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नदन्तश्चोन्नदन्तश्च गर्जन्तश्च प्लवङ्गमाः।क्ष्वेलन्तो धावमानाश्च विनदन्तो महाबलाः।। | The powerful monkeys went gallopping and chattering, leaping and screaming. |
तस्य च व्यसनाभावाद्व्यसनंचागतेत्वयि ।धर्मोभवत्यधर्मश्चपरस्परविरोधिनौ ।। | " As Ravana has no sorrow and you have experienced agony the contraries of each other have changed the roles of righteousness and unrighteousness." |
जनकेन समादिष्टा दूतास्ते क्लान्तवाहना:।त्रिरात्रमुषिता मार्गे तेऽयोध्यां प्राविशन् पुरीम्।। | Commanded by Janaka the messengers travelled for three days, rested for three nights on the way and entered the city of Ayodhya along with their horses tired. |
नदन् प्रतपनोघोरोनलंसोप्यन्वधावत ।नलःप्रतपनस्याशुपातयामासचक्षुषी ।। | Dreadful Pratapan roared and jumped over Nala. Nala in turn gouged out the eyes of Pratapan. |
एष निर्यातितश्श्रीमान्मया ते वारिसम्भवः।अतः परं न शक्ष्यामि जीवितुं शोकलालसा।। | "I am sending you this Chudamani born of the sea. O glorious Rama and now engrossed in grief it is not possible for me to live. |
ततश्शिखरमारुह्य रामो दशरथात्मजः ।कूर्ममीनसमाकीर्णमपश्यत्सलिलाकुलम् ।। | Then Rama the son of Dasaratha on climbing to the top of Mahendra mountain observed the ocean inhabited by tortoises and fish. |
अथ रामश्च सीता च लक्ष्मणश्च कृताञ्जलिः। उपसङ्गृह्य राजानं चक्रुर्दीना: प्रदक्षिणम्।। | Thereafter, Sita, Rama and Lakshmana with folded palms in a forlom state touched the feet of the king and circumambulated him. |
ततः कृत्वा महानादं सा वै लङ्का भयावहम्।तलेन वानरश्रेष्ठं ताडयामास वेगिता।। | Then the ogress of Lanka made a loud and frightening sound and struck the most powerful vanara with the palm of her hand. |
सा हृष्टा तस्य तद्वाक्यं श्रुत्वा रामस्य कैकयी।प्रस्थानं श्रद्धधाना हि त्वरयामास राघवम्।। | Kaikeyi, happy to hear the words of the son of the Raghus as she was convinced that his departure to the forest was certain, hastened him to set out. |
एवं दत्त्वा तदा सीतां मन्त्रोदकपुरस्कृताम् ।अब्रवीज्जनको राजा हर्षेणाभिपरिप्लुत:।। | Then king Janaka sprinkled on Sita waters sanctified by mantras, and immersed in delight said |
इयमद्य निशा पूर्वा सौमित्रे प्रहिता वनम्।वनवासस्य भद्रं ते स नोत्कण्ठितुमर्हसि।। | O Lakshmana, this happens to be the first night of our exile. You should not have any longing in your mind. Wish you well |
स रामो बहुभिर्बाणैः खरकार्मुकनिस्सृतैः।विद्धो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गो बभूव रुषितो भृशम्।। | Rama, hit by the arrows released from the bow of Khara, all his limbs drenched in blood, became very furious. |
एवमुक्ता वसिष्ठेन प्रत्युवाच विनीतवत्।वचनं वचनज्ञा सा ब्रह्मर्षिममितप्रभम्।। | To these words of brahmarshi Vasishta armed with immeasurable power, Sabala, who knew the use of words, replied with humility |
वनान्युपवनानीह लङ्कायाः काननानि च।सर्वतो गृहमुख्यानि द्रष्टुमागमनं हि मे।। | "I have arrived here to see Lankas gardens, groves and forests and also all the important houses". |
सा रुद्धा शरजालेन मायाबलसमन्विता।।अभिदुद्राव काकुत्स्थं लक्ष्मणं च विनेदुषी। | .Prevented by a multitude of arrows, she with her magical powers, advanced towards Rama and Lakshmanaroaring. |
