happen as the car is driving itself. These cars can obviously save a lot of money for some people but they can also be dangerous in ways that people not might even think about. These cars obviuously can save money from any point of a persons view but what happens if something goes wrong with the car and it doesnt respond to what the article says it should like construction. Would you hineslty trust a driverless car to take you places. The car could plow right through the area injuring people or even worse. What happens also if the break dont work or it just automatically starts accerlating to high speeds. Right there, people will be filing lawsuits or even sewing the makers becase someone in there family was hurt or killed. Sure the driver can take control over the car when needed but what if that deosnt happen and theres something wrong with the car. driverless cars can either help people or hurt people, but some people are just going to have to make that choice on what they want to do. Driverless cars should not be allowed because if something goes wrong in can hurt people in so many different ways, and it could also destroy a family if someone gets hurt or dies. People need to realize that they would not be the safest cars. it shouldnt matter if there free, what should matter if there built to physically be safe and if something happens, the creaters will cover any tyoe of bills that need to be payed if something goes wrong with there creations.
using this technology to read the emotions of students in a class room is valuable because you can tell a lot if a student is confused or even to angry or to sad to learn. plus you can tell if the teacher is doing her job right or if the student feels confortable in the class room you can also learn if the student feels bullied or not safe in the class room. We could also tell if the student is acutally happy in the class because of the facial action coding system that even allows you to figure out if the student has a genuine or false smile stated in paragraph 8 of the text. This technology could help students to learn better, students that come from other country's and dont know how to speak for thereself or are just to shy to speak out. At last is the communication that the teacher and student can have through this device would be better since the device can read emotions the teacher can learn from all of her students on how they like to learn and how they dont like to learn.
Their was a boy named luke and he had just finished high schol graduation and he did not no his life was going to change. Luke had two part-time jobs at a grocery store and a bank. His friend DON invited him to go to europe and on a cattle boat. So luke did not want to say no because that was his best friend and he wanted to do it. Luke helped people get across the ocean because it was world war II and luke wanted to help people so they would not die in the world war II. He even seen real cow boys the cow boys just watched over the horses and luke did not no his life was going to change after he would finish high school he met new friends and thats how he lived his life luke even liked going to China and Europe they even had some free time they would play baseball,volly ball. And,table tennies they would have a tournament they would have fun all day long luke loved doing more than just adventures he loved helping people he was a good man doing suff for people he even should of went to collage but he had a good time. THE END
Emotion reading technology is on the rise in the electronic world. This new software was developed by Prof. Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, with help from Prof. Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. The purpose of this technology is to make computers able to read emotions by the movement of facial muscles. The software is currently able to define six basic emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I am for having emotion-reading technology in the classroom, as long as it doesn't become a distraction. The article explains that if a student is taking online lessons or is learning from the computer and becomes confused or bored, the computer will be able to sense the students emotion and modify the lesson to catch the students interest or to help the student to not be confused. The article also says how most of human communication is nonverbal, which includes emotional communication. If a computer was able to sense these emotions, the student would be able to learn far more than with a regular lesson. In conclusion, I believe that having this new technology could benefit students tremendously, as long as students aren't exaggerating emotions to get desired effects of their lesson plans. Since the computer is adapting to the student, the student could also be less intimidated about their intellect, causing them to be more confident overall.
Hi my name is Luke.Im going to tell you why you should join the seagoing cowboys.Here are the reasons why.Also dont forget to join. Your probably asking yourself why should i join and the reason is that you can help many people who were affected by world war 2 and many other wars.You get to help people who have been injured or need help with something.It takes awhile to get to them,but its worth it.You help them get there animals back if they lost some.Give them food and water if they dont have some or if they barly have food or water.You also can meet up with different nations.I met up with 44 nations when I went.You take care of animals that got hurt or need help.Then give the animals some food and water to drink and eat.You do alot more,but you will have to figure them out.You can see places that youve never seen before like China.When your on your way to somewhere on the boat and your bored you can do things to make it go faster.You can do things like table tennis,fencing,boxing,reading,baseball,volleyball,cattle riding,Whittling,etc.Another thing you can do is when your on the boat you can see some places you have never herd or seen before.I went to Greece and saw many different things you wouldnt see where you live.While your there you have some time to spare so you can look around or go on rides or something.You can also tour some things like an excavated castle.Dont worry of getting hurt because around you you are always protected.Another thing not to worry about is the food you dont have to bring your own food they already have some for you.Once you done with the seagoing cowboys i think you will really see the world and what it is made of just like I did. Those are the reasons I think you should join the seagoing cowboys.I hope you join.Also I hope I see you one day.You will be also rewared.
Have you ever wondered about the Seagoing Cowboys? I would love to join the Seagoing Cowboys because you get to take care of animals such as horses, young cows, and mules that are shipped overseas. The Seagoing Cowboys is alot of fun because on the way back you get to play fun games like Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whttling, and more games. You should join the Seagoing Cowboys because you would have alot of fun and traveling. When you go to places you have never visited before its alot of fun like going to Europe, China, and Greece. You get to cross the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean there you will get to see whales and dolphines swimming in the ocean. You will have some bumps and bruises along the way but I bet you can fight through it like Luke and Don did. I also bet you will have as much fun as them too and get to know what more places feel like.
The "Face on Mars" was just a natural landform. The "Face on Mars" was described at first as a "Egyption Pharaoh", when really it resembled the Middle Butte in the snake river plain of Idaho. If there were aliens who did make the monument, we would have not exposed this new information to the world, and have some scared, or excited about top secret information like this. The natural landform must have been created by a shuttle landing,or has been here before we've known it. According to our team in NASA " The picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a buttle,or mesa", as I have said at the beginning, also if the landform were to be created by aliens there would have been some type of physical evidence that something, or someone would have/had been there before us. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA explained " We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." meaning, as soon as there was a shot so our supporters could make out, the picture was sent in to them. But because our supporters were not as satisfied of the picture, and thought they were gonna have some type of sy-fy picture to show them, they were sadly mistaken. They also have to realize and understand that information exposed to the world like that would not only put them in jepeordy,but us and our jobs too.
I am against driverless cars the reason i am against it is because the saftey aspect. Also the technolgy could start not to work , they dont know how their going to make the laws and some people wont be paying attention and cause more accedients then their already are. Which is very bad. So one question I have is , what if the technolgy starts not to work in the middle of the road ? That could cause many problems becouse people could sue them. That could also cause a lot of people to get hurtand that wouldn't be good. The article said the cars will have sensors in more places than you will ever know but what if one of those sensorrs don't pick anything up for it to stop it self ? Then thats another cause of a crash we will have to deal with. Speaking of crashes and accedients , they don't know who their going to blame for being at fault for the crash. Whoever they pick their going to have to make new laws and get a whole lot of paper work done. Then the company and driver will have to deal with court and that is going to cause major conflict between the two like the story said in pharagraph nine. I know the driverless car is supposed to prevent crashes but you still have to look at this and make sure everyone will be safe. Also the fun part is driving and their takeing that away from people. Like the story said " the driver will still have to be alert for human like situations" but most people will not be paying attention they'll be on their phone or talking to the passenger. Even if the car does alert them they either won't hear it and crash which will be very tragic. Finally that is why I don't agree with driverless cars. The saftey aspect is not 100% . The technolgy still needs to be worked on to make sure it works at all times. They need to know how their going to handle the laws. People will need to pay attention and where not sure they will do that.
Imagine driving to work, but catching up on the latest news at the same time. Imagine commuting no longer being a hassle, but an enjoyable experience. That is the world that the driverless car is able to bring our society. Driverless cars should be developed because they are safer, more affordable, and more relaxing to the passengers than the cars of today. On the roads, safety is a top priority, and driverless cars are being made with this in mind. Since 2009, driverless cars have been nagivating roadways with little issue. The author states, "Their [Google's] cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." That is an extremely long distance to drive, and most humans can not drive that far without a crash. This shows that the technology in driverless cars is even better than a human's brain. If technologically advanced cars such as these were to come into the market, one would expect them to be expensive. However, this is not the case. The author writes that Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, believes, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis..." While it is true that driverless cars might cost more at first, the money saved on fuel would make them a worthwhile investment for everyone after a few years. Contemporary cars create a stressful environment on today's roads that can be difficult for humans to manage. On the contrary, driverless cars would reduce stress while also providing an important source of entertainment. Cars typically require the driver to always be paying attention to the road, which can be mentally taxing. According to the author, manufacturers of driverless cars are developing "in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays." With driverless cars, people can relax while the car pays attention for them. Additionally, the removal of stress from driving would drastically reduce road-rage incidents stemming from the stress. Driverless cars are safer, more affordable, and more relaxing to the passengers, and so should continue to be developed. They offer a new transportation experience that will improve our opinions on cars for decades to come. These marvels of modern technology will, in the words of Sergey Brin, "fundamentally change the world," and companies such as Google and BMW are proving his words to be more accurate with every passing day.
The author doesn't fully support his idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. He displays too many downsides of the exploration. He frequently brings up how risky it could be. The benefits are acknowledged, but briefly. The author spends too much time focusing on how the conditions are far from easy when he should have been focusing on why traveling to Venus is worth it. His idea is that the trip is worth it, but most of his writing describes why it is not. The author first brings up the environment of the planet. He describes the hot temperatures, stating how it averages to be over 800 degress Farenheit. He also adds in how it has the hottest surface, despite Mercury being closer to the sun. This is obviously way too hot for human beings. Then, he discusses that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times stronger than that on Earth. This environment is much more extreme that anything we're used to. Plus, Venus experiences earthquakes, lightning, and volcanoes that are way more powerful than the ones on Earth. The author provides information on all the reasons why our species could not live there. Furthermore, he admits that NASA does not even have the needed equipment to safely and effectively travel to Venus. He only mentions that they are currently working on it. The author gives the idea that Venus could be studied from up above, in a vehicle hovering miles away from the surface. This way, scientists could get an insight on what's going on down there. However, doing that would prevent seeing most light, since it isn't able to penetrate the atmosphere. Even though the author does say better approaches are being worked on, no machines are completely ready. We simply don't have the required technology to keep humans safe on their expedition. Finally, the author doesn't support his claim that going to Venus is worth it because the pros of traveling there are kept at a minimum. In his writing, he failed to give important reasons on why going there is essential. He does bring up that it's fascinating to astronomers due to how similar it could have been to Earth long ago. However, the potential similarity it could share is not a reason to risk lives to explore it. Yes, it is beneficial to study planets other than ours, but when it's so dangerous, it shouldn't be done. If the author wants to convince people that the pursuit should be taken even though it is unsafe, he should list more reasons why than just the fact that it's fascinating. To conclude, the author poorly explained the reasoning to his arguement. He spent too much time hightlighting all the dangers presented. He should have gave readers better valid points to travel to Venus. Instead, he repeatedly wrote about the extreme conditions, or the lack of proper technology. Too much time was spent on the wrong side of his claim. The author should have supported his idea with reasons other than just pure curiousity. The cons outweigh the pros.
I believe that this is not valuable for studetns in a classroom. Sure it could help them make those faces more, but it doesnt't have much of a use other than that. It is not like it helps lose weight or improves health it just shows emotions. Especially in a school setting most students express their emotions freely anyways. There may be some cases of students hiding emotions, but for the most part they tend to be very expressive. First, many students may not rralize how much they show their emotions already, but generally they are incredibly easy to read. This technology would not be that usefull becuase of that it would only help in very select cases. Also, some people would no twant their emotions to be scanned by a computer. They may be going through a hard time and want to keep that as personal as possible. Second, it could be invading someones private life. By this I mean some people hate when everything is know about them. For example, people who put tape over their computers because they are worried about the FBI watching them. I think that becasue of people like that it would not be very accepted into schhols without forcing it onto students. Also, I do not think the students really care about expressing their emptions to a computer. Third, although it could be used to detect emotions of items in history it would not have a place in schools it is an invasion of privacy and would be very prying into a students personal life. In conclusion, I do not hink this technology will be very well accpted into schhols I think it will have to be forced onto the students whuch would just cause more problems from parents and students. Although it does have some used they are so situational I do not think it is that amazing of a discovery.
When trying to mass produce smart, driverless cars you need stupid people that hate the world to make up some stupid reason as to why you can't possibly have overly used, technological cars. My position on driverless cars is I think they are making you seem as though you are not knowlegable enough to drive like a normal human being. "Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars—but how much smarter did the cars need to be? For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors." They are telling us that we clearly can't make smart roads. Is there actually such thing as a smart road without the use of modern technology to make the roads smart? No. Why are they saying that roads aren't smart? It's not like we can make concrete have a sustainable life to get it an education and to become smarter. However, on how technlogically advanced we are getting we might just have some cars that can drive themselves. That would be pretty awesome in my opinion, but that is also telling us that we need to have fewer brain cells on how to operate a car. "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." his is telling us that at least one human needs to be in the car at all times to insure that the car doesn't do something stupid. When humans don't need to drive I could see a lot more accidents happening than when we were actually driving and had the knowlege on how to drive and be safe on the roads. In conclusion the big car companies are still going to try to be the first ones to make a self driving car. When they do make the first car I want to see the car not get in a wreck within the first month of a teen driving it to change my opinion if they get in more wrecks or not.
As time goes on technology improves day by day, we live in a world where technology plays a big role in our lives. Whoever woud have known that technology would get so advanced that even computers can read our emotions. Yeah that's right, a new software called Facial Action Coding System is able to detect our emotions by creating a 3D model of our face and recording our 44 muscle movements. This type of software should be allowed in schools to help teachers identify students who struggle in their classes. The Facial Action Coding System has promising results and was able to detect Mono Lisa's emotions, "She's 83 perecent happy, 9 perecent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry" (D'Alto 1). This was a test conducted by Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe. These are two professers that develop better ways for human and computers to comminicate. With the help of these professors the software FACS can detect "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness" (D'Alto 3). In other words it can detect emotions and that could be very useful in classrooms. Another point why I believe this software is valuale in a classroom is because in paragraph 6 Dr. Huang said " a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" (D'Alto 6). This is a very helpful tool because students are very shy, scared, and nervous when it comes to speaking up or asking questions, Dr. Haung pointed out that "most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communucation" (D'Alto 6). What is being said is that people do not comminicate verbaly or emotionaly and they want computers to know that. With FACS software's in classrooms it can help identefy and improve students education. Last but not least in paragraph 8 it was said that "faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isn't being truthful" (D'Alto 8). What this is saying is that their facial recognition software never fails to detect when someone is lying and that faces do not lie. This could be used to identify if a student is being honest or is lying about what they have done. In conclusion there are many benifits allowing Facial Action Coding System in classrooms. This software can detect students emotions, when teachers can not. FACS can also notice when someone is not being honest and this could be used to test students to see if they are trustworthy or not. I see nothing but positive outcomes of this software and I look forward to seeing this in future classrooms.
