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वाप्यो मैरेयपूर्णाश्च मृष्टमांसचयैर्वृताः।प्रतप्तपिठरैश्चापि मार्गमायूरकौक्कुटैः।। | The wells were found filled with datepalm liquor and surrounded by pots of well cooked meat of peacocks, chicken and other animals. |
रथकुञ्जरवाजिभ्यस्तेऽवतीर्यमहींगताः ।।ददृशुस्तंविमानस्थंनरास्सोममिवाम्बरे । | Those people on the chariots, elephants and horses got down and saw them on the moon like Pushpaka. |
नहिराज्यमधर्मेणभोक्तुंक्षणमपित्वया ।शक्यंमूर्खसहायेनपापेनाविदितात्मना ।। | "One who is not aware of himself, an unrighteous sinner ruling with foolish mates cannot enjoy the kingdom even for a moment." |
दुन्दुभीभिर्मृदङ्गैश्च वीणाभि: पणवैस्तथा ।नादितां भृशमत्यर्थं पृथिव्यां तामनुत्तमाम् ।। | The city echoed with the sounds of trumpets, mrudangas, vinas and panavas. There was no city on earth superior to Ayodhya. |
सुग्रीवेणाभ्यनुज्ञातागन्तुंसर्वैश्चवानरैः ।ममचापिप्रियंकार्यमयोध्यादर्वनेन च ।। | Sugriva has permitted all the Vanaras to go with wives and look at Ayodhya." Dear, some kindly act will be done for us also." |
अथवा देवि दोषं त्वं कञ्चित्पश्यसि राघवे। तमद्य ब्रूहि तत्वेन तदा रामो विवास्यताम्।। | O Kaikeyi speak truly if you find any fault in this scion of the Raghu race Rama. Then he will be exiled. |
एकोऽयंराक्षसेन्द्रस्यपरायणमवस्थितः ।एतच्छेषंबलंतस्यकिंतिष्ठतहरीश्वराः ।। | "Oh Vanara leaders! He Indrajith is the only one who is left in the Rakshasa army. Why do you stand idle?" |
राममानय सूतेति यदस्यभिहितोऽनया।।किमिदं कारणं येन ममाज्ञा प्रतिहन्यते। | You had been asked by her Kaikeyi to bring Rama here. What is the reason the command is disregarded? |
विधमेच्च पुरीं लङ्कां शोषयेच्च महोदधिम्।रावणस्य च नीचस्य कीर्तिं नाम च नाशयेत्।। | "Had Rama known that I am in Lanka he would have blown up this city, dried up the ocean and destroyed the name and fame of the mean Ravana. |
पन्नगाशनमाकाशे पतन्तं पक्षिसेविते।वैनतेयमहं शक्तः परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः।। | I am capable of circumambulating a thousand times the great Garuda who consumes snakes and flies in the sky, the abode of birds. |
कामी वा न कदर्यो वा नृशंस: पुरुष: क्वचित् ।द्रष्टुं शक्यमयोध्यायान्नाविद्वान्न च नास्तिक: ।। | The lustful, the miserly, the unscholarly and atheists were not to be seen anywhere in the city of Ayodhya. |
सःशरैराहतस्तेनसरोषोरावणात्मजः ।।सुप्रयुक्तैस्त्रिभिर्भाणैःप्रतिविव्याधलक्ष्मणम् । | Struck by the arrows, Indrajith in return furiously released three well aimed arrows at Lakshmana. |
अतोषयन्महाराजमकुर्वन्वा पितुर्वचः।मुहूर्तमपि नेच्छेयं जीवितुं कुपिते नृपे।। | If I have ever displeased the maharaja, my father or disobeyed his command which has angered him, I do not wish to live for a moment |
सर्वत्र कुशलं राजा वसिष्ठं प्रत्युदाहरत्।विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वसिष्ठं विनयान्वित:।। | Highly brilliant king Viswamitra, humbly informed Vasishta that all was well. |
स तौ मधुरया वाचा सौम्यया प्रीणयन्निव।उवाच वत्स मां विद्धि वयस्यं पितुरात्मनः।। | With a sweet, pleasing, and gentle voice he said to both of them, O dear know me to be a friend of your father. |
