translation |
"en": "Their sojourn in Siddhāśrama, and the slaughter there of the Raksasas, their undaunted journey, the sight of Viśālā, the encounter with Ahalyā and Gautama, Rāma's curiosity about the mighty bow, and visit there for beholding the same.",
"sn": "सिद्धाश्रमनिवासं च राक्षसानां वधं तथा। तत्रागमनमव्यग्रं विशालायाश्च दर्शनम्॥ अहल्यादर्शनं चैव गौतमेन समागमम्। महाधनुषि जिज्ञासां कर्तुमागमनं तथा॥"
} |
"en": "Having related all this to the high-souled Janaka, that one endowed with exceeding energy, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra, paused.",
"sn": "एतत् सर्वं महातेजा जनकाय महात्मने। निवेद्य विररामाथ विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing the narration of the intelligent Viśvāmitra, Gautama's eldest son, the exceedingly energetic Śatänanda of rigid austerities, highly effulgent by virtue of his asceticism, with his down standing on end wondered greatly at the sight of Rāma.",
"sn": "तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः। हृष्टरोमा महातेजाः शतानन्दो महातपाः॥ गौतमस्य सुतो ज्येष्ठस्तपसा द्योतितप्रभः। रामसंदर्शनादेव परं विस्मयमागतः॥"
} |
"en": "And seeing the king's sons seated at their ease, he said to that foremost of ascetics. Visvamitra.",
"sn": "एतौ निषण्णौ सम्प्रेक्ष्य शतानन्दो नृपात्मजौ। सुखासीनौ मुनिश्रेष्ठं विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्॥"
} |
"en": "O most powerful of anchorets, by you was my illustrious mother, grown old in asceticism, shown to the king's son.",
"sn": "अपि ते मुनिशार्दूल मम माता यशस्विनी। दर्शिता राजपुत्राय तपोदीर्घमुपागता॥"
} |
"en": "Did my famous and exalted mother entertain with the produce of the woods this one worthy of every one's homage?",
"sn": "अपि रामे महातेजा मम माता यशस्विनी। वन्यैरुपाहरत् पूजां पूजार्हे सर्वदेहिनीम्॥"
} |
"en": "O highly energetic one, has that old story relative to my mother having been wronged by that celestial, been communicated to Rāma?",
"sn": "अपि रामाय कथितं यद् वृत्तं तत् पुरातनम्। मम मातुर्महातेजो देवेन दुरनुष्ठितम्॥"
} |
"en": "O Kausika good betide you, has my mother, in consequence of beholding Rāma, been united with my revered sire?",
"sn": "अपि कौशिकं भद्रं ते गुरुणा मम संगता। मम माता मुनिश्रेष्ठ रामसंदर्शनादितः॥"
} |
"en": "And, O son of Kusika, has the highly energetic Rāma come hither, after having been rendered homage by my high-souled revered sire?",
"sn": "अपि मे गुरुणा रामः पूजितः कुशिकात्मज । इहागतो महातेजाः पूजां प्राप्य महात्मनः॥"
} |
"en": "And, O Kusika's son, was my revered sire of quiescent soul, saluted by Rāma when he arrived there?",
"sn": "अपि शान्तेन मनसा गुरुर्मे कुशिकात्मज। इहागतेन रामेण पूजितेनाभिवादितः॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of his, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra, skilled in speech, replied to Śatānanda, cognizant of words, saying.",
"sn": "तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। प्रत्युवाच शतानन्दं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्॥"
} |
"en": "O best of ascetics, nothing necessary was omitted by me, but everything has been done. And the ascetic's wife has been united with him, even as Renuka with Bhrgu's son. (Jamadagni, father of Paruśurāma).",
"sn": "नातिक्रान्तं मुनिश्रेष्ठ यत्कर्तव्यं कृतं मया। संगता मुनिना पत्नी भार्गवेणेव रेणुका॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing the speech of the intelligent Viśvāmitra, the exceedingly energetic Satānanda said to Rāma.",
"sn": "तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः। शतानन्दो महातेजा रामं वचनमब्रवीत्॥"
} |
"en": "Art you well come, O chief of men? It is by our luck that, O descendant of Raghu, you have come to us, headed by the respected Maharși Visvamitra.",
"sn": "स्वागतं ते नरश्रेष्ठ दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि राघव। विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य महर्षिमपराजितम्॥"
} |
