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Imagine this: born in another country, you came to the United States with your family when you were barely a teenager. You have lived here ever since, and have been a lawful permanent resident for 30 years. You settled down and raised a family of your own. You carry your green card, proudly, in your wallet, and you have been, for the most part, a model resident. There was an incident, over fifteen years ago, a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence. Your wife says she barely remembers it, and anyway, there's been nothing since. You work, you come home, you spend time with your spouse, children, and the granddaughter. You feel like an American; after all, you've lived in this country for almost 50 years. Then one night, ICE agents show up at your door. Can lawful U.S residents be targeted by ICE?
As Jose Luis Garcia, a California resident, discovered last year, the answer is yes. Although Mr. Garcia had an almost spotless record, as he discovered, it wasn't quite spotless enough. The immigration story above is his. While a conviction for any type of domestic violence should not be minimized, by all accounts, the 2001 incident for which Mr. Garcia was convicted truly appeared to be an isolated one. It had faded so far in his memory and that of his family that he had no idea why he was taken into custody on that June night in 2018.
Why are Green Card Holders Being Taken into Custody?
Mr. Garcia is not the only individual with a long-ago conviction who has been taken into custody by ICE. When people speak of "rounding up" criminals who came to the United States from another country, they are generally thinking about violent gang members or drug dealers who have committed recent, repeated, and serious crimes, and who do not contribute in any meaningful way to their community. Far less publicized are the lawful residents who may have one relatively-minor conviction deep in their past. Unfortunately, those people can also get swept up in enforcement of immigration laws.
It is true that legal immigrants to this country have never been outside the reach of a potential deportation. However, in the current administration, immigration agents have been encouraged to cast a wider net than they have in the past, pursuing green card holders who, because of a long-ago conviction, are technically deportable. In the past, they would probably have been left alone because they had, like Mr. Garcia, rehabilitated themselves, and contributed to the well-being of their family and community. Now, they may be targeted as a part of the "get tough" approach of the current administration.
Because they are lawful permanent residents, Mr. Garcia and individuals like him have their information, including current addresses, in multiple government databases. As a result, they are relatively "easy pickings" for enforcement. Ironically, their stable lifestyles and compliance with government regulations make them easier to find and target. Mr. Garcia was taken into custody during a three day enforcement operation that targeted "public safety threats" in the Los Angeles area. Of the 162 arrests made during those three days, 15 were of green card holders like Mr. Garcia.
As of January 1, 2014, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Immigration Statistics estimated that over 13 million green card holders resided in the United States. However, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not keep statistics regarding arrests of immigrants who are legally in the country.
Could You Be Targeted by ICE?
While previous ICE enforcement efforts may have focused on immigrants who were convicted of felonies or otherwise constituted a real threat to public safety, Mr. Garcia's case shows that that is no longer true. What should you do if you or a loved one have a criminal conviction in your past?
If you are a lawful permanent resident with even one criminal conviction and/or a probation before judgment (PBJ) in the past, you should consult with an experienced Maryland immigration attorney. No matter how minor the incident, or how long ago the conviction took place, you could still be at risk. It is natural to want to forget about a mistake you made when you were younger and continue to focus on being a productive member of the community, but you should not ignore the possibility of ICE action. Having the support of a good lawyer will help you to protect yourself and your family and avoid negative consequences of a previous conviction. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,400 |
Seit langem spekuliert die Menschheit wegen der Nähe und der Ähnlichkeiten des Planeten zur Erde über die Möglichkeit von Leben auf dem Mars. Die Suche nach Spuren von Leben auf dem Mars begann im 19. Jahrhundert und wird auch heute noch fortgesetzt. Während historische Arbeiten sich auf phänomenologische Methoden und Spekulationen beschränkten, konzentriert sich die moderne Wissenschaft auf die Suche nach Wasser, chemischen Biomarkern im Boden und den Steinen des Gesteinsplaneten sowie gasförmigen Biomarkern in der Atmosphäre.
Der Mars ist von besonderem Interesse für das Studium des Ursprungs des Lebens, da er der frühen Erde sehr ähnlich ist – insbesondere das kalte Klima und das Fehlen von Plattentektonik und Kontinentalverschiebungen, so dass der Mars seit dem Ende des Hesperian größtenteils unverändert geblieben ist. Mindestens zwei Drittel der Marsoberfläche sind mehr als 3,5 Milliarden Jahre alt. Daher könnte der Mars präbiotische Bedingungen besitzen, die zu Abiogenese führen, auch wenn dort Leben nicht mehr existiert oder nie existiert hat. Die Frage, ob auf dem Mars jemals Leben existiert hat oder immer noch existiert, sowie fiktionale Marsmenschen sind ein beliebtes, wiederkehrendes Thema in der Unterhaltungsindustrie des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts.
Anfang 2014 meldete die NASA, dass aktuelle Untersuchungen der Marsrover Curiosity und Opportunity nun nach Anzeichen für Leben auf dem Mars suchen würden. Dies schließe sowohl die Biosphäre basierend auf autotrophen, chemotrophen und/oder chemolithotrophen Mikroorganismen mit ein, als auch Wasser inklusive See-Ebenen (Ebenen, die in Verbindung mit früheren Flüssen oder Seen stehen), die möglicherweise einmal habitabel waren. Die Suche nach Beweisen für die einstige Bewohnbarkeit, Spuren von Fossilisation sowie organischen Kohlenstoffen ist nun eines der Primärziele der NASA.
Es gibt verschiedene Hypothesen darüber, ob und wie möglicherweise einst existierendes Leben auf dem Mars mit Leben auf der Erde in Verbindung stehen könnte. Nach der Hypothese der Panspermie könnte das Leben auf dem Mars entstanden und durch Asteroideneinschläge zur Erde gebracht worden sein. Es besteht jedoch auch die Möglichkeit, dass große Asteroideneinschläge auf der Erde das Leben auf andere Planeten des Sonnensystems gebracht haben könnte.
Spekulationen vor dem Raumfahrtzeitalter
Der Gedanke an die Möglichkeit von Leben auf dem Mars beflügelte oft die Fantasie der Menschen. Im 18. Jahrhundert beobachtete man, dass die dunklen Flecken auf der Marsoberfläche ihre Farbe änderten und wuchsen oder schrumpften. Man hielt sie für ausgedehnte Vegetationszonen, deren Ausdehnung sich mit den Jahreszeiten änderte.
Die Polkappen des Mars wurden bereits Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts entdeckt. Im späten 18. Jahrhundert beschrieb William Herschel erstmals ein Auf- und Absinken der Polkappen mit Wechsel der Jahreszeiten auf der jeweiligen Hemisphäre. Bereits Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts erkannten die Astronomen, dass der Mars einige Ähnlichkeiten mit der Erde aufweist, etwa dass die Länge eines Marstages (Sol genannt) beinahe gleich lang wie ein Tag auf der Erde ist. Auch seine Achsneigung ist ähnlich der Erde, d. h. der Mars besitzt ebenfalls Jahreszeiten wie die Erde, die aber auf Grund der Dauer eines Marsjahres von 687 Tagen fast doppelt so lang sind wie die irdischen. Diese Beobachtungen führten zu einer Reihe von Spekulationen, nach denen die größeren Albedomerkmale Wasser wären und die helleren Land. Es war also logisch anzunehmen, der Mars könne eine Form von Leben beherbergen.
1854 theoretisierte William Whewell, der Mars hätte Ozeane, Land und möglicherweise Lebensformen. Nach Teleskopbeobachtungen der Marskanäle (die sich später als optische Täuschung herausstellten) explodierten Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts die Spekulationen über Leben auf dem Mars förmlich. So veröffentlichte der amerikanische Astronom Percival Lowell 1895 sein Buch Mars, gefolgt von Mars and its Canals 1906 (Mars und seine Kanäle), in denen er vorschlug, dass die Kanäle die Arbeiten einer längst vergangenen Zivilisation sein könnten. Lowell gründete sogar eine eigene Sternwarte, das Lowell-Observatorium, um die Marsbewohner zu erforschen. Für ihn waren die Kanäle das Produkt außerirdischer Ingenieure und waren geschaffen worden, um die Marszivilisation vor einer großen Trockenheit zu retten. Lowell beschrieb seine Vorstellungen der Marswelt in zahlreichen Publikationen, die weite Verbreitung fanden. Dies verleitete 1897 den britischen Schriftsteller H. G. Wells zu seinem bekannten Werk Der Krieg der Welten, das von einer außerirdischen Invasion vom Mars erzählt.
Spektroskopische Analysen der Marsatmosphäre begannen 1894, als der US-Astronom William Wallace Campbell zeigte, dass weder Wasser noch Sauerstoff in der Marsatmosphäre vorkommen. Um 1909 führten schließlich bessere Teleskope und die beste perihele Opposition des Mars seit 1877 zu einem Ende der Marskanal-Hypothesen. Jedoch hielt man bis 1963, kurz vor dem Start der ersten Marssonden (Mariner), die Existenz von Moosen und Flechten für möglich.
Heutige Sicht
Der Mars erscheint heute als trockener Wüstenplanet. Die Ökosphäre (oder habitable Zone) des Sonnensystems reicht von 0,95 bis 1,37 AE Abstand zur Sonne, somit befindet sich nur die Erde innerhalb dieser Zone, der Mars jedoch liegt knapp außerhalb. Die bislang vorliegenden Ergebnisse der Marsmissionen lassen jedoch den Schluss zu, dass die Marsatmosphäre in der Vergangenheit (vor Milliarden Jahren) wesentlich dichter war und auf der Oberfläche des Planeten reichlich flüssiges Wasser vorhanden war.
Höheres oder gar intelligentes Leben gibt es auf dem Mars nicht, Wissenschaftler halten jedoch primitive Lebensformen (Mikroben) tiefer im Boden, wo sie vor UV-Strahlen geschützt wären, für denkbar. Im Fokus der heutigen Missionen steht deshalb die Suche nach Spuren von mikrobiellem Leben in Form von Zellen wie Bakterien, wenngleich auch ein Fund von Viren nicht ausgeschlossen wird.
Spekulationen über intelligentes Leben
Als im Juli 1976 der Orbiter 1 der Viking-Mission Bilder der Cydonia-Region machte und diese zur Erde schickte, wurde der Mars in der Öffentlichkeit wieder zum Gesprächsthema. Eine der Aufnahmen zeigte eine Formation auf der Marsoberfläche, die einem menschlichen Gesicht ähnelte, das in den Himmel blickt. In der unmittelbaren Nähe wurden außerdem Strukturen entdeckt, die Pyramiden auf der Erde ähneln, sowie rechteckige Strukturen (von den Wissenschaftlern "Inka-Stadt" getauft). Erst die Mission Mars Global Surveyor der NASA brachte im April 1998 für viele die Ernüchterung: Alle entdeckten Strukturen waren das Ergebnis natürlicher Erosion. Durch neue Bilder mit wesentlich höherer Auflösung wurde deutlich, dass auf dem Mars keine künstlichen Strukturen außerirdischer Intelligenz ersichtlich sind.
Auch viele Bilder der Marsrover sorgen immer wieder für Spekulationen über außerirdische Besucher auf dem Mars, jedoch handelt es sich dabei meistens um optische Täuschungen oder von den Rovern selbst verursachte Veränderungen an der Umgebung. So sorgte etwa Anfang 2014 ein auftauchender Stein, Pinnacle Island genannt, der auf früheren Aufnahmen von Opportunity nicht zu sehen war, für Aufsehen. Vermutlich wurde der Stein jedoch von den Rädern des Rovers selbst dorthin geschleudert.
Spekulationen über mikrobiologisches Leben
Der Mars besitzt eine sehr dünne Atmosphäre. Dadurch ist der Atmosphärendruck sehr niedrig, und Wasser kann nicht in flüssiger Form auf der Marsoberfläche existieren, ausgenommen kurzzeitig in den tiefstgelegenen Gebieten.
Im Jahre 2003 konnten mittels erdgestützter Teleskope und 2004 durch das Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) an der Raumsonde Mars Express Spuren von Methan (etwa 10 ppb) und Formaldehyd (130 ppb) nachgewiesen werden. Methan verbleibt etwa 340 Jahre in der Atmosphäre des Mars, Formaldehyd nur 7,5 Stunden. Methan wird durch ultraviolette Strahlung abgebaut, da die dünne Atmosphäre des Mars nicht vor dieser Strahlung schützt. Dabei oxidiert Methan zu Wasser und Kohlendioxid.
Um die Menge des Methans in der Atmosphäre zu erklären, genügt eine Produktion von 150 Tonnen pro Jahr. Bei der Umsetzung zu Formaldehyd müssten jedoch 2,5 Millionen Tonnen aus "Methanquellen" stammen. Als Quellen kommen aktiver Vulkanismus, Kometeneinschläge oder auch methanproduzierende Mikroorganismen in Betracht. Es könnte aber auch durch eine geothermische Reaktion, die Serpentinisierung (dabei beteiligte Komponenten sind Wasser, Kohlendioxid und das Mineral Olivin, das häufig auf dem Mars vorkommt), entstehen. Formaldehyd kann durch Höhenstrahlung aus Gasen und Eis entstehen. Es wird jedoch angezweifelt, dass ein abiotischer Prozess so viel Methan erzeugen kann, da es dazu Regionen mit hoher geologischer Aktivität bedarf. Die Existenz von Mikroorganismen wie Methanogenen wäre eine mögliche Erklärung, diese müssten jedoch tief unterhalb der Oberfläche existieren, wo es warm genug für flüssiges Wasser ist.
Das Methan ist nicht gleichmäßig verteilt, sondern weist ein Muster etwas erhöhter Konzentrationen auf. Offensichtlich wird oder wurde der Nachschub an Methan kurzfristig unterbrochen, bevor es sich gleichmäßig in der Atmosphäre verteilen konnte. Bei der biologischen Erzeugung von Methan auf der Erde, die für etwa 90 bis 95 % des gesamten Methanvorkommens verantwortlich ist, entsteht fast immer Ethan als Begleitgas. Im Gegensatz dazu wird während einer vulkanischen Entstehung Schwefeldioxid freigesetzt. Die Messung dieser Gase in der Marsatmosphäre könnte eine Klärung bringen. Dies könnte durch das Mars Science Laboratory erfolgen. Im Dezember 2014 meldete die NASA die Messung von auffälligen Schwankungen der Methankonzentration in der Umgebung des Mars Rovers Curiosity.
Goro Komatsu von der Universität Gabriele d'Annunzio in Pescara präsentierte im September 2010 seine Entdeckung von geologischen Strukturen von etwa 1 km Durchmesser auf Satellitenbildern von der Chryse-Tiefebene, die Methangas produzierenden Schlammvulkanen auf der Erde gleichen. Eine primäre Quelle für das Gas ist damit jedoch noch nicht gefunden.
Laut Kevin Zahnle, einem Planetenwissenschaftler des Ames Research Centers der NASA wäre es ebenfalls möglich, dass die gemessenen Methanvorkommen in der Marsatmosphäre durch das Methan in der irdischen Atmosphäre verfälscht wurden, und es auf dem Mars gar kein Methan gibt.
Der Rover Curiosity, der im August 2012 auf dem Mars landete, kann mit seinem Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) Messungen der Methankonzentration in der Atmosphäre vornehmen. An der Landestelle im Gale-Krater wurden weniger als 5 ppb gemessen. 2013 veröffentlichte Studien der NASA, basierend auf Daten des TLS, konnten ebenfalls keine erhöhte Methankonzentration belegen.
Indiens Mars Orbiter Mission, die sich seit 24. September 2014 in der Marsumlaufbahn befindet, wird die Atmosphäre mithilfe seines Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM) weiter untersuchen. 2016 schickte die ESA im Zuge des ExoMars Projekts den Trace Gas Orbiter zum Mars um das, sofern vorhandene, Methan zu untersuchen.
Im Jahr 1996 fanden David S. McKay und seine Mitarbeiter Strukturen im Marsmeteoriten ALH 84001, die sie als Spuren von fossilen Bakterien deuteten. Das in diesem Meteoriten gefundene, kettenartig angeordnete Magnetit ähnelt morphologisch dem bakteriellen Magnetit aus Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum. Allerdings wird die Beweiskraft der gefundenen Strukturen von vielen Wissenschaftlern angezweifelt, da diese auch auf rein chemischem Wege entstehen konnten.
1999 entdeckte die NASA im Nakhla-Meteoriten mögliche biomorphe Spuren sowie diverse Aminosäuren, konnte jedoch eine irdische Kontamination nicht ausschließen. 2006 wurde ein Fragment des Meteoriten aufgebrochen, um eine kontaminationsfreie Probe untersuchen zu können. Darin fand sich eine Fülle von komplexen kohlenstoffhaltigen Materialien, welche dendritartige Poren und Kanäle im Fels enthielten, ähnlich den Effekten von Bakterien, die man von der Erde kennt. Die Mehrheit der Wissenschaftler ist jedoch der Ansicht, dass die Anwesenheit von Formen ähnlich denen von lebenden Organismen nicht ausreiche, um zu beweisen, dass einst Bakterien auf dem Mars lebten. 2014 wurden bei weiteren Untersuchungen eine ovale zellenartige Mikroblase entdeckt, die aus nanokristallinem, eisenhaltigem Saponit und amorphen Materialien besteht und in vielerlei Hinsicht versteinerten biologischen Zellen der Erde ähnelt. Wahrscheinlich war sie jedoch keine Zelle, sondern entstand durch einen kleinen Wassereinschluss, der beim Asteroideneinschlag auf dem Mars erhitzt wurde.
Spuren möglicher biologischer Prozesse wurden auch in den Marsmeteoriten Shergotty und Yamato 000593 entdeckt.
Viking 1 und 2 hatten unter anderem die Aufgabe, der Frage nach dem Leben auf dem Mars nachzugehen. Dabei wurden ein chemisches und drei biologische Experimente durchgeführt. In dem chemischen Experiment wurde versucht, organische Substanzen im Marsboden nachzuweisen. Dazu wurde eine am MIT entwickelte GC/MS-Einheit (Kopplung eines Gaschromatographen mit einem Massenspektrometer) benutzt. Es konnten allerdings keine auf Kohlenstoff aufbauenden organischen Substanzen nachgewiesen werden.
Das erste biologische Experiment beruhte auf Stoffwechselaktivitäten von Organismen. Eine Bodenprobe wurde mit einer Nährlösung benetzt und entstehende Gase registriert. Der Marsboden reagierte auf das Experiment mit Abgabe großer Mengen Sauerstoff. Im zweiten Experiment wurde eine Nährlösung mit radioaktiven Kohlenstoffatomen versehen und auf eine Probe gegeben. Als Ergebnis eines Stoffwechsels hätten sie unter den ausgeschiedenen Gasen nachgewiesen werden müssen. Tatsächlich wurden radioaktive Kohlenstoffatome nachgewiesen. Das dritte Experiment war ein Photosynthese-Experiment. Radioaktiv markiertes Kohlendioxid wurde dem Marsboden zugesetzt. Dieses Kohlendioxid hätte assimiliert werden und später nachgewiesen werden müssen. Auch dieses Ergebnis war positiv. Obwohl die Ergebnisse der biologischen Experimente positiv waren, gaben sie aufgrund des negativen Ergebnisses des GC/MS-Versuchs keinen schlüssigen Beweis für die Existenz oder Nichtexistenz von Leben auf dem Mars.
Am 23. Januar 2004 entdeckte die europäische Marssonde Mars Express am Südpol des Mars große Mengen gefrorenen Wassers, Ende Juli 2005 auch in einem nahe dem Nordpol gelegenen Krater.
Ebenfalls Anfang 2004 entdeckte die Marssonde Opportunity Gesteine, die in offenstehendem Wasser abgelagert worden sein müssen und viele regelmäßig verteilte kugelige, bis 1 cm große Hämatit-Konkretionen enthalten. Solche Konkretionen kommen auch auf der Erde vor. Unter irdischen Bedingungen ist es wahrscheinlich, dass bei ihrer Entstehung Bakterien beteiligt sind. Ob dies auch für den Mars gilt, könnten nur Laboruntersuchungen auf der Erde zeigen.
Weitere Mikrostrukturen, welche die Rover Spirit und Opportunity 2004 entdeckt hatten und in denen ein Teil der interessierten Öffentlichkeit Hinweise auf Leben hatte sehen wollen, erwiesen sich bei näherer Untersuchung als abiotisch oder künstlich, so zum Beispiel Schleifspuren auf durch die Instrumente bearbeiteten Gesteinsoberflächen oder Filamente, die sich als Textilfasern der Lande-Airbags herausstellten.
Forschungsergebnisse auf der Erde bestätigen, dass es Leben auch in extremen Bedingungen geben kann. Bei Bohrungen im grönländischen Eis entdeckten Forscher der University of California, Berkeley im Jahre 2005 in drei Kilometern Tiefe eine auffallende Menge Methan. Dieses Gas produzierten methanogene Bakterien, die trotz unwirtlicher Lebensbedingungen wie Kälte, Dunkelheit und Nährstoffmangel im Eis überleben. Dabei erhalten sie sich nur mühsam am Leben – sie reparieren Erbgutschäden, vermehren jedoch nicht nennenswert ihre Population. Methanogene Mikroben sind eine Untergruppe der Archaebakterien, die sich auf Extremstandorte spezialisiert haben. So fanden sich im Jahr 2002 Mikroben in einer 15.000 Jahre alten heißen Quelle in Idaho. Die Bakterien zählen, wie schon der Name besagt, zu den ältesten Mikroorganismen der Erde.
Die Wissenschaftler schätzen das Alter der in Grönland entdeckten Bakterienkolonie auf 100.000 Jahre und vermuten, dass das in der Atmosphäre des Roten Planeten nachgewiesene Methan nicht nur von chemischen Prozessen, sondern auch von solchen Mikroben stammen könnte.
Die in der Antarktis im Inneren von Gesteinen lebenden Pilzarten Cryomyces antarcticus und Cryomyces minteri haben ein Experiment auf der Internationalen Raumstation, in dem die Umweltbedingungen auf dem Mars simuliert wurden, relativ gut überstanden. Nach 18 Monaten waren 60 % ihrer Zellen noch intakt und die DNA unbeschädigt. Auch die Flechte Xanthoria elegans hat die simulierten Marsbedingungen während des Experiments überlebt.
Aktuelle Missionen
Mit dem Mars Science Laboratory soll versucht werden, neue Aufschlüsse über mögliches Leben auf dem Mars zu liefern. Es ist fraglich, ob der Mars-Rover tief genug bohren kann, um Leben oder zumindest Lebensreste zu finden. Aber eine Isotopenanalyse des Methans kann bereits weitere Aufschlüsse geben. Leben, wie es auf der Erde bekannt ist, bevorzugt leichtere Wasserstoffisotope.
Flüssiges Wasser ist für Leben, so wie wir es kennen, eine Notwendigkeit. Aufgrund der dünnen Atmosphäre des Mars kann Wasser in flüssiger Form auf seiner Oberfläche nicht dauerhaft existieren. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise, dass sich in den Polarregionen, durch Sonneneinstrahlung während des Tages, winzig kleine Mengen an flüssigem Wasser unterhalb der Oberfläche bilden könnten. Ein solcher Effekt ist auch von der Antarktis bekannt.
Vor etwa 3,8 Milliarden Jahren besaß der Mars eine dichtere Atmosphäre und höhere Temperaturen sowie große Mengen fließenden Wassers, die auf seiner Oberfläche Ozeane ausbildeten. Berechnungen zufolge könnten diese Ozeane einst 36 % bis 75 % der Oberfläche des Planeten bedeckt haben. Der Salzgehalt (die Salinität) der Ozeane wäre jedoch für die meisten irdischen Lebewesen zu hoch gewesen. Das Halobacterium allerdings benötigt sogar einen sehr hohen Salzgehalt und hätte auch in den einstigen Mars-Ozeanen überleben können.
Auf der Marsoberfläche verlaufen Stromtäler, die mehrere hundert Kilometer lang und mehrere Kilometer breit sein können. Die heutigen Trockentäler beginnen ziemlich abrupt und haben keine Zuflüsse. In den Tälern erheben sich mitunter stromlinienförmige Inseln. Sie weisen auf eine vergangene Flutperiode hin, bei der über einen geologisch relativ kurzen Zeitraum große Mengen Wasser geflossen zu sein scheinen. Es könnte sich um Wassereis gehandelt haben, das sich unter der Marsoberfläche befand, danach durch vulkanische Prozesse geschmolzen wurde und dann abgeflossen ist. Die Ausmaße dieser urzeitlichen Wassermassen sind allerdings Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Diskussion. Das Zasada-Diagramm verdeutlicht, dass sich die Erosionsprozesse des Mars deutlich von den irdischen, aufgrund der geringeren Gravitation, unterscheiden. Somit sind Analogieschlüsse von irdischen Sedimentationskörpern und ihren Entstehungsbedingungen nicht zulässig.
Darüber hinaus finden sich an Abhängen und Kraterrändern Spuren von Erosionen, die möglicherweise ebenfalls durch flüssiges Wasser verursacht wurden.
Am 6. Dezember 2006 berief die NASA eine Pressekonferenz ein, da man von einem einzigartigen Fund sprach: Auf einigen NASA-Fotografien, die im Abstand von sieben Jahren vom Mars gemacht wurden, lassen sich Veränderungen auf der Marsoberfläche erkennen, die eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit Veränderungen durch fließendes Wasser haben. Innerhalb der NASA wird nun diskutiert, ob es neben Wassereis auch flüssiges Wasser geben könnte.
In alten Marslandschaften, z. B. im Eberswalde-Krater auf der Südhalbkugel oder in der äquatornahen Hochebene Xanthe Terra, finden sich typische Ablagerungen einstiger Flussdeltas.
Seit längerem vermutet man, dass die tief eingeschnittenen Täler in Xanthe Terra einst durch Flüsse geformt wurden. Wenn ein solcher Fluss in ein größeres Becken, beispielsweise einen Krater, mündete, lagerte er erodiertes Gesteinsmaterial als Sedimente ab. Die Art der Ablagerung hängt dabei von der Natur dieses Beckens ab: Ist es mit dem Wasser eines Sees gefüllt, so bildet sich ein Delta. Ist das Becken jedoch trocken, so verliert der Fluss an Geschwindigkeit und versickert langsam. Es bildet sich ein Schwemmkegel, der sich deutlich vom Delta unterscheidet.
Jüngste Analysen von Sedimentkörpern auf Basis von Orbiter-Fotos weisen an zahlreichen Stellen in Xanthe Terra auf Deltas hin – Flüsse und Seen waren in der Marsfrühzeit also recht verbreitet.
Dark Slope Streaks
Dunkle Streifen an Hängen sind auf dem Mars häufig zu sehen. Sie treten an steilen Hängen von Kratern, Mulden und Tälern auf und werden mit zunehmendem Alter heller. Manchmal beginnen sie in einem kleinen punktförmigen Bereich und werden dann zunehmend breiter. Man beobachtete, dass sie sich um Hindernisse, wie Mulden, weiterbewegen.
Es wird angenommen, dass die Farbe von dunklen darunterliegenden Schichten stammt, die durch Lawinen von hellem Staub freigelegt werden. Es wurden jedoch auch andere Hypothesen aufgestellt, wie Wasser oder sogar der Wuchs von Organismen. Das Interessanteste an diesen dunklen Streifen (engl. dark slope streaks) ist, dass sie sich auch heute noch bilden.
Mit Hilfe der Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) an Bord der NASA-Sonde Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter konnten Wissenschaftler Carbonat-Verbindungen in Gesteinsschichten rund um das knapp 1500 Kilometer große Isidis-Einschlagbecken nachweisen. Demnach wäre das vor mehr als 3,6 Milliarden Jahren existierende Wasser hier nicht sauer, sondern eher alkalisch oder neutral gewesen.
Carbonatgestein entsteht, wenn Wasser und Kohlendioxid mit Calcium, Eisen oder Magnesium reagiert. Bei diesem Vorgang wird Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre in dem Gestein eingelagert. Dieser lokale Fund verdeutlicht, dass es auf dem Mars vor rund 3,5 Milliarden Jahren nicht ausschließlich saure Umweltmilieus gab. Zumindest regional kann es somit, in Hinblick auf den pH-Wert, lebensfreundlichere Orte gegeben haben.
Mit Hilfe von Daten des MRO wurden 2010 Gesteine entdeckt, die durch kosmische Einschläge aus der Tiefe an die Oberfläche befördert worden waren. Anhand ihrer spezifischen spektroskopischen Fingerabdrücke konnte festgestellt werden, dass sie hydrothermal (unter Einwirkung von Wasser) verändert wurden. Neben diesen Karbonat-Mineralen wurden auch Silikate nachgewiesen, die vermutlich auf die gleiche Weise entstanden sind. Dieser neue Fund beweise, dass es sich dabei nicht um örtlich begrenzte Vorkommen handele, sondern dass Karbonate in einer sehr großen Region des frühen Mars entstanden seien.
Carbonatfunde repräsentieren zwar umweltfreundlichere Umweltbedingungen, zugleich stellen sie aber die Hypothese einer deutlich wärmeren Marsvergangenheit infrage. Mithilfe von Klimamodellen konnte berechnet werden, dass die Marsatmosphäre einst bis zu 4 bar CO2 enthalten haben muss, um mithilfe des Treibhauseffektes habitable Bedingungen zu gewährleisten. Diese Aussage beinhaltet allerdings einen geochemischen Widerspruch. Ein Planet, welcher zugleich signifikante Mengen an CO2 und flüssigen Wasser beherbergt, ist thermodynamisch instabil. Die damit einhergehende Verwitterung der Gesteine würde der Atmosphäre enorme Mengen an CO2 entziehen. Eine solche CO2-Atmosphäre könnte in der Anwesenheit von flüssigem Wasser nicht lange bestehen bleiben. Während der intensivsten vulkanischen Periode des Mars wurden innerhalb von 400 Ma ca. 980•1012 Tonnen CO2 freigesetzt. Im Vergleich dazu werden der Erdatmosphäre jedes Jahr 3,3•108 Tonnen CO2, durch die Silikatverwitterung, entzogen. Im Analogieschluss kann man annehmen, dass unter ähnlichen Umweltbedingungen der CO2 Entzug, im Vergleich zum Input, bis zu 80-mal schneller vonstattengeht. Eine dichte CO2-Atmosphäre hätte sich somit nicht entwickeln können. Dies ist insbesondere der Feldspatverwitterung geschuldet:
CaAl2Si2O8 + 2NaAlSi3O8 + 3CO2 + 5H2O → 2Al2Si2O5(OH)4 + 2Ca2+ + 4SiO2 + 2HCO3− + Na2CO3
Insbesondere aus den Verwitterungsprodukten der Plagioklase, welche in großen Mengen innerhalb der vulkanischen Marsgesteine vorliegen, können Carbonate entstehen: Ca2+ + 2HCO3− → CaCO3 + H2O + CO2
Dabei gelangt zwar wieder CO2 in die Atmosphäre, allerdings nur ein Drittel dessen, welches der Atmosphäre ursprünglich entzogen wurde. Die Carbonatfunde repräsentieren somit ehemalige CO2-Senken und stellen somit die Vorstellung einer ehemaligen Treibhauswelt infrage. Wahrscheinlicher ist, dass der Mars in seiner Vergangenheit nur geringfügig wärmer gewesen ist als sein heutiges Pendant und lediglich saisonal Temperaturen über dem Gefrierpunkt an seiner Oberfläche beherbergte.
Die Marssonde Opportunity fand im Gebiet des Meridiani Planum millimetergroße Kügelchen des Eisenminerals Hämatit. Diese könnten sich vor Milliarden Jahren unter Einwirkung von Wasser abgelagert haben. Darüber hinaus wurden Minerale gefunden, die aus Schwefel-, Eisen- oder Bromverbindungen aufgebaut sind, wie zum Beispiel Jarosit. Auf der entgegengesetzten Hemisphäre des Mars fand die Sonde Spirit in den "Columbia Hills" das Mineral Goethit, das ausschließlich unter dem Einfluss von Wasser gebildet werden kann.
Forscher entdeckten 2010 mit Hilfe von MRO Ablagerungen auf einem Vulkankegel, die von Wasser verursacht wurden. Sie konnten das Mineral als Kieselsäurehydrat identifizieren, das nur in Verbindung mit Wasser entstanden sein kann. Die Wissenschaftler nehmen an, dass, falls es auf dem Mars Leben gegeben hat, es sich dort in der hydrothermalen Umgebung am längsten hätte halten können.
Eisvorkommen an den Polen
Durch Radarmessungen mit der Sonde Mars Express wurden in der Südpolarregion, dem Planum Australe, Ablagerungsschichten mit eingelagertem Wassereis entdeckt, die weit größer und tiefreichender als die hauptsächlich aus Kohlendioxideis bestehende Südpolkappe sind. Die Wassereisschichten bedecken eine Fläche, die fast der Größe Europas entspricht, und reichen in eine Tiefe von bis zu 3,7 Kilometern. Das in ihnen gespeicherte Wasservolumen wird auf bis zu 1,6 Millionen Kubikkilometer geschätzt – circa zwei Drittel des irdischen Grönlandeispanzers – was laut der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation (ESA) ausreichen würde, die Marsoberfläche mit einer etwa 11 Meter dicken Wasserschicht zu bedecken.
Weitere Eisvorkommen
Die schon lange gehegte Vermutung, dass sich unter der Oberfläche des Mars Wassereis befinden könnte, erwies sich 2005 durch Entdeckungen der ESA-Sonde Mars-Express als richtig.
Geologen gehen von wiederkehrenden Vereisungsperioden auf dem Mars aus, ähnlich irdischen Eiszeiten. Dabei sollen Gletscher bis in subtropische Breiten vorgestoßen sein. Die Forscher schließen dies aus Orbiter-Fotos, die Spuren einstiger Gletscher in diesen äquatornahen Gebieten zeigen. Zusätzlich stützen auch Radarmessungen aus der Umlaufbahn die Existenz beträchtlicher Mengen an Bodeneis in ebendiesen Gebieten. Diese Bodeneisvorkommen werden als Reste solcher "Mars-Eiszeiten" gedeutet.
Auf der Europäischen Planetologenkonferenz EPSC im September 2008 in Münster wurden hochauflösende Bilder des Mars Reconnaissance Orbiters der Nasa vorgestellt, die jüngste Einschlagkrater zeigen. Wegen der sehr dünnen Atmosphäre stürzen die Meteoriten praktisch ohne Verglühen auf die Marsoberfläche. Die fünf neuen Krater, die nur drei bis sechs Meter Durchmesser und eine Tiefe von 30 bis 60 cm aufweisen, wurden in mittleren nördlichen Breiten gefunden. Sie zeigen an ihrem Boden ein gleißend weißes Material. Wenige Monate später waren die weißen Flecken durch Sublimation verschwunden. Damit erhärten sich die Hinweise, dass auch weit außerhalb der Polgebiete Wassereis dicht unter der Marsoberfläche begraben ist.
Flüssiges Wasser
Da der Druck der Marsatmosphäre so gering ist, kann flüssiges Wasser an der Oberfläche nicht für längere Zeiträume existieren. Außerdem ist es auf der Oberfläche meist zu kalt dafür.
Es gibt Hinweise, dass die Raumsonde Phoenix Wassertropfen auf der Oberfläche entdeckt habe. Dabei könnten Perchlorate (Salze der Perchlorsäure) als Frostschutz wirken. Diese Salze haben die Eigenschaft, Wasser anzuziehen. Dies kann auch Wasserdampf aus der Atmosphäre sein. Bei ausreichender Beimischung würde Wasser sogar bis −70 °C flüssig bleiben. Durch eine Durchmischung mit Perchloraten könnte Wasser auch unter der Oberfläche in flüssigem Zustand vorhanden sein. Forschungen haben dabei gezeigt, dass einige halotolerante Organismen, wie die Hefe Debaryomyces hansenii, durch physiologische Anpassungen erstaunlich hohe Perchlorat-Konzentrationen (bis zu ~ 30 % (w/v) NaClO4) tolerieren können.
2010 fanden Forscher der Uni Münster Belege dafür, dass zumindest im Frühjahr und in Kratern wie dem Russell-Krater flüssiges Wasser auf der Marsoberfläche existiert. Auf Fotos, die vom Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter aufgenommen wurden, entdeckten sie Erosionsrinnen, die sich zwischen November 2006 und Mai 2009 verlängert hatten. Die Rinnen führen hangabwärts; dass sie nach unten dünner werden, werten die Forscher als Hinweis auf versickerndes flüssiges Wasser als Auslöser der Erosion. Neueren wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen (Stand Juli 2014) nach könnten die Erosionsrinnen anstatt wie bisher vermutet durch Wasser, durch Kohlendioxid entstanden sein, da Wasser bei dem vorherrschenden Atmosphärendruck von 7 Millibar sehr schnell verdampfen würde. Dabei sammelt sich Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre im marsianischen Winter bei unter −100 °C an den Berghängen als Trockeneis an und "fließt" dann bei Erwärmung des Planeten als sublimiertes Kohlendioxidgas die Hänge hinab, wobei es wie flüssiges Wasser dann die Erosionsrinnen ausspült.
Es werden ebenfalls große Wassermengen unter der Kryosphäre des Mars vermutet (siehe Extraterrestrischer Ozean). 2018 wurde in Science über die Entdeckung eines unterirdischen Wasservorkommens im Planum australe am Südpol des Mars mit einer Basis in rund 1,5 km Tiefe auf einer Länge von rund 20 km berichtet. Die Entdeckung gelang mit dem Marsis Radar der Sonde Mars Express. Da Wasser normalerweise bei den dort herrschenden Temperaturen (205 K, −68 °C) nicht flüssig ist, wird ein hoher Salzgehalt (Magnesium- und Kalzium-Perchlorate) vermutet.
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Lost and Founded Series - Jacqui Hocking | DBS BusinessClass
Lost and Founded Series - Jacqui Hocking
Jacqui Hocking, Creative Director of Gone Adventurin' believes that if the job you want doesn't exist, create it.
Author: DBS BusinessClass, Administrator of DBS
Jacqui Hocking, Co-founder and Creative Director of Gone Adventurin' – a collective that aspires to help companies, employees and consumers to #DiscoverPurpose. Hocking, who began her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 21, wants to use Documentary storytelling to help the most powerful brands change the world for the better – through grass roots consulting and a vision towards long-term social impact. Believing in the importance of listening and learning from everyone – from the auntie on the train to the man on the street – Hocking advises you to talk to people and discover new perspectives every single day. She also wants you to learn how to use Twitter – properly – as it could seriously change your life. It has certainly changed hers.
People say you are "Jacqui Hocking, Creative Director of Gone Advernturin'". Who do you say you are?
My twitter name is #Documentary - which I think is most apt. I live and breathe storytelling and have made documentary filmmaking & discovery my life's purpose. I'm more of an accidental entrepreneur than an intentional one. We needed to create a company because the jobs we wanted didn't exist yet!
Best moment in your startup life.
The best moment in my startup life was probably when we helped to raise over 2million Australian dollars for a new floating hospital in Papua New Guinea - although there are other simpler moments I love, like waking up early in the morning, realizing how lucky I am to be excited to come to work that day!!
What's the most eccentric thing about you? If VCs found out, they wouldn't have signed the term sheet then. But hell with that now.
Haha, Probably my age. When I started this company with Ashwin I was 21 years old, so it's always fun when people think I'm a lot older than I really am. I'm now 26, which makes things a little easier, although I'm still mostly the youngest in the room when we meet with clients. I'm also incredibly eccentric, but I like to think that most people are, they just hide it a lot better than me!
Have you ever cried? Or what was the lowest, crappiest moment in your start-up life. You wanted to give up everything. You wanted to kill someone. (During your startup career of course) Tell us more!
I'm an incredibly open person, so I cry all the time. Haha. I think it's healthy. There are a lot of things I'm exposed to in my work that are utterly devastating; poverty, death, disease, heartbreaking environmental destruction... It's ok to get upset for a little while, but the inspirational stories of those who rise above these challenges are more than enough to keep me going.
What are you up to today? What gets you up in the morning?
Today I'm filming & documenting an innovation boot camp around healthcare and aging in Singapore with scientists & design thinkers. Aside from that, I manage the operations of our company and oversee the creative side of all our projects, so I multi-task 24/7. The technology of ASANA has really changed the way we do business, helping me to oversee everyone else's tasks to keep on track & monitor & support our newer team mates.
How do you keep yourself physically and mentally fit for start-up life?
I am a firm believer in being active throughout the day and not just "slotting in gym time". Take the stairs. Run in the park. Dance. Also, there's a saying that goes "filmmaking is 10% creativity and 90% carrying heavy things". This is true.
My one challenge is making sure to take breaks when I'm editing a film. I use an app called "Pauses" which has been super helpful to make sure I'm not starting at a screen too long.
Offer a life hack (or two) to a young founder.
I don't really know if this is a life hack per se, but one piece of advice:
Listen. Listen to everyone. Learn from everyone. Literally - e v e r y o n e. The auntie on the train, the man on the street. Talk to people and discover new perspectives every single day.
Oh, and also:
Get on twitter. Properly. Learn how to use it. Invest time into it. Honestly, it completely changed my life being connected to so many collaborators around the world.
Movie or song that best describes you.
Three films: "Across the Universe", "The Fall" and "Moonrise Kingdom". One is an arthouse Beatles-inspired film full of music, about the challenge of finding purpose / fighting for what you believe in & having fun in a crazy era … and ultimately realising the importance of love. "The Fall" is a completely overwhelming art piece filmed all over the world, and "Moonrise Kingdom" is a quirky Wes Anderson film that definitely hits some familiarities.
Favourite quote.
"Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and get to work"
"Very simply put – one of the great needs, maybe certainly one of the greatest needs in our world – is for us to know one another, to know what's really going on in the world around us and to feel a commonality of need and purpose with other people.
People from different walks of life, other nations, other ethnic backgrounds, economic statuses, different philosophies, and religions… we need to find a common bond with the rest of humanity and the documentary allows us to do that."
- Albert Maysles (Director)
Who and what inspires you?
My co-workers. I'm also inspired by most people I cross paths with. Everyone has an amazing story to tell, it's just that some share it louder than others.
Tell me about Jacqui Hocking in 2030.
Fundamentally, I don't think I will ever really change. I've had the same aspirations and attitude as long as I can remember, and I hope to continue documenting important & inspiring stories for the rest of my life. Although fingers crossed by 2030 I'll have my Singaporean Citizenship and be fluent in a few more Asian languages!
That's great to hear. Anything you'd like to add?
We're sorry to hear that. How can we do better?
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Okeanos is the most recent album released by German black metal group Firtan. Departing from traditional elements, but exceptionally elaborating the standards for a surreal, energetic and contemporary form of black metal – wisely sophisticated, and with a genuinely extreme, proverbially gracious and sensational style –, the record is an expressively good, intelligent and elegant exemplar of the genre. Authentic, objective and with a sensible degree of artistry, this overwhelming work is a pleasurable sonorous experience, that will delightfully satisfy the highest expectations of all black metal enthusiasts.
With six relatively extensive tracks – Seegang, Tag Verweil, Nacht Verweil, Purpur, Uferlos and Siebente letzte Einsamkeit – the album is only forty minutes long. Nonetheless, it is filled with a very pragmatic and cohesive energy, and a conjuncture of beautiful melodies, that not only honors the genre empirically, but strengthens with its primordial and brute mordacious audacity its lyrical sonorous aphorisms, fully glorified by exceedingly poetic harmonies, engraved in a horizon of proficient majestic rhythms, that revolves around a sentimental coalition of colorful musical densities. With abundantly calmer passages as well, the versatility of the group, and its ability to achieve and to sustain an elementary universe of harmonious sentimental conflagrations is marvelously filtered, and placed above the extraordinary level of its own fabulous graciosity.
With sensitive guitar lines and majestic vocal intonations that grasps with fantastic and somber guttural overtones – rather than the traditional screaming cutting edge voice that is more usual – it is possible to notice from the beginning that Firtan has developed a style of their own; a very beautiful style, that occasionally flirts with Viking and folk metal, in a very passionate, personal and melancholic peculiar pattern. Definitely, they possess a very productive, dynamic and singular sense of creativity, that operates in a more marvelous and organic musical splendor, that is also very technical in the ordeal of its vital proclivities.
