Daniel Vila
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Comparing model predictions and ground truth labels with Rubrix and Hugging Face

Build dataset

You skip this step if you run:

from datasets import load_dataset
import rubrix as rb

ds = rb.DatasetForTextClassification.from_datasets(load_dataset("rubrix/sst2_with_predictions", split="train"))

Otherwise, the following cell will run the pipeline over the training set and store labels and predictions.

from datasets import load_dataset
from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

import rubrix as rb

name = "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english"

# Need to define id2label because surprisingly the pipeline has uppercase label names 
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(name, id2label={0: 'negative', 1: 'positive'})
nlp = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=model, tokenizer=name, return_all_scores=True)

dataset = load_dataset("glue", "sst2", split="train")

# batch predict
def predict(example):
    return {"prediction": nlp(example["sentence"])}

# add predictions to the dataset
dataset = dataset.map(predict, batched=True).rename_column("sentence", "text")

# build rubrix dataset from hf dataset
ds = rb.DatasetForTextClassification.from_datasets(dataset, annotation="label")
# Install Rubrix and start exploring and sharing URLs with interesting subsets, etc.
rb.log(ds, "sst2")
Pushing dataset shards to the dataset hub:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Analize misspredictions and ambiguous labels

With the UI

With Rubrix UI you can:

  • Combine filters and full-text/DSL queries to quickly find important samples
  • All URLs contain the state so you can share with collaborator and annotator specific dataset regions to work on.
  • Sort examples by score, as well as custom metadata fields.



Let's find all wrong predictions from Python. This useful for bulk operations (relabelling, discarding, etc.)

import pandas as pd

# Get dataset slice with wrong predictions
df = rb.load("sst2", query="predicted:ko").to_pandas()

# display first 20 examples
with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
    display(df[["text", "prediction", "annotation"]].head(20))

text prediction annotation
0 this particular , anciently demanding métier [(negative, 0.9386059045791626), (positive, 0.06139408051967621)] positive
1 under our skin [(positive, 0.7508484721183777), (negative, 0.24915160238742828)] negative
2 evokes a palpable sense of disconnection , made all the more poignant by the incessant use of cell phones . [(negative, 0.6634528636932373), (positive, 0.3365470767021179)] positive
3 plays like a living-room war of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling force from the suggested and the unknown . [(positive, 0.9968075752258301), (negative, 0.003192420583218336)] negative
4 into a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable [(positive, 0.6178210377693176), (negative, 0.3821789622306824)] negative
5 transcends ethnic lines . [(positive, 0.9758220314979553), (negative, 0.024177948012948036)] negative
6 is barely [(negative, 0.9922297596931458), (positive, 0.00777028314769268)] positive
7 a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable [(negative, 0.9738760590553284), (positive, 0.026123959571123123)] positive
8 of hollywood heart-string plucking [(positive, 0.9889695644378662), (negative, 0.011030420660972595)] negative
9 a minimalist beauty and the beast [(positive, 0.9100378751754761), (negative, 0.08996208757162094)] negative
10 the intimate , unguarded moments of folks who live in unusual homes -- [(positive, 0.9967381358146667), (negative, 0.0032618637196719646)] negative
11 steals the show [(negative, 0.8031412363052368), (positive, 0.1968587338924408)] positive
12 enough [(positive, 0.7941301465034485), (negative, 0.2058698982000351)] negative
13 accept it as life and [(positive, 0.9987508058547974), (negative, 0.0012492131209000945)] negative
14 this is the kind of movie that you only need to watch for about thirty seconds before you say to yourself , ` ah , yes , [(negative, 0.7889454960823059), (positive, 0.21105451881885529)] positive
15 plunges you into a reality that is , more often then not , difficult and sad , [(positive, 0.967541515827179), (negative, 0.03245845437049866)] negative
16 overcomes the script 's flaws and envelops the audience in his character 's anguish , anger and frustration . [(positive, 0.9953157901763916), (negative, 0.004684178624302149)] negative
17 troubled and determined homicide cop [(negative, 0.6632784008979797), (positive, 0.33672159910202026)] positive
18 human nature is a goofball movie , in the way that malkovich was , but it tries too hard [(positive, 0.5959018468856812), (negative, 0.40409812331199646)] negative
19 to watch too many barney videos [(negative, 0.9909896850585938), (positive, 0.00901023019105196)] positive