"en": "This highly energetic. Viśvāmitra, Brahmarşi is of prowess measureless; and deeds inconceivable, by virtue of his asceticism. Him you know as the prime way.",
"sn": "अचिन्त्यकर्मा तपसा ब्रह्मर्षिरमितप्रभः। विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वेम्येनं परमां गतिम्॥"
} |
"en": "O Rāma, there exist of this earth not one that is more fortunate than thyself. Your protector is even Kusika's descendant, by whom mighty austerities have been performed.",
"sn": "नास्ति धन्यतरो राम त्वत्तोऽन्यो भुवि कश्चन। गोप्ता कुशिकपुत्रस्ते येन तप्तं महत्तपः॥"
} |
"en": "Do you listen as I faithfully describe to you the ascetic power of the high-souled Kausika.",
"sn": "श्रूयतां चाभिधास्यामि कौशिकस्य महात्मनः। यथाबलं यथातत्त्वं तन्मे निगतदः शृणु॥"
} |
"en": "Do you listen to me relating this. This righteous one was for a long time a king, subduing his enemies, cognizant of morality, accomplished, and intent upon the welfare of his subjects.",
"sn": "राजाऽऽसीदेष धर्मात्मा दीर्घकालमरिंदमः। धर्मज्ञः कृतविद्यश्च प्रजानां च हिते रतः॥"
} |
"en": "And there was a king named Kuša, the son of Prajāpati. And Kuśa's son was the powerful and pious Kušanābha.",
"sn": "प्रजापतिसुतस्त्वासीत् कुशो नाम महीपतिः। कुशस्य पुत्रो बलवान् कुशनाभः सुधार्मिकः॥"
} |
"en": "And Kušanābha's son was Gadhi. And Gādhi's son is the highly energetic and mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra.",
"sn": "कुशनाभसुतस्त्वासीत् गाधिरित्येव विश्रुतः। गाधेः पुत्रो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः॥"
} |
"en": "And that king reigned for thousands of years.",
"sn": "विश्वामित्रो महातेजाः पालयामास मेदिनीम्। बहुवर्षसहस्राणि राजा राज्यमकारयत्॥"
} |
"en": "And it came to pass that once with his four fold forces marshalled, he set out for ranging the earth.",
"sn": "कदाचित् तु महातेजा योजयित्वा वरूथिनीम्। अक्षौहिणीपरिवृतः परिचक्राम मेदिनीम्॥"
} |
"en": "The king went on by turns ranging cities and kingdoms, rivers and mountains and asylums. And at length that foremost of conquerors, the mighty Visvāmitra, came upon Vasistha's asylum furnished with various blossoming plants and trees; abounding in animals; inhabited by Siddhas and Cäraņas; graced by celestials and Dānavas and Gandharvas and Kinnaras; and filled with mild dear; frequented by the feathered tribes; crowded with Brahmarşis; with Devarsis inhabiting it aye teeming with-souled ones of accomplished ascetic success and resembling fire; like an other region of Brahmā; graceful; and adorned on all sides with high-souled saints and Valakhilyas and Vaikhanasas resembling Brahmā, feeding on water or air, or living on withered leaves, or subsisting on fruits and roots, and self-controlled, and free from faults, and of vanquished senses, and engaged in reciting mantras and performing homas.",
"sn": "नगराणि च राष्ट्राणि सरितश्च महागिरीन्। आश्रमान् क्रमशो राजा विचरन्नाजगाम ह।।२२। वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं नानापुष्पलतादुमम्। नानामृगगणाकीर्णं सिद्धचारणसेवितम्॥ देवदानवगन्धर्वैः किंनरैरुपशोभितम्। प्रशान्तहरिणाकीर्णं द्विजसङ्घनिषेवितम्॥ ब्रह्मर्षिगणसंकीर्णं देवर्षिगणसेवितम्। तपश्चरणसंसिद्धैरग्निकल्पैर्महात्मभिः॥ सततं संकुलं श्रीमद्ब्रह्मकल्पैर्महात्मभिः। अब्भक्षैर्वायुभक्षैश्च शीर्णपर्णाशनैस्तथा॥ फलमूलाशनैर्दान्तैर्जितदोषैर्जितेन्द्रियैः। ऋषिभिर्वालखिल्यैश्च जपहोमपरायणैः॥ अन्यैवैखानसैश्चैव समन्तादुपशोभितम्। वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं ब्रह्मलोकमिवापरम्। ददर्श जयतां श्रेष्ठो विश्वामित्रो महाबलः॥"
} |
"en": "Upon seeing that foremost of these reciting mantras, the highly powerful and heroic Viśvāmitra, exceedingly delighted, bowed to him in humility.",
"sn": "तं दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतो विश्वामित्रो महाबलः। प्रणतो विनयाद् वीरो वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम्॥"
} |
"en": "Having enquired as to the pleasantness of Viśvāmitra's journey, the high-souled and adorable Vasiştha ordered a seat for the former.",
