/** * Returns the AST of this table and the execution plan to compute the result of this table. * * @param operations The operations to be explained. * @param extraDetails The extra explain details which the explain result should include, e.g. * estimated cost, changelog mode for streaming * @return AST and the execution plan. */ default String explainInternal(List<Operation> operations, ExplainDetail... extraDetails) { return explainInternal(operations, ExplainFormat.TEXT, extraDetails); }
/** * A Point guaranteed to be on this Surface. * * @return point on surface */ public PointExpression<Point> pointOnSurface() { if (pointOnSurface == null) { pointOnSurface = GeometryExpressions.pointOperation(SpatialOps.POINT_ON_SURFACE, mixin); } return pointOnSurface; }
/** Creates a {@link RocksDBNativeMetricOptions} based on an external configuration. */ public static RocksDBNativeMetricOptions fromConfig(ReadableConfig config) { RocksDBNativeMetricOptions options = new RocksDBNativeMetricOptions(); configurePropertyMetrics(options, config); configureStatisticsMetrics(options, config); return options; }
/** Returns time stamp in millis of when this server was started */ public long getStartcode() { return this.startcode; }
/* * TaskType */ public static TaskTypeProto convertToProtoFormat(TaskType e) { return TaskTypeProto.valueOf(; }
/** * Configuration mutations not logged (i.e. not persisted) but directly * confirmed. As such, a list of persisted configuration mutations does not * exist. * @return null Configuration mutation list not applicable for this store. */ @Override protected LinkedList<LogMutation> getLogs() { // Unimplemented. return null; }
/** * Returns a cached copy of the cluster ID. null if the cache is not populated. */ private String getClusterId() { if (!isClusterIdSet.get()) { return null; } // It is ok to read without a lock since clusterId is immutable once set. return clusterId.toString(); }
/** * add record * * @param record * @return * @throws SQLException */ public List<ConnectRecord> add(ConnectRecord record) throws SQLException { recordValidator.validate(record); final List<ConnectRecord> flushed = new ArrayList<>(); boolean schemaChanged = false; if (!Objects.equals(keySchema, record.getKeySchema())) { keySchema = record.getKeySchema(); schemaChanged = true; } if (isNull(record.getSchema())) { // For deletes, value and optionally value schema come in as null. // We don't want to treat this as a schema change if key schemas is the same // otherwise we flush unnecessarily. if (config.isDeleteEnabled()) { deletesInBatch = true; } } else if (Objects.equals(schema, record.getSchema())) { if (config.isDeleteEnabled() && deletesInBatch) { // flush so an insert after a delete of same record isn't lost flushed.addAll(flush()); } } else { // value schema is not null and has changed. This is a real schema change. schema = record.getSchema(); schemaChanged = true; } if (schemaChanged) { // Each batch needs to have the same schemas, so get the buffered records out flushed.addAll(flush()); // re-initialize everything that depends on the record schema final SchemaPair schemaPair = new SchemaPair( record.getKeySchema(), record.getSchema(), record.getExtensions() ); // extract field fieldsMetadata = FieldsMetadata.extract( tableId.tableName(), config.pkMode, config.getPkFields(), config.getFieldsWhitelist(), schemaPair ); } // set deletesInBatch if schema value is not null if (isNull(record.getData()) && config.isDeleteEnabled()) { deletesInBatch = true; } records.add(record); if (records.size() >= config.getBatchSize()) { flushed.addAll(flush()); } return flushed; }
/** {@see RestOptions#IDLENESS_TIMEOUT}. */ public long getIdlenessTimeout() { return idlenessTimeout; }
/** Returns the path to the underlying temporary file. */ public String getPath() { return path.getAbsolutePath(); }
/** * Append to this builder's expression the specified object surrounded by quotes. If the object * is {@link Expressable}, then this builder delegates to the object's * {@link Expressable#appendTo(ExpressionBuilder, boolean)} method. Otherwise, the string * representation of the object is appended to the expression. * * @param obj the object to be appended * @param transform the transform that should be used on the supplied object to obtain the * representation that is appended to the expression; may be null * @param <T> the type of object to transform before appending. * @return this builder to enable methods to be chained; never null */ public <T> ExpressionBuilder append( T obj, Transform<T> transform ) { if (transform != null) { transform.apply(this, obj); } else { append(obj); } return this; }
/** Preserve the singleton property by returning the singleton instance */ private Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; }
/** * Add some amount to a gauge. * @param gaugeName The name of the gauge to increment. * @param delta The amount to increment the gauge by. */ @Override public void incGauge(String gaugeName, long delta) { MutableGaugeLong gaugeInt = metricsRegistry.getGauge(gaugeName, 0L); gaugeInt.incr(delta); }
/** * transitive and reflexive subCategoryOf check * * @param ancestor * @return */ public boolean isSubCategoryOf(TypeCategory ancestor) { if (this == ancestor) { return true; } else if (superType == null) { return false; } else { return superType == ancestor || superType.isSubCategoryOf(ancestor); } }
/** * Constructing http request parameters. * @param req object with relevant request parameters * @return Generate the final request body from a map. */ String buildClientCredentialsBody(ClientCredentialsExchangeRequest req) { Map<String, String> bodyMap = new TreeMap<>(); bodyMap.put("grant_type", "client_credentials"); bodyMap.put("client_id", req.getClientId()); bodyMap.put("client_secret", req.getClientSecret()); // Only set audience and scope if they are non-empty. if (!StringUtils.isBlank(req.getAudience())) { bodyMap.put("audience", req.getAudience()); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(req.getScope())) { bodyMap.put("scope", req.getScope()); } return bodyMap.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> { try { return URLEncoder.encode(e.getKey(), "UTF-8") + '=' + URLEncoder.encode(e.getValue(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } }) .collect(Collectors.joining("&")); }