भार्यावियोगजं दुःखं न चिरात्त्वं विमोक्ष्यसे।अहं तामानयिष्यामि नष्टां वेदश्रुतीमिव।। | Very soon you will be relieved of the grief caused by the separation from your wife. Just as Visnu retrieved the Vedas carried away by the demons, Madhu and Kaitabha I will deliver her to you. |
अद्यगोमायुसङ्घाश्चश्येनसङ्घाश्चलक्ष्मण ।।गृध्राश्चनिपतन्तुत्वांगतासुंनिहतंमया । | "Lakshmana! Today let the jackals, hawks and vultures descend on your bodystruck down by me and ceased of life fallen dead." |
नापहर्तुमहं शक्या त्वया रामस्य धीमतः।विधिस्तव वधार्थाय विहितो नात्र संशयः।। | "When I was with wise Rama, it was not possible for you to abduct me. No doubt Providence has ordained this to bring about your death. |
अनुगन्तुमशक्ता स्त्वां मूलैरुद्धतवेगिनः।उन्नता वायुवेगेन विक्रोशन्तीव पादपाः।। | Although the trees uplifted by the speed of the wind, intend to follow you, their movement is stalled by their roots. Unable, they appear to be weeping. |
गम्भीराक्षं महावक्त्रं विकटं विषमोदरम्।बीभत्सं विषमं दीर्घं विकृतं घोरदर्शनम्।। | He was of dreadful appearance with deep eyes, a huge face and a big belly. He looked tall, ugly and frightening. |
उत्स्मयित्वा महाबाहु: प्रेक्ष्य चास्थि महाबल: ।पादाङ्गुष्ठेन चिक्षेप सम्पूर्णं दशयोजनम् ।। | The strongarmed Rama, who was endowed with great strength looked at the skeleton and smiled within himself for a while. He kicked off the skeleton with the great toe of his foot completely to a full distance of ten yojanas eighty miles. |
एवमुक्तः कपिश्रेष्ठस्तं नगोत्तममब्रवीत्।प्रीतोऽस्मि कृतमातिथ्यं मन्युरेषोऽपनीयताम्।। | The great Hanuman, pleased with the words of Mainaka, said "I am pleased at your hospitality. Remove your unhappiness. |
ततोह्यभ्युच्छ्रयन्पौराःपताकाश्चगृहेगृहे ।।ऐक्ष्वाकुध्युषितंरम्यमाससादपितुर्गृहम् । | The citizens of Ayodhya held the flags up in every house. Thereupon Rama reached the beautiful home of his father, the abode of the Ikshvaku dynasty. |
शरैश्चविददारैनंशूरःपरपुरञ्जयः ।स ददर्शततःक्रुद्धःपरिघंपतितंभुवि ।। | Mahodara, a scourge of enemy forces, who lacerated Sugriva in that manner, angry, made the tree fall on the ground. |
पूर्वं कृतयुगे तात पर्वताः पक्षिणोऽभवन्।ते हि जग्मुर्दिशः सर्वा गरुडानिलवेगिनः।। | "Formerly in Kritayuga, O dear, mountains were endowed with wings. They used to move speedily in all directions like Garuda and the Windgod. |
भवान् स्निग्धस्सुहृन्मह्यं गुरुश्च परमो महान्।ओढव्यो भवता चैव भारो यज्ञस्य चोद्यत:।। | You are an affectionate friend and most reverential spiritual guide to me. The burden of performing the sacrifice which has since commenced shall be borne by you". |
ता स्स्म गत्वा परं तीरमवरोप्य च तं जनम्।निवृत्ताः काण्डचित्राणि क्रियन्ते दाशबन्धुभिः।। | Having reached the other bank, the men disembarked. While returning, the fisherfolk exhibited their craft of lovely formations. |
ते विषं पिबतालोड्य क्षीणपुण्या स्सुदुर्गताः।राघवं वानुगच्छध्वमश्रुतिं वापि गच्छत।। | Where you are in deep trouble with merits exhausted, it is better to take poison, or follow Rama or walk into the unknown. |
स तत्र मणिभूमीश्च राजतीश्च मनोरमाः।तथा काञ्चनभूमीश्च ददर्श विचरन्कपिः।। | Roaming there the monkey noticed the beautiful floors paved with gems, gold and silver |
