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Editorial and peer-review procedure June, Issue 2 The paraoxonase 1, 2 and 3 in humans Marija Grdić Rajkovic [*] [1] Lada Rumora [1] Karmela Barisic [1] Show more about author [1] Department of Medical Biochemistry and Hematology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia [*] Corresponding author: The paraoxonase gene family in humans includes three members: PON1, PON2 and PON3. The products of those three genes are the following enzymes: paraoxonase 1 (PON1), paraoxonase 2 (PON2) and paraoxonase 3 (PON3). PON1 is mainly associated with a high density lipoprotein (HDL). A small amount of this enzyme is also bound to very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and postprandial chylomicrons. PON1 possess organophosphatase, arylesterase and lactonase activity and it hydrolyzes many different substrates. It is also known that PON1 may have antiatherogenic function. Compared to the PON1, PON2 and PON3 are much less studied and described. PON2 is ubiquitously expressed intracellular protein, while PON3 is bound to HDL, like PON1. The both enzymes possess antioxidant properties. The genes PON1, PON2 and PON3 are the members of paraoxonase gene family in humans. These genes are located on the long arm of chromosome 7 and they are structurally similar. There is about 70% of identity in nucleotide sequences and about 60% of identity in amino acid sequences between these three genes. PON1, PON2 and PON3 have nine exons, however, PON1 has an extra codon at the position 106 (lysine) in exon 4 which is not presented in PON2 and PON3. From an evolutionary point of view and based on a structural homology, PON2 is the oldest member of this gene family, followed by PON3 and then by PON1 (1-3). PON1 mRNA is expressed in liver while PON3mRNA is expressed primarily in the liver but also in the kidneys. Unlike PON1 and PON3, PON2's mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in different kinds of tissues like kidneys, liver, lungs, small intestine, placenta, spleen, stomach and testicles. PON2 mRNA is also found in the cells of the artery wall, including endothelial cell, smooth muscle cell and macrophages (3). The structure and function of paraoxonase 1 PON1 is a glycosylated protein consisted of 354 amino acid residues with an apparent mass of 43-47 kDa. Mature protein retains hydrophobic signal sequence on the N-terminal region, from which only the initiator methionine residue is removed (2,4,5). PON1 is synthesized in the liver, and then secreted into plasma where it is mainly bound to high density lipoproteins (HDL). The retained N-terminal signal peptide is essential for the association of PON1 with HDL. A small amount of PON1 was also detected in very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and postprandial chylomicrons (2,6). PON1 possess organophosphatase, arylesterase and lactonase activities and hydrolyzes different kinds of substrates. PON1 hydrolyzes oxons like paraoxon, chlorpyrifos oxon and diazoxon which are toxic metabolites of organophosphate insecticides parathion, diazinon and chlorpyriphos. PON1 also hydrolyzes nerve agents like sarin and soman. In addition, PON1 hydrolyzes aromatic esters like phenylacetate, thiophenylacetate and 2-naphthylacetate and different aromatic and aliphatic lactones as well as cyclic carbonates like homogentisic acid lactone, dihydrocoumarin, γ-butyrolactone and homocysteine thiolactone. PON1 also catalyzes the reverse reaction, lactonization, of γ- and δ-hydroxy-carboxylic acids. Furthermore, PON1 participates in metabolism of some drugs which contain lactone and cyclic carbonates. For example, PON1 hydrolyzes the unsaturated cyclic carbonate prulifloxacin to the active quinolone antibiotic, diuretic spironolactone, and hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors (mevastatin, lovastatin and simvastatin). In addition, it has been reported that PON1 has low levels of peroxidase and phospholipase A2-like activities (2,3,7-11). Furthermore, it is well known that PON1 possess antiatherogenic activity, it protects HDL and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from oxidation and destroys biologically active oxidized lipids on lipoproteins and in arterial cells (2,12,13). The endogenous substrate and the mechanisms of the antiatherogenic activity of this enzyme are still largely unknown. PON1 is traditionally named paraoxonase/arylesterase. Nevertheless, it was shown earlier in the text that PON1 catalyzes the formation and hydrolysis of different kinds of lactones. So it is assumed that the native activity of PON1 may be lactonase activity and that physiological substrate may be some lactones which are consumed as food ingredients, drug metabolites (statins, spironolactone and glucocorticoid γ-lactones) and derivatives of fatty acid oxidation process such as 5-hydroxy6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) lactone that resides in HDL (13). PON1 has two calcium binding sites, the one is important for the stability of enzyme while the other one is important for the catalytic activity. The presence of calcium is required for the enzymatic activity and the removal of calcium with the chelating agents (like EDTA or EGTA) irreversibly destroys PON1's activity and stability (2,14). It was shown that many amino acids residues, like glutamine (E53, E195), aspartate (D54, D169, D183, D269, D279) histidine (H115, H134, H155; H243, H285) and tryptophan (W281) are important for organophosphatase and arylesterase activities. Furthermore, important amino acid residues of PON1 are the three cysteine residues at position 42, 284 and 353 (C42, C284, C353). C284 is free, while C42 and C353 form disulfide bond (2,15,16). C42 and C353 are important for secretion and catalytic activity of PON1. It was shown that the exchange of C42 or C353 with alanine resulting in inactivation and in decreased secretion of the enzyme (2,16). C284 was considered to be the active center nucleophile, however researches were showed that this amino acid residue is not specifically required for paraoxonase/arylesterase activity. The exchange of C284 with alanine or serine reduces paraoxonase/arylesterase activity but does not abolish these activities (2,17). It is assumed that C284 may be located close to the active center of the enzyme and it may participate in orientation or binding of the substrate (17). Furthermore, for the prevention of copper-induced LDL oxidation, calcium is not essential but C284 is required. On the basis of experimental data it may be concluded that PON1 has two catalytic sites, one responsible for hydrolytic activities, and the other one responsible for antioxidant activity. However, the existence of two catalytic sits has not yet been proved so Aviram and colleagues assumed that the two active sites of PON1 are overlapped (2,17). Importance of HDL in secretion, stability and activity of PON1 The association of PON1 with HDL is necessary for maintaining the normal serum activity. The N-terminal hydrophobic signal peptide is the structural requirement for bounding of PON1 to this lipoprotein. HDL provides the optimal physiological acceptor complex which stimulates secretion and stabilizes the secreted enzyme. HDL also ensures amphypathic environment which protects the N-terminal hydrophobic region of enzyme and this environment may also be necessary for the interaction of PON1 with substrates (18,19). The N-terminal sequence of PON1 is similar with signal sequence of secretor proteins. Cleavage of signal sequences in secretor proteins usually occurs in polar C-terminal flanking region. The amino acids at the positions -3 and -1 (usually small and uncharged residues) are critical for the cleavage of this sequence. In PON1 these positions are occupied with large and polar residues, histidine and glutamine, which prevent from the cleavage of this signal peptide (19). After a release from the cell, PON1 is bound at the HDL phospholipids through its N-terminal hydrophobic signal peptide. In that way, HDL assures hydrophobic shelter for the retained signal peptide in plasma's aqueous environment (18,19). James and colleagues presented a hypothetical scheme for HDL's mediated release of PON1 from cells in their article. HDL is bound on the cell membrane via scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1). PON1, which was inserted into the external face of the cell membranes, is then transferred on HDL during transient association of the lipoprotein with cell (19). PON1 is mainly associated with HDL, but this enzyme is also found on VLDL and postprandial chylomicrons, although to a lesser extent. However, PON1 is not associated with LDL (6). The majority of PON1 is associated with HDL which contains apolipoprotein AI (apo AI), while HDL which contains clusterin (apolipoprotein J) bound to approximately 30% of total PON1. Apo AI is not necessary for binding of PON1 on HDL, however it is important for the stability and activity of enzymes (20,21). Total HDL in plasma presents a heterogeneous class of lipoproteins which has, a high density (>1.063 g/mL) and a small size (Stoke's diameter 5-17 nm) in common. By ultracentrifugal techniques HDL can be separated in two major subfractions; HDL2 and HDL3. HDL2 is large, lipid rich and has a density range of 1.063-1.125 g/mL while HDL3 is small, lipid poor and has a density range of 1.125-1.210 g/mL (22-24). Less than 10% of total HDL reacts with anti-PON1-antibodies which indicate that PON1 is not distributed across the entire HDL spectrum (19). The researches do not have a unique conclusion on the issue of association of PON1 with HDL2 or HDL3. It was assumed that PON1 follows the normal metabolic pathway of HDL. PON1 is bound to HDL3, which enlarges and subsequently transforms into large HDL2 during the accumulation of lipid components. Fractionation of HDL by gel filtration supports this assumption because PON1 was detected in larger size particles. Furthermore, when anti-PON1 immunoabsorbed column was used for the isolation of PON1-containing HDL particles, PON1 was detected on HDL2 (19). Unlike these results, when ultracentrifugation was used for the separation of HDL fraction PON1 was detected on smaller sized HDL. A possible reason for the observed result is that the ultracentrifugation disrupts lipoprotein structure. During this procedure the peptides which are not tightly bound to HDL, can be stripped off and accumulated in very high density particles or even in the lipoprotein free fraction of plasma. So it is possible that PON1 is redistributed during the ultracentrifugation. (19,24-26). If the method of selective precipitation is used, the majority of PON1 is located in HDL3 fraction (27). The non-genetic factors which affect PON1's activity PON1's activity and its concentration in serum show large inter-individual variability. PON1's concentration varies up to 13 times, while PON1's activity can vary up to 40 times. Different genetic factors, polymorphisms in promoter and coding region of the PON1 gene, together with different non-genetic factors, both affect PON1's activity and concentration (2,20,28-30). Diets rich with trans-unsaturated fat and meals rich in used cooking fat, which contains a high content of oxidized lipids reduce PON1's activity. On the other hand, the oleic acid from olive oil increases PON1's activity. The consumption of pomegranate juice rich with polyphenols and other antioxidants, results in higher PON1's activity. However, the effect of antioxidant on PON1's activity requires further research because of discrepancy in the obtained results. The conducted researches have showed positive and negative correlation between, for example the consumption of vitamin C and E or even no association between the intake of vitamin C, E and β-carotene with PON1's activity (20,29,30). Moderate alcohol consumption (bear, red wine and spirits) results in increased PON1's activity and concentration. There were no differences between red wine, bear and spirits so it was suggested that the red wine polyphenols alone are not responsible for this effect. Moderate consumption of alcohol drinks increases the concentration of HDL and apo AI which may result in observed rise of the enzyme's concentration. However, some results did not show association between alcohol consumption and PON1's activity (20,29,30). The activity and concentration of PON1's in serum is lower in smokers than in non-smokers. Ex-smokers have PON1's activity and concentration similar to those found in non-smokers, which indicates a reversible effect of smoking on PON1. It was also shown that moderate alcohol consumption or regularly exercise can attenuated the effect of smoking on PON1 so that the observed levels of PON1 in this population are similar to those by non-smokers (20,29,30). Furthermore, exposure to the environmental toxins affects PON1's activity. For example, the exposure to organophosphate or the exposure ionizing radiation results in decrease of PON1's activity (20,29,31,32). Aging also affects PON1's activity. The serum activity after birth is very low, and then it rises and achieves the values as in adults between 6 and 15 month of age. Once it reaches the adults' values, PON1's activity is relatively constant during life time. However, a progressive decrease is detected by elderly subjects (20,29). Different physiological conditions affect on PON1's activity, for example pregnant women have a reduced activity. Furthermore, PON1's activity can vary depending on different pathological condition. Lower PON1's activity was observed in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes and non-insulin-dependent diabetes, in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing haemodialysis, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, Alzheimer's disease and chronic liver disease. Reduced PON1's activity is also related to insulin resistance, high serum cholesterol and inflammation (20,29,31,32). Polymorphisms in coding region of PON1 gene More than 160 polymorphisms were identified in regulatory, intron and coding regions of PON1 gene. It is known that some of this polymorphisms affect the PON1's concentration and activity (20,29). Two polymorphisms in the coding region of PON1 gene have been thoroughly studied. In Q192R polymorphism, the exchange of codon CAA to CGA in exon 6 of PON1 gene results in substitution of amino acid glutamine with arginine at the position 192. In L55M polymorphism, the exchange of codon TTG to ATG in exon 3 of PON1 gene results in the substitution of amino acid leucine to methionine at the position 55 (33). Q192R have been more widely studied out of these two polymorphisms, because the Q192 and R192 alloenzymes have a different affinity and catalytic activity towards numerous substrates (20). The R192 alloenzyme hydrolyzes paraoxon six times faster than Q192 alloenzyme. On the other hand, the Q192 alloenzyme hydrolyzes sarin, soman and diazoxon faster than R192 alloenzyme (7,20). These two alloenzymes are also different in hydrolysis of some lactones and carbonate esters. For example, hydrolyze of angelicolactone and δ-valerolactone is faster with Q192 alloenzyme, while R192 alloenzyme hydrolyze faster, for example, thiolactones and γ-butyrolactone. Furthermore, there are no differences in hydrolysis rate for the same substrates, for example for phenylacetate (7,8,20). Q192R polymorphism also affects on enzyme's ability to protect LDL from oxidation in vitro, while Q192 alloenzyme is more efficient than R192 aloenzyme (17,20,34,35). In vitro experiment showed that R192 alloenzyme is much more protective against the toxic effect of paraoxon, while Q192 alloenzyme provides more protection against the toxic effect of diazoxon. But, in vivo experiment on PON1-knockout mice which received the same amount of either Q192 or R192 alloenzyme, showed that both alloenzyme provide the same protective effect against diazoxon. Furthermore, R192 alloenzyme provides more protection against chlorpyrifos oxon in vivo, and the same effect was observed in vitro. Neither of these two alloenzymes showed protective effect against paraoxon in vivo. It can be concluded that PON1 plays a major role in the detoxification of diazoxon and chlorpyrifos oxon, but not paraoxon in vivo (36). It was shown earlier that arginine at the position 192 is an important amino acid residue of enzyme's active centre, which can explain the differences in enzyme activity of these two alloenzymes towards different substrates (20,37). L55M polymorphism does not affect interaction of the enzyme with substrates, but affects PON1's mRNA levels and the concentration and activity of PON1. M55 alloenzyme is related to the lower enzyme's activity and concentration and to the lower level of PON1's mRNA (20,38,39,40). These two alloenzymes are also different in protections of LDL against oxidation, where M55 alloenzyme shows to be more protective (34,35). It was shown that L55M polymorphism is in strong linkage disequilibrium with polymorphisms in the promoter region of PON1 gene, which influences PON1's expression and activity. It was considered that the connection of L55M polymorphism to variation in PON1's concentration is a consequence of the observed linkage disequilibrium. However, some later researches showed that the linkage disequilibrium does not provide the complete explanation of L55M polymorphism's effect on enzyme's concentration. Independently from -108C>T polymorphism in the promoter region of PON1 gene, subjects caring LL genotype were had a higher PON1's concentration than the individuals with MM genotype (20,41,42). L55 alloenzyme is more stabile and resistant to proteolysis, which can partly explain the association of this alloenzyme with higher concentration of PON1 in serum. The analysis of crystal structure showed that L55 alloenzyme has a key role in the correct packing of the protein (20,37,42). Some other polymorphisms in the coding region of PON1 gene were found, however these polymorphisms are not yet thoroughly studied. For example, the exchange of isoleucine with valine at the position 102 in Finnish and the exchange of arginine with glycine at the position 160 in Chinese (43,44). The polymorphisms in the promoter region of PON1 gene At least five polymorphisms which are located on position -909 (G or C), -832 (A or G), -162 (A or G), -126 (C or G) and -108 (C or T) when the base immediately preceding the start codon is numbered as "-1", have been identified in the promoter region of PON1 gene. The nomenclature differences for these polymorphism which occur in literature (-107/-108, -160/-162, -824/832 and -907/-909) are likely due to the small variations in the sequences examined by the different researches' groups. Leviev and co-workers affirmed that -108 and -832 polymorphisms have an influence on PON1 expression, while -909 polymorphism does not affect the gene expression (41). Furthermore, Brophy and colleagues found that the -108, -162 and -909 polymorphisms affect, while -832 and -126 polymorphisms do not affect PON1expression. The differences in the observed results could be a consequence of the interactions among the polymorphisms resulting in the context effects (47). -108C, -832A, -162A and -909G have higher levels of expression than -108T, -832G, -162G and -909C. The variation in promoter activity are physiologically relevant since they are correlated to significant differences in serum concentration and activity of PON1 (20,41,45-47). The analysis of each polymorphism's individual contribution in the promoter region of PON1 gene on PON1's concentration and activity, is complicated because of linkage disequilibrium between them and between Q192R and L55M and the promoter region polymorphisms (2,20,41,46). It is believed that -108C>T polymorphism is the main contributor to variation of PON1 in serum which explain approximately 23-24% of the total variation, while -162A>G, -909G>C and -832A>G have a small or no effect on PON1's level (20,46). The part of promoter region of approximately 200 bp which contains the polymorphic positions -108 and -162 is sufficient for transcription of PON1gene (20). Because -108C>T polymorphisms seems to have the highest effect on PON1's variation in serum, this polymorphisms has been thoroughly studied. This polymorphism is located in the centre of a consensus' binding site for the ubiquitous transcription factor Sp1 (specific protein Sp1). Presence of T at the position -108 disrupts the sequence which recognizes Sp1 and the binding of this factor is weaker in the presence of T than C. The promoter activity in the case of -108T is significantly lower than in the case of -108C but it is present, indicating that this region is only partly regulating the PON1 transcription. Out of all the promoter polymorphisms, beside -108C>T, only -162A>G polymorphism is located within sequences for transcription factor. The polymorphic position -162 is located in a consensus binding site for the NF-1 (nuclear factor-1). The presence of G at the position -162 disrupts the sequence of the binding site resulting with lower gene expression (2,20,41,45-48). The polymorphisms have been identified in 3'-untranslated region of PON1 gene, however, the significance of these polymorphisms is not yet studied (2,46). The distribution of PON1 gene polymorphisms in population The frequency of Q192R and L55M alleles are different among populations. The Caucasian population has a higher frequency of Q192 and L55 alleles while the Asian population has a higher frequency of R192 allele and a very low frequency of M55 allele. Caucasian population of North America have frequency of Q192 allele 0.70-0.72 and L55 allele 0.64 and Caucasian population of Europe have frequency of Q192 allele 0.67-0.74 and L55 allele 0.57-0.64. Asian population of China have frequency of Q192 allele 0.36-0.43 and L55 allele 0.96 furthermore Asian population of Japan have frequency of Q192 allele 0.38-0.41 and L55 allele 0.91-0.94. The frequency of -108C and -108T allele is not different between these two populations. The frequency of -108C allele is 0.5 for Caucasian population of North America, 0.46 for Caucasian population of Europe and 0.48 for Asian population of Japan (2,46,49). PON1 phenotype and PON1 status PON1's phenotype is determined with genetic factors, polymorphisms of PON1 gene, and different non-genetic factors which affect PON1's activity. Paraoxonase PON1's activity show bimodal distribution and allows the separation of phenotype AA (homozygote low activity) from phenotypes AB (heterozygote) and BB (homozygote high activity). The method using two substrates is most widely used today, and allows separation of all the three phenotype. Eckerson and co-workers described a method in which substrates paraoxon and phenylacetate were used for determination of PON1's phenotype. Unlike the bimodal distribution of paraoxonase activity, arylesterase activities show unimodal distribution and ratio of paraoxonase/arylesterase activities is trimodal. The ratio of these two activities allows separation of all the three phenotypes: AA, AB and BB. Two alloenzymes of PON1 have a different turnover number for paraoxon and a similar turnover number for phenylacetate (2,50,51). The molecular background of polymorphic distribution of paraoxonase PON1's activity is the Q192R polymorphism. Humbert and co-workers identified that the individuals with B alloenzyme have arginine at the position 192, while the individuals with A alloenzyme have glutamine at this position. The phenotype AA matches with the genotype QQ, the phenotype AB with the genotype QR and the phenotype BB with the genotype RR (52). Since arylesterase activity does not have polymorphic distribution, this activity served for the estimation of PON1's concentration in serum. The arylesterase activity correlates with PON1's concentration independently from genotypes of Q192R polymorphism, while paraoxonase activity correlates with PON1's concentration only within the certain genotype of this polymorphism (53-56). For the determination of PON1 phenotype other substrates can be used instead of substrate phenylacetate, like chlorpyrifos oxon or diazoxon together with substrate paraoxon. The best distinction of PON1's phenotype was achieved with substrates paraoxon and diazoxon (2,56). There is a wide variation in PON1's concentration and activity between individuals even within genotype groups. The epidemiological studies which analyze the correlation of PON1 with different pathological condition should include the determination of polymorphisms together with PON1's status (20). PON1's status provides a functional assessment of the PON1's 192 alloforms and also provides the plasma level of PON1 for the each individual. Although polymorphisms in PON1 gene have the greatest effect on PON1 status, different non genetic factors also effect PON1's concentration and activity and contribute to the enormous interindividual variation. PON1's status can be determined by the measuring concentration and enzyme's activity or by using the method with two substrates. The two-dimensional enzyme analysis utilizing paraoxon and diazoxon provides the best determination of PON1 status (20,29,56-59). Paraoxonase 2 and paraoxonase 3 In contrast to PON1, PON2 and PON3 enzyme are much less studied. PON2 is an intracellular protein with relative molecular mass of approximately 44 kDa (3). PON2 mRNA is expressed in almost all human tissues, with the highest expression in liver, lungs, placenta, testicles and heart. PON2 mRNA is also found in the cells of the artery wall, including endothelial cell, smooth muscle cell and macrophage. PON2 is not associated with HDL or LDL (3,49). Although, PON2 has the N-terminal signal sequence like PON1 and PON3 it appears that it is located in the cells associated with the plasma membrane. It is considered that only a small amount of PON2 is secreted from the cell or that the enzyme may be rapidly degraded following secretion (3,60). PON2 has got antioxidant properties, lowers the intracellular oxidative stress and prevent the cell-mediated oxidation of LDL. Ng and co-workers was demonstrated that the cell which overexpress PON2 oxidatively modify LDL to a lesser extent. PON2 not only prevents from the oxidation modification of LDL, but is also able to reverse the oxidation of minimally modified LDL (mmLDL). LDL and mmLDL which was incubated with cells that overexpress PON2 have significantly lower levels of lipid hydroperoxides and are less able to induce monocyte chemotactic activity than LDL and mmLDL incubated with control cells. The overexpression of PON2 also decreases the oxydative stress in the cells which were treated with hydrogen peroxide or oxidized phospholipids. Since PON2 is a ubiquitously expressed intracellular protein, it is most likely that PON2 plays a role in the reduction of intracellular or local oxidative stress (3,31,49,60). Two common polymorphisms were identified at the positions 148 and 311 in the PON2 gene and both polymorphisms lead to amino acid substitution. Alanine or glycine could be at the position 148 (A148G) while serine or cysteine could be at position 311 (S311C). A148G polymorphism is related for example with variation of total and LDL cholesterol, with fasting plasma glucose levels and with birth weight. S311C polymorphism has been related for example with coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease and reduced bone mass in postmenopausal women (3,31,49). Out of all the three PON enzymes, PON3 was discovered the last. PON3 is primarily synthesized in the liver and is associated with HDL in serum but in much lower levels than PON1. Beside in the liver PON3 mRNA expression was also detected in the kidney. PON3 has molecular mass of approximately 40 kDa and has also got the antioxidant properties. It was shown that PON3 prevent the formation of mmLDL and inhibits mmLDL induced monocyte chemotactic activity (3,31,49,61). The two polymorphisms, at the position 311 and 324, were identified in PON3 gene. At the position 311 is serine or threonine and at the position 324 is glycine or aspartic acid. These polymorphisms were detected within the population of southern Italy but the functional consequences of these polymorphisms have not been reported (3). In contrast with PON1, PON2 and PON3 lack, or have very limited paraoxonase and arylesterase activities, but the both enzymes hydrolyze aromatic and long-chain aliphatic lactones like dihydrocoumarin. PON3 hydrolyzes some drugs like statin lactones (lovastatin and simvastatin) and a diuretic spironolactone (2). It is well known that PON1, PON2 and PON3 have antioxidant function, but differences in enzyme's activity and localization indicate that these tree enzymes have got different functions in the human body. However, all the three enzymes share an ability to hydrolyze different kinds of lactones. 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Modulation of paraoxonase (PON1) activity. Biochem Pharmacol 2005;69:541-50. 30. Marchegiani F, Marra M, Olivieri F, Cardelli M, James RW, Boemi M, Franceschi C. Paraoxonase 1: genetics and activities during aging. Rejuvenation Res 2008;11:113-27. 31. Mackness B, Durrington PN, Mackness MI. The paraoxonase gene family and coronary heart disease. Curr Opin Lipidol 2002;13:357-62. 32. Mackness M, Mackness B. Paraoxonase 1 and atherosclerosis: is the gene or the protein more important. Free Radic Biol Med 2004;37:1317-23. 33. Adkins S, Gan KN, Mody M, La Du BN. Molecular basis for the polymorphic forms of human serum paraoxonase/arylesterase: glutamine or arginine at position 191, for the respective A or B allozymes. Am J Hum Genet 1993;52:598-608. 34. Mackness B, Mackness MI, Arrol S, Turkie W, Durrington PN. Effect of the human serum paraoxonase 55 and 192 genetic polymorphisms on the protection by high density lipoprotein against low density lipoprotein oxidative modification. FEBS Lett 1998;423:57-60. 35. Mackness B, Durrington PN, Mackness MI. Polymorphisms of paraoxonase genes and low-density lipoprotein lipid peroxidation. Lancet 1999;353:468-9. 36. Li WF, Costa LG, Richter RJ, Hagen T, Shih DM, Tward A, et al. Catalytic efficiency determines the in vivo efficacy of PON1 for detoxifying organophosphorus compounds. Pharmacogenetics 2000;10:767-79. 37. Harel M, Aharoni A, Gaidukov L, Brumshtein B, Khersonsky O, Meged R, et al. Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2004;11:412-9. 38. Blatter Garin MC, James RW, Dussoix P, Blanché H, Passa P, Froguel P, Ruiz J. Paraoxonase polymorphism Met-Leu54 is associated with modified serum concentrations of the enzyme. A possible link between the paraoxonase gene and increased risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetes. J Clin Invest 1997;99:62-6. 39. Leviev I, Negro F, James RW. Two alleles of the human paraoxonase gene produce different amounts of mRNA. An explanation for differences in serum concentrations of paraoxonase associated with the (Leu-Met54) polymorphism. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1997;17:2935-9. 40. Brophy VH, Jarvik GP, Richter RJ, Rozek LS, Schellenberg GD, Furlong CE. Analysis of paraoxonase (PON1) L55M status requires both genotype and phenotype. Pharmacogenetics 2000;10:453-60. 41. Leviev I, James RW. Promoter polymorphisms of human paraoxonase PON1 gene and serum paraoxonase activities and concentrations. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000;20:516-21. 42. Leviev I, Deakin S, James RW. Decreased stability of the M54 isoform of paraoxonase as a contributory factor to variations in human serum paraoxonase concentrations. J Lipid Res 2001;42:528-35. 43. Wang X, Fan Z, Huang J, Su S, Yu Q, Zhao J, et al. Extensive association analysis between polymorphisms of PON gene cluster with coronary heart disease in Chinese Han population. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2003;23:328-34. 44. Marchesani M, Hakkarainen A, Tuomainen TP, Kaikkonen J, Pukkala E, Uimari P, et al. New paraoxonase 1 polymorphism I102V and the risk of prostate cancer in Finnish men. J Natl Cancer Inst 2003;95:812-8. 45. SuehiroT, NakamuraT, InoueM, ShiinokiT, IkedaY, KumonYetal. Hashimoto, A polymorphism upstream from the human paraoxonase (PON1) gene and its association with PON1 expression. Atherosclerosis 2000;150:295-8. 46. Brophy VH, Jampsa RL, Clendenning JB, McKinstry LA, Jarvik GP, Furlong CE. Effects of 5' regulatory-region polymorphisms on paraoxonase-gene (PON1) expression. Am J Hum Genet 2001;68:1428-36. 47. BrophyVH, HastingsMD, ClendenningJB, RichterRJ, JarvikGP, FurlongCE. Polymorphisms in the human paraoxonase (PON1) promoter. Pharmacogenetics 2001;11:77-84. 48. Deakin S, Leviev I, Brulhart-Meynet MC, James RW. Paraoxonase-1 promoter haplotypes and serum paraoxonase: a predominant role for polymorphic position -107, implicating the Sp1 transcription factor. Biochem J 2003;372:643-9. 49. Li HL, Liu DP, Liang CC. Paraoxonase gene polymorphisms, oxidative stress, and diseases. J Mol Med 2003;81:766-79. 50. Eckerson HW, Wyte CM, La Du BN. The human serum paraoxonase/arylesterase polymorphism. Am J Hum Genet 1983;35:1126-38. 51. Furlong CE, Richter RJ, Seidel SL, Motulsky AG. Role of genetic polymorphism of human plasma paraoxonase/arylesterase in hydrolysis of the insecticide metabolites chlorpyrifos oxon and paraoxon. Am J Hum Genet 1988;43:230-8. 52. Humbert R, Adler DA, Disteche CM, Hassett C, Omiecinski CJ, Furlong CE. The molecular basis of the human serum paraoxonase activity polymorphism. Nat Genet 1993;3:73-6. 53. Kujiraoka T, Oka T, Ishihara M, Egashira T, Fujioka T, Saito E. A sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for human serum paraoxonase concentration. J Lipid Res 2000;41:1358-63. 54. Roest M, van Himbergen TM, Barendrecht AB, Peeters PH, van der Schouw YT, Voorbij HA. Genetic and environmental determinants of the PON-1 phenotype. Eur J Clin Invest 2007;37:187-96. 55. Nevin DN, Zambon A, Furlong CE, Richter RJ, Humbert R, Hokanson JE, Brunzell JD. Paraoxonase genotypes, lipoprotein lipase activity, and HDL. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1996;16:1243-9. 56. Richter RJ, Jarvik GP, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) status and substrate hydrolysis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2009;235:1-9. 57. Costa LG, Li WF, Richter RJ, Shih DM, Lusis A, Furlong CE. The role of paraoxonase (PON1) in the detoxication of organophosphates and its human polymorphism. Chem Biol Interact 1999;119-120:429-38. 58. Costa LG, Cole TB, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase (PON1): from toxicology to cardiovascular medicine. Acta Biomed 2005;Suppl 2:50-7. 59 Costa LG, Cole TB, Vitalone A, Furlong CE. Measurement of paraoxonase (PON1) status as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to organophosphate toxicity. Clin Chim Acta 2005;352:37-47. 60. Ng CJ, Wadleigh DJ, Gangopadhyay A, Hama S, Grijalva VR, Navab M, et al. Paraoxonase-2 is a ubiquitously expressed protein with antioxidant properties and is capable of preventing cell-mediated oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein. J Biol Chem 2001;276:44444-9. 61. Reddy ST, Wadleigh DJ, Grijalva V, Ng C, Hama S, Gangopadhyay A, et al. Human paraoxonase-3 is an HDL- associated enzyme with biological activity similar to paraoxonase-1 protein but is not regulated by oxidized lipids. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2001;21:542-7. 62. Ricos C, Perich C, Minchinela J, Alvarez V, Simon M, Biosca C, et al. Application of biological variation - a review. Biochem Med 2009;19:250-9. License: CC-BY-NC-ND Date received: 14.03.2011 Date accepted: 09.05.2011 Publication date: 15.06.2011 Pages: 122 - 130 DOI: 10.11613/BM.2011.020 Categories: Review PDF Article download: 65 times Grdić Rajkovic M, Rumora L, Barisic K. The paraoxonase 1, 2 and 3 in humans. Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2011;21:122-130 HDMBLM Boškovićeva 18 EFLM Copyright (©) 2010 - 2021 Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License General terms and conditions of use | Cookies | RPC
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数学の学習場面におけるコミュニケーション・プロセスの分析. 数学教育学論究, 59, pp.3-24. 1993. A case study of analyzing highly condensed mathematical messages. Journal of Science Education in Japan, 20(3), pp.180-193. 1996. 数学的コミュニケーション参画者の認知過程. 数学教育学論究, 73・74, pp.27-56. 2000. 無作為の創造-数学学習におけるコミュニケーションの創発連鎖-. 日本数学教育学会誌, 89 (6), pp.12-23. 2007. We shall overcome dysfunctional beliefs for introducing communication study. APEC-KHON KAEN International Symposium 2008, pp.70-91. 2008. 数学的コミュニケーションの創発連鎖における反省的思考と反照的思考. 科学教育研究, 34 (2), pp.71-85. 2010. Two types of reflective thinking on the emergent chain of mathematical communication. 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education Innovations and Exemplary Practices in Mathematics Education, 1, pp.99-123. 2013. Mental Computation Performance and Strategy Use of Japanese Students in Grades 2, 4, 6, and 8. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 26(4), pp.304-326. 1995. Reys, R. E., Reys, B. J. Nohda, N., & Emori, H.
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Source: Greenwich Graphic. Saturday, February 20, 1897. Page 4. The great increase in the demand for flowers of late years is one of the most noticeable indications of the pronounced gain in culture which is so evident on every side and which is so astonishing to foreign critics in this country, who are unable to understand how culture can be so general in a land where practically everyone works for a living, and where there is no recognized aristocracy. Flowers are now in demand for all occasions, whether of joy or sorrow, and everyone who goes into society at all will find it very useful to know where appropriate floral designs can be obtained without delay and at moderate prices. Many residents of Greenwich and vicinity are already acquainted with the establishment of Mr. Alexander Mead, located on Lake Avenue. Mr. Mead owns a farm of 16 acres. In February 1867, he built hothouses to raise early tomatoes, 10 X 20 feet in size, after supplying his own wants he gave the tomato plants away. Seeing a chance for business he added twenty feet in length to the hothouse, making it 10 X 40 feet, which was heated by an old coal stove. From this beginning the present plant was now grown, consisting of eight houses, covering about one acre. This was the first greenhouse erected in Greenwich, the nearest one being in Stamford. The premises are artistically fitted up and stocked with a choice assortment greenhouse plants for home decoration; also pinks, carnations, cut flowers, all kinds of bouquets and floral pieces. This enterprise was established in 1867 and enjoys and enviable reputation. All orders are promptly attended to. Mr. Mead was born in Greenwich May 27, 1835. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all born on the premises. He is an active business man, full of energy and enterprise and is highly regarded in social and commercial circles, and is greatly esteemed by the public in general. Greenwich Graphic. Saturday, February 20, 1897. Page 4. The most complete establishment devoted to the sale of stationery, musical merchandise, etc., is undoubtedly throne conducted by the subject of this brief sketch, Mr. S. Warren Mead. This business was established about twelve years ago, Mr. S. Warren Mead becoming proprietor eight years ago. The premises occupied are neatly arranged and well stocked with a fine line of office, school and fancy stationery, musical merchandise of every description, birthday cards, pocketbooks, all kinds of games, fine cutlery, etc., all of which are sold at the very lowest prices, consistent with the quality of the goods handled. The latest and best goods, no "old style" stock being allowed to accumulate, and all orders are promptly and satisfactorily attended to. Mr. Mead is a native of Greenwich. he is well known throughout Greenwich and vicinity as a straightforward and conscientious business man and private citizen and well deserves the success he has achieved. There is an immense variety of articles now included under the head of dry and fancy goods, and the number of such is constantly increasing as the popular demand for novelties calls forth fresh fabrics and original "notions." It naturally follows that the only way to offer anywhere near a complete assortment is to carry a very heavy as well as varied stock, and that is to be found at the establishment conducted by Mr. Charles N. Mead, coated on Greenwich Avenue, for it comprises dry goods, fancy goods, notions, carpets, oilcloths, gent's furnishing goods, etc., in endless variety, and at the same time is composed of fresh, seasonable and reliable articles, the proprietor considering his store space too valuable to be occupied by "back number" goods. The residents of Greenwich have not been at all slow in recognizing the advantages held out at this popular store. Competent and reliable assistants are employed ad prompt and courteous attention is assured to every caller, while the prices quoted will bear the severest scrutiny and comparison. This business was established by Messrs. Mead & Brush, Mr. Mead becoming the sole proprietor about six years ago. He is an experienced and enterprising business man, highly esteemed in social and commercial circles by all who know him and enjoys the confidence and respect of the community.
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Alwinter E. Young Alwinter Evans Young, 91, of Waycross, entered into eternal rest Friday (Nov. 25, 2016) in Thomasville after an extended illness. She was born March 26, 1925, in Waycross, to the late Jesse and Willie Evans. She received her formal education from the Waycross Public School System and graduated from Center High School in 1944. She accepted Christ as her personal savior at an early age and became a dedicated and proud member of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. She was an employee of Southland Pecan Company for many years before her retirement. A devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend, Alwinter's charm, sense of humor and kind spirit will be missed by all had the privilege to know her. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by he husband, Joseph Young Sr., a son, Joseph Young Jr., three brothers, Samuel Evans, Jesse Evans and Ernest Evans, two sisters, Gladys Evans Welch and Willie Nease Evans Rood. A celebration of life service will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 702 Arnold McKinney Drive, with the church pastor, the Rev. Fer-Rell M. Malone Sr., offering words of comfort. Those left to cherish her memory include a devoted and loving daughter, Connie Young Walker, of Thomasville; two granddaughter, Catherine Rochester (Darryl), of Winter Garden, Fla., and Alwinter Walker, of Tallahassee, Fla.; grandsons, Zedric Young (Krystal), of Lakeland, and Travis Walker, of Thomasville; great-grandchildren, Jadyn and Shemar Rochester, of Winter Garden, Fla., Destyn and Kaylee Young, of Lakeland; one sister, Octavia Welch Jenkins, of Springfield, N.Y.; two sisters-in-law, Walter Mae Evans and Suzanne McDaniel, both of Waycross; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. at Fluker Funeral Home, 985 Ossie Davis Parkway. The body will lie in repose Friday at the church from 9 a.m. to the hour of service. Interment will be in Hazzard Hill Cemetery. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Hatcher-Peoples Funeral Home of Thomasville, assisted by Fluker Funeral Home. Barbara B. O'Neal MIDWAY — Barbara Byrd O'Neal, 82, of Waycross, passed away Sunday (Nov. 27, 2016) at the Woodlands Health & Rehabilitation Center in Midway. Born in Pierce County, Nov. 7, 1934, she lived in Ware County most of her life. She was a homemaker but also volunteered as a Pink Lady with the former Memorial Hospital in Waycross. In addition to volunteering her time at the hospital, she would also create gift baskets to welcome people to the neighborhood. She enjoyed gardening, cooking and cross stitching. She was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church. She was the daughter of the late James Ansel and Blanche Corbett Byrd. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Carl Smith O'Neal. Survivors include a daughter, Joyce Hinson, of Columbia, S.C.; a son and daughter-in-law, Carl, Jr. and Lynne O'Neal, of Birmingham, Ala.; a brother and sister-in-law, Jimmy and Wanda Byrd, of Blackshear; three grandchildren, Kelly Hinson, Patrick O'Neal and Katie O'Neal; and several nieces, nephews and other relatives. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at the Pearson-Dial Chapel. Interment will be in the Blackshear City Cemetery. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to a charity of the giver's choosing. Pearson-Dial Funeral Home, Inc., of Blackshear is in charge of the arrangements. Thomas W. Carter BLACKSHEAR — Thomas William Carter, 85, of Blackshear, passed away Monday evening (Nov. 28, 2016) at his residence. Born in Savannah, July 9, 1931, he lived in Nashville, Tenn., for a number of years before moving to Pierce County in the late 1980s. He was retired from the U.S. Army. He served in the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam Theater. He was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church where he was in the Senior Adult Sunday School Class. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather. A selfless man who was always caring for others, he will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He was a son of the late Allen Thomas Carter and Martha Hutchinson Tanner. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Elizabeth Bumgarner Carter, and a brother, Ray Carter. Survivors include four daughters and sons-in-law, Martha Elaine and Carl Curry, of Springfield, Ill., Linda and Tom Shields and Brenda and Ron Burke, all of Blackshear, and Judy and Brian Elswick, of Chesapeake, Va.; two sisters, Jean (Ed) Carrol, of Brunswick, and Hazel Deloach, of Hazlehurst; a brother, B.H. Tanner, of Blackshear; 13 grandchildren, Matthew Long, Tracie (Rubin) Sills, Michael Riley, Christina (Lonny) Marlow, Brandi Burke, Corey (Meredith) Williams, Carter Elswick, Ethan Elswick, Dawn Gill, Jennifer (Brian) Rowenhurst, Yvonne (John) Moseley, Kelly Shields, and Roxanne (Rocky) Sanders; 26 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews and other relatives. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Interment will be in the Greenlawn Cemetery. Visitation will be held Thursday evening from 6 until 8 at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to Hospice Satilla, 808 Evergreen Way, Waycross, Ga. 31501. Charles O. Conley Sr. Charles Owen Conley Sr., 92, of St. Marys formerly of Waycross died Tuesday morning (Nov. 29, 2016) after an extended illness. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Miles-Odum Funeral Home Chapel. The family will receive friends Saturday from 12 until 2 p.m. at the funeral home. A complete obituary will be in Thursday's Waycross Journal-Herald. Miles-Odum Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
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Sustainable Businesses Wood Recycling Recycling Glossary Organics Glossary All Sustainable Businesses Sustainable Businesses Paper and Plastic The Eco-Friendly Bulk Bag An overview of how FIBCs can be reused or recycled ••• Cliffe Packaging David Dawber Bulk bags—also called FIBCs (flexible intermediate bulk containers), builders bags, or super sacks—are industrial containers used for storing and transporting bulk goods. They were designed to be a more cost-effective and environmentally efficient alternative to using multiple sacks. A single bulk bag can replace a pallet of sacks, reducing cost and material usage. Bulk Bag Materials Traditionally, bulk bags were made of PVC rubber, but modern-day FIBCs are fabricated from a woven polypropylene (PP) fabric, and hence they are sometimes referred to as PP bags. Polypropylene is resistant to mildew. It also has moderate resistance to heat, shrinkage, and stretching. Woven materials are stronger and more durable than nonwoven fabrics because the layers are woven over and under each other. There is also a PVC variant, which is designed for expensive hygroscopic products that require protection from the harsh external environments. PVC bulk bags are manufactured from PVC-coated polyester fabric with welded seams, making them highly durable and completely watertight. Although they are more expensive than PP bags, the PVC version has a life expectancy of more than three years and can be repaired. The strength, durability, and reliability of bulk bags make them an eco-friendly choice for carrying a broad range of materials, from sand and powder to pellets, aggregates, and plastic granules. Reusing Bulk Bags Super sacks are reusable if they have been treated correctly, but they must be multi-trip bulk bags with a 6:1 Safety Factor rating. Some companies provide FIBC cleaning services—covering collection, inspection, and cleaning—so that they may be returned for further reuse. Reuse of FIBCs encourages sustainability and a circular economy, as reusing refurbished bags reduces waste and dependency on raw materials. Recycling Super Sacks Bulk bags are recyclable. Most FIBCs are made from virgin PP, a common plastic that can be repurposed into other plastic products, such as battery cables, brooms, brushes, trays, bins, and auto parts. The types of super sacks that are suitable for recycling include those used to store chemicals, fertilizers, grains, construction materials, pigments, and plastics. Bags for recycling are classified by different grades: Grade A (clean, bright white; colored stitching and handles allowed); Grade B (not as clean, predominantly white with minimal coloring); and Grade C (dirty or colored bags). How FIBCs Are Recycled As with other industrial plastics, the recycling process begins with proper collection. Recyclers require that the material be compacted into bales for easy collection and optimal market value. FIBCs are collected in large quantities, so recycling is usually feasible only for businesses with a sizeable output, or ones that can store the bags over time. After collecting them, recyclers take the mill-sized bales to a reprocessing center, where they are sorted and cleaned. As they are commonly used to transport a variety of materials, including fertilizers and chemicals, bulk bags must be thoroughly decontaminated before being recycled. All zips and buttons are also removed. Next, the bags are resized into small flakes, making them easier to handle for further processing. The plastic is fed through shredders and granulators with industrial blades that cut rotationally to chop it down. After cutting, the plastic regrinds go through a separation process to differentiate contaminants from the plastic polymers. With today's advanced technology, machines can separate plastic by size, shape, color, melting point, and even the ability to absorb light. The final phase is compounding, which involves putting the regrinds through an extruder, where they are melted down at 240 degrees Celsius into uniform beads, also referred to as pellets or granules. The mixture is strengthened through the addition of virgin polypropylene. A variety of new products can be manufactured from the pellets as the bulk bag recycling process comes full circle. This loop can be repeated over and over, as polypropylene can be safely recycled many times. These bags present an eco-friendly option for many businesses that need to store and transport large quantities of goods. An Introduction to Plastic Recycling and the Plastic Recycling Process Polypropylene Recycling - An Introduction What Is Reusable Packaging? The Basics of Clothing and Textile Recycling What Is a Materials Recovery Facility? Introduction to Electronics Recycling The Process of Recovering and Recycling Old Clothing Get an Introduction to Metal Recycling How Airplanes Are Recycled The 6 Best Work Tote Bags What Is Green Marketing? An Introduction to PET Recycling Learn How 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) Impact the Environment Textile and Garment Recycling Facts and Figures What Do Recycling Symbols Mean?
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Our all natural olive oil soaps are a combination of saponified olive, coconut, and sustainably harvested organic palm oil, scented with pure essential oils. All botanicals added to the soap are certified organic. In the tradition of skilled artisans, we handcraft our soap one small batch at a time. The ingredients are mixed, poured into wooden molds, hand cut, and set to cure for a minimum of 30 days. Our handcrafted manufacturing produces a soap with a rich glycerin base, every bar is individually cut, trimmed and wrapped- emphasizing our challenge to deliver a consistently pure, high quality product. All bars are 3oz.
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iPad Pro, Apple's newest and largest tablet, is now finally available. The device is a hybrid between a laptop and a tablet and it delivers far more than just a larger screen. While iPad Pro may not replace your laptop, it can surely complement it. The giant iPad comes with a number of great features. To help you learn more about it, we've gathered the iPad Pro specs that will make your experience worthwhile. Launch: It was announced in September and released in November 2015. Display: It has a 12.9 inch (diagonal) Multi-Touch display, with a 2732×2048 resolution of 5.6 million pixels, which means a pixel density of 264 ppi. This makes iPad Pro the most pixel-dense iOS device yet. Body: Despite its incredible size, it's only 6.9 mm thick and weighs 713g (Wi-Fi) and 723g (LTE). Finish: Like the iPad Air 2, it's available in three colors: gold, silver, and space gray. Chip: It features Apple's brand new A9X chip which offers outstanding performance and a 1.8x faster speed than the previous A8X chip. Memory: The device is available in three versions: the 32GB and 128GB Wi-Fi models and the LTE-equipped 128GB model. Sound: The tablet boasts a four-speaker audio system which will enhance your sound experience. Camera: It is equipped with a primary camera, the 8MP iSight Camera, and a secondary one – the 1.2 MP FaceTime HD Camera. Sensors: It contains a variety of sensors: Touch ID, three-axis gyro, accelerometer, barometer, and ambient light sensor. Power and Battery: It has a long life-battery of up to 10 hours of surfing the web, watching videos or listening to music. Platform: Its operating system is iOS 9, the world's most advanced mobile OS. Accessories: The Pencil is also part of the iPad Pro package. It's an active battery-powered device which reproduces your writing and drawing with all the nuances expected and with maximum precision. With a huge display, 4GB of RAM, an amazing A9X chip, and an extra large battery, iPad Pro masters it all. If you found these iPad Pro specs helpful, check out more on iPads on our website.
