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To be for or against the delelopment of driverless cars. There are multiple reasons to be for them but also multiple reasons to be against. Myslef i'm against the whole driverless car. In "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it talks about the pros and cons of a driverless car. Cons of the driverless cars are common sense you will nees a whole lot of sensors which cost a whole lot of money. The driver would still need to be on alert the whole time while driving. Another thing is what if the car just glitchs and there is not enough time for myself to stop. New laws will be coming some will be changing in case of an accident. What if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is a fault the driver or the manufacturer is the question. In conclusion this is my opinion and my position on "Diverless Cars Are Coming". I just feel like it is a dangerest issue that the world does not need to worry about.
The Electoral College, good or bad? Many may feel that the Electoral College has more downs than ups, but thats not always the case. I feel that despite these common views we should keep the electoral college due to the fact that popular vote may not always be the best way. There have been multiple instances in which the electoral college has saved many elections due to the fact that the popular vote was too close. This "college" consists of multiple slates of electors. These electors are really who we vote for when we vote for president. Every 'state' including the District of Columbia are allocated a certain amount of electors. These electors then vote for whoever won the popular vote in that state despite the other sides views. This is called a "winner-take-all" system. Yet there are two states, Maine and Nebraska, that have a "proportional representation" system. When it is done the governor creates a "Certificate of Ascertainment" which basically is the official way of declaring who in that state won the vote. The Electoral College is more good then bad due to the fact that it has saved instances of a tight vote. The Electoral College does require the presidential candidates to abide by some rules. One of which is making the candidate focus on other areas rather than the region they know they will win the vote in. Another like i have been talking about is the outcome, it enables a balance that should be kept between the popular votes. It is also another way like the two houses of Congress; where it keeps the balance of political choice between big states and small states. It also avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. Now many may find it that the electoral college are beings from a bottomless pit because of the year 2000 election between Al Gore and George W. Bush; with Al Gore winning with over 60% of the popular vote. This is most likely due to the reason why he mmay have stretched out all of his visits between the states. He may have won more popular votes in total than Bush but he may have appealed to a minority of people in each state so the overall of the state wanted Bush. Some say the best argument against the Electoral College is the disaster factor. Just because some may choose not to vote for the person they are supposed to doesnt mean that the entire college is bad. These things are going to heppen with people who think differently. Just because someone may think McDonald's is nasty and they refuse to go; are you going to not go because they don't? This happens in everything we do we are only human, we are different, not everyone thinks in the same way. When we do it is a recipe for disaster. So, in my opinion, we must keep the electoral college if we want to keep the balance in everything the US stands for, politically and demographically. These are facts that should not be ignored, just because some see differently doesn't mean we have to change the foundation of our society.
Participate in the seagoing cowboys program. participate because you get to travel. i got to travel on the ss. charels W. wooster with 335 horses, hey, and oat. the cattle boat trips is an unbeliveable oppourtunity. if you were to depart from east United States it would take 2 weeks to cross the atlantic ocean, it gives you time to be excited to get to your location. another reason to join is on one of your trips you have the chance to be night watchman! this is when you check the animals every hour. Some details are when he traveled on a cattle boat he travled with literally 335 horses, hey, and oat. the reason why the catle boat trip is unbeliveable is because not many people get to do so. the reason why the two week boat trip could be fun is that if your watchman you get to heck the horses every hour. this is some support of why you should participate in the seagoing cowboys program. In Conclusion, you should participate in this program because it would be a unbeliveable program for you to participate in. this program would be fun if you love traveling and animals. sohaving to interact with the animals crutial. so ahead and tell your friends about this program.
The challlenge of exploring Venus begins with the fact that the surface tempature is aout 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is about 90 times greater then on Earth. The spacecrafts typically dont last longer then a few hours under the harsh conditions which caused the missions to be unnammed. Venus has a thick atmopshere of almost 97 percent cardon dioxide and evem more challenging the clouds have highly corrosive sulfuric acid i n the atmosphere. Venus is the most Earth like planet, long ago the planet was probably covered in oceand and could have supported may forms of life, Venus still has some fetures that are simulier to Earth, the planet has surface of rocky sediment and includes familliar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.Venus is a planet worth studying because of its simularities to Earth and compare the two and try to figure out how Venus got the way it is today. If we could send a spacecraft that can survive the harsh conditions of Venus long enough we could possibly try to find evidence of life that could have lived there a very long time ago.
Driverless cars should not become a reality. My first reason why driverless cars should not become a reality is that they can malfunction and badly injure or possibly kill the people inside of the car. Driverless cars can run over an animal or human and possibly kill the living being in front of it. A couple tires can pop and swearve off the road into the a road beside it and injure not only the people inside but inncocent people in a car that didn't see what had happened. For my second reason i think that they could get hacked and get send into the wrong direction. People can get lost and never find their way back to a safe place. Someone can hack the driverless car/s and end up killing the people inside or outside the car by controling the GPS and other important parts of the car. For my third reason i believe smart cars possibly like driverless cars can or will get a virus and it will mess with the engine and everything that is important about the car. I know from experiance that a car with a t. v. can get a virius if it is not fixed properly. I believe a driverless car can or will get some or many viriuses if it is not check out properly when it is getting fixed. To conclude my argument driverless cars can be a danger to nature and the people inside or surrounding the car. Driverless cars can get hacked and hurt people more than cars that need a driver all of the time. Driverless cars can get many viriuses and malfunction and destroy what is most important to the car.
There are three reasons why you shoud join the Seagoing Cowboys program. First you get to help many nations with food supplies and animals, like young cows, mules, and horses, to get over seas. Second you can see many places across the ocean. The Seagoing Cowboys have a lot of free time on their hands, so they can visit a lot of places. If the Seagoing Cowboys are in Venice, Italy you could take a gondola ride. Or if they are in Greece the Seagoing Cowboys could see the Acropolis. The third and final reason why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy is you could do lots of fun fun stuff with other people. That stuff could be playing vollyball, baseball, table-tennis, boxing, or fencing. You could also do stuff on your own like reading or whittling Those are three reasons, helping nations, sight seeing, and having fun with other people doing the same thing (or by yourself), are why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.
This article tells us the technology of facial and emotion recognitions. Everyday we may walk around with expressions on our faces that shows how we feel or what you want to show others what you're feeling. Other times we put on a happy face but on the inside we're actually pretty sad. Dr. Paul is the creator fo FACS (Facial Action Coding System). I am for this new way of knowing someone's emotions just looking at a picture and especially through paintings. Dr. Paul is the creator of FACS. He was able to identify variety of emotions in one picture or painting. Eckman have found the basic emotions such as happy, surprise, angery, disgusted, fear, and saddness. They were also able to identify mixed feelings. Some examples of knowing what one person might be thinking. When a person raises their eyebrows they are showing that they are surprise. When a person shows that they are angry their eyebrows point inward and eyes are focused intently at someone else. When we are with our friends we are able to know what they are thinking or feeling most of the time. We know when they are happy, sad, or even excited, this technology allows us to look into it deeper. Unlike our PC computers at home, it doesn't have that advance technology that can read our expressions. In the article is says that they would write dome simple codings to different emotions. In an environment like school it would be interesting to use this type of technology among the students. FACS would help the teachers to identify which students are paying attention and who are bored just using this. In the painting of Mona Lisa they were able to figure that there was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguished, 6 fearful, and 2 percent anger. This technoloy can be helpful in many ways. It calculates emotions through movements in a picture and varies in different emotions, and are able to calculate mixed feelings. Some students go through some hard times and others may not see the things they are going through just looking at their faces. Some students are able to show the opposite emotion of what they are feeling to guard themselves and not be seen as vulnerable.
There has been a new breakthrough in computer facial recognition software. This breakthrough is called the Facial Action Coding System, also known as the FACS. The FACS is a facial recongnition software that is used to determine someone or something's emotions. In the article, this software is used on the Mona Lisa, to determine that she is eighty-three percent happy, nine percent disgusted, six percent fearful, and two percent angry. Some people beleive that this software could be useful in classroms, and i agree to an extent. This software would not be as useful to students in a traditional brick and mortar school as it would to somebody taking an online schooling program. I am an online school sudent and the FACS could be helpful in several ways. The first way that this software could be helpful to a student would be detecting if they are bored. Much like a teacher would, if this software noticed that a student was bored during class, it could take action to engage the student more. An example of this could be if a student was simply reading through a lesson, and became disinterested. The computer could then suggest that the student watch a video on the subject instead. This would bring the student a different type of lesson, and slightly change up their day to engage them more. Another way that this software could be useful in an online schooling program is it could detect when its students were feeling frustrated. If a student is feeling frustrated, then the software could take action against that, having the student either take a break, or putting the student in contact with a teacher so that they could work through the subject together. This would help the program have a better graduation rate, as it would help struggling students. The final way that the FACS could be useful is to detect if a given student was sad. There is a rising problem among students, and that problem is mental illness. The most common mental illness is depression, and this program could help with that on some cases. The FACS could help by detecting that the student is sad, and alerting the student's parents, or possibly even a teacher to get in contact with the student, and talk with them about their emotions. This system is obviously not perfect, but it could help detecting early signs of depression among students. Overall, the FACS could be very useful to an online schooling program. The software could be used to detect if a student is bored, if a student is frustrated, or even if a student was sad. These are all of the reasons that the FACS would be helpful in an online schooling program.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus In this story the author is writting a informativtie article to tell people how challenging the planet Venus is, and how worthy pursuit despite the dangers in its presents. First of all, the author makes he article so well and by giving such good ideas of how the planet that is closest to us which is Venus that when humans sent aircrafts up to Venus they have never survived more than a few hours. We know this information is true because the author states,"Nemerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite it's proximity to us". This piece of information that the author has gave us explain's how Venus is so challenging to explore to us humans. Secondly, In the article the author supports his ideas of how the planet Venus is challenging by giving us more information about Venus having such a bad enviorment. In the text the author states, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus". This information helps us understand that venus has a harsh enviorment and has bad temperatures of 800 degrees fahrenheit and we know this by the author giving informations about Venus's bad enviorment in his article. lastly, the author wraps up his supporting ideas of how Venus is a dangerous planet by giving his last details about how techology can be the new way for Venus being explored more and how it play an important role and that soon one day will be able to get more information on it and soon will discover more of Venus that humans don't know about. In conclusion, the whole article that was about Venus and how challenging it is and how dangerous it is and the author did the most that he or she could on giving good examples and facts on how Venus is skechy by telling us what the enviorment is like there and the weather their and so much more. The whole idea that the author wanted us to know that the planet Venus is such an harsh place and a good thing to learn about and that's what the author wanted everyone to know.
My opinion on driverless cars is negative. They could cause many safety hazards and people could end up getting injured. With humans driving it is much more simple, because they are able to correct their mistakes and are able to drive through most areas of the road, while the driverless cars need a human to drive through heavy traffic and construction zones. The idea of driverless cars is neat but it doesn't sound as safe as having a human behind the wheel. I mean being able to drive is a big deal. So why would we take that away by putting computers behind the wheel? The whole idea with the computers behind the wheel and driving everyone around like they are all a taxi is a nice idea as well but would it not be easier to just drive yourself around? Computers can also have malfunctions so what would happen if this were to happen while they were driving down the highway with a family in the vehicle? I would much rather have an actual human being behind the wheel of the family car than a computer that could malfunction and cause the vehicle to crash at any time. The whole idea of the driverless car makes people sound lazy and as if they don't want to do anything themselves. People just don't want to do anything at all anymore and driving is another thing to add to that list of many things. Humans can adjust to driving and can safely travel through construction sights and heavy traffic as if it is nothing. As of today driverless cars don't sound very safe, but in the future they could possibly be a thing. If they are able to make changes to the cars and the computers are able to successfully travel through any type of traffic, construction zone, etc... then they might work. But until that happens I believe that humans should continue driving themselves places or taking public transportation because anything could happen with no driver behind the wheel. The sensors in cars are more advanced today than they have ever been but nothing is created without flaws. What would happen if the sensor stops working and the car isn't able to tell what is around it and rear ends somebody? Who would take the blame for the accident and who would pay for the damages? I believe that as of today the idea of driverless cars would work to a point. But they could have an accident at any moment and that isn't very good. Possibly in the future when we have more advanced computers and more advanced roads or sensors the driverless cars could possibly work, but until the driverless car is completely invented we won't really know about how well they work or how well they don't work.
Do I think having a Facial Action Coding System in schools would benifit them? I believe having a Facial Action Coding System in the class room would be both a good idea and a bad idea and heres why. The upside to the system from my stand point, would be that you would be able to know the emotional satus of the student which could in turn help the student out greatly. Lets say a student is having trouble at home and they're experiencing depression because their parents are spliting up or whatever the reason may be. The teachers or school officials will be able to see that the student is depressed, and could then maybe ask the student whats going on and offer them the support if they want someone to talk to about whatever may be effecting them in their life. The teacher could take a huge amount of stress off the students back or help the student understand what to do or help the student with the heartache if they decided to talk. This could make the student feel better about the situation and keep the student from feeling lonely, like no one cares, or keep them from thinging that hurting themselves would be a way to solve the situation. Another upside would be if a student was getting angery and was going to do something like get in a fight then teachers or school officials would possibly have the chance to detect the anger and calm the stuation before it caused any type of problem. Teachers would also be able to detect fear which could possibly lead to being able to easily detect when a student is lying. Now lets move to the downsides, sure it would be great to be able to detect a students emotion but it could also present problems. Lets go back to the depressed student whos parents just split up or whatever the case might be, if the teacher detects that the student is depressed or sad and trys to talk to them, sure it could help but it coul also just make the matter worse. If the student is depressed and the teacher approaches them and brings up the question of why hes depressed and asked if he needs help, the student may then become embarrased and refuse help. If the student then refuses help and feels embarrassed it may lead to deeper depression and may cause him to take harmful steps or something of that nature to "feel better". The student could also tell his parents that the teacher was attempting to "pry" an answer out of them as to why they were feeling sad or depressed which could cause alot of problems between the family and the teacher and could in turn cause unneeded violance or drama. Not that this is really a negitive affect but it could get students in trouble for alot of diffrent reasons such as maybe a student dosent have their homework done and they tell the eacher they forgot it at home hoping maybe they would say just to make sure its here tomorrow. The machine may show the student being nurvious which could bring the teacher to asume maybe the student is lying even if they may not be. It may not be a bad thing since it would possibly catch a student lying but what if the student was being truthful and the teacher acused them of lying. The way i see it the system has many advantages but at the same time has many disadvantages but if I had to choose a side, honestly i might have to go with no it would not make a postive impact having the system in the classroom. From my personal stand point I just believe that it would cause more conflict then it would soultions.
Have you ever heard of "The Face on Mars"? At NASA, we believe that the face is just a natural landform on mars. The face is a natural landmark that was discrovered on Mars. Nasa sometimes sends out intelligent drones to take an adventure on Mars. The drones explore parts of the planet, bringing back information of new landscapes or discoveries. The Face gets explored by the drones and the drones always send new information back about the glamorous and unique landmark. Some people even believe that the Face was created by Aliens. In addition the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" article, provides us various details that support my claim of the Face just being a landmarks. Twenty-five years before May 24th of 2001, scientists from NASA discorvered this landmark, that not long after, went viral. Citzens in the country made up theories of the Face and how it somehow is an alien making and the individuals chose not to believe the intelligent individuals over at NASA's space center who say it is simply a mesa. Most people are smart enough to have the knowledge of Aliens and how their non-exisitent to the galaxy. The world would defintley be terminated and in trouble, if more people believed in aliens versus, those who do not believe. Do you belive in aliens? If Mars did have aliens, where are their houses at? What are there water sources but where are their shelter aswell? Zero gravity is two extravagant words to describe Mars. Think about this, on earth we have gravity and it hold us down versus living on Mars floating through out the galaxy. Would their be little alien babies playing with astroids in the air? Even though, some might think that aliens made the Face because of all the alien markings and sucipisious sounds, at NASA we believe that their are no aiens. The Face is a masterpiece made from a mesa, not silly non-earthly creatures. To create such an artwork, the aliens woud have had to be seen while constructing the glamorous landmark. Overall, aliens did not create the landmark, it was created by a mesa. In the United States Of America, there are many landmarks that people would say would be created by aliens, if they landed on Mars. The Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, potrays something very simuliar to the Face. If you think that the Face was created by aliens does that mean you believe all of the simuliar landmarks such as the one in Idaho that is on United States territory were created by aliens too? At NASA, we have completed various amounts of research to know that the Face was not created by Aliens.
