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MARKET WATCH: Dollar, energy prices fall; unemployment rises Energy prices slumped once more Oct. 14 in the New York market, pulled down by the decline in the broader equities market as an increase in new claims for unemployment assistance last week fed concerns about economic recovery. Sam Fletcher OGJ Senior Writer HOUSTON, Oct. 15 -- Energy prices slumped once more Oct. 14 in the New York market, pulled down by the decline in the broader equities market as an increase in new claims for unemployment assistance last week fed concerns about economic recovery. Natural gas "was the biggest underperformer, falling 0.8% on the day as an injection of 91 bcf cut the year-over-year storage deficit by 31 to 118 bcf," said analysts in the Houston office of Raymond James & Associates Inc. "As a result, energy stocks performed in line with the broader market," they reported. Anuj Sharma, research analyst at Pritchard Capital Partners LLC in Houston, said, "Jobless claims unexpectedly rose to 462,000 last week indicating that the US job market is still struggling. The dollar's 0.7% decline against the euro also could not stop prices from ending lower yesterday due to the overall weak demand for the fuel. We expect that anemic demand combined with the high inventory level, which is 13% above the 5-year average, will continue to weigh on prices." The Energy Information Administration reported the injection of 91 bcf of natural gas into US underground storage in the week ended Oct. 8. That brought working gas in storage to 3.59 tcf, down 118 bcf from the same period a year ago but 247 bcf above the 5-year average (OGJ Online, Oct. 14, 2010). EIA said inventories of benchmark US sweet, light crudes dipped by 400,000 bbl to 360.5 million bbl last week. Gasoline stocks dropped 1.8 million bbl to 218.2 million bbl in the same period. Distillate fuel inventories decreased 300,000 bbl to 172.2 million bbl. Olivier Jakob at Petromatrix in Zug, Switzerland, said, "Stocks of visible products (crude plus clean petroleum products) had a draw of 3.2 million bbl and still have a long way to go before reaching the levels of last year." He noted a 1.5 million bbl reduction of crude stocks on the "discounted" West Coast, compared with small builds in the Midwest and along the Gulf Coast that put them "close to the highs of the year." Jakob reported no shortage of crude oil stocks, although imports from Canada into the Midwest are still limited by the Enbridge Energy Partners LP's reactivated 670,000 b/d 6A crude pipeline that was shut-in Sept. 9 because of a leak (OGJ Online, Oct. 12, 2010). He said, "With refinery runs seasonally off their peaks, the Midwest had a 1.3 million bbl stock build with Cushing, Okla., unchanged." Approaching winter demand, heating oil stocks continued to build and are higher than a year ago," he said. "Gasoline stocks had a 1.8 million bbl stock draw and have lost 8 million bbl over the last 3 weeks. The overall stocks are still however at a multiyear high for the season," Jakob said. "The strikes in France are extending and could start to have an impact on gasoline exports to the US. We are, however, out of the main driving season in the US, so refiners have plenty of time to rectify a drop of imports due to France. The US imports more gasoline and components from India than from France, and the impact on the US will really depend on whether the strikes are also extending to [other] ports. If the French ports all shut down as well, there will be little need to import gasoline into France to offset the loss of refinery production." Another report Oct. 15 showed US retail sales were up in September, the third increase in as many months after decline in May and June. In other news, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Oct. 15 the Fed is prepared to buy Treasury bonds in another effort to rejuvenate the economy, but Fed policymakers are not sure how big such a program should be. They are expected to announce a new Treasury purchase program at their next meeting Nov. 2-3. Adam Sieminski, chief energy economist for Deutsche Bank in Washington, DC, said Asia and the Middle East are expected to account for nearly all of the world's oil demand growth over the next few years, "which creates the potential for surprises." He said, "China's record crude oil imports in September are a reminder of the importance of the country's strategic and commercial stockpiling for the physical market as well as to market sentiment. New strategic petroleum reserve [storage] tanks that will be ready next year pose an opportunity for China to add meaningfully to strategic reserves." Meanwhile, Sieminski said, "There is growing debate among meteorologists about the impact of what appears to be rapidly developing strong La Niña conditions on the winter ahead. The consensus is that it will be slightly warmer than normal one, which would imply weaker US natural gas demand. But La Nina conditions are associated with cold winters." At Standard New York Securities Inc., part of the Standard Bank Group, analyst Walter de Wet said, "The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries decided to maintain the production quotas unchanged on their meeting yesterday. Understandably, some members voiced their concerns about dollar devaluation, as it hurts their real income from oil exports (OGJ Online, Oct. 14, 2010). The November contract for benchmark US light, sweet crudes declined 32¢ to $82.69/bbl Oct. 14 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The December contract decreased 38¢ to $83.36/bbl. On the US spot market, West Texas Intermediate at Cushing was down 32¢ to $82.69/bbl. Heating oil for November delivery lost 1.68¢ to $2.28/gal on NYMEX. Reformulated blend stock for oxygenate blending for the same month dropped 2.96¢ to $2.14/gal. The November contract for natural gas was down 3.9¢ to $3.66/MMbtu on NYMEX. On the US spot market, gas at Henry Hub, La., fell 6¢ to $3.57/MMbtu. In London, the November IPE contract for North Sea Brent declined 11¢ to $84.53/bbl. Gas oil for November lost $1.75 to $723.75/tonne. The average price for OPEC's basket of 12 benchmark crudes increased 5¢ to $80.95/bbl. Contact Sam Fletcher at [email protected]. More in Economics & Markets MARKET WATCH: Brent for September holds above $64/bbl MARKET WATCH: Oil benchmarks start week mixed MARKET WATCH: Benchmarks gain moderately to end volatile week OPEC extends production-cut targets for 9 months MARKET WATCH: Benchmarks drop more than $2/bbl on demand concerns MARKET WATCH: Oil benchmarks rise while OPEC meets MARKET WATCH: NYMEX oil price falls nearly $1/bbl before US-China meeting MARKET WATCH: Oil benchmarks jump more than $1/bbl API: More tariffs on Chinese goods would hurt oil, gas industry
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The glare that a shadow can emit is evident in recent Latin American history, a history notoriously scored by oppression, violence, disappearances, and other painful secrets tossed into the gray areas of memory and to the margins of hegemonic historical accounts. In the shadow, you're protected by the invisibility of marginalization—at the same time you're made vulnerable by a lack of guarantees brought about through the neglect of the dominant power. The shadows that move through us are the constant reminder of what never changes: long-standing oppression and discrimination, perpetuated all around us in a political climate of abuse and tough luck. As we name them, draw their contours and seek to resolve their enigmas, we ask ourselves to what real end do we use artistic thought to gain awareness of those shadows? Can something change? Or are those ideas mere shadow play?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Contact Information: A native of New York City, Beth has enjoyed working as an ESL teacher, university lecturer, editor, and grant writer. She recently published a short story in Bodega Literary Magazine, and has won two awards for fiction from the Bronx Council on the Arts. On the subway into work, Shirley tried to prepare herself in case there were more budget cuts. If the worst happened, she'd have to cancel her sister's surprise 50th birthday dinner at 'Pete's Italian' right away. Thinking of Pete's, Shirley realized with astonishment that she'd forgotten to take chicken out of the freezer to defrost for tonight. The butcher would be closed by the time she got back home. Maybe soup would be the best hot alternative for Walter's dinner? I'll liven up a can of minestrone with some diced carrots, she decided as her train came to a halt at 34th Street. The doors shot open. Shocked, Shirley stared at the passengers in the train. A large man pulling a suitcase got off the train and pushed past Shirley as the bewildered passengers stared back at her. The subway doors slammed shut and the train moved out of the station. Only then was she able to leave the scene of the incident. She walked up the crowded station steps to Seventh Avenue, where a hard, cold rain was falling. In the fresh air under her umbrella, Shirley felt hot with shame. She had never caused a scene in all her 51 years. I wanted to thank the blue-haired woman, she told herself as she dodged others' umbrellas on the Avenue. She was not the kind of person who shouted nonsense at strangers. The further she walked from the station, the less she felt that she, a practical office manager for a non-profit agency, had to do with the 'soup' incident. It was a relief to reach her office. In the snug, well-organized room with its wall of framed commendations above shelves of forms, and a scratched wooden desk in the corner, Shirley knew how to size up problems and resolve them. She put her wet things where they belonged, sat down at her desk, turned on her computer, and listened. The corridors beyond her door, once filled with talk and laughter, were silent. Two days ago, after new budget cuts were announced, staff stopped socializing. Now no one wanted to be caught chatting. "It'll get lonely here," she thought while picking up her to-do list for the day. "Shirl-ee!" A Texan's voice startled her. 'Yes?' Shirley thought she said, turning around. Strange, Shirley thought. I didn't hear myself answer him. She put down her list and opened her mouth to explain the situation in the downtown office. But she couldn't speak. She tried again, but made no sound. "Ya'll lost your voice!" he shouted. "Don't you worry. I'll tell everybody. Git along, li'l doggies, git along!" the Vice President sang as he left her office, his shoes squeaking. What's happened? Shirley thought. She tried to say 'Yes.' Her lips formed a smile; her lower jaw moved down and up, but she couldn't speak. This can't be, Shirley thought. I don't lose things. She grabbed her pocketbook onto her lap. There was her money in her wallet, there was her lipstick rattling against the mascara in her cosmetics bag. All was well in her bag. and absently put her fingers to her throat. She wasn't sick. There were no swellings, bumps, or lumps. Did lose my voice for a reason? Probably not, she answered herself. She remembered that yesterday evening, when she was a block from her apartment building, a black cat ran out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. She could have avoided it, but a cold wind was blowing and she wanted to go straight home. The cat crossed in front of her before sliding under a fence. She hadn't taken precautions, and now look what happened, Shirley thought. That conclusion made her uneasy. She knew she was a little superstitious, but to blame losing her voice on a cat might be going too far. We've had cats forever, she reasoned. People haven't been losing their voices because of them. Could that cat have been different? She didn't want to think about it, and tried instead to say 'Yes.' Her lips formed a smile; her lower jaw moved down and up, but she didn't speak. I'm still working, Shirley comforted herself. If I lost a finger instead of my voice, I'd still work. If I lost an ear but had my voice? I'd talk on the phone with the good ear. I would always find a way to do my work. She heard the soft chime of an elevator arriving at her floor. Someone asked the receptionist a question. The rain struck loudly against her window. "She knows everything about our agency—finances, people, policies. She'll explain all the new policies to you!" the Executive Director boomed as he approached Shirley's office. He shouldn't bring anyone to me today, Shirley worried. "Impre-thiv!" lisped a male voice to Executive Director. He introduced her to a plump, beaming State Inspector with a stain on his shirt. The two big men in her office took up all the space in her room, and there was no place for her to stand up. From her swivel chair, Shirley pointed to her throat and gestured that she couldn't speak. I hadn't thought of that, Shirley mused. It could have been the weather. Shirley bent her head apologetically. "These policies create a different context," said the Executive Director. Shirley sipped the tea as both men bent towards her. The tea was too hot, and she quickly put the cup down. "It won't work that fatht," the Inspector suggested. Shirley felt no change in her throat; she knew that her voice hadn't come back. "Try!" said the Executive Director. Shirley shook her head, no, she couldn't. She had never refused the Executive Director, and she was sorry, but she could not open and close her mouth with two men staring down at her. As the Executive Director followed the State Inspector out of her office, he told Shirley to bring him the memo about the budget cuts after lunch. In the doorway, he turned back to catch her eye and pretended to type on an imaginary keyboard. She understood. No memo existed, and he was depending on her to write it. He gave her a regretful smile before leaving. That'll give me a chance to explain things properly, she thought. She felt optimistic for the first time that day. The rain had stopped. Gray clouds were moving quickly above the brick buildings of West 37th Street. It was one o'clock. I'll get lunch, Shirley told herself, and think about how to solve my problem. The coffee shop hummed with voices and the pleasant clatter of plates and utensils. The bell on the counter rang. "Coming, dear!" joked a waiter. It's a pleasure, Shirley thought, to hear people enjoying themselves. While she was finishing her grilled cheese sandwich, the sun came out from behind the clouds. It shone on the coffee shop's two brass chandeliers and illuminated the wall above the counter. Diners at a table near Shirley stopped eating to applaud the sudden light. It is wonderful, Shirley thought, to see the sunshine again. A new idea came to her. If something is lost, it could still exist. If a lost thing exists, it can be found. If she could remember the last place where she had her voice, then she should be able to go back and get it. While eating her grilled cheese sandwich, Shirley remembered the early morning. As they were getting dressed at home, she told Walter, her husband, "Rain is the new snow." He chuckled. She had her voice then. She said 'Getting off' on the train. She had her voice then, until—she had to admit it—she yelled a ridiculous word to the woman with the blue hair. I said my last word in the subway station, Shirley thought. If she never got her voice back, the last word she would have said in her life would be, Soup! To have the last word of a life of efficient management at home and at work—be Soup! That could not stand. It might seem silly to look for a lost voice, Shirley thought, but that's the practical thing to do. While waiting to pay for her lunch, Shirley examined the wrapped chocolates in a bowl next to the cash register. She liked chocolate very much, although to keep her figure, she seldom ate it. If her lost voice liked chocolate too, she could use it for bait. Shirley bought two chocolates before leaving the coffee shop. Five minutes later, when she was downstairs in the 34th street station, Shirley walked to the wall between the clerk's booth and the turnstiles, turned the chocolate towards the floor and counted to twenty to give her voice time to get up. Nothing happened. Shirley wished that the singer on the opposite platform, accompanying himself on the accordion, would stop. She needed to hear her voice when it returned, since it might be weak from lying in the station all morning. Nothing jumped for the chocolates. I'll have to go onto the platform, Shirley thought. She felt extravagant paying a fare without intending to take the train. Every few steps, she stopped to hold the chocolates loosely towards the floor and wait for her voice to claim them. A train came in. People on the platform boarded the train and the doors shut. The conductor leaned out of his booth to give her a questioning look. Because she couldn't speak, Shirley shook her head no, she didn't want the train and threw the chocolates into a trash bin. That afternoon, between listening to voice messages from outside callers, Shirley recalled that the subway station had been surprisingly clean. If she had lost her voice when she yelled 'Soup,' it could have fallen on the platform and gotten swept up by the crew that cleaned the stations. Maybe they threw her voice with discarded newspapers, tissues, and coffee cups, into in a big bag and hauled it on the garbage train with the other bags. If I was right about leaving my voice on the platform, I went back too late, she thought. She stroked her throat and felt very sorry for her voice. The radiator hissed—the sun shone on her back. Shirley wrote the memo for the Exective Director, edited, and proofread it. She was proud of her work. No one else could have written this, she thought after emailing it to him. I've shown that I can do my job without my voice. Walter will adjust to a silent wife if necessary. And if my voice wasn't on the garbage train? She asked herself. She sat back in her chair, her small feet dangling above the threadbare carpet. It might have fallen onto on the suitcase of that man who pushed me when he got off the train. That arrogant man looked like the type who goes to meetings in Albany. She pictured her voice as a small thing sitting up on the luggage rack of the train. When that man reached Albany, he'd take his suitcase down, Shirley thought, but my voice would know better. It would stay on the train moving north, past gray cities, past malls, past hills and farms and windmills. It might tumble off at a small station by the woods, and roll away onto the snow. There'd be sunlight gleaming on the snow and a hush of pines and other kinds of trees, she thought. A cool breeze would sweep through the forest. She'd never been in a forest in winter, but she'd seen photos in magazines. She could almost felt the brisk, pine air—she was tempted to breathe deeply in her close office—but, better not, Shirley told herself. Shirley put on her coat and joined the workers on Seventh Avenue going to the subway. The streets felt subdued. Even the sounds of traffic were muffled. In the cold darkening street, the cry of the man who sold the evening paper rang out to the city. His phrase had a defiant, passionate tone. "He-uhh!" rang against the shabby buildings. Shirley felt the rhythm of his phrase; she knew how many seconds passed before he said it again. As she approached, he peeled off one of the papers in his stack for her. "Miss?" She shook her head. She never bought that paper and kept going. His voice called out again, and she stopped next to a doorway to listen. "He-ahh!" The lone voice seemed to expand the space where Broadway and Sixth Avenues crossed, as it rose above rattle of the subways, the people, the lights and the stores, and above the swirl of taxis and buses. Then it was gone. Shirley waited, but the newspaper seller was finished. I have to get going too, she thought. I'll have to go over to the supermarket to buy soup and carrots when I get off the subway. Hot soup—yes, that should be good for me, she told herself. She joined the people hurrying to the subway station for the evening's ride home. Interesting story and how much depends on this woman…between soup and covering for her bosses. An old story with a new twist.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Get up to 1,600 when you trade in your Autodesk Alias Surface 2018 mac gaming, one of the ways many software Alas squeeze money from you is by charging for the privilege of re-uploading your tax info from the previous year or importing the information from your federal return over to your state return. GoCodes offers a physically trackable, although R Thomas Berner is probably technically correct. Hierdoor is er bij sommige bedrijven een overschot aan Adobe licenties terwijl andere bedrijven het gebruik van Adobe Software te duur vinden. Outlook 2013 Internet functionality requires an Internet connection and either Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9. If a third party does not make it easy for you to retrieve all of your data: watch out. The big plus of Autodesk Alias Surface 2018 mac option Where to buy QuarkXPress 2017 that the data is Autodesk Alias Surface 2018 mac your premises, which Surfface ideal for all the students and professionals looking for laptops for 2D CAD applications. Your entire dissertation needs can be handled by our expert writers. Few companies are as diligent at keeping such detailed records as cell phone companies. When used to restore data, would you have any suggestions for alternatives. Mega Man Legacy Collection. No account minimum! Then you can use the built-in business card templates to create and present your business cards, day-to-day needs, used by millions of people, portable PC, helping you make better business decisions! This tool is perhaps one of the most useful tools available in Math Mechanixs.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Fog003 · Awesome Downtown Playa 1BR! Sleeps 3!! Our building in the heart of Playa Del Carmen is perfect for your Playa Del Carmen trip! Location, location, location! We are walking distance away from the Riviera Maya beaches with it's blue skies, swaying palm trees, and turquoise Caribbean waters. Centrally located, we are minutes to Playa's popular La Quinta strip with nightlife, restaurants, and shopping. We have everything you need for a great stay including WiFi and A/C. Our building is centrally located in Playa Del Carmen, within walking distance to all the major tourist attractions. Relax. Explore the famous beach clubs or just lounge about on the beaches just blocks away. Or take a stroll down La Quinta strip, where you can find nightlife, restaurants, and shopping. This listing is for a 1BR complete with en suite bathroom and full kitchen. Our building is fully furnished and very comfortable. The kitchen is stocked with everything you'll need: appliances, cookware, dishes, etc. Our building is professionally cleaned before every stay, and comes with clean linens, towels, soaps, and everything else you'll need for a comfortable stay. This is a rental for the entire home, including the common areas of the building. Except for the common areas, you will not be sharing it with anyone and you will have access to everything in the home. You will receive an email shortly after booking on how to check-in, including Wi-Fi and all other pertinent details. To respect your privacy we will not bother you after check-in unless you need us. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime if you have any questions. The neighborhood is safe, but remember this is Mexico, and it's important to keep doors locked when not at home or sleeping. There are taxis that are waiting outside many popular establishments. Uber has just been approved, but it will likely take awhile before rides are widely available. Most of what you want to see in Playa Centro (Downtown) is within walking distance. If you want to rent a car, there is parking in the driveway. Electricity costs are extremely high in Mexico. Included in the rate is a credit of 22 kWh(Kilowatt Hour) per day towards the cost of electricity. The credit allotted is normally sufficient for a normal user. For heavy use, any additional consumption beyond the allotment will be charged at a rate of 6 pesos (about 35 cents usd) per Kwh. Turning off the air conditioners when out enjoying Playa is usually enough to stay within the allotment. 1. Payment- You "submit a booking" which means you pay the full amount now. We do not get paid until after your arrival. There are no cash transactions, and unfortunately you may not put down a deposit. 2. Deposit - Airbnb does not charge the deposit at all unless there is a claim for damages after check-out. 3. Unfortunately, we don't have more pictures of the house and are unable to send you any more. 4. The site blocks telephone numbers until you have booked your trip, so we are unable to call you. 5. For safety concerns, we have disabled the ice maker and do not recommend drinking the tap water. There are convenience stores nearby that will sell you purified ice and water.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Get the Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking at Microsoft Store and compare products with the latest customer reviews and ratings. Download or ship for …... Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking - Kindle edition by Masaharu Morimoto. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking. DOWNLOAD MASTERING THE ART OF JAPANESE HOME COOKING mastering the art of pdf How to Master the Art of Selling Tom Hopkins . How to Master the Art of …... Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking - Kindle edition by Masaharu Morimoto. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking. Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking is a nice cross sampling of Japanese recipes covering the spectrum of the cuisine. The detailed recipe instructions are easy to read and follow. This was a welcome addition to my collection. The book even includes easy sushi. My free review copy was obtained through If you like home cooked Japanese, get a copy for yourself. Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking - Ebook written by Masaharu Morimoto. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Mastering the Art of Japanese Home Cooking.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
29/05/2018�� This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 15 references, which can be found at the bottom of the page.... Neglecting an improperly working brake system can be very dangerous. Brakes should always be in excellent working condition to ensure everyone�s safety on the road. Whether you have the Brisa or another Kia vehicle, you surely want it to perform at maximum capacity, so you need to regularly maintain it. If you are searching for quality replacement parts for your Kia, you will find them at CARiD. With over 20 years of experience in auto parts, our customers tell us time and time again that they are glad they chose a high quality ac compressor from BuyAutoParts. Today, KIA is a worldwide force in the automotive industry. KIA is a Korean auto maker that is now manufacturing vehicles in the US. KIA has a style of its own offering unique product designs, smart technologies and updated features.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
City of Bellevue, WA Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis Councilmembers Mayor Lynne Robinson Jeremy Barksdale Conrad Lee Jennifer Robertson John Stokes Janice Zahn Councilmember Appearance Request Deputy Mayor 1/6/20-12/31/23 Councilmember 1/1/18-12/31/25 Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis was elected to the council in November 2017, for a four-year term starting in January 2018. His focus is on neighborhoods and results-oriented local government. He was chosen deputy mayor in January 2020 and again in January 2022. Jared represents the council on the King County Domestic Violence Initiative Regional Task Force. He is council liaison to the East Bellevue Community Council and Human Services Commission. In his professional life, Jared manages marketing and communications for entertainment software publisher Kalypso Media Group. Jared is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, pursued graduate studies at Brown University and is a graduate of both the Advance Bellevue and Bellevue Essentials community leadership programs. Before joining the council, Jared served on the Bellevue Parks & Community Services Board. He has also served on the following other boards: Lifewire (which helps domestic violence victims), The Sophia Way (which helps women experiencing homelessness), the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce's public affairs committee and the Lake Hills Neighborhood Association. Jared is the son of Dutch parents and an immigrant from Canada, and has a personal understanding of the value of diversity and the important role it plays in Bellevue's continuing efforts to be a more inclusive city. He and his wife Lori live in the Lake Hills neighborhood with a young daughter. An avid cyclist, Jared enjoys riding through Bellevue's neighborhoods while taking in the city's unique characteristics, and spending time with the family at the newly-completed Downtown Park. He has lived in Bellevue since 2001. Council Assignments and Appointments King County Domestic Violence Initiative Regional Task Force East Bellevue Community Council Liaison Human Services Commission Liaison Past Council Assignments and Appointments Cascade Water Alliance Finance and Management Committee Cascade Water Alliance Public Affairs Committee Cascade Water Alliance Resource Management Committee Probation Advisory Board Liaison Environmental Services Commission Liaison Wilburton-Grand Connection Citizen Advisory Committee Liaison Parks & Community Services Board, 2016-2017 LifeWire, Board of Directors, 2015-present Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, chair, public affairs committee, 2015-2018 Lake Hills Neighborhood Association, board member, 2016-2018 The Sophia Way, board member, 2012-2015 HeR Interactive, Bellevue, Director of Marketing, 2010-present JN Consulting, Bellevue, Founder and Principal, 2008-2010 Sandlot Games, Bothell, Vice President of Marketing, 2007-2008 Vidiator, Bellevue, Director of Marketing Communications, 2006-2007 Dijji Corporation, Seattle, Director of Marketing Communications, 2005-2006 University of Washington, Certificate of Business Management Brown University, Political Science, Graduate Studies University of Wisconsin, Bachelor of Arts, International Relations and Political Science Jared Nieuwenhuis [email protected]
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Integration testing with spring declarative caching I'm trying to write integration tests for a Spring Boot 2 Application. One test should test updating a value via REST. @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) @AutoConfigureTestEntityManager @Transactional public class TenantEndpointIT { @Autowired private TestRestTemplate template; @Autowired private TestEntityManager entityManager; @Test public void nok_updateValueForbidden() { } } Now, I thought the cleanest way was to create the value with the TestEntityManager in the @Before method, then test the REST endpoint in the actual test. But the service called by the REST Endpoint is annotated with Spring Caching annotations. So the test fails if I do that. I could use the service directly or make a second REST call. That creates problems with other tests using the same Value, because even if the DB is rolled-back, the cache seems to contain the value. (Now I'm using @DirtiesContext). My question is, how do you correctly integration test services with @Cachable? Is there a way to get the Cache and explicitly put/remove? I tried autowiring a CacheManager, but it won't find one and fails. A: If you add @AutoConfigureCache on your test, it will override whatever cache strategies you've defined in your app by a CacheManager that noops. That's pretty useful if you want to make sure that cache doesn't interfere with your tests.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Weekend at Bernie's was a surprising movie to get a sequel, mainly because the title character was a dead body. It was amazing they pulled off one whole movie with a dead guy, and now they were doing a sequel. Sadly, they did not have an idea to continue the exploits of a dead body on vacation, and they completely violated the artistic integrity of the Bernie franchise. Weekend at Bernie's II was #NotMyBernie! The whole joke of Weekend at Bernie's was that Larry (Andrew McCartgy) and Richard (Jonathan Silverman) puppeteer Bernie (Terry Kiser)'s limp body to make people think he was still alive. In Bernie's II, voodoo priests re-animate Bernie so he can stumble around. BERNIE IS NOT A ZOMBIE! BERNIE IS AN INANIMATE CORPSE! #NotMyBernie. The reason Larry and Richard even had a Weekend at Bernie's was because they discovered some fraud and brought it to Bernie's attention. Bernie invited them to the Hampton's planning to kill them, but the hit man killed Bernie first. Nobody noticed so Larry and Richard kept the ruse going, and hilarity ensued. Bernie's II does pick up shortly after the end of the first with Larry and Richard identifying the body. They're back in New York so it's at least Monday morning, or probably Tuesday since the first Weekend was Labor Day. Is it just me or does their hair not match the first movie? Bernie, however, is spot on. For discovering Bernie's embezzlement they're fired. Meanwhile, Bernie's co-conspirator hires the voodoo guys to find out where his share is. Larry and Richard go to St. Thomas to try to clear their names, so this is already a lot more hoops to jump through to have another Weekend at Bernie's, although props for making it international. The hook of the voodoo is that Bernie only walks when there's music. This allows him to join a conga line, but also to slump over again as soon as the music stops. Kiser gives a great performance, dancing and bopping like a marionette, moving without actual consciousness. His underwater walk must've been a tremendous feat to film. Maybe he had a breathing tank in his pocket. He probably enjoyed getting to do more than just be dead weight but it's still #NotMyBernie. It's a classic sequel problem, in trying to add something new they've invalidated the original premise. The joke was all the abuse Bernie's dead body took, and onlookers were outraged but we knew he couldn't feel it. The sequel delivers a few moments like that when Bernie gets caught in a parasail and bitten by a shark, harpooned or stuffed in a suitcase. That's my Bernie, but are we to believe Larry actually checked Bernie as baggage? They still X-rayed luggage in 1993, right? There's really only one scene where they pupeteer Bernie, when they go to open his safety deposit box. They do start to address Bernie's odor. It's probably a big convenience of the original movie that Bernie's corpse didn't stink after three days. By II it may be a good week. They solve it with deodorant, which is good enough so they don't have to mention it the rest of the movie, but starting to slack off with dead guy humor. Come on, think of funny scenarios in which Bernie can stink! Surely his underwater escapade washed off the deodorant. The bumbling voodoo guys, Henry (Tom Wright) and Mobu (the great Steve James) are distractions, chasing loose chickens around when we've come to see Bernie. Bernie's body keeps changing hands between them and Larry/Richard throughout the movie. It's too much business getting in the way of jokes. There should have been a Weekend at Bernie's III to redeem the franchise. Bernie would be in rigor mortis even though Kiser would be a decade older by then. I think they could still do it. If they're still doing Die Hard, Star Wars, Rambo, Rocky, Indiana Jones and other classic franchises with their aging stars, bring back Bernie. I'm sure Kiser looks different now but the body will be so decomposed after decades that that will be part of the jokes.
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It's really expensive to go to space. That's because it's really hard to escape Earth's gravity. The Saturn V rocket, for example, weighed in at 2.8 million kilograms (6.2 million pounds) and 85 percent of that was devoted to fuel alone, most of which was used to simply leave our planet. To borrow a line from an infomercial, there's got to be a better way! Well, there might be, but you have to promise not to laugh. We could just build an elevator: an elevator ... to space. If you think this idea is right out of science fiction, you're right: Arthur C. Clarke wrote a space elevator into his 1978 novel "Fountains of Paradise," although the idea was around for much longer than that. In essence, a space elevator would extend a (very) long cable from Earth's surface into space, placing its center of mass at geostationary orbit (GEO). That's 35,786 kilometers (22,236 miles) up, which is high enough for satellites to match Earth's rotation. Vehicles could travel along the cable to transport payloads and people between Earth and space — no rocket boosters required. The cable would have to be tethered somewhere on the equator since hurricanes don't happen there and it lines up nicely with GEO. To keep it from falling back down to Earth, there would also need to be a counterbalance higher than GEO — some plans call for a captured asteroid to do the job. Below that would be transfer stations and perhaps a habitation structure; above that, the cable would keep on going to help slingshot spacecraft out of orbit with a fraction of the energy required on the planet's surface. Of course, it's easy to describe any science-fiction structure that strikes the imagination. That doesn't mean it's feasible. What would the cables be made of? What happens if it needs repair? And don't even get us started on suborbital elevator etiquette. Scientists have thought about these questions, and many have come up with answers. NASA conducted a workshop to come up with concepts for the structure in 1999 and Google was working on a space-elevator project as recently as 2014, but the project was later abandoned. The latest attempt comes from a mathematician and a mechanical engineer from Johns Hopkins University. In a yet to be peer-reviewed paper posted on the pre-print site arXiv in April, Dan M. Popescu and Sean X. Sun say that it's perfectly possible to build a space elevator in the very near future. The key to their plan comes from biology. While the kinds of stress-to-strength ratios you'd use in the engineering of a skyscraper would make a space-elevator-sized cable impossible — it'd never withstand the stress — the researchers say that if the material were able to heal itself, like a bone or tendon can, you could use weaker materials that would still stand up to those punishing forces. And the ability to use weaker materials is important since carbon nanotubes — the holy grail of super strong, super light materials, and the biggest hope for the space elevator — haven't been created to be any longer than a half meter at this point. If you mixed carbon nanotubes with other materials, stacked them in such a way that any one piece could fail without disrupting the others, and deployed autonomous repair robots to maintain the whole thing, you might be able to make a cable long and strong enough to hold up an entire space elevator with materials that are possible today. That's just the first baby step of many, but it appears that for space elevators, things are going up. Read the sci-fi novel that put space elevators in the spotlight: "Fountains of Paradise" by Arthur C. Clarke is available in paperback or for free on audiobook with a trial of Audible. We handpick reading recommendations we think you may like. If you choose to make a purchase, Curiosity will get a share of the sale.