With a deeply astute and lucid musical configuration, that intelligently displays a very spontaneous ordination of beauty, Okeanos reveals itself to be a pleasurable and decent surprise. A formidable album that releases a highly humane and profound degree of artistry in each and every one of its notes, the record, given the majestic nature of its superb qualities, certainly deserves the highest praise. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,403 |
Richard Robarts
A farmer from Essex, Robarts was almost 25 before he started racing, initially with an Aston Martin Lagonda but then with a Ginetta, built by the Walkett brothers in Witham. This was followed by a Palliser and an Elden before he moved up to Formula 3 in 1973 with a GRD and landed backing from the Myson company, which was expanding fast at the time. This gave him the chance to shine and in the midseason he switched to March and finished first in the Lombard North Central Championship and third in the Forward Trust Championship.
With backing from a local real estate agent he decided to jump straight into F1 in 1974 and hired the second Brabham, finding himself up against none other than Carlos Reutemann. The arrangement did not last long and Robarts was quickly ousted when Rikky von Opel arrived with more money and Robards found himself cut adrift. There was a chance to drive for Frank Williams in Sweden but his team mate Tom Belso crashed his car heavily in practice and so Williams handed over Robarts's car to the Dane.
After that Robarts struggled to find regular work in 1975 and it was not until the start of 1976 that he reappeared in Formula 2 at the wheel of a Myson-sponsored March 752, which was a year out of date. In the third race, at Vallelunga, he destroyed the car in a ferocious accident which left him with a broken nose. He bought another car and tried to make a comeback. The results were not very impressive in either the F2 series or in the Shellsport International Series, which was run in Britain for F1, F2 and F5000 cars, although he did finish second in the penultimate Shellsport event at Brands Hatch in October and third a few weeks later.
In 1977 and 1978 he made fleeting but unsuccessful appearances in F2 cars but then quit the sport and returned to Essex where he went into the coach-building business. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,404 |
Nguyen Dang Ngai
Dau Van Thao
Nguyen Van Sinh
Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, VAST, Vietnam
Dao Minh Dong
Bach Long Vi Marine Protected Area Management Board, Hai Phong, Vietnam
Home > Vol 19, No 3 (2019) > Thung
Marine biodiversity in Ha Long bay and Cat Ba archipelago
Do Cong Thung, Nguyen Dang Ngai, Dau Van Thao, Nguyen Van Sinh, Dao Minh Dong
Ha Long bay - Cat Ba island located in the Northeast of Vietnam, in the area of Ha Long city (Quang Ninh province) and Cat Hai island district (Hai Phong city) is the largest limestone island in Vietnam. Features of biodiversity include the seven typical ecosystems of tropical limestone islands, namely tropical rainforest ecosystem, cave ecosystem, mangrove ecosystem, tidal ecosystem, coral reef ecosystem, soft-bottom ecosystem. Ha Long - Cat Ba also represents a high level of species diversity with 4,622 species of plants and animals on land and in the sea. In particular, on land there are 2,464 species, accounting for 53.3% and under the sea there are 2158 species, accounting for 46.7%. Up to 16 species and 114 species have been recorded in the Vietnam Red List and in the IUCN List, respectively. Together with hundreds of rare and precious species at national and regional levels, there are species of global conservation value, demonstrating that Ha Long bay - Cat Ba archipelago can possibly be a world heritage site according to the criteria of biodiversity (ix and x criteria).
Ha Long - Cat Ba, limestone island, sea, typical ecosystem, high diversity, rare, conservation, heritage.
State Committee for Science and Technology, 1981. Provisional Process of the Integrated Marine Survey. Science and Technics Publishing House, 205 p. (in Vietnamese).
Institute of Marine Resources and Environment, 2014. Process of investigation and survey of marine resources and environment. Publishing House for Science and Technology, 291 p. (in Vietnamese).
English, S. S., Wilkinson, C. C., and Baker, V. V., 1997. Survey manual for tropical marine resources. Australian Institute of Marine Science.
Cerrano, C., Azzini, F., Bavestrello, G., Calcinai, B., Pansini, M., Sarti, M., and Thung, D., 2006. Marine lakes of karst islands in Ha Long bay (Vietnam). Chemistry and Ecology, 22(6), 489–500.
Jap Jan Verrmeulen, Katja Anker, 2017. Outstanding global values in geology and environment in Cat Ba archipelago and Ha Long bay. Proceedings of the Biodiversity Conservation Solutions in Ha Long bay and Cat Ba archipelago. IUCN Vietnam; p. 16–23.
Do Cong Thung, 2014. Conservation of coastal biodiversity in Vietnam. Publishing House for Science and Technology. 420 p.
Dawson, M. N., 2005. Five new subspecies of Mastigias (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Mastigiidae) from marine lakes, Palau, Micronesia. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85(3), 679–694.
Ngai, N. D., Van Thao, D., Do Cong Thung, L. T. T., Tien, D. D., Van Quan, N., and Van Chien, P., 2015. Biological Community in Submerged Caves and Marine Lakes in ha Long-Cat Ba Area, Vietnam. Journal of Life Sciences, 9, 541–548. doi:10.17265/1934-7391/2015.11.006.
Nguyen Thin, 2007. Methods of plant research. Vietnam National University Press, 171 p. (in Vietnamese). | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,405 |
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Donald Luskin (born April 1954) is Chief Investment Officer for Trend Macrolytics LLC, a consulting firm providing investment strategy and macroeconomics forecasting and research for institutional investors. Luskin was a contributing editor and columnist both for National Review Online (NRO) and His columns touch on investing, economic and political matters.
Luskin was a frequent guest on Larry Kudlow's CNBC television show, Kudlow & Company. He has published three books, Index Options and Futures: The Complete Guide, Portfolio Insurance: A Guide to Dynamic Hedging and I Am John Galt: Today's Heroic Innovators Building the World and the Villainous Parasites Destroying It (co-author Andrew Greta).
Lushkin also wrote a blog, "The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid," based on the title of his as-yet unpublished book. The blog's tagline was: "How big government, big business, big media and big academia block your road to financial freedom—and tell you it's for your own good." Luskin is a self-avowed libertarian, and his blog linked to other financial and political blogs espousing similar beliefs. He has been a columnist for and Business 2.0 magazine. His writings have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Harvard Business Review, and other publications.
Biography and achievements
On his former blog, Luskin stated he "attended Yale in 1973–1974; dropped out to rejoin the real world as soon as possible."
After dropping out of college, Luskin worked for several years as a creative consultant to Los Angeles companies such as Mattel and Teledyne, and motion picture studios Warner Brothers and LucasFilm. He and two colleagues developed a series of all-night treasure-hunts, one of which was adapted into the Walt Disney motion picture Midnight Madness.
Luskin's investment career began in 1979, when he started a hedge fund while an options market maker on the Pacific Stock Exchange. As his fund grew and evolved, he became a market maker on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (where he helped pioneer index options trading, executing the very first OEX contract) and the New York Stock Exchange, where he traded the first option contract in the NYSE's history.
In 1984 Luskin joined Jefferies & Co., a brokerage firm. There as senior vice president, he invented POSIT, a crossing network enabling institutional investors to exchange entire portfolios with each other. POSIT was later spun out of Jefferies as a separate publicly traded company, Investment Technology Group.
In 1987 Luskin joined Wells Fargo Investment Advisors, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, as senior vice president in charge of investment management and trading. He became vice chairman when the firm merged with Nikko Securities in 1989, becoming Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisors. When the firm was acquired by Barclays Bank in 1995 and became Barclays Global Investors, Luskin became chief executive officer of the firm's global business in mutual funds. Over Luskin's eleven years with the firm, assets under management grew from $69 billion to over $500 billion. Luskin was responsible for numerous innovations in index funds and quantitative investing—including the development domestic and international quant-active funds, every one of which outperformed its benchmark over Luskin's tenure—and the creation of the first sector ETFs. Luskin created the LifePath family of mutual funds, for which he is the named inventor on a US patent.
In August 1999, during the tech bubble, Luskin and partner Dave Nadig started the MetaMarkets Open Fund, the first mutual fund to publish trades and list its holdings in real-time via its website. This "transparency" and "openness," Luskin and Nadig said, was a step forward in the financial world, equivalent to the political revolutions and international democratic transformations of the 1990s, because it leveled the playing field for the average investor and overthrew "financial elites.", the venture-backed company that Luskin and Nadig founded to operate OpenFund, was hailed by Fortune magazine as one of the "coolest companies" in America in 2000. Their model was dismissed by some analysts as being a "gimmick," having nothing to do with investing per se: "They brought chat boards to life in a mutual fund." At its peak, OpenFund received $45 million in investments, and the fund's biggest positions included companies like JDS Uniphase and Extreme Networks. At the end of 1999, OpenFund was among a handful of the best-performing mutual funds in America. After the market top in March 2000, the valuations of technology companies collapsed and many OpenFund investors redeemed their shares. The fund was shut down in the summer of 2001, after losing much of its investors' money. Published reports note that the open fund lost over half its value.
Conflicts with Paul Krugman
Luskin has been controversial as a public intellectual. Much of his blog and many of his NRO columns were devoted to arguments that economic facts, figures, and trends are distorted by politicians, pundits and the media. He has a particular animosity towards The New York Times, especially columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, whose economic pronouncements he has endeavored to debunk. Luskin is de facto leader of what he calls the "Krugman Truth Squad," an ad hoc group of bloggers who are dedicated to detailing and rebutting what they consider Krugman's lies and distortions.
According to Daniel Okrent, former Public Editor of the Times, "Luskin serves as Javert to Krugman's Jean Valjean. From a perch on National Review Online, he regularly assaults Krugman's logic, his politics, his economic theories, his character and his accuracy." Luskin claims that his work has resulted in corrections from Krugman and "the imposition of a new and more rigorous corrections policy for the entire Times editorial page."
Krugman has occasionally responded directly to Luskin's criticisms. In one instance Luskin accused Krugman of making an arithmetical error in his appraisal of the costs and effects of the 2003 tax cuts. Krugman responded with a series of postings on his website. In one such posting, apparently referring to the persistence of Luskin's criticisms, Krugman humorously referred to Luskin as his "stalker-in-chief". Later, after Luskin appeared at a Krugman book signing, Krugman said of Luskin on the Fox News television program Hannity and Colmes, "That's a guy, that's a guy who actually stalks me on the web, and once stalked me personally". The animosity between Luskin and Krugman became so intense it became the subject of a story in The New Yorker with extensive remarks from both men. Krugman's characterization of Luskin as a stalker was repeated by blogger Atrios (Duncan Black) prompting a threat of legal action from lawyers representing Luskin.
Over the years, some of his predictions have drawn controversy. In May 2001, when he was a columnist for the financial website, he predicted a new bull market in gold and gold stocks, for which he drew intense criticism from fellow columnists including Jim Cramer. Shortly thereafter, Luskin's escalating public dispute with Cramer led to his resignation from via real-time postings on the site's discussion boards that became a cause célèbre on the web.
Luskin's predictions courted controversy again in 2008 when, in a September The Washington Post opinion piece, he cited evidence of what he claimed were factual errors made by Barack Obama and members of his presidential campaign concerning the state of the economy. Luskin claimed that the market was healthy, and Obama was simply using the state of the economy to discredit John McCain. However, the following day, Lehman Brothers filed for the biggest bankruptcy in US history and two days later, on September 16, stock markets imploded, thus discrediting every prediction he made in his editorial. Additionally, in the same editorial, he cited evidence that the economy was weak, but not in recession. He wrote, "…anyone who says we're in a recession, or heading into one—especially the worst one since the Great Depression—is making up his own private definition of recession." Shortly afterward, following the sudden collapse of Lehman and several other large financial firms, the economy sharply worsened, and was subsequently declared to have been in recession all year by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Foreign Policy included Luskin's prediction in its list of "The 10 Worst Predictions for 2008" on its website and noted that it gave additional opportunities for liberal bloggers to criticize Luskin.<ref name=FP>The 10 Worst Predictions for 2008 , Foreign Policy, December 2008</ref> The editors of The Yale Book of Quotations'' also made note of the inopportune timing of Luskin's editorial and included his prediction in their list of "Top ten quotes of 2008". He has been singled out for "some of the worst, money losing commentary of the past few years."
He has been frequently referred to by Brad DeLong as "the Stupidest Man Alive" for, among other things, his continued support for literal interpretations of the Laffer Curve.
External links
Trend Macrolytics LLC – Luskin's corporate site
The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid – Luskin's blog
National Review Online – column archive – column archive
ClosedFund: Seeking Buyer, MetaMarkets Shuts Down Funds
American financial businesspeople
American libertarians
Libertarian economists
Living people
1954 births | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,407 |
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How to Get Away with Murder star Viola Davis will play Harriet Tubman in a HBO movie about the abolitionist hero.
Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland, escaped in 1849 and led countless slaves from the South to freedom along the Underground Railroad.
An air date for the untitled project and other cast members were not announced.
The Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses for escaped slaves, is the subject of other announced TV projects.
1. Tice Davids was a Kentucky slave who successfully escaped to Ohio in 1831, and the term "Underground Railroad" may have been coined based on his escape. His owner had been pursuing Davids but lost track of him in Ohio. It is said he claimed that Davids disappeared as if "the n*gger must have gone off on an underground railroad."Another story from 1839 claims that a fugitive slave from Washington, D.C., was tortured and confessed that he had been sent north, where "the railroad ran underground all the way to Boston." If one checks the Liberator newspaper, however, the first time the term appears is on Oct. 11, 1839, in which an editorial by Hiram Wilson from Toronto called for the creation of "a great republican railroad … constructed from Mason and Dixon's to the Canada line, upon which fugitives from slavery might come pouring into this province."The actual phrase "Underground Railroad" did not become common until 1842 when it first appeared in the Liberator after being used by the abolitionist Charles T. Torrey.
3. The Underground Railroad was primarily a Northern phenomenon. It operated mainly in the Free States, which stands to reason. Fugitive slaves were largely on their own until they crossed the Ohio River or the Mason-Dixon Line, thereby reaching a Free State. It was then that the Underground Railroad could take effect. There were well-established routes and conductors in the North, and some informal networks that could move a fugitive from, say, the abolitionists' office or homes in Philadelphia to various points north and west. Some organized assistance was also available in Washington, D.C., where slavery remained legal until 1862 and in a few places in the Upper South. And some slaves were assisted in escaping from Southern seaports, but relatively few.
4. Those tunnels or secret rooms in attics, garrets, cellars or basements? Not many. Most fugitive slaves spirited themselves out of towns under the cover of darkness, not through tunnels, the construction of which would have been huge undertakings and quite costly. And few homes in the North had secret passageways or hidden rooms in which slaves could be concealed.
5. How many slaves actually escaped to a new life in the North, in Canada, Florida or Mexico? No one knows for sure. Some scholars say that the soundest estimate is a range between 25,000 and 40,000, while others top that figure at 50,000. The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati says that number could be as high as 100,000, according to Elizabeth Pierce, an officialthere, though that seems quite optimistic to me.
We can put these estimates in perspective by remembering that in 1860 there were 3.9 million slaves, and only 488,070 free Negroes (more than half of whom were still living in the South), while in 1850 there were 434,495 free Negroes. Since these figures would include those fugitives who had made it to the North on the Underground Railroad, plus natural increase, we can see how small the numbers of fugitive slaves who actually made it to the North in this decade, for example, unfortunately were.
There were probably more slaves that got caught and killed then got away. The numbers are so big till we will never know the truth. The bottom line is we as black people had to run to be free of the white man and his injustice against us.
The number of slaves that got killed probably is more than the ones that she helped escape. We will never know the truth, our women were raped, we as men were beaten and whipped by these white people. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,410 |
A place for my thoughts and what I have been doing. Hope to show more of my quilts.
Here at the bottom of these blocks are the first of the Celtic Solstice. I have another picture of them if I can get it back.
Here it is and of course still some of the leaders enders blocks. I need to take them off so I can put up the blocks as I get them together. I know I don't have all the pieces cut yet or made up/ I will cut and make them as needed. I know I have a lot that still need squaring and have been doing them as needed. I do like my colors and most are from my stash. I have bought several orange fat quarters. I am making the large one as all the kids now have queen or king size beds. Most of my older ones are really to small for them.
Today while looking through the photos I came across a really cute one of Penny and don't think I have shown it before. Hope I can find it now.
This Christmas my son came in for about 10 days and my daughter got a timeshare at Duck, NC on the upper part of the outer banks and we spent the week together. No kids, they all had something else to do like work. We did have our Christmas on Friday before when Angela and her boy friend came up and made dinner for us. So at least she got to see her Uncle for awhile.
We had two really nice days on the beach although it was a little windy. Then two days of rain but I had taken some pieces to sew and some to cut so keep busy most of the time with visiting and seeing more of the outer banks than I had last year.
The last week we have been in the deep freeze like the rest of the country and haven't gone out much. Even skipped my swim class on Tuesday when it was so bitter cold. It is now coming out of it ,thank goodness and hoping for some nice days but I know that winter is not over.
Now that I see how blogger is working now I hope to get back with more pictures of my mystery quilt in progress.
I know it has been a long time since the last time I wrote something on here . I have had a hard getting in here. Seems the button I have on my laptop hasn't worked and it was the key to getting in here. Finally this morning while fooling around and trying to get in I did. Now will save it to my favorites.
I have finally finished my Easy Street completely. I had it machine quilted on a long arm. Just too many tiny pieces. It is now on my Hubbies bed. Since Bonnie is starting another mystery soon I want to be able to show the progress if I get a new camera or phone. That's what I want to get. Now will try to get a couple pictures from Picasa.
I must continue this from the last post as this part was deleted some way. That is just blogger. As you see I finally figured out how to get pictures in and hope I will not forget. Will try not be more than a week before I post again so hope you will come back as I have more pictures to show you and some more to tell you .
See you again soon and just one more picture. This is a finished wall hanging which I finished for my niece Roann that lives outside Colorado Springs on a Homestead that they are now building a home . Jim , her husband is doing most of it himself starting with the logs and making them into what needs to be made. They are coming along pretty good. She also has traded for three Llamas and wants to spin the wool. I want her to put this in her new rustic home. I have quilted it on the machine.
////////////////This is about it for now . Will be back soon.
Finally I have gotten back here. Was able to get this pictures uploaded from Picasa so to catch you all up to my going ons. I love Bonnie Hunters mysteries this one is my favorite. I have the top ready to get it quilted and will probably get it machine quilted by the lady that does the Kids Quilt. She does a good job and then turns the money into the kids quit materials. She has done the one that I did from my husbands shirts and the last mystery I did Had asked my daughter how I should border it and she said to finish the chain on the border so I made more of the blocks and this is the finished product.
I was looking through my drawers to see what I had and found these blocks dated 1997. I had won them at the Bowie Guild before I quit it. We used to make a block a month and those that made one had their name into the pot. One of the ladies that had signed has since passed away. She was older than I so really wanted to get these into a quilt. Love the way it turned out. It really needs to be hand quilted so might see about doing it next.
I am just finishing hand quilting the log cabin that I took to Colorado while visiting my son. Had to have something to do while he was at work. Love the way it is turned out and have had it signed up for the quilt show in June. Have just one side of the border to finsih and then the binding which I have made with scraps. A picture when it is finished.
We are having a COLD spring. But at least have had enough warm to bring out the bulbs and he Dogwoods. Some of the little ones that we have protected after moving here are blooming. It's a good thing as the old one keeps loosing limbs during the winter and am afraid it is getting very old.
Hope some of you at least come back to read this. Will try to keep this going now since I have found the right buttons to get the pictures in.
The last blog was created at Picasa and then it left before I could get anything written.
I know it has been a long time since I posted. Just haven't tried to get pictures uploaded so forgot about it. This afternoon I had a few pictures I wanted to show and found the way to do it and guess I didn't so it right. When I came into blogger I see that the one I started with the pictures had been published. So this is what the pictures are.
The first picture is the compeleted top that I had brought from my nieces in Colorado. Someone had given it to her to finish and she doesn't have the time. So I brought it home to finish. The colors are really better than the picture shows. I had never made a bargello quilt so I wanted to finish it. Hard to tell when it will get quilted.
The second picture is of my great-niece and her family from California. I was surprised with a short visit from them,. They are traveling the US mainly focusing on things for the kids. She home schools them. They are picking out beanie babies for each.
The next pictures show the quilt I am quilting now on the Juki. It is blocks swapped with my online Thimbleberries group and I can't remember the name of the block. Wanted mainly to show Kim. The closeup shows how I am quilting the blocks. When I finish them I will change to free motion the pattern I have marked on the alternate blocks. Can't work on this to long at a time as it is hard on the arms moving the quilt around.
I have been doing alright. Busy the next couple weeks with two quilt retreats. This Thur, will fly out to Kansas City for a retreat with the TB group which has branched out into Civil War and Kansas Troubles. All simalar fabrics. But we have been going for well over 10 years.
Then the following week is the Annapolis fall retreat at West River. This is mainly why I rejoned the Annapolis guild. They have one in the Spring and Fall. I missed the spring one while I was in Colorado visiting my son.
I really haven't even been visiting my regular blogs. Haven't gotten a good list on this laptop. Just me not knowing how to do it or remember how. The problems of being old.
Thanks for visiting and I hope to do better. Fall is really coming now. The leaves are falling and the dogwood trees are all red. That;s the best color we get.
This is the last Schnibble that I did. When I got a snag in uploading the pictures into the blog I just gave up. That's why no blog for so long Sorry!
ones from Fat Quarter Shop. I just got so fed up with trying to upload the pictures from Picasa. Well while fooling around in there last night while not connected to the Internet I found the link to do it.
This is just a snip it of what I have finished of DHs quilt from his old plaid shirts. It.s a pattern from Bonnie Hunters and Quiltville. I took a class from her the first of the year. Now I am down to the last row of blocks to finish off 5 of the stars with 4 wide. Will have another picture later when I get it uploaded to Picasa.
It seems the last two pictures I had uploaded didn't want to stay so will have to publish this and show them later. Just another Kids quilt and a pillow that a secret pal made me. Am not sure whether or not I have shown it.
Since I wrote last, I took a long drive out to Ashland Ohio to see my other brother who is dealing with lung cancer.
It was the first time driving this by my self. Have made the trip many times with my husband. Since Ashland was where we met. in 1947.
Had 4 days to just sit and talk and remenance. Also spent a day with my sister's youngest daughter who left California many years ago to travel to Ashland to Collage. Like me and my brother she also found her mate and settled there. We had a great time.
Now I am back into a routine of swimming 3 times a week and also going to our new gym in Boonsboro, that Nora Roberts built behind the Hotel. Called FitInBoonsboro.
Am out on the circuit and walking the treadmill as many days of the week as I can. So am keeping busy. A good reason for not blogging much. Thanks for sticking with me. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,411 |
My life is a rather simple one to say the least. I am 17 years old, am a senior in highh school, and I can not wait to graduate. Read more to find out about my life.
Dad-My dad is Joseph but goes by Joe. He is a self-employed truck driver that drives for Ox Transportation out of Fredricktown, Missouri.
Mom-My mom is Vicki. She has been an elementary teacher employed at Leopold R-III for over 25 years.
Sister-My sister is Nicole, she goes by Nikki. She is now been married for almost 5 years to Gary. She is my eldest sister.
Sister-My other sister is Becky. She is now living in Cape Girardeau, Missouri and is not currently married but living life to the fullest. She is the middle child.
Niece-My niece is Kyleigh. She is the lovely daughter of Nikki and Gary. Even though she is only 4, she still thinks she rules the house, even my house.
Nephew-My nephew is Michael. He is only 17 months old and been through more than any other child his age has been through. But through it all he is a happy, fun-loving, and adorable little boy.
Maddy-has lots of attitude but great to be around.
Cassi-very outgoing and can be crazy at some points.
Participating in the 4-H Club.
Being involved in the Business Club.
A member of the Pep Club.
My future plans are simple. After I graduate in the year 2007 from Leopold High School ,I plan to attend Southeast Missouri State University. There I plan on getting my degree in education, if everything works out the way its suppost to. Once I get my undergraduate degree, I will shoot for my Masters. After I am totally finished with college I want to settle down, get married, and start a family , then move back to Leopold to raise my children and continue my career.
Remember where you came from because it was those who helped you get to where you are today.--Unknown.
Click the little frog to return to the Leopold R-III Homepage. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,412 |
Etihad may resume flights from India after Aug.2
Picture used for illustrative purpose only.
The Abu Dhabi-based airline Etihad Airways has extended its flight suspension from India until Aug.2.
Etihad Help desk made the statement on Twitter.The airline responded to a traveller from India.
Zahoor Sardar asked Etihad, "Is the extension from India is further extended after 31 July?"
Etihad responded, "We've just received confirmation that flights from India are suspended till the 2nd August, and we are not entirely sure if this will be extended as it depends on the authorities. You may not see availability on the website because of the schedule uncertainty. *Sky…"
The flights from India and certain Asian countries remain suspended due to the spike in coronavirus cases and the emergence of Delta variant.
However, Emiratis, Golden Visas holders and diplomatic missions' staff would be allowed to travel if they agree to the latest travel measures.
These are the 8 categories of people who can enter UAE despite suspension of flights
—Expo 2020 participants and exhibitors
—Emiratis and their relatives
—Golden Visa holders
—Diplomatic mission staff
—Official delegations after obtaining prior approval from the UAE government.
—Cargo and transit flight crew of foreign companies holding a valid PCR test. PCR test is valid when it is showing a negative result and meets the required public health protocol. The test is performed within 48 hours before flight to the UAE.
—Businessmen and businesswomen, provided they hold an approval from the General Authority for the Security of Ports, Borders and Free Zones, and heads of higher committees of the emergency, crisis and disaster management teams of the Emirate concerned.
—Persons with important functions according to the classification of the Federal Office of Personality and Citizenship.
The emirate of Abu Dhabi has made PCR tests mandatory.
The emergency teams announced the adoption of updated procedures to enter the emirate.
The authorities approved allowing entry to the emirate within 48 hours of receiving a negative result of PCR tests, and within 24 hours of receiving a negative result of the examination of the DPI.
Persons who entered the emirate with a negative PCR test result are required to perform a PCR examination on the fourth day in the event of a stay of 4 consecutive days or more.
UAE-India flights UAE-Pakistan flights UAE-India Flights
Emirates may resume India-UAE flights from July 7
Emirates may resume flights between India-Dubai from July 7, the airline has confirmed to some residents stranded in India due to the flight suspension, citing spike in COVID cases in the Asian country.
Emirates to operate two-weekly flights to Mauritius from July 15
The Emirates will operate its flights to Mauritius on Thursdays and Saturdays. The airline flight will depart from Dubai at 2:35hrs and arrive in Mauritius at 9:10hrs local time. The return flight will operate on Fridays and Sundays.
No flights from India and Pakistan until July 21: Emirates
The Airlines on its website said that according to government directives, it won't be carrying passengers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka until July 21, 2021.
Air India confirms India-UAE flights remain suspended till July 6
The news was made public when a traveller with the name Gursehaj asked Air India on its Twitter, "When the flight from India to Dubai resume by Air India??
The airline responded. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,413 |
Nigeria's First Supermodel, Yemi Fawaz Dead At 64
By Akinwale Akinyoade 21 February 2019 | 1:39 pm
Nigeria's first supermodel, Yemi Fawaz is dead at the age of 64.
It is gathered that Fawaz who pioneered professional modelling in Nigeria and became Nigeria's first supermodel died yesterday, February 20th at New York Lenox Hill Hospital.
It is further gathered that she was battling colon cancer, had a hole in her heart and her kidney had begun to fail her prior to her death.
The late Fawaz started her modeling career and became a supermodel in the late 70s. She also established a modeling school and did a lot for the fashion industry in Nigeria. She left in Nigeria in 1997 and didn't return until 2016.
She is survived by her 33-year-old daughter.
Nigeria's supermodelYemi FawazYemi Fawaz dead
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How To Make Grilled Fish The Nigerian Way | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,414 |
Maurens-Scopont is een gemeente in het Franse departement Tarn (regio Occitanie) en telt 170 inwoners (2005). De plaats maakt deel uit van het arrondissement Castres.
De oppervlakte van Maurens-Scopont bedraagt 8,4 km², de bevolkingsdichtheid is 20,2 inwoners per km².
Onderstaande figuur toont het verloop van het inwonertal (bron: INSEE-tellingen).
Externe links
Gemeente in Tarn | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,415 |
La tungstibita és un mineral de la classe dels òxids, que pertany al grup de la koechlinita. El nom fa referència al seu contingut en tungstè i antimoni (en llatí stibium). És l'anàleg d'antimoni de la russel·lita.
La tungstibita és un òxid de fórmula química Sb₂3+WO₆. Cristal·litza en el sistema ortoròmbic. La seva duresa a l'escala de Mohs és 2.
Segons la classificació de Nickel-Strunz, la tungstibita pertany a "04.De: Òxids i hidròxids amb proporció Metall:Oxigen = 1:2 i similars amb cations de mida mitjana; amb diversos poliedres" juntament amb els següents minerals: downeyita, koechlinita, russel·lita, koragoïta, tel·lurita, paratel·lurita, bismutotantalita, bismutocolumbita, cervantita, estibiotantalita, estibiocolumbita, clinocervantita i baddeleyita.
Formació i jaciments
Ha estat descrita a l'Afganistan, Alemanya i Tailàndia. A la localitat tipus es forma com a producte d'alteració de menes de tungstè i antimoni en un dipòsit hidrotermal polimetàl·lic de barita-fluorita. S'ha descrit associada a cervantita, quars, barita, fluorita, tetraedrita-tennantita i calcopirita.
Minerals òxids
Minerals descoberts a la mina Clara
Minerals de tungstè | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,416 |
to produce Sugar using Enzymes for Inversion.
Electropathy Patents based only pharma Syrup contains 50% Glucose and 50% Fructose.
1. Self preservative, Glucose gets Energy and directly assimilated in Blood.
2. No chemical Additives used.
3. Based on British Pharmacopia.
4. It produces Instant Energy.
5. Can be used by Diabetic person in food products. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,417 |
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BRIDGE VIEW: Zimmerli Installs "Walking Man" by George Segal
By Editor | April 27, 2015
"Bridge View" is an occasional column that focuses on arts and entertainment happenings on the other side of the Albany Street Bridge.
There's a new presence on the College Avenue Campus of Rutgers University in New Brunswick: Walking Man, a permanent outdoor installation by internationally renowned sculptor – and longtime South Brunswick, New Jersey, resident – George Segal. You can find the single bronze figure in stride at the refurbished northwest corner of George and Hamilton Streets, where it appears headed toward the entrance of the Zimmerli Museum at 71 Hamilton Street.
"Creative Expression and the Human Experience is an integrating theme of the university's strategic plan," stated Richard L. Edwards, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chancellor at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. "Walking Man symbolizes our respect for the value of human expression—an expression that transcends national borders and differences in politics, religion, culture, language, and areas of study. We are proud of our leadership in the arts and delighted to provide a home for this work by an important American artist and Rutgers graduate."
The sculptures of George Segal (1924-2000) may be some of the most recognizable in the world, even to those unfamiliar with art history or the work of 20th-century artists. Originally cast in 1988 at the Johnson Atelier in Hamilton Township, Walking Man was donated to the Zimmerli by the George and Helen Segal Foundation in 2011, in honor of Jeffrey Wechsler, a longtime senior curator at the museum. The Segal Foundation also supported conservation and preparation of the sculpture to ready it for installation outdoors.
"Walking Man is an iconic work within George Segal's career. The Zimmerli's sculpture is distinguished by its human scale, everyday demeanor, and relationship with passersby – sharing their life, joining their world," observed Marti Mayo, the Zimmerli's interim director. "The sculptor was an important part of the development of the visual arts at Rutgers and, with this gift, his work in the museum's collection becomes more representative of his long and productive career as a seminal artist of the 20th century."
Born in New York City, George Segal moved with his family to South Brunswick in 1940. His father started a chicken farm, a business Mr. Segal continued on land he purchased across the road – until he turned to art as a profession and converted the chicken coops to studio space. In 1942, he began his relationship with Rutgers University, where he took courses over the next few years. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, he became associated with Fluxus artists who were active at the university and hosted some of their legendary events – including Allan Kaprow's first "Happening" – at his farm. Mr. Segal went on to earn a master of fine arts degree from Rutgers in 1963 and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1970. In addition, George Segal's daughter and niece graduated from Rutgers.
While painting, drawing, photography, and printmaking were always important aspects of the artist's production, Mr. Segal's international reputation was built on his sculpture. His best known works feature human figures cast in plaster directly from models, which are placed (alone or incorporated with artifacts and backdrops) directly into the environment, both indoors and outside. "In many ways George Segal's engagement with everyday life in his sculpture transformed the way that we all experience space, objects, the city, other human beings, and art," noted Donna Gustafson, the Zimmerli's Andrew W. Mellon Liaison for Academic Programs and Curator. "Like many of Segal's sculptures, Walking Man expresses a profoundly human moment: a pause that suggests reflection, indecision, or possibly regret in the midst of moving forward."
The Zimmerli's Walking Man is one of two casts of the figure made by George Segal that is on public view; the other is located in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden adjacent to the Walker Art Center in Minnesota. A number of Mr. Segal's other works from the Zimmerli's permanent collection are currently on view in the museum. Bus Shelter (1996) greets visitors in the lobby, its anonymous figures expressing their empathy for those who wait and watch, in this case for a public bus. The George Segal Gallery on the lower level includes Old Testament Moon (1958-59), an expressionist work from the artist's career when he worked in two-dimensional media, and the seven-part Pregnancy Series (1978), his only foray into a three-dimensional work with serial imagery. Blue Woman on Black Bed (1996) currently shares the company of work by other contemporary artists in the American Gallery.
The installation of Walking Man coincides with the exhibition George Segal in Black and White: Photographs by Donald Lokuta, which offers museum visitors a rare opportunity to see the artist's studio through Lokuta's intimate images. The two met in 1984 at the sculptor's studio in South Brunswick, sparking an artistic alliance that would last more than 16 years and result in nearly 15,000 negatives. The first selection of this two-part exhibition, through May 16, considers George Segal inside and beyond his studio (with friends, family, and models), as well as the studio itself as subject. The second installment, on view May 23 to July 31, focuses on George Segal at work on his iconic figures. The show is accompanied by a catalogue of the same title, which contains 70 reproductions of the photographs (Blue Woman on Black Bed is captured in several) and written contributions from Robert Pinsky (United States Poet Laureate, 1997-2000), Donna Gustafson, Donald Lokuta, and former Zimmerli director Suzanne Delehanty. The catalogue is made possible by the George and Helen Segal Foundation, with additional support from Suzanne Delehanty in memory of Helen Segal.
The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum houses more than 60,000 works of art, ranging from ancient to contemporary art. The permanent collection features particularly rich holdings in 19th-century French art; Russian art from icons to the avant-garde; Soviet nonconformist art from the Dodge Collection; and American art with notable holdings of prints. In addition, small groups of antiquities, old master paintings, as well as art inspired by Japan and original illustrations for children's books, provide representative examples of the museum's research and teaching message at Rutgers. One of the largest and most distinguished university-based art museums in the nation, the Zimmerli is located on the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers at 71 Hamilton Street at George Street. Admission is free. Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m., and the first Tuesday of each month (except August), 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The museum is closed Mondays and major holidays, as well as the month of August.
For more information, visit the museum's website or call 848.932.7237.
Cheers to 100 Years: Join Pino's Celebration of a Century in Highland Park on Feb. 14
Appropriate for Valentine's Day, Highland Park is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its love affair with Pino's. Everyone is invited to celebrate Highland Park's entertainment "heart," watering hole, living room, live music venue, and gift basket shop and wine cellar on Friday February 14, 2020, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., 13 North Fourth Avenue.
Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers Is Certified Sensory Inclusive
Highland Park is Alive with the Sounds, Sights, Tastes, and Presents of the Season
View all Arts & Entertainment Articles →
School board approves budget and a 3.5 percent tax increase
Borough Council Approves Budget with 4.6 Percent Tax Increase
Week of August 5, 2019
Highland Park Borough Council – Tuesday, Aug 6, 2019; 7 p.m. – Borough Hall, 221 South Fifth Ave.
Highland Park Commission on Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Committee – Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019; 6:30 p.m. – Borough Hall, 221 South Fifth Ave.
Environmental Commission Meeting – Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019; 8 p.m. Environmental Education Center, 20 River Road.
Borough Council takes action regarding Buck Woods
The Borough Council at its Tuesday Feb. 3 council meeting introduced an ordinance that would allow the municipal government to spend 1.86 million dollars (including 1.767 million dollars in bonds) to buy Buck Woods.
Redevelopment Agency develops its plans for moving Highland Park forward in 2015
The members of the Highland Park Redevelopment Agency at its Thursday, January 15, 2015 meeting, reorganized, elected officers, discussed amending the Highland Park Redevelopment Plan, and heard presentations from developers interested in pursuing mixed-use development in Highland Park's downtown area. Among the many development issues raised were a few significant themes: the attractiveness of the Highland Park community to developers; the dilemma of fiscal viability in a development landscape that features small development parcels; and the community's need for not only mixed-use development, but also mixed-income development that would serve middle income population.
© Copyright 2021, Highland Park Planet | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,418 |
Italy's LGBTQ+ protections law continues to be threatened by far-right groups
By Zoya Raza-Sheikh
© Emanuele Toscano via Flickr
The fight for freedoms has resurfaced as Italy's proposed anti-discrimination bill faces resistance from right wing conservatives and the Catholic leaders.
Although Italy recognised same-sex unions in 2016, the country is still ranked as one of the worst countries in Western Europe to be LGBTQ+. According to Thomson Reuters Foundation, Italy's largest LGBTQ+ rights group, Arcigay, records more than 100 hate crime and discrimination cases each year. To this day, same-sex marriage is still not accepted in Italy.
When it comes to discrimination, Italy has a law in place that punishes crimes motivated by racial or religious hate. However, there is yet to be any legal protection for those targeted due to gender identity or sexual orientation.
Italy continues to lag behind EU counterparts. An EU-wide survey published last year revealed that just over half of Italians accept LGBTQ+ people, which is considerably below the EU average, compared to the likes of UK, France and Sweden.
In an effort to ensure future protection of the LGBTQ+ community, a proposed anti-discrimination law has been set forward that recognises on-going issues of hate crimes in Italy.
"Homophobia is widespread across the country — even if it's often hidden. It emerges every time gay, lesbian and transgender men and women try to live openly," Alessandro Zan said, MP of the centre-left Democratic Party who devised the proposed bill.
"If people can't show affection and just be who they are out of fear … (public) institutions have to intervene," he added. He also believes the passing of the bill would ensure 4 million euros would be set aside to fund LGBTQ+ shelters and campaigns which strives to tackle homophobia and transphobia in Italy.
Italy's senate votes down bill that would make anti-LGBTQ+ violence a hate crime
However, the suggested anti-discrimination law has encountered fierce protests. Demonstrations took place across Rome last weekend spotlighting the backlash the bill could encourage. The debate around the law has split Italy with the bill taking a hit from far right political parties as well as influential Catholic figures.
The Episcopal Conference of Italy argued against the law saying, "there are already adequate safeguards with which to prevent and repress any violent or persecutory behaviour," and that there is "no need" for the law.
"In Italy there is no discrimination . . . if a homosexual or heterosexual is beaten up or discriminated against, there is no difference, the solution is the same: jail," Matteo Salvini, Italy's former Prime Minister said at a press conference in July. "If there were any difference, why don't we introduce a bill against heterophobia?"
An influential Italian conference of Catholic bishops also described the bill as "freedom-killing" and "the death of liberty".
The proposed law is continuing to create a divide between political parties. On one hand many believe this bill has no place in Italian politics, while others hope the passing of the law will help Italy turn a new corner in showing support for the LGBTQ+ community. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,419 |
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Sourendra Mohan Mukherjee (1 March 1930 – 6 December 2020), known as Monu Mukhopadhyay, was an Indian actor who worked in Bengali language films and television serials. In 1958, he became a prompter. His first acting assignment was in the play Khudha, and his first film was Mrinal Sen's 1958 film Neel Akasher Neechey (). He had worked with directors like Satyajit Ray and Ronand Joffy. He is remembered for his portrayal of Machhli Baba in 1979 film Joi Baba Felunath.
Early life and education
Manu Mukherjee was born on March 1, 1930. He was the son of Amarendranath Mukherjee, who was also involved with acting at the Calcutta Theatre. Manu Mukherjee was one of the oldest actors in the world, still actively playing major and minor roles in Bengali television's soaps and operas.
Manu started acting at an young age, and with his first character he portrayed the role of a wife at a neighborhood club play which fueled his fascination towards acting. He joined the Srirangam Theatre (known as Bishwarupa Movie Theater since 2001) as a prompter in the year 1957. He also worked in other famous theatres from the late sixties onward such as Sarkarina, Sujata Sadan, Minerva, Bishwanath Mancha, Rangmahal, and Star theatre. His first notable part was when he had to act as an artist instead of Kali Banerjee in the play Khudha. He was also trained as a Tabla player by the famous Tabla player Krishnakumar Ganguly also known as Natubabu.
Films and television and web series
Sudama The Half Man (Unreleased)
Neel Akasher Neechey (1959)
Uttarayan (1963)
Shesh Theke Shuru (1969)
Nayikar Bhumikay (1972)
Marjina Abdullah (1973)
Sonar Khancha (1973)
Ashani Sanket (1973)
Phuleswari (1974)
Mrigayaa (1976)
Safed Jhoot (1977)
Ganadevata (1979)
Joi Baba Felunath (1979)
Dadar Kirti (1980)
Saheb (1981)
Meghmukti (1982)
Khelar Putul (1982)
Iman Kalyan (1982)
Pratidan (1983)
Srimati Hangsaraj (1989)
Sati (1990)
Ganashatru (1990)
Sajani Go Sajani (1991)
Swet Patharer Thala (1992)
Kancher Prithibi (1993)
Tobu Mone Rekho (1994)
Damu (1997)
Siraj (1999)
Anu (1999)
Sajoni Aamar Sohag (2000)
Nodir Pare Aamar Bari (2001)
Dukhiram (2002)
Desh (2002)
Chandramollika (2002)
Abaidha (2002)
Patalghar (2003)
Raju Uncle (2005)
Sedin Dujone (2008)
Janatar Aadalat (2008)
Sakaler Rang (2009)
Eka Eka (2010)
Bondhu Eso Tumi (2010)
Banshiwala (2010)
Purna Brahma Sri Sri Harichand (2011)
Bhorer Pakhi (2011)
Egaro (2011)
Sparsho (2012)
Keu Bole Buro Bham, Keu Bole (2012)
Holud Pakhir Dana (2013)
Bangal Ghoti Phataphati (Unreleased)
Bakita Byaktigato
"Goynar Baksho"
Sudama The Half Man By Rajib Ball (Unreleased expecting by 2013 May)
Alinagarer Golokdhadha (2018)
Loafer (Upcoming)
Debdoot Sheet (Upcoming)
"Poush Faguner Pala (DD Bangla)
"Sri Ramkrishna" (DD Bangla)
Mama Bhagne (ATN Bangla)
Aparjito (Star Jalsha)
Boyei Gelo (Zee Bangla)
Sansaar Sukher Hoy Romonir Gune (Star Jalsha)
Web series
Makorshar Rosh ArthamAnartham (2017, Hoichoi)
Mukherjee died on 6 December 2020 around 9:35 A.M in Kolkata. He was 90 years old. He had been suffering from chronic heart problems.
External links
1930 births
2020 deaths
Male actors in Bengali cinema
Bengali male television actors
Maharaja Manindra Chandra College alumni
University of Calcutta alumni | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,421 |
Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg
Reproduction photo: Hagai Aharon
Mumbai Chabad house before attack
Commandos charge Chabad house
Chabad: Holtzberg couple killed in Mumbai
Lubavitch movement in NY confirms couple in charge of Mumbai Chabad center killed along with four other hostages before Indian commando overtook building ravaged by terrorists
Ynet|Last update: 11.28.08 , 21:29
The Chabad-Lubavitch movement in NY confirmed that Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, were murdered along with four other hostages in the terror attack on the Chabad house in Mumbai.
