template<typename DataType, typename T> void populate_ParentGainFilter(py::module& m, const char* type, T& parent) { py::class_<ParentGainFilter<DataType>>(m, type, parent) .def_property("threshold", &ParentGainFilter<DataType>::get_threshold, &ParentGainFilter<DataType>::set_threshold) .def_property("ratio", &ParentGainFilter<DataType>::get_ratio, &ParentGainFilter<DataType>::set_ratio); }
template<typename Filter> void populate_SimpleGainFilter(py::module& m, const char* type) { py::class_<Filter, typename Filter::Parent>(m, type) .def_property("softness", &Filter::get_softness, &Filter::set_softness); }
template<typename Filter> void populate_ColoredGainFilter(py::module& m, const char* type) { py::class_<Filter, typename Filter::Parent>(m, type) .def_property("softness", &Filter::get_softness, &Filter::set_softness) .def_property("color", &Filter::get_color, &Filter::set_color) .def_property("quality", &Filter::get_quality, &Filter::set_quality); }
template<typename Filter> void populate_MaxColoredGainFilter(py::module& m, const char* type) { py::class_<Filter, typename Filter::Parent>(m, type) .def_property("softness", &Filter::get_softness, &Filter::set_softness) .def_property("color", &Filter::get_color, &Filter::set_color) .def_property("quality", &Filter::get_quality, &Filter::set_quality) .def_property("max_reduction", &Filter::get_max_reduction, &Filter::set_max_reduction); }
template<typename Filter> void populate_MaxGainFilter(py::module& m, const char* type) { py::class_<Filter, typename Filter::Parent>(m, type) .def_property("softness", &Filter::get_softness, &Filter::set_softness) .def_property("max_reduction", &Filter::get_max_reduction, &Filter::set_max_reduction); }
template<typename Numeric> PyObject* get_array(const std::vector<Numeric>& v) { detail::_interpreter::get(); //interpreter needs to be initialized for the numpy commands to work NPY_TYPES type = select_npy_type<Numeric>::type; if (type == NPY_NOTYPE) { std::vector<double> vd(v.size()); npy_intp vsize = v.size(); std::copy(v.begin(),v.end(),vd.begin()); PyObject* varray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &vsize, NPY_DOUBLE, (void*)(vd.data())); return varray; } npy_intp vsize = v.size(); PyObject* varray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &vsize, type, (void*)(v.data())); return varray; }
template<typename Numeric> PyObject* get_2darray(const std::vector<::std::vector<Numeric>>& v) { detail::_interpreter::get(); //interpreter needs to be initialized for the numpy commands to work if (v.size() < 1) throw std::runtime_error("get_2d_array v too small"); npy_intp vsize[2] = {static_cast<npy_intp>(v.size()), static_cast<npy_intp>(v[0].size())}; PyArrayObject *varray = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, vsize, NPY_DOUBLE); double *vd_begin = static_cast<double *>(PyArray_DATA(varray)); for (const ::std::vector<Numeric> &v_row : v) { if (v_row.size() != static_cast<size_t>(vsize[1])) throw std::runtime_error("Missmatched array size"); std::copy(v_row.begin(), v_row.end(), vd_begin); vd_begin += vsize[1]; } return reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(varray); }
template<typename Numeric> PyObject* get_array(const std::vector<Numeric>& v) { PyObject* list = PyList_New(v.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { PyList_SetItem(list, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(v.at(i))); } return list; }
template< typename Numeric> bool hist(const std::vector<Numeric>& y, long bins=10,std::string color="b", double alpha=1.0, bool cumulative=false) { PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* kwargs = PyDict_New(); PyDict_SetItemString(kwargs, "bins", PyLong_FromLong(bins)); PyDict_SetItemString(kwargs, "color", PyString_FromString(color.c_str())); PyDict_SetItemString(kwargs, "alpha", PyFloat_FromDouble(alpha)); PyDict_SetItemString(kwargs, "cumulative", cumulative ? Py_True : Py_False); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, yarray); PyObject* res = PyObject_Call(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_hist, plot_args, kwargs); Py_DECREF(plot_args); Py_DECREF(kwargs); if(res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename NumericX, typename NumericY> bool scatter(const std::vector<NumericX>& x, const std::vector<NumericY>& y, const double s=1.0, // The marker size in points**2 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> & keywords = {}
