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If you had an opertunity to become a Seagoing Cowboy take it. You should take it for two reasons, first it could be fun, second you could learn about the places you travel to. You could be one of the few who can say that the have fun for a living. Imagin this your at a famaly reunion and evey one there had no enteresting storys to tell you can tell them about your travels. It would be fun to go to japan maby go shoping or go to a salon. You could go to disney world and met your favorit disney prinsess. Your frinds could even come along and have fun with you. Also get paid to have fun that is even better. So that is one reason why you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. You could get a better education. You could learn facts about japan it's history and it's traditions. You can learn about different wars or different animals. You can spread your knoglage to the world. That is just some of the purkes of being smart. There are lots of reasons to be a Seagoing Cow boy but I listed just a few. You can be like Luke and have fun and learn. You could also wast a opertunity like that and regret it. If you get that opertunity do with it what you will but you can't have your cake and eat it to.
Luke had a really great time when he was with the UNRRA, and he almost did it for free, and chances are if he did you can to. You almost do it for free, you can have a fun time, you get to go to a lot of neat places, you don't have to be 18 to join, you get experience with animals, and best of all you don't have to have much experience. First thing's first, you don't have to use big bucks to join, you really just have to sign up and hope for the best. In the story Luke didn't know much about it but he still couldn't turn the opportunity down. Secondly, you would have a lot of fun. You'd get to play basketball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, and boxing in the empty holds where the animals used to be to help pass time on your way back. Thirdly, you got to go to a lot of neat places. When you got to your destination you have to do something, so why not go site seeing. For example, if you were going to Rome, go see the Colosseum or see the Acropolis in Greece. Fourthly, you don't have to be 18 to join. You can be 17, or 16 but I'm pretty sure you have to graduate highschool before you can join. Fithly, you get experience with animals. On Luke's first trip, he had 335 horses and you could have also had cattle as well. Sixthly, you don't have to have much experience with animals or with water. You just have to be on guard because anything can happen. Lastly, you would be helping others and yourself because you are becoming more responsable and you are giving back to people who need it most. In conclosion, you should really join the UNRRA today and make a difference in not just your neighborhood but also around the world.
Driverless cars aren't really anything we are relying on for the future.Driverless cars are awed by many due to how they are portrayed.When actually, they have no reason to be focused on and worked on so much.They will ingrave more of a negative effect than a positive in society.Driverless cars are unessesary for the world we live in,considering there aren't many problems about cars not being as reliant. Driverless cars are depicted as a more flexible way of transportation and a gate for new generations of automobiles to arrive.You don't hear much about cars not being as reliant as they should be.Cars have the functions we use every single day and require average to little work to transmit.Roadblocks however are a big obstacle to both driverless cars and normal cars, since driverless cars fall victim to traffic jams or accidents.The idea for a driverless car is to be able to keep your eye on the road while the car keeps you safe,however this idea cannot be relied on heavily because any sort of accident or event that accurs on road will immediately put the individual in the car into the position of the driver transferring all of those responsibilities the car had at one point back to the driver rendering the cars idea of being driverless to useless. There's also the fact that the fault of an accident would be a bit difficult to locate.Was it the cars fault for not being effective in its abilities?Or would it be the drivers fault for not being alert to any sort of situation?More laws will be nessesary to make sure we have restrictions for those using a driverless car.The ratio of positive effects these types of cars may have to the negative is very small.This generation has little to no problems with driving cars being too tedious or too troublesome.We don't need more amounts of problems entering this world but should focus on what is now.
The planet Venus may be one of our most valuable assets to understand our planet, but Venus has some dangers we cannot ignore. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author does a good job of suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite it's dangers by explaining the value of exploring Venus, the dangers, and how the dangers may be overcome. Venus is very similar to Earth, sharing approximate densities and sizes. The planet also shares geographical features with Earth, such as rocky sediment, craters, and mountains. It is possible that hundreds of years ago Venus really might have been the twin planet to Earth. Astronomers have reason to beleive that Venus was home to oceans and various life forms. If we learn more about this planet, we could find the key to unlock the knowledge of how our home planet works. This supports the author's claim that we must study Venus further by providing reasons knowledge of Venus would directly affect everyday life on Earth. The author also uses the possible dangers of exploring Venus to explain why we must pursue Venus, through all the challenges. Venus has a heavy atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide, making it impossible for humans to breathe freely on the planet. The pressure on Venus is so great that a person would be crushed, not to mention the extreme temperatures over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit. It would be impossible for an astronaut to explore on the planet's surface without proper technology. Adding to the already intense conditions, Venus has volcanoes, eartquakes, and frequent lightning, which present their own problems. The dangers help prove the author's point that even though dangerous, we must explore Venus. The author describes possible solutions created by NASA to show that it will be possible to explore Venus, even with the dangers. NASA has proposed an idea of humans studying Venus from a vehicle hovering the planet, but this would not be optimal because the exploration would be very limited. Viewing Venus from thirty feet above would be better than no exploration at all and would create livable conditions, so it is a relatively safe option for gathering knowledge on the planet. Another idea is using mechanical computers on Venus. The computers can make calculations, without electronics. These computers are also more likely to withstand the extreme conditions of Venus, unlike modern computers. No plan can be one hundred percent safe, especially in a danger zone like Venus, but the benefits outweigh the risks. The author does a proficient job of portraying this in the article. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author presents the idea that Venus should be studyed intently, despite the risks. The author does a good job of explaining this by telling how we could benefit from knowledge of Venus, telling the dangers, and solutions to overcome the dangers of Venus.
If there were Driverless cars that drove among you would you fell safe? How about Driverless taxis? It would not be safe if a bunch of driverless taxis driving through the cities with pedestrians and cars in their way. What if they crashed? Who's fault would it be? Would it be the drivers even if they were not the ones who were driving or would it be the manafacture's fault for making a vechicle that isn't safe. There is still many questions to be answered before these driverless cars can even touch the road. What would happen to all the other taxi companies that hired actual people to come and pick people up. If those people arn't needed and they are just more money out of the companies pockets then they are going to get fired or even worse, the companies are going to go bankrupt. Thousands of people will lose jobs and they won't be able to take care of their families. Would it be worth losing so many jobs just because it sounds cool and it can drive itself. What if the driverless cars are misused? People could learn how it works and fuctions and use that for their advantage. They could find some way to hijack it and take over the car or worse and hijack someones taxi while some is in it. People could steal stuff from it or tear it up. People could put something in it that could harm the next person that comes in it. Someone could hack in to it and control it without even being near it. If the driverless taxis released to the streets then it would make a new type of hackers and make new types of criminal. New laws would have to be made because of the one type of car. How much would it cost? Could people afford such a futeristic car? Could people still use them if the just got out of a bar or a hub and was drunk? How many people would be able to be in a car at once? It would also probably bankrupt bus companies and other travel companies becuase even if it was more expensive people would still rather be in a driverless taxi then a normal way to travel. How would it refuel? Would you have to go to a gas station yourself and spend even more money or would it do it itself for free but still waste your time? What would people do while the are just sitting there doing nothing? It would not be safe to let driverless taxis rome the streets were normal people go. Nor would it be logical because of the damage it would do to the economy because of the taxi manafactures and other travel companies going bankrupt. There is too many questions to be answered before letting driverless taxis become legal. There are to many reasons that this could possibly go wrong or get out of hand. It would also be to harmful and dangerous for people.
Everyday we go to school and after a while it can get boring. This new technology could help make students less bored while learning. For that reason, I think that a Facial Action Coding System in the classroom might improve the overal mood. With the FAC System in place, not only the computer would know to switch up the lesson but the teacher would also know how students are reacting to their teaching or new material. This system could help teachers adapt the material or their teaching style better to the needs of their students. This would help to encourage a positive learning environment and improve the overall classroom mood. Dr. Huang noted that most human communication is nonverbal so this would be an effective tool in the classroom because not all kids would speak how they are feeling. With more technology coming into the classroom every day, more learning is taking place online and FACS technology could make online learning more fun and enjoyable for the students. According the the Facial Feedback Theroy of Emotion, moving your facial muscles may even help produce emotions so someone saying "put a smile on your face" may actually make you happier. This could be possible in the classroom if FACS technology was implemented. In conclusion, I think that adding FACS technology to the classroom would be a positive action. It could help students learn better by altering the program or giving the teachers feedback of how the students are reacting to their teaching. The FACS is probably along way off from being put in the classroom but I'm sure it will become an invaluable tool for education in the future.
With the discussion of the legalization of driverless cars, there are many reasons as to why they should be legalized and many reasons as to why the should remain illegal. While both sides do have positive and negative aspects, I think that keeping these driverless cars illegal is the best plan of action for America. Even though the driverless car would be managing itself, humans still have to stay alert while in the car incase the car is approaching a work zone or an accident. Why would people need a driverless car if they would still have to stay alert and aware of what it going on around them? Since the person in the driver's seat of a car wouldn't be driving the car manually, it would be hard for them to stay alert and awake. When someone else is driving it is easy for passengers to fall asleep in the back seat or in the passenger seat. This is the same for a driverless car. Even if a person is sitting in the driver's seat, if they are not driving it would be easy for them to doze off, get distracted, and fall asleep. Since a computer is driving the car, the car could be very dangerous and could cause accidents. Many people who have a computer know that sometimes it gets glitches, goes blank, gets disconnected from wifi, and many other things that could go wrong with a computer. This exact same thing could happen to a computer-driven car. Computers are not always perfect. They have glitches and they mess up sometimes. If the computer were to mess up while the car is in use, this mess up could be the result of a life-threatening accident. Although it would be convenient to have a car drive people around and not have to worry about anything, these driverless cars are something people are not familiar with and could be dangerous. Since many people are not familiar with sensor or other technology that comes with the driverless cars, it could take some time to get used to. Before getting a computer-driven car, a person would have to practice driving the car first. In order to get familiar with the technology, and special aspects of a driverless car, many people would have to practice or take classes to learn about how to properly use the car. This could be inconvenient for people wanting to get their hands on a computer-driven car as soon as possible. Altogether, I think that driverless cars are not a great idea. The consequences that come with these cars far outweigh the positive opportunities that the car could bring. I think that the driverless cars could be dangerous to other drivers on the road as well as the people in the car. The driverless car seems unnecessary since we already have alert drivers. Driverless cars may be a smart invention, but I don't think they should be allowed onto the streets until further research is done on them and until drivers are comfortable using the new system.
The author supports his idea by studying the comparing and contrats what the differnece between "Evening Star" (Venus ) by earth and many other planets, author says "atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, 90 times greater than what we experience."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Author also says " Venus has vaule, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because curiosity will likely lead us into mant equally intimidating endeavors."Minding that Venus has a great vaule and cool experince but very dangerous. Venus provide only limited insight on ground condition because most forms of photography and videography ineffective. Long ago was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Author gives really good edivence as supporting his thoughts and why such a great experience. The author say "Importantly researchers cannot take sample of rocks or anything else from a distance, Therefore seeking to conduct a through mission to understand." Simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in chamber simultaing the chaos and Venus surface but while they were studying that also a Modern computer which does calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Help them learn a little more about Venus Venus also referred as Earth "twin " planetary neighbor with Earth , Mars. Author had took alot of time to study and learn so much about Venus, had learn the speed, temperature, location, the things that would be on Venus, has very good evdience why would be worthy pursuit even if leads to many intimidating endeavous.
The image of the head that you see here is not made by aliens. The face is just a natural landfrom. 25 years ago, when NASA's Viking spacecraft was circling a planet snapping photos of its sister ship Viking 2. They spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face. "An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia", as the passage states. Days later NASA gave the image to the world so we can all see. As, you see the caption gives a description of what the "huge rock formation" looks like. It resembles a human head fromed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. I really dont think an alien knows what we look like and how to put all our facial features at the right place. Even some scientist think that it was an alien but scientist can be wrong at times. Some people would probably say that the aliens made this picture so they can get the attention or make people laugh. Or they really think its aliens which is your opinion. But, as you see the face was coming to form in 1976 to 2001. It took years to making it happen so I woulg think it was years of dust to form this kind of face. NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. So, there was probably a person who died on mars and his head is there and dust is forming on top of it. It was a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet so over the years it could have gotten all the coudy dusty air and built up. I really dont think this is an alien I feel like its a natural landform. Now, What's your comeback?
Many people in the world today think that cars and driving everywhere is a necessity; however, many people feel that owning a car is "impractical (and) undesirabe." (paragraph 43) There are many advantages to having cars, but there are also many more advantages to not using cars wherever people go. Some advatages include conserving resources, making people have a little more money in their pocket and it also improves safety in many suburban cities. In the world today, a major problem that still exsists is greenhouse gases. Cars emit a lot of gas that isn't good for the enviroment. In the first source, it says that people living in cities "is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes... passanger cars are responsible for 12 Europe...and up to 50 percent... in the United States."(paragraph 5) Exports mean to say that it is better for people to live in cities so they don't have to drive everywhere. This means that the more people that live in cities, the less gas goes into the air. In Paris, the city issued a ban for driving to try and reduce the smog. The second source says that "congestion was down to 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog." (paragraph 14) Only after five days of the no driving ban, more than half of the smog was gone in Paris. It also says that the amount of smog was almost as polluted at the city of Beijing, China, which is the most polluted city in the world. Bogota also did the same thing. They have an event called "A Day Without Cars." Participant Carlos Arturo Plaza says it is a good way "to take away stress and lower air pollution."(paragraph 24) They also got other cities, and even other countries, to follow suit and join the event. America faces the same problem as Paris; too many greenhouse gases are being put into the atmosphere. President Obama has a goal that he wasnts to achieve and  that is to try and make the enviroment healthy. The last article says that driving less "will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants."(paragraph 34) This implies that the amount of gases let into the air will be reduced. If peolpe didn't drive as much from place to place, the world would be a happier, healthier place. Apart from the fact that cars give of gas, not driving everwhere also means people save more money. In Vauban, Germany, nobody has any cars, they walk or bike to wherever they need to go. "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the egde of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home."(paragraph 2) People would be more inclined to not getting a car rather than spend an extra 40 grand on top of getting a house for a parking space. Also, in Paris, a fine was issued for people who drove their cars during the car ban. The second article says "even-number license plastes were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine.."(paragraph 11) If people didn't drive their cars around when they weren't supposed to, they would still have the 22 euros they lost. The same type of fine was issued in Bogota, Columbia. If people drove their cars on "A Day Without Cars", then they would have to face a $25 fine. However, in the United States, "recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by."(paragraph 29) Without having to pay for a car or gas money, Americans are saving way more money they had been when they first got a car. Wit people not having to worry about payments or gas prices, they have more money in their wallet. Not only does not driving save money and reduce gas, it also improves cities and people's lives. Heidrun Walter, a German media trainer, says that "when (she) had a car, (she) was always tense. (She's) much happier this way." (paragraph 3) She likes not having to drive everywhere, it makes her feel more calm and less tense. It's not only changing peoples lives, but it's changing the cities. Cities are attempting "to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with eless space for parking."(paragraph 6) Cities are changing their apperance in order to intice people into driving less and walking or biking more. They intend to make the stores closer together rather than having to drive across the highway to get to the next store. Also in Bogota, there has been a "cunstruction of 118 miles of bicycle paths" and "parks and sports centers...have bloomed throughout the city."(paragraphs 27&28) With more people walking, the city wants to make the outside apperance different and more appealing than what it looked like before people just used cars. Not driving is not only good for personal well being, but for the a city's well being. There are many advantages to driving cars, such as saving time and getting to places faster but, not driving cars is way better in the long run because of a better enviroment, saving money and better cities and personal health.
There are a lot of advantages of limiting car usage. Yes a lot of people use cars to get around, but there are other ways to get around. Limiting car usage would probably cause a lot of complaints, but I think once people started limiting how much they drove everyday, they wouldn't see the need as much. In Paris, for example, they have banned driving due to smog. The story "Paris bans driving due to smog", Robert Duffer states that "Congestion was down 60 percent in the captial of France, after five-days of the smog." Only five days of banning drivers brought the smog rate down 60 percent, that's huge. To make it easier for the people of Paris to get around, they had public transit free of charge for those five days. If driving was banned for a while people woould find other ways to get around, and other people in the community would help them, like the transit bus giving free rides those five days. Some people may argue that it's a free country and we shouldn't be limited to how much we're allowed to drive our cars. Yes it's a free country but limiting car usage is actually getting people to be active, instead of being lazy and driving everywhere you go. The United States has the highest percentage of obesity. With limiting how much you can use your car it will make people walk places, if they really have to go somewhere. Also riding a bike, or even riding a bus or train. However, unlike your own car, to get to the bus stop or train station, it will take some walking, which is good. Also another advantage of limiting car usage would be all the things that would be fixed around our community. With people walking more, the community and city people would want to make our area look better while we walk. In the story "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" Andrew Selsky states, "..Pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." With less driving and more walking to get to places, the community would fix our sidewalks and make more shopping centers and resraurants closer. Limiting car usage will be hard to adjust to at first, but I think in the long run it's a win-win. It helps us get active and lower our stress from driving, and it helps our environment.