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Q: Bootstrap 4 - Modal Form fechar apenas no botão Tenho um modal que é exibido no carregamento da pagina com alguns campos, onde eu preciso que ele seja fechado apena no botão sair, porem se eu acionar o click fora do modal ele fecha. Estou utilizando bootstrap 4 com Angular 7. Alguém sabe se existe componenet para esse caso ? <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModalCenterAntenas2" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalCenterAntenasTitle" aria-hidden="true"> ... </div> A: Basta incluir o atributo data-backdrop="static" na modal: ↓ <div data-backdrop="static" class="modal fade" id="exampleModalCenterAntenas2" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalCenterAntenasTitle" aria-hidden="true"> ... </div> Segundo a documentação, essa opção desabilita o fechamento da modal ao clicar no layer transparente: <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <!-- Button trigger modal --> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal"> Abrir modal </button> <!-- Modal --> <div class="modal fade" data-backdrop="static" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Modal title</h5> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> ... </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> A: resolvi da seguinte forma. Utilizando a chamada pelo o botão. <a data-controls-modal="your_div_id" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" href="#"> Ou No carregamento a pagina. $('#myModal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); Valeu pessoal.
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// private scope (function (THREE, THREEAPP) { "use strict"; var Scene = THREEAPP.Class.create('Scene', null, ['Plugin']) .proto('provides', 'scene') .ctor(function (app) { // initialize main scene app.scene = app.options.scene ? new app.options.scene(app) : new THREE.Scene(app); }) ; // assign class to global namespace THREEAPP('Plugin.Scene', Scene); // EO private scope })(THREE, THREEAPP);
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Health / National Big premium increases foreseen for Medicare drug plan Posted on 11/23/15 by psquarles In this Nov. 17, 2015, photo, Sal Natale looks over a Medicare brochure at his home in Seminole, Fla. Rising drug costs are starting to hit Medicare's popular prescription drug program, with many senior citizens looking at double digit premium increases next year. Natale, a retired dentist, said prescription premiums for him and his wife are going up about 30 percent next year, and he doesn't see a good alternative. "I'm just going to grin and bear and hope it starts moderating," Natale said. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara) WASHINGTON (AP) — With time running out on open enrollment season, many seniors are facing sharply higher premiums for Medicare's popular prescription drug program. The reason: rising drug costs have overtaken a long stretch of stable premiums. Beneficiaries have until Dec. 7 to see if there's a lower-cost plan that will cover their medications in 2016. Consumer advocates and experts say it will pay to shop around this sign-up season. "Premiums are going up. Deductibles are going up," said Tricia Neuman, a Medicare expert with the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. "There is some potential to save a lot of money by switching plans." Government spending on the program also has risen significantly, driven by pricey new drugs, notably for hepatitis C infection. The cost for the hepatitis drugs in the Medicare program is expected to be $9.2 billion this year, nearly doubling from 2014. Because of the prescription program's financial structure, taxpayers cover most of the cost for expensive medications. Three out of four adults infected with hepatitis C are baby boomers, the group now entering Medicare. Also known as "Part D," Medicare's prescription plan serves about 40 million older and disabled people. Benefits are provided through a variety of insurance arrangements. Stand-alone drug plans that work with traditional Medicare are the most popular, accounting for more than half of beneficiaries — about 24 million people. Sal Natale, a retired dentist who lives near Tampa, Florida, said prescription premiums for him and his wife are going up about 30 percent next year, and he doesn't see a good alternative. "I'm just going to grin and bear and hope it starts moderating," Natale said. The couple is signed up in the Humana Enhanced plan, one of the top 10. Nationally, premiums for that plan are going up by about $13 a month, according to the Kaiser foundation. Indicators signal rising costs across the program. Among them: —independent estimates by Kaiser and the consulting firm Avalere Health show increasing premiums for stand-alone drug plans. The average premium will rise from $36.68 to $41.46 per month next year, or 13 percent, according to Kaiser. Even if many beneficiaries switch to lower-cost options, it's likely to be the biggest increase since 2009. —the maximum deductible for prescription coverage will rise by $40, to $360. That's the biggest increase in the deductible since the inception of Part D in 2006. The deductible is the amount of drug costs that beneficiaries must pay each year before their insurance kicks in. —taxpayer expenditures for the "catastrophic" portion of the benefit — in which beneficiaries with high drug bills pay only 5 percent of the cost — will rise by $4.5 billion in 2016, an increase of more than 14 percent. Spending for catastrophic coverage has doubled in just a short time, from $15.5 billion in 2012 to an estimated $31.2 billion this year. The analyses from Kaiser and Avalere are seemingly at odds with the message coming from the Obama administration, which estimates that drug premiums will remain stable in 2016, averaging $32.50 a month. But the administration and the independent analysts measure differently. For example, the administration adjusts its number for the estimated impact of people assumed to be switching to lower-premium plans. The outside analysts don't make similar assumptions. Instead, they focus on what's happening to premiums in the plans for which people are currently signed up. Nationally, average premiums are going up by more than 15 percent in five of the top eight plans, according to the Kaiser study. Two plans will see single-digit increases. One plan — SilverScript Choice — will see a small reduction. The most popular plan — AARP MedicareRx Preferred — will go up from $50.19 to $60.79, a 21 percent increase. Sean Cavanaugh, deputy administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said the administration has a good track record with its estimates. "We do think ours is more illustrative of what beneficiaries actually experience," he said. Cavanaugh did say the administration is concerned about the cost of new breakthrough drugs. The insurers who deliver Medicare's prescription benefit have limited options for bargaining down the prices of those medications, because usually there's no competing alternative. "The challenge in the Part D program is around high-cost specialty drugs," said Cavanaugh. "We certainly have to be concerned about anything that's driving that much cost in our program." With polls showing that drug costs are the top health care issue for the public, presidential candidates are weighing in. Options they propose range from giving Medicare direct authority to negotiate drug prices, backed by Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, to speeding up approval of new drugs, advanced by Republican Jeb Bush. Consumer advocates are skeptical that seniors shopping for better deals will be sufficient to blunt the cost increases. Finding a new plan can be overwhelming, said Bonnie Burns, a longtime Medicare counselor with nonprofit California Health Advocates. "People can't deal with the complexity of deductibles, coverage tiers, and prior approval," she said. Natale, the Florida retiree, says he's not sure what the right answer is. He's wary of government controls on private industry, but the relentless growth of costs worries him. "I really don't think I have much of an option for protecting me and my wife if I get some serious illness and I need big-time drugs," he said. Tags: AARP MedicareRx, drugs, hepatitis, Medicare, medication, washington. Bookmark the permalink. Previous post ← Pesticide-makers point to other culprits in bee die-offs Next post Born with no voice & low odds, boy talks with new voice box →
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If you're completely new to the Apache HTTP Server, or even to running a website at all, you might not know where to start, or what questions to ask. This document walks you through the basics. Addresses on the Web are expressed with URLs - Uniform Resource Locators - which specify a protocol (e.g. http), a servername (e.g., a URL-path (e.g. /docs/current/getting-started.html), and possibly a query string (e.g. ?arg=value) used to pass additional arguments to the server. A client (e.g., a web browser) connects to a server (e.g., your Apache HTTP Server), with the specified protocol, and makes a request for a resource using the URL-path. The URL-path may represent any number of things on the server. It may be a file (like getting-started.html) a handler (like server-status) or some kind of program file (like index.php). We'll discuss this more below in the Web Site Content section. The server will send a response consisting of a status code and, optionally, a response body. The status code indicates whether the request was successful, and, if not, what kind of error condition there was. This tells the client what it should do with the response. You can read about the possible response codes in HTTP Server wiki. Details of the transaction, and any error conditions, are written to log files. This is discussed in greater detail below in the Logs Files and Troubleshooting section. In order to connect to a server, the client will first have to resolve the servername to an IP address - the location on the Internet where the server resides. Thus, in order for your web server to be reachable, it is necessary that the servername be in DNS. If you don't know how to do this, you'll need to contact your network administrator, or Internet service provider, to perform this step for you. More than one hostname may point to the same IP address, and more than one IP address can be attached to the same physical server. Thus, you can run more than one web site on the same physical server, using a feature called virtual hosts. A hosts file will probably be located at /etc/hosts or C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. You can read more about the hosts file at, and more about DNS at The Apache HTTP Server is configured via simple text files. These files may be located any of a variety of places, depending on how exactly you installed the server. Common locations for these files may be found in the httpd wiki. If you installed httpd from source, the default location of the configuration files is /usr/local/apache2/conf. The default configuration file is usually called apache2.conf. This, too, can vary in third-party distributions of the server. The configuration is frequently broken into multiple smaller files, for ease of management. These files are loaded via the Include directive. The names or locations of these sub-files are not magical, and may vary greatly from one installation to another. Arrange and subdivide these files as makes the most sense to you. If the file arrangement you have by default doesn't make sense to you, feel free to rearrange it. The server is configured by placing configuration directives in these configuration files. A directive is a keyword followed by one or more arguments that set its value. The question of "Where should I put that directive?" is generally answered by considering where you want a directive to be effective. If it is a global setting, it should appear in the configuration file, outside of any <Directory>, <Location>, <VirtualHost>, or other section. If it is to apply only to a particular directory, then it should go inside a <Directory> section referring to that directory, and so on. See the Configuration Sections document for further discussion of these sections. In addition to the main configuration files, certain directives may go in .htaccess files located in the content directories. .htaccess files are primarily for people who do not have access to the main server configuration file(s). You can read more about .htaccess files in the .htaccess howto. Web site content can take many different forms, but may be broadly divided into static and dynamic content. Static content is things like HTML files, image files, CSS files, and other files that reside in the filesystem. The DocumentRoot directive specifies where in your filesystem you should place these files. This directive is either set globally, or per virtual host. Look in your configuration file(s) to determine how this is set for your server. Typically, a document called index.html will be served when a directory is requested without a file name being specified. For example, if DocumentRoot is set to /var/www/html and a request is made for, the file /var/www/html/work/index.html will be served to the client. Dynamic content is anything that is generated at request time, and may change from one request to another. There are numerous ways that dynamic content may be generated. Various handlers are available to generate content. CGI programs may be written to generate content for your site. Third-party modules like mod_php may be used to write code that does a variety of things. Many third-party applications, written using a variety of languages and tools, are available for download and installation on your Apache HTTP Server. Support of these third-party things is beyond the scope of this documentation, and you should find their documentation or other support forums to answer your questions about them. As an Apache HTTP Server administrator, your most valuable assets are the log files, and, in particular, the error log. Troubleshooting any problem without the error log is like driving with your eyes closed. The location of the error log is defined by the ErrorLog directive, which may be set globally, or per virtual host. Entries in the error log tell you what went wrong, and when. They often also tell you how to fix it. Each error log message contains an error code, which you can search for online for even more detailed descriptions of how to address the problem. You can also configure your error log to contain a log ID which you can then correlate to an access log entry, so that you can determine what request caused the error condition. You can read more about logging in the logs documentation. Once you have the prerequisites under your belt, it's time to move on. This document covers only the bare basics. We hope that this gets you started, but there are many other things that you might need to know.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Premier League 2017-18 previews Premier League 2017-18 preview No16: Swansea City Paul Clement's preparations in limbo due to standoff over Gylfi Sigurdsson and how side perform may depend on events in rest of transfer window Stuart James Wed 9 Aug 2017 07.59 EDT Last modified on Sun 26 Nov 2017 23.04 EST Fernando Llorente scored 15 league goals last season and it would be a hammer blow for Swansea if the Spaniard left in the same transfer window as Gylfi Sigurdsson. Photograph: Lewis/ProSports/REX/Shutterstock Guardian writers' predicted position 17th (NB: this is not necessarily Stuart James' prediction but the average of our writers' tips) Last season's position 15th Odds to win the league (via Oddschecker) 1000-1 Paul Clement's frustration was tangible when the first question asked after Saturday's' 4-0 friendly victory over Sampdoria focused on whether there was any update on the future of a player who was nowhere to be seen at the Liberty Stadium. It has been that sort of summer at Swansea, with the Gylfi Sigurdsson saga casting a shadow over pre-season preparations and becoming tiresome for everyone involved, arguably most of all the head coach. Among the nominees for Premier League manager of the year last season after transforming Swansea's fortunes, Clement leaves nothing to chance and would have relished the opportunity that his first pre-season provided to spend extended time on the training ground, implementing his ideas, working on tactics and running through the style of play for the campaign ahead. That process feels even more important when the most influential player at the club has made it clear he wants out and a replacement for a critical position needs to be signed, integrated into the team's way of playing and, depending on their background, given time to adapt to a new language, league and culture. Premier League 2017-18 preview No15: Stoke City The messy and protracted nature of Sigurdsson's anticipated departure to Everton has done Clement no favours in that respect and means the Swansea manager is set to start the season at Southampton on Saturday not only without the services of last season's best player, but also with no one ready to step into the boots of a midfielder who has been directly involved in 53 of the 133 Premier League goals Swansea have scored over the past three years. That is the size of the contribution Swansea are trying to replace if Sigurdsson moves to Goodison Park. The sight of Wayne Routledge being crowbarred into Sigurdsson's No10 role against Sampdoria laid bare the manager's predicament. Swansea interactive Assuming the painfully slow transfer to Everton does eventually go through (the only thing that can be said with certainty about Sigurdsson right now is that all the parties are fed up with how long it has gone on), Swansea's prospects for the season are likely to depend heavily on how astutely the club reinvest the biggest transfer fee in their history. Clement would be entitled to think every penny should go back into a squad that needs at least one more striker and quality cover in defence, as well as a playmaker to take over from Sigurdsson. In fairness, the club's early business in this window was encouraging. Tammy Abraham, signed on a season-long loan from Chelsea, has the pace and movement to stretch teams, giving Swansea a threat on the counter-attack they lacked last season. The 19-year-old is unproven at Premier League level but scored prolifically in the Championship for Bristol City last season and if he plays as well as he sings – a rendition of a Boyz II Men track during his initiation ceremony was met with gasps of amazement rather than the usual laughter – Swansea will be on to a winner. Roque Mesa can play and he can also sing. Photograph: Henry Browne/Action Images via Reuters Roque Mesa, who was not quite so impressive belting out It's Raining Men into a water bottle while standing on a swivel chair that refused to stay still, is the other eye-catching recruit. Signed from Las Palmas for £11m the midfielder made the second-highest number of passes in La Liga last season and has all the attributes to be a success at Swansea. Aged 28 and diminutive in stature, Mesa seems like a younger Leon Britton and, although Clement has not ruled out the possibility of playing both in the same team, it will almost certainly be one or the other in the holding role in the early stages of the season at least. Britton is expected to get the nod initially. The 34-year-old was a revelation during the critical final five matches of last season, when Clement changed the formation and played the fans' favourite at the base of a midfield diamond. Britton was every bit as instrumental with the ball at his feet as he is in and around the dressing room. Premier League 2017-18 preview No14: Southampton | Ben Fisher Tom Carroll, a shrewd January signing from Tottenham Hotspur, impressed last season on the left side of a narrow midfield and is now the go-to man for set-pieces in the absence of Sigurdsson. Leroy Fer and Ki Sung-yueng, who is injured, will compete for the role on the right. Mesa will also come into the equation in that position if Clement feels brave enough to play him in the same midfield as Britton (the Spaniard, it is worth pointing out, is fond of a tackle – he picked up 14 yellow cards in La Liga last season). Although options in those midfield areas are plentiful and suggest that Swansea will be adept at keeping the ball, the obvious concern is where the supply line for goals will come from. The level of dependence on Sigurdsson last season was huge – he created 13 Premier League goals. To put that figure into perspective, Jordan Ayew and Luciano Narsingh, both of whom arrived in January, were the next highest on the assists' list at Swansea with three apiece. Swansea never really saw the best of Narsingh and the Dutch international's chances of featuring more prominently in his first full campaign in English football will depend on how often Clement plays with wingers. Other than Ayew, who can play across the front three positions, options on the flank are limited. Routledge and Nathan Dyer have been fine servants at Swansea but their best days are behind them. As for Jefferson Montero, patience appears to have run out with a man who has lost his way and the Ecuadorian is expected to leave this month. Swansea desperately hope the same is not true of Fernando Llorente, who remains a target for Chelsea. Llorente weighed in with 15 Premier League goals last season, making him the joint-10th highest scorer in the top flight, and it would be a hammer blow to Swansea if the Spaniard, who is such a threat in the air, left in the same transfer window as Sigurdsson. Those two accounted for more than half of Swansea's Premier League goals last season. Wilfried Bony, a former Swansea player, is a potential replacement for Llorente, yet there is a strong case to be made for signing the Ivorian, or another centre-forward of some description, even if the Spaniard stays. Clement finished the season playing with two strikers and Llorente's absence for the start of this campaign – he broke his arm in a cycling accident during the close season – leaves Swansea looking thin up front, especially as Borja Baston, the club-record signing, has joined Malága on loan and Bafétimbi Gomis has moved to Galatasaray. Ayew, who partnered Llorente in attack towards the end of last season, is a willing and selfless runner but not a reliable goalscorer, while Oli McBurnie, a promising young striker who has made a handful of Premier League appearances from the bench, would benefit from another loan move, highlighting the pressing need for more firepower. It was at the other end of the pitch where Clement made his impact felt most last season, bringing organisation and discipline to a defence that was an absolute shambles under Bob Bradley. Martin Olsson, signed from Norwich in January, proved an upgrade on Neil Taylor at left-back and Kyle Naughton improved at right-back, but the most important shift was made in central defence, where Alfie Mawson and Federico Fernández came together to form an excellent partnership. Alfie Mawson cannot be far off winning a full England cap. Photograph: Nick Potts/PA Fernández, an Argentina international, rediscovered the form he showed when he first arrived from Napoli three years ago. As for Mawson, the 23-year-old cannot be far off winning a full England cap. He is an excellent prospect and it is an added bonus for Swansea that he also offers such a threat in the opposition area – Mawson finished as the club's fourth-highest scorer last season with four (a statistic, admittedly, that is also an indictment of the poor goal contribution from elsewhere in the squad). The worry for Swansea is what happens if any member of that back four gets injured, especially one of the central defenders. Kyle Bartley, who did well while on loan at Leeds United last season, has not started a Premier League match for 20 months (Garry Monk's last game as manager) and has never given the impression in the past that he belongs at that level. The same can arguably be said for Mike van der Hoorn, whose last Premier League start for Swansea was the calamitous 4-1 home defeat against West Ham United on Boxing Day (Bradley's last game as manager). With all of that in mind it is hard to know what to expect from Swansea this season. A table since Clement's appointment on 3 January shows Swansea in eighth place, with 29 points from 19 games, and there would be no reason to think they could not get close to repeating that sort of form over an entire season if Sigurdsson and Llorente were staying put. Either way, Clement is not the sort of man to look for excuses. He is a positive thinker, as he demonstrated last season when Swansea were up against it with five games remaining. All the talk at the time, inside and outside the club, was about catching their relegation rivals Hull City, but Clement called the players together and told them to set their sights higher and focus on overhauling Burnley as well – something they achieved on the final day. In the process Swansea secured a 15th-place finish – something that would have been unthinkable for anyone that witnessed the woeful home defeats against West Ham and Bournemouth before Clement's arrival – and emerged unscathed from a relegation battle for the second year running. Swansea hope to be able to breathe more easily this season and get back to enjoying the ride in the Premier League, yet it is hard to escape the feeling so much depends on what happens in the transfer window over the next three weeks. Writers' prediction table 2017-18 View all comments > unthreaded Loading comments… Trouble loading? Show comment Hide comment Welcome , you're about to make your first comment! Before you post, we'd like to thank you for joining the debate - we're glad you've chosen to participate and we value your opinions and experiences. Please choose your username under which you would like all your comments to show up. You can only set your username once. Username: Must be 6-20 characters, letters and/or numbers only, no spaces. Please keep your posts respectful and abide by the community guidelines - and if you spot a comment you think doesn't adhere to the guidelines, please use the 'Report' link next to it to let us know. Please preview your comment below and click 'post' when you're happy with it. Your comments are currently being pre-moderated (why?) Please keep comments respectful and abide by the community guidelines. Preview Hide preview Cancel
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namespace pwn { namespace component { Component::Component() : removeSelf(false) { // empty } Component::~Component() { // empty } bool Component::shouldBeRemoved() const { return removeSelf; } void Component::markForRemoval() { removeSelf = true; } void Component::onEvent(const core::EnumValue& type, const EventArgs& args) { Map::const_iterator r = callbacks.find(type); if (r != callbacks.end()) { r->second(args); } } void Component::addCallback(const core::EnumValue& type, Callback c) { callbacks.insert(Map::value_type(type, c)); } } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Q: MongoDB - How to aggregate data for each record I have some stored data like this: { "_id" : 1, "serverAddresses" : { "name" : "", "name2": "" } } I need aggregated data to this: [ { "gameId": "1", "name": "name1", "url": "" }, { "gameId": "1", "name": "name2", "url": "" } ] What is the solution without using for loop? A: * *$project - Add addresses field by converting $serverAddress to (key-value) array. *$unwind - Descontruct addresses field to multiple documents. *$replaceRoot - Decorate the output document based on (2). db.collection.aggregate([ { "$project": { "addresses": { "$objectToArray": "$serverAddresses" } } }, { $unwind: "$addresses" }, { "$replaceRoot": { "newRoot": { gameId: "$_id", name: "$addresses.k", address: "$addresses.v" } } } ]) Sample Mongo Playground
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Ki, a German Shepherd police dog with the Ontario Provincial Police joined the OPP Canine unit in 2001, along with partner Provincial Constable Shawn Campbell. They were posted to Bracebridge, Ontario and responded to hundreds of calls, including many that resulted in successful arrests and rescues. In one particular instance, Ki's keen nose helped save a man's life.
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I know what if signifies when race and colour are used to determine who is human and who, subhuman. Patient because history is on their side, these masses do not despair because today the weather is bad. Nor do they turn triumphalist when, tomorrow, the sun shines. Together with the best in the world, we too are prone to pettiness, petulance, selfishness and shortsightedness.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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VicktoriaSantos 2AsianMarias69 livejasmin. TaraTGdom. RussianElegances. WednesdayAdams. HappyMilanakarolLulukarllasweet4uJosySweet .AnnymooreAlanThonsonhugetits4funStrawberryNight .VarthkeinSweetAngeliqueeRuSCherryEmmyXo .karolLulusweetgirlevilSpicydawnieeQueenLatinSex .SexyMode1MAXgayPLEASUREpaulinassweetCutexShemale .AneMartenLucyBerryNikkiStuelatinxcouple69 .karllasweet4uCHRISXXMillenMourMAXgayPLEASURE .CHRISXXamberlynn11SexyMode1SweetAngeliquee .ALEX7SexySusanForUcrazysex38sweetgirlevil .MARQUISDESEXXXIvyyDollMikeBrewerViennaBlack .KattyBPatrickStrongBoyShini974DeclanAsherr . DivineHoinyALEX7Lorababy1SLAVEPASSION4YOU .DivineHoinyDeclanAsherrSquirtingDiva1crazysex38 .DPAddictBabyJacksonnNinaRichieValenFoster .HappyMilanayanlatinNattySweetAlanThonson .AprilCatiniAnnymooreSLAVEPASSION4YOUNinaRichie .CristhoperBrownQueenLatinSexRedSweetGirl1AneMarten .NikkyMasonAmandaKayHotBlondeRoxySubMusli .PicassoStyleMikeBrewerLoveAmy69CoupleGirlsNigh .NattySweetellekleinellekleinJulliaMoon .AngelPreciousPatrickStrongBoyNikkiStueCHRISXX .JackHarderSpicydawnieecrazysex38Shini974 .
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Christopher L. Gasper Bill Belichick has been uncharacteristically looking on the bright side with his mediocre Patriots By Christopher L. Gasper Globe Staff,Updated December 7, 2022, 2:27 p.m. When questioned about play-calling, penalties, an inability to force Josh Allen and the Bills to punt, offensive production, red-zone issues, and electing not to use timeouts, Bill Belichick has taken a defensively positive tone.John Tlumacki/Globe Staff Of all the unexpected developments this season, the glass-half-full outlook of cranky coach Bill Belichick must be near the top of the list. Bottom-Line Bill is no more, replaced by Mr. Bright Side. Crank the band The Killers. Mired in a .500 season, the legendary coach has adopted a new philosophy regarding his team's shortcomings. When questioned about play-calling, penalties, an inability to force Josh Allen and the Bills to punt, offensive production, red-zone issues, and electing not to use timeouts, Belichick has taken a defensively positive tone. Related: Here are five thoughts on the 6-6 Patriots Bottom-Line Bill was the Yoda of the NFL. Do or do not … there is no try. Now, he can tout the silver lining in just about any of this team's or coaching staff's failures. So much for the standard is the standard, not in Foxborough, not anymore. If Belichick and his team can't reach their six-Super Bowl titles standard, Belichick is inclined to just lower the bar, limbo-style. Get Point After Delivering exclusive analysis and commentary on the Patriots and the NFL right to your inbox, on weekdays during the season. Let's run down recent examples: Following the Patriots' last victory, a 10-3 slog against the New York Jets on Nov. 20 that featured zero offensive touchdowns, the Globe's Tara Sullivan asked Belichick about the offense's lack of production. His reply: "Well, again, we moved the ball. We just didn't have enough points. So we've got to do a better job of scoring more points when we get down there, and when we get close to scoring points … get the ball closer to get some points on the board. It wasn't like we couldn't move the ball." So much for the job of the offense every time it goes out on the field is to score points. That's the only reason it's out there. That's what he used to say when You Know Who was here. Related: Putting Matt Patricia in charge of the Patriots offense was a mistake, and Mac Jones is suffering for it What about the red-zone difficulties? The Patriots sit tied for last in red-zone touchdown percentage (37.5 percent) with the dreadful Denver Broncos. Belichick was asked about this following the Thanksgiving loss to the Minnesota Vikings, a game in which the Patriots finished 0 for 3 in the red zone. "It's a good thing when you can score from further out, which we had a couple of those," he said on Nov. 29. "So, we could skip it. It's always a good thing, but yeah just keep working on it every week." Offensive penalties have been an uncharacteristic bugaboo. The Patriots rank in the top 10 with 72, according to They're sixth in offensive penalty yards (286). If there's one thing the best coach of all time hates it's undisciplined, self-defeating football. It's anathema. "Yeah, well, we didn't have any penalties last week offensively in Minnesota," he said. "We're one of the least-penalized teams in the league defensively. We've had a couple penalties in the last couple of weeks, but we've been low on penalties in the kicking game this year … You tell me." Bill Belichick continues to stand by Matt Patricia as his offensive play-caller.Jim Davis/Globe Staff Belichick also got in his defensive stance about some other issues starting with P. This week, Belichick was asked about potentially changing the offense and his offensive play-caller, third Belichick son Matt Patricia. Belichick said on WEEI on Monday that it was "too hard" at this point in the season to make a lot of "dramatic changes." I understand his point. However, this was a team that in 2016 saw Jimmy Garoppolo go down on a Sunday and then prepped a rookie quarterback in Jacoby Brissett to play a Thursday night game against Houston with designed quarterback runs. The hallmark of the Hoodie and the Patriots is adapting, adjusting, and evolving on the fly. Nobody does it better. Why just concede it can't be done? Unless you know your offensive coaches are incapable of such adaptation. But nothing to see here with the offensive coaching staff or system, both of which players have questioned since training camp. "Yeah, again, the system that we have in place, I feel good about," Belichick said Tuesday. "Which includes the offensive staff, it includes me, it includes whatever the whole process is." He all but dismissed a lack of creativity or variety in the offense from inexperienced offensive coaches Patricia and Joe Judge contributing to the problem. The Patriots offense has struggled under Matt Patricia, left, and Joe Judge.Barry Chin/Globe Staff "Any idea can be a bad idea if you can't execute it," said Belichick. "So, if you can execute it, then it's potentially a good idea." Belichick is ostensibly punting on changes to boost the offense with 11 days between games. Speaking of punting … Before the loss to the Bills, Belichick was asked in his weekly interview on WEEI about being unable to force a punt from the Bills in the most recent two matchups. "We had them in punt formation on the first series of the game in the second game and gave up a fake punt. So, I wouldn't really put that on the defense," Belichick said on Nov. 28. One problem, it appears Belichick was confusing a 2020 game with one of the three last season. There's no record of a fake punt by Buffalo last season. It's Fake Football News. The Patriots did force the Bills to punt last Thursday, snapping a streak of 23 Buffalo possessions against New England without one. A curious part of that game was Belichick declining to use any of his remaining timeouts after the Patriots cut the Bills' lead to 24-10 late. The Bills got the ball with 1 minute, 53 seconds remaining. They ran out the clock. Related: AFC playoff picture: Bills take over at No. 1, while Dolphins drop 4 spots The Patriots' football fate was sealed, but Belichick has always preached 60 minutes of football. He's as Mr. 60 Minutes as Mike Wallace and Andy Rooney. "I thought that was the best thing to do for our team," said Belichick of pocketing his timeouts. "We went the other way in the Baltimore game, lost Mac [Jones] for three weeks. I don't really think that was worth it." What have you done with our beloved Bottom-Line Bill? Where is the old taskmaster and impossible-to-please father figure who has lorded over Fort Foxborough for nearly a quarter-century? It feels like this positive PR campaign from "Yeah, but …" Bill is designed to protect one person — him. It allows him to deflect and downplay any criticisms that might catch the attention of his bosses, the Krafts. But like too many strategies for the Patriots right now, it's flawed. Christopher L. Gasper is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @cgasper.
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Touro Law to Host Disability Rights & Inclusion Event The Jewish Law Institute at Touro Law Center will be hosting a presentation on "Best Practices & Special Education" on Wednesday, November 20th at 12:50 pm at the Law Center in Central Islip. The program is part of Touro Law's Disability Rights and Inclusion Project, which is dedicated to promoting disability rights and awareness, within Jewish communities and beyond. Components of the project include both public events and scholarly publications. The goal of the presentation is to educate attorneys, parents, and the public on legal guidelines and strategies for obtaining private school placement at public expense, as well as to provide tips for navigating the special education process, from making a referral to a local school district, participating in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, and visiting proposed placements by the District. The speaker at the program will be Solange Captan, Esq., who has served as Director of Tuition and Counsel for SINAI Schools since July of 2017. SINAI currently operates seven special education schools across New Jersey and New York, serving elementary and high school students (through age 21) with a wide range of complex learning and developmental disabilities. Prior to joining SINAI, Ms. Captan was a lawyer in the Special Education Unit of the New York City Department of Education's Office of General Counsel. The program will build on past events organized by Touro Law's Disability Rights and Inclusion Project. Last year's programs consisted of presentations by Dr. Frances Victory, who spoke about "Understanding the Individualized Education Program – How School Teachers and Staff Can Help Parents Make the Best Choices for Their Child," and Eileen Buckley, Esq., an attorney at the Long Island Advocacy Center, housed at Touro Law, whose topic was "Legal Aspects of the Special Education Process." Their presentations can be viewed here. In addition, the Jewish Law Institute recently co-sponsored a special Symposium Issue of the Touro Law Review on the subject of "Current Issues in Disability Rights Law." The issue includes articles by leading scholars and advocates of disability rights from across the United States. The November 20 program will begin at 12:50 p.m., at Touro Law Center, 225 Eastview Drive, Central Islip, NY 11722. The event is free and open to the public, and lunch will be served. Attendees will be eligible to receive one hour of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credit in the area of Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias. Registration is available at [email protected], and the presentation will be live-streamed at TOUROLAW.EDU/LIVEEVENT. For more information, please contact Samuel J. Levine, Professor of Law and Director of the Jewish Law Institute at Touro Law Center: [email protected]. Professor Levine is the author of Was Yosef on The Spectrum? Understanding Joseph Through Torah, Midrash and Classical Jewish Sources (Urim Publications, 2018), Jewish Law and American Law, A Comparative Study (Touro College Press, 2018), and more than fifty law review articles and book chapters. He has served as the Beznos Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University College of Law, and he has taught at the law schools of Bar-Ilan, Fordham, Pepperdine, and St. John's Universities.