"sn": "स्वागतं तव चेत्युक्तो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना। आसनं चास्य भगवान् वसिष्ठो व्यादिदेश ह॥"
} |
"en": "And on the intelligent Viśvāmitra having been seated, that best of ascetics properly entertained him with fruits and roots.",
"sn": "उपविष्टाय च तदा विश्वामित्राय धीमते। यथान्यायं मुनिवरः फलमूलमुपाहरत्॥"
} |
"en": "And having accepted Vasiştha's hospitality, that foremost of monarchs, the exceedingly energetic Viśvāmitra then enquired of Vasiştha as to the welfare of his asceticism, his Agnihotras, and his disciples, and his trees. Thereupon Vasiştha of fierce austerities communicated the welfare of all to that best of king, Viśvāmitra, seated at his ease.",
"sn": "प्रतिगृह्य तु तां पूजां वसिष्ठाद् राजसत्तमः। तपोऽग्निहोत्रशिष्येषु कुशलं पर्यपृच्छत ॥ विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वनस्पतिगणे तदा। सर्वत्र कुशलं प्राह वसिठो राजसत्तमम्॥"
} |
"en": "Then Brahma's son, Vasistha, the best of those reciting mantras, asked Visvāmitra, saying.",
"sn": "सुखोपविष्टं राजानं विश्वामित्रं महातपाः। पप्रच्छ जपतां श्रेष्ठो वसिष्ठो ब्रह्मणः सुतः॥"
} |
"en": "O king, is it well with you? And, O king, do you rule your subjects pleasing them consistently with morality?",
"sn": "कच्चित्ते कुशलं राजन् कच्चिद् धर्मेण रञ्जयन्। प्रजाः पालयसे राजन् राजवृत्तेन धार्मिक॥"
} |
"en": "O virtuous one, are your retainers maintained on salaries from the kingdom? Do they abode by your mandates? And, O destroyer of foes, hast you vanquished your enemies?",
"sn": "कच्चित्ते सम्भृता भृत्याः कच्चित् तिष्ठन्ति शासने। कच्चित्ते विजिताः सर्वे रिपवो रिपुसूदन॥"
} |
"en": "And O repressor of foes, is it well with you as to, O most powerful of men, your forces; exchequer, and friends, and, O sinless one, sons and grandsons?'",
"sn": "कच्चिद् बलेषु कोशेषु मित्रेषु च परंतप। कुशलं ते नरव्याघ्र पुत्रपौत्रे तथानघ॥"
} |
"en": "Thereupon the highly powerful king, Viśvāmitra, with humility communicated to Vasiștha his complete welfare.",
"sn": "सर्वत्रं कुशलं राजा वसिष्ठं प्रत्युदाहरत्। विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वसिष्ठं विनयान्वितम्॥"
} |
"en": "Having conversed for a long time, those virtuous ones, experiencing exceeding joy, ministered to each other's delight.",
"sn": "कृत्रा तौ सुचिरं कालं धर्मिष्ठौ ताः कथास्तदा। मुदा परमया युक्तौ प्रीयेतां तौ परस्परम्॥"
} |
"en": "Then, O descendant of Raghu, after the conversation had ended, the adorable Vasiştha, smiling, addressed Viśvāmitra, saying.",
"sn": "ततो वसिष्ठो भगवान् कथान्ते रघुनन्दन। विश्वामित्रमिदं वाक्यमुवाच प्रहसन्निव॥"
} |
"en": "O highly powerful one, I desire to properly entertain you of immeasurable power, as well as your forces, do you, therefore, accept my hospitality.",
"sn": "आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्छामि बलस्यास्य महाबल। तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य यथार्ह सम्प्रतीच्छ मे॥"
} |
"en": "Do you receive the hospitality which I extend to you. O king, you are the foremost of guests, and art worthy of assiduous homage.'",
"sn": "सत्क्रियां हि भवानेतां प्रतीच्छतु मया कृताम्। राजंस्त्वमतिथिश्रेष्ठः पूजनीयः प्रयत्नतः॥"
} |
"en": "Being thus addressed by Vasiştha, that mighty ascetic, king Viśvāmitra; said, 'Even by this word of your relative to receiving me, hast you in fact done so.'",
"sn": "एवमुक्तो वसिष्ठेन विश्वामित्रो महामतिः। कृतमित्यब्रवीद् राजा पूजावाक्येन मे त्वया॥"
} |
"en": "And, O worshipful one, even with the fruits and roots that are in your asylum, with the water for washing my feet, and for sipping, you, with the sight of your revered self, have I been.",
"sn": "फलमूलेन भगवन् विद्यते यत् तवाश्रमे। पाद्यनाचमनीयेन भगवद्दर्शनेन च॥"
} |
"en": "O profoundly wise one, excellently entertained by you, who art yourself worthy of homage. I how to you. I will go now. Do you regard me with a friendly eye.'",