Limited car usage has plenty of advantages. A few examples of advantages that come from limited car usage are lessining the amount of gases polluting the air, also it would create a friendly and neighborly enviorment, and a large amount of money would be saved. To limit car usage has huge benefits; we can lessen the gasses that are polluted, lessening smog. It may not sound like something that effects your everyday life, but it does. Smog and air pollution are a problem, and a threat to our safety and well being. As of right now it is'nt a life or death situation, but if car usage continues to be a huge part of the world, all the air pollution from all the years of driving are going to get so bad people, and the earths atmosphere will be extremly affected by it. Think about your kids future, would you really want them to live in a world consumed by air pollution, and emission gasses, and smog.. To give an example, "passneger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe.. and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the united states" (rosenthal). That just showing how much car usage affects air pollution and the air we breath everyday. Just decreasing the amount of car usage can reduce the smog, and air pollution in cities and towns. Additionally, the less cars are used the more people and neighbors would intteract. If a majority of a town just lessened the amount they go out using a car, they would walk, or ride bikes, or take busses, etc.. imagine your town, and families and their kids taking a walk somewhere, or people riding their bicycles to their destination, everyone could meet their neighbors and talk. Overall, cities and towns and suburben areas would generally become just a friendly enviorment. Most people want to live in a place in which they feel safe and neighborly. Teenagers and families would get more excersise then the normal. Due to having to walk, and ride bikes or other things they would be getting out of the house more instead of sitting in a car then going and sitting some place then going back home and sitting around again, they would get the needed physical activity to stay some what healthy. "Millions of columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day"(selsky). That is amazing, and it is so good for people to get out and do things like that. Lessening car usage could completly change neighborhoods and towns and citiies. Finally, Cars in the united states are highly expensive, and not everyone has thousands of dollars around to get the car they want/need. "Cash strapped americans could not afford new cars"(Rosenthal). Just an example that cars are not cheap and a lot of people spend money they do not have on cars. In addition to buying the car, gas must be provided, depending on the car and the amount of gas it uses up, that can be pretty expensive. Insurance is another cost, everyone has to have insurance to be able to drive and own a car, thats a monthly fee coming out of our pockets. Limiting car usage could save a lot of money, it would leave extra money every day, week or month to go out and eat once in a while, or to buy other necisities. Just about everyone wants to have a little extra money, but with a car thats frequently used can use up almost 200 to 400 dollars each month. Riding a bike, or skateboarding or just simply walking is completly free. Advantages in limited car usage are, The decrease in gas pollution and smog, it could create friendlier neighborhoods and towns, and lastly thousands of people would save a lot of money.           
To agree, or to not agree. I am all for the idea of driverless cars. Just knowing I would be safe in a car can manage itself and not worry about being in a wreck makes me feel better about the idea. There are a lot of people who tend to be reckless drivers in the world and we can not be having that knowing there are people with families and children risking their life to drive around. I know how often recks happen in the world and plenty of people die due to examples like drunk driving. To have a car that can drive itself would be a great idea. There are already cars that, somewhat, control themselves. For example, the vibrating of the seat to let us know if we will run into something while backing out of a parked area. Or the automatic breaking when it senses a wreck in motion. Over time, creaters are becoming more advanced in coming up with ideas for the cars they are developing. They plan on making driverless cars already but they still have to gradually get to that point.
This "face" that was found on mars couldn't have been a alien because there wouldn't just be one found, there would've been more. Also If you have read the article about the face it says in paragraph two " Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." So that quote states that the shadows are making it look like a human face. On April 5, 1998 Mars Global Surveyor flew over to Cydonia and ended up getting a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. In paragraph seven where it says all the information it says " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." so this means that after they went up to Cydonia they discovered it was just a natural landform, but people still doesn't want to believe it was just a rock that was shaped naturally, not by "aliens." I understand how people think it is made by an alien because it looks so much like a human as you could see, you see a nose,eyes, and mouth which makes you think someone there had to create that, there is no way nature could just form a perfect looking human face like that. In paragraph twelve in the article it says "That's a lave dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." That prooves that nature could create something like that. Plus it says that it was just shadows making it look like that. That "face" is just another rock formed by nature and people just need to let it go. There is no aliens found or discovered up there so there is no way. And while they are giving that rock so much attention, they are just making the NASA people just more paid for the attention. That "Face" is just a rock with shadows making it look that way and nothing more.
You may think that the landform that resembles a human face is proof that there is alien life on Mars, but it actually does not prove anything. There are many reasons that the mesa could be there, and alien life is the least likely. Mesas are common around the area that the face was found, and recent pictures have proved that it is just a landform. Even taking the picture on a cloudless, sunny day proved nothing. It is simply a landform, and nothing more. You might argue that it is unlikely that the landform is a mesa because it isn't natural, or that it looks unnatural. While it does look unnatrual, they are actually very common around the area that the face was found. Saying that it can't be a mesa because mesas aren't common simply isn't true. Cydonia has many mesas, the face included. There are plenty of mountains on Earth, and we all know that those aren't man-made. No one talks about one certain mountain that is man-made, while the rest aren't. Why should Mars be any different? They are all natural landforms, there isn't one that's just man made. You may also argue that the first picture was taken on a day that was cloudy, or that the picture was unclear. You would be correct, which is why NASA went back eighteen years later and took the photo again on a cloudless, clear and sunny day. The picture was taken in summer, which is generally pretty cloudless in Mars. There was practically nothing that might obstruct the view of the "face", and what did we find? Nothing. We found a landform, just like we had found eighteen years earlier. There was nothing to obstruct the view. That means that when we did look and find nothing, that there was nothing there. You still might not be convinced. You might say that we simply weren't close enough to find any strange alien markings, or that camera's quality wasn't good enough to see any of the strange alien markings, but that would also be correct. We took a picture of the mysterious "face" three times. Once in 1976, once in 1998, and finaly in 2001. Each time the picture was taken, the camera's quality was better. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to the 43 meters in the 1976 photo. With the image being that detailed, we would have been able to spot things as small as shacks next to the mysterious "face". We didn't, however. We found nothing except for the landmark, which proves that it is nothing more than an unusual landmark. In conclusion, there is countless proof that the "face" on Mars is nothing more than an unusal mesa. Mesas are common in Cydonia, which is where the landmark was spotted. We have taken three photos, the quality better with each, and each time nothing other than the landmark was spotted. We even went back to take the photo on a cloudless, clear and sunny day with our best camera yet, and we still found nothing. That is all the proof that I need, and it's all the proof you need. There is nothing on Mars other than an unusual landmark, that happens to look like a face.
Venus is simple to see from a distance but it is challenging to see up close.The author of ''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers its presents. Here are the details that support this idea. Venus has a repuation as a challenging planet for humans to study. But astronomers are fascinated by Venus. It was once known as the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. Its basically more like Earth thats why they call Venus as the ''twin''. NASA are compelling ideas to send humans to study Venus. Solar would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Temperatures would still be toasty at 170 degrees fahreheit but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. These conditions are not easy but they are survivable for humans. Many researchers are working on innovations that are going to allow machines to last long enough to contribute in Venus. Also, NASA is working on different approaches to studying Venus. For exampe they are making electronics made of silicon carbon. They have been tested in a chamber simulating Venus's surface and it had lasted for three weeks. Most technology have not even lasted a few hours. Which can be a better way for humans to study. Humans are full of curiosity and can lead us to many things. Studying Venus is worthy but it has many dangers. Like the author said ''we should be filled with doubts and should be expanded to meet very images of imagination and innovation.''
Dear Senator, I'm writting you a letter because I think that we should change to election by popular vote for the president of the united states than keeping the Electoral College. The reason why I think that we should change to popular voting is because every one will be able to have a say in who becomes president. With the Electoral College, if you want to vote for a certain president, you are actually voting for electors who are pledged to a certain candidate and would place a vote for the candidate they pledged to to make them president. The pont is, those electors can be bad people looking for power. Besides, it wouldn't be a fair game if the Electoral College did that. So in order to make it equal, I would like to switch to a popular vote election. But eiither way, a president is still chosen. "The single best argument against the Electorala College is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people  should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider the state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succceeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) In the same vein, "faithless" electors ahve occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. . . Oh, and what if a state sends two slates of electors to Congress? It happened in Hawaii in 1960. Luckily, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, validated only his opponent's electors, but he made sure to do so "without establishinga precedent." What if it happened again?" Excerpt from "The Indefendable Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong" from Mother Jones By Bradford Plumer.
Have you ever thought that technogly could see how you feel? In the article they said that Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The scienests also said that according to some new computer software that can recongnize emotions. The people that created this software for the computer is Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science. He made better ways for humans and computers to comminicate. Thomas Huang said that the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major bones in the model move like human mussles. What did they do to make the Mona Lisa look different? What the have done here is weighting the different units, this software can make mixed emotions. The new computer software stores simliar anatomical infomation as electronic code. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intened to bring a smile to your face. Just imagine a computer can tell if your happy or sad, for example if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow. At home are Pc can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode the Mona Lisa's smile. Do you think that in the mirror suggest an emotion? It's all about those muscular action units. The can see the difference between a genunie smile and a forced one. In a false smile the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major, a different mussle, the risorius. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. In the end all we talked about here is that technogly has gone along way to make people happy, sad, and mad. They are making new ways that can show weather you are fake smiling or have a real smile. They also made it to were thet can change the Mona Lisa to not look so mad. So after all the technogly has involed a lot to making people happy, sad, or mad.
I am a scientist at NASA, and I am going to prove to you that NASA was not created by aliens, it is just a natural landform. Other scientists, including me was around Mars taking photos. We took a lot of photos and when we came back to check the photos it looked like a human face. I used a new method step by step to see if it actually was a human face, but it was not. It turned out to be a rock shaped as a head, and the rock made you have an illusion of the eyes, mouth, and nose. To many people are concerned about aliens going to attack, but it is not true. Some scientists just want you to think there are aliens that based off what they have saw. If you look on a JPL web site you can see that it is just a natural landform. After all there was no alien monument. The picture actually shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa-landforms. According to what the theory is, another reason for it being a natural landform is because NASA would rather hide and the defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. Half of the time on photos things start to look like ghost or even aliens for this matter if you are scared and are thinking about aliens being alive or by you. The Face is a natural landform according to the mission controllers, where the lab is. Monitors will lok like a face when you first take it but you have to clear the picture up a little bit. For the Face to seem natural to you, you have to believe that there is no aliens out on what people call bona fide, of life on Mars. You always want to make sure that you are not just having an illusion. To make sure you are not having an illusion you are checking what ever is happening twice. For an example of a natural landform, there would have to be pictures taken and on the natural landform there would have to be a mapping spacecraft and that normally looks straight down. For an example of a alien landform, there would be UFO's with bright lights shining and would have to have a hide out for them to live and to not be seen. This is my evidence that I gathered from the method that I used to prove to you that the Face is just a natural landform. Yes, NASA does have a Mars but, that does not mean that there would be aliens, just because it says Mars. If you ever have need some help on getting a person to believe you about something like scientists wise, come to my website JPL and message me. Their are creatures but they are not on the Face of NASA. Do not ever forget if you take a picture and you think something is there try to clear it up or get someone else to clear it up.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? If your not in it, you should do it! There are so many reasons to join the program. Don and I sighed up, and you should too. I got to help animals while everyone else dosent have the time for it. Seagoing Cowboys took care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. f you have any exsperence what careing for animals, you'll be great at this! I used to work at my aunt Katie's farm as a boy, so that prepared me for this. I got to see beautiful sights when I was a Seagoing Cowboy. You travel ALOT when you do what I did. If you ever wanted to travel the world and see sights that not many people get to to see, then you ought to join. Even though there is a lot of work to do, and worrying about the dangers of being a seagoing Cowboy, you get to have fun with the other cowboys. They play baseball and volleyball games in empty holds where animals had been housed. And to pass the time, we play table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and played games. To sum up my thoughts, if you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you get to help alot of people, animals, and countries to recover from World War II, and you get to do what you love to do and have fun doing it. So thoughs were my reasons why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy.
I feel as if the making and implementaion of driverless cars will benefit our society greatly. I do not drive personnaly but as someone who ha been picked up,an dropped off endless amount of times i have seen my fair share of the roads. Upon these roads bad drivers and good drivers exist; and they are all humans controling the cars. As humans we are not perfect at all and we have our flaws. An example of one of many flaws is our inability to truly multitask. Texting and driving is something many of us believe we can do but it is the samething that kills numerous amounts of people a year: shown from multiple statistics. In my opinion computers are more reliable unlike people. when they are bugged and have malfunctions yes its irratating and complex to fix them, but when there up and running there is no stoping the leaps and bounds they go through just to produce information efforetlesly. yes there will be those who belive that there is too much of risk of putting your lives in the hands of technology but on an everyday basis we do without realizing it. when you think about it everyday you wake due to the sound of your alarm, everyday you wake up to check your phone to stay updated with worldy and local topics, we also check our phones for time. what im trying to state is we wake up because of technology and we go to bed because of technology so why not get to your chosen destination by upgraded technology. One of reason I feel so strongly about the idea of having driverless cars is due to the idea of them using half the fuel of todays taxis. this could be so helpful in two ways; one way is it could help everyone finacialy. with the price of fuel always fluxating from high to low, those that do use the driverless taxis would in theory pay less then what they would do now. Also another great reason for driverless cars is there would hopefully be a lesser carborn footprint then what we have been producing. Our abuse of releasing too much co2 has led unpredictable climate change which is having long lasting effects in parts of the united states let alone the globe.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" states in the last paragraph, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors," which means the author sides with the idea of studying Venus, even with the risks it offers. In paragraph 5, the author gives light on NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus. NASA's idea is to allow scientists to float above the fray, like a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above Venus's landscape. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions and that the temperatures would still be warm at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. So, not easy conditions, but still survivable for humans. The author states in the next paragraph that in order to a conduct a thorough mission to get more information on Venus, scientists would need to get up close and personal, despite the risks. The author ends the article with "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to mee the very edges of imagination and innovation," which says that just because there are many dangers that come with getting to know more about Venus, doesn't mean we should avoid Venus on purpose. We should get to know more about Venus despite the dangers for our own imagination and innovation. Studying Venus is a good start to unravel the secrets of not only our galaxy, but of the universe also, but until we have even more advanced technology and equipment, it wouldn't be the best idea to start doing missions on Venus as of now; However, the author of this article believes that we should study Venus despite the dangers that we could face to further expand what we know. The author is being more considerate of science than of safety.
In this article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," I am for the development of these cars. Im for these cars because they are safe and Smart cars they have been tested to work like a human person. Driverless cars are coming. These cars can change the world. Driverless cars are safe and smart because they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves now that's a smart car. Driverless cars have necessitates the car being able to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs. All though you have to pullin and out a driveway these cars are amzing. Driverless cars are/ smart-road systems workes surpisingly well. The have the skill of a human at the wheel. Computer hardware and software make driving safe. The car is developed were the driver's seats will vibrate whe the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Having this car would change the world! In the article they say that Dr. Werner Huber, A BMW project manger driver, Says "We will have to interpret the driving fun in a new way." Drivers no longer need to take over. These cars are amzing ,they are the future. This is why I am for the develoment of these cars. Im for them because they are safe and smart. These driverless cars are amzing. Having these cars with change the world in the future.
Dear senator, I think we should keep our Electoral College because its fair if we get to choose our president and he or she wins then he or she should be president. Some people should consider themselves lucky because of what happened in 2000 with that fiasco and it was the biggest election crisis in a century. Even though there is 270 votes required to vote for the president, whats fun about that is because there be more  votes and atleast people participate in them. Choosing our president is best because when your voting for the president your voting for state electors. Also, it gives chances for people that want to be president or senator. Electoral college is not a place its a process that it lets people choose who they want in the white house. I think people should start taking things seriously because they might think its a joke but its real serious to other people. Under the 23rd Amendent of the constitution,"the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for the purpose of the Electoral College." After the presidential election,our governor prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" listing all the people who ran for president. It also gives them a chance to show and see who would do more for our country,like for example when they do their campaign commercials and what i look at is who does the best. Thats what i think about if it should be changed or not. Thank you for reading my letter and i hope my letter changes your mind.  