What do you think about driverless cars? I think driverless cars could be very beneficial in the future for many people. I think these cars could fundamentally change the world, they would need smart roads or smart cars, and also most driving laws focus on keeping people safe. What do you think about driverless cars? I think these cars could fundamentally change the world, because it's like a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. The cars that Sergey foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. What do you think about driverless cars? Without the option of smarter roads, manufactures turned to smarter cars. For example, they needed a whole lot of sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the review mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. This input combination is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of human beings at the wheel. What do you think about driverless cars? Most driving laws focus on trying to keep people safe in or out of the car, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. The negative side i am trying to get at is that if these cars are made and the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault: the driver or the manufacturer? What this is trying to prove is that if there is an accident no one would know who to blame because there is a driver, he's just not in control of the car because it is driverless. What do you think about driverless cars? I think they could actually be very beneficial to many people in the world. Mnay car companies plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day. What do you think about driverless cars?
Many years ago there was said to be a face on mars. Research since have proved that the so called face was just a natural landform. There are such landforms like a mesa that the scientists think is what the face really is. People today still do not believe scientists that the so called face is just a landform. I think people should believe that its a natural landform, because scientists have improved their cameras, scientists know more on the topic then civilians do, and people assumed and over exaggerated too quickly. Scientists have improved there pictures since the Viking 1 took the photo. They have better quality and have done some more research. The aricle says that there cameras have improved and been upgraded. The scientists say that there are several options that the mound could be. Two options are a mesa and a butte. The people do not know as much as the scientists do. The scientists have done research and gone to school over this type of thing. They can identify it easily. In the article one said that the landfrom looks common to some in the American West. They compared it to the Snake River Plain of Idaho. This shows that the people have less knowledge in this area then scientists do. People over exaggerated it when they first found out anyway. They weren't positive that it was what they thought it was. The aritcle stated that right away people made movies, stories, and articles about it. The picture shows on the Viking 1 that it was just shadows. The newer pictures were shown to not really show facial features. Yes people could see the figure of a face, but its outrageous to think that an alien formed such thing. These facts show that it is highly unlikely to have an alien form such thing. There is more proof that it is a natural landform. But would you want people getting all excited and happy because they THOUGHT an alien existed. Its also just a way to get children to believe foolish things and maybe even give them nightmares.
The second planet of our solar system is Venus and the reasoning why scientist are studying despite dangers Venus presents. Venus being the sisters with Mercury and Earth it has exceed it's extreme into knowing it's a diffcult site to explore. The study of Venus is worthy becuase it has astronomer's fascinated about it's past life, people striving to meet their challenges,and NASA's studies on simplified electrons. Astronomers are fascinated with Venus over it's "earth-like" features. In paragraph 4 it states, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This explain that Venus was an "earth-like" planet with the same features like Earth. NASA is striving to study Venus as so many people and meet their challenge. In paragraph 8 it states, " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This explains that many people such as NASA are trying to meet their goal into exploring about Venus. NASA is working on approaches of studies that'll get them in depth with Venus and it's natural features. In paragraph 7 it states, "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus’s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This is explaining that NASA is working on big projects so they can get better information about Venus. The study of Venus is worthy becuase it has astronomer are fascinated about it's past, striving to meet the challenges,and studies with simplified electrons. This is explaining why the study of Venus is worthy despite the dangers it provokes.This is and important type information because it's informing us that astronomers like NASA are trying to explore Venus.
Venus is the second planet form our sun, while Venus is simple to see from the distant vantage point we have here at Earth, it has been difficult place to examine closely. Venus is oftern referred as Earths "twin" and is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size this is why we should research Venus as a planet more. Venus is also relatively close to us so we should definetly invest more money researching even though there are some problems. The athor states that Venus has proven many times before that it is not an easy planet to study. Each mission to land on venus was unmanned and for good reason, no aircraft would last more than a few hours. This explains why not a spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades. Many things contribute to Venus's reputaion as a challenging planet for us humans to study. Some of these things are a thick atmosphere of 97 percent of carbon dioxide covers the Venus, even more challenging are the clouds of extremely corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere and on the planets sufare the average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure of the atmosphere is 90 tines greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more intense than anything humans can find on earth. An enviroment like venus's Would crush a submarine accustomed to driving in the deepest parts of the ocean and would liquefy minerals. All these things plus more is why every mission so far has been unmanned, and why there hasnt been a singe spaceship that has landed in Venus in almost 3 decades. Despite all of the potentially dangerous things about Venus there is still alot to benefit. NASA or The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has an compelling idea for sending humans to study the cloudy planet. NASA's possible solution to the hostile condtions on the surface would allow scientists ti float above the fray and study without harm. It's a blimp like vehicle that hovers 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian. Hovering over venus would avoid unfriendly ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. The author says "Maybe we should think of them as challenges." By the end of the article the author says "striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only becasue of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors."
The technological age has advanced to the point of being able to calculate the complex emotions of the Mona Lisa, and there's proposal for moving into classrooms as well. However, this is a sentiment that must be rejected wholeheartedly. Despite possible learning benefits, facial recognition technology in the classroom would be ineffective and would constitute an invasion of privacy. Facial recognition software would be an ineffective addition to the classroom environment. In paragraphs 5 and 6, D'Alto writes of how the computer can sense emotions just like humans can, stating, "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." The human body has a natural ability to sense emotions within others by performing calculations based on the subtle body movements of others. Even if a machine could replicate this, as the article suggests, it doesn't dimish the face that humans already possess this capability. No emotion detecting software currently available provides anything that a human being couldn't detect, therefore adding them to the classroom would only be providing information that the teacher could already know. Teachers can detect boredom, stress, and enjoyment just like the computer would, and, if they so wish, they can change their lesson appropriately. Technology that reads emotions would be innefective and unneeded in the classroom. Software that can read emotions could, in a classroom, invade the personal, privite lives of the students its watching over. Due to the nature of being a computer, the technology could, as stated in paragraph 6, "'...recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.'" The level of understanding stops at simply recognizing the emotion; a computer cannot discern the reason behind each emotion because it only detects that the emotion is there. Now place that into a classroom, where students from all different backgrounds are coming together to learn, and there will be some students that have had a rough day. Something happened outside of school that was out of their control, and they're just trying to make it through the day and avoid conversation about it. Sadly, they walk into class, and a computer, which a teacher is giving a lesson, notices that the student is distracted and continually pesters them to pay attention, even though the student's interest is not on schoolwork at all. Life is not contained to just the classroom, and external factors will effect a student's emotion before, during, and after class. Those factors could be incredibly personal, but the technology, not being able to sense anything other than emotion, analyzes this personal part of someone's life as much as it would do a bored kid in class. This is a blatant invasion of students' privacy and needs to be prevented from doing such. D'Alto argues that the technology could provide substancial benefits to the classroom by creating personalized programs for each student to remain interested, but this process would just prove overall inneffective or exhorbitantly expensive to implement. To provide reason for this technology being implemented in classes, D'alto states in paragraph 6 that "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" This has to be looked at in two different scenarious: a group class and a personalized class. For the group class, modifying the lesson would be overall inneffective because it would cause other students that used to be enjoying class to become bored and lethargic, thus prompting the computer to modify the lesson. The cycle would continue until the end of class, with the technology switching teaching methods so often that calling the class coherent would be blatant lying. This modification method would only work if each student had their own computer modifying the lesson. In that scenario, each student would be personally invested into what they were learning. However, it also means that each student would need their own computer that holds this technology. For technology that currently is too complicated for ordinary computers to comprehend, that would require schools to invest exhorbitant amounts of money purchasing new computers that could hold this software. For every student to have a computer would be way too expensive for any implementation to be cost-effective. Despite possible learning benefits, the technology would either be too expensive to be implemented or too innefective to be used. It's an interesting concept to imagine a world where computers are able to sense emotions and create a personalized program for each person on Earth. However, this imagination is riddled with expenses, invasion of privacy, redundancy, and overall inneffectivity. As the technology age progresses, it's important to remember to leave teaching to the teachers.
The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as compromise between election of President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of a qualified citizens. Each candidate running for President has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party. You help choose your state electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your canidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. I think we should keep Electoral Colleges. It gives people a chance, help with responsibility, and it is competitive. Thats why i think we should keep Electoral College. Initially, it gives everyone in the political group a chance. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: on for each member in the House of Representitaves plus two for your Senators. The District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Everyone in the political group votes. That means if you already did'nt ruin your reputation you have a chance at becoming the president because, everyone on at one point and time in the political party is equal. It also make sure everyon is heard, it makes everyone useful for something. The Electoral College gives everybody a chance which is probably the best detail about the system. In addition, Electoral College also hekps with responsibility. Laws are vary on how the electors are selected and what thier responsibilities are. It can either take away responsibilities or give more resonsibilities. This can help people out alot, people won't get task that they can't handle and other people won't get task that would bore them or would be to easy from. It also gies people restrictions that had already had problems or that had did something something that was'nt alowd. This is helpful to those who are'nt very skilled at something, those who are probably to skilled at something, and those who are probably just in the middle. This is also another great detail why we should keep Electoral College. Finially, it is competative. Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. This would make would people work harder and strive for higher expectations. The competitiveness level would be even higher becuase everyone is going for the same goal, this would make thing even more exciting to watch and here about. So the Electoral College dose not only just make the system good but it also makes it exciting and competative, which would helpe people want to learn more about the election. Thats another big reason why we should keep Electoral College. In conclusion, Electoral College is very good. It gives people chance to strive for greatness, it helps people with responsibility, and it is very competitave. I think we should keep Electoral College it is a great achievement to our country and is a advantage to our election. It lets everyone be heard, it teaches people how to deal with the roles they have to play the system, and it makes people work harder. I think Electoral College is good for us and we would be dumb not to keep it.          
The author suggests that Venus would be a worth-while investment, thus might bring in interesting facts about our Sister Planet. Hence NASA and our government will make a lot of money for bringing in crucial information about Venus. From here on in there will be many facts on why exploring Venus will be a worth-while investment. Venus, also known as the "Evening Star", since it is so easy to see at night, and our "Sister Planet", is a very difficult place to study. The size of Venus is why it is known as our Sister Planet, it has almost the same density, mass, and size of Earth. But on the contrast, its atmosphere is very different from ours. The atmosphere on the planet has many storms that are highly electrical ,hence, lightning can strike a craft out of the sky. And the atmosphere is made up of 97% carbon dioxide. The blankets of carbon dioxide make it hard to see into the planet. The clouds of carbon dioxide on the planet are highly corrosive because of sulfuric acid. Any craft made of any type of metal will melt in about roughly 2-3 days depending on the size of the craft. The Atmospheric pressure on the planet is about 90 times greater than we experience on Earth. The temperature on the ground averages over 800 degrees Farenheit. But NASA has developed an idea that might truely get humans close to Venus to be able to study it. NASA says that they could send a craft to float or hover about 30 or so miles above the surface to escape the harsh Venusian storms and landscape. At thirty miles above the surface it would be around 170 degrees Farenheit and the pressure that high would be somewhat like sea level here on Earth. Solar power would also be beneficial for power and radiation would not exceed what we experience on Earth. But because of the dense clouds not letting most light forms into the inner atmosphere it would hinder insight of the surface. Thus rendering the photography and videography unavailable. They plan to use mechanical computers that run because of gears and levers and would not require electronics. These forms of computers were used during World War II because they did not require electricity and how they are capable of withstanding much punishment from harsh conditions. This concludes how it would be a worth-while pursuit to study Venus, and how NASA will help with the studying of our Sister Planet.
Venus is part of our solar system and i will tell you what i know about the reading article of exploring Venus. Venus is on of the brightest point of light in the sky when is the night. Is simple to see even for the distant and Nenus is the second planet for our sun. Venus is the closest planet to Earth of size. Venus, Mars and the Earth orbit the sun at different speeds. Some numerous factors contiribute to Venus reputation as a challenge planet to study. The atmosphere of 97% of carbon dioxide blankets on Venus, in the planets temperatures over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest temperature of any planet in the solar system. Also Venus have weather and geology, powerful earthquakes and probes seeking to a land on its srface. Our solar system is so inhospitable because astronomers are impresionated by Venus because it may be well once have been the most Earth planet in our solar system. Venus is probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported varios forms of life. Venus seems indisputable to value the returning. The NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. The solar power must be pletiful and the radation would not be exceed to the Earth leveles. However at Venus from a ship orbiting above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because the light can't penetrate the dense atmosphere. The researches cna't take samples of rock, gas, or anything else.The researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully. However the NASA is working on other approches to study Venus. Another project is looking back to an old technolog called "mechanical computers" During the world war II in the role 1940, were the first envisioned in the 1800s. In conclution this term is so interesting to study becuase you can learn so many tings about our solar system but it s
Dear State Senator I know you have been thinking about if we should still use "Electoral collage" or changing to election by "popular vote for the president of the United States." I am here to inform you that i believe that keeping the Electoral College may still help us. By having Electoral College you can swing states and biggers states. To begin with, keeping the electoral college may be a good idea. When having you could swing states. In the passage "In Defense Of The Electoral College:Five Reasons To Keep Our Despised Method Of Choosing The President" the passage states that "The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates"(paragraph 20) The qoute is explaining that by having candidates from toss up states, the voters would help the elections. The voters would actually be interested in the electon and pay attention to what is happening. Having voters from toss up states may help decide the election. Second, Keeping Electoal College may benefit us in many ways. If we keep Electoral College than we would bring in bigger states. In the passage its states that " The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution." (paragraph 21) The quote is explaing that when there is a bigger state involved then the larger states would get the most attention from any presidential candidates. Being a larger states give people more of a advantage. An example they gave in the paragraph 21 (5. big states) it explains that "the popular vote was very close in florida(in 2012); nevertheless obama, who won that vote,got 29 electoral votes." the example was explaining that since florida was bigger we got more votes so that lead to Obama winning. In conclusion,thats why i believe we should keep Electoral College. Electoral Collage would swing states, and involve big states.