"sn": "सर्वथा च महाप्राज्ञ पूजाहेण सुपूजितः। नमस्तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामि मैत्रेणेक्षस्व चक्षुषा ॥"
} |
"en": "As the king was speaking thus, the righteous souled and generous Vasiştha again and again pressed him to accept his hospitality.",
"sn": "एवं ब्रुवन्तं राजानं वसिष्ठः पुनरेव हि। न्यमन्त्रयत धर्मात्मा पुनः पुनरुदारधीः॥"
} |
"en": "Then Gadhi's son answered Vasistha, Very well. O potent ascetic, let that be which find favour in your sight.'",
"sn": "बाढमित्येव गाधेयो वसिष्ठं प्रत्युवाच ह। यथाप्रियं भगवतस्तथास्तु मुनिपुङ्गव॥"
} |
"en": "This having been said by him, Vasistha, the best of those reciting mantras, joyfully called his sacrificial dappled cow, capable of purging away sins.",
"sn": "एवमुक्तस्तथा तेन वसिष्ठो जपतां वरः। आजुहाव ततः प्रीतः कल्माषीं धूतकल्मषाम्॥"
} |
"en": "O Śabala! do you come soon; and hear my words. I intend to entertain this royal saint together with his forces. Do you enable me to entertain him, by yielding excellent viands.",
"sn": "एह्येहि शबले क्षिप्रं शृणु चापि वचो मम। सबलस्यास्य राजर्षेः कर्तुं व्यवसितोऽस्म्यहम्। भोजनेन महाहेण सत्कारं संविधत्स्व मे॥"
} |
"en": "And, O divine one, O you that confer everything that is desired, do you grant everyone whatever be ask among edibles impregnated with the six tastes.",
"sn": "यस्य यस्य यथाकामं षड्रसेष्वभिपूजितम्। तत्सर्वं कामधुग् दिव्ये अभिवर्षकृते मम॥"
} |
"en": "And do you, O Śabala, speedily create sapid viands to be chewed, sucked, licked, or drunk.",
"sn": "रसेनान्नेन पानेन लेह्यचोष्येण संयुतम्। अन्नानां निचयं सर्वं सृजस्व शबले त्वर ॥"
} |
"en": "Thus addressed by Vasiştha, that bestower of all that was desired, Sabala, O destroyer of your foes, brought forth everything that was desired by everyone.",
"sn": "एवमुक्ता वसिष्ठेन शबला शत्रुसूदन। विदधे कामधुक् कामान् यस्य यस्येप्सितं यथा॥"
} |
"en": "And she produced sugarcanes, and honies, and fried rice, and excellent Maireyas, (A kind of wine prepared from molasses). A preparation of milk rice. and costly drinks, and various viands, and heaps of warm rice resembling hills, and other kinds of edibles, and soups, and Dadhikulyas, together with silver plates by thousands filled with meats of diverse tastes.",
"sn": "इथून मधूंस्तथा लाजान् मैरेयांश्च वरासवान्। पानानि च महार्हाणि भक्ष्यांश्चोच्चावचानपि॥ उष्णाढ्यस्यौदनस्यात्र राशयः पर्वतोपमाः। मृष्टान्यन्नानि सब्दलंश्च दधिकुल्यास्तथैव च॥ नानास्वादुरसानां च खाण्डवानां तथैव च। भोजनानि सुपूर्णानि गौडानि च सहस्रशः॥"
} |
"en": "And, O Rāma, the tarry of Viśvāmitra being superbly entertained by Vasiştha, heartily filled, became exceedingly gratified.",
"sn": "सर्वमासीत् सुसंतुष्टं हृष्टपुष्टजनायुतम्। विश्वामित्रबलं राम वसिष्ठेन सुतर्पितम्॥"
} |
"en": "And the royal saint, Viśvāmitra himself, together with the priests and Brāhmaṇas and the inmates of the inner apartment, was also heartily filled.",
"sn": "विश्वामित्रो हि राजर्षिर्हष्टपुष्टस्तदाभवत्। सान्तःपुरवरो राजा सब्राह्मणपुरोहितः॥"
} |
"en": "And being hospitably entertained with his courtiers and counsellors and retainers, he, exceedingly de-lighted, spoke to Vasistha, saying.",
"sn": "सामात्यो मन्त्रिसहितः सभृत्य पूजितस्तदा। युक्तः परमहर्षेण वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्॥"
} |
"en": "Received and excellently entertained have I been by you, O Brāhmaṇa, who thyself art worthy of being honoured. Do you, O you conversant with speech, listen to me. I will tell you a word.",
"sn": "पुजितोऽहं त्वया ब्रह्मन् पूजाण सुसत्कृतः। श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद॥"
} |
"en": "Do you bestow on me Śabala for an hundred thousand kine. O worshipful one, verily this one is a jewel; and as it is the function of kings to acquire jewels, do you confer on me Śabala; for, O twice-born one, this one by right belongs to me.",
"sn": "गवां शतसहस्रेण दीयतां शबला मम। रत्नं हि भगवनेतद् रत्नहारी च पार्थिवः॥ तस्मान्मे शबलां देहि ममैषा धर्मतो द्विज ।"