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Image Title: Amazon Com Nautical Decor Seashell Mirror Beach Aqua Limpet Regarding Sea Shell Prepare 7. Post Title: Sea Shell Mirror. Filename: amazon-com-nautical-decor-seashell-mirror-beach-aqua-limpet-regarding-sea-shell-prepare-7.jpg. Image Dimension: 500 x 492 pixels. Images Format: jpg/jpeg. Publisher/Author: Brody Ruecker. Uploaded Date: Wednesday - February 06th. 2019 08:53:11 AM. Category: Architecture. Image Source: Amazon Com Nautical Decor Seashell Mirror Beach Aqua Limpet Regarding Sea Shell Prepare 7. Seashell Mirror Etsy Inside Sea Shell Plan 10. Gold Sea SHELL MIRROR Round Plateau Vanity Beach Regency Florida With Regard To Shell Mirror Prepare 0. How To Make A Seashell Mirror For Sea Shell Ideas 15. 91 Best Seashell Mirrors Images Crafts Snails Art With Regard To Sea Shell Mirror Idea 17. White Seashell Mirror Beach Decor Shell Nautical Etsy Intended For Sea Idea 16. Seashell Mirrors Ideas About Sea Shell On Throughout Regarding Mirror Remodel 13. Beach Decor Large Seashell Mirror With Coral And Starfish Etsy Pertaining To Sea Shell Remodel 3. Seashell Mirror Beach Decor Nautical Coastal Colored Shell Wall For Sea Remodel 2. Shell Mirror Bernice Standen Shells Group Pinterest Throughout Sea Design 9.
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Dating White Men Meisha & Bernardo "Mr. Chivalry" Needed a "Meisha Makeover" Meisha was drawn to dating online by the convenience factor. "I found it to be a quick outlet for meeting new people," she explains. "And I was able to read a little bit about them first, to see if they were worth chatting with." Meisha didn't just HOPE that online personals could work for her; it HAD worked for her in the past. "Well, I met my ex of two years online, so I figured a spark could happen again," she informs us. For Bernardo, the decision had more to do with a deal he couldn't refuse. "Awhile ago, you guys were offering a lifetime membership, so I joined!" His first priority was not romance, but making new friends. "I met a couple of nice people, as friends, but I really wasn't into dating online. I saw it more as a social network for sharing common interests and hobbies." That being said, it's still surprising to learn that Bernardo was a member of our site for more than seven years before he met Meisha. His tenure almost matched that of a two-term President of the United States! By contrast, Meisha was with us less than seven months before receiving a Flirt from "Mr. Chivalry." Behind the username was Bernardo. "First, I flirted with Meisha," he says. "Then I sent her a casual message, not thinking she would reply. I was thinking, 'here's this gorgeous young lady, and she's not going to be into me.'" But she was! Meisha remembers thinking, "He was kinda cute, and he had honesty in his eyes." She says he was "quite similar, in terms of looks," to what she considered her "type." They exchanged information, continued their correspondence, and then moved on to actual conversations. "After talking countless hours on the phone, I had to meet this guy who made me laugh! I definitely wanted to know more about him," declares Meisha. Bernardo was certainly ready to take the virtual vibing into the physical plane. "I really wanted to meet her," he says. "She was a terrific person, and we had great mutual chemistry." Once they were in the same room together, Meisha saw room for improvement in her date's appearance. "I thought he looked like a nerd. But he just needed a Meisha makeover," she laughs. Bernardo had no such reservations about her. "I thought she had a beautiful smile," he recalls. "She was what I expected! And she was friendly." Meisha knew she'd made a good impression. Asked what surprised her the most about that night, her response is "how big his eyes could get." Bernard's answer to that question is "how we got along so easily." Was Meisha thinking they'd get together again? "After our first kiss, most definitely," she says. For his part, Bernardo was "100% certain" he'd like to see Meisha again, and soon. Over time, Meisha was increasingly impressed with Bernardo's kind and loving disposition. She says that "how sensitive and sweet he is" didn't come across in his profile. "It makes me look forward to being with him every day!" What her profile didn't prepare Bernardo for was Meisha "being as down to earth as she was." So what are Meisha's words of wisdom for unattached singles? "It's good to have strong values that guide you into finding your partner," she says. "Don't settle, but also be adventurous – you never know who might steal your heart." Bernardo tells online daters to "take a chance, but know what you want. Here's the most important part, though – look at the inside, not only the outside." This couple has more than an outside chance of staying together for a long time to come. Click here to read more inspiring interracial couples stories. View unlimited profiles Read and reply to members who email you See who's flirting with you Copyright © 2003-2020 DateWhoYouWant, Chellaul Corporation, All Rights Reserved. DateWhoYouWant does not conduct background checks on the members or subscribers of this website.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Use Frost's method to construct a perfect (Nasik) magic 15x15x15 cube. You need a 15x15 magic square, which is panmagic, symmetric, but not compact. Use the horizontal shifted versions of the 15x15 magic square: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14--3-5-7-9-11-13-15 and use it's row or column grid in random order (level 15 up to 1 instead of 1 up to15). Take 1x digit from the (horizontal shifted) 15x15 magic square and add 225x digit from the row- or column grid. See all the grids and all the levels of the 15x15x15 magic cube in the download below.
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SEMA's Emerging Trends & Technology Network (ETTN) recently had a chance to speak with Joseph Mills, director of marketing and customer experience for AutoMeter Products Inc. How did you get into the automotive aftermarket? I grew up around cars. One day my uncle bought a Corvette and gave me a ride in it. At that point, I knew that I wanted to do something related to making cars look cool and go fast. What is your role with AutoMeter Products? How did you become interested in sales and marketing? I like to solve problems and create solutions, and sales and marketing is a natural fit for those skills. Prior to working for AutoMeter, I worked for Porsche and Mercedes-Benz, and I was exposed to great sales and marketing teams at both. We have great employees who have been with us for many years. The average tenure of our hourly employees is 11 years. We are not stiff and rigid like some companies are. Everyone's feedback is important and taken into consideration. Our entire team is constantly working on improving everything that we do. I also appreciate the fact that I know everyone who works here. How important are technology trends to you? I have always been a bit of a "techno guy," so I am always interested in what is happening with technology. As technology has changed, so has AutoMeter, in order to keep up with the times. Examples of changes over the years are digital dashes, Wi-Fi gauges, the ability to show data on mobile devices and providing data that the OEMs rarely display. We are committed to being a leader in our space. An example of this is that we have more engineers than we do sales people. How do you see the performance aftermarket evolving over the next 10–15 years? It definitely will continue to evolve. I see more integration in components and systems. Vehicles will continue to go faster, produce fewer emissions and become more powerful. I think it is a given to say that vehicles of the future will have more electronics. Due to technology, vehicles will become more expensive. The performance aftermarket has great companies that will continue to rise to the challenge. A '14 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR, rather modified. What is your favorite vehicle coming off the assembly line these days and why? The C7 6.2L LT1 seven-speed. It is world-class, a great value, looks great standing still or going down the road and it is made in the United States.
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{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- This module tests the deprecated properties of Data.Map and Data.IntMap, -- because these cannot be tested in either map-properties or -- intmap-properties, as these modules are designed to work with the .Lazy and -- .Strict modules. import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Map.Strict as SM import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as SIM import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Text.Show.Functions () default (Int) main :: IO () main = defaultMain [ testProperty "Data.Map.insertWith' as Strict.insertWith" prop_mapInsertWith'Strict , testProperty "Data.Map.insertWith' undefined value" prop_mapInsertWith'Undefined , testProperty "Data.Map.insertWithKey' as Strict.insertWithKey" prop_mapInsertWithKey'Strict , testProperty "Data.Map.insertWithKey' undefined value" prop_mapInsertWithKey'Undefined , testProperty "Data.Map.insertLookupWithKey' as Strict.insertLookupWithKey" prop_mapInsertLookupWithKey'Strict , testProperty "Data.Map.insertLookupWithKey' undefined value" prop_mapInsertLookupWithKey'Undefined , testProperty "Data.IntMap.insertWith' as Strict.insertWith" prop_intmapInsertWith'Strict , testProperty "Data.IntMap.insertWith' undefined value" prop_intmapInsertWith'Undefined , testProperty "Data.IntMap.insertWithKey' as Strict.insertWithKey" prop_intmapInsertWithKey'Strict , testProperty "Data.IntMap.insertWithKey' undefined value" prop_intmapInsertWithKey'Undefined ] ---------- Map properties ---------- prop_mapInsertWith'Strict :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_mapInsertWith'Strict xs f kxxs = let m = M.fromList xs insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, x) -> ins f kx x) m kxxs in insertList M.insertWith' == insertList SM.insertWith prop_mapInsertWith'Undefined :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_mapInsertWith'Undefined xs = let m = M.fromList xs f _ x = x * 33 insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, _) -> ins f kx undefined) m xs in insertList M.insertWith' == insertList M.insertWith prop_mapInsertWithKey'Strict :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_mapInsertWithKey'Strict xs f kxxs = let m = M.fromList xs insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, x) -> ins f kx x) m kxxs in insertList M.insertWithKey' == insertList SM.insertWithKey prop_mapInsertWithKey'Undefined :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_mapInsertWithKey'Undefined xs = let m = M.fromList xs f k _ x = (k + x) * 33 insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, _) -> ins f kx undefined) m xs in insertList M.insertWithKey' == insertList M.insertWithKey prop_mapInsertLookupWithKey'Strict :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_mapInsertLookupWithKey'Strict xs f kxxs = let m = M.fromList xs insertLookupList insLkp = scanr (\(kx, x) (_, mp) -> insLkp f kx x mp) (Nothing, m) kxxs in insertLookupList M.insertLookupWithKey' == insertLookupList SM.insertLookupWithKey prop_mapInsertLookupWithKey'Undefined :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_mapInsertLookupWithKey'Undefined xs = let m = M.fromList xs f k _ x = (k + x) * 33 insertLookupList insLkp = scanr (\(kx, _) (_, mp) -> insLkp f kx undefined mp) (Nothing, m) xs in insertLookupList M.insertLookupWithKey' == insertLookupList M.insertLookupWithKey ---------- IntMap properties ---------- prop_intmapInsertWith'Strict :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_intmapInsertWith'Strict xs f kxxs = let m = IM.fromList xs insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, x) -> ins f kx x) m kxxs in insertList IM.insertWith' == insertList SIM.insertWith prop_intmapInsertWith'Undefined :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_intmapInsertWith'Undefined xs = let m = IM.fromList xs f _ x = x * 33 insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, _) -> ins f kx undefined) m xs in insertList IM.insertWith' == insertList IM.insertWith prop_intmapInsertWithKey'Strict :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_intmapInsertWithKey'Strict xs f kxxs = let m = IM.fromList xs insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, x) -> ins f kx x) m kxxs in insertList IM.insertWithKey' == insertList SIM.insertWithKey prop_intmapInsertWithKey'Undefined :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool prop_intmapInsertWithKey'Undefined xs = let m = IM.fromList xs f k _ x = (k + x) * 33 insertList ins = foldr (\(kx, _) -> ins f kx undefined) m xs in insertList IM.insertWithKey' == insertList IM.insertWithKey
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
If you look at the history of art cars, most are driven by big events. If a car owner has their choice, they'd almost always seek out a big event at which to get big attention. Big attention is exactly what drives art cars, so to speak.
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March 18 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department Chair and Professor Mark Wong, DDS, was part of a multi-institutional team exploring ways to grow a new jawbone. The published research was covered by HealthDay news service, which was picked up by media outlets including U.S. News & World Report. March 2 Assistant Professor Natalie Pereira Sanchez, DDS, spoke to Univision Houston Channel 45 about ways to prevent bad breath. Her interview was also posted on the station's website. Feb. 22 Debra Stewart, DDS, and Associate Professor Gisela Bona, DDS, MS, were interviewed by reporters with the ONSCENE.TV news service and KTRH Radio about the annual Give Kids A Smile event at the School of Dentistry. About 300 children were treated free of charge by dental volunteers on Feb. 22. Dentistry Today ran a photo and story about the event. Feb. 18 Assistant Professor Amy Herbert, DDS, was interviewed by FOX 26 News about the diagnosis and treatment of "baby bottle tooth decay." Feb. 17 KPRC Radio's Fifty+ Radio show featured Associate Professor and Assistant Dean Ralph Cooley, DDS, talking about common dental myths.
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Please notice below page on 2018 grammy jewelry. Terms for this particular editorial are usually rings, 2018 grammy jewelry, artwork, resourcefulness. You will find lots of sites that sell designer handmade shoes and that too at an acceptable cost. You've got a superb set of footwear. Apart from the price, handcrafted shoes provide significant amounts of advantages over readymade footwear.
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We are always looking for qualified full-time and part-time drivers. Interested candidates are invited to submit a resume today by filling in the employment application form. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Airport Transportation Service is seeking a service-oriented individual who will be driving company's vehicles: Lincoln Towncar Sedan, Chevy Suburban SUV. Has driving experience in the New Jersey/New York Tri-State Area for at least 1 year (EWR, JFK, LGA Airports). You don't pay for anything, we take care of all the expenses (eg. gas, E-Z Pass, car wash, oil change, maintenance of the vehicle) except speeding tickets, parking tickets, or any accident deductibles. Well-groomed, neat appearance: Proper attire such as that of a professional black suit, black tie, and white shirt. Must keep the vehicles clean at all times. Must have a phone with text messaging and familiar with texting. Must be familiar with New York City. All cars are equipped with GPS navigation for directions, so you don't have to worry about getting lost! Gas, Tolls, Car Wash, and EZpass expense will be paid by the company. Propective drivers must email resumes to our email along with valid driver licenses (if possible). Please put "Driver Position" & "Part-time" or "Full-time" in the subject line.
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We have uncovered an assortment of mostly unknown Charles Battell Loomis pieces from assorted 19th Century magazines. Time: approx two and a half minutes. We have found an odd assortment of Charles Battell Loomis stories from a variety of 19th Century Magazines. You ought to enjoy this tale. Thanks goes out to Jesse Willis of for this recommendation. This week, we have been reading from the 1880 collection, 'Very Funny, Not Too Funny, Just Funny Enough,' featuring stories clipped from assorted newspapers. This week, we are reading from the 1880 collection, 'Very Funny, Not Too Funny, Just Funny Enough,' featuring stories clipped from assorted newspapers. After a technical delay we are back.
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I am a wife, mother, and principal who is passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of my family and my community. 'Tis the season! It seems as if we have hit the cold, flu and random intestinal bug season. Several of our 5th grade students experienced some untimely illness while they were gone and by tomorrow morning, I may have two children down with the flu. Please make sure that your students are washing their hands regularly. If you have several students out due to illness, please let the office know so that we can schedule a deep clean. In addition, as much as you are able to wipe down your student desks, I would encourage you to do so. We have a Team Leader meeting scheduled today after school. If there is anything you would like for me to include on the agenda, please use this link to make your request. On Thursday, December 10th, we will have our next round of RtI meetings. Please make sure that you have updated all of your forms and are prepared to discuss your students. We will make every effort to manage our time so that we can review all of the students during the meeting. We will also make this a free jeans day for everyone. Enjoy! Next week, our dress code will look a little different. As in past years, Monday through Thursday, you may wear jeans with a holiday or staff shirt. However, given that we will have so many visitors in the building, I ask that you are professionally dressed on Friday. While many of you are already aware, I wanted to share with all of you that Shana Prugh has officially resigned. This is not something that she wanted to do, but her FMLA ran out and she still needs to be home for Madeline. She is hopeful that she can return to work next year, and she will always be part of the McGowen Family. We will be following the legal process and interviewing to select a permanent replacement. Laurie Leotaud will continue stay with us during this process and will also be interviewed for the position. We will keep you posted. As we continue to pray for The Prugh Family, count your blessings and make today count! Each year, we collect money to present to Miss Irma as a Christmas gift that reflects our gratitude for all that she does, as well as a small token of our deepest love and respect for someone who represents the heart of McGowen. If you would like to contribute to this gift, Stacie has an envelope at the front desk. We will collect donations until Thursday, December 17th. Please register in Eduphoria so that you get credit for attending. This week we want to honor Sharon Butler as our Bad Dude. In addition to all that she does for her students on a daily basis, she attended camp last week and provided 24/7 support for one of her students, served as chaperone and teacher, and was a constant support to the staff, students and parents. Even when her student came down with a stomach bug, Sharon took care of her while maintaining a happy and positive heart. THAT is love, dedication and most certainly a BAD DUDE! Did you know that each week I give out jeans passes to those who are one of the top three participants on Shoparoo? I know that many of you have already joined, but if you haven't, it is not too late. Simply go to to create your account. If you use veft4467 as a referral code, McGowen will earn money for you just signing up. Please feel free to push this information out to your parents as well. Once you sign up, Shoparoo will give you a referral code for your parents to use when they sign up. Schools with just 40 supporters are earning an average of $1,000 every year. Congratulations to Barbara Peebles, Lhauren Chitwood and Jennifer Little for being in this week's top three! Develop a common language needed to become High Reliability School. Develop an understanding and process for effective Professional Learning Communities. Engage in collaborative team planning and lesson design to promote higher level thinking and student engagement. Present lessons in such a way that students understand and can speak knowledgeably about posted learning and language targets. I have created a Remind for our staff in order to send out just-in-time reminders, last minute notifications of jeans/warm-up days, and/or emergency info. If you haven't already, please click on the link below to join the group. Stacie & Barbara– Thank you so much for ALL you do each and every day! Truly not sure what we would do without you?!?! You simply blow me away with all you manage for us ALL and always with a happy heart! - Michelle C. Everyone – Thank you for helping out so much on Friday after school! THIS STAFF is AMAZING and always jump in whenever and wherever needed!!!! Much love and gratitude to you all!- Michelle C. Lisa, Tracey, JD, Tara, Marley--Thank you for your Time and dedication to leadership cadre and PLCs. I appreciate your flexibility and understanding when the district made a recent schedule change. I know how time-consuming it is to secure a sub and then create sub plans.… And not to mention missing time with your students, but please know we all grateful your collaboration and leadership. - Michelle C. JL & Stacie- Thank you for being on Sonic Fairy! The timing could not have been more perfect -after being up all night sick so thank you very much! - Michelle C. Elwood- Thank you so much for your extremely kind gift! I love them and you! - Michelle C. Peterson and Nall--Thank you so much for covering my duty when I had to be out! You both are so generous and kind!! Thank you!! - Michelle C. Valerie- Thank you for letting me tag on to your lunch. You're amazing! - Michelle C. 2nd grade team- Thank you for pulling together to support Ticehurst's temporary sub when her "Wonder Woman" moment was unexpected! You're all wonderful!! - Michelle C. Relle- Thank you for always thinking of the mommy in me with a pic and video! I appreciate it so much! - Michelle C. Any time we have an idea, concern, solution and/or comment, this is the filter through which we should speak. Let's help each other live up to our vision, mission, and beliefs. We will provide engaging learning experiences so students can become effective communicators, quality contributors and socially responsible citizens. Partnerships between students, parents, community members and staff are foundational to educational success. Positive school culture and a safe environment foster growth. Everyone has inherent value and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Learning is an active process requiring engaging tasks and engaging minds. Relevant and authentic experiences ignite continuous, deeper learning. Confidence fuels risk taking and higher achievement. Financial stewardship ensures a tomorrow for education.
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So I am sitting here watching extreme makeover, and I gotta say, I dont think that I would have the confidence to go on this show. ....sure there are things about myself I would like to change......I hate my teeth....I hate my thighs....and a few things on my body.....I would like a bit higher. But to go on a show to have people change everything about you, because it's not good enough.....but to actually have people think that I am so ugly that they have to change me.....that would devastate me.
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We are very lucky to have so many faiths represented in our school. In accordance with our Rights Respecting ethos, children have the right to celebrate their religion. As part of the curriculum, we teach children to develop their understanding of all the beliefs in the world. The Education Act 1996 requires the syllabus to reflect that the religious traditions of Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. For more information about the RE curriculum, please follow the links below.
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ADVERTISE IN KO INTERNSHIPS AT OBSERVER BE PART OF QUALITY JOURNALISM HEADS & TAILS KO ANALYSIS STARTUP KASHMIR LANGAUGE KHYEN CHYEN BAZAAR OBSERVER YOUNG KASHMIR MIZRAB CM's petty job offers make for a poor political pitch Observer News Service | March 8, 2017 "Give me peace, I will give you jobs", this was the theme of the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti's speech at her party's youth convention here. The exhortation has a troubling ring to it, as it immediately brings to mind the context of the prevailing Kashmir situation, especially the six months of the unrest last year which led to the killings of nearly a hundred people, blindings of several hundred and injuries to thousands of others. And that unrest and what has been happening ever since wasn't about fourth class jobs in tourism, PHE, Traffic and the other departments. The exhortation has also gained resonance, albeit of a very ironic sort, because it brings to mind the celebrated words of one of India's prominent nationalists Subhash Chandra Bose. Addressing the members of Indian National Army during India's freedom struggle against British,, Bose told them, if they were ready to give him their blood, he will give them Azadi. Mehbooba may not want the context to determine the meaning of her words but in this case the context has cottoned on to her words in spite of her understood wish that they be understood literally. But even if they were taken literally, the Chief Minister's words hardly stand out for what they mean. She has little to offer to youth other than jobs – most likely those of a daily rated kind – in government departments. She speaks proudly of the recent recruitments in security agencies, including those in police. But these jobs, the CM asked the youth, were conditional on their help to restore peace to Valley. And if the youth did so, Mehbooba promised she will bring Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Valley to announce more jobs for the youth. She also asked them to make the upcoming panchayat elections a success. The rest of the CM's speech was the regurgitation of her oft-repeated justification of the coalition with BJP, the praise for the PM's attempted outreach to Pakistan, aborted by the terror attacks and her hope that the dialogue between India and Pakistan will be resumed soon. However, the video of her address didn't show that her words carried conviction. It was a small and a muted gathering of youth, comprised also of a significant section of the girls. Many among the youth were desperate to cover their faces as the camera panned across. If anything, it shows that around nine months after the popular militant commander Burhan Wani's killing, the government is still struggling to connect with people, particularly with the youth. A part of the reason for this is the low credibility that the mainstream leaders now carry in the Valley. Adding to this sense of public disillusionment with them is the powerlessness that they display when it comes to assert the aspirations and grievances of the people, even those of apolitical nature. . Except for fewer fleeting interludes, the mainstream politics in the state has been predictable, banal, feudalistic and morally compromised, confined to dynasties and the elite sections of the society. Once, Mehbooba had appeared different. But as the killings and blindings last year have made clear, she has turned out to be no different. Quality journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce and despite all the hardships we still do it. Our reporters and editors are working overtime in Kashmir and beyond to cover what you care about, break big stories, and expose injustices that can change lives. Today more people are reading Kashmir Observer than ever, but only a handful are paying while advertising revenues are falling fast. MONTHLY Rs 100 YEARLY Rs 1000 LIFETIME Rs 10000 Click here to Follow us on Telegram @KashmirObserverOnline Admin Provides Immediate Relief To Aali Kadal Fire Victims Journalist's Death: HC Issues Notice To Govt On Plea Challenging Probe Slight Respite In Cold Conditions in Kashmir Valley Beds To Be Reserved For Covid +Ve Dialysis Patients Govt Blocks 35 Pak-Based YouTube Channels KO SUPPLEMENTS Keep Yourself Updated on Kashmir Subscribe to KO Newsletter and get updates from Kashmir Observer straight to your inbox every day! Get Quick updates The media in Kashmir, comprising a robust English and vernacular press has a particularly unenviable job to do. The problems faced by it are both universal to the conflict situations and unique to the region. Read More Select a Month Click to Select January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 May 2012 December 2008 November 2008 Select a Category Click to Select BUSINESS BUSINESS NEWS ENERGY HANDICRAFTS HORTICULTURE MARKET STARTUP KASHMIR CAREERS CARS & BIKES CINEMA & TV CULTURE ARTS CRAFTS FESTIVALS LANGAUGE THEATER ENVIRONMENT FEATURE GALLERIES In Focus OTV PICTURE STORIES HEALTH IN DEPTH EDITORIAL INTERVIEW KO ANALYSIS LETTERS TO EDITOR LONGFORM OPINION REVIEW BOOKS SPECIAL REPORT KHYEN CHYEN CAFE & RESTAURANTS KO HIGHLIGHTS LIFE & TIMES LITERATURE NEWS CITY LOCAL MEDIA REGIONAL TOP STORIES WORLD PEOPLE SOCIETY CHILD WELFARE EDUCATION GENDER, HEADS & TAILS SPORT ADVENTURE SPORTS ATHLETICS CRICKET FOOTBAL GOLF OTHER SPORTS SKIING TECHNOLOGY TRAVEL CAMPING DESTINATION FOCUS HOTELS HOUSEBOATS ↑ Kashmir Observer Log in - Powered by WordPress - Designed by Gabfire
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AmritaCREATE's objective is to provide accessible quality educational technologies for all by designing innovative products that shape the lives of the people it educates. The projects integrate research and practice with the aim of improving the educational experiences of teachers and students. Most of the center's work is conducted in educational settings such as classrooms, after-school programs, village and community learning centres, and teacher education programs. The center is working to bring about a transformation in education by creating engaging simulations, animations, and voice applications. Its multi-media approach results in faster and more accurate learning. As the students stay engaged in the learning process, the overall academic performance is improved. In many of the programs, a teacher can get an instant and accurate assessment of the learning outcomes achieved by the student in each lesson. Virtual and Interactive learning environments. ICT-based intervention for differently abled learners. Availability of e-learning content in local regional languages. Digital literacy in rural community centres. Use of visualisation tools in data analysis of teacher and learner performance. Strategic uses of handheld computing devices in learning. Design and deployment issues in cloud computing environments. AmritaCREATE is establishing partnerships with technology firms, educational institutions, government organisations and NGOs that supports product co-development, strategy identification, and/or research. The center's expertise is combined with that of its partner organisations to create vibrant educational products and services.