/** * Increase the concurrent metrics based on the method being invoked. * @param method concurrently invoked method */ public void incInvokedConcurrent(Method method){ switch (method.getName()) { case "setReplication": concurrentSetReplicationOps.incr(); break; case "setPermission": concurrentSetPermissionOps.incr(); break; case "setOwner": concurrentSetOwnerOps.incr(); break; case "rename": concurrentRenameOps.incr(); break; case "rename2": concurrentRename2Ops.incr(); break; case "delete": concurrentDeleteOps.incr(); break; case "mkdirs": concurrentMkdirsOps.incr(); break; case "renewLease": concurrentRenewLeaseOps.incr(); break; case "getListing": concurrentGetListingOps.incr(); break; case "getFileInfo": concurrentGetFileInfoOps.incr(); break; case "getStats": concurrentGetStatsOps.incr(); break; case "getDatanodeReport": concurrentGetDatanodeReportOps.incr(); break; case "setSafeMode": concurrentSetSafeModeOps.incr(); break; case "restoreFailedStorage": concurrentRestoreFailedStorageOps.incr(); break; case "saveNamespace": concurrentSaveNamespaceOps.incr(); break; case "rollEdits": concurrentRollEditsOps.incr(); break; case "refreshNodes": concurrentRefreshNodesOps.incr(); break; case "finalizeUpgrade": concurrentFinalizeUpgradeOps.incr(); break; case "rollingUpgrade": concurrentRollingUpgradeOps.incr(); break; case "metaSave": concurrentMetaSaveOps.incr(); break; case "listCorruptFileBlocks": concurrentListCorruptFileBlocksOps.incr(); break; case "setBalancerBandwidth": concurrentSetBalancerBandwidthOps.incr(); break; case "getContentSummary": concurrentGetContentSummaryOps.incr(); break; case "modifyAclEntries": concurrentModifyAclEntriesOps.incr(); break; case "removeAclEntries": concurrentRemoveAclEntriesOps.incr(); break; case "removeDefaultAcl": concurrentRemoveDefaultAclOps.incr(); break; case "removeAcl": concurrentRemoveAclOps.incr(); break; case "setAcl": concurrentSetAclOps.incr(); break; case "setXAttr": concurrentSetXAttrOps.incr(); break; case "removeXAttr": concurrentRemoveXAttrOps.incr(); break; case "getCurrentEditLogTxid": concurrentGetCurrentEditLogTxidOps.incr(); break; case "getReplicatedBlockStats": concurrentGetReplicatedBlockStatsOps.incr(); break; case "setQuota": concurrentSetQuotaOps.incr(); break; case "getQuotaUsage": concurrentGetQuotaUsageOps.incr(); break; case "getSlowDatanodeReport": concurrentGetSlowDatanodeReportOps.incr(); break; default : concurrentOtherOps.incr(); } }
/** * Create a 'Map' schema from Parquet map field. */ private static String createHiveMap(String keyType, String valueType, boolean doFormat) { return (doFormat ? "MAP< " : "MAP<") + keyType + (doFormat ? ", " : ",") + valueType + ">"; }
/** * Remove the listener from the notification list. * @param listener The ServerListener to unregister */ public boolean unregisterListener(final ServerListener listener) { return this.listeners.remove(listener); }
/** * Create a {@code this != any right} expression * * @param right * @return this != any right */ public BooleanExpression neAny(CollectionExpression<?, ? super T> right) { return ne(ExpressionUtils.any(right)); }
/** * Combined {@link #totalCount()} * {@link #itemSize()} */ public long totalBytes() { return totalCount * itemSize; }
/** * Get time period of PeriodicRLESparseResourceAllocation. * * @return timePeriod time period represented in ms. */ public long getTimePeriod() { return this.timePeriod; }
/** * It's exactly the same as {@link PositionImpl},make sure that when {@link TxnBatchedPositionImpl} used as the key * of map same as {@link PositionImpl}. {@link #batchSize} and {@link #batchIndex} should not be involved in * calculate, just like {@link PositionImpl#ackSet} is not involved in calculate. * Note: In {@link java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap}, it use the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} to * determine whether the keys are the same. In {@link java.util.HashMap}, it use the * {@link Object#hashCode()} & {@link Object#equals(Object)} to determine whether the keys are the same. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return super.equals(o); }
/** * @return the class that will render the footer. */ protected Class<? extends SubView> footer() { return FooterBlock.class; }
/** * Create a menu path, if one doesn't already exist, and return the last * menu in the series. * * @param path * a varargs list or array of strings describing a menu path, * e.g. "File", "Recent", "User Files", which would result in the * File menu having a submenu called "Recent" which would have a * submenu called "User Files". * @return the last Menu object specified by the path */ private Menu createMenuPath(String... path) { Menu m = menu; for (String p : path) { Menu sub = m.getChildMenu(p); if (sub == null) { sub = new Menu(p); m.addChildMenu(sub); } m = sub; } return m; }
/** * Adds TypeMapping instance, called by Ant */ public void addTypeMapping(TypeMapping mapping) { typeMappings.add(mapping); }
/** * @return Returns a base HFile without compressions or encodings; good enough for recovery given * hfile has metadata on how it was written. */ private StoreFileWriter createRecoveredHFileWriter(TableName tableName, String regionName, long seqId, String familyName, boolean isMetaTable) throws IOException { Path outputDir = WALSplitUtil.tryCreateRecoveredHFilesDir(walSplitter.rootFS, walSplitter.conf, tableName, regionName, familyName); StoreFileWriter.Builder writerBuilder = new StoreFileWriter.Builder(walSplitter.conf, CacheConfig.DISABLED, walSplitter.rootFS) .withOutputDir(outputDir); HFileContext hFileContext = new HFileContextBuilder().withChecksumType(StoreUtils.getChecksumType(walSplitter.conf)) .withBytesPerCheckSum(StoreUtils.getBytesPerChecksum(walSplitter.conf)).withCellComparator( isMetaTable ? MetaCellComparator.META_COMPARATOR : CellComparatorImpl.COMPARATOR) .build(); return writerBuilder.withFileContext(hFileContext).build(); }
/** * Returns true if all the types are RECORD type with same number of fields. */ private static boolean recordTypesOfSameNumFields(List<Schema> types) { if (types == null || types.size() == 0) { return false; } if ( -> s.getType() != Schema.Type.RECORD)) { return false; } int numFields = types.get(0).getFields().size(); return -> s.getFields().size() == numFields); }
/** * Get a specific schema version, fetching from the Registry if it is not loaded yet. * This method is not intended to be used by applications. * @param schemaVersion the version * @return the Schema at the specific version * @see #atSchemaVersion(byte[]) */ public Schema<?> unwrapInternalSchema(byte[] schemaVersion) { fetchSchemaIfNeeded(BytesSchemaVersion.of(schemaVersion)); return getInternalSchema(schemaVersion); }
/** * Get IP address for localhost. * * @return IP address for localhost */ public static String getIp() { if (null != cachedIpAddress) { return cachedIpAddress; } NetworkInterface networkInterface = findNetworkInterface(); if (null != networkInterface) { Enumeration<InetAddress> ipAddresses = networkInterface.getInetAddresses(); while (ipAddresses.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress ipAddress = ipAddresses.nextElement(); if (isValidAddress(ipAddress) && isPreferredAddress(ipAddress)) { cachedIpAddress = ipAddress.getHostAddress(); return cachedIpAddress; } } } throw new HostException("ip is null"); }