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Yet another Lostfest is behind us and thankfully, the weather behaved itself ! We would like to say thank you to all of you involved in organising this very successful key event in Lostwithiel's calendar; the enormous amount of time and effort that goes into mounting the festival is very much appreciated. The museum attracted 144 visitors from far and wide. It was good to welcome both first time and returning visitors. We thank them for their words of encouragement......we think we must be doing something right ! Our numbers of visitors were higher than last year but lower than in 2015 / 2014. With the top end of Fore Street being 'out of action' [above the museum & Penhaligan's, with the exception of the Kings Arms] we need, in future, to have some organised street activity which attracts visitors to venture further from the lower end.
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The AOC, Enron and Dr. Stanley Milgram Ask Why. In many ways, many of the actions of the AOC can be compared to the actions of Enron, the utility whose market manipulation scheme blacked out California. Like Enron, the AOC is enabled by the same question that no one asks, which also happened to be Enron's corporate motto. "Ask Why?" Had anyone bothered to "ask why" early on, chances are good that people would have realized that Lay, Skilling and Fastow had utilized irregular accounting procedures to book about 62 billion dollars in profits that never materialized. Enron's success wasn't in manipulating the energy markets. Enron's primary success came from bullying analysts to cover them in a favorable light if the investment houses they represented wanted any of Enron's business. Kind of like what the AOC does to reporters and news outlets. Other successes came through their friend George W Bush, who appointed to FERC anyone Ken Lay suggested to him to appoint. In 2001 Daniel Scotto, a financial analyst with BNP Paribas did a story titled "all stressed up and no place to go" in which he suggested that investors immediately dump, as fast as possible, their stock and bond holdings in Enron Corporation, lowering his ratings on the company from a 'buy' to a 'neutral'. BNP Paribas, knowing that the story would cause them to lose Enron's business, immediately fired Daniel Scotto, saying that the rating and the story was unwarranted. "We don't think it was a good recommendation or a reasonable one" is what BNP Paribas told the media. Four months after the story, one of the largest accounting scandals in U.S. history was born. Four months earlier, Scotto dared to state that the emperor had no clothes and he was right. Everyone ignored him and no one would utter a bad word about Enron until the accounting scandal broke. No one else dared to publicly ask why. For the previous nine consecutive years, Daniel Scotto was named as the "Top Bond Analyst in the United States" by Institutional Investor Magazine. At the time of the rating, four months before the accounting scandal was revealed, Enron's stock price was hovering between $35.00-$40.00 per share. Those that heeded Mr. Scotto's sound advice walked away with most of their investment. Those that didn't lost everything. Obedience. In July of 1961 Dr. Stanley Milgram set out to answer a question regarding the holocaust in Nazi Germany with a social psychology experiment. His question was "Was there a mutual sense of morality for those who took part in the holocaust killings?" To determine this, he set out on an experiment known today as the Milgram Experiment where one person was placed in a room with electroshock electrodes attached to them and another person was placed in a room with a microphone and a device that delivered an electric shock in increasing voltages – including those voltages capable of causing death. The real test was hidden inside a false test. The false test was to see if getting a jolt when one forgot something would help them remember better. Punishing them for forgetting, if you will. The real test was to see if one party would go as far as killing someone under the color of someone elses authority. Subject "A" the inquisitor was to ask subject "B" to remember word associations and repeat them. When subject "B" got the answer wrong, subject "A" would push a button delivering an electric shock of increasing voltage for every wrong answer to subject "B". During the time of the testing, many subject "A"'s moral compasses would tell the subjects that what they were doing was wrong. Many would even stop the scenario and indicate to Dr. Milgram or one of his aides that they just couldn't continue to torture subject "B". But an amazing thing happened when Dr. Milgram or one of his aides reinforced that they must push through, they must continue on because they agreed to complete the experiment. Most subject "A's" had no problem with authoritative reinforcement of their duties to delivering voltages that would have resulted in the death of the subject B's. All subject "A's were unaware that the subject "B's were also aides and in on it and not really getting shocked. Does this social psychology have a resemblance to any current events? Posted in: Administrative Office of the Courts, AOC, Court Corruption, Judicial Council of California, State of California ← Letters to the Bench: Contra Costa County The Good The Bad and The Ugly. → 23 Responses "The AOC, Enron and Dr. Stanley Milgram" → Perhaps of interest to those concerned about where our now-severely-compromised judiciary (the largest in the western world) is heading: Scholar Gus Martin describes state terrorism as terrorism "committed by governments and quasi-governmental agencies and personnel against perceived threats". Woo-hoo to all those who speak the truth and are therefore "perceived threats" to the legacy of "King" Ron George's (oh-so-very-corrupt) third branch. judicialcouncilwatcher I'm going to make a prediction. Come January 4th, nothing will change and as a result, mini-mimi will be the shortest serving chief justice in California's history. I hope you are wrong. Of immediate interest is who the new chief will keep in the inner circle, and who quietly resigns. JCW your latest posts about obedience and retribution hit the proverbial nail on the head. Policy is set at the top, and as far as I can tell the judicial branch under George's reign has been marked with secrecy, intellectually dishonest reacharounds and coverups, underhand quid pro quos and judicial waterboarding. What has been described as transpiring in the AOC and Contra Costa under Kiri Torre has also taken place in Marin County under Court Executive Officer John Montgomery– and then under his successor Kim Turner, who had long covered for her "boss extraordinaire" Montgomery's financial and personal transgressions (he funneled over $650,000 in court contracts to his live-in girlfriend.) Turner got rid of half the court staff (particularly those who begged the court not to hire her as Marin's CEO) when she took over in 2005/2006– and then reportedly handed extraordinarily well-paid jobs to her best loyal buddies who lacked experience. For years courthouse personnel have queried why Kim and her best buds/assistants get paid so much money. . . . . .And on multiple occasions before she was appointed to the Judicial Council in 2009 those at the Marin courthouse/civic center have indicated that she has acted with direction and approval from the Judicial Council. And third branch brutality is not limited to administration — it makes its way on to (or originates from?) the bench. When judges rule based on politics, personalities, personal interests and financial "practicalities" (for example: if we rule that the Marin county form for appointment and payment of minor's counsel is illegal, the branch is screwed given the hundreds or thousands of cases in which such forms have been used in Marin and throughout California – so this litigant who should prevail is just going to have to suck it up and lose – say hey Justice Sepulveda, are you up for an intellectually dishonest reacharound, a little judicial waterboarding of parents and children for the "benefit" of the branch? Or: hey, my husband's/top election contributor's law firm represented this litigant, I better be real nice to this litigant), rather than the facts and the law, they cease to become judges– they become politicians, accountants, cronies, henchmen/hitmen and women, and/or whores who are abusing their power and violating the public trust. Yet, it happens all the time, at all levels of the judiciary, especially if the case raises issues that may expose bad/improper third branch behavior (kill the messenger, and make sure the message is buried with the body). And let's get real people. With all the complaints/audits/investigations of the third branch going on, and a new chief coming in, the courts are going to get rid of anything under their control– files, employees, whatever—that might pose a "threat" to the status quo, or that might expose third branch high crimes, misdemeanors, and waterboarding. One might also suggest that they also become criminals … Regarding the Milgram Experiment: In October of last year, after getting my own bids to install the generator and UPS at 455 Golden Gate Avenue for the main judicial branch datacenter reconstruction project I was tasked with, I was informed by Michael Derr, after I had blown the whistle on the unlicensed "Team Jacobs" and he was cognizantly aware of this, that "Team Jacobs" would be the vendor of choice to install the generator and UPS for my project. Very much like the Milgram Experiment, I was being coerced by someone of authority over me to violate not only my values and respect for the laws of the state of California but to violate the public trust and my obligation to provide honest services to the citizens of this state under the cover of someone elses percieved authority. I strongly objected, yet was forced by instruction to go along and get a bid from the "service provider". Unlike my own estimates which did not cost the taxpayer anything, the Office of Court Construction & Management would be "commissioning a study" of the generator and in that study, embedding their own bid for the project. That so-called study, I later would find out, cost the people of this state $10,000.00. The estimate embedded into the study was 250% more than the estimates that I had obtained from LICENSED UNION contractors. In introducing me to the study, a little more of the Milgram Experiment was presented. It was no longer Michael Derr that was telling me, from his position of authority over me that I must approve the unlicensed vendor, the second time, seated around the table would be 12 people, including Michael Derr, people from Jacobs, people from VFMC and people from OCCM all presenting a proposal to me that was 250% more expensive than estimates that I had obtained myself from licensed union contractors. As I reviewed the $189,000.00 proposal, I found it woefully incomplete and asked point blank if someone actually paid $10,000.00 for this flawed document that told me, among other things, that the vendor would be renting a crane for about $5500.00 to install a UPS in a basement with a 9 foot ceiling and most importantly, provided no electricity to the locations I needed electricity to go to power my project. Twelve people, some peers, some managers senior to me, sat there at tried to convince me to accept this flawed proposal and commission "Team Jacobs" to do this work. There was a more recent version of the Milgram Experiment conducted in 2009 in England that can also be found on Youtube. Changing societal values have seemingly impacted society and its moral compass. In the 1961 study, 2/3rds of respondents would deliver lethal electric shock under the color of someone elses authority. In the 2009 study, that percentage of those willing to deliver the lethal shock increased to 3/4 of the respondents. I have supplied all of this documentation to back up my assertions made herein to Judicial Council Watcher and it appears that Judicial Council Watcher will be publishing these documents online. Food for thought to those who blindly follow authority without questioning its legitimacy: Those who might be directing your illogical behaviors may be covered by judicial immunity for their official acts, however, they did not make the final decision. You did. And as such, you own that decision and the responsibility for it, not someone above you. You are not blessed with judicial immunity for your official acts. I understood this when I took the job. That is quite a story. And you make very good points. What is really distressing is the vicious retaliation that takes place when someone complains or rocks the boat. I have heard some really bad stories about what has happened to AOC employees. So people are put between the rock and the hard place. Damned if go along to get along, damned if you don't. Re the 2009 Milgram experiment. . . . Some believe a form of social engineering/experimentation is taking place right here in our family courts. In an amazing number of cases where physical abuse is present, children are abruptly taken from the protective (and often primary care) parent, with no chance to say good-bye, and full custody is given to the abuser. The protective parent may thereafter only see the child in a supervised setting following strict rules (pleasant chatter only)– often with guards at the door. Phone contact between the protective parent and the child is often eliminated or monitored. The child has no opportunity to report further abuse. The child observes that the protective parent is being treated like a criminal, and the abuser has all the power — and the point is driven home to the child that the abuser was GIVEN the power and full custody by the JUDGE. And we all know what happens when abusive children grow up in abusive households– they become abusers, or victims. Well, some of our family courts are churning out new abusers and victims at an alarming rate. Some of the worst cases are now coming full circle– before our very eyes we are watching once sweet, loving children turn into angry, violent abusive adolescents — mirror images of the abusers– or severely damaged victims. All foreseeable, all predictable. All preventable. And these children have learned that the courts will NOT protect them. Heck, when these kids grow up, it's a no-brainer, they know which way the wind blows– just push that button delivering the lethal electric shock and move on. . . . So we get down to these questions, presented by incredulous people who hear these stories: Why is the AOC throwing away money hand over fist? Why are the courts giving children to abusers, knowing what will happen? And why are the AOC and high courts participating in all this? Oops, I said "We all know what happens when abusive children grow up in abusive households– they become abusers, or victims." What I meant to say is: "And we all know what happens when children grow up in abusive households– they become abusers, or victims." This post provides the proposal and the email supporting Michael's assertions referenced herein. Together, they provide some evidence of ongoing racketeering in the AOC. It took some time to verify all contents and the allegations set forth which represents the delays in posting. I believe the third branch powers that be would LOVE us and everyone else to "move along, nothing of interest here anymore" and consider and focus on "fixes", rather than consider the whys and wherefores of where the branch is now. For precisely that reason, and because the past obviously has been so well documented by some, I believe there should be an "I did what I could", "I told you so" thread. On this thread, documents and stories warning the branch of what would happen, has happened and is happening can be publicly posted. (Is that a JCW capability?) In fact, if JCW has a post office box address, documents could be anonymously sent to that address, for posting. Knowledge is power. Knowledge that many, many someones in power had knowledge but completely disregarded it, or covered it up, or punished those reporting, is also power. In the news 10 article regarding the Stephen Doyne debacle and Mr. Doyne's dubious credentials, the news 10 article indicates that each court has a different custody evaluator method it employs and different standards of certification. In San Mateo and Riverside counties, they have court employed custody evaluators. Having viewed what they pay these people in a recent job vacancy announcement in San Mateo County published on craigslist, I assure you that these court employees aren't charging each parent 30 grand apiece nor are they pulling down in excess of a million dollars a year. Take the money out of the corrupt system and the corrupt system ceases to have a purpose. Yes, many people have said we must "follow the money" and that we are watching judicially-sanctioned racketeering. Traditionally, the word racket is used to describe a business (or syndicate) that is based on the example of the protection racket and indicates a belief that it is engaged in the sale of a solution to a problem that the institution itself creates or perpetuates, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage. Taxpayer-funded "studies" that seek to justify outrageous and improper court expenditures. . . . . Taxpayer-funded "CIC reports" that seek to justify outrageous and improper judicial campaign activities and bench/bar conflicts of interest. . . . Taxpayer-funded "trust and confidence reports" that misstate data. . . . And if money is guiding child custody decisions then we are really talking about judicially-sanctioned human trafficking, aren't we? Yes JCW, I do believe that, on the eve of this new year, each and every judge, court employee, and court appointee ought to take a long, hard look at what they have done, and are doing. . . . . If you go to the website for the State Bureau of Audits, you might notice that the audit of the AOC and the CCMS system that was first supposed to be released in October 2010, and then was supposed to be released in November 2010, and then was for sure going to be released in January 2011, has now been pushed to February, but with no actual release date. Any bets on the date getting extended yet again to March? April? May? … You might also notice that the audit of the Marin Family Court now has a posted release date of January 20, 2011. You'll note that the first story about Enron in this thread mentions BNP Paribas, the finance house that employed Daniel Scotto and fired him for his sound advice. If Mr. Scotto still worked for BNP Paribas, I wonder what he would think about this deal that seeks to give Meridiam a bond rating on the courthouse one level below the state of California's bond rating and four years to find permanent financing for the deal. Question: If the legislature does not issue a line-item to pay for the courthouse does that mean that the Long Beach Judicial Partners will cancel the lease and renegotiate it for a much higher price because the projected cost of money is greater without the full faith and credit of the legislature to back up the financing? Oh, and look at who arranged the Miniperm financing. Click to access Santa%20Paula%20Private%20Water%20Plant%20Shines_Public%20Works%20Financing_December%202010.pdf And look who looked over the deal for the AOC! OMG, when do the crooks every learn? Yeah, they never do — unless they're handcuffed and subsequently thrown in the clink. "The AOC has its own enabling legislation, adopted in 2007, which allowed it to bypass the legislature for approval of the final contract. The deal did require a sign-off by the executive branch Dept. of Finance, which accepted AOC's value-for-money analysis on Dec. 16." Referring to 2010. JCW, so interesting to see our posts from two years ago. From 2009 forward the tide has turned. Members of the public, and all three branches of government (including but not limited to the ACJ; the state auditor, aware and responsible members of the legislature), and AOC Watcher, JCW and their astute and dedicated commentators, —have stepped forward to speak and/or seek the truth. They have been stating the obvious (Team George's status quo ain't gonna fly) and leading the way into the inevitable future. That future will necessarily include democratization of the Judicial Council, appropriate limits on the heretofore (inappropriate and abused) unilateral power of the Office of the Chief Justice, and a genuine focus on service to the public. Naysayers will say nothing has changed. But they are wrong. At present, branch "leadership" is completely devoid of that which it needs most– trust and confidence of members of the public and all three branches of government. Branch "leadership" is viewed by many (most?) in the public and all three branches as capricious, arrogant, wasteful, retaliatory, defiant, self-serving, insular, unqualified. . . .circling the wagons. . ..destroying or hiding information. . . .misrepresenting the facts. . . . All at the expense of the public. It just ain't gonna fly. No how, no way. Responsible members of all three branches of government have an obligation to the public, to make sure the judicial branch serves the public. And that means providing the basics–open courts, good judges (elected or temporarily appointed by the Governor as set forth in the CA Constitution, and subject to appropriate oversight), court clerks, court reporters for all substantive proceedings, and self-help resources. You just gotta know. . . .all these ultra-expensive and fancy (orchestrated) AOC and Judicial Council committees and faux-meetings/investigations, and (self-serving cleansed) reports, and task forces, and amazingly overpriced computer, court construction/maintenance, contracts/endeavors are all bullshit compared to the basic function of the branch: which is, providing the public and the bench with the basics they need to effect justice. And I hope the legislature and governor do not misunderstand– I am not saying throw more money at the branch as it "functions" under current very, very dysfunctional and unqualified leadership. To the contrary– the legislature and governor must exercise their balance of power duties and ensure that judicial resources are applied to providing basics to the public, as opposed to funding outrageous staffs, salary, pensions, blank checks and perks to those who claim to be "branch leadership". Time to exercise the power of the check book AND look at how the $$$ are being spent. We ALL KNOW. 2 Trackbacks For This Post While CSLB busts ten for contracting without a license, judicial branch unlicensed contractors get a free pass « Judicial Council Watcher → January 25th, 2012 → 7:43 am […] The AOC, Enron and Dr. Stanley Milgram ( […] Willful Blindness – a condition experienced by most of the judicial branch | Judicial Council Watcher → August 13th, 2013 → 8:59 am […] ago we did a post on the The AOC, Enron & Dr. Stanley Milgram that we consider one of the most important articles in assisting you in understanding the magnitude […]
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
If you created your own world, would you allow evil? I often wonder about that, so I made a little game called 10 Souls. In it, you can create a world of Good and Evil and let your people, the souls, make their way through it. I conceived the game as a "theodicy engine," a tool for exploring different justifications for the existence of evil. In this game, souls can go to Heaven or Hell. In the default setting, the souls always do the right thing and go straight to Heaven. But if you let them be free to go their own way, they can go the wrong way and perish. You have different ways of helping your souls save themselves. But if you are too heavy-handed, they are no longer free, are they? The game has no fixed goal. You can make a world where the souls do terrible things and go straight to Hell every time. You can make a world where getting into Heaven is easy – or nearly impossible. I've found that the hardest challenge is to make the souls free and Heaven hard, and yet somehow to get everybody bouncing their way to salvation anyways. Naturally, a game about these subjects will reflect the convictions of its designer. In this case, we're talking about a heavy dose of Catholic theology. If monks freak you out, this is not the game for you! And I do sincerely apologize to those of other traditions and views. However, to indulge in a Catholic interpretation, the player in 10 Souls is God Almighty, the playing field is the world, and the bumps along the way are those moments where we can decide to do right or wrong. (What's right and what's wrong? Check the Catechism! In Catholicism, unlike Vietnam, there are rules.) As the souls go back and forth, Good and Evil actions pile up. If the souls go too far in the the wrong direction, they are annihilated at the end – they disappear. This vanishing of the soul is consistent with Aquinas' teaching on the nature of Evil as pure nothingness. It's easy, as God, to get rid of evil completely: Simply take away the ability of souls to do bad things. But if you let souls be free, you can no longer be sure they will choose to be Good. The player, as God, can grant freedom to his souls or take it away. He can make the Gate to Heaven narrow, or he can make it wide. He can create a Purgatory, where souls that otherwise would have been lost can wait and be saved later, after the passage of a little time. Eventually there appears a Deceiver, a Tempter, who lures the souls toward Hell. The God-player can vanquish that Deceiver with the click of a button, or let it play its role. Through all this, God can offer more or less Grace, pulling souls back to the right. And in the greatest miracle of all, God can send Redemption, which gets stronger when the soul is in more trouble. In 10 Souls as in Catholic theology, Redemption is the Good that makes something better of Evil: O felix culpa quae talem et tantum meruit habere redemptorem. The notion of a happy fault shows how much our world seems like a designed game. The theological argument is that without the challenge of evil, there would be no joy in salvation. Yes; yes indeed: For what game without challenges brings joy at the end?
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St. Thomas, USVI Airport Set to Reopen for Commercial Flights on Thursday, September 28. Operation Blue Roof Underway on St. Thomas, St. John, and Slated for St. Croix. Governor Mapp Urges USVI Residents to Apply for FEMA Individual Assistance. Governor urges residents to apply for Individual Assistance (IA) using website The process has been tested and is efficient, he said. The telephone number to apply for IA is 1-800-621-3362. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands to supplement territory recovery efforts in the areas affected by Hurricane Irma from September 6, 2017, and continuing. According to the National Weather Service, New Orleans is under an areal flood advisory until 2:15 p.m. today, August 28, 2017. Additionally, Southwest Louisiana is under a flood watch until Thursday, August 31, 2017. Link below provides a summary of key federal disaster aid programs that can be made available as needed and warranted under President Donald J. Trump emergency disaster declaration issued for the State of Louisiana.
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Many moments have marked your life, including those when you felt bitter or those that brought you disappointments you weren't expecting. Moments related to particular circumstances, but also to people; moments that changed a relationship in a matter of seconds. Moments that changed everything without considering the consequences, even when we were being as careful as we could. People who have even taken advantage of your moments of reflection to punch you in the back. And afterwards, you had to suffer all the damage, just because you wanted to minimize it and the other person took advantage of your space for reflection to end it all. So you had to carry the weight of the anger of feeling stupid, of proving that by trying to protect the two of you, you were the only one that ended up hurt. You realize that while you were trying to cause the least damage possible, someone tricked you. Without a trace of decency. This causes anger and resentment and can even make you feel stupid. A sensation that you didn't expect to feel in life. You have every right to feel this. You can live perfectly well with it, but you don't know when it will go away completely. Suddenly, one day, without even being aware of it, the moment comes when you think "what a blessed moment, I'm free". Stop, because this is a wonderful moment: goodbye anger, welcome indifference and humor. The smile of relief that comes with realizing that we've freed ourselves is highly valued. To taste it, first you had to act with a clean conscience, be hurt, and then perhaps hold onto the resentment for a while. You've gone through what you needed to; this was the lottery ticket that you played like anyone who dares to play and also to lose. The big prize is in this smile, whether it be solitary or accompanied. Handling disappointment or betrayal is not easy. Nor is it easy to be stuck at a roundabout that always leads you to the same arguments. Prolonging an uncomfortable situation due to habit or pity means entering into a never-ending loop of stress. Nobody is toxic per se; this is false. But there are toxic relationships or relationships that become toxic. Identifying them and ending them is not easy, above all if you intend to do it maturely. Never feel bad if you try to do something in a kind way, but end up being betrayed. In the future, you'll know how to detect the signs that you don't want to be with someone before they do you true damage. You'll learn to close doors without making a noise and without anyone bashing into them. You'll also learn to accept that others have the same right to do this to you. Wanting to do things well in life says a lot about us. Ending marriages of 40 years, childhood friendships or leaving our first job which turned from an opportunity into a punishment a long time ago, are steep slopes. However, some people don't make the effort to do this carefully. They race ahead, betraying you cruelly, clumsily and with cowardice. Never feel ridiculed for having wanted to do it well, to keep it clean. You'll feel angry, but let it flow. All Next time you see signs of wear and tear, don't take any more detours. No more prolonged innocuous relationships. Do it in the best way possible: total indifference. The evolution of others is not your business, because even the most heartless people can be lucky in life. Think about where you are in comparison to where you want to be, and recognize the value of staying on this path when faced with the temptation that others have fallen into. This, and no other, is the best reference point to help you to maintain your sensitivity during necessary goodbyes, despite the disappointment. We won't deny that it is a hard process to disassociate yourself from certain people and habits over the course of lifetime. You'll think you're going to lose your identity and each hit will feel like a bottomless pit. In reality we don't know whether we are changing for better or for worse until one day we start to remember differently something that once massacred us emotionally. We don't feel strange about ourselves. We look at our hands, we feel the weight of our legs and we become aware of our presence. Even without asking for help and without anyone offering it, we remain standing. We understand that in the lightness of being we can find all our potential to be truly present. We don't need the approval of anyone. We don't care if we are losers in the eyes of others. We've won the battle that could only be fought within. We start to laugh, whether alone or in company. Above and beyond the anger, we feel the pride of having acted authentically and in harmony with who we are. A smile is only authentic when it makes you feel at peace with yourself, despite the fact that the circumstances were difficult and you ran the risk of being betrayed, as eventually happened. Now, your smile is the echo of the fact that, although someone disappointed you, you didn't disappoint yourself. Now you know how the process works and this helps a lot. He who laughs last laughs better because he isn't laughing at anyone. Rather he watches from a distance how those that do damage end up going deeper into the darkness that they themselves have created.
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Will TakeOver Be the Name of Fortnite's Chapter 2? Fortnite Chapter 2 Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 By Stefan Mariut With no clues regarding season 2 of Fortnite chapter 2, but there are rumors that it will include helicopters. We've seen so many things come and go, including interacting with aliens and many other strange things, so helicopters aren't so special. But, they will be a welcome change after the sheer length of seaon 1. The leak came from HYPEX, a well-known leaker, who uncovered some key details when datamining the Epic Games launcher. Possible C2S2 Title: TakeOver [via the Epic Games Launcher] — HYPEX – Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX) February 17, 2020 Another reveal came from a teaser image on a Fortnite Twitter official account. It inlcuded gold shards and the interior of a base discovered by Hypex, it has to do something with the eye land which can be found in the center of the battlefield. The case goes even further, as the teaser image reveals more info. If you tweak the colors, you will be able to see a hidden background(thanks to Reddit for that). The image revealed a helipad, the reason why the thoughts of helicopters are in every player's head. We have no idea if there will be something other than helicopters, maybe planes, but we can only wait and hope at the moment. Another "teaser" is the golden handprint, spotted for the first time in Sao Paulo station and later on players would be able to find it in numerous places in the entire map. This doesn't stop here as the situation goes deeper. Following these signs, players discovered a phone number that revealed a message about some agency recruitment drive with an oil rig when dialed. Going further, some objects are now turned into gold, more exactly in the Eye land area. There could even be a new character coming to the game, related to a cat, Agent Meowsicles, due to the cat sounds. I don't know what's happening at Epic Games, but it seems that Fortnite is turning into a search for clues and solving mysteries, perhaps in the future, we'll receive a Scooby-doo event, who knows? More Than 10 New Modes For Call of Duty Warzone Were Found Hidden in the April 28 Update Modern Warfare Season 2 Official Trailer (Leaked) Surprise Update and Discount Comes to Final Fantasy III Developers Love the SSD in Next-Gen Consoles But Skepticism About Full-Scale Optimization Remains Can You Really Play As Anyone in Watch Dogs Legion? Red Dead Redemption 2's Frontier Pursuits is Here Mortal Kombat 11's Kombat Pack Introduces Spawn, Joker, Sindel, and the Terminator Oddworld Soulstorm's PS5 Reveal Trailer Brought Tons of Action and Mayhem Stefan Mariut Stefan joined the Addicted to Play team in March of 2019 and is a senior editor that oversee's the news department. In his free time, he is an avid gamer that doesn't discriminate. While it may be true that he prefers games like World of Warcraft and League of Legends, you can occasionally catch him playing games like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed. BTW, ladies, he is single if you're interested.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
PARTNERS is a free service provided to any unit of state and local government throughout Kansas. Supplies and equipment for counter-drug activities can be purchased at discounted prices through federal purchasing channels. Any department conducting counter-drug activity that has at least one Certified Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) on staff is eligible. Any equipment purchased can only be used for counter-drug activities.
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La Confederazione Argentina di Atletica Leggera (Confederación Argentina de Atletismo, CADA) è la federazione sportiva argentina che si occupa di atletica leggera. Storia Consiglio federale Presidente: Juan Alberto Scarpín Vice presidenti: Jorge De La Canale Daniel Soto Raul Risso Segretario generale: Roberto Maciel Tesoriere: Luis A. Tebes Competizioni Partner ufficiali TyC Sports Secretaría de Deporte (Ministero dello sport argentino) CONI Servizi Collegamenti esterni Atletica leggera in Argentina Argentina Atletica
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
It looks like you have a structure of the same name defined in gpdumb3. Maybe if you try changing the name of the structure, it might work. If you only have one struct, then there''s this big chance that you are including the same file twice. The problem here is that when the compiler compiles, you will get 2 of the same objects, thus getting confused by getting it together (linking). One way around this is to use extern. The extern means that in all the files which include the same header will have a reference to that one object, which is (in real) defined in one of the cpp files. So try using the extern keyword before the struct.....and in the file where you initiliaze the object you put the same but without the extern keyword.
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Miejscowości i ich części w Polsce Wg TERYT jest ich 7, w tym 5 podstawowych Węglewo – wieś w woj. dolnośląskim, w pow. trzebnickim, w gminie Żmigród Węglewo – przysiółek wsi Białawy Małe w woj. dolnośląskim, w pow. wołowskim, w gminie Wińsko Węglewo – część wsi Makówiec w woj. kujawsko-pomorskim, w pow. lipnowskim, w gminie Chrostkowo Węglewo – osada w woj. pomorskim, w pow. bytowskim, w gminie Miastko Węglewo – wieś w woj. wielkopolskim, w pow. pilskim, w gminie Ujście Węglewo – wieś w woj. wielkopolskim, w pow. poznańskim, w gminie Pobiedziska Węglewo – osada w woj. zachodniopomorskim, w pow. szczecineckim, w gminie Szczecinek
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
CES 2020: Surveillance tech is all the rage at annual gadget expo LG Electronics President and CTO I.P. Park speaks during a press event for CES 2020 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. (David Becker/Getty Images) By Matt O'BrienAssociated Press With the face scanner that will check in some attendees and the cameras-everywhere array of digital products, the CES gadget show is all in on surveillance technology — whether it calls it that or not. Nestled in the "smart home" and "smart city" showrooms at the sprawling Las Vegas consumer technology conference are devices that see, hear and track the people they encounter. Some of them also analyze their looks and behavior. The technology on display includes eyelid-tracking car dashboard cameras to prevent distracted driving and "rapid DNA" kits for identifying a person from a cheek swab sample. All these talking speakers, doorbell cameras and fitness trackers come with the promise of making life easier or more fun, but they're also potentially powerful spying tools. And the skeptics who raise privacy and security concerns can be easily drowned out in the flashy spectacle of gee-whiz technology. "Many, many horrible stories have come out of consumer electronics," said Cindy Cohn, executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, who is speaking on a CES panel about the future of internet-connected devices. "It's often about hyping the next thing you can buy and not considering the trade-offs." CES runs Tuesday to Friday after two days of media previews. The annual showcase is where big companies and start-ups unveil and promote their latest gadgets, many of them embedded with microphones, cameras and artificial intelligence. Though weighted toward the consumer market, much of what's on display may also be useful to law enforcement, not to mention prying employers or heavy-handed governments. Visitors attend the 2020 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The annual CES, which takes place Jan. 7-10, is where industry manufacturers, advertisers and tech-minded consumers converge to see new innovations coming to the market. (ETIENNE LAURENT/EPA/REX/Shutterstock) Marcus Yang, chief executive of camera start-up Amaryllo, said he's had a difficult time persuading customers to pay more for safeguards such as faster processors to enable end-to-end encryption when an array of cheaper but less secure options are available. CES attendees "want to see technology and something fresh," Yang said. "They're only interested in looking at your cameras and what kind of features they have." Yang said he's hopeful that "something is changing this year" after a series of privacy scandals and security breaches have brought attention to the dangers of unfettered surveillance technology. And eventually, he said, regulators are likely to step in with security requirements. Amazon's security camera division Ring, which is setting up a Ring House to show off its home devices, has recently had to defend its safety practices after reports of hackers breaking into Ring camera systems and harassing children. It's also faced criticism from privacy advocates and U.S. lawmakers over its growing partnerships with police. Ring competitor Wyze Labs, an honoree in the CES 2020 innovation awards, announced a data breach just after Christmas affecting 2.4 million customers. And widely used voice assistants made by Google, Amazon and Apple all came under scrutiny in 2019 for data retention practices that allowed employees and contractors to listen to users' audio recordings. There's been some pushback, at least on facial recognition and other surveillance technology from China. Hikvision and IFlytek, two Chinese tech companies that showed off their artificial intelligence at CES 2019, now face U.S. export restrictions because the Trump administration says the technology has been used in the repression of China's Muslims. But China isn't the only place where the lines have blurred between consumer technology and government surveillance operations. Watchful residents of American neighborhoods are increasingly encouraged by Ring to share their doorbell video with police detectives. And device makers are counting on consumers buying into ever more elaborate forms of computer vision and other AI technology to give them peace of mind. Camera maker Arlo this week launched its first wireless floodlight camera, with night vision, a siren, two-way audio to converse with intruders and an ambient light sensor to automatically adjust its brightness. Another company, Sunflower Labs, is using CES to show off its "home drone security" system. If trespassers step onto your lawn, a camera-equipped drone flies out from its resting place to take a look at them and streams the live video to your phone. Sound like something that might guard the lair of a James Bond villain? Chief Executive Alex Pachikov says it's actually less intrusive to neighbors than your run-of-the-mill doorbell camera, because it's looking down only at your own property. Serious talk about privacy protections and regulations isn't completely absent at CES. The schedule includes panel talks connecting policymakers with privacy executives from companies such as Apple and Facebook. Venture capitalist Rajeev Chand, who is moderating one of those panels, said tech companies are getting better at seeing themselves as custodians, not the owners, of user data, but much more needs to be done. "We are probably at the first or second inning for how privacy reshapes the consumer tech industry," said Chand, a partner and head of research at Wing Venture Capital. Michael Bolle, left, and Mike Mansuetti, with Bosch in North America, speak during a Bosch press event for CES 2020 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. (Mario Tama/Getty Images) But even as some U.S. policymakers seek to restrict or ban facial recognition, the conference is getting its attendees more accustomed to everyday uses of surveillance technology in commercial and security settings. Attendees at the gadget show can use their face to pick up their event badges for the first time. "We're experimenting with it," said Gary Shapiro, CEO of the Consumer Technology Assn., which organizes CES. He dismissed privacy concerns, saying that attendees have a choice. "You're opting in," he said. "If you want to do it, you'll have an opportunity to do it." Cohn, of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said she plans to skip the face scanners because she doesn't know who has control over the images they collect. She said there's only so much that consumers can do to guard against misuse. "There is a risk treating this as an individual decision," she said. "That's not really fair or right to do to people. We need to fix the policies." AP writers Rachel Lerman and Joseph Pisani contributed to this report. TechnologyBusiness Your guide to our new economic reality. Get our free business newsletter for insights and tips for getting by. Matt O'Brien Social media platforms are cracking down to prevent Inauguration Day violence Ahead of Inauguration Day, tech platforms display a new willingness to take action against accounts spreading misinformation or advocating violence. WhatsApp postpones privacy policy change amid confusion, backlash Confusion over WhatsApp's new privacy policy has highlighted Facebook's challenge in convincing users that the company takes their privacy seriously. Facebook banned Trump but has failed to react quickly to other leaders who incited violence Activists see a double standard in social media companies' response to the Capitol attack and their tolerance for violent rhetoric abroad. Biden team clashes with Twitter as it launches new account Joe Biden's transition team flipped the switch on a new Twitter account for the president-elect on Thursday night, while clashing with the social media company over its decision to deny the incoming administration millions of existing White House followers. Federal rule change would exempt self-driving cars from crash standards By updating motor vehicle safety standards, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration hopes to speed development of automated driving technology that could save lives. Poshmark soars in debut after IPO fetches $277 million Online clothing resellers such as Poshmark, which made an initial public offering Thursday, are having a bit of a moment. Twitter's Jack Dorsey says Trump ban was 'right decision,' but also a 'failure' Banning President Trump's account was "the right decision for Twitter," said CEO Jack Dorsey, though he added that it reflects on Twitter's failure to promote healthy conversation. Amazon says Parler is a danger to its employees To justify to a judge why it suspended web-hosting service for the conservative site, Amazon executives cited threats by Parler users to delivery drivers, staff. The future of Section 230 and internet speech after Trump President Trump made reforming Section 230, the law that lets internet companies censor content, into a signature cause. Will the tumultuous end of his presidency, including his own deplatforming, advance or undo that effort?
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Cryptocurrency Marketplace OpenBazaar Nears Support for Ethereum Payments Decentralized marketplace OpenBazaar is on the cusp of adding support for ether (ETH) payments and, beyond that, Dai payments. Washington Sanchez, an OpenBazaar core developer and co-founder of the decentralized marketplace's maintainer company OB1, confirmed as much on Reddit on Thursday, noting that preparations for Ethereum support were in the "final stages" and that Dai support would be following imminently. As Sanchez, who also serves as OB1's chief research officer, explained it: "Our escrow smart contract to facilitate payments by ETH or ERC-20 tokens is complete and audited by Open Zeppelin (we'll be publishing that soon). It has been a monster effort to refactor OpenBazaar to be less intimately linked to Bitcoin and UTXO-based cryptocurrencies, but we are so excited for finally supporting this ecosystem. Also Dai will be one of the first tokens available for payments, which I'm personally super excited for." Starting out with only bitcoin (BTC) payments, OpenBazaar later added support for further UTXO transaction model cryptocurrencies in bitcoin cash (BCH), litecoin (LTC), and Zcash (ZEC). The marketplace's team explained earlier this year that it had "always been a requirement for any supported cryptocurrency to be architecturally similar to Bitcoin for [integration] to work properly." Notably, Ethereum is not UTXO-based but rather account-based. Thus OpenBazaar's expansion to ether and tokens running atop Ethereum not only represents an expanding vision and structure but also the likely literal expansion of the marketplace's activity itself, as the widened currency support will undoubtedly bring an influx of new Ethereum users. Moreover, the market's maintainers can now presumably consider integrating other top account-based cryptocurrencies, like the lumens (XLM) of the Stellar network. OpenBazaar's roots run back to 2014, when a group of developers at the Bitcoin Hackathon in Toronto developed a proof-of-concept decentralized marketplace they dubbed DarkMarket. That tech was later picked up and advanced by a different group of programmers, eventually giving way to the launch of OpenBazaar in the spring of 2016. Currently, the marketplace offers listings ranging from handmade collectibles to electronics. To begin selling items on OpenBazaar, sellers must open a "store" within the market's associated desktop app, at least for now — support for web and mobile sales are reportedly coming soon. The Big Question: Is Ether Money? It's easy to ask but more difficult to precisely answer, and it's an open question the Ethereum community has been grappling with in recent weeks. Naturally, the conversation is a multi-faceted one, bearing philosophical, sociological, and economic dimensions. In recent weeks, Ethereum Foundation researcher and CBC Casper maestro Vlad Zamfir has been suggesting arguments against ether being money, for example. Some have agreed, while others have passionately argued from the other side, i.e. ether is money. There are good economic, legal, and political arguments for and against calling ether "money" The balance comes out strongly against @ me, fight me — Vlad (–support-dao-fork) Zamfir (@VladZamfir) May 4, 2019 The resulting debates have given rise to a meme within Ethereum's nook of the cryptoverse: "ether is money." Its addition to an e-commerce play like OpenBazaar tips the balance in that direction, of course. Interestingly, that meme seems to have received another round of validation from the new U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit against Kik's kin token ICO. In the suit, the SEC de facto argued ether was used as money in that offering: "Investors' purchases of Kin were an investment of money, in a common enterprise, with an expectation of profits for both Kik and the offerees […] Kik's September 2017 sale of KIN to the general public was denominated in Ether, and Kik received approximately $50 million worth of this digital asset." In the very least, society's conceptions of money change over time. If ether isn't money yet, maybe it will be one day. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in a dissenting opinion last year, "perhaps one day employees will be paid in Bitcoin or some other type of cryptocurrency."
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The series was named WILD FLOWERS and issued in 1972. This plant is a very invasive weed and fills the olive groves here in spring with its acid yellow flowers. Luckily it quickly dies down and leaves the fields looking as they should in summer, a rather pale gold colour. I don't seem to have a photo of a field full of Bermuda Buttercup but I do have a close up. This flowering bulb now goes by the name of Amana edulis and as the name suggests it is edible. How to cook weka - put in a pot with water to cover and add two or three river stones. boil until cooked, throw away the weka and eat the resulting "soup". We saw a yellow flowered version of this tree in the garden of our hotel in Cairo in 1994 and were fascinated by the sharp knobs on the trunk. Here are a couple of photos from that time. Another photo of a woman threshing grain in 1966 on the Lasithi plateau, Crete, Greece. Here the buffalo are muzzled and it looks as if the process is more advanced than the first photo I posted .This time the threshing board , δοκάνι , is visible. I have named the animals buffalo but really I have no idea. I have recently posted photos of Bluebells and Wood Anemones. Today I am posting a photo I took in April 2009 when we came across a field of Silene intergripetala in the foothills of Mount Parnon, Peloponnese. The flower was identified for me as Silene intergripetala but now I can't find any reference to this name anywhere. So let's just say it is Silene. The Republic of Cyprus, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, Kibris Cumhuriyeti in 2018. The stamp was kindly donated by John J for this thread. Allium sphaerocephalon is one of the alliums we can grow here. A stamp issued by Czechoslovakia in 1964 in a six stamp series named WILD FLOWERS. If you want to know more about this highly invasive plant got here. THE FLORA OF OTTOMAN GARDENS ll . One of the four stamps issued in 1972 by THE BAILIWICK OF GUERNSEY in a series named WILD FLOWERS. I don't have a photo of this flower but there are some great photos of it on the Internet. LEARNING, NOT DOZING by Gillian Biddle in number 51 January 2008.
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WOULD SHOE BELIEVE IT Mums are picking up kids' shoes for a tenner in the huge Clark's sale Claire Hubble 5:42 ET, Jul 13 2020 THRIFTY mums are nabbing incredible bargains on shoes in the Clark's sale, with kids and babies shoes, including trainers, sandals boots going for as little as £10. The brand has slashed the price on hundreds of items in their 60 per cent off summer sale. Toddler shoes reduced from £28 to £10 are among the footwear chain's reduced itemsCredit: Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group/Facebook Parents were quick to notice the footwear website's slashed prices, which includes loads of styles reduced by more than half price. Taking to the Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK, one mum shared her online Clark's shoe haul, including four pairs of toddler pumps for just £10 a pair. There are hundreds of styles to choose fromCredit: Clarks Boys' and girls' styles are going for as little as £10Credit: Clarks Mums were quick to notice the amazing saleCredit: Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group/Facebook Enthusiastic to show off her discovery, the woman wrote: "Clarks sale!! £10 a pair." Other parents were appreciative of her post, which now has over 550 likes and 3,700 comments. One person commented, "Those leopard print ones," with a heart eye emoji. Another gushed, "That's a hell of a bargain!" A third wrote tagged a friend to buy for her daughter, commenting: "I know they won't fit her yet but she will grow into them at that [size]. [It will] be worth it." It's not just pumps up for grabs in the sale - there are also canvas shoes, trainers, sandals and much more to be snapped up. Plus, items come in a variety of different materials, from leather to canvas, meaning there's something to suit all kinds of occasions. The Clark's sale marks the latest in a summer of huge reductions following on from the lifting of lockdown laws. As we told you before, people have been scooping up bargains from the high street including shops like H&M, Michael Kors and Argos. Meanwhile B&M are selling amazing kids' superhero pyjamas for just £2 - including Woody, Superman and Batman. Plus Pandora has launched a new under the sea collection with charms including dolphins and narwhals. And you can get paid £70 a day to shop online – and you'll get a £1.5k spending budget too. Inside the 10-bed home of Britain's largest family where the Radfords live with their 19 kids Man may not be able to use his penis after bizarre impotence treatment goes wrong BRAIN BUSTER I'm a doctor and here's the 7 ways Covid affects your BRAIN
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Now we need to assign the user permissions for this repository. By default, the user we�ve created is able to read files, list directories, and list subdirectories. To give the user further permissions, such as the ability to copy files to this repository, check the boxes beneath �Files� and �Directories.�... 3. This will open the permissions window. For directories you can also use change the permissions recursively, meaning that any files/folders in it will also be affected. I am using FileZilla server on Windows 2008. The service runs under the Local System account at the moment. The service runs under the Local System account at the moment. IIS isn't able to create files (eg for cache) or folders in these FileZilla created folders which causes problems. How do I change permissions of a file using FTP or SSH? 19/02/2016�� Learn how to create, rename, delete, and change the permissions of files/folders using FileZilla over FTP. Below is an outline of the steps: 1. Introduction to FTP and CHMOD. I decided to write this simple FTP and CHMOD tutorial because many people who download my scripts have problems either uploading files or setting correct file permissions (CHMOD) to make the scripts work. If i change sudo chown user1.user1 /ubuntu/ and i try to sftp with the user ubuntu the connection fails. If i leave it root as you do i can connect but i can't see the currentdirectory i see only / and empy on filezilla. i've even added user1 to sftp_users, but still no success. FileZilla: The Filezilla software program is a free-to-use FTP utility. It allows the user to transfer local computer file to the remote computer.
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Yammer and Microsoft Teams were positioned together to facilitate inner and outer loop conversations. The "loops" explanation comes directly from Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella. As Microsoft begins to internalise this new way to view the place of Yammer and Microsoft Teams, it became apparent to me the role of SharePoint news pages in this story telling trio. SharePoint news pages are a democratisation of storytelling for team members at all levels of an organisation. There is now a way to set up incoming email on a library in SharePoint Online… sort of. This is the best guide on "When to Use What" for Office365. Take a demo-rich, first look tour of how the SharePoint team plans to transform your intranet into a mobile and intelligence powered experience. One that combines the productivity of SharePoint team sites, the broadcast reach of publishing sites and portals, and the seamless integration of business apps, so that you can find and access content wherever you are and on any device.
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Leaving the island of Mljet we headed to ACI Marina Dubrovnik, the marina has a swimming pool, fantastic showers and Old Dubrovnik is only a short bus ride away. The wind by this point had pretty much vanished and with everyone feeling the intense heat a dip in the pool was a real delight. The next day, the crews took in the sites of Dubrovnik's old town and the incredible view that a 2-hour walk around the walled city offers – since the war in the 1990's, Dubrovnik has been in a constant state of repair and reminders of it's recent turbulent history are evident making it a thought provoking excursion. Leaving Dubrovnik…Canadian Doctor Mitch now with the Stoll's aboard Arkina for the day (Mitch we do like the fact you offer a 'drop in' surgery aboard all of the yachts!) we motored to Sipan. Little wind made it impossible to even get the flags to move on the shrouds so unfortunately there was no sailing but that evening we had a real treat at Konoba Kod Marka restaurant. Course after course of smoked tuna salad, octopus cakes and amber jack for those ordering fish - with the view of the yachts from the restaurant it made for a perfect evening. Approaching the end of this trip, we stopped in Korcula and Stari Grad, Hvar where we enjoyed a relaxing two nights in preparation for our return to Split. Covering over 400 miles and seeing the best of Croatia, we were thrilled we had such a great group of people with us on this very hot, light wind trip of 2012. It's been a real pleasure getting to know the crew aboard Anambra and all aboard Rhapsody from Canada and USA – Paul, Ella, Helen and Mitch thank you for all your help in the galley. Howard and crew board Maya and family Stoll aboard Arkina, it has been a true delight having so many fun 'Aussies' with us. Una we are thrilled you can now swim!!
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Having first come to our attention on the second season of The Voice 2013, Ms Murphy – the fiercely talented stage persona of Karen Andrews – was hand-picked by coach Ricky Martin to be part of his first ever Australian team. After a spine tingling rendition of Etta James' 'I'd Rather Go Blind', Ricky was locked into an all-out battle with fellow coaches Seal, Joel and Delta, who all turned their big red chairs to coax her onto their team. After months of writing and recording with Melbourne soul/funk band The Bamboos, with front man Lance Ferguson adding his signature sound to the recording, Ms Murphy has now announced the release of her brand new five track EP 'White Dress And The Spirit' on January 24th. Not diverting too much from the style of music that made us all fall in love with her, the first single to be lifted from the EP is 'Ritual Union', a cathartic and passionate cover of the 2011 hit from Swedish four-piece Little Dragon. From her childhood kicking around a housing commission outside Sydney, to the flashbulbs of national primetime TV, Ms Murphy has been on an inspiring and persistent musical journey her whole life, consistently drawing from her childhood influences of Motown, soul and old-school R&B.
