translation |
"en": "When Viśvāmitra had ended, hearing his words, Rāma exceedingly pleased, spoke to that ascetic resembling flaming fire, saying,",
"sn": "विश्वामित्रवचः श्रुत्वा कथान्ते रघुनन्दनः। उवाच परमप्रीतो मुनि दीप्तमिवानलम्॥"
} |
"en": "I am anxious to hear in detail, good betide you, how, O Brāhmaṇa, my ancestor arranged for the sacrifice.",
"sn": "श्रोतुमिच्छामि भद्रं ते विस्तरेण कथामिमाम्। पूर्वजो मे कथं ब्रह्मन् यज्ञं वै समुपाहरत्॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of his, Viśvāmitra, smiling, eagerly spoke to Kākutstha, saying,",
"sn": "तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा कौतूहलसमन्वितः। विश्वामित्रस्तु काकुत्स्थमुवाच प्रहसन्निव ॥"
} |
"en": "Do you, O Rāma, hearken to the story of the high-souled Sagara's sacrifice. Sankara's fatherin-law is the far-famed Himavat. And approaching each other, the Himavat and the vindhya behold each other. And on the region lying between them took place, O foremost of men, that sacrifice of Sagara's.",
"sn": "श्रूयतां विस्तरो राम सगरस्य महात्मनः। शंकरश्वशुरो नाम्ना हिमवानिति विश्रुतः॥ विन्ध्यपर्वतमासाद्य निरीक्षेते परस्परम्। तयोर्मध्ये समभवद् यज्ञः स पुरुषोत्तम ॥"
} |
"en": "And that country, O best of men, is excellent as a sacrificial ground. And, O Kākutstha, equipped with a powerful bow, that mighty carwarrior, living under Sagara's sway, Ansumat, O child, followed the horse, for the purpose of protecting it.",
"sn": "स हि देशो नरव्याघ्र प्रशस्तो यज्ञकर्मणि। तस्याश्वचर्या काकुत्स्थ दृढधन्वा महारथः॥ अंशुमानकरोत् तात सगरस्य मते स्थितः।"
} |
"en": "It came to pass that with the intention of disturbing the sacrifice of that monarch, on a certain day Vasava, assuming the, form of a Raksasi, stole away the sacrificial horse. us",
"sn": "तस्य पर्वणि तं यज्ञं यजमानस्य वासवः॥ राक्षसी तनुमास्थाय यज्ञियाश्वमपाहरत्।"
} |
"en": "O Kākutstha, on the horse of that high-souled one being stolen, the priests said to the king engaged in the ceremony, 'On this auspicious day, has the sacrificial horse been stolen by violence. Do you, O Kākutstha, slay him that steals the horse, and bring it back. Otherwise the sacrifice will be defective, bringing misfortune. Therefore, do you, O king, act so, that the sacrifice may not bemired with defects.'",
"sn": "ह्रियमाणे तु काकुत्स्थ तस्मिन्नश्वे महात्मनः॥ उपाध्यायगणाः सर्वे यजमानमथाब्रुवन्। अयं पर्वणि वेगेन यज्ञियाश्वोऽपनीयते॥ हर्तारं जहि काकुत्स्थ हयश्चैकोपनीयताम्। यज्ञच्छिद्रं भवत्येतत् सर्वेषामशिवाय नः॥ तत् तथा क्रियतां राजन् यज्ञोऽच्छिद्रः कृतो भवेत्।"
} |
"en": "Hearing the words of the priests, the king addressed his sixty thousand sons in the midst of his court, saying, 'l'eing, as this great sacrifice is, presided over by eminently pious Brāhmaṇas sanctified by mantras, I do not, you foremost of men, you sons, see how Raksasas may find entrance into it.'",
"sn": "सोपाध्यायवचः श्रुत्वा तस्मिन् सदसि पार्थिवः॥ षष्ठिं पुत्रसहस्राणि वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह। गतिं पुत्रा न पश्यामि रक्षसां पुरुषर्षभाः॥"
} |
"en": "Therefore, repair you, and seek for the horse, you sons. Good betide you! Do you search the entire earth engarlanded with oceans; and do you search Yojana after Yojana, you sons. And do you delve the earth till you light upon the horse, by my command following the track of that stealer of the horse.",
"sn": "मन्त्रपूतैर्महाभागैरास्थितो हि महाक्रतुः। तद् गच्छथ विचिन्वध्वं पुत्रका भद्रमस्तु वः॥ समुद्रमालिनी सर्वां पृथिवीमनुगच्छथ। एकैकं योजनं पुत्रा विस्तारमभिगच्छत॥ यावद् तुरगसंदर्शस्तावत् खनत मेदिनीम्। तमेव हयहर्तारं मार्गमाणा ममाज्ञया॥"
} |
