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f99ebf4 | People should participate because it could be fun to cross the world.Some reasons people should participate are maybe you want to see the world or maybe you just want to help others. Some ways that you would be helping could be that you are delivering horses or cattle.
My first reason is Ways you could see the world might be you are going to different places to do certin things like drop of horses or cattle.Some other ways might be that you are
going to meet someone to give them something that they need. There are other things that might happen on the journey to the place you are going to.
My second reason is there are many oppertunaties to help others in the UNRRA. some ways very one what they have you do on the way to where your going.some other ways you could help are you can help the UNRRA get more supplies to give to the people who need it.
My final reason is that if you love exporing you would really like the UNRRA. They go all over the map to help people and save others life. They litterally go from the USA to Greece maybe even farther. They also travel alot in one week.
People should participate because i could be fun to cross the world. Some reasons people should participate are maybe you want to see the world or maybe you just want to help other people either way more people should help in the group. | 23
f99f8c7 | The Development of the Driverless Car
Throughout the development of self-driven cars, we have seen them evolve from only being able to be developed on specialized tracks that use reverse polarities to guide the car on the track to having them prevalent in some cities where they are test driven in the world around us. Although some may say that these cars are a long way from becoming completely driverless, their use of evolving technology, their ability to use the drivers in unprecedented ways, and their evolving acceptance all contribute to the idea that they are the future of transportation for the world. They may be controlling themselves but they also control the world that will some day evolve to the heights of driverless cars.
The cars of today have evolved from using minimal sensors to having rear-view cameras and anti-lock braking sensors, which driverless cars are definitely a part of. The driverless cars of today have been produced on the fact that car-making companies have evolved to provide these high-tech gadgets, which are equipped on their cars. "Google's modified Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors..." The inclusion of all of these sensors and cameras on the modified Toyota Prius is evidence to the fact that car companies are embracing the move towards technology to better equip their cars for the future, which is moving towards the idea of driverless cars. Proximity sensors and cameras allow for the driverless car to essentially find it's footing on the road and move in the direction that it needs to in order to avoid other vehicles and to carry out it's objective. This can be used on the streets of any city in any part of the world, and shows that this could some day used as a "public-transport taxi system" which corresponds with Sergey Brin, the cofounder of Google who has dreams on the subject of the progression of driverless cars in the future.
These driverless cars also use the humans inside of the car to drive, which is a vital importance to the success of the driverless cars so that one day they may become completely driverless. "BMW announced the development of 'Traffic Jam Assistant.' The car can handle driving functions...but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This shows that driverless cars can handle most city driving situations up to 25 miles per hour, crediting the progression of driverless cars, but also use the human inside the car to control the car when the car needs help navigating through the construction sites or crashes. Eventually as driverless cars develop, they will base the driverless cars habits through a construction site to those of a human accomplishing the same task. This helps develop the car and also gives the driver an opportunity to drive.
Furthermore, these driverless cars are still being researched today in cotext that some day they will be used as the premier mode of transportation for most people."Automakers are continuing their work on the assumtion that the problems (of technology failure and it's accordance to the law) will be solved. Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." The anticipation to get these cars rolling on the road by Tesla and others shows that they believe that this will be the future of transportation and they are unrelenting in the fact that they will make driverless cars a hundred percent of the time happen some day, with Tesla already having a projected release date for the driverless car for most of time, which again shows the development of these cars.
To conclude, driverless cars have come a long way, from being mere thoughts of the imagination, to being able to drive only on a specialized test track to becoming something that already has a release date planned in 2016. Their use of developing technology with the use of sensors and cameras as well as their use of the driver as someone with the skill to drive through a contruction site or accident have also contributed to it's prominence in the automobile industry. One of the most important parts of the driverless car's road to success is it's acceptance, and that is something that it has improved on with it's release coming up and the legislation that it will and has already affected. The driverless car will someday be the top form of transportation for many people and will only grow from there. | 45
f9a3b13 | I had no idea that my life would soon chsnge after high school graduation. I was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank. Until one day, my friend, Don Reist, told me to come with him to Europe. When we were in Europe I found my dream job. Here's what I did.
If you love adventure and fun, than you would love to be a Seagoing Cowboy. A Seagoing Cowboy is a person who helps and takes care of animals on ships that are being transported. As a Seagoing Cowboy, you see stuff that byou will never forget. If you are thinking "What if we have no fun.", you are totally wrong. You play sports, you read and your crew mates will become best friends with you.
If you also like animals, as a Seagog Cowboy, you really spend most of your time with the animals on the ship. I, Luke Bomberger, has been a Seagoing Coboy for the longest time. I have enjoed every second of it. Eveyone is super nice to me. This job changed my entire life.
As a Seagoing Cowboy, was much more than an adventure for me. It opened up another world for me. I have been more aware of my surrondings. And that awareness has stayed with me, leading my family to host a number of international students and exchange vistors for many many years. I hope that one day, you will follow our dreams like I did. | 12
f9a69a2 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa smile"
talks about how they have a new system and it can detect how a person is feeling. This new tecnology can be very helpful for students. I believe it can be helpful to students because there are some people who feel depressed and it is complicated to tell if they are happy, depressed, or angry.
This can help students and adults to see how they are actually feeling because some people don't even know how they feel. Some students might say "that computer doesn't know how I feel" but the computer FACS(Facial Action Coding System) comes from a good sorce. The people who created "FACS" were Thomas Huang and Prof. Thomas Huang was from the Beckman institute fo advance at the University of Illinos working woth Prof. Therefore, they the system "FACS" is a trust worthy computer to identify your emotions.
This system can help students with their lifes. To demonstrate, in paragrapg 3 it states "Eckman classified six basic emotions happyiness,suprised, anger, disgusted, fear,and sadness." when a student is feeling depressed (no students should feel like that) a teacher doesn't know how the student is feeling out of the six basic emotions that Eckman descrided. Thus, the system will help teachers know how the student is feeling ;and if the student is not feeling good the teacher or the adult can ask why are they feeling that way and build a conection or a bond with the students.
Teachers can find this system useful because when they are teaching they can see if their students are confused or bored. To illastrate, in paragraph 4 it states " Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements" which means that using video or images is a new way to find out how people are feeling. Therefore, teachers can see how their students are feeling and see if their class is boring or not and they can see if their stuents are learning anything. This is an example of how this new system can help students and teachers.
All of these are examples of how this system "FACS" can help students and that is is valuable. | 23
f9b5eb6 | In this article it asks if you can imagine a world where cars are not needed, I am proud to say I can. In American now more than ever transportation is needed mainly for people to get to work and buy food or other appliances. The people in the word are in need of public transportation more than ever. This is why I believe we need to invest in building public infrastructure, public cars, and other forms of transportation.
I would say the best way to create such a project is to create road systems controlled by magnates and gps computers and creating cars that will run on similar to a train track. This is similar to the bullet trains seen throughout Japan that run on magnates. It would also need to be run by some form of renewable energy sources so the best option is electricity and solar power. It would need a computer capable of driving a car in all conditions and that can travel at high speeds.
Would also need a safety feature that allows the driver to take control of the vehicle. these systems are put in place people will be able to travel long distances in a short period of time with little to no cost.
Now some will ask "how will you pay for such a large project?" And I will respond with "It's complicated...". I believe the government should be involved in building this form of public transportation. The way I invision us paying for this is and expansion on estate tax. the estate tax is a tax on a persons inheritance over 10 million dollars and in America this is set at around 40%. This means someone who inherited 10 million and one dollars would pay a tax of 40¢. If we expand on this tax and other taxes similar to this we could no only fund our expansion on public infrastructure but also pay for other extraordinary things such as tuition free college education. I would also say that companies that want to advance this milestones in engineering can help in the innovation process. I believe that these companies are import in the completion aspect and are needed to enhance the innovation. I'm not saying the government should souly control the means of production of thes automated vehicles it is just practical that it be envolved in the production.
To recap my belief is that America needs to evolve. The people are in need of better public transportation and infrastructure. If we can create vehicles that can transport people at high speed and wove our transportation issues in America. We can pay for it and create with the help of tax payer dollars and companies willing to work with the government. If we follow the basic outline put forward and expand upon it we can achieve many things and creat many things the people of America and the world need. | 12
f9b6317 | Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, venus is the second planet from our sun, while venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth,
Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest in distance too, but now the scientists are more interesting in venus they want to know more about venus. Numerous factors contribute to venus's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study. The scientists and
Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system. Venus has some danger for human for example the temperatures would be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions for humans.
NASA is working on other approches to study Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber similutation the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition, that mean scients going to explorer Venus. | 12
f9b899d | Luke's point of view in the "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves" was that Luke in the Begging he was pretty shocked he didnt know he was going to do this after high school graduation.
Reason he joined the pregram was becuase Luke's friend Don Reist Invited him to go to Europe and Luke could not Reject that. Luke knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime in Paragraph 1. Another reason was In World War II was over Europe to sned animals, food supplies, and more to recover countries. Luke and Don sign up for that. Lukes point of veiw is that Luke had some amazing adventures and its pretty awesome to see around the world and helping other people.
In paragraph 8 it states that Luke also found some fun time on board so it states to you Luke had some fun times and some scary times in his view. In paragraph 7 It states Luke had a cracked rip from Almost falling off into the dark Atantic. So Lukes point of view was advetures and scary but mostly fun.
Luke had lots of Amazing adventures as a Seagoing Cowboy. | 01
f9bfb1e | The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by explaining what the planet has to offer. The author explain why humans are so interested and drawn toward the planet. He informs the readers how Venus has its up's and down's but is still worth discovering. "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system." Knowing this information is what is drawing people to make the decision of discovering Venus and its secrets.
Through out the story the author is telling the readers how Venus is a place worthy to explore no matter how dangerous because of what its was and could be. Venus can be discovered and be a place where humans could survive. The planet also is a place full of secrets that no one can seem to get to. Having something so close and not being able to understand it draws more interest into learning more about Venus
despie the dangers. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." This evidence from the passage tells how Venus once was and how people would be encouraged to take their time to explore what could be and what was on this planet that is so close but the information about it is so close.
In conclusion, the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers very well. He include why people haven't been able to get much information from the planet to why people keep striving to learn more about the planet. He explained how to study the planet both safe and scientifically productive. "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for the planetary visit, a crucial considerstion given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?" The author made sure to put his knowing of the planets capablities of what the planet can offer humans in the long run.The planet Venus is a dangerous study but as the author stated "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Meaning don't let the obstacle of fear and danger get in the way of great exploration. | 23
f9c92af | The ability to learn is something that an individual have to accept. Learning and the ability to accept to be taught depends on the Individual's mood. The Facial Coding System in schools will help the instructors know the right time that the student's ability to learn is high. The Fecial Coding System in schools will help the students breake their limits on education, Help the teachers detect the right teaching moments, and help educate the society on the relations of the humans themselves.
The Facial Coding system will help the students perform the their high abilities. In the article the author says that emotions in the classroom would determine the perfomance of the students. The text states that "" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. " Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor" (D'Alto). By detecting the students emotions then the computer would help them learn better.
The Facial Coding System would alert the teachers to help the students. The system would help the student over come the issues that they might have either in school or home by the help of the teachers. The text states that "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful" ( D'Alto). This shows that FCS would help eliminate the bullying issues in school and help the the school be a safe learning environment.
The Facial Coding System would help educate the society. The emotions of the people around would help the people or students know the right moments to make decisions. The text states that "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful" ( D'Alto). This would help the people choose the right people in politics.
In conclusion the Fecial Coding System in schools will help the students breake their limits on education, Help the teachers detect the right teaching moments, and help educate the society on the relations of the humans themselves. This system would make the society safe and even prevent some of the situations that the world face due to the anger and emotion managements. | 34
f9d9962 | Have you ever heard about the face on Mars' surface? People think that it could be aliens, but more people believe that it is just a mesa or a butte. The Viking 1 gathered the first pictures of the face ever. Many conspiracy theorists think that NASA knows that it is evidence of an ancient alien race. It still remains somewhat a mystery to people all over the internet.
The Viking one captured the first pictures of the face in history. It was searching for landing spot for it's sister ship. The mission controllers at the Jet Propulsion Lab were surprised when it popped up on their monitors. The pictures surfaced on the internet a few days later. It was a great way to get people engaged in the attraction to Mars.
Although NASA and conspiracy theorists would be happy to discover that the face is evidence of an ancient alien race on Mars. The formation is probably just a mesa or a butte. They are both landforms common to the American West. Garvin commented'' It reminds me of a Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.''A lava dome that takes form of a mesa around t he same height as the one Mars.
If the face on mars was an alien artifact NASA would be famous for finding it.
Conspiracy theorists say that NASA is hiding the fact that the face is an alien artifact,but NASA would not be hiding the fact that it is from aliens if it were because it would benefit them a bunch. For example they could make a ton of money from the publicity of it being something alien. With the money they could fund even more projects like sending rovers to Mars to try and find out more about the face, and maybe they could even be able to get humans to Mars. It would get people interested in Mars and they would want more pictures and evidence of it being an alien artifact. That is why it would not make sence for NASA to tell people on the internet that the face is an something alien instead of just being a mesa or a butte.
In conclusion there is a lot more evidence that the face is a mesa or a butte other than an alien artifact. Even though conspiracy theorists are convinced they have proof of alien lifeform. Most evidence points to it being a landform, like a mesa or a butte. There is also not any logical reason for NASA to hide the idea that it is evidence of aliens if it were true. These are just a few of the reasons that I believe that it is just a landform and not any evidence of an alien lifeform. The rest of the internet should realize that it is not anything alien too. | 34
f9da9bf | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is known as Eath's "twin" and is closest planet to Earth, and the untold mysteries it holds.
Exploring Venus to study is infact dangerous but as the aouthor states in the text " Today, Venus still has some features that are analgous to thos on Earth". This line explains that the possibilities of surving in Venus is about 50/50, it also meant that if Venus has these various feathers that Earth have, then it's the chances of being able to go there is hiher because of feathers like; oceans, valleys, mountains, craters, and differnt forms of life. It also says that " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray".
This is significant because it explained how the NASA already have plans and intructions for this event that they are hoping to make it happen. Furthermore, it says how the process and devices would help them to go on Venus and how it is survivable for humans because the temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, and machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to the NASA's knowledge of Venus.
This article shows all the possibilities of surviving on Venus to study the Venus with their new machines, and innovations for the sucess. | 23
f9e3c52 | To whom it may concern:
In today's society there is neverending controversy over a million things. Suprisingly, a lot of these controversies are centered around one single topic: Politics. One of the most prominent arguments is the one surrounding the Electoral College and its possible abolishment. How the process works is when a state votes on their candidate the state is actually electing the Electors. Most states take a winner-take-all system where the majority of votes for a candidate would determine that all the electors will vote for that candidate. Only a few states split up to Electors based on votes, and then delegate a certain number of them to one candidate and a certain number of them to the other. The electors vary in amount by the number of members in its Congressional delegation. The Electoral College is made up of exactly 538 electors, and a majority of 270 is required to elect the president.
Personally, I would argue in favor of the Electoral College and keeping it for numerous reasons. One of them being that whomever is elected, will be everybody's president. What I mean by this is that no one region can overwhelm any other regions through popular vote and elect the candidate of their choice. If you took the south-west region of the United States, there would be California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, etc. Texas and California alone hold a great amount of America's population, and could possibly overwhelm the other states with popular vote and vote in the president of their choosing. With the Electoral College in place it allows to even the playing field and avoid run-off elections providing a more fair representation of the United States votes.
Another reason is that, the candidates can then be elected honestly, by people who listen thoughtfully. With the Electoral College, there are swing states. These states use the winner-take-all-method, and are normally a toss up. Most competing candidates focus on these toss-up states to try and secure the vote for them, and as some would argue, this prevents candidates from visiting smaller states, all becuase they want the most votes, but in truth, the candidates are vistiting the swing states becuase they are thoughtful voters. The positive thing with swing states are that the voters within them, know they are a part of the deciding vote of the president. This means that they pay much closer attention to the election and things happening within it, and the candidates stances on many different topics. This allows voters in swing states to vote fairly and informatively, without over bearing politcal part bias.
On the other side of the argument are those who want to abolish the Electoral College. They pose many reasons for why they want this such as what is often called the disaster factor. This reason is based on the election of 2000 between Al Gore and George W. Bush, when Al Gore had recieved the majority of the individual votes but once taken to the Electoral College, Bush won with 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266. This incident angered many people, who wondered how and it brought up the question: Can electors defy the will of the people? The answer is yes, but it's high unlikely, and very rare, if ever. Electors are made of a parties committee, and sometimes the candidates themselves. They are picked by the State Legislature, so they obviously contain knowledge in politics and are trusted by the state government to do there duty as appointed. Some argue that the incident in 2000 between Gore and Bush was a freak accident. It's quite rare and, although it has been quite close before, no such incident had occured since 1888, when the Electoral College was created, or anytime after.
In Conclusion, in favor of the Electoral College staying as it is, it would keep the country voting fairly. It would also avoid run-off elections and a region overloading the popular vote, due to the vast quantity of population. Keeping the College intact would keep citizens in swing states interested during the election, becasue they know they are the deciding vote. While aruments against the Electoral College are many, they aren't substanial enough to completly abolish a process that has worked successfully for over a hundred years and counting.