template <typename Numeric> bool bar(const std::vector<Numeric> & x, const std::vector<Numeric> & y, std::string ec = "black", std::string ls = "-", double lw = 1.0, const std::map<std::string, std::string> & keywords = {}
template <typename Numeric> bool bar(const std::vector<Numeric> & y, std::string ec = "black", std::string ls = "-", double lw = 1.0, const std::map<std::string, std::string> & keywords = {}
template<typename NumericX, typename NumericY> bool plot(const std::vector<NumericX>& x, const std::vector<NumericY>& y, const std::string& s = "") { assert(x.size() == y.size()); PyObject* xarray = get_array(x); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(s.c_str()); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, yarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 2, pystring); // fffffffffffffffff关键就是这一步怎么运行的 PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_plot, plot_args); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if(res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename NumericX, typename NumericY> bool stem(const std::vector<NumericX>& x, const std::vector<NumericY>& y, const std::string& s = "") { assert(x.size() == y.size()); PyObject* xarray = get_array(x); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(s.c_str()); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, yarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 2, pystring); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject( detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_stem, plot_args); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if (res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename NumericX, typename NumericY> bool semilogx(const std::vector<NumericX>& x, const std::vector<NumericY>& y, const std::string& s = "") { assert(x.size() == y.size()); PyObject* xarray = get_array(x); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(s.c_str()); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, yarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 2, pystring); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_semilogx, plot_args); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if(res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename NumericX, typename NumericY> bool semilogy(const std::vector<NumericX>& x, const std::vector<NumericY>& y, const std::string& s = "") { assert(x.size() == y.size()); PyObject* xarray = get_array(x); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(s.c_str()); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, yarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 2, pystring); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_semilogy, plot_args); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if(res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename NumericX, typename NumericY> bool loglog(const std::vector<NumericX>& x, const std::vector<NumericY>& y, const std::string& s = "") { assert(x.size() == y.size()); PyObject* xarray = get_array(x); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(s.c_str()); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, yarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 2, pystring); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_loglog, plot_args); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if(res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename Numeric> bool named_plot(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Numeric>& y, const std::string& format = "") { PyObject* kwargs = PyDict_New(); PyDict_SetItemString(kwargs, "label", PyString_FromString(name.c_str())); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(format.c_str()); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, yarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, pystring); PyObject* res = PyObject_Call(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_plot, plot_args, kwargs); Py_DECREF(kwargs); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if (res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename Numeric> bool plot(const std::vector<Numeric>& y, const std::string& format = "") { std::vector<Numeric> x(y.size()); for(size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i) x.at(i) = i; return plot(x,y,format); }