Movies have been fascinated by the idea of cars that drive themselves. We are now closer to making this dream a reality. Google is working on a self driving car as well as other comanies. Self driving cars have many benefits not only to us but to the environment. Google in 2009 made a car that could drive by itself, but only specific conditions. In the ariticle "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it says that "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far Google cars aren't truly driverless." Although these cars can drive more than half a million miles ; it can't pull in or out of driveways or deal with taffic issues. It alerts the driver when the driver should take control of the car. These cars would not only drive themselves and make our safety better, but it also brings benefits for the environment and budget. In paragraph two in the article it says that " The car he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world." If the car uses half the fuel a taxi does then that would be less fuel being burned and damaging our environment. Not only does it help the environment but also our budget. We would not have to pay as much money for fuel as we do for cars we have now. Although these cars sound amazing there are negative aspects to these cars. These cars can't drive through complicated traffic issues. The car would not be able to deal with traffic issues, go through roadwork or accidents. The car would give the person in the car the control of the car and if that person is not paying attencion then an accident could happen. Some states believe that the only save car is the car driven by a human. A driverless car is a new form of technology and like all technology this could have a maufunction. Cars that drive themselves sound great and could be really useful in the future, but we must not forget that not everything is perfect. The car provides many benefits like less fuel or engine power. This new car could be a great inovation but also a danger to out safety.
"Driverless cars"? What are "driverless cars"? "Driverless cars" are cars that are programmed to drive without a driver. It can cruise, turn, stop, go without a actual driver. What would happen if this type of car got in a accident? Who are to blame? As said in the article, "who is at fault, the driver or the manufacturer?" This type of problem would cause a lot of trouble. Should we be for or against "driverless cars?" A "driverless car" is only programmed to do the basic driving needs. For example, speed up, slow down, stop, go, turn, reverse, and more. "Driverless cars" don't have common sense. What if there is a cat that is crossing the road and the car dosen't sense it. The cat would just die, if a human was driving the car he/she would see it and stop immedietly. The car dosen't have that mentality. As said in the passage " all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." This proves that the "driverless cars" can't handle every situation and are at great risk of causing a accident. The passage said, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" What would happen if this "driverless car" got into a accident? As I metioned earlier, who is there to blame? The manufacturer or the owner of the car. Since the "driverless cars" can't drive in complex roads and need to notify the human to drive, what would happen if they aren't notified in time? It would cause a accident. This would start a argument between the owner of the car and the manufacturer. The owner of the car would want to sue the manufactuer for selling him/her a bad machine. Most of the people that purchased the "driverless cars" would want to blame the manufaturer even if it was their fault, just to get out of trouble. Everyday machine like microwaves, televisons, phones, and refrigerators malfunctions all the time. They are machines they are not perfect and cannot last forever. They could crash at anytime. This "driverless car" is a machine, it can malfunction at any random time, just like any other machine. For example, if I had a "driverless car" and there was a stop light but the car didn't stop, what would happen? There would be another accident. You can't trust machines like you can trust an actual human being. A human being has control over the driving and knows exactly what to do, unlike a "driverless car." You can't even trust a "driverless car" to take you to your location. It might malfunction and get you lost. Then again, who is there to blame? The manufacturer or the owner of the vehicle? I think that "driverless cars" are not good for humanity. They have their benefits but, not enough. It would come with too many accidents and problems. The manufacturer would get sued and the buyer would be furious. I am against these "driverless cars." Maybe in the far future when technology has reached its highest and there is almost no doubt it would fail.
Driverless cars are a good invention to have because they can prevent night crashes. Many car crashes occur when a person is tired or drunk. This car will take care of your driving if you're drunk or in a bad situation when you can't drive such as, being pregnant and alone. First of all, let's say you are on a road trip with your family, its really late at night, your kids are asleep and you're really trying to stay awake. You remember you own a driverless car so you know you can sleep for a bit and if the car needs your assitance, you will be notified in some soart of way. For example, it will shake your seat, or even make a noice and alert you. Driverless cars will help pregnant women when they have no one else with them and they're going into labor. Since pregnant women can't drive , especially if they are about to have a baby, it is a good help for them to have a driverless car. Mostly because they would not have to assit much on the driving part and they can just tell the car where to go if they have a GPS in them. These type of cars can be a positive huge help in the future whenever you are drunk driving or pregnant. They will prevent crashes and keep pedestrians safe.
I choose non-driverless cars over driverless cars because the fact of how much nonsence that is put into cars to make them better " Google's modified Toyota Pruis uses positoin-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. Ther most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of ther car's surrounding. " " They can steer, acceletate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as nagigating through work zones and around accidents." I choose that making driverless car's are a waste of time. Making driverless car's are pointless because humans already have everything that is being put in these drieverless car's. " If the technology fails and someone is injured who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer? " no one would have to worry about the accident and injuries bc as a human we have eyes and ears to see what is going on the road and how to avoid that and all that the new driverless cars have are sensors and GPS, sensors can not see when a child is crossing the street, a GPS can not tell when a group of kids or an inncent pedestrian is in the road to get the other side to go to his or her destination. This world needs to stop trying to make car's smarter than humans because humans have natural instincts to tell them when and when not to do something unlike driverless car's. Driverless car's will never be smarter than human instincts, so there is no need to try and make car's smarter becuase all that is going to happen is the driverless car's will get banned and not trusted to be on the roads.
Have you ever heard of the Seagoing Cowboys program. You should join because you get to travel all over the world and you get to help people in other countries. It is a really unique program, with very fun games along the trip. The first reason you should the Seagoing Cowboy program is because you can travel over the world and go on many adventures. You get to see things you never saw before and do things you never done before. In the text it says, you can see Europe and China. Also, you can visit Greece. The second reason you should join is because you get to help people around the world. In the text it says, it makes ypu aware of other countries needs. In conclusion, you should join the program. If you think you shouldn't that wrong because you have a bunch of amazing opportunitys. It is a very fun and unique kind of program. So, you should consider joining. They also play fun games like volleyball, baseball, table-tennis,fencing,and boxing.
dear senator, I have come to a conclusion on how I think the president and his candidates should be voted for. In one hand we've got the Electoral College, and the election by popular vote. These two thing have been around for hundreds of years but you've got to know if you prefer one or the other. So which one works better? Why do you prefer this one over the other? The Electoral College, electors meeting and voting for our president and vice president. This electoral college consist of 538 electors that vote to for our president. I myself dont think this is a very sensable thing. Because when you think you're voting for the president you are actually voting for a state of electors who will in turn vote for the president not you. Why should there be a select few people out of the billions of people who live in america to vote for the president while we just sit and wait for the results. To only have their opinions voiced. Does'nt seem like a very fair way to elect someone who will be changing our country. This is a winner-take-all-system. Election by popular vote, this means you and I will be voting for the president and his cabinet ourselves. That we will have a say in who we want to change or even fix our country. Although the person we vote for may not win, we still got a say in what we believe would have made our counrty a better place. Although the Electoral College might give a more clear winner, if we know that our vote will actually have an effect in the election we might pay more attention to the election and vote more wisely. Knowing that we have voiced our preference rather than knowing maybe one single electoral vote might have set the election. Now there are some benefits if the Electoral College. In the case of having a precise vote on who gets to be president is one. Also maybe the fact that you voted fo the people who will be electing the president in a way is just the same. However this does notmean that it is better than you just voting yourself. Because those are onlyabout the two thing that are evn remotely good about the Electoral College. So when you decide who you want to be president think of how you would like your vote to be heard. through your own vote or maybe/possibly through anothers vote. I know which system i would choose. Giving that it would give me more voicein the matter. What would you do?            
Although a motorized vehicle provides the opportunity to transport citizens from place to place, limiting the usage of a car may be considered more beneficial. Car usage limitations allow the citizens to feel less stressed, show a decrease in air pollution and a promotion towards alternative transportation, and a decrease in habit. The article, "In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars" (Source One), suburban pioneers have decided to permently give up cars. Although the usage of cars are generally forbidden in Vauban, its fellow citizens express that they were "always tense... [are] much happier this way" without the use of a car in their lives. When individuals are stressed, they're constantly worrying and not fully paying attention to surroundings; therefore, stress is considered one of the causes of vehicle crashes. Also, the congestion of traffic (if not awful enough already) will become worse with the crash which causes more individuals to become stressedl. Without the use of cars, citizens are less stressed and can go about their daily lives. Vauban is considered to be "the most advanced experiment in low-car suburband life" because of the attempt to make the city denser and a better place for walking has succeed. "Paris bans driving due to smog" (Source Two), mainly focuses on the environmental issues that car usage has been causing throughout the city. After a near-record, pollution, Paris strictly enforced a driving ban to "clear the air of the global city". The smog from the motorized vehicles is hazardous to our environment which therefore can be damaging to us and our bodies if we only inhale smog. Therefore, health problems are presented among the population and causes an endless loop of health concerns to be dealt with. These can be considered "solved" if the environmental issues are presented and dealt with immediately and effectively. Luckily, with Paris going in the right direction with the ban, health concerns will decrease as well as the smog in the air. Because of the ban that Paris has plaaced, congestion was "down 60 percent in the capital of France". Presented later, the smog in the city has began to clear enough. Two beneficial causes have been brought forth all because of limitations on the usage of cars. "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" (Source Three),  explains how Bogota has a dedication day to the use without cars. According to a business man, Carlos Arturo, he explains how the day of dedication relieves stress and lowers the pollution. In order to transport oneself from place to place, citizens can walk or ride bicycles. Because of the large impact that Bogota has made, "municipal authorites from other countries came to Bogota to see the event and were enthusiastic". In summary, this city has made quite an influencial mark on others. With prediction, this event could end up carrying throughout the world because of the incredible benefit that it has on our planet: the decrease of air pollution. It not only helps us, but it provides help to the world. Another article, "The End of Car Culture" (Source 4), explains that a study has been made on the American drivers: "... are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by". If this pattern continues, it'll provide implications for carbon emissions and the environment, seeing as "transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants". If we could reduce this, our lives and breathing conditions can be improved dramatically. The quote, "people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit", means that if we can break the habit of buying cars, there will be no more habit to continue with. In conclusion, the reduction and limitations of car usage will not only be beneficial to us, but it'll become greatly beneficial to our environment; which becomes an endless loop of helping one another out.
Cars have upgraded so such more over the years, but as the cars increasingly upgraded they also cost more which decreases people from getting cars! 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars, 57 percent sold a car to move here. In diffrent countries cars could be lower price cars, but not just the price of cars other things too!"Passengers cas are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States". If you leave the United States and transport to Europe, things would be cheaper! Even cars have a diffrent looks in diffrent places! In New York the suburbs looked more vauban-like in the 1950s! Some countries even get upgraded things later then other countries! But having a car should be a good thing nomatter how it looks or how it feels its better than walking we should be happy for having the upgraded things that makes life so much easier but if you had the oppratunity to get any car you could choose wisly drive save and fallow the laws!  
I'm wanting to tell you that the Face on Mars, that NASA found, is just a natural landform. When NASA first found it, they all thought it was a human face, but it's not. It is a natural landform, that was just created over time. No matter how much you wanna disagree with me, i'm telling you that is what it is. NASA also thinks that there was egyptain pryamids, that humans created. NASA is disagreeing with a lot of people, saying that humans onced live on mars, and that when they lived there they created all of those thing. Another thing why I am thinking and telling you it is a natural landform, is because not one single person could live on Mars, that long to build anything on it. We all know the reason why people can't live on Mars, well if you don't know then let me tell you, it is because of all the weather they have, and all the big bad wind and dust storms they have. There is no possible way that a human could of built this in that short amount of time it had been there. Another reason why I am telling that it is a natural landform, is because, a human couldn't have built one of these things, because it sometime takes almost up to years to create things like these. Because of the wind Mars couldn't have all those human like features. Thats why I am telling you, and you can disagree with me all you want to, but i'm telling you that i'm right, and that no person could ever live that long on a planet, that can't even have any hum possibly live on it.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author shows this by referring Venus as Earth's "twin", nearest option for a planetary visit, and travels not being limited. The author says that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and by showing that this is true he refers Venus as Earth's twin. The author goes to say that, "Often referred to as Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." The author also gives an example on why it isn't Earth's twin. "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." These pieces of evidence show the real dangers of Venus and it's environment. The nearest option for a planetary visit is Venus. The author says, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." He also goes to say that, "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." With these pieces of evidehce it shows that the planet shows features of planet movement. The last thing is travels should not be limited. The author says, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosty will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author also comments, "Out travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Not limiting travles can expand reasearch and these pieces of evidence show that they want to do what it takes to study this planet. In conclusion, these are the reasons why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Technology is accelerating at a very rapid pace! Just 30 years ago the computer was created, and now we're almost at the point of a car driving for you completly. Everyone has their own thoughts on this subject, some people might think it's interesting and some might feel skeptical and that we're creating a dissastor. How do you feel about a car that will drive for you? Thinking about a car that could potentially drive for you sounds a bit scary. Looking at the statistics of automotive accidents, they would be sure to increase significantally due to the technology being new to everyone and them not being used to it, but also dysfunctions with the car itself. The new technology would be great, but only if when it's used it's very regulated such as having special tracks the cars drive on. If it gets regulated, companies who own tracks the cars are permitted to drive on could have insurance that if something happens they're fully covered. This would help with a lot of the law suits, and also a written contract should be signed stating that you agree with the terms of use. In conclusion, driverless cars would be a nice thing to have but only if regulated and restricted on state roads. The way technology is expanding maybe one day a car will be invented that would be smart enough to drive on roads, but we haven't gotten to that point yet. As for now driving should be left to humans not technology, that's getting too risky for your own safety as well as others.
Automatic cars. They've been invented like everyother automatic thing in the world just to make humans more lazy. There can be nothing good about automatic cars. What if they run out of batter down a four lane highway? What if they run out of gas? What exactly will the cars be run on? No matter what there will always be risks. Say you and your family are driving down the road in one of these automatic cars and maybe the road is icy. The car slides but no computer can drive like human driver. The car slides off the road into a ditch and kills every member of that family. Who is to blame? The car, or the manufacturer? The manufacturers of the car, if they want to sell the product make sure that the car is totally accident proof. And that is completely impossible. With drunk drivers to texting drivers. You never know what the person coming at you is doing. You can never predict what that driver is gonna do while they're coming at you. And it's not your fault. So why would anyone ever want something they don't have complete control over? Another thing. We have automatic trains and subways cars yes. But, they are guided on a rail that is also watched over by a trained person. These automatic cars have no complete guide and just go off of gps? Sun flares cause gps and phones to go wack every now and then. So what happens when we have a sun flare and the car shuts down or malfunctions while its going say 50-60 mph? That could kill and entire family and some. Again, who is to blame for that? Who is to be at fault for something like that caused by nature? You can't do anything to prevent it. It's impossible. How expensive will these be? Only the rich will have them. These aren't something that just everyone will be able to get there hands on. Like Hover Boards. They sell for around 700 dollars and they catch on fire. What kind of waste of money will it be if people go to pay for an expensive car and it malfunctions in the first day that they get it. many companies will lose alot of money and there isn't a thing they can do about it. There are too many risks to the automatic cars. All though the risks are there, the grand theft auto crime rate would go down. I mean, how would one go about stealing an automatic car? How would the get away quickly if the car doesn't even go fast enough? Atleast police would have to worry about people trying run from them in one. In the world of automotives, people have to be careful on what they buy. Is it safe for the family? Is it fun? Is it reliable? The risk is too high to have completely automatic cars. There will always be something that could break, or just not work. If they could make a car that is "automatic" but at the sametime can be controlled by a driver, then you have a product worth selling. At one moment if a mother needs to take care of her child, she could put the car into say something like an autopilot and take care of her child. But only for a short period of time would the thing work. Then if the roads are bad or say you need to be able to control the car from and accident then you could rely on the car and not have to worry about a thing. Yes it could still malfunction but, you are less likely to crash whne the roads are bad or someone is about to hit you. There will never be a completely safe car but manufacturers have it down to where ford can automatically back up and parrellel park themselves with a camera. Cars will always be expensive, and cars will always be dangerous.
It's cool to study different things about our Solar System, but some things in Space can be very dangerous, like trying to examine Venus closer. In the passage, it says, While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. I chose this piece of evidence because it talks about studying Venus, on how studying can be a worthing pursuit despite the dangers it presents. In the beginning, it talks about Venus can be a very safe planet to research if we are far away from it. But it also says, if we get closer to it, it can be very dangerous since it is one of the hottest planets in our Solar System. In the passage provided, it talks about Venus's temperature and it's thick atmosphere. Also talks about not being safe trying to get closer to it because it makes an example saying, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Temperatures would be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. In the end, it talks about if you try and visit Venus, it's worth it not just because of insight, but because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our curiosity should lead us to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Many students get confused and bored during class. It may be the lesson, but it could also be the teacher and how the teacher is explaining the lesson. With Facial Action Coding System, computers will be able to detect when a student is slowly becoming confused or bored. The software is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinoise, working in collaboratio with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. There are a million reasons to use the Facial Action Coding system and class is one of them. In class, there are many different types of students. Some students might understand a lesson very easily and quickly. Although, there are plenty other types of students. One type of student that there is is the student that might have trouble comprehending a lesson. There are also students that have trouble paying attention to the teacher or lesson. Another type of student is the one that gets bored easily. When a student is bored, it may be hard for he or she to completely comprehend the lesson that is being taught at the moment. The program "Facial Action Coding System", enables the computers to identify human emotions. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. This software then allows the teachers to know when the student does not understand, or what part of the lesson is the student confused on. This program can help by letting the teacher know when the student is struggling to understand what is being taught so then the teacher can make a few adjustments to the lesson. In school, there are students that can get bored easily. The program, "Facial Action Coding System", can also detect when a student is getting bored. Students who are bored may have a more difficult time listening or understanding the lesson. If there is a part in the lesson where the student is beginning to feel bored the computer will be able to tell. Now that the teacher knows that the student (or students) are bored, he or she can be able to go back to the lesson and try to make it more enjoyable. Even with all these benefits, there are also some flaws to the idea of having this program on the computers. Having Facial Action Coding System can be expensive to have. There are a lot of computers in a few schools. Having many computers can lead to having to spend a lot of money in order to have this program in the computer. Some schools will not be able to afford the Facial Action Coding System. Another flaw to this idea is how students act. Some students will be able to take this program seriously, other students may be childish about it. The students that are childish about it can end up making fake facial reactions. The students will make bored or confused facial expressions to give the teacher a hard time with the lesson. There are also the students that are always bored. No matter what the teacher does to improve the lesson, the student will always be bored. Although, that is not always the case with students. Another problem that students may come across is the teacher. The teacher may not want to change or improve the lesson for the students because he or she believes it should stay like that. Through all those negatives, there are still positives to this program. The Facial Action Coding System program can help out students that are struggling. Not every student is the same, and not every student may need the same help other students do. Facial Action Coding System can be very help if people use it correctly.