अधोभागेन मे दृष्टि श्शोचता पातिता मया।ततोऽद्राक्षमहं भीमां राक्षसीं सलिलेशयाम्।। | "Thinking so I looked down into the water and there I saw a terrific shedemon. |
अद्य प्रकृतयस्सर्वास्त्वामिच्छन्ति नराधिपम्।अतस्त्वां युवराजानमभिषेक्ष्यामि पुत्रक।। | Today all the subjects expresed their desire to see you as their king. Therefore, my dear son, I wish to coronate you heirapparent. |
यो न शक्यस्सुरैर्हन्तुं न यक्षैर्नासुरैस्तथा ।सोऽयंकश्चिदिवासत्त्वोमृत्युंमर्त्येनलम्भितः ।। | "He, who could not be killed by Suras, Asuras or Yakshas, such a hero lies like a weak person devoid of strength, killed by a mortal, is resting." |
महान्विघ्न: प्रवृत्तोऽयं दक्षिणामास्थितो दिशम्।दिशमन्यां प्रपत्स्यामस्तत्र तप्स्यामहे तप:।। | |
पूर्वां दिशं ततो गत्वा पश्यामि विविधान् द्रुमान्।पर्वतन्श्च नदी रम्यास्सरांसि विविधानि च।। | Then I ran in the eastern direction and saw many trees, lakes, rivers and beautiful mountains. |
नाल्पसन्निचय: कश्चिदासीत्तस्मिन् पुरोत्तमे ।कुटुम्बी यो ह्यसिद्धार्थोऽगवाश्वधनधान्यवान् ।। | In that best of cities, there was not even a single householder who had not adequate wealth or who had not achieved dharma, artha and kama or who did not possess the wealth of foodgrains, cattle and horses. |
अङ्गारकसमानानां भीमानां भीमकर्मणाम्।विन्ध्याद्वानरकोटीनां सहस्राण्यपतन्द्रुतम्।। | From the Vindhya mountain came down thousands of crores of swiftfooted monkeys of terrific deeds. They were fierce like fire Angaraka. |
तस्मिन् राज्यं समावेश्य दिलीपे रघुनन्दन।हिमवच्छिखरे पुण्ये तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्।। | O Delight of the Raghus having vested the kingdom with Dilipa, Anshuman performed rigid penance on the sacred peak of the Himavat mountain. |
एतमाश्रममायान्ति राक्षसा विघ्नकारिण:।अत्रैव पुरुषव्याघ्र हन्तव्या दुष्टचारिण:।। | "O tiger among men, wicked rakshasas who prowl about the asram and cause obstacles ought to be killed here only. |
तःखडगंसमुद्यम्यत्रिशिराराक्षसोत्तमः ।निजघानतदाव्यूढेवायुपुत्रस्यवक्षसि ।। | Trisira, the foremost of Rakshasas then lifted his sword, placed it on the chest of Hanuman and dug into it. |
अकम्पनवचश्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।जनस्थानं गमिष्यामि हन्तुं रामं सलक्ष्मणम्।। | Hearing Akampanas words, Ravana said, I will go to Janasthana and kill Rama along with Lakshmana. |
सकृत्वासागरेसेतुंतीर्त्वाचलवणोदधिम् ।एषरक्षांसिनिर्दूयधन्वीतिष्ठतिराघवः ।। | "Mighty Raghava having crossed the salt sea and reached the shore of Rakshasas, organized them Vanaras and stood wielding a bow." |
कच्चिच्छुश्रूषमाणा व श्शुश्रूषणपरा मयि।प्रमदाऽभ्युचितां वृत्तिं सीता युक्तं न वर्तते।। | Has Sita devoted in her service to me and engaged in serving you failed to follow the conduct befitting a woman? |
कथं नु खलु दुष्पारं तरिष्यन्ति महोदधिम्।तानि हर्यृक्षसैन्यानि तौ वा नरवरात्मजौ।। | "How can the army of vanaras and bears, for that matter, princes Rama and Lakshmana negotiate the ocean, which is difficult to cross? |
सत्यं ते प्रतिजानामि त्यज शोकमरिन्दम।करिष्यामि तथा यत्नं यथा प्राप्स्यसि मैथिली।। | O subduer of enemies, give up sorrow. I promise I will make necessary effort so that you will obtain the princess from Mithila. |