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"use strict"; var URI = require('urijs'), Identified = require('./Identified'), util = require('./util'); /** * Class to represent an SBOL2 Implementation reference. */ class Implementation extends Identified { constructor(sbolDocument, uri) { super(sbolDocument, uri); this._built = URI(''); } /** * Set the built URI for this Implementation. * @param {string|URI} [built] */ set built(built) { this._built = URI(built); } /** * Retrieve the built URI for this Implementation. * @returns {URI} [built] */ get built() { return this._built; } /** * Attempt to resolve the members assigned to this Collection by URI. */ link() { // Call super link to link members of Top Level (Identified); this._built = this._sbolDocument.lookupURI(this._built); } } module.exports = Implementation;
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
How we communicate with our teams can be a key part of the success of many change programmes and a major force in staff engagement. This course helps to identify the purpose of internal communications and how it ties in with your organisation's plans. This programme is aimed at anyone new to the internal communications department of an organisation and those seeking to improve their internal communication skills. A vital workshop for those in the public, private or voluntary sector. This course provides a comprehensive guide to internal communications, from identifying the different methods we use to techniques for finding stories from within your teams. We will look at how to handle a crisis when it occurs and the best way to communicate at those times as well as the issues around staff surveys and communicating the findings. We also examine how internal and external communications need to work in tandem. For further information on any of our courses, please contact us.
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Nostalgia for Indian Railway Journeys – 1960's – Early 1970's Hectic days in Halwara (The war begins) -2 Dida by Partho Sengupta Cafes of Lyallpur My Early Memories of Indian Railways Possibilities of sericulture industry in the Province of Bombay Bangalore Bus Route No.16 in the 1950s Mandalai My grandparents, my parents, and I Gautam Banerji All Burma Indian Congress. Gautam Banerji has a Master's from St Stephen's College, Delhi, an LL.B. from Delhi University, and an M.Sc.(Econ) degree from the London School of Economics. He taught at an undergraduate college in Delhi, 1973-85, and worked for UNICEF 1985-96. Then he moved to London to practice law. He served as the Judicial Advisor to the Judicial Development Institute, Baghdad, 2009-10 as a U.S. government contractor. He was a member of Commission for Sustainable London (2007-13). He continues as a Trustee and Board Member of Hindu Council, UK. Now fully retired, he lives in Dilijan, Armenia, with his wife, who teaches at United World College, Dilijan. Mandalai, where I was born, was a quaint village fringed onto the outskirts of an equally small town in rural Bengal. Pandua, the nearby town, has a claim to connections with epic heroes of a bygone era. The Pandavas, according to legend, passed through it in their sojourns. Ruins of an old monument, rebuilt several times through its history, stand testimony to this tall claim of local residents. It's a somewhat miniature version of the Kutub Minar and cannot be missed as the train approaches Pandua. Mandalai is only three miles away from Pandua but it's a world apart. Read more about My grandparents, my parents, and I My School Days at St. Paul's and Burma through Turbulent Times I was eleven years old when my father decided that my English was not English enough. So, he decided to send me to St. Paul's School Darjeeling to be groomed into a gentleman in the best of English public school tradition. In those days, St. Paul's was rated as Eton of the East, served by Scottish matrons and Irish nurses while Oxbridge graduates were tasked with 'educating' young Indians for higher aspirations in life. Moniti Meliora Sequamur ran the school motto: having been taught the higher ways, we followed. And the school song echoed much the same sentiment: "From the low and steamy plains, upward the old school calls!" rising to a crescendo with "Upward the old school calls, St Paul's! St Paul's! St Paul's!" Read more about My School Days at St. Paul's and Burma through Turbulent Times
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Published 04/24/2019 10:47:47 am at 04/24/2019 10:47:47 am in Surface Mounted Fluorescent Light Fixtures. surface mounted fluorescent light fixtures surface light fixtures surface mounted light fixture 6 led surface mount light fixtures s fixture lights surface light fixtures surface mounted 2x4 fluorescent light fixtures. surface mounted fluorescent light fixtures for sale,surface mounted 1x4 fluorescent light fixtures,surface mounted fluorescent ceiling light fixture,surface mounted fluorescent light fixtures,surface mounted 2x4 fluorescent light fixtures, flush mount fluorescent light surface mounted light fixture recessed flush mount fluorescent light surface mounted , ceiling surface mounted fluorescent emergency light fixtures ce rohs , surface mounted fluorescent light bulbs round fluorescent light surface mounted fluorescent stunning surface mount lighting fixtures , with fluorescent light fixture t fixtures series home and lighting fixture fluorescent light bulbs x surface mounted fixtures , surface mounted fluorescent opytinfo surface mounted fluorescent surface mount can light led surface mount ceiling lights a way of light, surface mounted light fixture surface mounted kitchen light fixtures surface mounted light fixture surface mounted light fixtures surface mounted light fixtures surface mounted light fixture .
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Carriera Club Sunsing veloce attaccante, segnò molti gol in Costa Rica in due stagioni con la Ramonense (1996-97, 97-98), quando fu ceduto in prestito dal Club Sport Herediano, dove ritornò per lasciare la sua orma e conquistare i seguaci florenses. Di lì passò in MLS al New England Revolution, ritornò alle file florenses, giocò anche nel Pérez Zeledón, poi giunge in Europa dove passò un breve periodo con Teplice e Akratitos. Quindi ritorna in Costa Rica nel Liberia. Nazionale Sunsing è anche un membro della squadra Nazionale della Costa Rica con la quale debuttò nel 2000, ha competuto nella Coppa del Mondo FIFA del 2002 in Corea del Sud e Giappone, inoltre partecipò alla Coppa America 2001 in Colombia e a diverse gare di qualificazione per la Coppa del Mondo FIFA del 2006 in Germania. Attualmente è parte importante della Selezione Nazionale che si prepara per le eliminatorie a Sudafrica 2010. Note Collegamenti esterni Calciatori della Nazionale costaricana
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
We have a highly-qualified medical team for the diagnosis and treatment of skin alterations and diseases. Our service offers complete medical, surgery and cosmetic dermatology; and a professional team that works alongside the hospital's specialists. Besides oncologic processes, we treat pigment alterations, infectious, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Phototherapy consists in the treatment of different skin diseases using ultraviolet radiation, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
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Woman Sues Concert Venue After Getting So Drunk At A Show That She Blew Up $10 Million Worth Of Houses Aaron Ryan· Yeah, if I destroyed $10 million worth of homes I would try to blame it on somebody else too. These days you can sue pretty much anybody for pretty much anything. Remember the guy who sued his parents for throwing out his $29k porn collection – and won? Or back in 2021 when a Texas man sued a bar for getting him so drunk that he got into a fight and got his ass kicked? In fact, lawsuits against bars by people who get too drunk aren't entirely uncommon. But this one might be the most costly… A Canadian woman is suing Ovations Ontario Food Services, the food and beverage service provider for Budweiser Gardens arena in London, Ontario, after she attended a Marilyn Manson concert and apparently got so fucked up that she crashed her car into a house, breaking a gas line that triggered an explosion and caused between $10-15 million US dollars in damage to four separate homes. That's one expensive DUI. 26-year old Daniella Leis pleaded guilty to four counts of impaired driving, and was sentenced to three years in prison back in 2021. But now, she's pointing the finger for the damage at the bartenders. According to Leis's complaint, the woman and her father are seeking a ruling from the court that Ovations Ontario is responsible for any awards against her, including any judgment in six lawsuits that have currently been filed by owners of the damaged homes. In the lawsuit, Leis claims that any damages caused by her wreck were "caused or contributed to by the negligence, breach of duty, breach of contract" of the food service provider at the concert venue, and that Ovations staff were not properly trained, resulting in them serving her alcohol when they knew she was intoxicated. Ovations Ontario has yet to respond to or comment on the lawsuit. FeaturedLifeVideo
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Service expands to support more vulnerable people in the criminal justice system A launch event today (29 January) showed how NHS England funding will help some of Derbyshire's most vulnerable adults, children and young people. Derbyshire's Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion service aims to help vulnerable people when they come into contact with the police, probation workers or the courts. Glyn Thomas, Head of Implementation for the Liaison and Diversion Programme at NHS England, said: "I have been pleased to observe how the Derbyshire L&D team have embraced the new NHS England liaison and diversion service specification, delivering a service that is improving access to health care and support services for vulnerable people in contact with the criminal justice system and reducing health inequalities. "I have also been impressed with the level of partnership working across both health and criminal justice sectors in Derbyshire, where the Trust's collaborative approach is seeking to deliver improved patient outcomes and efficiencies within the criminal justice system and to make a contribution to reducing rates of re-offending." Broadened service Previously, Derbyshire Healthcare was running a criminal justice support service aimed mainly at people with mental health problems. Thanks to extra funding from NHS England, the service has broadened the support offered. It can now identify and work with people who have mental health, learning disability, substance misuse or other vulnerabilities when they first come into contact with the criminal justice system as suspects, defendants or offenders. Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion services provide a prompt response to concerns raised by police, probation service, youth offending teams or court staff. Staff at the service can now provide key information without any unnecessary delay to help police and courts when it comes to supporting charging, case management and sentencing decisions. "A massive support" One carer described how the service had helped her daughter when she was in trouble with the police: "The service was a massive support for her, and when she went to court, they supported her through that. She was also able to access a lot of other services, including mental health services. "She's almost like a different kid. She has really started turning her life around, she has started home education and is doing a hair and beauty course. I would totally recommend this service, and all I can do is thank them for everything they have done for me and my daughter." "Positive difference" Derbyshire Healthcare Trust Chief Executive Ifti Majid said: "I am delighted to have welcomed Glyn Thomas to the Trust and to have been able to show him how this expanded Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion service is already making a positive difference. "This service is an excellent example of how the NHS, police and other public service bodies can work in partnership to bring about the best results for vulnerable people in the criminal justice system. "We are really grateful for NHS England's support and we are looking forward to demonstrating how the new service will develop and grow in the months and years ahead." The service can act as a point of referral and follow-up for service users to make sure they know about and are supported to attend treatment and rehabilitation appointments. Partnership working between police, healthcare providers, local authority and criminal justice agencies has been used to establish effective patient-care pathways for those using the Liaison and Diversion service. The launch event was at Derbyshire Healthcare's Centre for Research & Development at Kingsway Hospital, Derby. The event also showcased the newly expanded service to voluntary and third sector organisations and others involved in crisis care.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Exclusively ours, this The Lord of the Rings mug features the Tree of Gondor. Exclusively ours, this The Lord of the Rings mug features the Tree of Gondor. This white ceramic mug holds 11 ounces of your favorite hot or cold beverage and is microwave and dishwasher safe.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: How to make multiple API calls I'm trying to make multiple API calls to the Riot API, but I am getting an 'Unexpected token' syntax error next to .catch(err=>). Sorry if I'm asking a stupid question, it's my first time using Node.js... const fetch = require('node-fetch'); module.exports = (app) => { let champname;'/search-champ', (req, res) => { champname = req.body.champname; //added by hu let server = req.body.server; let id= "80339518"; //need to call api to get champions const apiId = 'RGAPI-da5d88a2-c56e-4b32-a640-9933a53c9058'; const baseUrl = 'https://'+ server+'/'+ champname + '?api_key='+apiId; const userLocation = (url1, url2, champname) => { let newUrl = url1 + champname + url2; return newUrl; }; const apiUrl = ''+ champname + '?api_key='+apiId; fetch(apiUrl) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { var id = data.accountId; console.log(data) const apiUrl2 = ''+id + '?api_key='+apiId; fetch(apiUrl2) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { var id2=data.matches[1].gameId; res.send({ data }); console.log('match1', data.matches[0].gameId) const apiUrl3=''+id2 + '?api_key='+apiId; fetch(apiUrl3) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { res.send({ data }); console.log(data) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); }) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); }) }) app.get('/search-location-champ', (req, res) => { //build api URL with user zip const apiId = 'RGAPI-4b602b1a-e6aa-4c24-b88f-d0aab6467fa8'; const baseUrl = ''+ champname + '?api_key='+apiId; const userLocation = (url1, url2, champname) => { let newUrl = url1 + champname + url2; return newUrl; }; const apiUrl = ''+ champname + '?api_key='+apiId; fetch(apiUrl) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { res.send({ data }); }) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); }) } A: Check your code the curly braces and parenthesis that closes the .then callback are missing or not in right place, I tried to fix it here. fetch(apiUrl) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { var id = data.accountId; console.log(data) const apiUrl2 = ' account/'+id + '?api_key='+apiId; fetch(apiUrl2) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { var id2=data.matches[1].gameId; res.send({ data }); console.log('match1', data.matches[0].gameId) const apiUrl3=''+id2 + '?api_key='+apiId; fetch(apiUrl3) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { res.send({ data }); console.log(data) }) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); }) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); }) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); A: You promise chains can be simplified fetch(apiUrl) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { return fetch(`${data.accountId}?api_key=${apiId}`); }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { // res.send({ data }); You cannot send response twice return fetch(`${data.matches[1].gameId}?api_key=${apiId}`) }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { res.send({ data }); // You can send only one response for incoming request }) .catch(err => { res.redirect('/error'); }); You can have only one catch chain. Also you sent response twice it could cause an error A: Your code wrong use catch, I change it: const fetch = require('node-fetch'); module.exports = (app)=>{ let champname;'/search-champ', (req,res)=>{ champname = req.body.champname; //added by hu let server = req.body.server; let id = "80339518"; //need to call api to get champions const apiId = 'RGAPI-da5d88a2-c56e-4b32-a640-9933a53c9058'; const baseUrl = 'https://' + server + '/' + champname + '?api_key=' + apiId; const userLocation = (url1,url2,champname)=>{ let newUrl = url1 + champname + url2; return newUrl; }; const apiUrl = '' + champname + '?api_key=' + apiId; fetch(apiUrl).then(res=>res.json()).then(data=>{ var id = data.accountId; console.log(data) const apiUrl2 = '' + id + '?api_key=' + apiId; fetch(apiUrl2).then(res=>res.json()).then(data=>{ var id2 = data.matches[1].gameId; res.send({ data }); console.log('match1', data.matches[0].gameId) const apiUrl3 = '' + id2 + '?api_key=' + apiId; fetch(apiUrl3).then(res=>res.json()).then(data=>{ res.send({ data }); console.log(data) }).catch(err=>{ res.redirect('/error'); }); }).catch(err=>{ res.redirect('/error'); }); }).catch(err=>{ res.redirect('/error'); }); }) app.get('/search-location-champ', (req,res)=>{ //build api URL with user zip const apiId = 'RGAPI-4b602b1a-e6aa-4c24-b88f-d0aab6467fa8'; const baseUrl = '' + champname + '?api_key=' + apiId; const userLocation = (url1,url2,champname)=>{ let newUrl = url1 + champname + url2; return newUrl; }; const apiUrl = '' + champname + '?api_key=' + apiId; fetch(apiUrl).then(res=>res.json()).then(data=>{ res.send({ data }); }).catch(err=>{ res.redirect('/error'); }); }) } You can test it and update your question (with error). A: You can try using axios all / spread when you need data from multiple origins. axios .all([ axios.get(, axios.get( ]) .then( axios.spread( ( dataCall1, dataCall2 ) => { // your code } ) ) .catch(function(error) { console.log(error); });
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
How Matt Damon and the 'Bourne' Trilogy Cost Pierce Brosnan James Bond Pierce Brosnan was the face of James Bond for many in the 90s and the very early 2000s. Unlike Daniel Craig's later, more grounded Bond interpretation, Brosnan's Bond was known for being more lighthearted and humorous in tone. But it was later decided that Brosnan was the wrong man to lead Bond into the less campy direction it was headed to. However, Brosnan also admitted that Matt Damon and his Bourne trilogy helped cost him the role as well. Pierce Brosnan believed that humor was important for James Bond Daniel Craig's James Bond steered away from Pierce Brosnan's in several different ways. But Brosnan believed one of those ways was that his successor had a less humorous take to the character than he did. For the Black Adam star, Bond's humor was important to a franchise Brosnan felt shouldn't have taken itself so seriously. "I knew they had to make adjustments. They had strong competition and they haven't reinvented it, but given it a much more muscular, dynamic twist," Brosnan once said according to NME. Brosnan later emphasized the significance of humor in a James Bond movie. "When I played [Bond], you have to let the audience in that this is a fantastic joke," Brosnan said. "What I am doing here, jumping off a motorcycle and catching up a plane, is completely preposterous." Brosnan's castmate, John Cleese who played Q in Brosnan's Bond films, echoed this sentiment at an earlier time. "I did two James Bond movies, and then I believe that they decided that the tone they needed was that of the Bourne action movies, which are very gritty and humorless," Cleese told Radio Times (via Guardian). Cleese went on to assert that Bond's newfound humorless attitude had to do with the targeted international audience as well. "Also the big money was coming from Asia, from the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, where the audiences go to watch the action sequences, and that's why in my opinion the action sequences go on for too long," Cleese said. "The audiences in Asia are not going for the subtle British humor or the class jokes." Pierce Brosnan believed Matt Damon and his 'Bourne' trilogy helped cost him the role After Brosnan's last James Bond film Die Another Day, the actor was well aware that change was on the horizon for Bond. "I knew there had been a seismic shift, and little did I know I was going to be part of that in the curtain falling on my contract," Brosnan said as reported by NME. Brosnan felt that Bond was in for a stylistic and cinematic makeover, and at the time he was prepared to tackle the challenges. He'd even met with Quentin Tarantino, who proposed rebooting the franchise and set it as a period piece. Tarantino planned to subvert expectations for the Bond franchise, and he wanted his favorite Bond, Brosnan, to star in his movie. But ultimately, plans fell through. Part of the reason Brosnan couldn't continue as Bond was because of Matt Damon. Damon ushered in a new era of spy movies led by an early 30s Matt Damon in a grittier franchise. Looking at all the variables, Brosnan knew that his time as Bond was essentially over. "Once Paul Greengrass let Matt Damon out of the door in such an epic way, the spy genre turned on its head and my time was done," Brosnan revealed according to Female First. "Because then you have a younger man there, and how are you going to move forward? And they (Bond bosses) couldn't. If they were to do Casino Royale, they couldn't do it with me. Choices were made. The decisions were drawn in the sand – albeit a little late in the day." 'Bourne Identity' director once thought society moved past the James Bond era Bond has been reinvented countless times over the decades to fit with a contemporary setting. But the Bourne Identity director, Paul Greengrass, once believed he thought society moved on from the Bond character completely. "He loves his gadgets. And he embodies this whole set of misogynistic values," Greengrass told Today about Bond. "Personally, I spit on those values. I think we've moved on a little bit from all that, the martini shaken, not stirred." Damon also noted how his Bourne character was the anti-James Bond. "Bourne is this paranoid guy. He's on the run. He's not the government. The government is after him. He's a serial monogamist who's in love with his dead girlfriend and can't stop thinking about her," Damon said. "He's the opposite of James Bond." While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed, Nov 30 → ← Alice Evans Reveals 'Dead-Beat Dad' Ioan Gruffudd Just Won Shared Custody! Shawn Mendes' "Carpool Karaoke" Is The Most Canadian One Yet Can I drink alcohol after having the Covid vaccine? Wales flanker wary of Wallabies' world-class duo Mr Hinch sends cleaning-mad housewives into a frenzy after sharing tutorial on how to make the perfect bed Seven women with cystic fibrosis finally meet after life-saving lung transplants Did Jesus use CANNABIS oil to perform his miracle cures? 'Starsky and Hutch' star Paul Michael Glaser on the show's homoerotic undertones Kevin Spacey Channels His 'House Of Cards' Character To Address Being Killed Off Show For 1st Time
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Yvette-Ablanvi Dankou (* 1969 in Berlin) ist eine deutsche Schauspielerin und Moderatorin. Beruf Nach der Schauspielausbildung begann Dankou Anfang der 1990er Jahre ihre Karriere. Zuvor war sie bereits 1985 in einem Film über Ausländer in Deutschland zu sehen. 1994 moderierte sie ein Funsport-Magazin für das ZDF. Von 1995 bis 1997 war sie als Nachfolgerin von Sonja Zietlow Moderatorin der Hugo Show auf Kabel 1. Parallel dazu trat sie als Moderatorin für den Hessischen Rundfunk und den Sender Freies Berlin auf. In den Folgejahren moderierte sie verschiedene Formate für RTL II, den Kinderkanal und erneut für das ZDF. Daneben arbeitete sie auch als Model, unter anderem für Jeans. Aktuell spielt sie regelmäßig Improvisationstheater mit der Berliner Theatersportgruppe Frei.Wild. Dankou ist in diversen Call-in-Formaten im Pay-TV zu sehen. Sie lebt mit ihren Kindern (Zwillingen) in Berlin. Moderation Filmografie 1985: Cemil 1990: Ron und Tanja 1993: Fernes Land Pa-isch 1995: Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten 2002: Tödliches Rendezvous 2008: Schade um das schöne Geld 2022: Freundschaft auf den zweiten Blick (Fernsehfilm) Weblinks Homepage von Yvette Dankou Filmschauspieler Theaterschauspieler Fernsehmoderator (Deutschland) Deutscher Geboren 1969 Frau
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Prohibition Is Unnatural - A Review Of The Art Of Suppression The Art of Suppression is the third book from Chris Snowdon, and the second on the theme of historical prohibitionists following Velvet Glove, Iron Fist which - if you haven't yet read - you really should put on your Christmas list, or something. Chris's blog tackles many of the same issues as discussed in Puddlecoteville; with generally the same viewpoint; and he writes as eliquantly elloquentley good as what I does on here, like; so you'll not be surprised that I was expecting to enjoy his latest offering. I do try to be objective in these things though, so will give my honest opinion throughout. I read this in one session while taking a very rare day off due to an agonisingly painful strained back (life doesn't begin at 40 ... the aches and shonky bits do). Its arrival came in very handy as I couldn't move many more muscles than a hand and a couple of fingers without experiencing what felt like a Ford Focus with a suspension problem being driven up and down my lower spine by a 17 year old joy-rider. 246 engaging pages distracted me long enough for the muscles to chillax, visit a health spa, and enjoy a couple of cocktails before getting back to their day job of enabling me to stand without inducing an ear-piercing scream. Sub-titled "Pleasure, Panic and Prohibition since 1800", Chris split his work into six chapters charting prohibitionist tendencies in a number of areas. Beginning with the battle against alcohol in America - much of which had been touched upon already in his first book owing to the intertwining of personnel in the anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco debates of the late 19th and early 20th century - he then moved on with chapters on the move to extend US Prohibition to the rest of the world; the banning of Opium (effectively the starter gun in the 'War on Drugs'); the very silly - and lethal - continued EU ban on snus; before detailing the arguably sillier policies towards 'designer drugs' such as Ecstasy and Mephedrone (aka Meow Meow). The last chapter ties it all up with a bow, and includes 'a modest proposal' which would induce a fit of the vapours in any prohibitionist worth his salt sodium substitute, and therefore is worth the purchase price alone. By pulling together so many different strands of prohibition - or attempts thereof - into one concise, easy-to-read narrative, Chris manages (to me, anyway) to highlight how very similar the methods used over a century ago are to the ones employed regularly today. And, as he wrote himself just the other day, it's odd that we are able to spot, quite readily, the misdirection, bandwagon-jumping, and quackery from the past, yet seem unable to identify the very same bullshit when it is thrown at us from the point blank range of right now. Bullying of politicians; the default, and false, demonisation of industry to avoid debate; the level playing field as a tool for authoritarianism; misrepresentation of societal indicators; manipulation of the press; pinning of their particular grouse to a populist (and often racist) scare; the use of taxation as a cover for prohibition; lying (a biggie in the snus debate); science by press release; incubation of irrational moral panic; and the bastardisation of science and education for ideological ends. All have their roots in history. All are still used today. All are still swallowed by an unquestioning public. All lead to outcomes which make little difference - or sometimes increase the danger - to the substance or practice which is being targeted. For example, after Prohibition in the US, the World League Against Alcoholism was set up to bring the same 'success' to the rest of us, as had been enacted in the USA. Triumphant temperance yanks were despatched to every continent to instruct others how to get the same policies rammed through. We see the same phenomenon in ASH training alcohol bansturbators now, and in Australia's decision to go global with their tobacco control expertise. Chris highlights other similarities in approach, such as a disgusting callousness endemic in single issue nutters, exhibited in a quote by chief US prohibitionist Wayne Wheeler - who ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohol to stop it being used to make moonshine - on hearing that it had killed, crippled, or blinded 10,000 people. "If a man wishes to violate the Constitution of the United States, he should be free to commit suicide in his own way" Rather reminiscent, don't you think, of Jane 'they'll just have to die' Deville-Almond. And, of course, the 'next logical step', which we are all very much used to by now. The dangerous irresponsibility of those who see appeasement as a valid tactic against these hideous people could not be made clearer by the words of Herman Trent - a prohibitionist from New Jersey - who celebrated all his temperance dreams coming true with this victory speech on the eve of Prohibition. I regard the anti-liquor crusade as merely the beginning of a much larger movement ... If I had my way I would not only close up the saloons and the race-tracks. I would close all tobacco shops, confectionary stores, delicatessen shops, and other places where gastronomic deviltries are purveyed - all low theatres and bathing beaches. I would forbid the selling of gambling devices such as playing cards, dice, checkers and chess sets; I would forbid the holding of socialistic, anarchistic, and atheistic meetings; I would abolish the sale of tea and coffee, and I would forbid the making or sale of pastry, pie, cake and such like trash. Darn! Shame he's dead, else he could have walked into a five-figure salary at the BMA. Now, if you think this is all doom and gloom for those of us who possess some proper life perspective, you'd be wrong. Chris lays out the history accurately but with a sublime humour. While distinctly depressing at times, the one thread that is unavoidable throughout is that prohibitionists have always experienced eventual failure. Yes, they have reached goals and achieved targets, but their efforts have contributed precisely zero to the human existence. To name but a few - prohibiting alcohol led to a prolonged crime spree, higher fatalities, and more unsafe practices with the distilling of moonshine; banning opium availability led eventually (with the help of the medical profession) to vastly more dangerous morphine and heroin dependency; attacks on smoking have contributed to higher incidences of obesity; and clamping down on the benign Ecstasy has spawned a plethora of legal highs which governments are scrambling to control, but never will. This is because prohibitionists completely misunderstand the irresistible force they are up against. Any form of prohibition fails for one simple reason, it is not compatible with the human condition, as Chris touches on in a final chapter laced with dark satire and calm commentary in equal measure. Prohibition flounders because it is unnatural. Not only does it wage war on plants that grow in the soil, but it denies the human urge for intoxication. Whether we call this urge the 'restless search for bliss' or 'the pursuit of oblivion', it is an innate characteristic of our species which the law cannnot suppress. On the downside - as I did say I'd be critical - there was a spelling mistake on page 60-something I seem to remember. Apart from that. Buy it, it's a cracking read. Labels: Awesome, Puritans, Review The UK is the worst place to live in Europe, with people getting a "raw deal" on quality of life and high cost of living, a study has revealed. Comparison website uSwitch said that things were getting so bad that one in 10 people in this country were considering emigrating. France and Spain came out on top of its Quality of Life Index, with the UK bottom of a 10-country league table, covering working hours, VAT, holidays, spending on health and education - and hours of sunshine. The UK also came bottom of another table based on the cost of energy, petrol, food, alcohol, cigarettes, and life expectancy. That's very depressing. It's puzzling how the proud British public have allowed their country to get itself into such a mess, so it is. There's a clue in the poll in the article's sidebar, though. An example of learned helplessness? Or collective amnesia? Labels: Good Grief Opium: The Gateway Drug To Milk Within an hour of mentioning Chris Snowdon's book yesterday, it arrived in my morning post ... which was delivered at lunchtime. It's such an engaging read that I've finished it and will review it here in due course. One of the topics touched on in the book is that of the War on Drugs in all its forms. The first US shots were fired with state bans on opium between 1875 and 1890. As Chris points out, these were notable as being the first bans on consumption of a drug in American history and, although probably more motivated by a distrust of Chinese immigrants when the whole picture is studied, the official reason was of course public health. Scroll on 130 odd years and the US legislature's idea of substances the individual should be 'saved' from has gotten a little out of hand. In response to a request from the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, [Wisconsin Judge Patrick J. Fiedler] issued a clarification of his decision last week regarding his assessment of the constitutionality of food rights. This refers to a farm which offers a 'cow ownership program' whereby people may choose to join the club, sponsor a cow, and to therefore be allowed - as owners - to drink raw milk. They have made that choice themselves. The state expressed their disapproval of this a while back, but have now escalated their efforts after some of those who had chosen this milk came down with a bug called Campylobacter. The state says that you shouldn't be allowed to take such risks, which has led to a quite astonishing ruling by the aforementioned judge. "no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd; "no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;" "no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice..." This isn't a battle that is restricted to Wisconsin, either. The same measures are being applied to other co-operatives which attempt to provide raw milk, to those who wish to consume it, in other states as I have written before. From the small acorn of banning drugs 'for your own good', legislative powers have enlarged to such an extent that they are now battling your right to ingest any natural substances (just like opium, in fact) unless the state has approved them first. In so doing, the 'land of the free' has now deemed - because this judgment can be cited elsewhere - that its citizens fundamental right to consume foods and drink of their own choice has been spirited away by governmental decree. I don't fancy McDonald's chances much once this concept is applied to fat, salt and sugar content in earnest, do you? Now then, about your compulsory five a day ... Labels: Elsewhere, End of Free Country, Hammer cracking nut, You cannot be serious And This Is Normal? In compiling the Psychosis Catalogue here at Puddlecote HQ, the idea was to exhibit the unintended consequences of pandering to the hideous in society by way of encouraging their deepest prejudices. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that we're not just talking a handful of insane individuals issuing death threats and glorying in gory anti-smoker fantasies here. Their role models are as certifiably mad as the mouth-frothers themselves. Consider this article from Montana. Young women are discouraged from walking across campus alone at night. Most of the University of Montana stays well-lit, but dark shadows still creep across the grass and the flashing blue lights of emergency phones can seem far apart. With the new smoking ban, young women living in the dorms must now walk to the edge of campus for a cigarette. Chief of Campus Security Gary Taylor said this issue has not been fully addressed yet. "We're forcing girls into a dangerous situation," he said. "We've tried so hard to get people to smoke off campus that we never considered these girls," Surely, in the modern atmosphere where all risk must be eliminated, a compromise will be swiftly drawn up to rectify this situation. Nah, course not. They're only smokers, after all. Linda Green, the director of Health Enhancement for the Curry Health Center, said she hopes students will follow the smoking ban despite the hazards of walking alone across campus. Here is a real identified risk to the safety of young girls, as opposed to absolutely no health risk whatsoever from passive smoke in the open air - nor will there ever be one since even the most extreme anti-smokers have completely given up trying to prove something so ridiculous - yet dogma prevails to the detriment of those under their care, coupled with a complete disregard for routine health and safety which would be unimaginable in any other circumstances. Do read that twice, like I did, to take in the full psychotic - either that or deeply retarded - mindset of such grotesque people. When seen in such a context, it's more easy to understand the gross gratification people like Australia's Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, get from placing superlatively gruesome images (one of the many recently unveiled examples is pictured left) on tobacco packaging. Well, it can't be anything else, can it? There is no convincing evidence that such warnings will have any effect on reducing smoking, as implicitly admitted by the EU as a result of a report they commissioned back in January. Indeed, one of the very reasons the EU is considering plain packaging at all is that consumers are completely ignoring the graphic warnings. Conversely, there is evidence that such images could have the opposite effect. While we have righteous, brow-furrowing idiots over here proposing bans on displaying the body beautiful, similarly myopic idealists are happy to unleash quite disgusting images which can be viewed by all and sundry. It seems almost perverted that 'progressive' politicians can, on the one hand object to mild nudity, while at the same time be overjoyed at thrusting guts, disease and healthist porn in front of an apathetic public? These people have lost the plot. Totally. In pursuit of their obsessions, they have turned into hideous anti-social animals intent on the uglification of our lives for their own personal gratification. And there is a very real possibility that they won't be stopping there, either, as pointed out by tobacco control veteran Michael Siegel last week. For example, could the New York City Health Department not then require that McDonalds display prominent anti-obesity posters at point of purchase of Big Macs, with gross pictures of fat-laden arteries and a message urging consumers not to consume this fat-laden product? Could the Boston Public Health Commission not require that coffee containers include a graphic picture of a person suffering a cardiac arrhythmia, with a warning discouraging consumers from drinking coffee out of fear of suffering such an arrhythmia? There's no 'could' about it! Judith Mackay confirmed as much just a few days after Siegel's hypothesis. Every single measure against alcohol, fatty foods, salt, coffee - and any other public health target you can mention - has drawn on the methods employed by fanatical tobacco controllers. They don't care if young girls (or anyone else, in fact) are unsafe as a result of their policies, and they don't care that the world will be a more ugly place in their drive to re-create it in a form that they, personally, have decided is ideal. When, as a society, we're choosing who requires denormalisation and banning from civilised discourse, it's the prohibitionists and their hideous, sick-minded methodology who should be first in line. Not the sane and tolerant global majority. Labels: Intolerance, It's Not About Health, Righteous lunatics Timmy says you probably should order this book, and the Devil gives one reason why. I tend to agree. For me, especially, this sentence in the introduction rings some very familiar bells. The number of illegal activities in the average Western democracy has long since become incalculable, but it is a rare day that passes without fresh prohibitions being demanded by ardent pressure groups and grandstanding politicians. It's precisely this phenomenon which I find uniquely abhorrent in the 21st century, and which eventually prompted the setting up of this blog a few years ago. I expect the book is going to tell me that it's not merely a modern anti-social problem, after all. As such, my copy is on its way. If your interest is similarly piqued, you can order yours here. Labels: Do Something Nature Has Nothing On The Power Of Governments In yesterday's article, the supranational state's intentions were laid out by Dr Judith Mackay. You are to be told what to eat, drink, and not smoke, and you must comply or be hit with crippling "taxation, taxation, taxation". You may think that this is a trifle unfair. We are, after all, supposed to be living in free societies where personal choice is cherished. So how is this discrepancy to be tackled? Governments want - demand, in fact - that we shun products which we enjoy for the sake of their arbitrary decisions for our health. However, we - in overwhelming numbers - would prefer not to, and may feel rather empty and miserable if we did. Fortunately, politicians have an answer for the problem. You see, they are in charge of nature itself now. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told members of the National Restaurant Association on Monday that Americans need to "adjust" their tastes so that they like the kind of food the government believes they should eat—and "we have to make sure that what we do is create the appropriate transition." "You know, as we deal with this issue of reducing sodium and sugar, it sounds simple to do, but you all know better than I do, it's not as simple as it sounds," said Vilsack. "It's going to take time for people's taste to adjust and they will adjust over time, but it will take some time," he said. "So, we have to make sure that what we do is create the appropriate transition." Is he really saying that our tastes must evolve to fit in with government health policy? Yes. I think he is. Doesn't that say a lot about how politicians view their importance in the world as opposed to ours? Governments worldwide have now ceased arranging themselves around how their employers (we, the public) wish to live, but instead expect the exact opposite - for us to change our lifestyle, and even our genetic make-up, to suit what they (our staff) have pronounced. Anyone else feel they've inadvertently walked through a wardrobe into some strange fucked-up parallel universe? Labels: Campaigners, Elsewhere, Health Nazis, WTF?, You cannot be serious Taxation, Taxation, Taxation ... To Save You From Your Personal Choice While the rest of us were going about our business just earning a living, watching a film with the missus, or kicking back with some wine or a moody curry, last week a bunch of unelected health finger-waggers were having the mother of expense account parties - with cranberry smoothies thrown in, no doubt - and you paid for it. I'm talking of the global gathering of health zealots in New York - who have contributed barely a productive dollar to their collective name - to discuss 'Non Communicable Diseases' (NCDs). Unfamilar with the term? Well, let me explain. NCDs are what we used to call 'shit happens' (or mostly doesn't) when coupled with a life which isn't dictated by an almost religious adherence to purity and health. The New York delegates are committed to making absolutely sure that shit will never happen for other people, whether they wish to take the risk or not. They plan to do this by ensuring you will never be allowed to take such risks. 'Preventable' means making you change your life, against your will, to fit in with how government say you should live. Going about their business by sticking their nose into yours, basically. The ever-observant Belinda serves us up with a perfect example of this hideous, interfering mentality in her spot of an interview with high profile delegate, and anti-smoking pioneer, Dr Judith Mackay (left). Do go have a listen, because in the first half of a 20 minute piece with a simpering stooge, she fully validates everything I have ever written here about the pernicious invasion of our liberties on the back of the tobacco control template. She used to think the tobacco industry was "uniquely awful", but now wants to have a serious go at ... "the alcohol industry, the fast food industry, the sugar, the salt industry [...] the arguments that they are using are very similar, the advertising they are using is very similar" That's because, by her own admission, the techniques employed against those other industries are increasingly becoming very similar. "With tobacco, we are now legislating so that you don't see packets of tobacco as you come out of the supermarket, in other words they are going to have to be sold below the counter, or they are going to have to be sold in plain packaging. So I think, you know, we need to shift all the other industries in the same direction." Oh, the dismissal online article commenters receive when suggesting that crisps, coke and burgers might have to be hidden in the future now that the precedent has been set, eh? Yet here it is being advocated with brazen pride. Judith doesn't have much faith in personal choice. In fact, she doesn't have much faith in anyone who isn't paid out of your taxes. "You may argue that some of these things are the responsibility of the individual, whether they're thin or fat, or whether they do exercise or not, but I think what was discussed today - and this was, of course, a government meeting - this was essentially about what governments can do. Not so much what the individuals can do, but governments. [...] Governments have got to set the template for healthy behaviour, and this is not a nanny state, this is actually the responsibility of governments to make life conducive, to help people to make those healthy choices." Nope, no nanny state there. Not a bit of it. But the truly sinister aspect of this woman is her blithe dismissal of any policy except brutal fiscal bludgeoning of anyone whose life view is different to hers. Using the soundbite of "taxation, taxation, taxation" (yes, she really did say that), the roadmap she is promoting is pure and unequivocal. "Today at the UN, there was a lot of talk about this, you know, should people be looking at taxing food that has a higher level of salt, or has a higher level of transfats, you know, can we put up the tax on unhealthy food [...] I think the understanding of some of these issues of legislation and taxation is moving very quickly." Like a drink? A Big Mac? A Snickers? You're all smokers now. Or may as well be, because the New York contingent view every man jack of you as something to be controlled and forced to change. Either that, or you have to pay through the nose for the same products you have always chosen to enjoy. Though I'm sure the fact that a proportion of these extra taxes will find its way into the pockets of those who order global governments to enact such policies has nothing to do with their obsessive zeal. Oh no. Think you can perhaps reason with these people? Yeah, right. Mackay (who Labour made an OBE, FFS!) has previously gone on record as stating that no-one should be allowed to opt-out, and educating kids doesn't work. Sorry, but you're all going to have to fall into line, or empty your wallet/purse at the state. The tobacco industry famously once described Mackay as "one of the three most dangerous people in the world". That's one hell of a crystal ball they have there. Labels: Health Nazis, Just Not Funny, More Taxes, Nanny State, Righteous lunatics, Then they came for ... The State And Its Back Seat Driver I can see I'm going to be referring to this work of art at Counting Cats for quite some time to come. Here, for example, is a perfect illustration of the scenario painted so vividly by IanB. Motorway speed limits could be raised to 80mph to shorten journey times and boost the economy, it is reported. Fantastic! Before the full story emerges, that is. The current 70mph restriction is rarely enforced, police often turning a blind eye to anyone driving at up to 10mph faster than the limit. Experts have argued that by having a higher speed limit that is enforced more readily, drivers are more likely to have respect for the rules. See what they did there? They'll change the rules for us (ain't they kind?), but only if we have respect for their arbitrary - and now very much out-of-date - limits. This, in technical parlance, is known as giving with one hand while inflicting buggery by way of sandpaper glove with the other. Let's look at the history here. Motorways were designed when the average family saloon suffered from speed rattle once you hit a mile a minute. However, engineers - as they have always been wont to do - built in a margin and designed them for safe travel at 90mph (can't find a link but, trust me, it's my job). And this was back when cars were heavier; not regulated to hysterical standards as they are now; didn't have ABS, power steering, crumple zones, etc etc; when there were no seat belt laws; when drink drive limits were not yet set; when crash barriers were mostly non-existent, let alone computer crash-tested; and when the driving test could be passed after an hour or two of shite tuition in a Morris Minor with Uncle Freddie. The 70mph limit is as irrelevant to the 21st Century as The Bay City Rollers. As illustrated by its origin. Q: When was the 70 mph motorway speed limit introduced in Britain? A: The 70 mph National Speed Limit was introduced as a temporary measure in December 1965. It is often blamed on Barbara Castle, but at the time the Minister of Transport was Tom Fraser. The reason given was a spate of serious accidents in foggy conditions, but it is often claimed that the MoT had been alarmed by AC Cars testing their latest Cobra on the M1 at speeds up to 180 mph. It was confirmed as a permanent limit in 1967, by which time Barbara Castle (a non-driver) had become Minister of Transport.There was surprisingly little debate at the time: the fact that the average family car of the time could only just exceed 70 mph perhaps had something to do with this. This was a rule originally set to tackle either a phenomenon which is much more unlikely now or, as some believe a rare anomaly, but was done in true political fashion to affect just about no-one too unduly. This has now been turned into a golden rule which will lead to instant death if it is reviewed. So, yet again, the state approach is to assuage those who would give them grief over it. But unlike in the past, it's not us voters who governments are afraid of, it's the 'campaigners' (aka the righteous). Let's quote IanB. Just as by the 1970s a government couldn't make any decision without asking the Unions for permission, now no government can make a decision without consulting The Campaigners. And just as nearly everyone accepted the situation as normal back then, so it is that most everyone treats the situation now as normal too. The Campaigners in question here are no doubt 'experts' like Brake or RoadPeace. And everyone does indeed think this is normal. The public would now prefer to abrogate their right to have government listening to them, by allowing unelected - and often publicly-funded - quangoes and fake charities to do the dictating instead. So we have a situation where even if our parliament comes out with a rare good idea - such as raising the speed limit to a realistic level, commensurate with modern living rather than rent-seeking fantasy - they are obliged to temper it with some hideous big boot to get it past the professionally aggrieved. If this long overdue re-casting of the motorway speed limit is eventually enacted, you can bet your Nat West piggies it will be accompanied by more fines on non-compliance, and a whole raft of initiatives to bring city driving down to a maximum of 20mph. If not, the nagging, vilification and shrill squealing by special interests whose livelihoods rely on slicing your freedoms up bit by bit, would become unbearable. This is how government works in the Britain of 2011. They'll give us more rope, but will hang us high with it to avoid suffering the inevitable incessant whinging that would result otherwise. Labels: Campaigners, Driving, Righteous Apologies to those who go through my blogroll regularly, but the top article is a must-read. 