The Electoral collage is a process , not a place. The founding fathers established it in the constitution as comprimise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The thing is the president shouldnt be picked on his personality or his or hers past, they should be judged by the changes they can make and how they can make it better for the people on the out side world. they shouldnt be voted by the fancy no good stuck ups in the office 24/7 bc half the time they dont know good, i mean look at the president we have now. The process consists of the section of the electors, which they vote president or vice president. under the Electoral collage system voters vote not for president but for a state of elections. They shouldnt have to vote like that , why have the office men and women vote president? When u could have the citizens of state do it. The office men and women dont know what the citizens want or need. There just there to get money and sit on there butts 24/7 and do nothing but make poor decisions as a reference to our president. The most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. Then in that case the election would be thrown to The House of Representatives , where state delegations vote on the president. There shouldnt be a tie and having to be thrown in to The House of Represntatives. The president shouldnt be selected by valets and posters. they should be picked based apone what there capable of and how they can change the owrld and make it a better and safer place. The president we have now didnt come with its benifites. At all basic levels the Electoral collage is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-takes-all system in each states, candidates dont spend time in each state they know they have no changes of winning or losing , so they focus only on the tight races.       
Would you participate in the Seagoing Cowboys progam? I would so I can visit many places and take adventures. It seems really fun to go to Europ, China, or anywhere else he goes. It just seems really exciting to go journeys and adventures with friends, and explore the outside world. In the passage it says "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China." To me i don't think i would be able to stay on a boat for two weeks and a month its jsut alot of sitting down, and you dont get any rest. Its alot to do when your travling for two weeks and a month. My argument about Luke's point of view is that it would seem pretty cool to sail and go on journeys with Luke. He seems like a person who would love people to come along with him on his jouneys and help him explore new things, and keep watch for things, animals, and maybe people. Luke just seems like a very active person who loves people to help him explore. I think this because he's very very active and he likes to explore. He enjoys his doing what he does if he can travel for more than two weeks. If he can explore and help out . That really shows that he loves his job.
How do you get to where you need to go? Do you take a bus, drive a vehicle, ride a bicycle or walk? In 2005 in the United States, almost everybody had a personal vehicle for transportation needs. People all around the world are working to break the habbit of using a motorized vehicle to get places. Scientists say that driving the vehicle has a very bad effect on the enviroment. In Vauban, Germany people are suburban pioneers. They have forbidded street parking, driveways and home garages. Their streets are car free, with some few exceptions. They have allowed car ownership, but there are only two places to park. They have large garages at the edge of the development, where the car owner has to buy a space that costs $40,000, along with a home. As a result of these limitations, 70% of people do not own cars, and 57% sold their car to move here. Heidrun Walter, a mother of two says that "When I had a car I was always tense. I`m much happier this way." Vauban is a growing trend in Europe, that was completed in 2006. Experts say that it is a huge effort to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. In Paris, they have enforced a partian driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday`s motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their vehicle at home or suffer a $31 fine. On Tuesdays, the odd numbered license plates would follow the same regulations. Congestion was down 60% in the capital of France, after the intensifying smog. Smog is a big problem in France, and it even rivaled China`s most polluted cities in the world. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. In Bogota, Colombia there was a program that is set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaze says that "It`s a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Authorities from other countries came to witness this event and were enthusiastic and believes they are generating a revolutionairy change and it is crossing borders. Parks and sport centers have bloomed throughout the city. Uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks and the rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. In America, President Obama has ambitious goals to curb the greenhouse gas emissions and has gained a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in American behavior. America had long been one of the world`s prime car cultures, where it was the birthplace of the Model T. It seems that America`s love affair for its vehicles is cooling. The miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and has been on a steady decrease since then. Sociologists believe that if this pattern continues it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the eviroment since transportation is the second largest source of America`s emissions, right behind the power plants. Many people are taking advantage of car pooling apps, the internet is helping keep people connected so that they don`t have to drive somewhere just to talk to someone. There has been a large drop in percentage of 16 years olds to 39 year olds getting a license. A study last year found that driving by young people has decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009. Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company has laid out a business plan for a world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable. He proposed partnering with the telecommunications industy to create cities in which pedestrian, bicylce, private cars, commercial and public transportaion are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve power, lower emissions and improve safety. Do you think you will still take a motorized vehicle to get to wherever you are going after reading this article? If not, you could be one of the many people that would contribute to saving the Earth and it`s precious enviroments. We are going through a revolution of enviromental friendly transportation, are you going to be apart of this?                                          
Dear Florida State Senator, Every 4 years, many people vote for a president they think will lead the United States to greatness; some, however, don't know that they are voting for the Electoral College to vote on their choise. This act of using the Electoral College is, by definition, not democratic. Didn't our founding fathers create this country promising democracy and people representation? They did, and that is why the Electoral College must crumble. Florida State Senator, we need to change how our country votes on its leader; we need to use popular vote for the president of the United States because this method is more democratic, the people representing the  Electoral College are flawed humans, and the nature of this type of election forces some states to be ignored. Florida State Senator, you must take action against the flawed Electoral College! Because of the function of the Electoral College, the people aren't truly represented for. According to Source 2, the voters--the ones supposedly voting for our new president--vote for a group of electors instead. Due to the power of the Electoral Colleg, electors can vote for any candidate. This process we have every 4 years is truly un-democratic. For example, during the 2000 election, Al Gore was the candidate with the most popular votes--this meant that the majority of the citizens of the U.S. wants him to be president. However, Al Gore lost since the majority of electors from the Electoral College voted him. Lastly, in the case of a time, the lection will truly be un-democratic; the House of Representatives will have to choose the new president. The people may allow continued usage of the imperfect Electoral College, but there is still one major problem: the Electoral College is made up of flawed, easily manipulated humans. According to Source 1, the electors are made up of people chosen by the candidate's political party. Immediately, these electors can easily decide on the candidate to vote on; it's just the matter of the amount of electors each candidate has. Also, the electors are human beings, and everyone knows that humans are flawed creatures. According to Source 2, electors have been replaced to be against the opposing candidate or wait until the last minute to vote. Although, according to Source 3, the electors are chosen and are given trust, others can still influence them. Candidates or even political parties can influence the electors to vote for their chosen person. Lastly, Florida State Senator, the nature of the Electoral College forces some states to be ignored. Florida State Senator, as you may know, the candidate for presidency usually go to the "swing" states to win "the people's" vote. People, however, from the non-swing states are generally ignored. During the 2000 election, 17 states weren't even able to see a candidate they are voting for the title of president. Although it is understandable that candidates go to the "swing" and populous states, there is no excuse for ignoring thousands of people from the small states. The president of the United States is the president for an entire country, not just a region of it. Voters from the non-swing states will still want to see the candidate to decide on who to vote for, even though they aren't voting for the actual candidate. The Electoral College is imperfect and un-democratic! In conclusion, the Electoral College and its electors must be disbanded so that popular vote will be used in determining the new president of the United States. According to both Source 2 and 3, the process of voting a group of people to vote for you is un-democratic. Electors, the people making up th Electoral College, can be manipulated and coerced into voting a specific candidate. Lastly, non-swing states will be ignored; this will anger and frustrate them since not one candidate tried to persuade them. Florida State Senator, you must, in the best of your ability and then some, try to topple down the un-democratic roots of the Electoral College. The people, the ones who must truly decide on the president, will be immensely greatful towards you; in a 2000 poll, 60% of the voters even stated that they want a popular-vote type of election. Florida State Senator, I implore to you, abolish the Electoral College in the same manner as with slavery. Many people will thank you!
How would you feel if we had a technlology to read students? face I feel like that technology can't tell if you happy, sad, anger, or disgusted by anything because you can just make any face in it can just say what it is i mean i'm not saying that technology not smart now days, i know that technology can do all type of things i feel like we don't need them type of thing in the classroom. I feel like people don't want to show they feelings a lot of people want keep things to they self. We all want keep a lot of thing to are self the face scan reading people emotional not right but if people something deep i feel like you should share because you can't hide a lot in things in life i feel like it the sametime we should and shouldn't have this face scaning emotional. I feel like people think it good to have for them self i feel like we should get it because a lot of human perform this impressive "calclulation" everyday because you can probably tell how friend is feeling simply by look on her face. But to be on the safe side we can tell how people are doing because some people be lying about how they feel. Would you every use technology to read students emotional? Yes so i can tell how they are doing and if the feeling well or bad today i feel like students should show they feeling because we would know how i person feel intel they tell us.
I do not agree with driverless cars. I think robots are too dangerous and could kill us if they become intelligent enough. Cars cant be replaced. not within the next hundred years or anytime soon. The roads are better controlled by humans, and it would cost us a ton of money to make and use all the proper equipment. One of the major reasons I don't agree with driverless cars is the cost of it all. I will quote the article, "These smart-roas systems works surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical. This would put us in debt even more and will ultimately be too risky to even do. This should remain what it is on television, a sci/fi mystery. Another reason I disagree with driverless cars is its good for us to drive. It's stimulating for your brain as you develop more skill in driving. It would be one more thing we didn't have to worry about. It would make us lazy. Thirdly, it's simply too dangerous. What if the human fell asleep in places where the car couldn't drive itself? If the technology fails and the human is injured, who could take the fault? The driver, or the manufacturer? In most states it is illegal to even test this sort of technology for a reason. In conclusion, driverless cars are unsafe, too dangerous, and could lead to the dumbnation of humankind. I do not agree with driverless cars and I think they should leave the roads for the humans to secure. Robots are unpredictable.
"All of our development since World War II has been centered on a car, and that will have to change," said David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America. To some or most a stament like this may seem outlandish or absurd. We use cars for daily life, to make it through this world, whether its to work, school, the store, it seems almost impossible to live without one. Vauban, Germany is an upscale community of suburban pioneers who have simply given up their vehicles. As many as 70 percent of Vauban's famalies do not own cars. Heidrun Walter, a resident and mother of two, says she is "much happier this way". So what it is that has caused many communites like Vauban to take the advantage of living without a car? Green House gases better known as smog, that is polluting our air that we breathe. In some places like the beloved Paris, home of the Eiffel Tower, smog has gotten out of hand. Paris has even enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. After 4,000 drivers were fined and twenty seven had their cars impounded for their claimed reaction to the fine, the congestion was finally down 60 percent. Beijing, China, known for being the most polluted cities in the world the smog rivals. You might even see people wearing masks in Beijing for their own health and safety. Bogota, Colombia has caught on and spread this idea to other countries as well. For the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis allowed for a Day Without Cars. Not even rain or shine stopped Colombians from traveling accordingly. Instead of being pessimistic about traveling alternatively most Colombian see it as a good opprutunity to take away stress and lower smog. So, imagine a day without cars in the bustling city of our own, maybe like Detroit. Well it seems that President Obama is catching on. Recent studies suggest a drop in Americans getting licenses', buying cars, and driving all together as years pass. The number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and is dropping from there steadily. Could it be that Americans love for cars is simply not what it used to be? Or is it that more alternate and practical ways of travel are now being provided and accepted widely? Either way if our country keeps up the good work sociologist believe it will have "beneficical implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment". Meaning we are one step closer to riding our home planet of dirty air.        
Venus was once a planet that forms of life could live on. Venus had bodies of water, mountains, and craters. 97 percent of Venus has carbon dioxide blankets. Venus also has clouds that are highly corrosive sulfuric acid that are in the atmosphere. The temperature on the surface averages over 800 degrees fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure of Venus is 90 times greater than Earth's. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature in the solar system. Venus is called Earth's twin because it has the closest density, and size of Earth. Often times Venus is the closest planet to Earth in distance. Spaceships have not been on Venus in more than three decdes since it is 97 percent carbon dioxide, has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, and has the hottest surface in the solar system. NASA wants to go back to Venus, but do not know if it will be safe or scientifically productive. NASA's possible solution to the conditions of the surface would allow scientists to float above the fray. NASA wants to get the best insight on Venus, but are having a hard time trying to figure out how they can safely get insight on Venus without hurting scientists. NASA is striving to meet the challenge that is presented by Venus, because humans are curious about the intimidating endeavors. Venus is called the "Evening Star", becase it is one of the brightest points of light in the sky. Venus is the second planet from the sun, and is easy to see from Earth. Scientists say that Venus is a challenging planet to study because of its harsh conditions. Th esurface of Venus is so hat that it can melt metals. Sometimes Venus can be our nearest option for a planetary visit. Researchers are working on innovations that would allow machines to last long so they can contribute to our meaningful knowlege of Venus.
To the senator of the state of Florida you have asked us to write a letter explaining why we believe in keeping the Electoral College and the answer to that is no we should not how many votes have gone to waste because of this unfair system? and wasn't the United States a democratic country? we as citizens deserve to atleast pick who runs our country, By having this system you are not giving us the right to vote if you think about it, like Bob Dole once said "Abolish the Electoral College!". I believe, that this way of running presidential elections should be thought about more. You do realize people stand HOURS not a couple minutes or 20 minutes hours waiting and thinking that they are going to actually pick the president they believe this country needs when in reality you are actually picking electors that may or may not help you elect the president that you picked. "What is the Electoral College" By the Office of the Federal Register explains in detail much more about the electoral college and like he said "You help choose your state's electors when you vote for president because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors." We as citizen should have the right to pick our leader the one that will help us overcome our problems not some candidates. For instance, Let's take the 2000 Gallup poll also called the "Biggest election crisis in a century" by  Bradford Plumer in his story "The indenfensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defense of the system are wrong" Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency all together and we found that out thanks to the quirks of the electoral college. Do you imagine how many presidents that must have happened to? it is like when you are first place in a race your close to the finish line, you can feel your legs givng up on you but you don't stop you keep going because you know your gonna win after all you are the first one, you're so close your about to step on the line when boom! the person that was behind you caught up and well.. you lost. Can you imagine how many votes have just gone to waste and how many hours in peoples days. However, Some of our best presidents have gotten picked by the Electoral College there is no doubt in that. But it still does not change the fact that its an unfair system, the story by Richard A. Posner "In defense of the electoral college:Five reasons to keep our despised the method of choosing the President" explains that "As we saw in 2012 elections.. Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-- to really listen to the competing candidates--knowing that they are going to decide the election." What he is saying is thta basically some states do not even have billboards! how are we suppose to feel like citizens when you don't give us atleast a poster to know who is running for president? The big states get the most candidates ofcourse so basically, one states could decide who wins. The system has UNFAIR written all over it and we are all just waiting for you to see it. In the end, It is the congress decision, But we do hope you look at these letters and realize how this is taking our rights away, how many votes have not even counted, and how selfish the whole system is. I do hope you take in my letter into consideration and decide the best decision for us. But please do remember that Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, The U.S Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO said " Abolish the Electoral College!".  