"en": "I have been initiated into this sacrifice with my grand-sons and priests.' I will stay here till you light upon the horse.",
"sn": "दीक्षितः पौत्रसहितः सोपाध्यायगणस्त्वहम्। इह स्थास्यामि भद्रं वो यावत् तुरगदर्शनम्॥"
} |
"en": "And thereat the mighty princes, enjoined by their father, breathing high spirits, began to range the earth.",
"sn": "ते सर्वे हृष्टमनसो राजपुत्रा महाबलाः। जग्मुर्महीतलं राम पितुर्वचनयन्त्रिताः॥"
} |
"en": "O Rāma. Then, they each fell to delving the bowels of the earth for the space of a Yojana in length and breadth, with their hands resembling thunder-bolts in feel, and with darts like to thunder-bolts, and with gigantic ploughshares. And being thus rived, the earth, O descendant of Raghu, began to send forth loud cries.",
"sn": "योजनायामविस्तारमेकैको धरणीतलम्। बिभिदुः पुरुषव्याघ्रा वज्रस्पर्शसमैर्भुजैः॥ शूलैरशनिकल्पैश्च हलैश्चापि सुदारुणैः। भिद्यमाना वसुमती ननाद रघुनन्दन॥"
} |
"en": "O Rāghava, O you hard to repress, there arose an uproar from serpents, and Asuras, and Rāks asas, and other creatures, that were being slaughtered.",
"sn": "नागानां वध्यमानानामसुराणां च राघव। राक्षसानां दुराधर्षं सत्त्वानां निनदोऽभवत्॥"
} |
"en": "O descendant of Raghu, they excavated the earth, O Rāma, for sixty thousand Yojanas, you, as if they had intended to reach the lowest depths underground.",
"sn": "योजनानां सहस्राणि षष्ठिं तु रघुनन्दन। बिभिदुर्धरणी राम रसातलमनुत्तमम्॥"
} |
"en": "Thus, O foremost of kings, those sons of the monarch dug all around Jambūdvīpa, filled with mountains.",
"sn": "एवं पर्वतसम्बाधं जम्बूद्वीपं नृपात्मजाः। खनन्तो नृपशार्दूल सर्वतः परिचक्रमुः॥"
} |
"en": "Thereat, the gods together with the Gandharvas, and Asuras, and Pannagas, in trepidation appeared before the Grand-sire.",
"sn": "ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सासुराः सहपन्नगाः। सम्भ्रान्तमनसः सर्वे पितामहमुपागमन्॥"
} |
"en": "And propitiating that high-souled one, they with melancholy countenances and in exceeding agitation, spoke these words to the Grand-sire,",
"sn": "ते प्रसाद्य महात्मानं विषण्णवदनास्तदा। ऊचुः परमसंत्रस्ताः पितामहमिदं वचः॥"
} |
"en": "O adorable one, the entire earth is being excavated by the sons of Sagara; and many are the high-souled ones as well as the aquatic animals that are being slain in consequence.",
"sn": "भगवन् पृथिवी सर्वा खन्यते सगरात्मजैः। बहवश्च महात्मानो बध्यन्ते जलचारिणः॥"
} |
"en": "This one is the disturber of our sacrifice, and by him has the sacrificial horse been stolen, saying this Sagara's sons are committing havoc upon all creatures.",
"sn": "अयं यज्ञहरोऽस्माकमनेनाश्वोऽपनीयते। इति ते सर्वभूतानि हिंसन्ति सगरात्मजाः॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing the speech of the celestials, that possessor of the six attributes, the Grand-sire, spoke to them exceedingly frightened and deprived of their senses on beholding the prowess of Sagara's sons like to the Destroyer himself.",
"sn": "देवतानां वचः श्रुत्वा भगवान् वै पितामहः। प्रत्युवाच सुसंत्रस्तान् कृतान्तबलमोहितान्॥"
} |
"en": "This entire Earth belong to the intelligent Vasudeva, she being his consort. And that adorable one is indeed her lord. And assuming the form of Kapila, he unceasingly sustain the Earth. And the sons of king Sagara will be consumed by the fire of his wrath.",
"sn": "यस्येयं वसुधा कृत्स्ना वासुदेवस्य धीमतः। महिषी माधवस्यैषा स एव भगवान् प्रभुः॥ कापिलं रूपमास्थाय धारयत्यनिशं धराम्। तस्य कोपाग्निना दग्धा भविष्यन्ति नृपात्मजाः॥"
} |
"en": "The pre-ordained excavation of the Earth, as well as the testruction of Sagara's sons, had been foreseen by the farsighted.",