I want to change the election by popular votes instead of the Electoral College because even if the president gets popular votes, it wouldn't matter anyway. They will have to vote the president by using the Electoral College. It wouldn't be fair because "Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate." That means if the president gets the most popular votes, it won't matter. Back then, presidents wouldn't accept the Electoral College. "What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!" They all thought that it wouldn't be fair if the popular votes wouldn't count and the Electoral College has its defenders. The thing that's wrong with the Electoral College is because "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." So if someone were to vote for a president, they would be voting for a slate of the 34 Democratic electors. After that, they pledged it on the president that they voted for. "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters." It's because of the winner-take-all system that happens also on each state. So candidates think they know they aren't going to win and never spend time on other states as well. People also think that the Electoral College is unfair because they never get to see the candidates and they won't know who they're going to vote. People only relied on Bob Dole. His goal was to "Abolish the electoral college!" When people also vote for a presdential canidate they actually vote for the slate of electors. Which was why Gore had more popular votes than Bush, yet he had fewer electoral votes. But there is one way to settle a dispute of the outcome of an Electoral College vote. "it happened in 2000-but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." The Electoral College also has a presidential candidate to have a trans-regional appeal but has enough electoral votes to vote for president. So now we all know how the Electoral College is unfair. Because of the constant votes that don't matter at all yet they always make sure to vote that president and all of the popular votes wouldn't matter. That's why I want to change to popular votes than the Electoral College does. All we need to do is work together to over come the Electoral College so the votes can be fair and we would want to vote for the president that we want.
Emotions are something that every person in the world feels everyday. Except some people here and there who actually are incapable of feeling emotions! A person can feel many emotions at once or just one very specific emotion because humans are emotional people, especially students. School can be stressful to many people and that's okay, but certain technology may not solve that problem. The use of the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom is not valuable because, students can become distracted, the technology may scan the wrong emotions, and it is an invasion of privacy. Student can become distracted in the classrooom by the Facial Action Coding System. Students can begin to make silly faces in the camera or try to display different emotions to see what happens to the lesson they are doing. The article states that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The student may take advantage of the software to get a modified lesson that may be easier than what they are capable of. While there are student that would not take advantage of the opportunity to have such technology in the classrom, there are always the rebel students that will take advantage. If a student is not getting the work that they are capable of doing their learning will come to a hault and they will not get the benifits they should, compared to a human intructor. Human instructors can possibly be a better tool to use rather than the FACS. The Facial Action Coding System may pick up the wrong emotions generating a more simple lesson. Like previosly stated, people can feel many emotions at once for many different reasons. The article states, "Eckman has classified six basic emotions—happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness—and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." The system may pick up emotions, but it was never said that it will be able to tell why you are feeling these emotions. A student maybe have other things running through their mind that may not have anything to do with the work they are completing. The system can pick up an emotion and modify the lesson. It would be a mere mistake but the mistake will obstruct the learning capabilities of the student. The FACS may be an invasion of privacy to some people. The system would be constaly reading your facial expression, which students may be uncomforable with. There are many shy and quiet people because not everybody is very social and likes to be on camera. The article states, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." A system that always watching you? The Facial Action Coding System sounds like something students can be uncomfortable with, considering that people tend to more private. Not every astudent will be so excited to hop right on the FACS train because they may see having a computer watching you as an invasion of their personal life. The Facial Action Coding System may be helpful elsewhere, but it may not be something wonderful to have in the classroom. Technology seems to be flourishing throughout the years. The FACS doesn't seem valuable to have in the classroom. Students can be distracted, the system may not fuction properly, and it is an invasion of privacy. Yes, technology may be great and all, but some things are better off held in the hands of humans.
I think that it is not an alien face because in the text it states " There was no alien monument after all.". They used an digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, and because the text states that "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or measa landforms common around the American West." The first reason why I say that it was not an alien head is because It was just a natural landform. That is because when the had the chance to take the picture they did and when it first appeared on a JPL web site showing that it wsa an natural landform, that it was nothing that you could now but not tell no one. Some people thought that it was still a alien head but had no proof abut it they had proof that it was an landform. Another reason why I thnk it is an alien head is because they had digtial image 3 times bigger than te pixel size so if something was there they could see what it was, it was best Viking photo ever so they could not have said nothing. You could see almost anything out that picture even something small you could see it so there wa no way that it was an alien face. Last reason why is becase when they got a look it was actually a "butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West nd it's as common to see around there. I was very hard work in order to do that anyway so if they were wrong why would they waste so much time doing this anyway. When they came back everyone was waiting and when they got the picture it was just an landform and they had so much proof about it to. In conclusion everyone has there opinion and they believe what they want and sometimes people had proof about that they think is going on and that some people don't they just think that it looks like something that it is always going to be what you think it is. You have to have evidence to back up your thoughts or no one will believe you.
It could be valuable because by facial expressions being shown teachers could tell if the kid in the back of the class that never talks understands the content or not. Like it says in the passage "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Maybe the computer could reroute the kid to a new website where it shows the same content but may not be as boring nd confusing as the other website. I think it would be good to put facial expression recognition on computers to see kids facial expressions. I think it could also definitely improve some of the kids grades. And alo help them lead to a good future and career all because of one program that reasd their facial expressions and it could ultimatley decrease the percent of people dropping out. And thats why i think it would be a good idea to put facial recognition on school computers.
I, one hundred percent agree with the creation that was approached. By the way they explain the technology and advancement in the project it sounds legit, I mean it does have its flaws and improvement But the flaws isn't anything bad, Its just certain area on the rode you have to help more. I think its an wonderfuk idea. The way they say it assist you is very helpful for the elderly. Some people are handicape and was waiting for an idea like this. Everybody isn't able to move around and do alot of things because they are disabled but a invention like this will change all of those problems. I gave as many reason as I can about the wonderful invention. The main reason is it will help the commuinty and maybe the robbery rate will go down because alot of people wouldn't have to walk anywhere for them to get ran up on an rob or worse murdered.
Venus, the second planet from the sun, has long been known as a desolate, barren, and hostile environment. Venus is devoid of any potential to support humans for the next several million years. Long story short, both manned and unmanned missions to Venus are expensive, time consuming, and provide no meaningful information that can't already be determined from earth, or a low-orbit probe. The author presents the feat of missions to Venus as a "challenge", and rightfully so. Paragraph 3 provides plenty of reasons to keep away from the second planet. The surface of this inhospitable rock is plagued with crushing atmospheric pressure, temperatures of more than 800 degrees, and highly corrosive clouds of sulfuric acid vapor. "The challenge" isn't much of a reason to toss away millions of dollars of research, no matter how large of a rush it gives humanity. The author also mentioned the value of scientific research conducted on our neighbor planet. Except, in paragraph 6, they outright state, "peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely above the ground can provide only limited insight on ground conditions". Finally, an analysis of paragraph 7 doesn't give us any information that we weren't already aware of. Except, an interesting point was made. Using older, mechanical devices to take the place of electronic ones could negate the issues imposed by fragile silicon chips. Mechanical macines still need power, provided by batteries or solar panels, which are controlled by computers. A mechanical computer has just as many, if not more potential issues than an electronic one. This article is fun to read, and is an excellent source of information about the planet Venus, but the author struggles to find valid reasons to go there. This article is a fluff piece, a feel-good piece of writing. If I were to create a similar writing, I would include more appeals to logic. "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" would have been far more appealing to me had it included more actual reasons to venture to a mysterious planet. "For Science!" just isn't sufficient in this particular case.
Can you imagine a time in the future when no one will have any money because of "Driverless Cars". Yes, you may think driverless cars is a good idea but its not. We already have "Driverless Cars", they are taxis and buses. They say it would use half the fuel of today's taxis and are more flexible than a bus. But how much would they cost? Are they going to be cheaper than a taxi? Are they going to be bigger than a bus? Buses and taxis are probaly the cheapest forms of transport, and don't get me started on Ubers. They say that Google has already made some "Driverless Cars", but they are not really driverless. Driverless means no one behind the wheel. "They alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." If it can't drive through traffic or back out of driveways then what's the point. What's the point of having a "Driverless Car" if it's not really driverless. Isn't the whole point of having a driverless car to relax and let it drive on it's own, not to be alerted when it can't even pull up into your driveway. "Originally, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads." So what you're telling me is that you want to make the roads smarter too? No, you need to make humans smarter not cars or roads. If we weren't so lazy we wouldn't need "Driverless Cars". "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." Want if the "human at the wheel" sucks at driving? Then we are going to have some issues. The sensors are what the should be adding to cars. The sensors "Can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better respone and control than a human driver could manage alone." See that is what we need in cars, they are so many car accidents because of speeding and drunk driving. Ok back to why "Driverless Cars" souldn"t be made. Driverless cabs? They already driverless cabs, you, yourself are not driving the cab. Unless you are a cab driver you are not driving the cab, and it's going to take so many jobs away from cab drivers. "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to driver?" Their turn to drive? So you take turns driving your brand new driverless car? But don't worry they have a in-car-entertaimnet and information system to make sure you don't fall asleep at the wheel. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer?" I thought it was a driverless car why would the driver be at fault? I can talk about this "Driverless Cars" idea for hours but I only have fifty-five minutes to talk about this. So i'm just going to wrap this up with my last thought. Driverless cars sould not be made. LIL BOAT
Mars..... the red planet. We call it many things, some of us people beleive that there is and once was life on the planet mars. But now NASA has discovered something far from anything we've seen before. The face of on the stone may possibly be weather created by its own planet. In the artical it states, " What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa." Which this means the face looked like landforms juist like on earth, that are found in the American west. In paragraph 11 a man states about the "rule of the thumb" which tells us about how you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. this explains to us that if the face was real there shouldve been other things to see around it. Lastly in paragraph 7 the artical says in April 1998, they sent Cydonia over to mars too take pictures and there was no cloudy weather it was perfectly fine, and it took photos of the face. People at home were waiting for the picture to be released, just to find that it was a natural landform. People can beleive that this is a real face however, they are wrong becauase that the pictue that was taken by cydonia looks just like a normal, natural landform and also the image they had, if they would've zoomed in on it 3 times they should've seen oher things. They also say that the face just looks like a mesa just like in the west of America. You should beleive that this is nothing but just a nrmal landform caused by the red planets natural enviorment.
Here at NASA the Face on Mars is known to be a natural rock formation. However some people believe that the Face was created by aliens. We are attempting to prove that it is natural. The Face is a natural rock formation. Evidence such as a picture taken on April 8, 2001 shows that it is nothing more than a mesa which are common in that area of Mars. The picture was taken with a camera that had a higher resolution than the camera used by the Viking 1 in 1976. The pixels in the image had a closer meter spread at 1.56 meters per pixel to the Viking 1 with 43 meters per pixel causing more of a blur effect. Others say that the Face is an alien artifact. They say that us at NASA are covering up the fact that there is life on Mars. Another thing they say is that on April 5, 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor took pictures of the Face the alien markings were hidden by the haze due to it being winter on Mars at the time. The final thing to say on the matter is that the Face is a natural rock formation. The Face was not created by aliens. The pictures prove that it is natural. The fact that us at NASA say that the Face is natural doesn't mean aliens created it. Conspiracy theory disproved.
I think that the "Facial Action Coding System" may actually be valuable. The machine detects emotions from using a picture and that can help with knowing how a person feels. The machine uses the muscles in your face to detect your emotions, it calulates all emotions found, and has most of the common emotions so the FACS has a very good chance of being accurate and valuable. The machine uses the muscles in your face to detect emotions. This is useful because different muscles makes different emotions, In the article the athour explained how the machine can tell if someone was happy or not. "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." That explains that even if the person tries to change their emotion the real one will still be seen because of the muscles that they are using. The "Facial Action Coding System" calulates all the emotions found in the persons face. Since the machine can calulate all the emotions it has a better chance if getting the right exact emotion the person is feeling and get all the emotions. This machine would be about to detect how any person is feeling and can show up at 6 emotions. With the machine being able to caluate your emotions its able to detect up to 6 different emotions that people use everyday. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. That was a discription of the Mona Lisa painting that the FACS gave. This shows how many differnt emotions she had and the machine was able to pick them all up. The Facial Action Coding System is usefully when it comes to trying to figure out someone elses emotions. The machine uses the muscles in your face to detect your emotions, it calulates all emotions found, and has most of the common emotions so the FACS has a very good chance of being accurate and valuable. I personally think this device is a good idea and that it may be really accurate in finding emotions.
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article that explains why studying Venus is such a challenge and tries to create the idea that studying Venus is worth people's time despite the threats that are present on the planet. Although the author presents some evidence that explains why people should invest time into studying, there is not enough evidence presented to show that Venus is worthy of exploration despite the danger that it imposes. Rather it explains the lengths scientists today are taking to tackle on this challenge. A major issue of this author's attempt at suggesting that Venus is worthy of pursuit, is that the author mainly explains why trying to explore Venus is a challenge. As the title suggests, it really isn't trying to pursuade the reader into thinking that Venus is worth exploring. While the author does give us a reason as to why scientist are still trying to visit the surface, there is nothing explicitly written about why travelling to Venus is worth pursuit besides "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." and "recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit". The evidence that he uses to explain this is with the geology of the planet. However, this is not enough to support the idea that Venus is worthy of pursuit despite the dangers it presents, thus making his idea lackluster because of it's lack of evidence to support the idea. Despite the issue mentioned above, the article does a great job of explaining different methods and studies and the circumstances that scientists and researchers are are trying to overcome to study Venus. Giving figures of the percent of carbon dioxide blankets on Venus to the atmospheric build-up of Venus. The author thouroughly explains why Venus is such a difficult planet to explore and gives insight to how scientists are trying to overcome this obsticle. Using evidence from NASA showing how they are using simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's surface to create more useful devices that can be used in exploration. The ending of the article "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." really helps to show a viewpoint of why scientists should invest time into studying Venus. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that Venus is quite a challenge to study and gives many reasons as to why that is. However it fails to support their idea that it is worth studying despite it's dangers. This is shown through how the article is more about how scientists are trying to study Venus, instead of why we should study Venus.
Using this technology is valuable to read peoples emotions. The doctors and prof. say that the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-d computer model of the face;all 44 major muscels in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit. Also Dr. huang observes that artists such as da vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Dr. Huang also stated that most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communication. Dr. Huang also gave some examples of what movments to do in front of a mirror. For example raise your lips at the corners of your mouth. second squint your eyes slightly,to produce wrinkling ("crow's-feet") at the corners of your eyes. Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up,toward your eyes. They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. In the real smile, the Zygomatic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth. Meanwhile,muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the Zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. So based on what i put down on this final draft my claim is that this kind of technology is valuable.