template<typename Numeric> bool plot(const std::vector<Numeric>& y, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& keywords) { std::vector<Numeric> x(y.size()); for(size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i) x.at(i) = i; return plot(x,y,keywords); }
template<typename Numeric> bool stem(const std::vector<Numeric>& y, const std::string& format = "") { std::vector<Numeric> x(y.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) x.at(i) = i; return stem(x, y, format); }
template<typename Numeric> void text(Numeric x, Numeric y, const std::string& s = "") { PyObject* args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(x)); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(y)); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 2, PyString_FromString(s.c_str())); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_text, args); if(!res) throw std::runtime_error("Call to text() failed."); Py_DECREF(args); Py_DECREF(res); }
template<typename Numeric> void ylim(Numeric left, Numeric right) { PyObject* list = PyList_New(2); PyList_SetItem(list, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(left)); PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(right)); PyObject* args = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, list); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_ylim, args); if(!res) throw std::runtime_error("Call to ylim() failed."); Py_DECREF(args); Py_DECREF(res); }
template<typename Numeric> void xlim(Numeric left, Numeric right) { PyObject* list = PyList_New(2); PyList_SetItem(list, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(left)); PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(right)); PyObject* args = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, list); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_xlim, args); if(!res) throw std::runtime_error("Call to xlim() failed."); Py_DECREF(args); Py_DECREF(res); }
template<typename Numeric> inline void xticks(const std::vector<Numeric> &ticks, const std::vector<std::string> &labels = {}
template<typename Numeric> inline void xticks(const std::vector<Numeric> &ticks, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& keywords) { xticks(ticks, {}, keywords); }
template<typename Numeric> inline void yticks(const std::vector<Numeric> &ticks, const std::vector<std::string> &labels = {}
template<typename Numeric> inline void yticks(const std::vector<Numeric> &ticks, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& keywords) { yticks(ticks, {}, keywords); }
template<typename Numeric> inline void pause(Numeric interval) { PyObject* args = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(interval)); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_pause, args); if(!res) throw std::runtime_error("Call to pause() failed."); Py_DECREF(args); Py_DECREF(res); }
template<typename IterableX, typename IterableY> bool operator()(const IterableX& x, const IterableY& y, const std::string& format) { // 2-phase lookup for distance, begin, end using std::distance; using std::begin; using std::end; auto xs = distance(begin(x), end(x)); auto ys = distance(begin(y), end(y)); assert(xs == ys && "x and y data must have the same number of elements!"); PyObject* xlist = PyList_New(xs); PyObject* ylist = PyList_New(ys); PyObject* pystring = PyString_FromString(format.c_str()); auto itx = begin(x), ity = begin(y); for(size_t i = 0; i < xs; ++i) { PyList_SetItem(xlist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(*itx++)); PyList_SetItem(ylist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(*ity++)); } PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xlist); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, ylist); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 2, pystring); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(detail::_interpreter::get().s_python_function_plot, plot_args); Py_DECREF(plot_args); if(res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; }