Concerned Citizen | 45
f9e4d16 | For me I'm not okay by techonology called the Facial Action System because that can't tell that you can describe people's emotion, For me i think we're the only one and are family who can tell what's are emotion we can't also tell what's other's people emotions and also if you really don't know that person you can't really say or red what's their emotions. Like example even we smile in front of people that doesn't express that we're really happy etc because sometimes people smile because they don't want to see other people's worrying for them so they're just choosing to smile in front of them. Like me sometime's if im with other people even l'm sad or angry, l don't what to show what's my real emotion because l'm just choosing to smile in front of them because i don't want them to worry about my emotion or something. The only people who can read or tell what's are emotion is no other than are parents because they know us better than other people. We been on their tummy for nine months so they are the only one who can really read or tell what are emotion.
"While looking in the mirror " By looking in the mirror can't really explain or say what's are emotion are becuase mirror don't speak and it doens't tell your emotions. People use mirro just becuase they want to see what's on their face or if it's dirty or what, how they look before they go somewhere. Mirror just copying what were doing in front of the mirror like if you start talking ofcorse your twin face in the mirror also gonna start talking too,becuase mirror is just a piece of a glass that can't describe what's people's emotion. Mirror can copy what were doing but can't say what are emotion or feeling.
"Dr. Huang predict that it could be modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. The same technology can amke computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery because of of human is nonverbal, including emotional communication. Dr. Huang said computer should understand that too becuase its really hard and different. | 12
f9ec677 | The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a new technology that enables computers to identify human emotions. I think that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can modify itself to help the student change their emotions and make the classroom better for the students by changing the computer to satisfy the student.
One way that this technology can be valuable is with ad-modifying. The article gives a great example of this. "For example if you smile when a web-ad appears on the screen, a similar ad may follow. But if you frown the next ad will be different." This evidence supports the claim that the technology is valuable because it could keep students interested with ads. And they won't be annoyed with seeing the same ads they don't like, again and again.
Another way that this technology can be valuable is with lesson modifying. Dr. Huang predicts that "when a student is becoming confused or bored, the computer could then modify the lesson." This evidence also supports the claim that the technology is valuable because it can help the students.
If a student is confused on a lesson, the computer may change the way that it's being taught so that the student can understand.
The technology could also not be valuable to students in a classroom. It can misinterpret the emotions of a student and modify the wrong things. For example, if a student looks confused, but is really not, the computer will pick up on that facial expression and modify the lesson, which may actually make the student confused.
In conclusion, the FACS technology can be very valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because a student can personally modify their computer without even knowing it. It will keep the students interested, and that can really help the students learn. | 34
f9f5aea | Driverless cars have become a prominent part of today's modern society. Many people are looking for more efficient ways to travel from one location to another. Dirverless cars are making the need for efficiency possible, and
the cars will have the ability to change the way the world thinks and functions. Driverless cars will offer new ideas for environment- friendly public transportation, safety features, and entertainment features.
Driverless cars will not only be fast and efficient, but also economically and environmentally friendly. In the article, "Driverless Cars are Coming," Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, envisions that today's public transportation will eventually disappear. Instead of public transportation that exists today, a driverless car form of public transportation will serve as a replacement. The driverless cars will be more environmentally friendly, because the cars will use half the fuel of today's taxis. The air pollution in major cities and even in rural areas will become greatly reduced if driverless cars are being used as public transportation means. The driverless car will not only be economically friendly, but also extremely felixble. The driverless car will offer more flexibility than buses, allowing people to arrive at a destination on time or even before.
Also, driverless cars will be able to provide new safety features that human-controlled cars cannot. The driverless cars will be able to steer, accelerate, and brake bythemselves. GM has developed driver's seats that have the capablity to vibrate and warn drivers when their vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The warning signal will prepare drivers to take over in an event of an emergency. Other safety features include flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Manufacturers hope to install cameras in driverless cars that can make sure drivers are focused on the road. In other words, the car is watching over the driver as he/she drives.
Manufactures are hoping to provide entertainment and informational systems, too. Manufacturers would install the entertainment and information systems so the driver would not become bored in the driverless car. The entertainment and information systems would use heads up displays that could turn off instantly in case of an emergency. The heads up displays are a huge safety feature and is something not available to today's drivers trying to text with a cell phone.
Overall, driverless cars are a new and interesting area of technology that should be explored by an evolving society who strives to find new, safe, and efficient ways to complete tasks. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to sell cars that have the ablilty to drive themselves by 2020. The idea for driverless cars is quickly aproaching, and society should accept driverless cars as a new way of transportation. | 45
f9fde81 | All around the world, people are using gas-gusling vehicles of mass destruction. Recently, Germany came up with the revolutionary idea to limit the use cars by forbidding street parking, driveways, and home garages in the new, experimental district of Vauban. Others have joined the bandwagon as well, instituting new laws, such as the "Car-Free Day" in Bogota, Colombia, and the partial-driving ban in Paris, France. France, Germany, and Colombia are the predeccessing countries to the innovational car usage limitations. These limitations have many advantages, such as a decrease in pollution, traffic, and a long-term positive culture shift.
Pollution and the emission of green-house gases is one of the common issues troubling countries world-wide. A limit of the use of cars and other various vehicles that run of fossil fuels has been proven to help counter the depleation of Earth's Ozone layer. According to
Source 2: Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog,
"[The Smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world... Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals... [Last] week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found." The city of Paris had legislated, "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home... The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day" (
Source 2
). Resulting from their legislation, "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday" (
Source 2
). Paris, originally one of the worlds' most-polluted cities, decreased their pollution so much in one day that it was deemed unnecessary to continue the ban for the odd-numbered license plates the next day. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (
Article 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars
). A decrease in these emissions could have significant effects, as witnessed in Paris. Also, a Local Colombian businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza claimed that the Car-Free Day was "a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" (
Source 3: Car-Free Day is Spinning into a Big Hit in Bogota
). The government and their factions are in agreement that the ban on cars is only positive. Whether it is Colombia, Germany, or Paris, the restriction on drving was a major success. Imagine if more countries around the world opted to institute this ban; there would be no energy-crisis nor would there be as much of a pollution issue.
Along with the decrease in pollution, there would be a massive decrease in traffic. The vehicular limitations in the beta-countries (France, Colombia, and Germany) have shown that the restrictions imposed decrease the amount of traffic significantly. Based on
Source 3 , in Bogota, "... a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." Rather than having a holier-than-thou complex, these Colombians supported the greater good of their country and ceased use of all cars on the car-free day. A positive domino affect occured in Colombia as well. According to
Source 3 , "Parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." These beta countries have improved the standard of living by meerely putting some restrictions on driving for brief periods of time. The United States has seen various changes as well. While there are no current driving restrictions, new priorities are being discovered, such as the bike-sharing program in one of America's most heavily trafficed cities, New York. According to
Source 4: The End of Car Culture , "New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities, as do a poliferation of car-sharinf programs across the nation." Nations are beginning to catch on to the contagious cold of revolutionary alternatives to driving and traffic crises.
France, Germany, Colombia, and the United States are already seeing positive changes. The long-term culture shift is proving to be an aspiration for many countries. According to
Source 4 , "The internet makes telecommuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends. The renewal of city centers has made the suburbs less appealing and has crawn empty nesters back in. Likewise the rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexible commuting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van services for getting to work." People are becoming more connected through digital devices as societies become more technologically advanced, therefore the need for a large amount of privately owned cars has become moot. In Vauban, Germany, Heidran Walter, a media trainer and mother, claims, "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (
Source 1
). Commoners, such as Mrs. Walter, are respoding positively to the laws of the experimental district of Vauban, which has very few areas and opportunities for cars. In fact, "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here" (
Source 1
). This modern-day industrial revolution is drawing vast numbers of people into the areas inwhich cars have become a rarity.
Source 1 also states that "Vauban, completed in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called "smart planning"." The beta countries have had much success and have not seen failure yet. Although in France, "Almost 4,000 dricers were fined... [Twenty-seven] people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine" (
Source 2
), it should not be considered a failed experiment. Of the millions of people who live in France, they only saw a small fraction of driving infractions on the day they limited driving. The long-term culture shift that the world is beginning to see is certainly moving in a positive direction.
Between ISIS and the iPhone, the world has come across a variety of both positive and negative circumstances. Considering all of the positive effects of limitations of cars, including but not limited to less traffic, a decrease in pollution, and long-term culture shifts, there have been many advantages to the switch to a car-free enviornment. Even though transportation may take longer, it will be safer and better for the enviornment. Not everyone country can guarantee that all of their citizens will abide by the new laws, as shown in France, but a small fraction of the trouble is better than the mass population of millions, and in some places billions, wrecking havoc on the planet. | 34
fa00450 | Who do you vote for.? or what whould you do if there was no president?. well i think we can find out. But not to worry most states have a "winner-take-all"system. It's for giving awards to electors to the winning presidental canidate., But every canididate has its on electors & if u are becomeing the president then u have every 4 years then you have to be relected.
The Electoral College consists of 538 electors.,And a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president.
But even so your state's entitled allotment of electors is equal to the numbers of its congressional delegation, for each member in the house of Representatives plus 2 for senators.
Each candidate running for president is your states has his or her own group of electors, But"Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral college.
You can help choose your state's electors when you vote for president because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors.
After the presidental election, your governor prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment". It lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors.
The Certificate of Ascertainment also delcares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of electors in december of the election year.
Under the electoral collage system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote, for (John) Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Demorcratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the state wide election.
But 34 electoral votes go to Congress and kerry whould get 34 electoral votes. But who are the electors., You might ask we will never know because it can be anyone not holding public office.
But back on the electoral college. The single best argument against the electoral college is what is call the disaster factor.
The american people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century;. The system allows for much worse.
Lets consider something, Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that thoes electors could always defy the will of the people. Back in 1960, segregationists in the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors
Electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please
Oh, and its happend before a state send two slates of elsecotrs to Congress., It happend in hawaii in 1960. Luckily, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, validated only his opponent's electors.
The Electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism, A non democratic method of selecting a presdent that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner.
The advicates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense | 12
fa09542 | In this story, scientists are wanting to explore Venus. The thing is, Venus is really hard to study due to its spot in our Solar System. There are many dangers that come with studying Venus. For starters, Venus is the second planet from our sun, which means the temperature on Venus can be very hot and mild. Venus may be simple to see from a vantage place on earth but it has been proven to be very challenging to examine more closely.
Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Some things may be easier to see observe on Venus because it is so much like Earth, wrong, due to the weather and history, Venus isnt a walk in the park. Many spacecrafts have been sent to Venus but since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours, the missions remained unnamed. A spacecraft hasn't landed on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors help with the reputation of Venus, and that shows how challenging it really is to get more information than what we already have.
Venus has a very thick atmoshere of 97% including carbon dioxide blankets. What makes it even more challenging for us is that there are clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere of Venus. The conditions on Venus are known to be far more extreme than our conditions on eath. Venus can destroy a submarine and turn any metal into a liquid. Venus has the hottest surface temperature in our solar system even though it is not the closest planet to the sun. Beyond the high pressure and heat on Venus, it also has many valcano eruptions, powerful earthquakes, and pretty frequent lightning strikes.
Another issue we have is no machines last on Venus. No machine lasts long enough to contribute meaningful knowledge about Venus. Simplified electronis tend to not work for more than a few hours at a time before they burn or break, and some even last for up to three weeks but hardly collect any information. A project they are wanting to bring back is an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices played an important roll in World War Two. This device doesn't require any devices at all.
Venus is a very challenging planet to learn about. Many things stop us from learning about Venus but no one has given up hope yet. They are doing everything they can in there power to make it to Venus to learn more about it. Venus has made us face some pretty harsh challenges, including human curiosity. We are very interested in learning more about Venus and they are hoping that us being curious will get them more help to see what else Venus has in store. | 34
fa0e53e | Exploring venus can be challenging, On the article it says that venus is one of the brightes points of light in the sky. It also says in the article that venus is the closest planet to earth, in density and size. As we know, many astronomers have been wanting to go to venus for a long time due to the fascinated thing it has for example it has beautiful oceans that has majority of life just like earth has now. Venus also has valleys, mountains and also craters. But the thing that makes it dificult for astronomers to go out in space to venus is, the ninty-seven percent carbon dioxide and it is eight-hundred degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is ninty times greater than the expierence here on earth. Overall it is challenging for an astronomer to last long in space for that reason. astronomers are creating a machine that will last longer on mars and will be able to get more footage and bring it back safe without getting destroyed. They've tried to send a machine to venus before and it successeded but it only last three weeks. hopefully in a few years they will be able to invent a maching that will be able to last a long time and then a spaceship for a human to go and explore venus. A lot of people were saying that it is risky to send someone to venus because there is more chances that the person dies than making it back alive and safe. NASA requires money to create a spaceship to go to venus, that money has to be raised before making any plans to go to venus. | 12
fa10fcc | Most driving laws focus on keeping divers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, but could the development of driverless cars have an affect on poeples actions while in the car? Haveing a car that is in need of little human interaction could give the driver an exuse to drive drunk. The cars system could fail and create a problem instead of preventing one. Finally how are the privers waiting for their turn to take over going to maintain focus.
Will having these self driving cars give more people the idea that it is ok to drive under the influence? In this atical, it is stated that a human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation reguires human skills. A driver that is not in a state were they can make a snapy disicion. Tjis could lead to the failer of taking, this could end up making a huge inpact on the lives of other people aound them.
How can we be sure that the car will fail to serve its perpose? The second detail to catch my eye was the question asked in the article "If the technology fails ans someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" With any vehicle there is always a chance of a mecanichle failure. In a smart car there are many peices of technology that are important to insure everyones safety. Even with the chance of a driverless car being completed there are potentialy more chances of one peice of this technology malfunctioning and creating a problem.
Finaly how will we keep the drivers focus on the road? This article quotes the words spoken by Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver. Werner speaks of the challanges of psychological aspects of automation and how we will have to interpret the driving fun in a new way. People falling asleep might become a big problem, the action of paying attention when the work is done for you, may not be a simple task.
The idea of a driverless car is a dangerous idea to be playing around with. Haveing a car that is in need of little human interaction might cuase the thought that drunk driving would be safe. The cars system could fail and not allow the driver to take over. The driverless car could cuase a huge problem with maintaining focus, this could mean someone failing to take over when needed. In conclusion when all of the work is done for a driver, it could lead to problems that might have been otherwise prevented. | 23
fa115a1 | Wow can you believe if you take a picture on your phone or social meadi it can tell you what your emotionals are now thats pretty wild i dont care who you are.
My opion for this topic i think its pretty stupid because its non of there bussines what my emotionals are and im sure others agree with me. Maybe they dont like to smile but they sure can be happy my dad always told me never juge a book its cover and thats what their doing.
I wouldnt like it because i dont want them to know what my emotions are because its my emotion i will deal with them i dont want know one eles to. In pargraph two it says " can we actually calculate emotion like math homework" emotions are not problems and just part of life you cant fix that the person who has the emotion problem if there sad or angry there the one that will fix.
There is one good thing about this emtional problem if somone takes a picture and there sad and there thinking about ending their life somone can see it and contact someone and they could change their life around thats is on good thing i like it about.
This picture emotional thing it can help alot of people if they dont even know what there feeling and it make save people and some people might just hate it but everyone has their own opion and thats my. | 12
fa11bc7 | The use of this technology to read students emotional expressions, is pointless. I say this because a persons emotions could switch very quickly. Also, this technology has been tested on paintings, paintings dont have emotions. This means that the technology is wrong.
If a website or app is detecting emotions from picture what makes you think it could detect emotions from a real peson. This "new" technology doesn't make any scense. Why would someone possibly let a machine tell them how there feeling. Theres no way possible that a painting has emotions, it may look sad or happy but it has no true emotions.
There are many different apps that do different things. Theres even a app that detects lies. These apps are fake. No cellphone app could really tell you if your lying or not. This technology should be tested out on many humans. Just to be sure.
Different people have different opinions, but only scientist will actually know the truth. Even scientist can be proven wrong so its more of a the world may never know type of situation. Until actual proof of this technology is being shown i personally will not believe it. | 12
fa1292f | This new technology is very useful to find peoples emotions or even to what they're thinking about. But also it can be very bad to read other peoples emotions because it can become very personal. I say this because what if a kid is having a bad day in the class room and you read their emotions or even thoughts, it can be very rude. An example would be what if some kid was aving some hard times at home before they went to school and they're thinking about what happened the night before they went to school or what will happen to them when they go home from school. But this new technology can be very helpful because what if that student is struggling in their classes and they're too shy to say anything or to get any help. It can be very stressful and may lead to the student to want to just shut down and shut anyone out. But if you had this tachnology in the classroom it can help the student, becausse then the teacher will know that there is something wrong and try to help the student out with his or her problems in a different way like in tuduring only that select student. Or the teacher could go up to the student and figure out what's wrong and persude the student to be more open and talk about what all is wrong. But like I had said it can be very helpful or very harmful in ways. | 12
fa17a90 | How many different emotions have you ever felt in your life? You cannot possibly know and remember every feeling you've ever had. Using the Facial Action Coding System is a great idea and an amazing thing that has been developed, however, there is no way it is accurate. The Facial Action Coding System is not accurate because everyone has different facial structures, this system could not possibly know the structure of everyones face, could not detect all emotions, and cannot tell an emotion by the way people look.
Though the face has the same muscles and bones in it, everyone has a different facial structure. Some peoples eyes are far apart, and some are closer together. Some people have more round faces, and others have more square shaped faces. The text states "Meanwhile, muscles called orbicularis oculi palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes. But in a fake smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius.", but some people may not get crow's-feet around thier eyes, and some peoples mouths may not stretch sideways like this. There are many other differences in peoples faceial structures, aside from these examples.