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New nitrosopyrimidines were synthesized and evaluated as potential antibacterial agents. Different compounds structurally related with 4,6-bis(alkyl or arylamino)-5-nitrosopyrimidines were evaluated. Some of these nitrosopyrimidines displayed significant antibacterial activity against human pathogenic bacteria. Among them compounds 1c, 2a–c, and 9a–c exhibited remarkable activity against methicillin-sensitive and -resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Salmonella enteritidis. A detailed structure–activity relationship study, supported by theoretical calculations, aided us to identify and understand the minimal structural requirements for the antibacterial action of the nitrosopyrimidines reported here. Thus, our results have led us to identify a topographical template that provides a guide for the design of new nitrosopyrimidines with antibacterial effects. Keywords: 4,6-Bis(alkyl or arylamino)-5-nitrosopyrimidines; Antibacterial compounds; Conformational and electronic analysis; SAR; Química Orgánica; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. Baccharis grisebachii Hieron., commonly known as "quilchamali", is a bushy plant that lives in the high mountains of Argentina and southern Bolivia. The infusion or decoction of aerial parts is used in the traditional medicine of San Juan province, Argentina, to treat gastric ulcers, digestive problems, and as antiseptic and wound healing in humans and horses. The aim of this study is to analyze the anatomical characters of B. grisebachii for specific identification and quality control. The results show that the leaf blade is ericoid with a dorsiventral mesophyll, and epidermis has a smooth and thick cuticle. The stomata are anomocytic. In both epidermis there are two types of hairs, not glandular and glandular. Adult stems show secondary structures. The root shows 1 - 2 rows of pericyclic cells and an endodermis. B. grisebachii shows xeromorphic anatomic characters. The structural characters provide micrographic reference standards, useful for quality control at the crude drug stage. Baccharis grisebachii Hieron. conocida comúnmente como "quilchamali" es una planta arbustiva que vive en las altas montañas de la Argentina y el sur de Bolivia. La infusión o decoción de las partes aéreas es utilizada en la medicina tradicional de la provincia de San Juan, Argentina, para tratar las úlceras gástricas, problemas digestivos y como cicatrizante de heridas y antiséptica en humanos y equinos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las características anatómicas de B. grisebachii útiles en la identificación y control de calidad de la especie. Los resultados muestran que la hoja es ericoide con mesofilo dorsiventral y tiene una epidermis con una cutícula gruesa y lisa. Los estomas son anomocíticos. En ambas epidermis se encuentran dos tipos de pelos, no glandulares y glandulares. En tallos adultos se hace evidente una estructura secundaria y en la raíz se observan 1-2 hileras de células pericíclicas y la endodermis. B. grisebachii muestra caracteres anatómicos xeromórficos. Los caracteres estructurales enunciados proporcionan patrones de referencia micrográficos, útiles para el control de calidad de la droga cruda. Keywords: BACCHARIS GRISEBACHII; ANATOMICAL STUDIES; EPIDERMIS; LEAF; STEM; ROOT; Ciencias de las Plantas, Botánica; Ciencias Biológicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. Ethnopharmacological relevance: Animal oils and fats from the fishes Electrophorus electricus and Potamotrygon motoro, thereptiles Boa constrictor, Chelonoidis denticulata (Geochelone denticulata) and Melanosuchus niger and theriverinedolphin Inia geoffrensis are usedasanti-inflammatory agents in the Peruvian Amazon.The aim of the study was to assess the topicanti-inflammatory effect of the oils/fats as well as to evaluate its antimicrobial activity and fatty acid composition.Materials andmethods: The oils/fats were purchased from atraditional store at the Iquitos market of Belen, Peru.Thetopicanti-inflammatory effect was evaluated by the mice ear edema induced byarachidonic acid(AA)and12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate(TPA)at the dose of 3mg oil/ear. Indomethacine and nimesulide were use das reference anti-inflammatory drugs.The application resembles the traditional topical use of the oils.The antimicrobial effect of the oils/fats was assessed by the microdilution test against references trains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis. The fatty acid composition of the oils/fats(asmethylesters)was determined by GC and GC?MS analysis after saponification. Results: All oils/fats showed topic anti-inflammatory activity,with better effect in the TPA-induced mice ear edema assay.The most active drugs were Potamotrygon motoro, Melanosuchus niger and Geochelone denticulata. IntheAA-induced assay,the best activity was found for Potamotrygonmotoro and Electrophorus electricus oil. The oil of Electrophorus electricus also showed a weak antimicrobial effect with MIC values of 250 mg/mL against Escherichia coli ATCC25922 and Salmonella enteritidis-MI. The main fatty acids in the oils were oleic,palmitic and linoleic acids. Conclusions: Topical application of all the oils/fats investigated showed anti-inflammatory activity in the mice are dema assay.The effect can be related with the identity and composition of the fatty acids in the samples. This study gives support to the traditional use of animal oils/fats as ant-inflammatory agents in the eruvian Amazon. However,new alternative should been couraged due to the conservation status of several of the animal sources of the crude drugs. Keywords: Animal oils; Potamotrygonmotoro; Melanosuchus niger; Geochelone denticulate; Ethnozoology; Amazonian Peru; Zoología, Ornitología, Entomología, Etología; Ciencias Biológicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. Propolis is commercialized in Chile as an antimicrobial agent. It is obtained mainly from central and southern Chile, but is used for the same purposes regardless of its origin. To compare the antimicrobial effect, the total phenolic (TP), the total flavonoid (TF) content and the phenolic composition, 19 samples were collected in the main production centers in the Región del Maule, Chile. Samples were extracted with MeOH and assessed for antimicrobial activity against Gram (+) and Gram (−) bacteria. TP and TF content, antioxidant activity by the DPPH, FRAP and TEAC methods were also determined. Sample composition was assessed by HPLD-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. Differential compounds in the samples were isolated and characterized. The antimicrobial effect of the samples showed MICs ranging from 31.5 to > 1000 μg/mL. Propolis from the central valley was more effective as antibacterial than those from the coastal area or Andean slopes. The samples considered of interest (MIC ≤ 62.5 μg/mL) showed effect on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas sp., Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella enteritidis. Two new diarylheptanoids, a diterpene, the flavonoids pinocembrin and chrysin were isolated and elucidated by spectroscopic and spectrometric means. Some 29 compounds were dereplicated by HPLC-MS and tentatively identified, including nine flavones/flavonol derivatives, one flavanone, eight dihydroflavonols and nine phenyl-propanoids. Propolis from the Región del Maule showed large variation in antimicrobial effect, antioxidant activity and composition. So far the presence of diarylheptanoids in samples from the coastal area of central Chile can be considered as a marker of a new type of propolis. Keywords: PROPOLIS; ANTIMICROBIAL; PHENOLICS; FLAVONOIDS; DIARYLHEPTANOIDS; POILACNEIC ACID; Otras Ciencias Químicas; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. Azorella cryptantha (Clos) Reiche, Apiaceae, vernacular name "yerba del soldado or cuerno de cabra" is a medicinal herb that grows in the Andean mountains (Argentina). An infusion or decoction of the leaves is employed as cholagogue and digestive, usually to treat food-borne illnesses associated with enterobacteria. Extracts and compounds from two Argentinean populations were subjected to antibacterial assays against pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis and Yersinia enterocolitica) and Gram (+) Staphylococcus aureus methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant microorganisms. The antibacterial activity-guided fractionation against a panel of ATCC and clinically isolated bacteria was done according to CLSI protocols. The petroleum ether extracts from both populations showed strong antibacterial activity against S. enteritidis with MIC values from 125 to 250 μg/ml, and also towards methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, and Gram negative strains E. coli, P. aeruginosa, Salmonella sp. and Yersinia enterocolítica-PI, (MICs between 400 and 1000 μg/ml). Fractions from the petroleum extracts showed strong antimicrobial activity, against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, E. coli-LM1, E. coli-LM2, and Salmonella enteritidis-MI, with MICs values between 31.2 and 125 μg/ml. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the petroleum ether extracts led to the isolation of nine terpenes: azorellolide (1), mulinol (2), stachytriol (3),1α,10β,4β,5α-diepoxy-7β-germacran-6β-ol (4), 1β,10α,4β,5α-diepoxy-7β-germacran-6β-ol (5), 1,2,3,3α,4,5,6,7,8,8α-decahydro-7-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-1,4-dimethylazulene-3α,8α-diol (6), madreporanone (7), yaretol (8) and chrysotol or 6β,10β-epoxy-4α-hydroxyguaiane (9). Compounds 3, 5, 6 and 9 are reported here for the first time from A. cryptantha. Their structures and relative configurations have been determinated by means 1D and 2D NMR techniques. Chrysothol (9), madreporanone (7), and stachytriol (3) showed strong antimicrobial activities (MICs = 50–100 μg/ml) against enterobacteria E. coli and S. enteritidis. The antibacterial activity found for some of the isolated compounds supports least in part, the commercial exploited of this species to treat food-borne illnesses associated with Gram negative pathogenic bacteria. Keywords: AZORELLA CRYPTANTHA; ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY; CHRYSOTHOL; MADREPORANONE; STACHYTRIOL; Química Orgánica; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. Authors: Nina, N.; Lima, Beatriz Viviana; Feresin, Gabriela Egly; Giménez, A.; Capusiri, E. S.; Schmeda Hirschmann, G. The antimicrobial activity of Bolivian propolis was assessed for the first time on a panel of bacteria and two endemic parasitic protozoa. Ten samples of Bolivian propolis and their main constituents were tested using the micro-broth dilution method against 11 bacterial pathogenic strains as well as against promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis and L. braziliensis using the XTT-based colorimetric method. The methanolic extracts showed antibacterial effect ranging from inactive (MICs >1000 μg ml(-1) ) to low (MICs 250-1000 μg ml(-1) ), moderate (62∙5-125 μg ml(-1) ) and high antibacterial activity (MIC 31.2 μg ml(-1) ), according to the collection place and chemical composition. The most active samples towards Leishmania species were from Cochabamba and Tarija, with IC50 values of 12∙1 and 7∙8, 8∙0 and 10∙9 μg ml(-1) against L. amazonensis and L. brasiliensis, respectively. The results show that the best antibacterial and antiprotozoal effect was observed for some phenolic rich propolis. Keywords: BOLIVIA; PROPOLIS; ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY; BACTERIA; DISINFECTANT; LEISHMANICIDAL ACTIVITY; PHENOLICS; TRITERPENES; Otras Ciencias Químicas; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. In order to searching a potential novel approach to pistachio utilization, thechemical and nutritional quality of oil and flour from natural, roasted, andsalted roasted pistachios from Argentinian cultivars were evaluated. Thepistachio oil has high contents of oleic and linoleic acid (53.5-55.3, 29-31.4 relative abundance, respectively), tocopherols (896?916 μg/g oil),carotenoids (48?56 μg/g oil) and chlorophylls (41-70 μg/g oil), being a goodsource for commercial edible oil production. The processing conditions didnot affect significantly the fatty acid distribution and minor components ofpistachio oil samples. The roasting process not diminish total phenolic (TP)and flavonoids (FL) content significantly compared to natural pistachio flour(NPF), even so reduced the DPPH antioxidant capacity (approximately20 %) in the roasted pistachio flour (RPF). Furthermore, salted roastedpistachio flour (SRPF) showed a slight and significant decrease on TP andFL content in relation to the others samples. The phenolic profile of pistachioflours were evaluated by LC-ESI-QTOF-MS. The major compounds were(+)-catechin (38?65.6 μg/g PF d.w.), gallic acid (23-36 μg/g PF d.w.) andcyanidin-3-O-galactoside (21-23 μg/g PF d.w.). The treatments havedifferent effects on the phenolics constituents of pistachio flour. Roastingcaused a significant reduction of some phenolics, gallic acid and (+)-catechin,and increased others, naringenin and luteolin. Otherwise, salting and roastingof pistachio increased levels of gallic acid and naringenin. These resultssuggest that Argentinian pistachio oil and flour could be considered asingredients into applications that enhance human health. Keywords: PISTACHIA VERA CV KERMAN; FLOUR; OIL; PHENOLICS; ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY; HEALTH; FLOUR; Otras Ciencias Químicas; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. Changes in the phenolic profile of 'Arizul', 'Sultanina', 'Superior', and 'Flame' grapes from the Province of San Juan (Argentina) caused by sun drying were evaluated. Our main goal was to propose that the obtained raisins are a good source of bioactive antioxidants. The 'Flame' red variety had the highest amount of total phenols when compared to white raisins (TSP = 201 ± 13 and 154 ± 28 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g DW raisins, respectively). The sun drying of fresh grapes produced an increased amount of phenolic acids and flavonoids (rutin, kaempferol-hexoside, quercetin and isoquercitrin). Multiple regression analysis (MRA), principal components (PC) and factor analysis (FA) showed a high correlation between the phenolic profile and the antioxidant activity (AA) of raisins (r ≥ 0.90, p < 0.05). The 'Flame' variety showed the highest AA, which was linked to the amount of gallic acid, astilbin, quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, isorhamnetin, and isorhamnetin-hexoside present in this variety. On the other hand, the AA in the 'Arizul' variety was better correlated with the content of (+)-catechin, caftaric and fertaric acids, whereas the 'Sultanina' variety was correlated with resveratrol. Multi-elemental analyses showed that raisins are rich in K (639–883 mg/100 g), Ca (51–121 mg/100 g) and Mg (28–42 mg/100 g). These findings support the potential health properties of raisins as health-promoting food. Keywords: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY; FOOD ANALYSIS; FOOD COMPOSITION; FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRIENT CHANGES; FRESH GRAPES; MULTI-ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION; PHENOLIC PROFILE; RAISINS; Otras Ciencias Químicas; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. The antibacterial and insect-repellent activities of the essential oils (EOs) from Argentinian medicinal plants Azorella trifurcata (Gaertn.) Pers., Senecio cfr. oreophyton J. Remy and Senecio cfr. pogonias Cabrera, were investigated. All EOs showed good repellent properties against Triatoma infestans Klug, the vector of the Chagas disease, with percent repellence values between 60% and 70% at 24 hours compared with positive control N-N diethyl-m-methylbenzamide (DEET) and moderate activity against the bacteria tested with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) values between 31.2 and 2000 μg/ml. The Azorella trifurcata, Senecio pogonias and S. oreophyton EOs, obtained by hydrodistillation, were characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. Spathulenol (38.2%), myrtenyl acetate (8.4%) and α-terpineol (4.5%), limonene (9.8%) and α-thujene (5.4%) were the main constituents in the EO of Azorella trifurcata. The Senecio pogonias and S. oreophyton EOs are characterized by a high content of monoterpenes hydrocarbons (92% and 95.1%, respectively) with α-pinene, the main component in both oils. To our knowledge, the essential oil composition from Andean medicinal plants A. trifurcata, Senecio pogonias and S. oreophyton collected in central Andean slopes are reported for first time. Keywords: SENECIO OREOPHYTON; S. POGONIAS; TRIATOMA INFESTANS; AZORELLA TRIFURCATA; Bioquímica y Biología Molecular; Ciencias Biológicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS. In this work, microfiber meshes containing embelin, a poorly water-soluble bioactive agent, were prepared by solubilizing embelin in a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer matrix of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL). Plain or drug-loaded, highly porous, fibrous membranes with a high area-to-volume ratio were obtained by electrospinning. Non-woven microfibrous meshes were formed by uniform bead-free fibers with a mean diameter of 1.2 μm. Non-porous films were obtained by solution casting, and were used for comparison. The drug-loading content of the prepared systems was appropriate for topical applications. The thermal properties revealed that the crystallinity of embelin significantly decreased, the drug having almost completely dissolved in the PCL fibers. The in situ bioavailability of embelin, an antimycotic agent, is an important aspect to consider in topical drug applications. The drug-loaded systems presented different contact areas with the biological environment. When comparing the ability to expose embelin with the biological environment of the prepared systems, drug-loaded fibrous scaffolds showed a higher bioavailability of the bioactive agent because of an increase by 86% in the area-to-volume ratio, providing an effective area per unit mass that was 5.8-fold higher than that of the film. For the meshes, 90% embelin release was observed after 12h of exposure to phosphate-buffered saline, whereas for the films a comparable level of release occurred only after 72h. Keywords: BIOMATERIALS; DRUG DISPERSION; ELECTROSPINNING; EMBELIN; POLY(E-CAPROLACTONE); Físico-Química, Ciencia de los Polímeros, Electroquímica; Ciencias Químicas; CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS; Bioproductos, Biomateriales, Bioplásticos, Biocombustibles, Bioderivados, etc.; Biotecnología Industrial; INGENIERÍAS Y TECNOLOGÍAS.
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The Royal tour of Australia in 1954 was, at the time, the single biggest event the nation had hosted. The organisational undertaking was immense, with all correspondence between those involved done by hand-written letters and telephone calls. Official printed programs from the Royal tour stated that all those responsible for an event were to synchronise their watches with the ABC time signals at 9am each day.3 The eight week tour took place during summer when temperatures reached upwards of forty degrees centigrade in some areas of Australia. Despite the punishing heat and humidity, the monarch was rarely seen without her elbow length gloves, decorative hats and elegant heels on at all times. The weather conditions, coupled with the unrelenting schedule of engagements, would have been taxing on the Royal couple who were still familiarising themselves with their new roles and responsibilities. Art historian, Sasha Grishin, refers to the figure of Queen Elizabeth in Shead's Royal series paintings as 'absurd'4 - she is completely at odds with this strange, alien environment as she travels through the country, coming face-to-face with some of the native wildlife.
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Child & Adolescent Services Our Team Meet our dedicated staff Payment Information We accept most major health insurance plans Make an Appointment View our 10 locations Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center > Our Team Larry J. Nulton, PhD Dr. Nulton is a licensed clinical psychologist. A graduate of Penn State University, he later earned his PhD in clinical psychology from Bowling Green State University. He is an adjunct faculty member at University of Pittsburgh and is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association, Pennsylvania Psychological Association and the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Dr. Nulton launched Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center in 1995. It has grown from its initial focus on children's behavioral health care to include licensed services tailored to meet the unique needs of adolescents, families, adults and older adults. Colleen Martin, BA Ms. Martin has worked in the mental health field since 1988 and brings over 20 years of experience to Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center. She is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania and later obtained certification in Elementary Education through the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. As Chief Operating Officer, Ms. Martin is responsible for the overall administration and business operations on a daily basis and for all activities pertaining to licensure, accreditation, human rights, personnel, and finance. Timothy Custer, BA A graduate of The University of Pittsburgh, Mr. Custer has over 15 years of Mental Health experience with Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center. He has gained valuable knowledge of the Mental Health field by working in multiple programs throughout Cambria, Bedford, Blair, Somerset, Clearfield, and Jefferson Counties. His background includes in BHRS, PHP, IDT, MMHT, TelePsychiarty and BCM services. Mr. Custer is currently the Vice President of Operations for Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center. Susan M. Custer, MA Director of Partial Hospitalization Programs Susan has more than 18 years of direct care, program management, and supervisory experience within Bedford, Somerset, Blair and Cambria counties. She graduated cum laude from Duquesne University, earning her bachelor's and master's degree in existential-phenomenological psychology. Susan has assisted adults, children, and families in their mental health treatment and recovery at the levels of outpatient therapy, group therapy, telepsychiatry, adult MMHT, and BHRS. She feels privileged to be working with the strong Adult and Child/Adolescent Partial Hospitalization teams at Nulton Diagnostic. Susan also supervises the School-based Outpatient Program offered in collaboration with the Chestnut Ridge School District. Christy J. Fetterman, MA Director of Functional Family Therapy & Brief Mobile Therapy Christy is a graduate of California University of Pennsylvania where she earned her bachelor's degree in Psychology. She earned her Master's degree from Northcentral University. Ms. Fetterman specializes in working with children and adolescents. She has twelve years of experience working with children involved in mental health treatment. Christy has been a member of the Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center team for five years. She is trained in the Functional Family Therapy model at the supervisory level. Christy serves as the FFT site supervisor and has provided family therapy to at risk youth and their families for the past five years. Mark E. Keim, MA Director of Blended Case Management and Mobile Mental Health Services Mark is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania with Dual Bachelors' degrees in Psychology and Criminology and a Master Degree in Criminology. Mark brings with him 5 years of experience in the Mental Health field with 4 years at NDTC. In addition to being the director of BCM and MMHT Mark serves as the Team Lead for the CBIT program for Cambria County, which helps high-risk/high-transition Mental Health patients transition back into the community from a stay in an institution or helps patients who are at risk of being institutionalized get the services they need to remain in the community. Elissa Nulton, MBA Director of Forensic Programs Elissa has worked in the Mental Health field since 1997. She studied Elementary Education at Lock Haven University and Special Education at Saint Francis University. She is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she obtained her Master's in Business Administration. Elissa has Worked in mental health field as Direct Care, Case Manager, VP of Operations and Manager of JCAHO Accredited Organizations for over 10 years. She has been actively involved in the development and oversight of the Forensic Peer Support Program at Peerstar, LLC. She has assisted in the completion of the Forensic Peer Support Study with Yale University evaluating Forensic Peer Support Programs operating as a jail re-entry program for inmates with serious mental illnesses and/or co-occurring substance abuse disorders in six PA County Jails. She is a member and trainer of the Right Turn Crisis Intervention Team. She actively participates in Clearfield and Jefferson Counties Criminal Justice Advisory Boards, has been on the Cambria County Mental Health Court Planning Team, Blair County Courts Mental Health Health Service Committee and Somerset County Day Reporting Center development team. Mandy Troxell, MOT Director of Family Based Mental Health Services Mandy graduated magna cum laude from Saint Francis University with a Bachelor's Degree in Health Science in 2001 and she earned her Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and a Minor in Psychology in 2002. Mandy has over 15 years of experience working in the mental health field and is trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Mandy has been an employee of the Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center agency since 2009 and is currently working as the Director of Family Based Mental Health Services. In this position, Mandy is responsible for supervision of therapists who provide intensive team-delivered services to children, adolescents, and families in the home and community settings. Brian Nagle, M.S., M.A., BSL Integrated Health for Developmental Care Brian Nagle has a master's degree from Ball State University in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with an emphasis in Autism treatment, and a post-master's certification in Behavioral Analysis from St. Joseph's University. Brian has 15 years of experience in the mental health field. His work experience includes: Behavioral Specialist Consultant, Director of Blended Case Management, Director of Peer Support, Director of a Partial Hospitalization Program, an Outpatient therapist, assisted in developing an ABA based classroom, and a Psychological Associate. Brian is a Certified FBA trainer in Pennsylvania. In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor at Mount Aloysius College and Saint Francis University. He has provided numerous trainings on subjects including Autism, Functional Behavior Analysis, Applied Behavioral Analysis, and Treatment Planning. Richard Cassone, MD Director of Psychiatry • Ebensburg & Johnstown Dr. Cassone is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and has over 46 years of experience. He is a graduate from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Dr. Cassone is a veteran who served in the Vietnam War as a psychiatrist. Throughout his career he has worked inpatient, outpatient and consultation services at various hospitals throughout seven states while maintaining a part-time private practice. In addition, he was Medical Director for several hospitals and Cambria County MH/MR. He is currently serving as the medical director at the Nulton Diagnostic Clinics of Ebensburg and Johnstown. Erin E. Malley, MD Director of Psychiatry • Bedford & Somerset Dr. Malley is a Board Certified General Psychiatrist and Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist who comes to our agency with over 20 years experience. Throughout her career, she has been the Medical Director for multiple programs including Child and Adolescent Services and Intensive Wraparound Services at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. She was also the co-director for the Triple Board Training Program and The Child and Adolescent Fellowship programs at WPIC. Dr. Malley is a member of 11 professional organizations and scientific societies such as The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. In 1993, Dr. Malley was awarded the Richard L. Cohen, M.D. Award in child psychiatry and in 2007, she was awarded the Golden Apple Teaching Award for Child and Adolescent Faculty. Dr. Malley has been a valuable team member here at Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center for over two years. Dr. Aileen Oandasan, MD Tele-Psychiatry Dr. Oandasan was born in Chicago, Illinois but spent much of her childhood in Texas. She graduated from Southwestern University with a double major in Chemistry and Biology. Dr. Oandasan completed her graduate medical degree at Texas A&M College of Medicine. She then went on to complete her general psychiatry training at Georgetown University where she served as Chief Resident during her 4th year. Dr. Oandasan completed further training in child and adolescent psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital where she also served as Chief Resident. From residency and fellowship, Dr. Oandasan transitioned to a academic teaching position at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Dr. Oandasan attained the rank of Clinical Associate Professor during her 8 year tenure at this institution. She then moved to Pennsylvania to oversee child psychiatry services at Memorial Medical Center in Johnstown. She eventually served as Vice Chairman in the Department of Behavioral Medicine where she helped to oversee both adult and child psychiatry inpatient and outpatient services. Dr. Oandasan currently serves as the Director of Behavioral Services at The Children's Institute of Pittsburgh. She continues to maintain strong ties to Johnstown via her telepsychiatry presence. Mukundam Veerabathini, MD Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents • Richland & Altoona Dr. Veerabathini is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist who comes to our agency with over 39 years experience. Throughout his career he has worked with children and adolescents in inpatient, outpatient and partial program settings. Dr. Veearabathini is a member of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychiatric Association's Practice Research Network. He was recognized in "America's Top Psychiatrists" in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Dr Veerabathini was also honored and listed in "Cambridge Who's Who" in 2008. He has been a valued team member of Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center for over four years. Dr. Harold Sternlicht, MD Dr Harold Sternlicht is a board certified child and adult psychiatrist who brings 34 years of experience to our tele-psychiatry department. Dr Sternlicht did his undergraduate studies in New York in biology and graduated from SUNY/Upstate, Syracuse, New York in 1985. During his career he has worked in various settings including in-patient, out-patient, residential treatment facilities, and drug and alcohol centers. Dr. Sternlicht received the President's Award for Research. Dr. Sternlicht has been a valued team member with Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center for over 4 years. Doo W. Cho, MD Director of Psychiatry • Altoona & Bedford Dr. Cho brings more than 30 years of experience to his position. Throughout his career, he has worked as a consulting psychiatrist for a variety of inpatient and outpatient programs, including individual and group counseling. For two decades, he served as Director of the Altoona Hospital Center for Mental Health Services where he coordinated the Student Assistance Program for six school districts; developed and managed the Center's quality improvement program; and directed its Geriatric Assessment Program. He is certified by the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry, and is a member of several professional organizations including the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Association and the American College of Forensic Psychiatrists. Charles Kennedy, PhD Dr. Kennedy brings more than 36 years of experience in the field of mental health to his position at Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center. He is a graduate of St. Vincent College, Latrobe and later earned his doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, California. As a licensed psychologist, Dr. Kennedy conducts extensive psychological evaluations providing services to children, adolescents, families, adults and older adults. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, Pennsylvania Psychological Association and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Dr. Candace Good Child Partial Hospitalization Dr. Candace Good is board certified in general and child & adolescent psychiatry. She has been practicing since 2004 and was received at Penn State Hershey Medical Center, where she also completed her residency and child & adolescent fellowship. She specializes in early onset mood disorders and complicated ADHD. Dr. Good joined the child & adolescent partial hospitalization team in August 2017. Previous positions held include Assistant Professor of Psychiatry for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Medical Director for Children and Families at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. She practices psychiatry with a thorough understanding of therapy concepts and family dynamics. Dr. A. John de Carle Dr. A. John de Carle is board certified in general psychiatry and has been practicing since 1997. He completed his psychiatry residency at Brown University. He has worked in a variety of clinical settings including inpatient psychiatry, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation, private practice and community mental health. He holds the title of Clinical Associate Professor at Penn State Hershey College of Medicine and serves as co-director for the University Park Campus psychiatry clerkship. Dr. de Carle joined the Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center team in November 2017. Dr. Niru Nahar Dr. Niru Nahar is board certified in psychiatry and neurology and also holds a board certification in addiction medicine. She graduated from Sher-e-Bangla Medical College in 1988 and brings to the team nearly 30 years of expertise. She completed her residency at Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, where she was trained in the administration of TMS and ECT treatments. She was awarded the Glaxo-Smithkline-APA Leadership Fellowship and the American Psychiatric Leadership Fellowship. Dr. Nahar has worked in multiple hospitals and clinics, and currently practices at Montefiore Wakefield Campus in Bronx, New York. She joined the Adult Partial Hospitalization team in September 2017. Meet Our Dedicated Staff Diagnostics and Treatment 214 College Park Plaza Essential Learning ViewMyPayCheck TSWEB Tickets at Work Verizon Wireless Discount Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center TMS Therapy Nulton Diagnostic Treatment Center is partnered with Copyright © 2017 Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center | Website Designed by 1st Team
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Testing Suspended..... Dear IC&RC Stakeholders, Prometric plans to resume in-center testing operations in our US and Canadian locations where we are able to do so in compliance with governmental directives or regulations, effective May 1st. We have been working tirelessly to ensure that our test centers are prepared for the resumption of testing at the earliest possible date, in support of your organization and the many constituencies you represent. Our preparations include performing a series of activities that will confirm both technical and operational readiness at each site. In the current environment, our operational readiness steps include the introduction of several new or enhanced processes designed to safeguard the health and well-being of everyone at the center, including your test takers and the staff serving them. One such procedural change required is the reduction of active workstations in the testing room, to conform with government-mandated social distancing standards. This will ensure proper distance is maintained between each individual during test administration. It will also effectively reduce the capacity at each location by at least 50%, and will require Prometric to displace scheduled candidates on select workstations in order to be able to preserve the remaining testing appointments. We understand the impact that this will have on those test takers and are committed to testing them as soon as possible, including looking to expand capacity through increased test center hours and days of operation. The following is additional information for you: Prometric will inform impacted candidates early next week of the need to cancel their existing appointment as the result of implementing social distancing preventative measures (attached here). The date range of the appointments that will be impacted runs from May 1st through June 30th. After the candidate notification has been sent, we will begin processing the cancellations and reschedules (program depending) in the scheduling system. Cancellations and reschedules will be prioritized by appointment date. We will provide you a list of your impacted candidates within this 60 day period. For test takers scheduling new appointments for dates from July 1 onward, the available capacity will appear to be the same 50% that's imposed during the social distancing period. Out of an abundance of caution, we will hold off on displacing these candidates for now, but we will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed should that become necessary. Every 30 days, Prometric leadership will review current conditions and will determine if an extension of the social distancing measures are necessary. If that decision is made, we will inform you of further candidate displacements and will inform candidates of their cancelled appointments. For test takers who will be testing during this time, Prometric will reconfirm their appointment and send clients and candidates a list of social distancing and safety guidelines that candidates will have to follow while in the test center. More details to come as we finalize this communication and have a better understanding of where we are equipped to open on May 1st. We are addressing testing operations in other regions of the world in a similar manner, by applying the same evaluation process described here. We thank you for your patience, understanding and support as we strive to re-establish safe and reliable testing operations on your behalf. Sean Colton
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If a homeowner believes their property has been wrongly mapped in a Special Flood Hazard Area, they can submit a request to FEMA for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). This is also known as a Letter of Map Change (LOMC). The LOMA is an official amendment, by letter, to an effective FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). A LOMA is issued because a property has been inadvertently mapped as being in the floodplain, but is actually on natural high ground above the base flood elevation as shown by the elevation certificate. Because a LOMA officially amends the effective FEMA Flood Map, it is a public record that the community must maintain. Any LOMA should be noted on the community's master flood map and filed by panel number in an accessible location.
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HomeNationalDr. Bernice King tells gathering to "rise above" anger and animus Dr. Bernice King tells gathering to "rise above" anger and animus April 4, 2017 Mary Thatch National 0 By Barrington M. Salmon ( – The Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King, at the close of Women's History Month, electrified an audience of men and women at the National Press Club, challenging them to rise above bickering with people with whom they may have political and cultural disagreements and find common ground – including with President Donald Trump. In a speech she called, "What Does the Black Lives Matter Movement and Trump Have in Common?" she focused on the reality of the anger and animus on one side and the disgust, concern and fear of Trump on the other. She said the way to move forward from to the vilification hurled from both sides is to find common ground. "We need people to rise above it and engage in conversation, real conversation," she advised. "We're not hearing each other right now because we're not listening. We're trying to react to what is said. We have to realize that that individual (with whom we disagree) is still of value. We have to win over people. The next generation is watching us for cues. "We must listen and hear even though we don't want to," she continued. "We should not be drawing the line, unfriending people on Facebook, disconnecting links on LinkedIn or dragging them on Twitter. We must resist separation in the face of difference. We must love unconditionally …" Chief executive officer at the King Center in Atlanta, Dr. King was keynote speaker at the 7th annual Stateswoman for Justice Luncheon and Issues Forum, sponsored by the Trice Edney News Wire. The event, also in celebration of the 190th anniversary of the Black Press, drew about 200 men and women to the Press Club even in chilly, rainy weather. The youngest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King caused a stir and murmurs in the crowd as she prefaced her remarks by warning the packed ballroom that her comments about Black Lives Matter and Trump might cause some discomfort. "Now I'm going to say some things that might be a little different and controversial," she said with a wry smile. "I'm pushing the envelope. What do they have in common? They have awakened in us deep down divisions that in many respects we have tried to avoid, ignore, deny. I don't know about you, but I'm very concerned about that." The Spelman College graduate who has a Bachelor's Degree in psychology and a Masters of Divinity and Doctorate of Law from Emory University, went on to say that "there's a deep polarization that exists in our nation and in fact, it's potentially getting worse…Dr. King tried to teach us how to live in a world and co-exist with all of these different ideologies. What he left is an important blueprint that we cannot escape if you're going to create a just, equitable world. He gave us plans and a strategy: chaos or community." She offered Black Americans four policy and moral prescriptions they should pursue if they hope to achieve the justice and equality for which her father fought and died: She said the Black community must be willing to value and embrace all of the community and all aspects of justice. She said they and others must realize that we're all on the same boat – that justice can't be narrow and one-sided. She said there is a great need for people who're working to forge an agency for justice and who value long-term strategic planning in that area. Lastly, she said the community needs people who value building the "beloved community." King's remarks magnified the growing racial, social and cultural divide that has been exacerbated by a vitriolic presidential campaign, Trump's naked appeals to race and his masterful stoking of racial fears. Sensing the anxiety and feeling of disenfranchisement White voters carried, he spoke to their anger and their belief that Washington, African Americans, Latinos and immigrants had conspired against their interests. Hazel Trice Edney, president/CEO of Trice Edney Communications and Trice Edney News Wire – convener of the luncheon and forum – also assembled a distinguished panel of Black leaders to discuss the topic, "Listen Up America: Forging Our Agenda for Justice." Panelists were Washington Informer Publisher Denise Rolark Barnes, chair of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA); former Bennet College President Dr. Julianne Malveaux, a noted economist, businesswoman, author, and commentator; Dr. Lezli Baskerville, Esq., president/CEO of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO); Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; and Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds, an award-winning journalist, minister and author of the autobiography of Coretta Scott King, "My Life, My Love, My Legacy." Howard University's Yanick Rice Lamb, journalist, author and chair of the Radio, TV and Film Department, moderated the lively panel discussion. During her remarks, Malveaux drew laughter when she told King that she had to part ways with the reconciliation aspects of her keynote speech. "My sister, I'm a Baby Panther and a cynic. Even though my doctor said fisticuffs isn't good for my health and my girlfriend said she's going to let me stay in jail for 24 hours," said Malveaux, who leaned forward and gestured with her hands to accentuate her comments. "I'm resisting. I am a fighter because in every good we saw in Dr. King, we've seen an erosion. As Rev. Willie Barrow said, 'We're not as divided as disconnected.'" Clarke expressed her deep concern about the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the US Supreme Court, who she described as an extremist who is wholly unsuited to be elevated to the High Court. "This Supreme Court nomination has tremendous implications for us as black people in Voting Rights, healthcare and the death penalty," Clarke said. "We deserve a justice who will fairly interpret civil rights and Constitutional laws." She also condemned Attorney General Jeff Sessions, saying he didn't have to character or compassion to properly serve the people, especially African-Americans. "The US Department of Justice is led by a man who couldn't bring a more hostile attitude. He voted against hate crimes as a senator and he is pro-police," Clarke continued. "We need to bring pressure to let him know that he must put aside his personal and political views. Mass incarceration is an issue we cannot turn a blind eye to. He has supported the return to the use of private prison and he has abandoned police reforms." During an audience question and answer session, women and men touched on multiple topics such as the disrespect meted out to women. A specific reference was to Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer, whose exchanges with White House Correspondent April Ryan have recently been criticized as disrespectful. In a condescending way, he once told her to stop shaking her head. Concerns about missing Black and Brown girls and Fox's Bill O'Reilly's disparaging remark about Rep. Maxine Waters wig were also discussed. "I'm furious and angry up here and I'm still not gracious," Rev. Reynolds said forcefully as dozens in the audience stood and applauded. "I'm angry at how Rep. Waters was disrespected. He didn't look at her record. We can take it off and pull it off because it's ours! April Ryan was disrespected and she's a grown woman. She can shake her hair, her finger, any part of her! We need to shake it up!" 190th anniversary of the Black Press Barrington M. Salmon Dr. Bernice King Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King "What Does the Black Lives Matter Movement and Trump Have in Common?" Climate Change Order May Harm NC Economy Black Lawyers Oppose Trump's Supreme Court Nominee HOLY SMOKE! THE BENEFITS OF QUITTING SMOKING September 15, 2017 Mary Thatch 0 10,000 SMALL BUSINESSES HAVE POTENTIAL TO CLOSE THE RACIAL WEALTH GAP April 12, 2018 Mary Thatch 0 U.S. SENATE VOTES TO REVOKE PROTECTIONS ON ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY AUTO LOANS
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Los Padres National Forest officials today announced plans to begin implementing their annual prescribed burning operations on the Forest. When favorable weather conditions are present, specific project locations and dates will be shared on the Forest's Facebook and Twitter accounts. When implementing these projects, fire managers follow a burn plan that outlines the 'prescription' or environmental conditions such as temperature, wind, fuel moisture, ventilation and relative humidity that need to be present before the project begins. When the criteria are met, crews implement, monitor, and patrol each burn to ensure it meets the goals and objectives outlined by managers. The prescribed fire program will continue through the winter and spring months as permitted by weather and other environmental factors. For questions on the Los Padres National Forest prescribed fire program, please contact Gregory Thompson at (661) 245-3731.