Initial Reports
Report: 5 hostages found dead in Chabad house
Indian CNN television channel reports operation at Jewish center concludes as commandos take over building, killing all terrorists on site. Five bodies of hostages found, believed to include those of rabbi and wife
The bodies of five hostages were found by Indian security forces on Friday after commando troops attacked gunmen at the Jewish center run by the couple. A few hours later the Foreign Ministry reported that another body had been found in the house.
Commando forces overran the building, killing all of the terrorists within. The operation lasted over 24 hours, and at its end the six bodies were taken to the hospital for identification.
Gavriel and Rivka, aged 29 and 26 respectively, first arrived in Mumbai as Chabad emissaries five years ago, after completing a mission in Thailand. They resided in the house together with their 2-year old son, Moshe, who was rescued from the attack by his nanny.
Gavriel Holtzberg grew up in Brooklyn, NY, where his parents still reside. They arrived in Israel Friday morning, before reports of the tragedy were released. The bodies of Gavriel and Rivka were identified a few hours after the commando operation had come to an end.
Frida, Gavriel's mother, told of the couple's commitment to the Chabad center in Mumbai. "There is no other couple like them, they did so much for strangers," she said. "They helped people with money, with everything they could. They gave themselves completely to others."
Rivka's parents, who reside in Afula, left for Mumbai earlier this week together with a ZAKA party that included a doctor, a paramedic, and four aids. They were reunited with their grandchild, Moshe, and now plan to return with him to Israel. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,422 | and its features
Administrator | June 29, 2014 | Affiliates | 8 Comments | was launched approximately one month ago and according to our analytics has grown to become the top English Crayon Pop portal. In just a single month we have had approximately 130 posts which averages to about 4 posts a day with views increasing daily. We would like to thank our visitors and will keep working hard to provide an awesome experience for you in this wonderful Crayon Pop fandom. We have also obtained affiliates from all over the world as seen in the 'Affiliates Sites' on the side bar to the right. If you identify with any of those communities, be sure to follow them too for a better experience in your native language! is also gearing up to take on bigger projects for the international fandom. The donations we have received for the 2nd year anniversary have been wonderful. We would like to thank all the generous fans for donating. Donations are still open till the end of June! With the amount of funds we currently have, we will be able to donate more than 200 kg (440 lbs) of rice in Crayon Pop's name. Additionally, we can't wait to release exciting news for those in the Los Angeles area on the 22nd of July!
Because the site has only been up for a month, we are still looking to add more features to the website. If you aren't aware, here are some features that you might have missed:
Located in the menu at the top right of the site, click CHAT. It is the Crayon Pop subreddit's chatroom and always has at least 30 fans online at all times of the day. Most of the regulars, including the, Crayon Pop Slave Subs team, are up-to-date with Crayon Pop knowledge. So feel free to join the chatroom if you have some burning questions you would like to ask about Crayon Pop. If you are familiar with IRC, we are located on, #crayonpop. Feel free to use your IRC client of choice!
In the same menu bar at the top right of the site, hover over ABOUT/CONTACT. A menu will pop up, click the relevant link.
The page currently provides generic information about Crayon Pop's members and is still in development. We plan to add information such as inside jokes, member history, in time to come. You are also welcomed to provide us a full write up of your favorite member. We will edit it as we deem fit. Please email us at [email protected] .
Chrome Ent. Staff Profiles
Many fans who watch Crayon Pop TV will have seen a large number of Chrome Ent. staff, such as Wife Jung, the CEO, and others. We provide some basic information about them, so that a new fan wouldn't be lost amidst all the references. Click on the staff's portrait to access the staff's writeup.
We provide an up-to-date calendar of Crayon Pop's schedule again in the menu at the top right of the site. Currently (June-July 2014), Crayon Pop's schedule is solely in the USA so there is nothing much for now. We will update it as new schedules are added when Crayon Pop returns to Korea.
Subbed Videos
As members of Crayon Pop Slave Subs are also in the team, it is easier for fans to obtain access to English subbed videos that are not on YouTube due to copyright infringement. You can find them using the tag #notonyoutube to watch them all. Be careful, the rabbit hole just gets deeper once you start watching them!
Twitter Translations
With CPSS translators whose first language is Korean, we aim to translate Crayon Pop's Twitter messages as soon as possible. We also try to explain certain context that may be lost to a non-native. All the tweets can be accessed using the tag #twitter on our site.
News Translations
We also translate interesting Crayon Pop news reported by the Korean media. We strive to be the premier source of English Crayon Pop news.
We are always looking to expand! We are looking for contributors/authors (preferably with some Korean literacy) and translators to join us. Translations are not the only way to contribute. If you attended a Crayon Pop event and wish to share your experiences with the Crayon Pop fandom at large, be sure to contact us!
That's about all the current features has to offer at the moment. If you have a feature request, feel free to email us or leave a comment in the comments section below!
Tags:ceo, Crayon Pop,, projects, way
Crayon Pop in Indonesia: YunQy's Fan Account
Strawberry Milk 'OK' Signed Giveaway 2.0
27 Comments | Nov 26, 2014
140709 Crayon Pop Toronto Mini-fanmeet
Chrome Entertainment Artists Fan Forum | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,423 |
Working across all of our content areas, ICS staff members have diverse experiences engaging community leaders and members who are looking to identify and address specific issues. Our work is based on the belief that communities have the resources they need to solve problems, and that we can connect them with colleagues and information.
In areas of youth violence prevention, we have been engaged directly with White House initiatives to limit violence in cities through the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention. It's been a rewarding effort, as our affiliated staff have had an opportunity to contribute to solving highly complex problems.
We support leaders by first learning how they think about their organization or community. By applying our technical assistance tools and research-based frameworks, our staff assist leaders in moving their organizations forward. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,424 |
Powieść rzeka – nazwa zbiorcza cyklu powieści, które są ze sobą powiązane poprzez wspólnych bohaterów i wydarzenia fabularne. Tematem powieści rzeki są dzieje członków jednej rodziny lub rodów, których życie, zajęcia, problemy, radości, czy osiągnięcia przedstawiane są w kolejnych tomach. Charakterystyczne dla tego rodzaju powieści jest obszerne ukazanie tła społecznego, historycznego, politycznego i obyczajowego. Przykłady powieści rzeki:
Noce i dnie Marii Dąbrowskiej
Saga rodu Forsyte'ów Johna Galsworthy'ego
Ojciec chrzestny Mario Puzo
Buddenbrokowie Tomasza Manna
rzeka | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,425 |
By Michael Whitney
Multiple Mediums
Reception: Patty Siva And Other Artists
7 to 9 p.m., Friday, Jan. 13; exhibit runs through mid-February
Shot In The Dark Café, 121 E. Broadway Ave.
Get a whole lot of Jackson Browne at this month's art opening at the Shot in the Dark Café. Featured is Patty Siva, who will be showing roughly 30 portraits of the American singer-songwriter. Other artists showing include photographers Marco Brito and Skid Severson, and oil painter Tabitha Adams. Will Elliot will provide live music.
Born in Germany, Jackson Browne was one of the original members of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, performing with them for a few scant months in 1966. He later released his own material from 1972 onward, according to his eponymous Web site.
Siva's interest in depicting him is so great that she reportedly painted an image of him on the rear wheel cover of her car.
For Siva, this is her first art opening, and it almost seems fitting that it is at the Shot in the Dark Café: Some of the portraits were produced while she was at the cafe, says co-owner Eldon Katz.
"She'll set up a post on a couch and paint," he says.
Siva's work includes watercolor, charcoal and oil painting--but why so many portraits of Jackson Browne, who's the subject of more than half of her portraits?
Jason McHenry, who helped set up the show, says he believes she is trying to take the perfect image in her mind and put it on paper.
"It's an artistic impetus" to do that, he said.
Siva, like many of the café's regulars, has seen Shot in the Dark change hands and names many times over the past two decades--during the 1990s, it was best known as Café Quebec.
This event is free, and "Jackson Brownies" will be available to eat gratis. --M.W.
A Sweet Meeting
Crime at the Casino: A Dessert with J.A. Jance
2 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 14
Desert Diamond Casino, 1100 W. Pima Mine Road
Meet and eat with a locally based mystery author, and maybe hit the slots afterward, at this book release and fundraising event. The Friends of Tohono O'odham Libraries' (FOTOL) nonprofit organization is hosting a book release party for J. A. Jance's latest mystery novel, Edge of Evil.
The event also doubles as a fundraiser for FOTOL's efforts to get a bookmobile for the Tohono O'Odham library system. Jance will be talking about the book for the event.
Jance, who spent five years as a librarian in Sells for the Tohono O'odham library system, is a New York Times best-selling author who resides in Tucson and Seattle.
Edge of Evil, which was just released, centers on an ousted television newscaster who picks up her life and moves back home to Sedona. After moving there, the main character sets up a Web blog but soon finds threatening messages that make her fear for her life. (Jance says on her Web site that the book was "inspired by watching a local television news personality get the boot"--I wonder who?)
In the past 21 years, Jance has written more than 25 books, including the 15-book J.P. Beaumont detective series and eight Joanna Brady novels.
Jance's books will be available for purchase at the event.
Tickets for the dessert are $25 and can count as a tax deduction. All of the money raised will go toward the bookmobile. Tickets are available at all Bookman's stores and Clues Unlimited. --M.W
Suspense, With Cake
Clues Unlimited's 10th Anniversary Celebration
12:30 to 3 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 15
Clues Unlimited, 123 S. Eastbourne Ave.
There are only two independent mystery bookstores in Arizona, and one will be celebrating its 10th anniversary under the same ownership this Sunday. Meet a multitude of authors and enjoy some authentic Nicaraguan food, cake and champagne at Clues Unlimited's upcoming get-together.
Local mystery author (and occasional Weekly contributor) Jonathan Lowe will be there doing a book-signing for his latest novel, Geezer, starting at 1 p.m. Other local authors such as Susan Cummings Miller, J.M. Hayes and Mike Walsh are expected to attend.
Clues Unlimited was bought by Christine Acevedo-Medina in 1996 as part of her passion for mystery novels (among other genres) and an interest in owning a niche bookstore. Her husband, Marcileno, is now co-owner. The bookstore first opened in 1986.
"For mystery authors and readers, making (a) connection is very important," Christine said, adding that Clues Unlimited represents a part of what Tucson is about. "Where else would you have a multicultural bookstore where you might find a conversation about anything?" she said.
The attraction to the mystery genre is its strong narrative and grounding in fictional realism, she said. While offering escapism, mystery novels--ranging from criminal mysteries to suspense thrillers--also place characters in real-life settings.
The incidental fact Tucson is a hotbed for mystery authors makes the scene stronger. "It's amazing how many mystery authors we have," Christine said.
While the bookstore is oriented toward the mystery genre, it also sells other genres, including books about the Southwest. It also has its own book club.
This event is free. The bookstore is located on the western side of the shopping plaza. --M.W
Didgeridoo Superstar
Allan Shockley Didgeridoo Presentation
11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 14
17th Street Market, 810 E. 17th St.
624-8821, ext. 145
Allan Shockley is one of America's premier didgeridoo players, with more than 15 years of experience. The instrument originates from aboriginal Australia, where hard woods such as eucalyptus are naturally hollowed out by termites, and when those wood tubes are blown through, the result is a mystical droning sound.
His mastery of the tube has brought him from selling the instrument to supposedly becoming America's first full-time "didge" teacher.
On Saturday, he'll be spending four hours at the 17th Street Market doing as he pleases, but expect lots of music and possibly a chance to interact with him.
What happens is his decision, because it's his show, 17th Street Media Director Bonnie Brooks said.
With a worldly perspective on merchandise, the 17th Street Market mainly offers imported foodstuffs ranging from British wafer crackers to a wide variety of food from the Asian homelands. They also have a fresh farmer's market.
The Guitar and World Instrument store is located inside a corner of the store and includes instruments from China, Lebanon and around the world. If you are so inspired, you can buy a didgeridoo, too.
The 17th Street Market tends to hold a free musical event every Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This event is free. One option to get to the 17th Street Market, which is a block east of the corner of Euclid Avenue and 17th Street, is to go north from the corner of 22nd Street and Sixth Avenue and then go east once you hit 17th Street. --M.W
Michael Whitney | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,426 |
Q: Moments of inertia of a torus So, I can show that the moment of inertia of a torus about its axis of symmetry is $I_z = 4\pi^2\rho r^5\left[ \frac{3a}{8b} + \frac{a^3}{2b^3}\right]$ where $a$ is the distance from the axis to the centre of the torus's circular cross section and $b$ is the radius of that circular cross section. I did this by doubling the integral for a semicircle revolved around the z-axis:
$$I_z = 2 \int_{a-b}^{a+b} x^2 \rho 2\pi x zdx$$
with $z = \sqrt{b^2 - (x-a)^2}$.
But I've been banging my head trying to set up the problem for the moment of inertia about the $x$ (or $y$) axis. Can anyone give a hint?
A: Easiest way I can find is to use a triple integral in cylindrical coordinates. The torus has equation
$$(r-a)^2+z^2=b^2\ ,$$
and the square of the perpendicular distance from $(x,y,z)$ to the $x$-axis is $D^2=y^2+z^2$. If the torus has density $\rho$ then
$$I_x=\int\!\!\int\!\!\int D^2\,dm
(r^2\sin^2\theta+z^2)\,\rho\,r\,dz\,dr\,d\theta\ .$$
Doing the integration is a bit of a pain, involving powers of trig functions, but the techniques are "standard".
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 1,427 |
Jerry Coyne: Odd Couple Science and Religion Can't Cohabit – 2011
Professor Jerry Coyne accepted FFRF's Emperor Has No Clothes Award with this speech Oct. 8, 2011, in Hartford, Conn. It has been edited for print.
By Jerry Coyne
Thanks very much to Dan and Annie Laurie for inviting me. It's sort of ironic that I get a statue of a naked emperor when I've taken such great pains to be sartorially splendid today. My friends will tell you they never see me wear a suit except at a wedding or a funeral, but I knew Steve Pinker was going to be here. I know he wears tailored Italian suits and I couldn't let him outdo me. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about the hair.
I'm not really going to talk about the evidence for evolution today as Dan might have implied because that's in my book which you can buy for a pittance outside. I'll be glad to sign it.
I want to talk mostly about the compatibility of science and religion. I started off as an evolutionary biologist fighting creationism, because that's the main opponent you face if you try to teach evolution to kids. Over years and years of doing this and writing a book and newspaper and magazine articles, I realized things weren't budging very much in America and that the rate of acceptance of evolution was pretty much stuck at 40%.
It's not because people aren't aware of the facts. We have people like myself and Dawkins, Carl Sagan and Steve Gould that have been promulgating evolution for years and years. Nevertheless, nothing's happened. It's 40% and it's been that way for 30 years.
There's only one reason for that, and that's religion. Religion prevents people from accepting evolution, the great religion destroyer. As the years went on, I gradually transmogrified from being an evolutionary biologist to an evolutionary biologist atheist. Now I'm more of an atheist than an evolutionary biologist, and I realize that creationism, the opposition to evolution, is the least of our worries, compared to someone throwing acid in the face of a schoolgirl in Afghanistan for religious reasons.
Kids learning that the Genesis story is true is trivial. My opposition to religion goes far beyond its effects on teaching evolution, but I want to concentrate today on its effects on science in general and in particular on a topic that's been of great interest lately: The so-called harmony of religion and science.
I titled my talk "The Odd Couple: Why Science and Religion Can't Cohabit," because it's an attack on the view that science and religion are not only compatible but can be buddies, that both have ways of finding out stuff in this world. That's complete hogwash. Today I want to tell you why, as a scientist who has studied religion painfully.
I could give this talk with one quote from Christopher Hitchens: "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." That's all you need to show that science and religion are incompatible, because we have the evidence and they don't. I think I have to say something more though to earn my statue, so I will go into a little more detail.
Bogus buddies
The problem I call "accommodationism" is increasingly widespread in the U.S. It's the view that science and religion are buddies. They answer different kinds of questions but in different spheres but they can be harmonious, and maybe they can help each other or mutually reinforce each other. I think that's completely bogus.
The problem is pervasive, it's everywhere. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health is the most famous scientist in America. He's an evangelical Christian who founded the group called the Biologos Forum, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, which is totally devoted to reconciling evangelical Christianity to evolution.
The Templeton Foundation itself is one of the greatest miscreants in this whole mess. Its mission is to basically blur the boundaries between science and religion. It does that by posing religious questions that are not only poorly framed but unanswerable. Nevertheless, it dispenses $70 million a year in grants to scientists and theologians to try to blur these boundaries.
Scientific organizations themselves, to their great discredit, frequently issue statements saying science and faith are compatible. Here's the American Association for the Advancement of Science: "Science and religion ask fundamentally different questions about the world." (A) That's not true and (B) even if it were, only one of those areas actually provides answers to the questions.
The most elite body of scientists in the United States is the National Academy Of Science. (It's so elite that I'm not even a member.) They issued a statement saying science and religion are separate and address aspects of human understanding in different ways.
These organizations are always putting out statements saying, "Science and religion are different. They don't have to conflict with each other. They address different aspects of human experience." But despite this profusion of warm, fuzzy-minded accommodationism, there's still evidence in our society of a profound conflict between science and religion.
Why is there widespread opposition to evolution? We don't have widespread opposition to black holes or gravity or antibiotics. It's because evolution hits you in the solar plexus if you're religious. It attacks the most powerful argument for god that ever existed, which is the design argument.
This is why only 40% of Americans accept evolution, and most of those accept the god-driven version of evolution, which isn't the way we scientists conceive of it.
If you survey Americans themselves, they believe science and religion are incompatible. Indeed, many believe that their own religion and science are incompatible. We have this high rate of atheism among scientists, which to me can only mean there's something about being a scientist that makes you discard religion.
About 16% of Americans are atheists or agnostics. If you look at scientists at "elite" universities — a survey done by Elaine Eckland recently showed 72% of them described themselves as agnostics or atheists. If you look at members of the elite National Academy of Sciences, 93% of them are agnostics or atheists. Only 7% say they believe in a personal god. This is prima facie evidence to me of incompatibility.
You get a violent reaction when you claim otherwise. I wrote an article for USA Today last year, "Science and Religion Aren't Friends." It got a huge number of comments, so many in fact, that although USA Today is not the most liberal publication, they want to let me keep writing for them because they know it stirs up controversy.
Two days ago, [conservative political commentator] Andrew Sullivan got really angry at me when I said the Garden of Eden is clearly wrong, and the Adam and Eve story has been disproven by genetics. Sullivan said we all knew this all along. That it's a metaphor and that nobody ever believed this story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is true. Which of course speaks to a complete ignorance of the history of Sullivan's own Catholicism.
"Are science and religion in conflict?" About 55% of Americans say yes, they are. If you ask them whether science conflicts with their beliefs, 36% say yes.
So, despite the ministrations of Francis Collins, the scientific academies, etc., we still have this pervasive belief amongst Americans that their faith conflicts with science. And it does! For the rest of this lecture, I'll show you why.
Angels but not Darwin
A very astounding statistic I found in Time magazine was from a 2006 poll that asked, "If science found a fact that contravened one of the dictates of your faith, what would you do?" Would you give up your faith or that tenet of your faith? Would you give up the fact or what?
What percentage of Americans do you think would reject a well-established scientific fact to keep the tenets of their faith? Maybe 20% to 30%? It's 64%. If anything demonstrates the incompatibility of science and religion, it's that statistic.
There are lots of other conflicts. Look at what Americans believe about the literal truth of the bible. I'll concentrate mostly on the Abrahamic faiths. What percentage believes in the literal existence of angels? It's 78%, so 8 out of 10 of your neighbors, and maybe you've met some of them. The women who used to take care of my cat thought angels were real.
A survey of 32 European countries about how religious they are versus how much they accept evolution shows that the countries that are the most religious have the least acceptance of Darwin. Where do we fall? It's shameful. U.S. acceptance: 40%. The only lower point is Turkey, which is a fundamentalist Muslim country.
This could mean maybe if you learn Darwinism you'll reject religion with this negative correlation. I think it's more likely an explanation that if you're religious to begin with as a kid, you don't accept Darwinism. So this is a conflict between the subject dear to my heart which is evolution and religious belief.
So we have the assertion that science and religion are compatible. We have the palpable evidence that people believe they're not compatible, and we have all this brouhaha in the press. The question is why is this happening right now? It's a sociological question.
The 'faitheists'
There's a view which is very widespread amongst what I call "faitheists," who are the atheists who are religion friendly. You'll never make religious people accept science unless you tell them that science and religion are compatible. You have to tell them this message in order to get them to come out for evolution and everything else.
There's not a shred of evidence this is true, in fact. Most evangelicals who have been converted to science have been converted by people like Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens.
This is very common. People don't want to be seen as miscreants or militants or polemicists. A lot of religious people want to keep their faith but don't want to be seen as backward. You want to accept science but keep that view in your brain that maybe you're going somewhere after you die. So you have to say, in order to maintain this cognitive dissonance, that science and religion are compatible with one another.
Religious people are antsy because they see their sphere of influence shrinking. They also see, which is true, that there's no purpose or meaning in the universe or anything like that, a statement made famous by Steven Weinberg. Most theologians can't put up with this purposelessness.
When I use an example of a theologian in this talk, I'm going to use John Haught because I'm going to debate him in about five days in Kentucky. This is sort of a long version of that talk. He can stand in for any theologian. The same kind of "only good" god issues from him as from any other of these so called "sophisticated theologians."
John Haught, by the way, is the prime accommodationist among modern American theologians. He's written gazillions of books showing Darwinism and evolution are friends and compatible. We can't abide the conviction the universe and life are pointless — pointless from a celestial standpoint rather than our own standpoint.
Why does this matter? Why am I lecturing to you, and why do I write editorials for USA Today? First of all, the pollution of science by superstition. I'm a pure scientist. I like my science unsullied by people like Francis Collins, who maintains morality itself is evidence for god. Or why Ken Miller says "Evolution may work, but god's there pushing it from behind or pulling it toward some ultimate point," which of course is us.
The false idea that other ways of knowing are valid as science — this is the non-overlapping magisteria argument Rebecca Newberger Goldstein talked about last night. These accommodationists make unfair and untenable criticisms of science. The false idea is that religion can produce knowledge. Religion doesn't increase any kind of knowledge. Science does. If you're religious and think you have a handle on the truth, you'll act in certain ways that are, in general, inimical for society. If you think you have a handle on the truth and that that truth comes from "God" and religion is a way of really knowing that truth, then you'll do stuff in society that is not very good.
What science is
Science is a sophisticated form of common sense. It's an exquisitely tuned, exquisitely baroque way of finding out stuff about the universe, the same way a mechanic, plumber or engineer finds out stuff. It's just codified by the pervasiveness of doubt, by the use of replication of experiments by different people, by the tenet that any scientific theory you can make has to be falsifiable in some way before it'll be generally accepted.
Scientific knowledge grows by testing hypotheses against what we see in nature — interrogating nature. The best characterization of science I know of was uttered by Richard Feynman who is the originator of many bons mots: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you're the easiest person to fool." You have to be very careful about that.
Science is an elaborate construction of rules and practices designed to keep you from fooling yourself, to keep you from believing what you really want to believe. The worst thing that can happen to a scientist is to try to show what's true is what you want to be true. That's a real sin. Of course in religion, that's completely the opposite. That's the purpose of religion.
Science is summarized in this quote by a researcher at CERN, which is a European nuclear facility in Switzerland, when they found neutrinos might have gone faster than the speed of light. That's really a revolutionary scientific finding, and immediately one of the people at CERN said, "The correct attitude is to ask what went wrong." Immediate doubt about something — that's so revolutionary.
Imagine this applied to religion. Jesus rose from the dead after three days. We have to ask ourselves, "What went wrong? That can't be right!" [Laughter] Religion operates differently. You know how it operates, particularly those like Dan who used to be religious. It's based on dogma, authority and revelation and not empirical observation in nature.
Religious people will deny this to their death, but it's true. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. That's the way religious people "know" stuff. They just find it in their heads through intuition. Or they're taught it by their parents.
Religious ideas don't change by finding out more stuff about nature. Religion does not progress in its understanding of the divine, if there were a divine. Theology or religion changes because of two things: Science shows it's wrong, which is what happened with evolution and Adam and Eve and the flood stories. Or secular morality forces religion to change because they just can't stand up against secular ways of morality, which is what Steve Pinker was talking about last night. Things like gay rights and rights of women have been pushed on churches by changes in secular views, not by religious people themselves.
In science, faith is a vice. In religion, faith is a virtue. In science, there are ways of knowing that you're wrong. I could give you a list of evidence that would convince me that evolution was wrong: fossils in the wrong place, adaptations in one species that are only useful for another species, a whole list of them. None has ever been found.
People say religion and science have to be compatible because there are scientists, good scientists, who are religious. And lots of religious people accept science, so obviously they're compatible. My answer to that is, if you're going believe that, you have to believe Catholicism and pedophilia are compatible because a great number of Catholics are pedophiles. [Applause]
This doesn't show compatibility in anything more than a trivial sense. What it shows is that as humans we have an amazing ability to hold two different contradictory concepts in our mind. Walt Whitman said, "I contradict myself. Very well then, I contradict myself." That's what these guys are doing. It shows cognitive dissonance. It doesn't show compatibility.
Religious 'truths'
The incompatibility rests then on three things. First is the methodology. In science we are wedded to nondivine explanations for a natural phenomenon. We don't sit there and pray for an answer. We go into our labs or out in the field and look for stuff. And that works! We actually find things out, like antibiotics and how to fly to the moon. We can make predictions.
Think of all the advances due to quantum mechanics. That's all due to assuming that god doesn't interrupt our experiments with erratic interpositions from time to time. This methodological naturalism has brought forth a philosophical form of naturalism which theologians really hate. It's the view that since assuming there's nothing supernatural has helped us make so much progress, then there must not be anything supernatural, because assuming there is a supernatural hasn't helped us one iota in understanding anything about the universe. So we have methodological and philosophical incompatibility and incompatibility in conclusions reached about the universe. When science and religion interrogate nature, you get different results.
Some examples of things that are religious truths are the creation myth, the great flood, the efficacy of prayer, the afterlife, etc. Science doesn't support the existence of these things. It didn't have to be that way. It could have been that scientific research found there was a great flood, that everything was created instantaneously, that Adam and Eve were real people. Genetics could have told us that, and that there was virgin birth and resurrection. At least some people could have been parthenogenic and women could give birth to males without being inseminated.
There's an incompatibility of results as well, so it's threefold; methodology, philosophy and results. It could be scripture did give us an accurate scientific understanding of the world, but it didn't. If it's inspired by god, then you have to ask yourself "why not?"
The answer from theologians to what I just said is invariably this: But the bible isn't a textbook of science; it's not meant to tell scientific truth.
When you hear that, you have to reinterpret it as this: The bible is not true. That's what they mean when they say it's not a textbook of science.
When you ask them further, you find out maybe it is a textbook of science in some ways. Some things are clearly metaphors. Those are things that science has disproven like the flood and evolution. The biblical science tells us there was a son of God named Jesus who was resurrected after three days, born of a virgin and he's going to come back some day and send us all up, or down.
Fooling themselves
The people who said the bible isn't true aren't being true to themselves. They think some parts are true. They are never going to say this to you. Just ask them that. And the rest is just metaphor.
There is another palpable difference between science and religion. What do you do when you make an assertion about the world that you know turns out to be false? In science it goes into the dustbin of discarded results like cold fusion or any number of falsified theories.
When a religious claim is falsified like creation or Adam and Eve, it simply turns into a metaphor. "We didn't really mean it, folks. It wasn't meant that way. It means something else completely."
Nevertheless, religious people do claim that they do find truth. Here's John Haught again: "Religion is about the deepest of all realities. Anyone who takes it seriously, it's about what is most real. Indeed, it's about absolute reality."
I looked up the word reality after I read that. It's "real existence." What's real rather than imagined or desired? In that sense, religion doesn't tell us anything about reality. It tells us what's imagined or desired, not what is out there.
Does religion produce truth? No. I've interrogated readers on my website about this for three years by asking them "Give me one example about the truth of the universe that religion has produced." I should start offering a prize for that. There's never been an answer, at least one that makes sense.
Religious inquiry doesn't produce the truth about the universe. Theological knowledge doesn't expand. It just changes from one form to another, sort of like literary criticism.
Religion answers the big questions that science can't handle. This is what John Haught said. It's the main business of religion to answer the really big questions. We scientists only have to answer the tiny little questions like "Where did the universe come from" or "Where did we come from?" But the really big questions like "What is our purpose" or "Where do we go after we die?" — that's the job of religion.
They really do think they provide answers to questions, and of course they don't. None of these questions have been answered by religions. Or if they have been, different religions give you different answers. If you're a Muslim and you believe Jesus is the savior, you're doomed. If you're a Christian and you believe Muhammad is the savior, you're doomed as well.
If you press a theologian, they'll actually admit they don't have these answers. Haught again: "We really can't say what the point of everything is because it's all so fuzzy."
When you look at it hard enough, modern sophisticated theology is functionally indistinguishable from atheism, because they'll just waffle and waffle.
Theologians fooling you
I want to finish with some ways I've discerned theologians behave unscientifically when dealing with the problems of science. You should be aware of the maneuvers they make.
First of all, they say the bible doesn't mean what it seems to say, that it's a metaphor in many ways.
Secondly, they say theology is different from science because its purpose is to confirm what you already believe rather than to test what you already believe.
Third, when you're pressed into a corner like Adam and Eve, you make stuff up. You have to comport new observations with god's plan. That's different from science. When you find a new and unusual observation, we may have to overturn the existing paradigm. In theology, you have to use that to support the existing paradigm.
Finally, there are unfounded claims to understand the nature and intention of god. Any faiths not agreeing with theologians' claims are deemed incorrect faiths.
Here's a prime example of the bible not saying what it seems to say. Up until about 100 years ago, everyone thought the Adam and Eve story was true, that all of us came from two progenitors. The bible says this very clearly. In the last couple of weeks, genetics has shown this is all bunk, as if we didn't know that already. The numbers of ancestors of modern humanity was, at a minimum, 1,200 to 12,000 about 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. So what do theologians do? They make stuff up.
They say, "Well, there were lots of people, but only two of them were the designated beneficiaries of god like Adam and Eve." You wouldn't believe the stories theologians have made up to try to get around this intellectual fact of genetics.
If you find something like that is false, and you look at a book and all the stories turn out to be false scientifically, what you should do is be more skeptical of that book. That, of course, isn't what happened. If Adam and Eve turns into a metaphor, the reaction you should give to a Christian is, "Well, then Jesus died for a metaphor." And theologians aren't down with that view.
Here's another case of what theologians do when faced with a case of stuff that doesn't exist: The afterlife. John Haught really admits there isn't any evidence for an afterlife.
He does this with his usual verbal obfuscation: "If I were to try to illicit scientific evidence of immortality, I would just be capitulating to the narrow empiricism that underlies the natural belief." That translation: We don't have any evidence, folks.
Nevertheless, it's still there, and why is it there? Because you have hope. You have hope, and that hope is what makes it true. That's completely the opposite of what science does. It's the assurance of things hoped for. John Haught is making stuff up.
We know when we look around us, there's not much evidence for god in the world today. We don't see miracles. We see suffering, we see death. We see tsunamis and earthquakes. Where's god? John says that "the ultimate reality is beyond our grasp. We can't see god because if we could grasp it, it would not be ultimate."
This is, first of all, a profound tautology. Secondly, it rests on our misunderstanding of the word "ultimate," because ultimate things can be graspable. But this is the kind of verbal prestidigitation that theologians engage in. And when you see there's no evidence for god, it's far more parsimonious to come up with this hypothesis: "The invisible and the nonexistent look very much alike." [Laughter]
Another thing theologians do that scientists don't is to rationalize everything you find or will find as being part of god's plan. Evolution used to be a god killer. Now we know that actually that's what god wanted.
Why do we see suffering in the world? Why do little kids get cancer? Why do tsunamis wipe out hundreds of thousands of people? It's because god likes that kind of drama, according to John Haught.
He set the world so it would be just like this magnificent play in which all these things unfold, new species arise, and it's just a magnificent drama and everything's being pulled toward this huge future in which we're all unfolded into the bosom of Jesus.
The Earl of Gloucester in "King Lear" says, "As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport." I've rewritten this according to the view that many theologians hold: As actors are to an audience, are we to the gods, they watch us for their sport.
Every possible observation can be comported with religion. Anytime you find something new, you don't overturn your paradigm. You save it by some judicious circumlocution. Evolution used to be a god killer. It's the most profound argument against the existence of god that science has ever come up with. What do the theologians do? Do they reject god? No friggin' way. They say, "It's really a tribute to god that the world isn't just passive putty in his hands but instead is inherently active and a self-creative process, one that can evolve and produce new life."
If you're the Church Lady, if you remember "Saturday Night Live," you'd look at this and say, "Well, isn't that special." [Laughter]
When you see stuff like this rationalization of evolution, we should have known that god really meant it all along. If that's so, why isn't it in scripture? When you see that kind of rationalization, I think of theologies as a kind of sausage grinder where you feed in scientific necessities like evolution and our human ancestry at one end, and theologians turn them into religious virtues at the other. This is "the way god really wanted it, and isn't it wonderful that he wanted it that way?"
Accusing science
Finally, unfounded claims to understand the nature and intention of god. According to Haught, God has this extravagant divine generosity that's produced all these wonderful species. The question is how does he know that? If you look around the world, you can equally say god was mischievous or apathetic or even a bit malicious. John is not only making up stuff, but he's claiming to know something about the nature of god, which he has no right to know.
Religious people, because they're backed into a corner by science, start counter-accusing science as being bad: "Science is a faith like religion." "Science can't prove that god doesn't exist," which is wrong because you can prove the nonexistence of something. You can prove for example that I do not own a Maserati. Just look at my garage. Look at my bank account, etc. "Science fosters scientism." That's the view that science is the only reliable guide to truth. That's a common accusation. In my view, science is the only reliable guide to truth if you construe science broadly as rationality combined with empiricism.
"Science gives us no moral grounding." Maybe it does if it's evolved. And so what? That doesn't prove that Jesus gives us moral grounding. And finally, "science has been misused." Well, fine. There have been scientists that have misused stuff as have religious people.
So in the end, when you ask yourself if science and religion are compatible, can there be a constructive dialogue between them — and many people may maintain this like the National Academy — the answer is NO. There can be no constructive dialogue between science and religion. There can be a monologue between science and religion but it's not a constructive one. It's a destructive one. It's because science can contribute to faith by showing their assertions about the world are wrong.
Why does it really matter that science and religion are incompatible? Who cares if there are some religious scientists out there? It's a matter of not only how you possess the truth and how you come to it, but what you do with the truth.
Science is a methodology about finding out objective information about the world. That's all it is. If you have antibiotics or an atom bomb, what you do with an antibiotic or an atom bomb depends on considerations like ethics and morality and other things that don't come from science.
Religion is different because religion starts with ideas about ethics and morality and beliefs and then confirms them in these sort of roundabout ways that I mentioned before. That's dangerous.
We're constantly accused of being arrogant, and the religious people say they're humble. We're actually the humble ones because we always admit our truths are tentative, whereas religious people think they have the handle on truth.
If you think you have the handle on truth that comes from above, then you're going to act on it and will act on it in a much less tentative and much more malicious way than people who have come to the truth through reason and empiricism.
Here's one example: Some think of the Catholic Church as a warm, fuzzy faith. Here are some of the tenets of Catholicism that have come from their belief in the errancy of scripture: Opposition to birth control, opposition to birth control to prevent AIDS in Africa and opposition to abortion.
That all comes from scripture and the belief we know what's true and that humans have souls. More scripture: God made marriage indissoluble. Opposition to homosexuality to control people's sex lives. Making women second-class citizens. Installation of fear and guilt in children. Children being terrorized into adulthood by Catholic teachings. Protection of priests who abuse children, which now in my view has gone so far up in the Vatican that it's official policy.
This all comes from people thinking they know that they have a handle on the truth, that their revelation is a way to find out what truth is. That they have to act on the basis of that truth because (A) it comes from god and (B) truth comes with a package of beliefs and morality that was there in the first place.
Real truth comes only from empirical investigation and analysis. I am an advocate of scientism in that respect, science properly construed.
When religion comes up against science, the outcome is inevitable, as Stephen Hawking said last year: "Science will win because it works."
Jerry Coyne is a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago and author of the 2009 book Why Evolution is True.
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Hunting down with the toad, Dollar then explained, "Convert him backside," Durik made an appearance agitated when he was flopping forwards and backwards 1st around on this page and faraway from her as he croaked.
Durik blinked his eyes, questioning what they designed they couldn't switch him rear!
Nearly as much as the butler had not been pleased about these rapid adjustments to gatherings with what occured to him, Penny was delighted to realize that the spell did are available and yes it wasn't this sort of imitation.
Cent brought up her brows, her head embracing the black color witcher, "What? So what can you really mean you can't?"
Up to the butler was not happy about these immediate variations in functions as to what happened to him, Dime was very happy to notice that the spell do really exist and it also wasn't a real man-made.
"It performed," he observed the Woman feedback shopping down at him who looked just like a giant establishing. She was tall together with the rest of the items that had been magnified where he sat. When he attempted to relocate, Durik did not land perfectly over the dusty soil and decreased direct on his confront miserably.
"What are the limits to using spells?" Penny required him. If your spells ended up this effortless, the black color witches could have transformed every single being to a lot of toads.
"Just what are the limits to the effective use of spells?" Dollar requested him. In the event the spells have been this quick, the black witches would have switched every being to a number of toads.
That recommended he was still stuck here, the spells. Intrigued, she requested him, "The pendant there, hasn't any person tried stealing it?"
"I can't."
What are the h.e.l.l took place?! Managed the dark witcher switch him with a frog?!
"There is no guarantee which i will probably be spared. And so I made the choice to keep here for a little bit but there's one thing about these stores, the people on my own hip and legs that won't assist me to evade though I will unchain my hands and fingers."
"I only acquired how you can switch an individual to toads. I didn't really need to switch them back in their original variety, as a result, I didn't bother to find out it," the black colored witcher shrugged his shoulder area having a queasy searching laugh when Penny's eyeballs considered a glare.
"You are a intelligent female," he complimented her, "I don't think it is practical to return to working for them. If I am not drastically wrong, few are well-accepted lower back the moment they return from being jailed. They shortage trust there."
"They fear with regards to the returnee betraying them…" Penny thoughts chimed within the drain pa.s.sage where she stood ahead of the microscopic cells.
Piers turned into the young lady who seemed to be slightly knowledgeable whenever it arrived at the use of spells, "These spells should not be suited for pureblooded vampires. For reasons unknown, a lot of the spells are unsuccessful looking at them. Even the most powerful kinds. But should it be individuals or former people, or witches, the spell works on them. Apart from possessing get in touch with, the amount of time duration of when to utilize the spell is very important. If your witch is weak, the person cannot use the spells."
Seeking down at the toad, Dime then stated, "Convert him lower back," Durik sprang out agitated because he was flopping forwards and backwards 1st around on this page and after that from the her while he croaked.
"What's there inside it?" she expected him, disregarding the croaks that has been coming near her legs.
tensei shitara slime datta ken ln volume 13
"I do," the black witcher came out tranquil and silent, exploring the lady thinking of what he just said. She has been having a skepticism, exactly how her sight so very often flickered at him each individual period in desire, "Are you presently wanting to know why I am just below although I was able to get away from?" he required her.
"A bit. I am guessing you don't want to go back to that you were actually doing work for each one of these days or months," Dollar mentioned to see his mouth area quiver.
"Walk your storage and attempt to find the spell to transform him back in his genuine declare," Penny desired nevertheless the black color witcher shook his top of your head. This wasn't very good, believed Penny to herself, hunting down within the toad who has been gazing up taking a look at them.
Exactly what the h.e.l.l occurred?! Do the dark colored witcher turn him into a frog?!
"Naturally, it really works. I have been a dark-colored witch and also have utilised these spells for quite a while now," the dark-colored witcher who experienced introduced himself as Piers replied to Penny's thoughts.
Hunting down within the toad, Penny then stated, "Flip him again," Durik made an appearance agitated since he was flopping back and forth initially around on this page and after that away from her when he croaked.
Attempting to grumble, he established his jaws to croak again and again.
"It worked well," he listened to the Lady feedback hunting down at him who searched like a huge building. She was big together with the rest of the points that were magnified from which he sat. When he made an effort to proceed, Durik did not ground perfectly over the dusty floor and dropped direct on his face miserably.
Dime could explain to that Durik wasn't delighted. When she experienced requested his support she had not defined just what aid would be plus the butler acquired readily acknowledged just to croak.
"No one is aware of it. It isn't tricky to make but you should have the many flowers that falls directly consistent with miracle," hearing this from him, Penny was pleased she hadn't cast the guides into the fireplace still. The witches made usage of many vegetation even when it got to making the voodoo doll. She required to produce the pendant. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,430 |
Like any service-oriented business, the classical music scene has its fair share of jargon: Community-building! Outreach! Audience-engagement! Vehicle for social change! These terms help organizations to communicate the value and vision of their work in ways that capture donors' interest, unite key players, and deepen impact. But as I spoke those words I wondered if I understood them well enough to wield them with such conviction – especially one catch-phrase we used frequently: social change through chamber music.
This alone has long-range implications for "social change". Teaching at musiConnects, I noticed that the social skills and attitudes learned in class empowered students to become contributing members of their communities. For instance, I remember seeing one of my new students playing kickball on the playground, intent on controlling the ball at all costs. He would kick it and throw it, sometimes even to himself, while the other boys and girls groaned at him. In music improvisation class, he was required to sit in a circle with his peers and create soundscapes with the group. The first time he tried a game called "Rhythm Machine" – which is all about building a collective sound – he did everything he could to focus all attention on him.
Cellist Michael Dahlberg, a New England Conservatory graduate under the tutelage of Yeesun Kim, currently leads the education efforts on the road for NPR's "From the Top" as its Arts Leadership Program Manager. Since graduation, he has performed regularly as a core member with ensembles including the Juventas New Music Ensemble, Discovery Ensemble, and the Boston Public Quartet. The summer of 2013 was his fifth at the Tanglewood Music Center where he was awarded the Karl Zeise Memorial Cello Award (2009) and featured in contemporary chamber works as a New Fromm Player (2011-2013). His versatility led to diverse collaborations with artists such as Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Oliver Knussen, John Zorn, the Mark Morris Dance Group and the Laura Grill Band. With the aid of an NEC Entrepreneurial Grant, Michael founded the "LilyPad Quartet" project in 2011, which aimed to refocus classical music performance on the relationship between artist and audience as individuals. To learn more about Mike and his work, visit | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,431 |
This diverse and demanding track brings together all the elements to create one of the longest tracks in the world, where close and competitive racing is guaranteed - beginning under sunlight, ending with spotlights.
Hospitality in our glass fronted suite offering fabulous views in comfortable air-conditioned surroundings You can view from the suite or venture outside to soak up the atmosphere from reserved seats directly in front of the Hospitality suite.
Your choice of location: either our 'Startline Suite' with views overlooking the grid, pitlane and team garages or the spectacular 'Stadium Section Suite' with panoramic views over the north hairpin.
Race day Hospitality is located in our air-conditioned venue just 10 minutes' walk (or one stop on the complimentary circuit shuttle) from your Grandstand. Your covered grandstand overlooks the key overtaking zone on the circuit and offers panoramic views of the harbour section of the track.
Weekend Hospitality in the Yas Viceroy Hotel. Guests watch the action as the cars tackle the tight bends around the hotel from our hospitably suite and balcony. As the sun starts to set and the F1 cars hit the track, the hotels iconic lighting system comes alive creating a truly unforgettable experience. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,432 |
Leo Marks
Leo Marks Poems
The Life That I Have
Leo Marks Bio
Born in London in 1920, Leo Marks gained fame as a cryptographer during World War II but was also a poet and a screenwriter of some repute later in life. Marks was educated at St Paul's School in London but did not go to University as many of his peers did.