From man's very first trip out of Earth's atmosphere to the iconic moon landing, people from all across the world have always wondered what lies in the unknown solar system that surrounds them. Despite the danger and the failures that plagued these early scientists, they still strived to explore space and the planets within it. In writing "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author is able to very convincingly explain the benefits of exploring Venus, despite the dangerous challenges this endeavour may present. The article starts off by describing Venus and providing background for the reader, allowing the writer to make a stronger and more understandable claim later on in the work. Venus, as described in the article, is often the closest planet to Earth, depending on the time, and is repeatingly called "Earth's 'twin'" because of its similarity in size and density to Earth. The author then goes one to describe the multiple missions already taken to Venus, which have all failed in the end. While the author does state reasons why a mission to Venus could be treacherous, he or she is able to negate these downfalls by listing all the possible benefits of exploring this inhospitable planet. Venus is considered by scientists to be a dangerous planet to explore for many reasons included in the writing. For one, its temperature far exceeds in heat any which the Earth has reached by hundreds of degrees. The atmoshpere of Venus also contains a corrosive acid which would be a great obstacle to any vehicle attempting to pass through. The author then goes on to give multiple other reasons in support of danger, but is finally able to oppose these concerns by listing all of the reasons why man kind should explore Venus. For one, Venus is the planet that is most near Earth and therefore will take the shortest time to journey towards. Space travel, the author includes, is very time consuming and not to be taken on lightly. In addition, scientists believe Venus may have once been exceedingly similar to today's Earth. By giving this information, the author is able to infer that information gained by a trip to Venus could be very much crucial to ensuring the survival of the planet home to a large amount of life. The writing claims, after all of these reasons, that "the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable," despite the hardships explorers would face. In further support of this claim, the author explains the multiple ways that scientists are testing in order to make a trip to Venus possible. The article shows that already, mutiple ideas have been proven to work. The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," is able to very sucessfully make the claim that Venus is worth exploring through negation of the dangers of such a trip by providing multiple benefits of a visit and the ways in which scientists have already found to make the trip possible. Exploration is exceedingly valuable to maintaining and improving life on Earth and, as written by the author, "should not be limited by dangers and doubts."
Many people believe they need a car to live, they think that with a car they'll feel more independent and happy. Well i am here to tell you that you do not need a car to feel happy nor independent because millions of people around the world have been living without car for years and they have never felt better. Hiedrun walter, is a media trainer and a mother says that "when i had a car i was always tense, i'm much happier this way. In Vauban, 70 percent of families do not own cars and 57 percent of them sold a to move to Vauban because they say they feel much more safe and comftable. With less and less people driving it seems like more and more people are happy. In France, smog is ruining cities because of the increase of cars. On a monday law enforcers announced to the people of france that they should leave their cars at home because the smog got too out of hand. Almost 4,000 driver were fined for driving anyway, after 5 days of none driving congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France. In conclusion, less driving is better for people and the earth.
Not many can imagine life without a car. Yet despite how essential these machines may seem to our daily routines, the modern-day automobile is in fact another redundant aspect in our pursuit of more efficent transportation. The fact and concept of pollution comes into play. On a sunny day in the streets of Paris the sky runs a depressing gray, and it feels difficult to breath. Paris is known for its near-record pollution, prompting officals  to enforce a temporary cesation in the use of automobiles. As Robert Duffer States in the article "Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog": "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)," this procedure has been followed to the letter and approximately 4,000 drivers were fined in total. Subsequently, the net amount of smog has been drasticaly reduced over time, with ignorant blames on diesel as a correlatin to France's favor of it over gasoline which completely ignored the other constituant:the effect cold and warm wheather itself had in the proces of containing CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and other pollutants in the lower layers of the atmosphere. However, the desired levels of pollution have been reached, and the ban on driving lifted. With the concept of pollution among others, the future of the automobile as we know it is being threatened with extinction. Perhaps one day when China completes its plans for an intercontinental Mag-Lev transportation system and when Virgin Mobile perfects its new scram-jet design in tandem with Lockheed-Martin as well as Elon Musks countless innovations in electrical engineerng, the human race will look upon this era with pride to know what they've come from and what they've achieved thus far.    
Teachers, have you ever wondered what your students are thinking when you're teaching them something confusing? Well, with this new technology, you can at least know their emotions. In my essay I will be providing proof of how using this new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The use of this software could be helpful in a classroom because it could help the teachers know when their students are confused about something they're teaching so they could improve the way they teach. In the text, Dr. Huang predicts that, "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" (pargraph 6). The text also states that, "then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor" (paragraph 6). These quotes show how this new software could help an instructor/teacher know when their students are confused or bored and how knowing this information could make them a better teacher. Secondly, this new technology could be helpful because it could strengthen the relationship between student and teacher without any words being spoken. In the text it says, "most human communciation is nonverbal, including emotional communication" (paragraph 6). The text also states that "they even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one" (paragraph 7). These quotes show how this software could help a teacher better understand their students emotions when their giving a fake smile maybe around a bully or harasser even when there are no words being spoken between them. Lastly, the technology is valuable in a classroom because it identifies all different types of emotions and muscular movements so teachers understand their students feelings a lot better than they would without the software. In the article it states, "the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles" (paragraph 3). The article also states. "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- [programmed into the software] happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles" (paragraph 3). These quotes show how different types of muscles in your face are used in this software to identify emotions to create a better understanding of students feelings about their peers, work, or teachers. To conclude, this software could be very valuable at a school where children are being bullied because some students are afraid to say they are going to school in fear, or even at a regular school where some students are confused about their school work and don't want to speak up. If you are an administrator reading this, think about all of the reasons why I believe that this technology could be useful in a classroom and then think about all of the students in your school who could either be too afraid to speak up about being bullied, or that are too afraid to ask their teachers for help and will never know how to do something until they finally gather up enough courage to ask. These things are actual problems that need to be addressed and there's finally something that can identify emotions and feelings about these types of problems.
I argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College. Why do I argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College? First, there is a certainty of outcome. Second, the Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. Third, the Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. In conclusion to my first statement, let me tell you why I believe there is a certainty of outcome. First, there is a certainty of outcome. A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible., but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. In 2012's election, for example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. Second, the Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gain no electoral votes by increasing his plurality in states that he knows he will win. This is a desirable reslut because a cindidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president. The residents of the other regions are likely to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests that he really isn't their president. Third, the Electoral College avoids the problem of elections  in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. For example, Nixon in1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College. There is pressure for run-off elections  when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; the pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner.
I am a regular boy who just graduated high school and has no idea what is in store for me. I am 17 going on 18 and I just graduated high school now my freind Don wants to take me to Europe. The seagoing cowboys is fun, safe, and helpful. First of all, Seagoing Cowboys is fun. When they're done taking care of the animals we can play volleyball games in the mean time. Some people who disagree might say that it is a waste of time, just playing games, that's just their opinion. Over on the fun side, we can also play baseball for fun. I can tell each and every one of the Seagoing Cowboys, are having the time of their lives on our ship. Next, it is safe for the cowboys. The ship is espeicialy safe with the war over there's nothing to worry about on that ship. Some people might say that the ship is not safe for people just because I fell. To add on to the fact that the ship is safe they dont have to worry about getting drafted, because the draft board will make you do the Seagoing Cowboys as your service. I can tell from this information the crew is as safe as can be. Last but not certainly least, the program is helpful to other people and animals. It helps the animals get to another location so that the owners can rebuild their farm. Some of the people who are against the cowboy idea might say that because they're playing games that they're not taking care of the animals. From this information you can tell that the cowboy program is more helpful than you thought before. The Seagoing Cowboys program is fun, safe, and helpful to people and animals. Now that I found out what's in store for me I'm probably going to do this for a very long time. Help me out with this argument go to and vote for this program.
Based on the passage , the government would like a change in the way people drive their cars around. Some people would just get in the car and ride all day and night if they could. So what do the head source of some countries even took the drastic measures of baning driving due to so much smog and health problems in the air. Almost 4,000 drivers would be fined becuase of their actions to the news. In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took the buses to work. It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without carsin this capital of 7 million. Of course the goal was to reduce smog and promote alternative transportation. The turnout was huge, despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on bogota. for the first time two other Colombian cities, cali and valledupar, joined the event. The day without cars is part of an improvment campain that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. The United States, with its broad expanses and suburban ideals, had long been of the world's prime car cultures. It is the home of Detroit, which by the way has the most and biggest car production in the U.S. alone, its also the bithplace of the first car ever the Model T. Demographic shifts in the driving population suggest that the trend may accelerate. There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting a license, while older folk are likely to retain their license as they age .                    
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" there are many key points made about facial action coding systems. Calculating emotions can be difficault but it's not imposible. Also that this system can be used in classrooms to help students who don't understand something or is bored is outstanding. Sitting in class and not getting something but are to scared to ask about it will make students a lot more comfortable with what they're learning. Or take he same scenerio but the student is bored out of their mind, this system would make it a little more challenging for them so they didn't just sit there. Students may be sitting in class or taking a standerized test and are bored out of their mind cause either they understood it really fast or already knew it or just don't want to have to deal with doing or taking it. Either way the system created would help them.
In this essay I will be writing about an arguement about the face being a natural lanform. I'll give evidence to my essay to support my claim of the arguement. I'll also do an introduction, a body, and a conclusion to my argumentative essay. I'll will do this in order to my arguement for this essay and I'll first start with my arguement of the scientist or person of the Face being created by aliens and then I'll support it with evidence from the article and last I'll ended it with refreshing of what I was talking about in the essay. I'll tell the person that thinks that the Face being created by aliens by saying that how will the Face be created by aliens if they would make more of those faces. We humans make building and later on make better or different than before and do think they should have made it bigger or different than before because it has been 25 years since that Face has been there and mothing has change from it but only of how we took the picture. The Face from paragraph 5 shows the face and looks like it had a nose, mouth and eyes from the picture. I can support all of this details from telling you that in paragraph that it said that " NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possilbe landing sites for its sister ship," the reason I told you this is because if the spacecraft was taking photos of the planet then it could of took a photo of an alien or other more of the Face. They been circling the planet to take the photos in 1976, 1998 and 2001 they done this and they never seen the alien or more Faces. So I was able to show of what to tell to the person if the any person said if it was created by the aliens. Also I was able to tell what would say and gave evidence to the person from the article. I did the introduction, body and conclusion to the essay and made sure if I put of what to be sure to include in this essay. I also check the checklist of any mistake I'd put on the essay or forgot to put in the essay. That is all of what to put in this essay to make sure I got everything to finish this essay.
There are many advancements in our future, that we will benefit from. However I do not feel driverless cars are apart of our benefits. I feel driverless cars will rob people the experience of actual driving, and that could be dangerous. The cars could easily make a mistake while on the road. The problem with an driverless accident than a regular accident, is we wouldn't know who to fault. For example in paragrapgh 9, it is stated that computer-driven cars are illegal in states, California, Florida, and Nevada. Computer-driven cars would not be illegal in certain states is these cars weren't dangerous. Paragrapgh 9 also says the law woul dnot know who to fault. Either the law would tax the driver or the manufacturer. People would also rely too much on the ability of the car, and would lose skill sets of their own to manuver the car. Simple advancements to automobiles will be beneficial to drivers, however driverless cars would be a step too far. The relibility of the car would become too strong, and people wouldn't know what to do in a serious situation.
The Facual Coding System enabling identification of human emotions. I agree with an idea that it's valuable to use thi technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored."This means that when a student is not feeling well at all the classroom computer could let the teacher know and and the teacher can find solutions to the student. This can help both a teacher and a student because the teacher can know when the student(s) is ready to learn and can contribute to the academic performance. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."This means that the classroom computer is something very important becase students can understand the lesson which is benefitial. "The classroom computer could also read when students are stressed/no concetrating." The classroom computer can let the teacher help student get out of stressors. This is the moost important to students because can contribute to the future of student by identifying whoever needs help. "Prolonged sadness for some students." The Classroom computer can help student in many ways, some student can't identify their feelings or emotions. Depression is something that can harm people mentally and some students including me don't we don't want other people/teacher know what's going on in ours life. So the classroom computer can identify us and notify the teacher which can help us get help. Therefore the classroom computer is something to consider in schools or classrooms. It's helpful to both teacher and a student.
" All of our development since World War 2 has been centered on the car..." Now and days alot of countries are limiting car usage to go into a day of free car day, which basically means that no one is allowed to drive their motor running cars for a day. If  they disobey the law they will be charge a fine. Its like a when a police officer stops you for passing a red light or for speeding on a no speeding zone. Still these countries are getting advantages over these days because there will be less smog, less traffic, and more people buying bicycles rather than a expensive car. " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog." one of the advantages for limiting car use is there will be less smog to deal with in the air. this can harm not only us but our environment we live in, which is the air we breath. In france they decide to do a car ban day. The result of this event was that the " Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions". If someone was brave enough to drive a car than they will be fined 22-euro which is $31. " Almost 4,000 drivers were fined according to Reuters, people had their cars impounded for thier reaction to the fine". Less traffic was on the streets due this ban of cars, which allowed the people with bicycles to go on the streets and ride them. In Bogota,Colombia they also did this ban but they gained more advantages over limiting car usage, only buses and taxis were permitted to drive on the streets. their goal was to promote alternative transportation. Due to this event, parks and sports centers were packed throughout the city, and pitted sidewalks have been replaced by smooth sidewalks for the skateboards and bikes. " What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownerships per household and per person started to come down two to three years before downturn said Micheal Sivak". As a result of car ban people have stop buying cars which is atrocius for car companies but at the same time there is a up side to this also and is that people will now walk or ride bicycles to get to where they need. Which also leads to people being more atlethic and less people being obese or overweight. These countries are gaining alot because of these car ban which is good for removing these dark clouds in the air, less traffic, and people riding bicycles rather than cars. Its obviusly that some people think that this rule is selfish or not needed but its helps more than you think it does. And some people are just mad because of what they are getting charged or fine for driving in the streets even though you can't due to the law.
Dear senator, I agree with keeping the Electoral College until it pulls off a mistake. The Electoral College has no real reason to be changed or modified. It's served its purpose with almost no flaws for years now. Let's take a look at why we should keep our Electoral College. Our Electoral College is a system made to ensure fair voting for our president based off of how many Senators you have, and how many state representatives you have. This is a fair way of voting because of regardless of you population, everyone has the same amount of senators. This is to ensure a small state like Deleware has the same voice to match a big state like Texas. According to Source 3, one of the main concerns for people who want to abolish the Electoral College is that the people are not actually voting for the president, they are voting for a slate of electors. But in source 3 it states, " But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee". This state the although the vote doesn't go directly to the presidents vote, it is most common for the trusted slate of electors vote for the president. Another concern for people who want to abolish the Electoral College as stated in Source 2 is,"Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote." If the vote were to be tied then the election will be handed over to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Each state gets only one vote so another concern is that the state representatives will not be able to vote what everyone in the state wants because the number of people would be too much to keep up with. First, why would a state turn its back on the majority vote of who their state wants to be president? If a state should do this, their representative would not be representing their state, therfore they maybe punished of may hear about it from the public. Not only are the representatives not expected to miss vote what their state wants, but also what are the chances of theirbeing a tie. It has never happened before, and the closest its gotten is over 8,000 people having to agree on a single same person. This is an absurd number for people to abide to the same person from different states. Its hard to find people in the same room to agree, let alone 8 thousand people! It just seems to extra-ordinary for their to be a tie in the electoral college. Although there are many pro's, there are also just a few con's. A large con that should be avoided is what source 2 calls,"the disaster factor." The legislature is responsible for picking the electors and they have all therights to defy what the people want. A clear example of this would be as stated in source 2,"Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislaturenearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy". Should the legislature had been able to pull that off, it could have changed the vote and stopped Kennedy from being president. But seeing as segregation isn't as big of an issue in the U.S, this isn't as prone to happen. As you can see Mr. Senator, there are many reasons why we should keep the Electoral College until it makes a mistake. The pro-to-con ratio is largely in correspondence to keeping the Electoral College. As long as it continues to do its job, and no one abuses it, I'm in favor of it. Sincerly, Jose Cruz.
I think the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students and pictures is valuable. I think this technology will be very helpful and useful. Being able to figure out people's emotions will not only help in shcools but in jobs. This technology will help doctors and teachers. I think this technology will help or society as a whole. Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS gives many examples of how his new technology can be useful. Paragraph 6 gives a good example saying,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"Dr. Huang predicts."Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The evidence above shows that this technology could help students in school, with test making them less harder for students to understand. I think this technology could help doctors who work with sick people in rehab, and mentally and physically handicapped people. I feel like being able to understand when people are sad or angry could help us understand others around us. I think this technology could really help or society. Knowing when someone is happy, or scared could help with bullying, abusive households, ect. I think this technology is classroom valuable. Therefore saying yes, I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.