In "The Challeneges of Exploring Venus", the author claims that the obstacles that stand on the way of studying Venus should not be the reason why scientists don't explore it. The author is not consistent throughout the article and does not present solid information or evidence that convinces the reader that exploring Venus is worth risking lives. The author begins the article by comparing Venus to Earth and says that both of them are similar both in density and in size, but then moves on to stating that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decadaes" (paragraph 2). After that statement the author lists all of the dangers that would come with exploring Venus: "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere. On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet" (paragraph 3). By that point the author has made clear that Venus is incredibly dangerous and that studying it means sending researchers to an highly risky zone, and may result in devastating failure. The contraditiction begins as soon as the author begins to explain the reasoning behind even considering visits to the planet's surface. By that point, the author was using real data and solid information to explain the dangers of the planet's surface, however, as soon as the author started reasoning on why the expedition should happen, his arguments were not as solid and were based on assumptions: "It may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth"(paragraph 4). The use of terms such as "it may well once have been" or "was probably" do not give the reader the confidence that they need to believe in the author's claims, that is based on "probably" and "most likely" expressions. By the end of paragraph 6 the author even writes about his own contradiction: "Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges." Such passage shows the reader that even the writer doesn't seem to believe in this mission and that the author needs to keep telling himself that the risks of sending someone to Venus are, in reality, simply "challenges" that need to be overcome. After explaining NASA's work on other approaches to studying Venus, the author actually refers to Venus's surface as chaos, and then concludes the article by claiming that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" (paragraph 8), a claim that contradicts previous statements made by the author himself. In conclusion, the author contradicts himself a series of times and does not present nearly enough evidence to support his main claim. By using expression such as "was probably" to explain the history of Venus and why NASA should explore it, the author creates a statement based on assumptions and not based on real data. Claims that Venus is a very challenging place to examine closely are consistent throughout the article and the author never discredits them, on the contrary, he reinforces them. With that being said, the author is not consistent and does not make valid claims or statements that make the reader feel the need to support explorations and studies on Venus.
Venus is a difficult planet only able to be seen from great distances, since Venus is a very dangerous planet. The urge to explore Venus and study is what brings innovation and the creation of better technology that can hopefully achieve the goal of learning about the strange and dangerous planet. The article begins with a reason why scientisists are fascinated by Venus even though of its many dangers, and the reason why is because it may have been the most Eath-like planet in our solar system, though this may be true it can also be false and Venus was always the way that it is. The article goes on to say that it has Earth-like features which can further prove this but if Scientists further study Venus we may find about what happened to it or what is causing all the mayhem in the plant. In the article it says the pursuiting Venus has value and goes on to say "not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equal endeavors." This is a good reason because the more we learn about things better the knowledge we have and the more strides our species can take in future, studying venus may be able to bring better technology or prepare us for any possible threats in the future, using the knowledge we have have gain from studying it. The author also says that the pursuit of Venus and beyond is a good thing saying " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This shows that even if we don't ever achieve our goal of exploring Venus we may still be able to have better technology as a product of that goal. Exploring different planers is tricky and dangerous but as long as we try to achieve that goal our society can benifit either way, that being with better technology or vast knowledge about a planet.
Hi I am a scientist at NASA discussing the face on Mars with Jacob that thinks that the face was created by ailens. I will explain to Jacob that the face was not created by aliens beacuse us sientist figured that it was just another Martian mesa wich is commen around Cydonia but only this one had unusal shadows that made it look like it had a face. Our caption noted a huge rock formation wich made it look like a human face. Some authors reasoned that it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars by saying that aliens had created that human face on Mars. We sent out a Global Surveyor to see and take a picture of the ''face". It arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997 18 years after the Viking mission ended. It would get a photo as soon as It can get it. When Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Mihael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. When they took the photo thousands of web surfers were waiting to see the image. When they saw the image they saw that it was only a land form. There was no alien monument after all. As you can see if there where objacts in this picture like a house or something else you would be able to see it on this picture. What the picture actually shows is a Martian butte or mesa that are landforms commen around the American west. It remids me of the Middel butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho.
Is the Face on Mars created by an alien? No, the Face on Mars was not created by aliens. The Face on Mars is a natural landform. The Face on Mars was not created by aliens because mission controllers checked twice, Scientist figure it's a Martian mesa, and NASA was looking for Viking 2. Mission controllers checked twice to make sure it wasn't created by aliens. In the article the author states, the first time we took pictures of the Face we had to go through clouds, skeptics thought that alien markings were hidden by haze. The author also states, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, so, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" These two details prove that mission controllers checked twice to make sure that the Face on Mars was not created by aliens. Scientist figured it's a martian mesa. In the text the author claims, "Scientists figured it was just another martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egytpioan Pharaoh." The author also says, "A lava dome takes the fror of an isolated mesa about the same hieght as the Face on Mars." These two details prove that the scientist figured it was a martian mesa. NASA was looking for Viking 2 so they could find Viking 1's sister. In the passages the author states, 25 years ago NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars snapping pictures looking for Viking 2, when it spotted the human face 2 miles big staring back at the camera. The author also says, "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." These details prove that NASA was looking for Viking 2, so they could find Viking 1's sister. The Face on Mars was not created by aliens, it is a natural landform. The Face on Mars was not created because mission controllers checked twice, Scientist figure it's a Martian mesa, and NASA was looking for Viking 2.
I feel that this system would not be the right way to tell about someones emotions,jsut becuse you have a system that tells you this person is feeling his way doesnt mean they are actually feeling that way. Everyone has their own way of expressing either they way they feel or they way thefeel about something or someone. In the passage of paragraph 4 it says "his new computor software stories similar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huangs emotion algorithms are a different sort of ' Da Vinci code"! how can someone tell you how you actually feel about something jsut because it was made by a doctor that thinks he can make something up and tell you how your feeling. i wouldnt have a computor tell me how im feeling today or the next day. everyone has their own way of express how they feel. you shoudnt have someone telling you that oh your feeling this way today or your gonna feel this way the next day because everyone can feel different everyday. i woudnt use this system is it was me so i think this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. i wouldnt recommend anyone to use this system
Its valuable to use a technolgy that can read the emotional expressions of a student. I find it important to know how someone really feels and what they may be going through. For an example, many people hide what they truly feel, because of what others think. I have a great friend that really does not express themselves when we go out and hang, she always seems to be bored. The reality is that she has fun and likes the things I like, She may seem like she is bored, but you can tell when she is enjoying herself, she makes a small smile and looks over to the other side when she does not want me to see that she is having fun. Having Leonardo da Vinci's painting of Mona Lisa is a great way to tell others an expression of all six basic emotions. The way Leonardo used his painting to get every single muscle to go with its roll in each six basic emotional expression of Mona Lisa. We all have six basic emotions, which are: happiness, surprise, anger, digust, fear, and saddness. It is a surprise knowing when we humans are surprised an expression is shown in our faces, in the third paragraph the author says " your frontails pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrow" when you're surprise. The most common facial expression is happy. In paragraph 7 it talks about how the instructions above were a happy face instuction, it also includes how their is a difference between a real and a false smile. Us humans have real emotional expressions. Our true expression never lie how we truly feel, as said in paragraph 8 " faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politican or celebrity isn't being truthful." In todays world many people express themselves and many people don't. In the reality many people hide what feel and make a lying expression, with noticeable information on the lying expression. In instance in paragraph 7, with the instuctions of making a smile, Having a false smile is different than a real smile. For example, in paragraph 8 the author talks about the muscle in the smile, " muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make a crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." This tells how a false expression can be noticable and yet use to make a lie. A technology that can read an expression of a student would be great, so that a teacher may know how a student is feeling and can help or observe. As known many famous people lie about how they feel and we as humans are no different than a celebrity. We all have emotion expressions that we express and falsely express to fool someone. Helping the ones who are sad and angry, fear and disgusted to succed and the ones who feel happy to succed as well. Having the technology that can read emotion expressions in a classroom of student is valuable. Since most students don't want to express their feeling phiscally. These are my reasons why having a technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable.
Knowing It All -and Changing the World Although humans often think of themselves as ominiscent, it is sadly not the case when it comes to reading emotions on human expressions. In this article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, the author describes the abilty to detect humans' emotions through a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). By the use of this system, educational expreriences can be enhanced globaly; therefore the use of FACS to read emotional expressions of students in a classfroom is vaulable. FACS is a reliable system that can scientificly read human emotions accurately. The software is developed by credible professors, "Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Insitute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois" and "Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam". A system created by two college professors promises the credibility of the software, for professors often are valued as a unbiased, credible source who dedicate themselves into new innovations and such. Also, the complex programming of FACS adds another layer to the reliability. For example, the software "constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles" which must behave and "move like human muscles". This anatomical system suggests the high accuracy of this system, for humans tend to read emotions soley based on the basic features of the human face such as lips and eyes while on the other hand, FACS is able to analyse the all the muscles in human face and draw a conclusion based on its calculations. Therefore, this well-developed system must be valued to read students' expressions in a classroom for its accuracy and reliability. FACS is not only able to classify the six basic emotions but also identify mixed emotions of an individual. FACS relies on "characteristic movements of the facial muscles" to identify "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness". This suggests the software's advanced ability to read human emotions soley based on facial expressions but also the practicality of FACS. The accuracy of this software will allow teachers to know, change, and enhance the educational system based on how the students react to certain methods of teaching. Often, teachers are not able to read students' emotions because they are focused on teaching the material. However, through the use of FACS, this software can distinguish how the students feel without disrupting the class while the teacher can focus on teaching the material. Furthermore, FACS can identify mixed emotions as well. For example, using this system, Mona Lisa by Da Vinci was found to be "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". This perplex programming suggest its ability to recognize human emotions in details, which can be used to allow a detailed analysis of the educational system and transform it in order to make the eudcational system more practical and enjoyable at the same time. Although the evidences are evident and clear, some might bring up the concerns regarding a 'fake emotion'. However, FACS is abilty to detect fake emotions as well. For example, it can detect when "zygomaic major or risorius" is moving, and depending on the muscle, it can identify the falselyness of the human emotions. This system can spot a truthful or not untruthful faces, and base on such emotions, it can be used to alter the educational system into a better one, therefore the system must be valued. Many doubt about the capability of the modern educational system. However, by the use of the latest technology called Facial Action Coding System, the educational system could be altered into something at a different level in terms of practicality and helpfulness all around the world. This system must be valued to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom for such reasons, and the world might be changed by this.
The electoral college must be replaced with popular vote because it's unfair to the people. The leaders are meant to be elected by the people and the electoral college elects electors to vote for you and they don't always vote for who you want. Most states have a "winner takes all system" in which the presidential candidate who recevies the most votes gets all the electoral votes from that state and even that isn't guranteed. Some presidents have won popular vote but haven't won the election because of the electoral college. Some electors have even refused to vote for the candidate that they were elected to vote for. The worst case senario is that the election will be thrown to the House of Represntatives where the vote of millons of people now rests with less than a hundred. The electoral college is unfair to voters because of the "winner takes all" system. Candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't  get to see a single campaign add. In source three it states that "The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern is the electors who elect the president, not the people." There is no certainty that if enough votes go to a certain presidential candidate that he/she will be elected. Presidents Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in ther time, agreed on abolishing the electoral college. When it comes down to it, the founding fathers had good intentions in trying to make it so that the people elected a president but, instead electors elected by the people get to vote for the president. It is unfair to the popular vote when more people vote for a certain presidential candidate but, they don't get elected. The electoral college is unfair and should be replaced by the popular vote.
In 1945 world war 2 just ended and a kid named Luke Boberger is about to have a once in a life time opportunity. Its 1945 at a high school graduation Luke is talking to his friend Don Reist until suddenly Don asked Luke if he wanted to go to Europe on a cattle boat with him but Luke couldn`t say no to Don but world war 2 had ended and there is a lot of homes ,facrories,grocery stores,and malls destroyed and in ruins and need to recover there food and animals and so 44 nations had came together to form the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation. So the UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys to go to Europe and take care of the horses,young cows,and even mules that were coming from overseas so Luke and Don sighned up to help with the animals and Europe. So in August of 1945 Luke and Don got their orders to go to New Orleans. So on August 14 Luke and Don arrived in New Orleans the day the Pacific war was over both Luke and Don got their seaman`s papers and boarded in a ship called the SS Charles W. Wooster and was heading to Greece with a cargo filled with 335 horses plus a lot of hay and oats to feed the horses. So before Luke got to Greece he turned 18 which means that means that Luke can be drafted into the military service. So after Luke and Don did there seagoing cowboys they both had some fun on the ship like where they housed the animals they played in there table-tennis, tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading. whittling,and games that also helped pass the time.
Venus is worth pursuiting. It is Earth's "twin", its the closest planet to Earth. It can be a big benafit to know about Venus and its past. Its easier to get to Venus than to Mars. Venus has familiar features like Earth with in the sediment of Venus. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. We have sent numerous spacecraft to land on Venus, no spacecraft have survived the landing for more then a few hours. NASA has been working on studying Venus to make chambers to simulat the chaos of Venus surface. NASA making electronics to last for three weeks in such conditions. Venus has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than in our own planet. Venus has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting. The temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit in Venus. Venus has looked like it had been support for life long ago. NASA has a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the Venusian landscape to see more what the ground looks like. Venus is a challenge to be able to land and exploer and it might be the next plant humans will land on.
