int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 2
803,100 | HappybirthdayJeffHardy | Happy birthday Jeff Hardy |
803,101 | yesiamgay | yes i am gay |
803,102 | getitthroughyourhead | get it through your head |
803,103 | oknite | ok nite |
803,104 | mtlc | mtlc |
803,105 | sonso | son so |
803,106 | bandmeeting | band meeting |
803,107 | TeamLeonalewis | Team Leonalewis |
803,108 | nosjournaal | nos journaal |
803,109 | SuckItCancer | Suck It Cancer |
803,110 | offkilter | off kilter |
803,111 | contenders | contenders |
803,112 | morganpage | morgan page |
803,113 | biografias | biografias |
803,114 | McMuffin | Mc Muffin |
803,115 | springstil | springstil |
803,116 | GoddessWarrior | Goddess Warrior |
803,117 | TooMuchFitness | Too Much Fitness |
803,118 | whenyoureal | when you real |
803,119 | ritchie | ritchie |
803,120 | WorldAccordingToPrettyToney | World According To Pretty Toney |
803,121 | chickenshack | chicken shack |
803,122 | myambition | my ambition |
803,123 | JoeTorre | Joe Torre |
803,124 | hellotxt | hellotxt |
803,125 | KeshaSucksButWhoCares | Kesha Sucks But Who Cares |
803,126 | adoption | adoption |
803,127 | helveticons | helveticons |
803,128 | everyonehas | everyone has |
803,129 | hellahigh | hella high |
803,130 | HolidaySing | Holiday Sing |
803,131 | WordEmUp | Word Em Up |
803,132 | CadillacCafe | Cadillac Cafe |
803,133 | IvanArguelles | Ivan Arguelles |
803,134 | LasMujeresNoPueden | Las Mujeres No Pueden |
803,135 | LaborDayPractice | Labor Day Practice |
803,136 | amarc | a marc |
803,137 | amarg | a marg |
803,138 | thatcreepyguy | that creepy guy |
803,139 | HughLaurier | Hugh Laurier |
803,140 | GoMorgado | Go Morgado |
803,141 | memoize | memoize |
803,142 | CanopyWalk | Canopy Walk |
803,143 | ObamaAstroturf | Obama Astroturf |
803,144 | multipleintelligences | multiple intelligences |
803,145 | picspam | picspam |
803,146 | etenstijd | etenstijd |
803,147 | LaThuile | La Thuile |
803,148 | irememberwhenmyex | i remember when my ex |
803,149 | PageRanking | Page Ranking |
803,150 | EternamenteTricolor | Eternamente Tricolor |
803,151 | cutler | cutler |
803,152 | screwtwitter | screw twitter |
803,153 | subprime | subprime |
803,154 | freegiveaway | free giveaway |
803,155 | SoapOperaNetwork | Soap Opera Network |
803,156 | PolyesterMusic | Polyester Music |
803,157 | undermine | under mine |
803,158 | GottaMake | Gotta Make |
803,159 | trucdeouf | truc de ouf |
803,160 | DoingHomework | Doing Homework |
803,161 | libretto | libretto |
803,162 | kartracing | kart racing |
803,163 | holler | holler |
803,164 | IamSuchaDork | Iam Sucha Dork |
803,165 | holley | holley |
803,166 | QuidProQuo | Quid Pro Quo |
803,167 | flummoxed | flummoxed |
803,168 | PipirisNais | Pipiris Nais |
803,169 | leaded | leaded |
803,170 | 2funding | 2 funding |
803,171 | slowtongue | slow tongue |
803,172 | jackassness | jackassness |
803,173 | linkfest | link fest |
803,174 | twition | twition |
803,175 | TheXx | The Xx |
803,176 | corruptionindex | corruption index |
803,177 | prodrive | pro drive |
803,178 | shitsme | shits me |
803,179 | childminders | childminders |
803,180 | ShitMyGrandmaSays | Shit My Grandma Says |
803,181 | haywood | haywood |
803,182 | atecakewith | ate cake with |
803,183 | TeamPapa | Team Papa |
803,184 | applejuicekid | apple juice kid |
803,185 | RustomPadilla | Rustom Padilla |
803,186 | AnothaThreeWordsForU | Anotha Three Words For U |
803,187 | neonswing | neon swing |
803,188 | BigTimeWoot | Big Time Woot |
803,189 | itsstillrockandroll | its still rock and roll |
803,190 | MurrayLachlan | Murray Lachlan |
803,191 | MeadDick | Me ad Dick |
803,192 | KleenexStrike | Kleenex Strike |
803,193 | gotcocoa | got cocoa |
803,194 | keynotespeaker | keynote speaker |
803,195 | TallDwarfs | Tall Dwarfs |
803,196 | IamSuchaSap | Iam Sucha Sap |
803,197 | LadyData | Lady Data |
803,198 | membanggakandiri | membanggakan diri |
803,199 | iknowim | i know im |