} |
"en": "Thus addressed by Viśvāmitra, the righteous and adorable Vasiştha best of ascetics, replied to that lord of earth.",
"sn": "एवमुक्तस्तु भगवान् वसिष्ठो मुनिपुङ्गवः॥ विश्वामित्रेण धर्मात्मा प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम्।"
} |
"en": "O king, neither for an hundred thousand nor for an hundred Koți of kine, nor yet for heaps of silver, will I part with Sabala. O subduer of enemies, this one deserves not to be separated from my side.",
"sn": "नाहं शतसहस्रेण नापि कोटिशतैर्गवाम्॥ राजन् दास्यामि शबलां राशिभी रजतस्य वा। न परित्यागमयं मत्सकाशादरिंदम ॥"
} |
"en": "Even like to the fame of the mighty, this Śabala is ever joined with me. my oblations to the gods and the Pitrs as well as my subsistence itself are established even in her. And my Agnihotras, (Maintenance of the perpetual fire). bali, (Offering to the spirits of air) and Homa (Burnt offerings) depend upper her.",
"sn": "शाश्वती शबला मह्यं कीर्तिरात्मवतो यथा। अस्यां हव्यं च कव्यं च प्राणयात्रा तथैव च॥"
} |
"en": "And, O royal saint, my Svahākāras and Vasaſkāras* as well as my various lore depend upon her. *Sacrifice performed with the exclamation of svadhả and Vașat respectively.",
"sn": "आयत्तमग्निहोत्रं च बलि)मस्तथैव च। स्वाहाकारवषट्कारौ विद्याश्च विविधास्तथा॥"
} |
"en": "All this is so: there is no doubt about it. Verily she is my all; and in her do I find my delight. And many are the reasons, O king, why I cannot give to you Sabala.'",
"sn": "आयत्तमत्र राजर्षे सर्वमेतन संशयः। सर्वस्वमेतत् सत्येन मम तुष्टिकरी तथा॥ कारणैर्बहुभी राजन् न दास्ये शबलां तव।"
} |
"en": "Thus addressed by Vasiștha, that one versed in speech, Viśvāmitra, eagerly rejoined.",
"sn": "वसिष्ठेनैवमुक्तस्तु विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीत् तदा॥ संरब्धतरमत्यर्थं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः।"
} |
"en": "I shall confer upon you fourteen thousand elephants decked in gold chains and gold neckornaments and hooks.",
"sn": "हैरण्यकक्षौवेयान् सुवर्णाङ्कुशभूषितान् ॥ ददामि ते कुञ्जराणां ते सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।"
} |
"en": "I will confer upon you cight hundred golden cars furnished with bells and reins, and each yoked with four white horses; and, O you of auspicious vows, I will confer upon you one thousand and ten high-mettled horses of noble breeds, and I will confer upon you a koți of youthful and variegated kine, do you grant to me Sabala.",
"sn": "हैरण्यानां रथानां च श्वेताश्वानां चतुर्युजाम्॥ ददामि ते शतान्यष्टौ किंकिणीकविभूषितान्। हयानां देशजातानां कुलजानां महौजसाम्। सहस्रमेकं दश च ददामि तव सुव्रत॥ नानावर्णविभक्तानां वयःस्थानां तथैव च। ददाम्येकां गवां कोटिं शबला दीयतां मम॥"
} |
"en": "And as much of gems and gold, O best of regenerate ones, as you will ask for, shall I bestow upon you: do you grant me Sabala.'",
"sn": "यावदिच्छसि रत्नानि हिरण्यं वा द्विजोत्तम। तावद् ददामि ते सर्वं दीयतां शबला मम॥"
} |
"en": "Thus besought by the intelligent Viśvāmitra, that adorable one replied, saying, 'Oking, Śabala I will not by any means give.'",
"sn": "एवमुक्तस्तु भगवान् विश्वामित्रेण धीमता। न दास्यामीति शबलां प्राह राजन् कथंचन ॥"
} |
"en": "This is verily my jewel: this is verily my riches: this is verily my all: this is verily my subsistence. And this is my Darsa,* Gifts to Brāhmaṇas on occasions of sacrifice. and this my Paurnamäsa, and this my various sacrifices with dakşiņās; and, O king, this my various rites. *Bi-monthly sacrifice, performed at change of the moon by persons maintaining a perpetual fire. A ceremony performed at the full moon by persons maintaining a perpetual fire.",
"sn": "एतदेव हि मे रत्नमेतदेव हि मे धनम्। एतदेव हि सर्वस्वमेतदेव हि जीवितम्॥ दर्शश्च पौर्णमासश्च यज्ञाश्चैवाप्तदक्षिणाः। एतदेव हि मे राजन् विविधाश्च क्रियास्तथा॥"
} |
"en": "This, O king, is without doubt, the root of all my rites. And what need of dilating? This one bestowing everything that is desired will I not part with.",