Is using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom the right thing to do? What does this type of technology help other students on? Can it help people comunicate with others in the world? Is forcing a fake smile a good thing or bad. First, using the "Facial Action Coding System" to read students emotions during class is good because it can let the teacher know how they feel. For an example, if a student was taking a test or a quiz online and was slacking off or getting tired, the computer would switch the questions up until they find the right questions to ask when the student face expression chamges. While doing that, it helps them stay on track and not get bored that easily. The system recognize emotion by the every muscles on your face. This new envention even figured out how Mona Liza was feeling by just technology. Next, can it help comunicate better in the real life world? By using this new Facial Action Coding System, Students can now study what kind of emotions are shown when talking to other people. What I trying to say is that, they can find out when they are fake smiling,laughing, or even interested in the conversation. One example on fake smiling is that is you can see the bottom and upper teeth at the same time, they are really not smiling but just smiling to not make anything wierd. If someone that you are taking with is not interested on the topic guys are talking about, you can notice by simpily looking into their eyes and if they are just looking anywhere besides making eye contact, they are not even paying attention to you. Finally, making a fake smile, is that a good thing? According to the Facial Feedback, moving your face muscles to smiling not only expresses emotions, but they also helps your facial muscles produce them. By even smiling actually makes you happy. To me, being happy is the best, why not to other people. A drama coach by the name of Constantin Stanislavsky, made mostly all his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning to create their emotions on stage. Feeling someone else's emotion stage may happen because we are not used to seeing that. By using technology to see how stuents are, is that the good thing to do or bad? Does this type of technology help students. Can the Facial Action Coding System help people comunicate with others in the world? Can fake smiling help people around the world?
Dear Senator, The Electoral vote should be not used in the office anymore. It is casting the popular vote aside,its also basically saying that we the people don't know how to vote for the president ourselfs, and it brings too much confusion. It might have been used in the past when it was needed, but this it the 20's century and there is no need for them any longer. Somethings just have to change and try new things. Popular vote is the vote the people cast on who the new presidnet should be,the one representing our contry. The motto of this contry since the consitioution was signed was "We the people" as in we the people have a say in what we belive is right and justice. The Elector vote although gives someone else power to vote for us, like as in a state has more people lets try to win this state over. The amount of electors given to the state is based on the amount of people in the state and in the house of representives. For example the state of California has 55 electors becuase it is one of the larger states in the United States. In the passage "In defense of the elecortal College" by Richard A. Posner, he states it himself " The advocates of this position are correct in agurging that the Electoral College method is not democratic...when it is the Elecorts who elect the president, not the people.". That right there states that our votes are no longer taken into consideration, but now it is only the Electors voting for us, and not "We the people". The method of using the elelctors is saying that someone is needed to represtent the ideas of the people, as if one doesn't know how to express them alone. The liberty of freedom of speech was granted as one of our very first amendment, as one is able top express their. One might be able to vote for whoever we want but in the end the vote may not matter in office. The vote of the people does not go towars the presdient it goes to the electors of the state, it takes a lot of time out of osmeones day to vote, the least that should be is that we can at least vote for the presdient himslef and not someone to elect for us. The electoral vote is was used before and it seemed to have been sucessful because its is still used in todays society; but that was back then when the people weren't informaed as much as we are now about the things that are around us. the Electopral voted severed its perposed but now it is time to let it go and be able to give the power to " We the people" and to do it ourselfs. Thank you for your time Mr. Senator and please take this under consideration. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME.
You may be thinking that the face NASA discovered was created by aliens. However , it wasnt here's why... "On a cloudless summer in Cyondia -- Mars Gobal Surveyor drew a close enough for a second look." Malin's team captured a extraordinary photo of the face on Mars by using a great camera with a maxium resolution. In fact, a camera that has a extraoridnary resolution you can distern in a digital image 3 times bugger than a pixel size. Using these kinds of cameras you can see what the object is right away. NASA includes in the passage that the face on mars actually shows a "Maritan equivalent of a butte or mesa". They state that the face on Mars looks like American West landforms. When NASA unvelied the photo on thier websites they said thast is was resemble a human head that was formed by shadows giving the illusions of eyes, nose, and mouth. Aliens never created that face on Mars it was just a natural landform like on earth. People shouldn't believe in people who are not professionals in science, however NASA has experience and the brains to figure out scientific problems and figures.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The following topics the author used helped support this idea: the challenges, dangers, and the fasinations with Venus needs to be explored. Our neighboring "twin," that we can only observe by hovering far above it hopping to get as much detail as possible, creats a challenge due to how unsafe it is. Our scientists have "sent numerous spacecrafts" to Venus. But, each previous mission was unmanned because, no spacecraft survived the landing for mpore than a few hours. Also, due to the high pressures and heat on this planet there is "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on the surface." Due to the challenges, it makes it so much more dangerous. Since, Venus is second to our sun and has an "atmosphere of 97 precent carbon dioxide blanket" and a tempeture average over 800 degrees Fahrinheit." It makes it really hard for NASA to get a close look do to Venus's unsafe tempertures. Also, Venus has an "atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than what us humans experiance on our own plant." Which is way "more extreme than anything we have had to encounter." Plus, if NASA were able to find away to float thirty-plus miles above the suface it "would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit." But, on the bright side "it would have the air pressure close to at sea level on earth." But, despite these challenges and dangers there is plenty of fasinations with this planet. "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Also, Venus still has some features similar to earth such as: valleys, mountains, and craters. Making more scientist to want to explore it to see if it was once habital by other creatures. Further more, making then to suspect that "Venus was probably once covered largely with oceans." Based on the author hitting the points that exploring Venus can be challenging, dangerous, but yet fasinating helps get across the fact the he feels like despite the dangers Venus presents it is still a worthy prusuit to study.
Lets begin with so far there is no such thing as aliens or any extra terestrial life for that matter. Also "The Face on Mars" is just a natural land form. As stated in the article " The Face on mars " was first discovered in 1976 in thr Cydonia region of the planet. It was discovered while the Viking 1 spacecraft was going around the planet taking pictures. Trying to find a landing space for it's sister ship Viking 2. Although releasing the photo to the public brought attetion to mars it also lead people to belive that there could be life or was life on mars. Although few scientist believed that " The Face on Mars" could be a alien artifact 18 years later they returned to the red planet because " Jim garvin explaind that thwy felt it was important to taxpayers." Finally on April 5, 1998 The "MGS" flew over Cydonia for the firt time. Michael Manlin and his camera crue took a picture "ten times better" than the photo that was taken by the Viking. A lot of people were curious and nervous waiting on the release of the photo. Some were disappointed when it was released because "it revealed a natural landform." They were disappointed because "The Face on mars is located at " 41 degrees north martian latitude." They werent satisfied with thiss because at this latitude it was winter in april of 1998. Which is a cloudy time of year for mars. People were claimimg that perhaps because the camera had to oeer through thr clouds the alien markings were hidden by the haze. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program said that "its not easy to target Cydonia infact its hard work." Then on April 8, 2001. The "MGS" was passing over Cydonia and drew close enogh for a picture and they took the picture from the direct center of the face. Also the picture that was taken was better quality than the two before it and was taken on a "cloudless summer day." In conclusion if "The Face on Mars" would have been an acient alien arifact you would have been able to tell. So it is just a natural land form. Although it is similar to the lava dome is in the snake river plain of Idaho.
Driveless cars are basically rusty cars. The reason is because, of all the things that can hit the car and damage it. Sometimes it depends on the car if it will get really rusty or not. Box Chevy, for example, those things will rust up so quick if you don't drive them. That's why I think cars should be driven. Cars originally, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads. For example, in the late 1950s, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. Those track would give a positive or negative messages in a binary code. The reason for that is so they know that the car is good for the roadmor not. Let's not make driveless cars rusty ones, because you are just wasting money, but I have a feeling that we will do something big in these next couple of years. Our technology is getting better and better everyday, if we just keep improving on it, we will have some of the best cars to be ever made on planet earth.
Dear Senator, I feel that we should change using the Electoral college. The popular vote is much more effective. Using the popular vote to decide who becomes president would show who the citizens of the united states want. The popular vote shows what each state has voted for, using the Electoral college takes the right away for the people being able to vote for the president that they favor. Instead of using what the people voted for they come together to chose the candidate they predict would be the best and do the most for the country and that's not fair. If voting is important to this country then congress should understand that when the poeple vote for something everyone wants it to be their decisions that makes one of the two canidates become president not who the Electoral college believes would be best. If we could overcome the debate between what process works better more people might vote. Although some citizens believe that the Electoral college is a good idea. I feel that if they compared not having the electoral college and only using the popular vote durning voting periods they would feel they system is more effisent. One example is big states could make a tremdous impact on which canidate wins the electon. These states have more people with more opinions that should be used durning the time of the electon for the president. Some of the problems with the Electoral college is not only do voters not vote for their president, Back in 1960 " The Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Deomcratic electors with new electors who opposed John F. Kennedy ( So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy)". "In that same vein, faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please" That is not what we are promised as a country. It states that the electoral college is suppose to cast a vote on what their state wants and what their state has chosen. That year the right to do so was taken away. Voting is a serious matter. Popular vote would clearifiy what each states popular favor is, who they want, and which candidate their vote was to be casted for. I hope with all the information that I have just provided you with above will help to show you that the popular vote isn't only what most people want it's also the better choice.  
Driverless cars are the next up and comming thing. with everyone jumping on the ne tech as soon as they can get there hands on it, it is sure to take off. people have places to gor and things to do briveing can be very taxing on the the driverless cars would take a load off and same with stress while keeping you alert. i do belive driverless cars are the next great thing next to sliced bread. '' tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car that drives its self %90 of the time.'' as you can see driverless cars are already here. there are more then just one compony makeing these cars for exmapel audi and nisan aloso are makeing these cars. google has made self piloting cars already and has had no crashes ever. even though they are called ''driverless cars'' they are not complitely divrless. the car alearts the driver at anytime for complex road condithions like road construction. there are dangers though for example the driver is on the phone and ignores the cars warning to take over. but this ''driverless car idea is not new by anymeans the first time it was thought of was in the 1950s where General moters made a track to test their idea but the track had eletric cabels to guide the cars so it made into more of a smarter road. so in the end smart cars can eleminate some or most driveing dangers. it will better our lives as a whole. this is the here and now and this could end up better for the enviorment to with most of the ''driverless cars'' being eletric.
Have you ever wondered exactly what other people were thinking or feeling? Do you know students who are often confused when they learn? Have you ever considered what it would be like if you could tell what other people were feeling exactly? A new technology called Facial Action Coding System has been tested to find the exact emotions of other people. For example, in the first sentence of the first paragraph it describes Mona Lisa's exact emotions in percentages. Many people wonder if this new technology could be useful in a classroom to detect whether children reallly understand a concept or if they just say they understand. Children in school are often confused with a certain subject and are too embarrassed to speak up. Some people sugjest that the new technology Facial Action Coding can change that. In paragraph 6 of " Making Mona Lisa Smile" it states " ' A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. ' Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor'"(Nick D'Alto, Mona Lisa Smile). Dr. Huang suggests that if we brought this technology into the schools then some children may be able to succeed. Teachers with this technology could use it to improve their lesson to captivate the students or help them individually. The children could benefit from the teachers improved lesson by getting more involed in the classroom. Overall if children were introduced to this technology, They would succeed not only in shcool, but in life too. The author of this passage has pointed out some very interesting facts. The author has pointed out the fact that children may not have the best attention span and may not understand what is going on. The author suggests that people should bring technology into schools to improve the likelyhood of the child succeeding. many studies have shown that this technology works, so the author wants the children to have a shot at becoming the best they can be. Technology used in schools like this can benefit the next generation of doctors, educators, and politions. Facial Action Coding can bring fun back into a classroom and help students in the long run.
With the rise of technology and accesability, students in schools are bound to wonder away from the current lession and tred towards their phones in the face of bordom or general stress. How can we fix this you may ask, with emotion detecting technology. This technology can help schools in that it focuses on specific muscle groups, can detect false emotions, and can help students get beck to the task at hand, school. First off, how does this technology even recognise emotion? Emotions are always displayed by body poster, facail exspressions, and speech. This technology primarilly focuses on facil exspressions. By focusing on 44 major muscles and a 3D model created within the software through a camera, can effectively distinguish 6 basic emotions. These emotions are happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the must move like human muscles....six basic human emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness." This technology works so well in fact that it was able to calculate the emotions on a painting. The one and only, Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this instance of the painting, the software concluded that she is "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This being said, you can see all of these features in the painting with her smile; however, her smile is also seems to be hiding other small emotions that can be portraied as insecure but wholesome. If this technology can effectivly 'see' the portrable emotions off a painting, then it can most definatly can be used within the school systems. What about the common conseption that students go to school with a smile but arn't really happy? It can do this too. It comes to that facail movements can be seen as true or false by the muscles that are being used in that moment in time. Such as the muscle group, zygomatic major, used in a genuine smile; however, in a false smile you also use the risorius. "But in false smiles...using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." The usefulness of this technology doesn't stop at just being able to identify false smiles but teachers can use this information to more effectively connect with the students. When a student is a distracted by stressers, they can't focus, and when they can't focus, it makes the teachers look like they arn't doing their jobs properly by the test score of the students because of it. This stratigy however, is nothing new. In the eyes of an exspert, facail exspression tell your true intentions. "To an experts, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politician or celbrity isn't being truthful." Thus, this late technology doesn't seem to far fetched to use in our schools. As I breafly mentioned in the last pharagragh, students need to be able to focus in order to be seccesesful in school. With modern stressers that teachers sometimes don't see as big deal, students on the other hand may lead to distraction. With these stressers far and wide, how do we identify them? By using the facail recognition software. Say for instance a student as his or her mind elsewhere besides the classroom and is missing out on a major transition lession that is the key to the next few lession. They won't get it and will further lead into new problems. But say that the software picks up on the student and detects that he or she is feeling angered, depressed, or just has a lack of intrest. This software can then send the data to the teachers computer thus letting them know that they may need a recap or support in general. Thus further action can be taked by the teacher to strengthen the bond of students and teachers. "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. Another way that it can be used in the classroom as if the students is angered and frustration is building inside because their minds are in two places at once to only confuse them even more. The software can be designed to shut off the computer, alowing the student to take a breath and contemplate on what is wrong themselves before an intructer aid them in the personal mater before continueing on into the lesson as a whole. "For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscles (above yours eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're suprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger." In short, the possibilities are atronomical when thinking of incorperating them into a schools systems. In short, the addition to facail recognitions systems into the schools is a great idea. Thus it can recogize emotions effectively, detect false emotions, and help students regain focus within the classrooms. The entirity of this essay used "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto to form my response.