'Campaigners' are the new unions The daring, revolutionary days of pre-internet porn Toronto follows California in banning pet shops from selling cats and dogs While Twitter banged on about Troy Davis, Saudi Arabia were executing a 'sorcerer' Oh joy: the real reason that American obesity is soaring Jumping off a building with bubble wrap "Any attack on anyone's liberty is an attack on everyone's liberty" Turkey's football association passes rule allowing only women and children to watch Fenerbahce British beer drinkers pay 40% of Europe's beer tax bill "He never wrote, never called", said lovestruck dolphin Prohibitionists Have Always Been Absurd In this concise and subtly amusing 3 minute video, the IEA's Stephen Davies points out some absurd historical reasons for banning drugs. Except that they're not really historical, are they? A stimulus for debauchery; the big evil suppliers; and cost to the economy are all still the main planks of puritannical ban-seeking in the 21st century on any substance from McDonald's to a bottle of Pimms. Davies's denouement is "don't give them any more ideas". No need, they haven't finished using the last lot yet! Labels: Awesome, Ban Ban Ban The Battle Of Stirling And The Start Of The British War On Fizzy Drinks The shrill, anguished tantrums continue over Stirling University - quite rightly - being ordered to hand over details of their studies under Freedom of Information laws. So far, we've seen the health lobby call in some favours from their pliant lefty media friends, and a hypocritical and back-firing employment of Facebook by Gerard Hastings. None of it is getting them anywhere, so their willing stooge in the Scottish Assembly got an e-mail asking for a bit more squealing ... just for them. He didn't disappoint. *S4M-00893 Richard Simpson: Protecting Research Information Given in Confidence by Children—That the Parliament applauds the work of researchers at the University of Stirling who are studying why teenagers start smoking and how they respond to tobacco marketing; is aware that, over the past decade, this research has engaged up to 6,000 teenagers and young people aged 13 to 24, who understood that their views were given in complete confidence; is concerned therefore at news that tobacco giant Philip Morris International has submitted freedom of information requests seeking all the information given by young people about how they respond to tobacco advertising; Err, stop right there, old chum. Firstly, we are all able to see the actual FOI request as it's in the public domain. You - especially since you're a politician - should have researchers to tell you that PMI aren't seeking any information given by young people. The exact wording of the request is detailed on page 3 of this document, and concerns merely how the data was sampled, the method of data collection, how non-responses were treated, and the way it was weighted and analysed. What's more, the issue of protecting the confidence of children who responded to the study wasn't given as a reason for refusing the request by Stirling University. Reason being that they are very aware the Information Commissioner's response would have been "oh, per-lease!", because they know damn well that all studies they conduct are liable for disclosure under the FOIA. Their issuing inept assurances, that the law doesn't allow them to honour, is no defence. So, after such an emotive - and truth-challenged - preamble, where is Simpson taking us? calls for a discussion, as part of any review of Scotland's Freedom of Information Act, on use of the act to access information given by individuals as part of a research project that has received ethical approval where consent has included strict confidentiality as a condition of individuals providing researchers with information A change in the law, of course. He wants the FOIA tailored specifically for Stirling University to carry on producing studies to fit whatever agenda it is pursuing at the time, without recourse to scrutiny by anyone but those it chooses. Not sure he quite understands the definition of transparency, myself. I know what you're thinking, "Who is this odious control freak, Dick?". Well, I have written about him before. You see, he's the guy who - when faced with evidence that hiding tobacco displays would have no effect on youth smoking prevalence whatsoever, and was likely to lead to the closure of many a corner shop as in other countries - replied with one of the most egregiously anti-democratic quotes you're ever likely to see. The fact that we do not have all the evidence is not a reason not to have such a ban Rumours that his ancestors used to pop along to town meetings and assert that "the fact we don't have evidence that she is a witch is not a reason not to burn her", though eminently believable, have yet to be confirmed. But then, I suppose we should expect it from a representative of the BMA (who want a national ban on alcohol on public transport and a tax on fatties), and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (who call for pensioners to be terrorised) for whom politicking is just a sideline which enables facilitation of banning just about everything he woke up in the morning with the horn for. Including this doozy which he just threw in for jolly while he was there championing Stirling's cause amongst a plethora of other motions which - to be perfectly honest - reminded me of teen angst-ridden beret-wearers baring their naïve bleeding hearts in a 1980s campus student rag. *S4M-00892 Richard Simpson: Vive la France—That the Parliament applauds the French Government, which is introducing a tax on sugary drinks that it expects to raise €120 million for the French treasury; [...] and calls on the Scottish Government to consider giving local authorities power to introduce a tax on sugary drinks For the record, this particular cock is of the Scottish Labour variety. Labels: Ban Ban Ban, Don't Vote Labour, Health Nazis, Illiberalism, More Taxes, Nanny State More Epic Fail From Herr Bartlett As if being trounced 148 votes to 2 wasn't humiliating enough, life goes from bad to worse for Stony Stratford's chief smokerphobe. Councillor Paul Bartlett, who proposed a controversial blanket ban on smoking in Stony Stratford's streets, lost a motion of a vote of no confidence in the town council's chairman, Rob Gifford, on Tuesday night. Cllr Bartlett withdrew the motion with regards to the smoking ban until a later date, as he believes it should be broadcast for those not able to make the meeting. But this would be in contravention of the council's rules, or standing orders, and so has been initially blocked - something he has accused Cllr Gifford of breaking the standing orders by doing. So on Tuesday night, he motioned a vote of no confidence in the chairman, which was voted down by eight votes to one. Another resounding defeat, the one vote in favour presumably being Bartlett himself. That's not all, though. But at the same meeting, Cllr Richard Skellington motioned a similar vote in Cllr Bartlett, due to 'his behaviour in recent weeks which has placed unreasonable demands on the council's staff, and caused undue stress to council members'. This motion was passed by eight votes to one. Oh dear. Mustn't laugh ... well, maybe just a lot. Labels: Epic Fail, Stony Stratford Gerard Hastings: Utter Clown Belinda reports that the Stirling University "Oh poor ickle us being forced to comply with the law" Facebook page - which I mentioned last week - has been taken down. She subtly suggests that it might have something to do with the brutal kicking they were getting in the comments, something which is difficult for control freaks - such as they are - to guard against when someone else is in charge of the code. It was the brainchild of Stirling's chief bansturbator, Gerard Hastings, as announced by this Kiwi anti-tobacco site. Professor Gerard Hastings is inviting people to express their views on whether or not they should comply with the request. Visit their Facebook page (or search for 'Stirling University Freedom of Information Request') to take part in their poll, leave a comment, or 'like' the page. Well, that explains the appearance of so many upside-down prodnoses in the early exchanges, then. But hold on, is this the same Gerard Hastings who was pouring forth on how Facebook had been tainted by vested interests in the Graun yesterday? Gerard Hastings, director of the Institute for Social Marketing and the Centre for Tobacco Control Research at Stirling University, who gave evidence to the health select committee on alcohol marketing to children, said: "I think what unnerves me most is the insidious nature of social networking being used for marketing purposes. Facebook is supposed to be about genuine friendship and real relationships, not commerce." Genuine friendships like Stirling University and anyone who'll listen, perhaps? Or real relationships such as a publicly-funded Scottish Uni Prof and random people directed to a page via a New Zealand-based pressure group? Or just a case of marketing bad, 'social' marketing fine and dandy? Hypocrisy simply doesn't get much more monumental than that. Labels: Epic Fail, Hypocrisy, Righteous lunatics Now that Total Politics have finished milking the hits for their blog poll results this year, we've snaffled a couple more jewels for the sidebar. I was particularly chuffed to see this humble abode make 5th Libertarian Blog, and for my tabloid guff to be placed 6th. Looking at those placed higher in both sections, it's about the very best that could have been expected short of packing in the business, selling the family, and writing full time (hmmm, now there's a thought). While in the overall poll ... ... a rise on even last year's lofty position to 23rd top blog and 27th top blogger. It was also very heartening to see other blogs tackling the same themes doing very well. There's obviously quite an appetite for this stuff amongst a growing section of the population who are sick to the back teeth of being ordered around. I am indebted to those who took the time to vote for this regular slice of prohibitionist gloom and correspondent unstructured ranting, and am as grateful for your support as I am in admiration of your stamina in returning here, day after day, to wade through the clutter. Here's to the next twelve months where - if current trends continue - there is going to be even more health-obsessed bullcrap to pour scorn on. Please continue to pop in, comment (I read every one), and hold my hand as we manoeuvre our way through the denormalisation process that is over-weening big government. We'll try not to let the buggers grind us down without a rare old scrap first, eh? Labels: VOTE DICK Nice Work Agent Harris Not the sharpest knife in the picnic hamper is he, that Evan Harris? As the Lib Dems attempt to close the stable door on the stampede that is their ever-shrinking support, his idea of smart political manoeuvring is to attack page 3. Photos of topless women could be banned from newspapers under plans backed by the Liberal Democrat conference. Former MP Evan Harris held up pictures of Page 3 girls in The Sun yesterday as he issued his call for newspapers and magazines to be subject to the same restrictions as pre-watershed television. Dr Harris told the conference, in Birmingham: "Tabloid newspapers in particular, which call themselves family newspapers, should not be able to portray women in a sexualised way, in a way that the broadcast media would not be able to do in soap operas and children's television programmes before the watershed." Unsurprisingly, it hasn't gone down well with the tabloids concerned, who think he is worth a much more prominent berth than the ladies in question ... the masthead. Oh dear, Harris must have forgotten the power of these newspapers. For much of today, his face would have decorated the front dash of thousands of white vans, while in transport caffs up and down the country, forks would have hit crockery all morning accompanied by gasps of anger as brickies, decorators and roadworkers read of his plans and wondered how best to rip off his head and shout down the hole. This is the same Harris, remember, who lost his Oxford West and Abingdon seat by just 176 votes in May last year. A narrow margin which could arguably have had something to do with The Sun's page 3 story (with pictorial scrumptiousness) on the morning of the election. SIXTEEN Page 3 Girls in all their glory represent the very image of freedom in this country. But if Labour or the Lib Dems win the election, this could be the last time they are allowed to pose together. MPs Harriet Harman and Lynne Featherstone will move swiftly to change the law and ban Page 3 forever. As far as many of those readers are concerned, the Lib Dem conference is as relevant to them as the weather on Jupiter, but Harris got their attention all right. They'll know about Clegg, of course, he's the one that Bert - the old geezer who knows a bit about that politics gubbins - says is a right tool. So, obviously the party is full of 'em. It'll matter not a jot what any of his colleagues say this week in Birmingham now, to readers of two of the most prevalent newspapers bought by working class people, the Lib Dems are a bunch of muppets completely detached from the ordinary lives of people they expect to vote for them. Great work, Evan, I'm sure other Lib Dem MPs with small majorities will be right chuffed with your shaving a few hundred votes off of their tally next time round. Now then, about this 'liberal' bit in your party name ... Labels: Ban Ban Ban, Lefty Nonsense, Lib Dems are not the answer, Then they came for ... More Attacks On Free Choice From Unelected Appointees Where would we be without unelected supranational organisations, eh? Fresh from the campaign of denormalisation against tobacco, the World Health Organisation is turning up the heat on those who enjoy a drink or several, as is made clear as crystal in this press release from earlier in the week. "The harmful use of alcohol is a priority public health concern. The evidence supporting this action plan is large, diverse and persuasive," said Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe. "Countries are well aware of the expensive and devastating damage it causes and our action plan is intended to provide them with technical guidance and support on what can and should be done to reduce this harm." CAMRA and their ilk will no doubt continue to be unconcerned at the invasive nature of such creeping health hysteria. They're moderate drinkers, after all, and burying one's head in the sand is a brilliant tactic when other vices are being attacked. Why ruffle feathers, eh? It's the 'others' the WHO are coming after, so best just to nod health fanaticism through by way of appeasement. Appeasement works every time. Well, not really, no. Alcohol harms people other than the drinker, whether through violence on the street or in the family, or simply by using up government resources. Is this a way of describing passive drinking? Yes, I believe it very well may be. Most alcohol is drunk at binges, or other heavy-drinking occasions, which worsen all risks as they are a cause of all types of intentional and unintentional injuries, and of ischaemic heart disease and sudden death. Sounds quite reasonable, I suppose, unless you are aware of what these people class as a 'binge'. The UK Government definition of binge drinking was calculated for the sample, i.e. 6 or more units in a single drinking occasion for women and 8 or more units for men. That equates to a woman drinking more than two-thirds of a bottle of wine on one night of the week or - and this should set a few alarms ringing - a CAMRA beardy drinking three pints of Young's Winter Warmer on one night of the week. OK, I suppose beer afficionados could stay beneath that level, but that isn't hair shirt enough for the WHO. Oh no. The amount of alcohol consumed over a lifetime increases the risk of dying from an alcohol-related disorder. There is no safe level of drinking, and in many societies no difference in the risk for men and women. Effectively, every real ale festival is an event that the WHO would like to see stamped out. And why not? It's not like there is any measurable benefit to alcohol consumption. Not in the eyes of the WHO, anyway. The total tangible cost of alcohol (costs of health care, production losses, welfare provision, injuries and violence, research and education) to the European Union, as it existed in 2003, has been estimated at €125 billion, 1.3% of gross domestic product. Actual spending on alcohol-related problems accounts for €66 billion of this, while potential production lost due to absenteeism, unemployment and premature mortality accounts for a further €59 billion. Aside from these tangible costs (actual spending on alcohol-related problems of €66 billion and unrealized potential production of €59 billion), alcohol use results in an intangible cost of between €152 and €764 billion. I should think that a larger percentage than 1.3% of the European population find alcohol to be a pleasurable item on their shopping list, but there is a noticeable lack of recognition of such a fact. Costs without benefits is how they nailed tobacco; it is the method of choice when turning their guns on alcohol; and will be the same routine when the voter-immune health lobby switch to anything else people enjoy which isn't entirely pure. So, what joys have we to look forward to from our friendly, local, democratically-unaccountable dictatorship in the next eight - yes, eight - years? The five main objectives of the [European action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol 2012–2020] build on previous European plans, and align with the WHO global strategy on alcohol, to: •raise awareness of the magnitude and nature of the health, social and economic burdens due to alcohol; •strengthen and disseminate the knowledge base; •enhance capacity to manage and treat alcohol-related disorders; •increase mobilization of resources for concerted action; and •improve surveillance and advocacy. Marvellous! And all funded by your taxes without any consent whatsoever. I've said it before, and they'll doubtless one day carry me off in a pine box with it scratched on the side. Without adopting a united front in objecting to assaults on all lifestyle choices - whether you approve of them yourself or not - there is no chance of ever stopping these arseholes in their tracks. Sadly, a pervasive I'm-all-right-Jack mentality ensures this will never happen, so we're stuck with them until the intolerant and selfish in our midst begin to wake up to the threat their indolence carries for their own self-determination. Not mentioning anyone in particular, of course. Or did I? Labels: Drinking, Puritans, Then they came for ..., Unelected WHO, Will they ever stop? Someone left these lying around the internet. Modern politics resembles a Vegas magic act Chefs of the world: get over yourselves Even more proof that smoking bans have no effect on heart attacks whatsoever The worst thing about being libertarian Clint Eastwood: "Let's spend a little more time leaving everybody alone" Beer is no longer classified as a 'foodstuff' in Russia Iran TV bans shirtless men and love triangles Criminally confident in our kids Huzzah for the school uniform! Seven mind-blowing structures built in secret Flying snails Friday: Laugh At California Day Postponed We've had a bit of fun at California's expense in the past couple of weeks and, believe me, there'll be more where that came from, without doubt. But credit where it's due, you've got to applaud when they get something right. This is pretty special from Governor Jerry Brown himself in relation to a bill which would make the wearing of helmets compulsory for kids. To the Members of the California State Senate: I am returning Senate Bill 105 without my signature. This measure would impose criminal penalites on a child under the age of 18 and his or her parents if the child skis or snowboards without a helmet. While I appreciate the value of wearing a ski helmet, I am concerned about the continuing and seemingly inexorable transfer of authority from parents to the state. Not every human problem deserves a law. I believe parents have the ability and the responsibility to make good choices for their children. Edmund G. Brown OK, the fact that the bill got so far as to require veto by the Governor is further proof of the west coast's out-of-control authoritarianism, and Brown is as much a fully signed-up member of the bansturbulary as anyone else in the sun-addled state, but every dog has its day, I suppose. For once, you did good Guv'nor. H/T FRK Labels: Awesome, Elsewhere, Signs of Life? We Want You To Buy E-Cigs - But Not To Use Them Well, knock me down with a monkey's crutch! Government are advocating e-cigs now? No, seriously. That's what has been all over the media today, even on the BBC! Encouraging smokers to switch to smokeless "fake" cigarettes could save tens of thousands of lives, according to a government-backed report. They're talking about e-cigs. Trust me. In its first annual report, the BIT said the government should promote the use of "safe" alternatives to cigarettes - products which deliver nicotine in a fine, pure vapour, instead of in harmful smoke which also contains toxins and carcinogens. However, versions of smoke-free cigarettes are currently illegal in a number of countries, including Canada and Brazil, because their potential side-effects have not been fully investigated. Or, more to the point, the brains of legislators in said countries haven't been investigated for bits of fluff and rubber band balls which should be cleaned out. Of course, this will never work with the empy-headed morons who run Australia. The Graun chips in with this additional info. The Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is looking into approving these devices for use. If it finds in their favour, the government is likely to push for them to be placed prominently in shops alongside tobacco cigarettes, where they would be sold at a cheaper rate. This, for the uninitiated, is the concept of harm reduction. And it is a thoroughly good thing. How very encouraging then that the UK government is actually talking in serious terms about adopting it as a policy. Finally, the 'nudge' unit have managed to shake off their long-ingrained authoritarian mentality and offered something of real benefit. The problem, of course, is that simply deciding that bans on e-cigs won't be pursued anymore - which had been mooted before - will be pretty useless on its own. What would really help, though, is a bit of common sense being applied to where they are allowed to be used. Wetherspoons have famously banned them because, well, they're fucking idiots. But misunderstanding is rife amongst proper companies with regard to such a new technology. 'Vape' in any private property which ASH have claimed as being public and you'll face a barrage of questions or, more likely, be ejected before you can point out that they are perfectly legal and not covered by the smoking ban. Being shit scared of crippling fines enforced by a pharma-enthralled government will do that to a business. It ain't getting any easier either. In the US, hysteria has surely peaked with this quite absurd nonsense from Obama's collection of fruit-loops and wheyfaced arm-wavers. Smoking electronic cigarettes would be explicitly banned on all domestic and international commercial flights in the U.S. under a new rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Transportation. "Airline passengers have rights, and this new rule would enhance passenger comfort and reduce any confusion surrounding the use of electronic cigarettes in flight," U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a statement Wednesday. Because comfort is obviously enhanced for vapers on long flights by banning a harmless device, and confusion is a perfectly valid reason for imposing legislation. For years, flight attendants have spoken out against electronic cigarettes, saying passengers have confronted attendants over electronic cigarettes because some air travelers argue that the federal tobacco ban does not apply to electronic cigarettes. Yep. It must be so difficult to educate flight attendants as to the legality of e-cigs, and for them to have the inconvenience of doing their job and talking to passengers about it. Much easier to just pass a law to ban something inconsequential instead in the 'Land of the Free'. The BBC report reports that Oliver Letwin is quite keen on the Behavioural Insights Team being a success. [He] told the Lords science committee earlier this year that its ideas were not guaranteed to work, but said it was worth trying as the moves suggested were "pretty cost-free". Perhaps, but in the particular area of smokeless cigarettes e-cigs, it has to be coupled with pointing out to businesses that they're not really helping by passing silly rules. Although there is no UK law on the matter, British Airways, Thomson and Virgin have all prohibited them, as have many cinemas, restaurants and pubs. If e-cigs can only be vaped where smoking is already allowed, where is the incentive to put down the fags and try the electronic version? It's a start, Oliver, but you're going to have to do better than that. Try chatting to some of your corporate friends over a nice Chablis sometime and asking them to help you out a bit, eh? Make e-cigs welcome where users would prefer to be smoking (we'd like to have a chat about that, by the way) and you may well have a chance of success. Making them available everywhere but not usable in any place that tobacco is banned will just 'nudge' people towards carrying on with the tried-and-trusted analogue version. You might be well-advised to consider lifting the ban on snus while you're at it, too. Think joined-up government, Olly, old chap. Or else your nudge initiative will just end up in the bin labelled "stupid ideas like the cones hotline". UPDATE: Thanks to westcoast in the comments for the 'nudge' (see what I did there?). There is a campaign to normalise e-cig use in the form of CAM-VIP, click here for more information. UPDATE 2: As expected - and in double quick time - Patsy offers an opposing view, I'd have been disappointed if she didn't. Do go have a read. Labels: Curious, E-cigs, Is it just me?, Signs of Life? +++ Stony Ban Motion Is Withdrawn +++ UPDATED With just five days until Stony Stratford Town Council were finally due to discuss Herr Bartlett's outdoor ban proposal ... he's dropped the idea. Chalk one up for our side, scorer. Click Here for all previous articles on the Stony ban proposal. UPDATE: Just to add a little more on this. I first heard a rumble that Bartlett had ditched his plan yesterday afternoon, but thought it best not to tempt fate until there was confirmation. As always, AMA/MK11 proves to be a top quality local news source, as they did before and during the 'Standoff' in July. If we had the luxury of a peer into Bartlett's confused and heavily-jumbled mind, I suspect the withdrawal of his motion was more due to his coming down from the high of national publicity than his respect for the residents of Stony Stratford, or their overwhelming rejection of his daft proposal. It would appear that a video spot on BBC local news, a visit from Rod Liddle, and his 'tired and emotional' rant on TalkSport convinced him that he had somehow been catapulted into the big time. Like some political X-Factor wannabe who stubbornly refuses to notice the thinly-veiled smirks of those judging him. In the intervening couple of months, he has talked of a 'national debate' in the media - heavily involving him, of course - and even at one point suggested that Tuesday's meeting should be televised for the nation! If any individual - or organisation - has been encouraging his sad delusions of grandeur, they should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Because what has become patently clear from the report stage of the Localism Bill is that Bartlett's idea of the police enforcing his little scheme was pure fantasy. There are no powers afforded to councils for such initiatives, only primary legislation - it would seem - is able to offer the kind of big boot required to make a localised outdoor smoking ban stick. What his supporters may have wished for, though, was a cause to hang their anti-smoking hat on. Something to point to as 'proof' that the public are ready for bans on smoking in the open air. As his plan lies in smouldering ruins (it's OK, that smoke doesn't harm anyone), so too does Bartlett's political career if local reports are to be believed. He himself has admitted to being subject to insults, and one has to wonder how long he will be able to hang on to his post on Stony's Town Council - perhaps something which he has previously found to be quite life-enhancing. For a brief while, he was the cause célèbre of the anti-smoking community, but he'll now be left friendless and without support as they forget Stony Stratford and move on to somewhere else to get their kicks. I suppose that's politics and he partly has himself to blame for being an utter fool, but a little word to the wise - from professional bansturbators who knew full well he was setting himself up for a massive failure on a futile exercise - should have been offered a long time ago. Of course, those of us who were targeted by Bartlett's prejudices are pefectly entitled to blow the short-arse a hefty raspberry. C'est la guerre, doncha know. Labels: Fighting Back, Stony Stratford Will Nationwide Outdoor Smoking Bans Get A Green Light Tonight? Remember Conservative MP Bob Neill's statement on the Localism Bill less than a month ago? "Reports suggesting that the Localism Bill will allow the introduction of smoking bans in public places are wide off the mark. There is nothing in this Bill that provides additional powers to prohibit smoking in open spaces or in private cars." Nothing in the Bill at the time of that quote, no. But then, the final wording hasn't been decided yet, has it? In fact, according to the BBC's Democracy Live, they'll be discussing exactly that in the Lords tonight. And just look at the amendment Baroness Gardner of Parkes* has submitted to proceedings. 193 Insert the following new Clause— "Power to make byelaws about smoke-free places (1) A local authority may make byelaws designating as smoke-free any place or description of place that is not smoke-free under section 2 of the Health Act 2006. (2) The place, or places falling within the description, need not be enclosed or substantially enclosed. (3) The byelaws may provide for such places, or places falling within the description, to be smoke-free only— (a) in specified circumstances, (b) at specified times, (c) if specified conditions are satisfied, (d) in specified areas, or any combination of those. (4) Terms used in this section have the same meanings as in the Health Act 2006." Baroness Gardner, by the way, is a Tory. Now, she could just be an irritating old pecksniff - her other amendment enabling councils to force homeowners to decorate at their neighbours' request suggests as much. I do hope so, because if the Conservative machine has nudged her into dropping this amendment in where most wouldn't notice it, they're slippery two-faced maggots. And if Trixie has been prompted by ASH ... well, it'd be just more proof that they are a political lobby group and shouldn't be classed as a charity, wouldn't it? As for Bob Neill, perhaps we'll need to have a word or two with him should this amendment get passed. * Another bloody interfering Aussie! Labels: End of Free Country, Hammer cracking nut, Illiberalism, Local Idiocy, Mad Tories, Smoking Ban, Will they ever stop? Stop Accepting Tax Cash, Stirling, And Your Problem Is Solved Patsy has highlighted an article by Donna Edmunds at The Commentator which is well worth a read. It concerns Stirling University's illegal refusal to abide by the Information Commissioner's decision - which I quote here - that they should release data to Philip Morris International. So desperate are Stirling that, as Edmunds has discovered, they have set up a Facebook group specifically to create the illusion of some upsurge of popular revulsion at the very idea. Sadly, of the first five entries, four are paid to comment since they work in public health, and only one is not from Australia. From that unpromising start, it just goes downhill once the call to action alert drags in vested public sector interests from across the net to spout how outrageous it is that a University should be made to observe the law. Some of the comments are hilarious: Elaine Rodger - I was surprised and appalled in equal measure to know that it was even possible to try to use the FOI legislation in this way. Surprised and appalled that Freedom of Information legislation should make information - paid for by taxes that we, and companies, are forced to hand over - available to those who fund it, so she is. A law doing exactly what it says on the tin? How ridiculous! Carole Furlong - They shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the data. if they want to do thier (sic) own research on the best way to get young people addicted to a lethal product, they should fund it themselves. Great idea Carole, love, except that your piercing logic has been somewhat destroyed by ... Stirling University. [Professor Gerard Hastings, of the uni's Institute for Social Marketing] said: "If Philip Morris ran focus groups asking 14-year-olds what they thought about smoking, there'd be uproar. Hmm, we'll take that as a non-starter then. Vicki Snelgrove - [...] if there was an agreement not to share data beyond the study then surely the uni is bound over to their participants... This is the most wibblingly arrogant of the lot. A University, according to Vicki, is bound more by the people it chooses to canvass than it is by the law of the land. Despite the fact that - in accepting funding - the University would have been well aware of their obligations to satisfy the terms of the FOIA 2000. In fact, it would have been stated categorically in the document they signed before being given the cash. It's a standard clause when dealing with any public sector organisation. If they want to offer promises to their subjects, perhaps they should have refused the funding in the first place. They quite simply - under the law - can't have both. Just a quick aside, but doesn't this hint at the increasing sense of independence from accountability that all public health bodies now seem to operate by? ASH (at least, this time, the English version) slung their oar in too. Martin Dockrell - Our Government is supposed to be protecting health policy from the tobacco industry lobby machine. Handing over this information is putting our universtities (Freudian sic?) at the service of Britain's biggest killer. No, Martin. It puts our Universities at the service of those who pay for them. Remember us taxpayers? You know, the poor saps who pay your mortgage - and, indeed, that comment you just wrote on our time - you hideous tax-sponging creep? Sam Warren - assurances were made to the participants in this study on how their data would be used and this data should NOT be shared. As above. Such assurances were arrogant, misguided, and illegal. Claire Valentin - They should read the published research like everybody else. This FOI request clearly has wider implications for anyone doing research, in a number of respects. Yes it does, Claire. It means that if you want to keep research hidden, pay for it your bloody self. Becky Freeman - Absolutely not. Sharing confidential research data with an industry that will surely exploit it for its own financial gain cannot be permitted. How could the public ever trust public health researchers again? You're making a wild assumption that any of us trust you as far as we could throw you, Becky. Of course, I can't throw you very far because you live in Australia, so what the fuck has it to do with you? Robert West - It takes courage and determination to stand up to this kind of bullying. Join the club, Robert West of CRUK. It is government legislation which is the 'bully' here. You don't seem too concerned when you use such a thing to your own advantage, do you? But the best of the lot comes from Australia's undisputed Champion of anti-smoker hatred.. Simon Chapman - The day Stirling should share its data, is the day that the tobacco industry shares its data on how much it now earns from underage smoking and its forward projections on what today's and future generations of child smokers will mean to its bottom line. I had so much to say about why Philip Morris have no obligation to reveal data in the same way as Stirling University definitely do. Fortunately, Tim Worstall has already articulated it wonderfully on the tangential subject of think tank funding. I'm entirely happy with entirely voluntary disclosure on such matters: what individuals do with their money is up to them, just as what brand or style of bread you buy is private to you. What the money which has been raised from us at gunpoint gets spent on is rightly a matter of public record. That Friends of the Earth Europe gets more than 50% of its funding from the EU, funding supplied so that it can lobby the EU, is important information. That Alcohol Concern gains some 90% (these numbers are from memory, do check them at Fake Charities if you wish) of its money from government, that the salt puritans, the smoking bansturbators, are similarly funded is equally important. And I'll even make a deal. When Deborah Arnott's screen and radio appearances, public utterances, are accompanied by a "this wanker is paid for out of your taxes" warning then I'll make sure that my income, and thus my funding, is similarly disclosed. Until then you're all cordially invited to fornicate and travel. And this is the problem Stirling face. Once they accepted tax-funded cash, they were legally obliged to abide by The Freedom of Information Act and, consequentially, the Information Commissioner's decisions. They knew this when they took the money, they will have signed a document to register acceptance of that fact. Stirling registered their objections to the ICO and they were roundly rejected. End of. Game over. Philip Morris, however, accept only money freely given to them by consumers, so are under no such obligation ... however much Chapman would like to fantasise about it. The difference could not be more stark. Here's my advice to Stirling University, in Chapman's parlance for easy comprehension. The day Stirling should be able to hide its data, is the day that they refuse all funding from the taxpayer for all of their activities. That means no more research grants; no more government subsidies; no more tax-funded salaries; nothing. Then, and only then, can they withhold information which is covered by the law. To quote Martin Dockrell's ASH after the jailing of Nick Hogan. A spokesman for anti-smoking lobby group ASH said: "The smoking legislation is very clear." As is Freedom of Information legislation. Rules is rules. Go private and leave our taxes alone, or cough up the info and stop bleating. Labels: ASH Troughers, Fake Charities, Getting Even, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Shysters, Suck It Up, WTF? Spongebob Squarepants: Shameless Health Risk The Sun carried an article today on the dangers of Spongebob Squarepants. Yes, you read that correctly, the dangers of ... this guy. I suspect the currant bun just wanted to raise a few hackles amongst its readers - and perhaps a derisory expletive or two - at the expense of people who would suggest such a thing. They are lagging behind the Daily Mail in that respect nowadays, after all. Here's their take. Spongebrains SPONGEBOB SquarePants can turn kids into dunces, say researchers. Just nine minutes of watching the cartoon was found to impair the ability of four-year-olds to learn. Their behaviour was also worse compared to children the same age who spent the time watching a gentler and more realistic programme — or simply reading. Professor Angeline Lillard, who led the research, said: "Parents should know that children who have just watched SpongeBob SquarePants, or shows like it, might become compromised in their ability to learn and behave with self-control." It matters not that the study - such as it calls itself - tested just 60 kids, and that they were all 4 years old when Spongebob Squarepants is intended for a higher age group. Some parents, somewhere, are no doubt already making a mental note to ban their offspring from watching the little yella fella in case their bubble-wrapped preciouses start leaking brain juice through their ears. And this is the problem, because this nonsense is already flying around the globe at an alarming rate. All of which is quite handy for dragging out the old-fashioned kiddie TV police in the form of people like Dimitri Christakis, who is the type of over-protective hysteric we thought we'd seen the back of. You know, the kind who predicted world chaos on the back of Tom and Jerry cartoons? Given the enormous influence that electronic media in all of their forms exerts on the lives of children, it is astonishing how little parents, researchers, and policymakers have been spurred to action. Most of what has been done to date to understand, curtail, or regulate the negative effects of media on children can be viewed as failure. Every single children's G-rated movie released in US theaters from 1937 to 1999 contained at least 1 act of violence. I remember that drum being banged when even I was a kid, and some are still refusing to put down the sticks despite no-one taking them seriously, especially since they were gloriously lampooned on The Simpsons. But where there is a newly-terrorised public willing to believe any old health scare, there's a new angle to help the professionally-deranged tumble out of their box. Christakis - in a commentary on Lillard's piss poor study - has imagined a new way to present his little crusade. Now, I wonder where he got this idea from? "Media is a public health issue, and harm reduction approaches are what is needed. Steering children and adolescents toward safe or even health promoting media activities must be a goal, and actionable strategies for reaching that goal must be devised." Bingo! The new cult of all-encompassing public health - from smoking bans to reading Facebook - delivers once again. From now on, it's Blue Peter, Newsround, or nothing for the little 'uns, I'm afraid. Anything else and you're a shite parent, don't you see? Child abuser, even. It's quite amazing what one can achieve with determination, some junk science, and a gullible public wedded to the idea of total elimination of even the most risible of risks. Isn't it? Labels: Good Grief, Hammer cracking nut, Junk science, Righteous lunatics, Then they came for ... Sounds nasty. A dazed inventor was found outside his home in blackened underpants after his attempt at making vodka went badly wrong - and he blew up his home. Lawrence Toms, 43, was tinkering with his vodka distillation equipment in his bedroom when neighbours suddenly heard a massive blast, which blew out the windows and the roof of his home. South Wales Police said they believe that the explosion was caused by home-made alcohol. "The windows were blown out of the property and it was lucky no one in the street was injured." It's becoming quite common, isn't it? Five men have been killed and another seriously injured in a huge explosion at a Boston industrial estate amid claims it was sparked by an illegal vodka making operation. Authorities were amazed that no more residents were killed during the "rapid explosion". D'ya think it might have something to do with the UK imposing amongst the highest alcohol duty rates in the EU? Imagine the carnage, then, if Baroness Murphy were to get her way. The price of beer and cider has fallen by about 30 per cent in real terms since 1990, while wine and spirits have fallen by about 20 per cent. Put the price of alcohol up to where it was twenty years ago and the problem would more or less be solved. Or, worse still, bansturbator-in-Chief Kevin Barron? We believe that alcohol duty should continue to rise year on year, but unlike in recent years, duty increases should predominantly be on stronger alcohol drinks, notably spirits. [...] if the duty on a bottle of spirits had increased since the early 1980s at the same rate as earnings, it would now be £62. If the rate had increased in line with the retail prices index and not with average male earnings, the duty on a bottle of spirits would now be £38.60. With rates that high, we wouldn't need fireworks night. Houses and flats in some areas would be going up as regularly as party poppers at an office Christmas party. H/T IPJ Labels: Drinking, Psycho Antis, Puritans, Stupidocracy, Taxpayers screwed again, There's something very wrong with this country Earning, Not Burning, In Gibraltar This is quite a coincidence. While I was describing how UKBA dispose of seized tobacco, that is by pumping secondhand smoke - which isn't dangerous anymore when mixed with water, cellophane and cardboard, apparently - around Slough, the Gibraltar legislature were discussing the self same thing. The Gib Chronicle explains in full, the day after my article was published. New legislation approved unanimously by Parliament yesterday will allow the Gibraltar Government to resell stocks of cigarettes seized from smugglers. Until yesterday, confiscated cigarettes were destroyed and a significant source of potential revenue for the public purse went, quite literally, up in smoke. The amendment to the Tobacco Act 1997, passed yesterday, came after Chief Minister Peter Caruana learnt that there was "a significant stock" of tobacco products about to be destroyed. Mr Caruana said there was no reason to destroy "perfectly valuable" tobacco and that reselling these stocks could generate substantial revenue for the public purse. "Tobacco itself is not per se an illegal commodity," Mr Caruana said, "I believe this is a huge destruction of value.". Only people with a wholesale tobacco licence will be able to buy at the auctions, and only tobacco in good condition will be sold. The proceeds of the auctions will go into the main government account and will represent "...a significant source of revenue that can be ploughed back into law enforcement or anything else," the Chief Minister said. Indeed it can. And, of course, the wholesalers will be obliged to add duty to their government-purchased tobacco before resale (if it hasn't been added at auction). As such, the end consumer will have paid 100% of the cost of their tabs to the state. That, my friends, is what I call a right royal earner. Fortunately, governments are immune to the natural human stimuli they ascribe - without exception - to the rest of us, so won't be remotely tempted to pinch more tobacco at the borders. Oh no. Even though doing so can now help them to further increase their budgets. I mean, whoever heard of a conniving politician, eh? Labels: Curious, Elsewhere This week's mind candy. Drinking at 1,300feet: A 9/11 story about wine and wisdom Violence in video games: It's all part of growing up Hungary are the first idiots to introduce a fat tax The big winner post 9/11: China In Holland, they sack people who produce bent studies - what a novelty! Why cork is the most amazing material in the world to keep wine tasty Cuba launches first vaccine against lung cancer 28% beer served from a deer's head ... of course it's Brewdog Miss Colombia reprimanded by spoilsports for going commando What terrorist laws actually become used for Don't let a bear drive your car Friday: Laugh At California Day (2) This could become a regular series at this rate. It appears that it's fine to wander around naked in San Francisco, but not if you want to sit down. Nope, in health-obsessed SF, that's just too shocking. And, as the vid says, all proposed by someone called 'Wiener'. OK, it's an eye-opener - as are many in the film - but that's not the funny part ... this is. "San Francisco is a liberal and tolerant city, and we pride ourselves on that fact," Wiener said in a statement. Bwahahaha! You're killing us here! Labels: Curious, Elsewhere, Good Grief, Quirky Prohibition Is Unnatural - A Review Of The Art Of ... Taxation, Taxation, Taxation ... To Save You From ... The Battle Of Stirling And The Start Of The Britis... More Attacks On Free Choice From Unelected Appoint... Will Nationwide Outdoor Smoking Bans Get A Green L... Stop Accepting Tax Cash, Stirling, And Your Proble... Dick Out And About: Hello CAMRA! State 'Bullying' Can Be Fun The Dangers Of Passive Water Vapour And The Tobacco-Powered Electricity Plant Is ... Wake Up With Wogan Friday: Laugh At California Day Vindication In One Day And An Indirect Endorsement... Politics Masquerading As Public Health
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HomeNews and EventsNewssecure contact tracking app Encryption system for a secure contact tracing app Coronavirus: Research team testing decentralized contact tracing 2020-04-27 – News from the Physics Department In the fight against Covid-19, an interdisciplinary research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a model for a contact tracing app that protects personal data. The concept is based on an encryption process that prevents the temporary contact numbers (TCNs) of infected individuals from ending up on the phones of their contacts. A prototype is now undergoing testing in cooperation with the ITO Open Source Consortium. The app has also successfully completed the Bluetooth Special Interest Group qualification process. The goal of the research team is to develop a data protection-secure app for fighting corona. – Image: / Geber86 Researchers around the world are working hard on measures to bring the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus under control. One approach seen as promising is the idea of slowing the spread of the virus by means of secure digital contact tracing based on a globally compatible app. Among the research groups working on contact tracing apps is ContacTUM, an interdisciplinary team from the fields of physics, informatics, law, mathematics and medicine anchored by the physicist Prof. Elisa Resconi. Warning the contact persons The basic principle of contact tracing is to notify contacts of infected individuals with the help of an app. Mobile phones on which the app is installed exchange constantly changing, randomly generated TCNs (temporary contact numbers) using Bluetooth technology. These TCNs are collected locally on the devices and stored there for a limited period of around two weeks. In case of a medically confirmed diagnosis of a Covid-19 infection, the individual's contacts are anonymously notified using the contact tracing app. Centralized or decentralized The notification mechanism takes either the centralized or decentralized approach. In the centralized approach, the app uploads to a central server the TCNs of every contact person received by the infected individual's device. The server then uses the TCNs to dispatch messages with the app in order to notify the corresponding contact persons of a potential infection. The risk of the centralized approach: All of the data are stored at a single location. As a result, there is a high risk of abuse because it becomes possible to de-anonymize and disclose personal contacts as soon as the data on the server can be accessed. In a decentralized approach, the infected individuals release only the TCNs transmitted by their own device to a server. These TCNs are downloaded from the server by all devices where the app is installed. The check to determine whether any of these "infected" TCNs were previously received now takes place locally on the individual devices. Consequently, the only party with knowledge of possible contact with an infected individual is the contact person himself – and not the central server. More protection for infected individuals through encryption processes ContacTUM has been working to build on this decentralized approach and make it more secure. The cross-checking of TCNs of infected individuals against those collected on mobile phones takes place without having to load the infected individuals' TCNs onto the phones. This is possible with an encryption process known as private set intersection cardinality, which does not require information to be exchanged in plain text. Under the ContacTUM concept, contact persons can thus be warned without their mobile phones being able to recognize the "infected" TCNs among the TCNs stored there. "As a result, the risk scenario in which an attacker could combine the received TCNs with other information such as the date, time and location where the TCN was transmitted – which would endanger the anonymity of an infected person – is minimized to a large extent," says physicist Kilian Holzapfel. Privacy protection by design "It's important to us to ensure that data protection standards are met by design, in other words in the programming," says Prof. Elisa Resconi. That is why Prof. Dirk Heckmann of the TUM School of Governance and Prof. Christian Djeffal of the Munich Center for Technology in Society have been involved in the project from the beginning, contributing their expertise in data protection and IT security. TUM and ITO jointly develop app prototype To develop an app prototype based on this principle, ContacTUM is working closely with ITO, an open source consortium of around 30 international developers who are open and transparent in all of their activities. A prototype of the app is being tested with the Android operating system. The code is publicly available. "But it will still probably be a few weeks before an absolutely secure and technically flawless app is ready for use," says Kilian Holzapfel. Worldwide compatibility through cooperation with Bluetooth SIG To ensure that future contact tracing apps worldwide are based on the same decentralized approach to guarantee international compatibility, ContacTUM has submitted a successful qualification request for its decentralized standard to Bluetooth SIG with the express support of leading international IT firms. In addition, ContacTUM is a member of the TCN Coalition, which was co-founded by ITO. Alongside DP-3T, TCN is one of the major collaborative groups working on a decentralized contact tracing app. Simulations to assess effectiveness of the app Parallel to the app design work, a team within ContacTUM, led by the physicist Prof. Stefan Schönert and the mathematician Prof. Johannes Müller, has created simulations to identify the conditions under which the app can make a real difference in slowing the spread of covid-19. Based on initial computations, the scientists believe that, for this to be achieved, at least 60 percent of the population would have to install and use the contact tracing app. Their results also showed that the contacts of an infected person's contacts would have to be notified without delay as well to break the infection chain. Digital Contact Tracing Service: an improved decentralised design for privacy and effectiveness ContacTUM Consortium, ITO Consortium April 17, 2020 (Working Paper, PDF) ContacTUM Consortium: K. Holzapfel, M. Karl, L. Lotz, G. Carle, C. Djeffal, C. Haack, D. Heckmann, M. Köppl, P. Krause, L. Marx, S. Meighen-Berger, J. Pollmann, T. Pollmann, E. Resconi, S. Schönert, A. Turcati, C. Wiesinger ITO Consortium: C. Allan, K. Bitterschulte, J. Buchwald, C. Fischer, J. Gampe, M. Häcker, J. Islami, A. Pomplun, S. Preisner, N. Quast, C. Romberg, C. Steinlehner, T. Ziehm App prototype Kilian Holzapfel Chair of Experimental Physics with Cosmic Particles [email protected] For legal aspects: Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann Chair of Law and Security of Digitization Tel.: +49 89 907793 301 [email protected] News Group Prof. Resconi Group Prof. Schönert Kontakt Public Relations Dr. Johannes Wiedersich [email protected]
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Normandy has a rich landscape full of variety. Its superb coastline includes the Cotentin Peninsula, the cliffs of the Côte d'Albâtre and the fine beaches and fashionable resorts of the Côte Fleurie, while inland is a wealth of quiet villages and unspoilt countryside for leisurely exploration. Known as the dairy of France, its markets are abundant with fresh fish, rich cream, butter, and fine cheeses such as Camembert and Pont l'Evêque. The many apple orchards are used in producing cider and the well known Calvados, the region's apple brandy. The history of Normandy is closely linked with our own. The famous Bayeux Tapestry chronicles the exploits of the Battle of Hastings and there are many museums, exhibitions, sites and monuments, including the Caen Memorial Museum, which commemorate operations that took place during the D-Day Landings of 1944.
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"extra: Hollande: Prize commits EU to pursue "more united" Europe". As Europeans we all have reason to be proud today."Confucius Prize could ruger no 1 243 win be weapon in battle of ideas".34 United Nations The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, lauded the decision in a statement on behalf of the entire United Nations family, and emphasised the European Union's role in helping to build peace, promote human rights and support economic and social development."Confusion Prize brings Beijing doubtful reward".Archived from the original on July 16, 2012.23 The award and recipients edit The prize initially carried a financial reward of CNY100,000, and has been awarded at the same time as the Nobel Peace Prize.French President François Hollande and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel attended.The European Union has reunified the continent through peaceful means and brought arch enemies together.Retrieved November 15, 2011.Purported cancellation and second award edit In September 2011, the Ministry of Culture stated that it would be disbanding the organizers of Confucius Peace Prize and cancelling the prize."China furious at Nobel's 'violation.A b Li, Raymond.Retrieved "Desmond Tutu, other Nobel Peace Prize laureates contest 2012 winner choice of EU".An unofficial spokesman said that the Chinese government had notified Zimbabwe that it was not associated with the conferring organisation.21 The Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao reported that the letter issued by the committee to Lien Chan did not have the Ministry of Culture's official seal.Van Rompuy and Barroso held the acceptance speeches."China's Confucius Peace Prize courts yet more controversy".This is not the first time that a Turkish newspaper has portrayed Merkel as the Nazi dictator who led the Third Reich, caused World War II and presided over the Holocaust.Norwegian Parliament to roughly reflect the party makeup of that body."China to hand out its own peace prize".Other contenders were Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Jacob Zuma, Kofi Annan, Yuan Longping, Gyaincain Norbu (one of the Panchen Lamas and Soong Chu-yu. "Manning nominert til fredsprisen" Manning nominated for the Peace Prize (in Norwegian). 53 See also edit References edit "The Nobel Peace Prize for 2012". As a result, chimneys became narrow, gin tonic gift ideas pitch black, complex mazes which chimney sweeps had to clean.To see a complete list of just for jeeps discount code cities, towns, and zip codes included in our service area, please click here.Sadly, for centuries chimney sweeping was.. The government recognizes 62 indigenous Amerindian languages as national languages.A version of this article appears in print on, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: In Chaotic Forum, Trump Says Russia Probably Hacked.In mlb the show 18 conquest rewards fact, in 2012, Chorney performed.. I think I like them as much as the kids.Prove that you are very much committed to your loved gifts for baptism one with the birthday gift.Markers, coloring books (We always buy our coloring books at The Dollar Store.You can find lots of wonderful kids Easter basket deals..