"sn": "पृथिव्याश्चापि निर्भेदो दृष्ट एव सनातनः। सगरस्य च पुत्राणां विनाशो दीर्घदर्शिनाम्॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing the words of the Grand-sire. those repressors of their foes, the three and thirty* celestials, being exceedingly rejoiced, went back to their respective quarters. *The eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve Adityas and two Asvins.",
"sn": "पितामहवचः श्रुत्वा त्रयस्त्रिंशदरिंदमाः। देवाः परमसंहृष्टाः पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम्॥"
} |
"en": "And as the sons of Sagara were riving the Earth, there arose a mighty noise, like to the bursting of thunder.",
"sn": "सगरस्य च पुत्राणां प्रादुरासीन्महास्वनः। पृथिव्यां भिद्यमानायां निर्घातसमनि:स्वनः॥"
} |
"en": "Then, having rived the entire Earth and ranged it all around, the sons, of Sagara together (returned to their father) and spoke to him.",
"sn": "ततो भित्त्वा महीं सर्वां कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। सहिताः सागराः सर्वे पितरं वाक्यमब्रुवन्॥"
} |
"en": "By us has the Earth been extensively surveyed, and have powerful deities and Dānavas. Rākşasas, Piśācas, Uragas and Pannagas been slain; and yet do we find neither the horse nor the stealer thereof. What are we to do now? Good betide you, do you consider it well.",
"sn": "परिक्रान्ता मही सर्वा सत्त्ववन्तश्च सूदिताः। देवदानवरक्षांसि पिशाचोरगपन्नगाः॥ न च पश्यामहेऽश्वं ते अश्वहर्तारमेव च। किं करिष्याम भद्रं ते बुद्धिरत्र विचार्यताम्॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of his sons, that foremost of kings, getting into a wrath, said, O descendant of Raghu.",
"sn": "तेषां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा पुत्राणां राजसत्तमः। समन्युरब्रवीद् वाक्यं सगरो रघुनन्दन॥"
} |
"en": "'Do you yet again, good betide you, delve the earth, and having got at the stealer of the horse, cease.'",
"sn": "भूयः खनत भद्रं वो विभेद्य वसुधातलम्। अश्वहर्तारमासाद्य कृतार्थाश्च निवर्तत॥"
} |
"en": "Receiving this mandate of their sire, the sixty thousand sons of the high-souled Sagara rushed towards the depths of the earth.",
"sn": "पितुर्वचनमासाद्य सगरस्य महात्मनः। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि रसातलमभिद्रवन्॥"
} |
"en": "And as they were engaged in excavating, they beheld the elephant of the quarter resembling a hill, named Virūpākṣa, holding the earth.",
"sn": "खन्यमाने ततस्तस्मिन् ददृशुः पर्वतोपमम्। दिशागजं विरूपाक्षं धारयन्तं महीतलम्॥"
} |
"en": "O son of Raghu, that mighty elephant, Virūpākşa, held on his head the entire earth with its mountains and forests.",
"sn": "सपर्वतवनां कृत्स्नां पृथिवीं रघुनन्दन। धारयामास शिरसा विरूपाक्षो महागजः॥"
} |
"en": "And, O Kākutstha, when on sacred days the mighty elephant, from fatigue, shake his head, then takes place the earthquake.",
"sn": "यदा पर्वणि काकुत्स्थ विश्रमार्थं महागजः। खेदाच्चालयते शीर्ष भूमिकम्पस्तदा भवेत्॥"
} |
"en": "Thereupon, O Rāma, going round that mighty elephant, and honouring him duly, they went on piercing the under earth.",
"sn": "ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा दिशापालं महागजम्। मानयन्तो हि ते राम जग्मुर्भित्त्वा रसातलम्॥"
} |
"en": "And having pierced the East, they pierced the South, and in the Southern quarter also they beheld a mighty elephant, the high-souled Mahāpadma, resembling a huge hill, holding the earth on his head. And thereat they marvelled greatly.",
"sn": "ततः पूर्वां दिशं भित्त्वा दक्षिणां बिभिदुः पुनः। दक्षिणस्यामपि दिशि ददृशुस्ते महागजम्॥ महापद्मं महात्मानं सुमहत्पर्वतोपमम्। शिरसा धारयन्तं गां विस्मयं जग्मुरुत्तमम्॥"
} |