All people feel different emotions in their life. They can also feel multiple emotions at one time. Saying that a face coding system can detect all your emotions is absurd. People have been known to feel exitement, while feeling resentment, and all other combinations of emotions. Technology today doesn't have any way of recognizing all emotions of everyone. The passage says, "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." It is not hard to guess that humans are capable of feeling more than just six emotions alone or at the same time. This would mean that the recognizing emotons part of this system is inaccurate.
Acting and looking different than how you feel is an excellent way to hide your emotions. People do this almost on a daily basis. "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." Although this may be true some of the time, even smiling to hide a frown cannot always be dected by a friend. Unless clearly obvious, hiding emotions cannot easily be found. This adds to the previous reason of why the Facial Action Coding System would be inaccurate.
The Facial Action Coding System is not accurate because everyone has different facial structures, this system could not possibly know the structure of everyones face, could not detect all emotions, and cannot tell an emotion by the way people look. In conclusion, this system could be highly inaccurate and ineffective. Perhaps sometime in the future, when technology is much more developed, this system may work a little better, but it will still take many years to perfect the Facial Action Coding System. | 34
fa1b185 | I don't think having technology to read emotions is a valuable thing. People did it before technology ever did. We have been doing it all our lives. It would be just another thing technology can do,so we don't have to and I don't think it's a good idea. No I don't think it is a valuable thing for students.
I could see where people would think it was a good idea to have something like this.For example the Mona Lisa now we know for a factede she was happy and smiling. With all this new techonogly coming out making our life easier the less brain cell we use. If you think about it like I have
people use to mimorize their moms numbers. Now it's all at the touch of a botton the have it. people had to write so the had to able to spell words, and have decent hand writing. Now a days people aren't sure how to spell.
Thanks to auto correct we don't have to. If it
looks right good if not oh well. People had to have
books to actually learn the stuff now we don't have to know anything long tirme. Why when you have google? Now dont get me wrong I use technology but something are better left the alone. To have a computor be able read you emotions is just not something the youth needs right now. To make the ad's you see better. The youth just needs to stay how it is ,or go back to the older days. When you actually had to know what you where reading and writing.
So no I don't think this is a valuable thing for students to have. Kids need to work out ever part of their brain and I feel like this will not help. More the less get in the way. Of what kid's need to strive for these days. Yes this is a new age but a computor that can tell if you don't like an ad just seem a bit over the top. What about finding away to get kids in to healthier mindsets? Whats going on in todays world I really don't think an emotion scaning computor is one. | 23
fa1fdf3 | The new technology called the Facial Action Coding Sytem would't be valuable computers to identity human emotions.
First,Dr Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for human and computers to comunicate. Dr. Huang think that it won't make a differences by the new techonlogy. Dr. Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness,surprise,anger,digust,fear,and sadness-and then associated each charachteristic movements of the facial muscles..Using video imagery,the new emotion recognition software these facial movements in a real face or Mona lisa. If a computer could identity then it should identy all 44 major muscles in the movement like humans.
Second,"the facial expressions for each emotion are universal,"observes Dr. Huang."A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confued or bored"Dr. Huang predicts."Then it could modify the lesson,like an effective human instructo.""Most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communicaton,"notes Dr. Huang."So computers need to understand that,too."
Then,Your home PC can't hanlde the complex algotithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. But we can wrtie down some simple instruction that"encode"different emotion. In fact,these are the instructions for a face that looks happy. It;s all about those muscular action units. Humans could tell a friend is feeling simply by he look on her or hise face. Of course,most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that convy happy,worried.
Finally, A classroom of student could identify more then the new technology could do. Sometimes,human might smile from the outside but human could change their feeling. A classroom of student could see their friends by thier looks.
Conclusion,The new techgology won't be valuable to read the expressions of students in a classroom because empathy may happen. | 12
fa29121 | Hello my name is Mr. Baker with NASA, and we are discussing the landform that looks like a face on mars.
This is a landform not an alien marking.
There are known to be little life of aliens.
In fact this landform looks a lot similiar to a natural landmark in Idaho.
But over the last eighteen years scientists at NASA has been studying this landmark for all of this time.
There is no more evidence that it was an alien.
Because there is not a body for this creature unless the planet covered it up and made the body into ashes.
This landform is very unique.
It looks like a face but over the years the picture does not look the same.
Perhaps it was a alien or something extraordinary.
But over the caorse of time the landmark has built up to look like a face.
The pictures from 1998 look way different because of the technology of then and now.
If you look real closely to the pictures you can tell that over the time period that the landform turned from a bunch of scattered dust into a pile that looks like a face, but it is actually not.
Reaserchers say this could be an alien, but I belive not because not one person has found an alien that was alive.
Aliens have been a myth for quite some time now and no one has really ever seen one.
Mars is a landform that is made up of a bunch of different materials and minerals.
Over time there could have been some solar wind and some of the landform blew away and made it look like a face.
From what the photos show people is a face that looks like a human or some kind of life form, and in 1998 the photo shows that it looks like an egyptian pharaoh.
But over time the land mass has changed so if we waited even longer it will change over time.
And over the coarse of another decade or so it will be changed.
Or if the land mass was touched it might break up the loose materials and the landform will be different.
So at the NASA corperation they study the material and the evidence real close.
It might be proven to be a land mass or another source of life somewhere else.
But for all we know right now it is a landmark until someone has proof it is wrong information. So NASA will keep studying the information they have.
Also NASA is trying to develop more information about this landmark. But until then this is known to be a landmark.
So until then this meeting is pronounced over. | 23
fa29e92 | the floor wasnt made by aliens because the way its made thats how the floor is only why it has those bumps because mars is a old place but there are aliens that live there mars is a old planet made a long time ago and if i was a scientist theres no way aliens could make mars cause they still havent found aliens and aliens are smart but they aint that smart they dont have the brain to make mars if i was a scientist i wouldnt think they was aliens that made mars but it could be a possiblty that aliens made mars but they dont have the proff yet scientist are we searching to see who made mars the floor of mars are just bumps cause mars is a old plant that was made a long time ago if i was we searching mars i would know that aliens didnt build mars cause they still havent found bodies in mars. the bumps on mars could be aliens but theres no way it could because they still havent found evidence in mars that aliens made it they couldnt find no body of aliens bodys | 01
fa2befc | Would you be able to do what Luke Bomberger did? Just step right up folkes and sign up for free today! We cattle boat sailers don't give up we are resilient. I bet you are resilient to so sign up. You get to travel get to see some places you never seen before. Sometimes you might even go on a avanture. If you dont believe me you can scrutinize this sign up sheet. The ocean wheather can get surreal but we cattle boat sailers dont give up! You get to see China you'll see Europe. While your traveling you get to haul horses and cattle. The horses will have enough food to last for the trip the record for the most trips is nine trips aint that crazy. Well if you sign up today you might be the one to beat that record so get started by signing up right now for free today.
While your out at sea you can see some surreal things like new kind of fish you never seen or some new kind of shark you never even knew about. Life of being a cattle boat sailer is not bad it is kind of fun. Your driving this big ship with horses by your self. Just picture youself out at sea with the wind blowing threw you hair the sound of the ocean the sunset. You can do all those fantastic things all you got to do is sign up now today. We need moore sailers to help us get these cattle to there destination. The best sailer we had was Luke Boberger he holds the record of the most trips. Luke was as audacious like a lion in the wild. Luke loved doing what he did. The trips Luke had done were unbelieveable.
You get to be at sea with youself a bunch of horses and if you want a friend. With the ocean wheather you might loose some cattle but its okay as long as you get the rest of the cattle to the destination. We have had some brave and strong sailers but we need more. We need audacious and fearless sailers. If you sign up you'll get the im-not-gonna-regret-this kind of feeling. CRACK!Is what the boat does whenever you hit a rock but you wont have to pay for the damage we will. If you want to work for us more than two years the boat you drive will be yours thats right folkes well give you the boat. All you got to do is sign your name and well even throw in a free sailer out fit with new shoes and hat. Once you get the hang of it you'll be like this is a peace of cake. The boat comes with a horn that will-tell-everyone-the-boat-is-okay and so are you,but all you have to do is sign a couple of papers and fill some documents out.
We sailers get to travel all arounf the world inmagine how much money you'll get. The pay is also great. You might have to risk your life sometimes but you'll be fine. This is all your decision. What the papers say is about your health care,what kind of cattle do you prefer to sail with intell six months later. These are all you decisions but we do need some resilient sailer to help us. Luke Bomberger would of wanted you to help us sail these poor animals. so please sign up today for free. | 23
fa35821 | The Author supports the idea of studying venus. In paragraph 2, "the author says that numerous factors conmtribute to Veunus reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study on". Another reason why from the author that humans should study venus and wothy pursuit. In paragraph 3, sentence 4 "it says that the conditions are far moire extreme than anything humans can study on encounter". My reason why i think humans should study venus and worthy pursuit despite the danger is because in paragraph 1, sentence 1 its that in sted of calling it venus they call is Evening star and it is one of the brightest of the light in the night sky. Now in the last sentence its say that it proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. But in my own words i think it is a good idea for humans shoukld study venus because it gives you fun facts about it , How i know that is because in paragraph 8, the last sentcene its talking about you get to travle on earth and you it to see whats beyond you should not be limited by dnager or anything else. And another evidence you get to learn about new things in life and it can be a challenge for you in life also. My conclusion to this hole essay is if you can explorie anything in life then you can take a risk and in doing a challenge on exploring venus or another name for it Evening star. Not just because it can give you a fun fact it can give you a differnet experion on other people and you can show other people that there can be a differnce in everythiung that you can do. | 12
fa3640b | In 1976, the so called "Face on Mars" was first photographed by Viking 1. Scientists were initially surprised at the appearance of the Face, but soon concluded the it was nothing more than a Martian mesa. Some conspiracy theorists deduct that the Face signifies alien life on Mars. Life that NASA has decided to keep secret. This is incorrect. NASA would have no benefit from hiding evidence of life on Mars. The expeditions to survey the landmark cost severely. Furthermore, in 2001, Mars Global Surveyor captured a detailed photo of the Face, showing that the mysterious landmark is nothing more than a Martian butte or mesa. Also, the landmark resembles that of landforms common in the American West.
The "Face" found on Mars lead many to conclude that Mars can in fact support life. Many also believe that NASA would rather keep this life secret. Both of these claims are false. If there truly were life on Mars, NASA would have no motivation to keep it secret. The expeditions to survey the landmark require heavy funding and millions of dollars in assets. NASA would have this issue concluded, rather than to continue to spend millions to survey the Face. There is also conclusive evidence found in pictures captured by Mars Global Surveyor that show the Face to be nothing more than a Martian butte of mesa. The photos depict the landmark as nothing special. In fact, Earth has similiar landforms found in the American West.
The "Face on Mars" is not evidence of alien life. NASA would not lie to protect evidence that could save them millions of dollars. Furthermore, the Face is simply a naturally occuring landform found on Mars. And is simliar to those in the American West. In conclusion, the "Face of Mars" is a naturally occuring phenomenon, not a sign of alien life. | 23
fa3b7af | The author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by stating facts about Venus and stating how humans are curious about studying Venus.
The author states why people are fascinated about studying Venus at first in the text.
The text states in paragraph 4 line 2-4 " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-liike planet in our solar system."
This shows why astronomers want to study Venus in the first place.
Then, the author states interesting facts about Venus in paragraph 3 to show how dangerous but intriguing Venus is.
The text states in paragraph 3 in lines 2-3 "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere."
The text also states in paragraph 3 in lines 3-6 " On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet."
This shows how the author uses facts about Venus to show how interesting the planet is.
Finally, the author shows that NASA is having problems and is trying to find a way around Venus and its hostile atmosphere to uncover more knowledge about Venus.
The text states in paragraph 6 lines 1-5 "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective," and in paragraph 6 lines 5-6 state "More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock,gaas, or anything else, from a distance.
The text also states in paragraph 6 lines 9-11 "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus."
This shows how tough it is and how hard they are working to study Venus and uncover it's mysteries.
This shows how the author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by stating facts about Venus, stating how humans are curious about studying Venus and how well the author supported this idea. | 23
fa3ca97 | According to Dr. Huang, he has created a platform or a model that allows for people to read other people's expressions. This does includes emotions such as happiness,fear, and even disgust. This does bring the question whether all this is true or not. In my opinion, I believe this is not valuable for a couple reasons. Other would argue that this is accurate and that this computer could help those at school such as instructers in order to modify the lession if a student is bored. With all this being said, I blieve that the technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable!
My first reason in why I believe this is not valuable for students in this classroom is because if this all true, students would be more distracted with all this technology rather than focusing on school work. For example my school went on without laptops for students for many years and now recently they handed every student a laptop. This caused for students to not focus on the lesson, but to focus on their computer. To imagine a student using a computer in where it can read emotions, the consequences would be bad. With this being said, many students would get distracted.
Although I believe that students would get distracted, others argue the contrary and believe that this technology is valuable. They say that it will help modify the class once a student is bored. This could not be right because what if all students are doing great in class and just because one is bored, they will modify the class? Then the class will be modified and a different
student will get bored and so on. This will cause time to be wasted and not only that, but it will cause for students to not learn which means this technology is not valuable.
A second reason on why the technology to read students' emotional expressions is because of the money. A regular computer or any other type of technology costs over 200 dollars which makes you think how much this technology will cost. With that money, we could pay for better things. This includes better classes, better security, or even better lunches. There are countless things we could use money rather than using it to read others' expressions or emotions.
A third reason on why I believe that the technology to read students' emotional expressions in a classrooms is not valuable is because not everyone would like to be read. This is a fact not an opinion. Others would think it's cool, but others would disagree. This could cause students to feel uncomforable or even distracted when they should be thinking about school. Some students could have different emotions when they are being read. Some could get mad, some happy, but no one will ever be satisfied.
In conclusion, my thoughts on this technology have not changed. I have disagrreed to those who think this is valuable because of many reasons. My main ones would be because it could cause distraction or for students to feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the use of technolofy to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable! | 34
fa3ec06 | In the challenge of exploring venus the author they say that NASA found old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during world war 2. Other thing is that the National Aeronautics and space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus the NASA's possible soution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. But imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. Also just as jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms. It also says that if our sisters planet is so inhospitable, why scientists even discussing futher visits to its surface astonomers are fasienated by venus because it may well once have been the most eartrh like planet in our solar system. Also a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. even more challenging are far the clouds of highly corrosive acid in venus's atmosphere. But also on our planet's surface there are temperatures averge over 800 degrees fahrenheit. | 01
fa3f71a | The facial action coding system i think that it is really cool it can identify emotions of students or anyone that wants to use it they can just to see what the system would say. So say one day you want to see what emotions your face describes you as and you think that your face describes you as happy but you could be suprised becasue the facial action coding system could say that your face has these emotions and you didn't even know if you had those emotions. But also that just shows you waht kind of technology that we have evolved to since the very first computer came out to now to where the system can scan your face and it can tell you the emotions that your face has in that certain picture.
In my opinnion i think that the Facial action coding system is really cool i think that it can help people figure out some of there emotions and it helps them see what ever it is that they want to know. But to use this technology for students i don't think it's a good idea because if the student is having a bad day and they go to school and they get there pictures taking then it runs through the system
and it shows like sad or something then the teacher might ask ehy they are sad or anything like that but the student might not want to share what happened but the teache knows the student is sad so the teacher will want to try and help but maybe the student just doesn't want any help. Also a student could be lying when they get there emotions like they could be smiling but they really aren't happy or something along that it can really revale something that the student doesn't want to get out. In all of this i think that if a student wants this then they can have the option to do so but the students who don't want this they don't have to do this it's only if they want to do it or are willing to volunteer.
The facial action coding system is really cool technology and it is new so there is probably a lot of people all excited for it just to give it a try or on how it works and all of that. But in all honesty they should not bring it into schools because students will have there own emotions and if they want to share they will but there are some students that will not want to share with others so this could make them really uncomfortable if they don't want to do this. But with this technology it will continue to evolve into better and better stuff but some of it students might not like at all. | 23
fa3ffaf | The near future holds numerous inventions that have seemed to be impossible.
Ideas that were once dreams have now become reality.
Driverless cars are just one of these various inventions.
Coming in the next few years, driverless cars offer a safer, smarter, and more effective way to travel.
Driverless cars promise highly-advanded technology to provide safety and security for the passangers while allowing the human driver to ultimately remain in control.
The driverless car is a smarter car that requires advanced technology in order to drive successfully.
Some pieces of equipment include a video camera, a GPS receiver, and multiple sensors.
The most important part of the driverless car is the spinning sensor located on the roof.
By using laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model, this sensor allows the car to recognize its surroundings.
These sensors will also detect and respond to unexpected dangers such as rollovers or skids.
A driverless car is safer and more efficient.
With all of the driverless car's sensors and alerts, it is able to detect the situtation around it.
The car will be able to sense other cars, pedestrians, and landscape obastacles.
The driverless car will also be able to handle road situations better than a human would.
Since 2009, the driverless cars have been able to navigate over half a million miles without a crash.
Along with the car's safety, it is also more efficient than a normal car.
The driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and allow more flexibility than a bus, making them the ideal mode of transport.
Even though it is driverless, the car also requires human control.
The driverless car will be able to steer, break, and accelerate on its own, but it will alert the driver when the situation requires.
The human driver must take over in situations such as navigating construction zones or accidents.
Even though the car is not completely self-driving, it allows for the human driver to ultimately remain in control of the situation.
With the driverless car's ability to analyze and respond to its surroundings while allowing human control, it will be the safest and most efficient car of the future.