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Retro articles Valve was so impressed by GoldenEye 007 that it changed Half-Life Golden AI By Rob Thubron, July 15, 2019, 6:13 AM PlayStation Classic hits all-time low price of $24.99 Making its faults easier to accept By Rob Thubron, July 4, 2019, 9:37 AM A full-size recreation of the Commodore 64 arrives this year A more authentic experience than the mini version By Rob Thubron, June 26, 2019, 7:57 AM 5 comments Konami joins the mini console market with the TurboGrafx-16 Mini Retro-tastic By Rob Thubron, June 12, 2019, 5:20 AM 10 comments Intellivision Amico to get an new Earthworm Jim exclusive The design team's first meeting will be live-streamed with art giveaways Sega adds Earthworm Jim, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and more to the Genesis Mini line-up The Sega Genesis Mini is shaping up to be one heck of a retro ride By Shawn Knight, April 19, 2019, 10:52 AM See Apple's unreleased 1993 W.A.L.T phone in this video The iPhone of the 90s By Rob Thubron, April 10, 2019, 11:04 AM Heretic looks stunning with this AI-enhanced texture pack Oft-forgotten 90s first-person shooter gets the neural network treatment By Shawn Knight, April 5, 2019, 11:49 AM 15 comments Trivia Electronics The original NES' (Nintendo Entertainment System) 8-bit processor was manufactured by? Was it Texas Instruments, Panasonic, Ricoh or Xerox? By TechSpot Trivia, March 27, 2019, 11:47 AM Beneath a Steel Sky sequel out later this year 25 years after the original By Rob Thubron, March 26, 2019, 4:40 AM Tech Culture Apple Man discovers working 30-year-old Apple IIe in parents' attic By Rob Thubron, February 18, 2019, 8:55 AM 23 comments PlayStation Classic launch sales fail to impress in Japan The NES and SNES classics did a lot better By Rob Thubron, December 17, 2018, 11:44 AM Japan's last pager service is closing down next year 50 years after the devices were introduced to the country By Rob Thubron, December 4, 2018, 8:02 AM PlayStation Classic Review FEATURE By Chris Kohler, November 27, 2018, 4:33 PM TechSpot Gaming PlayStation Classic is a faithful reproduction of the experience of playing original PlayStation games in the mid-1990s. The experience is technically accurate, but the PS Classic doesn't feel like it was created by a company with a true and abiding passion for the games of this era, or even with the good sense to fake one. 5 Days of Awesome Wallpapers: Retro Wallpapers FEATURE By TechSpot Staff, October 31, 2018, 1:44 AM TechSpot Tech Culture Wallpaper Week 2nd Edition A great background can start your day off on a good mood, theme is retro wallpapers. Whether you are into abstract illustrations, or eye-catching designs and patterns, with the kind of hours we spend looking at our computer and smartphone screens, why not make them a little prettier? Full list of PlayStation Classic games includes Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, GTA Enough to keep retro fans happy for a while By Rob Thubron, October 29, 2018, 8:14 AM 9 comments Winamp's comeback story starts this week Winamp has a solid vision but execution will be difficult By Shawn Knight, October 16, 2018, 3:40 PM 17 comments Working Apple I computer goes for $375,000 at auction By Rob Thubron, September 26, 2018, 8:56 AM Sony's $100 PlayStation Classic will launch this December With 20 pre-loaded games By Rob Thubron, September 19, 2018, 3:33 AM 22 comments Unmodified and working Apple I computer heads to auction Bids are expected to reach over $300,000 By Greg Synek, August 28, 2018, 9:09 AM Yes, you can use a floppy drive to play games on a smartphone Impractical, but impressive By Rob Thubron, August 10, 2018, 5:26 AM 5 comments The 2009 iPhone 3GS is once again going on sale in Korea After they were discovered in a warehouse By Rob Thubron, June 18, 2018, 7:03 AM Leisure Suit Larry set to return in Wet Dreams Don't Dry The original lounge lizard is making a comeback By Rob Thubron, May 24, 2018, 8:40 AM SNK joins retro revolution with the Neo Geo mini Containing 40 games Tech Deals Hardware This fast-typing keyboard blends retro design with mechanical comfort Successfully funded on Indiegogo By TechSpot Deals, April 17, 2018, 8:23 AM 19 comments
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(Seychelles News Agency) - Three senior officers from the Sri Lankan Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) are currently on the island nation to work with the Seychelles Anti-Narcotics Bureau on ongoing drug-smuggling cases in the Indian Ocean, a news release said. According to reports in the Sri Lanka Mirror and Daily News, the officials are in Seychelles following a substantial seizure of heroin made in Sri Lanka. Both reported that 231 kilograms of the drug was seized. "The team had gone to Seychelles with regard to the investigations pertaining to the 231 kg of heroin that was detected and seized in Beruwala on December 18 by the PNB based on a tip-off received by the STF," the Sri Lanka Mirror reported. A statement from the Seychelles' Anti-Narcotics Bureau confirmed the arrival of the Sri Lankan officials, but it made no mention of the reported seizure and of reports that the drugs were destined for Seychelles – a group of 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean. Both articles also reported that a Sri Lankan national with family links on the island nation was arrested in connection with this seizure. Drug trafficking into Seychelles from foreign countries has been a problem in recent months, but there have been no reports of drugs being intercepted from Sri Lankan nationals or fishing vessels. However only last year, there were three incidents of illegal fishing by Sri Lankan-flagged vessels in the waters of Seychelles.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
How to compete in a Stand-up Comedy Competition Published by Chet Kennedy on December 26, 2013 December 26, 2013 The Origin of Chet's Comedy I have been listening to comedy for years. I love comedians. I love how comedy disarms an audience and allows people to set aside their lives for a short while. I've used jokes or humorous stories in all of my sermons. In August of 2013 I attended a comedy show at a local comedy club. At the end of the night my friends and I were talking about how, I should try this. That night I went home and emailed every club in Edmonton. I asked for information on their open mic nights. I wanted to at least try it. The only club to reply was The Comedy Factory. Bob Angelli, the manager of the club told me to show up on September 12 at 8:30 pm and I could have my 5 minutes. Then the fear started… How would I do 5 minutes of StandUp? What if I'm not funny? I had a month to prepare, I wrote jokes, I tried jokes on people. I got generally over prepared and grew confident that I would have a good 5 minute set. Through a subsequent series of emails Bob informed me that he had actually placed me in an amateur Comedy competition called "So You Think You're Funny." Over the course of 5 weeks my set would be competing against 30 other comics. Suddenly, it was real. I still wasn't too freaked out because I knew I was up against guys just like me. That is until I sat down in the green room of the Comedy Factory on the night of September 12. I arrived early and was wandering around meeting new people and trying to adjust to these new surroundings. I had never been to this club before. I had never done comedy before. Everything was new to me. As I sat down in the room I was looking around at my competitors. Most people seemed to be around my age… except for this young kid named Ryan. He was in his early 20's. He looks me right in the eye and says,"I know her" and points at the lady in the room. "I know him," points at another guy. "I took a comedy class with them." Pointing to more guys in the room. "and… I've seen his act. I haven't seen you here before, who are you?" Ryan then went on to explain that they had all been doing amateur comedy for at least 3 years and some of them had been doing comedy for a lot longer than that. As it turns out the competition I entered is used by amateur comedians to jumpstart their professional comedy careers. I was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. Up go the nerves, up goes the anxiety and I started to tell myself it will be over soon, just do your set and go home. Chet's Comedy Debut [youtube=] I hadn't really planned on filming it. So my wife actually filmed part of it until her phone informed her that it was full. Luckily though friends of mine had also been filming with their phones. So… I managed to piece together the entire 5 minute set. In the end, I actually got laughs. I did my five minutes, as you can see, some jokes were great, some jokes not so great. I still have such high hopes for that jetpack joke. When it came time to announce the 3 comedians who would be moving in to the semi finals of the competition they announced 3 of my competitors and then they also said my name. They had decided to send me on to the semis because they thought they saw something in me and would like to see more. Winning is fun, but practice and preparation are not really my thing. Now that I was moving on to the semi finals, and I actually found the whole stand up experience fun, I wanted to do better for the next night. I wrote more jokes. What I mean by that is I actually sat down and wrote out the entire joke. The setup and the punchlines for all my jokes. Why? Because Bob told me to hone my 5 minutes. He told me it needed to be memorized so that it looks spontaneous. So that's exactly what I did. I then showed up on Saturday nights for the late show at the Comedy Factory and did my new material. It's important to try jokes out in front of a real audience. Some of the jokes that I thought were definitely keepers actually turned out to be duds. Even more surprising was that some of the jokes that I liked, but wasn't really sure about got laughs and even clapping. When you get applause at a comedy show it's very, very good. The Semi Finals A month later, I find myself back at the Comedy Factory. I have more jokes and I am more prepared. I am less stressed and more confident. I honestly believe that this is my last show because I am fairly certain I won't win the semi-finals and go on so I figure I will go out with a bang. [youtube=] At the end of the night, when Bob Angelli declares the winners, he announces my name first. Suddenly I find myself in the Finals. The competitive part of me is pumped, but the rest of me is tired… Tired of writing jokes, tired of being stressed about the competition, tired of the whole thing. I was ready to be done, but I was not done. Back I went to writing jokes, to pulling out jokes that didn't work, throwing in new ones that might work. Back to the late shows at the Comedy Factory to test out my material. Writing 5 minutes of comedy is, in my opinion, harder then anything I've ever done. I can write sermons, songs, seminars… nothing is as difficult as coming up with 5 solid minutes of engaging, funny material. A month after the Semi finals I find myself back at the Comedy Factory. Lots of familiar comedians now. Honestly, I'm not looking to win, I'm just hoping to be worthy of the competition. If these are Edmonton's best amateur comics then I really have no business being on the same stage as they are. [youtube=] Ultimately, I didn't win, but I did get to the final 6 out of 30 comedians. According to Bob Angelli I did very well. He says I have great stage presence and good delivery. I need to work on my timing, and… I need to work on my pauses. Here is what I mean by that… when the audience laughs or claps… it's important to let the joke hang in the air… allow the audience to get it, to relate to it. Sometimes the laughs, or applause will grow and then die down. If we jump too quickly into the next joke, it's called "Stepping on your audience." One more thing that I learned… Every comedian in the finals, except for me, brought their best jokes. Every one of them did the same routine for each round of the competition. They have a 5 minute routine that they have crafted over the years and they use that one to compete with. Writing new jokes is important for comedy but delivery is KING, when you are in a comedy competition use your best material every time. Now Booking Weddings and Funerals [youtube=] Categories: Rampant stupidityStand Up ComedyTeaching/ PreachingUncategorized Tags: 5 Minute Stand Up Comedy RoutineAmateur ComedianBob AngelliEdmonton Comedy CompetitionThe Comedy Factory Edmonton
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
PCMag Australia Reviews Editors' Choice BenQ EX2780Q BenQ EX2780Q Review byTony Hoffman Nov 27, 2019 BenQ's EX2780Q is primarily a gaming monitor, but its punchy sound system and deft handling of HDR make it a winning all-around screen for general entertainment, too. Bright 27-inch QHD panel. Accurate colors. Good HDR (and HDRi) performance. Great sound quality for in-monitor speakers. Bundled remote. 144Hz maximum refresh rate. Very low input lag. Limited ergonomic features. Ports out of sight and hard to reach. Limited port selection. BenQ's EX2780Q ($599) is primarily geared toward gaming—with a 144Hz refresh rate and support for AMD's FreeSync technology—but this 27-inch monitor has some unusual features that set it apart. These include a remote control, and—most noteworthy—a surprisingly good speaker system, bolstered by a subwoofer to provide crisp bass. It does well at handling HDR content, and BenQ offers a further enhancement through its own HDRi technology, more about which in a moment. The Razer Raptor 27 remains our top-pick gaming monitor at its screen size, but thanks in particular to its superior audio, the EX2780Q earns its own Editors' Choice as an all-around entertainment monitor with a gaming bent. A Stylish Frame, an HDR Twist A bit about HDRi, as it's a newly coined term: HDRi is BenQ's own technology, geared to better displaying HDR content. (According to the company, the "i" stands for intelligence.) While HDR improves the contrast and dynamic range (the ability to render subtle gradations of light or shadow) of a scene, HDRi seeks to further enhance HDR images. It has both hardware and software components. A sensor on the monitor's bottom bezel measures ambient light, letting the EX2780Q adjust its screen brightness in response to changing conditions. In addition, HDRi generally brightens dark regions without overexposing bright areas, resulting in a more balanced image. It also automatically tweaks color balance and saturation, depending on the displayed content. The EX2780Q provides two different HDRi modes: Cinema HDRi, and Gaming HDRi. In testing, I found that generally the HDRi modes (and especially Cinema HDRi) provided better contrast than when the monitor was set to DisplayHDR (unmodified HDR). Belying the new tech it houses, the EX2780Q's cabinet is simple and handsome, with a matte-black shell and a bronze-colored bottom bezel and base. When affixed to its stand, the EX2780Q measures 18.1 by 24.2 by 7.7 inches (HWD) and weighs 13.1 pounds. The top and side bezels are barely there, while the textured bottom bezel is 1.3 inches thick. The base is a rectangular ring, which, in addition to supporting the monitor, can serve as a corral in which to stash the remote and other small peripherals. The stand provides tilt control, but it lacks swivel, pivot, or height adjustment. The 27-inch, 10-bit IPS (vertical alignment) flat panel has a native resolution of 2,560 by 1,440 pixels, known as QHD, at a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. Its pixel density of 109 pixels per inch (ppi) is fine for a gaming monitor, but it's not ideal for tasks such as editing photos. (All else being equal, the greater the pixel density, the sharper the image should be.) The EX2780Q's relatively modest selection of ports includes two HDMI 2.0 ports, one DisplayPort input, a USB-C port, and an audio-out jack. The USB-C port supports data transfer and video input, as well as power delivery of up to 60 watts, which is enough to quickly charge a laptop even when displaying content from it over the connection. You can control the onscreen display (OSD) via a miniature joystick controller on the back of the monitor, mounted near its lower right corner. Its menus are easier to navigate with the joystick than with the button-based control systems found in many monitors. If the joystick isn't convenient enough, you can also manipulate the EX2780Q's OSD with the included handheld remote, with which you can access the OSD menus, enable HDRi, and control volume with the touch of a button. There is also a volume-control wheel on the bottom of the monitor, near the left-hand edge. The OSD offers seven main-menu choices: Input, Picture, Color, Audio, Eye Care, Custom Key, and System. From Input, you can switch among HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB-C inputs. The Picture menu lets you control brightness, contrast, sharpness, and the like. The Color menu lets you choose among 11 color modes, including Standard, Low Blue Light, three gaming modes, two Custom modes, and M-book (a mode for the MacBook. You can also switch between HDR modes. From the Audio menu, you not only can control the volume or mute the sound, but you can also switch through five audio modes: Live/Pop, Cinema, Dialogue/Vocal, Game, and Rock/Party. Eye Care offers access to the Low Blue Light setting (again) and several similar tweaks. Custom Key lets you set up two customizable color modes, and last up is the System menu, on which you control FreeSync, USB-C configuration, OSD settings (such as language), and the like. BenQ covers the EX2780Q with a three-year warranty on parts, labor, and the backlight. The monitor ships with an HDMI 2.0 cable, a USB Type-C cable, and a DisplayPort-to-mini-DisplayPort cable. Great Audio (for a Monitor) BenQ touted the EX2780Q's audio quality in my pre-review briefing, and for good reason. For most displays (gaming-oriented or otherwise), audio is at best an afterthought. If built-in speakers are included at all, they tend to sound tinny, with poor low-frequency (bass) response, and distortion at higher volume levels, if they can even achieve them—in many cases, the audio is notably soft. Although mediocre speakers may be better than no speakers at all, we generally recommend that monitor buyers get a pair of powered external speakers if projection and audio quality matters. Unless you're hosting a dance party in a medium-size or larger space, though, you probably will be just fine with the EX2780Q's own sound system. The EX2780Q combines a pair of 2-watt speakers with a 5-watt subwoofer. It employs digital signal processing (DSP) to offer the five audio modes mentioned above. To test the setup, I cranked up a host of songs and music videos, including many with strong bass lines, such as Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust," The Beatles' "Come Together," and The Clash's "The Guns of Brixton," with the audio set to Rock/Party. The monitor setup had excellent bass and good treble response. It wasn't perfect; in a couple of cases, the bass dominated the treble, and although the volume should be fine for a small room, it won't knock your socks off. Audiophiles may still want to add external speakers, but for most consumers, the built-in speaker system should more than suffice for casual listening. Notably Bright, With Good Color I did our luminance, color, and contrast testing using a Klein K10-A colorimeter, a Murideo SIX-G signal generator, an X-Rite i1Basic Pro 2 color profiler, and Portrait Displays CalMAN 5 software. BenQ rates the EX2780Q's luminance (that is, the brightness per unit area) at 350 nits (candelas per meter squared) and its contrast ratio at 1,000:1; the latter is standard for an IPS panel. I measured its luminance at 224 nits in Standard color mode, 349 nits in Cinema HDRi, and a whopping 470 nits with DisplayHDR enabled. Its contrast ratio also slightly exceeded its rating, at 1,091:1. BenQ claims that the EX2780Q covers 95 percent of the DCI-P3 color space, which it effectively matched, covering 94.4 percent in our testing (see the chart above). The area bounded by the triangle represents the limits of the DCI-P3 color space, which was designed for cinema video. As expected, most of the points are a little bit within the triangle, and fairly evenly spaced. This is very good coverage, as DCI-P3 is a considerably wider color space than sRGB. I also viewed selections from our suite of test video clips, as well as a series of photos stored on my Dell XPS 13 laptop. The EX2780Q did well at handling HDR video, which was notably brighter and exhibited better contrast than when I viewed the same content in standard definition (SDR) mode. Cinema HDRi—BenQ's HDR emulation—was similar to DisplayHDR (true HDR), though Cinema HDRi frequently showed better contrast. The results were similar with photos, with both Cinema HDRi and DisplayHDR showing similar results, with both brighter than SDR. Gaming Chops Like many BenQ gaming monitors, the EX2780Q is not overloaded with gaming features (say, LED backfill/ambient lighting or a range of gaming-specific menus, for instance), but the few it has do count. It employs AMD FreeSync adaptive-sync technology, and it supports refresh rates of up to 144Hz. In testing the input lag with an HDFury 4K Diva, the EX2780Q even edged out the Razer Raptor 27, with an excellent score of 1.5 milliseconds (ms) to the Raptor's 1.7ms, and just shy of our record-low score of 1.4ms, turned in by the MSI Optix MPG341CQR. (All of these were tested at a 60Hz refresh rate.) See How We Test Monitors The monitor did well in handling gameplay and some canned benchmark runs with the titles Final Fantasy XV, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Far Cry 5, showing a minimum of artifacts. I switched among Game HDRi, Cinema HDRi, DisplayHDR, and SDR modes, and Cinema HDRi showed the best contrast. Kick Out the Jams If you want a monitor to use just for gaming, you might want to invest in the slightly costlier Razer Raptor 27, which supports both FreeSync and G-Sync (the latter through G-Sync Compatible status, not dedicated G-Sync hardware) and has some nifty creature comforts like a 90-degree tilt for easy access to its hidden ports. It cranks out results similar to the EX2780Q's in brightness, color, and input-lag testing. But the BenQ adds a sweet sound system and handles HDR (both DisplayHDR and BenQ's HDRi enhancement) like a boss. For its ability to handle games, video, and photos while providing superior audio—the best I've heard on a computer monitor in recent years—and extras like a remote control, the BenQ EX2780Q also earns our Editors' Choice as an all-around entertainment monitor with a focus on gaming. Best Monitor Picks The Best 4K Monitors for 2020 The Best Curved Monitors for 2020 The Best Ultrawide Monitors for 2020 The Best Gaming Monitors for 2020 More Monitor Reviews More from BenQ Samsung Will Stop Making LCD Panels This Year MSI Responds to Coronavirus With Extended Warranties What to Do When Your Computer Screen Won't Show a Picture Save $60 on This 15.6-Inch Portable Touch-Screen Deco Gear Monitor Report: LG and Samsung Are Developing Portable Displays for Phones Sigma 14-24mm F2.8 DG DN Art Review Jabra Elite 75t Review Asus ROG Zephyrus S GX502 Review Falcon Northwest Talon (2019) About Tony Hoffman As a senior analyst for hardware, Tony Hoffman covers 3D printers, storage (SSDs and hard drives), and business and portable monitors. He has served in a variety of editorial capacities since joining PCMag in 2004. He is an avid amateur astronomer, photographer, traveler, and poet, and has written articles on astronomy and photography for PCMag and related publications. More From Tony Hoffman Asus Tips OLED Screen, High-Capacity Battery on New Portable Monitors TeamGroup T-Force Cardea A440 Pro Special Series Flexxon SSDs, Laptops Have AI-Based Data Security Inside WD Black SN850 NVMe SSD The Best Printers for 2022
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
craftyblossom: a summery blue and green quilt. a summery blue and green quilt. Hello friends....another month has passed since my last post. ugghh. I always feel guilty about that. However, I have two full weeks off before school starts and I am bound and determined to get some crafting in before I go insane and quite possibly get thrown out of my quilting bee. As for this quilt, I put it together nearly two months ago for a friend. It's so summery to me! I love how bright and fun the blues and greens look alongside the Kona Ash, a larger throw for myself might very well be in order. Hope you're all enjoying these final days of summer. very nice! the ash really is summery in this one! such lovely colours..and it must make you feel good to be making something after all your study.. Beautiful colors! It is so fresh looking. You're right, it looks delightfully summery. It's beautiful! Love the great color combos you always put together. Love your random quilting lines too. Enjoy your last 2 weeks of summer! It's very beautiful, light and almost wispy. Your friend is blessed to receive it. I wish I had your talent!
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"Inside" Experience Re: "Inside" Experience by Aegean » Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:38 am Fixed Cross wrote: No. They are consequences and parts, not self-valuings, except of course the notion of them. They are values. No, simpleton they are what? What does valuing , needing, willing have in common? Yes, they signal. electromagnetism. Thats not something Ill win the Nobel prize for thought - someone else already discovered that. You know what - you're on a machine made of... Are ou sure...'cause you've stated that you are a genius. Can you think of another way two forces can merge that does not involve a word insinuating a motive? How does one note harmonize with another? No, I clam that "intent" is a weaker version of what is called atomic strong force. So, you claim intent is present in non-living unities, like an atom? I claim that it is more sensible to reduce ourselves to the atom than the other way around. What I see is the experience I most singular at the moments crucial values are withdrawn. Does that sentence make sense to you? I know you've gotten away with shit like this, but does it make sense to you...honestly? Instead of shutting the fuck up when you do not know, you must pretend that you do know with nonspecial sentences like that. Nietzsche worked with it, I took over. Its the only one that works across the board. So, Nietzsche, for you, is the epitome the top, the god? Can you tell me what was his contribution to philosophy, from where you "took over" my idiot8ic self-declared genius? What did you take over from? Pathetic. If you dont understand the value philosophy for its own sake has, what, are you in it for the social networking? Moron, that strategy does not work on me. Nonsense is nascence...and you pretending it makes sense doews not make it so. Why 'value' imbecile? Why not 'love'? To pretend you invented something new? Obviously I am my ideal man, and Nietzsche is my mate who called me to tell you faggots to grow some balls. You sound like a school girl who just got fucked under the bleachers by the school jock. I feel like I'm, a's cousin. Do you have testicles? You lick them....and suck Nietzsche's dead cock...but do YOU have testicles? I know why Freud invented the Oedipus Complex, but you and this Value centred ontology? I can only speculate. But VO covers is so vague and nonsensical that it can encompass everything. Why did Freud come up with the Oedipus Complex? Because electrons have value (-1e) and not pleasure. To a human, moron. humans measure it. Do they have value in and of themselves? Tell me its energy. Then why did you call it 'value, hypocrite....why not energy? I ask again 160+IQ...what is common between your simplistic value, and will, and desire a nd want, and need? Energy was a hint, you imbecile. Ibid. I use value and not love or pleasure because value applies to mathematics and every other field and these two only in the animal realm. So value applies as a measurement, huh moron? a measurement of what? You stopped there, like a pathetic Jew. Above I almost tell you. Fixed Cross wrote: Well, Aegean, it seems you have certain love for philosophical concepts. You can not think, which means you will never know what thinking is. I mean that. But you have a strong dislike of yourself and urge for philosophical concepts to compensate for that, so you have a certain ... erm, substance. Curious... Stick with astrology ain't good at psychology. Maybe Jupiter entering mars will give you a hint. Ha!!! When you go off the prose and poetics your true intelligence shines. Tell me...what am I wearing...hint....nothing. You know, I've come across superstitious old-wives....but a theoretical male, like you? Most astrologers I've met had a bit of a kink in their wrist….fags. Someone told me you once 'fucked a man'...or did he do you and you inverted the memory? No shame....taking it up the arse, these days,. it is related to Freud's Oedipus Complex theory. How he tried to convince us all that we wanted to fuck uor mothers....did you? by Pedro I Rengel » Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:00 am Shhhh... Calm down... Pedro I Rengel Pedro I Rengel wrote: Shhhh... Calm down... I'm too hyper...need something to calm myself. meditate...hush,.....focus....happy thoughts….. are an imbecile. WOOOOoow... Wooow... Take it easy there... Pedro I Rengel wrote: Relax. camming your words are. Makes me feel control. Re: "Inside" of Experience by Artimas » Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:11 am Fixed Cross wrote: Oh. Well, if you don't know what it means for experience to respond to itself then I guess we're done. Not much of an expert on Experience, I might say. Sounds like the theory of natural selection of natural selection I brought up before. Experience responds to itself previous to consciousness, the unconscious experience embedded in psyche or "chaotic mental" is directly relative to that experience of which responds to itself. It is the archaic, primordial makings of all that is currently. The fabric of consciousness and reality. The first beginning of natural selection is to do with the unconscious facets of reality, energy and matter in different forms/variables responding to each other, inevitably leading into the subconscious aspects, which is life, single cell and animalistic and other instinctual life, which then grew complex via experience and inverted, which is what consciousness is, now we have all three and the power of consciousness is to become aware of what is not directly experienced consciously but buried in psyche by the unconscious experiencing were attached to and come from, thus, there is no imagination due to this, only reality not confined to the present moment quite yet. Past or future tense. When the subconscious aspects of reality began, so did the easily observable 2nd form of natural selection, which has to do with life, trial and error and survival of the fittest. Perhaps not always the fittest, but the more complex. Which Darwin discovered this 2nd natural selection regarding life, due to its being blatantly there. Even nothing, is something. If one is to live balanced with expectations, then one must learn to appreciate the negative as well, to respect darkness in its own home. All smoke fades, as do all delicate mirrors shatter. "My ancestors are smiling on me, Imperials. Can you say the same?" "Science Fiction today ~ Science Fact tomorrow" Change is inevitable, it can only be delayed or sped up. Choose wisely. Truth is pain, and pain is gain. Artimas Emancipator of ignorance and also Chameleon upon the stars Location: Earth, Milky Way Aegean wrote: Shhhhh..... Can I inhale? i'm smoking a splif…. by Fixed Cross » Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:18 pm Hey Artimas, Artimas wrote: Note that I did not so much propose a model though as Im making an observation using elementary logic to ground Silhouette's argument in empiricism - erm, experience. Experience must relate to itself to exist. Silhouette denies the existence of discrete causes (even using discrete causes to deny them), so it is not fertile to engage him in that direction, but I figured a thinker should at least be able to recognize that experience, when we wish to envision it as a continuum, must be responding to itself - as responsiveness is what it is. What is experience besides responsiveness? The first beginning of natural selection is to do with the unconscious facets of reality, Natural selection is a logic only established after the fact - it simply observes that what has been selected has been selected. No notion of life is required for this - Atoms too are product of natural selection. energy and matter in different forms/variables responding to each other, inevitably leading into the subconscious aspects, Im no sure it is inevitable, other than that indeed it happened - why do you say that? which is life, single cell and animalistic and other instinctual life, which then grew complex via experience and inverted, which is what consciousness is, now we have all three and the power of consciousness is to become aware of what is not directly experienced consciously but buried in psyche by the unconscious experiencing were attached to and come from, thus, there is no imagination due to this, only reality not confined to the present moment quite yet. Past or future tense. In order to make the subconscious conscious, we must "identify it as experience". Check this out, this is, if I say so myself, a very good text I wrote early on after having developed VO. ... experience This text too has, I believe, been "stolen" and used by academics. Except it isn't theft, I put it out there for free because to be stolen from as a thinker is the greatest reward. Better than being paid to say some trivial shit with no consequences. Listen though "survival of the fittest" is a circular term which doesn't have is origin with Darwin, but with his readers. "Survival of the fittest to survive". Certainly complexity in itself is rarely an asset - look at the Neanderthal who had a much more complex cognitive process who gave way to Homo sapiens - in general, look at the basic human suff that pervades in the world - very simplistic hearts and minds, simple value structures, and it really takes formidable strength in complexity to get anywhere in this world; also, people with complex minds tend to not procreate as easily as people with very basic minds. Except where the complex mind has a particular sharpness about it, a way to use the complexity to outwit or outmatch the others. by Aegean » Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:23 pm This is the source of your self-aggrandizing psychosis. This is why you chose to use 'value' when energy connect ti to Nietzsche. Because you covet his influence...the effect he had on you. You want to have that effect. This is why you will fail. This level of derangement can go nowhere. Know Thyself, inflated into a balloon, just begging to be popped. I bet you see sings of your self-importance every day, and that you've had mystical experiences that prove, to you, that you are 'gifted', anointed by fate. Someone who came to change the world...for the better. A complex of Messiah. I have already succeeded, you dimwit. You simply declare, imbecile. You state, and then use poetics to imply depth. You failed...over and over. You live in your head. Convincing, seducing, manipulating, a few morons you found on-line is no great feat. VO is void of content. It is a word-ploy, pretending to be more than it is. Energy sufficed, but you had to connect it to Nietzsche, and gain some of his 'magic'. This weakness is what makes you fail....despite what you tell yourself. by Silhouette » Fri Dec 06, 2019 10:41 pm Fixed Cross wrote: Note that I did not so much propose a model though as Im making an observation using elementary logic to ground Silhouette's argument in empiricism - erm, experience. Experience must relate to itself to exist. I don't deny the existence of discrete causes - I deny their existence at a fundamental level, but not their subsequent possible existence. Discrete causes are contingent, but not necessary. Is that clearer? All meaning in everything I say is in terms of discrete experiences, because it is in terms of knowledge, words, dissected experience into concepts and reconnected via conceptual models - of course discrete causes are involved. The point is whether I approach it from this point or from the point of direct observation, Continuous Experience is fundamental. At that level, there are no discrete causes. At the level of discrete experience there are discrete causes. This whole "responsiveness" thing just sounds like it's either premised on dissected experience, for some thing to be responsive to something else, or it's tautologically meaningless to say that it's responsive to itself. You mean the latter, I assume, but whatever way you mean it - it's just another example of what I'm repeatedly pointing out about Epistemology: unless you have an unavoidable axiom it's all circular/tautological/baseless. Location: Existence Silhouette wrote: My point remains, as it ever was, that "Continuous Experience" is a discrete notion, as is "Experience". There is nothing continuous or unbroken about it. The same goes for your argument. It is built on discrete terms. Im a lot more skeptical than you are, less eager to arrive at a conclusion - I would never trust such roads as youve taken. How is it tautologically meaningless? Do you mean its obviously true? I agree that it is true, and not that this truth is meaningless, especially since you are claiming that it is not true. That means all you say here is circular, tautological, baseless - since you didn't use any axiom to arrive at your belief, but merely this belief itself. It is as circular as can be. A word does not equal what it is meant to refer to. Thus: abstraction always precedes argument. You are making an honorable mistake similar to the presumption behind the work of the earlier Wittgenstein. The mistake is to derive "Continuous" from your own private notion of "Experience" and then treat it as if you started out with it. by Fixed Cross » Mon Dec 09, 2019 11:10 pm The caveat with experientialism is that it allows its believer to ignore whatever he likes to ignore and convince himself "what I don't experience doesn't exist". With VO it is the other way around more or less -the more truth you ignore, the less you exist. And thats how it really is. by Silhouette » Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:58 am Fixed Cross wrote: How is it tautologically meaningless? Tautologies: 1) "A cat is a cat". What does this statement teach you? What is a cat now that you didn't know before? Is anything changed about cats or your knowledge of cats as a result of this statement? It's obviously true that a cat is a cat, but no knowledge comes from it. No progression has been made, nothing has been advanced or developed. The same goes for "a cat is itself". 2) "A cat is to itself" adds the term "to", which implicitly imposes direction e.g. "from A to B". But what is A "from" such that something can thus arrive "to" B? Well in this case, it's the "from" a cat "to" a cat (the same cat). But what direction has the cat or anything else "gone" from itself to itself? What direction is "from A to A"? No direction? Perhaps away from the cat (implying the existence of "not cat") and then back to the cat? Here "to" implicitly imposes both self and other. 3) "A cat is responsive to itself" adds the verb "to respond": so the cat is doing something. What is it doing when it responds? You respond to a message, right? What is the message? Communicating to yourself does nothing because the information that left you arrives back to you as it was before it left. (Obviously there are further nuances upon consideration of the human psyche, e.g. talking to yourself can affirm a notion in your mind even though no extra information has been given or taken. But objectively no information has been gained or lost). 4) "Experience is responsive to itself" changes the discrete object of "cat" to a less distinctly defined and more broadly encompassing notion - perhaps if you're referring to Continuous Experience then it's maximally broad and minimally distinctly defined because it's everything, unbroken. We have a direction "to" that went nowhere, We have an action "respond" that gained/lost nothing, and We don't even have a specific thing from which nothing went nowhere, saying nothing... A full deconstruction thoroughly shows your statement to be meaningless. As to whether it's "true"? It's not even internally consistent, as there is no non-experience to allow direction "to" experience (or away from it) and Continuous Experience is unbroken so no message can truthfully be abstracted from it (breaking it down into useful concepts to communicate). So it would have been better for me to call it the opposite of a tautology: "a contradiction". What I meant by tautology is that what you're saying is circular, adding nothing: similar to saying "given value, therefore value", or "nobody wants their consent violated": it says nothing, goes nowhere, and does nothing. The net effect is of a tautology, but you're right: "Experience is responsive to itself" isn't even tautological because it's obviously not true. But aside from truth: to "utility". If you're talking about "discrete experiences", then you can talk about things being responsive to themselves as you've already dissected continuity. Yet even then, where does the direction of "to" go, just to come back to itself? What is gained or lost from being responded to when the source and destination of the message is the same place? The objection stands even in terms of utility, as well as in terms of truth. Fixed Cross wrote: My point remains, as it ever was, that "Continuous Experience" is a discrete notion, as is "Experience". My argument "from" discrete experiences "to" Continous Experience is built on discrete terms - I've never denied that. In fact I acknowledged the fundamental issue of using words to communicate "Continuous Experience" because doing so will necessarily be in terms of discrete experiences: there is no other option for meaningful communication than the use of discrete experiences. But then I need merely draw your attention to what's going on to prove "Continuous Experience" to you - the discrete terms serve only to approach the issue from the other direction. Using discrete terms just highlights the unresolvable remainder of a grounded (and not circular or baseless) Epistemology requiring the direct axiom (that is Continuous Experience), which is evident simply through existing. You keep making the criticism that the wrong tools (discrete experiences) make what you're using the tools on (Continuous Experience) invalid. Discrete tools aren't what make Continuous Experience valid - existence in its evident concrete form directly makes Continuous Experience valid. The fact that using the wrong tools also highlights the same thing only rounds out the whole Epistemology: completing its legitimacy via both approaches. Fixed Cross wrote: That means all you say here is circular, tautological, baseless - since you didn't use any axiom to arrive at your belief, but merely this belief itself. It is as circular as can be. So from the above, the "axiom" is the direct concrete symptom of simply existing. Its existence isn't down to some derivation in terms of discrete experiences: that would be circular. Its derivation in terms of discrete experiences is problematic through its own form, but it still comes back to the same thing. That's how you know it's correct: it's inevitable from using either a direct or any problematic indirect approach. "A word does not equal what it is meant to refer to" is a theme I've been supporting consistently throughout my posts on this forum, but maybe not ones with you, I can't be sure. But I've been doing so using the terms of de Saussure rather than in reference to Wittgenstein: "signifers" and the "signfied". So I've been making no such mistakes, in fact I've been saying exactly that words are not what they refer to - that's the whole point of why Continuous Experience is directly what it is and not the discrete words of "Continuous" and "Experience". The words are the signifiers, and Continuous Experience is what is signified. The signified is directly unavoidable whether words are used or not: it's existent completely independent of any words used to signify it. Using signifier words just happens to come to the same conclusion. My own private notion of "Experience" requires first that it's mine, which fundamentally it isn't as it's continuous. There is no "me", or "other" or any concept dissected from Continuous Experience "in" Continuous Experience. Such notions of "private" require it's dissected first, into discrete experiences. Continuous Experience is directly the starting point as it's the concrete form of existence as a whole. "My own private experience" requires that it's broken down first, and my denial that this is the starting point is the whole point. Fundamentally it's not mine, nor anyone's - it just "is". Fixed Cross wrote: The caveat with experientialism is that it allows its believer to ignore whatever he likes to ignore and convince himself "what I don't experience doesn't exist". See you keep saying you understand Experientialism and you still come out with things like Experientialism saying "what I don't experience doesn't exist". No, Experientialism says that experience exists as the concrete form of existence - that anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience. What "I" experience has nothing to do with Continuous Experience at all, and even in terms of discrete experiences, "I" is a dubious enough term as it is. Even given "I" in terms of discrete experiences, experientially the "I" must be divided from something else in order to come into its own discrete existence - relative to some "other": Continuous Experience divides the "I" from something else. To say only the "I" exists in terms of discrete experiences is like saying only 1 side of a coin exists - it's why Solipsism must resolve into Experientialism in order to become consistent with itself. So the Solipsism of which you're accusing me is invalid to both Continuous Experience and discrete experiences. by Fixed Cross » Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:32 am S - thanks for the reply. I hope you don't take offence at my being rather economical in response - these are points which can be made without a lot of fuss. Discrete tools aren't what make Continuous Experience valid - existence in its evident concrete form directly makes Continuous Experience valid. That is indeed your axiomatic assertion on which all the rest you claim relies. And as Ive explained in quite a number of ways now, I see this as pertinently false. that anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience. This certainly was not included in you 2014 rendering - I distinctly remember presenting this formulation of "anything which [b]can be said to exist is self-valuing and valuing in terms of self-valuing" against the more monolithic statement of "existence is continuous experience". I still do not agree that all that can be said must take the form of experience, as a computer can also say things. But to be clear, do you reject the notion that continuous experience equals existence? What "I" experience has nothing to do with Continuous Experience at all Then how did you make the observation? Or did the observation make "it-self"? Continuous Experience divides the "I" from something else. By being continuous? by Silhouette » Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:19 pm Fixed Cross wrote: S - thanks for the reply. I hope you don't take offence at my being rather economical in response - these are points which can be made without a lot of fuss. No offense taken at all. I'm just responding to whatever queries you have, I don't require an intricate breakdown of the minutae of every single thing I've said. Worry not. Silhouette wrote: Discrete tools aren't what make Continuous Experience valid - existence in its evident concrete form directly makes Continuous Experience valid. I mean, I don't know exactly how it can be pertinently false that Continuous Experience is not directly evident. It's there without gaps, and when experience isn't there, there is no not-experience... Is experience not there to you, without gaps, directly and immediately? No discrete dissection necessary, or any descriptive verbal formulation required - just "there" regardless? Silhouette wrote: that anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience. This certainly was not included in you 2014 rendering - I distinctly remember presenting this formulation of "anything which can be said to exist is self-valuing and valuing in terms of self-valuing" against the more monolithic statement of "existence is continuous experience". I still stand by "existence is continuous experience", which can be falsely broken down mentally into discrete experiences for the sake of utility. It's still Continuous Experience that's existing, it's just being conceptualised as discrete. Surely it then follows logically "that anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience" because there is no not-experience that can be said to have any existence? Continuous Experience covers everything: all of existence in its concrete form. There is nothing else that can be said to have existence without being able to take that form of experience. Fixed Cross wrote: I still do not agree that all that can be said must take the form of experience, as a computer can also say things. A computer can say things, sure. Saying things takes the form of experience. Interpreting the sounds/words as useful meaningful communication requires breaking this experience down into discrete terms. It's still Continuous Experience, but being mentally conceived as a message, which not incidentally is also an experience to understand. So no, I don't reject the notion that Continuous Experience equals existence in its concrete form. Silhouete wrote: What "I" experience has nothing to do with Continuous Experience at all You see how you're instinctively throwing in the "you" into "you make the observation"? That's secondary - it requires discrete experience. Primarily it's just (Continuous) Experience as existence in its concrete form. Understanding experience as a subject/object interaction comes after that. I know it's dumb and hippie to suggest, but "being one with everything" is perfectly possible: the dissolution of the ego into something more primal. Is this not something "you've" ever experienced, or not been aware that "you've" ever experienced? Note that I only use words here like "you" for utility - they allow more specific communication of knowledge via discrete words to denote discrete concepts. But if you've ever knowingly experienced what I'm talking about, you'll realise that at the time there was no "you". Yet even if you've never experienced this, there's still no "I" or "you" because there's no gap to separate Experience, and there's no non-experience to give existence to "subjects" that allegedly "do the experiencing without being experienced". An "experiencer" conceptually separates from the "experienced", thereby falling into the territory of non-experience and thus non-existence. There's no grounds to give the "unexperiencable" any existence: self is an illusion, but then all discreteness of experience is. Any alleged experiencing of one's self as an experiencer requires that the experiencer both conceptually retreat to experience itself and remain conceptually where it was to be experienced simultaneously, which is a conceptual contradiction. There is no "you" or "I": a radical re-conception of reality for sure, which loses out on a certain degree of utility, but at least it's a more consistent re-conception. Silhouette wrote: Continuous Experience divides the "I" from something else. I think I must have mis-typed as this doesn't make sense to me either. Discrete experiences allow the "I" to be conceptually divided from something else - my point was that Solipsism has to resolve into Experientialism because "I" implies "not I" due to the nature of "I" having been dissected out of Continuous Experience into terms of discrete experiences. Hopefully that wording makes better sense. by Fixed Cross » Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:22 am S - Thank you for your dignified approach. You are among the very few self-respecting individuals left in this place. I add this intro post scriptum - I believe I have made a conclusive set of arguments. I don't doubt, of course, that we will continue to disagree. Silhouette wrote: Okay. I will be more skeptical. Let me ask you a question. What is "experience"? I do not seem relate to your rendering of it - we use the term differently. Can you define it? Silhouette wrote: I still stand by "existence is continuous experience", which can be falsely broken down mentally into discrete experiences for the sake of utility. It's still Continuous Experience that's existing, it's just being conceptualised as discrete. Surely it then follows logically "that anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience" because there is no not-experience that can be said to have any existence? I do not relate to this concept. I do not understand "anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience" as a valid statement. Continuous Experience covers everything: all of existence in its concrete form. There is nothing else that can be said to have existence without being able to take that form of experience. I disagree that by indicating a thing, that thing "takes on the form of experience". There is rather a new thing; the experience of the thing. We understand the term "experience" in different ways. So no, I don't reject the notion that Continuous Experience equals existence in its concrete form.[/quote] This would presume that, when we give a computer the command to speak and walk out of the room, it doesn't speak. The old question, if a tree falls where no one hears or sees it fall, does it really fall? I say yes, you say no. You see how you're instinctively throwing in the "you" into "you make the observation"? That's secondary - it requires discrete experience.[/quote] Which is the only form experience I have any knowledge of. I do not understand (experience) the concept of experience otherwise. Primarily it's just (Continuous) Experience as existence in its concrete form. Understanding experience as a subject/object interaction comes after that. This you have said before, but given no evidence of. I know it's dumb and hippie to suggest, but "being one with everything" is perfectly possible: the dissolution of the ego into something more primal. Is this not something "you've" ever experienced, or not been aware that "you've" ever experienced? Note that I only use words here like "you" for utility - they allow more specific communication of knowledge via discrete words to denote discrete concepts. Not only do they allow more specific communication of knowledge - they allow communication of knowledge ueberhaupt. There is no other way of communicating knowledge - you can not prove otherwise. Thus, all that can be said to exist is discrete. But if you've ever knowingly experienced what I'm talking about, you'll realise that at the time there was no "you". The sentence "I" realize that there is no "I" is evidently a contradiction. What you say about what can be said contradicts what you say by your very saying it. Hereby my formal argument is concluded. I will indulge the following informally; Yet even if you've never experienced this, there's still no "I" or "you" because there's no gap to separate Experience, and there's no non-experience to give existence to "subjects" that allegedly "do the experiencing without being experienced". An "experiencer" conceptually separates from the "experienced", thereby falling into the territory of non-experience and thus non-existence. There's no grounds to give the "unexperiencable" any existence: self is an illusion, but then all discreteness of experience is. Any alleged experiencing of one's self as an experiencer requires that the experiencer both conceptually retreat to experience itself and remain conceptually where it was to be experienced simultaneously, which is a conceptual contradiction. There is no "you" or "I": a radical re-conception of reality for sure, which loses out on a certain degree of utility, but at least it's a more consistent re-conception. I am very familiar with Nirvana and the Void, and the dissolution of self. But this does not apply to ontology. Its a mind-state - a discrete experience, discontinuous with other mind states. It is still "I" who experiences the absence of the ego. A paradox. Or a contradiction. Or an illusion. It would appear that the experience of the "I" being revealed an illusion is itself an illusion. What you are attempting to say can not be said. Hence, the koan. One can poetically convey, but not logically define continuous experience. Thus it is mysticism, and not philosophy. You've made a valiant attempt of it though, more so than any Ive encountered before. by Silhouette » Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:36 pm Let me begin with areas where there is agreement between us. Fixed Cross wrote: I am very familiar with Nirvana and the Void, and the dissolution of self. Traditionally I have been overtly anti-mysticism, but this thread has helped highlight for me a necessity for a certain specific mysticism - which is what I have been covering through my argument about a founded Ontology that precedes Epistemology: there must "be" before anything can "be known", requiring that the foundation of a philosophy must necessarily be "pre-known" i.e. mysterious. So I guess I have you to thank for that: my thanks. It's within this frame that I see "Nirvana and the Void, and the dissolution of self" as the original default - or a subsequent revision of the default following the adopted mind-state of discrete experience that we all learn as "second nature", as a result of its successful physical and social utility through which we are all brought up and educated. "The 'I' who experiences the absence of the ego" being a contradiction actually backs up this view through the solution that rejects the notion of "I" as fundamental. Your interpretation is of course that the contradiction invalidates "the absence of the ego". The difference is how we differently interpret the premises of the contradiction: 1) Your major premise is that the "I" that experiences as a general statement, and your minor premise is that any instance of absence of ego contradicts this as a specific statement, therefore the minor premise must be rejected. 2) My major premise, which I derive from the lack of gaps in experience and the impossibility of the subject, is the absence of ego. My minor premise is that the "I" can be extracted from the Continuous Experience that derives my major premise as the specific rather than the general case. Therefore the minor premise must be rejected. As you can see my interpretation is an inversion of yours, even though our respective logic to reject the minor premise in each case is logically valid. It's therefore an issue of soundness. From what I can gather, your premise that the "I" experiences is self-evident. The purpose of my arguments to reject "the subject" and "gaps in experience" is to challenge the given of this interpretation as self-evident, and replace it with the notion that Continuous Experience is self-evident. That's the foundation of my inversion, and I presume it to be the foundation of our disagreement. Silhouette wrote: But if you've ever knowingly experienced what I'm talking about, you'll realise that at the time there was no "you". I agree that your phrasing presents an evident contradiction, however this is why I reject the phrasing rather than the contradictory notion implied by the statement: an objection to soundness rather than validity. You appear happy to reject the statement on the grounds of validity alone, and I disagree with this. I regard "I realise that" to be unnecessary to the statement that "there is no I". "I realise that" appears to serve only the function of inserting the expected subject into the sentence, which seems to me to be merely contingent upon social conventions about grammar (utility) rather than a necessity about reality (truth). You will remember that I distinguish between the two. At this point, I will of course refer you back to my arguments about the impossibility of "the subject" and "fundamental gaps in experience" to distinguish a subject from anything else (object(s)). Silhouette wrote: I know it's dumb and hippie to suggest, but "being one with everything" is perfectly possible: the dissolution of the ego into something more primal. Is this not something "you've" ever experienced, or not been aware that "you've" ever experienced? Note that I only use words here like "you" for utility - they allow more specific communication of knowledge via discrete words to denote discrete concepts. I agree that all that can be said to exist is discrete (at least literally and consistently), but my contention is that the useful tools of "saying" are insufficient as arbiters of truth. Again with my distinction. "Saying" is predicated upon experience: it is an experience, in terms of experience, about experience - and requires a separation of "signifier" and "signified", and a socially agreed upon association between the two. There is a void (a gap) between the subject and object of any "saying", only minimised in part by onomatopoeia. Even for the word "word", which would seem to come close to bridging this gap, it only has real meaning relative to other words where there this "gap" isn't simply between the thing and itself, where instead meaning is the means to connect the signifier with a different signified. Otherwise it is tautologous and meaningless. So in this way, "a word is never what it means" is exactly why the useful tools of "saying" are insufficient as arbiters of truth. And yet they are requisite for communicating knowledge, so indeed - without their use you cannot prove anything, as "proof" is a function of communicating knowledge. Herein is the meaning of the distinction between truth and utility. This leaves us with the fundamental problem of Epistemology: that utility is insufficient to ground truth. This is why knowledge is particularly good at ruling things out and particularly bad at proving the existence of anything. The truth-shaped hole left by utility is our only grounds to reach it, other than the self-evident that takes the concrete form of experience. So now that I've shown the complications of using words to define something (especially when such a thing is "all" and therefore either undefinable or meaninglessly/tautologously "definable"), you have to take my words (or anyone's words) as the hole that they leave Epistemologically, in order to reach the Ontological at a pure level. I can only say that experience is a good "word" to denote the "all" that exists concretely. Such a definition is entirely insufficient using words, and is tautologous, but it's the best I can say to the ends of "just experience" (which you will inevitably be doing anyway - if you didn't, there would be no grounds for you to propose the existence of anything at all). I simply ask: "exist", and note the quality of your existence: experience. This is why I present the contrary question: how can you posit the existence of anything at all without referring to experience? Considering that you can't say anything, nor even "experience" anything of existence on a personal pre-verbal level without experience, this is what shows it to be fundamental. As such, you can't say anything about existence without it taking the form of experience. This translates into "anything that can be said to have any existence necessarily has to be able to take the form of experience". Silhouette wrote: Continuous Experience covers everything: all of existence in its concrete form. There is nothing else that can be said to have existence without being able to take that form of experience. Silhouete wrote: You see how you're instinctively throwing in the "you" into "you make the observation"? That's secondary - it requires discrete experience. I agree - you understand experience in terms only of discrete experiences. Yet you also communicate knowledge of "Nirvana and the Void, and the dissolution of self". Do you agree that words are somewhat insufficient to communicate knowledge of "Nirvana and the Void, and the dissolution of self"? I think we understand experience in terms of "discrete experiences" the same, so your issue would solely be with "Continuous Experience", no? Silhouette wrote: Primarily it's just (Continuous) Experience as existence in its concrete form. Understanding experience as a subject/object interaction comes after that. When I explain my argument that there are no gaps in experience and there is no subject, that's supposed to be my evidence. Silhouette wrote: A computer can say things, sure. Saying things takes the form of experience. Interpreting the sounds/words as useful meaningful communication requires breaking this experience down into discrete terms. It's still Continuous Experience, but being mentally conceived as a message, which not incidentally is also an experience to understand. The answer to this age-old dilemma is in how you define "speak" for the unattended computer, or "make a sound/really fall" for the trees example. I don't say no or yes. I say "frame the question correctly". Fixed Cross wrote: Thank you for your dignified approach. You are among the very few self-respecting individuals left in this place. This is the Jakob I remember. Welcome back. And to you in return. Users browsing this forum: MSN [Bot]
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Case Study: Taking Over the Development and Support of an Existing Expense Management Platform To reduce and even eliminate downtime for their SaaS expense management product, our client turned to Softjourn for technical support For almost two years, scrutiny of business expenditures has grown as many businesses still use manual processes to manage travel and expense reporting. Emburse's 2021 Travel & Expense Management Trends Report states that 45% of small businesses rely heavily on manual processes—including pen and paper—, Excel spreadsheets, homegrown systems, or a combination of these.1 Automating expense management processes reduces 90 to 95% of a company's paperwork,2 reduces or eliminates processing and communication issues, and supports financial tracking that leads to smarter savings and investments. Cloud-based expense management solutions also need not be so expensive that smaller enterprises cannot afford them. Our client has a system offering a faster and easier expense management reporting process for employees, administrators and accountants alike. 91% of their users report that this software makes it easier to reimburse employees, 71% saved between two and 6 or more hours per week by using the software, and two out of three customers chose the solution because of its intuitiveness. For companies offering cloud-based expense management software, decreasing or even eliminating downtime is important, not just for customer acquisition and retention, but for the longevity of the product and the company itself. According to the Consortium for IT Software Quality, the biggest contributing factor to revenue loss is software failure—37.46%3. As of 2018, this amounted to $2.84 trillion in the US alone. The client approached Softjourn for a dedicated development team to support its cloud-based expense management automation product. After a merger and an acquisition, their internal team was moved to other in-house tasks, leaving the company's core product with minimal support. Since software continually grows and evolves, the client was looking for a partner to support, maintain and further develop their product. With almost a decade of experience in developing expense management software for corporate users, the client was in good hands with Softjourn's development team. To ensure the ongoing maintenance and development of the client's core product, Softjourn collaborated closely with in-house team members to come up with an extensive transition plan. The document outlined planned milestones covering all aspects of maintaining the service. By partnering with Softjourn, they received a full team focused on their specific needs: three .NET senior full-stack developers, a QA engineer, and a project manager. The transition plan also included an outline of knowledge transfer meetings, explaining what would be most valuable for both Softjourn and our client so that the dedicated Softjourn team members would be able to make the right decisions without the client's involvement. Softjourn's goal is always not to just understand individual tasks but to have a good sense of the client's overarching goal. "We were very proactive in this phase," said Yevheniya S., Softjourn project manager. "For example, we outlined that we would need access to certain documentation and personnel, while explaining how we would use our time—whether hourly or week by week—in order to get up to speed on their system quickly." To ensure that the two companies were the right fit, our client's team tasked Softjourn with the preliminary task of upgrading its QuickBooks Online integration. Softjourn stepped up to the task, ensuring there were no delays or issues in either the hand-off or the start of the project. In addition to assisting with integration, the team made a list of QuickBooks Online features that could be added to the client's product in the future. "We typically see a lot of hiccups when starting with a new team," the client said. "But there were none with Softjourn." Eventually, 900+ new clients migrated to the new QuickBooks Online integration. Softjourn also developed a tool so that the client's team members could migrate additional clients from time to time. This tool provided a framework for improvements to another client's project, providing a good head start. "The team has been excellent," the client said. "They met all of their deadlines or finished early." Test-Driven Development (TDD) The client favored test-driven development (TDD), and Softjourn conformed to that standard. According to research conducted by Microsoft and IBM, while TDD can result in longer initial development times, it can also save time that would have otherwise been spent on correcting errors.4 IBM testing teams reported a 40% reduction in defects as a result of TDD, while Microsoft teams reported a 60-90% drop. Other studies report that TDD results in cleaner, easier-to-read code that allows for greater maintainability.5 Softjourn also aided in resolving end-user issues, in cooperation with the client's customer support staff. Additional Responsibility Throughout the two-year ongoing collaboration, our client placed an increasing amount of responsibility on Softjourn. Eventually, Softjourn team members became responsible for deploying production releases. Softjourn has also taken on development work and added several enhancements to the client's product, including premium-level features to increase revenue, and improvements to their administrator dashboard that allowed for batch processing expenses by different filters. A dedicated, self-managing team consisting of .NET senior full-stack developers, a QA engineer, and a project manager who proactively looked to constantly enrich the client's core product based on the client's product roadmap Additional staff and resources as needed throughout the project and collaboration lifetime Ongoing maintenance and updates to the client's complex system of integrations, including QuickBooks Online and Finicity Developed and enhanced core features, such as an administrator dashboard Our team was able to reduce downtime for the client's SaaS expense management product and contribute to the company's success. The client could see the immediate benefits of all system updates when their sales numbers doubled at end of the year. The client has been extremely pleased with our work so far, and shared the impact with our team. Softjourn will continue to support this project with ongoing maintenance and feature development. "After working with the team for a while, our expectations are high and remain high because of historical performance," the client said. "When I see there's nothing outstanding, it's because [Softjourn] continues to adhere to a high standard." 1. (n.d.). Emburse Study Highlights Pandemic Impact on Expense Management. 2. (n.d.). Iron Mountain 5 Myths About Accounts Payable Automation Debunked. 3. (2018). CISQ: Consortium for Information & Software Quality The Cost of Poor Quality Software in the U.S.: A 2018 Report. 4. Nagappan, N., Maximilien, E. M., Bhat, T., & Williams, L. (2008). Empirical Software Engineering, 13(3), 289-302. doi:10.1007/s10664-008-9062-z Realizing quality improvement through test driven development: Results and experiences of four industrial teams. 5. Choma, J., Guerra, E. M., & Silva, T. S. (2018). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 68-85. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91602-6_5 Developers' Initial Perceptions on TDD Practice: A Thematic Analysis with Distinct Domains and Languages. PEX: Xamarin Builds Speed and Functionality Into Expense Management App PEX: How to Control Employee Spending Expense Control
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While the vast majority of the scientific community agrees that man-made climate change is happening, the public is still working to catch up: Even among those who accept that it's probably a thing, not nearly enough appear to understand just how certain most scientists are about the basic relationship between human activity and Earth's warming. Not that we aren't making progress. Politicians are listing humanity's continued contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere among their top concerns and risking attack should they continue to deny the scientific facts. On my subway ride to work, colorful advertisements are urging me to show up in Columbus Circle two weeks from now to participate in what organizers are promising to be the biggest climate march in history. And on social media, the climate science website Skeptical Science has launched a 97-hour campaign — begun, naturally, on 9/7 — highlighting the 97 percent scientific consensus, and featuring 97 forceful, tweetable quotes from 97 experts. As their statements attest, anyone who tries to argue that climate change is some fringe theory, or not nearly as settled as "environmentalists and the liberal media" make it seem, is picking a fight with not just some scientists, but nearly all the scientists. Fortunately for us, some of the top climate experts also happen to be excellent science communicators. There's still a lot to come, but some highlights from the campaign so far prove they're up to the task of explaining both why we should believe climate change is happening, and — crucially — why we should care. The next Water Availability Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 9:30a-11:30p at the Colorado Parks & Wildlife Headquarters, 6060 Broadway, Denver in the Bighorn Room. The agenda is posted at the CWCB website. After mixed outcomes for precipitation in July, the summer ended on a wet note in August, with much of the region receiving over 200% of average precipitation for the month. The vast majority of reservoirs across the region now have more storage than at the end of August last year. Reservoirs in Colorado and Wyoming are also ahead of the long-term average, while most reservoirs in Utah are below the long-term average. The NOAA CPC monthly and seasonal outlooks are tilted towards wetter-than-average conditions for our region for the fall months. While official ENSO indicators remain in neutral territory, an El Niño event is still expected to emerge this fall or winter.