"en": "And having gone round him, the sixty thousand sons of the high-souled Sagara began to penetrate into the Western region.",
"sn": "ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा सगरस्य महात्मनः। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि पश्चिमां बिभिदुर्दिशम्॥"
} |
"en": "And in the western quarter also those highly powerful ones beheld the elephant of that quarter named Saumanas, resembling a mighty mountain.",
"sn": "पश्चिमायामपि दिशि महान्तमचलोपमम्। दिशागजं सौमनसं ददृशुस्ते महाबलाः॥"
} |
"en": "And having gone round him and asked him as to his welfare, they delving on, arrived at the Northern region.",
"sn": "ते तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चापि निरामयम्। खनन्तः समुपाक्रान्ता दिशं सोमवतीं तदा॥"
} |
"en": "And on the North like wise, O foremost of the Raghus, they beheld Bhadra, white as snow, holding this earth on his goodly person.",
"sn": "उत्तरस्यां रघुश्रेष्ठ ददृशुर्हिमपाण्डुरम्। भद्रं भद्रेण वपुषा धारयन्तं महीमिमाम्॥"
} |
"en": "Having felt as well as gone round him, those sixty thousand sons of Sagara went on penetrating the depths of the earth.",
"sn": "समालभ्य ततः सर्वे कृत्वा चैनं प्रदक्षिणम्। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि बिभिदुर्वसुधातलम्॥"
} |
"en": "Then repairing to the famous North eastern region, Sagara's sons becoming enraged, began to dig the earth.",
"sn": "ततः प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा सागराः प्रथिताः दिशम्। रोषादभ्यखनन् सर्वं पृथिवीं सगरात्मजाः॥"
} |
"en": "And there those high-souled, exceedingly powerful and vehement ones beheld the eternal Vasudeva in the guise of Kapila.",
"sn": "ते तु सर्वे महात्मानो भीमवेगा महाबलाः। ददृशुः कपिलं तत्र वासुदेवं सनातनम्॥"
} |
"en": "And there also, experiencing exceeding delight, O descendant of Raghu, they found his horse, browsing hard by.",
"sn": "हयं च तस्य देवस्य चरन्तमविदूरतः। प्रहर्षमतुलं प्राप्ताः सर्वे ते रघुनन्दन ॥"
} |
"en": "And knowing him to be the destroyer of the sacrifice, they bearing spades, and ploughs, and innumerable trees and crags, with eyes reddened with ire, furiously rushed against him, exclaiming, 'Stay! Stay! And you it is that hast stolen our sacrificial horse.' O you of wicked understanding, know that you have fallen into the hands of the sons of Sagara.",
"sn": "ते तं यज्ञहनं ज्ञात्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलेक्षणाः। खनित्रलाङ्गलधरा नानावृक्षशिलाधराः॥ अभ्यधावन्त संक्रुद्धास्तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रुवन्। अस्माकं त्वं हि तुरगं यज्ञियं. हृतवानसि॥ दुर्मेधस्त्वं हि सम्प्राप्तान् विद्धि नः सगरात्मजान्।"
} |
"en": "Hearing this speech of theirs, Kapila, O descendant of Raghu, overwhelmed with rage uttered a tremendous roar.",
"sn": "श्रुत्वा तद् वचनं तेषां कपिलो रघुनन्दन ॥ रोषेण महताविष्टो हुङ्कारमकरोत् तदा।"
} |
"en": "And then, O Kākutstha, the sons of Sagara were reduced to ashes by the high-souled and incomparable Kapila.",
"sn": "ततस्तेनाप्रमेयेण कपिलेन महात्मना। भस्मराशीकृताः सर्वे काकुत्स्थ सगरात्मजाः॥"
} |
"en": "Being the delay on the part of his sons, King Sagara, O son of Raghu, addressed his grandson, flaming in his native energy, saying,",
"sn": "पुत्रांश्चिरगताञात्वा सगरो रघुनन्दन। नप्तारमब्रवीद् राजा दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा॥"
} |
"en": "You are heroic and accomplished and like to your uncles. Do you enquire into the circumstances that have befallen your uncles, as also about the way by which the horse has escaped.",
"sn": "शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च पूर्वैस्तुल्योऽसि तेजसा। पितृणां गतिमन्विच्छ येन चाश्वोऽपवाहितः॥"
} |