I think the technologhy to read students emotional spreeions is a great idea because it can tell you if you sad happy angery disgusted or fear. On the Mona Lisa smile it tells you how are you felling when you are looking at it. That ehy people and student go look at the Mona Lisa smile panting to go see how are they filling. In the pragh 1 it says that shes 83 percent happy 9 percent disgusred 6 percent fearful. Dr Huang asked if they can calculate emotions like math homework and how can a computer recongnize the subtle facial. In this process it begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model on the face. Dr huang relies on the work of the pyschologists as Dr Paul Eckman creator of FACS the did the test on Eckman and he had happiness surprise anger disgust fear and sadness. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intened to bring a smile to eveybody face when you go and see the painting. Making a happy face was a great idea because its bring people happyniess to you becacuse its does not making you angery or sad. that why it was a grat idea about this painting.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. There are many people who are against or for driverless cars today. As seen today, there are many optomistic companies who are developing driverless cars to better our future on transportation and safety. In the end, I support the development of these cars. The driverless cars are very efficient, it puts less stress on the driver, and they will be safe and easy to use. First, the driverless cars are very efficient. As stated in paragraph 1 of "Driverless Cars Are Coming," Sergey Brin believes that driverless cars can take over the public transportation system. He envisions the cars to be a form of public-transport taxi system that can be more easily accessed to. He states that the car would use half of the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. This means that you can find taxis more easily, and also you don't have to wait at a station or stop for a driverless car to arrive. This would cut the cost of walking for many people who live far away from their bus stop, but also help those who live far away from the city, where many taxis are present. In addition, the driverless cars puts less stress on the driver. With the fact that many sensors are attached to the car itself, it provides the safest way for the driver to know they would not die. Many improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software could make driving safer for the machine and also make the car itself be more independent on driving. As of now, the driverless cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves without needing assistance from the driver. As you lay back and pay attention the road still, the car itself may flash an alert for if it needs assistance. The driver only needs to help the car only if there is a work zone that needs to be manuevered around, or accidents that the driver should avoid. Finally, the driverless cars will be safe and easy to use. Today, many manufacturers are hoping to add more features in the car to assist the driver. They hope to add in-car entertainment for when you want to relax, and information systems that use heads-up displays to notify how fast the car is going, how far are you from the destination, and also where the next stop is. This can prevent many car accidents that happen over texting and driving as many people pay attention to their cell phone and not on the road. The driver can also choose to turn off these options and take over the wheel to drive if they are not occupied on their phone. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. There are many people who are against or for driverless cars today. In my oppinion, I support the development of these cars. The driverless cars are very efficient as they use less fuel to drive and can be used as a public transportation system. They also puts less stress on the driver as the car is installed with many different sensors to prevent accidents from occuring. Finally they will be safe and easy to use as they offer in-car entertainment and information about road conditions.
The author suggests that studying venus its going to be dangerous for it's people in the present. Venus has proven it's a challenging place to examine more closely. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study despite to us. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the venus atmosphere. On the planet's surface it's dangerous because it's temperature average and the temperature is over 800 degrees fahrenheit.The pressure of venus's atmospheric is 90 time's greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans have encounter on earth such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of the ocean's and would liquefy many other metals. ''Also notable venus has the hottest surface temperature of any other plant in our solar system even though mercury is closer to our sun. Venus is dangerous for people to even visit or for scientics. ''Beyond high pressure and heat, venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting stirkes to probes seeking to land on it's surface. Each previous mission was unmanned and for good reason since no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours.Venus is sometimes right around the corner in the space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. If venus is so dangerous. Why is the sister planet so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to it's surface. Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system. Long ago venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could of have supported various forms of life just like earth. Venus today has some features that are analogous to those on the earths. The author suggests that venus is dangerous. people have not lasted landing on venus because it's temperature because it's so hot. How ever peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground because its tempearture on venus. Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself but also because human curiosity will likely lead them into man equally intimidating endeavors.
Many years ago there was said to be a face on mars. Research since have proved that the so called face was just a natural landform. There are such landforms like a mesa that the scientists think is what the face really is. People today still do not believe scientists that the so called face is just a landform. I think people should believe that its a natural landform, because scientists have improved their cameras, scientists know more on the topic then civilians do, and people assumed and over exaggerated too quickly. Scientists have improved there pictures since the Viking 1 took the photo. They have better quality and have done some more research. The aricle says that there cameras have improved and been upgraded. The scientists say that there are several options that the mound could be. Two options are a mesa and a butte. The people do not know as much as the scientists do. The scientists have done research and gone to school over this type of thing. They can identify it easily. In the article one said that the landfrom looks common to some in the American West. They compared it to the Snake River Plain of Idaho. This shows that the people have less knowledge in this area then scientists do. People over exaggerated it when they first found out anyway. They weren't positive that it was what they thought it was. The aritcle stated that right away people made movies, stories, and articles about it. The picture shows on the Viking 1 that it was just shadows. The newer pictures were shown to not really show facial features. Yes people could see the figure of a face, but its outrageous to think that an alien formed such thing. These facts show that it is highly unlikely to have an alien form such thing. There is more proof that it is a natural landform. But would you want people getting all excited and happy because they THOUGHT an alien existed. Its also just a way to get children to believe foolish things and maybe even give them nightmares.
Althought many peope believe that venus is far away from earth, venus is the second planet to earth. When reading the passage you come across to the word "misleading" you start to wonder if the words provided to us is a word that no one knows. In the article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" he used personal experience to inform the readers that venus is a planet and not a star. In the article paragraph 5 it talkes about how what space administrations are trying to figure out how to test venus and what the whole story about it is. In the article it is said that if people haven't seen it, its because "numerous factors contribute to venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study. despite its proximity to us". When ready this, its telling us that its not only a challenge but its not possible for somone to land on venus and research what it is that we cant touch ground. In the article "The Challenges of Exploring Venus" although many beleive that venus will never be know and seen, venus is the second planet. For that reason building and advancing technology is the best way to see why humans cant go to venus and what is causing all the hottness. Although venus may have so many negative effects with beign to hot and to far to not have the technology needed. At the same time venus has some positive things aswell like"striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors". With this being said not only is valuable but its giving humans timtation to the point at one point things will change over time and venus will been explored. Overall venus is one of the planets most known not becaues humans have exploreded but because its the planet most wanted, in which humans cant really see or be in. throughtout years technology will continue to advance and expirements continue to evolve.
Diverless cars would be a very bad idea. This could not only cause many accidents, but it could also be a reason for anyone to not drive. Also driverless cars would never be driverless because in the passage, paragraph 2, they talk about how the cars still need drivers for the cars to go in and out of driveways. What will happen to drivers ed? Will the next generation ever learn to drive a normal car? The next generation needs to know how to drive a normal car just in case something happens. Such as, they are not financially stable to buy a driverless car or they simply just want a normal car. When driving you need a seat belt to make sure you dont go flying out of the car in an accident. In paragraph 8 they mention safety. How do you know your children, friends, or family will be safe riding in a driverless car? Many accidents could happen. You could be risking yourself to the car breaking down or taking control on its own. Maybe even catching on fire. They mention putting cameras in the car to make sure are paying attention to the road instead of being on your phone texting or being distracted. If you are buying a driverless car wouldn't your intention of buying that car would be of not driving at all and enjoying the ride? Also in paragraph 9, the question is mentioned of who will be responsible, in case of an accident, of the injuries of a person, the driver or the manfucaturer? In case of an accident this would be the real question. Who is responsible? The driver for buying the car? or the manufacturer for making it?
I believe that using the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom can be valuable. It could be valuable becuase it could allow a teacher to know what a student is feeling. For example in the text Dr. Huang says " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming bored or confused." So this technology could very much be useful in the classroom to help prevent a student from staring off into space. Teachers could also benefit from this technology by being able to tell if a student has become confused and can then help that student. This technology can also help teachers experiment with how they teach and use the technology to see what captures their students attention more. In the text it states that " it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor." The Facial Action Coding System can recognize emotions that some people would not be able to recognize on their own.
Dear Senator I belive america should keep the electoral college because the choice of the prople is not always the best, also that is how the founding fathers wrote it. I dont know who came up with the idea to get rid of it and why also how that would help us americans but i think that it would not be a very good change. First of all the opion of the public is not always good some choose some presidents because of there race, gender, the amount of money they have but the should really be choosing on how the person is in reality. what the T.V. shows is not always true and not always nice. Some people dont even go online to do research they choose this person because of what they do "oh. he gave low-income people some of is money and time. he is the right president". When actually that was the guys first time and may only do that to get the public to like him. There are some presidents who really go out there and do help but it is not often published. While the electorial college does not vote off of color or race or gender but of where this guy has been, what college hewent to, how offten he works and at what job. They do a total background history of this guy and find out if he is president material. Next this founding father compromise goes back very far. I dont know to much about the founding fathers or the constitution. I did not pay attention as much as I should have but I know that what they wrote the wrote for the best result. They wanted the best for america and its people. So far the rules the wrote and things they have done for us those many years ago have never harmed us. I belive that there is grateness in the electoral college. In conclusion I belive the electorial college shoul stay because regular citicens are not resarching  and caring about who runs america. The founding fathers made the right decision choosing the electorial college.
In the article it give various facts and explinations to what the Landform is. The landform in the photographs show that this is not a face, yet just an illusion as it states directly in the article..."The caption noted a 'huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.' " Another fact that this is not martian monument, only a natural lanform... "Thousands of anxious web surfuers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no monument after all." Similar natural lanforms can be seen around the American West. This is also stated in the article..."What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa-landforms common around the American West." Jim Garvin, cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, says " 'Thats's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.' " Stating this is nothing but a natural landform after all.
Millions of people around the world use cars, trucks, or any means of transportation, although some cities have started to limit or even ban their car usage.  This has both made people happy and others were angeres.  Even so limiting car usage is actually beneficial in many ways. Limiting car usage is a beneficial idea because it benefits with the environent.  Cars have been known for polluting the skies and the very air that we breathe.  As a matter of fact "12 percent of greenhouse gas emmisions in Europe come from passenger cars" (source 1).  This means that if this magnitude of greenhouse gases are being emitted by passenger cars alone then the air will be polluted and animals plants and other organisms will die.  Additional evidence supports the fact that car limitation is a beneficial act to society.  According to Source 3 by Andrew Selsky, the people of Bogota Columbia have been satisfied with the limitations of car usage in the city, the article states that "it's a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution"(source 3).  This means that in the limiting the idea of car usage we can decrease the pollutant that poison may living things around the world. Another advantage in limiting the amount of car useage is that it lowers traffic.  Many of todays roads are conjested by thousands of people using the road for their own purposes in shrinking the level of  cars being used we can shrink that by a large amount.  This is supporeted by Source 2, written by Robert Duffer, in this article he explains that cars, trucks, ect. are the cause of much conjestion and pollution.  This contributes to why Paris decided to pass a partial driving ban in Paris.  According to this source since the ban car conjestion went down by 60 percent (source 2).  This means that the streets are now safer and clearer in the area.  Other sources state that car bans in Bogota Columbia have lead the residents of that city to find other means of transportation to devoid traffic (source 3).  This means that if cars are limited then traffic will decrease. A benifactor in limiting car useage isit eliminates stress.  Car infested areas have meant tons of stress.  By limiting the cause of the problem then you eliminate the problem itself.  According to Source 1 people in the outskirts of Germany have become more relaxed in life since cars have been banned.  "I feel less tence" one of the people the author interviewed said.  This key evidence means that if cars are limited then people can live a relaxed worry free life. Car limitations are a beefit to todays society in ways that it can progress human society rather than pull it back with all the problems it causes.  Are cars really what society needs. 
What would you belive if you saw a face on a planet? Could it be and alien monument or a landform?That's what I'm here to do.Prove it's a natural landform. The face on Mars in a natural landform. I believe it's a natural landform. The photos taken by the Viking 1 in 1976 and 1998 were taken by a much weaker camera. "...Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." Technology has advanced majorly since the photos were taken.In 2001 a much sharper photo was taken revealing a natural landform. It caught the intrest of many people.People wanted to know the truth so they waited for the newer picture to come out."Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform." The results were shocking to many but sadly you can't change the truth. Many people argued that it appered to be a landform because of the weather Mars was having. I believe that it was a natural landform and they couldn't except the truth."The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze." Even though the skeptics are in disbelief I know what I saw. I saw what looked like an uprise in the ground surrounded with a small mountain range. I believe the face on Mars is a natural landform.Despite a lot of people thinking different I will have to agree with NASA this is a natural landform.It's an uprise in the ground with a small mountain range from my perspective.It's a natural landform.
Have you ever considered joining the Seagoing Cowboys program? You get to go across the sea to Greece,Europe, and China. The other thing you get to do is help people out from the war. It is an adventure you get to go on. If you go on this trip you get to see animals and play games. You should join this program because it will be a fun adventure for yourself and your kids. You get to go around the world to help other people. You also get to visit Greece,Europe,and China. You get a tour around all these places. You will never forget this memory of adventuring around the world. There is a lot of fun parts about this adventure. First off you get to meet new people and learn their language. Another reason why it is fun is because you get to play games in the empty holds after they unload the animals. Most people go because that they want to help out the people that lost most of their stuff in the war. What if you lost all your stuff in a fire,wouldn't you want help from other people. That is how these people feel when they do not get help. They need help and we can help with that. We can send food over to them and we can build shelters to help them out. Luke wanted to do this for the people and that is what you should do too. When there is war people die and some of those people have family at home waiting for their return and some do not return home at all. If that happened to your family how would you feel? You will be glad if you go on this trip. You will have so much fun with your kids or by yourself. You get to do things other people can not do because they do not have cars or do not have enough money to get done there to aboard the ship. Have you ever been to Europe,Greece,or China . It is your chance now to expirence helping other people and traveling across the sea if you aboard the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Technology all around us is evolving, we're now to the point where we can tell how exactly Mona Lisa was feeling when her famous picture was painted. Due to new technology such as, the Facial Action Coding System, professionals can tell exactly how someone is feeling in a picture, or even in class during a lesson. This new application will have a massive impact on how teachers educate kids. This will help out teachers with how to teach a lesson and improve how engaged kids will be in class. First, classroom computers could use this program to recongnize when a student is confused or bored. The computer would then modify the lesson so the student will hopefully become interested again. This program could really get kids to learn and become interested about what is being taught. This would ultimately lead to higher passing rates and better futures for kids. Secondly, this technology can make video games or video surgery alot more expressive. Some faces in videos are really bland and boring. If the faces were better detailed and more expressive the viewer will be interested and will pay more attention. Expressions on animated faces are really important, these features draw the viewers attention and will interest them. All in all, this new technology is very valuable in a classroom. It would durrastically change how kids learn and would make them way more interested than they currently are. Most kids do not learn the same, this technology could change that so each student can learn the way that best helps them. This application will help out teachers tremendously and could really improve passing rates!
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto we can see different studies such as the Beckman Institute for Advance Science at the University of Illinios and experts like Prof. Thomas Huan and Dr. Paul Eckman are saying that a computer software "Facial Action Coding System" can recognize emotions, the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face with all the 44 major muscles they had classified 6 basic emotions which are happiness,surprise, anger,disgust fear and sadness. "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal" Dr. Huang observes, In my opinion computers should not learn or know how to read your emotions even thought it could help in a classroom by recognizing when a student is becoming confused or bored, i don't think every single human expressions of each emotions are the same, in the introduction of this article we can read that the "New software has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of other" but how accurate can it be? for example when your not making any face expressions or when you're not feeling any of those 6 expressions listed what is the computer going to say, In paragraph 7 and 8 we can see how the computers "can indicate the difference between a genuine smiled and a forced one" this is possible by using the Zygomaric major muscles but what about when you're making a forced sad face can the computer recognize that too? because it doesn't really clarify in the article. Other reason why i think computers should not be able to read or recognized your emotions is because even if it does help teachers and advertisers see what the other people is feeling i don't think it would be very usefull. In conclusion the software Facial Action System should not know how to recognized what you're feeling beacuse is not very usefull and it doesn't say how accurate it is also not every single human express their feelings, emotions or face expressions the same futhermore i think it is usefull for some people but not everyone would like a computer to tell them what they feeling.
"Vauban's streets are completely 'car-free'--except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community." WHAT? I would never want to give up my car for anything. Yes maybe there are some advantages to living in a virtually car free zone but there are some downfalls as well. Many kids play sports and neeed a car to get the to their practice or game because the walk is just to far. I drive to Clearwater, Fl every week to get to practice and I know i would not be able to walk that far with all my equipment in time. My life, as of many others, revolve around cars and count on them to get them to where they need to go. It's crazy to me how it says that "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars..." I guess it is possible to live without a car. Yet it is a good thing that more communities and cities are starting to do this to try and help the environment. Cars produce so much green house gases and that's why the environment is having such a hard time right now. All the gases that we produce such as cars, just get thrown up into the solar system and destroy our solar system. One woman that lives in this community stated "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." It proves that you don't need your own personalo vehicle as it just causes stress. If it's working for these people, it will begin to work for more communities that are changing to be like this and possibly, all communities will be like this. Imagine your life without a car. See the good things about it and the bad things. That's why I was so shocked to read this article since they just gave up cars. It wouldn't hurt to try it.