विराधश्च हतः सङ्ख्ये राक्षसो भीमविक्रमः।वने रामेण विक्रम्य महेन्द्रेणेव शम्बरः।। | "Rama killed Viradha of fearsome valour in the forest like Sambara by Indra. |
हितमुक्तं त्वया देवि स्निग्धया सदृशं वचः।कुलं व्यपदिशन्त्या च धर्मज्ञे जनकात्मजे।। | O daughter of Janaka, you are conversant with dharma. Whatever you have admonished out of affection for me is befitting your race. |
ततोविव्याथगात्रेषुसर्वेषुसमितिञ्जयः ।राघवस्तुसुसङ्क्रुद्धोरावणंबहुभिश्शरैः ।। | Then, Raghava, who had won many battles, became highly furious, piercing Ravana in all his limbs with many arrows. |
किमुक्त्वाबहुधाचापिसर्वथाविजयीभवान् ।निमित्तानिचपश्यामिमनोमेसम्प्रहृष्यति ।। | "Of what use is speaking many words. By all means you will be victorious. I see signs of it and feel highly delighted in my mind."This is the end of the second Sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic,the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki. |
हत्वा च समरे रौद्रं रावणं सह बान्धवम्।।राघवस्त्वां वरारोहे स्वां पुरीं नयते ध्रुवम्। | O fairhipped lady Rama will slay fearsome Ravana and all his relatives and take you to his city. It is certain. |
दिष्ट्या च कुशली रामो धर्मात्मा सत्यसङ्गरः।
लक्ष्मणश्च महातेजास्सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनः।।
| "To my luck, righteous Rama who abides in truth and glorious Lakshmana who enhances the joy of Sumitra are keeping well. |
सत्वपश्यद्विनिष्क्रान्तं सुमन्त्रं नाम सारथिम्।।द्वारे मनुजसिंहस्य सचिवं प्रियदर्शनम्। | Sage Vasistha saw handsome Sumantra, minister to Dasaratha, a lion among the charioteers coming out of the gate. |
शरान्धकारमाकाशमावृणोत्सदिवाकरम्।बभूवावस्थितो रामः प्रवमन्निव ताञ्छरान्।। | Through the darkness created by the arrows that covered the sky and the Sun, Rama looked as though he was vomitting them. |
स वालव्यजनं छत्रं धारयामास स स्वयं।भरत श्शासनं सर्वं पादुकाभ्यां निवेदयन्।। | Bharata reported everything relating to the kingdom to the sandals first. Waving the chamaras a fan made of yak tail himself, he held the royal parasol over them. |
सुनिविष्टंहितंवाक्यमुक्तवन्तंविभीषणम् ।अब्रवीत्परुषंवाक्यंरावणःकालचोदितः ।। | While Vibheeshana advised in Ravanas favour with all good intention, Ravana who was under the influence of death spoke harsh words. |
ये चैनमुपजीवन्ति रमते यैश्च वीर्यतः। तेषां बहुविधं दत्त्वा तानप्यत्र नियोजय ।। | Bestow immense wealth on those who depended on Rama for their living and on the gallant youths with whom he used to sport. Send them along with the entourage. |
तस्य वेगसमाधूतैः पुष्पैस्तोयमदृश्यत।।ताराभिरभिरामाभिरुदिताभिरिवाम्बरम्। | The seawater looked splendid with flowers dropped by dint of his speed. It resembled the firmament spangled with enchanting stars just risen in the sky. |
मृगपक्षिभिरासीनो मुनिभिश्च समन्ततः।राममागतमभ्यर्च्य स्वागतेनाहतं मुनिः।। | There the sage sat, surrounded by hermits, animals and birds after having welcomed Rama with due honour. |
वातायनगतानां च स्त्रीणामन्वन्तरापणम्। रामशोकाभितप्तानां शुश्राव परिदेवनम्।। | He heard wailings of women looking through the window and of the people in marketplaces burning with sorrow over Ramas exile. |
