int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 2
802,900 | terceiro | terceiro |
802,901 | istudied | i studied |
802,902 | optometry | optometry |
802,903 | burrbitch | burr bitch |
802,904 | FotoCommunity | Foto Community |
802,905 | EddieCox | Eddie Cox |
802,906 | noggin | noggin |
802,907 | IntellectualFriday | Intellectual Friday |
802,908 | RippedOff | Ripped Off |
802,909 | HondaFury | Honda Fury |
802,910 | notevenajoke | not even a joke |
802,911 | WikileaksFail | Wikileaks Fail |
802,912 | TheCureRules | The Cure Rules |
802,913 | coochiness | coochiness |
802,914 | NocturnalCreatures | Nocturnal Creatures |
802,915 | FuckNiggasPeriod | Fuck Niggas Period |
802,916 | cerebration | cerebration |
802,917 | TheWorldLovesNiley | The World Loves Niley |
802,918 | MyrtleBeach | Myrtle Beach |
802,919 | denn | denn |
802,920 | ideateca | ideateca |
802,921 | randomweirdo | random weirdo |
802,922 | IndonesiaFruits | Indonesia Fruits |
802,923 | deng | deng |
802,924 | CoisasDeSilvioSantos | Coisas De Silvio Santos |
802,925 | GoldenGirlsStyle | Golden Girls Style |
802,926 | makinngawur | makin ngawur |
802,927 | ShouldaWonTheEmmy | Shoulda Won The Emmy |
802,928 | bebanmental | beban mental |
802,929 | LiesgirlsTell | Lies girls Tell |
802,930 | selfreferential | self referential |
802,931 | WallStreetonDemand | Wall Street on Demand |
802,932 | TheArtOfUnitTesting | The Art Of Unit Testing |
802,933 | mtvoverdrive | mtv overdrive |
802,934 | breakfastatwork | breakfast at work |
802,935 | beijobeijo | beijo beijo |
802,936 | AceWriter | Ace Writer |
802,937 | LongDay4Realz | Long Day4 Realz |
802,938 | sqlbuddy | sql buddy |
802,939 | FluxCrew | Flux Crew |
802,940 | melhoor | melhoor |
802,941 | itsmajor | its major |
802,942 | JimandJess | Jim and Jess |
802,943 | titillated | titillated |
802,944 | adelaidesa | adelaidesa |
802,945 | bieberfansrule | bieber fans rule |
802,946 | 24hrtesco | 24hr tesco |
802,947 | chickenexpress | chicken express |
802,948 | goosebumpy | goosebumpy |
802,949 | heuschrecke | heuschrecke |
802,950 | klunk | klunk |
802,951 | VagClap | Vag Clap |
802,952 | peopleaskme | people ask me |
802,953 | HappyBdayJackson | Happy Bday Jackson |
802,954 | olberman | olberman |
802,955 | bulimics | bulimics |
802,956 | argento | argento |
802,957 | notavirgin | not a virgin |
802,958 | informacje | informacje |
802,959 | informacja | informacja |
802,960 | fiengold | fiengold |
802,961 | actualemail | actual email |
802,962 | SaraBareillles | Sara Bareillles |
802,963 | HomeSweetHome | Home Sweet Home |
802,964 | newdirection | new direction |
802,965 | helivesdowntheroad | he lives down the road |
802,966 | DescriptiveAsHell | Descriptive As Hell |
802,967 | hawkandtom | hawk and tom |
802,968 | CantWaitToGoToArtSchool | Cant Wait To Go To Art School |
802,969 | TokioHotelAutomatic | Tokio Hotel Automatic |
802,970 | losingfollowersbytheminute | losing followers by the minute |
802,971 | WoofPetPhoto | Woof Pet Photo |
802,972 | payafter | pay after |
802,973 | schwule | schwule |
802,974 | wannabeher | wanna be her |
802,975 | nipplage | nipplage |
802,976 | NoDisrepect | No Disrepect |
802,977 | VegBagGate | Veg Bag Gate |
802,978 | wishtomorrow | wish tomorrow |
802,979 | iloveramen | i love ramen |
802,980 | energiewende | energiewende |
802,981 | guysinkilts | guys in kilts |
802,982 | waitingforfood | waiting for food |
802,983 | isthatok | is that ok |
802,984 | fuckinsickof | fuckin sick of |
802,985 | slapdashitoutta | slap da shit outta |
802,986 | relgion | relgion |
802,987 | editorialphotography | editorial photography |
802,988 | DrinkupheusedtoworkatGoldies | Drinkupheusedtoworkat Goldies |
802,989 | mitaswell | mit as well |
802,990 | badasslilgirl | bad ass lil girl |
802,991 | bootsknocked | boots knocked |
802,992 | brendyn | brendyn |
802,993 | elitesquad | elite squad |
802,994 | addie | addie |
802,995 | VancouverWeather | Vancouver Weather |
802,996 | luisteren | luisteren |
802,997 | digitalanthropology | digital anthropology |
802,998 | counterfeiting | counterfeiting |
802,999 | plzandthanx | plz and thanx |
Subsets and Splits