He was the son of a bookseller and became interested in code breaking and cyphers when his father showed him a copy of the Edgar Allan Poe work The Gold Bug, a story about solving clues to find a buried treasure.
After that, his father used to put codes inside the books in his shop which the young Marks would pick up and try to decipher. After the outbreak of war, he was conscripted and because of his ability with codes was trained as a cryptographer though he was not entirely popular with his seniors.
Regarded as something of a loose cannon, Marks was posted to the highly secretive Special Operations Executive where he was trained further to help those who operated behind enemy lines.
During his time at the SOE, Marks worked with and briefed many of the heroes of the war including the saboteur team that went into Telemark in Norway and his close friend and double agent famously nicknamed The White Rabbit. One of his first jobs working for the organization was to find a better way of sending encrypted messages which up until then had been using poem cyphers.
Marks wrote a number of poems that were used by agents abroad including the only well-known work of his The Life That I Have which was later memorably used in the script of the wartime spy movie Carve Her Name with Pride. The poem was inspired by his love for a woman who had died in an air crash and is often thought to be related to the head of the SOE at the time.
Marks helped to develop strategies that kept the keys for cyphers safe and greatly reduced the chances that individual agents would be captured by the Gestapo. When communications came through without any errors, he became worried that coded messages from the Netherlands were being run by the Germans and raised his concerns with the heads of SOE but was ignored, a mistake leading to the deaths of perhaps 50 agents in the country.
Marks continued to work on codes and perfecting them during the war. After it was all over, he left the service and began a reasonably successful career as a writer, producing many popular screenplays and publishing accounts of his time during the Second World War. In 1966 he married for the first time to painter Elena Gaussen and was awarded an MBE for his services during the war.
Marks biggest literary success was to write the script for the controversial film Peeping Tom, a story about a serial killer, which was roundly vilified at the time but later hailed as a modern great by the likes of American director Martin Scorsese.
In later life, Marks suffered from financial problems and the breakdown of his marriage and eventually succumbed to cancer in 2001 at the age of 80. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,433 |
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| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 1,434 |
Glass has been fascinating humans for thousands of years. It simultaneously separates and connects. It seems cool, yet attractive. It is fragile, yet durable. Glass merges contrasts like no other material.
How is float glass produced? Why is it so sustainable to produce glass? How can we guarantee identical levels of quality despite industrial processes to then safely transport our products to customers? | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,435 |
Q: module level code run twice when patching Consider the following simple code:
def f():
return 'unpatched'
import patch_stuff
print f()
from mock import patch
def patch_it_up():
p = patch('test_code.f')
m = p.start()
m.return_value = 'patched'
I would expect the output of running python to be
however the output is:
How come?
A: There are two problems in your code. First, the file is called twice - first when you call it, and then again when mock imports it for the purpose of creating a patch. So you should change it as follows:
def f():
return 'unpatched'
import patch_stuff
if __name__ == "__main__":
print f()
This will print only the 'unpatched' string. Which leads to the second thing: the documentation suggests that this not how the patchers work. When you call the start method it returns the patched object to be used. So the expected output can be achieved with the following modifications:
from mock import patch
def patch_it_up():
p = patch('test_code.f')
m = p.start()
m.return_value = 'patched'
return m
def f():
return 'unpatched'
import patch_stuff
if __name__ == "__main__":
m = patch_stuff.patch_it_up()
print m()
This will print the expected 'patched' string.
This makes this scenario not very practical, but all the examples in the documentation show only the possibility of modifying modules imported in the current context. E.g., this will also work:
from mock import patch
def patch_it_up():
import test_code
p = patch('test_code.f')
m = p.start()
m.return_value = 'patched'
print "inside patch_it_up:", test_code.f()
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 1,436 |
I patiently waited for all these guys to line up perfectly for this shot. Well I hoped they would at least.
Feel free to use this image as a personal wall paper. I would appreciate it if you liked me on Facebook in return. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,437 |
I wanted to share some pictures of my trip home a couple weeks ago. My reason for going home was not for a vacation, but to spend time with family. My grandma is not doing well right now, so we thought it best if I go home to be with her. While things were very stressful and sad there, we still had to push past that and make the best out of things. We have to continue being happy and spending each day as if we weren't going to see each other anymore. And we did just that.
So my grandma has the greatest house ever. She literally lives 20 feet from the water so we were out in it every single day paddle boarding, boating, and jumping of the pylons. I had some of the best custard ever and finally got some tan lines! Loved spending time with my brothers as well. They are some of the goofiest kids I know!
Hope your grandma is doing better! She does have some gorgeous views.
No matter the reason a trip home to be with family is always nice. I hope your grandma gets well.
What beach is this? I hope your grandma is doing better!
Hoping your Grandma recovers quickly.
Glad you got to go home.
North Carolina is the best place to be!
Glad you got to spend some time with your family--there really is no place like home! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,438 |
by Gimmlette
Today's Quest Hub could also cover "Throwback Thursday".
Before the Cataclysm, before Wrath of the Lich King, before Burning Crusades, at the end of the original game, there was a server wide event to open the gates of Ahn Qirag. People collected materials and resources to deliver to the Cenarion Circle in Silithus in order to ring the gong which opened the gates to the 20 and 40 man raid. I was not a part of WOW at that time. I only know the bits I was told. But, long after the gates were opened on each server, through Burning Crusades and Wrath of the Lich King, you could still pick up and do the quests to create the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, the actual tool used to ring the gong and open the gates.
To make the scepter, you needed to go all over the world, collecting materials and fighting bosses. I started on it toward the middle of Wrath of the Lich King before finishing it. The premise was you needed to collect pieces of fire, ice and nature to assemble the scepter. One of the threads took you to Azshara and a shark named "Maws". I don't remember the other one but the nature one had you reclaim a well-known dragon.
I don't remember how I got this, whether I found it in a run of Sunken Temple or somewhere else. I knew this was leading to the final boss fight, the final step for the green shard. I'd done most everything solo. It was very easy to accumulate stuff, even the elementium required for steps in the quest chains. (There were 3 corresponding to the three colors.) I bought a lot of that off the auction house because people were just dumping it and no one wanted it.
In total, there are 18 steps to this final boss fight. At step number 8, you get this quest.
(Yes, I took a screenshot of every step, figuring it was monumental that I could do it and some day, I'd want to remember.)
The agent and I headed to Moonglade from there. Once in Moonglade, there were a series of steps to confront Eranikus. You know Remulos in Moonglade? He has a few quick quests and then you never talk to him again. He factors hugely in the scepter quest line. That really is why he's in Moonglade. He was responsible for calling and then confronting Eranikus. Omen's return during the Lunar Festival is interesting, but you have not lived until you see a green dragon materialize from across Lake Elluneara and come toward Nighthaven.
What was also incredibly cool was that you did this event in real time. Phasing had only started with Wrath so anyone who was in Nighthaven, and this is the druid training area, could see and interact with someone doing this final quest.
I'd had no trouble up to this point. I have a bear. I'm good. How wrong I was. Eranikus attacks Nighthaven and seeks to kill the druids and Remulos in particular. Your task is to keep him alive. Eranikus threw corrupted druids, shadow elves and minions and lots and lots of nature damage at you. I tried to deal with it and several level 50 and lower druids in the area came to help, but we were overwhelmed and killed. Fortunately, you could just run back, talk to Remulos and start the encounter over again. By the 4th wipe, I knew I had to ask my guild for help.
Several people came to help, more out of curiosity at my claims there was a green dragon in Moonglade. We were joined by a bunch of low level toons until we had a nice raid group of 10 people. I started up the encounter and we battled. It went on for a good 10 minutes, wave after wave of mobs, nature damage, dying and running back. It was intense, but so satisfying. In the end, Eranikus is confronted by Tyrande. He claims she abandoned him. She rebukes him and he thanks her for purging his corruption and heads into the Emerald Dream.
It was an amazing fight. I was very sad it was over.
There's not been anything in the game which comes close to the epic nature of this. Oh we had our legendary cloak quest and currently have a legendary ring quest, but they have all been about gathering copious amounts of materials. They don't call on you to go over the whole of an expansion to get things and kill bosses. I know that in addition to the elementium from Blackwing Lair, I had to get drops off certain bosses. When I fought "Maws", I had to make sure I brought friends because the buoy used to summon him was one use. If you failed, you had to make another one.
In downing the bosses, in finding hidden NPCs, in collecting the materials needed, I felt that I really was on a mission, even though the end result was not something I could ever use. It's a mace and hunters can't use maces. You could only equip it when you were going to ring the gong. After that, it was useless. I still have it in my bank. After doing all of that, there is no way I'm ever deleting that thing.
This is the kind of quest that doesn't appeal to a lot of people. I would say most players just want to get their quest, do it and turn it in. Chain quests are of the "ewww" variety. Blizzard has gone to the "collect thousands of things" for legendary items. I don't think a legendary needs to come of a quest line like this. An epic experience that sends you all over the known world battling mobs in dungeons I haven't been in in years appeals directly to my sense of adventure. They take a lot of resources to develop, program and test. That kind of thing is not where Blizzard's focus is. I think the game is a bit diminished because of it.
Labels: Burning Crusades, Cataclysm, dragons, Druid, Eastern Kingdoms, Gimmlette, legendary, Lunar Festival, Moonglade, quest, Quest Hub, Questing, Sunken Temple, Swamp of Sorrows, Vanilla WOW, weapon, Wrath of the Lich King | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,439 |
Dj Playlist Hip Hop 2019
Ultimate Hip-Hop Album Guide 2: Electric Boogaloo. Get the best and the latest of South African hip hop songs, New Top Mzansi Hip tracks 2019 new releases, Download new SA hip songs and music videos. It replaces the former "The A-List: Hip-Hop" playlist. Die Gruppe gründete sich 1988 und konnte in den 90ern zwei Grammys gewinnen. "Hip-Hop Week MKE for 2019 will feature a celebration of old and new school hip-hop culture during the week of Aug. See Tracklist + Save Playlist. Listen to hip hop music 2019, best workout music songs by Google DJ Carl© for Twitter followers. What others are saying My 5 favourite spinning playlists Maybe this playlist will help me get into spinning New week, new spin mix! And I did it right with this morning spin mix, so get ready for The Weeknd, Diplo, Skrillex and Jason Derulo. iHeartRadio. Propose your playlist, let me know about your new discoveries, select your preferences!. The best music French hip-hop had to offer. Available with an Apple Music subscription. Add This Hip Hop is the world's best clean Hip Hop & Rap Music playlist! You'll find nothing but clean hits that you can comfortably play with your kids, family, classroom, work, business, and more. Hip-hop has officially become the most dominant genre in popular music. Muzi deejayed at AFROPUNK JoBurg and got the crowd lit, open and jamming in the mud to his mixes of Afro Beat, hip hop, R&B and soul. Volume 2 of the 2019 hip-hop edition of our 32-count. ng fan (i call him "van P") sent in the playlist that we mix for him. NME's bringing you a killer playlist of the 20 finest hip-hop tracks of the 1990s. 7 is the top Hip Hop and R&B radio station in San Diego, California with some of America's best DJs and mixers. 5, Wgci-Fm 107. In communities around the world, language is reinforced through music. Download Latest Hip Hop mp3 songs 2019 and Foreign music from the stable of the best online Hip Hop Download website Olagist. 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There are many country songs music entertainers can play at weddings that the guests at wedding receptions would know as line dance songs. Most Popular New Hip Hop songs from 2018 and 2019. It's clear that Nasty C took the Yeezy root but with a plan to officialise his music through releasing the hard copies of the album. In addition, you will find all types of music including Rock, Country music, Dance, R&B, Hip Hop, Swing, Big Band, Oldies, Polka, Jazz, Disco, Reggae, etc. This page will be updated weekly to. Play over 100 trillion songs and we will still be free. Listen to music with your friends, and chat with them, no matter where they are. This week's most popular R&B/Hip-Hop songs, based on radio airplay audience impressions as measured by Nielsen Music, sales data as compiled by Nielsen Music and streaming activity data from. Follow Playlist. Lil' Kim, DaBaby, Megan Thee Stallion, Lil. Some of them have gone on to be nominated and even won a Grammy or two. And while we did have some pretty big singles hit the chart over the last few months, it seems like the theme of 2019 has really been variety as we have seen artists from all walks of hip-hop really shine as fans embrace a little bit of everything vs just your tired mainstream bangers. Fast Download 2019 Latest Foreign Music Hip Hop Songs, including Top 10 Foreign Music Hip Hop Songs From Top Artistes and Latest 2019 Foreign Music Hip Hop Albums Daily for free on Waploaded. Quality > Quantity. Hip Hop Tailgate Party. Plus interviews, album reviews, girls and editorials. 3 Jams WBMX-FM, WCRX Radio Station, KISS FM 103. 5, WVAZ-FM Chicago V103 102. Our Naija DJ Mix 2019 contains top and Trending Naija Mp3 songs, trending songs of 2019. Your Ultimate Gym Playlist: The Best Hip Hop And Dance Workout Songs. By gamut from old-school soul and funk to the latest trap music. 1 The Beat, Savannah's #1 for Hip-Hop and R&B. Be sure to follow and subscribe to these playlists with the top LoFi Hip-Hop & Chill songs! LoFi Chillhop Music Study Beats Radio Playlist Add This LoFi is the world's best Chillhop music playlist. Kicking off. 7 FM, B-96 Wbbm FM. New hip hop music for free. Choose from several source of music. rap/hip-hop sage the gemini party music indie rap hyphy goes where you go. HIP HOP MIX (BOUNCE) 2019 DJ MISTY B is a RnB / Hip Hop Mix uplaoded by DJ Misty B in Aug 2019 - HIP HOP MIX (BOUNCE) 2019 DJ MISTY BALSO ON MIXCLOUD. We recommend you to check other playlists or our favorite music charts. Summer Music 2019 Punjabi Songs 2019 Pop 2019 Dance Reggaeton! Halloween 2019 Thursday party The best music for your parties! Top Bengali Songs 2019 Saturday night Country Dance time Day party Independance night. To make sure your playlist sets a fun vibe (read: not a school dance) we've found the best Halloween songs that bounce from the essentials (we have "Monster Mash" and "Time Warp," of course) to classic rock tunes, hip-hop beats, and pop hits. 2, VA – 90s Party Hits, VA – Country & Folk Classics, VA – NRJ Hit Music Only 2019 (3CD), VA – The Playlist 47-49, VA – Work With Funky Music, VA – Work With Hip Hop Jazz, VA-Soul Jazz Records Presents STUDIO ONE Disco Mix (2019). Cole and Many More Like, Share and Follow. Naija Music 2019 Below you will find every detailed information you need on Nigerian music latest Nigerian songs 2019 download. HOT 97 #1 for Hip Hip List of the 10 most recently played songs. Hip-hop and rap songs usually have a great beat and are very versatile, so they can be used for hard workouts as well as slow, easy runs. 09 // R&B & Hip Hop. It replaces the former "The A-List: Hip-Hop" playlist. Melhores Lançamentos de Hip Hop e Rap Internacional 2020 - Músicas de Hip Hop em Inglês 2020 - https://bit. The 2019 BET Hip-Hop Awards were a highlight, and we got to see Megan Thee Stallion in action, DaBaby get down in three performances, and Travis Scott win. Listen to the New Hip-Hop and R&B music releases 2019 online. 2019-10-31T04:00:00-04:00 c7cf2e4b-63d1-4c8d-87a1-ec2c22376dad. dirty summer 2019 hip hop mix dj sean v is a rnb / hip hop mix uplaoded by djseanvlasvegas in jul 2019 - special request for some dirty club hip hop of all the new summer 2019 hits. 40 Hip-Hop Songs Turning 20 in 2019 Robby Seabrook III Mitchell Gerber / Vinnie Zuffante / KMazur / Ron Galella, Ltd / Stefanie Keenan / Patrick McMullan, Getty Images (3), WireImage (2). Lior Orkabi. Don't miss out on the latest from 106. There are many factors that go into account for longevity – consistency, material, and audience retention being the most important. To make sure your playlist sets a fun vibe (read: not a school dance) we've found the best Halloween songs that bounce from the essentials (we have "Monster Mash" and "Time Warp," of course) to classic rock tunes, hip-hop beats, and pop hits. 2019 Hip Hop & R&B Music Playlist October 2019 Top Songs - New R&B & Pop Music Videos,Smash Hits RNB - Top 55 Tracks Hot Rap Song Best Rap Artist michael simmons; 1,266 videos; 10,473,101 views; Updated 5 days ago. Try it free. Mar 20, 2019- Ultimate Old School Hip Hop Wedding Playlist most requested songs. Playlist Trap January -. You'll find songs from the golden age of hip hop to today. "Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta" proves love, music and the game know no boundaries. These songs are tried and true to get wedding guests on the dance floor. We also do Custom Hip Hop, Poms, Dance and Fitness. Nasty C Releases the Bad Hair Extensions Playlist. rnb mix dj sean v october 8 2019 is a rnb / hip hop mix uplaoded by djseanvlasvegas in oct 2019 - hey hows everybody - here is my october rnb party club mix - dj sean v in full effect - las vegashit the like buttonleave a commenthit play and downloadtrack list :1, run it remix - chris brown2, home alone - keith murray3, hurt yo body - john hart4. Cardi B & 21 Savage - Wish Wish (Clean) City Girls - Twerk ft. 4 MB (se ti registri gratuitamente ad Easybytez (anche con generalità fittizie) potrai scaricare files fino a 512 mb e fino a 2 gb giornalieri / if you register for free to Easybytez (also with fictitious generality) you can download files up to 512 mb and up to 2 gb daily ). D4L x Dem Franchize Boyz - Laffy Taffy (DJ AndOne Lean Wit It Mashup). Apple Music has rebranded its A List: Hip-Hop playlist to Rap Life while adding a weekly show with the same name to Beats 1 Radio. Rap, Hip-hop, Mc, a deep journey to discover the underground rhymes of new musical frontiers. Also international podcasts, radio shows, club mixes with tracklists, bitrate, file size. rap/hip-hop sage the gemini party music indie rap hyphy goes where you go. With the year winding down, XXL looks back on the best, biggest and most memorable hip-hop songs of 2018. Listen to playlists, get music on the go and tune in to the official livestream performances if you can't make it. Updated daily!. Cole, Post Malone, Meek Mill, Oliver Tree, Blue Face, Lil Nas X. Make digging fun again with our state of the art interface and playlist system. Discover and stream the best hip hop playlists, handcrafted by the music experts at iHeartRadio. ly/29ZEVVD Like Our Facebook Page: bit. Search Music, MP3 Songs or Artists Hip Hop Playlist For 2019 Download Hip Hop Playlist For 2019 MP3 for free Hip Hop Songs 2020 - Best Hip Hop Playlist 2020. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Best Hip Hop Blogs List. Get the latest rap news, songs, mixtapes and videos first. Naija Music 2019 Below you will find every detailed information you need on Nigerian music latest Nigerian songs 2019 download. Get Offline Free Music Downloader! 10x Faster; Share on Facebook. Andy Mineo, best christian rap, Christian Hip Hop, christian music, Christian music artist, Christian Rap, Christian rapper, clean hip hop, clean rap, Co Campbell, Dee-1 - I'm Not Perfect (I'm A Christian), Derek Minor, Dontae, Gospel rap, hip hop, Playlist, Popular Christian hip hop, rap, SEVIN, songs of faith, Top 12 Best Christian Hip Hop. For the first time, hip-hop surpassed rock as the most popular genre in the US last year, according to Nielsen's year-end report. Playlist: Clean Hip-hop and R&B Mix 2019. I'm sure these songs will get in your head instantly and hard for you to get it out of your head. Ultimate Hip-Hop Album Guide 2: Electric Boogaloo. 5, Wgci-Fm 107. Posted September 24, 2009. High heels. After a successful debut in 2019, Hip-Hop Week MKE returns to Milwaukee this week with an even fuller lineup of rap concerts, tributes and seminars. Submit to the Hip Hop 2019 Playlist - Best Hip Hop Music playlist. rnb mix dj sean v october 8 2019 is a rnb / hip hop mix uplaoded by djseanvlasvegas in oct 2019 - hey hows everybody - here is my october rnb party club mix - dj sean v in full effect - las vegashit the like buttonleave a commenthit play and downloadtrack list :1, run it remix - chris brown2, home alone - keith murray3, hurt yo body - john hart4. DCWS brings the best new Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Americana-Folk, Electronic and RnB/Soul music by emerging and mainstream artists, as well as pop culture, style and life from around the world. Summer Rap 2019 - Chill Rap / Hip Hop / Trap. Find the perfect Hip Hop tracks from the world's best artists. LAHipHopEvents. Stay in the loop and discover new songs in pop, hip-hop, indie, electronic, and more throughout the many Spotify playlists out there. In addition, you will find all types of music including Rock, Country music, Dance, R&B, Hip Hop, Swing, Big Band, Oldies, Polka, Jazz, Disco, Reggae, etc. Be inspired by the best Dance playlists uploaded by Serato DJs. In communities around the world, language is reinforced through music. This week, Sarge sent us a hip-hop mix to put his DJ skills to the test. Billboard previews 11 hip-hop and R&B artists to watch in 2019. Christian Pop, R&B, and Hip Hop Hits 2019 By addthismusic. 103 JAMZ - Hip-Hop and R&B. Photo Credit: Power 106 Russ pulled up to Power 106 to have a close conversation with Nick Cannon about his beef he has with Guapdad 4000, Rihanna diggin' his newest single, and more on Nick Cannon Mornings! Russ is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and producer out of Atlanta, Georgia. Quality > Quantity. Many of your favorite artist didn't drop albums in 2017, so 2018 is looking good for music lovers. Young Thug & Travis Scott The London 2 Drake Feat. In the midst of his midlife crisis, Patrick McCarthy is trying to decide if he wants to continue his career as team manager or shoot for the stars and start his career as a hip-hop DJ. When I was a kid, if I didn't like something — say, Brussels sprouts — I would turn away. iAMtheDJnow. Vorhang auf für zehn zeitlose Klassiker. blogtalkradio. On this page we update daily latest naija songs, hip hop or pop, videos, lyrics and every information concerning Nigerian music. Toggle navigation. 2018 is poised to be an amazing year for Hip Hop. Lil Uzi Vert ft A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie & Don Q – Flood My Wrist. Follow TyOurhome to never miss another show. 3 is LA's New Home for Hip Hop music, Big Boyr's Neighborhood and The Cruz Show in Los Angeles. Find the highest rated Hip Hop albums and music. Be inspired by the best Hip-Hop playlists uploaded by Serato DJs 2019-10-29 29 Oct 2019 Hip-Hop Canada See playlist. Make digging fun again with our state of the art interface and playlist system. Follow this playlist for hip hop hits and discover songs that you wish you had discovered earlier. 7 is the top Hip Hop and R&B radio station in San Diego, California with some of America's best DJs and mixers. Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. MixtapeMonkey. Browse our collection of artist interviews and memorable performances. Available with an Apple Music subscription. Tune in as DJ iAM takes you on a Journey!Follow DJ iAM on Instagram: @iAMtheDJTo book DJ iAM in your city, visit www. We scoured the service for its top collections and brought them together in one place for you. Get the latest Music News, Songs, Reviews, Videos, Playlists from your favorite artists. Published on. Indigenous peoples in Latin America are using hip-hop—a genre that is popular among younger generations and emphasizes lyrical content—to amplify the voices of those who promote language revitalization and pride in their heritage. The new playlist has 19 songs and the first one had 14 songs, plus he also switched up the arrangement. Listen to thousands of live radio stations or create your own artist stations and playlists. ly/2La0OkI In the next year, you will be able to find this playlist with the next title: Rap US 2021 - New Hip-Hop & Rap Songs 2021 Playlist Because we love music as much as you do, we will continue to update this playlist frequently ♪ ♡. 2019 Hip Hop Playlist mp3 high quality download at MusicEel. The Healer Hip Hop Summer 2019 Hip-Hop/Rap Makabeli Hip-Hop Faye Meana. These are the Best Hip Hop Songs for Weddings to get people on the dance floor! Hip hop style of music is created from African music. Highest quality audio available No compromises. Hip Hop 2019 _ Top 100 Rap HITS 2019. Stream Hip Hop mix 2019 by DJ TUN3S from desktop or your mobile device. Appears in playlists Boathouse Jamz by AlphaDog6524 published on 2017-04-04T02:07:08Z FR3NCH!2FR3SH by Royal King published on 2019-04-05T22:07:47Z hanna b-day party by Brad Jarnesky published on 2019-05-27T05:27:49Z. Play over 100 trillion songs and we will still be free. It has been another great week for music. For a song to be listed below it must have a release date no older than two weeks from the current date and it must rank among the top 200 best selling rap songs. After a successful debut in 2019, Hip-Hop Week MKE returns to Milwaukee this week with an even fuller lineup of rap concerts, tributes and seminars. Lior Orkabi. However, there are questionable songs i don't listen to haha. fm/adchoices Sat, 20 Apr 2019 07:00:00 -0000 bonus Dead End Hip Hop & Studio71 Hey Dead End Hip Fans, check out an episode from the newest podcast from Dead End Hip Hop, Black Korea, A fresh take on Hip-Hop and Korean culture and how they intertwine. MixtapeMonkey. Apple Music has rebranded its A List: Hip-Hop playlist to Rap Life while adding a weekly show with the same name to Beats 1 Radio. net Hip Hop [Music] Lil Durk – Bougie. Best Music for Parties. rap rap songs hip hop hip hop songs rap 2019 hip hop 2019 new rap new hip hop rap songs 2019 hip hop songs 2019 new rap 2019 new hip hop 2019 hot rap hits hits 2019. Just want the music? Listen to the Playlist on Spotify here it's hip-hop that embraces harmonic and rhythmic mobility along with romance. Download one of our free music apps for iOS , Android , Windows 8 or Blackberry. A huge list of latest East Coast Hip Hop albums, find everything released in 2019. Correction: Oct. rap/hip-hop sage the gemini party music indie rap hyphy goes where you go. Throwback Hip-Hop and R&B. Hip Hop Tailgate Party. The 2019 BET Hip Hop Awards aired on Tuesday night with plenty of hip-hop's Rookies of the Year taking home big prizes. Music is the world's most potent drug, and the best playlists on Spotify will make you catch feelings. The Best Hip Hop Albums of 2018. 12 0 0 0 3m 30 October 2019. Also international podcasts, radio shows, club mixes with tracklists, bitrate, file size. Artist: Various Performers Title: Partybreaks and Remixes 2017 All In One December 004 Label: Mashup Blends Style: Electro, Twerk, East-Coast, Hip-Hop, Pop-Rap, Bachata, Moombahton, Dubstep, Festival Dance Release Date: 25-01-2018 Format: CD, Compilation, Bootleg Quality: 320 Kbps/Joint Stereo/44100Hz Codec: MP3 Tracks: 141 Tracks. DJ Mixes, Dancehall & Hip Hop for Free. — Amazon Music (@amazonmusic) June 15, 2019. 4 MB (se ti registri gratuitamente ad Easybytez (anche con generalità fittizie) potrai scaricare files fino a 512 mb e fino a 2 gb giornalieri / if you register for free to Easybytez (also with fictitious generality) you can download files up to 512 mb and up to 2 gb daily ). Play over 100 trillion songs and we will still be free. From longtime favorites to exciting new up-and-comers, get a taste of the rappers set to take the stage in Indio. Last year was one of the biggest in recent memory, with releases from what. It is part of the Hip-Hop genre, which involves lyrics over fast-paced music. Posted September 24, 2009 Atlanta's Hottest Hip Hop. All New Pop/Hip Hop Mix featuring Ariana Grande, Cardi B, Lil Nas X and Many More Like, Share and Follow. iTunes Top New Rap & Hip-Hop Songs. Billboard previews 11 hip-hop and R&B artists to watch in 2019. I carefully compiled it with some mix of new and old catchy songs from Future Hip Hop, Rap, RnB and Pop Dance songs. Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Remixes dj mixes & sets by Remixes DJ's from around the world. But if it's a dance party of young bloods it requires that you add some hip hop party music as well as top rap party tracks and r&b party songs in your party playlist. Listen to playlists, get music on the go and tune in to the official livestream performances if you can't make it. Fire up the grill and turn up the music to this hip-hop BBQ playlist. All The Best Rap And Hip-Hop Playlists On Spotify To Listen To Right Now. com - Retro music quizzes and playlists from the '80s, '90s and '00s. This banger is sure to get you. Whatasapp Facebook Tweet Reddit Pocket Facebook Tweet Reddit Pocket. Thank you very. Apr 8, 2019 10 Most-Played Hip-Hop Songs on Spotify This Week. Feel free to discover new music in this playlist. billboard hip hop playlist from youtube,1 billboard hip hop playlist generator,1 billboard hip hop playlist google music,3 billboard hip hop playlist google play music,2 billboard hip hop playlist history,1 billboard hip hop playlist ideas,2 billboard hip hop playlist iphone,3 billboard hip hop playlist itunes,1 billboard hip hop playlist july,2. Our Portal offers you the Best Compilations of Latest Naija DJ Mix encapsulating Latest Naija 2019 Songs, Popular and Trending Songs. Satisfy your hip-hop obsession by listening to these podcasts to get the latest updates, hear a preview of new songs, and conversations about your favorite artists like Jay-Z, Lauryn Hill, Dr. Covering current events, music and entertainment on a global scale. View reviews, ratings, news & more regarding your favorite band. 7 - Milwaukee Only Hip Hop and R&B, Reggie Brown, Bailey Coleman, DJ O, Promise, The Breakfast Club. Find the highest rated Hip Hop albums and music. The 20 Best Hip Hop Running Songs to Buy in 2019 Here are more running songs playlists. Foto: Cardi B". P // Best NEW Music Playlist June 2019 // Hip Hop, R&B // instagram : TyOurhome by TyOurhome for free. I'll start with a one of mine for a teen jazz class for their warmup. See episodes of your favorite MTV Shows. Try it free. Melhores Lançamentos de Hip Hop e Rap Internacional 2020 - Músicas de Hip Hop em Inglês 2020 - https://bit. Published on. gl/TxCzHe Subscribe For New Mixes: bit. Party Songs 2019 Best Dance Party Music 2019. In this piece, Ari Herstand walks us through the rise of Virginian hip hop artist Lucidious, and how he. Cole, Post Malone, Meek Mill, Oliver Tree, Blue Face, Lil Nas X. The FADER is the definitive voice of music and the lifestyle that surrounds it. Playlist · 32 Songs · Available with an Apple Music subscription. Toggle navigation. Users who like May 2019 Hip Hop Mix; Users who reposted May. dirty summer 2019 hip hop mix dj sean v is a rnb / hip hop mix uplaoded by djseanvlasvegas in jul 2019 - special request for some dirty club hip hop of all the new summer 2019 hits. Rap, Hip-hop, Mc, a deep journey to discover the underground rhymes of new musical frontiers. We cover most popular genres including Hip Hop, EDM, Pop & Rock. How many you know roll like this? How many you know flow like this? The best Kiwi Hip Hop and R&B from across Aotearoa and the city of sails. producer: dj roley. Yung Kartz Too Grimy June 2019 Hip-Hop The Free Music Archive offers free downloads under Creative Commons. Fast Download 2019 Latest Foreign Music Hip Hop Songs, including Top 10 Foreign Music Hip Hop Songs From Top Artistes and Latest 2019 Foreign Music Hip Hop Albums Daily for free on Waploaded. Remixes dj mixes & sets by Remixes DJ's from around the world. A absolute banger spotify gym/lifting music playlist with +200 songs mostly hip hop & rap π Rendered by PID 3060 on r2-app-01b7e69dedf495dd6 at 2019-02-28 01:54. A huge collection of the best party hits are on our list of the 110+ Best Hip Hop Songs for Weddings. I carefully compiled it with some mix of new and old catchy songs from Future Hip Hop, Rap, RnB and Pop Dance songs. The playlist with the best hip hop and rap songs. Get the hottest new Hip Hop, Rap, & RnB club party mixes and songs on the radio by DJ Beatnick! JAM'N 95. PLAYLIST; WHO's NEXT (Unsigned) Portions of Content provided by Last. BW's Treefort 2019 Playlist: Local hip-hop artists Madisun Proof, ZERO, Eleven and Weighn Beats engaged in a lively discussion about the evolution and current state of the music in the state. We at Run The Trap are very selective of the music we post, and make sure to only share the utmost quality works on our website. Latest Tracks Latest News Hot This Month Promoted Tracks. Playlist Main Genre: rap. It isn't quite a robust as Apple Music or Spotify but has potential. We highlighted the best activations to visit during New York Comic Con 2019, as well as the best trailers that dropped. Whether you need songs for a kickback, a summer playlist for a cookout, or bangers for a house party, this list of new party songs 2018 features the most popular hits of t. Events January. Cole, Post Malone, 21 Savage, Future and more of your favourite artists. Turn off safe browse to show content that has been flagged by the community as not safe for work. We stream 80/90/2000 and trending Hip Hop and R&B. " You're going to want some sort of playlist that's festive and good. Covering current events, music and entertainment on a global scale. Follow TyOurhome to never miss another show. The 20 Best Hip Hop Running Songs to Buy in 2019 Here are more running songs playlists. As noted by Billboard on Friday, this will mark the playlist as a more flagship endeavor, something more akin to Spotify's popular Rap Caviar effort. There are many country songs music entertainers can play at weddings that the guests at wedding receptions would know as line dance songs. Naija Music 2019 Below you will find every detailed information you need on Nigerian music latest Nigerian songs 2019 download. Hot New Hip Hop, Rap, RnB, and DJ Club Mixes Get free new Hip Hop, Rap, RnB, and DJ club mixes from the hottest DJs in America! JAM'N 95. Fresh Hip-Hop and R&B that are blazing charts worldwide right now mixed in with a couple new ones you should get to know. Latest DJ Tracks Browse through the latest dj tracks. "Batidas frenéticas e letras explícitas nesta playlist que reúne o top do hip-hop e rap nacional e internacional. Tune in each and every Saturday night to hear Scream and The Hoodrich Team light up the airwaves!. Yung Kartz Too Grimy June 2019 Hip-Hop The Free Music Archive offers free downloads under Creative Commons. Rap, Hip-hop, Mc, a deep journey to discover the underground rhymes of new musical frontiers. Revivez la fête de la musique 2019 en images. Posted September 24, 2009 Atlanta's Hottest Hip Hop. Cole, Post Malone, 21 Savage, Future and more of your favourite artists. Hip-hop arose when DJs began isolating the percussion break from funk or disco songs for audiences to dance to. This song is an all-time. Submit to the Hip Hop 2019 Playlist - Best Hip Hop Music playlist. We know this fact that's why we incorporated new hip hop party songs and good number of party rap songs in our list of new party songs 2019. Know as much for his entrepreneurship and community activism as his music, the impact Nipsey Hussle had in his community - and around the world - is immeasurable. 40 Hip-Hop Songs Turning 20 in 2019 Robby Seabrook III Mitchell Gerber / Vinnie Zuffante / KMazur / Ron Galella, Ltd / Stefanie Keenan / Patrick McMullan, Getty Images (3), WireImage (2). com - Download/Stream Free Mixtapes and Music Videos from your favorite Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B Artists. Music is the world's most potent drug, and the best playlists on Spotify will make you catch feelings. #9 Conscious Hip-Hop Essentials. MO3 - Word Around Town. Music; Hip hop; Rap; Old school; Trip hop; Abstract hip hop; Lowkey: 2019 Soundtrack to the Struggle 2 [Explicit] Vanilla: 2013. 📀 Selectionz | New Hip Hop and R&B songs 2019 | Fresh list every Friday | SLCTNZ | by DJ Noize By djnoizemixtapes. LA Hip Hop Events is the source for Los Angeles Hip Hop, Rap and R & B shows. The songs usually have a great beat and are very versatile, so they can be used for hard workouts and slow, easy runs. started in hip hop, having a. DJ Mixes, Dancehall & Hip Hop for Free. ly/2IcKtKv In the next year, you will be able to find this playlist with the next title: Musicas Rap Internacional 2021 & Melhores Hip Hop Internacional 2021. Watch all the latest music videos, check out the official UK charts and MTV playlists, and keep up to date with all the breaking music news. 7 is the top Hip Hop and R&B radio station in San Diego, California with some of America's best DJs and mixers. Listen To V-103 - The People's Station & The ATL's Home For Hip Hop & R&B. On January 19, Chicago rapper Fredo Santana died in Los Angeles from a seizure. If your iPod or mp3 player's hip hop playlist is starting to sound repetitive, it may be time to add some more music to it. As mais tocadas de 2019 nos EUA você encontra nessa playlist. Fast Download 2019 Latest Foreign Music Hip Hop Songs, including Top 10 Foreign Music Hip Hop Songs From Top Artistes and Latest 2019 Foreign Music Hip Hop Albums Daily for free on Waploaded. A list of all time songs lyrics from the Hip Hop genre. Listen to V. It is a bright collection of dance tracks with a feasible slant to electro-funk, which is a powerful comeback after 2005's Monkey Business. #sharetheknowledge podcast 2019 episode 09: first gig tips, are you ready for bigger clubs. The best music French hip-hop had to offer. Clock icon for playlist track. If you like '90s hip hop: No. MixtapeMonkey. It's clear that Nasty C took the Yeezy root but with a plan to officialise his music through releasing the hard copies of the album. This playlist is carefully put together based on the music released by Mr. October 23, 2019. Songs Updated Daily!. See which albums are sitting at the top of this year's charts. UPDATED: Check out the best party songs of 2019!. This page will be updated weekly to. Serato provides award-winning DJ software used by the leading touring and club DJs. Top 50 Hip Hop Music this week. ©2019 Last. // Instagram: djblighty by @DJBlighty for free. New HipHop music. Playlist: Hip Hop 2019 - New Rap Songs 2019 Playlist (Billboard Top 50 Songs This Week) Kodak Black - Needing Something (Official Music Video) 3:16 Play. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,440 |
Little mistakes are like salt in a soup. Let it dry. He made a linguistic study of languages. Who does this suitcase belong to? I'm afraid I have no experience. I hope Saumya does that for us. Nichael is much cuter. Chew your food thoroughly, then swallow. Thank you for the suggestion. The loneliness and drabness of working away from people are fatal to his best effort.
The policemen arrested the burglar. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember the exact words. Do you own this place? I always wanted to be a mother. It has been confirmed. Are you feeling better today? She learned the hard way. You may be late for school. Nils isn't weak. I prefer a cotton blouse.
All you need to do is trust each other. I prefer white chocolate to dark chocolate. Three people are dead. Elias swiftly approached Stacy and snatched her purse from her. After the battle they delivered the town to the enemy. I didn't get home until 2:30. Does Shari go to the market? A baby rabbit had been caught in a trap. The man is loading the moving truck on his own. I saw Oliver standing there all by himself.
You are so lucky to have such good friends. Steen would probably have a heart attack. Give her a doll. The bug is underneath me. He bore himself well. They have nothing in common with us. We drank cappuccinos and talked about old times. I made you lunch. That was a difficult period in American history. I have mosquito bites all over my arm.
Please don't take this lightly. Why do we have to do that? Tell me everything right away. She has green eyes and light brown hair. It was summer and the weather was warm. He has to go to England in the summer. He apologized to her for being late. She's Ukrainian. It's likely to rain today. I drank tea.
Maria assumes that university students learn languages more quickly than other people. I trusted them. We were unable to find the webpage that you requested. You were just here last week. They stopped to stare at Eric. I take sides with you. She was very well before lunch, but felt sick afterward. It takes a lot of guts and courage. I was born in Israel in 2002. How can you not like horses?
It amazed us that she had been to Brazil alone. It's a difficult text to understand. Prakash and I were meant for each other. I stopped going there. The heat was terrible. He knocked on the door, then came in. Sundaresan dropped out of school when he was thirteen. Derek doesn't know why Johnnie isn't at school. Diane didn't dare to open his mouth. It's as true as death.
Erik sure spends a lot of time at Stanly's house. "You must be tired after a long day." "No, not in the least." She had a flower in her hand. Since I hadn't seen Martha for several months, I went to visit her yesterday. You can often tell where a person comes from by the way he speaks. Teriann is traveling by himself. The offer is worthy of being considered. You are the only person that I know here in Boston. He prepared carefully for the meeting. I stayed inside all day today.
An historical event on Tatoeba: on July 12, 2012, Esperanto outstripped Japanese concerning the amount of phrases and took the second place on the language poll. She doesn't smile for me anymore. I ordered the book from Britain. How many bridges are there across the River Thames? I'm supposed to help Dan. He is possessed by an unusual idea. I can't afford to buy her a new dress. This is like bringing water to the sea. In poker, what's a Full House? It was raining when I took the bus.
Go and get a chair from the next room, please. I think it's a good law. I wish we could be friends. Jack lay bleeding on the floor. Heligoland is located in the German Bight. That kind of talk leads to arguments. I'll let you know if anything comes up. I'm going into town. He took advantage of the good weather to do some gardening. Mom, there is nothing to eat. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,441 |
M.S with or Work experience ?
Thread: M.S with or Work experience ?
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Home TV/Cable News 'Good Morning America' Posts Season-to-Date Highs
'Good Morning America' Posts Season-to-Date Highs
Delivering Best Total Viewer Performance in 9 Months & Highest Demo Performance in More Than 7 Months. Week to Week, "GMA" Increases 510,000 Among Total Viewers and 170,000 in Key Demo – The Most of Any Morning Broadcast.
"GMA" Cuts Viewing Gaps with NBC Week to Week, While Also Extending Advantages Over CBS
For the week of December 7th, ABC's "Good Morning America" averaged 4.75 million Total Viewers and a 1.5/11 among Adults 25-54. This marks the broadcast's best Total Viewer delivery in 9 months (week of 3/2/09) and its largest demo delivery in more than 7 months (week of 4/27/09).
On Friday, December 11th, Diane Sawyer's last day as anchor of "Good Morning America," the broadcast delivered 5.18 million Total Viewers and 2.01 million among Adults 25-54. So far this season, this marks "GMA's" best Friday performance.
Week to week, "GMA" posted impressive gains among both Total and key demo viewers, increasing 510,000 (12%) and 170,000 (10%), respectively. Of the three morning broadcasts, "GMA" grew the most in these key categories.
Compared to the prior week, "GMA" cut into the Total Viewing and demo gaps with NBC's "Today Show." The Total Viewing difference between the two programs shrank 18%, while the demo difference was 10% smaller.
Additionally, compared to CBS' "Early Show," "GMA" extended its viewing advantages week to week and year to year. Compared to the prior week, ABC's Total Viewing lead over CBS was 15% greater and its demo advantage was 3% greater. Year to year, "GMA" extended its advantage over CBS by 18% among Total Viewers and 6% in the key demo. Compared to this week last year, "GMA" was up 3% among Total Viewers.
Jim Murphy is the senior executive producer and Tom Cibrowski is the executive producer of ABC's "Good Morning America." The Emmy Award-winning morning news program airs live Monday through Friday from 7:00-9:00 a.m. ET on the ABC Television Network.
MORNING NEWS (W/0 Dec. 7) Total Viewers Adults 25-54 Households
ABC 4,750,000 1.5/11; 1,920,000 3.6/13
NBC 5,970,000 2.1/15; 2,670,000 4.4/16
CBS 3,010,000 1.0/7; 1,250,000 2.3/8
(Source: data and information provided by ABC. – Nielsen, NTI (Total Viewers and Adults 25-54 Live + SD weeks of 12/7/09, 11/30/09, and 12/8/08)
Previous article'The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien' wins week of Dec. 7-11
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namespace App\DataSource\Dtp\User;
use Atlas\Mapper\MapperRelationships;
class UserRelationships extends MapperRelationships
protected function define()
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Comune din provincia Ancona | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,445 |
The Hayride has been covering this story since it broke: a young Jindal staffer and her boyfriend were savagely beaten after leaving Brennan's restaurant in the French Quarter, where a Republican fund-raiser was being held. A group of anarchists had been protesting the SRLC in front of the Hilton, and had later marched down to Brennan's to protest the "rich Republican plutocrats".
Allee Bautsch suffered a broken leg, and her boyfriend Joe Brown suffered a broken nose, a broken jaw, and a concussion.