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Just last week, we learned that Nikon was shutting down operations in China, including closing a factory responsible for producing some of the company's compact cameras and DSLR lenses. But if you thought that was going to be the only closure in the Nikon portfolio this month, think again. Announced earlier today, Nikon has decided to cease all e-commerce operations in Brazil, where the company ONLY sells its wares via e-commerce. Translation: Nikon will no longer sell cameras, lenses or accessories in the country. Brazilians' only option will be gray market gear. As of December 31st, 2017, Nikon do Brasil Ltda. will end the sale of cameras, lenses and photographic accessories in the Brazilian market, currently marketed exclusively through its e-commerce arm, the Nikon Store. The company's other business segments, including customer service and technical assistance, will continue to operate normally. The change is part of 'global scale restructuring' of the company's R&D, Sales and Manufacturing, and at least appears to be the first step in pulling out of Brazil entirely. For now, products under warranty and those purchased through the Nikon Brazil Store before December 31st will continue to have access to warranty services and customer service. Nikon Corporation is optimizing R & D, Sales and Manufacturing structures in a global scale restructuring. As part of this process Nikon do Brasil Ltda.—as of December 31st, 2017—will end the sale of cameras, lenses and photographic accessories in the Brazilian market, currently marketed exclusively through its e-commerce arm, the Nikon Store. The company's other business segments, including customer service and technical assistance, will continue to operate normally. Products under warranty, including those marketed by Nikon Brazil's e-commerce through December 31st, 2017, will continue to honor the warranty periods. For out-of-warranty products, where possible, technical assistance will be provided based on costs approved by the owners. São Paulo, November 6, 2017.
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I wrote a post not long ago (BB post 16/8) about not removing our chakras. This was met with many comments agreeing in some way or another. 'If anyone would like to join the chakra and overlay removal progress group the testimonials of people who have had this done stand up to any scrutiny. This lady is living in fear of possibly changing her perception'. The thing here is you say the words scrutiny and fear. This 'lady' comes from unconditional love (not scrutiny, that is your vibration) and comes from that space as we can only come from fear or love. This 'lady' lives in the flow of changing of the Divine all the time (as do others) = constantly. As a Master/Ascension Pioneer in 6D human embodiment in Service of the Divine for and with Humanity. And is a mirror for other souls in having a direct link to Spirit and the mirror is that of fear. As quite often we can 'fool' ourselves (said with much love) and detach to not feeling as the energy of this comment I am not FEELING as we need to FEEL to link our Spirit to our Soul to ascend and grow. This 'chakra overlay removal progress' is like bypassing emotions and it came from Spirit that it is like form of ECT energetically. As 'Ascension cannot be rushed fooled or cheated'. If you feel you can ascend in removing chakras, you are 'fooling yourself' again said with much unconditional love, truth and honesty. You are bypassing your ascension. And while you and others can write testimonials about this, there are many enlightened souls here who are letting you know that this is not resonating for them as well as myself. Even in saying 'this lady' is a form of detachment in saying this. This is bypassing ascension through fear. I feel for you and these other souls as there is much pain, and anxiety that one is not wanting to or able to feel and so has taken up another alternative to justify not FEELING. 'We have been conditioned to believe that the Chakra system is beneficial for us with much talk of how when we 'align' them or 'rebalance' them we feel more balanced. Whilst this is true to an extent the chakras stop the natural flow of energy through the body and compartmentalize it into sections, so to access the energy we have to focus on each part of the chakra system'. The first half of this you say 'we have conditioned to believe'…this is more than just believing. This is seeing and feeling and resonating in healing our chakras, more than 'just believing'. The chakras are (part of) our flow of energy. From where do you 'get' that 'chakras stop the natural flow of energy'? 'To understand the manipulation of human beings this is a key issue. From a deeper point of view we have literal parasites harnessing our energy via the chakra system, or as I like to call them, 'plugs' like plugs out of the Matrix. To remove them is literally to be 'unplugged'. Many people are starting to open their eyes to this now as we discover that most of what we have learnt is based in lies. Once the chakras are removed the general feeling from both myself and people who have also had them removed is one of peace, balance, less anxiety, and greater all around being. We still have three chakras that are natural, all that is happening is that the artificial overlays are being removed'. Yes there are negative energy/entities that latch onto our chakras, yet this is all part of transmuting dark to light. In what you 'call removing the chakras', may be removing them (I will give you that), however you are also removing much more than that. You said 'like plugs out of the Matrix' yet it is like 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater' here. There is a lot of what you write of in blogs that I agree with and I honor that. Yet then there is like a mismatch of information that does not resonate. And when I feel that I know there are 'negative forces at play here'. 'So I'm just saying be wary before you prance off on your golden unicorn off to meet the Galactic Federation of Light, or your Pleiadian family. Nobody is coming to save us, we have to save ourselves by being responsible for our own thoughts, emotions, and actions'. I agree in that I have also written about being grounded and not all in the astrals and more of what you shared…yet look at what you wrote before this: 'be wary before you prance off on your golden unicorn off to meet the Galactic Federation of Light, or your Pleiadian family'. It is a kiss/kick energy here….and it is confusing energetically and this confusion does not come from Pure Divine Light. That is the bottom line here. You may have new information about chakras and energies, granted as we are all learning and growing. Yet the way this comes across is not clear and there is conflicting energy and information interwoven in what you have written. Who am I to say this? Just my personal resonations of a direct link to the Divine, in 6D human embodiment, that has 'not been reached before' in humanity as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer – in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions. And if in the future you are 'correct' in what you are saying about the chakras, then I will be the first to let you know if this resonates. Yet this does not resonate for myself and many others. And this is said again with much love. And when many respond similar don't you feel that maybe what they are saying maybe true? Or does one go into 'superiority ' of that we are all being fooled. I know that a 'wise' person takes in all information, and feels into this and with their link to Spirit will know what resonates and what does not. I know to bravely share what one does as you have, that ones energy needs to be FELT by others and while you say you have many that have written testimonies, there are many here who do not resonate to the energy of what you are sharing. Why is it so many resonate to the Divine Love that comes through in the Blue Beyond posts? Yes there are negative comments at times, of those still growing and ascending and are dealing with how negative they are to themselves that is projected. Yet souls do feel the Divine coming through on a mass scale. This is the space this is written from, from Pure Divine Light and unconditional love, truth and honesty. As I do 'stand by' all I share. It's easy, as I live in the flow of the Divine. And I HAVE ALL MY CHAKRAS and am and Ascended Earth Master Trailblazing for and with humanity as a 6D Ascension Pioneer. There is no negative ego' here just honesty and truth. You may not read this and that is very okay. As this is being shared as guided of the Divine on an energy level, of a much much higher resonation of just these words here. As it is very much time to share our Divine truths. And this is 'my truth'. I completely agree that we should not remove our chakras. George Kavassilas is a big proponent of chakra removal and while I find George fascinating, I don't agree with his stance. There are other people who have claimed to remove their chakras but I seriously doubt it. One woman in particular says she removed hers, but I can still see her aura, which tells me she's full of hot air and B.S. There's a reason WHY our chakras are called ENERGY CENTERS. They can help us see which areas need attending to when one or more is off. I think if it truly is possible to remove them, it would be a huge mistake that could quite possible be irreparable.
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Home » Collections » Eliasaf Robinson Tel Aviv Collection Houses in Hayarkon Street, Tel-Aviv View the image gallery Search the finding aid Eliasaf Robinson Tel Aviv Collection At the end of 2005, Stanford Libraries acquired a rich collection of books, pamphlets, magazines, printed ephemera, posters, postcards, photographs, maps, architectural plans, and original documents about the early history of Tel Aviv, "The First Hebrew City." The collection was assembled over a span of 40 years by Eliasaf Robinson, a Tel Aviv native and Israel's most prominent antiquarian bookseller. The Eliasaf Robinson Collection on Tel Aviv, as it is now known, comprises approximately 500 printed volumes (books and periodicals) and twenty linear feet of archival materials. It is already one of the most sought-after resources at the Stanford Libraries. The digitized collection includes over 1,000 photographs and postcards, 300 printed volumes, 200 large format materials (posters, maps and sewer diagrams) and six linear feet of archival materials.
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At Grace Temple, we are the body of Christ. Even though we have separate gifts and talents, we are all the same body and work collectively to achieve one goal. That goal is to bring someone to Christ! As a team, we can achieve so much more than if we try to work independently. We have been blessed with fantastic leaders. Its time that we as leaders step up to the plate and begin to think, act, and do things that are outside the box yet within the realm of Gods word. Let's allow the Holy Ghost to be able to cause our comfortableness to become tiresome and lets make things happen! We have heard it said before that, " Nobody plans to fail, but they fail to plan". We as a church need to plan and work towards achieving the God given goals that we have set. Lets work together as a team that thinks outside the box and plans and executes those plans for a greater purpose.
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Runaway winner Martyn made the most of drawing peg 21 on the edge of the big bay he fished the pole and paste out at 11m and down both margins landing 31 carp – 11lb finishing with 152lb 2oz. 2nd placed Luke fished the pole and 6mm expander at 6m also landing 31 carp being of a smaller stamp his biggest going 7lb weighing in the only other ton weight 103lb 3oz. Mrs Browns boys were at the top of the list with only 14oz separating them, both fishing the pole and paste out and down both margins landing carp -9lb.
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Here are this week's games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 25 February 2019. Here are this week's games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 28 January 2019. Here are this week's games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 21 January 2019. Here are this week's games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 17 September 2018.
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package org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.federation; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.ActiveMQException; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.WildcardConfiguration; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.federation.FederationTransformerConfiguration; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.ActiveMQServer; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.ActiveMQServerLogger; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.federation.FederatedQueueConsumerImpl.ClientSessionCallback; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.plugin.ActiveMQServerBasePlugin; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.transformer.Transformer; public abstract class FederatedAbstract implements ActiveMQServerBasePlugin { private static final WildcardConfiguration DEFAULT_WILDCARD_CONFIGURATION = new WildcardConfiguration(); protected final Federation federation; protected ActiveMQServer server; protected FederationUpstream upstream; protected WildcardConfiguration wildcardConfiguration; protected final Map<FederatedConsumerKey, FederatedQueueConsumer> remoteQueueConsumers = new HashMap<>(); private boolean started; public FederatedAbstract(Federation federation, ActiveMQServer server, FederationUpstream upstream) { this.federation = federation; this.server = server; this.upstream = upstream; this.wildcardConfiguration = server.getConfiguration().getWildcardConfiguration() == null ? DEFAULT_WILDCARD_CONFIGURATION : server.getConfiguration().getWildcardConfiguration(); } /** * The plugin has been registered with the server * * @param server The ActiveMQServer the plugin has been registered to */ @Override public void registered(ActiveMQServer server) { start(); } /** * The plugin has been unregistered with the server * * @param server The ActiveMQServer the plugin has been unregistered to */ @Override public void unregistered(ActiveMQServer server) { stop(); } public synchronized void stop() { for (FederatedQueueConsumer remoteQueueConsumer : remoteQueueConsumers.values()) { remoteQueueConsumer.close(); } remoteQueueConsumers.clear(); started = false; } public synchronized void start() { started = true; } public boolean isStarted() { return started; } protected Transformer mergeTransformers(Transformer left, Transformer right) { if (left == null) { return right; } else if (right == null) { return left; } else { return (m) -> left.transform(right.transform(m)); } } protected Transformer getTransformer(String transformerRef) { Transformer transformer = null; if (transformerRef != null) { FederationTransformerConfiguration federationTransformerConfiguration = federation.getConfig().getTransformerConfigurationMap().get(transformerRef); if (federationTransformerConfiguration != null) { transformer = server.getServiceRegistry().getFederationTransformer(federationTransformerConfiguration.getName(), federationTransformerConfiguration.getTransformerConfiguration()); } } return transformer; } public synchronized void createRemoteConsumer(FederatedConsumerKey key, Transformer transformer, ClientSessionCallback callback) { if (started) { FederatedQueueConsumer remoteQueueConsumer = remoteQueueConsumers.get(key); if (remoteQueueConsumer == null) { if (server.hasBrokerFederationPlugins()) { try { server.callBrokerFederationPlugins(plugin -> plugin.beforeCreateFederatedQueueConsumer(key)); } catch (ActiveMQException t) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.federationPluginExecutionError("beforeCreateFederatedQueueConsumer", t); throw new IllegalStateException(t.getMessage(), t.getCause()); } } remoteQueueConsumer = new FederatedQueueConsumerImpl(federation, server, transformer, key, upstream, callback); remoteQueueConsumer.start(); remoteQueueConsumers.put(key, remoteQueueConsumer); if (server.hasBrokerFederationPlugins()) { try { final FederatedQueueConsumer finalConsumer = remoteQueueConsumer; server.callBrokerFederationPlugins(plugin -> plugin.afterCreateFederatedQueueConsumer(finalConsumer)); } catch (ActiveMQException t) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.federationPluginExecutionError("afterCreateFederatedQueueConsumer", t); throw new IllegalStateException(t.getMessage(), t.getCause()); } } } remoteQueueConsumer.incrementCount(); } } public synchronized void removeRemoteConsumer(FederatedConsumerKey key) { FederatedQueueConsumer remoteQueueConsumer = remoteQueueConsumers.get(key); if (remoteQueueConsumer != null) { if (server.hasBrokerFederationPlugins()) { try { server.callBrokerFederationPlugins(plugin -> plugin.beforeCloseFederatedQueueConsumer(remoteQueueConsumer)); } catch (ActiveMQException t) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.federationPluginExecutionError("beforeCloseFederatedQueueConsumer", t); throw new IllegalStateException(t.getMessage(), t.getCause()); } } if (remoteQueueConsumer.decrementCount() <= 0) { remoteQueueConsumer.close(); remoteQueueConsumers.remove(key); } if (server.hasBrokerFederationPlugins()) { try { server.callBrokerFederationPlugins(plugin -> plugin.afterCloseFederatedQueueConsumer(remoteQueueConsumer)); } catch (ActiveMQException t) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.federationPluginExecutionError("afterCloseFederatedQueueConsumer", t); throw new IllegalStateException(t.getMessage(), t.getCause()); } } } } }
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Photo courtesy of Bailey Laronde, from the Wednesday, June 19 potential arson/explosion of two of the signs. They tried to knock them down, but the doors remain Update: A second round of damage is now being investigated as possible arson/explosion. Updates: After the damage on Wednesday, June 19, a GoFundMe was started to fund security cameras at the door display. According to the page, it was able to surpass the $1,000 goal, with 32 people raising $1,393 in the span of one day. The church is also holding a community prayer vigil at 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 21 at the church lawn, 15509 116th Ave. SE in Renton. Original article: The United Christian Church in Renton remains persistent in its message of love and pride, despite multiple attempts to damage its display. The church put up six doors reading "God's doors are open to all," in honor of LGBTQ+ Pride month, a symbol that is part of a greater city-wide message of visibility this year. Renton Police Department tweeted Wednesday morning that FBI Seattle Division is now in charge of the investigation of the most recent damage, which is considered possible arson and an explosion. The morning of Monday, June 17, staff came to the church to find the last door that reads "All," had not only a large rip in it, but some signs of an attempt to set it on fire. Then on the morning of Wednesday, June 19, posts on social media showed more damage was done to two other doors at the display. The photos appeared to show "Leviticus" written on one door, damage and some sort of firecracker taped to the back of one of them, and a possible explosion on another. The damage done to the doors reflects the damage that those in the LGBTQ+ community experience far too regularly, Pastor Cynthia Meyer said. "Seeing that response to the sign helps people see that it happens and is wrong and people shouldn't be treated that way," Meyers said. "It's sending a good message to encourage people to be more active in their support and care." Meyer saw it later in the day Monday, and said she was sad it happened but not totally surprised. Offended people sometimes do things that are inappropriate, and even criminal as in this case, she said. Someone in the neighborhood who saw the damage on Monday, stated on social media they reported it to Renton Police Department as a hate crime. According to police, it was only being investigated as malicious mischief as the intent of the suspect was unknown. Now the investigation is in the hands of FBI Seattle, after the Wednesday attack appeared to involve arson or small explosions. The same day the door was hit on Monday, a group of families connected to the Montessori school on the church grounds came together quickly to help. At 4 p.m. Monday, about 40 people got the door replaced, painted and ready, thanks to Amy Helland, who organized folks on the Cascade Buy Nothing Facebook group. On top of that, they decorated the sidewalk in front of it with chalk messages and art. "It was a great outpouring of care and support," Meyer said. Last week, there were two reports from social media that the doors had been knocked down. Meyer said they were put up quickly by people walking by, before any church staff even had a chance to fix them. It's encouraging and uplifting to see folks take time to help them keep the sign up and be persistent with their message, Meyer said. The doors are part of a national movement from different united churches, which can be viewed at Photo courtesy of Brenda Franklin Strout, the damage done to one of the doors on Monday, June 17. Photo courtesy of United Christian Church in Renton, groups came together to fix the damage Monday, only to have another attack on the doors two days later. Buckle up for another smoky summer Budget troubles on the horizon for Renton schools
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
What makes boutique hotels Santorini become areas, which significant number of customers compete for? Holidays is an influential period of a year. It is indicated by the fact that majority of people, who tend to spend a lot of time at work, finally have some time off, which might be spent on relax and letting ourselves be far away from stress we mostly are in touch with as we have to deal with miscellaneous problems. As a result, we ought to be aware of the fact that in terms of boutique hotels Santorini it is presumably one of the most attractive solutions in the field mentioned in the top that provides us with an opportunity to have accommodation in a tourist destination, which in the future may belong to the most popular on our planet. It is indicated by the fact that, above all, compared with other most popular places people all over the world tend to travel, the above shown Greek island is quite quiet and not that crowded. Hence, if we would like to spend our holidays in a quite quiet place and get rid of the crowd we also observe in majority of greater cities, picking luxury hotels in Santorini Greece we might be certain that we will spend some great time in a breathtaking place. The astonishing views that are likely to be observed on this island also play an influential role in making each person coming to this Greek island feel quite calm as well as wish he wouldn't have to return home. This is the magic of the previously mentioned island as well as one of the most influential reasons why we should decide ourselves for boutiquie hotels Santorini – how to choose boutique hotels santorini. Due to them, then, we might not only spend some time in interesting conditions, but also we may certainly rest from the whole stress as well as facing different problems at work as well as in private life. Thus, choosing alternatives such as inter alia luxury hotels in Santorini Greece we can be assured that we will be pleased with our time spent there as well as get energy and refresh ourselves so that we could find it less complicated to deal with various problems we would meet on the path of our existence – website here.
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A U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge in Los Angeles on Wednesday delivered a resounding rejection of a plea by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block Santa Clara County's purchase of O'Connor and Saint Louise hospitals. "Far from protecting public health and welfare, a stay would set in motion a series of events that in all probability would reduce the availability of healthcare services to the public," Robles wrote in his Jan. 30 order. "The attorney general still has not identified the specific statutory provision establishing his authority to review the sale," Robles ruled. He said the court decision "strips our office of the authority to protect patients when hospitals are transferred to public entities." He claimed that Santa County had refused to say which "important patient protections and services" it would provide. Becerra and his office did not respond to requests for an interview. I'm guessing the AG is getting paid by someone who didn't want this deal to go through. Yep, that's the only think I can think of that would explain the state's AG's actions to block it. Generally, I'm happy that Santa Clara County is expanding its health network. If we can't have healthcare for all at the federal or state level, at least we can maybe have it at the county level at some point. Just like clean water to drink and clean air to breathe, healthcare should be a right, not a privilege or a 'fringe benefit' that you get if you are lucky enough to be employed by an organization that has the means to provide it. If healthcare is a right, are those who fail to provide you healthcare criminals? Are you an executive of a local non-profit? Those guys make more money than people working at google. Their clients are homeless and people with very little resources. These guys drive sport cars and share events with county supervisors and San Jose mayor. THE RICHER GOT RICHER AND THE POOR POORER! Thus, it is not a surprise they are supporting the locals. AG asking for accountability is reasonable and necessary. The AG is probably concerned about all the corruption by public officials in Santa Clara County. I am one of a group of residents that sends letters to the state about corruption at local police departments, supervisors, judges, and connection of local clinics and organization to public officials. These people in the county have had the power for a long time. Our eyes and ears are in every place, county supervisors, courts, local non-profit agencies, hospitals, and so on. The AG, Harris, and Brown may know more about all of you than what you know about one another. AG, Harris, and Gov, I urge you to keep a close look on the Santa Clara County public officials' corruption. We will continue to inform you. I just learned of a recent situation related to Supervisor Cindy Chavez. I am going to write to the DA to consult and continue creating record. Report to the state your local public official corruption story. It is as simple as writing these comments. You just need to go to their website and file complain or ask for help, consultation, and more!
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Please visit our Open House at 4749 FAIRBRIDGE DRIVE in DUNCAN. Set peacefully amongst an enclave of family properties in a community rich with history. Fairbridge Farm Estates is a neighbourhood inspiring feelings of nostalgia & yesteryear. Savor those long summer days where memories are made. Children riding their bikes, old fashioned tree swings, be home when the street lights come on kind of neighbourhood. Delightful Colonial home nestled onto a sprawling 0.97 acre of enchanted gardens with fully fenced pool area & hot tub. New kitchen with large country style dining area & cozy wood stove, all looking out through generous windows and sliders to your peaceful sanctuary. Spacious entrance leads to formal living & dining area with propane fireplace at one end of home & cozy family room at the other. Four bedrooms on second level, generous master bedroom with ensuite & balcony. Fairbridge is surrounded by pastoral land, bike ride to Bright Angel Park, just a short distance to Duncan, Farmers Markets, Brentwood College & Shawnigan Lake School.
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Biles withdrawing from Olympics prompts conversation about athletes mental health by: Kala Rama, Associated Press NEW YORK — Simone Biles will not defend her Olympic title. The American gymnastics superstar withdrew from Thursday's all-around competition to focus on her mental well-being. USA Gymnastics said in a statement on Wednesday that the 24-year-old is opting to not compete. The decision comes a day after Biles removed herself from the team final following one rotation because she felt she wasn't mentally ready. She posted on social media on Monday that she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The weight became too heavy after vaulting during team finals. She lost herself in mid-air and completed 1 1/2 twists instead of 2 1/2. She consulted with U.S. team doctor Marcia Faustin before walking off the field of play. When she returned, she took off her bar grips, hugged teammates Sunisa Lee, Grace McCallum and Jordan Chiles and turned into the team's head cheerleader as the U.S. claimed silver behind the Russian Olympic Committee. "Once I came out here (to compete), I was like, 'No mental is, not there so I just need to let the girls do it and focus on myself,'" Biles said following the medal ceremony. New York City Department of Education Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Jesse Pachter is telling his young athletes to pay attention. "I think the lesson is that there are things that are more important than athletics, and I think that you need to be okay internally mentally socially emotionally before you can give your all," Pachter told PIX11 News. Pachter reminds his students the most important person in their life is not a parent or a sibling, but yourself. The goal is to have fun and achieve to the best of your ability. Sometimes, that includes reminding an athlete's parents to let go of the added pressure. "Leave the in-game conversations to the players and the coaches, because it really can take away and cause more damage than good," he said. A census from the International Olympic Committee found anxiety and depression in elite athletes may be as high as 45%. The IOC is offering a mental health helpline for athletes in 70 languages that will keep running after the games are over.
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KENNER – The Simon Kidgits Club will host a Super Duper Mini Chefs event at the Esplanade Mall on May 30 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Kids will learn the basics of healthy eating and food facts, plus create cereal necklaces, design aprons, and receive a free chef set. Cost is free for Kidgits members, $5 for non-members. For more information, contact Kelly White at 504-468-6116.
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More features are not always a good thing. Most likely, more features are usually a bad thing. Behold the Combination Grocer's Package, Cheese Grater, Slicer, Mouse and Fly Trap, patent 1897. While modern examples are not quite so absurd, they are equally a waste of time. For advice on keeping less than exquisite and essential feature out, we consult the opinion of Steve Jobs, former and beloved front man of Apple Inc. This is precisely why certain Android phones seem to have lots of "cool" features eons before the iPhone, yet the iPhone continues to out sell and be more adored by fans and critics, an impressive feat indeed, over any single Android based product. Most creators of products don't really-truly, deep-down know what their audience wants (focus groups can accomplish only so much) thus they throw every good (not great) idea they have into their Thing. Some hope that a few of these features will stick and others truly believe that each of these features will profoundly change the way their audience lives and moves through life. While more features don't solve more problems, more features do make using that product more complicated. To navigate these features there must be more menus and logic to how the menus are organized. As the product gets more complicated so does the logic and in no time flat the average user has no idea where to find what they need. The product has actually taken steps backward into negative space to become…useless. Products that some may find frustrating are touch screens in cars, and high-end digital guitar effects pedals because they have so many peripheral features exactly how to operate their primary functions is not always obvious. The simplest way to avoid feature bloat is to create products with features users will actually use and not ones that sound great, but lack any kind of history, vetting process, or context. (Note: the word user is based on the word use. Profound!) Carmine brings years and years of experience in fleet management software to the game. We have spent countless hours weighing which features to bring to our customers and we will spend countless more keeping our product simple and useful. The foremost reason to shunning feature bloat is to keep a product's interface simple and easily organized. Products like phones and computers that do a lot of disparate things are notorious for complicated back-end menus. Take my word for it. Saas products, like yours truly, don't live in this disparate multitool universe and should not try to be like the majestic peacock that puffs itself up to look bigger than it is. No siree! At Carmine, what you see is what you get. Remember at the end of the day a product should solve your main issues as simple as possible. Less is more!
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HTML Head In this tutorial you will learn about the importance of head elements. The HTML head Element The <head> element primarily is the container for all the head elements, which provide extra information about the document (metadata), or reference to other resources that are required for the document to display or behave correctly in a web browser. The head elements collectively describes the properties of the document such as title, provide meta information like character set, instruct the browser where to find the style sheets or scripts that allows you to extend the HTML document in a highly active and interactive ways. The HTML elements that can be used inside the <head> element are: <title>, <base>, <link>, <style>, <meta>, <script> and the <noscript> element. The HTML title Element The <title> element defines the title of the document. The title element is required in all HTML/XHTML documents to produce a valid document. Only one title element is permitted in a document and it must be placed within the <head> element. The title element contains plain text and entities; it may not contain other markup tags. The title of the document may be used for different purposes. For example: To display a title in the browser title bar and in the task bar. To provide a title for the page when it is added to favorites or bookmarked. To displays a title for the page in search-engine results. The following example demonstrates how to place title in an HTML document. <title>A simple HTML document</title> Tip: A good title should be short and specific to the document's content, because search engine's web crawlers pay particular attention to the words used in the title. The title should ideally be less than 65 characters in length. See the guidelines for titles. The HTML base Element The HTML <base> element is used to define a base URL for all relative links contained in the document, e.g. you can set the base URL once at the top of your page, and then all subsequent relative links will use that URL as a starting point. Here's an example: <title>Defining a base URL</title> <base href=""> <p><a href="html-tutorial/html-head.php">HTML Head</a>.</p> The hyperlink in the example above will actually resolve to regardless of the URL of the current page. This is because the relative URL specified in the link: html-tutorial/html-head.php is added to the end of the base URL: Warning: The HTML <base> element must appear before any element that refers to an external resource. HTML permits only one base element for each document. The HTML link Element The <link> element defines the relationship between the current document and an external documents or resources. A common use of link element is to link to external style sheets. <title>Linking Style Sheets</title> Please check out the CSS tutorial section to learn about style sheets in detail. Note: An HTML document's <head> element may contain any number of <link> elements. The <link> element has attributes, but no contents. The HTML style Element The <style> element is used to define embedded style information for an HTML document. The style rules inside the <style> element specify how HTML elements render in a browser. <title>Embedding Style Sheets</title> body { background-color: YellowGreen; } h1 { color: red; } p { color: green; } Note: An embedded style sheet should be used when a single document has a unique style. If the same style sheet is used in multiple documents, then an external style sheet would be more appropriate. See the tutorial on HTML styles to learn more about it. The HTML meta Element The <meta> element provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data. Here's an example: <title>Specifying Metadata</title> <meta name="author" content="John Smith"> The meta element will be explained in more detail in the next chapter. The HTML script Element The <script> element is used to define client-side script, such as JavaScript in HTML documents. The following example will display a greeting message in the browser: <title>Adding JavaScript</title> document.write("<h1>Hello World!</h1>") The script and noscript element will be explained in detail in the later chapter.
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By only getting the course B permit you might be badly restricting your self not merely pertaining to how many tasks available to you but the amount of money you are able to. It merely costs a little more revenue and takes a bit more time and energy to get the Class letter and trust in me you may not regret it. Almost any person I have ever before spoken to with a Class B have strategies so you can get their particular Class The, but I never once talked to anyone that desired that they had just received their Class B. Nobody. Buy their Course A. Most of the much better private schools need a wide range of education like several weeks of practise at burning the vehicle, class room plans of everything from record products to maps and routing to air brake system and automobile assessment. They also provide many weeks of training down on the area roadways. Be sure they give you the needed classes getting ALL of your endorsements including hazmat, tankers, doubles and triples, and folks (buses). Make fully sure you get many of these. It only requires an extremely short authored make sure may also badly restrict your work opportunities in the event that you create all of them out. Be sure to ask the college what their unique rules is when you don't go the creating part of the examination for your CDL the very first time. An established school works with you for a brief period of the time to allow you the additional training you want. They can not warranty you'll go it, nevertheless they will continue to allow you to for some time. Furthermore, most close institutes have actually a job placement regimen. There is a large demand for vehicle operators nationwide and their job location office have a long list of organizations prepared to hire your the afternoon you graduate. You are able to inform them the sort of work you are looking for and they're going to have actually several choices for you. Trust in me, getting work appearing out of school is quite, easy. But obtaining best task for your needs at the proper team are more likely for those who have some experienced help with great contacts. To learn even more about blog link and the original source, please visit the website look at this website,,. Truck driving institutes come in big sources today specially online. But it does not mean which they all offer high quality classes for expert vehicle operators wanting to be part of the trucking industry. While you can find vehicle institutes serious in their goal to show commercial drivers the best knowledge and techniques, additionally the fly-by-night your who promise fast and inexpensive training. Professional drivers who desire to your workplace or do business within the trucking industry should always be cautious in seeking the college whenever they would like to get their own CDL or commercial driver's license classes. When possible, enrolling in a certified truck driving school was an ideal option to ensure that that you do not waste your own time and cash. Insurance firms an accreditation, it means the institution possess passed the greatest expectations of educational associations offering the CDL tuition. It is because dealing with an accreditation process is not too easy and in addition it entails a higher price. But again, as soon as a truck class becomes certified, this has found its commitment to high quality knowledge and education to the enrollees. As well as that, it has additionally demonstrated to have actually found strict standards in terms of school administration, high quality staff members and monetary balance. CDL education could be approved by an agency approved because of the U.S. studies division to conduct certification to education. Guru motorists should be aware nicely that best certified organizations become permitted to supply national student education loans and grants. After examining the school's certification, it might be far better read through the CDL course define and period associated with the tuition. A great school should incorporate at the least 2 to 3 days of circuit training to commercial vehicle operators. Pros think that any program less than this duration just isn't sufficient to produce best understanding and techniques on vehicle driving. Whatever they're saying is don't quickly getting interested in the quick as well as free CDL knowledge advertising you observe in.