/** * SQL Server does not return information on auto-increment columns in any way which JDBC can pick up, * so we need a customised method for fetching this information. * * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.jdbc.DatabaseMetaDataProvider#setAdditionalColumnMetadata(RealName, ColumnBuilder, ResultSet) */ @Override protected ColumnBuilder setAdditionalColumnMetadata(RealName tableName, ColumnBuilder columnBuilder, ResultSet columnMetaData) throws SQLException { if (identityColumns.containsKey(tableName.getDbName())) { Map<String, Integer> tableAutoNumStarts = identityColumns.get(tableName.getDbName()); if (tableAutoNumStarts.containsKey(columnBuilder.getName())) { return columnBuilder.autoNumbered(tableAutoNumStarts.get(columnBuilder.getName())); } } return columnBuilder; }
/** * Return the protocol scheme for the FileSystem. * * @return "obs" */ @Override public String getScheme() { return "obs"; }
/** * Append a list of nodes to the tree * @param head the head of the current linked list * @param otherHead the head of the list to append to the current list * @return the new head of the current list */ public static <TNode extends AvlLinkedNode> TNode appendList(TNode head, TNode otherHead) { if (head == null) return otherHead; if (otherHead == null) return head; TNode tail = (TNode) head.iterPrev; TNode otherTail = (TNode) otherHead.iterPrev; tail.iterNext = otherHead; otherHead.iterPrev = tail; otherTail.iterNext = head; head.iterPrev = otherTail; return head; }
/** * Dump out abstract syntax tree for a given expression * * @param args array with one element, containing the expression string */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 1) { System.err.println( "usage: java " + Builder.class.getName() + " <expression string>" ); System.exit(1); } PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); Tree tree = null; try { tree = new Builder(Feature.METHOD_INVOCATIONS).build(args[0]); } catch (TreeBuilderException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } NodePrinter.dump(out, tree.getRoot()); if ( !tree.getFunctionNodes().iterator().hasNext() && !tree.getIdentifierNodes().iterator().hasNext() ) { ELContext context = new ELContext() { @Override public VariableMapper getVariableMapper() { return null; } @Override public FunctionMapper getFunctionMapper() { return null; } @Override public ELResolver getELResolver() { return null; } }; out.print(">> "); try { out.println( tree .getRoot() .getValue(new Bindings(null, null), context, null) ); } catch (ELException e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } } out.flush(); }
/** * Helper method to create an instance of the "leftTrim" SQL function, * which will result in argument having leading spaces removed. * * @param expression the field to evaluate. * @return an instance of the leftTrim function. */ public static Function leftTrim(AliasedField expression) { return new Function(FunctionType.LEFT_TRIM, expression); }
/** * Displays an optional exception message for incorrect program parametrization. * * @param e The exception to display. * @return The return code for the process. */ private static int handleParametrizationException(ProgramParametrizationException e) { LOG.error("Program has not been parametrized properly.", e); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return 1; }
/** * Gets all marker directories. * * @param tempPath Temporary folder under .hoodie. * @param fs File system to use. * @return All marker directories. * @throws IOException upon error. */ public static List<Path> getAllMarkerDir(Path tempPath, FileSystem fs) throws IOException { return; }
/** * Shutdown callback: stop the service and set an atomic boolean * if it stopped within the shutdown time. */ @Override public void run() { if (service != null) { service.stop(); serviceWasShutdown.set( service.waitForServiceToStop(shutdownTimeMillis)); } else { serviceWasShutdown.set(true); } }
/** * Gets the description part of the notification message. * * @return The message description */ public String getDescription() { return getState(false).description; }
/** Get the shared instance of {@link LookupCacheManager}. */ public static synchronized LookupCacheManager getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new LookupCacheManager(); } return instance; }
// Assuming we are going to use regular data chunks as index chunks, // we check here how much free space will remain in the last allocated chunk // (the least occupied one). // If the percentage of its remaining free space is above the INDEX_CHUNK_UNUSED_SPACE // threshold, then we will use index chunks (which are smaller) instead. private ChunkCreator.ChunkType useIndexChunks(int numOfCells) { int dataChunkSize = ChunkCreator.getInstance().getChunkSize(); int numOfCellsInChunk = calcNumOfCellsInChunk(dataChunkSize); int cellsInLastChunk = numOfCells % numOfCellsInChunk; if (cellsInLastChunk == 0) { // There is no free space in the last chunk and thus, return ChunkCreator.ChunkType.DATA_CHUNK; // no need to use index chunks. } else { int chunkSpace = dataChunkSize - ChunkCreator.SIZEOF_CHUNK_HEADER; int freeSpaceInLastChunk = chunkSpace - cellsInLastChunk * ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY; if (freeSpaceInLastChunk > INDEX_CHUNK_UNUSED_SPACE_PRECENTAGE * chunkSpace) { return ChunkCreator.ChunkType.INDEX_CHUNK; } return ChunkCreator.ChunkType.DATA_CHUNK; } }
/** * Get the runtime for the <b>map</b> phase of the map-task attempt. * * @return the runtime for the <b>map</b> phase of the map-task attempt */ public long getMapRuntime() { return runtime; }
/** * Gets the combined left & right margin of the given element, provided that * they have been measured. These elements are guaranteed to be measured: * <ul> * <li>ManagedLayouts and their child Connectors * <li>Elements for which there is at least one ElementResizeListener * <li>Elements for which at least one ManagedLayout has registered a * dependency * </ul> * * A negative number is returned if the element has not been measured. If 0 * is returned, it might indicate that the element is not attached to the * DOM. * * @param element * the element to get the measured margin for * @return the measured left+right margin of the element in pixels. */ public int getMarginWidth(Element element) { return getMarginLeft(element) + getMarginRight(element); }