Allee Bautsch has seven screws in her leg and five surgical scars. She didn't just fall down, she was stomped on.
Allee is a tiny woman. There are 3-5 men being sought in connection to the beatings, one of them was described as a Caucasian male who appeared to be dirty, in his 20's, 6′1″ tall, thin build with a thin face. He had a beard and auburn color hair in a pony tail. He was wearing a light color T shirt and dark color pants.
Keep checking The Hayride for updates.
"Shortly before 10:30pm, Mr. Brown and Ms. Bautsch left the restaurant and began walking towards St. Louis. Street. Mr. Brown noted there were still several protestors loitering in the area, but not nearly the number which had been present earlier. Soon after leaving the restaurant, he heard what he described as 'cat calls.' At an unknown point within the 400 block of Royal Street, both Mr. Brown and Ms. Bautsch then crossed from the Brennan's side of the street to the Supreme Court side of the street.
Michelle notes that no overtly political comments were made towards the couple, suggesting a random crime, as opposed to a political hate crime. I think the fact that they said, 'You think you're fu**king special,' and made reference to the victims being "nicely dressed", suggests the type of class hatred you might expect from Communist/anarchists out to punish "rich plutocrats".
Obviously,whether the beating was politically motivated or not, it was a heinous crime and the miscreants need to be punished to the full letter of the law.
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Allee Bautsch and Joe Brown (her SO), the victims of this beating by barbaric Lefties, have issued statements elaborating on the minimal statement given by Joe Brown alone to the police. They state that they were followed by protester from the that they left Brennan's; and were harangued with sexist, classist, and political insults from the start. In a few blocks they were savagely attacked by those same protester that followed them from the restaurant.
Anyone that denies, impugns or avoids the victims statement is victimizing this nice young couple again; and is little better than those Leftist thugs that did so on that dark New Orleans street. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,446 |
Business, Minnesota News
Moorhead Parks kicks off 8th annual farmers market
Shoppers can buy fresh produce, meats, plants and other hand crafted items from local vendors.
George Gonzales,
MOORHEAD, Minn. (KVRR) — Moorhead Parks and Recreation is bringing to town a taste of Summer with its eighth annual Moorhead Farmers market. The market will run every Tuesday through September 28th from 3 to 6 p.m. Shoppers can buy fresh produce, meats, plants and other hand crafted items from local vendors. "I think it's great that we're able to…
Business, Community, Local News, Minnesota News
Minnesota Department Of Agriculture Gives Out Thousands In Grants For Meat Processing Plants
The grant gives producers up to five thousand dollars to offset the costs of adding coolers, refrigeration units, slaughter and processing equipment.
DETROIT LAKES, MINN. –The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is giving out thousands in grant money to meat processing plants across the state. Those receiving the money include businesses in Pelican Rapids, Perham, Barnesville and New York Mills. The grant gives producers up to five thousand dollars to offset the costs of adding coolers, refrigeration units, slaughter and processing equipment. The…
Community, Local News, North Dakota News
Bison Fans Herd Up To Tailgate Through Snowy Storms
"Of course you gotta tailgate Bison home game, it's homecoming you gotta represent," said Bison fan Mike Hennebry
FARGO, N.D. — Mike Hennebry has been tailgating for the green and gold for over a decade. And he's not letting the weather ruin his fun. "Ya know there is a light crowd today obviously because of the weather but just seeing all the different rigs and just seeing all the different things people do for tailgating ya know my…
Great Plains Food Bank Receives Beefy Donation of Protein for the Summer
Hornbacher's, Smithfield Foods donate 40,000 pounds of protein
FARGO, N.D. — For many families across the country, summer is one of the toughest seasons to have regular access to food. "Summertime is always one of the biggest need periods because of all the kids that don't have school, so during the school year, they have breakfast and lunch that's taken care of but that goes away in the summertime,"…
Business, Community, Local News, North Dakota News
Food Truck For a Purpose Welcomes Minneapolis Pro Wrestler and her BBQ Sauce
Fargo Park District is bringing a tasty twist to the summer by hosting different food trucks and giving back to United Way of Cass–Clay
FARGO, N.D. — Food Truck for a Purpose is back and a Minneapolis pro–wrestler was in town with her Meat and Greet Food Truck. Fargo Park District is bringing a tasty twist to the summer by hosting different food trucks and giving back to United Way of Cass–Clay. OBD is a pro wrestler who started her own line of barbecue…
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Turning March Madness into March MEATness!
People have until March 18th to fill out their brackets, which consist of their favorite items on the menu
FARGO, N.D. — March Madness is here but NoBull in downtown Fargo has taken a different approach…calling their bracket March MEATness! People have until March 18th to fill out their brackets, which consist of their favorite items on the menu! Sixteen items are divided into 4 regions, and the winners will be based on sales throughout the tournament! The general…
Agriculture, Business, Community, Health, Local News, News Landing Page, North Dakota News
Restrictions Placed on North Dakota Hunters in Montana Due to Chronic Wasting Disease
About 1,400 North Dakotans hunt deer or elk bucks in Montana each year
TJ Nelson,
NORTH DAKOTA — The recent discovery of chronic wasting disease in deer in Montana means restrictions for North Dakotans who hunt across the border. The Game and Fish Department is adding Montana to the list of states from which the movement of deer carcasses into North Dakota is restricted. About 1,400 North Dakotans hunt deer or elk bucks in…
Woman accused of faking kidnapping wanted a break from husband
After 50 years, Deputy Herb Nelson is ready to retire | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,447 |
Ross proposes UNC tuition increase
UNC System President Tom Ross (center) -- seen here at a November Board of Governors meeting -- is proposing a 9.9% tuition increase for most UNC-Chapel Hill students. (Photo by Lydia Wilson)
This week, UNC system president Tom Ross recommended in-state tuition at the system's universities go up an average of just under 9 percent.
At UNC-Chapel Hill, Ross' proposal would raise in-state tuition 9.9 percent. That's significantly lower than the 16 increase requested by UNC's Board of Trustees. But it's still a good deal higher than the 6.5 percent increase students faced in the 2011-2012 academic year. Ross is proposing that out of state tuition at UNC-Chapel Hill go up 6 percent next year. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,448 |
(1599) Giomus ist ein Asteroid des Hauptgürtels, der am 17. November 1950 vom französischen Astronomen Louis Boyer in Algier entdeckt wurde.
Benannt wurde der Asteroid nach der französischen Stadt Gien.
Hauptgürtelasteroid unter 50 km Durchmesser | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,449 |
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Category: Files
Andy mineo bitter instrumental s
by Moogunris•Posted 04.02.2020•1 Comment(s)
Heroes for Sale is the debut studio album by American Christian hip hop artist Andy Mineo, released on April 16, It follows up Mineo's mixtape Formerly coachfactoryoutletstores.comered one of the most anticipated Christian hip hop albums of , Heroes for Sale includes features from Lecrae, Trip Lee, KB, Christon Gray, Krizz Kaliko, and for KING & COUNTRY among Christian hip hop, progressive hip hop. Watch and download Andy Mineo coachfactoryoutletstores.com3 on free. Very fast and get best audio quality Andy Mineo Bitter. Free download mp3 and video Andy Mineo Bitter!!! You know there's one single to root right? Hebrews check it out You know there's a few things in my life that cause me to be bitter and, I'm just asking God, I'm like I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, bitter I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, bitter I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, [ ].
Andy Mineo - Bitter (Letra e música para ouvir) - You know there's one single to root right? Hebrews check it out / You know there's a few things in my life. Andy Mineo Bitter Instrumental Free Mp3 Download in high quality bit. Free Bitter By Andy Mineo coachfactoryoutletstores.com3. Play & Download Size: ~ ~ kbps. Read about Bitter (instrumental) by Andy Mineo and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists.Heroes for Sale is the debut studio album by American Christian hip hop artist Andy Mineo, released on April 16, It follows up Mineo's mixtape Formerly coachfactoryoutletstores.comered one of the most anticipated Christian hip hop albums of , Heroes for Sale includes features from Lecrae, Trip Lee, KB, Christon Gray, Krizz Kaliko, and for KING & COUNTRY among Christian hip hop, progressive hip hop. You know there's one single to root right? Hebrews check it out You know there's a few things in my life that cause me to be bitter and, I'm just asking God, I'm like I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, bitter I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, bitter I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, [ ]. Apr 04, · Download Andy Mineo - Bitter mp3. Play Andy Mineo mp3 songs for free. Find your favorite songs in our multimillion database of quality mp3s Andy Mineo Lyrics "Bitter" You know there's one single to root right? Hebrews check it out God I don't wanna be bitter, teach me to forgive, let me see my own sin I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, bitter I don't wanna be bitter, bitter, bitter. Andy Mineo revealed the art work for his second full-length album with Reach Records, Uncomfortable, on July 16, The album was released on September 18, The album was released on September 18, Watch and download Andy Mineo coachfactoryoutletstores.com3 on free. Very fast and get best audio quality Andy Mineo Bitter. Free download mp3 and video Andy Mineo Bitter!!! Apr 16, · Bitter Andy Mineo. Produced by Daramola & Alex Medina. Album Heroes for Sale. This is a remake of Andy's song "Bitter" which was released under his former alias C-Lite in Stream Andy Mineo - Bitter by Rapzilla from desktop or your mobile device.
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Copyright © 2020 ipl 2015 time table images. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,450 |
We offer a comprehensive range of Portland Place office space options. This includes serviced offices in business centres, shared office space and desk rentals, short term office space, industrial units and warehousing, virtual offices and conventional commercial property leasing. Our Central London office search service is completely free to use, and our advisors are on hand to go that extra mile in finding the perfect business address at cost effective rates.
Portland Place emerged as a residential street during the nineteenth century. While some grand residences remain, the street is now a sought-after address for businesses and organisations looking for a prestigious West End location. Arthritis Research UK, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and the Royal Institute of British Architects are all based along Portland Place. The street also hosts the embassies of China and Poland, the High Commission of Kenya, and the Columbian and Portuguese consulates.
In addition to embassies and charities, Portland Street's major employer is the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). At the southern end of Portland Place is Broadcasting House, the headquarters for the BBC. Opened in 1932, the complex was refurbished and expanded in 2005. Studios at Broadcasting House are used by BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, BBC World Service, BBC News, BBC World News, and several other BBC services. Although the broadcasting giant is Portland Street's largest employer, there are also a range of businesses with offices along the street. Investment firms, media businesses, and real estate and travel agencies are just some of the employers found on Portland Street.
Many of Portland Place's Georgian terraced houses have been converted into offices for corporate headquarters, charities and professional associations. Offices in the area are a short walk from shops and other amenities along Great Portland Street, Market Place and Marylebone High Street. They are also close to Great Portland Street, Regents Park and Oxford Circus tube stations.
Featuring a period façade dating back to the 1790s, 54 Portland Place is home to modern Grade A offices. The office building was redeveloped in 2015 and has more than 5,700 square feet of floor space arranged in open plan layouts. Refurbished in 1982, 92-96 Portland Place is another example of a repurposed terraced building. The listed Regency-style property has 8,735 square feet of office accommodation.
Portland Place is a street in Marylebone, an affluent area of the City of Westminster in London's West End. The street was originally created by Robert and James Adam for the Duke of Portland during the late eighteenth century. Portland Place ran north from the gardens of Foley House. The wide street was incorporated into the royal route from Carlton House to Regent's Park in the early nineteenth century. Most buildings that line the street are Georgian terraced houses and early 20th century additions.
Although residential in nature during its early history, Portland Place is now largely a place of business. Many former houses are now company headquarters as well as offices for charities and professional bodies including the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Institute of Physics. Several foreign embassies are also found along Portland Place, including diplomatic missions for China, Portugal, Poland, Kenya and Columbia.
At its northern end, the elegant Park Crescent designed by architect John Nash connects the street with Park Square and Regent's Park. The southern end of Portland Place features the Victorian Langham Hotel and Broadcasting House, which is the headquarters of the BBC. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,451 |
Home WTA Petra Kvitova: The first clay match is always difficult
Petra Kvitova: The first clay match is always difficult
Czech tennis player Petra Kvitova commented on the victory in the second round of the tournament in Stuttgart.
"I started the match well. I was ready for the first draw. I didn't know anything about the opponent, but I remained focused. It's not easy to hold the first match on the ground. I like to play in the hall, but there are different conditions compared to other clay courts. Some games aren't were perfect, but for the first game on the ground is normal. With the score 4/4 I had to fight. It was a very important game.
The opponent was not so much wrong as in the first set. She has a great flat kick from backhand, a wonderful cross. She adds rotation when hitting the forehand and moves great on the court. Minnen has a good feed, especially the first. When it hits, the ball flies very quickly and it is not easy to take, "the Tour press service quotes Kvitova.
Aryna Sabalenka made 39 double faults in 2 matches in 2022
Simona Halep: I really missed the official matches
Aryna Sabalenka: This season will be the best if I win a Grand Slam tournament
Paula Badosa: I would love to play Halep
Anett Kontaveit: It will be very difficult, but I'm ready for Muguruza
Victoria Azarenka: I've never played with Paula and never trained with her
Paula Badosa: It's not going to be easy with Jabeur
Elina Svitolina: It's a shame that the injury worsened during the match | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,452 |
Chapter: Appendix B: Bibliography of References Consulted on Teaching and Learning
« Previous: Appendix A: Summary of Public Feedback and Subsequent Revisions
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Bibliography of References Consulted on Teaching and Learning." National Research Council. 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13165.
The committee consulted a variety of references throughout the development of the framework, not all of which are cited explicitly in the report itself. This appendix lists some of the additional references the committee used to develop the practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas and to construct the grade band endpoints. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of all of the references relevant to teaching and learning in science. Rather, it is intended to provide a sense of the range of research literature the committee considered.
In addition to those references cited in Chapter 3, the following references were consulted to inform the committee's selection of practices, the definitions for what the practices can look like in the classroom, and the committee's arguments about the feasibility of young learners engaging in scientific practices.
Berland, L.K., and McNeill, K.L. (2010). A learning progression for scientific argumentation: Understanding student work and designing supportive instructional contexts. Science Education, 94(5), 765-793.
Berland, L.K., and Reiser, B.J. (2009). Making sense of argumentation and explanation. Science Education, 93(1), 26-55.
Berland, L.K., and Reiser, B.J. (2011). Classroom communities' adaptations of the practice of scientific argumentation. Science Education, 95(2), 191-216.
Lehrer, R., and Schauble, L. (2006). Scientific thinking and science literacy: Supporting development in learning in contexts. In W. Damon, R.M. Lerner, K.A. Renninger, and I.E. Sigel (Eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology, Sixth Edition (vol. 4). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Lehrer, R., Schauble, L., and Lucas, D. (2008). Supporting development of the epistemology of inquiry. Cognitive Development, 23(4), 512-529.
Metz, K.E. (2004). Children's understanding of scientific inquiry: Their conceptualization of uncertainty in investigations of their own design. Cognition and Instruction, 22(2), 219-290.
Metz, K.E. (2008). Narrowing the gulf between the practices of science and the elementary school science classroom. Elementary School Journal, 109(2), 138-161.
Osborne, J., Erduran, S., and Simon, S. (2004). Enhancing the quality of argumentation in school science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 994-1,020.
Sampson, V., and Clark, D. (2008). Assessment of the ways students generate arguments in science education: Current perspectives and recommendations for future directions. Science Education, 92, 447-472.
Schwarz, C.V., Reiser, B.J., Davis, E.A., Kenyon, L., Acher, A., Fortus, D., Shwartz, Y., Hug, B., and Krajcik, J. (2009). Developing a learning progression for scientific modeling: Making scientific modeling accessible and meaningful for learners. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(6), 632-654.
Schwarz, C.V., Reiser, B.J., Kenyon, L.O., Acher, A., and Fortus, D. (in press). Issues and challenges in defining a learning progression for scientific modeling. In A. Alonzo and A.W. Gotwals (Eds.), Learning Progressions for Science. Boston, MA: Sense.
Simon, S., Erduran, S., and Osborne, J. (2006). Learning to teach argumentation: Research and development in the science classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 28(2-3), 235-260.
Windschitl, M., Thompson, J., and Braaten, M. (2008). Beyond the scientific method: Model-based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations. Science Education, 92(5), 941-967.
The committee consulted the references below to inform the development of the core ideas and their components and to develop the grade band endpoints. The research evidence was considered to determine which ideas students might be able to engage with at a given grade band given appropriate instructional support, as well as where they might have difficulty or hold preconceptions that conflict with scientific explanations. The committee also reviewed draft documents from the Massachusetts Department of Education compiled to support science standards that are informed by research on learning progressions.
Ashbrook, P. (2008). Air is a substance. Science and Children, 46(4), 12-13.
Feher, E., and Rice, K. (2006). Shadows and anti-images: Children's conceptions of light and vision II. Science Education, 72(5), 637-649.
Haupt, G.W. (2006). Concepts of magnetism held by elementary school children. Science Education, 36(3), 162-168.
Lehrer, R., Schauble, L., Strom, D., and Pligge, M. (2001). Similarity of form and substance: From inscriptions to models. In D. Klahr and S. Carver (Eds.), Cognition and Instruction: 25 Years of Progress (pp. 39-74). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Palmeri, A., Cole, A., DeLisle, S., Erickson, S., and Janes, J. (2008). What's the matter with teaching children about matter? Science and Children, 46(4), 20-23.
Smith, C.L., Solomon, G.E.A., and Carey, S. (2005). Never getting to zero: Elementary school students' understanding of the infinite divisibility of number and matter. Cognitive Psychology, 51, 101-140.
Smith, C.L., Wiser, M., Anderson, C.W., and Krajcik, J. (2006). Implications of research on children's learning for standards and assessment: A proposed learning progression for matter and the atomic molecular theory. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 4, 1-98.
Stevens, S.Y., Delgado, C., and Krajcik, J.S. (2009). Developing a hypothetical multi-dimensional learning progression for the nature of matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47, 687-715.
Barrett, J.E., and Clements, D.H. (2003). Quantifying path length: Fourth-grade children's developing abstractions for linear measurement. Cognition and Instruction, 21(4), 475-520.
Carey, S. (1986). Conceptual Change in Childhood. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Carpenter, T.P., Fennema, E., Franke, M.L., Levi, L., and Empson, S.B. (1999). Children's Mathematics. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Catley, K., Lehrer, R., and Reiser, B. (2005). Tracing a Prospective Learning Progression for Developing Understanding of Evolution. Paper commissioned by the National Academies Committee on Test Design for K-12 Science Achievement. Available: [June 2011]. Cobb, P., McClain, K., and Gravemeijer, K. (2003). Learning about statistical covariation. Cognition and Instruction, 21(1), 1-78.
Demastes, S.S., Good, R.G., and Peebles, P. (1995). Students' conceptual ecologies and the process of conceptual change in evolution. Science Education, 79(6), 637-666.
Evans, E.M. (2001). Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: Creation versus evolution. Cognitive Psychology, 42, 217-266.
Freyberg, P., and Osborne, R. (1985). Learning in Science: The Implications of Children's Science. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Gelman, S.A., Coley, J.D., and Gottfried, G.M. (1994). Essentialist beliefs in children: The acquisition of concepts and theories. In L.A. Hirschfield and S.A. Gelman (Eds.), Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Psychology Reader (pp. 222-244). New York: New York University Press.
Golan Duncan, R., Rogat, A., and Yarden, A. (2009). A learning progression for deepening students' understandings of modern genetics across the 5th-10th grades. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 655-674.
Kanter, D.E. (2010). Doing the project and learning the content: Designing project-based science curricula for meaningful understanding. Science Education, 94(3), 525-551.
Kelemen, D., Widdowson, D., Posner, T., Brown, A.L., and Casler, K. (2003). Teleo-functional constraints on preschool children's reasoning about living things. Developmental Science, 6(3), 329-345.
Kyza, E.A. (2009). Middle-school students' reasoning about alternative hypotheses in a scaffolded, software-based inquiry investigation. Cognition and Instruction, 27(4), 277-311.
Leach, J., Driver, R., Scott, P., and Wood-Robinson, C. (1995). Children's ideas about ecology 1: Theoretical background, design, and methodology. International Journal of Science Education, 17(6), 721-732.
Leach, J., Driver, R., Scott, P., and Wood-Robinson, C. (1996). Children's ideas about ecology 2: Ideas found in children aged 5-16 about the cycling of matter. International Journal of Science Education, 18(1), 19-34.
Lehrer, R., and Schauble, L. (2000). Inventing data structures for representational purposes: Elementary grade students' classification models. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(1&2), 51-74.
Lehrer, R., and Schauble, L. (2004). Modeling natural variation through distribution. American Educational Research Journal, 41(3), 635-679.
Lehrer, R., and Schauble, L. (2010a). Seeding Evolutionary Thinking by Engaging Children in Modeling Its Foundations. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching.
Lehrer, R., and Schauble, L. (2010b). What kind of explanation is a model? In M.K. Stein and L. Kucan (Eds.), Instructional Explanations in the Disciplines (pp. 9-22). New York: Springer.
Lehrer, R., Carpenter, S., Schauble, L., and Putz, A. (2000). The inter-related development of inscriptions and conceptual understanding. In P. Cobb, E. Yackel, and K. McClain (Eds.), Symbolizing and Communicating in Mathematics Classrooms: Perspectives on Discourse, Tools, and Instructional Design (pp. 325-360). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lehrer, R., Jaslow, L., and Curtis, C. (2003). Developing an understanding of measurement in the elementary grades. In D.H. Clements and G. Bright (Eds.), Learning and Teaching Measurement: 2003 Yearbook (pp. 100-121). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Manz, E. (2010, March). Representational Work in Classrooms: Negotiating Material Redescription, Amplification, and Explanation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia.
Metz, K.E. (2000). Young children's inquiry in biology: Building the knowledge bases to empower independent inquiry. In J. Minstrell and E.H. van Zee (Eds.), Inquiring into Inquiry Learning and Teaching in Science. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Metz, K.E., Sisk-Hilton, S., Berson, E., and Ly, U. (2010). Scaffolding Children's Understanding of the Fit Between Organisms and Their Environment in the Context of the Practices of Science. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, June 29-July 2, Chicago.
Mohan, L., Chen, J., and Anderson, C.W. (2009). Developing a multi-year learning progression for carbon cycling in socioecological systems. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(6), 675-698. (This reference also informed the earth and space sciences ideas.)
Passmore, C., and Stewart, J. (2002). A modeling approach to teaching evolutionary biology in high schools. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39(3), 185-204.
Sandoval, W.A., and Reiser, B.J. (2004). Explanation-driven inquiry: Integrating conceptual and epistemic scaffolds for scientific inquiry. Science Education, 88(3), 345-372.
Shtulman, A. (2006). Qualitative differences between naïve and scientific theories of evolution. Cognitive Psychology, 52, 170-194.
Smith, C.L., Wiser, M., Anderson, C.W., and Krajcik, J. (2006). Implications of research on children's learning for standards and assessment: A proposed learning progression for matter and atomic-molecular theory. Measurement, 14(1&2), 1-98.
Tabak, I., and Reiser, B.J. (2008). Software-realized inquiry support for cultivating a disciplinary stance. Pragmatics and Cognition, 16(2), 307-355.
Zuckerman, G.A., Chudinova, E.V., and Khavkin, E.E. (1998). Inquiry as a pivotal element of knowledge acquisition within the Vygotskian paradigm: Building a science curriculum for the elementary school. Cognition and Instruction, 16(2), 201-233.
Anderson, C.W. (March, 2010). Learning Progressions for Environmental Science Literacy.
Paper prepared for the National Research Council Committee to Develop a Conceptual Framework to Guide K-12 Science Education Standards. Available: [June 2011].
Harris, P. (2000). On not falling down to Earth: Children's metaphysical questions. In K. Rosengren, C. Johnson, and P. Harris (Eds.), Imagining the Impossible: The Development of Scientific and Religious Thinking in Contemporary Society (pp. 157-178). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hogan, K., and Fisherkeller, J. (1996). Representing students' thinking about nutrient cycling in ecosystems: Bio-dimensional coding of a complex topic. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33, 941-970.
Leach, J., Driver, R., Scott, P., and Wood-Robinson, C. (1996). Children's ideas about ecology 2: Ideas found in children aged 5-16 about the cycling of matter. International Journal of Science Education, 18, 19-34.
Lehrer, R., and Pritchard, C. (2003). Symbolizing space into being. In K. Gravemeijer, R.
Lehrer, L. Verschaffel, and B. Van Oers (Eds.), Symbolizing, Modeling, and Tool Use in Mathematics Education (pp. 59-86). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
Lehrer, R., and Romberg, T. (1996). Exploring children's data modeling. Cognition and Instruction, 14, 69-108.
Liben, L.S. (2009). The road to understanding maps. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(6), 310-315.
Panagiotaki, G., Nobes, G., and Banerjee, R. (2006). Is the world round or flat? Children's understanding of the Earth. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3, 124-141.
Rapp, D., and Uttal, D.H. (2006). Understanding and enhancing visualizations: Two modes of collaboration between earth science and cognitive science. In C. Manduca and D. Mogk (Eds.), Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth. Denver, CO: Geological Society of America.
Schauble, L., Glaser, R., Duschl, R., Schulze, S., and John, J. (1995). Students' understanding of the objectives and procedures of experimentation in the science classroom. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4(2), 131-166.
Uttal, D.H. (2005). Spatial symbols and spatial thought: Cross-cultural, developmental, and historical perspectives on the relation between map use and spatial cognition. In L. Namy (Ed.), Symbol Use and Symbolic Representation: Developmental and Comparative Perspectives (pp. 3-23). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Uttal, D.H., Fisher, J.A., and Taylor, H.A. (2006). Words and maps: Children's mental models of spatial information acquired from maps and from descriptions. Developmental Science, 9(2), 221-235.
Vosniadou, S., and Brewer, W. (1994). Mental models of the day and night cycle. Cognitive Science, 18, 123-183.
Vosniadou, S., Skopeliti, I., and Ikospentaki, K. (2004). Modes of knowing and ways of reasoning in elementary astronomy. Cognitive Development, 19, 203-222.
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Next: Appendix C: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members and Staff » | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,453 |
Personnages du monde imaginaire de Cobra, classés par ordre alphabétique.
Voir Norma Herman.
Voir Lady.
Personnage apparaissant dans l'épisode 14 de l'anime. Elle fait partie du palais de Galtan.
Le robot serviteur de Cobra dans le premier épisode c'est dans ce robot qu'Armanoïde s'est reposée durant cinq années.
Voir Cargou.
Roi imposteur qui règne sur la planète Zados.
C'est un lutteur professionnel, Cobra va prendre la place d'El Skyman et va devoir se mesurer face à ce colosse pour essayer d'éliminer Salamandar en faisant sortir ce dernier, distrait par le match, de son bouclier invisible que forment ses quatre gardes du corps.
Ami de Cobra et dernier survivant du peuple Fregolus. Il a la capacité de changer d'apparence comme bon lui semble. Il va aider Cobra à tuer Salamandar. Le personnage est inspiré de l'acteur Telly Savalas, renforcé dans le doublage français par la voix d'Henry Djanik qui prêtait déjà son timbre à Telly Savalas dans la série télévisée policière Kojak.
La cadette des trois filles du capitaine Nelson.
L'un des comparses de Cobra. Il possède des ailes dans son dos ainsi que des pouvoirs sensoriels très développés qui sont convoités par les pirates de l'espace. Il va rejoindre ses amis pour tuer Salamandar.
C'est le héros de cet univers de fiction.
S'il avait passé une phase dépressive avant de se refaire le visage, il est maintenant dans une forme formidable. Il a retrouvé sa mémoire et repart combattre les pirates de l'espace.
Crystal Boy
Appelé « l'homme de verre » dans la version française, il est l'ennemi juré de Cobra. Le nom Crystal Boy est en fait une mauvaise traduction phonétique de Crystal Bowie (Bowie étant ici une référence au couteau du même nom).
Dan Brad
Il est le capitaine des Saxons rouges, l'équipe la plus forte au rug-ball. Il n'y a pas de confrontation directe avec Cobra mais finalement, Dan Brad reconnaîtra en lui un adversaire de grande valeur.
L'une des trois filles du capitaine Nelson.
Elle est jumelle avec Jane. Si dans le manga elle meurt, dans l'anime elle est toujours vivante à la fin. Dans les OAV The Psychogun, l'homme de verre qui semble être toujours en vie, réussit à tuer Dominique. Dans "Cobra The Animation" un personnage ressemblant à Dominique s'appelle Secret ; Cobra est choqué quand il la voit car elle lui rappelle son ancienne amante.
C'est un informateur qui travaille pour Ziateur (l'informateur) qui va l'aider à éliminer Cobra avec d'autres complices comme Dusse qui seront tous tués ; il sera le seul survivant et aidera Cobra pour le remercier de l'avoir épargné. Il meurt décapité par le rayon Delta de Cobra renvoyé par les satellites de L'Homme Plante.
Un des complices de Ziateur (l'informateur) et de Donneur. Alors qu'il tentait de tuer Cobra pendant son sommeil, il est tué par une sorte de serpent robot qui était en fait destiné à Cobra.
C'est la petite amie de Cargou qui sera tuée par les hommes de Salamandar.
C'est à ce moment-là que Cargou va rejoindre finalement Cobra et ses amis pour la venger lui qui s'était promis de passer à autre chose.
El Skyman
Catcheur reconnu dans l'univers et dont Cobra va prendre la place afin de tuer Salamandar.
Petit robot appartenant à Vigoro. Il apprend la mort de son maître à Cobra.
Chien à mâchoire mécanique de Sandra
Joueur de rug-ball de l'équipe Z et un des frères de Ron.
Génie possédant un palais dont Cobra et Armanoïde seront fait prisonnier en voulant sauver Anita.
Joueur de l'équipe première de rug-ball qui voit d'un mauvais œil l'arrivée de Cobra alias Joe Gillian.
Joueur de rug-ball de l'équipe Z et frère de Ron qui veut tuer Gelt qui est responsable de la mort de son frère, mais se fera tuer par ce dernier lors d'un match.
Joueur numéro 2 de l'équipe première de rug-ball, il se fera battre et remplacer par Cobra lors d'un test à la demande de Rand.
L'homme de verre
C'est le nom de Crystal Boy dans la série télévisée de Cobra.
Voir Crystal Boy.
L'homme plante
Voir Tarbeige.
IronHead n'est en fait qu'une tête qui peut s'adapter à des corps artificiels interchangeables. Elle est à la tête des Seamens, une bande de pirates composée uniquement de femmes androïdes. Cobra la combattra à la suite de l'enlèvement de Dominique.
Elle est jumelle avec Dominique. Elle est chasseuse de prime et rencontre Cobra dans un bar (épisode 3 de l'anime).
L'une des trois filles du capitaine Nelson.
Joe Hammerbolt
Propriétaire d'un casino spatial où Cobra ira pour se "détendre".
Roi des Sodès, qui a été déchu puis fait prisonnier. Cobra le rencontre et va l'aider à reprendre le pouvoir.
Policier corrompu à la solde de la Guilde des Pirates de l'Espace, il serait à l'origine de la mort présumée de Dominique. Comme Cobra, il possède un puissant canon à plasma mais dans son avant-bras droit.
Dans le manga son nom est "Dober". De plus, li porte le même blouson que Mel Gibson portait dans Mad Max.
Alias Armanoïde dans la version française, c'est la compagne inséparable de Cobra. Ancienne amante de Cobra et princesse spoliée du nom d'Emeralda, son corps a fusionné avec du live métal pour survivre à une fusillade qui a mal tourné. Elle veille sur Cobra et parfois fait paraître des crises que l'on pourrait prendre pour de la jalousie ou de l'exaspération.
Joueur de rug-ball de l'équipe Z c'est un excellent lanceur automatique qui adore jouer aux cartes.
Long John
Premier adversaire reconnu puis tué par Cobra après son réveil. Il apparaît dans le premier épisode.
Lucia Rodetti
Serveuse dans un casino elle y travaille pour démanteler le trafic des lingots d'or volés par Joe Hammerbolt qui fait bien les malheurs de Cobra qui voulait en profiter.
Murielle Laramba
Grande prêtresse de la secte Rada qui ressemble beaucoup à Dominique.
Diseuse de bonne aventure que Cobra va consulter afin d'acquérir des informations sur Dominique.
Norma Herman
Cette femme séduisante est la directrice du musée Loon. Elle se vante d'avoir un système de sécurité inviolable mais ça ne suffira pas pour empêcher Cobra et son ami Torno de voler l'œil du Dragon. La belle directrice se fera berner comme une débutante…
Charmante gardienne de phare, jouant un double-jeu. Elle fait partie des femmes pirates sous-marins.
Ami de Cobra, il possède une aptitude à piloter tous les types de véhicules. Il va aider Cobra à tuer Salamandar.
Ami de chambrée de Cobra lors de son intégration à l'équipe secondaire (l'équipe C).
Il avait un rêve, comme tous les autres joueurs de rug-ball, celui de passer en équipe première. Malgré un courage admirable et tenace il se fera tuer par Gelt. Avant de mourir, il demandera à Cobra que ses trois autres frères ne viennent pas le venger.
Responsable du stade de rug-ball qui effectue du trafic de drogue sur la planète Ralou hors d'atteinte de la police de l'espace.
Reed Brian
Pirate de l'espace à qui Cobra va voler des diamants avant de se faire cryogéniser.
Dans l'anime, le chef suprême de la Guilde des pirates de l'espace. Il est protégé par quatre gardes du corps qui forment un bouclier invisible. Dans le dernier épisode, on découvre que Salamandar n'est autre que l'esprit d'Adolf Hitler, son point faible est caché derrière un mur. Le corps sans vie de celui-ci a fusionné avec une machine.
Joueur de rug-ball de l'équipe Z et un des frères de Ron.
C'est la reine des créatures des neiges, une bande de pirates nommée Snow Gorilla.
Elle aura un rôle important dans la recherche du trésor du capitaine Nelson.
Joueur de rug-ball de l'équipe Z, il maitrise très bien la batte de baseball.
Sheila est une jeune femme qui se prétend sous-lieutenant dans l'armée de Kazar. Cobra la rencontre et découvre son double jeu.
Schultz (Le colonel)
Le colonel est un pirate de l'espace, directeur d'une terrible prison située sur la planète Talag. Elle lui sert de plateforme pour le trafic d'esclaves. Il détiendra Catherine pendant un certain temps ce qui impliquera l'infiltration de Cobra dans sa prison. Il nourrit aussi de vastes ambitions quant au trésor du capitaine Nelson et lorgne la place de chef des Pirates de l'Espace. Son manque de loyauté ajouté à sa déconfiture face à Cobra qui réussit à lui fausser compagnie en s'évadant signeront son arrêt de mort des mains de l'Homme de Verre.
Sodès (Les)
Peuple guerrier vivant sur une planète recouverte d'une mer de sable nommée Zados.
Pirate de l'espace également appelé l'homme plante, il est protégé en permanence par trois petits satellites.
Tom le Ballafré
Pirate de l'espace qui servira à Cobra pour s'infiltrer chez les Créatures des Neiges.
Vieil ami de Cobra habitant sur la planète Vega. Torno avait aidé quelques années auparavant Cobra à s'échapper des pirates de l'espace.
Voir Ironhead.
Voir Torno.
Velma R-78
Petit robot orange que Cobra achète sur un marché et qui va lui révéler l'identité d'un robot nommé Zaval Zero.
Elle apparaît dans le second épisode. Elle est sauvée par Cobra alors qu'elle était poursuivie par des pirates de l'espace. Sa sœur est emprisonnée chez Zahora.
Ancien ami de Cobra habitant la planète Rafus. Il est le père de Yoko. Il est inventeur de diverses machines dont Ferraillus.
Fille de Vigoro que Cobra va sauver sur la planète Rafus.
Marchand d'esclaves qui a espionné Cobra par l'intermédiaire de Vicky afin de copier son rayon Delta. Il a la possibilité de changer sa structure moléculaire et ainsi de pouvoir passer à travers les murs.
Ancien ami de Cobra. Ils se retrouvent pour effectuer un match contre l'équipe première de rug-ball.
Ziateur (l'informateur)
C'est un informateur qui peut rendre n'importe quel service à condition qu'on le paie. Cobra lui demandera des renseignements sur Catherine mais il sera également payé par Cristal Boy pour éliminer Cobra avec des complices dont Donneur et Dusse.
Zombos (Les)
Pirates qui ont envahi, puis exploité la planète Rafus pour ses minerais contenant des drogues puissantes.
Zaval Zero
Robot surpuissant qui entraînera la révolte des robots.
Articles connexes
Cobra, le manga
Cobra, le film
Cobra, la série télévisée
Cobra (manga)
Personnage de science-fiction | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,454 |
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I'm been looking high and low for a Latin's creamy seafood's dish recipe but sadly I dunno the name of this dish.We celebrated Father's Day dinner at one of the local Latin's restaurant nearby.Hubby ordered a creamy seafood dish and it's taste so great!! I forget to look at the name..Anyway,I created my own Creamy Seafood dish and hubby gave thumb up except the coconut milk.He said I shouldn't add coconut milk into the sauce because the flavor is too strong,over taking the fresh seafood taste in the dish..If you're are up to challenging to try Latin's dish,you might try this Cream Seafood dish!!
1:Heat large deep skillet at medium high heat with oil,add in garlic,fry until light brown,then add in milk ,coconut milk ,sugar,chicken bouillon ,salt and both Sazon seasoning.Increase the heat to high.
2:When the sauce is bubbling boil,add in saffron,clam,shrimp,salmon,scallop ,onion and frozen mix vegetables.Check the seasoning.
4:Dish out,garnish wt cilantro and serve warm with rice.
You can use any type of seafood and fish.But I found salmon taste really creamy and soft with this sauce.
Wow, that looks awesome. I love coconut milk.
Looks super delicious!! I love seafood and I think this dish is great!!
Love the rich and creamy yellow color!
Gert,yes it's ..Eliot love it and request I cook this dish for him again yesterday!!
leemei,thanks and welcome to the club!!
thanks! lol! trust me it's nothing like curry..
ooo.. That's the best thing about cooking- you can always taste and decide what is best! That looks like a very colourful and tasteful seafood dish! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,456 |
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Mandawee Resort is an exclusive and distinctive hotel, nestled in the lush green hills approximately 1300 meters from the famous beach Nopparatthara. Each and every unit of pool villa, provided total intimacy and secluded surrounding on its own. The guest rooms of the two,8 storeys building, give you a panoramic sea and tropical unspoiled forest view. All the guest rooms are decorated in the contemporary oriental with the modern living touch.
Staying at Mendui Resort & Spa Krabi you'll be convenient to Ao Nang Krabi Boxing Stadium and Nopparat Thara Beach. This 4-star hotel is within close proximity of McDonald, Aonang and Ao Nang Beach.
115 air-conditioned guestrooms are equipped with refrigerators and microwaves. You will be entertained by the comfort of your own home. Room features a private balcony. Free wireless internet keeps you in touch with friends. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers.
Relax with a massage and body treatment. Be sure to seek out resort amenities like 3 outdoor swimming pools and a steam room. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access and tour/ticket assistance. Guests can get around on the complimentary shuttle, which operates within 2 km.
1. Rates are inclusive of daily breakfast for 2 persons.
2. Extra bed for the third person (above 12 years old) is Thai Baht 1,200 baht per person per night including breakfast. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,458 |
namespace App\Domain\User\Command;
use App\Domain\Entity\User\UserRepository;
class DeleteUserHandler extends UserCommandHandler
public function __construct(
UserRepository $userRepository
) {
public function __invoke(DeleteUser $command): void
$user = $this->getUserById($command->getId());
if ($command->isSoftDelete()) {
} else {
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 1,459 |
title: Edit GaiaGerman
url: "/comics/GaiaGerman_edit.html"
Edit info for comic GaiaGerman
<form name="comic" action="" method="post">
<table class="comicinfo">
<th>Description</th><td><textarea name="description" cols="40" rows="3">-</textarea></td>
<th>Website</th><td><input type="text" name="url" value="" size="40"/></td>
<th>Genre</th><td><input type="text" name="genre" value="Other" size="40"/></td>
<th>Language</th><td><input type="text" name="language" value="German" size="40"/></td>
<th>Adult content</th><td><input type="checkbox" name="adult" value="adult" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="comic" value="GaiaGerman" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
Back to the [comic](GaiaGerman.html).
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 1,460 |
Home Legal Analytics Platform Lex Machina Can Now 'Fetch' State Court Documents for Customers
Legal Analytics Platform Lex Machina Can Now 'Fetch' State Court Documents for Customers
By Bob Ambrogi on August 31, 2021
The legal analytics platform Lex Machina has introduced a "fetch" functionality that allows users to request and retrieve specific documents from state court dockets.
The functionality is designed to enable users to dig into the details of analytics research they perform on Lex Machina, obtaining specific motions, orders or other documents that can provide details beyond what is revealed through docket entries.
The fetch functionality is available only for the 22 state courts covered by Lex Machina's analytics, which currently includes selected courts in California, Delaware, Georgia, Nevada, New York and Texas. (Full list of covered courts.) There is no added cost beyond the user's subscription.
Lex Machina — which is owned by LexisNexis — already routinely retrieves key state court documents such as complaints, answers, and judgments as part of creating its analytics. Because the information available directly through state court dockets varies widely from court to court, Lex Machina processes these documents to extract data on judges, law firms, attorneys and parties involved in cases, and then normalizes that data to create analytics.
The user can fetch a document with a click. The interface provides an estimate of when the document will be retrieved.
It already offered users access to view any of those documents it downloaded in that data-extraction process. Now, it goes a step further, allowing users to request any document that has not been previously downloaded. Once a user's request is fulfilled, the document becomes available on Lex Machina to all users.
Yesterday, Carla Rydholm, director of product management at Lex Machina, provided me with a preview of the fetch functionality.
She said that, while users typically start their research in Lex Machina with "big picture" analytics for an overview of a judge or law firm, they often drill down into the specific cases that underlie certain aspects of those analytics, and as they do, they want to see particular documents that can provide more detail on facts or legal theories.
Now, when viewing a docket, the user can see which documents have already been fetched and which have not. The user can then simply click to request Lex Machina to fetch the document.
Retrieval of the document is not instantaneous. The time is takes depends on the court. When a user requests a document, Lex Machina provides a notification estimating when the document will be available.
Once the document is available, the user is notified in three ways:
A notification pops up when a document is retrieved.
If the user is working in Lex Machina, a toast notification pops up indicating that the retrieval is completed.
The customer's dashboard showing all document fetches is updated from a status that Lex Machina is requesting a document to a link where the customer may click through to the now-available document.
Customers receive a once-daily email at 7:15 a.m. ET to summarize any documents now available that the customer had requested.
The user's dashboard shows retrieved and pending documents.
Rydholm said that Lex Machina does cap the number of documents a user is able to download per month, but that the cap is so high that few are likely to reach it.
Ever since LexisNexis acquired Lex Machina in 2015, it has been steadily expanding its court coverage, both expanding its federal court legal analytics into new practice areas and adding analytics for state courts.
The company says that expansion into additional state courts remains a top priority. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,461 |
For the 2018 NFPA 70E information, please see product # 1717. For the 2015 NFPA 70E information, please see product # 1419. The National Fire Protection Association, NFPA, is the leading authority on electrical safety, especially in relation to protecting electrical workers from burn injuries associated with arc blasts. The most recent 2012 NFPA 70E standard has many changes and updates as compared to the outdated 2009 edition.
In this program, the dual hazards of electric shock and arc flash are clearly explained and highlighted with dramatic arc flash footage, full-scale explosions and realistic reenactments of flammable clothing ignition due to arc flash incidents. While convincing your workers of the importance of wearing proper PPE, the video also explains the critical parts of the 2012 70E standard in detail. Topics include qualified electrical worker requirements, creating an electrically safe working condition, confirming a zero energy state, energized electrical work permits, approach boundaries, incident energy level, arc flash boundaries, hazard risk categories and how to properly dress for arc flash protection. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,462 |
Plant-based seafood is a rapidly growing business. Fish-free products can be found at stores across the country from companies like Sophie's Kitchen, Ocean Hugger Foods, New Wave Foods and Good Catch to name a few. As consumers are leaning towards healthier food options - plant based seafood is becoming increasingly popular.