तथा तु शपथैः कष्टै श्शपमानमचेतनम्।भरतं शोकसन्तप्तं कौसल्या वाक्यमब्रवीत्।। | Kausalya said these words to Bharata who fell unconscious, consumed with grief, while swearing on painful oaths. |
धर्षिताचप्रविष्टाचलङ्कादुष्प्रसहापुरी ।।तेनवानरमात्रेणदृष्टासीताचजानकी । | "Hanuman After all a monkey in size, entered the inaccessible city of Lanka, destroyed it and saw Sita, daughter of king of Janaka." |
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही क्रुद्धा संरक्तलोचना।अब्रवीत्परुषं वाक्यं रहिते राक्षसाधिपम्।। | Thus addressed, Sita was enraged and her eyes turned red. She replied in harsh words to the chief of the demons in that solitary place. |
अदिष्टावानरेन्द्रेणसुग्रीवेणमहात्मना ।दशकोट्यःप्लवङ्गानांसर्वाःप्रस्थापिताःदिशः ।। | "Vanara Lord Sugriva ordered the monkeys to go to all countries and all directions and dispatched them to find Sita." |
स हिधूमान्धकारं च चक्रेप्रच्चादयन्नभः ।दिशश्चान्तर्दधेश्रीमान्नीहारतमसावृताः ।। | The glorious Indrajith obscured the sky by making it dark through smoke and fog and made the surrounding directions invisible. |
अपि ते सन्नतास्सर्वे सामन्ता रिपवो जिता:।।दैवं च मानुषं चापि कर्म ते साध्वनुष्ठितम्। | Are the tributary kings submissive to you? Have you conquered your enemies? Are the rites for propitiating gods and the services to humanity performed rightly? |
ससोमग्रहनक्षत्रैर्मरुद्भिरिववासवः ।भवद्भिरहमत्यर्थंवृतश्रियमवाप्नुयाम् ।। | "Just as Indra who rules over the moon, sun, stars, and gods attains fortune, accompanied by you I will attain fortune exceedingly at once." |
ममत्वश्वा निवृत्तस्य न प्रावर्तन्त वर्त्मनि।उष्णमश्रु प्रमुञ्चन्तो रामे सम्प्रस्थिते वनम्।। | When Rama set out for the forest, and I turned back, my horses shedding hot tears were reluctant to walk the path. |
कामभोगैः परित्यक्ता हीना बन्धुजनेन च।धारयत्यात्मनो देहं तत्समागमकाङ्क्षिणी।। | Deprived of all sensual pleasures, and separated from her relatives, she is surviving with the hope of meeting them. |
शान्ता तव सुता राजन् सह भर्त्रा विशांपते।मदीयनगरं यातु कार्यं हि महदुद्यतम्।। | O lord of people, O king, It has been decided to commence an important sacrificial rite. You may send your daughter Santa along with her husband to my city. |
किंनुवक्ष्यामिकौसल्यांमातरंकिंनुकैकयीम् ।कथमम्बांसुमित्रांचपुत्रदर्शनलालसाम् ।। | "What can I say to mother Kausalya, Kaikeyi and mother Sumithra waiting to see her son?" |
एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवो मारीचेन स रावणः।न्यवर्तत पुरीं लङ्कां विवेश च गृहोत्तमम्।। | Thus advised by Maricha ,the ten headed Ravana returned and entered his best of homes in the city of Lanka . Thus ends the thirtyfirst sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
इति सीतां वरारोहां चिन्तयन्नेव राघवः।आजगाम जनस्थानं त्वरया सह लक्ष्मणः।। | While thus brooding over the beautiful Sita, the scion of the Raghus along with Lakshmana hurried towards Janasthana. |
तौ कथं दुर्बलावन्धौ मत्प्रतीक्षौ पिपासितौ।चिरमाशाकृतां तृष्णां कष्टां सन्धारयिष्यतः।। | How will the two who are frail, thirsty and blind wait for me for long controlling their thirst with great difficulty with the expectation that I would fetch them water? |
तमृषिं साऽभ्युपागम्य कालिंदी चाभ्यवादयत्।।स तामभ्यवदद्विप्र: पुत्रेप्सुं पुत्रजन्मनि। | Having approached the ascetic. Kalindi paid obeisance to him who said |