template<typename Iterable, typename Callable> bool operator()(const Iterable& ticks, const Callable& f, const std::string& format) { if(begin(ticks) == end(ticks)) return true; // We could use additional meta-programming to deduce the correct element type of y, // but all values have to be convertible to double anyways std::vector<double> y; for(auto x : ticks) y.push_back(f(x)); return plot_impl<std::false_type>()(ticks,y,format); }
template<typename... Args> bool plot() { return true; }
template<typename A, typename B, typename... Args> bool plot(const A& a, const B& b, const std::string& format, Args... args) { return detail::plot_impl<typename detail::is_callable<B>::type>()(a,b,format) && plot(args...); }
template<typename Numeric> bool update(const std::vector<Numeric>& x, const std::vector<Numeric>& y) { assert(x.size() == y.size()); if(set_data_fct) { PyObject* xarray = get_array(x); PyObject* yarray = get_array(y); PyObject* plot_args = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 0, xarray); PyTuple_SetItem(plot_args, 1, yarray); PyObject* res = PyObject_CallObject(set_data_fct, plot_args); if (res) Py_DECREF(res); return res; } return false; }
template <typename T, typename... Ts> std::size_t size_helper(const T& first, const Ts&...) { return first.size(); }
template <typename... Ts> void multi_apply_permutation(std::vector<std::size_t>& perm, Ts&... ranges) { const std::size_t size = detail::size_helper(ranges...); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { std::size_t current = i; auto permIt = perm.begin(); while (i != permIt[current]) { const std::size_t next = permIt[current]; ((void)std::swap(ranges[current], ranges[next]), ...); permIt[current] = current; current = next; } permIt[current] = current; } }
template <typename Prim> object py_rotate( tuple args, dict kwargs) { Prim* This = extract<Prim*>( args[0]); if (!kwargs.has_key("angle")) { // This exception is more useful than the keyerror exception below. throw std::invalid_argument( "primitive.rotate(): angle of rotation must be specified."); } double angle = extract<double>(kwargs["angle"]); // The rotation axis, which defaults to the body axis. vector r_axis; if (kwargs.has_key("axis")) r_axis = tovector(kwargs["axis"]); else r_axis = This->get_axis(); // The rotation origin, which defaults to the body position. vector origin; if (kwargs.has_key("origin")) origin = tovector(kwargs["origin"]); else origin = This->get_pos(); This->rotate( angle, r_axis, origin); return object(); }
template<DeviceType device_type, typename T, typename K> void GetReduceSumWorkspaceSizeInBytes(int64_t n, int64_t m, int64_t* workspace_size_in_bytes) { IndexedSlicesReduceSumKernelUtil<device_type, K, T, int64_t>::GetReduceSumWorkspaceSizeInBytes( nullptr, n, m, workspace_size_in_bytes); }
template<class T> constexpr const T& max(const T& a, const T& b) { return a < b ? b : a; }
template<class T> constexpr T max(std::initializer_list<T> ilist) { assert(ilist.size() > 0 && "initializer list must not be empty"); const T* x = ilist.begin(); for(auto it = begin(ilist) + 1; it != end(ilist); ++it) x = *x < *it ? it : x; return *x; }
template<class T> constexpr const T& min(const T& a, const T& b) { return a > b ? b : a; }
template<class T> constexpr T min(std::initializer_list<T> ilist) { assert(ilist.size() > 0 && "initializer list must not be empty"); const T* x = ilist.begin(); for(auto it = begin(ilist) + 1; it != end(ilist); ++it) x = *x > *it ? it : x; return *x; }
template<typename TSizedRangeAtoms> void build_vertex_buffers(TSizedRangeAtoms&& atoms) { auto sphere_mesh_attrs = detail::make_reserved_vector<sphere_mesh_attribute>(atoms.size()); atoms_to_sphere_attrs(std::forward<TSizedRangeAtoms>(atoms), std::back_inserter(sphere_mesh_attrs), {radius_type, radius_size, 1.}); atom_sphere_buffers.build_buffers(sphere_mesh_attrs); }
template<typename TAtomElement> auto atom_radius(TAtomElement element) const noexcept -> double { switch(radius_type) { case atom_radius_kind::van_der_waals: return element.rvdw; case atom_radius_kind::covalent: return element.rcov; default: return radius_size; } }