Driverless cars are the next piece of technology that will advance our society. Everyday scientists and engineers create new ideas and tech that improve our everyday lives. Many companies have took on the task to create this new driverless car with no flaws and many tests are done every day so that there is no problem in this life changing vechicle. A driverless care is a privelage to have to and use and until they are fully functional without any accident they will not be released to the public. I think that a driverless car is a great and innovative idea that will be soon be possible. Car companies have already created cars that have different technology that improve the safety of the passengers inside the vehicle. Many things like radar, safety cameras, and motion sensors have been put into these newer made vehicles. And this technology is very advanced and efficent to the millions of cars on the road each day. The creation of a driverless car is an intense experiment that will take many years to perfect. And these cars will have many useful items that will increase the value of the car. A car will then have many new devices like antilock brakes, driver assistance, radar, and Dubbed LIDAR. These advancments will increase the safety of the driver and that is a great thing to have in a vehicle. Driverless cars are a great thing but only when they are fully functional and operating with no flaws. These cars will change the game in how we get around everyday to work, school, or where ever a person needs to go. Google has been testing a driverles vehicle since 2009, and they have already driven half a million milles without a crash. Even though they are not fully driverless because a driver is alerted to take over when pulling in and out of drivewars or dealing with complicated traffic issues, these cars can still do alot on their own. And in 2013 MBW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant" where the car can handle driving function at speeds at 25 mph and special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. A BMW project manager driver stated "We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way". And these manufacturers wants to do that by bringing in car entertainment and information systems that use head up displays. Which is a great idea in a driverless car. Driverless cars are a great idea and very benefical to our world. They will improve the way we travel and transport things. A car was created so that we could get to one place to another a lot quicker and a driverless car is made so that a driver can get into a car without paying a ton of money and just get a ride to wherever they need to go. And although these cars have driven half a million miles on their own they obviously will still need to be tested for a couple more years until they will be released to the public. This creation of a driverless car will be a huge impact to our nations history and will be a great accomplishment.
I see why you think that aliens could have formed it. In 1976 it looks like a face and we all were surprised about it, but we needed more evidence. The picture quality was not the best so we went back out there in April 5, 1998 and we snapped another picture of the so called "face". The camera that we used was ten times sharper picture than the first picture that we took. We looked at the picture that we took and there was no alien monument after all, but the picture still wasn't that well of quality. Not everyone was satisfied. On April 8, 2001,a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, we decided to take another picture but with better quality. We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the face so we could clearly see it. We captured a photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixle spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 photo. It was clear that it was just a land form and no signs of alien form.
Driverless cars You may think that driverless cars are good but I think that driverless cars are senseless I wouldnt want that I would want to drive my car myself. I waited a long time to get my driving license and drive my own car but no they had to come up with the diverless car and make all the other cars seem useless. Im going to figure out what makes this car so good, and see if would come in handy because its alot of people are craveing this car. This car seem so crazy because what if my car startes to act all crazy and catch on fire what am i going to do im waisted my money and time on that car and it would be hard to buy a new one . I think we should all this stick with the cars we are use to. Because when you get this car you wont know what to do, and most people dont read manual to cars they just say they figure it out on their own. Once they try that they end up messing something up and having to spend more money on getting it fixed. The car may come in handy because they have senseors even though sensors are nothing new they help stop the car like when the person driving the car hits the brake the brake sensors each wheel to ruduce speed so the human can gain controll over his or her car again. It can help older people to like when they arent suppose to be driving. This car is like having a driving assistant. They dont wont need to drive the car would drive by its self that would be good for some old people that like to get out a lot. Most drivers focus on keeping the riders saft but it this car is a smart car so if they had a accident the car can prevent it from happening. In some staes this car is not saft for people to drive so the car comapany must prove that the car is saft. if some one gets injured in that car should it be the manufacturer fault or should it be the drivers fault i think that it should be the manufacturer fault because they built they car and i should feel saft I it. Overall i dont that this car is smart to build because i wouldnt feel saft in it. I think they should come up with another idea for a car because if a lot of people get hurt it that car they might end up bankrupt and sewd so bad that they would have to close down there shop and just start their retirement. This car seem very senseless and I wouldnt buy it.
''the challange of exploring venus '' in the number four the author says Astonomers are facinated by venus because it may wee once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system.long ago, venus was probably covered largely with ocean and could have supported various form of like earth, the author seggest that studing the venus is a worthy because to learn all about the planet because our solar system is the most important in the world it's worthy to know about the planet the planet exist for us to give us sun and cold for our good to be fine and nathing happened to us the world is our all the people live in the world have to worry for the atmosphere the venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even thought mercury is closer to our sun.beyond high preasure. venus is actually a planet ,in our solar system venus is the second planet from our sun while venus is simple to see from the distant but safe ventage point of earth,it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely in conclusion, is about the planet and aur solar system ,to study about the planet all about the planet is important to know because is important for all the people in the world and the venus to because is the second planet from our sun in the world so venus and mars is our other planetary neigbor,orbit the sun a different speeds the is my conclusion
I think the technology will work just fine in a class room. The reason i say that is becuase if someone feeling sad or down you can use the 3-D computer technology.`This technology really will help alot with clssrooms. This technology maybe make the world a better place. If you can tell how somebody is feeling with asking them you will know how to come off to that person. The 3-D technology is so great. They read face experssions, modify test. They just know when you like something or you dont .The 3-D technology will be a huge step for the classrooms. It will help more and it really will take load off the teachers becuase if the students doesn't know will computer will teach them. In the text it say's that if you make a bad face to a ad on the browser the ad will not be like the other one you didn't like. And if you simle at an ad the next one will be more simlar to the one you like. Its a good thing for your phone or PC to able to read your face experssion and can tell when you like something or when you don't. Another thing is if you work to hard or you don't understand, the 3-D can modify the test or work in other words it modify the work to the best way you can understand. I think they should the use the 3-D technology step. Only becuase i like the way it works. It helps with work, tell others how feeling, and helping the work that might need help with. The technology will make alot of useage in the school feild thatnthey are to prusite it in.
A with less cars would be a better world because people would not emit as much harmful gas to distroy the o-zone. the two reasons the world would be better without cars are people would walk more which means that people would get more exersice. the other reason that it would be better to have a world with less cars is people would spend less money on cars and gas. The first reason it would be a better world without cars is that people would walk more and the people that walk would get more exersice and be healthier. the other reason it would be better to walk is that people that have anger and stress problems would not have to be stuck in traffic and would not get angry over people doing stuff to them wen they'er in traffic and people who get stressed would not have to worry about people running into them or people cutting them off. the last reason that it would be better for people to walk is that people would be healthier because they would not have all the fumes from the cars in thier face and would not be inhaling it so they not have lung problems in the futer because they were breathing the fumes. The second reason it would be better world with out cars is that people would spend less money on gas which means that people wuld have more money for other things. also if people didn't spend money on gas and cars is people would not have to make car payments so they wouldn't stress about not having enough money to pay the car payment or the car getting reposesed. the last reason it would be better to not spend money on cars and gas is if people didn't spend money on that stuff they would be able to spend money on running shoes so when they walk to work or whereever they are going they can wear the proper shoes. In a world with less cars people would be so much better off because of all the things they don't have to spend money on. also the world would not get as damaged because of all the things cars emit.
In many ways, driving is a great resource.  But with this great resouce, comes flaws.  When cars burn gas made of fossil fuels, it causes many environmental disadvantages.  Limiting the usage of cars could be good for the people who live on this planet (everyone) in many ways. To start, one reason why limiting the usage of cars would be an advantage for our society is the reduction of smog.  Smog is caused by the smoke and fog of car exaust and it is very harming to the environment as well as to humans.  In Paris, in 2014, driving was banned because of smog.  "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.  On Monday motorist with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home  or suffer a 22-euro (31 dollar) fine.  The same would apply to odd-numbered plated the following day."  (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog) This quote from the souce shows that because Paris is such a huge and global city, the amount of cars needed to have the city function in the way society has been making it function for the past years has created serious pollution.  This crazy amount of pollution created smog in Paris.  In fact, according to the article, "[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world."  (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog)  This type of pollution is know for causing certain kinds of cancer in people, and is what is thought to be the reason for the O-zone hole above Antartica.  Not to mention it makes the day gloomy and not as bright because of the trapped smoke and pollution.  In Vauban, Germany, the "streets are completely 'car-free'" (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars) A resident from this suburb said "'When I had a car I was Always tense.  I'm much happier this way.'"  Heidrun Walter says this as an example of how it is less stressful to walk places and hear the sounds of nature rather than feel the responability and worry that comes with driving her children place to place. Another reason why it is more advantageous to limit the usage of cars is that it makes people be forced to start working on healthy habits (walking, riding bikes) as well as keeps pollution levels down with car pooling and other different means of travel.  "Bogota, Colombia- In a program that's set to spears to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took busses to work during a car free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams" (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota) This car- free day program in Bogota is a good example of how people choose healthier ways to get around the city.  Skating hiking and biking are all great ways to get around the city to work because they cause the person commuting by these methods to exersise.  Also, if some peopkle so choose to take the bus, they are still helping to make the city, and world, more healthy by reducing the amount of pollution.  There are also trends within the youth of the United States that shows a decrease in wanting to drive.  "Demographic shifts in the driving population suggest that the trend may accelerate.  There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16-39-year-olds getting a license..." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture)  This shows a distinct drop in the number of new aged drivers getting their license.  Most teenagers these days don'r see the big deal in driving as was seen when it was a new phenominon.  "He (Mr. Sivak) and I have similar observations about our children.  Mine (19 and 21) have not bothered to get a driver's license, even though they both live in places where one could come in handy."  This was stated by Elisabeth Rosenthal (Source 4: The End of Car Culture)  Rosenthal isn't the only parent to see a decline in the interest to drive from their kids.  Many people have arguments with their children everyday trying to get them to drive, but there is far less of an interest from teenagers anymore.  Most young people see a car as "just a means of getting from A to B when BART doesnt work." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture) With this disinterest, there could be a large decrease in the pollution given off by cars, and cause a much healthier future for Earth and the people who inhabit it. In conclusion, by limiting the usage of cars we would be given several advantages.  Of these advantages are a healthier life style, and the reduction of pollution and smog.  Both of these would lead to a happier and healthier Earth for humans, and the future of human kind to exist and live on.
People come up with calcuations everyday, if its hard or not it is a natural thing that happens. With upcoming advances in technology you are able to come up with calculations you would've never thought possible. An example is how a computer thats given a complex algorithm can scan somebodys emotions! It's crazy to belive your computer could tell if you were happy or sad at a moments notice. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. This technology would give another view on someones feelings. For example if a kid was feeling down or lonely but didn't give off the impression than you could find out for yourself what the true feeligns of that individual is to help them if needed. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." A computer was able to put all that information together to show how the person is feeling and revealed some other emotions going on that nobody else could've seen. This technology will be able to find the negatives throughout kids who don't like to show it so that they can be changed by it. The process of calculating someones emotions is told out to be, "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." This tells that the computer is creating a computer modeled face that is 3-D and contains everysingle major muscles that construct a human face. By doing this the computer can calculate, along with psychologists, movement of one or more muscles in the face which is called a "action unit." The use of this technology to be able to distinguish someones inner emotions is definently a valuable thing to have throughout the classroom. This article stated multiple reasons and showed evidence on how this technology would be incredible. Some could disagree and says its wrong or that it would not help anything but the possibilitys of what it could accomplish if done correctly and if the information and calculations give are fully accurate than this tehcnology would prove to be a changer in how the adults might take steps to view how a kids mind works or to how a teenage group in school could be helped if they are depressed and didn't have anybody to talk to. The kids who are sad and don't want to tell others could really get help from other people by not having to speak up and tell their emotions but their emotions could be calcualed and if it looks like the kid needs help than you can do so without either making him worse in the end or having too ask around on who has the emotion sadness.
Exploring Venus is a challenge and studying this planet seems impossible. However, when the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the risks; people tend to get skeptical and curious about what measures can scientists take so that Venus can be explored? When can visiting Venus happen? and Why are scientists even discussing further visits to it's surafce? The author answers the questions by stating his/her claim with evidence. What measures or steps can scientists take so that venus can be explored? The author claims that scientists from NASA have a possible solution to set foot on Venus. According to the text "NASA's possible sollution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This proves that NASA is taking steps for space exploration with ideas that can be useful for whenever the time is right to study what Venus is all about. Visiting Venus can happen according to the author when "many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." This means that when the machines are lasting long enough on Venus to give scientists information on how we can explore this planet, then visiting Venus can happen sooner or later. Why are scientists even discussing about possible visits on the surface of Venus? The author claims that fascination among astronomers has sparked interest to the visitation of Venus. According to the text "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The text further correlates the idea that if Venus was once like Earth, visits to the planet can be made possible because a once earth-like planet can be studied, and knowledge can lead to an astronomers dream become reality. Exploring Venus will be a challenge, but when the three most important questions were there to be asked; the author backed up his claim with strong evidence that proves setting foot on the surface of Venus is possible. So if not everyone believes that exploring Venus can be done, the author proved why it can be.
The Leonardo da Vinci's painting was his bigges painting in thw world he made a 83 percent happy will 9 percent disgusted and 6 were percent fearful and only 2 were angry. The Mona Lisa demonstrantion bring a smile to your face when you see it whit your one eyes and it show you how computer can do just imagine a computer that knows if you were happy all the time or if you were sad. The painting Vinci did was only one of the thing he did he mad more thing in the pass but the whole world knowes him for this one pating he ,ad and everyone from king to people like me and you come and see it Leonardo da Vinci will be the best man in the world for making this at his time the detels he put in to this and the paint he put in to was one of the best thing he could of done.
In my opinion, the Electoral College is not an appropriate respresentation of the people's opinions. It is true that the popular vote determines the representative, but that does not mean that all citizen's views are expressed. Many citizens have stopped voting because of the ignorance that is the Electoral College. One should not vote for someone they do not know to represent their lives in the federal government. The Electoral College might be the easiest way to contract a solid vote from American citizens, but laziness is definitely not efficient. If we want our country running smoothly and in a way that every citizen is comfortable with, everyone needs to be represented. Many citizens will start voting when they hear that they wont be pummelled with propaganda about politicians who think they know about what the people want. They will be elated to hear that they will actually be heard. They will actually make a difference in their country. The common people must be represented, not just advertisements. The conflict between upper and lower class will end because both will be able to make a difference in the minimum wages and tax increases. Changing the election process to the popular vote would not only represent all people, but cut out the extremes. All politicians must say whether they are a Democrat or a Republican. With popular vote, we can go in depth to what the people really want. Like how gun restraints only go to an extent, so should the poeple's views. Most citizens aren't completely Republican or completely Democratic, and that's alright. There are the conditions in between that need to be addressed. Coming from a centrally liberal family, I think that all elections through the Electoral College are hoaxes. The representatives of the College and even the president are picked a long time beforehand. The government wants to brainwash the citizens to slowly turn us onto their side. Even if the government rigs the votes but says that the result is completely dependant on the people, it will still belate citizens and get them to participate more in the voting process.
Whoever thought that a machine could read a person's emotions? To our surpise, a highly advanced technology called the "Facial Action Coding System" is capable of reading one's emotion by calculating the movement of our face muscles. Some may say that this technology has no value and should be abandoned. However, it is clear that this technology has a great amount of value because it helps us better understand the muscles in our face, it improves communication between people, and can improve the quality of faces in computers. First of all, the experts of the software are constantly experimenting on different parts of the muscles in our face. By doing so, the experts are better understanding the part's of the muscles. On paragraph 3, the author cleary states that, "all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. This shows that the experts have noticed these odd movements of the muscles. The muscles function similarly to legs. Also, on paragraph 4, the author talks about how this new technology can even detect ones mixed emotions. The evidence that he uses is the painting of Mona Lisa. The painting was filled with different types of emotions such as 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. Next, the technology has played a major role in improving our communication between people. On paragraph 6, the author shows us that most communications between people is through nonverbal. The technology can help ones understanding of emotional communications, thus improving their nonverbal communication. The technology can tell when someone is zoned out or just completely bored. On paragraph 6, the author states that "A classroom computer recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". This machine could better the communication between teachers and students. Not only does this machine improve communications, this machine can improve facial expressions in our games and our technology. At the middle of paragraph 6, the author states that "The same technology can make computer-anmated faces more expressive". This will improve the quality of our video-games. Video games will become more vivd and realistic. Also, in the medical field, this improves the video surgery. With a better video surgey, more lives will be saved. Lastly, the facial technology will and has played a major role in our lives. This machinery is a huge technological discovery and should be continued. This is because the technology has helped us better understand our facial muscles, has improved nonverbal communications between people, and has improved the quality of our computer-animated faces. This technology can play roles in almost every thing we do. From video games to hospitals, this machine does it all.
In my opinion and support from the passages reducing car use or stopping car usage all together is a great thing. It's safer, helps the environment, and saves money. Reducing car usage to almost none makes it a lot safer for kids to run around the streets and play and for parents to not stress about their kids getting hit by a car. There's also a lot less accidents without cars on the road. Think about it, 2 cars hitting into each other both people could possibly die, but if 2 bikers hit eachother both are more than likely able to walk away from it with maybe a couple bruises and a broken bone. What if you never had to pay for gas ever again? That'd be awesome right? All you have to do is not use your car anymore and just ride a bike, walk, skate or find other means of transportation. You'd save lots of money. In Vauban once car use was out of the picture everything was placed in walking distance and there wasn't even a need for cars any more unless you were traveling out of the country somewhere. Also, reduciong car usage helps keep the Earth a lot cleaner and the air would have a lot less pollution in it which would also make it safer for us to breathe and healthier for us to breathe in. Congestion went down by 60 percent after 5 days of reducing car use in the Capital of France.