"sn": "अतोमूलाः क्रियाः सर्वा मम राजन् न संशयः। बहुना किं प्रलापेन न दास्ये कामदोहिनीम्॥"
} |
"en": "When the ascetic Vasiștha would not part with the cow of plenty then Viśvāmitra, O Rāma, forced Śabala away.",
"sn": "कामधेनुं वसिष्ठोऽपि यदा न त्यजते मुनिः। तदास्य शबलां राम विश्वामित्रोऽन्वकर्षत॥"
} |
"en": "And, O Rāma, carried away by that highsouled king, ſabala, stricken with grief and afflicted with sorrow, bethought herself, weeping.",
"sn": "नीयमाना तु शबला राम राज्ञा महात्मना। दुःखिता चिन्तयामास रुदन्ती शोककर्शिता॥"
} |
"en": "Have I been forsaken by the high-souled Vasiştha that the royal retainers carry me off thus aggrieved?",
"sn": "परित्यक्ता वसिष्ठेन किमहं सुमहात्मना। याहं राजभृतैर्दीना हियेय भृशदुःखिता॥"
} |
"en": "What wrong have I done to that mighty ascetic of concentrated spirit, that, knowing me to be faultless, that righteous one leave her that was devoted to his service?'",
"sn": "किं मयापकृतं तस्य महर्षे वितात्मनः। यन्मामनागसं दृष्ट्वा भक्तां त्यजति धार्मिकः॥"
} |
"en": "Revolving this in her mind and sighing again and again she darted to where the pre-eminently energetic Vasiştha was; and cutting off those servants (of the king),5",
"sn": "इति संचिन्तयित्वा तु निःश्वस्य च पुनःपुनः। जगाम वेगेन तदा वसिष्ठं परमौजसम्॥ निधूय तांस्तदा भृत्याञ्छतशः शत्रुसूदन।"
} |
"en": "She with the speed of the wind, appeared at the feet of that high-souled one. And weeping, she spoke in distressful accents.",
"sn": "जगामानिलवेगेन पादमूलं महात्मनः॥ शबला सा रुदन्ती च क्रोशन्ती चेदमब्रवीत्। वसिष्ठस्याग्रतः स्थित्वा रुदन्ती मेघनिःस्वना ॥"
} |
"en": "O Brahma's son, wherefore have I been forsaken by you, that the servants of the king were carrying me from off your presence?",
"sn": "भगवन् किं परित्यक्ता त्वयाहं ब्रह्मणः सुत। यस्माद् राजभटामां हि नयन्ते त्वत्सकाशतः॥"
} |
"en": "Thus addressed the Brahmarși said these words to that one aggrieved, and of heart afflicted with sorrow, and like to a sister.",
"sn": "एवमुक्तस्तु ब्रह्मर्षिरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। शोकसंतप्तहृदयां स्वसारमिव दु:खिताम्॥"
} |
"en": "O Śabala, not that I forsake you; nor hast you done me any wrong. But this mighty king proud of his prowess has been carrying you away.",
"sn": "न त्वां त्यजामि शबले नापि मेऽपकृतं त्वया। एष त्वां नयते राजा बलान्मत्तो महाबलः॥"
} |
"en": "Surely, my strength is not equal to his. More specially, he is a king, a powerful king, more particularly, this day he should not be slain by me (inasmuch as he is my guest): he is a Ks atriya and lord of earth.",
"sn": "नहि तुल्यं बलं मह्यं राजा त्वद्य विशेषतः। बली राजा क्षत्रियश्च पृथिव्याः पतिरेव च॥"
} |
"en": "And he is foremost in might by virtue of possessing this entire Akşohiņi abounding in elephants and horses and cars and standards.'",
"sn": "इयमक्षौहिणी पूर्णा गजवाजिरथाकुला। हस्तिध्वजसमाकीर्णा तेनासौ बलवत्तरः॥"
} |
"en": "Thus addressed by Vasistha, that cognizant of words humbly said in reply to that Brahmarși of incomparable power.",
"sn": "एवमुक्ता वसिष्ठेन प्रत्युवाच विनीतवत्। वचनं वचनज्ञा सा ब्रह्मर्षिमतुलप्रभम्॥"
} |
"en": "The might of the Kșatriyas is not great, the Brāhmaṇas are more mighty than they. O Brāhmaṇa, super-human is the power of the Brāhmaṇas, excelling that of the Kşatriyas.",
"sn": "न बलं क्षत्रियस्याहुर्ब्राह्मणा बलवत्तराः। ब्रह्मन् ब्रह्मबलं दिव्यं क्षात्राच्च बलवत्तरम्॥"
} |
"en": "Your power is immeasurable; and the exceedingly energetic Viśvāmitra is not more one powerful than thyself. Your energy is unequalled.",
"sn": "अप्रमेयं बलं तुभ्यं न त्वया बलवत्तरः। विश्वामित्रो महावीर्यस्तेजस्तव दुरासदम्॥"
} |
"en": "O highly energetic one, do you command me bursting with Brahmā forces: the pride, power and endeavours of that wicked one will I bring down.",
"sn": "नियुक्ष्व मां महातेजस्त्वं ब्रह्मबलसम्भृताम्। तस्य दर्प बलं यत्नं नाशयामि दुरात्मनः॥"