# Get dataset slice with wrong predictions
df = rb.load("sst2", query="predicted:ko and annotated_as:negative").to_pandas()

# display first 20 examples
with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
    display(df[["text", "prediction", "annotation"]].head(20))

text prediction annotation
0 plays like a living-room war of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling force from the suggested and the unknown . [(positive, 0.9968075752258301), (negative, 0.003192420583218336)] negative
1 a minimalist beauty and the beast [(positive, 0.9100378751754761), (negative, 0.08996208757162094)] negative
2 accept it as life and [(positive, 0.9987508058547974), (negative, 0.0012492131209000945)] negative
3 plunges you into a reality that is , more often then not , difficult and sad , [(positive, 0.967541515827179), (negative, 0.03245845437049866)] negative
4 overcomes the script 's flaws and envelops the audience in his character 's anguish , anger and frustration . [(positive, 0.9953157901763916), (negative, 0.004684178624302149)] negative
5 and social commentary [(positive, 0.7863275408744812), (negative, 0.2136724889278412)] negative
6 we do n't get williams ' usual tear and a smile , just sneers and bile , and the spectacle is nothing short of refreshing . [(positive, 0.9982783794403076), (negative, 0.0017216014675796032)] negative
7 before pulling the plug on the conspirators and averting an american-russian armageddon [(positive, 0.6992855072021484), (negative, 0.30071452260017395)] negative
8 in tight pants and big tits [(positive, 0.7850217819213867), (negative, 0.2149781733751297)] negative
9 that it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark [(positive, 0.6591460108757019), (negative, 0.3408539891242981)] negative
10 actress-producer and writer [(positive, 0.8167378306388855), (negative, 0.1832621842622757)] negative
11 gives devastating testimony to both people 's capacity for evil and their heroic capacity for good . [(positive, 0.8960123062133789), (negative, 0.10398765653371811)] negative
12 deep into the girls ' confusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the chasm of knowledge that 's opened between them [(positive, 0.9729612469673157), (negative, 0.027038726955652237)] negative
13 a younger lad in zen and the art of getting laid in this prickly indie comedy of manners and misanthropy [(positive, 0.9875985980033875), (negative, 0.012401451356709003)] negative
14 get on a board and , uh , shred , [(positive, 0.5352609753608704), (negative, 0.46473899483680725)] negative
15 so preachy-keen and [(positive, 0.9644021391868591), (negative, 0.035597823560237885)] negative
16 there 's an admirable rigor to jimmy 's relentless anger , and to the script 's refusal of a happy ending , [(positive, 0.9928517937660217), (negative, 0.007148175034672022)] negative
17 ` christian bale 's quinn ( is ) a leather clad grunge-pirate with a hairdo like gandalf in a wind-tunnel and a simply astounding cor-blimey-luv-a-duck cockney accent . ' [(positive, 0.9713286757469177), (negative, 0.028671346604824066)] negative
18 passion , grief and fear [(positive, 0.9849751591682434), (negative, 0.015024829655885696)] negative
19 to keep the extremes of screwball farce and blood-curdling family intensity on one continuum [(positive, 0.8838250637054443), (negative, 0.11617499589920044)] negative
# Get dataset slice with wrong predictions
df = rb.load("sst2", query="predicted:ko and score:{0.99 TO *}").to_pandas()

# display first 20 examples
with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
    display(df[["text", "prediction", "annotation"]].head(20))