Presidents, they are the most powerful people in the United States of America. They are the people who make the tough calls for the masses to make sure the benifits of the majority are met because the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. Some people think that the way our presidents are elected today are not very practicle methods but some people do. Presidents are elected using two processes, those processes are popular vote and Electoral College. The Electoral College is not very practical in my book because they don't spend time in the places that they know they are going to win or not going to and Electoral College is not by majority. Presidents are like superstars of the political world but they don't spend any time in the places they are know they will win or lose. Source 2 states "Candidates dont spend the time in states they know they have no chance  of winning." The candidates for the presidential election don"t even try to sway some of the states that either they know aren't going to vote for them or the opponent has already been there and gave them his idea on cetain matters. Voters are usally more thoughtful when they dont know who to vote for so the listen to both sides, but there is also the problem of majority in some places and not others. Majority also plays an impact on the vote of the presidency. Look at how many Electoral College votes California has, they have a total of 55 votes thats more than Wyoming by a land slide because Wyoming only has 3 votes total. If one side got Florida, Califronia, Texas and Massachusetts then the opposing side would have to get all of the other states just to catch up. The distrabution of the votes is a problem because some states are humongus but they dont have a large population. Some states are really shrimpy but have a abundance of people. These are just two reasons why the Electoral College process should be tossed out of the election decisions in general. Some people say the Electoral College process is just fine because this process aviods run off elections. Source 3 states "Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recevies the majority of the votes cast." They say this because of what happened in the Nixon and Clinton race in 1992. Neither one of them got the majority the both got 43 precent of the votes cast. This doesn't help the real problems at hand like the time management and majority issues in the states that have large amounts of people and little land and vis versa. The amount of votes each state gets is based on its population and its not fair to the staets that have less people just because of there location to suffer while the smaller more populos states don't. In future election the Electoral College should be taken out of the process in which the president is elected because of the miss use of time and the distribution of population. The popular vote process would eliminate both problems if it was the only process. It would eliminate the time spent in states by making them go to every single one or close to that. They would do this to make sure they got as many votes as possible. It would also eliminate the population aspect because every state would get to make a diffrence in the election of the president instead of having 3 votes and most of the other states having twice that or more. This election process is to complicated you should dumb it down or simplify it to increase the impact of each state and the simplfication for the soon to be president. We don't want him to change his mind about doing this important job for us as a country.        
Do you want to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? The Seagoing Cowboys program is a good "opportunity of a lifetime". Its a good opportunity to learn how to be responsible such as" taking care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas". So Luke Bomberger learned a lot from not ever going overseas before. The Seagoing program is educational because according to Lukes adventure he learned a lot about taking care of animals, and learning that "World War ll was over in Europe, and many other countries were left in ruins". So I could say that Luke probably was interested in many different things and he probably had fun learning them. According to the article it sounds like Luke was very anxiuos when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe with him on a cattle boat. When Don Reist invited him he kinda sounded like he was kinda confused when Don said cattle boat but then I think he thought that it would be a perfect opportunity to learn or see what is would be like. You should go try the Seagoing program! It can be a very exciting experience if you have never tried it or even heard of it before. I also think you can learn many different events that havehappened overseas, such as visiting it to see what it looks likes if you live far or just seeing where World War ll was hield at. I also think it could be very interesting to just see what happened or if theres something there from World War ll. So you should go and visit Europ e on a cattle boat just to see how interesting or what you see that you dont see around where you live.
While there are benifits for facial scanning to understand ones true intentions, does not justify the scuitiny thats subject to follow. Some students get in touble for yawning during a class. Imagine a teacher realizing half of their class has an above 70% rating of disgust in thir class. What would that do psycologically. Giviing the ability to understand what people truly feel provides complications for human relationships in the future. The ability to know what everyones thinking is a blessing and a curse. Yes it would be nice to be able to read every situation and adapt so one becomes near perfect. But thats not what its about. As a society based around lies, some small and innocent and some huge and incrimanating, the loss of that ability to hide our true feelings so that we save anothers from being hurt. Say the technology comes out for phones and Sallys neice came in wanting to know what Sally thinks about when looking at her. The results could be catostropic, they can tear relationships up in an instant. All because of not being able to tell that white lie, "Oh your hair looks good Rachel", "Yeah I dlove to hang out with you!" , "No i dont find you annoying". In an age that is supposed to be social with the inventions of smart phones and apps like instagram where one can talk to someone 2000 miles away in seconds,, has hurt us more than helped. The connection face to face has slipped through the cracks. People are scared to talk to others in person or on the phone. How would giving that person the ability to find out what people really thought of her effect her? All for what? Humanity needs help connecting with one another, we crave relationship with others. And this fancy mood ring will only hurt our chances at getting along and prospering as a society.
The studying of Venus is a worthy persuit despite its dangers. Theres is many good thing to come out of this. The author states that Earth was once like our planet. In parragraph 4 lines 4-10 it states that perhappes Venus was like Earth. by being covered in oceans and could support various life forms. Still today it still has some of these fetures like valleys and craters. The text also states that they have a unique way that is safe to humans for them to visit Venus. In parragraph 5 NASA has the idea of having a large blimp like structure aporxpmently 30 or so miles above Venus to test. all though it would be hot it would not be as hot as it would be if they were on the planet so it would be safer. NASA is still challengeing themselfs by figuring out how to collect samples. In conclusion traveleing would be worth the while despite the dangers. Because we could figure out amazing things that we didnt know yet. and could further educate our world about our universe.
Luke's point of veiw if you wanna join or participate the saegoing cowboys is he said it was an opportunity of a lifetime, so you get to do it once. Another reason that Luke thought you should join or partcipate is you can take care of horses,young cows,and mules that are being shipped overseas. You also get to feeed the horses.When you have time on the ship you can play baseball,volleyball,table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games to pass the time. It even opens up the world for you to discover. When Luke was discovering the world he was grateful for the opportunity and it also made him aware of people of other countries and their needs. Luke also made 16 trips around the Alantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean 2 times to help people who were affected by World War ll. Another reason to join the Seagoing cowboys program is you can see the people in needs who got their houses destroyed in World War ll. When Luke was in the Seagoing Cowboys program he visited many unique places like New Orleans,Greece,Europe,China and he also took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy and also toured a excavated castle in Crete. You should be careful while being a watchman in the dark because Luke slid on a slippery ladder on his backside. A small strip oh metal stopped his slide from flying overboard. He was happy to be alive but he couldn't work for a couple days of his cracked ribs. Also Luke travled on the Charles w. Wooster and as heading to Greece. It will take 2 weeks to cross the Alantic Ocean. Also what he did on the ship is he cleaned stalls which you might have to do.The last thing he did was help out in the kitchen. You have to help cook in the kitchen.
Technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. Technology to read emotional expressions of students is not valuable because the software is not compatible with all generations of computers. It would cost a lot of money to upgrade all computers for schools around the world. Technology to read expressions is also not valuable because in the passage it explains how the technology can find ones hidden emotion. That is invading privacy because they are hiding their emotions for a reason and maybe they don't want to be bothered and a teacher may try to talk to them about it. Knowing ones hidden emotional can be invading privacy but it also has benefits. The benefits could be for identifying ones anger that has the mentality to inflict harm to someone or something. It could also alert the teacher because there could be a disturbance. He or she could pull the student aside incase they cannot handle their emotions or have a panic attack. The software could also prevent fights and agruments because the teacher would see the students emotions and help. But that still does not stop the fact at the end of the day that is an invasion to privacy because sometimes emotions are suppose to be kept on the inside. Last but not least the pricing becasue in the article it does not give price but the software might cost and it would still cost money to upgrade school computer to get the software. Although the technology has benefits it should still not be used. Even though it has value it is stll not worth it price wise and the invasion of ones privacy. At the end of the day every school does not have money. It could also be a safety problem becuse student will feel like they're being spyed on. Not just by the teacher but the government becuse the government is attached through many softwares.
Brock was walking in the woods along the creek. At the edge of the water, he saw something that made a body type figure. Brock went down to see if it was a body, but when he got down there, it was really hard to see if it was a body because of the running water. He went back up to where he saw the body, and he coud see it clearly again. He took a picture of the body figure and sent it to the Elkart County Lab. They went to take a look at it and they posted the picture sent from Brock online. Most of the people who saw it, including some of the scientist, thought it was some sort of alien figure. They dug it out and found it to be a rock formed into a body shape by the shadows of the water, and the erosion that has been done to the rock. I believe that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform because it isn't an alien formation, you can see what it is made of, and there are other landforms that may look real, but it isn't real. One example that proves my claim is that the author explains in the excerpt that it isn't an alien formation. The author states that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. This photo revealed that it was just a natural landform, not an alien monument. The author also states that it has unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Another example that demonstrates my claim is that according to the author, you can see what it is made of. The author shows that the huge rock formation, which resembles a human head, is formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. The author also states that Garvin said, "as a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger that the pixel size, so if there were objects in this picture like, airplaines on the ground, or Egytian-style pyramids, or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" A final example that proves my claim is that the author demonstrates that there are other landforms that may look real, but it isn't real. The author states that scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa when the face appeared. This shows that they have seen things like this before and they knew that it wasn't real, or alien like. Another example that the author proves is that Garvin said it reminded him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face and perhaps alien markings were hidden by haze. Also NASA can be hidding information about the Face. But, you can see that the Face is formed by shadows, and not an alien haze. Now I hoped I gave you enough information to convince you that the Face is just a natural landform, and not created by aliens.
The face on the planet is just a natural landform, it just happened to form like a face, because of how the shadows where formed by the small hills. Acording to the imformation in the article, the image just looks like a face, because how the rocks are formed and the shadows. "It is just another martian mesa, common enogh around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows". The shadows gave the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Also the camera did not have the best pixels and they where far away from the planet, so the picture was not the best. It was also a cloudy time of the year on the red planed "April '98". The camera had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face. What the picture actually shows is the Martain equivalent of a butte or mesa, landforms common around the American West. This is why it is just a natural landform, and not made by the aliens.
The author said that " twin venus is the closest planet to earth" that proves that he is saying that the planet is closer to us and could potentally be more dangerous. He also said "Not a single space ship has touched down on venus in more than three decades" this also shows that they are trying to figure out a way to be able to touch the planet without injuring more people. The author said that "no space craft lasted more than a few hours" its really not safe that people are still tring to go on the planet but, some really want to be able to. The author says that "studying venus is a worthy prosuit" and i agree with him because people are going to start to get curious and there needs to be a way by now that we should be able to get on the planet without blowing up in the few minures we are on there. In conclusion i think that we should be able to get on venus and i think we should find more safe ways to be able to do it. Yes i agree with the author
Limiting cars usage is a great idea. I believe that if we all come together and stop driving for a day, it will stop the pollution that is hurting the air we breath. As Americans, we should be very concerned about the air we breath. Sometimes, we need our cars to go to different places in a great distance such as a relative place or even work. But on the other hand, we will get in our car and drive just to go to the store within a mile from our home. We should just walk. Limiting cars just might be the right idea. " When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way..." (Source 1) Cars, in my opinion, it a accident waiting to happen. Car accidents, Hit-and-runs and all types of other indcidents with cars are a big stresser. Walking is much safer if you take the right precautions. You can get the exercise you need without the hassle of going on Weight Watcher or Jenny Craig. Just put the keys down for a day and walk! "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."(Source 3) Limit cars, limit stress and limit the pollution that is hurting our eco system. However, there still is a question unanswered: how will we get to the place we need to go thats not in walking distance? Limiting cars may save our ecosystem, but some people have to get to and from work or the doctor that is not in walking distance. For example, each day, my mom has to get to work in Tampa,FL. She has to take the expressway to get to where she is going. So what is she suppose to do? Walk? No. But on the better side of things, she can always take the bus or car-pool with her co-workers. Theres alway a better way to stop the pollution and save the ecosystem. This shows that we can all come together and do something positive for our fellow Americans and Mother Earth. Limiting cars have more good advantages than disadvantages. We have to save the world from harmful thing. Limiting cars limits the time and money of people. Thats why when you limit cars, you limit stress. So take a walk and save the world!  
After reading the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" I have been asked to tell weather or not i think the author did a good job supporting and evaluating his ideas. As i read through the text i looked for key moments that stood out. This author beleives it is right and just to continue our missions to try and explore our neighboring planet. I feel that he does a very good job backing up his statement because he has an interesting introduction, middle and end. The author also does a very good job explaining his theory through lots of detail and background. Finally, the author doesnt just use his knowledge but he goes out there and finds information from experts. To me, those are three componets that will really prove what you believe in. The article starts out with some basic background information to get you hooked onto the topic. It reads, "IN our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our sun. While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point from earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." those few sentences hook the reader on their claim and make you want the author to prove him self. therefore, the author does exactly that throughout the body of the text. He gives detail, background and outside sources but, we'll get into that later. In the end, he raps up the text with his claim once a again and that final kicker that get any strageling readers that dont quite believe him. It states, "Our travels on Earth should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Throughout the body the author illustrates textbook detailing and informing. He makes a claim and then back it up with information why. It is all organized very well also. Each paragraph goes over something new and intriging. For example in the second paragraph, "Venus... occasionally the closest in distance too. Earth, Venus and Mars... Orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences in speed mena that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus." As you can see that quote gives one of his claims and then goes deeper into explaining it. After doing this he will turn around onto a new topic in the very next paragraph. "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These condition are far more extrem than anything humans encounter on earth." To make his detailing even more interesting he gave his information first and then followed it with his claim. I feel like this way of orginization kept the reader hooked. If you remember I said earlier in the text that the author doen't just use his own brain to help hsi claim. He will go out and get help from experts known as NASA and are th eleading group in space exploration for the United States. I feel like this is always a key to underatnding and convincing your claim because it can prove that you care and that you arent the only one that believes in the same picture. Paragraph five states, "The National Aeronatics and Space Administration has on particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus." Shortly after that he goes into detail on NASA's idea for Venus exploration. He uses their ideas toback up is own. NASA obviously is for the exploration of Venus and I htink he chose a very good company to do research on to find out more about his own claim. To wrap up, my claim in the begenning was that the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," did a very good job supporting his own claim. The author did this by carefully organizing his information into a begginning, middle and end format. he also uses very good detail and description throughout the text along with ideas from a different perspective. This is why I believe he did a very good job evalutating his claim and if he were here right now i'd give him a pat on the back. Hopefully, the article you just read had the same care and interest as "The Challenge of Exploring Venus."
Facial Action Coding System Disadvantages Imagine a world that only involves computers. No teachers, no parents to tell us what is best, no books and writing. Using computers for everything isn't always the answer. It is important to also use old fashion ways to determine emotion no matter how much someone dislikes it. Using the Facial Action Coding System we aren't able to figure out others emotions by ourselves, it assumes someones emotions just by the way someone is showing their face, and it can have technical difficulties which may provide false information. To begin, it is important that we use context clues to determine someone's emotions. Using a computer app can take away from someone trying to figure out facial emotions by themselves. Sometimes it can be usfeul to figure out expressions by ourselves. This can help us with everyday people. We can't carry a computer everywhere we go and use it to determine if someone is sad, angry, happy, excited, etc.. If we figure out these expressions by ourselves we can apply those skills when it is necessary. Moreover, some people hide their emotions causing us to believe something that may be false. For example, some depressed people hide the fact that they are very upset and hide it with a smile. If the Facial Action Coding System were to try and tell the emotions of that person smiling it would give a completely different set of emotions than the person is really feeling. There isn't much someone can do to fix the fact that misjudged faces can lead to false emotions. Lastly, computer programs aren't always correct. They can have technical difficulties and give out the wrong information. Programs can mess up and give the total opposite of what is being presented. There could be times where this Facial Action Coding System can say someones emotions are angry and mad. In reality the person could've been very happy or pleased. Programs mess up all the time so it isn't always credible to use one. In conclusion, using the Facial Action Coding System wouldn't be to useful. It may lead to false information, take away from peoples everyday skills, and have technical diffuclties. Using what we know about humans can take us a long way and maybe even help us more than a program will. Although the system seems like it can help with emotions it can do more harm than good.