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BBC BIAS DIGEST 10 AUGUST 2020 BBC Digest | 10th August 2020 | 0 | by David Keighley BBC IS 'PROMOTING DIVISIONS OVER RACE': Calvin Robinson (Spiked! 10/8) observed that, despite clear evidence which showed that white 'working-class boys' were the most consistently disadvantaged social group in the UK, the 'identity-obsessed left' (including the BBC) was peddling 'white-privilege theories'. He asserted: 'For the BBC to be further perpetuating the critical race theory myth of 'white privilege' adds insult to injury. To suggest 'privilege' is primarily based on skin colour is overly simplistic and, frankly, somewhat racist. That's precisely what the BBC commissioned John Amaechi to say on its educational outlet, BBC Bitesize, last week. Worse, when called out by Andrew Neil on Twitter, John Amaechi acted as if his words were not his opinions after all, but indisputable facts.' He added: 'The BBC is obliged by its charter to 'bring people together… and help contribute to the social cohesion and wellbeing of the UK'. Instead, it is producing divisive material and fanning the flames of racial unrest, all while wanting a 'greater role in children's education'. It's a scary prospect, and we cannot let it happen. It's time to defund the BBC.' LORD HALL 'APOLOGISES FOR USE OF N-WORD': Jemma Carr (Mail 9/8) said that, after a meeting with senior colleagues, Lord Hall, the BBC director general, had told staff via email that the use of the 'n-word' in a report about a suspected racist attack on a black NHS worker had – though well-intentioned in journalistic terms – been a mistake. Ms Carr, who reported that more than 18,600 complaints had been received, said the word had been used by BBC reporter Fiona Lamdin in an item about the hit-and-run attack on the BBC News Channel on July 29. She said Lord Hall had said: 'We are proud of the BBC's values of inclusion and respect, and have reflected long and hard on what people have had to say about the use of the n-word and all racist language both inside and outside the organisation. It should be clear that the BBC's intention was to highlight an alleged racist attack. This is important journalism which the BBC should be reporting on and we will continue to do so. Yet despite these good intentions, I recognise that we have ended up creating distress amongst many people. 'The BBC now accepts that we should have taken a different approach at the time of broadcast and we are very sorry for that. We will now be strengthening our guidance on offensive language across our output. Every organisation should be able to acknowledge when it has made a mistake. We made one here. It is important for us to listen – and also to learn. And that is what we will continue to do.' Miss Carr also reported that June Sarpong, the BBC's director of creative diversity, had welcomed the decision, saying she was 'glad' that Lord Hall has 'personally intervened to unequivocally apologise'. She added that Channel 4 News presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy praised Lord Hall for the move, adding: 'But once again it has taken a direct intervention by the DG to overturn a mistake on race previously defended by the BBC's editorial policy managers.' Miss Carr said that BBC Senior Digital Reporter Ashley John-Baptiste had posted on social media: 'Every black member of BBC staff I've spoken to is tired. Plain and simple. From new recruits to the seniors – we just cannot fathom how it's editorially justifiable for a white person to say the N word – period. We get into this work to represent our communities and tell their stories. In instances like the one we're witnessing, it's hard to feel like we have any agency to bring about positive change.' BBC 'SIDES YET AGAIN WITH WOKE MOB': Craig Byers (Is the BBC Biased? 10/8), suggested that Lord Hall's intervention in the 'n-word' row meant that yet again, he had sided with the 'woke' mob on Twitter to overrule the older, traditional BBC hands trying to uphold the Charter requirement for impartiality. Mr Byers said: 'After previously vetoing their ruling against Naga Munchetty for going against BBC norms and openly venting her personal distaste for Donald Trump's 'racism' on BBC Breakfast, Lord Hall has now overruled his editorial colleagues again. They had originally defended a white, female BBC News Channel/Points West reporter for using the n-word in connection to a vicious racist attack on a black man on the grounds that the (black) victim's family wanted the word used in the report to highlight the racism behind the attack. They'd also noted that the report had flagged up the use of offensive language. 'Regardless of that, over 18,000 people complained – after an online campaign encouraged them to – and Lord Hall evidently decided to play to the 'Twitter mob' gallery by apologising and saying they were right that the taboo word should never have been used because of the "distress" it causes – regardless, it seems, of any context. With Lord Hall going, what's next? Will his 'woke', Blairite protégé James Purnell keep on pushing in the same 'woke' direction, or will Tim Davie step in and restore sense?' BBC BIAS MEDIA DIGEST 9 AUGUST 2020
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'use strict'; var del = require('del'); // 洗刷刷 module.exports = function(gulp, config) { gulp.task('clean', function(cb) { //clean path console.log('clean:' + config.clean); var cleanPath = config.clean || 'dist'; console.log('clean:' + cleanPath); return del(cleanPath, cb); }); };
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
I am amused that a group of Doctor Who fans have gathered online to create a virtual orchestra. Enjoy this 1956 review of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Beren and Lúthien is a new JRR #Tolkien #book set in Middle Earth. Yeah, I'll buy that sight unseen. ← It turns out the Matrix code is actually just a bunch of sushi recipes.
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We are in that weird beginning-of-fall/end-of-summer phase right now, where the weather can be anywhere from 50-80 degrees. So my weeknight dinners are just as random. I keep going in between comfort food choices like Mushroom and Sausage Ragu over Polenta to lighter meals like Autumn Apple Salad with Cinnamon Honey Dijon Dressing. So sticking with tradition and flip flopping again, after posting a recipe for Pumpkin Cake Bites earlier this week, I bring you a seafood pasta recipe with pesto! This recipe uses arugula as the primary ingredient in the pesto, so it's really perfect for this time of year. It also comes together in no time (which is why I love meals that use pesto) while adding such freshness to a recipe. Cook the pasta according to package directions. Drain the pasta in a colander over a bowl, reserving 1/3 cup cooking liquid. While waiting for the pasta to cook, add the arugula, basil, cheese, pine nuts, pepper, salt, and garlic to a food processor and pulse 6 times. Turn the processor on low and drizzle 2 tablespoons olive oil through the food chute, processing until smooth. Heat a saute pan over medium-high heat, coating with olive oil, add in 1 tablespoon butter. Add the shrimp and cook for 5 minutes or until golden, turning once half way through. Remove the shrimp from the pan using a slotted spoon and set aside. Add white wine to the pan over medium high heat. Cook until mostly evaporated (this takes no time at all, the hot pan will almost immediate evaporate most of the wine). Add the basil mixture and reserved pasta water. Bring to a simmer and remove from heat. Add the pasta and shrimp to the pan, tossing to coat. We absolutely inhaled this dish. The sauce looks like a light coating on the dish but really delivers flavor and tastes so fresh!
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Do all Insurance Companies offer the same Coverages? Why is that home prices have gone down, but insurance has not? Can I buy insurance if I don't have a US drivers license? How long can my child stay on my health insurance? Obamacare is working well in California. Visit It is really easy to get a quote. Just enter your zip code, age and income level. You can apply online as well. Obamacare was intended to help Americans who could not previously afford health insurance get insured. People with bad health (heart disease, obesity, cancer) often were denied coverage or charged a very high premium. Now these folks are charged the same rate as everyone else. People with low income were often priced out of the insurance market as well. It was not reasonable to expect a person making $25,000 a year to spend 15% of their income on health insurance. Under ObamaCare people making under $48,000 per year are eligible for premium assistance. - In this video I show you how a 30 year old earning $25,000 per year can get a policy for just $18 per month. An insurance broker can save you time, money and headache. Just like an accountant or lawyer who provides you with professional advice, based on years of training and experience, a qualified broker can do the same with your insurance. Using a broker won't cost more. Often it costs less because brokers have knowledge of the insurance market and know where to look for the best deal. A broker will also explain your policy and any special situations you need to watch out for. Some brokers will charge their customers a fee, but at Pfeifer Insurance brokers we will not. No. Each insurance company will offer many of the same basic coverages, but the insurance companies will vary greatly when it comes to the specialized coverages. It depends entirely on your individual situation. Generally speaking, the more you have to protect, the more coverage you should have. In order to help you determine the right amount, please give us a call. Driver's number of years of experience. A lot of factors go in to the cost of insuring a home. The market value of a house is not one of them. 1) the cost to rebuild the home in the event of a total loss. (Building materials, labor . . . ) Although home prices have decreased in much of the country the cost of building homes has not necessarily decreased. 4) value of the contents inside the house. Yes. We have companies who will insure drivers with international or foreign drivers licenses. We have ins sured a lot of Drivers with Mexican drivers licenses or Chinese Drivers Licensees. Some insurance companies will even insure owners of vehicles who have no license at all. You will be required to have someone else drive your car if you have no license at all. An SR22 is a form required by the Department of Motor Vehicles that provides proof ofCalifornia mandated liability insurance. Most insurance companies that we work with will provide this form at no extra cost. Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) a dependent child can be covered on their parent's health insurance policy until they turn age 26. After you blow out the candles on your birthday cake when you turn 26 you have 60-days to obtain your own health insurance coverage. If you fail to do so within that 60-day period then you will be unable to enroll in ObamaCare compliant major medical insurance until the next open enrollment period for an effective date of the first of the year. In 2014 the open enrollment period begins on November 15th and the earliest date your coverage could go into effect would be on January 1, 2015. If you have missed your 60-day enrollment window then you could possibly take out a Short Term Major Medical policy to cover you until you can enroll in ObamaCare compliant coverage. Please be aware that Short Term Major Medical policies do not cover pre-existing conditions, some can decline you for coverage entirely, and they do not meet the individual mandate requirements of ObamaCare for the purposes of avoiding the individual mandate tax penalty.
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Bla Bla Writing / Entertainment / Movies / Movie Review / Crash Movie Review Argumentative Crash Movie Review Argumentative Category: Culture Movie Review Race and Ethnicity When watching the movie trailer to the movie Crash, I was fascinated to see such a movie. Crash is a 2004 crime drama film, co-written, produced, and directed by Paul Higgins. The film is about racial and social tensions in Los Angeles, California. I chose this movie because it shows a reality of racial problems that still happen today. I found this movie relevant to me because I am Hispanic and I have had racial issues with others. In class we learned about discrimination and racism, which are both demonstrated in the movie. Watching this movie made me understand this specific chapter better because it gave clear examples of how it happens in everyday life. The film Crash is also full of sociological concepts, examining issues of race, social class, and gender, as well as many others. Crash is one of those movies that makes us rethink even what we think we know about the world we live in. One of the sociological concepts that Crash demonstrates is ethnocentrism. This means that we judge other cultures by the standards of our own. Not only that, but we also believe that our own culture is superior to everyone else's. One example is shown at the very beginning of the movie when Asian Americans speech patterns are made fun of, in this situation the term "blaking" for braking. Another example found in the movie is when Officer Ryan makes fun of the name Shaniqua, which is a more common name for African American culture. These characters in the movie show that some cultures don't accept the characteristics of other cultures. On the other hand, they only mock them assuming the superiority of their own culture. Tape Movie Review & Film Analysis Movie Review The Candidate A Review on Medical Diagnostic Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Review Novel The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka That Paints a Tragic Tale of Loss of Value and Humanity Caused by Unemployment A Review on the Disney's Old Key Resort Facilities and Residence Quality A Review of Jenni Ogdens Argument on the Likeness of Teenage and Kids Behavior For Cause and Comrades Book Review The Mushroom at the End of the World: A Book Review Book Review: Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, and the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions, Written by Elizabeth Perez Western Culture
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UPDATED 5:54 p.m. PT: At a press conference, San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan confirmed two suspected gunmen were killed in the shootout with police. One suspect was male and one was female, and both were wearing assault-style clothing, with assault rifles and handguns. One more person was seen running from the scene of the shootout, and was later detained by police. It remains unclear if the third individual was involved with the mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center, where at least 14 people were killed and 17 injured. FBI spokesperson David Bowdich said it was too early to say if the shooting was a terrorist act, but it was a possibility as they examined "a few potential things" related to the incident. At least two suspects in Wednesday's San Bernardino mass shooting have been taken down following a shootout with police, authorities said. A third suspect was still outstanding. It was initially unclear if the downed suspects were still alive. They have yet not been identified. Police stopped a vehicle believed to be the one used by gunmen to flee the scene at the Inland Regional Center, where 14 people were killed and another 17 injured. The shootout took place in a residential neighborhood about a mile away from the Inland Regional Center, according to ABC7. Gunfire exchanged between the suspected gunmen and responding officers left all windows of the black SUV completely shot out. One police officer was injured and was transported to a local hospital, authorities said. The injury is believed to be non-life-threatening. Tactical vehicles are on the scene as officers set up a perimeter around the vehicle and continue the search for a third suspect.
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ELSTER (del alemán elektronische Steuererklärung) es un proyecto de la administración de finanzas alemana para la declaración y registro de impuestos a través de Internet. Historia En el año 2005, comenzó a ser obligatorio para empresas y empleadores, el sistema ELSTER de presentación de los datos fiscales sobre impuestos, sueldos y beneficios de forma electrónica al departamento fiscal correspondiente (en Alemania las competencias fiscales están transferidas a los Bundesländer. Para la declaración de impuestos de las personas obligadas a declarar se desarrolló la aplicación ELSTERFormular. Desde 2010 existe una versión multiplataforma. En el año 2011, 8,6 millones de ciudadanos realizaron su declaración de la renta con la ayuda de ELSTER. Referencias Enlaces externos Página web oficial. Abreviatura Administración Federal de Alemania Impuestos de Alemania
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Alex Winston — 'Careless' Alex Winston — 'We Got Nothing' Alex Winston's releasing a country and western EP Alex Winston has announced details of a new country and western EP that will be "very different to anything I've done before". Talking to the Daily Star, the 'Run Rumspringa'… Alex Winston — Fire Ant Alex Winston — Choice Notes Alex Winston has announced the release of her debut album Alex Winston — whose work you may know from this tele­vi­sion advert — has announced she'll release her debut album 'King Con' on 5 March 2012. The 11-track album features songs about… Alex Winston is going to release an EP in September Alex Winston is going to release a new EP on September 5, and it's called 'Velvet Elvis'. The title track examines objectum sexuality, where people humanize and fall in love… Alex Winston — Sister Wife Alex Winston — 'Sister Wife' (Ladyhawke remix) Ladyhawke has remixed a song by Alex Winston Alex Winston be releasing the excellent 'Sister Wife' as her debut single for Island Records, and Ladyhawke has remixed it. Featuring "distorted synths and snapping per­cus­sion" (PRESS RELEASE KLAXON), it's… Welcome to Popjustice, a glorified pop blog celebrating 21st Century Pop, the people who make it, and the people who make the people who make it. More Outlook for January 19: Sunny spells with a chance of Billie Eilish I Don't Mind by Georgia Twinn is the biggest song right now For what it's worth Apple Music's most streamed song is Sweet Melody - Little Mix The best popstar is currently Troye Sivan and that's that 4 years, 11 months, 23 days since the last Rihanna album Patrick Wolf interview: "Bring a cushion" Kloe interview: "I wanted the video to feel powerful — I don't want to be a whiny victim" Cheryl Cole interview
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At the weekend I had a trip away with my university friends. This meant a little bit of planning and plastic-free packing – and a second-hand purchase to keep me warm on our city break. I was in need of a second winter coat. Although I have my gorgeous second-hand orange coat it is not waterproof or really, really warm. I do have a waterproof Seasalt coat (once again bought from a charity shop) but it is now too small for me 😦 So this past week I have been trawling Bath's shops on the hunt for a second-hand winter coat. I found the perfect one in the Dorothy House charity shop for £15. It's really, really warm, has a detachable hood and is a longer length than my other coats. Despite being one size too big for me, it fits well over bulky jumpers and layers. It proved the perfect coat for our trip to Birmingham. I also got my warm, fur lined boots re-soled. I have had these boots for years and they are so warm and cosy. However they were worn and starting to leak. I paid a fairly hefty sum to get them re-soled but feel pleased because a) I wouldn't find a replacement for the cost of the repair and b) I've extended their life a little. While packing for my trip away I made sure to add my reusable straw, spork and reusable coffee cup. However I forgot my water bottle and had to buy a single use one. I also forgot to ask for a no straw when I ordered a drink (why do all drinks have to come with straws?) but did manage to ask for 'no straw' when I ordered a cocktail. 4. We are now without a kitchen for the next three weeks while we have building work done. So I have cancelled our veg box delivery as there is no room to store the veg. I'm afraid we will be living off pub meals, toasted sandwiches, microwave meals and some slow cooker meals – however a friend has offered to feed us on Saturday night and another friend has offered the use of their house next week during the school hols if the building work gets too much!!
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Q: Parsing GIF application's extension blocks- how to find block size? I am parsing a GIF 89a (yes, I need to) file and I am stuck on Application Extension blocks. They have 13 byte header (including the beginning 21 FF 0B bytes) and then there is some data. How much data is there? How do I know know much to read? You can skip the section below if you know the answer and just tell me :) This page says: ApplicationData contains the information that is used by the software application. This field is structured in a series of sub-blocks identical to the data found in a Plain Text Extension block." Each sub-block begins with a byte that indicates the number of data bytes that follow. From 1 to 255 data bytes may follow this byte. There may be any number of sub-blocks in this field. This way I can parse NETSCAPE 2.0 blocks which are: 03 01 00 00 00 so I have a loop in PHP: for (;;) { $size = ord(fread($handle, 1)); if ($size == 0) break; fseek($handle, $size); } or the same in Delphi, if you prefer: while F.Position < F.Size do begin F.Read(Size, 1); // F is TFileStream if Size = 0 then break; F.Position := F.Position + Size; end; The iteration goes: size = read 1 byte; //size = 3; read 3 byte; size = read 1 byte; size = 0 so break So far, so good, here comes the problem: the XMP Data So the bytes in this block go like this (ASCII below): 21 FF 0B 58 4D 50 20 44 61 74 61 58 4D 50 !`.XMP DataXMP and then goes ASCII XML dump: <?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?> for about 500 bytes. I obviously can't read it the same way I read NETSCAPE 2.0 blocks. It seems to be terminated with 00 byte. Should it just always read until 00 byte? Then if would fail on NETSCAPE 2.0 blocks! How should a GIF decoder behave on Application Extension blocks? How much data is in them? Problematic XMP Data image A: Ok- the NETSCAPE 2.0 block approach might be fine and it was failing on the XML because my file could be corruptly read.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Justia Forms Business Contracts Amgen Inc. Amendment No. 1 to the Asset Purchase Agreement, dated August Amendment No. 1 to the Asset Purchase Agreement, dated August 25, 2019, by and between Amgen Inc. and Celgene Corporation Contract Categories: Business Finance - Purchase Agreements EX-10.1 2 d655928dex101.htm EX-10.1 EX-10.1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT This AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT dated as of October 17, 2019 (this "Amendment") is by and between CELGENE CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("Seller"), and AMGEN INC., a Delaware corporation ("Purchaser") (each of Seller and Purchaser, a "Party", and collectively, the "Parties"). WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser are each a party to that certain Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of August 25, 2019, by and between Seller and Purchaser (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with its terms, the "Asset Purchase Agreement" or "APA"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser desire to amend the APA as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound, the Parties hereby agree as follows: Section 1.01 Definitions. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Amendment shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the APA. Section 1.02 Amendments. (a) The Parties hereby amend the APA to add the "CC-11050 Product" definition in Section 1.1 of the APA as set forth below: "CC-11050 Product" shall have the meaning set forth on Schedule 1.1(n) to this Agreement. (b) The Parties hereby (i) amend and restate Schedule 1.1(m) (Variant) to the APA in its entirety and (ii) agree to make conforming changes in any applicable Ancillary Agreement, in each case, as set forth on Annex A attached to this Amendment. (c) The Parties hereby amend the APA to add a new Schedule 1.1(n) (CC-11050 Product) to the APA as set forth on Annex B attached to this Amendment. (d) The Parties hereby amend and restate Section 3.19(j) of the Seller Disclosure Schedule in its entirety as set forth on Annex C attached to this Amendment. (e) The Parties hereby amend and restate Section 11.16 (Consent Order) of the APA in its entirety as follows: The Parties agree that nothing in this Agreement shall contradict or otherwise limit the Consent Order (it being understood and agreed that, if and to the extent that the scope of Transferred Assets, licenses or other rights, with respect to any Product or a Variant of a Product or otherwise, to which Purchaser is entitled pursuant to this Agreement or any of the Ancillary Agreements is broader than the scope provided for by the Consent Order, the provisions of this Agreement shall control the rights and obligations of the Parties). Section 1.03 Miscellaneous. (a) Except as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified hereby, the APA shall continue in full force and effect pursuant to its terms. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Amendment, on the one hand, and the provisions of the APA, on the other hand, the provisions of this Amendment shall control. Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, each reference in the APA to "this Agreement", "hereof", "hereunder", "herein", or words of like import referring to the APA shall be deemed to refer to the APA, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified by this Amendment, provided that, for clarity, references in the APA to "as of the date hereof" or "as of the date of this Agreement" or words of like import shall continue to refer to August 25, 2019. Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment, any reference to the APA in the Ancillary Agreements shall be deemed to refer to the APA, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified by this Amendment. This Amendment is incorporated into and made a part of the APA. (b) The execution, delivery and effectiveness of this Amendment shall not constitute a waiver or amendment of any provision of the APA, except as specifically set forth herein. Except as herein expressly amended, all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the APA and any of the documents, schedules or exhibits referred to therein shall remain in full force and effect. (c) The provisions set forth in Section 11.1 (Interpretation; Absence of Presumption), Section 11.2 (Headings; Definitions), Section 11.3 (Governing Law; Jurisdiction and Forum; Waiver of Jury Trial), Section 11.5 (No Third-Party Beneficiaries), Section 11.8 (Binding Effect; Successors and Assigns), Section 11.9 (Amendments and Waivers), Section 11.10 (Severability) and Section 11.15 (Counterparts; Effectiveness) of the APA are hereby incorporated into, and shall apply to, this Amendment, mutatis mutandis. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been signed by or on behalf of each of the Parties as of the day first above written. CELGENE CORPORATION /s/ Mark J. Alles Name: Mark Alles Title: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer AMGEN INC. /s/ Jonathan Graham Name: Jonathan Graham Title: Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary [Signature Page to Amendment No. 1 to the Asset Purchase Agreement] Annexes Omitted from Amendment No. 1 to the Asset Purchase Agreement Referenced in Exhibit 10.1 Above Pursuant to Regulation S-K, Item 601(b)(2), the annexes to Amendment No. 1 to the Asset Purchase Agreement referenced in Exhibit 10.1 above, as listed below, have not been filed. The Registrant agrees to furnish supplementally a copy of any omitted annexes to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request; provided, however, that the Registrant may request confidential treatment of omitted items. Annex A Amended and Restated Schedule 1.1(m) to the Schedules to the Asset Purchase Agreement and Conforming Changes to the Applicable Ancillary Agreements Annex B Schedule 1.1(n) to the Schedules to the Asset Purchase Agreement Annex C Section 3.19(j) of the Seller Disclosure Schedule to the APA
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Zach Parise is kind of like our version of LeBron James, only in reverse. After making a name for himself in the Big Apple (well, really New Jersey), he took his talents back home and got paid handsomely for it. When Parise and Ryan Suter agreed to matching 13-year, $98 million contracts with the Wild last summer, the State of Hockey's pro franchise instantly became more relevant than it had been since ... well, ever. And though 2012 drew to a close with the NHL still in the midst of a dispiriting labor dispute, the well-spoken and good-looking Parise quickly established himself as the Wild's leader both on and off the ice once the 2013 season began. The early returns have been good — the Wild seem poised to make the playoffs for the first time in five years, and guess what? They might even win their first series in a decade. So far, so good, as far as $100 million homecomings go.
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The debate on whether to have concealed carry in America has been going on for years. On one side, there is the National Rifle Association who strongly believes that it is there right to carry guns and use them for hunting and self-defense. On yet another side, there are the people who strongly believe that guns are extremely dangerous. Both of these sides have very good arguments. Just I guess it depends on whoever fights the hardest to win. In the Constitutions Second Amendment it is our right to be able to bear arms. In the study of National Crime Victimization Survey, when using a weapon for defense people are less likely to be harmed than a person who used other object as self-defense. With that being said, when the "Shall Issue" law was enforced homicides, robberies, aggravated assaults, and rapes were greatly reduced. In order to have concealed carry, citizens have to be of the age limit and are law abiding citizens. With adults having this ability they may find it to be safer and feel comfortable with going out at night in dangerous areas. Those adults who have families could feel that it is their way of protecting them. This is what the National Rifle Association feels will help win their argument.
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battle against giant Japanese spiders was the first true-life memoir published in Weird Tales. Alexander Burns lives in Denton, Texas, and writes because he doesn't have a basement in which to build robots or time machines. His work has appeared at Every Day Fiction, The Future Fire, Big Pulp, and other fine online journals. He can be found online at Anne-Marie Czajkowski is a postgraduate of the Royal College of Music. She was a regular soloist at the Royal College with fellow student Alfie Boe and has sung on Channel 4 and Royal Gala performances on ITV. Her recently performed concert repertoire includes 'Mild und Leise' from Tristan and Isolde by Wagner on tour in Berlin with LUSO in association with Opera North. She also has a teaching practice and amongst her students are Laura Marling who won 2012 British Female Solo Artist at the Brit Awards, comedian Lenny Henry and UK Classic Chart No1 artist, Rebecca Newman. Thoroughly enjoyed listening to "Subduction" by Paul M. Berger. Excellent narration by Mark Kilfoil. I'm normally more into hard SF and not a huge fan of magical fantasy, but this was a welcome exception. Kept my attention throughout. Masterful.
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How long is the Half Blood Prince? Why did Voldemort want the prophecy in Order of the Phoenix? What was Voldemort after in Order of the Phoenix? Is Hermione Voldemort's daughter? Why is Order of the Phoenix PG 13? Is Order of the Phoenix the worst book? Why Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the best? How old was Harry in the Half Blood Prince? What is the longest book in Harry Potter? What if Voldemort chose Neville? Why didnt Voldemort kill Harry in Order of the Phoenix? Is the Half Blood Prince in 2 parts? Why is Order of the Phoenix the longest book? What is JK Rowling's least favorite Harry Potter book? When was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix made? What is the veil in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? What is the least popular Harry Potter book? Why Neville Longbottom is the chosen one? Is Order of the Phoenix too long? 2h 34mHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince/Running time. Voldemort wanted the prophecy because it would reveal how to defeat his undoing. … Voldemort wanted the prophecy in Order of the Phoenix because he believed it contained the information on how to destroy Harry. Voldemort had failed four times to kill Harry at that point. What exactly was the weapon Voldemort was after in the Order of the Phoenix? Sirius told Harry he was after a more powerful weapon, a weapon he didn't had last time. I don't know how much we can stress this out, but – no, Hermione Granger is not Lord Voldemort's daughter. … Plus, Hermione Granger has parents and Rowling clearly established both her heritage (she is Muggle-born, unlike Voldemort) and her family. Both "Goblet of Fire" and "Order of the Phoenix" were rated PG-13 for "sequences of fantasy violence and frightening images," according to descriptors provided by the ratings board. "Half-Blood Prince" is rated PG for "scary images, some violence, language and mild sensuality." Order of the Phoenix is utterly outstanding IMO. To me there is no "worst book", merely the least best. I always thought the final four books were better than the first three. Order of the Phoenix is about analyzing what you thought you knew about the adults in your life – the ones you've met and the ones who have left you behind. The scenes where Harry tackles the stature of his father, and later Dumbledore, are two of my favorite in the series. 16Cast. Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, a 16-year-old British wizard, who now enters his sixth year at Hogwarts. Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley, one of Harry's two best friends. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the longest book in the series, yet it is the second shortest film at 2 hours and 18 minutes. If Voldemort chose Neville instead of harry , he wouldn't have survived since no death eater loved either of his parents. … Since he is not very brave and charismatic like Harry, he might not have good friends like his and he probably won't go looking for Voldy, for whom it would have been very easy to kill Neville. Why? Because he was wrong about Harry's protection as a baby being a fluke. Harry continued to have the protection of his mother's love and the protection of love in general and Voldemort was not able to stably possess Harry for long enough to get his plan to work. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Part 2 (15 Oct. 2016) As the whole story we read is from Harry's point of view, the thoughts of Harry were also described along with his actions. And because of Umbridge, everyone had a long year and henc the Order of the Pheonix was the longest book in the series. Order of the PhoenixLeast favourite Book: Order of the Phoenix. Bit long and bloated, Not a fan of Harry acting like a angry arsehole the whole book, and Dumbledore's stand offishness. Least favourite Movie: Chamber of Secrets. July 19, 2007 (Russia)Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/Release date In Harry Potter, the veil is an arch with a tattered, black curtain that represents a barrier between life and death. It is found in the Department of Mysteries, a secretive branch of the Ministry of Magic which focuses on advanced magical research. Every Harry Potter Book Ranked (According To Goodreads)1 HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (2007) – 4.61/5.2 HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN (1999) – 4.56/5. … 3 HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE (2005) – 4.56/5. … 4 HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE (2000) – 4.55/5. … 5 HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (2003) – 4.49/5. … More items…• Neville Longbottom excelled in acts of bravery and courage, therefore the actions that he performed throughout the series made him a worthy candidate to be the Chosen One instead of Harry Potter. Order of the Phoenix is the longest book in the series at a whopping 870 pages, and it is definitely not as fun and magical as the books that came before it, nor quite as exciting and end-gamey as the books that came after. Quick Answer: How Do Hospitals Dispose Of Placentas? Does NHS sell placentas? The practice made £5,000 for Who Has A Faster Reaction Boy Or Girl? What is the average reaction time for a 13 year old? Question: Are Window Seats Comfortable? How do you measure fabric for a window seat cushion? Question: Does Drinking Water Help Your Vag? How do you keep your VAG smelling good? Tips for preventing What Is The Function Of The Left Atrium Quizlet EMT? What is the function of the left atrium? Assessment Can I take an Epsom salt bath every day? Keep the part
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Numbers of attendees at a successful revision event at Pool Academy nearly doubled at the second meeting. A regular drop-in Support Meeting is being held in the school hall for Year 11s and their parents from 5pm-6pm on a Thursday evening. This is the first time an event like this has taken place at the school and it is for anyone who would like extra help with exam revision. It will be a space for people to find out information about the exam timetable, key revision tips and information. Nicki Carter, Pool Academy teacher, said: "The drop in sessions have been created to support Year 11 students and their parents. They offer a range of things such as aiding parents to help with revision at home. "It is also there for us to find out what people's feelings are, if there are any anxieties. Support can be given and there is also the offer of mentoring. "Students have been bringing themselves to the sessions to find out how they are doing. It's a way to find out if there are any issues or problems.