कच्चित्सर्वाणि दुर्गाणि धनधान्यायुधोदकैः।यन्त्रैश्च परिपूर्णानि तथा शिल्पिधनुर्धरैः।। | Hope all the forts are adequately provided with wealth, foodgrains, weapons and water, with machines of war and craftsmen and archers. |
तं मां रामकृतोद्योगं त्वन्निमित्तमिहागतम्।सुग्रीवसचिवं देवि बुद्ध्यस्व पवनात्मजम्।। | "O divine lady Know that I have come here for your cause carrying out the mission of Rama. I am Sugrivaa minister and son of the Windgod. |
कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च पुत्रशोकाभिपीडिते।दुष्करं यदि जीवेतां प्राप्य त्वां जननीं मम।। | Tormented by the grief of separation from their sons, it is difficult for Kausalya and Sumitra to survive under you, O my mother. |
समीक्ष्य तु महाबाहू राघवस्य पराक्रमम्।लक्ष्मणस्य च विक्रान्तमभवत् प्रीतिमान् कपिः।। | Reflecting upon the valour of longarmed Rama and valiant advances of Lakshmana Hamuman felt pleased within himself. |
अत्यङ्कुशमिवोद्दामं गजं मदबलोद्धतम्।प्रधावितमहं दैवं पौरुषेण निवर्तये।। | I will make destiny, the elephant, running wild on the strength of the rut, unmanageable even by the goad, turn back with my valour. |
राक्षसानांसहस्रैश्चवृतःपरमदुर्जयः ।गृहेभ्यःपुष्पवर्षेणकीर्यमाणस्तदाययौ ।। | Then, Kumbhakarna, who is very difficult to win over, walked violently surrounded by Rakshasas, covered with showers of flowers from houses. |
एवं वयं न मृष्यामो विप्रकारं तपस्विनाम्।क्रियमाणं वने घोरं रक्षोभिर्भीमकर्मभिः।। | We ascetics are not able to tolerate the fearful deeds perpetrated by the dreadful demons in the forest. |
अपि चास्या विशालाक्ष्या न किंचिदुपलक्षये।।विरूपमपि चाङ्गेषु सुसूक्ष्ममपि लक्षणम्। | "Look at the signs on her body. There is not a little inauspiciousness in the limbs of the largeeyed princess from Mithila. |
सम्पश्यन्विविधान्देशानस्तं च गिरिसत्तमम्।प्राप्य चास्तं गिरिश्रेष्ठमुत्तरां सम्प्रधावितः।। | Looking at the places around, I reached the best of mountains where the Sun sets I found Vali still chasing me and ran towards the north. |
यमेवाधातुमिच्छन्ति तापसा स्सततं वने।तस्यासौ दृश्यते धूम स्सङ्कुलः कृष्णवर्त्मनः।। | Here is the thick smoke emanating from the blacktrailed fire maintained perpetually by the ascetics living in the forest. |
अभिषिक्ते तु सुग्रीवे प्रविष्टे वानरे गुहाम्।आजगाम सह भ्रात्रा रामः प्रस्रवणं गिरि।। | After the consecration, Sugriva entered the cavecity of Kishkinda and Rama accompanied by his brother reached mountain Prasravana. |
एष ते राम गङ्गाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया।।कुमारसम्भवश्चैव धन्य: पुण्यस्तथैव च। | "O Rama this story of Ganga and that of the birth of Kumara, who was fortunate and auspicious, has been related to you in detail. |
रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्गोवालिसूनुर्महाबलः ।।चिक्षेपवज्रदंष्ट्रायवृक्षंभीमपराक्रमः । | Angada who was endowed with great strength all his limbs bathed in blood and terrific valour took hold of a huge tree and shattered Vajradamshtra. |
आर्ये कस्मादजानन्तं गर्हसे मामकिल्बिषम्।विपुलां च मम प्रीतिं स्थिरां जानासि राघवे।। | O noble lady unaware of what had happened, I am guiltless. Why do you upbraid me? You know well my profound, steadfast affection for Raghava Rama. |