} |
"en": "Thus accosted by her, the highly famous Vasistha, O Rama, said, 'Create you forces capable of crushing the forces of the enemy.'",
"sn": "इत्युक्तस्तु तया राम वसिष्ठस्तु महायशाः। सृजस्वेति तदोवाच बलं परबलार्दनम्॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of his, Surabhi created (an army). And, O king, Pahlavas by hundreds brought into being by her lowing, begin even in Viśvāmitra's sight to commit havoc upon his forces. Thereat, exceedingly angered, with eyes expanded in ire, that king commenced to slay the Pahlavas with various weapons. And beholding the Pahlavas by hundreds afflicted by Viśvāmitra, she again created grim-visaged Sakas mixed with Yavanas. And the field became thronged with the Sakas mixed with Yavanas, of dazzling splendour, exceedingly fierce, resembling golden filaments, bearing sharp scimitars and adzes, and clad in yellow apparel. And that entire host (of Viśvāmitra) was being consumed by them like to flaming fires. Then the exceedingly powerful Viśvāmitra hurled weapons at them; and with these the Yavanas, Kambojas and Barbaras (Barbarians) became sore afflicted.' Then the exceedingly powerful Viśvāmitra hurled weapons at them; and with these the Yavanas, Kambojas and Barbaras (Barbarians) became sore afflicted.'",
"sn": "तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा सुरभिः सासृजत् तदा। तस्या हुंभारवोत्सृष्टाः पह्लवाः शतशो नृप॥ नाशयन्ति बलं सर्वं विश्वामित्रस्य पश्यतः। स राजा परमक्रुद्धः क्रोधविस्फारितेक्षणः॥ पह्नवान् नाशयामास शस्त्रैरुच्चावचैरपि। विश्वामित्रार्दितान् दृष्ट्वा पह्लवाञ्शतशस्तदा॥ भूय एवासृजद् घोराञ्छकान् यवनमिश्रितान्। तैरासीत् संवृता भूमिः शकैर्यवनमिश्रितैः॥ प्रभावद्भिर्महावीहेमकिंजल्कसंनिभैः। तीक्ष्णासिपट्टिशधरैर्हेमवर्णाम्बरावृतैः॥ निर्दग्धं तद्बलं सर्वं प्रदीप्तैरिव पावकैः। ततोऽस्त्राणि महातेजा विश्वामित्रो मुमोच ह। तैस्तै यवनकाम्बोजा बर्बराश्चाकुलीकृताः॥"
} |
"en": "And beholding them sore harassed, and overwhelmed by Visvāmitra's weapons, Vasistha directed (Sabala) saying, 'o cow of plenty, do you create (fresh troops), through your Yoga power.'",
"sn": "ततस्तानाकुलान् दृष्ट्वा विश्वामित्रास्त्रमोहितान्। वसिष्ठश्चोदयामास कामधुक् सृज योगतः॥"
} |
"en": "And from her roar, there came into being Kamvojas, resembling the Sun. And from her udders sprang Barbaras, arms in hand; and from her mysterious parts, Yavanas; from her anus, Sakas; and from the pores of her skin, those barbarians, Hārītas and Kirātas.",
"sn": "तस्या हुंकारतो जाताः काम्बोजा रविसंनिभाः। ऊधसश्चाथ सम्भूता बर्बराः शस्त्रपाणयः॥ योनिदेशाच्च यवनाः शकृद्देशाच्छकाः स्मृताः। रोमकूपेषु म्लेच्छाश्च हारीताः सकिरातकाः॥"
} |
"en": "And, (descendant of Raghu, Viśvāmitra's entire host consisting of foot, and elephant, and horse, and car, was exterminated by them.",
"sn": "तैस्तन्निषूदितं सर्वं विश्वामित्रस्य तत्क्षणात्। सपदातिगजं साश्वं सरथं रघुनन्दन॥"
} |
"en": "Seeing the army annihilated by the highsouled Vasiştha, the hundred sons of Viśvāmitra, equipped with various weapons, rushed in high ire against that best of mantra-reciting ones. Thereupon, uttering a roar, that mighty ascetic consumed them quite.",
"sn": "दृष्ट्वा निषूदितं सैन्यं वसिष्ठेन महात्मना। विश्वामित्रसुतानां तु शतं नानाविधायुधम्॥ अभ्यधावत् सुसंक्रुद्धं वसिष्ठं जगतां वरम्। हुंकारेणैव तान् सर्वान् निर्ददाह महानृषिः॥"
} |
"en": "In a moment, Viśvāmitra's sons together with horse and car and foot were reduced to ashes by the high-souled Vasistha.",
"sn": "ते साश्वरथपादाता वसिष्ठेन महात्मना। भस्मीकृता मुहूर्तेन विश्वामित्रसुतास्तथा॥"
} |
"en": "And witnessing them all destroyed, together with the army, the illustrious Viśvāmitra, covered with shame, became plunged in thought.",
"sn": "दृष्ट्वा विनाशितान् सर्वान् बलं च सुमहायशाः। सव्रीडं चिन्तयाविष्टो विश्वामित्रोऽभवत् तदा॥"
} |