Dear fellow citizens I think you should join the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administrarion. I think you should join becase it is a very nice thing to do. You also get to take care of animals and food on a boat. By doing this you can help countries in need. Many people say that this is a boring job or useless but if they would try it they might see actually how good of a job it is. If you have this job you get to travel the world. You also get to see many outstanding places around the world. You get to explore oceans. While on the boat when we don't have any animals we play games like baseball, boxing, and table-tennis. Doing this beats sitting in a chair behind a desk filling out papers but I guess some people would rather do that then explore. If you are looking for a helping and traveling job this is the one for you. Please go for this job traveling the world instead of sitting in an office building. Many people will say that this job is too much hard work. It does take some hard work but that is good for the body. I hope to see you on the next job.
Dear Florida state senator, as a citizen of the United States I would like to get rid of the electoral college and replace it by the most voted canidate wins the election. The electoral college system is curropt and is not fair to some states. Some states with lower population have a smaller voice than Callifornia, Texas, Florida and New York. Their voice is not heard or their state is not even visited by the canidates because the canidates want " bigger fish ". This is not right and I will not stand for this nonsense any longer. Maine is a small state we can agree on that right? Now compare Maine to a much larger state in population and size. Maine has a 4 and now look at the big bad wolf state of Texas. Maine is in the shadow of many other big states and Maine is not alone. Arizona, Marryland, and even North Carolina are pip squeeks compared to other states and they barrely even get a say. The outcome really only comes down to the bigger states with a bigger population and some states are big but they dont have a large amount of people like California and Texas. Peopel who vote are not even votin for the canidate himself! They are voting for a person who will most likley vote who we are voting for. Now rarely they will vote for the other canidate which is not right and is a waist of time in my opinion. It would be better if we as a nation would just cut out the middle man and let our votes directly go twords who we want to win the election and not take any risks. If the electoral college goes on there will still be a chance of betrayal of who the person we are voting for will vote for the oppisit person we want to win the election. If we cut out the middle man there will br no more risks of the person we are actually voting for will not betray us and vote for the other canidate. If that were to happen there would probably be chaos and alot of people outraged. If you gave somone 1 dollar and they have to give it to another guy to get a candy bar, than the guy dont have one. The guy you gave the dollar to might just want tp keep it and now your out a dollar. Why not just cut the middle man and get whats right and what you want? People should get what they ask for and desreve. I say lets just drop the electoral college plan for voting and do it ourselfs. Lets not take the chance of getting robbed a vote and take no chance whats so ever. Lets not leave out the states with the smaller popualtion in the shadows of Texas, Florida, and ec. but make everyone equal. Lets say screw the electoral college voting system bacause me and a million others thaink its unfair to the states and us citizens.      
We should keep the Electoral College for a number of reasons. While it is usually thought of as "out of place", it is the fairest method in voting for our President. The Electoral College, first of all, the outcome of the Electoral vote is less likely to cause a dispute than the popular vote. Second, avoids the problem of Run-Off Elections. Last, the Electoral College helps balence the political weight for large states (by population). We need the Electoral College so not create any problems. The outcome of the Electoral College vote is less likely to cause a dispute than the popular vote. The number of elctoral votes a candidate gets usually exceeds his popular vote. For example, "Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent on the popular votes cast for him and Romney."  Since most of the states have a "winner-take-all" system, its easier to determine which candidate gets the elctoral vote if there is a plurality in the state. A tie in the electoral vote is possible, but not very likely, even if the total is an even number. Voting based on the popular vote would just cause more problems than we would like to deal with. Run-Off Elections are avoided because of the Electoral College. Run-Off elections are elections that are caused when neither candidate recieves a majority of the votes given. As the article states, "Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 Electoral Votes)". The Electoral College clearly shows who wins without any complications that would create pressure for run-Off Elections. We are releived of this pressure because we have the Electoral College. Finally, the Electoral College helps balence the weight that large states lose because of I urge this country to continue with the Electoral College as it always has! There may be better methods out there, but the Electoral College is the best system we have right now.                    
I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it helps us to define how exactly you are feeling. According to the passage it says "In a real face or in the painted face of Mona Liza. The software can identify mixed emotions". This technology was made by Prof. Thomas Huang, "an expert at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate" as said in the passage. In my opinion i think Prof. Thomas Huang did a great job on making this project for humans and computers to communicate. Lets say if your happy, you smile to the computer this ad will pop-up and they will add another one to keep you smiling and if the next ad frowns you they will do their best to keep you smiling. The project is called Facial Action Coding System, which can detected your expression Human vs technology. The computer detected The Mona Liza expression, she intended to bring a smile to your face. In conclusion these are my reasons why i think the use of this technology (FACS) to read the emotional expression of students in classroom is valuable.
Earth as we see it today might be flat to most people and to some might be round, but that is not what i am here to discuss, i am here to talk about the planet called Venus. Venus is the brightest point of light in the night sky on Earth any amateur stargazer could point to it, it is also called the Evening star but Venus is actually a planet in our solar system which is the second closest to the sun but from hear on Earth it looks really calm and not much harm that could happen but it is a very rigid place.It is often reffered to as the twin planet of Earth since it has the same size and density of Earth. Humans have sent numerous amount of spacecrafts to land on this cloud draped world but no spacecraft has lasted more than a few hours because Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that blankets Venus, to make the matters worse the clouds are highly corrosive sulfure acid in the atmosphere and the planets temperature avergaes over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the planets atmospheric pressure is far more greater than what we experience here on Earth. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA0 want to test a theory of theres by sneding humans over to Venus, since the planet is like fire to every sinlgle thing over there on ground they would send jet airplanes to avoid risking anyones life and to stay away from the surface. NASA would like to take samples from the surface like the rocks, gas, water and so more but they cannot get the materials from a far enough distance they would have to moe upclose and take the risk of stepping on the surface.
Would you beleve there are faces on Mars mad of rocks or made by some living creature? Some would think the NASA's photos of the face is made by living creatures. The photo first came about from the viking1 from 1976. NASA has always had weird and unusal thing come from photos. But in 1976 the Viking 1 undescoverd a face on Mars Viking 1 was snaping landing sites for its sister ship. When it took a photo of a mound that looked like a face. A few days later they put the photo out in public and they went crazy. The MArs Global Surveyor in later years proved that it was just shoadows on a mound with a better camera it showed mor detail that it was just a mound of rock. There are people who still thing it is aleins. Even if there were objects with the camera you could see shack youcould see everything. What the photo really shows is a bette or mesa landforms its a lava dome that takes the form of aan isolated mesa. these are common in the American West. The "faces" are just showdows on a lava dome. The faces are just shadows on the lava dome. With the high reasolouton camera we proved that.
Luke was working when his friend Don Reist said if he wanted to go europe on a cattle boat. Luke said it was an opportunity of a lifetime. So he didnt give up the chance to go with him. The reasons you should go is that you can see new places that you have most likely never seen before or have never visited before. You will have an experience of how to take care horses,young cows,and mules that would be shipped from place to place. But along the way you'll find out what it feels like to take care these animals like as if you were on a farm because these are animals that would be on a farm. Besides you could try new food that you could have never tried in your life. You could have a chance to meet new people. Also while in that place you could experience what their culture is and also what they do in that culture. The only places you would go to though would be italy,china,new orleans,and greece. So on your way these are the places you could explore and visit for a while. So these are the reasons I think you should take the chance to become a seagoing cowboy if you ever got the opportunity to become one.
Attention !!! to all the residents of this community are Bendz and Suburban going were all the extoic cars and muscle cars at all i see bendz and suburban, Its few foreigen cars out there in the street. when I riding on the highway I like to see Mustangs and And Lamborginis ride aside if me because its excited other people it make them want to buy Mustangs and Lamborginis. Yes Bendz are nice but i want to see some foreiegn cars Like Bugati and RoyalRoce 50% you will see foreiegn ride around in the city I like to take a trip to see al type of cars with nice paint job and nice looking skirt. You will not see that much cars riding around because people sell them to live in beautyful homes. In 2007 all the streets was full with muscle cars because the rapper Rick Ross was the first person drive a drop top mustang so many people was so excited thats i seen the whole streets with differnt type of mustangs and drop tops. In the early 90's thats when automobile was invented,  they really was made for middle-class families and Miami to Tallahassee Because it was alot of people thst need gas and lights when the hurricane came through.12 percents of huge houses gas emission in Chicago... and up 72 percent cars-invented area in the united states while they building cars some people has catch buses. It has been efforts in the past two years to make denser and better for walking in 2010 that's when stationwagins was invented so people really did have to walk anymore or catch buses but some catch buses because it save gas and money. In the united states the protection agency is promoting car reduced communities and legislators are starting to act. every since world war I alot of cars was getting destroy lets stop destory cars because thats our transportation said Martin Luther King jr, a fast growing of hundreds in the united states was getting larger and the car population more foreiegn cars and mucle cars was hitting the streets.    
Somethings are difficult to explain because you can never be sure. There scientific explanations for different things already, but some are harder to explain. There is a picture that was taken by NASA's spacecraft Viking 1 that shows a shadowy likeness of a human face on the Red Planet known as Mars. There has been many discussions to what it could be some believe it was created by alien life and others think it's a natural landform. There has been different date collected to supported these claims. I'm a scientist at NASA that has been researching this topic and I believe it's a natural landform. When people don't have an explanation for something they beginning to make things up. When it came this picture they asumed aliens. Since it's on Mars it's difficult to think otherwise. Also many things like the internet and magazines wanted publicity, so they changed the story to be more interesting and give the people what they wanted. I can see why they would think that because there really wasn't much to explain what it really was. The Face on Mars was something people couldn't explain right a way before being sure what it was. Since it was in Space things like meteroids could have been a part of forming the Face. People tend to make conclusions to quick and not think it through very well. The "Face on Mars" was talked about alot and it's quite breathtaking. The picture they captured of a "face" is just a natural landform. When people sat in the Jet Propulsion Lab and they saw the image, it was just formed by shawdows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. It was natural formed. Over the years many things have occured that have changed many things that occur in the world around us. Technology is so advanced that we are able to send satelites up into space to help us and to see what else is out there. They send spacecrafts and rovers up into space on Mars and on the Moon. It's just another Matian mesa common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. On April 5, 1998 Mars Global Surveyor flew over to Cydonia and saw more clear pictures of the "Face on Mars" they saw and it showed no alien monumentment. There were no signs that it could have been created by aliens. In the year 2001 they captured an even better picture that allowed them to fully see the Face and collected more data on it. What the picture actually showed was the Martian equivalent of a landform common around the American West. Scientist at NASA say it looks similar to the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. That proved once agian that it's a natural landform. There could many explanations to what formed it. There is always going to be thing we can't explain or control, but with new technology and advancements in our world more of those unexplainable things won't be. We are the new generations and we can accomplish so much. We are always going to be discovering new things and have new things to explain. There is so much more beyond this plantet and all the other ones. Things out in outerspace may remane a mystery for quite some time, but not forever. We are close to making a breakthrough. Who knows what lays ahead in the future, but I can't wait to find out.
I had a very amazing time being a Seagoing Cowboy, and this is why I think you should become a Seagoing Cowboy also. This is one of the best opportunitys you could possibly have. If you love being around aniamls or helping people this would be something perfect for you. Another reason you should become a Seagoing Cowboy is you get to see so many cool places. During my time of being a Seagoing Cowboy I saw Europe, China, Acropolis in Greece, Venice, Italy, and a excavated castle in Crete. One of my favorite parts of being a Seagoing Cowboy was after we unloaded the animals. This is because we had the whole ship to ourselves, sometimes we even played games or sports in the area we kept the animals. The things we did were baseball, volleyball, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other ganes. If you love to do things like this then you would enjoy being a Seagoing Cowboy. In conclusion you should really think about becoming a Seagoing Cowboy. All of the reasons that were listed above are great things, and if you enjoy those things then you will enjoy being a Seagoing Cowboy. Also this is a really great way to help out for the people in need. So I truley recomend you becoming a Seagoing Cowboy!
Driverless cars are a technology of the future. If perfected, driverless cars can solve many of the problems caused by drivers today. Driverless cars will also benefit the environment due to the little gas they consume. Finally driverless cars will benefit those who are not in the shape to drive. The technology of driverless cars helps more than it hurts. First of all, there are too many problems when it comes to driving. Some are minor and some are major. When you introduce driverless cars to the road, many of the problems will be easily solved. Some drivers are stupid and aren't very aware of their surroundings while driving. They make lousy mistakes like running into mailboxes, running stop signs, and even crashes. When driverless cars are involved you are less likely to get into an accident. All commutes will be more efficient, and there'll be less accidents out on the road. We all know that money plays a major role in everyone's lives. People try to save as much as they can and it will be easier to do that with driverless cars. These new cars will consume less gas, which will allow you to avoid spending all your hard earned money on just traveling. It isn't just money you're saving but also the environment. Using less gas means less fumes that are getting into the atmosphere. Pollution will be less of a problem, allowing us to live healthier lives. Its ineveitable that people drive their cars even when their not supposed to, when their drunk, tired and even on drugs. When these types of people get behind the wheel, you're not going to expect anything good from it. So driverless cars not only benefit those who aren't in shape to drive, but also those who were first at risk of danger. Less DUIs will be given to wreckless driver, assuring others on the roads more security. No more innocent people will become victims of dangerous driving. Driverless cars will be the next big innovation of our daily lives. They prevent drivers from making mistakes on the road which lead to bigger problems. Driverless cars also saves the consumer's money by being more fuel efficient, and saving the planet. Finally, driverless cars assure everyone more safety by preventing wreckless from getting behind the wheel. Driverless cars will benefit all of us, allowing us to live safer lives.
