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what the senses _immediately_ tell us is not the truth about the object |
as it is apart from us, but only the truth about certain sense-data |
which, so far as we can see, depend upon the relations between us and |
the object. Thus what we directly see and feel is merely 'appearance', |
which we believe to be a sign of some 'reality' behind. But if the |
reality is not what appears, have we any means of knowing whether there |
is any reality at all? And if so, have we any means of finding out what |
it is like? |
Such questions are bewildering, and it is difficult to know that even |
the strangest hypotheses may not be true. Thus our familiar table, |
which has roused but the slightest thoughts in us hitherto, has become a |
problem full of surprising possibilities. The one thing we know about it |
is that it is not what it seems. Beyond this modest result, so far, we |
have the most complete liberty of conjecture. Leibniz tells us it is a |
community of souls: Berkeley tells us it is an idea in the mind of God; |
sober science, scarcely less wonderful, tells us it is a vast collection |
of electric charges in violent motion. |
Among these surprising possibilities, doubt suggests that perhaps there |
is no table at all. Philosophy, if it cannot _answer_ so many questions |
as we could wish, has at least the power of _asking_ questions which |
increase the interest of the world, and show the strangeness and wonder |
lying just below the surface even in the commonest things of daily life. |
In this chapter we have to ask ourselves whether, in any sense at all, |
there is such a thing as matter. Is there a table which has a certain |
intrinsic nature, and continues to exist when I am not looking, or is |
the table merely a product of my imagination, a dream-table in a very |
prolonged dream? This question is of the greatest importance. For if |
we cannot be sure of the independent existence of objects, we cannot |
be sure of the independent existence of other people's bodies, and |
therefore still less of other people's minds, since we have no grounds |
for believing in their minds except such as are derived from observing |
their bodies. Thus if we cannot be sure of the independent existence of |
objects, we shall be left alone in a desert--it may be that the whole |
outer world is nothing but a dream, and that we alone exist. This is an |
uncomfortable possibility; but although it cannot be strictly proved to |
be false, there is not the slightest reason to suppose that it is true. |
In this chapter we have to see why this is the case. |
Before we embark upon doubtful matters, let us try to find some more |
or less fixed point from which to start. Although we are doubting the |
physical existence of the table, we are not doubting the existence |
of the sense-data which made us think there was a table; we are not |
doubting that, while we look, a certain colour and shape appear to us, |
and while we press, a certain sensation of hardness is experienced by |
us. All this, which is psychological, we are not calling in question. |
In fact, whatever else may be doubtful, some at least of our immediate |
experiences seem absolutely certain. |
Descartes (1596-1650), the founder of modern philosophy, invented a |
method which may still be used with profit--the method of systematic |
doubt. He determined that he would believe nothing which he did not see |
quite clearly and distinctly to be true. Whatever he could bring himself |
to doubt, he would doubt, until he saw reason for not doubting it. |
By applying this method he gradually became convinced that the only |
existence of which he could be _quite_ certain was his own. He imagined |
a deceitful demon, who presented unreal things to his senses in a |
perpetual phantasmagoria; it might be very improbable that such a demon |
existed, but still it was possible, and therefore doubt concerning |
things perceived by the senses was possible. |
But doubt concerning his own existence was not possible, for if he did |
not exist, no demon could deceive him. If he doubted, he must exist; if |
he had any experiences whatever, he must exist. Thus his own existence |
was an absolute certainty to him. 'I think, therefore I am,' he said |
(_Cogito, ergo sum_); and on the basis of this certainty he set to work |
to build up again the world of knowledge which his doubt had laid in |
ruins. By inventing the method of doubt, and by showing that subjective |
things are the most certain, Descartes performed a great service to |
philosophy, and one which makes him still useful to all students of the |
subject. |
But some care is needed in using Descartes' argument. 'I think, |
therefore I am' says rather more than is strictly certain. It might seem |
as though we were quite sure of being the same person to-day as we were |
yesterday, and this is no doubt true in some sense. But the real Self is |
as hard to arrive at as the real table, and does not seem to have that |
absolute, convincing certainty that belongs to particular experiences. |
When I look at my table and see a certain brown colour, what is quite |
certain at once is not '_I_ am seeing a brown colour', but rather, |
'a brown colour is being seen'. This of course involves something (or |
somebody) which (or who) sees the brown colour; but it does not of |
itself involve that more or less permanent person whom we call 'I'. So |
far as immediate certainty goes, it might be that the something which |
sees the brown colour is quite momentary, and not the same as the |
something which has some different experience the next moment. |
Thus it is our particular thoughts and feelings that have primitive |
certainty. And this applies to dreams and hallucinations as well as to |
normal perceptions: when we dream or see a ghost, we certainly do have |
the sensations we think we have, but for various reasons it is held that |
no physical object corresponds to these sensations. Thus the certainty |
of our knowledge of our own experiences does not have to be limited in |
any way to allow for exceptional cases. Here, therefore, we have, for |
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