अन्तःपुरेऽति संवृद्धान् व्याघ्रवीर्यबलान्वितान्। दंष्ट्राऽऽयुधान्महाकायान् शुनश्चोपायनं ददौ।। | He also gave him a gift of wellraised dogs of the inner apartment hugebodied with the strength and courage of tigers who used their fangs as weapons. |
हीनंरतिगुणैस्सर्वैरभिहन्तारमाहवे ।सेनात्यजतिसम्विग्नानृपतिंतंनरेश्वरा ।। | "O Ruler of men, all the army will desert a king who is devoid of virtues, lowly and who is a destructor in the battlefield." |
हैरण्यानां रथानां च श्वेताश्वानां चतुर्युजाम्।ददामि ते शतान्यष्टौ किङ्किणीकविभूषितान्।। | I shall give you eight hundred chariots made of gold and decorated with small tinkling bells, each chariot yoked with four white horses. |
राक्षसैर्धर्षितानां च तापसानां तपस्विनाम्।गतिं मृगयमाणानां भवान्नः परमा गतिः।। | You are the supreme refuge for us ascetics, tormented by demons, helpless men in search of shelter. |
सूत यद्यस्ति ते किञ्चिन्मया तु सुकृतं कृतम्।त्वं प्रापयाऽऽशु मां रामं प्राणास्सन्त्वरयन्तिमाम्।। | O Charioteer, if ever I have rendered you any favour, quickly take me to Rama. My life is hastening me fast running out. |
तं रामः पुरुषव्याघ्रो लक्ष्मणं प्रत्युवाच ह।अङ्गावेक्षस्व सौमित्रे कस्येमां मन्यसे चमूम्।। | Rama the best among men replied to Lakshamana, Oh, Lakshmana, look properly and tell me to whom do you think this army might belong |
तत्र तत्र विचिन्वन्तो बिले तस्मिन्महाबलाः।।ददृशुर्वानराश्शूराः स्त्रियं काञ्चिददूरतः। | While searching here and there in the cave, the strong and powerful monkeys discovered a woman not far from there. |
तेन वध्योऽहमाज्ञप्तो रक्षसा रौद्रकर्मणा।मत्प्रभावमविज्ञाय रावणेन दुरात्मना।। | "The evilminded demon, Ravana, who perpetrates dreadful acts ordered my slaughter, not knowing my power. |
सिद्धार्थाः पितरं वृत्तं तस्मिन्कालेऽप्युपस्थिते।प्रेतकार्येषु सर्वेषु संस्करिष्यन्ति भूमिपम्।। | Those who will remain present around the king, my father, at the time of his death and perform the funeral rites have their desires fulfilled for they could attend the kings obsequies. |
यस्यनास्तिमनुष्येषुसदृशोराक्षसोत्तम ।कथमाशंससेयोद्धुंतुल्येनेन्द्रविवस्वतोः ।। | "O Best of Rakshasas! How would you enter into combat with one who is great among all human beings and while even Indra and Sun God are not equal to him in war?" |
राज्याद्भ्रंशस्व कैकेयि नृशंसे दुष्टचारिणि।परित्यक्ता च धर्मेण मा मृतं रुदती भव।। | O cruel Kaikeyi of wicked conduct, you may be deprived of the kingdom. Abandoned by righteousness, you shall be weeping for me after my death. |
वायसेन च तेनैव सततं बाध्यमानया।बोधितः किल देव्या त्वं सुखसुप्तः परन्तप।। | "O scorcher of enemies pained by the crow hurting her repeatedly, while you were sleeping happily, she woke you up and informed you about it. |
जाबालेस्तु वचश्श्रुत्वा राम स्सत्यात्मनां वरः।उवाच परया भक्त्या स्वबुद्ध्या चाविपन्नया।। | Hearing Jabalis words, Rama, the foremost among the truthful, gave a rejoinder, exercising his own judgment and firm conviction with due respect to Jabali. |
तंनिनादंनिशम्याथरावणोराक्षसेश्वरः ।मुहूर्तंध्यानमास्थायसचिवानभ्युदैक्षत ।। | Ravana, the Lord of Rakshasas, looked at his ministers on hearing the sounds and reflecting for a moment. |