"Honey, could you go to the CVS and get me some nyquil. I'm dying here," mom says. "Yeah, I'll be back in a bit." I grab my keys from my pocket and head outside. I unlock my new driveless car and climb in. "Take me to the CVS," I tell the car. It roars to life and backs out of the parking lot. It's been not even two miles and this thing is starting to glitch. "You will be taking possesion of this car in five minutes, ma'am," the car commands. I panic and take hold of the violently shaking steering wheel. Traffics harsh tonight meaning there's some kind of party out in town. The driveless car just unexpectedly starts going in the wrong direction, making me go in shock. Before I do a full turn I see a lady talking to her baby inside the car. I try to brake, but it just won't budge. I pray that I won't do any harm to them. Unfortunetly it does. I run smack into the front rear, making me black out. They say that before you die, your life flashes back through your eyes. But mine didn't. I instintly think of mom, dying there in her room, waiting for me to come back. But I won't and this is all because of this driveless car. As you can see driveless cars are not safe because it can harm people, it's new technology is very unfamiliar, and it is not as driveless as you think. Millions of people will die if you provide them with these cars. If you think harm is done only to you, then you are wrong. You can injure lots of people with only one lifeless car. A car with a mind that could turn into your enemy. It might seem a great idea to most of all over social media, but once they buy them then you will harm then. Not only will they sue the company, but have a bad record on there shoulders. As you can see, new technology can be very unpredictable. You won't know what is in this bizzare car that is being monitored with itself. And as the article says, it will also monitor you. I think that this is not just crazy but scary too. And with this new technology you won't learn to handle a car by yourself, and I would want to. These driveless cars you've been hearing about aren't always true. It will say that it drives itself. It will eventually come to some point where the car can't handle the heavy traffic and pass it on to you. Yep that's right, you get to control a car that does not want to be handled. A driveless car is a facade for hidding the real truth. Because that's what it's doing. Hiding the truth. These driveless cars I've been telling you about won't make this world any better. Imagine Earth being invaded by robots. That's right, the new apacolypse. You see these can be extremely dangerous to the environment and the people inside the car. This new technology can't be acurate. There can be some huge change in it that you won't see it coming from two inches away. And this driveless car being controlled but not by its driver is a false fact. You will eventually drive it too. But this new experiment may be the cause of not returning to your home and giving your mom that nyquil that she wanted so badly because she was dying. Do you want that?
Ok, now how would you like to have a car that drives itself? I'm talking soon, like next 5-10 years. Sounds great, sounds real futuristic, but I just know those things can't be successful anytime soon. Personally, I would love to ride in a driverless car one day but that's a huge risk to take. To start off with, a driverless car does sound prety cool. I mean it coulld introduce so many oppurtunities for the world that we've never seen yet. A driverless car could be the start of something new. Like Google cofounder Serge Brin believes, such cars could change the world fundamentally. In counterclaim to that, THERE WILL NEVER BE A COMPLETELY DRIVERLESS CAR! Well, at least that's how I see it. I mean a driverless car, I know it's 2016, but that's going past the limits. It's all pure imagination if someone believes a driverless car will be accepted into the streets of the world. There's only one HUGE reason I say it won't happen though... A driverless car will never be safe enough to count on. I mean be real, would you ride in a plane wth no pilot with only computed sensors telling you what's going on around your plane? What's going to happen if one of those sensors on the car don't react one time? Like I know everyone has had a surprise mishap with a computer-generated system before. Think if your car caught a virus or something or just was being used too much, your on the road, then our car starts going crazy and drives off the road. Who's fault will it be? What if someone gets hurt because of your car, not you or the car's manufacturer, but your car? In conclusion to all this, I think it's a brilliant idea to have. It definitely presents many arguments, but I wouldn't be in a driverless car even if it was my only choice. I wouldn't want my life in the hands of a technological device or machine or whatever it'd be called.
In the artical Car Free Cities people all over the world are going carless. In German suburbs life goes on without cars. About 70percent of famles go witth out cars people there walk or ride a bike to where ever they go. In Vauban Germany street parking and driveways and home gerages are forbiden in sted people park there cars in a huge parking gerage. they buy a space when they buy a house there In Paris after days of near record poluuution paris enforced a partial driving ban so they can clean the air. In congestion it is 60% of the captil of France. After a couple days of smog in the city on monday people with cars wth even numbered license plates. Were ordered to leave there cars at home. Almost 4,000 people were fined and some people had there cars in pounded for there reaction to the fine. In Bogota Colombia it was the third strate year cars have been baned with only busses and taxies permited. The captil of 7 million people the goal is to the reduce of smog and to finde alternate transport. The day with out cars is part of an campaign that began in in Bogota in t emid 1990s. For the frist time two cities joyined the the day with out cars. The End of Car Culture president Obana has ambitiouus goals to curb the United Sates greenhouse gas. Recent studies sugest that Americans are buying less cars and driving less and getting fewre licents when each year goes on. the United States is the home of the modle T and home of Detroit the place where mustang Sally was immortalized. At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona,spain,Bill Ford the executive charmin of the Ford mtor compiney lade out a business plan in which personal vehicle ownership is impratcil or undesirablel. Excerpt from "The End of Car culture"by Elisabeth Rosanthal Excerpt from "car Free Day Sprining into a big hit in Bogoat" by andrew Selsky Excerpt from "Paris barns driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer Excerpt from "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars " by Elisabeth Rosanthal  
Many people think or believe that they should get rid of the Electoral College vote for the president. Well in my opinion I believe they should not keep it because why do we even need them for? We have the people of the US. They can vote for a president, that's why the Constitution was written, to gives us the rights, freedom of speech, the right to vote. Why else would we have that if our vote won't really matter. They should get rid of the Electoral College Vote because we already have many people voting for the president. We don't really need many people just to choose one man or woman to lead the country. They can just count how many citizens voted for a president and the one who has more voters is the winner. If it ends up as a tie, then just let the memebers of the House of Represenatives vote. Or at least let the popular vote decide who the president will be. Having the Electoral College vote is useless, because they just vote for a for a slate of electors, who in turn will elect the president. It just adds more steps to elect the president. They should just get rid of it and keep the popular vote for the president of the United States. Let the qualified citizens vote who they want to be the president. It'd make more sense, because they just vote for someone who is not holding office,  anyone. I say get rid of it so that we don't get a "disaster factor" anymore. That 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in the century.  This electoral college vote is unfair , outdated, and irrational. its unfair because of the winner-take-all system. However, many people may disagree. They belive that we should keep the electoral college vote. There's five reasons of why they think we should keep this type of method of choosing the President. The first reason is the certainty of outcome. A dispute over the outcome of the Electoral College vote is less likely to happen than a dispute over the popular vote. The second reason is everyone's president. It requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal and no region has enough electoral votes to elect for a president.  The third reason is the swing states. The unfair method of winner-takes-all electoral votes induces the candidates and focuses on the voters in toss-up states whom more likely pay close attention to the campaign. The fourth reason is the big states. Electoral College restores some weight in the political balance by letting a large state get more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. And the fifth reason is to avoid run-off elections. It avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. So in conclusion they should get rid of the electoral college vote because its unfair to the small states. Knowing that their vote will not have any effect, they have no reason to pay attention to the campaign. They can just let the popular vote decide or the House of Representatives. Bob Dole was right. Lets get rid of the electoral college vote. Mostly get rid of it because its unfair to some states or people. Its is really an irrational way to settle on an agreement of who the president may be. And yes is may have less disputes over the outcome but it better to have some dispurtes over it so we elect the correct president and see what all their qualities may be. In my opinion I believe we should abolish the electoral college.          
We all know how great of an invention the car was. But believe it or not you dont need it as much as you think. It causes stress, polluted air and your just better off with out it. Vauban, Germany- residents of this community have gone to where few people would ever dare to enter; a car free suburban area. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother said "When I had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Living without a car can open up your eyes to the world like never before. You can bike ride on trails and paths to explore your city or suburb, just look at Columbia. They've also made changes to having no cars in their lives. They participate in their own car-free day. This day has now seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin America city. Being car-free for Columbia also means rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic, and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. Furthermore, limitations on cars should be reduced because of the amount of greenhouse gases they cause which depletes our ozone layer and pollutes our air that we breath. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of emissions of greenhouse gases in Europe, and about 50 percent is areas that cars are frequently used in the United States. But its not just the US, even in France car emissions are polluting the air. Paris, had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared to 114 in brussels and 79.7 in London. The main reason banned driving was because of the near-record pollution in the air. The smog was so bad that is rivaled with Beijing and China which are known as the most polluted cities in the world.              
In the 21st millions of people rely on cars as a way of transportation. Whether it be a way to get to work, parents dropping there kids off at practice, or a teen going to high school. Since millions of people drive daily it can have a costly effect on our enviroment and atmostphere. Vauban, Germany is the very first suburban community that generally forbids street parking, driveways, and home garages. By this community having a completly "car-free" zone they are contributing in preventing more pollution. If there was a thousand communitys with car restrictions like these it would impact the enviroment at an astanishing rate. Humans have been centered around cars since WWII imagine the amount of pollution we have created on the earth. Paris is another city that has banned driving due to smog. They have issued a partial ban to clear the largly populated city of intensifying smog. By making the partial ban it has redused the amount of smog by 6o% and rivaled the most polluted city Beijing. Limiting car usages isn't as hard you think and for people to contribute it gets others involved. In conclusion driving cool cars is what every man wants to do but it can have terrible effects on the earth.
The story "Challenge of exloring Venus" is like when we went to moon, and now we are shooting for the stars in this universe for an example "Venus". "The 3 facts are The "Evening star" Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky." The other fact is that Venus is the closest like planet earth, that is why it is called Earth's "twin". The last fact is that Venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide on the planet. "Venus, is sometimes called the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest points of light in the sky". "However, Venus the nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a plant". The author is trying to tell us that Venus is a plant that has alot of people have been mislead on how Venus is a star or a planet, and how Venus is so close to the sun. Like Venus is the second plant from the sun." While Venus does might be easy to get there to some people, the author does talk about how it will still be very hard no matter what. like how the author talks about how an "amateur stargazer can spot Venus on most days." Humans are not wanting to see it in the sky by to really look at it but the auther explains that "it has been proven a very challenging place to examine more closely these days. Venus, often referred to as the Earth's "twin," because "Venus is the clostest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distace too." The auther explains that "Earth, Venus, and Mars are our planetary neighbors." and "how humans s have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the cloud-draped world." Venus also have some cons also because, "no spacecraft survived the landing for more then a few hours." The auther explains that it could be deadly for humans to try to land on the planet Venus, and how "it has been taking humans more then three decades" to study and land on Venus. The other many reason way there are "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challening planet for humans to study, despite proxmity to us, as the author explain to us in the story. The study of Venus has been look at by NASA for many years, "They have been thinking about sending humans to study Venus" The auther explain's the plain that "NASA many have possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus that would allow scientists to float above the fray." The reason why it is so hard to get to venus or get on the suface is because, "most of the time jet planes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms". Flying to venus, over Venus, or flying on venus surface humans would have to deal with the "unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." The aother thing that the auther talks about, that it is "thirty-pluns miles above the surface, that the tempatures would still be nice and toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth. This explain that Venus is close to earth, but it is not fully like earth the way we like it today. The story of the "Challenge of exloring Venus" is like when we went to moon, and now we are shooting for the stars in this universe "The 3 facts are The "Evening star" Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky." The seconed fact is that Venus is the closest like planet to earth, that is why it is called Earth's "twin". The last fact is that Venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide on the planet. The auther explains that no matter what Earth and Venus are very close in some forms and in other forms not even close but in the end they are still both planets. Like what the author said, "Our travel on Earth and beyound should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
Does the Electoral College work? The Electoral college is a process in which it happens. The Electoral collge is not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the president. The Electors are people who vote for President and Vice President, and how many votes each one has gotten. The priotity in the Electoral College is that it consist of having 538 electors. 270 electoral votes is required to elect for the new President. It has to have the same amount of entitled alloment of electors to the same amount in its Congressional. ''Each candidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors''. But are state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilties are. We as Americans all get a new President every four years and its always held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. When you are voting for your presidenrt you're voting for your candidate's electors. But most staes just have a ''winner-take-all'' system that awards all electors to the new winning president candidate. Most people may not like who are next president is gonna be but all just have to deal with it because we all cant go back and pick who we wont to be president. It all depends on how many votes a person gets. Some may get only one vote and others will get millions of vote it all depends on if they think your good enough to rule your your county. It is very hard for you to make a decsion that big. After the presidentail election, your governor prepares a ''Certificate of Ascertainment'' listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors. Your state's Certificates of Ascertainments are sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidentail election. the Indefensible Electoral college:Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? That would be Abolishing the electoral college! AL Gore-thanks to the quiks of the electoral college- won the popular vote but lost the presidency. More than 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election. The electorak college still has its defenders. If you are under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. Sometimes stae conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidental canadidates themsleves. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. What if state send two slates of electors to congress? It has happened before in Hawaii in 1960. Luckily vice president Richard Nixon, was there but he made sure to do so ''without establishing a precedent.'' The house's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of people. In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976, a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. The election is only just wright there. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen staes didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad. It's finally done The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Its har dto say but mr. Dole was right all along.
Would you want a driverless car? The devlompemt driverless cars has been going on since the 1950's. At first they were using magnetic pulses but then later the tried using sensors. I would not want a driverless car. What if you bought a car that wasn't manufactured correctly. In paragraph 9 of the article, they were asking who fault would it be if the car's technology failed and someone got hurt then whos fault would it be, the drivers or the manufacturers. See, the car would have to be of high mantance in order to keep it updated with new roads, construction sites, and more. So if you're driving your driverless car and your hands have to be on the wheel the whole tome, what are you gonna do during that time when the car is driving and your just sitting there. Like it asks in paragraph 8, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" In conclusion, no. I would not want a driverless car. There would be far too many risk in driving a driveless car and you would get very bored waiting for your turn to drive.
What would it be like to study something interesting but has too many challenges? Scientist today are attempting to travel to Venus our closest planet to us. There is just one problem. The challenges Venus has makes it extremly difficult to travel there but that is not stopping them. The author of the text was able to supprot the idea of studying Venus is worthy of a dangerous pursuit well by giving information on how Scientist could gain knowledge, scientist has solutions to withstand the environmentand the closest planet, and even by adding the point on how people might encounter similar experiences. The author was able to support the idea well by stating the knowledge that could be gained from this experience. Venus is similar to Earth in many ways. Scientist want to discover if Venus was ever like Earth but they can not figure that out from a distance as said in the text, "...reasearchers cannot take samples of rocks,gas, or anuthing else, from a distance"(6). By the author pointing this out he was able to support the idea because he gave a valid reason on why they should study Mars. By saying they can not study Venus from afar he is able to give people a reason. People usually want a reason to do things and it has to be good. So by the author providing one he is able to persuade scientist that they should take the risk if they want to learn more about Venus. By including this he did well with supporting his idea. Another way he did well with supproting his idea is by providing information that there are solutions to Venuses challenges. Another way he did well with supproting the idea is by stating solutions to Venuses challenges. NASA has been abel to think of ways to study Venus and it does show good results as in the text it says, "....some simplified electronice....have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's surfave and have lasted three weeks..." (7). By providing solutions it convinces people that they might have a shot at one day exploring Venus up close. He did well with providing this because people worried about the conditions Venus has which makes it dangerous. The author was able to calm does worries because scientist are now trying to figure out solutions. So by providing the solutions he did well with supporting is idea. A thrid way he did well with supporting his idea is by commenting that this experience would be helpful in the near future. A final wel he was able to support his idea well was providing the point on how human kind would gain experience if they over came these challenges. Human kind will always be curious has said in the text it staes, " ...human curiosity will likely leas us into many equally intimidating endeavors" (8). People will always be curious and it would sometimes lead into challenges they must overcome. By the author pointing that out he is basically saying curiosity gets the best of people and how in this situation curiosity should get the best of them.They would be gaining experience on which they can use in another sitaution. He did well with including this because this could help motivate the people on wanting to study Venus for the experience and for the knowledge they could obtain. The author did well with supporting his idea on studying Venus is worth the pursuit despite the dangers it has. He provided points on why they should explore it he provided solutions on peoples worries on the challenges. He even provided a little motivation on which they can gain experience from studying Venus. So once again what would it be like to study something that has many challenges to overcome?
Hellow, my name is Luke Bomberger and I would like too share with you the experience I had as being a Seagoing Cowboy. Do you like helping people,visiting sites,and caring for animals? Then this might be that right job for you. When a first heard about it I was interested in becoming one of many Seagoing cowboys. As a Seagoing Cowboy you have a lot of responsibilates. One responsibilate is you will be a member of the UNRRA. You will also get to visit a lot of contries on you way there and you will get to see there land marks. Then as a Seagoing Cowboy you will also have to take care of the animal that you wil be shipping overseas to there destination. At first it sound wierd to be called a Seagoing Cowboy but if you like site seeing and going to places you have never been before then this job is just right for you. When I went I sall the Acropolis in Greece and I also rode on a Gondola in Venice,Italy throgh the street water. If these place sound good imagen all the places you could visit if you become a Seagoing Cowboy. In addition to going to places you have never been before you also get the chance of helping people that's homes are in ruins due to World War 2. There is and organization called the United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Administration which is also known as (UNRRA). This organization helps contries recover animals,food suplies and more. 44 nation join together to help these contries in need. So if you want to help these contries than becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is the right jod for you. Also if you like animal this is the right place for you to be. Me and my friend help animal by getting young cows or mules shipped overseas. One day we had to boared 355 horses and enough food to feed then all to get there. We helped by returning them to a place that they can live in that is not in ruins. In addition to visiting place you will also be able to take care of animal as you ship them overseas. Now that you now that Seagoing Cowboys Visit marvoluse places and in addition they also help the UNRRA and help take care of them and relocate animals by shipping them overseas. I hope that however is reading this,and if you get the chance,will sign up to become a Seagoing Cowboy. I also hope that if you do become a Seaging Cowboy that you injoy your experience, I now that I sure did.