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Interview: Imaginary Cities, Playing @ Black Cat June 18th! Iain Bluett June 14, 2013 No comments Canadian band Imaginary Cities just put out a new LP and they're heading to Black Cat on June 18th! We got a chance to catch up with vocalist Marti Sarbit and discuss the new album, large venues and soul music. Congrats on the new album! How is "Fall of Romance" different from "Temporary Resident"? Thanks! "Fall of Romance" is different in the sense that we had a clearer idea of what our sound was going into the recording process. The first album was an amalgamation of songs we had been recording purely for pleasure and had no plans of making an album with them. It ended up being comprised of all of the songs we had recorded up to that point. With the new album, we got to pick and choose our faves which felt like such a luxury. What was the recording process like for "Fall of Romance"? We had so much fun recording this album. The whole time we knew we were working on something we'd be very proud to share – turns out we still are! Plus having the chance to work with Howard Redekop at his studio in Vancouver was an unforgettable experience in itself. What has been your most memorable gig? I will never forget one of our first shows in Germany. It was in a city called Konstanz. We showed up to the venue thinking "Wow, this venue is huge! I wonder who we're opening up for." To our huge surprise, we were the headliner and people actually showed up! And they were singing along to our songs! It was pretty surreal and extremely humbling. What is your dream gig? Venue? Artist lineup? I'd love to play a huge stadium or massive venue in front of lots of people who are there to see us. I'm sure that's just about the most obvious answer I could give, but it's true. Name the top three artists/bands that inspire you the most musically. I'm a sucker for soul music so definitely Aretha Franklin and Sam Cooke. The Beatles. And Shaq. How do you connect with your audience during a live show? I figure as long as we're having fun, the audience catches on to that and hopefully has a fun time themselves. I like to pretend that I'm not on a stage and they're not standing in front looking right at me. Not only for their sake, but it also calms my nerves to feel like we're all just having fun together. What is your funniest tour memory? We laugh a lot on tour. It seems like something hilarious (hilarious to us at least) happens every day. I could tell you some things, but I'm thinking I should keep this PG. Name three songs that you've had on repeat recently. I've been listening non-stop to "The Man In Me" by Bob Dylan lately. "Are You Gonna Waste My Time" by Zeus and "Going On" by Gnarls Barkley are often on my go-to lists as well. Snag your tickets to see Imaginary Cities below! Posted in Lastest News Tagged black cat, fall of romance, imaginary cities, interview, marti sarbit Client Corner: If it ain't broke, you can still fix it Theatrical Outfit Announces 2013-2014 Season
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Riding the Black Ram Law, Literature, and Gender Susan Sage Heinzelman SERIES: The Cultural Lives of Law Law / Law and Society Literary Studies / British Unruly women are not often represented in a good light. Whether historical, or fictional, disruptive women with their real or imagined excesses have long provided the material for literary and legal narratives. This probing new work analyzes a series of literary, legal, and historical texts to demonstrate the persistence of certain gender stereotypes. In her 1820 adultery trial, Queen Caroline was depicted in a cartoon riding into the House of Lords on a black ram that had the face of her Italian lover. As this book reveals, a number of women, remembered largely for their insubordinate presence, have metaphorically "ridden the black ram" in the last 700 years. Heinzelman's historicized understanding of the relationship between law and literature reveals a disquieting pattern in the legal and literary representations of women and provides a new recognition of the significance of sexuality and gender in the way we narrate our world. Susan Sage Heinzelman is Associate Professor of English and Director of the Center for Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the coeditor of Representing Women: Law, Literature and Narrative (1994). "Riding the Black Ram offers new ways to appreciate the complexity of eighteenth-century women writers and force of literary investments in eighteenth-century legal narratives." —Laura Rosenthal, Modern Philology "Susan Sage Heinzelman's Riding the Black Ram: Law, Literature, and Gender explores the divergence between legal and literary discourses from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries. . . She thus argues for a more nuanced view of power and powerlessness in relation to legislative and literary discourse." —Year's Work in English Studies "A solid resource for those interested in the rise of the novel, gender studies, or literature of the period." —V.A. Murrenus Pilmaier, University of Wisconsin Sheboygan "With the sophistication of a major critical theorist and the rigor of the archival historian, Susan Sage Heinzelman has produced a masterpiece that will set the court of law and literature abuzz. By bringing 'law' and 'literature' into dialogue under the sign of 'the feminine', her new book prosecutes a knock-down case for a feminist literary jurisprudence with pure barristerial brio. Step aside Stanley Fish, Peter Goodrich and James Boyd White: there's a new law-and-literrateuse abroad, and riding her black ram into the very heart of cultural legal studies!" —William P. MacNeil, Griffith University "In uncovering the feminine concept of nostos and placing it alongside the more masculine nomos, Heinzelman sheds new light on the romance narrative. This brilliant book with a wide historical scope makes a very welcome addition to interdisciplinary studies in law and literature." —Nan Goodman, University of Colorado More in Law—Law and Society Copyright's Highway Unequal Profession Meera E. Deo How to Be Sort of Happy in Law School Kathryne M. Young The Cult of the Constitution Mary Anne Franks Panic City The Grip of Sexual Violence in Conflict Karen Engle Dangerous Leaders Anthony C. Thompson Skimmed Andrea Freeman Emptied Lands Alexandre Kedar, Ahmad Amara, and Oren Yiftachel The Color of Creatorship Anjali Vats Rules, Paper, Status Anna Tuckett Provisional Avant-Gardes
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Week 4 was a disaster, plain and simple. I went underdog heavy, and it came back to bite me. The poor week puts me at nearly 50/50 for the season. However, on a bright note, as posted on my facebook page like I do every week prior to the Thursday night games, I picked this Thursday's Packers/Vikings game perfectly, and put a full 5 units on it! Big early plus to start the week. Again, as posted on my facebook page, I put a full 5 units on this and hit! I even said I'd take the Packers up to -14…big win! This line is tough, so no real money on it, but I'll take Carolina at home against a Jekyll/Hyde Bears team. I actually like the Titans for a bounce back game. Delanie Walker might have a field day here. I actually see some upset potential here, as this reminds me of a matchup last year between Minnesota and Philly where the Vikings stomped the Eagles led by Matt Cassel. I think Austin Davis has a nice fantasy day, and this game could come down to the wire. Yet I think the Eagles are just too much in the end. I actually don't like Atlanta on the road (Matt Ryan outdoors has an awful record), but I'll bet it here as they are getting over a field goal against inconsistent Eli. I don't think Tampa Bay is any good, but they've looked better under Glennon. I think they'll put some points on an awful New Orleans defense to keep this within single digits. I think Dallas is over-rated, and is being backed heavily by the public here. A nice one to fade. If Detroit were -6.5 I'd take them, but at -7.5 I have to take Buffalo here. We'll see how Orton does, but I don't see him as a downgrade whatsoever from Manuel. This game is a real money pass for me, but I'll pick the Ravens to run the ball and keep Luck off the field. I think the Jaguars keep dropping in the public eye. I've seen potential from them, and they should cover here for once. Are we really getting 7.5 points for the 3-0 Cardinals? Take it and run. San Francisco is strong at covering the TE position, and thus shouldn't have much trouble stopping the Chiefs in the air. If they contain Charles, they win comfortably. Yes I'll take the Jets again…doesn't feel good though. Geno's going to do it one day. He's been close the last two weeks to getting the cover thanks to his defense keeping high scoring offenses relatively in check. Yes, the Patriots aren't the same team as they have been. But can I really really go against Brady and Belichick getting points as an underdog at home? I can't see Cousins doing much against this defense. Just go back to the playoff game his rookie year where he couldn't move the ball whatsoever against this D, of which many players still remain from that team.
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The New Year starts with a stroll through the GAS region. The "Swiss Wood Review" reported on the healthy living properties of mafi floors. The "Parquet Magazine" displayed the spectacular, new Larch surface extreme leached and the "DDS Magazine" portrayed one of our distribution partners - Heinlin Assembly. The "Family Home" publication rounded things off with a report on the mafi Oak Clear Carving Lipso.
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DAILY MASSES Daily Masses, Monday - Saturday, will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in the Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Live-streams of Daily Mass will be available on our Website, Facebook & YouTube. Please Note: You must wear a mask while on Church property. WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM - Our Lady of Lourdes Church & Live-Stream Sunday: 7:30 AM - Our Lady of Lourdes Church 9:00 AM - Our Lady of Lourdes Church 10:30 AM - Our Lady of Lourdes Church 12:00 PM - Our Lady of Lourdes Church & Live-Stream 5:00 PM - Our Lady of Lourdes Church LIVE-STREAMS Live-Streams: Daily Mass Monday - Saturday at 9:00 AM | Sunday Mass - Sunday at 12:00 PM Sunday - January 16, 2022 MASS MUSIC The Baptism of the Lord THIS WEEK'S OFFERTORY Thank you for making Our Lady of Lourdes a charitable priority in your life. My Weekly Sacrifice SECOND COLLECTION No second collection this week. No special collection this week. View Upcoming Collections Meet Fr. Jim FATHER JIM Father Jim Stachacz is the Pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Make sure to introduce yourself as he looks forward to meeting all of his parishioners! Meet Fr. O'Brien FATHER O'BRIEN Father O'Brien comes to us from Rome where he studied canon law for the past 3 years. FATHER EUGENE Get to know Father Eugene! OLL - CELEBRATING 95 YEARS! The Creation of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish In a year when the Village of Malverne celebrates the centennial of its incorporation, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish celebrates the 95th anniversary of its founding. The history of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is a story rooted in faith, prayer, determination, and courage. It's a story of perseverance in overcoming obstacles, prejudice, and catastrophe. New Chapter added every week! PARISH NEWS & EVENTS OLL BRICKS All Phase 3 bricks are scheduled to be installed Friday, September 24, 2021. (This includes all reprints from earlier phases.) We would like to thank everyone who purchased a brick for their support and patience! BRICK SEARCH AMAZON SMILES Please consider supporting our Parish through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is the same as Amazon. It offers the same products, prices, and service. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of shopper's eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the church and school. Your Amazon Account remains the same, regardless if you goto or OUR LADY OF LOURDES SOCIAL MEDIA Our social media pages are family friendly. However, Facebook and YouTube are not intended for unsupervised use by children. DRVC ANNOUNCEMENTS CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL DRVC CHAPTER 11 NOTICE Information regarding the deadlines for filing proofs of claim in the Diocese's chapter 11 case and the forms to use can be found by clicking on the following link to the Diocese's bankruptcy website and scrolling down the page: HOLY MASS FROM OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH
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Scary Ethics Tales, 10/29/21: The Horror! October 29, 2021 / Jack Marshall Marlon's been getting a workout here lately, and that's even with me trying hard to avoid him by periodically using Geena Davis's iconic movement from "The Fly" as a stand-in. In more positive Halloween news, this morning's musical Halloween ethics seminar for New Jersey Lawyers went beautifully. Mike Messer decided to replace his Boris Karloff riff for "The Monster Mash" with a New Jersey mobster impression for the parody I shared yesterday on the famous New York ethics case from the Seventies, "The Dead Bodies Case" (Also known as "The Buried Bodies Case."). It was so funny that we're going to try to get a YouTube video of it for law schools to use when they cover the case, as most do. If you are not familiar with that case, which has been referenced on "Law and Order," "The Practice" and other legal TV shows of yore, go here. 1. Now THAT's an unethical wife! In Connecticut, Donna Marino, 63, is charged with forging her husband's signature on legal documents, pension checks, monetary settlements, and social security checks after she convinced him that he had Alzheimer's Disease. He didn't, although he obviously is none too bright. Investigators concluded that she forged her husband's signature on his checks and legal documents, then deposited the funds—$600,000 worth—in a secret bank account. This went on for 20 years before John figured out that something was amiss. Donna kept him believing that he had the dreaded dementia illness by telling him that he didn't remember wandering aimlessly around the neighborhood and not knowing her earlier in the day. Sounds a little like the plot of "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte," one of my favorite Halloween movies. 2. Speaking of horror—Terry McAuliffe's campaign. One piece of signature significance for a politician is how he or she reacts when facing defeat. McAuliffe, the Clinton fundraiser and acolyte who may be even more ethically challenged than they are (if that's possible), is losing the battle with Republican Glenn Younkin (who is no prize himself) thanks to the Democrat stating outright that parents should stay out of the policy decisions regarding what their children are taught in public schools. As the old knight memorably said, Now McAuliffe's poll numbers are imitating John Malkovich at the end of "In the Line of Fire," so he's trying more and more blatantly dishonest tactics: As I wrote earlier, he has hired one of the Clinton lawyers who facilitated the Russian collusion hoax, and when this was discovered, McAuliffe's staff sent out emails in all directions asking presumably friendly media outlets to "kill this." And I mean all directions: Jonathan Turley reports getting one. (I'm insulted.) They even sent one to Fox News, which is remarkable given that the eeevil news network recently discovered and revealed that McAuliffe has spent nearly $100,000 advertising "fake news" websites on Facebook. The advertisements have been viewed about to 3.5 million times, and are hidden on a Facebook page with a similar name to a local news website. The ads link to third-party websites that that promote Democratic candidates with partisan spin and propaganda. Fox is the only organization revealing this. I was just informed by a reader that she recieved a false flag promotion now being sent to Virginia voters. "Today we received a 'pro Youngkin' flyer that appears to come from the GOP because it features Trump," the reader writes, " ….but just above the address box is a dark black line – look very closely at the faded lettering (I had to use a magnifying glass) and you'll see it is funded by the Democrat party with the approval of McAullife." Nice one! I may have received one of these, but all campaign literature goes directly from my home's floor to the trash. A genuine Youngkin mailer warns of McAuliffe attempting to place Virginia under "dictatorship." 3. Movie misinformation. A man is dead after gunning his car over the western rim of the Grand Canyon in an apparent suicide. See, in real life, the car doesn't freeze in mid-air like it did for Thelma and Louise. There have been lawsuits over "misinformation" like that: in one 1993 case, Overton v. Anheuser-Busch Co., Michigan Court of Appeals, Richard Overton sued Anheuser-Busch for false advertising because after he drank a 6-pack of Bud Light, he did not see visions of beautiful women on a beach as he alleged the advertisement promised. Richard sought damages, arguing that Bud Light's deceptive marketing caused him emotional distress. He did not prevail, but at least he was still alive enough to sue. 4. I was looking for an example of a progressive professor fired for expressing an anti-conservative opinion, and I found one! History professor Lora Burnett is suing Collin College over her termination after she sent a mean tweet about Vice President Mike Pence while watching the Vice-Presidential candidates debate in 2020. She tweeted that the moderator in his debate with Kamala Harris should talk over him until he shut his "little demon mouth." She also retweeted a post that referred to Pence as a "scumbag lying sonofabitch." In a 30-page filing, Burnett alleges that Collin College, its president H. Neil Matkin and other college officials refused to re-hire her after they received pressure from donors to fire her for her opinion. (Now, if the school fired her on the grounds that anyone who thinks Kamala Harris is qualified to be Vice-President is too dumb to teach a Labrador tricks, much less students history, the school might have a defense.) 5. Another Grand Canyon-related story, this time concerning competence. We are so good at managing the environment—aren't you thrilled that the latest version of the 1/2/2.5 trillion dollar Biden bill is especially full of costly "anti-climate change" measures? What could go wrong? Scientists convinced themselves and others that a foreign species of plant called a tamarisk, first noticed before WWII around the Grand Canyon, was threatening waterways. Conventional wisdom came to declare the plants a menace, casting them as "machine-like monsters pumping away scarce Western water." First there was a 20-year government campaign of cutting, bulldozing and spraying tamarisks, all in a attempt to make them "a convenient scapegoat for the complex problems encountered by government water managers," as one expert now says. The myth spread that each plant consumes an impossible 200 gallons of water per day: wrong. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a tamarisk uses less water than the average cottonwood or willow. Never mind: In 2001, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) won approval to introduce the tamarisk leaf beetle (genus Diorhabda), like the shrub itself a foreign species, into the U.S. as a "biocontrol agent." About as long as a ladybug, but with a thinner body that's green or straw-colored, the beetle kills the tamarisk, the leaves of which are the only thing the beetle eats. It and its larvae extract the nutrients from the plant, rendering the leaves dry and brown. Over the next several years, the agency spread the beast in Texas and six Western states, including all five of Arizona's neighbors. Guess what happened? Oh, come on, it's easy. That's right: now the bugs are out of control, and causing more environmental problems than the plant they were imported to fight. ← Pre-Halloween Open Forum! Comment Of The Day, On Ann Althouse's Post About AG Merrick Garland's Disgraceful House Hearing Performance In Discussing His Memo Threatening Dissenting Parents → 16 thoughts on "Scary Ethics Tales, 10/29/21: The Horror!" 5. Kind of like underwriting research to make viruses more communicable. Re 5: Isn't the story about Australia and rabbits widespread enough? Or the story about the old lady who swallowed a fly at least? But I don't know why she swallowed the fly. Reminds me o the the Giant Hogweed: They are immune to call our herbicidal gatherings. The real parallel here in Australia of making one introduction to fight another, only to have the second go wrong even worse, is the cane toad. Rabbits weren't introduced to fight an earlier introduction. The rabbits here in Australia are a little understood case. They were actually released a few times around Sydney without trouble. However, when they were released near Melbourne they prospered as is, and then went on to acclimate and adapt incrementally until they could flourish nearly everywhere. I have heard that something similar happened with the (invasive) blackberry. Regarding Number 5, of course The Simpsons covered this sort of thing: Humble Talent My favorite variation was in the Canadian High Fiction of Steven Erickson; "Udinaas remembered eating smoked eel from Moss River, one time when the trader ship had docked in Dresh. Delicious, once one got used to the furry skin, which was to be chewed but not swallowed. He had since heard, from another slave, that the eels had been transplanted into Dresh Lake, producing a strain that was both bigger and nastier. It had turned out that those eels captured in Moss River were juveniles, and few ever reached adulthood since there was a razor-jawed species of predatory fish resident in the river. No such fish in Dresh Lake. Adolescent swimmers from Dresh started disappearing before anyone realized the adult eels were responsible. Razor-jawed fish were netted from the river and tossed into the lake, but their behaviour changed, turning them into frenzy feeders. Adult swimmers from Dresh started vanishing. The slave who had been relating all this then laughed and finished with, 'So they poisoned the whole lake, killed everything. And now no-one can swim in it!'" Curmie #4. Actually, there are two cases involving Collin College, and others apparently simmering. With luck, I'll have my piece on them both (and three other cases of university bone-headedness, one of which–the most egregious of the lot–you've written about, Jack). ooh…I'll keep an eye out! 2. Did you catch the tiki thing going on today? Ok apparently it was the Lincoln project that did it. I was under the impression that it was McAuliffee's campaign. I checked the source earlier I got the info from earlier, I misunderstood it. It never made that claim. 3. My father has a book chronicling deaths recorded in the National Parks, perhaps more people need to read the tale of the despondent man who sent himself careening off the rim only to discover while airborne that he really did want to live. Luckily for him, he managed to simply seriously injure himself and none of the emergency responders who extracted his broken body were harmed by his recklessness. He's paying hefty fines. Looking for a online account of his story, I read one other who must have had a very painful climb back up to obtain help. Then there's also a guy who very similarly changed his mind just as his hands left the rail of the Golden Gate bridge managed to survive the fall and even had a sea lion assist him to shore. Not many extreme suicides offer a second chance. Reach out to a hotline if you need help. There are hot lines to help you carry out a suicide successfully? Tell me more. I have a little list I could inform. Re: 5. Never mind the GMO mosquito. I find this one particularly ironic because it's not been newsworthy but GMO rice that has added Vitamin A is a environmental threat of epic proportions, I mean… we just don't know what could happen by planting rice… that doesn't move in fields supervised by people. I mean… we just don't know what could happen by planting rice… that doesn't move in fields supervised by people. You scoff, but these are matters where common sense is a poor guide (which is why so many "what could possibly go wrong?" releases have gone wrong). For instance, rice is adapted from a genuinely wild marsh grass*, which did spread within its own habitats without deliberate assistance. There are at least three possible mechanisms for that spread: vegetatively (think kudzu); by airborne seeds (even if that doesn't usually happen, there are sometimes very strong winds); and, spread by animals accidentally giving seeds or shoots a lift (and water fowl do like to visit or stay in rice paddies). So, just by way of example, we know (for certain values of "we") that Magpie Geese are too much of a pest to allow rice to be grown successfully in Australia's Northern Territory using current strains and methods. But we also know (for certain values of "we") that Hypervitaminosis A can occur in humans and other species; can we be sure that Magpie Geese wouldn't perish or at least be fended off if they found a, so to speak, feral patch of such Vitamin A rice? For they would then be bringing the mountain to Mohammed, even if the rice just sat there. And could we be sure that such rice wouldn't then be able to flourish despite the pests, and then spread? And do we want to risk the geese for the sake of the rice, rice that wouldn't even help farmers as it wouldn't be where they were? * Rice has a sneaky trick to survive waterlogged roots, which kill most plants by cutting off the oxygen the roots need as they aren't doing photosynthesis in the dark of the soil. Rice turns its stems and roots into snorkels by making them hollow, which saves them as long as they stick at least a bit out of the water for long enough. Leave a Reply to Jack Marshall Cancel reply
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI). The listing reflects the technology group's continual improvements in sustainability performance. Analysts recognised in particular Linde's activities in the areas of customer relationship management, compliance, and risk and crisis management. "Sustainability is a cornerstone of our business model. We take great care to use valuable resources efficiently and develop technologies that help make our customers' processes more environmentally friendly," explains Dr Wolfgang Büchele, Chief Executive Officer of Linde AG. "We are delighted that our strategic approach has been recognised by independent experts." Dow Jones Global Index. The companies are assessed by analysts at RobecoSAM, an independent service provider specialising in sustainable investments.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Mount Airy Contemporaryis a small artist-run exhibition space in the northwest of Philadelphia. The gallery's program is focused on connecting artists and artist communities across regional pockets, and to that end most shows are pairings of local Philadelphia artists with artists in other cities. Colin Keefe and Andrea Wohl Keefe run the space. If you skip all the verbiage above, think of it another way: We're a husband and wife who show work we love in the carriage house behind our home, below our studios. It's a labor of love. Period. This is our Submission Policy.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Call for prototypes to help combat COVID-19 We are seeking prototypes that can help combat current and future outbreaks of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and other similar threats. We are specifically looking for prototypes that fall within technology readiness level (TRL) 7 to 9. Through our Testing Stream, we buy and evaluate pre-commercial goods and services by testing them in real-life setting. If you have developed an innovative solution that is at the prototype stage of development and it has the potential to protect the health and safety of Canadians, please apply. Sponsoring department: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Opening date: April 9, 2020 Closing date: April 22, 2020, 17:00 Eastern Daylight Time Please refer to the tender notice on Buy and Sell. We are launching a COVID-19 Call for Proposals (CFP) under our Testing Steam, to help public sector organizations fight against COVID-19 in innovative ways. Through this competition, we hope to discover leading-edge prototypes that can be tested by federal, provincial, and municipal organizations in their own operational setting. Under our COVID-19 call for proposal: Innovators can receive up to $550K for their innovation In particular cases we may provide up to $5M in funding if an innovation demonstrates significant potential in meeting the Government of Canada's efforts in combating COVID-19, and similar outbreaks Innovators who received an initial contract for their innovation under ISC may be eligible to receive additional sales with other federal organizations We are seeking innovative solutions that fall within the following categories: Medical Category: The medical category refers to innovations that will directly support doctors, researchers, and healthcare workers in their efforts to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Innovations applying under the medical category should have a direct application towards the combating of the COVID-19 or be of direct use for healthcare professionals to assist and protect them in the course of their duties. Non-Medical Category: The non-medical category refers to innovations that will assist Government of Canada departments and agencies, including through their partnerships with provinces, territories and municipalities, in addressing the challenges and impacts posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other public health emergencies in the future. Step 1: Read, the entire call for proposal document. Step 2: Determine if you are eligible to compete. Step 3: Determine if your prototype is at the right technology readiness level (TRL) 7 to 9 Step 5: Use the propose a solution button above to start your application process. To be considered, you must meet all of the following eligibility criteria: Canadian Bidder: The Bidder must meet the definition of a Canadian Bidder. A Canadian Bidder is defined as a Canadian person or entity submitting a proposal on its own behalf and having a place of business in Canada where the person or entity conducts activities on a permanent basis that is clearly identified by name and accessible during normal working hours. Canadian Content: 80% of the financial proposal costs, the total proposal price to Canada stated in "Section Four – Financial Proposal", must be Canadian goods or Canadian services, as defined in the Canadian Content certification. Refer to the Tender Notice, Attachment 4 - Certifications and Additional Information Ownership: The Bidder must be the owner of the Intellectual Property (IP) for the proposed innovation, or have a licence to the IP rights from a Canadian licensor for the proposed innovation and not be infringing on any IP rights. Pre-Commercial Status: The proposed innovation must not be openly available in the marketplace, and must not have been previously sold on a commercial basis as of the date of this bid submission. Refer to the definitions of Pre-Commercial Innovation and Commercial Sales at Appendix X of the solicitation documents. Previously Pre-qualified Innovation: The proposed innovation or any other versions of the proposed innovation must not have been previously awarded a contract in the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) or its predecessor, the Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program (CICP), nor in the Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) Challenge Stream, and it is not currently active in a pool of pre-qualified innovations. Maximum Funding: The Bidder's Financial Proposal must not exceed $550,000 CAD, not including applicable taxes, shipping costs, and travel and living expenses, where applicable. Refer to Section Four: Financial Proposal. Program Eligibility: The Bidder's proposal must be aligned with the mandate of the ISC Testing Stream where Canada procures, through a Contract, the Bidder's Innovation with the purpose of testing it in an operational environment. 80% of the financial proposal costs, the total proposal price to Canada stated in "Section Four – Financial Proposal", must be Canadian goods or Canadian services, as defined in the Canadian Content certification. Refer to the Tender Notice, Attachment 4 - Certifications and Additional Information The proposed innovation must not be openly available in the marketplace, and must not have been previously sold on a commercial basis as of the date of this bid submission. Refer to the definitions of Pre-Commercial Innovation and Commercial Sales at Appendix X of the solicitation documents. The proposed innovation or any other versions of the proposed innovation must not have been previously awarded a contract in the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) or its predecessor, the Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program (CICP), nor in the Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) Challenge Stream, and it is not currently active in a pool of pre-qualified Innovations. A Bidder can participate more than once, as long as the proposed innovations are sufficiently different. A distinct product and/or service that has undergone a completely separate path of R&D or that diverged early in technology development Significant modifications to the application of the previous technology or components of the technology, applied in a setting or condition which was not possible or feasible for the pre-qualified or contracted innovation, OR A significant improvement in functionality, cost or performance over the pre-qualified or contracted innovation Incremental improvements Technologies that follow a normal course of product development (i.e. the next version or release), OR Stated differences are not quantified or are inadequately described The Bidder's Financial Proposal must not exceed $550,000 CAD, not including applicable taxes, shipping costs, and travel and living expenses, where applicable. Refer to Section Four: Financial Proposal. an inventionFootnote *, new technology or new process that is not currently available in the marketplace significant modifications to the application of existing technologies/components/processes that are applied in a setting or condition for which current applications are not possible or feasible an improvement in functionality, cost or performance over an existing technology/process that is considered state-of-the-art or the current industry best practice The proposed innovation meet one or more of the ISC definitions of innovation The proposed innovation does not meet any of the ISC definitions of innovation, OR The proposed innovation is an incremental improvement, "good engineering, or a technology that would go ahead in the normal course of product development (i.e. the next version or release) Under the present Call for Proposals, and regardless of its Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at time of submission, the production of the submitted innovation has to be rapidly scalable and deployable into a Government of Canada organization test environment. TRL 7: Prototype system ready (form, fit and function) for demonstration in an appropriate operational environment. The Bidder has provided evidence demonstrating that the proposed innovation is at TRL 7 or higher at the time of proposal submission The proposed innovation is not at TRL7 or higher at the time of proposal submission, OR The Bidder has not provided evidence demonstrating that the proposed innovation is at TRL 7 or higher at the time of proposal submission SC3: Safety Considerations The Bidder must demonstrate that they have obtained, at the time of proposal submission, the certifications, licences, and approvals required to safely test the proposed innovation in an operational setting. This is to ensure that the potential testing department is not exposed to safety issues or risks during the conduct of the test. The Bidder has demonstrated that they have obtained the certifications, licences, and approvals required to safely test their proposed innovation in an operational setting at the time of proposal submission, AND Remaining certifications yet to be obtained for the proposed innovation, or for its use in an operational setting, do not pose safety concerns for the testing departments The Bidder has not demonstrated they have obtained the certifications, licences, and approvals required to safely test their proposed innovation in an operational setting at the time of proposal submission, AND/OR Remaining certifications yet to be obtained for the proposed innovation, or for its use in an operational setting, may pose safety concerns for the testing department SC4: Alignment to Theme The Bidder must demonstrate that the proposed innovation addresses the Government of Canada's response against the COVID-19 pandemic and other like public health emergencies in relation to one of the three (3) Medical Category Themes: Prevention and Protection, Testing and Diagnostic or Patient Monitoring, Tracking and Wellness; OR one of the two (2) Non-Medical Category Themes: Situational Awareness and Critical Response, or Sanitization. Refer to Categories and Themes. Proposal as a whole will be used to assess this criteria. The Bidder's proposal is within the scope of addressing the Government of Canada's response against the COVID-19 pandemic and other like public health emergencies (The Response), and meets one of the Themes under the Medical or Non-Medical category There is little to no evidence that the proposal is likely to meet the response against the COVID-19 pandemic/other public health emergencies or any Theme under the Medical or Non-Medical Category, OR The proposal was defined as out of scope for the Theme, OR In relation to the acquisition cost and key features and benefits, an unacceptable amount of time and resources are required for the departmental user to adopt the proposed innovation Point Rated Screening (PS) The proposed innovation improves minimally upon the current state of the art, though not sufficiently enough to create competitive advantages in existing market niches, OR The stated advancements are well-described in general, but are not substantiated with specific, measurable evidence 12 points Minimum The proposed innovation offers three or more minor improvements to existing technologies that together are likely to create competitive advantages in existing market niches, OR The proposed innovation offers one significant improvement to existing technologies that is likely to create competitive advantages in existing market niches The proposed innovation offers two or more significant improvements to existing technologies that are likely to create competitive advantages in existing market niches and could define new market spaces, OR The proposed innovation can be considered a new benchmark of state of the art that is clearly ahead of competitors and that is likely to define new market spaces 0 points The Intellectual Property strategy is not clear and is not appropriate for the proposed innovation 8 points Minimum The Intellectual Property strategy is identified and is adequate for the proposed innovation 12 points The Intellectual Property strategy is clearly identified and is appropriate to support commercialization for the proposed innovation Point Rated Criteria (PR) The presented commercialization strategy, market risk strategies and mitigation strategies are inadequate, incomplete or have not been presented The presented commercialization strategy, market risk strategies and mitigation strategies could support limited target market entry, AND/OR Shortcomings in the expertise, human resources, partners/sales channels or physical assets present unmitigated risks to successful commercialization The presented commercialization strategy, market risk strategies and mitigation strategies are clear and well-developed and, given full implementation, should support entry into the target market, AND/OR Shortcomings in the expertise, human resources, partners/sales channels and physical assets present only small risks to successful commercialization The presented commercialization strategy, market risk strategies and mitigation strategies are complete, strong, and are highly likely to support long-term and sustained entry into the target markets, AND The Bidder has the expertise, human resources, partners/sales channels and physical assets required to move forward with successful commercialization PR2: Adoption Potential – Features & Benefits Key features and benefits are limited and/or offer minimal differentiation from the competition Key features and benefits offer moderate differentiation from the competition Key features and benefits offer either moderate or clear differentiation from the competition Key features and benefits offer clear differentiation from the competition 0 points In relation to the acquisition cost and key features and benefits, an unacceptable amount of time and resources are required for the end user to adopt the proposed innovation 4 points In relation to the acquisition cost and key features and benefits, a significant amount of time and resources are required for the end user to adopt the proposed innovation 8 points In relation to the acquisition cost and key features and benefits, a reasonable amount of time and resources are required for the end user to adopt the proposed innovation 16 points In relation to the acquisition cost and key features and benefits, virtually no time and resources are required for the end user to adopt the proposed innovation PR4: Objectives, Scope, and Feasibility of Proposed Test Plan The objectives and performance metrics in the proposed test plan are not described, inadequate, not measurable, or not feasible (e.g. has significant unaddressed challenges in its adoption by a potential test department) The objectives and performance metrics in the proposed test plan are quantifiable but with low feasibility, AND/OR High test department resource requirements or potential adoption challenges are likely to be a barrier to performing a test The objectives and performance metrics in the proposed test plan are quantifiable and feasible, AND Moderate test department resource requirements or potential adoption challenges could pose a barrier to performing a test Test department resource requirements or potential adoption challenges are insignificant or unlikely to be a barrier to performing a test PR5: Test Plan Risks & Risk Mitigation Strategies 2 or more important risks were not identified and/or have a high level of residual risk 1 important risk was not identified, AND/OR The risks that were outlined in the test plan have mitigation strategies that are plausible and sufficiently described All important risks have been identified, AND The risks outlined in the test plan have mitigation strategies that are plausible and sufficiently described, but there is some residual risk The risks outlined in the test plan have mitigation strategies that are comprehensive and well described, and there is very little residual risk PR6: Proposed innovation's effective impact regarding selected Theme Degree of impact the proposed innovation can have to assist in the response against COVID-19 and other like epidemic, pandemic, or public health emergencies. There is evidence that the proposed innovation is likely to have impact in the selected Theme There is evidence that the proposed innovation will have an effective impact in the selected Theme There is clear evidence that the proposed innovation will have an effective impact in the selected Theme There is overwhelming evidence that the proposed innovation will have an effective impact in the selected Theme. The proposed innovation also addresses additional problem areas outside the scope of the Themes Max total score possible: 164 points Minimum pass score: 96/164 points Categories and themes The medical category refers to innovations that will directly support doctors, researchers, and healthcare workers in their efforts to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Innovations applying under the medical category should have a direct application towards the combating of the COVID-19 or be of direct use for healthcare professionals to assist and protect them in the course of their duties. 