Sophie's Kitchen produces a line of award wining seafood substitutes with vegan versions of seafood favorites that includes shrimp, prawns, squid rings, calamari, breaded shrimp, and breaded fish fillets. The Company's products are non-GMO, and are free from gluten, trans-fats, hydrogenated oils, and artificial flavorings of any kind. According to Sophie's Kitchen Founder & CEO Eugene Wang, Vegan Toona has been the company's biggest hit in U.S. stores since its introduction two years ago. Sophie's Kitchen graduated from the Food Future Co. accelerator program in 2016 and won a Food Future Asia Award from SPRING Singapore in 2017.
Ocean Hugger Foods offers healthy and sustainable plant-based alternatives to popular seafood proteins. The Company's flagship product, Ahimi, is a plant-based alternative to raw tuna. Ocean Hugger Foods has partnered with Aramark to bring the breakthrough ingredient to corporate and higher education cafes. Ahimi will be served in a range of innovative poke bowls developed as part of a collaboration between the two companies. Ocean Hugger Foods raised early stage venture rounds in 2016 and 2017. The Company's investors include - New Crop Capital, Stray Dog Capital and Blue Horizon.
New Wave Foods recently created the world's first plant-based shrimp alternative. Shrimp is the most consumed seafood in the U.S., ahead of salmon and tuna. The Company makes plant-based shrimp entirely from algae & natural ingredients only. New Wave Foods raised venture funding in 2016 and 2017. The Company's investors include - New Crop Capital, Hemisphere Ventures, Blue Horizon, Veginvest and Sand Hill Angels.
Good Catch is a manufacturer of plant based seafoods that include fish-free tuna and burgers to crab-free cakes, all made with sustainable ingredients. The Company announced in August 2018, an $8.7 million Series A round of funding led by New Crop Capital, along with Thrive Market, Fresh Direct, Blue Horizon, Clear Current Capital, Everhope Capital, MI3, PHW Gruppe, Rocana Capital and Starlight Ventures.
Check out our industry analysis - "CPG Transforms-Consumers Take Control" - for more information on the increasing popularity of plant-based foods. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,463 |
This home had it's original kitchen and was due for an upgrade. We completely gutted and renovated the kitchen including adding flat panel high gloss doors and engineered hardwood flooring. We also increased the size of the window across from the island to bring in much more natural light. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,464 |
COLUMBIA- The Missouri Department of Conservation reports turkey yields for opening week of hunting season are down this year.
According to a MDC press release, hunters took 328 fewer birds during opening week this year compared to 2012.
Long time hunter Mike March went turkey hunting last week in Northwest Missouri as well as Boone County but said he has yet to fill a tag.
"Well you can tell it's very early in the breeding cycle because the birds were not very talkative," said March.
However, both March and the MDC anticipate a productive season overall.
"If the weather cooperates, I could certainly see a spring harvest that exceeds the last couple of years," said MDC resource scientist Jason Isabelle.
Isabelle said a strong nest over the past two years and more normal temperatures for the rest of the season could produce a larger turkey harvest than last year.
Hunters, who are limited to one turkey during the first week of the season, tagged 21,437 turkeys during opening week this year according to the MDC. Missouri spring turkey season closes on May 5. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,465 |
Today, I want to talk to you about cosplay. Couples cosplay. On Halloween.
Back story: I really really REALLY love Halloween. Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is MY christmakwanzakah…topped with candy. Candy that I get to eat if there are leftovers from the Trick-or-Treaters.
But the best part? The best part is the COSTUMES. I love seeing what people choose for their costumes, but it is really excellent when they get creative and go all-out on their outfits. Rather than just going to a store or going online and picking out a costume, I find more satisfaction– and fun– gained from the process of making a costume.
My Dad was really proud of this one.
Those pictures are from 2010 alone. Like I said, I love Halloween and I get very…enthusiastic. I usually do two or three costumes per year because it is so. much. fun.
That's right– we're both going to be Link. Just because it is couples cosplay, it does not necessarily mean we have to actually BE characters who are a COUPLE. Couples cosplay can be anything you want to make it. You can cosplay characters in a male/female, male/male, or female/female relationship OR you can pick characters who simply pair well together in any way that makes sense to you. We are cosplaying characters who are, in the basic sense, a MIRROR of the other. Ignoring the fact that one is evil and one is not, and also ignoring the fact that one is supposed to kill the other– I like to think of it as a metaphor of meeting your match. Ari and I are similar in a lot of ways that are important, but different enough that we each bring something new into the relationship and keep each other on our toes. We like a lot of the same things, take each other's side on many different topics of conversation, but we also challenge each other where it counts. The point: we're well matched. Equals. And, as Navi instructs Link in the Water Temple to conquer himself, Ari and I learn how to conquer our own selves. We can stare down our flaws and inner demons without running. We stand together in the face of our less-than-perfect selves– and we triumph.
Now enough of this English major-y mushy stuff. Let's get down to the actual making-the-costume stuff.
I followed the instructions from the link for the most part, but as you can see, I did not have time to produce proper gauntlets so I settled on black armwarmers from my wardrobe. I also did not make the scabbard and belt for proper sword storage, so I apologize for that as well. The rest, I would say, turned out quite well, and I received a lot of compliments for my work.
For Ari's Dark Link and my own Zora Tunic Link, I more or less followed the same reference link again. I was responsible for making our tunics and hats; Ari was responsible for making the gauntlets– out of pleather generously offered by our mutual friend, Lizzy, when she was done with the pleather for her costume-making endeavors (Daenerys and Khal Drogo, GoT). I already have brown boots, my prop sword, and my ocarina; Ari was responsible for his own boots, sword, belt, and other props he wanted.
The base of the tunic pattern was cut from one of Ari's old t-shirts, elongated and flared to give the costume its classic Link tunic shape. My tunic came out a little baggy, but it is easier to take in a garment that is too large rather than deal with a garment that is too small… a lesson I learned the hard way because Ari's original tunic did get cut too small and would not fit him. I had to start his tunic all over again from scratch.
Ari's tunic follows the tutorial down to the last detail and is entirely stitched by hand with love.
Can you see that love in those hand stitches?
For my Zora Tunic, I decided that I was going to take some artistic liberties. I cut out the v-neck as the tutorial instructed, but instead of a collar, I did a trim using a really nice blue/black/gold ribbon from JoAnn's fabric store that I used previously for a Celes Chere costume. I also used that on the hem of the tunic, on the sleeves, and on the hat (the hat which I also needed to re-do because, again, I made it too small). Because I have this concept in my head of the Zora Tunic being more detailed and prettier than what is shown in-game. Also, because I like it. And, because I spent most of my time sewing Ari's tunic by hand and Lizzy offered to show me how to use her Brother sewing machine, I did most of the sewing for my Zora tunic by machine.
I used 3 yards apiece per tunic, a cut-up old t-shirt, thread, a lot of pins, sewing needle, pretty ribbon, scissors, seam ripper (an amazing device!) and a fabric marker. And I must say… when you get a white ink fabric marker to mark dark color fabrics, actually make sure it is white ink because apparently, JoAnn's sells a fabric pen that says, specifically, white ink, on it but do not be fooled… it comes out blue. Light blue. I had to return it and get a different marker (Uchida DecoFabric). And then, ahem, after I messed up Ari's tunic the first time and had to start from scratch again, I also needed to pick up new fabric. 3 yards is plenty of fabric to make the tunic, the sleeves, and hat, but if you need to redo the tunic then another 2 yards enters the equation. Also pictured are the leggings I picked up. Unpictured are the white undershirt and Ari's leggings, undershirt, boots, belt.
Overall, I am pretty darn pleased with everything. I will update this post on or after Halloween once I am able to take some cool photos of us in our costumes!
Good night and happy Halloween everybody! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,466 |
In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking data (such as sets, abelian groups, rings) attached to the open sets of a topological space and defined locally with regard to them. For example, for each open set, the data could be the ring of continuous functions defined on that open set. Such data is well behaved in that it can be restricted to smaller open sets, and also the data assigned to an open set is equivalent to all collections of compatible data assigned to collections of smaller open sets covering the original open set (intuitively, every piece of data is the sum of its parts).
The field of mathematics that studies sheaves is called sheaf theory.
Sheaves are understood conceptually as general and abstract objects. Their correct definition is rather technical. They are specifically defined as sheaves of sets or as sheaves of rings, for example, depending on the type of data assigned to the open sets.
There are also maps (or morphisms) from one sheaf to another; sheaves (of a specific type, such as sheaves of abelian groups) with their morphisms on a fixed topological space form a category. On the other hand, to each continuous map there is associated both a direct image functor, taking sheaves and their morphisms on the domain to sheaves and morphisms on the codomain, and an inverse image functor operating in the opposite direction. These functors, and certain variants of them, are essential parts of sheaf theory.
Due to their general nature and versatility, sheaves have several applications in topology and especially in algebraic and differential geometry. First, geometric structures such as that of a differentiable manifold or a scheme can be expressed in terms of a sheaf of rings on the space. In such contexts, several geometric constructions such as vector bundles or divisors are naturally specified in terms of sheaves. Second, sheaves provide the framework for a very general cohomology theory, which encompasses also the "usual" topological cohomology theories such as singular cohomology. Especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, sheaf cohomology provides a powerful link between topological and geometric properties of spaces. Sheaves also provide the basis for the theory of D-modules, which provide applications to the theory of differential equations. In addition, generalisations of sheaves to more general settings than topological spaces, such as Grothendieck topology, have provided applications to mathematical logic and to number theory.
Definitions and examples
In many mathematical branches, several structures defined on a topological space (e.g., a differentiable manifold) can be naturally localised or restricted to open subsets : typical examples include continuous real-valued or complex-valued functions, -times differentiable (real-valued or complex-valued) functions, bounded real-valued functions, vector fields, and sections of any vector bundle on the space. The ability to restrict data to smaller open subsets gives rise to the concept of presheaves. Roughly speaking, sheaves are then those presheaves, where local data can be glued to global data.
Let be a topological space. A presheaf of sets on consists of the following data:
For each open set of , a set . This set is also denoted . The elements in this set are called the sections of over . The sections of over are called the global sections of .
For each inclusion of open sets , a function . In view of many of the examples below, the morphisms are called restriction morphisms. If , then its restriction is often denoted by analogy with restriction of functions.
The restriction morphisms are required to satisfy two additional (functorial) properties:
For every open set of , the restriction morphism is the identity morphism on .
If we have three open sets , then the composite
Informally, the second axiom says it doesn't matter whether we restrict to W in one step or restrict first to V, then to W. A concise functorial reformulation of this definition is given further below.
Many examples of presheaves come from different classes of functions: to any , one can assign the set of continuous real-valued functions on . The restriction maps are then just given by restricting a continuous function on to a smaller open subset , which again is a continuous function. The two presheaf axioms are immediately checked, thereby giving an example of a presheaf. This can be extended to a sheaf of holomorphic functions and a sheaf of smooth functions .
Another common class of examples is assigning to the set of constant real-valued functions on . This presheaf is called the constant presheaf associated to and is denoted .
Given a presheaf, a natural question to ask is to what extent its sections over an open set are specified by their restrictions to smaller open sets of an open cover of . A sheaf is a presheaf that satisfies both of the following two additional axioms:
(Locality) Suppose is an open set, is an open cover of , and are sections. If for all , then .
(Gluing) Suppose is an open set, is an open cover of , and is a family of sections. If all pairs of sections agree on the overlap of their domains, that is, if for all , then there exists a section such that for all .
The section whose existence is guaranteed by axiom 2 is called the gluing, concatenation, or collation of the sections si. By axiom 1 it is unique. Sections and satisfying the agreement precondition of axiom 2 are often called compatible; thus axioms 1 and 2 together state that any collection of pairwise compatible sections can be uniquely glued together. A separated presheaf, or monopresheaf, is a presheaf satisfying axiom 1.
The presheaf consisting of continuous functions mentioned above is a sheaf. This assertion reduces to checking that, given continuous functions which agree on the intersections , there is a unique continuous function whose restriction equals the . By contrast, the constant presheaf is usually not a sheaf as it fails to satisfy the locality axiom on the empty set (this is explained in more detail at constant sheaf).
Presheaves and sheaves are typically denoted by capital letters, being particularly common, presumably for the French word for sheaf, faisceau. Use of calligraphic letters such as is also common.
It can be shown that to specify a sheaf, it is enough to specify its restriction to the open sets of a basis for the topology of the underlying space. Moreover, it can also be shown that it is enough to verify the sheaf axioms above relative to the open sets of a covering. This observation is used to construct another example which is crucial in algebraic geometry, namely quasi-coherent sheaves. Here the topological space in question is the spectrum of a commutative ring , whose points are the prime ideals in . The open sets form a basis for the Zariski topology on this space. Given an -module , there is a sheaf, denoted by on the Spec , that satisfies
the localization of at .
There is another characterization of sheaves that is equivalent to the previously discussed.
A presheaf is a sheaf if and only if for any open and any open cover of , is the fibre product . This characterization is useful in construction of sheaves, for example, if are abelian sheaves, then the kernel of sheaves morphism is a sheaf, since projective limits commutes with projective limits. On the other hand, without consider any examples, the cokernel is not always a sheaf because inductive limit not necessarily commutes with projective limits. One of the way to fix this is to consider Noetherian topological spaces; every open sets are compact so that the cokernel is a sheaf, since finite projective limits commutes with inductive limits.
Further examples
Sheaf of sections of a continuous map
Any continuous map of topological spaces determines a sheaf on by setting
Any such is commonly called a section of , and this example is the reason why the elements in are generally called sections. This construction is especially important when is the projection of a fiber bundle onto its base space. For example, the sheaves of smooth functions are the sheaves of sections of the trivial bundle. Another example: the sheaf of sections of
is the sheaf which assigns to any the set of branches of the complex logarithm on .
Given a point and an abelian group , the skyscraper sheaf is defined as follows: if is an open set containing , then . If does not contain , then , the trivial group. The restriction maps are either the identity on , if both open sets contain , or the zero map otherwise.
Sheaves on manifolds
On an -dimensional -manifold , there are a number of important sheaves, such as the sheaf of -times continuously differentiable functions (with ). Its sections on some open are the -functions . For , this sheaf is called the structure sheaf and is denoted . The nonzero functions also form a sheaf, denoted . Differential forms (of degree ) also form a sheaf . In all these examples, the restriction morphisms are given by restricting functions or forms.
The assignment sending to the compactly supported functions on is not a sheaf, since there is, in general, no way to preserve this property by passing to a smaller open subset. Instead, this forms a cosheaf, a dual concept where the restriction maps go in the opposite direction than with sheaves. However, taking the dual of these vector spaces does give a sheaf, the sheaf of distributions.
Presheaves that are not sheaves
In addition to the constant presheaf mentioned above, which is usually not a sheaf, there are further examples of presheaves that are not sheaves:
Let be the two-point topological space with the discrete topology. Define a presheaf as follows: The restriction map is the projection of onto its first coordinate, and the restriction map is the projection of onto its second coordinate. is a presheaf that is not separated: a global section is determined by three numbers, but the values of that section over and determine only two of those numbers. So while we can glue any two sections over and , we cannot glue them uniquely.
Let be the real line, and let be the set of bounded continuous functions on . This is not a sheaf because it is not always possible to glue. For example, let be the set of all such that . The identity function is bounded on each . Consequently, we get a section on . However, these sections do not glue, because the function is not bounded on the real line. Consequently is a presheaf, but not a sheaf. In fact, is separated because it is a sub-presheaf of the sheaf of continuous functions.
Motivating sheaves from complex analytic spaces and algebraic geometry
One of the historical motivations for sheaves have come from studying complex manifolds, complex analytic geometry, and scheme theory from algebraic geometry. This is because in all of the previous cases, we consider a topological space together with a structure sheaf giving it the structure of a complex manifold, complex analytic space, or scheme. This perspective of equipping a topological space with a sheaf is essential to the theory of locally ringed spaces (see below).
Technical challenges with complex manifolds
One of the main historical motivations for introducing sheaves was constructing a device which keeps track of holomorphic functions on complex manifolds. For example, on a compact complex manifold (like complex projective space or the vanishing locus of a homogeneous polynomial), the only holomorphic functionsare the constant functions. This means there could exist two compact complex manifolds which are not isomorphic, but nevertheless their ring of global holomorphic functions, denoted , are isomorphic. Contrast this with smooth manifolds where every manifold can be embedded inside some , hence its ring of smooth functions comes from restricting the smooth functions from . Another complexity when considering the ring of holomorphic functions on a complex manifold is given a small enough open set , the holomorphic functions will be isomorphic to . Sheaves are a direct tool for dealing with this complexity since they make it possible to keep track of the holomorphic structure on the underlying topological space of on arbitrary open subsets . This means as becomes more complex topologically, the ring can be expressed from gluing the . Note that sometimes this sheaf is denoted or just , or even when we want to emphasize the space the structure sheaf is associated to.
Tracking submanifolds with sheaves
Another common example of sheaves can be constructed by considering a complex submanifold . There is an associated sheaf which takes an open subset and gives the ring of holomorphic functions on . This kind of formalism was found to be extremely powerful and motivates a lot of homological algebra such as sheaf cohomology since an intersection theory can be built using these kinds of sheaves from the Serre intersection formula.
Operations with sheaves
Morphisms of sheaves are, roughly speaking, analogous to functions between them. In contrast to a function between sets, which have no additional structure, morphisms of sheaves are those functions which preserve the structure inherent in the sheaves. This idea is made precise in the following definition.
Let and be two sheaves on . A morphism consists of a morphism for each open set of , subject to the condition that this morphism is compatible with restrictions. In other words, for every open subset of an open set , the following diagram is commutative.
For example, taking the derivative gives a morphism of sheaves on :
Indeed, given an (-times continuously differentiable) function (with in open), the restriction (to a smaller open subset ) of its derivative equals the derivative of .
With this notion of morphism, sheaves on a fixed topological space form a category. The general categorical notions of mono-, epi- and isomorphisms can therefore be applied to sheaves. A sheaf morphism is an isomorphism (resp. monomorphism) if and only if each is a bijection (resp. injective map). Moreover, a morphism of sheaves is an isomorphism if and only if there exists an open cover such that are isomorphisms of sheaves for all . This statement, which also holds for monomorphisms, but does not hold for presheaves, is another instance of the idea that sheaves are of a local nature.
The corresponding statements do not hold for epimorphisms (of sheaves), and their failure is measured by sheaf cohomology.
Stalks of a sheaf
The stalk of a sheaf captures the properties of a sheaf "around" a point , generalizing the germs of functions.
Here, "around" means that, conceptually speaking, one looks at smaller and smaller neighborhoods of the point. Of course, no single neighborhood will be small enough, which requires considering a limit of some sort. More precisely, the stalk is defined by
the direct limit being over all open subsets of containing the given point . In other words, an element of the stalk is given by a section over some open neighborhood of , and two such sections are considered equivalent if their restrictions agree on a smaller neighborhood.
The natural morphism takes a section in to its germ at . This generalises the usual definition of a germ.
In many situations, knowing the stalks of a sheaf is enough to control the sheaf itself. For example, whether or not a morphism of sheaves is a monomorphism, epimorphism, or isomorphism can be tested on the stalks. In this sense, a sheaf is determined by its stalks, which are a local data. By contrast, the global information present in a sheaf, i.e., the global sections, i.e., the sections on the whole space , typically carry less information. For example, for a compact complex manifold , the global sections of the sheaf of holomorphic functions are just , since any holomorphic function
is constant by Liouville's theorem.
Turning a presheaf into a sheaf
It is frequently useful to take the data contained in a presheaf and to express it as a sheaf. It turns out that there is a best possible way to do this. It takes a presheaf and produces a new sheaf called the sheafification or sheaf associated to the presheaf . For example, the sheafification of the constant presheaf (see above) is called the constant sheaf. Despite its name, its sections are locally constant functions.
The sheaf can be constructed using the étalé space of , namely as the sheaf of sections of the map
Another construction of the sheaf proceeds by means of a functor from presheaves to presheaves that gradually improves the properties of a presheaf: for any presheaf , is a separated presheaf, and for any separated presheaf , is a sheaf. The associated sheaf is given by .
The idea that the sheaf is the best possible approximation to by a sheaf is made precise using the following universal property: there is a natural morphism of presheaves so that for any sheaf and any morphism of presheaves , there is a unique morphism of sheaves such that . In fact is the left adjoint functor to the inclusion functor (or forgetful functor) from the category of sheaves to the category of presheaves, and is the unit of the adjunction. In this way, the category of sheaves turns into a Giraud subcategory of presheaves. This categorical situation is the reason why the sheafification functor appears in constructing cokernels of sheaf morphisms or tensor products of sheaves, but not for kernels, say.
Subsheaves, quotient sheaves
If is a subsheaf of a sheaf of abelian groups, then the quotient sheaf is the sheaf associated to the presheaf ; in other words, the quotient sheaf fits into an exact sequence of sheaves of abelian groups;
(this is also called a sheaf extension.)
Let be sheaves of abelian groups. The set of morphisms of sheaves from to forms an abelian group (by the abelian group structure of ). The sheaf hom of and , denoted by,
is the sheaf of abelian groups where is the sheaf on given by (note sheafification is not needed here). The direct sum of and is the sheaf given by , and the tensor product of and is the sheaf associated to the presheaf .
All of these operations extend to sheaves of modules over a sheaf of rings ; the above is the special case when is the constant sheaf .
Basic functoriality
Since the data of a (pre-)sheaf depends on the open subsets of the base space, sheaves on different topological spaces are unrelated to each other in the sense that there are no morphisms between them. However, given a continuous map between two topological spaces, pushforward and pullback relate sheaves on to those on and vice versa.
Direct image
The pushforward (also known as direct image) of a sheaf on is the sheaf defined by
Here is an open subset of , so that its preimage is open in by the continuity of .
This construction recovers the skyscraper sheaf mentioned above:
where is the inclusion, and is regarded as a sheaf on the singleton (by .
For a map between locally compact spaces, the direct image with compact support is a subsheaf of the direct image. By definition, consists of those whose support is proper map over . If is proper itself, then , but in general they disagree.
Inverse image
The pullback or inverse image goes the other way: it produces a sheaf on , denoted out of a sheaf on . If is the inclusion of an open subset, then the inverse image is just a restriction, i.e., it is given by for an open in . A sheaf (on some space ) is called locally constant if by some open subsets such that the restriction of to all these open subsets is constant. One a wide range of topological spaces , such sheaves are equivalent to representations of the fundamental group .
For general maps , the definition of is more involved; it is detailed at inverse image functor. The stalk is an essential special case of the pullback in view of a natural identification, where is as above:
More generally, stalks satisfy .
Extension by zero
For the inclusion of an open subset, the extension by zero of a sheaf of abelian groups on is defined as
if and otherwise.
For a sheaf on , this construction is in a sense complementary to , where is the inclusion of the complement of :
for in , and the stalk is zero otherwise, while
for in , and equals otherwise.
These functors are therefore useful in reducing sheaf-theoretic questions on to ones on the strata of a stratification, i.e., a decomposition of into smaller, locally closed subsets.
Sheaves in more general categories
In addition to (pre-)sheaves as introduced above, where is merely a set, it is in many cases important to keep track of additional structure on these sections. For example, the sections of the sheaf of continuous functions naturally form a real vector space, and restriction is a linear map between these vector spaces.
Presheaves with values in an arbitrary category are defined by first considering the category of open sets on to be the posetal category whose objects are the open sets of and whose morphisms are inclusions. Then a -valued presheaf on is the same as a contravariant functor from to . Morphisms in this category of functors, also known as natural transformations, are the same as the morphisms defined above, as can be seen by unraveling the definitions.
If the target category admits all limits, a -valued presheaf is a sheaf if the following diagram is an equalizer for every open cover
of any open set :
Here the first map is the product of the restriction maps
and the pair of arrows the products of the two sets of restrictions
If is an abelian category, this condition can also be rephrased by requiring that there is an exact sequence
A particular case of this sheaf condition occurs for being the empty set, and the index set also being empty. In this case, the sheaf condition requires to be the terminal object in .
Ringed spaces and sheaves of modules
In several geometrical disciplines, including algebraic geometry and differential geometry, the spaces come along with a natural sheaf of rings, often called the structure sheaf and denoted by . Such a pair is called a ringed space. Many types of spaces can be defined as certain types of ringed spaces. Commonly, all the stalks of the structure sheaf are local rings, in which case the pair is called a locally ringed space.
For example, an -dimensional manifold is a locally ringed space whose structure sheaf consists of -functions on the open subsets of . The property of being a locally ringed space translates into the fact that such a function, which is nonzero at a point , is also non-zero on a sufficiently small open neighborhood of . Some authors actually define real (or complex) manifolds to be locally ringed spaces that are locally isomorphic to the pair consisting of an open subset of (resp. ) together with the sheaf of (resp. holomorphic) functions. Similarly, schemes, the foundational notion of spaces in algebraic geometry, are locally ringed spaces that are locally isomorphic to the spectrum of a ring.
Given a ringed space, a sheaf of modules is a sheaf such that on every open set of , is an -module and for every inclusion of open sets , the restriction map is compatible with the restriction map : the restriction of fs is the restriction of times that of for any in and in .
Most important geometric objects are sheaves of modules. For example, there is a one-to-one correspondence between vector bundles and locally free sheaves of -modules. This paradigm applies to real vector bundles, complex vector bundles, or vector bundles in algebraic geometry (where consists of smooth functions, holomorphic functions, or regular functions, respectively). Sheaves of solutions to differential equations are -modules, that is, modules over the sheaf of differential operators. On any topological space, modules over the constant sheaf are the same as sheaves of abelian groups in the sense above.
There is a different inverse image functor for sheaves of modules over sheaves of rings. This functor is usually denoted and it is distinct from . See inverse image functor.
Finiteness conditions for sheaves of modules
Finiteness conditions for module over commutative rings give rise to similar finiteness conditions for sheaves of modules: is called finitely generated (resp. finitely presented) if, for every point of , there exists an open neighborhood of , a natural number (possibly depending on ), and a surjective morphism of sheaves (respectively, in addition a natural number , and an exact sequence .) Paralleling the notion of a coherent module, is called a coherent sheaf if it is of finite type and if, for every open set and every morphism of sheaves (not necessarily surjective), the kernel of is of finite type. is coherent if it is coherent as a module over itself. Like for modules, coherence is in general a strictly stronger condition than finite presentation. The Oka coherence theorem states that the sheaf of holomorphic functions on a complex manifold is coherent.
The étalé space of a sheaf
In the examples above it was noted that some sheaves occur naturally as sheaves of sections. In fact, all sheaves of sets can be represented as sheaves of sections of a topological space called the étalé space, from the French word étalé , meaning roughly "spread out". If is a sheaf over , then the étalé space (sometimes called the étale space) of is a topological space together with a local homeomorphism such that the sheaf of sections of is . The space is usually very strange, and even if the sheaf arises from a natural topological situation, may not have any clear topological interpretation. For example, if is the sheaf of sections of a continuous function , then if and only if is a local homeomorphism.
The étalé space is constructed from the stalks of over . As a set, it is their disjoint union and is the obvious map that takes the value on the stalk of over . The topology of is defined as follows. For each element and each , we get a germ of at , denoted or . These germs determine points of . For any and , the union of these points (for all ) is declared to be open in . Notice that each stalk has the discrete topology as subspace topology. Two morphisms between sheaves determine a continuous map of the corresponding étalé spaces that is compatible with the projection maps (in the sense that every germ is mapped to a germ over the same point). This makes the construction into a functor.
The construction above determines an equivalence of categories between the category of sheaves of sets on and the category of étalé spaces over . The construction of an étalé space can also be applied to a presheaf, in which case the sheaf of sections of the étalé space recovers the sheaf associated to the given presheaf.
This construction makes all sheaves into representable functors on certain categories of topological spaces. As above, let be a sheaf on , let be its étalé space, and let be the natural projection. Consider the overcategory of topological spaces over , that is, the category of topological spaces together with fixed continuous maps to . Every object of this category is a continuous map , and a morphism from to is a continuous map that commutes with the two maps to . There is a functorsending an object to . For example, if is the inclusion of an open subset, thenand for the inclusion of a point , thenis the stalk of at . There is a natural isomorphism,which shows that (for the étalé space) represents the functor .
is constructed so that the projection map is a covering map. In algebraic geometry, the natural analog of a covering map is called an étale morphism. Despite its similarity to "étalé", the word étale has a different meaning in French. It is possible to turn into a scheme and into a morphism of schemes in such a way that retains the same universal property, but is not in general an étale morphism because it is not quasi-finite. It is, however, formally étale.
The definition of sheaves by étalé spaces is older than the definition given earlier in the article. It is still common in some areas of mathematics such as mathematical analysis.
Sheaf cohomology
In contexts where the open set is fixed, and the sheaf is regarded as a variable, the set is also often denoted
As was noted above, this functor does not preserve epimorphisms. Instead, an epimorphism of sheaves is a map with the following property: for any section there is a covering where of open subsets, such that the restriction are in the image of . However, itself need not be in the image of . A concrete example of this phenomenon is the exponential map
between the sheaf of holomorphic functions and non-zero holomorphic functions. This map is an epimorphism, which amounts to saying that any non-zero holomorphic function (on some open subset in , say), admits a complex logarithm locally, i.e., after restricting to appropriate open subsets. However, need not have a logarithm globally.
Sheaf cohomology captures this phenomenon. More precisely, for an exact sequence of sheaves of abelian groups
(i.e., an epimorphism whose kernel is ), there is a long exact sequenceBy means of this sequence, the first cohomology group is a measure for the non-surjectivity of the map between sections of and .
There are several different ways of constructing sheaf cohomology. introduced them by defining sheaf cohomology as the derived functor of . This method is theoretically satisfactory, but, being based on injective resolutions, of little use in concrete computations. Godement resolutions are another general, but practically inaccessible approach.
Computing sheaf cohomology
Especially in the context of sheaves on manifolds, sheaf cohomology can often be computed using resolutions by soft sheaves, fine sheaves, and flabby sheaves (also known as flasque sheaves from the French flasque meaning flabby). For example, a partition of unity argument shows that the sheaf of smooth functions on a manifold is soft. The higher cohomology groups for vanish for soft sheaves, which gives a way of computing cohomology of other sheaves. For example, the de Rham complex is a resolution of the constant sheaf on any smooth manifold, so the sheaf cohomology of is equal to its de Rham cohomology.
A different approach is by Čech cohomology. Čech cohomology was the first cohomology theory developed for sheaves and it is well-suited to concrete calculations, such as computing the coherent sheaf cohomology of complex projective space . It relates sections on open subsets of the space to cohomology classes on the space. In most cases, Čech cohomology computes the same cohomology groups as the derived functor cohomology. However, for some pathological spaces, Čech cohomology will give the correct but incorrect higher cohomology groups. To get around this, Jean-Louis Verdier developed hypercoverings. Hypercoverings not only give the correct higher cohomology groups but also allow the open subsets mentioned above to be replaced by certain morphisms from another space. This flexibility is necessary in some applications, such as the construction of Pierre Deligne's mixed Hodge structures.
Many other coherent sheaf cohomology groups are found using an embedding of a space into a space with known cohomology, such as , or some weighted projective space. In this way, the known sheaf cohomology groups on these ambient spaces can be related to the sheaves , giving . For example, computing the coherent sheaf cohomology of projective plane curves is easily found. One big theorem in this space is the Hodge decomposition found using a spectral sequence associated to sheaf cohomology groups, proved by Deligne. Essentially, the -page with termsthe sheaf cohomology of a smooth projective variety , degenerates, meaning . This gives the canonical Hodge structure on the cohomology groups . It was later found these cohomology groups can be easily explicitly computed using Griffiths residues. See Jacobian ideal. These kinds of theorems lead to one of the deepest theorems about the cohomology of algebraic varieties, the decomposition theorem, paving the path for Mixed Hodge modules.
Another clean approach to the computation of some cohomology groups is the Borel–Bott–Weil theorem, which identifies the cohomology groups of some line bundles on flag manifolds with irreducible representations of Lie groups. This theorem can be used, for example, to easily compute the cohomology groups of all line bundles on projective space and grassmann manifolds.
In many cases there is a duality theory for sheaves that generalizes Poincaré duality. See Grothendieck duality and Verdier duality.
Derived categories of sheaves
The derived category of the category of sheaves of, say, abelian groups on some space X, denoted here as , is the conceptual haven for sheaf cohomology, by virtue of the following relation:
The adjunction between , which is the left adjoint of (already on the level of sheaves of abelian groups) gives rise to an adjunction
(for ),
where is the derived functor. This latter functor encompasses the notion of sheaf cohomology since for .
Like , the direct image with compact support can also be derived. By virtue of the following isomorphism parametrizes the cohomology with compact support of the fibers of :
This isomorphism is an example of a base change theorem. There is another adjunction
Unlike all the functors considered above, the twisted (or exceptional) inverse image functor is in general only defined on the level of derived categories, i.e., the functor is not obtained as the derived functor of some functor between abelian categories. If and X is a smooth orientable manifold of dimension n, then
This computation, and the compatibility of the functors with duality (see Verdier duality) can be used to obtain a high-brow explanation of Poincaré duality. In the context of quasi-coherent sheaves on schemes, there is a similar duality known as coherent duality.
Perverse sheaves are certain objects in , i.e., complexes of sheaves (but not in general sheaves proper). They are an important tool to study the geometry of singularities.
Derived categories of coherent sheaves and the Grothendieck group
Another important application of derived categories of sheaves is with the derived category of coherent sheaves on a scheme denoted . This was used by Grothendieck in his development of intersection theory using derived categories and K-theory, that the intersection product of subschemes is represented in K-theory aswhere are coherent sheaves defined by the -modules given by their structure sheaves.
Sites and topoi
André Weil's Weil conjectures stated that there was a cohomology theory for algebraic varieties over finite fields that would give an analogue of the Riemann hypothesis. The cohomology of a complex manifold can be defined as the sheaf cohomology of the locally constant sheaf in the Euclidean topology, which suggests defining a Weil cohomology theory in positive characteristic as the sheaf cohomology of a constant sheaf. But the only classical topology on such a variety is the Zariski topology, and the Zariski topology has very few open sets, so few that the cohomology of any Zariski-constant sheaf on an irreducible variety vanishes (except in degree zero). Alexandre Grothendieck solved this problem by introducing Grothendieck topologies, which axiomatize the notion of covering. Grothendieck's insight was that the definition of a sheaf depends only on the open sets of a topological space, not on the individual points. Once he had axiomatized the notion of covering, open sets could be replaced by other objects. A presheaf takes each one of these objects to data, just as before, and a sheaf is a presheaf that satisfies the gluing axiom with respect to our new notion of covering. This allowed Grothendieck to define étale cohomology and ℓ-adic cohomology, which eventually were used to prove the Weil conjectures.
A category with a Grothendieck topology is called a site. A category of sheaves on a site is called a topos or a Grothendieck topos. The notion of a topos was later abstracted by William Lawvere and Miles Tierney to define an elementary topos, which has connections to mathematical logic.
The first origins of sheaf theory are hard to pin down – they may be co-extensive with the idea of analytic continuation. It took about 15 years for a recognisable, free-standing theory of sheaves to emerge from the foundational work on cohomology.
1936 Eduard Čech introduces the nerve construction, for associating a simplicial complex to an open covering.
1938 Hassler Whitney gives a 'modern' definition of cohomology, summarizing the work since J. W. Alexander and Kolmogorov first defined cochains.
1943 Norman Steenrod publishes on homology with local coefficients.
1945 Jean Leray publishes work carried out as a prisoner of war, motivated by proving fixed-point theorems for application to PDE theory; it is the start of sheaf theory and spectral sequences.
1947 Henri Cartan reproves the de Rham theorem by sheaf methods, in correspondence with André Weil (see De Rham–Weil theorem). Leray gives a sheaf definition in his courses via closed sets (the later carapaces).
1948 The Cartan seminar writes up sheaf theory for the first time.
1950 The "second edition" sheaf theory from the Cartan seminar: the sheaf space (espace étalé) definition is used, with stalkwise structure. Supports are introduced, and cohomology with supports. Continuous mappings give rise to spectral sequences. At the same time Kiyoshi Oka introduces an idea (adjacent to that) of a sheaf of ideals, in several complex variables.
1951 The Cartan seminar proves theorems A and B, based on Oka's work.
1953 The finiteness theorem for coherent sheaves in the analytic theory is proved by Cartan and Jean-Pierre Serre, as is Serre duality.
1954 Serre's paper Faisceaux algébriques cohérents (published in 1955) introduces sheaves into algebraic geometry. These ideas are immediately exploited by Friedrich Hirzebruch, who writes a major 1956 book on topological methods.
1955 Alexander Grothendieck in lectures in Kansas defines abelian category and presheaf, and by using injective resolutions allows direct use of sheaf cohomology on all topological spaces, as derived functors.
1956 Oscar Zariski's report Algebraic sheaf theory
1957 Grothendieck's Tohoku paper rewrites homological algebra; he proves Grothendieck duality (i.e., Serre duality for possibly singular algebraic varieties).
1957 onwards: Grothendieck extends sheaf theory in line with the needs of algebraic geometry, introducing: schemes and general sheaves on them, local cohomology, derived categories (with Verdier), and Grothendieck topologies. There emerges also his influential schematic idea of 'six operations' in homological algebra.
1958 Roger Godement's book on sheaf theory is published. At around this time Mikio Sato proposes his hyperfunctions, which will turn out to have sheaf-theoretic nature.
At this point sheaves had become a mainstream part of mathematics, with use by no means restricted to algebraic topology. It was later discovered that the logic in categories of sheaves is intuitionistic logic (this observation is now often referred to as Kripke–Joyal semantics, but probably should be attributed to a number of authors).
See also
Coherent sheaf
Stack (mathematics)
Sheaf of spectra
Perverse sheaf
Presheaf of spaces
Constructible sheaf
De Rham's theorem
(oriented towards conventional topological applications)
(updated edition of a classic using enough sheaf theory to show its power)
(advanced techniques such as the derived category and vanishing cycles on the most reasonable spaces)
(category theory and toposes emphasised)
(concise lecture notes)
(pedagogic treatment)
(introductory book with open access)
Topological methods of algebraic geometry
Algebraic topology | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,467 |
import org.specs2.execute._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.mutable.SpecificationLike
import org.specs2.specification.AroundEach
import play.api.Application
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import play.core.server.NettyServer
import play.core.server.ServerProvider
import play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Helper for creating tests that test integration with different server
* backends. Common integration tests should implement this trait, then
* two specific tests should be created, one extending NettyIntegrationSpecification
* and another extending AkkaHttpIntegrationSpecification.
* When a test extends this trait it will automatically get overridden versions of
* TestServer and WithServer that delegate to the correct server backend.
trait ServerIntegrationSpecification extends PendingUntilFixed with AroundEach {
parent =>
implicit def integrationServerProvider: ServerProvider
val isGHA: Boolean = sys.env.get("GITHUB_ACTIONS").exists(_.toBoolean)
val isGHACron: Boolean = sys.env.get("GITHUB_EVENT_NAME").exists(_.equalsIgnoreCase("schedule"))
val isContinuousIntegration: Boolean = isGHA
val isCronBuild: Boolean = isGHACron
def aroundEventually[R: AsResult](r: => R) = {
EventuallyResults.eventually[R](1, 20.milliseconds)(r)
def around[R: AsResult](r: => R) = {
implicit class UntilAkkaHttpFixed[T: AsResult](t: => T) {
* We may want to skip some tests if they're slow due to timeouts. This tag
* won't remind us if the tests start passing.
def skipUntilAkkaHttpFixed: Result = parent match {
case _: NettyIntegrationSpecification => ResultExecution.execute(AsResult(t))
case _: AkkaHttpIntegrationSpecification => Skipped()
implicit class UntilFastCIServer[T: AsResult](t: => T) {
def skipOnSlowCIServer: Result = {
if (isContinuousIntegration) Skipped()
else ResultExecution.execute(AsResult(t))
* Override the standard TestServer factory method.
def TestServer(
port: Int,
application: Application = play.api.PlayCoreTestApplication(),
sslPort: Option[Int] = None
): play.api.test.TestServer = {
play.api.test.TestServer(port, application, sslPort, Some(integrationServerProvider))
* Override the standard WithServer class.
abstract class WithServer(
app: play.api.Application = GuiceApplicationBuilder().build(),
port: Int = play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort
) extends play.api.test.WithServer(
serverProvider = Some(integrationServerProvider)
/** Run integration tests against a Netty server */
trait NettyIntegrationSpecification extends ServerIntegrationSpecification {
self: SpecificationLike =>
// Do not run Netty tests in continuous integration, unless it is a cron build.
private val skipNettyTests = isContinuousIntegration && !isCronBuild
// Be silent about skipping Netty tests to avoid useless output
if (skipNettyTests) xonly
final override def integrationServerProvider: ServerProvider = NettyServer.provider
/** Run integration tests against an Akka HTTP server */
trait AkkaHttpIntegrationSpecification extends ServerIntegrationSpecification {
self: SpecificationLike =>
final override def integrationServerProvider: ServerProvider = AkkaHttpServer.provider
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 1,468 |
Q: Failed assertion: line 6075 pos 12: 'child == _child': is not true I'm new to flutter try to display nearst user/vendor to the application. The guy in the tutorial doing it smoothly but I'm getting a lot of errors.I'm writing the exact same codes as he wrote in his tutorial.
*Failed assertion: line 6075 pos 12: 'child == _child': is not true.
*Duplicate GlobalKey detected in widget tree.
*A RenderShrinkWrappingViewport expected a child of type RenderSliver but received a child of type RenderFlex.
Here are my codes.
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';
import 'package:paginate_firestore/bloc/pagination_listeners.dart';
import 'package:paginate_firestore/paginate_firestore.dart';
import 'package:phatafut/providers/store_provider.dart';
import 'package:phatafut/services/store_services.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../constants.dart';
class NearestStore extends StatefulWidget {
static const id = 'nearest-store-screen';
const NearestStore({key}) : super(key: key);
_NearestStoreState createState() => _NearestStoreState();
class _NearestStoreState extends State<NearestStore> {
StoreServices _storeServices = StoreServices();
PaginateRefreshedChangeListener refreshedChangeListener = PaginateRefreshedChangeListener();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final _storeData = Provider.of<StoreProvider>(context);
String getDistance(location){
var distance = Geolocator.distanceBetween(
_storeData.userLatitude, _storeData.userLongitude, location.latitude, location.longitude,
var distanceInKM = distance/1000;
return distanceInKM.toStringAsFixed(2);
return Container(
child: StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
stream: _storeServices.getnearestStore(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot>snapShot){
return CircularProgressIndicator();
List shopDistance = [];
for(int i=0 ; i<; i++){
var distance = Geolocator.distanceBetween(
_storeData.userLatitude, _storeData.userLongitude,[i]['location'].latitude,[i]['location'].longitude
var distanceInKM = distance/1000;
return Container();
return Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
child: PaginateFirestore(
bottomLoader: CircularProgressIndicator(
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(Theme.of(context).primaryColor),
header: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
left: 8,right: 8,top: 20,),
child: Text('All Nearby Stores',
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
fontSize: 21,
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
left: 8,right: 8,top: 20,),
child: Text('Find out quality products Nearby You',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 21,
color: Colors.blueGrey
shrinkWrap: true,
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
itemBuilderType: PaginateBuilderType.listView,
itemBuilder: (index, context, document)=>
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
child: Container(
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
child: Row(
children: [
width: 100,
height: 110,
child: Card(
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4),
SizedBox(width: 10,),
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
child: Text(document['shopName'],
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
maxLines: 2,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
SizedBox(height: 3,),
style: KShopCardStyle,
SizedBox(height: 3,),
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width-250,
child: Text(document['address'],
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: KShopCardStyle,
SizedBox(height: 3,),
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: KShopCardStyle,
SizedBox(height: 3,),
children: [
size: 12,
color: Colors.blueGrey,
SizedBox(width: 4,),
style: KShopCardStyle,
query: FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where('accVerified', isEqualTo: true)
.where('isTopPicked',isEqualTo: true)
listeners: [
footer: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 30,),
child: Container(
child: Stack(
children: [
child: Text('**That\s all folks**',
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.blueGrey,
right: 10.0,
top: 80,
child: Container(
width: 100,
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
Text('Made by : ',
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.black12,
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
letterSpacing: 2,
fontFamily: 'Poppins-Bold',
onRefresh: ()async{
refreshedChangeListener.refreshed = true;
Here is error logs
======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following assertion was thrown building RawGestureDetector-[LabeledGlobalKey<RawGestureDetectorState>#1b72f](state: RawGestureDetectorState#3b342(gestures: <none>, behavior: opaque)):
A RenderShrinkWrappingViewport expected a child of type RenderSliver but received a child of type RenderFlex.