I am against driverless cars because in paragraph 7 and 8 says, "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, the brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zoness and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." Therefore the cars are not driverless if you have to still be awere and take controle around work zones or accidents. Driverless cars are supposed to be driverless meaning no driver needed. Also another thing is " The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over." Why does a driverless car need a driver? Does the place that made them not know how to make what the car is called true? " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" I could ask everyone the same question. Do you really want a driverless car that still needs a driver? I'm sure no one would even if it's driverless, if they read about it they will find out it's not completely driverless. So why get something that is false advertised.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about the idea that venus is worth studying despite the dangers on the planet. venus is the seconed planet from the son making it close to earth. Acording to the author venus was often referred to as earth twins acording to the text it states "Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". The author also states that venus has proved to be very challenging place to examine up close. For many reason like "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxid". Even more challenging reasons is clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere and temperatures over 800 degrees fahrengeit. Are just some of the reasons that it would be hard to explor venus. The author mainly just states the reasons its hard to vistit venus and the author really doesnt state why it would be worthy to go and study venus. Except for samples of rocks and gases. Inconclusion it wouldnt be that worthy to visit venus its just to risky and a waste of time instead we could study other planets like mars. Which we already know alot about.
I disagree that in this photo, the "face" is made by an alien artifact. I believe that this face is just another natural platform. I also believe thier is no sign living of aliens on Mars. My reasons are first, NASA are a real organization that put research in the image, while the conspiricy theirist are connot be highly credible. Also, in the passage, it said on April 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original, revealing a natural landform. In my first reason, for a long time, NASA had found the face on 1976, showing the photo to all to see. Scientist figured it was another Martian mesa, comming enough around Cydonia. Yet, only that photo have unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian. Later in years, as the photo became well known NASA put more research as they already done. But when they show that it was a natural platform, not all people was satisfied, Making conspiricy thiorist saying that NASA is hiding a secret about the face on Mars was made by an alien. In my other reason, On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the very first time. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbit Camera, (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than than first photo in '76. After taking the picture, Thousand of anxious web surfers were waiting, the image was first put up on a JPL website, revealing a natural platform. At the end, NASA will never tried to hide somthing this important to everybody. They wasn't sure what it was at first, so years after research, they snapped a ten times shapper image of the face and was found out to be a natural landform.
The development of driverless cars will be a beneficial aspect on the world as it progresses in the future. The development of these cars will ensure the safety of the driver/passenger and outside pedestrians and drivers. this development in cars will also make driving less straining for the driver as it requires careful attention when on the road. Therefore, the development of driverless cars can be supported as a beneficial aspect to revolutionize the world. When it comes to safety and accidents, cars tend to be always involve those factors. Many daily drivers make the road a more dangerous place because they dont have there full atttention on the road. instead, are distracted by other factors such as texting, or anything thats causes them to take their eyes off the road. with the development of driverless cars, they can ensure the guaranteed saftey of the driver as they will be completeley imobolized to hazardous mistakes. according to the article "The Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author states that "most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers". In this case, it shows that safety is only ensured when drivers are alert. because not all drivers are alert in the real world, saftey can't be guaranteed. This safety can be guaranteed to driverless cars which prime function is to transport; incapable of submission to outside forces. Driving as previously stated requires plentiful attention to the road and your surroundings. this however, can be straining to the driver due to being restrained to look at the road for a long peiod of time and hands becoming sore from grasping the steering wheel. Driverless cars can relieve the burden of that due to them having control of driving themselves. the driver can instead relax, enetertain himself, and or sleep if exhausted from a busy day. In the article, the author states that enetrtainment/ information systems can be turned off when the driver needs to take over, implying that the driver only needs to be engaged when necessary rather than 100% of the time. In conclusion, the development of driverless cars can be seen as a great innovation to the safety of the world and drivers among it . People will no longer need to feel the heavy burden of ensuring to remain alert when not fully engaged, or the tense suffering of driving over a period of time. The development of driverless cars will indeed be a positive aspect on drivers global.
I am completely against the idea of the development of driverless cars. Laws, technical difficulties, and liability issues are all factors that make me doubt the good of driverless cars. Driverless cars could potentially be one of the largest safety problems on the road. I say this because there are already laws in some states that prevent testing of these cars. The article says, "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." This means that a law is made it is usually to advocate safety, the prevention of testing of the cars in some states make me doubt the safety of these cars. I don't think that driverless cars would be safe on the roads with so many variables in the environment. If a car malfunctions or fails to alert the driver of an oncomming car it could be potentially fatal to both vehicles. Technical difficulties or the car failing to recognize a danger could easily be more unsafe than an impaired or student driver. A quote from the article would be, "Some manufacturers hope to do that (meaning making driving more fun) by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over..." If the car fails to alert the driver death could be a large option to consider. The car might not react in time to avoid a collision or a pedestrian, nothing in this world is 100%. I would rather take my chances on what could be considered dangerous drivers than rely on a car with no emotions. There are also liabilities between drivers and the makers of the cars that could be an even larger problem resulting from technichal difficulties or human error. It would be difficult to distinguish between what would be the car's fault versus what would be the driver's fault. The article discusses, "While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver," as a possoble solve for the liability problems. This could be a major problem due to breaches in privacy. If the car were to watch the person, the data must go somewhere and some data should be kept private. A lawsuit could easily errupt from a situation such as that, and will be a problem for both parties. In conclusion, I believe driverless cars are not only a safety hazard but a privacy problem as well. The safety/technical difficulties, laws, and liabilities should be a concern for everyone before driverless cars are completely road legal.
The United States of America is constantly referred to as the "Land of the Free", but if America really was the land of those who are free, why can't an American Citizen vote for their presidential candidate? It's ridiculous that people have to spend a day voting for a group of people who then will vote for the presidential candidate they want. It's a waste of time. The election should be changed to popular vote due to the fact that their is always the uncertainty of which presidential candidate the elector will ultimately choose, American Citizens don't get the option to have their political voices heard, and there is a lack of representation. When the American citizen chooses the electors that are in favor of who they want, they have no idea whether or not the elector they choose will ultimately select the presidential candidate they want. As Bradford Plumer states in The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and those electors could always defy the will of the people." There is no absolute guarantee that the elector selected will vote for that presidential candidate which is one of the many reasons that the electoral college could result in something disastrous. It almost seems pointless to even have American Citizens vote. They do not vote for the presidential candidates of their choice. As written in paragraph 10 of The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, bur for a slate of electors who in turn elect the president." It's much simpler to just vote directly for the president that way it is easier to determine and makes so that every vote counts. The electoral college does not fully represent every single citizen in a state. Richard A. Posner in In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing a president , that,"..the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carryint their state-Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California." There are states that are mostly one certain political party, so of course they will want to vote for their party's presidential candidate. This causes the other party's vote to be practically irrelevant which will cause a person to not even bother voting. The electoral college is outdated and should be changed. The popular vote represents every citizen fairly. It also is directly voting for the presidential candidate instead of voting for a group of electors that is just a waste of time. Popular vote eliminates the uncertainty that electors bring. Overall, popular vote is a winning situation for all of America and causes the title "Land of the Free" to actually apply and make sense.
Throughout the world countries are becoming more aware of the harmful effects of green house gases. This is evident in Bogota, Columbia an many other major Columbian cities. In Bogota there has been a car free day for the past three years. Even famous cities like Paris are getting into the act. There is a neighborhood in Germany where cars have become relatively extinct. These countries have figured out the advantages that come with limiting car usage. The capital city of Bogota is the home to seven million people. One day a year the city goes "car-free". To make sure everyone follows this rule, violators are fined $25. The turnout for this event was large despite the gray clouds and occasional rain showers. This just shows how much people are willing to give up in order to save the environment. In the smog filled streets of Paris, France a driving ban has been enforced. Due to days of near-record pollution, citizens with even numbered license plates were orderes to leave their car at home or face a 22-euro fine, which amounts to 31 U.S. dollars. This fine was then enforced the next day for vehicles with odd-numbered plates. This rule not only helped the environment it also led to congestion going down 60 percent. Upon first look the german suburb of Vauban may seem normal, but upon closer inspection one might realize that there is a major difference. In this neighborhood cars are not used. Things like street parking, driveways, and home garages are generally forbidden, there are only a few streets at the edge of one community, and only two parking garages for those who own cars. Vauban has been so succesful that other neighborhoods might try to model themselves after it. To conclude, the limiting of car usage has been very succesful in other parts of the world. This ranges from France, to Germay, and even all the way to Columbia. People have been willing to give up their cars for several days, and for those in Vauban they've been willing to give up their cars for the rest of their lives. If these ideas were to spread throughout the world it would lead to cleaner air and a healthier environment.        
Driving in and of it self has always had a bad side to it. Although, lately the effects have just now begun to show. The city of Paris is just one example of a city suffering from the harmful effects of driving-smog. Air pollution has always been a big contributor to harming cities and its inhabitants. Limiting car usage could greatly decrease the amount of air pollution produced. Bogota,Colombia (Source 3) has already begun to take part in limiting it's car usuage as have many other places in the world. As individuals have stated: 'America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling' as seen in Source 4, the damage to the environment has already been done. Air pollution clouds many cities of the world as seen in Paris (Source 2). The city is clouded with air pollution that is harming its inhabitants and many other places of the world are suffering as well. German has always played a role in car roduction but even they are giving up their cars. Source 1 explains how a large percentage (up to 70 percent) of city inhabitants have given up their cars. Limiting car use not only helps the environment, but also the citizens of the surrounding cities. Citizens although they may be cautious of the pollution are not cautious of the toll it takes on their health. Limitng the car usage also means 'beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment' (Source 4). Even though America as awhole and also the entire world has long contributed to car usage, the effects can not be unwound but hopefully bettered. Air pollution has made it mark on the world and we as its inhabitants must now do our part and minimize our carbon footprint. By reducing this, you are saving the enviornment for a little longer and if everyone contributes thats alot of saving. The environmment and the world need everyone to limit their car usuage because if we do not continue to reduce it, the cities we love so dearly will not be so beautiful for much longer. Air pollution is a major strain to the environment and must be stopped. In conclusion, limiting car usuage is very beneficial because; it reduces air pollution, and beneficial carbon emission. Alone this cause can not be fought against, but if continued efforts such as giving up a car for a day continue then the world can benefit majorly.
The face of Mars is a natural landform. It has become what they call pop icon. There was an alien sight theorolists say on Mars called the NASA. But i disagree with them. The NASA on Mars would rather hide says theorists. But i think they can't hide. You must have water to survive and if their is no water on Mars then nothing can live on that planet. Earth has water so humans, animals and plants can survive but not Mars. The picture in the passage looks like a face but it could just be a bump on the planet that somehow looked like a face. At some point Mars might of had living creatures but not anymore. I personally think that Mars might have had something living thousands or hundreds of years ago. From all the research shown i think they might have had a few humans then they maybe died of thurst. We might need more evidence before the world will believe that their was life on Mars.
Sitting in class and listening to the teacher drone on and on about a particular subject that one finds completely boring sounds like the perfect time to take a nap right? Well, Thomas Huang, of the Bekham Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois has been working with Prof to create a system that can detect human emotions through facial expressions. Facial Action Coding System is highly beneficial for students' emotions in the classroom. People try to decipher other peoples' emotions on a day to day basis, so much so that body language and facial expressions is a key part to how the human populace communicates. Considering the fact that all emotions are universal, the system can detect any one person's emotions and even break down mixed feelings. Try to imagine the scenario with the boring teacher, but when the Facial Action Coding System detects the class as bored the lesson changes into something much more interesting and captures the attention of the class and enabling a happier school environment. The students at SCHOOL_NAME see the same faces day in and day out to the point in which one can all tell the emotions of others through their face, however sometimes it is hard to get a read on how people are feeling. In paragraph five, Nick D'Alto states,"In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect." The significance this piece of textual evidence has is precisely that if a student had a problem with expressing their emotions or even themselves could not describe what they are feeling the computer system would be able to help by diagnosing the emotion and that could prompt the student to open up to a trusted adult so that they can move past ther hardships and focus on school. Humans use facial expressons to communicate just as much as verbal communication. When you understand another person's emotions you can begin to communicate effectively with said person. Emotions are universal; whether you are from America or China your facial expressions will be compatible with each other. Expressing emotions is a good way to communicate even if you can not effectively verbally communicate with someone. This coding system can even decipher mixed feelings so that one can always effectively communicate even if the person in question does not speak the same language as you. The text states in paragraph four,"By weighing the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions, so when a student is watching an online lesson and becomes bored, the system will detect that and find a more interesting lesson to try to re-grab the students attention. Some may say that this system is ineffective because it can only graph the emotions of people. However, this system allows the computer to alter the subject's learning path to create a yearning to learn. Students need to want to learn in order to actually retain the information that is ground into their head on a day to day basis. When a student learns something they are particulary interested in their ability to remember and recall the information increases incredibly. The author writes,""A classroom computer could recognize when a studen is becoming confused of bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor"" (p. 6). The goal for the human race is to become more intelligent and to do so we need the help of computers to keep our youth interested in the world has to offer in the educational system. Every day humans try to detect what other people feel and usually can pick up only tiny hints. If we were to bring the Facial Actioin Coding System into schools the students would benefit tremendiously! Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication and this system will enable a more productive school day by keeping the students interested in what they learn, keeping communication effective, and a bonus is that all emotions are universal so it does not matter who you want to communicate with language barrior or not.
The introduction of article is Venus an twin planet of Earth terms of density and size and it also called evening star because it the one brightest points of light during night sky. Venus is the second planet from our sun and humans spends numerous of spacecraft to land on venus. Each one the mission was failture and the Venus was more challegeing to land on. Venus is planets that human want to visit but it seem impossible because of cloud- drapped. The planet atomsphere almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and even more challegeing part is cloud are high corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atomsphere. The plant's surface temperatues is average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and venus has the hottest plant in our solar system, venus weather present of erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting strikes seeking to the land of surface. The scienctists wanna to explore venus becuase the most Earth-like planet in our solar system and long ago, we discover that Venus covered largely with oceans and could be various forms of life in Venus. The planet has simlair surface rocky, velleys, mountains, and craters like earth does and even more venus is our closet option to visit the plantary. The Nation Aeronautics and Space Administration idea plan to sending human to study Venus and possible soultion of Venus surface to allow the scienctists float above the fray also predicting blimp- like vehicle to hovering above the roiling venusian landscape and scientists want their plan to successful. Another thing when they plan to visit Venus, they use jet airplanes to travel at higher altitude and fly over the many storms and to stay away from unfriendly condition surface. The NASA doing Important research to get sample of rock, gas or other important things from the distance from surface of Venus. The conclusion of Venus is NASA figuring away to study Venus rather then going on surface to risk life. NASA working on elecronics that is made of Silicon Carbide to help NASA study of Venus planet. A long ago NASA used old technology called meachanical computer and the first devices that played important role in 1940s during World War ll. It seem shocking that their was technology that can be used as calculations. The Modern comtper were powerful used for extreme physical codnditon and the challege is Venus has Value and humans can do the mission but the NASA wouldn't put human to danger.
People should join the program because the Seaagoing cobows are trying to fight the country and end WW2. But after the war you could do fun things. Luke's inventor was fun because he got to travel. Luke's claim is its alright to be Seagoing Cowboy is fun but sometimes it just feels good to be still alive after the war. Seagoing cowboys are trying to help other people to get food so they can survive. The Sea going Cowboys are good for the world because they save people's life. Luke had made 9 trips over the world and the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Sea going Cowboys ride on cattle-boat so they can go around the world. The Seagoing Cowboys help 44 nations to joind together to make the UNRRA. My conclusion is people should join the Seagoing Cowboys because they help people and 44 nation joind together to make the UNRRA.The Seagoing Cowboys ended WW2 and they traveled 9 trips with cattle-boat to get around. Luke is a good Seagoing Cowboy because he helps his aunt Katies farmas a boy. But being a Seagoing Cowboy was muc more o an aventure for Luke Bomberger. Lukke also found fun oplaying baseball,table tennis,fencing and boxing.