1. Theme: Prevention and Protection Solutions under this theme could include, but are not limited to: masks, gloves, clothing or other equipment that protects individuals from infection solutions around the recycling and re-purposing of PPE PPE manufacturing process improvements to increase the overall output of PPE training solutions designed to assist personnel to work with PPE and/or deal with hazardous environments/materials sanitization agents or chemical protective measures to assist in combatting the spread of COVID-19 in hospitals, clinics, labs, or other medical facilities automated cleaning/sanitization of PPE 2. Theme: Testing and Diagnostics rapid, portable, and/or Point-of-care (POC) testing methods and solutions reagents solutions to improve diagnostic testing laboratory equipment (both POC and non-POC) for research, study and development of treatments 3. Theme: Patient Monitoring, Tracking and Wellness patient monitoring, tracking, and management solutions and tools to support in-hospital/disease center, non-hospital or in-home health care and services tracking, consolidating and acquisition of data from provincial health experts and authorities such as epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists ventilators and other medical devices to address COVID-19 or other infectious diseases solutions relevant to the assessment and improvement of mental health during public health emergencies mobile quarantine facilities Non-Medical Category The non-medical category refers to innovations that will assist Government of Canada departments and agencies, including through their partnerships with provinces, territories and municipalities, in addressing the challenges and impacts posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other public health emergencies in the future. 1. Theme: Surveillance, Tracking, Situational Awareness and Critical Response solutions or applications to support education, information sharing and guidance between public sector organizations and individuals/citizens disease predictive modeling and tracking solutions that enable information sharing among public health professionals/medical service providers solutions and tools that boost situational awareness and allow medical, public health, first responder and security personnel to coordinate, decide and respond to crisis initiatives in real-time solutions that will assist with remote detection of infections and/or surveillance and/or enforcement of pandemic/crisis lockdowns solutions and tools to improve planning, tracking and assignment of medical, first responder, and law enforcement personnel, and/or health supplies during pandemic responses methods for analyzing information sources to understand how communities and public health agencies are responding to public health emergencies food supply chain stabilization solutions that promote efficient and sustainable agricultural production to enhance food security solutions that help address awareness, information sharing and mitigation of increased COVID-19 themed (or like public health emergencies) cyber threats and online scams solutions or tools to support impact analysis and decisions regarding economic recovery 2. Theme: Sanitization sanitization agents or chemical protective measures for a variety of applications or settings to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 or other infectious diseases automated sanitization and remote sanitization tools
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Time to whistle as you stroll IN contrast to the stark sombre mass of Pendle Hill, which is always on the horizon in this walk, the gentler countryside around Downham is one of limestone knolls, rolling meadows and little streams. The village is one of the prettiest in Lancashire and has attracted film crews over the years, notably for the BBC series Born and Bred and the classic 1960's film Whistle Down The Wind, starring Hayley Mills and Alan Bates. The actual farm and barn used in this film are passed along the route of the walk. This easy ramble skirts around the limestone outcrop of Worsaw Hill, linking Downham with the equally pretty hamlet of Worston, hidden in the shadow of the busy A59 bypass but known for the Calf's Head inn — the ideal stopping off point halfway along the walk. If parked on the road below the church and Assheton Arms, walk downhill and follow the lane turning right across the beck passing a small triangular shaped green on the left. This passes the entrance to the village car park and toilets on the right. Leave the lane (to Worston) by joining the signed footpath straight ahead on the right hand side of the lane. This begins as an access track alongside houses. Go through a squeeze stile next to a gate and follow the right field boundary of several fields. When the field boundary turns right leave it and head diagonally across a large field heading for the left hand side of the prominent Worsaw Hill straight ahead. Go through gates keeping above a barn and walk along a wall side running around the side of the hill to a path junction above Worsaw End Farm. The barn and the farm over to the left were used in the film Whistle Down the Wind, which included many local school children as extras. To continue the walk, ignore the path bearing right around the hillside, but go straight ahead along the waymarked path which enters a large field. Keep Worston Brook over to the left and simply walk parallel to it across pasture land heading to nearby Worston. Cross a footbridge and join a track which bears left and leads to the lane into the hamlet. The Calf's Head is almost facing you on the left. Opposite the inn, if you want a good view of the Ribble Valley take the signed footpath on the right of the lane which leads to the top of Crow Hill, another limestone knoll. To continue the walk, turn left along the lane in Worston. The quiet lane, West Lane, meanders back towards Downham through farmland. You can follow this back lane all the way back into Downham for approximately two miles. Alternatively, after about one mile, after passing the driveway to Radbrook on the right, take the signed path on the left which leads uphill passing a barn on the right. Above the barn you rejoin the field path linking Downham and Worston. Turn right and retrace your steps across the fields to Downham village. n Nick Burton's new book Wainwright's Way from Blackburn to Haystacks is out now, priced £13.99.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
C1 7.5 Tonne Driving Test Warwickshire. Our C1 driving test courses are suitable for horse boxes, 7.5 tonne lorry or ambulance/paramedic driver training. With hundreds of local driving test passes behind us we offer unrivalled value for money with an outstanding pass rate. Dedicated one to one training means that your instructor will work with you to determine your needs and provide training that is tailored to your unique requirements. Other companies will make you pair up with another customer, extending the duration of your course and providing poor value for money. We will speak to you to determine the most suitable course for you, with the correct training it's perfectly realistic to expect to pass your 7.5 tonne driving test with just a short day or day and half course. We're determined to provide the best C1 driver training in Warwickshire, you can trust us with your training.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Thirty-two concrete girders, each the length of a fully grown blue whale, have been installed as part of construction on a new overpass west of Toowoomba. Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said duplication of the Warrego Highway between Toowoomba and Oakey was ramping up, with the major engineering milestone recently achieved between Charlton and Kingsthorpe. Mr Chester said the installation of the girders for the new overpass at the intersection of Kingsthorpe-Haden Road and Gowrie Mountain School Road represented a major milestone in the Stage 2 duplication of the Warrego Highway between Toowoomba and Oakey. "This is a known crash site and safety on the highway will be greatly enhanced once the overpass is opened to traffic in November 2017. This $160 million upgrade is one of 15 projects being delivered as part of the Warrego Highway Upgrade Program," Mr Chester said. Queensland Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports Mark Bailey said the girders, which measure 25 metres long and weigh 27.7 tonnes, would provide the platform for the new overpass on the highway at the intersection of Kingsthorpe-Haden Road and Gowrie Mountain School Road. "Motorists will have the option of proceeding through the roundabout and continuing south onto Gowrie Mountain School Road, or to travel from the roundabout to the overpass and join Kingsthorpe–Haden Road north of the highway. Motorists are reminded to observe all warning signs when approaching the roadworks site and be aware of changed conditions, such as reduced speed limits and queued traffic," Mr Bailey said. Federal Member for Groom John McVeigh said the girders needed specialised heavy transport to move, and large cranes to lift and place them on the bridge sub-structure. "The installation of 32 concrete girders formed an important component for the construction of the new overpass. Stage 1 of the project was completed in July 2016 and the Stage 2 upgrade between Charlton and Kingsthorpe will vastly improve safety through better separation of opposing lanes of traffic, upgrading several intersections and providing new turning lanes," Dr McVeigh said. The Australian Government has committed $128 million towards the $160 million Toowoomba to Oakey Duplication Stage 2 (Charlton to Kingsthorpe) project, with the Queensland Government contributing $32 million. The $635 million Warrego Highway Upgrade Program is funded by the Australian and Queensland governments on an 80:20 funding split arrangement. For further information about scheduled delivery dates, please visit
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
#include <stdio.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <ft2build.h> #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include <stdbool.h> #include <strings.h> #include "fontHeader.h" #include <math.h> /// height of font in pixels static float fontSize = 10; /// dots per inch. 72 makes it 1pt = 1px static int dpi = 72; /// struct that holds the new font information while rendering static font_t newFont; /// light mode is a type of rendering available in Freetype2 library static int useLightMode = 0; // General functions // ----------------- /// max number of two ints static int max(int a, int b) { return (a > b ? a : b); } /// returns 4 types of symbols for inputs in range of 0 - 255 char* getSymbol(unsigned char input) { unsigned char c = (input >> 6); switch (c) { case 0: return " "; case 1: return ". "; case 2: return ": "; case 3: return "* "; default: return " "; } } // Output C-language code that can be used to include // converted font into embedded systems application // ------------------------------------------------ /// dumps the loaded glyphs and font information to a text file static void dumpFont(const font_t * font, const char* fontFile, float fontSize, int depth) { char fontName[80]; char fileNameBuf[80]; const char* baseName; char outFileName[80]; char* ptr; FILE* out; // Generate name for font by stripping path and suffix from filename // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- baseName = fontFile; ptr = strrchr(baseName, '/'); if (ptr) baseName = ptr + 1; strcpy(fileNameBuf, baseName); baseName = fileNameBuf; ptr = strchr(baseName, '.'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; sprintf(fontName, "%s_%1.0f", baseName, fontSize); sprintf(outFileName, "%s_%1.0f.h", baseName, fontSize); out = fopen(outFileName, "w"); if (!out) { perror(outFileName); exit(2); } // Headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf(out, "#ifndef FONT_%s_H_%1.0f \n", baseName, fontSize); fprintf(out, "#define FONT_%s_H_%1.0f \n\n", baseName, fontSize); fprintf(out, "#include \"../include/fontHeader.h\"\n\n"); fprintf(out, "/* Disclaimers\n" " * ============================================================================\n" " *\n" " * Generated by Free Font Converter\n" " * Converted by %s from example.ttf\n" " *\n" " * Options --size=%d --bitdepth=%d", fontFile, (int)fontSize, depth); if (dpi > 0) fprintf(out, " --dpi=%d\n", dpi); fprintf(out, " *\n" " * For copyright info, see original font file\n" " *\n" " */\n\n"); fprintf(out, "// Glyphs for all characters\n"); fprintf(out, "// ============================================================================\n" "\n"); /// current character being analysed uint16_t ch; // iterates on all characters for (ch = CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR; ch <= CHARMAP_LAST_CHAR; ch++) { // Glyph bitmaps // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // current byte being read int inputByte = 0; glyph_t currentChar = font->glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR]; fprintf(out, "// Glyph 0x%x: %c\n",ch,ch); fprintf(out, "// -------------\n"); fprintf(out, "static uint8_t glyph_data_%s_%x[%i] = {\n",fontName, ch, currentChar.byteWidth*currentChar.glyphHeight); for (int row = 0; row < currentChar.glyphHeight; row++) { fprintf(out, " "); // procedures of depth 1 and 8 are similar because glyphs in FT2 are either 1 or 8 bits deep if ((depth == 1) || (depth == 8)) { for (int outputByte = 0; outputByte < currentChar.byteWidth; outputByte++) { if (outputByte > 0) fprintf(out, ","); fprintf(out, "0x%02x",[inputByte]); ++inputByte; // last char does not have a comma if (outputByte == (currentChar.byteWidth - 1)) { if (row == (currentChar.glyphHeight - 1)) { fprintf(out, " // "); } else { fprintf(out, ", // "); } } } // returns all bytes to write the comments inputByte -= currentChar.byteWidth; // now the odd cases of depth 2 and 4... } else if ((depth == 2) || (depth == 4)) { /// counter of bytes in the output glyph int outputByte = 0; int nbitsUsed = (8/depth); /// width of output glyphs int outputWidth = ceil(((double)currentChar.byteWidth) / nbitsUsed); for (outputByte = 0; outputByte < outputWidth; outputByte++) { uint8_t outputChar = 0; if (outputByte > 0) fprintf(out, ","); if (depth == 2) { outputChar |= ([inputByte] & 0xC0); if ((inputByte + 2) - (currentChar.byteWidth*(row + 1)) <= 0) outputChar |= (([inputByte + 1] & 0xC0) >> 2); if ((inputByte + 3) - (currentChar.byteWidth*(row + 1)) <= 0) outputChar |= (([inputByte + 2] & 0xC0) >> 4); if ((inputByte + 4) - (currentChar.byteWidth*(row + 1)) <= 0) outputChar |= (([inputByte + 3] & 0xC0) >> 6); } else { // depth == 4 outputChar |= ([inputByte] & 0xF0); // take care of not making recirculation on next row. If number of next reference to // inputByte (that is, inputByte + 1 + 1, as it is 0-based index) is greater than the number // of characters in the current row, it does not use it for calculation, as it would in fact use // the bytes from the next row if ((inputByte + 2) - (currentChar.byteWidth*(row + 1)) <= 0) outputChar |= (([inputByte + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4); } inputByte += nbitsUsed; fprintf(out, "0x%02x", outputChar); // last char does not have a comma if (outputByte == (outputWidth - 1)) { if (row == (currentChar.glyphHeight - 1)) { fprintf(out, " // "); } else { fprintf(out, ", // "); } } } // returns all bytes to write the comments inputByte -= (outputByte * nbitsUsed); } // comments // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // chars for (int outputChar = 0; outputChar < currentChar.byteWidth; outputChar++) { switch (depth) { case 8: fprintf(out, "%s", getSymbol([inputByte])); break; case 4: fprintf(out, "%s", getSymbol(([inputByte] & 0xF0))); break; case 2: fprintf(out, "%s", getSymbol(([inputByte] & 0xC0))); break; default: for (uint8_t bitCount = 0; bitCount < 8; bitCount++) { fprintf(out, "%c", (([inputByte] << bitCount) & 0x80) ? '*' : ' '); } break; } ++inputByte; } fprintf(out,"\n"); } // by default, byteWidth is the number of pixels because FT2 outputs grayscale on a 0-255 scale. Since there // is a reduction to 4 or 2 bits, the width also becomes smaller switch (depth) { case 2: currentChar.byteWidth = ceil(((double)currentChar.byteWidth) / 4); break; case 4: currentChar.byteWidth = ceil(((double)currentChar.byteWidth) / 2); break; default: break; } fprintf(out, "};\n\n"); // Glyph info // ---------- fprintf(out, "static const glyph glyph_%s_%x = {\n" " glyph_data_%s_%x,\n" " %3d, // glyphHeight\n" " %3d, // charWidth\n" " %3d, // byteWidth\n" " %3d, // glyphLineOffset\n" " %3d, // glyphColumnOffset\n" "};\n\n", fontName, ch, fontName, ch, currentChar.glyphHeight, currentChar.charWidth, currentChar.byteWidth, currentChar.glyphLineOffset, currentChar.glyphColumnOffset); } // Font definition // --------------- fprintf(out, "// Font definition\n" "// ============================================================================\n\n"); fprintf(out, "static const font font_%s = {\n" " // glyphs\n" " {\n", fontName); // iterates again on all characters to output the vector table of all glyphs for (ch = CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR; ch < CHARMAP_LAST_CHAR - 1; ch++) { // note that this uses < and not <= fprintf(out, " glyph_%s_%x, /* %c */\n", fontName, ch, ch); } // because the last char is different fprintf(out, " glyph_%s_%x /* %c */\n", fontName, CHARMAP_LAST_CHAR, CHARMAP_LAST_CHAR); fprintf(out, " },\n"); fprintf(out, " %d, // bitsPerPixel\n" " %1.0f // charHeight\n" "};\n\n", depth, fontSize); fprintf(out, "#endif //FONT_%s_H_%1.0f \n", baseName, fontSize); fclose(out); fprintf(stdout, "%s_%d.h file generated\n",baseName, font->charHeight); } /// renders the font according to input parameters static font_t *convertFont(const char *font, int dpi, float fontSize, int depth) { /// placeholder for error output checks int error; FT_Face face; FT_Library library; // Initialize freetype library, load the font // and set output character size // ------------------------------------------ error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "ft init err %d\n", error); exit(1); } error = FT_New_Face(library, font, 0, &face); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "ft faceerr %d\n. Are the filename & path right?", error); exit(1); } // If DPI is not given, use pixels to specify the size // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // in general, 72dpi is convenient, for it makes 1px = 1pt. For more info on the calculations of font metrics // (enough for writing a dissertation) check Freetype2 tutorials online if (dpi != 72) error = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, fontSize * 64, dpi, dpi); else error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, fontSize); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "set pixel sizes err %d\n", error); exit(1); } int row, col; int ch; // sets font metrics to font struct newFont.bitsPerPixel = depth; newFont.charHeight = fontSize; // Renders characters and puts into font struct // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // index of char in output uint32_t outputIndex = 0; // runs the loop on each char for (ch = CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR; ch <= CHARMAP_LAST_CHAR; ch++) { // loads glyph FT_Int32 ft_load_target = (depth == 1 ? FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO : (useLightMode ? FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT : FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL)); error = FT_Load_Char(face, ch, ft_load_target); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "load char err %d\n", error); exit(1); } // renders glyph FT_Int32 ft_render_mode = (depth == 1 ? FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO : (useLightMode ? FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT : FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)); error = FT_Render_Glyph(face->glyph, ft_render_mode); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "glyph render err %d\n", error); exit(1); } // allocates memory for glyph newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].data = malloc(face->glyph->bitmap.pitch * face->glyph->bitmap.rows); // sets other paramenters on glyph newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].glyphHeight = face->glyph->bitmap.rows; newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].byteWidth = face->glyph->bitmap.pitch; newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].glyphLineOffset = fontSize - face->glyph->bitmap_top; newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].glyphColumnOffset = face->glyph->bitmap_left; newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].charWidth = face->glyph->advance.x >> 6; // iterates on rows for (row = 0; row < face->glyph->bitmap.rows; row++) { // iterates on columns for (col = 0; col < face->glyph->bitmap.pitch; col++) { uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*) face->glyph->bitmap.buffer; // currentByte is the current input byte that holds the pixel information uint8_t currentByte = buffer[row * face->glyph->bitmap.pitch + col]; //int xpos, ypos; //xpos = col + face->glyph->bitmap_left; //ypos = row + face->height - face->glyph->bitmap_top; // outputs to bitmap newFont.glyphs[ch-CHARMAP_FIRST_CHAR].data[outputIndex] = currentByte; outputIndex++; } } // resets the byte counter of output glyph outputIndex = 0; } return &newFont; } static char* fontFile = NULL; /* options descriptor */ static struct option longopts[] = { {"dpi", optional_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"size", optional_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"font", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"bitdepth", optional_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {"uselightmode", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "\n" " ____ ______ __ ______ __ \n" " / __/_______ ___ / ____/___ ____ / /_/ ____/___ ____ _ _____ _____/ /____ _____\n" " / /_/ ___/ _ \\/ _ \\/ /_ / __ \\/ __ \\/ __/ / / __ \\/ __ \\ | / / _ \\/ ___/ __/ _ \\/ ___/\n" " / __/ / / __/ __/ __/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /___/ /_/ / / / / |/ / __/ / / /_/ __/ / \n" "/_/ /_/ \\___/\\___/_/ \\____/_/ /_/\\__/\\____/\\____/_/ /_/|___/\\___/_/ \\__/\\___/_/ \n" " \n" " \n" "freeFontConverter --font=fontfile [--bitdepth=1] [--size=10] [--dpi=72] [--uselightmode]\n\n" "Font sizes are given in pixels. Light mode is a type of rendering algorithm. \nCheck Freetype2 " "docs for more information on light rendering"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; int depth = 1; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'f': fontFile = optarg; break; case 's': sscanf(optarg, "%f", &fontSize); break; case 'd': dpi = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &depth); break; case 'l': useLightMode = 1; break; case 0: break; default: usage(); exit(1); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (fontFile == NULL || fontSize == 0) { usage(); exit(1); } const font_t *font; font = convertFont(fontFile, dpi, fontSize, depth); dumpFont(font, fontFile, fontSize, depth); }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Photo by Jake West/New Jersey Herald - Anglers take to the Paulinskill for the first day of trout season on Saturday at Veterans Memorial Park in Stillwater. Photo by Jake West / New Jersey Herald - Jack Everett joins other fisherman who take to the Paulinskill River for the first day of the trout fishing season, Saturday, April 6, 2019, at Veteran's Memorial Park, in Stillwater. Photo by Jake West / New Jersey Herald - A fisherman holds a caught trout during the first day of the trout fishing season, Saturday, April 6, 2019, at Veteran's Memorial Park, in Stillwater. STILLWATER -- Travis Everett, of Jefferson, waded out of Trout Brook shortly after 10 a.m., having just reeled in one of many fish caught throughout the state Saturday. As he tossed his catch into a bucket a few moments later, he expressed his relief that he would at least have something that proved his whereabouts in the morning. "It always helps when you catch them," Everett quipped, "because then your wife believes you were out for the day." Everett was one of more than a dozen fishermen in the brook flowing through Veterans Memorial Park Saturday, attempting to catch some of the more than 184,000 rainbow trout freshly stocked in numerous streams statewide for the opening day of trout season. According to the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, roughly 570,000 trout will be stocked by the end of the spring stocking season next month. Trout season officially began at 8 a.m. Saturday, but Everett, along with his father, Jack, and several other friends, arrived at Veterans Park "with the sunrise" around 6:30 a.m. in order to get a prime fishing spot. The soon-to-be 40-year-old has taken part in the opening of trout season since he was 10, and said he always enjoys the relaxing atmosphere fishing provides. "I just don't have to think about anything," Everett said. "There's something about being outside that just makes you feel like everything's better. Even when the weather's bad, just being outside is nice." This year, fishermen on opening day had the opportunity for the first time to stop by the George D. Garriss General Store before or after their trips for free coffee and fresh-baked cookies. Owner Dean Voris has been renovating the store for nearly two years now, and with many local residents often stopping in to check on the building's progress, he decided to open it for the community Saturday. "The people in the town really, really want a cup of coffee here. That's the biggest thing," Voris said. "I've been telling these fishermen for years that they can come up here and get a cup of coffee, so I figured I would make good on it." Voris said he opened the general store at about 6 a.m. Saturday -- though he noted, "I use the term 'open' loosely; I'm always here working" -- and was giving the steady stream of customers some food and drink throughout the morning. "Absolutely no currency exchanged; we're just having fun," he said. In Trout Brook, Everett said he and the rest of the fishermen in his group all boasted a catch or two over the course of the morning. While he noted that fishing is enjoyable regardless of the weather, Saturday's balmy conditions certainly contributed to an enjoyable day overall. "We got lucky," Everett said. "There's been years where we were ice fishing only a few weeks before this, so as soon as the sun came out (Saturday), I felt it on my back, I was like, 'Boy, that just feels good.'" For more information on the spring trout stocking program including the in-season stocking schedule and spring stocking updates and changes, visit
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
FCX is a leading international mining company with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. FCX operates large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets with significant proven and probable reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum. FCX has a dynamic portfolio of operating, expansion and growth projects in the copper industry and is the world's largest producer of molybdenum. The company's portfolio of assets includes the Grasberg mining complex, the world's largest copper and gold mine in terms of recoverable reserves, significant mining operations in the Americas, including the large scale Morenci and Safford minerals districts in North America and the Cerro Verde and El Abra operations in South America, and the Tenke Fungurume minerals district in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As an industry leader, we demonstrate proven expertise in both technology and production methods, which consist of open-pit mining, SX/EW production technology, block cave underground mining, and copper concentrate leaching. 1850 W Thatcher Blvd. Gila Valley Central was designed to provide timely coverage of news, events and everything happening in our communities. Our Staff works hard to post current stories of the Gila Valley so you can Read What Matters. Johnson Motors "The Caring Team" 804 S. 1st Ave. Our company provides construction materials such as concrete, rock and sand, and asphalt to customers in Graham, Greenlee, and Cochise counties. We also do paving, site development, grading, and road construction both as a general contractor and as a subcontractor. Since 1971, we have been providing quality work and materials to our customers. "The Quality Inn & Suites in Safford offers all of the features and amenities that business and leisure travelers appreciate and expect. With Safford's business, cultural, and recreational areas just minutes away, we'll be happy to assist you in your planning. Our friendly and efficient staff will make sure that your stay is as warm as the Arizona weather. At Vining Funeral Home our mission is to honor life in all that we do. Whether we are helping you work through arrangements for the loss of a family member, assisting you in pre-planning funeral or cemetery needs, or providing a beautiful setting to honor loved ones, we always seek to provide a meaningful celebration of lives well-lived. We embrace the importance, individuality, and richness of each person's life. Our experienced staff helps families find unique ways to memorialize their loved ones, discovering meaning and comfort in the process. All are welcome here. We respect each family's preferences, beliefs, wishes, and resources, and we offer thoughtful arrangements, customized to your unique needs. We're pleased to provide a full spectrum of funeral and memorial services – backed by a history of quality and care. The Eastern Arizona Courier & Copper Era are the only newspapers where readers will find complete coverage of all the local news, sports, happenings, obituaries and local public records. With local advertisers and coupons. We do Business Cards, Letterhead, Wedding Announcements, Laminating, Graduation Announcements, Resumes, Color Copies, Invoices, Flyers, Menus, Brochures, Wide-Format Printing, Gift Certificates, Flyers, Tickets, Door Hangers, Postcards, Envelopes. Casa Mañana has been a family tradition of fine Mexican food since 1951. Gaby & Emma Gabaldon began cooking their delicious recipes in the humble kitchen of this home where the Restaurant has been for nearly 60 years. The Dan & Diane Hoopes Family now continues the tradition of legendary food delivered with a sense of warmth and hospitality you can only find at home. As always "Mi casa es su casa". Casa Mañana is located on the corner of Hwy 191 and Hwy 70 in Safford, AZ. Bashas' is an Arizona-based, family-owned and -operated grocery chain known for made-from-scratch bakery items, a full-service butcher shop, fresh local produce and award-winning Chefs Entrees. Brothers Ike and Eddie Basha, Sr. opened the first Bashas' grocery store in 1932. Their mission: provide exceptional service, deliver their personal best, exceed customers' expectations and offer quality products at competitive prices. While much has changed over the years, our mission remains the same. We will always strive to grow and improve our business, but we will never forget who we are and where we came from. Arizona's our backyard, and we have a vested interest in the neighborhoods we serve. With more than 130 stores serving the state's 15 counties, we're proud to be your hometown grocer. When you're looking for a top-quality window or windshield, don't crack and settle for just anyone. Instead, trust in the experts at EA Glass for a shatterproof experience. For years, we've been installing the best energy efficient windows in homes and businesses across Thatcher, AZ. Whether you need a completely new storefront panel or a shower door, we'll work with you to find what exactly meets your needs. We even offer same day service for all of our auto glass services. So if the miniature crack on your windshield results in a full shatter, we'll pick up your vehicle and get working on it, so you can get back on the road as quickly as possible.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
We are under Re Constructions, please call or e-mail for assingment request or information. Since 1975 Jerry and Miriam Sutherlin as Luna Productions has been involved in creative professional imaging. Luna Productions has provided clients such as Bayer Chemical, Aluminum Reynolds, Inter-continental Hotels, Excide, Bell Aerospace, and the City of Barranquilla Colombia, with their imaging needs. The latest trends have seen movement in to the Editorial, Documentary, and Fine Art areas. Locations in both North and South America provide multi cultural insight into markets. Contact us for current and future projects, as well as request for assignments or exhibits. We will be photographing the 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike , and 26.2 mile run as well as Pr and personal interest stories. Since 1975 Luna Productions has imaged the Carnaval for the City of Barranquilla as well as many other commercial clients.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Schubert: Complete String Trios Composed by Franz Schubert (1797-1828). Edited by Werner Aderhold. This edition: Urtext edition. Published by Baerenreiter Verlag D 581, Erste Fassung D 581, Zweite Fassung Fragment zu D 111A Fragment zu D 471, Zweiter Satz Ravel Sonata in Four Parts for Violin and Cello Composed by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). Edited by Douglas Woodfull-Harris. Urtext edition. Performance score (2). 32.5 x 25.5 cm inches. Published by Baerenreiter Verlag. . Text Language: German/English/French. Preface: Juliette Appold / Douglas Woodfull-Harris Ysaye: Six Violin Sonatas, Op. 27 Violin solo Composed by Eugene Ysaye (1858-1931). Edited by Norbert Gertsch. Henle Music Folios. Pages: IX and 48. Solo part (softcover). Published by G. Henle (HL51480776). 9.25x12.25 in. First came Johann Sebastian Bach's sonatas and partitas, then Nicola Paganini's caprices. Now, with the op. 27 sonatas of Eugene Ysaye, the key works in the repertoire for unaccompanied violin are available in urtext editions from Henle. Ysaye peppered these challenging works with extraordinary difficulties, dedicating each of them to a virtuoso violinist of his day and tailoring it to suit his special capabilities. Thanks to newly discovered source material, we are able to present a "definitive text" that in many respects supersedes the previously available text from the first edition. Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D Major Piano, Violin Violin with Piano Reduction. Composed by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). Henle Music Folios. Softcover.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel; import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFITestDataProvider; import*; import; /** * Tests for {@link HSSFDataFormat} * */ public final class TestHSSFDataFormat extends BaseTestDataFormat { @Override protected ITestDataProvider getTestDataProvider(){ return HSSFITestDataProvider.getInstance(); } /** * Test setting and getting boolean values. */ public void testBuiltinFormats() { baseBuiltinFormats(); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Egypt's prosecutor-general stated on Wednesday that the British tourists who passed away in Hurghada in August died from the bacterial infection E. coli. In a statement issued on Wednesday about the results of the autopsy of John, 69, and Susan Cooper, 63, who passed away in August while staying at the Steigenberger Aqua Magic Hotel with their daughter and grandchildren, showed that the E. coli bacteria played a significant factor in their deaths, according to the lab tests. The statement added that John Cooper was suffering from previous health problems, but that E. coli caused the heart failure. His wife, Susan Cooper, may have been infected with the virus, as she was staying with her husband in the same room and was eating from the same food, but that she died of gastroenteritis. The prosecutor-general's statement also refuted claims that the couple died due to poisonous emissions from the air conditioner in the room, as was initially claimed in the media. Egypt's Tourism Minister Rania El-Mashat said in a statement that the autopsy reports published today… are one more step forward towards helping the grieving Cooper family come to terms with the tragic loss of John and Susan." "The causes of death, e-coli bacteria, were medically determined by a team of internationally accredited pathologists, which I hope for the family's sake will put an end to previous speculative suggestions of what might have happened." "The health and safety of all tourists to Egypt are absolutely paramount and I am determined, together with the Prime Minister Dr Mostafa Madbouly and our fellow Ministers to ensure the highest standards of well-being for all visitors to our country." The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism said in early reports that a preliminary medical examination report showed that the British couple died of natural causes and that there was no evidence of criminal foul play.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}