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Everything posted by Disco Stu What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films) Disco Stu replied to Mr. Breathmask's topic in General Discussion I disliked I, Tonya. I enjoy a dark comedy as much as anyone, but that movie was clumsy and very thin. The fourth wall breaking stuff required a better filmmaker to work and the script reeked of a shitty writer looking for "an angle" to tell the real life story. As mediocre as they come. Video Game Thread II Disco Stu replied to Quintus's topic in Other Topics I 100%ed that game and there is a way back in! It's pretty scary! No Time To Die (James Bond #25) Disco Stu replied to Jay's topic in General Discussion It is pretty crazy to think that not only were Moore and Brosnan both already famous from hit TV shows, they were already famous from hit TV shows in which they played suave spies. Bond wasn't really known for thinking outside the box! James Norton is a pretty incredible actor. I loved him in the BBC series Happy Valley. Cues that you like on scores that you otherwise DON'T like! Disco Stu replied to Edmilson's topic in General Discussion Burwell's score for Missing Link isn't bad by any means, it just doesn't make much of an impression overall. But the couple of cues featuring sweeping renditions of this traveling theme are among the best, and least heard, film music from 2019. 21st Century Fox Pursuing Sale of 'Most of the Company' to Walt Disney Whoa this is weird. So 20th Century Fox was formed by a merger of Fox Film and Twentieth Century Pictures in 1935. The very last film released under the Twentieth Century Pictures banner before the merger completed was an adaptation of The Call of the Wild. Now, 85 years later the first film released under the Disney revived 20th Century Studios label is... an adaptation of The Call of the Wild. So Jay was wrong? They removed it for the digital versions before the Fox acquisitions and now it's back right? Hans Zimmer's NO TIME TO DIE (2020) - James Bond #25 Disco Stu replied to Fal J. M. Skywalker's topic in General Discussion I didn't imply I'm not a fan, I love The Smiths. It's still classic Zimmer! The Amazing Electronic Music Thread Disco Stu replied to Alexcremers's topic in General Discussion I can appreciate the sound of a classic early Moog, but that doesn't make the arrangement not pretty laughable! Wendy Carlos it ain't! Label Threads The Official Varese Sarabande Thread Disco Stu replied to Charlie Brigden's topic in General Discussion Dolores Claiborne is a great Elfman score It's very Zimmer that the iconic guitar can't be played by a talented, stalwart session musician. It has to be a celebrity guitarist. It's pretty good. Disco Stu replied to SF1_freeze's topic in General Discussion I wonder when we'll hear something about the Narnia stuff that Netflix has been developing. That's potentially more my speed these days. I'm tired of the big medieval-ish fantasies. The Official Pop and Rock Music thread Disco Stu replied to Quintus's topic in General Discussion I'm very glad that Best Coast is back with their first album in 5 years. There's something so comforting to me about their fizzy, catchy 90s throwback rock. This is a good song! Michael Giacchino's LET HIM GO (2020) Maybe this Batman won't be grand and gothic, that wasn't always a part of the Batman aesthetic. John Williams Best Score Oscar Nomination for The Rise of Skywalker! Disco Stu replied to crumbs's topic in JOHN WILLIAMS Why does everyone talk like they're being bitterly forced to pay attention to this stuff? Unlike politics, this has literally ZERO potential to affect your daily life in any way! If awards season doesn't interest you or brings out your most cynical takes, you don't have to pay attention! Billions of people do it every year! Alexandre Desplat's BLACK WIDOW (2020) (obviously he has a team of people that assist him in some way, I just remembered this interview when I read your comment) Your Top 5 most likely 2020 JW releases Disco Stu replied to ATXHusker's topic in JOHN WILLIAMS *Disco Stu presses @Holko button* GIVE US THE.... I get a nostalgic kick out of it. Most Bond movies are pretty bad by most measures. The badness of Bond films is something to be embraced! Of course a few are bad in the wrong way, like Spectre. Bad-bad, not fun-bad. The NINTENDO Thread Disco Stu replied to Jay's topic in Other Topics I really enjoyed the Smash Ultimate single player, and my daughter loves to play around with the characters in training mode almost like they're virtual dolls. I will definitely be buying Animal Crossing in March. I loved and played the heck out of the original on Gamecube, haven't played one since, and now with a 5-and-a-half year old seems like the perfect time to jump back in. Live footage of Smash Bros. fans this morning Star Trek: Picard (2020 TV Series) Disco Stu replied to woj's topic in General Discussion It's really hard to get excited about anything Trek at CBS as long as Kurtzman is still in charge. But I'm still going into Picard with cautious optimism. In today's New York Times:
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2016 Global Marijuana March and 420 event map From Cannabis (Redirected from 2016usa) Global Marijuana March links. GMM: photos, basic city lists, maps, detailed city lists, years, regions, nations, links, graphics. Google images: Crowds, flyers: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. Add city name to searches. See signup. And: Facebook hashtags: [12][13][14][15]. Twitter hashtags: [16][17][18][19][20]. Google Plus searches: [21][22][23]. Pinterest: [24][25]. GCM, GMM, MMM. First Saturday in May (or thereabouts). Cities and nations holding 4/20 events are included in the lists for later years. Yearly maps: 40 nations participated on May 4, 2019, or thereabouts. 42 nations participated on May 5, 2018, or thereabouts. 42 nations participated on May 6, 2017, or thereabouts. 45 nations participated on May 7, 2016, or thereabouts. 43 nations participated on May 2, 2015, or thereabouts. 213 cities from 43 nations signed up for May 3, 2014 or thereabouts. 229 cities from 43 nations signed up for May 4, 2013 or thereabouts. 177 cities from 34 nations signed up for May 5, 2012 or thereabouts. 274 cities for May 7, 2011. 328 cities for May 1, 2010. 270 for May 2, 2009. 240 for May 3, 2008. 230 for May 5, 2007. 203 for May 6, 2006. 184 for May 7, 2005. 165 for May 1, 2004. 235 for May 3, 2003. 199 for May 4, 2002. 119 for May 5, 2001. 104 for May 6, 2000. 31 for May 1, 1999. Browse GCM city lists and maps: ~ 1999. 2000. Global Million Marijuana March. GMM Facebook pages. GMM yearly city totals. Many GMM links. See also: 420 event lists. And: More cannabis-related links. And: Google News archives. And: GMM on Wikipedia. Google (add name of city to searches): [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33]. [34]. Google maps: city, state, nation. Photos, graphics, and image searches. Share link: Image search. Marijuana March: [35] [36] [37] [38]. Marihuana March: [39] [40] [41]. Marcha Marihuana (Spanish): [42] [43] [44] [45]. Marche Mondiale Cannabis (French): [46] [47] [48]. Marche Mondiale Marijuana (French): [49] [50] [51]. Marcha Maconha or Marcha Marijuana (Portuguese): [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57]. Google Advanced Image Search. And: Flickr advanced image search. Has "date taken" search too. Pinterest: [58][59][60][61]. GMM Blogs: [62]. Travel blogs with photos: [63]. Wikipedia: Legality of cannabis by country: - many cities worldwide. Old Yahoo Groups: [64] [65] [66]. Basic city lists by year. Marijuana polls. And: Wiki upload posters, flyers, and banners. See also Wikimedia upload. 1034 cities have participated from 85 different nations or subnational areas since 1999. Wikipedia: Cannabis by country. Search for: marijuana march videos. And more. Find GMM graphics and other event graphics. Facebook. Cannabis March & 420. Share links: facebookgcm - gcmfacebook. - facebookgmm - gmmfacebook. 2020 Global Cannabis March and 420 event map. And: Short version. And: 2020 Facebook events. 2018 Global Marijuana March and 420 event map. And: Short version. And: 2018 Facebook events. Main Facebook pages: Main fan page. International group. Europe group. See closed GMM group (only members see posts in closed groups). For the rest of the world see the yearly GMM-420 lists (2020, 2020 short, 2019, 2019 short, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, etc.). They list some of the many other GMM and 420 Facebook pages and groups from around the world. See also: Global Marijuana March and 4/20 signup. Facebook tags: [67][68][69][70]. Instagram: [71][72][73][74][75]. Twitter: [76][77][78][79]. Searches: [80][81][82][83][84][85][86]. Add "2019" to searches. Use the advanced search filters to narrow the date range further, search for an exact phrase, and so on. Note: How to Spot Online Marijuana Scammers. And: Police Using Social Media For Marijuana Stings. Organizing is your legal free speech right in most of the free world. But buying cannabis (the kind that gets you high) over the internet is usually not legal. The Six Top Marijuana Scams to Avoid. 1034 cities have participated from 85 different nations or subnational areas since 1999. - Many Facebook links are found on city and country pages. Featured GCM crowd photos. Global Marijuana March. And: By year. Click images to enlarge, and for info. Share links: crowd or crowds. And: Some years: 2019 photos. 2018. 2017. 2016. 2015. 2014. 2013. Google images of crowds and flyers: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. Add city name to searches. Search for marijuana march videos. And more. Flat list. All event graphics and photos. In alphabetical order by city. More flat lists: All event graphics. 420 event graphics‎. Cannabis March event graphics‎. Event graphics‎. Not GCM or 420. All featured crowd photos‎. 420 featured crowd photos‎. Cannabis March crowd photos. Crowd photos. Not GCM or 420. Other photo compilations. Global Marijuana March by year. Later years have more photos. 420 and Global Marijuana March event lists by year. Reports, photos, videos. See: yearly photo albums of Facebook fan page: Global Marijuana March. Mexico City. May 4, 2019. See: Source. [1]. Cape Town, South Africa. May 5, 2018. See source, with more photos. Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 26, 2018. See source. Part of "Green May" (many cities) [2][3][4] in Brazil. See another 2018 photo. See video showing massive crowd (from 1 minute on, especially the time lapse video). Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 6, 2017. See source. Cape Town, South Africa. May 7, 2016. See source. Athens, Greece. May 9, 2015. See source, and more photos. Medellin, Colombia. May 3, 2014. See source. See more photos: 2013 May 4. Also: 2011 May 7. (b, c.) Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 3, 2014. See source. [5]. See also: 2012 May 5 photo. Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 4, 2013. See source. [6]. See street-level crowd shot. Medellin, Colombia. May 5, 2012. See more photos: a, b, c. Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 19, 2012. See another photo. Toronto, Canada. May 2, 2009. May 8, 2004 in Madrid, Spain. Million Joint March (La Marcha del Millón de Porros en Madrid, Mayo 2004). See source. [7]. For more info and photos: [8][9][10]. May 4, 2002 in Paris, France in front of the Hotel de Ville. See a source. [11]. 3.1 Canary Islands 3.2 Mauritius 3.3 South Africa 4 Asia 4.2 Indonesia 4.3 Israel 4.5 Philippines 4.6 Thailand 6.1 Austria 6.2 Belgium 6.3 Czech Republic 6.4 Denmark 6.5 France 6.7 Greece 6.8 Italy 6.9 Lithuania 6.10 Netherlands 6.11 Norway 6.12 Portugal 6.13 Romania 6.14 Scotland 6.15 Slovakia 6.16 Spain 6.17 Sweden 6.18 United Kingdom 7 Oceania 7.1 Australia 7.2 New Zealand 8 Latin America 8.1 Argentina 8.2 Bolivia 8.3 Brazil 8.5 Colombia 8.6 Costa Rica 8.7 Ecuador 8.9 Paraguay 8.10 Peru 8.11 Uruguay 9 Nearby islands 9.1 Puerto Rico 9.2 Saint Lucia 10 Northern America 10.1 Canada 11 Free hosting 12 Links and graphics 13 Cannabis is safer 14 Categories Share link: 2016. See also Facebook: 2016 events worldwide. and USA. April 20 and May 7, 2016, or thereabouts. See dates on 2016 flyers. And: 45 nations participated on May 7, 2016, or thereabouts. And in 420 events. Click region: The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts. Links: GMM: photos, basic city lists, maps, detailed city lists, years, regions, nations, links, graphics. Google images: Crowds, flyers: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. Add city name to searches. Register to vote! Many cannabis issues on the ballot in 2016. For global event reports by year see: 420 and Global Marijuana March event lists by year. 1034 cities have participated from 85 different nations or subnational areas since 1999. This list may not be complete. Other national city lists may exist too. 2016 Global Marijuana March posters, flyers, and banners. Cape Town, South Africa. Global Cannabis March. 7 May 2016. Change setting to HD. Expand to full screen. Vancouver, Canada. April 20, 2016. Antofagasta, Chile. May 7, 2016. Asuncion, Paraguay. May 7, 2016. Asuncion, Paraguay. April 23, 2016. Bangkok, Thailand. April 23, 2016. Compilation video. May 7, 2016. Madrid, Spain. May 7, 2016. Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 7, 2016. Prague, Czech Republic. May 7, 2016. Cape Town, South Africa. May 7, 2016. Indonesia. Las Palmas, Canary Islands. Lisbon, Portugal. Bratislava, Slovakia. Quito, Ecuador. Soweto, South Africa. La Paz, Bolivia. Tokyo, Japan. New York City on April 19. Philadelphia on April 20. Medellin, Colombia. Copenhagen, Denmark. Antwerp, Belgium. Liege, Belgium. Vienna, Austria. Return to top. The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is also known as the Million Marijuana March (MMM), and Global Cannabis March (GCM). Other names, and associated events (some have been around longer than GCM): World Cannabis Day, Cannabis Liberation Day, Cannabis Parade, Ganja Day, J Day, MardiGrass, etc.. GMM occurs on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, depending on the city and country. It began in 1999. See New York City, Dana Beal, and Wikipedia: Global Marijuana March. It may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals, information tables, and more. The six main demands: stop all cannabis arrests; stop the lies; release the medicine; heal the sick; end the prison state; Cures Not Wars. See ibogaine. And Facebook: Ibogaine Universe!!!! See GMM links for many links for event maps, reports, crowd photos, videos, GMM graphics, press/media, 420 graphics, etc.. See flat lists. See GMM Facebook. See to find archived reports by entering the URL. See report compilations: 420 and Global Marijuana March event lists by year. See also: Wikipedia: Legality of cannabis by country. Please let us know of missing cities for any year: Talk. Return to top. See also: Global Marijuana March Africa. Includes nearby islands. Africa. Please create national 2017 city lists: Canary Islands (off the west coast of Africa, and are part of Spain). 2016: GMM: [87]. Mauritius (island nation off the east coast of Africa). 2016: GMM: [88] [89] [90]. South Africa. 2016: 420: [91] [92] [93]. GMM: Facebook: Global Cannabis March - Southern Africa. [94] [95] [96] [97] [98]. Return to top. See also: Global Marijuana March Asia. Note: Russia spans both Asia and Europe. See Russia in the next section. Asia. Please create national 2017 city lists: India. 2016: GMM: Facebook: India Global Cannabis March 2016 (Million Marijuana March). [99] [100] [101] event. [102]. Indonesia. 2016: GMM: Many cities [103] [104] [105] [106] [107]. Event list. Event details [108]. Makassar: [109] [110] [111]. Gresik: [112]. Padang: [113]. Jakarta: [114]. Yogyakarta: [115]. Surabaya: [116]. Israel. 2016: 420: פיקניקנאביס - 2016. GMM: מצעד הקנאביס הבינלאומי‎: International Cannabis Parade. Japan. 2016: GMM: [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123]. Philippines. 2016: GMM: Facebook: Global Marijuana March - Philippines. [124]. Thailand. 2016: Bangkok: 420: [125][126][127][128][129]. Return to top. See also: Global Marijuana March Russia. Russia. 2016: GMM: Saint Petersburg. [130] [131]. Return to top. See links. See also: Global Marijuana March Europe. Note: Russia spans both Asia and Europe. See Russia in the section above. Europe. Please create national 2017 city lists: Austria. 2016: GMM: [132]. Belgium. 2016: GMM: [133] [134] [135]. Czech Republic. Ostrava GMM: [136]. Prague GMM: [137]. Denmark. 2016: 420: [138]. GMM: [139] [140] [141]. Chartres. Lyon. Marseille. Paris. Poitiers. Strasbourg. Bilan de la Marche Mondiale du Cannabis 2016 - NORML France. 2016. GMM: [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148]. Facebook: [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154]. Germany. 2016: 420: [155] [156]. GMM: Many cities. [157] [158] [159]. [160]. Facebook: Global Marijuana March Deutschland (multi-year), and 2016. Greece. 2016: 420: [161]. GMM: [162]. Italy. 2016: 420: [163] [164] [165] [166] [167] [168] [169]. GMM: Facebook: Million Marijuana March Italia. Events. Million Marijuana March . info. Turin [170] [171] [172] [173]. Rome. Lithuania. 2016: 420: [174] [175]. Netherlands. 2016: 420: [176] [177] [178]. Norway. 2016: GMM: [179] [180]. Portugal. 2016: GMM: Facebook: Marcha Global Pela Legalização da Marijuana em Portugal. [181] [182] [183] [184] [185] [186] [187]. Romania. 2016. GMM: [188]. Scotland. 2016: 420: Cannabis Events Diary. UK and Europe. [189] [190] [191]. Slovakia. 2016: GMM: [192]. Spain. 2016: GMM: [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198]. Sweden. 2016: GMM: Facebook: Global Marijuana March - Sweden. [199]. United Kingdom. 2016: Cannabis Events Diary. UK and Europe. 420: [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [205]. GMM: [206]. Return to top. See also: Global Marijuana March Oceania. Oceania. Please create national 2017 city lists: 2016: 420: [207]. GMM: [208] [209] [210]. Facebook: 2016 Nimbin MardiGrass. 2016: 420: [211]. GMM: Many cities. [212] [213]. And: "About" tab of overall Facebook event page: J Day - 25th Annual. Lists many cities. Return to top. See links. See also: Global Marijuana March in Latin America. See nearby islands section farther down. Latin America. Please create national 2017 city lists: Argentina. 2016: GMM: Many cities. [214] [215] [216] [217] [218]. Bolivia. 2016: GMM: La Paz: [219]. Brazil. 2016: 420: [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] [226]. GMM: Facebook: Marcha da Maconha. [227] [228] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233]. Chile. 2016: GMM: [234]. Colombia. 2016: GMM: Facebook: Carnaval Cannabico por la paz de colombia. [235] [236] [237] [238]. Costa Rica. 2016: 420: [239]. Ecuador. 2016. 420: [240] [241] [242]. GMM: [243]. Mexico. 2016: 420: [244] [245] [246] [247]. GMM: Facebook: Marcha Cannábica México. [248] [249] [250]. Paraguay. 2016: 420: [251]. GMM: [252]. Peru. 2016: GMM: [253] [254]. Uruguay. 2016: GMM: [255]. Nearby islands Return to top. See also: Global Marijuana March in Latin America, and scroll down to the nearby islands section. Please create 2016 city lists for the islands: San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. 420: [256] [257]. Castries, Saint Lucia. 2016. 420: [258] [259] [260]. Return to top. See Wikipedia: Northern America. Return to top. See links. See also: Global Marijuana March Canada. Canada. Please create national 2017 city lists: Canada. 2016: 420: [261] [262] [263] [264] [265] [266] [267] [268] [269] [270] [271] [272] [273]. GMM: [274] [275]. Return to top. See links. See also: Global Marijuana March USA. Alva, Oklahoma. 420: [276]. Amarillo, Texas. GMM: [277]. Austin, Texas. GMM: [278] [279] [280] [281]. Bakersfield, California. GMM: [282]. Bismarck, North Dakota. 420: [283] [284] [285] [286]. Boise, Idaho. 420: [287][288]. GMM: [289][290]. Boston, Massachusetts. 420: [291]. New England Cannabis Convention. April 23-24, 2016. GMM: [292] [293]. Boulder, Colorado. 420: [294] [295]. Bozeman, Montana. 420: [296] [297]. GMM: [298]. Butte, Montana. 420: [299] [300]. Cleveland, Ohio. GMM: [301] [302]. Corpus Christi, Texas. GMM: [303]. Denver, Colorado. 420: [304]. Des Moines, Iowa. GMM: [305] [306]. El Paso, Texas. 420: [307] GMM: [308]. Eugene, Oregon. Oregon Marijuana Business Conference. April 24, 2016. Fort Worth, Texas. GMM: [309] [310]. Greenville, South Carolina. GMM: [311]. Houston, Texas. GMM: [312]. Indianapolis, Indiana. 420: [313]. Kansas City, Missouri. 420: [314] [315]. GMM: [316] [317] [318] [319]. Las Vegas, Nevada. 420: [320]. Lawrence, Kansas. GMM: [321]. Lincoln, Nebraska. GMM: [322]. Lubbock, Texas. GMM: [323]. Madison, Wisconsin. 420: [324] [325] [326] [327] [328]. Mahwah, New Jersey. 420: [329]. Miami, Florida. 420: [330] [331] [332]. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. GMM: [333] [334]. New Milford, Connecticut. GMM: [335] [336] [337]. New York City, New York. 420: [338] [339] [340] [341] [342] [343] [344] [345] [346]. GMM: [347] [348]. Northampton, Massachusetts. Extravaganja 2016. April 30, 2016. Omaha, Nebraska. 420: [349] [350] [351] [352]. GMM: [353] [354]. Orlando, Florida. Marijuana Business Conference & Expo. May 9-11. 2016. Phoenix, Arizona. GMM: [355] [356]. Portland, Oregon. 420: [357] [358] [359]. GMM: [360] [361]. Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. GMM: [362]. San Antonio, Texas. 420: [363] GMM: [364] [365]. San Francisco, California. 420: [366] [367] [368]. Scranton, Pennsylvania. 420: [369]. Seattle, Washington. 420: [370] [371] [372] [373]. April 30: [374] [375]. St. Louis, Missouri. 420: [376] [377] [378]. GMM: [379] [380]. Topeka, Kansas. GMM: [381]. Trenton, New Jersey. 420: [382] [383]. Waco, Texas. 420: [384] [385]. Washington, DC. 420: [386] [387] [388]. Wichita, Kansas. GMM: [389]. Statewide lists are greatly appreciated: Kansas: GMM: [390]. Texas: April: [391]. May: [392]. See the 2016 Facebook GMM-420 events page for the USA. States that have held 420 or GMM events in the past All 50 states and the District of Columbia have held GMM or 420 events in the past. Ask around about events via the Facebook and other pages linked from U.S. city and state pages. Alaska. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho. Kansas. Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Mexico. North Dakota. Oregon. South Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas. [393]. Utah. Vermont. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. Wyoming. See: Free hosting. Links and graphics GMM: photos, basic city lists, maps, detailed city lists, years, regions, nations, links, graphics. Google images: Crowds, flyers: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. Add city name to searches. Main page of cities: Global Marijuana March. And: 420 and Global Marijuana March nations and states. Overall categories: 420 events and Global Marijuana March and 2016 Global Marijuana March. Category:Flat list of featured crowd photos. Category: Global Marijuana March graphics. Years, flat lists, and more. 2015 Global Marijuana March and 420 map. 2015 GMM crowd photos. Scroll down. 2015. 420 event graphics‎. 2015. Global Marijuana March posters, flyers, banners. Kempten, Germany. Boise, Idaho, USA. Toronto, Canada. Bangalore, India. Nimbin, Australia. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Saint Petersburg, Russia. Munich, Germany. Athens, Greece. Cannabis is safer Return to top. See article: Cannabis is safer. See: Reagan's war on cannabis. And: Vote out most Republicans and their cannabis war.. Ronald Reagan, 1980 campaign speech: "Leading medical researchers are coming to the conclusion that marijuana, pot, grass, whatever you want to call it, is probably the most dangerous drug in the United States, and we haven't begun to find out all of the ill effects, but they are permanent ill effects. The loss of memory for example." Share link: Obama. Obama correctly said that cannabis is safer than alcohol. See: Cannabis is safer. He also said marijuana should be treated more as a public health issue than a criminal one. And: Obama signals support for legalizing medical marijuana. [394]. See video. USA. 1 in 10 deaths of working-age adults are alcohol-related (disease, overdose, car crashes, falls, violence, etc). 87,798 per year, 2006 to 2010. [395][396][397][398][399]. See longer article: Cannabis is safer. Imagine if Mitt Romney had been elected President in 2012 instead of Obama. Obama on marijuana legalization. [400]. "My suspicion is that you're gonna see other states start looking at this". The Washington Post. Jan. 22, 2015. Above quote is from Sanjay Gupta interview of Obama on April 15, 2015. Interview aired on CNN on April 19, 2015. [401][402][403]. Obama administration asks Supreme Court to reject lawsuit filed by Republican governments in Oklahoma and Nebraska to stop legal marijuana in Colorado [404]. December 2015. Obama helped turn around the Reagan-Bush War on Pot, mandatory minimums, mass incarceration. See: US incarceration peaked in 2008. Holder's Legacy: Steering Away From the Drug War and Mass Incarceration. [405][406] 25 Sep 2014. Presidents alone can not reschedule it. See main article: Presidents alone can not reschedule marijuana. Neither the president nor the Attorney General can reschedule marijuana by themselves. [407] [408][409]. The two of them together also can not do so. See Wikipedia: Removal of cannabis from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. See "Process" section. Since HHS (Health and Human Services) and the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) have again declined to reschedule or deschedule cannabis, then only Congress can do so. But Congress removed help for veterans: Oct 2016: Republicans in Congress Won't Let Veterans Access Medical Marijuana After All. [410][411]. And Congressional Republican committee leaders refuse hearings on CARERS bill to reschedule cannabis. See: Medical Marijuana Advocates Rally to Loosen Restrictions. By Alicia Ault. 23 Mar 2016. Medscape. Wikipedia: Drug Enforcement Administration. See "Criticism" section. DEA Removes Marijuana Misinformation From Website After Months of Pressure. By Steve Elliott. Feb 13, 2017. DEA Pulls Back From Calling Marijuana One Of The 'Most Dangerous Drugs'. By Cody Fenwick. August 16, 2016. Patch Media The Science behind the DEA's Long War on Marijuana. 19 April 2016. Scientific American. Unless Congress acts, the DEA has final say on rescheduling or descheduling marijuana. Pot Matters: For Legalization, Set Your Sights on the Senate. 23 Mar 2016. By Jon Gettman. "it will be helpful, and indeed crucial, for advancing legalization for Democrats to take control of the Senate." Maybe in 2018? FDA Weighs in on Rescheduling Cannabis. By Ben Adlin. 28 Dec 2015. Leafly. Retrieved from "" 2016 Global Marijuana March Global Marijuana March maps 420 events in 2016 Home. Above image USA. State of the nation History of 420 GCM-420 by year GCM-420 overall map GCM-420 cities. A-Z GCM-420 nations. A-Z 2020 Global Cannabis March and 420 2020 short version 2019 GCM and 420 GCM-420. Facebook Search for cities Special:Search Suggest links. Try editing sandbox Ibogaine heals Photos, graphics All flat lists All photos & graphics Event photos by topic All crowd photos 420 crowd photos GCM crowd photos Other crowd photos Facebook crowd pics Event graphics by topic All event graphics All 420 event graphics All GCM event graphics GCM graphics by year Other event graphics Links, categories All categories, searches 420 category GCM category GCM. Many links All cities. Many events -- by country -- by region Old GCM site: _ Home page _ Alternatives to GOP hell Canada, Portugal Canadian healthcare Cannabis arrest data Cannabis prisoners Cost of drug war Dana Beal (GCM) Drug war charts Drug war prisoners Event lists, calendars Healthcare and drug war Holy War on Drugs Life for Pot Mandatory sentences Portugal and decrim PTSD and cannabis Race and drug war Real wages are flat Timeshifter articles Translation addons Vote for cannabis Vote out Republicans Wars on demand Help and tools Upload log. Thumbs Image license templates Image naming, sorting City page layout State page layout Country page layout Help of all kinds Installed extensions Templates. Flat list ShoutWiki messages ShoutWiki Home ShoutWiki forum Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 unless otherwise noted. About Cannabis
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Disruptive Innovations Building the Next Generation of Philadelphia's Leaders Heather Frattone and Rebecca Maltzman The key to the future success of education reform in Philadelphia, as well as to the overall growth and vibrancy of the city as a whole, is our ability to retain and develop talent within our bounds. While there have been strong and successful attempts to keep talent by small pockets of the education community, we would argue that these efforts must be deepened and broadened in order to truly achieve the widespread impact that we all know must occur. The charge of developing and retaining educational leadership is especially challenging given the characteristics and qualities of young professionals entering the teaching profession and education reform world today. Research on this generation (i.e., generation Y/millennials) indicates that, as a result of cultural changes, such as needing more education to survive in an information-based economy combined with fewer entry-level jobs even after years of college and graduate school, the twenties may be evolving into a new distinct life stage, referred to as "emerging adulthood" (Hennig 2010).During emerging adulthood, twenty-somethings are waiting longer to make long-term commitments, both personal and professional. This is evidenced by the very slim likelihood that the current generation of young professionals will remain in the same job or field for the entirety, or even for large portions, of their careers. These sociological factors magnify the importance of retention and leadership development efforts in all fields, and especially in ours. Given how hard we know that teaching and educational leadership are, we must also ensure that the individuals we recruit, and then retain, are of extremely high quality. Whereas only 23 percent of our current teaching force graduated in the top third of their undergraduate class (McKinsey 2010), programs such as Teach For America and Teaching Fellows now attract top students into the field. If we are attracting these individuals, who will undoubtedly have many career options, we must be strategic and thoughtful about how we engage them in long-term careers in education reform. The Example of Teach for America Alumni The case study of Teach For America (TFA) alumni and their paths within this city demonstrates the results that can arise from strategic leadership development efforts. Since TFA first began placing corps members in Philadelphia in 2003, there has been significant growth of high-achieving charter schools, in which TFA corps members and alumni play extremely significant roles. At Mastery, KIPP and Scholar Academies—three of the top-performing charter management organizations that serve low-income populations in the city—nine out of 13 of principals, or 70 percent, are TFA alumni. In addition, nearly 50 percent of their entire staffs are alumni of the organization. There is no doubt that these organizations have been extremely successful at recruiting talent and encouraging future leaders to join their organizations. They do this by holding purposeful meetings focused on employees' futures, providing strong support and mentorship for their employees and showing talented individuals the prospects for career growth. They also create a work culture in which highly motivated individuals are surrounded by others who are as committed to the mission as they are. At the same time, in the School District of Philadelphia itself, we have only just begun to see the rise of TFA alumni into positions of leadership. Whereas one year ago, there were no TFA alumni in positions of significant leadership, there are now two School District principals and three special assistants in the superintendent's office. This illustrates the contrast between arenas in which this outreach has been happening and those in which it is just starting to occur. In addition, even those individuals who have reached leadership positions within the School District seemed to have done so more as a result of hard work and circumstance and less as a result of systematic outreach by the district itself. We urge these efforts to grow further and deeper throughout the city, not only for TFA alumni and not only for jobs within charter management organizations or the School District. These efforts must include recruitment for high-quality educators of all backgrounds and into the fields of policy, advocacy, law, social services and the many other arenas that touch the lives of our students. Three Strategies for Cultivating Leadership We believe efforts to cultivate new leadership within the education sector should be made in three key areas: visible career pathways, mentorship and strong community. Visible Career Pathways As is evidenced by the success of the charter management organizations discussed above, talented individuals must be shown what lies ahead for them if they are successful. Young leaders will be more likely to commit to an organization where they see a path for growth in their future and especially if they have seen people before them take the same, or a similar, path. According to Celine Coggins and Heather Peske (2011), founders of Teach Plus, an organization dedicated to creating conditions that keep teachers in the classroom, the same challenges affect current teachers nationwide. They state, "[t]he message to younger teachers continues to be: Wait your turn; accept the system as it is; and, in time, it will work for you." This approach has not worked for keeping teachers in the classroom, and it will not work to keep future leaders in Philadelphia. Indeed, to be most effective, a discussion about future career paths should be undertaken directly and early in an individual's tenure—or even before an individual chooses to work at an organization. These career pathways can involve growth on a teaching level, as a school-based administrator or as a district or charter management organization leader. Examples of already established career pathways in high-performing charter organizations include a pathway to becoming a Master or Mentor Teacher after showing instructional excellence (Mastery Charter Schools) or a route to opening a new school as a school leader (The Miles and Fischer Fellowships at KIPP). Those who have committed themselves to Philadelphia and to making change in our city must also take it upon themselves to provide mentorship to the new generation of leaders. While the formation of these relationships could be facilitated through formal mentoring programs, we believe that the most successful mentoring relationships are likely to develop more organically. That said, formal career exploration and exposure programs, such as job shadowing, networking events and career talks, may help to facilitate the organic growth of valued and sustainable mentoring relationships. The central role of such a mentor is threefold: to help a mentee craft his or her desired career path; to identify the skills that are needed to travel down this path and a plan to develop them; and to help a mentee establish connections and relationships within the community. Career path: The mentor needs to help the mentee define his or her short- and long-term career goals, working with the mentee to identify the types of work that are of most interest, the types of organizations where the greatest impact can be made, and the skills possessed that will lead to career success and satisfaction. Career paths change over time, so the mentor's role is to continue to serve as a resource to the mentee as he or she grows professionally. Skills analysis: The mentor must help a mentee see and reflect upon his or her strengths as well as identify areas for growth. A young educator may excel at working in the classroom and zooming in on challenging issues facing our students but may not be able to see the "big picture" and understand the factors that increase the challenges or complicate the solutions. The mentor needs to help the mentee identify these blind spots and then create a plan to develop the skills necessary to transform them into strengths. Relationship building: It is the mentor's responsibility to help the mentee build a network of colleagues to work with throughout his or her career. The mentee must understand the significant value of these relationships both personally and professionally. The most effective and efficient way to achieve growth in education in Philadelphia is for our talent to work together toward common goals. A Strong Community We must encourage the formation of civic and social organizations where future leaders can meet one another and work together. These organizations will illustrate to young talent that there are other like-minded individuals dedicated to the same causes. These groups will also allow relationships to form so that collaboration across sector and across professional organization will flourish in the future. This collaboration will multiply the power of the reform efforts that we all advocate for. Young Involved Philadelphia is a perfect example of such an organization. Young Involved Philadelphia builds relationships and increases civic engagement to empower and connect young Philadelphians by educating its members about civic affairs and advocacy issues, connecting young citizens with one another and representing the young demographic of the city. One of the greatest benefits of a "small big city" like Philadelphia is the access that even young individuals have across sector and to people in leadership positions. This access should be capitalized upon in order to build larger and stronger relationships within and beyond this community. We challenge the education community to work smarter and harder at developing and retaining the next generation of leaders in Philadelphia. Find a mentee—challenge her to define her goals, understand her strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for growth and relationship building. This group of leaders brings a fresh perspective, energy, drive and determination that will inspire us all to continue to improve the opportunities available to Philadelphia's children. These future leaders will also ensure that our current reform efforts continue for many years to come. Heather Frattone is the Associate Dean for Career Planning and Professionalism at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Previously she served as Executive Director of Policy and Planning for the School District of Philadelphia, where she worked closely with Chief Executive Officer Paul Vallas to plan and direct policy development for School District programs and initiatives. Heather was also charged with leading a team responsible for revising the District's disciplinary process and developing and implementing alternative programs for students who were at risk of not reaching high school graduation. Heather received her BS in Economics from Wharton in 1994 and her Penn Law degree in 1998. Rebecca Maltzman is a third-year law student and Toll Public Interest Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She is also Director of Special Projects at Scholar Academies, a Philadelphia-based charter management organization. During law school, Rebecca has worked for the District of Columbia Public Schools, Teach For America and South Jersey Legal Services. Rebecca spent the 2009–2010 school year as a Zuckerman Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Previously Rebecca was a 2005 Teach For American corps member, teaching second grade in Camden, New Jersey. She holds a master's degree in Education Policy and Management from Harvard University and a BS from Northwestern University. Coggins, C., and H. Peske. (2011). New teachers are the new majority. Education Week, 30(17): 21, 23. Henig, R. M. (2010). What is it about 20-somethings? New York Times, August 18. McKinsey & Co. (2010, September). Closing the Talent Gap: Attracting and Retaining Top-third Graduates to Careers in Teaching. Available at Issue 6 | Featured Social Innovations The Children's Literacy Initiative: Lessons for Success and Preparation for Challenges Summer Search: The True Impact of Mentorship Books Are Just the Beginning: On the Road to Innovation with The Free Library of Philadelphia Highlight on: Research for Action Giving Parents a Choice, Giving Children a Chance Innovations in Education: It Starts with a Conversation Overview and Introduction to the Education Reform in the 21st Century The Rise of K–12 Blended Learning Educational Vocational Models for Building Workforce Competencies Bringing a Public Voice to the School Governance Debate: The Campaign for Better Schools and Mayoral Control in New York City High Impact Philanthropy to Improve Teaching Quality: Focus on High-Need Secondary Students Disrupting College: How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education The Free Public Library's Role in Education Widening the Circle of our Concern – Public Perceptions of the School District of Philadelphia's Response to Intergroup Conflicts Creating Social Entrepreneurs: The Catalyst for Reform of Public Education Financing Public Education: Tax Increment Financing What Kids Deserve Better Recess for a Better School Experience: West Philadelphia Recess Initiative School-Based Health Care for Student Success Reforming the Education Conversation Learning to Share: Filling Empty School Seats by Coordinating Facilities Planning Corporate Support for Philadelphia Public Schools The New Wave of Education Reform in Philadelphia: Change We Can Believe In? Measuring Student Proficiency and Creating Capacity: The Move Toward End-of-Course Exams in Pennsylvania Can The National Center on Time & Learning Bring Longer Schools Days to One Million Students? Child Care, the Other Education System A Voice and a Choice for Students with Special Needs A Lifeguard Downstream: The Need for Innovation in Educating Working Learners Capitalizing on the Strengths of Practitioners, Researchers, and Universities to Produce Top-Quality Teachers Redefining the Role of Teachers and Their Unions in Reform Efforts KIPP Open Book: Transparency and Accountability in Schools Preparing Better Teachers by Improving the Student Teaching Semester How Legislative Reforms Will Transform Schools in Pennsylvania Developing a Talent Mindset
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Mona – The Carnivorous Circus by Farren, Mick Artist: Mick Farren Label: Transatlantic Records Catalog#: TRA 212 A1 Mona (A Fragment) B1 Summertime Blues B6 Mona (The Whole Trip) Mick Farren - Producer Deviants front man's first solo album. Strawberry Bricks Entry: Following his ejection from The Deviants during their 1969 US tour, Mick Farren returned to the UK. With a contractual obligation to Transatlantic Records outstanding, he teamed up with guitarist Steve Hammond and both John Gustafson and Peter Robinson of Quatermass. Farren also enlisted Twink and Steve Peregrine Took, as a sort of precursor to the Pink Fairies, along with a few other mates. Both sections of "Mona,"-yes, the same Bo Diddley number covered by The Rolling Stones and The Troggs- are typical of Farren's love for rock 'n' roll as he played it with The Deviants. The opening "Mona (A Fragment)" adds some congas to accentuate the beat, while the closing "Mona (The Whole Trip)" features some rough-sounding cello from arranger and Elton John cohort Paul Buckmaster. It's not easy listening by any stretch, but perhaps that's the point. Sandwiched in between is a rousing if unspectacular cover of "Summertime Blues." But the real meat of the album begins when the band, including bassist Gustafson and organist Robinson, join guitarist Hammond and drummer Twink for the funky, dark groove of "Carnivorous Circus." The second part is more varied, with transitions between the different sections that are sometimes quite abrupt. The final part, led by a lone, acoustic guitar, breaks down to thick, elegiac guitar lines. Farren would put his music career on the back-burner for the remainder of the decade. He would become a noted journalist, writing for New Music Express and International Times, and an author. His first novel, The Texts of Festival, was published in 1973. Average: Select ratingFor completists onlyTypical of artist's workGood example of artist's workBest example of artist's workClassic album of the era Static Timeline
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Supporters & Thinkers Background & Briefings Collector's Notes Capricorn Region (AE) Rockhampton 76,729 Backwater 5,100,_Queensland Cherbourg 1,128,_Queensland Clermont 2,177,_Queensland Emerald 10,999,_Queensland Gladstone 28,808,_Queensland Great Keppell Island Maryborough 21,501,_Queensland Townshend Island (pristine wilderness) Yeppoon 13,285 Super region: Hospital: Central Queensland Airport: TOR: Basin Authority: MIBM Basin Authority Fitzroy R McKenzie R Isaacs R Dawson R Nogoa R Burnett River Mary River Bjelke-Petersen Dam Paradise Dam State Pin Thanks for checking this Region out. This Region is prepared on the a-political concept that if you are interested in 'place' in Australia, the most important aspect that defines 'place', is the 'flow of water'. The Senate is interested in 'place'. This Region defines its boundaries at the top of the ridge, where water flows one way rather than the other. This leads to a very interesting 'place'. We are seeking a debate with people who live in this proposed new Region. We know we've got the Region pretty well correct; after all, it's just geography. But if you live in this Region you can tell us a lot of interesting things. - Do these boundaries define a place that is unique; different to every other Region in Australia? We think that that is probably quite likely. - Is it a great place, worthy of recognition? - Upon formation, what should be the name of this Region? Who would be the Lord Mayor? Who would be the two Senators who represent this Region? Who would be the additional Senator that represents the interests of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples in this region? - Would life be enhanced if it was on a fast Ring-Rail that links the Capital City to every other Capital City in Australia? - Many other interesting things! We think that this is a great new concept of regional statehood based on real concepts that define life in this particular Region. What do you think? Aboriginal Australia: Yuwi Baradha Guwinmal Gabalbara Darambal Gayiri Gangulu Bayali Bidiara Garingbal Wagjigu Gungabula Yiman NOTE1: Likely indicators only; for original Aboriginal Australia Map © 1991 & restrictions on its copy & use, see Aboriginal Australia Map NOTE2: The red line is part of the original Aboriginal Australia Map © 1991. The black line is added by Bloggerme for discussion only. It shows the likely State boundary based on the flow of water only. As "the ridge" (See FOWTOR) naturally impacts on the development of the language, social or nation groups of the Indigenous people of Australia, the proposed border is often identical to the group boundary shown on the Aboriginal Australia Map. This is as was expected. Variations are social/historical & result in a particular language, social or nation group being represented in two adjoining States. Pin Other regional projections - CSIRO part of East Coast region The CSIRO has regions for projecting the impact of Climate Change. See This state, Capricorn State (AE), is one of the clear projections in a CSIRO cluster called "East Coast region". CSIRO's East Coast region coincides exactly with BloggerMe's Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AE. Click here to: Steve Irons TCMarcia, Floodwater Bruce Highway TCMarcia "grazes" Yeppoon Carnarvon Gorge National Park TCMarcia hit Rockhampton 4 now at 3 Gladstone TCMarcia came in Cat 5, hit Rockhampton Cat 4 now moving SW of Gladstone, towards Biloela. Cat 3, winds up to 165kmh - @BoM_Qld Change of direction - now coming in at Yepoon Coming in over Townshend Island & heading for Yepoon. Thu, 19/02/2015 - 8:54pm TC Marcia to enter at Mackay TC Marcia enters at Mackay Twitter @EarthUncutTV 13 mins13 minutes ago Extremely serious situation for Australia as #CycloneMarcia bombs out before landfall, projected cat 5 by BoM Tropical cyclone Marcia - to hit Land between Mackay & Gladstone "What you need to know about Tropical Cyclone Marcia. "This afternoon Tropical Cyclone Marcia was upgraded to a category four system. "It is expected to make landfall between Mackay and Gladstone, lashing the areas with destructive gusts of up to 270 kilometres per hour (kph) at about 3:00am Friday. Higher than normal tides, dangerous surf conditions and rainfall totals exceeding 500mm over a 24-hour period in some areas are forecast, bringing a risk of tidal and flash flooding. "In a press conference this morning, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told residents to 'get ready now'. "Flights in-and-out of the region have been cancelled. "For help during a flood or storm call the SES on 132 500; for life-threatening emergencies call 000. "ABC Local Radio will have continuous coverage through the night and into the morning as the cyclone makes landfall." READ more: Watch it develop Some comments on Twitter @MichelleSuiter The latest satellite image of Aus, currently being attacked from 2 sides by Mother Nature, although looks like 3 ABC Far North QLD ‏@ABCFarNorth Port owner rejects dredging will harm Barrier Reef CSG - Factbox map of Australia Mike Millard ‏@RobinHood1776 Factbox: CSG in Australia … CSG on marine life & reef Coal Seam Gas Threatens Coastline Water Contamination …@sbsnews Diuron Meredith Stanton ‏@CloudsCreek Ban Lethal Herbicide Near Great Barrier Reef … Coordinates missing island Ben Cubby ‏@bencubby This is why I was asking about co-ordinates. Great story by @NickySMH FarmOnline ‏@FarmOnline Bid to save green tape: A GROUP of Australia's most respected scientists is urging the federal government to aba... Fri, 23/11/2012 - 11:05pm Island disappears vexnews ‏@vexnews Where did it go? Scientists 'undiscover' Pacific island Coral is under threat Saudi, Australian experts unite to save coral War on graffiti Keep Aust Beautiful ‏@KABNAHQ Mackay Regional Council declares war on graffiti | Rockhampton Morning Bulletin … Stolen wages meeting in Mackay Luke Pearson ‏@LukeLPearson BAM!! 'Qld elders want Campbell Newman to stop wearing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags on his lapel' … Sun, 14/10/2012 - 3:17am Rough draft - Great Barrier Reef © 2021 Blogger Me Site by Interlated
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Q: SSIS - fill unmapped columns in table in OLE DB Destination As you can see in the image below, I have a table in SQL Server that I am filling via a flat file source. There are two columns in the destination table that I want to update based on the logic listed below: * *SessionID - all rows from the first CSV import will have a value of 1; the second import will have a value of 2, and so on. *TimeCreated - datetime value of when the CSV imports happened. I don't need help with how to write the TSQL code to get this done. Instead, I would like someone to suggest a method to implement this as a Data Flow task within SSIS. Thank you in advance for your thoughts. Edit 11/29/2012 Since all answers so far suggested taking care of this on the SQL Server side, I wanted to show you what I had initially tried doing (see image below), but it did not work. The trigger did not fire in SQL Server after SSIS inserted the data into the destination table. If any of you can explain why the trigger did not fire, that would be great. A: If you are able to modify the destination table, you could make the default values for SessionID and TimeCreated do all the work for you. SessionID would be an auto-incremental integer while the default value for TimeCreated would be getdate() or gettime() depending on the data type. Now, if you truly need it the values to be created as part of your workflow, you can use variables for each. SessionID would be a package variable which is set by an Execute SQL Task. Just reference the variable in your result set and have your SQL determine the next number to use. There are potential concurrency issues with this, though. TimeCreated is easily done by creating a Derived Column in your data flow based on the system variable StartTime. A: You can use a Derived Column to fill the TimeCreated column, if you want the time of the data flow to happen, you just use the date and time function to get the current datetime. If you want a common timestamp for the whole package (all files) you can use the system variable @[System::StartTime] (or whatitwascalled). For the CSV looping (i guess), you use a foreach loop container, and map an iterative value to a user variable that you map in the derived column for SessionID as mentioned above. A: First, I'd better do it on SQL Server side :) But if you don't want or cannot to do it on server side you can use this approach: It is obvious that you need to store SessionID somewhere you can create a txt file for that or better some settings table in SQL Server or there can be other approaches. To add columns SessionID and TimeCreated to OLE Destination you can use Derived columns