RenderObjects expect specific types of children because they coordinate with their children during layout and paint. For example, a RenderSliver cannot be the child of a RenderBox because a RenderSliver does not understand the RenderBox layout protocol.
The RenderShrinkWrappingViewport that expected a RenderSliver child was created by: ShrinkWrappingViewport ← IgnorePointer-[GlobalKey#8e459] ← Semantics ← Listener ← _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector-[LabeledGlobalKey<RawGestureDetectorState>#1b72f] ← Listener ← _ScrollableScope ← _ScrollSemantics-[GlobalKey#ad7bb] ← RepaintBoundary ← CustomPaint ← RepaintBoundary ← ⋯
The RenderFlex that did not match the expected child type was created by: Column ← ShrinkWrappingViewport ← IgnorePointer-[GlobalKey#8e459] ← Semantics ← Listener ← _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector-[LabeledGlobalKey<RawGestureDetectorState>#1b72f] ← Listener ← _ScrollableScope ← _ScrollSemantics-[GlobalKey#ad7bb] ← RepaintBoundary ← CustomPaint ← ⋯
The relevant error-causing widget was:
PaginateFirestore file:///C:/Users/The%20Cubix/StudioProjects/project_phatafut/phatafut/lib/widgets/neareststore.dart:220:24
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 ContainerRenderObjectMixin.debugValidateChild.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:3129:9)
#1 ContainerRenderObjectMixin.debugValidateChild (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:3156:6)
#2 MultiChildRenderObjectElement.insertRenderObjectChild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:6160:25)
#3 RenderObjectElement.attachRenderObject (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:5758:35)
#4 RenderObjectElement.mount (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:5440:5)
======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following assertion was thrown building RawGestureDetector-[LabeledGlobalKey<RawGestureDetectorState>#1b72f](state: RawGestureDetectorState#3b342(gestures: <none>, behavior: opaque)):
'package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart': Failed assertion: line 6075 pos 12: 'child == _child': is not true.
Either the assertion indicates an error in the framework itself, or we should provide substantially more information in this error message to help you determine and fix the underlying cause.
In either case, please report this assertion by filing a bug on GitHub:
The relevant error-causing widget was:
PaginateFirestore file:///C:/Users/The%20Cubix/StudioProjects/project_phatafut/phatafut/lib/widgets/neareststore.dart:220:24
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#2 SingleChildRenderObjectElement.forgetChild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:6075:12)
#3 Element._retakeInactiveElement (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3563:14)
... Normal element mounting (10 frames)
#13 Element.inflateWidget (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3611:14)
#14 Element.updateChild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3360:20)
======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following assertion was thrown while finalizing the widget tree:
Duplicate GlobalKey detected in widget tree.
The following GlobalKey was specified multiple times in the widget tree. This will lead to parts of the widget tree being truncated unexpectedly, because the second time a key is seen, the previous instance is moved to the new location. The key was:
- [GlobalKey#8e459]
This was determined by noticing that after the widget with the above global key was moved out of its previous parent, that previous parent never updated during this frame, meaning that it either did not update at all or updated before the widget was moved, in either case implying that it still thinks that it should have a child with that global key.
The specific parent that did not update after having one or more children forcibly removed due to GlobalKey reparenting is:
- Semantics(container: false, properties: SemanticsProperties, label: null, value: null, hint: null, hintOverrides: null, renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations#2d00d NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE DETACHED)
A GlobalKey can only be specified on one widget at a time in the widget tree.
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 BuildOwner.finalizeTree.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:2900:15)
#1 BuildOwner.finalizeTree (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:2925:8)
#2 WidgetsBinding.drawFrame (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:877:19)
#3 RendererBinding._handlePersistentFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/rendering/binding.dart:328:5)
#4 SchedulerBinding._invokeFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1144:15)
A RenderShrinkWrappingViewport expected a child of type RenderSliver
but received a child of type RenderFlex.
The header and footer properties are expected to be Slivers (No documentation reference for this but the example and implementation shows this) so in order to use non-sliver widgets, you can wrap them with SliverToBoxAdapter which is "a sliver that contains a single box widget."
Update the header code to:
header: SliverToBoxAdapter(
child: Column(
And update the footer code to:
footer: SliverToBoxAdapter(
child: Padding(
A: header: SliverToBoxAdapter(
footer: SliverToBoxAdapter(
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 1,469 |
Dan and I recall our recent trips. Laughter ensues.
Quick episode this time since we had a hard out time but we managed to break down the bulk of our trips pretty quick and there was plenty of goofy stories to go around. Please enjoy! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,470 |
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Battled on gamely defeating Fabrebab by. 8 lengths (28.51) on November 2 at Bendigo over 500m in a race. Previously finished 6 lengths 6th (24.55) on October 26 over 425m at Bendigo in a race beaten by Fend Off. Not worst here.
Handy effort when 2nd (24.72) beaten 7.9 lengths by Piccolo Fratello on November 2 over 425m at Bendigo in a Grade 7 race. Won narrowly defeating Nicmac Paddywack by a long neck (25.64) at Shepparton over 450m on October 29 in a Maiden race. Has the form.
On November 4 at Healesville over 350m was beaten 9.6 lengths 6th (20.22)beaten by By Your Side in a Maiden race. Before that was 6.8 lengths 2nd (24.45) from 8 at Bendigo over 425m on October 30 in a Maiden race won by Cheeky Chimp. Worth consideration.
On November 1 over 450m at Warrnambool was beaten 6.5 lengths 3rd (25.77)in a Maiden race won by Crimson Vixen. Before that finished 21.1 lengths 7th (24.28) at Horsham on October 16 over 410m beaten by Time To Talk in a Maiden race. Worth consideration.
Finished 4.3 lengths 3rd (30.18) on November 1 at Angle Park over 515m beaten by Spring Sniper in a Grade 6 race. Previously finished 1 length 2nd (30.18) on October 29 at Angle Park over 515m in a Grade 6 race beaten by Muchachos. Can improve.
Always near the lead when 2nd (23.81) beaten 5.1 lengths by Dyna Bonnay in a Mix 6/7 race on October 31 over 410m at Horsham. Was a handy winner defeating White Cynder by 2.5 lengths (23.53) on October 25 over 410m at Horsham in a race. Expect bold effort.
Was a handy winner defeating Sustain The Rage by 1.8 lengths (26.15) at Geelong over 460m on November 2 in a race. Handy effort before that when beaten 7.1 lengths, 5th (30.88) by Aston Aniston at The Meadows on October 31 over 525m in a race. Strong claims. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,472 |
Bethesda is a well-equipped clinical unit, but every effort has been made to avoid a clinical appearance. The rooms are fresh and bright, and overlook a beatifully landscaped garden.
We regard each patient as a whole person with many needs - physical, emotional, spiritual and social - and staff are given the training and time to take care of the whole family, not just the patient.
Often a series of short stays at Bethesda is the best way to benefit from the specialist physical and emotional support provided. This way we can "care for the carers" as well as demonstrate our skill in symptom control.
Often patients are amazed how much better they feel even after just a week or two with us. Thus we build up a good relationship with patients long before terminal care becomes a necessity.
Patients are helped to remain as independent as possible. Where desired, relatives can assist in caring for their loved ones and are free to offer hospitality to friends as they would in their own homes.
In this relaxed atmosphere, people have time and privacy to come to terms with the turmoil they so often feel. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,473 |
Here are a few of my pics taken in Spring 2015, Ontario, Canada.
From you, Who defines my existence?
My park is getting smaller and smaller every day!
When did we lose our focus?
I am disconnected from you!
ShowCasing My Photos -from old collections! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,474 |
Life After Death presents the country's foremost collection of paintings from the New Leipzig School – a collection built by the Rubell Family in Miami and presented in its entirety for the first time at MASS MoCA. Based in Leipzig, these painters breathe new life into the East German tradition of social realist figure painting with enigmatic narratives and surrealist overtones. The New Leipzig School is the 21st century's first bona fide artistic phenomenon. Exhibition includes work by: Tilo Baumgartel, Tim Eitel, Martin Kobe, Neo Rauch, Christoph Rückhaberle, David Schnell, and Matthias Weischer.
While I wouldn't claim to be an authority, I'm not sure how accurate it is to say that any of these aside from Rauch draw upon socialist realism, though I may not have caught everything in the exhibit. Tim Eitel, who interested me more than any of the others, owes a lot more to formal modernist modes than the art of the Soviet Union, for instance. Similarly, Matthias Weischer may paint drab interiors that might summon up thoughts of the decay of the DDR, but the references, however one takes them, to high modernist abstraction and the grid in his paintings point away from anything in the history of East Germany's official styles.
I was intrigued by some of these paintings, especially Eitel's, but not always completely engaged. I know everyone thinks Neo Rauch is the man, but the three canvases by him didn't do much for me. The combination of drabness and what felt like forced zaniness had a certain novelty, I suppose, but mostly felt empty to me. I might have lingered more and given them more thought, except that I knew that Cai Guo-Qiang's "Inopportune" installation awaited. And really, how a bunch of morose Germans going to compete with this?
I mean, awesome. Think about it: your date wants to go to an art museum, but you want to check out an action flick. If you're in North Adams between now and October, you don't have to choose! Along with the above "Stage One", there's a video depicting a car with exploding fireworks coming out of it driving superimposed over Times Square at night, with onlookers (naturally) oblivious. There's more, but those alone were enough. Great fun.
I saw this show in situ, chez Rubell. Rückhaberle impressed me but not much else did. I would have seen those Rauchs there too but for the life of me I can't remember them.
We just had a strong feeling that the work was peculiar.
Looks like something from Return to the Future. Amazing what you can do with warehouse space.
Reading Franklin's comment, I couldn't remember the Rückhaberles! It doesn't seem like the exhibit left much of an imprint on me. To be fair, I probably didn't spend enough time with all of it. Googling around, I see one image of Rückhaberle's that was in the show that I really didn't like (and may have walked away from that section due to), but others I do, for what that's worth.
Yeah . . . I agree. It may not have been the point, but: poor little paper mache killer shmoogies. I didn't bring it up because of this reason.
I think it's only a matter of time before someone includes fireworks in a movie chase scene. It's too good.
NB: it's perfectly fine to disagree, and disagree strongly, with anything I or anyone else says here. But insulting comments, trolling, etc., will get your comment deleted, fast.
I linked to this post, and I hope that the Dimwit-American community that necessitated the recent temporary closing of my comments didn't show up here to vent. If so, my apologies. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,475 |
MILANI Shadow Eyez eye shadow pencil 12 hour wear YOU PICK COLOR!
Definitely One of My ❝Holy Grail❞ Must Haves!
The Milani Shadow Eyez Eyeshadow Pencil # 10 Almond Cream works as an amazing eyeshadow primer. Colors just pop on top of it! It's also great for blending out ugly veins on the eyelid. I like to use it on the lower waterline to really wake up a look! It lasts all day and doesn't smudge. You can't go wrong with this one!
It says it is long lasting. If an hour is a long time then yes it lasts. It is a good price. As far as water resistant well so,so. It does crease. Put it on and it fades. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,476 |
Back at the start of the year I saw a concert put together by Off Axis, a nationwide scheme for up-and-coming bands to share support slots at each other's gigs. To kick off Independent Venue Week 2016, local lads Dorey the Wise were brilliantly supported at The Albion by Ded Rabbit and Young Jacks – from Edinburgh and Leeds respectively – in a night that showcased the sheer talent there is all over the country and helped to establish the Albion as one of Hastings's best live music venues.
Last week Dorey the Wise were back at the Albion for another Off Axis gig, this time supported by Bristol-based quartet The Rupees. Promoting their new Catch 22 EP and showing off a relatively new line-up, the Rupees confidently delivered their infectious, catchy tunes – solid synth pads, growling guitar and an ubertight, neo-funky rhythm section – to a keen and busy Albion crowd, who didn't take long at all to get up and dance.
This was a perfect warm-up for Dorey the Wise, who over the past four years or so have ingrained themselves into the fabric of the music scene in Hastings and further afield. During this time they have refined their live act and honed their songwriting skills, the result being that they now deliver a more polished, practised performance than might have been expected less than a year ago. The songs are more complex too.
Alongside the more familiar, poppier numbers there are some newer, moodier moments to the live set, showing that, with experience, the band has matured well and is not afraid to explore the darkness as well as the light. There was even a brand new song, never before heard outside the band, which is so fresh off the production line that – customarily for Dorey – it doesn't even have a name yet.
At the centre of the action, as always, is the considerable presence of front man Aidan Tigwell, whose on-stage charisma makes it difficult to take your eyes off him. Just as Dorey the Wise's songwriting has matured and developed, so Tigwell's voice has grown to fit the newer, more elaborate arrangements, and has the ability to switch with ease from impassioned foghorn to delicate balladeer. Alongside him, lead guitarist and vocalist Chris Georghiou is the perfect foil, adding layers of sound that have come to define Dorey, and the rhythm section – James Dennison on bass and Elliot Lampitt on drums – is tighter, snappier and more adventurous than ever.
Something has happened to this band in between their two Albion performances this year that has led to a more professional, more versatile set, full of light and shade and brimming with emotion – all of this confidently delivered by a band that has grown in confidence, stature and raw musical prowess.
Off Axis Network works by connecting like-minded artists from across the UK, and enabling them to 'trade' their audiences with one another, so they can play more shows, in more places, to more people than ever before possible. The idea of the system is to substantially increase the circulation of artists around the country, and hence giving them the opportunity to build national fanbases. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,477 |
Books Arts Today's Joe Buhlig and Mike Schmitz Joe Buhlig Mike Schmitz
Bookworm « »
82: Margin by Richard Swenson
By Joe Buhlig and Mike Schmitz, Joe Buhlig, and Mike Schmitz. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio is streamed directly from their servers. Hit the Subscribe button to track updates in Player FM, or paste the feed URL into other podcast apps.
Do you ever feel overhwelmed? Today's book by Dr. Richard Swenson has the prescription for anyone who yearns for relief from the pressures of overload. Join Joe & Mike as they investigate the topic of margin, reevaluate their priorities, and attempt to simplify their lives.
TWSBI Diamond 580 Fountain Pen
TWSBI 6pack Ink Set
The Pen Addict #387: Costs Me Money Every Time – Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Scheaffer 300
Clear Habit Journal by Baron Fig
TWSBI Diamond 50 Ink Bottles
Focused #88: Annual Check-Ins
Bookworm #38: Mindset
Bookworm #43: Flow
Margin by Richard Swenson
The Margin Course
Bookworm #74: The Second Mountain
Bookworm #12: The Productivity Project
Faith-Based Productivity
Shure BETA 87A
Ministry of Supply
Bookworm #66: Extreme Ownership
In Search of Balance by Richard Swenson
Bookworm #14: The 12 Week Year
Bookworm #58: Scrum
Bookworm #81: You Are Awesome
Isaac Smith's tweet
The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
Indistractable by Nir Eyal
Hooked by Nir Eyal
StrategyMan vs. The Anti-Strategy Squad
Recommend a Book
Mike's Rating: 4.5
Joe's Rating: 4.0
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Section 1342. National pollutant discharge elimination system
33 U.S. Code § 1342. National pollutant discharge elimination system
Authorities (CFR)
(a) Permits for discharge of pollutants
Except as provided in sections 1328 and 1344 of this title, the Administrator may, after opportunity for public hearing issue a permit for the discharge of any pollutant, or combination of pollutants, notwithstanding section 1311(a) of this title, upon condition that such discharge will meet either (A) all applicable requirements under sections 1311, 1312, 1316, 1317, 1318, and 1343 of this title, or (B) prior to the taking of necessary implementing actions relating to all such requirements, such conditions as the Administrator determines are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
The Administrator shall prescribe conditions for such permits to assure compliance with the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection, including conditions on data and information collection, reporting, and such other requirements as he deems appropriate.
The permit program of the Administrator under paragraph (1) of this subsection, and permits issued thereunder, shall be subject to the same terms, conditions, and requirements as apply to a State permit program and permits issued thereunder under subsection (b) of this section.
All permits for discharges into the navigable waters issued pursuant to section 407 of this title shall be deemed to be permits issued under this subchapter, and permits issued under this subchapter shall be deemed to be permits issued under section 407 of this title, and shall continue in force and effect for their term unless revoked, modified, or suspended in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
No permit for a discharge into the navigable waters shall be issued under section 407 of this title after October 18, 1972. Each application for a permit under section 407 of this title, pending on October 18, 1972, shall be deemed to be an application for a permit under this section. The Administrator shall authorize a State, which he determines has the capability of administering a permit program which will carry out the objectives of this chapter to issue permits for discharges into the navigable waters within the jurisdiction of such State. The Administrator may exercise the authority granted him by the preceding sentence only during the period which begins on October 18, 1972, and ends either on the ninetieth day after the date of the first promulgation of guidelines required by section 1314(i)(2) of this title, or the date of approval by the Administrator of a permit program for such State under subsection (b) of this section, whichever date first occurs, and no such authorization to a State shall extend beyond the last day of such period. Each such permit shall be subject to such conditions as the Administrator determines are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. No such permit shall issue if the Administrator objects to such issuance.
(b) State permit programsAt any time after the promulgation of the guidelines required by subsection (i)(2) of section 1314 of this title, the Governor of each State desiring to administer its own permit program for discharges into navigable waters within its jurisdiction may submit to the Administrator a full and complete description of the program it proposes to establish and administer under State law or under an interstate compact. In addition, such State shall submit a statement from the attorney general (or the attorney for those State water pollution control agencies which have independent legal counsel), or from the chief legal officer in the case of an interstate agency, that the laws of such State, or the interstate compact, as the case may be, provide adequate authority to carry out the described program. The Administrator shall approve each submitted program unless he determines that adequate authority does not exist:
(1) To issue permits which—
apply, and insure compliance with, any applicable requirements of sections 1311, 1312, 1316, 1317, and 1343 of this title;
are for fixed terms not exceeding five years; and
(C) can be terminated or modified for cause including, but not limited to, the following:
violation of any condition of the permit;
obtaining a permit by misrepresentation, or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts;
change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge;
control the disposal of pollutants into wells;
To issue permits which apply, and insure compliance with, all applicable requirements of section 1318 of this title; or
To inspect, monitor, enter, and require reports to at least the same extent as required in section 1318 of this title;
To insure that the public, and any other State the waters of which may be affected, receive notice of each application for a permit and to provide an opportunity for public hearing before a ruling on each such application;
To insure that the Administrator receives notice of each application (including a copy thereof) for a permit;
To insure that any State (other than the permitting State), whose waters may be affected by the issuance of a permit may submit written recommendations to the permitting State (and the Administrator) with respect to any permit application and, if any part of such written recommendations are not accepted by the permitting State, that the permitting State will notify such affected State (and the Administrator) in writing of its failure to so accept such recommendations together with its reasons for so doing;
To insure that no permit will be issued if, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers, after consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, anchorage and navigation of any of the navigable waters would be substantially impaired thereby;
To abate violations of the permit or the permit program, including civil and criminal penalties and other ways and means of enforcement;
To insure that any permit for a discharge from a publicly owned treatment works includes conditions to require the identification in terms of character and volume of pollutants of any significant source introducing pollutants subject to pretreatment standards under section 1317(b) of this title into such works and a program to assure compliance with such pretreatment standards by each such source, in addition to adequate notice to the permitting agency of (A) new introductions into such works of pollutants from any source which would be a new source as defined in section 1316 of this title if such source were discharging pollutants, (B) new introductions of pollutants into such works from a source which would be subject to section 1311 of this title if it were discharging such pollutants, or (C) a substantial change in volume or character of pollutants being introduced into such works by a source introducing pollutants into such works at the time of issuance of the permit. Such notice shall include information on the quality and quantity of effluent to be introduced into such treatment works and any anticipated impact of such change in the quantity or quality of effluent to be discharged from such publicly owned treatment works; and
To insure that any industrial user of any publicly owned treatment works will comply with sections 1284(b), 1317, and 1318 of this title.
(c) Suspension of Federal program upon submission of State program; withdrawal of approval of State program; return of State program to Administrator
Not later than ninety days after the date on which a State has submitted a program (or revision thereof) pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the Administrator shall suspend the issuance of permits under subsection (a) of this section as to those discharges subject to such program unless he determines that the State permit program does not meet the requirements of subsection (b) of this section or does not conform to the guidelines issued under section 1314(i)(2) of this title. If the Administrator so determines, he shall notify the State of any revisions or modifications necessary to conform to such requirements or guidelines.
Any State permit program under this section shall at all times be in accordance with this section and guidelines promulgated pursuant to section 1314(i)(2) of this title.
Whenever the Administrator determines after public hearing that a State is not administering a program approved under this section in accordance with requirements of this section, he shall so notify the State and, if appropriate corrective action is not taken within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety days, the Administrator shall withdraw approval of such program. The Administrator shall not withdraw approval of any such program unless he shall first have notified the State, and made public, in writing, the reasons for such withdrawal.
(4)Limitations on partial permit program returns and withdrawals.—A State may return to the Administrator administration, and the Administrator may withdraw under paragraph (3) of this subsection approval, of—
a State partial permit program approved under subsection (n)(3) only if the entire permit program being administered by the State department or agency at the time is returned or withdrawn; and
a State partial permit program approved under subsection (n)(4) only if an entire phased component of the permit program being administered by the State at the time is returned or withdrawn.
(d) Notification of Administrator
Each State shall transmit to the Administrator a copy of each permit application received by such State and provide notice to the Administrator of every action related to the consideration of such permit application, including each permit proposed to be issued by such State.
No permit shall issue (A) if the Administrator within ninety days of the date of his notification under subsection (b)(5) of this section objects in writing to the issuance of such permit, or (B) if the Administrator within ninety days of the date of transmittal of the proposed permit by the State objects in writing to the issuance of such permit as being outside the guidelines and requirements of this chapter. Whenever the Administrator objects to the issuance of a permit under this paragraph such written objection shall contain a statement of the reasons for such objection and the effluent limitations and conditions which such permit would include if it were issued by the Administrator.
The Administrator may, as to any permit application, waive paragraph (2) of this subsection.
In any case where, after December 27, 1977, the Administrator, pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, objects to the issuance of a permit, on request of the State, a public hearing shall be held by the Administrator on such objection. If the State does not resubmit such permit revised to meet such objection within 30 days after completion of the hearing, or, if no hearing is requested within 90 days after the date of such objection, the Administrator may issue the permit pursuant to subsection (a) of this section for such source in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of this chapter.
(e) Waiver of notification requirement
In accordance with guidelines promulgated pursuant to subsection (i)(2) of section 1314 of this title, the Administrator is authorized to waive the requirements of subsection (d) of this section at the time he approves a program pursuant to subsection (b) of this section for any category (including any class, type, or size within such category) of point sources within the State submitting such program.
(f) Point source categories
The Administrator shall promulgate regulations establishing categories of point sources which he determines shall not be subject to the requirements of subsection (d) of this section in any State with a program approved pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. The Administrator may distinguish among classes, types, and sizes within any category of point sources.
(g) Other regulations for safe transportation, handling, carriage, storage, and stowage of pollutants
Any permit issued under this section for the discharge of pollutants into the navigable waters from a vessel or other floating craft shall be subject to any applicable regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, establishing specifications for safe transportation, handling, carriage, storage, and stowage of pollutants.
(h) Violation of permit conditions; restriction or prohibition upon introduction of pollutant by source not previously utilizing treatment works
In the event any condition of a permit for discharges from a treatment works (as defined in section 1292 of this title) which is publicly owned is violated, a State with a program approved under subsection (b) of this section or the Administrator, where no State program is approved or where the Administrator determines pursuant to section 1319(a) of this title that a State with an approved program has not commenced appropriate enforcement action with respect to such permit, may proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction to restrict or prohibit the introduction of any pollutant into such treatment works by a source not utilizing such treatment works prior to the finding that such condition was violated.
(i) Federal enforcement not limited
Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of the Administrator to take action pursuant to section 1319 of this title.
(j) Public information
A copy of each permit application and each permit issued under this section shall be available to the public. Such permit application or permit, or portion thereof, shall further be available on request for the purpose of reproduction.
(k) Compliance with permits
Compliance with a permit issued pursuant to this section shall be deemed compliance, for purposes of sections 1319 and 1365 of this title, with sections 1311, 1312, 1316, 1317, and 1343 of this title, except any standard imposed under section 1317 of this title for a toxic pollutant injurious to human health. Until December 31, 1974, in any case where a permit for discharge has been applied for pursuant to this section, but final administrative disposition of such application has not been made, such discharge shall not be a violation of (1) section 1311, 1316, or 1342 of this title, or (2) section 407 of this title, unless the Administrator or other plaintiff proves that final administrative disposition of such application has not been made because of the failure of the applicant to furnish information reasonably required or requested in order to process the application. For the 180-day period beginning on October 18, 1972, in the case of any point source discharging any pollutant or combination of pollutants immediately prior to such date which source is not subject to section 407 of this title, the discharge by such source shall not be a violation of this chapter if such a source applies for a permit for discharge pursuant to this section within such 180-day period.
(l) Limitation on permit requirement
(1) Agricultural return flows
The Administrator shall not require a permit under this section for discharges composed entirely of return flows from irrigated agriculture, nor shall the Administrator directly or indirectly, require any State to require such a permit.
(2) Stormwater runoff from oil, gas, and mining operations
The Administrator shall not require a permit under this section, nor shall the Administrator directly or indirectly require any State to require a permit, for discharges of stormwater runoff from mining operations or oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations or transmission facilities, composed entirely of flows which are from conveyances or systems of conveyances (including but not limited to pipes, conduits, ditches, and channels) used for collecting and conveying precipitation runoff and which are not contaminated by contact with, or do not come into contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished product, byproduct, or waste products located on the site of such operations.
(3) Silvicultural activities
(A)NPDES permit requirements for silvicultural activities.—
The Administrator shall not require a permit under this section nor directly or indirectly require any State to require a permit under this section for a discharge from runoff resulting from the conduct of the following silviculture activities conducted in accordance with standard industry practice: nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road construction and maintenance.
(B)Other requirements.—
Nothing in this paragraph exempts a discharge from silvicultural activity from any permitting requirement under section 1344 of this title, existing permitting requirements under section 1342 of this title, or from any other federal law.
The authorization provided in Section [1] 1365(a) of this title does not apply to any non-permitting program established under 1342(p)(6) [2] of this title for the silviculture activities listed in 1342(l)(3)(A) [2] of this title, or to any other limitations that might be deemed to apply to the silviculture activities listed in 1342(l)(3)(A) [2] of this title.
(m) Additional pretreatment of conventional pollutants not required
To the extent a treatment works (as defined in section 1292 of this title) which is publicly owned is not meeting the requirements of a permit issued under this section for such treatment works as a result of inadequate design or operation of such treatment works, the Administrator, in issuing a permit under this section, shall not require pretreatment by a person introducing conventional pollutants identified pursuant to section 1314(a)(4) of this title into such treatment works other than pretreatment required to assure compliance with pretreatment standards under subsection (b)(8) of this section and section 1317(b)(1) of this title. Nothing in this subsection shall affect the Administrator's authority under sections 1317 and 1319 of this title, affect State and local authority under sections 1317(b)(4) and 1370 of this title, relieve such treatment works of its obligations to meet requirements established under this chapter, or otherwise preclude such works from pursuing whatever feasible options are available to meet its responsibility to comply with its permit under this section.
(n) Partial permit program
(1) State submission
The Governor of a State may submit under subsection (b) of this section a permit program for a portion of the discharges into the navigable waters in such State.
(2) Minimum coverage
A partial permit program under this subsection shall cover, at a minimum, administration of a major category of the discharges into the navigable waters of the State or a major component of the permit program required by subsection (b).
(3) Approval of major category partial permit programsThe Administrator may approve a partial permit program covering administration of a major category of discharges under this subsection if—
such program represents a complete permit program and covers all of the discharges under the jurisdiction of a department or agency of the State; and
the Administrator determines that the partial program represents a significant and identifiable part of the State program required by subsection (b).
(4) Approval of major component partial permit programsThe Administrator may approve under this subsection a partial and phased permit program covering administration of a major component (including discharge categories) of a State permit program required by subsection (b) if—
the Administrator determines that the partial program represents a significant and identifiable part of the State program required by subsection (b); and
the State submits, and the Administrator approves, a plan for the State to assume administration by phases of the remainder of the State program required by subsection (b) by a specified date not more than 5 years after submission of the partial program under this subsection and agrees to make all reasonable efforts to assume such administration by such date.
(o) Anti-backsliding
(1) General prohibition
In the case of effluent limitations established on the basis of subsection (a)(1)(B) of this section, a permit may not be renewed, reissued, or modified on the basis of effluent guidelines promulgated under section 1314(b) of this title subsequent to the original issuance of such permit, to contain effluent limitations which are less stringent than the comparable effluent limitations in the previous permit. In the case of effluent limitations established on the basis of section 1311(b)(1)(C) or section 1313(d) or (e) of this title, a permit may not be renewed, reissued, or modified to contain effluent limitations which are less stringent than the comparable effluent limitations in the previous permit except in compliance with section 1313(d)(4) of this title.
(2) ExceptionsA permit with respect to which paragraph (1) applies may be renewed, reissued, or modified to contain a less stringent effluent limitation applicable to a pollutant if—
material and substantial alterations or additions to the permitted facility occurred after permit issuance which justify the application of a less stringent effluent limitation;
information is available which was not available at the time of permit issuance (other than revised regulations, guidance, or test methods) and which would have justified the application of a less stringent effluent limitation at the time of permit issuance; or
the Administrator determines that technical mistakes or mistaken interpretations of law were made in issuing the permit under subsection (a)(1)(B);
a less stringent effluent limitation is necessary because of events over which the permittee has no control and for which there is no reasonably available remedy;
the permittee has received a permit modification under section 1311(c), 1311(g), 1311(h), 1311(i), 1311(k), 1311(n), or 1326(a) of this title; or
the permittee has installed the treatment facilities required to meet the effluent limitations in the previous permit and has properly operated and maintained the facilities but has nevertheless been unable to achieve the previous effluent limitations, in which case the limitations in the reviewed, reissued, or modified permit may reflect the level of pollutant control actually achieved (but shall not be less stringent than required by effluent guidelines in effect at the time of permit renewal, reissuance, or modification).
Subparagraph (B) shall not apply to any revised waste load allocations or any alternative grounds for translating water quality standards into effluent limitations, except where the cumulative effect of such revised allocations results in a decrease in the amount of pollutants discharged into the concerned waters, and such revised allocations are not the result of a discharger eliminating or substantially reducing its discharge of pollutants due to complying with the requirements of this chapter or for reasons otherwise unrelated to water quality.
(3) Limitations
In no event may a permit with respect to which paragraph (1) applies be renewed, reissued, or modified to contain an effluent limitation which is less stringent than required by effluent guidelines in effect at the time the permit is renewed, reissued, or modified. In no event may such a permit to discharge into waters be renewed, reissued, or modified to contain a less stringent effluent limitation if the implementation of such limitation would result in a violation of a water quality standard under section 1313 of this title applicable to such waters.
(p) Municipal and industrial stormwater discharges
(1) General rule
Prior to October 1, 1994, the Administrator or the State (in the case of a permit program approved under this section) shall not require a permit under this section for discharges composed entirely of stormwater.
(2) ExceptionsParagraph (1) shall not apply with respect to the following stormwater discharges:
A discharge with respect to which a permit has been issued under this section before February 4, 1987.
A discharge associated with industrial activity.
A discharge from a municipal separate storm sewer system serving a population of 250,000 or more.
A discharge from a municipal separate storm sewer system serving a population of 100,000 or more but less than 250,000.
A discharge for which the Administrator or the State, as the case may be, determines that the stormwater discharge contributes to a violation of a water quality standard or is a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the United States.
(3) Permit requirements
(A) Industrial discharges
Permits for discharges associated with industrial activity shall meet all applicable provisions of this section and section 1311 of this title.
(B) Municipal dischargePermits for discharges from municipal storm sewers—
may be issued on a system- or jurisdiction-wide basis;
shall include a requirement to effectively prohibit non-stormwater discharges into the storm sewers; and
shall require controls to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, including management practices, control techniques and system, design and engineering methods, and such other provisions as the Administrator or the State determines appropriate for the control of such pollutants.
(4) Permit application requirements
(A) Industrial and large municipal discharges
Not later than 2 years after February 4, 1987, the Administrator shall establish regulations setting forth the permit application requirements for stormwater discharges described in paragraphs (2)(B) and (2)(C). Applications for permits for such discharges shall be filed no later than 3 years after February 4, 1987. Not later than 4 years after February 4, 1987, the Administrator or the State, as the case may be, shall issue or deny each such permit. Any such permit shall provide for compliance as expeditiously as practicable, but in no event later than 3 years after the date of issuance of such permit.
(B) Other municipal discharges
Not later than 4 years after February 4, 1987, the Administrator shall establish regulations setting forth the permit application requirements for stormwater discharges described in paragraph (2)(D). Applications for permits for such discharges shall be filed no later than 5 years after February 4, 1987. Not later than 6 years after February 4, 1987, the Administrator or the State, as the case may be, shall issue or deny each such permit. Any such permit shall provide for compliance as expeditiously as practicable, but in no event later than 3 years after the date of issuance of such permit.
(5) StudiesThe Administrator, in consultation with the States, shall conduct a study for the purposes of—
identifying those stormwater discharges or classes of stormwater discharges for which permits are not required pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection;
determining, to the maximum extent practicable, the nature and extent of pollutants in such discharges; and
establishing procedures and methods to control stormwater discharges to the extent necessary to mitigate impacts on water quality.
Not later than October 1, 1988, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report on the results of the study described in subparagraphs (A) and (B). Not later than October 1, 1989, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report on the results of the study described in subparagraph (C).
(6) Regulations
Not later than October 1, 1993, the Administrator, in consultation with State and local officials, shall issue regulations (based on the results of the studies conducted under paragraph (5)) which designate stormwater discharges, other than those discharges described in paragraph (2), to be regulated to protect water quality and shall establish a comprehensive program to regulate such designated sources. The program shall, at a minimum, (A) establish priorities, (B) establish requirements for State stormwater management programs, and (C) establish expeditious deadlines. The program may include performance standards, guidelines, guidance, and management practices and treatment requirements, as appropriate.
(q) Combined sewer overflows
(1) Requirement for permits, orders, and decrees
Each permit, order, or decree issued pursuant to this chapter after December 21, 2000, for a discharge from a municipal combined storm and sanitary sewer shall conform to the Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy signed by the Administrator on April 11, 1994 (in this subsection referred to as the "CSO control policy").
(2) Water quality and designated use review guidance
Not later than July 31, 2001, and after providing notice and opportunity for public comment, the Administrator shall issue guidance to facilitate the conduct of water quality and designated use reviews for municipal combined sewer overflow receiving waters.
(3) Report
Not later than September 1, 2001, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a report on the progress made by the Environmental Protection Agency, States, and municipalities in implementing and enforcing the CSO control policy.
(r) Discharges incidental to the normal operation of recreational vessels
No permit shall be required under this chapter by the Administrator (or a State, in the case of a permit program approved under subsection (b)) for the discharge of any graywater, bilge water, cooling water, weather deck runoff, oil water separator effluent, or effluent from properly functioning marine engines, or any other discharge that is incidental to the normal operation of a vessel, if the discharge is from a recreational vessel.
(s) Integrated plans
(1) Definition of integrated plan
In this subsection, the term "integrated plan" means a plan developed in accordance with the Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning Approach Framework, issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and dated June 5, 2012.
The Administrator (or a State, in the case of a permit program approved by the Administrator) shall inform municipalities of the opportunity to develop an integrated plan that may be incorporated into a permit under this section.
(3) Scope
(A) Scope of permit incorporating integrated planA permit issued under this section that incorporates an integrated plan may integrate all requirements under this chapter addressed in the integrated plan, including requirements relating to—
a combined sewer overflow;
a capacity, management, operation, and maintenance program for sanitary sewer collection systems;
a municipal stormwater discharge;
a municipal wastewater discharge; and
a water quality-based effluent limitation to implement an applicable wasteload allocation in a total maximum daily load.
(B) Inclusions in integrated planAn integrated plan incorporated into a permit issued under this section may include the implementation of—
projects, including innovative projects, to reclaim, recycle, or reuse water; and
green infrastructure.
(4) Compliance schedules
(A) In generalA permit issued under this section that incorporates an integrated plan may include a schedule of compliance, under which actions taken to meet any applicable water quality-based effluent limitation may be implemented over more than 1 permit term if the schedule of compliance—
is authorized by Statewater quality standards; and
meets the requirements of section 122.47 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on January 14, 2019).
(B) Time for compliance
For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii), the requirement of section 122.47 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, for compliance by an applicable statutory deadline under this chapter does not prohibit implementation of an applicable water quality-based effluent limitation over more than 1 permit term.
(C) Review
A schedule of compliance incorporated into a permit issued under this section may be reviewed at the time the permit is renewed to determine whether the schedule should be modified.
(5) Existing authorities retained
(A) Applicable standards
Nothing in this subsection modifies any obligation to comply with applicable technology and water quality-based effluent limitations under this chapter.
(B) Flexibility
Nothing in this subsection reduces or eliminates any flexibility available under this chapter, including the authority of a State to revise a water quality standard after a use attainability analysis under section 131.10(g) of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), subject to the approval of the Administrator under section 1313(c) of this title.
(6) Clarification of State authority
Nothing in section 1311(b)(1)(C) of this title precludes a State from authorizing in the water quality standards of the State the issuance of a schedule of compliance to meet water quality-based effluent limitations in permits that incorporate provisions of an integrated plan.
(B) Transition rule
In any case in which a discharge is subject to a judicial order or consent decree, as of January 14, 2019, resolving an enforcement action under this chapter, any schedule of compliance issued pursuant to an authorization in a State water quality standard may not revise a schedule of compliance in that order or decree to be less stringent, unless the order or decree is modified by agreement of the parties and the court.
(June 30, 1948, ch. 758, title IV, § 402, as added Pub. L. 92–500, § 2, Oct. 18, 1972, 86 Stat. 880; amended Pub. L. 95–217, §§ 33(c), 50, 54(c)(1), 65, 66, Dec. 27, 1977, 91 Stat. 1577, 1588, 1591, 1599, 1600; Pub. L. 100–4, title IV, §§ 401–404(a), 404(c), formerly 404(d), 405, Feb. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 65–67, 69, renumbered § 404(c), Pub. L. 104–66, title II, § 2021(e)(2), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 727; Pub. L. 102–580, title III, § 364, Oct. 31, 1992, 106 Stat. 4862; Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(4) [div. B, title I, § 112(a)], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–224; Pub. L. 110–288, § 2, July 29, 2008, 122 Stat. 2650; Pub. L. 113–79, title XII, § 12313, Feb. 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 992; Pub. L. 115–436, § 3(a), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5558.)
2019—Subsec. (s). Pub. L. 115–436 added subsec. (s).
2014—Subsec. (l)(3). Pub. L. 113–79 added par. (3).
2008—Subsec. (r). Pub. L. 110–288 added subsec. (r).
2000—Subsec. (q). Pub. L. 106–554 added subsec. (q).
1992—Subsec. (p)(1), (6). Pub. L. 102–580 substituted "October 1, 1994" for "October 1, 1992" in par. (1) and "October 1, 1993" for "October 1, 1992" in par. (6).
1987—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 100–4, § 404(c), inserted cl. (A) and (B) designations.
Subsec. (c)(1). Pub. L. 100–4, § 403(b)(2), substituted "as to those discharges" for "as to those navigable waters".
Subsec. (c)(4). Pub. L. 100–4, § 403(b)(1), added par. (4).
Subsec. (l). Pub. L. 100–4, § 401, inserted "Limitation on permit requirement" as subsec. heading designated existing provisions as par. (1) and inserted par. heading, added par. (2), and aligned pars. (1) and (2).
Subsecs. (m) to (p). Pub. L. 100–4, §§ 402, 403(a), 404(a), 405, added subsecs. (m) to (p).
1977—Subsec. (a)(5). Pub. L. 95–217, § 50, substituted "section 1314(i)(2)" for "section 1314(h)(2)".
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 95–217, § 50, substituted in provisions preceding par. (1) "subsection (i)(2) of section 1314" for "subsection (h)(2) of section 1314".
Subsec. (b)(8). Pub. L. 95–217, § 54(c)(1), inserted reference to identification in terms of character and volume of pollutants of any significant source introducing pollutants subject to pretreatment standards under section 1317(b) of this title into treatment works and programs to assure compliance with pretreatment standards by each source.
Subsec. (c)(1), (2). Pub. L. 95–217, § 50, substituted "section 1314(i)(2)" for "section 1314(h)(2)".
Subsec. (d)(2). Pub. L. 95–217, § 65(b), inserted provision requiring that, whenever the Administrator objects to the issuance of a permit under subsec. (d)(2) of this section, the written objection contain a statement of the reasons for the objection and the effluent limitations and conditions which the permit would include if it were issued by the Administrator.
Subsec. (d)(4). Pub. L. 95–217, § 65(a), added par. (4).
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 95–217, § 50, substituted "subsection (i)(2) of section 1314" for "subsection (h)(2) of section 1314".
Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 95–217, § 66, substituted "where no State program is approved or where the Administrator determines pursuant to section 1319(a) of this title that a State with an approved program has not commenced appropriate enforcement action with respect to such permit," for "where no State program is approved,".
Subsec. (l). Pub. L. 95–217, § 33(c), added subsec. (l).
For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.
Enforcement functions of Administrator or other official of the Environmental Protection Agency under this section relating to compliance with national pollutant discharge elimination system permits with respect to pre-construction, construction, and initial operation of transportation system for Canadian and Alaskan natural gas were transferred to the Federal Inspector, Office of Federal Inspector for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, until the first anniversary of the date of initial operation of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, see Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1979, §§ 102(a), 203(a), 44 F.R. 33663, 33666, 93 Stat. 1373, 1376, effective July 1, 1979, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Office of Federal Inspector for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System abolished and functions and authority vested in Inspector transferred to Secretary of Energy by section 3012(b) of Pub. L. 102–486, set out as an Abolition of Office of Federal Inspector note under section 719e of Title 15, Commerce and Trade. Functions and authority vested in Secretary of Energy subsequently transferred to Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects by section 720d(f) of Title 15.
Permit Requirements for Discharges From Certain Vessels
Pub. L. 110–299, §§ 1, 2, July 31, 2008, 122 Stat. 2995, as amended by Pub. L. 111–215, § 1, July 30, 2010, 124 Stat. 2347; Pub. L. 112–213, title VII, § 703, Dec. 20, 2012, 126 Stat. 1580; Pub. L. 113–281, title VI, § 602, Dec. 18, 2014, 128 Stat. 3061; Pub. L. 115–100, § 1, Jan. 3, 2018, 131 Stat. 2245, which exempted from permit requirements, for the period from July 31, 2008, through Jan. 19, 2018, discharges incidental to the normal operation of vessels, subject to certain exceptions, was repealed by Pub. L. 115–282, title IX, § 903(a)(2)(A)(ii), Dec. 4, 2018, 132 Stat. 4354.
Stormwater Permit Requirements
Pub. L. 102–240, title I, § 1068, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2007, provided that:
"(a)General Rule.—
Notwithstanding the requirements of sections 402(p)(2)(B), (C), and (D) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(2)(B), (C), (D)], permit application deadlines for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities from facilities that are owned or operated by a municipality shall be established by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter in this section referred to as the 'Administrator') pursuant to the requirements of this section.