The new-age technology provided in the driverless cars will make for a smarter car with the ability to be aware of the road, cars, and people, as well as any trouble that happens unexpectedly.
This technology also creates a safer drive while being efficient to the passengers and the environment.
With all of these self-driving features, the human driver will feel in control when navigating the required situations.
All of these technological advancements lead to a promising future of driverless cars everywhere. | 34
fa4067f | I strongly belive that if fellow citizens hold back on driving to get to point A to point B every time , just a little can help improve many things. For example on the streets their will be less traffic , which means less time for people to go where they need to go. Another thing that is benificial is if helps the enviorment. The enviorment has been getting affected by the tons of damage the veicles are giving to our o zone. especially Antartica. Also cars waste a lot of our resources which some of us use daily, with so many cars that are being driven every day is a everyday stuggle to those who work hard to get the oil from so deep in the earth . That some were talking about that is it possible that we can drain up all the oil?.
One of the large beifits that come with citzens trying to not drive their veicles so often,is the amount of times some citizen will save to get to point A to point B. their will be lest traffic on the streets . Which is a benifit to all in the community. A great amount of people like soccer moms or people in general who have to take their kids to a certain place like soccer pratice or a sochool play have give up their cars . Finding another solution to get their child to where they need to be without having to use their own car to drive them there and just find another easier transportaiton.
The big reason why people are trying to find a solution for citizen to stop having to use their veicles so often is to help our enviorment. The enviorent has gone through many changes which all were a result to something bad to occur. The ice in antartica has been melting wich means the water level has increases alot and keeps on increaseing. in the past year, scientist concluded that 2014 that the hottest year which were all a cause not only beacuse of so many veichles being driven around also other things but mostly the bad amout of polution the cars are giving the sky . which is a advantage of the enviorment to get better and so that the water level can go back to normal and not have to experience disasters that come with the bad enviorment. | 23
fa492e4 | - In the passage "Driverless Cars are Coming," explains how Google cofounder Sergey Brin invented driverless cars for the future. I feel like the safest way to get around is cars with drivers in control. I say that because the passege says 'the car will send an alert to the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents,' but what roadblocks lie ahead for the autonomous car? - Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe and I understand that but would we all be safe with a driverless car? I say no because if there's no driver there's no control and if this world didn't have contol it would be nothing but madness and we don't need that. These "driverless cars'' aren't safe that's why they're illegal to even test in California, Nevada, Florida, and the district of Columbia. Manufactures believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe.- What if the car gets into an accident and you or someone else is injured? Would you think it's you fault or the manufacturer's fault? -Automakers are still continuing their work on the ''assumption'' that the problems ahead will be solved, but there shouldn't be no problems because they keep testing them right and said the cars can drive more than half a million miles without a crash so why should there be a problem? - The passage also says "new laws would have to be passed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident."
Laws are getting passed everyday like Gay marrage and legallizing marijuana but driverless cars are simply not safe at all and that is my final opinion. Even though the last paragraph of the passage says "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." I feel like that 90 percent is the percentage of danger the car will cause and the other 10 percent is the safest because the driver is in control. This is why I feel driverless cas shouldn't be released in the future. | 12
fa4a476 | We can claim that the idea of studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because as it shows similarities with the Earth-like planet, it also could affect the lives of those examing the significance of it. As shown in the article"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supporte various forms of life, just like Earth". This conveys that Venus and Earth are more like twins because of how well they can satisfy the human needs and provide an adventurous lifestyle. Even though Venus has wonderful pros, it still has many cons as stated by the author "Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades" shows how hard it is for humas to actually place themselves on the planet. In conclusion, the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because as it shows similarities with the Earth-like planet, it also could affect the lives of those examing the significance of it. But this will not stop the humans from exploring the outer world. "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". | 23
fa4b8a4 | Removing the Electoral College and instead using popular vote would be much more fair to the citizens. Instead of having a vote not matter at all in certain states that are always going to vote for the same party, we could have everyones voice be heard. There are cases where a canidate won the popular vote, but still had less electoral votes than their opponent. In 2000, Gore won the popular vote. This alone should be enough to put him in office. However, Bush won more electoral votes, and he was voted as president. It is clear who the majority of the US wanted as president, but the Electoral College interfered.
With the Electoral College system, instead of voting for a canidate, we are voting for someone to vote for the canidate. The people who are representing our votes don't have to vote for who we choose. The electors can vote for another canidate, one that their state didnt vote for. In 1960, people who were against John F. Kennedy almost replaced the electors in Louisiana with electors who would vote against JFK, no matter what their people vote for. This could have easily swung the votes and changed the outcome of that election.
"Perhaps the most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives.." In this case, each state would have only one vote, which means a small state would have just as much of a vote as a big state, even if they have a much smaller population. | 23
fa56b19 | Mona Lisa's emotions were recently tested and showed she was prodominantly happy in the picture she is so famous for. Her emotions were read using new software called the Facial Action Coding System or FACS for short. After the Mona Lisa scan, they saw that she was 83% happy, this is a positive for people who admire the Mona Lisa. Thus, A new software has came out and it did a positive thing already by reading the emotions of the Mona Lisa, a very admired painting.
The Facial Action Coding System is a system that reads the emotions of its subjectees, The program takes alot to run as it has to run many complex algorithims , which may be slow for a computer that is slow. It can be used in others places rather than just in paintings, it could be used to read the emotions of drivers before a crash takes place, This lets the cops know if the person was on anything, as his chemical levels would be at a disbalance.
Classrooms are a notorius place for students to fall asleep to the sounds of their teacher or to easily get off task and the teacher may not even know, but with the Facial Action Coding System, it could read the students emotions to see if they're up to date with whats going on in class, you could see if any of them are bored, or .distracted, this helps the lesson planner by planning more accordingly based on independent classroom statistics. Thus, classrooms are a good place for children to be, but they would be better off if they had fun while they had schools as well, this gives them the idea that school is fun and they should give it another shot.
The Facial Action Coding System is a software program that follows intense algorithums that allow it to the the amazing act of reading other emotions, this is very helpful in todays thoughts, it can be used by law enforcement and schools in America. Therefore, its uses are very important for the public and the federal government as it may use this technology for their own uses.
In the end, this technology that was just invented was a game changing techn ology, it can be used on both a psychological exam of just the study for students in a classroom. The FAC System successfully read the emotions of the notroius Mona Lisa, a famous painting from a very long time ago. Thus, the Facs system was a game changing break through that will likely be incorporated in finding statistics or just reading your students emotions. | 23
fa57cde | In the article,"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author thinks despite many dangers that Venus has and what Venus is capable of doing, the author thinks it is a worthy persuit. I will give evidence on why I think the author gives good support on his idea.
For example."Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.(P4)" I used this example because it explains how Venus was probably covered with water and most likely supported forms of life and finding out that there was once or still is another form of life on another planet and how there was once an ocean or still is an ocean is fascinting for discovery and a worthy persuit. Another example,"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likley lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.(P8)" I used this example because it tells how if we strive hard enough to face and cope with the challanges presented to us by Venus, has a reward which is value like research and inisight of the planet.
In conclusion, I used these examples and explanations above because it shows how the author supports his idea on why persuing the exploration and study of Venus is worthy and could have value to our knowledge. | 23
fa5bdee | Car -Free Cities cars cars cars everyone in the world wants a car to themselves since now they are cheap and easy to manufacture but all those cars emmit poisonous fumes causing a green house effect ( over heating of the planed due to heat not able to escape) has any one imagined about one's life without cars ?
i can say i have cars are one of the major lazyness causing mashines one now a days drives 3 blocks to the gym to work out why not leave the car and jog/ walk there you'll get more fit and the environment would be a slight less poluted if everyone stops driving cars for a short distace and take a bike or take a walk it would affect the environment positively.
now here is a city that lives on without cars the city is VAUBAN and its in Germany. street parking, driveways and home garage parking is generally forbidden is experimental district. owning cars is allowed though you'll have to buy a space worth $40,000 Ö_o now thats a lot of money just to park you car !!
As result 70 % of people dont own cars and 57% sold their to move there one of the residents Herdrun Walter said "when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," so folks of you want to live in citu without cars thets a place to go.
did you know paris had banned driving cars due to the smog and the pollution caused by the blamed disel emmition as the tax policy favors disel over gasoline miking it 67% of vehicles in france compared to 53.3% rest of west europe if you diver you were fined $31 typically paris har the highest particulate matter in the air to be precise 147 a lot higher than Brussels -124 and london- 79.7 and paris rivlled to beijin, china one of the most polluted cities in the worled in pollution amounts.
To counter act that people of BOGOTA, Columbia are celebarting a car free day where people walk,bike, hike or skated to work violator were fined $25 despite the rain the people still did not use cars and participated in the car free day this has been going on from the mid 1900s and the city has seen constructions of 118 mile bicycle paths in many latin american cities.
so id like to conclude that too much driving is harmfull for the environment try and do someting to save our environment so that the next generation can live in a healthy environment here are a few ways to save the environment from car emmitions.
a carpool (will save money and will reduce gas emmitions)
walking short distances take a bike to work on mondays and thurdays there are may other ways to save the environment from gas emmitions so keep doing you best to save mother earth from all the other polluting stuff. | 23
fa5d67a | The Challenge of Exploring Venus
Imagine living on a dangerous but not so dangerous planet, would you risk your life on the sake of science? Venus could be a groundbreaking science exploration but is dangerous. The author makes claims suggesting Venus is dangerous but it is worth it. "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans". Which I agree with the author.
The author talks about how "no spaceship has landed there in three decades" but,"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life". The fact that Venus could've had life could help us find out if other life forms live within us, that seems worthy enough. Although the temperatures do average over 800 degrees fahrenheit scientists can float above the fray. The temperature can get at 170 degrees which is survivable for us humans. "Erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface". Weather conditions may be dangerous but humans will not land on its surface.
The "atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we face on our own planet". Like I said they won't send their astronaunts onto the surface but they will be sent on the fray and will be more secure on the fray. "Not one spacecraft last a few hours". As the years go up our technology gets more sufficient and becomes safer, so scientists will be able to make a spacecraft that is able to land on Venus. "The clouds have highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere", astronaunts and scientists will stay on the fray.
I added seven different dangerous facts about venus and all of them were answered by scientists suggesting that Venus is safe for astronaunts to go. I stand with the author which is Venus is dangerous but it is a worthy pursuit. Letting astronaunts goto Venus would be groundbreaking and yes it is safe for astroanaunts to goto. | 23
fa5fa54 | Florida State Senator,
The Electoral College is a crucial part of the United States's election process. There are some negatives to the Electoral College but the positives outweigh them by a landslide. The certainty of the outcome and having a president that the majority likes are key beneficial factors to the Electoral College process that would be lost if we changed the election by popular vote for the president of the United States.
With the Electoral College, there is a very rare chance that there would be a tie in the nationwide electoral vote. However, according to
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner, "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible--it happened in 2000--but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." A clear winner will always be produced with the slight innormality of a tie. In 2012's election, Barack Obama received 51.3% of the popular vote compared to the 61.7% of the electoral vote. If the election process was by popular vote, it would have been a much closer race between Obama and Romney.
To win the Electoral College vote, each region must like you. You cannot have a presidential candidate that favors one region and only one region favors that candidate.
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner states, "...a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president." In contrast,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer claims that even "at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states."
What Is the Electoral College?
by the Office of the Federal Register says, "The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President." Because of the number of electoral votes each state has is based on population, meaning Texas has more votes than Rhode Island, every presidential candidate focuses on winning over the big states. The big states are a better representation of our nation's opinion. The Electoral College process should not be replaced by the popular vote due to the extremely rare chance of a tie. It should remain because an outcome is certain and majority of the population would like the president. | 34
fa60946 | Dear, State Senator
With the elctoral college vote most of people are not getting what they prefer. For the the electoral college vote, voters vote fro not the president, but for a not slate of electors. With the popular vote people are actually getting what they voted for.
The best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster college. Consider that state legislatures are techanically responsible for picking electors and that those electors that were voted for couls always defy the will of the people. Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now.
Some mat argue that they like the electoral vote but majority of the people would rather have the popular vote. It does not make any sense to me how the president with the votes does not win the presidential election. The electoral college is unfair for all voters that vote. When you think of a vote and how it works you would think by the most one with the most votes wins cause that pretty much means that most of the people would rather have the most wins over the win that had less votes but more electoral votes.
The electoral college election consist of the 538 electors. All you have to do is win most of those votes and you win the election. It is pretty unfair for the rest of the people that are votting for presidential election. The majority of the 270 electoral vots is required to elect the president. When you vote for the president you are also voting for your candidate and the candidate's electors. Electors are people that are not holding public office. To be elector the state chooses and sometimes state conventions, state party's central committee, and the presidential candidate themsleves.
They should not really even call it the presidential election casue when you vote for presidential candidate you are actually voting for slate electors. Each party selects a slte of electors trusted to vote for the party's nminee and represent them. In 2000 Gore the popular votes which means most people would have rather had him then bush but bush won the electional because the electoral votes. There is really not a reason why the people should vote because either way the electors are choosing the preisdent. The people are showing who they want but really does not matter that much. The only reason why people vote for the poplar vote because the if there is tie between the electoral vote it goes to the popularity vote.
In conclusion, I think we should change the electoral vote to the popular vote because the majority of the voters should get what they voted. I think it is unfair for all the people that vote and does not really do anything unless there is tie in the electoral vote. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational to all the people. | 23
fa67286 | "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo."
This statement would lead anyone to believe that the details and magnification in a camera 25 years younger and improved would lead to better and more eye capsuring photos right?
So, why would there be controversey over the likelyhood of the face actually being real?
Here's why: people see something one time and they are automatically drawn into the idea that it has to be real. The Martian Mesa was said to look like a Egyptian Pharaoh. That statement leads people to believe that there had to be life to build something like that. But, with the shadow showing groves perfectly and the holes in the mesa made it look real. The "Face" is just another Mesa on Mars.
First, the pixels and the picture produced by the camera at that time weren't as developed as the camera used in 2001. You also have to take into account that, as time goes on, most products will be improved and made better, in this case that's how it was with the cameras, with a 25 year gap in between.
The text says, "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." The text also supports the claim by stating, "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all."
Additionally, the shadows had appeared to be hitting the natural landform just right. The scientists belive this because, they have seen many other mesas while traveling in space, this on just happened to have a interesting impression at first sight.
The text proves this by including, "A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a "huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusoin of eyes, nose, and mouth."
The text also says, There must have been a degree of spurise amoung mission controllers back at the Jet Propulsion Lab when the face appeared on their monitors. But the sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia only this had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh."
Believers in this "face" may claim there was never a clear picture of the "face" taken after the first photo.
To support this they may think that the photographer taking the picture may not be able to see the clouds. The text says, "But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98 - a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to the Face."
However, NASA was able to take another picture of the Face when the clouds weren't in the way and it wasn't winter. The text says, "Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001 - a cloudless summer day in Cydonia - MGS drew close enough for a second look. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa."
The Face captured on Mars has proven to be a natural landform. With shadows covering it and dips to make facial features it can across as an Egyptian Pharaoh. This is proven because, of the high tech cameras and the shadows only lasted one day allowed scientists to prove their claim - the Face was just a normal mesa landform. | 45
fa6b1b2 | I think it will be boring becuase you would be to that same place many times. Plus you would see nothing but water. Most likley the boat will smell like a barn full of anamils. Then you would also have to lift all that straw and bags of oat around the boat. You would have to clean up after them. I have 2 cats and I have to clean up after them and lift the bags of cat food. Boy let me you it is a hard job. But the worse part of taking care of my cats is when they get sick all over the floor.
So I dont really see why taking care of 100 some horses would be fun. unless you like horses. Then you would be working on the boat durring a war. that would be dangeras. Plus you would never be home to see your familay unless they came with you. But that probly wouldnt be allowed.
What if you get sea sick? Or a horse gets sick and spreds it around to the other horses? What if the boat springs a leak? A lot of lives will be at risk. Plus what if an animal that you are alergic to comes on the ship? What if the engine breaks and you cant move? Or you run out of food? What would you do? or if the lights quit working while your in the fog or its nigh, and your right in the middle of an ice berg feild? that would be a very rogh time. Or if some one needs medical attention what would you do? or if the caption got sickand it spreded around to the other crew members?
that would be a verytough time. Plus there would be noone to feed the horses becus evrey one would be to weak.
I sure wouldnt Want a job like that!!!!!!!!! | 01
fa6f449 | Venus is the closest planet to Earth. The planet Venus is known as Earth's twin because its the close to earth density and size, and is also sometimes called the "Evening Star," In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." The author claims that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The aurthour says in paragraph 4 that Venus can be our nearest option for a planetary vist. The author also says that Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have many forms of like, like Earth. The author also says in paragraph 8 that our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
I think that we should not waste our time to explore Venus. Even though the planet is somewhat identical to Earth, the planet is very chaotic and dangerous. In paragraph 3, the author tells the readers the many dangers of Venus. The planet is covered in a thick atmosphere of about 97 carbon dioxide, and the atmosphere has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what Earth is. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature in our solar system, considering that Mercury is the closet planet to the sun. The weather on Venus also has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes. Yes we can look and take samples, but the spacecraft we sent to Venus has not survived the landing for more than a couple of hours. We could vist Venus, but it could be nearly impossible with Venus conditions.