"en": "And as there are strong and mighty creatures inhabiting the Earth's interior, with the view of resisting them, do you take your how along with your scimitar.",
"sn": "अन्तभौमानि सत्त्वानि वीर्यवन्ति महान्ति च। तेषां तु प्रतिघातार्थं सासिं गृह्णीष्व कार्मुकम्॥"
} |
"en": "And honouring those that deserve to be honoured and slaying such as disturb you, do you, having attained your end, come back, becoming the instrument for the completion of my sacrifice.'",
"sn": "अभिवाद्याभिवाद्यांस्त्वं हत्वा विघ्नकरानपि। सिद्धार्थः संनिवर्तस्व मम यज्ञस्व पारगः॥"
} |
"en": "Thus duly enjoined by the high-souled Sagara, Anśumān endowed with fleet vigour, taking his bow as well as his scimitar, set out.",
"sn": "एवमुक्तोंऽशुमान् सम्यक् सगरेण महात्मना। दनुरादाय खङ्गं च जगाम लघुविक्रमः॥"
} |
"en": "An commanded by the monarch, he found the underground way that had been carved out by those high-souled ones.",
"sn": "स खातं पितृभिर्मार्गमन्तभौमं महात्मभिः। प्रापद्यत नरश्रेष्ठ तेन राज्ञाभिचोदितः॥"
} |
"en": "He found an exceedingly powerful elephant belonging to the cardinal point, worshipped by deities, and Dānavas, and Rākşasas, and goblins, and birds, and Uragas.",
"sn": "देवदानवरक्षोभिः पिशाचपतगोरगैः। पूज्यमानं महातेजा दिशागजमपश्यत॥"
} |
"en": "Having gone round him, and asked him as to his welfare, he enquired after his uncles and the stealer of the horse.",
"sn": "स तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चैव निरामयम्। पितॄन् स परिपप्रच्छ वाजिहर्तारमेव च॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing this, the mighty-minded elephant of that quarter answered, 'O son of Asamañja, having attained your object, you will speedily return with the horse.'",
"sn": "दिशागजस्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच महामतिः। आसमञ्ज कृतार्थस्त्वं सहाश्वः शीघ्रमेष्यसि॥"
} |
"en": "And hearing those words of his, Ansumat by turns duly asked the same question of all the elephants belonging to the cardinal points.",
"sn": "तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा सर्वानेव दिशागजान्। यथाक्रमं यथान्यायं प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे॥"
} |
"en": "And being honoured by those guardians of the cardinal points, knowing words as well as their application in regard to time, place, and person, he was asked by them saying, 'Did you come with the horse?'",
"sn": "तैश्च सर्वैदिशापालैर्वाक्यज्ञैर्वाक्यकोविदैः। पूजितः सहयश्चैवागन्तासीत्यभिचोदितः॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of theirs, that one of fleet vigour repaired to the spot where the sons of Sagara, his uncles, had been reduced to a heap of ashes.",
"sn": "तेषां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा जगाम लघुविक्रमः। भस्मराशीकृता यत्र पितरस्तस्य सागराः॥"
} |
"en": "And (arriving there), Asamañja's son, smitten with grief, and being exceedingly afflicted at their destruction, bewailed in heaviness of heart.",
"sn": "स दुःखवशमापनस्त्वसमञ्जसुतस्तदा। चुक्रोश परमार्तस्तु वधात् तेषां सुदुःखितः॥"
} |
"en": "And exercised by grief and sorrow, at foremost of men espied there the sacrificial horse straying near.",
"sn": "यज्ञियं च हयं तत्र चरन्तमविदूरतः। ददर्श पुरुषव्याघ्रो दुःखशोकसमन्वितः॥"
} |
"en": "And desirous of offering oblations of water to those princes, that highly powerful one, in need of water, did not find any watery expanse in the neighbourhood.",
"sn": "स तेषां राजपुत्राणां कर्तुकामो जलक्रियाम्। स जलार्थी महातेजा न चापश्यज्जलाशयम्॥"
} |
"en": "And it came to pass, O Rāma, that surveying wide, he descried the maternal uncle to the princes, Suparna, resembling the Wind.",