template<typename A> decltype(auto) generateSourceFromSql = [](const string& sqlstmt){ return [&](shared_ptr<BaseClient<A>> client){ auto a = client->runQueryJson(sqlstmt); return Rx::observable<>::iterate(a); }; }
template<typename A> decltype(auto) generateSourceFromSharedCollection = [](vector<shared_ptr<A>> a){ return Rx::observable<>::iterate(a); }
template<typename A> decltype(auto) generateSourceFromCollection = [](const vector<A>& a){ return Rx::observable<>::iterate(a); }
template<typename A> decltype(auto) generateEvent = [](const string& streamType) { // e could be shared_ptr<json> or shared_ptr<A> return [&](auto& e) -> shared_ptr<Event<A>> { if (!e) return nullptr; auto ev = make_shared<Event<A>>(); ev->streamId = generate_uuid_v3(streamType.c_str()); ev->type = streamType; ev->data = *e; return ev; }; }
template<typename A> decltype(auto) onNextEvent = [](EventStore& publisher) { return [&](shared_ptr<Event<A>> ev){ if (ev) publisher.Append(*ev); }; }
template<typename A, typename B> decltype(auto) onNextPgSqlModel = [](const string& schema) { return [&](shared_ptr<pgsql::Client<A>> publisher) { return [&](shared_ptr<B> obj){ if (obj) publisher->save(schema, *obj); }; }; }
template<typename B> decltype(auto) onNextIgnore = []() { return [](const B& a) { // No op. }; }
template<typename B> decltype(auto) onNextSharedIgnore = []() { return [](shared_ptr<B> a) { // No op. }; }
template <class T, class... Args> void publish(T&& data, Args&&... args) { using type = typename std::decay<T>::type; get<TPublisher<type>>(m_params).publish(std::move(data), std::forward<Args>(args)...); m_current_type = TypeInfo(typeid(T)); }
template< typename T > static constexpr T&& apply( T&& v ) { return std::forward< T >( v ); }
template< typename T > static constexpr auto apply( T&& v ) -> decltype( _relation::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ) ) { return _relation::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ); }
template< typename T > static constexpr auto apply( T&& v ) -> decltype( _first_convertible::apply( static_cast< remove_cvref_t< T > >( 1 ) ) * convertible_by_impl_applier< typename ToList::rest_type, typename FromList::rest_type >::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ) ) { return ( _first_convertible::apply( static_cast< remove_cvref_t< T > >( 1 ) ) * convertible_by_impl_applier< typename ToList::rest_type, typename FromList::rest_type >::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ) ); }
template< typename T > static constexpr T&& apply( T&& v ) { return std::forward< T >( v ); }
template< typename T > static constexpr auto apply( T&& v ) -> decltype( convertible_by_impl_applier< typename Sorted:: first_list, typename Sorted::second_list >::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ) ) { return convertible_by_impl_applier< typename Sorted:: first_list, typename Sorted::second_list >::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ); }
template< typename T > static constexpr auto apply( T&& v ) -> decltype( _numer_convertible::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ) / _denom_convertible::apply( static_cast< remove_cvref_t< T > >( 1 ) ) ) { return ( _numer_convertible::apply( std::forward< T >( v ) ) / _denom_convertible::apply( static_cast< remove_cvref_t< T > >( 1 ) ) ); }
template< typename T > static constexpr T&& apply( T&& v ) { return std::forward< T >( v ); }
template<typename T> static T randint(T lo, T hi){ return uniform_int_distribution<T>(lo, hi)(rng); }
template<typename T> T check_oal( const char *file, int line, const T &t ) { check_oal( file, line ); return t; }
template <class T> Expr ExprSimplifier::BinaryMutate(const T *op, const Expr &e) { auto ret_a = Mutate(op->a); auto ret_b = Mutate(op->b); if (is_retrieval_) return T::make(ret_a, ret_b); // simplify each child ArithExprSimplifier simplifier(highest_cast_type_); ret_a = simplifier.Simplify(ret_a); ret_b = simplifier.Simplify(ret_b); return T::make(ret_a, ret_b); }
template <class T> Expr ExprSimplifier::BinaryBoolMutate(const T *op, const Expr &e) { auto ret_a = Mutate(op->a); auto ret_b = Mutate(op->b); if (is_retrieval_) return T::make(ret_a, ret_b); // simplify each child ArithExprSimplifier simplifier(op->type); ret_a = simplifier.Simplify(ret_a); ret_b = simplifier.Simplify(ret_b); return T::make(ret_a, ret_b); }