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The Back Door Way to Regulate Against Adding More Seats on Airplanes By CF on Aug 14, 2017 | 33 Comments Posted in: Government Regulation, Seats I'm back from vacation, and I hope you enjoyed the 72 Hour series on the Alaska Milk Run while I was gone. Now comes the hard part… to figure out what to cover considering all that happened since I went away. One thing that stood out to me was something that actually happened early in my vacation. This is a longshot, but a ruling by a federal appeals court could pave the way toward de facto legislation of seat sizes on aircraft. Those of you who support this shouldn't get your hopes up, but it's still something worth following. And with any luck, it will at least result in a review of aircraft evacuation testing protocols. Airlines have been squeezing more seats on to aircraft for years now. This process of "densification" isn't always bad, as I wrote before I left, but no matter what it means a lot more people get seated in the same size tube. From time to time, random bills have popped up in Congress trying to prevent airlines from putting more seats onboard, but they were never going to go anywhere. They mostly focused on the comfort angle with a few taking weak attempts to rope in a health concern. The reality is that regulation based on comfort isn't going to go anywhere, nor will health since, at least so far, there are no proven health impacts. But if a real safety concern can be proven, then there could be an opening for regulation. You may have heard of Flyers Rights, a so-called passenger rights organization with which I disagree on nearly everything. Awhile back, Flyers Rights requested that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) set minimum standards for seat sizes because the decrease in seating space and increase in passenger size meant it was an unsafe situation that could result in the inability of passengers to get off quickly in an emergency. It would also increase health risks to passengers in the way of deep vein thrombosis. The FAA blew this off completely. The organization sued, and now a federal appeals court has ruled partially in favor of Flyers Rights. Let's get this out of the way first. The court agreed with the FAA that there was enough documentation showing that deep vein thrombosis and other health concerns weren't an issue. But on the evacuation test side, the court has pushed this back to the FAA to review again. Evacuation rules set by the FAA under 14 CFR 25.803 require that for all aircraft with more than 44 seats onboard, everyone must be able to get off the airplane within 90 seconds. The rules are very detailed in one sense, requiring at least 40 percent of passengers to be female, forcing 3 life size dolls to be carried to simulate infants, and even regulating how much light can be on the outside. (You can read the details here.) But it doesn't say anything about passenger or seat sizes. Usually evacuation tests just look at the total number of seats onboard. That may sound fine, but consider this. If Airline A has 200 seats on an airplane spread evenly throughout the cabin, that's one thing. But if Airline B has 50 flat beds up front with a ton of room and then 150 seats in the back crammed in with no legroom, the seat counts are the same but the ability to evacuate may be different. Or to use a real life example of the original American 737 MAX 8 configuration compared to that of Southwest: The FAA, for its part, claims that seat dimensions don't have an impact on evacuation times. As the court says, "that makes no sense." The court really didn't mince words on this one. For example: The Administration's rationale also blinks reality. As a matter of basic physics, at some point seat and passenger dimensions would become so squeezed as to impede the ability of passengers to extricate themselves from their seats and get over to an aisle. The FAA says it has done tests with as little as 28 or 29 inches of pitch, but none of those tests show up "in the record" so there is no proof at all available for the court to review. The FAA also says nothing about whether people being larger has been taken into account with testing. Looking at all of this, the court came to a conclusion. It freely admits that there may be no need to regulate seat sizes, but the FAA has to provide some proof of that. It hasn't done so, and so the court is now pushing this back on to the FAA to actually properly respond to the original petition. What does this mean in practice? Well, if the FAA truly has test results looking at really tight seat pitch, passenger sizes, etc, then it has to produce the evidence. This would then be a dead end for Flyers Rights. If not, however, it may end up having to review these issues in greater detail. And a review wouldn't be a bad thing. Forgetting about the seat spacing issues, there are some other things about current evacuation tests that are concerning. For example: Crewmembers can't be used as passengers in a test, but employees who would have greater familiarity with evacuation than most can be used. People aren't required to be able to evacuate with their personal belongings. Of course, people should never bring their personal belongings when their lives are in danger, but if you've seen video of any evacuation, you know that people are stupid. Testing also doesn't happen all that often. When aircraft are derivatives of previous airplanes, often computer simulation combined with previous tests can be substituted for actual tests. We're a long way from this actually turning into any kind of rulemaking, but I do hope that shining a spotlight on evacuation rules may result in updating the tests to be a better fit for our time. This ruling won't necessarily change anything since the FAA likely can just provide more proof in its response and make this go away. But with any luck it could be the spark that makes the FAA revisit evacuation testing criteria. 33 Responses to The Back Door Way to Regulate Against Adding More Seats on Airplanes Kilroy says: Do the current evacuation test rules say anything about pax in wheelchairs or with limited mobility? If you're in a window seat, and the 2 pax between you and the aisle were both brought into the plane in wheelchairs, good luck getting out of the plane in < 90 seconds… I'd love to see some "worst case" evacuation drills done. Pick a super dense plane configuration, stuff it full of a mix of mobility-impaired people, kids, and fat people (in other words, a similar to a mix of people on flights to "God's waiting room", aka Florida, but with more fat people), offer $100 cash to every pax that can get out of the plane in < 90 seconds (to simulate the panic, pushing, and shoving that happen in real evacuations) and THEN see how long it takes to evacuate the plane. I don't think we need to actually perform that test to know what would happen….it's called the Jerry Springer show. Kilroy – No, you can see the FAA rules here: Thanks for the link. Other than don't use airline employees, don't rehearse, and the requirements for the proportion of pax that are > 50, female, and female and > 50, those rules are awfully vague and really do represent an abnormally optimistic "best case" situation. If the industry is regulated to ensure X amount of room per seat, then naturally some seats will have to come off of planes…this will increase fares, and people not being willing to pay for a little more room is the entire reason we're in this mess with cramped planes in the first place…if people were willing to pay more Spirit would have been bankrupt years ago. David St eastbsy says: A real test to check for 90 second Evan is to board a normal flight on a high capacity aircraft pull away from the gate, stop the aircraft somewhere, set off some fake canisters of smoke and start screaming evacuate evacuate and see what happens. Average passengers who don't know what's about to happen are going to react differently than an aircraft full of employees knowing they're there to test evacuation. I agree with Kilroy and David SF eastbay. Use real people in real situations. I can almost guarantee you that 90 seconds will not be met. I will not go into any detail but my company had an office in the South Tower. While everyone in that office made it to safety they saw people in wheelchairs and ones using canes waiting by the elevators who were told to wait for the firemen. You need real testing with real non-airline people. P.S. Crank, can't you use an aircraft during one of your Dorkfests and test the people attending? I'm pushing 300 lbs, so I'll just say this… In any evacuation (of a plane, bus, building, you name it), you better hope you can get in front of fat people like me, because if you get stuck behind us, you're in trouble. It's not a very politically correct or polite thing to say, nor is it a fun thing to think about, but obese people who get winded after 1 flight of stairs (picking on myself here) may well move too slowly, jam up the stairwells and doors, and kill a lot of people behind them as a result. Nick Barnard says: Kilroy, Adrenline is a wonderful molecule.. You'd be amazed how much energy your body can find and use when it needs to. Wild Bill – I like this plan. There has to be a 747 sitting around somewhere that we could load up! David M says: I don't know about 747s, but Qantas A380s and Virgin Australia 777-300ERs have a habit of sitting around LAX all day. AFAIK, the NTSB reports often (always?) list the amount of time from the beginning of an evacuation to the end of an evacuation. It usually is 90 seconds or less. That's actually a pretty good idea, but I'm sure that the negative publicity from flight delays and injuries (from what I recall reading in the past, the typical airplane evacuation drill results in a dozen or more friction burns on the slides, and often a broken limb or two) would prevent airlines from doing it. Another option would be to find a way to use real-life emergency evacuations during relatively innocuous emergencies and time them; e,g., figure out how long it took everyone to get off the plane after the plane popped a tire and overran the runway on landing. If there were a few cameras on the inside of the plane and not too much smoke this probably wouldn't be that hard of a thing to do. Leslie in Oregon says: As a former Pan Am purser who has participated in both test and actual emergency evacuations, I agree completely with Kilroy and David SF Eastbay. Test evacuations are different from an actual emergency evacuation in almost every critical way. To even approach validity in results, test evacuations must simulate actual emergency evacuations in every possible way. For example, although it may not be feasible to subject passengers on a regular flight to a test evacuation, it should feasible to conduct a test evacuation using non-employee volunteers for a flight who do not realize that they will be participating in a test evacuation. > For example, although it may not be feasible to subject passengers on a regular flight to a test evacuation, it should feasible to conduct a test evacuation using non-employee volunteers for a flight who do not realize that they will be participating in a test evacuation. Great idea, and great point. A marketing firm could recruit potential customers for the airline (or hire some temps, even) using the excuse of having the customers test how comfortable the seats are, etc etc- pitch it as the airline trying to get customer feedback, and just slip a required waiver of liability in there. Then tell the customers to get comfortable, read or use their phones on airplane mode, etc etc, as if they were in the cruise portion of flight (heck, even have the FAs come around with drink service, and serve free booze to ensure you have a few slightly tipsy pax for added realism), wait 30 or 45 minutes, and set off the smoke canisters and evacuate the plane. It would be a little deceitful, but offer pax a free RT flight in the US for a few hours of their time and I doubt many would care about the surprise evacuation drill Bjorn says: A slight advantage that the ULCC high-density configurations have is that the seats don't recline. It's reasonable to imagine that in a real-life sudden emergency situation, the flight attendants wouldn't have time to ensure that all passengers have their seat backs in the upright position. Regulations state they should be up for take off and landing. In a mid flight emergency, plenty of time to ensure that they are before landing (and if not, won't matter as no one will have survived the crash !). Years ago I worked for an airline – the week of emergency training was the most interesting; and the thing that I still remember is that evacuation drills are done with all exits being available & the plane level on all it's wheels…. the reality, in an emergency, this is not going to be the case – one side will be higher or lower, or the front or back will be on the ground & the other end up higher in the air. I may not watch the safety demo – but I AWAYS review the safety card to see how to open the doors/window exits and I also count the # of rows behind me to an exit. The Airbus A380 evacuation test had half of the exits blocked (the standard). Everyone got out in 90 seconds, and the most significant injury was a broken leg. (Yeah the plane was level on its wheels though… For starters, having Congress set rules will drive us all crazy. Then, can anyone–airline or passenger–ever agree as to what is unsafe? Who's to say a 15″ seat pitch shouldn't be allowed, or that the cabin must have an aisle? Perhaps you're too fat to fly, or if you can't crawl over each row of seats to get to where you want to sit, or can't quickly crawl to an exit in an emergency, you're not fit enough to fly and you should be denied boarding! The problem is that the airlines have been able to control competition, to the point that "price" is everything. Product competition is something that sounds nice, but is meaningless in today's airline industry. Is there really any difference between Spirit and United anymore? As flights get fuller and fuller, the 15″ seat pitch is coming, and you're going to be miseable on every flight, even in premium class. Where there is no real product competition anymore, airline travel is becoming "take it, or leave it." "Resistance is futile." It would be nice to fly a NetJet everywhere, but…! But the 3 remaining legacy carriers all had, and still have more leg room than Spirit, People didn't want to pay for it. I think you've got your causation backwards. People shopped mainly on price, not service, not seats, not frequent flyer programs, barely even schedule. Spirit wouldn't have had double digit grown for years if that wasn't the case. So the legacy's lowered their prices and crammed more seats in. It seems far too many people want to pay Spirit prices, but show up to the airport expecting 1960's PanAm service. Susan4 says: Do people who disembark during an emergency carrying personal effects receive a fine? Increased risk to life due to disabled or overweight people is unfortunate but people dying because of rule-breakers valuing their possessions over the safety of others is completely unacceptable. I would like to see press coverage of rule-breakers being fined or otherwise penalized. Oliver says: I would like to see their bags confiscated and sent off to that place in Alabama where unclaimed luggage gets sold off. That, or a bon fire on the tarmac, Sfohr – I don't believe there's any fine for it. pddee says: Welcome back, Brett. I've always wondered about the effect of the safety instruction prior to takeoff, especially when we're told floor lighting in an emergency will light the way to the exits. I think it should be standard practice to illustrate that floor lighting at that time as an example so every one of us will know what to look for in an emergency. I wonder if that special emergency floor lighting really does work? Your blog is always fun to follow – well written. Many thanks. Patrick Dee Thanks Patrick. It would be great if they could make it as real as possible. If that meant darkening the cabin and showing floor lighting, that could make it much easier for people in the real situation. Scottstlfl says: As much as I hate it the market must prevail. The economics continue to drive "the bus". I disagree, Scottstifl. Safety on public transportation is the highest priority. XlF says: To be honest, I do not see this as a "backdoor". Security is the only thing, the FAA (and other regulators) should care about. Everything else (comfort, board/deplane faster, overhead bin space etc.) can be leveraged by money, your odds of survival should not depend on the money you're able/willing to spend. Bad enough it does depend on it at the moment. Crankster, your comparison of Southwest's evenly distributed cabin and American's dense pack approach to coach is a fascinating point. I see no reasonable way in which 150 or more people can evacuate a 737-MAX in 90 seconds or less. Human Factors alone says that is virtually impossible. First class and even Economy Plus will have an incredible safety advantage. We'll get out and like the Titanic of a century ago, the third class passengers will go down with the ship. Congress really does need to act on this one. Sorry, but the FAA aint up front on this one. The only caveat is that the safest part of an aircraft is the back. So if you have a true hull loss incident your best bet is in cattle class. I will say there is a reason I prefer aisle seating beyond not getting smashed up against a wall for the entire flight. I'm also hyper aware of where the exits are. Statistically, OK. But if there are 150 people jammed into a space designed for 120, the surge to the exits, particularly amid toxic fumes and smoke, will be huge. There have been more than a few crashes where the passengers survived the initial accident only to die because they could not evacuate the aircraft in a timely fashion. Frederick says: The DOT's "Transportation Fatalities by Mode" table does not indicate revisiting aircraft evacuation regulations would be the best use of limited societal resources. BTW, I wonder how one would evacuate a hyperloop car in an emergency? Cranky on the Web: Cranky Concierge Profile Long Beach Looks to Jack Up Fines, Take Away Slots From Late Night Offenders (That's You, JetBlue)
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Q: Expectation of maximum of two positive independent random variables Let $\xi,\eta$ be two positive independent random variables with known expectations. Can I use them somehow to bound the expectation of $\max(\xi, \eta)$? The motivation is: if I know the Wasserstien distances for $\mu, \mu'$ and $\nu, \nu'$ can I used them to find a bound on the distance between $\mu\otimes \nu$ and $\mu'\otimes\nu'$? Here $\xi$ ($\eta$) would be distributed according to the optimal coupling for $\mu$ and $\mu'$ ($\nu$ and $\nu'$). See also a related question on MO. A: If the sum is enough: for any $a,b\geq 0$, you have $\max(a,b) \leq a+b$. So $$\mathbb{E}[\max(\xi,\eta)] \leq \mathbb{E}[\xi]+\mathbb{E}[\eta].$$
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Q: Other than "note that" or "NB", what is a phrase that can point out facts and that admits a shorthand in handwriting? I wonder if there is phrase, other than "note that" or "NB" (for some reasons), such that it functions the same as "note that" and at the same time has a short abbreviation in usage? I thought of "we have that" or "it holds that"; however, although they are in a similar role as "note that", they seem to not have a common shorthand notation.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
The blog By the Firelight tipped us off to some free comics available online from Beirut. Released by the literary magazine Samandall the stories are called Picture Stories from here and there. While they don't require the art to be from Lebanon or in Arabic or French, most of the writers and artists from the first four issues are from that region of the world. Issues zero through three are available for free online. So take this free opportunity to see what artists and writers from another country are producing.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Where were you born? Being born into the USA is like winning the lottery. I was born in Portland, Oregon. What do you like to do outside of work? Build full time families by developing assets. Your association can change you. Favorite thing about Newberg DCJR? The people out in Newberg have a great story to tell. Favorite thing about your current position? This position allows me to talk & help people on a daily basis. What's something quirky about you? My kids will never wear jerseys with someone else's name on their backs because they don't have to go outside of their home and try to find hero's.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Join Round Hill's Appalachian Trail Art Show celebrating the Trail and the surrounding Great Outdoors. The A.T. is a designated National Scenic Trail that stretches 2,200 miles from Maine to Georgia. It's right in our backyard, less than 5 miles away, with local hotspots like Bear's Den and Raven Rocks. Help us to connect our community with the A.T. by stopping by and saying hello.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
can you find me in there??? hi rina, interesting , laughed at some of your comments, especially those belly and butts. haha. since you travel a lot, it is worth to learn swimming. you can even swim at the hotel pools. it is sooo much fun.. go for it. then can snorkel.. I'm sure you enjoyed yourself there.. *jealous* hehe..
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
After a long, hot summer followed by a long, hot fall, it's finally begun to cool down here in the coastal region of North Carolina. This is the time of year that I love. There's a cool nip in the air, yet it isn't freezing cold. It's the perfect time to get out in the yard. This is the perfect time to tackle these 5 essential jobs to get your yard ready for winter. I know just how futile it seems when you're raking leaves. It feels like a never-ending chore during the autumn. You rake them up, sit back to admire your work…only to realize that a giant gust of wind has blown more leaves off of the trees and onto your freshly raked yard! But as we head into mid-November, this process should be just about complete. Give your yard one good final raking. Here's why you shouldn't skip that last raking of the year. Leaving the leaves lying on the ground is a bad idea for several reasons. First, they make your yard look messy. Second, wet leaves can cause mildew and disease to the grass. Finally…and most importantly to me…if you rake up the leaves in the fall, you won't need to do it in the spring when you're itching to get out and start planting! Spend a couple of hours aerating your lawn before the winter. It doesn't matter if you use the coring or slicing method. Get the lawn aerated in the late fall, before the snow flies (in the northern climates) or your grass goes dormant (for those of us in the south). This is an optimal time to aerate your lawn. You are done with mowing for the season, so you're not clogging the aeration holes up with grass clippings. Smart, right? When you've carefully and lovingly collected lovely pots, lawn ornaments, statues, or windchimes, you want them to last year after year. Collect all your pots. Discard the now withered plants, dump out the old potting soil, give them pots a quick cleaning. Also, collect your lawn ornaments and yard decor and give them a good clean-up. I store all these items inside our barn. I put them in a corner and cover them up with an old sheet to keep them free of dust and ready to put back out in March. Unhook your garden hose, carefully drain all the water out of it. Coil up the hose and store it away for the winter. In a very cold climate, cut off the water to your outdoor spigot, open up the valve, and leave it in an open position for the entire cold season. However, in a mild winter climate (like where I live), you may want to keep your spigot accessible for warm winter days when you want to wash your car! We purchased an insulated cover that goes over the spigot. It has worked well, no problem for years. Check guidelines for your area on how this is done most effectively in your zone. If you have perennial plants that you've cultivated for months, it's sad to have to cut them all back! But cutting them back before they suffer frost damage will make them healthier in the springtime. Be sure to use trimmers with good, sharp blades so you don't smash the plant. You want good, clean cuts. Your reward will come in the spring when your perennials come back to greet you. These 5 essential jobs to get your yard ready for winter are tedious. The cleaning up after the planting season lacks that feeling of wonder you get when you are planting in the spring. But remember, spring is just a few short months away. And the effort you make now will make it easier to get the garden ready for next season! Posted on November 16, 2017 November 11, 2017 by Deborah TayloePosted in DIY Projects, Gardening, Home Canning and PreservingTagged Autumn, fall, garden, Gardening, jobs in the garden, winterize the garden. Next Next post: A Blue & White Thanksgiving Table That Didn't Cost A Penny!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Script for white board animation? Fiverr Tips Tips for Buyers sepporautavirta December 16, 2016, 3:21pm #1 How to write a script for white board animators? Can you give me examples? Thanks. You can hire all kinds of white board animators and script writers through the main Fiverr page. Someone might give you a consultation for a fee. Sellers cannot advertise their gigs to you in this section and they also cannot display example work in this forum category. xpertmarketer December 16, 2016, 3:21pm #3 We haven't chatted before so I can't send you a PM, but feel free to contact me if you need any help with whiteboard script writing. It's pretty simple - depends on what you're looking for. But basically, it's something like this: Is the reliability of your cleaning company driving you nuts? Do you hate paying good money for substandard work? When your cleaners don't turn up; do you clean yourself? That's not a great use of your time in your business. Would you like a reliable, trustworthy and efficient cleaning company; that offers a professional oneoff deep clean or regular contract cleaning service? As an approved member of CLEANING ASSOCIATION , the cleaning industry's accreditation and certification scheme, we are required to provide you with excellent standards of service. We also do our bit for the environment too. We are certified members of the GREEN CLEANERS SCHEME; so we only use ecofriendly cleaning materials. We're flexible, responsive and offer incredible value for money. So, if you require a oneoff service after a tenancy has ended, look no further than the ACME Cleaning Company. Yes, but that's not your work, is it? I can find it word for word on page 12 of this document: In fact, I would wager it belongs to David Kyte who wrote a bunch of "done for you" scripts. Now, that could be you, but given the weird formatting, I'd say it's 99% certain this is lifted from the PDF–and although I can't be sure, I think that PDF may well be part of the offer on the landing page. If you will use other people's words, please source them. It's dishonest to tout for business using this method, and not especially smart when it takes about 2 minutes to uncover it with a cursory search. If you offer this service in a gig why copy someone else? Look at his gigs, look at the doodle labs offerings. It's a business in a box jey242 December 16, 2016, 3:21pm #7 Hold on hold on hold on. Wait! Maybe…he's one of those guys from that site who assists the guys who made that presentation. It's possible, which is why I mentioned it could be him (as in he is one of those guys), but why would you then present your script so poorly? The profile pic was also interesting to me, as it simply isn't found anywhere else. It's also available for $47 to flog around clients, and many Fiverr whiteboard…um…artists are using it. I have no issue with this, but offering to help with script writing then using a DFY script is a little dishonest. It would be better to say "I have professional tools to help you" or something. Consider this: you pay someone $100 (random number) to make a nice whiteboard w/ script. Now, maybe the whiteboard stuff takes work to put together, I don't know. Maybe it's drag 'n' drop in a WYSIWYG editor. That takes time. But the script is a DFY script that hundreds of other people are using when you wanted a unique one? That the example here wasn't even rewritten says a lot. You've paid $100 for a unique video, but for a script your competitors may already be using. Klunk. If you're gonna tout for business, do it professionally. Anyone can copy-paste expert advice and samples–which is what this was, but anyone can also find it. If you value your business and are serious about hiring quality workers, then you need to show off your actual expertise. Not someone else's–even if they are allowing you to. They don't care, they've already got their $47 (I would bet this is a resell website too if you follow the food chain high enough) and this is just the bottom-feeding in action. Eh, it's Fiverr, it doesn't really matter, you might say. But it will when your business fails because you're using a regurgitated word-for-word script that you paid $100 for. That's when "SCAM!" comes to the forefront and other reputations are tarnished indirectly–even though technically, everything's above board. Hell, if I was going to do this I'd use 3x sellerator, but the $3k price tag is rather offputting. And I'd make using this tool a main selling point rather than hiding it away, even on Fiverr. Let me save you $3000 and give you the words of the world's most successful VSL script writer. See how much better my pitch already is–and honest with it too? Trust and professionalism, mate. Not a shabby $47 product and copy-paste DFY scripts. That's why its equally as important not to rush your pitch as it is not rushing your work. In this case he rushed his pitch by copying and pasting somebody elses work making him look like a dishonest seller.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Interested in taking photography classes in North Pole AK? No matter if you are a beginner, hobbyist, or professional, the best approach to improving your photography technique is through hands-on classes with professional instructors. Alaska features many recognized and accredited photography schools. Topics taught in photography classes include portrait capture, exposure and composition, lighting, posing and unposing, and other photography fundamentals. Becoming an accomplished photographer can lead to a prosperous professional career or lifelong hobby.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
I want to use a gothic font and black and gold, but of course that could change/vary as I go deeper into the project. What do you think? Which quote is more death-y? And a word of warning: make sure you've had a good morning before you go hunting for quotes about death. And a few cups of coffee. And then go out into the sunshine. The places we go when the muse calls, though. Am I right?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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Amazon shipped 3x more smart speakers than Google in Q3 Smart speaker shipments surged nearly 45% to 28.6 million worldwide in Q3 from a year earlier on strong Amazon sales. The e-commerce giant shipped 10.4 million Echo devices to post yearly growth of 66%, mostly powered by Prime Day and back-to-school campaigns, according to market researcher Canalys. Google's shipments of its smart speakers plunged 40.1% to 3.5 million in the quarter. Shipments of smart displays, which have video screens and make up 22% of the broader smart speaker category, soared 500% to 6.3 million worldwide in Q3 from the year prior. China's Baidu was the market leader with 2.3 million shipments, edging out Amazon's 2.2 million, followed by Google at 700,000 and Xiaomi at 600,000. China continues to be a significant source of smart speaker growth, with tech companies like Alibaba, Baidu and Xioami piling into the market, Canalys found. Shipments of Alibaba's Tmall Genie surged 77.6% to 3.9 million, Baidu's line of smart speakers jumped 290.1% to 3.7 million and Xiaomi's climbed 77.7% to 3.4 million. For mobile marketers, the continued swelling of smart speaker popularity provides a more significant channel for two-way communication with customers. That means they need to consider developing voice-enabled apps for platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant that power smart speaker interactions. The field is growing increasingly crowded as more tech giants vie for a slice of the emerging voice opportunity. Amazon in September announced that Alexa supports 100,000 skills, as apps for this platform are known, including ones that reach consumers around the globe. Google earlier this year said companies had created more than 4,200 actions, as its apps are called, for Google Assistant, reported. Amazon's continued dominance of the smart speaker space demonstrates the company's ability to market the products effectively through its e-commerce platform, while other device makers scramble for space in retail stores that grapple with declining foot traffic. In a creative move to convert potential customers and bring them into the Amazon ecosystem, the e-commerce giant introduced an "Echo Upgrade Program" to urge existing users and people who own products from competitors like Google to trade in their devices. To boost growth, Google has sought more partnerships with companies like Spotify that help distribute its Home smart speakers to listeners, as Canalys notes in its report. As voice technology improves and consumers become more familiar speaking to electronic devices, voice-powered shopping is forecast to gradually pick up steam. Among the approximately one-third of Americans who own voice-enabled devices, 31% use the technology to make purchases, per a recent report sponsored by payments company Visa. Last year, an eMarketer report predicted that voice commerce through smart speakers would reach $2.1 billion in 2018, and 74.2 million U.S. consumers were expected to use smart speakers at least once per month in 2019. Canalys Canalys: Amazon smart speaker shipments crossed 10 million mark in Q3 2019 The Washington Post Hackers can hijack your iPhone or smart speaker with a simple laser pointer Filed Under: Shopping Campaigns Tech and platform developments
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
7-10 working days from approved artwork (weekends and public holiday not included). Additional options added to product may extend this time, Allow an extra 1-2 working days for an option. We use Australia Post –Registered Post or Express post for our deliveries within Australia. 3.62" x 2.20" 2.20" x 3.62" --It provides a highly striking means of introducing who you are. --It not only creates a deep and maximum contrast, but gives life to your print. -- It is very effective for greeting cards and low GSM papers. Spot UV (Ultra Violet) refers to the placement of a glossy coating on specific areas of the card. Whereas glossy business cards are shiny all over, spot UV business cards are typically printed on non-shiny cardstock like silk. The spot UV gloss is then coated over the silk business card stock on specific parts of the card. The effect makes the glossy or spot UV areas jump off the card, especially when reflecting light. The effect does't change the underlying color, it simply makes it shine. Where to Add Spot UV to Your Card? The best place to add spot UV to your business cards is the logo. Most logos are designed to be eye-catching, so embellishing them with spot UV is a natural fit. You could also apply spot UV to the company or contact details, which produces a pseudo raised-letter effect and is extremely cool looking. Can Spot UV (Ultra Violet) Varnish Business Cards be written on? Yes they can be written on, but its recommended that a permanet marker or ball point pen is used as other pens tend to smudge easily. Also only area without the Spot UV can be written on. Can I split my 1000 business cards order into 2 names or 4 names? Unfortunately not, you would need to order the individual cards per person, so 500 x 2 kinds or 250 x 4 kinds. What are your file specifications? For the best results, we recommend PDFs but we can accept AI, PSD,CDR, JPEG, EPS, or TIFF files as well. Please keep all safe text at least 2mm from the trim line. Files must be CMYK, not RGB. PDFs, EPS and AI files: Please convert all fonts and text to outlines and flatten all transparencies. JPEG, PSD, TIFF: Please flatten all files. You may save your files at 400 DPI (300 DPI is the minimum). Can you cut my cards a different size? Our standard business card size is 90mm x 54mm. We are able to cut your cards to a different size as long as they are smaller or larger than our standard. Can you create a design for my business? Yes, you have two ways to create the design. Option 1: We design for you. Email us the needed information you want to put on the cards, we would create professional designs for your selection. Option 2: Select a design template to get a free design. If you order print products from us, design service is free of charge. Simply pick out the templates you like(click here),write down the text information below and upload images. We'd like to finish the design for you based on the templates. We offer a fast, reliable, door-to-door, customs-cleared express delivery service for business cards and plastic cards to over 210 countries worldwide. Shipping and processing costs vary by the weight of your order you select during checkout.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Fired Liberal Party officials appeal to Supreme Court The recently expelled senior members of the Liberal Party (PL), including two former MPs, have petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn a November 9 High Court ruling which quashed their arguments. Published : December 10, 2007 "We appealed on Friday. When you are not contented with a ruling of a lower court, you have no choice but to seek redress with higher court," Isaie Murashi, who was two months ago fired from the Lower House together with former PL treasurer, Elie Ngirabakunzi, on party recommendation, said yesterday. The other three plaintiffs are Dr Laurien Nyabyenda, the director of ARBEF – a reproductive health organisation – and former PL party president in the Southern Province, Emmanuel Uwimana (former party first vice president, Western Province) and Emmanuel Musabyimana, former party head in Kicukiro Sector, Kigali. The complainants argue that they were expelled from the party by the executive committee in contravention of the party's rules and regulations. However in his ruling, the High Court president, Johnston Busingye, said: "There is no content in the complaint filed by the plaintiffs because they were expelled according to procedure and should pay Frw5 million for tarnishing the party image by dragging it in unnecessary legal battles." There is a provision that the party congress can delegate this committee to act on its behalf," Busingye ruled. According to the rules governing the party, members of the executive committee are appointed and expelled by the party congress. Busingye said the party's executive committee, which is chaired by PL President Protais Mitali, did all that was required by law including instituting two ad hoc commissions to mitigate the problem between the members and the party, but in vain. Trouble started when a group of PL members including the five men challenged the August 5 party elections in which Mitali was elected the party president, saying they were marred by fraud. Mitali, also the minister of Commerce and Industry, beat Polycarpe Gatete for the top job. Gatete resigned from the Chamber of Deputies last month for what he called personal reasons. Subsequent to the election dispute, the five men were initially suspended from the party leadership positions for four years but later, they were expelled indefinitely, leading to Ngirabakunzi and Murashi to lose their seats in the Chamber of Deputies The two were later replaced by Charles Kamanda and Francois Udahemuka in the August House.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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I'm not even fighting back,» Marrow, who appeared to be handcuffed, shouted as two officers slammed him against a white pickup truck. One of the officers held Marrow's arms behind his back and the other officer pulled his legs out from under him, swiftly taking him to the ground.. cheap nfl jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys In interviews with several of Cooke's friends, a few factors in his decision emerge. For one, they said, Cooke was not certain that John was up to keeping the franchise among the elite teams in the National Football League, or even that John would have been totally committed to the task. And if the Redskins had faltered cheap nfl jerseys under John's leadership, Cooke told one friend, «'My own legacy would have been diminished over time.' Jack was worried about his own reputation.». wholesale nfl jerseys A simple principle, yes, but one the Navy applauds in theory and rejects in practice. In short, the system rewards micromanagement by superiors at the cost of disempowering those below. This is understandable, given the military's ancient insistence on obedience in the face of chaos, which is essential in battle. Cheap Jerseys china I regret the position I put them in. I regret, a lot of the people I work with, the position we put our show in. I'll never take back what I said.». You have to wonder how long new head coach Chip Kelly is going to stay around, and whether he will even make it to the end of the year. Kelly is an unproven quantity in the NFL, although he did a great job at Oregon transforming a mediocre college program into what it is today. Whether he is hard enough to make it in the NFL is difficult to say but he has a reputation for cheerleading, which just may not cut it.The next thing is the state of the Eagles defense this year. Cheap Jerseys china wholesale nfl jerseys from china By backup quarterback Colt McCoy throwing a second quarter interception. By rookie running backSamaje Perine fumbling and then dropping a pass on consecutive plays. By the stadium being out of both veggie dogs and veggie patty sandwiches. Lost revenue from the loss of preseason games, and possibly the elimination of fans in the stands for regular season games, impacts both the owners and players because they share revenue. The salary cap is annually based on the league's revenue. The NFLPA is pushing for a flat cap in 2021, which would protect the salary cap from taking a major reduction that could result in major job losses and contract restructurings.. wholesale nfl jerseys from china cheap jerseys On Monday, he was with the team, the NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reports, when it arrived in London for Sunday's game against the Chicago Bears. While his appeal is pending, he is not allowed to practice with the team or participate in any football activities. In addition to the three game suspension in 2017, he was suspended for the first three games of the 2016 season for multiple player safety violations.. cheap jerseys Cheap Jerseys from china «I think the people who have kind of built this league have built this league on an open mind,» Saleh said. «And there's no doubt in my mind that they go into it with an open mind. It still comes down to being the best person for the job. It's Browner's fourth arrest over the past 14 months. In May 2017, he was arrested in La Verne on cocaine possession charges. Four months later, he was arrested on a felony charge of making threats toward a woman. Cheap Jerseys from china wholesale jerseys from china The owners also will consider a series of replay related proposals made by individual NFL teams. One of those, by the Washington Redskins, would make every call and non call in a game subject to possible replay review, under the coaches' challenge system. That proposal, unlike the one by the competition committee, might have enabled the officiating mistake made in the NFC title game to have been corrected.. wholesale jerseys from china Cheap Jerseys free shipping His status was momentarily uncertain again recently when he was put on the reserve/COVID 19 list Aug. 1. He was removed three days later, with the Lions saying it was a false positive.. One of the things that make wine so interesting is that a wine is reborn every year. The cycle, from first bloom to harvest, is uniquely dependent on what cheap jerseys is happening on Earth during that particular period of time when the grapes are grown. Each vintage is a snapshot of our lives, reflecting what is actually happening during that year Cheap Jerseys free shipping. Copyright © 2021 [] Iglesia Oasis de Esperanza
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Deluxe 4-star all inclusive Crete holiday with flights. The Kalyves Beach Hotel is ideally located close to the beach and features excellent onsite amenities including 2 sparkling swimming pools. Save £120pp! Deluxe 4-star all inclusive Crete holiday. The Kalyves Beach Hotel is ideally located close to the beach and features excellent onsite amenities including 2 sparkling swimming pools. Save £120pp! The hotel lies directly next to the River Xydas. Built on a really privileged area, it combines the blue-green of the Cretan Sea (Kritiko Pelagos), the crystal clear waters of Xyda's river and the beauty of the Greek nature. The beautiful decoration along with the particular style of the hotel can satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding customer. Surrounded by gardens, this modern hotel was renovated in 2005 and comprises 3 floors with a total of 150 rooms. Guests at this air-conditioned hotel may make use of the foyer with 24-hour reception desk, lifts, safes and currency exchange counter. A dining room TV room and a conference room with a capacity of 180 people are to be found within this beach hotel. There is a bar; a café and an à la carte restaurant (with a smoking and non-smoking area as well as highchairs for children) are also offered. Guests are able to select their breakfast and dinner from a buffet. Lunch and dinner may also be chosen from the set menu and lunch is also available à la carte. Special dietary requirements are also catered for and particular dishes can be prepared. Furthermore, it is possible to book a half-board stay. This outdoor complex offers a swimming pool, a children's paddling area as well as a sun terrace with sun loungers, parasols and a poolside snack bar. Guests are offered an indoor pool, a solarium, and, for an additional fee, a Jacuzzi, a sauna and a massage service. Guests may also wish to use the gym, go diving or play billiards (all for an additional fee). In addition, it is possible to partake in the gymnastics course. An entertainment programme provides some amusement. A beach with sun loungers and parasols is located close to the hotel.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
In the very next book, Harry meets the young Voldemort, Tom Riddle, and afterwards, Harry is troubled by the similarities between Tom and him, and the fact that the sorting hat wanted to put Harry in Slytherin. But in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, love potions become even more important. In Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes, Fred and George sell love potions that "work for up to twenty-four hours at a time, depending on the weight of the boy in question, and the attractiveness of the girl, but we're not selling them to our sister!" Later in the book, Ron takes a love potion by accident and shortly therafter is almost ed. This is very important information. You can't magically create what Harry has. If you can't love, you can't get it from a potion. Once again, an example of the power of love, and what happens in the absence of real love. This is all very interesting. It seems that while Dumbledore had Tom Riddle under his care at Hogwarts, he had hopes of showing him the benefits of the power of love. Tom Riddle speaks of Dumbledore's "famous pronouncements that love is more powerful than my kind of magic". But we know, unfortunately for the wizarding world, that it never seemed to get through to him. Dumbledore has told us, Harry's greatest weapon against Voldemort is Love. And Harry's greatest protection against Voldemort's magical power is also Love! So, this is what it all comes down to. I think I'm correct in assuming that every Harry Potter fan on the planet assumes that at the end of Harry Potter and the ly Hallows, there be a duel between Harry and Voldemort, the result of which one does not live so that the other can survive (to paraphrase The Prophecy). But what if there is another way for the story to end between Harry and Voldemort? What if there is another way Harry can triumph over Voldemort without dueling him? What if, after Harry destroys all of Voldemort's horcruxes, Harry s Voldemort by walking up to him, throwing his arms around him in a big bear hug and telling Voldemort, "I Love You!"? Seriously! I know, on first hearing, it sounds really funny. I must admit, I didn't create the image of Harry doing this, someone told me there is a Harry Potter parody video on the internet that ends with this "joke". But what if it isn't a joke? What would happen to Voldemort if Harry did this, and really meant it? Remember how Bellatrix told Harry in Order of the Phoenix that he couldn't do the evil of an unforgivable curse unless he meant it? What if it works the other way, too? What if, Harry can somehow, somewhere, find it in himself to feel Love for Voldemort, and really mean it? But we know, if even for a fleeting second, he was. In Chamber of Secrets he admitted how his life and Voldemort's were similar. I believe Harry does have it in his heart to find some love, even for Voldemort. But what does this mean for Voldemort? Even before he started making horcruxes, he didn't love anyone, didn't have the need to love anyone. Now that he's irreparably damaged his soul by splitting it into seven pieces, he no longer has the physical ability to understand or accept love. And after his horcruxes have been destroyed, there is no hope for repairing the damage (if there ever was in the first place). Voldemort is unredeemable as a human being. Love. It is the power the Dark Lord knows not. It is Harry's greatest power, his greatest protection. I think, if Harry walked up to Voldemort, give him a big hug and said, "I love you!" and really meant it, it would be more than Voldemort's twisted and irreparably damaged soul could handle, and Voldemort would simply cease to exist.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Category: Philadelphia 76 er's Basketball, NBA, Philadelphia 76 er's Sixers Say Goobye To Mr Cheeks …………… Posted on December 14, 2008 December 21, 2008 by tophatal Well it'd appear that another NBA franchise has seen fit to fire their coach. And the Philadelphia 76 er's have decided in jettisoning their coach rather than keeping him until midway through the season. That being said it was expected that this team would be contending within the Eastern Conference and their division as a whole. But they've been a disappointment and underperformed much to the dismay of their fans and the public at large. Andray Blatche of the Wizards is fouled by Samuel Dalembert of the 76 ers'……. Andray Blatche of the Wizards is fouled by Sixers' player Samuel Dalembert during the game played between the two teams. The 76rs' would go on to win the game 104-89 . picture appears courtesy of nbae/getty images/ Thomas Rassmussen …………… Much like another statistic Maurice Cheeks was thrown to the wolves in spite of the fact that the team's malaise didn't rest upon his shoulders but that of a team that has yet to find its stride. Their big money signing of Elton Brand has yet to show the prowess upon which he was a desirable commodity prior to the start of the season. But thus far the All Star hasn't put up the numbers that many expected would become the norm. That being said Cheeks is now the fifth coach to have been fired this season. And we've barely reached the quarter mark of the season. Brand blocks a shot by the Wizards' Darrius Songaila during the third quarter of the game played in Philadelphia. picture appears courtesy of ap/photo/Tom Mihalek ………….. In the Atlantic Division they sit at the bottom of the division having posted a 10-14 record. And already they're twelve games behind the high riding Boston Celtics, who lead the division with a 22-2 record and are 10 games ahead of their closest rivals within the division the New Jersey Nets. And as we know the fans in a city like Philly aren't always forgiving of their sport's franchises when they prove to be a disappointment. They have a way of showing their dark side which can be very disconcerting for even the most discerning of individuals. The team was built with an eye on the future and in some eyes they were viewed as a team that could contend. They showed much of that promise with their gallant display in the postseason last year. Albeit that they lost in the first round of the playoffs. It was felt that they could build on the future and the nucleus was in place with a young roster of players led by Andre Iguodala , Samuel Dalembert and the veteran leadership of Andre Miller. Sixers' interim coach Tony DiLeo calls for a timeout during the first quarter in the Sixers' game played against the Washington Wizards. picture appears courtesy of ap/photo/Nate Campbell ……………… But the promise that was shone in the latter part of the season and into first round of the postseason has been nothing more than aberration for the most part this season. They've struggled on both sides of the ball and it can be said that there's a lack of confidence from the team. But most of all it hasn't helped that Elton Brand hasn't brought about the presence and leadership sought as a perennial All Star. As alluded to before the sole responsibility of the team's problems hasn't stemmed from the lack of coaching ability of Cheeks. But the lack of a cohesive presence by the team on the court. Interim coach Tony DiLeo has been entrusted to lead this team now as the coach and it has to be said that he's been entrusted with none too easy of a task at this juncture. If he's to succeed then the team will have to respond and show a great deal of consistency. And for a first time coach with next to little coaching experience. It has to be said that his chances of success border on slim at best. Elton Brand of the 76ers makes the jump shot over the outstretched arms of the Wizards' Antawn Jamison. Brand would have a very good night offensively for his team on their homecourt scoring 27 points for the team. picture appears courtesy of ap/Tom Mihalek …………… Cheeks may well have been shown a great disservice by the franchise and with General Manager Ed Stefanski and the fact that it was his decision to abruptly fire the coach. Surely he could've waited given the circumstances that the team found themselves ? They'd yet to see the team play with all of their main starters being on the court at the same time. But these decisions when made can never be reversed. Cheeks may well go on to rebound from this all and find himself in a new position at some time in the future. He's well respected coach whose knowledge of the game is unparallelled. And he also has the respect of his peers as well as players around the league. So one can summize that he will find himself with a position of some capacity around the league. Juan Dixon of the Wizards makes a gallant effort to deflect the ball away from Lou Williams of the Sixers during the game which the Sixers would go on to win 104-89. picture appears courtesy of ap/photo/Tom Mihalek ……………… For their part the Sixers have proven to be something of a real disappointment to their fans and fans in general around the league. Much was expected of the team. Having made the postseason they gave a real accounting of themselves albeit that they lost in the first round. But there was much promise shown by the team and it was felt under the tutelage and leadership of Cheeks that they would do well this season. Alas with injuries prevailing and no real consisistency to their play. We've seen the team underperform to such an extent that their poor record seems a microcosm of the real underlying problems within the franchise. Interim coach Ed Tapscott is on the sidelines as his Washington Wizards' team takes on the Philadelphia 76 ers in a game played in Philadelhia. picture appears courtesy of ap/photo/ Tom Mihalek …………… And as much as we'd like to regale about the fact that the Eastern Conference doesn't seem to possess a number of quality teams. It has to be said that one of the problems behind that may well be from the mere reason that many of the franchises therein have a nucleus of young players on their rosters. The inexperience is showing and at the same time the rigors of playing within the NBA has alredy began to set in. The Boston Celtics and the Cleveland Cavaliers are the class of the conference. But where we see much of the competitive spirit being shown by the Western Conference week in week out. There you have the likes of the Los Angeles Lakers , San Antonio Spurs , New Orleans Hornets, Dallas Mavericks ,Utah Jazz and the Phoenix Suns. Comparatively one could say that the East doesn't possess that sort of quality ? GM Ed Stefanski introduces Tony DiLeo as the team's new interim head coach for the rest of the season. picture appears courtesy of ap/photo/Tom Mihalek ……………. Last night we saw the Sixers show a great deal of resolve in overcoming the Washington Wizards. Their win was encouraging for interim coach Tony DiLeo. And one would hope that with it comes a renewed passion by the players and the organization as a whole. And with GM Ed Stefanski make the decision that the franchise will now have to live and die with. It doesn't bode well for the team where in the city of brotherly love the fans aren't always enamored of their teams when it comes to their professionals sports' franchises. For Cheeks who's a well respected coach and admired by his peers , he's well remembered within the city and much beloved as a favorite son. tophatal ……………………………
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NPP's Sir John is dead Former General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, popularly known as Sir John, has passed away. He is reported to have died on Wednesday, evening at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital after a short illness. The renowned lawyer-cum-politician died after testing positive for the novel Coronavirus, GhanaWeb gathered. Sir John reportedly succumbed to complications of the disease while undergoing treatment at the ICU of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. Until his death, Sir John was the CEO of the Forestry Commission. He was appointed as the CEO of the Forestry Commission in March 2017 by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie was born in the Ashanti Region. He attended Seventh Day Adventist Secondary School in Bekwai from where he obtained his GCE Ordinary level certificate. He then proceeded to obtain his GCE Advanced level certificate from Konongo Odumase Secondary School in Konongo. Mr Owusu Afriyie was admitted to study political science at the University of Ghana after which he enrolled at the Ghana School of Law where he graduated with Bachelor of Laws (LLB). He was then admitted as a solicitor and counsel for the Supreme Court of Ghana. Sir John entered into private law practice in 1981. During the John Agyekum Kufuor administration, he was appointed head of legal services at the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC). He was later made to act as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the corporation. While managing his firm, Afriyie was also actively engaged in Ghanaian politics. He served as the General Secretary of the NPP from 2010 to 2014. He lost his bid to secure a second term to Kwabena Agyei Agyapong. Source: Featured Featured Posts Latest News Politics 'Angry' Asamoah Gyan warns fraudsters over fake Twitter account WATCH: "ADOFO JNR You sing like FRIED RICE" – PATAPAA Jams with Yaa Adoma
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Molly Mine Digitized The First Made In The Hoop Soft Books For Children. Made completely in-the-hoop, so fun to make! Fat Cars book has a few cars from each of my fat cars sets with a few added elements just for fun. Designs include, police car, school bus, fire truck, old truck, bug, tractor and train, with a cute hummer type SUV cover! Design sizes are 4″ and 5″ books. I made this book for my great nephew and he loved it! The book was so easy and so much fun to make. I loved picking out different fabrics with textures that he would enjoy touching and feeling. A very well made book!