न त्वहं मनसाऽप्यन्यं द्रष्टाऽस्मि त्वदृतेऽनघ।त्वया राघव गच्छेयं यथाऽन्या कुलपांसिनी।। | O sinless son of the Raghus I am not like other women who bring disgreace to the family. I have not looked at any one except you, even with my minds eye. I will go to the forest along with you. |
मध्यं तु समनुप्राप्य भागीरथ्यास्त्वनिन्दिता।वैदेही प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा तां नदीमिदमब्रवीत्।। | When the boat reached the midstream that unblemished Sita with palms folded invoked the river thus |
संवासात्परुषं किञ्चिदज्ञानाद्वापि यत्कृतम्।तन्मे समनुजानीत सर्वाश्चामन्त्रयामि वः।। | If I have been harsh towards you, on account of our living together or through ignorance may you forgive me. I now seek leave of you all. |
मां तु शोकाभिसन्तप्तं माधवः पीडयन्ति वै।भरतस्य च दुःखेन वैदेह्या हरणेन च।। | Already saddened due to the abduction of Sita and plight of Bharata, I am tormented by Spring. |
स रामं सर्वकामैस्तं भरद्वाजः प्रियातिथिम्।सभार्यं सह च भ्रात्रा प्रतिजग्राह धर्मवित्।। | Bharadwaja, who knows his duty honoured Rama, his beloved guest with his consort and brother by extending all kinds of hospitality. |
तेन्तरिक्षाद्विनिर्धूतास्तस्यवेगेनराक्षसाः ।भूमौनिपतिताःसर्वेराक्षसेन्द्रस्यपश्यतः ।। | Crushed by that speed of Angada coming down as if from the sky all the Rakshasas fell down on the ground while the Rakshasa king looked on. |
नाद्यापि श्रूयते शब्दः मत्तानां मृगपक्षिणाम्।।
संरक्तां मधुरां वाणीं कलं व्याहरतां बहु।
| I do not hear in the red tincture of the rising Sun the melodious voices of the freely moving animals and birds. |
कर्मणामनसावाचायथानातिचराम्यहम् ।राघवंसर्वधर्मज्ञंतथामांपातुपावकः ।। | If I have ever acted or been unfaithful at heart or in speech and did not follow a righteous path with Rama, who is a knower of all virtues, let the fire god protect me." |
परिवादो हि ते देवि महाल्लोके चरिष्यति। यदि रामो वनं याति विहाय पितरं नृपम्।। | O Devi, if Rama goes to the forest leaving his father, the king, you will be squarely blamed by the people of the world. |
भरतस्य कुमारस्य शत्रुघ्नस्य च धीमत:।वरयामस्सुते राजन् तयोरर्थे महात्मनो:।। | O king we choose your brothers daughters for the great souls the young Bharata and the sagacious Satrughna. |
तस्य विक्रमसम्पन्नास्सत्त्ववन्तो महाबलाः।मन स्सङ्कल्पसम्पाता निदेशे हरयः स्थिताः।। | Mighty, powerful and tough monkeys who have the speed of thought are under the command of Sugriva. |
यन्निमित्तं भवान्राज्याच्छ्युतो राघव शाश्वतात्।।सम्प्राप्तोऽयमरिर्वीर भरतो वध्य एव मे। | O that mighty warrior Bharata, on whose account you have been banished from the perpetual kingdom, comes here as a foe and as for me, he deserves to be slain. |
इन्द्रियाणिपुराजित्वाजितंत्रिभुवनंत्वया ।स्मरद्भिरिवतद्वैरमिन्द्रियैरेवनिर्जितः ।। | "In the past by winning your senses you gained the three worlds. Now it seems as though the senses have recollected and taken their grudge. You have lost control over your senses, thereby you are killed by your enemy." |
नेह गच्छन्ति गन्धर्वा न देवा न च किन्नराः।राक्षसानामयं वासः कथं नु त्वमिहागता।। | Neither gandharvas, nor kinnaras, nor gods move here. This is only a dwelling place for the demons. How did you come here ? |