जाम्बवांश्चसुषेणश्चवेगदर्शी च वानरः ।।कुम्भकर्णात्मजंवीरंक्रुद्धास्समभिदुद्रुवुः । | Jambavan, Sushena, Vegadarsi and other heroic Vanaras, full of anger also rushed to assail Kumbhakarnas son. |
कबन्धानिसमुत्पेतुर्दिक्षुवानररक्षसाम् ।।विमर्देतुमुलेतस्मिन्देवासुररणोपमे । | It was like the war between Devatas and demons, with the trunks of the bodies of Vanaras and Rakshasas rubbing together lying scattered in all directions. |
अहमस्मिन्गिरौ दुर्गे बहुयोजनमायते।चिरान्निपतितो वृद्धः क्षीणप्राणपराक्रमः।। | With my vitality and prowess depleted, I have been staying for a long time on this mountain, extended by several yojanas and inaccessible. |
अथवा राक्षसेन्द्रेण रावणेन दुरात्मना।।छद्मना घातितौ शूरौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। | "Or else, has this wicked demon king slain both the brothers Rama and Lakshmana by some deceptive means? |
राहुशत्रोः प्रियां पत्नीं श्रिया प्रज्वलितप्रभाम्। ग्रहेणाभ्युत्थितेनैकां रोहिणीमिव पीडिताम्।। | The city looked like Rohini, the beloved consort of the Moon, the star which was majesticlly radiating flaming brilliance and now, tormented by the exalted Rahu which has eclipsed the Moon, shines alone. |
कस्त्वं केन कथं चेह प्राप्तो वानरपुङ्गवः।।का च रामेण ते प्रीतिस्तन्मे शंसितुमर्हसि। | "O foremost of vanaras who are you? Why and how have you come here? How did you make friendship with Rama? Tell me all that in detail. |
तस्यैव तपसो विघ्नं कर्तुमिन्द्रश्शचीपतिः।।खङ्गपाणिरथागच्छदाश्रमं भटरूपधृत्। | Once Indra, husband of Sachi, came to his hermitage in the guise of an attendant, sword in hand, in order to hinder his penance. |
सभार्ये निर्गते रामे कौसल्यां कोशलेश्वरः।विवक्षुरसितापाङ्गां स्मृत्वा दुष्कृतमात्मनः।। | After Rama had left along with his wife the king of Kosala Dasaratha recollected his former evil deed and wanted to narrate it to the darkeyed Kausalya. |
यदिसत्स्यात्सतांमुख्यनासत्स्यत्तवकिञ्चन ।त्वयायदीदृशंप्राप्तंतस्मात्सन्नोपपद्यते ।। | "O foremost among the victorious! To you, who are a jewel no evil should accrue. Since such difficulty has been faced by you, the fact that good actions result in good destiny is not true." |
ततस्तु वेगवांस्तस्य गिरेर्गिरिनिभः कपिः।।निपपात महेन्द्रस्य शिखरे पादपाकुले। | Thereafter the vanara, who resembled a mountain, descended with great speed on the summit of mount Mahendra full of trees. |
विभ्रमाच्चित्तमोहाद्वाबलवीर्याश्रयेणवा ।नाभिपन्नमिदानींयद्व्यर्थातस्यपुनःकथाः ।। | "Due to delusion, or lack of understanding or due to pride of my strength I did something. To talk of it now again is futile." |
तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।प्रत्युवाच शतानन्दं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्।। | Great sage Viswamitra equipped with the knowledge of words heard Satananda who was proficient in speech. And replied |
स तु राममवेक्षन्तं सुमन्त्रं पेक्ष्य दुर्मनाः।कुशोत्तरमुपस्थाप्य भूमावेवाऽस्तरत्स्वयम्।। | Bharata was mentally disturbed saw Sumantra waiting for Ramas order. Then he himself brought a heap of kusa grass and spread it on the ground. |
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