"sn": "विसार्य निपुणां दृष्टिं ततोऽपश्यत् खगाधिपम्। पितृणां मातुलं राम सुपर्णमनिलोपमम्॥"
} |
"en": "And thereupon Vinata's son possessed of mighty strength spoke to him, saying, 'Do not lament, O foremost of men. The destruction of these was for the welfare of all.'",
"sn": "स चैनमब्रवीद् वाक्यं वैनतेयो महाबलः। मा शुचः पुरुषव्याघ्र वधोऽयं लोकसम्मतः॥"
} |
"en": "These highly powerful ones had been consumed by the peerless Kapila, therefore, you ought not to offer water to them in consonance with social usage.",
"sn": "कपिलेनाप्रमेयेण दग्धा हीमे महाबलाः। सलिलं नार्हसि प्राज्ञ दातुमेषां हि लौकिकम्॥"
} |
"en": "Gangā, O foremost of men, is the elder daughter of Himavat. In her (streams) do you perform the watery rites of your uncles,",
"sn": "गङ्गा हिमवतो ज्येष्ठा दुहिता पुरुषर्षभ। तस्यां कुरु महाबाहो पितृणां सलिलक्रियाम्॥"
} |
"en": "O mighty-armed one: let that purifier of the worlds lave these reduced to a heap of ashes. And on these ashes being watered by Gangā, dear to all, the sixty thousand sons of Sagara will repair to the celestial regions.",
"sn": "भस्मराशीकृतानेतान् प्लावयेल्लोकपावनी। तथा क्लिन्नमिदं भस्म गङ्गया लोककान्तया। षष्ठिं पुत्रसहस्राणि स्वर्गलोकं गमिष्यति॥"
} |
"en": "Do you, O highly pious one, go back, taking this horse, O foremost of men; and do you complete the sacrifice of your grand-father,",
"sn": "निर्गच्छाश्वं महाभाग संगृह्य पुरुषर्षभ। यज्ञं पैतामहं वीर निवर्तयितुमर्हसि ॥"
} |
"en": "O hero, Hearing Suparna's speech, the exceedingly powerful Ansumat of mighty asceticism speedily taking the horse, retraced his steps.",
"sn": "सुपर्णवचनं श्रुत्वा सोंऽशुमानतिवीर्यवान्। त्वरितं हयमादाय पुनरायान्महातपाः॥"
} |
"en": "Then coming to the king who had been initiated into the ceremony, he, O descendant of Raghu, faithfully communicated to him the words of Suparna.",
"sn": "ततो राजानमासाद्य दीक्षितं रघुनन्दन। न्यवेदयद् यथावृत्तं सुपर्णवचनं तथा॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing this sorrowful intelligence, the king duly finished the sacrifice agreeably to the scriptures.",
"sn": "तच्छ्रुत्वा घोरसंकाशं वाक्यमंशुमतो नृपः। यज्ञं निवर्तयामास यथाकल्पं यथाविधिः॥"
} |
"en": "And having seen the completion of the sacrifice, that lord of earth entered his capital; but the king could not see how to bring Gangā on earth.",
"sn": "स्वपुरं त्वगमच्छीमानिष्टयज्ञो महीपतिः। गङ्गायाश्चागमे राजा निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत ॥"
} |
"en": "And without being able to ascertain it, the mighty monarch after a long course of time, and having reigned for thirty thousand years, ascended heaven.",
"sn": "अगत्वा निश्चयं राजा कालेन महता महान्। त्रिंशद्वर्षसहस्राणि राज्यं कृत्वा दिवं गतः॥"
} |
"en": "When Sagara had bowed to the influence of Time, the subjects selected the righteous Ansumat for their king.",
"sn": "कालधर्म गते राम सगरे प्रकृतीजनाः। राजानं रोचयामासुरंशुमन्तं सुधार्मिकम्॥"
} |
"en": "O descendant of Raghu, Ansumat proved a great ruler. And his son, the celebrated Dilīpa, was also a great king.",
"sn": "स राजा सुमहानासीदंशुमान् रघुनन्दन। तस्य पुत्रो महानासीद् दिलीप इति विश्रुतः॥"
} |
"en": "O Raghu's son, consigning to Dilipa his kingdom, Ansumat entered upon rigid austerities on the romantic summit of the Himavat.",
"sn": "तस्मै राज्यं समादिश्य दिलीपे रघुनन्दन। हिमवच्छिखरे रम्ये तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्॥"
} |
"en": "Having for the space of thirty-two you sand years carried on austerities in the woods, that highly famous one, crowned with the wealth of asceticism, attained the celestial regions.",
"sn": "द्वात्रिंशच्छतसाहस्रं वर्षाणि सुमहायशाः। तपोवनगतो राजा स्वर्गं लेभे तपोधनः॥"