विश्वामित्रो महातेजा: पालयामास मेदिनीम्।बहुवर्षसहस्राणि राजा राज्यमकारयत्।। | Highly lustrous Viswamitra ruled the earth. As a king he ruled over his kingdom for thousands of years. |
ते तदोचुर्महात्मानं पौरजानपदा जनाः।काकुत्स्थमभिजानीमः सम्यग् वदति राघवः।। | Those inhabitants from towns and villages replied to the magnanimous Bharata we know the scion of the Kakutha dynasty, Rama, very well. What he has said is proper. |
ऊचुश्च परमायस्ता रामं ज्वलिततेजसम्।वत्स नैवं नियुक्तेयं वनवासे मनस्विनी।। | Profoundly distressed, they said to Rama glowing with burning lustre O dear, no one has ordered this highminded Sita to dwell in the forest. |
वायुस्सर्वात्मको राजन् प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।अशुभं मार्गमास्थाय न धर्मं प्रत्यवेक्षते।। | "O king, the allpervading Windgod, having taken recourse to foul means intended to outrage our modesty without and moral compunction. |
तदलं कालसङ्गेन क्रियतां बुद्धिनिश्चयः।।न हि कर्मसु सज्जन्ते बुद्धिमन्तो भवद्विधाः। | Do not bother about the time limit. Resolve to achieve the objective, for wise people like you should not lag behind in accepting challenges. Thus ends the fiftyninth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki. |
अहं हि तपसोग्रेण पितामहमतोषयम्।।दीर्घमायुस्स मे प्रादात्ततो मां विभ्रमोऽस्पृशत्। | I pleased the creator Brahma with great penance. He blessed me with long life. Then this pride and confusion overtook me. |
ते तु तेन मुहूर्तेन यूथपाश्शीघ्रगामिनः।किष्किन्धां त्वरया प्राप्ता स्सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः।। | In a short while the swiftmoving leaders of the monkeys groups reached Kishkinda quickly. |
इत्युक्त्वा हनुमांस्तत्र पुनः कृष्णाजिनाम्बराम्।अब्रवीत्तां महाभागां तापसीं धर्मचारिणीम्।। | On meeting the distinguished, righteous ascetic woman robed in deer skin, Hanuman said |
सर्वथा तु कृतं कष्टं सीतामुत्सृजता वने।प्रतिकर्तुं नृशंसानां रक्षसां दत्तमन्तरं।। | You have definitely done a great mistake by leaving Sita alone in the forest. This has given a chance to the cruel demons to wreak revenge. |
पुण्योत्सवसमुत्था च नष्टभर्त्री सराक्षसी।भविष्यति पुरी लङ्का नष्टभर्त्री यथाङ्गना।। | "This city of Lanka with many auspicious celebrations will lose its king and all mean ogresses will remain like widows. |
शृणोमि खगतानां च सिद्धानां चारणैस्सह।राक्षसी सिंहिका भीमा क्षिप्रं हनुमता हता।। | "I heard the charanas and siddhas residing in the sky talking to each other that the fierce ogres Simhika has been killed by Hanuman in a moment. |
एवं वक्ष्यति को राजन् प्रभुस्सन्वानरर्षभ।ऐश्वर्यमदमत्तो हि सर्वोऽहमिति मन्यते।। | "O king O bull among monkeys we think you are an exception to those to whom prosperity brings arrogance. |
राक्षसास्तुप्लवङ्गानांशुश्रुवुश्चाऽपिगर्जितम् ।नर्दतामिवदृप्तानांमेघानामम्बरेस्वनम् ।। | Even the Rakshasas heard the roaring of Vanaras in their pride that was bellowing like that of clouds in the sky. |
उद्योगसमयस्त्वेषप्राप्तश्शत्रुविनाशन।।सञ्चिन्त्यतां हि पिङ्गेश हरिभिस्सह मन्त्रिभिः। | O king of monkeys, slayer of enemies the time to act has arrived. Think of the strategies with your ministers and other monkeys. |