/** Checks whether mutual SSL authentication for the external REST endpoint is enabled. */ public static boolean isRestSSLAuthenticationEnabled(Configuration sslConfig) { checkNotNull(sslConfig, "sslConfig"); return isRestSSLEnabled(sslConfig) && sslConfig.getBoolean(SSL_REST_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED); }
/** * Sets this source to bounded (batch) mode. * * <p>In this mode, the source processes the files that are under the given paths when the * application is started. Once all files are processed, the source will finish. * * <p>This setting is also the default behavior. This method is mainly here to "switch back" * to bounded (batch) mode, or to make it explicit in the source construction. */ public SELF processStaticFileSet() { this.continuousSourceSettings = null; return self(); }
/** * Given the statistics of the document before and after applying the {@link BoilerpipeExtractor}, * can we regard the extraction quality (too) low? * * Works well with {@link DefaultExtractor}, {@link ArticleExtractor} and others. * * @param dsBefore * @param dsAfter * @return true if low quality is to be expected. */ public boolean isLowQuality(final TextDocumentStatistics dsBefore, final TextDocumentStatistics dsAfter) { if (dsBefore.getNumWords() < 90 || dsAfter.getNumWords() < 70) { return true; } if (dsAfter.avgNumWords() < 25) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Create a seconds expression (range 0-59) * * @return second */ public NumberExpression<Integer> second() { if (seconds == null) { seconds = Expressions.numberOperation(Integer.class, Ops.DateTimeOps.SECOND, mixin); } return seconds; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Map#keySet() */ @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return; }
/** * Implementor/user of {@link VAbstractDropHandler} must pass the UIDL * painted by {@link AcceptCriterion} to this method. Practically the * details about {@link AcceptCriterion} are saved. * * @param uidl * the accept criterion UIDL */ public void updateAcceptRules(UIDL uidl) { criterioUIDL = uidl; /* * supports updating the accept rule root directly or so that it is * contained in given uidl node */ if (!uidl.getTag().equals("-ac")) { Iterator<Object> childIterator = uidl.iterator(); while (!uidl.getTag().equals("-ac") && childIterator.hasNext()) { uidl = (UIDL); } } acceptCriteria = VAcceptCriteria.get(uidl.getStringAttribute("name")); if (acceptCriteria == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No accept criteria found with given name " + uidl.getStringAttribute("name")); } }
/** * Gets the value of the payload to be compared. * * @return value of the payload to be compared */ public String getValue() { return value; }
/** * Hash bytes in MemorySegment, length must be aligned to 4 bytes. * * @param segment segment. * @param offset offset for MemorySegment * @param lengthInBytes length in MemorySegment * @return hash code */ public static int hashBytesByWords(MemorySegment segment, int offset, int lengthInBytes) { return hashBytesByWords(segment, offset, lengthInBytes, DEFAULT_SEED); }
/** * System environment -> System properties * * @param key key * @return value */ public static String getSystemProperty(String key) { String value = System.getenv(key); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { value = System.getProperty(key); } return value; }
/** * Set the lock mode for the given path. * @return the current object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HibernateInsertClause setLockMode(Path<?> path, LockMode lockMode) { lockModes.put(path, lockMode); return this; }
/** Create the Hive table's row type. */ public static DataType extractRowType( HiveConf hiveConf, Table hiveTable, HiveMetastoreClientWrapper client, HiveShim hiveShim) { Tuple4<List<FieldSchema>, List<FieldSchema>, Set<String>, Optional<UniqueConstraint>> hiveTableInfo = extractHiveTableInfo(hiveConf, hiveTable, client, hiveShim); Tuple2<String[], DataType[]> types = extractColumnInformation( Stream.of(hiveTableInfo.f0, hiveTableInfo.f1) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.toList()), hiveTableInfo.f2); return DataTypes.ROW( IntStream.range(0, types.f0.length) .mapToObj(i -> DataTypes.FIELD(types.f0[i], types.f1[i])) .collect(Collectors.toList())); }
/** * Get whether the order is ascending or not * * @return ascending order */ public boolean isAscending() { return order == Order.ASC; }
/** * Gracefully shutdown the thread pool. An ongoing HRegion.flush() should not be interrupted * (see HBASE-13877) */ void stop() { if (this.stopped) return; this.stopped = true; this.executor.shutdown(); }
/** * Get the kv {@link Entry} in the descriptor builder for the specified class * @param builder {@link TableDescriptorBuilder} to read * @param clazz To search for * @return The {@link Pair} of {@literal <key, value>} in the table, if that class is present. * {@code null} otherwise. */ private static Pair<String, String> getKeyValueForClass(TableDescriptorBuilder builder, Class<? extends Constraint> clazz) { // get the serialized version of the constraint String key = serializeConstraintClass(clazz); String value = builder.getValue(key); return value == null ? null : new Pair<>(key, value); }
/** * filter map * * @param record * @param map * @return */ R filter(R record, Map map) { for (Object field : map.keySet()) { if (!this.fields.contains(field)) { continue; } Object value = map.get(field); if (value instanceof String) { String input = (String) value; if (this.pattern.matcher(input).matches()) { return null; } } } return record; }
/* * Generate FN for a single rack scenario, don't generate from one of the excluded nodes. Helps * when we would like to find a replacement node. */ private ServerName generateMissingFavoredNodeSingleRack(List<ServerName> favoredNodes, List<ServerName> excludeNodes) throws IOException { ServerName newServer = null; Set<ServerName> excludeFNSet = Sets.newHashSet(favoredNodes); if (excludeNodes != null && excludeNodes.size() > 0) { excludeFNSet.addAll(excludeNodes); } if (favoredNodes.size() < FAVORED_NODES_NUM) { newServer = this.getOneRandomServer(this.uniqueRackList.get(0), excludeFNSet); } return newServer; }
/** * Sync the given directory changes to durable device. * @throws IOException */ public void dirSync(@Nullable FsVolumeSpi volume, File dir) throws IOException { final long begin = profilingEventHook.beforeFileIo(volume, SYNC, 0); try { faultInjectorEventHook.beforeFileIo(volume, SYNC, 0); IOUtils.fsync(dir); profilingEventHook.afterFileIo(volume, SYNC, begin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { onFailure(volume, begin); throw e; } }