On May 24, 2001 something strange happened on Mars. NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft circled the planet, looking for possible landing sites for Viking 2, when it captured a human face lurking on the ground of Mars. An enormous head seemed to stare back at the cameras from Cydonia. The NASA scientists soon found out it was not an alien marking. The Face is just a natural landform called a Martian mesa. To begin, The Face natural landform is not the only Martian mesa in Cydonia. This region of Mars is actually quite common for having these weird Martian mesas. This mesa was different from the others with "unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh(2)." This information led to the research of an ancient civilization on Mars. The research found that there was not an ancient civilization, although many people wish their would have been. Since many people wanted to find an ancient civilization, conspiracy theorists hoped to prove NASA wrong. The theorists began to throw false accusations at NASA including, "Some people think the Face is a bona fide evidence of life on Mars-evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists(5)." NASA defenders stated that they wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars and that they would not lie. NASA flew over Cydonia once again and snapped a picture ten times sharper than the originial Viking photos. The picture proved that it was just a natural landform. This didn't stop the conspiracy theorists from pushing forward. To conclude, the theorists believed that since there was a haze on Mars when they took the photo, that the haze could potentially hide ancient Martian markings. This kept NASA pushing harder into their research. "Neverless, on April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look(10)." NASA rolled the spacecraft to center the Face in the field of view. They took a picture with extraordinary resolution. If anyone could see anything they could see it. NASA concluded that the Face was equivalent to a butte or mesa- landforms commonly found in the American West. The Face is just a natural landform called a Martian mesa. The trips NASA took around Mars prove that the Face is a natural landform commonly found in Cydonia. The Face is a giant rock plated with shadows for eyes, nose, and a mouth. Consiracy theorists still may believe that their was an ancient cicilization, but NASA indeed showed them wrong. The Face will always remain a great landform discovery on Mars.
Dear State Senator, I firmly belive that the electoral college is no longer applicible in todays political world. There have been a number of occations in the past were the electoral college has failed. For example in 2000, al gore won the popular vote, but lost the presedency. If we live in a deomcorcy the people should be the wons deciding our leader and in this case they did not. The electoral college must be fixed or exsponged imediatley. The electoral college is unfair to voters. The cannidates can take advantage of a states population by only campaining in the states that "matter" to them. The president should not be determined by a couple people here and a couble people there. It should be determined by everybody that lives in america. Not a individual state. The biggest problem here is that we (america) are so much more advanced then the system we have right now. Over 200 years later and were still using the same system. There is so much more room for improvment but that is not happening. The advances weve made in so many aspects of goverment are not being translated into the electoral college. Its time for a change in our favor. In conclusion, the entire electoral college needs some major renovations. I ask for the issue to be reconzied and for a change to happen. I thank you for lisening to my opinion. Farewell
In my opoion I think it would be kind of cool if a computer were to read students facial expressions. If a computer were to actually do this, it would be to detect how a person is feeling and that would make everyone else curious of how the computer can real people's emotion and make them want to see hoow it works. This would be very valuable to many students because it can detect how their feeling and if they're feeling down they can maybe talk to a teacher about it, or may just want to be left alone. This computer may also put people on the spot as to how their feeling, and may not to express themselves. This piece of technology might make people feel desprite of need to talk to someone anbout why they are feeling the way they are feeling. There are limits to how far this technology can go to reading someone's facial expressions and emotion because there are some people that don't want a computer to read how there feeling out loud to anyone but there self. But I also think that this kind of technology could not be useful because it would make people feel like they are being put on the spot for feeling a certain kind of way instead od feeling a way everyone wants them to feel. It would put almost everyone at risk because they might just want to be left alone and not want a computer to know how they are feeling. This kind of technology would be useful in some ways, but that also depends on how you present this kind of technology to people and how you deminstrate this to poeple who don't have any idea on what this is used for or how it would be helpful to everyone else if a computer were read out loud how you are feeling. So yes it would be helpful in a way and in a another way it wouldn't be.
The author supports and gives us many details how it is really important to know facts about Venus despite the dangers of it. In paragraph 2 the author states that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus for more than three decades",Numerous facts contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study,despite it's proximity to us". This lets us know that the author wants to know more facts about Venus and why Venus is the way it is no matter how dangerous it may be. In paragraph 4 the author says"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" ,The author wants to know what is so fascinating about Venus and wants to staudy the rocks and particles that are on Venus and why so many people wanted to travel there. The surface of Venus has a rocky sediment and includes similar features such as mountains,and craters(paragraph 4).The author wants to gather machines to test things in Venus. Venu can not exceed Earth levels it is not easy for humas to survive but the author still wants to go to Venus for his dedication to learn more about that planet. Most of all the author supports his claim that Venus is worthy despite the dangers because he states that "Veus has value,not only because of the insight to be agined on the planet itself,but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors"."Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts and should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation"(paragraph 8). When the author stated that sentence it let us know that it doesn't matter what dangers their are as long as we put our mind to it anything will work ,follow your imagination and dreams no matter the dangers or consequences. The author let us know why it was so important for him to study Venus because the author was following his heart and he let us know that things shouldn't be stopped just because of the dangers of them.
Do you believe that there were living animals on planet Mars? In this propmt I will tell you why I believe the "Face on Mars" is a natural landform. Some people would like to belive that there were once human like creatures living on the Red Planet. Also known as Mars. They believe that the "Face on Mars" was created by aliens. As stated in paragraph 1 it says Viking 1 has spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face as it was looking for possible landing sites for VIking 2. That does't truly mean that there were aliens living there. Many people may say they have expierenced aliens. But have they really? I believe that the "Face on Mars" is just a simple natural landform. In paragraph 8 it states that it is a very cloudy time in the month of April for the Red Planet. If no one belives that then possibly they could check again. It is very difficlut to scan a planet. More than difficlut, it is a job that will take a certain amount of time, but it is sometimes worth it. I don't believe that aliens are real. I also don't belive that Mars is a Planet that is to be liveable on. In paragraph 1 it says the "Face on Mars" was an "enormouse head that was nearly two miles for end to end." This is why I believe that the "Face on Mars" is a natural landform. There are many other reasons why I think this, but the ones that I have stated are more likely to be understaning to one another.
I think electoral college is a terrible idea. I will be giving some of the reasons why i think this "process" is a horrible thing to do. By the end of my essay i hope you will agree with me that electoral college is a waste of time. Electoral college is a "non-domocratic" way for electing a new president. I personally think that we should count peoples votes and not decide by the majority of the state. I say this because its unfair to the people who voted for the President that didnt get elected because the majority of the state voted for the other president. Although if most of the state voted for a President that President is guaranteed that he got most of the peoples votes. Another thing that's unfair is that California has more electoral votes than Texas however, there is a chance that Texas is more populated than California. So if the votes were counted by person instead of state there would be a better chance of the President you voted for win the election. So these are just a few of the reasons why I think electoral college is basically just a huge waste of time and why its unfair to the states with a lower number of electoral votes. Hopefully they will start to count votes in a regular way instead of giving each state a certain number of electoral votes.
In the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus', the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit for scientists. The author includes many advantages and disadvantages in the passage. The author is very good at explaing why and how we can acheive this goal. He also explains his stance very clearly, offering advice and explaining both sides. Venus is very much alike to Earth, yet scientists have yet to truly understand the planet. While there are some challenges that his idea presents, there are more benefits and advantages. Exploring and continuing to study Venus would benefit us greatly, both in the present, and in the future. The author says that studying Venus would be beneficial for many reasons. One being that Venus is very much alike to Earth. The author states that "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". He says that both planets share many important qualities that we as humans, need for survival. He states that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of like, just like Earth" and "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. This information shows that Venus and Earth are similar and with more knowledge about the planet, they could possibly visit Venus in the future. Another reason why Venus should be further explored is to further our knowledge and our basis of understanding. The author says in the passage that "Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.". He also says that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". This is very true. Struggles and obstacles in our way or obtaining knowledge should not prevent us from continuing forever, but should motivate us to find another way to acheive our goal. Although there may be obstacles that seem impossible to overcome, scientists can and will overcome them. Continuing to study Venus will acheive just this concept. How we are going to visit Venus without getting injured by the elements is simple. Although Venus has many obstacles that will make it hard for us to come in contact and learn more, NASA has a great solution. The author says that by creating a type of vehicle that could hover just over the Venusian landscapes, scientists would be able to study Venus safely. Being at a certain height above the planet would prevent unsurvivable conditions and make it bearable for humans to be there. The author does say however, that because they are so high, their vision would be limited. This idea is favorable and definetly acheivable in the near future. In conclusion, studying Venus is a very worthy pursuit. The author gives many benefits for the continuation of studying Venus and he also gives reasoning as to why and how we can do it. He supports his idea very well with immense amoun of evidence to back up his claim. The universe is hugely immeasurable and Venus is the next door neighbor to Earth. While scientists have access to improving technology and while they have the resources to do so, they should take action towards studying Venus.
From the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile" The Authir talks about how there is new technology that is call Facial Action Coding System or FACS for short. FACS enables computers to identify human emotions in picutres, and aslo videos. In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile" The author states that in the famous Mona Lisa picute by Copy Leonardo Da Vinci the renasissance painting. The painting of Mona Lisa her facial expersion was " She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted,6 percent fearful,and 2 percent angry."There is no way that technology can scan a painting from the 1600's and find the painting facial expression out. In paragraph 4 the author says " "The facial expresions for each emotion universal observes Dr. Huang" " ." even though indivisuals often vary degrees of expression ". Dr. Huang is saying that it is impossible to find out someones emotions in a photo of them. In paragrah 3 the author says " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face ; all 44 major mucels in the model must move like human muscels." The author is saying that there is no possible way that a computer can scan a persons exspression in a photo because of the the camreas frame and the movement of the person in the photo. In paragraph 7 the author says " Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." The Mona Lisa painting was in the 1600's it is impossible to figure out what was her expression. The author goes deep into the article to tell the reader that technology can't identify human emotions. In paragraph 6 the author says " Tyhe Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face while it shows just how much this computer can do." The author is explaing how technology is syncing into students brain and mind. In parargraph 5 the author says " In fact,we humans perform this same impressive ''calculation'' every day. For instance, you can probaly tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." The author is saying us humans have questions about others expressions.
Smog is proof that pollution is a problem. Cars produce pollution from the combustion of gasoline which causes extreme smog in dense cities. Paris is one of the cities that has smog mostly from cars. So most cities are now trying to convince people that live there to switch from cars to buses, walking, or riding a bicycle. Paris has recently set a partial driving band in there city because of record pollution levels that were being caused by automobiles. The smog in paris had become so intense and severe that they had to create a driving band to correctly limit the pollution being made. "...Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London."(Source 2,17). This extremly high smog ratio and prooves the pollutin from automobiles is causing the problem because after a week with the band the smog had almost cleared fully. Colombia has the same problem as Paris. Instead of weekly baneds on even and odd licensed plated vechiles Colombia has a 100% no car day with only taxis and buses allowed into the city. This day is dedicated to help people find new ways of transportation instead of personal veichles. Any violaters of the law face a $25 dollar fine. This event is normally only in the capital of colombia and has been that way for 7 years, but this year two new cities joined in on the event (Cali and Valledupar). Because of this event 118 miles of bicycle paths and new and improved sidewalks have been constructed, so many people are able to switch from cars to bikes and walking. All of these efforts have decreased traffic and now new restraunts and shopping malls have been created. Plus there has been a signifigant decrease in smog. America is also trying to get in on the anti-pollution ideas coming from Colombia and Paris. Since America's love for vechiles is starting to decrease they are now able to try and decrease the vehcile usage. Population growth is a high contributing factor in this because with this cities slowly become denser and denser allowing for people to be able to get to the places they need to be without a car. They can walk there along the many sidewalks in the city. In New York there is a program to share a bicycle which has increased the bridge and tunnel tolls for cars because of all the people who no longer use their cars making cars more expensive to drive. Their has also been a drop in the young adult getting their license because they simply do not need it."A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009"(Source 4, 41). Which shows most people are slowly decreasing the amount of driving they do. Driving in America is not as nesscary as it was before and it shows. Smog is a big problem in all cities like Colombia and Paris and they are almost all taking action to decrease it and its been working. Many cities and countries goal are to decrease the amount of their citizens require driving. This will in turn cause their citizens to resort to other means of transportation and slowly decrease pollution in alot of areas. This shows why and how you can help the cause in your city by switching to non-polluting ways of traveling and how cities really do need your help to decrease pollution.  
The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is often referred to as Earth's twin. It is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. A difference would be a thick atmosphere. NASA's solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Humans are curious of what Venus is like. In paragraph 4, Venus could have once had oceans. It could have supported various forms of life just like Earth. Venus today still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. It has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. If scientists were able to study Venus, it would help us undertsnad the planet more. It is hard to study Venus because the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. Also even more challenging are the clouds. They consist of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. On Venus's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus's atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. In paragraph 5, it states that NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. They want scientists to be able to float above the fray. It says that solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. These are not easy conditions, but are survivable for humans. It is important for them to get up close and personal despite the risks. There are many researchers that are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to study Venus. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is important. Venus is like Earth's twin. It is possible to humans to study this planet. NASA has ideas that will help find ways to study Venus. Technology can also help us in these experiments. In conclusion, Venus would be just another planet like Earth.
The idea of driverless cars is extraordinary and could be a great plan and a great source of entertainment. Who would not want a car that drives by itself? The idea is great but it could potentially bring a lot of bad baggage along with it. The world does not need driverless cars because it is unsafe, defeats the purpose of driving, and is a waste of money. Driverless cars are very unsafe. In the article it talks about all the things they can do, for example, it can steer, accelerate, and brake all by itself! Somehow, someway this is possible, but is it consistent is the question? Throughout the article they talked about tests they did and the results that came with the tests. While describing them the author used phrases like, "It worked well." Only one paragraph in the article they were 'for sure' that it worked. For someone to drive such a car they should have specific clarification that they would be safe while inside this vehicle, and they can trust that they have no worries and that this car will do 80% of the work for them. Also, if the car does most of the work for you, then what is the point of having a car? Driverless cars defeat the purpose of even having a car. All of the processes you go through as a teenager with getting your permit or license is diminished, and in a sense you did all that work for nothing. The point of driving is having a quicker way of getting to the places you need to be instead of walking, biking, etc. In paragraph 10 it says that an automaking company named 'Tesla' is making a car that can be on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Ask youself, why would you waste your time on getting a car like that when you can ride the bus, train, limo, or taxi that would do 100 percent of the driving for you? That would just make me feel like I'm wasting my money on senseless things. Driverless cars are also a waste of money. Automakers spend millions, maybe even billions of dollars making prototypes of these cars and testing them. Every time one of the test cars do not work they have to go and make a new one which is money that could be used for something a lot more efficient. The automakers to this day are still doing this, which is throwing money out the window. But not just the automakers are wasting their time and money, if people were to get this car they would be wasting their time and money also. People would waste thousands of dollar on one car that is pointless. Rich or poor this would be a senseless investment, because there are cheaper ways to get where you need to go. Taxi's, limos, buses, and trains are all great affordable ways of transportation. The automakers could find something that is a lot better and cheaper that could change the world. Driverless cars is again a wonderful, awesome idea. It would definetly have a lot of popularity and publicity but is it really worth it in the long run? The automakers can find a lot of things that could change the world, and this is something the world does not need. The world should not have driverless cars because it is unsafe, defeats the purpose of driving, and is a waste of money.
Driverless cars are coming and are closer than we think. Driverless cars are a phenomenal idea becauase they're innovative,all major car compaines are moving toward the driverless way and they're safe. This essay will disscuss these three reasons on why driverless cars are a phenomenal idea. First driverless cars are overwhelmingly innovative. It states in the passage "Originally,many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads". This is putting into perspective that even futurists didn't believe it was possible but Google has achieved this monument to perfection. Also in the ariticle it says "founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream". As the original founder of this project he has even reached the level of innovation that he has been striving and working for since 2009. Secondly alot of major car companies are striving for making their product driveless. For example in the passage it conveys "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time". This is shownig how a major car company as innovative as Tesla is going to release a self driving car of their own. In that same paragraph it informs "Mercendes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020". Showing that even some of the luxury brands and the major car compaines are releasing a driverless car. Showing how they agreee with where the future is going and how much of a phenomenal idea it is. Lastly, the driverless cars are safe and take limitless precatious to stay safe. It describes in the article "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearveiw mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor". This derscribes how many preperations is took for the car to be very safe. In conclusion I have disscussed the three reasons why self-driving cars are a good idea. The reasons eing they're innovative, major car companies are doing it and they're safe. What do you think about the cars?