मृदुष्वङ्गेषु कासाञ्चित्कुचाग्रेषु च संस्थिताः।बभुर्वर्भूषणानीव शुभा भूषणराजयः।। | The beautiful imprints made by the heavy ornaments on the tender limbs, breasts and nipples of some women appeared like many ornaments. |
विसृज्यशिबिकांतस्मात्पद्भ्यामेवोपसर्पतु ।समीपेममवैदेहींपश्यन्त्वेतेवनौकसः ।। | "Therefore, leaving the palanquin let Vaidehi walk on foot only towards me with the help of these Vanaras." |
असमञ्जस्तु पुत्रोऽभूत्सगरस्येति न श्श्रुतम्।जीवन्नेव स पित्रा तु निरस्तः पापकर्मकृत्।। | We have heard that a son, Asamanja by name, was born to Sagara. For his sinful deeds he was banished by his father while he was still alive. |
ततस्साध्विति तद्वाक्यं ब्राह्मणा: प्रत्यपूजयन्।वसिष्ठप्रमुखास्सर्वे पार्थिवस्य मुखाच्च्युतम्।। | When they heard these words from the kings month, those brahmins heades by Vasishta extolled the kings decision exclaiming, "wellsaid" |
सर्वोपायं तु वर्तिष्ये विनिवर्तयितुं बलात्।समक्षमार्यमिश्राणां साधूनां गुणवर्तिनाम्।। | I shall employ all possible means to bring him back and join you who are respectable, virtuous and pious. |
राक्षसेन्द्रमहासर्पान् स रामगरुडो महान्।।उद्धरिष्यति वेगेन वैनतेय इवोरगान्। | "Just as Garuda swiftly extirpates the serpents, Rama will exterminate the demon leaders. |
विविधाभ्रघनापन्नगोचरो धवलाम्बरः।दृश्यादृश्यतनुर्वीरस्तदा चन्द्रायतेऽम्बरे।। | Passing through the clouds, appearing and disappearing, the heroic Hanuman clad in white was like the Moon in the white sky. |
तं दृष्ट्वा तौ महाभागौ वटस्थं रामलक्ष्मणौ।मेनाते राक्षसं पक्षिं ब्रुवाणौ को भवानिति।। | Seeing the bird on the banyan tree, venerable Rama and Lakshmana mistook him for a demon and enquired who he was. |
ततः परमगम्या स्याद्दिक्पूर्वा त्रिदशावृता।।रहिता चन्द्रसूर्याभ्यामदृश्या तिमिरावृता। | Beyond, there is no Sun or Moon. Darkness pervades. It is neither accessible nor visible. It is guarded by the gods. |
कच्चिन्मन्त्रयसे नैकः कच्चिन्न बहुभिस्सह।कच्चित्ते मन्त्रितो मन्त्रो राष्ट्रं न परिधावति।। | I hope you neither decide alone nor discuss with many. I trust a decision once made by you is not leaked in the kingdom. |
नूनं विक्षिप्यमाणौ तौ बाहू पल्लवकोमलौ।भक्षितौ वेपमानाग्रौ सहस्ताभरणाङ्गदौ।। | Her arms, delicate like tender leaves, their tips fingers quivering, adorned with armlets and bracelets have surely been eaten away. |
शङ्खभेरीनिनादैस्तं घोषयन्तः स्वकर्मभिः।राक्षसाः क्रूरकर्माणश्चारयन्ति स्म तां पुरीम्।। | The cruel demons started blowing conches and beating drums. They paraded him in the city announcing their deeds. |
शर्कराऽसवगन्धैश्च प्रकृत्या सुरभिः सुखः।तासां वदननिश्वासस्सिषेवे रावणं तदा।। | The sweet smell of wine emitted from their mouth and the natural fragrance of their breath was refreshing to Ravana as if it was serving him at that time. |
राक्षसीविद्रवं चैव किङ्कराणां निबर्हणम् ।
ग्रहणं वायुसूनोश्च लङ्कादाहाभिगर्जनम् ।।
| He described the flight of the female demons, the killing of the servants of Ravana, the seizure of Hanuman and the burning of Lanka by Hanuman with a ferocious roar. |
इमाः प्रकृतय स्सर्वा विधवा मातरश्च याः।त्वत्सकाशमनुप्राप्ता प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।। | All these subjects and your widowed mothers have come to you. It behoves you to grant them this favour. |