Venus, Earth's "twin," is similar to Earth in size and density. But the clouds and temperatures make it nearly impossible to live on Venus. We sent many spacecraft to Venus, but none could survive for a couple of hours. The conditions of the planet is chaotic, and the atmosphere is as toxic as it could get. Astronomers think that Venus was probably covered with oceans and had life on the planet. Venus today, has a rocky surface, which includes valleys, mountains, and craters. We should study the chaotic planet, but living conditions are nearly impossible. | 23
fa7c1f8 | dear senator:
the electoral college most be important that makes the people to chose what do they want it consists to make the people take their own desiton about who do they want to help them and make their lives better in al the ways, the electors have to be near the people of the town or city cause in that way the people feels more closer to them and they can trust the work of the electors.
the certificate of ascertainment declares that the winnig presidential elector in the state ans whows which elector will be represent the state at the meeting of the electors in december of the election year,that means that you help choose your state's electors when you vote for a president because when you voete for you candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors.
after a presidential election , the governor prepares a "certificates" of ascertainment"
your state are sent to the congress and the national archives as part of the official records of the presidental election.
on source 1 the author is trying to explain how does this works,to help the people of the town and especially that if you vote that means that you are helping to the elctors and that probaly wil not help if you dont choose the correct person. | 01
fa80335 | The author of this artical wants us to expand our research of venus even knowing the danger that comes with trying to go more in dept about this research.Nasa has already tried to study this planet even considering to send people up there to study it first hand but due to terrible terrian can not send rovers or any tpye of equipment.
Nasa knows that neptune is like the earths twin in a way these two planets are extremely close and we think its just that easy to study the planet but its not if we were to send people to venus it would go so good because venus temputure averages to 800 degrees fahrebheit and the human body can not handle that.Also not metion that venus has a thick atmosphereof 97 percent carbon dioxidblankets venus.
We do have supicion that there might some kind of life form living there due to the fact the venus is coverd largely with ocean which can suppot some kind of life form.But there is a reansonable
way we might be able to study the planet whith having to land on it or send rovers Nasa has found a new way by sending a "blimp" hover 30 or so miles above venus a comparason is like a jet flying high altitude.
If this plan does go through it wont be as bad but still pretty hot at a wopping 170 degrees fahrenhiet.But researchers can not take samples of rocks or gas or anything else.Recently Nasa has conducted an expierment they have made a chamber simulation the chaos of venus's surface and have lasteed a week so it might be posible after all .
Venus has a lot of value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself.The author is a outgoing person wanting to discovery new life study a planet that is very difficult to study based on it radition and temputure.In conclusion the author has a good reason why he wantrs to study venus but its going to take a lot of technoligy and stratagy. | 34
fa87d4a | Many people disagree with myself and the rest of NASA about the Face found on Mars. This paper is to all who are still trying to say that the face was made by aliens. For one, this conspiracy theory has very little evidence to support it. In the following paragraphs you will find facts and educational proof that this Face is really just a landform and was not made by aliens.
To begin, I will bring up background on what you think about how the Face was created by aliens. Many people, like you, believe that NASA is hiding the fact that the Face is bona fide, evidence of life on Mars. For evidence of this Face not being constructed by aliens, we took a picture that revealed a natural landform, and not an alien monument. But apparently this picture did not satisfied everyone. You all seem to think that since the picture was taken in winter when it was cloudy, that alien markings were hidden behind clouds and haze. To prove, once again, that you were wrong, our mission controllers prepared to look again. Finally on April 8, 2001, we drew close for another look at the Face, this time on a cloudless summer day. Our team captured an amazing photo, each pixel in the image spanned 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. JIm Garvin, our cheif scientist, finally stated that if there were objects in the picture, you could tell what they were! Even after proving you all wrong to your theories, people like you still believe we are hiding the truth from you. In the next paragraph you will see that we really are telling you all the facts!
If you are still reading, and you still believe that my NASA team and I are not telling you the facts, here are some things you should know that might just make you think again. In the previous paragraph I told and showed you that everytime you brought back your theory, we had picture proof to prove you wrong. In this paragraph I am refering back to past facts, but I am also going to being giving you more proof. Use this proof to realize that my NASA group has absolutely no reason to lie to anyone about the Face. To begin, I want to tell you that we have no reason to hide an ancient civilization on Mars. If our group were to have found an ancient or alien civilization, we would have gladly made it public. Keeping something that big, hidded, would not only be highly difficult, but it would benefit us in no way, shape, or form. To be perfectly honest, defenders of the NASA budget and I wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. If there were to be, we would make lots of money from this discovery. But since there is not a civilization, I will move back on track to my final facts about why and not what if. In all, we have many photos of the Face, all proving that it is in fact just a natural landform. We have hightech shots that would show if there were alien objects like pyramids, shacks, or airplanes. But none of these pictures show anything. In fact, they show the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Jim Garvin, our very reliable chief scientist, even states that the Face looks very similar to the Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho.
As conclusion to this paper I just want to review over the facts showing that this Face is not an alien or ancient civilization. The Face is just a natural landform. My group and I have no reason to hide any facts from anyone, in fact if there were a civilization it would benefit us tremendously. There is physical proof this "alien" Face is not alien at all. I hope this essay helps you to understand that NASA and I are not hiding anything, and the Face, in fact, is just a neat looking natural landform on a planet we have yet to discover completely. | 34
fa8a790 | Cars are one of the most important reason why global warming exists and there will be alot of more benefits if thye limited the car usage. Global warming is affecting everyone and is getting worst every single day and we have to do something now before is to late. Cars in cities like Los Angeles they are a problem becuase they are alot more cars then people. Citizens should limit the usage of cars because people will survive without cars and driving causes pollution to Earth.
Germany uses suburb to reduce the car usage and make more people walk or use bicycles to go where they want to go. Vauban's streets are completely car free except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freibrug runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. I'm much happier this way, said Heidrum walter, as she walked verdant streets. Vauban, completed in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States and elsewhere to separate suburban life from auto use. Passengers cars ar e responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States. In the Unite States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting car reduced communities, and legislators are starting to act. People can do just as good without cars.
Paris bans car drivers due to the smog an pollution that the cars cause. On monday motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22 euro fine ($31). THe same would apply to odd numbered plates the following day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impouded for their reaction to the fine. Congestion wasa down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five days of intensifying smog. The smog cleared enough Monday for ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd numbered plates on tuesday. President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States greenhouse gas emissions, recent studies suggest thta Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as year goe by.
In conclusion, people can live their normal life without cars and this will help the ecosystem that is getting affected every single day. Alot of places are banning cars to help reduce the green house problem. Government should build more car free communities because citizens like the idea and its helping Earth. Citizens should limit the car usage to help the Earth. | 23
fa94664 | Cars are one of the most important inventions that we ase human beings have created. They help in many more than just one occasion. Cars mostly help with transportation, because of this we are way to relient on them. Now we rely mostly on our cars which is a bad thing considering that fact that we in the future could possibly die from it. Cars produce smog which goes up in to he air and is bassically what created the greenhouse affect.
When people use cars they hardly dont ever think about what is actually happening while they use it, mostly whats thought about is how fast they are going or how much time they have left to get where they are going. When driving a car smog is released from the tail pipe and usually donsnt affect any on directly unless they are really close to it, but even then it is a momment of discnomfert nothing perminent. what most peoiple dont realize is that when smog is released from the car it gose directly up into our atmosphere. when there is an abundance of smog it acumulates creating a green house affect. what is needed to stop that is to stop driving ingeneral but scincde that cat be done do as paris has done and have sertain laws that prevent most people to drive on some day "On monday motorist with even numbered license plates were to suffer a 22 euro fine then the same would apply to the odd numberd plates the next day." this would make for people to stop driving so much ang just go for a walk to their location if it isnt too far.
Walking isnt as bad as most people would probably think it to be. Some people already do it on a normal basis. Some people could argue that the weather is to gloomy or its raining and they dont want to get wet. As the Mayor of bogota said "The rain hasn't stopped me from participating." More states should have a day with out cars like Bogota dose and have "The day with out cars is part of an improvement" and just like that as Bogota has done "parks and sports centers will bloom", "New restaurants and upscale shopping districs will be cropped up."
Americans without even realizing it have stopped driving. We have bought less cars and drivers licenses as each year gose buy. Which shows that there is a little bit of care towards the sitiation happening all around the world. Usually americans were the ones to be mostly using their cars but as the article states. "Americans love affar with their cars have began cooling down." Even thought the cars are still being used they are used much less than before. Most people instead of using cars to go to a friend house they use the internet to feel more connected with them.
Using cars help people but not for the long term goals to survive. Join most of the world and stop driving soon. Most people have already done it. Tha will help out with the smog situation in the greenhouse, help some poeple with walking to certain places that they need to go, and nations are doing it . | 23
fa9b6e1 | Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest reniassance painters of the time. His study of the human anatomy allowed him to create pictures that captured the humna state. On of his most well known paintings is the "Mona Lisa". The Mona Lisa is a women that has sort of complacent facial features. She doesn't really look happy or sad. This was the popular thought up until a new technology was created. This technology is called the Facial Action Coding System. This technology is able to deduce what emotion a person is feeling. It is able to do this whothout the person even showing an obvious emotion. This technology can also be implenmented in many spheres of life, including in the classroom. The use of this technology to read the expressions of students in a learning envionement can help students learn more efffectivly by allowing for immediate feedback from a student allowing for the quick shift of a lesson plan, and being able to help and support students emotionally.
This technology can help get immediate feedback from students. In almost all class rooms nation wide there is a similar routine. Learn something, practice it for homework and then see if a student is understanding it by taking a quiz over it. While this may be effective, it can be imporved ten fold with the Facial Action Coding System. The technology could understand emotion of students in present time. A teacher wouldn't have to wait to give out a quiz to see if students were having issues. They could teach the subject and then immediatly know if students are having difficulty unerstanding it. Dr. Huang, the creator of FACS, states that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". If teachers are able to recieve this information, their teaching would become more effective. Teachers could change lesson plans in order to fit the needs of the students, and give extra support and help to those children that are still struggling. FACS can also help excite studnets about learning. This is important because no matter how much a teacher trys to help a student, the studnet will not imporve in anything if thet do not want to learn. If computers are able to read if studnets are excited or bored by a lesson, teachers would add visuals and what not to make it more intersesting to a student. This would make them want to learn, not them being required to learn. totality, the ability to be able to percieve students emotions would help students academically by allowing teachers to change lesson plans that allow for more excitment and understand in classrooms.
To continue, the FACS technology would help students be more emotionally stable. While school is a vaulable place to learn new information and facts, it is really a place for children to grow and become more independent and better human beings. While grades matter, the emotional and pyschological health of a student is far more valuable. The FACS technology could act as an army of school counselers. High School and Middle School students tend not to share their emotions, even with their parents. FACS could idntify students that are emotionally troubled, have depression, contemplate self harm or even have mental illness. Once students like these are identified then counselers and social workers could step in, allowing for students to be helped. Right now students that struggle with these issues do not share their feelings. They do not get help and carry on like they are fine. While many may turn out to be okay, even one taking their own life or somebody's else, is too much. While FACS may not be able to help or eliminate all signs of emotional distress, it can surely make a difference. Another benfit of using FACS is that it reads emotoins silently. Students don't have to potray a certain emotion for the technology to understand what they are really feeling. If a studnet is asked how they are, they probably give a surface level, I am fine, answer. The technology reads through that completely, eliminating awkard one on one conversatoins with conselers, and allowing for all students to be reached.
While there are many positives to this technology some might argue that computers cannot actually calculate human emotion. They argue that human emotion is not somehting that can or should be understood because it would ruin the entirety of feeling certain ways. However, while some arguements may be warranted, many are based off of falsehoods. To begin, emotion can be understood on a scientific level. Emotion is in the brain, not the heart. The way the FACS understands emoion is simple. It maps out a 3-D model of the face, looks at the shape and positoin of all the muscles, then it associates the different facial movements with differet emotion. For example, your orbicularis oris (muscles around your mouth) tighten your lips to show when you are angry. It even works when a person it trying to mask emotions. During a fake smile, the zygomatic major stretches the mouth sidways, while in a real smile the zygomatic major lifts the corners of the mouth. These examples can show how science IS able to understand emotoin, probaly better than most humans. Arguments that use that falshood, that science is unable to understand emotion, is completly false.
In conclusion, the ability to read the actual emotion and reactions of students in class rooms is extremely valuable because it allows for greater understanding and excitment of a subject, along with the ability to help students be emotionally stable. If this technology is implemented into schools, studnets will overall do better, feel better and make a brighter world for tomorrow. FACS is something revolutionary that hopefully all of us can learn somthing from. | 56
faa610e | State Senator,
If the slogan of our nation is "We the people," why do we the people not actually get to vote for the president? How can a president win the popular vote but lose the presidency? None of that makes any sense. Our nation needs to abolish the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. The system of the Electoral College is irrational, unfair, and not for the citizens.
To begin, the Electoral College is unfair to voters. "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." (Plumer, paragraph 13). "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." (Plumer, paragraph 11). If the United States is really all about the citizens, then they do not have a good way at showing it. We as citizens live here, and call this nation our home, but yet we can not even elect our own president. The Electoral College is unfair to us as voters.
In addition, "The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a state of electors." (Posner, paragraph 15). That textual evidence came from a passage in defense of the Electoral College! We the people should have a say! This system is not for us as citizens of the United States, and it is wrong! This is our home so let US pick our president.
Furthermore, "... and the most thoughful voters should be the ones to decide the election." (Posner, paragraph 20). This statement is very true because voters should be thorough when voting, but why should we be? It is not like we need to take our time and compare and contrast the presidential candidates. We are not voting for the president of our choice, so what is the point of being thorough? It is wrong to have this system, and it needs to be changed.
To conclude, as I have said above, If the slogan of our nation is "We the people," why do we the people not actually get to vote for the president? The system of the Electoral College needs to be abolished. It is not letting us as citizens elect our choice of the president that we want. It is unfair and irrational. I am in favor of changing the system to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. | 34
faa9fe2 | Driverless cars is not such a good idea in my opinion. Even tho driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash its still not safe. I am against driverless cars because for example; say the computer driven cars starts to mess up and you can't control it then you wreck and get injured. Its going to be the companies fault and your going to end up sueing them.
Smarter cars are just a waste of money because they need a whole lot of sensors which I'm pretty sure cost a lot of money to have installed into every car.For example; Toyota Prius uses position estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. Just think about how much money is put into all that technology just to make a car. It also has laser beams to form a constanly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings, which is not needed.
The article says that the information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Now I don't know if that's one hundred percent true because I don't know a lot about cars. Technology is just too much they don't need to further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer. Because little do they know they could be making driving unsafe, putting all this electronic equipment in it can be causing cars too blow up when they wreck or when it get's to hot.
I think this is why cars are too expensive for people to buy, because they too busy making cars with all this electronics and technology, spending all this money or cars that might not even get sold.Everyone can't afford to buy a BMW, people can barely afford a Priuse or Buic as it is today. Humans can't read the car just like the car can't read the humans brain so their wasting money and time trying to get the car ready to quickly get the drivers attention whenever a problem occurs. | 23
faaa141 | In the Story "Unmasking the Face on Mars." The face on mars has apparently been founded in 1976, NASA claimed the the face was formed by a alien, Here is were I come in, The world had made a bunch of movies including aliens from mars, Mars, for hundreds maybe thousands of years have been the 'Aliens home'. Why I think that this 'face' Is just a natural formis because, take the moon for example, there is a whole bunch of hilly things on there, It just so happened that there is a rock on mars that looks like a face. Malins team captured an extraordinary photo using the cameras absolute maximum resolution.
That is how they captered the 'face' on mars, Of course there it's gunna be an extraordinary thing that there is a face on mars, There are so many thing in the world that are strange and no body seems to find those strange, maybe it's because the 'face' specificly takes place on mars.
huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.
This supports my claim because maybe the 'face' is a rock that just so happened to look like a face, NASA sometimes takes things to far when it come to things like these. huge rock formation...." It basically says that the rock is a formation " the illusion......" IT also stated that the rock gave an illusion that is has eyes, nose, And a mouth. I clearly gives out that opinion that if you put it together you get "A huge rock formations giving the illusion........." and so on.
I also think that The 'face' Is just a rock the looks like a face, clearly I stated that. Lets just break it down The face is a rock, which apeared on mars, NASA said it gave the illusion that it was a face, NASA also believes that since it was on mars, Aliens created it. Thats what you get when you break down the story, Even if it was created by aliens, who cares, its a rock, there is nothing special about it exept how it looks like a face, just because it was on mars doesn't mean aliens created it. I know being creative is an amazing thing but it's just a rock the formed into a face, just like how over times 300 million years ago when dinosaurs exists the earth was whole, and over time it TRANSFORMED into what it has become now. Notice how i used the word transformed, ..."over time it transformed ....." in the text... "Huge rock FORMation." It is just a rock thats looks like a face, and just because it's on mars don't mean a thing. | 23
fab4fe8 | What if i told you the computer you sit in front of everyday in school could read your emotions as you work,now I know this sounds but its true.
Its called the FACS(Facial Action Coding system)and i think it would be awsome if we had this level of technology in school. Dr Huang and his colleauges originally built this so they could find out how the lady in the mona lisa was feeling and they found out that she was 83% happy 9% disgusted 6%fearful and 2% angry. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is is bored or confused during a lesson and then using the FACS the computer modifys the questions so you arent so bored or makes the difficulty easier like a human instructor. The FACS constructs a 3d computer module of the face and all 44 major muscles in the module move like a human face and one muscle moves its called an action unit then the rest of the work is done by psychologists by classifying the emotion depending on the movements of your facial muscles.