template <class OP> void noexec_error( OP const& op ) { // std::cerr << "error: no execute method in `" << typeid(op).name() << "'\n" << std::hex << op.address << ":\t"; // op.disasm( std::cerr ); // std::cerr << '\n'; throw ProcessorBase::Unimplemented(); }
template <typename Derived, typename ProblemT> statespace::dart::ConstMetaSkeletonStateSpacePtr SingleProblemPlanner<Derived, ProblemT>::getMetaSkeletonStateSpace() const { return mMetaSkeletonStateSpace; }
template <typename Derived, typename ProblemT> ::dart::dynamics::MetaSkeletonPtr SingleProblemPlanner<Derived, ProblemT>::getMetaSkeleton() { return mMetaSkeleton; }
template<int Chip> uint8_t towns_state::towns_dma_r(offs_t offset) { logerror("DMA#%01x: read register %i\n",Chip,offset); return m_dma[Chip]->read(offset); }
template<int Chip> void towns_state::towns_dma_w(offs_t offset, uint8_t data) { logerror("DMA#%01x: wrote 0x%02x to register %i\n",Chip,data,offset); m_dma[Chip]->write(offset, data); }
template<size_t nbits, size_t es> void TestULP() { using namespace std; using namespace sw::universal; posit<nbits, es> a(1.0f); cout << typeid(a).name() << '\n'; // double da(1.0); cout << "posit at 1.0 : " << to_binary(a) << " : ULP : " << to_binary(ulp(a)) << '\n'; // cout << "double at 1.0 : " << to_binary(da) << " : ULP : " << to_binary(ulp(da)) << '\n'; a = std::numeric_limits< posit<64, 3> >::epsilon(); cout << "posit epsilon : " << to_binary(a) << " : " << a << '\n'; }
template <typename Dur> auto round_down(TimePoint time) { return std::chrono::floor<Dur>(time); }
template <typename Dur> auto round_up(TimePoint time) { return std::chrono::ceil<Dur>(time); }
template<typename T> inline void Mat3<T>::Set(const Vec3<T>& diagonal) { Set(diagonal.x, diagonal.y, diagonal.z); }
template<typename T> inline void Mat3<T>::Set(const T& d00, const T& d11, const T& d22) { elements[0] = d00; elements[4] = d11; elements[8] = d22; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T>& Mat3<T>::operator+=(const Mat3<T>& right) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) elements[i] += right.elements[i]; return *this; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T>& Mat3<T>::operator-=(const Mat3<T>& right) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) elements[i] -= right.elements[i]; return *this; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T>& Mat3<T>::operator*=(const Mat3<T>& right) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) elements[i] *= right.elements[i]; return *this; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T>& Mat3<T>::operator*=(const T& value) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) elements[i] *= value; return *this; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> Mat3<T>::Rotate(const Vec3<T>& axis, const T& radian) { Mat3<T> tmp; float radian_cos = MathUtils::Cos(radian); float radian_sin = MathUtils::Sin(radian); float tmpNum = 1 - radian_cos; tmp.elements[0] = axis.x * axis.x * tmpNum + radian_cos; tmp.elements[1] = axis.y * axis.x * tmpNum + axis.z * radian_sin; tmp.elements[2] = axis.x * axis.z * tmpNum - axis.y * radian_sin; tmp.elements[3] = axis.y * axis.x * tmpNum - axis.z * radian_sin; tmp.elements[4] = axis.y * axis.y * tmpNum + radian_cos; tmp.elements[5] = axis.z * axis.y * tmpNum + axis.x * radian_sin; tmp.elements[6] = axis.x * axis.z * tmpNum + axis.y * radian_sin; tmp.elements[7] = axis.z * axis.y * tmpNum - axis.x * radian_sin; tmp.elements[8] = axis.z * axis.z * tmpNum + radian_cos; return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> Mat3<T>::Scale(const T& factor) { Mat3<T> tmp; tmp.Set(Vec3<T>(factor)); return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> Mat3<T>::Scale(const Vec3<T>& factor) { Mat3<T> tmp; tmp.Set(factor); return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> Mat3<T>::Transpose(const Mat3<T>& right) { Mat3<T> tmp = right; tmp.elements[1] = right.elements[3]; tmp.elements[2] = right.elements[6]; tmp.elements[3] = right.elements[1]; tmp.elements[5] = right.elements[7]; tmp.elements[6] = right.elements[2]; tmp.elements[7] = right.elements[5]; return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> Mat3<T>::Inverse(const Mat3<T>& right) { return Mat3<T>::Adjoint(right) / Mat3<T>::Determinant(right); }