It is obvious that driverless cars are the future of transportation. Self driving cars not only provide you with a more comfortable and convinient way of getting place to place, but also a safer and more eco-friendly way of transportation. The development of driverless cars are a neccesity in moving into a safer and overall better future. Driverless cars are equipt with the latest in sensor technologies. Used collectivley, the sensors provide a model of the world around the car and not only enable it to mimic the driving of a human, but more effectivley and precisely navigate roads. This makes the car safer than if it were operated by a human driver. Current driverless cars aren't even properley driverless. BMW developed a car that can handle basic driving functions at slow speeds, but sensors in the car's driving wheel make sure that an alert human is able to operate the car in dangerous situations (i. e. car accidents or work zones). Even if cars are not fully autonomous, the technology being developed for driverless cars can assist a driver and help to avoid crashes. Google's test cars alone have independently driven over a half a million miles without any crashes. Future driverless cars can make traveling a more enjoyable experience. Google's cofounder Sergey Brin imagines a day where public-transport is not gas guzziling buses, but a fleet of driverless cars that only consume half of what modern car's do. Not only will these cars allow you to travel somewhere without having to worry about the road and even allow you to work or interact with family member, but will take you to a specific destination unlike current public-transport. Such cars could fundamentally change the world. Development of driverless cars are the future in automotive transportation. There are little to no cons on the the development of such cars as well as an enormous amount of pros. Technology and research engineered for the production of these cars not only benifit the automotive industry, but can have applications outside of the industry even if driverless cars are not eventually commercially avalible. The future is self driving cars.
Have you ever wondered how the kids feel in class but they dont ever participate and/or express themselfs. Well this article about "Making Mona Lisa Smile" is a great way to figure out some ways that some kids feel based on what they are learning. It is smart, unique, and valuable. These are the reason why the Facial Action Coding System is a great idea. The Facial Action Coding System is smart because it allows you to see if the students are bored, interested, or just out of it during the lesson you teach. And you could also figure out different type of ways to manke a lesson or activity better that excites the children you are teaching to. In the article it states " Most humans communication is nonverbal,including emotional communcation." So this is basically saying that if we are not communicated with our mouths then what better way then communicating with facial expressions. This is why the Facial Coding System is smart. It's is unquie because no-one has ever thought of this until now so the fact that teachers action care about how there students feel should touch some people. its also unique because it can tell the way your face is moving and the way your muscles move. In the articke it states that "the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face: all 44 major muscles in the model must move like the human muscles."This just pushed to shove that if a computer can track all of your muscles in your face that that's pretty unique and different. And on top of that, they would pay that much money to make sure the kids have a good education is cool. Lastly its valuable because if it's bettering the kids education and making a difference in their community, thats good. In "Making Mona Lisa Smile" its says "feeling someone else's emotional state may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expression. Whoever tought thta making faces could reveal so much about science of emotions." This is why its valuable because it can tell us things that we might not know but the computer knows. This is why the Making Mona Lisa Smile and the Facial Action Coding System is smart, unique, and valuable in so many ways. If you dont think that you should get the Facial Action Cosing System you might want to think twice if you really love your students.
All humans have emotional expressions. Emotional expressions can be detect by other humans that are in his/or her life. Any kind of technology cannot really tell what his/her expression is. Humans can detect other peoples emotional expressions, but computers cannot detect it. It depends on if the technology is working or not. In the passage, the author is explaining how a professor has some sort of technology that can detect a male or females emotional expressions. Technology is not a good way to tell a person's expression, because technolgy can lie to a person's face, but it can always work. The author said, "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do"(D'Alto Paragraph 6). The author is promoting that a computer is a better way to detect a human's expression. Computers can lie to someone about his/her emotional expressions, but the computer can always tell the truth. The author mentioned, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr, Huang preicts"(D'Alto Paragraph 6). Technology can either detect or not dectect human's emotional expressions. Humans can other people's emotional expressions, but computers cannot detect his/her expressions. It depends on if the technology is working or not. The author's passage had some great detail from professors that believe the computer can detect the emotional expressions. The technology may work or it may not work at all.
The author do it a very good job, because, its very elaborate Firts, the thougth of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not requiere electronics at all, and then maybe this issue explains why not single spaceship has touched down on Venus's in more thn three decades, numerous factors contribute, to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited inshigt on ground conditions becuse most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, renderig standard forms of photography and videography ineffective, more importantly researchers are maybe we should think of them as challenges, many researchers are working on innovations that would allow allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus. my conclusion is this essay is very specific, because we need learn, about The Challenge of Exploring Venus.
Driverless Cars: Where are They? Driverless cars, a dream many people have had ever since they heard of the idea. A world where you don't have pay as much attention to the road as you usually have to while driving a normal car, is such an absolutely fantastic idea and one I can't belive that nobody has invented before. Now I'm well aware that there are many skeptics out there that do not support the idea that driverless cars would be a good thing, but I feel that having modes of transportation where you don't have to constantly be alert of your surroundings and have a miniscule posibility of causing acidents is the perfect mode of transportation. The first reason I suppot the development of driverless cars is the decreased likelyhood of accidents. Hundreds of people die every year due to car accidents and rekless driving. If those numbers can drop at a substancial rate with driverless cars, then thats a beautiful thing. Lives can be saved and a lot of people would be saved a lot of heartache. Being able to focus on other things while being in the driver's seat of a car would be a great thing for many busy people on the move. Dealing with work while on the move would be a great thing for many people who have to take phone calls from clients while in the car. Being able to use a phone and not have to worry about getting in an accident would be the most wonderful feature any car could ever have. Doing things in the car would be great, but I'm so glad that people would still have some control in their vehicles. The safety features presented in the artice state that if there is road work going on in the surrounding area the car would alert the driver, and the driver can take immediate control of the vehicle at any time. This safety feature is ingenious as it makes the driver aware of any road blocks or hazzards that may present themselves on the road at any given time. Driverless cars are a creation that has taken way to long to make. I'm really wondering if they had just been lazy and just now started to to work an them. Cars that are completely safe and self aware of it's surroundings will be amazing. The pros of driverless cars far outway those of the cons, whatever those are.
The auther well supports his idea by giving us detals and information like the Venus is called the " Evening Star" in the story is says that the venus is one of the brightest point of the light in the night sky" also it says" that the different speeds means that sometimes we are closer to mars then other venus" earths pervious mission was unmanned maybe this explanes the issues in more than three decades, A think armospjere on the planets surface 97 percent carbon dioxdie blankests venus. the auther it letting us know the reader that the challenge of exploring venus it that their are many dangers that they dont know but that they shouldnt worry about them. in the story is says " our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doudts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" The auther tells us that NASA is working on other approaches to study venus for expamle it says " some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the choas of venus" . back then in the 1800s those devices were first envisioned and played an important role in the 1940s during the world war one. After reading this passage i think that the auther did good in evaluating his idea of venus he he gave us details, information, and what the devices were used in the past and that it was used in the world war one venus it that their are many dangers.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could know the percentage of each emotion a person is feeling? With this new software called the Facial Action Coding System, that is now extremely possible. The use of this techonology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classrom is indeed valuable because it can help sutdents express empathy, help them improve in class, and overall help teachers understand emotions when they cannot fully reognize them. There have been a plethora of conversations regarding empathy and how important it is, and the Facial Action Coding System causes empathy when we can clearly see what emotion a person is feeling. According to the article, "empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions", so with this new techonology, we can improve the way we read other's emotions, and this can trigger a sense of emapthy within us to know exactly what emotion they are feeling. For students in a classroom this is beneficial because a teacher can understand the ranges of emotion their student is feeling, as well as help the students recognize the emotions of their fellow classmates. With this innovative technology, empathy could be something far easier to produce. Along with producing empathy, the Facial Action Coding System can even aid students in ther performance in the classroom, because according to Dr. Huang, the technology can "recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" and this helps because "it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." which can immensely help the student to become more engaged because the lesson becomes more interesting. Dr. Huang also notes that "most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication", and this is significant because a student may not voluntarily express that they are disinterested in a lesson, but the computer could recognize that anyways, and it is important for it to read the nonverbal communication the student reveals. Therefore, techonology can rapidly increase the performance of students by reading their emotions and engaging them into the lesson. As well as improving the performance of students, this technology can improve the relationship between a teacher and student, becuase it benefits the teacher to know a student's emotion when they cannot fully recognize them. As an example, the article states, "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face" although, "most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc.", which shows that us humans have trouble actually matching a facial expression to an emotion. Although, with the Facial Action Coding System, this "computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code", which is significant because this code works to portray specific emotions. so we humans can better understand them. Therefore, in a classroom setting, this is important because with the technology, it allows teachers to be aware of what their student is feeling, creating a stronger student-teacher relationship. Overall, the Facial Action Coding System would build a better relationship between students and teachers in a classroom setting, help students improve in the class, and produce empathy with both students and teachers. Nonverbal and emotional communication is incredibly important in human interaction, so this technology can help explain emotional responses, "even when they are trying to hide their emotions". A software that "improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others" could potentially be greatly beneficial to students in a classroom, because of its complex ability to help humans express emotion better, which also helps the communication between computer and human. The Facial Action Coding System would be an incredible additon to a classroom, and would bring about major change and impact among students.
Many citizens in the United States vote for whom they believe will acheive the goals and standards of serving as the U.S President. People think the process of voting is simple, but is it really? In the U.S, there is the Electoral College, which is'nt such a good thing for some people. That is why I'm in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States because voters can't control whom their electors vote for and the people in the U.S have a say of what goes on in their country, including the election of the president. The Electoral College process allows citizens to vote for an elector in their state whom they believe will choose their prefered president. If the elector of their choice wins the statewide election with 87 votes, the elector votes for their prefered president along with the 87 votes. As stated in source 2 "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always." When the elector votes for their prefered president, all the votes used on that elector counts for the president. Instead of going through this whole process, would'nt it be less of a struggle to just have citizens vote for the president of their choice and win by popular votes? Also stated in source 2 "Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." This shows how the Electoral College is difficult to understand for some people. The Unites States consists of many people who come from other counrties and speak other languages. This makes it even more complicated for some to understand even if the process is translated, and just by eliminating this process, it could make Presidential elections less complicated. The U.S is different from any other place in the world. It is a free counrty! The citizens have a say in what happens in their counrty. The people make the decisions, the people vote for what they want and the people should be able to elect a president they believe will give them that! According to source 3 "... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people." Why can't the people be the electors? If the people in the United States don't have the freedom to vote for a president of their choice, what say do they really have? Electing a president is like raising money for charity, the president does all the work but all they money that is raised goes to charity (the people). The people want someone who will help raise the money for them, not screw over their charity. Just like when signing up for a job the boss needs to see your resume, is like the people needing to see what the president can do to help their country. The citizens should be the ones making the decisions with help from the president that they believe could help with such decisions, not from electors who believe so. Electing a president is very important to the country. Electing the president that people think could help support the U.S is also very important but very difficult as well. People should be able to easily vote for their prefered president with no difficulty, which happens to be caused by the Electoral College. By aborting this process, voters could control who they vote for and have a say in their country by voting for their prefered president. Having citizens tricked into voting for an elector is not the way to elect a president. Should'nt people in the Unites States have a say in who their president should be without being tricked?                               
The computer software to read a humans' faces can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. It can be helpful to know what kind of lesson plan that your students are interested in and what ads to put up on their computer. It can be harmful, because what if the student does not want to talk about their emotions and they are having a rough day. Not everyone would want to have the feelings known by everyone. The computer could use your emotion to manipulate you, and make you do things you woundn't normally do. Like bring up ads to make you spend money that you don't nesessarily have. Or bring up ads that make you go on a website that you really aren't supposed to be on. All of these things can cause trouble and the emotion reading software may seem like not such a brilliant idea. The software may malfunction sometimes and read your emotion wrong. Giving you things on the computer that you do not want to see. You can become irritatible with your computer knowing that it knows how you're feeling all the time. It can become scary, and it may feel like someone is watching you just because your computer knows your emotions. Not everyone would want this software on their computer, so it may not be as profitable as it was initially intended to be. When you are in a bad mood you don't want little things bothering you. Which means you don't want ads popping up evrywhere; even though you are interested in those ads you may not want them popping up too frequently. The software maybe inaccurate sometimes and that may cause problems. Evidently, this is not a good idea.
The driverless cars aren't so driverless. The driverless car is suppose to allow you to not have to worry about driving but you must stay alert. Youre not just going to want to just sit there akwardly and do nothing while your car does all the work. Many people are going to think that this is a great idea till they start to understand the actually danger it puts you in. Driveless cars need to be put to a stop before many people become injured. This is a horrible idea. Why would someone start to put many lives in danger? All they are doing is basically saying you just have to sit there and let the car do the work. What happens to the people if they accidently fall asleep because they're not doing anything? They're going to die or get seriously hurt. Then the company is the people who are going to end up in a bunch of trouble because they are leading people to these when they're just hurting them. The driveless cars aren't so driveless. You have to be alert at all times because the car cant make it through a traffic jam or any other roadblocks. in conclusion, the driveless care wouldnt be a smart idea. It could end badly for both the person who buys it and the company who sold it. The driveless car seems to have more harm than good when you could easily just drive the car yourself. Driving the car yourself would lead to making this easiser onyourself. You dont have to worry about falling asleep by just sitting there. Driveless cars aren't so driveless!
Later on in our future we will have driveless cars. Many automakers are continuing their work on the assumption of driveless cars. Some people believe this is a bad idea because they think it is not safe for our roads. Some states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars, but i am with the driveless cars. I am with drivless cars becuase the sensors they use has become more advanced within the last ten years. There still is further improvements in sensors, computer hardware, and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more driving task on their own. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Also safety is a big concern and that's why the in-car system is actually a safety feature. The in-car system is displays that can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over, something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. Manfacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. So while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. Driveless cars are our future and i am with with driveless cars. Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. A few automakers plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. We grow closer and closer to the driveless cars everyday.