"en": "And like to a tideless ocean or a fangless snake, he instantly became shorn of his effulgence, like to the sun overwhelmed by Rahu.* *A Daitya with the tail of a dragon, whose head was served from his body by Vişnu; but being immortal, the head and tail retained their separate existence, and being transferred to the stellar sphere, became the author of eclipses.",
"sn": "समुद्र इव निर्वेगो भग्नद्रष्ट्र इवोरगः। उपरक्त इवादित्यः सद्यो निप्रभतां गतः॥"
} |
"en": "And deprived of his forces and sons, he appeared like a bird bereft of its wings; and losing his entire army and with it the high spirits that it had inspired him with, his heart died within him.",
"sn": "हतपुत्रबलो दीनो लूनपक्ष इव द्विजः। हतसर्वबलोत्साहो निर्वेदं समपद्यत॥"
} |
"en": "Then entrusting one of his (remaining) sons with the sovereignty, with, 'Do you rule the earth agree ably to the duties of the Kșatriya,' he went into the forest.",
"sn": "स पुत्रमेकं राज्याय पालयेति नियुज्य च। पृथिवीं क्षत्रधर्मेण वनमेवाभ्यपद्यत॥"
} |
"en": "And repairing to the side of the Himavat inhabited by Kinnaras and Serpents that one of mighty asceticism began to perform austerities with the view of propitiating Mahādeva.",
"sn": "स गत्वा हिमवत्पार्वे किंनरोरगसेवितम्। महादेवप्रसादार्थं तपस्तेपे महातपाः।.१२ ।।"
} |
"en": "On a certain occasion the lord of the celestials, Vrsadhvaja,* intending to confer a boon, appeared before a mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra. *An appellation of Śiva: meaning who has the bull for his vehicle.",
"sn": "केनचित् त्वथ कालेन देवेशो वृषभध्वजः। दर्शयामास वरदो विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्॥"
} |
"en": "What for, O king, art you performing penance?. Do you unfold what you have to say. I am for conferring a boon: do you express what boon you would obtain.",
"sn": "किमर्थं तप्यसे राजन् ब्रूहि यत् ते विवक्षितम्। वरदोऽस्मि वरो यस्ते काङ्क्षितः सोऽभिधीयताम्।।१४।"
} |
"en": "Thus addressed by that god, that performer of mighty austerities, Viśvāmitra, bowing down to him, addressed him, saying.",
"sn": "एवमुक्तस्तु देवेन विश्वामित्रो महातपाः। प्रणिपत्य महादेवं विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीदिदम्॥"
} |
"en": "If, O mighty god, you are pleased (with me), do you confer upon me the science of archery with all its mysteries and mantras, as well as its virtues of helping from far and near.",
"sn": "यदि तुष्टो महादेव धनुर्वेदो ममानघ। साङ्गोपाङ्गोपनिषदः सरहस्यः प्रदीयताम्॥"
} |
"en": "O sinless one, may all those weapons that are with the celestials and the Dānavas and the Maharșis and the Gandharvas and the Yakşas and the Rākşasa, shine on me ! May this my desire be granted me through your grace, O god of gods!",
"sn": "यानि देवेषु चास्त्राणि दानवेषु महर्षिषु । गन्धर्वयक्षरक्ष:सु प्रतिभान्तु ममानघ ॥"
} |
"en": "Thereupon, saying, 'Be it so' the lord of the celestials vanished. And obtaining the arms from the lord of the celestials, the mighty Viśvāmitra, naturally haughty, became swelled with insolence.",
"sn": "तव प्रसादाद् भवतु देवदेव ममेप्सुतम्। एवमस्त्विति देवेशो वाक्यमुक्त्वा गतस्तदा॥ प्राप्य चास्त्राणि देवेशाद् विश्वामित्रो महाबलः। दर्पण महता युक्तो दर्पपूर्णोऽभवत् तदा ॥"
} |
"en": "Surcharged with energy, like to the sea during the equinox, he considered, O Rāma, as if that foremost of saints, Vasistha, was already slain.",
"sn": "विवर्धमानो वीर्येण समुद्र इव पर्वणि। हतं मेने तदा राम वसिष्ठमृषिसत्तमम्॥"
} |
"en": "And repairing to Vasistha's asylum, the king began to discharge weapons; and by their energy the hermitage began to burn.",
"sn": "ततो गत्वाऽऽश्रमपदं मुमोचास्त्राणि पार्थिवः। यैस्तत् तपोवनं नाम निर्दग्धं चास्त्रतेजसा॥"
} |
"en": "Beholding those weapons discharged by the intelligent Viśvāmitra, the ascetics, overtaken by fear, by hundreds began to fly.",
"sn": "उदीर्यमाणमस्त्रं तद् विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः। दृष्ट्वा विप्रदुता भीता मुनयः शतशो दिशः॥"
} |
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