सोऽभ्यगच्छन्महातेजाश्शबरीं शत्रुसूदन: ।।शबर्या पूजितस्सम्यग्रामो दशरथात्मज: । | Rama son of Dasaratha, destroyer of enemies and possessing great splendour approached Sabari who duly worshipped him |
इति ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे बाष्पशोकपरिप्लुते।अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणः क्रुद्धो रुद्धो नाग इव श्वसन्।। | As Rama was thus full of tears of sorrow, Lakshmana sighed heavily in anger like a hissing serpant in confinement. And said |
कृत्वा कण्ठे च सा चीरमेकमादाय पाणिना।तस्थौ ह्यकुशला तत्र व्रीडिता जनकात्मजा।। | The daughter of Janaka, placed one end of the garment round her neck and held the other in her hand, and stood ashamed as she did not know what to do next. |
अवश्यं कृतकार्यस्य वाक्यं हनुमतो मया।।अकार्यमपि कर्तव्यं किमङ्ग पुनरीदृशम्। | Even if Hanuman, the achiever, forbids me to do something, I will do it. And now when he has permitted you, why hesitate ? |
ततो भूतोपसृष्टेव वेपमाना पुनः पुनः।धरण्यां गतसत्त्वेव कौसल्या सूतमब्रवीत्।। | Thereafter Kausalya, trembling as if possessed by an evil spirit and rolling on the floor like one who her senses now and again, said to the charioteer Sumantra |
भरद्वाजो महर्षिस्तं ब्रुवन्तं भरतं तथा। प्रत्युवाच महाबुद्धिरिदं वचनमर्थवत्।। | Hearing the words of Bharata, the great sage, wise Bharadwaja replied with meaningful words |
शूराणांहिमनुष्याणांत्वद्विधानांमहात्मनाम् ।विनष्टेवाप्रणष्टेवाशोकस्सर्वार्थनाशनः ।। | "If you who are great among the valiant ones worry for that which is destroyed or lost, it would lead to disaster of everything." |
चतुर्विंशत्सहस्राणि श्लोकानामुक्तवानृषि:।तथा सर्गशतान्पञ्च षट्काण्डानि तथोत्तरम् ।। | Sage Valmiki composed the Ramayanam in twentyfour thousand verses in six kandas and also Uttarakanda consisting of five hundred cantos. |
पूजितान् दधिपात्रैश्चसर्पिर्भिस्सुमनोक्षतैः ।मन्त्रवेदविदोविप्रान्ददर्शसमहाबलः ।। | Mighty Vibheeshana saw there, brahmins learned in vedas and mantras, who worshipped with yellow rice, curd, clarified butter and flowers. |
तत स्सूर्योदयं यावत्सर्वं परिसमुत्सुकम्।तस्थावनुपसम्प्राप्तं किंस्विदित्युपशङ्कितम्।। | All the highly enthusiastic attendants waited for the king till sunrise. Unable to see the king they doubted about what had happened |
नवनागसहस्राणिययुरास्थायवानराः ।मानुषंविग्रहंकृत्वासर्वाभरणभूषिताः ।। | Assuming human semblance, the Vanaras adorned with ornaments ascended nine thousand elephants and departed. |
तच्च दृष्ट्वा धनुश्श्रेष्ठं गौरवाद्गिरिसन्निभम्। अभिवाद्य नृपा जग्मुरशक्तास्तस्य तोलने।। | Beholding the mighty bow resembling a mountain in weight, the kings, unable to lift it, paid their homage and left. |
मृगाणांमहिषाणांचवराहाणांचसञ्चयान् ।।चक्रुर्नैरृतशार्दूलाराशिमन्नस्यचाद्भुतम् । | The tigers of the south west Rakshasas piled up a mass of marvellous food like the me at of buffaloes, swine, and antelopes. |
विष्णुचक्रनिपातैश्च शतशो देवसंयुगे।अन्यैश्शस्त्रप्रहारैश्च महायुद्धेषु ताडितम्।। | He was hit by the wheel of Visnu for hundreds of times during great wars and beaten by other weapons. |