/** * Be careful, this method will drop all data in the memstore of this region. Currently, this * method is used to drop memstore to prevent memory leak when replaying recovered.edits while * opening region. */ private MemStoreSize dropMemStoreContents() throws IOException { MemStoreSizing totalFreedSize = new NonThreadSafeMemStoreSizing(); this.updatesLock.writeLock().lock(); try { for (HStore s : stores.values()) { MemStoreSize memStoreSize = doDropStoreMemStoreContentsForSeqId(s, HConstants.NO_SEQNUM);"Drop memstore for Store " + s.getColumnFamilyName() + " in region " + this.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString() + " , dropped memstoresize: [" + memStoreSize + " }"); totalFreedSize.incMemStoreSize(memStoreSize); } return totalFreedSize.getMemStoreSize(); } finally { this.updatesLock.writeLock().unlock(); }
/** Returns True if we removed the test dirs */ @Override public boolean cleanupTestDir() { boolean ret = super.cleanupTestDir(); if (deleteDir(this.clusterTestDir)) { this.clusterTestDir = null; return ret; } return false; }
/** * Serialize the constant as parameter to the query. The default implementation writes the * label name for the constants. Some dialects may replace this by indexed based or * positional parameterization. * Dialects may also use this to prefix the parameter with for example ":" or "?". * * @param parameterIndex index at which this constant occurs in {@link #getConstants()} * @param constantLabel label under which this constant occurs in {@link #getConstantToLabel()} */ protected void serializeConstant(int parameterIndex, String constantLabel) { append(constantLabel); }
/** * Parametrizes the ship strategy fields of a channel such that the channel produces the desired * global properties. * * @param channel The channel to parametrize. * @param globalDopChange Flag indicating whether the parallelism changes between sender and * receiver. * @param exchangeMode The mode of data exchange (pipelined, always batch, batch only on * shuffle, ...) * @param breakPipeline Indicates whether this data exchange should break pipelines (unless * pipelines are forced). */ public void parameterizeChannel( Channel channel, boolean globalDopChange, ExecutionMode exchangeMode, boolean breakPipeline) { // safety check. Fully replicated input must be preserved. if (channel.getSource().getGlobalProperties().isFullyReplicated() && !(this.partitioning == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION || this.partitioning == PartitioningProperty.ANY_DISTRIBUTION)) { throw new CompilerException( "Fully replicated input must be preserved " + "and may not be converted into another global property."); } // if we request nothing, then we need no special strategy. forward, if the number of // instances remains // the same, randomly repartition otherwise if (isTrivial() || this.partitioning == PartitioningProperty.ANY_DISTRIBUTION) { ShipStrategyType shipStrategy = globalDopChange ? ShipStrategyType.PARTITION_RANDOM : ShipStrategyType.FORWARD; DataExchangeMode em =, shipStrategy, breakPipeline); channel.setShipStrategy(shipStrategy, em); return; } final GlobalProperties inGlobals = channel.getSource().getGlobalProperties(); // if we have no global parallelism change, check if we have already compatible global // properties if (!globalDopChange && isMetBy(inGlobals)) { DataExchangeMode em =, ShipStrategyType.FORWARD, breakPipeline); channel.setShipStrategy(ShipStrategyType.FORWARD, em); return; } // if we fall through the conditions until here, we need to re-establish ShipStrategyType shipType; FieldList partitionKeys; boolean[] sortDirection; Partitioner<?> partitioner; switch (this.partitioning) { case FULL_REPLICATION: shipType = ShipStrategyType.BROADCAST; partitionKeys = null; sortDirection = null; partitioner = null; break; case ANY_PARTITIONING: case HASH_PARTITIONED: shipType = ShipStrategyType.PARTITION_HASH; partitionKeys = Utils.createOrderedFromSet(this.partitioningFields); sortDirection = null; partitioner = null; break; case RANGE_PARTITIONED: shipType = ShipStrategyType.PARTITION_RANGE; partitionKeys = this.ordering.getInvolvedIndexes(); sortDirection = this.ordering.getFieldSortDirections(); partitioner = null; if (this.dataDistribution != null) { channel.setDataDistribution(this.dataDistribution); } break; case FORCED_REBALANCED: shipType = ShipStrategyType.PARTITION_FORCED_REBALANCE; partitionKeys = null; sortDirection = null; partitioner = null; break; case CUSTOM_PARTITIONING: shipType = ShipStrategyType.PARTITION_CUSTOM; partitionKeys = Utils.createOrderedFromSet(this.partitioningFields); sortDirection = null; partitioner = this.customPartitioner; break; default: throw new CompilerException( "Invalid partitioning to create through a data exchange: " +; } DataExchangeMode exMode =, shipType, breakPipeline); channel.setShipStrategy(shipType, partitionKeys, sortDirection, partitioner, exMode); }
/** * Generates a string describing the IN binary operator. This may generate either a list of literal * values, such as "x in ('1', '2')", or a sub-select statement. For the single-field sub-select form * a more readable "x in Foo table" form is produced rather than "x in (select x from foo)". * * @param criterion the item to describe. * @param invert {@code true} for the NOT IN operation, {@code false} for the IN operation. * @return the string. */ private static String generateInCriterionString(final Criterion criterion, final boolean invert) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(generateFieldSymbolString(criterion.getField())); sb.append(" is "); if (invert) { sb.append("not "); } sb.append("in "); final SelectStatement source = criterion.getSelectStatement(); if (source == null) { // List of literals sb.append('('); final List<?> values = (List<?>)criterion.getValue(); boolean comma = false; for (Object value : values) { if (comma) { sb.append(", "); } else { comma = true; } sb.append(generateCriterionValueString(value)); } sb.append(')'); } else { if (source.getFields().size () == 1 && source.getTable() != null && (source.getJoins() == null || source.getJoins().isEmpty())) { sb.append(source.getTable().getName()).append(generateWhereClause(source.getWhereCriterion())); } else { sb.append(generateSelectStatementString(source, false)); } } return sb.toString(); }
// Index in static table for the given name of length 8 private static int staticIndex8(DirectBuffer name) { switch (name.getByte(7)) { case 'e': if (STATIC_TABLE[42].name.equals(name)) // if-range { return 42; } break; case 'h': if (STATIC_TABLE[39].name.equals(name)) // if-match { return 39; } break; case 'n': if (STATIC_TABLE[46].name.equals(name)) // location { return 46; } break; } return -1; }