To keep the Electoral College, or to switch to election by popular vote for the President of the United States, anyone can see the right answer is to keep the Electoral College, despite it not being the most democratic choice around. Many see it as being a waste of time, seeing as how they truly can't vote for the President they want. Yet most still can't see that the Electoral College is not the most easiest thing to get rid of. It has been with them ever since their Founding Fathers established it along with the Constitution. Keeping the Electoral Colllege is best for the US, even if it isn't that fair to the people. But first, what is the Electoral College anyways? Well, the Electoral College is not an actual college, its actually a process. The Founding Fathers made it as "a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress, and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens", as stated in paragraph one of the article, lines 3-6. A somewhat tedious task to get voted for a whole entire country, but it gets the job done. The Electoral College system has been reported as "unfair, outdated, and irrational." (paragraph 14, lines 1 and 2). Most of what that statement does say is true, it is pretty unfair to the people who want to vote for their president, it's extremely outdated and needs an update fast, and its pretty irrational at times. Yet does that mean it can be bad? No, not really. As stated in paragraph 16, lines 1-3; "Each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)". The statment means that basically each slate chooses some electors that go with the popular vote, and they are shipped off to go and submit the votes and the electoral votes, where the task they are given is rarely betrayed, or not done. Yet, the word 'rarely' still sticks, and not many can just simply deny that it is not there. The rest of the statment in paragraph 16 continues onto lines 4-6, "[;however,] it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote." So in simple terms, you can get the electoral vote which can put you ahead, but you won't win with just that under your belt. The people still matter, and their vote can still count against you. Finally, let's get explaining "Why should we keep the Electoral College." There are easily 5 reasons for retaining it. The 5 reason why we should keep it, are as follows: 1)Certainty of Outcome; certainty of outcome basically states that anything can happen, but anything bad won't neccesarily always happen. Let's take paragraph 18 for example, which talks about this reason. It states in lines 16-19, "A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538- is an even number, but is highly unlikely..." Anything can happen, even a tie. 2)Everyone's President is as it states. The President is everyone's , not just the people in the south, north, or anywhere in the United States. If anyone just simply appealed to a certain region in the US, the other regions would feel as if "the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president" (paragraph 19, last line). 3)Swing States, the main practice of the Electoral College. The higher the state has with electoral votes, the more likely the canidate will be able to win. However, "Voters in toss-up states are more likely to play close attention to the campaign-to really listen to the competing canidates-knowing that they going to decide the election" (paragraph 20, lines 4-8). This means that they will not be easily be persuaded. 4)Big States, as some can guess from the phrase, 'Bigger is better', that phrase truly shines here. the bigger states, such as California or Texas, have higher electoral votes than some of the smaller states, such as New Jersey or Rhode Island. As it states in paragraph 21, lines 9-12, "So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential canidates in a campaign than a small state does..." 5)Avoid Run-off Elections, where "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidates receives a majority of the votes cast." (paragraph 22, lines 1-3) That means that the Electoral College tries to make sure that their is no tie. Those are the reasons why the Electoral College should not be abolished. Surely someone can put up a counter argument to make this small article to shame, but in the end its truly all of the matter of opinions, where no ones is truly "the best" or "true". This is simply the opinion of many in the US.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (or FACS) enables computers to identify human emotions. In the paragraph below I will be explaining why I believe the technology presented in this article would be valuble by reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. First, I believe that the use of this technology is valuble to be used for reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because like the article states it could, if used correctly, determine when a student is becoming "confused or bored". This could lead to modified lessons that engage and more effectively teach students the material without the need for so much individual attention from the teacher. Also, connecting to my last statement this technology may not only aid in the students learning but also provide help to teachers. This is because with technology that can read the students emotions and possibly adapt lessons to the individual the teacher in the room won't have to worry about giving all the students their own individual attention to help them most effectively learn the same material with only a small amount of time to do it. This technology would almost be like having a dozen or so assistant teachers in the room leaving more time for the real teacher to attend to things like making lesson plans and grading. Last but not least I feel that this technology would be useful in the classrom is because if a child was sad, hurting, depressed, or any other negative emotion and the student was hiding all that through a smile the technology may be able to help see behind the smile so that teachers or therapists can better help students through their problems and understand them better without spending so much time reading a childs confusing signals. In conclusion, I believe that the Facial Action Coding System can be a valuable tool in the classroom for a variety of reasons including but not limited to the reasons I described in the above paragraphs.
This is a vey informative article but i would like to list most of the key ideas inside of it. i would like to inform of the positive and negatives In the article there are many diffrent forms of evidence towards using this new technology in the classroom but i feel that some stick out more than others. In parargraph 6 the author told of the technology using our facial expressions to calculate whether we are bored or confused and i feel that,that is a very good idea. As a high school student i can relate to the lesson getting boring, confusing, or just too fast pace. I feel that if this machine was used to help make an ideal lesson plan for each student the percentage of students passing would increase. I would love to have something as inovative as this technology inside of my schools classrooms. I do support this but ; however, there is some things about this that do concern me as a student. Some students could be angered by the use of this new technology and want their old lesson plans back. Some students like the fast paced lesson plan and will get bored of the change. in some communitys this would not be avaliable due to money problems. For the time being i think we should leave the schools how they are until we can finally bring this in for students in the future when its more avalible to everyone. In conclusion i feel that we should just leave everything as it is in our schools. i feel that the lesson plans have worked for over 60 years and they will continue working. i like the idea but i feel that its too ahead of some schools with low money.
The author in this story has a totally different persepective on studying Venus than most people probably would. He tries not to focus on the negatives since we all know that it's humanly impossible to step foot on Venus. He feels that hummanity shouldn't just give up on the mission forvever becasue it's dangerous and we have doubts on the mission. He looks at it as motivation and a challenge, rather than impossible. You never know what we could discover there so it's always good to have a strong imagination even if people think you're crazy, because those people change the world. NASA is still looking into this research. They understand that they can't send humans to the planet, but they have a plan to send scientists in space to float above Venus and do their research from up there. Obviously their information wouldn't be as valid from being up above the planet rather than being on the planet, but it's the closest they can get to this day. In the future they hope to be able to create technology and machinery that is strong enough to withstand the preasure and heat from the burning planet. Resaerchers believe that long ago Venus was a lot like Earth, and was covered with a lot of similar features like valleys, mountains, and craters. This planet is looked at as Earth's twin, and long ago was once covered with large bodies of water and was able to support life just like Earth. That's why they want to keep learning about the planet becasue of how similar it really is to our own. In the end, I think that with the way NASA's technology is adavancing, they will soon one day create a device that can gather information from Venus and send it back here. They have been testing electronics made of silcon carbide and placing them in Venus like conditions. Over time, they are slowly able to start lasting longer. This shows that they're only going to get smarter and keep advancing over the years. It is probably going to take some time but in my eyes I dont think I see humans ever going there, but I do see AI making the trip up there eventually.
Landform, Not Aliens The "face" on Mars has been a topic of discussion for almost twenty-five years. Was it created by an unknown species of aliens? Definitely not. Although, some people do think that, the "face" on Mars is actually just a natural landform that happened to be shaped like a face. Obviously, the "face" on Mars is a natural landform, not something created by aliens. To begin, the "face" on Mars is just a natural landform. What else could it be? Some say it was a statue built by aliens. But, that can't possibly be true. There is no proof that aliens exist in the first place, so how could a species that doesn't exist build a statue? Also, NASA released information saying that it was just a huge mesa forming into the shape of a face. The shadows just give it the illusion of eyes and a nose. Finally, the pictures of the "face" obviously show that it is not a built structure. It is just a natural landform on Mars. The pictures get clearer each time they were taken, so it is very apparent that the "face" is just a huge formation of rocks. So, all of this shows that there is no possible way that the "face" on Mars was built by aliens. Although, I do understand why people could believe the "face" was built by aliens. It does look like it could be a monument, like the ancient Egyptians built for their people. However, life does not exist on Mars; therefore, the "face" could not be built by aliens. Also, some people think that aliens do exist on mars, and that NASA is just hiding it. But, why would NASA hide that they found an alien civilization? That could only help the company, not hurt them. And, if you still don't believe me, if there were aliens on Mars, wouldn't we be able to or have seen them by now? Once again, I say that the "face" on Mars is just a mesa that gives the illusion of a face, not a statue built by creatures that don't exist. In conclusion, the "face" on Mars is just a natural landform, not something that was created by aliens. In the future, we might find out for certain what that "face" is. We aren't one hundred percent positive it is a mesa, but we know it wasn't aliens. I will be thrilled to find out what it is soon, and I think you will be, too.
The (face) is a figure spotted on the red planet called cydonia. The first image of this discovery was taken in 1976. Its called the face because it appears to have eyes, mouth, and nose facial features. When word of this spread, it seemed to be very popular. After doing some research on the face on mars, it was confirmed as nothing but land forms. Not everyone believed that it was just a landform, people and scientist did believe that it was an alien artifact. I say its not an alien artifact because in the photo in 2001 one has very little resemblance of a face or head. If you look hard enough you can see the rigid parts of these landforms. Im not saying that there's no such thing as life on other planets, but after revealing that it's nothing but a natural form of land on from the planet, it can't be an alien artifact of some kind. Many other planets may have features such as this. Scientist figured out its nothing more than a butte or mesa. If you ever become an astronaut, you can go and see yourself. Ther will still be people who may believe that the goverment is hiding something or keeping secret, there always will be mysteries, but this mystery has been solved.
My opinion on driveless cars are that the are unsafe and not useful in anyway for my perspective. They say driveless but yet have to be controled once the car realises it can't do a task so turns over to the driver for help."Google cars aren't truly drivless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in andout of drivways or dealing with complicated traffic issues as navigating through roadwork or accidents." They say we still need to take controll of a car that is suposavly drivless; how can a car be drivless if it can't even back out or pull in a drive way without having human help(?) We must remain alert at all times while driving,'They can steer,accelerate,and brake themselves,but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills,such as navagating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situatin requires." so why would we have a self driving car when we can just be alert on our own and drive our selfs. If we have self driving cars people aregonna think its ok to just go to sleep or something stupid as texting. The car is going and your texting it alerts you to take over but you dont know becuase your not paying attention. So their for self driving cars can be more hazerdous (in my case).It is best for you to pay attention full time not just when situations get tough. I beleive the car is unsafe and not cappible of living up to its full name yes it can do certant things but not fully go on its own; it is unsafe and illegal in countrys. "manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe." So from my perspective the car isnt as safe as people think. The technology may not work as certaint times so their for it may cause accidents without giving you any warnings. Whos fault would it be if a accident happend?"If the technology fals and someone is ijured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacture?" I believe it would be the manufacturers fault because they biult and places the technology in the car but yet still had an accident happen. MY resons to why i thinmk the "driveless" car is a bad idea may cause technology problems,whont drive on its own(fully),may cause people to fully not pay attention to the road, and we must be alert at all time reguardless if you are gonna cause an accident or if th person next to you dose so you can take a faster reaction.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author talks about how Venus is the secound planet from the Sun, and also often reffered as Earths twin. In the article it states, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and also the closest in distants too"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus). People have sent nonman spacecrafts to Venus for good reasons because 97% of Venus atmosphere is blankets of carbon dioxide. In the article the author states "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmoshere"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus). On the land of Venus temperatures average 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosperic pressure is 90 times greater than what we have on our planet.The pressure would crush everything on our planet. In the article the author states "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments lie erupting volcanoes. powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land and on its surface" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). Therefore it will make things alot harder fo scientist to fully understand Venus, however NASA has a plan to send people on a ship to orbet around Venus to get a better understanding of Venus, however doing it with a ship dosent allow the scientist to have a full insight of the ground because the light cant break through the dense atmosphere, therefore they wont be able to do all of the test to see if there is some possible way for us to live on Venus. In the article it states " Many researchers are working on innovaitions that would allow our machines to last long enough to contibute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus). So scientist our still trying to fiqure things out today. So the only thing they can do is to keep striving to meet the challenges presented by Venus has, and not only because of the insight to be gained on Venus itself, but by human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally threatning courses.
Imagine being able to live on another planet just like Earth! What about Venus? Venus is very similar to Earth but evaluating this planet is dangerous. Reading the article it can be easily persuaded that venus is worth studying. With details and claims about how many positives will come out of studying Venus, the dangers won't be able to phase them. Reading through the article dangers are easily noticed but what stands out the most is the the benefits of the continuation of studying Venus. The author provides counter claims in the text to answer questions that contradict the statement but this leads to be more convincing. As readers go through and ask these questions themselves, they probably don't expect an answer but they get one. In the text it says," If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scienctists even discussing further visits to its surface?" The author contradicts themselves but adds positives about studying. The author applys and knows that it is dangerous but adds its worth it which readers can tell. Not only by contradicting ones self the author also adds benefits to what people would like to hear if the research continues. By doing this the author gets the readers attention and interest in what they like. For example its no secret today that our world pretty much revolves around technology so by adding this in the text it catches their eye. " By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." Adding how technology can possibly work on the planet Venus if studies continue add curiosity and wonder. This all leeds to persuation of despite dangers Venus is worth studying. Because I mean come on what person reads that and doesnt want to use their cellphone on a different planet. Due to Venus being so similar to Earth and believed that there even were oceans on earth opens the eye of many people. If studies continue and Venus can be a planet that is managable to stay on or maybe even liveable it can be a real life savor. The author adds about if something horriific happens on Earth (which it does all the time) then Venus can be an option to go to. A lot of people care about their safety and lives so if there is a chance they can save themselves they will. When reading and seeing that they won't have to think about their lives at risk if this studying continues, they are 100% on board no matter the dangers. If it can save them they are in. In conclusion when reading this articles readers can be persuaded that it is worth studying Venus despite the dangeroud obstacles they may run into. If it benefits us then they are all for it. The contradicting of dounts and responses put us on board. As well as how interests can be even better and maybe even the planet saving us. The author definately has anyone agreeing with this idea after reading the article.
Many companies are beginning to design, produce, and test driverless cars. However, many of these cars are not completely driverless and dangerous. Driverless cars should not become legal on the road because they are dangerous and unnecessary. The majority of driverless cars are not completely driverless. Most require a driver to take control over the car in more "difficult" or "complicated" road conditions as stated in the article. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." Cars that are capable of moving themselves but still need help from a driver at times are not driverless cars. Truly driverless cars would not need assistance and would be able to move itself in any scenario which would be much more dangerous than the current cars and dirvers we have today. Funding research that will ultimately make our roads less safe is not an investment that many people would like to take part in. Instead of funding research to develop these dangerous, self driving cars, money should be going toward repairing our current roads, making our current cars safer, and helping our drivers learn to drive more safely. To sum up, driverless cars are unnecessary and dangerous and should therefore not be on our roads. We also should not continue funding the research of driverless cars and instead spend the money to bettering the current system we already have in place.
The Facial Action Coding System is a new software that can detect how people are feeling by their facial emotions. This would be very helpful to teachers and students in the classroom. As Nick D'Alto writes, "- faces don't lie". This system was invented by Professor Thomas Huang and his colleagues who have been working on finding easier ways that humans and computers can interact with each other. The Facial Action Coding System would be a very useful and a resourceful tool in the classroom. One way this software could be used in school, is it could help students focus. Sometimes when kids are upset at school, they tend to hide it. This leads to them not talking about it. Along with not talking aout it, they could be thinking a lot about the situation rather than their school work. It makes it a struggle to focus at school when something non-school related is going on. This makes it hard them to concentrate and pay attention in class. Dr. Paul Eckman, a psychologist, says that there are six emotions. These classified emotions are "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness". By using this system at school, teachers would be able to find out what the student is feeling or why they are acting up. Another reason is that it's often hard for students to be outgoing at school. Especially if they're more on the quiet side and would rather not talk a lot. Mr. Huang writes, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication.". A lot of students at school tend to be shy. With computers understanding their emotionals, it could tell the teacher when they are confused without them having to raise their hand in front of the whole classrom. The last reason that bringing this system to schools and classrooms would be helpful is because it creates emotion. Nick D'Alto writes, "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them". From personal experience, friends tend to mock their friends. There has been a theory that says by mocking someone else's facial expressions, may lead to them feeling that same way. For example, when the teacher is in a good mood, it makes things seem more relaxed, and the students seems to be happier. Smiling is said to be contagious. In conclusion, bringing the Facial Action Coding System to schools would be a valuable decision. By the electronic code that is built into the software, emotions would be able to be recognized easier. Even in the case that the emotions are mixed up, the system would still be able to recognize them. By bring this software to schools, it would increase the students learning, communication skills, and help them focus more during school hours.