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PBS NewsHour PBS NewsHour Deadline Passes in Darfur Without All Rebels Signing Peace Deal World Jun 1, 2006 4:00 PM EST A faction of the Sudan Liberation Army led by Abdel Wahed Mohammed al-Nur and the rebel Justice and Equality Movement both refused to sign the agreement, citing a need for more political positions in a proposed government, a voice in the disarmament proceedings, and better compensation for victims of the conflict. Another faction of the SLA had signed the peace deal with the Sudanese government on May 5, but the rivalries between the groups raised questions on how useful a peace deal could be if only one of the three factions agree to it. The current signatories have said that no changes could be made to the deal as brokered in early May. Khalil Ibrahim, the JEM leader, cautioned world leaders at a press conference to "be patient, not to hurry up, not to force an unacceptable peace on people of Darfur." The AU is now left with the decision of whether or not to pursue punitive measures against the groups while simultaneously pushing for a peaceful end to the prolonged civil war. The AU Peace and Security Council will meet soon to discuss placing sanctions on the rebel groups' leaders. AU personnel have been targeted in the recent upswing in violence in Darfur and placed the responsibility for these attacks on the groups declining to sign the deals. al-nur janjaweed
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We've decided to drop this Tutorial after Receiving Uncountable number of Mails from the 2go Addicts on #WB, Its finally here.. How to Chat with your Facebook Friends on 2go. Well, Some wapbasian might have known about this but for the sake of our Newbies, This is a Short Tutorial on How to Chat with your Online Facebook Friends directly from your 2go Account without them knowing you're chatting from 2go. Connecting 2go Messenger to Facebook is a simple process which only requires you knowing your Facebook Username. You will get a step by steps Tips on How to do that as you Read along.. HOW DO I GET MY FACEBOOK USERNAME? Before anything, You will need to know/get your Facebook Username by following this Simple Steps. 2. Your username is the nickname after the " " in the address generated from the link above. e.g if your Unique Facebook Profile address generates is"", the " somebody" is your username. 1. You must have a working 2go App Installed on your phone, Your Facebook username and Facebook password. => Open your 2go App and log in. => Click on " Settings " => Click on " Gateways " => Select " Facebook Gateway " 3. After Selecting "Facebook Gateway" from the options, Click on " Activate ". Now, Enter your Facebook Username and Facebook Password in the spaces provided and click on Submit. Once its successful, you will start seeing your Facebook friends in your 2go app and you can start chatting with them. » WOW--: HOW TO CHAT WITH YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS TRU YOUR PHONE!
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Der GAC Trumpchi GA 5 ist eine Limousine der Mittelklasse der Submarke GAC Trumpchi der chinesischen Guangzhou Automobile Group. Geschichte In China kam das Fahrzeug im Dezember 2010 noch als GAC Trumpchi auf Basis des Alfa Romeo 166 mit einem 110 kW starken Twin-Spark-Motor auf den Markt. Im Dezember 2012 wurde eine überarbeitete Version eingeführt, die den Namenszusatz GA 5 erhielt, da mit dem GAC Trumpchi GS 5 ein weiteres Modell der Marke im Handel war. Im Dezember 2014 folgte der GAC Trumpchi GA 5 REV, eine Variante mit einem Plug-in-Hybrid-Antrieb und einer elektrischen Reichweite von rund 80 Kilometer. Außerhalb Chinas war die Limousine nicht erhältlich. Anfang 2018 löste der GAC Trumpchi GA 4 den GA 5 ab. Technische Daten Einzelnachweise Weblinks Limousine Hybridelektroautomodell
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
L.A. County supervisors oppose Palmdale-to-Burbank high-speed rail segment by City News Service • June 29, 2016 Some Antelope Valley residents have said the high-speed rail line would divide the community of Lake View Terrace, threaten wildlife and hurt property values.[Image courtesy High Speed Rail Authority] LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to oppose a version of the Palmdale-to-Burbank high-speed rail segment proposed to run through the Big Tujunga Wash in the Angeles National Forest. Supervisor Michael Antonovich recommended that the board send a letter opposing the plan — one of three alternatives set for environmental review — to county lobbyists and the California High-Speed Rail Authority Board. The letter will also state that the board opposes any segment that would cross the Big Tujunga Wash at or above grade, tell the High-Speed Rail Authority that the remaining two alternatives also pose threats to homes and wildlife areas, and press for an update on long-awaited hydrological and technical studies. In 2013, Antonovich asked the authority to underground most of the Palmdale-to-Burbank segment of the state's bullet train route, which is about 35-45 miles long and runs through rural, urban and densely populated communities, as well as portions of the Angeles National Forest. The agency agreed to tunnel through the San Gabriel Mountains, but the new plans have created other problems, Antonovich said. Antelope Valley residents told the board the high-speed rail line would divide the community of Lake View Terrace, threaten wildlife and hurt property values. The train — projected to run from San Francisco to Los Angeles in less than three hours by 2029 — is designed to travel at speeds up to 200 miles per hour. Proponents have stressed safety measures and lower failsafe speed restrictions along stretches of the track. The HSR project — approved by voters in 2008 and last estimated to cost $64 billion — has been plagued by delays and opposition at almost every turn. But proponents say it is less than half the cost of infrastructure improvements to highways and airports that would be necessary without the train. The train also has the advantage of paying customers to fund operating and maintenance costs, unlike most highway projects. Previous related story: AV residents sound off on high-speed rail 29 comments for "L.A. County supervisors oppose Palmdale-to-Burbank high-speed rail segment" gerry says Give it up already. We voted for a project that would cost 32 million, it will wind up at LEAST that. They already say it will not meet the time tables proposed to us, the voters. They admit the numbers are not there to support operation of the train and it will need millions of tax dollars each year to operate with ticket prices anywhere under $100 one way. We already have jets flying LAX/SFO if they are full , FLY BIGGER JETS, remember when PSA flew an L-1011 LAX/SFO $19.95 cheap seats an all. Hook LAX up to light rail so people can get to the airport, having no direct connection to the airport was insane, the tracks run right next to it. The state does not need trains that will be underused but admired, the state needs more water projects. Jason Zink says Let's be Real! It's going too go along the 5 like it was proposed originally. No one in the State or LA or up North cares about AV! Look at it as an outsider and investor, and the costs and the NIMBY problems. The best thing AV can do is fight for funds to place the existing rail road and metro in a trench underneath surface streets and solve the biggest congestion problem in AV and into the future. Get Palmdale Airport up and running with service from up north to Bakersfield to Palmdale to Las Vegas. We can fly any where in the world from Vegas, and make AV less isolated to new investment. We can't even get engineer's to move here or stay here because of isolation and I dont blame them. We are known as Aerospace Valley and Capital, and have billion dollar airplane contracts. Yet no air service???? Local politicians suck, time to elect new people! Mr fed up says the HSR is the worst project and billions over budget in history. Theres been no effort to inprove a rail system built in the 1800's when every city didnt exsist now 150 years later trying to cut through infrusturce and protected wildlands cor a system that probably go bankrupt before completion, wait what ks the lrolosed completion date?????????? Good thing you aren't in charge. Build The Train says It truly shows a lack of leadership by the board of supervisors. We need real transportation options. They are taking the easy way out by opposing every alternative. How 'bout the HSR just skipping Los Angeles/Burbank etc. altogether and just going from Palmdale to San Diego through an inland route through Victorville and San Bernadino/ Riverside etc.? Tim Scott says Skipping LA would pretty much defeat the purpose. Like it, hate it, anything but ignore it…LA is the engine that makes California go. Not Our William says This cannot be a comment from the real William. The real William knows that the largest city in the state and second largest city in the nation has to be part of the system for it to succeed. Yes. It was me. I was being facetious If the supervisors were really and truly concerned about the issues facing Lake View Terrace and other places, they wouldn't have let development run amok for lo these many decades which has done far more damage than a HSR would do. They are simple people. Just whom do they think they are fooling? Really? Los Angeles has spread out and developed over every hill and dale and now they are concerned about a HSR that will alleviate traffic on the loaded freeways which they didn't mind building everywhere, wider and wider. Didn't those developments and freeways destroy whatever the supervisors are trying to protect? Don't build anything else Los Angeles. Stop all development then. Lilly says This train is much needed and would help a lot of commuters from the AV to LA. I just dont understand why they would build it underground. It will run right along a fault line so to build it underground is suicide. Alan says It's about 400 miles to Frisco…why does it take 3 hours if it goes 200 miles. Even taking into account stops and lower speeds at stations, should be less than 3 hours. I can drive there in 5-1/2. How much will the tickets be to pay for some of this? It's a waste of money. Laughing says Taking your distance, 400 miles and dividing by 2 for the trains speed of 200 MPH that is two hours. If we take into account say 10 stops between LA and Frisco at 5 minutes each, then we add another 50 minutes. Of course the train has to slow and accelerate at each stop, plus slow zones so round it up to a full hour easy. There 3 hours. How about all those people that do not drive but want to travel? Or those that do not want to travel the freeway system during wind/dust/flooding rain storms? Ticket prices will vary based on distance, specials, discounts, and of course passenger load (the more that ride, the lower the price should go, but doubt it). It is not a waste of money in everyones eyes, but glad you have car and are willing to travel that extra 2.5 hours and pay for parking at the other end, plus the fuel costs (which vary widely, my little commuter gets decent mileage, the Landrover not so much.) Lae says as someone who drives to san francisco (please, not "frisco") fairly regularly, it can (and often) takes more than 5 1/2 hours to get there… accounting for gas & bathroom breaks. "Antelope Valley residents told the board the high-speed rail line would divide the community of Lake View Terrace…" Huh. Matt K. says Right?!?!?!?!?? …When did Antelope Valley residents start caring about Lake View Terrace? …Was it back when Lake View Terrace started caring about us??? Oh. Nevermind. Criminy. The SR 14 divides the cities of Palmdale, Lancaster and Rosamond and I'm not sure if Acton sits on boths sides of it too. The I-5, I-405, US 101 and a few other freeways 'divide' the San Fernando Valley and I'm sure they divide it louder than a HSR would. And, I'm sure residents of Lake View Terrace drive on freeways that go right past the backyards of other people's houses. They should be ashamed of themselves. LOL Next problem, supervisors???? Jim G says Every community needs to make sacrifices. How did we ever build our current freeway infrastructure? And yes even wildlife! 10dog says This as a total waste of money we don't have! Resident says It's either that, or spend twice as much on roads and airports. If that were even possible. The Newhall Pass is currently nine lanes each way. How much more road can you build, at any price? LAX has much bigger tickets to fry than little commuter hops up the coast. Bob Hope and John Wayne airports are pretty close to capacity and also could easily replace every flight going to San Fransisco with another more profitable route. The people who are spewing out "we don't need this" are using the "we" that actually means "I," and as is so often the case they refuse to recognize what benefits they get from being a part of society and just want to cry about the costs. Correction. The Newhall Pass is either eleven or twelve lanes each way. Not sure exactly, but it certainly isn't nine. Santa Clarita which didn't want a HSR station but sure didn't have a problem building a million condos on the east side of the 14 and dumping 2 million cars on the road every morning during rush hour. It will serve them right in 20 years when driving to work in LA becomes impossible for them while the HSR passes them by like they're standing still. I cringe whenever I drive by that high density bee hive. You couldn't pay me to live there. No just fix the one we have now Fix what? What is this that you think we "have" that needs to be fixed? Create a magical portal at Sierra and Hwy 138, the train goes in and then moments later magically appears in Burp-bank at the station. If the Palmdale Portal is the Blue entrance, how would the train come back? The cake must be a lie. David Morales on Reward doubled to $20K in "ruthless" Lancaster shooting, photos of suspect released: "What are you talking about? A person was laying on the ground and shot in the head. What if that…" Jan 21, 15:44
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
I loved this shot because of the way the light was hitting the pasture. Half bathed in light, the other have covered in shadow. All as the cows meandered around in the pasture taking in an early morning breakfast.
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Poor field conditions didn't deter American River College's women's soccer team in its 2-0 win against Yuba College, resulting in the team's second consecutive shut out. Several pockets of water were spread out throughout the field, making for a slippery play surface. The condition of the field visibly affected both teams. "The conditions were kind of rough today, our passes weren't able to finish because the puddles would stop them, so that was pretty difficult," said sophomore goalie Stephanie Doss. ARC started slow in the first half as Yuba getting three early shots on goal, all of which were deflected by Doss. "The first half we played like we had already won the game," said ARC head coach Paul Arellanes. "The second half we played with a little more urgency. A little more desire," Arellanes said. ARC picked up its pace as the match continued, with the team's exchanging shots on goal throughout the latter part of the first half. Yuba was aggressive in the offensive zone but was unable to score despite four shots on goal. "We played a pretty good game, we're starting to come together as a team," said Doss, who finished the match with two saves. "I think we played pretty well as a team, now we're ready for Fresno," said Holtzen. ARC forward Theresa Cooper scored the game's only other goal in the second half on an assist from defenseman Whitney Pickard. Arellanes said he is optimistic and looking towards the team's next game at Fresno City College. Be the first to comment on "ARC women's soccer team defeats Yuba College 2-0 on water soaked field at ARC"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The 1996 class of Austintown Fitch High School will be having its 20 year reunion at Hollywood Gaming on Sept. 3. Cocktail hour will begin at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30. p.m. The cost is $35 per person. Contact Shanna (Glenellen) Laraway at [email protected] for reservations and more information. On Sept. 13 the Friendly Squares of Niles are hosting an introduction to Modern Square Dancing. This will be at the Niles Senior Center (Scope). The time is from 7-9 p.m. If you have been looking for something else to tone your body and mind, give this a try. For more information about the new class, call 330-506-3370. The Moscow Ballet will be running a "Dance With Us" program in Youngstown for students ages 7-17. Anna Radik, soloist and a principal dancer from the Moscow Ballet, will be auditioning children from the Youngstown area on Aug. 29 at Ruth's Dance and Fitness Co. LLC in Boardman to audition for "The Great Russian Nutcracker," which will take place at Deyor Performing Arts Center on Nov. 26. The choreography will be taught Aug. 29 through Sept. 1, then after that Ruth from Ruth's Dance and Fitness Co. LLC will work on the choreography with the students. All children from the Youngstown community between the ages of 7-17 are welcome to audition. If cast, the students will need to pay a $50 casting fee and must be able to attend all rehearsals between Aug. 29 and Sept. 1. The Cafaro Family Foundation has provided a $5,000 donation to the local Boy Scouts of America's Scoutreach program for this coming school year. This recent donation reflects the perennial support by the Cafaro Family Foundation for Scoutreach, which brings Scouting to disadvantaged youth in the Warren and Youngstown City Schools at no cost to either the schools or to youth that become Cub Scouts. This past school year, more than 1,000 boys in grades 1-5 participated in this Scouting program, which is not only well received by the children, but also by the teachers and school administrators. This Scouting program reinforces good study habits, attendance and individual recognition. The generosity of the Cafaro Family Foundation will support Scoutreach's current initiative to expand the program to include sixth-graders, which is a request by school administrators. Learn to square dance at the weekly square dance lessons being offered beginning Sept. 13 from 7-9 p.m. at the Niles Senior SCOPE Center, located at 14 E. State St. in Niles. The lessons are being offered by the Niles Friendly Squares. All age groups are welcome. There is a nominal fee of $6 per lesson. For additional information, contact Gene Hammond at 330-534-4426, 330-506-3370 or [email protected]. The Friendly Squares will be conducting square dance demonstrations at the Canfield Fair on Sept. 1 from 7-8 p.m. and Sept. 4 from 2-3 p.m. at the International Building stage. Pok mon trainers up to grade 12 are invited to stop in and get a free gift at any local library from Sept. 6-17 during regular library hours. Tell the library staff that you're there to hunt for Pok mon and you will receive a prize. Check out library materials that day or get a library card and you can receive an additional prize (both prizes are limited to one of each per participant). Your library has always been the place to get your favorite books, DVDs and music CDs and now you can get your Pok mon gear as well. The Pok mon Library project is for children through grade 12. This program, which will take place every Wednesday in September at 11:30 a.m. at the Austintown library, is for 4- and 5-year-olds to help develop pre-literacy and kindergarten readiness skills. They will use books, stories, rhymes, music, movement and crafts to help your child get ready for kindergarten. Prepare for kindergarten through play at the Austintown library on Sept. 15 at 10 a.m. Read a story and have fun with developmentally appropriate games and activities that you can do with your child to help them get ready for kindergarten. This event is for those ages 2-6. All children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult. Austintown Fireworks committee chairman, Chuck Chalker, recently helped present the Austintown Fitch cross country team with a check for $250 for helping with the first Planet Fitness Freedom 5K run in Austintown, which took place on the July 4th weekend. The committee hopes to expand the race and include even more runners next year. The Austintown library will host an event for caregivers and their little ones who are 6-23 months every Tuesday in September at 10 a.m. There will be 20 minutes of language enrichment including rhymes, songs and stories, followed by time to play and socialize. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Join the Austintown library for developmentally appropriate books, songs, rhymes, finger plays and other activities that will help your child (ages 2-3) become a successful reader every Wednesday in September at 10 a.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Make a craft to take home during regular hours at the Austintown library for the month of September. This event is for children of all ages. There will be a culinary competition at the Austintown library on Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. for school-aged children, tweens and teens, conducted by chefs from Cooking Caravan, that features audience members as sous chefs and judges. This event is for children ages 2-5 who are accompanied by a caregiver. Join the Austintown library for a variety of musical and movement activities that appeal to the "young and restless," stimulate brain development and motivate language learning every Thursday in September at 10 a.m. Adults and children, get ready to act out stories and rhymes, sing and dance, talk and play. Meet and enjoy creating Lego designs at the Austintown library on Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. Legos will be provided. This event is for children, age 6 and up. Celebrate library card sign-up month by playing picture bingo based on favorite children's book characters on Sept. 10 at 11:30 a.m. at the Austintown library. This program will be fun for the whole family. Win prizes, and if you don't have a library card, now is the time to get one. Learn to create your own handmade cards using stamps, punches and other fun tools at the Austintown library on Sept. 23 at 11 a.m. and Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m. Sign up to create each month's greeting card with matching envelope. Participation is limited to one session per person each month to accommodate demand, registration required. Call 330-744-8636 to register. This event is for adults. There's always something new to discover at the library. Look for its interactive STEM stations on display during the month of September during regular hours at the Austintown branch. With two new stations to explore each week, you'll want to come back again and again. This event is for school-age children. Need free homework help? What to take an online class? Doing research? Don't want to pay for legal forms? Come and explore the library databases and learn how your library card can give you an abundance of free services and information on Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Austintown library. This event is for teens and adults. Join the Austintown library for a relaxing evening of adult coloring on Sept. 8 from 6-7 p.m. Coloring sheets and materials will be provided, or you're welcome to bring your own. Colorful, light refreshments will be served. This event is for teens and adults. Go back to school in style. The Austintown library will show you how to decorate and organize your locker on Sept. 1 at 3 p.m. This event is for teens in grades 7-12. Learn very basic computer skills at this event on Sept. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Austintown library. This is a beginner's class that will cover use of a mouse, computer terms and simple internet use. Space is limited. Call 330-744-8636 to register and specify basic computer class and the name of the library. This event is for adults. Join the Austintown area TAB (Teen Advisory Board) on Sept. 10 at 3 p.m. at the Austintown library. Help plan and support teen activities at the library. Meet new people and have fun. Snacks will be provided. This event is for teens in grades 7-12. Scrapbook a page and share your scrapbooking ideas on Sept. 2 at 11 a.m. at the Austintown library. Paper and supplies are provided. All adults and teens are welcome. Upcycle an old book into a cover to protect and transport your E-Reader device on Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Austintown library. Register by calling 330-744-8636. This event is for adults. Join the Austintown library on Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. to sip tea and discuss your latest mystery novel find. This event is for adults. Join the Austintown library on Sept. 1 at 6 p.m. for a lively discussion of this club's latest readings in history and historical fiction. There are no assigned titles. Pick a subject that sparks your interest, and share your thoughts on your selection. All areas of history and historical fiction are welcome. This event is for adults. Love books? Come to the Chapter Chat Book Club where they will be reading and discussing a book together every month. Each month will be a new genre. Call the Austintown library at 330-744-8636 to find out this month's exciting read and be prepared to discuss on Sept. 22 at 6 p.m. This event is for adults. Love books? Looking for a good read? Hear what others are reading and share your favorite read, or just come in and join the fun from 6-7 p.m. on Sept. 21 at the Austintown library. This event is for adults. There will be a blood drive by the Mahoning Chapter of the American Red Cross to serve the needs of St. Elizabeth Hospital on Sept. 13 from 1-6 p.m. and Sept. 17 from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Austintown library. For appointments, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). This event is for adults. Can you guess the book title from cut-up pages in a jar? One winner will be chosen at random from the correct entries. This event is for adults at the Austintown library during regular hours in September. Do you have coupons you don't need or need coupons you don't have? Drop in during library hours throughout September to stretch your shopping dollars by swapping coupons. This event is for adults. What you can do to prevent falls? Learn from Ben Melnykovich, Trauma Outreach/Injury Prevention Coordinator, at the Austintown library on Sept. 26 at 10 a.m. Meeting to follow presentation. This event is for adults. If you love philosophy and want to discuss philosophical topics, join the Austintown library for the Socrates Cafe` Philosophy Group on Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m. This is open to the public, and is sponsored by the Friends of PLYMC. To join, contact the Development Office at 330-740-6086. This event is for adults. All libraries in the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County system will be closed on Sept. 4 and Sept. 5. Happy Labor Day. The Austintown Alumni Association met recently to finalize preparations for this year's scholarship fundraiser. Members are selling a book of six raffle tickets for $5 or individual tickets for $1 each. The first prize is $500 cash, second prize is gift certificates to local businesses worth at least $200 and third prize is dinner for two at Rachel's Restaurant and dinner for two at The Manor. Profits from this project support the association's scholarship fund, which awarded $6,000 to Austintown Fitch seniors who graduated in June 2016. The winners of this year's raffle will be drawn at the Austintown Fitch Hall of Fame football game at Falcon Stadium on Sept. 16. Tickets will be on sale at the Hall of Fame game, or by contacting any member of the Alumni Association or its president, Lynn Larson, at 330-518-5727. The Mahoning Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution will be hosting its fourth and final organizational meeting on Aug. 24 at the Canfield library between 6:30-8 p.m. They will be making plans to recruit at the Canfield Fair at a booth in the Veterans section. They intend to continue to add new members to the Charter group until Dec. 1. They will be recruiting at the fair and taking "selfies" with the children and adults when Color Guard members are on site. They hope to encourage all to appreciate the freedoms Americans enjoy as a result of this country's War of Independence and to "Honor their Patriot" by joining the Mahoning Valley Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution serving Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana Counties. The 52nd annual Horticultural Show, sponsored by The Men's Garden Club of Youngstown, will take place at Fellows Riverside Gardens in the Mill Creek MetroParks on Aug. 20 and 21. The event is open free to all exhibitors ad the public is welcome. For more information, Call Rodney Toth at 330-759-1993. The 1996 class of Austintown Fitch High School will be having its 20-year reunion at Hollywood Gaming on Sept. 3. Cocktail hour will begin at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $35 per person. Contact Shanna (Glenellen) Laraway at [email protected] for reservations and more information. There will be a Family Fun Night on Aug. 26. This will be an outdoor evening at Smith Corners United Methodist Church Pavilion, which will take place from 6-8 p.m. The event will feature food, music by "Higher Ground" from Howland UMC, a bounce castle, games, spin painting and a hayride. In case of weather problems, the event will take place indoors. This event is free. There will be an outdoor worship even on Aug. 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Smith Corners United Methodist Church pavilion. Reverend Marilyn Coney will lead worshipers. Dress casually and bring a comfortable chair if desired. If you are looking for something to exercise your body and mind, the Friendly Squares of Niles are having an introduction to Modern Square Dancing on Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. Join them at the Niles Senior Center, located at 14 E. State St. in Niles, on that night. For more information, call 330-506-3370. The South Class of 1971 is hosting its 45th reunion celebrations soon. Reservations are required for all three events. Reunion events include Sept. 2 - Informal get together at MVR, Sept. 3 - formal dinner at The Fifth Season Banquet Center and Sept. 4 - family picnic in Mill Creek Park. Costs vary depending on the number of activities you are attending. For more information, contact Linda Burks at 330-372-6938 or go to Payments can be made online through PayPal with John Larson. Make your reservations as soon as possible or miss out on this fun reunion. Do you like to dance? Listen to different kinds of music? On Sept. 13 at 7 p.m., the Friendly Squares of Niles are having an introduction to Square Dancing. Join them at the Niles Senior Center, located at 14 E. State St. in Niles on that night. For more information, call 330-506-3370. Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-Step fellowship of compulsive gamblers who want to recover from their gambling addictions, will meet twice this week in the Youngstown-Warren area. A GA meeting takes place every Friday at Westminster Church, located at 119 Stadium Drive in Boardman, and another takes place every Sunday at Christ Church Presbyterian, located at 3425 Hopkins Road in Youngstown (Cornersburg). Both meetings begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. and last about 1-1/2 hours. Those who believe gambling has affected any part of their lives are urged to attend. This event is for caregivers and their little ones who are 6-23 months. There will be 20 minutes of language enrichment including rhymes, songs and stories, followed by time to play and socialize. Children must be accompanied by an adult. This event will take place every Tuesday in August at 10 a.m. at the Austintown library. All children must be accompanied by an adult. These craft events are for crafty children of all ages at the Austintown library during library hours in the month of August. This event is for children ages 2-5 who are accompanied by a caregiver. Join the Austintown library at 10 a.m. on Aug. 25 for a variety of musical and movement activities that appeal to the "young and restless," stimulate brain development and motivate language learning. Adults and children, get ready to act out stories and rhymes, sing and dance, and talk and play. The staff at the Austintown library is divided on the age-old argument: Browns versus Steelers. So help them settle the score. Vote all month of August long during library hours, one vote per day, on which team you like better. If the Browns win the crowd favorite vote, Steelers fans will have to take a picture of themselves wearing Browns gear for the whole library to see, and vice versa. This event is for teens in grades 7-12. Learn to create your own handmade cards using stamps, punches and other fun tools at the Austintown library on Aug. 25 at 6:30 p.m. and Aug. 26 at 11 a.m. Sign up to create each month's greeting card with matching envelope and 3-D item. Participation is limited to one session per person each month to accommodate demand, registration required. Call 330-744-8636. This class is for adults. Would you like a personal introduction to resources available at the library? Need more time with a librarian than you can get over the phone or if you just walk in? Book-a-Librarian sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual. A library staff member will give undivided attention to customers who want in-depth help with a variety of library services, such as: learning to use a computer, email, the Internet, downloading e-books and audiobooks, researching a topic, discovering new books and authors to read and enjoy, business, non-profit, or genealogy help. To schedule an appointment, visit any library, call 330-744-8636 or go online at Love books? Come to the Chapter Chat Book Club, where they will be reading and discussing a book together every month at the Austintown library on Aug. 29 at 6 p.m. Each month will be a new genre. This club will be for adults. Do you have coupons you don't need or need coupons you don't have? Drop in during library hours at the Austintown library to stretch your shopping dollars by swapping coupons. This program is for adults. Come join the Austintown library on Aug. 27 at 10 a.m. for an informative session on couponing and other ways to save money. Be prepared to share your tips with others. To register, call 330-744-8636 and ask for Information Services or register online using the events calendar. This event is for adults. Can you guess the book title from cut-up pages in a jar? One winner will be chosen at random from the correct entries. There will be a new contest with a different book each summer month. This contest is for adults at the Austintown library during library hours in August. The Davis Family YMCA is hosting "Hooray for HOLLYWOOD," an art show featuring 28 paintings by the late Ervin Newman of Poland. All of the works, created in the 1940s, feature movie stars of that era. They were painted while Newman was a student at Struthers High School or shortly thereafter. "Hooray for HOLLYWOOD" runs from July 27 through Aug. 31 at 45 McClurg Road in Boardman. The official opening is on July 27 from 3-5 p.m. in the Gallery at the Y. The reception, which is free and open to the public, will include cake and punch, plus music by local favorites, Steve Fazzini and Mike Roncone. In the spirit of the theme, red carpet and/or 1940s era attire is encouraged. Cecilia Newman, who donated the works after reading about the Y's arts programs, will be the guest of honor. Because the paintings were created before she met her husband, Cecilia doesn't have much information regarding their origins. Anyone who remembers Ervin is asked to contact Suzanne Gray at the Boardman YMCA 330-480-5656 or [email protected]. The Chaney High School Class of 1956 will host its 60th reunion on Sept. 24 from 5:30-10:30 p.m. at A La Carte Catering in Canfield (429 Lisbon St.). The cost to attend is $30 per person, and spouses and friends are welcome. Event organizers ask that the classmates who are planning to attend call and provide current addresses. For questions, or to provide current addresses, call Larry Probert at 330-799-1204 or Joan Fergus at 330-533-5972. Youngstown East High School Class of 1966 will be having a 50th reunion on Sept. 2 from 6-10 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 343 Via Mount Carmel Ave. in Youngstown. The event will include a dinner buffet, as well as music provided by a D.J. Tickets will be $40 per person. If you are planning to attend, call Marie Macchio Mamanis at 330-533-1633 or Janine Ross Johnson at 330-716-1543. First Night Youngstown is calling for local and regional artists to participate in the annual design competition of its New Year's Eve events admission button. The winning artist will be promoted at all press events. The artist will also be a celebrity guest in the Downtown Christmas holiday parade and tree-lighting event. The button series is traditionally intended to celebrate downtown Youngstown's unique historic buildings and architecture. Buttons may be designed using any medium and then digitally saved as a .jpeg. Artists should depict Youngstown in a manner that highlights New Year's Eve, no champagne glasses or images of drinking alcohol; First Night events are family-friendly. The design must include the phrase "First Night Youngstown 2017." Interested artists should call 330-744-9966 or email [email protected]. Submission deadline is Aug. 31. Each year, admission buttons provide entry to all First Night events on New Year's Eve in downtown Youngstown, sold at $5 and $10 each. Proceeds from the sale help compensate performers. The Saxon Club will host its Flea Market every Tuesday through October (weather permitting). The Flea Maket starts at 8 a.m. (vendors can set up early) and ends at 2 p.m. Large spaces are provided for $5 per space. A variety of items will be available such as household goods, books, tools and collectables. Refreshments are available. The Saxon Club is located at 710 S. Meridian Road, on the west side of Youngstown. The Early Days of William Holmes McGuffey will be on display in the Melnick Museum at Fellows Riverside Gardens from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Learn more about the early days of McGuffey and his boyhood homestead, located in Coitsville and now known as the McGuffey Wildlife Preserve. The exhibit will be open though January 2017.
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APIVITA replaces water in the ECO-BIO BABY & KIDS line with an organic chamomile infusion to enhance the soothing action of the products. Free of: Mineral oil, Petrolatum, Silicones, Parabens, Synthetic colorants, Phthalates, PCM & NM, Propylene glycol, Ethanolamines, Gluten. Apply a rich layer of cream onto cleansed and dry skin, after each diaper change or as often as needed.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Great family, group or business activity. Navigate through this 11 acre corn maze in the design of bears. With maze map and questions find checkpoints containing answers. Find hidden checkpoint for free treat. Bring flashlights for after dark fun. Concessions and restrooms. Last person enters at closing times. Cash or check only please. No credit cards.
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In magnet therapy, small metal magnets are attached to the body with the aim of alleviating pain or treating a particular disease. A kind of magnet called a static magnet (also called permanent magnet) may be adhered directly to the skin or worn on bracelets, necklaces, bands, or belts that wrap around parts of the body. They may also be implanted in the insoles of shoes or the inside of sleep pads or blankets. Duration of wear and strength of magnet depend on the individual. Proponents of magnet therapy believe that it may boost blood flow and block the body's nerve response to pain. And yet no scientific evidence has been established to support claims of benefits from using static magnets. Other types of magnetic therapy - electromagnetic fields and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for example - are different than static magnet therapy and have more scientific evidence proving their benefits. Magnets are considered harmless, and side effects or complications are rare. However, magnets may pose a risk to those who wear or use medical devices such as pacemakers, defibrillators, and insulin pumps because they may interfere with how these devices work. Magnet therapy should not be relied upon as sole treatment for a medical condition.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Encryted tokenization service.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Highly detailed but not too large or elaborate for a tastefully understated wedding look, this pair of bridal hair ornaments offers the distinctive grace of dimensional, hand-painted flower charms plus touches of crystal for an eye-catching flash. Dainty hand-wired branches float above your hairstyle, creating a charming finishing touch. Split up on either side of a low chignon, used at the top and bottom of a boho fishtail braid style, or placed together for a larger area of shimmer, these hairpins look great in any style where your hair is confined enough to anchor them in place.
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I was prepared to write on a different topic today, but I feel I need to write this instead. Maybe there is someone out there that needs to hear this today. Two weeks ago I had a new patient come in that had been diagnosed with rectal cancer about 4 months ago. Her prognosis was fantastic, her oncologist prescribed chemotherapy and radiation, and told her she had a 90% cure rate. As hard as it was to have a cancer diagnosis, she felt it was just a "blip" in the road, and she would be past it in a couple of months. As a mom with two young children, a career and a husband, her life was full and busy. Friends and family rallied and she made it through her treatment. She finished treatment about a month ago, the rectal pain and bleeding which had alerted her to a problem, had resolved. Two weeks later, she started having rectal pain again. Statistically, she should have been fine and her oncologist felt the pain was not related to her cancer. Thankfully she went back to the GI surgeon that initially found the tumor with a sigmoidoscopy, and the GI doc took another look. She found that the original tumor had shrunk, but not resolved. Her tumor did not fall into the 90 percentile. She made an appointment with me, and I saw her while her Western team came up with a plan. I explained the importance of working with her immune system, and figuring out why her immune system had allowed the cancer to proliferate in the first place. I spoke to her about important immune mushrooms like Reishi, Turkey Tail and Cordyceps. I encouraged her to read cancer research on each of these immune building mushrooms. I explained that often oncologists will not allow patients to take Chinese herbs during chemo treatment, but because the mushrooms are technically a food, often they are allowed. I also told her about an oncology hospital in Japan that does Western treatment, including surgery, chemo, and sometimes radiation and immune mitigating mushrooms are an important piece of their treatment regimen. A couple of days later she had an MRI to find that her cancer had metastasized to her liver. As you can imagine she was shocked and terrified. Her sister brought her in to see me on Friday, with the plan of starting chemo the following Monday. My heart ached as I brought her back to a room, it was difficult for her to walk because her rectal pain was severe. She got on the table and we started talking. She explained to me that the plan was to do the chemo that she had already done, and to add Cisplatin to the regimen. She explained to me that her oncologist told her he had not ever seen a tumor like hers, and that he did not know if adding the Cisplatin would work. She explained to her oncologist she was seeing me for her immune system, and I recommended mushrooms. Her oncologist responded, "absolutely not, no mushrooms." He stated that if her liver enzymes increased he wouldn't know if it was the mushrooms or the treatment. It is true that poisonous mushrooms damage the liver and cause the liver enzymes to increase. But these are not poisonous mushrooms. In fact, research shows the efficacy of these mushrooms in cancer care and the incredible impact to the immune system. I have many patients on these specific mushrooms, I take these mushrooms myself for my own immune system, and I give them to my children. This is a great introductory article in the Huffington post on the medicinal properties of SIX CANCER FIGHTING MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS. For the record, I support Western treatment for cancer. I support having cancerous tissue surgically removed, and I support chemo that is statistically affective. But my heart breaks when the "standard of care" is not working, and doctors do not offer patients alternative therapies. This is not a doctor specific issue, but a cultural issue. We need to work with and change our treatment paradigm. Eventually, medicine will come to terms. Humanity will comes to terms with the fact that healing comes from within. That us, doctors, the clinics, and the medications are the ones that facilitate that process of healing, so it doesn't belong to us. It belongs to you as a patient. My true role as a practitioner is to empower and facilitate that healing within. I have hope that one day Western oncologists and natural medicine providers will sit together to create a plan that is patient specific and incorporates both destroying the cancer, and rebuilding the immune system. I have hope that after patients complete Western care, their oncologist will refer them directly to natural medicine providers to address why they got cancer in the first place. I have hope that patients will be encouraged to take medicinal mushrooms, that they will take the right essential fatty acids to repair their cell walls, that they will use detoxification to get rid of the poisons in their bodies. I have hope that they will heal and replenish their digestive tract with healthy bacteria; that they will learn proper nutrition to nourish their body, alkalize their pH, and decrease inflammation; and that they will learn the importance of taking care of their lymphatic system. I have hope that one day soon, our treatment paradigm regarding cancer will shift, and people will receive the care they so desperately need.
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This is an easy way to meet new people and encourage those who have had a new baby, experienced a sickness or medical procedure, are in a time of grief, or something else where a meal is a blessing! Sign up to take a meal to a family in the church or community. You can sign up for a specific day and let us know what you will bring. You can also see allergy information and more on the site. We will have different families listed week to week so be on the watch for new ways to serve! If you are interested in getting involved with takethemameal, email [email protected] and we will send you a link to our Takethemameal account. How to sign someone up for TAKEAMEAL? If you would like to sign someone up, send the info below to [email protected] with the subject line "Take A Meal", or drop off the info at the church office.
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It's 2 a.m. -- where's Tulip? I like house-sitting, really I do. I leap at the prospect every time it's offered, always envisioning a delightful suburban tranquillity -- trees, peace and quiet, a VCR, and homemade chocolate chip cookies. But I'm not sure house-sitting likes me. Or anybody, for that matter. All too often my brief tenancies resemble ``The Amityville Horror'' -- with the house, car, and pets conspiring to flummox the ``intruder'' so that their beloved owners will come back sooner. Or at least that's how it seems. I've had quite a few, shall we say, adventures when house-sitting. I think the houses save up their little repair jobs for my visit. At one place, I started hearing feeble squeaks about every minute. I searched all over for the mysterious noise and finally traced it to the smoke detector in the hall. Not knowing how to silence it, I was forced, naturally, to yank it out of the ceiling. A friend had a worse experience: The smoke detector where she house-sat was a high-voltage variety -- it let out a pe riodic caterwauling that wouldn't quit. She ended up phoning neighbors at 3 a.m. for quieter shelter. Microwaves don't make noise, but they're equally treacherous. They're all different; you have to learn each one's ways anew. Buttons with commands and times and numbers stare at you tauntingly. And, of course, the instruction book is nowhere in sight. Don't forget the car. The one the owners swear has just been tuned up, the one ``nothing could go wrong'' with, decides, just for a lark, to turn on its generator light as I am driving alone down a long stretch of dark, deserted road after watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie. In another house the owners wrote, ``Don't worry if Tulip is out for 20 minutes or so,'' in a cheerful note I reread desperately at 2 a.m. for clues as to why the little precious hadn't come back yet. After a sleepless night of mentally composing how I was going to tell the owners about the apparent demise of their pet, I heard the tired but happy Tulip scratching at the door. And feeding! One place had two cats and two dogs, each demanding different kinds of food, in the proper bowls, in certain parts of the house, at very specific times (like 5 a.m.). Any deviations and they'd glare accusingly and not touch the stuff. Of course I'm not saying it's only everyone else's houses that fall apart when a house sitter comes. My own little apartment does the same. Someone has to stay and feed my cat while I'm house-sitting in the suburbs. Often I will have just hung up the phone to the house owners (``Where's the flour? Oh, behind the dog food? Funny, the one place I didn't look . . . .''), when the phone rings for me (``I can't find Rosie! What happens when the phone answering machine reads 117? Are you sure the blue key i s for the police lock? It doesn't seem to work''). I suspect all dwellings learn guerrilla tactics against short-term tenants at the same school. I sometimes wonder if hotel rooms do, too. Do you think we should all stay home? What you take on as a house sitter is a whole family's eccentricities -- why the paper towels are with the pans instead of in a more convenient spot; why a normally pleasant Siamese cat turns into a furry missile hurtling at you from atop the refrigerator. You may take a while to learn the logic of other people's lives, but once you get in sync with them, you're at home in another country. It's somewhat like a vacation.
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David Marwell Ape and Cat (at the Dance) Dorothea Basile Although they do not have human features, Jim Dine's Ape & Cat exude the sort of civility and tenderness to which many urbanites aspire. Made of cast bronze, the figures are at once amusing, allegorical, and unabashedly romantic. The work derives from a series of Dine's 1990s drawings and sculptures that follow the relationship of this unlikely but adoring couple. Their shared placement along the promenade lends a sense of intimacy, joyousness, and unexpected grace to the site. Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust The Museum of Jewish Heritage opened to the public in September 1997. Its mission is to educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the 20th century Jewish experience before, during, and after the Holocaust. With more than 2,000 photographs, 800 artifacts, and 24 original documentary films, the Museum's core exhibition combines archival material with modern media to provide a thoughtful and moving chronicle of history, keeping the memory of the past alive and offering hope for the future. The Visitor's Center was completed by architects Weisz & Yoes in 1997. Garden of Stones "Garden of Stones", an eloquent garden plan of trees growing from stone, is Andy Goldsworthy's design for the Memorial Garden of The Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. Eighteen boulders form a series of narrow pathways in the Memorial Garden's 4,150-square-foot space. A single dwarf oak sapling emerges from the top of each boulder, growing straight from the stone. As the trees mature in the coming years, each will grow to become a part of the stone, its trunk widening and fusing to the base. The work reflects the tension between the ephemeral and the timeless, between young and old, and between the unyielding and the pliable. More importantly, it demonstrates how elements of nature can survive in seemingly impossible places. In Jewish tradition, stones are often placed on graves as a sign of remembrance. Here, Goldsworthy brings stone and trees together as a representation of life cycles intertwined. See more:
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
To simplify and reward; that is the foundation upon which LUX Marketing was formed. Established in 2011, LUX Marketing focuses on an innovative perspective of Digital Marketing, Supplement Creation, Brand Activation and Brand Awareness . LUX Marketing's first major venture was joining forces with Virgin Holidays and creating the new "Dine Around" program, turning into a great success. for any marketing campaign are vital for its success. spark fresh and innovative ideas. LUX Marketing is able to create these supplement packages for major tour operators around the world that have a minimum of 60k travelers in a selected destination. We work for both the Vendor and Tour Operator to create outstanding products. Our products are designed to meet the demand of the Tour Operator's clientele while simultaneously creating substantial volume for the Vendor. LUX's other venture was the Referral Program in 2012. It is modeled around rewarding Hospitality Professionals throughout the Orlando Market. LUX focused on issues that reps have been having with the referral business and used that information to pave a new path for this industry that is beneficial for both the Hospitality Representative and Vendor. We offer short training sessions and pride ourselves in the ability to offer one-on-one time with our Reps. Our training sessions and commitment help Reps better understand their potential market so that they can enjoy all of the benefits of a fully functional referral program. LUX offers a variety of Digital Marketing services. Whether our clients goal is brand awareness, social media assistance and management, web development, or SEO/SEM, we strive to provide unique and cutting-edge strategies for our clients. LUX continues to expand its database of businesses, restaurants, attractions, venues, and establishments. The list is never complete; LUX is always looking for new vendors and partners. LUX Marketing is built on experience within the industry. We are continuously learning and growing to ensure we are able to bring every business that we partner with to a new place within the market. We look forward to working with you!
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