I think it would be a great idea to have the FACS installed in school computer,I think it would improve working habits and motivate students to be more positive. | 12
fab848b | All humans have emotional expressions. Emotional expressions can be detect by other humans that are in his/or her life. Any kind of technology cannot really tell what his/her expression is. Humans can detect other peoples emotional expressions, but computers cannot detect it. It depends on if the technology is working or not.
In the passage, the author is explaining how a professor has some sort of technology that can detect a male or females emotional expressions. Technology is not a good way to tell a person's expression, because technolgy can lie to a person's face, but it can always work. The author said, "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do"(D'Alto Paragraph 6). The author is promoting that a computer is a better way to detect a human's expression.
Computers can lie to someone about his/her emotional expressions, but the computer can always tell the truth. The author mentioned, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr, Huang preicts"(D'Alto Paragraph 6). Technology can either detect or not dectect human's emotional expressions.
Humans can other people's emotional expressions, but computers cannot detect his/her expressions. It depends on if the technology is working or not.
The author's passage had some great detail from professors that believe the computer can detect the emotional expressions. The technology may work or it may not work at all. | 01
fabb833 | Venus is sometimes called the "Evening Star" when it is no star at all. Venus is a planet right next to Earth. The author provides examples of the advantages of exploring Venus such as getting a better understanding of Venus, its the closest planet to Earth, and its the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The author believes a worthy pursuit is to study Venus despite the dangers it poses.
First of all, exploring Venus would give us a better understanding of this planet and why it is important we study it. On the planet surface of Venus the tempertures average over 800 degrees, and because of the dense atmosphere most forms of light cannot be penetrated. In the article it states, "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface? Astromomers are fascinated by Venus becuase it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system...recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." With the author adding this in his article it proves that studying Venus could benefit the human race in the long run.
Second of all, Venus is the closest planet to Earth. This gives Earth advantages of being able to send out a spacecraft to land on Venus. The article says, "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too, Eath, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner...humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world." With this in the article it shows that being able to send out spacecraft to Venus expands the curiosity and imagination of scientists wanting to explore Venus.
Finally, Venus is the most Earth- like planet in the solar system. In the artice it describes, "Long ago, Venus was provably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Eath. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This proves that Venus could of been just like Earth today.
In conclusion, the authors suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despute the dangers it presents. The author gives us evidence of why its important such as, we would expand our understanding of Venus, it is the closest planet to Earth, and its the most Earth-like planet in the solar system. There is no garantee that the study of Venus will continue, but there are many reasons why it should. | 34
fabc3b0 | First and formost, it is my belief that we should keep the electoral college because,it has been around for so many years so the question is why consider changing it now? The electoral college consists of 538 votes about 270 of electoral votes require them to elect a president too.
In 1976 a tie would have occured if a merge of 5,559 voters from ohio and 3,687 voters in hawaii voted the other way so it is to my belief that we should keep the ectoral college and just let the popular vote idea be a thing of the past and move on. The benifit of having the electoral college is that it is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non democratie method of selecting a president that will handle his job and do what he is supposed to do.
Thirdly,both the electoral college and popular votes are good options but in my opinion i think the electoral college is better and the electoral college has five reason why they are the best. The method is certainity of an outcome,everyones president,swing states,big states and avoid run off election so that is why i think we should keep the electoral method becuase those five reasons make up the lack of democratic pedigree. | 01
fabcca0 | The Electoral College in my opinion is the best way to elect the President of the United States. Although election by popular vote seems to be what the people want, using the Electoral College, is a better way to elect a President for many reasons.
One reason is that voters don't vote for what President they want, they vote for a slate of electors. A slate of electors is a group of electors that are biased towards a political party but understand politics more than any average person. Someone might say that election by popular vote is better because its more fair for every President in the race. This is because the slate of electors are biased towards one group, so say a republican running for President goes to a slate of electors full of democrats, there's no way he's going to win. Although election by popular vote seems to be the more fair way, the Electoral College needs to stay because it's more organized and the votes are based off of people who study politics and they aren't the average Joe's. | 12
fac246b | Introduction: ''Calculate'' emotion like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel?
Inteiductiuon: ''Calculation'' every day.
For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.
Introduction: ''Putting a happy face'' actually works!
Body1. Emotions are so important to everyone because without emotions there's no happy life. Being happy sad in life is not a chioce its either you happy or sad. All lide ask you to just to be happy i know it might not be happen all the time but we have to making happen. Being happy is a choice for yourself in life nobody your make day you have to make ypu own choice. When you make good choice in life you make your life more easliy.
Body2.''Calculation'' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Calculation every day is not a bad choice if you just know what you doing. Life is not that hard i thought it would be sometimes we just need sometimes to think about our life. Sometimes i keep asking myself why others can't put themselves together and be a parther and why they treat humans like them bad. Its doesn't matter anymore in this world if God died for us and he forgive us we have to the same thing to others. Forgiveness is a big choice, all we need right now is to have a big smile in our face i know it gonna be hard but if we trust in ourself we can do it nothing is hard in life you just give it a try.
Body3.''Putting a haappy a actually works! Yes it does sometime but not all the time most of the time it works just the way you needed. The Mona lisa demonstration is really intended to bring smile. Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. Constatin stanislausky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and creating these amotion on stage.
conlusion. Emotion are so important to everyone because without emotions thete's no happy life. Being happy and sad in is not a choice its either happy or sad. ''Calculation'' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend simply by look on her face! imagine a computer that knows when you're happy orsad. Constantion stanislusky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and creating emotions on stage. | 01
fac278c | Have you heard the scoop about "driverless cars" yet? well many powerfull people in the world actually are. They actually have some very good points about them, but there always is a bad in every good too.
First I'll explain the good fetures about these driverless cars in my opinion or "position" if you will. these cars are very good for using the telephone while driving. Also if you would like to eat a snack or have the ability to be mobile inside your car you can.Many people have a hard time getting around because of there limit to things they could do in their past such as one exzample as navigation. Another good feature about these cars are the gas ability is less. There also is sensors that allow the car to be able to detect when there is danger of an accident around. Those are just a few of the good features of the driverless cars.
Next i would like to share some of the bad features of the driverless car in my opinion or "position" if you will. I believe that one of the biggest arguments twoards these cars is accident responsibility. Many manufacturers will become upset and astonished when it is their heads on the line if i may. They dont want anything to do with the causes of accidents made either by the cars or the drivers. The people want to blame others but themselves for the accident causes. Thats just how the world is today. Some other reasons that really affect these cars are that poeple have said things like, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver"? and these questions need to be answered. The people most likely would get bored and tired of waiting around all day waiting for the car to need to be assisted and i agree with that. Also this is just a start to a completely far ahead future, and nobody can predict it. Those are just a few of the bad reaons about the driverless car.
So there you have it, now that you kindave have an idea about these driverless cars many people can do the reaserch on them more and really dig deep into what many powerfull people in the world are saying about these cars. | 34
fac4912 | I'm tottaly for driverless cars. I like the idea of driverless cars because they will make te roads a lot safer for everyone. The "cars have driven half a million miles without a crash" and when they do get in those crashes it's usually a human behind the wheel that is rsponsible for the accident.
As long as there is some sort of manual overide for the automated cars there is really no reason not to have them on the streets. So for anyone worrying about the cars buging out and crashing the human behind the wheel can take over and prevent the car crash from happening. The person behind the wheel should still have to have a drivers license in order to be there in case the need for manual over ride ever arrises. If theres a thought of a driver falling asleep behind the wheel when the car is in danger of crashing there is no need to worry because "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." and "The google car simply announces when the driver needs to take over."
Things like The Traffic Jam Assistant where "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph" prove that we are well on our way to at least partially automatic cars being available in the market in the near future. Since things like antilock brakes which "can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine" already being in many cars that drive our streets today the thought of cars completly driving themeselves doesn't seem like something just for movies anymore.
When someone takes a long drive or a road trip with a self driving car ,in the not so distant future, and they think that it will be realy boring without driving themselves there is no need to fear becase some manufacturers are planning on "bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads up displays" into the cars . This will not cause more car accidents becasue "Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over."
Self driving cars need to be a thing available to the public. They will make the road a safer place. They can be manually over ridden. There are already cars that help the driver in many ways. It can make long trips entertaining. Automated cars are not a thing of the future they are just around the corner. | 34
facc03a | I believe that using the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System will be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can calculate the emotional expressions that are given on your face. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the faces. This calculating can result in to participation in the classroom. It can tell what all the students are feeling so the teacher can help them to get back to work on what subject they are working on.
There are muscles that can signify what a person is feeling, and the FACS can do that job. The FACS then looks at the characteristic of the movements in the face. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. And they figure out these emotions by comparing a neutral face, which is showing no emotion. Humans also use this method to see how or what someone feels.
The FACS is really valuable to read the faces of students in a classroom. Its expected to show brilliant work in the software industries. And the FACS can modify the lessons on how the classrooms feelings are. The FACS is the next software to be used. And i think it is valuable to use in a classromm of students. | 12
fad3429 | Since World War II we have been heavily dependent on the modern day transpotation: the car. Some say the car is an innovative and convienent method of transportation, while others say that it will be the end of the environment. As the evidence indicates, there are advantages to limiting car usage.
Dissenters of the idea claim to say that limiting car usage will negatively impact the car industry, but it doesn't. Limiting car usage doesn't mean that people will have to stop buying cars; it simply means that they will have to find a different method of transporation. Source 2 says that in Paris on certain days motorist, who had an odd or even license plate number, had to leave their cars at home and find an alternative method of transportation. Does the evidence demonstrate an impact to car companies? Did they have a financial deficit due to their lack of buyers? The answer is simple: no, because they didn't ban the use of cars. Also, car companies can well benefit from places that limit car usage but allow hybrid cars; this allows for an increase in revenue. Most car companies in today's society model hybrid cars that run on primarily electricity and gas. In Paris, they made exceptions "for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers (Source 2)". These exceptions actually promote the buying of hybrid cars! This will boost the economic profit of the car companies, not damage it. Limiting car usage does not affect car companies, but instead supports it.
The limitation of car usage betters the environment. Cars emit greenhouse gases in the atmosphere faster than they can be removed. This causes health problems in living organisms and pollution of ecosystems. Cars are liable for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and 50 percent in areas in the U.S. as Source 1 states. People are playing with the balance of nature and if its not fixed then humans are as good as dead; this is why the implementation of limiting car usage benefits people. The effects of this can be seen in Bogota, Colombia, whose goal is to reduce smog and promote alternative transporation (Source 3), and Paris, where intense smog covered the enitre city: "The smog rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world.(Source 2)" The source explains that cold nights and warm days trapped in car emissions and after a few days of reducing car usage the air cleared up. This shows the effectiveness of the limiations of car usage.
The limiting of cars also boosts community wellness. The people who experienced this regulation had positive views on the matter and even on rainy days they participated! Bogota, Colombia has gone into its third year of banning cars and the turnouts of the pariticipation were large, with two other Colombian cities joining and municipal authorities from other countries to view the event (Source 3). The evidence show that limiting cars wasn't opposed by the people, in fact, other countries were wanting to get in on the action. This limiting of car usage really cuts down on traffic congestion and new community projects have been established to ease the transition to alternative transportation. Heidrun Walter, mentioned in Source 1, syas that when she had her car she always tense and stressed and is happy with the change. The source also mentions that the "swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor (Source 1)." This shows that the limitation of car usage greatly enchances the wellness of the community and promotes a safe and stress-free environment for the people.
In summation, the limitation of car usage doesn't negatively impact car companies, but instead increases hybrid car sale revenue, echances community wellness, betters the environment. The things that can be accomplished with this regulation only has benefits for everyone. With this in mind, why not implement this ideal in order to better the lives of not only this generation but the future leaders of the world? | 45
fad438e | Driving cars can be a danger to humans, but also a threat to the Earth. The usage of cars has plummented since recent topics of smog, and safety. Using a car to get from point A to point B is getting out of hand and unnecissary. Limiting car usage can help save money, it can also help prevent smog or other pollution, and can make humans live a healthier life style. By limiting car usage, you are changing your life style for the better.
Less car usage can play a major role in the way you live your life. One big part of your life it could change is financial issues. Without a car you wouldnt have to spend thousands of dollars on an overpriced vehical. Also you could save money from not having to buy overly priced gas, or having to fix any car issues, such as an oil leak. In the passage,
Paris bans driving due to smog , the author states," Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters." Without all of your money going down the drain, you could spend your money in a more helpful way. With the money that you don't have to spend with car trouble, someone could by a gym membership, or they could go and renovate their house the way that they have always wanted. Without spending loads of money on a car, gas, and car problems, you could spend your money on more important things such as paying of loans.
Less car usage could also help the envirnment dramtically. Because of the ussage of cars the envinment has been hugely effected. Since the envirnment has been greatly affected, so has the people. Smog has been becoming a result of the pollution that cars cause. In the passage,
Paris bans driving due to smog, they state,"Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while excepltions were made for plug-in cars." Not only is pollution affecting the envirnment, but it is also affecting the way that we live our lives, and the way that we make our livings. Without the use of cars income will increse rather than decrease. Also the smog is creating a hazard to everyone who has to work, or go to school. Without the use of cars there will be no more smog, or hazardess envinments to worry about.
Besides money, and pollution, there are other important reasons why less car usage would be ideal. A main point of less car usage would be for health. The world has grown to be lazy, and as a result obesity is becoming a huge issue. Walking to work, or to school can not only help the envirnment, but also help your immune system, and weight loss. Instead of walking, another great form of exercise that will help the envirnment is riding your bike. Using these tips there will be less obesity, and less pollution, and grrenhouse gas in the world.
Even though that driving has decreased 23% in the last 8 years, it is our duty to insure that the world will once again be a safe envirnment for everyone to live in. To insure a safe envirnment, the usage of cars must decrease. If the usage of cars does not decrease our money will. Money won't be the only problem though, obesity, and also smog will increase. To help save the Earth humans must cut back on using their cars. The results will be life changing. | 34
fad71e0 | Joining the Seagoing Cowboys program would be a great opperatonuty for you. This would let you see the world in a differnt way. You would get to travel the world. See differnt things and go siteseeing. This opperatonuty would let you have fun with work and and with your job by working with animails. There are many reasons why you schould join the Seagoing Cowboy program.
One reason is this oppertonuty would let you see the world in a differnt way. It would make you aware of people and people of there other contries and there needs. It might evan lead you closer to makeing something good in this world. It led Luke Bombergers family to do amazing things like hosta number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
Another reason is this oppertonuty would let you travel the world , see new thing, and meet new people. On return trips after the animails have been unloaded you can paly games like Baseball and Volleyball games where the animails used to be hosted. Boxing, tabeltennis, fencing, whittiling, reading, and playing games also made it fun and let time pass quickley.
Some people might say it would be to boring to be on a ship in the middle of the sea with nothing to do and they would miss friends and families because it a long trip. On the ship you have jobs and on the return trips you can play games in the stalls where the animails where hosted. They might also say they have no point in doing this. This would be a great oppertunity for anyone who loves farming evan if you don't you could learn a great lesson from this Seagoing Cowboy program.
In conclusion going on this trip would be a great oppertonuty for any one. You could get a great life lesson out of this and you could meet new people and see differnt things. you could also have lots of fun on the return trips and with your jobs. You would get to play lots of games. If you get a good oppertonuty take it because most people don't get chances like this. | 23
fae3236 | In the article the author was talking about how Venus is a planet that is so smailler to Earth the one we are living right now at this moment. But though out the article the author started to say that Venus is so smailler that who knows maybe sooner or later we could make Venus our new earth. But as he started to lay out some facts about Venus that " atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dixide. More clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, planets surface temperatures over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure 90 times greater than our own planet."
I feel and think that if we could send a RC robots car out in Venus then we could for sure make sure if Venus caould be a stable place to make it our new earth.
So if NASA has something up there sleves then we could all be looking at the new fatuer. | 01
fae8a55 | In the article Driverless Cars Are Coming, there is an argument about the driver and the manufacturer. Most driving laws focus on keepping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawnmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in a car entertainment and information systems that use heads up dispalys. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who fault is it? The driver or the manufacturer?
With cars becoming smart over the years and new technogly tried with these cars, there has been less accidents. There are sensors now that can tell people when they are in danger and there are safety bags for peeople's safety in case they do get in a accident. But manufacturers are trying to make it bigger and make the cars smarter to decrease the ammount of car accidents there are. There is probably a lot of testing and tries for the next new big thing. I guess it depends if the manufacturer does fail, they'll try again but i dont think it's their fault for trying to make more safety for people. It will defientely be a new change to everyone if they succeed at this, and people will just have to adjust to it for their safety.
If the driver manufacturer does fail and someone get injured, it will not be the manufacturer fault for focusing on keeping drivers safe. They will have to do a lot of testing on it anyway, so highly doubt anyone will get hurt. Authomakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Everyone just wants what's for the best and that is keeping drivers off their phones and focused on the roads. The smart cars can help that happen, so there will be a lower ammount od people in accidents. | 23
faed228 | The face on Mars is just a natural landform. The text states that NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft took pictures of the face which was then shown to the public. The pictures revealed a rock formation. The text also states that years later, Malin and his MOC team took higher quality pictures of the face. The pictures revealed the same thing as the Viking 1 spacecraft.
The shadows naturally being formed by the rocks is the only thing that gives the land formation the illusion of a face. The text states that the public was shown a picture that was taken on a camera's absolute maximum resolution on a cloudless summer day. The picture revealed a natural landform that was equivalent to a butte or mesa. As for the conspiracy theories of NASA, they would not hide the situation of there being life forms on Mars. The text states, "Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars."