} |
"en": "The exceedingly powerful Dilīpa, hearing of the destruction of his grand-fathers, was stricken with grief; yet he could not ascertain his grandfathers, was stricken with grief; yet he could not ascertain his course about it.",
"sn": "दिलीपस्तु महातेजाः श्रुत्वा पैतामहं वधम्। दुःखोपहतया बुद्ध्या निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत ॥"
} |
"en": "He constantly thought as to how Gangă could be brought down, how to perform their watery rites, and how to deliver them.",
"sn": "कथं गङ्गावतरणं कथं तेषां जलक्रिया। तारयेयं कथं चैतानिति चिन्तापरोऽभवत्॥"
} |
"en": "As that pious one furnished with selfknowledge was always meditating upon this, an eminently virtuous son was born to him named Bhagiratha.",
"sn": "तस्य चिन्तयतो नित्यं धर्मेण विदितात्मनः। पुत्रो भगीरथो नाम जज्ञे परमधार्मिकः॥"
} |
"en": "Performing numerous sacrifices, the mighty king Dilīpa reigned for thirty thousand years.",
"sn": "दिलीपस्तु महातेजा यज्ञैर्बहुभिरिष्टवान्। त्रिंशद्वर्षसहस्राणि राजा राज्यमकारयत्॥"
} |
"en": "And without having arrived at any definite decision in regard to their deliverance, the king, O puissant one, being attacked with an ailment, breathed his last.",
"sn": "अगत्वा निश्चयं राजा तेषामुद्धरणं प्रति। व्याधिना नरशार्दूल कालधर्ममुपेयिवान्॥"
} |
"en": "Having sprinkled his son Bhagiratha in the way of installing him in the kingdom, that prime of men, the king, by virtue of his own acts, repaired to the region of Indra.",
"sn": "इन्द्रलोकं गतो राजा स्वार्जितेनैव कर्मणा। राज्ये भागीरथं पुत्रमभिषिच्य नरर्षभः॥"
} |
"en": "O descendant of Raghu, that royal saint Bhagiratha was possessed of righteousness. And being without issue, and desiring to obtain it, the mighty monarch consigned his kingdom and his subjects to the care of his counsellors, and engaged in bringing down Gangā.",
"sn": "भगीरथस्तु राजर्षिार्मिको रघुनन्दन। अनपत्यो महाराजः प्रजाकामः स च प्रजाः॥ मन्त्रिष्वाधाय तद् राज्यं गङ्गावतरणे रतः। तपो दीर्घ समातिष्ठद् गोकर्णे रघुनन्दन ॥"
} |
"en": "And, O Raghu's descendant, restraining his senses, and eating once a month, and surrounding himself with five fires, and with arms upraised, he for a long lapse of time performed austerities at Gokarna. And as he was performing his terrible austerities, a thousand years rolled away.",
"sn": "ऊर्ध्वबाहुः पञ्चतपा मासाहारो जितेन्द्रियः। तस्य वर्षसहस्राणि घोरे तपसि तिष्ठतः॥ अतीतानि महाबाहो तस्य राज्ञो महात्मनः।"
} |
"en": "And thereat that possessor of the six attributes and lord of all creatures, Brahmā, was well pleased with that high-souled monarch. And presenting himself together with the celestials, the Grand-sire thus spoke to the high-souled Bhagiratha engaged in austerities.",
"sn": "सुप्रीतो भगवान् ब्रह्मा प्रजानां प्रभुरीश्वरः॥ ततः सुरगणैः सार्धमुपागम्य पितामहः। भगीरथं महात्मानं तप्यमानमथाब्रवीत्॥"
} |
"en": "O Bhagiratha, O mighty monarch, pleased am I with you. O lord' of men, on account of your ardent austerities: do you, O you of excellent vows, ask for the boon you would have.",
"sn": "भगीरथ महाराज प्रीतस्तेऽहं जनाधिप। तपसा च सुतप्तेन वरं वरय सुव्रत॥"
} |
"en": "Thereupon that great car-warrior, the highly powerful and mighty-armed Bhagiratha, with clasped hands, said to the grand sire of all creatures,",
"sn": "तमुवाच महातेजाः सर्वलोकपितामहम्। भगीरथो महाबाहुः कृताञ्जलिपुटः स्थितः॥"
} |
"en": "If, adorable one, you are pleased with me, if you would grant me the fruit of my asceticism, may Sagara's sons receive water at my hands; and on the ashes of those high-souled ones being laved by the waters of Gangā, may my greatgrand-father without fail repair to heaven!",