"(b)Permit Applications.—
"(1)Individual applications.—
The Administrator shall require individual permit applications for discharges described in subsection (a) on or before October 1, 1992; except that any municipality that has participated in a timely part I group application for an industrial activity discharging stormwater that is denied such participation in a group application or for which a group application is denied shall not be required to submit an individual application until the 180th day following the date on which the denial is made.
"(2)Group applications.—With respect to group applications for permits for discharges described in subsection (a), the Administrator shall require—
part I applications on or before September 30, 1991, except that any municipality with a population of less than 250,000 shall not be required to submit a part I application before May 18, 1992; and
part II applications on or before October 1, 1992, except that any municipality with a population of less than 250,000 shall not be required to submit a part II application before May 17, 1993.
"(c)Municipalities With Less Than 100,000 Population.—
The Administrator shall not require any municipality with a population of less than 100,000 to apply for or obtain a permit for any stormwater discharge associated with an industrial activity other than an airport, powerplant, or uncontrolled sanitary landfill owned or operated by such municipality before October 1, 1992, unless such permit is required by section 402(p)(2)(A) or (E) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(2)(A), (E)].
"(d)Uncontrolled Sanitary Landfill Defined.—
For the purposes of this section, the term 'uncontrolled sanitary landfill' means a landfill or open dump, whether in operation or closed, that does not meet the requirements for run-on and run-off controls established pursuant to subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act [42 U.S.C. 6941 et seq.].
"(e)Limitation on Statutory Construction.—
Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect any application or permit requirement, including any deadline, to apply for or obtain a permit for stormwater discharges subject to section 402(p)(2)(A) or (E) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(2)(A), (E)].
The Administrator shall issue final regulations with respect to general permits for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity on or before February 1, 1992."
Phosphate Fertilizer Effluent Limitation
Pub. L. 100–4, title III, § 306(c), Feb. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 36, provided that:
"(1)Issuance of permit.—As soon as possible after the date of the enactment of this Act [Feb. 4, 1987], but not later than 180 days after such date of enactment, the Administrator shall issue permits under section 402(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342(a)(1)(B)] with respect to facilities—
which were under construction on or before April 8, 1974, and
for which the Administrator is proposing to revise the applicability of the effluent limitation established under section 301(b) of such Act [33 U.S.C. 1311(b)] for phosphate subcategory of the fertilizer manufacturing point source category to exclude such facilities.
"(2)Limitations on statutory construction.—Nothing in this section [amending section 1311 of this title and enacting this note] shall be construed—
to require the Administrator to permit the discharge of gypsum or gypsum waste into the navigable waters,
to affect the procedures and standards applicable to the Administrator in issuing permits under section 402(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342(a)(1)(B)], and
to affect the authority of any State to deny or condition certification under section 401 of such Act [33 U.S.C. 1341] with respect to the issuance of permits under section 402(a)(1)(B) of such Act."
Log Transfer Facilities
Pub. L. 100–4, title IV, § 407, Feb. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 74, provided that:
The Administrator and Secretary of the Army shall enter into an agreement regarding coordination of permitting for log transfer facilities to designate a lead agency and to process permits required under sections 402 and 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342, 1344], where both such sections apply, for discharges associated with the construction and operation of log transfer facilities. The Administrator and Secretary are authorized to act in accordance with the terms of such agreement to assure that, to the maximum extent practicable, duplication, needless paperwork and delay in the issuance of permits, and inequitable enforcement between and among facilities in different States, shall be eliminated.
"(b)Applications and Permits Before October 22, 1985.—
Where both of sections 402 and 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C. 1342, 1344] apply, log transfer facilities which have received a permit under section 404 of such Act before October 22, 1985, shall not be required to submit a new application for a permit under section 402 of such Act. If the Administrator determines that the terms of a permit issued on or before October 22, 1985, under section 404 of such Act satisfies the applicable requirements of sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, and 403 of such Act [33 U.S.C. 1311, 1312, 1316, 1317, 1318, and 1343], a separate application for a permit under section 402 of such Act shall not thereafter be required. In any case where the Administrator demonstrates, after an opportunity for a hearing, that the terms of a permit issued on or before October 22, 1985, under section 404 of such Act do not satisfy the applicable requirements of sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, and 403 of such Act, modifications to the existing permit under section 404 of such Act to incorporate such applicable requirements shall be issued by the Administrator as an alternative to issuance of a separate new permit under section 402 of such Act.
"(c)Log Transfer Facility Defined.—
For the purposes of this section, the term 'log transfer facility' means a facility which is constructed in whole or in part in waters of the United States and which is utilized for the purpose of transferring commercially harvested logs to or from a vessel or log raft, including the formation of a log raft."
Allowable Delay in Modifying Existing Approved State Permit Programs To Conform to 1977 Amendment
Pub. L. 95–217, § 54(c)(2), Dec. 27, 1977, 91 Stat. 1591, provided that any State permit program approved under this section before Dec. 27, 1977, which required modification to conform to the amendment made by section 54(c)(1) of Pub. L. 95–217, which amended subsec. (b)(8) of this section, not be required to be modified before the end of the one year period which began on Dec. 27, 1977, unless in order to make the required modification a State must amend or enact a law in which case such modification not be required for such State before the end of the two year period which began on Dec. 27, 1977.
[1] So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.
[2] So in original. Probably should be preceded by "section".
Title 40: Protection of Environment
40 CFR PART 450 - CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT POINT SOURCE CATEGORY | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,480 |
I read this more for its content than anything to do with literary value. The essays sometimes contain personal stories but they are not personal essays; they are observations of, critiques of, and suggestions for society.
Solnit writes elegantly–it's smooth and unobtrusive, an almost transparent conduit for ideas that it's all too easy to forget to think about.
And perhaps irrelevant but on my mind: I love the cover. It's just a bold bright blue with the title and her name in big white text. So simple. So striking. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,481 |
Adult learning programs have grown in popularity with the advent of online learning. Online classes provide a convenient means to earning degrees ranging from a General Education Development degree to an online doctoral degree. Individuals pursue degrees from the comfort and privacy of their own home or any computer with an Internet connection. This means that the sacrifices made to engage in adult learning are minimal; you can continue working your normal hours at work and will still have time to spend with family and friends. You will have to allot time to reading and assignments; however, online courses – unlike traditional night or weekend classes – are flexible and allow you to pace yourself more appropriately.
Continuing your education via adult learning is a noble endeavor, regardless of the degree you are pursuing. The decision to return to school to improve your employment credentials, to increase your income potential, or to simply broaden your knowledge is a choice that many adults are too afraid to make. Unfortunately, many people feel that something of a social stigma has built around adult learning. In fact, those who had been hesitant to enroll in classes and do so often find that their family, friends, employers, and colleagues are incredibly supportive of their decision. People admire those who set ambitious goals and pursue them, no matter what their age.
Working Adults are returning to college at record numbers.
The online training you receive when you enroll in an accredited online university is equivalent to the education of traditional schools. As is the case with all degrees, the value of your online degrees depends upon the reputation of the institution that has awarded it. There are many "diploma mills" online – organizations that award certificates and diplomas with very little academic study. helps you filter through respected online colleges and universities, so that you can feel confident with the school you decide to continue your adult learning with. Knowing that employers will value the university degree on your resume allows you to continue your studies, assured that the time and money invested in your classes will be repaid many times over.
Online universities have made adult learning a viable option for many people too busy to enroll in traditional continuing education classes. Browse through our resources and request more information from schools you are interested in learning more about. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,482 |
If Rilke cut himself shaving, he would bleed poetry.
Rainer Rilke
by Rainer Rilke
Poems from the Book of Hours
Where Silence Reigns: Selected Prose
Possibility Of Being
Born Rene Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke (1875–1927), Rainer Maria Rilke was an influential German poet, novelist, and translator perhaps best known for Duino Elegies and his prose piece Letters to a Young Poet. He married Clara Westhoff, a sculptress, in 1901. Although they were only together for a year, they had one daughter together. Rilke died of leukemia in Montreaux, Switzerland in 1927.
Poetry by Rainer Rilke
Translated from the German by Babette Deutsch
Although The Book of Hours is the work of Rilke's youth, it contains the germ of his mature convictions. Written as spontaneously received prayers, these poems celebrate a God who is not the Creator of the Universe but rather humanity itself and, above all, that most intensely conscious part of humanity, the artist. Babette Deutsch's classic translations—born from "the pure desire to sing what the poet sang" (Ursula K. Le Guin)—capture the rich harmony and suggestive imagery of the originals, transporting the reader to new heights of inspiration and musicality.…
Where Silence Reigns, a sampling from his essays, notebooks, and letters, shows Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), the pre-eminent modern poet of solitude and inwardness, seeking to reconcile his personal conflict between the claims of "life" and the claims of art. His subjects are commonplace, seemingly innocuous at times: the encounter between a man and a dog, a collection of dolls, a walk among trees. But always the deceptively simple external phenomenon is seen as the symbol, the catalyst of an intensely felt inner experience.…
Possibility of Being is a selection of poems by one of the most moving and original writers of this century, Rainer Maria Rilke (1857-l926). The title (taken from one of the Sonnets to Orpheus, ''Ibis is the Creature") reflects the central concern of both Rilke's life and art: the achievement of "being," which this most spiritual yet least doctrinaire of modern German poets defined as "the experiencing of the completest possible inner intensity.…
Rilke remade the sturdy sonnet, recast the sonorous song. He quickened the German language itself.
—Stephen Spender, New York Review of Books
< Ralf Rothmann Qurratulain Hyder > | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 1,483 |
La chiesa di Santa Maria Annunziata è la parrocchiale di Meschio, frazione di Vittorio Veneto.
Il primitivo luogo di culto, conosciuto con il nome di Santa Maria in Silvis, fu edificato tra il XII e il XIII secolo sul lato destro del fiume Meschio. Questo edificio originariamente era un'edicola ingrandita dopo il 1313 quando fu ceduta alla Scuola dei Battuti, nelle vicinanze si trovava l'Ospizio dei Pellegrini poi diventato una casa ricovero per anziani. La chiesa venne consacrata nel 1352 dal vescovo Gasberto de Orgoglio della diocesi di Ceneda.
Nei primi anni del XVI secolo l'edificio fu ampliato e nel 1573 venne eretto il campanile.
Nel 1844 la chiesa divenne curazia e, tra il 1859 e il 1867, fu praticamente ricostruita con l'aggiunta delle due navate laterali, in cui furono collocati due altari. La consacrazione del nuovo edificio venne impartita il 15 settembre 1913.
La chiesa di Meschio fu eretta a parrocchiale il 22 febbraio 1936.
L'interno si presenta a tre navate. In quella di sinistra c'è l'altare intitolato al Sacro Cuore consacrato nel 1960, mentre in quella di destra vi è la cappella intitolata alla Madonna della Divina Provvidenza edificata nel 1869. Il dipinto della Vergine opera di ignoto, è inserito in una doppia cornice dorata e argentata, collocato sull'altare in marmo di Carrara datato 1874-74 realizzato dello scultore Arcangelo Zanette.
Sul presbiterio come pala d'altare si conserva il dipinto su tavola di Andrea Previtali: Annunciazione, dipinto tra il 1505 e il 1510 firmato ANDREA BERGOMENSIS IOANIS BELLINI DISCIPLINUS PINXIT e inserita in un'ancora di marmo e pietra.
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Diocesi di Vittorio Veneto
Vittorio Veneto
Parrocchie della diocesi di Vittorio Veneto
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Maria Annunziata
Maria Annunziata
Chiese neoclassiche del Veneto | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,484 |
Zespół turzycy zaostrzonej, szuwar turzycy zaostrzonej (Caricetum gracilis) – zespół roślinności łąkowo-szuwarowej budowany głównie przez turzycę zaostrzoną.
Łąka turzycowa (szuwar niski) zajmująca podmokłe siedliska lądowe – porastające brzegi cieków i zbiorników wodnych. Tworzy torfowisko niskie. Siedlisko żyzne (eutroficzne lub mezotroficzne), o odczynie od lekko kwaśnego do lekko zasadowego (siedliska humotroficzne). Podłoże organiczno-mineralne, torfiejące. Wczesne stadia charakteryzuje większa wilgotność (woda do 0,5 m głębokości), obecność gatunków wodnych i szuwaru wysokiego oraz wyższe pH, następne są suchsze i kwaśniejsze, z bujną warstwą mszystą. W sukcesji zastępuje zbiorowiska szuwaru wysokiego, a przechodzi w podmokłe łąki (klasa Molinio-Arrhenatheretea), ewentualnie w łozowiska i olsy, rzadziej w inne rodzaje torfowisk i turzycowisk.
Pospolite w całej Polsce, mniej liczne w części południowej.
Charakterystyczna kombinacja gatunków
ChAss.: turzyca zaostrzona (Carex gracilis).
ChAll.: turzyca błotna (Carex acutiformis), turzyca tunikowa (Carex appropinquata), turzyca Buxbauma (Carex buxbaumii), turzyca dwustronna (Carex disticha), turzyca zaostrzona (Carex acuta), turzyca sztywna (Carex elata), turzyca prosowa (Carex paniculata), turzyca nibyciborowata (Carex pseudocyperus), turzyca brzegowa (Carex riparia), turzyca dzióbkowata (Carex rostrata), turzyca pęcherzykowata (Carex vesicaria), turzyca lisia (Carex vulpina), szalej jadowity (Cicuta virosa), kłoć wiechowata (Cladium mariscus), przytulia błotna (Galium palustre), kosaciec żółty (Iris pseudacorus), tojeść bukietowa (Lysimachia thyrsiflora), kropidło piszczałkowate (Oenanthe fistulosa), gorysz błotny (Peucedanum palustre), mozga trzcinowata (Phalaris arundinacea), wiechlina błotna (Poa palustris), jaskier wielki (Ranunculus lingua), tarczyca pospolita (Scutellaria galericulata).
ChCl. : żabieniec babka wodna (Alisma plantago-aquatica), ponikło błotne (Eleocharis palustris), skrzyp bagienny (Equisetum fluviatile), manna mielec (Glyceria maxima), trzcina pospolita (Phragmites australis), szczaw lancetowaty (Rumex hydrolapathum), oczeret Tabernemontana (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani), marek szerokolistny (Sium latifolium), pałka szerokolistna (Typha latifolia).
Typowe gatunki
Charakterystyczna kombinacja gatunków zbiorowiska ma znaczenie dla diagnostyki syntaksonomicznej, jednak nie wszystkie składające się na nią gatunki występują często. Dominantem jest turzyca zaostrzona. Inne częściej występujące gatunki to: przytulia błotna, szczaw lancetowaty, kosaciec żółty, skrzyp bagienny, manna mielec, marek szerokolistny, żabieniec babka wodna, rzepicha ziemnowodna, wiechlina błotna, mozga trzcinowata, krwawnica pospolita, tojeść pospolita, bobrek trójlistkowy, knieć błotna, rdest ziemnowodny, tojeść rozesłana. Poza tym stwierdzono kilkaset dalszych gatunków towarzyszących.
Zobacz też
lista zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski
Zbiorowiska łąkowe i murawowe | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,485 |
The Clásico Joven (Spanish for: The Young Classic) is an association football rivalry between Mexico City-based teams Club América and Cruz Azul.
The first match between both teams was on 30 August 1964 in the stadium 10 de Diciembre, with Club América winning the match 2–1 with goals by Marín Ibarreche and Alfonso Portugal, while Hilario Díaz scored for the Cruz Azul. However, the clásico truly began on 9 August 1972 when both teams played against each other in the final during the 1971–72 season, where the "cementeros" defeated América 4–1.
After Cruz Azul would win the title in the Segunda División de México during the season 1963–64 and was able to gain promotion into top flight football, they would face Club América during week 13 on 30 August 1964 in the stadium 10 de Diciembre where the score ended 2–1 with a victory for the "azulcrema". In just a couple of years had important wins and in 1971 they decided to move to Mexico City and play at Estadio Azteca, actual stadium of Club América. Years later these club had great matches in which Cruz Azul became the team of the 1970s, where they earned the nickname"La Maquina", and Club América the best of the 1980s.
This rivalry became a true derby during the season 1971–72 where the teams played each other in the final and the "cementeros" came out with a convincing victory of 4–1, this result hit hard for the Americanistas since Cruz Azul also knocked them out of Copa México the same season.
Club América were able to redeem some dignity in Copa México 1973 where they were able to defeat Cruz Azul in an aggregate score of 3–2 with two goals by Osvaldo "Pata Bendita" Castro and one by Roberto Hodge. But the most significant rematch for Club América was the final during the season 1988–89, where "las Águilas" rose to victory with a first leg score of 3–2 and second leg score of 2–2 which the aggregate score came to be 5–4 with a decisive goal by Carlos Hermosillo who years later would be considered an idol for the "Celestes" winning three Goalscoring titles during the years 1993–1996.
Statistics of the Clásico
This table takes into account all disputed classic tournaments that have been endorsed by the Federación Mexicana de Fútbol, CONCACAF, the Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol, or any other tournaments and friendlies.
Players who played on both sides
So far few players have played with both Club América and Cruz Azul. Only few have emerged as champions with both sides.
Players with a (*) have championed with both sides.
Amado Palacios Rendón
Javier Sánchez Galindo
Sergio Ceballos
Francisco Macedo
Carlos Silvio Fogel Rodríguez
Alberto Macias
Nicolás Ramírez
Cesareo Victorino Ramírez *
Horacio López Salgado *
Miguel Angel Cornero *
Ruben Omar Romano
Hector Tapia *
Adrian Camacho *
Agustin Manzo
Luis Hernandez
Carlos Hermosillo *
Pedro Pineda
Arturo Álvarez Perea
Adrian Chavez
Miguel Zepeda
Edoardo Isella
Sebastian Abreu
Richard Núñez
Christian Giménez
Alfonso Blanco
Francisco Javier Rodríguez
Vicente Matías Vuoso
Adrián Aldrete *
José Madueña
Pablo Aguilar *
All-time results (only League Without "Liguilla")
Cruz Azul at home
Club América at home
Liguilla matches
Last Updated 26 November 2017.
External links
Sitio web oficial América
Sitio web oficial Cruz Azul
Football rivalries in Mexico
Club América
Cruz Azul | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 1,486 |
What are Malware Threats? | What are the types of Malware?
What are Malware Threats on Computer?
Malware is a malicious software that is dangerous to the computer. Once installed, malware can harm the computer in different ways. To have a better understanding of malware threats. Let's find out first how does one get malware on the computer.
Malware is spread on different websites on the Internet. Hackers are clever these days; they don't just insert malware in non-secure websites but also on legitimate websites. How do they do this?
Hackers use different techniques to lure in victims.
Social engineering is a technique that makes a user want to give away personal information. Think of it this way; a present is ready to be shipped, you just have to provide your address.
Who would refuse a present? If you are unaware of how malware works, you will fall into this trick. Rather than installing malware intrusively, they've developed a strategy for the user to install malware willingly.
By presenting malware in an engaging way, it is easy to convince users into installing malware on their computer. What are the examples of social engineering?
One example of a social engineering email is a fake email from a friend or family. It may contain a message saying that there's a funny picture of you, click here to view the image.
This may trigger curiosity. Who doesn't want to see his own funny photo, right? If you have no idea that it's a form of social engineering, you will download the attachment and install malware without knowing it.
So how to prevent malware from fake emails? Send your contact a separate email to confirm if the email is legit.
Social engineering can use a threat to convince their victim. You could just be browsing the Internet, suddenly a message flashes on the screen saying that there's a threat detected, click here to download an antivirus.
Don't fall for this trick. Threats can be resolved by downloading a trustworthy antivirus software.
Do you know that a phishing link generates a fake login page to collect information and install malware? This is most common in-game cheats and hacks. A hacker can easily add a link that redirects the user to a fake website that contains dangerous malware.
So how to avoid phishing links? Use the free website scanner on the Internet to verify if the link is safe. You may use Website Inspector by Comodo or other third party websites.
Cookies are sent from a browser to a server over a secure HTTPS connection. However, hackers have found a way to inject fake cookies that can bypass HTTPS security.
These malicious cookies can be used to install malware such as Trojan and to redirect the user to a fake website.
Now that we know where malware threats come from, what are malware threats exactly?
Malware is an application that is designed to steal personal information and destroy computer data without being exposed. Hackers use different types of malware to invade the computer.
A virus is a self-replicating malware that infects the computer through an executable file. It is attached to a file that the user must run first for the virus to spread. Note that it cannot activate itself without a human help.
A worm is the opposite of virus. If a virus needs a human action to self-replicate, a worm can spread independently. Once installed, worm replicates fast and consumes the computer memory that leads in low disk space and reduced computer performance.
Is a type of malware that is used to gain control over the computer. Trojan installs other types of malware used to manipulate the computer without the user's knowledge. This allows hackers to use the computer for delivering cybercrimes.
Spyware is used to monitor computer activities to gather personal information. Spyware allows hackers to view emails, listen to phone calls, and watch the victim through the webcam.
Keylogger exposes the passwords by recording each key pressed on the keyboard. It is used to steal account information.
Targets the operating system, making it hard to detect. A rootkit is invisible in Task Manager since it's built in the operating system of the computer. It is used to conceal malware activities on the computer. It's often bundled with another malware to steal bank account information.
So now that we know what are malware threats, how can we prevent them from entering our computer?
Click here to learn what are malware threats prevention techniques.
Want to protect your endpoints from malware using a single security manager? Comodo offers Advanced Endpoint Protection that secures the endpoint devices against malware.
Click here to learn more about endpoint security. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,487 |
The Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) recently released a report called 'The Future of Global Sport'. It's a great read, and I'd encourage everyone working in Olympic and international sport to read it.
It claims International Federations (IFs) are relevant and can have a great future, but many need to embrace significant change to realise this. Something I agree with.
A Sir Martin Sorrell presentation at SportAccord 2016 in Lausanne jumps to mind, as he highlighted IFs must change or be changed.
Entrepreneurialism – embrace change, invest now and develop a culture of innovation (this is essential for survival).
Brett Gosper, CEO of World Rugby stated at an event I attended a few years back that the role of IFs has shifted from one of regulation, to one of inspiration.
Some IFs have embraced this shift better than others.
World Rugby is one to embrace change, but recent reports about Rugby's World League show innovation is not easy. I applaud them for being bold enough to explore change and I hope they manage to resolve the situation – I'll watch with interest how it plays out as the game is a passion of mine.
FIBA have also moved with the times. They've invested in new governance, sport formats and digital communications. This has been rewarded in the growth of their sport and with the signing of a sponsorship deal with Nike. Yes, they also face challenges in their discussions with Euroleague – but at least they are engaged in the conversation, trying to drive innovation.
The FEI is another progressive IF. They have a forward-thinking leader that understands the need to invest in the right areas for equestrian sport to grow. They use their digital communications to engage and grow new valuable audiences, adapting a discipline-specific approach to make communications stronger. The FEI have a successful OTT platform, building intelligence about their audiences through digital, supporting their strategic and commercial ambition long-term.
While I'm certain other IFs are also succeeding, one thing that each of these three IFs have is great leadership. This leadership enables them to have good governance and to be entrepreneurial.
The ASOIF report has a classic quote you hear a lot in business, which is "culture eats strategy for breakfast".
Well culture starts with leadership.
The ASOIF report highlights what many IFs need to do, but as Michael Pavitt from Insidethegames has pointed out – how many IFs will be able to implement such change?
What the ASOIF report didn't say directly, but insinuates, is the leadership of certain IFs may need to change for those IFs to remain relevant today by implementing their recommendations. Talking about changing culture, and having the ability to implement cultural change, are very different.
Years ago, I was working at an event in Lausanne called the IF Forum, which gathered leaders from all International Federations. The keynote speaker was Simon Cummins from Odgers Berndtson. I remember the deathly silence at the end of his presentation when he asked IF leaders to question whether they were the right people to lead their sport into the next era.
Some IF leaders were listening but a few may have been asleep on the back row.
It's time for IFs to make appropriate leadership decisions to enable their sport to flourish. Adopt the ASOIF report recommendations, enable progression and stay relevant. You're needed. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,488 |
package org.olat.system.commons.configuration;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.olat.system.exception.AssertException;
import org.olat.system.logging.log4j.LoggerHelper;
* saves and loades properties to a certain file location
* <P>
* Initial Date: 30.05.2011 <br>
* @author guido
public class SystemPropertiesPersister {
private static final Logger log = LoggerHelper.getLogger();
private Properties props = new Properties();
private File file;
private boolean loaded;
protected SystemPropertiesPersister(File file) {
this.file = file;
* Load the persisted properties from disk.
protected Properties loadProperties() {
try {
if (file.exists()) {
FileInputStream is;
is = new FileInputStream(file);
loaded = true;
return props;
} else {
File directory = file.getParentFile();
if (!directory.exists())
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
log.error("Could not load config file from path::" + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Could not load config file from path::" + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
loaded = true;
// return empty props
return new Properties();
* @param props
* @param file
private void saveProperties(Properties props) {
if (loaded) {
OutputStream fileStream = null;
try {
fileStream = new FileOutputStream(file);, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Could not write config file from path::" + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
} finally {
try {
if (fileStream != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Could not close stream after storing config to file::" + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
} else {
throw new AssertException("You have to load properties first!");
* @param key
* @param value
public void saveProperty(String key, String value) {
if (loaded) {
props.setProperty(key, value);
} else {
throw new AssertException("You have to load properties first!");
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 1,489 |
Q: How to pass the parameter in sqlParam how to pass a parameter to sqlParam
SqlClient.Main.CreateCommand("select X from TAB where ID= @id", new SqlParam("id", K_{0}), _id)).ExecScalar<int>();
I have a variable that should be need to pass in SqlParam. parameters id="K_23" or "K_3131". now sql does't see this parameter.
How it correctly make!?
A: The pattern generally runs more like this:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = @val", conn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val", 123);
But please read these:
SqlCommand Parameters Add vs. AddWithValue
And in particular these, if you're thinking of using AddWithValue heavily:
Actually, for the most part you shouldn't really be writing code like this at all any more for the simple stuff* - there are plenty of good data access libraries/methodologies (EF, nHibernate, Dapper, DataTables) that mean that slinging SQL-inside-strings into your event handlers etc is just not necessary and is primitive/unproductive. Noone spends time writing code to raw lines on screen to represent a button; they just add a Button to the page/form. There's no need to get that low level with databases either; use a data access framework
*select blah from blah where blah is undeniably simple stuff. Everyone should be handing those kinds of queries off to an ORM library, and i'm completely appalled that use of SqlCommand/DataReader etc is still taught/advocated for this level of query complexity
A: Based on your answer to my comment, I think you are looking for this:
private int _id = 23
// ...
var idParam = new SqlParam("id", string.Format("K_{0}", _id))
SqlClient.Main.CreateCommand("... where ID=@id", idParam).ExecScalar<int>();
string.Format("K_{0}", _id) creates the string "K_23". Another way in the newer C# versions would be $"K_{_id}".
new SqlParam("id", "K_23") creates a string parameter with the value "K_23".
Your command then filters by ID='K_23'.
Is that what you are trying to achive? Or is K_23 a field in your database and you want to check if the field ID has the same value as the field K_23?
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 1,490 |
I've never had a Bloody Mary I really, truly loved. Some are just watery, others too sweet, and some just way, like way, too boozy. On a recent trip to San Diego, I was on a mission — we were staying in the Gaslamp Quarter and went tasting from Cafe 21 to Union Kitchen and Tap and Seersucker – I tried as many as I could handle without toppling over. I Goldilocks-ed it, tasting and testing to find the one and I think I've found it in this here Dirty Bloody Mary. It's more messy than dirty as it doesn't have olive juice but it does have cracked Castelvetrano olives in it, which I know you'll dig, because, well, Castelvetranos are the olive even non-olive lovers love. So, it's a classic Bloody Mary with an olive-y twist and now I can say, I've got a Bloody Mary I love and hope you will too.
Place olives in the bottom of a cocktail shaker and, using the bottom of a wooden spoon or muddler, smash the olives until they're broken into big pieces. Add remaining ingredients, except celery stalk, then roll the cocktail by pouring it back and forth between the cocktail shaker and a large glass or second cocktail shaker. Pour the drink and ice into a serving glass, garnish with celery and serve.
A lot of people shake Bloody Marys but I just don't agree! Doing that makes it watery and causes it to separate. Instead, if you roll the cocktail (aka pour it back and forth between two glasses) it will be well mixed but not watery. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,491 |
The Walking Dead: Who Met Lucille?
Bed, Bath and Star Trek Beyond!
I waited forEVER for Pink's cover of "White Rabbit". It was used as background in trailers for the new "Alice Through the Looking Glass" movie, and we all were psyched for it to be used somewhere, probably the end credits. But no---they used that new song she wrote, which I don't really care for. So, you figure it will be on the soundtrack for the movie at least. NOPE!
Who knows when or IF it will be available. Apparently TPTB are arguing money and contracts behind the scenes. Shouldn't that have already been hammered out, like in the beginning? | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,492 |
The Acropolis is synonymous with Athens, just like the Colosseum is with Rome or the Eiffel Tower is with Paris. And while the former citadel may be on the top of most people's list, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: visit the Acropolis Museum first.
The museum is relatively new to Athens, having opened less than a decade ago in 2009 to replace the too-small museum on Acropolis Hill. A visit has the power to put everything you'll see at the Acropolis into an amazingly vivid context, connecting the dots between the marble ruins and filling in the blanks of nearly 2,500 years of history. I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed this museum, which earned its rank high on my list of favorites in the world.
The building itself is an architectural gem, designed to echo and pay homage to is classical surroundings. The lower levels of the museum are aligned with the archaeological ruins below, while the top level sits askew to mimic the orientation of the Parthenon above. It's the embodiment of art imitating art. Throughout the museum scale models (including one made entirely out of Legos) help you visualize just how grand the site once was. You'll learn that many surviving pieces from the Acropolis aren't actually here, but rather at the British Museum in London. The so-called "Elgin Marbles" were removed from Athens in the early 1800s by Lord Elgin and later purchased by the British Parliament. Now that Greece has a proper place to display Acropolis artifacts, they hope that these priceless treasures may someday be returned to their homeland.
Its transparent floors reveal the excavations of the maze of settlements and sanctuaries that once sat at the foot of the Acropolis. The gallery also displays items that were found here, giving you a glimpse into everyday life in Ancient Athens before you climb up the stairs to the first level – an ascent that is supposed to emulate the approach to Acropolis Hill.
This column-filled gallery is bright and flooded with natural light, housing sculpture from roughly 700 BC – 480 BC. The Archaic Period marked the rise of the city-state along with great achievements in art, literature and democracy following the Dark Ages. I found the male kouros and female kore statues particularly interesting – perfectly symmetrical yet rigid and almost Egyptian in style, lacking the realism and individualism of classical sculptures that are most commonly associated with Greece.
By far one of the most memorizing displays in the museum, these are 5 of the 6 original columns that supported the south porch roof of the Erechtheion (the sixth was removed in 1801 by Lord Elgin). Modeled after noble women, the maiden statues complete the temple's Ionic design and are beautiful in both form and function. You can view the columns from all angles, and even snap a selfie with them (if that's what floats your boat), which is especially great since you can't get as close to the actual Erechtehion porch in the Acropolis where copies stand today.
The cherry on top, literally, is the third level of the museum, which is dedicated to the most famous building on Acropolis Hill, the Parthenon. Walk around the gallery to follow the procession of the Great Panathenaia – a festival honoring the Goddess Athena that took place every 4 years – which is played out at eye-level on the frieze over the course of 160 meters (525 feet). Even though only 11 of the original 114 blocks remain here (80 are at the British Museum, 1 at the Louvre and other fragments are scattered at various museums throughout Europe), cast copies complete the story.
Also, on either end of the gallery are reconstructions of the east and west pediments of the Parthenon, depicting the birth of Athena and the dispute between Athena and Poseidon over Attica, respectively. Although sparse, nearby models help your imagination color in the missing details. You'll also see what remains of the original 92 metopes, the marble panels on the outer walls of the Parthenon, each depicting its own self-contained scene from legendary battles.
A nice way to end your visit is with a light meal or beverage at the museum's second floor restaurant. Here you'll be treated to panoramic views of the adjacent Parthenon and city skyline, and its large outdoor terrace is particularly pleasant at sunset during warmer months. Plus, the restaurant stays open late on Friday nights.
Wow that looks like a whole bunch of history packed into one place! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,493 |
Garden meeting point at 1st and 5th Floor.
Swimming pool 1st and 5th Floor.
500m to Shopping Centre and Food Place.
Condition: Disewakan office space baru dan nyaman the mansion bougenvile tower fontana lantai menengah posisi dihook view golf dan kolam renang.Sudah ada AC disetiap ruangan terdapat ruang staff, direksi, pantry dan toilet dalam dilengkapi waterheater,lantai vinil. Fasilitas security 24 jam, fitness, kolam renang, sauna, tv cable dan wifi 500 kbps. Lokasi strategis dekat pintu exit toll Kemayoran.
Balcony / Low & High Zone Private Lift / Exclusive Lobby reception / 05 stars service and facilities.
Adjacent with: Food Centrum, Pantry, Toilet, Apartments, Commercial areas and loads more.
Good use for: Law Firm, Notarial Firm, Beauty Clinic, Doctor (General Practice), Representative Office and Other office use. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,494 |
There is nothing quite like looking at your little one when his mouth is wide open, beaming with excitement for a spoon filled with pureed bananas. This transition is an adventurous time for him as he begins to explore the culinary world around him. It can even be a milestone for you as you sharpen your skills of "choo-choo" and airplane noises to help get him to open up for a bite. However, for some families, this stage of feeding development is skipped almost entirely.
While introduced in the United Kingdom roughly 10 years ago, the practice of baby-led weaning has gained traction recently for families around the world, with some supporters here in the US. Baby-led weaning is the practice of introducing solid foods to babies, largely eliminating the step of spoon feeding purees and other processed or homemade baby foods. While babies are still fed breast milk or formula until the age of one, with baby-led weaning, babies go straight to solid foods. Imagine, instead of one-on-one spoon feeding sessions, your baby joins the family at regular meal times to feast upon cooked pasta, pieces of ripe fruits, rice, flakey fish, or cooked egg yolks.
First and foremost, before you attempt this practice, it is important to discuss it with your baby's pediatrician. Together, you can make a plan best suited for the needs of your little one. However, once a family determines baby-led weaning is a good fit, there are specific signs to look out for that indicate when a baby is ready for solid foods.
According to Dewberry, interest is critical. "Babies are ready for solid foods when they show an interest in food and have enough core strength to sit upright." She encourages families to watch their babies and pay attention to subtle cues. "Babies interested in food watch you closely when you eat, they look at the food you are eating, and appear as though they would like for you to share with them. Eager babies will often reach out for the food." Introducing new foods to an uninterested baby would not be a safe or efficient feeding experience.
In order to safely introduce solid foods, a baby must have adequate core strength to sit up unassisted in a traditional high chair. Experts discourage the use of a soft Bumbo-type seat for feeding as they do not allow for the proper pelvic positioning needed for safe feeding practices.
The greatest risks involved with this practice is exacerbated gagging and choking. Gagging is a developmentally typical occurrence for babies. "In the six- to nine-month-old baby, he or she uses oral play to manually work back the gag reflex from the front part of the tongue to further back where it will reside through adulthood," says Dewberry. However, frequent gagging with food introduction can be problematic. "Gagging may worsen reflux, and it may also create a negative feeding experience for baby." Dewberry, along with many Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists trained in feeding practices agree that the introduction of some purees may be beneficial in easing this transition, as they aide in intrinsic tongue muscle development.
Choking hazards exist for all babies and children and should always be carefully monitored. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, foods that pose the greatest choking hazard for babies and children ages 6-12 months include raw vegetables, uncut grapes or cherry tomatoes, nuts, hot dogs, hard candy, gummy candy, and marshmallows.
By Melanie Forstall Lemoine, Ph.D. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,495 |
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An oil-fired boiler that's more than 10 years old can be functioning perfectly but only working at 65% efficiency or less. This means that only 65% of the heat from the oil you paid for gets to your house. The rest goes up the chimney! It's just how old inefficient equipment is designed. Newer replacement oil-fired boilers are available that operate above 85% efficiency.
This means you can lower your oil bills by 20%, 30%, or even 40% by upgrading to high efficiency equipment~ Wow! Not to mention all the other things Halco can do to your home (air sealing, insulation, duct sealing, etc.) to make it use less oil for heating and be more comfortable.
Halco can evaluate your current heating system and provide a free quote on a super-efficient system that will save you money. Beware however, that just because it's new doesn't make it high efficiency. The cost of the fuel used to run the boiler throughout its lifespan is huge compared to the cost of the boiler itself - so it's worth it to pay more for a higher efficiency boiler so you can save more in the long run.
When it came time to upgrade a 10-year-old oil furnace with a cracked heat exchanger, Halco and the homeowner opted for installing a replacement oil furnace that operates at 87% efficiency - the highest efficiency rate available from an oil furnace.
A furnace boiler or water heater burns fuel to generate heat and needs to put that heat into an air stream in your ducts, or into water in your pipes. The efficiency rating is what percentage of that heat gets into your air or water. What happens to the rest of the heat? It goes up the chimney and is lost into the sky. Therefore, a 15-year-old furnace that is 65% efficient is putting 35% of the heat you paid for up the chimney. A 96% efficient furnace only "wastes" 4%! A big difference! And since the cost of the fuel you put through a furnace, boiler or water heater during its lifetime is much greater than the cost of the unit itself, it's worth it to install the very highest efficiency equipment available! Let Halco accomplish this in your home!
We proudly service: Syracuse, Ithaca, Rochester, Auburn, Webster, Pittsford, Cortland, Canandaigua, Fairport, and more! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,496 |
Wong Kar Kui, the leader of the legendary Hong Kong rock band Beyond, left his fans fifteen years ago. His memory, however, lives on through his music legacy. To commemorate Wong Kar Kui, the remaining members of Beyond assembled with other artists including Endy Chow, at17, Jan Lam, and Soler for a special concert dedicated to the late singer. Among the hits recorded on this live album are classics like "The Morning Train" (CD 2 - Track 2), Amani, "Like You" (CD 1 - Track 6), and the closing favorite "Wide Ocean and Sky" (CD 2 - Track 14).
Other Versions of "Wong Kar Kui Memorial Concert (2CD)" | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,497 |
Designing, building and then maintaining great looking garden beds on your property can be a lot of work and many home and property owners choose to hire the process out to a reliable landscaping contractor. Beautifully designed and installed garden beds add interest to your property, add seasonal color, and greatly enhance your curb appeal.
Why Do You Need Garden Beds Constructed?
Do you have existing garden beds that need to be torn out and rebuilt?
Are you looking to install some lower maintenance garden beds?
Are you garden beds full of dead or dying plants?
Are you trying to landscape a new construction project?
Green Acres Lawn & Landscape is a licensed and insured Kansas City landscaping company that specializes in garden bed design and installation. We specialize in the design and construction of new garden beds for homeowners, commercial properties, condo associations, townhome associations, and homeowner associations. From helping you choose the right placement, shape, and edging for your new garden bed to choosing the best plants and flowers for our growing zone (Kansas City is primarily zone 5b) right through to maintenance of your new garden beds we can take care of it all.
If you are installing garden beds on your new construction project or re-planting existing garden beds that have been neglected or poorly maintained Executive Lawn And Landscaping can take care of all your garden construction, garden planting and garden maintenance needs.
We've built and planted dozens and dozens of gardens in our area for our commercial and residential clients over the years. It's the care and meticulous prep work we do that contributes to the beautiful results we're able to achieve.
We show up on the scheduled days and build, plant and maintaining your garden as promised.
The final cost of your garden will be determined by the size of the garden, the amount of soil that must be delivered and spread, the cost of your plants and flowers and finally the labor to put everything together and all the finishing touches. We'll only be able to provide you with an accurate estimate for building and planting your gardens after a thorough site inspection.
If you'd like to get the landscape design process started then please give us a call (913) 422-5111 or fill out our online contact form and we'll get back to you right away. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,498 |
Mary's Seeds esta en la lista como "gris" en el SeedFinder. Esto significa que que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo. Por cierto... Esta tienda esta conectada con el SeedFinder, se pueden encontrar precios y ofertas de 543 variedades en nuestras paginas!
Like Marys Seeds. Good products, good service, nice presents, no problems. You can buy original American seeds there.
Marys Seeds kann man getrost weiterempfehlen!
I will always go through Marys from now on, great communication and quality! Thanks again!!
Placed a small order at marys seeds, everything arrived on time, discreetly packaged and in excellent condition.
Will 100% recommend to friends and will 100% be using these guys again!
Also just to add.... Easy to use website that is a bonus and a good stock.
Schnelle Lieferung. Bei jeder Bestellung gibt es Bonusseeds. Haben eine gute Auswahl und auch ausgefallene Sorten am Start. Mal sehen, wie die Keimrate der Samen ist. Auf jeden Fall erstmal zu empfehlen.
Great selection. Timely responses, Ill get my beans here again.
Delivered the next day fantastic. Packed to perfection the stripes look absolutely unrea just beautiful. Even gave me a few freebies thats always nice.
HIGH quality seeds and service. Highly recommend. No delays in shipping and I can depend on quality. Great sealed containers for storage. Easy to contact a person for assistance.
Good customer service ,replied to emails very quickly,also they were the only seed company in the uk to have the seeds I wanted. I will definitely buy from Marys again A+ ?
The quality of seeds are top shelf and the speedy delivery was excellent. I received my order in 2 days through the post no stress. To put the icing on the cake I got free chemdog seeds with my order which always helps. I will definitely be back thanks again guys.
I ordered 4 feminized seeds and 2 of them turned out to be male, one of them hermaphrodite. Now, I am not even sure about the reliability of the genetics I ordered. I wasted energy and time to grow these seeds and my one precious female plant fertilized because of other 3 male plants. Eventhough the delivery was quick, it was waste of time and money. If you want female plants, think about Marys Seeds twice. You wont know whether it is male or female until it is too late.
My order arrived within a week and they send the products inside a dvd case. All of the products info was hidden and shipment was really quick. I am very satisfied to work with marrys seeds and I recommend anyone who needs stealth shipping.
Easy ordering and two day delivery.
Reliable Seedbank, Fast Delivery, 100% Germination Rate Would Recommend.
Marys would be the 4th seedbank Ive ordered from, and customer service is top notch! Delivery is a lot faster. Other seedbank seeds would just get "lost" . Marys has been bullet-proof. Checkout is a lot less frustrating than other seedbanks. And when you feel as youve been duped by an award winning company (MOXIE 710), and they will not honor their own product? Marys made that right too. Love em all around.
Gr8t transaction. Approximately 10 days delivery time from U. K. to U.S. I consider that fast. Great communication and great people to deal with. Every thing looks good as far as product quality. Havent tried any yet. Would definitely purchase from Marys again.
I decided to try Marys seeds and now wish I hadnt,they seemed to have a lot of varieties for very good prices,but upon receiving the first order I was a bit concerned.
All the seeds were in small vials which is good but they had some kind of foam in the tops,who knows whats in this foam? Also the labels were hand written,so apart from this nothing else was added,very amature,there could be any old seeds in these vials.
The worst of all is that out of six seeds only three germinated,they were supposed to be autos but one of the ones that did germinate was a photoperiod plant. When I contacted Marys seeds they didnt want to know,there was no apology,no offer of replacements...Nothing.
If I were you I would pay more and go to a seed bank that has a history of good service and professionalism.
Great service, speedy delivery and cool freebies.
guest Saw their banner online I thought Id give these guys a go (I liked the idea of getting to pick which free seeds Id get).
Placed my order at night, had an e-mail the next day saying there would be a 1 day delay in posting my order, or asking if I wanted to change/upgrade the seed they were waiting for. I decided to wait.
My order still came in 3 days, not really much of a delay; but they threw in some CBD Critical as an apology for the delay, cant complain about that!
DonnieDanko These guys were on it. Wanted to swap out a seed n these emailed me back straight after. Even though i changed my order it came the next day, nuts! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 1,499 |