इमानि वनदुर्गाणि नद्यश्शैलान्तराणि च।भवन्तः परिमार्गन्तु बुद्धिविक्रमसम्पदा।। | You are rich in wisdom and valour. You should search for Sita everywhere including inaccessible forests and mountain ranges. |
इदं तु मन्थरे मह्यमाख्यासि परमं प्रियम्।एतन्मे प्रियमाख्यातुः किं वा भूयः करोमि ते।। | O Manthara, the news you have brought me is exceedingly pleasant. What more can I do for you? Here is the gift for one who brings good tidings. |
अथो पुनरिदं वाक्यं प्राजापत्यो नरोऽब्रवीत्।राजन्नर्चयता देवानद्य प्राप्तमिदं त्वया।। | Thereafter the one who came from Prajapati answered, "O King you have obtained this payasam today in return for the worship offered to the devatas". |
छायावैगुण्यमात्रं तु शङ्के दुःखमुपस्थितम्।।
अदुःखार्हामिमां देवीं वैहायसमुपस्थिताम्।
| A great suffering has befallen a lady who does not deserve to suffer. Therefore, a change in her complexion has occured. |
ततस्तृप्तइतिज्ञात्वासमुत्पेतुर्निशाचराः ।शिरोभिश्चप्रणम्यैनंसर्वतःपर्यवारयन् ।। | There upon the night rangers realizing that he got up, came before him, and greeted him with heads bent down. |
तस्य सैन्यस्य सर्वस्य खरश्शेषो महारथः।राक्षसस्त्रिशिराश्चैव रामश्च रिपुसूदनः।। | Of that entire army great warrior Khara,Trisira and Rama, destroyer of foes alone remained. |
सङ्गमं च समुद्रेण नलसेतोश्च बन्धनम् ।
प्रतारं च समुद्रस्य रात्रौ लङ्कावरोधनम् ।।
| He described the meeting with the lord of the seas, the construction of bridge by Nala, the crossing of the ocean and the seige of Lanka during night. |
एकाहमपि पश्येयं यद्यहं राममातरम्।अञ्जलिं प्रतिगृह्णन्तीं श्रेयो ननु मृतिर्मम।। | If I were to see Ramas mother receiving homage from everybody even for a day, I shall prefer my death. |
ततोवृद्धमुपागम्यनियमेनाभ्यवादयत् ।गृह्यजाम्बवतःपादौहनूमान्मारुतात्मजः ।। | Thereafter, Hanuman the son of the wind god coming close to the aged Jambavan clasped his feet in accordance with tradition and greeted him. |
अहं दुर्गं गमिष्यामि वनं पुरुषवर्जितम्।नानामृगगणाकीर्णं शार्दूलवृकसेवितम्।। | I will also go to the forest, which is impassable, uninhabited, teeming with various kinds of animals and infested with tigers and wolves. |
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीदिदम् ।एष पन्था मयोद्दिष्टो येन यान्ति महर्षय:।। | Having been addressed by Rama thus Viswamitra said, "We shall take the way the ascetics have gone before". |
इहैव सह वैदेह्या मुहूर्तं तिष्ठ लक्ष्मण।यावज्जानाम्यहं व्यक्तं क एष द्युतिमान्रथे।। | Lakshmana, stay here with Sita awhile, until I ascertain who this dazzling being on the chariot is. |
अनुरूपस्स वै नाथो लक्ष्मीवान् लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।त्रैलोक्यमपि नाथेन येन स्यान्नाथवत्तरम्।। | With him Rama as ruler, all the three worlds will also have a better protector.That elder brother of Lakshmana with signs of greatness is certainly the most befitting to rule this kingdom. |
दानयज्ञाधिकारा हि शीलश्रुतिवचोऽनुगा।
बुद्धिस्ते बुद्धिसम्पन्न प्रभेवार्कस्य मन्दिरे।।
| O highly intelligent one, by your wisdom, virtuous conduct and scriptural knowledge you are entitled to dispense charity and perform sacrifices. You will always shine incessantly like light of the Sun. |
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