"sn": "यदि मे भगवान् प्रीतो यद्यस्ति तपसः फलम्। सगरस्यात्मजाः सर्वे मत्तः सलिलमाप्नुयुः॥ गङ्गायाः सलिलक्लिन्ने भस्मन्येषां महात्मनाम्। स्वर्गं गच्छेयुरत्यन्तं सर्वे च प्रपितामहाः॥"
} |
"en": "And, O divine one, I beseech you, may our line never languish for want of offspring. May, O God, this prime boon light upon Iksvāku's race!",
"sn": "देव याचे ह संतत्यै नावसीदेत् कुलं च नः। इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले देव एष मेऽस्तु वरः परः॥"
} |
"en": "When the king had said this, the Grand-sire addressed him these sweet and auspicious words composed of melting letters.",
"sn": "उक्तवाक्यं तु राजानं सर्वलोकपितामहः। प्रत्युवाच शुभां वाणी मधुरां मधुराक्षराम्॥"
} |
"en": "O mighty car-warrior Bhagiratha, high is this your aim. Be it so, good betide you, you enhancer of the Ikşvāku line.",
"sn": "मनोरथो महानेष भगीरथ महारथ। एवं भवतु भद्रं ते इक्ष्वाकुकुलवर्धन॥"
} |
"en": "This Haimavati Ganga, Himavat's elder daughter, even her to hold, Oking do you employ Hara.",
"sn": "इयं हैमवती ज्येष्ठा गङ्गा हिमवतः सुता। तां वै धारयितुं राजन् हरस्तत्र नियुज्यताम्॥"
} |
"en": "For Gangā's fall, O king, Earth will not be able to sustain. And to hold her, O king find I none save the wielder of the Trident.'",
"sn": "गङ्गायाः पतनं राजन् पृथिवी न सहिष्यते। तां वै धारयितुं राजन् नान्यं पश्यामि शूलिनः॥"
} |
"en": "Having thus addressed the monarch, and greeted Gangā, the creator of the worlds repaired to heaven with the celestials.",
"sn": "तमेवमुक्त्वा राजानं गङ्गां चाभाष्य लोककृत्। जगाम त्रिदिवं देवैः सर्वैः सह मरुद्गणैः॥"
} |
"en": "When that god of gods had gone away, Bhagiratha, O Rāma, pressing the earth with his thumb, spent a year in adoring Siva.",
"sn": "देवदेवे गते तस्मिन् सोऽङ्गुष्टाग्रनिपीडिताम्। कृत्वा वसुमती राम वत्सरं समुपासत॥"
} |
"en": "And when the yea was complete, Uma's lord, Pasupati, worshipped of all the worlds, spoke to the king, saying,",
"sn": "अथ संवत्सरे पूर्णे सर्वलोकनमस्कृतः। उमापतिः पशुपति राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥"
} |
"en": "O foremost of men, I am well pleased with you: I will do what will before your welfare. I will hold the Mountain's daughter on my head.",
"sn": "प्रीतस्तेऽहं नरश्रेष्ठ करिष्यामि तव प्रियम्। शिरसा धारयिष्यामि शैलराजसुतामहम्॥"
} |
"en": "Then, O Rāma. that one bowed to by all creatures, the elder daughter of Himavat, assuming an exceedingly mighty shape, with irresistible impetus precipitated herself from the welkin upon Siva's gracious head.",
"sn": "ततो हैमवती ज्येष्ठा सर्वलोकनमस्कृता। तदा सातिमहदूपं कृत्वा वेगं च दुःसहम्॥ आकाशादपतद् राम शिवे शिवशिरस्युत।"
} |
"en": "And that divine one, Gangă, exceedingly difficult to sustain, thought, ‘I will enter the nether regions, carrying off Sankara by my streams.'",
"sn": "अचिन्तयच्च सा देवी गङ्गा परमदुर्धरा॥ विशाम्यहं हि पातालं स्रोतसा गृह्य शंकरम्।"
} |
"en": "Knowing her proud intention, the adorable Hara waxed wroth; and the three-eyed deity set his heart upon enveloping Here",
"sn": "तस्यावलेपनं ज्ञात्वा क्रुद्धस्तु भगवान् हरः॥ तिरोभावयितुं बुद्धिं चक्रे त्रिनयनस्तदा।"
} |
"en": "O Rāma, as that sacred one plunged upon Rudra's holy head of tangled locks, resembling Himavat she could by no means reach the earth, despite all her endeavours; nor did she obtain egress from under the matted locks. And she wandered there for many a year.",
"sn": "सा तस्मिन् पतिता पुण्या पुण्ये रुद्रस्य मूर्धनि॥ हिमवत्प्रतिमे राम जटामण्डलगह्वरे। सा कथंचिन्मही गन्तुं नाशक्नोद् यत्नमास्थिता॥ नैव सा निर्गमं लेभे जटामण्डलमन्ततः। तत्रैवाबभ्रमद् देवी संवत्सरगणान् बहून्॥"
} |
Subsets and Splits