text prediction annotation
0 plays like a living-room war of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling force from the suggested and the unknown . [(positive, 0.9968075752258301), (negative, 0.003192420583218336)] negative
1 accept it as life and [(positive, 0.9987508058547974), (negative, 0.0012492131209000945)] negative
2 overcomes the script 's flaws and envelops the audience in his character 's anguish , anger and frustration . [(positive, 0.9953157901763916), (negative, 0.004684178624302149)] negative
3 will no doubt rally to its cause , trotting out threadbare standbys like ` masterpiece ' and ` triumph ' and all that malarkey , [(negative, 0.9936562180519104), (positive, 0.006343740504235029)] positive
4 we do n't get williams ' usual tear and a smile , just sneers and bile , and the spectacle is nothing short of refreshing . [(positive, 0.9982783794403076), (negative, 0.0017216014675796032)] negative
5 somehow manages to bring together kevin pollak , former wrestler chyna and dolly parton [(negative, 0.9979034662246704), (positive, 0.002096540294587612)] positive
6 there 's an admirable rigor to jimmy 's relentless anger , and to the script 's refusal of a happy ending , [(positive, 0.9928517937660217), (negative, 0.007148175034672022)] negative
7 the bottom line with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the films in the series : fans will undoubtedly enjoy it , and the uncommitted need n't waste their time on it [(positive, 0.995850682258606), (negative, 0.004149340093135834)] negative
8 is genial but never inspired , and little [(negative, 0.9921030402183533), (positive, 0.007896988652646542)] positive
9 heaped upon a project of such vast proportions need to reap more rewards than spiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaponry . [(negative, 0.9958089590072632), (positive, 0.004191054962575436)] positive
10 than recommended -- as visually bland as a dentist 's waiting room , complete with soothing muzak and a cushion of predictable narrative rhythms [(negative, 0.9988711476325989), (positive, 0.0011287889210507274)] positive
11 spectacle and [(positive, 0.9941601753234863), (negative, 0.005839805118739605)] negative
12 groan and [(negative, 0.9987359642982483), (positive, 0.0012639997294172645)] positive
13 're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic surface ( and exotic dancing ) it 's surprisingly old-fashioned . [(positive, 0.9908103942871094), (negative, 0.009189637377858162)] negative
14 its metaphors are opaque enough to avoid didacticism , and [(negative, 0.990602970123291), (positive, 0.00939704105257988)] positive
15 by kevin bray , whose crisp framing , edgy camera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very obviously mark him as a video helmer making his feature debut [(positive, 0.9973387122154236), (negative, 0.0026612314395606518)] negative
16 evokes the frustration , the awkwardness and the euphoria of growing up , without relying on the usual tropes . [(positive, 0.9989104270935059), (negative, 0.0010896018939092755)] negative
17 , incoherence and sub-sophomoric [(negative, 0.9962475895881653), (positive, 0.003752368036657572)] positive
18 seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut venture into the heritage business . [(negative, 0.9923072457313538), (positive, 0.007692818529903889)] positive
19 despite downplaying her good looks , carries a little too much ai n't - she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff . [(negative, 0.9948075413703918), (positive, 0.005192441400140524)] positive
# Get dataset slice with wrong predictions
df = rb.load("sst2", query="predicted:ko and score:{* TO 0.6}").to_pandas()

# display first 20 examples
with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
    display(df[["text", "prediction", "annotation"]].head(20))

text prediction annotation
0 get on a board and , uh , shred , [(positive, 0.5352609753608704), (negative, 0.46473899483680725)] negative
1 is , truly and thankfully , a one-of-a-kind work [(positive, 0.5819814801216125), (negative, 0.41801854968070984)] negative
2 starts as a tart little lemon drop of a movie and [(negative, 0.5641832947731018), (positive, 0.4358167052268982)] positive
3 between flaccid satire and what [(negative, 0.5532692074775696), (positive, 0.44673076272010803)] positive
4 it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark [(negative, 0.5386656522750854), (positive, 0.46133431792259216)] positive
5 who liked there 's something about mary and both american pie movies [(negative, 0.5086333751678467), (positive, 0.4913666248321533)] positive
6 many good ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chin 's film serves up with style and empathy [(positive, 0.557632327079773), (negative, 0.44236767292022705)] negative
7 about its ideas and [(positive, 0.518638551235199), (negative, 0.48136141896247864)] negative
8 of a sick and evil woman [(negative, 0.5554516315460205), (positive, 0.4445483684539795)] positive
9 though this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs [(positive, 0.5045541524887085), (negative, 0.4954459071159363)] negative
10 to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the holocaust escape story [(negative, 0.5050069093704224), (positive, 0.49499306082725525)] positive
11 that throws a bunch of hot-button items in the viewer 's face and asks to be seen as hip , winking social commentary [(negative, 0.5873904228210449), (positive, 0.41260960698127747)] positive
12 's soulful and unslick [(positive, 0.5931627750396729), (negative, 0.40683719515800476)] negative
from rubrix.metrics.commons import *
text_length("sst2", query="predicted:ko").visualize()