/** * Returns the partition with the given ID. * * @param resultPartitionId ID of the partition to look up * @throws NullPointerException If partition ID <code>null</code> * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if unknown partition ID * @return Intermediate result partition with the given ID */ public IntermediateResultPartition getPartitionById( IntermediateResultPartitionID resultPartitionId) { // Looks ups the partition number via the helper map and returns the // partition. Currently, this happens infrequently enough that we could // consider removing the map and scanning the partitions on every lookup. // The lookup (currently) only happen when the producer of an intermediate // result cannot be found via its registered execution. Integer partitionNumber = partitionLookupHelper.get( checkNotNull(resultPartitionId, "IntermediateResultPartitionID")); if (partitionNumber != null) { return partitions[partitionNumber]; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown intermediate result partition ID " + resultPartitionId); } }
/** * Add the given extended resources. This will discard all the previous added extended * resources. */ public Builder setExtendedResources(Collection<ExternalResource> extendedResources) { this.extendedResources = .collect( Collectors.toMap( ExternalResource::getName, Function.identity())); return this; }
/** * Factory method for {@link StreamTaskNetworkInput} or {@link RescalingStreamTaskNetworkInput} * depending on {@link InflightDataRescalingDescriptor}. */ public static <T> StreamTaskInput<T> create( CheckpointedInputGate checkpointedInputGate, TypeSerializer<T> inputSerializer, IOManager ioManager, StatusWatermarkValve statusWatermarkValve, int inputIndex, InflightDataRescalingDescriptor rescalingDescriptorinflightDataRescalingDescriptor, Function<Integer, StreamPartitioner<?>> gatePartitioners, TaskInfo taskInfo, CanEmitBatchOfRecordsChecker canEmitBatchOfRecords) { return rescalingDescriptorinflightDataRescalingDescriptor.equals( InflightDataRescalingDescriptor.NO_RESCALE) ? new StreamTaskNetworkInput<>( checkpointedInputGate, inputSerializer, ioManager, statusWatermarkValve, inputIndex, canEmitBatchOfRecords) : new RescalingStreamTaskNetworkInput<>( checkpointedInputGate, inputSerializer, ioManager, statusWatermarkValve, inputIndex, rescalingDescriptorinflightDataRescalingDescriptor, gatePartitioners, taskInfo, canEmitBatchOfRecords); }
/** * Returns the payload config with given configuration. */ public static HoodiePayloadConfig getPayloadConfig(Configuration conf) { return HoodiePayloadConfig.newBuilder() .withPayloadClass(conf.getString(FlinkOptions.PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME)) .withPayloadOrderingField(conf.getString(FlinkOptions.PRECOMBINE_FIELD)) .withPayloadEventTimeField(conf.getString(FlinkOptions.PRECOMBINE_FIELD)) .build(); }
/** * @param inc How much to add to failedScanCount. */ public void incrementFailedScanRequests(final int inc) { source.incrementFailedScanRequests(inc); }
/** * This exception is not going to go away if you try calling it again. * @return false, always. */ @Override public boolean retryable() { return false; }
/** * Adds all the attributes into the Operation object */ private static void addAttributes(OperationWithAttributes op, Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> attributes) { if (attributes == null || attributes.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { String name = Bytes.toStringBinary(getBytes(entry.getKey())); byte[] value = getBytes(entry.getValue()); op.setAttribute(name, value); } }
// role token exists but expired return true private boolean isRoleTokenExpired(Map<String, String> responseHeaders) { if ((saslRoleToken != null) && (responseHeaders != null) // header type match && (responseHeaders.get(SASL_HEADER_TYPE) != null && responseHeaders.get(SASL_HEADER_TYPE) .equalsIgnoreCase(SASL_TYPE_VALUE)) // header state expired && (responseHeaders.get(SASL_HEADER_STATE) != null && responseHeaders.get(SASL_HEADER_STATE) .equalsIgnoreCase(SASL_AUTH_ROLE_TOKEN_EXPIRED))) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Close the file system; the FileContext API doesn't have an explicit close. */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { fsImpl.close(); super.finalize(); }
/** * Returns the AbstractComponent associated with the given error if such can * be found. * * @param event * The error to investigate * @return The {@link AbstractComponent} to error relates to or null if * could not be determined or if the error does not relate to any * AbstractComponent. */ public static AbstractComponent findAbstractComponent( com.vaadin.server.ErrorEvent event) { if (event instanceof ConnectorErrorEvent) { Component c = findComponent( ((ConnectorErrorEvent) event).getConnector()); if (c instanceof AbstractComponent) { return (AbstractComponent) c; } } return null; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see, * java.lang.Object) */ @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Item item1 = container.getItem(o1); Item item2 = container.getItem(o2); /* * Items can be null if the container is filtered. Null is considered * "less" than not-null. */ if (item1 == null) { if (item2 == null) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } else if (item2 == null) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < sortPropertyIds.length; i++) { int result = compareProperty(sortPropertyIds[i], sortDirections[i], item1, item2); // If order can be decided if (result != 0) { return result; } } return 0; }
/** * Gets the size of the memory segment, in bytes. * * @return The size of the memory segment. */ public int size() { return size; }
/** * only supposed to be called at startup time * * @param clazz object type * @param serializer object serializer */ public static void registerClass(Class<?> clazz, Object serializer) { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class registered to kryo cannot be null!"); } REGISTRATIONS.put(clazz, serializer); }