Having cars without drivers are a big deal because according to "Google cofounder Sergey Brin Can. He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi sytem". (Paragraph 1). Instead of having drivers in every car, whose drivers are teens, parents, elderly, disabled, drunk who are driving everyday, having a car without them driving would make their lives easier which would reduce the deadly automobile accidents that are reported everyday. I am not against the development of these cars, but in fact I am in support of the development because instead of having different drivers in different cars who are driving everyday, having driverless cars would provide more organized styems and more cautious sensors in the cars, which would lead to a safer environment whether inside the car or outside the car, while making a transprtation. In the second paragraph it states "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash" (Paragraph 2). It explains that the cars has driven a million miles without any crashes. Having driverless cars also would only use half the fuel of today's taxis. I believe if the companies put more researches on the cars especially when dealing with traffic issues, and if government allows them to test the cars more often, it would lead to another better, and successful step to allow driverless cars in the future world. In conclusion, I am for the development of the driverless cars because they are more safe and they would offer less complelxion for the drivers. Just like there are robots being invented, the cars would also be able to drive without drivers.
NASA is fighting to be alble to to go to Venus . They have been researching diffrent methods on how to sustaine life on the planet . In the text it says that "Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers but should be expanded .."(8) Yes we are trying to figer out our planet earth still but there may be diffrent ways we can help explore the ocean and lower in the earths core . We have never been affriad of danger and we always try and try again . with the man on the moon and rovers on mars. NASA has been coming up with an idea on how we are going to the hostile planet."Venuse would allow scientists to float above the fray . Imagine a blimp like vehicle hoveroring over venus 30 or so miles above the rolling vensian landscape."(5)Even if it not on the planets surface as close as we get is good progress and we have presisted with danger still in the path in front of us . NASA has gotten us far with one big idea .So planets like venuse are always worthy pursiting with all the dangers .
In my opinion I think the Seagoing Cowboys was a wonderful experience. I was asked by my good friend Don to join and I thought why not. This would be a great opportunity to interact with people in need and travel around the world. I automatically signed up. We started our expedition in August of 1945. I got to see many places during the program. That included a gondola ride in Venice, an Acropolis in Greece, the Panama Canal, and much much more. This program is excellent if you aren't a very worldly person, but even if you are it's great to see more! This program is also good to be more involved in excercise. You have to feed and water the animals two are three times a day. Also, stalls have to be cleaned. When you spend so much time with the animals it sort of creates a bond between the two of you. However it just wasn't work and work, sometimes you have to take a break. Whenever the animals were unloaded we got to do fun activities like baseball, volleyball, fierce table-tennis tournaments, you get the idea. So that's how to get an easy workout! This program makes you realize how much we take for granted. People are constantly starving or dehydrated, whenever we think that food and liquid is something easy to come by. Also countries are suffering under constant warfare and are very vurnerable. This program allows you to understand what it's actually like to really suffer. These are the reasons that more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It really opens you up, by helping people all over the world. This is why I believe more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
"Just be fair" quotes many people everyday. In the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Rgister, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." I think that the Electoral College should be abolished and to elect a president by popular vote. The first thing to remember, is that the Electoral College is unfair and needs to be changed to the popular vote because the people should be able to vote who they want to be president. The author mentions in Source: 3 paragraph 18 that "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." This proves that with the Electoral College in place that there may be a big contreversy about who should be the next president. Arguments would also break out between the political parties that are trying to elect their canidate president. With popualar vote you could avoid all these conflicts and disputes by letting the people elect the president outright with no questions. With this in mind, there should be no Electoral College because the author suggests in Source 3: paragraph 19 that "The Electoral College requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his pularity in states that he knows he will win." A presidential canidate should be able to gain votes from his region because that is the states the canidate are more familiar with so, he will be able to campaign better in those states and if he becomes president he will be equal to all the other regions. You could avoid this with the fair method of popular vote. Another key point, is that the number of votes coming from each state should be equal in the amount of votes. The author claims in Source 2: paragraph 10 that "If you lived in Texas for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you would vote for a slate of 34 electors pledged to Kerry. With popular vote you would not have to worry about all of the votes that each state gives from the Electoral College. Popular vote lets the people deside no the Electoral College deside. If two canidates were running for president and one was from Florida and the other one was from Alaska, their state could be the deciding factor which the one from Florida will win because it has more votes than Alaska which is not fair. Truly, the Electoral College should be replaced by popular vote because there is a winner-take-all system. The author shadows in Source 1: paragraph 7 that "Most states have a "winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of "proportional representation." The thing is that with a popular vote system you would not have to worry about a winner-take-all and states that have a different system than the other states. Just let the people decide and everything will be easy and fair. On the flip side, the Electoral College should not be replaced because it avoids any type of run-off election that may occur. The author argues in Source 3: paragraph 22 that "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in wich no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." This shows that with the Electoral College it would relieve all of the stress that is put on a canidate when they are running and the stress could also complicate the process of electing the president. With the Electoral College their will be a winner no matter what happens which will clearly the most fair way to complete the process of electing the president. To conclude, after analyzing the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner I think that the Electoral College should be replaced by a popular vote system.
The author brings up many great ideas and facts about venus. In paragraph four the author says that venus and earth have a lot of the same physical features. The author brings up at one time venus could of had oceans. I think this is a false statement because the average tempature is 800 degrees. So I think all the water would evaporate over time. The author did bring up in pargraph four how venus had a lot of similar features like mountains,valleys and craters. I dont think we should travel to venus my reasoning for that is in paragraph three the author states that the pressure is 90 times greater than earths and could crush metals. I dont belive we should travel to other planets because im afraid of what we may find. I defintly belive we should study planets in our solar system we need to be aware of whats around us and try to figure out if there are other life forms. In conclussion I think we should futher our investigation on the planet Venus. We as a country should not try to go there if the atmosphere will crush a submarine I cant imagine how our human bodies would react.
It is suitable to argue for the development of driverless cars because they could easily be the newest innovation to improve the future of automobiles. Not only would they be more fuel efficient to aid economic aspects and contribute to conservation and improvement of the environment, but they would also greatly improve upon current systems of public transportaion. Ideally, the Google Cofounder, Sergey Brin, could create the automoblie that he envisions. This would mean that the cars "would use half the fuel of today's taxis" (Passage 1). Shortening the usage of fuel contibutes towards economic benefits because it would require less spending for the gas. As well as this, the decline in usage of fuel would benefit the environment both by using less natural resources from oil reserves, but also by emitting less harmful gases into the atmosphere which are currently destroying the ozone layer and causing issues such as global warming. Improving upon current methods of public transportation, Sergey claims that he envisions these fuel efficient, driverless cars forming a "public-transport taxi system" and offering 'far more flexibility than a bus" (Passage 1). This would be an improvement because buses currently have limited range of motion and also move slower and use much more fuel than these new cars would. Also, public transportation would become a more attainable luxury for working class citizens who may usually rely on buses. With driverless taxi-like poublic transportation, a more suitable and enjoyable commute could be possible for those who can only pay a small amount for the service. Although some may be concerned about the safety of driverless cars, the Google car has been opperating on the roads for 7 years without any accidents or crashes (Passage 2). It seems this would be even better statistics without crashing than most actual drivers today. This technology could be designed to be alert and tentative, reacting to every mishap, something that even some actual drivers today have trouble with due to distractions. Driverless cars would greatyly improve the lives of people wanting to commute and use public transportation and aid the environment and economy with its benefits.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus Nowdays exploring new planets is not such a crazy idea as it was 100 or 1000 years ago. Exploring new planets can be our new, huge step in science. What planet should we visit first? Maybe Venuse? Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" and Mars are the closest planets to Earth. It is logical to see them as planets to visit.Earth is located between Venus and Mars. There are no common climate, temperature, content of atmosphere, its thickness and etc. We need technologies, resourses and a lot of money to sponsor this project. It would be hard to visit another planet. Hard, but possible. Should we visit "Evening star? Is this hardship worthy the result? Woud our sister planet be hospitable for us? There questions that author answers are very actual. Would The National Aerounautics and Space Administrarion actually sent humans to study Venus? Are we able to participate such a big challenge? Authors absolutelly, possitively agree that we are. Venus or the "Evening Star" absolutely worthy to visite despice the hardship.
Reducing car usuage coul greatly benefit us all. it would decrease death rates, pollution, and money costs. As towns such as Vauban and Paris participate in car free days, they greatly reduce the amount of pollution that would have become that day. their hard work and enthusiasm even encouraged other cities and parts of the country to join. our pollution rate is much to high for the only planet and space we can live on. increasing it daily will only hurt us and be fatal in the long run. Death rates caused by cars is another reason to have a few days off from them. Fatalaties caused in accidents, hit and runs, and wrecks happen multiple times daily. a few days or even just one of no/reduced car usage could save the lives of many. money costs are a large complaint in our society today, especially money involving cars. from the cost of the car itself to the dollars to per gallon used every week, nobody likes to spend that much money on their vehicle. well we wouldnt have to as often if we did have dayswhere cars were fined if used. citizens should reduce the use of cars to help with financial issues, death rates, and pollution.  
Death Box Known As The Driverless Car New, innovative,and futuristic those are some words that average minds would describe the death box with wheels. The death box with wheels refers to the idea of cars that doesn't need a driver. These driverless cars are being developed and are coming to the market soon. Some people will purchase them because they are the fresh new thing absent minded of the dangers that will fall upon them for choosing them. I am against the fact that people need driverless cars in the world. How reliable could these cars actually be? They rely on sensors and laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. What if one of the lasers or sensors were to malfunction without the passengers knownledge? That's a window of oppertunity for an accident to occur. Imagine yourself riding on a highway without the care in the world in your driverless car. Now that that delightful picture is etched into your brain imagine that the car swerves into a ditch because it kept straight when it should have turned. This was a result of two things , the lack of natural human instinct and a faulty sensor. The driverless cars can lead to the devolution to the human race. The car is basically promoting laziness. A car that drives it self is juss begging humans to do things that they wouldn't normally do when they are driving like drinking liquor or helping themselves to any other drugs. When driving a regular car the driver can excerise their focus, motor, and visional skills. When you own a driverless car there is less oppertunity to convey and excerise those skills. I think that th driving assisting features on the newer cars are okay but going ahead and making a car completely driverless is insane! In the article it states,"Presently traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." They are right to assume that the cars aren't completely safe to put your trust in. We all have experienced a time in our life where technology was unsuccessful or malfunctioned. The artical expresses a good point; If the technology fails who's at fault? Would it be you or the manufacturer? In conclusion, there are to many things I deem are wrong with the driverless cars consept. People might think of them as innovative and futuristic but they could end up being there demise. These cars could become malfunction at any time without the passengers awareness. Since they rely on lasers and sensors to help the car drive itself a sensor could break and leaving the people inside subjective to an accident. Wo is really to blame if the person is hurt badly while putting there trust into the car? Would it be there fault for ignorant or would it being the manufactuer fault for selling them a death box with fancy cameras?
I think that they should have more people join/help with the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think they should have more peoople beacuse then it will incluse having more help instead of having so many animals with not so amny opeople. For example, if you had ten/10 cows and one/1 person then it would be harder . But if you had al least five/5 people helping then you would have half as many which might/would have a big effect on how much more help is nedded/wanted. What if you put it at a diffrent point/thought. As in, what if those cows and horses were going to little kids? And they were for example going to use them for 4-H because if then would it make other people want to join? For the kids sake? Would you think that would make more people join? More people help? More people to "get involved"? I think if we brought it to people's attention that, joining this could possibly "save an animal". If you really think about it you could even save a farm, because cows produce milk and some poeple cant even afford milk and thing that you could get from these animals that are in this program. The following problem about the farm. And a cool part about helping would be you could go overseas if you join the program. And if you have a mind like Luke then, as qouted in this passage " I would be glad to have this opertunity. And another great benifit out of helping/joining, is as said in the story, "Table-Tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and alson games to help times to pass by. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs". And if you think about it with this being quoted/said in the passage it could teach people a real lesson about others inneed of others help. So this could be "Learning Opertunity". So this is could teach people another reason on how they arent the only ones ineed. All these reasons are things that support my answer on how I think that they should have more pople join/help in the Seagoing Cowboys Program.
Dear Senator, What have Richard NIxon, Jimmy Carter, and Bob Dole, all in their time agreed on? The Electoral College. The Electoral College is not a place, its a process. By the passage of source 1 , the founding fathers established the Electoral College  as a compromise, between election of the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Keeping the Electoral College is important. Having an Electoral College is a safe way to ensure that everyone get to envoice there opinion. For example, the Electoral college avoids problems and tries to fix eveything so that everyone can be happy. Many people don't like the fact of the Electoral College because they feel that their vote doesn't count. But really every one's vote does. When the American citizens vote and there is a tie between the two candidates then thats another time when we use the Electoral College. Each Candidate running for President in each state has his or her own group of electors. Each party (democratic or republican) selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee. I strongly believe that we should keep the Electoral College as any force of back-up when it comes down to voting!
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author has a vague claim for supporting the idea of exploring Venus. In the passage, the author explains how many dangers there are to exploring the planet, the unbearable temperatures, the lightning and volcanoes, the thick atmosphere that blocks Venus' surface. In all of these dangers, the author believes that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, but does not use enough support for this idea. In the text, the author is explaining all of the dangers in exploring Venus. In paragraph 3, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of high corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmorphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees." The author continues to list these dangers. He barely has support that shows his idea of exploring Venus. For example, the author states in paragraph 5, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." Then the author explains in the same paragraph, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." The author states an idea that supports the claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, but then uses a contradictory statement proving otherwise. In the text, the author says that each mission has been unmanned. They have instead used spacecrafts to explore the planet. In paragraph 7, the author uses a detail about NASA to help support exploration on the planet. "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers." The author's supporting claim does not have a contradictory statement, instead, he finally uses it to help support his claim. "By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." The author uses the statement to help prove his claim. Overall, in this passage, the author does poorly in supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author uses some sort of supporting statement, but then uses a contradictory statement which makes any reader reconsider the point the author was trying to convey. The article is weak in the sense that there is a constant reprimanding part to each weak supporting claim. The author did have at least one supporting paragraph in this article that helped with the idea of exploration on Venus. However, throughout all of this, the author had poor evidence to provide for his claim to convince the reader that exploration is a good idea despite all of the potential dangers enlisted in the passage.