Dear State Senator: The Electoral College is only taking your personal vote for a leader for our economy and putting into into another persons perspective. That's unfair. When you make a vote about the leader of your country, you want to be independent. You want to feel like you are doing something great to help your country. Everyone does. The electoral college needs to be abolished for the sake of our citizens. We would all benefit from changing the voting system to Popular Vote, on voting for the president of the United States. Think about it, what good is the Electoral College system doing for our society. Its surely letting the state electors get their opinion. In source #2, The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, by Bradford Plumer , says, " Prehaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. " Who wants that? What's it even worth voting then if your vote, your vote on the leader of America gets put into the hands of the House Of Representatives to decide on. Think about it. I can see why people would want to keep it. In source #3, In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , by Ricard A. Posner, says "The Electoral College is a widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring a canidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." It does offer support that maybe our country needs. Maybe we do need help in choosing who our president should be. The Electoral College gives us us a more official point of view on which president should be elected. Some people have a hard time realizing what the Electoral College is even doing for our society. Me included. In Source #2, The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, by Bradford Plumer, says "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best." I think its best to say the Electoral college IS outdated, it IS unfair and irrational. Its simply taking away from your one voice of a citizen of the United States of America  and vanishing it into thin air. Stick up for yourself and abolish the Electoral College. In souce #1, Does the Electoral College Work? , by the Office of the Federal Register, says " The Electoral College process consists of the selection of electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for the president and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." Don't let the electoral votes get in the way of your own. Vote for independence, Vote for your voice, your vote being heard, vote to abolish the Electoral College!                                               
Luke believe's people should join the seagoing cowboy's program and so do i. And you should because if you do you help people. You get to see great places like china. You get to see alot of great things like the acropolis in greece. And you even get to see Europe I know all this because the text says. But being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for luke bomberger. It opened up the world to him. "i'm grateful for the oppurtunity he says. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their need's. Another reason is the text says. It took about two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states. And a month to get to china. It also says Besides helping people. I had the benifet of seeing europe. The text also says But seeing Acropolis in greece was special he says. It also says Luke turned 18 before ariving in greece. It also says so was taking a gondola ride in venice italy. A city with streets of water those are a few of the things to do. And it also states To help these countries recover their food suplies animals and more 44 nation's joined together. That is why people should join the seagoing cowboy's program. You get to help people in the darkest times. Like after war when they have almost no food. You get to go to beatiful places and see beatiful things. Like china the Acropolis in greece Italy Europe. This is why people should join the seagoing cowboys program.
In the most recent years, people have invented things that they have been planning for years. This article explains how the new system, the Facial Action Coding System, can read a person's emotions by only looking at the muscle movement of the face. This system can not only read one emotion of a person, but read all of their emotions. This will also be a way to know if someone has a real or false smile on. Lastly, it will be able to detect if a student is confused about a lesson in their class. With all of this information and the new technology that has been introduced to the world, this system might be able to accurately read somone's emotions. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a system created by Doctor Paul Eckman that can detect a person's emotions. In the painting of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Eckman has found out that Mona Lisa is portraying six emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, and fear. These six emotions could probably not have been detected by a person looking at another person. This system is very modern and with all of the new technology that is in our world, the FACS could be accurate. Most people are not capable of sensing how a person feels. There are times when people have the biggest smile on their face, but they are hiding the fact that they are sad and broken on the inside. Hopefully this new invention will help doctors and psychiatrists with their blank-faced patients. According to this article, the system will be able to tell if a person has a false or real smile on. This will be helpful especially during political debates. When one person is rallying against the other, one of them will be yelling at the other and the other will look like they are listening, but they are not. Researches can differentiate between a real smile and a fake smile. If a person has a real smile on, their muscles at their cheek bones will lift the corners of the mouth. On the other hand, if the mouth is stretched sideways by the muscles by the cheek bones and another muscle, a person will have on a false smile. Since the technology has developed greatly over the years, scientists might be able to create a system that will detect when a student is confused about a lesson. Some students do not say anything when they do not understand what the teacher is teaching them. This system will help the teacher to know when one of their students is struggling in their class. Also, it will allow the teacher to be notified when a student is bored or not paying attention. Not only will it benefit the teachers, but the students as well. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System will benefit many people. It will be able to read the emotions of people in paintings, people in general, students in class, and whether or not a person shows a real or false smile. This system will also help psychiatrists to know their patient's state of emotion and hopefully treat them with the right solutions and advice. Since new tecnologies are improved, this new system will be a big and famous invention.
In this article, the author is telling it's readers that traveling to Venus can be risky. In the article it says ''Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system''. Venus was once covered with oceans and could have had life. Venus still has some features that are similar to Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment, and has similar features such as, valleys, mountains , and craters. Venus now has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The average surface temperature is over 800 degrees in Venus. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth. Even though Mercury is closer to the sun, Venus is still hotter because of the atmosphere. These conditions are far more extreme than any weather on Earth. Even with these harsh conditions, scientists still want to visit this planet because of human curiosity. NASA is working on approaches to study Venus. NASA is sending humans to study Venus, so we can have for knowlege of our sister planet. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. NASA is using devices that we used in the past here on Earth for studying Venus. Human curiosity is leading us to find more knowledge of our sister planet.
The Facial Action Coding System, which is a new software, has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. The new software has promosing applications for a variety of industries. The software can recognize emotions. The Facial Action Coding System could be a good software for human emotions. According to Paragraph 2, someone asked if they can actually calculate emotions like math homework and he also asked how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel. The answer was the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model must move like human muscles. I think it can be valuable because the software is for calculating emotions. Emotions like happy, sad, or angry. For example if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.
In 1976 the first image of "The Face on Mars" was captured. NASA's Viking 1 was circling the planet when it spotted the likeness of a human face. Nearly two miles from end to end the face was from a region called Cydonia. Scientists figured it was just another mesa, landforms common in this area. When NASA released the picture to the public it became a pop icon. Some people think the Face is evidence of life on Mars, however, NASA disagrees. Conspiracy theorists feel that the Face's true reason for existence is something that NASA would rather hide. In the mean time NASA's budget defenders wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. Finding such a thing would greatly benefit NASA and hel them in many ways. Therefore, if the Face really was proof of life on Mars, NASA wouldn't be hiding it, they would be announcing it for their own good. On April 5,1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped another picture ten times sharper than the original photos. The new image first appeared on the JPL web site, revealing that the Face was in fact a natural landform, not an acient alien civilization. However, conspiracy theorists were still not satisfied due to the fact that it was a cloudy time of the year on Mars. NASA prepared to look again and captured a final picture on April 8,2001. What the pictured shows is a mesa, landforms common around the American West. Of the three images NASA snapped of the Face, none of them show any alien monuments or civilizations. The increased pixel sizes would have picked up any objects on the ground such as pyramids or planes. There is no reason for NASA to believe they discovered anything other than a common natural landform. The only difference is that this landform has unusual shadows that make it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
In the article "The challenge of Exploring Venus". The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it might present. Venus is the second planet from our sun, which makes it easier to see from Earth compared to all the other planets. In this article the author uses the dangers and the old projects to prove that Venus is a worthy pursuit. The author uses the dangers of studying Venus by using past experiences of traveling to Venus to prove that yes it has its risks, but it is worth it at the end. The author uses past experiences by stating in paragraph two "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for hunams to study, despite its proximity to us." This quote helps prove that landing on Venus has been a big challenge, but scientist are willing to overcome these challenges despite the dangers. The authour also states in paragraph six that " Scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus". This statement also helps prove the point that exploring Venus more is worth taking the risk because researchers are working on innovations to help the trips be more efficent. Which helps the author support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author also uses old projects to help support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author claims in paragraph seven "Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. The devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." This passage suggest that by the use of mechanical parts can be made more resistant or could be adjusted to pressure, heat, and other things. By tweaking this the author suggest that studying Venus is worthy pursit. In the article the author uses the dangers and old projects to prove that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Also by studying Veuns there could be alot more things discoverd by that panet. Yes, it consits of many dangers but their are mutiple things that have been learned from the past experiences that could possibly help us aviod that in the future. The author idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite some of its dangers.
There are many advancements in our future, that we will benefit from. However I do not feel driverless cars are apart of our benefits. I feel driverless cars will rob people the experience of actual driving, and that could be dangerous. The cars could easily make a mistake while on the road. The problem with an driverless accident than a regular accident, is we wouldn't know who to fault. For example in paragrapgh 9, it is stated that computer-driven cars are illegal in states, California, Florida, and Nevada. Computer-driven cars would not be illegal in certain states is these cars weren't dangerous. Paragrapgh 9 also says the law woul dnot know who to fault. Either the law would tax the driver or the manufacturer. People would also rely too much on the ability of the car, and would lose skill sets of their own to manuver the car. Simple advancements to automobiles will be beneficial to drivers, however driverless cars would be a step too far. The relibility of the car would become too strong, and people wouldn't know what to do in a serious situation.
I believe that the use of this technology would be valuable, as long as students sign off or allow their emotions to be detected by this software. It could be valuable to find learning plans and lessons for all students, so their learning is more interactive for them and more interesting. It could also help detect things such as depression and try report that to a parent or counselor to try and improve their situation. Eventually the software could become so advanced that it could detect suicidal thoughts, in which case, could save lives. But alas, students would have to be okay with this technology being used on them, otherwise it's an invasion of privacy. A professor by the name of Dr. Huang at Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois is working in collaboration with Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang taught a computer what facial muscles equal what emotion. If this software was implemented into school computers, I wouldn't see a problem with that. By implementing this software students could have a more interactive learning environment or a more interesting learning experience overall. But there are still flaws in this software, a student would be able to manipulate the software into only teaching them about a certain subject that they partcularly like. So the software needs more advanced fake emotion detection, and needs to teach things that "seem" boring because its still vital information humans need to live. If someone were to dislike math, but really like science and they were never taught math at all, the person would be unable to succeed in life due to this software failing. If this software is implemented, it should not be used often. Although it can help the learning environment it can also hurt it. While I support the software being used in a learning environment, I do not condone this being put onto personal computers for financial gain or marketing purposes.
Over the years the amount of cars that have been manufactured have increased immensly. Cars help us get to place quicker by making less effort to get there. We no longer need to walk to go to the park or the mall which can take a long time. Although cars are very useful and fun to drive, it also has its risk like anything else on Earth. Which is why i think limiting car usage would be a great idea. Most cars use gasoline or diesel as there fuel to get them going. This causes problems because the fuel that is burned pollutes the atmosphere and creates smog. Paris had this problem before. In the article "Paris bans driving due to smog", Robert Duffer says that Paris had "days of near-record pollution" and they attempted to reduce it by applying a 22-euro fine ($31). As a result congestion in Paris was down 60 percent and the smog, as stated in the article, "cleared enough for the French party to rescind the ban of odd-numbered plates" Getting rid of the smog and having less air pollution would help not only the environment but i can also help us breathe oxygen easier. Limiting car usage can help us decrease pollution and increase breathable oxygen. Limiting car usage can benfit us in many ways. It can reduce air pollution which not only helps us breathe better but it also helps the environment. It can also relieve stress. Everyone that drives a car knows how stressful it can be sometimes. Any traffic jam can turn a regular day to a stressful day. Hearing someone honking their horn, yelling "Come on! Move already!" and adding some unnecesary profanity can be very irritating. In the article "Car-free day is spinning into big hit in Bogota" Andrew Selsky says that for the third straight year the city of Bogota have a car-free day called Day Without Cars. "The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog" states the article. A lot of people actually participated in this event even thought it rained that day. The Mayor of Bogota Antanas Mockus said that even though it is raining it "hasn't stopped people from participating". It was a great idea to have a day like this to relax and not be stuck in traffic which is one reason why one businessman was happy. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said Carlos Arturo Plaza. It's a great event that should spread to the world. It will be very helpful to us and the environment. In conclusion, limiting car usage is very beneficial. It can relieve stress and reduce air pollution. It can also reduce car accidents which can decrease the number of deaths that occur in a car accident. If you're on a budget, limiting the the amount of time you use your car can help you save gas money. It can also help you excercise a little. Since you aren't using a car you have to use a different form of transportation like walking or riding a bike. These are just a few advantages that limiting car usage have. Limit your car usage, it can help you and the environment.
When I was reading this article, it brought to my attention that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. It says that " venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. I think the author supports the idea because, he talks about how he got so many reasons why the mission was successful or not, this also has a reputation. This was very previous when i decided to support this idea. Although, this author is very intelligent and experienced alot of things, i will support him in many reasons because The National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration has one part compelling idea for sending humans to study venus, he thinks its so good that now he telling people to check it out. If he had gave up on this support that he had, Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying uo and out of their way. I agree with him on alot of things that hes done that's why i support him, he tries to provide healthier weapons and materials that would be safe to use. When he intervented this it says that many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to distribute the forceful interaction to our capability of the since of Venus. I support him because he makes it recognizable to see his point of view on this. It must be scary to live up in Venus or mars.
the rock you see on the photo is just a rock and it could be created by aliens but there is not signs that eny one or enything as been there and there are many othere thanks that are just like it on earth like crop scurcles. You dont complain about that and evan on some rocks in the descert are like that there is even a rock that looks like a thumb but only with the right angle or shade. Its just like that it may look like something that you know but yet it has to have all these diffrent things happen to it befor it looks like that. Like a shadow or the right angle and if NASA did find something that they really did thank it was made from aliens they wouldnt just freely relesse it to the public like that they would put millions of dollors in reserch in to find how it was built.
In the article A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves, Luke Bombergerwas as able to particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys program which allowed him to experience adventures and visit many unique places, from Luke's point of veiw. This might convince others to participate in the program as well as Luke did. First of all in paragraph two it states what you do in the begining of being a Seagoing Cowboy, first you have to take care of horses, young cows, and sonetimes have to ship mules overseas. this is important becaues if you do not know how to take proper care of these types of animals you could lose your job and chances of being one of the Cowboys. Next you have to take orders in and ship them your self. It states in paragraph three you have to ship cargos such as loads over one hundred horses puls enough hay and oats to feed them. This is important becaues if you do not know how to ship the orders or don't know were the shipments go to you could lose your job. After all those requirements of being a Seagoing Cowboy or Cowboy (for short) you get to visit amazing unique places such as what it states in paragraph five, Besides helping people , I had the side benefit of seeing Europe,Venice,Italy with a city with streets of water, and on his way to China Luke saw excavated castles in Crete an marveled at the Panama Canlal. But seeing the Acroplolis in Greece was special," he says. This might excite the other people who want to participate in the program becaues, They might of dreamed of going to one of these countries or cities in there furture and this could be there chance to go. Later on after visting your favorit places there can be a risk. As it states in paragraph 7 Luke risked his life by serving as night wtchman as his job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night after making his report to the caption , he slid down a slippry ladder on his backside. he was happy to be alive. But he couldn't work for a couple of days becaues he cracked one of his ribs while slidind down that ladder. this can be a risk becaues you could die just watching the animals but in is a little unlikly if your a very careful. Last but not lest in paragraph 9 it states that, for Luke Bomberger it opened up the world to him. "I'm grateful for the opportunity," he says."it made me more aware of people of other countries and there needs. This could let the person who is thinking of joing this program that this job is not only about hard work to take care of animals and take and deliver them to other countries, it is not about seeing your favorit countries its about what happends when your done with the job wether you come out like nothing happend and you feel like the same or you feel like you have accomplished something imortant. That is what could get the person insterested in joing the Seagoing Cowboys program.
The use of Facial Action Coding System would not be needed to be use on students or evn at schools.For example, It would be a waste on money, we can already tell on how a person is feeling ,and the schools would have to get better computers because it wont be able to handle the program. Even though it looks like a good idea it would also be pointless . To begin, all this programing and computers would be costing big bucks to the schools. Next, the schools would have to but the program and still have someone to install it. Futher on, They would have to pay someone to teach the studrents on how to use it ,and witch would been having to pay for that person . Lastly, the schools could use that money to fund classrooms for the students to have a better enviorment to learn. Secondly , we can tell when someone is mad or sad , we dont need a computer to tell what a persons is feeling. This coud have school money. For example, in the passage it says "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." Further on, even they said that by just a look at someones face you can tell what mood and feeling is. Lastly, its like we have our own program in our head. Thrid of all, Going back to money the schools also would have to upgrade to better computers. According to the reading it says"Your home PC cant handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." Further on, this means the school would have to get rid of the regular computers and install way more expensive ones. Lastly, the school might not afford one for each student to use at once, so whats the point. What is the point of the program FACS ? We dont need to spend tons of money , we can just take a look at someone to figure out their fellings,and we have pretty good computers for just our needs. Yet the technolgy is getting better but should we let computers take over?