/** * Returns an iterator that iterates over the merged result from all given channels. * * @param channelIDs The channels that are to be merged and returned. * @param inputSegments The buffers to be used for reading. The list contains for each channel * one list of input segments. The size of the <code>inputSegments</code> list must be equal * to that of the <code>channelIDs</code> list. * @return An iterator over the merged records of the input channels. * @throws IOException Thrown, if the readers encounter an I/O problem. */ private MergeIterator<E> getMergingIterator( final List<ChannelWithBlockCount> channelIDs, final List<List<MemorySegment>> inputSegments, List<FileIOChannel> readerList, MutableObjectIterator<E> largeRecords) throws IOException { // create one iterator per channel id LOG.debug("Performing merge of {} sorted streams.", channelIDs.size()); final List<MutableObjectIterator<E>> iterators = new ArrayList<>(channelIDs.size() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < channelIDs.size(); i++) { final ChannelWithBlockCount channel = channelIDs.get(i); final List<MemorySegment> segsForChannel = inputSegments.get(i); // create a reader. if there are multiple segments for the reader, issue multiple // together per I/O request final BlockChannelReader<MemorySegment> reader = this.ioManager.createBlockChannelReader(channel.getChannel()); readerList.add(reader); spillChannelManager.registerOpenChannelToBeRemovedAtShutdown(reader); spillChannelManager.unregisterChannelToBeRemovedAtShutdown(channel.getChannel()); // wrap channel reader as a view, to get block spanning record deserialization final ChannelReaderInputView inView = new ChannelReaderInputView( reader, segsForChannel, channel.getBlockCount(), false); iterators.add(new ChannelReaderInputViewIterator<>(inView, null, this.serializer)); } if (largeRecords != null) { iterators.add(largeRecords); } return new MergeIterator<>(iterators, this.comparator); }
/** * Returns block pool ID. */ public String getBlockPoolId() { return blockPoolId; }
/** * Converts the rowkey bytes of the given cell into an int value * @return rowkey as int */ public static int getRowAsInt(Cell cell) { if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) { return ByteBufferUtils.toInt(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition()); } return Bytes.toInt(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset()); }
/** * Creates a default checkpoint storage instance if none was explicitly configured. For * backwards compatibility, the default storage will be {@link FileSystemCheckpointStorage} if a * checkpoint directory was configured, {@link *} otherwise. * * @param config The configuration to load the checkpoint storage from * @param classLoader The class loader that should be used to load the checkpoint storage * @param logger Optionally, a logger to log actions to (may be null) * @return The instantiated checkpoint storage. * @throws IllegalConfigurationException May be thrown by the CheckpointStorageFactory when * creating / configuring the checkpoint storage in the factory. */ private static CheckpointStorage createDefaultCheckpointStorage( ReadableConfig config, ClassLoader classLoader, @Nullable Logger logger) { if (config.getOptional(CheckpointingOptions.CHECKPOINTS_DIRECTORY).isPresent()) { return createFileSystemCheckpointStorage(config, classLoader, logger); } return createJobManagerCheckpointStorage(config, classLoader, logger); }
/** * Returns true if and only if the fields of the filter that are serialized are equal to the * corresponding fields in other. Used for testing. */ @Override boolean areSerializedFieldsEqual(Filter o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ColumnRangeFilter)) { return false; } ColumnRangeFilter other = (ColumnRangeFilter) o; return Bytes.equals(this.getMinColumn(), other.getMinColumn()) && this.getMinColumnInclusive() == other.getMinColumnInclusive() && Bytes.equals(this.getMaxColumn(), other.getMaxColumn()) && this.getMaxColumnInclusive() == other.getMaxColumnInclusive(); }
/** * Fetches records with currentRow into results list, until next row, batchLimit (if not -1) is * reached, or remainingResultSize (if not -1) is reaced * @param heap KeyValueHeap to fetch data from.It must be positioned on correct row before call. * @return state of last call to {@link KeyValueHeap#next()} */ private boolean populateResult(List<Cell> results, KeyValueHeap heap, ScannerContext scannerContext, Cell currentRowCell) throws IOException { Cell nextKv; boolean moreCellsInRow = false; boolean tmpKeepProgress = scannerContext.getKeepProgress(); // Scanning between column families and thus the scope is between cells LimitScope limitScope = LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS; do { // Check for thread interrupt status in case we have been signaled from // #interruptRegionOperation. region.checkInterrupt(); // We want to maintain any progress that is made towards the limits while scanning across // different column families. To do this, we toggle the keep progress flag on during calls // to the StoreScanner to ensure that any progress made thus far is not wiped away. scannerContext.setKeepProgress(true);, scannerContext); scannerContext.setKeepProgress(tmpKeepProgress); nextKv = heap.peek(); moreCellsInRow = moreCellsInRow(nextKv, currentRowCell); if (!moreCellsInRow) { incrementCountOfRowsScannedMetric(scannerContext); } if (moreCellsInRow && scannerContext.checkBatchLimit(limitScope)) { return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.BATCH_LIMIT_REACHED).hasMoreValues(); } else if (scannerContext.checkSizeLimit(limitScope)) { ScannerContext.NextState state = moreCellsInRow ? NextState.SIZE_LIMIT_REACHED_MID_ROW : NextState.SIZE_LIMIT_REACHED; return scannerContext.setScannerState(state).hasMoreValues(); } else if (scannerContext.checkTimeLimit(limitScope)) { ScannerContext.NextState state = moreCellsInRow ? NextState.TIME_LIMIT_REACHED_MID_ROW : NextState.TIME_LIMIT_REACHED; return scannerContext.setScannerState(state).hasMoreValues(); } } while (moreCellsInRow); return nextKv != null; }
/** * Restart from survivable exceptions by creating a new scanner. * @param firstRow The first row to start at. * @throws IOException When restarting fails. */ public void restart(byte[] firstRow) throws IOException { this.recordReaderImpl.restart(firstRow); }
/** * Sets the text area's word-wrap mode on or off. * * @param wordwrap * the boolean value specifying if the text area should be in * word-wrap mode. */ public void setWordwrap(boolean wordwrap) { getState().wordwrap = wordwrap; }
/** * Get the FeatureManager. * Manages region specific features. * @return The FeatureManager */ public FeatureManager getFeatureManager() { return featureManager; }
/** * Properly formats a timestamp as a date in a header that will be included * in the HTTP response. If the header had already been set, the new value * overwrites the previous one. * * @see #setHeader(String, String) * @see VaadinResponse#setDateHeader(String, long) * * @param name * the name of the header * @param timestamp * the number of milliseconds since epoch */ public void setDateHeader(String name, long timestamp) { headers.put(name, Long.valueOf(timestamp)); }