Dear, senator I hereby to inform you that I'm in favor of changing the election by popular vote for the president of the United Staes, the kind we have now. For many reasons we believe the Electoral College should be abolish due to the process of electing the next president. During the Electoral College voters tend to vote but, not vote for the president, but for a slate of electors, who turn to elect the president. We believe that over 60 percent of voters would prefer an election the kind we have now, as I said before. As you know the Electoral College consist of 538 electors, making it a majority of 270 electoral votes to elect the President. Californa, making it the state with the most electoral votes, is a state that could rise a candidates votes, and is considered by the following candidates that California could be an enormous help for the candidate. Many voters have many questions regarless to the Electoral Vote, for example; can voters control whom, their electors vote for? Nor who picks the electors in the 1st place?, These are a few questions that many voters have. I believe we should forment and focous more on the popular vote of those who are qualified citizens. The biggest disaster with the electoral college was when the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century, therefore making state legislatures responsible for picking electors. During an electoral college vote, if the electoral vote ends in a tie, the election would be held in the House of Reprsentatives, whereas state delegations would vote on the president. Candidates don't get to spend time in the states they know, having a chance of not winning. As a result of that, in the 2000 campaign, approximately seventeen states didn't have the oppurtunity to see the candidates. On the other hand the electoral college avoids the problem of elections. Therefore i considerate the electoral collge vote unfair to voters.
Do you believe in aliens? There are many on Earth that do. During a time frame from 1976 to 2001, everyone was talking about ' The Face '. A landmark on Mars that some believed aliens made it, some believe it is naturally made. I believe that it was naturally made. The reasons why are, NASA would benefit from it being aliens, without the shadowing it does not look like a face anymore, and lastly when the photo was released in 1998, all that was seen was a natural landfrom. NASA higly benefitted from just the revealation of The Face. As quoted from the article " The ' Face on Mars' has since become a pop icon. It has starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows--even haunted grocery stroe checkout lines for 25 years." These were all examples of how The Face became known with or without internet. These were all benefits for NASA and helped it gain fame and sponsors. If there were comfirmed aliens that had built this structure NASA's profits would skyrocket, and they most liekly would have taken up that chance. Another reason that proves it as a landmark is the fact that witout shadows it does not look like a face. If we take a look at the picture taken in 2001 we can see The Face without shadwing. Only if you look close at the where the human features would be, would you be able to see a face. As quoted from the passage " ... when it spotted something with the shadowy likeness of a human face..." " ....' formed by the shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.' " This shows that the 'face' can only be seen with shadows. Lastly, when looked at in 1998, all that could be seen of The Face was a natural landform. By far the best evidence towards my claim, when taken all that was seen was a landfrom. As quoted from the article "And so on April 5, 1998 when the Mars Global Surveryor flew over Cydonia for the first time, MIchael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image frist appeared on a JPL website, revealing . . . a natural landfrim.There was no alien monument after all." This shows that there was absolutely no alien monument proving the conspiracy theorist wrong. Many people believe we are not alone on this universe. Many believe that the planet just next to ours, Mars contians aliens, and they belive that's what this structure is. However, after NASA did research this theory was debunked. The proof for this is NASA would benefit greatly from it being aliens, without the illusion of the shadows it does not look like a face, and lastly as seen in 1998 all that was seen was a natural landform and nothing else. Many believe NASA was wrong, do you?
NASA thinks that it was made by the planet being made because aliens do not exist. You can not just guess at how it was made. This is why NASA thinks you are wrong. Aliens could not have made this because they do not exist, it would take a long time to make anything that scale, and it would take them years to make. Aliens could not have made the face becasue they do not exist. This is why NASA thinks this. Aliens would have to have good construction and excavtion equipment. As you would say, they don't need that stuff they just built it. However, there is no physicaly possible way that they could have made it without the equipment. In order to build they would need this equipment. All together aliens could not have made this because they are not capable and do not exist. Aliens could not have made the face because it would take a long time to make anything that scale. Here is why they could not have done it. They don't have the capablities to make anything like the face on Mars. The people that think otherwise would say that it isn't a natural land form. However, NASA scientist where comparing it to other natural landforms. That is why NASA thinks that it is impossible for the aliens to make anything to that scale. Aliens could not have made the face becasue it would take to long. Here is why NASA is proving facts. This is not possible in any shape, way, or form because it would take over 300 years to do so. You would say that the aliens just bulit it as we bulid buliding today. But, they would have to have constrcution workers working every single day for this to happen and that is why NASA says it is impossible. Together that is why I do not think is is possible. In conclusion, aliens do not exist, do not have cababilatlies to make anything to that scale, and it would take to long that is why aliens could not have made this face. People get their hopes up about things to easily that is why NASA does not think any of this is even near possible. It would be better if NASA told evryone the full truth.
There are both positive and negative aspects about driverless cars. On the one hand, they seem like a good idea because the car could drive for someone if they're too tired, etc., but on the other hand, they could be a bad idea because of legal problems and the safeness of the cars themselves. Personally, I think that they are bad idea because of the lack of safety, legal issues, and the potential increase of distracted driving. I think that driverless cars are a bad idea mainly because of the lack of safety. Paragraph five in the article says that sensors have gotten much better in the last ten years which signifies that they'll most likely get better within the next ten years, also, however, there's always that small risk that the sensors could stop working or make a msitake. The second reason why I think that driverless cars are a bad idea is because of the legal issues. Paragraph nine raises a lot of questions about what would happen in the case of an accident. If a driverless car got into an accident, then who would be at fault? The maufacturer, or the person in the car? Even if there were new laws, as the article states, there would still have to be new laws to cover liability. The final reason why I think that driverless cars are a bad idea is because of the potential increase of distracted driving. Paragraph 8 in the article states that even if driverless cars were realistic, people in the car would have be bored and need something to do. However, if the people or person in the car is busy with the entertainment, they might not see what's going on in the road, which could cause an accident. Overall, I think that driverless cars are not a good idea. They have a huge lack of safety, more legal issues, and a potential increase in distracted driving. Although there are also many benefits to having driverless cars, I think that the disadvantages weight out the advantages in this case. These types of cars would take way too long for people to adjust to, and I don't think that the adjusting period is worth putting peoples' lives in danger. Driverless cars may sound like a cool idea, but when there are too many disadvantages to them, it's not worth the risk.
Dear United States Senator, Voting in the United States of America has always been the same way, by using the Electoral Collage to cast votes for the presidency. Now, the Presidential Election should be based on poular vote rather than using the Electoral Collage. It is an unfair, unbalanced method for determining the president of the United States. Every president changes history, so if the wrong one is put into office, American history can be altered. An unfair, proposterious method is sure to have great detestment. Say one canidate had the majority of votes from the American people, by popularity. Yet, the other candidate had the majority of Electoreal votes from the Electoral Collage. The canidate who recieved votes from the Electoral Collage wins, even though his opponant had the American peoples' majority vote. This happened in the year 2000, when nominee Al Gore had more popular votes the George W. Bush, yet fewer electoreal votes, allowing Bush to be president. Even more so, when voting for a presidential canidate, one is in truth voting for a late of electors, rather than voting for the canidate straight on. (Source: #3) If the electors vote one way, when the majority of a state really wants to have the opposing side, there is nothing that can be done to change the electoral votes. Some may argue this is a fair method, but in reality, it is not. (Source: #2) No American should be misprepresented when voting for a presidential nominee. Unbalanced voting is sure to be an uproar, especailly when speaking about the president of the United States. California has the most Electoreal votes, stacking up at 55 votes in the Electoral Collage. Wyoming, along with other states, has a mere three votes. A grand total of 538 Electoral votes is what results from adding up all states votes, but 270 is needed to win the presidency. It won't matter who has the popular vote, all that matters is the person who wins the electoral vote. On the other hand, people who live in states with small populations may argue this is a more representing way of voting for president. But it really isn't balanced. The state may have a popular vote towards one side, but when the electoral voter palces his vote, he may choose to betray the people of the state. People cannot change the electoral vote if they are misrepresenting their state. That doesn't sound balanced or equal at all. The scales should not tip towards the lighter side. If the election was determined based on popular vote, rather than the Electoral Collage, then the American people would recieve a more accurate determination of presidency rather than what is already in place. An unfair, unbalanced mehtod should be thrown out the window, trashed. People want want people want, and should be fairly and equally treated to reflect thier true intents. The Electoral Collage is an unfair, unbalaned election strategy that should be disregarded. We should change this election to using popular vote to acurratly, justly portray the wants and political views of the people living in the United States, where the citizens have power in determining what they choose happens in the counrty. The land of the free, America, should have free say in choosing the president. Abolish the Electoral Collage, and instead put in its place the means of popular voting. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerly, an American Citizen.
Attention !!! to all the residents of this community are Bendz and Suburban going were all the extoic cars and muscle cars at all i see bendz and suburban, Its few foreigen cars out there in the street. when I riding on the highway I like to see Mustangs and And Lamborginis ride aside if me because its excited other people it make them want to buy Mustangs and Lamborginis. Yes Bendz are nice but i want to see some foreiegn cars Like Bugati and RoyalRoce 50% you will see foreiegn ride around in the city I like to take a trip to see al type of cars with nice paint job and nice looking skirt. You will not see that much cars riding around because people sell them to live in beautyful homes. In 2007 all the streets was full with muscle cars because the rapper Rick Ross was the first person drive a drop top mustang so many people was so excited thats i seen the whole streets with differnt type of mustangs and drop tops. In the early 90's thats when automobile was invented,  they really was made for middle-class families and Miami to Tallahassee Because it was alot of people thst need gas and lights when the hurricane came through.12 percents of huge houses gas emission in Chicago... and up 72 percent cars-invented area in the united states while they building cars some people has catch buses. It has been efforts in the past two years to make denser and better for walking in 2010 that's when stationwagins was invented so people really did have to walk anymore or catch buses but some catch buses because it save gas and money. In the united states the protection agency is promoting car reduced communities and legislators are starting to act. every since world war I alot of cars was getting destroy lets stop destory cars because thats our transportation said Martin Luther King jr, a fast growing of hundreds in the united states was getting larger and the car population more foreiegn cars and mucle cars was hitting the streets.    
Imagine a world with driverless cars,how choaic would that be? Driverless cars should not be devolped and or enhanced further than they have been already. One major idea that could be unreasonable to owning and selling driverless cars would be the cost. Second, we have the law and accidents that still we be involved with these machines. Lastly the safe concerns and the alertness of a human driver in the car. To conduct a project this big there has to be a large amount of money involved. They are still doing test on these computer driven cars, which means there has to be money coming from some where. Where would this money come from? If the car manufactours have the idea of driverless cars as big as they plan money will play a huge role in it. The article says that the cars may not be as driverless as we would assume, so it would outragous to buy a car that was over priced to do a few extra things a normal car would not normally do. Safety is a huge concern when talking about these type of "smart" cars. " We have to interpret driving the driving fun in a new way" Says Dr. Werner Huber a BMW project manager driver. Driving should not be fun, driving should be about staying as safe as possible and getting to where you need to be. Some manufacturers talk about using "heads-up display" where displays such as a movie playing would turn off when the car required the human driver to talle over. Living in the twenty-first century many people know that technology can malfunction and could crash at any giving moment. If a law is broken who is to blame for it? The car or the human inside that is relying on the car to not malfunction? If the laws on traffic do change new laws will be set in their place. There would need to be laws about libility in case the smart car does malfucntion. With that being said using a smart car could cause a lot of attention if there was an accident involving one. A good thing about the cars would be that to sale them they would need to be covered by the manufactors. So if they could fix all the bugs as of right now and get laws passed about safety these typer of cars would not be a terrible idea. Is the world with driverless cars something that is really a good idea? The cost will be an on going problem, atleast until they started selling at a good rate. As well as the accidents and safety involved with the using or testing a driverless car. Many laws and insurence would have to change and be made for these types of cars and would take some time. As is the driverless cars should not be produced further. If there was more testing and promised insurence and safety along with the car it would be more realistic.
The people is a envition a future when no one buys cars because a tranportation a system and where fleets of driverless a cars a puclic transports taxi system. The cars forcess would use a taxi is flexibility. He a believes a cars is fundamentally change the world. A cars a have television and movies have a long that cars could drive themselves. A Google has a had cars that could drive a independently a under is a specific condition. The companies are a making computersdriven cars. Is a many futurist believed the key self dirving cars someday so samarted roads. In 1950s, Genral Motors created a concept special test track. A electrical can that sent radio singals the recieve for end of the cars. A Googel modified Toyota Pirus uses position-estimation a sensors of a video camara mounted. A GPS receiver sensor in the cars. The important tecnology in this spining sensor roof. The sensor are the nothing new of a course because creation of detect and respond out control. The fraving assisance still seem a long way from the dream a of calling a driveless the cab to the wherever. The sensors werent the computers werent there and the mapping as there. The mos driving laws a focus a on keeping drivers passengers and pedestrians safe,alert drivers. A control California Navada, Florida and the District of Columbia have led country. Still even if traffic laws a change,new laws will neede a cover liability in the accident. If the technology fails and ingured. Automarkers are continuing their work on the assumtion thta the problems ahead solved.
In the past years the car industry has ruled over people's everyday transportation, the question presents itself; "What are the advantages to limiting car usage?" The actual amount of people driving and getting their license has decreased over the past couple years and this is due to two reasons, not driving helps the environment and it helps the community. One reason that limiting car usage benefits us is that it helps the environment. In the article, Paris bans driving due to smog , Robert Duffer explains a recent expirement conducted by Paris to reduce smog. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city," states Duffer. In this expirement Paris ordered motorists with even numbered license plates to leave their cars at home or have to pay a 22-euro fine. The next day motorists with odd-numbered license plates were odered to do the same. There was an exeption of this order for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers and public transpotation was free. As a result of this Paris had reduced the number of micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter to 147. Another reason that limiting car usage benefits us is that it helps community. In the article, In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal, Rosenthal describes a cummunity in Vauban, Germany that has given up cars. She states, "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. 'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wndering children drown out the occasional distant motor." Here Rosenthal provides the evidense that the lack of automobiles in this communty has left people less stressed and more at peace with everyday activities. In the article, Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota , Andrew Selsky introduces the tradition in Bogota, Columbia of Car-Free Day. In Car-Free Day only buses and taxis are permitted in the capitla city of 7 million. One result of this according to Selsky is, "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; eneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up". These additions to the city will improve the activity of people's fitness and improve the well being of the capital of Columbia. There has been large amounts of information drawn from certain "Car-Free" expirements around the world. It has shown that the limited usage of cars has improved the environment by reducing smog in Paris and has also helped communities like Vaubaun increase the happiness of its citizens, and Bogota by improving the city to fit a "Car-Free" environment. With the introduction of the improvements to public transpotation and accessibality of cities, exessive car usage may be a thing of the past.
Problaby it will be one advance more than big for the world, "driveless car" it is another invent by google and other people more, it will help more people for stay more fast were they want. It is one of the best ideas the I ear before but id everybdy thing what they wiil do wuith the other car the we have right now? It is a lot trash and in this world we don't have more space for that. I don't think it is necesary for any one. the people nw just think it do more stof but the don't think what we will do with all the things what we don't need and maybe in this world we dont have pace jus for put all that. Why this people no think about the people who need help? why they need all time new cars but what about the people who don't have house or food? it is a better ide than just a new cars, for what? more cars if we have a lot. Now we have all forms for go contry by country but why the don't think in someting more special, more important like help other countrys. Not with just one little part I mean if we don't need something new why we use why we don't buy some clothes or seme shoes for wo need it? It is more easy and better for allthe people in the world. And what about the animals? why we have to eat all time animals? why everything is create by the animals now? The people know they hav fellings like us? Now the "human" is a animal, we kill everything what we see "everything. We don't have a lot time in this world, God is coming for us and we need something for make this world better, wecan try to help persons, animals, trees, ans a lot more, we don't need more cars just because the people who wave money think is better foe they. every body know if they will do those cars jus are for people with a lot mone and not for who really need cars. I know I don't talk about your "cars" like what you want but i don't think like you. I think if we have something and we can give that for someone who really need it we Have to do, it is better than use that for nothing immportant or special like people like you want.
It's a Saturday morning and the head of NASA has called in to have a meeting on discussing "The Face on Mars." When I entered the meeting room there was only seven people inside. I was hoping there would be more people than just seven, but the seven that are inside the room are very important in the NASA headquarters. I took my seat and waited for Dr. Turner( head of NASA) to speak first. How many people think this face on mars can be an alien?"asked Dr. Turner". Every person in the room have raised there hands,but I didn't. I stood up and said to everyone, "I think this face could've been formed by natural causes". Everyone was looking at me mysteriously and I still continued speaking. How many times have we seen any form of life on mars? NONE "I said." What possibly can make you guys think this is an alien for sure? We have national places where nature has formed a rock or some sort to look like a face and we don't questoin that because we know it was naturally formed by sand storms for example. If this face would've been an alien i would like to an explanation from all you guys since you think it's anlien. Dr. Turner was looking at me in shock, but at the same time was very impressed ion what I said. Dr. Thomas rose from his chair and started speaking so I sat down and listened. We may not evrything there is in the universe because its so big. we probably only know 1/1000000, but we might know for sure we are not alone in this universe. The face on mars in maybe just a clue to tell us that we are not alone. We can never know what is out there until we have the right engineering to make better ships. No one from NASA has Actually step foot on mars because we don't have the right equipment. For now we have no clue what mught be on Mars, so what i'm saying is that the face on mars is just another mystery to be solved. "Said Dr. Thomas." Dr. Turner stood up and said he isn't sure what this face is made out of, but his choice was by predicting from natural causes. Everyone else in the room also stood up and agreed with Dr. Turner except Dr. Thomas. The meeting is dismissed. "said Dr. Turner."
