int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 2
300 | FaulknerShowtunes | Faulkner Show tunes |
301 | TheBigCon | The Big Con |
302 | SmackSmack | Smack Smack |
303 | itsinourdna | its in our dna |
304 | thehuckleberries | the huckleberries |
305 | BeMineStupidShinyVolvoOwner | Be Mine Stupid Shiny Volvo Owner |
306 | whatarush | what a rush |
307 | HaterAlert | Hater Alert |
308 | pizzle | pizzle |
309 | horserescue | horse rescue |
310 | CapCoast | Cap Coast |
311 | 115degrees | 115 degrees |
312 | grossness | grossness |
313 | SharePonit | Share Ponit |
314 | LightyearWireless | Lightyear Wireless |
315 | fuzziness | fuzziness |
316 | doublechin | double chin |
317 | federalprison | federal prison |
318 | sleepoff | sleep off |
319 | WhatYouCantLiveWithout | What You Cant Live Without |
320 | kowloontong | kowloon tong |
321 | SkinnyJeanWearingDudesThoughts | Skinny Jean Wearing Dudes Thoughts |
322 | VillainsGarage | Villains Garage |
323 | youpic | you pic |
324 | ImSickAndTired | Im Sick And Tired |
325 | KermeseDeBlogs | Kermese De Blogs |
326 | bandperson | band person |
327 | OfficeJokes | Office Jokes |
328 | bikegear | bike gear |
329 | juswannashoutout | jus wanna shoutout |
330 | uknowugotit | u know u got it |
331 | favbrand | fav brand |
332 | WashingtonDay | Washington Day |
333 | RobecoDirect | Robeco Direct |
334 | LostBoyChamp | Lost Boy Champ |
335 | schuur | schuur |
336 | CineEmPortoAlegre | Cine Em Porto Alegre |
337 | getthecops | get the cops |
338 | FlackerFlacker | Flacker Flacker |
339 | IntellectualCrackhead | Intellectual Crackhead |
340 | RedAlert | Red Alert |
341 | HappySnatchSunday | Happy Snatch Sunday |
342 | TwittaBlunt | Twitta Blunt |
343 | yeezys | yeezys |
344 | CaribouCoffee | Caribou Coffee |
345 | MakeMoves | Make Moves |
346 | ItsMiracleMonday | Its Miracle Monday |
347 | VoyeurWin | Voyeur Win |
348 | gonearethedays | gone are the days |
349 | society6 | society 6 |
350 | ConnectingWithAaronWasAwesome | Connecting With Aaron Was Awesome |
351 | dedupe | dedupe |
352 | SmartMoveChris | Smart Move Chris |
353 | empada | empada |
354 | bentmast | bent mast |
355 | boringggg | boringggg |
356 | happybdaym | happy b day m |
357 | kollegen | kollegen |
358 | rhce | rhce |
359 | rhcc | rhcc |
360 | rightcommentary | right commentary |
361 | urgirllooklike | ur girl look like |
362 | LikeLetsGetIt | Like Lets Get It |
363 | culturalgabfest | cultural gabfest |
364 | huevadas | huevadas |
365 | nonnegotiable | non negotiable |
366 | rachaellampa | rachael lampa |
367 | PaulGraham | Paul Graham |
368 | ifihadboobs | if i had boobs |
369 | ChakwainasCreations | Chakwainas Creations |
370 | rhcp | rhcp |
371 | DontDiscussFamilyBusinessInTheMedia | Dont Discuss Family Business In The Media |
372 | usexythang | u sexy thang |
373 | donkeyrollers | donkey rollers |
374 | withamaskon | with a mask on |
375 | letsfuckingo | lets fuckin go |
376 | thinkaboutlife | think about life |
377 | OpenOfficeMouse | Open Office Mouse |
378 | 1issue | 1 issue |
379 | agoodsaturday | a good saturday |
380 | TwitterHyenaFeeding | Twitter Hyena Feeding |
381 | ChinaReady | China Ready |
382 | applefreaks | apple freaks |
383 | positividade | positividade |
384 | ficandovelha | ficando velha |
385 | KeepBaltimoreStupid | Keep Baltimore Stupid |
386 | majo | majo |
387 | BoredInTheOffice | Bored In The Office |
388 | JohnnyMnemonic | Johnny Mnemonic |
389 | majd | majd |
390 | progol | pro gol |
391 | maja | maja |
392 | bookburners | book burners |
393 | bestappleever | best apple ever |
394 | carpeltunnel | carpel tunnel |
395 | fugitives | fugitives |
396 | maju | maju |
397 | TelaUniversitaria | Tela Universitaria |
398 | notinlove | not in love |
399 | PedroDoMeDaMeuChip | Pedro Do Me Da Meu Chip |
Subsets and Splits