/** * <p> * Get a list of ApplicationReports that match the given * {@link GetApplicationsRequest}. *</p> * * <p> * If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access for an application * then the corresponding report will be filtered as described in * {@link #getApplicationReport(ApplicationId)}. * </p> * * @param request the request object to get the list of applications. * @return The list of ApplicationReports that match the request * @throws YarnException Exception specific to YARN. * @throws IOException Exception mostly related to connection errors. */ public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(GetApplicationsRequest request) throws YarnException, IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "The sub-class extending " + YarnClient.class.getName() + " is expected to implement this !"); }
/** * * @param first * @param last * @param lastInclusive * @return an pair of ints, containing the number of removed entries and the total size */ public Pair<Integer, Long> removeRange(Key first, Key last, boolean lastInclusive) { Map<Key, Value> subMap = entries.subMap(first, true, last, lastInclusive); int removedEntries = 0; long removedSize = 0; for (Key key : subMap.keySet()) { Value value = entries.remove(key); if (value == null) { continue; } removedSize += weighter.getSize(value); value.release(); ++removedEntries; } size.addAndGet(-removedSize); return Pair.of(removedEntries, removedSize); }
/** Returns the proctime attribute of the [[TableSource]] if it is defined. */ private static Optional<String> getProctimeAttribute(TableSource<?> tableSource) { if (tableSource instanceof DefinedProctimeAttribute) { return Optional.ofNullable( ((DefinedProctimeAttribute) tableSource).getProctimeAttribute()); } else { return Optional.empty(); } }
/** * Get supported compression algorithms. * @return supported compression algorithms. */ public static Compression.Algorithm[] getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms() { String[] allAlgos = HFile.getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms(); List<Compression.Algorithm> supportedAlgos = new ArrayList<>(); for (String algoName : allAlgos) { try { Compression.Algorithm algo = Compression.getCompressionAlgorithmByName(algoName); algo.getCompressor(); supportedAlgos.add(algo); } catch (Throwable t) { // this algo is not available } } return supportedAlgos.toArray(new Algorithm[supportedAlgos.size()]); }
/** For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future. */ public void clearInternalWidths() { String colWidth = DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT + "em"; String containerWidth = 2 * DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT + 4 + "em"; // Caption wrapper width == optionsSelect + buttons + // selectionsSelect String captionWrapperWidth = 2 * DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT + 4 - 0.5 + "em"; optionsListBox.setWidth(colWidth); if (optionsCaption != null) { optionsCaption.setWidth(colWidth); } selectionsListBox.setWidth(colWidth); if (selectionsCaption != null) { selectionsCaption.setWidth(colWidth); } buttons.setWidth("3.5em"); optionsContainer.setWidth(containerWidth); captionWrapper.setWidth(captionWrapperWidth); }
/** * Build SubClusterInfo Response. * * @param filterInactiveSubClusters whether to filter out inactive sub-clusters. * @return SubClusterInfo Response. * @throws YarnException exceptions from yarn servers. */ private CacheResponse<SubClusterInfo> buildSubClusterInfoResponse( final boolean filterInactiveSubClusters) throws YarnException { GetSubClustersInfoRequest request = GetSubClustersInfoRequest.newInstance( filterInactiveSubClusters); GetSubClustersInfoResponse subClusters = stateStore.getSubClusters(request); CacheResponse<SubClusterInfo> response = new SubClusterInfoCacheResponse(); response.setList(subClusters.getSubClusters()); return response; }
/** * Helper function to build html snippet for column or row headers. * * @param uidl * possibly with values caption and icon * @return html snippet containing possibly an icon + caption text */ protected String buildCaptionHtmlSnippet(UIDL uidl) { String s = uidl.hasAttribute("caption") ? uidl.getStringAttribute("caption") : ""; if (uidl.hasAttribute("icon")) { Icon icon = client.getIcon(uidl.getStringAttribute("icon")); icon.setAlternateText("icon"); s = icon.getElement().getString() + s; } return s; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#writeDesign(org.jsoup.nodes.Node, * com.vaadin.ui.declarative.DesignContext) */ @Override public void writeDesign(Element design, DesignContext designContext) { super.writeDesign(design, designContext); AbsoluteLayout def = designContext.getDefaultInstance(this); if (!designContext.shouldWriteChildren(this, def)) { return; } // handle children for (Component child : this) { Element childElement = designContext.createElement(child); design.appendChild(childElement); // handle position ComponentPosition position = getPosition(child); writePositionAttribute(childElement, ATTR_TOP, position.getTopUnits().getSymbol(), position.getTopValue()); writePositionAttribute(childElement, ATTR_RIGHT, position.getRightUnits().getSymbol(), position.getRightValue()); writePositionAttribute(childElement, ATTR_BOTTOM, position.getBottomUnits().getSymbol(), position.getBottomValue()); writePositionAttribute(childElement, ATTR_LEFT, position.getLeftUnits().getSymbol(), position.getLeftValue()); // handle z-index if (position.getZIndex() >= 0) { childElement.attr(ATTR_Z_INDEX, String.valueOf(position.zIndex)); } } }
/** * Get job status for all jobs in the cluster. * @return job status for all jobs in cluster * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public JobStatus[] getAllJobStatuses() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return client.getAllJobs(); }
/** * Fetch with the specific fields * * @param paths fields to return * @return results */ public List<K> fetch(Path<?>... paths) { getQueryMixin().setProjection(paths); return fetch(); }
/** * Retrieve the protocol handler definition from the provided handler nar package. * * @param narPath the path to the protocol handler NAR package * @return the protocol handler definition * @throws IOException when fail to load the protocol handler or get the definition */ public static ProtocolHandlerDefinition getProtocolHandlerDefinition(String narPath, String narExtractionDirectory) throws IOException { try (NarClassLoader ncl = NarClassLoaderBuilder.builder() .narFile(new File(narPath)) .extractionDirectory(narExtractionDirectory) .build()) { return getProtocolHandlerDefinition(ncl); } }
/** * This method are mostly used to get a compound config file, such as a complete file. * * @revision 2.7.4 */ default String getProperties(String key, String group, long timeout) throws IllegalStateException { return getConfig(key, group, timeout); }