Hi, my name is Decaon. And I work for NASA. I am here to discuss the face on mars. Many people think that it was created by aliens. But I am here to explain why it wasn't created by aliens. The first photo was taken in 1976 by the Viking 1 Spacecraft. The craft was circleing Mars trying to find a spot for its sister ship to land. The Viking 2 Spacecraft. The first reason to why people think it is alien. Is the quality of the pictures that were taken. The first picture was taken in 1976 so the resolution of the picture wasnt very good. Which caused it to look like there was a nose, eyes and a mouth. But pictures that were taken years after show that it could have been the quality. There is another reasonable explanation. During july 1976 it would have been winter on mars at the time. So that means the storms on mars could have casted a shadow. But many still believe that it is alien. Even though this some of the best evidence to peove the face on mars isnt alien but a mistake. But the most compelling reason is. It is simialr to some of the rock formations that we have on Earth. Scientist have found that in the western United States there are rock formations that are very similar. They are simailasr to the snake river palin in Idaho. After a lengthy expalnation. I hoope i have provided enough facts to prove to you that. The face on Mars was not created by aliens. but created by an optical illusion. That are found on Earth as well as On Mars. And i hope This has been very informative for you.
In today's world there are many new ideas and thoughts people come up with to try and help the world be a better place. Most of these ideas dont get very far but one that really could make a differance has caused whole countries to take action. The whole idea of having or not having cars can be very controverscial. It gives people the idea of following this idea and trying it out. Multipule countries have already tested this care-free question and it has come to be beneficial and very interesting for the cities. Of course there is the ups and downs to this idea but overall it has caused more and more cities to go out and try it. Banning the use of cars has helped not only people being lazy but also the enviornment. Cars produce strong chemicals that infect the air and create harm to the enviornment. Europe is on of the most polluted cities than anywhere else in the world. A main part of this pollution comes from the chemicals that comes out of cars. When people in Paris stopped using their cars; the air cleared. This just goes to prove that cars are truly bad for the enviornment. The world has seen a great decrease in the number of drivers in the past decade. This means that with less drivers, less cars being driven. Especially in the United States the amount of drivers has decreased in numbers. People are coming up with new ways to get around that are a lot more efficiant. Michael Sivak who is a professor at the University of Michigan has found that the number of drivers between the ages of 16 and 39 have dropped largely. Another positive outcome if this idea is the saving of time and money being spent on roads and other things that are used for driving. Of course walking or riding your bike to work may not sound very easy and but in the long run, it is. Of course, you may have to change your daily routine but it will help a bigger cause. In counclusion; the world needs a change and the answer is sitting in front of our faces. In order to make this world a better place we need to stop the excessive use of vehichles and start using more efficiant ways of transportation. There will always be those that disagree but we should be more focused on a safer world than a few angry people.
On Mars we have discovered a landmark that seems to resemble a face. Some believe it was made by aliens. People believe this because of how much it resembles a human face. However they do not have evidence to back that up. Scientists can prove that their claims are inaccurate. They can prove this because, there is landmarks like this in the Midwest of America. Scientists belive that it was just another Martian mesa. Martian mesas are common around Cydonia. The only difference was this one had unusual shadows which caused others to believe it was made by aliens. Astronauts from NASA went back up again to get another picture. They had took a good picture. Although peoplethat believed it was made by aliens argued it was a cloudy picture. NASA sent another mission up into space to prove them wrong once again. They took a picture on a clear day and still found no proof that it was alien made. This time they used a better camera so people who believed could not say it was because of the picture this time. In conclusion you can't prove that it was alien made. Scientists have proven again and again that aliens did not make the Mesa. It may look as if someone, or something has made it but that did not happen. It is just an odd shaped Mesa like the ones in the Midwest.
So it is the year 2016, the future is here, and Google is purposing the idea of a driverless car. They have done several tests, and have discovered that the cars can not drive them self, and they alert the driver to take over at times. However, it is still in test to perhaps be a truly driverless car one day. Sounds exciting right? I read about this article not too long ago, and I thought it would be pretty neat to have such a car. I was also asked if I was against this development, or if I agreed and wanted these kind of cars. I can not really say if I want this to happen or not. This new driverless car has its pros and it also has its cons. The good thing about this new driverless car is that you would not have to drive as much and you could be taken anywhere by this new car. It has sensors, cameras, and a gps, so you would be in safe hands while in this driverless car. Google's tests have also proven that these cars have driven millions of miles, and have yet to crash once. So maybe this car is a good idea? Along with the good things, also comes some bad things. This google driverless car can drive itself, but when it encounters a road accident or a road block, it has to be manually driven. Also, it is called driverless but stills needs a driver in the seat with hands on the wheel. Isn't that quite like false advertising? Another con is that if the car crashes, would it be the manufacturers fault or the drivers fault? There are so many laws they would have to sort out before letting people buy this type of car. So, what my view, am I going for the development, or am I agaisnt the devopment? I think I am going to be against it if I were to be telling the truth. There are many more cons than there are good things about this car. Yeah this is new, it is exciting, and inventive, no one could resist this car. However, there are many safety concerns, and at times the can not even drive itself. That is my opinion on the new "Driverless Cars".
I think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because the program is doing a good dead helping outhers in need when they most need it. Anouther good side of participating in this program is that you will see cool things go cool places like it said in the story you could go to China,over Seas,Greece,and Eroup. It would be fun and be for a good cause. To help people in need and to help many family's who lost there homes through war of there country and outhers. There would be danger going over seas chanses of falling over bord,cought in a storm, or even sea animal's. But it is all for a good cause to save outher peoples lives. I know i would risk my life if im saving outhers because thats the kind of person I am. Luke did it so why not you,if you decide to join be brave,stand tall,and never be to scard to try! Luke is brave enough to do it and so are you. You know what people say you cant learn anything untill you try so why not you could do somthing incredible for this world and the people in it. Everyone can make a differance no matter who you are all you have to do is try. If you wont to take action this is a good opertunity!
On May 24, 2001, a NASA Viking 1 spacecraft had saw a landform on Mars that had happened to look like a human face. The spacecraft had taken pictures of this landform and show the world a few days later in order to attract people to Mars. Some people, like conspiracy theorists, say that it's evidence of alien life that NASA has hidden from the public, but if this had been something NASA was hiding, they wouldn't have show that photo at all to the public. Scientists and astronaunts have denied this by adding titles that suggest otherwise on there photos, showing the photo in the first place, and going back up to space to take more pictures. According to paragraphs 1 though 5, NASA had found a landforn that resembled a human face of an Egyptian Pharaoh located on a region called Cydonia. Mission control was surprised to see the face, but believed it was just another Martian mesa with unusual shadows, so they decided to reveal the pictures to the media, knowing there wasn't anything "top secret" or alien like about it. Then, according to paragraph 5, NASA had captioned the image, "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth," basically telling the public that it was just a quirky looking natural landform, not a big alien conspiracy theory. People defending the NASA budget even claimed they wished there was an ancient civilization on Mars, basically meaning there wasn't life that they knew of. Finally, in paragraph 7, another NASA spacecraft went over Cydonia on APril 5, 1998 and took better, sharper pictures, showing that it was just a natural landform that didn't have a civilization in it. In conlusion, NASA was not trying to hide a whole big alien civilization theory from the world. They had just saw a cool natural landform with weird shadows that made it look like a human face and decided to share it with the world. If there was a conspiracy, NASA wouldn't have showed the picture to the world, added a title stating that it was an artifact, or have willingly went back up to space to take another picture of the landform. Therefore, NASA is not hiding any ancient alien civilizations from the United States, or any other part of the world.
The advantages of limiting car usage is very important to the enviorment. The artlice clearly sates limiting car usage will have a great impact on the enviorment and make the world much more "green". The reduce usage of a car will help the world in many different ways. The United States Environmental Protenction Agency wants to start a "car reduced" town community and have people use thier car less and less every day untill they don't use it at all. Citizens of the United States spend so much money on gas every day, every week, every month and all this money will eventually adds up throughout the year, imagine how much money you could be saving without paying for all that gas? First off, having no car will save you thousands of dollars. You could even live a happier life, in the article it states "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way, said Heidrun Walter "(In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars)." This tells you that with no car you can live a happier life, you don't need a car to be happy. Imagine being stress free, no car trouble saving money on gas? That sounds pretty amazing to me. You could have much more money in your pocket to spend on other things that maybe you could never buy when you were wasting all you money into your gas tank. Problem solved, GET RID OF YOUR CAR! To live a "car free" life you have to want it and stop pollting the earth. Second of all don't you want to get rid of car trafic? Having a car doesnt benefit youat all, it only hurts you. Cars pollute the air you have to pay inurance, car payments, gas money. In the article "(Paris Bans driving due to smog)" states that cars are being towed and over 4,000 drivers are being fined for their car. "Tweny-seven people had their cars impounded for their reacion to the fine" (Paris bans drivig duet o smog). If you don't want the trouble of having your car impounded or being fined it easy to just get rid of our car your helping not only yourself but the world. Cars are banned in Bogota, Columbia. Cars being banned in Colombia is a great thing it saves people money and helps the earth. "It was the third year cars have been benned wih only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in the capital city of 7 million" ( Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). Cars leaving the streets in bogota helped out alot people don't want to be fined for having a car so why not just get rid of it. No one actually needs a car anyways you just want one so you don't have to walk places. If you need to go a long distance then just take a taxi or bus thats no hard to do. The least ou can do is walk a extra mile a day the spending tons of money on gar to drive there. Not to forget, cars do not help the enviorment and witout them is a great impact on the earth. "It's a good oppertunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). Rain shouldnt stop anyone from going to there destination riding your bike in the rain isnt hard so start doing it. Enjoy the out doors and get out frombeing couped up indoors all the time its healthy to get a little fresh air. Getting rid of our car and using a bike or even walking will help out your savings and the earth. 
If you like to be with animals such as horses than we would sure have a fun time on the SS Charles W. Wooster. We have to help the animals that are being shiped over seas like horses, cattle, and mules. When we aren't caring for the animals then we are out site seeing or playing games on the boat. In the empty stals the horese, cattle, and mules aren't in we play games like baceball and volleyball they had table tennis tournaments, fencing tournaments, boxing tournaments, they read, and other games that would help pass the time. This could be a danger if you aren't careful, one time it was raining and I was on nightwatch then I fell and a strip o melat stoped me from falling overboard. I couldn't work for a couple of days due to cracked ribs from me hitting them of the strip of metal. But it is not all fun and games so if you like hard word you would love the job of being a Seagoing Cowboy, we have to clean out the stalls the horses and cattle and mules were in and that stinks litterily. We have to carry huge bags of oats and other food for the animals, and boy does my back hurt,whew. But don't get my wrong this job is fun hangging out with friends. If this job sounds apealing then come on over and help we need it a lot. This job is fun, hard, and worth your time, so please come over.
Technology over the years has been growing greatly. There are many things technology could do for us now that it couldn't do in the past. In the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System or FACS enables computers to identify human emotions and how it could potentially be used in a classroom to help students or people in everyday situations. In the article, it states that this new technology can be helpful in reading the emotions of students in a classroom. I believe it could be helpful but I do not think that it should be used in a classroom. Even though it states that it may help students by reading when they are confused and modifying the lesson for them to understand it, it beats the purpose of teachers. If they are confused, students could ask a teacher for help and teachers could explain it in order for them to understand it as it is wriiten and there is no need for any modifications and they know how to do it if it is worded in the same way in some other point in time in which they encounter the same problem once again. Testing is another issue. During a test, even if students are confused, the question can not be changed or modified in any way, so it wouldn't really serve much of a purpose at that time. If it were to help and it changed or modified the problem in any way, it would be unfair to the other students that, that specific student had an easier question than they did or it was modified or worded any different than it was for the rest of them. If a computer modifies a lesson because a student is confused or bored then what's the point in learning. Teachers try their best to make learning fun and some even achieve it but what the computer will do to make a lesson more fun or less confusing, is what really matters. If the computer gives a student a break because they are bored and allows them to play games, the student will be less bored but once the computer switches back the student will be bored again reguardless. Privacy is also another reason that could cause problems if it were to be used in the classroom. Some students may not be comfortable with the computer watching them and reading their emotions the whole time that they are in front of the screen. Lots of people would like to keep their emotions to themselves no matter what they are and if a computer is reading their emotions the whole time, then it is a violation of their privacy and their comfort. Many schools don't have enough funding to even afford textbooks or even computers, so there would be no use for that type of technology if the school can't even afford it. Many schools barely have desks or chairs for their students and if a technology like that comes out, they won't even be able to aquire it, much less use it to help students. So it wouldn't be of much use in those situations. Especially, since the majority of the schools barely have funding for even repairs. Nobody said learning was fun all the time or easy either. Teachers have their jobs and many do them well. A technology such as the FACS is not needed for school and classrooms. Many won't even help in making any lessons any less boring or confusing and human instructors are best. If a student thinks the lesson is boring or confusing they can inform the teacher and they will modify the lesson in a way they know would be fun because they were young once and they know that when they were their age, they wished they could do certain things in order to make learning fun and they can make those wishes come true now that they are a teacher. So either way that the FACS technology may help, it isn't needed because everything that it may help with can be solved by a question or a statement or even just the creativity of others. Why would FACS be needed now if for the past years it hasn't been needed in any way? The answer is it isn't. If we have gone this many years without it then we still don't need it. Teachers and current technology have all assisted and have not required FACS. So therefore, FACS isn't valuable and it isn't needed.
In my oppion they should use the Electoral college to desied who wins the Election. They should always use the Electoral college because it wouldn't be fair if they went by the population of a state, just the simple fact that some states are more populated than other. For instance states like New York, Florida, and California are more populated than, states like Hawaii, Rhold Island, and delaware. The electoral colleged should always be the proses they use to elected a President of the the U.S., in my opinion the electoral colleged not only right but fare. Its equal rights and justice. The Electore college states that you live in texas it right to voted for your own candidated. Or in any state that you live in. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisism in the century; the system allows for us much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of people. Back in1960.
Venus is called “Evening Star,”. Venus is the closest planet to Earth.Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. Venus is sometimes right around the corner,in space terms,humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet. Venus cover Large Ocean and suppor virous forms of life, just like Earth. (NASA) has one particularly idear for sending humans to study Venus. Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. Temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground. rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. Venus’s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Venus is really danger.spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.
The driverless cars are changing the face of today's transportation. They are an upcoming development of regular cars. There are many improvements that are being made in order for these cars to become a popular trend in the near future of public transportation. The improvemnts of these cars do, indeed have positive aspects to them. I am for the driverless cars because they can be an efficient way of transportation in the future. The development of the driverless cars can create a positive impact on our society. The positive aspects are important for these cars because it allows for them to be more safe. "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. this necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the drivers attention whenever a problem occurs." This aspect here, further explains how and why the driverless cars are a more safer use of transportation for people. Even though there are negative aspects to the driverless cars, the improvements being made can make the cars safer as well. "GM has developed driver"s seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." These cars would be more effective because they are making drivers, themselves, more aware of what is going on around them. Regular cars today, make it difficult for people to use transportation, than driverless cars actually would. "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexiblity than a bus." The driverless cars are going to allow people to be worry-free about getting from place to place, as well as the amount of gas that it usually takes. To clarify, I am for these cars because they are a better way of using transportaton. In conclusion, the driverless cars are making driving become more safe and efficient. The manufactures are aware of the changes that are going on in the society today, therefore the improvements of these cars are becoming relevant to the world around us. I am for the driverless cars because I believe that they are going to eventually shape the future of the world's public transportation system.
The face wasnt designed by aliens. There isnt any proof that alienseven exsist. The face is an illusion, you have to catch it at the right angle because if you catch it at another angle you ont be able to see it. You can see that aliens didnt make it because when they took the picture in 1998 you couldnt really see the face, but in 2001 you could see it 3 times better than the first one. When taking pictures you always have to get the right angle because either something gets left out or something dosent shows up. If there were any aliens we would have seen them due to the fact that we have spacecrafts taking pictures of it and we have been on the planet ourselves. If aliens did make it why are we just noticing it why didnt we notice it the other times. or better than that why havent we seen any aliens working on it. If aliens did do it why is that the only thing they made why havent they made other things why just a face? We all know that aliens dosent exsist so stop saying that until we have evidence that aliens exsist.