template<typename T> inline T Mat3<T>::Determinant(const Mat3<T>& right) { return right.elements[0] * right.elements[4] * right.elements[8] + right.elements[3] * right.elements[7] * right.elements[2] + right.elements[6] * right.elements[1] * right.elements[5] - right.elements[6] * right.elements[4] * right.elements[2] - right.elements[5] * right.elements[7] * right.elements[0] - right.elements[8] * right.elements[1] * right.elements[3]; }
template<typename T> inline Mat4<T> Mat3<T>::ToMat4(const Mat3<T>& matrix) { Mat4<T> tmp; tmp.col[0] = _mm_set_ps(static_cast<T>(0.0f), matrix.elements[2], matrix.elements[1], matrix.elements[0]); tmp.col[1] = _mm_set_ps(static_cast<T>(0.0f), matrix.elements[5], matrix.elements[4], matrix.elements[3]); tmp.col[2] = _mm_set_ps(static_cast<T>(0.0f), matrix.elements[8], matrix.elements[7], matrix.elements[6]); tmp.col[3] = _mm_set_ps(static_cast<T>(1.0f), static_cast<T>(0.0f), static_cast<T>(0.0f), static_cast<T>(0.0f)); return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> operator+(const Mat3<T>& left, const Mat3<T>& right) { Mat3<T> tmp; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) tmp.elements[i] = left.elements[i] + right.elements[i]; return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> operator-(const Mat3<T>& left, const Mat3<T>& right) { Mat3<T> tmp; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) tmp.elements[i] = left.elements[i] - right.elements[i]; return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> operator*(const Mat3<T>& left, const Mat3<T>& right) { Mat3<T> tmp; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) tmp.elements[i] = left.elements[i] + right.elements[i]; return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> operator/(const Mat3<T>& left, const T& value) { if (!MathUtils::IsNearZero(value)) { Mat3<T> tmp; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) tmp.elements[i] /= value; return tmp; } return left; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> operator*(const Mat3<T>& left, const T& value) { Mat3<T> tmp; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) tmp.elements[i] *= value; return tmp; }
template<typename T> inline Mat3<T> operator*(const T& value, const Mat3<T>& right) { return right * value; }
template<typename T> inline bool operator==(const Mat3<T>& left, const Mat3<T>& right) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) if (left.elements[i] != right.elements[i]) return false; return true; }
template<typename K, typename V> inline static void map_put(map<K, V>& m, const K& k, const V& v) { m.insert(typename map<K, V>::value_type(k, v)); }
template<typename K, typename V> inline static V * map_get(const map<K, V>& m, const K& k, bool raise = true) { typename map<K, V>::const_iterator it = m.find(k); if (it == m.end()) { if (raise) { THROW_FORMATTED(std::out_of_range, "key not found: " << k << ", map type = " << typeid(m).name()); } else { return NULL; } } return const_cast<V*>(&it->second); }
template<typename K, typename V> inline static bool map_contains(map<K, V>& m, const K& k) { typename map<K, V>::const_iterator it = m.find(k); return it != m.end(); }
template <typename T> void operator()(T*) {}
template <class ToDuration, class FromDuration> __host__ __device__ void test(const FromDuration& f, const ToDuration& d) { { typedef decltype(cuda::std::chrono::duration_cast<ToDuration>(f)) R; static_assert((cuda::std::is_same<R, ToDuration>::value), ""); assert(cuda::std::chrono::duration_cast<ToDuration>(f) == d); } }
template<typename MapPair, typename T> void operator()(MapPair& where, const T&) const { ++where.second; }
template <typename Vertex, typename Map> void operator()(Vertex v, Map m) const { typedef analysis_map_insert insert_func; size_t cc = v.property().get_cc(); m[cc] += 1; }
template <typename Map> result_type operator()(Map m) const { double max = -1.; size_t m_size = m.size(); if (m_size == 0) { return 0.; } for (auto&& i : m) { if (i.second > max) { max = i.second; } } return max; }

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