NASA has high resoluton pictures of the face on Mars. The pictures clearly show that there is nothing but a natural rock formation. As for the conspiracy theories, NASA states to the public that they wish there were life forms on Mars. In conclusion, the face on Mars is just a natural landform. | 23
faee97d | I am for driverless cars I would think it'd be cool. To have a driverless car be driving you around. With a driverless car sleep would happen a lot faster, you could prep for meeting and not worry about going to work unprepared. Of course you'd still want to be alert in a driverless car well because it has no driver. If I owned one I would always be to places on time and not get too frusterated with it as long as the car don't talk then I'm okay with it. Having driverless cars make me wonder if transformers saw it coming of course by the movie's cars.
I'm saying all of this because according to the co-founder of Google these cars would take up half of the avgerage fuel of a normal car, and is far more flexible than a bus route. Television and movies have been fascinated with cars that could be driverless, see Transformers it'll happen. All in al developing smarter cars involves having to develop smarter roads.
I'm going to stick to my decision of agreement. I have and always think it'll be cool to see that happen. | 01
faf55f3 | A study last year found that driving by young people have decreaseed over the years. Less people are getting there licensies and people are driving less miles everyday. Young people are starting to care less about cars. They are strating to use different types of transportation such as public transportation or even walking. There are advantages of limiting car usage like the reduction of green house gas emissions and smog and the less stress put on peoples lives.
Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gass emissions in Europe. This is a huge percent due top cars. If there were less cars then the emissions of greenhouse gases would go down which is a big advantage. In Europe they are trying to reduce the greenhouse gas emissons by reducing the use of cars. The emissons from an increasing number of private cars are choking the cities. With limiting the car usage the cities would not be as polluted. Like Eurpoe Paris bans driving due to the smog. This happened after days of near-record pollution. An another advantage of limiting car pollution is that congestion went down 60 precent making peoples lungs healthier. Cars also make cities such as China filled with intensifying smog. Cars are making the particulate matter go up by a huge percent. For limiting the use of cars and using other tranposrtation this will limit the use of smog. Without the use of cars was a great opportunity to lower air pollution which was President Obamas goals. Limiting the usage of cars will also help people deal with stress.
Cars cause alot of stress for people. Weather the car is broken down or you just got into an accident. They are very dangerous for people who dont follow the rules in them. | 23
faf644c | I think driveless cars are a good idea. Technology is always changing and I feel like this is a right step towards the future of car technology. Just like cassets and eight tracks maybe normal cars one day will be something of the past becasue of greater technology that has prodocessed the normal driving cars that we are accustomed to today. When will this type of technology be available to consumers who knows? I can asure you that when this technolgy is available people will slowly start shifting from normal cars to self drving cars.
Why is this technolgy so great you may ask. Well first off how convienent would it be to be looking at your emails while on the road. Perhaps taking a phone call without the worry of getting into a car wreck. Not only that but if everyone had a car like this then the amount of fatal crashes that we have in a year would go down significantly.
This new technolgy would of course cost a lot of money not only to manufacture but for purchase. The type of technoplogy that you would be recieving would be the most bang for your buck. It would come equipped with sensors all around the car. The sensors would ensure not only your saftey but also the safety of the passangers as well. Obviously these cars wont be exceeding high speeds but they will be usefull to get your from point A to point B.
These are the reasons that i think driveless cars would be a great thing to have in the near future. It would make life more practical. People would be able to do things they arent usaually able to do if they didnt have a self-driving car. It would be great step towards the future of cars not to metnion you could be using t his type of technolgy on plnaes, boats, and other types of transportation. What are your thoughts on self driving cars? Would you want them around why or why not? | 23
faf6ad9 | This computer system is something that could change alot of things including how students and other people feel about their emotions. This could change the lives of a lot of people and a lot of people could use it like poice officers or somebody in the FBI to figure out an investigation or even a doctor could use it to see if somebody is really in the mood they seem to tell the doctor they are in.
This type of coding in a computer could be good for people who are making ads for the people that are browsing the internet and they could be posting ads that people would look at while they are in a bad mood or a good mood. This Facial Action Coding System is gonna be very useful for analyzing paintings like the Mona Lisa painting by showing the expression of face it has on it. By looking at the expression of face on the Mona Lisa painting, we could see what mood the painter was in at the time of the painting and by the story it looks like he put a bunch of effort and detail into that painting, almost like he wanted to use it for this new software. I think that using this on students in a classroom would be very rewarding for the students because the teacher could use it to tell if the students are bored and then the teacher could change up the lesson and make the students follow along more. Yes I do think this is a very valuable software towards students and teachers in a classroom.
This could be the future of teaching, the teachers would stop having boring lessons, and the students would be more productive and they would listen so much better to the lesson the teacher is teaching.
This is where basically the software is determined to be valuable or not valuable. I think the software would be an excellent thing to have and start it off in all schools, they could use it when visitors buzz in, they could use it to analyze their faces and it would let the staff know if the visitor was nervous, mad, or happy. This would be excellent for schools and then it could be spread around to other places, like the local police station and other places like that. This is a very valuable piece of work, or software and it would be great to use on students in a classroom. | 23
faf7bad | Dear state senator,
We should not decide the president by electoral college. Mainly because it's unfair to the voters who took the time out of their day to vote, but then realized they wasted their time because their vote doesn't mean anything, the electors decide who the president is not the voters. The article 'The Indefensible Electoral Collge: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong' states "Under the electoral college system, voters vote for not the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." What's the point of voting if our vote basically doesn't matter because we are not the one choosing who is president. The same article also states "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always" We the voters basically don't even decide who's president, the electors do, and we don't even get to pick who the electors are, the state legislatures do. Why is the president based off of who the electors want? there's only 538 of them, it should be based off popularity, the vote of the millions of the people who have voted. Honestly i see no point in voting now since our votes don't decide who the president will be.
Electoral college is unfair to the small states. The article 'Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president' shows a map of America with the number of electoral votes given to each state. If you look at the map, you'll notice that the bigger states have more electoral votes, and the small states have very few. For example California has 55 electoral votes, Texas has 38, and Florida has 29. But states such as Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine have less than 5 electoral votes. Which basically means that their electoral votes don't count nearly as much as the big states do. If we decided the president by popularity among everyone who voted, it would actually be fair to everyone, and more people would vote.
The article 'Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president' states "Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now" I don't blame them when the artcile also states "This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose presidency." Then what's the point of voting when our vote doesn't matter. | 34
fafaa91 | I agree that we should continue the development of driverless cars. Driverless cars will make driving so much easier and safer for everyone. It would also take away any road rage one might have when behind the wheel of a vehicle. Also it would assist in containg any traffic problems that one might have. In addition to that the driverless car will have much better fuel consumption.
Going along we have learned that in the introductary paragraph that one will no longer need to buy a car, but instead they can call the driverless car service for a ride. This kind of tech isn't to far away either. In the text it says that Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have the cars that can drive themselves by the year 2020. From now, only 4 years are left until they meet their deadline, and I for can't wait to see it. One problem most people see is that who will be liable if someone gets in an accident, the manufacturer or the owner of the car. I would say that it would be the manufacturer because they are the ones selling the car, but such a thing will rarely happen because of the smart sensors that are attached to the cars.
Although there are pros and cons to the driverless car I for one think the pros out weigh the cons. For sure the safety of our roads will go from not safe to very. Also the total carbon emission thing will reduce significantly because as it says in the text, the fleet of driverless taxis will use only half of the fuel of today's taxis. All-in-all I would say that driverless car would be very beneficial to need of everyday people, and that development should be encouraged. | 23
fafde91 | Do you want a future where you are cabable of driving but you can not because of a silly robotic car? I personally think driverless cars are a waste of time and money, a driverless car is not any better than a normal car. I am sure there will be less accidents but there will always be those people that do not pay attention to the surroundings around them and will cause accidents. As in paragraph 9 the text states, "As a result, in most
states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars;... Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident, If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" If someone where to get into an accident, it would be both the driver and manufacturers fault, first off the driver should have been paying attention to the road and their surroundings no matter who is driving. Secondly, the manufacturer should have more technology where the car can stop itself when there is about to be an accident. If companies want to bult driverless cars they need to make them smarter than the average human, just in case of any distractions the car should have some type of sensor that will stop the car or turn it in a different direction. Coming from a teenager driverless cars is not something we want in the future, some of us want to experience driving ourselves. If companies want to build something for the future, make a car that can tell when someone is doing something illegal. For example: drunk driving, texting, driving, etc. there are more deaths from those two alone. We need a car that is going to keep people one hundred percent safe. Driverless cars just do not have the right "smarts" for the future, the only thing the driverless cars do is steer, acceletare, brake themselves, and notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. That is not good enough, we need sometime ten times better! If companies can spend so much money building these driverless cars they can take the time to add features where the car can control itself. Until that happens we will happily stick with our power fueled cars we have now with that being said, that is the reason we should not have driverless cars... they are not entirely safe! What if the driverless cars have a glitch of some sort and hurt way more people than intended? SAY NO TO DRIVERLESS CARS! | 34
fb003ce | The author wants to suggest that studying Venus is worthy because in the article it talks about how Venus is a curios planet as we know Venus is the closest in the distance of the erath. venus is the "twin" of or planet because is the same density and size. Venus is sometimes arounf the coner really close to Earth.
Humans have sent numerous spacecratf to land on this cloud-draped world to a mission to see Venus but all this "previous mission was unmanned ands for a good reason" the article says. numerous factors contributre to Venu's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study, despite its proximity to us.
Venus is 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Even more changelling are the
clouds of hugly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. on the planet surface, temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
in conclusion i think that authors shows a lot of details to suggests taht studying Venus is wortly.
Strivinv to meet the chanllenge presented by venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally. | 12
fb0a7af | Here is how Facial Action Coding is very valuable for the scuccess of our class rooms. The use of this technology can help teachers ferther understand how there students are feeling and there for make the nessary adjustments to help student success go up. In the story "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author states that we can now we can actually calculate emotion just with math,there are six basic emotions that the computer can read happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness all the computer has to do is associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles and it can begin to calculate the emotions your feeling. The technologhy will also be able to tell when a student is pretending to be happy there for the teacher will be able to help that student feel better and help in a different way from the happier students. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D a model of a face, all 44mmuscles must move in the right way for it to work but once it does the system will work nicely.
The only down side is that the computers you have at home can't handle the complex agorithms used to decode their own and the mona lisa's smile. But once they return to school the will receve the same help that they obtained before.
In conclusion how will Facial Action Coding System be a good addtion to our schools? The software will finally alwolled us to finally know how our students will feel. It states in the text that the mona lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and finally 2 percent angry, this system was able to read this just from a painting and it will be able to do a lot more in the futre. | 23
fb0e011 | People have been curious to learn about Venus for decades and now we have a chance to learn more about it. In the passage "The challenge of exploring Venus" the author supports the idea that studying Venus will be worth it by telling us all the benefits of why it will be worth it. In the article he says that Venus could have once been like Earth and dried up and had these physical condtions that it has now. The author tries to tell us that exploring Venus will be worth it because it brings valuable research. The author tries to tell us that Venus is a dangerous and difficult planet to explore but with the technology that we have it can be accomplished. The author tries to tell us this by how he describes Venus.
In the passage the author tells us that exploring Venus can bring very valuable information. For example in the passage the author says that Venus could have been like Earth at one point and that fascinates them. In the passage it says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system", This quote explains why people would like to study this planet because it was like Earth and it could bring valuable information of why it formed this way. In the passage it also says "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth", This quote gives us another idea why people would want to explore Venus because it can bring information that we have yet to know about. If we get more information about Venus it can help us understand this planet and learn more about it.
In the passage it says that old techonology never made it to Venus but with the new technology that we have we can accomplish we can study venus. In the passage it says that every mission that we have sent to Venus never made it bac because of the harsh conditions that Venus has. In the passage it says " Each previous mission was unamanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours", This quote explains that all the missions that we have sent to Venus never made it back because of the technology that we sent out there. In the passage it says that overtime we have created technology that is capable of withstanding Venus conditions. In the passage the author says "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.", This quote explains how our technology has improved and that now we have a
more likely chance to study Venus and get to learn more about it.
To conclude, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it will bring valuable information and we have the technology to ecplore Venus. Venus was like Earth and astronomers are working on getting us to learn more about it. Astronomers over time have sent numerous missions to Venus but none of them ever made it back but now with the technology that we have our missions have a chance of succeding. The author is fascinated on learning about this planet because it can help us understand why this planet is how it is is now. | 23
fb114d1 | I think that people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because it sound fun to try. It propaly sounds weird to some people at first, but i thought it sounded weird to. Who knows, you might end up liking it. Half of the people that read this probaly won't care but be the half that dose care. So, Let me tell you my reasons why you should try it.
First i think it is a fun oppratuinity to try. How often do you get offard this or even hear about it. Just like they said in the strory he couldn't say no because it was an opportunity of a life time. They said he traveled all around the world. I think that would be awesome and fun to try.
Next i think it would be fun to be around all of those animals. I understand that some people don't care about animals or anything that i have to say. I know some people get sea sick or are afraid of boats or sailing. I think that holds you back to much in life to have a fear like that. I think people should get out and try something new.
Last i think that it would be fun and exciting to travel around the world. To see all the sights and accient things. Even thought you have to be a ceartian age to do some stuff,well some stuff you don't need to be a ceartian age. I guess it depends on your udea of fun. But to say you have been there to something you see on TV or in the paper, would be cool when most of the people you know haven't.
Those are my reasons why i think it would be a fun thing to try. You get to see the sights and the animals. I hope more people take into consideration of trying something new most of the time. Even when your bord at your house just go outside and through a ball around with your parents. Just to go out and be active with your life. | 23
fb140b4 | Have you wonder that aliens are living on mars? Twenty five years ago something funny happen around Mars. NASA Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet,snappping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadoey likeness of a human face. I'm a scientist at NASA and I think that ''Unmasking the Face on Mars, '' was made by aliens because I think that there is a ancient civilization on Mars.
I think that its a ancient civilization on Mars. I think that's a ancient civilization on Mars because they have picture of a type of human face on Mars if it wasn't a human face it has to be a alien face because it's no way that a human face would get there if somebody wasn't there.
I'm a scientist at NASA and i think that the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" was made by aliens because I think there is a ancient civilization on Mars. If thre are aliens on Mars lets come out and say it. | 12
fb1eb8c | Driverless cars sound like a splendid idea to the people, but the person who is making them is only getting more money. People will lose their money due to driverless cars. If a driverless car were to break down what would the person do? I am against driverless cars because people do not need to dependable on technology, the car crash rates will increase, and the tradition of driving independent will be lost.
Driverless cars are useless because people do not need to be dependable on technology. Technology is never 100% efficent. Cars do not need to be all technology where the driver just sits and lets a car drive for itself. Being dependable on a technology car is pointless and can easily have a lot of negative outcomes to having one. Driverless cars cannot be trusted. Trusting a driverless car to take another human being to a destination is dangerous and sketchy. A car should be driven by a human not technology.
Driverless cars are useless because the car crash rates will increase. In the article, it says "Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." Sensors cannot protect weather situations from cars. Hydroplaning and sliding on ice can be a big factor for increase of car crash rates. In the article, it states that there are sensors that are alarmed to the human driver to take over the wheel. The driver could not hear the sensor or beep and easily get in a car crash. The driver can also fall asleep at the wheel when driving for a great distance considering the driver doesnt have to do anything. Car crashes will increase when driverless cars are brought out to the whole country.
Driverless cars are useless because the tradition of driving independant will be lost. Driver's are astounded when they first get to be independent with their license. Technology will ruin a tradition where a human trusts him or herself to get to a destination safely. Humans need to still experience driving on their own because if not they will never be independent. Humans will be more dependable on technology than their own selves. Being independent is a step into life everyone has to take. Driving independent means people can depend on themselves instead of others.
Driverless cars are an excuse for more money for manufacturers and a lesson in nurturing people more to be non-independent. People need to be independent so they can make it in the real world, if not then they will go through a ton of pain and suffering. To depend on something is like being fed a baby bottle when people are in their twenties. It's not right and not acceptable to any generation of that kind. Humans driving their own car, with their two eyes hands and feet will get the job done. Technology doesn't need more accidents of injuring people just because there was a malfuntion. Is our generation really going to depend on technology rather than themselves? | 34
fb23988 | There are many things that you can do in the Seagoing Cowboys progam. Going to different places on your trip. Playing games that you never have done before. Also helping different countries.
There's always a reason to do the Seagoing Cowboys progam. Sight seeing is one of the reasons. You get to go see different places and wonder around new countries. You might get to see Venice, Italy the city of water. The Panama Canal in China. Might see the Acroplis in Greece.
Helping others is another activity that we do for the progam. Helping rebuild countries after a terrible event. Taking care of animals. Delievering animals to different cities or towns.
When your on the ship you get to play games. Playing baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where the animals lived before. Having tournaments for table-tennis. Reading books or doing other games to pass the time.
There are some many reasons why you should participate. If I were you, I would want to be in the program. Playing games, seeing other places. You wouldn't know of what your missing. | 12
fb27a3a | Today, I will be discussing why to join the Seagoing Cowboys program and participate in the program. This essay will talk about how you can visit many different places and how it can change your life. Those are my 2 main points that I will be discussing in this essay.
This paragraph will discuss on how you can visit places and learn things. This is great opportunity to go visit unique places. First, when you go and visit you can go learn new things and you can see the world the world better. Secondly, it can make you change the way you see the world. You can also experience new adventures. If you were to go see Acropolis it would suprise you and traveling can probably give you experience to the world. This paragraph was about how you visit places and about how you can learn things.
