int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 2
400 | lunarlite | lunarlite |
401 | MusicMondayhttp | Music Monday http |
402 | TwitterAfterDawn | Twitter After Dawn |
403 | ListenedToMyParents | Listened To My Parents |
404 | TwunchLille | Twunch Lille |
405 | otello | otello |
406 | ZaiemBeg | Zaiem Beg |
407 | downtownchicago | downtown chicago |
408 | nobroke | no broke |
409 | AssissinsCreed | Assissins Creed |
410 | internationalliteracyday | international literacy day |
411 | ByTheWay | By The Way |
412 | PleaseHelpHer | Please Help Her |
413 | WeGotUs | We Got Us |
414 | NoSugarOnSeptember16 | No Sugar On September 16 |
415 | restaur | restaur |
416 | FreakyFriday4 | Freaky Friday 4 |
417 | cakeaction | cake action |
418 | DisasterReady | Disaster Ready |
419 | lepidoptera | lepidoptera |
420 | WebAssist | Web Assist |
421 | kat | k at |
422 | hikeandbike | hike and bike |
423 | LiarGame | Liar Game |
424 | farahquinn | farah quinn |
425 | VoteDem | Vote Dem |
426 | LeonieOnTwitter | Leonie On Twitter |
427 | thanksnadvance | thanks n advance |
428 | lunchen | lunchen |
429 | precisodisso | preciso disso |
430 | ultimatedelve | ultimate delve |
431 | SoGetChoMindRite | So Get Cho Mind Rite |
432 | sept18th | sept 18th |
433 | BlameItOnTreySongz | Blame It On Trey Songz |
434 | NiggerOfLightning | Nigger Of Lightning |
435 | teamthreesome | team threesome |
436 | tothecorner | to the corner |
437 | ScrapeOffYourWholeCarNotJustTheWindshield | Scrape Off Your Whole Car Not Just The Windshield |
438 | ComeBackTyson | Come Back Tyson |
439 | FrasesParaParaChoqueDeTwitter | Frases Para Para Choque De Twitter |
440 | rsna2009 | rsna 2009 |
441 | blameverizon | blame verizon |
442 | AdamLambertRocks | Adam Lambert Rocks |
443 | ShOuTouts | Sh Ou Touts |
444 | clearweb | clear web |
445 | WhereUsTeensHang | Where Us Teens Hang |
446 | makeyousmile | make you smile |
447 | TwitPlanner | Twit Planner |
448 | commonandfriends | common and friends |
449 | dailystruggle | daily struggle |
450 | primorac | primorac |
451 | barbambino | bar bambino |
452 | NotFollowing | Not Following |
453 | needalawyer | need a lawyer |
454 | MusicGlue | Music Glue |
455 | nohom | no hom |
456 | uniformsucks | uniform sucks |
457 | lovesports | love sports |
458 | jusbkuz | jus bkuz |
459 | MetroAirport | Metro Airport |
460 | DaNewKiD | Da New Ki D |
461 | BreakFastClub | BreakFast Club |
462 | tyndall | tyndall |
463 | MrsChloeCullen | Mrs Chloe Cullen |
464 | CicloDeSeminarios | Ciclo De Seminarios |
465 | ScottishAle | Scottish Ale |
466 | DominoesPizza | Dominoes Pizza |
467 | crappybrowser | crappy browser |
468 | whosucks | who sucks |
469 | UsoeRecomendo | Usoe Recomendo |
470 | isabadfriend | is a bad friend |
471 | cwazy | cwazy |
472 | dangdutmania | dangdut mania |
473 | WorldNews | World News |
474 | shakenbake | shake n bake |
475 | shedontlikeyou | she dont like you |
476 | hardecijfers | harde cijfers |
477 | buymywork | buy my work |
478 | HorrorNights | Horror Nights |
479 | SamRockwellMoon | Sam Rockwell Moon |
480 | wage | wage |
481 | gces | gces |
482 | somedamnthing | some damn thing |
483 | pffffttttt | pffffttttt |
484 | senseofadventure | sense of adventure |
485 | customerservice | customer service |
486 | fruits | fruits |
487 | gengmotor | geng motor |
488 | wearethankfulfor | we are thankful for |
489 | sowierd | so wierd |
490 | GaySoundingFoods | Gay Sounding Foods |
491 | SuffolkProperty | Suffolk Property |
492 | SanJoaquinValley | San Joaquin Valley |
493 | DisasterOrder | Disaster Order |
494 | GleeNaFox | Glee Na Fox |
495 | BlessYourHeart | Bless Your Heart |
496 | whitepeoplemusic | white people music |
497 | CanadianVets | Canadian Vets |
498 | proudgrandma | proud grandma |
499 | ThankGodforAtheism | Thank Godfor Atheism |
Subsets and Splits