This paragraph will talk about how it can change your life. In the passage, it says it opened up the world to him and that it was great opportunity. If you were to join the program it would make see the world better and change your life. It can help treat the world better and you can help people. Helping is big part on changing your life. It can make you more aware of people in need that need help. This paragraph was about how it can change your life.
In conclusion, those are the reasons I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The reasons were on how you can visit places and on how it can change your life. | 23
fb27aa3 | Can you imange a future where you could have a driverless car? I am for driverless. I am for it becuase it could cause less accidents, can
communicate with family easier while in the car.
I am for the development of driveless cars becasue it could cause less accident and less people dying from car accidents. One reason it could cause less accidents is because if someone is texting and driving and not paying attention to road they could run it to the back of a car, and a driverless car could press on the brakes quicker than a human. Another reason is that the driverless car would be a computer-driven car and the computer could detected a problem before a human could.that is one reason why I am for driverless cars.
I am also for driverless cars because you could communicate with family easier. One reason is when you have family in town you could talk to them about how they have been and how they are and you could look at them while talk and not have to worry about the road. You could also call or texted family while the car is driving with a driverless car and not have to worry about the road.
I am for diverless cars. So the reason I am for driverless cars is because they could cause less accidents, and you could talk to family easier while in the car. So do you see driverless cars in the future? | 12
fb2d7ce | Dear Florida state senator,
I argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College. The Electoral College is meant to be a compromise between election of the President by a vote in congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. I argue for keeping the Electoral College because of several reasons backed up with information.
Firstly, I'd like to point out that the Electoral College makes it so that larger states don't have larger influence than smaller states. If the Electoral College is removed then larger states shall have much more political power than smaller states. Which means that a small state might not get the same amount of attention from presidential candidates as a larger state would like Florida.
Secondly, the Electoral College avoids Run-off Elections in which no Presidential candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. It avoids that problem because candidates can win Presidency by electoral votes instead of popularity vote. For example, Nixon and Clinton didn't have the majority of the popular votes, but they still won because of electoral votes. If the Electoral College hadn't exist then elections might be more frustrating for everyone, because the Electoral College makes a certainty of outcome.
Thirdly, the Electoral College makes sure that a presidential candidate has trans-regional appeal. This is good because a candidate with only regional appeal is probably not going to be a very good president. And besides without the Electoral College there would be many presidents with regional appeal wich would make other states feel left out, and this could be catastrophic to the unity of America.
In conlcusion, despite the Electoral College isn't exactly of democratic origins, it still equalizes the political power of states, makes sure that candidates have trans-regional appeal and avoids run-off elections. Overall I say that the Electoral College is very important in keeping how we choose our president balanced and smooth. | 34
fb307eb | What would you do without car usage? Is there such thing as too much or too little car usage? Many residents or travelers are nearby thier destination and don't nessesaraly need a car to get there. Although, for other's they may need to use a car becasue of extended distance. Limiting car usage has many advantages. For example, in Vauban, Germany streets are completely "car free". According to the article " 70% of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57% sold car's to move here". Families and friends are much active with each other and can spend more quality time outside of school and work.
When there is less car usage more public transportation will be available to thoose who need it more importantly. Also there would be less polution with the gas and air. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution", said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. Due to the smog that was in France, car's was banned. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday", according to the BBC. Fuel is also a great impact. Do you ever feel like you just work hard for nothing? Money is being wasted on gas, car materials, and car details much more then the things it really needs to be spent on.
Limiting car usage could mean less accidents. Less accidents means less deaths and injuries. Driving could be risky especially in crowdy places with people and other cars. Limiting cars could also mean people getting to know diffrent places often and not just the places they are used to going. Parks and sports centers also have had bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramtically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shoppung districts have cropped up. Families are more engaged together and work together to make it to thier destination.
In conclusion, Do you feel as if car polution should be limited becasue of all the advatages. Limiting car usage has it advantages and disadvatages. Many things could possibly happen. According to The end of Car Culture article, "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportations traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve recources, lower emissions and improve saftey". The Mobile World Congress is looking for more saftey ways to transport and get to yout destintation when needed. Due to limiting car-usage families and friends can now spend quality time while getting to thier locations, you can go to your nearby places, you could save more money of gas and car details, and also you could prevent less accidents if possible. | 23
fb35b95 | Many people throughout the world, would agree that car usage plays a significant role in daily lives. Although some may argue it plays an important role or a not so important role, the limitation of car usuage would be a very helpful thing for everyone, and the world we are surrounded by. There are many advantages to cities being able to control the amount of cars being used everyday. Advantages such as, less pollution in the enviroment by creating less smog, making the cities and roads a lot safer, by lowering the risk of getting into or even causing a wreck, or even something as simple as making your life, and the lives around you much more peaceful.
"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. (paragraph 5)" Cars are the number one cause of pollution in most cities, espcially ones that have large amounts of drivers on the road in a single day. The author of source one, states in pargraph 8 that "..some new suburbs may well look more Vauban-like not only in developed countries, but also in the developing world, where emissons from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities" All authors state that limiting car usage, is a great way to reduce air pollution. Paragraph 10, of source two, states that "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city" If car usuage was limited in cities there would be less smog, and pollution in the air. Not only would it be better for the enviroment, it would also be better for your health.
Wrecks are things that claim the lives of people each and everyday. Some can be prevented, yet not all can. Think of how many lives are taken each day, due to wrecks because of things like congestion in big cities. Or even things such as someone behind the wheel who is stressed, and driving wrecklessly. A source from paragraph 3, states "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" Many people, get tense and stressed from the drivers around them. Limiting how much you use a car, can improve things such as stress levels. Imagine how much more at ease you would be if you constantly heard, a bicylest wizzing by you, or hearing children chattering and laughing among themselves, instead of hearing horns honking, loud motors, or even the sound of a car crash.
Roads and streets take up much more space than we think or even realize. With less cars on the road everyday and more people walking, or riding a bike, could only mean one thing; less roads and bigger sidewalks. More cities are trying to make limiting car usage a much bigger thing, " attempts to make suburbs more compact..." Source one, also states that "In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather that in malls along some distant highway. (paragraph 6)" Getting to these places will become safer for everyone.
As you can see, there are many advantages to limiting car usage, such as, limiting the amount of pollution there is, lowering the risks of getting into, or even causing a wreck, and even something as simple as making it a more peaceful enviroment to live in, not only for yourself, but for others around you. Our world, and daily lives would be affected in great ways, in more cities, and even more countries, participated in lessing the amount of car usage. | 34
fb3a214 | Making technology that can identify human emotions would be important, but not very much in everyday use. If a student were not able to identify their emotions when seeing a therapist or school counsoler, then this device would work best their specifically because therapists/counsolers are trained to help with humans and their emotions.
Let's say that students are in a class to learn about psychology or somethig of the sort. It would be very useful to find out what a person is feeling down to the percent. This device would also be helpful there because it tells you about the muscles that move to show a certain emotion. 'For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when surprised...' (D'Alto paragraph 3); students can study their muscles that make their emotions by learning about these muscles.
In paragraph 9, it states '...Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them'. Just by making faces and using this technology, students can learn so so much more about their emotions on a deep level that can help in many ways. It would benefit students, teachers, therapists, and more.
In conclusion, this device and technology can help many different people in many ways. Students can learn about their facial muslces, therapists can help their clients learn to identify what emotions they are feeling, parents can hep understand how their children are feeling, etc etc. Students can even help one another feel better in small classroom situatioins all together. | 23
fb3b110 | When election day comes and you finally drop your vote in the ballet box after waiting in line for the past hour, you walk away knowing that you have helped the candidate of your choice to rise to the top of the voting pole. Oh how wrong you are. The United States works on a voting system called the Electoral College. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." (Plumer 10). This system has stood the test of time, however it has masked its flaws for long enough. "60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." (Plumer 9). The people have spoken, now it is time to break down the logistics...
In order to understand the flaws in the electoral college, you need to know what the electoral college is, and how it came to be. "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." (Office of the Federal Register 2). This system was created by the founding fathers as a compromise between the congressional vote and the popular vote. However there was a reason for this new, seperated voting system. During their time the founding fathers where among the most educated men in the country. Back then education was not standard and very few people could read or write. The founding fathers did not want uneducated citizens voting on the individual who would lead the country. So they created a system where the uneducated would vote for a group of educated men, who would in turn vote on a president. Thus the electoral college was born. The founding fathers reasons for forging this system where justified in their day and age. However the world has changed since then. These days education is standard and people have enough sense to know what each candidate has to offer, and who can guide our country to prosperity. If United States citizens are well educated, then why leave this barrier up?
Another large issue with the electoral college is its favoritism towards larger states. The United States was founded on federalism and democracy, giving power to the people instead of an over-arching central government ruling everything. So any policy that goes against our right to equal say in politics ought to be abbolished, right? The number of electors per state under the Electoral College is determined by the number of representatives the state has in congress. "... one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your senators..." (Office of the Federal Register 3). Since this system is based on population, bigger states get a emense priority over smaller states. "The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote , got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes." (Posner 21). This means that presidential candidates are going to focus on appealing to larger swing states that have more electoral votes, rather than smaller ones who only provide a few votes. That is not fair now is it? No matter how small a state may be its population still consists of United States' citizens, and they deserve just as much say as a bigger state. After all, that is the concept our country was founded on, equality and freedom.
If the Electoral College does not seem like a flawed system now, allow me to open your eyes to one last variable in our little Electoral equation. The disaster factor. The disaster factor deals with the will of the people, and them doing anything to get what they want. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that the popular vote for Kennedy would not actually gone to Kennedy.)" (Plumer 11). That kind of scenario could completely change a close call to a landslide victory! The 1960 election is not the only case of this either. It happened again when Hawaii sent two slates of electors to congress, and in other various cases electors did not vote for their designated candidate. Finally there is the case of the 2000 election, where Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the Electoral College! If just one person decides to go against the grain, everything gets thrown off.
Case and point, the Electoral College is a flawed system. People are educated and can make a smart choice for a president, everyone deserves fair say in the political world, and people need to open their eyes to the corruption that the Electoral College allows for. It may have made sense back in the day of the founding fathers, but it is time to move on and adopt the popular vote system that the people have asked for. | 45
fb40cba | The electoral collage is horable because the bigger states has more power then the smaler states do so if a canidate gets the majority of the bigger states then they will but people in the may not whant that candidate but the electors for that canidate didn't get selected then he will not get the electoral vote from your state even when more people in your state wanted him to win but his electors didn't get selected.
Some states vote republican or democrate un like swing stats so if you are in a state that is a democrate state but you want a republican then your vote dosn't matter because it is not a swing state. If more people like a canidate then he should win the election becouse the people want him to be president but he can't because of the electoral college and now those people would be unhappy because their vote dosn't matter the electoral college voting system is long and coplex but if you change it to popular vote the it will be easer to select a canidate for president. people want to get the electoral college changed to popular vote and if the majority want to change it then you should chan the voteing sytem to how the people want it to be like. | 12
fb46850 | He did a good job supporting his idea, i see that he keeps comparing it to earth. He said that Venus is the closest planet to earth. He also said the air pressure of Venus would be cose to that of sea level on earth.
However venus is the hottest planet but is second from the sun. I personally ould not go to Venus even if i had a chance. He also mentioned that Venus doesnt have easy conditions but are survivable for humans.
The author also explained that the atmosphere would liquefy many metals. If so it would be very dangerous to go to Venus unless the structure is strong enough to pass thru the atmosphere. There is a 97 percent carbon dioxide atmosphere that blankets Venus.
You can tell this aurthor did some research before writing this. He is very detailed in this passage. All in all i think this aurthor did a very nice job writing this passage and backing himself up by details. | 12
fb470c0 | The article
"The Challenge of exploring venus", venus is sometime called the evening star beause it is closer to the earth and also he brighet points of the light in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from our sun and also humans are curious about studing venus because venus still has some features that analogous to those on earth, also venus won't be more of a risk instead the challenge of going there to see. The author support is idea of studying venus by explaning that venus still has some feature that are anlaogus to those on earth and it allows scientists to float above the fray.
The author supports is idea of studying venus by explaning that venus still has some features that are anlataogus to those
on earth. in the article it shows that the venus is the same thing as the earth surface, venus was coverd largely with oceans and it could have supported varrious forms of life, just like earth. In the article is stated that venus has the hottost surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even through mercury is closer to our sun. Studying venus is a good idea because it make them look for futher history or information about it. in the article, in paragapnh 4 it says that " the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and inclides familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". This explains that venus can be consudered by studing it because of all this featureand how safety they as the earth it self.
The author also supports is idea of studying venus by explaning that it allows the scientists to float above the fray despite the dangers. In the article it shows that the NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow the scientists to float as they want to, for example a vehicle hovering over venus would aviod the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and going out of their way and they will all be safe without any danger or any conditions on their way. Furthermore, the researcher can't take samples rock, gas, or anything else, from the distance so they are seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand that "venus would need to get up close and despite the risks or maybe we should think of them as challenges". mordern computers are enornously powerful, flexible and quick but tend to be more delicate when the physical conditions comes. This explains that
with all this equpiment listed here it can be made useful for any conditions on there way and have their own safety.
The author supports this idea of studying venus by explaining that venus still has some features that are analogus to those on earth and it allowas the scientists to float above the fray. Striving to catch up with the challenge of venus has values not only that of more opporunity of seeing or curious about the earth and not to be afriad of the risk but instead let make explorates by our ideas and imaginations. | 23
fb4bfd8 | There are lots of arguments and opinions on this "face" on mars. Ever since NASA first released it to the public in 1976. People woud not rest until we got a really good look at what the image was. It only took NASA 25 years to give the public a really good picture and it was obviously a natural landfrom.
Some people think the face on Mars is an alien artifact. Although a few number of people think it is an alien artifact, it's actually not. The face is just another boring old natural landform. There was an image captured on the Mars Orbiter Camera of the face and it revealed it was a natural landform. The image first appeared on a website called JPL web site.
There are lots of different opinions about whether it is an actual face or just a landform. Conspiracy theorists say the NASA would hide the "real" truth about the Face. They also say that the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars. Evidence and a lot of pictures suggest that it is a natural landform. Specificly three or more pictures and many very smart scientists.
After the first image was shown to the public in 1976 it became a national hit in America. The Face on Mars has become a pop icon since that day. It was in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even a Hollywood film! There have also been a lot of arguments about what the face actually is. In 2001 there was another picture taken of the same face and it became clear to the scientists and the public that the face is a natural landform.
A NASA scientist, Jim Garvin, said the face just looked like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. He also said that the camera that took the picture of the face in 2001, is so good that 'you can dicern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size.' Garvin said," If there were objects n this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even samll shacks you could see what they were." That is how good the camera was that they used so, no on canmistake that the face on Mars is just an ordinary natural landform and not an alien artifact. | 34
fb4c732 | Dear senator, i belive that the electoral college is benifical on some levels but people in america still need their rights. i think that they should abolish the electoral college because its very unfair to voters. and by voters i mean just regular citizens. not the democratic electors or representatives ect. also even if we vote it doesnt matter because the state legislaters and the senate are basically responsible for picking a president. its very irrational and old and a big problem. it would just be eaiser for america to have a popular vote instead of a electoral college.
the electoral college is quite unfair to citizens. they vote for a reason right? to have the person they think best to run the country. some people might not have as much knowladge about congress or the government or whatever. but still its there right to have a say in what they belive in. some people dont even get to have a say in things. during the 2000 campaign,seventeen states didnt see ads or even the candidates at all. the senate is not giving people the right to vote for the candidate they want. they say each state only casts one vote. which is unfair. many people in one state have their own differences and opinions. for an example, "the single representative from wyoming, which represnts 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from california. who represnt 35 million voters." "given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, the houses selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people."if the vote is more popular it is not right to change it because the electoral college thinks differently.
yes in my opinion i think the electoral college is unfair but its not just that. it is also very outdated. they need to try something new and just let them elect the president over the popular vote. i think its way less difficult that way. people wouldnt be disputing over the popular vote winner lost and the electoral college has its defenders to make sure they have their candidate win. its also irrational. if the just keep on going with this electoral college thing then whats the whole point of the citizens voting? | 23
fb53a4e | The Challenge of Exploring Venus, why is it hard for us to explore. Venus is challenging becasue the surface of its planet has 97 pecent of carbon dixoide and the temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and also has volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and freqent lighting strikes. Venus is like Earth's twin beacuse back in the day Venus had large oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Thats why it's hard for us to get on that planet and study it further more. The three important themes in this passage is that why are scientists discussing futher more vists to this planet, why is it challenging for us to get on that planet, and how Earth and Venus are alike or twins.
One important theme in the passage is that why are scientists discussing futher more vists to this planet. "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth and Today the planet has familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.(author,4)" The scientists believe that Venus can have life on that planet and possible live there. It did have what we have today like oceans, mountains, and valleys. This is important beacause one day we could
have planetay visit there.
One important event in the passage is that why is it challenging for us to get on that planet. "The planet's atmosphere of almost 97 percent is carbon dixoide blankets Venus and also the temperature average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.(author,3)" This planet is bad to visit because it has like eruting volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and frerquant lighting strikes. This is important beacuse the planet is going to be a challenging planet to get on.
One important theme in the passage is how are Earth and Venus alike or twins. " Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too.(author,2)" Venus could of had life on that planet beacuse it it had oceans and other stuff like our planet. This is important beacuse it is almost like our planet.
How are Earth and Venus alike or twins, why is it challenging for us to get on that planet, and why are scientists discussing futher more visits to this planet, this is the three important themes in the passage. | 23
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